ae a ; : 4 = : : ES OT ae eet pare ee re fs at y NI Sd z & ey a) b Hf ij ‘ | | : ‘id Al BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 46 PLATE 1 CYRUS BYINGTON SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 46 A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE BY CYRUS BYINGTON EDITED BY JOHN R. SWANTON anv HENRY S. HALBERT WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1915 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Bureau or AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY, Washington, D. C., April 22, 1909. Sm: I have the honor to submit herewith for publication, with your approval, as a bulletin of this Bureau the manuscript of “A Dictionary of the Choctaw Language,” by the late Cyrus Byington, under the editorship of Dr. John R. Swanton. ! Very respectfully, yours, W. H. Hormes, Chief. Dr. CHarLeEs D. Watcortt, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. 1 Subsequently, as stated in Dr. Swanton’s Introduction, Mr. Henry S. Halbert became associated with him in the editorship. iil CONTENTS Page “Pin eS STAG UIOIE oot chee So Mek et Shee te ee ee Vil TPLTONT GUN. LEN Bind See Ore 5 3 SES Oe ae en ae eee a am LU DOG RO TOE aol onl a ae ae ea ee a i Pnelich-Choctaw imdex:. ...- . BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 placing at the disposal of the Bureau the photograph from which the accompanying portrait of the author was reproduced; also his note- books for the years 184446 and 1861. Abbreviations.—While a great many abbreviations have been used, most of these will be readily understood. C. B. or B. indicates the compiler, Cyrus Byington; J. R.S. and H. S. H., the editors, John R. Swanton, and Henry S. Halbert, respectively. Of the other abbrevia- tions the principal are the following: a., adjective; adv., adverb; caus., causative; con., connective; dem., demonstrative; dim. or dimin., diminutive; fem. or f., feminine; freq., frequentative; imp., im- perative; mas. or m., masculine; n., noun; nas. form or n. f., nasal form: per., personal; pl. or plu., plural; pro., pronoun, also pro- longed; ref., reflexive; sing. or s., singular; v. a. i., active intransitive verb; v. i., intransitive verb; v. n., neuter verb; v. t., transitive verb. Besides these will be found the names and initials of various Choctaw Indians who are given as authorities for certain forms, and abbre- viations of the names of other works in the Choctaw language. The description of Choctaw phonetics which follows is taken from the first page of the manuscript dictionary, only such changes having been made as were necessitated by the innovations already referred to. PHONETIC Kry ALPHABET Letters Sounded LNT EY as a in father. A a as u in tub, and a in above, around. Bb as in English. Ch ch as in church. Ee as e in they, and short é as in met. 1 a as in English. EL) thi as in English. Dig as i in marine and short as 7 in pin. K k as in English. i 1 as in English. 2 as an aspirated /. Mm as in English. Non as in English. O o as o in note, go. p as in English. Sis as in sir; never as s in his. Sh sh as in shall. Dit as in English. Uiu as 00 in wool, uw in full. Ww as in war, we. en ay: as in you. DIPHTHONGS AW tal as 7in pine. Au au as ow in now, how. BYINGTON] A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE XT NASALIZED VOWELS These are pure nasals, and retain the yowel sounds, except a fl before the letter £, in which case they are like the long I . a ang, ing, ong, ung. The usual sound is softer than ang, and a a like that of the French vowel followed by n in the same u syllable. CONSONANTS AND VOWELS Let it be remembered that each consonant has but one sound and that the sounds ascribed to the vowels are such as they have, respectively, in accented syllables; in unaccented syllables they have the sound of short vowels. English readers should remember not to give the English sound to the vowels, except as noted in the alphabet. an, i”, om, and wu”, or some of them, are used as separate words or final syllables. They are used also before the consonants and semivowels b, f, h, k, m,n, s, sh, w, and y. Before the consonant p, sometimes before 6 and the vowels, for the sake of euphony the letter m is added, or the nasal sound becomes m of necessity from the position of the organs of speech at that time, as am, im, om, wm. Before ch, l, t, and ¢ the letter n is added, as an, in, on, un, and before the vowels in many words the letter n is added to the nasal. a” is never used; a” is used in its place. The vowel ¢ is never used as a nasal, i” being used in its place. In making these remarks general rules are stated. It is not to be supposed that each and all of the nasals are thus used. There are exceptions, which the student must be ready to notice. An unwritten language has its anomalies and irregularities. 4 i : oe) iy zt : : ps i _—_ = . - ee ee eS - ae ee a roe Ta WN G Eis fy Geena Aci, Y 84339°—Bull. 46—15——1 a CHOCTAW-—ENGLISH a, the first letter of the alphabet, sounded as a in father. (when followed by a verb beginning with a consonant), adv. or locative par- ticle or prefix,means there, in that place, at that time, at, from, on, in, of, by; when the verb begins with’a vowel, a becomes ai; achumpa, to bury at; aminti, to come from; aiilli, to die at orin. aandaiare used where in Eng- lish place is used; nusi, tosleep; anusi, a sleeping place; aiimpa, an eating place, a plate, dining room, table; chik- aiamiho, repeated in Matt. 5: 35; of, in chianukshopa, he is afraid of you; chi- atoba, he is begotten of you: by, in aiok- chanya, to live by, Matt. 4: 4: used as a sign of the future tense; chi chia, cf. John 1: 49; achin, ahe, ahinla; atuk, ashke, as satoshbihashke; siakmat, hymn 66, v. 2: prefixed to a verb often changes the verb to a noun, as aminti, a source; literally, to come from; isht ahachia, see John 15: 3; aiatta, a resi- dence; lit., to stay at. a and ai are much used as prefixes in compound- ing words: prefixed to some cardinals the latter become ordinals, as twklo, two; atukla, second; atuchina, third; and be- fore a vowel a becomes ai, as ushta, four; aiushta, fourth: an intensive be- fore consonants; aputta, abillia, afehna: used before tuk and tok and their com- pounds a partakes of the sense of a defi- nite article or of a relative pronoun. Sabannahatuk, that which I wanted; “This is used when the person has some doubt as to obtaining the thing sought, while sabannashke indicates a certainty in the expectation.’’—J. Hud- son. a, ah, v. a. i., to say, to tell, to call; a- li, I say; alikamo, I did say, and you know it; imalikashkint, I told him so before, or that is what I told him, and you heard it (kashkint implies previous knowledge on the part of the hearer as well as on that of the speaker) ; alahe keyu, I should not call, Acts, 10 : 28. a [cf. at]. 1. A determinative particle in the objective case after nouns and meaning the; as, wak a” pisali, I see the cow. Sometimes this article is pro- nounced ha” and ya” [cf. hat and yat] foreuphony. Itisalsoasignof, or with, the future tense, and is used as a par- ticle of specification or emphasis after verbs in present, future, and past tenses; mukhatklotok an, Luke 10: 37; katimichi- lahe a”, future tense, Luke 18: 41; hopo- nayolahe av, Luke 18:41. See Matt. 15: 31 for instances in the past tense; [also] onanshahatok, Matt. 28: 2. Cheluselem an, Jerusalem it, Matt. 2:1. 2. A rela- tive pronoun in the objective case after verbs and adjectives and equivalent to the English relatives the which, the one which, that which, ete. It may also be translated by the personal pro- nouns him, her, it, them, as Lakab an, Rachab her, Matt. 1:5. Itis sometimes written ha” or ya”; ef. hat and yat. The aspirated forms are ah, hah, and yah. a", a dative pronoun first per. sing., my; to or for me; as, a®holisso, my book. Written also am and an; as amisuba, my horse, lit., horse to or for me; a”holi- topa, Matt. 3: 17. When it stands be- fore a verb, or a word where a verb is understood, it is generally translated by a preposition; as, for me, to me, of me, from me; a”holissochi, write for me, or to me; a®pota, lend me; a”chumpa, buy of me, or buy for me; written also am, as amithana, to learn of me. In the negative forms this pronoun is written satand sam; asiksa®chumpo, iksamiksho, I have none, or there is none by me; chiksa™peso, you have not seen of mine, or for me. abaha, n., a mortar for mixing meat and corn by beating or braying; a meat mortar. abaiya, n., the side, as the side of a creek, swamp, or road. abaiya, v. a. i., to be along the side of; to lie along the side of. 4. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY abaiyachi, v. a.i., to go along the side of; to roam up and down; to range; to wind its way, as a bullet discharged and lodged in a deer, or a man going along on the side of a swamp. abaiyachi, n., a roamer; one that goes along the side of a creek, ete. - abaiyachi, adv., lengthwise (of a field); ahekachi (of cloth), q. v. abaiyaka, n., the side of a swamp or creek. abaiyat, adv., alongside of, along; as abaiyat anya, two verbs connected by the letter ¢, meaning to be at the side of and goalong; bok abaiyat atya, to go along the side of the creek; hina abaiyat aya, to go along the roadside. abakli, v. a. i. pl., to split into large pieces, blocks, slabs, or bolts for shin- gles. abakli, pass., split; split into bolts. abakli, n., the place where the wood is split; a split. abaklichi, v. t. caus., to split into large pieces; to score off large pieces when hewing logs. abaklichi, n., a splitter; a scorer. abaksacheka, n., adeclivity; aside hill, or mountain side, 2 Sam. 16: 13. abaksileka, n., a mountain side; mountain side. abaksha, abbaksha, n., the name of the serpent commonly called chicken snake. abana, pass. of abanni; founded upon, Matt. 7: 25. abanali, v. tr. or intr., to lay on the neck, or shoulder; hashilabanali, Matt. 11: 29, 30; isht tabanali, Luke 15: 5. abani, v. t. (pass., albani), to cure by drying over a fire; ‘‘to barbecue;’’ wak nipi abani, to cure beef; takkon abani, to dry peaches over a fire. abani, n., a curer; one who cures meat or fruit over a fire. abasa, n. [from abasli, to lay laths], lath; the ribs of a roof. abasali, v. i., to sprout; to germinate; tanchi at abasali, the corn sprouts. abasali, abasalih, n., a sprout. abasalichi, v. t. caus., to cause to sprout. abachechi, y. t. caus., to practice; to teach by practice, the aiitabana, [BULL. 46 abachi, v. t., to teach, Matt. 15: 9; ima- bachi, Matt. 5: 2; abahanchi, Matt. 13: 52, 54; holisso ha” imabachi, to teach him the book or the letters. Passive albachi. abachi, vy. a. i., to practice; to learn by practice; to exercise. abachi, n., a practicer. abachi, n., an exercise; a practice; nan isht imabachi, his doctrine. abankachi, pl. pass., laid across; lying crosswise, as timbers at the corner of a house, or as rails in a worm fence. abanni, v. t. pl., to lay across, as the logs of a house; abana, pass. sing., laid across; itabana, pass., laid across one another, as house logs at the corners; itabanni, to raise a log house; to lay across one another. abasli, v. t., to lay laths; to lath; to lay the ribs of a roof. abasli, n., he that lays laths. abaslichi, vy. t., to cause laths to lie. abasha, n., a sawpit; a place cut with a knife, a saw, or an ax; a gash. abasha, n., a place sawn; a cut with a knife; a wound; a gash made by a knife, scythe, sickle, or ax; harvest, Matt. 13: 30; abasha, pp., sawed at. abasha, n., a mill; a sawmill. abashli, v. t., to cut at; to cut there or upon with a knife, scythe, or sickle, or an ax, except in cutting wood; to cut with a drawing motion; chanli is to cut with a striking motion. abashpoa, n., a place swept; pa”shpoa, pass., swept, Matt. 12:44; Luke 11: 25. abeha, v. a. i. pl., to be in, Matt. 2: 11; to enter in; okhissa iskitinosi akon hash aiabehashke, enter ye in at the strait gate, Matt. 7: 13; to go in; ont ilabeha- heakon, we go away into, Matt. 8: 31; also, Matt. 12: 45; 14: 22. Passive, albeha, John 6: 22; 21: 38. abeha, pass. pl., put in; put on; rammed in. abeha, a., fraught; full. abeha, n., those which are in or on. abehkachi, y. a. i. pl., to be clothed, Matt. 11: 8; Rev. 7: 9; na fohka hofa- loha abehkachi, Mark 12: 88. abehma, a., farther up; higher up; abehma talalituk, he setup. See abema. BYINGTON] abehpa [from abeha], v. a. i. dual, to enter; to come in. abeka, n., sickness; disease; malady; illness; a disorder; a distemper; an in- disposition; isht abeka, infection, lit., sick with, or by means of; cause of sickness. abeka, n., the sick; the person or per- sons affected with disease; abeka im- atsha, their sick, Matt. 14: 14. abeka, a., sick; unwell; diseased; in- disposed; out of health; disordered; ill; sickly; unsound; isht abeka, a., in- fected; sick with; neg., ikabeko, salu- brious; not sickly. See Matt. 9: 2. abeka, v. t., to be sick; to be unwell, diseased, or indisposed. abeka, y.a. i., to sicken; isht abeka, sick OLeMatt. <3 .6, 14> 9 6: abeka, pass., distempered. abeka apistikeli, n., a nurse; a watcher. abeka apistikeli, vy. t., to watch the sick; to nurse; to tend the sick. abeka chuhmi, a., poorly; sickly; some- what sick. abeka haleli, v. t., to take a disease by infection; to catch sickness. abeka haleli, n., contagion; infection. abeka haleli, a., contagious; infectious; catching. abeka lakna, n., the yellow fever; jaundice; lit., yellow sickness. abeka okpulo, n., a fatal or'mortal sick- ness; applied to a pest; a pestilence; a plague; the cholera. abeka shali, n., sickliness; a., sickly. abeka shali, n., an invalid. abeka yatuk, v. t., that were diseased, Matt. 14: 35. abekachi, vy. t. caus., to sicken; to make sick; to disease; to distemper; to indis- pose; isht abekachi, v. t., to infect; to sicken by means of; tlabekachi, 2 Sam. 13: 2, 5, 6. abekoma, v. a.i., tobe sickly, as Timoti abekoma, 1 Tim. 5 (heading). abela (from abiti), pp. poled; bushed. abela, n., the place or thing poled or bushed. abeh, y. t. pl. of fohki, to put in, Mark 12: 42; to put on; to ring, i. e., to fit with a ring, as'the fingers; to stuff. abeli, n., he who puts on or in. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 4 abema, abehma (from aba and ima), v. i., to be half way; to be higher up. abenili, abinili (from a, there, and binili, to sit), v. a. i., to sit down at; to settle at, as in making any place a home. abenili, abinili, abenili, n., a settler; a colonist; the sitting down or meeting, as ata ‘‘cry;’’ a colony, see okla wiha abinili, Acts 16: 12. abenilichi, abinilichi, y. t., to settle; to establish in business or in life, or at any place. abenilichi, abinilichi, n., one that settles another in a place, or in business. abeta, abita, passive of «bili, poled. abi, v. t., to kill, Gen. 37: 26. See abi, from which abi is derived by lengthening the first vowel; abitok an, which killed, Luke 13: 4. abicha, abicheli, n., a tap hole; a bung- hole; a faucet; a spout. abichakali, a., nineteen. abichakaliha, adv., nineteen times; abi- chakaliha pisali kamo, 1 did see it nineteen times. abicheli, see abicha. abicheli isht akamassa, n., a spigot; a spile. abichkachi, n. pl., tap holes. abila, v. a. i., to thaw, as snow or ice; to thaw there; to melt at or there; pl., abela; (taloa kat sachukash a abelah— J. E.); ikabilo, or ikabelo, a., undis- solved, where it does not melt. abilia, ady., always, John 11: 42. abila, pass. of abili, poled; pointed at. abitepa, n., the place aimed at, or pointed at. abilepa, a., seated round. abilepa, v. a. i., to be seated round. abil, vy. t. pl., to set in by the ends; to stick; to pole; to bush; to furnish with poles or bushes, as peas or beans. abilibli, v. t. sing., to point at a place or thing, some object. abina, n., a camp; a lodging out of doors with or without a shelter overhead. abina, vy. i., to camp; to encamp; to lodge out of doors. abinachi, n., an encampment. bushed; 6 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY abinanchi, n., a place where a camp is being made, Josh. 4: 8. [the ed. of 1852 has abinachi]. abinanchi, v. t., to be making a camp at. abinachi, v. t., to make a camp. abinili, abenili (q. v.), v. 1. sing., to sit at or on; to settle at. abinili, pass., peopled. abinili, n., a settler. abinili, n., settlement; the place where one sits; a seat; a pew; abinit is con- tracted from abinili. abinilichi, see abenilichi. abinilit nan apesa, abinit nan apesa, n., a judgment seat. abinoli, vy. a. i. pl. of abinili. abinoli, n. pl., settlers. abinoli, n. pl., settlements. abinolichi, v. t. pl., to settle; to estab- lish at a place; to colonize; to cause to take seats, as children or visitors. abinot maya, to sit round. abishlichi, n., a milk pail; any vessel to milk into. abita, see abeta. aboha, n., a house; a building; a dwell- ing; a residence; a cabin; a room; a dome; a domicile; a door, as abohasha, he is indoors; a fabric; a habitation; housing; a lodging; a mansion, Matt. 17: 25; Luke 15: 8; amaboha ya”, un- der my roof, Matt. 8: 8. aboha abaska, n., a gaming house; a gambling room. aboha achafa, n., one room; the other room; a single room. aboha afoha, n., an inn; a house of rest. aboha ahoponi, n., a kitchen; a cook room; a galley or caboose on ship- board. aboha aiimpa, n., a dining room; an inn; a tavern; a refectory; an eating house. aboha aio"holmo itiitikoli, n. pl., raft- ers of a house; sing., aboha aionholmo aboha anusechi, y. t., to entertain; to lodge in a room. aboha anusi, n., a bedroom; a lodging room; a dormitory; a bower; a cham- ber, 2 Sam. 13: 10. aboha anutaka, n., the place under a house. aboha anutaka kula, n., a cellar. [BULL, 46 aboha apalaska, n., a bake house; a bakery. aboha apisa, n., a glass window; a house window. aboha apisa aialbiha, n., a window sash. aboha apishia, n., a piazza; a veranda; a shed that extends quite round the house. aboha ashaka okhissa, n., a back door; a door in the rear of a house. aboha atampa, n., an adjoining room; a separate room; a spare room. aboha ayupi, n., a bath room; a bath- ing house. aboha chaha, n., a tower; a high house. aboha chito, n., a hall; a large house. aboha hanta, n., a white house; a house of peace; a senate house; a state house; a fane. aboha hanta okla, n., Congress. aboha holitopa, aboha holitompa (Matt. 26: 69), n., a palace; a temple; a sacred house; a costly house. aboha hoshontika, aboha hoshintika, aboha i"hoshuntika, aboha impata, n., a porch; a piazza; a portico; a ve- randa; a stoop; a gallery. aboha inluksi, n., a house padlock. aboha inpaiasha, n., a larder; a meat house. aboha intula, n., the foundation of a house; the sill. aboha iskitini, n., a cabin; a cot; a hut; a lodge; a small house. aboha isht holmo, n., a roof; a shingle; a split board. aboha isht holmoali, n., eayes of a house; edge of the roof. aboha isht okhilishta, n., a house door. aboha itabana, pass., built, asa house. aboha itabana, n., a building; a log house. aboha itabanni, y. t., to build a log house; to put up a house; to raise a log house. aboha itabanni, n., a house raiser; a house builder. aboha itatapa, n., an apartment; an adjoining room; an additional room. aboha itintakla, n., a hall; space way; the place between two or more houses. aboha itipatalhpo, n., a house floor. aboha ititakla, n., the hall, entry, or passage; a space between the houses or the rooms. BYINGTON] aboha kallo, n., a prison; a jail; a cas- tle; a fortress; a strong room; a citadel; a dungeon; a prison house; a ward, Matin oye2o stile 22 42°35. 25: 36; Acts 16: 23; hold, Acts 4: 3. aboha kallo apistikeli, n., a jailer; the keeper of a prison. aboha kallo apistikeli, v. t., to keep a jail; to guard a prison. aboha kallo alhpinta, pl., the prison- ers; see Acts 16: 25. aboha kallo chaha, n., a tower. aboha kallo foka, n., imprisonment; incarceration. aboha kallo foka, pp., imprisoned; confined in prison; confined; immured; incarcerated; prisoned. aboha kallo foka, vy. i., to lie in jail; to be in prison. aboha kallo foka, n. sing., a prisoner; a jail bird. aboha kallo foki, v. t. sing., aboha kallo apitta, pl., to put in jail; to confine; to immure; to incarcerate; to prison; to imprison; to cast into prison. aboha kallo foki, n., an imprisoner. aboha kinaffi, y. t., to take down a house. aboha kuchichi, v. t., to unhouse; to turn out of a house; to turn out of doors. aboha mismiki, n., a house with a roof nailed on. aboha nan aiachefa, n., a laundry; a wash room; the room where clothes are washed. aboha nan chukushpa, n., household stuff; furniture; aboha imnan chokushpa, its furniture. aboha nana aiasha,n., a lumber room; a lumber house. aboha pakna, n., roof of a house, Josh POMS: aboha toshbi, n., rubbish. abohush atta, n., a cottager. abohushi, n. (dimin.), lit., ‘‘son of a room,’’ a closet, Matt. 6: 6; a cottage; a cot; a small room; a hut. abohushi fohka, pp., closeted; put in a closet. abohushi fohki, v. t., to closet. abohushi fo"ka, a., being in a closet. aboluktoli, y. t., to surround there. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 7 aboli, n., a thicket; a brake; a hedge. aboli, n., a place of deposit; place of laying down anything; a deposit, Mark 12: 41. abotichi, y. t., to hit, as fani iti oyia- tuk an abotichi, hit the squirrel that was going up the tree; iti isht pata abotichi, strike the wedge. abonulli, v. t. sing., to roll up in; to fold up in; toinfold; toinwrap; nan tannaka- shofa linen achukma hon abonulli, wrap- ped it in a clean linen cloth, Matt. 27: 59; linen a® abonulli, wrapped him in the linen, Mark 15: 46; na lapushki linen o” abonullit . . . fohkitok, wrapped it in linen and laid it in, Luke 2: 7; 23: 53; natilati on abonulli, Acts 5: 6. abonullichi, v. t. caus., to cause it to be rolled up in; to wrap it up. abonunta, pass. sing., rolled up; being rolled up in; wllonsi at natilali on abo- nunta, the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, Luke 2:12. abonunta, n., a wrapper. abu"kachi, pass. pl., infolded;inwrapped; rolled up in; rolled up. abukbo, n., down, the fine soft feathers of fowls, particularly water-fowls. abunni, vy. t. pl., to roll up; todouble up. achafa (from chafa, to run), v. t. sing., ayitepa, pl. to run after; to run down; achafat abi, to run down and kill. acha"fa, a. (nasal form, from achafa one), being one out of a number. achafoa, a., a few and scattering; here and there one; not many; rare; pre- cious, 1 Sam. 3:1; achafoa, pass., singled out. achafoachi, vy. t. caus., to select a few; to take a few; to cause a few to be taken. achafoha, y. i., to be a few; achaforha (nasal form), being a few. achafotechi, achafolichi, y. t. caus., to select a few; to take here and there one; to single out, Matt. 25: 32. achafoli, v. t., to select a few. achaka, n., a continuation. achaka, pass., spliced (from achakali), continued; itachaka, pass., joined to- gether, reannexed, spliced, united, welded; ikitachako, a., unconnected, not welded. 2 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY achatka, a. (nasal form), succeeding, following, next; itachat™ka, y. a. 1., to join together. achakalechi, y. t., to continue; to add. achakachi, v. t., to cause to advance. achakalechi, v. t. caus., to continue; to add on; to join to; itachakalechi, v. t., to reannex; achakalinchi (nasal form), to add; to continue; achakalinchimat, he added when, Luke 19: 11. achakali, y. t. sing., to splice; to add to; to new lay an edge tool; applied to putting edge to an ax; to piece; to searf; to subjoin; to unite; to weld; itachakali, to splice together; to couple; to join; to scarf; hash ilachakali, Matt. G22 achakali, achakallechi, n., one that splices, or new lays. achakali, v. i. (achakanli, nasal form; achakakanli freq.), to advance, to con- tinue; aba chakali Josh. 5: 13 and akka- chakali, are perhaps formed from this word. achakli, vy. t. pl. of achakali, to splice, ete.; alhchaka, pass. sing.; alhchakoa, pass. pl.; itachakli (Heb. 4: 12), ‘joints; itachakachi, n., a joint; v. t., to splice and join together. achakli, n., one that splices. achaya, y.i., tobe wont; to be accustomed to a place, as animals; wak at achayat taha, the cattle are wont; ikachayo, a., unwonted. achatya, n., a cutting block; a chopping block; place cut, or wounded; a gash made by an ax; pass., wounded at, or there; n., a wound. achayachi, vy. t. caus., to accustom a creature to a place so that it will stay there; to wont; to habituate to a place. achaba, asalbash, asachap, asalhchap, hahchaba, n., a log foot-bridge; a log lying across a creek on which to pass over. [ahchap is the word for footlog in use among the Mississippi Choc- taw.—H. 8S. H.] achafa, achaffa, n., oneness; singleness; a unit; unity. achafa, a., one; the other; another; a; an; certain; individual; particular; sim- ple; single; sole; undivided, Matt. 8: 18; 12:6; 17: 4; salap achafa, one; nan- ashachi achafa, Luke 15:7; hatak [BULL. 46 achafa, a man, a certain man, Luke 15: 11; ninak achafa, a night, or all night. achafa, v. n., to be one; to be single; achafa yoke, itis one; imachafa, for him one, or, he has one; ikachafo, neg. form, not one; ibaiachafa, Matt. 5: 25; achanfa, nasal form. achafa, v. a. i., ishachafa; isht ilachafa, Gen. 1: 11; achafali, I make one; I do one; achafa sia, | am one. achafa atampa, a., plural; more than one. achafa yuka, a., dist. pro., each one; achafa aiyukat kohchat ihivtya mat, John 8: 9; achafa aiyukali, every one, Josh. 6:5; hatak achafaiyukali, man by man, Josh. 7: 16. achafahpi (from achafa and ahpi), v. a. i., to be the first one; the being the first one: achafampi, nasal form and a., neither; with a neg., achafampi keyu; achafampi kia keyu, not either; not even one; not the first one. achafali, v. t., to give one; to do one; to single out one, Matt. 6: 24; Gen. 2: 21; achafalichit aiithotofahian alhpe- sahatok, for of necessity he must re- lease one, Luke 23: 17. achafalichi, y. t., to select out one; to make one of all, Eph. 1: 10. achafalit, adv., achafalit ishi, each one take; individually take; achafalit i- nukkilli cha, or individually, Luke 16: 13; achafat, an abbreviation; achafat ofi at abi, for achafalit ofi at abi, the dog singled out one and killed it. achafoa (see achafoa), John 8: 9 [in the printed edition achafa]. achafona, a. (from achafa one, and ona to reach to), even one; as much as one; perhaps one, Matt. 5: 30; 6: 29, 10: 29; 18: 6, 10, 12. achafonachi, v. t., to make one; to select out one, Luke 9: 36. achakaya, n., an spliced on. achakaya, a., spliced at. achanaiya, v. i., siachanaiya hoka (per- haps a misprint for siahanaiva hoka; see ahinna). achapi, ahchapi, vy. t., to play at a cer- tain game of chance in vogue among the Choctaw. This isan ancient game, not in much use now; pass., alhchapi. addition, piece BYINGTON] achapi, n., a player of the above; one that plays; the play. achchukmali, y. t., intensive form, Matt. 17: 11; to improve; to repair; to make good; to ameliorate; to benefit; to better; to rectify; to regulate; to sub- stantiate; iaiachukmali, to justify him- self, yammak ashot tlaiaachukmali banna kat, he is willing to justify himself; Luke 10: 29. acheba, a., mischievous; troublesome. acheba, y. n., to be mischievous. achebachi, vy. a. i., to preserve; to hold out. achefa, ahchifa (q. v.), v. t., to wash; to cleanse, Matt. 15: 2; pass., ahchifa, to be washed, Mark 7:5; ilaiachifa, to wash one’s self, John 2:6; to purify; pass., alhchefa, John 13: 10; ikahchifo, un- washen, Matt. 15: 20; alhchefa, pp., washed. achelita, see achillita. achi, v. a. i., to say; to speak; to call; to assert; to declare; to answer; quoth (as quoth he; quoth I); to rehearse; to suggest; to utter; John 1: 21; 3: 1; 4: 25; 1 Sam. 9: 9. aiachi pro., ahanchi, freq., Matt. 7: 27, 28; aiahanchi, pro. and freq. achi asha, to besaid; this is an expression, not the passive form of achi; achitok an atshashke, Luke 4: 12; ikacho, not to say, the neg. form of achi; ikacho, a., undetermined; unsaid. ach- ishke, they say, Matt. 11: 19. achit, ady., ora verb, to say and; when two verbs are thus united the first has an adverbial sense as in Heb., achit anumpuli, really to say; really to speak; to say what he means; lit., he says and speaks; achit hochifo, to call by name; lit., he saysand names. achit anoli, v., to speak freely; without fear; lit., he says and declares. achi, n., a maxim; a saying. achi, n., a rehearser. achi®, chi", sign of the instant or imme- diate future of the indicative mood, but it does not mean purpose or inten- tion; it simply expresses futurity as to time; shall, will. achiba, a., slow, laborious, tedious, be- lated, hard, late, Mark 2: 9; occupying some time; see ahchiba. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 9 achiba, v. n., to be slow, laborious, or tedious; ahchieba, pro. form of ahchiba. achibachi, y. t. caus., to cause to be slow, tcdious, or troublesome. achibali, v. t., to render tedious; to pro- tract; to draw out; chiksamahchibalo kia, ‘trouble me not,’’ Luke 11: 7. achifa, see achefa. achik, fut. sign, will, shall; sameas chin; as ialachik, I will go; anumpulachik, he will speak. achike, adv., probably will be, and sign of imp. in a mild sense. achiletali, v. t. caus., to make fierce. achillita, n., eagerness. achillita, achelita, achilita, y. n., to be fierce, zealous, engaged, resolute, or unflinching, Matt. 11: 11; achillinta, nasal form. achillita, a., fierce; zealous; resolute; eager. achillita, pass., rendered fierce; made resolute. achillitachi, y. t. caus., to make fierce. achilanlichi, see chilanlichi. achini, adv., likely; probably; seemingly; apparently. achini, vy. n., to seem so; to appear. ahchini, to be certainly so; when not be- fore known; to be certain after inquiry is made, Deut. 17: 4; aka itulatuk achinitok, unexpectedly, but so, 1 Sam. 5: 3, 4; see chini. achinto, a., from chito, being large when others are small; anumpa na yukpali achinto fehna, ‘‘good tidings of great joy,’ Luke 2: 10. achintok (a sign of tense), was to be, should have to be, compounded of re- mote past and instant future. achintuk (tense sign), was to be, should have to be, as ialachintuk, I was to have gone. achishi, vy. t., to scent; to smell, as dogs. achishi imponna, a., sagacious, as a dog in smelling. achohmi, see achuhmi. achokushpa, pass., to be accused, belied, or slandered. achokushpa, a., slanderous. achokushpachechi, vy. t., person to be slandered. achokushpalechi, y. t., to slander; to tattle. to cause a 10 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY achokushpalechi, n., a slanderer; a tattler. achokushpali, v. t., to slander; to tattle; to backbite; to accuse. achokushpali, n., a slanderer; a back- biter. achokushpachi, pp., to be slandered. achokushpachi, a., slandered. achosha, pp., to be inserted, as an ax in wood or a plow in the earth. achoshuli, v. t. sing., to insert; to set in endwise, as a cog or a spoke in the hub or nave of a wheel, or a linchpin; achushli, pl. achoshunni, achoshoninchi, v. a. i., to grow, as a young peach.—Jackson. achowa, vy. t. to differ; to disagree; to dispute; to contend in conversation. itachowa, the reciprocal form is often used; to contend; to brangle; to dis- pute; to debate; to fall out; to jangle; to quarrel; to strive; to vary; to wran- gle. itachoa, n., a broil; a dispute; a feud. itachoa, n., a disputant. itacho- wachi, to cause to differ. itachoachi, n., an incendiary; one who inflames a fac- tion. achuhmi, achohmi, y. i., to be thus, or so. achiyuhmi, achoyuhmi. pro. form. - achuka, v. a. i., to dwell at; to reside at; to keep house at; see Josh. 2: 15; itinchuka, reciprocal form; to dwell to- gether; to keep house for each other as husband and wife; itachuka, v. a. i., to keep house together; itinchuka, n., a husband or a wife; itinchukali, my hus- band or my wife, as the case may be; generally used by the woman when speaking of her husband to others; achoyuka, pro. form of achuka. achukbi, achukbika, place of a corner; achukbeli, pl., corners, Rey. 7: 1. achukma, pass., improved; bettered; mended; rectified; redressed; refined; regulated; made good. achukma, a., pl. hochukma, good; excellent; benevolent; kind; gracious; choice; sound; sterling; substantial; useful; valid; virtuous; well; accept- able; sound; wholesome; whole, Luke 6: 10; handsome; courteous; deli- cate; delicious; delightful; decent; ele- gant; esteemed; exquisite; fair; fine; finical; generous; genuine; gracious; [BULL. 46 healthful; healthy; honest; nice; per- fect; pleasant; pretty; respectable; rep- utable; righteous; royal; salutary; sane; serviceable; ikachukmo, a. neg., not good; bad; degenerate; disastrous; evil; gross; injurious; offensive; pre- posterous; sinful; troublous; unapt; un- comely; uncomfortable; unfavorable; ungenial; unhealthy; unholy; unjust; unlawful; unlovely; unpleasant; un- profitable; unrighteous; unwholesome; unworthy; ikimachukmo, a., unaccepta- ble. achukma, n., goodness; excellence; excellency; fairness; good; pureness; purity; safety; soundness; virtue; weal; peace, 2 Kings 9: 17, 18, 19; nana achukma, n., grace; a good deed; nana achukma kav, Matt. 12: 11; aiachukma, n., Matt. 6: 34. achukma, vy. a. i., to act good; to do well, Matt. 6: 4; to be good, Matt. 6: 22; ishachukma, thou doest well. achukma, y. n., to be good or excellent; pimachukmashke, Matt. 17: 4; ikachuk- mo, neg.; achurkma, nasal form; acho- hunkma, freq.; achoyukma, pro. form; imachukma, to be good for him; v. t., to love to delight, 2 Sam. 24: 3; itina- chukma, to be good to each other. achukma, ady., finely; soundly; ik- achukmo, ady., ill. achukma ahoba, a., specious; seemingly good. achukma aiali, a., prime. achukma a¥sha, n., welfare; a., well. achukma atapa, a., supereminent. achukma fehna, a., very good; rare. achukma i®4shaht tali, a., best; first rate; in the superlative degree. achukma i®shali, a., better; preferable; superfine; supereminent; transcendent. achukma keyu, a., not good; unad- visable. ; achukma moma, a., unimpaired. achukmatka, n., a good condition of health; the goodness (well, as to health. ) achukmatka, vy. n., to be well, or in health. achukmalechi, v. t. caus., to make good; to repair; to heighten; to better; to improve; to mend; to redress; to re- fine; to make peace. achukmalechi, n., a repairer. BYINGTON] achukmali, n., an improver; a repairer. achukmalit, ady., diligently, Matt. 13: 36; 15: 15; Luke 15: 8; ‘‘in order,”’ Josh. 2: 6; achukmalit tmaponokiotok, inquired of them diligently, Matt. 2:7. achukmalit ashachi, v. t., to dispose; to lay away with. achukmalit pisa, v. t., to scrutinize. achukmat, adv., well; orderly; plainly; securely. achukmat anoli, v. t., to depict. achukmat apesa, v. t., to arrange. achukmat alhpisa, pass., arranged; ad- justed rightly. achukmat boli, v. t., to hoard; to lay up well. achukmat i shat isht ia, vy. a. i., to improve. achukoa, n., passage into. achumpa, n., a market; a place for purchasing or buying; the place where bought. achunanchi, y. a. i., to persevere; to continue; to make an effort; to endure; to persist; to plod; to strive; to weather: see Matt. 10: 22. achunanchi, a., ardent; persevering; close; keen; pertinacious; sedulous; un- wearied; ikachunancho, a., unconstant. achunanchi, n., perseverance; resolution. achunanchit pisa, a., studious. achunli, y. t., to sew; to darn; to stitch; itachunli, reciprocal; to sew together; to list; to sew; to tack together. achunli, n., sewing; stitching. achunli, n., a sewer; a seamstress. achu®sha, v. n., pass. of achoshuli, to stand in, or hang by one end, as an arrow to a wounded deer, or as a linch- pin. achu®sha, a., hanging in. achushka®chi, y. n. pl., to stand on end, as spokes in the hub of a wheel. achushkanchi, nasal form, being placed in. achushkachi, pass., inserted; placed in. achushli, pl., see achoshuli. achushoa, pass. pl., inserted. achushoa, v. n., to stand in. achushoa, n. pl., those which stand in, as spokes, cogs, ete. achu"wa, ahchu2wa, pp., sewed; a., sewed; united by stitches; seamed. an entrance; an entry; a A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 1g left; left handed. afabi, n., a left-handed person. afabi, v. i., to be left handed. afacha, v. n., to be fast, close, tight, or shut; itafacha, vy. a. i., to lock; to fas- ten it together. afabi, a., afacha, afancha, pass., fastened; latched; isht afacha, fastened with; n., a latch; a hasp. afachali, sing., afashli pl., afashkachi pass., to fasten; to latch; to hasp; latched; fastened. a fastener; one that makes afasha, pass. pl., afachali, n., fast or firm. afahama, v. t., to strike at or on. afahama, n., the place smitten or struck. afahata, v. a. i., to swing in, on, or at. afahata, n., a swing; the place where the thing swings. afalama, v. a. i., to turn at; to return, Luke 2: 43; to relapse; to return from; to turn back at. afalama, n., a return; the place at which one turns back; a relapse. afalamaka, n., the place or point of turning back; the return. afalamichi, afalaminchi (nasal form), v. t., to answer; to reply; to make return, I Sam. 2: 16; Josh..1: 16; 4: 7; Matta 820% lita iS alae: li7s dul ohn 3:5; Gen. 40: 18. eranancne ilemihe: kitok, he answered nothing, Matt. 27: 12. afalapoa, adyv.; afalapoat pisa, to behold sideways; to look sidelong. afalapoli, v. a. i., to look at a thing sideways; to ogle (in a woman). afalapa, v.a.i., to be obscure or doubled over (applied to language). afalapa, v. a.i., to place the head on the side of, as of a tree; to listen toa bell at a distance. afama, v. a.i., v. t., to meet; to join; to come across, Matt. 8: 28, 34; Josh. 2: 16; 8: 5; 9: 11, 12; siafama, he met me; itafama, to meet with; to meet to- gether; to meet each other; to en- counter; to light upon; itafamali, I met with him; aiitafama, to meet with each other at; to meet together at, or there; afamahe keyu, a., will not meet. afama, n., one that meets; also the name of a man, a meeter; afamat abi, to meet at and kill, 12 afana, pass., staked (as a fence). afanalechi, afanalechi (from a stem afanali), v. t., to see into; to search; to make search; afanalechitithana, to search and know, Rev. 2: 28. afanali, vy. t., to direct; to guide. afananchi, v. a. i., to look through a hole; to peep or peek; afanantat hikikina, y. a. i., to be peeping; to stand about and peep. afanata, n., a helmsman; the man at the helm. afancha, see afacha. afataha, n., a place to swing in or at; a swing. afataiya, v. a. i., to be crosswise—like okfowata, okfoata, or okhoata (q. v.). afabeka, n., the left hand. afabekimma, a., sinister; left handed. afabekimma, adv., to the left hand; on the left hand; alhfabeka, is also used in Luke 23: 33. afama (from fammi, to whip); n., a whaling; a whipping post. afammaiyukali, adv., annually; yearly; each year. afammi, n., a year; also a yearling, Josh. 5: 6, 12; ilappat afammi atuchina mako”, ‘‘these three years,’’ Luke 138: 7; afammi pokoli untuchina akocha ushta, 84 years, Luke 2: 37. afammi, v. i., to be a year, as ont afammi. afammi achafa, n., one year; a twelve- month; afammi hosh afammikma, ‘‘from year to year.”’ afammi hannali, a., sexennial. afammi hannalikma, a., sexennial; when it is six years. afammi iklanna, n., half a year. afammi iklanna, a., semiannual. afammi iklannakma, adv., nually. afammi talepa achafa, n., a century. afammi talepa achafakma, adv., every century; every hundred years. afammi talepa sipokni achafa, n., a thousand years; the millennium. afammi tuchinakma, a., triennial. afammi untuklo, a., septennial. afammi untuklokma, a., septennially. afammikma, adv., yearly; annually; every year, Luke 2: 41. semian- BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 afammikma ilhpeta, n., a pension; a yearly allowance or gift. afammikma ilhpitachi, v. t., to pen- sion, afanalechi, see afanalechi. afashkachi, pass. pl., fastened; latched; from afashli. afashkachi, n. pl., cogs. afashli, pl. of afachali, to fasten; to latch; alhfasha or afashkachi, pass. afebli, v. t., to dent in deep, as into the skull, or anything hard like a gourd shell. afehna, v.i., to be very; mihma nukowa- kan afehna mat, Luke 6: 11, 45. (These references are to the first translation of Luke. ) afehnichi, afehnachi, vy. t., to praise; to extol; to make much of; to laud. afekommi, v. i., to be mischievous; to be impatient. afekommi, a., mischievous; impatient; isht afekommi, v. t., to tease with; to worry with. afekommichi, v. t. caus., to make mis- chievous. afena, v. a. 1. sing., to come up; to rise when pried. afena, pass. sing., pried up; raised up by prying. afenali, vy. t. pl., to pry up; (afinni, sing. ; afikachi, pass. pl.). afepa, v. i. and pass. of afebli. afepoa, pl. of afebli. afetapa, v. i., to be hurt by accident. afetapa, n., an accidental injury. afetibli, vy. t. sing., to ensnare; to en- chant; afetipoli, pl. afetibli, n., an ensnarer; an enchanter. afetipa, pp., enchanted; greatly inter- ested; see affetipa. afetipa, v. i., to be enchanted. afetipa, n., enchantment. afetipoa, pass. pl., enchanted. afetipoa, v. i. pl., to be enchanted. afetipoa, n., enchantings. afetipoli, v. t. pl., to ensnare; to en- chant. afetipoli, n. pl., enchanters. afi"kachi, pass. pl. of afenali, to be pried up; pried. afilema, v. a. i., to relapse; to backslide; to turn over back. BYINGTON] afilema, n., a relapse. afilemoa, v. a. i. pl. of afilema. afilemoa, n., relapses. afilimmi, v. a. i. sing., to relapse; to turn back; to turn over; ajfilammi is to turn away to the right or left. afilimmichi, v. t. caus., to cause a relapse or turning back. afinni, y. t. sing., to pry; to turn the helm; to turn a boat by the heim; afinnit aba isht ia, to pry up; to pry and take up. afinnit abishtia, v. t., to pry. afisa, n. (from English ‘‘officer’’), an officer, Gen. 39: 1. afoa, v. t., to scuffle for; to contend; to resist; to force, 1 Sam. 2: 16; itima- foa, to scuffle together; to contend; to contest with each other; iafoa, n.,con- tumacy. afoa, affoa (q. v.), pp., wound around; nantapasti noshkobo isht afoatuk ato, the napkin that was about his head, John 20273 afoachi, n., a wrapper; an envelope. afobli, afopli, vy. a. i, to go round; to pass around; to encircle. afoblichi, v. t. caus., to cause to wind or go round. afoha, n., arest; a place of rest; a har- bor, Josh. 1:18, 15; afohahe a® hash ahauchahimakoke, ‘‘ye shall find rest,”’ Matt. 11229. afoha, v. i., to rest at, on, in, or there; afohahe, Matt. 12: 43. afohachi, v. t. caus., to give rest at, on, in, or there. afohka, afoka, n., a pocket; a case; a place into which a single thing is put. afohka, afoka, pass., put in at; placed in there; afoyuka, ‘‘ conceived in her,”’ Matt. 1: 20. afohka, v. i., to go in at; to go in there. afohkachi, vy. t. caus., to put in; to cause to go in. afohkechi, afokkechi, v. t., to cause to go into a path or river. afohki, v. t., to put in. afohoma, n., a hem; a rim; a band; a welt. afohoma, pp., hemmed, rimmed, lined, welted. afohommi, v. t., to hem; to rim; to put on a rim or hoop at the border; A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 13 to line; to welt a shoe; to rima basket; afoti, pl., q. v. afohommi, n., one who makes a hem or rim. afoka, afohka, pp., put in; aforhka, nasal form. afoka, afohka, n., a case. afolakto, v. i., to be forked at, as the limbs of a tree or as a road. afolakto, n., a fork; the place where there is a fork. afolakto, pass., forked. afolaktochi, afolaktuchi, y. t. caus., to make a fork. afolaktua, v. i. pl., to be forked. afolaktua, n., forks. afolaktua, pass., forked. afolaktuli, v. t. pl., to make forks there or at. afolokachi, see fullokachi. afololichi, v. t. sing., to surround; to turn about at. afolota, afoluta, afullota, v. a. i., to go round at; to take a circuit there or at; afolotoa, pl. afolota, pass., taken round at; afolotoa, pl. afolota, afullota, n., the circuit; the extent round; a range; afolotoa, n. pl. of afolota. afolotachi, caus. sing., to compass, Josh. (Be Bip (le afolotolichi, v. t. pl. of afololichi. afolotowachi, vy. t. caus. pl., to lead round; to take round. afolubli, v. a. i., to encircle; to surround; to environ, Josh. 7: 9; aiimpa ya afo- luplit echiya, was it to surround; afolublit binohmanyatok, ‘‘sat about him,” Mark 3: 32. afolupa, pp., encircled; afolumpa (nasal form), as afolumpa yakni moma kan, “round about,’’? Mark 1: 28. afoluplichi, v. t. caus., to encircle; to surround; to cause others to surround. afoluta, see afolota. afoti, v. t. pl., to wind round; to roll round; to wrap round; to involve; to in- wrap; to reel; to rim; to swathe; to twine; to wind; alhfoa, affoa, pass., nantapaski yosh isht alhfoyukatok, was bound about with a napkin, John 11:44; nantapaski noshkobo isht afoatuk ato, the napkin that was about his head, Jobn 20; 7. 14 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY afolichi, v.t. caus., to cause to be wound; to make them wind; to turn; to whirl; to furl. afopa, v. a. i., to be around. afotoha, n., an auger hole, the place where it is bored; a mill, the place where it is ground; a grist mill; tanch afotoha, a corn mill. afotoha, pass., ground at; bored at. afototi, v. t., to bore at or there; to grind at or there. This word describes the motion round in grinding and bor- ing, and a means place where. afoyua, afoyuha, (pp. from afoi, to wind round; from afoa or affoa, pp.) lengthened form, wound round. See John 11: 44 (alhfoyuha in the last translation). afulli, vy. t., to stir a liquid and to ~ thicken food while cooking, as mush, and tatfula, Indian hominy; affula, alhfula, pass. form. afullichi, yv. t. caus., to make or cause to stir. afullota, see ajolota. ah, int., oh!, calling attention, like hark! listen! ath, adv., yes, it is; one form of the verb to be and in the third person; siah, I am; chiah, thou art; ah, he is; it is; hatuk, it was; ah is nasalized to make it distinctive, or definite like a”+h, the substantive verb being added. i ahabli, ahapli, n., a stirrup; a step; a stepping place; a degree; a pace; a treadle belonging to a loom, 1 Kings 10: 19. ahabli, yv. t., to tread there; to tread on; to trample; ahali, pl. ahabli, pass., trodden on; ahata, pl. ahablichi, y. t. sing., to tread into the ground; to make one tread on it; ahalichi, pl., Matt. 7:6; Luke 10: 19; also Rey. 11: 2. ahablichi, n., a treader; ahatichi, pl. ahath, n., a negative; a negation. ahath, adv., no; not so; a decided nega- tive; nay; aha, 2 Sam. 13: 12. ahah achi, y. a. i., to say no; to refuse; to deny; to negative. ahah ahni, vy. a. i., to take heed; to be cautious; to beware of; to be careful; to take care; to be watchful; to heed; to look; to see; ahah hashimahnashke, [BULL. 46 Matt. 7: 15. aha™h hashaiahni, Matt. 16: 6, 11; also Matt. 6: 1; 8:4; Mark 8: 15; ahah ikahno, v. a. i. neg. form, not to take heed. ahah ahni, a., mindful; scrupulous; so- licitous; vigilant; careful; cautious; wary; circumspect; considerate; ahah ikahno, ahah ahni iksho, a., careless; heedless; incautious; inconsiderate; reckless; unguarded; unmindful; un- wary. afiah ahni, ady., warily; carefully. ahah ahni, n., a caution; care; heed. ahah ahni iksho, a., heady; careless; supine. [This may be used also as a noun, meaning heedlessness, etc.— lel, (Seelale]| ahah ahni iksho, adv., loosely. ahah ahni keyu, n., rashness. ahah ahnit impa,n., regimen; or to eat with care. ahah ikahno, n., mistrust. ahah imahni, v. t., to take heed of him; to look out for him; to beware of him, Matt. 7: 15. ahaklo, n., a hearing. ahaksa hinla, a., pardonable. ahaksi, v. n., v. t., to forget; not to notice; to neglect; to omit; holisso ha” siahaksi, I forgot the book. ahaksi, n., an excuse. ahaksi, pass., forgotten; overlooked; neglected; excused; pardoned. ahaksichi, vy. t., to overlook; to miss; to neglect; to excuse; to forgive; to omit, Matt. 23: 23; achafa kamo aha- ksicha hinla, Luke 16: 13; holisso han pisalahetuk osh ahaksichili, the book which I should have studied I neg- lected. ahaksichi, n., one that forgets, over- looks, neglects, misses; a forgiver; a pardoner. ahaksichi shal, a., remiss; very for- getful. ahaksit kania, n., oblivion. ahalaia, v. a. i., to meddle; ahalaiali keyu, I have no interest, Luke 12: 9. (See below. ) ahalaia, n., a meddler. ahalaia, ahalaya, v. a. i., to be inter- ested; to have a care or concern, or in- terest; to pertain; Luke 15: 7; nanta ho” ishtishpiahalaia cho? what hast thou to do with us? Matt. 8: 29; ahalan- BYINGTON] ya, Matt. 13: 11: 16: 23; siahalaia keyu, Iam not interested; ilahalaia keyu, we are not interested; amahalaia; isht ahalaia, v. t., to care about; to havea concern orinterestin; to have todo with, Luke 4: 34; to concern; to interest; isht ikahalaio, a., disinterested; isht ahalaia keyu, a., impertinent; v. n., to be im- pertinent. ahalaia, a., interested; concerned; med- dlesome; rightful; ikahalaio, ahalaia, keyu, a., neutral; uninterested; free Matt. 17: 26; itimahalaia, interested in each other; itimahalaia, n., inter- course; mutual interest. ahalaia, n., a concern; an interest. ahalalli, n., a shaft; a thill; a trigger; a handle; a bail; a button; a knob; a hilt. ahalalli, v. t., to take hold of, or at, or there. ahalupa, n., the edge; the place which is sharp; iskifa ahalupa, the edge of an ax. ahalupa anukpilefa, n., a feather edge; an edge that is turned up. ahalupa anukpilefa, a., feather edged. ahalupa anukpilifi, vy. t., to turn up the edge. ahama, n., ointment; oil for the pur- pose of anointing; unction; pa®sh aha- ma, hair ointment, Matt. 26: 9, 12; nan ahama, ointment, Mark 14: 3; Luke 7: 37; John 12: 5. ahama, n., anointing. 1 John 2: 27. See 1 John 2: 20, where unction is trans- lated as a verb. ahama, pass., anointed; oiled; smeared or rubbed over with oil; wak nia ahama, pass., tallowed; greased; ointed; nan ahamat imalhtoka, his anointed, 1 Sam. 2: 10. ahauchi, ahayuchi, v. t., to find; to dis- cover; to acquire; to furnish; to have, John 3: 36 [?]; to gain; to meet; to pro- cure; to provide; ikahayucho, Matt. 12: 43; 16: 25; 18:13; Josh. 2: 22; Luke 15: 4)..6578) 9- Matt. 92:8: 72 7,.8; 10: 39; 13: 44; imahauchi, to furnish him; ilahauchi, to furnish or find himself (with provisions, tools, etc.); isht ila- hauchi, vy. t., to make (as money); to furnish himself by means of; haiaka, pass., found, Luke 15: 32; isht ilahauchi, pass., profited by means of. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 15 ahauchi, n., a finder; a gainer; a pro- curer. ahaya, a., y. n., sufficient to fill a hole; filling a place or hole; also ikahayo, neg. form and most used, not being large enough to fill, as shapo a” ikahayo. ahayu, v. t., to find; found in a man’s name; Ahayutabt. ahala, pp. pl. of ahabli, trodden down; trodden on; trampled. ahalhi, y. t. pl., to tread on; to trample on. ahali, see ahabli. ahatichi, pl. of ahablichi, to tread into the ground; to make them tread on it, or them; to tread under foot. ahalichi, n. pl., treaders; tramplers; ahatinchi, nasal form. ahammi, v. t., to anoint; 2 Cor. 1: 21; Matt. 6: 17; Mark 14: 8; 16: 1; Luke 7: 46; Rey. 3: 18; to smear with grease or oil; to grease; to rub gently; to oil himself or another thing; to embro- cate; to gum; to iron; to oil; to oint; isht ahammi cha, anointed with and, John 11: 2; chinoshkobo ishahammi cha, anoint thy head and, Matt. 6: 17; ahammoli, pl.; tali hata isht ahammoli, to wash over with melted silver. ahammi, n., unction. ahammichi, vy. t. caus., to cause to anoint; to anoint another person; isht ahammichitok, he anointed him with, _ Acts 10: 38. ahapi, ahe api, n., a potato vine. athatak, athatak, n.,my husband, ormy man; chithatak, thy husband; thy man. When the pronoun is prefixed, hatak has the meaning of husband. [From my experience and observation the word for ‘‘man”’ is always pronounced hattak, never hatak.—H. 8. H.] ahbichakali, v. n., to be nineteen. ahbichakali, v. a. i., to make 19, as d- ahbichakali, we make 19, or are 19. ahbichakali, a., nineteen; XIX; 19. ahbichakaliha, ady., nineteen times. ahchapi, see achapi. ahchiba, n., tediousness; irksomeness; a task. ahchiba, achiba, (q. v.), a., tedious; slow; disadvantageous; tiresome; trou- blesome; difficult; irksome; laborious; wearisome, Matt. 9: 5. 16 ahbchibali, vy. t., to trouble; to weary; chiksamahchibalo kia, ‘‘trouble me not,”’ Luke 11: 7; also Mark 5: 36. ahchifa, achefa, y. t., to wash; to lave; to rinse; alhchefa, pp. ahchifa, n., a wash. ahchihpo, akchihpo, n., a drift; a float. ahchishi, vy. a. i. and vy. t., to scent; to smell the track; to follow by the scent; to wind. ahchishi, n., scent. ahchu®wa, see achunwa. ahe, ahi, he, sign of remote fut. tense of the indicative mood—shall, will; as ahi oke, and ahe tuk, should have; it means future time simply, and not purpose or intention. ahe, n., apotato; asweet potato; a yam. athe; he, adv., almost, Acts 7: 17; etalamhe, we have almost finished them or it; ilonathe, we have almost arrived there; a”husi and athesi (q. v.) are diminutives of a%he. ahe aholokchi, n., a potato patch; a place where potatoes are planted. ahe alhpusha, n., a roasted potato. ahe api, n., a potato vine. ahe bunto, ahe munto, n., a potato hill. ahe buntuchi, ahe muntuchi, vy. t., to make potato hills. ahe hobi, v. t., to boil potatoes. ahe holbi, n., a boiled potato; a steamed potato. ahe ibish, n., a potato hill. ahe inchuka, n., a potato house. ahe kamassa, ahkamassa, n., a wild potato; a hard potato. ahe kashaha, n., a yam; a potato which has a good relish. ahe keyu, adv., shall not; can not; must not; will not. ahe lumbo, n., a round potato; an Irish potato. ahe hoba and iksahe, a Six- towns word. ahe pata okla, n., name of the Choc- taws belonging to the northeast district of the Nation. The name is said to have been given them from the fact that at an early immigration they found a place where there were many wild potatoes—pata means spread out. But others explain this name in other ways. ahe pehna, n., seed potatoes. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ahe shua, n., a rotten potato. aheka, v. t., toowe; to be in debt; to get on trust; imaheka, to owe him; his debtor; pimaheka, Matt. 6: 12; issam- aheka, or aheka issamiMakali, you owe me; chimahekali, I owe you; itimaheka, to owe each other; aheka amittakanh, to be due me from him; see ahecha in ilappa momaka nana issamahechishke, all these things are against me, Gen. 42:36; ahekaithoyo, v. t.,todun; tolook after a debt; to seek of him a due, that which he owes; aheka itannali, to col- lect debts. aheka atobbahe keyu, a., in- solvent; unable to pay hisdebts. aheka atobbahinla, a., solvent. aheka, n., Luke 7: 41; a debt; a due; an obligation; a charge; a duty; a score, Rom. 13: 8; Matt. 18: 24; ilaheka, our debts, Matt. 6: 12. aheka, pass., v. n., trusted; owed; due; credited; obtained on credit. aheka iksho, a., unindebted; out of debt. aheka imasha, n., adebtor, Luke 16: 5. aheka intakanli, yv. t., to owe him, Matt. 18: 28; Luke 16: 5; Philem. 18; aheka intakanlili, | owe him; aheka an- takanli, he owes me:a., indebted; ahekat takali, pass., charged. aheka ishi, n., a creditor. aheka takalichi, v. t., toscore; to enter a debt; to charge with a debt. aheka takanli, a., due. aheka takanli, n., arrear; arrears; ar- rearage; balances remaining due; a due. ahekachi, y. t., 1. to sell on credit; to trust; to get another in debt; to credit; to charge; chiahekacheli, I trust you; issiahekachi, you trust me; itimahekachi, to trust eachother. 2. To buy oncredit; “to run in debt;’’ to get on credit, as by purchase. ahekachit holissochi, v. t., to debit; to trust and write it. ahekachi, n., a creditor; a seller on credit; a buyer on credit, nan ahekachi. ahekachi, ahhekachi, ahheka, adv., lengthwise (of cloth); abaiyachi, length- wise, of a field; n., the length. athesi, a™husi, ady., almost; very near; nearly; taha™hesi, nearly done, or gone. aheto, ady., will not; can not; shall not; umbaheto, it will not rain, BYINGTON] A DICTIONARY ahetok, sign of the remote fut. perf., would have; should have; would have been. achukmahetok, it would have been well. ahetuk, sign of the recent fut. perf.; mintahetuk, he should have come. The first syllable a unites with the last syl- lable of the preceding word, which is according to the usage of the language, or, rather, the last syllable of the pre- vious word is elided; thus—chumpa, to buy, chumpahetuk; minti, to come, min- tahetuk; haklo, to hear, haklahetuk. ahheka, n., the length, as of a piece of cloth; see ahekachi. ahhekachi, n., the length. See ahekachi. ahi, see ahe. ahika, n., a station; a stand; a post; a degree. ahika, v. i. sing., to stand at, or in; to stand there; ahitka, nasal form., stand- ing in, or at, asa stick in a hole or an arrow in the side; uskt naki at issi ak ot ahikia, the arrow stands in the deer. ahikia, n., a station; an estate; a footing. ahikiat anumpuli, n., a pulpit; the place where anyone stands and talks. ahikma, as alhtaha"hikma, if it is nearly ready. ahilechi, n., an establishment; a place where anything is set up. ahila, n., a place where persons dance; from hila, to dance; and a, adv., at, there; aboha ahita, a ball room. ahila, v. a. i., to dance at, or on. ahinla, sign of the potential mood, pres- ent tense; can, may, shall (in a mild sense). The final syllable of the verb is elided before ahinla. hashhomincha- hinla cho? will ye season it, eh? cf. Mark 9: 50. ahinlatok, past tense; could have, might have, may or can have. ahinlatuk, recent past tense; could have, might have. ahinna, ahina, v. t., v. a. i., to tend; to watch (as with the sick); to keep com- pany; to be the companion of another person; to stay with, to guard. ahinat apela hioka imikbilashke, I will make an helpmeet for him; chiahinnali, I keep you company; issiahinna, you are company for me; you stay with 84339°—Bull. 46—15 - D) a OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 17 me; itahinna, to keep company or be pledged together; to consort together. ahinna, pass., to be pawned; pawned; pledged. ahinna, n., security; a pledge; com- pany; a companion; surety; itahina, a companion; an escort; a watcher. ahinnachi, y. t., to pawn; to pledge; to cause to be the companion of another. ahinnia, ahiniya, vy. 1., to relish much; to be fond of. ahkamassa, see ale kamassa. ahmpi, see api. ahni, ahli, v. a. i., v. t., to think; to ex- pect; to fear; to hope; to wish; to pre- sume; to calculate; to design; to desire, Matt. 16: 1; also, to seek, Matt. 16: 4; to aim at; to notice; to observe; to will; to care for; to contemplate; to count upon, Matt. 14:5; to destine; to dis- pose; to entertain; to incline; to in- tend; to like; to mark; to mean; to notice; to purport; to purpose; to reckon; to remark; to see; to tend; aba anumpa ahni, to seek or desire the gos- pel, or religion; chimahni, to desire of thee; chiahni, to think or to wish thee; alhpesa ahni, to comply; yohmi imahni, v. t., to suspect concerning him; yohmi ikimahno, a., unsuspected; nana okpulo imahni, v. t., toexecrate; to imprecate; to wish him something evil; nana ahni iksho, a., indifferent, or to care for noth- ing; to wish nothing; ilap ahnit yamoh- mi, himself wishes and does; imahni; to let him, Matt. 6: 3; to suffer, Matt. 8:31; 17:4; aiahni, pro. form, Matt. 18: 10; hashaiahni, Matt. 7: 12; ikahno, neg. form; isht ikitahno, to hate him; isht ikimitahno, to deride him, Luke 16: 14; ahnituk keyu, a., unpremedi- tated. ahni, a., disposed; minded; optional; aware; designed; willing; ikahno, in- disposed; unaware; undesigned; un- marked; unperceived; unthinking; un- willing; ahnahe keyu, a., undesirable; will not wish. ahni, n., a will; a wish; a desire; a purpose; a disposition; an expectation; an inclination; an intent; a meaning; mind; motive; option; a plan; a pur- port; a volition; ikahno, n., indisposi- 18 tion; alhpesa ahni, to suffer; to permit; alhpesa issamahnashke, suffer me, Matt. 8: 21. ahni, n., a wisher; an expectant; an ex- pecter. ahnichi, v. t., to respect; to like; to ap- plaud; to love; to approve; to esteem; ahninchi, nasal form, which is most used; to reckon; to regard; to receive, Matt. 18: 5; to savor, Matt. 16: 23; ikahnincho, to despise; to dislike, Matt. 12:7; ahnihinchi, freq.; ahniechi, protracted form; i/ahninchi, to respect himself; iahninchi, n., self-esteem; de- ahninchi, to trust in himself; ikahnin- cho, a., disliked; loathed; ikahninchot isht anumpuli, v. t., to remonstrate. ahnit, adv. (t issometimes used as acon- junction), purposely; ahnit anukfilli, to remember; ahnit ishi, v. t., to choose; to wish and take; ahnit holitobli, to ob- serve, Josh. 1: 7, 8. ahoba, n., an illusion; an appearance; a prospect. ahoba, a., worthy; ikahobo, neg. form, worthless; unworthy; having no worth; stale; isht ikahobo, a., disgraced by it; v.n., to be disgraced by it; isht ikim- ahobo, a. ahoba, v.i., v. n., to seem; to appear; to have worth; to look; to conjecture; to think, Matt. 6:7; siahoba keyu, ‘‘I am not worthy,”’ Luke 3: 16; imahoba, it seems to him, or he presumes; nan ikimahobo, a., unconcern; being noth- ing to him, ete.; ikimahobo, it does not seem to him, or it is of no worth to him; ikahobo, a., unuseful; unworthy; useless; vain; waste; of no worth; of no account; cheap; idle; inefficient; in- significant; jejune; mean; refuse [?] ; nana apaikahobo, a., insipid; ikchiahobo, Matt. 5: 22; isht iksamahobo, it is of no worth to me; it is nothing to me; ahobachi, v. t., to cause to seem; ilehobachi, to make like himself; ahobali, ahoballi, which see for definitions; ikahobalo, neg. f., v. t., to mock; to de- spise; to disparage; to sneer; to make light of; to despise, 2Sam. 1: 21; Matt. 9:3; ikahobalo pisamat, when he saw that he was mocked, Matt. 2: 16; Chihowa ikahobalo, v. t., to blaspheme Jehoyah; isht ikahobalo, y. t., to blas- BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 pheme, Mark 3: 28, 29; ikahobalot anum- puli, to blaspheme, Mark 2: 7; Acts 26: 11; ikahobalot nan ikmihacho, not blas- pheme, 1 Tim. 2: 20; ikahobalot nana mihanchi, ‘‘blaspheme,’’? James 2: 7; ikahobalot anumpuli, to blaspheme, Matt. 12: 31; ahomba, v. a. i., to have, as nipi chiahomba. ahobachi, v. t., to represent; to in- struct; to imitate. ahoballi, v. t., to represent; to cause to appear like; ahobanli, nasal form. ahobi, see i/ahobbi, to pretend. ahochifochi, see hochifochi. ahochukwa, a., chilly; cold (as a per- son, nota thing); aguish. This wordis applied to the feeling or sensation of cold, and not to the weather or any object; kapassa is applied to objects, hochukwa to a person’s sensation. ahochukwa, v. i., to be cold; to feel the cold (asa person); siahochukwa, I am cold. ahochukwa, n., ague. ahochukwachi, a., chilly; coolish. ahochukwachi, v. i., to be chilly; chi- ahochukwachi, you are chilly. ahochukwachi, n., chilliness; cold- ness. These words are applied to de- scribe the sensation of cold which a person experiences; kapassa is applied to objects, as weather, water, etc.; kapassa aiena hatukoka, Acts 28: 2. ahofahya, n., shame, reproach. ahofalli, pass., hatched. ahofanti, n., nourishment; the place or means of raising a being or a creature; nurture; nutriment; pabulum. ahofallechi, v. t., to hatch or multiply (as fowls), Gen. 1: 22. ahofobi, n., a deep place; an abyss, Matt. 18: 6; ikahofobo, n., a shallow. ahofobika, n., the deep place; the depth; the deep; an abyss; the abyss; kohchat ahofobika, Luke 8:31; ahofobi fehnaka, Romi LO 7 ahofombika, n. (nasal form of above), the deep; the place where it is deep. ahofombika pit takalichi cha, ‘launch out into the deep,” Luke 5: 4. ahoiya, n., a strainer; a filter, or the place where liquid runs through it in drops or small streams. chilliness; coldness; BYINGTON] ahokchi, y. t., to plant at. ahokchichi, v. t., to plant with some- thing else. See Matt. 13: 25. ahokli, n., a handle; a haft; a place at which to seize or take hold; agin; a hilt. ahokofa, n. sing., ahokoli, pl., the end, or cessation; the place at which it is cut off; adecision; atermination; iti ahokofa, the place where the tree is cut off; a stump. ahokofa, v. i. sing., to cease; to end; ont ahokofa wa, it will never cease or end; ahokoti, pl. ahokofa, pass., cut off at, ended, con- cluded, decided, extinguished; ahokofa iksho, a., without end, ceaseless, end- less; itahokofa, pass., unjointed; ‘ta- hokofa, n., a gap; nanih itahokofa, a mountain gap. ahokoffi, v. t. sing, to cut off at; to cease; to put an end to at; to decide; to des- tine; to discontinue; to set; imahokoffi, y. t., tosilencehim; to cut him off. ita- hokoffi, v. t., to unjoint; to cut asunder. ahokoffi, n., one that cuts off. ahokoffichi, v. t., to end; to finish; to conclude; to extinguish. ahokohi, pl. of ahokofa (q. v.). ahokolichechi, v. t. caus., pl. of aho- koffichi. ahokolichi, vy. t. caus., pl. of ahokoffi. aholabechi, y. t., to procure false wit- nesses; to accuse falsely. aholabechi, n., a false accuser. aholabi, v. t., to bear false witness; to lie; to perjure, Luke 3: 14. aholabi, n., a false swearer; a liar; a per- jurer. aholba, n., an image. aholba, y.i., to resemble; ahoyulba, pro. form. aholhpokunna, n., a dream, Gen. 42:9. aholhpokunna, vy. i., to dream; aholhpo- kunnatuko”, that which he had dreamed. aholhtachi, see ahotachi. aholhtapi, n., a string, a file, anything on which beads, meat, fish, and the like are strung; nani aholhtapi, a string of fish; shikala aholhtapi achafa, one string of beads. aholhtina, n., the number; aholhtina iksho, without number. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE hs) aholhtina, v. i., to be numbered, to be- come; yakni aholhtina, to become earth; lukfi aholhtina, to become dust. aholhtina iksho, a., innumerable, un- numbered, numberless, sumless. aholhtufa, n., a reel. aholihta, n., an inclosure. aholisso, n., paper. aholissochi, n., a desk, a writing table, a slate, a place to write on; aholissochi at hoyo cha, ‘‘he asked fora writing ta- blet and,’”’ Luke 1: 63. aholitobli, v. t., to worship. tobli. aholitopa, n., honor, John 4: 44; a sanc- tuary. aholitopaka, n., glory, Luke 4: 6; John 11: 40. aholitopa"ka, n., glory. See Matt. 25: 31; isht aholitopaka in last edition. athollo, v. t., he loves me; chi®hollo, he lovesthee; i”hollo, he loves him; a”hollo, dear to me; chi™hollo, dear to thee; ihollo, deartohim. This verb and ima have the dative pronouns im, 7”, etc., inseparably united. sa”hullo, chithul- loli, John 21: 15, 16,17. See i”hollo or ithullo, the later and more correct mode of spelling. athollo, v. n., with a pronoun in the dative case, dear to me; or it is ren- dered, I love it or him, her, or them; ithollo is also rendered, he is stingy, he loves it, he will not part with it, he is close. (See above. ) ahollohpi, ahollopi, n., a grave; a place of burial or interment; a graveyard, 2 Kings 9: 28; a tomb; a sepulcher; a vault, John 11: 31, 38, 44. aholloka, aholloka, n., a sacred thing; hatak imilhfiopak at aholoka fehna hoke, the life of a man is very sacred. ahollopi boli, vy. t., to sepulcher; to lay in the grave; to entomb. ahollopi kalli, n., a grave digger; a sex- ton. ahollopi tali hikia, n., a grave stone; a tombstone. aholokchi, n., ground planted; a place planted; ikaholokcho, n., fallow ground, ground not planted; a fallow. aholuya, n., a filter; a leach tub. ahonala, ahonala, pp. pl., nailed; nailed up or upon. isht aholi- 20 ahonali, v. t. pl., to nail on; to nail up. ahonalichi, y. t. pl. caus., to nail on; itahonatichi, to tack together. ahonola, n., a spinning wheel. ahonola isht talakchi, n., a wheel band. ahonolushi, n. diminutive, a small spin- ning wheel. ahopoka, n., refuse. ahopoksa, a., wise. ahopoksia, a., wise. ahopoksi®ka, n., wisdom, Luke 2: 40 [?]. ahoponi, n., a kitchen; any place where cooking is performed; a cook-room. ahopoyuksa, n., wisdom, Matt. 11: 19. ahopoyuksa, v. i., pro. form, to be wise. ahopoyuksaka, n., righteousness, Matt. 5: 6. ahosi, n., a mortar; a place where corn, salt, and the like, are pounded fine. ahosi, v. t., to beat there; to bray in; to pound there. athosi, Matt. 1: 11; see a”husi. ahoshmi, n., altar; place where any- thing is burnt, Luke 1: 11. [alta in ed. of 1854.] ahoshonti, n., a cloud. ahoshontika, ahoshintika, n., a shade; a shadow of any inanimate object. ahotachi, aholhtachi, n., warping bars. ahotupa, n., a wound. ahoyo, n., the place where a search has been made; as tanchi ahoyo, where the corn has been gathered; the harvest, his harvest, Matt. 9: 38. ahoyo, v. t., to search at, there, or in. ahpalli, v. t., tofondle; to fawn; to play with a living object. ahpalli, n., a fondler. ahpi, n, the commencement; the first. ahpi, v.a.i., to be first; aiahpi, where it commences. ahpi, ahmpi, a., first, as qllahpi, first child; attapi, first born; nitak ahpi, first day. It is sometimes written as being part of another word, as allahpi for alla ahpi; allanakni ishi ahpi, Matt. 1: 25; tofahpi, spring, first of summer; hashtolahpi, fall, first of winter. ahsakti, n., wild potato. ahumba, y.1., to have; from ahoba, (q.v.). ahumma, n., a tan vat. ahummachi, n., a tan vat; a tan pit. ahutsa achafa, n., a gunshot. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 athusi, a®hosi, adv., most; almost; near; nearly. ‘‘Near,’’ 1 Sam. 4: 19; isht iamhosi, Matt. 1: 11; derived from athe, q. V- ai, a diphthong having the sound of 7 in pine; mine. ai, a ‘‘locative particle’? or adverb be- fore vowels, meaning at, from, in, on, place where, or in which, or time when, there, by means of, atta, aiatta, to stay at; born at, or born there; a imonatok, went unto him there, Matt. 14: 36; when the verb begins with a consonant the adverb is a (q. v.). peni anurkaka aiokchalinchitok; betore y ai is used, as pit aiyitepa, Josh. 8: 15. ai often changes the verb to which it is prefixed to a noun; as afta, to reside, aiatta, a residence; ali, true, aiali, the truth, or where it is true, the true place. ai is prefixed to some verbs in the in- tensive form; ati, aiatti; ahni, aiahni; yohmi, aiyohmi; yamohmi [generally spelled yammohmi—H. 8. H.], aiya- mohmi; aia is a repetition of this adverb, as chik aia miho, Matt. 5:35. Norr.—In the intensive forms, made by doubling a consonant, where y occurs and is doubled, the letter? is used forthe firsty; yakohmi aiyakohmi, and not ayyakohmi; hoyohoiyo, not hoyohoyyo. ai is used for the final a of some nouns; when the article a or ya is suffixed, as chuka, ahouse; chukaiya or chukaia, the house. The original vowel is changed for euphony’s sake. aia, ia (q. v.), v. a. i., to go. aia, n., a going; one that goes. aiabachi, n., doctrine; see Mark 12: 38. aiabeka, a., unhealthy; ikatabeko, salu- brious. aiabiha, n. pl., bins; receptacles; places filled up. aiachafa, n., a kind. aiachafa, v. a. i., to pertain to; ibaiachafa, to be one of, Josh. 5: 13. aiachefa, n., a wash tub; a wash place. aiachukma, n., a good place; aiachukma, n., nasal form, being a good place. aiachu®kma, a., good; being good; John 1: 46 [?]. aiachukmaka, n., the good place; good- ness; peace; Luke 2: 14; the state [of BYINGTON] peace]; aiachukma”ka, n., nasal form, being the good place. aiachu™wa, n., a seam. aiafacha, n., a staple. aiahalaia, vy. a.i., to be of, or to belong to; to be interested in; 1 John 2: 16 [2]; ishahalaia, chiahalaia, chimahalaia. aiahanta, n., capacity, state, or condi- tion. aiahni,n., will, John 1: 13; 4: 34; a point, a project, a sentiment; nan aiahnika, the will, Matt. 7: 21. aiahni, v. a.i., to think of; to wish, Matt. 1:19; to will, Luke 5: 12; 6: 31. aiahni, v. t., as in aba anumpa aiahnili, I think about the gospel. aiahninchi, v. t., to respect; to like; isht aiahninchi, n., favor, grace, Luke 2: 40. aiahoba, vy. a.i., to appear, 1 John 3: 2. aiahpi, n., place or time of beginning; Chihowa hokat atobat aiahpitok: v. t., ikim- iksho hoke, Child’s Cat., p. 4, question 7. aiaka, a., large, long, much, Luke 16: 10; anumpa aiaka anumpuli. imponna; anumpa ikaiako hachimanumpohonlila chin hoke (ikaiako=not worthy—said by the speaker). aiaka, v. n., to be large; to be long, Luke 16: 10. aiakachi, y. t. caus., to make large or long; to lengthen; to enlarge. aiakmi, n., a model. aiakmo, n., a foundry. aiakmochi, vy. t., to solder; to cause it to adhere to; itaiakmochi, v. t., to solder; to solder together. aiakostininchi, y. t., to know about, John 3: 8. aialota, n., fullness; the place filled. aialota, a., filled up. aia"ti, vy. a. i., to succeed; to prosper; to be true to; akchimaia™tot, Josh. 1: 5. aiath, v. n., to be successful. aia"li, adv., takafi aiantitok, perfectly healed, Matt. 14: 36. aia", n., success; fulfillment; justice; might; a reality; asurety; thrift; truth; trueness; veracity; virtue; isht aianti, power, Mark 12: 24; ikaianto, n., treach- ery; untruth. aiath, a., successful; thrifty; just, Matt. 1: 19 [?]; loyal; open; peremptory; perfect; plain; pure; positive; real; ster- A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 21 ling; substantial; i/aianto, a., pending; unsuccessful. alatti, v. a. 1., to succeed. aiathi, pp., prospered; fulfilled; ratified. aia"h achukma, a., holy. aia™ti fehna, a., prevalent. aia"li ikakostinincho, a., uncertain. aia4li ikithano, a., dubious. aia"li keyu, a., truthless. aia"tichi, v. t., to accomplish; to verify; to fulfill, Matt. 5: 17; to comply; to prosecute; to ratify; to substantiate; to support; to perform, Matt. 5: 33; im- aiantichi, v. t., to sanction; aiantichi, n., probation. aiatika, n., power, Luke 4: 6; glory, John 2 11. aiathka, a., mighty, Luke 1: 49. aialipa, n., a crown, a wreath, a tur- ban, John 19: 2. aia"tishke, y. n., to be true; it is true, John 4: 37, aiaht, adv., loyally. aiamona, aiammona, n., the begin- ning; the commencement. aianompisa, n., the sight of the gun. aianowa, aiannowa, pp., to be called to; to be invited, to be told, John 2: 2. aianoyuwa, n., pro. form, fame; the re- port. aianta, nasal form of aiatta, to reside. aianta, v. a. i., to stay at; to be stay- ing at; aiahanta, freq. form. aianta, n., an abode. aianukcheto, v. t., to trust to; to com- mit unto, John 2: 24. aianukcheto, n., trust; confidence; de- pendence; resource. aianukpalli, n., temptation; place of excitement, interest, or desire; see the Lord’s prayer. aianukpallichi, vy. t., to tempt with; to excite the feelings by means of. aianukpallichi, n., a tempter. aianukpallika, n., the place of temp- tation; the temptation. aianumpuli, n., the place where any one speaks; a council; a desk; a pulpit; a stand (used in camp meetings). aianumpulika, n., the place of speak- ing; the council ground. aianumpuli aboha hanta, n., a chapel; a church; a meeting house; an oratory. 22 aianumpuli chuka, n., a council house; a house used as a place of public speak- ing, debate, or council. aiapesa, n., a hall, common hall, place of judgment, Matt. 27:27; a place where anything is measured; establishment. aiapoksia, n., an office (as the office of a priest), Luke 1: 8. aiapushli, n., a place for broiling or roasting; an oven. aiasittia, n., a hobby. aiasha, vy. a. i. pl. (sing., aianta), to sit; to tarry; to remain; to dwell; to be there; to occupy, Matt. 2:5, 6; aiasha, are in, Matt. 11: 8; aiashahe oke, shall be, Matt. 13: 42, 43; 18: 10; used often for the plural of the verb to be (Luke 5: 2); see a%sha, the intensive form of asha; aiasha and aianta are in the pro- longed form of asha and anta. aiasha, n. pl., inhabitants; residents, Joshe9eo. die aiasha, n. sing., ‘“‘place,’’ 1 Sam. 5: 3; throne, Matt. 5:34; see also Matt. 17: 14. aiasha, n. pl., seats; abodes; habita- tions; mansions, John 14: 2; Chintail aiasha; Matt. 10: 5; aiahanshwa, freq., John 1:39: aiasha holitopa, n., a throne. aiasha holitopa ombinili, pp., en- throned; seated on a throne; y. a. i., to sit on a throne. aiasha holitopa ombinilichi, y. t., to enthrone. aiashachi, vy. t. pl., to lay them on; to lay them at, or there; boli, sing.; pit aiashacha he, castthem into, Matt. 13:42. aiashachi, n., receptacle; a place where are laid or placed. aiashachi, y. t., to err at; to make a mistake at, or by means of; to sin about, or at; to overlook. aiashachi, n., a prisoner; a transgressor; one who makes mistakes. aiashachi, n., a mistake; an error; an oversight; a sin, John 1: 29; a fault, Matt. 18: 15. aiashachika, aiashacheka, n., a sin; a mistake, Luke 3: 3-6; 5: 21; Mark 2: 7; Matt. 12:31; tlaiashacheka, n., our sins; hachimaiashacheka, Mark 11: 26. aiataha, pp., qualified. aliataia, n., a landing; a place to lean against or to rest upon. BURFAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 aiatalhi, v. t., to qualify, to capacitate, to furnish. aiatikonofa, n., a strait, 2 Sam. 24: 14. aiatokko, aiatukko, n., a shelter, a protector, a refuge. See atukko. aiatokowa, n., declaration; testimony, John 3: 11; witness, John 4: 44. aiatokowali, v. t., to bear testimony. alaya, n., passage, route, place of going. aialbi, or aialli (q. v.) n., reward, Luke 23: 41; price; cost; mark, Phil. 3:14; see alli and albi. aialbichi, v. t., to price. aialbiha, n., a vessel, Matt. 13: 48; Mark 11: 16; a winefat, Mark 12: 1. aialbina, n., a camp; an encampment. aialbinanchi, y. t. nasal form, to camp at; to make an encampment. aialbo, n., the place soldered or glued together. aialbo, v. a. i., to adhere; to stick on; to cement; to cleave to; itaialbo, to adhere to eachother; itaialbo, pp., a., cemented together. aialbo, pp., a.,adhered; cemented; glued; sticky. aialbuchi, v. t., to solder; to glue; to cause to adhere; tocement; itaialbuchi, to solder together; to glue together. aialhchapi, aialhchipi, n., a place for playing a Choctaw game; see achapi. aialhchu"wa, n., a seam; the union of two edges of cloth by the needle; a stitch. aialhpesa, n., a preparation; proper place or time; the nick (of time); the critical time; season; power, Matt. C295 92163 aialhpesa, a., suitable; expedient; op- portune; ordinary; rightful; aialhpiesa keyu, evil, Matt. 12:34; nana ikaialhpeso, folly, Josh. 7: 15. aialhpi, aiu"lhpi, n., a handle; a hasp. aialhpiesa, v. n., prot. form, to fulfill; to be justified; isht chiaialhpiesa, Matt. 12 Site aialhpiesa, pp., fulfilled, Matt. 2: 17; aiimaialhpiesa, n., need, Matt. 9: 12; an intensive form doubled by the pre- fix a. aialhpiesa, n., an opportunity. aialhpiesa, n., righteousness, Acts 10: 35; Matt. 3: 15; 5: 20; a., righteous; hatak aialhpiesa, Gen. 18: 23. BYINGTON] aialhpusha, n., an oven; a meat oven; a place or vessel used for roasting; a place where things are roasted; from alhpusha, roasted, and ai, place where. aialhtaha, a., full; complete; plenary; pp., completed; made ready. aialhtaha, n., fullness; completion; per- fection; plenitude. aialhto, n., a bin; a box; a canister; a receptacle; that in which dry articles and liquids are kept; a vat; a vessel, 1 Kings 10: 21, 25. aialhto, v. a. i., to be in; to be inside; aboha ilaialhto, we are in the house; aianlhio, nasal form. aialhtoba, n., a reward, Matt. 10: 41. aialhtoba ikono ki®sha, a., undue; not due yet. aialhtoka, n., lot; office; duty, Luke 89! aialhtokowa, pp., appointed; required; assigned as a duty, Luke 3: 13. aialli, aialbi, n., price, 17th hymn, 3d verse; see aiilli. aialwasha, n., a frying pan. aiali, v. a. i., to start from; to com- mence from; toend at, Matt. 1: 17. aiali, n., the edge; end, Matt. 10: 22; limit; border; extent; bounds; the butt; compass; conclusion; the extremity; period; pitch; the reach; term; termi- nation; the upshot; the sum total; as yammakosh aiati, that is all or the whole; yakni aiati, n., the coast; border, Josh. 1:4; 15:6; confine; the extreme; limitation. aiali, a., finite; last; utmost. aial, adv., through. aiali, pp., limited; ant imaiati, until, Matt. 11:18; ant aiati, unto, Josh. BE oO! aiali, v. t., to reach. aia, v. a.i., to be from; aiatit mihinti ma, Matt. 4: 17. aiali iksho, a., unlimited; without limit; infinite. aialichi, v. t., to terminate. aialichi, y. t., to limit; to bound; to bring to an end or close. alammona, see mamona. alamo, v. t., to gather from or of, Luke 6: 44. aiamoma, see aiimoma. aiani, n., a funnel; a tunnel. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 23 alannowa, see aianowa. aiashwa, vy. a. i. pl., to be there; to stay there. aiashwa, n., the place where they stay, sit, ete. aiatta, v. a. i., to reside at; to dwell; to inhabit. aiatta, n., a residence; an abode of any kind; the place of one’s birth; a native place; a domicile; a habitation; a lodg- ing; a mansion; a room, | Kings 10: 26. aiatta, n., an inhabitant; a lodger; a native; one born in any place. aiatta ikithano, a., unfixed. aiatta iksho, a., vagabond; being with- out a home; vagrant. aiattatok nitak, aiyattatok nitak, n., a birthday, Gen. 40: 20; Matt. 14: 6. aieha, pp., washed, as to the head. aiehchi, ayehchi, aiyehchi, vy. t. aiehchi, 1 Sam. 19: 2; Josh. 8: 2. aiehna!,aiyehna®! int. (used by females; nota manly word), Oh, ah, alas, O dear, an inter. of sorrow or regret; aiyehnahe! is a longer term. aieli, v. t., to wash one’s own head. aielichi, v. t., to wash the head of an- other, or to cause it to be done. aiemoma, a., always; see aiimomachi. aiena, con. ady., and, together, withal; prep., with. aiena, v. a.i., to be with; to be one with; to go with; Matt. 5: 6, moma aiena kat, ete., Matt. 2: 3; Josh. 8: 5; aienali keyu, Tam not with; I am not one of; aienali kat, iluiena kato, Josh. 14: 11; Matt. 9: 14; hachimaienahe, shall be added unto you, Matt. 6: 33; ilaiena, Gen. 47: 3; Josh. 5: 11; to be together with, Matt. 6: 33; 2 Sam. 24:4; Matt. 12: 3, 4; ohoyo alla aiena kato atsha hon, beside women and children; itaiena, to be together with; imitaiena, used for a concubine, see 1 Kings 11: 3 (the word tekchi comes in before imitaiena; in Judges 19: 2, it appears without tekchi). aiena, ady., also; likewise; and with a negative, neither, Matt. 6: 19; 18: 17; Josh. 7: 11; ilaiena, Matt. 9: 14. aieninchi, y. t., to put with; to put along with; to include; ifaieninchi, to put together with; to do both together, Matt. 10: 28; 13: 29; aieninchit, v. t. and conj., to put with and, or an ad- See 24 verbial expression; aienint, contracted from aieninchit, as ilappa aienint isht ia; itianint, to go together; itaieninchi, v. t., to put together with; Luke 4: 40; d- aieninchi, itianinchi, both, Luke 5: 7; with, Luke 5: 19 [?]; Matt. 6: 24. aieshi, n., a handle; a haft. aieshi, y. t., to take hold at; to take hold there. aieta, see akaieta and akabonsha. aifoli, n., ivory, Rev. 18: 12. aiibacha"fa, v. a. i., to be one with, from iba and achafa; anumpa hat Chiho- wa yan atibachatfatok, John 1:1, 2. aiibetabli, n., an offense, Matt. 18: 7. aii"falammi, n., a schism. aiihchi, v. a. i., to lie in ambush; to lie in wait for, in order to catch or kill; to watch. aiikhana, aiithana, n., knowledge; understanding; place of knowledge; seat of learning; aiikhana ati, limit or scope of knowledge; as far as one re- members; see aiithana ali. aiikhana, n., a place for learning; a school. aiikhananchi (nasal form), n., a place of instruction; a place of teaching; a school. aiiklana, n., the middle; where the middle is; the half way; the center. aiiklanaka, n., the middle. aiiklanna, n., the half; where the half is, John 8: 3. aiiklanna®ka (nasal form), n., themiddle place; the half; being the half; yakni aitklannatka. aiiksiachi, see aiiskiachi. aiiksho, v. a. i., ‘‘consumed,’’ Josh. 5: 6. aiilbasha, n., wretchedness; poverty; misery; affliction; hell. aiilbasha imma, a., infernal; hellish. aiilbashaka, n., the place of sorrow; the state of sorrow; hell. aiilekostininchi, n., repentance; place of reformation. alilhpeta, n., place where feed is given; a trough; a manger; a stall; a place of receiving a benefaction or annuity. aiilli, n., place of death; a death bed; home, death, John 21: 19. aiilli, v. t., to cost; to fetch. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL, 46 aiilli, aialli, aialbi, n., price; worth; value; cost; an estimate; fare, 1 Kings 10: 28. aiilli, pp., valued. aiilli atabli, aiilli atable, v. t., to over- charge. aiilli atapa, pp., overcharged; a., dear; too high. aiilli atapa, v. a. i., to be dear, or too high; to be too costly. aiilli atapa, n., an overcharge. aiilli atapa, a., overvalued; unvalued. aiilli chaha, n., a high price. aiilli chahachi, v. t., to raise the price. aiilli chito, a., dear; having a large price; costly; expensive; high. aiilli chito, pp., priced high. aiilli chitoli, v. t., to price high. aiilli ikchito, a., cheap. aiilli ikchitocho, aiilli ikchitolo, v. t., to price low. aiilli iklauo, a., cheap; bearing a small price. aiilli iksho, aiilliksho, a., without price; gratuitous; priceless. aiilli iksho, n., cost free. aiilli iskitini, a., cheap; bearing a small price. aiilli iskitinichi, v. t., to reduce the price; to cheapen. aiilli onanchi; aiilli ikonancho, y. t., to underrate; to undervalue. aiilli onitula, pp., rated; priced. aiilli onuchi, v. t., to rate; to price; to value. aiilli onuchi, n., an appraiser; a rater; a prizer. aiillichi, v. t., to set a price upon; to price; to value. aiitaualli, n., a playground; a play; the stage. alitaualli, n., a scene. aiifaualli chito, n., a scene. aiitaualli chuka, n., a theater; a play- house. aiimaiyachi, v. t., to overcome; yakni an aiimaiyachit tatili hoke, John 16:33. aiimalhpesa, n., his disposition, custom, way, habit, humor, instinct, nature, style. aiimalhtaha, n., maintenance. aiimmi, a., his; his kind; after his kind. aiimmi ayukali, n., each one after his kind. BYINGTON] aiimmi bi®ka, a., alike in kind; bashpo aiimi binka ishishi athpesa, you may take knives that are like each other; aiimmi binka ayuka, a., every one after his kind. aiimoma, aiamoma,a., adv., always so; natural;naturally small; iswba atimoma, a horse that is naturally small; hatak aiimoma, aman of small stature; abeka aiimoma, always sick or feeble. alimoma, v.n., to be naturally small; to be thus always, 1 John 2: 17[?]. aiimomachi, y. a. 1., to be accustomed; to be so naturally; to be habituated; aiimomali, I usually do so. aiimomaka, n., a habit; a custom. alimomaka, aimomaka, a., habitual. aiimomachi, n., a habit. aiimomachi, vy. t., to habituate; to rea- son. aiimomachi, a., habitual; veteran. aiimpa, n., lit., an eating place; any place where any creature eats, as a rack, a range, a manger, a plate, a table, a dish, Matt. 15: 27. aiimpa, n., a boarder. aiimpa, v. t., to eat at, or on; to eat there. aiimpa foki, vy. t., to stall [or to stake a horse out to grass; lit. ‘‘to put in an eating place.’’—H. S. H.] aiimpa iskitini, n.,astand; a small table. aiimpa iyi, n., a table leg. aiimpa o"Hlipa, n., a table cloth. aiimpa ona, n., meal time. aiimpa umpatalhpo, n., a table cloth. aiina, v. a. i., to become the wife of a man in company with another woman; to become a wife of inferior condition, there being another wife of the hus- band; itaiina, to marry a second wife, the first being alive and living with her husband. aiina, aiena, n., a wife of inferior condi- tion; the second wife; a concubine; itaiina, n. pl., wives together of one man; itaiena, 2 Sam. 5: 13. aiinla, y. a. 1., to alter; to change. aiinla, pp., altered, Luke 9: 29. aiinlachi, v. t., to alter; to change. aiintakobi, a., tired out by means of or with it; wearied with. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 25 aiintakobichi, v. t., to tire down with; to weary with. aii?nukkilli, n., anger (an attribute), 2 Sam. 24: 1. alisikkopa, aiissikkopa, n., wrath; place of torment, Luke 3: 7 [?]. aliska, pp., fixed; regulated; order. aiiskia, vy. t., to fix; to regulate; to put in order; to repair. aiiskia, n., a regulator; a repairer. aliskiachi, aiskiachi, v. t. caus., to fix; to repair; to put in order; to recon- cile, 1 K. 11: 27; see aiskiachi. aiiskiachi, aiskiachi, n., a repairer. aliskiali, v. t., to mend; to repair. alissa, n., a place deserted, abandoned, left, or forsaken; a ruin. alissa, v. t., to ravish, 2 Sam. 13: 12; hokli cha aiissa, to commit a rape, 2 Sam. 13: 14. alissachechi, v. t. caus., to end; to cause to end; to cause to abandon; to employ one to cause another to quit or abandon a plan or project. aiissachi, pp., ended, Luke 4: 2. alissachi, y. t. and v. a. i., to desert; to leave off; to cause to quit; pissachi, he causes us to quit; aiissacheli, I quit, or I have quit it. alisso, v. t. sing, to beat; to smite at, there, or on; itaiisso, to smite each other at, on, etc.; to bunt; to strike together; pl., aboli. aiisso, n., the blow; the place struck; a slam. aiilshah, a., extreme. aii4shahi, n., the extremity. aiishi, n., the handle; the haft. aiishi, v. t., to take hold at; to seize it there, or at. aiishko, n., a drinking place; a watering place; a drinking vessel, 1 K. 10: 21. aiishko, v. t., to drink at; to drink from or out of. aiisht ahalaia, n., right. aiisht ahollo, n., a miracle, John 2: 11; asign, John 2: 18[?]; a wonder. aiisht ahollochi, y. t., to perform mir- acles or wonders. aiisht aiokchaya, n., the vitals. aiisht aiopi, n., the extreme; the last. aiisht atiaka, n., a progenitor; a kins- man. put in 26 aiisht awechi, n., foundation; origin. aiisht ia, v. a. i., to start from; ilappa isht ia, to start from this. alisht ia, n., the beginning; the com- mencement; the start; the germ; the spring. aiisht ia ammona, n., the beginning; the first commencement; the rise; the origin; the ground. aiisht ilahauchi, n., profit; nana atisht ilahauchi achukma, a., profitable. aiisht ilaiyukpa, n., enjoyment. aiisht ilapisa, a., profitable. aiisht ilapisa, n., a benefit. aiisht ilapisahe keyu, a., unprofitable. aiisht illi, n., occasion of death; reason for death, Luke 23: 22. aiisht inchakali, a., conceived in her by means of; pregnant by means of. Matt. 1: 20. aiisht itintakla, n., a medium; that by means of which. aiishwa, v. t., to smell of. aiitachaka, pp., spliced at. aiitachakalli, v. t. sing., to splice it at or with; to add on at; to continue at; to weld at. aiitachakhi, y. t. pl., to splice them at or with. aiitafama, v. t., to meet at. aiitafama, n., a confluence; a meeting; the place where they meet; a junction. aiitahoba, n., a place of meeting; a place of assembling; tali holisso avitahoba yan, the receipt of custom. aiitahoba, v.a.i., togatherat; to assem- ble at. aiitahobi, v. t., to assemble at. aiitaiyokoma, n., a flutter; a puzzle. aiitanowa, n., a road; a highway. aiitatoba, n., amarket; a trading place; a factory; a house of merchandise, John 2: 16; an emporium; a shop; a store. aiitatoba chito, n., a fair. alitatoba chuka, n., a market house; a factory; a trading house; a_ store- house. aiitatobanowa, v.a.i., toshop. alitachaka, n., a joint; a place spliced or welded. alitachakilli, n., a suture. alitanaha, n., the place of meeting or assembling; a rendezvous; a resort. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 aiitanaha, v. a. i., to assemble at; to rendezvous. aiitannali, v. t., to assemble at. aiitanowa, n., a street, Matt. 6: 2, 5. aiitapi"ha, y. a. i. nasal form, to be with; to be associated with, Luke 23: 32. aiithana n., a disciple; nan aiithana ateha, Matt. 17: 10. aiithana, n., knowledge; place of knowl- edge; or aiikhana, q. v. aiithana ali, n., memory; the extent of knowledge; see aiikhana. aiithanaka misha, a., immemorial. alithana, v. t., to learn at; to acquire knowledge at; imaiithana, v. t., to learn of him; imaiithana, n., a learner; his disciple. aiithana, n., a school; a place of learn- ing; a seminary; nana aiithana, n., a disciple; a scholar; nan imaiithana, n., his disciples, Matt. 13: 10. aiithana chuka, n., a schoolhouse. alitibafoka, n., a junction; a peer. aiitibbi, n.,a field of battle; a place or scene of a battle, a battle ground; a field, 2 Sam. 18: 6; aiitihimbi, 2 Cor. 7: 5. aliti2bilitka, n., propinquity; place near to each other. aiitilaui, n., an equal; equality. aiitintakla, con., through; by means of; ady., in the meanwhile, John 4:31; between, Josh. 3: 4; during (the time of harvest), Josh. 3: 15. aiitisetali, n., junction (as the junc- tion of one water course with another). aiitishali, v. t., to ride three together on one horse; to ride treble. aiitishali, n., a generation. aiitisholi, y. t., to ride two together on one horse; to ride double. aiititakla, con., among, Josh. 3: 5. aika or eka, interjection of dislike. aiksiachi, aiiksiachi, see wiskiachi. Ailish, n., Irish; the Irish. Ailish, a., Irish. ‘ Ailish hatak, n., an Irishman. Ailish okla, n., the Irish; the Irish peo- ple or nation. Ailish yakni, n., Ireland. aimomaka, see aiimomaka. aioa,aiyoa, aiowa, vy. t. pl. ofishi, to pick up, Matt. 13: 29; to choose, aioat ilita- hoba he a™, Matt. 13: 28; aioat . . . pit apitta, Matt. 13: 48; aiywa, pp., picked BYINGTON] up; aiwwa, pass., to be chosen; 2. Chron. 25: 5. aio"binili, aiombinili, aiomanili (q.v.), n., a seat; a chair. aio®binili api, n., a chair leg. aio®binili falaia, n., a bench. aio®binili hanta, n., a sacred seat. aio"binili holitopa, n., a holy seat; a sacred seat; a throne. aiochi, see aiuchi. aio"faiokachi, n., a rocker, the curving piece of wood on which a cradle or chair rocks. aiothikia, n., a vestige. aiohmi, v. n., to be so; siaiohmi, I am so. aiohmichi, v. t., to cause; tomakeit so. aio"holissochi, n., a writing table; a desk; a line. aioholissochit achunli, n., a sampler. aiokami, n., a wash basin; a wash bow]; a place for washing the face; a laver. aiokami, y. t., to wash the face in or at. aiokchalitka, n., redemption; isht ai- okchatya, redemption, Luke 2:38. aiokcha"ya, v.n., to live by, Luke 4: 4. aiokcha®ya, pp., to be saved, John 3: 17 aiokcha”ya, a., vital. aiokchatya, aiokchaya (Matt. 18: 8,9), n., life; salvation; support; sustenance; vitality; see aiokcharya in aiokchanya yar, Matt. 7: 14. aiokcha"ya alhpisa, n., salvation, John 4: 22. aiokchipelih, aiokchifelih, y. a. i., to gaze at. aiokhaneli, see aiyukhaneli. aiokhankachi; itaiokhankachi, corners, Matt. 6: 5. aiokla, n., a settlement of persons. aiokla,v. t., to settle at; to inhabit. aiokla, pp., settled; inhabited; ckaioklo, a., uninhabited; wild. aiokla achafa, n., a habitant; an _ in- habitant. aiokla hinla, a., inhabitable; habitable. aioklachechi, vy. t., to populate; to fur- nish with inhabitants. aioklachi, v. t., to settle others at a place; to cause to be inhabited. aioklachi, n., one that settles others in a place. aiokluha, a., all; itaioklunha, all together, Vohmelssmleeote 2: aiokluha, ady., heartily. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE Sal aiokluhali, v. t., to take all together. aiokluhalinchi, v. t. caus., to cause all to be taken together; aiitaiokluhalinchi, Luke 23: 32. aiokluhanchiy, v. t., to take all together; to take also; to take together with. aiokhleka, n., darkness; the dark; the dark place; obscurity; obscureness; kocha aioktileka, outer darkness. aiokhili, n., darkness; where it is dark, or where the dark is. aiokhlit"ka, n., nasal form, darkness, John 3: 19° a shade. aioktilitkaka, n., the darkness, John 12: 46; the dark place. aiokpancha hinla, a., laudable. aiokpanchi, a., thankful; courteous; grateful; heedful; officious; welcome; as hatak aiokpanchi achukma; ikaiokpan- cho, ikaiokpacho, a., ungrateful; un- thankful; unwelcome. aiokpanchi, n., thankfulness; saluting; greeting; applause; a benediction; a blessing; gratitude; notice; observ- ance; a reception; respect; reverence; a welcome. aiokpanchi, n., a saluter; an esteemer. aiokpanchi, v. t., to celebrate; to ap- plaud; to approbate; to thank; to re- ceive well; to laud; to magnify. aiokpanchi achukma, n., readiness. aiokpanchi achukma, a., cheerful. aiokpanchi keyu, a., unthankful, Luke 6: 35; inattentive; ungenerous; iksam- aiokpancho at, he is not grateful for what he has of mine [?]. aiokpanchit anoli, v. t., to recommend. aiokpachechi, aiyukpachi, v. t. caus., to amuse; to cause to greet; to make glad; to cheer; to delight. This word is a form of yukpachi. aiokpachi, aiyukpachi, v. t. (from yukpa; properly ayukpachi instead of aiokpachi), to salute, Matt. 10: 12; to greet; to approve; to bless, Matt. 14: 19; to accept; to accost; to acknowl- edge; to worship, Matt. 4:9; 8:2; 14: 33; to receive well, Matt. 10: 40; to con- gratulate; to shake hands; to dignify; to fawn; to gratulate; to homage; to honor; to notice; to prosper; to regard; to respect, Matt. 12: 7; to revere; to reverence; to sanction; to thank; to glorify; to warrant; to welcome; to 28 worship, Matt. 8: 2; Josh. 5: 14; aiokpanchi, aiyukpanchi, nasal form; aiokpahanchi, treq., Matt. 9: 8; 15: 9, 31; aiokpaiyachi, protracted form; isht aiokpachi, v. t., to treat; ikaiokpacho, to refuse; isht aiokpachi, n., gift, Matt. 8: 4; ikaiokpacho, pp., refused; un- noticed; unregarded; unrespected; re- pulsive. aiokpachi, n.,a greeter; asaluter; a wor- shiper. aiokpachi, n., acompliment; eclat; grat- itude; avalediction; ikaiokpacho, n., in- gratitude; a slight. aiokpachi, a., diligent; (aiokpachi achuk- ma, industrious), attentive; ikaiokpa- cho, a., unconstant. aiokpachi, n., diligence; (aiokpachi ach- ukma, industry ). aiokpachi achukma, adv., readily. aiokpachi alhpesa, a., worshipful. aiokpulo, n., evil; guilt. aiokpulo, n., a bad place; an evil place. aiokpulo, v. a. i., to be bad. aiokpulo iksho, n., innocence; inno- cency. aiokpuloka, v. a. i., to be ruined. aiokpuloka, n., the bad place; a bad place; hell, Matt. 10: 28; an abyss; the abyss; a furnace; perdition; tophet; destruction, Matt. 7: 13; a desolation, Josh. 8: 28. aiokpuloka, a., evil, Luke 11:13; vexed; isht aokpuloka, vexed with, Luke 6: 18. aiokpuloka chito, n., the great place of evil. aiokpuloka chukoa, pp., damned. aiokpuloka foka, pp., damned; put into hell; cast into hell. aiokpuloka foki, v. t., to damn; to put into a bad place. aiokpuloka iksho, n., soundness. aiokpuloka iksho, a., unblemished. aickpuloka luak, n., hell fire; Matt. 5: Pao Moe ts), aiokpulutka, n., perdition; aiokpolurka ushi, John 17: 12; a wreck; hell; aiokpu- loka, Matt. 5: 22; 11: 23; 16: 18. aiokshilinta, pp., nasal form, shut up; being shut up; Luke 4: 25. aiomanili, n., a seat; a chair; bottom of a chair; a stool. aiomanili api, n., a chair post; a chair leg. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 aiomanili falaia, n., a bench; a form; a settle. aiomanili iyi, n., a chair leg; a chair post; leg of a stool. aiombinili, see aiobinili and aiomanili. aiona, n. (from ona and ai), access; the place by which to go to. aiona, n., time; season, Luke 2: 6; ik- aiono, before the time; ikaiono kitsha hon, before the time, Matt. 8: 29; 7ik- aiono, ady., untimely. aiona, v. a. i., to go to; to betake to; to reach to or there; aionashali, v. t., v. a. i., to haunt; ikaiono, neg. form; ik- aiono, a., immature; ikaionocheli, v. t., to bring forth before the proper time; to miscarry; ikaiono ieshi, v. t., to mis- carry; n., an abortion; ikaiono atta, v. t., to bring forth before the proper time; ikaiono atta, n., an abortion. aionasha, n., a seat; a chair; a cricket; room. aionasha aiataya a¥sha, n., an elbow chair. aionasha umpatalhpo, n., a cushion for a chair. aionitola, n., a bier, Luke 7: 14; that which he lies on; a rest. aiontalaia, n., a site. aiontalat fulokachi, n., a pivot; a pin on which anything turns. aionusha, n., a bed; a frame on which a man lies or sits. See Luke 5: 18. aiopi; ont aiisht imaiyopi, Luke 11: 26. aiopitama (pl., aiopitamoa), v. n., to lap over (as shingles on aroof) ; itiaiopitama, to pass each other. aiopitama, pp., made to pass each other; passed. aiopitammi (pl., aiopitamoti), v. t., to pass by one that is coming from the opposite quarter; itiaiopitammi, to pass each other, whether in sight or not, especially when going in opposite di- rections. aio™shobolichi, n., a kiln (as where boards are kiln dried). aiowa, n., a long hunting expedition; a hunt after wild animals. See aioa, to pick; to select. aiowa, y. a.i., to go out on a hunting ex- pedition; to hunt wild animals. aiowata, n., hunting ground. aiskachi, pp., mended; fixed; repaired. BYINGTON] aiskia, aiiskia, v. a. i., to ameliorate; to improve, the second form is probably the correct one; atiskia keyu, a., uncor- rected. aiskia, a., pp., fixed; repaired; regu- lated; amended; corrected; amelio- rated; mended; redressed; refitted; relieved; renovated; trimmed; ilaiskia, ref. form. aiskia hinla, a., reparable. aiskiacha hinla, a., reparable. aiskiachi, aiksiachi, v. t., to settle; to trim; to unclog; to wind; to fix; to repair; to regulate; to ameliorate; to better; toimprove; to correct; to dress; to fit; to indemnify; to mend; to re- dress; to refit; to relieve; to remedy; to renovate; to ripen; ilaiksiachi, to re- form himself; see aviskiachi. aiskiachi, n., a repairer; one that fixes; amender; aiskiali, a second form (?). aiskiahe keyu, a., irreparable. aiuchi, aiochi, a place at a spring, well, branch, or pond, where water is dipped up or taken up by means of a bucket. aiuh, int. aiukleka, n., an embellishment; an or- nament. aiukli, n., a beauty; fineness; a form; grace. aiukli, a., beautiful; handsome; comely; fine; pretty; ikaioklo, ikaiuklo, a., ill favored; ugly; not handsome; unhand- some. aiukli, v. n., to be beautiful, pleasing, acceptable; neg., ikaioklo, not to be beautiful, pleasing, ete. _aiukli, pp., embellished; beautified; gar- nished. aiukli keyu, a., homely. aiuklichechi, v. t., to embellish. aiuklichi, v. t.; to beautify; to adorn; to make handsome; to garnish, Matt. 23: 29. aiukluhali, vy. t., see aiokluhali. aiulhkachi, n., a steeper. aiulhpi, or aialhpi (q. v.), n., a handle, a haft; a hilt. aiulhti, n., afireplace; a district; a coun- cil fire; a state; a government. aiunchololi, n., a tribe, Josh. 4: 2; 7: 14. aiunchululi, v. a. i., to form a generation. alunchululli, n., the sprouts that grow up from the roots; a generation; a young A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 29 generation; a race; a tribe, Josh. 3: 12; itatunchululi, generations, see Matt. 1:17; ttaiunchululi auahushta, 14 gen- erations. aiuntalali, see haiyantalali. aiushta, a., the fourth; ont aiushta, adv., fourthly. aiushtaha, ady., fourth time; the fourth time. aiya, v. a. i., to go along; see arya. aiyabechi, aiyubechi, y. t., to aggra- vate, to make worse, especially when sick; to give a death blow or a finish- ing stroke to the dying; to heighten (as a fever); to impair. aiyabechi, n., one that makes worse. aiyaka, a., great; many: aiyanka, in nan ayarka, ‘‘ great things,’’ Mark 3: 8. aiyakohmi, ayakohmi, v. a. i., to do so, Jonnll28- 923123 aiyakohmichi, ayakohmichi, y. t., to do thus or so. aiyala, aiyala, pro. form of ala, to come at length or at last; to arrive at last; aiyahanla, freq., they come or keep coming. aiyammi, pp., salted; sweetened; satu- rated. aiyataia, see ayataia. aiyabbi, aiyubi, a., pp., worse; made worse; heightened; impaired (as health); from ai and abi, to kill; ai- yambi, nasal form. aiyabbi isht i4"shah, a., worse (as when sick). aiyammi, a., pp., sweetened with; salted with or in. aiyammichi, v. t., to salt with or in; to sweeten with. aiyamohmahe alhpesa, n., fatality; office. aiyamohmi, n., a _ habit; manners; method; a mode; order; principle; a rite; a style; a trade; a vogue; a way. aiyamohmi keyu, a., unfashionable. aiyamohmi makali, n., vulgarity. aiyatta tok nitak, see aiatta tok nitak. aiyehchi, see aiehchi. aiyehna®, see aehna. aiyichifichi, n., a hawk; a hen hawk; a pigeon hawk. aiyimita, aiyi®minta, v. n., to be bold, brave, or animated, 30 aiyimita, n., boldness; bravery; cour- age; eagerness; zeal. aiyimita, a., bold; brave; animated; doughty; eager; valiant; ikaiyiminto, a., unanimated. aiyimitachi, vy. t. caus., to make bold; to embolden; to prompt; to provoke. aiyimmika, n., faith; confidence, Luke 18: 42. aiyoa, aioa (q.v.), ayoah, v. t. pl., to pick up; to cull; to garble; to sort; ayuda, pp- aiyoba, aiyuba, a., good; excellent; se- lected; select; choice. aiyoba, v.n., to be good; aiyomba, nasal form, good things mixed with bad, as good potatoes mixed with bad ones. aiyobachi, aiyubachi, to do good to; to make good; see Matt. 18: 15. aiyobatka, n., a good place; being a good place. aiyobali, v. t., to mix good things together; aiyubali, see Hymn 31, 4th verse. aiyohmi, v. n., v. a. i., to be thus; to do so. aiyokoma, imaiyokoma, v. a. i., to puz- zle. aiyokoma, aiyukoma, v. n., to be puzzled; to be at a loss; to be in doubt; to doubt; amaiyokoma, I am puzzled; it is a puzzle to me; itaiyokoma, pass., confused together; cluttered; con- founded; deranged; discomposed; dis- ordered; jumbled; tumbled. aiyokoma, n., confusion; a nonplus; i- aiyokoma, n., a clutter; disorder. aiyokoma, a., imaiyokoma, pp., puzzled; imanukyila aiyokoma, pp., distracted. aiyokomi, y. t., to puzzle; to perplex; itaiyokommi, v. t., to clutter; to dis- order; to jumble; itaiyokommit itannali, y. t., to lumber. aiyokomichi, v. t. caus., to cause to be puzzled; to puzzle; to derange; to non- plus; imaiyokomichi, v. t., to pother; to puzzle; to bewilder; itaiyokomichi, to confound or confuse each other; to derange; to discompose; imanukfila imaiyukomichi, or imanukfila aiyuko- michi, to confuse the mind; to distract. aiyopi, Luke 11: 26. See aiopi. alyopisa, n., a scene. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 aiyoshoba, n., error; wandering; sin; place of wandering. aiyoshoba iksho, a., holy; without er- ror. aiyoshoba iksho, n., holiness. aiyua, aiyuah, pp. of aiyoa (q. v.), or ayoah, picked up; gathered; culled; garbled; chosen. aiyua, a., picked up. aiyua, n., that which is picked up. aiyuba, see aiyoba. aiyubachi, see aiyobachi. aiyubechi, see aiyabechi. aiyuka, adj. pro., every one, asitha ai- yuka, Matt. 7: 8; na holissochi aiyuka, every scribe, Matt. 13: 52, anyuka in hapichuka anyuka, aiyuka, each; see ilaiyuka,; aiyuka, is the root from which is formed aiyukali, ilaiyukali, ilaiyuka, etc., Matt. 4: 24; 12: 31. aiyukali, a., each, Josh. 4: 5; 5: 8; 7: 14; iskifa inmshi aiyukali, each has an ax; afammi aiyukali, each year; yearly. aiyukhaneli, v. a. i., to crossa row. aiyukhana, v. a. i., tocross; itaiywkhana, v.a.i., to cross each other; to intersect; n., a cross; tlaiyukhannali, v. t., to cross each other; to intersect. aiyukhana, aiokhana, aiukhana, n.,a cross; itaiokhankachi, corners, Matt. 6:5. aiyukhanniy, v. t. pl., to cross; to inter- sect; itaiyukhanni, v. t., to cross each other; to intersect. aiyukoma, see aiyokoma. aiyukpa, n., joy; ahappy place; a place of happiness. aiyukpa, pp., made glad; profited, Matt. 15: 5; aiisht ilaiyukpa, to take joy to himself in. aiyukpali, v. t., to make glad; to make glad with; to gladden. aiyukpachi, v. t., to cheer. chi. aiyuma, a., pp., mixed; itaiywma, itai- uma, pp., mixed together; blended; mixed; compounded; commingled; com- mixed; intermixed; mingled; shufHled; tumbled; ikitaiywmo, a., unmingled. aiyuma, v. a.i., to mix; itaiyuma, v. a. i., to mingle; ikitaiyumo, not to mingle; aiyumichi; itaiyumichi, to temper; to blend; to mix; to tumble together, See aiokpa- BYINGTON] A DICTIONARY aiyummi, vy. t., to mix; to mingle; itai- yummi, to mix together; to commingle; to commix; to compound; to inter- mingle; to intermix; to mingle; to shuffle. aiyupi, ayupi, n., a bath; any place for bathing or wallowing in the sand or mire; a laver. aiyushkami, a., lecherous. aiyushkammi, y. a. i., to lust. aiyushkammi, n., lust. ak, sign of the first per. sing. of negative verbs, as mintili, I come; akminto, I do not come. ak, sign of the first per. sing. of one of the forms of the imp. mood, as pisali, I see; akpisa, let me see. ak, a particle of frequent occurrence in the Choctaw language. It is found, together with its compounds, in some form after nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs. The sense of this par- ticle varies according to the part of speech it succeeds. It is sometimes ak, then hak or yak (perhaps kak should be added, from hk, . definite, and ak). It follows verbs. It is used as an article and a relative pronoun. It is a word often used for des- ignation or distinction, not only of a thing, i. e., a noun, but also of action and herein it differs from the English, except when we render the verb as a noun. In akoke, Matt. 2:6, it is dis- tinetive and marks one object from all others. It is usually rendered by the, that, one singling out from others; luak akkeyukma pilashpahe keyu, if it were not for the fire, ete. Compounds of ak are: akan, haka", makat—akano— akat, akat, not used, akhet, being sub- stituted—akatuka", the, Matt. 16: 12— akato, akato—akchoba—akcho? 2 Sam. 24: 13; akbano and akbato, sign of optat. mood—akbano, ady., that only—akbat, ady., that only (¢ makes the word the subject of some verb) — akhe, akhin—akheno, in particular; especially that; and by way of disparagement— akhet, especially that one to his disad- vantage—akheto, that in particular; contradistinctive, and disparaging (ano akheto, how much less I, if you can not (bid at an auction) )—akin, contracted OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 31 from akinli—akilla kia, only the, Matt. 14: 36—akinh, advy., also; likewise; too (ak, that; inli, also); that again; im yakni akinli, Matt. 18: 57; takofi akinli, he is well, that again—akinili, pro., self; selves—akinlika, the same, Matt. 18: 1—akint, a contraction from akinlit—akkia (ak, that; kia, let it go), even; even as; so much as, Matt. 11: 23; even the, Matt. 12: 8; also the, Matt. 13: 26; 15: 16; 17: 12—akma, sign of the sub. mood. The first word is changed when the verb ends with 7 or 0; see ikma and okma. The real particle is kma and kmat—akma- ko — akmakocha — akmakoka — akma- koke—akmakona—akmakosh—akmakot— akmakhet (and -heto); see akhet, etc.— kmakhe (and -heno)—akmano—akmat— akmato—akon, the, it, Matt. 5: 24; 17: 4; iMmsinikak akon, theirsynagogue, Matt. 12: 9; haiyukpulo ako”, thetares; a*kanchak ako™, my barn, Matt. 13:30; ilap akon, him, Matt. 18: 6; chu”kash ako™ aminti, Matt. 15: 18; ano akon, me, Matt. 18: 5.— akocha.—akoka.—akokano; onush ak- okano, Matt. 13: 30.—akoke; hatak ushi akoke, Matt. 18: 37; imalla akoke, Matt. 13: 388; Setan akoke, enchil aleha akoke, Matt. 13: 39.—akokano. — akokat. — akokato.—akokia.—akona.—akosh, Matt. 17: 10; wshi akosh, who is the son, Matt. 11: 27.—akot. aka, a particle, with olbal, as olbal aka; (also anuk aka and paknak aka, yakni paknak aka), sometime; olbal aka, hind- ward, rearward. aka itula, see akka itula. akabo®sha, akabosha, pp., a., charred, burnt, or reduced to coal; reduced to a mass, like coals or rotten potatoes; same astaha. akaietaisa synonym of this word. akabu®shli, v. t., to char; to burn or reduce to coal, as is the custom of the Choctaw with the dry bark in their hot houses; to burn to a coal. akachakali (from aka and achakali), v. a.i., to lift up the head; to stand with the head up; to cock; to lift up the eyes. akachakalichi, causative or compulsive, to lift up the head, ete., 2 Kings 9: 32. 32 akachuli, akachali, n., edge of a door yard; border of a door yard, Luke 16: 20 [?]. akachunni, see akkachunni. akaieta, synonymous with akabonsha (q. v.) and same as taha. akaieta, plu. of aiena? many; with all; ahe at shuat akaieta; hatak uh akaieta; ilhkolitakaieta, ihkolit atomafa, Matt. 3: 10 [?]. aka®k anusi, n., a hen roost; a roost. aka®k abi, n., a hen hawk. aka"k chaha, n., a tall hen; a tame tur- key. aka"k chaka, n., the wattles of'a hen. aka"k hishi, n., hen feathers; a hen feather. aka®k hu"kupa, n., a poacher; one that steals fowls. aka"k impasha, n., the wattles of a hen. aka®k inchuka, n., a henhouse; a hen- coop. akat®k ishke, n., a hen that has had chick- ens; an old hen; a mother hen. aka®k kofi, n., a guinea hen; a pintado. aka®k nakni, n., a cock; a rooster. aka®k nakni himmita, n., a cockerel. aka®k nakni itibbi, n., a cock fight. aka®k ola, n., cock crowing; the time at which cocks crow; early morning. akaXk ola, v. a. i., to crow; to cry or make a noise, as a cock. aka®k tek, n., a hen; the female of the common domestic fowl. akatk tek himmita, n., a pullet. aka?k ushi, n., the young of the domestic hen; a chicken; a hen’s egg; akank ushi peliechi, n., a brood of chickens. aka"k ushi achafa bo"h, n., a nest egg. aka"k ushi hakshup, n., a hen’s egg shell. aka"k ushi holba, a., oval; oblong; of the shape or figure of an egg. aka"k ushi i"walaha, akak ushi walakachi, n., albumen; the white of an egg. aka®k ushi lakna, n., the yolk of a hen’s egg. aka"k ushi lobunchi, n., a hen’s egg. aka"k ushi lobunchi shua, n., a rotten egg. aka"k ushi petiechi, n., a brood of chickens. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 aka®k ushi walakachi, n., glair; albu- men; the white of an egg. aka"ka, n. of com. gen. and number, a hen; hens; name of a domestic fowl; a chick; a chicken; poultry. akakoha, v. i. pl., to fall (as in battle), 2 Sam. 18: 7; see l Sam. 4: 2, 10; to fall down, chatyat akakoha, ‘‘ hewn down,’’ Matt. 7: 19. akakoh, v. t., to fell, Deut. 20: 19. akakolichi, y. t. caus., to cause to fall, 1 Sam. 4: 3. akalampi, see kalampi. ; akalapechi, v. t. caus., to freeze; to cause to freeze; to congeal; akalampichi, nasal form; to congeal. akalapi, n., frost. akalapi, pp., frozen; akalampi, frozen; congealed. akalapi, v. n., to freeze; to congeal; akalampi, nasal form, and the one most used. akalapit taha, pp., frozen up. aka®lusi, pp., humbled. aka®lusi, a., v. n., to be low, grave (in music), or humble; akanlusi, nasal form (q. V.). akata, pp., broken and spilt, as an egg. akatalli, v. t., to break; to break open so that the contents run out; aka”k ushi a” akalalli, he breaks the egg. akama, akama, alhkama, pp., shut up; stopped. akamatoli, v. a. i. sing., to leer (as a horse). akamatushli, v. a. i. pl., to leer. akamali, akamalli, v. t. sing., to stop up; to cork; to close; see akamoli. akamassa, Vv. a. 1., to harden: akamassa, n., atachi, Ex. 26: 6, and isht akamassa in the same verse; itakamassa, v. a. i., to settle. akamassa, pp. and a.,fastened; buckled; buttoned; compacted; itakamassa, fas- tened together; joined together strong (as the planks of a floor when well laid); clasped together; consolidated; strengthened; sealed; ikakamasso, a., open; not fastened. akamassali, y. t., to fasten; to button; nafoka akamassali, to seal; to buckle; itakamassali, tofasten together; to clasp; to compact; to consolidate. BYINGTON] akamolechi, v. t., to strangle; to stop up; see akomolechi. akamol, v. t. pl., to stop up; to cork; to bung (applied to any hole or gap); alhkamoa, pl. pp., see akamali. akanali, v. a.i., toapproach; to approx- imate. akanalichechi, y. t. caus., to approxi- mate, to bring near. akanalichi, v. t. caus., to move along; to remove from. akanallechi, y. t. from. akanalli, akanallih, v. a. i., to remove from; to go from; to move from. akanimi, n., manner; fashion; means. akanimi, a., after some fashion; some- how. akanimi, vy. a. i., to be after some man- ner. akaniohmi, n., a deed; an action, John 3: 19; a dealing, John 4: 9; matter; cir- cumstance; providence; itimakaniohmi, mutual dealings, John 4:9; hash akan- iohmi, your works, Matt. 5: 16 (here a verb is used for a noun). akaniohmi, y. t., to do; to act; im- akaniohmi, Josh. 2: 23; itimakaniohmi, to deal together. akaniohmichi, v. t., to cause to do; to cause to be done. akanli, a., low; humble. akanli, v. n., to be low; v. t., to humble; to lower. akanlusechi, akanlusichi, v. t. caus., to humble; to bring low; to lay low; to lower; to abase; ileakanlusichi, to hum- ble himself, Matt. 18: 4; imanukfila akalunsichi, to depress; to discourage. akanlusi, a., very low; low down;abased; low (as tones in music). akanlusi, v. n., to be very low; to be low down, Matt. 18, caption of chapter. akanlusi, adv., low. akanlusi, n., lowness. akanlusichi, n., a humbler. akanta, pp., pressed. akantalechi, v. t., to press together; to press; itakantalechi, v. t., to press to- gether. akantali, v. a. i., to press, Mark 5: 31; itukantali, Mark 2: 4. akantalichi, n., a press. akaona, see akkaona. caus., to remove 84559°— Bull, 46—15——5 A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 33 akapassaka, n., a cold climate; a cold region. akapoa, akopoa (q. v.), v. t., to over- shadow. akashofa, n., an erasure; a clean place or place cleansed. akasholichi, n., a doorscraper. akataiya, pp. pl.; patched; alhkata, sing. akataiya, n. pl., patches, or places patched; alhkata, sing. akatah, v. t. pl., to patch; akalli, sing. akauwi, y. t. sing., to break and bend down. akauwichi, v. t. pl., iti shima ya" akau- wichi; fuli ar akauwichi, they break switches. akawa, pp., broken and bent down, but not broken off (as limbs or twigs). akalli, akkalli (q. v.), v. t., to mend. akalli, n., a mender. akallo, pass. voice, to be made strong or sure, as akallashke, Matt. 27: 64. akallo, pp., a., made strong; sealed; bound to. akallo, v. a. i., to harden; to grow hard there. akallo, n., an establishment. akallochi, vy. t. caus., to make strong; to fix; to seal; to make sure, Matt. 27: 66. akama, v. i., to fall, 1 Sam. 18: 25; 1 Kings 22: 20. akama, see akama. akammi, v. t. pl., to stop up; to close (a book), Luke 4: 20; to shut up, Matt. 6: 6; to bung; to spike; to shut, Josh. 2: 7; see akamali, sing; akamoti, pl., akammi, to close together. akammi, n., a stopper. akania, v. n., to be exhausted by; sia- kania, John 2: 17 [?]; to be absorbed at; to sponge. akania, pp., absorbed at; exhausted at; disappeared at. Akas, n., August. akashchukali, v. a. i. sing., to lift the head; to stand erect. akashchunoli, v. a. i., to bow down the head. akashtala, akishtala, n., the lower end; the butt end; the bottom; the root (of a tree), Luke 3: 9. akat, adv., yes; to be sure; indeed; aye; from ah, it is, and kat, the definite article, 34 akchalhpi, hakchalpi, n., ross bark; the coarse outside bark of atree. [Chalhpi is the form of this word used by the Choctaw of Mississippi.—H. 8. H.] akchihpo, ahchihpo, n., drift; drift- wood. akchupilhko, see hakchupilhko. akeluachechi, v. t. caus., to cause the heartburn, or flatulency. akeluachi, vy. n., to have the heartburn, or flatulence; to belch. akeluachi, n., the heartburn; flatulency. akeluachi, a., flatulent. atki, atke, my father; my sire. Asa word of respect it is applied to all the brothers of the father and their male cousins by the children. This word is not found without the prefix pronoun; remoye it and say ki or ke and no idea of father, etc., remains. a”ki a” ont hohpi- lahea”, | go and bury my father, Matt. S27 1-al 26 loro osha 2smlos akintak, int. of resolution used by those who are ready to fight, ete. akishtala, akashtala, n., the root; the butt end; the lower end, Matt. 3: 10. akishtala kullit kinaffi, v. t., to sap; to undermine. akka, aka, n., the place beneath, below, or down; the bottom (asof water). aka, 2 Kings 9: et pilatok, the ground, 2 Sam. 24: 20. akka, a., down; belonging to the earth; earthly; earthy. akka, v. n., to be down; akkachi, akachi, v. t.; akachit taiyati cha, 2 Sam. 8: 2. akka, pp., felled; thrown down. akka, adv., prep., earthly. akka aya, see akkaya. akka ia, akkia, y. a. i., to go down; to sink; to decline; to descend; to lower; to pitch; to stoop; akia, to go down, Matt. 11:28. akka iksho, a., without bottom; fathom- less. akka itanowa, v. a. 1., to travel on foot, Matt. 14: 13. akka itipatalhpo, n., a ground floor; a lower floor. akka itula, akkaitola, aka itula, akki- tula, v. a. i., to fall down; to precipi- tate; to fall on the ground, Matt. 10: 29; akka satula, I fall down; akka chitula, thou fallest down; akka itonla, akkitonla, os ke BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL, 46 nasal form, lying down; akka itoyula, pro. form, to be lying along; akka ituyula, to descend, Matt. 7: 27. akkabata, n., a bat; a ball stick. akkabitepa, n. pl., to be lying down. akkabinoli, pl., to sit down, Matt. 13: 48; 15 :35; aka hashuk aiombinoli, Matt. 14: 19. akkabohi, vy. t., to lay down; to put down; to deposit; to throw down; to ground. akkachunni, akachunni, y. a. i. pl., to bow the head; to throw the head up and down. akkachunochunli, vy. a. i. pl., to wag or wave the head. akkachunoli, akachunoli, sing. v. a. i., to bow the head; to condescend; to crouch, 2 Sam. 24: 20; imakkachu- noli, to bow the head to him; to render obeisance to him; to resign up to him; akkachunohonli, freq. akkachunoli, n., a bow; an act of obei- sance. akkafehna, a., nethermost; lowest. akkafohobli, v.t. pl., to spill much or many. akkafohopa, pp., spilt; akkafohompa, nasal form, being spilt. akkahika, y. a.1.,to stand on the feet; to travel on foot; akkahinka, nasal form, to be standing on the feet. akkahikat atya, v.a. i., to journey on foot; to travel on foot. akkahikat a®ya, n., a pedestrian. akkahoyo, v. t., to search for the bot- tom; to fathom; to sound. akkahu®kupa, n., a pad; a foot pad. akkakaha, vy. a. i. dual, to fall down; to lie down. akkakaha, pp., laid down; akkakaiyaha, pro. form, to be lying down along; lain down at last. akkakahat aiasha, v. a. i. pl., to lie down; a number lying down. akkakahat ma®ya, v. a. i. pl., implying that three are lying down or have lain down; to lie down. akkakali, v. t., to lay down. akkakoha, akakoha, y. a. i., to fall down, Matt. 3: 10; to fall in battle, Josh. 8: 25. akkakoha, pp., fallen; smitten, 1 Sam. 4; 2. fallen down; BYINGTON] akkakoli, akakoli, v. t., to cast down, Luke 1: 52; to slay; to cut down trees, Josh. 17: 15, 18. akkakolichi,v. t. caus., to smite, 1 Sam. 4:31. akkalusi, aka®lusi (q. v.), a., low. akkatali, v. t. pl., to spill and scatter (applied to corn, shot, and like objects). akkatatapa, pp. sing., spilt; poured down. akkatatapa, v.a.i., to spill; to pour out and scatter. akkatatabli, vy. t. sing., to spill and scat- ter; applied to milk, water, or any single object. akkalaya, pp. pl., spilt and scattered; akkatatya, nasal form, being spilt and scattered. akkalaya, v. a. i. pl., to spill and scatter; to pour out; akkatavya, nasal form. akkalipeli, v. t., to spread down; to lay down with the face or upper side next to the ground; to lay bottom side up or upside down. akkalipia, v. a. i. sing., to lie down on the face. akkalipia, pp., to be down; laid down on the face or bottom side up. akkatipkachi, v. a. i. pl., to lie down on the face; akkatipkaiyachi, pro. form. akkama, akkama, akama, y. a. i., to fall down (spoken of living creatures); to fall; ikakamo, it fell not, Matt. 7: 25; akama, it fell, Matt. 7: 27. akkama, akkama, pp., fallen down; demolished; prostrated; stopped. akkamololi, vy. a.i., to slink. akkanowa, v.a.i., to walk; to travel on foot. akkanowa, n., a pedestrian. akkaona, akaona, v. a.i., to go down; to be abused, Luke 18: 14. akkapila, ady., downward; downwards. akkapila, v. t., to cast down; to throw down; to unhorse; akkasapela, to throw me down. akkapushli, n., a stole; a pucker. akkasiteli, v. t., to undergird. akkasoli, n., name of a bush which grows at the edge of water, having a ball-like fruit. A decoction of the leaves is a good sudorific. akkashalachi, n., a scraper. akkashalallichit liteti, v. t., to drag- gle. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 39 akkashaloli, v. a. i., to hold the ears forward (as a horse). akkatala, v. a. i., to ground; to run aground. akkatalla, a., duck-legged. akkatalla, vy. n., to be duck-legged. akkaya, akka a®ya, v.a.i., to go on foot, not on horseback; to travel on foot. akkachi, v. t., to lower; to bring down; to demolish; to prostrate; to lay low; to disburden; to take down (as from a house); to fell; to raze; to suppress; to throw; akachi, Josh. 10: 27. akkachi, n., a throw. akkalli, akalli, v. t. sing., to patch; to mend with patches; to botch; to clout; to cobble; alhkata, pp., isht alhkata, n., a patch; shulush akkalli, to patch a shoe. akkalli, n., a patcher. akkama, see akkama. akket (from akka and et), down this way, from above; aket hapihohoyoshke, 12th hymn, 4th verse, ed. 1844. akkia, n., a descent; see akka ia. akkitola, akkaitula (q. v.), to fall down. akkitula, n., a fall.. akkitula, pp., fallen. akkoa, akowa, v. a. i., todescend; to go down; to come down, Matt. 14: 29; to dismount; to get down; to alight; attat akowa, ‘‘come down,” Matt. 8: 1; 17: 95) Josh.) 2: 23; 15:18) “Sto heht off,?? Josh 15: 18. akkoa, akowa, v. t., to dismount. akkoli, v. t., to mold; to plate over (as silver or iron); to shape; isht akkoli, to plate; alhkoha, pp.; isht alhkoha, pp., plated. akma, sign of sub. mood after verbs end- ing with a; see ak and its compounds. akmichi, see akmochi. akmo, hakmo pp., soldered; congealed; hardened or cold (as tallow); takmo, soldered together; cemented; closed up. akmo, v. a. i., to harden; to congeal; to stiffen. akmochi, akmichi, v. t., to solder; to harden; to congeal; to found; to run; itakmochi, recip. form, to cement to- gether; to cause to adhere; to close up; to press the sides of a wound and cause them to unite; itaakmochi, v. t., to solder. akmochi, n., a founder, 36 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY aknatka, vile; bad; worthless. See John 9: 34. akni, n., the eldest among a family of children, male or female; in a larger sense any one of the children who is older than others of the same family; the first born, Josh. 17: 1. aknip, see haknip. akobafa, n., a breach; the place broken. akobafa, v. a. i., to break at, or by. akobafa, pp., broken there, or at. akocha (seeakucha), and (used in count- ing); pokoli chakali akocha chakale, ninety and nine. akochofa, pp., bent down (as cornstalks to preserve the ears from the weather and the birds) ; akushli, pl. akochofa, v. a.i., to bend down; akushili, akochulli, pl.; akochoha, pp. akochuffi, v. t., to break and bend down; tanchapi a” akochuffi, he bends down the cornstalk; akushlichi, pl. akochuffichi, v. t. caus., to cause to break and bend down. akohcha, see akucha and kohcha. akohchawiha, see akuchawtha. akolas, n., a jar. akolofa, n., the place where anything has been cut off, or broken off; a part left; a stump. akolofa, y. a. i., to come off at. akolofa,a., cut off at; severed at; akolonfa, akolunfa, nasal form, being cut off at. akoluffi, v. t., to cut off at. akomachi, vy. a. i., to be sweet; to be pleasant to the taste. akomolechi, v. t., to strangle; tostop by holding something on at the mouth, or nose; also akamolechi (q. v.). akomuta, vy. n., to dread; to fondle; akomunta, nasal form. akonoli, n., a circle round the sun or moon; see hashi akonoli. akopoa, v.t., to overshadow, Matt. 17:5; orhoshontikachi, later edition; see aka- pod. akopulechi; itakopulechi, v. t., to press together; to close (as the sides of a wound). akostinincha hinla, a., perceptible. akostininchahe keyu, a., inscrutable; undistinguishable. akostininchi, y. t., to know, Luke 2: 43; to be acquainted with; to find out, [BULL 46 Matt. 6: 3; 7: 20; to discern; to ascer- tain; to apprehend; to comprehend, John 1: 5; to see, Matt. 2: 16; to read, Matt. 16: 8; to perceive, Luke 5: 22; 1 Sam. 3: 8; to prove; to realize; to recollect; to remember; to under- stand; to consider, Matt. 7: 3; to have knowledge of, Matt. 14: 35; hash- akostinincha chin kak oka, that ye may know; Matt. 9: 6; also Matt. 12: 7, 15, 25; 15: 12, 16, 17; 17: 13; ilekostininchi, ileakostininchi, ilakostininchi, ref. form, to come to himself, to know himself, Luke 15: 17; to repent, Matt. 13: 15; 16: 12; ikakostinincho, neg. form, not to know, Josh. 8:14; ikakostinincho, a., unconscious; undecided; undeter- mined; uninformed; achukma ikakosti- nincho, a., uncertain. akosha, pp. pl., broken down; bent and broken down; see akochofa. akosha, v. a. i., to break down; to bend and break down. akowa, see akkoa. akshish, hakshish, n., the sinews; roots; veins; arteries; a fiber; a nerve; a sinew; a source; akshish chito, the large sinews, roots, veins, arteries; the tap root. akshish, a., sinewy. akshish a®sha, a., sinewed. akshish lakna chito, n., columbo [or calumba] a medicinal plant that grows in the woods. akshish laua, a., stringy. akshish toba, vy. a. i., to root; to take root. akshish toba, pp., rooted. aksho, n., disuse; neglect; desuetude. aksho, a., pp., neglected; forsaken; dis- used; obsolete; out of date; exploded; extinct; invalid; null; quashed; aban- doned; deserted, like an old, untraveied road; abolished; annulled; repealed; vacated; hina aksho, nafohka aksho. aksho, v. t., to neglect; to disuse. akshot taha, a., obsolete; done away. akshucha hinla, a., voidable. akshuchi, v. t., to abolish; to annul; to repeal; to disannul; to explode; to fail; to null; to nullify; to quash; to vacate; to undo; and, in reference to closing the time of mourning for the dead, aiakshuchi, the time of doing so. akshuchi, n., an abolisher, BYINGTON] akshuchi, n., an abolition; a vacation; nullification. akshuki!, akshukehih!, oh dear!, said when cold and suffering. akshupi!, akshupehih!, oh dear!, said when burnt. akta, hakta, conj. or prep., therefore; as hokat, mih hakta isht alali kat, there- fore I brought them. Aktoba, Aktuba, n., October. akucha, akocha, prep., over; and; used in counting between 20 and 30, and 30 and 40, ete., and on to 100, Luke 2: 37; 1 Kings 10: 14; to express over and above or more, as pokoli tuklo akucha, over 20; akucha is com- pounded of a, of, from, out of, and kucha, to go out. akucha, akohcha, n., a pass; a ford; a ferry; a crossing place; the place where anything comes out; an ex- tract; a landing. akucha, ady., out of. akucha, akohcha, v. a. i., to come out of; to proceed out of, Matt. 15: 18; Josh. 4: 16, 17, 18, 19; 5:5; akuncha, nasal form; akoyucha, pro. form. akucha, pp., taken from; brought out; extracted. akuchaka, n., the place of appearing or coming out, applied to the rising of the sun; hashi akohchaka, Matt. 2:1, 9. akuchaweli, v. t. pl., to take out from; to subtract. akuchaweli, n., subtraction. akuchawiha, akohchawiha, subtracted; taken from. akuchawiha, v. a.i. pl., to come out of; akohchawiha, Josh. 8: 16. akuchechi, vy. t., to take out from, Gen. 2: 22; to cause to come out. akuchi, v. t., to take out; to out; to oust; to bring out of; to extract from. akuhish, n., a jug. akuncha, adv., out. akunti, n., growth of vegetables or a vegetable; a plant. akushli, pp. of «akochofa, broken down. akushlichi, y. t. pl., to bend and break down; akochuffi, sing. ala, v. a. i., from ala, to arrive at a place or point in sight, but not at the place where the speaker stands. pp. pl. bent and A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 37 ala, n., an arrival. alahki, v. a.i., to lie with the back to the fire; luak infilammit itola [lying turned from the fire]. alahkichi, v. t., to make him lie with his back to the fire, or to lay him, her, or it with the back to the fire. alaka, alaka, n. sing., edge; border; shore; the margin, John 21: 4, 8, 9; ont alaka, n., the coast; peni alaka, side of a boat. alaka ikaiyu, v. i., not going one side, i. e., costive, a delicate mode of speak- ing. alakali, pl., edges. alakchakali, pl., edges of a field, water, prairies, or woods. alakna, vy. a. i., to ripen; to turn yellow; to rust; to be ripe. alakna, a., ripe; yellow; rusty. alakna, pp., ripened; rusted; turned yel- low. alaknabi, v.t., to rust; to kill with rust (as grain). alaknachi, v. t., to ripen; to rust. alaknat ia, v. a. i., to begin to ripen. alaksha, n., a hothouse. alatichi, a., cunning; sly. alama, pp., silenced; prevented; forbid- den; see alammi. alapalechi, v. t., to place at the side or ou the side of something; to cause to adhere to the side; to give boot; to give interest; to charge interest. alapali, v. a. i., to adhere to; to stick to the side; to be on the side; to cleave to. alapali, n., the margin. alapalika, n., the side. alapanli, nasal form, being placed at the side. alapanli, n., boot; interest. alata, n., a lining; a facing; 4 covering; nishkin alata, spectacles. alata, pp., a., lined; faced; sided; italata, pp., lined together or laid together, as two leaves in a book, side by side; it- alanta, italantat kaha, italatat kaha, Luke 19: 44; italatkachi, to lie like pieces of slate. alata, v.a.i., to set; to incubate; to nes- tle; to sit. alata, n., a sitting. alatali, vy. t., to line; to put on a lining; to ceil; to lap; to put on a facing; to face; to sheathe. 38 alatkachi, v. a. i. pl., to lie on the side (as a facing or lining); italatkachi, pl., to lie side by side (as several leaves in a book). alauechi, v. t., to be equal to; to be ade- quate; neg., ikalauecho, Josh. 8: 15. alaui, v. n., to be equal; to be adequate; isht ikalauo, Luke 3: 16. alalli, see lallichi; italallit boti, to pack (as meat). alallichi, v. t., to harden by pounding, as wak hakshup alallichi; n., a lapstone. alammi, alami (see olabbi), v. t., to for- bid; to prevent; to take from, applied to the taking of a man’s wife from him by her relations (ohoyo han imolabit atishi) ; imalammi, to prevent him; to rebuke, Matt. 17: 18. alammichi, alamichi, v. t., to silence; to prevent; to forbid, Luke, 6: 29; im- alamminchi, to rebuke him, Matt. 16:22. alashpaka, n., a warm climate; a warm region. alatkachi, a., lined, or laid on in several thicknesses. ale, exclamation, to halloo (used in call- ing another person); bulloa or holla. aleli, v. t., to weed; to plow among corn or other vegetables the first time; Jeli is to weed; the a prefixed probably de- notes the place where. aleli, n., a weeder; one that weeds or frees from anything noxious. ali, alleh, exclamation, uttered by child- ren when in pain; oh dear. alia, pp., weeded, or the place weeded. alikchi, allikchi, n., a doctor; a phy- sician, Matt. 9: 12; an Indian doctor. alikchi, vy. t., to doctor; to practice as a physician; to administer medicine; to attend to the sick, as a physician; im- alikchi, vy. t., to doctor him. One mode of treating the rheumatism is thus de- scribed: The patient shuts himself up in a hot house, strips himself naked, makes a fire, and lies there and sweats freely. He then takes a fragment of a bottle and scarifies himself. After this he goes to a creek and bathes and anoints his body with oil. alikchi ilahobi, n., a quack; an empiric. alikti, v. a. i., to spring up, to grow. alikti, pp., a., grown up. alikti, n., the growth; the young growth. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 aliktichi, v. t., caus., to cause it to grow. aliktichi, n., young birds just fledged or feathering; a pin feather. allalluak, see alolua. almuk, n., the almug tree, 1 Kings, 10: iB a 8 aloah, see alua. alohbi, allohbi, a., sultry; hot; warm, still, and without wind. alohbi, v. n., to besultry, hot, warm and still and without wind. alohbi, n., the heat; warmth; sultriness. alokoli, n., a cluster; a collection; chuka alokoli. alolua, v. a. i. pl., to fill up; v. n., to be full; alota, sing. alolua, allolua, allalluak, a., pl., full. alolua, pp., filled. alolua, n., fullness. alotichi, v. t., to cause to be sultry, hot, or warm. aloshuma, v. n., to be finished off at. aloshuma, n., the place where it is fin- ished. aloshuma, pp., finished off at. aloshummi, y. t., to finish off at. alota, v. a. i., sing., to fill up; it fills up; allota, less than alota; a diminutive of alota; vy. a. i., to fill up slowly. alota, v. n., to be full. . alota, a., full; big, Luke 5: 7; fraught; high; replete; Matt. 14: 20; 15: 37; alota- ma, ‘‘when it was full,’’ Matt. 13: 48. alota, pp., filled; crowded; stuffed. alota, n., fullness; a fill; plenitude. alotoli, alotuli, sing. and pl., to fill, John 2:7; to replenish; to stuff; to fill to the brim; full banks, Josh. 9: 13. alotowa, alotoa, a. sing. and pl., pas- sive and intransitive, very full; brim- ful; alota, simple form. alotowa, vy. a. 1., intensive form, to fill up, Gen. 1: 28. alotowa, v. n., to be full, Matt. 6: 22. alotowa, pp., to be filled to the brim, Luke 1: 15. alotowa, n., fullness; abundance; chu”- kash a” alotowakmako”, Matt. 12: 34. alta, n., an altar, 2 Sam. 24: 18, 21. alua, n., a burn; a place burnt; a scald. alua, aloah, a., pp., a burnt place; v. a. i., to burn at, or on; to burn there, as it burns there. aluachi, v. t., to burn; to consume; isht aluachi, to burn with, Luke 3: 17. BYINGTON] aluhmi, v. t., to hide at or in; to conceal; to secrete. aluhmi, vy. a.i., to hide; to lie concealed; kohchi aluhmi, to hide in a thicket. alukoli, see /ukoli. alulli, v. t. pl., to fill, Gen. 44: 1. aluma, pp., hid or hidden at. aluma, n., a hiding place; a place of concealment; concealment; a lurking place; obscureness; obscurity; a recess. alumatka, n., a secret; a secret place. alumpoa, pp. pl., hid or hidden at; cf. aluma. alumpoa, n. pl., secret places; hiding places. alusa, n.,a black place; a place made black; black. alusachi, v. t., to blacken; to make black. alusachi, a., dark colored. alusachi, vy. n., to be dark colored. atabocha, n., a vessel for boiling food in; a pot; a boiler. atacha, v. n., to fit in; to fill up; to stand in; to fit in, asa stick of timber is fitted for another; alachaya, pro. form; atlachkachi, pass. pl. alachahachi, y. t. pl., to set them in. alachali, v. t. sing., to set a stick in. alatfa, n., a trace; a line; a mark. alaka, n., the midriff; the diaphragm. alakofahe keyu, a., inevitable; incur- able. alakofi, v. a. i., to escape at; to escape from; to heal; to recover from. atakofi, n., a refuge; a place of escape; deliverance; salvation; a remedy; isht atakofahe, Luke 4: 18. alakofi, n., a refugee. alakofi, pass., healed; rescued; saved. alakofichi, vy. t. caus., to heal; to save; to rescue from. alakofichi, n., a deliverer. alanta, pass. nasal form of following, be- ing mixed, as uksakatanta. alatali, v. t., to mix; alantali, nasal form. alachaya, vy. i., pro. form, from atacha (q. v.), to stand in; to fit in; to fill, Jer. 23:24. alachkachi, y. n. pl., to fit in; to fill up, as to fit a tenon for the mortise. alechi, y. t., to destroy; isht imatechi, his destruction, 2 Chron. 22: 4. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 39 aleka, n., misery or distress brought on one by his own misconduct; danger; Matt. 5: 21, 22; 10: 15; 11: 22, 24. aleka, a., distressed. aleka, y. n., to be in distress, as im- ateka fehna, he is in great misery; im- aleka, to suffer pain from his own mis- conduct; atekachi, v. t., as imatekachi; atekachechi, v. t. caus., as in imateka- chechi. aleli, v. t., to scuffle; towa ya” itimateli, they scuffle with each other for the ball. aleli, n., a scuffler. atelichi, v. a., to roll up the sleeves, etc., above the elbows, and the panta- loons above the knees; afiha, pass., rolled up. alepa,n.,adrum; afiddle; acommondrum or fiddle; a harp; astringed instrument of music; a lyre; an organ; a tabor. alepa boli, v. t., to drum; to beat the drum; to play on the drum. alepa boli, n., a drummer. alepa chito, n., a large drum; a bass viol; a drum; a viol. alepa chito boli, v. t., to drum; to beat the big drum. alepa chito boli, n., a drummer. alepa chito isht boli, n., a drumstick. alepa chito isht olachi, n., the bow used in playing on the bass viol. alepa chito olachi, vy. t., to play on the bass viol. atepa chito olachi, n., one that plays | on the bass viol. alepa olachi, v. t., to play on the fiddle or violin; to fiddle; to drum; to harp. alepola, n., a march; a particular beat of the drum; the music of the drum. alepolachi, n., a fiddler; a harper. atepush ikbi, n., a fiddle maker. atepush olachi, n., a fiddler; fiddling. atepushi, n., a diminutive, a fiddle or violin smaller than the alepa; a hand organ. alepushi isht olachi, n., a fiddlestick; a fiddle bow. alepushi isht talakchi, n., a fiddle- string. alepushi olachi, y. t., to fiddle; to play on the violin. 40 ath, from aii, limit, etc.; being the end of it. atti, a., true; faithful; correct; pure (1 K. 10: 21); fair; upright; just; certain; hon- est; valid; virgin (as virgin gold); great in thesense of real; (aia”ti, Matt. 7: 27); intrinsic; immaculate; legitimate; nice; open; proper; right; sheer; simple; sincere; single; solid; sound; stable; straight; strict; sure; trusty; unaffected ; undoubted; unfeigned; unmingled; real; genuine; authentic; accurate; sure (during the age of an adult); conscien- tious; cordial; effectual; equitable; frank; good; nakni tashka atti, n., an able-bodied man or warrior; neg. form ikanto, a., uncandid; unjust; unsound; unstable; vain; unhandsome; false; not true; untrue; faithless; dishonest; erro- neous; fallacious; groundless; hollow- hearted; inaccurate; incorrect; indirect; ineffectual; insincere; perfidious; spuri- ous; treacherous; unfair; unfaithful; ikanto kawa a., undesirable; not to be desired. ikatlo achahe keyu, undenia- ble; he can not say it is false; imati, true of him; true to him; true for him; ikimato, a., not true of him (i. e., the accusation); innocent. atti, n., truth; equity; execution; a fact; fairness; faithfulness; integrity; open- ness; right; simplicity; sincerity; single- ness; trueness; verity; virtue; ika”lo, n., a falsehood; an untruth; hollowness; treachery; vanity. atti, v. n., to be true, faithful, honest, etc., Matt. 17: 25; arti makon, that is true, or true that is, Matt. 6: 2,5; 8: 10; 13:17; aiavti, pro., Luke 16: 11, to be fulfilled, Matt. 1: 23; 2: 15; ont aianti- tok makoke, was fulfilled, Matt. 12: 21; be established, Matt. 18: 16; ikanlo achi v. a. i., to say it is false; to deny; to contradict; to gainsay. antlishke, a sentence; it is true. See John 3: 3, 5, 11; shke is a particle of affirmation in the definite present tense. Verbs neu- ter may be rendered as sentences by adding shke to them (as kalloshke, it is strong), and without this appendage merely by accenting the last syllable, as anti’, it is true; hallo’, it is strong. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 atli, pass., authenticated; attested; estab- lished; verified; fulfilled; Matt. 2: 17; Heakse ath, ady., truly; certainly; really; faith- fully; heartily; nicely; richly; rightly; sincerely; strictly; surely; verily; ika%o, ady., falsely; untruly. athi, v. a. i., to act truly; to be true; to hold; to prove; isha™li, you act truly; avtili, I act truly. ath achit anoli, v. a. i., to affirm; to testify; lit., to speak and tell truly. atli achit miha, vy. t., to assert; to avouch; to say and speak truly. ath fehna achit miha, to allege; to say and speak very truly. anti ho®, adv., verily, Matt. 18: 3. atti mako®, ady., verily, Matt. 8: 10; Matt. 102155235 1esals7 John ouess anti mako” chimachilishke, verily I say unto thee; aia”ti mako” chimachilishke, in truth, to thee I do say, Luke 23: 43, alia, v. t., to commit whoredom, i. e., for a plurality of men to humble one woman. See Judg. 19: 25. attichi, v. t. caus., to make true; to es- tablish the truth; to fulfill a promise; to attest; to ratify; to assure; to authen- ticate; to establish; to evidence; to evince; to execute; to prove; to strengthen; to verify; to warrant. Matt. 3: 15. alifa, h™fa, pass. sing., stripped off. alitfa, v. a. i., to come off. ahfachi, v. t. caus., to tie a running knot ‘or noose. alitffi, v. t., to strip off. alitfichi, v. t. caus., to tie with a noose; to tie a running noose. alitkachechi, v. t. caus., to strip off. ali" kachi, pass. pl. of ati”fa, stripped off. alikachi, vy. a. i. pl., to come off. alioa, hoa, v. t. pl., to take the track and follow, to pursue. See Zioli. alioli, v. t., to pursue. alipa, v. n., to lie on the face; atipat ishko, to lie down and drink; atipia, pro. form. alipo, n., covering of a camp; roof of a little shed. athit, adv., surely; truly; with truth; in truth. When the letter ¢ is suffixed to a word it is connected with the next BYINGTON] following word and often qualifies it if verb, as adverbs do. athit achi, v. a.i., to speak truly; or, to true and speak; or, he trues and speaks. aliyuha, vy. a. i., to pursue, Josh. 8: 16; neg. ikatiyuho, Josh. 8: 17. alohbi, a., warm; hot. atohbi, v. n., to be warm or hot; sialohbi, Jam warm. alohbi, pass., heated; burnt; warmed; tanchi at atohbi, the corn is burnt. alohbichi, y. t. caus., to warm; to heat. alopoli, n. pl., fords, passes. alopoli, vy. a. i. pl., to pass through at. alopolichi, vy. t. caus., to take through. alopulli, n. sing., a ford; a pass; a ferry; a crossing. alopulli, y. a. i., to pass through at. atopullichi, vy. t. caus., to take through at. alopullichi, n., one that conducts through at. alukafa, n., a perforation. alukah, n. pl., perforations; or pp., per- forated at. alumpa, n., a perforation; place pierced; a puncture. am, a prefixed pronoun; of the same meaning as a”, an, and am; I, as amponna, | am skilled, I know; ama- hoba, I reckon, I presume, or it seems to me; me in the objective or dative case, as ampota, to lend to me; am is usually found before words beginning with pand b; am before vowels, amis- suba; amia; go for me and sam after 2d person sing., and plural, issamithana, thou knowest me; hassamithana, ye know me. ama; see kama, Acts, 24: 11 [?]. amakali, a., graceful. amakali, v. n., to be graceful. amakalichi, vy. t., to render graceful. amalhi, vy. a. i., to turn there, on, or over. amatichi, n., a floor or place for win- nowing grain, Luke 3: 17. amatichi, y. t., to winnow there, at, or by; to fan. amashlichi, vy. t., to fan. amashlichi, n., a fan;a fanner. amba, conj., but, John 1: 12; however; unless; amba is the nasal form of aha, and is derived from aba, being above or out of; or from a”, and ba, an ad- A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 4] verb meaning really [merely]; amba, but, Matt. 6: 33; 18: 16; amba na holis- sochi, and, Matt. 7: 29; 10: 30; amba yammak okato, Matt. 13: 11, 48. amia; Chihowa at amia tuchina, Hymn Book, page 206. II. amih, see mih. amih achafa, a., one; the same; tuchina iknanakia amih achafa hoke, 1 John oe valle amiha, n., asaying; a maxim; a remark; a subject of conversation. amihachi, v. t., to accuse, Matt. 27: 12. amitko, v. t., to reign, Luke 19: 15. amilofa, n., a place which is filed; or, pp., filed there. aminti, n., source; origin; the place whence anything comes; a fountain; a germ; the spring. aminti, v. a. i., to come from. amisho"fa, sing. v. a. i., to rub on or against. amisho®fa, pp., a., rubbed. amishoff, y. t. sing., to rub against. amishoha, pp. pl., rubbed. amishohachi, vy. t. pl., to rub against. amishokachi, n., a rub. ami®shokachi, amoshokachi, ami- shokachi, vy. a. i. pl., to rub; it rubs against. amisholichi, v. t., to rub. amisholichi, n., a rubber. amo, art., the; the one which; the said; it is used in the nom. and obj. cases, Josh. 6: 22; amo, hamo, yamo, kamo, kamo, chamo may be classed with ad- verbs of past time, Matt. 22:8; in nom. case, John 21: 21. amochonli, vy. t., to wink at. amohsholechi, y. t. caus., to precipi- tate; to drive forward. amokafa, v. t., to attack; to run upon, Luke 14: 31; to meet in battle, Matt. 2437. amokafi, v. a., to rise; itamokafi, Matt. 24: 7; Luke 14: 31. amona, ammona, hammona, adv. or n., the first; the beginning, amona yan, at first, John 1: 1. amoshokachi, see aminshokachi. amosholi, a., greedy; precipitous; reso- lute. amosholi, see amoshuli. amoshuli, amohsholi, y. t., v. a. i., to 42 run on; to venture on; to precipitate; to have courage, Josh. 1: 6, 7; to per- severe, Josh. 10: 25; to rush; to venture. amoshuli, n., precipitancy; prowess; a rush; an onset. ampa, nasal form from gpa, eating, to be eating; to eat meat, bread, and potatoes, dipped in gravy; ahampa, freq., to keep eating; to be often eating. ampatoba, n., a pottery. amphata, n., a plate; a pan; pottery; crockery. amphata chito, n., a platter; charger,’’ Matt. 14: 8, 11. ampi, n., an ear (as tanch ampi, an ear of corn). ampkoa, n., a potsherd; a piece or fragment of a broken pot; a piece of a broken earthen vessel; Job. 2: 8; a broken bowl; a piece of broken crock- ery; ampkokoa, pl. ampmahaia, ampmaiha, n., a griddle; a broad, shallow pan for baking cakes. ampmahaia apalaska, n., a griddle. ampmalaha, n., a dish. ampmalaspoa, n. pl., plates; platters. ampmalaswa, n. pl., plates. ampmalassa, n., a plate. ampmalha, n., a dish. ampo, n., a bowl; a pan; crockery; earthenware; pottery; a vessel. ampo aiachefa, ampo aiokami, n., a wash bowl. ampo atala, n., acrockery shelf; a shelf for bowls. ampo chito, n., a large bowl; a large dish. ampo ikbi, ampo tana, n., a potter. ampo mahaia, n., a pan, 2 Sam. 15:9. amppatassa, n., a large plate. ampushi, n., a small bowl. an, pro. pre. ‘‘my’”’ used in this form be- forea noun which begins with ch, /, or t, as anchuka, my house; antashka, my warrior; anluak, my fire; anchitokaka, my Lord, Luke 1: 43; before a verb, an adjective, and other parts of speech which begin with ch, /, or t, an means to me, of me, for me, etc; a preposi- tion is understood. Before some words an is written a, and before others am, and sometimes am. Before nouns it is parsed with the nouns. Before verbs, etc., it is generally in the da- Cure) BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 tive case—sometimes rendered as in the nom. case, as a”hollo, dear to me, or, I love it, and the like; sa” or san oc- curs after the 2d person, and plural of the active pronouns; issa®, issan, hassan, hassan. anakfi, n., my brother, an appellation used only by females, Josh. 2: 13; chi- nakfi, thy brother, addressed to a fe- male; i”nakjfi, her brother. anaktopulli, v. a. i., to pass through; to prevail. anaksi, n., the side. anaksi, y. a. i., to turn the side. anaksika, n., the side; outside. anaksika, vy. a. i., to go to the side. anaksi®ka, nasal form, going to one side. anaksikachi, v. t. caus., to put to one side; to thrust into a corner. anaksho®fa, y. a. i., to scorch; to parch. anaksho®fa, anukshu®fa, pp. sing., singed; scorched; burnt. anaksho®fa, vy. n., to be singed; to be parched; ikanakshufo, a., unscorched. anaksho®ffi, vy. t. sing., to singe; to burn; to parch; to parch up; to toast. anaksholi, v. t. pl., to singe; to scorch; to burn; to parch up; to toast. anaksholi, n., a singer; one who singes. anakshua, anakshoha, pp. pl., singed; scorched; burnt; parched; toasted; ik- anaksho, a., unscorched. anakshua, v. a. i., to scorch; to parch. anakshua, v. n., to be singed; to be burnt; to be scorched, Matt. 13: 6. anaktibafa, pp. sing., glanced. anaktibafa, v.a.1., to glance; it glances. anaktibaloa, pp. pl., glanced. anaktibaloa, vy. a. i. pl., to glance; it glances. anaktibaloh, y. t. pl., to make or cause to glance; anaktibalotichi, causative. anaktibaffi, v. t. sing., to glance; to cause to glance; to stumble. anaktiballi, v. t. pl., to make them glance; to stumble. anaktiballichi, v. t. caus., to cause them to glance. anaktiboa, pp. pl., glanced. anaktiboa, v. a. i., to glance. anala, anata, unala, pp., nailed on. anala, n., a wound. anali, y. t. sing., to nail; to nail on; to fasten with a nail; to wound; ahonati, pl. (q. v.). BYINGTON] anatichi, v. t. caus., tonail on; to nail to; to fasten with a nail; ahonatichi, pl. (q. v.); ahonata, pp. anchaha, pp., a., painted; color laid on the face. anchali, v. a. i., to paint; to lay colorson the face; to rouge, 2 Kings 9: 30. anchali, n., a painter. anchatichi, v. t., to paint another; to lay colors on the face of another; to rouge. anchi, n., a cloak; a mantle; a robe; a shawl; a blanket; clothes; a coverlet; a scarf; a stole; raiment, Matt. 3:4; a garment, Matt. 9:16; imanchi, his gar- ment, Matt. 14: 36; his raiment, Matt. G2. anchi, vy. a. i., to put a cloak, etc., on one’s self; to cloak; to robe. anchi, pp., robed; see Mark 14: 51, nipi bano hosh linen anchi. anchi holitopa, n., a pall. anchichechi, y. t., to robe another per- son; to put a cloak and the like on to another person; to robe. anchichi, v. t., to put a cloak, etc., on another person; to blanket another; to mantle; to robe another. ani, v. t., from ani, to pour in; anilish, I pour in, ete. (sh has the force of a conj. ). anihechi, anihichi, n., a threshing floor or threshing place, 2 Sam. 24: 16, 18521: aninchi, y. t., to respect; see ahnichi. aninchichechi, yv. t., to cause to suppu- rate; to cause to maturate; to promote suppuration. aninchichi, y.a.i., to suppurate; to mat- urate; to become ripe; to fester; to gather pus; to matter; to rankle. aninchichi, n., matter; pus; suppuration; corruption. aninchichi, a., mature; ripe. anita"ki, n., light, Luke 16: 8. annumpa, see anumpa. ano, ano, art., the obj. case of ato, or ato. Sometimes the article in this case is written hano, and yano, for euphony’s sake. ano, ano, rel. pro. in the obj. case, used after adj. and verb, subj. ato; the which; the one which; that which; see a”. It differs from a rel. pro. It appears A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 43 to be used to give more distinction of object and is more sonorous and ap- pears often in solemn style; ano, hano, yano, kano are often heard in the speech of a Choctaw orator. The last syllable is accented. anoa, annoa, annoa, annowa, pp., de- clared; described; designated; detailed; enunciated; famed; stated, Matt. 9: 26; told; related; reported; proclaimed; noised abroad, Luke 1: 65; rumored; informed; posted; mentioned; narrated; noised; published; reported; revealed; ikannoo, a., unpublished; untold; ano- hotwa, pp. freq., often told; imanoa, pp-, warned; notified; bidden; tkiman- noo, a., unbidden; uncalled; uncom- manded; undirected; uninvited. anoa tapa, a., ineffable. anoa, annoa, anowa, n., a narration; a report; a rumor; fame, Josh. 9: 9; in- formation; imanoa, a citation; a rela- tion; renown; tidings, 1 Sam. 4: 19; isht annoa, fame of, Matt. 4: 24; annohorwa, fame, Matt. 14: 1; see below. anoa, annowa, annoa, a., noted; notable; illustrious; Matt. 10: 26. anoa, annowa, v. n., to be famous; to be noted; to be well known; annohorwa, freq., to be often told, Matt. 14: 1. anoa, adv., again; once more. anoachi, annoachi, vy. t. caus., to pro- claim; to tell; to cause to be told; to promulgate; to promulge; to post; annowachi, Matt. 9: 31. anoachi, n.,a proclaimer; a promulgator. anoli, v. t., v. a. i., to tell; to relate; to narrate; to publish; to declare; to re- hearse; and to convey (news); to carry intelligence; to describe; to designate; to detail; to direct; to disclose; to di- vulge; to draw; to enunciate; to in- form; to mention; to noise; to notify; to open; to preach; to predicate; to proclaim; to project; to promulgate; to promulge; to recite; to recount; to repeat; to report; to represent; to re- turn; to reveal; to rumor; to show; to signify; to speak, Matt. 10: 27; to spec- ify; to state; tostory; to suggest; to tell; to touch; to unfold; to utter; to vent; to witness; imanoli, Josh. 2: 2; famous; known, 44 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL: 46 Matt. 2: 8; 14: 12; annonli, nasal form, anont, contracted; anontia, to go and tell or gone to tell; anohonli, freq., to say; to reiterate; issamanoli, tell me; Josh. 7:19; anoyuoli, pro. form;imanoli, y. t., to tell him; to cite him; to warn him; to summon him; isht anoli, to tell about; to narrate concerning; pit anolli, to send word yonder or that way; et anoli, to send word here or this way; nan anoli, v. t., to blab; to tattle; isht ilanoli, Matt. 12: 36; itanoli, to confess; to acknowledge; to own; to speak of himself, John 1: 22; to render, Matt. 3: 6; ilimanoli, Josh. 7: 19; ilanoh, n., a confession; a concession; ilanoli, n., a confessor; itimanoli, to tell each other; anolahe keyu, a., unutterable; i/anolahe keyu, to disown; he will not confess; nan anoli, v. t., to tattle. anoli, n., a teller; a relator; a narrator; anadvertiser; a declarer; adirector; an informer; an informant; a promul- gator; a rehearser; a reporter; a repre- sentative; a story teller. anoli, n., a murmur; a narration; a nar- rative; a publication; a recital; a rela- tion. anompisachi, anumpisachi, v. t., to take aim; tolevel. This is probably a compound word from a there, o” on it, pisachi, to take sight. anonowa achukma keyu, a., unpopular. anonti, adv., again; once more; asecond time; further; and, Matt. 12: 25; 11: 4; 17: 4; ‘‘again,’’ Matt. 13: 44, 46; anonti, Mark 11: 27; Matt. 2:8; 5: 33; conj. ‘‘and,’’ Matt. 7: 22. anonti, exclam. of surprise and regret. anopoli, v. t., v. a. i., to speak; to talk; Luke 2: 33. This form of the word is rare; anumpuli is the most usual form (anya): anowa, v. a.i., to wade; anowat topulli, v. t., to wade through. anowa, pp., trodden, traveled; ikanowo, a., untraveled, untrodden. anowa, verbal, from a and nowa, a path; an alley; an avenue; a walk; a track; asmall path; a footstep; a mall; a trace. anowa, conj., similar to anonti, ‘‘used by the late Col. D. Folsom.”’ anowa, n., fame; or anoa, (q. V.). ant, a ‘‘directive particle’ indicating the direction of an action toward the speaker and usually rendered by ““come.’’? It is perhaps derived from ala, tocome. It is used with verbs of motion, generally prefixed, and does not occur alone. See aryat alat ant akim, John 15: 22; okla ant, etc., Matt. 4: 11; Luke 5:7; ant pesa, come and see; ant aiokpachi, Matt. 8: 2; ant chumpa, come and buy; ant ia, come and go, i. e., come on by. It is the opposite of ont (q. v.); ont may be contracted from ona, to go to; ant ia, to come by; to come past; to come on; ont ia, to go by; ant apat tali tok, came and devoured them up, Matt. 13: 4; peni a” ant athtoma, when they were come into the ship; ant itimanumpuli, Matt. 17: 3; ahanta, Matt. 13: 45, to be engaged in, Josh. 1: 5. anta, antta, nasal form, of aita, to re- side; to sojourn; to while. anta, v. a. i., tostay; to reside; toabide; to live; to dwell; to inhabit; to rest; to tarry, Luke 2: 48; to remain; to har- bor; to last (as a living creature); to lodge; to tabernacle; isht anta, v. t., to be busy about, etc.; to attend to, Matt. 4: 11; to wait on; to ply; to wait; to wage. This word anta is often used to supply the want of the verb to be, Matt 12: 6; ianta, refl., to re- tire; to reside alone; ilanta, pp., re- tired; ahanta, freq. form; ibaianta, to stay with; to cohabit; itibaianta, to stay together with; ikanta ahni, v. t., to harbor; to wish him to remain; ik- anto, a., unsettled; aianta, intensive form of anta, v. t., to occupy; to stay at; aiahanta, Matt. 6:6; see mitko aiahanta, Matt. 2: 1. anta, n., a stay. antek, my sister; Matt. 12: 50. An ap- pellative proper only for a brother to use to his sister or concerning his sister. When anakfi is proper for a woman in speaking to or of a brother, this is proper for a man in speaking to or of his sister; chintek, thy sister; intek, his sister. antia, v. t., to obey; to conform; as im- antia, to obey; from atia (q. v.); antia, BYINGTON] the nasal form, is most used; ikimantio, y. t., to disobey him; tkimantio, a., disobedient; unduteous; undutiful. antta, see anta. anu®ka, a., inner; interior. anutka, prep., within; in; osapa anu®ka, in a field, Matt. 13: 44. anutka, y.n.,to be within; to be inside. anutka, n., the inside. anu®ka alata, n., a lining. anu®ka hanta, n., same as aboha hanta, a white house; a senate house; state house; house of peace and friendship. anutka lashpa, n., a hot house; the winter house or sleeping room of the ancient Choctaw. anu"kaka, n., the space or place within; the interior; the inside; the bowels, as sinakak anutkaka, Matt. 6: 2; aboha kallo anutkaka ya", in the prison; yakni anutkaka, the bowels of the earth; chutkash anutkaka, in the heart; the inside of the heart; recesses of the heart, Mark 2: 6,8; anu"kaka yokato, Matt. 7: 1514s Oss Josh. 2.19772 21k anutkaka, a., internal; intestine; in- trinsic; intrinsical; inward. anutkaka, ady., prep., within. anutkaka fehna, a., inmost; aboha anutkaka fehna ka, 2 Kings 9: 2. anukatka iklanna, a., inner. anu"kaka pisa, n., insight. anukba?kchi, n., the tenderloin. anukbata, a., raging; mad. anukbata, vy. a. i., to rage; to rave. anukbata, n., rage; madness. anukbatachi, y. t., to enrage; to cause a raging. anukbiafe, pass. sing., anukbia, pl., peeled off; uski anukbia, kumshak anuk- bia, knives of cane bark peeled off. anukbiaffi, v. t. sing., to peel off the bark of hickory or cane, etc., in strips; anukbieli, pl.; anukbiafa, pass. sing. anukbikeli, v. n., to press or hang in the throat; or lie hard in the stomach, as food that adheres to the throat, or distresses the stomach. anukbikeli, n., a stoppage; an obstruc- tion in the throat. anukbikelichi, y. t. caus., to cause a pressure or stoppage in the throat, or to cause food to lie hard in the stomach. anukchaha, a., envious; ill natured. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 45 anukchaha, y.n., to be envious; to be ill natured. anukchaha, n., envy; ill nature. anukchahachi, v. t., to cause envy or ill nature; to provoke. anukcheta hinla, a., trusty. anukcheto, v. t., to trust in; to depend upon; to serve; to wait upon; to con- fide; to resign; to stay; anukchieto, pro. form (and one much used), to trust, Matt. 12: 21; Mark 10: 24; anukchinto, nasal form, trusting; confiding; to rely; to repose. anukcheto, n., a dependent; one who relies upon another for aid, ete.; inla anukcheto keyu, a., independent; not dependent on another. anukcheto, n., confidence. anukchilafa, vy. a. i. sing., to prate; to talk impertinently. anukchilafa, n., a prater. anukchilali, n. pl., praters. anukchilali, y. a. i. pl., to prate. anukchito, y. a. i., to hesitate; to falter; anukchinto, nasal form. anukfila, v. a i.; wimanukfila, to be minded, Matt. 1: 19. anukfila, n., thought; usually found with a prefixed pronoun, as am, chim, im, pim., ete.; see imanukfila, 1 Tim. 6: 11; Articlesof faith, sec. v.; nan anukfila, mind, Phil. 2:5; anukfila, pp., consid- ered. anukfilema, y. a. i. sing., to turn in- side out (as the inside comes out); anukfilemoa, pl. anukfilema, pp., a., turned inside out; turned wrong side out. anukfilema, n., the turning of the in- side out. anukfilemoa, v. a. i. pl., to turn in- side out. anukfilemoa, pp. pl., turned inside out; turned wrong side out. anukfilemoli, v. t. pl., to turn the in- side out. anukfilimmi, y. t. pl., to turn inside out. anukfilli, v. a. i., v. t., to deem; to digest; to entertain; to hammer; to heed; to imagine; to invent; to look; to muse; to ponder; to purpose; toreason; toreckon; to reflect; to regard; to remark; to repute; to resolve; to ruminate; to scheme; to speculate; to study; to view; 46 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY to weigh; to will; to wish; to think; to consider; to reflect; to judge; to meditate, Josh. 1: 8; to muse; to de- liberate; to feel; to cogitate; to conceit; to conceive; to contemplate; to count upon; to debate, i. e., to consider; an- ukfieli, pro. form; isht anukfieli, to muse, Luke 3: 15; to ruminate; to run; anuk- jihinli, to think on, Matt. 1: 20; 6: 27; isht anukfilli, v. t., to think about or concerning; ilanukjilli, to think within himself, Luke 16: 3; nan isht ilaianukfi- hinli, take thought for the things of itself, the reciprocal pro. applied to things; ikanukfillo, a., unstudied. anukfilli, v. t., to think of; chianukjillit binililishke. anukfilli, a., thoughtful; wishful; thanuk- fillo, a., mindless; unfeeling; unmedi- tated; unstudied; unthinking. anukfilli, n., meditation; study; think- ing. anukfilli, n., a thinker; a considerer; a contemplator; a speculator. anukfillit hobachi, v. t., to image; to imagine. anukfillit pisa; danuwhk/illit pisa, v. ref., to examine one’s self; ilanukfillit pisa, n., self-examination. anukfillituk keyu, a., unpremeditated. anukfohka, v. a. i., to understand; to know; to remember; to lodge; anuk- forka, nasal form, hachi anukfokahi oka, for ye shall know, Matt. 10: 19. anukfohka, a., pp., enlightened; having knowledge of; having embraced; anuk- forka, nasal form; isht anukfoka, en- lightened by means of, Luke 1: 41 and 67; isht anukfohkat imalotowa, being filled with, Luke 4: 1. anukfohka, n., knowledge; understand- ing; knowledge received and em- braced. anukfohkachechi, vy. t., to instruct or to persuade; to put it into their minds; iminko ikimantio ka chitka anukfoh- kachichi, sedition, Luke 23: 25. anukfohki, y. t., to embrace; to acquire knowledge (used in regard to those who embrace the gospel); to believe; ilanuk- fohki, reflexive. anukfohkichi, y. t. caus., togive knowl- edge; to enlighten; to impart knowl- edge; to impart a believing knowledge [BULL. 46 of a subject; anukfokinchi, nasal form; anukfokihinchi, freq. anukfokichi, n., an enlightener; an in- structor; one that imparts knowledge. anukha®klo, n., a place of sorrow; an occasion of sorrow. ; anukhammi, v. n., to be in pain; si- anukhammi, I am in pain; anukhai- yammi, pro. form. anukhammi, n., pain. anukhammi, a., painful. anukhammichi, y. t., to cause pain. anukhobela, v. n., to be angry; to be wroth; sianukhobela, I am enraged; anukhobiela, pro. form, Matt. 2: 16. anukhobela, n., fury; madness. anukhobela, a., furious; mad. . anukhobela iksho, vy. a. i., to be meek, or without wrath. anukhobelachi, v. t., to enrage; to mad- den; to make mad. anukkilli, v. a. i., to hate; to bear mal- ice. anukkilli, n., hatred. anuklamampa, y. n., to feel surprise. anu®klupatka, n., the peelings from the inside of the intestines in dysentery. anuktakancha, v. a. i., to take fright; to fear; to marvel; to start. anuktakancha, a., pp., frightened; amazed; surprised; astonished; okla hat anuktakancha tok, the people were as- tonished, Matt. 7: 28. anuktakancha, v. n., to be frightened; to be amazed, John 3: 7. anuktakancha, n., fright; amazement. anuktakashli, vy. t., to frighten; to amaze; to astound; to astonish; to sur- prise. anuklamalli, v. a. i., to strangle; to choke. anuktamalli, pp., strangled. anuklamallichi, v. t., to strangle. anuktamallichi, n., a strangler; stran- gulation. anukti®fa, v. a. i., to run or slip through a noose. anukt®fa, pp., drawn through. anukti"fa, n., a slipping through (per- haps a noose); a slipknot. anukh=ffi, v. t., to draw through a noose or a loop; to make a slipknot. anuktiffichi, v. t., to cause to draw through a noose, BYINGTON] A DICTIONARY OF THE anuktiha, pp. pl., drawn through a noose. anuktiha, v.a. i. pl., torun through. anuktilelichi, v. t. pl., to draw a rope through a noose, as in roping cattle. anukpalli, v. n., to feel interest; to feel a temptation; to feel the influence of an object; sianukpalli, 1 am interested. anukpalli, a., interested; excited; en- ticed; tempted. anukpallichi, v. t., to interest; to ex- cite the passions; to tempt; to allure. anukpallichi, n., a tempter. anukpallika, n., temptation, Matt. 6: 18; Luke 11: 4. anukpilefa, pp. sing., turned inside out, ~r wrong side out; turned. anukpiliffi, v. t., to turn; to turn inside out. anukpiloa, pp. pl., turned; turned in- side out. anukpiloli, v. t. pl., to turn; to turn inside out. anukpoali, v. a. i., to feel sick at the stomach; to nauseate. anuksita, n., a gallows; a gibbet. anuksita, v. a. i., to cleave to; to adhere with attachment; to hang to; anuksitia, pro. form, and the one most used. anuksita, n., attachment. anuksiteli, v. t., to hang by the neck; to execute by hanging. anuksiteli, n., a gibbet; a gallows. anuksitkachi, v. t. pl., to cleave to; to hang to; see hatak anuksitkachi. anuksitkachi, n. pl., a hanging to. anukshomota, v. a. i.; anukshomunta, nasal form y. n., to be in a rage; to rage; to be peevish; sianukshomunta, I am in a rage. anukshomunta, a., raging; peevish; fierce; anukshomunta fehna hatukon, be- ing exceeding fierce, Matt. 8: 28. anukshomunta, n., rage; peevishness. anukshu®fa, see anakshu”fa. anukshumpa, v. a. i., to wish for more food or instruction, not having had enough.—P. Fisk. anuktapa, vy. n., to be greedy; to be in- satiable. anuktapa, a., greedy; insatiable. anuktapli, anuktabli, v. a. i. pl., to go to excess. 47 anuktaptua, v.n., to be insatiable; to be greedy. anuktaptua, a., pp., insatiable; greedy. anuktaptuli, v. t. pl., to go to excess. anuktiboha, anuktoboha, v. n., to be roiled, agitated, or disturbed, as roily water or water boiling up in a spring. anuktobulli, v. a. i., to boil up; to rise up, as water in a spring. anuktobullichi, vy. t., to cause to boil up. anuktuklichi, anuktuklochi, vy. t., to hamper; to embarrass. anuktuklo, n., a hesitation; an impedi- ment; suspense. ; anuktuklo, y. n., to be at a loss; to be in doubt; to doubt, Matt. 14: 31. anuktuklo, v. a. i., to hesitate; to doubt; to stammer. anuktuklo, a., pp., embarrassed, ikanwk- tuklo, a., pp., unembarrassed. anuktuklo iksho, a., unhesitating. anuktuklochechi, vy. t., to embarrass. anuktuklochi, y. t., to embarrass; to trouble, Gal. 5: 10. anuktuklochi, ady., doubting; chu"kash mat anuktuklochi, Mark 11: 23. anukwatya, v. n., to be in haste; to be in a hurry; v. a. i., to hurry. anukwatya, a., hasty; hurried; in haste. anukwa*yachi, v. t., to hasten; to hurry. anukwia, v. n., to hesitate; to be timid, fearful, or doubtful; to be afraid; to dread; to be afraid to do or to venture (not to be afraid of any creature, but to be afraid of such things as trying to cross a stream, and the like); imnukwia, afraid of him, a’nukwia, he is afraid of me; sianukwia, | am afraid; ikchianuk- wiokashke, fear not, Matt. 1: 20. anukwia, a., timid; fearful; doubtful; afraid; reluctant. anukwiachi, v. t., to render timid; to frighten. anukyiminta, v.a.i., to be angry. anukyohbi, v.a.i., to soften; to become moist and soft, as by the dew. anukyohbi, pp., softened; moistened; soft; moist. anukyohbichi, vy. t., to soften; to mois- ten. anump ikbi, v. t., to make a speech. anump ikbi, n., a speechmaker. anump iksho, a., speechless, CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 48 anump i"kucha achukma, n., fluency. anump imeshi, n., his secretary; his aid; one that receives instructions from his superior; the combination im is a prefixed pronoun. anump imeshi, v. t., to hear a message; to receive instructions. anump isht ika, n., a haranguer. anumpa, annumpa, pp., spoken; word- ed; uttered; pronounced; declared; talked; delivered; enunciated; ex- pressed; mentioned; preached; pro- nounced; aianuhumpa, Matt. 3: 17; isht imanuhumpashke, Matt. 11: 5; itim- anumpa, conversed together; spoken; isht anumpa, pp., debated; preached; imanumpa, pp., warned. anumpa, a., oral; verbal. anumpa, adyv., orally; verbally. anumpa, annumpa, n., a talk; aspeech; a word; Josh. 1: 13; a communication; a message; a promise; advice; counsel; a language; a tongue; the voice; the mode of speaking; a sermon; a dis- course; a sentence; an oration; a dec- lamation; tidings, Luke 1: 10; a charge; chat; a declaration; a detail; a dialect; doctrine; elocution; enunciation; an er- rand; intelligence; a law; a lecture; a mandate; mention; nourishment or instruction; an observation; parlance; parley; a passage; a phrase; a procla- mation; a proverb; a report; a saying; a sentence; a statement; style; a tale; tattle; aterm; terms; testimony; a text; a theory; a topic; a tract; a treatise; a treaty; utterance; a verse; a yoice; a vote; @manumpa, sayings of mine, Matt. 7: 24, 26; isht anumpa, word of, or about, Matt. 13: 19. anumpa achafa, n., a paragraph; a sen- tence. anumpa achukmalit chukashichi, v. t., to blandish; to flatter; lit. to talk with and take the heart. anumpa afolotowa, n., an equivoca- tion; lit. a roundabout talk. anumpa afolotowachi, v. a. i., to equiv- ocate. anumpa aialhpisa, n., headquarters; the place where counsel is adopted. anumpa annoa, n., tidings. anumpa apakfokachi, v. a. i., to evade. anumpa apakfopa, n., an evasion. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 anumpa apesa, v. t., to dictate; to pass sentence; to fulminate. anumpa apesa, n., a dictator, a lawgiver; a lawmaker. anumpa asilhha, n., a prayer; a peti- tion; a request. anumpa asilhha holisso, n., a prayer book. anumpa atatoa, n., a verse. anumpa atya, n., a message; a rumor. anumpa alhpisa, n., a law; a sentence; an ordinance; a statute; an agreement; a covenant; a commandment; a rule; a precept; a judgment; ‘‘a determined or settled word;’’ a constitution; a de- cision; a decree; a dictate; adoom; an edict; a fiat; a government; an injunc- tion; an institution; an interdict; an order; a resolution. anumpa alhpisa, pp., legislated. anumpa alhpisa holisso, n., a written law; a law book. anumpa alhpisa ikbi, n., a legislator. anumpa alhpisa ikbi, v. t., to legislate; to enact a law or laws. anumpa alhpisa iksho, a., lawless; without law. anumpa alhpisa isht atta, n., a scribe. anumpa alhpisa keyu, a., lawless. anumpa alhpisa onuchi, vy. t., to fine. anumpa alhpisa onuchi, n., a suitor. anumpa alhpisa onutula, pp., fined. anumpa alhpisa toba, v. a.i., to be- come a law. anumpa alhtoshowa, see anumpa toshoa. anumpa bachaya, n., a column; a divi- sion of a page; lit. ‘‘a row of words.”’ anumpa bachoha, n. pl., columns. anumpa chokushpikbi, n., a libeler. anumpa chu"kushnah, n., a sarcasm; a retort. anumpa chukushpa, n., hearsay; a re- port; evil speaking; a libel. anumpa chukushpa ikbi, n., bearer. anumpa chukushpa ikbi, vy. t., to make tales or stories. anumpa chukushpali, v. t., to slander; to backbite; to libel. anumpa chukushpali, n., a slanderer; a gossiper. anumpa chukushpashali, v. t., to carry news or slander; to gossip. a tale BYINGTON ] anumpa chukushpashali, n., a tale bearer; a slanderer; a gossiper; a peace breaker; a sycophant. anumpa falama, n., an answer; areply; lit. the word returned. anumpa falama, pp., answered. anumpa falamoa, n. pl., answers; re- plies. anumpa falamolichi, v. t. pl., toanswer; to reply. anumpa falammichi, v. t., to reply; to answer; ‘‘to return a word;’’? anwmpa falamminchi, nasal form; anwmpa falam- mihinchi, freq.; anumpa infalamminchi, vy. t., to reply to him. anumpa fimmi, n., a propagator. anumpa himona, n., tidings. anumpa hinla, a., speakable; utterable; what can be expressed. anumpa holabi, n., a fib. anumpa holisso nowat a®ya, n., an epistle. anumpa ikaiako, n., a short speech. anumpa ikbi, n., a propagator of stories, etc. anumpa ilatomba, a., reserved. anumpa ilatomba, v. n., to be reserved. anumpa ilonuchi, y. ref., to assume an obligation; to promise; to oblige him- self. anumpa inlaua, a., talkative; anwmpa ikinlauo, a., silent. anumpa intuklo, n., a trimmer. anumpa isht auehinchi, n., a tradition. anumpa isht a®ya, v. t., to carry a mes- sage. anumpa isht a®ya, n., a messenger; a runner. anumpa isht alhpisa, n., a parable. anumpa isht hika, v. t., to deliver a speech; to harangue; anwmpa isht tka, see Child’s Cat., p. 10, q. 42. anumpa isht hika, n., a speech; an oration; a formal speech; a set speech; a harangue; an address; oratory. anumpa isht hika, anumpa isht ika, n., an orator; a speaker; a declaimer; a haranguer. anumpa isht okchaya, n., the word of life. anumpa itimapesa, v. t., to bargain; to covenant together. anumpa itimapesa, n., a bargain; a mutual covenant. ~ 84339°—Bull. 46—15——_4 A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 49 anumpa itimalhpisa, pp., bargained; covenanted. anumpa itinlaua, n., an altercation; a controversy. anumpa itinlaua, v. a. i., to have an altercation; to have many words be- tween them. anumpa itinlauachi, v. t., to altercate; to dispute; to make many words be- tween them. anumpa kaniohmi, n., news; a word of some sort. anumpa kaniohmi keyu, n., nonsense; a word of no sort. anumpa kallo, n., a strong talk; a law; arule; a command; a canon; an ordi- nance; testimony; an oath, Matt. 14: 7,9; a league, Josh. 9: 6. anumpa kallo ikbi, n., a lawmaker; a legislator. anumpa kallo ilonuchiy, v. ref., to bind himself; to lay himself under obliga- tions; to swear. anumpa kallo ilonuchi cha ia, v. t. ref., to abjure; to vow; to vouch. anumpa kallo ilonuchit anoli, v. t., to depose; to bear testimony. anumpa kallo isht anumpuli, v. t., to swear. anumpa kallo miha, v. t., to damn. anumpa kallo onitula, see anumpa kallo onutula. anumpa kallo onuchi, v. t., to sue; to prosecute; to condemn; to sentence; to command; to order; to curse; to damn; to doom; to execrate; to indict. anumpa kallo onuchi, n., a prosecutor. anumpa kallo onuchit anoli, anumpa kallo onuchit miha, v. t., v. a.1., to testify. anumpa kallo onutula, anumpa kallo onitula, anumpa kallo onatula, pp., sued; prosecuted; condemned; sen- tenced; commanded; ordered; cursed. anumpa kallo onutula, n., a prosecu- tion; a sentence; a curse; a vow. anumpa keyu, n., nonsense. anumpa kobafa, n., a transgression; a broken law; a breach of the Jaw; perfidy. anumpa kobaffi, v. t., to transgress; to break a law; to revolt. anumpa kobaffi, n., a transgressor; a criminal; a culprit; a lawbreaker; an offender; a rebel. 50 anumpa kobaffi, n., a transgression; a crime. anumpa kochanli, anumpa kuchanli, a verbal message; traditions, Matt. 15: caption, 2, 3, 6. anumpa kochanli, v.a.i., to comealong, or to be out, as a verbal message. anumpa kololi, n., pl. short words; short speeches. anumpa kolu®fa, n., a short word; a short speech. anumpa kolu®™fasi, n. dimin.; a very short talk; a shortish talk. anumpa kuchanli, see anumpa kochanhi. anumpa laua, a., verbose; wordy. anumpa lumiksho, n., frankness. anumpa makali, n., scurrility. anumpa nan anoli, n., a story. anumpa nan alhpisa isht atta, n., a lawyer; an attorney. anumpa nan isht alhpisa, n., an alle- gory; a parable. anumpa nukoa, n., rant. anumpa nushkobo, n., a summary; the heads of discourse; a head; topic of discourse; subject-matter of a speech; a text. anumpa okpulo, n., bad language; vile talk; calumny; an invective; scandal. anumpa okpulo onuchi, y. t., to cal- umniate; to slander. anumpa okpulo onuchi, n., calumny; slander. anumpa okpulo onuchi, n., a calumni- ator. anumpa okpulo onutula, pp., calum- niated. anumpa onucha hinla, a., accusable; impeachable. anumpa onuchi, anumponuchi, vy. t., to accuse; to blame; to impeach; to indict; to charge; to condemn, Matt. 12: 7; to prosecute; to senterce. anumpa cnuchi, n., an accuser; an in- former; a prosecutor. anumpa onuchi, n., an impeachment. anumpa onutula, anumponatula, pp., impeached; accused; blamed; con- demned; sentenced to punishment; indicted; anumpa ikonitulo, a., uncon- demned. anumpa onutula, anumpa onatula, n., an inpeachment; an accusation; blame. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 anumpa onutulahe keyu, a., excusa- ble; irreproachable. anumpa shali, v. t., to carry a message. anumpa shali, n., a messenger; a run- ner; an ambassador, Josh. 9: 4. anumpa shanaioa, n., a prevarication; imanumpa shanaioa, n., a prevaricator; imanumpa shanaioa, vy. t., to prevari- cate. anumpa tikba, n., a summary. anumpa tikbanli anoli, n., a prophecy. anumpa tilofa, n. sing., ashort address a short speech; the name often given by an orator in his introduction to the speech he is about to make. anumpa tilofasi, a dim. n., a brief ad- dress; the si has nearly the force of sh in some English words, as short, shortish. anumpa tiloli, n. pl., short speeches; short addresses. anumpa toshoa, anumpa alhtoshowa, n., a translation; an interpretation; a speech translated; an explanation. anumpa toshoa, pp., translated; inter- preted; explained. anumpa tosholi, v. t., to interpret; to translate; to construe. anumpa tosholi, n.,a translator; an in- terpreter; an expositor; a linguist. anumpa tosholi ashachi, v. t., to mis- interpret; to mistranslate. anumpeshi, n., a presiding officer in a council; a secretary; a messenger, Matt. 11: 10; an aid-de-camp; a consul, a disciple, John 3: 22; a servant, Luke 2: 29; an apostle, Luke 6: 13; a legate; an officer; a representative; a resident. anumpeshi atokulli, v. t., to officer. anumpisachi, y. t., to take aim; to level; or anompisachi (q. v.). anumponatula, see anumpa onutula. anumponuchi,, see anumpa onuchi. anumpule chi, v. t., to trouble; to pester to plague; to annoy; to worry; to dis- turb; to molest; to embarrass; to hector; to incommode; sianumpulechi fehna, he troubles me very much. anumpulechi, n., a troubler; a hectorer; isht itimanumpuli, to hold a council against, Matt. 12: 14. anumpuli, v. a.i., v. t., to talk; to speak, Joshua 1: 1; to utter; to say, Matt. 17: 4; to say a word; to pray, Matt. 6: 9; BYINGTON] to preach, Luke 3: 3; to chat; to de- claim; to deliver; to discourse; to enun- ciate; to exhort; to express; to gab; to gabble; to harangue; to lecture; to mention; to observe; to phrase; to pronounce; to reason; to tattle; to word; imanumpuli, v. t., to talk to him; to counsel; to deal with; to exhort; to expostulate; to rebuke; to reprehend; to read, as holisso imanumpuli; im- anumpuli, n., a reader; isht anumpuli, to talk about; to advocate; to comment; to descant; to preach; to plead; to praise; ikanumpolo, n. f., v.a. i., a, dumb; unsocial; isht anumpuli, to talk about, Matt. 7: 22; yammakosh ahachi anumpulahi oka, which shall speak in you, Matt. 10: 20; aiitimanumpuli, Matt. 12: 4; to read, Josh. 8: 35; an- umponli, nasal form, v. a i., and a.; abanumpa isht anumpohonli, preaching, Matt. 12: 41; itimanumpult, to speak with him; chitimanumpuli, to speak with thee; anumpohonili, freq.; isht im- anumpohonli, to speak to them by, Matt. 12: 46, 47; anumpoyuli, pro. form; itim- anumpuli, vy. t., to converse together; to talk together; to commune; to contest; to discuss; to negotiate; to parley; to rea- son, Matt. 16: 7, 8; isht itimanumpuli, v. t., to reason; itimanumpuli, n., a collo- quy; a dialogue; a conference; a parley; isht ishimanumpuli, Matt. 13: 10; itimnu- polih used for itimanumpulih; imanum- puli, vy. t., to reprimand; to school; ila- numpuli, to talk to one’s self; isht idanum- puli, to talk about himself; isht anwm- puli, v. t., to handle; to talk about; to intercede; to treat; to vindicate. anumpuli, n., preaching; pronunciation; “‘voice,’’ Gen. 4: 10. anumpuli, n., a speaker; a counselor; a declaimer; a deliverer; a lecturer; a herald; a speechmaker; a talker; ikan- umpolo, n., a mute; a dumb person, Matt. 12: 22; ikanumpolo, a., mute; silent. anumpuli anuktuklo, v. a. i., to stam- mer; to stutter. anumpuli ilahobi, v. a. i., to babble. anumpuli ilahobi, n., a babbler. anumpuli imponna,a., eloquent; fluent. anumpuli imponna, vy. n., to be elo- quent. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 51 anumpuli imponna, n., a linguist. anumpuli italhpesa, v. t., to respond. anumpuli keyu, a., mute; speechless; mum. anumpuli shah, n., a talker; a great talker; a chatterbox; a prater. anumpuli shali, y. a. i., to talk much; to prate. anumpuli shah, a., flippant; loquacious; talkative; voluble. anumpulit a¥sha, y.a.i., to sit and talk; to be in session; to be engaged in any kind of speaking. anumpulit a®sha, n., asession; a sitting; the actual presence of any body of men who have met for speaking, consulting, ete. anumpulit chu"kash ishi, v.t., to per- suade. anusi, n., a bed; a bedroom; any place for sleeping; the place where any one or any creature sleeps; a couch; a dor- mitory; a harbor; an inn; a lodging. anusi, v.n., v.a.i., to sleep at, in, or on; to sleep there; asanusi, anuseli, where I sleep. anusi ona, n., bedtime; time for sleep. anusi ona, v. a.i., to arrive (as bedtime); the time to go to bed has come. anushkunna, n., a lover. anushkunna, n., fancy; liking; passion. anushkunna, vy. a. i., v. t., to fancy; to like; to desire; to be fond of; to love, 1 Kings, 11: 1; to have a passion for an- other, a female, 2 Sam. 13:1, 2 15; ai- anushkunna, Matt. 13:22; to covet, Josh. Ueizalle apa, v. a. i., from apa, to eat and in re- gard to eating a single article of food; impa, to eat, implies the eating of a number of things, ora common meal; ishimpa hinla? will you eat? ahe ishpa- hinla, will you eat a potato? See apa. apahyah, pp., shouted at; called to. apahyachi, v. t., to shout at; to halloo. apahyachi, n., a shouter; one that hal- loos. apakama, n., guile, John 1: 47. apakama, apakama, pp., deceived in any way; imposed upon. apakammi, yv. t., to deceive. apakammiy, n., a deceiver. apakamoa, pp. pl., deceived. apakamoh, vy. t. pl., to deceive. 52 apakamoli, n., deceivers. apakchilofa, pp., tripped up. apakchiloffi, v. t., to trip up. apakchulli, v. a. i., v. t., to climb up; to cling; to wind round and ascend, as a man climbs a tree ora vine runs up a pole. apakchulli, n., a climber. apakfoa, pp. pl., banded; bound round; tied round; from apakfoli. apakfoa, v. a. i., to go round; to reach round; to wind round. apakfoa, v. n., to be round; to be wound round. apakfobli, v. a. i. sing., to go round; to encircle; to surround; to wrap round; to environ; to inclose; as, it goes round, etc., Luke 138: 8; Mark 12: 1. apakfoblichi, v. t., caus., to wind round; to cause to go round; to wrap round. apakfokachi, pp. pl., surrounded; en- circled. apakfokachi, v. n., to be around. apakfokachi, v. a. i., to go round; to en- circle; to avoid by going round; apak- fokahanchi, freq., Rev. 20: 9. apakfoh, y. t. pl., to surround; to wind round; to wrap round; ilapakfoli, v. ref., to bewrap; to wrap himself, Gen. 37: 34. apakfopa, apakfoyupa (pro. f.),n., the circumference; the compass; a zone; apakfoyupa, prep., round. apakfopa, apakfompa (nas. f.), pp., from apakfobli, wound round; wrapped round; circled; encircled; environed; inclosed; shunned; surrounded. apakfopa, a., spiral. apakfopa, v. a. i., to go round; to wind round; to circuit; to come round; to deviate; to encircle; to fly; toshun; to compass, Josh. 6:3, 4; apakfompa, nasal form; apakfohompa, pro. form. apakfopa, v. n., to be wound round; y. t., to compass; to double, as a cape; apakfoyupa, pro. form. apakfopahe keyu, a., inevitable. apakfoyupa, see apakfopa. apakna, n., a plenty; an abundance; a fullness. apakna, adv., freely. apakna, a., plenteous; abundant; copi- ous; exuberant. apakna, v.n., to be plenteous; to abound; itimpakna, to compete together; kilitim- BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 pakna, let us compete, or try and see which will excel; see pakna. apakna®ka, n., the top, Luke 25: 38. apaknali, n., the surface; the face. apaknali, a., superficial; being on the surface. apaknali, v. n., to be superficial; to be on the surface. apaknachi, v. t., to cause an abundance; to make a plenty, 1 Kings 10: 27. apakshanofa, y. a. i., to cling. apakshana, v. a. i., to cling to; to grip; itapakshana, to strive together, Deut. 25: 11. apakshana, pp., twisted round; itapak- shana, pp., intwined; twisted together. apakshanni, vy. t., to twist round; tta- pakshanni, itapakshannichi, v. t., to in- twine; to twist together. apalaska, n., an oven; any place where anything is baked; a baking place. apali, v. a. i., to lurk; to creep slyly in quest of prey or game, like a cat. apanlichi, v. t., to encourage by shouts; to halloo. apanta, a., nasal form, from apata, situ- ated at the side; being on the side; sing. of palli; imchukapanta, chuka inmpalli. apantali, nasal form, from apatali. apanukfila, n., a whirlwind. apanukfila, v. a. i., to blow and rise, as a whirlwind; to be a whirlwind, or to whirlwind, making a verb of the noun. apashia, n., a piazza; a porch; a por- tico; chukapashia, house porch. apata, v. a. i., to lie at the side; apanta, nasal form; apataiya, pro. form, to lie along at the side. apata, pp., laid at the side. apatafa, n., a plowed place. apatalechi, v. t., to spread a blanket so that one-half is under and the other over a person; see apolomichi. apatalhpo, n., a spread; a mattress; a seat; a cushion, John 19:13. Perhaps this word is used for ‘‘seat’’ because in early times the Choctaw spread out some kind of skin as a seat for visitors and others. apatali, v.a.i., to grow at the side like corn suckers; itapatali, recip. apatali, n., suckers; young sprouts at the side. BYINGTON] apaha, n., attendants; companions; fel- lows; itapiha, fellows. apala, n., a frying pan or anything in which to carry a torch or a light; usually applied to a frying pan, because it was used to carry a light by those who hunted game in the night. The light was made of fat pine knots or wood cut and split fine. apalli, apulli, pl. of apotali, v. a. i., to stand side and side; to lie side by side; chuka apallit anya keyu, not to eaves- drop. apatichi, v. t., to hew wood. apatichi, n., a hewer. apeha, apiha, vy. a.i. pl., many to join ’ one; to go in company with; to be with others, 2.Sam. 18: 1; or being with, Matt. 12:3; Josh. 7: 24; apehat aiasha, about him, i. e., multitudes, Matt. 8: 18; apehat anya, to go along with one; to accompany him, Matt. 12: 3, 4; Josh. 8:5; itapiha, to join together; to accom- pany; to go together, John 3: 22; avita- piha, to join together there, or at, Matt. 8: 11; here are plurals in both com- panies that united apehkachi, itapekachi, aitapekachi; aiapi™hat hieli, Matt. 12:41, to stand together with; itapithat hioh- manya, Matt. 13: 30; aiitapimhat attat ia, Matt. 14: 13; apitha, to be with, Matt. 4: 21. apehali; aiapehalinchi, pl., led with him, Luke 23: 82. apehachi, v. t. caus., to cause to be or go together; to take part with. apehpoa, see apepoa. apela, n., a helper; an assistant; anally; an auxiliary; an aid; a coadjutor; a help; a second; a subsidiary. apela, a., subservient; ikapelo, a.; un- aided; unassisted; unhelped; unsup- ported. apela, v. t., to help, Josh. 1: 14; to assist; to abet; to succor; to back; to second or strengthen by aid; to support; to favor; to further; to interpose; to second; to side; to stickle; to subserve; siapela, to help me; chiapelali, I help thee; itapela, to help each other; itapela, n., a help; a helper; a partner; an ally; an auxiliary; mutual helps, ete.; apinla, nasal form, helping; apihinla, freq. form, keep helping; apiela, pro. form, A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 53 to help at last; apela ikimiksho, a., help- less; without help. apelachi, apelachi, y. t., to help an- other; to cause to help; to favor; to further; topatronize; to promote; to re- lieve; to succor, siapelachi, help me, Matt. 15: 25; apelanchi, nasal form; apelahanchi, freq. form; apelaiyachi, pro. form. apelachi, n., a help; a remedy; succor. apelachi, apelachi, n., a promoter; a succorer; a helper; an abettor; an ally; an assistant; an auxiliary; a coadjutor; a favorer; a paraclete; a patron; ita- pelachi, n., a copartner; mutual help- ers. apeli, n., a hurricane; a tempest; the place where a hurricane passed along and blew down the timber; a whirl- wind. apeli, v.a.i., to storm; to blow, asa hurri- cane. apelua, pp., turned up. apelulichi, vy. a. i., to turn up sleeves or legs of pantaloons or leggings. apeli, v. t., to bring, sweep, or scrape together; to rake up, as bears and hogs rake or bring together grass and leaves for a nest. apeli, n.,a raker; a nest maker. apetichi, v. t., to push up the wood on a fire; to put the sticks or brands to- gether; to hoe earth up around plants. apetichi, v. t. pl., to rule at; to preside in; to govern there; apelinchi, nasal form; apelilinchi, freq.; apetiechi, pro. form. apetichi, apeliechi, n., the course, class or term (of Abia), Luke 1: 5. apelichi, n., the place ruled; a kingdom, Mark 11: 10; a tribe, 1 Kings 11: 31, 32; 2 Sam. 24: 2. apelichi fullota, n., a territory; the extent of the place that is ruled. apelichika, apetiechika, n., the place ruled, whether kingdom, province, town, district, plantation, bishopric, diocese, or a single house; or the place ruled by domestic animals; domain; dominion; a dukedom; an empire; a government; a kingdom; a monarchy; a province; a sphere; a tribe, 1 Kings 11: 18; yakni apelichika moma, Matt. 4:8" 3:2" b:13; 6513, 335) 122725), 26; 54 13: 19, 41, 43; 18: 1; apetichika, in Matt. 6:10, used as a verb, having ish, thou, prefixed; or this ish is used asa poss. pronoun, similar to ish in ishitibapishi, thy brother, so here it is thy kingdom, 1 Kings 10: 20. apelichika fullota, n., a precinct. apeliechi achafa, n., a body; a num- ber of men united by a common tie or form of government. apetiechi, see apetichi. apepoa, apehpoa, apepowa, v. t. pl., to help; to assist by counsel, not in labor; to advocate for; to plead for; to argue for; to stand up for; to fight for; ilapipowa to help himself. apepoa, apepowa, n., helpers; advo- cates; allies; justifiers; apipoat ih, n., a martyr; apipoat ili, n., martyrdom. apesa, apisa, v. t., to order; to appoint, Josh. 1: 7; to fix; to measure, Matt. 7:2; to judge; to adjudge; to reconcile; to regulate; to resolve; torule; to scale; toscheme; toset; to settle; to span; to square; to survey; to test; to time; to tolerate; to transact; to will; to destine; to devise; to direct; to dispose of; to doom; to enact; to engage; to establish; to estimate; to gauge; to instruct; to lay a plan; to legalize; to machinate; to manage; to marshal; to mediate; to mete; to methodize; to order; to ma- neuver; to plan; to prescribe; to pro- ject; to purpose; to adjudicate; to sanc- tion; to command, Matt. 8: 4; 14: 9; to conclude; to decide; to decree; im- apesa, to appoint for him; to allow him; to send him; to license; to re- strict; to make for them, i.e., a feast, Luke 5: 29; to give them power, Matt. 10: 1; nan isht apesa, Matt. 13: 3; ikim- apeso, Vv. t., to disallow him; ikapeso, a., undetermined; isht apesa, to meas- ure with; to maneuver; to model; isht apesat ima, v. t., to devote; apihinsa, Matt. 15: 4; itimapesa, to league; to agree together; to concert together; to contract; to covenant; itimapesa, n., an agreement; a concert; a contract; a league; ilitibapesa, we agree together; ilapisa, to measure for himself, Luke 12: 21; to make himself, John 5: 18; uapesa, to contract; to liken; itapesa- lashke, I will liken, Matt. 7: 24; also BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 Matt. 11: 16; pitimapesa, Josh. 9: 6; alhpisa, alhpesa, pp. apesa, n., a judge; one that measures, appoints, etc.; a director; an enactor; an estimator; a manager; a measurer. apesa, n., a measurement; mensuration. apesachi, v. t., to oversee; to direct; to manage; torule; totend; chiapesahan- chi, etc., Matt. 4: 6; apesaiyachi, pro. form. apesachi, n., an overseer; a director; a manager; acurator; a tender; a keeper; apesachi ateha hatuk at yitepat, and they that kept them fled, Matt. 8: 33; apesa- chi, a shepherd, Matt. 9: 36; a keeper, Gen. 4: 9. apiha, n. (see apeli, act.; apiha is pass. ), a place brushed, raked, etc.; as onush apiha, where the oats have been raked away; itapiha, together with, John 21: 2; itapehachi, collected to- gether; aiitapiha, with; together with; apimha, nasal form of apeha, pl., being with, John 11: 31; 21: 3; apithat arya kashon, them that followed, Matt. 8: 10. apinni v. t., to twist a stick into hair, as the mane. apinnichi y. t., to break down the top limbs of bushes; like akauwichi. apisa, n., aglass; a looking glass; a lesson in reading assigned to a pupil; a win- dow; alight; amirror; scenery; aspec- ulum. api4sa, n., a prospect; a study. apisa achafa, n., a pane of glass; a pane. apisa isht alhkama, n., a window; a window shutter. apisa isht alhpolosa, n., putty. apisa isht hopo"koyo, n.,a telescope; a spy glass. apisaka, n., a vision; that which is the object of sight; a view; a sight; a pros- pect. apisahukmi, n., a burning glass. apisaka ali, n., the horizon. apisah, n., ken; view; reach of sight. apissa, pp., straightened; made straight; dressed; unbent. apissa, a., straight. apissa, v. n., to be straight. apissalechi, see apissalecht. apissali, a., due; direct; straight; v. t., to choose, Luke 10: 42; ikapissalo, a., in- direct; vague. BYINGTON] apissanli, a., nasal form of apissalli, or a form like hinanli, kochanli, ete. (q. v.) (Josh. 5: 5); express; direct; straight; being straight; true; erect; firm; unequivocal; genuine, as hatak api humma apissanli, a genuine redman, not a man of mixed blood; explicit, as in anumpa apissanli achukma; fair; genu- ine; honest; invariable; regular; right ; upright. apissanli, ady., regularly. apissanli, n., fairness; frankness; integ- rity; probity; simplicity. apissanli, v. n., to be straight; to be direct, genuine, etc. apissanlit, apissant, ady., plainly; di- rectly; in a direct course; the nearest way; downright; right; uprightly; as apissant ishla, did you come directly here?; apissant hikia, a., precipitous; perpendicular. apissallechi, apissalechi, v. t. caus., to make straight; to direct; to dress; to straighten, Matt.3:3; ilapissalechi, John 11:41 [2]; uski naki apissalechi. apissalli, vy. t., to straighten; to unbend. apissat hikia, a., erect. apistikeli, n., a watch; a spy; custody; aneyer; aguard; a guardian; a guarder;. a manager; an overseer; a supervisor; asurveyor; atroubler; a vigil; a warder; a warden. apistikeli, n., vigilance; watch; ward; a watcher. apistikeli, a., troublesome; watchful. apistikeli, v. a. i., v. t., to watch; to eye; to observe; to look out for with an eyil intention; to embarrass; to guard; to look; to oversee; to ward; to be vigilant; to infest; to manage; to mo- lest; to pester; to plague; tosuperintend; to supervise; to tend; to transact; to trouble. apistikeli ahikia, n., a watchhouse. apistikelichi, vy. t., to cause to watch; to get one to watch. apistiket, cont. from apistikelit, to watch, ete. apitta, v. t. pl., to put in; wak apitta, to put in cattle; tanchi apitta, to put in corn; okapa"kki apitta, to putina liquid, Matt. 9:17; 13: 48; alhpita, pp. apoa, apoba, yv. t., to raise, as cattle or any domestic animals, or fruit trees; A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE dd to have for the purpose of raising, or to let it grow; to domesticate; to tame; alhpoba, pp., imapoa, to ally; to be- troth; to espouse; itimapoa, to espouse each other; itimalhpoba, pp., of above; apoahanchi, ‘‘to spare,’’? 1 Sam. 15: 3; chikapoancho, Gen. 18: 24. apoa, n., preemption; a refusal. apoachi, or apobachi (q. v.) v. t., to raise; alhpoba, pp. apoachi, n., one that betroths or be- speaks. apoba, see apoa. apoba, n., a saver; a preserver. apobachi, v. t., to betroth; to bespeak; to speak for; to bargain for; to pet; to preengage; alhpoba, pp. apohko, pp., protected; covered; ikapoh- ko, a., exposed. apohko, n., protection. apohkochi, yv. t., to protect; to cover; ilapohkochi, v. ref., she protects herself, or covers herself. apohkolechi, v. t., to hold the hand and hide or hold something; to hold the flat hand over the ear to prevent hearing; itapokolechi, v. t., to put two flat things together. apohota, n., the fringe; the flounce. apohtuka, a., shut in so that the air does not circulate, as a house by a thicket. apohtukachi, vy. t., to shut in; to make close. apohtukih, v. a. i., to be close or tight, as a room. apokni, appokni, n., my grandmother. The same appellation belongs to all the sisters of the grandmother and to their mother also. When there is an occa- sion to express the real difference it can be easily done. apokofa, vy. a. i., to thrust against; “to run against, Num. 22: 25. apoksia, y. t., to prepare, John 14: 2, 3; 15: 2; to mend, Matt. 4: 21. apoksia, n., a repair. apoksia, pp., repaired; mended; recon- ciled; redressed; regulated; remedied. apoksia, a., good; wise. apoksiachi, v. t., to repair; to adjust; to dispose; to prepare, Luke 3:4; Matt. 3:3; 11:10; to reconcile; to redress; to regulate; to shape; idlapoksiachi, to re- form himself. 56 apoksiachi, n., a reformer; a repairer. apoksiali, v. t., to arrange. apokshiama, n., a flap; a clout, called a square; a diaper. The apokshiama is a garment worn by Choctaw men. apokshiama, pp., clouted. apokshiami, apokshiami, apokshi- ammi, v. t., to put the clout upon one’s self; to clout one’s self. apokshiamichi, y. t., to put the clout upon another. apokshiammi, see apokshiami. apokshiammi, pp., clouted; having a flap put on. apokta, n., a double. apokta, pp., doubled; grown together, as two potatoes fastened together side by side. apokta, a., double; as ahe apokta, noti apokta. apokta, vy. n., to be doubled. Apokta chito, n., the name of a_ par- ticular creek. apoktachi, v. t., to double; to cause any- thing to be doubled. apolichi, hopochi (q.v.) v. t., to hill corn; to work in the corn for the last time, Luke 13: 8. apolukta; itapolukta, v. a. 1., to coalesce. apoluma, n., a conjurer at ball plays, called a ball play witch. apolumi, v. t., to conjure; to act the ball play witch. apolusa, n., a daubing; apolusa achafa, one coat of daubing. apolusa, alhpolosa, pp., a., daubed; plastered; pitched. apolusa, y. n., to be daubed. apolusli, vy. t., to daub; to plaster; to pitch; to smear. apolusli, n., a dauber; a plasterer. apolusli, n., a casing; the act or opera- tion of plastering a house with mortar on the outside. apoloma, n., a hem; a bend; a spring made by a bend. apoloma, pp., hemmed; double. apolomachi, n., a hem of a garment. apolomachi, pp., hemmed. apotomachi, vy. t., to hem; to bend over double. bent over BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ' [BULL. 46 apolomi, apotommi, y. t., to hem; to bend over; to go across a bend ina river or road; to lap. apotomi, n., a hemmer. apolomichi, y. t., to fold a blanket and sleep in it, one part under and the other part over a person. apotomoa, pp. pl., hemmed. apotomoa, n., hems; bends. apotomolili, v. t., to hem; to bend over; to go across bends in a river or in a road. aponaklo, v. a. i., v. t., to inquire; to query. aponaklo, n., an inquirer. aponaklo, n., an inquiry. aponaklo shahi, a., inquisitive. aposhokachi, n., the border; the hem; imanchi aposhokachi ya” pit potoli, the hem of his garment; Matt. 9 20; Luke: 8: 44; imanchi aposhokachi ak ila kia, only the hem of his garment, Matt. 14: 36. apota, vy. a.i., to lie at the side; itapota, to lie together; ikitapoto, Matt. 1: 25; chiapota, 1 Kings 1: 2. apota, n., the side; Eli at hina apota ka, 1 Sam. 4: 13. apota, v. n., to be at the side; apunta, nasal form; itapota, v. a. i., to make snug; to lie sidewise. apotaka, n., the side; a by-place; apo- taka ia, to go one side to void, or toa by-place; anexpression used to describe the going away to ease nature, ete. apotaka itola, apotaka atta, vy. n., to lie in aretired place; this expression is applied to describe the retirement of females. See Lev. 15: 19-28; apotakachi. The Choctaw women have a small camp near the house to which they retire at such seasons, and where they remain alone till they have their usual health. apotali, vy. a. i., to lie at the side. apotoa, pl., apotoat hielitok, to stand be- side; to be at the side, 1 Kings 10: 19. apotoli, apotuli, sing. v. t., to place by the side of, 1 Sam. 5: 2; apotulit hohpi, Acts 5: 10; itapotuli, v. t., to accouple; to adjoin; to couple. apoyua, v. t., to gather up; to pick up and carry away. BYINGTON] A DICTIONARY OF THE aputfa, n., a forge, or the place where the mouth of the bellows acts upon the fire; the mouth of a bellows. apu2fachi, vy. t., to blow with a bellows, mouth, pipe, etc.; to expire; to puff; isht apu®fachi, n., a blow pipe, or v. t., to blow with. apulli, vy. t. pl., in himaka” apullit itikbo; see alulli. apulli, n., corn suckers. apulli, apalli, pl. of apotali (q. v.). apullichi, v. t., to hill up (corn); to heap up around anything. apunta, nasal form (from apota), v. n., being at the side to make an exchange equal. apunta, prep., by; near, as at the side. apunta, a., contiguous; hohchifo apunta, surname, Matt. 10: 3. apuskiachi, y. t., to divine; to act as a priest. See Gen. 41: 45. apushi (from api and ushi), n., a sprout, as itapushi, a sprout of a tree, (q. v.); a staddle; kati apushi, Mark 12: 1. apushi hika, n., a stake. apushli, v. t., to roast, 1 Sam. 2: 15; to broil; to bake in the hot ashes, as po- tatoes (ahe apushli); alhpusha, pp. apushli, n., a roaster; one that roasts. aputa, a., from puta, all. See 1 John 8) 3 dif. aputkachi, v. n. pl., to lie or stand side by side. aputkachi, a., pp., laid at the side; lying at the side. asahnoyechi, a., old, aged; or sahnoyechi (q. V..). asanali, see asonali. asanali, n., the forefront of a rock; see 1 Sam. 14: 5; a jamb; the sidepiece of a fireplace. asanalichi, v. a. i., asanni, pl., to cause it to face; ahe a hashi a® asanalichi, to lay the potatoes in the sun; itasanali, to face each other. asananta, asananta, n., a large bee, re- sembling the bumble bee, that bores into wood, ete. asanata, a., lazy. asalbash, achaba, asalhchap, n., a foot- bridge, made of a log or tree; asilhchap, asahchap, Ch. Sp. Bk., page 50; salbach, Ch. Sp. Bk., page 18. asalhchap, see above. CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 57 asanni, pl. of asonali, to face; to front; to stem. asano, n., an adult; a grown person. asano, v. a. i., to grow up, a word of general signification; alla at asano, Luke 1: 80; 2: 40; itapushi at asano, nusapi at chahat isht ia; asaiyano, pro. form; asano, n., an adult; asano ikono, n., a minor; asano, pp., a., grown; grown up; mature; adult; asaiyano, pro. form; asano, asanno, n., maturity; puberty; rankness; asanochi, asanochika, asanochi, n., an elder in a church. asanochika, n., the elders of an assem- bly. asanonchi, asanonchi, n., the elders; the aged; the fathers (by way of re- spect); an elder; a presbyter; asanon- chi, Josh. 8: 10, 33; 9: 11; asanochi, Titus 2: 2, 3; asanhochi. asechip, asechap, n., a footbridge; a log or tree lying across a creek or water course and used as a footbridge. See asalbash. asehta, pp., tied up; bound up; tied to . tree, as a horse; asinta, tied, Mark asehta, n., a bundle; a sheaf. aseta, v. t., to accept a wager; to bet against; itaseta, to bet against each other. aseta, n., a rawhide rope or string; a rope; a cord; a strap; a string; a thong; aseta isht takchi, to tie with a cord; to cord. aseta chanaha, n., a coil of rope. aseta falaia, n., a long rope; a long raw- hide rope; a rope; a tedder. aseta falaia isht takchi, v. t., to ted- der. aseta isht fammiz, v. t., to strap. aseta isht ochi, n., a well rope. aseta pana, n., atwisted rawhide; a hide rope made by plaiting two strands, John 2: 15. aseta tanaffo, n., a plaited hide rope; a braided hide rope made of three or more strands. asetikbi, r., acord maker; a rope maker. asetilechi, v. t., to make tie; asetilechinka, n., junction of streams. asetili, asetilli, v. a. i., asetoti, pl., to empty; to disembogue; to flow out at the mouth; to discharge into another stream. 58 asetili, n., asetoli, pl., the mouth of a stream. asetilli, n., end of or uttermost part of (the Jordan), Josh. 15: 5. asetoh, v. a. i. pl., to empty. asilballi, v. a. i., to go to excess in eating or drinking; to gormandize. asilballi, n., a gormandizer. asilballichi, vy. t. caus., to lead another into excesses. asilhchap, n., a footlog over a creek. asilhha, n., an invitation; an invocation; apetition; a request; a suit. asilhha, vy. t., to beg; to beseech, Matt. 14: 36; to entreat; to supplicate; to ask, Matt. 5: 42; 14:7; to implore; to impor- tune; to request; to petition; to crave; to demand; to espouse, invite, invocate, invoke; to supplicate; to wish; to woo; hashasilhhakma, if or when ye ask, Matt. 7: 7. echimasilhha, we beg of thee; anumpa ilbasha asilhha, to pre- sent in supplication, as humble words, i. e., to pray; achunanchit asilhha, to importune; imasilhha, v. t., to beseech him, Matt. 8:6; to pray, Matt. 6: 6; 9138: asilhha, vy. a. i., to beg; to entreat; to solicit. asilhha, n., a beggar; a petitioner; a sup- pliant; a demander; an entreater; an implorer; a petitioner; a solicitor; a suitor. asilhha, pp., éntreated. asilhha, a., suppliant; ikasi/hho, unasked; unsolicited. asilhha keyu, a., prayerless. asilhhachi, vy. t., to beg; to ask, Luke 3: 10; to implore; to petition; to entreat; to request; asilhhanchi, nasal form; asilhhahanchi, freq. asilhhachi, vy. a. i., to beg; to entreat. asilhhachi, n.,a beggar; an entreater; an implorer. asilbhi, y. t.; John 5: 39; from silhhi; the a prefix is a locative. asinta, v. t., to seize; to hold, as a dog holds his prey. asishchab, n., a footbridge; a log lying across a stream which is used by foot passengers. asitabi, v. t., toearn; to merit, or deserve by labor; to gain by labor, and not as a BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 gift; to gain; Josh. 24: 13; ikasitabo, a., unearned; unmerited. asitabi, n., the one who earns. asitia, vy. a. i., to cleave to, 1 Kings 11: 2,4; to love; to feel an attachment; to hang to; to join; itasitia, to cleave to each other; to cohere. asitilli, y. t., to tie to; to tieup, as to tie a horse, cow, or calf to a tree. asitoha, asitoa, pp. pl., tied up; bound to. asitohi, v. t. pl., to tie to, or to bind to (from a and sitoti), Matt. 13: 30. asitopa, v. a.i., to persevere. asonak, n.,a brass kettle; a vessel made of brass or tin; a kettle. asonak aholuyachi, n., a colander. asonak atakali, n.,a kettle bail; acrane; a pot hook; a trammel. asonak atoba, n., a furnace. asonak hata, n., atin kettle; atin pail. asonak hata maiha, n., tin pan (maiha= wide). asonak isht atta, n., a tinker. asonak isht talakchi, n., pot hooks; the hooks used in lifting kettles, oven lids, ete. asonak lakna, n., brass; a brass kettle. asonak lakna atoba, a., brazen. asonak lakna chito, n., a large brass pan. asonak lakna chuhmi, a., brassy. asonak lakna ikbi, n., a brazier. asonak lakna isht akmi, pp., brazed; soldered with brass. asonak lakna isht akmichi,v .t., tobraze; to solder with brass. asonak lakna isht akmichi, n., a brazier. asonak matha, n., a tin pan. asonak toba, n., tin. asonali, asunali, asanali, v. a.i., v.t., to go against wind or tide; to as- cend; to fly against the wind; to sail against the current; to face; to front; to stem; to confront; to thwart; to with- stand, Ruth 1: 13; asanni, pl. asunanta, n., the going against. asunonchi, n., the elders; the aged; the fathers, by way of respect. asunonchika, n., elders, Luke 22: 52. ash (and its compounds), an article; the one, the said, the one which, referring to some particular object that had been BYINGTON] the subject of conversation before; peni ash, the ship, Matt. 14: 29. The idea of past time in this article dif- ferentiates it from other articles and it may be called a past tense article, Matt. 5: 24. Compounds: ashakosh, ashakot, ashakocha—ashano, ob. case, the one which—ashato, the one—ashba, himmak ashba, nitak nana ash, com- pounded of ash, the future, and ba (see below); onnak mak ashba, Ch. Sp. Book, p. 77—ashit—ashinli, the same; the one which also—ashkia, the one also, even that one—ashor, the one; the, Matt. 9: 6; Chihowa ashot, God, Matt. 9: 8; yammak asho, the which, Matt. 13: 44; osapa yammak ashon, that field, Matt. 13: 44, yammak asho”, him, Matt. 13: 57—ashocha, nom. case, the one—ash- oka, ob. case, the one—ashokako, ob: case, although the one or the said— ashokakosh, nom. case, although the said—ashokano, ob. case, the one—ash- okat, nom. case, the one—ashokato, the said one which—ashoke—ashokia, even that one—ashona, ob. case, the one— ashosh, nom. case, the said one; Chisas ashosh, Matt. 14: 27; 15: 16; tuk ashosh, Matt. 14: 33; okla ashosh, Matt. 16: 4; imi shilombish ashosh (also ilap shilom- bish ashosh), his soul, Matt. 16: 26—ashot, contracted, nom. case, the said one. This word is sometimes written hash. kash, kash, kosh, and chash are generally used after verbs, but have a similar use and meaning; ash, the, the said, Matt. 5: 24; chuka yammak ash aiihinso, beat upon that said house; Matt. 7: 25, 27; Lewiushi ash keyu hon? isnot . . . the son of David? Matt. 12: 23; ano ash sia- hoke? it is I, Matt. 14: 27; chishno ash chiahokmat, if it be thou, Matt. 14: 28. atsha, sing., asha, pl., v. a. i., to sit; to reside; to continue; and often as a substitute for the verb to be; to be there, John 1: 48, 50; there is; he is; she is there, etc., Matt. 14: 13; 15: 37; 17: 4; to kennel; toabide, Matt. 12: 45; ashat toshowa, to remove from, Josh. 3: 1, 3; asht ia, to remove from, Josh. 3: 14; imansha, to have, Matt. 18: 12; isht aNsha, v. t., to be busy about, Luke 5: 5; iksho, neg. form; ika"sho is not used; but iksho, iksaksho, iksam- A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 59 iksho are used; a%sha, nasal form, made by drawing out the nasal sound of the first vowel; having, Mark 11: 13; ansht, contracted from a”shat, Matt. 3: 5; avsht minti, sing., asht minti, pl., Mark 11: 12; avsht akowa, Matt. 17: 9; aiasha, pl. and pro. form and also a compound of the ady. of place, ai before the verb, as aiasha, to sit there; chintail aiasha (see Matt. 10:5); Josh. 5: 12; imansha, he has, Matt. 13: 44. This word ansha, with the prefix pronouns am, chim, and im, etc., means to have; as amasha, I have, or there is of mine, John 4: 32; ikimiksho, neg. form, to have none; aheka imashali, I have a debt (see Matt. 3:5). alsha, pp., entered. alsha, a., extant. atsha, n., room; sitting. atsha kuchat, to come out; John 4: 30. ashabi, ashahbi, n., the place to which the mourning poles were taken and thrown away. ‘‘ Mourning poles’’ were several poles set at the grave or near the house on account of the death of some friend, beneath which friends sat and mourned the dead. ashabi, a., mournful; lonesome; barren; stripped. ashabi, v. n., to be mournful, lone- some, or barren. ashabichi, v. t., to render mournful, lonesome, or barren. ashachi, causative form of asha, v. t. pl., to put down; to lay them down; to deposit; to store; to leave, as a flock of sheep; Matt. 18: 12; Josh. 2: 6; 7: 23; 8: 2,12; aiashachi, to lay them there, or inareceptacle; hachikashacho- kashke, ‘‘ neither cast ye,’’? Matt. 7: 6; to gather into, Matt. 6: 26; to bestow in, 1 Kings 10: 26. asha*fi, n., the place where one shaves; also a shaving; what is shaved off. alshaka, prep., behind; in the rear; imashaka ya", ‘behind him,’’ Matt. 9: 20; amashaka yo", behind me, Matt. 16: 23; amanshanka, behind me, Luke 4: 8; 2 Kings9: 18, 19; Josh. 8: 2, 4; chim- anshaka, behind thee; asharkanya, going along in the rear; mish ashankanya, be- yond and along behind; amba apakfopat anshaka, 2 Sam. 5: 23. 60 atshaka, y. n., to be in the rear; to be behind. alshaka intannap, n., the back side; the rear. aMshakachi, y. t., to place in the rear; anshakachit na mihachi, to backbite; anshakachit na mihachi, n., a backbiter, Rom. 1: 30. atshakba, v. a. i., to have time, or be at leisure. ashali, n., a vehicle. ashalitka, adv., in haste; with haste; hastily; quickly, Luke 2:16; shortly; straight; immediately, Luke 4: 39; straightway, Matt. 14: 27, 31; Mark 12: 8; ashalika i*kashofatok, imme- diately he was cleansed of it, i. e., the leprosy, Matt. 8: 3; anon, Matt. 13: 20; suddenly, Josh. 10: 9. ashalitkachi, v. t., to hasten; to hurry. ashalinchi, vy. t., to quicken. ashalint, adv., in a short time (a con- traction of ashalinchit). aMshah, n., my master; my lord; rabbi, John 3:2; sir, John 4:11; chi®shati, thy master, 2 Sam. 24: 3. ashana, pp., turned; twisted; locked. ashana, v. a. i., to turn; to twist; as it turns. ashatapa, pp., extended; stretched; spread, as the wings or arms. ashatapoa, pp. pl., extended; stretched; spread. ashatapoli, v. a. i. pl., to extend the arms or wings. ashatabli, v. a. i. sing., to extend the wings or arms; to spread the wings. ashatablichi, v. t., to cause to extend the arms or wings; to extend the arms or wings of another. ashatapa,n., afathom; the wingsspread; the arms extended. ashatapoa,n. pl., fathoms; wingsorarms extended. ashatapolichi, vy. t. caus. pl., to cause the arms or wings to be extended; to extend the arms or wings of another. ashachahe keyu, a., infallible. ashachechi, vy. t., to cause to err; to lead astray. ashachi, v. a. i., to go astray; to mistake; to miss; to err; to-sin, Josh. 7: 11, 20; 2 Sam. 24: 10; to deviate; to fail; to miscount; to offend; todo wrong; chim- BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL.46 ashachi, to trespass against thee, Matt. 18:15; ashachi, pp., missing; ashanchi, nasal form; ashahanchi, freq.; ashaiy- achi, pro. form. ashachi, vy. t., tomistake; to miss; to sin; to slip; to stumble. re ashachi, a., amiss; sinful; mistaken; erring; inaccurate; ikashacho; ashachi iksho, a., sinless; without sin. ashachi, n., a sinner; a mistaker; a blunderer; a stumbler; or nan ashachi (q. v.). ashachi, n., asin; a mistake; a blunder; a debt; harm; a lapse; an offense; in scripture, an error; a deviation; a fault; amiss; or aiashachika (q. v.). ashachi keyu, a., guiltless; Matt. 12: 7; innocent (pl. in Greek testament). ashachit anoli, v. t., to misrepresent. ashachit anukfilli, v. t., to misjudge; to mistake. ashachit apesa, v. t., to misjudge. ashachit boli, v. t., to mislay. ashachit hochifo, v. t., to misname. ashachit ishi, y. t., to mistake. ashachit isht atta, v. t., to mismanage. ashachit tosholi, v. t., to misinterpret. ashakachi, pp. pl., locked; turned; twisted. ashena, pp., fastened; locked. ashana, n., a spinning wheel; a spire. ashanatali fabassa, n., a spindle. ashanni, v. t., to spin on or twist on orat. ashannichi, vy. t. sing. and pl., to lock; to turn a key, or to cause it to lock or turn, 2Sam. 13: 17, 18; to cause to spin or twist on. ashannichi, n., a spinner; a turnkey. asheha, pp. pl., bound; tied up at the ends and round the sides, as a packet of letters, or as the Choctaw bind dry skins; isht asheha ya” shoeli, Gen. 24: 32. ashehachi, sing., tied up; bound up; isht ashihachit taiyaha mat, 2 Sam. 20: 8. ashekonoa, ashekonowa, pp. pl., tied in single knots, as knots on a single string; itashekonoa, or itashekonowa, tied together, i. e., the two strings are tied together and pairs of them. See noshkobo hat nosapi ash isht ashekonowa, his head caught hold of the oak, 2 Sam. 189: ashekonoa, n., knots; itashekonoa, knots made by tying two strings together. BYINGTON] ashekonoachi; itashekonoachi, v. t., to snarl; to knot. ashekonobli, ashikonobli, v. t. pl., to tie a hard knot with a single string or on a single string; to knot; itasheko- nobli, to tie two strings together; ashek- onombli, nasal form. ashekonopa, pp. sing., tied in a single knot; itashekonopa, tied together, as the two strings of ashoe; ashekonumpa, tta- shekonumpa, nasal forms. ashekonopa, n., a knot; a noose; a tie; itashekonopa, a knot made by tying two strings together. ashela, pp., thickened, as food; inspis- sated, as mush and food of that kind. ashela, v. a. i., to thicken. ashela, n., mush, hasty pudding, pud- ding; a poultice; a cataplasm; a sina- pism; spawn. ashela lapalechi, vy. t., to poultice; to put on a poultice. ashelachi, v. t., to thicken food; to make thick; to inspissate. asheli, v. t., to fill up or stop up fis- sures, cracks, holes, ete. ashelikbi, vy. t., to make mush, etc. ashelokchi, n., water gruel; the watery part of ashela. ashelichi, vy. t., to bind up; to tie up by winding round.the sides and the ends. ashepachechi, vy. t., to boil down till nearly dry; to dry it. ashepachi, pp., boiled down till nearly dry; dried away. ashepachi, v. a. i., to dry away. ashikonobli, see ashekonobli. ashinla, n., a dry place in distinction from wet places, both existing at one time. ashinli (from asheli), v. t., to fill up chinks, or small holes, cracks, or fis- sures, with something else; kishi asheli- li, I fill the chinks of a basket. ashippa, pp., stewed dry; dried up at; absorbed at. ashippa, n., a dry place. ashi®ya, pp., filled up; having the chinks filled up. ashke, aux., will or shall; of the will; found at the end of a sentence, as A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 61 ialashke, I will go. This form: ex- presses a strong purpose having some- thing of the optative; compounded of ash and ke; ef. ashba from ash and ba; tekashke, shall be female, Gen. 6:19; ilhpakashke, it shall be food, Gen. 6: 21. ashke, imp., sign of the imp., and found also at the end of an expression or sen- tence. issatyimmashke, do thou be- lieve me! John 4: 21; pinshati ma, ishimpashke, ‘“‘master eat’? John 4: 31; used for may in 2 Sam. 24: 2; ithana- lashke, I may know; pisashke, he may see, 2 Sam. 2: 48; let, Josh. 7: 3; ikai- yokashke, let them not go; assertive of the future known; shke, assertive of the present known; ialishke, I go, em- phatic specification; ashke, emphatic and specific future tense; ialashke, I shall go. ashoboli, ashobulli, n., a flue; a chim- ney; a funnel. ashobolichukhbi, n., a chimney corner. ashobolinaksika, n., a chimney corner; the side of the chimney. ashobolipaknaka, n., a chimney top. asholi, n., a hod; any instrument for car- rying on the shoulder. asholichi, n., a rubstone. ashua, n., a place that is rotten and smells foul. ashuahchi, n., a grindstone; an instru- ment for sharpening edge tools; a whetstone. ashuachi, see ashuwachi. ashuchoha, vy. i., to be tempted. See shochoha. ashueli, n. pl., the places where they were taken off. ashueli, v. t., to take them off from. ashutfa, n., the place where it was taken off. ashu®fa, pp., taken off from. ashu"ffi, v. t., to take it off from. ashuma, vy. a. i., to mix; to mingle. ashuma, pp., mixed; ifashuma, mingled together. ashuma, n., a mixture; itashwma; amix- ture. ashumbala, n., the cottonwood tree. ashummi, y. t., to mix; to guide; to mingle; itashummi, to mix together; to mingle. 62 ashummi, n., a mixer, a mingler. ashuwachi, ashuachi, vy. t., to cause rottenness or a foul smell; to cause any- thing (as meat) to smell bad; to taint. ashwa, ashwa, a"shwa (nasal form), y.a.i. pl, tostay there, whether stand- ing, sitting, or lying; dual, Matt. 4: 18; tuklo hosh ashwat kuchat minti, coming out of, Matt. 8: 28; aha shwa, freq., Luke 2:6. The nasal in a®shwa ex- presses the idea of a continued act. ashwanchi, ashwanchi, v. a. i., to be busy; to be engaged in some employ- ment; itashwanchi, to be employed to- gether or busy together; isht ashwanchi, n., employment or busy with some- thing; nanta isht ashwanchi? what are they doing? at, art., the. at, rel. pro., as iksamatikpacho at, he is the one who does not thank me; lipat. atabli, v. t., to stop; tocheck (a diarrhea). atabli, v. t. sing., to overdo; to over- stock; to put on, lay down, bring, or collect more than is needed or can be disposed of; to exaggerate; to exceed; bok sakti atabli, to overflow the banks, Josh. 3: 15; 4: 18; atambli, nasal form; atamblit apotuli, v. t., to superadd. atablichi, v. t. caus., to cause to over- flow or superabound; to cause an over- plus; isht atablichi, v. t., to aggravate by means of. atablit abeli, v. t., to overcharge; to overload, as a gun; to surcharge. atablit apa, v.a.i., to surfeit. atablit shapulechi, vy. t., to overload; to overpack. atablit tikambichi, v. t., to overdo; to overtire. ataha, pp., finished; completed; pro- vided; done; tired; wornout; wearied; ataiyaha, pro. form, concluded, Matt. 229) (ay: ataha, n., completion; end; the close; the termination. ataha, v. n., to have an end, or comple- tion; nitak nana ont ataha himma keyu, it will never have an end. ataha hinla, a., that which can have an end. ataha iksho, a., endless; immeasurable; immense; eternal; immortal; infinite; BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL, 46 perennial; unbounded; everlasting, Matt. 18: 8. ataha iksho, n., immensity; infinity; perpetuity. atahahe iksho, a., that which will never end; sempiternal. atahpali, v. t., to dress; to adorn; to dress extravagantly; ilatahpali, to dress him- self, Luke 16: 19. atahpalichi, v. t., to dress another with fine clothes. atai, n., buckeye, name of a poisonous shrub or tree, used in killing fish; see atai. [In the Sixtowns dialect this is ataii.—H. S. H.] ataioha, pp. pl., brought to the land- ing. ataioha, y. a.i., tocome to land; as they land orcome to land, meaning the boats. ataioha, n. pl., landings. ataiohali, v, t., to bring to land, Luke Bye iil ataiya, ataia, ataya, v. a. i. sing., to lean against; to land; to come to land; to recline; to rest; to side; itataya, to lean toward each other, spoken of the legs of a horse that bend inward and come near each other. ataiya, pp., landed. ataiya, a., recumbent. ataiya, n., a landing. ataiyali, v. t., to bring to land; to lean or rest it against. ataiyachi, v. t. caus., to lean it; to make it rest against. ataiyuli, n. pl., sources, fountains, of a river or stream of water. atak, hatak, adv., a colloquial word, not elegant nor used in solemn style; always so; usually; commonly; a., usual. It is perhaps compounded of tak with a ha or ya prefix, as in these ex- amples: takon at apaka yamohmi hatak, yohmi kia apa ka yohmi tak; see tak. atakafa, n., a dish. atakalam iksho, a., undisturbed; unem- barrassed; unresisted; ikataklamo, a., uninterrupted; unmolested; isht ikatak- lamo, a., untroubled. atakalama, see ataklama. atakali, n. sing., a peg; a hook; a pin; a nail; a gambrel (as shukha atakali); a stem; a hanger; a hinge; a loop; a thole. | BYINGTON ] atakali, pp., hung by; suspended from; hitched to; atakanli, Matt. 18: 6. atakali, v. a. i., to hang by; to hang to. atakali hilechi, v. t., to hinge; to hang. atakalichi, v. t., to hang; to suspend; to fasten to some fixed object, Josh. 2: 15. atakaffi, v. t. sing., to dip out of. atakaffi, n., adipper; one that dips from. atakchechi, atakchichi, v. t., to tie on; to tie to another thing; to hitch; itatak- chechi, to tie together; to alligate; to hook. atakchi, v. t., to tieat; to tie to; to tie on. atakchichechi, v. t., to tie to anything else. atakchichi,v. t., to lash on; to tie on; to tie it to something. This form is plainly explained by the word ahokchi- chi (see Matt. 13: 25), to plant with other seed or plants after they have been planted. atakla; ataklachi (see Luke 6), from takla (q. v.), I presume, made into a causative verb. atakla, to be with, see John 4: 27. ataklamma, v.a.i., toassent; Acts 24: 9. ataklachi, in the meantime, or in the time of absence, Luke 22: 6. ataklama, a., officious. ataklama, atakalama, pp. sing., hin- dered; prevented; delayed; cumbered; detained; disturbed; interrupted; trou- bled. ataklama, atakalama, v.n., to be hin- dered or perplexed. ataklama, atakalama, n., a hindrance; a disturbance; an impediment; a let; isht ataklama, a hindrance; an interrup- tion; a nuisance; an obstacle; a plague; a pother; trouble. ataklammi, v. t., to hinder; to interrupt; to oppose; to perplex; to pother; to pre- vent; to trouble; to cumber; to delay; to discommode; to disturb; to impede; to incommode; to interfere. ataklammi, n., a hinderer; an opposer. ataklammi, n., a hindrance; an impedi- ment; an interruption. ataklammichi, y. t., to cause a hin- drance; to hinder; ilataklammichi, to hinder or trouble one’s self, Luke 10: 41; issiataklammi chishke, thou art an offense unto me, Matt. 16: 23. Doe A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 63 ataklammichi, n., a hinderer; one that causes a hindrance. ataklamoa, pp. pl., vented; delayed. ataklamoa, v. n., to be hindered, pre- vented, or delayed. ataklamoh, v. t. pl., to hinder; to pre- vent; to trouble. hindered; _ pre- ataklamoli, n., hinderers; troublers; plagues. : ataklamotlichi, v. t., to cause hin- drances. ataklamotichi, n., hinderers; troublers, atakli, v. t. pl., to dip out of; to dip in; to dip from; to dip into. ataklokami, y. t., to hinder. atakoli, n. pl., pins; pegs; stems; nails; hooks; gambrels. atakoh, pp. pl., hung up. atakoli, v. a. i., to hang on; to hang to. atakolichi, v. t. pl., to hang them upon. atalaia, pp. sing., placed on; set on, atalaia, n., a shelf. atalakchi, n., a knot. atalakchi, pp., tied at; tied on or to; hitched; ittatalakchi, pp., tied together; tied to each other. atalali, v. t., to place on. ataloa, n., a hymn; a psalm; a song; a canticle; a carol; an anthem; a lay; amusic book; a note in music; an ode; a singing book. ataloa ikbi, n., a bard; a poet. ataloha, pp. pl., placed on; set on; stand- ing on. ataloha, n. pl., shelves; a safe. atalohmaya, n., shelves. ataloht maya, v. a. i. pl., to sit round. atali, v. t., to do; to provide for; to make ready; to complete; to conclude; to appoint for, 1 Kings 11: 18; to exe- cute; to find; to furnish; to finish; to fit; to gird; to perfect; to perform; to prepare; to prosecute; to provide; to purvey; to ripen; to settle; aiatati, to lay up there, Matt. 6: 19, 20; datati, v. t. ref., to provide for one’s self; ilatali, n., providence for himself; imatati, v. t., to purvey; to qualify; to recruit; to satisfy; to support; to pro- vide for him; to enable him; atanti, nas. form, Luke 22; 8; ataanti, freq.; ataiyati, pro. form, 64 atali, n., a provider; one that does or makes ready; a preparer; a purveyor. atali, n., provision; purveyance. atampa, n., leavings; offal; orts; over- plus; refuse; remains; remainder; a remnant; a residue. atampa, a., odd, as an odd one left or remaining after any specified number; spare; more, Matt. 5:37; 15:37; 2 Sam. 132 15,,* atampa, nasal form of atapa (q. v.). atampa, n., a yearling. atapa, pp., blocked up; itatapa, blocked up and separated from each other; itatampa, nas. form. atapa, n., astoppage; the place at which anything has been separated or cut in two. atapachi, v. t., to block up; to obstruct; to hinder; to fasten; isht atapachi, Vv. t., to stop with; to button; isht atapachi, n., a button; a hasp; isht atapachi ikbi, y. t., to make a barb; to barb; itatapachi, to clasp together; to fasten together; itatapachi, n., a clasp; see edapachi. atapachi, n., a fastener; one that makes fast. atapoa, n. pl., stoppages; places at which things are separated. atapoli, v. t. pl. of atabli; atahpoli, a va- riant. ataya, isht ataya, n., descendants; pro- geny; also isht atia and isht aiunchuloli, Matt. 1: 1. ata2ya, v.a.1i., tocome, Luke 3: 4; John 1: 23; to go, Josh. 10: 10. atatya,n., away, Luke 3: 4; John 1: 23; a conduit; atanya yatuk a®%, Josh. 4: 18; applied to a new way, one first used, Johnyly23: atabli, v. t., sing., to separate at; to sun- der at; to break off at; ataptuli, pl. atala, sing., a shelf; ataloha, pl. atalhpi, n., a frame in which the Choc- taw formerly laid their young infants and there confined them for days in order to flatten their heads. atalwa,n., a song; a death song sung at funerals, pole pullings, ete. atalwachi, n., a song; a war song sung by the women when the men were go- ing out to war, and in which they were often exhorted to depend upon the sun and fire for success. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 atana, n., a loom. atapa, n., an overplus; an exaggeration; excess; lateness, as to time set; the rest; a surplus. atapa, v.n., to bean overplus; to overgo; to superabound; what is remaining; atampa, nasal form; atampat anshaka, Matt. 14, 20; ataiyapa, pro. form; atai- yampa, pro. nasal form. atapa, y.a.1., to act as an austere man, Luke 19: 22; to take more than is proper or right; atampa, nasal form, Luke 16: 24; Matt. 14: 20. atapa, pp., overstocked; overdone; ex- aggerated. atapa, a., belated; later than the proper time; excessive; exorbitant; immoder- ate; inordinate; intemperate; intense; intolerable; intolerant. atapa, adv., far; immoderately; too; unduly. atapa fehna, a., insufferable; late; over- much; redundant; superfluous. atapa ont ia, adv., late. ataptua, n. pl., places at which things are sundered; pieces. ataptua, vy. a. i. pl., to separate at; to break at; to come in two at. ataptuli, v. t. pl., toseparate at; to break at; to sunder at. atashi, n.,a club; a bludgeon; a cudgel. The stick called atashi by the Choctaw has a part of the root at the heavy end and is from two to three feet long; used by boys as a throwing club. atebli, v. a. i., to press on. ateblichi, y. t. caus., to press on; to make it press; to jamb; to press; to screw; to squeeze. ateblichi, n., a presser; one that presses. atechi, see atelichi. ateli, n. sing., source; fountain; rise; head of a stream; ataiyali, ataioli, pl., sources, heads. atela, see atila. atelachi, pp., hewed on both sides; iti atelachi, hewed on two or four sides. ateli, v. t., to compact. atetichi, atelichi, atechi, y. t., to com- pact; to ram down; to ram in; to push in; to ram; to compress; to cram; to crowd; to squeeze; attia, pp., squeezed; atinlichi, nasal form; atetichi, n., com- pression; atehkachi, pass. BYINGTON] A DICTIONARY atelifa, atitifa, v. a. i., to crowd; to press, Luke 5:1; to stand in a crowd, as a multitude of people. atelifa, pp., crowded; pressed; Mark 3: 9. atelifichi, v. t.,to throng; to crowd, Luke 8: 45. atepa, pp., screwed. atepa, n., a tent. atepuli, v. t., to make a camp with a shelter or covering, whether made of bark, wood, cloth, or grass; to tent. atia, n., a way; an alley; an avenue; a passage; a track; a row; an access; an exit; an orbit; a pathway; a road. atia, v.a.i., to travel a road for the first time; hashatia keyu chatuk, Josh. 2: 16; hashatia hetuk, Josh. 3:4; to go up, Josh. 12: 7; see atarya. atia, v. t., to obey; to follow; to serve, Josh. 5: 6; antia, nasal form and the one most used, with a prefixed pro. am, chim, im, etc.; imantia, to obey him; ishimantia, you obey him; itksaman- tioshke, he does not obey me; isht atia, v.a.i., to rise from; to descend from, as a race of beings; is/it atiaka, n., seed; progeny, 1 Kings 11: 14. atiballi, a., greedy; gluttonous. atiballi, v.n., to be greedy; to be glut- tonous. atiha, n., a place that has been plucked, or where anything has been pulled up by the roots. atikeli, n., a rack. atikkonofa, v. a.i., to be near to; to ap- proach, Josh. 3: 4; 8:5; to be narrow, Josh. 17: 15. atila, atela,n., a place hewed or blazed; a mark on a tree made by hewing off the bark. atila, pp., cut; hewed. atilichi, y. t., to hew; iti a” atitichi, to hew the wood; to cut the wood. atilichi, n., a hewer. atilifa, see atelifa. atiwa, atua, n., an opening; a gap; an aperture; a breach; a break. ato, art., the one, as for the; the sign of the distinctive article pronoun in the conjunctive form, as ano is of the dis- junctive form. This form is more dis- tinctive than at and at. It is also writ- ten hato, yato, ato, hato, and yato (q. v.). 84339° —Bull. 46—15——_5 neg. OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 65 ato, rel. pro., used after verbs, the one which or who, as for the one which. atoba, v. a. i., to make of or from; to be begotten of; Chisas at atobat attatuk, Matt. 1: 16; chiatoba, Matt. 2: 5, 6; isht atoba, to increase by means of. atoba, n., the place where anything was made, formed, grew, ripened, or came into being; a germ. The word has a general meaning and is formed from a, place where, and toba, to be made, to become. atobachi, atobachi, y. t., to raise up at; to make; to cause to become; to cause to supply the place of another; to cause to fill the place of another, Luke 20: 28; itatobachi, y. t., to com- mute; to fill each other’s places. atobahpi, n., beginning; first formation; ahpi first, toba made, a at. atobba hinla, a., responsible; reward- able. atobbi, v: t:, to) pay, Matt, 5:26: to recompense; to reward, Matt. 6: 4, 18; to atone; to avenge; to revenge; to retaliate; to liquidate; to render an equivalent; to compensate; to defray; to disburse; to expiate; to fee; to give; to quit; to redress; to remunerate; to repay; to requite; to respond; to retri- bute; to return; to satisfy; to toll; isht atobba hinla, to give in exchange for, Matt. 16: 26; isht imatobbi, to re- ward him, Matt. 16, 27; alhtoba, pp., paid; akchialhtoba, v. a. 1., let me take your place; datobbi, y. ref., to revenge himself; idatomba, to save for himself. atobbi, n., a payer; a rewarder; a re- venger; anavenger; adefrayer; a pay- master. atobbi, n., a payment; remuneration. atobbichi, y. t., to change; to replace; to cause to pay; to exact; to put in place of, Josh. 5: 7; to place instead of; itatobbichi, v. t., to reverse; to invert; to exchange. atobbichi, n., an exactor. atobbichi hilechi, v. t., to pawn. atobbit foka, v. t., to shift a garment; to change, as clothes. atohchi, n., a shot bag; a shot pouch; a pouch. atohni, v. t., to watch; see atoni. 66 atohnichi, v. t., to set on; to halloo, as in setting on the dogs; to cause to bay. atohno, atonho, vy. t., to hire; to em- ploy; to engage; to warn, Matt. 2: 22; to send; to give charge of, Matt. 4: 6; atohonnokma, when he sends forth, Matt. 13: 41; pit atohno, to send, ihtono, pp. By some atohno is pronounced atoto, and they say atolohinchi, used for par- ents to urge them to send their children to school. atohno, n., a hirer. atohnuchi, atohnochi, y. t. caus., to authorize another to act; to engage an- other; to prompt; to put up to; atohno- honchi, freq., Matt. 26: 19; pit atohnochi, Velbs, wooreler, atohnuchi, n., an employer; a prompter. atohwakali, n., the firmament. atohwali, n., an opening. atohwikalitka, n., the place of light. atohwikeli, n., light. See tohwikeli. atohwikinli, nasal form, light, John 3: 19, 20. atok, often written tok; sign of the re- mote past tense, and may be rendered so as to correspond with the preterit tenses in English, was, has, had. The a before tok may be a word by itself. See a. But by entering the word atok here some assistance may be obtained on the subject. Atok and atuk follow hesometimes. Chi?mak atok oke, that is what it was to be, Matt. 9: 138. Compounds:—atokan, 1 Kings 11: 4, 6—atokakon—atokakosh—atokano —atokato— atokinli —atokkia—atokma— atokmako; ano pulla hatukmakon, ‘‘for my sake,’’ Matt. 10: 18—atokmakocha— atokmakona— atokmakosh—atokmakot— atokmano—atokmai — atokmato—atokoa- ka—atokoka— atokoke—atokokia—atok- okano— atokokat-—atokokato—atokona— atokosh—atokot—atokat—atokato. atokko, see atukko. atokoa, a., definite. atokoa, atokowa, y. t., to testify; to declare; to take out; to select, Josh. Soles atokolechi, y. t., to choose; to select, John 6:70; to bear testimony, Mat. 10: 18, BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL, 46 atokoli, atokuli, atokkoli, y. t., to point out; to state; to particularize; to appoint; to authorize; to empower; to choose, 2 Sam. 24: 12; Luke 6: 13; 1 Kings 11: 13; to commission; to define; to delegate; to depute; to elect; to nom- inate; to ordain; to send; to vote; to warrant; to take out of, Josh. 3: 12; 4: 2; 8: 3; mihio atokoli, to identify ; atokonli nasal form; i/atokoli, to choose for him- self, Josh. 20: 2. atokoli, n., one that points; a testifier; a chooser; an elector; a voter. atokoli, n., a choice; an ordination. atokolit halalli, v. t., to anoint; to do, Luke 4: 18. atokot pisa, y. t., to eye; alhtuka, pp. atokowa, see atokoa. atokowa, pp., pointed out; proved; fast- ened, as the eyes on an object, Luke 4: 20; itatokoa, Gen. 45: 15; delegated; deputed; sent; nominated; ordained; mihio atokowa, identified. atokowa, n., a declaration. atoksala hinla, a., tillable. atoksali, n., work, John 4: 38; employ- ment; a field; a shop; ikatoksalo, a., uncultivated. atoksali chuka, n., a workhouse; a working house; a workshop. atokuli, see atokoli. atokulit aiyua, vy. t., to choose; to pick out. atokulit ishi, v. t., to choose; to pick; to select; mirko atokuli, to choose a chief. atoli, n., a ball ground. atoma,atuma, ady. of doubt, in interro- gations; okcha"ya chatuk atuma, Deut. 5: 26. atonho, atohno, v. t., to hire; to engage. atonho, n., a hirer. atonhuchi, atohnuchi, v. t., to authorize another; to empower; to engage an- other. atoni, atohni, v. t., to watch; to guard; to keep in _safety, Josh. 10: 18; 1 Sam. 2:9; Gen. 2: 15; to attend the bride or groom at weddings, 2 Kings 9: 14; ohoyo atoni, hatak atoni. atoni, n., a watch; a guard; a sentinel. atoni hikia, n., a sentinel. atoni hioli, n. pl., sentinels. atonli, nasal form; from atulli, to hop. BYINGTON] atonli, n., a hop. atonli, n., a hopper. atonoli, y. a. i., to roll in. atonolichi, atononchi, v. t., to roll in. atosh, see hatosh. atoshafa, n., the place where anything has been cut off or sliced off, as meat or bread. atoshba, adv., not; written also hatoshba (q. v.) and yatoshba. atoshke, adv., probably; see hatoshke. attia, pp., compacted; pressed down in; compressed. atua, atiwa, n., a gap; an opening; an entrance through an enclosure, fence, ete. atuchina, a., third; the ordinal of three; ont atuchina, ady., thirdly; nitak ont atuchinakma, the third day; Matt. 16: 21. atuchina, y. n., to be the third. atuchinaha, ady., three times; thrice. atuchinanchi, y. t., to repeat three times; to do anything the third time; atuchinanchit. atuk, sign of the immediate past tense, did; was; has; had; has been; had been; sometimes written hatuk and yatuk; see atok. Thisis a compound word from the particle @ and tuk, ‘‘which was and is still’’; the a is the definite article, tuk sign of the past tense, ‘‘was the.’’ Compounds: atuka, them that, John 2: 16—atukako — atukakocha — atuka- kona — atukakosh — atukakot — atuk- ano—atukash, Judges 7: 15—atukato— atukat; ikanumpolo atukat, the dumb; atuk means state of, have been and are; hanali okpulo atukat, the lame, i. e., their state, condition—atukato—atukin- li—atukkia—atukma, the, when that is the state of (any thing), when it has be- come thus, which was and is then; ma, then, Matt. 18: 17; as a conj., Judg. 7: 14.—atukmak, atukmakhe, atukmak- het, -atukmakheno, atukmakheto, especi- ally, in particular that one, those, etc.; this is a comparative particle, and to the disadvantage of the person or thing compared with another—atuk- makon, hatukmakon, for, Matt. 14: 9— atukmakosh — atukmakot — atukmano — atukmat; yammak atukmat, he, Matt. 18: 17—atukmato, atukon, then in past A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 67 time, which having been (a which, on having, tuk been and brought), Matt. 1: 2; atukon yakohmi, and then it came to pass, Matt. 7:28. This is used asa contradistinetive conjunction — atuko- cha — atukoka — atukokano — atukokat— atukokato — atukoke — atukokia — atuk- ona—atukosh, then, John 2: 10; then in past time; when he; and he, Matt. 7:1 [2]; atuk osh Chisas at, Matt. 8: 5; Saimon atukosh? Simon who is, ete., Matt. 10: 2; osh is contradistinctive, the Simon who has been and is called Peter; this distinguishes him from other men named Simon, Matt. 17: 27; 18: 13—atukot. atukko, atokko, v.a.i., v. t., to take refuge; to shelter; to take shelter; to harbor; v. t., to protect; chuka atukko, itt atukko; atokko achukma keyu, a., inse- cure. atukko, n., a haven; a retreat; protec- tion. atukkochechi, v. t., to screen; to shelter. atukkuchi, y. t., to shelter; to protect others; to shield. atukkuchi, n., a screen. atukla, a., second; next. atukla, adv., next; ont atukla, secondly. atukla, v. n.,to be the second; to bea second; nanta hosh atukla wa. atutkla, pp. nasal form, repeated. atuklaha, adv., twice. atuklanchi, v.t., to repeat; to do again; to react; atuklahanchi, freq.; atukla- hanchit. atuklanchi, n., a repetition. atuklant, ady., second time; again. atuklant achi, v. a. 1., to speak again; to repeat. atuklant aiskia, pp., revised; corrected again. . atuklant aiskiachi, v. t., to revise. atuklant akmi, pp., recast; molded anew. atuklant akmichi, v. t., to recast; to mold anew. atuklant atichi, vy. t., to reassure. atuklant anoli, v. t., to tell it again; to repeat. atuklant anukfilli, v. t., to reconsider. atuklant apesa, v. t., to revoke; to re- call. adv., 68 atuklant atokoli, v. t., to reappoint; to rechoose; to choose a second time; to reelect. atuklant alhtuka, pp., rechosen. atuklant chukoa, v. a. i., to reenter; to enter anew, or a second time. atuklant fimmi, vy. t., to resow. atuklant haiaka, v. a. i., to reappear. atuklant haiaka, pp., found again; dis- covered a second time. atuklant haklo, v. t., to rehear; to hear a second time. atuklant hilechi, v. t., to reestablish. atuklant hobachi, v. a. i., to reecho. atuklant hokli, v. t., to reseize. atuklant hoyo, v. t., to recall; to calla second time. atuklant ikbi, v. t., to rebuild; to re- make; to re-edify; to regenerate; to re- new; to reorganize. atuklant ikbi, n., regeneration. atuklant imatali, v. t., to recruit. atuklant imalhtaha, pp., recruited. atuklant ishi, v. t., to reassume; to re- take; to regain. atuklant isht ia, v. t., to recommence; to resume; to begin again; to renew. atuklant isht ilaiyukpa, v. t., to reen- joy; to enjoy a second time. atuklant itauaya, pp., remarried. atuklant itauaya, v. t., to remarry, as the parties marry each other. atuklant itauayachi, v. t., to remarry, as an officer marries others. atuklant itannaha, vy. a. i., to reassem- ble. atuklant itannaha, pp., reassembled. atuklant itannatli, v. t., to reassemble; to re-collect; to rally. atuklant topuli, v. a. 1., v. t., to repass. atuklant miha, v. t., to rehearse; to re- peat. atuklant oia, v. a. i., to reascend. atuklant okchaya, v. n., to relive; to live again. atuklant oti, v. t., to rekindle. atuklant pila, v. t., to recast; to resend. atuklant pisa, v. t., to reexamine; to revise. atuklant poloma, pp., doubled a second time. atuklant poltomi, vy. t., to redouble; to double a second time. redoubled; BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 atuklant toba, pp., a regenerate; re- generated; made again; renewed. atuklant ulhti, pp., rekindled. atuklant yammichi, y. t., to react. atuklant yammiht pisa, n., to re- attempt. atuklonchi, and; see Matt. 2: 13. atuktakafa, v.a.i., to jest; to joke. atuktakafa, a., jocose. atuktakafa, n., a joke; idle talk. atuko, ady., not; also spoken hatuko, yatuko. atukonofa, atikkonofa, vy. a. i., to ap- proach near on both sides, Luke 22: 47. Possibly this is a compound word. atukonofa, pp., pressed on both sides. atukosh, ady., not, not to. atulli, v. a. i., to hop. atuma, see atoma. atush, hatush, yatush. Sinti yatush, Satan, Scrip. Biog., p. 31. atushali, pl., to hew, Josh. 8: 31; ap- plied to stones; see tushati. atu4shpa, pp., hastened; hurried. atu4shpa, v. a. i., to hurry; to hasten. atu%shpalechi, vy. t., to press; atushpa- lihinchilitok, ‘‘I compelled them,” Acts 26: 11. atushpachi, y. t., to hasten; to hurry. atuya, n., a ladder; stairs; a flight of stairs; steps; 1 Kings, 10: 19; astyle; arundle; Samson’s post; a scale; a stair; a stepping stone. au, a diphthong, having the sound of ow in now. aua, auah, a word used in counting the numbers between ten and nineteen, having the sense of and, or with, as ten and one, 11; ten and two, 12; pokoli auahchafa, ten and one, eleven, but the word pokoli is usually omitted. auah achafa, a., eleven, 11, xi. auah achafa, v. n., to be eleven, as auah achafa yoke, there are eleven. auah achafa, v. a. i., to be eleven, or to make 11; as hashauah achafa, you make eleven; you are eleven. auah hannali, a., sixteen, 16, xvi. auah hannali, y. n., to be sixteen. auah hannali, v. a. i., to make sixteen, as ilauah hannali. auah huntuchina, a., eighteen, 18, xviii. auah huntuchina, v. n., to be eighteen. BYINGTON] auah huntuchina, v. a. i., to make eighteen. auah huntuklo, a., seventeen, 17, xvii. auah huntuklo, v. n., to be seventeen. auah huntuklo, v. a. i., to make seven- teen; as ilawah huntuklo. auah hushta, auahtshta, n., fourteen, 14, xiv, Matt. 1: 17. auah hushta, v. n., to be fourteen. auah hushta, auahushta, v. a. i., to make fourteen; as ilawahhushta, Josh. 5: 10. auah tatapi, a., fifteen, 15, xv. auah talapi, v. n., to be fifteen. auah talapi, v. a. i., to make fifteen; as ilawahtatapi. auah tuchina, a., thirteen, 13, xiii. auah tuchina, y. n., to be thirteen. auah tuchina, v. a.i., to be thirteen, or to make thirteen; i/awah tuchina. auah tuklo, a., twelve, 12, xii, a dozen, Matt. 14: 20; Josh. 4: 2. auah tuklo, n., a dozen. auah tuklo, v.n., to be twelve. auah tuklo, v. a. i., to be twelve; to make twelve. auah tuklo bat auah tuklo, n., a gross, 144; lit. twelve times twelve. auahsholichi, vy. t., to make one dream. auahushta, see auah hushta. auanapa, pp. sing., passed over; put over; gone over or by. auanapoa, pp. pl., passed over; put over; gone over or by. auanapoli, auanopoli, vy. a. i. pl., to pass over; to go over; auanabli, sing.; see tanapoli. auanapolichi, vy. t. pl., to put over; to throw over; to cause to go over; aua- nablichi, sing. auanabli, v. a. i., to pass over; see tanabli, abanabli. auanablichi, vy. t., to put over. auant, see awant. auatsa, v.a.i., to chew acud; or hoparsa, howatsa (q. v.). auasholechi, vy. t. caus. (an old word), to make one dream. ‘ auata, v. a. i., to appear; to come out; to expand; to spread; to extend; i- auata, to spread out one’s self; to be proud. auata, a., wide; broad. auata, pp., expanded; extended. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 69 ° auata, n., breadth; width; extent, Hx. 26: 2. auatali, v. a. i., to stand crooked, as in a half moon or circle. auatali, n., a bent line, like the appear- ance of the new moon. auataya, comp. verb, to be spread and stretched out over something wide as well as long, hence applied to the firm- ament; [earlier and less correct mean- ings obtained] to go along with, to accompany; Shutik at aba moma ka auatanyakma, Sp. Book, page 18, 5th edition. See auata. auatachi, y. t., to expand; to spread; to extend. auatalli, v. t., to extend in a line. auaya, v. t. (a compound word from auah and atya), to have in marriage; to wed; to marry, fem. gen. This word is used when it is said that a woman marries, but itauaya when a man mar- ries, or when it is the act of both; 7k- itauayo, neg., not married; single. auaya, pp., a., married, fem. gen., Mark 10: 12. auaya, n., a woman that marries; the marriage state; ikauayo, n., celibacy; ikauayo, a., unmarried. auaya, v.t., v.a.i., tomarry (fem. gen.); ttauaya nitak, n., a wedding day; it- auayda, pp., married; matched; mated; espoused; ikitawayo, a., unmarried; single; itauayachi, v.t., to marry; to mate; to settle; n., matri- mony; nuptials; a match; a settlement; wedlock; itauaya ahalaia, a., nuptial; itauaya ipetachi, n., a wedding feast; itauaya, Vv. a. i., v. t., to cohabit; to marry, Matt. 5: 32; to couple; to have each other, or to have her; to settle; to wed, Matt. 14: 4; to join; itauaya, a., pp., married, mas. gen. and com. gen.; wedded; itawaya ona, a., pp., marriage- able. auaya alhpesa, a., marriageable. auaya ona, a., marriageable. auayachi, v. t. caus., to marry a woman to a man; to join; tauayachi, v. t., to marry; to cause to marry, the act of an officer or minister, etc.; to joinin wed- lock. auashli, y. t., to fry; to cook in a frying pan, as meat is cooked; to parch; to itauaya, 70 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY burn, as coffee is burnt for grinding and use; to poach; to toast; alwasha, pass., aialwasha, a place for frying, 2 Sam. IS 9: auechi, v. t. caus., (see echt); to send it this way; to send it toward the speaker by the hand of another; to cause it to come this way—not to the speaker but toward him; to transmit toward (the speaker); isht auechi, v. t., to send this way; to bring this way; isht auehin- chi, freq.; auehinchi, freq., John 5: 23. aueli; i/aueli, to take along with him, Matt. 4: 8. auet, a ‘‘directive particle’’ before verbs indicating the direction of an action toward the speaker; auet a®hopakishke, is far from me; auet i”hopaki, a good way off, Matt. 8: 30. auet, awet (cont. of auechit), adv., this way; toward—but always toward the speaker, never from; pit means the opposite of auet, Matt. 3: 17; 10: 40; 17:5; Rey. 14:13; Josh. 4: 16, 17, 18,19. et (q. v.) and auet have different mean- ings. ef means toward the speaker; auet, quite to him, as haksobish et weli cha imanumpa auet haklo; auet is the prolonged form; ¢ is a connective as with other words. aume, exclam., well! indeed! O! auola, y.a.i., to refrain; to stop; to hold up; to cease, as the rain ceases, holds up, stops, etc. auola, n., a cessation; a holding up. auolachi, y. t. caus., to cause the rain to cease. auts, ou4s, n., an ounce; ou”s awahtuklok- mat weki achafa, troy weight; ous awah hanalikmat weki achafa, avoirdupois weight. awa, wa, ady., can not; shall not; will not; John 2: 4 [?]. awalakachechi, awalakachechi, v. t., to plait; to pucker; to ruffle. awalakachechi, n., a plaiter. awalakachi, awalakachi, n., a frill; a fringe; a plait; a pucker; a ruffle; gath- ers. awalakachi, awalakachi, pp.,a.,ruffled; plaited; puckered. awatalli, n., a boiler. awatalli iskitini, n., small boiler. a saucepan; a (BULL. 46 awant, auant, awat (from au+aya), prep., with; along with; to go with; to accompany, Josh. 1: 5, 9; 3: 7; 7: 12; Luke 1: 56; Matt. 5: 41. awashoha, n., a scene; a place for play; a playground. awat, see awant. awaya, n., product; crop. awaya achukma, a., rich; fertile. awaya achukma, n., richness; fertility. awaya fehna, a., productive; fruitful. awet, see auet. awiachi, vy. a.i., to hover over to get food; to swarm; sheki at isubilli awiachi, to hover in swarms over the dead horse; foebilishke at awiachi; foebilishke at tansh hinak awiachi, the bees come round the corn tassels in quest of something to eat. awiachi, n.,a swarm. awiha, n.,a ecenea place; a place fou which persons have removed. awokokonlichi, n., a place rooted up by swine. awokokonlichi, vy. t. pl., swine. alla, aiya, v. a. i., to go; totravel; to go along ; to move along; to pace; to pass; to shoot, as an arrow; to stir; to strike; to sweep; to tend; to waft; to depart; Luke 2: 29; Matt. 5: 17; 10: 34; 11: 18; Josh 1: 5; 3: 7; to come, John 1: 31; to pass in any manner (Josh. 3: 4) or to any end, as to fly, to sail, etc.; imaya (from imand a%ya united ) alsoimayachi, imaiya, and imaiyachi (the spelling va- ries), Matt. 10: 24; isht anya, v. t., to take along; to carry; to conduct; to drive; to lead, Luke 4: 1; to govern; to sail; to treat; to fare; to fly; to run; shat anya, to convey; achukmat ishan- yashke, farewell. atya, pp., passing; chisht atya, Matt. 4: 6. alya,n.,a mover, sojourner, traveler, or one that moves along; a passenger; a stirrer; kanima yor chik arya kia, whithersoever thou goest, Matt. 8: 19; imanya, v. t., to visit him, her, 1 Sam. 2. 245 alya, n.,a going pace; eure. atya, n., a flock; a herd; chukfalhpoa arya kaniohmi, micha wak arya kanioh- mi, 1 Sam. 30: 20. atya achafa,n., a flock; a company, 2 Kings 9: 17; a herd. to root, as g; a motion; a passage; a BYINGTON] a2ya, hinla, a., passable. ayaiya, n., lamentation, Matt. 2: 18; place of weeping. ayaka,a., many; ikaiako, not many; not much. ayakohmi, aiyakohmi, n.,a deed; some- thing done, or things done, John 1: 28; 22 12. ayakohmi, aiyakohmi, v. n., to take place or transpire at. ayakohmichi, v. t., to do something. ayamaska, n., a kneading trough. ayamasli, v. t., to knead in; to mix in; to make mortar there or in. ayanalli, n., a channel for water to flow in; a tube; a pipe. ayataia, aiyataia, n., a landing place; a resting place; a landing. ayamihchiy, v. t., to do, John 2: 11; 3: 2. ayehchi, see aiehchi. ayimmi, v. t., to believe in, John 1: 7. ayoah, see aiyoa. ayofanichih, v. t., to make motions—in trying to commit sodomy. ayuka, pro., each. ayukali, aiyukali, pro., each one; aiyu- kali, adv., apiece. ayukpa, a., pleased; isht ayukpa, v.n., to be pleased with. ayukpa, n., joy, Acts 8: 8. ayupi, aiyupi, n., a bath; a place in which to bathe or wallow, whether in sand or mud, by man, beast, or fowl; a pool. a, a locative particle preceding words; akanalli,atakchichi, akallo,akallih,ahpota; -a is often used with such words; a means place; 4, at, to, in. aba, a., high; heavenly; divine; celes- tial. tage v.n., to be up; to be heavenly; amba, ete. aba, ady., up; on high; aloft; heavenly, John 3: 14. aba, n., the upper regions; heaven, Luke Bo Zils Oia Be Ae Wein (ye ae WBS YA aba akon, the air; aba hushi puta kat, the birds of the air, Matt. 8: 20; aba apeli- chika, kingdom of heaven, Matt. 13: 44. aba aholitopa, n., heaven above, Josh. 23 Vl; aba aiachukmaka, n., happy place above. heaven; the A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE vl. aba aianumpuli, n., a preaching place; a pulpit. aba anumpa, abanumpa, n., the gos- pel, Matt. 11: 5; the Scriptures; the word from heaven; Christianity; re- ligion; faith, i.e., the object of faith; light; revelation; theology. aba anumpa ahalaia keyu, a., unchris- tian. aba anumpa ahni, v. t., to desire the gospel; to be anxious on the subject of religion. aba anumpa ahni, n., a serious person. aba anumpa aiisht atta, n., a meeting house; a preaching place. aba anumpa anumpa, n., a sermon. aba anumpa apiha at illi, n., martyr- dom. aba anumpa i"filammi, n., apostasy. aba anumpa ikhana, n., Christians; Christianity. aba anumpa ikithano, n., heathens; heathenism. aba anumpa ikyimmo, n., infidelity. aba anumpa ikyimmo, n., a deist; an infidel. aba anumpa issa, vy. a. i., to apostatize; to fall away. aba anumpa issa, n., an apostate. aba anumpa issat falama, v. a. i., to backslide. aba anumpa. issat falama, n., a back- slider. aba anumpa isht aianumpuli, n., a tabernacle. abaanumpa ishtanumpuli, abaanum- pa isht holissochi, v. t., to sermonize; to preach; n., a preacher; a sermonizer. aba anumpa isht atta, n., to preach the gospel; to serve in the gospel. aba anumpa isht atta, n., a preacher; a clergyman; a clerk; a divine; an evangelist; a priest. aba anumpa isht atta aliha, n., the clergy; the ministers of religion. aba anumpa isht atta imalhtayak, aba anumpa isht atta aliha, n., priesthood. aba anumpa isht ika, n., a homily. aba anumpa ithana, n., a theologian. aba anumpa ithananchi, v. t., to gospel; to make the gospel known; to evan- gelize. 72 aba anumpa nukfoka, a., serious; de- yout; religious. aba anumpa nukfoka, v. n., to be serious, devout, ete. aba anumpa nukfoka aiati, a., pious; truly pious. aba anumpa nukfokichi, vy. t., to evan- gelize. aba anumpa taloa, n., church music; sacred music. aba anumpa tosholi, n., an evangelist. aba anumpa yimmi, v. t., to believe the gospel. aba anumpa yimmi, n., a professor of or a believer in the gospel. aba anumpa yimmi, a., orthodox; re- ligious; aba anumpa ikyimmo, n., an infidel; scepticism. aba anumpa yimmi aiali, a., pious. aba anumpa yimmi keyu, a., irrelig- ious; not orthodox; heterodox. aba anumpeshi, abanumpeshi, aba- numpeshi ammona, n., an apostle. aba anumpuli, v. t., to preach; to pray; to talk up; to talk about religion, aba anumpuli, abanumpuli, n., a preacher; a praying person; a Chris- tian; a professor of religion; a mis- sionary; a chaplain; a minister. aba anumpuli aia"hi, a., godly. aba anumpuli ah, n., a true Christian. aba anumpuli apistikeli, n., a pastor; a bishop. aba anumpuli aliha, n., the church; all Christians; the church in general. aba anumpuli ibafoka, vy. a. 1., to join a church; to profess religion. aba anumpuli ibafoka, pp., united to the church. aba anumpuli ibafoki, v. t., to give up to the church; to join to the church. aba anumpuli ikbi, v. t., to christian- ize; to make Christians; to convert. aba anumpuli iksa, n., a church; the church; a Christian sect or denomina- tion. aba anumpuli iksa ibafoka, n., a church member. aba anumpuli iksa kucha, vy. a. i., to leave a church. aba anumpuli iksa kucha, pp., excom- municated. aba anumpuli iksa kuchi, v. t., to ex- communicate; to unchurch, BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BuLn, 46 aba anumpuli iksa nana ishtimashwa aliha, n., Presbytery. aba anumpuli iksa nana isht imatta, n., a Presbyter. aba anumpuli ilahobbi, n., a professed Christian; a pretended Christian; a hypocrite. aba anumpuli kobafa, n., an apostate; a broken Christian. aba anumpuli kucha, n., an excom- municated person. aba anumpuli pelicheka alhtoka, n., a parson. aba anumpuli toba, n., a convert. aba anumpuli toba, v. a.i., to become a Christian. aba anumpuli toba, n., conversion. aba apelichika, n., the kingdom of heaven, Matt. 8: 11; 11: 11, 12; 16: 19. aba a®ya, v. a.i., to waft. aba chakali, v. a. i. (from aba and acha- kali), to lift up the head; to lift up the eyes, John 4: 35; Matt.17: 8; Luke 19: 5; Josh. 5: 13; aba pit aba chakalimat, when he had looked up to heaven, Matt. 14: 19. aba hatak, n., an angel; an inhabitant of heaven; a seraph. aba holitopa, n., a holy one. aba ia, abia, v. a.i., toascend; to go up; to rise; to go to heaven. Aba itki, n., God. Aba itki imantia, a., godly; one who obeys God. Aba iki imasilhha shah, a., prayerful. aba imma, abema, ady., upward; high. aba isht aholitobli, v. t., to worship, John 4: 20, 24. aba isht aianumpa chuka, n., a syna- gogue, Matt. 10: 17. aba isht aiokpachi, n., sacrifice, Matt. 9:13; 12: 7; a gift, Matt. 15: 5; tribute for the service of the temple, Matt. 17: 24. abaisht anumpa,n., a sermon; a reli- gious discourse; a lecture; a discourse. aba isht anumpuli, v. t., to preach; to pray for, Matt. 5: 44. aba isht anumpuli, n., a preacher. aba isht a®ya, v. t., to waft. aba isht holitobli, n., a worshiper. aba isht ia, v. t., to hoist; to lift; to mount; to raise; to carry up; to rear; to weigh. BYINGTON] aba isht ikahobalo,vy.t., to blaspheme. aba isht ikahobalo, n., a blasphemer. aba isht ona, v. t., to take on high; to carry to heaven. aba iti patalhpo, n., a chamber. aba mi®ko, n., the king of heaven; the heavenly king. aba minti, v. a. i, to descend from heaven. aba patalhpo, n., an upper floor; a chamber floor. Aba pi"ki, n., God; our Father in heaven; Providence; Divine Providence. aba pila, v.t., to heave; to throw up; to toss. aba pila, n., a toss; a heaver. aba pila, adv., upward. aba pilla, ady., upward; on high; away up; farup; heavenward; to heaven; in heaven. aba pit anumpuli, v.t., to pray; to speak toward heaven, Matt. 17: 21. aba shilombish, n., an angel; a spirit of heaven. aba shutik, n., heaven, Matt. 5: 34; 1 Sam. 2: 10. aba takali, v.a.i., to hang up; to depend. aba takali, pp., hung up; suspended; lifted up; a., dependent. aba takalichi,.v. t., to heave; to hang up; to lift up, John 3: 14; to uplift. aba taloa,n.,a hymn; a psalm; asacred song. aba tala, n., a mantel piece; a shelf; a scaffold; a scaffolding; see tala, from talali, to set or place. aba tala boli, v. t., to scaffold; to put on a scaffold. aba tala ikhi, v. t., to scaffold; to make a scaffold. aba topa, n., an altar. aba yakni, n., heaven, Matt. 6: 20; 18: 10. aba yakni aholitopa, aba yakni nan isht ilaiyukpa,n., glory; the felicity of heaven prepared forthe children of God. aba yakni pila, ady., heavenward. abai anumpuli chuka, n., a temple, Luke 2: 27; achurch; ameeting house. abana, v. a. i., to lie across; to rise; aba- naya, abanaiya, pro. form. abana, pp., laid across. abana, n., that which lies across. abanali, abanoli, v. t. sing., to lay across; to lay over or on; to put on, as a yoke; bahta ya abanoli, to lay a bag on. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 73 abanapoa, pp. pl., passed over; put over. abanapolechi, v. t., to put over; to cause to go over, or pass Over. abanapoli, v. a. i., to pass over. abanabli, auanabli, tanabli, v. t. sing., to pass over; to leap over; to go over; to run over; to get over; to overreach; to superabound; to go past the time; to jump; to leap; to overflow; to overgo; “to overrun; to pass; to surmount; to transcend; to transgress. abanablichi, vy. t., to cause to go over; to put over; to defer; to adjourn; to pro- rogue; to delay; to overreach; to post- pone; to procrastinate; to reprieve; to respite. abanablit ont ia, n., the Passover, Josh. yal Ce ble abanapa, pp. sing., passed over; put over; delayed; postponed; reprieved; respited; from abanabli, v. a. i. abanapa, n., a respite. abanapa, v. a.i., to delay; to procrasti- nate; siabanapa, I procrastinate; nitak hollo achafa siabanapa keyukma, if 1 do not delay a week. abanoli, see abanali. abanopoli, pl., to go over; to walk over, Luke 11: 44; abanobli, sing. abanumpa, see aba anumpa. abanumpeshi, see aba anumpeshi. abanumpeshi ammona, see aba anwm- peshi. abaona, pp., raised. abbaksha, see abaksha. abema, see aba imma. abenili, see abenili. abi, abi, v. t., to. kill, Matt. 10: 28: to slay; to destroy, Matt. 2:13; to butcher; to deprive of life; to dispatch; to slaugh- ter; to martyr; to win at a game of chance; to murder; ahhabi, to kill quickly (ahbi, aiabi, ahambi, ambi); imabi to win from him or to beat him; he wins from him; to put to death, Matt. 14: 5; aiabi, to smite of, Josh. 7: 5; abel, ishbi, abi, ebi, ilohabi, hashbi, abi; akbo, chikbo, ikbo, kebo, kilohabo, hachikbo, iksabo, ikpebo, etc.; itimabi, to kill each other; /ebi, to kill himself; to commit suicide, John 8: 22; debi, n., self-murder; suicide; freq., Josh. 10: 10. ahambi, 74 abi, n., a killer; a slayer; a murderer. abi, n., slaughter; the killing; destruction. abi, v. n., to be sick with certain dis- eases, generally cutaneous, or to have the disease, etc.; as chiliswa abi, to have the measles; chilakwa abi, to have the smallpox; chinak abi, to have the pleu- risy; washkabi, to have the itch; wak- cha abi, to have the venereal disease; palsi abi, Luke 5: 24. e abia, aba ia, v. a. i., to mount; to ascend. abichi, v. t., ‘‘to smite,’’ 1 Sam. 5:12. abit apa, v. t., to prey upon; to kill and eat. abit apa shali, a., rapacious. abit tali, v. t., to destroy; to kill all; to cut off. abitampa, n., a male fairy; a hobgoblin; one who kills. aboa, v. t., to strike against; to fall against; to knock; to bunt; wak at yitepa mat itaboa,; hatak at itulat ia cha chuka yan aboa; chukfi itibik mat itaboa hoka. abonumpuli, see aba anumpuli. achafoa, a., a few and scattering; not many. achafoa, v. n., to be few and scattering; achafotha, nasal form. achafoachi, vy. t., to cause a few; to select or take afew; to cause a few to be taken, ete. achafolechi, y. t. caus., to select a few; to single out. achafoli, v. t., to take a few. affekoma; osapa affekoma, n.,a large field. affekomi, a., mischievous; impatient; exceeding; superabounding; large; see afekommi. affekomi, vy. n., to be mischievous; chito kat affekomi fehna and chito kat atampa fehna mean the same. affetabli, v. t. sing., to ensnare; to en- chant to his ruin or death. affetipa, afetipa (q. v.), a., enchanted; greatly interested; captivated. affetipoa, a. pl., ensnared; enchanted to his ruin or death. E affetipoa, vy. n., to be ensnared. affetipoli, v.t. pl., to ensnare; to enchant. affoa, afoa, v. a. 1., to wind round. affoa, afoha, pp., wound round, John 20: 7; furled; see afoa. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 affula, pp., stirred; thickened while cooking; aiatit matya kako”, from that (time) forth; see afulli. ahoku®fa, n., piece cut off. aholloka, see aholloka. ahoyo, see ohoyo. ala, v. a. i., to arrive at, when coming toward the speaker or place spoken of; as ona, to arrive at in going from the speaker; to touch; to come; to come to; to get there; to get here; to get to; to attain, Matt. 8: 2, 11, 25; 11: 14; 17: 7, 10; ahanlat, Josh. 7: 14; aiala, pl. and intensive; hachimaiala, come to you, Matt. 7: 15; alali, ishla, ala, ela, ilohala, hashla, ala; aiyala, aiyala, and aiyahanla; italachi, for two to arrive together; isht ala, vy. t., to fetch; to re- duce; to bring, Matt. 12: 22; to take it and come; ont isht ala, to go and bring; to go and take it and come. ala, n., an arrival; a pass. ala, n., one who arrives or comes; a comer; himo ala, one who has just come; a new comer. alachi; italachi, to arrive together (dual). alba, n., vegetation; herbs; plants; weeds. albachi, vy. a.i., to practice; to make ex- periments; to be instructed, Matt. 13: 52. 7 albala, pp., gleaned. | alballi, y. t., to glean; to gather up the remnants or fragments. aiballi, n., a gleaner; a gleaning. albana, v. a.i., to lie across; see aba- nali. albana, pp. pl., laid across; abanni,v. t. pl. albani, v. a. i., to cure over a fire; abani, Vent albani, pp., cured; isi nipi at albani; tak- kon at albani; abani, v. t. albani, n., that which is cured. albankachi, pl.; hina at albankachi. albasa, n., lath. albaska, n., lath. albaska, pp., lathed; ribbed, as a roof; abasli, v. t. albehkachi, y. a. i. pl., to repeat; it- albehkachi, Phil. 2: 27. albehpo, n., asack of some kind, Matt. YAK Is albi, aialbi, aiilli, aialli, n., cost; price; a price, 2 Sam. 24: 24; tanchi albi. BYINGTON] albi, pp., valued; perhaps from abi. albichi, v. t., to price; to set a price; to value, John 12: 5. albiha, pp., charged; stuffed. albiha, n., a charge; a load. albiha atapa, n., an overcharge; an over- load. albihkachi, pp. pl., put in; put on, as garments. albilli, v. t. pl., to repeat; to add; to put on another thickness; it albilli, Matt. 6: 7; itishima albillit umpohomo; na foka albillit foka; shukbo albillit patali. albina, n., a camp, Josh. 6: 11; an en- campment; a host, Josh. 3: 2. albinachi, albinanchi, y. t., to camp; to encamp; to pitch a camp. albita, pp., repeated; done twice; tanchi at albitat holokchi; albitat holisso, copied; anumpa hat hituklaha albitat anumpuli. albita, n., arepetition, Rev. 18:6; v.a.i., to be double. albitat holisso, pp., copied; rewritten. albitat holisso, n., a copy. albitat holokchi, pp., replanted. albiteli, v. t., to repeat; to double; to iterate. albiteli, n., an iteration. albitelichi, y. t., to double; to make double, Rey. 18: 6. albitet anoli, y. t., to repeat the story; to relate a second time; to recapitulate. albitet hokchi, v. t., to replant. ' albitet holissochi, v. t., to copy; to write over again; to transcribe. albitet ikbi, vy. t., to renew. albitet pisa, v. t., to review. albitet shanniz, v. t., to double and twist. albitet yammichi, v. t., to redouble. albitkachi, pp. pl., repeated; having other covers or coats; italbitkachi, John Teme albille Want albo, v. a. i., to adhere; to stick, as glue or mud; lukfi at ashoboli yan albo; itialbo v. a. i., to cohere; itialbot offo, v. a. i., to coalesce. albo, pp., soldered; made to stick or ad- here; glued; itialbo, glued together. albochi, y. t. sing., to solder; to cause to adhere; to set with putty; to glue; to stick; isht ishko a” albochi, to solder a cup; ialbochi, to solder~ together; to glue. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 75) albokachi, v. t. pl., to solder; te fasten in with putty; italbokachi, to solder to- gether. albonli, almoli, vy. i., to catch; to take infection; italbonli; italmoli. alhchakaya, n., an addition; a piece spliced on. alhchakaya, a., additional; something added; anumpa alhchakaya. alhchaba, n., a log lying across a creek used as a foot bridge. alhchaka, pp. sing., spliced; new set; new laid or welded, as an iron tool; welded. alhchakoa, pp. pl., spliced; welded. alhchefa, pp., washed (from achefa, to wash). albchiba, a., tedious; tiresome; requir- ing or consuming time; slow in accom- plishment; alhchieba, Gen. 40: 4. alhchiba, v. n., to be tedious, tiresome, or slow. alhchifa, pp., washed, John 13: 10. alhchilofa, pp., paid; liquidated; ikalh- chilofo, a., unpaid. alhchowa, see alhchunwa. alhchunna, a., cheap; low. alhchunna, v. n., to be cheap. alhchunnachi, y. t., to cheapen; to lower; to sink. alhchu"wa, alhchowa, pp., sewn; stitched; sewed; italhchunwa, sewn to- gether; sewed. alhchutwa, n., that which is sewn. alhfabek imma, ady., on the left hand; toward the left. alhfabeka, n., the left, Luke 23: 33; Matt. 6: 3. alhfasha, pp., fastened; latched; okhis- sat alhfasha; afashli, v. t. alhfoa, n., a ligature; a bandage. alhfoa, pp., wound round; bound round; reeled; hooped; a/foli, v. t. alhfula, pp., stirred, as a liquid with a stick; afulli, v. t. alhfullinchi, v. a.i., alhfullihinchi,to com- pass, Matt. 23: 15. alhkaha, pp., laid down. alhkama, pp., sing. stopped wp; fastened up; calked; barred; aboha alhkama; ok- hissa yat alhkama, Josh. 2: 5; shut up, Josh. 6: 1; see akama. alhkama, a., fast. 76 alhkania, a., gone; forgotten; pass. of kania of the form alhtaha. alhkania, v. n., to forget; chimalhkania, you have forgotten it. alhkata, pp., patched; botched; mended; clouted; akkalli, v. t. alhkata, n., a patch; a botch; a clout; isht alhkata, a patch. alhkoha, pp., molded, as pottery; shaped; plated, as metals with silver; shuti at alhkoha; ampo at alhkoha; lukfinuna yat alhkoha; tali holisso lakna isht alhkoha, plated with gold; akkoii, v. t. alhkomo, v. a. i., to dissolve; to melt, as salt, sugar, etc. alhkomo, pp., dissolved, as sugar in wa- ter; ikalhkomo, a., undissolved; unmelt- ed; okomo, Vv. t. alhkomoa, pp. pl., stopped up; calked; barred; aboha alhkomoa; haksobish alh- komoa. alhkucha, n., the balance; the remainder; an odd one, Num. 3: 48; shulush alhku- cha, an odd shoe; waktoksali alhkucha, an odd steer. alhkuna, n., a gown; a dress for a lady; cf. the alconand of French writers. alhkuna falaia, n., a long gown; a frock; a slip. alhkuna kolofa, n., a petticoat. alhpatak, n., a fan made of a wing. alhpesa, n., convenience; decency; sufficiency; an execution; fairness; fit- ness; reason. alhpesa, alhpisa, a., proper; suitable; enough; sufficient, Matt. 6: 34; lawful, Matt. 12: 2; 14: 4; right, Matt. 11: 26; Luke 6: 2; straight, Luke 3: 5; John, 4:17; necessary; worthy, Matt. 10: 11, 13; John 1: 27; comely; commodious; compatible; competent; consistent; convenient; correct; decent; decorous; due; eligible; fair; fit; honest; just; justifiable; lawful, Matt. 12: 12; legal; meet, Matt. 15: 26; moderate; passable; reasonable; scrupulous; seemly; staple; timely; profitable, Matt. 5: 29; alhpinsa, tolerable, Matt. 11: 22, 24; ikalhpeso, wicked, Matt. 12: 45; disagreeable; ill; erroneous; unadvisable; imalhpisa, John 1: 14 [?]; italhpesa, respond- ing; agreeing together. alhpesa, vy. n., to be proper, etc., Matt. 5:5; it is enough, 2 Sam. 24: 16. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 alhpesa, alhpisa, pp., measured; deter- mined; agreed; appointed; accom- plished; concluded; corrected; decided; decreed; effected; enacted; established; suited; surveyed; estimated; exe- cuted; filled; fulfilled; gaged; gauged; judged; justified; ordered; passed, as a law; reconciled; regulated; resolved; settled; stipulated; nitak alhpisa, an ap- pointed day; ikalhpeso, evil, Matt. 12: 35; idle, Matt. 12: 36; imalhpisa, pp., judged; imalhpesa, a., contented; agree- able to him; ont alhpesa, pp., passed; ikimalhpeso, a., dissatisfied; unallowed; uncommanded; ikimalhpesochi, ikimath- pesacho, to dissatisfy; ikalhpeso, a., ille- gal; illicit; improper; inadmissible; in- correct; unapproved; unapt; unbecom- ing; undignified; undue; unfit; ungen- teel; unmeasured; unreasonable; un- seasonable; unseemiy; unsuitable; un- suited; wrong; wrongful; alhpisahe keyu, a., immeasurable; ikalhpeso, n., an im- propriety; a wrong; ikalhpeso, adv., un- duly; alhpiesa keyu, n., injustice; itim- alhpesahe keyu, a., irreconcilable; alh- piesa, ady., justly; imalhpesa, to please; to feel pleased; ikimalhpeso, v. a. i., to repine; ikimalhpeso, n., a repiner. alhpesa, y. a.i., to become, Matt. 3: 15; to behoove, Luke 4: 43; to eventuate; italhpisa, to respond; to suit; to be lik- ened to, Matt. 7: 26. alhpesa, adv., well; very well; comely; fairly; rightly; well done. alhpesa, v. a. i., to do or be right; ish- alhpesa, Acts 10: 33. alhpesa achi, v. a. i., to approve; to ap- probate (rather, to express approba- tion), as red men do when they approve of a talk. alhpesa ahni, alhpiesa ahni, v. a. i., to acquiesce; to comply; to consent; to be willing; to feel contented; alhpesa ishahnihokmat, if thou wilt, Matt. 8: 2; alhpesa ahnilishke, I will, Matt. 8: 3. alhpesa miha, v. a. i., to assent. < alhpesali, v. a. i; see ikalhpesalo, fraud, James 5:4; to be true or virtuous, Mark 10: 11; ohoyo alhpesali, a virtuous wo- man. alhpesashke, even so, Matt. 11: 26. alhpesachi, vy. t., to correct; to humor; to justify; amalhpiesachi, to right; ikitim- BYINGTON] alhpesacho, Matt. 10: 35; ikimalhpesochi, to grieve. alhpesachi, n., a justifier. albpi, n., a wooden spoon; a horn spoon; nakalhpi, a pewter spoon. alhpichik, n., a nest; a bird’s nest; ap- plied to birds, squirrels, hogs, and bears, alhpichik at imasha hoke, have nests, Matt. 8: 20. alhpichik ikbi, v. t., to nest; to make a nest. alhpiesa, v. a.i., to fay; to suit exactly; aialhpesa, suitable, Matt.6:11; worthy; sialhpesa keyu hoke, 1 am not worthy, Matt. 8: 8. alhpiesa, a., deliberate; exact; nice; pat; precise; respectable; strict; alhpiesashke, John 1: 12 [?] italhpisashke, shall be likened; Matt. 7: 26; ikimalhpieso, of- fended, Matt. 15: 12; Luke 3: 14. alhpi"kachi, n., a pile of corn piled like cord wood. alhpisa, pass. of apesa, to be judged, Matt. 7: 2; measured, Josh. 3: 4. alhpisa, n., a decision; an estimate; a fulfillment; an institution; a judgment; a justification; a measure; an ordi- nance; a plot; ascheme; astandard; a stint; a stipulation; a measure, Matt. BS By alhpishechichi, v. t., to prepare a pillow for another, 1 Sam. 19: 13. alhpishi, n., a pillow. alhpishi, v. a. i., to pillow; alhpishi hosh itonla tok, 1 Sam. 19: 16. alhpishi afoka, n., a pillow case; a pil- low-bier. alhpishi falaia, n., a bolster; a long pillow. alhpishi i"shukcha, n., a pillow case; a pillow-bier. alhpitta, pp., loaded; charged; put in, Matt. 6: 380; alhpinta (nas. form). alhpitta, n., a load; a charge; isht alhpitta, n., wadding; some say naki impatalhpo. alhpoa, alhpoba, alhpowa, n., domestic animals; fruit trees, such as are culti- vated; produce; cattle; stock; live stock; a pet. alhpoa, pp., espoused, Matt. 1: 18; be- spoken for; domesticated; raised; saved, as a tree or plant; tamed; itim- alhpoba, espoused to each other. A DICTIONARY OF THE'CHOCTAW LANGUAGE a alhpoa aiimpa, n., a pasture. alhpoa apistikeli, n., a pastor; a herds- man. alhpoa foni, n., a rack; the frame of bones of an animal. alhpoa ilhpita, pp., foddered. alhpoa imilhpak, n., fodder; forage. alhpoa imilhpak itannali, vy. t., to forage. alhpoa ipeta, vy. t., to fodder. alhpoachi, alhpolachi, vy. t., to heap up dirt or ashes around anything. alhpoba, see alhpoa. alhpoba, a., exotic; tame. alhpoba hinla, a., tamable. alhpohomo, y. a. i., to be laid on or cov- ered. alhpolachi, see alhpoachi. alhpolosa, pp., daubed; plastered; pitched; smeared apolusli v. t. alhpowa, see alhpoa. alhpoyak, n., goods; wares; merchan- dise; a commodity; manufactures; stuff; alhpoyak oklushinia aiisht ala, v. t., to import goods, Matt. 17: 25. alhpoyak aiasha, n., a store; a store room; a store house. alhpoyak holisso, n., an inventory. alhpoyak ikbi, n., a manufacturer. alhpoyak shali, n., a peddler; one who carries goods. alhpoyak toba, pp., manufactured. alhpu2fa, pp., blown into; blowed; breathed in; inspired; puffed. alhpu®fa chuhmi, a., puffy. alhpusha, pp., roasted; broiled; toasted; ahe alhpusha; nipi alhpusha. alhpusha, n., a roast. alhtaha, vy. a. 1., to ripen; hachim- alhtaha, prepare you, Josh. 1: 11. alhtaha, a., pp., ready; prepared; done; finished; compieted; complete; con- summated; expert; fitted; forward; furnished; matured; ripened; aiimalh- taha, Matt. 13: 54, 56; thorough, Josh. 1: 14; 8: 4; ikalhtaho, a., imperfect; undone; unexecuted; incomplete; un- finished; imalhtaha, pp., qualified; ik- imalhtaho, a., unprepared; unready; unsupplied. alhtaha, v. n., to be ready; to end; to finish; to get through or to be so; chimalhtaha, you are ready; anumpuli chimalhtaha, have you done talking? 78 alhtaha, n., accomplishment; readiness; a consummation; fullness; maturity; preparation; ripeness. alhtaha hinla, a., handy. alhtakla, a., bereaved; without friends, kindred, parents, etc.; forlorn; ohoyo alhtakla, 2 widow; a bereaved woman; alla alhtakla, an orphan child. alhtakla, v. n., to be bereaved. alhtakla, n., bereavement; orphanage; an orphan. alhtaklachi, v. t., to bereave. alhtaloa, n., asong; a hymn. alhtaloak, n., a song; see Rev. 15: 3, Moses imalhtaloak. alhtampa, n., overplus; surplus; bal- ance; remainder. alhtanafo, n., the rim of a cane basket. alhtayak, n., character; profession; calling; nature; imalhtayak, his calling. alhtalwa, pp., sung; tkalhtalwo, a., un- sung. alhtalwak, ilhtalwak, n., a song; a ditty; a hymn; note, 2 Chron. 29: 27. alhtannafo, pp., woven; plaited; braided. alhtekachi, v. t., to press down, Luke 6: 388. alhtipo, n., a tent; a pavilion; a booth; a lodge; a tilt; a tabernacle, 1 Sam. 2: 22°) JOS) 21222 Oonosele alhtipo, a., tented; alhtipo asha, tented. alhto, v. a. i. pl., to be in; to stand in, Matt. 2:12; from ani, v. t., ibalhto, Matt. 13: 49; Josh. 10: 1; peni alhto, Matt. 14: 13; alaialhto, we arein here; anlhto, nasal form, being in, John 21: 8; Matt. 4: 21.° Cf. also Matt. 14: 32. alhto, v. t., to hold; to contain. alhto, pp., poured in; put in; from ani, y. t., to pour in; ibalhto, mixed, Matt. 13: 49; itibalhto, mixed together. alhto, n., lading. alhtoba, v. a. i., to be in the place of another; to be in the stead of; to suc- ceed; to be sold, Matt. 10: 29; akchi- alhtoba, let me take your place; imalh- tomba, have their reward Matt. 6: 2, 5, 16. alhtoba, adv., instead. alhtoba, a., vicarious; expiatory. alhtoba, n., pay;. wages; hire; price, Matt. 13:46; reward, Matt. 5:12; rec- ompense; postage; a charge; ferriage; BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 pilotage; carriage; freight, etc.; com- pensation; damages; a disbursement; expense; afee; fees; afine; alien; meed; merit; payment; a premium; a prize; remuneration; a render; a reward; room or stead; salary; salvage; satis-- faction; a stipend; toll; value; see isht alhtoba. alhtoba, n., atonement. alhtoba, n., a deputy; a proxy; a substi- tute; a succeeder; a successor. alhtoba, pp., refunded; remunerated; re- warded; paid; recompensed; avenged; revenged; atoned; compensated; de- frayed; exchanged; expiated; liqui- dated; italhtoba, exchanged; ikalhtobo, a., unpaid; unrepaid; unrewarded. alhtoba chito, n., highness; dearness; high price. alhtoba hinla, a., expiable; expiatory; imalhtoba hinla, a., rewardable. alhtoba hosh ishi, v. t., to supplant. alhtobat atta, n., a vicegerent. alhtoboa, v. a.i. pl., to:take the place of; to take turns with; italhtoboa sholit isht anya, to take turns in carrying it; italhtoboa, to exchange with each other; to reciprocate; italhtoboa, n., rotation; italhtoboachi, v. t., to transpose. alhtohno, ilhtohno, pp., hired; en- gaged; employed; hatak ilhtohno, a hired man. alhtohno, ilhtohno, n., a hireling. alhtoka, alhtuka, pp., pointed out; set apart; sent, John 3: 28; authorized; appointed; delegated; deputed; elected; selected; nominated; ordained; voted; to be taken, Josh. 7: 16, 17, 18; hatak alhtoka, a committee; atokuli, v. t. alhtoka, n., authority; appointment; a delegate; elect; the Messiah; the anointed; Jesus Christ; an ordina- tion. alhtokoa, alhtokowa, pp., pointed out; set, Luke 2: 34; commissioned. alhtoshoa, alhtoshowa, pp., removed from one place to another; translated; construed; rendered into; interpreted, Matt. 1: 23; explained. alhtosholi, y. t., to transfer; to remove; to translate; to interpret; to construe; to render into. alhtosholi, n., a translator, alhtuka, see alhioka, BYINGTON] alhtuka keyu, a., unengaged. alla, n., achild; children, Matt. 14: 21; a brat (a low word); a papoose; hachim- alla, your children, Matt. 7: 11; alla yosh, children, Matt. 11: 16. alla, v. a. i., to bea child; sialla, I ama child; chialla, thou art a child; sialla ma, when I wasa child; nasal form a7la. alla aiimpa, alla aiishko, n., aporringer; a basin for a child. : alla anusi, n., a child’s bed; a cradle; a crib. alla anusi foki, v. t., to cradle. alla apistikeli, v. t., to watch or nurse children; to nurse. alla apistikeli, n., a nurse. alla ayupi, n., a bathing place for chil- dren. alla alhtakla, n., an orphan; a bereaved child without father or mother. alla chipunta, n., young children; small children. alla chuhmi, a., child like; puerile. alla eshachi® Mpalammi, v. a. i., to labor; to travail. alla eshi, alleshi, vy. t., to bear children; to bring forth a child; to have a child; “to be confined.”’ alla eshi, n., childbearing. alla haksi, n., ‘‘asauce box;’’? atomboy; an urchin. alla himmita, n., a stripling. alla holisso pisa, n., a pupil; pupilage; a schoolboy. alla ifoka, v. a. i., to conceive; to be- come pregnant. alla itki iksho, a., base born; illegiti- mate. alla itki iksho, n., a bastard; an illegiti- mate. alla ikimiksho, a., childless; barren, Luke 23: 29. alla ilahobbi, allilahobbi, a., acting like a child; pretending to be a child; puerile; childish. alla isht aiopi, n., the youngest child; the last child. alla isht illi, v. a. i., to die in childbed. alla nakni, n., a boy; a male child; a chap; a lad; a shaver; a son; a male infant; see Matt. 1: 21, 22; Luke 1: 13, where alla nakni is the translation of son. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE ie alla oka isht imokissa, n., pedo-bap- tism; infant baptism (the old form of expression ). alla pishechi, v. t., to suckle a child. alla sholi, v. t., to bring forth a child; to dandle. alla sholi, n., a nurse. alla tek, n., agirl; a female child; a lass. alla tek haksi, n., a romp; a rude girl. alla tek holisso pisa, n., a school maid. alla toba, n., adoption. alla tomba, n., childhood. alla tomba, v. n., to be in the state of a child; alla satombama illitok. alla yakni pataffi, n., a plow boy. allahe! interjection of displeasure, used by the ancients in scolding children. allachi, causative form; iallachi, to make himself a child. alleh, ali, hale, exclam. of distress, uttered by children when in pain; oh! oh, dear! alleshi, see alla eshi. allikchi, alikchi (q. v.), n., a doctor; a physician; a curer. allilahobbi, see alla ilahobbi. alloluat, see alolua. allotsabi, n., infanticide. allota, see alota. allutsi, allosi, alosi, n., an infant; a babe; a baby; a papoose; a suckling, Matt. 2: 8, 11; Luke 18: 15; alosi puta han, Matt. 11: 25. almachi, n., a fan. almo, pp. pl., trimmed; cut; picked; pulled; mown; reaped; clipped; crop- ped; sheared; shorn. almo, n., that which is picked, ete. almochi, n., cream; scum. almoli, see albonli. alosi, see allunsi. alwasha, v.a.i., to fry; to parch, ascoffee. alwasha, pp., fried; parched; poached; toasted, Josh. 5: 11; nipi at alwasha; kafi at alwasha. aleha, see atiha. ali, v. a. i., to end; ont aiali and id- aiati; ikati, to verge; ontali, toeventuate; to terminate. ali, n., the edge, end, limit, boundary, line, borne or bourne; the extent; the margin; the mete; the verge; a wing; a border, Josh. 4:19; yammat imati; 80 yammokosh imati; yammak osh ati, ete.; isht imatekashkeh, take him to the edge or verge of, Matt. 5: 21, 22. alichi, v. t., to end; ont aiatichi, Josh. 5: 3. aliha, aleha, n. pl., all; the whole; the whole company; each one and all of, Luke 6:17; Matt. 5: 1; 12: 2, 46; 13: 49; 17: 6, 10; it differs from ‘‘all’’ in that it directs the mind to each one; tashka altihama, the body of warriors. This word is added to nouns to indicate plu- rality of persons and sometimes of things. See Matt. 2: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 16, 17, 18, 23; (of wolves), nashoba isikopa aleha, see Matt. 7: 15; aleha hat is dis-- tributive; aleha yat is collective. alipila, adv., toward the end. alipilla, at the end; away to the end; outmost. am, my, pre. pos. pro. Ist per. sing. in the nom. case before a noun beginning with a vowel, as amisuba, my horse, Matt. 2: 6; John 2: 2. am, pre. per. pro. Ist per. sing. in the dative case before verbs beginning with a vowel or diphthong, and to be ren- dered often with a prep. in Eng. as of me, to me, for me; amia, amanumpul, amanoli, amaiatti, amachi, ‘‘saith unto me,’’ Matt. 7: 21. am, I, per. pro. Ist per. sing. before a neuter verb formed from anadj., as am- okpulo, 1 am mad; ‘‘to me evil;’’ see chim, John 1: 33. am, used before verbs when removed from the noun, as isubatamilli, allat am- illi, instead of amallat ih. ama, to give me; from wna, to give cr to give him; chiksamo, neg. form; tkemo, he did not give him; issiaiamashke, give thou me, Matt. 14: 8. amafo, n., my grandfather and his bro- thers, including their father, grand- fathers, etc., male cousins and their paternal ancestors; my father-in-law, i. e., the father ofa woman’s husband, the proper appellation for a woman to use in speaking to her husband’s father; chimafo, imafo, pimafo, etc. amalak, n., my sister’s husband; my brother-in-law. . amalak usi, n., my wife’s brother; my brother-in-law. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 amalak usi ohoyo, n., my wife’s sister; my sister-in-law. amanni, n., my brother, and one older than the brother who speaks; my brother who is older than myself. amanni,n., my sister, and one older than the sister who speaks; my sister who is older than myself (always both per- sons are of the same gender). amiffi, a., equal in size and age. amiffi, v. n., to be equal in size and age. amintafi y. t., to open; to cut open, as. the carcass of a hog; amintafa, pp; see mitagi, from which these are derived. amintoli, pl. amishoa, Vv. a. 1. sing., to rub against. amishofa, pp., rubbed; rubbed against. amishoff, v. t., to cause to rub against and pass by; to cause to graze; iti chanalli at iti an amishonfa, the wagon was rubbed against the tree. amishokachi, pp. pl., rubbed off; shapo at amishokachit hishi taha. amisholichi, vy. t. pl., to rub against; suba hat shukcha yan iti av amishotichit okpani fehna. ammi, a., my; mine. ammi, y.n., to be mine, Matt. 10: 37. ammi keyu achi, vy. t., to disclaim; to disown. ammi toba, vy. a. i., to become mine, Luke 4: 6. ammona, a., incipient. ammona, n., the beginning; the dawn; the commencement; ammona ataha aiena kat iksho, a., eternal; n., eternity. ammona, ady., first, Matt. 12: 45; Josh. 8:5; ammona kano, Matt. 8: 21. ammona isht ia, v. a. i., to rise. amo, v. t. pl., (tadli, sing), to pick; to pull; to trim; to mow; to reap, Matt. 6: 26; to cut; to clip; to gather, Luke 6: 44; to cut off; to crop; to rid; to shear; to slip; pavki an aiamo, gather grapes of, Matt. 7: 16; shuwmati akon aiamo, gather of thistles. amo, n., a gatherer; a picker; a shearer. amohmi, vy. i., to do anything entirely, utterly, and absolutely, Matt. 5: 34; ikshok amohmi; ikshoka amohmi (for ikshokamohmi, as often heard) there is none at all; amohmichi, amohminchi, caus:, 1 Sam: 15:35 Josh. L0:1e sine 12, 20, 21. BYINGTON] amohoyo, n., my woman; my wile. amombalaha, n., my brother-in-law, i. e., my husband’s brother, his uncles and nephews (language of a woman). amoshi, amoshshi, n., my uncle, i. e., my mother’s brother or brothers and male cousins. anatkosh, pro., I the one who. ani, v. a. i., to bear fruit; to yield fruit; to bring forth fruit, Matt. 7: 17; ana- he keyukma, when it can not bear fruit, Matt. 7: 18; ani chatuk; anikmat, Matt. 2a Onan. Hees liso. ani, n., fruit of the berry kind; a berry; a nut; fruit in general, Matt. 7: 16. ani, v. t., to pour intoa vessel; to infuse; ilani, in yourselves, Mark 9:50; pass. alhto. ani chilofa, n., a windfall. anit waltya, v. t., to bring forth fruit, Luke 3: 9; Matt. 13: 8. annoa, annoa, anoa, (q. v.), n., fame. annoa, anoa (q. v.), pp., noised. annoachi, see anoachi. annonto, pro., as for me. ano, I, me, mine, Matt. 5: 11; ano ato, Mattao:) 22,532,194, 39) (44 7327: ano a®, me, Matt. 11: 6; ano akinli, myself; compounds: anorkosh; annon- to; anonto; see ano. apa, v. t., to mouth. apa, v. a.i., v.t.,to eat; generally used when speaking of a single article of food; when a meal or several articles is spoken of, the word impa is used; to fare; to feed; to pick, Matt. 15: 32; onush apa, onush alwasha apa, Josh. 5: 11, 12; apat isht ia, began to eat, Matt. 12: 1; Josh. 5: 11; ikpo, Matt. 15: 32. ampa, ahampa, ahampahi oke, shall be gnashing, Matt. 8: 12; noti ahampa, Matt. 13:42, 50; apa isan irreg. verb, like abiand ala; conj.: apali, ishpa, apa, epa (Matt. 6: 31); ilohapa, hashpa, apa, akpo, chikpo, ikpo, kepo, kilohapo, hachikpo, ikpo; sapa, eat me, John 6: 57; okapanki paska isht alhpisa apa, to commune; apat tali, v. t., to devour; apat pisa, v. t., to taste; apat ikpeso, a., untasted. apa, n., food. apa, n., an eater. apa kitinisi, n., a morsel. apanukfila, n., a whirlwind. 84339°—Bull. 46—15——6 A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 81 apanukfila, vy. a. i., to blow, as a whirl- wind. apat tali, v. t., to devour; to consume. api, n., thestalk; a vine; a handle; a tree; acob; ahelve; ahaft; a trunk; a body; a leg; a blade, Matt. 13: 26; a straw; a spire; the warp or chain of cloth as woven; a staff; astock; ahapi, a potato vine; aiomanili api, a chair leg; bihi api, a mulberry tree; chahapi, a hoe handle; hashuk api, a spear or blade of grass; iskifapi, an ax helve; nusapi, an oak tree; the trunk of an oak; the body of an oak; onushapi, a blade of wheat; wheat straw; a stalk of wheat; tanchapi, a cornstalk; a corncob. api aiishi, n., a thole. api isht ala, n., the lower end. apiha, see apelia. apishia, n., a piazza; aboha apishia, a piazza that extends all round an old- fashioned house. apohtuki, v. a. i., to be close and light, as a room. appokni, apokni, n., my grandmother; my granddam. asananta, see asananta. askufa, v. t., to put a petticoat upon one’s self (feminine gender). askufa, pp., girded; belted; begirt (fem- inine gender). askufa, n., a petticoat (doubtful). askufa tapa, n., a coat; a petticoat. askufachechi, v. t., to put a petticoat or belt upon another person; to begird another person; to gird; ilaiaskofache- chi, to gird himself, John 21: 18. Perhaps there is a mistake and it should be ilaiaskofachi, as in John ils 7. askufachi, pp., girded. askufachi, v. t., to gird one’s self; to put a belt on; to begird; ila isht asko- fachi, to gird himself, John 13: 4; to gird the loins, 2 Kings 9: 1. asseta, v. a. 1., to cleave to; to love. ashke, see ishke. ashwa, ashwa (q. v.), v. a. i. pl. and dual, to sit; to be there; chuka ilashwa. ashwanchi, aswanchi, ashwanchi, vy. a. i., to be engaged about something; to be active or busy; ittashwanchi, to keep at work (at it), singular.—J. E. 82 at, art. (see hat and yat), the; the one; Chekob at, Jacob he, Matt. 1: 2; iti ok- pulo at, a corrupt tree, Matt. 7: 18; ati at, atree, Matt. 7: 19; at, rel. pro., who; the one who; the which. ata, adv. particle, as ish/ata, have you come (when not expected)? atai, atai, n., buckeye (accent on last syllable; unusual in this respect and unusual in ending with a diphthong). ataiya, v. a. i., to lean on or touch at; atayali, tr. sing., to cause to lean against or to touch at, as a boat or ship; atayoti, pl. atakapulechi, see itakopulech. atanapoa, v. t., to jump over; iti an itanapoa, to jump over a log. atanapolechi, vy. t., to cause to jump over. atanapoli, v. t., to jump over. atanabli, v. t., to lay on the second strata of leaves, ete. atanabli, n., underbrush; undergrowth; the second layer of leaves in woods. atanapa; wak atanapa, a yearling. atapa, pp., scotched. atapachi, atapachi, v. t., to hasp; to fasten. ataya, v. a. i., to lean; pit atayat, John 21: 20; 2 Kings 9: 30; see atarya. ato, ato, art., the one; as for the (by way of contrast to others); ano ato, I, in distinction from them of old time, Matt. 5: 22, 32, 34, 39, 44; aiishi ato, he that received, Matt. 13: 23; hatak ato, men, Matt. 16: 18. ato, ato, rel. pro., the one who, as for the one who, ete. atta, v. a. i., to be born; to come into the world; to stay; to live; to reside; amatta, aiattutok, Matt. 14: 6; anta, nasal form, to abide; to dwell; to inhabit; isht atta, v. t., to use; to em- ploy; to be busy with or about. atta, v. a. i.,to heal; to cicatrize; ikato, not healed; fachowa ikato, a chronic ulcer. atta, v. t., to occupy; isht atta, to occupy; isht imatta, ministered unto him, Matt. 8: 15. atta, n.,a birth; nitak aiatta, a birthday. atta, n., an occupant; a resident. atta, pp., born; healed; cured; cica- trized; remedied; atatta or itatonli (old BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 style), healed up or united and healed; ikatto, a., unborn. atta ammona, n., infancy; an infant; primogeniture. atta ammona, a., primogenial. atta hinla, a., healable; curable. attahe keyu, a., incurable. attahpi, n., birth, Matt. 1: 18; primo- geniture; the first born, Josh. 17: 1. attapachi, v. t., to hasp; to fasten. attachi, n., a healer; a curer. attachi, v. t., to heal a sore or wound; to cicatrize. attat akowa, v. a. i., to come down, Mattie Sal attat atya, Matt. 15: 22. attat falama, v. a. i., to return from, Luke 4: 1. attat hofanti, pp., educated; raised; brought up. attat hofantichi, v. t., to raise; to edu- cate; to bring up. attat ia, v. a.i., to start from; to depart from, Matt. 12: 9; 15: 22; to go from, Luke 3: 4 [?]; to go on from, Matt. 4: 21; to pass forth from, Matt. 9: 9. attat isht ia, v. a. i., to rise; to begin to heal, ete.; to take a start. attat minti, v. a. i., to come from; ashwat minti, pl. (antat minti and anshwat minti, nasal forms, can not be used because they include the idea of con- tinuance). attepuli, v. t., to make a pavilion; to pavilion; to tent. ; ba, ady., nothing; merely; certainly; surely; ia li ba, I merely go; I just go; I will just go, and meaning that nothing shall prevent; a word used chiefly by children. ba is compounded with, and forms the termination of, several words; amba, kamba, chumba, yoba, hioba, chikimba, tokba, nahba, kbato, okbato, kbano, okbano. bachali, n. sing., bachoti, pl., a row; a course; a stick of timber lying straight, as a joist; sabaiyi bachali wia, my nephews; lit., my row of nephews; tanchi ithina bachali, rows of corn, i. e., the furrows and not the standing corn; (tanchi baiilh, a row of standing corn; takkon api at baiilli, a row of peach trees). BYINGTON] bachali, v. t. sing., to make a furrow for planting corn; to lay in a straight line; iti tilit bachali, to blaze trees in a line for a road. bachaya, a., prostrate, and lying in arow so as to touch all the way. bachaya, v. a. i. sing., to lie connected in a line or row; tanchi irhina at bacha”- ya, the corn rows are laid off; iti at bachaya, the tree or the timber is laid; ahchaba at bok a®bachatya, a foot log lies across the creek. bachaya, v. pass., laid ina line; laid off; lusa at bachaya, the black (line) is laid, i.e., on a stick of timber for hewing; hina at bachaya, the road is laid off, or the road is marked off. bachaya, n., a row; a line; a course; a vein; /ina bachaya, line of a road, Josh. 2: 19. bachoha, vy. a. i. pl., to lie in courses; hina at bachoha, to lie in lines; issuba ai- itintimia yat bachoha, the race paths for horses are laid off, or are there. bachoha, n. pl., rows; ranks; courses. bachoha, pp. pass., laid in lines or courses. bachohat maya, v. a. i., to lie in rows or lines; hina at bachohat manya hoka ishpisa chin, as the roads are laid off, you will see them. bachohmatya, n., a noun derived from the foregoing verb. bachoh, v. t., to lay in rows or lines; to make rows, lines or furrows for rows. bacholi, n. pl., rows. bachoh, n. pl., those that lay off in rows. bafaha, v.a.i., to grow, asa bush; osapa at bafahat kania, the field is grown over with bushes. bafaha, n., a bush; a green bush; a thicket; bafaha and bafalli are both used for bush and bushes; bafaha chanli, cut a bush; bafalli chanli, cut the bushes; but bafaha anutka and bafalli anunka, in the bushes, is proper. bafalli, n. pl., bushes; a thicket; green brush. bafalli, v. a. i., to grow, as bushes; osapa yat bafallit kania, the field is grown over with bushes. bafalli, a., shrubby; bushy. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 83 bafalli foka, a., bushy; grown up with bushes (applied to a large place). bafalli talaia, n., aclump; atuft; asmall thicket (applied to a small place). baha, pass., gored, stabbed, jabbed, by being struck with a straight forward blow; pricked; pierced; uski osh baha, the cane jabbed him, iti osh baha, the wood jabbed him, and bashpo yosh baha, the knife jabbed him, are transitive forms. baha, n., a jab; a stab; batshpo baha, a knife stab; uski baha, a cane stab. bathachi, n., baa, the cry of a sheep; chukfi at bathachi, the sheep says bath or banath, bahafa, pass., gored, stabbed, or jabbed by being struck with a blow that comes up, as cows do when they hook; alla nakni at bahafa, the boy is gored. bahaffi, v. t. sing., to gore; to stab; to jab; to pierce; to stick; to thrust with an upward motion, as hogs with their tusks and cattle with horns, and to thrust a man with a knife with the point up. bahaffi, n., a stabber; a gorer. bahpo, bappo, n., a kind of nut pudding made of corn and peanuts. bahpo, pass. of bahpuli(q. v.), made into a nut pudding; bahpot alhtaha, it is beaten and ready. bahpuli, v. t., to beat up parched corn and parched peanuts for bahpo; to pound corn and peanuts for bahpo. The corn and peanuts are both parched and then beaten or pounded together. The meat of hickory nuts is sometimes used. bahta, n., a bag; a pack; a budget; a knapsack; a scrip; a wallet, Matt. 10: 10, bahta at iksho, no scrip, Mark 6: 8. This word differs but little from shukcha (q. v.)3 hapi shukcha, salt sack, kafi shukcha, coffee sack, are used, but not bahta. bahta chito, n., a bale; a big bag. bahta chito abeli, v. t., to bale, or to put up ina bale or big bag; tanchi an bahta chito yor abeti, to pat up corn in a big bag. bahta chito abiha, pass., baled; put up in a bale. 84 bahta chito hoshi"sh aialhto, n., a tick; a bed tick; lit., a big bag holding feathers. bahta shinuk aialhto, n., a sandbag; a bag having sand in it. bahtushi, n., a pouch; a small bag; a satchel; a scrip; a wallet. baialli, v. a. i., to stand in files or rows; or baiilli (q. v.). baiallit a®ya, vy. a. i., to move in a single file. baiallit ala, v. a. i., to arrive in a row. baiallit heli, v. a. i. pl., to stand in ranks. baiallit hika, vy. a. i. sing., to stand in a row or single file. baiallit ma®ya, v.a.i., to advance in file. baiallit minti, v. a. row. baiet biXya, bait bi™ya, v. a. i. pl., to move in ranks as soldiers, not abreast but one following another. baieta, v. a. i. sing., to stand or go in a row, one after another, as men or animals in a single road; caus., baietachi or baietat hinli, to stand in a row; baietat atya, to go along in a row; to stand in a row, as planted corn or trees when set out. ‘ baieta, n., arow of corn, trees, men, or animals, baii, baiyi, n., white oak; name of an oak tree and its fruit; a white-oak acorn; baii laua, plenty of white-oak acorns. baii toba, a., oaken; made of white oak. baiilli, baialli (pl. of baieta), pass., ranked; placed in rows or ranges; abaiali, 2 Kings 11: 8. baiilli, baialli (pl. of baieta), v. a. i., to stand in files or rows; to rank; to fol- low in order one after another. baiillichi, v. t., to cause to follow in ranks; to march; to place in ranks. baiillit nowa, v. a. i., to march in sin- gle ranks, but not abreast. It differs from auatali, v. a. i., to march abreast. baiillit nowa, n., a march. bait bitya, see baiet binya. baiyana, y. n., to want. from which it is derived. baiyi, see baii. bakafa, y. a. i. pp., split off. i., to come in a See banna, sing., to split off; and BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 bakaha, pl., bakalichi sing., v. t., to cane; to baste; to strike with a cane or stick; to maul; ofi yor bakahali, I beat the dog. bakaha, n., a caning. bakali, pp. pl., split; blocked; slabbed; bakati ushta, split in quarters. bakali, v. a. i., to split; to block; to slab into several, i. e., more than two, pieces. bakatlichi, v. t., to split into large blocks; to slab; to block; to split puncheons for a floor. bakatichi, n., a splitter. bakapa, pass. sing. of bakabli (q. v.); halved or divided into two equal parts; cleft; riven. bakapa, v. a.i., to divide into two equal parts; to cleave; to split; to divide once in the middle; iti at bakapa, the tree divides or opens in the middle. bakapa, n., a half when split in two; a cleft; shuka nipi bakapa, half of a hog. bakastoa, pass. pl., split in two; di- vided into two equal parts. bakastoa, v. a. 1. pl., to split in two; to divide. bakastoa, n. pl., halves; wben things have been split open. bakastuli, v. t. pl., to split in two; to halve them; to rob; holisso ha” bakastuli; same as wehpuli, say M. Dyer and Thompson. bakabli, vy. t. sing., to split in two; to halve. bakabli, n., a splitter; a divider. bakasto, bakastuli, pass., finished; completed; all taken, as when a rob- bery is committed, or grain ina field is destroyed. bakastuli, v. t., to get all; to take all; to finish. bakastuli, n., a finisher; one that takes all. bakbak, n., a large red-headed wood- pecker, smaller than the ti"kti. bakbak at patki akbano hot apa, the bakbak eats grapes only. bakli, y. t. pl., to split into large blocks, whether halves, fourths, or eighths; bakati, pass. (q. v.), nusa pi a® baklih, I split the black oak into blocks. baklichi, y. t., to score. bakna, n.; imbakna, the rennet (or run- net) or stomach of cows or deer. BYINGTON] bakoa, bakowa, a., spotted; pied; large check; brinded; tabby brinded; tabby; dapple; dappled; wak at bakoa, the cow is spotted; nan tanna at bakoa, the cloth has large checks; abaksha hat bakoa, the chicken snake is pied. bakoa, vy. n., to be spotted, pied, etc. bakoachi, bakowachi, v. t., to make spotted, pied, etc.; to dapple. bakokoa, n. pl., spots. bakokota, a. pl., spotted; pied; large check. bakokota, y. n. pl., to be spotted. bakoku®kachi, n. pl., large white and red spots. bakokutkachi, bakoku"kachi, a. pl., spotted; sintulo at bakoku"kachi, the rattlesnake is spotted. bakoku®kachi, v. n. pl., to be spotted. bakowa, see bakoa. bakowachi, see bakoachi. balakli, v. a. i. sing., to leap up; like halakii. balakli, balakli (the best forms) bilakti, v. a. i., to wilt; itt hishi at bilakti, the leaves wilt. balakti, pass., wilted ; see bilakti. balaktichi, y. t:, to wilt; to make it wilt. balali, v. a. i., to creep, as a child; to crawl; to grovel; alla yat balali, the child creeps. balali, n., a creeper; a crawler; a groveler; alla balali, a child creeper. balama, a., fragrant; odoriferous; am- brosial; balmy; sweet; odorous; redo- lent—used with reference to the smell of objects only. balama, v. n., to be fragrant. balama, n., a sweet odor; savor; flavor; scent; smell, as of a rose; na balama, n., incense, Luke 1: 10; Rev. 5: 8. nan isht balama, 2 Cor. 2:15; a savor; Eph. 5: 2. balama, pass, perfumed. balamachechi, v. t., to perfume another person or thing; to incense another per- son or thing; to cause one to perfume another. balamachi, balamachi, vy. t., to make it fragrant, balmy, sweet; to scent well; parshi a® balamachi, to make the hair balama; na foka ya" balamachi, to make the garments balama. balalli, v. a.i., to creep, as a vine; to run, as a vine; to scramble. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 85 balalli, n., a creeper; a scrambler; avine. baleli, maleli, v. a. i. sing., to run, as an animal or aman, 1 Cor. 9: 24; Gal. 5: 7; emallihinlashke, Heb. 12: 1; maleli is the more common word: tilaya dual (q. v.); tilahanya, tilaharyatok ‘did run,’’ Matt. 28: 8: yilepa, pl., Mark O25: baleli, n., a runner. baluhchi, n., the hickory bark which is used in making ropes. balup, n., slippery elm; also the linden, or lind tree; the teil tree. bali, v. t., to stab; to gore; to hook and jab; to strike straight forward; to jab; to beat up the materials for making bahpo; to dagger; to dirk; to pick; to prick; to push; to spur; to stick; to beat, as meat in a mortar; to thrust; to pierce, John 19: 34; Rev. 1: 7; itinbati, to gore each other; issi nipi yan bati, beat the venison; tu”shpat bati hot, or tushpat bali ho”, make haste and beat it! bali, n., a stabber; one that gores or hooks; a thruster; a beater. bah, n., a push; a stab; a thrust. batichi, v. t., to make anything stab, gore, etc. bam, balam, n., balm, Gen. 37: 25; bam is the Choctaw pronunciation of balm. bambaki, bamboki, a., not even; rough; bulbous; rolling, as land having swells. bambakichi, vy. t., to make uneven. bamboki, v. n., to be uneven. bamppoa, pass., shot with a blow gun; discharged from a blow gun, whether the arrow has hit the object shot at or not. bamppoa, n., a discharge; a shoot. bamppulli, v. t., to shoot with a blow gun. bamppulli, n., ashooter; one that shoots with a blow gun. banatboa, banatboha, yv. a. i. waye; to billow. banatboa, banatboha, n. willows. banatbohachi, y. t., to cause the waves to rise; to cause the water to wave. banatha, n., a wave; a billow; a rolling; asurge; a heave, James 1:6; Matt. 8: 24; oka banatha, Matt. 14: 24. banatha, v. a. i., to wave; to billow; to roll; to heave. pl., to pl., waves; 86 banathachi, v. t., to make it wave, bil- low, or roll; banatkachi, pl. bano, ady., only; altogether; perfectly; completely; all; merely; simply; to- tally; utterly; wholly; entirely; ishi- bano, Matt. 7: 8; receives entirely, Josh. 1:16, 17; yammakbano, that only; yak- bano hor, Matt. 4: 4. bano, a., mere; naked; simple; only; iyi bano, barefoot; nipi bano, naked. bano, a., alone; entire; stark; ilap bano, himself alone; Matt. 14:23; hatak bano, man alone; bano preceded by k is used for the sign of the optative mood; mintikbano, only that he comes. bano, v.n., to be alone; to be entire; banokmat, 2 Sam. 18: 25; banot, Matt. MiG Pale banochi, banuchiz, v. t., tomake it entire; to make solitary or alone; ilap banochit hassafilammachitka, ye shall leave me alone, John 16: 382. baptismo, n., baptism, Matt. 20: 23; 2 25. baptismo, pass., baptized, Matt. 20: 23; 1 Cor. 10: 2; baptismo used with active prep. baptismochi, v. t., to baptize, Matt. 3: 11; baptismohonchi, freq. Mark 1: 4; Matt. 28: 19; baptismochechi. baptismochi, n., a baptist; one who administers baptism; a baptizer. baptist, n., a baptist; John the Baptist, Matt. 3:15 Isat: basaboa, pass. pl., sparks made. basacha; basancha, in luak basancha, a spark of fire. : basachi, see basatichi. basaha, y. a. i. sing., to pop or snap, as burning wood. basaha, n., a pop; a snap. basahachi, vy. t. sing., to cause it to pop or to snap; to make sparks. basahkachi, vy. a. i. pl., to pop; to snap. basahkachi, n. pl., a popping; a snap- ping. basak, basak, n. sing., a pop; a snap- ping noise; snap of a stick, of clay thrown against a wall, or of the fist in giving a blow. basakachi, v. a. i., lit. to say basak; to snap; to pop. basal, v. a. i. pl., to snap; to pop; to explode, as burning wood. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 basal, n. pl., a popping; a snapping. basalichi, basachi, v. t. pl., to cause a snapping or popping. basasu"kachi, n. pl., a poppitig; a snap- ping. basasu2kachi, a., scarred. basasutkachi, basasu"kachi, vy. n., to be brindled or striped. basisakachi, y. a. i. pl., to snap; to crack; to pop. basoa, v.n., to be striped; to be brindled; to be brinded; to be checked and tabby; basasoah. basoa, a., striped; brindled; brinded; tabby. basoa, pass., streaked. basoa, n., stripes; spots of different col- ors; a streak; a stripe; basasoah. basoachi, basoachi, vy. t., to stripe; to make brindled; to streak. basoli, vy. t. pl., to stripe. basoli, n. pl., stripes. basolichi, v. t. caus., to make striped work, as cloth. brindled; striped; basosutkachi, basasu"kachi, n. pl., sears; marks; small checks; small stripes. ba™spoah, n., slabs, or slats of paling. basunlash, n., the gall; the bile; basun- lash homi, gall of bitterness, or bitter gall, Acts 8: 23. basunlash aiatto or aialhto, n., the gall bladder. basunlash okchi, n., the gall; the mat- ter secreted in the liver, Matt. 27: 34. bashatkchi, n., elder, name of a shrub. batshka, n., a good nature; a gentle disposition. batshka, a., good natured. batshka, vy. n., to be good natured. ba%shka achukma, a., friendly. ba®shkiksho, a., sullen; irritable; cross; morose; perverse; rugged; unpeaceable. batshkiksho, y. n., to be sullen. bashukcha, n., the sumac which bears the purple bud. The other kind is called bati (q. v.). bat, adv., only; each; contracted from bano or bano hosh; tuklo bat ia, two and two go, or two in each company go. bat, times, as twklo bat tuchinakmat hanali, twice 3 is 6. BYINGTON] batammi, watammi, vy. t., to trip up another in wrestling. bato, conjunctive form of bano. See kba- to and kbano. bachalusha, n., sleet. bachalusha, v. a. i., to sleet. bachalushachi, y. t., to cause the sleet to fall. bahcha, bachcha, n., a ridge of land. bahcha ikbi, v. t., to ridge; to make ridges. bahcha pissa, n., a straight ridge. bahcha tabokaka, n., the top of the ridge. bakoku®kachi, bakoku®kachi (q. v.), a., spotted; having many colors, as Joseph’s coat, Gen. 37: 3. bala, n., a bean; the name of one kind of bean which is large. bala hakshup, n., a bean pod; skin of a bean. bala hobbi, n., boiled beans. bala okchi, n., bean porridge. balakachi, v. a. i., to gulp; to swallow in large drafts. balbaha, v. a. i., to talk in a foreign or unknown language; to prattle, as an infant. balbaha, n., one that talks in a foreign language. balbaha toba, v. a. i., to become one that talks in a foreign language. Balbancha (from balbaha + ansha), n., New Orleans; a place of foreign lan- guages. balli, v. t., to cut up underbrush; to clear land by cutting off the undergrowth. bali avanae de> tOvoits banaha, n., boiled corn bread wrapped in leaves, in which boiled beans are mixed; a roll, as of bread or butter. banaiya, n., a ridge, as a corn ridge, etc. ; banaboa, pl. banaiyachechi, v. t., to ridge; to ruffle. banaiyachi, n., a ridge, such as is made in a field where corn is planted. banakachechi, y. t., to cause to fluctu- ate or ripple. banakachi, y. a. i., to fluctuate; to roll, as the waves; to ripple; to ruffle; to _ undulate. banakachi, n., a sea; a wave. banakachi, a., rough, as troubled water. banakachi, pass., ruffled. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 87 banna, v. a. i., to want; to desire; to wish, Matt. 5; 42; to crave; to seek, Luke 6, 19; to will, Matt. 14: 5; to gape; to long; to need; to pant; to strive; to water, as the mouth waters; ikbanno, n. f. ikchibannokashke, thou shalt not wish; baiyana, pro. form. abanna, to want of or for; in want of, Matt. 6: 8; to need, Matt. 6: 32; ikbaiyanno, a., not willing; ikbanno, a., averse; loath; reluctant; unwilling; v. n., to be averse. banna, a., minded; prone; wishful; ikban- no, a., reluctant. banna, n., a longing; a wish; a need; a wanting. banna, n., a wisher; one who wants. banna fehna, v. t., v. a. i., to covet; to hanker; to wish intently. banna fehna, a., covetous, greedy. bappo, see bahpo. basa, n., the name of the fish called pike. basak, see basak. basasu2kachi, basosu®kachi. baska, basto, v. a. i, to game; to gamble; to play with cards or marbles; to card. baska, basto, n., a gambler; hatak baska, a gambler. basha (from bashli, v. t.), pass., sawn; cut; carved; mown; mowed; reaped; clipped; gashed; gelded; marked; plowed; sheared; shorn; ikbasho, a., unmarked; unwounded. basha, n., a gash; an incision; a mark; a cut with a saw or knife. basha hinla, a., perishable. bashat holisso, bashat holisso, pp., graved; engraved; cut and written. bashat holisso, n., an engraving. bashechi, v. t., to wilt; to blast; to wither; to shrink. bashi, bashshi, pass., wilted; blasted; blighted; contracted; faded; withered. bashi, bashshi, v. a. i., to wither, Matt. 13: 6; to wilt; to blast; to contract; to fade; to flag; to languish; to perish; bashi chatuk, John 15: 6; bashit tahatok, withered away, Matt. 13: 6; 21: 19. bashi, n., a languisher. bashkachi, pass. pl., laid in rows; laid side by side, as sleepers under a floor; bachaya, sing. see basasunkachi and 88 _ BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY bashkachi, a. pl., lying in rows, as rows of timber; hina bashkachi puta, the rows of roads; bok ushi bashkachi puta, the branches running in one direction, side by side, as if in rows. bashkachi, y. n., to lie in rows; to bein rows. bashkachi, n., rows. bashli, v. t., to saw; to cut with a draw- ing motion, as with a knife, sword, scythe, or sickle, and therefore also meaning to mow and to reap; to clip; to castrate; to emasculate; to gash; to geld; to hurt; to mark; to nick; to reap; to shear; to slash; see Matt. 5: 30, bashlit taplit ishkanchashke; ilebashli, to cut himself. bashli, n., a cutter; a sawyer; a mower; a reaper; a marker; a shearer. bashli, n., an incision; a cut. bashlit holissochi, v. t., to engrave. bashlit holissochi, n., an engraver. Bashokla, or Paskokla, n., Pascagoula; bread people, or cutting people [almost certainly ‘‘bread people.’’—Ebs. ]. bashpapi, n.,aknife handle—acompound word from bashpo knife, and api, han- dle, stem, or stalk. bashpo, n., a knife; aknife blade; a blade; Josh. 5: 2, 3. bashpo chito, n., a large knife; bashpo chito imshukcha, n.,ascabbard; a sheath. bashpo falaia, n., a long knife; a sword, Josh. 5: 18; the blade of a sword; a rapier; a dirk; a bilbo; a dagger, Matt. 26: 51, 52; 10: 34; Turk inbashpo falaia, a Turk’s sword, i. e., a scimiter. bashpo falaia aiulhpi, n., a hilt; the hilt of a sword. bashpo falaia atakali askufachi, n., a sword belt. bashpo falaia halupa, n., a sword blade. bashpo falaia i"shukcha, bashpo falaia afohka, n., a scabbard for a sword, Matt. 26: 52. bashpo falaia i9shukcha fohki, v. t., to scabbard. bashpo falaia patha, n., a broadsword. bashpo ibbak pishinli, n., a table knife; a case knife. bashpo isht impa, n., a table knife; a case knife, lit. a knife to eat with. (BULL. 46 bashpo isht itibi, n., a dirk; a rapier; a stiletto, lit., a knife to fight with. bashpo itata"kla halupa, n., a two- edged knife; a knife sharpened on both sides. bashpo potoma, n., a clasp knife; a pocketknife. bashpo wishakchi, n., the point of a knife. bashpuli, v. t., to sweep; to remove; to obviate, as to prepare a path. bashpuli, n., a sweeper. bashpushi, n., a small knife; a pen- knife; from bashpo, knife, ushi, son. bashshi, see bashi. basht, cut and; this is acontraction from bashlit, to cut and. basht pisa, v. t., to cut and see. basht tapli, v. t., to cut off. basht tapli,n., excision; basht tapa, pass., cut off. basht tapli, v. t., to amputate; to cut off; to mutilate. basht tushaffi, v. t., to cut off; to slice off. bashto, n., the overcup oak tree. bati, n., the high sumac. beka, a., alone; mere; stark; bieka, the prolonged form of beka. beka, v. n., to be alone; bieka in ano sa- bieka hosh hikialachin hoke, John 16: 32, in an old translation; ishbieka, Deut. 28: 13. beka, bieka, ady., always; commonly; usually; only; merely; simply; totally; hitherto, Acts 23: 1; Luke 20: 20; yoh- mi beka, he does so always; yammak beka, that one only; beka is used in speaking of the customary actions of one who is dead, while chatuk is used in speaking of such actions of one who is yet alive; chatuk connects a past act with present time, beka does not. beli, v. t., to breast, as a suckling calf or lamb. biakak, biya"kak, n., a hawk; a chicken hawk. bicha, pass., drawn; taken from a cask. bicha, v. a. i., to spout, as water. bichataha, pp., racked; drawn off. bicheli, v. t., to draw liquor; to take from a cask; to cause a liquid to run out; to draw; Inta! ho bicheli cha, ‘*Draw out now!” John 2: 8. gto ee ee eee see eh BYINGTON] bicheli, n., a tapster; a drawer. bicheh, vy. t., to draw a small quantity of liquid from a cask. bichet tali, v. t., to rack; to draw off from the lees; to draw the liquor all off- bichillahe keyu, a., waterproof; (lit.)’ it will not leak. bichilli, pichilli, v. a. i. pl., to leak out; to ooze; to percolate; torun out gently; oka hat sakti apichilli, the water drips from the bank; italhfo aiyat bichilli, the keg leaks. bichillichi, pichelichi, v. t. pl., to cause to ooze out; to burst them; to break them so that the liquid will flow out gently. bichokachi, pp. pl., bent; sprung; ‘i ai bichokachi, the wood is bent. bichokachi, v. a. i. pl., to bend; to spring. bicholi, v. t. pl., to bend. bichohi, n. pl., benders. bicholichi, yv. t. pl. caus., to bend; to make them bend. bichota, pass., bent; sprung. bichota, v. a. i., to bend; to spring. bichotakachi, v. a. i., to spring a single time. bichubli, bochubli, v. t. sing., to squeeze in the hand. bichu2ko, n., the brisket. bichulli, y. t. sing., to bend; to spring; bichunli, nasal form, bending, bichulli, n., a bender. bichullichi, vy. t. caus., to bend. bichupa, bochopa, pass., squeezed in the hand; from bichubli, v. t. (q. v.). bieka, from beka (q. v.), a., mere, John 16: 32. bieka, adv., merely; only. bifisha, n., a cluster of little bushes. bihi, n., a mulberry; the fruit of the mulberry tree. bihi api, bihapi, n., a mulberry tree. bihi chito, n., a large mulberry; a fig, John 1: 48; Luke 138: 6 (changed to Jik in the last edition). bihi chito hishi, n., a fig leaf. bihi holba, n., a sycamore, 1 Kings 10: 27. bihi talaia, n., a mulberry grove. bihapi, see bihi api. bihkachi, pl., to be rent and worn out, as cloth. This may be a contraction of the genuine word. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 89 bitka, mi@ka, a., each; both; like; re- sembling; of the same kind or species; chaha kat kubit pokoli binka, each ten cubits high, 1 Kings 6: 23; ilabitka, each himself; both; Gen. 40: 5. bitka, n., a fellow; tishu pibimka, our fellow-servant, Col. 1: 7; tap birka, their fellows, Matt. 11: 16. bi"ka, v. n., to be like, or of the same kind; hatak sabitka, a man who is like me; na hollo chibinka, a white man who is like you. bitka, v.a.i. sing., to whine, as a puppy; to yelp. bi"kbia, v.a.i. pl., to whine; to yelp. bi"kbia, n., a whine. bitkbia, n., a whiner. bikbina, n., a knop, Ex. 37: 17; 25: 23; see kibikshi. bikeli, v. t., to touch; to press up against with a point or the end of anything; to touch the side with a pointed object; to flow in or over, as the tide; okhata chito at bikeli; mikma wishakchi okat shutik tabokaka bikelashke, and whose top shall reach heaven, Gen. 2: 4. bikeli, n., astick or anything that touches or reaches to something else; a support; a supporter. bikelichi, y. t., to cause to reach up to; to strike against an object overhead; shutik hakakkia bikelichi bannat ahan- shuatok, they desired to cause it to reach up to the sky. bikobli, bokobli, v. a. i., to bud; to put forth buds; to shoot; takon api at bikobli, the peach tree buds. bikobli, pass., budded; put forth in buds. bikobli, n., a bud; buds; a germ; the shoot of a plant. bikoblichi, y. t., to cause to bud. bikoha., v. a. i. pl., to bend. bikoha, pp. pl., bent; bikota, sing. bikoha, n., bends. bikokachi, pass. pl., bent. bikokachi, v. a. i. pl., to bend. bikoli, v. t. pl., to bend breaking. bikoli, n. pi., the persons who bend; benders. bikotichi, v. t. caus., to bend; to make them bend. bikota, pass. sing., of bikulli, bent. without 90 bikota, v. a. i., sag; to sway. bikota, n., a bend; the bend. bikota hinla, a., flexible. bikota keyu, a., unyielding» bikotahe keyu, a., inflexible; tmanuk- fila bikotahe keyu (his mind bend will not), inflexible in purpose. bikotakachi, y. a.i. sing., to bend once. bikulli, v. t. sing., to bend; to incurvate; to sag; bikunli, nasal form, to be bend- ing. bikulli, n., a bender. bikullichi, y. t., to bend; to cause to bend; to make it bend. bikuttokachi, y. a. i., to cower; to squat; to courtesy (as a lady); to bow or bend down; isi at bikuttokachi (the deer bends down), koi at (the tiger); or aba hushi at bikuttokachi (air, fowl of, it squats). bila, n., oil; fat; gravy; grease; nita bila, bear’s oil; shukha bila, hog’s fat. bila, v. a. i., to melt; to dissolve; to fuse; to thaw; to resolve; bihinla, Josh. 2: 9, 11; to melt or faint, Josh. 7:5. bila, a., unctuous; greasy. bila, pass., melted; dissolved; fused; thawed; liquefied; resolved; ikbilo, a., unmelted, unthawed; ikabilo, a., un- dissolved. bila bieka, a., oily; only oil; oil entirely. bila hinla, a., fusible; dissolvable, (lit. ) melt can. bila chapka, nani chapka, nia chapka, n., a cockroach. bila o"taha, pass., with fat. bila o*lati, v. t., to baste; to drip fat upon meat; to moisten with fat. bila pala, n., a lamp; an oil lamp. bilahama, pass., oiled; anointed; an- ointed with oil. bilahammi, y. t., to anoint with oil; i. e., him or herself. bilahammichi, y. t., to anoint another with oil. bilahe keyu, a., will not. bilakh, balakhi (q. v.), v. a. i., to wilt; to droop; to wither. bilakh, pass., wilted; a., WwW ithered! bila"kh, n., a a round and long hill. bilaktichi, y. t., to wilt; to wither. to bend; to crouch; to basted; moistened indissoluble, (lit. ) melt flaccid; pp., BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY {[BuULL, 46 bileli, v. t., to melt; to fuse; to thaw; to dissolve; to colliquate; to liquefy; to resolve; to run; ‘‘to make melt,” Josh. 14: 8; bilet, contracted form with ¢ conjunctive. bileli, n., a melter. bilelichi, v. t., to melt; to cause to melt. bilhkachi, pl. of binili. bilia, adv., always, Matt. 18: 10; perpetu- ally; forever; continually; eternally; regularly; off, Josh. 4: 7, 24; away; iat bilia, gone away, gone off, Heb. 13: 8; hikia biliat peh biliashke, stands forever and ever, Heb. 1: 8. bilia, a., continual; eternal, John 3: 15; ever; e’er; everlasting, John 3: 16; in- cessant; lasting; perennial; permanent; perpetual; unbegotten; unceasing; un- intermitted; unremitted; aiissikkopa bilia and aiokchayat bilia, Matt. 25: 46. bilia, v. a. i., to be or do always; to con- tinue, ano yokat hachiapehat ayat biliali, Matt. 28: 20 (old translation). bilia, v. n., to be always; to be forever; to be continual; to continue evermore; okcharya na biliahe, John 6: 51; hachi- yukpa na biliashke, rejoice ye evermore, 1 Thess. 5: 16; abdilia, adv., forever, Matt. 6: 18; where it is always; to eternity. biliachechi, vy. t., to perpetuate. biliachi, v. t., to make perpetual or con- tinual. bilitka, ady., just; nigh; close by; at hand; Chihowa aiibilitka, nigh to God, James 4: 8. bilitka, n., nearness; vicinage; vicinity; bilitka alatok, 2 Sam. 18: 25; abilirka, a suburb; a neighborhood, Josh. 20: 5; inbilika, u., propinquity to it, him, or her; ibilinka, a., snug. bilitka, a., near; eileen by; close; bilika fehna, too close; contiguous; adjacent; imminent; nigh; proximate, Matt. 3:5; itinbilitka, a., thickget; near to each other; bilitkakmak bano pisa, a., near- sighted; to see that only which is near. bilitka, vy. t., to come near; to near; to approach; itirbilizka, to come near each other; itinbilika fehna, to be too near each other. bilitka, v. n., to be near; to be close by, Matt. 15: 29; bilinkat ibataklat, Scrip. Biog., Abraham and Lot, p. 20; itimbil- BYINGTON] inka, to be near each other; itibilitka atsha, n., a neighborhood; a proximity to each other; nearness to each other. bilitkasi, a. dim., very near; not far off; quite near, Matt. 15: 8. bilitkasi, v. n., to be very near; isht i”- bilinkasi ilonashke, ‘‘let us draw near,”’ Heb. 10: 22. bili"katta, v. a. i., to reside near. bili*kachi, v. t., to bring near; to draw near; to fetch near; to approximate; ilabilinkachi, Luke 9: 47. bilitkatta, n., a neighbor; one that dwells near. bilinchi, vy. a. i., v. t., to draw near; to come near; to make near; to draw nigh; to near; ishpi"bilinchashke, do you come near to us; ilap mat hachinbilinchachin hoke, he will draw nigh to you, James 4: 8. bilinchi, a., near. bilinchi, advy., nearly. bilinchi kat iMshaht tali, a., nearest. [bilitsbi,n., the name ota bird.—H.S. H.] pilitsbili, n., a very young turkey, just beginning to cry. bila, pass. pl. of bili, wounded; hurt; pricked. bila, a., wounded; hurt. bitepa, sing., lipia, pl., to lie on the face; to lie low; to sit with a downcast eye; bitimpa, nasal form. bitepa, pl. of biniliiN. Gardner. bili, v. t., to bunt, as a calf bunts the bag to make the mother’s milk come, i. e., to work at the bag by pushing, bunting, ete. This word is applied to the rubbing of deer skins with a stick flattened and sharp at one end to make the skin soft and pliant.—J. Hudson. bili, v. t. pl., to point at; to prick; to wound; to hurt; to injure the feelings; to spur; chukash bili, to wound the heart; itimbiti, to point at each other, etc.; abiti, to perforate at, i. e., to set up bushes or poles for peas, beans, etc. ; nipi isht biti, n., a flesh hook, 1 Sam. Allo. bili, n. pl., wounders; those that wound, hurt, point, etc.; or one that wounds, etc., more times than once. bilibli, v. t. sing., to point at; to prick; to point out; bili is the plural form perforated ; A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 91 (q. v.); ef. bitihimbli in okchalinchi yan chinbilihimbli kat kallo keyu. bilibli, n., a pointer. bim, n., sound of a tree falling through the air; a roaring. bimihachechi, y. t., to make a roaring. bimihachi, y. a. i., to roar, as fire in dry grass, or as a flock of birds when on the wing; tocrash; tomumble; to murmur; to peal. bimihachi n., the roar; the roaring; a peal. bimimpa, v. a. i., to crash; to roar. bina, n., a camp; a lodging place out of doors and without shelter; a camping ground; an encampment; a tabernacle; a tent, Josh. 3: 14; a host, Josh. 1: 11; binah, 1 Sam. 4: 6; bina wihat kucha, y. t., to decamp; to move out of camp. bina atsha, pass., tented; camped. bina awiha, n., a deserted camp. bina awiha, v. t., to move from a camp. bina hilechi, yv. t,., to pitch a camp. bina talali, v. t., to tent; to set a tent. binachi, v.t., tocamp; toencamp; 1 Sam. 4:1; Josh. 8:9; binanchi, nasal form, to be camping; Josh. 4: 19; 5: 10; 10: 5. binachi, n., one that camps. binanchi, n., a camping; the act of en- camping. binili, v. a. i., to sit; to take a seat; to settle; ont binilima ‘‘when he was set,”’ Matt. 5: 1; 13: 1; to fix one’s habitation or residence; to abide, John 1: 82; to sit down, Luke 4: 20; to encamp; to light; to nestle; binint; idebinili, to seat himself; to sit; to perch; to rest on the feet, as fowls; ilabinili, to retire; to sit alone; tlabinili, n., a retreat; a retire- ment; ombinili, v. t., to sit on; to incu- bate; to ride; takla binili, v. a. i., to in- trude; to sit among. binili, n., a sitter; a setter; one that set- tles; wihat binili, a colony; apetiechi ka yat wihat binili, Col. Folsom’s colony; oklat wihat binili, a colony of people. binili, n., asitting; ta%kla binili, n., an in- truder; binili ho” ont pisatok, Matt. 9: 9; tankla binili, n., an intrusion. binili, pp., seated; settled; located; kan- allit binili, colonized; ikbinilo, a., un- seated; achukmat ikbinilo, a., unsettled; binili bilia, a., sedentary. 92 binilichi, v. t., to seat; to place on a seat; to establish one in a habitation or place; to cause to sit down; to settle him or her at a place, as on new land; kanal- lichit binilichi, v. t., to colonize; to in- stall; to locate; to set; to settle. bininili, vy. a. i. freq., to sit here and, there; to be sitting here and there; moving about from seat to seat. bininli, v. t., nas. form, to be sitting, Gen. 18: 1; 19: 1; John 4:6; plural chitya; binihinli, frequentative; binininli, orbin- ininh, iterative. binnilechi, v. t., to cause to sit a long time. binnili, y.a.i., to sit down a long time; to abide, 2 Kings 1: 9; to be there, Matt: 6:92 15213" 16:d7) 18210: binohmaya, n., a sitting round. binoht, cont. from binoli; binoht taiyaha ma or binotit taha ma, and were set down together, Luke 22: 55. binoht aiasha, vy. a. i., to sit around. binoht aiasha, pass., seated around, John 6: 11. binoht maya, v.a.i. pl., to sit round; to sit by; yamma binohmanyatuk, ‘‘sitting by,’”’? Luke 5: 17; alla yosh binohmanya, Matt. 11: 16. binoli, v. a. i. pl., to lodge, Matt. 13: 32; to sit; to take a seat; to settle; to sit down; okla laua yat aka hashuk aom- binolachi, Matt. 14:19; obinotit marya, “‘which sat,’’? Rev. 12: 16; yamma om- binilihatukma, “him that sitteth there- on,” Matt. 23: 22; binotahe oke, shall sit down, Matt. 8: 11. binoli, n., sitters; those who take seats or settle; abinoti, seats. See Matt. 21: 12. binoli, pass., seated; settled. binotichi, vy. t. caus., to seat; to place on aseat; to colonize; to settle them. binolichi, n. pl., one who colonizes or settles others; one that seats others or those who colonize. bint, in mih bint achukma. bisakchakinna, bisukchakinna, n., a bramble; a green wild vine having briars and bearing berries, growing in swamps and low grounds, and called the bamboo brier. bisakchakinna foka, a., thorny; joka, about, ete. brambly; BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 bisakchula, n., the name of a weed re- sembling nila i®pisa; the leaves are long and tough. bisali, bisinli, n., a sprout; a twig; uksa- kapi bisinli, a hickory withe. bisali, vy. a. i., to sprout; to shoot forth, as young leaves; to germinate; bisanli, nasal form; bisali, bisanli, pp., sprouted. bisanli, n., a sprout. bisanlichi, vy. t. caus., nasal form, to sprout; to cause it to sprout and grow. bisanlih, n., a crack; a chap in the skin of the hands or face; a small crack.— Ja. [biskantak, n., a bird of the tomtit family.—H.S. H.] biskinak, biskinik, n., a small speckled woodpecker, called by some a sap- sucker. bislichi, y. t., to milk. bissa, n., a blackberry. bissalukani, n., the seed of the weed spoken of below. bissatu"ko, n., a weed, the vulgar name of which is beggars’ lice. bissapi, n., a blackberry brier; a bram- ble bush; abramble; bissapi ako” panki an aiamo, Luke 6: 44. bissapi foka, a., brambly. bissukchanaki, bissatukko, n., thorns, Luke 8: 7, 14; thorns is rendered kati in the last translation. bissuntalali, haiuntalali, n., a dew- berry. bisukchakinna, see bisakchakinna. bishahchi, pass., milked; ikbishacho, a., unmilked; not milked. bishahchi, wishahchi, a., milch; giving milk. bishbeli, bishbeli, v.i., to ooze out. bishkoko, bishkokok, n., a robin; robin redbreast. bishkoni, n., name of an oak; the acorns are long and yellow, bark yellowish. bishkumak, n., a red bird. bishlichi, wishlichi, v. t., to milk; wak at bishlichi, he milks the cow. bishlichi, n., one that milks; a milker. bita, n., a turban or tire; a frontal; a frontlet; a head band; a band for the head. Choctaw men weara silver band on the head called tali hata bita, a silver head band. BYINGTON} _ bita, pass., turbamed ; having on a frontal or head band. bitanli, n., acrack; asmall crack; achap; a crevice; a flaw; yakni bitanli, a crack in the ground, and cracked ground; a large crack. bitanli, v. a.i., to crack open slightly; to chap. bitanli, pass., cracked open; yakni bi- tanh. bitanlichi, v. t., to crack open; to chap; to flaw. bitatatya, v. a. i. pl., to crack open. biteli, v. t., to put a frontlet or turban called a bita on one’s self; to put ona silver headband. bitelichi, v. t., to put a turban or head band on another person; to crown, Ps. BHD: bitema, a., fetid; having a disagreeable smell, like that of old bones; joni at bitema, the bones are fetid. bitema, v. a. i., tosmell bad; to be fetid; to stink. bitema, n., fetid; a stench like that of old bones. bitemachi, vy. t., to cause a fetid smell. bitepa, v. t. sing., to put the hands on; to press on with the hands; ibbak at . . . umbitepa, Luke 4:40; to rest upon, while leaning on the hands; ombitepa, umbitepa, or o®bitepa are usual expres- sions for ‘‘ laying on.”’ bitka, v. t. pl., to bear on with the hands. bitonoa, botonoa, pass., bent. bitonoa, botonoa, v. a. i., to bend. bitonoli, botonoli, v. t., to bend. biutko, n., a strawberry; biu™ko at nuna, the strawberries are ripe. biu"ko api, n., a strawberry vine. biuntalali, see haiyantalali. biya"kak, bia"kak, n., a hawk; a large chicken hawk. boa, pass., beaten; beat; hammered; pounded; drubbed; see boli. boafa, see boyafa. boat pilefa, pass., riveted; beaten and turned down on; botpiliffi v. t., to rivet. boaffi, see boyafji. bochokachi, pass. pl., squeezed in the hand. bocholi, v. t. pl., to squeeze in the hand. bochopa, bichupa, pass. sing., squeezed in the hand. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 93 bochubli, bichubli, v. t., sing., to squeeze in the hand; to hold fastasa trap holds game. bochunoa, pass., squeezed up. bochunoli, vy. t. pl., to squeeze them up. bochupha, y. a. i., to contract; draw up and sink in like the breast of a child with sickness in the breast. bochusa, v. a. i., to warp; to curl up; to twist; itishima at bochusa, the shin- gle warps. bochusa, pass., warped; bent; twisted. bochusachi, vy. t., to warp; to twist; to curl; to cause it to warp. boha; oka wiboha, water mixed and ren- dered dirty or roily; kafi itiboha, roily or muddy coffee. bohokachi, vy. t., to churn. bohpoa, pass. of bohpuli, thrown; slung. bohpuli, v. t. pl., bol, sing., to send; to throw; to sling; isht bohpulit foki, v. t., to inject; isht bohpulli, to take and throw; isht bohpulit oka itokachi (from it and okachi), to douse. bohpuli, n., a sender; a thrower. bok,n.,a brook; acreek; anaturalstream of water less than a river; a river, as Bok humma, Red river; Mississippi Bok, Mississippi river. bok aiitisetili, n., a junction of creeks; a place where the creeks meet and run together. bok aiyanalli, n., the channel of the creek; the place where the creek flows. bok anu2ka, n., a swamp on the sides of a creek; (lit.) within the bok. bok anu®ka, a., swampy. bok asetili, n., the mouth of a creek. bok chutaffi, n. sing., a single division of the creek; a branch of a creek; the word branch as used in the South means asmall brook, a rivulet. bok chuh, n. pl., the branches of water courses belonging to one creek; the head branches which mingle and form the creek. bok falaia, n., long creek; the name also of a particular creek, Long creek; Bok falaia ako mintili, | came from Long creek. bok falakto, n., the fork of a creek. bok intannap, n., theside of the creek; the other side of the creek; the oppo- site side of the creek. 94 bok itahnoli, n., junction of creeks. bok itipatalhpo, n., a bridge made over a creek, or a crossway made in the swamp near the creek. bok mishtannap, n., the farther side of a creek; the other side of a creek. bok ola intannap, n., this side of the creek; the side of the creek this way. Four words are here compounded, bok creek, ola this way, in to it, tannap, side. bok ola tannap,n., this sideof the creek. bok sakti, n., banks of a river, Josh. oe LD. bok ushi, n., (a diminutive from bok, a river, and ushi, son, lit., the son of a river); a rivulet; a brook; a branch (a word in use in the South, meaning the same as brook); a rill. bok wiheka, top of a side of a creek. bok wishahchi, n., the fountain; the head of a creek. bokafa, pass. sing., broken open; burst; cracked; bokaff, v. t. bokafa, y. a. i., to break open; to crack; to burst; to open; to explode. bokafa, n., a crack; an eruption. bokaka®kachi, v. a. i., to break open; to burst open. bokali, pass. pl., broken open. bokalichi, y. a. i. pl., to break open; bokanli, nasal form, being cracked open; na pakanli bokanli putaka, ‘‘ open flow- ers,’’ 1 Kings 6: 18. bokatichi, vy. t. pl., to crack them open; to burst; to cause them to open. bokanli, n., a bud. bokanli, v. a. i., to bud. bokanli, pass., budded. bokanlichi, y. t., to cause it to bud. bo"kachi, pass. pl., doubled up; rolled up; wrapped up; folded up; pass. of bunni (q. v.), v.t., to double up. bo®"kachi, v. a. i., to roll up. bo"kachi, n. pl., bundles; rolls. bokaffi, v. t. sing., to break open; bokafa, pass. bokboki, a., roan; isuba bokboki, a roan horse; moldy, as bread, Josh. 9: 5. bokboki, y.n., to be roan. bokbokichi, y. t., to make ofa roan color. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL, 46° bokko, vy. a.i., to be a hill; bokko, nasal, being hilly; bokko ilatya, we go among the hills. bokko, n., a hillock; a knoll; a hum- mock; a bank; a mound; a mount; a swell; anything round (see Josh. 5: 8), or like a cup; the top of the head. bokko, pass., banked. bokkuchi, y. t., to make a bank or hill; to bank, 2 Kings 19: 32. bokkushi, n. (a dim.), a small hillock; from bokko and ushi. bokobli, see bikobli, v.a.i., to bud. bokokakachi, bokoka®kachi, pass., broken open, as the pod of certain fruits, etc. bokonnoa, pass., pressed against. bokonoli, v. t., to press up; to bend up; to raise up, as the seed which grows underground presses against the earth, and makes it crack open. bokota, bikota, v.a.i., to bend. bokota, bikota (q. v.), pass., bent; a., crooked. bokulli, bikulli (q. v.), v. t., to bend. bokupli, bikobli (q. v.), v. a. i., to bud. bokusa, v. a.i., to warp; to crisp; to draw up; to turn up. bokusa, pass., warped; crisped; drawn up. bokusachi, y. t., to warp; to cause to bend up at the sides or at the ends. bolbokechi, v. t. pl., to make circles or squares. bolboki, a. pl., circular; square. bolboki, n. pl., circles; squares. boli, v. t. pl., isso sing., to strike; to beat; to bang; to hammer; to pound; to batter; to pelt, Acts 7: 57; to hit or strike once; to bastinade; to smite; to forge; to lay on, as blows; to maul; to pelt; to thrash; boa (q. v.), pass., beaten; shaken; bonli, nasal form; bohonli, freq. ; boyuli, pro. form; ileboli, to smite him- self; itiboli, tostrike each other; to fight. boli, n., a striker; a hammerer; one who works with a hammer; a pelter; a thrasher; as tali boli, a blacksmith or ironsmith. : bolkachechi, y. t., to make circles or squares. bolkachi, a. pl., bolukta sing., circular. bolkachi, n., circles; squares. BYINGTON ] bolu"kboa, v. a. i., to make a cry like ‘that of a person who has the night- mare. bolukta, n. sing., a circle: a square; orbed; a quadrangle; roundness; bol- buki, pl. This word is used for both because there are no distinct words. bolukta, pass., orbed; squared; rounded. bolukta, a., square; circular; round; four square; quadrangular; nantapaski bo- lukta, a square pocket handkerchief. bolukta, v. n., to be square or circular; to be round. .-boluktali, v. t., to go round; to take round. boluktachi, vy. t., to make a square ora circle; to round. bol, v. t., to stock; to store; to stow; kanima aboti, where to lay; Matt. 8: 20; to send, Matt. 10: 34; 25: 27: to lay, Luke 6:48; to lay down; to deposit; to lay up; to put; to give; 2 Kings 6: 28, 29; Josh. 7: 11; to put out a proc- lamation, 2 Chron. 30: 5; to bestow; to lay up in store; to offer; to couch; to dispose; to pack; to pawn; to pledge; to stake; boyuti, pro. f., italallit boli, to pack together; itaboti, to lay up for himself; ishilaboli, you lay it by itself; itiboli, to lay down against each other, as a wager; ikboto, a., unstored; unlaid. boli, n., one that lays down, deposits, etc.; an offerer; a pawner. boh, n., a pawn; a pledge; a wager. bombaki, bambaki (q. v.), a., rough; uneven. bonna, a., rolled up. bonuha, y.a.i. sing., to roll up. bonuha, pass., rolled up; from bonulli (assay). bonuha, n., a roll. bonulli, y. t. sing., to’double up; to roll up; to bundle up; to wrap up. bonulli, n., a wrapper; one that wraps. bonunta, pp., rolled up; doubled up. bonunta, y. a.i., to roll; to double; to curl. bonunta, n., a roll; a bundle; a pack; a parcel. boppoa, pp., sent. boshulli, v. a.i., to crumble; to break in pieces. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 95 boshulli, pass., crumbled; broken in fragments; mashed. boshulli, pl., crumbs; bits; fragments; small pieces; imaiimpa yor boshulli, crumbs of his table, Luke 16: 21; frag- ments, Matt. 14: 20; 15: 27, 37. boshullichi, v. t., to crumble; to break in pieces; to mash. bot, contracted form of boli; bot abi, to kill by blows; isht bot kanchi, to strike with and kill. bot apelifichi, vy. t., to rivet. bot apiliffi, v. t., to rivet. bot shebli, v. t., to malleate; to draw into a plate or leaf by beating. bot shepa, pp., malleated. bota, pass., pounded; pulverized; pow- dered. bota, v.a.i., to become flour. bota, n., flour made of parched corn by pounding it; powder. bota hata, bota tohbi, n., wheat flour. bota kapassa, n., cold flour made of parched corn. bota lakcha™sha, bota lakchi a™sha, n., coarse meal. bota lashpa, n., flour made of parched corn. bota o"fima, pass., powdered. bota ta™shpa, n., corn flour made of corn parched without being boiled. bota tohbi, bota hata, n., wheat flour; white flour. bota tohbiisht o®fimmi, vy. t., to powder with wheat flour. botoli, v. t., to pulverize; to pound fine; to reduce to a fine powder by pounding in the mortar. botolichi, botullichi, y. t., to rub fine; to pulverize (not quite fine); to powder. botona; wski botona, a cane bent for tongs. botonoa, see bitonoa. botonoli, see bitonoli. botosha, buttoshah, v. a. i., to dazzle; to be overpowered by light; to be en- feebled; nishkin botosha, applied to the eyes of the aged; iyi at botosha, the leg is feeble. botulli, n., filings; dust; small pieces; powder. botullichi, see botolichi. boyafa, boafa, pass., rubbed off, as the hair is rubbed from a hide; molted; ik- boafo, a., unshed. 96 boyafa, v. a. i., to shed the hair, feathers, or coat; to molt; see boyaffi, trans. verb. boyafa, n., the shedding of the hair. boyati, pass. pl., rubbed off. boyali, v. a. i. pl., to shed the hair. boyati, n., the shedding of the hair. boyatichi, vy. t. pl., to rub the hair off from skins. boyaffi, boaffi, v. t. sing., to rub the hair from a skin, as tanners dress hides when taking off the hair; to molt; ileboafi, to shed his own hair or coat and horns, as a deer. boyaffi, n., one who rubs the hair from a skin. bufboli, y. a. i., to pant for breath, as a man in a fever. buna, pass. pl., rolled up; doubled up. buna, vy. a. i., to roll up. buna, n., rolls; bundles. bunni, v. t. pl., to double up; to roll up; to fold up; alhbona, pass., doubled up. bunto, n., a hill; asmall hill; a barrow; a mound; a potato hill. bunto, pass., made into a hill. buntochi, v. t., to make hills for pota- toes; to hill up the ground. busha, pass., squeezed; wrung out; ex- pressed; extracted. busha hinla, a., expressible, i. be squeezed out. bushli, y. t., to squeeze out a liquid; to wring out water, as from wet clothes after being washed; to express; to ex- tract; to press; to wring. bushli, n., a wringer. bushto, n., name of an oak which bears a large acorn. bushul, n., a bushel. bushul iklanna, n., a half bushel. bushul iklanna iklanna, n., a peck, i. e., half of a half bushel. buttoshah, see botosha. butummi, n., fine drizzle; fine rain. e., can ch, see chi. cha, conj., and, usually connects two verbs which have the same nomina- tive; itih ha” wakammi cha, opened his mouth and, Matt. 5: 2; if the second verb has a different nom. from the first, na is often used. Cha is also used at the close of some questions, as John 1:50; Matt. 2:7, 8, 18, 14, 16; haklo BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [ BULL. 46 cha, Matt. 7: 24; mati cha, Matt. 7: 25; haklo cha, Matt. 7: 26; 17: 27; chiyimmi hacha? It seems to refer at times to something not looked for or expected; Jik api at bashit taha cha, the fig tree is withered away, Matt. 21: 20. See hacha. chachachi, v.i., to hop and flit like a bird. chaha, n., height; altitude; grandeur; growth; loftiness; rankness; stature; a steep; steepness; sublimity; hachi chaha, your stature, Matt. 6: 27; achahaka, n., . ahigh place, 1 Kings, 11: 7. chaha, a., pp., high; lofty; tall; sublime; elevated; steep; eminent; grand; high, as to musical key; sakti chaha, a steep bluff, Matt. 5: 1; nanih chaha yor, a high hill. chaha, v.n., to be high or lofty. chaha, y.a.i., to tower. chaha, chahat, ady., aloft; on high; stately. chaha, pass., heightened; elevated; ex- alted; raised higher; raised. chaha i®shaht tali, a., uppermost; highest. chaha i®shali, a., upper; higher, Luke 14: 10. chaha i®8shali nanih, n., an eminence; a mountain higher than (others). chaha moma i®shali, a., the highest, Luke 2: 14. chahachi, v. t., to elevate; to raise up; to heighten; toenhance; to ennoble; to exalt; to raise; to sublimate; to sub- lime; to cause it to be higher. chahachi, n., a raiser. chahachi, n., a raising. chahapi, chahe api, n., a hoe handle. chahe, n., a hoe. chahe aialhpi, chahe aiulhpi, n., a hoe handle. . chahe iskifa, n., a mattock; lit., a hoe axe chahikcheli, v.a.i., to limp. chahikcheli, n., a limper. chahikli, v.a.i., to limp. chahikli, n., a limper. Chahta, n., a Choctaw; Choctaw (pl.). Chahta, a., Choctaw; Chahta yakni, Choctaw nation; Chahta anumpa, Choc- taw language. BYINGTON ] Chahta, v. n., to be a Choctaw. Chahta anumpa, n., the Choctaw lan- guage; a Choctaw speech or word; the Choctaw tongue. Chahta alla, Chahtalla, a Choctaw child; Choctaw children. Chahta hatak, n.,a Choctaw man; Choc- taw men. Chahta i2kowi, n., a Choctaw mile. Chahta imanumpa, n., the language of the Choctaw; the words of a Choctaw. Chahta imisuba, n., the horse of a Choc- taw. Chahta isuba, n., a Choctaw horse; a Choctaw pony. Chahta isht atia, v. n., to be descended from the Choctaw; to be of the Choc- taw race. Chahta isht ia, n., the Choctaw race; Choctaw descent; Choctaw origin; Choc- taw blood. Chahta ohoyo, n., a Choctaw woman. Chahta okla, n., the Choctaw; Choc- taw; the Choctaw nation; the Choctaw tribe; the Choctaw people. Chahta yakni, n., Choctaw land; Choc- taw nation; Choctaw country; Choctaw soil; Choctaw ground. Chahtalla, see Chahta alla. chahto, n., a drought; dryness; want of rain. chahto, a., dry; droughty; wanting in rain. chahto, y. n., to be dry; to be droughty. chahtochi, v. t., to cause a drought. chahtoshba, a., never. chaka,n., a comb; a gill; gills; the flaps that hang below the beak of a fowl; inchaka, his comb; his gills. chakali, chakkali, a., nine, 9, ix (numeral), Matt. 18: 12; 2 Sam. 24: 8; hashi chakkali, nine months. chakali, v. n., to be nine. chakali, v. a. i., to make nine; as echa- kali, we make nine; chakali bat chakali, nine times nine. chakali, chakali, a., pregnant; gravid; great; big. chakali, chakali, y. n., to be pregnant; to be with child, Matt. 1: 23; v.a.i., to teem. chakali, n., pregnancy. chakaliha, ady., nine times. 84339°—Bull. 46—15——_7 A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 97 chakapa, n., vile language; reviling; pro- faneness; the language made use of in the place of common swearing as in use among the lowest classes of white and black people. chakapa, a., vile; low; vulgar; indecent; reproachful; filthy. chakapa, v. a. 1., v. t., to revile; to utter filthy language; to blackguard; to in- veigh; to vilify. chakapa, n., a reviler; one who utters foul language in contempt and _ re- proach; a blackguard. chakiffa, n., a gizzard; the gizzard. chakkali, see chakali. chakla, n., an oyster. chakli, n., a cup (authority, Nelson Mc- Coy’s mother, May 15, 1855); a vessel used for boiling coffee; a coffee pot; a tin coffee pot. chakoa, pass., notched. chakoa, n. pl., notches. chakofa, pass., notched. chakofa, n., a notch. chakoffi, vy. t. sing., to notch; to cut a notch. chakoffi, n., a notcher. chakoli, y. t., to string, as to string venison for drying. chakoli, y. t. pl., to notch; to cut notches; chakonli, nasal form. chakolichi, v. t. caus., to cut notches; to make notches; chakonlichi, see 1 Kings 6: 18; Exodus 31: 5. chakowa, pass., strung up and dried; isi nipt chakowa, venison strung up and dried; chakonwa, see 1 Kings 6: 29. chakpa, a., being part way; not mid- way; iti chakpa; nitak i®chakpa. chakpa, vy. n., to be part way; to be not midway. chakpaka, n., side, as of a well or cup. chakpatali, n., the foot of a hill; the base of a hill; chakpatali ka, Luke 8: 33; Judg. 19: 1. chakpatalika, n., the place at the foot of the hill; the foot of the hill. chakwa, n., soreness in the throat; an ulcer in the throat; bronchitis. chakwabi, chakwaabi, vy. n., to have such a soreness. chalatka, v.a.1., to scream. chala"ka, n., a scream, 98 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY chalakbi, see chilakbi. chalakwa, see chilakwa. chalantak, see chilantak. Chalakki, n., a Cherokee; the Cherokee. Chalakki, a., Cherokee. Chalakki hatak, n., a Cherokee man; a Cherokee. Chalakki okla, the Cherokee people; the Cherokee nation; the Cherokee. chalak, n., a snap; the noise made by snapping a gunlock. chalakachi, v. a.i., tosnap; tosay chatak. chalakwa, chalakba, n., a copperhead snake. chattchaha; aka"ka at cha™chaha, the cackling of a hen after laying an egg. chatek, a., possible, and known to both speaker and hearer; chalek, recent past time; -k is contracted from kamo; it may have been, Gen. 3: 1; it might have been; perhaps it was, and you and I knew it; chitchuka onali chatek? did I not go to your house (and you knew it)? chah, v. n., to be possible, and some- thing known to both speaker and hearer. chali, v. a. i., to stride; to walk fast. chali, a., fast; swift. chali, n., a fast walker. chalichi, y. t. caus., to cause to walk fast; to make him walk fast. chalik, adv., possibly; perhaps; surely, and known (chatek, Gen. 3: 1, old translation; hachimachi chatek) . chalin, ady., possibly; probably; same as chalek, but referring to a more remote past time. chamak, n., a clink. chamakachi, chama®kachi, v. a. i., to clink; to say chamak. chamo, a., past, gone by and remotely; kamo and kamo express a time that is recent. These words can be translated by was, were, have been. chamois used for renewed mention and _ indicates something seen or well known to the speaker; yohmichamo, it wasso. There is another mode of expressing the same idea, viz., yohmin, it was so, and I saw it; dakoffinn, he has recovered to my personal knowledge. chamo, vy. n., to be past. chamo, ady., used after verbs, and not only gualifies them, but also indicates [ BULL. 46 the remote past tense and that the thing spoken of was seen or well known to the speaker, as though he were an eye or ear witness; still tok is used by some speakers before chamo. See kamo and kamo. champko, n., the shin. champulachi, v. t., to sweeten; to honey. champuli, n., sweetness; honey. champuli, a., sweet; grateful to the taste; grateful to the heart; dulcet; lus- cious; saccharine. champuli, y. n., to be sweet. champuli, pp., sweetened. champuli, n., sweetness; honey. chanahachi, y. t. pl., to turn them around; to roll them over; to cause them to run around. chanaia; itachanaia, v. a. i., to be two together alone, like an old man and woman at home alone. chanakbi, v. n., to be crooked; see chinakbi. chanakbichi, see chinakbichi. chanashik, n., a large yellow wasp. chanalli, v. a. i., to roll over; to move or run on wheels, as a wagon; to run; to roll; to turn; to turn over, as a wheel, not as a log (tonoli, to roll over as a log); itachanalli, to roll together. chanalli, n. pl., a wheel; a circle. chanalli, n., a rotation. chanallichi, v. t., to roll; to turn it over; to wheel; itachanallichi, to roll them to- gether. chanichi, y. t. sing., to roll; to turn around; to cause to run round, as a wheel. chanla, a., dry, as corn and hickory meats; dry and tough; cured. chanli, v. t., to chop; to cut with an ax or hoe by striking; to gash; chati, sub- positive, to peck; to hew; tostrike with the teeth, as a venomous serpent; to chop (modern); to hurt; to pick; to slash; cha®heti; chanlit tablitok, cut off, Mark 14: 47; ilechanli, to cut himself; itinchanli, to peck or to chop each other. chanli, n., one who chops; a pecker; ‘‘a hewer,’’ Josh. 9: 21. chanlichi, y. t., to cause to chop. chant, contracted from chanlit; the t has the force of the con}. and. w as — oe. 3 Pas BYINGTON ] A DICTIONARY chant akkachi, v. t., to cut down or to chop and bring down; chanlit akachi, cut it down; Luke 13: 7. chant kinaffi, v. t., to cut down; or to chop and fell. chant lakot bakli, v. t., to score. chant tapli, v. t., to cut off; to chop and sever; chanlit tabli, Mark 14: 47. chant tushtuli, v. t., to hack, or to chop and cut up fine. Chanueli, n., January. chatsa, cha¥s, n., a sound in the ear; a tingle, 1 Sam. 8: 11; 2 Kings 21: 12. chatsa, a., shrill. chatsa, y. n., to be shrill. chatsa, y. a. i., toshrill; to utter an acute, piercing sound; to shriek; to tingle, as the ear. See 1 Sam. 3: 11. chasaloha, y. n., to be crooked. chasaloha, n., crooks; bends. chasaloha, chassaloha, a., pl. of cha- sola, crooked; bent; having hollows or bends; pass., warped; ikchasaloho, un- warped. chasalohachi, vy. t. pl., to make them crooked, or to make crooks; to warp. chasala, a., crooked; bent; having a hollow or bend; wak nali chasala, a crooked-back cow. chasala, pass., warped; bent; ikchasalo, a., unwarped; unbent. chasala, v. a. i., to warp; to bend; ite- basha at chasala, the plank warps. chasala, n., a bend; a crook; a warp. chasalachi, y. t., to crook; to bend; to make crooked; to warp; hashi at itiba- sha ya” ontomi kat chasalachi, the sun which shines on the plank warps it. chasalla, v. n., to be crooked or bent. chasalli, y. a. i., to glance off. chasallichi, v. t., to turn it; to glance off. chash, the said; the same, known to both speaker and hearer, and in remote past time; chash and its compounds are used as simple or compound rela- tive pronouns in relation to subjects that are past; it may be called a per- sonal pronoun in the remote past tense; kash and kash (q. v.) refer to the im- mediate past tense; chash signifies the same which; the said; late, known to both speaker and hearer; a renewed mention particle; oh chash, it is the said; being ‘‘the said’’; used in calling OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE wy the dead to mind, or in speaking of them, instead of mentioning their names. Compounds: chashinli, the same also which was; compounded of chash and inli, same, also—chashket the same that was; that which; alichashket, that is what I said but recently, and you know it; it is in the nom. case; ket may be formed from kat or it may be from ke and ¢, like kesh from ke and sh— chashkia, even the same which was, and you knew it—chashkint, the same which was, but more remote than chash ket, in the nom. case—chashor, the same which; the said one (in the obj. case); see grammar for these particles or arti- cle pronouns — chashocha — chashoka— chashokako —chashokakosh —chashokano —chashokat — chashokato — chashoke — chashokia—chashoma—chashona—chash- osh—chashot. chasha, chasha, n.; inchasha, his rat- tles; sintulo inchasha, the rattles of the rattle snake. chashahachechi, y. t., to make him rattle; to rattle. cha¥sha, v. a. i., to rattle, like a rattle- snake. chashahachi, v. t. pl., to rustle; to rat- tle, as the rattlesnake; sintulo at chasha- hachi, the rattlesnake rattles. chashaiyi, v. a. i., to be round and ele- vated, as a mound. chashak, n., arustling; a rattling—a sin- gle motion. chashakachi, v. a. i. sing., to rustle once; it says chashak. chashakachi, n., a rattling; a rustling. chashampik, n., a grindstone (called also tal ashuahchi and tashika). chashana, y.a.i., tohangoverand own as the skirts of a common coat. chashana, a., having skirts that hang down; hanging over and down, as na foka chashana, a coat. chashanachi, v. t., to cause to hang over. chashap, n., a variety of grasshopper. chashlichi, v. t., to rattle; to make a rustling noise. cha4shpo (a Sixtowns word), a., former; ancient; of things, or time: nilak chan- shpo, a former day; future, like tikba; first in order. 100 cha®shpo, vy. n., to be ancient, or of former times. cha®shpo, ady., formerly; anciently; be- fore; former time; in ancient times; ‘‘hefore time,’”’? Josh. 11: 10; 14: 15. chato, chatoh, ady.; in okishko chatoh. chatok, ady., commonly; usually; al- ways; ever. This form implies also the remote past tense. The particles which are used after tok are used after chatok, generally. In the past tense chatok may be rendered, has been usually, always has been, etc.; chatuk and chatok are often used with verbs to express general truths or common us- age, custom, etc., and when used in reference to persons it is implied that they are alive. For the dead, bekatok is used instead of chatok; ishla chatoko? did you ever come here? alali chatok keyu, I never came here. chatok, vy. n., to have been always so; to have been usually so; was so always; tok is the sign of the remote past tense and not connected with the present. chatoshba, ady., never. chatoshba, y. n., never to be so. chatoshke, in hash yamohmi chatoshke, page 130, Chahta Holisso Atukla. chatuk, adv., usually has been and still is, ete.; commonly; usually. This word differs from the other, chatok, only in the last syllable and means the immediate past tense and up to the present time, John 2: 10; Matt. 5: 21; 6:2,5; 17:25; ehahaklo chatukokat, Josh. 2:10. ‘‘bilia’? is used for always— Matt. 3: 10; 12: 4, 33; 18: 12; chatuka- tok, Matt. 27:15. chatuk keyu, adv., never has been; never was; never has; ne’er; Josh. 3:4. chauala, a., slim; tall and slender, ap- plied to the figure of a horse; issuba hat chauala, the horse is tall and slender. chawana, a., crooked. chawana, v.n., to be crooked. chawana, n., a crook; a hook. chatya, pass., cut; chopped; gashed; pecked, Matt. 3: 10; tkchayo, a., un- wounded; unchopped. cha®ya, n., a gash. cha"yat pasha®fa, n., a gash made by an ax. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 chabbi, v. t., to dip into oil, honey, or grease. chabiha, a., a few; some; scarce. chabiha, v.n., to beafew, some, scarce; chabiha keyu, not scarce. chabiha, n., a scarcity. chabiha keyu, n., no want; no scarcity. chabihachi, y. t., to render scarce; to make a few or a small number. chabihasi, dim. a., a very few; a few. chabihasi, y. n., to be a very few. chabli, n., dry bark. chach, n., a church, Matt. 18: 17. chafa, vy. a. i. sing., to run; to flee; chan- fa, chahatfa, chaiyafa; chahanfa, 2 Sam. 24:13. chafa, pp., fled; banished; chased away; exiled; expelled. chafa, n., a runner; an exile; a flier. chafa, n., a flight. chafali (from achafa), v. t., to make one; to do one; to one; kana kia ikimikshokma inchafalashke, if there is any one who has none, give one to him, Luke 3: 11. chafichi, chaffichi, v. t., caus. (from chafa), to send off, Matt. 11:10; 15: 25; to cause to flee; to drive off; to banish; to exile; to expatriate; to expel; to rouse; to run; to rid; to spring, Mark, 12: 3, 4, 5, 6; to send men, Josh. 2:1; achaffichi, to send from, Josh. 14: 7. chafichi, n., a sender; a driver. chakali, chakali (q. v.), a., pregnant. chakbi, n., a projection beyond sur- rounding objects; an overplus; a contin- uation; chakchubi, pl. chakchak, n., a small speckled wood- pecker with a red head. chalhchakachechi, v. t., to cause them to shine, sparkle, twinkle, ete. chalhchakachi, v. a. i. pl., to shine; to glisten; to sparkle, as particles of oil on the surface of warm water; to twinkle as the stars; to scintillate. chalhchakachi, n., a twinkling; a shin- ing. chalhchaki, v. a. i. sing., to sparkle. chalhchaki, n., a spark, a sparkling. chalhpi, see akchalhpi. chalabakko, n., name of a fish of the sucker genus. chatakachi, v. a. i., to rattle. chatakchi, n., a rattling. BYINGTON ] chamakachi, v. a. i., to clank; to rattle; to ring; asonak at chamakachi, the ket- tle rattles or rings. chamakachi, n., clank; ringing; din; noise; clangor. chamalichi, vy. t., to clank; to make din or clangor. champoa, see chimpoa. chanafila, shanafila, n., black haw; a haw. chanaha, v. a. i., to turn round; to roll over; to coil; to curl; to roll, as the wheel of acarriage; to round; to wheel. chanaha, n., a wheel; a circle; a coil; a felly; aring; around; roundness; aseta chanaha, a coil of rope. chanaha, v. t., to coil up, as a serpent; to querl; to turn. chanaha, a., rotund; coiled up; round; being in a circle; orbed; pass., rolled; ikchanaho, a., uncoiled. chanaha folota achafa, n., a square; a circuit. chanaha holitopa, n., a hack. chanaha iklanna, n., a semicircle. chanahachi, y. t., to cail; to roll; to round. chanal, n., a general (from the English). channi, pp. sing., probably from chan- ichi, (q. v.). channichi, v. t., to roll a wheel. chassaloha, see chasaloha. chassalohachi, see chasalohachi. chasha, chasha (q. v.), n., inchasha, his rattles; those of the rattlesnake. chashanoha, v. a. i., to be long tailed, like some coats. chashwa, n., sinews of the loins; in- chashwa, his sinews of the loins. chashwa nipi, n., the flesh of the loins; the loin; the tenderloin; inchashwa, his sinews of the loins; inchashwa nipi, n., his loin. chechik, adv., probably; likely; per- haps. chechik, y. n., to be likely, or probable. chechike, ady., probably; spoken by way of inquiry and in modesty. chechike, y. n., to be probable. chechuk, ady., probably; expressing a supposition. cheki, a., speedy; quick; near; late; re- cent. cheki, y. n., to be near, ete. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 101 cheki, ady., soon; immediately; newly; quickly; recently; chekikma, in a short time, i. e., when it is soon, from cheki and kma. chekichi, v. t., to cause it to be soon; to hurry. chekikash, adyv., lately. recently. chekikash, v. n., to be lately, in refer- ence to things past. chekusi, a., very near; immediate; soon; used in reference to the future; a dim- inutive formed from cheki and usi or ushi. See kash, late, chekusi, y. n., to be very near in time, or soon. chekusi, ady., very soon, immediately; forthwith; quickly, Josh. 2:5; straight; shortly; straightway; thereupon. chekusi fehna,ady., quickly, Josh. 8:19. chekusi kania, a., transitory; passing away very soon. chekusi ont ia, a., transient; passing by very soon. chekusikash, adv., latterly; recently. chekusikma, y. n. sub. mood, when it shall. have been a short time. chekusikma, adv., in a short time; after a short time. chelahpi, n., the animal which has young for the first time, as heifers, etc. chelahpi, n., the firstling; the first prod- uce or offspring, Gen. 4:4; from chelt and ahpi, the first, as tofahpi, spring, lit. the first of summer; tikba attahpi, the first born, Rom. 8: 29. cheli, y. t., to bear; to bring forth young, applied to animals and some plants and not to the human species; to cub; to foal; to teem; to whelp; to lay; to calve; to pig; to spawn; to kid; to breed; to blow; to deposit eggs, as flies; to bear, as vines; okchank at cheli, the muskmelon bears; shukshi at cheli, the watermelon bears; isito at cheli, the pumpkin bears; to draw interest, as money lent out; tali holisso at cheli, the money bears interest. cheli, v. a. i., to propagate; oncheli, v. t., to prime a gun; to lay on the powder; pass., onchitya. cheli, n., parturition. cheli, n., a breeder; the female that breeds or produces. 102 cheli imponna, a., prolific; skilled in bearing. chelichi, y. t., to cause to bear or breed; to cause to bring interest; to put out on interest; achelichi hosh akhoyo cho? Luke 19: 23. See also Matt. 25: 27, where ushiis used for interest or usury. Chelusalim, Chilusalim, n., Jerusalem. chepulechi, v. t., to make a feast, ban- quet, festival; to dance; to feast; impa chito ikbi is used in the New Testament translation. chepulli, n., a feast; a great feast; a ban- quet; a frolic; a great dance; an Indian feast or a heathen feast. chepulli, v. a. i., to attend a feast; to feast and to dance; to frolic. chepullit a™sha, v. a. i., to have a feast; to be at a feast. chetoma, adv., for chintoma, in the future; see tuma. chi, ch, pro., thou, nom. case 2d per. sing. of neuter verbs. chinukshopa na, Luke 1: 18; chilbasha, thou art poor; chilli, thou diest. chi, ch, thou, nom. case 2d per. sing. of passive verbs, as chinata, thou art wounded. chi, ch, thee in the obj. case before active transitive verbs; chipesali, I see thee; chithanali, I know thee; cf. chitikba, be- fore thee, Matt. 11: 10. chi, is prefixed to nouns of near relation or family interest; chitekchi, Matt. 1: 20. It is applied to the family dog, chipaf. chi, ch, poss. pro., thy; prefixed (with a few exceptions) to the names of the body and most of its members, as chi- chu"kash, thy heart; chibbak, thy hand. chi, a diminutive, in kapasachi, coolish; hochukwachi, chilly. chi, sign of the causal form, meaning to cause, to make, to render; as minti, to come; mintichi, to cause to come, etc. chi is also suffixed to adjectives, etc., as kallo, a., strong, hard; kallochi, to make it hard or strong; to harden; Saimon Ba Chona chia hat na chiyuk- pashke, Blessed art thou Simon Bar- Jonah, Matt.16: 17. chiisalso suffixed to adjectives, verbs, and adverbs to make y. t. in the caus. form. chumpa, chumpachi; kallo, kallochi; fehna, fehna- BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 chi. Itisa ‘‘particle of form” or the causative form of verbs. chi, a suffix to verbs, which take the lo- catives aor ai; others make a new form of verbs, where one thing is made to act on or with another; onush ash haiyunkpolo yor ant ahokchichi tok, Matt. 13: 25; Judg. 16: 18. chi4, thy and thine, prefixed poss. pro., meaning ‘‘ thy,’’ prefixed to nouns that do not begin with a vowel or the con- sonants p, ch, l, t. See chim and chin. chitholisso, thy book; chi®hatak, thy hus- band; chithina, thy way, Matt. 11: 10. chi”, prefixed per. pro. in the dative case before verbs, and usually translated with a prep., as, of thee, to thee, for thee, from thee, against thee. It is found before verbs which do not begin with a vowel or p, ch, l, or t. See chim, which is written before yowels and diphthongs. chi", 2d per. sing., poss., thine, thy, re- moved from the noun in the nom. and placed before the verb, as tali holisso chithotina, he has counted your money, instead of chintali holisso hotina. chi®, achi®, sign of the immediate future tense of the indicative mood, shall, will; achi® is the true form; the final vowel of the verb is dropped when achi” is suf- fixed, as chumpa, chumpachi", he shall buy; minti, mintachin, he shall come; haklo, haklachi”, he shall hear. chia, sub. pro., 2d per. sing.; thou; thee; chia ma, Matt. 1: 20; chia hoka, Matt. 5: 22; 7:5; Kapenaam chia, thou Caper- naum, Matt. 11: 23; chia hom, thou art, Matt. 16: 14; Pita chia, thou art Peter, Matt. 16: 18; chia ma, O thou, Matt. 14: 31; chia hom, Matt. 14: 33; chiama, Matt. 15: 22; chishno akosh saso a®holi- topa chia hoke, Luke 3: 22; chishno akon nan isht achia saiyukpa makoke, Luke, 3: 22; na hollo chiahoke, thou art a white man. It is now called a substantive personal pronoun, as the verb to be is used in translating it, thus chia, thou art, sia, lam. Lewi ushi chia ma; Matt. 1: 20; Chihowa ushi chia hokmat, Matt. 4:3; chiashke, from chia, thou art, John 1: 49; Chihowa ushi chiashke, thou art the Son of God. chiashke, see chishki. — a : 4 ; BYINGTON ] chibak, chibuk, n., a noise, such as is made by the falling of a stone into water. chibakachi, chibukachi, v. a. i., to make a noise; to say chibak. chibatko, n., the shin.—J. E. chibokachi, y. a. i., to work, asa liquid; to ferment, ete. chibolichi, see chobolichi. chitchint, ady., will not; can not. chicho"hi, y. a. i., to be coarse grained or gritted, like a grindstone. chiffoko, see Josh. 8: 28; 10: 27; chiffor- kot, a heap of rubbish; chiffokohonchi, 2 Kings 19: 25. chihakli, see chilukli. Chihowa, n., Jehovah; the Scripture name of the Supreme Being; Deity; God; Judge; the Supreme Being; Chi- howa achafa kia tuchina, Inki, Ushi, Shil- ombish holitopa, n., the Trinity. Chihowa aiasha, n., the throne of Je- hovah; the dwelling place of Jehovah. Chihowa aiokpachi, vy. t., to worship Jehovah; nanakia abit Chihowa isht ai- okpachi, v. t., to immolate. Chihowa aiokpachi, n., a worshiper of Jehovah. Chihowa aiokpachi, n., the worship of Jehovah. Chihowa apiliechika, n., the kingdom of Jehovah. Chihowa abanumpa, n., divinity; the- ology; the revelation from God. Chihowa chitokaka, n., the Lord God, or the God Jehovah. Chihowa hobachi, n., an idol; an image of God used in idol worship. Chihowa hobachit ikbi, v. t., to deify; to make an image of God. Chihowa hobachit ikbit aiokpachi, n., an idolater. Chihowa ikimantio, n., impiety; un- godliness. Chihowa ikimantio, a., impious; un- godly. Chihowa imantia, v. t., to obey Je- hovah. Chihowaimanumpa alhpisa pokoli, n., the decalogue; the ten commandments of Jehovah. Chihowa inchukfalhpo yushi, n., the Lamb of God, John 1: 29. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 103 Chihowa i“yimmi keyu, n., impiety. Chihowa pallammi, Chihowa palam- mi, the Almighty God. Chihowa ushi, n., the Son of God. chiishke, chishke, vy. n., to be likely; to be probable; onatok chishke: Ch. Sk., p. 12, sec. 6. chik, likely to be so, as iala chik, probably I shall go. chik, used for ish; chiksiataklammi hoh kia, Judg. 13: 15; chik arya kia, Luke 92575 Matt: 82 19: chik, thou, pro. 2d per. sing. of the neg. verbal form, as chikono, thou dost not go to it. chitka, v. a. i., to squeal; shukha yat chitka, the hog squeals. chitka, n., a squealer. chikchik, n., a small species of wren; a small wren; okchiloha is the name of the common wren. chikchikechi, vy. t., to make spotted or speckled. chikchiki, pass., speckled; spotted with small spots; freckled. chikchiki, n., small spots; small check; a freckle; freckles. chike, v. n., to be hereafter; as, it will be so; it may beso; kucha kapassa chin- ke, there will be cold weather. chitke, n., thy father, Matt. 15: 4. chikfikowa, see itukfikowa. chikitha, y. t., to jog with the hand, elbow, or foot; to peck like a hen. chikitha, n., a jog; a slight blow. chikihah, v. a. i., to be thick and close together, like corn or piles of manure. chikimba, vy. n., not to be so; to be mis- taken; it is a mistake. chikimba, ady., no; not. chikinoha, see kinoha. chikisana, a., bent; twisted; having a twisted neck, or one bent sideways. chikisana, v. n., to be bent or twisted; to have a twisted neck. chikisanali, a., bent; twisted; crooked; haying a twisted or crooked neck. chikisanali, y. n., to be bent, twisted, or crooked. chikki (an old word), a., old; past; gone by; middling old; partly worn. chikki, v. n., to be old. chikkichi, y. t. caus., to make old. 104 chiksanakli, sing., to dodge, or bend the body suddenly; see halakli, kanakli, shalakhi. chiksanali, a., bent; inclined to one side, like a crooked neck. chiksanalli, v. a. i., to bend one’s self; to incline. chila"k, n., a scream. chila®kachi, vy. a. i., to scream. chilakbi, chalakbi, a., hard; dry and stiff, as a dry hide. chilakbi, v. n., to be dry; to be stiff, as a hide or leather. chilakbi, v. a. i., to stiffen. chilakbi, pass., dried; stiffened; starched. chilakbi, n., stiffness. chilakbichi, y. t., to stiffen; to harden; to dry; to starch; to size thread. chilakchawa, n., a common wart. chilakto, chulakto, a., forked; split; clo- ven ; iyi chilakto, a forked foot; a clo- ven foot. chilakto, vy. n., to be forked; to be cloven. chilaktochi, vy. t., to split; to cleave; to make forked. chilakwa, chalakwa n., the smallpox; a pock; hashtap inchilakwa, chicken pox. chilakwa abi, a., sick with the smallpox. chilakwa abi, v. n., to be attacked by the smallpox; to have the smallpox; chi- lakwa sabi, I have the smallpox; n., cancer. chilantak, chalantak, n., the small red- headed woodpecker. chilantakoba, n., the pelican, or a bird resembling the chilantak. chilatwa, halanchilawa, n., a lizard. chiletalli, chilitalli, vy. t., to inflame; to animate. chilhpatha, chilhpata api, n., the Span- ish oak. cehililli, y. a. 1., to provoke. chiliswa, n., the measles. chiliswa abi, a., sick with the measles; attacked with the measles. chiliswa abi, v. n., to be attacked with the measles; to have the measles; to be sick with the measles. chilita, n., keenness; resolution; spunk. chilita, a., fierce; ardent; zealous; reso- lute; brave; animated; doughty; intent; keen; masculine; rude; sharp; spirited; strenuous; urgent, Josh. 1:14. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 chilita, v. n., to be fierce, zealous, ar- dent, brave. chilita, pass., inflamed; animated; pro- voked. chilitachi, y. t., to animate; to inflame; to make zealous; to provoke. chilitalli, see chiletalli. chilofa, chiloffi (q. v.), v. t., to pay; to liquidate. ; chilofa, n., payment. chilofa, y. a.i., to fall; to drop, as leaves from a tree, or as crumbs, Matt. 15: 27. chilofa, pass., fallen; paid, as a debt; ikchilofo, a., unpaid; unliquidated. chilofa, n., the falling; a falling. chilofachi, v. t., to cause to fall; to cause to pay. chiloffi, v. t., to pay; to recompense; see chilofa. chiloha (see okchiloha), n., a wren. chilosa, chulosa, a., still; quiet; calmed; calm. chilosa, chulusa, v. n., to be still, quiet, calm; chulusat talaiatok, Luke 8: 24. chilosa, chulosa, n., a calm; a quiet. chilosachi, v. t., to makeacalm; to quiet; to calm. chilpitha, n., name of a tree. chiluk, chuluk, n. sing., a hole;a cavity; a hollow; a pit; an eye, as the eye of a needle; a chasm; a chink; hollowness; — a leak; an orifice; a vent; it is usually applied to a cavity or hollow and not toa hole through anything, for which other words are used, as tukafa, tuva, tumpa (qv): chiluk, a., hollow; having a hole, as iti chiluk, a hollow tree; chula puta kat chiluk at imansha, foxes have holes; aboha chiluk, an empty house. chiluk chukoa, y. a. i., to hole; to enter a hole. chiluk ikbi, v. t., to hole; to make a hole. chiluk iksho, a., tight. chiluk toba, v. t., to chink; to open and form a fissure. chilukka, chiluka, vy. t., to shell, as corn. chilukka, pass., shelled. chilukoa, pl., having holes; hollow; broken. chilukoa, n. pl., holes; pits. Chilusalim, Chelusalim, n., Jerusalem, Matin 2s teeono: BYINGTON ] Chilusalim hatak, n., a man of Jerusa- lem; a Jerusalemite. Chilusalim okla, n., the people of Jeru- salem; Chelusalem okla mema aiena, all Jerusalem with him, Matt. 2:3. chilafa, v. a. i., to peel up, as the skin of boiled potatoes; nishkin at chitafa, to open the eyes wildly, like sick people; applied also to the eye of an untamed horse. chilakba, chitakwa, chatakwa, cha- takba, n., the name of aserpent called a copperhead. The best form is chitak- ba, in the Oklafalaia dialect. chitanli, n., the scrofula; the king’s evil; struma. chifanli, vy. a. i., to have the king’s evil; scrofula. chitanlichi, achitanlichi, y. t. caus., to cause the king’s evil; to cause a hard swelling. | chitichi, in duak isht chitichi, to make fire sparkle, chilina, n. sing., a bruise of the flesh; numbness from pain. chilina, pass., bruised in the flesh. chilinanchi, y. t., to make the cords swell. chilinoha, n. pl., great numbness or pain. chilukli, chihakli, y. a. i., to limp; see chahikli. chim, dative pro., 2d per. sing. in the dat. case before a noun beginning with a vowel, as chimisuba, your horse, or, a horse for you; chimanumpa ha” imali- tuk oke, I have given them thy word, John 17: 14; Luke 7: 44. See chi? and chin, thy. chim, dative per. pro., 2d per. sing. be- fore verbs beginning with a vowel, and to be rendered with a prep., as, of thee, for thee, to thee, from thee, as chimia, chimona, he goes for you or to you; chimanoli, he tells you; ano at chim- atyali makoke, I come to thee, John 17: 11; chimaiyamohmashke, be it unto thee, Matt. 15: 28. chim, dative pro., 2d per. sing., before a neuter verb formed from an adjective and one which begins with a vowel, as chimokpulo, thou art angry, or there is bad to thee, or there is evil with thee; this mode of expression is like ‘‘ thou;’’ ithollo, he loves it; it is dear to him; A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 105 or he is stingy; i"holitopa, he loves it, or it is sacred to him, ete. chim, dative pro., used before neuter verbs and where the pro. is not found with the noun, as allat chimilli, your child is dead; the child for thee is dead. chimmi, pro. a. and pass. pro., thine; thy. chimmi, y. n., to be thine, as chimmi, it is thine; chimmi hokma, when it is for thee, Matt. 17:4; John 17: 10. chimmitoba, y.a.i., to become thine; chimmihashke in last translation, Luke 4:7. chimpoa, champoa, vy. a. i. pl., to be small. chin, thy; thine; dative pro., 2d per. sing., before nouns beginning with the letters ch, 1, and t, as chinchuka, thy house; chintakkon, thy peach; see chin and chim. chin, dative pro., before words beginning with the letters ch, J, t; it is 2d per. sing. and is usually to be rendered with a prep. as of thee, for thee, to thee, from thee; as chinchumpa, to buy of thee, or for thee, or from thee; apat chin- tati, they have eaten it all up for thee. chin, thine; poss. pro., found before some verbs, chiefly neuter, when not before the noun in the nom. case, as tanchi at chintaha instead of chintanchi at taha. chin, see chint. chinachubi, pl., hooked; crooked. chinachubi, y. n., to be hooked; to be crooked. chinachubi, n. pl., hooks; crooks. chinachubichi, y. t., to make them crooked. chinakbi, chanakbi, a. sing., hooked; crooked. chinakbi, y. n., to be crooked. chinakbi, n.,a crook; a hook; Ex. 27:11; hooks. chinakbichi, chanakbichi, v. t., to make it crooked; to make a hook or crook; to hook. chini, achini, vy. n., to seem so; to ap- pear so (when not before known). chini, ady., apparently; seemingly; iksho chini; achini (q. v.) has a different meaning. chinakhi, sing., 4., 106 chinifa, chenafa, n., asmall piece; a bit. chini"ffa, pass., pinched; chinowa, p. pl. chiniffi, vy. t. sing., to pinch with the fingers, but not with any instrument; to pick; chinoli, pl. chiniffi, n., a pincher; one who pinches. chiniffi, n., a pinch. chinisa, a., brindled; striped. chinisa, y. n., to be brindled or striped. chinisa, n., a small ground squirrel; a chipmunk. chinoli, y. t. pl., to pinch; to nibble; to pick. chinowa, pass. pl., pinched. chinowa, n., a pinching. chint, chin, ady., not; okpanachi" chint, he will not destroy it; a%li chint, hope it is not true. Chintail, n., a Gentile; Gentiles, Luke 2: 32; oklushi taloha puta, all nations. Chintail, a., Gentile, Matt. 18: 17. Chintail hatak, n., a Gentile, Matt. 18: 17. Chintail okla, n., Gentiles. chintok (more remote in time), should have been; should be; was about to be; about to have been. chintuk (less remote in time), should have been; was about to be; about to have been. chinuko, see chunoko. chipinta, chipunta, a. pl., very small; very fine; fine; nakushi chipinta, very fine shot. chipinta, v. n., to be very small. chipinta, chipunta, n., small ones; chi- punta lappa, Luke 17: 2. chipintasi, n., particles. chipintasi, a. dim., quite small; from chipinta and asi. chipintasi, v. n., to be quite small. chipintachi, v. t. caus. pl., to render them quite small. chipota, n. pl., young children; little ones, Matt. 10: 42; 18: 10, 14; children (of Ammon), Josh. 12: 2; anchipota atiha ma, oh, my young children. chipota, a., small. chipunta, nasal form, being small; hushi chipunta, sparrows, Matt. 10: 29; alla chipunta, children, Matt. 2: 16; alla chipunta, little children, Mark 10: 14; nani chipunta, little, Matt. 15: 34; 18: 3 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 chisa, n., nameofatree; perhapsitshould be written chisha, and is thusa post oak. chitsa, n., name of a small bird, one kind of sparrow. Chisas, Jesus, Matt. 7: 28; Chisas ash- osh, Matt. 8: 20. Chisas Kilaist, Chisas Klaist, n., the name of our Saviour, Mark 1: 1. Chisas Kilaist imanumpeshi, n., an apostle of Jesus Christ. Chisas Kilaist inanisht alhpisa, n., a sacrament; an ordinance of Jesus Christ. Chisas Kilaist isht anumpuli, n., an evangelist. chisbi, v. a. i. sing., to extend; to stretch; to be continued in length. chisbi, pass., stretched out; extended in a line. chisbichi, v. t., to extend; to stretch; to draw out in length. chisemo, y. a. i. sing., to stretch the limbs, or the body; to yawn. chisemo, pass., stretched out. chisemoa, y. a. i. pl., to stretch the limbs or the body. chisemoa, pass., stretched; extended. chisemochi, y. t., to extend; to stretch another; to cause to stretch; chibbak an chisemochi, stretch forth thine hand! Matt. 12: 13; chisemochi, stretch forth thine hand, Mark 3: 5. chisemoh, y.t. pl., to stretch. chiskilik, n., a blackjack, name of a va- riety of oak. chiso, n., thy son, from iso, son; chiso ilappat, this thy son, Luke 15: 30; saso, my son, Luke 15: 31. chisoha, chusoha, y. a. i1., to rattle; to make a noise; tali yosh chisoha yoke, the iron rattles. chisoha, n., a rattling. chisohachi, chusohachi, y. t., to rattle; to make it rattle. chisohachi, n., a rattler. chisha, n., a post-oak tree and its acorn. chishaiyi, n., a grasshopper that sings in the night. chishakko (see itichishakko), n., an arbor; a bush arbor; also see ahoshontika. chishba, y. n., to be doubtful; kanioh- machin chishba, it is doubtful how it will be. This is often translated ‘‘I don’t know,”’ and is used in that sense. BYINGTON ] chishba, a., doubtful; unknown; uncer- tain; perhaps. chishba, ady., possibly and possibly not; perhaps so, and perhaps not so. chishinto, y. a. i., to bé round and ele- vated, likea mound. See chashaiyi. chitshka, n., an infant girl; a babe; a baby. chi"shka keyu, n., an infant boy. This expression and the above were used in the southern part of the nation. chishke, n., thy mother, Matt. 15: 4. chishke, see chiishke. chi2shki, chiashki, vy. n., to be proba- ble; used at the end of another verb, as yohmi chishke, it is probable that it was so; keyu chishke, Matt. 12: 7; okpula chishke, it will be foul, Matt. 16: 23. chi2shki, ady., probably, will be. chishno, pro., 2d per. sing., thou, Josh. 1: 2; chishno ato, Luke 7: 45, 46; thou, Matt. 6:17; chishno akosh, Matt. 14: 33; chishno at, thou, Matt. 16: 18; chishno, ako” chimmi, for thee. chishno, ob. ¢., thee; chishno a”, Matt. 3: 14; chishno chinishkin, thy eye, Matt. 7: 4; 17:27; chishno, poss. pro., thine, thy; chishno akinli, thyself; yourself; chishno yokan, thine, in the obj. case; chishno yokat, thine, in the nom. case. chito (subpos. forms, chito, chitto, chehto, chinto); hochito, pl., n., size; greatness; enlargement; the extent; fullness; grandeur; growth; largeness; loudness; magnitude; majesty; scope; splendor; sublimity; chito fehna, n., vastness. chito (subpos. forms, chitto, chehto), a., great, Matt. 13: 50; large; big; huge; immense; heavy; capacious; august; egregious; enormous; extensive; gigan- tic; grand; grievous; gross; handsome; heavy; high, asa price; immense; lusty; majestic; massive; mighty; noble; pro- fuse (as laksha chito); prominent; pro- tuberant; signal; capacious; splendid; stocky; stout; sublime; superb; chitto; a diminutive of chito, less than chito, in music, low, base, grave; chieto, pro. form of a.; chito fehna, a., herculean; prodigious; thick, as hair, cane, etc.; tremendous; unwieldy; vast; ikchito, a., scant; not great. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 107 chito, y. n., to be large, chithohchifo chinto ka, thy great name, Josh 7: 9; chinto, nasal form na chiyimimi kat chin- toshke (thy path) excels or is great (greater than others) , Matt. 15: 20; okla chinto, Matt. 4: 25; 5: 1; yammat chinto, Matt. 6:23; of great, Matt. 13: 46; chin- toshke, great is, Matt. 15: 28; chihinto, freq.; chieto, pro. form. chito, pass., made large; enlarged; dis- tended; chinto, nasal form, being made large; the large one; cf., Matt. 2: 17, 18. chito, ady., largely; profusely; thickly. chitochi, y. t., to enlarge. chitokaka, n., a prince; a great one. chitokaka, n., a lord; sir; God, Luke 1: 25; John 4:1; majesty; excellency; honor; the great one, Matt. 7: 21 (chitokaka ma, Lord); 11: 25; 14: 28. chitoli, a., loud; hard; large; stentorian. chitoli, v. a. i., to swell; to enlarge; to increase, as a storm of rain. chitoli, vy. t., to enlarge: to make louder or larger; to doon a large scale; to di- late; to distend; to elevate; to rage; to stretch; to swell, Josh. 6: 5; pl. hochetoli. chitolichi, vy. t., to enhance; to enlarge; to magnify. chitolit, ady., hard; loudly; as chitolit umba, it rains hard. chitolit fiopa, v. a. i., tosigh; to breathe loud. chitolit fiopa, n., a sigh; also, a sigher. chitot (a contraction of chitolit), adv., greatly; nobly. chitot anumpuli, v. a. i., to rant. chitot anumpuli, n., a ranter. chitot fiopa, v. a. i., to heave; to sigh; to puff; to wheeze. chitot ia, v. a. i., to grow large; to en- large; to rise; to thrive. chitot ishko, chitot nalli, v. t., to swig, to drink largely; to swallow largely. chitot nanabli, v. t., to quaff. chitot nanabli, n., a quaffer. chitot ola, chitot ola hinla,a., sonorous. chiya, chiyya, v. a. i. pl. pass., from cheli, v. t. (q. v.). It is applied to persons and things and signifies to sit; to lie. Some say that chiya is strictly dual, but it is not always thus used. It implies 108 that the sitting is for a time, like seated on a bench, as a court; to stop and sit down, not expecting to leave soon; ita- chiya, to sit together; chinya, nasal form, Josh. 3:2; 7:21; pinchiyashke, Luke 9: 13; chihinya, freq.; chieya, chiyeya, pro. form. chiya, v. n., to be seated. chiyuhmi, see chohmi. chiyuhmichi, see chohmichi. cho, ha; sign of a question and having an adverbial meaning also, like eh! in Eng- lish, Matt. 2: 2; 18: 1; Woke /sa2; cho implies ignorance in those who inquire. It implies a question and a demand for an answer. It is a strong interrogative word; impa cho? Matt. 9: 11; compoundsare yakohmichicho? John 2:18; akcho? akchuba? or akchu? (which last is said to be a contracted form of (ak)chuba) , see Luke 7: 19, 20; hassiacht cho? Luke 6: 46. akchu®? nanta chit cho? Matt. 11: 3; akcho is used in disjunctive forms of interrogation, or, Matt. 11: 3; 1 Kings 20: 15; 2 Sam. 24: 13; choba, chuba, or chomba, is the perfect form of the word; it is used in asking ques- tions where there is an alternative. chobilhkan, chobilhkash, n., chips. chobohachi, y. a. i., to ripple; to roar, as the running water of a stream. chobohachi, n., a roaring of water. chobokachi, chibokachi, y. a. i., to bubble, as water. chobokachi, chibokachi, n., the bub- bling of water. chobolichi, chibolichi, vy. t., to rinse; to shake up; to shake, as water is shaken in a keg or cream in a churn when pro- ducing butter. chohmi, chuhmi, a., like; similar; some- what; such; tolerable; choyuhmi, chi- yuhmi, Luke 6: 10. chohmi, y. n., to be like; to be similar; to be as, Matt. 5:16; 6:29; chohmitok, it was like, Matt. 12:18; chohmihoke, is like Matt. 13: 44, 46; to be so, Matt. 3: 17; yammakinli hor chohmit, even so, Matt. 7: 17; choyuhmi, chiyuhmi, pro.; chiyuh- mashke, Matt. 5: 48; hashchiyuhma, Matt. 10:16; chiyuhmi hoke, Luke 6: 48, 49; chiyuhmi ma, Matt. 17: 2; 18: 3, 4. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 chohmi, chiyuhmi, choyuhmi, y. a, i., to do like; to act like; chiyuhmi, to be- come as, Josh. 7:5; Matt. 10: 16. chohmi, adv., somewhat; in some degree; measurably; moderately; in a limited degree; to some extent; partly; par- tially; hardly; like; pretty; scarcely; tolerably; achukma chohmi, kapassa chohmi. chohmichi, choyuhmichi, chiyuhmi- chi, v. t., caus., to make it like; to cause it to resemble in some respects; to do as, 1 Kings 10: 27; Josh. 1: 15; ilechoyuhmichi, ilechohmichi, to make yourself like, Luke 10: 27; to make as if or to feign, Josh. 8: 15. chohpa, n., the meat provided for a pole pulling or Choctaw funeral which is observed at the end of the days of mourning; meat cured and dried; veni- son dried. chokamo (for kamo, see under letter k), ady., always; usually; connected with verbs when general customs, habits, truths are expressed, see chatok; hak- loli chokamo, I always have heard it. chokamo, a., usual; wont; the said; the definite known one; cho has the sense of cha in chatuk. chokash, a. and rel. pro., in past tense; the said who was always, John 6: 42; Tlappat a®shat nana asihitta chokash mak- on keyu? ‘Is not this he that sat and begged?”’? John 9:8; hashachi chokash ohcho? who ye say was, John 9: 19; chokash 0”, Luke 7:32 [?]; tkchokash osh’ 2) Same (eG. chokashosh, etc., see kash. cho®ki, chu"ki, n., martin, a bird of a particular kind. chomi, a., such; like; and so on; and so forth, or others of the kind; like the et cetera taken from Latin in use among the English. chopa, v. a. i., to roar, as falling water at a cascade. chopilhkash, chupilhkash, n., chips; trash; a dunghill, 1 Sam. 2: 8; dung, Phil. 3: 8. chopilak, chupilak, n., a swallow; a chimney swallow. chowa, a., displeased; offended; achowa,; itachowa, 1 Tim. 3: 8. see BYINGTON ] chowa, v. n., to be displeased; to be of: fended, Luke 7: 23. chowa, v.a.i., to differ, as itachowa, to dispute; to differ with each other. choyuhmi, see chohini. choyuhmichi, see chohmi. Chu, n., a Jew, the Jews. Chu, a., Jewish. Chu chepuli chito, n., the Passover, the great Jewish feast; a great Jewish feast. Chu hatak, n., a Jew; a Hebrew; an Israelite. Chu ohoyo, n., a Jewess. Chu okla, n., the Jewish nation; the Jewish people; Jews; Chu okla immitko, King of the Jews, Matt. 2: 2. Chu okla imabohahanta, n., a Jewish synagogue; a Jewish temple. Chu yakni, n., Judea; Palestine; the Jewish country. chuala, n., a cedar. chubuk, n., sound of a bell. chufak, n., a nail; a spike; an awl; a rowel; the little wheel of a spur; a fork. chufak ahokli, chufak aholhpi, chu- fak aiulhpi, n., an aw! haft; an awl handle. chufak chipinta, n. pl., tacks; brads; small nails. chufak chito, n., a spike; a large nail. chufak chito isht ahonatla, pp., spiked; nailed with big nails. chufak chito isht ahonalichi, v. t., to spike. chufak falakto, n., a forked nail; an iron fork; a fork. chufak ikbi, n., a nailer. chufak isht ahonala, n., a hammer; a nail hammer. chufak isht bili, chufak isht impa, n., a table fork. The common name is chufak.—Capt. Shoni. chufak iyalhfoa, chufak iyafoa, n., a spur. chufak nan isht achunli, n., a needle; a sewing needle. chufak nishkin, n., the eye of a needle; a needle’s eye. chufak nishkin a®sha, chufak ushi nishkin a®sha, n., a needle; the son of a nail that has an eye. chufak nishkin topulli achafa, n., a needleful. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 109 chufak nushkobo chito, n., a hob nail. chufak ush ikbi, n., a pin maker; a needle maker. chufak ushi, n., a pin; son of a nail; a tack; a pin; a needle; a small nail; a brad. chufak ushi ashamoli, chufakush a- shamoli, n., a pin cushion. chufak ushi shuekachi, pp., unpinned. chufak ushi shueli, v. t., to unpin. chufak wishakchi, n., the point of a needle. chufak wushala, n., the tine of a fork. chufak yushkoboli, n., a pin with a head, such as are used by females for fastening their clothes. chufak yushkololi, n., a tack; a short nail; chufak yushkolushi, n. pl., tacks. chuhmi, see chohmi. chuk, sign of future imp. tense. chuka, chukka, n., a house; a building; a dwelling; a domicile; a cabin; an abode; a residence; a seat; a home, Matt. 8: 6; a nest; a den; the hole or the abode of animals; a dome; an edi- fice; ahabitation; housing; a mansion; a mansion house; a structure; a tene- ment; chi™chuka, thy house, Matt. 9: 6; chuka yon, an house, Matt. 10: 12; 7: 24, 25, 26, 27; inchuka kak illa hoh chatuk oke, Matt. 13: 57; itinchuka, v.t., to keep house together; itinchukali, n., my husband, or my housemate, but usually uttered by the woman. chuka, y.a.i., to house or live; achukat ahanta, Josh. 2: 15. chuka abaiya, chukabaiya, n., a vaga- bond; a vagrant; one that wanders from house to house. chuka abaiya, a., vagrant. chuka abaiya, v. n., to be vagrant; to wander or go from house to house. chuka abaiyachi, v. t., to act as a vaga- bond; to go from house to house; chuka abaiyachit hachikitanowokashke, go not from house to house! Luke 10: 7. chuka abaiyat nowa, vy. a.i., to gad abou chuka abaiyat nowa, n., a gadder; a gadabout. chuka abili2ka, n., a neighbor, Josh. 9: 16; 20: 5. chuka achafa ahalaia, a., domestic, per- taining to a family. 110 chuka achafa, chukachafa, n., a family; a household; a house, Luke IS Ae chuka afoha, n., an inn; a tavern; a hotel; a house of rest. chuka afoha hatak, n., a host; an inn- keeper. chuka afoha ithikia, chuka afoha in- talaia, n., a taverner; an innholder; one to whom stands a house of rest. chuka aholitopa, n., a sanctuary, or a sacred house. chuka aiitola, n., the site of a house; the foundation of a house. chuka aiontala, n., the foundation of a house; the underpinning. chuka akinli ashana, a., homespun; spun in the house itself. chuka akinli atoba, a., home made; made in the house itself. chuka anusi, n., a hotel; an inn; a house of sleep, or where they sleep. chuka apanta, n., a neighbor; an adjoin- ing house; chuka panta hatak, J ohn 9; 8; Matt. 5: 43. chuka apanta a%sha, n., neighbors, Luke 1: 58. chuka apantali, n., an adjoining house; a neighbor. chuka apalli, chukapalli, pl., in i*chuka- palli, his neighbors. chu"ka a¥sha, a., homebred. chuka a¥sha, v. a. i., to be at home; to sit at home. chuka chaha, n., a tower; ahigh house. ‘chuka chukoa, y. a. i., to enter a house; to house. chuka foka, pass., housed; inchuka foka, cooped; put in his house. chuka foki, v. t., to house; inchuka foki, to coop; to put in his bouse. chuka hanta, n., a council house; a state house; a senate house; a house of peace and friendship; a white house; the capitol; a temple. chuka hukmi, v. t., to burn a house; inla inchuka hukmi, vy. t., to burn the house of another; n., an incendiary. chuka ikbi, n., a carpenter, Matt. 13: 55; see chukikbi. chuka impalata, a., homesick; longing for home. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [ BULL. 46 chuka impalata, v. n., to be homesick, or he is homesick; chuka ampalata, I am homesick. chuka impalata, n., homesickness. chuka ishi kanchak, n., a witch; a hob- goblin. chuka isht alhpolosa, n., mortar for a house; daubing for a house. chuka isht holmo, n., the roof of a house; shingles for a house; covering for a house. chuka isht holmo ahi, n., the eaves. chuka isht holmo ibitahaka, n., the eaves. chuka itabana, n., the sides of a house. chuka itabana, n., a log house. chuka itabanni, n., a house raising. chuka itontala, n., astory ina building. chuka ituksita, n., a dooryard. chuka lukonli, n., a number of houses near each other; a neighborhood; a set- tlement. chuka limishki, n., a framed house. chuka na chokushpa, n., the furniture of a house; household furniture. chuka naksika, n., the side of the house. chuka osapa, n., homestead; the house field. chuka patali, v. t., to massacre. chuka pallit a®ya, chuka pulalit aya, v. a. i, to saunter; to act the vaga- bond. chuka pila, adv., homeward; home- wards; toward the house. chuka pulalit a®ya, chuka pulalit nowa, n., a saunterer; a vagabond. chukabaiya, see chuka abaiya. chukachafa, n., a family; a house; a household; lit. one house, Matt. 10: 6; 15: 24; Josh. 7: 14; see chuka achafa. chukachafa abinili, n., a few; a seat for a single family. chukachafa isht atia, n., a house line- age, Luke 1: 27, 33. chukachafa nan isht atta, n., a stew- ard. chukachafa peticheka, n., a_ house- holder; the ruler of a house; a house- keeper. chukachafa pelichi, n., a housekeeper, a householder, Matt. 13: 27. chukafa, pp., plucked out; pulled out. BYINGTON ] chukafoha ohoyo,n., a hostess; a woman who keeps an inn. chukah, in (ahchukah, indeed; something unlooked for by the speaker; from tah, an adverb in the recent past tense; ishtatahchukah or tohchukah, same but in the remote past tense. chukalaha, n., the present made in food to a visitor. chukalahachi, y. t., to go in search of a present in food; to obtain food as a present. chukalahachi, n., a visitor who comes for food. chukali, chukli, v. t., pp., pl., plucked out; pulled out, as grass or hair; to pluck out, ete.; see chukaffi. chukalichi, y. t. caus., to make him pull out, or to pull out from another. chukanakbila, see hachukbilankbila. chukani, n., the common house fly; the green-headed fly that blows meat, ete. chukanicheli, vy. t., to fly blow. chukanushi, n., a fly-blow; a maggot. chukanushi a"sha, pp., fly-blown. chukanushi laua, a., maggoty. chukapanta, chuka apanta (q. v.), n., a neighbor; chuka palli, pl. chukapalli, see chuka apalli. chukapishia, n., an old-fashioned house built with upright logs, and having a shed allaround it; a porch, Matt. 26:71. chukashana, n., a houselock. chukashaya, v. a. i., not to come out even, in folding a handkerchief; itachu- kashaya, to cross each other, as bridle reins when crossed. chukachi, a., mad. chukaffy, y. t. sing., to pluck out; to pull out; chukli, pl. chukaffi, n., a plucker. chukalbaska, n., the ribs of a house, or roof. chu"kash, n., the heart; the center; the stomach; the feelings; the affections; spirits; conscience; pluck; the reins; spirit; temper; disposition; a grain; chunkash ako” aminti, Matt. 15: 18, 19; chutkash yohbi, chutkash akanlosi, the person; himself, Matt. 11: 29; chunk- ash anutkaka okla ahnitok, think or say within themselves, Matt. 9: 3; yakni chumkash, heart of the earth, Matt. 12: A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE Ly 40; okla tlappa chumkash, this people’s heart; chu”kash okato, their heart, Matt. 15: 8; imchurkash, his or her heart; imichutkash (I once heard this form used.—Byington). chu"kash achukma, n., a good heart; grace. chu"kashakka®lusechi,v. t.,todaunt; to sink the spirits; to depress; to humble. chu"kash akka2lusi, n., melancholy; a depressed heart or spirits; humility. chu"kash akka*lusi, v. a. i., to despond. chu"kash akka®lusi, pass., daunted; spirits sunk; depressed; humbled. chu"kash akka2®lusi, a., lowly, Matt. 11: 29. chutkash akka®lusi keyu, a., unhum- bled. chutkash atti, n., a pure heart; a true heart; a sincere heart; an honest heart; sincerity. chu"kash apa, n., animalcule from which mosquitoes grow, called wiggle- tails. chu"kash banna, y.a. i., to wish for with the heart; the heart desires. chutkash bila, pp., piqued. chu"kash bili, v. t., to pique. chu®kash chaha, a., high minded; high hearted. chutkash chaha, y. a. i., to be high minded. chu"kash chumpa, y. t., to bribe; to buy the heart. chu"kash halupa, a., high tempered; angry; having quick feelings. chu"kash halupa, y. n., to be high tempered. chu"®kash himmona,n.,a renewed heart; a new heart; regeneration. chu"kash himmona, pp., regenerated; having the heart renewed. chu?®kash himmona,a., regenerate; hav- ing a new heart. chu"kash himmonachi, v.t., to renew the heart; to regenerate. chu"kash homi, n., a bitter heart; bit- terness of heart; a venomous temper; fire; gall. chu"kash homi, a., fervent; fiery. chu"kash hominchi, v. t., to envenom; to embitter the heart. chu"kash hutupa, n., a wounded heart; an offended spirit. 112 chu"kash hutupa, pp., insulted; of- fended. chu®kash hutupali, v. t., to affront; to wound the feelings; toinsult; to offend. chu"kash hutupali, n., an offender. chu"kash ia, v. a. i., to desire; the heart goes; to wish for. chu"kash ikhotopo, a., unwounded; un- offended. chu"kash iknakno, n., a hypochondriac; a dispirited person. chu"kash illi, a., disheartened. chu"kash illichi, v. t., to dishearten. chu"kash imanukfila, n., the affections of the heart; the thoughts of the heart. chu2kash imanukfila achukma, nh., charity. chu®kash imanukfila nukoa, n., re- sentment. chu"kash inla, a., alienated; another heart, generally used in a bad sense; itinchunkash inlah, shaken in mind. chu®kash inla, y. n., to be alienated. chu"kash inlachi, v. t., to shake the purpose; to change the mind or the affections. chu"kash ishahinla, a., impressive; can take the heart. chu®kash ishi, v. t., to seize the heart; to captivate; to overcome; to rap; to touch the feelings; to charm; to steal the af- fections; to gain or get the affections; to fascinate. chu®kash ishi, n., rapture; a spell. chu2kash kapassa, a., cold-hearted; in- sensible. chu"kash kallo, a., flint-hearted; hard- hearted; headstrong; obstinate. chutkash kallo, n., hardness of heart; obstinacy; sangfroid. chu"kash lua, y.a.i., to burn; to be in- flamed with passion. chu"kash lua, n., heartburn. chu"kash nakni, n., hardihood; bravery; boldness of spirit. chu"kash nala, n., a wounded heart. chu"kash nala, pp., piqued; offended. chu"kash nah, v. t., to pique; to offend. chu"kash okpani, vy. t., to demoralize; to injure the heart. chu"kash okpulo, n., a bad heart. chutkash okpulo, pp., demoralized; ruined in heart. chu®kash shanaiachiy, v. t., to wean the affections; to pervert the heart, BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 chu"kash tuklo, n., a double dealer. chu®kash tuklo, a., double-hearted. chu2kash walwaki, a., tender-hearted. chu"kash weki, n., gravity. chu2kash weki, a., grave-minded. chu“kash yiminta, a.; hearty; zealous; fierce-minded. chu2kash yohbi, n., a serene heart; a subdued heart; asanctified mind; clem- | ency; meekness; righteousness. chu"kash yohbi, a., clement; as hatak chutkash yohbi, a clement man, or a man of clemency; clever; familiar; holy; meek, Matt. 11: 29. chu"kash yohbichi, v. t., to subdue the heart; to sanctify the heart. chu"kash yukachi, v. t., to fascinate; to captivate the heart. chu"kash yukpa, n., cheer; a joyful heart; consolation. chu"kash yukpa atapa, n., ecstasy; overgladness of heart. chu"kash yukpali, v. t., to console; to feast; to rejoice the heart. chukbaiyachi, y. t., to act the vaga- bond. chukbaiyachi, n., a vagabond; a va- grant. chukbi, n., the corner; the inside corner; the lee; chukbeli, pl., corners, Rey. 7:1. chukbika, n., the corner; the place oc- cupied as a corner, Mark 12: 10, 11; corner of a sea, Josh. 18: 14. chukbilaklak, see chukkilakbila. chu"kcho, n., a fishhawk. chukchu n., a maple; a soft maple, the most common kind among the Choctaw. chukchu chito, chukchu imoshi, n., hard maple or big maple. chukchu hapi champuli, n., maple sugar. chukchua, pass., tickled. chukchua, n., a tickling. chukchuki, v. a. i., to be spotted, like cattle; see chikchiki. chukchulli, v.t., to tickle. chukchulli, n., a tickler. chukfaluma, n., a cony burrow. chukfalhpoba (Matt. 7: 15; 15: 24; 18: 12), chukfi alhpoba (John 10: 1, 3, 7; Matt. 12:11, 12) chukfalhpowa, chukfi alhpowa, n., a sheep; lit. a domesti- cated rabbit. This form of expression BYINGTON ] is used sometimes for the sake of dis- tinguishing the sheep from the rabbit; chukfi alhpoba yor, the sheep, Matt. 10: 16. chukfalhpowa apistikeli, chukfalh- poba apesachi, n., a shepherd, John LOSE chukfalhpowa hishi, n., wool. chukfalhpowa i®hollihta, n., a sheep- fold, John 10: 1. chukfalhpowa nakni, n., aram; a buck. chukfalhpowa nipi, n., mutton; the flesh of sheep. chukfalhpowa tek, n., a ewe. chukfalhpoyushi, chukfi alhpowaushi, chukfushi, n., a lamb. chukfi, n.,a sheep, or a rabbit which is the first definition as sheep have not been long known among the Choctaw; a cony. chukfi aiasha, n., a sheepfold. chukfi apesachi, n., a shepherd. chukfi apistikeli, n., a shepherd. chukfi alhpowaushi, see chukfalhpoyushi. chukfi hakshup, n., a sheepskin. chukfi hishi, n., wool; sheep wool. chukfi hishi almo, n., a fleece. chukfi hishi almo, pp., fleeced. chukfi hishi amo, y. t., to fleece; to shear off wool; to shear sheep. chukfi hishi amo, n., ashearer; asheep shearer, Acts 8: 32. chukfi hishi itapana achafa, n., one hank of woolen yarn. chukfi hishi nan tanna, n., flannel; woolen cloth; cloth made of wool. chukfi hishi nan tanna aiskiachi, n., a clothier. chukfi hishi shana, n., woolen yarn. chukfi hishi shapo, n., a felt; a hat made of wool; a wool hat. chukfi hishi tanna, n., flannel; woolen cloth; woven wool. chukfi imaseta, n., the vine which grows and adheres to the bark of trees, having a trumpet-shaped blossom. It is said to be good in dysentery. chukfi isht abeka, n., the rot; a disease among sheep; a fatal distemper incident to sheep. chukfi luma, n., a rabbit. chukfi nakni, n., a ram;a buck; the male of the sheep; Joshua 6: 4, 5, 6, 8, 13. 84339°—Bull, 46—15 8 A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 113 chukfi nishkin, n., a painful, obstinate ulcer which comes on the foot or leg; stone bruise on the thick muscles. chukfi pattakata nakni, n.,a buck; the male of the hare. chukfi pattakita, chukfi pattakata, n., a hare. chukfi tek, n., a ewe. chukfi yoba, n., the cramp in the hand. chukfikoa, nukfichoa (q. v.), n., the hiccough or hickup. chukfikoa, vy. a.i., to have the hiccough; to hiccough. chukfikoli, v. t., to cause the hiccough. chukfikolichi, y. t., to make him hic- cough. chuktikpelo, n., the northeast. chukfikpelo, a., northeast. chukfitohtololi, n., a viper; ‘‘a ground rattlesnake.”’ chukfoba, a. (from chukfi and holba, like), sheepish; like a sheep. chukfoba, y. n., to be sheepish. chukfoloha, a., dizzy; drunk; giddy. chukfoloha, vy. n., to be dizzy; to be drunk. chukfoloha, vy. a. i., to stagger; to reel; to swim in the head. chukfoloha, n., dizziness; the vertigo; giddiness; the staggers. chukfulli, chukfolli, chukfolulli, v. t., to stagger; to make dizzy; to cause to swim; to cause to reel. chukfulli, a., dizzy; drunk. chukfushi, n., a lamb; a young rabbit. chukfushi holba, a., lamblike. chukfushicheli, y. t., to lamb; to bring forth a lamb. chu"ki, see chovki. chukikbi, n., a house maker; a house wright; a joiner. chukillissa, n., a deserted house; an empty house; a vacant house; solitude. chukillissa, a., desert; vacant; empty, as a house that stands vacant; desolate; waste; hachinchuka yat hachinchukillis- sat taiyaha, Matt. 23: 38. chukillissa, chukilissa (from chuka and ilissa), vy. t., to desert a house or houses that are their own; ikchukillissa, Acts 1:20. chukillissa, n., those who desert their house. 114 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY chukillissa, pp., desolated. chukillissachi, v. t., to cause to desert the house; to make another leave his house; to desolate; to depopulate. chukillissachi, n., a destroyer; one who causes others to leave their homes. chukimma, adv., homeward, home- wards. chukimpata, n., a piazza. chukka, see chuka. chukkilakbila, chukkilakpila, chuk- kila"pila, hachukbila"kbila (q. v.), chukbilaklak (Ch. Sp. Book, p. 55), n., the whip-poor-will. chukli, v. t. pl., to pluck out; to pull up, as hair or grass, with the hands; chu- kati, pp.; chukoffi, sing; see chukali. chukli, n., a plucker; one that plucks. chuktampulli, hachuktampuli (q. v.), tuklampuli, n., a cobweb; an air thread; a spider’s web; a spider’s nest. chukma, a., good; well; healthy. This is usually written achukma. chukma, y.n., to be good, well, healthy, agreeable; iksanchukmo, I am not well; ikinchukmo, he is not well, Matt. 4: 23; haknip ikinchukmo; inchukma, he is well. chukoa, chukowa, v. t., to enter; to go in; to come in; to thrust, Matt. 5: 205 72 21; 8: 5; 12: 4, 9; 13: 22 172253 18: 3) Sy 9; Josh. tel SO mipmkeraaais 4:16; tkchukoo ahni, vy. t., to admit; to permit to enter; isht chukoa, v. t., to carry in, Luke 4:1; to take into; to ob- trude; ant chukowa, to come under, Matt. 8: 8; to come in, Josh. 6: 1; chukoyua, pro form; ibachukoa, v. t., to invade; to enter with another; v. a. i., to obtrude; achukowa, n., an entrance, Josh. 8: 29. chukoa, n., an entrance. chukoa, n., an enterer; one who enters. chukokhisa, n., a house door. chukowa hinla, a., penetrable. chukowahe keyu, a., impenetrable. chukpalali, vy. a. i., to shine dimly, as on a cloudy day. chukpalantak, hachukpalantak, n., a tree toad. chukulbi, n., a nook or point of land lying in the bend of a creek or in a fork between two creeks; bok chukulbi, the fork of creeks; achukulbi, united; com- (BULL. 46 panionship; communications, 1 Cor. 15: 33. chukushi, n., a small house; a cot; a cot- tage; a hut. chukushi abeli, v. t., to hut. chukushmi, n., a desert; chukushmi foka yan, John 6: 31. chukushmi, a., sandy, sandish; yakni chukushmi, sandy land. chukushpa, a., small; i®na chukushpa, ‘‘ their stuff;’?? Josh. 7: 11. chukushpa a., slanderous. chukushpali, v. t., to amuse. chukyiweta, chukyuata, v. a. i., to loathe; to feel sick at the stomach. chukyiweta, chukyuata, a., loathsome. chula, n.,afox; chula puta kat, the foxes, Matt. 8: 20. chula aiabi, n., a fox trap. chula hishi, n., fox fur; fox hair. chula holilabi, n., a mad fox; a rabid fox. chula isht abeka, n., a diarrhea; a loose- ness; amore modest way of speaking than ikfia. chula nakni, n., the male fox. chula tasembo, n., a mad fox; a rabid fox; a raving fox. chula tek, n., the female fox. chula ushi, chulushi, n., a young fox; a cub. chulahtu%sh, n., asmall variety of mush- room. Chulai, n., July. chulakto, chilakto (q. v.), a., forked; cloven. chulaktochi, v. t., to fork; to cleave. chulabi, n., a fox hunter. chulhah, v. a.i., to say chulh; to rumble, as the bowels. chulhkan, n., a spider. chulhkan inchuka, n., a spider’s nest; a spider’s web. chulosa, chilosa, a., calm; quiet; still; hush; mum; peaceful; quiescent. chulosa, y. n., to be calm; to be quiet; to be still. chulosa, v. a. i., to become calm, quiet, still, silent; 1 Sam. 2: 9; to assuage; to calm; to lull; to moderate; to subside; chulusat talaiatok, Luke 8: 24. chulosa, pass., becalmed; allayed; quiet- ed; appeased; hushed; lulled; moder- ated; stilled; unruffled, ; BYINGTON] chulosa, n., moderation; peace; quiet; quietness; silence. chulosachi, y. t., to quiet; to still; to al- lay; to appease; to hush; to lull; to moderate; to silence. chulosachi, n., a calmer; a quieter; a luller. chuluk, chiluk (q. v.), n., a hole; a pit; a cavity. chulushi, see chula ushi. chuta, vy. a. i. pl., to split; to shiver. chuta, pass., split; riven; slit; cut; marked; surveyed, as land; laid off; shivered. chuta, n., that which is split; strands. chutafa, v. a. i. sing., to split off a piece; to rive. chutafa, pass., split; riven. chulafa, n., that which is split; a piece split off; a splinter; a shiver; a slit. chutali, v. a. i. pl., to splinter; to shiver. chutata, v. a. i. sing., to split; to scantle. chutata, pp., split; slit; rived; riven; split off from another piece; chutlanta, nasal form, being slit or rived. chutata, n., a slit; a piece that is split off; a shred; a slip; a strand; a slit in the ear. chutaffi, v. t. sing., to split off a piece; to splinter; to cut off a piece (not to tear it off). chutaffi, n., a splitter. chutalli, v. t., to split off a piece; to slit; to shred. chutalli, n., a splitter. chuli, v. t. pl., to rive; to slit; to cut out, as cloth when a garment is cut; to shred; to subdivide; to lay off land into sections or smaller portions; to survey; yakniachuti, to survey the land; iti a® chuti, to slit up the wood; nantan- na ya chuti, to cut up the cloth. chuhi, n., a splitter; a river; a slitter, ete.; shivering. chutoh, chulullih, to drip; chutohonli; chutohonlit aba yakni. chutotah, vy. a. i., to fly, as a spark. chumat”ko, n., the shin. chumba, choba, adv., consequently, said in anger by a child; chumba ialachin, so I will be off; see cho. chumpa, vy. t., to buy and pay with cash at the time and not with a promise of cash; to purchase; to redeem; to shop; A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 115 to negotiate; to ransom; he buyeth, Matt. 13: 44, 46; dimpa chumpat tamaha ilhkoli, John 4: 8; okla achumpashke, they shall buy there, Matt. 14: 15; isht chumpa, to buy with, Rev. 5: 9, 10; chumpat pifalaminchi, Gal. 3:13; chuhpa, subpositive form; chuhopa, immediate future form, to buy now; i/echumpa, to buy himself; to redeem himself, cho- humpa, freq. ; choyumpa, pro. ; ikchumpo, a., unbought. chumpa, n., a buyer; a purchaser; a re- deemer. chumpa, n., a purchase. chumpa hinla, a., purchasable. chumpa hinla, a., venal. chumpahe keyu, a., irredeemable. chumpachi, vy. t., to cause to buy; to make him buy. chunasha, n., a moccasin snake. chuncho, n., a bird of some kind. Chuni, n., June. chunna, a., lean; poor; spare; low in flesh; meager; raw-boned. chunna, pass., emaciated. chunna, y. n., to be lean, poor, ete. chunna, y. a. i., to emaciate; to fall away. chunna, n., leanness; poorness. chunnachi, y.t.,to make lean, poor, ete. chunnat ia, v. a. i., to waste; to wither. chunukabi, n., the pleurisy. chunukabi, a., sick with the pleurisy. chunukabi, v. n., to be sick with the pleurisy; to have the pleurisy; chunuko sabi, I have the pleurisy; chinuko chibi, thou hast the pleurisy. chunuko, chunoko, chinuko, n., the side below the armpit; the pleura; chinuko foka akom, Rey. 1: 13. chunuko takchi, v. t., to lace the chest; isht takchi hosh hikiatok, Rey. 1: 13. chunuko talakchi, pass., strait-laced. chunuli, a., bowed down; bowed to- gether. chunuli, v. n., to be bowed; to be bent double, Luke 13 :11; chunohonli, freq. chupilhkash, chopilhkash (q. yv.), n., chips; trash; sweepings. chupilhkash isht piha,n.,a rake; achip rake. chupilak, chopitak (q. v.), n., a chim- ney swallow. chusa, chitsa, n., a sparrow. 116 chutsa, n., neck of a junk bottle. chutsa, v. a. i., to be pointed or tapering; smaller at one end than at the other. chusoha, chisoha (q. v.), V. a. i, to rattle. chusoha, chisoha, n., a rattling. chusohachi, chisohachi (q. v.), to rattle; to make it rattle; to purl. chusokachi, v. a. i., to chink. chusolichi, v. t., to chink. chusopa, v.a.i., to rattle, as chains. chusopa, n., a rattling. chusopa, a., rattling; tali chusopa, rattling iron; a trace chain. chusopachi, v. t., to cause it to rattle. chushak, n., the back side of the neck next to the shoulders. chushak hishi, n., the mane. chushak hishi a"sha, a., maned; having a mane. chushak hishi kallo, n., bristles. chu2shkiksho, a., peevish. chushukli, iachushukli, y. a. i., to be lame. chushukli, a., lame. e prefixed per. pro. Ist per. pl. of active verbs beginning with consonants, as chanli, to chop; echanli, we chop; eha- chimolachi, ehachiryaiya, Matt. 11: 17. ebi, we kill; Ist per. pl. irreg., from abi. echi, v. t., used only in the imp., hand; give; put this way into the hand; see auechi; isht echi, v. a. i., to begin, Luke 24: 27. eha, ehah, int., oh dear! heigh! heigh ho! ehehe, int., la; alas. eho, prefixed, per. pro. 1st per. inclu- sive, pl. of active verbs, beginning with consonants, as ehochanli, we all chop; ehofokachi® cho? shall we puton? Matt. 6: 31. eka; in yakni paknak eka; see aika. ela, we come (from ala to arrive), 1st per. pl. irreg. elefant, n., elephant; elefant noti, n., ivory, 1 Kings 10: 18. elli, a., grievous; from il. ema, we give; Ist per. pl. irreg., from ima, to give (q. V.). emo, we pick; we trim; Ist per. pl. irreg., from amo, to piek, to trim. enchil, n., angel; the English word writ- ten in Choctaw; yammakoka imenchil, BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 their angels, Matt. 18: 10; enchil okla, angels, Luke 2: 15. epa, we eat, Ist per. pl. irreg., from apa, to eat. Eplil, Epilil, n., April. eshi, v. t., to take, from ishi (q. v.); eshi- tok, 1 Sam. 2: 21. This is nothing more than an intensive of ishi, requiring more time for the action: ishi, to take; eshi, to hold. eshi, n., parturition. eshichi, caus., to cause to take; ala eshi, to travail, ‘‘to have a child,”’ 1 Sam. 4:19. et, adv. this way, i. e., toward or in the direction of the speaker, but not up to him; awet. (q. v.) means quite to the speaker. fabaspoa, a. pl., long and slender. fabaspoa, y.n., to be long and slender. fabasfoa, a. pl., long and slender; slim. fabassa, fobassa, a. sing., long and slen- der; slim. fabassa, v. n., to be long and slender; to be slim. fabassachi, v. t., to make it long and slender. fabassat itonla, vy. a.i., to lie prostrate. fabassoa, a. pl., long and slender; slim. fabassoa, v.n., to be long and slender. fachachi, v. t. pl., to throw with a stick, which is done by holding a stick and pressing the lower end of it against an object on the ground and then making the stick spring suddenly, whereby the object is thrown; fachali, y. t. sing.; fachoti, pl. fachama, pp. sing., thrown by a stick, as described under jfachachi. fachamoa, pp. pl., thrown by a stick, ete. fachamoli,v. t. pl., to throw by spring- ing a stick, as above. fachanli, fichanli (q. v.), fachanli, v. a. i., to peel up, as bark on a tree, or to scale; to open; to crack open; to burst open, as a bur or pod; to scale, Deut. 28:27. fachanli, n., peeling up; the act of peel- ing; a crack; lachowa fachanli, Deut. 282 2ihe fachanlichi, v. t., to cause to peel; to scale, » oh cere BYINGTON ] fachammi, fichammi, y. t. sing., to throw by springing a stick; cf. fachachi, pl. fachammi,n., one who throws by spring- ing. facho®wa, v. n., to be scaly; to have scales, Deut. 14: 9. faha, pp., waved. fahakachechi y. t. caus., to swing; to cause to vibrate; to vibrate. fahakachi, v. a. i. pl., to swing slowly and heavily, as a bag filled and laid across a horse swings as he walks along; to seesaw; to swingle; to vibrate; to wave; toundulate; frequently, to swing or wave, as aleafinthe wind; to vibrate, - as the pendulum ofa clock; takant faha- kachi, v. a. 1., to dangle; fahakanchi, nasal form; fahakahanchi, freq. form. fahakachi,fahakachi, pp.,swung; made to vibrate; vibrated; waved; whirled. fahakachi, n., a vibration; a whirling. fahali, fahali, v. a. i. pl., to swing; to vibrate; to wave. fahali, pp., swung; vibrated; shaken; waved; single act like shalakli. fahatichi, y. t. caus., to swing; to vi- brate; to shake; to wave. fahatichi, n., a swinger. fahama, v. t. sing., to beat; to smite; to strike. fahama, pp., hurt. fahama, n., a stripe; a lick; a blow; a lash. fahata, v. a. i. pl., to swing; to vibrate a long distance, as a long rope or grape- vine, when suspended from a tree; to oscillate. fahata, pp.; swung; vibrated. fahata, n., a swinging; a vibration. fahatachi, v. t. pl., to swing; to vibrate; to cause to swing. fahammi, vy. t., to sling; to throw side- ways with a whirling motion; to scourge, Matt. 10: 17; fahammat pila, to swing and throw; to hurl; to supplant; to thrust a sickle, Rey. 14: 19. tahammi, n., a hurler. fahattakachi, n., aswing; a swinging. fahattakachi, fahattakachi, vy. a. i. sing., to swing; to turn; fahatkachi, v. t. pl., to swing; also passive; fahatkahan- A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 117 chi, pp., keep turning, Gen. 3: 24; to turn every way, Gen. 3: 24. fahfoa, vy. a. i. pl., to move in various directions; to whirl about. fahfoa, pp., brandished; whirled about. fahfuli, y. t. pl., to brandish; to move about in various directions; to turn, as to turn a grindstone; to move about a sword, the arms, the feet (as a child), or the tail (as a cow). fahko, a. sing., long and slender; thin; oski fahko; iti fahko; see fabaspoa. fahko, v. n., to be long and slender; to be thin. fahkochi, v. t., to make long and slender. fahpo, fappo (q. v.), n., magic. faiokachi, v. a. i., to stagger; to reel; to shake; to wave, asgrowing grain in the wind; to nod; to rock; to roll, as a boat; to totter; to vacillate. faiokachi, pp., rocked; shaken, Matt. 11:7; faiokanchi, nasal form, reeling; waving; faiokahanchi, freq., to reel; to keep reeling. faiokachi, n., a vacillation. faioh, y. t. pl., to shake; to make them reel; to make them wave. faiotichi, v. t., to vibrate; to shake; to cause to vibrate; to rock. faiotichi, n., a rocker. faiotlakachi, v. a. i. sing., to swing; to shake. faiotlakachi, n., a nod; a shake. faiu"kli, v. a.i.,to reel; to stagger; same as chukfulli, to reel (q. v.). fakit, n., a turkey, whether domestic or wild—named from one of its notes, which sounds like this name; other fowls have received names in the same way. fakit homatti, n., a male turkey; a gobbler; a turkey cock. fakit inchahe, n., a turkey’s spur. fakit ishke, n., a hen turkey that has raised a brood. fakit kucha"kak, n., a young male tur- key, not a year old. fakit nakni, n., a male turkey; a turkey cock. fakit salakoba, n., lit., like the liver of a turkey; the name of a plant, called by some hart leaf. fakit tek, n., a hen turkey. 118 fakit ushi, n., a young turkey; a tur- key’s egg. fatkkulih, see fa%kulli. fako, n., a tree without limbs. fakobli, see fakopli. fakoha, y. a. i. pl., to peel off; to scale off; to drop off; to come off; lukfi at fakoha, the dirt peels off. fakoha, pp. pl., peeled off; dropped off; scaled off. fakoha, n., the _ peelings; pieces that come off. fakoli, y. a. i. pl., to peel off; to strip off; to come off; to scale off; to slough. fakoli, n., a peeling; a stripping. fakohi, pp., peeled off. fakolichi, vy. t., to cause them to be stripped off. ; fakolichi, n., a peeler; a stripper. fakopa, v. a. i. sing., to peel off; to scale off; to drop off; to come off; to shell. fakopa, pp., peeled off, etc.; shelled. fakopa,n., the peeling, or piece that comes off. fakopli, fakobli, v. t. sing., falli or fakoli pl., to peel; to scale; to strip; to tear off, or up, as to peel off bark, or tear up a floor. fakopli, n., a peeler; a stripper. fakoplichi, vy. t. caus., to cause to strip, to peel, ete. fakowa, pp., peeled; scaled; stripped; torn up. fakowa, v. a. i. pl., to scale off, ete. fa%kulli, fatkkulih, v. t., to throw mud, etc., with a stick. falaia, a., long; tall; lengthy; livelong; prolix, drawn, as wire; ikfalaio, a., short. falaia, pp., elongated; lengthened; pro- longed; protracted. falaia, v. n., to be long or tall. falaia, n., length; tallness; height; lon- gitude; a strip. falaia alhpesa, a., ample; long enough. falaia i2shali, a. comparative degree, longer; thus falaia, long; falaia imshati, longer; falaia inshat tati, longest. falaia itshat tali, a., sup. degree, long- est. falaiachi, v. t., to lengthen; to elongate; to prolong; to protract; to spin out; to make long, Josh. 6: 6. scalings; BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 falaiakat auataka i®shali, n., oblong, - the length is longer than the width. falaiat ia, v. a. i., to grow long; to lengthen. falatkna (by metathesis), properly fa- natkla n., a large yellow squirrel. falakto, n., a crotch; a fork. falakto, a., forked; crotched. falakto, v. n., to be forked. falakto, v. a. i., to fork; to divide into two prongs. falaktuchi, v. t., tomakea fork; to cause it to fork; lapish falaktuchi, to make the horn fork. falaktuli, v. t., to make a fork or crotch; to fork. falama, v.a.i., to return; to turn back; to turn about; to backslide; to turn; to recede; to fall back; to react; to recoil; to revert; to revolve; falamat achukmat tcha, restored whole, Matt. 10:13; 12:13; 17:9; Josh. 4:18; 7: 3; falamat ialashke, I will return, Matt. 12:44; imfalama, v. t., to return to him; i”falamahe keyu, a., irrecoverable; he will not return to him; falahama, freq. falama, pp., returned; turned back; re- duced; refunded; reverted. falama, falama, n., a return; a turning back; a backslider or turncoat (?); a recess; a defection; aregress; i”falama, a recovery; a render. falamaka, n., the return; the turning back; afalamaka, the place of turning back. falamakachi, falamakachi, y. a. i., to recoil; to start back suddenly. falamat, adv., again, as falamat aya, he comes back again. falamat abeka, vy. a. i., to relapse; to become sick again. falamat a®ya, v.a.i., to return along; to come back again. falamat a®ya, n., the return. falamat a®ya, n., a returner. falamat ala, y.a.i., to return; to return and arrive; to come again. falamat alhtoba, pp., refunded; repaid; also n., repayment. falamat chumpa, v. t., to redeem; to return and buy. falamat ia, v. a.i., to go back; to return; to retrograde. falamat ia, a., retrograde. BYINGTON] falamat minti, v. a. i., to start back. falamat okcha, v. a. i., to revive; to come to. falamat okcha*ya, v. a. i., to revive; to rise as from the dead. falamat okcha®ya, pp., resuscitated; re- vived; n., a revival. falamat ona, y. a. 1., to return. falamat tani, v. a. i., to rise again, John We Ses Wein GS Al wife Pay falamichi, falammichi, y. t., to return; to cause to go back; to send back; to bring back; see afalaminchi, to answer; Matt. 11:4; falaminchi, vy. t., to restore, Matt. 17: 11. falamoa, v. a. i. pl., to return; to oscil- late; see falama; falamohoa, freq. falamoa, pp., returned; turned back; a., elastic. falamoa, n. pl., returns; turnings back; backsliders. falamoaka, n., the returns. falamoa, vy. a. i. pl., to go backwards and forwards; to go and return more than once. falamolichi, v. t. pl., to cause to go backward; to cause to turn from or return; to cause them to go and return; itifalamolichi, 1 Sam. 18: 7. falamolichi, n., a returner; returners. falam isht ikhana, n., a compass, an instrument used in surveying land; ‘fan instrument to learn where the north is.’’ falama, see falama. falama, n., a relapse. falamakachi, falamakachi, v. a. i., to recoil; to start back suddenly. falamakachi, n., a recoil; a recoiling. falammi, n., the north. falammi, a., north. falammi, y. n., to be north; i”falammi, it is north of it. falammi chohmi, northerly; northern. falammi fichik, n., the north star; the north polar star. falammi hashi aiokatula itintakla,n., northwest; between the west and north. falammi imma, falamimma, a., adv., northern; northerly; northward; north- wards. falammi mali, n., the north wind; Boreas. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE ne falammi minti, a., northern, i. e., come from the north. falammi pila, ady., northwards; toward the north; northerly, but not in the north. falammi pilla, ady., at the north; to the north; away to the north; northern; in the north. falammi pilla, a., arctic; polar. falammichechi, vy. t., to reclaim; tocause to return. falammichi, vy. t. sing., to return;to bring back; to give back; to back; to cause to retreat or recede; to avert; to defend; to recall; to reduce; to reflect; to refund; to remit; to render; to repel; to replace; to repulse; to restore; to retaliate; to retribute; to revert, 2 Sam. 24: 13; itinfalammichi, to swap back; to return to each other; falamotichi, pl.; ilefalam- michi, v. ref., to return himself; falam- minchi, nasal form, i”falamminchi, v. t., to recompense him; to re-cede; to re- turn to bim; see falamichi. falammichi, i"falammichi, n., a return- er; a restorer; a return; i”falammichi, n., a restitution. falammichit anumpuli, vy. t., to retort; to answer again. falammichit ishi, v. t., to recapture; to retake. falammichit miha, vy. t., to respond. falammichit pila, v. t., to retort; to cast back. falammichit pila, n., a return. falammint, contracted form of falam- michi. falammint atobbi, v.t., to reimburse; to repay; to refund. falammint alhtoba, a., repaid; falam- mint ikalhtobo, a., unrepaid. falammint boli, v. t., to replace. falammint chumpa, v. t., to redeem; to buy back; to repurchase. falammint chumpa, n., a redeemer; a repurchaser. falammint chumpa, n., redemption; a repurchase. falammint chumpa hinla, a., redeem- able; can buy and return it. falammint fohki, y.t., to reinstate; to return and place in. falammint heliche, vy. t., to reinstate; to return and set it up. 120 falammint hoyo, falammint ihoyo, to reclaim; to return and look after. falammint i"kanchi, falammint kan- chi, y.t., to re-cede; to reconvey; to sell back to him. falammint ima, falammint ibbak fohki, vy. t., to render; to restore; to give back; to redeliver; to return and place in his hands. falammint ishi, v. t., to recover; to get again; to resume; to retake. falammint ishi, n., a recovery. falammint isht ia, v. t., to carry back. falammint isht ona, v. t., toreconvoy. falammint nanabli, v. t., to regorge. Falisi, n., a Pharisee. fali, v. t. sing., to brandish; to wave the hand, as to beckon with the hand; to flirt; to sweep; to vacillate; to wave; to whirl; to whisk. fali, n., a brandisher; a whirler. fali, n., a whirl. fanatkla, see fulankla. fapa, fopa (q. v.), v. a. i, to roar, as wind. fappo, fahpo, n., magic; tricks; enchant- ment; witchcraft; conjuration; a charm. fappo, pass., charmed. fappo onuchi, vy. t., to practice magic or tricks upon; to charm. fappo onuchi, n., a charmer; an en- chanter. fappo onuttula, pp., practiced upon with tricks. fappuli, v. t., to charm; isht i%fappuli, v. t., to reprove. fappuli, n., a magician. fappuli imponna, n., a skillful ma- gician. fataha, a., waving in the wind; sita fataha, a ribbon. fatali, v. a. i., to swing; to wave. fatalichi, v. t., to cause to swing or to wave. fatema, vy. a.i., to open the eyes like an infant. fatohachi, y. a. i., to swing round; fatohanchi, nasal form; jfatohahanchi, freq. fatoma, fatuma, pp., opened, as a clasp knife, or the eye; mnishkin at ivfatumat oklatok, Matt. 9: 30; tkfatomo, a., unopened. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 fatummi, fitammi, v. t., to open his own eyes; to unclose; to open (a knife); to untwine. fatummi, n., an opener. fatummichi, v. t., to cause to open, i.e., the eyes of another; to make him open. fatummichi, n., an opener. fachanli, y.a.i.; see fichanli, and jachanli, to crack open, as chestnut burs, pea pods, ete. fala, pp. pl. of fakopa, scaled off; oksak jalla, shagbark hickory; pecan (?) fala, n., a crow. fala atoni, n., a scarecrow; one that watches the crows. fala atoni, v. t., to watch crows. fala chito, n., a raven. fala imisito, n., a May apple; a man- drake. ; fala intanchi, falaknimushi, n., a mandrake. falakna, see fanakla. falla, v. a. i. pl., to peel off. falli, pl. of fakopli, v. t., to scale off; to peel; hashi atitihakshup an falli, the sun peels offthe bark of the tree; isito a” falli, peel the pumpkin. falushi, n., a crow’s egg; a young crow. fama, n., a whipping. fama, pp., whipped; flogged; chastised; scourged; lashed; punished; chastened; ikfamo, a., unpunished; unchastised; not whipped. fammi, y. t., to whip; to flog; to chas- tise; to scourge; to lash; to castigate; to chasten; to correct; to discipline; to leather; to punish; to lick. fammi, n., a whipper; a castigator; achas- tiser; a chastener; a lasher; ascourger. fammi, n., a whipping. fanakla, falakna, a fox squirrel—fannak- la and not fallakna—J. E. fani, n., a squirrel. fani hasimbish holba, n., yarrow or wild tansy. fani imalakusi, n., a lizard that changes his color; a chameleon. fani lusa, n., a black squirrel, rarely seen in the Choctaw Nation. fani okchako, n., a gray squirrel. fani shapha, n., mistletoe. fani ushi, n., a young squirrel. BYINGTON ] fanikoyo, n., a sycamore tree—lit. ‘‘the squirrel does not climb it”? (Sixtowns word). fanitasho, n., a gray squirrel. fappo, see fappo. fatokachi, v. a. i., to wiggle; to shake loosely, as the loose blade of a knife. fattahachi, v. a. i., toshake, asa leaf; to swing back and forth quickly as leaves shaken by the wind and with noise, or as a loose penknife blade. fehna, fena, fehnha, vy. a. i., to do in- tensely, or considerably; to effect a good deal; itafehna, to fight, 2 Sam. 14: 6. fehna, fiena, a., much; very; real; own, John 1: 41; self; exceeding; excessive; exorbitant; intense; intimate; intrin- sic; mighty; particular; passing, as passing strange; peculiar; quite. fehna, fiena, v., n., to be much, very, real; ikfehno, Matt. 7: 11. fehna, ady., well, Matt. 17:5; John 2: 10; much, Matt. 6: 7; very; often; ex- tremely; far; freely; heartily; ma- turely; mightily; mighty; most; much; oft; richly; rapidly; terribly; griev- ously, Matt. 8: 6. fehna keyu, adv., seldom; little, Matt. 6: 30. fehnakma, in nitak yamma fehnakma, in that very day, Matt. 7: 22. fehnachi, v. t., to make much of; to ef- fect much; ilefehnachi, v. ref., to think much of himself, Matt. 13: 22 [?]; to make much of one’s self; to praise one’s self; to boast; to make much of himself; fienachi, pro. form; ilefehnachit nowa, to stalk; to strut; to walk proudly; ‘e- fehnachi, a., proud; vain; arrogant; consequential; self-important; iJefehna- chi, vy. u., to be proud; ilefehnachechi, v. t., to make proud; ilefehnachi, n., pride; vanity. felami, filammi, n., a branch or a limb, of a tree or of a river; itinaksish filam- mi, Gen. 40:12; bok ushi filammi, prong of a stream of water. felamichi, n., a branch; a limb, Gen. 40: 10. Fibueli, n., February. ‘fichak, fichak, n., the dew, or water (from any cause), as the rain standing in drops like the dew on the grass or elsewhere; dew drops. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 121 fichak champuli, n., a honey dew; a sweet dew; a mildew. fichak chito, n., a heavy dew; a great dew. fichak kashatha, n., a honey dew; a mildew; a sweet dew. fichak toba, v. a. i., to fall, as dew; to become dew. fichama, y. a. i., to spring; to spring open, as a door when pushed; to fly open. fichama, pass., sprung open; sprung and thrown. fichamoa, y. a. i. pl., to spring and fly. fichamoa, pp. pl., sprung open. fichamoli, fichammi (q.v.), pl., tospring them; to throw them by springing. fichanli, fachanli (q. v.), v. a. i., toopen; to crack open, as pods, bean pods, ete. fichanli, pp.,a., cracked open; opened. fichanli, n., a cracking open. fichapa, v. a.i., to fork; to divide into two parts. fichapa, pp., a., forked, as a road. fichapa, n., a fork. fichapoa, v. a. i. pl., to fork. fichapoa, pp. pl., forked. fichapoa, n., forks. fichapoli, y. t. pl., to fork; to turn off, as to turn off from a road. fichapolichi, v. t. pl., to cause to fork. fichabli, v. a. i. sing., fichapa, pp. (q. V-), to fork; to turn off, Matt. 2: 22. fichablichi, y. t., to cause him to turn off. fichammi, fachammi, (q. v.), v. t., to spring and throw; to spring open by pushing against. fichik, fochik, n., a star; stars; planets; a planet, Matt. 2: 2, 7. fichik atsha, a., starry. fichik atia, n., the orbit of a planet. fichik asha, vy. a.i., to have amaurosis; anfichik asha, | have amaurosis; chin- jichik asha, thou hast amaurosis. fichik baieta, n., the yard stars. fichik chito, n., a large star; a planet that appears to be large, as Venus and Jupiter; Lucifer; Saturn; Venus; Ves- per. fichik heli, n. pl., shooting stars; teors; flying stars. fichik hika, n. sing., a shooting star; a meteor. fichik homma, n. a red star; Mars. me- 122 BUREAU fichik isi nata silhhi, n., the yard stars; the ell stars; lit., the stars that track the wounded deer. fichik issuba, n., the stars called the pointers, or dipper, or butcher case, that point toward the North Star; lit., the horse star. fichik laua, a., starry. fichik luak, n., a blazing star. fichik lukoli, n., a constellation. fichik potoli, n., a blazing star; a comet. fichik shobota, fochik shubota, fichik shobulli, n., a comet. fichik tohwikeli, n., starlight. fichik watalhpi, n., the seven stars, pleiads, or pleiades. fichonli, fochonli, v. a. i., to scale off. fichonli, pp., scabbed off; scaled off. fichonlichi, y. t., to scale off; to cause it to scale off. fichukbi, n., aden; ahole in the ground. fihobli, v. t., to satisfy; to gratify by treatment, as in feeding, paying, or treating well; to cloy; to slake; to suf- fice. fihobli, n., a satisfier. fihobli, a., satisfactory. fihoblichi, vy. t., to make satisfied; to satisfy the mind. fihoblichi, n., a satisfier. fihopa, v. a. i., to stalk. fihopa, pp., satisfied; gratified; cloyed; sufficed; ikfihopo, a., unsatisfied. fihopa, n., satisfaction; gratification; sa- tiety. fihopahe keyu, a., insatiate; insatiable. fik, n., a fig, Matt. 7: 16. fikomi, see isht afikomi. fila"ki"sin, n., frankincense. filama, pp., turned away; hashi®filahan- mashke, Peter 2: 11; filammi, vy. t., itin- filama, pp., separated from each other; disunited; parted. filamoa, pp. pl., turned away from; turned from; ii®filamoa, turned from each other. filamotechi, v. t., to turn them away from it or them; to separate from and turn away; to part them from each other; mikmat itirfilamotechikmat, and when he separated them from each other, Matt. 25: 32; late edition, itirfilamoti- chi. filamotechi, n., a separator; a divider. OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 filamoli, vy. a. i. pl., to turn away; to branch, as the limb on a tree; iti®fila- moti, to turn from each other; to part; itifilamoti, pp., separated from each other. Filanchi, n., French. Filanchi anumpa, n., French, or the French language. Filanchi hatak, n., a Frenchman. Filanchi okla, n., the French people, or nation; Frenchmen. Filanchi yakni, n., France; French coun- try. filammi, felami (q. v.), a branch of a tree or stream. filammi, y. a. i., to turn away; to turn from, -Matt.2: 12> Josh. diaiiaSenbo leave; to depart from, Matt. 4: 11; Luke 4: 13; Chihowa ya" infilammi; 1 Kings 11: 9; a®filammit, depart from me, Matt. 7: 23; itinfilammi, to turn away from each other; to part; i®filammi, to leave him; to turn from him; aiin- filammi, to turn away from at. This differs from jfilammi, to depart out of. filammi, n., obliquity; i%/filammi, n., a turncoat; one that turns away from him. filammichi, v. t., to cause to turn away from; to lead off from, Josh. 5: 9; to cause to go from; to cause to branch off from; itimfilammichi, vy. t., to turn from each other; to separate them; to disunite. filamminchi, y. a. i., nasal form, to branch; to shoot or spread in branches. filamminchi, n., a branch, of the limb of a tree or a water course; a fork; a knag; a prong; a bay, Josh. 15: 2; 18: 19; bok filamminchi, branch of a creek; naksish filamminchi, branch of a limb; naksish filamoti, pl., branches of a limb. filehkachi, vy. a. i. pl., to turn back and forth; nashuka yat filehkachi, their faces turn back and forth; ttihishi at filehka- chi, the leaves of the tree turn, ete. filekachi, n., a turning. filema, vy. a.i. sing., to turn the person, i. e., one’s own person; to turn round; to turn over; to turn, as in looking back; jilemat chikpsokashke, to veer; Chisas ash ot pit filema, ‘‘ Jesus turning unto them,”’ Luke 23: 28; to turn about, Matt. 7: 6; 9: 22;to turn, Josh. 8: 20, 21. BYINGTON | filema, pp., turned round; turned back. filemachi, vy. t., to turn; to veer. filemat itola, v. a.i., to turn over; to fall over; to capsize. filemoa, v. a. i. pl., to turn over and over, or backwards and forwards; to veer; to turn this way and that way; jilemoat pisa, to look around, Mark 11: Tle filemoa, pp. pl., turned over; turned. filemotechi, vy. t., to cause to turn away; to sever from, Matt. 13: 49; see fila- motechi. filemoli, v. t. pl., to turn over; Mark Le). filetakachi, y. a. i., to turn once sud- denly. filitka, filitko, adv., very; achukma filitko, very good, used by some per- sons. filimmi, y. t. sing., to turn it over; to come about; to upset; to turn away, 1 Kings 11: 2, 3, 4; holisso han filimmi, to turn the book over; filihimmi, Josh. 7: 8; mati hat filimmi, v. a. i., the wind turns. filimmichi, v. t. caus., to turn it over or round. filimmikachi, vy. t., to turn. fima, pp., scattered; sowed; sown; strewed; disseminated; dissipated; sprinkled; o”fima, pp., sprinkled on; ik- jimmo, a., unsowed; seed not sown; osapa ikafimmo, a field unsown (the a is locative. ) fima, v. n., to be scattered; to be dissi- pated. fima, y. a. i., to scatter; to dissipate. fimibli, v. t. pl., to sow; to scatter; to strew; to disperse; to dissipate, but not liquids; to spread; see fatabli, to spill; itafimibli, vy. t., to dispel; to disperse; to shatter. fimibli, n., spreader. fimibli, n., a spreading. fimiblichi, vy. t., to scatter; to sputter; to cause to scatter. fimimpa, a., sparse. fimimpa, adv., thinly. fimimpa, pp., scattered; dispersed; strewn; dissipated; diffused; littered; sowed; sown; spattered; sprinkled, 2 Kings 9: 33; ikfimimpo, a., neg. form, a sower; a scatterer; a A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 123 unseattered; itafimimpa, dispelled; scattered from each other, John 10: 12; dispersed; itafimimpa, pp., interspersed; scattered with; scattered abroad; Matt. 9: 36; o®fimimpa, pp., spattered on; sowed on, as seed. fimimpa, vy. a. i., to dissipate; to scatter; to disperse; itafimimpa, to scatter about; to scatter apart from each other; wak at fimimpa, the cattle disperse; hoshontt at fimimpa, the clouds disperse; ita- jimimpa, to scatter or disperse from each other; to straggle away from each other. fimimpa, n., a dispersion; the state of being scattered; litter; itafimimpa, n., a dispersion, James 1: 1. fimmi, v. t., to sow; to scatter; to dis- perse; to dissipate; to issue; na fimmi, to sow something; to diffuse; to dissemi- nate; to seminate; to spatter; to sprinkle; jihimmi, Matt. 12: 20; iba- Jimmi, v. t., tointersperse; to sow with; onfimmi, vy. t., to splash on; to sprinkle on; to sow on. fimmi, n., a sower; a scatterer; a dis- seminator. fimmichi, v. t., to scatter; to sprinkle; to cause to scatter. fimmichi, n., a scatterer. fimpkachi, pp., sowed; sprinkled,as when water is sprinkled on the ground by shaking a garment. fimpkachi, y.a.i., to scatter; to sprinkle. fiopa, n., breath; expiration; respira- tion; a whiff; wind; a blast, Josh. 6: 5; safiopa, my breath. fiopa, v. a. i., to breathe; fiopali, I breathe; fiopa, to draw a breath; v. t., to expire; to respire; to whiff; o®fiopat foyuki, to breathe into, Gen. 2: 7; iafi- opa, to inhale; to snuff up; to inspire; to snuff; to draw in the breath. fiopa ikfalaio, a., short-breathed; breath not long. fiopa imokpulo, n., the asthma; breath bad for him, or breathing bad for him. fiopa isht aiopi, v. a. i., to expire; to breathe the last time. fiopa kobafa, n., broken wind; short breath. fiopa kobafa, a., breathed. short-winded; short- 124 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY fiopa taha, a., broken-winded; breath- less; breath exhausted; short-breathed. fiopa tali, v. t., to exhaust the breath. fiopa tapa, a., dead; breath-sundered. fiopa tapli, v. t., to destroy life, Luke 6: 9; fiopa intapli, to separate the breath. fiopat taha, v. a. i., to pant. fiopat taha, n., broken wind; short breath. fiopachi, v. t., to cause to breathe; to give breath; to bring back the breath; to save. fitekachi, v. a. i., to veer about; to whirl, as a top. fitekachi, n., a whirling. fitekachi, pp., whirled. fitelichi, v. t., to whirl quickly; to cause to fly and whirl as a handkerchief or a flag when suspended and shaken by the wind. fitelichi, n., one that whirls. fitiha, v. a.i., to whirl about; to veer about; to shift about. fitihachi, y. t. caus., to whirl about. fitilema, pp., turned over, i. e., from be- ing under another person or thing to bring it on top; hatak at fitilema. fitilimmi, y. t., to turn over, from being underneath; to bring on top as may be seen when two men wrestle and one is thrown, but he gets the ascendancy of his antagonist. fititekachi, pl. of jitekachi, pp., whirled. fititekachi, y. a. i., to whirl; to veer. fitukhak, n., name of a bird often called the yellow hammer, or yellow wood- cock. fo, adv., may be; perchance; as katima iafo, where may he have gone. fobassa, see fabassa. fochi, see foechi. fochik, see fichik. fochik shubota, see fichik shobota. fochonli, see fichonli. foe, n., honey. foe akmo, n., beeswax; bee bread. foe bila, foi bila (Josh. 5: 6), n., honey or ‘“‘bee oil’’; melted honey or honey oil. foe bila hakshup, n., honeycomb. foe bila iti a4sha, n., wild honey; wood- land honey; honey in the woods. foe bilishke, foishke, n., honey bee or honey bees; those which collect the [BULL. 46 honey; the mother of the honey; foe bilishke hocheto, n., big bees. foe bilishke i2mi"ko, n., the queen bee. foe bilishke inchuka, a bee hive; a bee gum. foe bilishke inchuka fohki, v. t., to hive bees. foe bilishke inchuka foka, pp., hived. foe bilishke inchuka i“hoshontika, n., an apiary; a bee house or shelter. foe bilishke i2pokni, n., the drones or grandmother bees. foe hakmi, n., wax; beeswax. foe inlakna, n., bee bread; wax. foe nia, n., honeycomb filled with honey. foechi, fochi, fohchi (M. Dyer); o” foechi, 1. Cor. 8, caption; to sprinkle on water, salt, ete. foeli, fulli, v. t., to pick out; to take out. foha, y. a. i., to rest; to take ease; to ease; to harbor; to recruit; to repose; to respire. foha, n., rest; respite; cessation; ease; an intermission; recreation; a vacation. fohachi, vy. t., to give rest; to cause to rest; to rest another; to ease; to harbor; to recreate; to repose; to unburden. ilefohachi, v. ref., to rest himself; hachi- fohachilashke, I will give you rest, Matt: alilis28: fohchi, see foechi. fohka, foka, v.t., to put in; to put on; as to put garments upon one’s self; to clothe one’s self; to dress one’s self; to ornament; albikachi, v.t. pl., ilalbikachi, we dress ourselves (by putting on more garments). fohka, foka, v. a. i., to enter, Matt. 15: 17; to go into, John 3: 4; chitfoyuka, to be in, Matt. 6: 23; to conceive, Luke 2:21; allaimfoka, to conceive, Luke 1: 24; alla infoyuka, to be with child, Matt. 1:18; ilefohka, to put on himself; hence, ilefohka or ilefoka, n., agarment, a shirt; itibafoka, n., a coalition; forhka, forka, nas. form, foyuka, afoyuka (Josh. 3:3, 6; 4: 18), pro. form. fohka, foka, sing., (cf. fohki), albikachi, pp. pl.; put on, as garments; dressed; clothed, Matt. 11: 8; clad; girded; in- closed; put in, as a horse is put into a stable or a field; invested; laded; loaded; lodged; shut; vested; itibafoka, BYINGTON ] pp., combined; sabafohka, Matt. 12: 30; _ forhka, fonka, nasal form, being in; be- ing on, Josh. 2: 11, 19; possessed, Matt. 4:24; aiinfonka, Matt. 12: 22; afonka, ‘‘is in,’ Matt. 7: 3; foka kano, that is in, Matt. 7: 3; aiinforka, possessed with, Matt. 8: 16; 12: 40; 17: 27: fohka, foka, n., a lading; a passage; that which is put on; found in compound words, as na fohka, a garment or dress; fohka achafa, a suit of clothes; foyuka, Matt. 12: 40. fothka, fotkka, v. a.i., to roar, as the wind; to murmur; cf. John 3: 8. fothka, n., the sound or roaring of wind, John 3: 8. fohkachechi, v. t., to array another ina garment; to gird; to girdle; na fohka tohbi holitompa hon fohkachechi cha, ar- rayed him in a gorgeous robe, ete. Luke 23:11; some say this word means putting several garments upon another; alla yan fokachechili, I dress the chil- dren; fohkachichi mat, Matt. 27: 28, 31. fohkachi, v. t., todress; to put garments upon another person; toclothe another; to furnish another with clothes; to in- vest; to indue; to ornament; to vest. fohkat aya, n., a passage; a passenger. fohki, foki, to putin, Matt. 14:3; I Kings 10: 24; to fall into, 2 Sam. 24: 14; to in- close; to inject; to lade; to load; to lodge; to put; to shut; to tuck; to deliver to, Matt. 5: 25; 11: 27; ibafohki, to com- bine; to hide in, Matt. 13:33; Josh, 2: 24; 6:2; 7:7; itibafohki, to combine together; fohkihchih, fohkichi, v. t., to anoint; togrease; foho"ki, freq.; foyuhki, pro. form; itifohki, v. t., to put in to- gether; to unite; to set, asa bone; iti- fohkit ikbi, to frame; iifohkit itabana, framed, p. fohkul, pohkul, n., a hornet; see below. fohkul inchuka, n., a hornet’s nest. fohobli, fohopli, v. t., to take out; to unload; to take and spill; to pour out; to shed forth; o”fohomplilahi oke, Acts 2:17; to put on, Josh. 7:6; fohombli, nasal form. fohobli, n., an unloader. fohoblichi, y. t., to cause to take out. fohopa, v. a. i., to pour out largely; to fall down, Josh. 6: 5; hohtak oka foho- pat iulit taha tok, Luke 8: 33; fohompa, A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 125 nasal form, being poured out; fohompa, n., a bunch; a pile; a_ collection; fohohumpa, freq.; foywpa, pro. fohopa, pp., spilled; unloaded; poured out. fohopa, n., that which is poured out; an effusion. fohopli, see fohobli. fohukfunli, see fotukfunli. fohukli, v. a. i., to pant or puff, like a laboring ox; to blow. foi bila, see foe bila. foishke, foe bilishke (q. v.), n., ahoney bee. foiya, see hoiya. foka, see fohka. foka, n., rate. foka, adv., about, as to time, place, de- gree, quality, etc., nitak yamma fokama, about that time, Acts 12: 1; fokama, Matt.1: 11; nitak yamma fokama, atthat time, Matt. 12: 1; katiohmi foka, how long? Matt. 17: 17; fokatok, were about, Matt. 14: 21; fokama, Josh. 2: 5; 9: 1; in, i. e., in one place; aiasha, for plu- rality of places. foka, fuka, n., a place; aresidence; mi"ko foka iatuk, he has gone to the king’s or about the king’s; ishke foka iatuk, he has gone to his mother’s, or about his mother’s; iti fuka, about or in the woods. fokahota, ady., perhaps. fokakash, adv. of past time, ago; about that time, at or in that time; agone. fokali, v.i., see 1 Sam. 4: 20; atuk osh li fokalima, when she made about to die, or went about to die, yamma fokalika, at that time, 2 Kings, 16: 6; fokalechi, with himak, 1 Tim. 5: 22; see yammak- fokalechi. fokachi, n., a dresser. foki, see fohki. fokichi, v. t., to cause to go in; to put in; fokinchi, nasal form; fokihinchi freq. ; fokiechi, pro. form. folokachi; see fullokachi. fololi, folulli, v. t., to go round; to take round; i®folulli, v. t., to edge it; to go round it. fololichi, folullichi, y. t., cause to turn round, as to turn a horse round at the end of arow of corn; to curb; to rein; to guide; toturn; 2 Kings 9: 25; to cause 126 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY it to go round; i%folololichit achunli, to sew on a border; to border; to skirt; infolullichi, to skirt; to face. folota, fullota, n., acircuit; action or per- formance in a circle; a round; a zone; the region; the part; an excursion; a period; a wandering; i”folota, its edge; lace; edging; folotoa, pl. circuits; rounds. folota, n., a stroller; a wanderer. folota, a., crooked; roundabout; going round; circuitous. folota, fullota, v. n., to be circuitous, Matt. 2: 22; fullotat Kalile imkaniohmi hot onatok; fullota is a diminutive of folota, to go about slowly; round about, Matt. 14: 35; to come about, 2 Sam. 24: 6; all round, Josh. 13: 2. folota, fullota, v. a. i., to go round; to deviate; to straggle; to stray; to stroll; to swim; to wanton; to wheel. folota, pp., taken round; put round; infolota, edged; skirted; faced. folota, ady., round. folota, a., crooked; roundabout; cir- cuitous. folotat ala, n., a revolution. folotoa, y. n., to be crooked. folotoa, pp., taken round; put round; infolotoa, edged; skirted. folotoa, vy. a.i., to go round; to take cir- cuits. folotolichi, y. t. caus., pl.; to turn them round; to cause them to go round. folotolichi, v. t. pl., to put them round. folotowachi, y. t., to take round; to cause to wave backward and forward. folulli, see fololi. folullichi, see fololichi. folumpa, round about, Mark 1: 28; see afolumpa, from afolubli. fotichi, v. t., to pour; o®folichi, to pour on, as water on a plant; foholihinchi, Ps, 402 2) [2]. fomohachi, y. a. i., to roar, as the wind in the top of a tree; mati hat fomo- hachi. fomohachi, n., a roaring. fomoli, vy. a. i., to weary; itafomoli, Gen. Oe! fomosa, a., slender; slim; without a border; naked; without hair. foni, n., a bone; stone, as of a peach, ete.; shell, of a hickory nut, ete. ; a nut shell. [BULL. 46 foni bano, a., bareboned; bony; full of bones; nothing but bones; raw; raw- boned. foni bano, n., raw bones. foni falammint itifohka, pass., set or replaced, as bones after a dislocation. foni falammint itifohki, y. t., to re- place bones; to set bones; to reduce from a dislocation. foni falammint itifohki, n., a bone setter. foni hotupa, n., bone-ache; pain in the bones; rheumatism. foni ikhi, v. t., to ossify; to form bone. foni iksho, a., boneless. foni kommichi, n., bone-ache. foni kommichi, y. a. i., to ache in the bones; the bones ache. foni laua, a., bony; full of bones; having many bones. foni lupi, n., marrow; marrow of the bones. foni toba, v. a. i., to ossify; to become bone; to form into bone. foni toba, pp., ossified. foni toshbi, n., a rotten bone; rottenness of the bone; caries; an ulcerated bone. foni toshbi, a., carious. foni toshbichi, vy. t., to cause the bone to rot; to render carious. fopa, fapa, v. a. i., to bellow; to roar as wind in the top of a pine, or as water falling at a distance in a shower; to estuate; to murmur. fopa, n., a roaring; a roar; a rapid; rap- ids; a sound; fopa hosh mintit ala cha. Acts 2: 2. fopachi, v. t., to cause to roar. fota, ady., perhaps. fotoha, n., a bore; a turn; a grinding; motion of a mill. fotoha, v. a. i., torun, asa mill; to grind; to move, as a grindstone, fotoha, pp., etc., ground; bored; ta™sh fotoha, ground corn, or corn meal. fotokachi, vy. a.i., to shake asa scythe when not tightly fastened to the snath; fotokahanchi, pro. form. fotoli, v. t., v. a. i., to grind; to wind; to bore; to mill; to turn; isht fotoli, to bore with; ishé fotolit tumbli, v. t., to mill. fotoli, n., a borer; one who bores; a miller; a grinder; a turner. Sl eee BYINGTON ] fotoli, n., a turn. fotukfunli, fohukfunli, vy. a. i., to be out of breath; to pant hard like a run- ning horse. fuka, see foka. fuli, n., a switch; a rod; a twig; aslip; a sprig; a wattle; a wand. fuli atoba, a., wicker, made of a switch. fuli isht fama, pp., switched; whipped with a switch. fuli isht fama, n., a switching; a whip- ping with a switch. fuli isht fammiy, v. t., toswitch; tostrike with a small twig or rod. fuli isht fammi,n., a whipper; one who whips with a switch. fuli kaua, n., broken twigs; a name ap- plied to the broken sticks or small split pieces of cane made use of in notifying of any public meeting. They are made and sent by the headmen to others at the time when the appointment is made, and one is thrown away every morning, and on the last morning the last is thrown away, and at night the assembly takes place. fulli, v. t., to gouge; to pick out; to take out; nishkin fulli, to gouge or to pick out the eye; foeli, pro. form. fullichi, v. t. caus., to cause to gouge or to pick out the eye of another. fullokachi, afolokachiz, v. a. i. pl., to wan- der; Josh. 14: 10, to rove; to keep movy- ing about; to shuffle; to go round; to circle; to sinuate; folota, sing; fulloka- hanchi, freq., to move round, as a horse in a mill; to roam; to wander; fulloka- hanchi, a., serpentine. fullokachi,n., a rover; ashuffler; fulloka- hanchi, n., a roamer; a trollop. fullokachi, pp., taken round. fullokachi, n. pl., circuits; rounds. fullokachit anumpuli, vy. t., to ramble in speaking. fullokachit a®ya, v. t., to ramble; to rove about. fullota, see folota. fullottokachi, y. a. i. sing., to part; to move suddenly, as if by a twitch. fullottokachi, n., a start. fulomoli, a., devious; crooked. fulomoli, y. n., to be devious, A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 127 fulumi; in asht itafulumit yakni yamma ita- nowa chatukon, sermon: Duties to chil- dren, page 13. fulup, n., the shoulder down as far as the elbow. fulup foni, n., the shoulder bone. fulush, n., a clam (a shell). fulush hakshup, n., a clamshell. fulush isht impa, n., a shell spoon. h, an aspirate, at the end of words after a vowel, to indicate a verb or an assertion, etc.; see o”, a, i.—Note: I think it is the verb to be; siah, I am, etc. (Byington). ha is used before tok and tuk and their compounds, in some sense as a definite article, to make definite the action; hatok, hatuk, it was; as, sabannahatok, that which I want, it was; the want I have; atyalihatok okat, Luke 4: 48; ammihahetuk ash, the, Luke 15: 12; ushi atok, Luke 3: 23; kilik hatak atok, Acts 16, 1. ha, ady., time or times, used after ordi- nals; atuklaha, second time; twice; hituchinaha, three times, thrice; hayak on, after that, 2 Sam. 24:10; Acts 1: 3; hayokmato, John 21: 18; haya, Matt. 5: 32; 12: 29; a, ha, or ya is considered as alocative of time, as in acheki, abilia, atuk, achin, ete. ha, ady., after verbs, meaning after or be- fore next; minti ha, after he comes; ibbak achifa hayor keyukmat, if they had not first washed their hands (hands wash after it is so, if not) they do not eat, Mark 7: 3: alla ateha akosh tinkba kaiya ha yor, Mark 7: 27; pima ha- ma, after, when he has given us, Josh. Gan Wee eI Se ha®, a definite particle, in the obj. case, used after verbs, etc.; subj. case, hat, the which; the one which; tamaha han, town it, or town the, Matt. 2: 1; ishia han, are you the one that goes? ha” is found after verbs and verbal nouns, derived from verbs more frequently than a” or ya”, that which, but holisso han, issuba han, imanukfila han, chula han, areexceptions. This h may bethe aspirate of the verb, which in speaking is carried over, like idohia, spoken ilo hia. See a, particle, 128 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ha®, ahath (q. v.), adv., no; not so; a word of denial; ha” keyu, no, it is not So. habali, v. a. i., to tassel, as corn; tanchi at habali; habanli, nasal form. habali, n., a tassel; tanchi habah, a young corn tassel. ; habali, pp., tasseled. habalichi, vy. t., to cause to tassel. habani, a., being ready to tassel. habani, v. n., to be ready to tassel. habefa, pp. sing., a., dented; habefoa, pl. habefa, n. sing., a dent; habefoa, pl., dents. habefoli, v. t. pl., to make dents. habena, v. t., to receive a favor gratui- tously; to receive a present; to receive, Matt. 10: 8; to obtain a favor, applied to receiving money or goods as an an- nuity; habena sabanna, I wish for afavor. It differs a little from asilhha, to beg, be- ing alittle more honorable in its mean- ing. habena, n., a present; a gift; an annuity received; a boon. habena, pp., received as a present; ob- tained as a present; presented. habenachi, v. t., to make a gift; to make a present; to present; to give, Matt. 6: 2; to do alms, Acts 10: 2. habenachi, na habenachi, n., a bene- factor. habenachi, n., a gift; a boon; a bribe, 1 Sam. 8: 3. habenat a®ya, habint aya, v. a.i., to go in quest of a favor. habenat a®ya, habint a®ya, n., one that goes to seek gifts; a beggar, but not in the worst sense; one that solicits char- ity. habiffi, v. t. sing., to dent. habiffi, n., one that dents. habifkachi, pp. pl., dented. habifkachi, n., dents. habifli, v. t. pl., to dent. habitshak, n., a large grasshopper. habishko, habishko (q. y.), v. a. i., to sneeze. habli, n., a treader; a kicker. habli, n., a tread; a step; the space passed by the foot in walking or running; a pace; the space between the two feet in walking; a kick, [BULL. 46 habli, vy. a. i. sing., to tread; to step; to stamp; to kick; to foot; isht habli, v. t., to kick; to spurn; to trample; to winch, 1 Sam. 2: 29. hablichi, vy. t., hatichi, pl., to cause him to tread on it. habofa, y. a. i., to cease; to subside; to abate, as a swelling; to go down. habofa, pp., abated; subsided; gone down; shatali at habofa, the swelling has abated. habofa, n., abatement. habofachi, to disrupt; to scatter a swelling. haboffi, y. t., to reduce; to abate; to diminish; to remove; to cause a swell- ing to abate. haboh, pl., habofa, sing., v. a. i., to cease; to subside; to go down. haboli, n. pl., abatement of swellings, ete. haboli, pp. pl., abated; subs‘ded. habolichi, v. t. pl., to cause swellings to abate; to remove swellings; to scatter them. hacha, ady., perhaps; how? what? in re- lation to something that was not looked for, 1 Sam. 20: 18; John 1: 50; chiyimmi hacha? ishachi hacha, do you say then, Mark 5: 31. hachi®, will; shall, Josh. 1: 6. ha®chi, see hanahchi. hacho, a., a Creek word meaning ‘‘mad.’’ It is found only as part of the war names of men, viz., Tashka hacho, Hopaii hacho (David Folsom), Ishtana- ki hacho (Mr. Dyer’s grandfather) , and has an honorable meaning among Choctaw. hachofaktapi, n., the chinquapin tree. hachofakti, n., a chinquapin; the dwarf chestnut. hacho"malhmokki, y. a. i., to swim with the face under water. hachotakni, n., a large turtle, called by some the loggerhead turtle; a tor- toise; hachotakni hakshup, turtle shell. hachotakni okhata a®sha, n., a sea turtle. hachowanashi, y. a. i. heels over head. hachowanashi, n., a somerset. hachowanashi, advy., head first; head- long. sing., to fall ———————— BYINGTON ] hachowanashichi, v. t. sing., to throw another heels over head. hachowani, vy. a. i. pl., to fall heels over head. hachowani, n., a somerset performed by a number of persons, or a number of times by the same man; somersets. hachowanichi, y. t., to throw others heels over head. hachukbila"kbila, chukbila"kbila, chukkilakbila (q. v.), chukanakbila, n., name of a bird, the whip-poor-will. hachukbilhka, y. a. i. pl., to kneel; to couch. hachukbilhkachi, vy. t. pl., to kneel; to make them kneel. hachukbitepa, y. a. 1. sing., to kneel; to fall on the knees; to bend the knee, Matt. 17: 14. hachukopilepa, n., a kneeler; hachuk- bilhka, pl. hachukkashaha, n., sorrel; name of a weed; see pichi or pihchi. hachuktampulechi, v. t., to spin, as a spider; to make a web. hachuklampulechi, n., a spinner; a spider which spins. hachuklampuli, chuktampulli (q. v.), n., a cobweb; a spider’s web; an air thread. hachukpalantak, chukpalantak, n., a tree toad. hachumbilhka, y. a. i. Mattiv27929: hachunchuba, n., an alligator. hachunchuba, a., being without hair, as an elephant. hachunchuba, pp., deprived of hair. hachunchubachi, y. t., to deprive of hair; to cause to be without hair. hafakbi, n., a dent. hah, ha, ady., perhaps; likely; shilup on episaa ha, perhaps we saw a spirit. hahchabah, n., a footlog for a bridge; see achaba. hahe, uksak hahe, n., a walnut. hahe api, n., a walnut tree. hahka, hakka, hakha, vy. a. i., to loll; to pant from fatigue or from heat or from overexertion; wak at hahka, the cow lolls; ofi at hahka, the dog lolls; akatka yathahka; fakitat hahka; akatka yat hahka the hen lols. 84839° —Bull, 46-—15——_9 pl., to kneel, A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 129 hahka, y. t., to loll; to thrust out, as the tongue. hahkachi, v. t., to cause to loll. hahta, hahwash (Sixtowns word), n. an adder. hahwa, see hawa. hahwash, see hawash. haiaka, vy. a. i., to appear, Matt. 1: 20; to come out; to occur; to peep; toshow; to transpire; haiaka hinla, a., osten- sible. haiaka, pp., exhibited; presented; un- dissembled; unequivocal; unfolded; manifested; made manifest, John 1: 31; appeared, Matt. 2:7; found, Luke 15: 32; discovered; developed; divulged; elucidated; exposed; illustrated; mani- fested; revealed; haiatka, nasal form; ikhaiako, neg. form, not found; unde- tected; ithaiaka, pp., undeceived. haiaka, n., appearance; an opening; an open place, Josh. 3: 4; an exposure; nakedness; ostentation; apeep;ikhaiako, n., a secret; something not known, or not made known. haiaka, a., visible; in sight; that may be seen; audible; plain; conspicuous; dis- cernible; evident; expressed; frank; full; legible; lucid; manifest; naked; notorious; obvious; open; ostensible; overt; palpable; perspicuous; prom- inent; undissembling. ikhaiak o, a., latent; secret; shadowy; unexposed; unfound; unpublished; vague. haiaka, ady., abroad; out; haiaka pinusi, clearly; legibly. haiakachechi, v. t., to simplify; to make plain. haiakachi, haiakechi, v. t., to cause to appear; to make known; to publish; to show, Josh. 5:6; Luke 4: 5; to mani- fest, John 2:11; to develop; to disclose; to discover; to divulge; to elucidate; to exhibit; to expose; to illustrate; to in- dicate; to manifest; to present; to rep- resent; to reveal; to solve; to tell; to unfold; to unmask; to unravel; haiak- aiyachi, pro. form; ilehaiakachi, to make himself known, Gen. 45: 1; 1 Sam. 3:21; imhaiakachi, v. t., to undeceive; to show it to him; ishilehaiakachi, show thyself, Matt. 8: 4. haiakachi, n., one that manifests; an ex poser, ’ 130 haiakat, ady., openly; clearly; mani- festly; plainly; simply. This and other adverbs ending with ¢ precede verbs, as haiakat anoli, haiakat hikia. haiakat anoli, v. t., to unbosom; to tell plainly or openly. Haiaketabi, a man’s name, derivation uncertain. haieli, y. t., to scuffle; towa ya” itimhaieli, to scuffle against each other for the ball. haieli, n., a scuftler. haiemo, a., miry; soft, as mud when filled with water. haiemo, v. n., to be miry. haiemuchi, vy. t., to make it miry. haili, v. a. i., to get away from him ina scufle, as towa ya ithaili, to snatch away. haiochi, see haiuchi. haiochichechi,y.t., totear, Luke 9: 39, 42. haiochichi, see haiuchichi. haioli, hioli, v. a. i. pl., to stand up, and sometimes /ieli, pl., to stand up erect. haioli, pp., set; placed erect; made to stand up. haiolti, n., standers; those who stand. haiolichi, vy. t. pl., to set up; to cause to stand; to erect. haiolichi, n., one that sets up; an erecter. haiombish, n., the navel string; the placenta. haiowani, see haiyowani. haiuchi, haiochi, n., a fil; a convulsion; the fits which are incident to hydro- phobia; epilepsy; pp., convulsed. haiuchi, haiochi, vy. a. i., to shake; to convulse, Matt. 17: 15. haiuchichi, haiochechi, haiochichi, v. t., to cause a shaking with fits; to shake with fits; to convulse. haiuchichi, n., a fit; a spasm; hydro- phobia. haiyantalali, biuntalali, bisuntalali, aiuntalali, iuntalali, n., a dewberry, or running blackberry. haiyichichi, n., a fit; spasms. haiyi"hchi, haiyi®kchi, n., the kidney or kidneys; the reins. haiyi"hchi hotupa, n., pain in the kid- neys; inflammation of the kidneys. haiyi"hchi nia, n., suet; the fat about the kidneys. haiyi“hchi nipi, n., the kidney meat. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 haiyi"ko, haiyinto, n., soft mud; mire, whether in a swamp, plowed land, or elsewhere. haiyi®ko, a., miry; mellow. haiyitko, y. n., to be miry. haiyitko, v. a. i., to mellow. haiyitko, pp., made miry. haiyi"kuchi, v. t., to make haiyitko, mire or soft mud; to mellow. haiyip, n., a pond; a lake; a puddle. haiyip ikbi, v. t., to pond; to make a pond. haiyowani, haiowani, n., a worm called the cutworm. haiyu®kpulo, n., a weed; an _ herb, Matt. 13: 32; a plant; a tare, Matt. 13: 25, 26; a vegetable; herbage; a hollyhock; thoroughwort; any weed for which there is no particular name is called by this general name. haiyu"kpulo awatalli, n., a saucepan. haiyu"kpulo holokchi, n., a plant; a planted herb. haiyu2kpulo ilhpak, n., sauce; vege- table food. : haiyu"kpulo ishkot hoita, n., a vege- table emetic, such as ipecacuanha. haiyu"kpulo nihi, n., the seed of plants. haiyu"kpulo nihi aialhto, n., the cap- sule. haiyu2kpulo nihi hakshup, n., capsule or pod for the seed. haiyu"kpulo pakanli humma, n., a pink; a weed with a red blossom, par- ticularly the Carolina pink. haiyup, n., a twin; twins. haiyup atta, a., twin born; born at the same birth. hak, the, and itscompounds. See ak, ete.; but as the compounds of the two differ in some instances, it is best to insert those of hak here at length, that neces- sary comments may be made regarding such particles as require them, having in mind also the different senses of the same word after different parts of speech. Compounds: haka—hakano— hakat or hakat — hakato or hakato —ha- kbano — hakbano, advy., that only— hakcho — hakbanot — hakbat — hak cho? a form of inquiry used in anger—hakhe, etc., probably not used—hakin—hakinli, adv., also; likewise—hakinlt a, pro- the BYINGTON ] noun, meaning self—hakint—hakkia— hakma, probably not used —hako, a particle — hakocha— hakoka— hakokano —hakokat — hakokato —hakoke — hako- kia—hakona—hakosh—hakot. hakbona, a., moldy; ta%sh hakbona,moldy corn. hakbona, v. n., to be moldy. hakbona, n., mold. hakbonachi, y. t., to mold; to cause mold. hakchalhpi, akchalhpi, n., the coarse outer bark of a tree. hakchalhpi shila, n., ross; dry outside bark. hakchihpo, n., driftwood. hakchipilhko, see hakchupilhko. hakchulhkapi, see hakchupilhko api. hakchuma, hakchumak, n., tobacco. hakchuma ashutka, hakchuma shutka, n., a pipe; a tobacco pipe; a calumet. hakchuma alhfoa, n., a roll of tobacco bound up with bark. hakchuma bota, n., snuff. hakchuma bota aialhto, n., a snuff box. hakchuma hishi, n., a tobacco leaf. hakchuma holba, n., mullein; resem- bling tobacco. hakchuma i®shu®shi, n., worl. hakchuma palaska, n., a brand of to- bacco. hakchuma shana, hakchumak shana, n., a twist of tobacco; a cigar. hakchuma shutka, y. t., to smoke to- bacco. hakchuma shuti, n., an earthen tobacco pipe; a tobacco pipe of any kind; a cal- umet; the pipe used among the aborig- inals of America. hakchupilhko, hakchipilhko, akchu- pilhko, hakchupilhkash, n., dog- wood. hakchupilhko ani, n., dogwood berries. hakchupilhko api, hakchupilhkapi, hakchulhkapi, n., the dogwood tree. hakha, hahka, hakka, v. a.i., to loll. hatkha, n., a wild goose. Hatkhaiola, n., place where the goose cries; the name of a creek, a tobacco A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 131 ha"khobak, ha®khoba, n., a large, wild water duck called a mallard, resem- bling a wild goose. haklo, y. a.i., to hear; to listen; to assent; to comply; to yield; to attend; to hearken; to heed; to mark; to mind; to notice; to receive; Josh. 5: 1; Matts 7224-213 sIbs 6s ab: LOM 176s ikhaklo, not to hear; to dissent; to grudge; to refuse; to abnegate; to deny; to decline; to object; ikhaklo, a., deaf; listless; hanklo, nasal form, Matt. 5: 27; hahanrklo, freq., Josh. 2: 10; haiyaklo, prolonged form; ilehaklo, to hear him- self; John 3: 20 [?]; to listen to himself; ilahaklo, to hear of himself, what is said of him; nana hash havklo ka, things which ye hear, Matt. 18:17, 48; haiyaklo, intensive form, Matt. 2:17, 18; 12: 19. haklo, n., a hearer; a listener. haklo, a., mindful; ikhaklo, a., mindless; deaf; reluctant; unheard; unwilling. haklo, n., a hearing; heed; ikhaklo, n., a refusal; tardiness. haklochi, v. t., to cause to hear; to make to hear; to inform; to notify; to signify; haklonchi, nasal form; haklohonchi, freq. , made to hear; sahaklohonchi tok, made me to hear, John 15: 15. haklochi, n., one that makes others hear; an informant. haklotokosh anoli, n., an ear witness; he who heard it told. haktopish, haktobish, n., ross, as itt haktopish, the ross of a tree; chaff; bran; - shorts; fish scales; scales, Acts 9: 18. hakmo, akmo, v.a.i., to congeal; to cool; to harden, as tallow when it cools. hakmo, pp., a., congealed; hardened; cooled; cast; run; molded, as in a fur- nace. hakmo, n., congelation. hakmuchi, vy. t., to cool; to cause to harden; to congeal; to found; to cast. hakmuchi, n., a caster; a founder. haknip, aknip, n., the body, trunk, chest, or frame; the thorax, Matt. 5: 29; 6: 22; 14: 12; siaknip, my body. haknip achukma, n., health. haknip achukma, a., healthy; healthful. haknip bano, a., naked; nothing but the body. 132 haknip foni, n., the thorax; the bones of the trunk or chest. haknip ikbi, v. t., to embody; to make a body. haknip iksho, n., bodiless; incorporeal; without a body; disembodied. haknip illi, pp., a., palsied. haknip illi abi, n., the palsy. haknip illichi, v. t., to palsy. haknip inla, n., a monster; a strange body; another body. haknip kota, n., feebleness; a feeble body. haknip toba, n., incarnation. haknip toba, a., incarnate. hakonlo, n., name of a weed. haksa hinla, a., fallible; capable of doing wrong; knavish. haksi, a., deaf; drunk; tippled; intoxi- cated; inebriated; boozy; besotted; cunning; wicked; vile; stubborn; obsti- nate; abominable; arrant; bewitched; felonious; roguish; drunken; sinful; deceitful; disguised; double faced; evil; flagitious; fraudulent; fuddled; groggy; guileful; guilty; hollow; immoral; im- pure; insidious; lascivious; lewd; li- centious; mellow; naughty; profligate; roguish; saucy; subtle; tipsy; tur- bulent; unfair; unprincipled; unruly; venal; vicious; villainous; wanton; wicked; wily; nashuka haksi, applied to an old man. haksi, pass., seduced; stunned; swin- dled; deceived; cheated; cozened; de- frauded; deluded; duped; fooled; gulled; muddled; overreached; ilehaksi, self deceived; ilehaiyaksi, Matt. 13: 22; imhaksi, pp., tricked, or he is tricked. haksi, y. n., to be vile, deaf, drunk, sinful, ete. haksi, v. a. i., to act vilely, as ishhaksi, you act wickedly; to inebriate; to get drunk; to wanton. haksi, n., drunkenness; deafness; deceit; deception; guile; a gull; hollowness; inebriation; inebriety; intoxication; lewdness; roguery; a shift; a sleight. haksi, adv., rascally. haksi chohmi, a., boozy; partly drunk; merry with liquor. haksi keyu, a., guileless; guiltless; not haksi, BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 haksicha hinla, a., fallible; liable to be deceived. haksichi, v. t., to beguile, Josh. 9: 22; to cheat; to deceive; to bewitch; to bilk; to impose upon; to mislead; to over- reach; to delude; to befool; to abuse; to cajole; to coax; to surprise; to make drunk; to get drunk; to intoxicate; to cozen; to bribe; tolead astray; to deafen; to debauch; to decoy; to defraud; to delude; to disguise; to dishonor; to dupe; to fascinate; to fool; to fuddle; to gull; to inebriate; to juggle; to lure; to muddle; tooverreach; to palm; to reach; to reduce; to sharp; to sponge; to stun; to swindle; to tantalize; to trick; isht haksichi, v. t., to cheat with; to bribe; ilehaksichi, to deceive himself, Gal. 6:3; haksinchi, nasal form, haksihinchi, freq., v. t. haksichi, n., a cheater; a deceiver; a rogue; a villain; a rascal; a cheat; a cozener; adefrauder; adeluder; adou- ble dealer; a juggler; a seducer; a sharper; a swindler. haksichi, n., chicane; a fallacy; a fraud; an intrigue; knavery; a lure; a strata- gem; atrick; treachery, 2 Kings, 9: 23. haksichi shahi, a., tricky; knavish. haksiepi, see haksipi. haksinchi, a., unexpected. haksinchit, ady., by surprise; or it may be rendered as a verb transitive with a consonant, as to cheat, etc.; haksinchit anta, he deceives and stays. haksinchit abi, v. t., to assassinate. haksinchit abi, n., an assassin. haksint, contracted from haksinchit, ady., unexpectedly; by surprise; sud- denly; haksint ala, to arrive unexpect- edly. haksint ala, y. a. 1., to arrive unex- pectedly. haksint ishi, vy. t., to take by surprise; to surprise. haksint ishi, n., a surprise. haksipi, haksiepi, n., rascality. haksit illi, a., dead drunk. haksit okpulot taha, pp., debauched. haksobachi, see haksubachi. haksobish, n., an ear; the skirts, as of a saddle; ears, Matt. 13: 9, 15, 16,43; Luke 4; 21, BYINGTON ] haksobish anli, n., a large flying insect, called by some a mosquito hawk or spindle. [Perhaps really haksobish nulii-H. 8. H.] haksobish awiachi, n., an earring. haksobish almo, n. pl., cropped-ears. haksobish almo, a., cropped-eared. haksobish basha, n., a marked ear; a cut ear; a cropped ear; an ear mark. haksobish bashli, v. t., to ear mark; to cut the ears; to mark the ears. haksobish cha®sa, n., a sharp sound in the ear. haksobish chiluk, n., the hole of the ear. haksobish chuta, n., slit ears. haksobish chutafa, n., a slit ear. haksobish chutali, n. pl., slit ears. haksobish hokofa, n., a cropped ear; an ear cut off. haksobish hokolh, n. pl., cropped-ears. haksobish hokolhi, a., cropped-eared. haksobish hotupa, n., the earache. haksobish ibakchufanli, n., a foxed ear; an ear cut in the shape of a fox’s ear. haksobish ibakchufa®shli, n. pl.,foxed ears. haksobish iksho, a., earless; without ears. haksobish itakchulali, n. sing., a forked ear. haksobish itakchula®shli, n. pl., forked ears. haksobish litilli, n., the wax of the ear; ear wax. haksobish takali, n., an ear ring; a pendant; jewelry; a jewel. haksobish takalikbi, n., a jeweler; one who makes pendants. haksobish takoh, n. pl., pendants; ear- rings. haksobish tapa, n., a cropped ear. haksobish taptua, n. pl., cropped ears. haksobish walobi, n., the lobe; the lower and soft part of the ear. haksuba, a., harsh; deafening. haksuba, pp., stunned with noise; con- fused; deafened. haksuba, n., confusion. haksubachi, haksobachi, y. t., to con- fuse; tostun with noise; to deafen; to deafen with noise. haksulba, a., simple; foolish; somewhat deat. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 1338 haksulba, y. n., to be simple, foolish, somewhat deaf. haksulba, n., foolishness; folly; deaf- ness. haksulbachi, vy. t., to deafen; to make somewhat deaf. haksun, n., a priming pan. haksun aionchiya, n., the priming pan. haksun chiluk, n., the vent of firearms; the touchhole. haksun chiluk isht shinli, n., the prim- ing wire. haksun hishi, n., the earlock. haksun oncheli, v. t., to prime. haksun onchiya, pp., primed. haksun tapaiyi, n., the temple; the part where the head slopes from the top. haksun tapaiyi hishi, n., the earlock. hakshish, akshish, n., the veins; sinews; arteries; cords; root, Matt. 13: 6, 21. hakshish chito,n , anartery; a big vein; a large cord. hakshup, n., skin; hide; shell; pod; comb; bark; scales; bur; husk; crust; rind; chaff of grain; integument; coat; cuticle; a film; a hull; apeel; peelings; the scarfskin; a tegument. hakshup akuchichi, v. t., to shell. hakshup a¥sha, a., scaled. hakshup fachowa, n., scales of a fish, Deut. 14: 9. hakshup hish a®sha, n., a pelt; a raw- hide; the skin of a beast with the hair on it. hakshup ikbi, v. t., to crust; to makea crust; to incrust. hakshup laua, a., scaly. hakshup lufa, n., a paring. hakshup lufa, n. pl., parings. hakshup tabli, v. t., to circumcise; hakshup taptuli, v. t. pl., Josh., 5: 2, 3, Div ienes hakshup tapa, pp., circumcised. hakshup tapa, n., circumcision, or hay- ing circumcision. hakshup taptua, pp. pl., circumcised, Josh. 5: 5, 7. hakshup toba, y. a. i., to produce pods; to form, as skin; to pod. hakta, akta (q. v.), therefore; because. haktampi, n., the armpit, and the spot or place just behind the forelegs of ani- mals, on the chest. 134 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY halabushli, v. i., to begin to ripen, as corn, as alaknat ia, to turn yellow. halaia, ahalaia, y. n., to feel an interest in; to be interested in. halaiya, a., interested, concerned. halaiya, n., interest; concern. halakli, halalli, v. t. sing. (see halalli), to hold once; to jerk by seizing; see shalakli, kannakli, chiksanakli. halalua, y. a. i., to be smooth. halalu®kachi, v. a. i., to shine. halalu®kachi, a., bright. halalu®kachi, n., brightness. halalukachi, pp., made bright. halalu®lichi, y. t., to brighten; to make bright. halali, hallah, v. t. pl., to hold; to draw; to touse; to twitch; to jerk; to work a pump handle; halalli, sing (q. v.). halatli, v. a. i., to have the nerves affected. halah, a., nervous. halal, n. pl., a drawing; an affection of the nerves; a jerk; a twitch. halal, n., a jerker. halatichi, y. t. caus., to employ others to draw; to make them draw; to cause the nerves to be affected; itahalatichi, to make them draw together. halambia, n., a scorpion. halambisha, n., a bat. halampa, hallampa (q. v.), n., a ring- worm; a tetter. halanchila™wa, n., a lizard. halanchila"wa chito, n., a horned frog. halanli, n., a hold; a restraint; a stay; see halalli. halanli, n., a holder. halat, hallat, ady., a contraction from halalli. halat akkachi, vy. t., to pull down; to pull and down it. halat isht a®ya, hallat isht a®ya, v. t., to tow; to draw and take along; to tug. halat kuchi, v. t., to pull out. halata, v. a.i., to abate; to subside; to assuage; to remit. halata, pp., assuaged; abated; oka fa- lama chito yokat halatatokoke, the waters of the deluge abated. halata kallo, a., headstrong. halatali, v. t., to assuage; to abate. halatat taha, a., low; entirely abated; gone down. halalli, v. a. i., to draw. [BULL. 46 halalli, n., a drawer; a holder; a hauler; an occupier; a puller; a supporter; an upholder. halalli, a., tenacious. halalli, halakli, v. t. sing., to keep; to occupy; to own; to preserve; to pull, Matt. 5: 29; to support; to treat; to tug; to cleave to; to draw, Matt. 13: 48; to hold; tosustain; to uphold; to lead; to conduct; to haul; to cling to; to drag; to grapple; to hale; to hand; to have; to jerk; to withhold; to catch, Matt. 14: 31; itihalalli, to draw together; to cleave together; to join; itihalalli, to draw against each other; to pull against each other; itihalalli, pp., joined in marriage; halanli, to bear up, Luke 4: 11; to be holding: to hang or to hold on; to restrain; to retain; to stay; to steady: to suffer; pit halanli, to hold to, Matt. 6: 24. halalli, n., adraw; a gripe; a haul; a pull; a support; a tug. halallichi, v. t., to make him draw; iti- halallichi, to cause them to unite or embrace, as in wedlock; to marry; to join; ohoyo itihalallichi (or itahalallicht), to marry him to a woman. halappa, see halupa. halasbi, halusbi, a., slippery; glib; smooth; shining; halalua and halalu"ka- chi, pl. halasbi, v. n., to be slippery. halasbichi, halusbichi, to make slip- pery; to glib; to lubricate. halatkachi, v. a. i. pl., to abate; halata, sing. halatkachi, pp., assuaged; abated. halatkachi, n., the state of being as- suaged or abated. hale! or alleh!, exclamation of children, uttered in time of distress. haleli, v. t., to touch, but not with the hands; to affect with disease; sahaleli, it affects me, or I am affected with; to catch, as a disease. haleli, n., a contagion. halelili, v. t., to have caught; to graze. halluts, see haluns. haloka n., son-in-law; father-in-law; an appellation proper only for those who sustain this marriage relation, and not even used by others in speaking of them; a man who sustains the relation BYINGTON ] of uncle calls his niece’s husband ha- loka, and the latter calls this uncle haloka in return. haloka, a., sacred; beloved; dear. halonlabi, halunlahbi, halunlawi, n., the largest kind of bullfrog. [The word is to be found in Halunlawa®sha, ‘‘Bull- frogs are there,’’? or, more concisely, “Bullfrog place,’’ the name of a village which stood on the site of the present Philadelphia, Neshoba County, Missis- sippi, and is recorded on Bernard Ro- . mans’ map of 1775 as Alloon Loan- shaw.—H. 8. H.] halupa, haluppa, halappa, a., sharp; acute; keen; fine; piked; poignant; rough; rude; rugged; shrill; ckhalupo, a., dull; not sharp; obtuse. halupa, v. n., to be sharp, acute, keen. halupa, pp., sharpened; filed, as a saw; pointed; whetted. halupa, n., sharpness; keenness; edge; an edge tool; point; roughness; tanap aryaima halupa, armor, 1 Kings, 10: 25. halupa, adv., sharply. halupa tuklo, a., double-edged; two- edged. halupoa, v. n. pl., to be sharp. halupoa, a., sharp; keen; acute. halupoa, pp. pl., sharpened. haluppa, see halupa. haluppachi, vy. t. sing., to sharpen; to edge; to file a saw to sharpen it; to point; to tip; to whet. haluppachi, n., a whetter. haluppalli, y. t. pl., to sharpen. haluts, yaluts, hallu®s, n., the leech; "a bloodsucker. halu¥s chito, n., the horse leech. halusbi, see halasbi. halusbichi, see halasbichi. halussi, see holussi. halushki, n., lubricity; sleekness. halushki, a., smooth; sleek; glib. halushki, vy. n., to be smooth; to be sleek or glib. halushki, pp., smoothed; sleeked; lubri- cated; planed. halushkichi, y. t., to make it smooth or sleek; to plane; to glib; to sleek; iti- basha ya” halushkichi, to plane a plank; to make smooth the sawed wood. hata, n., name of a serpent. hatan, n., a large blackbird. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 135 hah; in alla nakni siahatili, 1am a boy; perhaps it should be afili, from which comes ahnili. [hamintini, n., the june-bug.—H. 8. H.] hamo, adv.; in imaiithana aleha hamo, John 4: 8; see amo and yamo. hanahchi, ha®chi, y. a. i., to hop on foot. hanahchi, n., a hopper; a hop. hanaiya, a., triangular; three cornered; nantapaski hanaiya, a three-cornered handkerchief. hanaiya, n., a triangle; the shape made by splitting a square handkerchief diagonally. _hanaiyachi, v. t., to make a triangle. hanali, n., a limb of the body, or a quarter; one limb of a quadruped with the adjoining parts; a member; hanali okpulo, lame, Matt. 15: 30; halt, Matt. 18: 8. hanalushta, n., the four limbs; the four quarters of any animal. hanaweli, v. t., to double a handker- chief diagonally, tie it over one shoul- der, and around the body under the other arm, and wear it. hanaweli, n., one who wears a hand- kerchief thus. hanannu®ki, y. n., to be dizzy. hananukichi, y. t., causative, to cause dizziness. hanchi, vy. t., to shell, as to shell off the outer shell of hickory nuts. hanla, ha®ya, pp., shelled. hanlichi, vy. t., to shell or shuck hick- ory nuts. hannali, hannali, n., six; 6; VI; the number six. hannali, a., six. hannali, yv. n., to be six; hannali hoke, there are six; see below. hannali, v. a. i., to make six; as ehan- nali, we make 6; hannalashke, Josh. 6: 3. hannalichi, vy. caus., to make six; han- nalet abelih, I killed off six, or took six and killed; lichi is contracted to let. hano, part., as for the; antishu hano, Matta t2 7. 18: hanta, a., nas. form, from hata (q. v.), pale; white; bright; clear; ripe, as grain ready for the harvest, John 4: 35; wan; peaceable; anumpa hanta, Matt. 4: 23. 136 hanta, v. n., to be pale, white, bright, clear, wan. hanta, n., wanness; righteousness; peace. hantachi, v. t., to make white, clear, bright. hap, n., a harp, 1 Kings 10: 12. hapalak, n., a weevil; an insect which destroys ripe grain in the crib. haponaklo, y. a. i., to listen; to attend; to give attention; to lend an ear, Josh. 1: 17; to give ear; to hear; to hearken; to hark, Matt. 11:5; 17:5; isht haponaklo, to hear with, Matt. 13: 9, 43; 18: 15, 16: ikhaponaklo, neg. sing., not to hear; ikhaponaklo, a., deaf; surd, Matt. 11: 5; halhpanaklo, pp., to be heard. haponaklo, n., a hearer; an auditor; a hearkener; a listener; sahaponaklo, my hearer (distinguish between this word and aponaklo, to inquire of). haponaklo, n., a hearing; an audience. haponaklo achukma, a., heedful. haponaklochi, v. t., to cause to hear or attend. hapukbo, n., down; the fine soft feath- ers of fowls. hapullo, n., the seat of a man; the rump or the protuberant part behind; the buttocks. hasimbish, n., the tail; a skirt. hasimbish fali, vy. t., to whisk; to flirt the tail. hasimbish foka, n., a crupper. hasimbish hishi, n., the hair of the tail. hasimbish humma, hasimbichomak, n., a large red-tailed hawk. hasimbish tapa, n., a cropped tail; a bobtail; a short tail; a dock. hasimbish tapa, v. n., to be bobtailed; to have the hair cut short. hasun, n., a bug that lives on the surface of water. hash, renewed mention particle and its compounds; thesaid; the same; see ash and its compounds. The meaning of hash is nearly the same as ash, but as it occurs in a different connection, and chiefly for euphony’s sake, I shall enter the word separately. Usually hash fol- lows verbs, ash and yash nouns. nan imaiithana ateha hash, his disciples, Matt. 16: 20. hashke, let it be, Matt. 17: 4; see ashke. Compounds: hashano— hashato — hashin — hashinli— hashkia— BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 hasho, the said, John 4: 42—hashocha, obj. case—hashoka, obj. case—hashoka- kon—hashokakocha—hashokakosh—hash- okano—hashokat—hashokato —hashoke— hashokia—hashona—hashosh, the said, John 4: 33; Luke 6: 2; ohoyo hashosh, Josh. 2: 4; nan imarithana ateha hashosh, the disciples—hashot, the; the said, John 4: 11, 25, 40. hashaya, see hashaya. hashitka, n., a pallet made of bearskin or buffalo skin. hashi"ko, n., name of a plant, the leaves good for food mixed with ta”fula (In- dian hominy). hashintak, see shalintak. hashonti, v. a. i., to be puny, like liposhi; hashontichi, caus. form. hat, ady., in akostininchili alhpesa. hatachi, v. a.i., to ripen; to grow white; takkon at hatachi, the peaches ripen. hatachi, a., ripe; white. hatachi, n., ripeness. hata®fo, n., hail; a hailstone, Josh. 10: inl hatafo, v. a. i., to hail. hata®fochi, v. t., to cause it to hail. hatafottula, v. a. i., to hail; to fall, as hail. hatak, see atak. hatak, hatak, n., a man; Matt. 9: 2; 18: 12; a person; a husband (hatak at ikimiksho, she has no husband); a being in some senses, but not in all; a human being; mankind; folk; folks; a mortal; mortals; a subject; an in- habitant; Kenan hatak, Matt. 10: 4; a red man; a native; an Indian, being used to distinguish the red men from the whites; hatak at ikbi, a red man made it; hatak a”, a man, Matt. 15: 11. This word implies nationality; a man- of the nation to which the speaker or the hearer belongs. hatak inkoi, an In- dian mile; na hollo imkoi, an English mile. Kalili hatak, an inhabitant of Gallilee. hatakis a Jew with Jews, see Luke 10: 30; ithatak, n., a husband; a consort; a lord; her lord; her man. hatak abeka, n., a patient; a sick man. hatak achafa, n., one man; an individ- ual. hatak afoha, n., a tavern. hat, ahni BYINGTON] A DICTIONARY hatak ahalaia, a., personal; pertaining to a man. hatak aholopi, n., a graveyard; a bury- ing ground; acemetery; a tomb; a sep- ulcher; a place of burial; a catacomb; a churchyard. hatak aianumpuli, n., a council ground; a place where men talk. hatak aianumpuli chuka, n., a council house. hatak aiattahe keyu, a., uninhabitable. hatak aiyimita, n., a zealot. hatak anuksita, n., a gallows. hatak anuksiteli, n., the hangman. hatak anuksiteli, v. t., to hang a man there or on. hatak anuksitkachi, n. pl., the gallows. hatak anumpa isht atya, n., an ex- press; a messenger. hatak anumponli, n., aspeaker; a coun- cilor; a counselor. hatak anumpuli, n., a talking man; a pleader; hatak ikanumpolo, a mute; a dumb man. hatak asahnonchi, hatak asonunchi, n. sing., an elderly man; a presbyter; hatak asahnonchika, pl., elderly men; elders. hatak ashosh, the men, hatak ashosh okla nuktakancha, they marvelled, Matt. 8227. hatak awaya, n., a married man; mar- ried by a woman, i. e., she has married him. hatak abi, v. t., to murder; hatak binka abi is the usual expression, to kill a fel- low-man. hatak abi, hatak bi@ka abi, n., a mur- derer; a man slayer; a homicide; a man killer; see Rev. 21: 8. hatak abi, n., murder; manslaughter. hatak abi, a., tragical; murderous. hatak abi, pp., murdered. hatak abit tali, v. t., to murder or kill all the men. hatak abit tal, n., a murderer of men; aman killer. hatak afikommi, n., a barefaced man; an impudent man. hatak alhpesa, n., a gentleman; a fair man; a moral man. hatak alhtoka, n.,a committee man; a man that has some appointment; a com- OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 137 missioner; a delegation; a deputation; a legation; an official man; an officer. hatak apa, n., a cannibal; an anthro- pophagite; a man eater. hatak api humma, n., a red man; a man of ared trunk or stalk; an Indian; a native of America; aborigines of America; aboriginals of America. hatak api humma i2?mi®ko, hatak api humma miko, n., a sachem; a saga- more; a mi®ko or mingo. hatak api humma inchuka, n., a wig- wam; an Indian cabin. hatak at, n., aman, Matt. 9: 9. hatak baleli, n., a runaway. hatak baska, n., a gambler; a gamester. hatak bitka abi, n., murders, Matt. 15: 119! hatak chakapa, n., a blackguard. hatak cha®shpo, n., the ancients; an ancient man. hatak chafa, n., a runaway. hatak chilita, n., a blade; a bold, for- ward man. hatak chito, n., a giant; a great man. hatak chitokaka, n., a great man; a ruler; a lord; a noble; hatak hochito- kaka, pl., the great men; rulers and magnates. hatak chuka achafa, n., a family; a household; a house; men of one house. hatak chu"kash apa, n., animalculie from which musquitoes grow, called by some wiggle tails. hatak chu"kash kallo, n., hearted man. hatak chunna, n., a bare bones; a very lean person; a skeleton. hatak fappo, hatak fappo, n., a magi- cian; a conjurer; a soothsayer (Ba- laam), Josh. 13: 22. hatak fappoli, n., a magician, Gen. 41:8. hatak haiaka keyu, n., a recluse; a her- mit. hatak haksi, n., a bad man; a rogue; a villain; a caitiff; a rascal; a scoundrel; the wicked, Matt. 13: 49; 16: 4; a man given to crimes of any kind; a drunken man; a culprit; a debauchee; an evil doer; an evil worker; a knave; a profli- igate. hatak haksi atapa, n., a ruffian. hatak haksi okpulo, n., a renegade. a hard- 138 hatak haksichi, n., an impostor; a sharper; a cheat. hatak halalli, n., the old-fashioned man- ager of funerals, who picked the bones of thedead and buried them and pulled up the red poles at graves. hatak hikia puta, n., all men; all men in general; all standing men. hatak hilechi, v. t., to man; to set men; to place men; to furnish with men. hatak himaka, n., the moderns. hatak himmita, n., a young man; a chap; a lad; a shaver; aswain; a youth. hatak himmitaiyachi, n., a young man. hatak himmitacheka, pl., young men. hatak himmithoa, pl., young men. hatak himona ohoyo itauaya, n., a groom. hatak hobachi, n., an effigy. hatak hobak, n., a poltroon; a coward; lit., acastrated man; a castrato. hatak hochitoka, n. pl., the great men; senators; rulers; lords; elders, Mark 11: 27. hatak hochitoka itanaha, n., a sen- ate; the council of great men; elders, Matt. 16: 21. hatak hofahya, n., a shamed man; a guilty man. hatak hofahya iksho, hatak hofah- yiksho, n., a barefaced man; a shame- less man. hatak holba, n., an image or shape of a man; a picture of a man; the resem- blance of a man; a statue. hatak holba isht washoha, n., a pup- pet; an image of a man for a toy. hatak holhkunna, n., a witch;a wizard; a dreamer; a necromancer. hatak holhpa, pp., nettled. hatak holhpa, n., a stinging worm; a nettle; one kind of caterpillar. hatak holhpalii, v. t., to nettle. hatak holhpalli, n., a caterpillar whose hairs are poisonous. hatak holhpalli holba, n., a caterpillar resembling the one above named. hatak holhtina, n., a census of the in- habitants; men numbered. hatak holissochi, n., a scribe; a secre- tary; a writer. hatak holissochi imponna, n., a pen- man; a skillful writer. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 hatak holitompa, n., anobleman, John 4: 46; a rich man; a gentleman. hatak holitopa, n., a gentleman; a respected man; a beloved man; a rich man; a worthy man. hatak holitopa banna, n., an ambitious man. . hatak hopi, n., a funeral; a burial; an interment. hatak hopoksia, n., a wise man. hatak hopoyuksa, n., a wise man; the magi, Matt. 2:1; a sage; hatak hopoyuksa yosh, a wise man, Matt. 7: 24; hatak ikhopoyukso yosh, a foolish man, Matt. U3 740%. hatak hotina, n., a capitation. hatak hu®kupa, v. t., to kidnap. hatak hu"kupa, n., a thief; a kidnaper; a man-stealer. hatak hu"kupa peni fokat a®ya, n., a privateer. hatak hullo, n., a priest; the name also of one of the officers of government in ancient times; a saered man (almost obsolete). hatak hulloka, n., an enclianter. hatak ithaklo, v. a. i., to listen toa man, i.e., to aseducer; to commit adul- tery (by awoman); n., a fornication. hatak ithaklo, n., an adulteress; a forni- catress; a man listener. hatak ithaklo, n., adultery, as commit- ted by a woman. Hatak itholahta, n., name of one of the great Choctaw families, the laws of which affect marriages, one of which is that any person may not marry another belonging to the same family. hatak i? kana, n., humanity; kindness to men. hatak itkana achukma,n.,a hospitable man. hatak i2kanohmi, n., a relation; kin- dred; a man’s relations. hatak ikhana, hatak ithana, n., an ac- quaintance; a friend; lit., a known man. hatak ikhananchi,n., a tutor; a teacher. hatak iksitopo, n., a cripple. hatak ilakshema shali, n., a spark; a blade; a fop; a coxcomb. hatak ilawata, n., a brag; a bragga- docio; a boaster. hatak ilbasha, n., a poor man, BYINGTON ] hatak ilbasha inla anukcheto, n., a pauper. hatak illi, n., a dead man; a corpse; a corse; relics; remains. hatak illi achopa, hatak illi chopa, n., the hunters for a funeral or pole- pulling who furnish venison, etc., for the company on that occasion. hatak illi aiasha, n., tombs, Matt. 8: 28. hatak illi ashali, n., a hearse. hatak illi asholi, n., a bier. hatak illi foni aiasha, n., an ossuary; a charnel house. hatak illi isht afoli, n., a shroud. hatak illi isht afoli, v. t., to shroud. hatak illi isht anumpa, n., an obituary. hatak illi shilombish aiasha, n., the place of departed spirits, sometimes identified with hell. hatak illichi, y. t., to murder; to cause death. hatak illichi, n., a murderer. hatak imabachi, n., a teacher; an 1n- structor. hatak imanukfila, n., the mind of man; the understanding of man; the thoughts of man. hatak imanukfila achukma, n., a man of good mind, or good affections. hatak imanukfila apissanli achuk- ma, n., a candid man. hatak imanukfila a"sha, n., a man of mind. hatak imanukfila holitopa, n., a saint; a holy-minded man. hatak imanukfila ikkallo, a., feeble- minded. hatak imanukfila iksho, n., a block- head; a fool; a dunce. hatak imanukfila shanaioa [or sha- naia—H.S8. H.], n., a capricious man. hatak imanukfila tu"shpa, n., a wit; a ready-minded man. hatak i2mi®ko, n., an undertaker; the manager of a funeral, or for the disposal of the dead, as practiced in former times. He presided over the ceremo- nies, especially at the feast. hatak i7moma, n., a dwarf; a pigmy. hatak impashah, n., an epicure. hatak imponna, n., a proficient; a learned man. hatak inla, n., a stranger; a foreigner; another man, Matt. 17: 25, 26. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 139 hatak inlaua, n., polyandry on the part of the woman; lit., having many men. hatak intakobi, n., a sluggard; a lazy man; an idler. hatak inti"kba, n., an ancestor; his an- cestors (and by his mother’s side, or of her family; but see hatak tinkba). hatak i2_nukkilli, n., a man hater. hatak isikopa, n., an epicure; a glutton, Miartts lilieie hatak isht ahalaia, a., human; pertain- ing to man or mankind. hatak isht ahollo, n., a wizard. hatak isht atia, n., the human race; generation of man; the human species. hatak isht atia, a., descended from man; belonging to the human race. hatak isht atia, y. n., to be descended from man. hatak isht afekommi, n., a prig. hatak isht ilawata, hatak nan isht illawata, n., a braggadocio; a brag; a braggart. hatak isht unchololi, n., the descend- ants of man; progeny. hatak itahoba, n., an assembly of men; a collection; a gathering; a congrega- tion of men. hatak itakhapuli shah, n., a_ hector; a rioter; a rowdy. hatak itachowachi, n., a peacebreaker; a breeder of dispute or quarrels. hatak itanaha, n., an assembly of men; a collection; a congregation; a multi- tude; a convention; a council. hatak itanaha petichika, n., a mod- erator. hatak ithana, see hatak ikhana. hatak ititkana, n., friends. hatak iti?miko, n. pl., the managers of a funeral or pole pulling. hatak iti2nanaiyachi, n., a peacemaker. hatak itishali, n., a boxer; a man who carries a club. hatak kamassa, n., a strong man; a firm man. hatak kamassalleka, n. pl., aged men; men advanced in years. hatak kamassalli, n., an aged man; a firm man. hatak kanomona (from hatak kanohmi ona), N., a crew; a gang; a number of men, friends; mutual 140 BUREAU hatak kauasha, n., a man somewhat past middle age and low in stature. hatak kauashachi, n., approaching old age; being past middle age. hatak kania, n., an exile; a straggler. hatak keyu, n., no man; a worthless man. hatak kostini, n., a wise man; a sensible man; a civil man; a moral man. hatak lakna, n., a yellow man; a mu- latto. hatak laua; n., a crowd; a multitude. hatak laua itanaha, n., a mob; a mass. hatak laua yahapa shaii, n., a rout. hatak lauat a®ya, n., a caravan; amul- titude of travelers. hatak litiha okpulo, n., a sloven; a dirty man. hatak luma, n., arecluse; a silent man. hatak lumbo, n., an individual; one man. hatak lusa, n., a black man; a black moor; a negro. hatak lusa haui, n., a wench; a black woman who is a strumpet. hatak lusaiklanna,n., a mulatto; a half black man. hatak lusa isht atiaka, n., a zambo; a descendant of an African. hatak lusa i?yakni, n., Africa; the land of negroes. hatak lusa i"yannash, n., an elephant or African buffalo. hatak lusa i?yannash noti isht itibbi, n., ivory; the tusk of an elephant; lit., the fighting tooth of an African buffalo. hatak lusa lakna, n., a mulatto; a yel- low negro. hatak lusa nipi humma, n., a mulatto. hatak lusa ohoyo, n., a black woman; a negress. hatak lusa ushi, n., a zambo; a son of an African. hatak makali, n., a groveler; a scrub; a wretch. hatak moma, n., the world; all man- kind. hatak moma okchalinchi, n., the sav- ior of the world, or of all men. hatak na pilesa, n., a laborer; a work- ingman; a hireling. hatak nakni, n., a male (opposite to the female, who is hatak ohoyo); aman; a brave man. OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 hatak nan achefa, n., a launderer; a laundryman. hatak nan anoli, n., an informer; a newsman; a notifier; a tale bearer. hatak nan apesa, hatak nana apesa, n., a committee; a court; a senator; a judge. hatak nan apistikeli alhtuka, n., a trustee. hatak nan chumpa, n., a merchant man, Matt. 13: 45. hatak nan i“holitopa, n., an avaricious man; a hard-fisted man; a hunks; a serimp. hatak nan i“hollo, n., a niggard; a miser. hatak nan ikhana, n., a doctor, i. e., one qualified to teach. hatak nan ikithano, n., a savage; a heathen; an ignorant man. hatak nan inlaua, n., arich man; aman of wealth or property. hatak nan ithana, n., a learned man; a man of learning or knowledge; a statesman. hatak nan ithana ilahobbi, n., a pe- dant. hatak nan olabechi, n., a hinderer; a peacemaker; a mediator. hatak nana yoshoba isht nukha®klo, n., a penitent man; a penitent. hatak nanumachi, hatak nanuman- chi, v. t., to backbite; to defame. hatak nanumachi, n., a backbiter; a defamer. hatak nanumachi shali, n., a great backbiter. hatak nipi achukma,a., hale; healthy; n., a healthy man. hatak nipi tohbi, n., a white man; the white man. hatak nipi tohbika, n. pl., white men; the whites. hatak nowat a®ya, n., a pilgrim; a way- farer; a traveler; a lodger. hatak nukoa shali, n., a churl; a hot- brained man; a hotspur; a madcap. hatak nuksiteli, n., a death man; a hangman; an executioner. hatak nusilhha shah, n., a blunder- head; a booby; asleepy fellow; a dunce. hatak ohoyo, n., a woman; a female. hatak ohoyo ikimiksho, n., a bachelor; a single man; an unmarried man. BYINGTON ] A DICTIONARY OF THE hatak okishko, n., a sot; a bibber; a tippler; a drinker. hatak okishko atapa, a., intemperate; drunken. hatak okishko shah, n., a hard drinker; a great drunkard; a bacchanalian. hatak okla, n., humanity; mankind. hatak okpulo, n.,a monster; a profligate; a wretch. hatak ona, n., manhood. hatak osapa to"ksali,n., a farmer; a planter; an agriculturist. hatak owatta, n., a huntsman. hatak palammi, n., a potentate. hatak pa™sh amo, n., a barber. hatak pa®shi, n., man’s hair; a scalp. hatak pa®ya, n., a crier. hatak petichi, n., a ruler; a headman; a leader; a leading man. hatak petichika, n. pl., rulers; head- men; grandees. hatak peni isht a®ya, n., a pilot. hatak pishukchikanchi, n.,a milkman; a dairy man. hatak puta holhtina, n., a census of all the people; the number of the men. hatak sipokni, n., a graybeard; an old man; an elder. hatak shaui, n., an ape, | Kings 10: 22; a monkey. hatak shema shali,n.,a fop; a cox- comb; a dandy; a man _ excessively fond of dress. hatak takchi, n., a constable; a sheriff; “Ca man tier.”’ hatak tasembo, n., an insane person; a lunatic; a maniac; a rake. hatak tasembo aiasha, n.,a madhouse; a lunatic asylum. hatak tamaha petlichi, n., a mayor. hatak tanap a®ya, n., men of war, Josh. Gaawear= hatak tekchi imantia, a., henpecked; n., a henpecked husband. hatak titkba, n.,a man’s uncles; a fore- father; elders, Matt. 15: 2; antinkba, my living uncles. hatak ti"kba, n., an ancestor or anteces- sor; an ancient; the ancients; antiquity. hatak titkba ahha, n., all antiquity. hatak toba, n., manhood. hatak totksali, n., a laborer; a hire- ling; a working man; a workman, Matt. 10: 10, CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 141 Hatak Ushi, n., the Son of Man; Jesus Christ, John 3: 18, 14; Matt. 8: 20; Hatak Ushi okato, the Son of Man; Hatak Ushi yat, Matt. 10: 23; Hatak Ushi at, Matt. 18: 11. hatak wishakchi, n., the tip end men; remnants of men; the last, or least among men. hatak yahapa laua, n., a rabble. hatak yopisa, n., a spectator; a looker- on. hatak yopula, n., a jester; a joker; a humorist; a wag. hatak yopula shah, n., a great joker; one addicted to joking. hatak yoshoba, n., a lost man; a man who has wandered out of the way; a fallen man; a sinful man; a sinner; a malefactor; a wretch. hatak yoshubli, n., a snail. hatak yuka, n., a bondman; a prisoner; a captive. hatak yuka atoksali, n., a penitentiary; a state prison, where prisoners labor. hatak yuka keyu, n., a freeman. hatak yukpali, n., a man pleaser. hatak yushpakama, n., a bewitched man. hatak yushpakammi, y. t., to bewitch a person. hatak yushpakammi, n., a witch; a bewitcher ; ikhitsh isht yushpakammi, Rey. 21: 8. hataktipush, n., a hen hawk. hatakwa, a., like wood beginning to rot. hatambish, n., the navel; the navel string; the umbilicus; see haiombish. hatapofokchi, hatapofukchi, ibafak- chi, hatabafakchi. n., a prairie hawk. hatapushik, hashtapushik, hatapa- shi, hatapushik, hashtampushik, n., a butterfly. hataffo, n., a grasshopper. hato, hatoh, adv. of certainty. See toshke. Wekehato? heavy indeed, when not thought to be so; chi banna hato? hatoh chikeh, hachi moma hato? are ye also yet? Matt. 15: 16. kahato, old style of kaheto.—N. Graham. hato"falaha, n., an eschalot; an onion; a leek; a scullion; shachuna is a name in use among the Sixtowns Choctaw for an onion, 142 BUREAU hato®falaha chito, n., an onion; a large onion or eschalot. hatok, hatuk, hattok, sign of the re- mote past tense, with ha prefixed. See ha and atok. These words pertain to the grammar as ‘‘ particles;”’ cf. Matt. . 13:13; anryali hatuk keyu, Iam not come, Matt. 9: 13; atok, Matt. 9: 13—Com- pounds: hatoka—hatokako —hatokako- cha—hatokakona —hatokakosh; hatoka- kot —hatokano— hatokato—hatokat—ha- tokato— hatokinli—hatokkia—hatokma— hatukma; nan isht alhpisa hetukma, the parable, Matt. 13: 18—hatokmako, ha- tukmakon, the sake of, Matt. 16: 25— hatokmakocha— hatokmakona—hatokma- kosh — hatokmakot — hatokmano — hatok- mat—hatokmato—hatukon, for, Matt. 14: 4—hatokocha—hatokoka; hatukoka, be- cause, Matt. 14: 5—hatokokano — ha- lokokat — hatokokato—hatokoke— hatoko- kia—hatokona—hatokosh; hatukosh in hohchafo hatukosh, Matt. 12: 1; hatukosh, for, Matt. 13: 44—hatokot; iknatokahato expresses a wish as well as certainty; as, he will not fail to be wounded. hatokbi, a., pale; whitish. hatokbi, y. n., to be pale; hatak nashu- ka yat hatokbi, the man’s face is pale. hatokbichi, vy. t., to make pale; to bleach or whiten. hatombalaha, hatomalaha, n., a beech; a beech tree. hatombalaha ani, n., a beech nut. hatomma, see hatwma. haton lakna, a., brown colored. haton lakna, y. n., to be brown col- ored. haton lakna, n., brown color. haton laknachi, v. t., to color brown; to brown. hatonchi, y. a. i., to jump; to leap, as a man or a hobbled horse; hatak at ha- tonchi, the man jumps. hatonchi, n., a jumper; a leaper. hatonli, nasal form pl. of hatulli (q. v.); to jump. hatonli, n., a jumper. hatosh, atosh, yatosh, the compound particle made of at and osh, a strong contradistinctive of the simple definite a; alat osh ansha, OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 hatosh, ady., not; not so; said when a person corrects his own statements; similar to chikimba. hatoshba, atoshba, yatoshba, adv., can not; never can. JSolisso han (Book it) pisali (see 1) keyu kat (not who) itha- nala (learn I) hatoshba (never can); issa- manoli (thou me tell) keyukma (if not) ithanala (learn I) hatoshba (never can). hatoshke, adv., truly, John 4: 19[?]; cer- tainly; spoken as an inference from facts which took place without the knowledge of the speaker; see toshke and hato. hattaui, v. a. i., to prance. hattauichi, yv. t., to cause to prance. hattauichi, v. a. i., to ride ostentatiously. hattauichi, n., a prancer. hatuk, hattuk, see atuk and hatok, Matt. 4: 24; those which were; those which had been, implying continued state of, or condition in; the immediate past tense; with the particles a, ha, ya, did; was; has; had; has been; had been; chinchuka ialihatuk, | was on my way to your house; hatuk, have, Matt. 2: 2; sabannahatuk, | have wanted and want now; imatyalihatok keyu, | came not to them, past tense completed. Com- pounds: hatukan, the; intishu hatuk a”, who sustained the relation of servant to Moses, and although Moses was dead, retained the name; had been and was the servant of Moses, Josh. 1: 1.— hatukakov— hatukakocha—hatukakoka— hatukakokat—hatukakona—hatukakosh— hatukakot — hatukano — hatukato — ha- tukat; intishu hatukat, Matt. 8: 13—ha- tukato— hatukinli—hatukkia — hatukma, Matt. 7: 24—hatukmakon, for the sake of, Matt. 18: 5—hatukmakocha—hatuk- makona — hatukmakosh— hatukmakot — hatukmano—hatukmat; uwmnba hatukmat, the rain, Matt. 7: 25, 27; ha, which; tuk, was andis; mat, also, t, nom. case; antishu hatukmat, Matt. 8: 8—ha- tukmato—hatukon, by reason of, Josh. 9: 18—hatukocha—hatukoka—hatukokakon, ilappat hatak katiohmi hatukokako”, what manner of man is this? Matt. 8: 27— hatukokano — hatukokat, for; because, Matt. 13: 5, 6; Josh. 1: 3; tali paknaka BYINGTON | yor qaiitabana hatukokat, rock on there ‘founded for, Matt. 7: 25—hatukokato— hatukoke—hatukokia— hatukona—hatuk- osh—hatukot. hatukchaya, see hatukchaya. hatuko, adv., not (see atuko); hina (road) yat (the) aiyamba (well chosen) hatukon (not) atyalahe keyu (go along I can not). hatukosh, ady., not; nahullo sia nanta hatukosh, as 1 am not a white man. hatulli, vy. a. i. pl., to jump, as a hob- bled horse; to canter; hatonli, nasal form, jumping; isuba hat hatonli. hatulli, n., a jumper. hatullichi, y. t., to cause to jump; to canter. hatuma, hotuma, hatomma, advy., evi- dently; Mashkoki ishittibitokon? Na ka- tihmi hatomma,; akbokitok. hatush, see atush. hauachikchik, n., name of one kind of grasshopper. hauatsa, hopatsa, y. a. i., to champ; to chew; to chaw. hauashko, hauwashko, a., sour; acid; tart; acetous; frowsy; hard; rancid. hauashko, y. n., to be sour. hauashko, v. a. i., to prick; to become acid; to quail, i. e., to curdle, as milk. hauashko, n., sourness. hauashko, pp., soured. hauashko chohmi, a., subacid. hauashkochi, v. t., to sour; to make anything sour; to turn sour, etc. haui, vy. t., to act the harlot; applied to females not to men, though in the New Testament this word is used in the masculine gender. haui, n., a harlot; a whore; a strumpet; a fornicatress; an adulteress, Matt. 5: 32; Rey. 21: 8. haui, n., lewdness; whoredom; ahawi, whoredom; 2 Kings 9: 22. haui, a., lewd; lascivious; given to lewd- ness, as an abandoned female; wanton; adulterous, Matt. 12: 39; 16: 4. haui, v. n., to be lewd (a female). haui anukfoyuka, a., wanton; given to lewdness. haui ikbi, vy. t., to debauch. haui ikbi, n., a whoremaster. haui itimalhpisa, v. t., to commit adul- tery, Luke 16: 18 old translation, A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 1438 haui pelichit nowa, y. t., to act the whoremonger; to pander. haui toba, v. a. i.. to become a harlot; to prostitute one’s self or herself. haui toba, n., fornication, Matt. 15: 19. haui tobat nowa, y. a. i., to act the harlot. hauk, huk, exclamation, oh, dear; alas; aman says hauk when a woman says aiehna, hauwashko, hauwashkochi, see hau- ashko above. hawa, hahwa, y. a.i., to gape; to yawn. hawa, n., a gaper. ha®wa, n., a locust; the small kind of locust; washa is the large kind. hawachi, vy. t., to cause to gape. hawash, hahwash, n., an adder. haya, ady. of time, after. The particles are suffixed to it. The final syllable ya is changed in some respects for sound’s sake, when some of the particles are suffixed; ha is the true word; ya, yat, yosh, and yo are art. pronouns. In Matt. 1:12 we have ha after ya”, the; also ef. hayokmakosh, Luke 6: 42; ha- yashke, Matt. 17: 9. hatya, pp., shelled or shucked, as hick- ory nuts. habishko, n., a sneeze. habishko, habishko y. a. i1., to sneeze. habishkuchi, v. t., to make one sneeze. habishkuchi, n., snuff; maccaboy. hacha, n., a river; the name of Pearl River. hachi, hach, per. pro., n. case of neuter, and passive verbs, 2 per. plu., you; ye or you; hachinusi, you are asleep; hachilli, ye die; hachinukshopa na, Luke 2:10; hachitalakchi, you are tied; ha- chiachukma, you are good, Matt. 5: 48. hachi, hach, per. pro., in the obj. case before active trans. verbs, meaning ‘“you;’’ hachianoli, Matt. 15: 7; hachi- pisali, I see you; hachipitsa chit ka; Matt. 6:1; hachikhanali, | know you; hachikanimachi, to despise or slight you; Matt. 5: 44, hachilbashachi, to per- secute you, Matt. 5: 44. hachi, hach, pos. pro. prefixed to nouns which are the names of the body and its members or personal qualities; your; hachinushkobo, your heads; hachinish- 144 BUREAU kin, your eyes, Matt. 13; 16; hachibbak, your hands; hachitekchi, your wives, Josh. 1: 14. hachi®, pos. pro. prefixed to nouns which do not begin with a vowel or with p, ch, 1, t, meaning your, as ha- chitholisso, your books; hachinki, your father; hachin nan alhpoa, your cattle, Josh. 1: 14; see hachim, hachin, chin, ete. hachi®, per. pro., in the dative case, pre- fixed to verbs, and usually translated with a preposition, as, of you, to you, from you, for you, and the like. This form of pronoun for the sake of sound precedes the same letters as described above; hachithullo, Matt. 5: 46; hachin- nukkilli, Matt. 5: 44. hachia, per. pro., 2d per. plu., ye or you; na hollo hachiahoke, Matt. 5: 18, 14, 46; see chia; hachiama, Matt. 12: 34; ye, Matt. 15: 7; 16: 3; hachia hokato, ye, Josh. 1:14; hachia kat, Matt. 12: 34. hachik, n., a small bag; a satchel, such as are made by the Choctaw women. hachik, 2d per. pl., neg. form, ye or you; hachikminto, ye do not come; hachik chohmokashke, Matt. 6: 2; hachikaya- mihchokashke, Matt. 6: 1. hachim, prefix ed, pos. pro., 2d per. pl. in the obj. case before nouns beginning, with a vowel, as hachimisuba, your, horses; hachimathtoba, n., your reward, Matt. 6: 1; hachimalla, your little ones Josh. 1: 14. See hachir, hachin. hachim, prefixed, per. pro., 2d per. pl., in the dative case, before verbs beginning with a vowel and to be rendered with aprep., as, of you, for you, to you, from you, and the like, hachimanoli, hachim- anumpuli, hachimachilishke, Matt. 5: 20; hachimathtoba, Matt. 5: 46; hachimanuk- fillit, Matt. 5: 44. In Matt. 7: 2; ha- chishnomat and hachim stand in apposi- tion; one is considered to be in the nominative and the other in the dative case. hachim, nom. case before some neuter verbs beginning with a vowel, as hachim okpulo, you are angry, or there is evil in you. See chim. hachimmi, adj. pro., your. hachimmi, vy. n., to be your. hachimmi toba, v. a. i., to become your, OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL, 46 hachin, pre. per. pro., 2d per. pl., in the nom. case before nouns beginning with ch, |, and t, as hachinchuka, your houses; hachintanap, Matt. 5: 44; but hachin- miha, command you, Josh. 1: 138. See hachir, hachim. hachin, pre. per. pro., 2d per. pl., in the dative case before verbs beginning with ch, 1, and ¢, and is usually ren- dered with a prep., as, of you, for you, from you, to you, and the like. hachin, pre. pro., your, found before some verbs when not before the noun in the nom. case, as tanchi at hachintaha instead of hachintanchi at taha. hachishno, pro. pl., ye or you; hachishno an, Matt. 7: 1; hachishnoma, you also; hachishnomat, ye also. hachishno, obj. case, you, Matt. 5: 46; 11: 21; hachishno ashor, you; hachishno ashon hachiokpani, rend you, Matt. 7: 6; hachishno akint, yourselves; your own; hachishno akinli, yourselves; your own; hachishno yoka, a., your; hachishno yokat, your; hachishno yokato, Matt. 13: 1 hachishno, pos. pro., yours; your. hafikbi, v. a. i., to sink, as land. halapoli, v. a. i., to lap over; nitak iton- halapoli; see walapolih. halba, n., aglow worm; a lightning bug; the matter discharged from sore eyes. Halbamo, n., Alabama. Halbamo okhina, n., the Alabama River. halbatsha iksho, n., ill nature; ill will; see halhpansha iksho. halbabi, v. n., from halba and abi, to have sore eyes, as halba sabi, I have sore eyes. halbabi, n., sore eyes. halbina, n., a present; a donation; a gift; a gratuity; na halbina, a present, 1 Kings 10: 25. halbina, pp., presented; given as a pres- ent. halhpa®sha, v. n., to be amiable, peace- able, kind, ete., Gen. 33: 10. halhpa%sha, n., peace; kindness. halhpatsha, a., amiable; peaceable; kind; peaceful. halhpa®sha iksho, halba"sha iksho, a., unkind; cruel; ill natured, BYINGTON ] halhpa®shi, ady., peaceably, Gen. 37: 4; v. a. i., to be pleased, Gen. 33: 10. hallati, see halati. hallampa, halampa, n., a ringworm; a tetter; herpes. hallampabi, v. n., to have a ringworm or tetter. halwa, n., a soft-shelled turtle. — hata, pp. pl., kicked; trodden. hahi, vy. t. pl., to kick; to tread; to step; to stamp, to trample; habli, sing. hah, n., treaders; steps. halichi, v. t., to cause to tread on; to trample; isht ahalichi, Matt. 7: 6. hama, pp., rubbed; stroked. hammi, v. t., to rub gently with the hand; to stroke. hammi, n., a stroker. hammoli, y.t.; in anumpa alhpisa ya hatak okat kobahafitokoka (or okat) achukmalit hammotit imantia cha, alhtobat illi tok cha. hanawia, n., suspenders. hanan, hannan, n., a bird called a small eagle, or a hawk; a swift bird of prey. hannali, see hannali. hannanuki, y. i., to turn round; to be giddy. hannaweli; hanaweli, n., one strap of a suspender; a handkerchief hung over the shoulders like a sword belt; a sling by which to carry things. hannaweli, v. t., to carry, as a gun, with a sling that comes over the breast and under one arm, the gun being be- hind. hapi, n., salt, Matt. 5: 13. hapi, a., salt. hapi, v. n., to be salt. hapi, hap, per. pro. we, nom. case, Ist per., social pl. of neuter verbs, as hapi- nusi, we sleep, i. e., we all sleep; hapi- tavkla, all with us, Matt. 13: 56. hapi, hap, per. pro. we, nom. case, Ist per., social pl. of passive verbs, as hepi- talakchi, we are bound, i. e., we are all bound. hapi, per. pro. us, ob. case, Ist per., social pl., before active transitive verbs, as hapipesa, he sees us, i. e., all of us; hapiakaiya, to follow us, Matt. 15: 23. hapi, hap, pos. pro. our, in the nom. case, prefixed to nouns which are the names of the body and its members, as hapichunkash, our hearts. 84339°—Bull. 46-—-15——_10 A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 145 hapi aialhto, n., a saltcellar; a salt-bin, basin, ete. hapi aiikbi, n., a salt-work. hapi atoba, n., a saline; a salt-work. hapi champuli, n., sugar. hapi champuli aialhto, n., asugar bowl, barrel, box, ete. hapi champuli api, n., sugar cane. hapi champuli okchi, n., molasses; the sirup of sugar. hapi champuli tohbi, n., white sugar, called loaf and lump sugar. hapi champuli yammi, pp., sweetened with sugar. hapi champuli yammichi, y. t., to sweeten with sugar; to sugar. hapi holba, n., salts; resembling salt; saline. hapi kanchi, n., a salter. hapi kapassa, n., saltpeter; niter. hapi kali, kali hapi oka, n., a salt spring; a saline. hapi lakchi, n., coarse salt; alum salt; hominy salt. hapi lakchi chito, hapi lakchi hochito, n., rock salt. hapi oka, n., salt water. hapi okchi, n., brine. hapi okhata, n., salt sea, Josh. 3: 16. hapi pushi, n., fine or blown salt. hapi yammi, pp., salted; seasoned with salt; hapi ikyammo,a., fresh; not salted; unsalted; unseasoned. hapi yammichi, v. t., to salt; to corn. hapi yammichi, n., a salter. hapi®, pre. pos. pro., our, prefixed to nouns that do not begin with a vowel or with p, ch, l, t.; hapi®holisso, our book, or our books. hapi®, per. pro., us, Ist per. pl. in the dat. case before verbs, and usually trans- lated with a prep., as of us, to us, for us, from us. This word is found writ- ten hapi before the same sounds as the above. hapi®, 1st per. pl. social, our; the pro. is removed from the noun in the nom. and placed before the verb, as nakni tashka hapi*hotina, he has counted our warriors. hapia, per. pro. nom. case, we, as hatak api humma hapia hoke, we are all red men, 146 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY hapim, pre. pos. pro., our, Ist per. social pl., prefixed to nouns which begin with a vowel and sometimes p, as hapim- isuba, our horses. hapim, per. pro., us, Ist per. social pl. in the dative case before verbs that begin with a vowel and usually trans- lated with a prep., as to, for, of, etc., as hapimanoli, he told us; hapimanum- puli, he spake to us. hapim, Ist per. social pl., our; the pro. is removed from the noun in the nom. and placed before the verb, as isubat hapimilli instead of hapimisuba hat illi. hapimmi, a., our. hapimmi, y. n., tu be our, or ours, Mark 12:57. hapimmi toba, v. a. i., to become our. hapin, pre. pos. pro., our, Ist per. social pl. in the nom. case, before nouns be- ginning with ch, /, and t, as hapin- chuka, our house. hapin, per. pro., us, Ist per. pl., dat. case, before verbs beginning with ch, 1, and t, and usually rendered with a prep., as of, for, to, from. hapin, pos. pro., our. hapishno, per. pro., we, Ist per. social pl., nom. case, i. e., you and I; you and we, etc.; all of us. hapishno, obj. case, us. hapishno, per. pro., our, Ist per. pl.; hapishno akinli, ourselves. has, per. pro., ye or you, as hassathana, ye know me; hassiachi, ye say of me, Matt. 16:15; hassamashke, Josh. 2: 13. hash, per. pro., ye or you, 2d per. pl., nom. case, before active verbs, as hashia, Matt. 5: 44, 47, 48; 6: 1, 2; 13: 14. hash isht ikhana, see hashi isht ikhana. hasha"ya, hashatya, v. a. i., to get mad; to become mad, bristled or vexed; to pout. hashatya, vy. n., to pout; to be cross or angry; ilehashaya, to be angry with himself, Gen. 45: 5. hashatya, a., cross; fretful; sulky; surly. hasha"yachi, y. t., to fret; to make a person mad, cross, or fretful. hashcha, n., an offense. hashi, n., the sun; a luminary; a light, Josh. 10: 12; hashi at kohchama, when the sun was up, Matt. 13: 6; hashi akon the sun, Matt. 13: 43; 17: 2. hashi, n., a sunflower. [BULL. 46 hashi, n., a moon; a lunar month; a month, Josh. 4: 19; 5: 10. [Mr. Byington says of the Choctaw months: ‘‘But very few Choctaws know all the names or know when the months come in or go out.’’ At first he inserted a list of month names in alphabetical order without stating whether they were obtained from one person or from several. Later he obtained and recorded two others, one October 23, 1854, from Ila- pintabi, and the other December 31, 1856, from Ivapali. I[lapintabi told him that the year began in the latter part of Sep- tember, while, according to Iyapali, it was in the latter part of March. Both of these statements are reconciled by a subsequent note to the effect that the year was divided into two series of six months each, asummer series and a win- ter series. From the time when these are said to have begun, September 21 and March 21, it is evident that the autumnal and vernal equinoxes were taken as start- ing points. The list of months obtained from Iyapali is in almost complete agree- ment with the earliest list recorded by Byington, and therefore is probably more correct than that of Ilapintabi. It is as follows: March-April, chafo chito (from hohchafo chito, “‘big famine’’) hash koinchush. hash koichito. hash mati. hash watullak. tek irhashi. hash bihi. hash bissa. hash kaf. hash takkon. hash hoponi. chafiskono (from hohchafo iskiti- ni, *‘little fam- ine’’). April-May, May-June, June—July, July-August, August-September, September-—October, October-November, November—December, December—January, January-February, February-March, Besides some inconsequential differ- ences the earliest list has hash watonlak instead of hash watullak. No May-June month occurs in this list unless it is rep- resented by ‘“‘/uak mosholi,’”’ the specific application of which is not given, and ing ptsd by oa wean BYINGTON | which appears to have been questioned by Mr. Byington’s later informants. Since, however, a year of twelve strictly lunar months must be corrected at inter- vals to agree with the solar year, the editor suggests that luak mosholi, which means ‘‘fire extinguished,’’ may have applied to an intercalary month or period at the time of the annual festival when the year began anew. Ilapintabi’s list differs from that given only in inverting hash koitchush and hash koichito, and hash mati and hash watullak, the first being made to fall in May-June, the second in April-May, the third in July—August, and the fourth in June—July.—J. R.S.] hashi achafa, n., a month; one month; one moon. hashi achafakma, adv., monthly. hashi ahalaia, a., solar; pertaining to the sun. hashi aiitolaka, n., the west. hashi aiokatula, n., the west. hashi aiokatula, a., west; occidental; western; westward. hashi aiokatula imma, adv., occidental; westward, Josh. 1: 4; 8: 9. hashi aiokatula mali, n., a zephyr. hashi aiokatula pila, adv., occidental; westward; toward the west. hashi aiokatula pilla, adv., to the west; at the west; away to the west; a., western. hashi akochaka, hashi akuchaka, n., the east, Matt. 2:1, 9. hashi akonolhi, n., a circle around the sun or moon. hashi akuchaka, hash akuchaka, n., the east, Matt. 8: 11; orient; a., oriental. hashi akuchaka imma, hash aku- chaka imma, ady., eastward; easter- ly; toward the rising sun, Josh. 1: 15; 4519) hashi akuchaka okla, n., the eastern people; the orientals. hashi akuchaka pilla, adv., at the east; to the east; in the east. hashi akuchapila, ady., toward the east; eastward. hashi aopiaka, n., the west, Matt. 8: 11. hashi atomi, n., the sunshine; the place where the sun shines. hashi alhpisa, n., terms; the monthly course of females; menses. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 147 hashi bolukta, v. a. i., to full, as the moon. hashi bolukta, n., the full moon. hashi himmona, n., the new moon. hashi himmona talali, y. a. i., to change, as the moon; to pass the sun, as the moon in its orbit. hashi himmona talali, n., moon. hashi himo auata, v. a. i., to change, as the moon; to appear, as the new moon. hashi himo auata, n., the new moon. hashi holba, a., sunlike. hashi inni, y. t., to bask; to warm by the sun. hashi isht ikhana, hash isht ikhana, n., awatch; atimepiece; achronometer; a dial; a timekeeper. hashi isht ikhana i4shukcha, n., a fob; a watch pocket. hashi isht ithana chito, n., a clock. hashi isht ithana ikbi, n., a watch maker; a clock maker. hashi kanalli, n., an hour, John 1: 39. hashi kanalli alhpisa, n., an hour, Matt. 8. ISA 10:7 LOs Los 28e 172018. hashi kanalli isht alhpisa, n., an hour. hashi kania, v. a. i., to go; to disappear, as the sun when eclipsed. hashi kania, n., an eclipse of the sun or moon. hashi kucha, n., sunrise. hashi kuchaka, n., the east. hashi libisha, v. t., to bask in the sun; to get warm by the sun. hashi loshuma, n., the old of the moon. hashi lua, a., sunburnt. hashi lua, v. n., to be sunburnt. hashiluhmi, v. t., to hide the sun, i. e., to eclipse the sun. hashi luma, pp., eclipsed or hid, as the sun. hashi moma, adv., monthly. hashininak atya, n., the moon, Josh. 10: 12s hashi nitak isht ikhana, n., a calendar; an almanac. hashi okatula, n., sunset; sundown. hashi talali, n., the new moon, Ch. Sp. Book, p. 95. hashi tohwikeli, n., daylight. hashi tuchinakma, advy., quarterly. hashilabi, ushelabi, n., a sty; a disease of the eyelid. the new 148 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY hashilli, v. a. i., to change, as the moon, this refers to the old of the moon. hashilli, n., the change or death of the moon. hashintak, n., a comb. hashintak yauaha, n., a coarse comb. haship, n., the breast of a fowl. hashitombi, see hashtomi. hashki, n., my mother, Josh. 2: 13; Matt. 12: 48, 49, 50; mam, or mamma; chishke, thy mother. hashninak aya, n., the moon; a lumi- nary; a light. hashninak a"ya isht alhpisa, n., lunar measurement or calculation. hashninak a®ya tohwikeli, n., moon- light; moonshine. hashontombichi, y. t., to sun. Hashtahi, n., the Great Spirit; the gov- ernor of the world, whose eye is the sun. hashtampushik, hashtapushik, see hatapushik. hashtapotla, n., the bull nettle. hashtap, hashtip, n., fallen leaves; dead leaves. hashtap inchilakwa, n., chicken pox. hashtap mati shali, n., drift. hashtap yuloli, hashtap yoluli, n., a salamander; a small lizard. hashtomi, hashtombi, hashitombi, n., a sunbeam; sunshine. hashtula, n., winter; the winter season. hashtula anta na lopulli, y. a. i., to winter. hashtula chohmi, a., wintry. hashtula iklana, n., midwinter. hashtula tashka chipota aiasha, n., winter quarters for an army. hashtulahpi, n., the fall; autumn; the fall season. hashtulammona, n., the early part of winter. hashuk, n., grass; herbage; sward, Matt. 6: 30; 14: 19: hashuk abasha, n., a place mowed; where grass has been cut; a meadow. hashuk aiamo, n., a meadow. hashuk ashachi, v. t., to mow; to put away hay or grass. hashuk basi, n., a wild grass of which hand brooms are made. hashuk basha, pp., mowed; mown. hashuk basha shila, n., hay; mowed grass. [BULL 46 hashuk bashli, v. t., to mow; to cut grass. hashuk bashli, n., a mower. hashuk cha®shlichi, n., a large green grasshopper which sings loud and in the morning. hashuk chito, n., great grass; stout grass; thick and heavy grass. hashuk foka, a., grassy. hashuk hata, n., a bird having a small body and long legs, often seen around water and muddy places. hashuk impa, v. a. i., to pasture. hashuk impachi, y. t., to pasture; to graze. hashuk ipeta, v. t., to graze. hashuk isht bashli, n., a hook. hashuk isht holmo, n., a thatch. hashuk isht homo, vy. t., to thatch. hashuk isht itannali, n., a rake. hashuk itanaha, n., a haycock; a pile of hay; a rick of hay; a mow; a swath of grass. hashuk itannali, v. t., to collect hay; to rake hay. hashuk tohammichi, y. t., to trail the grass. hashuk malli, v.a.i., to lighten; to flash, as lightning (lit., grass leaps, or to leap over grass). hashuk mali, n., lightning; a thunder bolt; electricity; a flash of lightning. hashuk pancha, n., a flag; a blue flag; a ‘“cattail’’ flag. hashuk patalhpo,n., agrass bed; a straw bed. hashuk pata, n., crab grass; crop grass. hashuk shila, n., hay; cured grass. hashuk shileli, v. t., to hay; to cure grass. hashuk shileli, n., a haymaker. hashuk umpoholmo, n., thatch. hashuk umpoholmo, pp., thatched. hashuk umpohomo, y. t., to thatch. hashwish, hashwash, n., worms; those of asmall kind that affect children as a disease. hat, art., the, nom. case, suffixed to nouns; ateha hat, they; Matt. 2: 1. Sometimes written at and yat as well as ha, a, and ya (q. v.). hat, rel. pro., when suffixed to verbs. hat, used before tok and tuk. ieee eo BYINGTON | hata, an ady. in recent past tense, ex- pressing surprise. hata, n., paleness. hata, a., pale; white; cadaverous; pallid; sallow. hata, v. n., to be pale; hanta, nasal form (ads. -v.)i- hata, n., a gleet; gleets. hata lakna, n., a yellow white; an orange color. hata lakna, a., having a yellow-white color. hata laknachi, y. t., to color a yellow white. hata ont ia, vy. a. i., to have the gleets; to gleet. hata ont ia, n., the whites. hatabafakchi, see hatapofokchi. hatachi, vy. a. i., to turn white; to be- come pale; to ripen, as peaches. See hatachi. hatachi, n., a light color. hatakbi, a., white, like a man’s tongue in fever. hatapakli, v. a. i., to gallop. hatapaklichi, y. t., to gallop. hatapofukchi, n., a prairie hawk. hatapusha, n., the bull nettle. hatapushik, hatapushik, n.,a butterfly. hatak, see hatak. hatat kania, a., very pale. hatat kania, v. n., to be very pale; v. a. i., to become very pale. hatip, n., the rump; the croup or crop. hatto2, ady.; ishwiha hatton? hattok, see hatok. hatukchaya, hatukchaya, n., a great witch; an imaginary being who makes Choctaw doctors. he, art., see ak. he, heh, ahe (q. v.), adv., almost; well nigh; etata he, we have almost finished it; nearly, Luke 8: 42; ef. hikma. he, hi, sign of the remote future of the indicative mood; shall; will. Com- pounds: hea—heakano —heakat—heak- ato — heakat— heakin — heakinli — heak- int — heakkia — heakma — heakmako— heakmakocha — heakmakona— heakmak- osh—heakmakot—heakmano—heakmat— heakmato—heako—heakocha—heakoka— heakokano— heakokat— heakoke — heak- okia—heakona—heakosh — heakot — hea- tok, heatuk, hiatuk, etc., should haye— A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 149 hekak, ete., see kak, and its compounds— hekakon, but; for—hemak—hemaka—he- makano—hemakin — hemakinli— hemak- int— hemakkia — hemako —hemakocha— hemakoka— hemakokat — hemakoke —he- makona — hemakosh — hemakot — heon, Matt. 6: 1—heoka—heokama—heokat— heoke, hioke; laua hioke, many will there be, Matt. 7: 22; achilahioke, say I will; Matt. 7: 23—heokmano—heokmat—heok- mato—hetok, should have been; would have been; might have been; remote— hetuk, recent past tense, might have been; ought; hashata”yahetuk at, Josh. 22 163 324. he keyu, ady., can not; shall not: will not. heahni, see hiahni. healhpesa, n., an occasion. hehi, v. a. i., fem. gen., to sing. hehi, n., fem. gen., a singer. hehio, hehyo, n., the name of a wild root. hehka, vy. a. i., to start; to recoil; to startle; to wince. hehka, n., a starter; a wincer. hehkachi, v. t., to startle. hehkat anumpuli, v. t., to extemporize. hehkat anumpuli, n., an extemporizer. hekano, n., the last speech of a dying man. heli, v. a. i. pl., to fly; to go in haste, Matt. 28: 8; hika, singular. heli, n., fliers. heli, a., flying; volant. helichi, v. t., to cause to fly; toscareaway, as birds; to make them fly. hetachi, see hitachi. heno, art. in the obj. case, from helo. hepulla, a., apt; liable; obnoxious; probable; subject. hepulla, n., danger. hepulla, v.n., to be surely; surely to be. het, art. in nom. case; hin, oblique case; see akhet. het, ady.; see Acts 7: 17; nitak at aiona” het maha®yama; het is a sign of the fu- ture with the connective ¢. The word is a"heh, near; a diminution of which is a™husi; the final h is elided by the sub- stitution of ¢ copula. heto, art., see akheto; hato obsolete style for heto; iklokahato, ikaiyohkaato. 150 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY heto, adv. of neg., can not; will not; shall not; impossible; when this follows a verb in the neg. form it becomes an af- firmative, as iklokaheto, he will not not come, i. e., he will surely come. heto, a., impossible. heto, v. n., to be impossible. hetuk, ought, Matt. 18: 6. hi, ahi, sign of indic. fut.; see he (prop- erly ahe). hi®, int., pshaw, meaning dislike or con- tempt. hiahni, heahni, vy. a. i., to love; to es- teem, heishahni, hiahnili, heilahni. hiahni, v. t., to caress; to love; to dote upon; irreg. v., tali holisso hiahni, he loves money; hiahnili, I love; hiishahni, thou loyest; hiahni, he loves; hiilahni, hiiloahni, hehachahnili, I love you (pl.). hiahni, n., a lover. hiahni, a., merciful. hiahni iksho, n., apathy; fell. hiahni iksho, a., without love. hiahni iksho, v. n., to be without love. hiasinti, see iasinti. hichali, a., spiteful; brave; i”hichanlitok. hichali, v. n., to be spiteful. hichali, n., spite. hichi, n., a boil; a tubercle; a wild tur- nip. hichuk, n., the name of a root, of which the Choctaw have made bread in a time of scarcity; see kifash. hichukbi, hochukbi, n., a natural pit or hole in the ground, or one that runs under ground, as a chasm; a pit; a hole; a cave; a cavern; a den, Josh. 10: 17, 18, 27; 2 Sam. 18: 17; cave of Machpe- lah, Gen. 23: 9; see tali chiluk. hichukbi chito, n., a cavern. hichukhi fo"ka, y.a. i., to den; to dwell, as in a den. hichushi, n., a tubercle; small boils. hieli, y. a. i. pl., to stand, Josh. 3: 14, 17; 6: 4,13; 7:12; 8:10; itikba hieli, to stand before; hikia, sing.; hinli, nasal form. hieli, pp., set up; placed. hieli, n., those which stand; those who stand. hielichi, hiotichi, vy. t., to erect; to set up; to cause to stand. hitha, v. a. i., to groan. hitha, n., a groan. hiho, int., ah. (BULL. 46 hika, pp., pawned; pitched; placed; set; cocked; ikhehko, a., uncocked; i®hika, n., a pillar. hika, v. a. i. sing., to fly; to flit; to wing; to soar; to touch with the feet; aio”- hikahe or hikiahe, to stand on (ai, there or where); to tread on, Josh. 1: 3; to rest in, Josh., 3: 11, 13, 15; 4:18; heli, pl. hika, a., volant; volatile; fiying. hika, n., a flier; a line. hika, n., a stand. hika, n., a tree called sweet gum, and the gum or wax. hitka; aka hitka, a footman; oka hitka, to be in the water. hika nia, n., the gum of the sweet gum tree. hikachi, vy. t., to cause to fly; to scare away a bird; to make it fly. hikat a®ya, v. a.i., to soar. hikbat, adv.; ayukpa hikbat, can not be joyful. hiket a™ya, v. a. i., to be with, Luke 9: 41. hiket ia, v. a. i., to start; to begin, as in running a road or lines. hikia, y. a. i. sing., to stand, Josh. 3: 15; 5: 13; to go; to get, Luke 4: 8; to be or stand, as a well or spring, Josh. 4: 6; to hold; to look, as pit hikia, et hikia, to look toward; hikima, nasal form, to sit, as fowls on their roost; to stop, Matt. 11: 11; hikia, for to be, tostand; hikia- shke, for the verb to be; Matt. 16: 23; hikiatok, Matt. 17: 2; ithikia, to have; tanampo imhikia, he has a gun; hikint; onhikia, to stand on; to perch; hieli pl. hikia, n., that which stands; a stand. hikia, a., standing, as hatak hikia. hikia, pp., erected; set up; established; installed; pitched; placed. hikia toba, v. a. i., to get able to stand or walk. hikiat ia, prep., from, Josh. 1: 4. hikikia, vy. a. i., to go, as one looking for a lost object, Matt. 18: 12. hikikita, yv. a.i., to stand about; to walk about; to attend to some little business; a frequentative after the example of bininitli and yanananli; see Matt. 18: 12. Chisas at. . . hikikimatok, John 10: 23 nowat hikikina, Mark 11: 27; binili, to sit, binininli; kanalli, to move, kana- narli; yanalli, to run, yananali. BYINGTON ] hikikita, n., one that walks about. hikma, from he, almost or well-nigh, and ikma. hilechi, v. t., to set, Matt. 18: 2; Josh. 7: 26; toset up; to put up; to take up, as a stray; isuba ha” aiomhilechi, to set on; ikbit hilechi, to rear, Matt. 16: 18; 2 Sam. 24: 18; to rear up, John 2: 20; to check; to cock, asa gun; to erect; to establish; to fill, i. e., to supply a place with an in- cumbent; to ground; to fix; to inaugu- rate; to install; to instate; to institute; toinyest; to ordain; to pawn; to place; to pledge; to present; to raise; to seat; to settle; to station; to stick. hilechi, n., a setter up; an institutor; a pawner; a placer. hilechi, n., an installation. hitlhhitlhachi, vy. a. i., to quack; ok/fo- chush at hirthhitthachi; the duck says hinthhirth. hiloha, vy. t., v. a. i., to thunder; to ful- minate; tointonate, 1 Sam. 2: 10. hiloha, n., thunder; a peal of thunder; ‘a clap of lightning; a thunder clap. hiloha, a., thunder, as a thunder storm. hiloha abi, hilohabi, pp., killed by lightning. hiloha abi, hilohabi, v. t., to kill by thunder; to strike with lightning; to thunder strike. hiloha hoshintika, n., a thunder cloud. hiloha tassa, hiloha bassa, n., a sharp peal of thunder. hiloha umba chito, shower. hilohachi, y. t., to cause it to thunder. hilohachi, n., a thunderer. hila, y. a. i., to dance; to frolic; to gam- bol; to hop, Matt. 14: 6; hachikhetoshke, ye have not danced, Mat. 11: 17; ishit hita, v. t., to triumph over by means of, 2 Sam. 1: 20. hita, n., a dance; a ball; a frolic; a min- uet; nakni hila, a male dance, in which none but men are engaged; nasloba hila, n., a wolf dance; pa®shi isht hita, n., a war dance, or a hair dance or scalp dance. hila, n., a dancer; a frolicker. hitachi, helachi, hitachi, y. t., to cause to dance; to make others dance; to dance. n., a thunder A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 151 hima, may be the root of the following words: himma, himak, himmak; hima. himak, a., instant; current; present; modern; this; himak at, this is, Luke 1: 36. himak, ady., now; at this time, 2 Sam. 24: 2; himakashke, v. i., Matt. 11: 12. himak, n., now; the present time, mo- ment, or instant. himak afammi, n. or adv., this year; the present year. himak ano, ady. or n., now; as for the present time. himak foka, n. or ady., about this time; palashash himak foka, pilashash himak foka, yesterday about this time. himak fokalechi, a., presumptuous; hazardous; wandering. himak fokalechi, y. a. i., to act at ran- dom; to run a hazard; to act rashly; himak fokalechit anumpuli, v. t., to chat- ter; himak fokalechit anya, to wander. himak fokali, v. a. i., to go or act at random or at hazard. himak fokali, n., random. himak fokalit, ady., with hazard or care- lessly; headlong; head first. himak fokalit anumpuli, v. a. i., to bab- ble; to prate; to talk at random; to quibble. himak fokalit anumpuli, n., a quibbler. himak fokalit a™ya, y. a.i., to go along at random without a guide or road; to wander. himak fokalit hochefo, v. t., to nick- name. himak fokalit hohchifo, n., a nickname. himak fokalit holissochi, y. t., to scrawl; n., a scrawler. himak fokalit miha, y. a. i., to guess; to conjecture. himak hashi, n., this month. himak ninak, n., ady., this night; to- night. himak nitak, n., this day; adv., to- day; the present day, or time, Matt. 6: 11; 11: 28; this day, Josh. 5: 9; now, Matt. 15: 2. himaka, ady., n., now; the time now; the present time, Josh. 1: 2; Matt. 14: 15. himakma, a., more; moreover. 152 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY himma, ady., aux. (from /e, future gen., and imma, toward; direction of), shall hereafter; shall toward; will; with keyu, not ever; never; takofa himma keyu, he will never recover; toward recovery he never will. himma, y. n., to be hereafter, as chi- himmali, I, after you. himma keyu, ady., never; ne’er. himma keyu, vy. n., never to be. himmak, a., subsequent; following; un- born; future; younger; intensive form of himak, as pilla is the intensive form ‘of pila; see ilappak, yammak, words of a similar character. himmak, y. n., to be subsequent; 7”him- mak, to be after him; sahimmak, to be after me, John 1: 27. himmak, ady., hereafter; afterward; after; at last; himmak ishatya, at last, you are along. himmak foka, ady., hereafter; about this time. himmak pila, n., the coming time; ady., henceforth; henceforward; hereafter. himmak pilla, n., the time that is to come; the future time; the future. himmak pillama, ady. or n., hereafter; from henceforth; for the future time; henceforward. himmakma, v. n., in the sub. mood; lit., when it shall be hereafter, butit is usually rendered as an adverb, here- after; at a future time; by and by; furthermore; next, Matt. 5: 138; then, Matt. 18: 16; any more, Josh. 5: 1, 12. himmita, y. n., to be young. himmita, a., young; fresh; youthful. himmita, n., the young; youth; the flower; a youngster. himmita atiha, n., the youth. himmita chohmi, a., youngish. himmitasi, a., young, Luke 2: 36; green. himmitasi, v. n., to be young. himmitacheka, a. pl., young. himmitachi, yv. t., to make young; to rejuvenate; to renew; himmitaiyachi, pro. form. himmithoa, a. pl., young; wak himmit hoa, young cattle, but not very young. himmithoa, y. n. pl., to be young. himmithoa, n. pl., those who are young; sappy; the youth; the young ones; the flower. [BuLL. 46 himmitushi, a. (dim.), young. himmona, n., newness; a novelty; once, Matt. 9: 33; with a negative, never. himmona, himona, a., new, Matt. 15: 52; brandnew; present; fresh; novel; recent; virgin; young. himmona, pp., renewed; renovated. himmona, y. n., to be new. himmona aioklachi, v. t., to repeople. himmona chuhmi, a., newish. himmona iktobo, a., unrenewed; un- regenerate. himmona isht atta, n., a novice. himmona toba, pp., renovated. himmonacha hinla, a., renewable. himo, ady., now; just now, John 2: 9; himo ela, we have just arrived. himona, n., now; the present time. himona, ady., now; just; afresh. himona achafanlit kanima anta, n., ubiquity. himona hofanti, v. a. i., to be growing up now. himona hofanti, n., present generation. himona hofanti, a., pp., just raised; just grown. himonachi, himonachi, v. t., to make new; to renew; to renovate; ilehimo- nachi, to renew himself. himonali, y. n., to be at once or in a moment; himonanli, nasal form. himonali, v. a. i., to do at once.’ himonali, ady., at once; all at once; instantly; forthwith. himonanli, ady., forthwith. himonasi, vy. n., to be instantly. himonasi, n., now; just now; this mo- ment, Matt. 9: 18;~17: 12. himonasi, ady., immediately; instantly. himonasi achafa, n., one minute. himonna, n., a single instance. himonna, ady., once; Luke, 5: 1; Josh. Gra himonna, y. n., to be once or a single time. himonna}?, y. n., to be often; to be fre- quently or repeatedly; Matt. 17: 15. himonna achafa, v. n., to beat one time. himonna achafa, ady., at the same time; himonna achafa mont ikanumpuli, let all speak at once. himonna achafa halalli, n., a single haul. e ? ' ep thet BYINGTON ] himonna achafanli, adv., once. himonna isht atta, n., a novice. himonna tapli, y. t., to sunder once; to clip off once; n., a single clip. himonnaha, adv., once; one time. hina, n., a road; a path; a street, a way, Josh. 2: 19; Matt. 7: 18; a furrow; a pass; a pathway, Luke 3: 4; a route; a row; a track; a trace; an alley; an ave- nue; awalk; Nachi imhina, the Natchez Trace. hina apesa, v. t., to run a road; to lay out a road. hina abanabli, v. t., to cross another road; to go over the road. hina abanabli, n., a crossroad; cross- roads. hina bashpuli, n., a scavenger. hina chito, n., a large road; a highway; a broad way; a large path; a wagon road, hina falakto, n., a fork in a road. hina hanta, n., a bright path; the way of peace; the gospel path; the narrow way of life. hina ikbi, hinikbi, y. t., to make a road, or a row; to furrow; to lay off furrows for planting; to path. hina ikbi, hinikbi, n., a road maker; one who makes roads or furrows; a way maker. hina ikpatho, n., a lane; a narrow way. hina kucha, n., a ford; a pass. hina o"hanabli, v. t., to cross over an- other road. hina o"hanabli, n., a crossroad; cross- roads. hina patha, n., a broad road; a wagon road; a highway; a street. hina takla kahat hu"kupa, n., a high wayman. hinak, okhinak, n., a corn tassel, or the flower of corn on the top of the stalk; also vy. a. i. hinak bitepuli, hinak atepuli, hinak batepuli, n., the rainbow; the bow of promise; Iris. hinak bitepuli, v. a. i., to form or be- come a rainbow; lit., to rainbow. hinak kucha, n., the appearance or coming out of the corn tassel. hinak toba, v. a. i., to become a corn tassel; to tassel, as corn. hinak toba, pp., made as corn tassels; tasselled. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 153 hinakfoata, n., a crossroad. hinakfoata, yv. a. road. hinakshu, n., an old deserted road; an unused road. hinanli, a., along the road. hinanli, v. n., to be along the road. hinikbi, see hina ikbi. hinla, a., liable; likely; obnoxious. hinla, ahinla, sign of the potential mood, can; may; shall; will, Matt. 6: 7, 21; 12: 29; Luke 5: 7; katiohmihahinla, Luke 8: 9; hahinla, Luke 4: 7, 38; Matt. 2:4, 13; John 4:40, 47; hinlashke, would, Matt. 12:38. hinla, can be, or the English ending -ble, as in fusible. hinlatok, could; could have; would. hinlatuk, could; could have; might; might have; should; would. hinli, nasal form, from hieli; haksobish at imhinlikmat, Matt. 11:15; aiapimhat hieli, Matt. 12: 41. hinli, pl., i. e., from two to four; to be standing; haksobish at ®hinlikmat, if he have ears, Matt. 13: 9. hinluk, n., a small green-headed wild duck; a wood duck. hiohma?ya, n., a standing round. hiohmatya, y. a. i., to stand around, Matt. 6: 5; 13: 2, 30; hiohmanyashke, Matt. 12: 47. hioht, adv., contracted from hioli. hioht a®sha, y. a. i., to sit around; to stand. hioht ma"ya, hiohmatya, y. a. i., to stand around. hokma, see hokma. hioh, hiyoli, haiohi (q. v.), v. a. 1. pl., to stand. hioli, a., pp., set up; erected. hioh, n., those which stand; which are set up. hiolichi, hiotechi, y. t., to set up; to to erect; to put up; to raise up, Luke 3: 8; to team; to set on the feet; aka pit hiotichi, Josh. 2: 15; 5: 7; see hie- lichi. hiotichi, n., a teamster. hiotshakeli, n., a grasshopper of the largest kind. hish a®¥sha, a., haired; having hair; hairy. hish a®sha, y. n., to be haired. i., to cross another those 154 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY hishi, n., hair, except that of the head, which is pamshi; fur; feathers; wool; leaves; a blade; a coat (hishi boafa, to shed his coat); a leaf; a spire; a fleece. hishi aialhto, n., a woolsack. hishi alikti, n., a pin feather. hishi atoba, a., woolen. hishi chito, a., hairy; having much hair; shaggy; leafy. hishi chito, v. n., to be hairy. hishi chito, n., a shag; a shag lock. hishi chito a™sha, a., shagged. hishi homi, tishi homi (q. v.), n., pepper. hishi homi ani, n., a pepper corn. hishi homi humma, n., red pepper; cay- enne pepper; capsicum; see tishi hum- md. hishi iksho, a., naked; destitute of hair, except on the head; bare. hishi laua, a., leafy. hishi lapishta, n., short, fine hair; fuzz. hishi toba, a., fledged; feathered. hishi toba, pp., leafed; having leaves; leaved. hishi toba, v.a.i., to fledge; to grow, as feathers; to become feathers; to leaf. hishi tobat taha, pp., feathered entirely; leafed out. hishi wanuksho,n., short fine hair; fuzz. hishi lukchi, see pishilukchi. hishunluk, see hoshunluk. hitoka, hotoka, n., a ball ground. hituchina, a., third. hituchina, v. n., to be the third. hituchinaha, ady., thrice; three times, Acts 10: 16. hituchinanchi, y. t., to do it three times, or the third time. hituk, hittuk, n., powder; gunpowder; Choctaw pearlash, or potash. hituk aialhpisa, n., that in which powder is measured, especially a single charge, and called a charger. hituk aialhto, n., a powderhorn or flask; a keg, or canister of powder. hituk aiikbi, n., a powdermill. hituk aionchiya, n., a pan; a priming pan. hituk atoba, n., a powdermill. hituk bofota, n., dust; flying dust. hituk chubi, hituk chubbi, n., ashes; dry dust; dust; wood ashes, Matt. 11: All [BULL. 46 hituk chubi ahoiya, n., a lye leach; an ash leach; hoiya is the active verb. hituk chubi aholuya, n., an ash leach; a leach; holuya is the passive of hoiya. hituk chubi aialhto, n., an ash box, bin, or tub. hituk chubi holuya, n., lye. hituk chubi inchuka, n., an ash house. hituk chubi isht peti falaia, n., a peel; a large fire shovel. hituk chubi isht piha, n.,an ash shovel; a fire shovel. hituk haksun onchiya, n., a priming; the powder lying on the priming pan. hituk hoiya, n., lye. hitukisht alhpisa, n., a powder charger; the measure of a load. hituk lakna, n., brimstone; sulphur. hituk lakna bota, n., the flour of sul- phur or of brimstone. hituk taya bacha®ya, n., a train of powder. hituk shibota, n., flying dust; smoke of powder. hituk tohbi, n., flying dust; dust, Matt. 10:14; pearlash; potash, such as is man- ufactured by Americans. hituk yanha, n., embers; hot ashes. hitukla, hotukla, a., second. hitukla, y. n., to be second. hituklaha, ady., twice; second time. hituklanchi, v. t., to do it twice, or a sec- ond time, or again. hiyoli, see hioli. ho, 2d per. pl. imp. mood, when the word begins with a consonant, and oh when with a vowel; hominti, come ye; ohia, go ye. ho, oh, the ‘‘marriage pronoun,’’ a syllable thrown into the verb, or placed at the beginning of a verb which indicates certain relations by marriage, such as son-in-law, daughter-in-law, or father-in-law and mother-in-law; used only by those who sustain this rela- tion, and called ‘‘shame talk.’’ ho, an exclamation. ho?, interrogative. See John 6: 29. ho, ho®, an art. used after a noun, usually rendered asa or an, the indefinite ar- ticle; as nana ho pisali, I see a thing, or something. As the art. a” is written an, han, and yam, so this has three ways, om, hon, yon, and chiefly for the BYINGTON ] sake of euphony, yet hor usually follows a verb, yo" a noun, and o” a word which ends with a consonant, as wak o”, hatak on. But the sense and the idiom of the Choctaw will not always admit of rendering ho”, on, and yo by the article a or an; nor will that of the English admit it wherever the Choctaw language does. It isalsoarelative pronoun, simple and compound, when compounded having different senses and used after different parts of speech; ho, hon, hoh (see 0, 0”, - oh), have the sense of the verb to be in the 3d person, or of the auxiliary; also to do; hachibaptismochitishke, I do indeed baptize you, Matt. 3: 11, Compounds: hocha— hoka, because, since, Matt. 5: 22—hokaka—hokaka- no—hokakant—hokakanto, Luke 1: 37; Chihowa hokakanto—hokakat (1 have heard this particle used)—hokakato— hokakhe—hokakheno—hokakhet — hokak- heto—hokakkia; mati, micha okhata aiena hokakkia, even the winds and the sea, Matt. 8: 27—hokakon—hokakocha—hoka- kona—hokakosh; ishpisa hokakosh, thou seest, Matt. 7: 3; chiahokakosh, thou art, John 3: 10; pitsa hokakosh, they seeing, Matt. 13: 13; hahavklo hokakosh, hearing, Matt. 13: 13; hashasha yoka- kosh, ‘‘ye dwell,”’ Josh. 9: 22—haka- kot—hokamo (ho and kama); mintiliho- kamo, —hokano (from ho and kano); na holissochi ateha hokano, the scribes, Matt. 7: 29; itihhokano, their mouth, Matt. 15: 8; keyu hokano, which not, Matt. 15: 18; isht impa hokano to eat with, Matt. 15:20—hokano, hokano, Josh. 1: 3, Matt. 16: 3; haharklo hokano, by hearing, Matt. 13: 13; pihinsa hokano, seeing—hokat, he who does, Matt. 5: 21—hokato, Matt. 5:19, the one who does (distinctive by way of comparison), Matt. 5:19; imachi hokato, Matt. 5: 22; atampa hokato, Matt. 5:37, ishanumpula- chinhokato, Matt: 6: 6; ani keyu hokato, that bringeth not forth fruit, Matt. 7:19; they that, Matt. 11: 8; chunkash okato, their heart, Matt. 15: 8; banna hokato, Matt. 16: 25; abit iktalo hokato, Josh. 8: 26; hoke, final word; lawahoke, are many, Matt. 7: 13; ahauchihoke, do find Matt. 7: 14; isht imaholitopahoke, A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 155 Matt. 11: 19, alhpesahoke it is lawful, Matt. 12: 12; saiyukpa fehnahoke, Matt. 17: 5—hokia—hokon, the, Matt. 17: 2— hona—hosh—hot. hoatsa, vy. t., to chew; to chaw; to champ; to masticate; see hopa’sa. hobachahe keyu, a., inimitable. hobachi, y. t., to imitate; to liken; to assimilate; to ape; to mimic; to echo; to conform; to depict; topattern; to jeer; to mock; to reverberate; to shape; to simulate; isht ahobachi, to pattern by means of it; to figure; itihobachi, to cause to resemble each other or to make them alike; itiobachi, to compare; sahobachi, to imitate me; ilahobachi, v. t., to make like himself, Gen. 1: 26, 27. hobachi, y. a. i., to echo; to pattern; to resound; to reverberate. hobachi, n., an echo; a mock; mockery. hobachi, n., an imitator; a mimic. hobachi, a., mock. hobachi, n., the act of imitation. hobachit, adv. or the v. and conj., same as to imitate, ete. hobachit anumpuli, y. t., to mock; to mimic; to talk like another. hobachit anumpuli, n., a mimicker. hobachit holissochi, y. t., to copy; to write like another; to imitate the writ- ing of another. hobachit holissochi, n., a copyist. hobachit ikbi, v. t., to make after a pat- tern; to make a likeness; to copy; to assimilate. hobachit ikbi, n., one that makes after a pattern; an imitator. hobachit miha, y. t., to rehearse. hobachit nowa, v. t., to walk like an- other. hobak, n., a coward; a poltroon; a das- tard; a eunuch; a gelding; a recreant (a word of peculiar reproach and of- fense). hobak, a., pp., castrated; altered; cut; gelded; cowardly. hobak chohmi, ady., cowardly. hobak ikhi, v. t., to castrate; togeld; to cut; to alter. hobak toba, pp., become a gelding, cow- ard, etc.; castrated; gelded. hobak toba, a., faint hearted; unmanly. hobak tobachi, v. t., to unman. mocker; a 156 hobechi, v. t., to steam; to make a steam; to sweat in order to cure dis- ease as was often done by the Choc- taw doctors after this manner: herbs and roots were collected and boiled inan iron pot, a hole was dug in the ground large and deep enough to admit the pot, which haying been done, a cover of wicker work was laid over it. The patient lay down over this pot, covered himself with blankets, and took the steam. ilehobechi, v. ref., to steam one- self. hobechi, n., one who applies steam; one who steams. hobechi, n., a steaming. hobi, v. t. (pp., holbi), to boil whole, as eges with the shell on, potatoes, chest- nuts, corn on the ear, beans in the pod; to foment. A hochaffo, vy. a. i., to starve; to hunger. hochaffo, hohchaffo, a., hungry; hoh- chaffo fehna, very hungry. hochaffo, hohchafo (Matt. 12:1), ho- chaffo, y.n., tobe hungry; hochaiyafo. hochaffo, n., hunger; hohchafo, famine, 2 Sam. 24: 13. hochaffo, v. a. i., to hunger. hochaffo, pp., starved. hochaffochi, vy. t., to starve; to distress by famine. hochaffochi, n., one that distresses by famine; one that starves others. hochaffochit abi, v. t., to starve; to kill with hunger; hochaffochit abit tali, to starve all to death. hochaffot illi, v. a. i., to die with hunger; to starve to death. hochaffot illi, pp., dead with hunger; starved to death. hocheto, hochito, a. pl., large; big; ereat; huge; vast; immense; stupen- dous. hocheto, y. n., to be large. hocheto, n. pl., greatness; great ones. hochetochi, v. t., to cause to be large. hochetochi, n., an enlarger. hochetoli, y. t., to make large, loud, or great; to enlarge; to increase. hochetoli, n., an enlarger; enlargers; those who make large. hochifo, hochefo, hohchifo, vy. t., to name; to call; to denominate; to en- title; to specify; to style; to term; BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [ BULL. 46 hochinfo, hochihinfo, hochiefo, Matt. 1:21, 22, 23; 10: 25; John 1: 42. hochifo, n., a name, Matt. 6: 9; a de- nomination; a character; a label; a style; a title; hohchifo ash ih, ilap at ili keyu, this character is dead, he is not dead; yamma hohchifo hon, his name, Matt. 12: 21. hochifo, hohchifo, pp., named, Matt. 9: 9; called; denominated; entitled; la- beled; styled; termed, John, 3: 1; iti hochifo, named after another person. hochifo, hochefo, n., anamer; a denom- inator. hochifo bieka, a., nominal. hochifo holisso takali, pp., enrolled. hochifo holisso takalichi, v. t., to en- roll; n., a signer. hochifo iksho, a., unnamed; without name; nameless; anonymous. hochifo iktakalo, a., anonymous; not labeled. hochifo ishi, y. t., to list. hochifo okpulo, n., a by-name; a nick- name; a bad name. hochifo takali, n., a signature. hochifo takali, pp., labeled; having the name entered; named; signed; listed. hochifo takali, vy. a. i., to list. hochifo takalichi, y. t., to label; to en- ter the name; to sign the name; to sub- scribe. hochifo takalichi, n., a subscriber. hochifochi, ahochifochi, y. t., to cause to name; to name, Josh. 19: 47. hochito, see hocheto. hochitolit holissochi, v. t., to engross. hochitot holisso, pp., engrossed. hochu®atlhto, see hoshunaialhto. hochukbi, hichukbi, n., a natural pit; a hole; a cave; a cavern. hochukma, a. pl., good; excellent; pleas- ant; agreeable, Josh. 5: 2; achukma, sing., which see, Matt. 5: 16; 6: 28; 13:45; na hochukma, good things, Matt. 7:11; hochunkma, the good, Matt. 18: 45. hochukma, hochu"kma, y. n., to be good; hochuyukma, pro. form. hochukma, v. a. i., to do well; to do good; to act good, as hashhochukma. hochukma, n., goodness; excellencies. hochukmalechi, vy. t. pl., to repair them; to make them good. hochukmalechi, n. pl., repairers. BYINGTON ] A DICTIONARY OF THE hochukmali, y. t. pl., to improve them; to repair; to better, etc. hochukmali, n., repairers. hochukmat, ady., well; in a good man- ner or state. hochukwa, a., cold; chilly; this word describes the sensation of cold; aguish; hochukwat wl, very cold. hochukwa, vy. n., to be cold or chilly; aguish; sahochukwa, Iam cold; not se- kapassa. hochukwa, v. a. i., to freeze. hochukwa, n., a cold; chilliness; ague; a chill; an ague fit. hochukwa yanha, n., the fever and ague. hochukwat yanha, y. t., to have the fever and ague; to be sick with the fever and ague. hochukwachi, a., aguish; chilly; some- what cold. hochukwachi, vy. n., to be aguish, chilly, etc. hochukwoba (from hochukwa and holba) a., aguish; shivering. hochukwoba, vy. n., to be aguish; to be shivering. hoeta, v.a.i., v. t., to puke; to vomit; to discharge; to gulp; to regorge; to spew. hoeta, n., a puke; a vomiting; a vomit. hoeta banna, v. t., to gag; v.a.1., toretch. hoeta banna, n., nausea; a qualm. hoeta banna, a., qualmish; queasy. hoetachi, y. t., to cause to puke or vomit. hoetachi, n., an emetic; a puke; a vomit. hoetachi banna, a., sickish. hoetat pisa, v. t., to heave; v. a. i., to retch; to gag. hofah iksho, hofahyiksho, a., immod- est; impudent; shameless; unblushing; ikhofahyo, not ashamed; unblushing; unshamed. hofahya, a., ashamed; abashed; cha- grined; mortified; scandalous; hofaya (subpositive), shameful; sheepish. hofahya, v. n., to be ashamed. hofahya, n., shame; dishonor; mortifi- cation; scandal; isht ahofahya, reproach, Josh. 5: 9. hofahya, pp., mortified; ashamed. hofahyachi, y. t., to shame; to abash; to expose to shame; to mortify. hofahyachi, n., a shamer, CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 157 hofahyat, ady., shamefully. hofaloha, a. pl., long; tall; lengthy, as in uski hofaloha; falaia, sing. hofaloha, y. n., to be long, or tall. hofaloha, n., length; tallness. hofalohachi, y. t., to make them long; to lengthen. hofaloli, v. t., to make long, Matt. 23: 5. hofanti, vy. n., to grow up; to advance in stature, as animate or inanimate ob- jects, children, cattle, etc., 1 Sam. 2: 21; siahofanti, raised up by me or with me; katimako chiahofanti hon? hofanti, pp., grown, Matt. 8: 32 [?]; reared; raised; brought up; cherished; nourished; protected. hofanti, n., a growth; that which is raised or reared. hofantichi, v. t., to raise; to rear; to bring up; to cherish; to foster; to nour- ish; tonurture; to protect; hofantinchi, nasal form; hofantihinchi, freq., Luke @: 28. hofantichi, n., a raiser; the person who raises, educates, or brings up; a nour- isher. hofantit taha, pp., grown up; fully grown. hofayali, hofayali, vy. t., to shame; to abash; to expose to shame; to humble; am anumpa isht hofayatiletuk, I shamed him by my words; isht hofati, persecu- tion, Matt. 13: 21; isht hofayati, v. t., to stigmatize; ilehofayati, to disgrace him- self. hofayah, n., a shamer. hofayatichi, v. t., to put to shame, Luke 18: 32; Mark 12: 4. hofayalit, adv., shamefully. hofalli, v. a. i., to hatch; to come out’ of the shell, as birds, fowls, turtles, and any creature that is formed in a shell; to grow, as the young who thus come into being. hofalli, n., a growth; a hatch; the act of exclusion from the egg. hofalli, pp., hatched; grown; raised. hofallichi, vy. t., to hatch; to raise; to cause to raise or to hatch; ikhofallecho, a., unhatched. hofallichi, n., a raiser of breeder. hofobi, a., deep; profound; ikhofo, a., shallow, poultry; a 158 hofobi, hofombi, y. n., to be deep. hofobi, n., depth; deepness; thickness; ikhofobo, n., shallowness; a shoal. hofobi, pp., made deep; deepened. hofobi, adv., thick; thickly. hofobichi, vy. t., to deepen. hofobichit hilechi, y. t., to radicate; to set deep. hofobichit hokchi, v. t., to root. hofobika, n., the depth. hofobit ia, v. a. i., to deepen; to become more deep. hofombika, n., the deep. hoh, a distinctive emphatic particle, which perhaps should be regarded as a pronoun; it; that; see Luke 2: 44; hachimachi hohkia, Mark 13: 21; ishla hohcho? art thou come? Matt. 8: 29; imateka hohkia, Matt. 11: 22. hohchaffo, see hochaffo. hohchifo, pass. of hochifo; ahohchifo, called in, Matt. 5: 19. hohchifo, n., aname; his name, Matt. 1: 21; chithohchifo, thy name; Matt. 7: 22; sign, Acts 28:11; athohchifo, my name, Matt. 18:5; 2 Sam. 14: 7. hohchifo, pp., named, Josh. 2: 1; called, Josh. 5: 9. hohoeta, pl., or freq., hoeta, sing., to puke continually; to vomit continually; hothinta, freq. hohoeta, n., a puke; a vomiting. hohoetachi, v. t. pl., to puke; to vomit; to cause to puke. hohpi, see hopi. hohpi, hopi, hoppi, v. t., to bury; to inter; to commit the dead to the ground or grave; to inhume; to entomb; to sepulcher; hohpili, I bury, Matt. 8: 21; hohpashke, let them bury, Matt. 8: 22; 14: 12; 1 Kings 11: 15; hohpit iatok, they went to bury her, 2 Kings 9: 35. hohpi, n., an interment; a burial; obse- quies; sepulture. hohpi, n., agrave digger; asexton; hohpi at ikshokahioke, 2 Kings 9: 10. hohtak, n., a pond; a beaver pond; a lake, Luke 5: 1. hohtak ushi, n.,a small pond; also name of a creek. hoiya, foiya, v. a. i., to drip; to leak; to strain; to filter; hohoniya, 1 Sam. 14: 26, spoken of honey. hoiya, pp., strained; filtered. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [ BULL. 46 hoiya, n., a leak; a drop. hoiyachi, v. t., to strain; to filter; to percolate. _ hoiyachi, n., one who strains, filters, ete. ; a straining. hok, sign of past tense, having also an adverbial meaning, as mintili hok; same as tukoke, a contracted expression. hokak, ete.; see ho and its compounds. hokama, hokamba, conj., because. hokbali, v. t., to warm over again, as kafi hokbali, tanfula hokbali; hokba, pp. hokbano, okbano, yokbano, sign of optative mood; atyahokbano, ilahnishke, only be along, Josh. 1:17; oh, that it might be; hokbano ahni, 2 Tim. 1: 4; hokbano is used without ahni in 2 Tim. 1:16, 18; 2:7; kbato, okbato, nom. case; Ebano, okbano, obj. case. hokbato, sign of optative mood, Luke 19: 42. hokchi, v. t., to plant; to sow; tolay; toset; as, onush hokchi; tanchi hokchi; ilahokchi, to plant anything by itself, separated from others; ahokchichi, vy. t., to sow among other grain; ant ahokchichi, and some other sort, Matt. 13: 25; see ata- nachi, Judg. 16: 18; where Samson’s seven locks were woven with the web, i. e., two different things are woven together. hokchi, n., a planter; a sower. hoke, a final particle of assertion from ho and ke; an affirmative particle. hokli, y. t., v. a. 1., to catch; to seize; to lay hold of, Matt. 14: 3; to take; to clasp; to entrap; to fasten; to gin; to have; to ensnare; to noose, to trammel; to trap; itimhokli, Mark 12: 3; hohonkli, nasal form; hoyukli, pro. form; ikhoklo, a., untaken. hokli, n., a catcher; a seizer; a taker. hokli, n., a seizure. hoklichi, v. t., to cause to catch; to em- ploy to catch. hoklit aiissa, y. t., to ravish; to force; to commit a rape; to violate, 2 Sam. 13: 12. hoklit aiissa, n., a ravisher; a violator. hoklit aiissa, n., a rape. hokma, hiokma, if it shall (from hoand kma, ho, is, kma, then, that), Matt. 11: 14; 12: 27;af Matt: 18: 8) 92afsshalll Matt. 18: 15; hiokma is in the future, BYINGTON ] from he and okma; nana hokma, what it be, Matt. 9: 18; yammakosh, that; nana hokma, that, Matt. 10: 13; achi hokma, when they ask, Josh. 4:6; hok- ma, or, Matt. 10: 14, Josh. 1: 7; tamaha hokmd, that house, or that city, nana iskitini hokmd, chito hokmad nana kia, 1 Sam. 30; hokmdé as here used is similar to the Latin suspensives. Compounds: hokmak; hokmakbanoho- ka those that be, Matt. 16: 23—hok- maka—hokmakano — hokmakato — hok- makhe—hokmakheno— hokmakhet — hok- maketo—hokmako, then, Josh. 1: 15— hokmakocha—hokmakoka—hokmakokano —hokmakokat —hokmakokato —hokmak- oke—hokmakokia—hokmakona—hokmak- osh; ona hokmakosh, he were, Matt. 10: 22; 18: 6, 9; for then, Joshua 1: 8— hokmakot—hokmano, hokmano; keyu hok- mano, Matt. 10: 13; yohmihokmano, so if then; then, Matt. 12: 28; 18: 16— hokmat, if, Luke 4: 3; John 4: 10; chia- hokmat, if thou art; Matt. 4: 3; shall, Matt. 5: 19; when, Matt. 6: 3; banna- hokmat, if he will, Matt. 16: 24; shall, Matt. 18: 5; ishpikochawelihokmat, if thou cast us out, Matt. 8: 31—hokmato. hokofa, v. a. i. sing., to end; to close; to come up, as in tow; to rest; to stanch; to fail, Josh. 3: 16; itahokofa, to come apart, Josh. 3: 13; ont ahokofa, v. a. i., to terminate. hokofa, pp., ended, Josh. 4: 7; closed; cut off; shut; stanched; terminated, ita- hokofa, sandered; cut in two; unjointed. hokofa, n., the end; the close. hokoffi, v. t., to cut off, Matt. 18: 8; to end; to rebuke, asa fever, in Luke 4: 39; to dock; toshut; to stanch; to ter- minate; itahokofi, to sunder; to cut in two; tounjoint; imahokofi vy. t., to si- lence; see ahokoffi. hokoffi, n., one that cuts off, ends, ete. hokola, ady., also; of the same sort or species; just like the other; used in speaking of two sons-in-law. hokola, vy. n., to be like the other. hokoh, y. a. i. pl., to end; to come off; to close. hokoli, pp. pl., cut off; severed; ended; eut in pieces; cut up; itahokoti, cut apart. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 159 hokotichi, y. t., to sever; to cut off, as logs; to cut up, as a tree; itahokotichi, to sever them from each other; to shorten, Mark 13: 20. hokotichi, n. pl., those who cut off, or sever. hokulbi, a., moist; pliable; succulent; wet, as land. hokulbi, v. n., to be moist; to soften, as a dry hide in water; wak hakshup at hokulbi. hokulbichi, y. t., to moisten; to render pliable. holabi, vy. a. i., to lie; to utter a falsehood; to tell a lie; to belie; to fib; itimholabi, to lie to each other. holabi, a., lying; false; counterfeit; sham; untrue; ititholabi, false to each other. holabi, v. n., to be false, or counterfeit; to fable; to falsify. holabi, n., a lie; a falsehood; a fable; a fabrication; a falsity; a fib; untruth; a liar; a falsifier; a fibber; a recreant. holabi, ady., untruly; falsely. holabichi, y. t., to belie; to make a per- son lie; to procure a liar; to falsify; to suborn. holabichi, n., a suborner. holabit anoli, v. t., 1o misrepresent. holabit anumpa kallo ilonuchi, y. t., to perjure; n., a perjurer. holakshi, v. t., to lick. holakshi, n., a licker. holashki, y. a. i., to be thickened like soap, etc., when made; applied to honey and horehound boiled together. holba, a., like; resembling; similar; alike; itioba, a., similar; itiholba, like each other; similar; ikitiholbo, differing from each other; dissimilar; unlike; ikiti- holbo, v. a. 1., to differ. holba, v. n., to be like, or similar; to appear, Matt. 6:8; 13: 24, 31; imholba, to appear to them, Matt. 6: 18; itiholba, to be like each other; v. a. i., to match; ikitiholbo, to differ; itiholba, v. a. i., to harmonize. holba, vy. a. i., to savor; to span. holba, n., an appearance; a shape; a like- ness; resemblance; imitation; itioba, n., a comparison; a figure; a form; an image; a picture; seeming; semblance; itiholba, n., harmony; similitude; iti- holba keyu, n., odds. 160 holba, pp., imitated; made to resemble; likened; compared together; resembled; itiholba or itioba, a., made like each other; kindred. holba, ady., like. holbachi, holbachi, vy. t., to imitate; to savor; see hobachi; itiholbachi, to har- monize; to resemble. holbat toba, v. a. i., to become alike. holbat toba, pp., made alike. holbi, pp., boiled in the pod, skin, ete. ; hobi, v. t. holbi, n., that which is boiled. holbichi, y. t., to cause to boil, or to be boiled. holhkunna, hulhkunna, n., a witch; witchcraft. holhpa, n., a burn; a scald; small blis- ters. holhpa, pp., scalded; see hatak holhpa. holhpalli, holhpali, y. t., to burn; to nettle; see hatak holhpalli. holhpela, pp., distributed; divided; dis- pensed; hopela, v. t. holhpela, n., a distribution; a division; a portion, 1 Sam. 1: 5. holhpena, holhpina, pp., counted; enu- merated; numbered; hopena, v. t. holhpena, n., enumeration; number; count. holhpokunna, holhpokna, yulhpoko- na, v. a. i., to dream; to see visions; holhpokuna, Matt. 1: 20. holhpokunna, holhpokna, n., a dream. holhpokunna, holhpokna,n., adreamer. holhpokunnachi, v. t., to cause to dream. holhponayo, v.a.i., tosee; toexercise the power of seeing and not to look at sin- gle objects. holhponayo, n., eyesight. holhponayochi, holhponayuchi, vy. t., to give eyesight; to cause to see, Luke 4:18. holhponi, pp., cooked. holhponi, n., victuals; commonly a dish of boiled corn and beans; samp. holhpusi, pp., pounded; brayed in a mortar. holhpusi, n., that which is brayed. holhta, pp., separated from; taken out; robbed, as bees are robbed; foe at holhta, chukfi at holhta, ete.; hota, v. t. holhta, n., that which is thus taken. burnt; nettled; BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 holhtampi, n., a file or string; from holhtapi. holhtapi, pp., strung; filed; put on a line or stick, as beads, birds, or fish, ete.; ho- tampi, Vv. t., shikala holhtapi; holhtampi, nasal form, being strung; holhtampi, n., see above. holhtena (from hotina), pp., numbered, Matt. 10: 30; enumerated; counted; computed; estimated; liquidated; reck- oned; summed; valued; ikholhteno, pp., excluded; exempted; a., uncounted; unnumbered. holhtina, n., the number; the enumer- ation; the census; the tale; the number reckoned; figures; 2 Sam. 24: 2; Josh. 4: 8; holhtina totksali, to work figures, to cipher; an estimation; a computation. holhtina, vy. a. i., to become; to be reck- oned as one of a multitude. holhtina atapa, a., unnumbered. holhtina hinla, a., numerable. holhtinahe keyu, a., incalculable; in- estimable; innumerable. holihta or hollihta, pp., fenced; inclosed by a fence; inclosed; ikaholihto, a., un- fenced. holihta, n., a fence; a yard; a barricade; a lot; a court; a pen; wak irholihta, a cow yard or lot; an inclosure. holihta abel, vy. t. pl., to put into a lot, yard, ete. holihta apotaka, n., fence side; the side of a fence. holihta atiwa, n., an opening ina fence; a gap in a fence. holihta albiha, pp., pent; put up ina yard. holihta alhpoa albiha, n., a pasture. holihta fohka, pp., penned; put in a pen; holihta forhka, nasal form. holihta fohki, y. t., to pen; to shut ina pen; to confine in a small inclosure. holihta halupa, pp., paled. holihta halupa, n., a paling or picket fence; a picket; a pallisade. holihta halupa ikbi, y. t., to pale; to picket; to make a pale or picket; to pallisade. holihta iksho, a., fenceless. holihta isht alhkama, n., a gate; a gate belonging to a fence. holihta itafena, pp., staked, as a fence. holihta itafena, n., a staked fence. : 4 BYINGTON | holihta itafenali, v. t., to stake a fence. holihta itintakla, n., a lane between fences. holihta kallo, n., a fort; a pallisade; a palisado; a bulwark; a fortification; a fortress; a rampart; a fastness; a garri- son; a parapet; a stockade; a ward; a stronghold, 2 Sam. 24: 7. holihta kallo ikhbi, v. t., to fortify; to make a fort. holihta kallo isht okpani, n., a batter- ing ram. holihta okhisa, n., a gate; the opening through a fence for passing in and out, N@sle 2 Ue holihta okhisa achushkachi, n., the bars of a gate, or such as are used in- stead of a gate. holihta okhisa aiachushkachi, n., bar holes in a post. holihta okhowataka, holihta okfoa- taka, n., the side of a fence, lot, yard, ete. holihta okpani, vy. t., to unfence; to de- stroy a fence. holihta pata, n., rails; fencing stuff. holihta yi®@yiki, n., a worm fence; a Vir- ginia fence; a crooked fence. holihtachi, y. t., to fence; to make a fence; to put up a fence; to empale; to immure; toinclose; to rail, Mark 12:1. holihtachi, n., one that makes a fence. holihtalhto, pp., folded; penned. holihtani, v. t., to fold; to pen. holihtani, n., a folder; one that folds. holihtushi, n., asmall pen; a small lot. holilabi, a., rabid; mad. holilabi, v. n., to be rabid, ete. holilabi, n., hydrophobia; frenzy. holillabi, a., gluttonous; greedy. holissa hinla, a., expressible. holissichi, see holissochi. holissikbi, see holisso ikbi. holisso, pp., written; recorded; entered in a book; composed; expressed; in- dited; lettered; marked; minuted; nar- rated; noted; penned; printed; holi- hinso, freq.; aholihinso, Josh. 1: 8, written therein; o”holisso, engraved; inscribed; written on; ik/olisso, a., un- written. holisso, n., a book; a writing; a letter; a paper; a volume; a brief; the Bible; Scripture, Luke 4: 21; a character; a 84339°—Bull. 46—15——11 A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 161 letter or figure used to form words; a composition; an essay; a dissertation; a gazette; handwriting; an instrument; a ledger; a manuscript; a mark to shoot at made of paper; a note; o”ho- lisso, an inscription; a minute; a maga- zine; a pamphlet; a pass; a passport; a permit; a piece; a print; a receipt; a record; a remark; a roll; a safe con- duct; a schedule; Scripture; a suffrage; a table; a title; a tome; a transcript; a treatise; a volume; a vote; a warrant; a work; isht holisso, of whom it is writ- ten, Matt. 11: 10. holisso ahikia, n., a book shelf. holisso aiasha, n., a library; shelves; a place for books. holisso aialbiha shukcha, n., a pocket- book holisso aialhto, n., a bookcase; a book basket, box, etc.; a mail; a letter bag; a satchel. holisso aiikbi, n., a printing office; a paper mill. holisso aiitatoba, n., a book store. holisso aiithana, n., a place of learn- ing; a seat of learning, or knowledge. holisso aiithana, n., a school; a place in which persons are instructed in learning; an institution; a lyceum. holisso aiithana chito, n., a college; an academy. holisso aiithana (or aiikhana) chuka, n., a schoolhouse; an academy. holisso aiithananchi, n., a place of in- struction in books. holisso aiitimanumpuli, v. t., to read a book; to talk with a book; Matt. 12:4, 5. holisso akaha, n., a book shelf. holisso alapalachi, y. t., to paper, as a room. holisso alapali, pp., papered. holisso anumpa atakali, n., a register. holisso apisa, n., a study; a school; a lyceum; aschool room; a schoolhouse. holisso apisa akucha, n., vacation. holisso apisa chito, n., a large school; a college. holisso apisa chuka, n., a schoolhouse; an academy. holisso asilhha, n., a written request; a petition. holisso atakali, n., aerecord. holisso atakalichi, y. t., to schedule. book 162 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY holisso atalaia, n., a book shelf. holisso ataloa,n.,a hymn book; a psalm book. holisso ataloha, n., book shelves. holisso atoba, n., a paper mill; a type. holisso alhtoba, n., postage; price of a letter, book, ete. holisso alhtoba iksho, n., a frank. holisso bahta chito fohki, v. t., to mail a letter. holisso hakshup iksho, n., a pam- phlet. holisso hochifot itimanumpuli, v. t., to spell. holisso holitopa, n., a sacred book or writing; the Bible; often applied also to treaties and communications from the government; Scripture; the Testa- ment. holisso holitopa holissochi, n., an evan- gelist; a sacred writer; a sacred pen- man. holisso holitopa takali, a., scriptural. holisso ibapisa, n., a book mate; a class- mate; a fellow student; a schoolmate. holisso ikaholisso, n., a blank; a void space on paper. holisso ikbi, y. t., to print; to makea book; to write; to publish. holisso ikbi, holissikbi, n., book mak- ing; the author of a book; one who makes a book; a printer; an editor; a paper maker; a bookman. holisso ikhana, holisso ithana, n., a scholar; scholarship. holisso ikhana, pp., educated. holisso ikithano, a., uneducated; un- read; unschooled. holisso imanumpuli, y. t., to read; to read aloud from a book, Luke 4: 16. holisso imanumpuli, n., a reader. holisso imponna, n., a scholar; one skilled in books. holisso intannap achafa, n., a page. holisso iskitini, n., a small letter; a line; a manual; a note. holisso isht akamassa, n., a water; seal- ing wax. holisso isht akallo, n., a wafer; sealing wax. holisso isht anumpuli, vy. t., to talk about a book, writing, a letter, ete. holisso isht ashana, n., a wafer; sealing wax. e [ BULL. 46 holisso isht alhkama, n., a wafer. holisso isht baska, n., a card used in games. holisso isht kashoffi, n., rubber; India rubber. holisso isht ta™fa, n., a ruler; an instru- ment by which lines are drawn on paper. holisso i2shukcha, n., a pocket book; a letter bag. holisso i2shushi, n., a book worm. holisso ithana, holisso ikhana, v. t., to understand a book. holisso ithana, pp., taught; learned; holisso ikithano, pp., untaught; un- learned; a., illiterate. holisso ithana, v. t., to learn; ‘‘to learn the book.” holisso ithana, n., a learner; a student; a scholar. holisso ithananchi, y. t., to teach a knowledge of books; to teach; toschool. holisso ithananchi, holisso ithanan- chi, n., a teacher; a school teacher; an institutor; an instructor; a professor. holisso ithananchi, n., schooling. holisso itibapisa, v. t., tostudy together. holisso itibapisa, n., a fellow-student; a fellow-scholar. holisso itimanumpuli, v. t., to read; to read a book; to spell. holisso itimanumpuli, n., a reader. holisso kanchi, y. t., to sell a book or books. holisso kanchi, n., a book seller; a sta- tioner. holisso kallo, n., a writ. holisso lapalichi, v. t., to enlist; to re- cord. holisso lapushki, n., a bank bill; a bank note; paper money. holisso lapushki ikbi, n., a cashier. holisso lapushki ikbi, y. t., to make bank bills. holisso lapushki okpulo, n., a counter- feit note. holisso lapushki okpulo ikbi, vy. t., to counterfeit paper money. holisso Hlaia, n., a piece of torn paper; a slip of paper; a bit of paper; a ticket; a butt, used as a mark; a certificate, because written on a small piece of paper. % 4 4 y BYINGTON ] holisso nan anoli, n., a story; a story book. holisso nowat aya, n., a newspaper. holisso nowat a®ya alhtoba, n., post- age. holisso nowat a®ya inchuka, n., a post-office. holisso nowat a™ya.ishi, n., a post- master. holisso okpulo, n., a bad book; waste paper; a scrawl. holisso o®lipa, n., a book cover. holisso o®lipa ikbi, n., a bookbinder. holisso pata, n., a spread paper; a paper spread out. holisso pata achafa, n., a page in a book. holisso pisa, vy. t., to study a book; to study; to attend school; to read. holisso pisa, n., a scholar; a pupil; a student; a book man. holisso pisa alhtoba, n., schooling. holisso pisa imponna, a., book learned. holisso pisa shali, n., a book worm. holisso pisa shah, a., bookish; given to learning. holisso pisachi, v. t., to teach; to keep a school; to show the books. holisso pisachi, n., a teacher; an in- structor; a schoolmaster; a pedant; an usher. holisso puta, n., a scroll; a sheet of paper. holisso pula pokoli tuklo akucha ushta, n., a ream of paper. holisso shali, n., a postman. holisso shali fohki, v. t., to mail. holisso shali foka, pp., mailed. holisso shali inchuka, n., a post-office. holisso takali, pp., recorded; entered in a book; booked; slated. holisso takalichi, y. t., to slate; to re- cord; to enter in a book; to book; to register; n., a recorder. holisso talakchi achafa,n., a ream of paper. holisso tohbi, n., white paper; writing paper. holisso umpatha, n., a book cover. holissochi, holissichi, y. t., to write; to compose; to draft; to draw; to express; to indite; to letter; to limn; to mark; to narrate; to note; to pen; to pencil; to print; to scrawl; toscribble; to sign; A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 163 to table; to take; to value; to venerate; hollisonchi, nas. form, holissohonchi, freq., Matt. 2: 5; John 1: 45; itinholis- sochi, to correspond; o®holissochi, v. t., to inscribe. holissochi, n., an amanuensis; a writer; a scribe; a clerk; a scrivener; a chirog- rapher; a composer; a copier; a pen- man; handwriting, as B. holissochioka B’s handwriting; a marker; a penner; a printer; a recorder; a secretary; na holissochi, a scribe, Matt. 7: 29. holissochi ikhananchi, n., a writing master. holisscchit anoli, y. t., to certify; to communicate by letter. holishki, y. a. i., to be thick, glutinous, like dried oil, or like paste or mush. holitobli, v. t., v. a. i., to love; to rever- ence; to respect; to bless; to worship, John 4: 21; to honor, Matt. 15: 4, 5; to keep holy; to magnify; to observe; to regard; to revere; to serve, Matt. 6: 24; to keep, Josh. 5: 10, 11; to keep a birth- day, Matt. 14: 6; to fear, Josh. 4: 14, 24; holittobli, intensive form; ileholitobli, to respect one’s self; itiholitobli, to love each other; imholitobli, to make sacred before him, so that he may not profane it, like the tree of life in Eden. holitobli, n., a lover; a worshiper; love; an honorer; a magnifier; ileholitobli, self-respect; self-esteem. holitobli keyu, a , unvalued. holitoblichi, y. t. caus., to set apart as sacred; to celebrate; to consecrate; to dedicate; to dignify; to ennoble; to en- rich; to esteem; to exalt; to glorify; to grace; to hallow; to illustrate; to pre- fer; to sanctify; to solemnize; to sub- lime; to magnify, Josh. 3: 7; 4:14; to give glory to, Josh. 7:19. holitoblichi, n., a sanctifier. holitoblichit isht anumpuli, vy. t., to eulogize; to extol. holitoblit aia®tichi, vy. t., to serve, Luke 4:8. holitoblit aiokpachi, vy. t., to worship, Luke 4:7; to glorify, Luke. 5: 25; to homage. holitoblit hofantichi, y. t., to cherish. holitoblit isht anumpa, n., an eulogy; a panegyric. 164 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY holitoblit isht anumpuli, v. t., to cele- brate; to panegyrize; to praise. holitoblit isht anumpuli, n., a celebra- tion. holitompa, n., eminence; a high rank; a prince; anoble; okla ha” irholitompa, Josh. 9: 15. holitompa, a., reputable; holy, nana kat holitompa kano, that whichis holy, Matt. 7: 6; na holitompa isht a”sha, a priest, Matt. 8: 4. holitopa, pp., a., dear; valuable; estima- ble; excellent; glorious; holy; honora- ble; illustrious; magnificent; near; pre- cious; reverend; royal; sacred; solemn; splendid; sublime; sumptuous; venera- ble; worthy; Matt. 10: 31; Matt. 12: 12; sacred; beloved, Matt. 17: 5; holy, Josh. 5: 15; rich; august; hallowed; Matt. 6: 9; good, Matt. 6: 26; choice; honored; blessed; consecrated; darling; ennobled; enriched; esteemed; ex- alted; graced; glorified; illustrated; respected; revered; sainted; sanctified; valued; venerated; ikholitopo, honor- less; unhallowed; unholy; unhonored; unwealthy; isht aholitopa, nan isht ima- holitopa, glory of them, Matt. 4: 8; na holitopa, u., a pearl, Matt. 7: 6; holittopa, intensive form; iti”holitopa, dear to each other or to love each other; i”holitopa, n., his saints, 1 Sam. 2: 9; inholitopa, dear to him, or to love him; to rever- ence; i”holitopa, n., his dear friend; holitompa, nas. form; holitohompa, freq. form; holitoywpa, pro. form. holitopa, n., riches; glory; that whichis sacred; credit; honor; dearness; dig- nity; exaltation; grandeur; highness; holiness; love; magnitude; majesty; merit; reputation; repute; sanctity; splendor; sublimity; value; worship; worth; worthiness. holitopa atapa, a., inestimable; invalu- able; unvalued. holitopa banna, n., cupidity. holitopachi, v. t. caus., to glorify, John 12: 28; ilaholitopachi, to glorify himself, John 12: 28. holitopat, adv., worthily. holitopat annoa, n., glory. holitopat hofanti, pp., cherished. sacredly; solemnly; [ BULL. 46 holitopat isht anumpa, pp., celebrated; eulogized. holiya, see holuya. hollihta, see holihta. hollo, pp., drawn on; put on, as shoes, boots, stockings; holo, v. t. (q. v.). hollo, n., a pair, or that which is drawn on, as stockings upon the feet; shulush hollo achafa. hollo, hullo, vy. n., to have the monthly flow or discharge, as a female. hollo, n., menses; the monthly flow of females. hollohpi, pp., entombed, hollopili, I en- tomb; ahollohpi, n., a grave. hollokmi, holukmi, pp., burnt; fired; scalded; lwak isht hollokmi, burned in the fire, Matt. 13: 40; ikholokmo, a., unburnt. hollopi, holohpi, pp., buried; interred; entombed; ikhollopo, a., unburied; not interred. holmo, pp., covered; roofed; housed; shingled. hoimo, n., a roof; a covering. holo, y. t., to draw on; to put on (one- self), as shoes, boots, moccasins, stock- ings, pantaloons; hoyolo, Josh. 9: 5. holochi, vy. t., to put shoes, etc., upon another. See Luke 15: 22. holohpi, see hollopi. holokchi, pp., planted; sown; nana im- aholokchitukash, Matt. 18: 19; na holok- chi, n., a plant. holopi, pp., stocked; hafted; helved. holoti, holotti, pp., wound, as feathers on the small end of an arrow; holoti, n. holufka, pp., sunned; dried; aired; 7k- holufko; a., unsunned. holufka, n., that which is sunned. holukmi, n., a burn; aconflagration; see hollokmi. ; holu4si, holussi, a., brown, dark brown; turning black; 7si at holwnsi. holutsi, v. n., to be brown; aholunsi, v. t., to blacken; to color black. holussi, halussi, pp., pounded; brayed; beaten. holussi, n., that which is beaten. holushmi, pp., burnt; fired. holushmi, n., that which is burnt; a burning; a conflagration. hot 7 2 -, meee eee eo BYINGTON] holuya, holiya, v. a.i., to drip; to leak; to filtrate; to run through; to distill; to drain; to dribble; to filter; to percolate. holuya, n., a dripping. holuya, pp., distilled; filtrated; strained; filtered; percolated; ikholuyo, a., un- strained. holuyachi, vy. t., to drain; to leach; to filtrate; to percolate; to strain. hol, n., a wedge or bar (of metal); see Osment: 2 24. homaiyi, n., carnation; red; purple. homaiyi, hummaiyi, a., reddish; red; fallow, as a deer; purple. homaiyi, v. n., to be reddish or red. homaiyichi, v. t., to make reddish; to color red; to purple; to empurple. homakbi, n. pl., a purple. homakbi, a. pl., reddish; purple; brown. homakbichi, y. t., to make purple; to color purple. homechi, v. t., to season, Mark 9: 50; to embitter; to make bitter or strong, as a liquid, etc.; to turn sour, etc.; to sour; to make sour, acrid, bitter, etc.; ho- minichi, nasal form; ikhomecho, neg. form; to dilute; to weaken; to reduce. homechi, a., sour; somewhat sour or bitter; sourish; frowy; harsh. homi, pp., soused; made bitter; embit- tered; turned; ikhomo, pp., reduced; diluted, as spirits; a., weak; ikhomoki- taha, a., vapid. homi,a., bitter; sour; acrid; strong; smart; acetous; ardent; fiery; astringent; brack- ish; hard; poignant; pungent; racy; sharp; tart. homi, v. a. i., to prick; to become acid; to sour. homi, v. n., to be bitter, etc. homi, n., bitterness; pungency; sharp- ness; tartness. homi chohmi, a., somewhat bitter; sour- ish. homi chohmiy, vy. n., to be somewhat bit- ter, etc. homi fehna, a., virulent. homilhha, a., sourish, like a bad taste in in the mouth from indigestion. homma, see humma. homo, v. t., to cover; to shingle; to roof; to house. homo, n., one who roofs, shingles, etc. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 165 honatla, pp. pl., nailed; strung; pierced; anata, sing. honayo, honnayoh, a., wild; untamed; shy; ikhonayo, tame; not wild. honayo, v.n., to be wild, etc.; ikhonayo, neg. form. honayo, n., shyness, wildness; ikhonayo, gentleness; tameness; mansuetude. honali, v. t. pl., to pierce; to sting; nati, sing. honatichi, vy. t., to nail; analichi, sing.; itahonatichi, to tack together. honammona, v. t., to parboil. honi, honni, v. t., to cook; to seethe; to prepare food for the table; to boil; to prepare for use; to brew; to decoct; to distill; to extract; to stew. honi, n., a cook; a boiler; a person who boils. honichi, v. t., caus., to make her cook. honnayoh, see honayo. honni, pp., cooked; boiled; seethed; brewed; distilled; extracted; stewed; sodden; 1 Sam. 2: 15; ikhonno, a., un- boiled. honni, n., food; victuals; that which has been cooked, boiled, etc.; a stew. honola, v. t., to twist. honola, n., a twister. hononammona, pp., parboiled. honula, pp., twisted. honula, v. a. i., to twist (it twists). honula, honnula, n., a twist; pala i™hon- nula lua, the wick of a candle, Matt. 12: 20; ‘‘smoking flax.”’ hopahki, subpositive form; farish; some- what far. hopaii, n., a prophet; apriest; a military leader or captain; a captain-general; a general; a war chief; a war prophet; a major-general; aseer; an augur; Matt. 1: 22: 10: 41; 11: 9; 12: 17-18; 14: 5. hopaii puta, n., the prophets, Matt.7: 12. hopakachi, see hopakichi. hopaki, n., a distance; alength of time; a remove; a while, Matt. 13: 21; tkho- pako, n., a spell; a short time. hopaki, a., distant as to time or place; remote; far away; far off; far; Josh. 8:4; a long way; a long time; old, Matt. 13: 52; removed. hopaki, v. n., to be distant; imhopaki, to be far from it; hopakishke, Matt. 15: 8. 166 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY hopaki, adv., for a long time; for a long way; far; late; long; remotely; wide; widely; hopaki tahachin, it will last a long time. hopaki achafa, n.,a minute; one minute. hopaki fehna, ady., farthest. hopaki i#shali, a., farther; longer as to time; farthest. hopaki kash, adv., long ago, Matt.11: 21. hopakichechi, y. t., to cause to go far off, or to delay a long time. hopakichi, hopakachi, vy. a. i., to make off to a distance, said of horses that stray—said of water, Josh. 3: 16; v. t., to make it a long time; to delay; himak foka hopakichit tati; hopakinchi, v. t.; hopakint, Gen. 37: 18. hopakichit, adv., widely. hopakichit habli, v. a. i., to stride. hopakikma, y. n., in the sub. mood, but rendered adverbially by and by, after a while, in a short time. hopakikmako, y. n., sub. mood, when it shall be a time; adv., in a short time; after a while; by and by. hopatsa, hoa®sa, huatsa, howatsa, hauatsa, y.t., to chew; to champ; to chaw; to grind; to masticate; v. a.i., to ruminate; isht hopansa, y. t., to rumi- nate. hopatsa, n., a cud; a chaw. hopatuloa, n., a war whoop. hopalhka, a. pl., wide. hopatka, a. pl., patha, broad. hopatka, v. n. pl., to be wide; to be broad. hopatka, n., breadth; width. hopatkalli, v. t., to make broad, Matt. 2a: ¢ hopela, vy. t., to distribute; to divide; to deal; to lot; to give alms, Acts 10: 4, 31; itinhopela, v. t., to divide among them; to dispense; hoyupela, pro. form; itithoyupela. hopela, n., a distributer; a divider. hopena, vy. t., to count; to number; to enumerate; to appoint the time for a meeting by counting the previous days; to numerate. hopena, n., a counter; an appointer; a numerator. hopena, n., numeration. sing., wide; [ BULL. 46 hopi, hohpi, ohpi, v. t., to stock; to haft; to helve, etc.; to puta handle upon any edge tool; to put woodwork to iron or steel tools or instruments; ulhpi, olhpi, pp. hopi, hohpi (q.v.), v. t., to bury, etc.; to sepulcher. hopoa, hopoba, a., hungry. hopoa, v. n., to be hungry; v. a.i., to hunger; to starve. hopoa, hopoba, n., famine; hunger; star- vation; impotency. hopochi, y. t., to hoe corn for the last time; to hill corn; ‘‘to lay it by;” hopochichi; yakni av isht hopochichi, to hoe up small hills; see apolichi. hopochi, v. a.i., to arrive at a middle state, as corn; to grow to the size when corn is ‘‘laid by’’ by farmers. hopochi, n., corn at that age; the state of corn at that time. hopohka, vy. t., to graze; to pick food with the mouth, as horses and cattle or fowls; or as a man picks meat from a bone with his mouth. hopohka, n., a picker; one that picks or grazes. hopohkachi, v. t., to graze; to feed on grass; to cause another to pick. hopoiksa, see hopoksia. hopo®koyo, v. a. i., to see; to behold; to look; to view; to watch, as a wild beast, Matt. 11: 5; 2Sam. 24: 20; Josh. 5:13. Thedifference between hopokoyo and pisa may be this: hopo"koyo is to look, in general, or to see, but pisa is a more definite use of the eye, as can you see (generally)? and can you see it (particularly)? hopo®koyo, n., sight; eyesight; a look- out. hopo"koyo ikimachukmo, a., dim; not having good eyesight. hopo®koyo shahi, a., watchful. hopoksa, a., wise. hopoksa, y. n., to be wise. hopoksa, n., wisdom; discretion; moral- ity; rectitude; sapience. hopoksia, hopoiksa, hopoyuksa, a., wise; prudent; good; well-disposed; chaste; civil; coy; considerate; conti- nent; discreet; judicious; humble; moral; righteous; sage; witty, ohoyo BYINGTON | hopoyuksa, a chaste woman; ikhopoyu- kso, a., ill-bred; impolite; impolitic; imprudent; indiscreet; injudicious; un- civilized. hopoksia, hopoiksa, hopoyuksa,V. a.i., to behave well; ikhopoyukso, v. a. i., to misbehave; vy. n., to be wise or prudent; ikhopoyukso, to be ill-bred; hopoksiali; hopoyuksali in ilehopoyuksali, 1 Sam. 18: 14, 30. hopotksia, hopoitksa, hopoyu"ksa, nasal form; the righteous; those who are righteous. hopoksiachi, vy. t. caus., to make wise; to civilize; to make good; to cause him to conduct well; to moralize. hopoksiachi, n., a reformer. hopola, a., quiet; peaceable; good na- tured; tranquil; peaceful; ikhopoto, a., unconsoled; unreconciled. hopola, y. n., to be quiet, peaceful, or tranquil. hopola, v. a. i., to become tranquil; to become quiet or good-natured; to sub- side. hopota, pass, to be quieted, allayed, soothed, assuaged, comforted, com- posed, conciliated, healed, solaced, Matt. 2:17, 18; 5: 4. hopota, n., acomfort; a solace. hopolahe keyu, a., irreconcilable. hopotachi, v. t., to comfort; to quiet; to pacify; to tranquilize; to allay; to appease; to soothe; toassuage; to com- pose; to propitiate. hopotachi, n., a comforter, ete.; a pro- pitiator. hopoialli, v. t., to tranquilize; to com- fort, etce.; to quiet; to conciliate; to console; to heal; to nourish; to pacify; to propitiate; to silence; to solace. hopotalli, n., a comforter. hoponi, v. t., to cook. hoponi, n., a cook. hoponti, y. a. i., to blow smoke through the nose. hopoyuksa, pp., reclaimed; ikhopoyukso, a., unreformed; untamed; unwise; wild; see hopoksia. hopoyuksa, adv., wisely. hopoyuksa, n., chastity; ohoyo hopoyuksa, a woman of chastity; ikhopoyukso, n., ill-breeding; imprudence; wildness; A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 167 hopoyuksaka, in Solomon imisht ahopo- yuksaka, wisdom of Solomon, Matt. 12:42; the righteous, Matt 13: 43; the just, Matt. 13:49; wisdom, 1 Kings 10: 238, 24. hopoyuksa keyu, a., uncivil; unman- nerly. hopoyuksahe keyu, a., untamable. hopoyuksalechi, vy. t., to reclaim. hopoyuksalli, vy. t., to civilize; to con- vert. hopoyuksalli, n., a civilizer. hoppi, see hohpi. hopulbona, n., a priest’s sacred bag. hopumpoyo, vy. a. i. pl., to see; to look about; to exercise the power of seeing, Luke 18: 41. hopunayo, y. a. 1. sing., to see; to look about; to take one look; ikhoponayo, blind, Matt. 15: 30. hopu®si, vy. t., to bray; to pound. hopu2si, n., one that brays or pounds. hosh, a particle used to connect words, and having the meaning of the verb to be in the 3d person (see osh in hoshkin) ilap banna hoshkin. hoshi®ko, see hoshunka. hoshila, hoshela, n., a sty. hoshilabi, v.i., tohaveasty; hoshilasabi, I have a sty. hoshinti, see hoshonti hoshintika, see hoshontika. hoshi®shi, n., a quill; a feather. hoshi®shi patalhpo, n., a feather bed; a feather pallet. hoshi®shi patalhpo topa,n., a feather bed. hoshi®shi topa, n., a feather bed. hoshontakapi, see hoshontikiyt. hoshonti, y. a. i., to cloud. hoshonti, pp., clouded. hoshonti, hoshinti, n., a cloud, Matt. 17:5; a shade; a shadow of an inani- mate thing; hatak lawa hoshonti chiyuh- mi; aiilli aiothoshonti, shadow of death, Luke 1: 79 hoshonti, a., cloudy. hoshonti pit tikeli, hoshonti pit bi- keli, y. t., to reach the clouds. hoshonti pit tikeli, a., cloud capped. hoshonti toba, v. a. i., to cloud up; to become cloudy. hoshonti toba, pp., clouded. 168 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY hoshonti yabata, n., flying clouds. hoshontichi, v. t., to becloud; to cause a shade or clouds to appear; to cloud; to darken, Matt. 16: 3. hoshontichi, v. n., it is cloudy. hoshontika, hoshintika, n., the shade of inanimate objects, Matt. 17: 5; a cloud; a piazza; a canopy; an arbor; a bower; a gallery; a hood; a porch; a shade; a shed; a shadow, of a thing, not an animal; umbrage. hoshontika, a., shady; umbrageous. hoshontika, pp.; o"hoshontika, shaded; ikhoshontiko, a., uncloudy; unshaded. hoshontika, v. a. i., to shade. hoshontika ashachi, v. t., to embower. hoshontika laua, a., shady; having much shade. hoshontikachi, v. t., to make a shade; to shade; ili o“hoshontikachi, to make a shade over himself; isht hoshontikachi, to screen with; o”hoshontikachi, v. t., to overshadow, Matt. 17: 5; to shade. hoshontikilhkiki, n., broken, thin cloud; ‘‘mackerel”’ clouds. hoshontikiyi, hoshontakapi, n., a pi- azza post; a rafter. hoshontoba, n., a scud. hoshu® aialhto, hochu® a®lhto, n., the bladder; see imokato. hoshu®ka, hoshi®ko, n., the beard of grain, or the matter on some weeds which irritates the flesh if it lodges in the shirt, ete. hoshunluk, hishunluk, n., bran; na hi- shunluk, a mote, Matt. 7: 3, 4. hoshu®wa, vy. a.i., to state; to discharge urine; to void water; to urinate; to water; to ‘‘make water.”’ hoshu®wa, n., urine; the liquor secreted in the bladder; chamber lye. hoshu"wa aminti, n., the urethra. hoshu"wa shah, n., the diabetes. hota, adv., probably; it may be; it seems so; ilap akinli hota? hota, v. t., to separate; to take away, as bran from the meal by the hand; to take honey from the bees by the hand; foe hota; chukfi hota. hotachi; see ponola ahotachi. hotampi (see hothtapi, pp.), v. t., to string; to file; to put on a string, as beads, birds, fish, ete. [BULL. 46 hotampi, n., a filing. hotampi, n., one who files, strings, ete. hotapi, v. t., to string beads or fish; hotampi, nas. form; holhtapi pass. hotepa, imp. pl., go ahead; start off; go first; go on; mia, imp. sing.; hotimpa, nasal form. hotilhko, v. n., to cough; to have a cough or cold. hotilhko, n., a cough; a cold. hotilhko fitka, n., the whooping cough. hotilhko fitka, y. n., to have the whoop- ing cough. hotilhkot tofa, vy. t., to expectorate. hotina, hotehna (Rey. 7:9), hotihna, hotinna, v. t., to count; to number; to enumerate; to cast up; to reckon up; to compute; to calculate; to take a cen- sus; to account; to cipher; to estimate; to foot; to liquidate; to rate; to settle; to tell; to value; to number, 2 Sam. 24:2; Josh. 8:10; holhtina, pp.; ikhoteno, y.t., to exclude; to exempt; ibahotina; itibahotina, vy. a. i., to enlist; hotihinna, freq.; hotiena, pro. form. hotina, n., a counter; a calculator; a computer; a caster; a teller; an arith- metician; a numerator. hotina, n., numeration; a reckoning. hoto®, adv., in nan tiht koa hoton? hotofi, hotuffi, v. t. sing., to untie; to un- bind; to unwind; to loose, Matt. 16: 19; Mark 11: 2, 4; holhtufa, pp. hotofi, n., one that enters. hotoka, see hitoka. hotokbi, hotukbi, a., moist; damp; be- ing not quite dry; not so wet as hokolbi ; pp-, damped. hotokbi, vy. n., to be moist, damp; nipi at hotokbi, from a gentle perspiration. hotokbichi, hotukbichi (J. E.), v. t., to moisten; to dampen. hotokohmi, see hotukohmi. hotokok, see hotukok. hotohi, pp. pl., untied; unbound, etc. hototichi, vy. t. pl., to untie; to unbind. hotonti, n., a frost. hotonti, a., frosty. hotonti, v. n., to be frosty; to have a frost; there is a frost. hotontichi, y. t., to cause a frost. hoto¥si, hoto"sichi, y. t., to prepare a bait for beaver. hoto®sichi, n., a baiter for beaver. BYINGTON ] hotti, v. t., to wind or bind feathers on the end of an arrow; holoti, pp. (q. v-).- hotuk; chithanalihotukokeh, 1 reckon I should know you; mihahotuk, he says what he should not say; mihahotuk for mihahotukohmi. hotuk, hotok, a Chickasaw word. hotukbi, see hotokbi. hotukla, hitukla (q. v.), a., second. _ hotukohmi, hotokohmi, adv., proba- bly, John 20: 16; Luke 22: 41; Gen. 21: 16. hotukok, hotokok, adv., probably. hotuma, (compounded of the particle ho or hoh and tuma), ady. of doubt, Luke 2: 49; ishpimabachi hotuma, John 10: 34; Matt. 17: 26; hotwmashke, see tuma, here it isa word of certainty; 1 Sam. 30: 24; Acts 11: 18; Deut. 4: 7, 8; see hatuma. hotupa, hutupa, huttupa, v. n., v.a.i., to ache; to be in pain; to throe; to travail; to twinge. hotupa, n., a hurt; a pain; an offense; a pang; persecution; smart; a sore; a throe; torture; travail. hotupa, pp., hurt; wounded; injured; harmed; persecuted. hotupa, a., sore; painful; unhurt. hotupachi, v. t., to hurt; to wound; to injure. hotupali, vy. t., to hurt; to wound; to abuse; to give pain; to inflict an in- jury; to injure; to harm; to outrage; to pain; to persecute; to torture; to twinge; chukash hotupali, to wound the feelings; to affront; to insult. hotupali, n., a hurter; a persecutor; a wounder. hotupali, n., persecution; a wounding. howatsa, see hopansa. hoyapa, a., not strong; sleazy; not woven strong, as shukbo at hoywpa. hoyapa, v. n., to be sleazy. hoyabli, v. n., to be weary; Matt. 9: 36; ahoyabli, Matt 6: 28; to be faint; saho- yabli, | am weary. hoyabli, a., weary. hoyabli, pp., wearied. hoyablichi, y. t., to tire; to weary; to make weary. hoyo, v. t., to look after; to hunt; to search for; to seek; to inquire after; to ikhotupo, A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 169 ask for; to expect; to await; to wait for; to course; to demand; to invite; * to quest; to summon; imahoyo, to take or demand of, Matt. 17: 25; to seek, Matt. 18: 12; 13: 45; to seek to call, Matt. .2: 1d Gea2 oa leis Lbs" 32: Luke 2: 25; hot, cont., as hot ia, imp., go and look after it; go in quest of; hot ala, imp., go and bring it; come after or for; ikhoyo, a., unsought. hoyo, v. t., to harvest; to gather fruits, John 4: 35; to pry; to scan; to search; to seek; to watch; to look for, ehoyokma, or do we look for, Matt. 11: 3. hoyo, n., a search; a hunt; a quest. hoyo, n., a seeker; a gatherer; an in- quirer; a demander; an expectant; an expecter; a hunter; a searcher; na hoyo, the harvest; ahoyo, the place of seeking; a harvest ground, etc.; see Matt. 9: 38. hoyo fehna, v. t., to re-search. hoyochi, v. t. caus., to cause to look after; to make search; hoyohonchi; chi- hoyohonchishke. hoyopa, a., brave; warlike. Hoyopa humma, n., a man’s name. hoyopa taloa, n., a brave death song; a few words of one of these run as fol- lows: we kanihe shap irwali weh kanithe. hoyot anta, vy. a. i., to wait. huatsa, see hoparsa. hufka, ufka, v. t., to sun; to air; to dry; holufka, pp. huk, hauk, an int., Oh; O dear; alas; ah me. hukma hinla, a., scalding hot. hukmi, y. t., to set on fire; to fire; to burn; to scald, Matt. 13: 30; Josh. 7: 25; 8: 19; same as hushmi. hukmi, n., a firer; an incendiary; a con- sumer. huksoh, y. a. i., to discharge wind; to break wind. huXkupa, v. t., to steal; to purloin; to commit larceny; to depredate; to filch; to peculate; to pilfer; to plunder; to rob; to shark; to thieve; ahu”kopa, Matt. 6: 19, 20. hu"kupa, v. a. i., to prey. hutkupa, hu®kopa, n., a thief, Matt. 6: 19, 20; a felon; afilcher; a pad; a prig; a purloiner; a royer; a stealer. 170 hutkupa, n., a theft; larceny; depreda- tion; stealth; hulku pa, Matt. 15: 19. hu®kupa, pp. and a., stolen; felonious; thievish. hu®kupa akka nowa, n., a footpad. hu®kupa shahi, a., thievish. hu®kupat itanowa, v. a. i., to maraud. hulbona, pp. pl., doubled; rolled up; see bunni. hulbona, n., bundles; rolls. hulhkachi, see wlhkachi. hulhki, n., the calf of the leg. hulhki foni, n., the leg bone. hulhkupa, hulhkopa, pp., stolen. hullo, see /hollo. hullochi, vy. t., to sanctify; to set apart to a sacred use; to fast, Matt. 6: 16; holitoblit hullochi, Gen. 2: 3; hash ile- hullochashke, Josh. 3: 5; 7: 18. hullochi, y. a.i., toabstain from; to diet one’s self, as in taking medicine; to fast, Matt. 9: 14; to sanctify (one’s self and others) for the Lord; ilehullochi, Josh. 7: 13. See v. t., above. hulloka, n., a sacred thing. humma, n., red; crimson; redness; rouge; scarlet. humma, homma, a., red; angry; in- flamed, as a sore; flagrant; florid; fresh; roseate; ruby; ruddy; sanguinary; scar- let; tawny, Matt. 16: 2, 3. humma, v. n., to be red; vy. a. 15, to flush; to glow; to redden. humma, pp., reddened; tanned red; made red; ikhummo, pp., not tanned; raw, as a hide. humma, adyvy., redly. humma, an addition to a man’s name which gives him some distinction, call- ing on him for courage and honor. The “na humma’’ may not run or turn the back on the field of battle. humma talaia, n., a red spot. humma taloha, n. pl., red spots. humma tishepa, n., very red; a bright bay; scarlet. hummaiyi, homaiyi (q. v.), a., reddish. hummachi, y. t., to color red; to dye red; to tan; to paint red; to make red; to redden; siaithwmmachi, to redden for me and mine,—applied to the red poles of graves. hummachi, y. a. i., to blush; to become red; to redden, as the countenance. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 hummachi, pp., reddened. hummalhha, y. a. i., to be reddish. humpah, vy. a. i., to say ‘‘humph’”’, the report of a gun; to whoop, as a drink- ing man. hu%ssa, y. t., to shoot; to fire; to dis- charge a gun; to shoot an arrow; uski naki an isht hurssa. hu¥ssa, n., a shoot. hu®ssa, n., a shooter. hussa, n., a shooting. hutssa, pp., shot; discharged. hu"ssa imponna, n., a marksman; a sharpshooter. hussi, v. t., to beat; to pound; to bray. hush, exclamation, oh; alas. hush abi, v. t., to fowl; to kill birds. hush abi, n., a fowler. hush apa, iti ani, n., the black gum. So named, I think, because birds eat the berries.—C. B. hushi, n., a bird; a fowl; a screamer, Matt. 6: 26; hushi puta kat, the fowls, Matt. 18: 4; aba hushi puta kat, the fowls of the air. hushi aialhpita, n., a bird cage. hushi balbaha, hush balbaha, n., a mocking bird. hushi chipunta, n., sparrows, Matt. 10: 29, 31. hushi hishi, n., bird feathers; a feather. hushi humma, n., a red bird. hushi imalhpichik, n., a bird’s nest. hushi inchuka, n., a bird cage; a house for birds. hushi inchuka fohka, pp., caged, as a bird. hushi inchuka fohki, v. t., to cage. hushi isht albi, n., a bird trap. hushi isht hokli, n., a bird snare. hushi iti chanli, n., a pecker; a wood- pecker. hushi iyakchush, n., a pounce; a bird’s claw; a talon. hushlokussa, n., a bird; the name of some that flock or huddle together. The English name is unknown to me.— Ce B: hushmi, y. t., to burn; to fire; to set on fire; toruin. Sameas hukmi; holushmi, pp., holahushmi, fiery, Eph. 6: 16. hushmi, n., a burner. hushmi, n., a conflagration; a burning. hushpa, pp., burnt. hushpali, vy. t., to burn. BYINGTON ] hushshiho, n., the feeling of chaff in the clothes; v. a. i., to prickle from this cause. hushushi, n., a young bird; a nestling. huttupa, hutupa, see holupa. hu"wa, v. t., to scent; to smell; to snuff. i has the sound of e in me or ¢ in pique and of short iin pin. The let- ter iis used for y in words where y is doubled in sound. The letter a often precedes i, thus making a diphthong Thus yukpa, yukpachi, aiyukpa, aiyuk- pachi, and not ayyukpa, ayyukpachi. The consonant is doubled to express intensity. i, prep., meaning at, in, place where, as tiksho. tiksho belongs to the intensive form, but i occurs before other words, ichapaka, imoma, itikba. i, adv., there, used as above. It rarely occurs except before the word iksho and has the same use as a and ai before verbs. [Mr. Byington says, however, in a note: ‘‘This needs correction.’’ ] i2, pre. poss. pro. in the nom. case, 3d per., prefixed to nouns that do not begin with a vowel or with p, ch, 7, ort. The noun is often in the poss. case, as miko iholisso, the king’s book. Itmay beinthenom. or obj. case, but the pronoun in Choc- taw should be parsed as a”, chin, in, pin; anholisso, my book; i”haiaka, visible to him; Matt. 1: 20. See im and in. i2, pre. per. pro. in the dative case before verbs and usually translated with a prep., s, of him, for him, ete. i2, his, their, 3d per. sing. and pl., re- moved from the noun in the nom. and placed before the verb, as tali holisso imhotina, he hascounted his money, etc., or he has counted the money for him. See chin, hachin, hapin. 12, of it; from it, etc. There area few in- stances in which 7”, in, etc., seem to have the use of a prep. rather than a pro- noun. These have the neuter gender. See Gen. 2:17, ishpakmatinnitak mihinli ho chillahioke; infalammi, to the north of it, north of it; imhopaki, far from it; inmmisha, two days from it (every other day, i”mishakma). 14, contraction for inli, or in; makin, akin (for akinli). i2, oblique case of lish, ialish, ialin. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 171 im, ith, adv., yes. ia, Vv. a. 1., to go; to move; to depart; to stir; to pass; to proceed; to resort; to sail; to start; to set; to get away, Matt. 4: 10; 13: 44 (he goeth); hashiashke, go, Matt. 8: 32; to grow; to increase, as kapassat ia, it grows cold; ilhkoli, pl., ikaiyu, ikaiyo, sing., not to go; ihain ont tha, a little past; ihinya in ont ihinya- ma, Lukel8: 36; ikia ahni, v. t., to let go; to permit to go; to wish to go; isht ia, V. a. i., to commence; to begin; to found; to originate; isht ia, v. t., to carry; to begin; to start with; to take; to commence; to institute; to tote; to transfer; to undertake; to transport, John 2: 16; kapassat isht ia; ikaiyo, not to go, Luke 4: 42; Matt. 14: 16; ont ia, v.a.i., to exceed; to go by; to found; to outgo; to pass; to touch; to transcend; isht ont ia, to carry by; imia, itimia, itintimia, to run against each other in a race; ta talali, vy. t., to carry on the head. ia, n., a goer; one who goes. ia, n., a going; a proceeding. iabannali, iabanali, y. t., to lay on the shoulders, Luke 15:5. See ilabannali, Matt. 11: 29, 30; Gen. 21: 14. iabannalichi, v. t., to lay upon the shoul- ders of another. iachi, y. t. caus., to send; to cause to go; to impel; itiachi, dual, they go together, Luke 2:45. iachi, n., a stirrer. iachikchik, n., a grasshopper, i. e., one species, as each species has a distinct name. iachuka, n., a turban; a cap; a head- dress; a handkerchief or shawl worn on the head; a fillet; minko imiachuka, a crown; a coronet. iachuka, pp., turbaned. iachuka, v. t., to wear a turban. iachukolechi, y. t., to put a turban, handkerchief, or headdress on the head of another person. iachukoli, iachokoli, v. t., to putaturban, handkerchief, or any headdress upon one’s own head. iachuna, n., the nape; the back of the neck; the withers of a horse; some say yauaska and some irkoi. iachunahika, n., the collar of a garment. 172 iachushak, n., the back side of the head; the upper part of the neck on the back side; the nape. iachushukli, vy. a. i., to limp. shukli. iahi4sht ia, to follow in haste; to chase after or run after; from ishi, imshi, ihinshi, iahisht ia, went to take him. iakaiya, iakaya, iyakaya, v. t., v. a.i., to follow; to come after; to pursue, Josh. 2: 5, 7; to dog; to second; to trace; siakaiya, he follows me; issiakai- yashke, do you follow me, Matt. 8: 22; 9:9; 10: 38; 14: 18; 16: 24; chiakaiya- lachin, I will follow thee; hachiakaiya, Josh. 2: 16; hassiakaiyashke, Matt. 4: 19; iakaiyat okla, dual number, Matt. 4-20) 21-78: i: Josh. (6: 8:98:16; 1akat, cont., iakant, John 13: 37; iakat ia, go and follow, Gen. 44:4; itiakaiya, v. a.i., to go after each other in a single rank; to defile; to pursue. iakaiya, a., second; subsequent. iakaiya, n., a follower; adisciple; a pur- suer; a succeeder; a successor. iakaiya, n., a pursuit; a sequel; a train. iakaiyachi, iakaiyachi, sing., to cause to follow; to send after or behind, Luke 19: 14. iakaiyachit pisa, v. t., to follow; to en- caeavor to obtain. iakaiyoha, vy. a. i. pl., to follow. iakaiyoha, n. pl., followers. iakaiyohachi, v. t. pl., tocause to follow; to make them follow. iakaya, see iakaiya. ialipa, n., a cap; a turban; a bonnet; a cover; a lid; a coif; a hood. ialipa, pp., turbaned; dressed with a cap, etc.; covered; hooded; wreathed. ialipa, v. t., to wear a turban. ialipa hashtap toba, n., a wreath; a gar- land. iatipeli, v. t., to put on a turban, cap, bonnet; to put his turban on, i. e., on his own head; to coif; to hood; to wreathe. iatipelichi, y. t., to put a turban or cap upon the head of another; to put ona lid or cover; to hood another. iasinti, yasinte, hiasinti, n., an eel. ialli, a., worth. ialli, vy. n., to be worth; itialli, to be worth against each other. See chu- BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL, 46 ialli, n., the worth; the value; the price; aialli, aialbi, aiilli. ialli chito, a., dear. iallichi, vy. t., to price; to set a value upon; to rate; itiallichi, v. t., to price against each other. iba, v. a. i, to be with, among, amidst, Josh. 7: 11; itiba; itibai, Matt. 9: 11. iba, ibai, prep., with; in company with; along with; together with. It is com- pounded with many verbs and written iba before a verb beginning with a con- sonant and ibai before a verb beginning with a vowel. When a personal pro- noun is prefixed in the obj. case it is not prefixed to the verb but to the prep- position; as ibaianta, to stay with; sa- baianta, to stay with me. itiba, double reference, together, etc., together with, John 4: 36; Luke 1: 58; ibachukowa, ibaiimpa, Acts 11: 3. A number of compounded verbs follow, to serve as specimens as well as to define the verbs. ibabinili, y. t., to sit with; to settle in company with; ibabinoti, pl. ibabinili, pp., seated with; settled in company with; ibabinofi, pl. ibabinili, n., a fellow; a seat mate; a fel- low settler; ibabinoli, pl. ibabinilichi, vy. t., to seat with; to cause to settle with; ibabinotichi, pl. ibabukbo, ibbabukbo (q. v.), n., a dou- ble handful; a handful. ibacha®fa, n., a companion; an equal. ibachafa, ibacha"fa (nasal form), v.a.i., to be one with; from iba and achafa, John 1: 1. ibachukoa, ibachukowa, y. t., to in- vade; to enter into and be with; to penetrate. ibachukoa, vy. a. i., to obtrude. ibachukoa, pp., invaded. ibachukoa, n., an invader. ibachukoa, n., aninvasion; anirruption. ibafakchi, see hatapofokchi. ibafohki, see ibafoka. ibafoka, v. a.i., to join, as to join the church; to obtrude; to sort with; to unite with, to follow, as sabafokashke, John 1: 48; Luke 5: 11; tobe in, Matt. 18: 1, 4; iibafoka, to join together; to put together; imanukfila itibafoka, to agree; to company; to consociate; to associate. See foka. BYINGTON ] ibafoka, pp., united; joined with; com- bined; leagued; mixed; consociated; ibafotka, nasal form, ibafoyuka, prop., ibafoyuka, with, 2 Sam. 24: 2.; itibafoka, pp., conjoined; joined; ikitibafoko, a., uncom pounded. ibafoka, n., aunion; membership; com- bination; consociation; unity; a contri- bution; imbafoka, n., increase; income. ibafoka, n., a member; a follower; a communicant; a fellow; itibafoka, n., a companion; a contribution; a partaker; itibafoka, n., a joint. ibafokat, adv., or v. a. i. with conj. ¢, to be with, ete. ibafokat atya, v. a. i., to go with, or in company with; to follow. ibafokat hochifot takalichi, y. t., to enlist. ibafoki, ibafohki, v. t., to join with; to contribute; to enter in; to put in with; to mix; to add to; to unite to; to com- bine; to insert; to involve; to obtrude, 2 Sam. 24:3; to put among; Matt. 13: 33; Josh. 7: 11, itibafoki, to conjoin; to consociate; to identify; to join; a”ba- fohki, Gal. 2:6. See fohki. ibafoki, n., a mixer; one who joins, unites, or puts in; a contributor. ibafokichi, vy. t., to cause another to join, or unite with; to combine. ibai, see iba. ibaianta, v. a. i., to stay with; to co- habit; to dwell with. ibaianta, n. sing., a companion; a mate; a fellow. ibaiaMsha, y. a. i. pl., dwell with. ibaia"sha, n., companions. ibaia®ya, v. a. i., to gowith; to journey with. ibaia"ya, n., a fellow traveler. ibaiatta, a., twinborn. ibaiatta, n., an inmate. ibaiilaualli, v. t., to play together. ibaiilaualli, n., a playmate; a play-fel- low. ibaiimpa, v. t., to eat with; to eat in company with; itibaiimpa, to eat to- ‘gether. ibalimpa, n., a messmate. ibaiishko, y. t., to drink with. ibaiishko, n., a companion in drink; a little companion. to sit with; to A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 173 ibaiyi, n., a nephew; sabaiyi, my nephew; my sister’s sons and their male cousins by their mother’s side, and not my brother’s sons, which are called sons. ibakaha, v.a.i., to mix together; to flock. ibakaha, pp., mixed; multiplied; itiba- kaha, amalgamated; confounded; see ibalhkaha; ikitibakaho, a., unmingled; unmixed; ibakaha, n., a mixture; iti- bakaha, n., a contribution; a putting together. ibakahachi, y. t., to cause to be mixed. ibakah, v. t. pl., to mix them; to add; to put them together; to confound; to confuse. ibakali, n., a mixer. ibakchifanli, see ibakchufanli. ibakchishinli, v. a. i. sing., to bend and turn up the nose and lips, as a fox when he smells. See ihakpishinli. ibakchishinli, pp., bent and turned up. ibakchishinlichi, v. t., to cause to turn up, as the nose. ibakchufanli, ibakchifanli, v. a. i., to taper. ibakchufanli, a., peaked; pointed; slender pointed; tapering; tapered. ibakchufanli, v. n., to be peaked. ibakchufanlichi, ibakshakanli, v. t., to taper; to sharpen, as to a point; to make sharp pointed like a wooden pin or a spade. ibakchufashli, v. a. i. pl., to taper. ibakchufatshli, a., taper; peaked; pointed. ibakchufa%shli, v. n., to be peaked or pointed. ibakchufa®shlichi, y. t., to taper; to sharpen as to the point. ibakchushli, pl., ibakchishinli, sing., v. a. i., to bend and turn up, as a fox turns up her nose, etc. ibakchushli, pp., bent; turned up. ibakchushlichi, v. t. pl., to bend them up; to turn them up. ibakhatanli, n., a bald face. ibakhatanli, a., baldfaced; palefaced, like a sickly man. ibakhatanli, y. n., to be baldfaced. ibakhata®shli, n. pl., baldfaces. ibakhata®shli, a., bald faced. ibakhata%shli, y. n., to be baldfaced., 174 ibaklipinli, ibaktokonli, v. n., to be short- or blunt-faced. ibaktalanli, vy. a. i., to be half laughing. ibaktatinli, v. a. i., to run at the nose. ibaktatinli, n., a running at the nose; a dirty nose. ibaklatinlichi, y. t., to cause the nose to run. ibaktololi, vy. i., to run at the nose. ibakoli, vy. t., to search for in a hole. ibakpishanli, a., round and pointed. ibakpishanli, y. n., to be round and pointed. ibakpishanlichi, vy. t., to make it round and pointed. BUREAU ibakpishatshli, a. pl., round and pointed. ibakpishatshli, vy. n., to be round and pointed. ibakpisha%shlichi, y. t. pl., to make them round and pointed. ibakpishinli, y. a. i., to turn noses and lips; see tbakchishinli. ibaksukuD®lichi, v. a. i., to pout, Ps. 22: as ibakshakanli, a., straight and tapering, like a spade, not hollowed or dishing; see ibakchufanli. ibakshulanli, a., having white face and feet, asa horse; white-faced and -footed. ibakshulanli, v. n., to have white face and feet; or to spread the nose likea horse out of breath. ibakshula®shli, a. pl., having white faces and feet; white-faced and -footed. ibakshula®shli, y. n., to be white-faced and -footed. ibaktabanli, v. a. i., to be broad-nosed. ibaktasanli, a., having a star in the forehead. ibaktasanli, ibaktasanli bolukta, n., a star in the forehead. ibaktasa4shh, n. pl., stars in the fore- head. ibaktasa"shli, a., having stars in the forehead. ibaktokonli, a., blunt, as an old ax; short faced. ibaktokonli, y. n., to be blunt. ibaktokonli, pp., made blunt; blunted. ibaktokonlichi, v. t., to blunt. ibaktoko¥shli, ibaktokashli, blunt. ibaktoko¥shli, vy. n., to be blunt. aeeplss OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 ibaktokoshlichi, ibaktokashlichi, v. t., to blunt; to make them blunt. ibani, (from iba and ani), to pour in with; to put in with; to add to; to mix; to eke; itibani, to mix together, applied to liquids; nana kia itibanit okpani, to adul- terate by mixing. ibani, n., a mixer. ibanowa, v.a.i., to walk with; to travel with. ibanowa, n., a traveling companion. ibanowachi, v. t., to cause to walk with. ibanukhatklo, y. a. i., to condole; to mourn with; to lament with; to sym- pathize with. ibanukha*"klo, n., a companion in sor- row; a sympathizer. ibanusi, v. n. or y. a. i., to sleep with. ibanusi, n., a bedfellow. ibata"kla, v. a. i., to partake with, Matt. 23: 30; to be among, Josh. 3: 10. ibatatkla, n., a partaker; a spy, 2 Sam. 15: 10. ibata"kla ishi, v. t., to share with. ibatatkla ishi, n., a sharer. ibatepa, vy. a. i., to injure himself; im- batepa, he is hurt; ibatepa, a second hurt; ibatabli, v. t., two words, from iba and tabli. ibatoksalechi, v. t., to work him with. ibatotksali, v. t., to work with; to labor with. ibato"ksali, n., a fellow laborer; a work fellow. ibawichi, v. t., to aspire to help; to try to do; to attempt; na hollo imanumpa anumpuliibawichi; ibawinchi, nas. form. ibawichi, n., a help. See ibalhkaha, etc., for other verbs compounded with iba. ibachifa, vy. t., to wash the hands, Matt. 27: 24. See ibbak achefa. ibalhkaha (from ibaand alhkaha), v. a. i. pl., to mix together; to join. See kali. ibalhkaha, pp., mixed; added together; itibalhkaha, mixed together. ibalhkaha, n., an addition; addition; the name of arule in arithmetic; a union. ibalhto, v. a. i., to mingle with; to get among, as wak at ibalhto; from iba alhto, pp. of ani or ibani; itibalhto; itibalhtot yanalli, a., confluent. ibalhto, pp., mixed; poured in. ibalhto, n., a mixture. BYINGTON ] ibbabukbo, ibbapukko, n., a double handful. ibbabukbo achafa, n., a single double handful. ibbak, ibbak, n., the hand; the arm as far up as the elbow; the paw; sabbak, my hand; chibbak, thy hand, Matt. 6: 3; 12: 13; 18: 8; ibbak, his hand (Chisas at ibbaka® pit weli, Matt. 8:3); Matt. 14:31; ibbak, her hand, Matt. 8: 15. ibbak abeha, n. pl., gloves; mittens. ibbak achefa, v. t., to wash the hands; ibachifa, contr., Matt. 27: 24. ibbak alibishli, n., a muff. ibbak alota, n., a handful. ibbak alhfabek imma, adv., toward the left hand; at the left hand. ibbak alhfabeka, n., the left hand. ibbak alhto, n., a handful. ibbak aska, n., the wrist. ibbak bonuht isht isso, v. t., to fist. ibbak bonunta, n., the fist; the doubled hand. ibbak chush, ibbakchus, n., the finger nail, or finger nails. ibbak fahfulli, vy. t., to gesticulate; to wave the hand about. ibbak fohka, pp., given; committed; put into the hand; delivered; intrusted. ibbak fohka, v. a. i., to come to hand. ibbak fohki, v. t., to give; to commit; to deliver; to put into the hand; to consign; to grant; to intrust; to leave; to resign. ibbak fohki, n., a giving; a resignation. ibbak foka, n. sing., a glove; a mitten. ibbak foka, pp., committed; received; placed in the hand; delivered. ibbak foni, n., the hand bone; the arm bone. ibbak i®tumpat ikhit"sh foka, pp., inoculated. ibbak i2tumplit ikhi@sh foki, vy. t., to inoculate. ibbak ishki, n., the thumb. ibbak ishki patta achafa,n., an inch; the breadth of the ball of the thumb. ibbak isht impak imma, n., the right hand. ibbak isht impak imma, adv., to the ‘right hand. ibbak isht impaka, n., the right hand. ibbak isht itibbi, n., a pugilist. ibbak isht kasholichi, n., a napkin. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 175 ibbak isht talakchi, n., a handcuff; a manacle. ibbak isht to"ksali, n., a manual. ibbak i2shu"kani, shakba ishu"kani, n., the elbow; the point of the elbow joint. ibbak itachakalli, n., the wrist joint. ibbak onuchi, n., imposition. ibbak paknaka, n., the back of the hand; lit., the top of the hand. ibbak pata, n., the palm of the hand; lit., the spread hand; ibbak patha, palms of her hands, 2 Kings 9: 35. ibbak takchi, y. t., to manacle; to bind the hands; to pinion. ibbak talakchi, pp., manacled; hand- cuffed; pinioned. ibbak tilokachi, n., the wrist joint; a joint that bends any way. ibbak tilokachi abiha, n. pl., wrist- bands, such as are used by the Choc- taw. They are made of silver and worn over the sleeves. ibbak tilokachi afohoma, n., a wrist- band; a cuff. ibbak tokonli, a., blunt; dull, as an ax. ibbak umbitepa achafa, n., a span. ibbak ush ah, n., the little finger. ibbak ushi, n., a finger. ibbak ushi abiha, n. pl., finger rings. ibbak ushi foka, n., a finger ring; a cot; a thimble. ibbak ushi isht pasholi, v. t:, to finger. ibbak ushi itachakalli, n.,a finger joint; a knuckle. ibbak ushi olachi, n., a fillip. ibbak ushi tikba, n., the forefinger. ibbak ushi wishakchi, n., the finger end. ibbak wattachi, v. t., to unclinch the hand. ibbapukko, n., a double handful. ibbak, see ibbak. ibetabli, v. a. i., to stumble; to dash the foot against, Luke 4: 11; to stub; to stump; to trip; to be offended; ihetablit satula kamo, I stumbled and fell; iksi- aiibetablokmat, Matt. 11:6; isht avibetabli tok, they were offended in him, Matt. 138: 21, 57. ibetabli, n., a stumbler. ibetabli, n., a stumble. ibetablichi, v. t. caus., to make him stum- ble or stub, Matt. 5: 29; to offend, Matt. 18: 8, 9; kil ibitablecho, we not offend, Matt. 17: 27. 176 ibetap, n., the fountain; the source; the head, as of a water course; the part of a water course between you and the fountain, as sokbish is the other part; the upstream part of a river, Josh. 3: LS LG se Lor: ibetap i8bok, n., the head of the creek; the name of a creek that runs into the Yalobusha from the south. ibetap pilla, adv., toward the head. ibetap pilla, ady., at the head; from the fountain. ibiali, n., the end of anything, as a table, plank, or rail. ibichilu, n., the nose; the nostrils; the neb. ibichilu foka, n., a halter; whatis put on over the nose. ibichilu foka foka, v. t., to halter; to put on a halter. ibichilu patassa, a., flat-nosed. ibikoa, v. n., to bleed at the nose; sabi- koa, I bleed at the nose. ibikoa, n., the nose-bleed. ibikoachi, y. t., to make the nose bleed. ibilhkan, n., phlegm; rheum. ibilhkan chito, a., phlegmatic; abound- ing in phlegm. ibilhkan kucha, v. a. i., to snivel. ibitatampa, n., the combs or crest of a turkey. ibish, n., a rise; a swell; a hill of earth where corn, etc., is planted; the bow and the stern of a boat; the round end; the end, as of a cask; a pommel; a prow; a saddlebow; the part of a junk bottle next to the neck; the nipple; the teat. ibish ikbi, v. t., to hill; to make a hill about corn, etc. ibish isht alhkama, n., the head of a cask. ibishakni, n., the nose; the snout; the bill; the beak of a bird; the trunk of an elephant; the proboscis; the neb. ibishakni chiluk, n., a nostril; the nos- trils. ibishakni foka, n., a muzzle. ibishakni patassa, a., flat-nosed. ibishachi, n., the foretop. ibishano, vy. n., to have a cold. ibishano, n., acold, 1. e., the disease well known to all. ibitakla, n., the forehead, Rey. 7: 3. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 . ibitakla patshi, n., the foretop; the front. ibitek, n., a niece, his niece, her niece; sisters’ daughters, and their female cousins; sabitek, my niece. ichabli, ichabli, vy. t., tomate; to match; to put together; to yoke together; iti- chabli, to pair; ichapoli, pl. ichabli, n., one who mates. ichapa, v. t., to resist. ichapa, v. a. i., to match; to mate with; to go at the side of. ichapa, pp., mated; matched; itichapa, mated together; paired, as wak itichapa, itichampa, both, 1 Sam. 3: 11; shulush itichapa; itichapa, v. t., to fellow. ichapa, n., amate; afellow; a yokefellow; an adversary, | Sam. 1: 6; itichapa, n., an antagonist; a pair; a brace; a span; a match. ichapa, n., a reverse; a contrary; an opposite. ichapa, a., impudent; answering again; opposite; repugnant. ichapa, vy. n., v. t., to be impudent; to oppose; to contradict; allat ivki an icha- pat shati, the child is very disrespectful to his father; atitachapoa or aiitichapoa, to strive together, Luke 22: 24. ichapaka, a., opposite; standing over against, Matt. 27:61; Mark 11:2; 12:41; right against, Josh. 3: 16; 5: 13; beside, Joshs fi: 2362303 23/9: ichapaka, v. n., to be opposite; to stand over against. ichapoa, v. a. i. pl., to mate with; to go at the side of. ichapoa, pp., mated; matched; mated together; sing., itichampo. ichapoa, n., mates; fellows; cf. wak torksali itichapoa tatapi; iichapoa, n., a yoke; a pair; a span. ichapoa, a. pl., impudent; answering again. ichapoa, vy. n., to be impudent. ichapoli, pl., ichabli, sing. v. t., to mate; to match. ichabli, see ichabli. ieshi, v. t., from ishi (q. v.); to bring forth; to bear, i. e., young. i"falammichi, see falammichi. 2 iffuka, ikfuka, n., the abdomen; the belly; the bowels; the core of a water- melon; the inwards; the waist. BYINGTON ] iffuka apakfopa, n., a waist band. iffuka hotupa, n., the colic. iffuka kashofa, pp., evacuated. iffuka kashoffi, vy. t., to evacuate the bowels. iffuka kucha, pp., emboweled; eviscer- ated. iffuka kuchi, v. t., to embowel; to evis- cerate. iffuka sita, pp., surcingled. ifolota, i"fulota, n., from folota (q. v.) ; lace or its edge. ifolota, pp., laced; bound on at the edge. i2folota ikbi, v. t., to lace. ihaiya, ihaiya (J. E.), n., his brother’s wife; his uncle’s wife, etc.; his sister-in- law. ithatak, n., her husband; her man; her lord. ihatak illi, n., a widow, Luke 2: 37. ihi®, an interjection in talking to gain time, or to show that the speaker is at a loss; used by some old women. ithika, n., a pillar. ithikia, n., a keeper; a possessor. ihimmak, n., a junior; his junior. ihimmak, a., after it, him, her, or » them; later; inhimmak on, a., latter. ithimmak, vy. n., to be after it, him, ete. ihiya, pp., scolded. i“hiyachi, v. t., to scold. ihiyachi, n., a scold; ascolder. ithoa, ithowa, v. t., to call him, her, it, or them; to hail; to halloo; cf chithatak ont whowat ala, John 4: 16; isht ivhoa, to call with; pit i”hoa, to call for; to send for, Matt. 4:21. See 1 Sam. 3: 4, 5, 6; ikinhoo, a., uncalled; i®howa, to call, Matt. 18: 2; Josh. 4: 4. ihoa, n., a caller. itholitopa, n., a favorite; a fancy; his fancy; his saint, 1 Sam. 2: 9. iholitopa, a., dear to him; loved by him; stingy. iholitopa, v. n., to be dear to him; sometimes i”holitopa is rendered as a transitive verb; as, heloves him, it, her, or them; see John 3: 35. holitopaka, n., a friend; his friend; one loved by him. iZhollo, n., a favorite; one that is loved. ihollo, n., tenderness; stinginess. 84359°—Bull. 46—15—_12 A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 177 ihollo, vy. t., to love him, her, or it; to fancy; to spare; as, ishithollo, thou loy- est him, Matt. 5:48, 44; issanhollo, thou lovest me; chimitholloli, I save it for thee; I value it for thee; irhohonlo, freq. ; irhoyullo, pro.; itihollo, to love each other. ihollo, n., a lover; lovers. ihollo, a., dear to him; loved by him; stingy; close; tight; illiberal. iZhollo, vy. n., to be dear to him, ete. ihollohe keyu, a., unloyely. iZholiot issa, v. t., to cease to love; to alienate the affections. ithowa, see ithoa. iWhukni, n., his aunt; the sister of his father and her female cousins. iiksho, y. n., to be without; to be none there, John 1: 47; for explanation of i prefixed to iksho, see a and ai. ik, 3d per. sing. and pl. of active verbs in all the tenses except imp. in the neg. form, as ala, to arrive, iklo, not to arrive; sometimes found in the imp., as iklokia, do not let him come. itithollo, mutual ik, a syllable prefixed to neuter and pas- sive verbs in all persons of the neg. form; as, iksabanno, ikchibanno, ikbanno, ikpibanno, ikhapibanno, ikhachibanno, iksatalakcho, ikchitalakcho, ete.; ik is also prefixed to verbs in the negative form where there is a prefix pronoun in the accusative or dative cases, as iksa_ chumpo, ikchichumpo, ikhachichumpo, etc.; iksankancho, ikchinkancho, ikitkan- cho, ete. ik, sign of the 3d per. sing. and pl., imp. mood; ikminti, let him come. ik, conj., although, or although let it be. See John 3:19; tklakia, John 4: 4. ika (in isht ika); anumpa isht ika, a speech delivered standing. itkania, n., a loser. itkania, n., a loss. ikbano, sign of the opta. mood, Oh!; Oh that! Where the final vowel of the verb is 7 the opt. mood is suffixed as above; still one of the vowels is dropped, as is often the case where two come together in this way. After a and o the opt. form is akbano or okbano, sometimes hokbano, etc. (q. v.). Perhaps kibano L738 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY is the best representative of the opt. mood; kbano and hokbano are most used. ikbato, one sign of opt. mood, but this is an elliptical expression. See Luke 19: 42, ishithaiyanatokokbato, “‘if thou hadst known,’ then thou wouldst have prepared thyself; chwmpakbato is said to request persons to buy some- thing and then go away, or to buy and furnish themselves and not trouble others. It is used in the second and third persons of both numbers; kbato is a form that connects two predicates with one subject, ‘‘oh that he would buy and have it, or be off,’’ ete. ikbi, v. t., to make; to create; to raise; to form; to manufacture; to build, Matt. 16: 18; to construct; to erect; to produce; toengender; to beget; to pro- create; to constitute; to fabricate; to fashion; to figure; to found; to frame; to generate; to get; to grow; to manu- facture; to originate; to seminate; to shape; to work; imkbi, nasal form; thinkbi, freq.; ilikbi, to make himself; ilimikbi, to make for himself, Gen. 7:14; aiikbi, Matt. 17: 4; ikikbo, a., unbegot- ten. ikbi, n., a maker; a creator; a manufac- turer; an author; a fabricator; a father; afounder; aframer; agenerator; a pro- creator; a raiser; a source. ikbi, n., make; work. ikbi, n., making; aiikbichi, Acts 24: 8. ikbichi, y. t., to cause to make or do, Matt. 5: 32. ikfeksa, n., the side of a man or beast between the hip bone and the rib. ikfetichi, v. i., to be swollen in the bowels. ikfetap, ikfitukhak, n., of the breast bone. ikfia, n., a diarrhoea; a looseness; a relax; a lax (a coarse word; wlbal ont ia is better). ikfia, v.n., v. a. i., to have a diarrhea; to purge; to relax; to scour. ikfia, pp., purged; relaxed. ikfiachi, y. t., to purge; to evacuate the bowels; to drench; to relax; to scour. ikfiachi, n., a purgative; a laxative; physic; a purging. .to accuse, the upper end [ BULL. 46 ikfichukbi, ikfitksa, n., the side of a man or beast between the hip bone and the rib; the flank. See ikfeksa. ikfihechi, n., a lax; a laxative; laxity; laxness. ikfitukhak, see ikfetap. ikfuka, ikfoka, n., the abdomen; he bowels; the pel Matt. 12: 40; -see iffuka, uhfoka. ikfuka hotupa, n., the colic; pain in the bowels; the bellyache. ikfuka hotupali, v. t., to gripe; to dis- tress the bowels. ikfuka isht talakchi, n.,a girth; asur- cingle; a bellyband. ikfuka katapa, n., the colic. ikfukasita, iffukisita, n.,a girth; asur- cingle. ikhana, ithana, v. a.i., v. t., to know, Matt. 6: 8; Josh. 3: 4; to acknowledge; to understand; to have acquaintance with; to discern; tofathom; to feel; to note; to observe; to perceive; to recol- lect; to recur; to remember; to take; to wit (v. t., to witness); to wot; ikha- hana, ithahana, freq.; ileithana, to know himself; ikhaiyana, ithaiyana, pro. form, to remember; to bear in mind; to occur; to recollect, Josh. 1: 18; 4: 24. ikhana, n., a knower; an observer. ikhana, n., knowledge; intelligence; lore; notice; recollection; regard; remem- brance; science; cognition; under- standing; erudition; experience; feel- ing; information; instruction; learn- ing; light; wit; deikhana, self-know]l- edge; ikithano, n., inexperience; ignor- ance; rawness. ikhana,a., knowing; conscious; mindful; notorious; scientific; aware; known; expert; familiar; intelligent; learned; literate; hatak ikhana, a known man, or an aquaintance; ikithano, artless; igno- rant; awkward; unacquainted; inexpe- rienced; insensible; unconscious; unin- formed; unknown; unmanaged; unper- ceived; unpracticed; unremembered; untaught; itikhana, known to each other; itikhana, n., acquaintance, Luke 23: 49; itikhananka, n., acquaintance, Luke 2: 44. ikhana, vy. n., to be known, conscious, etc. BYINGTON | ikhana, pp., taught; instructed; enlight- ened; indoctrinated; informed; learned; noted; regarded; ikithano, neg. form. ikhana achukma, a., eminent; noted; well known. ikhana alhpesa, a., memorable; nota- ble. ikhana fehna, a., memorable. ikhana hinla, a., perceptible. ikhananchiy, v. t., to teach, Matt. 15: 9; to instruct; to inform; to educate; to bring up; to breed, Luke 5: 17; 6: 6; to civilize; to convey or communicate in- telligence; to disciple; to drill; to edify; to enlighten; to familiarize; to indoc- trinate; to introduce; to lighten; to nourish; to rear; to remind; to tell; to train; weithananchi, to make himself known, Gen., 42: 7. ikhananchi, n., a teacher; an instructor; as Chahta ikhananchi, the Choctaw in- structor; a doctor; an enlightener; a preceptor; a remembrancer. ikhananchi, n., tuition; instruction. ikhananchit petichi, vy. t., to discipline. ikhana, ithana, v. a. i., v. t., to learn; to acquire knowledge; to acquaint one- self; to embrace; to find; to get; to hear; to improve; to see; ikithano, neg. form; ikhayana, to remember, Matt. 5: 23; to understand, Matt. 15: 10; ile- ithana, to teach himself. ikhana, pp., known. ikhana, n., a learner; nan ithana, a dis- ciple, Matt. 17: 6. ikhana, n., edification; improvement. ikhana hinla, a., teachable; capable of learning; intelligible. ikhanahe keyu, a., incomprehensible; inscrutable; unapt; unteachable. ikhanahe pulla, a., teachable. ikhananchi, v. t. caus., to cause to learn; to teach; to acquaint; toinstruct, Matt. 15:9; Josh. 4: 22; or ikhananchi (q. v.). ikhananchi, ikhananchi, n., a teacher. ikhi4sh, ithi"sh, ishhi sh, ikhi%sh, okhi¥sh, n., medicine; physic; a drug; the general word for anything used for the sick, as medicine, or applied to sores, as salve, or to the flesh, as oint- ments; a medicament. ikhi4"sh ahama, n., opodeldoc. ikhi2sh akmo, n., salve, A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE Les) ikhitsh apesa, y. t., to prescribe medi- cine. ikhi"sh balam, n., camphor; any fra- grant medicine; an elixir. ikhi"sh bota, n., medicine prepared in powder. ikhi"sh bota ishkot hoita, n., tartar emetic. ikhi4sh bota ishkot ikfia, n., calomel. ikhi"sh chu®kash libishli, n., a cordial. ikhi4"sh hapi holba, n., salts; Epsom salts; Glauber salts; sulphate of soda; sulphate of magnesia. ikhi2"sh homi, n., bitters. ikhi"sh ipeta, v. t., to drug; to admin- ister medicine. ikhi"sh ishkot hoita, n., a puke; a vomit. ikhi4sh ishkot ikfia, n., a cathartic. ikhi2sh ishkot nusechi, n., laudanum. ikhi4_sh ishkot ont iachi, n., a cathartic. ikhi"sh isht apu®fachi, n., a syringe. ikhi4sh kanchi, n., a druggist; an apoth- ecary. ikhi®sh lakshachi, n., a sudorific. ikhi2sh luma, n., a nostrum. ikhi2sh lumbo, n., a pill; pills; medi- cine in pills. ikhi4sh lumboa, n. pl., pills. ikhi2sh nipi kallochi, n.. a tonic. ikhi"sh nusechi, n., opium; an opiate; an anodyne; laudanum. ikhi"sh okchalechi, n., a tonic; a stim- ulant. ikhi"sh patassa, ikhi"sh patassapi, n., prickly ash. ikhi2sh shakba fohka, pp., vaccinated. ikhi4sh shakba fohki, v. t., to vaccinate. ikhi2sh shu®sh isht abi, n., a vermifuge. itki, n., his father (Matt. 15: 5); her father; father; sire; fatherhood; papa; a procreator; abba; J7ki, the Father, Matt. 11: 27; 16: 27; Inmki on, Father, Rom. 8: 15; Chihowa akosh inki yon, Jehovah was a father to him, John 5: 18; hachiinki, Matt. 18: 14; Josh. 1: 6. iki aiokla, n., paternal ancestors. i2ki atsha, a., legitimate; born in wed- lock. Inki aba, n., his Father in Heaven; God; Pinki aba, our Heavenly Father. Itki Chihowa, God Jehovah; Jehovah Father; his Father Jehovah, 180 i2ki chohmi, n., fatherhood. iMki ichapa, n., the firstborn; the child next to the father; the oldest son. itki iksho,a., illegitimate; bastard; base born; fatherless. itki iksho, n., a bastard. i%ki ilikbi, v. t., to father. iki ishki abi, n., a parricide. i"ki ishkiitatuklo, n., parents; father and mother. itki toba, n.,a stepfather; his stepfather; her stepfather. i%ki toba, pp., fathered. ikikki, int. of regret; O; alas; ah; oh; ikikkeh, alas, Josh. 7: 7. IXkilish imanumpa, n., the English lan- guage. Inkilish okla, n., Englishmen; English nation; the English; see Mirkilish. ikimiksho, v. t., to lack; ikshokahe nanta- hatuko; pp., unfurnished. ikistap, n., tough meat of the neck. ikithano, adv., unwittingly; ignorantly. ikkishi, n., the brisket; the breast gen- erally, not the paps, but the fore part of the thorax; the withers. ikkishi foni, n., the breast bone; the sternum. iklanna, n., the middle; the center; mid- way, 1 Kings 10: 7; half the depth; the dead, as ‘‘in the dead of winter,’’ etc.; half way; the heart; the interior; mean; midst; a moiety. Acts 1: 15; Josh. 4: 5, 8; midst of, Josh. 8: 33. iklanna, a., semi; half (Matt. 10: 29), as used in compound words; half pay; half pint, etc.; middling; mid, as found in compound words; midday, etc.; full, as the moon; mean; middle; mon- grel. iklanna, v. n., to be middling, half or mid, ete. iklanna, pp., centered; divided in the middle. iklanna atampa, n., a majority; more than half. iklannaka, n., the midst; the middle place; aiiklannaka, John 8: 3; the mean; the middle. iklannaka iklanna, n., a quarter. iklannachi, iklannachi, v. t., to center; to divide in the middle, Luke 19: 8. Inklisha, a., English; see Mirkilish. I"klisha, n., English, BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [ BULL. 46 ikma, sign of sub. mood, when the verb ends with i; see ak and okma, if, when; this particle begins with k, kma, when that. Compounds: ikmako—ik- makocha—ikmakona—ikmakosh—ikmak- ot—ikmano, ikmano—ikmat, if, when— ikmato. i%koi, n, the withers of ahare or a buffalo. ikolumpi, see kolumpi, n., the throat. ikonla, n., the neck; the throat. ikonla afohoma, n., the collar; the part of agarment which surrounds tbe neck. ikonla afohoma ishi, vy. t., to collar; to seize by the collar. ikonla awalakachi, n., a ruffle; a ruff. ikonla bana, see ikonlabana. ikonla bekat a®ya, a., barenecked. ikonla bekat at®ya, vy. a.i., to go bare- necked. ikonla inuchi, n., a collar; something worn round the neck; a part of a har- ness for the neck of a horse or other beast used in draught; hames; the part of a yoke which embraces the neck. ikonla shatali, n., a swelled neck; a swelled throat; the mumps (a disease); the quinsy. ikonla umpatta, n., a Vandyke. ikonlabana, ikonla abana, n., a yoke, Matt. 11: 29; pp., yoked. ikonlabana imaiishi, v. t., to unyoke. ikonlabanali, vy. t., to yoke. iksa, n., aclan; a class; a denomination; asect; a society; applied to the mar- riage clans,as hatakiholahta, kashapokla, iksa, v.a.i., to be of a class, sect, or clan; as, itimiksalt bano kako”. iksa achafa, n., one clan; the same clan or class. iksa apistikeli, n., a bishop; one who has the watch of a class, clan, ete. iksa asonunchi alhtoka, n., a deacon; an elder. iksa ibafoka, v. t., to unite with a class, clan, denomination. iksa inla, iksinla, n., another clan; a different clan; the other clan. iksa issa, v. t., to desert a clan; to apos- tatize. iksa issa, n., an apostate; apostasy. iksa issachi, v. t., to cause to apostatize. iksa keyu, a., unrelated. iksamiksho, vy. t., I have none, or there is none for me, or there is none of mine, BYINGTON | iksiachi, y. t., to fix; to repair; aiksiachi. iksita,n., a hearth; lwak iksita, Gen. 18: 6. iksitopa; nan isht ikaiiksitopa, infirmities, Matt. 8: 17. See John 5: 5; Ist per. iksaksitopa; imperative forms, ikchiksi- topa, ikpiksitopa. iksho, y. n., to be absent; to be gone; to be none; not to be; tiksho, intensive form, Matt. 2:17, 18; ikimiiksho, hath not, Matt. 8: 20; amsha (q. v.), pro. form; iksaksho, ikchiksho, iksho, ikpiksho, etc. ; ikchimiksholih, akchimiksho. iksho, v. a. i., to want; ikaiiksho, as oka ikaiiksho, dry places, Matt. 12: 43. iksho, a., absent; none; not any; desti- tute; devoid; wanting; missing; no; vacant; void. iksho, n., a dearth; a privation; a want- age; wanting. iksho, prep., without. iksho, with a poss. pro. sam, chim, im, etc., to have none; the neg. of amasha, chimasha, etc., v. t., to want. ikshokechi, y. t., to bring to nought; to destroy, 1 Cor. 6: 13. il, a prefix per. pro., lst per. pl. of active verbs beginning with a vowel, as ia, to go; John 4: 42; ilia, we go; ithana, to know; iithana, we know. Seee. ila, to itself; by itself, as ishilaboli, you lay it by itself, from ile, reflexive, and a, locative. ila, to himself, as iahalalli, to draw it to himself; before a vowel, ilai, as ilaieshi, to take to himself. See Luke 12: 37; 17: 8; John 21: 18; tmokla ilahashia, his peculiar people, Deut. 26: 18. ilabannali, y. t., to shoulder; see iaban- nali. ilabi"ka, ilamitka, a., different; vari- ous; separate. ilabi"ka, v. n., to be different. ilabitka, adv., separately. ilafaya, ilafia, a., handsome, as isuba ilafia, a good-looking horse. ilafia, v. n., to be handsome; to look well, as a horse. ilafiopa, n., inspiration. ilafoa, n., contumacy. ilafoa, a., headstrong; yielding; unwilling. ilafoa, v. n., to be headstrong. ilafoa, v. a. i., to refuse; to struggle. obstinate; un- A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 181 iUlahninchi, n., self-esteem. ilahobbi, vy. a. i., to pretend; to profess; to attempt; to make a vain effort; to dissemble; to feign; to make as if, Josh. 9: 4, ilahobbi, n., an attempt; a pretense; a feint; hypocrisy. ilahobbi, n., a pretender; a professor; a seemer; a hypocrite, Matt. 6: 16; nan ilahobbichiahoka, thou hypocrite, Matt. 7: 5. ilahobbi, a., pretended; professed; hopaii ilahobbi, Matt. 7: 15. ilahobbi, ady., vainly. ilahtahi, n., providence. ilai, dative reflexive particle before vow- els; dateshi, Josh. 8: 1. ilaiukha, n., recompense; retaliation; vow of revenge. ilaiukha, n., a revenger. ilaiyuka, ilayuka, a., various; diver- sified; all; each; divers, Luke 4: 40; every; different; several; sundry, Matt. 4: 24; hatak ilaiyuka, each man; abeka daiyuka puta, all manner of sickness; yakmi aiyuka, pinimpatok, haknip ikin- chukmo ilaiyuka moma, all manner of disease; see aiyuka. ilaiyuka, v. n., to be various. ilaiyuka, y. a. i., to shift. ilaiyuka, n., a diversity; a variety; ilai- yuka puta, every kind, Matt. 13: 47. ilaiyuka hinla, a., versatile. ilaiyuka takoli shali, a. unsteady; variable. ilaiyukachi, y. t., to make various; to cause a diversity; to vary. ilaiyukali, n., division. ilaiyukali, a., various; divers. ilaiyukali, vy. n., to be various. ilaiyukali laua, a., manifold. ilaiyukalichechi, vy. t., to diversify. ilakhata, v. a. i., to dress up; to put on ornaments; tlakhatat antali, Iam dress- ing. ilakshema, y. t., to dress himself; to vest; see shema. ilatechia, a., proud. ilamitka, a., different and separate; see ilabinka, ilanoli, y. a. i., to confess, Matt. 3: 6. ilanoli, n., a concession; a confession. ilanoli, n., a confessor. 182 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ilanukfillit pisa, n., self-examination. ilap, pro., his; her; hers, Josh. 2: 19; its; this; theirs; own; himself; herself; it- self; self; he, Josh. 3:1; Matt. 9: 1; ilap at, he himself, Matt. 12: 4; dap ani, their fruit, Matt. 7: 16; wap ani, bis fruit, Matt. 12: 33; miko ilap, this is the chief’s; ilap hochifo, hisname. The particles are suffixed to this word. ilap, ilapa, self; him, Mark 1: 34; Matt. 10: 32, 33; 12: 16; salap achafa, I alone; I myself alone; I only, salap, chilap, ilap. ilap achafa, adv., singly. ilap achafa, a., unattended. ilap ahni, v. t., to determine himself; to volunteer; ilapanti, a., selfish; ilap ahni. ilap ahni, n., seli-determination; his wish; his will. ilap ahni, a., voluntary. ilap ahni bieka, a., willful. ilap ahni ilekanchi, a., self-devoted. ilap ahni keyu, a., involuntary. ilap ahni yamohmi, a., spontaneous; voluntary. ilap aiahni, n., self-will. ilap aiahni, adv., freely. ilap akinli, himself; herself; itself; self; ilap akinli hosh, Matt. 8: 17. ilap anukfilli, v. a. i., to think himself; to determine himself. ilap anukfilli, n., self-determination. ilap ati hikia, a., free—to stand by him- self. ilap bano, a., alone; himself alone; single; he alone; lone; unattended, Matt. 17:1; them alone. ilap bano, a., lone. ilap bano, adv., lonely; singly. ilap banot anta, v. a. i., to live alone, or to be the only one that stays. ilap bieka, a., alone; solitary. ilap biekat kanima atta, n., a hermit. ilap bitka, ady., by or among them- selves, John 4: 33; Luke 4: 36; sepa- rately, Matt. 12: 25; 16: 7. ilap fena, a., himself; himself indeed; himself in person. ilap fena, ady., personally; in person. ilap im, their own, Matt. 17: 25. ilap immi, a., hisown; her own; private; proper, Josh. 8:27. ilap immi, n., a proprietary. (BULL. 46 ilap in, Matt. 9: 1; his own, Matt: 10: 36; 13: 57. ilapakpu%a, ilapakpu™wa, a., selfish; self-conceited; self-willed; haughty. ilapakputa, vy. n., to be selfish. iUlapakpuachi, ilapakpuwachi, v. t., to make selfish. ilapakpunla, a., selfish; haughty; from ilapak pulla, surely himself he. ilapakpunla, y. n., to be selfish. ilapat, obj. case, pro., he; himself, Matt. A222" Geel ilapinli, a., himself; herself, Matt. 6: 4; ilapint, obj. case. ilapisa, see ilapissa. ilapisa, vy. t., to make; this word is per- haps from apesa, and is a reflexive verb. ilapissa, from ilap and issa or il and apissa, to give himself up. ilapissa, see Gen. 43: 32; mihma ilapissa intallalimat, ete., by themselves; by himself. ilapissa, a., downcast; dull; pensive; sad; weak and trembling from sickness. ilapissa, pp., saddened; disfigured; nash- uka ilapissa, Matt. 6: 16. ilapissa, adv., sadly. ilapissachi, ilapissachi, ilapissachi, v. t., to depress himself; to disfigure, Matt. 6: 16. ilapo,a., his, himself; ilapo haknip akinli kako”, John 2: 21; ilapo fena yat, John 4: 54, ilapo inli, pro., itself, Matt. 6: 34; 12: 26. ilapoma, pro. ob., him; tdlapoma ishin yamohmi, Luke 6: 31. ilaposh, pro., he; himself; obj. case. ilaputa, a., selfish; self-willed; haughty; from apoa, to raise; to sow for raising. ilaputa, v. n., to be selfish. ilapunla, n., haughtiness; independence; selfishness; stiffness; from t/a and pulla, surely himself, or to himself, or from ilap and pulla. ilapunla, a., selfish; haughty; high minded; independent; insolent; lordly; stiff necked; stubborn; supercilious; wayward; presumptuous; rash; heady; from ilap and pulla (nasalized), surely himself. ilapunla, v. n., to be selfish, etc. ilapunla, v. a. i., to stiffen. ilatoba, v. a. i., to spare; from toba, to become; ikilatobo, a., unreserved. BYINGTON | ilatomba, v. t., to save; to economize; to preserve for future use; to husband; to reserve; to spare; made by prefix- ing the particles i/e reflexive and a loca- tive to toba; anumpa ilatomba fehna. ilatomba, a., saving; prudent; econom- ical; reserved; frugal. ilatomba, n., economy; prudence; re- serve; saving. ilatomba, n., an economist; a saver. ilatomba atapa, a., penurious. ilatomba keyu, a., unsparing. ilauata, ilauata, yv.a.i., to boast; to brag; to crow; imilauata, to crow over him; isht ilauata, to boast about; to vapor; to vaunt; from auata and the pronoun ile. ilauata, n., a boaster; a brag; a vaporer; a vaunter. ilauata, n., a boast; a brag; a prank. ilaueli, ilauweli, v. t. sing., to lead along; to conduct; to rule; to govern; to lead, Matt. 15:14; to take, Matt. 16: 22; Luke 4: 5; to guide; to take a wife, Matt. 1: 24; 4: 5; this is a reflexive form from aue, auechi, auet, ete. ; pelichi, pl. ilaueli, n., a leader of one; a conductor; a guide; a guider; wakushi ilauinli, a cow that is the leader of a calf, i. e., a cow and calf, Matt. 18: 24. ilauet, cont. of above, John 1: 42. ilauet aya, v. t. sing., to rule; to lead; to conduct; to govern. ilauet atya,n.,a ruler; a leader; a hus- band. ila"yak, imilayak, n., goods, Matt. 12: 29; wares; merchandise; riches, | Kings 10: 23; treasure, Matt. 6: 19; his goods; imilayak chokushpa, chattel; chattels; concern; riches; imilayak isht yuwpomo; vy. t., to dissipate. ilayuka, see ilaiyuka. ilallachi, a., childish. ilallachi (from ile and alla), v. t., to make himself a child. ilapisa, v. t., to look on himself; to deem himself. ilapissa, ilapisa, a., sad; of a sad coun- tenance; depressed. ilapissa, v. n., to be sad; to have a fallen countenance, Gen. 4: 6. ilapissachi, ilapissachi, v. t., to depress. ilappa, pro., this; these, Matt. 1: 20; 2: 3; 4:9; ilappa yakohmichi, do this, A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 183 Matt. 8: 9; a demonstrative of person, thing, and place; this; here; dappa refers to the nearest objects, yamma to the most distant; hither, Josh. 3: 9; ilappa ishla hohcho? art thou come hither? Matt. 8: 29. ilappa, adv., here, Matt. 14: 17; hither, Josh. 2: 2; thence, Luke 4: 9; ilappa fehnaka, herein; here; John 4: 37; Matt. 12: 6; this place. ilappa, demon. pro. in the obj. case or in any case, this; these; this person or thing; used instead of the third person of the per. pro. he, she, it, they, Luke 1: 6 [?] (‘lappa is here in the n. case); ilappa fenaka, in this or herein, John 4: 37; Matt. 6: 29; the; these, Matt. 6: 32; 18: 14; this, Josh. 1: 2, 4. ilappa foka, adv., hereabout. ilappa pila, adv., in this direction; toward this place; ilappa pila iali, lam going in this direction. ilappa pilla, ady., away here, pointing at the same time to the place with the finger or lips, meaning quite to or at the place, and not merely toward. ilappak, adv., here; right here; ilappak atukma, this, Matt. 8: 9; ilappak fehna, here, Matt. 14: 8; ilappakinli, adv., here in this place; right here; ilappako, ady., in this place; at this place; hither, Matt. 17:17; ilappak oka, here is the place which; ilappak okat, v.n., here is the place which; iappak okato, that very one; i/appakosh, here is the place; this is, Matt. 11: 10). ilappak, this, Matt. 3: 17; a simple word, like himak, himmak, yammak; ilappak ash, the, Luke 3:15; ilappakinli, this; himself, itself, etc., Matt. 13: 22; ilap- pakma, this also; this too; ilappakon, in this; of this; from this; hither, Matt. 14: 18; Josh. 1: 4; in whom, Matt. oelige ilappak oka, ady., this the one which. ilappak okat, nom. case, this is the one which. ilappak osh, nom. case, this is the one, Matt. 17: 5. ilappasi, adv., here. ilappano, obj. case, this is the one. ilappat, nom. case, this; oklailappat, Matt. 15: 8. 184 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ilappato, nom. case, def., this is the one which. ilappimma, adyv., hither, this way, Josh. 8: 20. ilappimma pilla, ady., thitherward. ilbasha, a., poor; wretched; miserable; destitute; calamitous; cheerless; con- trite; deplorable; desolate; devoid; grievous; heavy; humble; indigent; lean; low; meager; necessitous; needy; piteous; rigorous; rueful; submissive; pp., degraded; troubled; depressed; distressed. ilbasha, ady., unhappily; miserably. ilbasha, vy. n., to be poor, etc.; iwba%sha; ubaiyasha. ilbasha, y. a. i., to mourn; to ruin; to smart; to suffer; to undergo; isht ilba- sha, v. t., to mourn. ilbasha, y. t., with a pro. in the dative case; imilbasha, to pray to him, Luke 5: 12; to importune of him; to suppli- cate; echimilbasha, we pray to thee; we are humble before thee, Josh. 2: 12; ilbansha; ilbaiyasha. ilbasha, pp., distressed; impoverished; re- duced to want; afflicted; persecuted; cursed; humbled; oppressed; racked; ruined; screwed; stripped; tormented; wronged, Matt. 6: 25; ililbasha, pp., self-abased; ishpilbashachi, thou tor- mentest us, Matt. 8: 29; ilbaiyasha. ilbasha, n., poverty; misery; a calamity; affliction; persecution; distress; the heartache; illness; impotency; indi- gence; need; necessity; oppression; penury; plaint; a privation; punish- ment; a strait; a stripe; suffering; tor- ment; trouble; woe; wretchedness. ilbasha, n., the poor; a sufferer, Matt. 11: 5; dbasha atapa, n., extremity; ex- treme distress. ilbashachi, y. t., to torment; to wring; to wrong; to depress; to oppress; to screw; to shave; to sterilize; to straiten; to strip; to distress; to impoverish; to afflict; to persecute, Matt. 5: 44; to de- ject; ililbashachi, to distress himself. ilbashachi, n., an oppressor; a distresser; a tormentor; a wrongdoer; a wronger. ilbashahe alhpesa, a., damnable; trag- ical; unhappy; woful; wretched; wrongful; ikilbasho, neg. a. (BULL. 46 ilbashalechi, vy. t., to impoverish; to cause distress or poverty; to oppress. ilbashali, v. t., to distress; to afflict; to oppress; to persecute; to curse; to grind; to gripe; to pinch; to ruin; to destroy, Matt. 10: 28; Josh. 7: 25, to trouble; ililbashali, to distress himself. ilbashali, n., oppression; persecution. ilbashali, n., an oppressor; a persecutor; v. t., to beggar; tocondemn, John 3: 17. ilbashali, a., murderous. ilbashalit abi, a., murderous. ile, sign of the reflexive form of active verbs beginning with a vowel, as anta, to stay; tanta, to stay by himself or alone; akostininchi, to understand; ont il- akostininchi, to understand himself; to come to himself, Luke, 15: 17; iekos- tininchi, to repent. ile, sign of the reflexive pronominal form before verbs beginning with a conso- nant; before a vowel one yowel is often dropped, especially the vowels 7 and a, as ilebi, to commit suicide; to kill one’s self. ilebi, n., self-homicide; self-murder; sui- cide. ilefehnachechi, y. t., to fan pride; to render proud; to elevate; to exalt; to lift. ilefehnachi, v. t., to pride. ilefehnachi, ilifehnachi, (two long vowels, e and e, do not come together or follow each other.—later note by B. ); a., ostentatious; pompous; self-suffi- cient; supercilious; proud; vain; arro- gant; consequential; haughty; lofty; pp., elevated; high minded; insolent; lordly; magisterial; puffed; see fehna. ilefehnachi, adv., loftily. ilefehnachi, y. n., to be proud; to be vain. ilefehnachi, y. a. i., to crow; to boast; to prink; to swagger; to swell. ilefehnachi, n., a swaggerer. ilefehnachi, n., pride; vanity; hauteur; loftiness; pomp; self-conceit. ilefehnachit nowa, v. a. i., to stalk; to strut. ilefoka, n., a garment; a coat, Matt. 5: 40; apparel; an undergarment; a tunic, Luke 6: 29; a dress; clothes. ilefoka, v. t. ref., to put clothes on him- self, herself, one’s self. —a BYINGTON ] ilefoka awalakachi, n., the ruffle of a shirt. ilefoka chito, n., a cloak; a surtout; a great coat. ilefoka foka, vy. t., to attire himself; to dress himself; to clothe himself. ilefoka foka, pp., clothed; dressed, by himself or others. ilefoka fokachiy, v. t., to clothe another; to dress another. ilefoka halushkichi, n., a flatiron; a sadiron; a heater. ilefoka isht boa, n., a pounder used in washing clothes. ilefoka isht kashokachi, ilefoka isht kasholichi, n., a clothes brush. ilefoka isht shema, n., a dress. ilefoka kolofa, n., a roundabout; a short coat; a spencer. ilefoka koloti, n. pl. of above. ilefoka lumbo, n.,a shirt; a coat, Matt. 10: 10. ilefoka patafa, n., a hunting frock; a garment that is open in front. ilefoka shakba afohoma, n., a cuff; a wristband. ilefoka shukcha, n., a pocket in a gar- ment. ilefoka walaha, n., a ruffled shirt. ilefoka yushkololi, n., a vest; a jacket; a waistcoat; a short garment. ilehaksi, a., self-deceived. ileholitobli, n., self-love. ileissikkopali, n., a self-tormentor. ilepushpuli, v. i., to be cross. ileyimmi, n., self-confidence. ileyukpali, a., self-pleasing. ilhfiopa, n., breath. ilhfiopa okchaya, n., breath of life. ilhfiopak, n., wind; breath; life, Matt. 6: 25; 10: 39; 16: 25; Josh. 9: 24; imilh- jiopak ishituk, he took his life, Matt. 2: 19, 20; imithfiopak fohki, to give life; to animate; pimilhfiopak, our life, Josh. 2: 14; wimilhfiopak ikfalaio, a., short winded. ilhfoka, n., the abdomen; see ikfuka. ilhkola hinla, a., excitable. ilhkolechi, ilhkolichi, vy. t. caus. pl., to move; to stir, as shakba ilhkolechi; to move the arms; to cause them to moye; to bestir; to excite. ilhkolechi, ilhkolichi, n., one that causes a moving. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 185 ilhkoli (ia, sing.), v. a. i. pl., to move; to go, Matt. 8: 33; to leap, Luke 1: 41; to budge; to start off; to take leave, Matt. 14: 22; to circulate; to pace; to stir; to come, Matt. 8: 34; 2: 12; 11: 7; Josh. 7: 4; aulhkoli, Matt. 11: 13; wdhkola hinla ka, to depart, Matt. 14: 13; ilhkot, cont. ; ilhkonli, nas. ; ilhkohonli, freq.; whkoyuli, pro. ilhkoli, n., those who move; movers. ilhkoli, n., action. ihkoli, n., a motion; a movement; ik- ilhkolecho, a., unshaken. ilhkoli keyu, n., inaction. ithkolichi, y. t., to move; to circulate; to set in motion; to start; to stir; to shake; to work. Uhkolichi, ilhkolechi, n., a stirrer. ilhpa, n., food; provisions; cooked pro- visions; food prepared; an eatable. ilhpak, n., food; provisions; bread, Matt. 6: 11, 25; Mark 3: 20; victuals, . Matt. 14: 15; 1 Kings, 11: 18; cooked pro- visions; aliment; board; diet; enter- tainment; an esculent; fare; meat; nur- ture; nutriment; pabulum; subsistence; sustenance; a viand. ilhpak akanchi, n., a market, Matt. 11: NG 23s ilhpak atatli, v. t., to board; to furnish with food; whpak imatati, to subsist. ilhpak atali, n., a provider. ilhpak imataha, pp., furnished with food; boarded. ilhpak tola achafa, n., a mess. ilhpapa, n., the hunters for a funeral, or pole pulling. ilhpapa, v. t., to hunt for the same. ilhpatsh, y. n., to be friendly, Gen. 40: 7. ilhpita, n., a gift; a donation; ‘‘meat”’ as a gratuity, or a ration, Matt. 10: 10. ilhpita, v. t., to receive as a gift; hatak at alhpoyak whpita, the men who receive goods as a present. ilhpita, ilhpitta, pp., given; put in; fed; charged; nourished; isuba hat ilhpita. ilhpita achafa, n., a charge; a load for a gun. ilhpitachi, v. t., to give; to keep. ilhpitachi, n., a giver; a donor. ilhtalowak, ilhtalwak, n., song, Ex. 15: 2; a note in music; songs, Gen. 31: 27; see alhtalwak. 186 ihtohno, alhtohno, n., a_ servant, John 4:51; a domestic; a help; a hire- ling; a mercenary; an undertaker. ilhtohno, pp., hired; employed; _insti- gated; engaged; from tohno, y. t., or itohnochi, to instigate. ilhtohno keyu, a., unengaged. ilifehnachi, see ilefehnachi. ililli, n., pestilence, 2 Sam. 24: 13. ilimpa, illimpak, n., food; victuals; meat; amilimpa, John 4: 34; nourish- ment; nurture; nutriment; pabulum; table; a viand; also sig., we eat. ilissa, v. t. ref. (from issa), to surrender; to capitulate; to give himself up. ilissa, n., a surrender; a capitulation. ilissa, n., one who surrenders or gives himself up. ilissachi, v. t., to cause to surrender him- self; to conquer. ilissachi, n., a conqueror. illa,a., odd; singular, as nakni illa siahoke, I am a singular man. illa, v. n., to be odd or singular. illa, ady., oddly. illa, y. a. i., to be only; ilashke, Mark 12: 82; ushi akilla, save the son, Matt. 11: 27; wlat, Matt. 14: 28. illa, ady., only; barely; merely, John 4: 23[?]; anumpa illa hon, the word only, Matt. 4:10; 8: 8; 10: 42; but, Matt. 14:17, adj., a single word. illa hinla, a., mortal; expirable; perish- able. illa husi, a., half dead; nearly dead; al- most dead. illahe imma, a., mortal. illahe keyu, a., immortal; deathless. illahe keyu ikbi, vy. t., to make immor- tal; to immortalize. illechi, a. (from ili), grievous. illi, a., pp., dead, Matt. 11:5; deceased; departed this life; lost at a game of chance; defunct; numb from cold; life- less; benumbed; torpid; vapid; ikillo kia aba ia, to go to heaven without dy- ing; to be translated. illi, v. t., to die, Matt. 17: 9; Josh. 1: 1; Matt. 15: 4; imillilikat, Gal. 2: 19. ili, v. n., to die; to perish, John 3: 16; to lose at a game of chance; to expire; to decease; to depart this life; to fail; to faint; to go; to pass; to perish; to rest; alla isht illi, to die in childbed; BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 pillimakoke, we perish, Matt. 8: 24; imilli, he lost; ili, iti, ihiti, inli, ihinli, ielli, ikello, Josh. 1:9; 8: 1; inli, nasal form, dying, John 4: 49; hashi at illi, to change, as the moon; ihinli, freq., iyilli, pro. tkiello, neg.; Josh. 8: 1; imilli, v.t., to lose; imilli, n., a loser. illi, n., death, Matt. 10:21; the dead; uli akosh, the dead, Matt. 8: 22; dead- ness; decease; a departure; destruction; dissolution; an end; numbness; quiet; rest; torpor; nan ili is used for death in Rom. 6: 28. illi, used as an intensitive, as sanukhak- lot salli, | am very sorry; lit., I sorrow and I die; nusit ili, fast asleep. ili atukla, n., death; the second death; destruction. illi bi"ka, dead like themselves, a fellow mortal, Matt. 8: 22. illi cha atta, n., still born. illichi, v. t., to kill; to put to death; to slay; to deaden; to dazzle; to numb; to end; to benumb; to obtund; to palsy; to paralyze, Matt. 10: 28; 16: 21; itillichi, to kill each other; hashi at nishkin an illichi, the sun dazzles the eye. illiissa, vy. t., to proscribe; to offer to death; to give up to die, Matt. 10: 21; illiimissa, v. t., to betray, or give him to death, Matt. 27: 3. illiissa anumpa, n., a proscription. illilli, n., a disease, Luke 4: 40; a distem- per, such as the smallpox; pleurisy; a malady; pestilence, 2 Sam. 24: 13. illilli okpulo, n., a deadly distemper; a disease; a leprosy. illilli okpulo, n., a leper. illinaha, a. in the past tense, half dead; near dead; was well-nigh dead. illit akosh falamat tani, v. a. i., to rise from the dead; n., a resurrection. illit okcha, n., one who has been resus- citated. iWuhmi, illohmi, a., deathlike. ilo, iloh, per. pro., 1st per, pl., before active verbs beginning with a vowel; ia, to go; iia, we go; ilohia, we all go; ilohishko, Matt. 6: 31. iUlokpani, n., self-abuse. ilolabbi, n., self-denial. ittachi, n., a large green-headed duck. Japa, n., caul or fat of the paunch (Billy Thomas, informant). BYINGTON ] ilapa, n., the milt or spleen; some say it is the midriff, diaphragm, or caul, the milt being takashv. ifaualli, ifoalli, v. a. i., v. t., to play; to frolic; to parade; to revel; to romp; to sport; to toy; to trifle; to wanton, 2 Sam. 2:14. itaualli, n., a play; a diversion; a frolic; fun; a pastime; sport. itaualli, n., a player; a frolicker; a rey- eler; a tumbler. itauallichi, vy. t., to make others play; to parade soldiers; to drill; itizhowa, to call each other, Matt. 11: 16. im, pre. pos. pro., 3d per. sing. and pl. in the n. case, before nouns beginning with a vowel; as imisuba, his, her, or their horse. See chim, in, ete. imi, before shilombish, as ami, chimi, imi- shilombish, etc., with nouns of place; tamaha holihta imisht impak imma, right side of the city; Chuta yar imoka mati pilla, to the south of Judah, 2 Sam. 24: By ts im, pre. per. pro., 3d per. sing. and pl., in the dative case before verbs begin- ning with a vowel, and to be rendered with a prep., as of him, for him, to him, ete.; to it, as a tree; see Mark 11: 23, imachi; imanoli, to relate to him; ima, of him; from him, Matt. 6: 1; ima, of them, Matt. 6: 2. im, per. pro., 3d per. sing. and pl., in the nom. case before some neuter verbs, as okpulo, bad; imokpulo, he is angry, or there is evil with him; see chim. im, pos. pro., removed from the noun and placed before the verb, as allat imilli, instead of imallat illi. Many words have the pronouns im, etc., inseparably united. It is necessary to write them as they are used; imi, before the word shilombish, as imishilombish, Matt. 10: 20. ima, ema, v. t., to give, Matt. 14: 7, 9; to sell; to cede; to. send, John 3: 17; to impart; to bestow; to bear to, John 2: 8; to let one have; to accommodate with; to deliver to, Luke 4: 17; to com- municate; to title, hachimahe, Matt. 7: 7; imatok, had given, Matt. 9: 8; 14: 19; ima, to give him; chima, to give thee; ama, to give me; anumpa ima; et ima, pit ima; ihinma, freq., iksamo, neg., A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 187 ikchemo, ikemo, ikpemo, ete.; issama, to give me; issahama, John 17: 8. ima, y. t., to confer; to consign; to con- vey; to deal; to dispose of; to grant; to hand; to invest; to leave; to let; to offer; to present; to render; to resign; to transfer; chimali, Matt. 4: 9; aiyama, intensive form; isht ima, to take and give, Matt. 7: 9, 10; amaiyama, to give me much. ima, n., a giver; a donor. ima, n., a gift; a largess; a donation; a cession; a sale; a dedication; a legacy; a render. ima, see imma. ima hinla, a., that can be given. ima keyu, a., ungranted. imabachi, n., a teacher. imabachi, vy. t., to teach or to teach him; to instruct; to show him how; to indoce- trinate; to inform; imalbachi, pp., im- abanchi, nasal form; imabahanchi, freq. imachanho, a., better, after being sick. imafo, imafo, n., 1, a grandfather, his grandfather, her grandfather, or her father-in-law, i. e., the father of her husband, while like other words de- noting kindred, others are embraced, as imafo embraces all the brothers of the grandfather; a grandsire; 2, also great-grandfather. imahaksahe keyu, a., unpardonable. imahaksi, a., mindless; forgetful; un- grateful, unmindful. imahaksi, pp., unlearned; forgotten; par- doned; unremembered; weaned; ik- imahakso, a., unpardoned. imahaksi, imihaksi, v. t., to forget; to forgive; to misremember; to miss; to omit; to overlook; to pardon; to pass; to remit; to unlearn; amahaksi, chima- hakst. imahaksi, n., forgetfulness, remission. imahaksicha hinla, a., pardonable; ish- pimahaksichi, itimahaksichi. imahaksichi, v. t., to cause it to be for- gotten or forgiven; to forget; to pardon. imahaksichi, n., forgiveness. imahoba, v. t. (see ahoba), to suspect; to guess; to reckon; to figure; to pre- sume; to suppose; to surmise. imahoba, n., a guess; a presumption; a supposition; a surmise. 188 imaiatechi, n., a lesson; a stint; his lesson. imaiya,a., superior to; better; surpassing. imaiya, imatya, (see a”ya); v. t., V. D., to overthrow; to overtop; to prevail; to surmount; to surpass, Matt. 10: 24; to exceed; to conquer, 2 Sam. 24: 4; to defeat; to master; to outdo; to outgo; to outgrow; to outlast; to outlive; to outwalk; to overcome; to overgo; to overpower; amaiya, to be greater to me; itintimaiya, v. a. i., to run a race; to compete; to refute; to repress; to revolt; to vie; to rival; to transcend; to triumph; to win; iintimiya, n., a race; itintimiya, n., a racer; a rival, Matt. 11: Ot 12:6; 40, imaiya, n., excess; aconquest; a defeat; a subjection; a triumph; vantage; a victory; a winning. imaiya; imaiyahe keyu, a., triumphant; victorious; unconquerable. imaiya, n., a conqueror; his conqueror; a victor; a winner. imaiya, pp., subdued; taken; ikimaiyo, a., unsubdued; unconquered. imaiya hinla, a., vincible. imaiyahe keyu, a., invincible. imaiyachi, v. t., to exceed; to conquer; to beat; to excel; to surpass; to defeat; to humble; to master; tooutdo; toover- come; to overpower; to overthrow; to subdue; to subject; to suppress; to sur- mount; to take; to vanquish; to pre- vail against, Matt. 16: 18. imaiyachi, n., a conqueror; a subduer; a vanquisher. imaiyachi, n., a subjection. imaiyamohmi, n., luck. imaiyat falammint ishi, y. t., to re- conquer. imaiyokoma, a., perplexed; bewildered; at a loss. imaiyokoma, v. n., to be perplexed or bewildered; to be at a loss; imaiyokomi, he is bothered. imaiyokomichi, v. t., to bewilder; to cause perplexity; to maze. imaiyopik, n., a relative by marriage; the brothers, uncles, and nephews of her husband are thus called by a woman. It is now obsolete. imatka, imaka, a., natural; proper; suit- able; acceptable. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 imatka, y. n., to be natural; ikimavko, neg., to be unnatural or unsuitable. imalak, n., a _ brother-in-law; his brother-in-law; a man’s sister’s hus- band, and brothers. imalakusi, n., a brother-in-law; his brother-in-law; his wife’s brothers, and cousins. imalakusi ohoyo, n., his sister-in-law, i.e., his wife’s sister. imalama, a., guarded; kept. imalama, y. n., to be guarded; he is guarded or kept. imalami, v. t., to hinder; to oppose; to object. imalammiy, n., an objector. imalammichi, y. t., to cause objections; to cause to hinder. imataka, n., the midriff. imatechi, v. t., to maim. imateka, vy. a. i., to suffer pain from his own misconduct; to smart. imateka, pp., distressed; maimed. imateka, a., unfortunate; unlucky. imateka, n., a doom; misfortune. imateka hinla, a., unsafe. imateka shah, a., hapless. imatekahe keyu, a., safe. imatekahe keyu, n., safety. imatekachechi, v. t., to cause pain. imatekachi, v. t., to cause pain. imantananchi, n., the breastbone. imantia, n., an obeyer. imantia, a., obedient; dutiful; submis- sive. imantia, n., duty; obedience; obsery- ance; observation. imantia, v. t., to heed; to obey; to mind; to observe; to serve, Matt. 4:10; see antia. imantia achukma, a., obsequious. imantiahe keyu, a., ungovernable. imanukfela, a., sad; sorrowful; imanuk- fiela. imanukfela, v. n., to be sad, Gen. 40: 6. imanukfelachi, vy. t., caus., to sadden; to to make sad; imanukfielachi. imanukfila, a., ideal; mental; thought- ful. imanukfila, n., his thought; their thoughts, Matt. 9: 4; his mind; thought; mind; an opinion; reflection; under- standing; brain; intellect; judgment; pained; BYINGTON ] sentiment; conceit; conscience; consid- eration; contemplation; counsel; dis- cernment; eye of the mind; a faculty; the faculties; a fancy; a phantasm; a phantom; feeling; heart; an idea; an imagination; an impression; an intent; a meditation; memory; mettle; a no- tion; a project; reason; sense; senti- ment; a speculation; spirit; temper; a tenet; atheory; a thought; unanimity; a view; a voice; a judgment; will; wit, Mark 2: 8. imanukfila, vy. a. i., to think; to reason; vy. t., to intend; imanukfila fehna, Luke 4: 22 [?]; imanukfilachi. imanukfila achafa, a., like-minded; of one mind; unanimous. imanukfila achafa, n., resolution; a re- solve; ‘‘one accord,’’ Josh. 9: 2. imanukfila achafa, y. n., to be like minded; to agree; tmanukfila ikachafo, to dissent. imanukfila achafa, n., concord. imanukfila achafa keyu, a., unprin- cipled; unstaid; wavering. imanukfila ahalaia, a., mental; spirit- ual. imanukfila aiimma, a., intellectual. imanukfila aka®lusi, a., dampened, as to the feelings; discouraged. imanukfila a™li achukma, a., consci- entious. imanukfila apissanli, a., stable-minded. imanukfila apissanli keyu, a., unstable. imanukfila a¥sha, a., rational; reasona- ble; sensible. imanukfila alhpesa, a., unprejudiced. imanukfila chaha, a., magnanimous; high-minded; imanukfila chaha, v. n. imanukfila chito, n., magnanimity; a reverie; sconce; strength. imanukfila chito, a., having a large mind; magnanimous. imanukfila fehna, a., thoughtful. imanukfila hopoyuksa, a., magnani- mous. imanukfila ikkallo, a., happy. imanukfila iksho, n., idiocy; shallow- ness; stupor; dotage. imanukfila iksho, a., foolish; sense- less; without mind; idiotic; ignorant; irrational; shallow - brained; _ silly; simple; sottish; stupid; thoughtless, meditative; A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 189 imanukfila iksho, n., a fool, Matt. 5: 22; 23: 17; a natural; raca (Heb.); a sim- pleton; a sot; a witling, an idiot; an ignoramus; a dotard; dotage. imanukfila iksho, v. n., to be foolish; to know nothing. imanukfila iksho aiimoma, n., an idiot; a natural fool. imanukfila ilaiyuka, y. a. i., to vac- illate; a., whimsical. imanukfila ilbasha, n., gloom; gloomy thoughts. imanukfila inla mitka, y. t., to dis- agree. imanukfila ishi, v. t. to seize the mind; to interest the mind; to captivate. imanukfila itibafoka, y. t., to agree in opinion; to concur. imanukfila itiholba, a., like-minded; re- sembling each other in sentiment. imanukfila itiholba, v. n., to be like- minded. imanukfila kapassa, n., insensibility. imanukfila kapassa, a., insensible. imanukfila kallo, a., unfeeling; hard- hearted. imanukfila kallo, n., comprehension; genius; harshness. imanukfila komunta a., anxious; dis- tressed; uneasy in mind. imanukfila komunta, y. n., to be anx- ious. imanukfila komunta, n., anxiety. imanukfila laua, n., maze; perturbation. imanukfila laua, a., fickle; changeable; fanciful; fertile; fluctuating; indecisive; notional. imanukfila nukha"klo, n., melancholy; mercy. imanukfila nuktanla, n., modesty. imanukfila okpani, v. t., to delude. imanukfila okpulo, a., evil-minded; malevolent. imanukfila okpulo, n., malevolence; malignity. imanukfila onuchi, y. t., to apply the mind. imanukfila shanaia, a., perverted in opinion. imanukfila shanaioa, vy. a.i., to whiffle. imanukfila shanaioa,a., fickle; fever- ish; light-minded; whiffling. imanukfila shanaioa, n., lightness, 190 imanukfila shananchi, vy. t., to per- suade; to pervert the mind; to incline; to prejudice; to prepossess. imanukfila tohwikelichi, vy. t., to il- lume; to illumine; to illuminate. imanukfila tuklo, a., double-minded. imanukfila tuklo, v. a. i., to trim. imanukfila tu "shpa, a., eagle-eyed; quick-minded; witty. imanukfila yohbi, n., meekness. imanumpeshi, n., a lieutenant; a vice- agent; a second in command; a min- ister. imaXsha, vy. t., to have; to keep; see a®sha. imatsha, n., a keeper; a possessor. imashaka, n., the rear. imatali, n., a maintainer; a supporter. imatali, v. t., to maintain; to minister; to satisfy; to store; to supply. imatananchi, imantananchi, n., his breast. imafo, imafo, n., her father-in-law, 1 Sam. 4: 19; see imafo. imaka, see imanka. imalhpisa, n., a license; a ration. imalhtaha, pp. (from atati), maintained; ministered; satisfied; prepared; stored; supplied; sustained; ikimalhtaho, a., unprepared; unprovided; unqualified; unready; unsupplied; tkimalhtaho, n unreadiness. imalhtayak, n., a vocation. imallutsak, issimallu4sak, n., the name of a weed called in vulgar parlance the devil’s shoestring. It is used to intoxi- cate fish in water ponds and to break up fever and ague. imata, v. n., to be timid, or wild; isi at imata, allat imata. imata,a., timid; wild; fortunate. imanni, n., his older brother, i. e., any one, or all, older than himself, as nakjish means any one or all younger than him- self. This expression by brothers only expresses their relation. Sisters do not call their older brothers by the same epithet. imanni, n., her older sister. Sisters speak of older and younger sisters as brothers do of brothers. A sister calls her brother nakfi, amnakfi, my brother, etc. A brother calls his sister antek, my sister. i} BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 imbakna, n., the rennet, see bakna. imi, his, Matt. 16: 26; 1 Sam. 2: 9. itmiha, n.,a mandate; anod; a reproof. iMmiha, n., a monitor. imihaksi, v. a. i., to forget, Matt. 16: 5; see imahaksi. imikfetukhak, imikfetuphak, n., the upper end of the breastbone. imilayak, n., substance; goods; wares; merchandise; an estate; mammon; prop- erty. imilayak chito, a., wealthy. imilayak iklauo, a., unwealthy. imilayak isht yopomo, a., extravagant. imilbik, n., prey; booty; good fortune. imilhfitukhak, n., the hole or notch in the breastbone under the windpipe; his, ete. imilhtah, y. a. i., to be low-spirited. imilli, n., a loser at a game. imilli, n., a loss. imiskauata, imiskatukli (inf., Judah Dana), n., the collarbone; his collar- bone. imissa, y. t., to offer him; to promise him; to give, Mark 12:9; Josh. 1: 6; to tender; to bid at an auction; to offer; to proffer; to propound, John 3: 16 [?]; to will, i.e., to devise; ilimissa, to offer himself; to dedicate himself. imissa, n., an offerer; one who makes an offer; a profferer; a propounder; a testator; an offering; a proffer; a pro- posal; a testament; a will; ilimissa n., self-dedication. imitaklish, breastbone. imma, ima, adv., toward, Matt. 12: 49; hashi akuchaka imma, Matt. 2: 1, 9; the way to, Josh. 2:7. Compounded with other words, as abema, upward; ilap- pimma, this way; akema, downward; mishema, abroad; beyond; yammimma, that way; olema, this way; yamma immaka, that way, Matt. 13:28 [?]; pila imma, Acts 28: 14; imma, v. a. i. n., the breastbone; his imma, prep., concerning; of; about; Chihowa apetiechika imma ya, Luke 4:43; paska imma, concerning bread, Matt. 16: 11; tondoyePsaidenoseto improve opportunity, Matt. 26: 16. kaniohmiho, ady., somehow. kaniohmikma, a., occasional; time; sometimes. kaniohmusi, kanimusi, n., a particle; diminutive of kaniohmi. kanliksho, n., tenderness. kanliksho, a. (from kallo and iksho), tender; not strong; not hard; not tough; fragile. kanliksho, y. n., to be tender. kannakli, a form of halakli, shabakli, chiksanakli; see 1 Sam. 19: 10. kanni, see kani. kano, art., the, the which, a distinctive art. pro. indicating contrast; the letter k is definite with ano, distinctive; also a rel. pro., hatak puta kano, Matt. 6: 18. kano®, ady., here and there; used in the sing; kano” pit ishchaffichashke, send her away to another place, Matt. 15: 23; for pl. see Acts 5: 40; kano” pit hika, to stagger; kanont kanchi; kano” pit kam- pila, to throw them away; kano” pit titeli, to send them off. This is some- times written kanompit, Matt. 13: 36; 15: 23. kano2®, n., different places, or another place; kano” may be a contraction of kaniohmi, like katio of katiohma. kanoha, art., rel. pro., the, the which. some BYINGTON] A DICTIONARY kanohmi, a., how many, Matt. 16: 9; some; several, Luke 5: 18; various, used to make the plural number, as hatak kanohmi, men, Josh. 7:2; hatak kanohmi hosh minti. kanohmi, y. n., to be some. kanohmi kia, howsoever. kanomi, n., relations; kindred; used with prefix pronouns, as akanomi, chitka- nomi, inkanomi, ete.; ititkanomi, kins- folk; mutual relations. kanomi, a., related; i”kanomi, related to him; iti2kanomi, related to each other. kanomi, v. n., to be related; hashitin- kanomi, you are related to each other. kanomona, a. (from kanomi and ona), several; many, John 2: 12; some; sun- dry. kanomona, y. n., to be numerous or many; to amount to several. kanomona, n., a number; a parcel; a quantity. kanompit, Matt. 13: 36; see kanon for the correct orthography of kanompit. kanomusi, kanimusi, a., very few; very little; a few; a little, Josh. 7: 3. kanomusi, y. n., to be small, little, ete. kanomusi, n., a small quantity; a small number; a pittance, Matt. 15: 34. kantak, n., the kind of brier from which bread is made; a smilax. kantak api, n., a bramble; a brier. kantak paska, n., kantak bread; brier- root bread. kantali, v. a. i., to press; to crowd, like the houses in a city, or people, Mark 5: 27, 31; see akantali. kanumpa, n., name of a weed which grows in low grounds. kapali, v. t., to hold in the mouth; to put into one’s own mouth; hakchuma kapali, he holds tobacco in his mouth. kapali, pp., put in the mouth. kapali, n., that which is put in the mouth, as a bridle bit. kapali isht talakchi, n., bridle reins; a rein; see isuba kapali, ete. kapali isht talakchi nushkobo foka, n., headstall. kapalichi, vy. t., to put into the mouth of another; pl. kapa. kapassa, a., cold; icy; frosty; fresh; frigid; gelid; phlegmatic; raw; re- 84339°—Bull. 46—15 15 OF THE CITOCTAW LANGUAGE 225 pulsive; rigorous; wintry; lukfi kapassa chohmi, clay cold. kapassa, v. n., to be cold. This does not mean the sensation of cold; hochwk- wa means to feel cold, to experience cold, as a sensation. kapassa, n., coldness; a cold; frigidity; iciness; strangeness. kapassa, pp., cooled; damped; _ re- freshed; tali at kapassat taha. kapassa, vy. a. i., to cool. kapassa fehna, a., hard; very cold. kapassachi, a., cool; kucha kapassachi, cool weather. kapassachi, y. n., to be cool. kapassachi, vy. t., to cool; to make cool; to refrigerate; to shadow; to shade, or to refresh by shade. kapassalli, v. t., to cool; to refresh; to refrigerate; umba kakosh kucha yan ka- passachi, the rain cools the weather. kapash, n.; uski kapash, cane tongs; a large cane is bent double; luak isht kapash, fire tongs (not used). kapko, n., a large hickory nut. kapucha, n., ball sticks, such as the Choctaw use at ball plays. kapulhachi, vy. a. i., to crunch. kapuli, see kahpuli. kapuh, v. a. i., to champ. kapulh, n., a champer. kapulichi, vy. a. i., to champ. kapun, n., a shagbark hickory nut. kapun api, n., a shagbark hickory. kasali, kasalichi, v. t., to strike with a stick. kasmo, kosmo, n., a_ turkey-feather shawl or robe worn by the ancient Choctaw. kasolichi, v. t. sing., to thump; ala nushkobo yan kasolichi, to thump the child’s head with the thumb and fin- ger. kasuha, pl., to thump. kash, kash, immediate past tense arti- cle and rel. pro.; see ash, hash, chash, (which is remote past tense, ) etc., ady., last; late; lately, Matt. 2:21; puta kash, the said, i.e., plural, Matt. 8: 16; 11: 20; Compounds: kashano— kashato — kashin—kashinli, Matt. 5: 25—kashke— kashket, rel. pro., that which; the same that; as ali kashket, that is what I said; this form is not much used; it is called 226 BUREAU a hard expression, — kashkia—kashkin, kashkint, rel. pro., nasal form, being the same; that which—kashon; nani tuklo aiena kashon, the two fishes also, Matt. 14:19; nana kashon, whatsoever, Matt. 15: 5—kashocha—kashoka—kasho- kakon — kashokakocha — kashokakosh— kashokano —kashoke— kashokia —kasho- kat—kashokato—kashona—kashosh, am- intili kashosh, Matt. 12: 44; Josh. 2: 5; 6: 8—kashot. kashapa, v. a. i., to divide. kashapa, pp., divided, asa part, in two; parted; subtracted; itakashapa, divided into two; halved; separated; sundered; divided against itself, Matt. 12: 25; ikkashapo, a., undivided. kashapa, n., a half; a part; a division; a proportion; a share; a snack. kashapa ishi, v. a. i., to share. kashabli, v. t. sing., to divide; to sepa- rate; to part; to subtract; itakashabli, y. t., to half; to separate from each other into two parts; to sunder. kashablit ishi, v. a. i., to share. kasheho, a. fem. gender, old; aged. kasheho, y. n., to be old or aged; ohoyo hat kasheho; isuba hat kasheho. kasheho, n., age; anility; old age. katshi,n., a bird which eats poke ber- ries and black-gum berries. katshka lusa, n., the name of a fish. ka®shkachi, v. a. i., tosqueak; to grate, as the hinges of a door. ka®shkachi, n., a squeaking; a grating. kashke, neg. form of ashke; as ialashke, let me go, or I will go; akaiyukashke, let me not go; I will not go. kashkoa, kashkoa, pl. of kashapa, y. a. i., to divide; to separate; kashkoli, y. t., to divide: kashkoa, pp., divided; separated; ia- kashkoa. kashkoa, n., divisions; parts; portions. kashofa, a., tidy; unspotted; clean; cleanly; immaculate; pure; neat; null; ikkashofo, a., impure; unclean; un- cleansed; unfaded; unpardoned; un- repealed; unwashed. kashofa, y. n., to be clean. kashofa, v. a. i., to fade. kashofa, pp., faded; cleansed; forgiven; erased; blotted out; clarified; cleared; effaced; expunged; expurgated; fined; OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL, 46 freed; fulled, as cloth; justified; oblit- erated; pardoned, Luke 5: 20; purg- ated; purified; quashed; razed; refined; vacated; wiped; chitkashofahoke, Matt. 9: 2; 12: 81; inkashofo, remitted to him. kashofa, n., a cleansing; a pardon; a jus- tification; a purgation; a purification; cleanness; fairness; fineness; refine- ment; tidiness; ikkashofo, impurity; ikinkashofo, a., unremitted. kashofa hinla, a., pardonable, venial. kashofahe keyu, a., unfading; unpar- donable. kashofat, adv., neatly. kashoffi, (kasholi, pl.,) v. t., to clean; Matt. 8: 2; to cleanse; to wash clean; to erase; to cross out; to forgive; Matt. 6: 12, Luke 5: 21; to cancel; to clarify; to efface; to expunge; to expurgate; to fade; to fine; to free; to justify; to null; to obliterate; to pardon; to purge; to purify; to quash; isht kashoffi, to offset. kashoffi, n., a cleanser; a justifier. kashoffi, n., a purgation; a purification; a rasure; a refinement. kashoffichi, y. t., to make clean; to clean another; to bleach; to blanch; to cleanse; to crop; to erase; to expunge; to expurgate; to full or scour cloth; to obliterate; to purify; to rase; to refine; to repeal; to try; to vacate. kashoffichi, n., a refiner. kashoffichit kanchi, vy. t., to cancel; to forgive; to blot out; to wipe out;. to erase. kashokachi, v. a. i., to rub against. kashokachi, pp., wiped; rubbed; brushed; scoured. kasholichi, v. t., to wipe; to brush; to scour; to rub; to dust; to mop; to scrub; to swab; from kashofi. kasholichi, n., a scourer; a wiper, etc.; one who wipes; kasholihinchi, freq., Luke 7: 44. katali, v. a. i., to gird; to pinch; isht ilakatali, they girded themselves with, Gen. 3: 7; katanli, nasal form; ilakatali, to gird one’s self. katanli, n., a girding; strictness. katanli, a., girded; drawn tight, as a ligature; bound tight; close; strict; tight. katanli, adv., tightly. BYINGTON] katanlichi, vy. t., to draw tight round another person; to bind tight; to brace; to.pinch; to squeeze; to straighten; to tighten; kataya, pp. katapa, v. a. i., to divide; to separate; to break. katapa, pp., divided; cut off; intercepted; headed, as cattle separated; stemmed; withheld; precluded; ivkatapa, he is cut off, or to cut him off. katapa, n., a division. katapoa, vy. a. i. pl., to divide. katapoa, pp., divided; ikatapoa. katapoh, v. t. pl., to cut them off; to intercept; to head; inkatapoti, to cut them off; to head them. kataya, pp., squeezed; see katanli. katabli, v. t., to divide; to separate; to intercept; to fend; to withhold; wak inkatabli, head the cow; stop the cow; inkatabli, to preclude; to shed; to stop; to trammel. katablichi, vy. t., to cause to head, or intercept, or to do it, i. e., to head by another. kati, kati, a word used in compound words; katiohmi, katihmi; see kani. katichi, see katihchi. katiff—i, v. t., to cut off; sing. katoli. katih, why; nanta katih; kanih, kati, or katih isused in compounding words. katih (from kani), katit hashmanyah?, what are you about? Similar verb to mih; also ef. nantih from nanih. katihchi, katichi, katichi, y. t., to do with; nanta ishtishkatichachin? what will you do with it? katihmi (from katih and mih); na” katih- miho? why? Mark 2: 7. katima, katima (from kati and ma), ady., where; anywhere; whence; whith- er; also pro., which, katimakakosh, Mark 12: 28; hachi katima, what of ye, Matt. ale bal katimafoka, advy., whereabout. katimaho, where; which; hash katima kakosh, which of you, Matt. 6: 27. katimahosh, where; which. katimaia®, which; hatak katimaia, which man? ' katimakakosh, what, Matt. 7: 9; hatak hash katimakakosh. atimakakosh, whether of two, Mark 2:9; katimampokakosh, Matt. 9: 5, A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 227 katimako®, where; whence, John 1: 48; which; whence, Matt. 2: 2; 13: 54; 15: 33; katimak, from katima and k, defi- nite. katimampo, which of two; whether, Luke 5: 23; whichsoever. © katimampo aiyukali kakosh, which of all, Luke 6: 9 [?]. katimampo ho, which; whom, in ob- jective case. katimampo ka, which; tanampo katima- mampo ka, which of the two guns. katimampo kako®, which. katimampo kakosh, which one is it of the two, Matt. 9:5; hash katimampo kakosh hashiachi; katimampo kakosh ahchiba kat iklawwo cho? ‘whether (of two) is easier,’’ Matt. 9: 5; katimampo kat; katimimampo kat. katimi; katima heto, it will come to noth- ing; katima wa, it will not be. katimichi, katihmichi, y. t., to do in some way; katimichit ishhokchi, how did you plant it? Luke 19: 15 [?]; shati- minchi, nas. form. katiohmi, katiohmi, y. t., to do, Luke 3: 10; to do somehow; how? Matt. 18: 12; katiohmili, Luke 18: 18; nanta katiohmi han? why. katiohmi, what, Matt. 17: 25. katiohmi, a., pp., done in some way; after some manner; of some kind. katiohmi, y. n., to be done in some way; to be after some manner, or, how is it; katiohmi hokakosh ilappat yamohma hinla cho? after what manner is it that this can be done? John 38:9; katiohmit hachiyimma wa, it is no way that ye will believe, John 3: 12; katiohmi hosh yammichi. katiohmi, adv., how; in what manner; of what kind; katiohmit ishiachin, how will you go? chikatiohmi cho, how d’ye, or, how do youdo—katohmi fohka, adv., when; in what manner is it; about what time is it—katiohmi foka kash, about what time was it; when was it— katiohmi foka kashon, when was it—kati- ohmi foka mako, when—katiohmi foka makosh, when—katiohmi hor, how; wherefore; how is it, Matt. 16: 11— katiohmi hosh, how—katiohmi ka—kati- ohmi kakon, how is it—katiohnui kakosh, how is it—katohmi kash, when was it? 228 katiohmi kash ishla?—katiohmi kasho, when was it; at what time was it— katiohmikma, when; katiohmikma ishia- chin? when will you go?—katiohmikma- kon, when—katiohmit, how; whence. katiohmi ho, why, Matt. 7: 4; 17: 10, 19; katiohmi hon? how is it? 2 Sam. 14: 2 [?]. katiohmichi, vy. t., todo it in some way, Matt. 10: 25; 1 Sam. 5: 8; Josh. 7: 9. katioht, cont. of katiohmi; chishno akosh katioht issantakofahinla chimahoba. kato, kato, hatoha, the; that which; who. katoba, see kotoba. katohmi, a., how many. katohmi, katomi, adv., how many, Matt. 15: 34; what number, John 4: 53 [2]; katohmi,a.; katohmi, v.n; katohmi ho; katohmia; katomona; katomola, ete. katohmona, a. (from katohmi and ona), several; sufficient number; coming to some. katohmona (from katohmi and ona), v. n., to come to, or amount to several; katomonahatukosh iktato, because there was not a sufficient number they did not finish it. katota, pp., cut up, as ahe katota, pota- ~ toes cut for planting. katoh, v. a. i. pl., to cut off, as ahe ka- toli, to cut potatoes; katiffi, sing., to cut in two, as firewood, ribs, ete. katomi, see katohmi. kaua, see kauwa. kauasha, a., aged; middle aged; hatak kauasha, a middle-aged man. kauasha, y. n., to be middle aged. kauashachi, a., near to middle age; somewhat advanced in years. kauashachi, v. n., to be somewhat ad- vanced in years. kauehto, kauihto, n., glue; size; the name of a wild vine. kauwa, kaua, a., broken; fulli kawwa, broken twigs. kauwa, vy. n., to be broken. kauwa, v. a. 1., to break. kauwi, v. t. sing., to break. kauwichi, v. t. pl., to break; to break down; to cause them to break. kawa, sign of double neg.; ikminto kawa, Luke 18: 7 [?]. kawa, pp., broken; kauwichi, vy. t. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 kawa, v. a. i., to break. katwa, kawa, v. a. i., to bark, as a fox; to sing, as insects on trees. ka2wa, n., a fox which barks. kabaha, kapaha, v. t. pl., to beat; to pound; to hammer; to drub. kabaha, n., a beater; a hammerer. kabahachi, y. a. i., to rumble, as a wagon in motion on hard ground. kabalichi, v. t. sing., to beat; to strike. kachakachechi, vy. t., to make it creak, as a door hinge. kachakachi, v. a. i., to creak; to squeak. kachakachi, n., a creaking; a creak; a squeak. kachi, pl. termination of passives, Ch. Sp. Bk., Table 31. kafa, pp., dipped; isht kafa, dipped out with; n., a ladle. kafabicha, n., a coffee-pot spout. kafafotoha, n., a coffee mill. kafahonni, n., a coffee boiler; a coffee pot. kafaialhto, n., a coffee pot (used on the table); a coffee sack, bin, box, etc. kafaiishko, n., a coffee cup; a coffee saucer. kafaiishko aiontala, n., a salver. kafaiishko ataloha, n., a waiter. kafaiontala, n., a salver; a waiter. kaffi, v. t., to dip out; to take out with a ladle; isht kaffi, to dip out with. kafi, n., sassafras; but iti haji is also sassa- fras or sassafras tree. kafi, n., coffee, being an imitation of the English name. kafi auashli, y. t., to parch coffee; to brown coffee. kafi homi, n., strong coffee. kafi honi, vy. t., to boil coffee. kafi honni, n., boiled coffee. kafi lakchi, n., coffee grounds. kafi nihi, n., a coffee berry or seed; a coffee kernel. kafi okchimali, n., green coffee; West India coffee. kafi tohbi, n., white coffee; Java coffee. kahchi, v. t., to cut with shears; pass., kachaya. kala (from kalli), pp., scratched. kalaha, a., round, as a wheel or log; iti kalaha, a truck wheel. kalaha, vy. n., to be round. kalaha, n., a wheel; a round; a rundle. BYINGTON] kalakachi, v. a. i., to gulp; also a noise made in the throat by swallowing; see kolak. kalanchah, v. a. i., to be hoarse. kali, n., a spring of water; a fountain; a font; a fount; a well. kali aholihta, n., the curb of a well above ground; a well curb. kali hapi oka, n., a salt spring; a brine spring; a saline. kali hofobi, n., a well; a deep well; a deep spring. kali kula, n., a dug spring. kali oka, n., well water; spring water. kalli, v. t., to scratch; to claw. kalli, n., a scratch. kallo, a., strong; athletic; powerful; mighty; brawny; cogent; firm; hard; tough; stiff; callous; acute, as a dis- ease; severe; bony; braced; able; en- ergetic; forcible; furious; hardy; harsh; hearty; heavy; high; inveterate; lusty; masculine; nervous; obdurate; pithy; potent; powerful; profound; resistless; rigid; solid; vigorous; violent; boister- ous, Matt. 14: 30; robust; rough; sin- ewed; sinewy; stable; steadfast; steady; stern; stout; straightlaced; strict; stub- born; sturdy; substantial; tense; tight; trusty; tyrannical; unrelenting; un- shaken; valiant; valid; itinkallo, mutu- ally strengthened; strong against each other; ikkallo, a., enervate; faint; flat; flimsy; soft; stale; unfirm; infirm; un- hardened; unseasoned; unsolid; un- sound; unstable; weak; weakly. kallo, adv., rigidly; stiffly; straitly, Josh. 6:1; ikkallo, ady., weakly. kallo, v. n., to be strong, ete. kallo, v. a. i., to act with strength; to harden; to indurate; to rage; to stiffen; ishkallashke, you waust act with vigor. kallo, pp., made strong; strengthened; hardened; confirmed; consolidated; enforced; established; fixed; indu- rated; invigorated; ratified; seared; set; tempered; ikkallo, enervated; softened. kallo, n., strength; vigor; power; hard- ness; energy; firmness; force; harsh- ness; intensity; might; nerve; pith; potency; rigidity; severity; sinew; so- lidity; steadiness; stiffness; stress; A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 229 strictness; valor; violence; ikkallo, feebleness; weakness. kallo alhpesa, strong enough. kallo itshaht tah, a., strongest. kallo i"shaht tali, v. n., to be strongest. kallo i®shali, a., stronger. kallo i"shali, y. n., to be stronger. kallo keyu, n., inability. kallo keyu, adv., loosely. kallo keyu, a., powerless; strength. kallochi, kalochi, y. t., to straighten; to temper; to toughen, Matt. 9: 30; 12: 16; 16: 20; to harden; to strengthen; to make strong, as coffee, rum, etc.; to confirm; to consolidate; to corroborate; to enforce; to establish; to indurate; to invigorate; to ratify; to sear; to season; to stiffen; ikkallocho, v. t., to dilute; to weaken; to enervate; ikkallo- chochi, v. t., to enervate. kallochi, n., a hardener; a strengthener; an enforcer; a ratifier. kallochit hilechi, y. t., to fix. kallot, ady., with hardness; severely; strongly. kallot fiopa, v. a. i., to heave; to breathe hard. kallot hika, pp., rooted. kallot ia, v. a. i., to strengthen; to toughen. kallot ishi, v. t., to engrasp. kallot ishi, a., tenacious. kallot isht ia, v. a. i., to rankle. kala, v. a. i. sing., to burst open, as an egg; to open. kala, pp., burst open; contused; crushed; opened; katali, y. t. kala, n., a bursting open; a breaking; a contusion; see kuta. kalahachechi, vy. t., to cause to clatter; to make a rattling; to clatter. katahachi, v. a.i., to clatter; to rattle. katahachi, n., a rattling; a clattering. katali, v. t., to burst; to open. kama, pp., stopped; ikama, precluded; isht inkamakachi, vy. t., to uneork. kamahachechi, v. t., to cause to tinkle. kamahachi, vy. a. i., to tinkle, as a bell. kamahachi, n., the tinkling of a bell. kamakachi, komahachi, komakachi, n., pl., knocks; raps; blows on a bell. kamakachi, v. a. i., to ring, as a bell. virtue; without 230 kammi, y. t. pl., to stop up; to plug; inkammi, to plug them up. kamo, kamo (q. v.), ady., having the sense of the immediate past tense; kamo is distinctive of a known object and implies immediate past time. See chamo for the remote; was so, did, etc., John 4: 54; hakamo, chokamo. kamomi, kamomi (q. v.), Kammohmi, ady., at all; in the least degree; in the smallest amount, Luke 4: 2. This word is compounded from the art. pro. ka and the verb amohmi; iksho ka amohmi. kana, n., a person. kana, a., anyone. kana, v. n., to be anyone. kana iksho, a., vacant; no one present. kana keyu, pro., no one; nobody. kana kia, pro., anyone, Matt. 13: 19; somebody; anybody; whosoever, John 3:16; 2:25; whoever; whomsoever, Matt. 5:41; 10: 14; kana imma kia, towards whomsoever; kanaimmi kia, whosoever; to whomsoever, etc. kanaho, pro., who so; he that; to whom, Matt. 11: 27. kanaho kia, pro., anyone whatever. kanahosh, pro., anyone; who, Matt. 10: 11; he that, Matt. 10: 22; 13: 9; whoso- ever; he that, Josh. 2: 19; John 3: 18; 4: 36; Matt. 5: 31, 32; he; whosoever, Matt. 7: 8; 18:4; 7: 24; 10: 32, 33, 37, 38; 18: 4; whoso, Matt. 18: 5, 6. kanalichi, kanallichi, kanalichi (q. v.), v. t., to remove. kananali, kananli, kanananli, kana- nali (q. v.), v. a. i. freq., to keep moy- ing about. kanapachi, v. t., to catch, Mark 12:13 kani, kanni, contracted, I presume, from kanima, anywhere, somewhere; see John 6: 67. See kati. Acts 14: 18; ka- nichi, causative form. kania, a., pp., gone; lost; strayed; de- parted; dead; obviated; removed; trans- lated; kaninihya, went away swiltly, Luke 24: 31; kannia, intensive form. This word makes its changes of form like yanalli, binili, yanananli, binininli, kanananli, kaninihya, instead of yan- ohanli, ete. kania, (the sing. number of tamoa or tammoa), v. n., to be goneor lost; to stray away, Matt. 18: 12; kaninihya, to go BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BuLL. 46 away suddenly, Luke 24: 31; inkania, v. t., to lose, Matt. 10: 39; he loses or it is lost to him, Matt. 16: 25; irkania, n., a loser. kania, v. a. i., to go away, Matt. 13: 25; to disappear; to elope; to pass; to escape; to spend; to stray; to vanish; to wag; itakania, to go away from each other or together, as to offset accounts; itinkania, to leave each other, as man and wife when they part, Matt. 5: 31; itinkania, to go off together, as in run- away or clandestine matches; kaniat ia, to dwindle; itakania, y. t., to offset; to go away together. kania, n., a departure; a loss; the one who goes away; expense; a fugitive; a stray. kania, pp., exiled; taken away; ex- pended; kanalli, v. a. i., to move one’s self; kanallichi, v. t., to remove it, them, ete. kania, adv., entirely; alotat kania, en- tirely full; okshilintat kania, Luke 4: 25; Byes ik P kaniachi, v. t., to lead astray; to cause to be lost, gone, ete. kanichi, see kanichi. kanimi, see kanim. kannakli, kannakli, v. a. i. sing., to move quickly once; see 1 Sam. 19: 10. kano, kano (q. v.), the which; that which; see ka, kat, and kato. kapa, pl. of kapalichi. kapaha, see kabaha. kapbat, n. (Eng.), a cupboard. kapitani, kapotani,n.(Span.), a captain, Josh. 5: 14; a centurion; tashkachipota iMmkapetani, a military captain; a captain among the Choctaw is a civil as well as military officer or ruler. kapitani iakaiya, n., a vicegerent. kapitani imanumpeshi,n., a lieutenant. kas, n., a noise made by striking on the head. kasachi, y. a. i., to sound, or say kas; noti kasanchi, to chatter, as the teeth, with cold. ‘kasahachi, v. a. i., to patter; v. t., to ring. kasbi, n., a dooryard; any place made smooth and hard; a court. kasbi, pp., trod hard and made smooth. kasbichi, y. t., to make a kasbi. BYINGTON) kaskaha, a., sour; acid; tart; acetous. kaskaha, v. n., to besour or acid; y. a. i., to turn sour; to become sour; to sour. kaskaha, n., sourness. kaskahachi, y. t., to make it sour; to sour. kassa, v. a. i., to ring; to tinkle. kassaha, y. a. i. pl., to ring; to tinkle. kassahachi, v. a. i., to tinkle; to patter. kassahachi, n., a tinkling. kash, see kash. kashaha, n., a relish; a savor; zest. kashaha, a., sweet; palatable; pleasant to the taste; dulcet; nice. kashaha, pp., seasoned; ikkashaho, un- palatable; unseasoned. kashaha, vy. n., to be pleasant to the taste. kashaha, vy. a. i., to relish; to savor; in- kashaha, v. t., to relish; to love; ikitkash- aho, to disrelish. kashahachi, y. t., to season; to render pleasant to the taste; to cause to relish; to give a relish; to relish; to zest. kasheho, n., an old woman, applied to a man’s wife when aged. kashi®, see kash. kashka, n., name of a fish; the catfish. kashke, neg. form in the indic., as ak- pesokashke, 1 do not see. kashkoa, pl., kashapa sing., divided; itakashkoa, divided into parts; Josh. 11: 23; allotted; dispensed; parted; shared. kashkoa, vy. a. i. pl., to divide into parts; itakashkoah, to divide among themselves or with each other; see kashkoa. kashkoa, n., a division; a partition; itakashkoa, n., a partition. kashkoachi, vy. t., to divide; itakashko- achi, to divide for others, Luke 18: 22 kashkoli, pl., kashabli, sing., v. t., to divide them; to deal; to dispense; ita- kashkoli, to divide among others, Josh. 1: 6; 13: 6, 7; itakashkoli, to divide them into parts; to allot; to dispense; to disperse; to lot; to part; to propor- tion; to separate; to share; itinkashkuli, to share out among them. kashkolit kampila, v. t., to retail. kashkolit kampila, n., a retailer. kashti, n., a flea. kashti akobli, n., flea bites. kashti akopoli, n., a flea bite. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 231 kat, art., the; made by prefixing k de- monstrative to at, Matt. 18: 14. kat, art. and rel. pro., the; which; that which; what; n. ease; kat is used in the place of at when at is removed from a noun and placed after an adjective agreeing with it, as hatak at, hatak achukma kat, and hatak ohoyo aiena kat; chula hat chito kat ofi an, the fox in size is greater than a dog; used here for specification; if less would be iklauo hoke. kata, interrog. pro., who, John 1: 19, 22; 2 Kings 9:32; kata chia hon? who art thou? Compounds: kata han, obj. case, whom—kata hakon, obj. case, whom; to whom; for whom; by whom, Matt. 12: 27—kata hakosh [?], nom. case, who is it; who, John 4: 33—kata hat—kata hon, obj. case, to whom; for whom; what one of some kind; whom, Matt. 16: 13, 15—kata hokako—kata ho- kakosh, Luke 5: 21—kata hosh, kata hosh mintahe keyu, no person will come; who, Matt. 18: 1—kata ilapon, whose. kata, pro., any one; kata hosh anola heto, any one shall not tell, or no one shall tell. katanih, y. a.i., to breathe hard; ‘‘of hard breathing.”’ katetichi, v. t., to clip off. kati, n., a thorn; a locust tree; a honey locust; a locust. kati, see kati. kati ancho, n., a wild rose. kati chito, a., thorny. kati holba, n., a thorn. kati laua, a., thorny. katichi, see katihchi. katihmichi, see katimichi. katima, see katiuma. katiohmi, see katiohmi. kato, art. and rel. pro., the one; that which; the one which; kanimi kato, some, Matt. 16: 14. kattit; nanta kattit ilapela hinla. kbano, ikbano (q. v.), okbano (q. v.), oh that!, sign of optative mood; O, int. This isa compound word from k demon- strative, and bano, all; only; the all; the only. This is the disjunctive form, while kbato is the conjunctive; yohmi- kbato, he wants to try it; let him try, being his own wish and act. This 232 statement helps to explain these ex- pressions; kbano, what others may wish, not of themselves, but of another; kbato, what one wishes to be or to have himself; and when others use it con- cerning a man, it is rather a reproach- ful expression. But see okbato, Luke 19: 42. kbato, ikbato, okbato, oh that! above. ke, first per. pl., per. pro., before verbs in neg. form, which begin with a con- sonant, eminti, keminto; ela, kelo; echanli, kechanlo. ke, per. pro., first per. pl., imp. mood, of verbs which begin with a consonant, as keminti, kechanli (let us chop), and in the neg. form imp., as keminto kia, kechanlo kia. ke, ady., usually; commonly, as kanche ke, isht anumpule ki, John 3: 34; Luke 4: 27. ke, a euphonic word, before tuk, mati, etc., in the neg. form of verbs, as akpeso ke tuk, akpeso kemati; it has the power of designation also. kebibi, n., the noise of two talking. keh, ke, final syllable of some particle pronouns, etc., as oke, achinke, yakeh, toshke, shke, omishkeh, ikikkeh, calling attention and asserting. kehepa, n., noise of many voices; see kihepa. keho, per. pro., first per. social pl., before verbs in neg. form beginning with a consonant; kehominto, kehochanlo. keho, per. pro., first per. social pl., imp. mood, of verbs beginning with a con- sonant, as kehominti, kehochanli, keho- tisheli, (let us disperse), and in the neg. form imp., as kehochanlokia, kehomin- tokia. kesh, kash, and; with neg. verb, neither, John 4: 15; see ket and kish. ket (for kesh, above), rel. pro., who, Luke 18: 32 [?]; in Luke 1: 7; alla yat ikimiksho ket, okla hosh, ete.; the t of ket is conjunctive and puts okla in the dual number; keto, keto”; ketoma, adv., lashpa ketoma, always and known. ketoshke, ady.; episahe keyu ketoshke. keyoh. This differs from keyu in some way. keyu, ady., no; nay, Matt. 5: 37; not. See BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 keyu, v. n., Mark 9: 28; keywketuk. keyu, n., a negative, a negation; a nay, as the ‘‘ nays.”’ keyu, a., no; not any; as hatak keyu, no man. keyu, y. n., to be no; to be not any; keyut, Gal. 6; 4; keyu hoke, Matt. 6:1; 2 Tim. 3: 5; Matt. 6, 23, 24; Josh. 5: 14. keyuachi, y. t., to contradict; to deny; to say no; to refuse; to negative. keyuchi, to cause no, or not to do or to be, Matt. 22: 34. keyuchohmi, a., rare. keyuhokmat, if it is not so; or except, John 3:5; 27: keyukechi, v. t., to set at naught; see yammakashon na keyukechi, set him at naught, Luke 23: 11.. keyukma, or; if not; uniess; otherwise; without; lest, Matt. 5: 25; 6: 1; 7: 6, 10s 1sseso 9s Lise liee2ie keyukmat, a disjunctive conjunction, Matt. 18: 16; Luke 13: 15; 14:5; Josh. Hh lsserathers Matte Sees eorrelsece Matt. 12: 29, 33; except, Matt. 12: 29. keyushke, does not, Matt. 17: 21. keyut; nana alhpesa keyut, in vain, Matt. 8 18h ki, a euphonic word, before tok, as akpeso- kitok, or a determinative or limiting k to be suffixed to the previous word. ki, adv. (contraction of kitsha), yet; with a negative verb, not yet; as akapeso kin, I had not yet seen. kia, kiah, an obsolete verb, or used only in the imperfect; a concessive. kia, from ia; ikia imp., let him go; let it go; let it be so; ikminto kia, he does not come; let it go; let it be so; i.e., do not let him come; tanchi kia, wak kia, corn let it be; cattle be it so. kia, even; also; ‘any; although; but; or; though; hold; never mind; never- theless; notwithstanding; no; a word of dissent; kiah ahnili, no I think; yohmi kia, ‘‘but;’’ lit., so let it go, Matt. 1: 20, 6: 26; kanchak kia, a crib let it be; a crib even, or although; Matt. 6: 26; ishanwmpuli kia, but speak thou; thou speak; kia, let it be, Matt. Sig. tS). kia, nor; with a neg. kiba, n., a small frog. BYINGTON] kibikshi, tibikshi; noshkobo kibikshi, ‘“chapiters,’’ 1 Kings 7: 20, 41, 42; Ex. 37: 22; bik bina, Ex. 37: 17. kichali, vy. a. i., to crack; to have the scratches. kichanli, a., cracked; chapped, as the skin of the hands, feet, face, or lips; reddened in cold water, or by the action of cold winds when the part is wet. kichanli, y. n., to be cracked or chapped; yv.a.i., tocrack; to chap; iyi at kichanii. kichanli, n., a crack; a chap. kichanlichi, y. t., to crack; to chap; to cause to crack. kichaya, a., cracked, as the skin of the hands. kichaya, v. n., to be cracked; ibbak at kichaya. kichaya, v. a. i., to crack; to chap. kichaya, n., a crack. kichayachi, y. t., to crack; to make it crack. kifaha, y. a. i., to groan; to grunt; hatak abeka kat kifaha, to pule; to whine; to moan, as a sick child, Ex. 2: 23. kifaha, n., a groan. kifanali, y. t., to hold under the arm. kifanli, v. a. i., to groan; to grunt. kifash, n., name of a plant with erect stalk. The root resembles that of the Trish potato; formerly used for food, when the root, called hichuk, was used, in times, too, of famine. kifehachi, v. a. i., Ps. 42: 7. kifeta, n., steam. kifeta, pp., steamed; okifeta, steamed. kifeta, v.a.i., to steam. kifetachi, v. t., to steam. kifilli, v. a. i., to vapor; to steam; oka yat kifilli. kifilli, n., steam. kifillichi, v. t., to cause it to steam. kihepa, v. a. i., to fall, as water. kihepa, kehepa, n., a waterfall; a cas- cade; a cataract. kil, per. pro., Ist per. pl. of verbs in the neg. form beginning with a vowel; kilaiyu; kilithano, kil, per. pro., Ist per. pl., imp. mood, as kilia, let us go; negative form also, as kilaiyw kia, let us not go. Kilaist, n., Christ; The Anointed; an appellation given to the Saviour of the A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 233 world, and synonymous with the He- brew word Messiah. kileha, y. a. i., to growl; to snarl; to roar, asa wild beast; to purr; to whinny, as a horse; ofi at kileha, koi at kileha, wak nakni at kileha; kilihinha, freq. kileha, n., a growl; a purr; a roar. kileha, n., a roarer; a growler. kilhkiki, a., stony; hilly; broken like thin clouds. kilitkki, n., a species of parrot; a parra- keet. kilitkoba, a., green; green colored; a color resembling the kilinkki. kilimpi, a., strong; stout; athletic; pow- erful; mighty; forcible; hardy; cogent; lusty; potent; robust. kilimpi, v. n., to be strong; ilekilimpi, to be strong in himself; to exert himself. kilimpi,n.,strength; force; might; power; vigor. kilimpichi, v. t., to strengthen. kiloh, per. pro., Ist per., social pl. before verbs beginning with a vowel; kilohaiyu, let us all not go; kilohimpo, let us all not eat. kiloh, per. pro., Ist per. pl., imp., ete.; kilohia, let us all go; kilohimpa, let us all eat; also in the negative, as kilohaiyu kia, kilohimpo kia. kila, pp., gnawed; joni at kita. kita™fa, vy. a. i., to hawk. kil, v. t., to gnaw; to nibble; to pick; kihinti. kili, n., a gnawer; a nibbler. kiltihachi, y. a. i., to make a noise, such as is produced by rolling rocks or a mill or wagon in motion. kitihachi, n., the noise made as above; a din; a rumbling, as that of a wagon. kinafa, vy. a. i., to fall; to break down; to overset; to topple; to tumble; to yield; chuka yat kinafa, iti at kinafa, to fall, as the palate; o"kinafat okpulo. kinafa, pp., fallen; broken down; de- molished; overthrown; prostrate; sub- verted; ikkinafo, a., undemolished. kinafa, n., afall; an overthrow; a ruin. kinafa hinla, a., ticklish; liable to fall. kinafat itula, n., a downfall. kinakkah, kinafkali, kinafkali, v. a.i., to limp. kinakkah, n., a limper. kinakli, y. a. i., to limp. 234 kinakli, n., a limper. kinali, v. a. i. pl., to fall; to break down; to lodge. kinali, pp., fallen; broken down; lying down; thrown down; lodged; pros- trated; subverted, 1 Kings 11:27. kinaltichi, v. t., to fell; to throw down; to break down; to prostrate; to sub- vert, Mark 11:15; mati at iti a kinatichi, the wind prostrates the trees. kinalichi, n., a seller. kinaffi, v. t. sing., to fell; to throw down; to break down; to overthrow; to de- molish; to overset; to subvert; to un- settle; to upset, John 2: 15; chant kinaffi, to chop down; isht oktapa kinaffi, to undam; ilo"kinaffi, to throw him- self on; itakinaffi, to divide; to cause to fall from each other, as the waters of the Red Sea; to separate; o®kinaffit ok- pani, to overwhelm. kinaffi, n., a feller; a demolisher; a sub- verter. kinafha, vy. a. i. sing., to be lame; to limp with one foot. kinafkali, y.a.i. pl., to limp; to be lame in more than one foot; see kinakkali. kinafkali, n., a limper. kinafkali, a., lame; hatak kinafkali, a lame man; a cripple. kinihahanohi, n., a rattling; rattle. kinihachi, kinnihachi, y. a. i., to make an indistinct noise, such as persons make when they conyerse in an ad- joining room or at a distance; to hum, as bees; kinihahanchi, freq., to make a rattling. kinihachi, n., the din of words indis- tinctly heard; a hum. kininiachi, y. a. i., to make a din by conversing; kininiahanchi, freq. kininiachi, n., the din or noise made in conversation. kinint iksho, a., silent; calm; kucha kinint iksho. kinni, yv. t., to rake open a fire. kinnihachi, see kinihachi. kinoha, chikinoha, v. i., to be in pain. kinta, n., a beaver. kinta hishi, n., beaver fur;, beaver. kinta hishi shapo, n., a beaver hat; a fur hat. kinta itkasoma, n., beaver bait. kinta isht albi, n., a beaver trap. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 kinta oktabli, n., a beaver dam. kintushi, n., a young beaver. kisaha, y. a. i. pl., to crack; iti at kisaha, the trees crack; tali iyasha yat kisaha, the iron pot is cracked. kisaha, pp., cracked. kisaha, n., cracks. kisah, y. a. i., to crack; amphata, aiim- pa yat kisati. kisali, pp., cracked. kisati, n., cracks. kisatichi, v. t,, to crack. kisatya, v. a. i., to crack but a little. kisa®ya, pp., cracked a little. kisa®ya, n., a small crack. kisayachi, v. t., to crack. kiseli, vy. t. sing., to bite; to clinch with the teeth or with the jaws of an instrument; itikiseli, v. a. i., to bite or gnash the teeth so that the teeth or instrument come together; to gnash. kiseli, n., a biter. kiselichi, vy. t., to gnaw; to bite; to gnash; itikiselichi, to gnash the teeth against each other; to clamp; to pinch. kiselichi, n., a biter. kisli, v. t. pl., to bite; to mangle. kisli, vy. a. 1., to gnaw, as when one bites a wild turnip. kish, kesh, and, Gen. 3: 3; hachikpotolo kish; k belongs to potolo. : kitsha, ady., not yet; before, Matt. 6: 8; John 1: 48; quite, 1 Sam. 3: 3, 7; akpe- so kinsha; iklo kitsha; iknuso kitsha ho; ikaiono kimsha hon, before the time, Matt. 8: 29;-“‘till,”’ Matt. 10:23. q kitsha, vy. n.; akpeso kinshakma. J kishi, n., a basket; a hamper, Matt. 14: 20; 15: 37; 16: 9, 10; kishi alota. | kishi afohoma, n., the rim of a basket. kishi yancho, n.,a very large basket used as a bin. kit, a particle used instead of kat, Matt. 2:16; in iklawwokit ia, to decrease. kitafa, y. a. i., to crack open and make a large crack; ii at kitafa, a tree cracked open; yakni at kitafa, ground cracked open. kitafa, pp., cracked. kitafa, n., a large crack. kitaia, v. a. i., to be well on fire; to burn. —— BYINGTON] kitak, n., a worm, called a sawyer, that eats wood and has a flat head; the apple-tree borer. kitali, y. a. i., to cave off, as the sides of a well or the banks of a river.— J. Taylor. kitanli, pl., kitafa, sing., v. a. i, to crack. kitanli, pp., a., cracked. kitanli, n., large cracks or fissures. kitanlichi, y. t., to crack; to produce cracks. kitaffi, v. t., to crack; to produce a crack; kitafa, pp. kitapi, a pestle. kitiffi, v. t., to cut open, or rupture a blood-vessel. kitihachi, v. a.i., to rattle and make a noise, asa wagon in motion; kitiha- hanchi; itichanahat kitihahanchi ehaklo mali. kitihachi, n., a rattling noise; a tumult. kitik, n., the noise made by a step or by striking with the end of a stick. kitikachi, v. a.1.; lit., to say kitik; to sound; to make the noise kitik. kitikachi, pl., kitik, sing., n., the noise made by stepping; kitikahanchi, 2 Kings 6: 32. kitikachi, kitikshi, v. a. i., to make a noise by stepping; isuba nowa kat kitika- chi. kitikshi, a., stubbed, as hatak kitikshi, a thickset man. kitinisi, n., a morsel; a spark. kitinisi, kitinusi, a., very small; little. kitinisi, v. n., to be very small. kitti, n., a mortar. kitush, kittush, n., a pestle; a pounder. kitush api, n., a pestle handle. kma, sign of subjunctive mood, if; when, John 2: 19; see below; when that; im- achilikma, to him say I; that when, achilikma, Matt. 8: 9; kmano, kmano, if the; when the; after the; kmat, kmato, if the; when the; after the. The above are signs of the sub- junctive mood, composed of k de- monstrative and the article pronoun ma and its changes. But cf. akma; ak- mano; akmat; akmato; ikma; tkmano; ikmat; ikmato; okma; okmano; okmat; okmato. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 235 ko2, a part. in the obj. case derived from akon, but contracted, or the first vowel of ako is merged in the last vowel of the word to which it is suffixed, as nanta kon, whatis it; katima kon, where is it; see kosh. ko®; here are two words, & the demon- strative article pronoun and 0” the aux- iliary verb. koa, v. a. i., to break; to crack, as glass, earthenware, etc. koa, pp., cracked; broken; fractured; flawed; koli, v. t. sing. koa, n., a crack; a fracture. koafabi, n., a yellow-striped wasp. koat, n., a quart. koat iklanna, n., a pint. koat ushta, n., a gallon. kobafa, v. a.i., to break; to fall; to snap. kobafa, pp., broken; abolished; annulled; cashiered; removed from office; fract- ured; frustrated; infringed; invalidated; nullified; profaned; ruptured; deposed, as mitko at kobafa, iti at kobafa; ikko- bafo, a., unbroken; unviolated. kobafa, a., broken; contrite; null. kobafa, n., a breach; a dissolution; a fracture; a nullity; a rupture. kobafahe keyu, a., stationary. kobak, n., a knock; a rap on a tree or fence; the report of a knock, ete. kobakuchi, y. a. i. sing., to sound like a knock, rap, etc. kobah, v. a. i. pl., to break. kobalhi, pp., broken; hanali akosh kobati, John 19: 31; 1 Sam. 2: 4, 10. kobalhi, n., pieces broken. kobatichi, v. t., to break; to cause to break, John 19: 382. kobaffi, sing., kobbi, pl., v. t., to break, Matt. 5: 19; to destroy; to abolish; to annul; tocashier; toerase; to transgress, Matt. 15: 2, 3; to violate; to depose, as - minko an kobaffi; to disannul; to dissolve; to fracture; to frustrate; to humble; to infringe; to invalidate; to null; to nul- lify; to profane; to remove, i. e., from office; to rupture; to snap; kobahanfi, to profane, Matt. 12:5; Josh. 7:4[?]. kobaffi, n., a breaker; a violator; a humbler; a nullifier; a profaner. kobaffi, n., a removal; a rupture. kobaffichi, y. t., to cause to break. kobbi, pl. of kobaffi (q. v.). 236 kobilhchap, kobilhpash, n., chips. kobish, n., the rectum. kobli, n., a glass tumbler. kobli, kopli, v. t. pl., to bite, to knab; ofi at kobli; koplit tapuli, v. t. pl., to nip. kobli, n., a biter. koboha, pl., to knock any thing large that is hollow soas to make a noise; to make that particular noise which is heard when a hollow tree, for instance, is knocked; to drum. kobohachi, y.a.i., to ring, asa large bell, drum, or barrel when beaten. kobohachi, n., a ringing; a sounding; a din. kobokachi, pp. pl., pass. of koboha, made toring; knocked; beaten. kobokachi, n., knocks; raps; kobak, sing. kobokshi, a., bent up; the bowing side up; nali koborkshi. kobolichi, sing., koboha, pl., v. t., to knock a large hollow vessel or thing, as a tree, barrel, drum, large bell. kobolichi, n., a rapper; the one who knocks any large hollow thing. kobuk, n., a knock or blow on a hollow vessel; the sound thus produced. kobulli, v. a.i., to break in pieces. kobulli, n., pieces; fragments. kobullichi, y. t., to break in pieces; todash to pieces. kobuna,a., humpbacked; hayingahump; isuba nali kobuna, a humpbacked horse, kobuna, y.n., to be humpbacked. kobuna, n., a hump. kobunoa, a. pl., having humps. kobunoa, vy. n., to have humps. kobunoa, n., humps. kocha, n., weather, Matt. 16: 2, 3. kocha, see kucha. kochanli, a., being out along; out. kochanli, y. a. i., to be out along. kochofa, pp., bent; broken, Luke 13:11; 2 Kings 18: 21; itakochofa, broken asun- der. kochofa, y. a. i., to bend; to break, as a cornstalk, Luke 13: 11; itakochofa, to break asunder, as a wooden chim- ney; to fold together as a blanket. kocholi, kochonli, v. t., pl. of kochzuffi, to bend down; kochoha, pp., bent down. kochombi, kachumbi (q v.), n., a hard bunch in the flesh; a hard swelling. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 kochuffi, y. t. sing, to break; to bend; tanchapi an kochuffi. kochuffi, n., a breaker. kofanto, a., lean; spare. kofi, n., a quail, called by some at the south a partridge, where the partridge of the north is not known; a partridge. kofi chito, n., a guinea hen; a pintado; a partridge. kofkokachi, y. a. i. pl., to steam, as boil- ing water; kofota, sing. kofkokachi, n., steam. kofkoli, y. a. i., pl. of kofulli, to steam. kofoha, vy. a. i., to roar. kofohachi, y. a. i., to roar, as the wina; mati at kofohacht. kofohachi, n., roaring of wind. kofokachi, y. a. i., to rumble, as the wheels of a wagon in passing over a bridge. kofokachi, n., a rumbling. kofota, y. a. i., tosteam, as boiling water. kofota, pp., steamed; o”kofota. kofota, n., steam of boiling water. kofulli, y. a. i., to steam; oka yat kofulli, the water steams. kofulli, n., steam. kofullichi, v. t., to steam; hatak an onkoful- lichi, to steam a man. kofuna, a., having a hump; crooked; bent; humpbacked; see kobuna. kofuna, y. n., to be humped. kofuna, n., a hump; a humpback; a hunch. : kofunoha, a. pl., crooked. kofunoha, n., crooks; humps. kofunoha, y. n., to be crooked; kofuno- hachi, v. t. kofusa, pp., hollowed. kofusa, a., hollow. kofussa, sing., kofussoa, pl., v. n., to be hollowed. kofussa, n., a hollow; an excavation; kofussoa n. pl., hollows. kofussa, a., having a hollow like that of atrough; concave; scooped; hollowed; kofussoa, pl. kofussachi, sing., kofussoachi, pl., v. t., to scoop; to excavate; to make hollow. kofushi, n., a young quail; a quail’s egg. kohcha; akohcha, v. a. i., to come out of, Josh. 4: 16; akohchat ia, Josh. 631; see kucha. } having a hump; a EEE ee a BYINGTON] A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE ASM kohchi, n., a thicket. kolokbi, kalakbi (Sixtowns form), n., a kohchi, v. t., to take out, Matt. 5: 29; gulf; a deep valley; an abyss; a ravine; akkohchi, let me pull out, Matt. 7: 4; a hollow; a valley; avale; a hole, ason ishakohchashke, do thou cast out of, imp. the bottom of a river; agully; hollow- mood, Matt. 7:5; ishakohchahinla, thou ness; kolokbi bachaya, a gully; kolokbi shalt cast out of, Matt. 7: 5; see kuchi. bachoha, gullies. kohchichi, see kuchichi. kolokbi, pp., made into a gulf; exca- kohta, n., a pole; a flagstaff; a mast, vated. 1 Kings 10: 11. kolokbichi, v. t., to make a gulf; to ex- kohu®achi, n., a warwhoop; a whoop. cavate; to hollow. koi, n., a mile. kolokobi, kolhkobeka, n. pl., gulfs; koi, n., a tiger; a panther; a catamount; holes; deep valleys; nanih kolokobi. a jaguar. kolokobi, pp., madeinto gulis; hollowed. koi chikchiki, n., a leopard; a spotted kolokshi, a., short, as na foka kolokshi, a tiger. vest; a roundabout. koi chito, n., a lion; a large tiger. kolokshi, y. n., to be short. koi chito inchuka, n., a lion’s den; a kolokshichi, y. t., to make it short. _ lion’s cage. kololi, v. a. i. pl., to come off; i. e., koi chito tek, n., a lioness. square off. koi isht ikhana, n., a milestone; a mile- koloti, pp., cut off; severed. post. koloh, n., those which are cut off. koi nakni, n., a male tiger; a tiger. kololichi, y. t., to cut off; to sever them, koi tek, n., a tigress. as logs, by the ax or fire, etc. koichup, n., chips of the door yard. kokoa, kokua, pl., koa, sing., v. a. i., to break; to crack, as earthenware. kokoa, pp., broken; cracked, as glass, an earthenware pot, metal, etc.; itakokoa, fractured. kokoa, n., fragments. kokuli, v. t. pl., koli, sing., to break; to crack, as glass or things like glass, as earthenware pots and metal; to frac- kolombish, n., the throat. koluffi, sing., to cut off; to sever, by cut- ting square off, or nearly so; to trun- cate; kolukonpi, pl. kolumpi, i"kolumpi, kolupi, n., the windpipe; the swallow; i”kolupi, her windpipe, and usually found with a pro. prefixed. kotaha, n., a rattling, as the leaves of trees when they strike each other. ture. ; elena intrat breaker kotaha, n., the bay tree; the magnolia. b] 9) C ny kolak, n., the noise made by swallow- kotahachechi, v. t., to rattle; to cause to rattle. ing. kolakachi, v. a. i., to swallow loudly; to make a noise in swallowing, as when swallowing a large draft. kolhkobeka, kolokobi, n. pl., deep ra- komahachi, komakachi, see kamakachi. kotahachi, y. a. i., to rattle; to rustle, as the leaves of trees. kotahachi, n., a rattling. vines. komak, n., a single rap on a bell, or the kolhkoki, a., short; iti shima kolhkoki, sound thus produced. short shingles. komakachi, v. a. i., to sound once. koli, v. t. sing., to break, to crack glass kommichechi, y. t., to inflict pain; to and such like things; to fracture; to cause pain; to pain. flaw; to stave. kommichi, vy. a. i., to pain; to ache; to koli, n., a breaker. be in pain. kolofa, v. a. i., to come off; to come in kommichi, a., painful; aching. two; to break in two. kommichi, y. n., to be painful. kolofa, pp., cut off; severed; truncated. kommichi, n., pain; misery. kolofa, n., a cut; a piece cut off; iteko- komo, past, ahanya komo, like kamo. luffa, ittakoluffa, n., a notch; cut asun- komoha, y. t. pl., to make heavy, grum der; nanih itikoluffa, a mountain gap. noises by striking something hollow; to 238 knock; to rap, as a door; itiakomoha, to bunt each other. komohachi, y. a. i., to hum as bees; foebilishke at komohachi. komok, n. sing., a noise made by rap- ping something hollow. komokachi, v. a. i., to ring; to sound. komokachi, n., raps; knocks, ete. komokachi, v. a. i., to ring; to sound. komolichi, sing., komoha, pl., v. t., to rap; to knock; to give a blow or rap; okhissa yan komolichi, to knock the door. komolichi, n., a knock. komota, komuta, a., pp., komunta, nasal form, restless; tedious; uneasy; wearied; unhappy; vexed; vexatious; tiresome; troublesome; discontented; distressed; arkomunta. komuk, n., the noise of a log falling on other logs. komukah, y. a. i., to make the above noise. komunta, vy. n., to be uneasy, unhappy, wearied, troubled, Matt. 2:3; 14: 26; see above. komunta, vy. a. i., to dread; to struggle; inkomuntali. komunta, n., uneasiness; distress; dread; an exigency; terror; weariness. komuntachi, y. t., to render uneasy; to distress, Josh. 10: 10. komuntat patya, n., an outcry. konamisli, y. a. i., to move the head and neck, as a fowl in swallowing a kernel of corn. koni, n., a polecat; a skunk. kopipia, a., lean; poor. kopoli, v. t. sing., to bite; to pinch with aninstrument, as a pair of tongs; tonab. kopoli, n., a bite. kopoli, n., a biter. kopoli achafa, n., a mouthful; one bite. kopoli banna, y. t., to snap; a., snap- pish. kopolichi, kopotichi, vy. a. i., to champ. kosmo, see kasmo. kosoma, a., fetid; having a foul smell, as a goat or musk; rancid. kosoma, y. n., to be fetid; to smell strong. kosoma, n., a fetid or a bad smell; a stench. kosomachi, y. t., to cause a fetid smell, BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 kostina hinla, a., tractable. kostinahe keyu, a., untamable; impla- cable; incorrigible; ungovernable; un- manageable. kostini, a., pp., humbled; mortified; re- claimed; sobered; softened; trained; sensible; moral; wise, Matt. 10: 16; civilized; subdued; disciplined; broken; chaste; modest; having one’s senses; broken, as an animal to the harness; civil; continent; decent; decorous; gen- tle; honest; sagacious; sage; sane; sober; subtle; tender; tractable; vestal; virgin; virtuous; ohoyo kostini, a chaste woman; kostini iksho, a., immodest; ikkosteno, a., ungentle; ungoverned; unbroken; un- disciplined; rude; unsubdued;ikkostenot, ady., rudely; ikkosteno, a., unmanaged; unreformed; untoward; unwise; wild. kostini, v. n., to be sensible, moral, wise; to be subdued, gentle, tame; to have the senses. kostini, v. a. i., to reform; to soften; to act wilily, Josh. 9: 4. kostini, n., sense; understanding; chas- tity; mansuetude; probity; purity; re- form; sanity; sobriety; ohoyo kostini, decorum; kostinit kania, the senses are gone; ikkosteno, wildness. kostininchi, y. t., to reform; to sober; to soften; to train; to teach; to subdue; to break; to discipline; to civilize; to make kostini; to reclaim; to humble; to manage; to mortify; iekostininchi, to repent; to reform himself, Matt. 3: 2; 11: 20, 21; 12:41; ikilekostinincho, Matt. 11, caption. kostininchi, n., a teacher; a subduer; a reformer. kostinit, adv., [wisely. ikkostenot, rudely; wildly. kostinit kania, n., stupor. kosh (see ko), art.; the; the which; that which; nantakosh ikbi. koshiba, n., poke weed. koshu (from Fr. cochon), n., a hog (obso- lete). koshuna,a., crooked; humpbacked; bent up, as the back of an angry cat; koshunoa, pl. koshuna, v. n., to be crooked; koshunoa, pl. koshunachi, sing., koshunoachi, pl., v. t., to make crooked, H. S&S HJ; BYINGTON] kota,a., weak; languid; exhausted; faint; out of breath; enervated; feeble; frail; imbecile; slender. kota, v. n., to be weak or languid. kota, v. a. i., to faint; to flag; to relax. kota, n., weakness; debility; faintness; languidness; languor; lassitude. kota, pp., weakened; debilitated; ener- vated; relaxed; unnerved. kota, n., a languisher. kotachi, kotahchi, v. t., to render weak; to exhaust; to debilitate; to weaken; to palsy; to enervate; to stupefy; to unnerye. : kotafa, v. a. i., to break off; to get out of joint; to separate; iti at kotafat itola, the [limb] breaks off and falls. kotafa, pp., dislocated; iyi at kotafa. kotafa, n., a dislocation. kotaha, pl., kolak sing., n., the noise made by swallowing. kotahchi, see kotachi. kotahi, v. a. i., to break off; to get out of joint. kotahi, pp., dislocated; put out of joint. kotatichi, v. t., to dislocate; to break off; to put out of joint; tanchapi kotatichi. kotaffi, v. t. sing., to break off; to dis- locate; to put out of joint, Ex. 13: 13. kotoba, katoba, n., a bottle; a box for oil, 2 Kings 9: 1. kotoba abeha, pp., bottled; embottled. kotoba abeli, vy. t., to bottle; to em- bottle. kotoba aloli, kotoba alulli, v. t., to fill bottles. kotoba alolua, pp., filled; bottled. kotoba alota achafa, n., a bottle, as a bottle of wine. kotoba bolukta, n., a canteen. kotoba isht alhkama, n., a bottle cork; a cork. kotoba ittopa, n., the muzzle of a bot- tle; the mouth of a jug. kotoba okchimali, n., acommon chunk bottle. kotoba patassa, kotoba takassa, n., a flask; a flat bottle. kotoba shohkalali, n., a decanter; a glass bottle. kotobushi, n., a vial; a phial; a caster used on the table. kotobushi bolukta, n., a canteen; a small canteen, A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 239 kotoma, a., fetid; rancid; stinking, as a dead horse or old dirty rags; having an ill savor. kotoma, vy. n., to be fetid or rancid; iswha li at kotoma. kotoma, n., fetor; stench. kotomachi, v. t., to cause fetor or stench. kotonli, n., dandruff. kowi, ko®wi, n., the woods; unburnt woods; a desert. ko®wi anutka, n., a_ wilderness, John 3: 14. ko®wi anutka, a., being in the woods; situated in the woods. ko®wi anutka, v. n., to be in the woods. ko®wi anu"kasha, n., a fairy; a wood- land deity; a nymph; a dryad; a satyr; a wood nymph. ko"wi chito, n., a forest; a wilderness. ko®wi haiaka, n.,a wilderness, Luke 3:4. ko®wi hochito, n. pl., the forests; the great forests. ko®wi shabi, n., a howling wilderness. koyofa, pp., divided; halved crosswise; see sinti koyufatohbi, a coachwhip snake; koyufa tohbi, half white; yakni koyofa, ‘‘quarters,’’ Acts 16: 3. koyofa, n., a half. koyofa, v.a. i., to divide; to come apart. koyoffi, yv. t. sing., to halve crosswise; to take part away; to cut off. koyoha, pp., rubbed in pieces. koyoli, koyuti, y. f., to rub in the hands, as the heads of grain, Luke 6: 1; to rub the eyes; koyuhonli, to break in pieces; ‘‘chunkash av koyuhonli,”’ (death of friends causes such sorrow. ) koyolichi, v. t., to cause to rub to pieces. kubit, n., a cubit, Josh. 3: 4; the length of a man’s arm from the elbow to the extremity of the middle finger. kucha, kohcha, kocha, adv., out; abroad; forth; out of; outward; out- wards, Matt. 17: 5; akohcha, to depart out of, Matt. 17:18; kucha hikia: kucha pila, v. t., to emit; to throw out. kucha, prep., without. kucha, a., out; being out; visible; exte- rior; external; extrinsic; free. kucha, kohcha, y. n., to be out; to. be visible; to go forth, Matt. 14: 14; pit kucha, to go out, Mark 11: 11; Matt. 10: 14; to come out, 2 Kings 9: 11; kohchat kania, Matt. 12: 15. 240 kucha, pp., taken out; brought out; cashiered; put out; dislodged; ejected; evacuated; excluded; expelled; ex- tracted; extricated; ferreted; freed; landed; ousted; released; risen; se- eluded; unloaded; voided; kucha ia Matt. 3: 16; kohchat iatok; Matt. 13: 53; kucha wiha, pl., John 5: 28. The letter tis not used to connect the two words. kucha, v. a. i., v. t., to come out, Matt. 5: 26; to appear as a cloud; to proceed out, Luke 4: 22; to withdraw; to go out, as the sun; to issue; to land; to rise, as the sun; to come out into another place; kuncha, nasal, kohuncha, freq., koyucha, pro., Chahta yakni akucha tok; kuchato, dual, Acts 12: 10 [?]; akucha, y. a.i. (from a and kucha), to abdicate; to depart; to emanate; to emerge; to re- sign; to retire; to retreat; to come forth; to come out of or from, Matt. 8: 34; kuchat kania, v. a. i., to go away; to leave and go out; akuhcha, time of go- ing out, Josh. 2: 7; kunchut onwaka, to go out and rise; applied to land that rises, asa bluff on ariver; kuchat on- yilepa, V.a.i., to sally forth; kuchat on- yitepa, n., a sally; kochat atyakmat, Matt. 13:49; kunchat anya, v. a. i., to go openly, not shut up, as in a boat; kunchat hikia, v. a. i., to stand out. kucha, n., a departure; an eruption; an exit; an extrication; an issue; the out- side; a release; a resignation; retire- ment; a vent. kucha, n., an outcast. kucha, n., weather; kucha achukma; ku- . cha okpulo, kucha lashpa, ete. kucha aianumpuli, v. t., topreachin the open air. kucha aianumpuli, n.,a field preacher. kucha a¥sha, v.a.i., to sit out. kucha fehna, a., outer. kucha fiopa, y.a.i., to respire. kucha hikia, a., prominent. kucha pila, y.t., to emit; to cast out. kucha pit hikia, y.a.i., to project. kucha takanli, v.a.i., to jut; to project out. kucha umba, n., wet weather. kucha weheli, y.t., to take them out; to move them out. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 kucha weli, v. t., to cast out; isht kocha weli, Matt. 7:22; 8: 16,31; akocha weli, Matt. 12: 24; isht kocha welili, I by... cast out, Matt. 12: 27. kucha wiha, vy. a. i. pl., to move out, Matt. 9: 25. kucha wiha, pp., taken out; moved out. kuchapisa imponna, a., weatherwise. kuchasha, n., name of a small rabbit. kuchat ia, pl., to go out, Acts 12: 10.—J. Cogswell. kuchat, adv., see above. kuchi, kohchi, v. t., to bring forth, Josh. 2: 3; to take out, Matt. 18:9; to ex- tract; to takeaway; to bring out, Matt. 13: 52; to bring in or send in, as okchito yor imkuchitokoke; to discharge; to draw; to eject; to expel; to issue; to pull out; to unload; to unship; to vent; to void; to cast out, Matt. 17: 19. kuchichi, kohchichi, y. t. caus., to cause to go out; to turn out; to draw out; to dislodge; to enfranchise; to evacuate; to exclude; to extricate; to ferret; to land; to oust; to out; to seclude, Luke 16: 3, 4; Josh. 8: 6; kuchihinchi, freq. kuchimma, adyv., outward. kula, pp., dug; grooved; grubbed; kulat apakfopa, entrenched; dug around. kula, n., that which is dug; a digging; a groove. kulat apakfopa, pp., entrenched. kulat holisso, pp., graved. kulha, pp., dug, as chant kulha, Prov. 1S33 (cs kulli, v. t., to dig; to excavate; to gouge; to groove; to grub; to hew; to trench. kulli, n., a digger; a hewer; lukfi kulli, one who digs the earth. kullit apakfobli, v. t., to entrench; to dig round. kullit holissochi, vy. t., to grave. kullit holissochi, n., a graver. kula, kala, n., eruption. kumpachi, vy. a.i., towhoop, asadrunken man. kuncho®"waka, n., a high bluff at the water edge or side. kuni, n., young cane. kunta, v. a. i., to whistle with the lips; inkunta, v. t., to whistle. kunta, n., a whistler. kunta, n., a whistling. BYINGTON] kunti, v.a.i., to grow spontaneously with- out planting, as potatoes that are left in the ground and grow up.—Mantabi. kusha, pp., broken; bent down; broken and bent down; or cracked and curled up, as the upper leather of an old shoe; kushh, v. t. kusha, vy. a. i., to break and bend. kusha, n., that which is broken and bent. Kutsha, n., the Kunshaws; the name of one part of the Choctaw. ku®shak, n., a reed, Matt. 11: 7; 12: 20. ku®4shak ahe, n., a wild potato. ku4shak atsha, n., a moor. ku®shak chito, a., reedy; n., a large reed. ku®shak patakchi, n., a low reed. kushikanchak, n., a female fairy. kushkachi, pp., broken and bent. kushkachi, v. a. i., to break and bend. kushkoa, pp. pl., bent and _ broken; bruised; kunshak kushkoa, a bruised reed, Matt. 12: 20. kushkoa, vy. a. i., to bend and break. kushkoa, n., that which is bent and broken; bruised. kushkuli, v. t. pl., to break and bend down. kushli, y. t. sing., to break and bend. kushlichi, vy. t., to break and bend or cause it to be done. kushotah, vy. a. i., to bow, like a wall, Ps. 62: 3. la, apparent form of the per. pro., Ist per. sing., I, me, found after active verbs; before chi, he, hinla, wa, heto, etc. It is derived from /i, and is pro- nounced /a for the sake of euphony or, more probably, because a first vowel of the above words, a, is merged in la. lahba, a,, warm; tepid; lukewarm, ap- plied to liquids, water, milk, etec.; pp., warmed; heated. lahba, v. n., to be warm or tepid. lahba, n., warmth. lahbachi, v. t., to warm; to heat; to make lukewarm. lakabli, v. t., to notch deep. lakapa, v. a. i., to be notched; ite at lakampat kania; pl. lakapoa; vy. a. i., pl., dakapoli, v. t. pl. lakchi, n., dregs; grounds; feces; grains; lees; papulee; pimples on the skin; sediment. 84339°—Bull, 46—15——_16 A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 241 lakna, a., yellow; russet; saffron; ripe; iklakno, a., unripe, as pumpkins; lakna, v. n., to be yellow. lakna, pp., dyed yellow; rusted; turned yellow; colored yellow; vainted yellow.: lakna, n., yellow. lakna, v. a. i., to rust. lakna, n., rust; bile; the poison of ven- omous serpents; choler or bile; the yolk. lakna atsha, a., rusty; bilious. lakna inchito, a., bilious; having a re- dundancy of bile. lakna inchito, y. n., to be bilious. laknabi, a., rusty; ripened or yellow, as fruit turned yellow. laknabi, v. n., to be rusty; to rust, as wheat; to turn yellow. laknachi, v. t., to rust; to turn it yel- low; to color yellow; to dye yellow; to paint yellow; to saffron. laknachi, n., one who dyes yellow; a painter who paints yellow. laknoba (from lakna holba), a., drab; drab colored; rusty; yellowish. lakofa, pp., notched; indented; scored. lakofa, n., a notch; a deep notch; a hack; an indent; a score. lakoffi, v. t. sing., to notch; to cut a notch; to score; aboha itabana lakoffi, house log notches. lakoli, n., notches; indents. lakohi, v. t. pl., tonotch; to jag; to score; lakonli, nasal form, to jag. lakoh, pp., indented. lakolichi, y. t., to notch; to cut notches; to make notches; to indent; lakonlichi, to jag. lakowa, pp., notched; jagged; scored; prepared for hewing; lakorwa, nasal form. lakowa, a., serrate; serrated. lako®wa, n. pl., notches, such as are made on steelyards; jags; scores. laksha, a., sweaty. laksha, vy. n., to be sweaty. laksha, vy. a. i., to sweat; to perspire; salaksha, I sweat or I am sweaty; lank- sha; laiyaksha. laksha, n., sweat; perspiration. laksha akucha, n., a pore. laksha chito, n., a profuse sweat. 242 lakshachi, v. t., to sweat; to produce perspiration; to cause to sweat. lampa, v. a. i., to have a place worn in, as in the inside of a ring used on a ‘ neckyoke; notched in wood or iron; lampoa, pl. lanla, n., name of some insect; or (ac- cording to another informant) a small bird. lanlakechi, y. t., to indent. lanlaki, pp., indented. lanlaki, a., scraggy. lanlaki, n., a dent; a notch. lapali, a., lateral. lapali, n., the side; ‘‘by,”’ Josh. 5: 13; lapoti, pl. lapali, v. n., to stay on the side; to be the side; lapoti, pl. lapali, pp., a., being on the side; placed on the side; plated, Matt. 9: 16; lapoti, pl. lapali, adv., slightly. lapalichi, v. t., to place on the side or bottom, as in setting a horseshoe, or in plating metal, or in sewing on a piece of cloth, Matt. 9: 16; lapotechi, pl. lapalichi, n., one who sets or places on the side; lapotichi, pl. lapalika, n., the side, Matt. 13: 1; the border, Matt. 4:13; the edge, Luke 5: 1. lapalit tosholi, vy. t., to translate slightly. lapisa, y. t., to make. lapish, see lapish. lapitta, n.,a buck with full-grown horns; a stag. la®pli, v. t. sing., to make a notch in wood or iron; la®poti, v. pl., to make notches. laponli, Gen. 30: 35. lapushki, a., mellow; soft, Matt. 11: 8, as flour or dry ashes; supple; fine; im- palpable; pliable, as dressed skin; lank; silken; iklapushko, not fine; coarse. lapushki, y. n., to be mellow, soft, or pli- able. lapushki, y. a. i., to soften. lapushki, n., mellowness; softness. lapushki, pp., mellowed; softened; trit- urated. lapushki, ady., finely. lapushkichi, y. t., to soften; to supple; to triturate. altsa, n., a scar. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL, 46 lasimo, y. a. i., to curl or mizzle up like hair or wool. lasun, n., a leech; a blood sucker. lashke, imp. mood, Ist per. sing., let me; also of future tense, indicative mood, Ist per. sing., I shall; I will; see lakofichilashke, Matt. 8: 7. latasa, a., flat. latasa, v. n., to be flat. latasa, n., flatness. latasalli, v. t. sing., to flatten; naki an latasalli, to flatten the bullet. latastua, a. pl., flat. latastua, v. n., to be flat. latastuli, vy. t., to flatten them. lataswa, a. pl., flat; pp., flattened. lataswa, vy. n., to be flat. lataswa, n., flat ones. latassa, a., flat. latassa, v. n., to be flat. latassa, pp., flattened. latassachi, v. t., to flatten. laua, v. t.; hahankloka laua hatukosh, Luke 23: 8. [This should read lauaka haharklo hatukosh.—H. 8. H.] laua, a., many; plenteous; numerous; abundant; copious; dense, Matt. 7: 22; 10: 31; full; manifold; much; plentiful; sufficient; unmeasured, Matt. 13: 17; Luke 2:34; large, as itanahalaua, a large meeting; /a%wa, nas. form; iklauo, few; insufficient; minor; scanty; scarce; short; thin; younger, Matt. 7: 14. laua, y. a. i., to suffice; to superabound. laua, y. n., to be many; toabound; lawa- li, I abound; Jawa, nasal form, many, Matt. 7: 22; laiyawa,; iklauo, v. a. i., to lack; to want; lauat ia, to increase; iklauot ia, v. a. i., to fail; to remit; to wane; Jauat isht ia, v. a.i, to thrive; to increase. laua, ady., freely; much; laua fehna, much more; profusely. laua, n., a plenty; a number; an abun- dance; amultitude; a throng; a supply; a sufficiency; a crowd; a flood; a host; a legion; a mass; a myriad; richness; a shoal; a swarm. laua alhpesa, n., a supply. laua alhpiesa, a., ample; quite enough. laua chuhmi, a., considerable; a good deal. laua fehna, a., overmuch; redundant. laua fehna, ady., many times. BYINGTON] laua i®shali, a., main; most. laua kat kaniohmi, as many, Matt. 14: 36. lauachi, y. t., to multiply; to do many or much, Matt. 13: 58; to increase the number or supply; to amplify; to prop- agate; lauachit anumpuli, to amplify in discourse; lauachit ishi, to receive much; to hold a great deal; lauachit, advy., very much. lauat taha, pp., redoubled. laue, lauwi, a., equal; adequate; able; chimaiitilauashke, be to thee as, Matt., 18: 17; itilaui, Matt. 10: 16; 17: 2; hash itilauashke; itilawishke, it is like, Matt. 11: 17; iklawo, unequal; inferior; pp., decreased; ikalawwo, least, Matt. 5: 19. laue, v. n., to be equal, or adequate; iklauo, to be unequal; iklauot ia, v. a. i., to decay; to decrease; to lessen. lauechi, vy. t., to equal, to do as much, or todo as well; chiklauecho, you do not do as much or as wellas he; lawinchi, nasal form; iklauecho, a., not to equal; inadequate; unequal; unable; iklaue- chokechi, v. t., to decrease; to diminish; . to lessen; to palliate. lauechi kat ikono, n., inability. laya, n., a lawyer (an imitation of the English word); an attorney at law. labaha, labbaha, n., jabber. labaha, n., a jabberer. labahahanchi, v. a. i., to keep jabbering. labahahanchi, n., a rattle; a rattling. labahachi, v. a.i., to jabber; labahanchi. labbi, oklabbi, v. a. i., v. t., to touch with the tongue; to eat with the fingers, as honey or grease, first dipping the fore- finger into the honey, etc. labbi, v. t., to sop. labbi, n., sop. labli, a., choked up; stopped up, as the throat or a pipe; closed up, as the ears or heart, in a figurative sense. labli, v. n., to be choked up. labli, v. a. i., to choke up; to fill up, as a pipe. lablichi, y. t., to choke it up; to stop up; to obstruct, Gen. 19: 11; nishkin an lablichi. lacha, a., wet; moist; damp; soggy. lacha, v. n., to be wet, damp, or moist. lacha, vy. a. i., to relent; to give. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 243 oo lacha, pp., wetted; moistened; drenched; imbrued; irrigated. lacha, n., wetness. lachali, y. t., to wet; to moisten; to drench; to imbrue; to irrigate; to water. lalli, v. t., to beat, as gold; tali holisso lakna lalli, 1 Kings 10: 16; lalla, pass., tali_holisso lakna lalla, beaten gold, 1 Kings 10: 17. lallichi, v. t., to crack, as nuts; oksak an lallichi, to beat; lallichi, pp. lapa, a., blind, Matt. 9: 27, 28; 11: 5; 12222: 15: 14. lapa, v. n., to be blind; lapli; laplichi, v. t., to make blind; to blind, Gen.19: 11. lapa, n., blindness; ablepsy. lapa i2moma, a., born blind, John 9: 1. lapa i2moma, n., natural blindness. lapchu, n., a worm; an earthworm, such as are used as bait for fish; also one species of those that are generated in the human body, the long round worm, a belly worm which sometimes occa- sions sickness. lapchu abi, n., a vermifuge. lapish, lapish n., a horn; a trumpet, 1 Sam. 2:10; Josh°6: 4, 5, 6, 8, 13. lapish filamminchi,n.,an antler; a start or branch of a horn. lapish hituk aialhto, n., a powder horn. lapish i"filammi, n., an antler. lapish intakalichi, y. t., to cup with a horn. lapish isht impa, n., a horn spoon. lapish kobafa, n., a pollard; a stag that has cast his horns. lasaha, v. t. pl., to strike with the palm of the hand; to slap; to spank; to thump. lasaha, n., a striker; a spanking. lasalichi, y. t. sing., to strike once with the palm of the hand; tospank; to slap; to thump. lasalichi, n., a thumper; a trip. lasalichit akkachi, v. t., to trip. Lashe, n., Russia. Lashe i2mi"ko,n., the autocrat cf Russia. Lashi yakni, n., the Russian empire. lashpa, a., hot; warm; sultry; burning; inflamed; ardent; fervent; fiery; torrid. lashpa, v. n., to be hot; itinlashpa, to be warm against each other, as in debate. lashpa, pp., heated; warmed, 244 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY lashpa, v. a. i., to glow. lashpa, n., heat, fervor; hotness; warmth. lashpa ammona, n., mild heat. lashpa fehna, a., scalding hot. lashpa isht akostininchi, n., a ther- mometer. lashpachi, vy. t., to heat; to warm. lashpali, vy. t., to heat; to warm. lashpali, n., a heater. lashpat humma, a., red-hot. lashpat humma, y. n., to be red-hot. lashpat eaee eae a th , to heat red-hot. le, per. pro., Ist per. sing.,-I, found after active verbs before tuk, kamo, kano, ete. It is derived from /i, and is pronounced le for the sake of euphony; see la; ex- amples: ialek, chumpaletuk, mintilekamo, pisalekano. lek, part., similar to kamo; ont iliahlek; some say nek. leli, v. t., to hoe; to weed plants; to destroy the weeds; to plow among corn and similar vegetables the first time; see aleli [Byington has /ele]. leli, n., a weeder. leplosi, n. (Eng. word), leprosy. leplosi abi, n., a leper, Matt. 8: 2. li, per. pro. 1st per. sing. I, found after all active verbs, except where /a and le occur, which are indeed the same word, being varied in pronunciation for the sake of euphony. li2, for dina, I, or I till, I while, Matt. 17: 17; Acts 24: 12. lia, pp., weeded; hoed. liahpo, n., a sore; an ulcer. liahpo abi isht illi, n., a leper, Luke 4: 27. liahpo abi isht illi, n., leprosy. liahpo hakshup, n., a scab. liabli, vy. t., to rend; to tear a skin. libbachih, y. a. i., to burn and make a noise like burning sulphur.—J. E. libbi, pp., inflamed; to be kindled, as wrath, Josh. 2 1: libbi, n., a blaze; a flame. libbi, v. a. i., to blaze; to flame; to burn; limbi, nas. form; lihimbi, pro. form. libbichi, vy. t., to cause it to blaze; to make a blaze; to flame; to inflame. libbika, n., the flame; the flames. libbikachi, a., feverish; libbikahanchi, continued burning from a fever. [BULL. 46 libesha, a., warm; sanguine; tepid; n., warmth. libesha, y. n., to be warm. libisha, libbisha. v. a. 1., to warm; to become moderately heated. libisha, pp., warmed; heated; moder- ately heated; Jlibbisha, a degree less, like chitto from chito. libishli, v. t., to heat; to warm. libishli, n., a heater. lihpibichi, vy. t., to make fine, as dust; Deut. 9: 21. likefa, n., a dint. likefa, —_ dinted. likema, v. t., to warm one’s self by the fire. likema, y. a. i., to be warm; applied to water; oka yat likema. likemachi, vy. t., to warm another by the fire. likiffi, v. t., to dint. likimmi, v. t., to warm. lilli, n., a lily. lin, I; as apalin, I may not eat; lin is from li and na. lint, the n and ¢ are united with Ui, I; the n has a neg. meaning; the ¢ is a connective; see 7. lip, n., a sudden motion. lipa, lipachi, lipat, v. a. i., to move sud- denly, as chukash at lipachi, the heart moves quickly, is excited; lipat kucha, to go out quickly; lipat lopulli, to dart; lipat ont ia, to go past quickly. lipeha, a., fine and soft, as thread or silk. lipeha, y. n., to be fine and soft. lipehachi, y. t., to make fine and soft. lipemo, a., fine and soft, as down or cotton. lipemo, vy. n., to be fine and soft. lipemochi, vy. t., to make fine and soft. lipihbi, a., fine; bota lipihbi, fine flour, 2 Kings 7: 1. lipitka; lipipivkachi, a., soft, as raiment spoken of, Luke 7: 25; lipinkachi, a., soft and fine, as cloth. lipinto, a., fine and soft. lipisto, lipishto, a., fine and soft, as thread;. hishi lipishto. lipisto, v.n., to be fine. lipistochi, y. t., to make fine and soft. lipkachi, vy. a.i., to flare; to throb, as an inflammation; probably derived from lip or libbi. L | . BYINGTON] lipko, a., swift; lipki, obsolete. lipli, v. a.i., to flare. liplichi, y. t., to cause it to flare. liplosi, n., leprosy. liplosi abi, n., a leper, Matt. 11: 5. li2sa, vy.a.i., totroat; to cry, asa buck in rutting time. lisepa, a., fine, as cloth. lisisitkachi, a., very fine and soft, as small threads. lisisitkachi, y. n., to be very fine and soft. lish, I, etc., from Ui and cha, the ch changed to sh for sound’s sake, I pre- sume, as in all the other persons the conj. is cha, Matt. 2: 8; talish, I will go, etc., Matt. 8: 7; cf. onalish pisalachin, ishona cha ishpisachin, lishke, per. pro. Ist per. sing. after active verbs at the end of a sentence; ialishke, 1 go; I do go; I am going; see ishke. lishoa, y. a. i., to come to pieces; to rub to pieces; to crumble; to break in pieces. lishoa, pp., rubbed to pieces; bruised to pieces; broken to pieces; mashed; pas- ka yat lishoat taha. lishoa, n., pieces; crumbs; orts. lisholichi, v. t., to mash. lisholili, vy. t., to rub to pieces; to crumble; to mash. litafa, v. a. i. sing., to break, asa thread or rope; to sever; to snap; to come in two. litafa, pp. sing., broken, as thread; severed; ponola yat litafa, sundered. litafa, n., a breach; that which is broken. litahi, pl., litaffi, sing., v. a. i., to break, as thread. litah, pp., broken, as cords. lita, n., the things which are broken. litatichi, v. t., to break; to snap them, as cords. litaffi, v. t. sing., to break, as a cord; to sunder; to snap it off; to sever. litaffii, n., a breaker; one who breaks a cord, thread, ete. litak, n., the snap of a rope. liteha, a., pp., dirty; smeared; soiled; greased; besmeared; greasy; impure; defiled; dirtied; polluted; sordid; squalid; stained; sullied; turbid. liteha, v.n., tobedirty, greasy, ormuddy. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 245 liteha, n., dirt; smut and grease; im- purity; pollution; a stain. litehachi, vy. t., to besmear; to dirty; to grease; to make foul. liteli, liteh, v. t., to besmear; to dirty; to defile; to foul; to mud; to muddy; to pollute; to stain; to sully. litelichi, y. t., to strike with a stick. litetuk, n., tramping of horses. lititha, pl. v. t., to strike with sticks, or to beat with sticks. lititha, n., a striker. litikfo, n., grease. litikfo, a., pp., greasy; greased; oiled. litikfo, v. n., to be greasy. litikfo, pp., greased. litikfochi, y. t., to grease; to begrease. litilakachi, pp. pl., cracked, as dry ground. lititu"kachi, a., shabby. lititu"kachi, y. n., to be shabby. litoa, litowa, v. a. i., to shatter; to di- gest, as food in the stomach. litoa, litowa, pp., a., mashed; bruised; rent; contused; pommeled; shattered; trodden soft, like mud in a road; sore, as a sore mouth; contrite; crushed; quashed; itialbi at litowa, the lips are sore; iklitowo, a., unbroken. litoa, n., contusion; shatters. litoh, v. t., to mash; to bruise; to rend; to make sore, as the mouth; to con- tuse; to crash; to crush; to pommel; to quash; to smash; to squash. [I have always heard this litoli.—H. 8. H.] liwali, luwali, v. a. i., to be sore, as the gums when diseased with scurvy.— Hiletabi, informant. liweli, v. a. i. pl., to fall; to drop off, as leaves or fruit. liweli, n., a fall; a dropping. liweli, vy. a. i., to crumble off and drop like earth on a bluff, or the sides of a wall. liwelichi, y. t., to cause to fall; to shake off fruit, leaves, ete. lobafa, y. a. i., to turn up by the roots, asa tree rat falls down; to be plucked up; Luke 17: 6. lobafa, pp., turned up by the roots; eradi- cated; iti at lobafa, plucked up by the roots. lobafa, n., roots turned up; that which is plucked up. 246 lobati, lubali, v. a. i. by the roots. lobali, pp., turned up by the roots; eradicated. lobali, n. pl., the trees, etc., plucked up by the roots. ’ lobaffi,v. t. sing., to pluck up by the roots; to turn up by the roots; to eradicate. lobbi, v. t. sing., to pluck up; to turn up by the roots, Matt. 13: 29; see lubbi. lobli, see lubbi. loboa, a., plump; round. loboa, v. n., to be plump. lobobumkachi, a., plump. lobobumkachi, y. n., to be plump. lobuhbo, pl., Jumbo sing., a., round; globular. lobuhbo, v. n., to be round. lobuhbochi, lohbobochi, v. t., to make them round; chakonlichit lohbobochi, 1 Kings 6: 18. lobuna, n., purslane, called pusley, a weed growing in gardens; labuna, la- banla.—James Wall. lochussa, y. a. i., to be near each other and stand straight up like some cow’s horn; wak lapish lochussa. pl., to turn up lohboachi, n., knops, 1 Kings 7: 24. lohmat taloa, vy. a. i., to hum. lohto, n., a cluster; pa”kki lohto, a cluster of grapes. lohto, a., being full of branches; clus- tered. lohto, vy. n., to be full of branches, or to be in a cluster, or clustered. lokoli, see lukolt. lokussa, y. a. i., to huddle. lokussa, pp , huddled. lokussa, n., a huddle. lokussalli, vy. t., to huddle. lokush, n., a dipper; a water-gourd; a ladle. loma, adv., lightly; see luma, softly, asa wind, Acts 27: 13. lopa, vy. a. i., to turn up by the roots. lopa, luba, pp., plucked up by the roots; exterminated. lopa, n., that which is plucked up. loshuma, lushoma (q. v.), pp., finished. loshummi, lushomi (q. v.), v. t., to finish; to complete; to achieve; lushum- mi, 1 Sam. 3: 18. lotohachi, y. a. i., to trickle down like drops of sweat; to drop fast, as sweat BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY {[BULL, 46 or blood, ete.; laksha kat lotohahanchi, issuba hat lotohachi, a horse sweats when he runs. lotuski, a., short and thick; shukha lo- tuski. lotuski, vy. n., to be short and thick. lotuskichi, y. t., to make short and thick. lua, v. a.i., to burn; to ignite; to fire; to take fire; to rage, as a fever; italua, to burn together; to consume; to kindle. lua, pp., a., burnt, Josh. 7: 15; fired; cau- terized; inflamed; burned; enkindled; fervid; fiery; ignited; kindled; scalded; scorched; torrid; ikluo, a., unburnt. lua, n., a burn; a burning; a conflagra- tion; fuel [?]; ignition. lua taha, pp., consumed. luachi, yt., to burn; to set on fire; to cause to burn; to inflame; to ignite; to cauterize; toenkindle; to fire; to scald; to scorch. luachi, n., a burner. - luachi, n., ignition. luahe keyu, a., incombustible. luak, n., fire; Juak itokaha, ‘‘cast into the fire,’ Matt. 7:19; Josh. 7:15; luak ak keyukma pilashpahe keyu. luak aiulhti, n., a fire-hearth; a hearth. luak apala, n., a fire-pan; a torch-pan. luak ashoboli, n., a chimney; a flue; a fireplace; a hearth. luak ataha iksho, n., everlasting fire, Matt. 18: 8. luak atoba, n., a fire place. luak chito, n., a great fire; the great fire, Matt. 13: 50; a conflagration; the place of future torment; hell. luak ikbi, n., a fire man; a man who makes fires. luak iksita, n., the hearth or fireplace, Gen. 18: 6. luak ipokni, n., light white ashes, just after they are made by the fire. luak isht apu®fachi, n., a fire bellows; bellows. luak isht chilichi, n., a fire-poker. luak isht ikbi, n., a match. luak isht kiseli, n., fire-tongs. luak isht pu"fa, n., a bellows. luak isht shafa, n., a fire-shovel. luak isht shaffi, n., a fire-shovel. luak ituksita, n., a fire-hearth; a hearth; a fireplace. BYINGTON] luak mosholi, v. a. i., to die or go out, as fire. luak mosholi, pp., extinguished fire. luak mosholichi, v. t., to extinguish fire; to put out fire. luak mosholichi, n., a fireman; a man whose business is to extinguish fires. luak palali, n., the ignis fatuus. luak shali, n., the venereal disease (a proper name; lit., to carry fire). luak toba,n., fuel; lwak toba nana kia isht ala. luak tobaksi, n., a coal of fire. luak tobaksi mosholi, n., charcoal; blacksmith’s coal; carbon. luat humma, a., red-hot. luat humma, vy. n., to be red-hot. luat hummachi, v. t., to heat red-hot. luba, lopa, pp., exterminated; lubat taha, extirpated. lubbi, lobbi, v. t. pl., to root up, Matt. 13: 29; to pluck up by the roots; to ex- terminate; lobli, sing. lubbit tali, y. t., to extirpate. luboa, see Child’s Book on the Soul, pp. Bel 2) lubona, pp., boiled in the kernel; tanchi lubona. lubona, y. a. i., to boil in the kernel; tanchi at lubona. luboni, y. t., to boil in the kernel; to cook in the kernel; tanchi a” luboni; see hobi. luehachi, v. a. i., to shed hair. lufa, pp., peeled; stripped; pared; shelled; husked; tanchi at lufa, tobi at lufa, tak- kon at lufa. lufa, n., a husk. luffi, v. t., to husk; to shell; to peel; to pare; to skin; to strip. luffi, n., a husker; a parer. luha, pp. pl., husked; pared; shelled; peeled. luhmi, v. t., v. a. i., to hide; to secrete; to conceal; to cloak; to closet: to couch, Matt. 11: 25; 13:44; Josh. 2: 4, 6; to ab- scond; to envelop; to shut, as a book; to skulk; to stifle; to suppress; to veil; ikinluhmo, 1 Sam. 3: 18; to cover; ilelu- hmi, to hide himself; to hide herself, Luke 1: 24; itinluhmi, to hide from each other. luhmi, n., sconder. a hider; ileluhmi, an ab- A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 247 luhmi keyu, a., unreserved. luhminchi, y. t., to hide; to cause to hide; ilaluhminchi, to hide himself, John 1: 20 [?]. luhmit nana apesa, v. t., to conspire; to plan something secretly. lukchuk, n., mud; mire; slush. lukchuk atsha, a., muddy. lukchuk bano, a., muddy; all mud; pp., muddied. lukchuk banuchi, y. t., to muddy; to soil with mud. lukchuk chito, n., deep mud; aslough. lukchuk chito, a., very muddy; heavy; miry; muddy. lukchuk okakania, y. a. i., to stall; to mire down. lukchuk yalallaha, n., a quagmire. lukfanta, n., whitewash. lukfanuna, n., a brick kiln. lukfapa,n., a lick orasaline place; aplace where cattle and beasts of the forest— deer and buffalo—eat the dirt and lick for salt. lukfi, n., dirt; clay; earth; soil; ground, dust; argil. lukfi atoba, a., earthen; made of earth. lukfi hata, lukfata, n., chalk; white clay. lukfi humma, lukfomma, n., red dirt; vermilion; red paint; rouge. lukfi isht kula, n., a spade. lukfi isht patasalli, n., a trowel. lukfi isht piha, n., ashovel. lukfi kotoba, n., a jug; a jar. lukfi lumbo, n., a clod; a lump of clay. lukfi nuna, n., a brick. lukfi nuna boli, n., a bricklayer. lukfi nuna ikbi, n., a brickmaker. lukfi nuna isht atta, n., a mason; a brick mason. lukfi nuna patali, y. t., to pave. lukfi nuna pilesa, n., a mason. lukfi nuna tushafa, n., a brickbat. lukfi yamaska, y. t., to make mortar. lukfi yammaska, n., mortar. lukfomma, see /ukfi humma. lukluki, pl. of /ukoli, Ch. Sp. Book, p. 77. lukoli, lokoli, y. a.i., to collect; to flock; to cluster; to huddle, Josh. 4: 18; ita- lukoli, to flock together; lukonli, n. f.; italukonli, being collected together. 248 lukoli, alukoli, n., a drove; a herd; a bunch; acluster; aflock; a group; a tuft; chuka alokoli, a village. lukoli, pp., collected; huddled; clustered; grouped. lukolichi, vy. t., to bring togetherin herds; to bunch; to cluster; to group. luksi, n., a terrapin; a tortoise; also, a padlock; alock;luksabashka; luksinbiya; luksikonih; luksipatoni; luksishawt. luksi bashka, n., astriped-headed turtle. luksi chito, n., a tortoise. luksi fulup, n., the cock of agun lock. luksi konih, n., a gopher. luksupa foh, n., a night hawk. luli, y. t. pl., to husk; to peel; to shell; to pare. luli, n., a parer. luma, pp., hidden; secreted; outof sight; occult; concealed; covered; enveloped; retired; shut, as a book; suppressed. luma, n., quietness; a retreat; a secret. luma, a., occult; unseen; out: of sight; clandestine; close; dim; dormant; dis- guised; latent; privy; quiescent; re- cluse; recondite; tacit; underhand; un- exposed; unsearchable; Matt. 5: 14, hid; Matt. 10: 26; 13: 44; Josh. 7: 21; iklumo, a., naked; undisguised. luma, v.n., to be occult. luma, y.a.i., to disappear; to lurk; da- luma. luma,loma,ady.,softly; secretly; privily; easily; obscurely; slyly; Joma means in a less degree than lwma. luma keyu, a., undissembled. lumatka, a., hidden. lumatka, y. n., to be hidden; isht irlu- matka, Matt. 5: 28; atlumankashke, be in secret; itinlumatka, to be hidden together; to fornicate; to commit forni- cation, Matt. 5: 32; to be guilty of lewd- ness or adultery, Matt. 5: 27. lumatka, n., secrecy; alumanka, n., in secret; the secret place, Matt. 6: 4; ai- alumanka, n., in secret, Matt. 6: 18. lumanamihachi, y. t., to murmur, Luke 5: 30. lumasi, a., strained. lumasi, adv., secretly; easily; obscurely; quietly; softly; stilly. lumasit, ady., secretly. secret; easy; slight; un- BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL, 46 lumat a™sha, imp., hush; keep still. lumat ikhana, n., privity. lumat taloa, y. a. i., to hum. lumat, ady., silently; secretly, Matt. 1:19; Vioshee2e oe lumat anumpa, n., a whisper. lumat anumpuli, v. t.,v.a.i.,to whisper. lumat anumpuli, n., a whisperer. lumat chi®ya, y.a.i., to sit in secret; to wait in secret for any object. lumat fohki, v. t., to slip in. lumat ishko, vy. t., tosip; todrinka little. lumat kania, yv.a.i., to sneak off. lumbo, a. sing., round; globular; spher- ical; conyex; orbed; oval; rotund; hatak lumbo, an individual. lumbo, y. n., to be round. lumbo, pp., made round; rounded; rolled. lumbo, n., a ball; a globe; a lump; a packet; a roll; roundness. lumboa, lumpoa, pp. pl., hid; hidden; concealed; secreted, Josh. 10: 27; lwma, sing. lumbochi, y. t., to make round; to round; to roll; to make a ball. lumiksho, a., ingenuous; without dis- guise; plain; self-evident. lumpoa, a., occult. lumpoa, y. n., to be occult. lumpuli, v. t. pl., to hide; to secrete; to conceal. lunatik, n., lunatic; an imitation of the English word. lupaha, v.a.i., to discharge saliva; ituk- chi lupaha. lupi, n., brains; marrow; brain; pulp. lupi aialhto, n., the brain pan. lusa, a., black; dark; jet; dull; sable; smutty; swarthy. lusa, n., black; smut; a blemish; black- ness; a blot; a blur; soil. lusa, y. n., to be black. lusa, pp., blacked; dyed black; colored black; soiled; blurred; blotted; tar- nished; ikluso, a., unsoiled; unspotted; unsullied. lu2sa, n., a swamp; a fen. lu4sa aiali, n., the edge of aswamp; the end of a swamp; the limits of a swamp. lutsa chito, n., a large swamp; Big Black, the name of a river in the old nation. ; G vy ” BYINGTON] lusa foka, a., swampy. lusa iksho, a., unblemished. lusa shahbi, n., an open swamp, being without underbrush. lusa talaia, n., a dot; a blot; a black spot or place. lusa taloha, n. pl., black spots. lutsa tikpi, n., a large round swamp, or the projection of a swamp. lusachi, y. t., to black; to blacken; to color black; to soil; to dye black; to blot; to blur; to crock; to darken; to slur; to smut; to speck; to spot; to sully; to tarnish; to thumb; to make black, Matt. 5: 36. lusachi, n., a blackener; one who dyes black. lusachikchiki, a., dotted; n., dots. lusachit talali, vy. t., to dot. lusakbi, n., brown; dun. lusakbi, v. n., to be brown. lusakbichi, y. t., to brown; to color brown. lusbi, a., being of a dark-brown color; auburn; chestnut; dingy. lusbi, v. n., be of a dark-brown color. lusbi, n., a dark-brown color. lusbichi, y. t., to color a dark-brown; to embrown. luslo, n., a mushroom. lusluki, a., dark colored; dark-brown, Ch. Sp. Book, p. 94; also v. n. and n.; luslukichi, v. t. lushka, y. a. i. (a Chickasaw word), to lie; to joke; to jest; to speak falsely in sport; iklushko, a., undeniable. lushka, n., a liar; a joker. lushka, n., a lie; a joke; a falsehood; a fetch; a hoax. lushkachi, v. t., to cause to lie; to joke. lushoma, loshuma, pp., finished; com- pleted; see aloshuma. lushomi, lushummi, loshummi, y. t., to finish; to complete; to achieve, Josh. 10: 39; ileloshomi, to complete one’s self; with all one’s self, Luke 10:27. luwali, liwali, y.a.i., to be sore, as the gums, when a person has the scurvy; to drool from a sore mouth. tabatka, y. a. i., to snore, as a person in troubled sleep. labatka, n., a snorer. labatka, n., a snoring. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 249 labeta,a., boggy; miry; muddy; marshy. labeta, vy. n., to be miry. labeta, n., mire; soft mud; slush. labeta foka, a., marshy. labetachi, y. t., to make muddy. it miry or labinta, nasal form, being mire. labishko, n., mire. tabishko, a., miry. tabocha, v. a. i., to boil, water. tabocha, pp., boiled; done; dressed or cooked in boiling water; seethed; sod- den. tabocha, n., boiled food; victuals; hom- iny and boiled meat; pottage. taboshli, v. t., to cook; to boil; to dress or cook food in boiling water; to seethe. laboshli, n., a cook; one who boils, ete. laboshlichi, y. t., to gause one to boil food; to employ one to boil. lacha®ko, a., muddy. lachak, n., a single noise of a certain kind. tachakachi, vy. a. i., to say fachak. lachakat ishi, v. t., to snatch; to catch; to twitch. tachi2ko, a., muddy. lachi®ko, n., mud. tachi2kochi, v. t., to make it muddy. tacholi, y. t., to make a sore, or sores. lachopa, a., soft; miry, as mud; boiled until it is soft. tachopa., v. n., to be soft or miry. tachopachiy, v. t., to make soft or tender. tachowa, V. a. i., to become sore; to ul- cerate. ltachowa, a., sore. tachowa, pp., ulcerated. lachowa, v. n., to be sore. tachowa, n., a sore; sores; a humor; soreness; a pit; a pock; the scratches; miry, or a as food in an ulcer. tachowa chito, a., scabby; scabbed. tachowa hakshup, n., the scab of a sore; a seab. tachowa imikhi®sh, n., salve. tachowa laua, a., ulcerous; full of sores. tachowachi, v. t., to ulcerate. tatfa, pp., marked; ruled; scarified; delineated; described; gauged; scored; streaked; traced; iklu%fo, a., unmarked; unwritten. written; 250 ta®fa, n., a line; a long mark, made by a carpenter’s line on timber or by a pen- cil, etc.; a crease; a streak. tafeha, n., mud; mire. lafeha, a., muddy; miry. tafeha, tafitha, vy. n., to be muddy. tafehachiy, v. t., to make it muddy. lafeta, n., mud; mire. tafeta, a., miry; muddy. lafeta, vy. n., to be miry; fafinta nasal form. tafetachi, v. t., to make it miry. taDfi, v. t , to make a mark; to mark; to rule; to write; to draw a line on some- thing; to scarify; to crease; to delineate; to describe; to design; to draft; to draw; to project; to scar; to designate; to score; to streak; to trace; holisso tavfi, to write a book. la™fi, n., a marker; a writer. tafitha, see lafeka. tafintini, tafintini, tafintoni, n., a bird called a snowbird. ta®fit hobachi, v. t., to picture; to draw lines and imitate. laha, pp., rubbed off; sucked by the doctors; cupped by their mouths; scari- fied. taha, n., a scarification; marks. tahkachi, taha, pp. pl., marked; marked with gullies, as a bluff bank by the water that has run down its sides. tahkachi, n., marks. takoffa hinla, a., curable; extricable; healable; sanable. lakoffahe keyu, a., cureless; incura- ble; irredeemable; remediless; unre- coverable. takoffi, v. n., to recover; to escape dis ease; to heal; chitakofi, you have re- covered; itlakofi, to lose, Matt. 10: 42. takoffi, n., a recovery; an escape; a clean- ing; a cure; a come off; an extrication; a restoration; salvation. takoffi, a., whole. takoffi, pp., recovered; cured; escaped; delivered; healed, Matt. 15; 28; saved; missed; shielded; ransomed; redeemed; redressed; released; relieved; remedied; restored; extricated; freed; chitakofi, you are cured, Luke 5: 14 [?]; Josh. 5: 8; Matt. 8:13; takofit intaha, were whole; takonfi having escaped; missing; takoffik, past tense; iktakofo, a., unransomed; BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL, 46 unrecoyered; unrelieved. lakoffi, takofi, v. a. i., to escape, 2 Kings, 9: 15; to come off; to get well; to recover from sickness; to elude; to evade; to miss; to slip; to flee from; Luke 3: 7; takofolih, pl. lako®ffi, n., an escaping; a cure; a re- covery; a release. takoffichi, vy. t., to ransom; to redeem; to redress; to release; to relieve; to remedy; to rescue; to restore; to shield, Josh. 2: 13; to recover; to save; to de- liver; to heal, Luke 5: 12; to cure, Matt. 1: 21; 8:16; 17:16; iletakoffichi, to cure himself, Luke 4:23; to cleanse of a leprosy, Matt. 12: 10; 14: 14; 15: 30; Luke 4: 27; 2 Kings 9: 15; ilakoffichi, y. t., to beat him out; to defeat him, etc.; to free; iktakofecho, neg., Josh. 8: 22; lakofihinchi, takafihinchi, freq. used for pl., Luke 5: 17; 9: 2; Matt. 4: 23; 9: 385; to deliver from; Matt. 6: 13; lakofoa, pl. takoffichi, n., a deliverer; a saver; a savior; a curer; a healer; a ransomer; a redeemer; a restorer. takoffichi, n., redemption. takoffitk is in past time; nasal form of takoffek, like chumpak, nuselek. takoffit isht ia, vy. a. i., to begin to re- cover. lakoffit isht ia, a., convalescent. takofi, see takoffi. takofoat taha, pp., healed, Luke 17: 14. lakofoht taha, pp. pl., healed; had been healed, Luke 8: 2. takofolichi, vy. t. pl., to heal, Matt. 4: 24. tali, v. t. pl., databli, sing., to pour; to sprinkle; to scatter; o”fali, to scatter on; to shower; to splash; farya, ontaya, pp., splashed on, n., spiash. lali, n., a scatterer; a pourer. talichi, y. t., to cause to pour. tali, v. t. pl., to mark; to scarify one’s self; to cup with the mouth, as the Choctaw doctors are wont to do; to sprinkle; tahnli, nasal form, to rule. tai, n., a scarifier; a cupper. tatichi, v. t., to cause to be scarified; to scarify another; to mark. tatinchi, y. t., nasal form, to sprinkle. lampko, timpko, a., strong; plump; stout; athletic; lusty; robust; valid; unredeemed; uncured; BYINGTON] mighty; hatak tampko; mighty men, Matted-2:29) sosh. 1y 14: 6: 2: 8: 3. tampko, vy. n., to be strong. tampko, n., strength; force; virtue, 1 Sam. 2: 10. tampko, pp., strengthened; braced. tlampkuchi, timpkuchi, y. t., to strengthen; to make strong; to brace; to corroborate; isht tumpkuchi, n., a strengthener. lapa, v. a. i., to spread, as a flock of birds; to extend; pachi at lapat arya, the pigeons spread as they fly. lapa, pp., spread; extended; stretched. lapa, n., extension; spreading; i”lapa, caul of the bowels. lapat, adv., widely; to a wide extent. tapuchi, vy. t., to extend; to spread; to cause them to spread. latapa, v. a. i., to spill; to be suffered to fall; to pour; tatahampa, freq.; tatai- yapa, pro. latapa, pp., spilt; spilled; fatampa, nasal form; tatahampa, freq. form; iktatapo, a., unshed; unspilt. latapa, n., that which is spilt; an effu- sion; a drop, Luke 22: 44. tatabli, n., a spiller. latabli, v. t., to pour; to spill; to shed (tears), Luke 23: 28; olatabli, to shed on; to pour on, 2 Kings 9: 3, 6. -tatitko, a., miry; muddy. tati"ko, v. n., to be miry. tati2ko, n., mire. tatitkuchi, vy. t., to make it miry. latimo, tatemo, a., miry; boggy; soft. tatimo, v. n., to be miry. tatimo, n., mire; a bog. tatimuchi, v. t., to make it miry. laya, see lali. la™ya, pp., nasal form, scattered; split, Matt. &: 13% 9: 17. tafintini, see lafintini. leli, y. t., to scatter, as to scatter beads, shots, etc., on the floor; tiha, pp. teli, n., a scatterer. leti, lili, v. t. pl. of tiffi, to strip off; Zinli, nas. form; to pluck off heads of wheat, Mark 2: 23; onush a® teti, Matt. 12: 1; tehha, pp. lepa, v. a. i., to lie or fall on the face, luke 17; 16; Matt. 17: 6; tipia, pro. form. lia, pp., scattered; linya, nasal form. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE bo On he lia, n., that which is scattered. hibanta, libanto, a., narrow, as a strip of land. libata, n., a leather string; a thong; a string. hbli, see fipli. hitfa, pp., unraveled; pulled out; drawn out, raveled; stripped; fuli at linfa, the switch is stripped of leaves; tihafa- kachi, to strain the cords or sinews. titfa, vy. a. i., to unravel; to ravel; to come out; to cramp; iyi at tlinfa, the leg cramps. hitfa, n., that which is unraveled; the raveling; cramp; iyi li®fa, cramp in the foot. lifelichi, v. t. sing., to pierce; to stab; shuka ya” tifelichi, to pierce the hog; ti- fitha, pl. tifelichi, n., a stabber. liffi, v. t. sing., to strip; to pull off; to strip off; iti hishi liffi, to strip off the leaves; parki an liffi, to strip off the grapes; dinfi nasal form; lihinfa, freq. hiffi, litfi, n., a stripper. liffichi, v. t. caus., to make him strip, etc. hifitha, pl., to stab; to pierce; lifelichi, sing; fifoli, also pl. lifitha, n., a stabber; or stabbers. tiha, pp. pl., stripped off; linfa, sing. titka, v. a. i., to blow the nose. tikaha, a., slimy; ropy; stringy, like slip- pery elm bark when soaked in water; sizy; viscid. tikaha, v. n., to be slimy, ropy, or sizy; likanha, nasal form. tikaha, n., ropiness; stringiness; mother (in vinegar); a thick, slimy substance concreted in liquors, particularly in vinegar. tikahachi, v. t., to render ropy or sizy. tikancha, a., slimy. tikancha, v. n., to be slimy. tikancha, n., sliminess. tikanchachi, vy. t., to render slimy. tikanli, a., slimy; soft; slippery, like soaked slippery-elm bark. tikanli, v. n., to be slimy. tikanli, n., sliminess. tikanlichi, y. t., to render slimy. tikatsha, a., stringy; ropy. tikatsha, v. n., to be stringy. tika®sha, n., stringiness. 952 tikashbi, v. a. i., to be slimy, or ropy; like ilikaha and shinashbi. tiki"hachi, tikihachi, n., the sound of a consumptive person’s breath. tikoa, likoha, a., slimy; ropy, as soaked slippery-elm bark. tikoa, y. n., to be slimy. tikoa, n., sliminess. tikohichi, y. t., to render slimy. tikokoa, a., filthy, as unwashed eyes; smutty. likokoa, vy. n., to be filthy. likokoa, n., filthy. tikokoachi, vy. t., to render filthy. likowa, n., a pumpkin color; a mixed color. tikowa, a., having a pumpkin color; is- suba tikowa, a pumpkin-colored horse. tiku2klo, n., a small bird, called a hum- ming bird. lilafa, v. a. i. sing., to come apart, as cloth; to tear, as it tears; italilafa, to tear asunder from each other, Luke 23: 45. lilafa, pp., torn; rent; lacerated; man- gled; itatilafa, rent in twain, Luke 23: 45; itatilafi, to tear asunder, Matt. 6: 65; Josh. 7: 6 (to rend clothes). tilafa, n., a rent; the thing torn; a gap; a laceration. tilala"kachi, tilalla"kachi, pp. pl., torn, tattered; rent; ragged; shabby; shukbo at tilalankachi, the blanket is torn to pieces. lilala®kachi, n., rags; things rent, torn, etc. hilali, pp. pl., torn; rent; mangled, Josh. 9: 4. hilatli, n., rents; things torn. lilatichi, vy. t., to ‘tear; to rend; to mangle. hilalichi, n., a tearer; a mangler. hilaffi, v. t. sing., to tear; to rend; to lacerate; to sever, Matt. 9: 16. lilaffi, n., a tearer; a render. tilaffi, n., a laceration. lilechi, tillichi, y. t. pl., totear; to rend, to mangle. tilechi, tillichi, n., a tearer; a render. hilli, vy. t. pl., to tear; to rend. hilli, pass., rent; applied to salt kettles when old and scaling off. ili, teli, v. t. pl., to strip off (leaves or seed from a stalk); lindi, nasal form. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 ltimimpa, a., smooth; sleek and hard, as flint corn. timimpa, y. n., to be smooth, sleek, and hard. limimpa, n., hardness. limimpachi, y. t., to render sleek; to sleek. limishko, a., sleek, smooth, and shin- ing, like flint corn or the hair of a well-fed horse. timishko, v. n., to be sleek or smooth; shapo at timishko, the hat is sleek; tanchi at timishko, the corn is smooth or sleek. limishkuchi, y. t., to sleek; to render smooth. timpko, see fampko. timpkuchi, see fampkuchi. hinli, vy. t., to rub in the hands, as ears of wheat, Mark 2: 23. tioa, atioa, vy. a.i. pl., to pursue; to chase; to follow. lioli, vy. t., to pursue; to chase, 2 Sam. 24: 13; ititioli, to pursue each other; to rut, as animals. lioli, n., a pursuer; a chaser. hioli, n., a chase; a pursuit. lipa, a., old; having been long used; threadbare; trite, Josh. 9: 4. lipa, pp., worn out; worn; inverted; lipli, v. t. lipa, n., that which is worn out. lipachi, y. t. caus., to wear out; to cause to wear out. lipeli, y. t., to turn over; to turn bottom side up; to lay anything with the face toward the earth; to invert; to over- throw; to reverse. lipia ({rom lepa), v. a. i., to fall or lie with the face toward the earth, aka Ttipia, Matt. 4:9; 2 Sam. 24: 20; Josh. 5: 14; 7: 10; to lie on the face; to fall down, as sleekness; smoothness; aman in an act of worship; see Luke 5: 8 (to lie low). lipia, pp., turned over; laid on the face; inverted; overthrown; reversed. lipia, a., prone. lipia, n., that which is turned over; a lying on the face; proneness; attitude of worship; a humble posture; prostra- tion. lipiat itola, v. a.i., to fall down, Matt. 2:11; Luke 5: 12. ee BYINGTON] lipiat itola, n.,a worshiper; one that has fallen down; one that lies on his face. tipkachi, pl. of lipia, pp., turned over; lying on the face, Mark 3: 11. tipkachi, v. a. i., to turn over on the face; to fall down; to le on the face; to take a humble posture for the wor- ship of God; to le low, Matt. 2: 11; Josh. 7: 6; tipkanchi, nasal form; tip- kaiyachi, pro. form. tipkachi, n., those who lie on their faces; those who act as worshipers. hipli, tibli, v. t., to wear; to wear out, as a garment. lipoli, v. t. pl., to turn over; to lay on the face, or bottom upward; tipeli sing. liposhi, v. a. i., to pine away; to ema- ciate. liposhi, pp., a., pined away; jaded; cheerless; emaciated; macerated; stunt- ed. tiposhi, a., frail; imbecile; infirm or un- firm; languid; low; low-spirited; mea- ger; morbid. tiposhi, n., the state of one who has pined away; infirmity; languor. tiposhi, n., an invalid. tiposhichi, v. t., to jade; to pine; to wear out; to make to languish; to macerate; to stunt. lipulli, topulli (q. v.), v. t., togo through; to pass through. lititka, v. a. i., to breathe with difficulty on account of some obstruction in the nose. hitilli, n., wax; gum; resin, as the wax of the ear. hitilli, v. a. i., to exude, as gum; to cause the gum to exude, as worms do that eat the bark; ?itillichi, v. caus. titoa, v. a. i. pl., to untie, as it unties. titoa, pp., loosed. litoa, a., loose. titofa, v. a. i. sing., to untie; to loosen; to get loose; to unwind. litofa, pp., untied; unloosed; loosened; unwound; disengaged; disentangled; freed; loosed; i”titofa, pp., unfettered. litoffi, v. t., to untie; to unloose; to loosen; toloose; to unwind; to unbind; to disengage; to disentangle; to un- buckle; to undo; to unfetter; to un- shackle; to unstring; ititoffi, to free him. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 2538 hitoffichi, v. t. caus., to cause to untie, ete. hitofkachi, v. a. i. pl., to untie; to loosen. hitofkachi, pp. pl., untied; unloosed; loosed; unwound. litoha, a., untied. litoha, y. a. i., to unwind. hitoli, pl., litoffi sing., to untie; to un- wind; to unloose, Luke 3: 16; to un- bind; to unlink; see hotoji. hitoh, n., one who unties, unwinds, etc., more than once, or they who untie. Plural verbs are used where there isa plurality of action, and there may or may not be a plurality of agents. titolichi, v. t., to cause to untie. tobboa, a., round; plump. tobboa, v. n., to be round and plump. lobboa, n., a thing which is round. tobboachi, v. t., to round; to make it round. loboboa, a. pl., round and plump. loboboa, v. n. pl., to be round and plump. ltobocha, n., boiled food of all kinds. tobohachi, vy. t., to clap; to clap the wings; to make a noise by flying. tobonto, a., round. tobukachi, y. a. i., to make a noise, as when anything falls into water; oka lobukachi, to douse; to fall into the water. tobukta, a., short and round. tobukta, y. n., to be short and round. tobuktachi, v. t., to render short and round. tofa, a., raw, as the flesh where the skin has been removed. lotfa, tutfa, pp., peeled; skinned; stripped, as corn leaves from a corns- talk; flayed. totfa, v. a.i., to peel off; to come off. totffi, tu2ffi, v. t. sing., to skin; to flay; to peel; to strip off (wak an loffi; fani an loffi); iletunfi, to molt, as a snake; to skin himself. to®ffi, n., a skinner; a flayer; a peeler. toha,, dorfa, sing., peeled; skinned; flayed; barked; stripped off, as fod- der from the stalks; scaled; shelled; stripped. toha, v. a. i., to peel off; to come off, as skin; to shell. toha, n. pl., that which is taken off, as skins, etc. 254 beaten down; See tohama, tuhama, pp., trodden down, as grass; trailed. kahama. tohama, a., underfoot; stretched out like an iron ring (Sixtowns meaning). tohama, n., grass beaten down; a trail. tohammiy, v. t., to tread down. tohammichi, y. t., to cause to tread down; to overrun. tokaffi, see fukaffi. toli, v. t. pl., to skin; to peel; to flay; to strip off skin, etc.; to scale; iti an toli, to peel trees. toli, n. pl., peelers; skinners. tolichi, vy. t., to cause to peel. lopish, n., dust. topohachiy, v. a.i., v. t., to flop the wings; to flop; to flutter; to hover, Deut. 32: 2. topoli, vy. a.i., to pass through slowly, as in reading a book through; alopulli, Josh. 3: 16. topoli, n., those who pass through. topoli, pp., put through; passed through; pierced through. topolichi, yv. t. pl., to cause to go through; to put through; to pierce; to perforate; to make holes through; to run through. lopotoli, v. t. pl., to go through; to pass through; to pass; lopohnli, nasal form; topulli, sing. fopulla hinla, a., sing., passable. topullahe keyu, a., impassable; unpass- able. fopulli, lipulli, v. t., v. a. i., sing., to pass through; to go through, Matt. 4: 24; to come over; to penetrate; to stand; to endure, as trials, etc.; to traverse; to undergo; to weather; to cross; to go across: to cut across; to pervade; to run; to look through; to go over; Matt. 14: 34, to walk through; to go through; Matt. 10: 23; 12:48; 2 Sam. 24: 2, 5; (to pass over) Luke 4: 30; isht topulli,v. t., to take through; to carry through; to take and go through; foponli, nasal form. fopulli, n., one who passes through. topulli, a., through. topulli, pp., perforated; ratified; passed; passed a house of legislation. fopulli, y. a. i., to come through. topullichi, vy. t., to penetrate; to cause to go through; to thrid; to put through, Josh. 2: 15. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 lopullit ona, v. t., to reach. topushki, a., soft, as a dressed skin; pp-, softened. topushki, yv. n., to be soft. ltopushkichi, y. t., to soften. lotama, ltotamachi, v. a. i., to pitch down, or to lower one end of anything long, as a plow beam. totammi, v. t., to give a pitch down, in hauling rails, ete. totu2ka, y.a.i., to snort, as a frightened horse or a high-spirited horse in play; to sniff. totutka, n., a snorter; a snorting. luta, pp., perforated; lunli, v. t., to per- forate. lua, vy. a. i., to pierce through. tu2a, n., holes. lu2fa, see lonfa. lu2ffi, see lonffi. luhama, tohama (q. v.), pp., trodden down, as grass; fallen down, as grass or grain; see tukama. tuhammi, vy. t., to tread down; to throw down, as grass. tutka, y.a. i., to grunt; to murmur like a hog. tutka, n., a grunter. jutka, n., a grunting. tukafa, pp. sing., lukali, pp. pl., pierced through; worn through; bored through; punctured through; gone through; perforated; punched; iktukafo a., un- perforated. lukafa, v. a. i., to pierce; to make a hole through; to burst through. lukafa, n., a hole. tukaha, v. t. pl., to scourge with a whip that has a lash; to lash. tukaha, n., a scourging; a lashing. tukaha, n., a scourger;. one that uses the lash. tukalichi, v. t. sing., to lash; to snap a whip; lukaha, pl.; tukalihinchi, freq. lukalichi, n., a pop; the quick sound of a whip, as a cow whip; a stripe. lukah, pp., pierced; bored; perforated; punched; ¢tukanli, nasal form; shukbo at tukanli, the blanket is pierced or full of holes; iktukalo, a., unperforated. lukah, n. pl., holes. tukah, vy. a. i. pl., to break through; to work through. BYINGTON] lukalichi, v. t. pl., to perforate; to make holes which extend through, as through cloth, tin, ete.; to hole; to punch. tukalichi, n., one that makes holes, or they who make holes. tukaltichi, n., a lasher. tukama, n., that which is trodden down; (should be fuhama (q. v.), I think.— B). : tukata, n., a whip. tukata wishakchi, n., a whip-lash; a snapper. tukatapi, n.,awhipstock; a whip-handle. lukatola, v.a.i., to snap. tukatola, n., the snapping of a whip. tukatolachi, v. t., to snap a whip; to crack a whip. tukatolachi, n., one that cracks a whip. tu2kachi, pp., bored; worm eaten, as old garments by insects; filled with holes, as corn eaten by weevils; tanch tunkachi, weevil-eaten corn. tu2kachi, pp. pl., to eat holes, as worms eat garments. tuXkachi, n., holes; perforations. lukaffii, v. t. sing., tomakea hole; to per- forate; to hole; to punch; wak hakshup an tukaffi, he makes a hole in the cow- hide; shutshi at holisso ha® apat tukaffi, the worms eat holes in the book; nan tanna ya" tukaffi; tali an tukaffi, to stave. tukaffi, n., one who makes a hole. tutktua, v. a. i. pl., togrunt; to murmur, as a hog. tuXktua, n., grunters. tutktua, n., a grunting. tumpa, v. a. i., to pierce; to penetrate. lumpa, pp., pierced; penetrated; per- forated; bled; lanced; punctured; shak- ba intumpa, he is bled; iktumpo, a., un- perforated. tumpa, n., the place pierced; the hole. ltumpli, v. t., to perforate; to penetrate; to pierce; to bleed; to lance; to open; to puncture; to tap; to thrill; iztumpli, to bleed him. tumpli, n., one who pierces; a piercer. tumpli, n., a perforation; a puncture; see atumpa. tunli, v. t. pl., to perforate; lua, pp. lunlichi, pl., to cause holes to be made; to perforate; to tear to shivers; hushi at tanchi a” tunlichi, the birds peck the A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 259 corn (when in the ear and on the stalk). tunlichi, n., a puncher. m, a post-positive particle, successive; simultaneous; compellative. ma, exclam., strange, O, used by per- sons when they find they have misun- derstood what was said. ma, exclam., like O, in the voc., as minko ma, O king. It is often heard in per- sonal salutations, but where in English there is no corresponding word. It is not an exclamation so much as an acknowledgment. It partakes alsoofa verb which asserts that the thing is so. Pinshali ma, Luke 3:12. Chosef Lewi ushi chia ma, thou who art Dayid’s Son Joseph, Matt. 1: 20. Pinki aba ishbi- nili ma, Matt. 6: 9; chitokaka ma, Matt. 14: 28; Josh. 7: 19. ma, art. and rel. pro. in the obj. case, the; which; that which; hatak ma pisa- letuk, I saw the man, Luke 5: 10 [?]. ma, the also; used after the second or third noun and the last of all, when one or more come together; see Matt. 18: 18, where ma occurs after the second noun in each instance; afta ma, when born, Matt. 25 1. ma, ady., when, expressing past time; mintilima, a®sha impat ulanshama alatuk, Luke 4:17 [?]; okchitot ala ma, Matt. 7: 25, 27, when the floods came; chuka yammakash aiihinsoma, when it beat upon that said house; hokchima, when he sowed, Matt. 13:4; hashiatkohchama, when the sun was up, Matt. 13: 6. mabi, adj., high and open; conspicuous, as a hilltop; nanih mabi.—P. Fisk. mabli, v. a. i., to stretch; to extend; see 2 Cor. 10: 14. Macha, n., March. mah!, hark! listen! an interjection call- ing attention. mahaia, a., bowing; bent up; curved, like the brim of a hat; asonak mahaia, apan, 1 Sam. 2: 14; shuti mahaia, a ket- tle, 1 Sam. 2: 14. mahaia, v. n., to be bowing or curved. mahaia, v. a. i., to curve; to verge. mahaia, n., a curve. mahaiyakachi, vy. a.i., to sail‘slowly up and down in curves, as a buzzard. mahaiyakachi, n.,asailingin airy circles. 256 mahaiyat atya, v.a.i., to sail, asa bird; to float in the air; to skim. mahaiyat a®ya,n., a sailing; one who sails, as a bird. maia, vy. t., to thrust in, as the hand. maiachi, v. t., to put (the hand) in; to thrust in; John 20: 25. maiha, a., wide. maiya, v. a.i., to go forward; to be on the way going forward; this differs from MANY. matiya, n., those who move onward; a process; a progression. mak, the; that; which, John 1: 21; mak I think is ma and ak united, or a con- traction of yammak, and is a demon- strative; see Matt. 5:17, 18; yukpamak- oke, Matt. 3:17; nashoba . . . mak oka, wolves, that is what they are, Matt. 7:15; makikkokahato, if he would speak it would be good (an old word); mak- tkaiyukahato, modern manner. Com- pounds: maka; makahi oke, that shall, Matt. 7:21; mak is demonstrative—mak- ano—makat—makato—makatuk an; Chisas Kilaist makatuk an, that he was Jesus the Christ; Matt. 16: 20—makat—makato— makbano—makbat— makbato—makhe— makheno — makhet —makheto, if haply, 1 Sam. 14 : 830—makin—makinli—mak- inliho, as soon as, Josh. 2: 7, 11; 3: 13; 4:18; and as, Josh. 3: 15—makinlikia— makint —makkia; okla ikaiyomakkia, they need not depart, Matt. 14: 16; sachunkash makkia, my heart that also— makkiaba—makma—makonr, that the; aiokpuloka makon, Matt. 11: 23; pulla makon, Matt. 14:3; illt mako® illashke, let him die the death, Matt. 15: 4; acha- fona makon, Matt. 16: 14—makocha— makoka—makoke; ilappat Chan Baptist makoke, this is John the Baptist, Matt. 14: 2; Klaist chia makoke, thou art the Christ; 16: 16; 18: 7; makokakosh, Rev. 2: I—makokano—makokat—makokato— makokia — makona — makosh—makosh- ba—makot. maka, v. a. i., to say; to say that; to say so; to call, John 1: 41; makahanya, freq. makachi, vy. a. i., to say that, John 1: 37; 20: 22; peh makachi, he merely said so. makali, a.; mean; worthless; abject; base; contemptible; degenerate; ignoble; ig- nominious; insignificant; low; nig- BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 gardly; paltry; poor; scabbed; scandal- ous; scurrilous; sordid; underhand; unmanly; vulgar; pp., degraded. makali, vy. n., to be mean or worthless; vy. a. i, to grovel; to degenerate; to grow mean; shulush at makali, shapo at makali, hatak at makali, makalit isht ia, to be mean and take and go. makali, ady., meanly. makali, n., baseness; lowness; a scan- dal; vulgarity. makalichi, y. t., to render mean or worthless; to degrade. makhaloka, yammakhaloka, an in- terjection of contempt. maki, imp., take it! It is heard only in this form, like mia, go ahead! matko, see matshko. malancha, a., smooth; glossy; dazzling; bright; shining; hashi at malancha, tali hata yat malancha. ’ malancha, v. n., to be smooth or glossy; y. a.i., to shine. malancha, n., brightness. malanchachi, v. t., to make it shine. malanta, a., nasal form, bright; glossy. malanta, v. n., nasal form, to be bright or glossy; tali hata yat malanta; tali or haksi at malanta. malantachi, v. t., to brighten; to make glossy; to glow. malantkachi, v. a. i., to shine. malantkachi, pp., brightened; made glossy. malaspoa, a. pl., flat; as amp malaspoa, flat crockery, i. e., plates or platters. malaspoa, v. n., to be flat. malaspoachi, y. t., to make flat; to flat- ten them. malaswa, a. pl., flat. malaswa, pl., malassa, sing. v. n., to be flat. malaswa, n., flat ones. malaswachi, vy. t., to flatten them. malata, a., bright, ete. malassa, a., flat and smooth; as amp malassa, a plate. malassa, v. n., to be flat; malaswa, pl. malassachi, y. t., to flatten; to make flat. malatha, a., glistening; shining. malatha, v. n., to be glistening. malatha, n., light; the lightning; bright- ness, Matt. 24: 27. " BYINGTON] malattakachi, v. a. i., to reflect light, as the rays ofthe sun; apisa yat malatta- kachi. malattakachi, n., a reflection of light; a thunderbolt. maleli, baleli, vy. a. i. sing., to run; to flee, as an animal; to course; to fly; to scamper; to scud; to scuddle; to streak; immatleli, to flee from, 1 Kings 11: 23; onmaleli, to run after; pit maleli, to ran off. maleli, n., a runner; a flier; a fugitive. maleli, n., a run. maleli achafa, n., a heat. malelichi, y. t., to run; to make him run; to cause to run; to course. malelichi, n., a runner; one that makes another run. malelit kania, malit kania, vy. a. 1., to run away; to desert; mallet kucha, to run out, Gen. 39: 12. malelit kania,n., a runaway; a deserter. matali, matalli, a., afraid; pp., fright- ened; scared. matali, y. n., to be afraid; samatali, I am afraid, or I am scared. matalichi, v. t., to frighten; to scare. matata, pp., scared; frightened; matanta, n. f., Luke 3: 14; inmatanta, v. t., to force from him by fear. maztalli, v. t., to scare. mahi, y. a. 1., to blow, as the wind; to move, as air; to flow, Matt. 11: 7; ma- licha, blew and, Matt. 7: 25. mati, n., the air; the atmosphere; the wind, Matt. 14: 24, 30, 32; a blow; a wind; a current of air; a flaw; a flurry; a gale; a gust; a squall; mati hat, the winds, Matt. 7: 25; mati at kucha, the wind rises. mali achafa, n., a blast of wind; a single wind or blow. mali chito, n., a great wind; a gale; a storm; a tempest; a tornado. mah chito, v. a. i., to storm. mali chito laua, a., stormy. mahi iskitini, n., a breeze. mali isht ikhana, n., a weathercock; a vane. mali kallo, n., a strong wind; a violent wind; a gale; a tempest; madi kallo fehna kat, a great tempest, Matt. 8: 24. mali lashpa,n., a hot wind; the sirocco. 84339° —Bull. 46—15——_17 A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW I.ANGUAGE 257 mati okpulo, n., a bad wind; a danger- ous wind. mali pila, a., windward. mali shali, a., squally; very windy. mah shali, v. n., to be squally. mali tanch afotoha, n., a windmill. matichi, y. t., to blow; to ventilate. mampa, y. a. i., to stretch in length, as aman (hatak at mampa); to extend in length. mampa, pp., stretched; extended. mampli, mambli, v. t., to stretch out; to extend; to draw out beyond the natural length (applied usually to ani- mals); sinti a” mampli, fani av mampli. mamph, n., a stretcher. mampoa, v. a. i. pl., to stretch; to reach forward, as in running a race. mampoa, pp., stretched; extended. mampoli, y. t. pl., to stretch them. mano, art., the; rel. pro , which. mano, ady., when; the time when. masali, masa, a., healed; recovered from sickness. masali, v. n., to be healed; y. a. i., to get well; masa, contracted form. masali, pp., remedied. masalichi, y. t., to cure; to heal; to re- store to health. masutfa, misu"fa, masurfa, an apple. masheli, y. a. i., to clear off and become good weather; to pass away, as clouds; kuchat masheli. masheli, pp., cleared off; a., clear; fair; serene; unclouded; masheli kamak at kania, entirely fair. masheli, n., a fair sky; fair weather; serenity. mashelichi, v. t., toclearaway the clouds; to make fair weather. mashko, adv., already, Matt. 5: 28. ma®shko, matko, ady., already; now; at this time, John 3: 18; Matt. 17: 12; Chu okla hat aiitiba achafat taha mashko hatuk on, for the Jews had agreed already, John 9: 22; mashkoshke, 1 Cor. 5: 3. This may be one form of the re- newed mention art. pronoun, now be- come obsolete, thus: ash, hash, yash, kash, chash, mash. matali, a., level; pp., leveled; yakni matali, level land. used thus; takon 258 matali, v. n., to be level. matalichi, y. t., to level. matya, v.a.i., todothus: to be employed; to be; to continue; to fare; to go; to keep on; to proceed; to verge; chinchuka yan maniyalachintuk; hitat matya; iti- chanlit manya, oklat abeka iksho hosh manya; ishi maya, v.t., to continue; to take ahead; isht mahanya, freq. form; mahanya, to progress, Matt. 10: 22; mai- ya, to go forward; to be there; tali yak manya kat, Matt. 4: 3; 5: 25; 13: 25; ant ikmanya, let them alone; Matt. 15: 14; to abide, Matt. 17: 22; Chutia manya- tuk, were in Judea, Acts 11: 1; to come, Matt. 9: 20. mafkachi, a., feverish, mafkachi, see mufkachi. malha, malhha, n., a tin pan. malhmakki, vy. a. i., to swim with the face in the water, so that the person can not breathe.—J. Hudson; hachon malhmakki. mali, n., myrrh. malit kania, see malelit kania. malkachi, y. a. i. pl., to glisten. malkachi, a. pl., glistening. malkachi, n., a flash of light, as that of lightning. mallahtakachi, v. a. i., lightning (a single act). mallahtakachi, n. sing., lightning. malli, vy. a. i., to leap, as a frog, deer, or man; to jump. malli, n., ajump; a leap; a long jump. malli, n., a jumper; a leaper. malmakachechi, y. t., to varnish. malmakachi, pl., malata, sing., v. a. i., to shine. malmakachi, a., bright; shining. malmakachi, vy. n., to be bright. mati, ady., indeed; truly; really, Josh. 2: 4; doubtless, 1 Cor. 9: 2; Matt. 13: 32; 17: 11; mati tun? mahi, v.n., to beso indeed; to be truly so. mano, the, misha pila mano, Matt. 4: 2. mano, when; yohmimano, ‘‘then,’’ Josh. 22153 massaha, y. t. switch. massalichi, y. t. sing., to strike with a switch. mastat, n., mustard, to flash as a flash of pl., to whip with a BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 mastat api, n., a mustard stalk. mastat nihi, n., mustard seed. mashahchi, moshahchi, pp., fanned; winnowed, mashlichi, mushlichi, y. t., to winnow; mishahichi, pp. mat, the; that; which, Matt. 2: 2; Luke 3: 9; 4: 18; putamat, the also, Matt. ISIS Ie. mat, when, John 2: 15; Matt. 2:1, 3,8, 9, 10; forka na haklomat, Matt. 4: 12,where na and mat both occur; nuklakanchamat, when he marveled, Matt. 8: 10; attat ia- mat, when he was departed, Matt. 12: 9; haklomat, when they heard, Matt. 12: 24, ia mat, and luhmimat, Matt. 13: 44; anumpulimat, Matt. 17: 4; and, 2 Sam. 24:5; when that, Josh. 9: 1. mato, the; which; the one; as for the one, Matt. 2: 2. mato, where; hatak chimaboha chukoa- tuk mato, where is the, etc. Me, n., May, name of one of the months. mia, sing. imp., go ahead! start off first! hotepa, pl. These words are used only in this way and form. michik, n., the name of a noise or motion of some kind; michikachi, v. a. 1. michikli, vy. a. i., to throb: to beat, as the pulse; ibbak at michikli. michikminh, y. a. i. freq., to beat, as the pulse, continually. michila, a., plethoric; having a fullness of the blood vessels. michila, vy. n., to be plethoric. michila, n., fullness of the blood vessels. michilhha, n., the pulse. michilhha, v. a. 1., plural of mitikli, to beat. mih, mihi, y.a.i., to be the same (but it never takes any of the pronouns). mihi atuk moma, heis the same he was; mih siamakokeh, 1 am he, John 18:5; used as a pronoun in the third person—imih, a., same; it; he; mih sia keyu, John 1: 21; mih nitak, same day; mih ninak, 1 Chron. 17: 3. Derivatives are: mih achafa, n., one place; the same one, as to time or place; same kind, species, sort—mih achafa bieka, a. uniform—mih achafa bilia, a., equable; being always one and the same—mih achafanli, .a., simultaneous—mih achafanli, v. n., to be simultaneous—mihakta, therefore; BYINGTON] because of that—mihash, the same; the said one—mihashinli, the selfsame; the same indeed; ditto—mihashoa, obj. case, that said same—mihashocha, nom. case, the same; that same— mihashoka, that same—mihashosh, nom. case, the same (ash and its compounds might all be inserted )—mihayuka, mihaiyuka, in different places, as where manure is dropped about in a garden—®mihcha, and Matiassoo Lords Wi2voe his is an adjunctive rather than a conjunctive word—mihfoka, about then; at hand, John 2: 18—mihhakta, mihakta, be- cause of that; therefore; see hakta— mihhoka, mihhokato, mihkokat— mihi, 1 John 3: 3 MSS., mihiatuka, Mark 10: 30—mihiashinli, a., identical; same; selfsame, n., Synonymous—mihiashinli, n., sameness —mihiocha, nom. case, the same one; he—mihioke, it is the same — imihiona, the same— mihiosh, the same—mihiyosh, Matt. 5:19; 11: 10; 18: 4; Mark 10: 30—mihiot, the same— mihinli, the same also; Helot at mihinli- tuk, Herod he the same was, Luke 23: 15—mihinluhmi, a. (from mihinli and ohmi) much the same as; double— mihinluhmi, v. n., to be much the same as—mihinluhmichi, mihiniohmichi, v. t., to make itmuch the same manner, John 13: 34— mihinluminchi, nasal form— mihinlu—mihinluhmi kat iksho, there is none such; n., a nonesuch—mihinluhmit toba, vy. a. i., to double—mihio, mihiyo, a., the same one; he; mihior siahoke, John 4: 26; Matt. 6: 21; to him, Matt. 13: 12—mihio ashinli, a., identical; n., the selfsame one—mihka, in that case; mihka katiohma chitho—mihkakon — mihkakosh—mihkat, but if—mikato, but if; then, John 1: 21—mihhokato—mihma, and, Luke 1: 38; Matt. 7: 24, 26; then, John 1: 22; so, John 4: 54; at the same time; then when; mih, same; ma, when, equivalent to and; mat and ma are used for the past tense, kmat and kma for the future—mihmak, he the same, John 138: 26—mihmak ahioke, the same, that it will be—mihmakinli, in the same place; immediately, Matt. 4: 22; the same; that also; selfsame, Matt. 8: 13—mih- makinli hon, straightway, Matt. 14: 22; that very, Matt. 17: 18—mihmakinliho A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 259 ulitok —mihmakinli kia, even in the same place, or at the same time—mih- makon, this; the same, by way of in- quiry; is this it? John 1: 21, 23; Matt. 17: 12; mihmako hashaiinyamohmi, do ye even so to them, Matt. 7: 12— mihmakocha—mihmakoke, it is the same, John 1: 30; Matt. 11: 10—mihmakosh, this; that; the same—mihmano, when; and when—mihmat, and, Luke 1: 28; Matt. 3: 2—mihmato, and the—mihna, and then; and therefore; therefore— mihyanio, the same; the said; see miya. miha, vy. a. i., v.t., to utter; tosay; to bid; to warn; to promise; to direct; to com- mand; to order; to give charge over; to reprove; to denounce; to enjoin; to announce; to import; to instruct; to mean; to profess; to protest; to repeat; to threaten; totwit; miha, toadmonish him; to charge him; to menace; i?miha imanumpuli, toadvise him; immiha, v. t., to rate; to reprimand; to reproach; to re- prove; to upbraid; to constrain; ilemiha, ilamiha, to say of himself, issanmiha, “bid me;”’ isht ilemiha, to excuse him- self; isht ilemihachi, to excuse himself, ilemiha iksho, a., facile; easy; having nothing to object; itimmiha, v. t., to promise each other; isht amiha, to speak by means of or on account of; to swear by; imiha, n., a monitor; a counselor; mihahatuk; hachinmihalishke, I say unto you: Matt. 4: 3; 34, 35, 36; G21GsealO alba: yee eel Ae ee Ss 22928) 162 12) 14. 20 Josherd:) 16. alii 7:8; 8:4: Luke 3:-7, 19; 14:18; 2 Sam. Lo 2aS: miha, n., a meaning, a menace; a profes- sion; a promise; tenor; a threat. miha, n., a promiser; a rehearser. mihachi, y. a.i., to talk; to talk about; to upbraid; to scold; to dictate; to re- vile. Matt. 11: 20; mihahanchi, Matt., 5:11; to judge, Matt. 7: 1, 2; asht wlemi- hachi, to excuse himself by means of it; isht mihachi, v. t., to palliate. mihachi, n., a talker; a reviler; a threat- ener. mihachi, n., obloquy. mitka, bitka (q. v.), each; both; like; of the same kind or species; tkitihaklo minka; they can not hear each other, itin- kana minka, 260 mitka, y. n., to be like or of the same kind. Mitkilish, I"kilish (q. v.), n., English; the English. Mitkilish, a., English. Mitkilish hatak, n., an Englishman. Mitkilish imanumpa, n., the English language. mikma (this has a future and definite meaning, and is formed from mih, k, and ma), and; John mikma, mikmat, ete., are composed of these words, mih, verb ‘to be the same;’’ k, the demonstrat- ive article, and ma, the common article, which, with a verb, means when. See mih, ma. This word is hard to render into English—mikmano, and the—mik- mat, and, John 1:1; Matt. 5: 38—mik- mato, and the. mitko, y.a.i., toreign; Matt. 2: 22; Chihu at mikoshke, 2 Kings 9:13; torule, Josh. Ae 4, mitko, n., a chief; asachem; asagamore, among red men; a president; a gov- ernor; a prince; a duke; a monarch; a king; anemperor; aczar; an autocrat; a pasha, etc. among other nations; ‘‘his excellency;’’ ‘‘his honor;’’ a colonel; a commander; a captain-general; a dominator; the executive; his majesty; a potentate; power; a sovereign, etc., Wenn, 8 1 8) az eaas. 1Bo fe mitko, pp., enthroned; crowned. mitko ahalaia, a., royal; regal; kingly. mi"ko aiokpachi, n., coronation. miko apelechika afullota, n., the cir- cuit of a king’s dominions; a kingdom; a realm; an empire. mitko apelichi, miko apetiechi, n., a realm; a kingdom; an empire, Luke 4: 5; the dominion of a king; the king’s dominions. mi"ko apetiechika, n., a kingdom; the place over which a king rules. mitko chohmi, a., kingly. mitko iakaiya, n., a major. mi®ko ikbi, y. t., to crown; to make a king. miko ikimiksho, a., kingless. mi2tkoimanumpeshi,n.,aconsul; anam- bassador; a king’s chief secretary or aid. miZko imiacbuka, mi"ko imialipa, n., a crown; a miter; a king’s turban; a diadem; a royal fillet or headdress, BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 mi®ko imma, a., royal. mi"ko imohoyo, n., the king’s wife; a queen; an empress; a chieftainess. miko inchuka, n., a palace; a royal dwelling; a king’s house, Matt. 11: 8. mitko intabi, n., a scepter; the king’s staff. mi"ko i"peni, n., a yacht; a royal yacht. mitko kobafa, n., a dethroned king; dethroned. mitko kobaffi, v. t., to dethrone a king. mitko kobaffi, n., one who dethrones a king. mitko tekchi, n., the king’s wife; a queen. mitko toba, v. a. i., to reign, Matt. 2: 22; to become a king. mi"ko toba, pp., crowned king; made a king. mi"kochi, y. t., to make a king; to en- throne. mi®kochi, n., a coronation. Miliki, n., America; the United States, in the view of a Choctaw, and not all North and South America. Miliki, a., American. Miliki hatak, n., an American; a Yankee. Miliki okla, n., the Americans; Ameri- can people; the people of the United States. Miliki yakni, n., America; the United States millinta, v. a. i., to polish; to wear bright. millinta, pp., polished. millinta, n., a polish. millintachi, v. t., to polish. millintachi, n., a polisher. mitofa, pp., filed; rasped. mitoffi, sing., to file; to rasp. mitoffi, n., a filer. mitoha, vy. t. pl., to file; to rasp. mitohachi, v. t., to file; pp., rasped. mitohachi, pp. pl., filed; rasped. mitoti, pp. pl., filed; rasped. mitotichi, v. t. pl., to file; to rasp them. mintahpi, v. a. i., to begin tocome. mintahpi, n., that which or he who came first. minti, v. a. i., tocome; to start; to start this way; to approach; i”minti, to come to him; John 1: 29; aba minti, to come from above; to descend, John 1: 382; BYINGTON] Matt. 8: 9; 14: 29; 15: 1, aminti, to come from, Josh. 2: 2, 4; 3: 9; minti, nasal form; mihinti, freq., Matt. 12: 32; takla mihinti, to approach; be approaching, Josh. 5:7; mienti, aminti, to come from, Matt. 8:11; to originate at; to come of, Matt 5: 37. minti, n., a coming; a comer. minti, from, Matt. 4: 25. mintichi, y. t., to cause to come; to start off; to make him come; mintinchi, nas. form; mintihinchi, freq. form. mintit ala; mintit imala, Matt. 8:5, came unto him. mi4sa, pp., scarred. mi%sa, n., ascar; a stripe; a cicatrix. misisu"kachi, pp. pl., scarred; striped; spotted white. misisu"kachi,, scars; short stripes; whitish spots. mismiki, a., fine; beautiful; as aboha mismiki, a fine house. mismiki, vy. n., to be fine. mismikichi, y. t., to make fine. misu®fa, see masu”fa. misha, ady., beyond; further; off, as mishaia, go off; mishia cha, go off (and do not come back); Chatan misha, be- yond Jordan, Matt. 4:15, 25; mish, con- tracted; mishtannap, the other side, Mark 5: 1; misha ohia, beyond go ye, Matt. 7: 23. misha, a., ulterior; utter. misha, vy. n., to be beyond; to be further. misha, n., place or time beyond (a later note says ‘‘misha, place; mishsha, time’’); misha pila, Matt. 3:2; misha intannap, Matt. 8: 28, the other side, Matt. 16: 5; misha tannap, Matt. 14: 22. misha, n., the place beyond; the one beyond the other; mishsha, n., time beyond.—J. C. misha, mishsha, ady., day before yes- terday; day after to-morrow; i”misha, ady., tertian; day after to-morrow. mishahchi, pp., winnowed; mashlichi, v. t. mishakash, the day before yesterday; two days ago. mishakasho®, on the day before yester- day. mishapilla, ady., farther; further. mishapilla, a., ultimate. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 261 muishash, the day before yesterday. mishema (from misha and imma), ady., beyond; farther; further. mishema, vy. n., to be beyond; to be farther off; chinmishemashke, be it far from thee, Matt. 16: 22. mishema, pp., put beyond; delayed; removed. mishema fullota, ady., abroad, Luke RUC mishemanchit apesa, y. t., to post- pone. mishemachi, v. t., to put farther off; to remove along; mishemanchi, nasal form. mishemat alhpisa, pp., postponed. mishofa, sing., to rub off. mishofa, pp., rubbed off. mishoha, pp. pl., rubbed. mishohachi, vy. t., to rub. mishokachi, y. a. i. pl., to rub off; it rubs. mishokachi, pp., rubbed; rubbed off. mishokachi, n., a rubbing; the noise made by filing a saw. mishohi, pp. pl., rubbed. mishoh, y. a.i., to rub. misholichi, vy. t. pl., to make them rub; to rub; mishoffi, sing. mishsha, see misha. mishshakma, ady., on the day after to- morrow; when it shall be day after to- morrow; i?mishakma siabeka, after to- morrow. mishtannap, n., the other side, Josh. 1: 2; over; beyond, Josh. 9: 10. mishuk, n., a single noise made by fil- ing a saw. mishukachi, y. a. i., to make the noise; to ring, as a saw that is filed. mitafa, v. a. i. sing., to burst open; to gush; to break open; torupture; tanampo at mitafa, hichi at mitafa. PP-; burst ruptured; mitafa, opened. mitafa, n., a break; a breach; a disrup- tion; an eruption; a ruption. mitah, v. a. i. pl., to burst open; to break open; to chap; to rupture; yak- ni at mitati; shukcha yat mitati, the leathern bottles burst, Matt. 9: 17. mitah, pp., burst open. mitali, n., breaches; breaks. open; 262 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY mitaltichi, y. t. pl., to break them open; to cause them to burst; to chap; to rupture. mitaffi, v. t., to burst open; to break open; to gush; to open; to rupture; to wound, Mark 12: 4. mitefa, vy. a. i., to get loose; to unloose; to untie. mitefa, pp., untied; ripped. mitefa, n.. a rip. mitelichi, y. t., to strike with a switch. mitelichi, n., a cut; a single stroke. miteli, n., a rip. mitehi, y. a. i. pl., to get loose. miteli, pp., untied; loose; ripped. mitelichi, y. t., to unloose; to untie; to rip; to unravel; to unseal. mitibli, v. a. i., to swell, as corn or acorns when moistened; tanchi at mitibli, nust at mitibli, ahe at mitibli. mitibli, pp., swelled. mitiblichi, y. t., to cause to swell; to swell. mitiffi, sing., to unloose; to untie; to ungird; to unseal; to unstring. mitifmiya, see mitikminii. mititha, v. t. pl., to whip with a switch; to flog. mitihachi, y. t., to strike with the wings; to flutter, as a bird; aba hushi at mitihacht. mitihachi, n., a flutterer. mitikli, v. a. i. sing., to beat; to throb; to palpitate. mitikli, n. sing., a beating; a throb- bing; a pulsation. mitiklichi, vy. t., to cause to throb; to make it beat. mitikmi@kli, y. a. sore. mitikminli, mitikmiya, mitifmiya, y.a.i. pl., to beat; tothrob; to pulsate; to palpitate. mitikminli, n., a beating; a throbbing; a palpitation; the pulse. mitikminlichi, y. t., to make it throb. mitilhmiya, n., the pulse; a slow pulsa- tion. mitilhmiya, y. a. i., to pulsate slowly. miya, miha, vy. a. i., to be the same, 1 John, 2: 17; see mth. moa, pp., skimmed. moaha, a., thin, like soft mush. moashki, 2., mushy or mushlike. 1.5) tO throbseasms: [BULL, 46 mocholi, y. a. i., to close the eye; to wink. mocholi achafa, n., a wink. mochukli, y. a. i. sing., to wink. mochukli, n., a wink. moeli, y. t. pl., to skim; pishukchi nia moeli; bila moeli. [Asa plural verb of action it means not only to skim, but to row, to paddle, to scull; it is used to denote the paddling of boats or canoes. There is reason to believe that in this word we have the tribal name, Maubila or Mauilla. Mobile is called by the modern Choctaw Moilla, a form resem- bling both moeli and Mauilla.—H.S. H.] mo®fa, pp., rubbed off; paddled; peeled off; skinned off; rowed; peni at mo”fa. motfa, vy. a. i., to peel off; to skin off; to rub; to rub off hair; nipi at lua cha monfa, to shed hair. motffi, v. t., to rub off; to brush off; to scrape off; to peel off; to oar; to row; to paddle; to scull; to shoot and take off the hair only. mo®ffi, n., a rower; a paddler. mo®ffit isht ia, v. t., to oar; to begin to row; to take along by rowing. mofi, v. t., to paddle; to row. mo®fkachi, y. a. i., to rub against. mo®fkachi, pp., rubbed; peeled off. moha, pl., skimmed; peeled off. mokafa, vy. t., to strike and knock off with the hand or paw; itamokafa, to conflict; to strike against each other; mati hat sionmokafa. mokafa; itamokafahe, to rise up against each other, Matt. 24: 7; to meet in battle. mokofa, v.a.i., to slip out; to come out, Luke 4: 35; 13: 12; to withdraw, Luke. 5: 16; to be quit of, Josh. 2: 20; isuba hat mokofa, the horse is loose. mokoffi, vy. t., to slack or slip out the hand, Josh. 10: 6. mokofi, v. t. (cf. mokofa), to rend from; to rend away, 1 Kings 11: 11, 13. mokohi, v. t. pl., Acts 12: 7. moli, v. t., to skim; to peel off; to pad- dle; peni moti. moma, a., all, Matt. 6: 32; whole, John 1: 3[?]; every, Matt. 15: 13; entire; full; total; universal; amoma, Matt. 11, caption, lst line; moma iklauo, a., least; BYINGTON] lowest; moma iklauo ady., least, Josh. 8:4; moyuma, every; anumpa moyuma kat, every word, Matt. 4: 4; emoywma kat, every one of us, Judg. 16:5; hash moma, Josh. 1: 2, 17. moma, vy. a. i., to all; emoma, we all; momat, they all, Luke 23: 1; momat hus- samaiala, come unto me ye all, Matt. 11: 28; momat shatummi, Matt. 18: 33; momat aiimonatok, Matt. 14: 35; momat okla impa, Matt. 15: 37. moma, v. n., to be all; moyuwma,; ilappa moyuma, Matt. 6: 33. In this instance moyuma becomes an intensive plurality and totality, every one, Josh. 1: 14. moma, ady., more; throughout; so; yet; Matt. 16: 9; still; entirely; abeka moma, still sick. moma, y. n., to be so yet; to continue, Matt. 17: 5; Josh. 4: 18; samoma, I am so. moma, v. a. i., to be all, Matt. 6: 22. moma, vy. a. 1., to do so yet; to continue; as momali, I still do so. moma, n., a continuation; a full; the sum, 2Sam. 24: 9; amount; total; total- ity; the whole. moma chuhmi, a., general. moma chuhmi, n., generality. moma chuhmi, adv., generally; mainly. moma iklauo, a., least, Matt. 11: 11. moma i®shah, a., over all; greater than all; highest, Luke 6: 35; Matt. 18: 1; greatest, Matt. 18: 4. momaka ikpeso, a., untried. momaka pisa, v. t., to try. momaka pisa, n., a trial. momaka pisa, n., a trier. momat, mont (contracted), all (nom. case); mont ia, all are going. mominchi, y.t., to go to all or over all; to affect all; to take all; mominchit anya, Matt. 4: 23; mominchit takofichi, to cure all, Matt. 8: 16; 12: 15; mominchit anoli, “told everything,’”’ Matt. 8: 33; to sweep the whole, John 2: 15; Luke 6: 10; Matt. 13: 44, 46; 14: 35; mominchit pisa, to see all; aiilamominchi, to take the whole to himself, Matt. 16: 26; ilemominchi, v. t., to engross. mominchi, adv., wholly. mominchi, a., unreserved. mominchit, ady., throughout. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 2638 momint, contracted from ady., uttermost; utterly; tanchi amomint luffi, husk all the corn. mont, see momat. moshli, see mushli. mosholahe keyu, a., inexcusable. mosholahe keyu, a., unquenchable; in- extinguishable. mosholi, y. a. i., to go out, as fire; to expire; to pass; to go out, as a lamp; to vanish, 1 Sam. 3: 3. mosholi, pp., extinguished; gone out; quenched; stifled. mosholi, a., extinct. mosholi, n., extinction. mosholicha hinla, a., quenchable; ex- tinguishable. mosholichi, y. t., to extinguish fire; to quench, Matt. 12: 20; to stifle; to de- stroy, Josh. 7: 7; 10: 4. motohki, a., without a tail, as a fowl; or short, as a short coat. mototu®kli, vy. a. i. pl., to throb. mototu®kli, n., a throbbing. motukli, sing., to throb, as a sore; to pulsate; to beat, as the pulse. moyayatkachi, a. pl., of the consistence of mush; or halushki, as said by a Na- tchitoches man, Aug. 29, 1854. mufka, v. n., to be painful; to ache, as the flesh after being burnt. mufka, a., painful. mufkachi, mafkachi, y. t., to put, in pain; to pain. mushli, moshli, sing., mushmoli, pl., vy. a. i, to wink; to wink hard and mominchi; long. mushli, n., a winker. mushmushli, y. a. i., to wink. muyaha, applied to some kinds of faces. n, contracted from na, not, must not and made the final letter of verbs when it occurs, as apalin, apali na, I may not eat; ishpan, ishpa na, thou must not eat. na, ady., not; must not; do not let (this form is aspirated, nah being verbal); ishpa na, ishia na; akpoki na, chik aiyuki na, chinukshopa na, Luke 1: 30; yoba na, do not possibly; lest possibly; chifammi na, do not let him whip you. na, may; can; gla yoba na, perhaps he may come. 264 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY na, a particle; classed with conjunctions in its use in the second and third per- sons; in the first singular, objective case, it is simply a nasal, thus pisaiin; onalin, ef. 1 Kings 9: 3; aiolabbit ishi na ikano, Matt. 7, 5; 13: 22. na, by means of; because; that; so that; to the end that, 2 Sam. 24: 2; iskah isht hassamaia na pisalashke, Mark 12:15; here the object is expressed by na, so that; sinti at kopoli na ile- tok, because the serpents bit them they died; ant amanoli na: akosti- ninchiletuk, oka yan hachinshileli nan hashanyatok, Josh. 2: 10; here the re- sult in the mind of Rahab is expressed, but in the mind of Moses the object of God in drying up the waters would be expressed by na; yohmi na, when, Matt. 3: 16, see Matt. 4: 12, where na and mat both are used. na, till, Matt. 2: 15; long; chihaksi na, 1 Sam. 1: 14; na used before ‘‘time how long,’”’ Acts 19: 8, 10, 22; time future, anta na shohbi, to stay till night; ihirshi na, Matt. 11:12; anta na bilia, to remain forever; anta na himaka, to stay till this time; time past up to the present, inhullo na bilia hatukosh, 1 Kings 10: 9. na, nah, ady., and; and then; that, Matt. 2:8; ont kehopesa na, let us go and see it and then, etc. (we shall know); ont kehopesa na ia; hot akla na, let me look for and come then. The verb next after na has a different nom. from the one before it. When both verbs have the same nom. cha is used, as ant impa cha, come and eat and (go to work—as the case may be); ant issa cha, quit and (do not trouble me again), ete.; ima na, Matt. 15: 36; used in the oblique case, Josh. 7: 21; iyinkalaha ombinili na tabokolimat illitok, 2 Kings 4: 20; mahyah nah, scolding a dog a second time; i. e., again, over again; keho- tisheli nah, let us now disperse, hay- ing been together a while. na, n., a thing; an actor; an agent; an article, John 4: 38[?]; contracted from nana; before b, m, and p, usually writ- ten nam; before the vowels and ch, 1, and ¢ written na”, for euphony’s sake; it is prefixed to verbs to form a noun; [BULL. 46 name of an agent or thing; nan okpani, a criminal; nan okpulo, a vile thing. na, lest; maiyah na, go off lest (I whip you). na balama, n., incense; a_ fragrant thing; an odor; a perfume; a scent; spices; spicery, 1 Kings 10: 2, 15. na balama ahushmi, n., an altar of incense, Luke 1: 11. na balama alua, n., an altar of incense. na banna, n., appetite; desire. na banna, a., needy. na bashli, n., a reaper, Matt. 13: 30, 39. na bila, n., oil, Luke 16: 6; fat; grease; gravy; agreasy thing in a melted state; melted fat. na bili, n., a pointer. na boli, n., a striker. na bolukta, n., an orb. na buna, n., a bundle; a roll; a parcel. na fammi, n., a whipper; a chastiser; a castigator. na fehna, vy. a.i., to matter, Mark 12: 10, 11; to be possible, Matt. 17: 20. na fehna, n., something; a real thing; a reality; a feat; a wonderful work, Matt. 7: 22; wonders, Josh. 3, 5; mighty work, Matt. 11: 20, 21; 18: 54. na fehna,a., material; notable; remark- able; stupendous; superb; wonderful; wondrous. na fehna keyu, a., unimportant. na fehna keyu, n., nothing; a nihility. na fehna keyu, a., ordinary; immaterial. na fehnachi, v. t., to make something of it, Luke 5: 26[?]; na fienacii. na fehnachi, n., the one who makes something of it. na fohka, na foka,n., a garment of any kind; a shirt; a coat; apparel; clothes, Josh. 7:6; attire; clothing, Matt. 7: 15; habiliment; a habit; raiment; a vest- ment; avesture; awardrobe, Matt. 11:8; Josh. a2 2, 2479: 5, 13: na foka abohushi, n., a press; a clothes press. na foka afohoma, n., a hem. na foka afohomi, y. t., to hem a gar- ment; to hem in. na foka afoli, v. t., to swaddle. na foka aiasha, n., a wardrobe. na foka aiitatoba, n., a slop-shop; a shop where ready-made clothes are sold. Ne ee EEE ———ee _ BYINGTON] na foka alhfoa, pp., swaddled. na foka chashana, n., a long coat; a straight-bodied coat. na foka chashana falaia, n., a surtout. na foka chito, n., a great coat; a large garment; a cloak. na foka chito fohka, v. t., to cloak. na foka foka, v. t., to dress one’s person; to attire; to dress up; to put on a gar- ment; to clothe; to habit. na foka foka, pp., dressed; clothed; ap- pareled; habited. na foka fokachechi, na foka fokachi, y. t., to dress another person; to clothe; to apparel; to furnish another person with clothes. na foka ikbi, n., a tailor. na foka ikbi, v. t., to tailor. na foka iksho, a., naked; clothes. na foka iksho, y. n., to be naked; to be destitute of clothes. na foka ilumpatali, n., a cape; a van- dyke. na foka intikba takali, n., an apron. na foka isht kasholichi, n., a clothes- brush. na foka kolukshi, n., avest; a waistcoat; a jacket; a jerkin; a roundabout. na foka kolukshi shakba a®sha, n., a spencer. na foka lumbo, n., a shirt; linen; an undergarment. na foka lumbo falaia, n., a frock. na foka lumbo foka, vy. t., to shirt; to put on a shirt. na foka lumbo foka, pp., shirted; clothed with a shirt. na foka lumbo fokachi, v. t., to shirt another (as a child). na foka patafa, n., a hunting-shirt; lit., a split garment. na foka umpatta, n., a vandyke. na foni, n., bones; a skeleton. na fotoli, n., a grinder; a borer; a miller. na fuli halah, n., a lot; lots, Luke 23: 34. na habena, n., one whoreceives apresent or favor; a beneficiary. na habenachi, n., a benefactor. na haklo, n., a hearer; an auditor; a lis- tener. na haksi,n.,acriminal; arogue; a villain; a cheat. na haksichi, n., a rogue. without A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 265 na hakshup, n., leather; peltry. na hakshup kanchi, n., a skinner; one that deals in skins. na halupa, n., a weapon made of iron or steel; arms; a lance; a pike; a pin: a spear, Josh. 1: 14; Tusk im nahalupa; Tusk ina halupa, a scimiter. na halupa aiasha, na halupa aiitola, an armory; a deposit for arms; a maga- zine. na halupa boli, vy. t., to surrender; to lay down arms. na halupa ilatah, y.a.i., to arm; toarm himself; to equip himself. na halupa imatah, v. t., toarm; to fur- nish with arms; to equip. na halupa imalhtaha, pp., armed; fur- nished with arms; equipped; prepared for war, Josh.1:14; 4: 12, 13. na halupa isht bali, v. t., to spear. na hashofichi, see na kashofichi. na halbina, n., a present; a benefit; a benefaction; a donation; a gift. na hata, n., a white cloth; a banner; a flag of truce; an ensign; a flag; a pend- ant; a pennant; a sail; a veil. na hata alhtipo, n., atent; a cloth tent; a pavilion. na hata ikbi, n., a sailmaker. na hata Hlafa, n., a white rag. na hika, n., a flier; one that flies. na hita, n., a dancer; a top; a toy for children. na himmonna,n.,a novelty; anew thing. na hobuna, n., a bundle. na hochifo, n., a namer. na hokchi, n., a planter; a sower, John 4: 36; Matt. 13: 3. na hokchi, vy. t., to sow; na hokchit ia tok, Matt. 13: 3. na hokli, n., a catcher; a seizer. na holba, n., a picture; a resemblance; an imitation; a statue. na holhponi, n., food; victuals prepared for the table. na holhtina, n., arithmetic; a calcula- tion; mathematics. na holhtina holisso, n., a book upon mathematics. na holipafi, n., a mastiff; an English dog. na holissochi, n., a writer; a scribe; a clerk, Luke 5: 21; Matt. 5: 20; 8: 19; Diss 2383 LO UeelGnie arithmetic; 266 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY na holitompa, n., treasure, Matt. 13: 44. na holitompa isht a®sha, n. pl., priests, Matt. 12:4; 16: 21; Josh. 3:3, 6; 6:4, 6, 8. na holitompaisht atta,n., sing.,apriest, Matt. 2: 4; 1 Sam. 2: 11, 13. na holitopa, n., asacred thing; a treasure. na holitopa aialhto, n., a shrine. na hollo, n., a supernatural being; one that creates fear and reverence; an in- habitant of the invisible world. This name was thus anciently used, but when the whites first visited the Indians this name was given to them. na hollo, n., a white man; white men of allnations. The name of man when ap- plied to white people, as hatak means man when red people are spoken of; a master, as the master of slaves. na hollo, a., pertaining to a white man. na hollo hochitoka, n., the great white men; Congress; commissioners of the Government. na hollo holitopa, n., a beloved or sacred white man; an agent of the United States Government; the Indian agent is often thus called. na hollo i"bissa, n., a raspberry. na hollo i" kowi, n., an English mile. na hollo imahe, n., an Irish potato; Trish potatoes; English potatoes. na hollo imanumpa, n., the word of a white man; the language of white men; the English language, as English are most known to the Choctaw among white people. na hollo imalla, n., a white man’s child. na hollo imohoyo, n., a white man’s wife. na hollo imokchat®k, n., a cucumber. na hollo intakkon, n., an apple. na hollo itanowa, n., a traveler. na hollo mi®ko, n., a royal white man; lit., a white man king, applied to the United States agent. na hollo ohoyo, n., a white woman. na hollo takchi, n., a sheriff; a con- stable. na hollo tekchi, n., a white man’s wife; the word tekchi after the pos. case has no pro. before it, of the third person. na hollo totksali, n., a laborer; a labor- ing white man. na hollo yakni, n., the land or country of the white men, applied to the [BULL. 46 United States in distinction from the land of the Indians. na hollochi, na hullochi, v. a. i., to ab- stain from certain food and drink; to fast, Luke 2: 37; Matt. 6: 18; to keep sacred; na hullochit anta lin, Acts 10: 30. na hollochi, n., one who fasts, abstains, etc.; a priest. na hollochi iksa, n., a priest; the order of priests. na hollochiiksa petichi,n.,ahigh priest. na hollofi, n., an English dog; a bulldog. na holloka, n., a sacred thing; a conse- crated object. na hollushi, n., a quadroon; the child or descendant of a white man by a red woman. na holokchi, n., a plant; a vegetable that is cultivated, Matt. 15: 13. na homi, n., alcohol; ardent spirits; whisky; liquor; any bitter thing. na honni okchi, n., a decoction. na hopoa, n., a beast; na hopoa puta, every beast, Gen. 1: 30. na hoponi, n., a cook. na hopu"koyo, n., a spy. na hotina, n., a counter. na hotupa, n., a pain; na hotupa hosh an- laua. na hoyo, n., a seeker; a hunter; a sum- moner. na hoyo, n., harvest, John 4: 35; Matt. 9: 37; nan ahoyo, n., the harvest place. na hu®kupa, na hulhkupa, n., a thief, na hullochi, y. a. i., to fast, Matt. 6: 16; 17: 21; see na hollochi, and nan hullochi. na humma, n., the red warriors; the name of certain warriors, implying bravery, honor, ete., as na humma ati- ha ona. na humma, n., red strand; red blanket- ing. na humma, n., rouge; vermilion; red paint. na humma chutata, n., a strip of red stroud. na hummachi, n., a tanner; one that dyes red; one that colors red. na hu¥ssa, n., a gunner; a sportsman. na imahaksi, n., a pardoner; a forgetter; one who forgets. na kanchi, n., a seller; a trader; a mer- chant; a dealer; a negotiator; a shop- keeper. ST ad BYINGTON] na kanimi, n., the object. na kanimi keyu, a., sound; not having anything out of order. na kanimi keyu, vy. n., to be sound and in order. na kaniohmi keyu, a., safe; being with- out any disturbance; safely. na kashofichi, na hashofichi, n., a par- doner. na katimi, pro., why; wherefore; for what; what for. na katimiho, pro., what is the matter; what is the reason; wherefore; why; na katimiho hachinukshopa cho, why are ye fearful? Matt. 8: 26; why, Matt. 16: 8; na katima heto, it will come to nothing; na katimi kakon, na katiohmi, adyv., why; wherefore. na kallo, n., power; strength, Luke 5: 7. na kallo, n., linen cloth; hemp cloth. na kostini, n., the wise, Matt. 11: 25. na kulli, n., a digger. na lakna, n., rust, Matt. 6: 19, 20. na luma, n., secrets, Matt. 13: 35. na lumbo, see nan lumbo. na lafa, n., something that is marked; a mark. na la®fi, n., a marker. na lakofi, n., a person that is cured, John 5: 10; an escape; one that escapes. na takofichi, y. t., to cure, Luke 6: 7; Matt. 12: 10. na takofichi, n., a healer; a curer; a re- storer; a savior. na Hilafa, n., a rag; a clout. na filali, n., rags. na litilli,n.,agum; aresinous substance. na maleli, n., a runner. na miha, n., a saying; a maxim; an adage. na miha iksho, nan ikmiho, n.,a silent person; a reserved person. na miha shah, a., querulous; complain- ing. na miha shah, y. n., to be querulous; y. t., to find fault. na miha shali, n., a complainer. na mihachi, y. t., to slander; to back- bite; na mihachit anumpuli, to speak against, Matt. 12: 32; to curse, Matt. 15: 4. na mihachi,n.,aslanderer; a backbiter. na mihachi shah, n., a noted slanderer; a whisperer. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 267 na mihiksho, n., patience; silence. na nihi, n., seeds, Matt. 13:4, 19, 20, 22, Poe na nukhatklo, y. a. i., to mourn, Matt. 5:4, na nukhamachi, n., pain. na nuktalali, n., a comforter, John 14: 16. na pakanli, see nam pakanli. na palammi, n., a curse; a woe, | Sam. 14: 24, 28; see nam palammi. na peltichi, n., a guide, Matt. 23: 24; a ruler, Matt. 9: 18; a governor, Matt. 10: 18. na pisa, see nam pisa. na pi4sa, n., an eyewitness; a beholder; a seer, 2 Sam. 24: 11. na pisat atya, y. t., to spy, Josh. 2: 1. na shali, n., a bearer; acarrier; alhpoyak shali, a peddler. na shanaiya, a., perverse. na shanni, n., a spinner. na shilombish, n., aspirit; na shilombish okpulo, an unclean spirit, Luke 6: 18. na shimmi, n., a river; a board-maker. na shoeli, v. t., to draw lots, Josh. 15: 1; Matt. 27: 35. na shoeli, n., a drawing lots; a lot, Josh. L367 T4: 2: na shoelichi, y. t. caus., to cast lots, Josh. 18: 6, 8, 10. na shoelit ishi, n., alot, Josh, 17:14; 19: 1, 10, 17, 24, 32, 40: na sholi, n., a bearer; a carrier. na shua, n., filth; stench; offal; scent. na tikbanli anoli, y. t., to prophesy; to foretell, Matt. 11: 13. na waya, n., fruit, John 4: 36; a crop; mast. na waya hoyo, v. t., to harvest. na waya hoyo, na waya ishi, n., a har- vester; a harvestman. na waya ishi, y. t., to reap. na waya kanchakfoki, v. t., to harvest; to put the fruits of the earth in a gran- ary. na wehpoa, n., pillage; plunder; prey; booty; a trophy, 1 Sam. 14: 30. na wehpuli, n., a robber; a plunderer. na weki, n., a burden; a weight; a heavy thing. na yakohmi, n., this thing, Luke 2: 19; Matt. 16: 22. na yimmi, n., a believer. 968 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY na yimmi, n., faith, na yimmi chinto, great faith, Matt. 8: 10; na yimmi fehna keyu hachiama, O, ye of little faith, Matt. 8: 26; 14:31; 16: 8; 17: 20; oklana yimmi- ka, their faith, Matt. 9: 2; na yimmi iksho, faithless; Matt. 17: 17, nan ikyim- mo, unbelief, Matt. 17: 20. na yopisa, n., a spectator. na yoshoba, n., sin, 1 John 2: 12. na yuka, n., a captive; spoil. na yukachi, n., a captor. na yukpa, n., joy; a joyful man; pleas- ure; rejoicing; peace, Matt. 10: 13; 13: 44. na yukpa, v. a.i., to rejoice, Matt. 2: 10; to be blessed, Matt. 5: 3-10. na yukpali, n., joy, Luke 2: 10. nachofa, pp. sing., cut off; lopped; see nachuffi. nachofa, n., that which is cut off. nachoha, pp. pl., lopped. nacholhi, y. t. pl., to strip off leaves or cut off limbs; to lop. nacholichi, v. t. pl., to strip off leaves or limbs; it naksisha na chotichi. nacholichi, n., one who strips or cuts off leaves or limbs; a lopper. nachuffi, y. t. sing., to lop off; iti nak- sish oppa nachuffi, cut off this limb. nachuffi, n., a lopper. naffi, v. t. sing., to pluck an ear of corn; pass., nafa; natichi, vy. t. pl., to pluck ears of corn; pass., nahhachi. nafimmi, n., a sower; a scatterer, Matt. 13: 3. nah, see na. naha, Vv. a. i.; ish naha. naha, adyv., well nigh; for atime; almost; nearly; hardly; nigh; scarcely; illinaha; hikikva naha. naha, pp., trimmed; picked off; cut off; natichi v. t. nahchaba, n., the backbone. Nahchi, n., Natchez. nahishi (Sixtowns word), n., rheumatic pains, also shumantabi. natka, a., having no worth; worthless, John 6: 27. natka, y.n., to be worthless; yakni yam- mak nanka, that land is of no value; see ish atta tok ak natka, John 9: 34. nakabila, n., a ladle used in melting lead; any place where lead is melted; a ladle. (BULL. 46 nakachosha, n., a pile; the head of an arrow. nakahakmo, nakaiakmo, n., a bullet- mold. nakampo, n., a pewter basin. nakfi, n., the brother of a woman; anap- pellation proper only fora sister to use; a%nakfi, my brother. nakfish, n., a junior; a junior brother, Matt. 4: 21; my brother, who is younger than the one speaking or the one spoken of; a younger brother, used to show this relation between two broth- ers or two cousins; a younger sister, used to show this relation between two sisters; a brother may not call his sister sanakfish, nor a sister call her brother sanakfish, my brother. naki, n., lead; a dart; i”naki, his sting. naki fabassa, n., a pig of lead. naki humma, n., red lead. naki impatalhpo, n., wadding; some say isht alhpitta. naki kallo, n., pewter. naki kallo aiimpa, n., a pewter plate. nakilumpo, n., a bullet; round lead. naki lusa, n., black lead. naki palalka, n., a pig of lead. naki pila, v. t., to dart; to throw an ar- row or dart. naki tapuski, n., sheet lead. naki yalhki, n., the dross of lead. nakishtalali, n., a catfish; a bullhead. nakishwana, n., a catfish; a bullhead. nakni, n., the male sex of all creatures, where the distinction of sex is known; aman; a brave; a blade, used to denote a man of pith and spirit; manliness; a warrior. nakni, a., brave; courageous; manful; manly; manlike; male; martial; mas- culine; valiant; iknakno, a hypochon- driac; nahatkni. nakni, y. n., to be brave, courageous, mantul, or resolute; sanakni, chinakni; natrhankni. nakni hita, n., the name of a dance, at which none but men dance. nakni tashka, n., a warrior; a subject; a male inhabitant. naknichi, y. t., to render brave, bold, stout, manlike; ilenaknichi, to make a man of himself or to make himself bold; to rouse up one’s courage or resolution when in trouble, distress, or danger. BYINGTON] naksakawa, n., corn bread made of green corn boiled, and wrapped in corn leaves; same as tanch hiloha palaska and tanch hotokbi palaska. naksi, n., the side; the rib; aboha naksi, the side or the ribs of a house. naksi, y. a. i., to turn on the side; to lean sideways, as a post; naksit ansha, to. turn and sit or to sit sideways; naksit itola, to lie on the side or to turn and lie. naksi foni, n., a rib bone; a spare rib. naksika, a., solitary. naksika, n., a side; a corner; a by-place. naksitka, n., a corner, Luke 18: 13 [?]. naksika binili, pp., insulated. naksika binili, v. a. i., to sit in a solitary place, as a corner; to retire. naksika binilichi, v. t., to insulate. naksika bol, v. t., to obviate; to lay one side. naksika hilechi, v. t., to isolate. naksikachi, v. t., to put in a corner or by-place; to put out of the way; to iso- late; to slant. naksikaia, y. a. i., to wander. naksish, n.,alimb; a knot; a joint, as in cane, reed, etc.; a branch, Matt. 13: 32. a bush; iti naksish, uski naksish, ku shak naksish, tanchapi naksish. naksish filamoli, n. pl., branches; limbs. naksish filamminchi, n., a branch; a limb. naksish i"filammi, n., the branch of a limb. naksish laua, a., knotty; full of limbs or joints; knurled. naksish naha, pp., trimmed; having the limbs cut off. naksish naha, n., a pollard; a tree lop- _ ped. naksish nahachit taha, pp., pruned. naksish natlichi, v. t., to poll; to cut off the limbs; to prune. naksish natichi, n., a pruner. naksish taptuli, v. t., to poll. nakshilup, n., tall wild grass, with a tassel. nakshobi, naksobi, a., having the smell of fish when first taken from the water. nakshobi, n., thesmell of fish just caught. nakshobi, v. n., to smell as newly caught fish; to stink, as fish. nakshobichi, naksobichi, v. t., to cause to smell, as fish newly caught. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 2969 naku¥shi, n., shot; pachi naku®shi, pi- geon shot; fani nakunshi, squirrel shot; isi nakunshi, buckshot. nalapi, n., the gorge; the throat; see in- nalapi. nalichi, v. t., to pluck off ears of corn. natichi, vy. t., pl. to trim off; to pick; to cut off; to lop; tanchampi a” natichi; iti naksish an natichi; pass., nahhachi, tanchi laua hosh nahhachi. nalichi, n., a lopper. nalit illi apat nusi, n., opium. nam, n., a thing, contracted from nana, and written nam before p for euphony’s sake. nam pakanli, na pakanli (Matt. 6: 28) n., a flower; a blossom; a bloom; a blow. nam palammi, na palammi, n., acurse, 1 Sam. 14: 24, 28. nam pa®shi tanna, n., sackcloth; cloth made of hair. nam pelichi, n., a ruler; a governor, Matt. 10: 18. nam piheta, n., a lady’s gown or frock; the old name is alhkonapihita (cf. al- conand). nam pilesa, n., a laborer; a workman; a hireling. nam pisa, na pisa, n., a spectator; a ‘looker; a looker on; a speculator; a spectacle. nam poa, n., game; wild beasts nam poa anusi, n., a lair. nam poa hakshup, n., peltry. nam poa inchuka, n., a kennel; a den. nam poheta, n., a gown (not common); see pohota. nam ponaklo, n., an inquirer. nam pota, n., a borrower; a hirer. nam potoni, n., a guard; a watch. nan, n., a thing; contracted from nana; see na and nam. nan abeka, n., sickness; a fever, Luke 4; 39. nan achafa, n., an individual; one thing. nan achefa, n., 2 washwoman; a laun- dress; a launderer; one who washes. nan achefa ohoyo, n., a woman who washes; a laundress. nan achunli, n., a tailor; a seamster; a tailoress; a seamstress; when a woman is intended, ohoyo, may be added as above. PMA) BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY nan aheka, n., a debtor; one who owes another money, goods, or services. nan ahekachi, n., a creditor; a truster. nan ahoyo, n., the harvest; the harvest place; nan imahoyo, his harvest, Matt. 9: 38. nan aiachefa, n., a washtub. nan aiahni, n., the will, Matt. 12: 50. nan aiapistikeli, n., a guard; prison, Gen. 40: 4. nan aiashacheka, n., sin; na chimai- ashacheka, thy sins, Matt. 9: 2, 6. nan aiisht imateka, n., peril. nan aiithana, n., a disciple; a learner; nan imaiithana, his disciple, Matt. 8: 21, 23; na chimaiithana, thy disciples, Matt. 9: 14. nan aiokchaya, n., salvation, Luke 2: 30. nan aiya, vy. a. i., to act for peace, | Kings 2: 13. nan aiya, n., peace; itinnanaiya, a peace between them, Josh. 9: 15; nanaiya yor, peace, Matt. 10: 34. nan aiya, a., peaceful; living at peace; itinnanaiya, pp., conciliated; mutually reconciled, Matt. 5: 24; to make peace with, Josh. 10:1, 4; itin nanaiyahe keyu, a., irreconcilable. nan aiyachi, y. t., to make peace; to cause peace; to mediate; itinnanaiyachi, to cause them to be at peace; to medi- ate between them; to conciliate; isht itinnan aiyachi, Josh. 8:31. nan aiyachi, n., a peacemaker; a medi- ator; itinnan aiyachi, a peacemaker; one who causes people to be at peace, Matt. 5:9; pitinnan aiyachi, our mediator; itin- nan aiyachechi, v. t., to make peace be- tween them; itinnan aiyachechi, n., a peacemaker. nan aiyukhana, n., a cross, Luke 9: 23. nan anoli, n., a newsman; a newsmon- ger; one who makes known the mind or counsel of a head man; a notifier; an informer; a crier; a herald; a publisher; areporter; a talebearer; a tattler; a tell- tale; a witness, Matt. 18: 16; na chim- anoli, your informant. nan anoli shali, n., a telltale; an offi- cious informer; a blabber. nan anusi, nan nusi, yanusi(from yaiya and nusi), n.,a cry for the dead; a mourning for the dead; the place where the friends of the dead assemble at the [BULL. 46 end of the days of mourning to cry and bewail; and it is so called because they assemble about sundown and remain over night. nan apela, n., a helper; an aid; an ally; an auxiliary; an assistant; a help. nan apelachi, n., a help; an aid, ete. nan. apesa, n., a judge; an arbiter; a ruler; a decider; a herald; an insti- tutor; a magistrate, Matt. 5: 25; Josh. 8: 33; a manager; a marshal; a pretor; aschemer; nam pimapesa banna hotu- ma, it appears that he would be a judge over us; na hachimapesa, your judges, Matt. 12: 27. nan apesa abinili, n., a tribunal. nan apesa ateha, n., councils, Matt. HOB ALE nan apesachi, n., an overseer; a super- intendent. nan apistikeli, n., a guard, Gen. 40: 3. nan apitta, n., a loader; one who puts on a load; one who charges a gun. nan apoba, nanapoa, n., domestic animals, vegetables, trees, or fruits. ~ nan apoluma, n., a witch. nan apuskiachi, n., a priest; a heathen priest, Gen. 41: 45. nan ashacheka, n., a mistake; applied also to our sins, in which sense it is much used by those who have come to know the nature of sin; a sin. nan ashachi, n., sin, 2 Sam. 24: 10; see ashachi. nan ashachi, n., a sinner, Matt. 11: 19; hatak nana ashachi siahoke, I am a man who is a sinner, Luke 5: 8. nan atokowa anoli, n., a witness. nan abanablit ont ia, n., Passover; a thing that passes over. nan abi, n., a killer; a slayer; a butcher; a murderer. nan alhpisa, n., a custom, Luke 2: 27; a commandment, Matt. 5: 19; Josh. 1: 7, 8, 18; a law, Matt. 5: 17; 7: 12; nan alhpisa pokoli, the Ten Commandments; judgment, Matt. 5: 21. nan alhpisa chinto, n., judgment, Matt. It: 22: nan alhpisa holisso, n., a book of the law; alaw book, Josh. 8: 34. nan alhpisa nitak, n., the day of judg- ment, Matt. 12: 36. Eero BYINGTON] nan alhpisa onuchi, v. t., to accuse, Matt. 12: 10. nan alhpoa, nan alhpoba, n., domestic animals; trees; fruits; plants; stock; anything raised by cultivation and care; see nan apoba. nan alhpoba imatali, v. t., to stock. nan alhpoyak, n., goods, wares, and merchandise. nan alhtaha, n., things prepared; things in readiness. nan alhtoba, n., wages, Luke 3: 14; Matt. 10: 42. nan alhtoka, n., one who is appointed or elected; an official; an elect; a min- ister, Luke 4: 20; a servant, John 2: 5; an officer, Matt. 5: 25. nan alhtokowa, n., testimony; things testified of, John 4: 39. nan amo, n., a reaper; a picker, John 4: 36. nan ani, n., fruit, such as grows on trees; berries, ete. nan apa, n., food; aliment; nutriment; an eatable; something to eat; meat. nan apa okchaki, n., a salad. nan apawaya, 0., grain. nan apawaya ahoyo, n., John 4: 35. nan chanaha, n., an orb; a sphere; a round thing. nan chokushpa, n., trumpery. nan chokushpa hu®kupa, v. t., to pilfer. nan chokushpa hu®kupa, n., a pilferer. nan chokushpa itatoba, n., a huckster. nan chufichi, n., a sender; a driver; one who sends or drives another. nan chumpa, n., a buyer; a trader; a merchant, Matt. 13: 45; a purchaser; a contractor; a storekeeper; a dealer; a negotiator. nan chumpa kobafa, n., a bankrupt; broken merchant. nan hullochi, na hullochi, vy. a i., to fast, Matt. 9: 14; 6: 16. nan ihma heto, a., impossible. nan ihmahe keyu, a., fruitless. nan ihmi, nanahmi (from nana and mih), a., effectual; availing. nan ihmi, n., cause; occasion; reason; nan thmi fehna keyu. nan ihmi, vy. n., to be effectual; to avail; nan ihmahe keyu, it will avail nothing. nan ihmi keyu, y. n., to avail nothing; to be ineffectual, harvest, © A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 271 nan ihmichi, v. t., to cause to avail; to render effectual. nan i"hoa, n., a crier; a caller. nan i"holissochi, n., a scribe, Matt. 2: 4. nan itholitopa, a., close; tight; ungen- erous; avaricious; stingy. nan i“holitopa, y. n., to be close, tight, or stingy. nan iholitopa, n., a thing loved by him; the object that is dear to him. nan ithollo, a., close; tight; stingy. nan ithollo, vy. n., to be close. nan ithollo, n., the thing or object of love. nan ithoyat atya, v. t., to wait. nan ithullochi, n., the accursed thing, Vosley/s lel Mo: nan ikahno, n., sangfroid. nan ikahobo, n., nothing; a thing of no value. nan ikaialhpeso, n., evil, Matt. 7: 11. nan i2kanimi, a., having some diffi- culty; disease. nan i2kanimi, y. n., to have some diffi- culty, or something is the matter with him. nan i"kanimi, n., an ailment; a trouble; a difficulty. nan ikalhpeso, n., iniquity, Matt. 7: 23. nan ikbi, n., a mechanic; a manutfac- turer; a maker. nen ikhana, nan ithana, n., a man of information or knowledge; a philoso- pher; a prophet; a seer; nan ikithano, an ignorant person; an ignoramus. nan ikhana, pp., instructed; educated. nan ikhana, a., erudite. nan ikhana ilahobbi, n., a quack; a pedant. nan ikhananchi, y. t., to educate. nan ikhananchi, n., a teacher; an in- structor; a preceptor; a tutor. nan ikhana, n., a learner; a pupil; a scholar; a disciple. nan ikhana, n., education. nan ikhanahe keyu, a., indocile. nan ikimahobo, a., unconcern. nan ikithano, n., an ignoramus. nan ikithano, a., ignorant; unlearned. nan ikmiho, a., uncomplaining; see na miha iksho. nan ilachifa, n., purification of one’s self, O72 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY nan ilahanchi, n., lucre. nan ilahobbi, n., a hypocrite, Matt. 6: 2; 15: 7; 16:3; a pretender, Luke 6: 42; hypocrisy, Mark 12: 15. nan ilayak, n., treasure, Matt. 6: 19, 20. nan ilhpak, n., food; victuals; meat, John 4: 32. nan ilhpita, n., a benefaction; a present; the annuity received from the United States. nan ilimpa, n., food; victuals; sustenance; aliment. nan illasha, n., lamentation, Matt. 2: 18. nan illi, n., a corpse; a dead body; a carcass; any dead creature; carrion; the relics; the remains of one dead; death, Rom. 6: 28. nan imabachi, n., a teacher; an instruc- tor. nan imahombiksho, adv., easily. nan imaia®h, a., true to him; righteous before him, Luke 1: 6. nan i2miha, v. t., to caution; to advise. nan itmiha, n., an adviser; a cautioner. nan i2mihachi, v. t., to backbite him. nan i2mihachi, n., a backbiter. nan it?miya,n.,a councilor, Ezra 7: 14, 28. nan imokpulo, n., adversity; harm. nan imokpulot ilbasha, n., a calamity. nan impa, n., food; an eater. nan impota, n., a lender. nan inla, n., a mystery; a vision; a strange thing. nan inlaua, a., rich; affluent; wealthy; forehanded; opulent; strong. nan inlaua, vy. t., to have an abundance. nan inlaua, n., affluence; the rich; the affluent; a fortune; a fullness; opulence; riches, Matt. 13: 22; wealth. nan inlauachi, y. t., to enrich; to in- crease his substance. nan i2nukhatklo, n., mercy, Matt. 9: Srelloee le nan ipetachi, n., a feast, Luke 2: 41. nan isso, n., a striker; a smiter. nan ishko, n., drink. nan ishko, n., a drinker. nan isht ahalaia, n., object of care, in- terest, concern. nan isht aholitopa,n., glory, Matt. 6: 29. nan isht ahollo, nanisht ahullo, n., a witch; a spirit; an invisible being; a a supernatural being; a mammoth. nan isht ahollo okpulo, nanisht ahullo okpulo, n., Satan; the devil; the prince [BULL. 46 of darkness; the old serpent; Abaddon; Apollyon; Luke 4: 41; Matt. 4: 24; 7: Popa tee Me, MALS Mey MAR PEO sal7/e Ife) nan isht aia"h, n., power, Matt. 6: 13; OENGe nan isht aialhpesa, n., authority, Mark 11: 28, 29, 33. nan isht aiibitabli, n., offences, Matt. WS 0 nan isht aiithananchi, n., doctrine, Matt. 16: 12. nan isht aiokpachi, n., a present; a gift, Matt. 5: 23; a token of respect; a means of showing respect. nan isht aiyukpa, n., a blessing, Josh. 8: 34. nan isht aiyukpahe keyu, n., variety. nan isht amiha, n., an apology; an ex- cuse; a cavil; a pretext. nan isht amiha inlaua, a., captious. nan isht amiha inlaua, v. n., to be cap- tious; to have excuses. nan isht amihahe iksho, a., inexcusa- ble. : nan isht anta, n., business; employ- ment; occupation. nan isht anukha®klo, n., grief; cause of sorrow. nan isht apesa, n., a measure; a rule; a yard; that with which anything is meas- ured. nan isht apesa imponna, n., an arti- ficer; an artisan. nan isht atokowa, n., asign, Matt. 12: 38, 39; 16: 1, 4; Josh. 4: 6; a testi- mony, Josh. 4: 16. nan isht alhpisa, n., a rule; a carpen- ter’s square; a measure; a yard; a yard- stick; a parable, Mark 12: 1; 13: 10, 53; 15: 15. nan isht alhtokowa, n., a testimony, Luke 5: 14. nan isht atta, n., an agent; a transactor; an actor; any one that is intrusted with a particular business or.employment; nan isht imatia, his agent. nan isht atta, n., business; employment; object of labor or care; a transaction; nan isht imatta, his business. nan isht atta ikimiksho, n., leisure. nan isht atta imasha, a., busy. nan isht atta inlaua, vy. n., to have much business; to be busy. BYINGTON] nan isht atta inlauachi, v. t., to busy; to furnish with much business. nan isht boa, n., a maul; a pounder. . nan isht fahammi, n., a sling. nan isht fakuli, n., a wooden sling. nan isht halalli, n., harness; gears; nan- atanna isht halalli; itichanalli isht halalli. nan isht hummachi, n., madder; red dyestuff. nan isht hu4sa, n., ammunition. nan isht ikhana, n., a monument; a token, Josh. 2:12. nan isht ilaiyukpa, n., entertainment; a feast; a feasting; dap nan isht ilai- yukpa, n., self-interest. nan isht ilakostininchi, n., conscience, Corsi? Rome 2 5s nan isht itatoba, n., a trader; an ex- changer; changers of money, John 2:14. nan isht itibbi, n., a weapon. nan isht kasholichi, n., a mop; a wiper; a brush. nan isht kula, n., any instrument used in digging; iti isht kula, a chisel; lukfi isht kula, a spade. nan isht laknachi, n., copperas; yellow dyestuff. nan isht lusachi, n., black dyestuff. nan isht la™fi, n., a pencil; any instru- ment for drawing lines or making marks. nan isht miha, v. a. i., to 11urmur; n. a murmurer. nan isht nukpallichi, n.,an incitement. nan isht okchakuchi, n., indigo; blue dyestuff. nanisht okchalechi, n., a stimulus. nan isht okchamalichi, n., indigo; blue dyestuff; green dyestuff. nan isht piha, nan isht peh, n., a shovel; a scoop. nan isht pila, n., asling; any instrument by which things are thrown. nan isht shatammichi, n., yeast. nan isht shema, n., ornaments; accou- trements; decoration. nan isht takalamiksho, n., ease. nan isht takalama,n., a hindrance; an impediment; an obstruction; a diffi- culty. nan isht talakchi, n., astring; a band; a bond; a tether. ? nan isht tali, n., any instrument for sharpening the end of a piece of wood. 84359°— Bull. 46—15-——_18 A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 2 “I ew) nan isht tana, n., a shuttle. nan isht to®ksali, n., a tool; an imple- ment of work. nan isht weki, n., a steelyard; a scale; a balance, but generally used in the plural number, as steelyards, ete., ex- cept in the case of balance. nan isht wekichi, n., a steelyard; a scale; a balance. nan italhkatta, n., a thing patched to- gether; a pieced bed quilt; a quilt. nan italhkatta ikbi, y. t., to quilt. nan ithana, n., knowledge; wisdom, Matt. 13: 54. nan ithana, nan ikhana (q. v.), n.,a man of information; a prophet, John 4: 8; the prudent, Matt. 11: 25; a prog- nosticator; nan ikithano, n., a stock. nan ithana ilahobbi, n., a quack; a pedant. nan ithana, n., a disciple, Matt. 10: 24, 25; see authana. nan ithanachi, n., a teacher, John 3: 2; amaster, Matt. 10: 24, 25; master, Matt. 12: 38: nan ithananchi, n., a master; a teacher, John 1: 38. nan itimapesa, n., a covenant, Josh. 3: 3. nan ittatoba, n., a trader; an exchanger; a speculator; a storekeeper. nan ittatoba kobafa, n., a bankrupt. nan luma,n., a mystery; a secret. nan lumbo, na lumbo, n., an orb; a sphere. nan lusa, n., black cloth; black stroud. nan lusa chito, n., a bugbear; the name of an imaginary being that is an object of terror. nan lusa isht tabashi, n., a weed; mourning. nan lusachi, n., blacking. nan lushka, n., a joker. nan mihiksho, ady., tamely. nan nihi, n., seed, Matt. 13: 37. nan nukha?®klo, n., a man of sorrow. nan nukpalli, n., lust; temptation. nan nukshopa, n., wild creatures; wild beasts. nan nusi, nan anusi (q. v.), a cry; the last cry for the dead. nan offo, n., vegetation. nan okchako, n., blue stroud; blanketing. blue 274 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY nan okchalinchi, n., a deliverer; a savior; na piokchalinchi, our savior. nan okchaya, n., a living creature; a creature. nan okchaya keyu, a., inanimate. nan okluha, n., all things, Luke 15: 31. nan okpana hinla, a., harmful. nan okpanahe keyu, a., harmless. nan okpani, n., a destroyer. nan okpulo, n., a bad thing; a bad crea- ture; destruction; a detriment; a pest; violence; an injury; evil, Matt. 6: 13; 9: 4, nan okpulo anno, a., infamous.. nan tasembo, n., a wicked one, 1 John 3: 12. nan tanna, n., a weaver; a clothier; a knitter. nan tanna, n., cloth, Matt. 9: 16; do- mestic cloth; drapery; a fabric; stuff; a web. nan tanna aiapesa, n., acounter; a mer- chant’s table. nan tanna akashofichi, nan tanna asukkochi, n., a fulling mill. nan tanna aba takali, n., a curtain. nan tanna bahta atoba, n., ticking. nan tanna bakoa, n., large checked cloth. nan tanna basoa, n., checked cloth; striped cloth. nan tanna bonunta, n., a roll of cloth; a bolt of cloth. nan tanna holisso, n., checked cloth. nan tanna isht alhpisa, n., a yardstick; a measure for cloth. nan tanna Kanchi, n., a draper; one who sells cloth. nan tanna kallo, n., linen cloth; hemp cloth. nan tanna na kallo, n., canvas; coarse cloth. nan tanna sukko, n., thick cloth; fulled cloth; duck; osnaburg. nan tanna sukko, pp., fulled. nan tanna sukkuchi, v. t., to full cloth. nan tanna sukkuchi, n., a fullerof cloth. nan tanna shauiya, n., striped cloth. nan tanna shukbo, n., duffel. nan tanna tohbi, n., shirting; sheeting; white cloth. nan titeli, n., a driver; a drover (of a number, of more than one). [BULL. 46 nan til, n., a hewer; a marker of trees. nan tishepa, red broadcloth; red stroud. nan toba, pp., begotten, 1 John 5: 1. nan tobachi, n., the maker; the one who begets; see 1 John 4: 1. nan tohbi, n., white stroud; white blank- eting. nan tohno, n., a hirer; a contractor; an instigator; nan pitohno, our hirer, John 1: 22. nan tohnochi, n., an instigator; one that excites a quarrel. nan toksali, n., work; labor; employ- ment; nan toksali chimasha? have you any work? nan toksali chipinta, n., chores. nan toshbi, n., goods that perish; per- ishable things; rubbish; rotten things. nan wha, a., all; everyone. nan utha (from nan and wha); v. n., to be all. nan umachi, vy. t., to defame; to slander; to talk about absent persons. nan umachi, n., a defamer; a slanderer. nan umachi, a., slanderous. nan umanchi, n. f., as; isht nan wmachi, vy. t., to slander. nan umanchi (compounded of nan, om, and achi, to say things on anyone), n., defamation. nana, vy. a. i., nanakmat, Acts 5: 8; nana kat, Serip. Biog. Abraham and Lot, p. 29; nanat and nana cha filemat, she did something and turned; iknano ka hia, Matt. 24: 20; enana, 1 Cor. 15: 11. nana, rel. pro.; nana ka, what, Matt. 10:27; whichever; nana petinchi, them; nana hon itih, Matt. 18: 16; nana akan- chi, ‘‘them that sold,’’ Matt. 21: 12. nana, n., a thing; a matter; a concern; a case; a cause; a fact; a subject; a substance; an affair; an article; stuff; materials; an event; an object; sub- stance; a topic; nanna, intensive form; nana ho, a thing; anything; something; nana hon, what, Matt 10:19; 12:7; 15:4, nana hosh, anything in general; what- ever; but nana kosh is definite; nana kakosh, demonstrative; nana makosh, which of the things; nana, used as intensive, as hatak nana hosh; see hatak nana hosh Chihowa nitak nan ash, John Lsaaltge a, a ee EEE BYINGTON] nana, n., stroud; coarse woolen broad- cloth. nana echukma; nana ikachukmo, n., a vice. . nana ahaksichi, n., a pardoner. nana aia®h, n., a reality. nana aiasha, n., a lumber room. nana aiibetabli, n., an offence, Matt. USTs nana aiikhana, n., a school; a place of obtaining knowledge. nana aiisht ilaiyukpa, n., pleasure. nana aiisht imateka, n., peril. nana aiithana, n., a scholar; a pupil; nana imatithana, his disciples, John D2 48; nana aiittatoba, n., a trading-house; a storehouse; a market. nana aiyimmika, n., religion. nana akaniohmi, n., conduct; see nana kaniohmi. nana atoba, n., a manufactory. nana alhpisa, n., a covenant; an agree- ment; a thing agreed upon; a com- mandment, Matt. 15: 6,9; a tradition, Matt. 15: 6; nan alhpisa, Matt. 15: 3. nana alhto keyu, n., emptiness. nana alhto keyu, a., empty. nana fehna, a., important. nana fehna, n.,a reality; the very thing; the thing itself; importance; stress. nana fehna keyu, a., immaterial. nana haleli, n., infection. nana hat, that which, Matt. 15: 11. nana ho®, whatsoever, Matt. 16: 19; that; hatak nana hor, that man, Matt. IS Fs nana holhtina, n., mathematics; things enumerated. nana hosh, anything, Matt. 17: 20. nana hu®wa, n., a smell; a scent. nana ikachukmo, n., an evil thing. nana i®kaniohmi chito, okla nana i2kaniohmi chito, n., a revolution. nana iksho, a., vacant. nana imabachi, n., a teacher; an in- structor. nana imila"yak, n., goods; treasures, Matt. 2: 11. nana inla yimmi, n., a proselyte. nana inla yimmihechi, y. t., to prose- lyte. nana iskitinusi, n., a mite; a mote; a trifle. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 275 nana isht apesa, n., a rule; a parable, Luke 6: 39. nana isht atta, n., employ; employ- ment. nana isht ilaiyukpa, n., consolation. nana isht miha shah, n., a repiner. nana itaiyuma, n., a mixture. nana itatoba, n., a salesman. nana ithana, n., a disciple, Luke 6: 40. nana ka, n., a thing, John 4: 22. nana kanihchi, y. t., to do something with; to treat; to use; to manage; to punish. nana kanihmi, n., an occurrence; an event. nana kaniohmi, pp., punished. nana kaniohmi, nana akaniohmi, n., a ceremony; conduct; a deed; news; performance. nana kaniohmi iksho, a., unharmed. nana kashofa, nana kashoffi, n., a., pardon. nana keyu, n., nothing; not anything; vanity. nana kia, n., anything; something; even a thing; whatsoever thing; whatever; whatsoever; nothing, with a neg. verb, Luke 4: 34; 5: 5; hatak nana kia, any man, Matt. 11: 27; 16: 20; iknana kia, although it may be so; even let it be so; nana kat, a thing, Matt. 10: 26; 15: 11; Josh. 1: 8. nana lua hinla,n., a combustible; some- thing that will burn. nana luma, a., private. nana moma, n., all things; everything; nature; all nature. nana moma i®shah, a., highest; supe- rior to all things. nana moma i®shah, v. n., to be highest. nana moma i®shah, n., the highest, Luke 2:14; The Most High. nana okcha"ya, n., a living thing; a liy- ing creature; life, John 1: 4. nana pi¥sa, n., a witness; an evidence; an eyewitness. nana silhha, n., a beggar; a supplicant; an applicant; a petitioner; a suppliant; a vagrant. nana tanna, n., a loom. nana toba, n., a fabric. nana toba puta, n., the universe; all created things. nana waya, n., fruit, Josh. 5: 12, 276 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY mana wehpoa, n., plunder; articles taken by violence, as booty, spoils, ete. nana yamohmi, n., an instance. nana yoshoba isht nukhaklo, a., re- pentant. nana yuhmahe alhpesa, a., essential. nana yukpa, n., life; happiness, in a theological sense. nana yuwala, n., obscenity. nanak, to say the thing. nanabli, vy. a. i., v. t., to swallow; to en- glut; to engorge; to glut; to gobble; to gorge; to sup; to take. nanabli, n., a swallow; as much as is swallowed at once; a glut. nanabli, n., deglutition; the act of swal- lowing. nanabli achafa, n., a draught; a single swallow; a dram. nanabli iklanna, n., half a swallow; hali a dram. nanablichi, y. t., to cause to swallow; to make another swallow; to drench. nanablichi, n., a drencher. nanih; see nantih, katih, and kanih; simi- lar to h and mih; he, she, or it is; nantih, nanih, are used of things. nanta, any one; any thing; nanta hosh anumpula wa. nanta, n., a thing; what; who; which— nanta fehna ikachukmo kat lappa chiyuh- mawa; nanta akon, Matt. 16: 26—nanta chin cho? what shallit be? Matt. 11: 3— nanta hako—nanta hakosh—nanta hon, what? Matt. 11: 7, 8—nanta hocha— nanta hona—nanta hosh, nantash, what; Ch. Bk., p. 120, sec. 8—nanta hot—nanta katimi—nanta katimiho, how is it, John 4: 9; what, why, Luke 5: 22; 6: 41— nanta katiohni—nanta katiohmiho, why then; why, John 1: 25; Matt. 7: 3; 14:31; 15: 2; 2 Sam. 24: 3; wherefore, Josh. 7: 7—nanta katiohmiho ahni, v. a. i., to wonder, John 4: 27—nanta kaheto— nanta kawa, v. a. i., it can not be other- wise; to be without any alternative, nantak, from nanta+k, what the, Matt. 6: 31. nantak on, what is it, in the obj. case; whereunto, Matt. 11:16. nanta kocha—nanta kona—nanta kosh, what is it, in the nom. case—nanta makon, wherewith—nanta makocha—nanta ma- kona—nanta makosh. [BULL. 46 nantapaski, n., a handkerchief; thin cloth; calico. [This is probably from nantanna tapaski meaning thin cloth, nantanna itself being compounded of nana, something, and tanna, woven.— jc By seals ey nantapaski anchi, n., a shawl. nantapaski chito, n., a shawl. nantapaski ialtipa, n., a kerchief; a turban. nantapaski inuchi, n., a cravat. nantami, nantihmi, (from nanta and mih), why, Luke 6: 2; what for; what? nantih, see nanih. nantih maheto, a., impossible. nantih maheto, v. n., to be impossible. nantihmi, nantahmi (from nanta and mih), v.a.i., v. n., how is it? Luke 2:49. nantihmi, what? nantimiho, wherefore. nantukachi, (from nanta, ka and achi), vy. t., to say, see Child’s Catechism, question 11, nantukachi hon? see John 7:26, nanok ikimachoshke. nanuka, nanaka®, nanoka, vy. a. i., to say; to advise; to speak something de- signed for good; chi?tmanuka sabanna; nanok ikimachoshke, see John 7: 26; nantukachi, derived from nana thing, ka which, and a, to say. nanukachi (from nana, ka, and achi), v. a.1., tosay things; to counsel; to advise; to rail, 2 Chron. 32: 17; nan ukahan- chi, John 9: 22; nan imokahanchi, Rev. 3213: na®pafi, see panfi. nashoba, n., a wolf; nashoba isikopa, ray- ening wolves, Matt. 7: 15. nashoba hila, n., the name of a dance. nashoba iklanna, n., a demiwolf; a half wolf; a wolf dog. nashoba inchuka, n., a pen or trap made for catching wolves. nashoba nakni, n., a he wolf. nashoba tek, n., a she wolf; a bitch. nashobushi, n., a young wolf; a whelp. nasholichi, v. t., to destroy, 2 Sam. 22: 38. nashuka, n., the face, Matt. 6: 16, 17; 17: 2; countenance; aspect; the visage; the looks; the head; A”ki aba binili ka nashuka ya", the face of my Father which is in heaven, Matt. 18: 10. ee ee a BYINGTON] nashuka bieka, a., barefaced; having a naked face. nashuka bieka, vy. n., to be barefaced. nashuka hata, a., palefaced. nashuka hita, y. n., to be palefaced. nashuka humma, n., a red face. nashuka hummat ont taha, v. a. i., to blush. nashuka isht kasholichi, n., a towel. nashuka isht umpoholmo, n., a veil, Gen. 24: 65. nashuka okpulo, n., a grimace. nashuka tuklo, a., doublefaced. nalap, n., the swallow. nali, n., the back, Josh. 7: 8; hatak nali, bashpo nali, holisso nali. nali foni, n., the backbone; the chine; the spine. nali foni aiitachaka, n., the vertebre. nali foni lupi, n., the spinal marrow. nali hishi, n., a bristle; bristles. nali nipi, n., a sirloin. nalli, y.a.i. pl., to swallow; to booze; to gulp; to guzzle. nalli, n. pl., swallows; drams. nalli, n., deglutition. nallichi, y. t. pl., to make others swal- low; to drench. nala, pp., wounded; shot; stung; iknato, a., unshot; unwounded. nata hinla, a., vulnerable. nati, y. t., to wound; to sting; to shoot; to smite, as the heart, 2 Sam. 24: 10. nah, n., a sting. nah, n., a wounder. nahchi, y. t., to cause to wound; to wound. nan aiokweli, n., a fishery; a fishing- place. nan isht albi, nani isht albi, n., a fish- hook, Matt. 17: 27; aseine. nan isht okwia, n., a fishhook; a seine. nan okweli, v. t., to angle; to fish. nan okweli, n., an angler; a fisher; a fisherman. nan okweli, n., a fishery. nan ushi, n., the spawn of fish; young fish. nanabi, n., a fisher; a fisherman, Luke be 2. nanalbi, n., a fish trap. nanapa, n., a watersnake; a fish eater. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 277 nani, n., a fish, Matt. 14: 17; 17: 27; nani yor, a fish; Matt. 7: 10. nani basa, n., a perch. nani chapka, n., a cockroach. nani chito, n., a great fish; a whale, Matt. 12:40; a shark. nani hakshup, n., a fish scale; fish scales. nani hokli, y. t., to angle; to catch fish. nani hokli, n., an angler; a fisherman, Matt. 4: 18. nani humma, n., a red fish. naniintali hata, n., the white shining part of the belly of a fish. nani isht hokli, nan isht hokli, n., a fish net, Matt. 4:18; 13:47; a fish trap; a fish pot; a fish basket; a seine; a fishhook. nani itakha, n., fish gills. nani kallo, n., the garfish; a haniger. nani patassa, n., a flat fish. nani shupik, n., a kind of trout. nanih, n., (nani, a fish), a hill; an emi- nence; a mount; a height; a mound; a mountain, Josh. 2: 16, 22; 8: 30. nanih aiali, n., the brow of a hill; the edge of a hill, Luke 4: 29. nanih akkia, n., the pitch of a hill; the descent of a hill. nanih bunto, n., around hill; a mound; a mount. nanih chaha, n.,a high hill; a mountain; a mount, Matt. 5: 1; Matt. 14: 23; nanith chaha ya", the mountain, Matt. 8: 1; 15: 29; Luke 4: 5; nanih chaha puta ka, mountains, Luke 23: 30; nanih chipunta yan, hills. nanih chakpaka, n., down hill; a hill- side. nanih chakpataka, n., the side of a hill. nanih chakpatalika, n., the side of a hill. nanih foka,a., hilly; into the mountains, Matt. 18: 12. nanih foka, n., hills; highland; upland. nanih lua, n., a burning mountain. nanih paknaka, n., the top of a hill; the crown of a hill. nanih tashaiyi, n., an island. naniyi, n., the fins of a fish; a fin. nek, part., like kamo; see lek. 278 nia, a., fat; adipose; corpulent; fleshy; gross; fatty; full; pudgy; squab; unctu- ous; lukfi nia, unctuous clay. nia, pp., fattened; fleshed; larded; tal- lowed. nia, v. n., to be fat; niat taiyaha, waxed fat, Matt. 13: 10. nia, v. a. i., to fat. nia, n., fatness; the fat; the hard fat of animals; grossness. nia chapka, n., a cockroach; see bila chapka. niachi, v. t., to fat; to fatten; to batten; to feed; to lard; to tallow; hashileniachi, 1 Sam. 2:29. niachi, n., a fattener. niashmo, a., adhesive; v. n., to be adhe- sive. niat isht ia, v. a. i., to fat; to fatten; to batten; to grow fat. nibli, v. t. pl., to take off the limbs of a tree or of a body; to dismember; to dissect; to joint; to limb. nibli, n., one who severs limbs from the main trunk. nietak, see nitak. niha, nihi (q. v.), pp., thrashed; ginned (seed taken from the stalk, ete.). niheli, nihelichi, nihechi, vy. t., to thrash out seed; to pick out seed; to gin; to thrash; onush a” nihelichi, to thresh wheat; ponola yan nihelichi, to gin cot- ton. nihelichi, n., a thrasher. nihi, n., seed, Matt. 17: 20; a kernel; a grain; anit, as isap nihi; a bore, cali- ber; the core; a corn; the head of onush; na nihi, seeds, Matt. 18: 4. nihi, pp., thrashed; shelled; ginned; niheli, v. t. nihi aholokchi aiona, n., seedtime. nihi chitofa, vy. a. i, toseed; to shed the seed. nihi fimmi, v. t., to seed. nihi laua, a., seedy. nihi toba, vy. a. i., to seed; to grow to ma- turity so as to produce seed. ninak, n., night. ninak aiatta, n., a birth night. ninak ash, n., yesternight. ninak aba pit anumpuli, n., a vigil. ninak foka, a.. nocturnal; in the night. ninak foka, vy. n., to be nocturnal. ninak ialipa, n., a nightcap. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 ninak iklanna, n., midnight; half of the night. ninak impa, n., supper. ninak impa impa, y. a. i., to sup. ninak luak, n., night fire. ninak okhili, n., night darkness; ninak oktili kamak at kania, Egyptian darkness. ninak palali, n., night fire. ninak tasembo, n., a night walker; night craziness. nip illit shua, vy. a. i., to mortify. nip illit shua, pp., mortified. nip illit shua, n., mortification. nip illit shuachi, y. t., to mortify; to cause mortification. nipa, pp. pl., stripped of limbs; dismem- bered; dissected; ninipaha, to rend in pieces, Gen. 37: 33.—this should be nipa, pass. of nibli; nibli, v. t. nipa, n., limbs stripped off or cut off; jointed. nipafa, pp. sing., stripped of limbs; cut off; jointed; nipaffi, v. t. nipafa, n., a limb cut off. nipaialhpusha, n., a gridiron; the place where meat is roasted or broiled. nipali, pp. pl., stripped off; taken off; jointed; nipafkachi, pp. pl. nipatichi, y. t. pl., to take off; to strip off; to cut off limbs from a tree or a body. nipauashli, v. t., to fricassee; to fry meat. nipaffi, v. t. sing., to take off a limb; to joint. nipalwasha, see nipi alwasha. nipasha, n., a roasting ear; as tanch ni- pasha. nipashi, vy. a. i., to become a roasting ear; to grow to the state of roasting ears. nipi, n., meat; flesh; a kernel; lean; leanness; pulp, Matt. 16: 17. nipi abashli, n., a meat bench. nipi achukma, n., hardy; hearty; hale. nipi ahoni, n., a vessel used for cooking meat. ; nipi aialhto, n., a meat barrel; a meat _ trough or bin, or any place of deposit for meat. nipi aiittatoba, n., the shambles; a flesh market. nipi alhpusha, n., broiled meat; roasted meat. healthy; BYINGTON]) nipi alwasha, nipalwasha, n., fried meat; a fricassee. nipi baha, pp., meat beaten up in a mor- tar. nipi baha shila, n., sausage meat. nipi bah, v. t., to beat up meat in a mortar; to beat up sausage meat. nipi bano, a., naked; naked flesh. nipi bano, vy. n., to be naked. nipi banuchi, v. t., to strip naked. nipi bashli, n., a butcher. nipi honni, n., cooked meat; meat; boiled meat. nipi humma, n., a mulatto. nipi ikinchukmo, a., unwell. nipi illi, nipilli, n., dead flesh; gan- grene. nipiisht cha®ya, n., a chopping knife; a meat knife or ax. nipiisht kapash, n., flesh tongs made of cane. nipi isht kafa, n., flesh tongs. nipi kallo, a., able bodied; athletic. nipi kallo, y. n., to be able bodied. nipi lua, a., having the flesh burnt. nipi lua, v. n., to have the flesh burnt; to burn, as a fever. nipi lua, n., burning flesh; a fever. nipi tabocha, n., boiled meat; meat cooked in boiling water. nipi okchatki, n., fresh meat. nipi okcha®ki tushah, n., a steak; slices of fresh meat. nipi shila, n., dried meat; cured meat; dry flesh. nipi shua, n., carrion; putrid flesh; rot- ten meat; mortification; gangrene. nipi shua, pp., mortified. nipi shulla, n., perished flesh; withered flesh; dried flesh, applied to describe diseases in the flesh. nipi tushafa, n. sing., a piece of meat; a slice of meat; a rasher. nipi tushafa pasa, n., a rasher. stewed nipi tushah, n. pl., slices of meat. nipi wannichi, n., horror. nipinchuka, n., a meat house. nishkin, n., the eye, Matt. 18:9; the eye- ball; the core of a boil; the sight; view; ishitibapishi nishkin, and chinish- kin, Matt. 6: 22; 7: 3, 4; 18: 15; chinish- kin Matt. 18: 9. nishkin achafa, a., one-eyed. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 279 nishkin aheli chiluk, n. pl., sockets of the eye. nishkin ahika chiluk, n. sing., a socket of the eye. nishkin alata, n., spectacles. nishkin alata a™sha, pp., spectacled. nishkin ali, n., the corner of the eye; the edges of the eye. nishkin hakshup, n., the eyelid. nishkin halupa, a., eagle-eyed; quick- sighted; sharp-sighted. nishkin halupa, n., a keen eye; a sharp, eye. nishkin hata, n., a light-colored eye. nishkin ikhalupo, a., short-sighted. nishkin imalikchi, n., an oculist. nishkin imikhi¥sh, n., eye salve; eye water. nishkin itasunali, n., cross-eyes; a., cross-eyed; goggle-eyed. nishkin itiopitama, n., cross-eyes; a., cross-eyed. nishkin kala, n., a perished eye. nishkin kania, a., sightless. nishkin kucha, pp., gouged. nishkin kuchi, v. t., to gouge. nishkin lapa, n., blindness; a blind eye. nishkin lapa, a., blind. nishkin lapa, v. n., to be blind. nishkin lapa ammona, a., purblind; partially blind. nishkin lapachi, v. t., to blind; to make blind. nishkin lapat kania, a., stone-blind; entirely blind. nishkin luhmi, y. t., to blindfold. nishkin luma, pp., blindfolded. nishkin lusa, n., a black eye; a., black eyed. nishkin mochukli, n., the winking of the eye; the winking of an eye. nishkin nihi, n., the pupil of the eye; the sight of the eye; eyesight. nishkin nukbila®kchi, n., the flesh in the corner of the eye. nishkin okchi, n., a tear; tears. nishkin okchi, vy. a. i., to weep; to shed tears. nishkin okchi minti, y. a. i., to weep (lit., the tears come). nishkin okchiyanalli, n., a weeping. nishkin okchiyanalli, y. a. i., to flow, as tears; the tears flow. nishkin okhaiyanli, n., cross-eyes, 280 BUREAU nishkin okpani, vy. t., to destroy the eye; to blind; to deprive of sight. nishkin okpulo, n., a bad eye; a ruined eye. nishkin oktalonli, n., a blear eye. nishkin oktalonli, a., blear-eyed; wall- eyed; blind eyed. nishkin okwalonli, a., wall-eyed. nishkin shamba, n., a perished eye. nishkin shanaiya, a., cross-eyed; squint- eyed. nishkin shanaiya, n., cross-eyes. nishkin shilithchi, nishkin shili®kchi, n., the eyelash. nishkin shilithchi hakshup, n., the eyelid. nishkin tamoa,a., blind; having ablind- ness in both eyes. nishkin tamoa, y. n., to be blind in both eyes. nishkin tanla, n., an eye covered with a film, but not destroyed. nishkin talhha, n., a cataract; a film over the pupil of the eye. nishkin tamp, n., an evil eye. nishkin toba, n., a bubble. nishkin toba, y.a.i., to bubble; to form a bubble. nishkin tohbi, n., a dim eye; dimness of eyesight; Isaac nishkin at tohbit taha hatokosh ushi a” achukmat ikithanokitok. nishkin tohbichi, vy. t., to make the eye dim. nishkin wishakchi, n., the eye. nishkoba, see nushkoba. nita, n., a bear. nita bila, n., bear’s oil. nita hakshup, nitakshup, n., a bear- skin; a bear’s hide. nita i2pisa, n., name of a strong, tough, green grass, similar to bisakchula. nita nia, n., bear’s fat; bear fat. nita nipi, n., bear meat. nita peli, n., a bear’s nest. nita tohbi, n., a white bear. nitak, nittak, nietak, n., a day; day, Matt. 7: 22510; 23.245 25 Josh. 5211! light; from sunrise to sundown; day- time; a time, Matt. 3: 1; a season; a date, Matt. 12: 1; a term; na pehna holokchi nitak, seedtime. nitak, a., temporal. the corner of OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 nitak achafa ninak achafa, n., one day of twenty-four hours. nitak achafa to"ksali, n., a day’s work. nitak aialhtoba, nitak aialhtoba hin- la, n., pay day. nitak aiatta, n., a birthday. nitak aiitauaya, n., a wedding day. nitak atukma, adv., daily. nitak atukma, a., diurnal. nitak alhpisa, n., a period; measured or appointed days. nitak chakpa, midst of days. nitak echi, v. a. i., to begin, as a day; the day begins. nitak echi, n., the commencement of the day; the forepart of the day; the name of a chief in Pushimataha dis- trict who died in the old nation. nitak himmak pilla ma, n., futurity. ‘ nitak holhtina takaili, pp., dated. nitak holhtina takalichi, v./., to date. nitak holhtina to®ksali, n., day’s labor. nitak holisso pisa, n., a school day. nitak hollo, n., the Sabbath day; also a holy day; a week; Sunday, Matt. 12: 8. nitak hollo achafakma, ady., weekly. nitak hollo chito, n., Christmas; the great holy day. nitak hollo ikimiksho, a., sabbathless. nitak hollo kobaffi, n., a Sabbath breaker. nitak hollo nakfish, n., Saturday. nitak hollo nitak, n., the Sabbath day; nitak hullo nitak a”, the Sabbath days; nitak hullo nitak om, the Sabbath day, Ihuke'4: 163 Matt. 122 1510; di 2: nitak hollo tuklo, n., a fortnight; two weeks; two Sabbaths. nitak hollotuk i"misha, n., Tuesday. nitak hollotuk onna, n., Monday. nitak i®falaia, a., longlived. nitak iki®falaio, a., shortlived. nitak iklanna, n., midday; halfa day. nitak ilaualli, n., a holy day; a play day. nitak inla, n., a week day. nitak isht yopomo, vy. t., to while; to waste time. nitak kaniohmi kia, any day; any time, Matt. 13: 15; Josh. 6: 10. nitak moma, a., every day; n., all days; ever. nitak moma, ady., daily. nitak moma holisso, n., a journal. BYINGTON] nitak nana, any day, Matt. 7: 23; with a neg., never; no day; nitak nana taha himma keyu. nitak nana alhpisa chito, n., dooms- day; judgment day; the day of judg- ment. nitak nanta, never; nitak nanta fena akon ont hokofa wa. nitak omi, n., moonlight; moonshine. nitak taha, v. a. i., to expire. nitak titkba, a., ancient; of old; adv., anciently; primitive; of old time, Matt. 5:21. nitak ti"kba, v. n., to be ancient. nitak titkba, n., antiquity; ancient days; former days or times. nitak titkba minti, n., the future. nitak titkbahe, hereafter (day that will be first). nitak tohwikeli, n., dawn; daylight. nitak totksali, n., a working day. nitak untuklo, n., seven night. nita"ki, a., mild; pleasant; good; season- able; ady., timely. nita"ki, vy. n., to be mild. nita™ki, ady., in time; in season; while it is day; nitaki ona sabanna or ikopi- ako ona sabanna. nita"ki, n., light, John 1: 5. nitakshup, see nita hakshup. nittak, see nitak. nitushi, n., a young bear; a cub. no, a rel. pro., or part. cont. from ano (q. v.); nan aiokchayano, Luke 2: 30. no, art. cont. from ano; often suffixed to ka, hoka, ete. Nofimba, n., November. nolichi, v. t. pl., to trim off small limbs or leaves. noshkobo, see nushkobo. noshkoboka, n., head of, Josh. 11: 10; see nushkobo. nota, see nuta. noti, n., a tooth; a grinder; teeth; a tusk; notima, teethalso, Matt. 8: 12;noti aham- pa, gnashing of teeth, Matt. 13: 42, 50. noti bolukta, noti polukta, n., a double tooth. noti chukbi, n., a corner tooth; a grinder. noti hotupa, n., toothache. noti ibish, n., a foretooth; a front tooth. noti isht impa, n., a grinder. noti isht itibi, n.,a fang; a tusk; the eye- tooth; the dogtooth; the cheek tooth. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 281 notiisht kasholichi, n., a toothbrush. noti isht shinli, n., a toothpick. noti itabalakchi, n., the gum of the teeth. noti italbakchi, n., the gum of the teeth. noti italbakchi chito, n., the lampas. noti itikiselichi, y. t., to grind the teeth; to grate the teeth; to gnash the teeth to- gether. noti nukbala®kchi, n., the gum of the . teeth. noti offo, y. a. i., to teethe. noti pokta, n., adouble tooth; a grinder. noti polukta, noti bolukta,n., a double tooth. noti shakaya, n., a tooth edge. noti tikba, n.,a foretooth; a front tooth. nowa, vy. a. i., to walk; to travel, Josh. 9: 13; to go; to journey; to move; to pace; tostalk; to tramp; to tread; anowa, Matt. 14: 29; itanowa,to travel together, Matt. 2: 2; 6: 26; 10: 7; imnowa, to visit him, her, or them; to see him, ete. ; ohoyo i™nowa, to visit a lady, i. e., to court; to pay attention to a lady; akka nowa, to travel on foot; i@nowa n., a visit; iknowo a., untraveled; anowa, n., the place to walk. nowa,n., a walk; a walker; a traveler; a gait; a journey; a march; a pace; a ramble; a travel; a tread; a walking. nowa palhki, y. a. i., to trip. nowa shah, n., a rambler; a., restless. nowachi, y. t., to walk; to cause to walk, nowat aya, v. a.i., to travel; to jaunt; to journey; to be walking, anowat anya, Matt. 14: 25; anohonwat anya, Matt. 14: 26; anowat manyat, Matt. 14: 28. nowat atya, n., a journey; a pilgrimage. nowat atya, a., wayfaring. nowat atya, n., a traveler; a guest; a passenger. nowat falama, n., a jaunt. nowat fullokahanchi, y. t., to itinerate. nowat fullokahanchi, n., an itinerant. nowat fullota, vy. a.i., to jaunt; to travel about. nowat fullota, n., a jaunt; the person who jaunts; a tourist; a tour. nowat itanaha, n., a levee. nuchi, n., milk weed; flax; nuchi api, Josh. 2: 6. nukbepa, a., breathless. 989 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY — nukbepa, pp., stunned by a blow on the trunk or chest. nukbepa, n., the state of one stunned. nukbepli, v. t. sing., tostun; to strike the breast, or chest, so as to deprive of breath for a season. nukbeplichi, v. t., to cause to stun. nukbepoa, a. pl., breathless. nukbepoa, pp., stunned. nukbepuli, v. t. pl., to stun; to smite the chest, so as to deprive of breath for a season. nukbikili, y. a. i., to stifle; to lodge and press, in the throat, as some kinds of food. nukbimikachi, v. a. i., to palpitate. nukbimikachi, n., a palpitation. nukbimimkachi, vy. a. i., to palpitate. © nukchinto, v. a. i., to keep silence, Luke 4: 35; 18: 39; to forbear; nukchintoli, I keep silence. nukchinto, a., silent. nukfichoa, chukfikoa, n., hiccough; hickup. nukfichoa, nukfichowa, vy. a. i., to hickup. nukficholi, v. a. i., to hickup. nukficholi, n., the hickups; hiccough or hickup. nukficholichi, y. t., to cause one to hickup. nukfoka, vy. a. i., v. t., to embrace; to comprehend; to understand or to be imbued with knowledge; to hear; to imbibe; to occur; to receive; to have, as faith, Matt. 17: 20; chimanumpa ha- sanukfokat tahashke, chinukfoka himma keyu, said to an obstinate child; nuk- forka, nas. form; nukfoyuka, pro. form. nukfoka, a., pp., instructed; made to un- derstand; inspired; principled; received; nukfoyuko, pro. form. nukfokachi, y. t., to instruct; to cause to understand. nukfokechi, nukfokichi, y. t., to give knowledge; to cause to be established in the knowledge of anything; to in- spire; to principle; prolonged form, nukfokihinchi; aba anumpa han ishpi- nukfokihinchashke, wilt thou establish us in the gospel? nukfoki, v. t., to give knowledge; to estab- lish in the knowledge of anything; aba anumpa nukfoki, to establish in the [BULL, 46 knowledge of the gospel; to inspire; to put into the mind; to move one to do or say, Josh. 15: 18. nukfoki, n., a teacher. nukfokichi, n., one who instructs or im- parts knowledge; a teacher. nukfokichi, n., inspiration. nukha"klo, n., a deplorer; a dump. nukha®klo, n., sorrow; grief; bowels, as used in the scriptures; compassion; dolor; gloom; lamentation; lenity; melancholy; plaint; regret; remorse; tenderness; pity; isht imnukhavklo, n., his mercies, 2 Sam. 24: 14. nukha®klo, pp., deplored; grieved; hum- bled; melted, as the heart with sor- row or compassion; ikitnukhanklo, a., unpitied. nukha"klo, a., sorry; sorrowful; pitiful; merciful; broken in heart, Luke 4: 18; contrite; aggrieved; afHicted; compas- sionate; dull; doleful; dolorous; griey- ous; heavy; humane; humble; merci- ful; pitiful; plaintive; propitious; re- pentant; rueful; sad; spleeny; tender; tragical; imnukhaklahe alhpesa, lament- able; pitiable; iknukhanklo, a., unre- pentant. nukha®klo, vy. n., to be sorry or sorrow- ful; to be aggrieved, Matt. 17: 23. nukhatklo, v. a. i., v. t., to feel sor- row; to exercise compassion; to com- miserate; to sorrow; to spare; to yearn; to be sorry, Matt. 14: 9; to bewail; to lament; to mourn; to compassionate; to deplore; to moan; to repent; to wail; isht nukhavklo, v. t., to lament; to re- gret; to weep; to sigh; to mourn for; imukhanrkloli, insanukhanklo; itinnnuk- hanrklo, to pity each other; imnukhank- lo, to pity; to be moved with compas- sion, Matt. 14: 14; ibanukhanklo, v.a.i., to sympathize with; to sympathize; ibanukhanklo, a., sympathetic; ibanuk- hanklo, n., sympathy. nukha®klo atopa, n., heart-break; over- much sorrow. nukha?klo chito, a., woful. nukha®klo iksho, a., hard hearted; without pity; merciless; ruthless; say- age; unrelenting; unsparing; i”nukhan- klo iksho, a., unmerciful. nukha®klochi, vy. t., to grieve; to af- flict; to deject; to depress; to humble; —— al tea ial BYINGTON] to melt, as the heart; chunkash nuk- harklochi, to sadden; to touch. nukha"klot na®hullochi, v. a. i., to fast religiously, Matt. 9: 14, 15. nukhama, y. a.i., to be in pain. nukhamachi, vy. t. caus., to cause pain. nukhammi, a., painful; aching; severe; sharp. nukhammi, vy. n., to be painful; to ache; y. a. i, to struggle; to throe; sanuk- hammi, I am pained, nukhahammi, to have bitterness of spirit, | Sam. 1: 10. nukhammi, nukhami, n., pain; misery; distress; agony; a throe; torture; un- easiness; ‘‘her pains,’’ 1 Sam. 4: 19; 1 Thess. 4: 3 [?]. nukhammichi, y. t., to inflict pain; to cause pain or agony; to distress; to pain; to torture. nukhobela, a., pp., angry; mad; furi- ous; infuriated; passionate; enraged; irritated; agitated; excited. nukhobela, v. n., to be mad or angry; to become mad (fixed or settled madness). nukhobela, n., anger; wrath; excite- ment; fire. nukhobelachi, y. t., to enrage; to irri- tate; to anger; to provoke; to make mad; to fire; to infuriate. nukhomechi, y. t., to render pungent; acrimonious, or strong, as whiskey, pepper, or peach leaves when taken into the mouth. nukhomi, a., pungent to the taste. nukhomi, n., pungency. nukhushpa, Ch. Sp. Book, p. 44. nukkilli, n., hatred; ill will; indigna- tion; malice; spite; i®nukkilli, n., en- mity; wrath; aii”nukkilli, anger, 2 Sam. 24:1; anger, an attribute, Josh. 7:12, 26. nukkilli, a., envious; indignant; invid- ious; ‘malicious; malign; malignant; spiteful. nukkilli, y. n., to hate, John 3: 20; to abhor; i”nukkilli, v. t., to hate him, Matt. 5: 22; 6: 24; to despite; to envy; to spite; itinnukkilli, to hate each other. nukkilli, i{nukkilli, n., a hater. nukkilli keyu, a., unenvied. nukkillichechi, y. t., to cause to hate; to disaffect. nukkillichi, y. t., to cause to hate. nukkitekachi, n., palpitation of the heart; pulsation of the heart, caused by A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 283 fever as some say; chutkash nukkite- kachi. nukkitekachi, y. a. i., to palpitate; to flutter, as in the stomach. nukkiteli, n., burning in the stomach when very acid. nuklibekachi, vy. a. i., to start quick, as the blood. nuklibekachi, n., a quick motion of the blood; heartburn; heart rising. nuklibeshachi, y. t., to enkindle; see below. nuklibisha, a., pp., heated; warmed with passion; hot; enkindled. nuklibisha, y. n., to be heated; to be in a passion. nuklibisha, v. a. i., to glow; to warm; to get warm with passion. nuklibisha, n., temper; warmth. nuklibishakachi, a., heated suddenly with passion; impassionate; impas- sioned. nuklibishakachi, vy. n., to be heated; to be warmed with passion. nuklibishachi, vy. t., to enkindle. nuklibishli, v. t., to warm the flesh or . person. nuklibishlikachi, n., passion. nuklibishlikachi, vy. a. i., to fly into a passion. nuktakancha, n., a fright; terror; de- struction, | Sam. 5:11. nuktakancha, vy. a. i., trembling. nuktakancha, pp., frightened; scared; surprised; affrighted; amazed; shocked; terrified; marveled, Matt. 8:10, 27; 9:8; Luke 4: 36, Matt. 12: 23; astonished, Matt. 13:54; wondered, Matt. 15:31. nuktakanchichi, vy. t., to startle; to affright; to affray; to start. nuktakashli, nuktaka®shli (n. f.), v. t. pl., to frighten; to startle; to scare; to shock; to terrify; to destroy, 1 Sam. Begs nuktamalli, vy. a. i., to choke or suffocate. nuktamoli, nuktamonli (n. f.), v. a. i. pl., to strangle; to choke by taking food, ete., into the windpipe; to stran- gle by being under water too long. to start flesh nuktamoli, pp., strangled; choked. nuktamolichi, y. t., to cause to stran- gle; to strangle another. 984 nuktamolli, v. a. i. sing., to strangle; to choke with food or drink. nuktamolli, pp., strangled; choked. nuklamollichi, vy. t., to strangle; to strangle another. nukti®fa, v. a. i., to suffocate. nukh®fa, pp., suffocated. nukh®fii, v. t., to suffocate. nukoa, nokoa, a., angry; mad; cross; fierce; fiery; frantic; furious; huffy; ill; ill natured; indignant; infuriate; invidious; malicious; malign; malig- nant; morose; offensive; outrageous; rabid; snappish; spiteful; spleeny; sulky; sullen; surly; unpeaceable; vexed; vindictive. nukoa, nukowa, yv. n., to be angry or mad. nukoa, v. a. i., to inflame; to leer; to madden; to rage; to rankle; to stomach; to storm; to tear; to vex. nukoa, pp., maddened; chagrinned; en- raged; exasperated; fretted; incensed; inflamed; offended; piqued; ruffled; scandalized; provoked; iknukoo, a., unoffended; unprovoked. nukoa, vy. t. with a pro. prefixed, as imnukoa, to drive him; isuba innukoa, to rein a horse; akanka yan inmnukoa, to drive away the fowls; innukoa, imnukoa, to be angry at him; to jaw; to rail; to rate; to resent; to scold; to spite; to bicker; to brawl; to quarrel; itinnukoa, to be angry at each other; itinnukoa shai, a., quarrelsome; i”nukoa, n., a scolder. nukoa, n., a teaser; a mad man. nukoa, n., anger; madness; wrath; choler; spite; malice; dudgeon; fierce- ness; fire; frenzy; fretfulness; fury; gall; a grudge; heat; ill nature; ill will; indignation; ire; mania; morose- ness; offense; passion; a pet; a pique; rabidness; rage; scandal; spite; spleen; spunk; stomach; vengeance; vexation; wrath. nukoa atapa, n., rancor. nukoa atapa, a., rancorous. nukoa banna, a., resentful. nukoa fehna, a., wroth. nukoa hinla, a., irritable. nukoa keyu, a., wrathless. nukoa okpulo, n., touchiness. ‘BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [putn. 46 nukoa shali, a., choleric; very angry; often angry; irascible; irritable; pas- sionate; perverse; pugnacious; refrac- tory; ticklish; touchy; vindictive; waspish; wrathful. nukoa shali, y. n., to be choleric. nukoa shali, n., a madman; a madcap. nukoachi, y. t., to madden; to make mad; to chagrin; to anger; to disgust; to displease; to enrage; to exasperate; to fire; to fret; to incense; to inflame; to infuriate; to irritate; to move, i. e., to irritate; to offend; to pique; to pro- voke; to ruffle; to scandalize; to trou- ble; to vex. nukoachi, n., an offender; a provoker. nukoachi, n., a provocation; vexation. nukoat anumpuli, v. t., to grumble; to talk madly; to chide; to rant. nukoat anumpuli, n., a grumbler. nukowa, see nukoa. nukpaualli, a., nauseous. nukpalli, n., excitement. nukpalli, a., pp., interested; excited; tempted; engaged; incited; enticed. nukpalli, v. n., to be interested, excited, or tempted; to lust after; imnukpalli, to lust after her, Matt. 5: 28. nukpallichechi, v. t., to entice; to se- duce. nukpallichechi, n., an enticer. nukpallichi, v. t., to excite; to interest; to tempt; to allure; to invite; to draw; to entice; to lure. nukpallichi, n., a provocation; tempta- tion. : nukpallichi, n., a tempter; a lure. nukpoalli, v. a. i., to feel nausea; nuk- poallichi, causing nausea. nukpoallichi, vy. t. causative. nuksakki, vy. a. i., to be choked, stran- gled in water, or drowned, Luke 8: 33. nuksita, a., pp., hung by the neck with a cord; suffocated; hanged. nuksita, y. a. i., to hang by the neck. nuksiteli, v. t., to hang; to suffocate; to choke with a cord; to hang by the neck, Josh. 8: 29; ont ilenuksiteli, went and hanged himself, Matt. 27: 5. nuksiteli, n., a hangman; a hanger. nuksiti®fa, pp., hung. nuksitiffi, v. t., to hang by the neck, Gen. 40: 19. BYINGTON] nuksitoha, pp. pl., or nuksita, sing., hung. nuksitoha, v. a. i. pl., to hang by the neck. : nuksitoli, v. t. pl., to hang by the neck. nukshachaiyakachi, v. a. i., to thrill. nukshammi, nukshammi, a., hoarse; affected with a cold; having a cold. nukshammi, v. a. i., to be hoarse; to have a cough. nukshammichi, y. t. caus., to cause hoarseness. nukshiah [']; itanukshinya [?], being knotted or gnarled like tough wood. nukshichaiakachi, y. a. i., to start and tremble from fear. nukshi®fi, y. t., to hang by the neck, Matt. 27: 5; ilenukshinfi, to hang him- self, Matt. 27: 5; see nukshinifi. nukshikanli, a., pp., strangled with any hot and pungent drink, as a decoction of pepper; hot; suffocating. nukshikanli, v. a. i., to tingle. nukshikanli, y. n., to be hot and suf- focating; to smart in the throat; nuk- shikashli, pl. nukshikanlichi, v. t., to strangle; to choke; to cause the sensation above described; nukshikanshlichi, pl. nukshika®shli, pp. pl., strangled; nuk- shikanli, sing. nukshikiffi, a., hoarse. nukshikiffi, n., hoarseness. nukshila, a., dry; thirsty; having a dry throat; a thirst; hoarse. nukshila, v. n., to be dry, thirsty, etc.; to be hoarse. nukshila, n., thirst. nukshilachi, y. t., to cause hoarseness or thirst; y. i., to have the throat stopped with a cold. nukshinifa, vy. a. 1., to hang by the neck. nukshini"fa, pp., hung by the neck; having the breath stopped. nukshini®fa, n., asthma; phthisis. nukshiniffi, nukshi"fi, vy. t., to hang by the neck; to choke; to afflict with the asthma. nukshitilimmi, y. a.i., to satisfy (simi- ilar to fihopa). nukshiwichi, n., a throat filled up froma cold. nukshobba hinla, a., formidable, A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 285 nukshobli, y. t., to frighten; to scare; to cow; to daunt; to dismay; to terrify; to intimidate; ilenukshobli, to frighten himself. nukshobli, n., a frightener. nukshoblichi, y. t. caus., to frighten; to scare; to produce fear; to start; to startle. nukshompiksho, a., undaunted. nukshompiksho, ady., fearlessly. nukshopa, a., coy; afraid; seared; chick- en-hearted; dismayed; fearful; pusil- lanimous; shy; skittish; timid; timor- ous; wild; hachinukshopa cho? Matt. 8: 26; iknukshopo, fearless; unfeared; unappalled. nukshopa, vy. n., to be afraid, Matt. 10: 26; 14: 5, 26, 27, 30; hachinukshopa na, Luke 12: 4; y. a. .i:, to fear; to shrink; to shudder; to shy, nukshumpa, Luke 1: 65; itinnukshopa, to be afraid of each other, or to fear each other. nukshopa, pp., frightened; cowed; daunted; intimidated; startled; terri- fied; appalled; afraid, Matt. 17: 6, 7. nukshopa, ady., wildly. nukshopa, n., fear; a fright; dread; pu- sillanimity; shyness; coyness; terror; isht anukshopa, terror, Josh. 2: 9. nukshopat illi, n., horror. nukshopat wannichi, y. a.i., to quake; to quake from fear. nukshulla, a., having a wasting disease; having the vitals destroyed. nukshulla, n., a consumption; a pul- monary disease. nuktaiyala, v. n., to be easy; to be quiet. nuktakali, v. a. i., to choke; to have something lodged in the throat; to throttle; nuktakoli, pl. nuktakali, sing., nuktakoli, pl. n., a choking. nuktakali, sing., choked; strangled. nuktakali, v. t., v. a. i., to choke; to strangle. nuktakalichi, sing., nuktakolichi, pl., v. t., to choke; to strangle. nuktakat illi, v. a. i., to choke to death. nuktakba, v. a. i., to pucker up, as the mouth after eating unripe persimmons, nuktalachi, v. t., to quiet; to calm; to comfort; to heal the heart, Luke 4:18. nuktakoti, pl., pp., 286 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY nuktalali, v. t., to quiet; to appease; to allay; to sober; to calm; to soothe; to assuage; to becalm; to compose; to cool (the temper); to ease; to lull; to mitigate; to moderate; to modify; to mollify; to pacify; to propitiate; to si- lence; to solace; to still; to suppress; to temper; to tranquilize. nuktalali, n., a comforter; a quieter; a soother; a moderator; a pacifier. nuktalalichi, nuktalallichi, v. t., to cause quietness, etc.; to lay; to allay; to soothe. nuktalalichi, n., a soother. nuktaloh, v. t. pl., to quiet, ete. nuktalotichi, vy. t., to cause quietness. nuktalali, v. t., to excite jealousy, Deut. 32) Dil. nuktanla, pp., tempered. nuktanla, a., coy; dispassionate; grave; modest; patient; peaceable; placid; ten- der; serious; sober; tranquil; urbane; see nuktala. nuktanla, v. a. i., to be cheerful, Matt. 14: 27. nuktanla, n., patience; sobriety; tem- perance; ‘‘peace,’’ Acts 10: 36. nuktanla iksho, a., impatient. nuktanlat, adv., tranquilly. nuktala, y. n., to be quiet. nuktala, n., sedateness, softness, still- ness, quietness; a calm; contentment; patience; a mitigation; moderation; relief; iknuktalo, n., impatience. nuktala, nuktala, v. a. 1., to become quiet, peaceful, sober (hash wenuktan- lashke), to cool; to lull; to moderate; to relax; to soften; nuktanla, n. f.; v.a.i., to pause; to subside; to be cheerful, Matt. 14: 27; nuktaiyala; wlenuktala. nuktala, a., unruffled; harmless; quiet; sober; patient; calm; considerate; con- tented; cool, as to mind or feelings; pa- cific; sedate; pp., allayed; quieted; sobered; calmed; becalmed; subdued; composed; conciliated; cooled; lulled; mitigated; moderated; pacified; relaxed ; solaced; soothed; stayed; stilled; unre- lieved; nuktaiyala, Matt. 10: 16; iknuk- talo, a., impatient. nuktalahe keyu, a., implacable. nuktallachi, n., relief. nuktata, a., jealous; suspicious; preju- diced. [BULL, 46 nuktata, vy. n., to be jealous; v. a.i., to mistrust. nuktata, n., jealousy. nuktala; imnuktanta, to beware of, Matt. 16: 6. nuktata keyu, a., unprejudiced. nuktik ahchi, n., some noise described by nutik. nuktilefa, v. a. i., to choke. nuktitefa, pp., choked. nuktiliffi, vy. t., to choke, Matt. 18: 28. nuktimekachi, nuktimikachi, y. a. i., to beat; to pulsate, as the heart or pulse. nuktimekachi, n., a pulsation. nuktimichi, v. a. i., to palpitate quickly; chunkash at nuktimichi. nukwai iksho, see nukwia iksho. nukwaya, v. a. i., to shun, Acts 20: 27. nukwamakachi, sense of internal heat. nukwannichi, vy. a. i., to tremble through fear. nukwannichi, n., a trembling. nukwi iksho, see nukwia iksho. nukwia, n., diffidence; mistrust; pusil- lanimity; scruple. nukwia, a., diffident; pusillanimous; shy; timid; timorous; afraid to venture; afraid to do something; fearful. nukwia, v. n., v. a. i., to be afraid; to be timid; to doubt, Matt. 1: 20; to misgive; to mistrust; to scruple; to shrink; to stagger; i”nukwia, to be afraid of him; to be timid before him. nukwia, n., a shrinker; a starter. nukwia iksho, nukwai iksho, nuk- wi iksho, a., courageous; hardy; in- trepid; resolute; undaunted; unem- barrassed; valiant; valorous. nukwia iksho, n., hardihood; hardi- ness; temerity; valor. nukwia iksho, nukwai iksho, y. n., to be without fear; to be courageous; to dare; to venture, Josh. 1: 6,9, 18. nukwiaiksho,a., audacious; bold; brave; undaunted. nukwia iksho, n., boldness. nukwiachi, y. t., to render timid; to produce fear; to stagger. nukwiloha, y. n., to be sad, sorrowful, just ready to weep.—J. E. Dwight. nukwimekachi, v. a. i., to shake or tremble; to palpitate, as after an effort at running. ~~ os BYINGTON] nukwimekachi, n., a palpitation; an agitation of the heart, after violent run- ning. nuna, v.a.i., to cook; to bake; to ripen; to mellow. nuna, a., mature; ripe; mellow. nuna, pp., cooked in boiling water; baked; roasted; done; boiled; matured; iknuno, a., not cooked; unripe; imma- ture; crude; heavy; not well baked. nuna, n., maturity; ripeness. nuna atapa, a., overdone. nunachechi, v. t., to cause to ripen, or bake, ete. nunachi, y. t., to cook; to ripen; to bake; to enripen; to mellow. nusachaya, from nusi and achaya, a., sleepy; wanting to sleep. nusapi, nusasapi (pl.), n., an oak; a black-oak tree; a red oak. nusechi, vy. t., to cause sleep; to throw into a sleep; to bring on sleep. nusechi, n., a soporific. nuseka, n., a dreamer; a fortune teller. nusi, y. a. i., tosleep; to doze; to repose; to kennel; to drowse; to rest; to roost; to slumber; sanusi, nuseli, I sleep; anusi, to sleep at or there, Josh. 2: 1; nusitukosh okcha, to awake from sleep; nusi hosh itonlatok, he was asleep, Matt. 8: 24. nusi, n., an acorn; a black-oak acorn; mast; nusi hata, nusi lakna, nusi noti; nusushi, nusinoti, nusi shauiya, water oak resembling chilhpatha. nusi, n., a sleeper; a slumberer. nusi, n., sleep; rest; repose; refresh- ment; a slumber; iknuso, n., a watch; forbearance of sleep. nusi, n., asleep; a measure of time, being one day or 24 hours. nusi, a., dormant; iknuso, restless; with- out sleep. nusi, adv., asleep. nusi banna, a., somnolent; sleepy. nusi fehna, n., lethargy. nusi iskitini, n., a nap; iskitini nusi, v. a. i., to nap. nusilhha, n., stupor; drowsiness; torpor. nusilhha, a., sleepy; drowsy; dull; le- thargic; somnolent; torpid. nusilhha, y. n., to be sleepy or drowsy. nusilhha, vy. a. i., to doze; to drowse. nusilhhachi, y. t., to drowse; to make one sleepy. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 287 nusilhhachi, n., a soporific; an anodyne. nusit illi, a., fast asleep; v. n., to be fast asleep. nusolba, a., sleepy; adv., sleepily. nushkobo, noshkobo, nishkobo, n., a head; the head; the pate; a poll; the top; the vertex; yamma noshkobo, his head, Matt. 14: 11; Josh. 2: 19; Matt. 6: 17; 10: 30; 14: 8, 10; noshkobo yan, his head; Matt. 8: 20; the pommel (of a saddle), Josh. 11: 10. nushkobo atobbi, n.,a capitation; a poll tax; a tax; a tribute, Josh. 16: 10. nushkobo atobbi onuchi, vy. t., to lay a poll tax. nushkobo atobbichi, y. t., to put to tribute, Josh. 17: 13. nushkobo beka, a., bareheaded. nushkobo beka, y. n., to: be bare- headed. nushkobo chumpa, n., tribute; a poll tax; a per capita, Matt. 17: 25. nushkobo fochonli, nushkobo fach- onli, n., dandruff. nushkobo foka, n., a headstall. nushkobo foni, n., the skull; the cra- nium. nushkobo foni aiitachakalli, n., a su- ture, the seam or joint which unites the bones of the skull. nushkobo hakshup, n., the pate. nushkobo hotupa, n., the headache. nushkobo hotupa ahammi, n., cam- phor. nushkobo ikbi, vy. t., to make a head; to head. nushkobo ikbi, n., a header. nushkobo isht chumpa, n., tribute, Mark 12: 14. nushkobo isht shema, n., a headdress; an ornament for the head. nushkobo isht talakchi, n., a head band. nushkobo iyafu®fo, n., the crownof the head; the place where the hair grows in a circle on the top of the head. nuskobo tachowa, n., scald head. nushkobo tabokaka, n., the pan; the top of the head; the pate. nushkobo tabli, v. t., to behead; to de- capitate; to head. nushkobo tabli, n., one who beheads. nushkobo tapa, pp., beheaded; decapi- tated; decollated. nushkobo tapa, n., a head severed from the body. to tax; 288 nushkoboka, n.; the head, Josh. 11: 10; 14: 1; noshkobonhunka. nuta, nota, adv., under; below; beneath. See 1 Tim. 6:1; aboha nuta, under the room. nuta, v. n., to be below, under; aiimpa nuta, aboha nunta, ilaiasha nani nuta; nunta in Klit akom nunta, under Crete. Acts 27: 7; nuta, nota, n. nutachatha, n., a large centipede. nutaka, n., thespace below; astate of sub- jection; the under side, Mark 12: 10, 11; Josh. 7: 21; beneath, Josh. 2: 11; in subjection, Matt. 8: 9. nutaka, v. a. i., to be subdued, Josh. 18:1; ishnutakahe keyu, Deut. 28: 13. nutaka, a., nether; under foot; prep., under; ady., underneath; below. nutaka atsha, a., subject; being under. nutaka a¥sha, n., subjection. nutaka boli, v. t., to underlay. nutaka fehna, a., undermost. nutaka ia, n., subjection. nutaka ia, v. t., to submit; to come un- der; to go beneath. nutaka ia, v. ai., to quail; to succumb; to surrender; to truckle; to yield. nutaka ia, n., submission. nutaka iahe keyu, a., uncontrollable; unyielding. nutaka yakni kulli, v. t., to undermine. nutakachi, nutakachi, v. t., to cause to go under; to put beneath, Josh. 17:13; aiimpa ya" nutakachit boti. nutakbala®kchi, n., gums; the hard fleshy substance of the jaws which in- vests the teeth. nutakbala®kchi offo, n., the lampas. nutakfa, n., the chin; the jaw; the chap; the jowl. nutakfa foni, n., the jawbone; the chin bone. nutakfa isht atapachi, n., a curb chain; a curb strap. nutakfa isht talakchi, n., a throat-latch. nutakhish, n., the beard; a whisker. nutakhish isht shafa, nutakhisht sha®fa, n., arazor. nutakhisht sha®fa ahalapuchi, n., a razor strop; a razor hone. nutakhisht sha®fa ashuahchi, n., a razor hone; a hone. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 o isa longer vowel than u, and when the sound is contracted u is heard; as hak- lo, haklot, haklut; haponaklo, haponak- lot, haponaklut. o, oh, 0%; this is used as the verb ‘‘to be”’ in the 3d person, or as an impersonal verb; oh is a stronger form of expres- sion, as iksho hohmati; katima ishia hoh cho?; this word has puzzled many in- terpreters; 0, to be; oh, it is; 0”, being; o is often added to some of the particles tomake them more distinctive, as hokat, hokato. The forms of particles begin- ning with oare here inserted so that the law of euphony may be learned: ocha— oka — okaka —okakano— okakant —oka- kanto—okakat—okakato—okakhe—okak- - heno—okakhet—okakheto—okakkia—oka- ko, Matt. 8: 27; hatak katiohmi hatuk okako, what manner of man?—okako- cha—okakona—okakosh—okakot—okano, okano—okat—okato—oke—okia—okomo, a particle used at the end of a sentence, meaning it was so; remote past tense— okono, same as; it is so; it was, but re- cently—ona—osh—ot. o2, an auxiliary verb; chukowaheo” ke- yushke, enter shallis not, Matt. 7:21; or it may designate the act chukowa, enter shall that not. o4, a particle, in the obj. case, cf. osh and ot, whom, which, that. o2, an art., meaning a or an usually and used indefinitely; pent o”, a ship, Matt. 9: 1; see ho. 02, on; after; aiothikia, to stand on, upon; onhikia, Matt. 10: 30; ovhilechi, to set on, Matt. 4:5. obala, n., the breech; the hind legs; the buttock; the fundament. obala, a., behind. Obala foka, n., a pantaloon; pantaloons; breeches; trousers; drawers; overalls; hose. obala foka isht halalli, obala foka isht talakchi, n., suspenders; braces. obachoshuli, n., the hip joint where the thigh bone enters the socket of the hip bone. obalaka, ady., behind; olbalaka, Luke 2: 43. obalh kanali, v. a. i., to move backward. BYINGTON] A DICTIONARY obalhpela, ady., backward; behind. obi, iyubi, n., the thigh; a ham. ochi, ohchih, v. t., to draw water; to dip up. water with a bucket at a well, spring, stream, or pond; to draw, Josh. 9: 21; ushtia, to go after water; usht alla, to bring water; polavka oyochi, she has gone after water at length; ohunchi, freq.; oyochi, pro. ochi, n., a drawer of water. oe, int., pshaw. ofanusi, n., a kennel for dogs. offo, y. a. i., v. t., to spring up, Matt. 13: 26; to grow; to sprout; to chick; to grow, in the early stages of growing; to come up; to germinate; to rise; to shoot; to spire; to sprout; to vegetate; to spring; also in later stages, thus, tanchi at chahat taha, iti at chitot isht ia. offo, n., a growth; the growing; a chit; a scion; a shoot; a springing; a sprout. offochi, y. t., to cause to grow; umba kat tanchi am offochi, aba pitki at nana putaka offochi chatok; offohonchi, freq. ofi, n., a dog; a cur; a spaniel. ofi chuk atta, n., a house dog. ofi haksobish falaia, n., a hound. ofi hasimbish ithina, ofi hasimbish tapa iZthina, n., the milky way; the galaxy. ofi hata kolofa, n., the milky way; the galaxy. ofi holba, a., canine; doglike; like a dog; doggish. ofi holba, v. n., to be canine. ofi holilabi, n., a mad dog. ofi inchuka, ofinchuka, n., a kennel. [ofi ithoshuwa, n., the nightshade.— WS... ] ofi isht Holi, vy. t., to hound; to chase with dogs. ofi nakni, n., a male dog; a dog. ofi palhki, n., a grayhound; a spry dog. ofi puta, n., the dogs, Matt. 7: 6. ofi tasembo, n., a mad dog; a rabid dog. ofi tek, n., a female dog; a bitch; a slut. ofi tohbi ithina, n., the milky way. ofunlo, n., a screech owl. ofutsik, n., a puppy; a whelp. ofutsikcheli, v. t., to pup; to puppy. ofushi, n., a puppy; a whelp. oh, see ho. oh, auxiliary verb; chatuk oh cho? Matt. 7: 16; ak oh kia, Matt. 8: 10. 84339°—Bull. 46—15——_19 OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 289 oh, imp. mood, 2d per. p]. before vowels, as ohia, go ye, Matt. 2: 8. oh, part., Islael okla ak oh kia, Matt. 8: 10; tuk oh cho? Matt. 14: 31. ohchih, see ochi. ohhoh, interjection of surprise at some- thing new, oh! ohmi, a., like; resembling. ohmi, y. n., to be like or resembling, Josh. 7: 21. ohmi, n., likeness. ohmichi, ohmihchi, vy. t., to makea like- ness; to cause it to resemble. otholisso, n., an inscription. ohoyo, ahoyo, n., a woman; a dame; a lady; a female, Matt. 5: 28; a wife; a handmaid, Luke 1: 38; pl., women; ohoyo hon, women, Matt. 11: 11; 14: 21; ohoyo ma, Matt. 15: 28. ohoyo aiomanili, n., a pillion; a wo- man’s seat; a cushion for a woman to ride on behind a person on horseback. ohoyo asanonchi, n., a matron. ohoyo alla eshi apistikeli, n., a mid- wife. ohoyo bishlichi, n., a milkmaid. ohoyo chito, n., a large woman; a virago. ohoyo chuka petichi, n., a housewiie; a mistress. ohoyo haksi, n., a hussy. ohoyo haloka, n., a mother-in-law; see haloka. ohoyo hatak ikhalelo, n., a virgin. ohoyo haui, n.,a lewd woman; a harlot, Josh. 2: 1; a strumpet; a prostitute; a wench; a whore. ohoyo haui aiasha, n., a bawdy house; a brothel; a bad house. ohoyo himmita, n., a young woman; a young lady; a lass; a damsel; a vir- gin, Luke 1: 27; a girl; a maid; a maiden. ohoyo himmita okpani, v. flower. ohoyo himmitasi, n., a young girl; a very young woman; himmitasi means of an age younger than /immita. ohoyo himmithoa,n. pl., young women. ohoyo himmitushi, n., a very young woman, under ten years of age. ohoyo hokli, n., a rape. ohoyo holba, a., effeminate; like a woman; womanish. t., to de- 290 ohoyo holisso ithananchi, n., an in- structress. ohoyo holisso pisachi, n., a mistress; a school mistress; a school dame. ohoyo hoponi, n., a kitchen maid. ohoyo ithatak, n., a husband; lit., a woman’s man. ohoyo ihatak illi, n., a widow, Luke 4: 25. ohoyo ikhananchi, n., a tutoress. ohoyo imatia, n., a whore master; a whoremonger. ohoyo imissa, n., a testatrix. ohoyo imisht ilo™hoshontikachi, n., a parasol; a lady’s parasol. ohoyo i8na foka, n., alady’s garment; a mantua. ohoyo i®na foka ikbi, n., a mantua maker. ohoyo i=na foka lumbo, n., a chemise; a shift. ohoyo ipetachi, v. t., to celebrate a mar- riage; to salute a bride; to marry. ohoyo ipetachi, n., a marriage, John : 2; nuptials; a wedding. ohoyo ipi®shik, n., a woman’s breast; a pap. ohoyo i"shapo, n., a lady’s bonnet; a calash. ohoyo i"shapo ikbit kanchi, n., a mil- liner. ohoyo isht ahollo, n., a hag; a shrew; a witch. ohoyo isht atiaka, n., womankind. ohoyo itihalallichi, n., a wedding. ohoyo kasheho, n., anaged woman; an © aged female; an old wife. ohoyo keyu chohmi, a., unwomanly. ohoyo litiha, n., a slattern; a slut. ohoyo makali, n., a jade; a despised woman. ohoyo miko, n., a princess; a queen; an empress, Matt. 12:42; 1 Kings 11:19. ohoyo na foka ikbi, n., a tailoress. ohoyo nan achefa, n., a washerwoman; a laundress. ohoyo nan achunli, n., a seamstress; a tailoress. ohoyo nan apesa, n., a directress. ohoyo nan ithoyo, n., a waiting maid. ohoyo nukoa, n., a mad woman: a ter- magant; a shrew; ascold. ohoyo owatta, n., a huntress, BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 ohoyo pisa aiukli, n., a fair; a fair wo- man; the female sex. ohoyo sipokni, n., an old lady. ohoyo tashka, n., a warrioress. ohoyo to®ksali, n., a laboring woman; a maid servant; a serving maid. ohoyo yuka, n., a bond woman; a bond maid; a female captive; a female pris- oner. ohoyohmi, a., feminine. ohpi, see hopi and opi. ohulmo, pp., covered; sheltered. ohulmochi, v. t., to cover; to cause to be covered; tanchi av ohulmochi, aboha yar ohulmochi. oiya, oia, v. t., to ascend; to go up; to mount; to back (a horse); to climb, Matte Osa) 142923 9a 5229 Salen ost 6:5; torun up; to scale; to get on; to arise; to rise; hatak at nani ha” oiya; shaui at iti am oiya; isht oiya, to take up, Matt. 4: 8. oiya, n., ascent; a mounter; one who as- cends; a climber; a rise; a rising. oiyachi, y. t., to cause to ascend; to tree; fani yan iti oiyachi, or fani yan iti aboi- yachi, to compel a squirrel to ascend a tree. ok, from oh, the verbal o, and k, determi- native. See hok and compounds. Com- pounds are: okakanto, art. pro., the, Matt. 18: 7, distinctive from other ob- jects—akakat (Ishmayabi used this form)—okma, used for whether; lit., if so, or then if so, see Mark 2: 9; Matt. 15: 4, 5; derived from 0, the auxiliary verb, affirmative, k, the demonstrative art. pro., and ma, the additional defi- nite; when that is then, if that is then— okano, distinctive article in the obj. case, showing a contrast or comparison; ilappak okano, Matt. 11: 16; nitak okano, Matt. 5: 43; 11: 22; 18: 7; nom. case, okato, Matt. 6: 2; 12:31, 32; Josh. 2: 4; okmak ohmak — okmaka — okmakano — okmakato — okmakhe — okmakheno — ok- makhet, especially that, by way of a dis- paraging comparison — okmakheto — okmakon — okmakocha— okmakoka— ok- makokano — okmakokat — okmakokato — okmakoke — okmakokia — okmakona -— okmakosh—okmakot—okmano, okmano-= okmat—okmato, a ee RES ee ee ee ee BYINGTON] oka, n., water; aqua; liquor; a liquid; whisky; wet; ardent spirits; oka yan, the water, Matt. 14: 28; oka ishko, to drink liquor; oka kapassa ishko, to drink cold water. oka abicha, n., a tap hole; a tunnel; a funnel; a faucet; a waterspout; a spout for water. oka abicha isht alhkama, n., a spigot; a tap; a spile; a cork; a stopple. oka abicha isht shana, n., a tap that is put in with a screw or that has a screw on one end. oka abicheli, n., a cock; abrasscock; a conduit. oka aialaka, n., a shore; a coast; haiyip oka aialaka; okhata oka aialaka; okhina oka aialaka. oka aiabi, oka aiillichi, v. t., to drown. oka aialhto, n.,a tub; a water-trough; a cistern; avat; a water-piggin; a pitcher. oka aialhto chito, n., a tank. oka aiilli, v. a. i., to drown. oka aiishko, n., a tippling house; a gro- cery [groggery?]. oka aiyanalli, n., a channel; a water channel. oka akanchi, n., a tap house. oka alaka, n., a shore; a coast, Luke 5: 3; haiyip alaka; okhina alaka. oka atlhto, n., a piggin. oka alibisha, n., a skillet. oka atalaia, n., a pool; a reservoir. oka ayanalli, n., asluice; a water furrow. oka alhto, n., a water-pot; a water-ves- sel, John 2: 6. oka ali, okali, n., the water-edge; shore, Matt. 13: 2. oka banapa, v. a. i., to overflow. oka banapa, pp., overflowed. oka banatha, n., a surge; a wave; a billow; a swell; oka banatha kat, the waves, Matt. 8: 24. oka banathat a®ya, v. a. i., to surge; to wave. oka bana®ya, n. pl., waves; billows. oka bicheli, n., a butler, Gen. 40: 1; a tapster. oka bikeli, v. a. i., to flow, as tide water. oka bikeli, pp., deluged; overflowed. oka bikeli, n., back water; tide water; an inundation; a deluge. oka bikeli, y, a. i., to ebb. surges; A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 291 oka bikelichi, v. t., to deluge; to over- flow. oka bikelichi, v. t., to cause the water to flow in or set back. oka chopa, n., a cascade. oka falama, pp., deluged; overflowed. oka falama, n., back water; a deluge; the deluge; a flood; the flood. oka falama chito, n., the deluge, Gen. WeROs oka fohopa, n., a fall. oka foyuha, n., a whirlpool. oka foyuha, okfoyulli, v. a. i., to whirl, as water; okfoyullit oklobushlichi, to draw into a whirlpool; to suck in. oka foyulli, okfoyulli, n., a whirlpool; an eddy; a vortex. oka foyulli, vy. a. i., to whirl, as water. oka fulush, n., a fresh-water clam; a clam. oka fulush hakshup, n., a clamshell. oka hafeta, v. a. i., to cave in, as the bank of a water course. oka haksi, a., drunk; drunken; inebri- ated; intoxicated. oka haksi, v. n., to be drunk. oka haksi, n., drunkenness; ebriety; in- ebriation; intoxication. oka hauashko, n., vinegar; wine; sour water; cider. oka hapi, hapi oka, n., salt water; brine. oka hapi yammiy, n., a pickle. oka hapi yammi fohki, vy. t., to pickle. oka hitka, v. a. i., to be in water. oka holba, a., watery. oka homahonni, n., a distillery. oka homatoba, oka homiatoba, n., a distillery. oka homi, okhomi, oke homi, n., liquor; spirit; ardent spirits; distilled liquor of all kinds, called rum, gin, brandy, whisky, alcohol; high wines; aqua vite; bitter water; acrid water. oka homi ahalaia, a., spirituous. oka homi bikobli, n., a rum bud. oka homi ikbi, v. t., to distill spirits; to manufacture ardent spirits; to still. oka homi ikbi, n., a distiller. oka homi nanabli achafa, n., a dram; a swallow of spirits. oka homi oka ibalhto, n., grog. oka humma, n., red water; Red river. oka hushi, n., waterfowl. oka ithina, n., a water furrow. 292 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY oka illi, v. a. i., to drown; see oka aiille, aioka illi, Matt. 18: 6. oka ipeta, v. t., to water. oka isht alhpisa, n., a measure; a liquid measure; a gallon. oka isht bicha, n., a tap; a brass cock. oka isht bicheli, n., a brass cock; a tap hole; a spout for water; a tunnel; a fun- nel; a faucet. oka isht ochi, n., a water-bucket; a pig- gin; a can; a,water-pot. okaisht okissa, pp., baptized with water. oka isht okissa, n., baptism. oka isht okissachi, vy. t., to baptize. oka isht taka, n., a scoop. oka kaha, v. a. i., to lie in water, Matt. 8582. oka kaiya, okaiya, v. a. i., to fill with water, as the ground receives water. oka kaiya, pp., filled with water; soft- ened by water, as the earth. oka kaiyachi, v. t., to soften with water; to fill with water. oka kapassa,n., cold water; fresh water; cool water. oka kania, y. a. i., to mire; to drown; to sink, Matt. 14: 30. oka kaniachi, v. t., to mire. oka lahba, n., lukewarm water; tepid water. oka lapalika, n., the waterside. oka laua, a., sloshy. oka lashpa, n., hot water; oka lashpa on- tatabli, v. t., to scald; oka lashpa ota- tapa, pp., scalded. oka libesha, n., warm water. okaluak, okeluak,n.,ardentspirits; lit., fire water, an early name for spirits. Oka lusa, Oke lusa, n., name of a creek; name of a Roman Catholic priest. oka la®ya, n., a slop; spilt water; slosh. oka tobukachi, y. a. i., to douse. oka mali, n., the south; lit., the water wind, Matt. 12: 42. oka mah, a., south. oka mali, v. n., to be south. oka mali hashi aiokatula itintakla, a., southwest. oka mali hashi akuchaka itintakla, a., southeast. oka mali imma, adv., southward; south- erly. oka mati mali, n., the south wind. [BULL. 46 oka mah pila, ady., southward; south- erly; toward the south; southern. oka mali pilla, adv., at the south; in the south. oka nowa, okokanowa, v. a. i., to wade in the water; to walk in the water. oka nowa, n., a wading. oka ont alaka, n., the shore; the coast; a beach; a strand; the water-edge. oka pa"ki, oka pa"kki, n., wine; grape water, Matt. 9: 17; 11: 19; oka panki paska nan isht alhpisa apa, to commune at the Lord’s table. oka patki aialhto, n., a wine cask. oka pa®ki aiishko, n., a wine glass. oka pa"ki humma, n., red wine; port wine; claret wine. oka pa"ki ishko shah, n., a wine bib- ber. oka pa®ki kanchi, n., a wine merchant. oka piakachi, v. a. i., to run in waves; to wave, as water in large waves; wis- akachi (q. v.), to run in small waves. oka piakachi, pp., made to wave; agi- tated, as water. oka pit afohopa, v. a. i., to fall, as wa- ter; to roar, as falling water. oka pit afohopa, n., a cascade; a water- fall. oka pit akinafa, n., a cascade; a water- fall. oka pit akinifa, v. a. i., to fall, as water. oka poakachi, y. a.i., to run in large waves; to wave. oka poakachi, pp., made to run in large _ waves. oka pokafa, v. t., to dash water. oka pokpokechi, to cause the water to foam. oka pokpoki, v. a. i., to foam. oka pokpoki, n., foam; surf. oka sita, n., the edge of the water; the water-edge. oka takba, n., astringent water; bitter water. oka talaia, n.,a puddle; standing water. oka talali, yv. t., to settle a liquid; to cause to sink or go down in a liquid. oka tanch afotoha, n.; a water mill. oka tala, y. a. i., to subside, as water; to settle, as a liquid; to fall to the bottom of liquor. oka tala, pp., settled. oka toba, v. a. i., to water. ————— a 4 * a zr BYINGTON] oka toba, a., watery. oka tobli, v. t., te launch; to push into the water. oka tobli, n., a launch. oka umba, okumba, n., rainwater. oka wisakachi, vy. a. i., to wave in small waves; sinti at ayakma oka yat wisakachi. oka wisakachi, pp., made to wave. oka yanallipalhki, n., a rapid; rapids; a torrent. Okahpa, n., the name of a tribe called Quapaw. Okahpa okhina, n., the Arkansas River. okaiya, see oka kaiya. okak, n., a swan. okak ushi, n., a young swan; a cygnet; a swan’s ege. okaloli, v. t., to twist and break bushes, as a bull with his horns. okamiy, v. t., to wash the face, i. e., one’s own face; okamali, I wash my face. okamichi, vy. t., to wash the face of an- other; alla ya okamichili, 1 wash the child’s face. okashalayi; oka shalali, v. t., to wallow; to besmear, 2 Sam. 20: 12. [okataktak, n., the shitepoke; American green heron.—H. 8. H.] okatonoli, vy. a. i., to welter. okatula, v. a. i., to settle; to sink to the bottom in a fluid; to fall in water; to set; to go down, as the sun. okachi, v. t., to water; to let into the water, John 20: 6 [?]; pass., wlhkachi, to be watered or soaked; from oka, John 21: 6; Matt. 4: 18; 13: 47; cast into (the sea); Matt. 17: 27; see okkachi. okataha, y. a. i., to descend, Josh. 7:5; Gen. 24:45; okattahha, afternoon; ok- atahaka, descent, Deut. 9: 21; see John 6: 16. okatanowa, vy. a. i., to descend, Luke I) arei/- okattula, vy. t., v. a.i., to fall into the water; to plunge into water or any liquid; pinti at bila kia pishukchi kia okattula chatuk; to set, as the sun, Josh. 10: 27; see okatula. okattula, n., a plunge; a fall into a liquid; one who falls. okbano, would God, Josh. 7: 7; see hok- bano. okbal, ady., in the rear; behind; back- wards; hind; hinder; see wkbal and ulbal; obalaka, rearward. the A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 293 okbal, n., the rear. okbilhha, vy. i., to sink in water like a boat ready to fill, Luke 5: 7. okbililli, a., in water swimming deep. okbillichi, v. t., to make it swimming deep. okbileli, v. a. i., the eyes stand out, Ps. Taide okbusha, pp., wrung out; water wrung out. okbushli, v. t., to wring out water; nafoka okbushli; nafohka aiokbusha. okcha, v. a.i., to wake; to awake; v. n., to be awake; to cheer; to rouse; to watch; nusi tuk osh okcha. okcha, a., pp., awake; aroused; awaked; enlivened; excited; flush; incited; in- spirited; refreshed; roused; stimulated; vigilant; vivid; vivacious; volatile; wakeful; wakened ikokcho, a, un- awaked. okcha, n., wakefulness; recreation; re- freshment; vigilance; vyivacity; watch. okchachi, v. t., to awaken, John 11: 11. okchaha, pp., hoed; broken up, as land; cut up, as grass, with a hoe. okchaha, n., the ground thus hoed. okcha®k, n., a muskmelon. okcha"k balama, n., a muskmelon. okcha®k holba, n., a cucumber. okchakalbi, a., blue; purple; greenish; okchakolba, probably from okchako and holba. okchatki, a., green, as newly cut wood, not asa color; raw, 1 Sam. 2: 15; fresh; rare; crude; alive, as a tree; unripe, as fruit; live; nipi okchanki, iti okcharki, shukshi at okchatki, takkon at okchanki; iti at okchanki on, Luke 23: 31. In 2 Sam. 18: 14 okchanki is applied to Absalom, as a man alive, but it is usu- ally applied to things, as iti okchanki, nipi okchatki. okchatki, v. n., to be green, raw, fresh, unripe; okchanki, v. a. i. to live, as a tree; okchanki, n., rawness. okchakkuchi, y. n., to be green, or greenish, like an unripe peach. okchako, n., blue. okchako, a., blue. okchako, okchakko. vy. n., to be blue. okchako, pp., dyed blue; colored blue. okchakochi, v. t., to blue; to color blue; to dye blue. 994 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY okchalechi, v. t., to stimulate; to stir; to vivificate; to cause to awake; to en- liven; to prompt; to reanimate; to vivify; alla yat swiokchalechi; tanampo tukaffi cha saiokchalecht. okchalechi, n., a stimulant. okchali, y. t., to excite. okchalitka, n., salvation, Luke 3: 6. okchalinchi, v. t., to save; to rescue; to deliver from danger, sickness, death, punishment, etc.; to conserve; to pre- serve; to protect; ilokchalinchi, to save himself, Luke 23: 35; ishpiokchalincha- shke, do thou save us, Matt. 8: 25; si- okchalinchi, save me, Matt. 14: 30; 18: lil Woshe 2 la s8s222- okchalinchi, n, a savior; a deliverer; a saver. okchalinchi, n., salvation. okchalhi, y. t., to break up ground for planting with a hoe (as some poor families do); to hoe. okchali, n., one who breaks up land with a hoe; a hoer. okchatichi, v. t., to cause one to break up land with a hoe. okchamali, n., green; blue; gray; green- ness; the rust on copper called verdi- gris; verdure; okchamashli, pl. okchamali, a., green; blue; gray; verdant; okchamashli, pl. okchamali, y. n., to be green or blue; okchamashli, pl. okchamali, v. a. 1., to rust, as copper; to turn green. okchamali, pp., dyed green; colored green; okchamashli, pl. okchamali bilia, a., evergreen. okchamali bilia, n., an evergreen. okchamalichi, y. t., to color green or blue; to corrode, as copper; okcha- mashlichi, pl. okchanawisha, n., an icicle. okchanlush, n., a small blue bird. okchanlush chito, n., a peacock, 1 Kings 10: 22. okchanlush chito hoshi®shi, n., a pea- cock feather. okchapassi, okchapaisi, n., a shoal. okchauabi, a., sizy, like thick soap. okchauwi, okshauwi, vy. a. i., to be watery, like tavfula. [BULL. 46 okchawaha, n., a shoal, or watery, like tanfula before it is thickened. okcha"ya, a., alive; living; animate; live; Chihowa okcharya, living God, Matt. 16: 16; John 4: 10; Josh. 3: 10; 8: 23. okchatya, v. n., to be alive; to live. okchatya, vy. a. i., to live; to quicken; to quick; to subsist; chiokcharya, Josh. 1:5; aiokchanya, to live by, Matt. 4: 4; aiokchanya, life, Matt. 7: 14. okcha®ya, pp., made alive; saved alive; delivered; protected; quickened; re- suscitated; saved; hatak moma okchatya- he achi, n., a universalist. okcha®ya, n., life; time; aiokchaya, life; hachiaiokcharya, your life, Matt. 6: 25. okchatya hinla, a., salvable. okcha®ya takla, n., life; time. okcha®yachi, vy. t., to cause to live; to quicken; to raise, as from the dead; to resuscitate; to revive. okcha®yachi, n., a preserver of life; a_ quickener. okcha®yachi, n., a raising. okchalabi, v. n., to be thick like soap. okechali, okchalli, y. t., to awake, Matt. 8: 25; to waken; to wake; to inspirit; to incite; to excite; to re-create; to re- fresh; to rouse; differs from okchali or okchatili, to dig up ground for planting. okchali, n., a waker; a wakener. okchala, n., the small blackbird with a red spot on his wings; hatan, the large blackbird. okchala chito, n., a large carnivorous bird; the loon. okchi, n., broth; juice; sap; water; ooze. okchilabi, v. a. i., to thrust out the tongue. okchilabi, n., one who thrusts out the tongue. okchilaklali, v. a. i. pl., to thrust out the tongue. okchilaklali, n., those who thrust out their tongues, or the acts in so doing. okchilaua, a., sappy; juicy. okchiloha, n., a wren; name of a small bird; see chiloha. okchila, see isht okchila, n., a riddle. okchilali, n., a large gazing eye. okchilanli, vy. a. i., to gaze about; to stare at; to gaze at. okchita"shli, y. a. i. pl., to gaze about; to stare at. a cy te oes oe SP, ee Vetl OOO ow as Bo BYINGTON]. okchila®shli, n., large rolling eyes. okchilunli, vy. a. i., togazeat; tostare at. okchilunli, n., large eyes; goggled eyes; sharp eyes. okchito (from oka and chito), n., high water; an inundation; a flood; a freshet; a aeluge; a land flood; a water flood; okchitot ala, floods came, Matt. (225, 27. okchito, v. a. i., to rise, as water; to be- come a flood. okchito, pp., deluged; floated; flooded; inundated. okchito aiali, n., high-water mark. okchitochi, v. t., to make a flood; to flow; to overflow: to inundate; to de- luge; to flood. okchitoli (from oka and chitoli), v. t., to flow; to make a flood; to deluge; to inundate. okchu?s, n., the name of a bird; the kill- dee. okchushba, y.a.i., to ooze and run out; to form matter and run, as an old sore; applied to wounded trees and plants when the sap oozes out; okchohushba, Luke 16: 21. okchushba, n., the matter which runs from an old sore; a running sore; an old ulcer; serous matter; virus; water. okchushbachi, yv. t., to cause a sore to discharge a watery matter. oke, part., it is, from 0 and ke; ke is final; akoke, itis the, Matt. 2: 5, 6; shilup oke, it is a spirit, Matt. 14: 26. oke homi, oka homi (q. v.); ardent spirits. oke luak, oka luak (q.v.), ardent spirits. Oke lusa, see Oka lusa. okfa (sing. ), okfati (pl.), n.,a valley; a vale; a dale; a glen; aravine; 1 Kings 10: 27; Josh. 10:12. okfa maiha, n., a wide valley. okfa pattasachi, n., low flat land; low land; a meadow; bottom land. okfaha, pp., shown by argument. okfah, v. t., to exhibit or show by argu- ment. okfatya, ufka®ya, v.i., to stick or run a piece of wood, etc., into one’s own flesh; saiokfarya, ete. okfichoha, n., a small round hill. okfoata, see okhoata. okfoalli, see okhoalli. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 295 okfochush, n.,a duck. This is the com- mon name for ducks, both tame and wild. The different species of wild ducks are distinguished by different names, as oklubbi, hinluk, hankhoba. okfochush nakni, n., adrake. okfochush tek, n., a duck; a female duck. okfochushushi, n., a young duck; a duck’s egg. okfulli; okfoyullit oklobushlichi, vy. t., to suck. okha, ukha, v. t., to take back; to get satisfaction; to revenge; to win back what has been lost ata game; okhat isso; okhat ishi; okhat imabi; ilaiokha banna, he wants to avenge himself; ilaiukha, to revenge himself; to take pay; to recompense himself; to retaliate; to revenge; to take vengeance, 1 Sam. 14: 24; ilaiokhali, I avenge myself, 2 Kings 9: 7; waiokla, n., an avenger, Josh. 10: 13; 20: 2. okha, n., an avenger. okha, n., recapture; satisfaction; ven- geance. okhaiyanli, a., cross-eyed. okhaiyanli, v. n., to be cross-eyed. okhaiyanli, n., cross-eyes. okhapayabhi, a., cloudy; hazy clouds. okhatali, a., pale. okhatapa, v. t., to obstruct. okhatabli, y. t., to fend, as fire. okhawi, v. t., to catch; to hook up; isht okhawi, a flesh hook, Num. 4: 14. okhapaioha, n., thin clouds. okhapaioli, v. i., to form thin clouds. okhata n.,alake, Josh. 1:4; alarge pond; a bay; a gulf; an arm of the sea; the water; a sea; okhata ha”, the sea, Matt. 8: 24; okhata, sea, Matt. 13: 1, 47; 14: 24. 25226-10329 Wis 27 Se) 6: okhata aiabeka, n., seasickness; sea- sick. okhata aiahalaia, a., maritime. okhata aialhtaha, a., marine. okhata a®ya, n., a seaman. okhata bikeli, n., the tide. okhata chito, n., an ocean, Josh. 1: 4; a sea; the deep; the great sea; the pro- found. okhata chito a®ya, n., a voyage at sea. okhata chito a”ya, n., a voyager. 296 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY okhata chito lapalika, n., the sea coast; the seaside. okhata filamminchi, n., an arm of the sea or of a lake. okhata imma, a., maritime; of or con- cerning the sea. okhata lapalika, n., sea coast, Matt. 4:13; Luke 6:17; ‘‘by the sea,’’ Josh. Ol: okhata oka, n., sea water. okhata ont alaka, n., the sea bank, sea- board, sea coast, seashore; the strand. okhatushi, n., a pond. okhilishta, pp., shut; closed. okhina, n., ariver, 2Sam. 24:5; Josh. 1: 4; 12:2; a water course; a ford; a stream. okhina akka nowat topulli, v. t., to ford a river; to wade a river. okhina akucha, n., a ford, Josh. 2: 7. okhina ikbi, v. t., to make a canal. okhina ikbi, n., a canal. ~ okhina oka, n., river water. okhina ontalaka,n., the brink ofariver, Voshaiss soma okhina takchaka, n., the margin of a river; a river’s side. okhinak, hinak, v. a. i., to tassel, as corn. okhinak, n., a corn tassel. okhisa, okhissa, n., a door, Matt. 6: 6; the aperture or the gate of the house, 2 Kings 9: 3, 10, an entrance; anentry; a gate; light; a threshold; a vestibule, Matt. 7: 18; 16: 18; Josh. 2: 5; 82 29. okhisa aiafacha, n., a door latch. okhisa apistikeli, n., a janitor; a door- keeper; a porter. okhisa alhtoba ahoyo, n., a tollgate. okhisa imokhoata, n., a door bar. okhisa isht afacha, n., a door latch. okhisa isht alhkama, n., the door which fills the aperture. okhisa isht takali, n., a door hinge. okhisushi, n., a window, 2 Kings 9: 30; Josh. 2: 15. okhisushi isht alhkama, n., a window blind; a window shutter. okhitsh, see ikhinsh, and ishkitsh. okhishta, v. t., to shut a door; to close, 1 Sam. 1: 6; to close the eyes, Matt. 13: 15; see ukhishta. okhitta, vy. t., to shut; imokhitta, shut him up. [BULL. 46 okho, int., nay, chiaiyamohmi foka imokho- achi. okhoata, ady., sideways. okhoata, okfoata, okhowata, a., crosswise; across; athwart. okhoata, v. n., to be across or crosswise; vy. a. i., to lie across; alla yat topa yan okhoata hosh onitonla. okhoata, pp., laid across. okhoata foni, n., a rib bone. okhoataka, okhowataka, n., the side or sides; a crosspiece; abaiya is the length or the height; but the breadth of cloth is okhoataka, 1 Kings 6: 31. okhoatakachi, a., crosswise. okhoatakachi, y. n. pl., to be crosswise; torun or lie crosswise; nan tanna yan ok- hoatakachit ikbi, work up the cloth crosswise, so that the long seams will run round the person. okhoatali, okfoatali, y. t. sing., to lay it across or crosswise; to cross; to thwart; iti a” ishokhoatali, do you lay the stick crosswise. okhoatachiy, v. t., to cause it to lie across; okhoatakachi, pl., see 1 Kings 7: 2, 3; 2 Kings 1: 2. okhoatkachi, n., a slat; a crosspiece; a crossbar; a round. okhoalli, okfoalli, v. t. pl., to lay them crosswise, as the rounds of a ladder. okhomi, see oka homi. okhowata, see okhoata. okhowataka, see okhoataka. okinta, int., well, try again; a word of daring, used in renewing fights and after losses. okissa, v. t., to purify ceremoniously; to fast; a dog is said to okissa when he eats green grass and vomits; okilissa, to purify one’s self; okilissa, her purifica- tion, Luke 2: 22. okissa, n., a ceremonious purification; a fast (observed after going to war, etc. ); an old heathenish rite. okissa nitak, a fast day; a purification day. okissachi, y. t., to purify another; to cause to purify; oka hanta isht okissachit hochifo, to christen; oka hanta isht okissat hochifo, pp., christened. okishko, y. t., to tipple: to drink ardent spirits; v. a.1., to soak. okishko, a., sottish. +4 BYINGTON] okishko, n., a drunkard; a tippler; a bibber. okishko, n., intemperance; drunkenness. okishko fehna, vy. t., to carouse. okishko laua, n., a row. okishko matya, n., a carousal; a row; a drunken frolic. okishko maya, v. t., to havea drunken frolic. okishko shali, n., a sot; a great drunk- ard; an habitual drunkard; a_ bibber; a tippler; a soaker; a toper. okisht alhpisa, n., a gallon. okkachi, okachi, v. t., to wet; to soak; to set down into water, Luke 5: 4; to soften; to steep, 1 Sam. 14: 27; oka- hanchi freq.; pass. ulhkachi. okkachi, n., a soaker. okkattaha, y. a. i., to descend; to go down, Josh. 10: 11; hashi at okkattaha, the sun descends, as at 2 p.m.; hashi at okkattahat akkia, the sun descends and goes down, asat4 p. m.; okkattahakatia, the descent goes. okkattahaka, n., the side of a hill; the foot of a hill; under a hill; the slope; okkattahaka hikia na abeli, I killed him when standing at, ete. okkattahakaia, n., a declivity. okkattahakachi, v. t., to slope. okko, int. of surprise, sorrow, and regret. okkohonlih, y. a. i., to have a Roman nose. okla, n., a people; a tribe; a nation; cit- izens; folks; persons; men; population, 2 Sam. 24: 2; a tongue; a multitude, Matt. 8: 1; inhabitants; they, i. e., mankind, animals, and things, John 1: 37 (when employed in this manner as a pronoun the particle pronoun ¢ is omitted); a community; a party; a region; applied to boats, as isht iat okla, Luke 5: 7; Spani okla, Spanish people; people of Spain; Spaniards; Miliki okla, American people; people of America; Americans. In this way it corresponds to national adjectives, as French, ete.; Pask okla, Bread people, Pascagolians [Pascagoula]; Chahta okla talaia, the one nation, or the single tribe of Choc- taw; hatak apihumma, oklataloha puta, all Indian tribes; hatak toli okla, a ball- playing people; okla ibbak, their hands, Matt. 15: 2; imokla inholitopa, a., patri- A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 297 otic; okla, following a verb, is dual, as anumpulit oklatok, preceding a verb it is plural; see John 9: 23, 24; oklaachi, they say, i. e., people say; Matt. 11: 18; oklat achi, all the people say, i. e., the people say; hatak ashosh okla nukla- kancha, Matt. 8: 27; okla, they, often thus used before verbs; okla abi tukma, Matt. 17: 23; okla, n., the relatives of a man’s wife, and his sister’s husband; amoklama, my people (pl.); my coun- tryman (sing.); of my wife’s family, it is used in the singular number; ok/a, in the dual number, of persons and things and animals; achit oklatok, they two said, Matt. 8, 29; neg. form, tashkit ikoklo kinsha hon, Josh. 2: 8. okla achafa itibi, n., a civil war; imokla achafa intanampi, n., an insurrection. okla achafa itibi, y. t., to have a civil war. okla ahalaia, a., national; pertaining to a people. okla anumpa kobaffiy, n., sedition. ° okla chafa, n., one people; asingle tribe; countrymen; a fellow citizen. okla chito, okla chinto, n., a multitude, Matt. 5: 1; the multitude, Matt. 9: 8; a great people, Luke 3, 7 [?]; many; great multitudes, Matt. 8: 1. okla chito, a., populous. okla iksho, a., without inhabitants; des- olated. okla ilappako®, in them, Matt. 13: 15. okla imanukfila, n., their thoughts, Matt. 12: 25. okla inla, n., a foreign people; foreign- ers. okla laua, n., a multitude, Matt. 13: 2; 14:5, 14, 15, 19, 22, 23. okla laua, a., populous. okla makali, n., the vulgar. okla moma, n., the public; all people; a republic. okla moma, a., public. okla moma immi, a., belonging to the public. oklanan ikithano,n., gentiles; heathen, Matt. 6: 32. okla nana i"kaniohmi chito, see nana inkaniohmi chito, okla petichi, n., officers, Josh. 8: 33. 298 okla talaia, n., one people; one nation, Matt. 1: 21; imokla talaia, his people. oklabbi, v. a. i., to lap, as a dog; see labbi; pp-, lapping. oklabbi, n., a lapper. oklobushli, y. a. i. sing., to dive; to dip; to plunge; to go under water; to duck; to sink; to submerge; isht ochi at oklo- bushi. oklobushli, pp., plunged; immersed; ducked; submerged; whelmed. oklobushli, n., a diver; a plunger. oklobushli, n., immersion. oklobushlichi, y. t., to dip; to immerse; to put under water; to duck; to plunge under water; to immerge; to merge; to sink; to souse; to submerge; to whelm. oklobushlichi, n., immersion. oklubbi, v. a. i. pl., to dive; to dip; to plunge; to duck; to submerge; kilok- lubbi, let us dive in. oklubbi, pp., ducked; whelmed. oklubbi, n., the name of a duck; a diver. oklubbichi, vy. t., to dip; to immerse them; to duck; to beduck; to souse; to submerge; to whelm. okluha, a., ali; the whole, 2 Kings 9: 8; everyone; universal; hatak oklutha, all men; nan oklu"ha, all things, Matt. 7: ellie sel (a) Lal: oklutha, v. n., to be all; oklulunha, a frequentative, Josh. 14: 9. okluhanchi, y. t., to extend to all; okluhanchit ipetalahinla? Shall I feed all? okluhanchit ithaiyana, he knows all things. okluhant, cont., as okluhant anoli, re- late the whole. okluhant ishi, y. t., to take the whole. okluthachi, vy. t., to make or cause all, 2 Kings 9: 24. okluthalhi, y. a. i., to make very much. oklu"halinchi, y. t., to cause to reach to all; oklahalinchit haklo, to hear all, Luke 2: 20. oklusbi, n., dusk; dark; darkish; see okpolusbi. oklush inla, n., a foreign tribe or nation; strangers; foreigners. oklush inla, a., foreign. immersed; BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 oklush inla hatak, n., a foreigner; a foreign man. oklushi, n., a small tribe; a small people; a family; a nation; hatak api humma oklushi taloha puta ka ishimnukharklashke. oklushi ahalaia, a., national. oklushi abanumpa ikithano, n., gen- tiles; pagans; a heathen nation. oklushi nan ikithano, n., heathen, Matt. 6: 7. oktachatko, a., muddy; miry. oktacha"ko, y. n., to be muddy or miry. oktacha®kochi, y. t., to make it muddy. oktachitko, a., muddy; miry. oktachitko, y. n., to be muddy. oktachi®kochi, y. t., to render it muddy. oktafashli, n., the end of a house log after it is put up. oktafashlichi, y. a. i., to put the log out too far. okta™shko, n., a fen. okta™shko, a., wet and miry; fenny. okla™shko, y. n., to be wet and miry. okia™shko, n., a moor; a fen. okta®shkochi, y. t., to make it wet and miry. oktauinli, a., striped. oktauinli, y. n., to be striped; kofi at oktauinli; nantanna yat oktauint. oktauinlichi, y. t., to make stripes. oktichanli, a., having dirty eyes; dirty- eyed, produced either by a sore or neglect. oktichanli, vy. n., to be dirty-eyed. oktichanli, n., a dirty eye. oktichoshli, oklicha®shli, a. pl., having dirty eyes. oktichoshli, y. n., to be dirty-eyed. oklilahpi, n., the first darkness; even- ing; vespers. okhlampi, n., evening. oktilechi, y. t., to produce darkness; to darken; to becloud; to bedim; to cloud; to dim; aboha ya” oktilechi, to darken the room; to embrown; onoktilechi, to bring darkness on him; to benight one; to shadow; to obscure. oktileka, n., the dark; darkness, John 1: 5; a dark place; the place of dark- ness; tali chiluk anuka kat oktileka fehna. okhili, a., dark; dismal; gloomy; mel- ancholy; obscure; opaque; rayless; shadowy; sombre; umbrageous; pp., BYINGTON] darkened; shaded; onoklili, benighted; dark on him; n., opacity. okhili, ady., obscurely. okiili, v. n., to be dark, Matt. 6: 23; oktieli. okhili, vy. a. i., to darken; to be dark, Josh. 2: 5; oktilit taha katimako chiaio- nokkili, where did it darken on you? oktieli. oktili, n., darkness, Matt. 6: 23; dark. an eclipse; gloom; melancholy; ob- scureness; opacity; a shadow. okhli impa, n., supper. okiili taloa, n., an evening song or hymn; an even song. okhlitka, n., darkness, Matt. 10: 27. oktilinchi, y. a.i., to dawn; onnat oktilin- chi, the day dawns; onnat minti, the day comes. okhilinchi, n., the dawn of day. oktotbi, oktulbi, okhubli, n., a rill. okma, he whom, John 3: 34 [?]; conj., mitko okma, ushi okma, either the king or his son; achafahoshminko okma, atukla kato usht attok, Chihowa hokat hatak okma, nanta hatokosh illahe keyushke; achikakokma, keyukmat, tani cha nowa, - achi kak okma, Matt. 9:5; inki okma, keyukmat ishki okma, ‘father or moth- er,’ Matt. 15: 4, 6; chibbak okma, chiyi yokma, Matt. 18: 8. Compounds: ok- mak—okmaka—okmakano—okmakato — okmakhe—okmakheno—o km ak het—ok- mako —okmakocha—okmakoka—okmak- okano — okmakokat — okmakokato — cok - makoke—okmakokia—okmakona—okma- kosh—okmakot—okmano—okmano— okmat—okmato. okmalli, see okmoffi. okmilali, a., bald; having very short hair on the head. okmilali, y. n., to be bald; sheki at ok- milali, fakit at okmilali. okmilali, n., baldness. okmilalichi, v. t., to make bald; to trim off the hair on the head quite short. okmilashli, a. pl., bald. okmilashli, y. n., to be bald. okmilashlichi, vy. t., to make bald. okmiloh, okmiloli, a. pl., bald; having the hair or ears cut short off. okmiloli, v. n. pl., to be bald or to be cropped short; shukhatokmiloti, isuba hat okmiloti. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 299 okmilolichi, vy. t. pl., to cut the hair of the head or the ears short; to crop close off. okmilonli, a., bald. okmisikali, y. a. i. pl., to raise or move the eyebrows; done by boys at play to entice others to play; okmisakanshli, v. aie ple okmisli, vy. a. i., to give a wink by raising the eyebrows. okmocholi, v. a. i., to close the eyes; to have the eyes closed. okmoffi, okmalli, n., a rill or small branch. okochi, vy. t., to draw water. okochi, n., a drawer of water. okokaiilli, y. a. i., todrown. okokaiilli, pp., drowned. okokanowa, v. a. i., to wade; see oka nowd. okokanowa, n., a wader. okokahbi, v. t., to drown; to kill in the water. okokko, int. of dissatisfaction or surprise. okokkoahni, y. a.i., to marvel; to won- der. okokkoahni, n., a marvel; a wonder. okokkoahni, a., marvelous. okokkoaiahni, v. a. i., to admire. okokkoaiahnichi, y. to amaze; to astound. okomo, y. t., to dissolve in water, as sugar, salt, etc.; alhkomo pp. okomuchi, y. t., to melt; to dissolve. okomuchi, n., a melter. okpalali, v. a.i., to float; to swim on the water; to drift; iti at okpalali. okpalali, n., a float; a floating. okpalalichi, v. t., to float; to cause to swim. okpaloh, v. a. i. pl., to float; to swim; also n. pl. okpalotichi, vy. t., to float; to swim; to cause to float. okpani, v. t., to destroy, Matt. 5: 17; Josh. 2: 10; to spoil; to abolish; to ruin; to injure; to mar; to scathe; to rend, Matt. 7: 6; to abuse; to blemish; to hurt; to consume; to contaminate; to corrupt; to damage; to damnify; to de- face; to defile; to deprave; to depredate; to devastate; to devour, Matt. 15:11, 18, 20; to eat; to exterminate; to extin- guish; to harm; to hayoe; to infect; to t., to astonish; 800 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY lose; to misimprove; to misuse; to muddle; to mutilate; to overthrow; to palsy; to pervert; to profane; to raze; to ravage; to remove; to ruin; to slur; to trespass; to undo; to unmake; to vitiate; to vilify; to violate; to waste; ilokpani, to destroy himself; to abuse himself, ete.; pisaokpani, vy. t., to dis- figure; itimokpani, to destroy for each other; imaiokpani, v. t., to foil; okpaty- ani, pro. form, okpani, n., a spoiler; a destroyer; a hurter; aravager; aruiner; a perverter; a profaner; a violator; ilokpani, a self- destroyer; aiokpant, Matt. 6:19, 20. okpanichi, y. t., to cause ruin, destruc- tion; to make of none effect; to cumber or mar, Matt. 15: 6; aokpaninchi, to cumber, Luke 13: 7. okpanit tali, v. t., to consume; to de- stroy utterly; to raze. okpata, okpatha, n., the shoulder- blade; the blade bone of man and beast. - okpata foni, n., the shoulder-blade. okpeli, y. t., to skim off cream, froth, etc.; okpiha, pp. okpicheli, y. a. i., to grow or spring up, as grass and weeds in the spring; to rise to the brim, like water. okpichelichi, okpichechi, y. a. i., to grow or spring up, as grass. okpiyanli, n., a word of reproach, a dis- gusting epithet. okpolusbi, n., dark; dusk; twilight; ves- pers, 2 Kings 7: 5. okpolusbichi, y. t., to render it dark. ckpolo, y. n., to be in a passion; to be dissatisfied, as imokpoto, he is dissat- isfied or he is angry. okpulo,a., bad, Matt. 13: 48; vile; wrong; wicked; absurd; arrant; base; baleful; angry, Luke 4: 28; dirty; corrupt; de- generate; unclean, Matt. 12: 48; delete- rious; deplorable; difficult; dire; dire- ful; dismal; evil; fatal; faulty; fear- ful; fell; felonious; fiendish; flagi- tious; flagrant; foul; gross; harsh; hei- nous; horrible; horrid; hurtful; ill; immoral; impetuous; impure; inclem- ent; indecent; indirect; injurious; licentious; monstrous; nasty; naughty; noisome; noxious; obnoxious; obscene; odious; offensive; opprobrious; outra- geous; pernicious; preposterous; pro- [putt. 46 fane; rough; ruinous; sanguinary; sav- age; sinful; sinister; sordid; terrible; terrific; ugly; vicious; vulgar; waste; wrong; imokpulo, displeased with him; harmed; hurt; itimokpulo, displeased with each other. okpulo, y. n., to be bad, or vile; okpunlo, nasal form; okpoyulo, pro. form. okpulo, y. a. i., to corrupt; to spoil; to damage; to fall; to perish, Matt. 5: 30. okpulo, n., evil, Matt. 5:11; badness; vileness; asperity; damage; destruction; depravity; devastation; an enormity; a fall; a hazard; harm; havoc; a hurt; impurity; meanness; an overthrow; pollution; rascality; ruin; sinfulness; turpitude; wickedness; wrong; ikok- polo, ikokpulo, a., unharmed; un- injured; unspoiled; unviolated; un- tainted. okpulo, pp., ruined; destroyed; abol- ished; spoiled; spoilt; consumed; con- taminated; corrupted; damaged; dam- nified; defaced; defiled; depraved; depredated; devastated; exterminated; extinguished; harmed; infected; in- jured; lost; misshapen; muddled; mu- tilated; perverted; polluted; razed; ravaged; undone; vitiated; violated; wasted; imokpulo, harmed. okpulo, ady., badly; overmuch; rascally; vilely; sabanna okpulo; umba okpulo. okpulo fehna, a., abominable; atrocious; nefarious; worse. okpulo i2_shaht tali, a., worst. okpulo isht i"shat ia, a., worse; ikok- pulo, a., inoffensive; unharmed. okpulo keyu, a., incorrupt. okpulochi, y. t., 1 Sam. 1: 6, to make her fret; to provoke; okpulohonchi, 1 Sam. eet okpuloka, n., fall; ruin, Matt. 7: 27. okpulosali, a., very inferior. okpulot, ady., badly. okpulot ia, okpulot ishtia, v. a. i., to degenerate. okpulot iktaho, a., unconsumed. okpulot taha, pp., razed; utterly de- stroyed. okpulot taha, a., crazy; lost, Matt. 18:11; Luke 19: 10; perished; Matt. 18: 14. oksuk, uksak (q. v.), n., a hickory nut. oksakohchi, n., the high bush whortle- berry. BYINGTON] oksanla, n., a mouse (a Six-towns word— Billy Thomas). Itis a kind that eats sweet potatoes in the hill. oksup, n., a long bead, sometimes 2 inches long, or a large, round bead; wampum. The long kind were once dear. ikonla apakfopa achafakmat isuba itt illibekatok. oksup taptua, n., ajoint snake. okshachobi, n., twilight. okshachobi, vy. a. i., v. n., to become twilight; to be twilight. okshachobichi, vy. t., to cause twilight to appear. okshahala, v. a. i., to be like the feces in diarrhea when streaked with blood. okshakala, v. a. i., to rise, as water. okshakla, n., high water; deep water. okshalinchi, y. t., to make it coarse, sleazy. okshammi, a., hoarse. okshammi, v. n., to be hoarse; sioksham- mi, I am hoarse. okshammi, n., hoarseness. okshammichi, v. t., to cause hoarseness. okshauanli,a., fair; clear; washed bright and clean; pp., bleached; whitened; hatak okshauanli, ohoyo okshauanh, na- foka okshauanli. okshauanli, y. n., to be fair, clear, clean. okshauanlichi, v. t., to cause it to be fair, clear, bright; to hleach; na foka achefat ishokshauanlichi. okshauashli, a. pl., fair; clear; bright; clean. okshauashli, y. n. pl., to be clear or fair; okshauanshli, n. f. okshauashlichi, y. t., to make clear; to bleach. okshauina, okshawilah, n., a sty; a small boil on the eyelid; shawilah, hoshe- lah. okshauoha, a., shallow. okshauoha, vy. n., to be shallow. okshauwi, see okchauwi. okshawilah, see okshauwina. okshachinli, a., coarse, sleazy, like cot- ton baling; not woven tight; not knit tight. okshachinli, y. n., to be coarse, sleazy. okshash, n., acorn pudding; mush made of acorns, A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 301 okshianli, a., narrow, as a strip of land, or the forehead or face. okshichanli, a., sleazy. okshifeli, a., coarse, as corn after being beaten for tanfula before it is riddled and fanned. okshifeli, y. n., to be coarse. okshifeli, n., the rough appearance of corn in the aboye state. okshikali, vy. t., to sprinkle; okshikanli, nasal form. okshika®shli, vy. t. pl., to sprinkle. okshilama, a., sloping; gradually descending. okshilama, vy. at okshilama. okshilama, n., a descent; down hill. okshilammi, v. a. i., to go down hill. okshilita, yv. a. i., to shut. okshillita, okshilita, pp., shut; closed; barred; fastened, aboha yat okshillita; itonabi at okshillita; holisso hat okshillita; ikokshilito, a., unshut; okshillinta, n. f. Luke 4:25. okshilonli, oksholonli, a., having hol- low eyes; hollow-eyed, or white. okshilonli, vy. n., to be hollow, as the eyes. okshilonli, oksholonli, n., hollowness of the eyes, as the socket of the eye after it is taken out; okshilonlichi, ok- sholonlichi, v. t. okshimmi, n., a mist; a drizzling. okshimmichi, y. a.i., to drizzle; to mist; 9 to sprinkle; okshimmihinchi, Deut. 32: 2. descending; n., to be sloping; nani okshinilli, v. a. i., to swim. okshinilli, n., a swimmer. okshinillichi, y. t., toswim; to cause to swim. okshipanli, v. a. i., to appear as the socket of the eye after it is out. okshiplichi, v. a. i., to mist. okshita, okshitta, v. t. sing., to shut; to close; to bar; to fasten; to block up; to embar; imokshita, to fend; see ok- hishta. okshita, n., one who shuts. okshiyanli, a., long and narrow, as a strip of land. okshochobi, n., dark; beginning of dark- ness; okshochohbichi, Ch. Sp. Book, pp. 93, 94. 302 okshohonli, vy. a. i., to be speckled white and gray, the color of a cow’s hair. oksholonli, n., hollow eyes; lonli. okshonli, vy. a. i., to ear; to head, as English grain; tanch pashi himo ku- see okshi- chakma okshonli. okshonli, pp., eared; headed. okshonulli, v. a. i., to swim; isuba hat okshonulli. okshonulli, a., being deep enough to swim; being too deep to ford. okshonulli, n., a swimmer. okshonullichi, y. t., to swim; to cause to swim. okshulba, v. i., to rise, as water on the bank of a stream. [okshulba, n., the wild honeysuckle.— HS. Hs] okshulbi, n., a rill. okshunak talali, n., a sandbar. oktababi, a., mixed like mush. oktak, n., a prairie; a savanna; a field, Matt. 6: 30. oktak ushi, n., a small prairie. oktalonli, a., white-eyed; blue-eyed; gray-eyed; oktalushli, pl. oktalonli, vy. n., to be white-eyed; okta- lushli, pl.; nahollo kanimi kat nishkin ok- talonli chatuk. oktalonli, n., a white eye; a blue eye; a gray eye; oktalushli, n. pl., white eyes; blue eyes; gray eyes. oktaneli, a., shining. oktanelichi, y. t., to shine; to make a shining appearance, as the sun when coming out of a cloud. oktahbi, v. t., to kill by frost. oktabi, a., frostbitten. oktablahe keyu, a., irresistible. oktabli, v. t., to hold; to prevent; to re- tard; to stifle; to dam; to stop water, breath, or air; to chokea creek, etc.; to clog; to bar; to arrest; to obstruct; to block up; to intercept; (to check is imoktabli); oka ya® oktabli; kinta aioktab- li, a beaver dam; isht fiopa yan oktabli, to stop the breath; imoktabli, to check; to defend; to detain. oktabli, n., one who dams, stops, or ob- structs; an obstructer; a stopper. oktabli, n., an obstruction, BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 oktani, otani, y. a. i., to appear in sight, but at a distance; to appear, Matt. 6: 16; 13: 26; to be revealed, Matt. 10: 26; hashi at oktani; sheki at oktani; luak at oktani; isht otani, to be known by, Matt. 12: 33; pala at itoktani; oktaiyani, pro. form. oktani, otani, n., an appearance; isht otani, n., a testimony, Matt. 8: 4. oktanichi, otanichi, y. t., to cause to appear, Matt. 6: 4, 18; to reveal, Matt. 11: 25, 27; 16: 17; to make known, Matt. 12:16; toshow, Matt.7: 23; 12,18; 16: 1; otanichit achili, I profess; aiisht il- otanihinchishke, show forth themselves in, Matt. 14: 2; to be given as a sign, Matt. 16: 4. oktapa, pp., stopped; dammed; ob- structed; barred; fastened; choked; intercepted; prevented; bok at oktapa; pent koa yat oktapa, the boat is calked; oktaptua, pl. oktapa, v. a. i., to choke. oktapa, n., an obstruction; a suppres- sion; a dam; oktaptua, pl. oktaptuli, v. t. pl., to dam; to stop. oktaptuli, n. pl., those who make dams, CUCamer okti, a., frosty; icy. okti, v. n., to be frosty. okti, n., frost; ice; an icicle. okti chito, n., a great frost; much ice; iciness. okti chu®ti, n., frozen mud that has been trodden by horses, as in a prairie. okti hata, n., a white frost. okti laua, a., icy. © okti pushi, n., fine snow. okti tohbi, n., a white frost; a hoar frost. oktitk, n., asmall speckled woodpecker. oktimpi, n., still water in a river. oktisheli, sing., oktishishli, pl. a., red, as the cheek; rosy. oktoboha, v. a. i., to drizzle; to mist. oktoboli, v. a. i., to drizzle; to mist. oktobolichi vy. a. i., to drizzle; to mist; diminutive of oktoboli. oktohbi, n., a fog; a haze; a mist; hu- midity; vapor. oktohbi, vy. a. i., to vapor. oktohbichi, oktohbi, a., foggy; hazy; humid; misty. oktohbichi, y. n., to be foggy. BYINGTON] oktusha, n., a snow. oktusha, v. a. i., to snow. oktusha achafa, n., a flake of snow. oktushachi, v. t., to cause it to snow; to snow. oktushshi, n., a green slimy, ropy matter, found in water ponds or in shallow water where there is soapstone, okumba, oka umba, n., rainwater. okwakli, n. pl., ridges. okwalonli, a., white-eyed; nishkin okwa- lonli; okwalu®shli pl.; shikala okwalun- shli. okwalonli, y. n., to be white-eyed; okwa- lunshli, pl. okwalonli, n., a white eye; okwalu%shli, pl. okwichinlh, y. a. i., to scowl; to frown, okwichinli, n., a scowl; a frown. okwichinlit pisa, yv. t., to frown; to look with a frown. okwilonli; nishkin okwilonli, Gen. 29: 17, okwotummi, v. i., to mist. okwotummih, okwotummichih, ok- watammi, okwatummi, y. a. i., to drizzle. okyauinli, y. a. i., to pout; to scowl. okyauinli, n., one who pouts. okyauinlit pitsa, oki"yauinlit pisa, v. a. i., v. t., to scowl upon. okyifinli, n., the look of a lion. okyohbi, a., moist; a little wet. okyoli, v. a. i., to swim; shukha yat okyoti; shukatti at okyoti. okyoli, n., aswimmer; a swimming. okyohi, a., being deep enough to swim; being too deep to ford; bok at okyoli. okyoli imponna, n., a swimmer. okyolichi, v. t., to cause to swim. ola, v. a. i., to sound; to ring; to blow, as a horn; to sing, as a bird; to caw, asa crow; to crow, as a cock; to gobble, asa turkey; to chink; to chirp; to chime; to coo; to croak; to jingle; to hoot; to in- tonate; to screech; to toll; to twang; okfochush at ola, to quack; ohunla, freq. ; ikohonlo, Josh. 6: 10. ola, n., a sound; a blast; a ringing; a sounding; a crowing; a chirp; a jingle; a kaw; a ring; a tone; a twang. ola, pp., sounded; blown; rung. ola achukma, n., melody. ola imma, ady., in this direction; this way of it, A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 303 ola itilaui, vy, a. i., to harmonize. ola itilaui, n., harmony. ola taklachi, vy. t., to lighten; to reduce the price. olabechi, y. t., to hinder; to prevent; to prevent fighting; allat itinnukoa hokma olabechi; see olabbechi. olachi, v. t., to sound; to ring; to wind; to blow; to chink; to intonate; to jingle; to play; to strike; to tinkle; to toll; to toot; to twang; ehachimolachika, we have piped unto you, Matt. 6: 2; 11:17; aiolachi, to sound there, or at; olanchi, nas. form; olahanchi, freq. form, Josh. 6: 4, 8, 9; ohunlahanchi. olachi, n., one who sounds, blows, etc.; a player; one who performs on an in- strument; ajingler; aminstrel; aringer; a tooter, Matt. 9: 23. olah, ady., this way; olah minti, come this way; bok an koi olah at intuklo, two miles on this side of the creek. olah, y. n., to be on this side; to be this side. olah intannap, a., being on this side of it; on this side of, Josh. 1: 14, 15. olah intannap, vy. n., to be on this side of it. olanli, ady., nearby; not far; hina yat olanli pit itonla. olanli, v. n., to be close by. Olanlisi, adv., closely; very near—still nearer than olanit. olanlisi, v. n., to be very close by; kali at olanlisi. olanlisichi, y. t., to cause to be very near by. olanlusi, olanlosi, ady., very close by; at hand, Matt. 3: 2; 10: 7. olanlusi, v. n., to be very close by. olasi, ady., near by; near at hand. olasi, v. n., to be near by. olabbechi, olabechi (q. v.), v. t., to re- buke; to prevent; to hinder. olabbi, v. t., similar in meaning to alammi; to choke, Matt. 13: 22; to hinder; to stop; to check; to cross; to forbid; to inhibit; to interpose; to re- frain; to restrain; to scant; to stint; to thwart, Luke 4: 35; imolabbi; la pibanna tukkia pimolabi; ‘itimolabbi, to contend; ikimolabo, a., unchecked; ilolabi, to hinder himself; to deny himself; to forbear; i/olabi, n., self-denial, 304 olachi, olachi (q. v.), v. t., to sing. olallahe alhpesa, a., ridiculous. olalli, v. t., to laugh at; to deride; to mock; to ridicule; salalli, he laughs at me; olahanli, freq. olalli, n., one who laughs at another; a derider. olalli, n., ridicule. olbal, a., behind. . olbal, see ulbal, Josh. 6: 9, 13; 10: 19; olbalaka, Luke 2: 43. olbalhpila, adv., backward; to fall back- ward, 1 Sam. 4: 18. olbochi, Ch. Sp. Book, p. 43. olehma, olema, advy., this way; on this side; in this direction from it; from ola and imma. olimma, ady., this way; on this side. olitoma, olituma, ady., at a small dis- tance on the hither side of another object that is some distance away; chahe at iti kolofa yamma olitoma yor itonla. olitomasi, adv., a little way on this side; a diminutive of olitoma. ollochi, ollohchi, ullohchi, pp., drawn, as water from a spring; ochi, v. t. ollupi, pp., stocked; hafted; handled; helved; ohpi, v. t. olana, n., a horsefly. olana atoba, n., the spawn of flies ad- hering to the stalks of grass and weeds, and looking like white foam or spittle. olana chito, n., a big horsefly; an oxfly; a gadfly. olana okchamali, n., the green horsefly most common on prairies. ottipa, n., a lid; a cover; a roof. om, um (q. v.), 0n; upon; sometimes written 0” and on, according to eu- phony; omboli, Josh. 8: 31. oma, part., as chashoma. omanili, ominili, v. t., to sit on; to back; to mount; to sit; to perch; (from om and binili, the letter b of binili being dropped). omanili keyu, a., unbacked. ombala, ompala, n., an opening in the woods where there are but few large trees. ombinili, n., a ride. ombinili, n., a rider; a seat; a throne, Matt. 23: 22: ombitepa, umbitepa, v. t., to press on, Acts 8: 17, 18. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [ BULL. 46 ome, int., well; indeed. ome, yea, Matt. 5: 37. ome ahni, y. a. i., to assent; to acqui- esce; to be willing; to grant; to sub- scribe; to suffer; to take; to tolerate; to vouchsafe; ome ishahnikma antala- chin, ome imahni, y. t., to permit. omiha, well, it may be; it is so; omiha and avtiha have nearly the same mean- ing. omikato, well; so it is; so it is well enough; same meaning as yuhmi mati. ominili, see omanili, omishke, well; give ear; it is so; a word used to call attention at the commence- ment of an address. ompala see ombala. ompoholmo, n., a covering, Ex. 26: 7. ompoholmo, see umpoholmo, covered, Matt. 10: 26. ompohomo, y. t., to coyer, Josh. 2: 6; 7: 26; see umpohomo. on, on; upon; as ontalaia, to sit on; to stand on; onasha; onitula; onoktili; on- umba; see o% and om; onakmat, Matt. 12:44; imaiona mat, Matt. 13: 10; 14: 25. ona, v.a.i., to go to; to reach; to amount to; to extend to; to attain; to gain; to go; to repair; to resort; to come to, Matt. 9: 1; 2:18, 22, 23; aiona, Matt. 10: 6; Luke 3: 2; isht imaiona, they brought unto him, Matt. 4: 24; 8: 16; 15: 39; to arrive at, in going from the speaker, John 2: 6; ohona freq., ona het, Acts 7: 17; to ead to, Matt. 7: 13; 16: 13; to arrive, as time, John 4: 35; tanchi at ikono; iti chanalii laua kat ha- chimona keyu?; oyuna, aiona, Luke 2: 21; aiona, to reach to the place, Matt. 10: 6; itimona, to come together; ikitim- ono, Matt. 1:18; Luke 2: 27; kono, a., defective; imperfect; ‘incompetent; in- correct; ineffectual; insufficient; scant; short; unqualified; unreached; ikono, v. a. i., to lack; to want; ikono, n., a defect; a failing; a lack; a miscarriage; ascarcity; onahe keyu, a., tnaccessible. ena is placed after some numerals and words of multitude, as achafona, to amount to one; tuklona, tuklo ona, to amount to two; kanimona, kani ma ona; katimona, ete., hach isht ohonahe, **ye shall be brought.”’ BYINGTON] ona, n., an arrival; a pass; a reach. onachi, vy. t., to cause to reach; to cause to go to; to attain, meaning in skill, as anumpuli kat chikonacho, neg. form, Josh. 3: 10; itonachi, itunanchi, to go there together, dual, Matt. 26: 60; ik- onancho, n., a failing; ikonancho, v. a. i., to come short; to fail; onanchi, nas. f. onafa, n., winter; the fall. onafapi, n., autumn; fall. onafash, n., last fall. onahpi, n., first arrival. onatula, see onitula, and onutula. onchasanakli, y. t., v. a. i., to wag. onchaba, n., a ridge; a hill; a summit. onchaba, v. a. i., to bea ridge; onchamba, nasal form, being a ridge. onchaba chaha, n., a mountain; a mount. oncheli, v. t., to prime; to lay on. onchuloli, see wnchololi. oni, n., name of a plant good for food; it grows in prairies. onitola, n., a couch, Luke 5: 19. onitula, onatula, v. a. i., to lie on, Luke 2: 14; to fall on, Josh. 2: 9; onituyula, onatoyula, pro. form; see onutula. onna, n., daylight; morning light; day, Luke 4: 42; to-morrow, Josh. 7: 13; onnat minti, onnat taiyaha; imonna, the next day, or day following it, John 6: 22; itimonnakalinchi, every day; daily; to be every day, as a fever that returns daily.—Moses Dyer. onna, vy. a. i., to come, as daylight or morning light, as onna, onnat taha, day- light has arrived; Josh. 5: 11, 12; ont onna; oyunna. onnaha, n., the morrow; to-morrow, Josh. 3: 5; morrow; onnaha yahe an, the morrow which shall be; onnaha yokato, the morrow (distinctly); Matt. 6: 30, 34. onnahinli, n., the morning; before and soon after sunrise; the morn, Josh. 3: 1; onnahinli yokma, in the morning, Matt. 16: 3. onnahinli, vy. a. i. onnahinlikma, in the morning, Josh. 7: 14. onnahinli aba i?ki imasilhha, n., mat- ins; morning worship. onnahinli fehna, n., the morning itself; very early in the morning, Josh. 3:1; Weel: 84339°—Bull. 46—15 20 A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 305 onnahinli impa, n., breakfast. onnahinli impa impa, y. t., to take breakfast; to breakfast. onnakma, adv., to-morrow; on the mor- row. onnat isht inchi, y. a. i., to come, as the morning light; to dawn. onnat isht inchi, n., the coming of morning light; aurora; the dawn. onnat minti, v. a. i., to come, as the morning light; to dawn. onnat minti, n., the morning light; the coming of morning light; the dawn; light; daybreak; daylight; the dawn of day; the break of day; the coming of daylight. onnat oktilinchi, n., morning light; twilight in the morning. onnat oktilinchi, v. a. i., to return, as morning light. onnat oktinli, vy. a. i., morning light. onnat oktinli, n., the return of morning light. onnat taha, onnat taiyaha, n., the full return of day. onnat tohwikeli, n., ‘‘dawning of the day,’’ Josh. 6: 15. onochi, onnuchi, onuchiz, v. t., to inflict; to oblige; to pass; to reproach; to rest; to set, as a price; to wreak; to send on, 2 Sam. 24: 15; to put on; to lay on, Josh. 2:19; 4:5; 8: 31; to impose; to apply; to throw on; to cast, Matt. 5: 25; to enact over, as laws; to charge; to en- force; to enjoin; to impute. This is the causative form; itonnuchi, v. t., to recriminate; .to impose on each other; anumpa onochi, to condemn, Matt. 12: 41; anumpa kallo onuchi, v. t., to com- mand; isht ilonochi, Josh. 1: 6; isht ai- ilonochi, to lay on himself thereby, or therewith, Matt. 5: 33; wlonuchi, to en- gage himself; isht imilonochi, Josh. 5: 6; ilonochichi, had adjured, i. e., made them take on themselves, 1 Sam. 14: 24; isht ilimonochi, sware unto them, Josh. 9: 15; onnuchi, n., one who puts on; an inflicter; onuchi, n., an obliga- tion. ont, a ‘‘directive particle,’’ indicating an action from the speaker, or the place of its origin; ont oklieli hokma, Matt. 6: 23; ont isht chukowa, Matt. 4:5; ont aiati, to return, as 306 n.,end, Mark 13: 7; ont takofichilashke, I will go and heal him, Matt. 8: 7; ont binachi, 2 Sam. 24: 5; ont ia, to go past; to go by; ontalaka, n., bank of a river, Josh. 12: 2; shore, Josh. 15: 2; ont ati, 2 Sam. 24: 2; ont alichi, 2 Sam. 24: 7; ont ima, v. t., to go and give; ont ishi, v. t., to go and take; ont pisa, y. t., to go and see; ont onna, Acts 10: 9. For other words, see ont as prefixed to them. ont, adv., by; to go to, etc., from ona and t, contracted, asont atukla, secondly, on to the second; ont atuchina, thirdly, on to the third, Matt. 17: 238; ont ai- ushta, fourthly; ont isht talapi, fifthly; ont isht hanali, sixthly; ont isht untuklo, seventhly; ont isht untuchina, ont wntu- china, eighthly. ontalaia, v. t., to sit on; to stand on; to rest on; to be on; to ride a horse; shapo at itombi paknaka ontalaia. ontalaia, pp., founded; set on. ontalaia, n., a rider; one who sits on; that which is on. ontalaka, n., the shore; the brow; the edge of a hill, Josh. 15: 2; the brink, Josh. 3: 8. ontalali, v. t., to sit on; to place on; to found; to establish; to strand. ontaloha, n., riders; ontalaia, sing (q.v.). ontaloha, v. t. pl., to ride. ontala, sing., ontalkachi, pl.; itontalkan- chi, to lie on each other, as stones, Mark 13: 2. ontala, v. a. i., to strand; see talali; on- tala, pp., stranded. ontukafa, pp., shot, with a gun. onuchi, see onochi. onulhpohomo, n., a churn lid; on and ulhpohomo. onush, n., wheat, Matt. 13: 30; rye, oats; English grain; small grain, corn, Matt. 12:1; Josh. 5: 11; isuba apa, oats. onush abasha, n., a stubble; the place where wheat was cut. onush aiasha, n., a wheat barn; a granary. onush aialmo, n., a stubble field; the field where wheat was cut; stubble. onush amalichi, n., a wheat fan; a fanning mill, Luke 3: 17. onush almo, n., wheat harvest, Josh. 3: 15. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [ BULL. 46 onush alwasha,n., parched corn. Josh. o2 1 onush amo, v. t., to cradle; to cut wheat; to reap wheat. onush api, n., the wheat stalk; straw. onush api isht basha, n., astraw cutter. onush api isht peli, n., a rake. onush bashli, n., a scytheman; a reaper; a harvester; a harvestman. onush bota, n., wheat flour; bota tohbdi, white flour, or taliko bota, a Chickasaw equivalent. onush chaha, onush lusa, n., rye. onush haktupish, n., wheat chaff. onush isuba apa, n., oats, a grain for horses. onush isht almo, n., a sickle; a reaping hook; a cradle. onush isht basha, n., a sickle; a cradle scythe; a scythe; a reaping hook. onush isht basha api, n., a snath. onush isht boli, n., a flail. onush. lakchi, n., rice. onush lusa, see onush chaha. onush pehna, n., seed wheat. onush sita, n., a sheaf of wheat. onush sita itanaha, n., a shock of wheat, or of English grain. onush sita itannali, v. t., to shock wheat. onutula, onatula, from on and itula, v. a. 1., to fall on; to lieon, Mark 2:4 (on- utula is the correct form of the word.— Allen); to come upon, Matt. 1: 19; 10: 13; 11: 12; onatoyula, Josh. 2: 19; 7: 1. onutula, onatula, pp., fallen on; lying on; accused; charged with; enforced; enjoined; imposed; imputed; inflicted; obligated; isht onatula, blamed for; ono- Chis Vite Cal We). onutula, onatula, n., an obligation. opa, n., an owl, of the large kind. opahaksun, n., the petrified oyster shells found in prairies and other places. opahaksun, n., the birch tree; it grows on the banks of rivers. opi, hopi, oppi, v. t., to stock; to haft; to helve, as a plow or gun; iskifa yan opi, to helve the ax; fanampo an opi, to stock the gun; hullohpi, aialhpi, pass. opia, v. a. i., to be evening; to become evening; ikopia, 1 Sam. 20:5; opiattaha ma, when the evening was come, Matt. 8: 16; 14: 15, 23; sionopia, the evening BYINGTON] is upon me; opiatka, nasal form, when or while it is the evening. opia, n., the evening, i. e., the latter part of the afternoon; even; eventide, Josh. 8: 29. opiachi, vy. t., to make it evening; i- anumpuli kat ilopiachitok, we talked till evening. opiaka, n., the evening; the time from about the middle of the afternoon until sundown, Matt. 16: 2; ‘‘even,”’ Josh. 5: 10. opiaka impa, n., supper; the evening meal. opiaka impa Chisas Klaist at apesa- tok, n., the Eucharist; the Lord’s Supper. opiakmatya, y. a. i., to approach toward night; evening is approaching. opiakmatya, n., nightfall. opitama, pp. sing., passed by; lapped. opitamoa, pp. pl., passed by; lapped. opitamoli, y. t. pl., to pass by; to lap. opitammi, sing. (see aiopitammi), v. t., to pass by; to lap over, like shingles; ‘ti- opitammi, to pass each other. opoma, v. t., to mock, Gen. 39: 17. Oppi, see opi. osapa, n., a lot; a field; a farm; a plan- tation; a cornfield, Luke 6: 1; an en- closure for cultivation, Matt. 12: 1; 13: 24, 44; a portion, 2 Kings 9: 21, 26; a plat of ground, 2 Kings 9: 26. osapa atoni, n., a scarecrow; a field guard. osapa chuka talaia, n., a farmhouse. osapa isht atta, n., a farmer; a hus- bandman; husbandry. osapa pilesa, v. t., to cultivate a field; to farm. osapa takkon aiasha, n., a peach or- chard. osapa toksali, v. t., to work a field; to. farm; to till a field. osapa toksali, n., a farmer; a planter; a tiller of the ground; a husbandman; husbandry. osapushi, n., a small field; a garden; ‘*a patch.”’ osapushi apesachi, n., a gardener, John 20: 16. osapushi toksali, n., a gardener. osini, n., a bumblebee; a humblebee. oMsini bila, n., a bumblebee’s honey. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 307 o4sini hakshup, n., the comb of the bumblebee. o4sini inchuka, n., the nest of the bum- blebee. [oskau, n., the white crane (Sixtowns dialect).—H. S. H.] oski, uski, n., cane; oski naki, an arrow. oskoba, n., small cane. [This word is worn down from oski holba, canelike, and is often used as a synonym of kun- shak, a reed, reedbrake. As a local name it still exists in the name of Scooba, Mississippi.—H. 8. H.] oskonush, n., old seed cane; oski onush is the word in full; oskish, small, low cane; oski shifilli, a small kind of cane. oskula, n., a pipe; a flute; a fife, Matt. ILO: 23: o¥ssi, n., an eagle; applied to the gold coin called eagle. o4ssushi, n., an eaglet; an eagle’s egg; a young eagle. osh, an art. pro. in the nom. case. Li- bias osh, Lebbeus whose, Matt. 10: 3. oshanichi, v. a. i., to have a redness or soreness of skin; slightly inflamed. oshanichi, n., a redness and soreness of the skin. oshawilah, n., a sty. oshan, n., the otter. oshato,n., the womb; oshato nana afoyuka keyu, Luke 23: 29; ishke tmoshato, John 3: 4, oshetik, ushetik, n. (from wshi and lek); a daughter, ushetik hachiama, ye daugh- ters, Luke 238: 28. oMshichakmo, vy. a. i., to be wet with the dew, as clothes, ete. oshke, see ishke. ot, an article pronoun. o"tapa; siaiontapa. otani, ottani, oktani (q. v.), to reveal, Matt: 1: 18; 10:26; 17:3; John 9: 3; Josh. 7: 15; ikimotaiyano, 1 Sam. 3: 7; otanichi, causative; see oktanichi. otapi, n., a chestnut tree. oti, v. t., to make a fire; to kindle a fire; to strike up a fire; to kindle; to light; to ascend; wlhti, olulhti, pl. pp., kin- dled, ete. ; isht olulhti, ‘kindling wood.”’ oti, n., a fire kindler. oti, uti, n., a chestnut. oti hakshup, n., a chestnut burr. 308 owa, n., a hunt; a long hunting expedi- tion; when hunters are absent for weeks or months; owa chito, owa ishto, from whence is said to come Washita, a big hunting place. [This is certainly erroneous. The Washita was named from a tribe which probably spoke a language entirely distinct from Choc- taw.—Eds. ] owatta, v. t. (from owa and alia) , to hunt. owatta, n., a hunter. pachanli, v. a. i. sing., to crack; to chap; to open; oti at pachanli, yakni at pachanli, ibbak at pachanh. pachanli, pp., cracked; chapped; opened. pachanli, n., a crack; a chap. pachanlichi, y. t. or caus., to cause to crack open. pacha2si, a., shallow. pachalh, n., a mat made by weaving the bark of cane; a cane mat. pachalhpali, pachalhpuli, n., a striped snake; the gartersnake. pachashli, vy. a. i., pl. of pachanli, to crack open; pachashli, pp.; pachashlichi, v. t. pl. or caus. pachashli, n., cracks. patfa, pass. v., challenged. panfi, v. t., to challenge; to brave; to offer; to dare; to defy; to stump; to provoke; to fall on; tinkba sapanfi, he challenges me first; 7impanfi, to challenge each other; pa”fi, nasal form. patfi, n., a challenge. patfi, nan pa®fi, n., a challenger. patfichi, y. t., to cause to challenge; to cause a challenge. pahshala, v. a. i., to be rough; iti hak- shup at pashala. pahshala, a., rough; husky. pahshala, n., roughness; huskiness. paieli, v. a. i., to wave, as water and standing grain or grass; oka at paieli, mati hat mati na onush at pareli. paieli, n., a wave; a waving. paielichi, v. t., to cause waves. paiofa, y. a.i., to bend over, as the eage of a hoe or the leaf of a book; chahe at paiofa; bashpo at paiofa. paiofa, pp., bent up; bent over. paiofa, n., a bend or batter on a tool. paioffi, v. t., to bend up; to batter; to dull a tool, BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 paioffi, n., one who bends. paioha, pp. pl., bent up; bent over. paiokachi, v.a.i., to wave; to swell and roll as water; to ride on the waves. paiokachi, pp., waved; tossed on the waves; okfochush at oka ka paiokachi, the duck is tossed on the water. paiolichi, v. t., to cause the waves to flow; to cause a tree to wave; to shake; mati hat oka ya paiolichi; iti a paiolicheli. paioh, v. t. pl., to bend over; to bend up. paiolichi, v. t., to cause to bend. pa"kachu®si, pa"kacha®shi, chashi, n., a small sour grape. pakalichi, a.; wnba pakalichi; v. i., to rain hard. pakama, a., pp., deceived; fooled; im- posed upon. pakama, n., deceit. pakamoa, pp. pl., deceived; fooled. pakamoli, y. t. pl., to deceive; to im- pose upon. pakanli, v. a. i., to blossom; to bloom; to flower; isito api at pakahanli na bilia. pakanli, pp., blossomed; blown; bloomed; flowered. pakanli, n., a blossom; a blow; a bloom; a flower. pakanli laua, a., flowery; full of blos- soms. pakanlichi, vy. t., to cause to blossom, ete. pakammi, vy. t., to deceive; to cheat; isht pakammi, to witch. pakammi, n., a deceiver. patkapi, n., a grapevine; a vine. patkapi aholokchi, n., a vineyard. patki, patkki, n.,agrape; grapes, Matt. 7 cy patki chito shila, n., a raisin. pa2ki okchi, pak okchi, n., wine; grape juice; the juice of the grape. pakna, n., the top; the upper side; the surface; the face, Matt. 6: 10; patalhpo pakna, on a bed, Matt. 9: 2; aboha pak- na, house top, Matt. 10: 27; 16: 19; Josh. 2:11; apakna, an abundance; paknali, pl., the outside. pakna, v.n., to be on the top; iimpakna, y. t., to compete; kilitimpakna, let us compete; to rival; to strive; tkitimpakno, not strive, Matt. 12: 19. paknaka, n., the top; the surface; the brim; the peak; yakni paknaka, John pa"ku- BYINGTON] 3:12; tali paknaka yon, upon a rock, Matt. 7: 25. paknatka, n., the summit; the outside, Matt. 2:9; as churkash paknaka, the crown of a hat or hill, ete.; yakni pak- naka, Matt. 17: 25; paknakeka; pakna- kekachi, v. t. caus. paknaka, a., superficial; exterior; ex- trinsic; paknali, pl., Luke 6: 49[?]. paknaka, y. n., to be above. paknaka, prep., over. paknaka hikiat pisa, v. t., to overlook. paknaka ontalaia, n., the cap sheaf; that which lies on top. paknakachi, paknakachi, caus., Col. 3: 14. paknanli, ady., Matt. 23: 28; to be out- ward and continue so. paknachi, v. t., to cause to go over; pak- nachit pila, to bend over; paknalichi, pl. pakota, pokota, v. a. i. sing., to break in two; to break off. pakota, pp., broken; tali at pakota. pakota, n., that which is broken. pakti, n., a mushroom; a toadstool; a fungus. pakti shobota, n., a puffball. patkuchashi, see patkachu”si. pakulli, v. t., to break, but not to sever; to crack. pakullichi, v. t., to cause to break. palata, a., homesick; lovesick; longing for something; anxious; lonesome; soli- tary, as one alone in a great prairie or wilderness. palata, v. n., to be homesick, 2 Sam. 13: 39; impalata, he is homesick. palata, n., a homesickness; the feeling of that nature. palatachi, v. t., to cause to be homesick. palammi, a., inexorable; mighty; op- pressive; potent; powerful; rigorous; sharp; sore; stern; strict; terrible; tight; tremendous; tyrannical; violent; te- dious; burdensome; cruel; austere; se- vere; arduous; strong; fearful; fell; grievous; hard; heavy. palammi, v. a. i.; na chinpalammi, woe be to thee, Matt. 11: 21; impalammi, woe unto it, Matt. 18: 7. palammi, pp., embittered; isht impalam- mi, Matt. 5: 10. palammi, a., Almighty; n., Almighty; used to describe one of the attributes of God. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 309 palammi, y. n., to be almighty; Chiho- wa hat palammi hoke. palammi, n., a hardship; hardness; hard- iness; power; rigor; severity; sharp- ness; strictness; woe, Matt. 23: 23; kucha kapassa kat palammi fehna hoke; nana palammi, wrath, Josh. 9: 20. palammi, ady., sharply. palammi atapa, a., insufferable; insup- portable; intolerable. palammichi, y. t., to render tedious, severe, etc.; to embitter; palamminchi, n.f; palammit, con. form., severely. palammichi, n., a tyrant. palaska, vy. a. i1., to bake. palaska, pp., a., baked; ikpalasko, a., unbaked; paska, v. t. palaska, n., that which is baked; a loaf, etc., as palaska achafa; naki palaska, pi- shukchi palaska. palatha, n., the part of an earring that hangs loose at the lower end. palsi, palisi, n., palsy. It is more nat- ural to a Choctaw to say palisi than palsi. patak, n. sing., a crack; a pop, and noise made when something splits. patakachiy, v. a. i. pl., to crack; lit., to say patak. patali, v. a. i. pl., to split. patali, pass., to be split. patalichi, n., a splitter. patalichi, v. t. pl., to split; to cause to split; to divide into several pieces. patatak, n. pl., cracks. palampoa, shaped like a four-sided bot- tle. palanta, n., nasal form, anything split; a splitting; a piece split, as a board or shingle. patata, v. a. i. sing., to split; to cleave; to divide. patata, pass., split; cleft; itapatata, split apart, or in two; halved; divided. patata, spalt; split; shaky. palata, n., a side; a half; a piece split off; a cleft; a division. patalli, v. t. sing., to split; to open; to halve; to divide; to cleave; to rend; see pati; itapatalli, to split apart, or asunder. patalli, n., a splitter; an opener. panaklo, ponaklo, v. a. i., v. t., to in- quire after; to question; to ask; nana hon chimpanaklo sabanna. 810 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY panaklo, n., an inquirer. panala, a., crooked; winding, asa shingle. panashuk, n., linden; bass wood. pancha, n., a flag called “ cattail.”’ panti, n., cattail; the upper end of the stalk where the down grows. pasalichi, see pasalichi. pashatfa, pp., gashed; see chanyat pash- anfa. pa™shafoli, n., a green snake. patshahama, n., oil for the head; an oil bag, such as some animals have. pa"shatsha, a., hairy; haired; having hair. pashaya, v. n., to be slanting, not per- pendicular or square, as in cutting off a tree. pashaffi, v. t., to gash; see chanyat pa- shanfa, gashed. patsh falakto, n., a fork-tailed hawk; a swallow-tailed hawk. pa%sh iksho, a., hairless; bald. pa%sh isht ahama, n., oil used in anoint- ing the head, Luke 7: 46. pa"sh isht kashokachi, n., a hairbrush. patsh isht kasholichi, n., a hairbrush. pa%sh isht talakchi, n., a fillet. pa%sh tohbi, n., white hair; gray hair. pa%sh tohbi, a., gray-headed. patsh umbala, n., sorrel hair; isuba panshumbala. patsh yi®yiki, n., curled hair. patshi, n., hair; the long hair of the head, or simply the hair of the head; the head, Matt. 10: 30; hishi q. v. is the word for hair of other kinds. pa%shi chito, a., hairy; n., thick hair. pa%shi ialipa, n., a wig. pa4shi imahaiya, n., a cowlick. patshi isht hita, v. t., to dance round the scalp of an enemy. patshi isht hila, n., a war dance. patshi isht hita, n., a war dancer. paYshi isht talakchi, n., a fillet. patshi tu"fa, pa"shi nushkobo tu"fa, n., a scalp. patshi lu2fa, pa"shi nushkobo lu"fa, pp-, scalped. patshi tu®fi, patshi nushkobo tu"fi, v. t., to scalp. pa¥shi tu2fi, n., a scalper. patshi sita,n., a hair ribbon; hair tied up, called a pig tail. [BuLL. 46 pa4shi tanna, n., sackcloth; hair cloth; na panrshi tanna, Matt. 11: 21. pashia, n., a rim of a hat or vial. pashoha, pp., rubbed; stroked. pashok, poshoh, pl. of potoli, y. t., to feel of; to rub; to stroke; to handle, as a horse; to palm. patshpoa, pp., swept, Matt. 12: 44; brushed. pa%shpuli, v. t., to sweep; to brush. pa"shpuli, n., a sweeper. patshtah, n., a cockleburr; the name of a weed. patafa, v. a. i., to split open. patafa, pp., split open; plowed; fur- rowed; tilled; ikpatafo, a., unplowed. patafa, n., a split; a furrow. patafa alhpesa, a., arable; suitable for plowing. patafa hinla, a., arable. patafa hinla, n., plow land. patali, v. t., to spread; to spread out, as a blanket; to lay; to cover over; as iti shima patali, to strew; shukbo patali; see umpatali, etc., to spread on. patali, n., a spreader. patah, v. a. i. pl., to split; to come open. patah, pp. pl., split open; cut open; fur- rowed. patalichi, v. t., tosplit open; to cause to open; to rifle. patatichi, n., a splitter. patapo, n., a pallet; bed clothing; a blanket, skin, or bed spread to sleep on. patasah, a., large, broad, and flat. patasachi, vy. t. sing., to level; to make flat; to flat; to plain. patasachi, n., a leveler. patasachi, pattasachi, n., a level val- ley; a name applied to the Mississippi swamp; an interval; bottom land; a plain. patasachi, a., level; low; plain; as yakni patasachi; patassachi, pp., leveled. patasalli, v. t., to flatten; to make flat; to level; naki lumbo patasalli; itilawichit patassali, to spread it even, like butter on bread or salve on a cloth. pataspoa, pl., flat; iti pataspoa, flat pieces of wood; puncheons for a floor. pataspoa, v. n., to be flat. pataspoa, pp., made flat; flattened. pataspuli, v. t. pl., to flatten; to make them flat; iti pata pataspult. 2 an OEY ead a yn BYINGTON] pataswa, pl., a flat. pataswa, pataswa, pp., Vv. flat. patashechi, y. t., to level. patashua, pp., v. a. i., flattened. patashuli, v. t. pl., to flatten. patafii, v. t. sing., to split open; to cut open; to plow; to furrow; to trench; yaknian patafi; na foka ya” pataffi; itapa- taffi, to till; patafa hinla, a., tillable. pataffi, n., a splitter; a tiller. patala, a., flat. patala, v. n., to be flat. patalhpo, pp., from palli, v. t., or patali, spread; strewed, Matt. 24: 26; aba pa- talhpo, a chamber. patalhpo, n., a spread; a pallet; a couch, Luke 5: 24; Mark 2: 9; a bed, Matt. 9: 258% pataskachi, pp. pl., leveled; flattened. pataspoa, a. pl., pataspoa (q. v.), flat. patassa, a. sing., flat; level; smooth; small and flat; yakni patassa; pataspoa, pl. patassa, n., flatness. pataswa, see pataswa. patya, v. a. i., to cry; to halloo; to call; to bark; to whoop; to cry out, Luke 4: 33; iMpanya, v. t., to exclaim; to roar; to shriek; to scream; to screech; to vociferate; to yell. patya, n., a cry; a whoop; a yell; a clamor; an exclamation; a war whoop. patya, n., a crier; one who _halloos, whoops, yells; a recreant; one who eries for mercy in a contest; a roarer. patyachi, y. t., to cause him to cry; to make him whoop, ete. pablikan, pablikan, n.,a publican, Luke 3: 12; a collector of toll or tribute, Matt. LS Ze pachaiasha, n., a pigeon roost, or a resort for pigeons. pachanusi, n., a pigeon roost. pachalhpowa, pachalhpoba, n., a dove, John 2: 14. pachi, n., a pigeon. pachi yoshoba, pachi yoshuba, pach oshoba, n., a turtle dove, a dove, Luke 3: 22; Matt. 3: 16; 10: 16. pachushi, n., a squab; a young pigeon; a pigeon egg. pafachi, n., a puff, taken from English to puff, I presume.—C. B. n., to be A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 311 pafachi, y. a. i., to puff. paffala, n., paffaloha, pl., a swelling; a bump, such as is made by a lash on the skin. paffala alota, full of swellings. pala, n., acandle; alamp; atorch; alight; ataper, Matt. 5: 15s) 63)225) 252 1. 7,185 Luke 15: 8; palaisht ala, bring a candle. pala, v. a. i., to shine, as a candle; pala hat pala, the candle shines. pala, pp., lighted. pala afoka, n., a candlestick; a sconce; a lantern. pala aiakmo, n., a candle-mold. pala aio"hikia, n., a candlestick, Matt. 5: 15; a candle-stand; a lamp-post. pala inchuka, n., a lantern. pala isht kalasha, n., snuffers; candle- snuffers. pala isht kicheli, n., snuffers. pala isht mosholichi, n., a candle- extinguisher. pala isht taptuli, n., a candle-snuffer; snuffers. pala ontalaia, n., a candlestick, Luke S206: pala ponola lua, n., candle snuff; burnt candlewick. pala toba, n., candle stuff. pala tohwikeli, n., candle light. palali, v. t., to light a candle, torch, or lamp; to carry a light; to light, Matt. 5:15; ninak palali, to make or carry a torchlight in the night. palampa, n., a meteor. palattokachi, v. a. i., to jar; iti at kinafa- ma yakni at pallattokachi. palhki, a., quick; hasty; soon; fast; rap- id; spry; cursory; fleet; impetuous; swilt. palhki, y.n., to be quick; chipalhki fehna. palhki, pp., quickened; hurried; has- tened. palhki, yv.a.i., to dart; to move quickly. palhki, n., quickness; activity; rapidity; velocity. palhki, adv., quickly. palhkichechi, y. t., to hasten; to accel- erate. palhkichi, v. t., to hasten; to hurry; to cause to move fast. palhkit aya, v. a. i., to skim; to go along fast; to fleet. palhkit atya, a., fleeting. 312 palhpakachi, a. pl.; nishkin palhpakachi, bright eyes. pali, a., short, as a vest. pali, n., a flying squirrel. palli,a., hot; warm; sultry (a Chickasaw word). palli, v. n., to be warm. palli, n., summer. palli, v. t. pl., patali, sing., to spread them, Matt. 21: 7; Mark 11: 7, 8. palokachi, v. a. i., to jar. palokachi, pp., jarred; yakni winakachi- mat yakni at palokachi. palokachi, n., a jar; a shake. pata, v. a. i. pl., to split. pata, pp., split; itapata, divided. pata, n. pl., that which is split. patakachi, vy. t., to rebuke; to appease; poakachi, Luke 8: 24. patalichih, y. t. pl., Ps. 78: 15, to cleave (the rocks). pati, v. t. pl., tosplit; to split them. See patali, itakowa pati, to split firewood; holihta pati, to split rails; holihta toba pati, to split fence stuff; itapati, to divide. pati, n., a splitter; a divider. pana, v. a. i., to twist two or three strands together. pana, pp., a., twisted; braided; plaited; aseta pana, John 2:15; ponola pana; ita- pana, Ex. 26: 1. pana, n., a twist; a braid; that which is braided; a plait. panni, vy. t., to twist two or three strands together, as when a rope is made; to braid; to plait. panni, n., a plaiter. pasa, pp., cut into thin slices or pieces, as meat is cut for drying in the sun; see pasli. pasa, n., a thin piece; aslice; a side; as shukha nipi pasa; wak nipi pasa. pasaha, passaha, y. t. pl., to slap; to spank; to box; to cuff; to thwack, Mark 14: 65. pasaha, n., a slapping; one who slaps, boxes, etc.; a boxer. pasalichi, pasalichi, v. t. sing., to slap; to strike with the open hand; to spank; to buffet; to cuff; to pat; to thwack. pasalichi, n., a box; aslap; a blow with the open hand; a pat; one who smites with the open hand. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [Burt 46 pask alwasha, n., fried bread; a nut cake; a doughnut; a fritter. pask ikbi, n., a baker. paska, v. t., to bake; yammaskat luak iksita onochit paska, Gen. 18: 6; paskali, I bake bread. paska, n., bread, Matt. 7: 9; a loaf, Matt. 14: 17, 19, paska yash on, the loaves, Matt. 14: 19; bread, Matt. 15: 2; alla impaska, children’s bread, Matt. 15:26 JOsavo seal paska, n., a baker. paska alibishli, paska libishli, n., a toasting iron. paska ayamaska, n., a kneading trough or tray; tanch pushi ayamaska; onushbota ayamaska, paska alhpusha, n., toast. paska banaha, n., the Choctaw bread which is rolled up in corn husks or leaves and then boiled; dumplings; a a roll of bread. paska banahachi, v. t., to make Choc- taw bread, ete. paska champuli, n., cake; sweet bread. paska chanaha, n., a loaf of bread; a wheel of bread. paska holitopa, n., showbread, Luke 6: 4; sacred bread. paska isht shatammi, n., leaven, Matt. 16: 6, 11. paska isht shatammichi, n., leaven; yeast. paska kallo, n., a cracker; hard bread; biscuit. paska libishli, see paska alibishli. paska otani, n., the showbread, Matt. 12: 4. paska shatammi, n., leavened bread. paska shatammichi, y. t., to leaven bread. paska shatammichi, n., leaven, Matt. 13: 33. Paskokla, see Bashokla. pasli, v. t., to cut meat into thin slices; to slice. pasli, n., one who cuts into thin slices. passaha, see pasaha. passalohah, pl. of passali, warped up. pasha, n., a cracknel, 1 Kings 14: 3. pashanoha, vy. a. i. pl., to warp. pata, v. a. i., to spread. pata, pp., spread; palli, v. t.; pataya, pro. form. BYINGTON) patakitta, n., a brave. patha, a., wide; broad; capacious; large; ample; extensive, Matt. 7: 13; hopatka, pl.; ikpatho, a., narrow; scanty; pp., narrowed. patha, v. n., to be wide, broad. patha, n., width; breadth; latitude. pathas pp., widened. patha alhpiesa, a., ample; wide enough. pathachi, y. t., to widen; to make broad; ikpathochi, v. t., to straiten; to narrow. patkachi, pp. pl. spread; palli, v. t. pattasachi, see patasachi. peh, adv., merely; simply; just; nothing; only, Josh. 1: 7; 2:11; as peh makali, peh iali, nothing only I am going; peh ik- lanna, just middling. peh atsha, a., neutral; merely sitting. peh atsha, y. n., to be neutral; merely to stay or sit. peh alhpesa, a., ordinary. pehna, pp., saved, as seed kept for plant- ing. pehna, n., seed for planting; seed corn. pehnachi, v. t., to save or lay up seed corn, or any seed for planting; ish- pehnachi alhpesa, you ought to save the seed. pehta, n., a raft; a float. petechi, n., a brood; a litter; petechi achafa, one brood. peti, v. t. pl., (pass., piha; sing., ishi), to take up; to takeaway dust, dirt, leaves, grass, to shovel up; to take up by means of an instrument; to rake; to scoop; to gather fish, Matt. 13: 47. peli, n., one who takes up; a scooper. pelicheka, petecheka, n., a ruler; a chairman; a presiding officer; a mod- erator; a dominator; an earl; the ex- ecutive; a governor; a head; a head man; an intendant; a leader; a presi- dent; a superintendent; master, Matt. 10: 25; petecheka atiha, rulers. petichi, v. t. pl., to manage; to order; to overrule; to oversee; to reign; to rule; to superintend; tosway; to govern more than one, Mark 11:11; to conduct; to lead, Matt. 15: 14; to control; to con- voy; to direct; to dominate; to dom- ineer; to reign over, Luke 1: 33; to take, as a husband or father takes, Matt. 2: 20, 21; to guide; to head; to keep; to lord; to marshal; to preside, A DICTIONABY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 313 Matt. 8: 9; 12: 45; petinchi, nasal form; petiechi, pro. form; peliet; petint, Luke Gilat: petichi, n., a reign; a rule. petichi, n., a ruler; a leader; a governor; a chief; a controller; a guide; a lord; a manager; a marshal; a master; a presi- dent; a principal; a rector; a regent; a ringleader, Matt. 2:4; 18:52; 16: 21; John 3: 1; okla petichi, officers of the people, Josh. 1: 10. petichi achafa, n., a company. petichika aiasha, n., a throne; a ruler’s seat. penafana, n., a helm; a steering oar. penatopulli, n., a ferry. peni, n., a boat; a trough; a barge; a yawl; a skiff; a canoe; pent om, a ship, Matt. 9:1; pent chukowama, when he was entered into aship, Matt. 8:23; peni ashon, the ship, Matt. 8: 24; a pirogue; a ship, Luke 5: 2, 3; Matt. 14: 13, 24, 82, 33; pehni at ala, the boat has ar- rived; a ferry; peni ato, the ship, Matt. 14: 24. peni ahoponi, n., a caboose. peni alota, n., a cargo; a shipload; a ship’s cargo. peni ataiya, n., a boat landing; a land- ing; a harbor; a port. peni ataya, a., navigable. peni chitataya, n., a ship harbor; a harbor; a haven. peni chito, n., a ship; a brig; a vessel; a large boat; a sailer; pent hocheto, n., ships; shipping. peni chito aiitibi, n., a sea fight; a nayal action; a frigate. peni chito fohki, vy. t., toship; to put on board of a ship; to embark. peni chito fohkit pila, v. t., to ship. peni chito foka, pp., shipped; em- barked. peni chito foka, v. a.i., to embark. peni chito ibish, n., the bow of a boat. peni chito ikbi, n., a shipbuilder; a shipwright. peni chito iMkotah, n., the mast of a ship. peni chito isht a™ya, n., a shipmaster; a sailor. peni chito kapetani, n., a shipmaster or a ship captain. peni chito koa, n., a shipwreck. 314 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY peni chito koli, v. t., to shipwreck; to break a ship. peni chito okpulo, pp., shipwrecked. peni fohki, vy. t., to put on board of a boat; to embark. peni foka, pp., put on board of a boat; embarked. peni foka, v.a.i., togo on board; to em- bark; to take ship, Matt. 15: 39. peni hasimbish, n., the stem of a boat. peni hochito, n., large ships; ships. peni hochito kanomona, peni hochito laua, n., a navy. peni ibish, n., the bow of a boat; the stem of a boat; the end of a boat; the prow. peni i"kapetani, n., a boat captain. peni intalaia, n., a ferry. peni i4ponola, n., a boat rope; a cable. peni ishapo, n., a boat’s cargo; a boat- load. peni isht afana, n., the helm of a boat. peni isht atya, v. t., to navigate a boat; to navigate; to pilot. peni isht a”ya, n., a sailor; a boatman; a pilot; a mariner; a navigator. peni isht aya imalhtoba, n., pilotage. peni isht atta, n., a ferryman; a boat- man; a bargeman; a sailor; a water- man. peni isht cha™ya, n., an adze; an ad- dice. peniisht fullolichi, n., a rudder; a helm. peni isht moa, n., an oar. peni isht mu®fa, n., a paddle. peni isht talakchi, n., a boat rope; a cable; a painter. peni koa kafolichi, y. t., to calk a cracked boat. peni kucha, y. t., to disembark. peni kucha alhtoba, n., ferriage. peni kuchichi, v. t., to ferry. peni kula, n., a canoe; a dug boat. peni kula falaia, n., a long canoe; a pi- rogue. peni luak, n., a steamboat; a steamer. peni luak shali, n., a steamboat. peni nushkobo, n., the bow of a boat. peni patassa, n., a flatboat; a ferry- boat; a pontoon; a scow. peni patassa fohkit isht atya, v. t., to scow. peni patha, n., a ferryboat; an ark; a large boat used on American rivers. [ BULL. 46 peni shohala, n., a batteau; alight boat. penushi, n., a skiff; a yawl; a small boat; an ark, such as Moses lay in when found by Pharaoh’s daughter, John 21: 8. penushi palhki, n., a skiff; a fast-run- ning skiff. pi, per. pro., we; nom. case, Ist per. pl. of neuter verbs, as pinusi, we sleep; pikallo, we are strong; see chi. The vowel 7 is often dropped before another vowel, as illi, to die; pilli, we die. pi, per. pro., we; nom. case, Ist per. pl. of passive verbs, as pinata, we are wounded. pi, per. pro., us; obj. case, before active transitive verbs; pipesa, he sees us; ishpititelikma, thou sendest us, Josh. ae: pi, pos. pro., our; nom. case, before nouns which are the names of the body and a few more, as pihaknip, our bodies. pi2, pos. pro., our; nom. case, Ist per. pl., as pi™holisso, our book; pi®wak, our cattle; pim is found before words that do not begin with a vowel, or the con- sonants ch, 1, t, and p. (See chi.) pit, per. pro., dative case and usually translated with a prep., as, of us, for us, from us, to us, etc., and found before words beginning as stated under pin; ishpimmiha, thou commandest us, Josh. eles pi4, pass. pro., Ist per. pl., us, our; removed from the noun in the nom. and _ placed before the verb, as tali holisso pithotina, he has counted our money, or, he has counted the money for us. pia, per. pro., Ist per. pl., we; hatak api humma pia, we red men. piaichi, see pialichi. piakachi, y. a. i., to wave; to swell and roll, as small waves; to ripple. piakachi, pp., made to wave; rippled; moved; agitated, as water, John 4: 4[?]. pialichi, piaichi, v. t., to trouble water; to make water wave or ripple, John 4: 4[?]. pichahi, n., a rat. pichali isht illi, n., ratsbane; arsenic. pichefa, v. a. i. sing., to break open and run out. picheli, pl. of pichefa. : 4 x BYINGTON] pichelichi, bichillichi, vy. t., to burst them; to break them; to cause to ooze out. pichi, pihchi, n., sorrel, name of a weed; see hachukkashaha. pichiffi, v. t., to squeeze, so that some- thing will run out. pichilli, bichilli, y. a. i. pl., pichefa, sing., to ooze out; to leak out; to run out; to leak; to drip; oka yat sakti yar pichilli; italhfoa yat bichilli, the keg leaks. pitfa, pp., brushed off; scraped away; scraped; hituk at pirfa; pirfat itanaha, scraped together. pi4fi, v. t., to brush off; to scrape away; to scum; to sweep away, as water carries off leaves and the earth; hituk an pinfi; pinfit itannali; hashtap a® pinfi; bok an pinfi. piha, pp. (from peti), taken up; shoveled up; scooped; scummed; hituk chubi at ptha; ahe at piha; tanchi at piha. pibcha, pihchi, n., a loft; a chamber; a corn crib raised from the ground by long posts. pihchi, see pichi. pikalichi, v. t., to rinse, as a bucket or a cup when dirty. pikayu, n., agroat; a half dime; half abit. pi%ki, n., our father. Pitki aba, Aba pi®ki, n., our Heavenly Father; God. Pitki chito, n., our great Father; the President of the United States. Pitki chitokaka, n., our great Father; the President. Pitki ishto, n., our Great Father; God; Porki ishto, the Chickasaw equivalent. Pitki ishtoka, n., our Great Father; the President of the United States; Pinki ishtokaka aba binili, our Great Father who sits in Heaven. pikofa, v.a.i.,sing., to chate, as, itchafes; to fret by rubbing; to fret; to gall. pikofa, pp., chafed; heated; fretted by rubbing; excoriated; fretted; galled; isuba nali at pikofa; isuba haktampi at pikofa. pikoffi, v. t., to chafe; to fret and wear by rubbing; to excite inflammation by rubbing; to excoriate; to gall. pikoffi, n., a chafer; one who chafes. pikoffichi, v. t., to cause to chafe. pikofichi, n., a chafer. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 315 pikoli, pikoli, v. a. i. pl, to chafe; to fret by rubbing. pikoli, pp., chafed; fretted; rubbed till sore. pikotichi, v. t., to chafe; to fret; to rub. pi*kshi,n., aknag; aknot; as tiak pitkshi, a pine knot. pila, v. t., to pitch; to project; to trans- mit; to send; to throw; to cast; to toss; to fling; to heave; to forward; to con- vey; todispatch; to further; tolaunch; holisso pila, to convey a letter; anwmpa impinla, Josh. 2: 3; holisso et pela, to send a letter this way; holisso pit pela, to send a letter that way; ilepila, to cast himself down. pila, n., a cast; a throw; a fling. pila, n., a sender; a caster; a thrower. pila, advy., toward and in a direction from the speaker; off; toward. pilashash, yesterday, John 4: 52. pilefa, v.a.i., to bend over, like the edge. of a hoe. pilefa, pp., bent over. pilefa, n., a bend. pilesa, v.a.i., to work; to labor; to toil. pilesa, n., a laborer. pilesa, n., labor; work. pilesachiz, v. t., to work; to cause to work; to labor; amisuba han pilesachi. piliffi, v. t., to pull up. pilla, prep., at, to, from, or in a distant place or time; pilla refers to space and time both; off to; off there or at, as falammi pilla, to the north; at the north; aiati pilla, Matt. 12: 42; Chintail aiasha pilla, the way of the Gentiles, Matt. 10: 5; toward, 2 Sam. 24:5. This dif- fers from pila (q. v.), meaning toward, in the direction of; lappa pilla, away yonder; away this way. pilla, adv., away; away off; remotely. pilla, v.a.i., to be free; ‘‘freely,’’ Gen. 2:16; pilla hon, ‘‘freely,’? Matt. 10: 8. pilla, adv., merely; nothing; a Chickasaw word having the force of pehin Choctaw. piloa, v. a. i. pl., to bend over; pile/a, sing. piloa, pp., bent over. pilohi, vy. t., to bend them over. pitema, pilimha, v. t., to bend, as the leg; iyi at pitimha, to bend; pitimkachi, pl. 316 pitutka, v. a.i., to sneeze, as a horse. shanwa, to snort, as a horse in play. pilutka, n., a sneezing. pitu"kachi, vy. t., to cause to sneeze. pim, pos. pro., our, Ist per. pl., before nouns beginning with a vowel, as pim- isuba, our horse. pim, pre. per. pro., Ist per. pl., in the dative case before active transitive verbs beginning with a vowel, and to be rendered generally with a prep. ; as pim- anumpuli, talk to us. pim, per. pro., before some neuter verbs beginning with a vowel, and formed from an adjective, as pimokpulo; see chim. pim, prefixed to neuter and other verbs instead of the noun, as allat pimilli, allat pimalla, ete. pimmi, adj. pro., our; ours. pimmi, v. n., to be our. pimmi toba, v. a. i., to become our. pin, pre. pos. pro., our; 1st per. pl. nom. or other case before nouns beginning with ch, 1, and t, as pinchuka, our house. pin, pre. per. pro., in the dative case before verbs beginning with ch, J, and ¢, and usually translated with a prep., as of us, to us, for us, from us; pinchumpa, to buy of us. pin, pos. pro., our; found before verbs beginning with ch, 1, and t, where the pro. or sign of it has been removed from the noun and placed before the verb, as pinak pintaha, tanchi at pintaha; in- stead of pitpinak at taha, ete. pinak, n., provisions for a journey; vict- uals prepared beforehand, Josh. 1: 11; 9:11; provisions for man, cooked or not; if cooked they are cold. pittak imatali, v. t., to victual. pinak imatahi, n., a victualler. pinak imaltaha, pp., victualled. pinak toba, n., prepared provisions. pinash, n., ropes of a vessel; rigging of a vessel; cordage for a vessel; oakum; tow. pinti, n., a mouse. pinti ahokli, n., a mouse trap. pintukfi, n., a field rat; a field mouse. pisa, v. t., v. a. i., to see; to find; to try; to attempt; to eye; to behold; to discern; tostudy; todetect; to discover; to look; to view; to examine; to search; to desery; te endeavor; to espy; to BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY {purt. 46 essay; to have, John 3: 15, 16; to read, Luke 6: 4; to receive, John 4: 36; to notice; to perceive; to pry into; to prove; to seek; to stare; to strive; tosurvey; to test; to view, Josh. 2: 1; to explore; to enjoy; to gain; to gape; to gaze; to inspect; to investigate; to ken; to notice; to reconnoiter; to regard; to remark; to view, Josh. 7: 2; to observe; to witness; Matt. 4:1; 5: 1; 6: 4; 9: 9 1178: 12: 44: Josh: 43712: John 1: 41, 45; apisa, Matt. 18: 10; apinsa,to be seeing in or at, Matt. 6: 18; ak apesoshke, I have not seen in, Matt. 8:10; ilepisa, to see himself; ilapisa, to look at or on himself; to consider him- self; to pretend, John 19: 7; pihinsa, to pore over; piesa, pro. form; pimsa, nas. form, hoyoli kia akpeso, though I seek I do not see; ishkot pisa, imp., try to drink; ont pisa, v. t., to visit; to go and see; ikpeso, a., unseen, unread, untried; pitpisa, Matt. 14: 26; pist, pimst, contrac- tions. pisa, n., a view; a vision; a visit; an as- pect; asight, as pisa tuklo; a descrip- tion; the looks; appearance; a pros- pect; an enterprise; an essay; an examination; a gain; a gaze; an inspec- tion; an investigation; a mien; a shape; a stare; a survey; a test; a trial. pisa, n., one who sees; a student; a viewer; an examiner; an explorer; an eyer; a gainer; a gazer; an inspector; an investigator; a looker; an observer; a prier; a seer; a trier; a viewer; a wit- ness. pi4sa, n., a notice. pi4sa, n., an observer. pi4sa, a., ocular. pisa aiukli, vy. a. i., to beautify; to be- come pleasant to the sight. pisa aiukli, pp., beautified; adorned. pisa aiukli, a., fair; handsome. pisa aiukli keyu, a., homely; ugly. pisa aiuklichi, v. %., to beautify; to adorn. pisa fehna, v. t., to scan. pisa hinla, a., visible; legible. pisa ikachukmo, a., indecent; shapeless. pisa inla, n., a prodigy. pisa okpaniz, v. t., to disfigure, or to spoil the looks; to deform. BYINGTON] pisa okpulo, pp., deformed; defaced, as to beauty. pisa okpulv, a., grim; ghastly; hideous; ugly. pisa shah, a., studious. pisachi, v. t., to show; to exhibit; to teach; to instruct; to cause to see; holisso ha pisachi; iti an pisachi; yakni av pisachilachi; pisanchi, making him see, Deut. 7: 10. pisachi, n., a teacher; a shower; an ex- hibiter. pisahe keyu, a., undistinguishable; illeg- ible; unsearchable. pisat, from pisa and t, to see and. pisat topulli, v. t., to perambulate. pisiksho, n., a slight. pist aya, n., aspy, Gen. 42: 9. pishaiyik, n., the name of a weed, the root of which is used in dyeing red. pisha"kchi, n., an elder. pishali,n., our Master; our rabbi; see uke: 3: 12; John 3: 26; 4: 31; sir, Matt. 13: 27. pishannuk, n., the basswood tree; the linden tree. pishechi, y. t., to nurse; to suckle; to feed an infant at the breast or with a bottle, Luke 23: 29; pishet,con. pishi, vy. a. i., to draw the breast, asa child or the young of an animal. pishi, y. t., to suck the mother, as an in- fant; to draw the milk from the teat with the mouth; to draw into the mouth. pishi, n., suck. pi#shi, n., a suckling, 1 Sam. 15: 3. pishi issa, v. a. i., to stop sucking, as children when weaned. pishi issachi, v. t., to wean. pishik, ipi"shik, n., a teat, Luke 23: 29. pishilukchi, hishilukchi, n., bran; tan- pishilukchi, corn bran. pishkak, n., name of a weed that grows along branches, used in coloring red; puccoon; blood root. pishno, per. pro., Ist per. pl., nom. case, we, Matt. 6: 12. pishno, per. pro., Ist per. pl., obj. case, us, Luke 3: 14; pishno ato, we, in con- trast with thee; i. e., the disciples and the Savior, John 4: 22; Matt. 17: 19. pishno, pos. case, ours; our. pishno akinli, ourselves. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 317 pishno yoka, a., thine. pishno yokat, a., thine. pishofa, pp. hulled, as corn in a mortar with a pestle; tanchi at pishofa, the corn is hulled. pishpiki, y. a. i., to rise and inflame like a sore in the throat—Ishmayabi; or like fungous flesh, called nipi lobafa. pishuffi, v. t., to hull; tanchi pishuffi. pishuk, n., name of a weed used in dye- ing red. pishukchi, n., milk, Josh. 5: 6; I pre- sume from pishi, to suck, and okchi. pishukchi achibokachi, pishukchi achibolichi, n., a churn. pishukchi ahoiya, n., a milk strainer. pishukchi aiasha, n., a buttery. pishukchi aialbiha, n., a milk pan. pishukchi aniachi, n., a churn. pishukchi a®sha, a., milky. pishukchi ataloha, n., a dairy; milk shelves. pishukchi banaha, n., a roll of butter. pishukchi hauashko, n., sour milk; bonnyclabber. pishukchi holba, a., milky. pishukchi homi, n., sour milk. pishukchi kaskaha, n., sour milk; clab- ber. pishukchi nia, n., butter; cream. pishukchi nia aialhto, n., a cream pot; a cream bowl. pishukchi nia isht chibolichi, n., a churn staff; a churn dasher. pishukchi nia lapali, pp., buttered. pishukchi nia lapalichi, v. t., to butter. pishukchi nia okchi, n., buttermilk. pishukchi nia palaska, n., cheese. pishukchi niachi, v. t., to churn. pishukchi okchi, n., whey. pishukchi pakna, n., cream; the top of the milk. pishukchi palaska, n., cheese. pishukchi palaska kanchi, n., a cheese monger. pishukchi su?kko, n., thick milk; scur milk. pishukchi walasha, pishukchi wal- anto, n., bonnyclabber; coagulated milk. pit (cont. of pila), a directive particle or ady., implying a motion from the speaker or object spoken of toward, onward, forward, forth, Josh. 1: 16; 318 pit imahni, v. t., to beckon to them; to wish them, Luke 5: 7; pit okachi, v. t., to let down into water, Luke 5: 5; pit takalechi, vy. t., to launch out, Luke 5:4; pit takanli, Matt. 6:21; pit chumpa, to send and buy; pit anoli, to send word; pit ima, to hand him; to send to him; pit pisachi, Matt. 4: 8; aba pit ish- anumpuli, thou talkest toward heaven; pit chukowa, entered into, Matt. 9: 1; pit tanabli, passed over, Matt. 9: 1; pit weli, he put forth, Matt 8: 3; pit titeli, he sent forth, Matt. 10:5; pit itula, to fall in; pit halalli, to lay hold on, Matt. 2 malas poa, n., a beast; a wild beast; vermin. poa aiasha, n., a menagerie. poa chito, n., a mammoth. poa lapish achafa, n-., a unicorn. poa nipi, n., flesh; the flesh of animals. poa nusi, n., a burrow; the nest of a wild beast. poa okpulo, n., bad wild beasts. poa ushi, n., vermin; young vermin. poafa, a., unfortunate; unlucky. poafa, v. n., to be unfortunate; to be un- lucky; ampoafashke, I have bad luck. poafachi, poafichi, v. t., to cause mis- fortune; to make or cause bad luck. poafachi, n., the name of a weed that dyes black. poakachi, v. a. i., to wave high; to roll high, as great waves. poakachi, n., a high wave. poakachi, pp., made to run high, as waves. poalichi, poyalichi, v. t., to cause the waves to roll high, or to move either in waves Or with the tides; to shake water; as isht ishko oka anit poalichit ta- tabli, to rinse a cup. pochuthatapa, n., a whipsnake; ipochi itimapa.— Harris. pochuko, vy. a. i., to place the feet to- gether and sit on the heels as Choctaw women do; to sit with them placed sideways. pochuko, n., one who sits on her heels, or with them sideways. pohkul, fohkul (q. v.); n., a hornet. pohokachi, yv.a.i., to fluctuate. pohota, nam poheta (q. v.), n., agown. pokafa, vy. t., to smite with the open hand or paw; to be dashed; to fall BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 against; itapokafa, to dash against each other; oka pokafa, to dash water. pokafa, n., a smiter. pokaha, vy. t., to smite with the open hand hollowed. pokaffi, v. t., to strike sideways. pokoli, n., a decade. pokoli, a., ten; X; 10; pokoli auahchafa, a., eleven; XI; 11, and so on to 19; pokoli tuklo, a., twenty; XX; 20; a score; pokoli isht tuklo, a., twentieth; 20th; or, isht pokoli tuklo, and so of other numbers above 20; pokoli tuchina, a., thirty; XXX; 30, Matt. 13: 8; po- koli isht tuchina, a., thirtieth; 30th; po- koli ushta, a., forty; XL; 40; two score; pokoli isht ushta, a., fortieth; 40th; or, isht pokolushta; pokoli tatapi, a., fifty; L; 50; pokoli isht tatapi, isht pokoli ta- tapi; pokoli hanali, a., sixty; LX; 60; three score, Matt. 13: 8; pokoli untuklo, a., seventy; LX-X; 70; pokoli untuchina, a., eighty; LX XX; 80; four score; po- koli isht untuchina, eightieth; LX XX; 80th; pokoli chakali, a., ninety; XO; 90, Matt. 18: 12; pokoli chakali akocha chak- kali, ninety and nine, Matt. 18: 12, 13; pukoli tukloha, ady., twenty times; in the same way add ha to the other num- bers in order to express the same thing, i. e. as times; pokoli tuklo bat tuchina, three times 20, or three score. pokoli, v. t., to plait; to pucker up; also pp. (see pokutichi). pokospoa, n., clusters of grapes, Rev. 14: 18. pokota, pakota (q. v.), v.a.i., to break. pokota, pp., broken. pokpo, n., cotton, name most common in the southern part of the old nation. pokpokechi, v. t., to make suds, froth, or lather; to lather; to spume. . pokpoki, y. a. i., to foam; to froth. pokpoki, n., suds; froth; lather; foam; scum; spume. pokpoki, a., frothy. po®kshi, po"kchi, n., a bulb; a knot on the side of a tree; a knob; anayel gall; a toadstool. pokshia, v. a. i., snarly; tough, as a piece of wood; itapokshia, snarled to- gether, like tough timber which will not split. BYINGTON] pokta, v. a. i., to double; to grow to- _ gether, as two peaches or potatoes. pokta, pp., doubled; grown together. pokulichi, v. t., to cause to pucker up; see pokoti. pokuspali, pl. of pokussali. pokuspoa, n. pl., skeins and clusters. pokussa, n., a skein. pokussali, v. t., to make a skein. polatka, adv., at last; at length; finally; polanka ishla, ultimately. [polhkash, n., chips, trash, rubbish.— ESS. EL. | polua, v. a. i., to wilt before a fire, like bilakti polua. polukta, v. a. i., to double; itapolukta, to coalesce. polukta, pp., doubled; a double; as noti polukta, a double tooth; itapolukta, pp., doubled together. poluktachi, v. t., to double; to cause to double. polutsak, n., a black weed, used in color- ing cotton; black or a dark shade. pola, see pula. potoli, v. a. i., to spark; to sparkle, as fire; luak at potoli. potoli, n., sparks. potolichi, v. t., to cause it to spark. potoma, vy. a. i., to bend, as the steel spring on a lock. potoma, pp. sing., pola, (1 Kings 6: 34), puta pl., bent; doubled up; folded, as the arms, shakba potoma; shut, as a knife, bashpo at potoma; outside of the bend of a creek, ete.; shokulbi, the in- side of the bend. potoma, n., a bend; a fold; a bow; a rumple. potomi, polummi, y. t., to bend; to double up; to fold up by turning up the side or end once; to shut, as a knife. polomoa, vy. a. i. pl., to bend; to turn up. potomoa, a., elastic; having springs. potomoa, v. n., to be elastic; v. a. i., to meander. potomoa, pp., bent; doubled up; folded. potomoa, n., folds; bends; bows. potomoli, y.a.i., to meander. potomoli, potomoli, y. t. pl., to bend; to double up; to fold; to ruffle. potomolichi, vy. t., to meander; to cause to bend and wind. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 319 polota, y.a.i., to sparkle; to emit sparks, as fire. poltummi, see potomi. pompokachi, y. t., to make rough, knotty, uneven. pompoki, a., rough; uneven; knotty, like knots on a rope. pompoki, y. n., to be rough. ponaklo, n., an interrogation; a ques- tion. ponaklo, panaklo (q. v.), v. a. i., v. t., to ask; to inquire; to seek after, Luke 2: 44; to demand; to interrogate; to query, *Matt.2: 4: 102Vid-s 16213: imponaklo, to ask him, Matt. 12: 10; Josh. 4: 6; ponathanrklo, Matt. 2: 4; itimponaklo, to inquire of each other; to consult; itimponaklot ansha, to be en- gaged in making inquiries of each other; itimponaklot arsha, n., a consultation; imponaklo, vy. t., toask him; to question. ponaklo, n., an inquirer; a demander. ponobokanli, n., cotton pods, just break- ing open. ponohonulla, n., twine. ponokallo, n., linen; holland; a rope; twine. ponokallo ikbi, n., a rope maker. ponokallokanchi, n., a draper; a linen draper. ponokallopana, n., a rope; a cord. ponol ashana, n., a spinning wheel. ponol ashana chito, n., a jenny. ponol lapushki, n., carded cotton. ponola, n., cotton; cotton thread or yarn; a filament; linen ponola; linen yarn, 1 Kings 10: 28; a cord, Josh. 2: 15. ponola ahotachi, n., warping bars for cotton. ponola aialhto, n., a thread case; a thread box. ponola anihelichi, ponola anihechi, n., a cotton gin; a gin. ponola anihelichi chito, n., a large cot- ton gin. ponola anihi, n., a cotton gin. ponola ani, n., a cotton bale. ponola fabassa achafa, n., a hank of thread; a skein. ponola hulhtufa, n., areel; warping bars. ponola isht shiahchi, n., cotton cards. ponola isht shiahchi chito, n., a card- ing machine. 320 ponola itapana, n., a skein of cotton; a hank of cotton. ponola itapana achafa, n., one skein of cotton. ponola topullichi, v. t., to thread. ponola nihechi, y. t., to gin cotton. ponola nihi, n., cotton seed; ginned cotton, seeded. ponola okshichanli, n., coarse cotton thread. ponola pala atoba, n., a candle wick. ponola pehna, n., cottonseed for plant- ing. ponola shana, n., spun cotton; cotton thread: cotton yarn. ponola tali kucha, n., a broach of cot- ton. ponola tanna, n., cotton cloth; woven cotton. ponolapi, n., a cotton plant. ponolushi, n., line of thread, Josh. 2:18. ponoshana, n., a line; twisted cotton. ponoshiahchi, n., carded cotton. posilhha, y. t., to reproach. posilhha, n., one who reproaches. posilhha shali, n., one who is addicted to using reproach. posilhhachi, v. t., to reproach. poshola, pp., wreathen, Ex. 28: 14. posholi, v. t. pl., to feel; see pashoti. poshukta, v. a. i., to ravel out; to become shreds; similar to shobobavkachi. pota, v. a. i, to borrow; to take; to transfer by way of borrowing or lend- ing; imapota, to borrow of him, Matt. 5: 42; to hire, i. e., to engage or to hire out; impota, to lend him. pota, n., a borrower. pota, n., a loan. pota alhtoba, n., rent. potanno, a., grudging; jealous; envious. potanno, v. n., to be grudging; to be jealous; to be envious; impotanno, v. t. to begrudge him; to envy him; itim- potanno, to be jealous of each other. potanno, n., jealousy; envy. potola hinla, a., palpable. potoli, v. t., to handle; to feel of; to touch, Matt. 8: 3, 15; to take by the hand, Josh. 9: 19; akpotoli kia, let me touch; Jet it be, Matt. 9: 21; 14: 36; posholit hikikia, v. a 1., to grope; poshoti, pl. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 potoli, n., one who feels of, handles, ete. potoli, n., a touch; ikpotolo, a., un- touched. potoni, v. t., to guard; to watch; to take care of. potoni, n., a guard; a watch. potunnuchi, v. t., to cause to be jealous; to make envious. poyafo, a., unfortunate. poyalichi, see poalichi. pu®fa, v. t., to blow with the mouth; to spout, as a whale; to blow out any liquid from the mouth in a stream or in a scattering way, Josh. 6: 5; nani chito at oka yan purfat aba pila; allikchi at punfa. pu®fa, n., a blower; a spouter. pu"fachechi, v. t., to blow an instru- ment; to cause to blow; to squirt; luak isht purfa yar pufachechi. pu®fachi, v. t., to blow with an instru- ment, as a pipe, a trumpet, a bellows, a blowpipe; to spurt. pu"fachi, n., a blower. pukussa, n., a bunch, as of hyssop, Ex. 12: 22; see pokussa. pulhkachi, vy. a. i. pl., to double up. pulhkachi, pp., doubled up; shukbo at pulhkachi. pulhkachi, n., rolls. pulla, ady., surely; certainly; necessarily; ak atuk pulla makon, for, because of, Josh. 2:9, 11, 24; hak atuk pulla makon, because of, Josh. 5: 1; akostinchi pulla, shall know, Matt. 7: 20; akpulla tok- makon, because of, Matt. 18:7; pulla hatuk makon, Josh. 6: 1. pulla, a., must be; necessary; poyulla. pulla, vy. n., to be necessary; that which must be; poyulla; isilapunla, proved; derived from pulla. pullakako, pullamako, for the sake of; because of; for, John 4:39; pullamakona; pullahatukmakon, for the sake of; be- cause of, Matt. 10: 18, 22. pullasi, ady., nearly; almost; ilona pul- lasi; ili pullasi, he is about to die. pulli, v. t. pl., to spread. pulli, v. t. pl., to handle; potoli, sing. pula, n., aroll; rolls. pula, pota, y. a. i. pl., to double up; to roll up. puta, pola, pp. folded; doubled up; plaited; shukbo at puta, holisso hat ° On no BYINGTON] A DICTIONARY pula; applied to the leaves of a book turned down at the corners; putakachi pl. _ puli, vy. t. pl., to fold; to double over more than once; to roll up; to plait. puli, n., a folder; one who folds, doubles, ete.; a plaiter. puskus, n., a babe; a baby; an infant; a papoose (a familiar word). puskusechi; ilepuskusechi, v. t., to render himself childish;a., childish; n., dotage. pushahchih, v. a.i., like potanno, jealous. pushahollo, n., a heathen priest’s sacred bag. pushechi, vy. t., to flour; to pulverize; to beat fine; to powder; to grind fine; to reduce to a powder; to convert into flour; to triturate. pushechi, n., the one who flours. pushi, pp., floured; pulverized; beaten fine; powdered fine; ground fine; tritu- rated. pushi, a., fine, as flour or sand; lukfi pushi. pushi, n., flour; fineness; meal. pushka, vy. t., to scratch with the nails of the paw, or the nails of the hand; kalafi, sing., to scratch. pushka, n., a scratcher. pushkano, vy. a. i., to crave flesh for food; to long for meat. pushnayo, impushnayo (q. v.), n., the master of an animal; ofi impushnayo, Matt. 15: 27; isuba impushnayo. puta, putta, a., all; every one; every, Luke 3: 5, and all of each kind, giving them all the plural number; daiyuka puta, every kind, Matt. 13:47. It may be used for a collective and a distribu- tive plural, hatak putta ka, men, Matt. 10: 17; putta is used toexpress the plural number; i/appa puta ka, these, Matt. 1: 20; aheka puta, debts, Matt. 6: 12; hatak nowat anya puta kat ilbasha tok; hatak. ohoyo, alla puta moma hosh mintashke, men, women, children, distributively, all do ye come; hatak puta kat, men, Matt, 13: 25. puta, v.n., to beall; eputa hokato, we all the ones; poyuta, pro. form. puta, putta, n., all, ‘as amputa, my all, or all mine; amputtah, I have all or many; aputa, Matt. 8: 17. putalechi, v. t., to extend to all; putale- chit ishi, take all; hatak, ohoyo, alla 84339°—Bull, 46—15 21 ° OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 321 putalechit inhollashke, he loves them all, i. e., the men, women, and children. putali, a., all; the whole without excep- tion. putali, v. a. i., tamaha holihta putalit aryat, city to city; all of them, 2 Chron. 30:10. putta, see puta. sa, per. pro., Ist per. sing., I, before neu- ter verbs, as sanusi, I sleep; salaksha, I sweat; salli, I die. sa, per. pro., obj. case, Ist per. sing., me, before active transitive verbs; sapesa, he sees me; sachumpa, he buys me. sa, per. pro., Ist per. sing., I, before pas- sive verbs; sanala, I am wounded. sa, pos. pro., Ist per. sing., my, prefixed to the names of the body and its mem- bers, and a few other words, as sa- nushkobo, my head; sabaiyi, my nephew; sachunkash, my heart; sa is sometimes written s, sd, sai, si; saiyimmi; siachuk- ma; satekchi, ry wife, Luke 1: 18; chik- saiyimmo, Luke 1: 20; saiyukpa Matt. Iso: sa2, pre. per. pro., before verbs in the ‘neg. form, as iksathollo; see san, sam, sam; a, am, an, am, are found in the positive forms (q. v.); issatkashofi, Matt. 8: 2. sachakla, n., inside ridge of the back bone near the shoulders. sahnoyechi, a., old, protracted form of asanochi. sak, n., the noise when striking a solid substance. sakachi, n. sing., a thump. sakaha, vy. t. pl., to strike, as with an ax; to thump; to rap or tap anything hard or solid; to fillip, sakaha, n., a thumping; a striking; the noise made by the blows of an ax or maul, sakahanli, v. t., to hack. sakakachi, pl., noise made with an ax or maul; sakakahanchi, freq. form. sakalichi, v. t. sing., to thump; to rap; to strike; to make a noise by striking with a hammer, an ax, or the fist, etc.; sakalihinchi, freq. sakalichi, n., a blow; one who strikes; a striker. sakki, v. t., to overtake, Josh. 2:5; to come up with; to overhaul; echisak- kikamo, we overtook you, 322 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY sakki, n., one who overtakes. sakkichi, vy. t., to cause to overtake; alla yun inki an sakkichi. [sakkin, n., the guinea fowl (Sixtowns dialect).—H. 8. H.] sakli, n., a trout; the name of a fish; name of a serpent; Ch. Sp. Book, p. 91. sakti, n., the bank of a stream; a bluff; a cliff, Josh. 4: 18. sakti chaha,n.,asteep place, Matt. 8: 32; a high bank; a steep bluff or bank; a precipice. sakti foka, a., cliffy; clifty. sakti humma, n., red banks; a red bank. sakti ikbi, v. t., to bank; to make a dike, levee, or causeway; to imbank. sakti ikbi, n., a bank; a dike. sakti la"fa, n., a furrowed bank; a bluff marked with ridges or furrows made by water running down the sides; the name of the Chickasaw bluff on the Mississippi at Memphis. sakti oka pit akinafa, n., a cataract. sakti oka pit akinafa, v. a. 1., to fall, as water over a bluff or bank. sakti toba, n.,a levee; an artificial bank. salakha, n., the liver; the pluck. saltili, n., a psaltery. sam, sam (q. v.), pro., of me; used in the negative form of verbs before p, as chik- sampeso; isuba chiksampeso, you have not seen any horses for me, or you have not seen my horses. samahachi, samahachi (q. v.), Vv. a. i. pl., to ring, as a bell or bells; himonna isuba nuchi at samahanchi na harkloli. samahachi, n., the tinkling of a bell or bells; a jingle. samak, n., the sound of a bell; a single sound of a bell. samakachi, y. a. i., to ring. samampa, n., the sharp sound of a bell. samampa, a., having a sharp sound. samanta, see samania. san, pro., of me; to me; also I; used with neg. verbs, as iksanchukmo; tk- sanchumpo, he did not buy of me or forme. See sa”, sam, sam. sanahchi, sanichi, n., a wing; a fin; the skirt of a saddle. sanahchi ikbi, v. t., to wing. sanahchi takchi, y. t., to pinion. | BULL. 46 sanali, insanali, n., his adversary, | Sam. 2: 10; imsanalali, 1 Kings 11: 14, 28; insanali, to rebel against, Josh. 1: 18; ilinsanali, to go against himself, Matt. 12: 26; sanali, asanali, insanali, ititsanali, itasanali, itimasanali, Matt. 5: 39; 12: 25; 14: 24; 2 Sam. 24: 1. sa, my; me, Luke1: 18; sachukuh; sapesa, to see me. salaha, a., slow; dilatory; heavy; prolix; remiss; slack; tardy; tedious. salaha, n., slowness; tardiness. salaha, v. n., to be slow; isamitsalaha, Matt. 18: 29. salaha, v.a.i., to loiter; to slack. salaha, n.,a loiterer. salahat, adv., slowly; moderately; grad- ually; heavily; leisurely. salahachi, y. t., to cause to go slow; to impede; to retard. salahat, adv., slackly. salahat anumpuli, v. t., to drawl. salahat atya, v.a.i., to lag; to loiter; to move slowly; to jog on. salahat a®ya, n., a jogger. salbash, n., a foot-log; a foot-bridge; a tree lying across a creek. salbo, a., hardened, as the skin in the in- side of the hand; hard; salahbo, v. a. i., to be ‘‘ past feeling,’’ Eph. 4: 19. salbo, v.n., to be hard; v. a.i., to become hard. salbo,n., acorn on the foot; the hard skin on the foot or hand of laboring peo- ple; a corn; a callous. salbochi, v. t., to harden; to make a cal- lous; to harden the flesh. sam, per. pro. I, in neg. verbs, as iksam- iksho, I have none; of me; for me; to me, Matt. 2: 8; see sam. samahachechi, v. t., to jingle; to cause to ring; to tinkle. samahachi, samahachi (q. v.), Vv. a. i., to jingle; to tinkle; tali at samahachi, talikasa yat samahachi. samanta, n., peace. samanta, samanta, imp., hush; si- lence; keep still (a Chickasaw word). samanta, a., mum; still; peaceful. sanali, v. a. i., to go against, Luke 2: 34. saso, n., my son; my children, Matt. lY/e OE saso tek, n., my daughter, Matt. 15: 22. saso toba, n., my stepson. satih, n., my mouth, Matt. 13: 35. eee eee se ee a ae —- — FP eee BYINGTON] A DICTIONARY setan, n., satan; lucifer; the devil. si, a particle suffixed to form a diminu- tive; olanli, olanlisi; chabiha, chabihasi. It may be of Chickasaw origin, yappasi, yakosi. si, 1; my, Luke 1: 19; sialhtoka, siokchulin- chi, Luke 1: 47; sihaknip. sia, 1; Kebliel sia hosh, Luke 1:19. This pronoun is translated with the verb to be; mihi yor sia hoke, John 9: 9; sia hoke, I am, Matt. 8: 9; Hatak ushi siaha, I the Son of Man am, Matt. 16: 13. sihitka, sihitkah, v.a.i., to neigh; to whinny; to bray. sihitka, n., a neigh; a whinnying; a bray. sikkiliklik, see shikkiliklik. siksiki, a., speckled; freckled; spangled spots; having small spots. siksiki, y. n., to be speckled. siksiki, n., freckles. siksikichi, v. t., to speckle. silhhi, v. t., to track; to course; to dog; to hunt; to trail; to act in order, Acts iliac silhhi, n., a tracker; a hunter. silhhichi, v. t., to cause to track. silik, n., silk. silik, a., silken; silk. simi"kahanchi, n., the sensation pro- duced by a hot plaster on a sore. simikli, a., severely painful. simoa, a., striped; having small stripes. simoa, y.n., to be striped. simoachi, vy. t., to make stripes. sinakak, n., a synagogue, Luke 4: 16; the house appropriated to the religious worship of the Jews. sinakak chuka, n., a synagogue; i. e., the building. sini, n., a sycamore; a buttonwood tree. sinimpa, y.n., to be sweet. sint, n.,a cent; the hundredth part of a dollar. sinti, n.,asnake; a serpent, Matt. 10: 16; sinti yor, Matt. 7: 10. sinti basoa, n., the gartersnake; striped snake. sinti chilita, n., a viper, Matt. 12: 34. sinti hakshup,n., aslough; asnake skin. sinti kobali, n., a joint snake, called oksup taptua. sinti kolokumpi, sinti kololumpi, n., the joint snake. the OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 323 sinti kopoli, n., a snake bite. sinti koyufa tohbi, n., the coachwhip snake; see ipochi itimapa. sinti lapitta, n., a large horned snake. sinti lusa, n., a blacksnake. sinti lusluki, n., a large venomous ser- pent. sinti okpulo, n., a viper, Luke 3: 7. sinti pohkul, n., the king snake; a long snake, with small yellow spots. sinti shaui, n., a large venomous ser- pent; a species of the rattlesnake. sintulion, n., a centurion. sintullo, n., a rattlesnake. sintullo inchasha, n., a rattlesnake’s rattles. sintushi, n., a young serpent; aserpent’s egg. sipalka, n., a sepulcher, Matt. 23: 27; a tomb, Matt. 23: 29. sipi, a., old; shukha sipi, an old hog. sipi, v. n., to be old. sipokni, a., pp., old; aged; stricken in years, Luke 1: 7; advanced in years; antique; out of date; worn out; inveter- ate; obsolete; trite; uncouth; veteran; antiquated. sipokni, v. n., to be old; ont achisipokni, John 21: 18:1 Sam. 2:.225 Josh: 13: 1. sipokni, n., old age; age; longevity; old- ness; a veteran. sipokni atapa, a., superannuated. sipokni ishali, n., a senior; a., senior; older; superior. sipokni kat i®shali, a., oldest; first in age; eldest. sipokni kat itilaui, a., coequal. sipoknichi, v. t., to make old; to render aged. Siptimba, n., September. sita, pp., bound up; tied up, as a bundle of grain. sita, n., a bundle; a sheaf. sita, n., binding quality; wide ferret. sita fataha, n., a ribbon. sita lapushki, n., ribbon. siteli, v. t., to bind; to tie up in a bundle; to sheaf. sitlon, n., iti sitlon, thyine wood, Rey. 18: 12. sitoha, pp. pl., bound up; tied up. sitoha, n. pl., sheaves; bundles. sitoli, vy. t., to bind up; to tie up in bun- dles; to sheaf, Matt. 15: 30. 324 sitopa; iksitopo, a., decrepit, Luke 13: 12; n., acripple; iksitopuchi, v. t., to erip- ple, Luke 13: 11. sobonoa, y. n., to swell, as the flesh of a person. sokbish, a. road. sokbish, vy. n., to be down. sokbish, n., that end of a stream which lies toward the mouth; ‘‘nether,”’ Josh. 15: 19; ibetup, the other part. sokbish isht ashana, n., the breech of a gun. sokbish pila, ady., toward the mouth; downstream. sokbish pilla, at or quite to the mouth or end of the stream. sokolichi, v. t. sing., to smite; to tap. sokutha, sokotha, v. t., to smite; to tap; to rap; to strike with the knuckles, Luke 11:9; to knock, Matt. 7: 7; Luke 13: 25, where it is used in the plural number. sokutha, n., a smiting. sukko, v. a.i., to thicken. sukko, pp., thickened; fulled. sukko, n., a diameter, grossness. sukko, a., thick; coarse; dense; gross; vy. n. and n., thickness; diameter; iksukko, thin. sukko, adyvy., thinly. sukkochi, v. t., to thicken; to full, as cloth. suko, n., a muscadine. sukolichi, v. t., to tap; see sokuha. sutksowa, v. t., to kiss; to play with the lips; to make a whistling noise; insunksowa, Luke 7: 38; see ipunspoa. down, as a stream or a thickly; iksukko, ady., sh, and, used as a conjunction; derived from cha and pronounced sh for the sake of euphony, I should think, as cha is used for the other persons when sh is used with the first person; chumpa- lish; 2 Sam. 24: 21; ialish, Matt. 2: 8. Itis used as a conjunction with li and ki, lish and kish, talish, akithanokish. sh suffixed to the-article pronoun, «a, ha, ya, ka, ma, forms the renewed or con- tinued mention art. pro., thus: ash, hash, yash, kash, and chash. shabahki, a., oval; long and round. shabapa, y.a.i., to stand thick, as grain or corn in a hill. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [ BULL. 46 shachaha, shachaha, y. a. i., to rustle; to make a noise, as leaves. shachaha, ady., course, as shalintak sha- chaha. shachahachiz, v. t., to rustle, as dry leaves; hashtap an shachahachi; see shachahachi. shachak, n., a noise made among dry leaves. shachakachi, y. a. i., to make a single rustling noise. shachala, v. t., to bristle. shachia, v. a.i., to bristle, as an angry hog, dog, ete. shachuna, n., an onion; aname peculiar to some portions of the Choctaw, as the Sixtowns or Bay Indians. shafa, n., that which is shaved; a shay- ing; isht shanfa, a shave or drawing knife; a drawshave. sha®fa, pp., shaved; planed; scraped; cut; iti at shanfa, shukha yat sharfa. sha®fi, y. t., toshave; to scrape; to plane; to cut; asha”fi, n., place where shaving is done and the shaving or thin piece shaved off. shafi, n., one who shaves; a shaver. sha"fichechi, vy. t., to cause one person to shave another, Judg. 16: 19. shaXfit itiaiopitammi, pp., rabbeted. shatfit itiaiopitammichi, v. t., to rab- bet; to shave and lap over. shaha, pp., scraped; hoshinshi at shaha, the quill is scraped. shatha, n., a kind of wild goose. shatha, n., a shell gorget; a gorget made of shell and worn on the neck. shatha toba, n., an oyster shell. shahbi, a., pp., cleared; clear; hina yat shahbi, exposed; open; vacant; void; uncovered, Gen. 9:21; nakedness, Ex. 20: 26. shahbi, n., openness; vacancy. shahbichi, v. t., to clear; hina shahbichi; yakni shahbichi, to clear land; to expose. shahbika, shahbeka, n., a clearing; an opening. shahsholechi, y. t., anumpa ititshah- sholechi, to contend in conversation, Gal. 5:20. shahsholi, shasholi, y. t. pl., to carry; used with iti prefixed; itimshashoh, to exceed each other; to go back- wards and forwards, or unequally; 7i- shashonli, pl. of shali, Acts 15: 22. BYINGTON] shaiksheli, y.a.i., to hobble; shaiiksheli, Gen. 30: 11, 31. shaioksholi, v. a. i., towaddle, asa duck; to limp, as one with legs of unequal length. shaiukli, v. a. i., to limp, as when the hip is out of joint. shaiukli, n., a limper. shakahachi, v.a.i., to make a noise by grating the teeth; shukha nuti at shaka- hachi. shakahachi, n., the grating of the teeth. shakalalli, y. a. i. sing., to slip, Deut. 32: 35; see shalalli. shakalalli, n., a slip; one who slips. shakalallichi, v. t., to cause to slip. shakali, v. a.i. sing., to make a noise by grating the teeth; shakanli, n. f. shakampi, n., a projection like a prom- ontory; as yakni shakampi; shakanshu- bi, pl. shakanlichi, shakonlichi, v. t., to make a noise in eating. shakanlichi, shukonlichi, n., the noise made by eating. shakapa, v. a. i., to shout; to halloo; to make aloud noise; to ululate, 1 Sam. 4: 5; Josh. 6: 5, 10. shakapa, n., a loud noise; a hallooing; a fuss; a hubbub; an uproar; a shout, 1 Sam. 4: 5, 6. shakawa, n., a grating, harsh noise. shaka®wa, v. a. i., to make a grating noise, as horses do when they eat pumpkins. shakabli, v. t., to make a loud noise; to shout. shakabli, n., a shouter; a noisy person. shakablichi, v. t., to cause a noise. shakba, n., the arm; a sleeve. shakba achunli, vy. t., to sleeve; to sew on a sleeve. shakba afohomit ishi, v. t., to clasp. shakba afoka, n., an armhole. shakba alota, n., an armful. shakba apotoma, n., a cuff. shakba alhfabeka, n., the left arm. shakba alhfoa, n., arm bands. The Choctaw formerly wore large silver bands on the arms above and below the elbow. shakba fohki, v. t., to embosom; to place in the arms; to sleeve. shakba foka, pp., embosomed; placed in the arms. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 325 shakba isht impaka, n., the right arm. shakba isht incha®ya, n., a spring lancet. shakba isht tumpa, n., a lancet. shakba i?shu"kani, ibbak i4"shu"kani, n., the elbow; the point of the elbow. shakba kallo, n., a strong arm. shakba tumpli, y. t., to bleed the arm; to let blood from the arm; to bleed. shakba tumpli, n., veneration. shakba poloma, n., the bosom; the bended or folded arms; the embrace of the arms. shakba tali haksi lapali,n., a sleeve button. shakbatina, n., a wildcat. shakbona, a., moldy; weevil-eaten; tanchi shakbona, brown; as hishi shak- bona(P. F.); wak shakbona, a dusky or dun-colored cow. shakbona, v. n., to be moldy. shakbonachi, y. t., to mold. shakchi, n., a crawfish. shakchi inchuka, n., the hole or house of a crawfish. shakinlichi, shakanlichi, v. t., to grate; to seranch. shakla, n., a riddle; a coarse sieve. shakla, n., name of a fish; Ch. Sp. Book, Derails shatkolo, n., a cypress tree. shatkolo itibbi, n., a cypress knee; cypress knees. shakonlichi, see shakanlichi. shakshampi, n., a large black bug; a beetle. shakulap, n., a crabapple. shala hinla, a., portable. shalak, see shelak. shalakli, v. a. i., sing., to slip (once). shalatkpa, a., rotten, as dry, rotten wood. shalahi, shalali, v. a. i. pl., to slip; to slide; to wallow, Mark 9: 20. shalatichi, v. caus., to cause to slide. shalalli, y. a. i. sing., to slip; to slide; to drag. shalalli, n., a slip; one who slips. shalalli, pp., dragged. shalallichi, v. t., to cause to slip; to slide; to slip; to drag; to haul; to lug: to shuffle. shali, a., heavy. 326 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY shali, v. t., sing.; shawa, pl., to carry; tohaul; to convey; to bear; to drag; to carry young; alla imshali, Matt. 1: 18; to conceive, 1 Sam. 2: 21; shat, cont.; shanli, nasal form, shahanli, freq. form, as shat anya, to take along; to carry along; shat anta, to be now carrying; shat ia, to earry; shat minti, to bring; shat ona, to carry to; shat ala, to bring here; to fetch; shat isht anya, n., car- riage; the loading; carrying. shali, n., a carrier; a bearer; a bringer; a conveyer; a hauler. shalichi, y. t., tocause to carry; to make a carriage ready, 2 Kings 9: 21. shalichi, n., one who compels another to carry. shalintak, hashintak, n.,acomb; shal- intak imshinfi; shalintak imshill. shalintak ikbi, n., a comb maker. shalintak shachaha, n., a coarse comb. shalintakoba, n., name of a weed. shalontaki, shaluntaki, n., a cricket. shali, a., addicted to any course or state; given to; habitual; excessive; abeka shati, nukoa shati. shahi, v. n., to be habitual, or addicted to. shahi, ady., habitually; excessively. shatichi, vy. t., to scrape; hoshishi atsha- licht. shamalli, v. a. i. sing., to stand in. shamalli, pp., placed in; stuck in. shamallichi, v. t., to place in; to stick in; to tuck; to wedge. shamoli, vy. a. i. pl., to stand in (a crack); to liein; to stick in, as pins in a cushion. shamoh, pp., stuck in. shamolichi, v. t., to stick them in, as to place letters in cracks or pins in a cushion. shanaia, y. a.i., to recline; to bend; to swerve; to tack; to turn, Matt. 5: 42. shanaia, shanaiya, shanaia, a., pp., crooked; awry; askew; turned; di- verted; perverse; slant; slanting; wry; wry necked; twisted; perverted. shanaia, y. n., to be crooked. shanaia, n., crookedness. shanaia hinla, a., pliable; pliant. shanaiachi, v. t., to turn, Deut. 13: 17. shanaiahe keyu, a., immovable; im- mutable; unchangeable. shanaiahe keyu, adv., immovably. | BULL. 46 shanaiahe keyu, n., immutability. shanaiachi, shanaiyachi, v. t. sing., to crook; to bend; totwist; to wrench; to divert; to pervert; to slant; to turn; to twirl. i shanaioa,a. pl., crooked; awry; incon- stant; variable; mazy. shanaioa, pp., bent; twisted. shanaioa, v. n., to be crooked. shanaioa, v. a.i., tofluctuate; to wabble. shanaioa keyu, a., invariable. shanaioli, y. t., to crook; to bend; to twist; to turn askew; to prevaricate. shanaiya, see shanaia. shanaiyachi, n., a diverter. shanali, shanali, shanalichi, v. a. i., to turn. shananchi, vy. t., to turn; to twist. shanakha, shinakha, n., the upper part of the back between the shoulders. shaneli, y. t. sing., to turn; to twist. shapo, shapoh, n., a pack; a load; a bundle; a burden; baggage; a pack- age, Matt. 11: 28. shapo, pp., loaded; packed. shapoli, shapuli, pp., loaded; burdened; packed; laden. shapoweki, n., luggage. shapulechi, y. t., to pack; to load; to burden; to put into a bag; to load with bags; to load a horse, a boat, ora wagon; to lade; atablit shapulechi, v. t., to over- load. shapulechi, n., a loader. shapuli, n., a lading. shasholi, see shahsholi. shataioa, a. pl., swollen in various places. shataioa, v. n., to be swollen. shataioli, v. a. i., to swell in various places. shataiolichi, vy. t., to produce swellings; to cause to swell. shatali, vy. a. i. sing., to swell, as flesh, a sore, etc., not as a stream or soaked grain, etc.; shatoti, pl. shatali, shatali, pp., a., swollen; tume- fied; turgid; sashatali, I have a swell- ing, or I am swollen, say with boils; shatoti, pl. shatali, shatah, n., aswelling; a fistula; a swell; a whitlow; awindgall; shatoli, pl. tel dl BYINGTON] shatalichi, v. t., to cause to swell; to produce a swelling; to tumefy; shatoli- chi, pl. shatapa, v. a. i., to swell. shatapa, n., a swelling. shatabli, shitabli, v. a. i., to swell; to bloat. shatabli, n., a swelling. shatabli, pp., swollen; bloated, as an an- imal; a., turgid. shatablichi, vy. t., to cause to swell. shatablichi, a., swollen; bloated. shatammi, shatummi, shitammi, v. a. i., to bloat; to swell up in the bow- els; to cake up; to ferment. shatammi, pp., swollen; swelled; caked; fermented; inflated; leavened, Matt. soot Oshiro sae shatammi, n., a hard swelling; a can- cer; a botch. shatammichi, y. t., to cause to swell; to ferment; to inflate. shatammichi, a., swollen. shatanni, n., a tick; a wood tick. shatannushi, n., aseed tick;ayoung tick. shatohpa, v. a. i., to swell. shatohpa, n., a swelling; a hard, dry swelling; a wen; a white swelling. shatohpa, pp., swollen. shatosholi, v. a. i. pl., to swell. shatosholi, pp., swollen. shatosholi, n., swellings. shatosholichi, y. t., to produce swell- ings. shatummi, see shatammi. shauaha, a., wide apart, as the teeth of a rake. shauaha, vy. n., to be wide apart. shauahachi, v. t., to place them wide apart; to cause to be wide apart. shaualoha, see shauwaloha. shaualohachi, see shauwalohachi. shauala, see shauola. shauashko, n., name of a weed called boneset. shaui, n., a raccoon. shaui hatak, n., an ape; a monkey. shaui hatak chito, n., a baboon. shaui imanchaha, n., a pied moccasin snake; a moccasin. shauiya, ady., having small specks, like some stained book covers; shawiwin- kachi, pl. shauola, shauala, a., wide apart. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 327 shauola, y. n., to be wide apart. shauwa, n., brush; dead limbs of a tree; a shrub; underbrush. shauwa takchi, v. t., to faggot; to tie brush. shauwa talakchi, pp., faggotted. shauwa talakchi, n., a faggot. shauwaloha, shaualoha, a. pl., wide apart. shauwaloha, y. n., to be wide apart; to grow with wide-spreading branches. shauwalohachi, shaualohachi, v. t., to place them wide apart; to make grow with wide-spreading branches. shawa, see shali. sha™wa, v. a. i., to snort like a deer ora wild horse. sha®wa, n., a snorting; a snorter. shawila, n., a sty. shatya, pp., borne; Shalt, v. t. (qeva)ie shachaha, v.a.i., to be shrunk, as grains of corn on the cob. shachatha, shachaha y. a. i., to be coarse, like the teeth of a comb; hash- intak shachatha, a coarse comb. shachahachi, y.a.i., to rattle, like dried leaves when walked on; see shachahachi. shachakamo, a., moist; wet a little. shachakba, n., the spine of a hog. shacheha, v.a.i., to become tangled shacheha, pp., entangled. shachehachi, v. t., to entangle. shachila, vy. a.i., to be entangled, like un- combed hair; to be snarled up. shachoha, shochoha (q. v.), a., Knurly. shachopa, v.a.i., to tangle. shachopa, pp., entangled. shachopachi, v. t., to entangle. shafa, pp., scraped; scratched. shaffi, v. t., to scrape; to scrabble; to seraffe; to scratch; to paw; to draw out, as to draw out ashes from a stove; akatka yat yakni an shaffi; wak at yakna at shaffi. shaffichi. v. t., to cause to scrape. shalakli, v.a.i., to slip once, or to scrape the foot. shana, a., wry. shana, v.a.i., totwist; to turn; to kink; to writhe. shana, pp., twisted; turned ; kinked; serewed; wrested; wrenched; wringed; writhed. carried; hauled; spun; 328 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY shana, n., a kink; a twist. shanachi, y. t., to twist; to turn; to divert, as imanukjila shananchi; shanan- chi, shananchi (q. v.), nasal form, to parry. shanafila, chanafila, n., black haw; black hawthorn. shanahe keyu, a., immovable. shanaia, see shanaia. shanakachi, y.a.i., to wind along, as a serpent; to writhe. shanalichi, shanali, see shanali. shanni, y.t., to spin; to screw; to turn; to wrench; to wrest; to wring. shanni, n., a wrench. shanni, n., a spinner; a wringer. shannichi, y. t., to lock; to padlock. shapha, n., a flag; a standard; a color; a banner; an ensign; a pendant; a pen- nant; a streamer. shaphashali, n., an ensign. shapo, n., a hat; a bonnet; a cap; borrowed from the French chapeau, a hat. shapo anu"kaka alata,n.,a hat lining. shapo haksobish, n., the brim of a hat. shapo ikbi, shapikbi, n., a hatter. shapo impahaia, shapo impahia, n., a hat brim; the brim of a hat. shapo intalla, n.,a hat crown. shapo isht talakchi, n., a hat band. shapo kallo, n., a headpiece; a helmet. shapo nushkobo, n., a hat crown. shapo paknaka, n., a hat crown. shapoli, v. t., to put on a hat; to place a hat on one’s own head; to wear a hat; to have a hat on. shapolichi, y. t., to put a hat upon the head of another person. shebli, shepli, v. t., to stretch; to draw out in length; to lengthen out; to ex- tend; to draw; to sag; to wire draw; nan tanna shebli; tali av shebli; to draw out iron; to draw, asa bowstring, 2 Kings 9: 24. shebli, n., one who stretches; astretcher. shebli, n., tension. sheblichi, y. t., to cause to draw out. shehkachi, see shinfkachi. shekel, n., a shekel, 1 Kings 10: 29; 2 Sam. 24: 24; Josh. 7: 21. sheki, n., a buzzard. sheki chito, n., a vulture. |BuLL. 46 sheki kolofa, sheki tullo, sheki talh- ko, n., ashort-tailed buzzard; a carrion crow. shekonobli, v. t., to tie. shekonopa, pp., tied; itashekonopa, tied together, Acts 10: 11. shelak, shalak, n., the sound of asudden slide. sheli, y. t. pl., to unravel; to pull them out; to pick; to ravel; ponola ya” sheti; shinfi, sing; shinli, v. t., to pick; shinli, n., a picker. shetichi, y. t., to card wool, cotton, ete. shelichi, n., a carder. shema, vy. t., to dress up one’s self; to dress in fine clothes; to put on orna- ments; to adorn; to apparel; to array; to attire; to accoutre; to ornament; to deck; to decorate; to habit; to prank; to prim; to rig; to trim; idakshema, to deck himself. shema, pp., dressed; apparelled; accou- tred; adorned; ornamented; decorated; decked;embellished; garnished; graced; invested; trimmed, Matt. 12: 44; ishit shema, habited with; isht ashema, ar- rayed in, with, or by means of, Matt. 6: 29. shema, n., a dresser; a rigger. shemachechi, v. t., to embellish another. shemachi, shemachi, vy. t., to dress up another; to accoutre; to adorn; to orna- ment, Matt. 6: 30; 2Sam.1: 24; toarray; to attire; to tire, 2 Kings 9:30; to deck; to decorate; to garnish; to grace; to in- vest; to prank; to prim; torig; to trim; (another in all instances). shemachi, n., a dresser; a rigger. shepa, n., tension. shepa, v. a. i., to stretch; to draw out; to sag. shepa, pp., stretched; drawn out; strained; wiredrawn. shepa hinla, a., malleable. shepkachi, pp. pl., stretched; drawn out. shepkachi, y. a. i., to stretch; to draw out. shepli, see shebli. shepoa, v. a. i. pl., to stretch; to draw out; to extend. shepoa, pp. pl., stretched. shepolichi, v. t. caus., to cause to stretch; to stretch. Seite. = BYINGTON] A DICTIONARY OF shepohi, y. t. pl., to stretch; to extend; to draw out. shibafa, vy. a. i. sing., to split; to splinter. shibafa, pp., splintered. shibafa, n., a splinter. shibahi, vy. a. i. pl., to split; to splinter. shibali, pp., splintered. shibali, n., splinters. shibatichi, vy. t., to splinter. shibaffi, v. t. sing., to splinter. shibaffi, n., one who splits or splinters. shibbi, shimmi, y. t. pl., to split off, as the bark of cane for baskets (oskashiba, the cane from which the bark has been peeled off); to peel off or hull corn. shitfa, vy. a. i. sing.. to unravel; to draw out. shitfa, pp., unraveled; drawn out. shi"fi, y. t. sing., to unravel; to draw out, as a lot; to trash; shoeli, pl. shi2fi, n., one who unravels. shitfkachi, shehkachi, y. a. i. pl., to unravel; shifkatchi, shifkahanchi. shifkachi, pp., unraveled. shiha, v. a. i., to unravel; to come out; itashiha y. a. i., to tangle. shiha, pp., unraveled; carded; raveled; teased; itasheha, tangled; snarled; see shochohah. shihachi, pp., carded; unbraided; pono- la yat shihachi, ponola isht shihachi, a cotton card; itashihachi, y. t., to tangle; itashihachichi, to snarl; to tangle. shihtilema, shittilema (q. v.), v. t., to despise. shitkachi, y. a. i., to whiz, as a musket ball. shitkak, n., a small blackbird. shikali, v. a. i., shikanli, n. f., to tingle the nose. shikanli, n., a tingling; strong stinging, as red pepper when eaten. shikanlichi, y. t., to tingle the nose; to strangle, as when mustard or pepper is taken in too large quantities. shikanoachi; see ashekonoa; itashekano- achi, v. t., to snarl; to snarl up together. shikalilli, n., a small white bead, such as are used in making belts, moccasins, efc. shikalla, i"shikalla, n., a bead; beads of the common kind; a necklace. shikalla ikbi, n., a beadimaker. THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 329 Shikallak, n., name of a creek in the old Nation. shikekli, y. a. i. pl., to stand tiptoe. shikeli, yv. a. i., to stand tiptoe. shikiffi, vy. a. i., to rattle in the throat; anukshikiffi. shikiffi, n., an affection in the throat. shikkiliklik, sikkiliklik, n., a sparrow hawk. shikoa, see shikowa. shikobli, v. t., to put on a plume; to plume one’s self. shikoblichi, y. t., to put a plume upon another. shikofa, y. a. i., to wrinkle, as a man’s face. shikofa, pp., wrinkled; furrowed, as the face of the aged. shikofa, n., a wrinkle. shikoffi, vy. t., to wrinkle; to contract, as the skin of the face. shikoha, n., the creases on a screw. shikohi, v. a. i. pl., to wrinkle; to tie up, as the ears of corn are tied up by the husks to dry—tanch shikoti. shikoli, pp., wrinkled; tied up; creased. shikolichi, v. t., to cause to wrinkle. shikopa, n., a plume; a crest; a feather. shikopa isht shema, y. t., to feather; to adorn with a plume. shikowa, shikoa, v.a. 1. pl., to wrinkle. shikowa, pp., wrinkled; tied up, as ears of corn to dry for seed; a., rough; un- even, like the grains of sweet corn when dry. : shikowa, n., wrinkles; corn tied up. shila, v. a.i., to dry; to bake, as the earth; to season, as wood; to cure; to contract; to wither; to evaporate. shila, pp., dried; baked; cured; withered; contracted; evaporated; saved, as meat; seared; seasoned; shrunk; ikshelo, a., undried; unseasoned. shila, a., dry; arid; husky; mealy; sere, Josha ss wie 2. shila, n., dryness; huskiness; ashitla, a dry place. shilachi, v. t., to dry. shilaia, shillayah, y. a. i. pl., to toss up the hands and feet, as an infant when lying on its back. shilaii, n., a species of frog. 330 shilaiyakachi, y. a. i. sing., to toss up the hands and feet. shilaklak, n., a goose; a tame goose; hankha, a wild goose. shilaklak nakni, n., a gander. shilaklak tek, n., the female goose. shilaklak ushi, n., a gosling; a goose egg. shilachi, v. t., to dry. shileli, y. t., to dry; to bake; to cure; to season; to save, as meat; to shrink; to dry up, Josh. 2: 10; 4: 23; 5: 1. shileli, n., a drier; one who dries, etc. shilla, pp., combed; curried; pamshi at shilla, isuba hat imshillat taha; ikshillo, a., uncombed. shillayah, see slilaia. shilli, y. t., to comb; to curry an animal; to rub; to tease; imshilli, to curry him; isuba inshilli, to curry a horse. shilli, n., a comber; one who curries. shiloa, vy. a. i., to ring; to rattle. shilohachi, y. a. i., to whiz, as a minie ball, or one that is long. shilombish, n., the shadow ofa creature, an animal, or aman; the soul, Matt. 16: 26; the spirit; a ghost; a shade; a spec- tre; a sprite; imishilombish, his soul, Matt. 16: 26. shilombish ahalaia, a., spiritual; ami- shilombish o%, my spirit. Shilombish chitokaka aba, n., Deity. Shilombish holitopa, n., the Holy Spirit; the Holy Ghost; Deity; the Paraclete. shilombish iksho, a., soulless. shilombish isht aiatta, a., renewed by the spirit. shilombish kania, vy. a. i., to entrance. shilombish okpulo, n., anunclean spirit; an evil spirit; the devil; satan; an un- clean devil, Luke 4: 33; a demon; a fiend; hell, i. e., the infernal powers; an imp. shilombish okpulo aiilbasha a®sha,a., infernal; an infernal spirit. shilombish okpulo holba, a., fiendlike. shilu"ka, pp., a., weevil-eaten; eaten by weevils; tanchi at shilutka, onush at shi- lunka. shilukafama, n., name of a weed. shilu"kachi, a., weevil-eaten; full of hales; tanchi shilunkachi. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY | BULL. 46 shilukpa, shilupa, n., the lights; the lungs; the vitals; a lung; the pluck. shilukpa tachowa, shilukpa shua, consumption; diseased vitals. shilukwa, n., a toad; a wart. shilukwa okpulo, n., a cancer. shilukwushi, n., a young toad; thespawn of a toad. shilup, n., a ghost; a spirit, Matt. 14: 26; a sprite; an apparition; a fantasm; the painting or picture of a man; manes; a phantom; a shade; a spectre. shilup aiasha, v. a.i., v. t., to haunt. shilup aiasha, pp., haunted. shilupa, see shilukpa. shima, y. a. i., to split; to rive; to scantle; to shatter. shima, pp., split; riven; shattered. shima, n., that which is split. shimafa, v. a. i. sing., to split; to splinter; to cleave; to rift; to rive. - shimafa, pp., split; cleft; riven. shimafa, n., a splinter. shimali, y. a. 1. pl., to split; to rive. shimali, pp., split; riven. shimatlichi, v. t., to split into fine pieces; to rive; to splinter. shimatlichi, n., a splitter. shimaffi, shimmaffi, v. t., to cleave; to split off one small piece; to rift. shimimpa, shimipa, see shinimpa. shimmi, shibbi, v. t., to split; to rive; to split into shingles; toshatter; tosliver. Capt. Miashambe used the second form See shimnuffi. shimmi, n., a river; a boardmaker. shimmoli, see shimoli. shimnuffi, shinuffi, v. t., to split off one small piece; to splinter; shibbi, pl., in oski am shibbi, to peel off the thin out- side bark of cane to make baskets. shimoha, v. a. i., to have the nightmare; to sleep, as the limbs, arms, or legs; to have the jerks (shimohat itula); to swoon; to be insensible, as from drinking freely of ardent spirits. shimoha, n., numbness of the limbs, as when asleep; the ‘‘ jerks’’ or the exer- cise, such as some people exhibit at re- ligious meetings; the nightmare; incu- bus; a swoon. shimoha, a., numb); asleep, as the limbs. shimoha, pp., benumbed; rendered tor- pid; paralyzed; intoxicated. BYINGTON] shimohachi, v. t., to benumb; to bring on the nightmare, the jerks, etc.; to numb. shimoli, shimmoli, y. a. i., to smart, as a flesh wound. shimoli, shimmoli, n., smart. shimoli, y. t., to benumb. shimoli, pp., made to smart; benumbed. shimolichi, v. t., to make the flesh smart. shinakha, shanakha, n., the upper part of the back between the shoulders. shinakha umpatha, n., a cape. shinap, n., ash; white ash. shinasbi, shinisbi (q. v.), a., moist; sweaty; sticky. shinashbi, shinashbo, a., thick; sticky, like honey or molasses. shini"fa, shiniffi, see nukshinifa, etc.. shinihachi, y. a. i., to hum. shinihachi, n., a hum; a stir. shinilli, y. a. i., to run out; to ooze out, as the juices of meat when roasted; to trickle, as perspiration. shinillichi, v. t., to cause to run out, ete. shinimpa, shimipa, shimimpa, a., swift; quick; rapid; hika kat shinimpa, maleli kat shinimpa. shinimpa, vy. n., to beswift, 2 Sam. 1: 23. shinimpa, n., swiftness; celerity; quick- ness; rapidity; velocity. shinimpachi, v. t., to cause to go swiftly. shinisbi, shinasbi, a., moist, as the skin when sweaty; sweaty. shinisbi, v. n., to be moist or sweaty. shinisbi, n., moisture on the flesh. shinisbichi, v. t., to make moist; to cause moisture. shinli (from shilli, q. v.), v. t., to pick out from a hole or from between; to pick the teeth; noft i%shinli, a tooth- pick; pass., shityah like chatyah, from chanli. shinli, n., a picker. shinoa, v. a. i., to wrinkle. shinoa, pp., wrinkled; nashuka yat shi- noat taha; tarsh shinoa, name of sweet corn. shinoa, n., wrinkles; a dimple. shinofa, y. a. i., to wrinkle; talhko at shinofa. shinofa, pp., wrinkled. shinofa, n., a wrinkle. shinoffi, v. t., to wrinkle; to draw up; to pucker up. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE aou shinoh, y. a. i. pl., to wrinkle; to pucker; to contract. shinoh, pp., wrinkled. shinoli, n., wrinkles. shinolichi, y. t., to wrinkle up; to cause to wrinkle. shinonoa, vy. a. i., to wrinkle. shinonoa, pp., wrinkled. shinonoa, n., wrinkles. shinono®kachi, pp., wrinkled. shinono®kachi, vy. a. i., to wrinkle. shinonolichi, vy. t., to make wrinkles; to wrinkle. shinuffi, see shimnu/fi. shinuk, n., sand; shinuk paknaka yon, the sand, Matt. 7: 26. shinuk aialhto, n., a sand box. shinuk foka, n., the desert; the sand barrens; a desert place; destruction; the sands. shinuk haiemo, n., quicksand. shinuk kaha, n., the dead; destruction; quicksand; sands; deserts; shinuk kaha ia, they have gone to the dead (not often used). shinuk laua, a., sandy. shinuk o"tali, vy. t., to sand. shinuk o®laya, pp., sanded. shinuktileli, n., wild balm; horsemint (a weed). shinukyolulli, n., sarsaparilla. shiota, yv. a. i., to subside, as a swelling. shipachi, see shippachi. shippa, v. a. i., to dry, as a cow fails to give milk; to go dry. shippa, y. a. i., to abate; to subside; to cool, asa fever; to go down; to ebb; to fall, as water ina stream; to evaporate; to lower; to remit. shippa, pp., abated; subsided; cooled; assuaged; fallen; evaporated; ikshippo, a., unabated. shippa, a., low. shippachechi, y. t., to abate; to cause to abate; to cool. shippachi, y. a. i., to cool; to abate; to subside; toremit; yanha kat shipachitok, the fever left her. shippachi, shipachi, a., pp., cooled; assuaged; abated. shippali, v. t., to cool; to assuage; to mit- igate; to cause to fall or go down, ebb, ete. shitabli, see shatabli. 332 shitammi, shatammi (q. v.), v. a. i., to swell up in the bowels. shitibli, v. a. i., to swell, as grain when soaked. shitibli, pp., swollen. shitiblichi, vy. t., to cause to swell; to swell. shitimmi, a., puffy; v. n., to be puffy. shitimmi, v. a. i., to puff; to swell. shittilema, shihtilema, ishtilema (in old times), v. t., to despise; to scorn; to disdain; to contemn; to reject; to scout; to sneer; to spurn; to abhor, 1 Kings Tce Zoe al Samae2iseley shittilema, n., one who scorns; a con- temner; a scorner; a loather; scorn; a sneer. shittilema, a., scornful; despicable; dis- dainful. shittilemachi, vy. t., to render scornful; to cause to scorn. shiZya, pp., picked; see sheli. shiyuli, v. t.,to fallon; to hold; see Gen. 45: 14, to fall on the neck, ete. (tipia is used in the last translation). shke, see ishke. shobi, see shohbi. shobobu®kachi, y. a. i., rent, like corn leaves by the hail. shobohi, shobulli, v. a. i., to smoke; to ascend, as smoke, fog, steam, etc.; to fume; to reek, Josh. 8: 20; shobonli, reeking. shoboli, shobulli, a., smoky; smoking. Matt. 12: 20; pp., smoked; o”shoboli. shoboli, n., smoke; a current of smoke; a fume; steam. shobolichi, y. t., to smoke; to fume; ni- pi ar onshobolichi, to smoke meat; to fu- migate; to smother; nipi a” onshobulli- chi, to smoke on (o” being on); o%shobul- lichi, n., a smoker. shobota, v.a.i., to ascend, as ashes, dust, or sand; hitukchubi at shobota. shobota, n., steam. shobulli, see shoboli. shochoha, a., pp., entangled; snarled; knurly; knurled; anwmpa shochoha, iti shochoha. shochoha, v. a. i., to tangle up; to become entangled; itashochoha. shochoha, n., a snarl. shocholi, vy. t., to entangle; ponolaya” ish- shocholi na. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY | BULL. 46 shoekachi, v. a. i., to rip off, like the sole of a shoe; shulush at shoekachi. shoeli, shueli, v. t. pl., to divest; to un- ravel; to draw out; shinfi, sing. shofoha, vy. a. i., to swell; pp., swollen. shofoli, v. a. i., to swell; to rise, as flesh when it first begins to swell. shofoli, pp., swollen. shofoli, n., a swelling. shofoli, a., sandy; yakni shofoli, sandy land. shofolichi, y. t., to swell; to cause to swell. shoha, pp., ground; sharpened; sholichi, Viens shohalalli, vy. a. i., to slip; to slide; sa- shohalalli cha satula. | shohalallichi, v. t., to cause to slip or slide. shohala, shohhala, a., light; buoyant, Matt. 11: 30; tiak shohala, dry pine, rot- ten through. shohala, y. n., to be light; shohalaiya, pro. form. shohala, pp., lightened. shohala, n., levity; lightness; buoyancy. shohalachi, y. t., to make light; to lighten. shohbi, shobi, n., evening; the close of the day; all day; antali shohbi, I have stayed all day. shohbi, vy. a. i.; shoba” hosi, Matt. 14: 15. shohbichi, y. t., to continue at an em- ployment till night; to make it night; to finish the day; to spend the day. shohbikanli, n., evening. shohbikanli, y. a. i., to become evening. shohhalali, y. a. i. pl., to slip down. shohhalatichi, y. t., to cause to slip. shohhala, see shohala. shohkalali, a., clear; bright; limpid; transparent; vivid; oka yat shohkalali. shohkalali, vy. n., to be clear; apisa yat shohkalalh. shohkalalichi, y. t., to clear; to make bright, ete. shohkawali, n., transparency. shohkawali, shohkauali, a., clear; lim- pid; transparent; lucid; pure, 1 Kings 7: 45; glittering, Deut. 32: 41. shohkawali, shohkauali, y. n., to be clear or limpid. pureness; clearness; BYINGTON] shohkawalichi, y. t., to make clear, etc. shohmakali, a., serene; calm; mild; pleasant; kucha shohmakali achukma. shohmakali, y. n., to be serene. shohmakali, n., sereneness; calmness. shohmakalichi, y. t., to make serene; to calm. shohmalali, n., glare; glory; brightness; irradiation; luster; a shining; splendor. shohmalali, shohmilali, a., pp., bright; glittering; burnished; furbished; efful- gent; shiny; irradiated. shohmalali, shohmilali, v. n., to be bright; hashi at shohmilali; tali hata at shohmilali. shohmalali, y. a. i., to shine; to glim- mer; to dazzle; to glare; to glisten; to glitter; to reflect; sanishkin an onshoh- malali. shohmalalichi, y. t., brighten; to irradiate. shohmalalichi, n., a burnisher. shohmalashh, a. pl., bright; glistening. shohmalashli, v. n., to be bright; v. a.i., to shine; jichik at shohmalashli. shohpakali, vy. a. i., to shine (but not bright, as on a cloudy day); see Matt. ys 7% shohwalashli, v. a. i., to be dainty, Rev. 18: 14. shotkak, n., name of some bird. shokatti, see shukatti. shokula, n., sugar, a Chickasaw word, from sugar in English, I presume. shokulbi, shukulbi, n., a nook; the inside corner of a field; the inside part of a bend; afork; a bend; bok shokulbi. shola hinla, a., portable. sholi, v. t., to carry on the back or shoul- der; to shoulder; to tote; to lift; sho- wa, to take in the arms, Luke 2: 28; to hug; to take up, Mark 2: 9; Matt. 16, 24; to bear; to bring forth young, Luke 1: 13; Matt. 1: 23; tanampo an sholi; iti a sholi; allosi a” sholit hikikia; shoyuli, pro. form, to bear, Josh. 3: 13, 14, 15; shoyulit itanowa, ‘‘bearing,’’ Josh. 3:3; shot anta, shot arya, shot ala, shot ia, shot minti, shot ona. sholi, n., a carrier; a bearer; a lifter. sholi, n., parturition. sholichi, v. t., to cause to carry. shohi, y. t., to mash. to burnish; to A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 3338 sholichi, y. t., to grind; to sharpen by grinding; to strop; to whet; to hone. sholichi, n., one who sharpens; a whet- ter. shonuya, n., a skein. shonuyachi, v. t., to make a skein. shotukhi, vy. a. i., to beat, as the pulse. shua, a., rotten; foul; putrid; having a disagreeable smell; fulsome; fetid; loathsome; nasty; rank; ikshwo, uncor- rupt. shua, vy. n., to be rotten or foul; ahe at shuat taha; wishki at shua okpulo; nan illi at shua. shua, v. a. i., to smell disagreeably; to stink; to putrify; to rot; to corrupt. shua, pp., tainted; made to smell bad; corrupted; putrified; rotted, as pota- toes; ikshuo, a., untainted. shua,n.,stench; rottenness; filth; filthi- ness; rankness; rot; smell (of whisky). shuachi, vy. t., to rot; to cause to smell bad; to give an ill scent; to corrupt; to putrify. shuachichi, y. t., to rot. shuahchi, pp., ground; strapped; honed; sharpened. shubbukh, vy. a. i., to smoke up quickly, as burnt powder; to flash. shuchapah, shuchopah, y. a. i., to soften; to give way; to grow easy, as pain. shuekachi, v. a. i., to come off; to come out of the ground, like pea bushes and bean poles when pulled up. shueli, shoeli, vy. t. pl., to take them off; to divest; to doff; na foka inshueli, to take off his clothes; to denude; shuitl, nasal form. shutfa, pp. sing., taken off; stripped; uncovered; unstopped; ishufa, un- dressed; unfettered. shu®fa, y.a.i., to come off; to slip off or out of; ishunrfi, to disengage. shu"fi, v. t., to take off, Josh.5: 15; to loose a shoe; to take out; to strip off; to slip out; to draw out, Josh. 5: 13; to uncover; to ungird a belt; to un- hinge; to unsheath; to unstring; in- shufi, to unbridle; to unclothe; to un- couple; to undress; to unfasten; to unfetter; to unstop. shufohachi, see shaha, scraped. whetted ; 334 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY shuikachi, v. a. i., to scale off, as plas- tering. shuitkachi, pp. pl., taken off; or taken out, as a pin. shutka, v. t., to smoke a pipe; to suck and draw smoke into the mouth. shu"ka, n., a smoker. shukafa, v.a.i., to peel off. shukafa, pp., peeled off. shukafa, n., that which is peeled off. shukali, v.a.i. pl., to peel off; to chip; to come off, as chips. shukali, pp., peeled off; chipped; iti shukati. shukali, n., peelings; chips. shukalichi, v. t., to cause to peel off. shukanump ikbi, v. t., to fable. shukanumpa anumpa, pp., fabled. shukaffiy, v. t. sing., to peel; to chip. shu®kani, n., anant; anemmet; apismire; ibbak inshunkani, the elbow. shu®kani inchuka, n., an ant-heap; an ant-hill. shu2kani ushi, n., ant eggs. shukata, n., an opossum. shukatti, shokatti, n., a frog; a small frog; a young bullfrog. shukattushi, n., the spawn of frogs. shukbah, v. a. i., to be soft, as wet feath- ers dried. shukbo, n., a blanket; a rug. shukcha, n.,asack; a purse, Matt. 10: 9; a sheath; a scabbard; a bag; a case; a wallet; a scrip; a satchel; a pocket; a leather bottle, Matt. 9: 17; imshukcha shammallichi, to purse; to case. shukha, n.,a hog; swine, Matt. 7: 6; 8: 30, 31, 32. shukha aiasha, n., a range or resort for swine. shukha aiimpa, n., a hog trough. shukha anumpa, shukhanumpa, n., a fable; a tale; aromance; an idle story. shukha ayupi, n., the place where swine wallow, whether in mud, sand, or water. shukha bila, n., lard; hog’s fat. shukha chanla, n., a small hog, stunted and tough. shukha chushak hishi, n., a bristle; bristles. shukha himmita, n., a shote. shukha hobak, n., a barrow; a male hog castrated. [BULL. 46 shukha i"hoa, n., a word used in calling hogs. shukha i"hollihta, shuki"hollihta, n., a hogpen; a pigpen; a hog yard; a swine lot; a sty. shukha imilhpak, n., swill. shukha inchuka, n., a hogsty; a hog- house; a pigsty. shukha iyubi shila, n., gammon. shukha nakni, n., a boar; the male of swine not castrated. shukha nia, n., lard; fat pork. shukha nia shila, n., bacon. shukha nipi, n., lean pork; the lean meat in a hog; pork. shukha nipi shileli, v. t., to cure pork; to make bacon. shukha pasa, n., the side pieces of a hog; the middling. shukha pasa shila, n., bacon made of side pieces. shukha tek, n., a sow. shukha tek hobak ikbi, v. t., to spay. shukha tek hobak toba, pp., spayed. shukhanumpa, a., fabulous; see shukha anumpa. shukhanumpikbi, v. t., to make a fable. shukhushi, n., a pig; a shoot or shote. shukhushi isht aiopi, n., a whinock. shukhushi petechi achafa, n., a far- row; a litter of pigs. shukhushicheli, v. t., to pig; to farrow. shukithollihta, see shukha imhollihta. shukli, v. t. pl., to score large logs and cut out large slabs or blocks; shukali, pass., scored; chipped. shu"koma, n., a red bug; a chigoe. shukonlichi, see shakanlichi. shukshi, n., a watermelon. shukshi ikfuka, n., the core of a water- melon. shukshi nipi, n., the core of a water- melon. shukshinipi pehna, n., watermelonseed. shukshi okpulo, shukshukpulo, n., a gourd. shukshua, y. a. i., to whisper, 2 Cor. 12: 20. shukshubok, gourd. shukto, v. a.i., to spread, as ink on poor paper. shukulhbi, see shokulbi. shulaffi, v. t., to scratch. shukshihobak, n., a BYINGTON] shuli, v. t., to scratch, as a cat. shulla, a., dry; withered; wasted; shrunk; lean; poor; ibbak shulla, a withered hand, Matt. 12: 10. , shulla, v. n., to be dry and decayed; iti at shulla; nips at shulla. shulla, n., dryness; the dry rot. shullachi, v. t., todry; to cause to decay, shrink, ete. shulush, n., a moccasin; a sandal, a shoe, Matt. 10: 10; Josh. 5: 15. shulush akalli, n., a cobbler. shulush atoba, n., a last. shulush chaha, shulush falaia, n., a boot. shulush chaha atoba, n., a boot tree. shulush hofaloha, n. pl., boots. shulush ikbi, n., a shoemaker. shulush imatali, v. t., to shoe; to fur- nish with shoes. shulush imalhtaha, pp., furnished with shoes. shulush isht akamassa, n., buckle. shulush isht lusachi, n., shoe black- ing; black ball. shulush isht talakchi, n., a shoestring; a shoe latchet, John 1:27; a latchet. shulush itichapa, n., a pair of shoes. shulush kamassa, n., an English shoe; a shoe with a hard sole. shulush kallo, n., an English shoe; a shoe. shulush kallo falaia, n., a boot. shulush kallo falaia holo, v. t., to boot; to put on a boot. shulush kallo falaia holo, pp., booted. shulush shohala, n., light shoes; slippers; pumps. shulush tapuski, n., slippers. shumanta, v. a. i., to have rheumatic pains. shumantabi, n., rheumatism; same as nahishabi; see nahishi. shumatti, n., the arrow of a blowgun; Ashumatti, name of a woman. shumatti, shumati, n., a thistle, Matt. Oe lee shumba, a., defective; rotten; dry, as a tooth or a hickory nut. shumba, v. n., to be defective; to be rotten; noti at shumba; oksak at shumba; tiak shumba, a dead and decayed pine. shumba, y. a. i., to rot. a shoe A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 3080 shumbala, n., a cottonwood tree. shummi, n., moisture; dampness; hu- midity. shummi, a., moist; damp; dank; humid; muggy. shummi, y. n., to be moist; to be damp; to be dank; hatak at shummi; yakni at shummi; bota yat shummi. shummi, pp., moistened; dampened. shummichi, v. t., to moisten; to dampen. shumo, n., a thistle; thistle down. shumo api, n., a thistle stalk. shumo holutti, n., the arrow of a blow- gun. shumo laua, a., thistly. shumo naki, n., an arrow; a bolt. shumpalali, a., glimmering; bright. shumpalali, v. n., to be light or bright; luak at shumpalali; shutik at shumpalali. shumpalali, v. a. i., to shine. shumpalalichi, y. t., to brighten; to cause to shine. shunlulo, n., a lark. shupik, n., the name of a fish called by some the mudfish. shu%shi, n., an insect; a bug; a fly; a worm; vermes; a moth, Matt. 6: 19, 20. shu4shi aiapa, a., wormeaten. shu4shi hakchuma, n., atobacco worm. shushi iskitini, n., a mite. shu4shi isuba acheli, n., a nitter. shushi isht abeka a., wormy. shu4shi kalush apa, n., acabbage worm. shu®shi laua, a., buggy; wormy. shu4shi nan tanna apa, n., a moth. shu4shi oka a"sha, n., a water fly. shu"shi okchamali, n., a green fly. shu4shi okchamali isht wulhkuchi, n., Spanish flies; cantharides. shu4shi walana, shu"shi olana,n.,a horse fly; a biting fly. shuti, n., an earthen pot used over the fire, and a kind made by the Choctaw; a tanfula pot, a boiler; a pot; a kettle. shuti a™sha, n., a kettle. shuti asha atoba, n., a furnace. shuti asha o®lipa, n., a pot lid. shuti boluktabi, n., erysipelas. shuti chito, n., a caldron. * shuti fohki, v. t., to pot. shuti iyasha, n., an iron kettle; a pot. shuti iyasha akmuchi, n., a casting; castings. light; 336 shuti iyasha o"lipa, n., a pot lid. shuti oka aialhto,n., a water-pot, John Pa shuti tana, n., a potter; one who makes shuli. shutik, n., thesky; the heavens; heaven, Matt. 11: 23, 25; 16: 2. shutik aba, n., the firmament. shutik hata, n., daybreak; light in the sky. shutik iklanna, n., midheaven. shutik tabokaka, n., heaven; the circle or the convex of the sky; the heavens. shutukshonli, v. a. i., to breathe quick and hard, as in speaking Choctaw loud and fast; to pant. shutushi, n., a small earthen pot or ves- sel; lit., a son of the shuti. t, sign of the nom. case or the art. the, placed at the end of nouns and adjectives. It has a definitive sense, as in ilappa, ilappat, yamma, yammat; in verbs, toksalit ia, for work he goes; t defines or marks out to work as an object, like to in English. t, a conjunctive form of the article. It connects two verbs when both have the same nom., or where there is but onenom., as chumpat ia, abit apa, mak- ing a compound verb. The letter ¢ suffixed to the particles a, ha, ya, ka, ma, gives them a connecting power, and toka and oma, a definite sense. t, placed at the end of particles is a sign of the nom. case, as kat, ot, at. t, ‘when suffixed to a verb or adj. often gives it the force of an adverb, as achukmat ansha, he sits well; he is well; achukmat is a word that qualifies ansha. t has a definite as well as a connecting office, namely that of sin- gling out and connecting two nomina- tives to different verbs. But see above. ta, adv. of time, doubt, and surprise, as ish lat ta? have you been here some time, and I did not know it (recent past tense)? The word to which this is suf- fixed takes a t, as ishla? ishlatta. ~ I think that ta is definite and to dis- tinctive. ishlatbatta? def., ishlatto? dist. tabakli, y. a. i., to gallop; to canter. tabakli, n., one who canters; a gallop. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 tabaklichi, v. t., to canter; to gallop; to cause to canter or gallop. tabashi, tabashi, y. a. i., to mourn for the dead; to wear mourning clothes. When the old Choctaw mourn they put on old, filthy garments, and do not wash, shave, comb, or visit or attend any assembly of people. They also cry several times daily at the grave or at the poles set up for the dead, called mourning poles, 2 Sam. 14: 2. tabashi, n., a mourning. tabash, n., a mourning person, or in time of mourning; a nickname given to a poor fellow in Apehka, who died some years since; see tabashi. tabeli, see isht tabeli. tabikli, v. a. i., to limp; see chahikli and hatchi. tabikli, n., a limper. tabokaka, n., the top; an eminence; the summit; the vertex. tabokoa, v. a. i., to reach the meridian. The sun, moon, or stars may tabokoa. tabokoa, n., the meridian; noon; mid- day; the middle of the arch of heaven; the highest point. tabokoa, a., vertical. tabokoli, tabokonli, vy. a. i., to reach the meridian; tabokoli mat illitok, when he reached noon, he died, 2 Kings 4: 20. tabokoli, tabokuli, n., noon; midday; midheaven; meridian; noonday; mid- night; zenith. tabokoli foha, n., a nooning. tabokoli foka, n., noontide; about noon. tabokoli ikono, n., before noon. tabokoli impa, n., dinner. tabokoli impa ima, v. t., dinner. tabokoli impa impa, v. t., to dine. tabokoli ont ia,n., afternoon; pastnoon. tabokonli, see tabokoli. tabokuli, see tabokolt. tachammaha, n., a brass ring for the wrist, formerly worn by women. tatchuka, n., sugar cane. ta®fula, n., Indian hominy; their Apne tatfula Benachico, n., sour ta”fula. ta®fula okchi, n., the liquid part of the Indian hominy. tah may be a particle formed from the definite certain a and compounded with t, suffixed to the previous word. to give a BYINGTON] tah, a particle in the remote past tense; ishla tah? did you come some time since? tah, adv., assurance against doubt; minti tah; okaaillit tahatok, perished in the waters, Matt. 8: 32. taha, v. a. i., to end; to be gone; to finish; to complete, Josh. 3: 17; 4: 23; 5: 1; Matt. 2: 9; ont intaiyaha, he had finished, Matt. 7: 28. taha, pp., done; gone; finished; com- pleted; exhausted; used; passed; intai- yaha, Matt. 11: 1; v. a. i., alopullit taiyaha, Josh. 4:1, 11; nitak at antahat iahashke—Mikhobela’s speech to his son; taiyaha, pro. form. taha, a., complete; iktaho, a., undecayed. taha, ady., completely; entirely; wholly; perfectly; quite; holhtinat taha, Matt. 10: 30; tahashke, Matt. 14: 15. taha, n., the expiration; the end; ont lahama, at the end of, 2 Sam. 24: 8. tahahe keyu, a., unfailing. tahat ia, v. a. i., to fail; to wear out. tahbi, v. a. i., to ululate, as a wolf. tahchabana, n., asuspender; tahchaban- kachi, pl. tahchi, n., the shoulder, Josh. 4: 5. tahchi okpatha, tahchi foni, n., the shoulder blade. tahchonchiya, n., an epaulet. tahchukah, adv., a word expressing doubt, with an inquiry; see chukah; tah implies the recent past tense. tahpala, v. a. i., to shout; to scream; to halloo; to call after; to exclaim; to shriek; to vociferate; to yell; tahpalat okla mat, they (2) cried out; to ery, Matt. 12: 19; 14: 26; 15: 22; isht tah- pala, v. t.; tapahanla, freq. tahpala, n., a shout; a shouter; an ex- clamation; an outcry; a shriek; a yell. tahpali, tahpuli, v. t., to array; to dress, Luke 16: 19; used only with a pro- noun, as i/atapuli, to dress himself. tahpalichi, v. t., to array others; to dress another. tahtua, pp., shaken; flirted. tahtuli, v. t., to shake; to flirt; to shake off, Matt. 10: 14; shukbo an tahtuli. tak, atak, (the a is a prefix particle), ady., usually; commonly; a colloquial word. taka, pp., scooped; dipped. 84559°—Bull, 46—15 22 A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 337 takafa, pp., dipped up, as water in a cup. takakanli, v. a. i., to incubate; to set. takakanli, v.a.i., to circulate, as anwm- pa hat takakanli; to offer; to be tossed, Matt. 14: 24. takalechi, takalichi, y. t., to hang; to hitch; to lodge, or cause to hang, as one tree on another; to put forth, Matt. 13: 24; to raise up, Luke 1:69; to lift up, John 3: 14; to launch out (pit takalechi), Luke 5: 4; to enter; to lay on, as an ac- count; to suspend, Josh. 8: 29; to offer, 2 Sam. 24: 12; itatakalechi, to concate- nate; to link together; to connect; iti intakalichi, to clog him; to hang a piece of wood to him. takali, v. a. i., to hang, Josh. 8: 29; to stand; to stick; to hitch; to lock; to be, Josh. 3: 4; Matt. 2: 9; 6: 21; iktakalo kawa, a double neg., Matt. 18: 7; takant fahakachi, to tangle. takali, pp., a., hung; lifted; close; en- tered; hooked; suspended; itatakali, ttatakali, pp., hung together; linked together; linked; concatenated; con- nected. takali, n., a hanging; an entry; a lodge; a pendant. takanli, a., imminent; pending. takant, cont. from takanlit. takant fahakachi,v. a. i., todangle; to hang and swing. takastua, a., having corners like a four- square bottle. takat taha, pp. pl., dipped out. takabli, takapli, v. a. i., to stop or sup- press, like anukbikelt. takaffi, v. t., to dip up; to dip out. takaffi, n., one who dips. takaffit kampila, v. t., to retail; to dip and sell. takaffiit kampila, n., a retailer. takanha, vy. a. i., to teeter; to palpitate at the pit of the stomach. takassa, a., flat and thin, as a china-bean pod; takaskoa, pl. takassa, vy. n., to be flat and thin; bala hakshup at takassa; takaskoa, pl. takassalli, vy. t., to make flat and thin. takashi, n., the milt; the spleen; i”tak- ashi, his milt. takba, a., bitter; astringent; acrid; acerb; harsh—applied to the eyes, 338 takba, vy. n., to be bitter, astringent, etc. ; unkof attakba, bashukcha hishi at takba. takba, n., astringency. takbachi, a., bitterish; somewhat bitter, astringent, etc. takbachi, v. n., to be bitterish. takbachiz, v. t., to render bitter or astrin- gent; to embitter. takchaka, n., the edge; the margin; the border; the list; shukbo takchaka, yak- ni takchaka. takchaka ikbi, v. t., to border; to make a border; to margin. takchaka ikbi, n., one who makes a border. takchi, v. t., to tie; to bind, Matt. 12: 29; 14:3; 16:19; Josh. 2:21; toenchain; to chain; to hobble; to confine; to lace; to lash; to leash; to restrain; to shackle; iletakchi, to tie himself; to thrum; to trammel; to truss; to constrain; to en- chain; to fillet. takchi, n., one who ties. takchichi, v.t., to tie; ititakchichi, to tie together; to bunch; atakchichi, atakchi- chi, to tie to. takchit ishi, v. t., to arrest; to take and bind. takish intashka chipota, n., a janizary; a soldier of the Turkish foot guards. takkon, takon, n., a peach. takkon ati, n., a clingstone peach. takkon api, n., a peach tree. takkon chito, n., an apple. takkon fakopa, n., a freestone peach. takkon foni, n., a peach stone. takkon foni humma, n., a clingstone peach; a red peach stone. takkon foni nipi, n., a peach meat. takkon hakshup, n., a peach rind; a peach skin. takkon hoshiko, n., peach fuzz. takkon kallo, n., a clingstone peach. takkon masu®fa, takkon misu®fa, n., an apple. takkon masu"fa api, n., an apple tree. takkon masu®fa honni, n., apple sauce. takkonlapi, n., a peach tree. takkonlipun, n., an apple; heard among the Bay or Sixtowns Indians; lipun they borrowed from the French la pomme. takkonlush api, n., a plum tree. takkonlushi, n., a plum; a wild plum. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 takkonlitilli, n., peach-tree gum. takla, a., being between. takla, v. n., to be between; itintakla, to be between them; hachititakla, be- tween you, Josh. 4: 6; itimtakla, Matt. 18: 2; into, Josh. 2: 19; ititakla, among, Josh. 7: 21; aiitintakla, through; by » means of, Josh. 8:9; itintakla atia, n., a pass. takla, tatkla, prep. adv., with; among, 1 Kings 11: 20, 21, 22; between; on this side; amid; amidst; till; until, Matt. 1: 23[?]; John 4: 40; chitakla hikialahe, 2 Sam. 18: 14. takla, n., side; itatakla, this side of, and between this place and that; bok itatakla, between this place and the creek. tatkla, n. f., during; while; along; being with; until; inthe way, Matt. 5: 25; 9: 10% 182259 14: 225 15: 32. tatkla, within, Josh. 1: 11. tatkla a¥sha, to sit with; to be present. tatkla atya, taklaya, v. a.i., to go along with; to accompany; to attend. ta®kla binili, y. a. i., to sit with; to in- trude. ta®kla binili, n., an intruder; an in- trusion. tatkla binoli, v. a. i. pl., to sit with, Matt. 9: 10. tatkla ia, to go with. tatkla minti, v. a. i., to come with. taklaya, see ta"kla anya. taklachi, v. t., to remove this way; to bring this way; olataklachi, to reduce a price; ataklachi, n., ‘‘absence,’’ Luke 20: 6[?]; but it is used here as a verb. taklechi, v. t., to bring this way; as ola- taklechi, to reduce the price; to get it lower. takli, vy. t. pl., to dip up; to dip out; to ladle; to scoop; ‘‘to lap;’’? oka taklit ishko, ofi yosh isunlash isht taki, Jadges V6 le takli, n., one who dips; a scooper. takli, n., a dipper; dippers. takoba, n., the belly; the abdomen; the paunch; the large stomach; the bowels; the maw. takoba chito, n. and a., pot bellied. takoba kashofa, pp., evacuated. takoba kashoffi, v. t., to evacuate. takoba kucha, pp., emboweled, BYINGTON] takoba kucha, y. a. i., to come out, as the bowels; for the bowels to come out. takoba kuchi, vy. t., to disembowel. takofa, y. a. i. sing., to slip off; shakba at takofa, at the joint. takofa, pp., slipped off; takofi, v. t. takoi®sha, tako"wisha, tikoi4sha, n.,a willow; the common willow. takoh, v. a. i. pl., tohang; takohnli, n. f., Luke 5: 2. takoli, pp., hung; suspended (with a locative), Josh. 10: 26; itatakolti, linked together. takolichi, y. t., to hang them (witha . locative), Josh. 10: 26; takoliechi, pro. form; takotinchi, nas. form; itatakotichi, to link them together; itatakotichi, to link. tako™wisha, see takoinsha. tako"wisha naksish falaia, n., the weeping willow. takshi, n., diffidence. takshi, a., ashamed; bashful; afraid; timid; modest; abashed; diffident; sheepish. takshi, vy. n., to be ashamed, ete. takshichi, v. t., to render bashful. taksho, n., fragments of ta”fula boilers. Takshochiya, n., name of a place in the old Nation. tatktaha, v. a. i., to cackle, as a fowl. ta™ktaha, n., a cackling; a cackler. taktaki, a., spotted; having a dirty color. taktaki, pp., speckled. taktaki, v. n., to be spotted; to have a dirty color. taktakichi, taktakechi, v. t., to spot; to give a dirty color; to speckle. tala, n., palmetto; also the name of a weed, talaia, a., situated; stagnant. talaia, v. a. i. sing., to stand; 2 Kings 9: 27; Matt. 12: 25; 2Sam. 24: 5; to be, to lie, Matt. 8: 26; 11: 23, to remain; to stagnate, as water; to stand still, ontalaia, v.t., to ride; to sit on; to set on, Matt. 5: 14. talaia, pp., placed; set; ontalaia, founded; talanya, n. f., standing in, as water or milk in some vessel. talaia, n., a situation. talaia, tallaia, n., that which stands, as aspot, agrove, one; asituation; a trail; lusa talaia, a black spot; humma talaia, A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 339 ared spot; bihi talaia; tiak talaia; okla talaia, one people. talakchi, pp., tied; bound, Matt. 16: 19; banded; enchained; chained; confined; constrained; corded; laced; lashed; ( packed; shackled; ibbak at talakchi; iyi intalakchi; itatalakchi, bound together; iktalakcho, a., unbound; unconfined. talakchi, a., stiff; as iyi talakchi; ibbak talakchi. talakchi,n., that which is tied; a bundle; a pack. talali, v. t. sing., to set; to place; to set down; to set forth, John 2:10; to put, Matt. 5: 15; ontalali, to set on; to found; to locate; to spread; tali paknaka yon inchuka atalalitokan, which built his house upon a rock, Matt. 7: 24; shinuk paknaka yor atalalituk, Matt. 7: 26; hashi talali, to change as, or to come out as the moon, i. e., the new moon. talali, n., one who sets; one who sets on; a setter. talhpa, n., soapstone; rotten limestone. talimushi, n., high palmetto. taliskachi, a. pl., numb, asleep, as a limb, hand, or foot. taliskachi, v. n., to be numb. taliskachi, n., numbness. talissa, a. sing., numb; having the feel- ing of a limb that is asleep; asleep. talissa, v. n., to be numb; to be asleep; iyi at talissa, iyi at kapassat illi, are ex- pressions of one sense. talissa, n., numbness. taloa, talowa, talwa, talloa, v. a. i., to sing; to praise in song; to carol; to chant; to hymn; to tune; intaloa, y. t., to praise him; to sing to him; isht taloa, to pitch, as a tune; to sound; to warble; ilhtalwa, songs, Gen. 31: 27, iktaloo, a., unsung. taloa, n., a ballad; a song; aditty; music; a psalm, a tune; a warble; a note. taloa, n., a singer; a chanter; a choir; a minstrel; asongster; a tuner; a warbler. taloa abachi, n., psalmody. taloa achukma, n., melody; good sing- ing. taloa afalamoa, v. a. i., to trill. taloa atiha,n.,achoir; a body of singers. taloa ikbi, v. t., to makea song, a hymn, or tune; to harmonize. taloa ikbi, n., a psalmist; a poet. 340 taloa ikhanachi, n., a singing master; a music master. taloa imponna, n., a skillful singer; a musician; a singing master. taloa isht ia, v. t., to set a tune; to lead in singing. taloa itilaui, v. t., to harmonize. taloa tikba heka, n., a chorister. taloa wannichi, v. a. i., to quaver. taloat abachi, v. a.i., to practice singing. taloat takalichi, v. t., to tune. taloha, v. a. i. pl., to stand; to lie; to be. taloha, pp., placed; set, Matt. 14: 15; situated, Josh. 14: 1; ampo hat taloha. taloha, vy. n. pl., to be; used to denote plurality, Luke 2: 37; 4: 31[?]. taloha, n., spots; as lusa taloha, humma taloha. talohmatya, y. a. i., to stand around, John 2: 6. taloli, v. t. pl., to set; to place; to set down a vessel, a plate, a cup, a bucket, etc. taloli, n., the one who sets, etc. talot maya, v. a. i., to stand around. talot maya, n. pl., the bystanders; those who stand around. talowa, see taloa. talutshik, talu"shik,n., gravel; apebble. taltako, tataka, talakhatta, n., the gray eagle. tatalatka, talakla"ka, and talatatka, either or both at once, 1 Kings 6: 31; 10:19; Josh. 8: 33;°Hx: 12: 7 (last best.—J. Edwards). tatapi, a., five; V; 5, Matt. 14: 17, 21; 16: 9; tatampi, being five; all five; ta- tampit ia. talapiha, adv., five times. tatepa, n., a hundred; 100; C; talepa tu- china, John 12: 5. talepa achafa, n., one hundred; five score; 100; C; Matt. 13: 8; 18: 12. tatepa sipokni, n.,a thousand; 1,000: M; mille; Matt. 14: 21; 15: 38; 16: 9, 10; Josh. 8: 3. talepa sipokni achafa, n., one thousand. talepa sipokni pokoli, n., ten thousand; a myriad. talepa sipokni talepa sipokni, talepa sipokni bat talepa sipokni, n., a thousand thousand; a million. talepa sipokni tuklo, n., two thousand, Josh, 3: 4, BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY | BULL. 46 talepaha, ady., a hundred times. tali (cont., taht), v.t., to finish (see taha); to consummate; toend; vy. t., to com- plete; to exhaust; to make an end of; tkbit tati; ishkot tati, to drink and finish, or to drink ale; used as ‘‘had’’ in ita- hobit tati, had called, Matt. 10: 1; taiyati, pro. form; to finish, Matt. 13: 53; 17: 1i; Josh. 2: 10; taht kanchi, to com- plete the sale or to sell off; to spend, Deut. 32: 23; ilatati, 2Sam. 15: 1; Josh. 4: 23; 5: 1; iktalo, a., unexhausted; un- spent; abittati, to kill all, Josh. 8: 21. tali, n., a finisher. talota, n., a sore; talona ikhinsh, vaccine maiter; chilakwa ikhinsh, vaccine matter (a better name). tatofa, v. a. i., to get out of joint. tatofa, pp., dislocated; luxated; put out of joint; disjointed. tatofa, n., a dislocation; a luxation. talofa naha, n., a strain. tatofa naha, pp., sprained; strained. tatoffi, a., a luxation. tatoffi, v. t., to dislocate; to luxate; to disjoint. taloffi naha, v. t., to sprain. taloha, pp. pl., dislocated; luxated. taloh, v. t. pl., to dislocate; to luxate. talutwa, n., ivy; such as grows up and cleaves to oak trees on the side.—Alex- ander Traver [or Faver. | tamaffi, see tomafji. tamampa, v. 1., to sound. tamoli, tamoli, vy. t., to scatter; oka tamoli, Ex. 10: 19. tampki, a., dark; oktili mat tampki fehna. tanakbi, n., a crook; a hook; a bend; a curve. tanakbi, a., hooked; crooked; bent; bow bent; curving; tanantobih, pl. tanakbi, v. n., to be hooked, crooked, bow bent, ete. tanakbi, pp., bended; incurvated. tanakbichi, v. t., to bend, asa bow; to crook; to hook; to make hooked; to in- curvate. tanamp abeli, v. t., to charge a gun; to load a gun. tanamp aiulhpi, tanampo aiulhpi, n., a gun stock. tanamp chito, tanampo chito, n., a cannon; a big gun; a howitzer; a piece of ordnance or artillery; a field piece. en BYINGTON] tanamp chito aiisht hu"sa achafa, n., a gunshot. tanamp chito i"naki, n., a cannon ball; a cannon shot. tanamp chito i"naki pit akanchi alhpesa, n., a cannon shot; the range or distance which a cannon will throw a ball. tanamp chito isht atta,n.,a cannoneer. tanamp fabassa, tanampo fabassa, n., a carbine; a musket; a smooth bore gun; a fowling piece. tanamp fabassa iskitini, n., a fusee. tanamp hochito, n. pl., cannon; big guns; ordnance; artillery. tanamp hochito ontukalichi, v. t., to cannonade. tanamp hoshintika, n., the guard on a gun. tanamp ikbi, n., a gunsmith. tanamp imatahshi, tanamp imatak- ashshi n., the breech of a gun; see tanamp sokbish. tanamp isht kashokachi, tanampo isht kashokachi, n., a gun stick; a gun wiper; a rammer. tanamp isht kasholichi, n., a gun stick; a gun wiper. tanamp lapali, n., a gun lock. tanamp nihi, n., a gun barrel; the cali- ber; the bore of a gun. tanamp nihi chito, n., a large gun bar- rel; a blunderbuss. tanamp patali, n.,a rifle. tanamp patali sholi, n., a rifleman. tanamp puskus, n., a pistol. tanamp puskus i"shukcha,n., aholster. tanamp sokbish, tanamp imatakash- shi, n., the breech or butt end of a gun. tanamp sokbish isht ashana, n., the screw of a gun at the breech. tanamp shibata, n., a bow to shoot with. tanamp shibata isht talakchi, n., a bowstring. tanamp ushi, n., a pistol. tanampi, a., hostile; in a state of war; imokla achafa itintanampi, n., an insur- rection. tanampi, v.i., to fight, Josh. 4:13; 10:5; tanampit ia, Josh. 8: 3. tanampi, vy. n., to be hostile; to be at war; itintanampi, to be at war with each other; to war; intaunahampi, 1 Sam. 15: A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 341 18) Jose Jui: tility. tanampo, n., a gun; a musket; firearms; a firelock. tanampo ahalalli, n., the trigger of a gun. tanampo aiulhpi, see tanamp aiulhpi. tanampo anumpisa, tanampo aia- numpisa, n., the sight of a gun. tanampo anumpisachi, vy. t., to take aim; to take sight. tanampo albiha achafa, n., a charge; one load; a cartridge. tanampo chito, see tanamp chito. tanampo fabassa, see tanamp fabassa. tanampo haksun chiluk, n., the touch- hole of a gun. tanampo isht kashokachi, see tanuwmp isht kashokachi. tanampo ittopa, n., the muzzle ofa gun; the caliber; the hole; ittopa is the outer hole of a gun barrel or bottle, or an auger hole; also the entrance of such a hole. tanantobi, a. pl., crooked; bent. tanantobi, v. n., to be crooked. tanantobi, n. pl., crooks. tanantobichi, v. t., to make crooked; to crook; to hook; to bend. tanapa, pp. sing., put over; passed over; crossed over; wak at bok an tanapa. tanapoa, pp., pl., put over; passed over; wak at hollihta yan tanapoa. tanapolechi, v. t. pl.,to drive them over; to put over; to cause to go over; to carry over; to ferry over; to get them over; alhpoyak an tanapolechit tati. 23; itintanampi, n., hos- tanapoli, auanapoli, y.a.i. pl., to pass over; to cross over; to leap over; okhi- na yan tanapoli; oklat okhata chito tana- poli. tanabli, auanabli, abanabli, v.a.i.sing., to pass over, Matt. 9:1; to go over; to leap over; to get over; to cross over, whether a stream, a creek, a tree, a log, a bridge, a fence, etc., Josh. 2: 23; 321, Gla ae 12s 1S: tanabli, n., one who crosses over. tanablichi, y. t., to drive over; to cause another to leap over; to take over; to ferry across, etc.;to bring over, Josh. 7: 7. tanaffo, vy. t., to plait; to braid; to plat; atanaffochi, to weave a basket with 342 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY strands of different colors; like apan- achi and ahokchichi. tanaffo, tanaffo, n., a plaiter; a braider. tanallachi, tannallachi, v. t., to bend; to make it crooked. tanallali, v. t., to bend. tanalloha, pp. pl., crooked; bent. tanalloli, v. t. pl., to bend; to crook. tanch afotoha, n., a corn mill. tanch ampi, n., an ear of corn; an ear. tanch api, n., a cob; a corncob. tanchi, n., corn; maize; Indian corn, but not English grain or corn. tanchi aholokchi, n., corn ground; a place where corn is planted. tanchi ahoyo, n., a place where corn has been gathered. tanchi apata, tanchi apatali, n., a corn sucker. tanchi habali, n., a corn tassel just put out. tanchi hakshup, n., a corn husk; acorn shuck. tanchi hishi, ta™"sh hishi, n., corn leaves; corn fodder; a corn blade. tanchi hishi sita, ta"sh hishisita, n., a bundle of corn fodder. tanchi hoyo, v. t., to harvest corn; tan- chi at hoyot taha, pp., harvested. tanchi i"pashi, n., corn silk. tanchi isht alhpisa, n., a corn measure; a half bushel, Matt. 5: 15. tanchi isht pashpoa, bashpoa, n., broom corn. tanchi limimpa, n., flint corn; smooth and hard corn. tanchi paska, n., corn bread. tanchi paska atoba, n., bread corn. tanchi pushi, n., corn meal, Matt. 13: 33. tanchi shikoa, ta"sh shikoa, n., sweet corn. tani, v. a. i., to rise from a lying pos- ture; to arise, Matt. 2: 18, 14; to rise up; to get up; to rise from the graye; hatak illi moma kat tanahioke; micha tanitmat, and when he arose; illituk at tani, Matt. 11: 5; 17: 7; tant cha nowa, arise and walk, Matt. 9:5; tanit, arise and; tani cha inchuka iatok, Matt. 9: 6, 7, Ao 833 15 Gs es 7 10) tani, n., a riser; a stirrer. tani, n., a rising. tanchi isht [BULL. 46 tanichi, vy. t., to raise; to cause to rise; to raise to life or from the grave, Matt. 10: 8. tanip (Eng.), n., a turnip. tanlakchi, n., a pimple; a pustule; a tubercle, such as appears in the throat when sore, connected with bronchitis; a pimple on the face. tanlubo, tanlubona. n., hominy. tannaffo,tannaffo, pp., plaited; braided. tannaffo, n., a plat. tannalla, pp., crooked; bent. tannallachi, see tanallachi. tapafakchi, n., prairie ibafakchi and hatabafakchi. tapaski, v. n., to be thin. tapaskichi, v. t., to make thin; to thin. tapena, n., a war club. ta®pi, a., very; a Sixtowns word, like tokba. tapuski, tapaski, n., fineness. tapuski, tapaski, a., thin, as cloth, paper, a board, glass, or the blade of a knife; fine; sleazy; subtle. tapushi®k, n., a flat basket. tasa, n., heavy lightning; the report of thunder. tasaha, vy. a. i. sing., to whoop; to shout; to scream; to halloo. tasaha, n. pl., shouters; screamers. tasaha, n. pl., a shouting; a whooping; a screaming; a yelling. tasali, tasali, v. a. i. pl., to whoop; to scream; to yell; to shout; nanta hosh tasali, Acts 7:57; wmtasali vy. t., to whoop for him. tasali, n., a shouter. tasalli, v. a. i., to be dull or blunt, as the point of a plow; to run down, as rain from a rubber coat. tasalli, v. t., to stir the surface of the ground; to plow shallow. tasannuk, n., a flint. tasembo, pp., crazed; distracted; in- fatuated; shattered. tasembo, tasemmo,a., delirious; crazy; wild; besotted; ungovernable; fanatic; frantic; furious; giddy; insane; rabid; lunatic, Matt. 4: 24. tasembo, tasemo, v. n., to be delirious. tasembo, v. a. 1., to faint; to rave. tasembo, tasemo,n., craziness; aliena- tion of mind; delirium; frenzy; a fury; hawk; see BYINGTON] infatuation; insanity; lunacy; madness; mania; rabidness; a reverie; a trance. tasembochi, tasemochi, v. t., to craze; to make another delirious; to distract; to infatuate; to render insane; toshat- ter; to stultify; to turn. tasemmo, tasemo, see tasembo. tasim holba, a., foolish. tasimbo, n., a rake; a somnambulist. tasuha, y. t., to snap with the thumb and finger. tasup, n., a snap. tasupachi, vy. a. 1., to snap; to sound, as when a person thus snaps. ta"sh afotoha, n., a corn mill. tatsh akka pushli, n., corn suckers. ta™sh apatulli, n., corn suckers. ta™sh api, n., a cornstalk; a cob. ta4sh apiisht peli, n., a harrow. ta%sh bokanli, n., pop corn. tatsh chilluka, n., shelled corn. ta4sh fotoha, n., ground corn; corn meal. ta%sh fotohli, n., a miller. ta"sh haktupish, n., corn chaff. ta"sh haksi, n., white corn; flour corn. tatsh hilotha, n., a roasting ear. ta®sh hinak, n., a corn tassel. tatsh hishi, n., corn fodder; see tanchi hishi, and tanchi hishi sita. ta4sh hoshunluk, tash hishunluk, corn bran. ta™sh hoyo, n., corn harvest. tatshisht alhpisa, n., a corn measure; a bushel of corn. tatsh kallo, n., flint corn. tatsh lakchi, n., corn grits; pimples on the face. tatsh lufa, n., shucked corn. ta®sh nihi, n., a kernel of corn; a grain of corn. tatsh pa®shi, n., corn silk. ta™sh pa™shi holusi, n., corn silk when dry and brown. ta"sh pushi, n., beatencorn meal; flour. ta4sh shikowa, n., corn tied up by the husks to dry; ef. tanchi shikoa. tatsh shila, n., dry corn; ripe corn. ta™sh ushi, n., Canada corn; small corn; lit., baby corn. ta"sh waya, n., ripe corn. ta"sh yammaska,n., corn dough; dough. tashaiyi, n., an island or isle; that which is surrounded by something, as A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 343 land by water, as the wood of a handle in the eye of an ax, by the iron of the ax. tashaya, a., slanting; applied to cut- ting off a tree when not cut square off. tashke, particle of assertion of some- thing in remote past tense. tashukpa, n., spunk; tinder; touchwood. tashukpa holba, n., a sponge. tabashi, see tabashi. tabbana, a., bent. tabbana, v. n., to be bent; uskitwmpa yat tabbana, the blowgun is bent. tabbanachi, v. t., to bend; isht abbanachi- tuk, you bent it. tabbannohah, pl. of tabbonah. tabi, n., a cane; a staff; a crutch; a walking stick or staff. tabi, tambi, n., the termination of the names of many men. tabi isht bakaha, vy. t., to cane. tabi isht isso, vy. t., to cane. tabikli, v. a. i., to limp. tabikli, n., a limper. tabli, tapli, v. t. sing.; amo and taptuli, pl.; to sever, Matt. 5: 30; to separate; to cut off, Matt. 14: 10; 1 Sam. 2: 31; Josh. 7: 9; to cut in two; to snap; to snip; to sunder; to top; to break in two; to clip; himonna tabli, to sever once; to disjoint; tabli hosh isht anta, clippmg, employed in severing, etc.; to dissever; to dock; hasimbish tabli. tabli, n., a breaker. tablichi, taplichi, v. t., to cause to sever; to pluck, Luke 6: 1. tala, v. a.i., to stand; to set; to fix; ontala, y. t., to ride; to sit on. tala, pp., placed; set; ampo at tala, the bowl is set or placed. tala achafa, n., one set; a set. talaboa, n., an anvil. talaboli, n., a blacksmith’s shop; a forge. talakabli, n., a stirrup. talahabli isht talakchi, n., a stirrup strap or stirrup leather. talashuahchi, tali ashuahchi, n., a grindstone. talatakali, n., an iron hook; an iron hinge. talalhpi, n., an iron spoon. talbatsa, n., petrifaction. talbal, n., a double-wove basket made of the bark of cane. 344 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY talbasa, n., tae name of a fish. talhkachi, pl. of tashaiyi, an island; yakni tashayi, pl. yaknitalhkachi (yakni, land). talhko, n., dressed deerskin; buckskin; leather. talhko ikbi, v. t., to make talhko. talhko ikbi, n., a talhko maker; a leather dresser. talhkochi, v. t., to dress skins; to dress a deerskin. talhpakha, n., a prickly pear. tali,n.,astone; arock; iron; metalof all kinds; a mineral; lapis, Matt. 7: 24; 16: 18; dali yor, a stone, Matt. 7: 9; Josh. 4: 3. tali abila, n., a furnace; an iron fur- nace; tali abila luak chinto hon, a fur- nace of fire, Matt. 13: 42. tali afohoma, n., a ferrule. tali aholhponi, n., a cooking stove. tali aholissochi, n., a slate. tali aiasha, n., a mine. tali akula, n., a quarry. tali ashuahchi, talashuahchi, n., a grindstone. tali bacha, n., a reef; astone ridge. tali bashli, n., a stonecutter. tali bita, n., a headpiece; a helmet. tali boli, n., a blacksmith. tali chanakbi, tali chinakbi, n., a hook; an iron hook. tali chanakbi isht halalli, v. t., to hook. . tali chanli, n., a stonecutter. tali chanaha, n., an iron ring. tali chiluk, n., a cave in a rock; a cay- ern in arock; ahole ina rock; a chasm, Josh. 10: 16; see hichukbi. tali chiluk chito, n., a grot; a grotto. tali chinakbi, tali chanakbi, n., an iron hook; a staple. tali chishaiyi, n., a claw hammer. tali chito, n., a rock; a large stone. tali chito foka, n., rockiness; a rocky region. tali chito isht talali, n., an anchor. tali chosopa, n., an iron chain. tali chufak, n., a pitchfork. tali falakto, n., an iron fork. tali fehna, n., cash; silver; coin; precious metals; the very metal. tali fobassa, tali fabassa, n., an iron pin; an iron bolt; any slender round piece of iron; wire. [BuLL. 46 tali fobassa honula, n., an iron spindle belonging to a spinning wheel. tali fobassa ikbi, v. t., to wiredraw. tali fobassa isht akamassa, pp., bolt- ed; fastened with a bolt. tali fobassa isht akamassalli, v. t., to bolt; to fasten with a bolt. tali fobassa isht attapachi, n., a rag bolt. tali fobassa isht takchi, v. t., to wire. tali fohoma, n., an iron band; an iron hoop. tali foka, a., stony; rough; n., a stony region. tali haksi, n., an iron button; a metal button. tali haksi akamassa, n., a button hole. tali haksi chiluk, n., a button hole. tali haksi chufak, n., brass tacks. tali haksi ikbi, n., a button maker. tali haksi mitiffi, y. t., to unbutton. tali haksi nishkin, n., a button eye. tali halasbi, n., marble. tali halupa ontala tabi, n., a spear, Josh. 8: 18. tali hata, n., silver; white metal, Matt. 10: 9. tali hata akkoli, v. t., to silver; to plate with silver. tali hata alhkoha, pp., silvered; silver plated. tali hata bita, n., a silver hatband. tali hata chinakbi, n., a silver gorget in the shape of a half moon. tali hata ikbi, n., a silversmith. tali hata isht akamassa, n., a silver button. tali hata isht akmi, n., borax, used in soldering silver. tali hata isht impa, n., a silver spoon. tali hatikbi, n., a silversmith. tali hochito, n. pl., large stones; rocks. tali hochito foka, n., a rocky region. tali hochito kaha, n., a ledge of rocks. tali holihta, n., a stone wall; a wall. tali holihta ikbi, v. t., to wall. tali holihta ikbi, n., a waller. tali holihta isht apakfobli, v. t., to surround with a wall; to wall in. tali holihta isht apakfopa, pp., walled. tali holisso, n., coin; cash; money; sil- ver money; adollar, Matt. 17: 24, 25, 27; coinage; a bit; ‘“‘iron writing’’ or ‘‘metal writing’’; specie; funds; re- — BYINGTON] source; silver; stock in bank. tali holisso, pp., coined. ’ tali holisso aboli, n.,atreasury; a bank, Luke 19: 23. tali holisso ahnichi, a., covetous. tali holisso aiakmo, n., a mint. tali holisso aiakmo intala, tali ho- lisso aiakmo apistikeli, n., a mint master. tali holisso aialhto, n., a coffer; a money purse, box, drawer, ete. tali holisso aialhtofoki, v. t., to coffer. tali holisso aiitahoba, n., receipt of custom, Matt. 9: 9. tali holisso aiitannali, n., a custom house; the receipt of custom. tali holisso alitola, n., a treasury. tali holisso alhtoba, n., a disbursement in money. tali holisso ikbi, y. t., to make money; to coin money. tali holisso ikbi, n., one who makes money; a coiner. tali holisso imma, a., pecuniary; relat- ing to money. tali holisso inlaua, a., moneyed. tali holisso ishi, n., a treasurer. tali holisso isht chumpa, n., purchase money. : tali holisso isht ilawata, n., purse pride. tali holisso isht ilefehnachi, n., a., purse-pride and purse-proud. tali holisso ishukcha, n., a money purse. tali holisso i"shukcha foki, v. t., to purse; to put into a money purse. tali holisso itatoba, n., a money changer, John 2:15; a broker; a banker. tali holisso itannali, vy. t., to tax, Luke vee Ne tali holisso itannali, n., a tax gatherer. tali holisso lakna,n., gold coin; gold; copper, Matt. 2:11; 10: 9. tali holisso lakna, a., gold; golden. tali holisso lakna pilesa, n., a gold- smith. tali holisso lakna tali holisso pokoli aiilli, n., an eagle; a gold coin of the value of ten dollars. tali holisso tapuski, n., a bank bill; paper money. tali holisso weki, n., a talent. resources; A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 345 tali holitompa, n., a pearl, Matt. 13: 45. tali holiya, tali holuya, n., alum; borax. tali hollo, tali hullo, n., a medal; a faced metal. tali humma, n., a ruby. tali ikbi, v. t., to petrify. tali inla fehna, n., the magnetic needle. tali inunchi, n., a medal. tali isuba kapali, n., bridle bits. tali isht afacha, n., a hasp. tali isht afinni, n., a crowbar. taliisht akamassa, n., a metal button. taliisht atta, n., a smith. tali isht attapachi, n., a button; a hasp. tali isht boa, n., an iron hammer; a hammer. tali isht boa, pp., stoned. tali isht boa chito, n., a sledge. tali isht boli, v. t., to stone, Josh. 7: 25. tali isht bot abi, v. t., to stone. tali isht fotoha, n., a drill. tali isht halalli, n., a clevy or clevis. tali isht hokofa, n., a cold chisel. tali isht holihtachi, vy. t., to stone; to fence with stone; to wall. tali isht holisso, n., a printed book. tali isht holissochi, n., a pencil; asilver pen. taliisht kiseli, n., tongs; pincers; nip- pers. tali isht lumpa, n., a punch. tali isht mi®ko, n., a medal for a chief. tali isht patalhpo, pp., paved; spread with iron or stone. tali isht pata, n., an iron wedge. tali isht talakchi, n., an iron button. tali isht tana, n., a knitting needle. tali isht tapa, n., a cold chisel; a chisel for cutting iron. tali isht weki, n., a poise; a weight used with scales. tali itachaka, welded iron. tali itichanaha apakfoa, n., a cart tire; a wagon tire; a tire for wheels. tali ititakalli, n., an iron chain. tali iyalhki, n., slag; dross. taliiyi isht albi, n., fetters, Luke 8: 29. tali kallo, n., steel; hard iron. tali kallo atoba, a., steel; made of steel. tali kallo achaka, pp., steeled. tali kallo achukalili, v. t., to steel. tali kassa, n., thimbles worn as orna- ments, so called from their tinkling. tali itachakalli, n., 346 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY tali kolofa, n., a stump of iron; a plug or remnant of iron. tali kucha achafa, n., a broach of yarn. tali lakna,n., brass; copper, Matt. 10: 9. tali lakna ikbi, n., a coppersmith. talilakna isht alhkoha, pp., gilded or plated with brass. talilakna isht alhkohachiz, v. t., to gild; to plate with brass. tali lapali, pp., shod. tali lapalichi, v. t., to shoe, as a horse. tali laua, a., stony. tali luak, n., a steel used in striking fire from a flint. tali luak tikeli, n., an andiron. tali lumbo, n., a marble. tali lusa, n., a mole; a spot or mark, etc., on the human body. tali patali, v. t., to pave. tali patapo, tali patalhpo, n., a pave- ment. tali patassa, n.,a flatiron; a sad iron. tali pata, n., a pavement. tali pilefa, n., a rivet. tali pilesa, n., a smith. tali potoma, n., a steel spring which is doubled up. tali potoma ushi, n., a small steel spring. tali shana, n., an iron screw; twisted iron; a worm; the worm of a screw. tali shana shu4fi, v. t., to unscrew. tali shiloha, tali shilowa, n., small, round bells used as ornaments on shoes, etc., or garters. tali shiloha chito, n., a sleigh bell. tali shilu"hachi, n., small, round bells. tali shochukshoa, n., stone formed from sand; sandstone. tali shuti, n., a stone pot, John 2: 6. tali tanakbi, n., an iron hook. tali tanch afotoha, tali tanchi botoli, n., a mill stone. tali tapaski, n., sheet iron; thin iron. tali toba, v. a. i., to petrify; to become stone. tali toba, pp., petrified. tali toba, n.,a petrifaction. tali ulhtikeli, n.,an andiron. tali uski, n., a poise; a weight. tali2 yalhki, n., slag; the dross of metals. taliko, see tiliko. talissa, n., numbness. talissa, a., numb. [BULL. 46 talissa, tamissa, y. n., to be numb. talissachi, tamissachi, vy. t., tonumb; to render numb; to stun; ibbak tamissachi. talkanchi; itontalkanchi, to lie on, Matt. 24: 2; Luke 21: 6. talli, v. n., to be scattered about, like grains of corn on an ear which is not full. talli, a., scattered about, but standing. talloa, see taloa. talua, taloa (q. v.), v.t., v.a.i., tosing. talukchi, n.,a precious metal. talukchi onchiya, taluk onchiya, n., an epaulet. talukchi tahchonchiya, n., an epaulet, the name in full. talula, n., a bell (a word in use among the Sixtowns people). taluli, v. t., fixed; located. taluskula, n.,a jewsharp. talushik, talu"shik, talu™shik, n., gravel; pebbles. talushik patali, v. t., to gravel. talushik patalhpo, pp., graveled. talwa, pp., sung; hymned; see taloa. tata, pp., whittled; pointed; hewed; iti tita, hewed timber; tatali, hewn, as stone, Ex. 20: 25; isht tatachi, a tool for hewing stone, Ex. 20: 265. tatathata, n., name of a bird. talaka, see talako. tah, v. t., to hew; to whittle; to point. tali, n., a hewer. talichi, v. t., to sharpen. tamaha, n., a town; a village; a bor- ough; a city; Matt. 8: 33, 34; 9: 1; 11: 1, 20; ilap intamaha, his own city, Matt. 9: 1; tamaha hash osh momat, the whole town, Matt. 8: 34. tamaha chito, n.,a great town;-a city; a capital. tamaha hatak, n., a townsman. tamaha holihta, n.,a city, 1 Sam. 1: 3; 2Sam. 24:5, 7; Josh. 6: 3, 11; 8:1, 12, 19. tamaha wehpoa, pp., sacked. tamaha wehpulli, v. t., to sack a town. tamahichi, vy. t., to benumb with cold. tamahushi, n., a small town or village; a hamlet; a villa, Matt. 14: 15. tamanchi, v.a.i., to buffet. tamissa, talissa, v.a.i., to be numb. tamissachi, talissachi, v. t., to benumb; to produce this sensation by a slight blow. BYINGTON] tammaha, v. t. pl., to strike with the part of the hand next the wrist. tammalichi, y. t. sing., to strike once with the heel or the hand. tammoli, pl. tr., to blind the eyes, 1 John 2: 11. tamoa, v. a. i. pl., to wander; to go astray, Matt. 18: 13; to perish, as the eyes; to stray. tamoa, pp., wandered; lost; gone astray, like sheep, Matt. 10: 6; 15: 24. tamoli, see tamoli. tana, v. t., to knit; to weave; to plait; to thrum; to wattle; atanachi, to weave with, i. e., to weave together, Judges 16: 13; where the locks of Samson’s hair were to be woven with a web; see ahokchichi, Matt. 13:25, where tares are sown with wheat. tana, n., a knitter; a weaver. tanaffo, tanaffo (q. v.), v. t., to plait. tanap, n., an enemy, Matt. 5: 43, 44; a foe, Matt. 10: 36; 13: 25; Josh. 7: 8; an antagonist; an opponent; an army; in- tanap imilayak, booty; a fiend; intanap ala, to come over to the enemy; war; warfare; a warrior; a war, 1 Kings 22: ie Chrons 22278: tanap ahalaia, a., martial. tanap anumpuli, n., a secretary of war. tanap anumpuli aiasha, n., a war of- fice. tanap atya, v.a.i., to go on a campaign, Josh. 5: 4. tanap atya, n., a campaign; men of war, Josh. 5: 4; 8: 1. tanap a®ya tikambi, a., war-beaten; warworn. tanap holba, a., warlike. tanap holihta, n., a barricade; a pali- sado. tanap isht ashwanchi, v. t., to war. tanap toba, v. a. i., to become an en- emy; itintanap toba, to become ene- mies to each other. tanna, pp., wove; woven; knit; plaited; knitted; wattled; linen tanna, 1 Sam. 2518: tanna, n., that which is wove, knit, etc. ; texture; a web; a weft. tannaffo, tannaffo, pp., plaited. tannap, n., the opposite side; one side; mishtannap, the other side, Josh. 2: 10; misha intannap, the other side of it, A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 347 Matt. 8: 18, 28; intannap, the other, Matt. 5: 39; sachunkash intannap at yukpa, sachutkash intannap at nukharklo; intannap akinli hon chohmitok, like, as the other. tapa, v. a. i., to sever; to come apart. tapa, pp., severed; parted; broken in two; clipped; disjointed; dissevered; separated; topped; noshkobo tapa, be- headed; tabli, v. t. tapa, n., a break; a separation. tapahe keyu, a., irresistible. tapak, n., a basket. tapintapi, n., a break; name of a weed that grows in wet places. tapishuk, tapishik, for tappakushi, a smaller basket than the tapak. tapli, see tabli. taplichi, see tablichi. taptua, v. a. i. pl., to come apart; to separate; to sever. taptua, pp., parted; severed; separated; cropped. taptua, n., a separation. taptuli, v. t. pl., to sever; to separate; to crop; to nip off, Josh. 5: 2, 3, 4. tashiha, v. a. i., to have corners, or sharp edges, or ridges, as a rail, a hand iron, ete. tashioha, pl. of above. tashka, n., a warrior; a subject; a polit- ical dependent or adherent, male or female; a constituent; a yeoman. tashka altiha, n., the yeomanry. tashka chipota, n., a soldier; a regular; an army; a host; infantry; the mili- tary; militia; a private; hosts, 2 Sam. 24: 2, 4; soldiery; a train band; a troop; tashka chipota alteha, soldiers, Matt. 8: 9. tashka chipota aheli, n , a post; a mili- tary post. tashka chipota aiasha, n., a canton- ment; a barrack; a garrison. tashka chipota aiasha ashachi, v. t., to garrison. tashka chipota holhtina, n., a regi- ment. tashka chipota inchuka, n., a canton- ment; a barrack; soldiers’ quarters. tashka chipota isht shema, n., regi- mentals; military ornaments; uni- form. 348 tashka chipota itannaha, n., pp., paraded. tashka chipota itannali, vy. t., to muster; to parade. tashka chipota mika, n., a fellow-sol- dier. tashka chipota peni a"sha, n., a ma- rine; marines. tashka chipota talepa hanali, n., a cohort. tashka chipota ushta, n., a quaternion; four soldiers. tashka chuka, tashka chukka, n., a bone-house; an ossuary; a charnel house, used in ancient times to lay away boxes containing the bones of the dead. tashka patya, v. a. i., to whoop at the grave when the poles are pulled to drive away ghosts, etc. tashka pa®ya, n., the death whoop. tashka sepokni, n., a veteran soldier; a veteran. tashki, v. a. i., to lie down; to recline, IL Sihangee ah Gy, We delsla 28 teh tashki, a., recumbent. tashkichi, v. t., to lay down; to cause to lie down. te, a nearly obsolete conj., used by old- fashioned speakers, the same as t; ai- ahnite, instead of aiahnit, ete. tebli, tepli, tibli (q. v.),v. t., to touch, Matt. 17: 7; tepoa, pl. teha, tiha, pp., plucked up; pulled up; tanchi at tiha, parshi at tiha, onush at tiha; tihat taha, extirpated; rooted up, Matt. 15: 18. teha, vy. a.i., to come up by the roots. tek, n., a female. tek, a., female; she, as a she-bear (nita tek). tekchi, n., a wife; a consort; a woman who is united to a man in the lawful bonds of matrimony, Matt. 5: 31; 8: 14; 14: 3. tekchi, y. a. i., to be a wife; mihma ita- tuklot tekchit oklatok, 1 Sam. 25: 48; Gen. 34: 8. tekchi iksho, n., a bachelor; a single man. tekchi illi, n., a widower. tekchi inlaua, n., polygamy. tekhanto, n.,a large wasp called a mud- dauber. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [But 46 telihpa, n., ashield, 1 Kings10: 16. See tilikpi (hymn 67, 4th verse). teli, v. t. pl., to pull up; to pluck up; to extirpate. teli, n., one who pulls up; a plucker. tema, y. a. i., to strut, as a turkey cock. tepa, sing., hotepa, pl., v. a. i., go ye ahead; start on. tepli, see tebli. tepoa, pp. pl., overhauled; tiapa, sing. tepuli, v. t. pl., to overhaul; to take out, as itombi a” tepuli, to look over the things in a trunk; tiadli, sing. tepuli, n., one who overhauls. ti (Eng. ), n., tea. ti ahoni, n., a teapot. ti aialhto, n., a tea canister. ti isht ishko, n., a teacup. tiak, n., pine; lightwood; pine wood; a turpentine tree. tiak fatya, n., longleaf pine. tiak foka, n., a piny region; piny. tiak foka, a., piny. tiak hobak, n., yellow pine. tiak i2=palammi, n., the name of a weed used by some Choctaw as a remedy for the bite of venomous serpents. tiak i4sinti, n., the ‘‘diamond”’ rattle- snake. tiak isht pala, n., an iron wedge; any instrument used in splitting pine wood. tiak isht shima, n.,a frowerused in split- ting pine; where pine is the most com- mon timber used in making shingles tiak isht shima is used. tiak nia, n., tar; turpentine. tiak nia ahama, pp., tarred. tiak nia ahammi, v. t., to tar. tiak nia atoba, n., a tar kiln. tiak nia bano, a., tarry. tiak nia kallo, n., rosin; pitch; shoe maker’s wax. tiak nia lua, n., pitch. tiak pi®kshi, n., a pine knot. tiak shima, n., a pine shingle; a pine board rived; riven pine. tiak shoboli tultak, n., lampblack. tiak shua, n., snake root. tiak ushi, n., young pine. tiapa, v. a. i., to scatter, Josh. 6: 5; to separate; to break down; to disperse; oklat tiapa, the people scatter; itatiapa, John 7: 53; tepia, pl. BYINGTON] tiapa, pp., broken down; scattered; over- hauled; razed; ruined; stirred; oklat tiapa, the people are dispersed, see 1 Sam. 3: 1, open; mati fehna na chuka yat tiapat taha; tiabli, v. t. tiapa, n., a dispersion; down. tiabli, v. t., to break down; to throw open; to scatter; to overhaul; to raze; to ruin; to unpack; to unroof; to open, Matt. 2: 11; itatiabli, to stir; to agitate; to divide; aboha yan tiabli; na bonunta ishtiabli na; holihta yan tiabli; itiablit hoyo, v. t., to rummage; pass. tiapa. tiablit pisa, y. t., to ransack; to rum- mage. tiapakachi, pp. pl., scattered; broken down; dispersed. tibafa, v. a. i., to cave in, as sakti at tibafa oka atibafah. tibafa, pp., caved in; tibati, pl. tibaffi, v. t., to make the ground cave in; tibatichi, pl. tiballi, v. a. i., to glance off; to hit and glance off; to hit and fly off sideways; naki at tiballi, iskifa yat tiballi; iyi at tiballi, to slip up or off. tibikshi, a., round and large, applied to hard Jumps formed in the flesh; see 1 Kings 7: 20, 41, 42 (where it is kibiksht). tibikshi, n., a knob or knot. tibikshi, see kibikshi. tibi"llichi, v. t., to cause to hit and glance, or fly off sideways. tibli, v. t., to touch; see tebli. titfa, v. a. i. sing., to come up by the roots; teha, pl. titfa, pp., pulled up; plucked up. titfi, v. t., to pull out or up; to pluck, as haiyukpulo an tinfi; hoshinchi an tinfi. tiha, see teha. tikabi, v. a. i., to flag; to tire; to lan- guish; satikabi, I am tired; tikambi, to fade; to faint; to wear. tikabi, a., pp., tired; weary; exhausted; weakened, as by sickness; debilitated; enervated; faint; Matt. 15: 32; fatigued; harassed; faded; languid; overdone; tiresome; weakened; worried; tikambi, pp., tikambi, a., dull; enervate; feeble; frail; weak; weary; iktikambo, a., un- wearied; tikambahe keyu, a., untirable. tikabi, v. n., to be tired, weary, etc.; de- bilitated; tikambi, to be dull. a_ breaking A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE b49 tikabi, n., weariness; fatigue; languor; lassitude; tikambi, n., weakness; a weariness. tikabichi, v. t., to tire; to weary; to jade; tospend; toworry; iletikabichi, to weary himself; tikambichi. v. t., to dull; to enervate; to fatigue; to harass; to macerate; to weaken; to wear, as an ax or millstone; to weary, Josh. 7: 3; iskifa issantikambichi, you have dulled my ax. tikachi, v. a. i., to chick; to click. tikafa, v. a. i., to shed the hair; to molt, as fowls. tikaffi, v. t., to pick off the hair; see tikafa. tikba,n., the van; an ancestor; pintikba, our fathers, John 4: 20; the face; the first begot; the foreside; the head; the original. tikba, a., forward; precedent; primary; itikba, before; shuka itikba, Matt. 7: 6; Josh. 3: 6; in the sight of, Josh. 3: 7, 14. tikba, ady., in front; ahead; first; forth; forward; prep., before; tikba ayali, I go along ahead; itikba, before the face of, Luke 2:31; before him, her, or it; intikba, before him, Matt.5:12, and chi-. likba, satikba; intikba hakshup, his fore- skin. tikba, v. n., to be ahead. titkba, adv., prep., distinctive, first, Matt. 12: 29; John 1: 30, 41; formerly; an- ciently; before time; aforetime; before; former; heretofore, 1 Sam. 4: 7; Matt. 5: 24; first, Matt. 13: 30; 14: 22; 17: 10; Josh. 3: 4; 82 33. titkba, a., former; prior; antecedent; first; firstborn; fore; original; aborigi- nal; previous. titkba, v. n., to be former; to be prior; to be hereafter, or first hereafter. tikba anoli, v. t., to forbode; to foretell. tikba apesa, v. t., to preconcert; to fore- judge. tikba atali, v. t., to prefix. tikba atokuli, y. t., to forechoose; to foreordain. tikba a®ya, tikbatya, vy. t., to perambu- late; to precede. tikba alhpisa, pp., preconcerted. tikba alhtuka, pp., forechosen. tikba annoa, pp., forewarned. tikba atta, vy. a. i., to be born the first. tikba atta, n., the firstborn. 350 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY tikba chafichi, v. a. i., v. t., to protrude. tikba chumpat aiishi, v. t., to forestall. tikba fehna aya, a., foremost. tikba heka, v. a.i., to guide; to conduct; to lead. tikba heka, n., a leader; a guide; a pilot; a conductor; a guider. tikba hilechi, v. t., to prefix. tikba holhtina, pp., forechosen. tikba hotina, v. t., to forechoose. tikba kali, v. t., to put or place before, as in putting wood to the fire; tikba kahpuli, pl. titkba okla, n., the aboriginal inhabit- ants; the aboriginal people. tikba pisa, v. a. i., to scout; also n., a scout. tikba pisa, v. t., to foresee; to forecast. tikba tobli, v. t., to protrude. titkbaha, adv., formerly; previously; at a previous time. tikbaiachi, see tikbiachi. tikbali ady., beforehand; in advance; forward; tikbali fallokachi, to go back- ward and forward in advance; tikbalt aiowatta, to hunt beforehand, or in advance; tikbanli, n. form, being in ad- vance; along before; a., early, Matt. 11: 10. tikbali, vy. n., to be beforehand; ‘‘to pre- vent’’, Matt. 17: 25; tikbalichi, tikbalint, contraction of tikbalinchit. tikbama, adv., heretofore. tikbanli anoli n., a diviner; a_prog- nosticator; a predictor; a prophesier; a soothsayer; nana tikbanl anoli, n., prophecy. tikbanli anoli anumpa, n., a predic- tion; a prophecy. tikbanli apesa, v. t., to predetermine; to predestinate. tikbanli ikhana, n., prescience; fore- knowledge. tikbanli imanoli, v. t., to forewarn. tikbanli imanukfila, n., a prejudgment; prejudice. tikbanli i2miha, y. t., to premonish; to precaution; to instruct before, Matt. 14: 8. tikbanli ishi, v. t., to preoccupy; to pre- possess. tikbanlit anoli, v. t., to divine; to fore- tell; to predict; to prognosticate; to prophesy. [BULL.46 tikbanlit anukfilli, v. t., to prejudge; to premeditate. tikbanlit ithana, v. t., to foreknow. tikbanlit ithana, n., foreknowledge. tikbanlit. pisa, v. t., to foresee. tikbanlit pisa, a., prospective. tikbashalika, vy. a. i., to be first and quickly; to get ready soon. tikbatya, tikba a™ya,n., a harbinger; a forerunner; a precursor. tikba®ya, a., headmost. tikba"ya hinikbi, n., a pioneer. tikbiachi, tikbaiachi, v. t., to impel; to cause to go forward. tikbichi, v. t., to fix up a fire or to put the burnt sticks up together; luak tik- bichi. tikeli, v. a.i., to press; to press against; to reach or to touch, as the ends of a stick when lying in a horizontal posi- tion, asa round in a ladder; tikinli, nas. form, pitikinli, Luke 5: 8; atikeli, 2Sam. 14: 30, 32; tikoli, pl., itattekili, to put endwise together fora fire, as the Choc- taw do outdoors; iti ititekili, pl., rafters, tikeli, n., tikoli, pl., a prop; a buttress; a support; a brace used in the frame of a building; a wooden tenter; a shore; a slat; a stay; stays; a support; a supporter. tikeli, pp., stretched, as a skin when hung up to dry; propped; racked; scotched; shored; isi hakshup tikeli, a deer skin stretched on cane and hung up; tikoli, pl. tikelichi, v. t., to stretch; to hang on tenters; to prop; to rack; to scotch; to shore; haksobish tikelichi hosh hashhaklo- kat Matt. 10: 27; itatikelichi, to cause to touch each other, Gen. 50: 1; tikotichi, pl. tikilbi, see tilikpt. titkliha, v.i., to growl, as a cross dog. titklish, n., the brisket of an ox. tikoi4sha, takoi"sha, tokoi4sha, n., a willow. tikoi2sha naksish falaia, n., a weeping willow. tikpi, n., a bulb; a swell, as a cypress knee or bulb; a bend ina water course. tikshaneli, n., a dictionary; a lexicon. titkti, n., a large red-headed wood- pecker. ti®ktitkachi, y. a. i., to twang. BYINGTON] tiktikechi, v. t., to spot. tiktiki, a., spotted; having small spots. tiktiki, v. n., to be spotted with small spots. tiliko, taliko, n., wheat (a Chickasaw word). tiliko bota, n., wheat flour. tiliko palaska, n., wheat bread. tiliko palaska iskatini, n., a biscuit; a wheat cake. tilikpi, a., blunt; dull (as an old ax). tilikpi, tikilbi, telihpa, n., an ancient kind of shield, made of stiff hide of a cow, or of an alligator, and tied to the body; a target. This word was not generally known in 1854. See 1 Kings 10, 17; telihpa is the modern word, while tilikpi is the old word. tilofa, a., pp., broken off; abridged; short; laconic; anumpa tilofa, a short talk or speech; ‘ti tilofa, a stump. tilofa, v. n., to be short. tilofa, v. a. i., to break, 1 Sam. 4: 18. tilofasi, a., shortish; short; brief; suc- cinct; the diminutive of tilofa; anumpa tilofasi kia chiaiokpachelachi hoke. tiloffi, v. t., to break short off; bashpushi an tilofi, to break the blade of a pen- knife; noti a” tiloffi, to break off a tooth; noti an bolit tiloffi, to strike and break off a tooth. tiloha, a., pp., pl., short; broken off; abridged; iti tiloha; anumpa tiloha; noti tiloha. tiloha, vy. n., to be short. tilokachi, a. pl., loose and standing up (not hanging down), and so as to bend or swing backwards and forwards, as at a joint or as the broken limb of a tree; ibbak tilokachi, the wrist joint. tilokachi, v. n. pl., to be loose, so as to swing; iti at tilokachi. tilokachi, n., a joint; ibbak tilokachi, wrist joint; ibbak ushi tilokachi. tiloli, y. t., v. a. i., pl., to break off short; noti at tiloti. tilotichi, v. t., to break them off, Matt. 12: 20, (reeds). tilukachi, v. a. i., to say tiluk, the noise when anything hard is broken off, equal to saying tilofa, and used in speaking of a joint snake when broken in two. tila, n., a mark, A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE dol tila, pp., marked; hewed; blazed, as a tree. tilaya, v. a. i. dual and pl., to run; to flee; titahanya, pl., 2Sam. 15: 1, falamat kehotitaya. tilaya, n., runners. tilaya, pp., driven out. titayachi, v. t. to run. tilefa, pp., squeezed; hichi at titefa. titeli, v. t. pl., to drive out, Matt. 14: 35; Josh. 3: 10; 13: 6, 18; to expel; to send, Matt..2: 83) 10216; 112.2. 13:(36-) a4: 15, 35; Mark 11: 1; to make them run; to run; todrive, 2 Kings; 9: 21; to send, Josh. 7: 2, 22; 8:3; anshat titeli, to send from, John 1: 19; titihinii, freq.; titit, contracted form. titeli, n., driving, titeli kat, the driving, 2 K. 9: 20. titelichi, v. t., to cause to go, Gen. 45: 24. til, v. t., to blaze; to mark a tree; to hew; to whittle. titi, n., a marker. titichi, v. t., to sharpen a stick by cut- ting; to bring to a point; to sharpen wood with an edge tool; to whittle. tiliffi, v. t., to squeeze with the fingers; hichi at titiffi. tilit hobachit ikbi, v. t., to sculpture. tiloa, pp., pl., squeezed, tiloli, v. t. pl., to squeeze. timihachi, v.a.i., to hum; to buzz, as bees; foe bilishke at timihachi. timihachi, n., a buzzing; a stir. timikachi, y. a. i., of the beating of a drum; to sound, as a drum; atepa yat timikahanchi na haklot ayali, I heard the beating of a drum as I came along. timikli, y. a.i., to beat; to throb; to palpitate; chu”kash at timikli. timikmekli, timikmikli, vy. a. i., to beat, as the heart. timikmeli, timikteli, v. a. i., to beat quick; to throb; to pulsate; sachunkash at timikteli, my heart beats hard; timik- tinli, n. f. timikteli, pp., thumping, fluttering. timpi, n., the shoulder or swell of a bot- tle near the neck. tipelichi, v. t. sing., to strike; to smite with the hand, fist, or a stick, but to strike something soit, as a bed or the flesh; ikkishi akon tipelichi, topa har ti- 352 pelichi; when anything hard is struck say sakalichi. tipitha, vy. t. pl., to strike any soft sub- stance. tipitha, n., a striker. Tisimba, n., December. tisheli, v. a. i. pl., to scatter; to dis- perse; to retire; to rise, as a court; oklat tishelt. tishelichi, v. t. pl., to send away, Matt. 14: 22; 15: 32, 39. tishepa, a., v. n., scarlet; fiery red, Josh. 2: 18; n., scarlet. tishi homi, hishi homi (q. v.), n., pep- per. tishi homi aialhto, n., a pepper box; a pepper bag. tishi homi humma, n., red pepper; Guiana pepper; Cayenne pepper; cap- sicum. tishi homi lusa, n., black pepper. tishi humma, n., red paint; vermilion; rouge; tisht humma isht ilanchali, he paints himself with vermilion. tishihachi, v.a.1i., to sputter. titshkila, n.,a jay; a blue jay. tishu,n.,a waiter; aservant, Josh. 1: 1; aman servant; one who attends a chief to light his pipe, make his fire, etc.; intishu, an escort; a groom; a lackey; a page; a servitor; a valet; an eunuch; a chamberlain, 2 Kings, 9: 32; antishu, my servant, Matt. 8: 6, 8; 10: 25; 13: 27. tiwa, tua, v. a. i., to open; to burst open. tiwa, tua, pp., opened, Matt. 7: 7; unlocked; unfolded; unsealed; un- stopped, Luke 3: 21; Matt. 3: 16; Josh. 8:17; open, John 1: 51; tktiwo, a., un- opened. tiwakachi, int. pl., to stir, or to be in commotion. tiwalichi, v. t., to stir up, as coffee while boiling, with a spoon. tiwi, tuwi, v. t., to open; to unlock, Matt. 6: 19, 20. tiwichi, tuwichi, v. t., to cause to open, Matt. 2: 11. to, adv. in amalla at amilli to!, are my chil- dren dead? meaning that he had no knowledge of it, but, having heard so, makes the inquiry. This refers toa re- mote past time, and should not have a t sufixed to the verb it joins, as ili to. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [ BULL. 46 toba, v. a. i., to make; to rise; to arise; tobat kocha, to form and come out, Matt. 8: 24; 13: 26; to be born, John 1: 13; to be made; to become, Matt. 13:32; to be, Matt. 5:32; to come; tomba, intensive; na hollo ishtoba, you have be- come or you are a white man; tohwmba freq. form, John 1: 12; aba anumpuli toba, to become a Christian; achukma toba, kallo toba, nuna toba; atoba, born of, Matt. 11: 11; to proceed out of, Matt. 15: 19. toba,n., creation; a fabrication; a make; workmanship. toba, a., step, as ishketoba, a stepmother. toba, v. i., to be able; as hikikiatoba, able to walk about; ititoba, to become each others, i.e., toexchange; itatoba (from iti reciprocal, a locative, and toba), v. t., to trade. toba, pp., created; made; fabricated; formed; generated; raised; wrought; iktobo, a., unmade; isht atoba, by whom made, Matt. 18: 7. tobachi, v. a. i., to ripen; shukshi at to- bachi, the watermelon is getting ripe; luak a” ont tobachi, go and make the fire blaze. tobachi, v. t., to create; to make; to beget; atobachi, to beget of or by, Matt. 1: 2; Tama ya” atobachi, Matt. 1: 3. tobahchih, v. a. i., to make a noise by beating on a house. tobaksakula, n., a fossil coal pit; a coal mine. tobaksatoba, toboksi atoba, n., a coal pit. tobaksi, n., a coal; a fire coal; coal. tobaksi ikbi, v. t., to make coal; to coal. tobaksi ikbi, n., a collier. tobaksi inchuka, n., a coal house. tobaksi kulli, n., a collier; a coal digger. tobaksi lusa ohmi, n., coal-black. tobaksi mosholi, n., charcoal. tobbona, a., bent over; stooping; bowed down; curyated. tobbona, v. n., to be bent over; iti at tobbona, the tree is bent over; kato at tobbona, the cat is humped up. tobbona, n., a curve. tobbonachi, y. t., to curve; to make crooked. tobbonali, v. t., to bend; uski a” tobbonali. BYINGTON] tobbonnoa, tobbonoha, y. n., to be crooked; uski attobbonoha; kato at tob- bonoa, curved, as an angry cat. tobbonoa, tobbonoha, a. pl., crooked; bent. tobbonoli, v. t. pl., to bend; itipu- shi av tobbonoti, to bend the saplings. tobe hollo, n., a pea; peas. tobe isht abeta, n., a bean pole. tobela, v. a. i., to be well on fire. tobi, tubi, n., a bean; beans. tobi abeta, n., pole beans. tobi hikint ani, n., bush beans; bunch beans. tobi uski atuya, n., pole beans. tobi uski oiya, n., pole beans. tobli, v. t., to push; to press against; to hunch; to jog; to jostle; to propel; to resist; to shove; to thrust; ititobli, to push each other; peni itintoblit isht anya, they pushed the boat along together; shunkani isht tobli, to hunch; tombli, nas. form; tohombli, freq. form; toywbli, pro. form. tobli, n., a pusher; a jogger; a thruster. tobli, n., a push; a hunch; a jog; a shove; a thrust. tobli aba isht ia, v. t., to boost. toblichi, v. t., to’ cause to push; iti chanalli toblichi. tobohachi, v. a. i., to roar. tobokachi, v. a. i., to gurgle. toboksi atoba, see tobaksatoba. tobosinli, v. a. i., to close one eye. toboshakchi, n., a log of wood. tobulli, v. a. i., to boil up, as water, in a spring; tobohonli, freq. tobulli, pp., roiled. tobulli, a., roily. tobullichi, v. t., to cause water to boil up; to roil. toffa, v. n., to be summer; to”fa, being still summer. toffa, tofa, n., summer; the summer season. toffa anta na topulli, vy. a. i., to sum- mer. toffah iklanna, n., midsummer. toffahpi, n., spring; the first part of summer; the vernal season. toffahpi, a., vernal. toffokoli, a., faded; dim. toffokoli, v. n., to be dim or faded. 84339°—Bull. 46—15 23 A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 3538 toh, a particle in recent past cense; ishla toh? have you just come? or rather hatosh, from hat and osh. toh, n., the report of a gun. toh, adverbial, minkoh toh? is he a chief and does so? tohbi, a., white; light; hoar; hoary, Matt. 17: 2. tohbi, v. n., to be white, or light; tohmbi, nas. form. tohbi, n., whiteness; hoariness. tohbi, pp., whitened; bleached; blanched; made white; tohmbi, nas. form. tohbi chohmi, a., whitish. tohbichi, v. t., to whiten; to bleach; to blanch; to paint white; to make white, Matt. 5: 36. tohbichi, n., a whitener. tohbit ia, v. a. i., to whiten. tohbit taha, pp., whitened. tohchalali, a., bright; clear. tohchalali, v. n., to be bright or clear. tohchalli, Ch. Sp. Book, p. 44. tohchali, v. a. i., to scintillate. tohe, n., cabbage. See to, tohkasakh, vy. a. i., to shine dimly; to give a dim light, as a lightning bug; to flash. tohkasakli, n., a flash; a glimmer; a glimmering. tohkasahi, a., bright. tohkasaii, v. n., to be bright. tohkasalichi, y. t., to brighten; to make bright. tohkasli, a., brilliant. tohkasli, v. n., to be brilliant. tohkaslichi, v. t., to render brilliant. tohkil, n., the sensitive plant. tohkilet pisa, v. a. i., to squint. tohmali, v. a. i. pl., to shine with a feeble light; to shine quick; to flash. tohmasakli, v. a. i., to shine dimly; to give a dim light, as a glow worm, or as fire that is seen at a distance in the woods. tohmasaklichi, v. t., to cause to shine dimly. tohmasali, v.a.i., to give a small bright light, asa candle when at a distance; to shine feebly; to glimmer. tohmasalichi, vy. t., to cause to shine feebly. 354 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY tohmasli, v. a. i., to flash, as lightning; to give a quick flash of light; hashukmalli at tohmaslt. tohmaslichi, y. t., to cause to flash. tohno, tonho, v.t., to hire; to engage; to instigate; to incite; to send, Matt. 14: 35; John 4: 38; to employ; to fee; to procure by hiring; to warrant. tohno, n., a hirer; an employer. tohnochi, n., a stirrer. tohnochi, tonhochi, vy. t., to hire; to set on. tohnochi, n., an instigator. tohnot hochifo, v. t., to enlist. tohpakali, a., dull. tohpotoli, n., a spark. tohto, n., a red elm. tohwali, n., an opening; the firmament; a glade. tohwekikli, n., a flash of light; a glimpse. tohwikekli, see tohwikikli. tohwikeli, v.a.i., v.t., to shine; to give light; to gleam; to glimmer; to have light, Matt. 6: 22; to light; to lighten; to radiate; luak at tohwikeli; pala yat toh- wikeli. tohwikeli, pp., illuminated. tohwikeli, a., lightsome, luminous; re- fulgent; shiny. tohwikeli, n., light; a glimmering; a luminary; ashining, Matt. 5: 14; 6: 23. tohwikeli, pp., enlightened; lighted. tohwikelichi, n., an illuminator. tohwikelichi, n., an illumination. tohwikelichi, vy. t., to cause daylight; to lighten; to give light; to enlighten; to illume; illumine; to illuminate; to ra- diate. tohwiket minti, n., daybreak; daylight; aurora. tohwikikli, tohwikekli, n. pl., flashes of light. tohyuali, n., an opening or light seen in the woods through trees. tohyualichi,y. t., to cause light. tok, sign of the remote past tense; was; did; have; had; has been; ikpesotok, ikhaklotok, Matt. 13: 17; Lewi atok, 1 Kings 11:13; tokatok, ‘‘ had,’’ Josh. 17: 10, & final has a demonstrative power in marking past time in tok at, tok mat, etc. Compounds: toka, tukashkia, Matt. 13: 12—tokakinli — tokakkia—tok- | BULL. 46 akon — tokakocha — tokakokia — tokak- ono —tokakosh — tokakot — tokano—tok- ato— tokano — tokat — tokbe— tokheno— tokhet—tokheto—tokkia—tokma—tokmak- o—tokmakosh— tokmano—tokmat—tok- mato — toko —tokocha— tokoka— tokok- ano —tokokat, tukokat, ‘potoli tukokat, they who touched, Matt. 14: 36—tok- okato—tokoke—tokokia— tokokma— tok- okmano — tokokmat — tokokmato — tok- ona—tokosh—tokot. tokali, tukali, pp. pl., fired off; dis- charged. tokali, tukali, v. a.i. pl., to go off; to shoot; to fire. tokalichi, tukalichi, v. t., to fire; to discharge; to cause to fire. tokam, n., name of a tree used in mak- ing the pommel and forepart of saddles. tokba, adv., very; very much; extremely; greatly; sabanna tokba, I want it very much; okpulo tokba, extremely bad. tokofa, v. a. i., to fall, as the palate into the throat. tokofi, v. a. i., to shed hair; iletokufi, he sheds his hair. tokoi®sha, see tikoisha. tokok, ady., probably; it may be; it might be; kanima minti hatokok; tokoke; impa tokoke. tokomi, tukohmi, adv., improbably; un- likely. [toksakinla, n., the snowbird (Six- towns dialect).—H. 8S. H.] toksalechi, v. t., to work; to cause to work; to employ in work; to employ; to exercise; to task; wak a” toksalechi, hatak an toksalechi. toXksalechi, n., a taskmaster. toksali, vy. a. i., to work; to labor, Matt. 6: 28; 11: 28; to hammer; to ply; to till; to toil; na hollo intoksali, he works for a white man; iktoksalo, not to work; to idle; a., idle; indolent; toksanli, n. f., atoksali, v. t., to cultivate; to work it, or there; toksahanli, freq. form; ikatoksalo, a., uncultivated; ibatoksali, to cooperate; to work with; iktoksalo, n., idleness; intoksali, to work for him; iintoksali, to work for each other. toksali, n., a laborer; a worker; work; a domestic; a help; a helper; a jobber. to"ksali, n., work; exercise; fatigue; a job; labor; toil; working. BYINGTON] toksali alhpisa, n., a task. toksali fehna, vy. a. i., to drudge; to work hard. toksali fehna, a., laborious. toksali fehna, n., a drudge. toXksali imponna, n., an artisan; an artist; a workman; a wright. tokumpa,a., large and round, like a hill. tokumpa, a., being without a point, tail, or ramp; akank tokumpa, a hen that has no tail. tokumpa, v. n., to be without a point, tail, ete. tola (see itula or itola), n., used with the dative pro., intola; okhissa intola, its foundation, 1 Sam. 5:4, 5. toli, v. t., to play ball; ‘tibatoli, they play ball together; itintoli, they play ball against each other. toli, n., a player; one who plays ball. tolupli, tolubli, sing., duili, pl., v. a.i., to leap; to bounce; to bound; to vault; to skip; to jump; to rebound; to spring; to dodge; to hop; alla yat tolupli, isi at tolupli, towa yat tolupli. tolupli, n., a jumper; a leaper. tolupli, a., salient; bounding. tolupli, n., a bound; a leap; a jump; a hop; askip; a spring. toluplichi, v. t., to cause to leap, jump, bound, ete. toluplit wakaya, v. a. i., to vault. toluski, a. sing., short, thick, and round; shukha toluski, isuba toluski, sakti toluski. toluski, v. n., to be short, thick, and round. toluskichi, v. t., to make short, thick, and round. tolusli, a. pl., short, thick, and round. tolusli, v. n., to be short, thick, and round. tomafa, pp., completed; being taken; tomaffi, v. t. the whole tomalusi, tomalisi, adv., close by; very near but this way of it; chuka tomalisi, ola tomalusi. tomafii, v. t., to complete; to take the whole. tomaffi, tamaffi, n., one who com- pletes or takes all; pl. tomoti or tamoli, see Gen. 9: 15, to destroy all. tomba, adv., very; nowa tomba, he walks very well. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 305 tombi, tomi, tommi, vy. a. i., to shine, as the sun, not as a fire or a candle; to radiate; to reflect the rays of the sun; hashi at siontomi, the sun shines on me; apisa yat siontomi, the glass shines on me; ikatommi, let it there shine, Matt. 5:16. tombi, tomi, tommi, n., a ray of light; a sunbeam; sunshine; a ray, Matt. NB tombi, a., radiant. tombichechi, vy. t., tocause to shine; Chi- howa yat tombichechi (or tombichi), Je- hovah causes it to shine. tombichi, tomichi, y. t., to cause to shine; to radiate. tombushi, n., prickly heat; tombushi sabi, I have the prickly heat. tomi, tommi, see tombi. tonho, tohno, v. t., to have; to employ; to engage. tonhochi, tohnochi, v. t., to hire; to in- stigate; to set on. toni, n., name of a small wild animal. tonla, v. a. i., to lie; to lie down; intonla, to lie by him. tonnik, tonni2k, toni"k, tonik, n.,a post; a pillar, such as sustain the roof of a piazza; a stock, 1 Sam. 1: 9; 2: 8; 1 Kings 7: 3. tonnoli, v. a. i. pl., to roll over, as a log; to tumble; to twirl. tonnoli, pp., rolled over. tonnclichi, v. t. pl., to roll them over, as a ball or a log; to tumble; to turn; to twirl. tonokbi, tanakbi (q. v.), a., bent; crooked, as an oxbow; ititonokbi, an oxbow; ititonokbi katima ansha? where are the oxbows? tonokbi, v. n., to be bent; to be crooked. tonokbichi, v. t., to bend; to crook; to make crooked. tononoli, a freq. v. a. i., to squirm; to wallow. tonulli, v. a. i. sing., to roll over, as a log. tonulli, pp., rolled over. tonullichi, vy. t. sing., to roll it over; to roll away, Josh. 5:9; 10: 18. topa, n., a bed; a bedstead; any frame on which beds, blankets, or skins are spread and where persons sleep; a couch; a lodging. topa iskitini, n., a cot; a small bed. topa isht talakchi, n., a bed cord. 306 topaiti kalaha atakali, n., a trundle bed. topa iyi, n., a bedpost. topa shu%shi, n., a bedbug. topa umpatalhpo, n., a bed; a coverlet; nan tanna topa umpatalhpo, n., a sheet. topoli, topulli, v. t., to push; pl. of tobli. toshba hinla, a., perishable. toshbahe keyu, a., imperishable. toshbi, a., pp., rotten; corrupt; spoiled; perished; decayed; filthy; corrupted; ruined; iktoshbo, a., undecayed. toshbi, v. n., to be rotten, etc. toshbi, v. a. i., to rot; to perish; to de- cay; to corrupt; to ruin. toshbi, n., rottenness; filthiness; rot. toshbichechi, toshbichi, v. t., to rot; to cause to rot; to corrupt; to mildew. toshbichi ammona, v. t., to mildew. toshbit isht ia, v. a. i., to decay; to be- gin to rot. toshboa, a., partially rotten, or injured. toshboa, vy. n., to be partially rotten; alh- poyak at toshboa; ahe at toshboa. toshbulba, toshbi holba, a., somewhat decayed. toshbulba, v. n., to be somewhat de- cayed. toshke, tushkeh, adv. (from toh, sign of recent past tense, as in ishlatoh); para- ticle of assertion, full form hatoshke; probably, John 2: 10; used by a person who is ignorant of the manner in which events took place. If a man in a drunken fit kills another, when his senses return he may say abelitoshke. toshoa, toshowa, v. a. i., to remove, Joshiesd] lean elie toshoa, pp., poured out; transferred; translated; construed; rendered; de- fined; explained; emptied; evacuated; expounded. toshoa, n., an explanation; an explica- tion; a translation; a version. toshoa hinla, a., explainable; expli- cable. toshoba, n., mildew (from toshbi holba). tosholi, v.t., to pour out; to transfer, Josh. 8: 32; to translate; to construe; to ex- plain; to render; to define words; to empty; to evacuate; to explicate; to expound; to gloss; to open; anuwmpa toshole, to translate; atoshoyuli, to pour- from into, so as to cool, ete., as to pour BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY | BULL. 46 hot coffee from cup to saucer and back again. tosholi, n., a translator; an explainer; an interpreter; an explicator; an ex- pounder; an opener. tosholi, n., a translation. toshowa, see toshoa. towa, n., a ball, used in sports. towakali, n., the firmament, Gen. 1: 7. towulhkachi, itowulhkachi, y. t., to blister by heat, Rey. 7: 16. tu2P; mati tun? tua, a., open. tua, tuwa, tiwa, pp., opened. tua, v. a. i., to open; to come open. tuakachi, pp., stirred while lying in a vessel. tualichi, v. t., to stir; to move about, as to stir a liquid or grain which lies ina vessel or a bin, etc.; tafala ya” tualichi, tanchi an tualichi. tubbona, a., stooped, bent over. tubi, see tobi. tuchali, n., a piece; a slice. tuchina, a., three; III; 3; nitak tuchina, three days; ninuk tuchina, three nights; Matt. 12: 40; 15: 32; tuchinakma, Matt. 18206: tuchina, y. n., to be three. tuchina, v. a. i., to be three, or to make three, as etuchina, we three. tuchinaha, ady., a third time. tuchinanchi, v. t., to do the third time. tuchinanchit, adv., thrice; tuchinanchit anoli, tell it thrice or tell of three things; tuchinanchit abeli, I have killed three. tuchinna, all three; being three; tuchin- na hoshilhkoli, all three have gone. tufa, v. a. i., to spit; ilontufa, to spit on himself. tufa, n., a spitter. tuftua, v. a. i. pl., to spit; to keep spit- ting. tuk, sign of the recent past tense; did; was; has; has been; have been; had, 1 Sam. 3: 8; Matt. 2: 13; used to de- scribe just previous to another time whether the last time is recent or not, see John 4: 53; connected with the present; equal to was, and is in some connections; see atok for all the forms; k final isdemonstrative; twk is found in tuk at, tukmat, 1 Sam. 30:26, 27. BYINGTON] tukafa, tokafa, v. a. i., to discharge; to go off; to fire, as a gun; to shoot; to explode; to pop. tukafa, pp., fired; discharged; shot; ontukafa, shot; fired on. tukafa,n., anexplosion; a shoot; iktukafo, a., unshot. tukafa achafa, n., a charge; a fire; a load. tukakosh, because, Matt. 16: 8. tukali, tokali, n., pl., to discharge. tukali, pp., discharged. tukali, n., a shooting; a discharge; a volley. tukahi, see tokati. tukalichi, see tokatichi. tukalichi, v. t., to discharge. tukatok, had, Matt. 14:3; 16:5; 1 Kings 11:10; was, 2 Kings 9:15, 16; Josh. 2:6. tukaffi, v. t. sing., to fire off; to fire; to discharge. tukaffi, n., one who fires a gun. tukbi, a., blunt; pp., blunted. tukbi, v. n., to be biunt. tukbichi, v. t., to make it blunt; to blunt. tuklo, a., two; double, II; 2; n., a pair; a couple; a brace; a yoke, Matt. 11: 2; 14: 17. tuklo, n., twain; a span; a deuce, a term used in gaming; tuklokma, Matt. 18: 16; tuklokmat, when there are two. tuklo, v. n., to be two; ishtuklo; ita- tuklo, to be two together, or both, Matt. 4:21; 10: 29; itatukloli, I together with him, two; itatuklo, Matt. 17: 3; «lita- tuklo, Matt. 17: 27; Josh. 9: 3; toyuklo, pro. form. tuklo, v. a. i., to make two; to be two, as etuklo, we two; itatuklo, and, in Che- mis akosh nakfish Chan itatuklotok, James and his brother John, Matt. WO? 2S Wiles re VBle E tu2klo, being two, or the two; both, Matt. Oral ieediose Lae tuklochi, v. t., todoit twice, or to dotwo; to make two; itatuklinchi, to double; tuklolichilahe keyu, 1 can not do both things; to ‘‘two,’’ literally, Matt. 6: 24; to take two, Matt. 10: 10. tuklohita, n., a jig. tuklohitahita, y. a. i., to jig. tuklokia, even two. tuklokia atampa, n., plurality; more than two. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE Ghar f apt tuklona, tuklo ona, v. a. i., to reach to two; toextend to two; even two; tukok, cont. for tukokma; kaniona ishbotitukok, perhaps you laid it somewhere. tuktampuli, n., a cobweb; see chuklam- pulli. tukma, written as one word in the defi- nite form of recent past tense, sub. mood, obj. case, but after nouns should be written as two words, tuk ma; tuk mat, same in nom. case; tuk okma; tuk okmat. tukohmi, see tokomi. tuktua, v. a.i., to cluck. tulhpakali, a., dim; obscure; hidden; applied to the eyesight, which, being dim, does not clearly behold objects. tulhpakali, y. n., to be dim or obscure; tanampo apisa pisalikma apisa yat tulh- pakali. tulli, pl., tolupli, sing., v. a. i., to frisk; to jump; to bound; to canter; to prance; to romp; to skip; to spring; to vault. tulli, n., a frisker. tullichi, v. t., to canter; to cause to leap, ete. tullit fulokachi, v. a. i., to caper. tullit fulokachi, n., a caper. tulotichi, v. a. i., to walk with short steps like a duck-legged hen, ora child when it first begins to walk. tulak, n., soot. tulak chito, a., sooty. tulak isht lusa, pp., sooted. tulak isht lusachi, v. t., to soot. tulak laua, a., sooty. tulatkoba, tula"kobi, a., brown; orange red, like soot. tuma, adv., probably; yamohmi tuma. tumashke; hotumashke, Matt. 17, 26; ihinma tumashke, Acts 11, 18; chintuma, hetuma, in the future. tupashali, n., the long-legged spider, called ‘‘ grand daddy long legs.”’ tu2stubi, tu"subi, n., a fishhawk; a blue hawk. tu4sha, tusha; see tusili. tushafa, v. a. i., to split off; tali tushafat itula, the stone split off and fell. tushafa, pp., split off. tushafa, n., a piece; a fraction; a part; a scrap; a slice, Matt. 17: 27; paska tushafa sapeta, give me a piece of bread. 358 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY tusha"fasi, n., a bit; a spark. tushali, v. a, i. pl., to split off in pieces. tushali, pp., split off; chipped; minced; nipped; sliced. tushali, n., pieces cut off; fragments; shavings. tushali ushtali, v. t., to quarter. tushalichi, v. t., to cut in pieces; to break into pieces, Matt. 14: 19; to divide; to part; to shave; paska ya tushaticht, to break up the bread; to haggle; to mince; to nip; itatushalichi, to break in pieces; Luke 24: 30. tushaffii, y. t. sing., to cut off a small piece; to break off a small piece; paska yan tushaffi, nipi an tushaffi. tushkeh, see toshke. tushli, vy. t. pl., to cutin pieces; to cut off; to break in pieces; paska ya tushli. tushpa, a., hasty; quick; spry; alert; active; agile; cursory; brisk; animated; expeditious; expert; forward; imma- ture; instant; nimble; pert; posthaste; precipitous; punctual; rapid; ready; speedy; sprightly; sudden; swift. tushpa, n., expedition; haste; hastiness; precipitancy; quickness; rapidity; rashness; readiness; speed. tushpa, v. n., to be spry, quick, alert. tu4shpa, vy. a. i., to go in haste; to act in haste; to bustle; to haste; to hie; to scramble; to fly; to. precipitate; to speed, Matt. 5: 25; etutshpat ilaya, we are going in haste. tutshpa, pp., hastened; hasted; pre- cipitated. tu2shpa, tushpat, adv., quickly; apace; immediately; rashly, readily. tu"shpa achukma, a., prompt; ready. tu4shpalechi, v. t., to hasten; to ani- mate; to hurry; to expedite; to for- ward; to haste; to precipitate; to quicken; to speed. tu%shpali, vy. t., to hasten; to animate; to hurry; to haste; to huddle; satunsh- pali, he hurries me. tushpalit chafichi, v. t., to pack. tu"shpat holitopa toba, n., an upstart. tu4shpachi, v. t.,to hasten; to hurry; to quicken another; to accelerate. tutshpat anumpuli, v. t., to sputter. tu4shpat nowa, y. a. i., to walk fast; n., a tripper. [ BULL. 46 tushtua, v. a. i., to break in pieces; to crumble. tushtua, pp., cut up; divided; broken; crumbled; dissected; sliced. tushtua, n., pieces; fragments; crumbs. tushtuli, v. t., to break off pieces; to carve; to cut off pieces; to dissect; to fritter; to slice; to break, Matt. 15: 36; paska ya tushtuli, isi nipi tushtuli. tushtuli, n., a carver. tuwa, see tua. tuwi, tiwi, v. t., to open; to unlock; to broach; to unbar; to unbolt; to un- close; to unfasten; to urfold; to unroll; to unstop. tuwi, n., an opener. tuwichi, tiwichi, a., to cause to open; to open; to disclose. ufka, hufka, v. t., to air; to dry; to sun; to expose to the sun; tanchi a” ufka, shukbo an ufka, he suns the blanket; holufka, pp. ufka®ya, okfa®ya (q. v.) v. a. i., to snag the foot or flesh. ufko, n., a fanner; a small hand fan; an instrument for winnowing grain, ete. uha, a., all; see Hymn 148: 7; nan uha. uha, v. n., to be all. uhalichi, see Mark 12: 30. u2halinchi, y. t., to use all, Mark 12: 30. u2kah, adv., yes; certainly (from o”h or uth and kahg it is that). ukbal, ulbal (q. v.), n., behind; the rear. ukbal, adv., in the rear. ukha, see okha. ukhishta, okhishta (q. v.), v. t., to shut; to close a door, box, trunk, or gate, but not a knife, the eyes, or the hand. u2kof, u"kaf, n., a persimmon. u2kof api, n., a persimmon tree. uksak, oksak, n., a hickory nut. uksak alanta, n., hickory mush, an Indian dish. uksak api, n., a hickory tree. uksak api bisinli, n., a hickory withe. uksak foni, n., a hickory-nut shell. uksak hahe, n., a walnut. uksak hata, n., a white hickory nut. uksak nipi, n., hickory-nut meat; a kernel. BYINGTON] uksak ulhkomo, n., hickory milk, a dish of food. ulbal, ukbal, a., behind; back; adv., in the rear. ulbal, vy. n., to be behind. ulbal, n., the rear. ulbal isht atopulli, n., a diarrhea. ulbal ont ia, v. a. i., to have a passage or stool. ulbal ont ia, n., a diarrhea; a stool; a passage; a dejection; a flux. ulbal ont iachi, n., a cathartic. ulbal ont iachi, vy. t., to physic. ulbal pila, adv., backward. ulbal pilla, ady., away back. ulbalaka, a., hind, as to direction. ulbalakachi, v. t., to cause it to go be- hind. ulbalhpela, adv., backwards. ulbalhpelat ia, v. a. i., to go back; to go backwards; isuba hat ulbalhpetat ia ikbanno. ulhchi, n., a drawer of water. ulhkachi, hulhkachi, pp., steeped; tanchi at ulhkachi. ulhkachi, v. a. i., to soften. ulhkachi, a., soggy. ulhpi, n., a haft; a handle; a shaft. ulhpi a%sha, pp., hafted; having a haft; shafted. ulhpohomo, pp., covered. ulhti, pp., enkindled; kindled. ulhti, n., a fire; a council fire; a govern- ment; a state; a district; a domain; a dominion; a republic. ulhti achafa, n., a state; one council fire; 4 commonwealth. ullohchi, pass. of ochi. um, see om. umba, uma (Sixtowns form), umma (Sixtowns form), umpa, v. a. 1., to rain; to shower; ohumpa; onumba, to rain on; onumba, pp., showered. umba, n., a rain; a shower; wmba hatuk mat, the rain, Matt. 7: 25, 27. umba, a., rainy. umba, v. n., to be rainy. umba chito, n., a great rain. umba chitoli, y. a. i., to rain hard. umba laua, a., rainy. umbachechi, y. t., to engage one to make it rain. umbachi, umpachi, umbachi, v. t., to make it rain; to rain; to shower. soaked; A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE oo9 umbi, n., a pawpaw; a custard apple. umbitepa, ombitepa, v. t. sing., to press on with the hand, Matt. 9: 18; dlumbi- tepa, to smite himself with his hand, Luke 18: 13. umbitka, v. t. pl., to press on with the hands. umbokafa, n., an issue; issish wmbokafa, Matt. 9: 20. See bokafa. umma, umpa, see wba. umpatali, v. t., to spread on; to put on; to saddle; wewmpatali, to spread on himself; iewmpatali, n., ashawl; acape. See patali. umpatalhpo, n., a saddle; a carpet; a cushion. umpatalhpo, skinned. umpachi, see wnbachi. umpala, v. a. i., v. t., to shine on; to shed light upon. umpata, n., a cape; a cover. umpata, umpatta, pp., spread on. umpoholmo, y. a. i., to mantle; to skin. umpoholmo, n., a covering; a lid; a cover; a tilt. umpoholmo, pp., covered, Matt. 10: 26; boarded; hooded; topped; veiled; onulh- pohomo. umpohomii, v. t., to cover; to cover over; to board; to cover with boards; holisso hav umpohomi. umpohomo, ompohomo, vy. t., to cover; to bury; to hood; to involve; to man- tle; to skin; to smother; to tip; to tilt; to top; to veil; isht ompohomotok, was covered with, Matt. 8: 24. umpohomot okpani,v. t., tooverwhelm. unchaba, onchaba, n., a large hill. unchaba chaha, n., a high hill; a moun- tain. unchaba foka, a., hilly; n.,a hilly region. unchololi, onchuloli, v. a. i., to sprout at the root; to grow up again, as sprouts roundastump; to multiply; to increase; aiunchululi, Matt. 1: 17; ttatunchululi, generations. unchololichi, v. t., to cause to sprout. uncholulli, n., sprouts; the second growth; a generation; the descendants; the offspring; an offset. unchululi, n., generation or descendants; isht aiunchululi, Matt. 12: 34. untuchina, a., eight, VIII, 8. pp-, covered; boarded; 860 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY untuchinaha, ady., eight times. untuklo, a., seven, VII, 7, Matt. 12: 45; 152134)736; 137; 16; 10: untukloha, adv., seven times, Josh. 6: 4. uskap, n., a small white crane. uski, oski, n., a cane. Uski anu"ka, n., a., in the cane; among cane. The Choctaw name for Ken- tucky. uski botona, n., cane bent and used for tongs. uski chito, n., large cane; a thick cane brake. uski chulta, n., aslaie; aslay; a weaver’s reed; a reed. uski kapush, n., cane tongs. uski kolofa, n., a cane spool. uski kololi, n., pl., cane spools. uski lumpa, n., a blowgun; an air gun made of cane; a wind gun. uski naki, n., an arrow; a shaft; oski naki, 2 Kings 9: 24. uski naki halupa, n., an arrow-head or -point. uski pata, n., a canebrake. uski patak, n., a canebrake. uski tapa, n., a spool. uski tapa afoli, v. t., to spool. uskula, n., a flute; a pipe, Matt. 11:17. uskula olachi, v. t., to flute; to play on a flute; to pipe. uskula olachi, n., a piper. uskulush olachi, n., a fifer; a whistler. uskulushi, n.,a whistle; a fife; a flageolet. uskulushiolachi, v. t., to fife; to play on a fife. ushahpi, n., firstborn; the first child. ushatto, n., a womb; a venter; a matrix. ushelabi, see hashilabi. ushetik, see osletik. ushetik, oshetik, n., a daughter; his or her daughter; used in the third person only; Matt. 10: 35; 14: 6. ushetik toba, n., a stepdaughter. ushi, n., ason; achild, Josh. 1:1; ushi yan, the Son, Matt. 11: 27; lap ushi yor, a son of himself, Heb. 1: 2; offspring, Matt. 15: 22; a descendant, Luke 3: 23, 38; a brood; fruit; a litter; posterity; heirs; an egg; the young of any creature; not applied to infants (see Matt. 1: 21, 23; Luke 1: 13); sign of the diminutive, as chufak, chufak ushi; an imp, a word of reproach; issue; young; ‘‘a young [ BULL. 46 one;’”’ ushi osh, his son, Matt. 7: 9; ushi is used only in the third person, and means his son, her son; son of; in the second and first person it is chiso, thy son, and sasa, my son. See iso, a son. ushi ahalaia, n., sonship. ushi afoka, n., a womb. ushi aialhto, n., a womb. ushi cheli, y. t., to litter; to bring forth young. ushi i2fohka, a., pregnant. ushi i2fohka, v. n., to be pregnant. ushi i"fohka, v. a. i., to conceive; to teem. ushi i2fohka, n., pregnancy. ushiiksho, ushiksho, a., barren; child- less; issueless, Luke 1: 7. ushi isht atiaka, n., seed. ushi isht atoba, n., adoption. ushi kaiya, v. a. i., to teem; to be with young. ushi kaiya, a., pregnant. ushi shali, v. t., to go with young. ushi tek, ushetik, n., a daughter, 1 Sam. 1: 4; Matt. 15: 28; Josh. 17: 3. See oshetik. ushi toba, n., a stepson; a stepchild. ushi tobat taha, n., a fetus. ushiksho, see ushi iksho. ushta, a., four; IV; 4, Matt. 15: 38. ushta, v. n., to be four; ushtali, I four; afammi ushtali, I four years; | am four years old. ushta, v. a. i., to make four; as ilushta. ushtalt. uXshta, all four. ushtachi, to do it four times. ushtaha, fourth time. ushtali, y. t., to four; to make four (see to quarter), i@nafoka yatuk an ishit ita- kashkoa ushtali cha, took his garments and made four parts, John 19: 23. uti, oti (q. v.), n., a chestnut. wa, awa (q.v.); will not; shall not; can not, Luke 4: 4; John 3: 2. wathachi, v. a. i., to scream. wahhaloha, y.a. i. pl., to spread; to branch out like vines on the ground. wahhaloha, a. pl., pronged. wahhaloha, v. a. i., to be pronged; isi lapish at wahhaloha. wahbhala, a. sing., pronged, as the horns of cattle and deer; wahhala, v. n.; wak lapish at wahhala. | BYINGTON] A DICTIONARY OF THE wahwali, wahwuli, n., a whip-poor- will. waiahpa, v. a. i. (from waiya and ahpi), to bow down; see John 8: 6. waiayatya, waiayaya, motion of a horse in bending down his head to eat as he passes along. waioha, n., bends. waioha, vy. a.i. pl., to bend; iti at waioha. waioha, pp. pl., bent. waiohachi, v. t., to bend. waiya, n., a bend; a stoop. waiya, v.a.i. sing., to bend; to impend; to lean; to recline; to swag; to sway. waiya, pp., bent. waiya, a., slant; slanting. waiyakachi; ito%waiyakachi, to lean on each other, as fallen cane stalks; tanchi at waiyakachi. waiyachi, v. t., to bend; to incurvate; to lean; to slant; to stoop; to sway. wak, n., a cow; general name of the cow kind, and is of common gender and of both numbers; cattle; kine; neat; beef; beeves; black cattle. This word is probably an attempt to imitate the Spanish word vaca. wak afammi, n., a yearling cow. wak aiasha, n., a range for cattle; a place where cattle resort. wak aiimpa, n., a manger; a rack; a cow trough; a cow range; a stall for cattle. wak aiitanowa, n.,a cow trail or path; a cow range. wak apistikeli, n., a herdsman; a gra- zier; a neatherd. wak abi, n., a butcher. wak atampa, n., a yearling; one over a year old and under two years. wak bila, n., the fat of beef; suet. wak bishahchi, n., a milch cow. wak hakshup, n., a cowhide. wak hakshup ahumma, wak hakshup ahummachi, n., a tannery; a tanyard; a tan vat. wak hakshup alallichi, n., a lapstone. wak hakshup humma, n., sole leather; leather. wak hakshup hummachi, n., a tanner; a leather dresser. wak hakshup isht hummachi, n., 002e; tanner’s bark. wak hakshup lusa, n., upper leather. wak hakshup lusachi, v. t., to curry. CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 361 wak hakshup shemachi, n., a currier. wak hakshup shukcha, n., a portman- teau; saddle bags. wak hobak, n., asteer; an ox; a bullock. wak hobak totksali, n., a steer; a working ox. wak itholihta, n., a cowpen; a yard. wak inlukfapa, n., a cowlick. wak ishki, n., an old cow that has had calves. wak isht fama, n., a cow whip. wak isht inchu™wa, n., a cow brand. wak itichapa, n., a yoke of cattle. wak itihalalli, n., a yoke otf oxen. wak i®yalhki, n., cow dung; muck. wak i®yalhki ont ashachi, pp., ma- nured. wak lapish, n., a cow’s horn. wak lapish iksho, n., a cow without horns. wak nakni, n., a bull. wak nakni nipi, n., bull beef. wak nali tohbi, n., a line-back cow; a white-back cow. wak nia, n., tallow. wak nia ahama, pp., tallowed. wak nia ahammi, v. t., to tallow. wak nia pala, n., a tallow candle. wak nipi, n., beef; the flesh of an ox or cow. wak nipi albani, n., barbecued beef. wak nipi apa, n., a beef-eater. wak nipi shila, n., dried beef; cured beef. wak pelichi, n., a herdsman; a grazier. wak pishukchi, n., cow’s milk. wak pishukchi nia, n., butter of kine; butter. wak pishukchi palaska, n., cheese. wak tek, n., a cow; cows; kine. wak tek himmeta, n., a young cow; a heifer; a young kine. wak toksali, n., an ox; a working ox. wak toksali abankachi, n. pl., ox yokes. wak to"ksali abanaya, n., an ox yoke. wak totksali hioli achafa, n., an ox team. wak to%ksali innuchi, n., an oxbow. wak to%ksali itapata, n., a yoke of oxen; a pair of oxen. wak toksali itichapa, n., a yoke of working cattle. working COW 362 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY wak ushi, n., a calf. wak ushi cheli, v. t., to calve. wak ushi hakshup, n., a calfskin. wak ushi nakni, n., a bull calf. wak ushi nipi, n., veal. wak yushkoboli, n.,acow without horns. wakalali, pl., wakla, sing., v. a. 1., to crack. wakalali, pp., cracked. wakalali, n., cracks; crevices; interstices. wakalalichi, v. t., to cause to crack. wakama, v. a. i., to unfurl; to spread out; to open. wakama, pp., opened; unfurled; holisso hat wakama, shaphat wakama, iti patalh- po at wakama, the floor is raised up en- tire so that one can look under it. wakamoa, v. a. i. pl., to unfurl. wakamoa, pp. pl., opened; unfurled. wakamoli, v. t., to unfurl; to spread out; to open. wakaya, n., a start. wakaya, n., a starter. wakaya, y. a. i., to rise froma seat, Matt. 9:9; Luke 5: 28; to arise (from a sick bed), Matt. 8: 15; to get up; to rise up; to start; tostart off on a journey, Josh. 1:2; 8:1; onwakayat hikia, to stand over, Luke 4: 89; nitak nantasho ishwakaya- tukon, on what day did you start? wakayachi, v. t., to cause to get up; to cause to start; to start; to make him rise up, 2 Kings 9: 2. wakayoha, v. a.i. pl., to rise up from a seat. wakayohachi, v. t., to raise them up. wakammi, v. t., to open, Luke 4: 17; Matt. 17: 27; holisso han wakammi, to open the book; nishkin wakammi; itombi wakammi; ikwakamo, a., unopened. wakcha, a., forked; having two prongs or limbs straddled apart, as the two legs in one end of a bench. wakcha, y. a. i., to straddle; omwakcha, y. t., to straddle on. wakcha, y. n., to be forked; o”wakcha, straddled over. wakchala, v. a. i., to straddle. wakchalali, vy. a. i., to straddle. wakchalalichi, v. t., to cause to straddle. wakchalalit itonla, v. a. i., to sprawl. wakchalachi, y. t., to make him strad- dle. wakchalashli, a., forked; straddled. [ BULL. 46 wakchalashli, vy. n., to be forked or straddled. wakchalashlichi, v. t., to cause to strad- dle. wakchali, n., a disease like the venereal disease. wakchat hikia, v. a.i., tostand straddle. wakchat nowa, v. a. i., to straddle; to straddle and walk. wakeli, v. t., to lift up; to raise it up; iti av wakel, to lift up a log. wakkalih, y. a. i., to be low or just heard, as the human voice. wakia, v. a. i. sing., to crack open; wakalali, pl. wakla, pp., cracked open. wakla, n., a crack; a crevice; an inter- stice; aboha wakla; iti patalhpo wakla; wakaloha, pl. waklali, n., a fissure. waklachi, v. t., to cause to crack. wakoha, v. a. i., to open. wakoha, pp., opened. wakohi, v. t., to open. wakolichi, vy. t., to cause to open; to lift them up; to raise them up, i. e., anything flat; aboha isht holmo wako- lichi, lift up the shingle on a roof. wakshish, vy. a. i., to stub; iyi wakshish, to stub the toe.—J. E. ; walakshi, n., a dumpling; a Choctaw dumpling, made thus: cakes of corn meal are boiled in water gruel, with a mixture of dried peaches, and eaten in a bowl. walanto, y.a.i., to be curdled, like milk; see walahachi. walasha, a., tender or soft.: walasha, y. n., to be tender or soft. walasha, pp., soaked till suppled; wak hakshup at walasha. walabli, walapli, v. a. i., to go over; onwalapli, 1 Sam. 2: 1. wali, v. t., to hold out to view; to hand to others; nushkobo av imwali, to beckon; tali holisso an impali, to offer him money; paska ya” imwali, to hand them the bread. waloa, y.i., to grow, like a plant ora person; walwoki, pl. walo%chi, a., juicy; soft; applied to the part of pine-tree ball which squirrels eat. waloha, a., tender; soft. ee BYINGTON] waloha, y.n., to be tender; alla chunkash at waloha, fuli at waloha; tanip holbi at waloha. walohachi, v. t., to make flexible. walohbi, a. pl., flexible; limber; tender; soft; flimsy; supple; pliant. walohbi, walonchi (Sixtowns word), v. n., to be flexible or tender; nipi at wa- lohbi; bashpo at walohbi; iti naksish at walohbi. walohbi, n., tenderness. walohhbi, v. a. i., to flag. walohbi, pp., suppled. walohbi keyu, a., unpliant. walohbichi, v. t., to make limber or flex- ible; to supple. waloli, v. t., to shake; to hold up to view. walotachi, a. pl., tender, as the stalks of young vegetables. walunchi, y. a. i., to be tender, like new grass; weak, as young animals; see walohbi. walanta, v.a. i.; o%wvatanta, to run over. watalli, v. a. i., to boil, as hot water; to boil from the action of heat; to effer- vesce; to wallop; to seethe, 1 Sam. 22 NS. walalli, pp., seethed. watalli, a., boiling; fervent. watalli, n., an ebullition; a ferment. watalli ammona, v. a. i., to simmer. watallichi, v. t., to cause to boil; to fer- ment; to seethe. wananaha, v. a. i., to quiver. wanananli, v. a. i., to quiver. wanuksho, wanuksho, a., hairy. wanuksho, n., short hair, as on a hog; fuzz. wanuta, n., a door yard; a court; a yard. washa, n.,a locust, the large kind; havwa is the small sort. washahachi, washahachi, v. a. i., to sing, as locusts; to rattle, as the rattle- snake; to make a rustling or shrill noise; washa yat washahachi; sintullo at washahachi. washalali, v. a. i., to extend. washaloha, a., pronged; full of limbs or branches; having many limbs. washaloha, y. n., to be pronged. washana, v. a. i., to kick with the hind legs; isuba hat washana. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 363 washala, a. sing., pronged; having two prongs or two tines. washala, v.n., to be pronged. washala, n., a prong; a tine. washalahinchi, y. t., to strike with two feet. washalachi, v. t., to make a prong. washalwatya, v. t., to strike with all the feet. washlichi, n., a kind of locust. washoha, y. a. i., to play with little things, as children; to play with toys; to game; to sport; to toy; to wanton. washoha, n., playing with toys; one who plays with toys; a game; a pastime; a play; sport; alla washoha, a boy who plays. washohachi, v. t., to cause to play with toys. watali, v. t. pl., to unfold; to unfurl; watanli, nasal form. watama, pp., unfolded; opened; v. a. i to unfold; to open. watalhpi, a., supine; watalhpi. v. n. watalhpi, adv., supinely. watalhpi, v. a. i., to lie on the back. watammi, v. t., to unfold; to open; na foka lumbo watammi; bashpo yor wa- tammi; holisso ha® watammi. watammi, n., one who opens. watammi, see batammi. watonlak, watonla, n., a crane. watonluk oshi, n., a white sand-hill crane. waya, v. a. i., to bear; to bring fruit; to produce; to ripen; to grow; to yield; ishtwaya, Matt. 13: 23; to bring forth, Matt. 18: 26; takkon api dappat waya fehna; tanchi at waya; yakni ilappat ahe a” awaya, this land produces pota- toes; Josh. 5: 11. waya, n., produce. waya,a., ripe; fruitful; ikawayo, unfertile; ikwayo, sterile; fruitless; unfruitful waya achukma, a., rank. waya fehna, v. a. i., to luxuriate. waya fehna, a., luxuriant; prolific. ~ fa wayachi, v. t., to cause to bear; to pro- duce; to yield; to grow; ikwayayochi, y. t., to sterilize. walaha, v. a. i., to coagulate; to clot; to curdle; to congeal; pishukchi at walaha; issish at walaha. 364 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY walaha, pp., coagulated; curdled; con- gealed. walaha, a., ropy. walaha, n., coagulation and coagulum; aclot; ropiness; pishukchi walaha; apish walaha. walahachi, walakachi, walanto, y.t., to coagulate; to congeal; to curdle. walahachi, n., a jelly. walapolih, v.a.i., tolap over; nitak iton- walapolih. walwa, n., a species of turtle; a soft- shelled turtle; irwalwa, the lower part of the breastbone. walwaki, a. pl., waloa, sing., tender; soft; chunkash walwaki. walwaki, y. n. pl., to be tender or soft; to grow, like a plant or a person. walwakichi, v. t., to make tender or soft. watahachi, v. a. i., to rattle, as dry leaves or dry sand, seeds, and powder, or as the throat with a cold. wannichi, vy. a. i., to shake, as with the ague; to quiver; to shudder; to trem- ble; wannihinchi, quivering. wannichi, n., an ague fit; ashake; palsy; a quake; a waver; a shivering; a shud- der; a trembling; tremor. wannichi, a., tremulous. wanuksho, see wanuksho. waslichi, n., see wislichi. washkali, v. a. i., to have the itch. washko, n., the itch; the mange. washkoli, washkuli, vy. t., to cause the itch. washlichi, v. a. i., to grit or chisel nuts like a squirrel. watta, v. a.i., to be broad, like the horns of an ox; waklapish watta. wattachi, vy. t. sing., watali, pl., to un- clinch, as ibbak wattachi, to open the mouth of a bag; to unfold or spread out the wings or open the hands; see watta. weha, pp., ravaged; plundered. wehkah, int. of mild displeasure, as don’t; now don’t. wehpoa, pp. pl., robbed; plundered; depredated; deprived; despoiled; di- vested; extorted; rifled; stripped; ik- wehpoo, a., unspoiled. wehpoa, n., robbery; extortion; prey; prize; rapine; spoil, Josh. 7: 21; na > wehpoa, spoils, Josh. 8: 2. [BULL.46 wehpuli, v. t., to rob; to plunder; to depredate; to deprive; to despoil; to divest; to extort; to pillage; to prey; to ravage; to rifle; to spoil, Matt. 12: 29. wehpuli, n., a robber; a plunderer; a depredator; an extortioner; a ravager; a rifler. wehpuli shali, a., rapacious. wehpuli shali, n., rapacity. wehput fullota, v. t., to scour; to pil- lage; to range about for pillage. wehta, n., the lap of a legging. weki, a., heavy; ponderous; weighty; burdensome; clumsy; dull, Matt. 11: 28; fat; firm (chutkash weki, a firm mind); slow (hatak weki, a slow man; a heavy man); flat; obtuse; onerous; oppressive; saturnine; unwieldy. weki, v. n., to be heavy, etc. weki, v. a. i., to weigh. weki, pp., weighed; ikweko,a.,unweighed. weki, adv., heavily. weki, n., a weight; a poise; the weight; a pound; gravity; heaviness; heft; luggage. weki achafa, n., one pound; a pound. weki fehna, a., ponderous; very heavy. weki itshahi, a., heaviest. weki i?shah, v. n., to be the heaviest; v. a. i., to preponderate. wekiitilaui, v. a. i., to balance; to weigh against each other and alike. weki itilaui, a., being of equal weight. weki itilaui, pp., balanced; poised. weki itilaui, n., an equilibrium. wekiitilauichi, v. t., to balance; to poise; to cause to weigh alike or to be of equal weight. weki taltepa achafa, n., a kentle; a quintal. weki talepa sipokni tuklo, n., a ton; 2,000 pounds. wekichi, v. t., to weigh; to weigh up; to balance; to poise; to scale; imwekichi, to encumber him; ikwikecho, a., un- weighed. wekichi, n., a weigher. weli, v. t. pl., wali, sing., to take out; to hold out to view; to stretch forth, Luke 6: 10; Matt. 12: 49; 14: 31; to offer, Luke 6: 29; to stretch out, 2 Sam. 24: 16; Josh. 8: 18; to show; to turn to, Matt. 5:39; to put forth, Matt. 8: 3; onweli, to level, as a gun in shooting; BYINGTON] A DICTIONARY isht toksali isht welt, v. t., to ungear; isht hallali isht weli, v. t., to unharness. weli, y. t., to rob; to despoil; to divest; to pillage; to plunder; to ravage; shuk- ha yar inmweli. wel, n., a plunderer. [wia, n., a loft, a brush arbor. Wia Takali, Hanging Loft, was the name of a Choctaw town, so called from a large brush arbor erected there for public assemblies. —H. 8. H.] wichikli, y. a.i., pl., to move. wiha, v.a.i. pl., to move; to remove; to changethe place of residence; to swarm; foe bilishki at wiha; oklat wiha,; oklat wihat anya; kocha wiha, to come forth, John 5: 28; ilaweli, ilaueli, to take along with himself. wiha, n., movers; an emigrant. wiha, n.,a removal; a moving; a migra- tion; a remove. wihachi, vy. t., to cause to move. wihachi, v.a.i., to move and swarm, as flies, maggots, etc. wihat a®ya, v.a.i., to emigrate; to move along; to be on the way; to migrate. wihat ala, v.a.i., toimmigrate; to move and arrive. wihat ala, n., an immigrant. wihat binili, v. a. i., to move and settle. wihat binili, n., a colony. wik, n., a week, from the English word week. wilaha, a., slimy. wilaha, y.n., to be slimy. wilaha, n., slime; sliminess. wilahachi, vy. t., to cause to be slimy. wilanli, v.a.i., to weep; nishkin okchi at wilanli, to drop, as tears. wileli, v.t., to flap. witali, vy. a. i., to spread out (as the toes of some old women). wimilichi, y. a. i., to roar, as a blazing fire, as a flame; wimilihinchi, freq. winihachi, winehachi, y.a.i., to peal; to rumble, as thunder; to ring, 1 Sam. 4:5, winihachi, n., a peal; a rumbling. winnakachi, v.a.i., to shake; to quake; yakni at winnakachi, the earth shakes; iti at winnakachi, the tree shakes; win- nakahanchi freq. form. winnakachi, pp., shaken; jarred; jog- gled; jolted; jounced, OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 365 winnakachi, n., a shake; a jolt. winnali, v. a. i. pl., to shake. winnali, pp. pl., shaken. winnalichi, v. t., to shake; to cause to shake; to jar; to joggle; to jolt; to jounce. winnalichi, n., a jolter. winnattakachechi, v. t. sing., to shock; to cause a shock. winnattakachi, v. i. sing., to shake. winnattakachi, pp. sing., shaken. winnattakachi, n. shock. wisakachi, v. a. i., to ripple; to wave; wisakahanchi, freq., rippling. wisakachi, n., water running in waves. wisalichi, v. t., to ripple. wisattakachi, n., a ripple; a wave. wislichi, waslichi, n., a locust. wishaha, vy. a. i., to wave and bend like a plume; shikopa wishaha. wishahchi, bishahchi, a., milch. wishahchi, v. n., to be milch. wishakchi, a., outmost; smallest; ex- treme; belonging to the tip end. wishakchi, v. n., to be outmost; wishak- chechi, caus. form. wishakchi, n., the top; the tip; the point; the extremity; the apex; the summit; the end; the tip end; the peak; the pinnacle, Matt. 4: 5. wishikachi, v. a. i., to spurt; to make a noise in spurting out, like a stream of blood from a vein. wishilli, v. a. i., to spurt. wishillichi, y. t., to spurt; to cause to spurt. quake; a sing., a shake; a wishki, n., whisky. wishlichi, v. t., to milk, as a cow, etc.; see bishlichi. witekachi, insects. witikli, v. a. i., to move, as an insect. witikwinli. witakwinli, v. a. i. sing., to move, as an insect. woha, v. a. i., to bellow, as a bull; to bray, as an ass; to low, as a cow; to bark, as a dog; to howl, as a wolf; to waul, woha, n., a bellowing; a howl. wohola, y. a. i., to expand, likethe lower skirts and garments, vy. a. i. pl., to move, as 366 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY woholachi, causative; isht ilewoholachi, a lady’s hoop. wohwah, wohwa, v. a. i., to bark; to howl; to yelp. wohwoha, wohwoa, v. a. i., to bark; to howl; to yelp; nashoba yat wohwoa, the wolf barks. wokkokli, v. t. sing., to throw up the earth, as a mole when rooting under- ground. wokokoa, pp., ground turned or thrown up as by a mole. wokokonli, pl. freq., to throw up the earth as moles when rooting. wokokonlichi, pl., to root up, as a hog. wokonlichi, v. t., to root up the earth, asa hog or mole; awokonlichi, n., the place rooted up. wolichi, v. t., to bark at, as a dog; to yelp; to bay; ofi at hatak an wotichi. wotobli, v. t. sing., to split, shiver, and break to pieces; wuti, pl. wononutkachi, a., fuzzy; hairy. wonuksho, vy. a. 1., to be hairy. wonuksho, n., the inner or shorter hair of a hog and small feathers of a fowl. woshoha, v. t., to root, as a hog. woshoki, n., phlegm; spittle when a person has a cold; hotilhko woshoki; woshokachi, n., same. wosholichi, v. t., to root, as a hog. woshulli, see wushulli. woshushuk, n., a noise heard in the inside of a living body, as the rumbling of the bowels. woshushukachi, vy. a. i., to makesuch a noise; to say woshushuk. wowoha, wowoa, v. i., to bark; to howl; to yelp. wuklo, vy. a. i., to molt, or cast off the skin as a serpent does. wulhko, y. a. i., to blister; to fester; nipt at wulhko. wulhko, pp., blistered; vesicated; to- wulhko, Rey. 16: 9. wulhko, n., a blister; a thin bladder on the skin containing water or blood; a blain; a vesicle. wulhkochi, v. t., to blister; to cause to blister; to vesicate; towulhkochi, Rey. 16: 8. wulhkuchi, n., a blister; a plaster ap- plied to raise a blister or vesicle. wula, v. i., to split; to shiver. [BULL. 46 wula, pp., split; shivered; uski at wuta. wuli, v. t. pl., to split; to shiver any- thing that is hollow, as a cane or reed. wulobli, wulubli, v. t., tosplit; to shiver; to sliver. wulobli, n., shivering. wulopa, v. a. i., to split; to shiver. wulopa, sing., split; shivered; bruised to pieces. wulubli, see wutobli. wushohachi, v. a. i., to ferment; to work; n., working; fermentation. wushulli, woshulli, vy. a. i., to ferment; to form a froth on the surface; wosho- hachi, to ferment. wushulli, n., a fermentation. wushulli, pp., fermented. wushullichi, v. t., to ferment: to cause fermentation. wushwoki, a., slimy; thin, applied to stools of the sick. ya, art., the; see a and ha, Tama, yan, Thamar, her; Matt. 1: 3. ya, emphatic; see okcharki yd, 1 Sam. 2: 15; chishno ya ‘‘to thee,’”’ 2 Kings 9: 5. ya, rel. pro., who; which; the one who, etc.; see a and ha. yabata, yobota, a., flying, as clouds. yaboboa, a., mellow, like ripe fruit. yaboboa, v. n., to be mellow. yabosha, a. pl., soft; mellow. yabosha, vy. n., to be soft or mellow. yaboshachi, v. t., to make soft; to soften. yabushki, v. n., to be mellow. yabushli, a. sing., mellow; soft; spongy. yabushli, v. n., to be mellow, soft, spongy. yatfa, n., a large scar; a crease in the skin without a wound, as in the palm of the hand and finger joints. yahapa, Vv. a. i., to scream; to shout; to racket; to make a racket; isht yahapa, y. t., to shout; allat yahapa. yahapa, n., a screaming; a shouting; a racket; a riot; a shout; an uproar. yahapa, n., a screamer; a shouter. yahapa, a., rude; boisterous; noisy. yahna, see yanha. yahyachechi, v. t., to trot; to cause to trot; to make him trot. yahyachi, v. a.i., totrot; isuba hat yahya- chi. yahyachi, n., a trotter, ery BYINGTON] yahyachi, n., a trot. yaiya, v. a. i., to cry; to weep; to moan; to howl; to wail; to lament; to beweep; to bewail; to bleat, as sheep, and to screak; to scream; to screech; to shriek; to snivel; to squall; to squeal; to wail; to whimper; hachityaiyaka, we have mourned unto; hachikyaiyoshke, ye have not lamented; ayahanya, there crying, Matt. 8: 12; yaharya, Matt. 13: 50; isht yaiya, Vv. t., to ery on account of or about; tolament; to moan; isht ikyaiyo, a., unwept; ilimyaiya, to ery for each other, as Joseph and Benjamin, Gen. 45: 14, yaiya, n., obsequies; a funeral cry, ete. yaiya, n., a weeper. yaiya, n., acrying; a cry; one who cries; a mourner; a mourning; a shriek; a squall; a wail; a wailing, Matt. 13: 42. yaiya, a., mournful. yaiya shali, n., a sniveler; one who is addicted to erying. yak, art., the; see ak and hak, Matt. 17: 25; yak on, the, Matt. 14: 5, 10; yak, rel. pro., see ak and hak; yak- banno, Matt. 4: 4; yako, pro., this or thus; yak avsha, they are here; yakot, thus; yak ahaya, he said this or thus; yakatshwa, they are here; yakahanchi, Matt. 13: 24; yakitonlalishke, 1 Sam. 3: 4; yak hikialishke, 1 Sam. 3: 5; yako hikia, to stand thus or here. yak, ady., thus; yak achishke, thus saith; 2 Kings 9: 3, 6; 2 Sam. 24: 12, here; yak hinlishke, yak ashashke, 2 Sam. 24: 22: yak, ady., here; yakanta, he is here; yak manya, Matt. 4: 3. yaki, yakeh, lo; look here; behold; see; come, John 4: 29; behold, Matt. 12: 2; Josh. 7:21. yaklash, yakolush, n., a jug; an earthen jug. yakmichi, yakohmichi, y. a. i., to do thus. yakni, n., the earth, Matt. 11: 25; Josh. 2: 11; the world; land; soil; ground; nation; coast, Matt. 15: 39; 16: 13; country; empire; kingdom; province; state; a continent; district; dust; the globe; territory; yakni is compounded with the name of a people to express the name of their country, as Chu A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 367 yakni, Judea, or the land of the Jews; imyakni, home, his land, their coasts, Matt, 8: 34; inyakni aiatta, home born; yakni achafa, one country. yakni, a., temporal; worldly. yakni achukma, n., good land; a good country; fertile land. yakni ahalaia, n., secular; terrestrial. yakni aiali, n., the coast; the land’s end. yakni anu"ka waya, n., ground peas; groundnuts; peanuts. yakni anutkaka, n., the inside of the earth, or under the ground. yakni anu"kaka, a., underground. yakni anu"kaka lua, n., a volcano; a - burning underground. yakni apisa ali, n., a landscape. yakni atoksali, n., cultivated yakni ikatoksalo, n., wild land. yakni alhpisa, n., a plot. yakni alhpisa hikia, n., a landmark. yakni ali, n., the end of the land; the edge of the land; a frontier. yakni bala,n., ground peas; ground- nuts. yakni basha, n., plowed land. yakni bashli, v.t., to plow. yakni bikeli, n., a tongue of land. yakni bukli,n., a gopher, by some called yumbak, or yakni bokli. yakni bunto, n., around hill; a mound. yakni chiluk, n., a cave; acavern; a pit; aholein theground; achasm; a fissure; a hole; a hollow. yakni chuta, n., surveyed land; land surveyed and laid off in sections; sec- tions of land; lots. yakni chuli, v. t., to survey land; to lay off land in sections; to run off land. yakni chumpa, n., a land speculator. yakni foi, n., the yellow jacket’s nest or comb; a yellow jacket; a small yellow wasp. yakni foishke, n., a yellow jacket; a small yellow wasp. yakni fullota, yakni fullota moma, n., all over the world; the circuit or cir- cumference of the earth; a region. yakni haiaka, n., a desert, Luke 1: 80; Matt. 4: 1; a wilderness, Luke 3: 2, Matt. 11: 7; 15: 33; Josh. 1: 4; 8: 15. yakni haknip, n., a continent. yakni hichukbi, n., a cave. subterraneous; land; 368 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY yakni hichukbi aiatta, v.a. i., to cave; to live in a cave; to den. yakni hofobi, n., a ditch, Luke 6: 39. yakni i"kaniohmi, n., coasts of, Matt. 15; 21. yakni ikapatafo, n., a balk; a place not plowed. yakni iklana pilla, a., inland. yakni iklanna apakfoyupa, n., the equator. yakni ikonlo, n., an isthmus. yakni imafo, n., a black lizard, called “‘oround puppy.”’ yakni impota, v. t., to rent land; to let out land. yakni impota, n., a renter; a lessor. yakni isht ahalaia, a., earthly; earthy; pertaining to the earth. yakni isht alhpisa, n., a land measure; a rod; a mile, etc.; a surveyor’s chain. yakni isht alhpisa holisso, n., a map. yakni isht kula, n., a spade. yakni isht patafa, n., a plow. yakni isht patafa tali, n., a plowshare. yakni isht patafa tikbithika, n., a col- ter. yakni kolukbi, n., a ditch; a drain; a gulf. yakni kolukbichi, v. t., to ditch; to ex- cavate; to dig a hollow. yakni kula, v. a. i., to mine. yakni kula, n., aditch, Matt. 15:14; dug earth; a dug pit; a pit, Matt. 12: 1ll;a mine; a dike. yakni kula ayanalli, n., a trench; a drain. yakni kula tamaha apakfopa, n., a moat. yakni kulli, v. t., to mine; to dig the earth; to spade. yakni kullit tamaha apakfobli, v. t., to moat. yakni lapushkichi, v. t., to harrow land. yakni lumbo, n., the round earth; the earth; the globe; the world; a ball of earth. yakni lu4sa, n., the world; the earth; the dark world, contrasted with heaven. yakni labeta, n., a marsh. yakni matali, n., a plain; level ground, Luke 6: 17; Josh. 4: 13. yakni moma, n., the world, John 4: 42; the whole earth, Josh. 3: 13. [ BULL. 46 yakni nanih foka, n., a hill country, Luke 1: 39. yakni niachi, v. t., to fertilize; to enrich land; to manure land. yakni nushkobo, n., a peninsula. yakni okhata chito pit shamali, n., a cape; land that extends into the sea. yakni okpulo, n., bad land; a bad country. yakni patafa, pp., furrowed land; _fal- lowed land. yakni patafa isht lapushkichi, n., a harrow. yakni pataiya, n., flat land. yakni patali, n., a plain; Josh. 3: 16; 12: 3. yakni pataffi, v. t., to fallow; to furrow; to plow. yakni pataffi, n., a plowman. yakni patassa, n., a flat; flat land. yakni pattasachi iskitini, n., a plat. yakni patussachi, n., a plain. yakni pisat aya, v. t., to spy. yakni pota, v. t., to take land by a lease. yakni pota, n., a tenant; a lessee. yakni pota, n., a lease. yakni shila, n., the earth; the dry ground, yakni winakachi, n., an earthquake. yakohmi, see yakomi. yakohmi, a., being after this fashion, way, manner, or custom; being thus; this sort; these, Matt. 18: 6. Perhaps this word is compounded of yak and ohmi. yakohmi, v. n., to be thus; to be so; to be on this wise; to come to pass; atuk- on yakohmitok, and. it came to pass, Matt. 7: 28. yakohmi, v. a. i., to do so; as eyakohmi, we do so; to come to pass, Josh. 1: 1; 2: 5; ilappa yakohmi na, Acts 16: 18; yakohormi, Josh. 6: 3. yakohmi, pp., done so. yakohmi, adv., thus; so; na yimmi chinto yakohmi ka akapesoshke, | have not seen so great faith in, pro. form, Matt. 8: 10. yakohmichi, y. t., to do after this man- ner, Matt. 6: 9; 8: 9; to do it thus, Marks '2.172 ili: 283\ = 'so22. Matta onli. yakohmiechi pro. form; yakomihinchi freq. form. BYINGTON] A DICTIONARY yakohmika, n., this way; this fashion; this place. yakohmika ko®, ‘‘this is the cause,”’ Josh. 5: 4. yakoke, int., expressing thanks pleasure, when spoken quickly. yakoke, int. of regret, when spoken slowly. yakoke ahni, v. a. i., to thank; to feel thankful; yakoke chimaiahnilishke, Matt. 11; 25. yakolush, n., an earthen jug; same as lukfi kotoba; see yaklash. yakomi, yakohmi, pro. pl., these; sev- eral; these here; hatak yakohmi, these men, Acts 16: 17; yakohmi kakoke, ‘‘are these,’’ Matt. 10: 2; na yakohmi, these things, Matt. 11: 25. yakosi, n., a short time. yakosi, adv., instantly. yakosi itintakla, adv., suddenly, Luke 22 03. yakosi ititakla, a., instantaneous; mo- mentary; sudden. yakosi ititakla, adv., anon; immedi- ately; forthwith. yakosi ititakla, yakosi itintakla, n., a moment of time, Luke 4: 5; an in- stant; a moment; a second. yakot, see yak. yalabli, v. t., to do this. yalallaha, yalalloha, n., a quagmire; see lukchuk yalallaha. yalatha, v. a.i., to tremble or quiver; as meat just after being killed, and while it is butchered. yalatha, n., a spasm or quivering of the flesh; a local quivering or twitching of the flesh. yalattakachi, v. a. i. pl., to quiver; to twitch. yalattakachi, n. pl., spasms; quiverings. yalubba, yaloba, n., a tadpole; a pol- liwog; a young frog. yalus, halu®s, n., a leech; a blood- sucker; see yasunla. yaluts chito, n., the horse-leech. yamaska, v. t., to knead; to work over mortar, clay, ete. yamasli, v. t., to knead; to work over mortar, clay, ete. yananta, v. n., to run along, as clouds or water. yananta, n., a running; a flying. 84339°—Bull, 46—15——_24 or OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 369 yanalli, a., running; flowing; oka yanalli, running water; ikyanallo, a., stagnant. yanalili, v. a.i., to run, as water; to flow; to glide; to pour; to go; to rill; to stream; to trickle; to trill; oka yat yanalli; yanahanli, freq. form. yanalli, n., a current of water; a flux; a run; astream; a tide. yanallichi, vy. t., to cause to run. yanallit issa, v. a. i., to stagnate; to stop running. yanha, yanha, v. a. i., to have a fever. yanha, n., a fever. yano, yano (see ano, hano), the, Matt. 13: 48. yanusi, nan anusi (q. v.), a cry for the dead; obsequies. yanushkichi, Ch. Sp. Book, p. 60. yasinti, iasinti, n., an eel. yasunla, n., a leech (Sixtowns dialect). [The best informed Sixtowns Indians have informed me that Hasunlawi, the Choctaw original from which the name of Sooenlovie creek has been corrupted, isitself a corruption of yaswnlabi, mean- ing leech-killer. On d’Anville’s map of 1732 the name Sonlahoue is applied to the Chickasahay river; later it was transferred or restricted to the present stream socalled.—H.8.H.] See yaluns. yash, yashke (see ash and hash); ohoyo himita yash, the damsel; Matt. 14: 11; yasho; yashosh, Matt. 5: 25; leplosi yash- osh, his said leprosy, Matt. 8: 3. Yashu, n., nameof a creek; perhaps from iahashon. yatapa, v. a. i., to open wider, like a hole in the flesh; used by butchers in stretching up a carcass by the ham- strings, which open, etc. yatabli, v. t., to widen. yatosh, see hatosh. yatoshba, see hatoshba. yatotoa, a., mellow, like ripe fruit. yatotoa, y. n., to be mellow. yattotu"kachi, a., soft; yatokachi. yattotu"kachi, vy. n., to be soft. yatuk (see atuk, hatuk); yatukokano, the, Matt. 8: 12; yatuka”, Josh. 4: 18; yatuk- ma, the, Matt. 13: 34; yatukmat, the; chuka yatukmat, the house, Matt. 10: 13. yatush, adv., alias; otherwise; sinti, yatush Setan sinti holba ashosh, If a% im- 370 anumpulit yakimachitok; see Scrip. Biog., Vol. I, p. 31; see atush. yatushki, a., soft; mellow, like ripe peaches. yatushki, v. n., to be soft; v. a. i., to mellow. yatushkichi, v. t., to soften; to make mellow; to mellow. yatushkoa, a. pl., soft; mellow. yatushkoa, v. n., to be soft. yatushkuli, vy. t. pl., to soften; to mel- low. yau, adv., yes; yea; yau, chitokaka ma, Matt. 9: 28; 13: 51; some persons say yoh, but it is not in the best taste. yauaha, a., wide apart, as rows of corn; coarse, as the teeth of a comb or rake. yauaha, vy. n., to be wide apart. yauahachi, y. t., to place wide apart. yauasha, see yauashka. yaualli, a., partly dry, like the earth. yaualli, y. n., to be partly dry; yakni at yaualli, tanchi at yaualli, na foka yat yaualli. yauashka, yauaska, yauasha, n., the withers of a horse. yauityaui, v. a. i., to be dim sighted; san- ishkin at yauityaui, as though crooked hairs or kinked threads were played before the eye; to be misty, hardly visible. yauolichi, v. a. i., to itch. yauolichi, n., an itching, 2 Tim. 4: 3. ya™wa, v. a.i., to cry; to mew; to cater- waul, as a cat; to waul. yalwa, n., a mewing. yatya, n., a mourner; hatak yanya, a mourning man. yafimpa, v. a. i., to be wrinkled or streaked, as the flesh; to be ribbed; yafihinya, yafihinkachi, and yaffifonah, pl., wrinkled; striped, as the flesh which has lain on hard objects. yahmichi (not yohmichi), v. t., to cause it to he so. yala, n., a grubworm; a large yellow dirt worm, short and thick. yalhki, n., feces; dung, 2 Kings 9: 37; dross of metals; ordure; excrements; scoria; iryalhki, smut; rust, a disease of grain, as tanchi inyalhki, onush inyalhki. yamichahe keyu, a., impracticable; in- capable; ikyamicho, v. t., to omit; to neglect. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL.46 yamichi, n., a doer; aperformer; ikyam- micho, n., a neglecter; an omission; a neglect; negligence. yamichi, n., a performance; ayamihinchi, Matt. 11: 20; ilayamihchitok, we have done, Matt. 7: 22; 8: 9. yamihchi, yammichi, y. t., todo, Matt. 13: 54, 58; 17: 12; 2 Sam. 24: 10; Luke 4: 2; to fashion; to occasion; to per- form; to perpetrate; to transact, Matt. 6: 80; Josh. 8: 8; nana kia yammicha hinla, able to do anything; yammiht, contracted form. yamihchi, caus. form of yohmi, Matt. 13: 28; aiyamihchi, to do, Josh. 3: 5. yamimma, see yammimina. yamma, pro., that; those; them; these; they; it, Matt. 8: 10; his, Matt. 8: 14; him, Matt. 10: 4; them, Matt. 12: 27; pro., he, 2 Kings 25:1; they, 2 Kings 25: 23; them, 2 Kings’ 25: 24; nitak yamma, that day, Matt. 7: 22; yamia, he, Matt. 11: 18; him, Matt. 14: 5; yamma, is a demonstrative of person, thing, and place; yamma refers to the most distant objects and ilappa to the nearest; yamma, ‘‘he,’’? Josh. 8: 14; ‘it,’ Josh. 8: 18. This demonstrative often supplies the place of the def. article and of the pronouns he, she, it, they, them, their; yamma haklo kat, heard it, Matt. 8: 10; yamma tekchi, his wife, Matt. 8: 14; yamma puttaka, them, Matt. 10: 18. yamma, v. n., to be that; to be those. yamma, the; yakni yamma, the country, Joshi. yamma, there; yonder; that way; there- at; that place; yon; yond. yamma, that is it; a word of approba- tion often used by Choctaw while they sit and hear others speak; like, well; indeed. yamma achi, v. a. i., to assent; to ap- prove. yamma itintakla, adv., thenceforth. yammak, they, Matt. 6:2; asimple word like ilappak, himak, himmak. yammak, there; then; that instant, Luke 2: 38. yammak achi, to say, Luke 13: 17. yammak ash, them, Matt. 4: 24; chuka yammakash, that house, Matt. 7: 25; him, Matt. 9:10; 17:3; that, Matt. 10:27. BYINGTON] yammak asho®, thence, Matt. 9:9; him, Matt. 8: 34; 9: 9. yammak ashosh, she, Matt. 8: 15; he, Matt. 12: 3. yammak ashot, he, Matt. 8: 24. yammak atuk a®, thence, Matt. 5: 26. yammak atuk a2, thereof, Matt. 12: 36. yammak atuk mako?®, n., sake; for the sake of that. yammak beka, a., only; only that. yammak foka, adv., thereabouts, as to time or place. yammak fokalechi, v. a. i., to go or do at random, by hazard, or by chance; himak fokalechi (q. v.), to venture; yammak fokalechit anumpuli, he talks at ‘random; yammak fokalechit ia, he goes without a path or guide; yammak fok- alechit ia hosh apissant ona, he went straight there without path or guide. yammak fokali, a., hazardous; venture- some. yammak fokali, v. n., to be hazardous; yammak fokalit anya, to go at random; yammak haloka, a word of contempt or reproach; see makhaloka. _yammak i2, same as; thus; so, John 3: 8. yammak inli, a., the same, Luke 2: §; themselves; even, Matt. 7: 17; ‘‘that same,’’ Matt. 10: 19; 18: 1, 49; 15: 22. yammak int, the same. yammak kia, likewise; that too. yammak ma, him also, 2 Kings 9: 27. yammak o, at; therein; that; thereby; whereby; wherein; whereof. yammak o®? isit that? is it so? now (i. e., ready), etc.? yammak oka, it, Matt. 7: 14; there, Matt. 8:12; them, Matt. 10: 26; yam- mak okato. yammak okmato, then, Matt. 12: 29. yammak osh, that one; which, Matt. 10: 20. yammano, that, Luke 10: 31. is it yammaska, pp., kneaded; mixed; work- ed, as mortar. yammaska, n., dough. yammat, a., that. yammato, yammato, that one. yammi, a., full. yammi, pp., salted; sated; saturated; sweetened; impregnated; cloyed, Mark 9: 49; haknip at okahomi yammi; kafi at A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 371 hapi champuli yammi; oka homi saiammi, I am full of whisky. yammichi, vy. t., to salt; to sweeten; to mix; tocloy; to saturate; to sate; to satiate; to impregnate; to preserve, as meat with salt; itiammichi, to blend; to mix. yammichi, see yamihchi. yammimma, yamimma, (from yamma and imma), adv., that way, John 7: 32; Luke 19: 4. yamohma hinla, a., practicable; prac- tical. yamohmahe alhpesa, a., necessary, or it must be so. yamohmahe alhpesachi, v. t., to ne- cessitate. yamohmahe alhpiesa, n., necessity. yamohmahe keyu, a., impracticable; yamohmi, from yamma and ohmi; chin- yamohmahe keyu, shall not be unto thee, Matt. 16: 22. yamohmi, v. a. i., v. t., to do, Matt. 4: Le7e 12,20; John2: 18. 372° Luke 4223: ayamohni, do there, Matt. 6: 2; to be, John 3: 9; to occur; to operate; to pass; to practice; to transpire; to come to pass; to take effect; to be done; Matt. 1: 23; yamohomi, to work, Acts 10: 35; aiyamohii, Josh. 4: 8; 7: 20; yamohmi- chatuk, accustomed to do so. yamohmi, adv., so as; so on; like that. yamohmi, n., an operator; a practicer. yamohmi, n., a fashion; a way; a mode; an event; a manner; an operation; a practice; the ton; the treatment. yamohmi ho, wherefore; whereupon. yamohmi hoka, therefore; whereas; whereat. yamohmi kako, thereupon. yamohmikia, but, Luke 4: 26. yamohmikma, and; moreover; further- more. yamohmima, and so, Luke 4: 5. yanakachi, y. a. i., to move, as a serpent. yanha, yanha, yahna, v. n., to havea fever; to be sick, Matt. 8: 14. yanha, n., a fever; a hectic; yanha kat, the fever, Matt. 8: 15. yanha chito, n., a high fever; a bilious fever. yanha chohmi, a., feverish. yanha fehna, n., a great fever, Luke 4: 38, 372 yanha foka, n., an inflammation. yanha isht shipachi ikhi"sh, n., a feb- rifuge. yanhachi, vy. t., to produce a fever; to cause a fever; to heat; to induce a fever; ayanhachi, to produce a fever thereby. yannash, n., a buffalo; a bison. yannash hakshup, n., a buffalo skin; a buffalo robe. yannash i®lukfapa, n., a buffalo lick. yannash ushi, n., a buffalo calf; a young buffalo. yannash ushi cheli, v. t., to calve; to bring forth a young buffalo. yano, see yano. yanoba, a., feverish. yanoba, v. n., to be feverish. yappalli, to walk slowly and softly, not with a hard tread, 1 Sam. 15: 32. yaslichi, v. t., to scratch, as a dog for an animal in the ground. yat, the; who, etc.; Hatak ushi yat, “the Son of Man,’’ iti achukma yat, a good tree, Matt. 7: 18; ant yat okpulo yon, evil fruit, Matt. 7: 17. yato; inlaka yato, others. yichefa, pp., gripped; held by the hand or claws. yicheli, yicholi, v. t. pl., to catch with the hands, fingers, or claws and have a strong hold. yichiffi, v. t., to catch, seize, grip, or grasp, with the hand, claws, paws talons, etc., but not strongly; to grap- ple; to pounce; yichiffit isht kanchi, to catch away, Matt. 13: 19. yichiffi, n., a catcher; a grasper. yichiffichi, y. t., to cause to seize; to en- grasp; to grapple; to grasp. yichiffit ishi, v. t., to clinch; to seize and hold, or take; to clutch; to grab; to grip. yichina, y. a. i., to stretch the limbs; to yawn; to exert; to flounce; to flounder; to strain; to struggle; to toil. yichina, n., a strain; a struggle. yichinachi, yichinachi, v. a. i., tostrain; to cause to exert all the powers. yichinnikahchih, y. a. i., to make a sud- den and strong effort. yicholi, see yicheli. yichowa, pp., seized; caught; grappled; held, BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 yihina, a., gaunt. yihina, vy. n., to be gaunt. yikefa, pp., taken hold of and drawn off. yikiffi, v. t., to catch hold of the skin and draw it up or off from the flesh, as when one pinches and pulls the cheeks, or the skin on a dog’s back; ipaf an yikiffi. yikila, pp., stitched. yikila, n., selvage. yikitachi, y. t., to make a selvage. yikili, v. t., to stitch. yikihi, n., a stitcher. yikilichi, vy. t., to stitch or to cause to stitch. yikkowa, yikowa, yikyua, v. a. i. (pl. of yimyiki), to wrinkle; yikyuwachi, in panrshi aiena ka yikyuachi, 1 Tim. 2: 9. yikkowa, pp., wrinkled. yikkowa, n., a wrinkle; a line. yikoa, v. a.i., to go to a bee or frolic; to collect together and work gratui- tously for some person; yikoat iia. yikoa, n., a bee; a frolic. yikofa, pp., wrinkled. yikoffa, n., a gnat. yikoha, pp., girdled or wrinkled. — yikokoa, yikoku™wa, pp., wrinkled;- crisped; na foka yat yikokunwa. yikoku®wa, n., wrinkles. yikoli, v. t., to girdle a tree; to wrinkle; to make a ridge or wrinkle; to en- girdle; to crisp. yikolichi, v. t., to cause to wrinkle. yikopa, see yokopa. yikota, pp., crisped; wrinkled; puckered up; shriveled. yikota, v. a. i., to wrinkle; to crisp; to shrink; to shrivel. yikotachi, v. t., to wrinkle; to cause to wrinkle; to crisp.’ yikottakachi, n., a start; a crisp. yikotua, v. a. i. pl., to wrinkle; to crisp. yikotua, pp., wrinkled; crisped. yikotua, n., wrinkles; crisps. yikowa, yikkowa, yikyua; yikyuachi, to broider (hair), 1 Tim. 2: 9; to curl hair. yikowachi, v. t., to wrinkle. yikulli, v. t., to wrinkle, to pucker up, as by putting fire on leather; toshrivel. yikutkachi, v. a. i. pl., to shrink; to crisp. yikutkachi, pp. pl., shrunk; crisped. BYINGTON] yikyua, see yikkowa, yikowa. yiteha, a., fallen, as trees. yitepa, n., a rout. yilepa, v. a. i. pl. (see yitibli, transitive, Josh. 7: 22), to run; to move, or pass quickly, on the feet, on wheels, or on water; to course; to rush; to scamper; to flee, 1 Sam. 4: 10; onyitepa, to storm; to run upon, Josh. 8: 20; inyitepa, to flee from them, Josh. 7: 4; 8: 6, 20; yi- tepa fehnat, ran violently, etc., Matt. 8: 32; yitepat, fled, etc, i. e., together and not singly, Matt. 8: 33; itinyitepa, to run from each other. yilepachi, y. t., to cause to run. yilepoa, pl., to run. yilepoachi, v. t., to cause to run. yilibli, v. t. pl., to run; to rout; to sail; to cause them to run or to sail; pent yitibli; iti chanalli an yitibli; isuba han yitibli; see yitepa, Vv. a. i. yitishachi, v. a. i., to dodge; to be quick in motion, applied to the heart also; to start from a fright, or it may be an ex- clamation of surprise or fear. yitiya, v. a. i., to start; to tremble; to struggle, like a dying beast. yiminta, n., a sally. yiminta, yimmita, yimita, a., pp., ani- mated; strenuous; zealous; lively; earn- est; engaged; aroused; spirited. yiminta, v. n., to be animated. yiminta, y. a. i., to cheer. yiminta, n., animation; courage; excite- ment. yiminta atapa, n., enthusiasm. yiminta atapa, a., enthusiastic. yiminta keyu, a., spiritless. yimintachi, yimmitachi, v. t., to stimu- late; to cheer; to encourage; to enliven; to rear; to hearten; to embolden; to in- spirit; to invigorate; to refresh; to rouse; to spirit; to stimulate; to strengthen. yimita, see yiminta, yimmita. yimmahe alhpesa, a., credible; iyim- mahe keyu, a., incredible. yimmi, ityimmi, y. a. i., to believe, Matt. 11: 14; to have confidence; to confide; to credit; to receive; to rely; to repose; to trust; ikyimino, ikiyimmo, v. t., to disbelieve; not to believe; to distrust; to be faithless; to misgive; to scruple; to unbelieve; a., faithless; in- A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 373 fidel; skeptical; iliyimmi, to believe in himself; iliyimmi, a., opinionated. yimmi, vy. n., to be convinced; sayim- mi, | am convinced. yimmi, pp., cheated; deceived; fooled; convinced; credited; deluded; gulled. yimmi, a., confident; sanguine. yimmi, n., belief; a believer; a fiduci- ary; chiyimmi, thy faith, Matt. 9: 22; na yimmi, a believer, Matt. 6: 30; in- yimmi, credit; reliance; trust; ikyim- mo, unbelief; an unbeliever; askeptic. yimmi shali, a., credulous. yimmichi, y. t., to cause to believe, whether true or false; to deceive; to be- fool; to cheat; to cog; to convince; to delude; to disappoint; to dupe; to fool; to gull; to mock; to sham; to wheedle. yimmichi, n., a cheat; a cheater; a de- ceiver; a deluder. yimmihechi, y. t., to cause to believe. yimmita, yiminta, pp., stimulated; excited; enlivened; inspirited; invigo- rated; refreshed; vivified. yityikechi, v. t., to crook; to twist; to cockle, as cloth; to curl; to furrow; to ruffle; to rumple; to wrinkle. yityiki, yiyi"ki, a., pp., crooked, curling, worming; zigzag; twisting; cockled; curled; furrowed; rumpled; ruffled; wrinkled; winding and crooked like the ridge of a hill. yityiki, v. n., to be crooked, curling, winding, like a dividing ridge. yityiki, v. a. i., to cockle, as cloth; to curl; to ruffle; to wrinkle. yityiki, n., a furrow; a ruffle; a wrinkle. yo, yo, art., the, see o and ho; chuka yor, ‘Can house,’’ Matt. 10: 12; yé is the form in the imperative, as akaiyd, ‘do let me go,’’? making yo the helping verb do; yo, rel. pro., who, ete.; ani okpulo yon, Matt. 7: 18; nanih chaha yor, a mountain, Matt. 17: 1. Compounds: yocha—yoka—yokaka—yokakano —yoka- kant—yokakanto— yokakat — yokakato — yokakhe— yokakheno—yokakhet— yokak- heto— yokakkia—yokakon — yokakocha— yokakona— yokakosh — yokakot—yokano, yokano, Matt. 11: 22; inla yokano, Matt. 15: 24; yokat; ano yokat, for I am, Matt. 8: 9, yokato; iti okpulo yokato, Matt. 7: 17; distinctive, as for the corrupt tree, in distinction from other trees; ahopo- 374 yuksa yokato, wisdom, Matt. 11:19; 17: 26—yoke—yokia, yohkia —yokomo—yo- kono—yona—yosh—yot. yoba, perhaps; can, John 3: 27 [?]; lest; peradventure; perchance; yoba hinla kd, Mark 11: 18; Josh. 9: 7; mintahe mak yoba tukosh, Luke 10:31. yoba, v. n., it may be. yobaheto, perhaps not. yobakma, if it may be, Josh. 14: 12; hi- obakma, if it shall, etc., Matt. 18: 13. yobana, lest, Josh. 2: 16; 2 Tim. 2: 25. yobota, v. a. i., to fly, as the clouds; see yabata. yohabli, yuhabli, yuhapli, v. t., to slacken; to loosen; to relax. yohablichi, v. t., to cause to slack; to loosen. yohapa, yuhapa, v. a. i., to loosen; to slack; to slacken; to stretch. yohapa, yuhapa, pp., a., loosened; slackened; lax; slack; stretched, as a rope. yohapa, n., slackness. yohapachi, v. a. i., to lope. yohapat, adv., slackly. yohapoa, v. a. i. pl., to loosen. yohapoa, pp., loosened. yohapoli, y. t., to slacken them. yohbi, a., mild; serene; pleasant; fine; halcyon; lenient; meek; pacific; pure; urbane. yohbi, v.n., to be mild, serene, or pleasant. yohbi, v. a. i., to relent. yohbi,n., mildness; lenity; pureness; pur- ity; refinement; sanctity; serenity; stillness; suavity. yohbi, pp., sanctified. yohbi keyu, a., relentless. yohbichi, yohbiechi, y. t., to make it mild; to render pleasant; to pacify; to refine; to sanctify. yohbichi, n., a sanctifier; sanctification. yohhuna, a., gaunt. yohhuna, v. n., to be gaunt. yohhunachiy, y. t., to make gaunt. yohma himma keyu, a., impossible. yohma hinla, a., possible. yohmahe ahoba keyu, a., improbable. yohmahe keyu, a., incapable. yohmi, vy. t.; nana achukma ka yohmi, to do good things. yohmi, yuhmi, a., so; this way; after such a way; such, Matt. 9: 8; such BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 power; ikyuhmo, unaccustomed; common. yohmi, ady., thus. yohmi, y. n., to be so; sayohmi chatuk, to do so, Matt. 9: 19; ikyuhmi ahni, v. t., to concede; yuhmikeyu achi, v. t., to con- tradict; to deny that it is so. yohmi, v. a. i., to do so, John 4: 28; Luke 6: 46; ayohmi, to do, Matt. 12: 2; ayohmi, to do so there or in, Matt. 6: 10; aiyohmi, Josh. 2: 21. yohmi, n.,a custom; a fashion; a manner; away; yohmi hohbeka, Luke 4: 16. yohmi aialhpesa, v. a. i., to become; to fit; to suit. yohmi alhpesa, v. a. i., must. yohmi chatuk keyu, a., unnatural; un- wonted. yohmi fehna keyu, a., unusual. yohmi hoka, therefore, Matt. 7: 24; 12: 27; Loss: yohmi hokmano, then, Matt. 20: 23[?]. yohmi hokmat, if so be, Matt. 18: 13. yohmi ka, therefore, Luke 4: 7; for, Luke 4: 10. yohmi kat, therefore. yohmi kia, ady., notwithstanding, 2 Sam. 24: 4; although; although it is so; and; but, John 1: 83; howbeit; never- theless; Matt. 10: 19; 13: 32; 2 Sam. 24: 3. yohmi nana kia, notwithstanding, Matt. aa Ue yohmima, and; then; when it was so, Luke 3: 11, 12; therefore, John 4: 33; yohmikma, ‘‘and then;”’ and; Matt. 7: 23, 26; then, Matt. 18: 19. yohmimat, and. yohmit itintakla, n., an instant; while it was so. yohmit pisa, v. t., to experiment; to try to do so. yok, see ok. Compounds: yoke; yakni haia- kayoke, Matt. 14: 15; yokma; opiakayok- ma, when it is evening, Matt. 16: 2; yokma; chuka yokmd, or house; iki yokmé, or father; ishki yokmd, or mother, Matt. 10:14; ushi yokmd, or son; ushetik okmd, or daughter, Matt. 10: 37-—yok- maka — yokmakano — yokmakato — yok- makhe—yokmakheno—yokmakheto— yok- mako, yokmakoh; abeka yokmakoh chatuk oke, they that are sick, Matt. 9: 12; yokmakocha —yokmakoka — yokmakoka- un- BYINGTON] no — yokmakoke —yokmakokia—yokma- kokat —yokmakokato — yokmakona— yok- makosh — yokmakot — yokmano — yok- mat—yokmato. yokbano, see hokbano. yokopa, yikopa, n., a calm; a pause; quietness; yokopa aiattit talaia tok, there was a great calm, Matt. 8: 26. yokopa, yikopa, v. a. i., to grow quiet; to calm; to cease, Matt. 14:32; to stop; to halt; to pause; to relax; to relent; to remit; to rest; to be stayed, 2 Sam. 24: 21, 25. yokopa, pp., quieted; calmed; ceased; stopped; assuaged; quelled; quenched; relaxed. : yokopa, a., placid; quiet. yokopa iksho, a., relentless. yokopacha hinla, yikopacha hinla, a., quenchable. yokopachi, yikopachi, vy. t., to quiet; to calm; to ease; to assuage; to quell; to quench; to relax; to remit. yokopuli, yikopali, v. t., to allay; to appease; to quiet. yolulli, see yululli. yopisa, y. a. i., to witness a sport or play; to juggle. yopisa, n., a spectator of plays or sports; a looker-on; a bystander. yopisa, n., an exhibition. yopisachi, v. t., to display; v.a.i., to juggle; to show. yopoma, Gen. 34: 17; opoma, to mock. yopula, a., jocose; jocular; ludicrous. yopula, y. a. i., to joke; to jest; to wan- ton; to revile, Matt. 5: 11; isht yopula, y. t., to jeer; to joke, Matt. 9: 24; yopula- li, Ljoke., yopula, n., a jester; a joker. yopula, n., irony; a jest; a joke. yopula shaii, a., facetious; jocular; jovial; wanton. yopula shali, n., a zany. yopullachi, caus. form; itayopullachi, to talk about committing sodomy. yopunla; yopunla keyu, a., earnest; not in a joke. yosh, art., a, lipsoli abi yosh, a leper, Matt. 8: 2; used with nouns, while hosh is used with verbs chiefly. yoshoba, yoshuba, a., lost; out of the way; gone astray; sinful; evil; wicked; A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 375 guilty; ill; immoral; iniquitous; repro- bate; vicious; wanton, Matt. 18:12, 13. yoshoba, v. n., to be lost; to be in the wrong. yoshoba, vy. a. i., to go out of the way; to sin; to deviate; to err; to fall; to lose the right way; to miss; to stray; to stumble; to swerve; to trespass. yoshoba, n., a sin; an error; folly; guilt; harm; illness; impiety; iniquity; sin- fulness; a transgression; a trespass; un- cleanness. yoshoba, n., an offender; a sinner; a wanderer; a straggler; a trespasser. yoshoba, pp., lost; misled; misguided; perverted. yoshoba hinla, a., peccable. yoshoba keyu, a., innocent. yoshobatokkia nukha"klo keyu, a., impenitent. yoshobahe keyu, a., impeccable. yoshobbi, yoshubi, vy. t., to mislead; to lead out of the way; to lead into sin; to misguide; to offend; to pervert; to stumble. yoshobbi, n., one who misleads; a per- verter; one who offends or leads astray; na yoshubi, ‘that offends,” Matt. 18: 41; na yoshubli, n., a de- ceiver, 2 John 1: 7. yoshobiksho, a., sinless. yoshobli, y. t., to lead out of the way; to cause to err; to misguide, 1 Sam. 2: 24; to deceive, 2 John 1: 7. yoshobli, n., one who misleads; a de- ceiver. yoshoblichi, vy. a. i., to deceive, Matt. 24: 4. yuala, yuwala, n., disgust; contempt; inyuwala, contempt for it. yuala, yuwala, a., nauseous; disgusting; sickening to the stomach; hateful; odious; fulsome; obscene; offensive. yuala, pp., shocked. yuala, yuwala, y. n., to be nauseous; to have a sick stomach; to be sick at the stomach. yuala, v. a. i., to glut; to loathe; to nauseate. yuala, n., a loather. yuala hinla, a., loathsome; loathful. yuala shali, a., squeamish. yualachi, vy. t., to cause sickness at the stomach; to render nauseous, disgust- 876 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ing, etc.; to nauseate; yuwalachi, n., an abomination; nan ashachi yuwalachi, 1 Kings 11: 5, 7. yuha, v. a. i., to run through a sifter, riddle, ete. yuha, pp., sifted; riddled; bolted; gar- bled. yuhapa, a., boisterous; noisy; see yahapa. yuhapa, vy. n., to be boisterous; noisy, yuhapoa; yuhapoli. yuhapa, n., a noise. yuhabli, yuhapli, see yohabli. yuhchashali, y. a. i., to stand up like the hair, or the feathers of a horned owl, or a plume. yuhchonoli, y.a. i., to bow the head; to hold the head down; yuhchonolimat illitok, he bowed his head and died. yuhchunni, y. a. i. sing., to bow the head; to nod, John 13: 24; yuhchun- nolih. yuhchunukli, v. a. i., to bow the head once, a single sudden act; v. t., imyu- chunukli, to beckon to him, Luke 1: 22; aka yuhchunuklimat fiopissatok, John 19: 30. yuhe, n., a large hickory nut. yuka, a., captivated; bond-bound, Josh. 9: 23; ikyuko, free. yuka, pp., captured; enslaved; impris- oned; constrained; taken; enchained; subjected. yuka, n., acaptive; a prisoner; a slave; a bondman; a vassal. yuka, n., confinement; custody; thrall; thraldom. yuka ahalaia, a., slavish. yuka anta,n., captivity; in bonds; in chains; in bondage. yuka a¥sha, n., servitude; bondage; vas- salage. yuka atta, a., slaveborn. yuka chohmi, a., servile. yuka hatak, n., a bondman. yuka issa, n., a ransom; a release. yuka issa, pp., freed; emancipated; lib- erated; enfranchised; manumitted; re- leased. yuka issachi, pp., liberated. yuka issachi, v. t., tofree; toemancipate; to liberate; to enfranchise; to manumit; to release; to unchain, yuka issachi, n.,an emancipator; a liber- ator; a manumitter; an abolitionist. [ BULL. 46 yuka issachi, n., emancipation; manu- mission. yuka keyu, a., free; not bound. yuka keyu, n., freedom; liberty. yuka keyut atta, a., freeborn. yuka kucha, pp., emancipated; liberated. yuka mika, n., a fellow-servant; fellow- servants. yuka ohoyo, n., a bond woman; a bond maid. yuka okla, n., anenslaved people; a tribu- tary people. yuka to®ksali, n., a bond servant. yukabi, a., moistened; softened by being wet. yukachiy, vy. t., to capture; to enslave; to imprison; to take captive; to take; to deprive of liberty; to hold as a pris- oner; to constrain; to pen a wild crea- ture or other animal and then catch him; to enchain; to subject; to sub- jugate; yanash, isuba, shukha nukshopa yukachi. yukachi, n., a captor; an enslaver. yukachit halanli, yukachit i4shi, n., a hostage. yukahbi, v. a. i., to soften; to become soft and pliable. yukat a™sha, n., bondage. yukbabi, n., the venereal disease; the pox; see luak shalt. yukoma, yupoma, vy. t., to waste; to squander; to spend; nan isht yupoma, to waste food about it, or him. yukpa, v.a. i., to laugh; yukpali, yukpachi; yokpa, glad; yokpalli, yokpachi (some interpreters make these distinctions between yokpa and yukpa) . yukpa, a., glad; pleased; happy; joyful; gay; merry; pleasant; good-humored; good-natured; buxom; blithe; blessed; gratified; amused; haleyon; amiable; complacent; delighted; delightful; fa- cetious; joyous; jocund; lightsome; lively; merry; well-natured; yuppa, Longtown form of this word; ikyukpo, uncheerful; unhappy; unpleased. yukpa, v. n., to be glad, pleased, etc.; to be of good cheer, Matt. 9: 2; chi- yukpashke. yukpa, pp., refreshed; regaled; rejoiced; pleased, Matt. 3: 17; blessed, Matt, 11: 6; made happy; charmed; diverted; oe BYINGTON] elated; entertained; exhilarated; felici- tated; gratified; joyed; recreated. yukpa, n., joy; gladness; good nature; delight; a smile; laughter; complacency; exultation; glee; good humor; hilarity; a laugh; mirth; recreation; suavity. yukpa, advy., fain; gladly. yukpa, v. a. i., to smile; to laugh; to re- joice; to cheer; to chuckle; to delight; to snicker; to suit; to titter; to twitter; to exult; to giggle; to gladden; to glory; to gratify; to joy; to simper; to be pleased, Matt. 14: 6; ibaiyukpa, to rejoice with, Luke 1:58; itibaiyukpa, to rejoice together with. yukpa, n., a laugher. yukpa atapa, pp., enraptured; enray- ished; a., rapturous. yukpa hinla,a., placable; laughable; ris- ible. yukpa shali, n., a giggler. yukpa shali, a., jolly; ticklish. yukpahe keyu, a., difficult; he will not be pleased. yukpalechi, v. t., to amuse; to make glad; to gratify; to beatify; to please; to gladden; to joy; ikywkpalecho, v. t., to disoblige. yukpali, v. t., to gladden; to please; to give pleasure; to gratify; to beatify; to benefit; toamuse; to bless, 1 Sam. 2:20; Josh. 8:33; to make happy; to make glad; to charm; to cheer; to delight; to divert; to elate; to enrapture, to enrav- ish; to entertain; to exalt; to exhila- rate; to feast; to feed; to felicitate; to joy; to lighten; to oblige; to recre- ate; to refresh; to regale; to rejoin; to sport; to suit; to transport; weyukpali, to please himself; ileyukpali, a., self- pleasing; yukpali, to gladden; yukpali, to make one laugh. yukpali, n., a diverter; a pleaser. yukpalit anumpuli, v. t., to bless, Josh. 14: 13. yukpachi, vy. t., to cause to laugh or smile; see yukpa; issiyukpachi, you make nie laugh; ikyukpacho, neg. form. yulhkun, n., a mole. yulhkun chito,n., the elephant. Aname given by some Choctaw. Others call the elephant hatak lusa inyanash, the African buffalo. ee A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 377 yulhpokona, see holhpokunna. yullichi, vy. a.i., to twitch or start, as the nerves. yululli, yolulli, v. a. i., to run under; to go through, asa hole; to run through; to run between; ofi at holihta itintakla yululli; hatak owatta yat Choctaw yakniyan yulullit itanowa,; hatak at uski an yulullit anya; aiyululli, v. t., to over run. yululli, pp., passed through; put through, asa thing is put through a long hole. yulullichi, vy. t., to cause to go through; to run through a hole, as to run a string through a hole; to drive through. yulullit a®ya, vy. a.i., to prowl; to worm round. yulullit a®ya, n., a prowler. yula, pp., demolished; scattered about; blown down, as a fence or the timbers of a building; chuka yat yuta, 2 Cor. Dele yula, n., destruction. yuh, v. t,, to throw over; to blow down; to scatter; to demolish; yuti, Mark 12: 5; wak an yuti, holihta yan yuti. yuli, n., a destroyer. yulhi, v. t., to sift; to bolt; to riddle; to garble. yulichi, v. a. i., to tremble and start, like the flesh of a sick person. yutto, n., a whortleberry. yumbak chito, n., a gopher. yunna, pp., girdled. yunni, v. t., to girdle. yunushki, pp., girded. yunushkichi, y. t., to girdle. yunyuki, a., same as yityiki, crooked. yupechi, v. t., to bathe another; to cause another to bathe. yupi, v. a. i., to bathe in water; to wash the body; to wallow in sand or mud; to lave; to roll in water, mud, or sand; to welter; allat. yupi, shukha yat yupi, akanka yat yupi, kofi at yupi. yupi, n., one who bathes. yupoma, see yukoma. yustimeli, see yushtimeli. yustimmi, see yushtimmi. yustololi, see yushtololi. yushbokoli, a., having white hair; gray- haired; yushbokushli, pl. yushbokoli, v. n., to be gray-headed. yushbokoli, n., white hair; gray hair. 378 yushbokolichi, vy. t., to cause the hair to be gray. yushbonoli, n., a ringlet; a tress. yushbonoli, pp., curled; frizzled. yushbonuli, a., having curled hair; yush- bonushli, pl. yushbonuli, v. n., to be curly headed. yushbonuli, v. a. i., to curl. yushbonulichi, v. t., to curl the hair; to frizzle; yushbonushhichi, vy. t. pl. yushchunuli, vy. a. i., to bow, Gen. 47: 31. yushkabali, a., having the head shaved, trimmed, or clipped; yushkabashli, pl. yushkabali, v. n., to be trimmed short or close, as hair. yushkabalichi, v. t., to trim close; to clip the hair of the head; yushkabashli- chi, pl. yushkammi, v. a.i., to lust; to burn with carnal desires; itaiyushkammi, to rut; to lust for each other (applied to animals). yushkammi, n., lust. yushkilali, a., being partly bald, or hay- ing the hair cut close near the ears and a ridge left on top of the head; yush- kilashli, pl. yushkilali, v. n., to be partly bald. yushkilalichi, y. t., to trim the hair close only in places; yushkilashlichi, pl. yushkoboli, a., trimmed short and made round; rounded; chufak yushkoboli, a pin having a head; yushkobushli, pl. yushkoboli, vy. n., to be round-headed; to be trimmed and made round. yushkobolichi, yushkobushlichi, y. t., _to trim round; to make round-headed; to curtail. yushkobolichi, to be bolled, as flax, Hx, 9:30. ¢ yushkololi, a., short, referring to things, not time or space; ii yushkololi, shukha yushkololi; yushkolushli, pl. yushkololi, v. n., to be short. yushkololi, pp., shortened. yushkololichi, y. t., to make it short; to make them short; to shorten; ii av yushkolushlichi, cat the wood short; yushkolushlichi, pl. yushkololichi, n., a shortener. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 yushlatali, a., flat-headed. yushlitalih, yushlitelih, a., headed. yushmilali, a., bald; having the hair very short; yushmilashli, pl. yushmilali, pp., shorn. yushmilali, vy. n., to be bald. round yushmilali, n., baldness, in whole or in part. yushmilalichi, v. t., to produce bald- ness; to make bald; yushmilashlichi, pl. yushmitoli, a., short, as a frock or petti- coat. yushpakama, pp., bewitched, Rey. 18: 23; yushpakamoa, pl. yushpakama, n., sorcery, Rey. 18: 23; tkhinsh isht yushpakama, witchcraft, Gal. 5: 20. yushpakamoli, v. t. pl., to bewitch. yushpakamolichi, v. t. pl. caus. yushpakammi, v. t., to bewitch, Rev. 18: 23; 21: 8; to practice sorcery, Ex. 8:7; nan isht yushpakammi, enchant- ments; yushpakamolti v. t. pl.; yushpaka- motichi, v. t. pl. caus. yushtimeli, yustimeli, a., dizzy; yushti- mashli, pl. yushtimeli, v. n., to be dizzy. yushtimelichi, v. t., to make arzzy; yushtimashlichi, pl. yushtimmi, yustimmi, a., dizzy. yushtimmichi, y. t., to cause dizziness. yushtololi, yustololi, a., short; brief; pp., shortened; yushtolushli, pl. yushtololi, v. n., to be short. yushtololi, pp., shortened. yushtololichi, v. t., to shorten; to make brief; to contract; toscrimp; yustolush- lichi pl. yushwichali, a., brushy; having the hair spread out. yushwichali, v. n., to be brushy. yushwichalichi, y. t., to make brushy. yushwiheli, a., brushy; having the hair spread out. yushwiheli, v. n., to be brushy. yushwihelichi, y. t., to render the hair brushy. e ENGLISH—CHOCTAW INDEX 379 ENGLISH—CHOCTAW INDEX (Nore.—This index does not give the Choctaw equivalent of the English word but shows where it may be found.) a; achafa, at, ho, o%, yor Abaddon, nan isht ahollo okpulo abandon, to; issa, issachi abandon, to cause to; aiissachechi abandoned, aksho abandoned place, aiissa abase, to; akanlusechi abased, akanlusi abash, to; hofahyachi, hofayati abashed; hofahya, takshi abate, to; habofa, haboffi, halata, hala- tali, halatkachi, shippa, shippachechi, shippacht abate, to cause to; shippachechi abate, to cause swellings to; habotichi abated; habofa, haboli, halata, halatkachi, shippa, shippachi abated, entirely; halatat taha abatement, habofa abatement of swellings, haboli abba, iki abdicate, to; issa, kucha abdicated, issa abdication, issa abdomen; iffuka, ikfuka, ilhfoka, takoba abet, to; apela abettor, apelachi abhor, to; isht shittilema abide, to; anta, ansha, atta, binili, binnilt, manya abject; kalakshi, makali abjure, to; anumpa kallo ilonuchi cha ia able; kanihmi, kallo, laue, toba able-bodied; a”li, nipi kallo ablepsy, lapa abnegate, to; haklo abode; aianta, aiasha, aiatta, chuka abolish, to; akshuchi, issachi, kobafji, okpant aholish, to cause to; issachechi abolished; aksho, issa, kobafa, okpulo abolisher; akshuchi, issachi abolition, akshuchi ikivahno, nukkilli, abolitionist, yuka issachi abominable; haksi, okpulo fehna abominate, to; isht ikinahno abomination, yualachi aboriginal, tivkba aboriginal inhabitants, tinkba okla aboriginal people, tivkba okla abortion, aiona abound, to; apakna, laua about; foka, fokali, imma, isht anumpa, pullasi about that time, /fokakash about then, mzh about this time, himak foka about to have been, chintok, chintuk above; i”shali, paknaka abridged; tilofa, tiloha abroad; haiaka, imma, kucha, mishema JSullota abscond, to; luhmi absconder, luhmi absence, taklachi absent, iksho absolutely, to do anything; amohmi absorbed at, akania, ashippa abstain, to; na hollochi, hullochi abstemious; impa fena keyu, ishko fena keyu absurd, okpulo abundance; alotowa, apakna, laua, pakna abundance, to cause an; apaknachi abundance, to have an; nan inlaua abundant; apakna, laua abuse, to; haksichi, hotupali, okpani abused, akkaona abyss, an; ahofobi, aiokpuloka, kolokbi abyss, the; ahofobika academy; holisso aiithana chito, holisso avithana chuka, holisso apisa chuka accelerate, to; palhkichechi, tu™shpachi accept, to; aiokpachi acceptable; achukma, aiukli, imanka access; aiona, atia accident, ishkanapa 381 382 accidental, ishkanapa accommodate with, to; ima accompany, to; auataya, tatkla arya accomplish, to; aianticht accomplished, alhpesa accomplishment, alhtaha accost, to; aiokpachi account, isht anumpa account, to; hotina account book, itatoba holisso accouple, to; apotoli accoutre, to; shema, shemachi accoutred, shema accoutrements, nan isht shema accumulate, to; itannali accumulated, itanaha accumulation, itanaha accurate, anti accursed, isikkopa accursed thing, nan i”hullochi accusable, anumpa onucha hinla accuse, to; achokushpali, amihachi, anumpa onuchi, ikbi, nan alhpisa onucht accuse falsely, to; aholabechi accusation, anumpa onutula ; accused; achokushpa, anumpa onutula, onutula accuser, anumpa onuchi accustom, to; achayachi accustomed; achaya, atimomachi, ya- mohma acerb, takba acetous; hawashko, homi, kaskaha ache, to; hotupa, kommichi, nukhammi ache in the bones, to; foni kommichi achieve, to; loshummz, lushomt aching; kommichi, nukhammi acid; hauashko, kaskaha acid, to become; hawashko acknowledge, to; aiokpachi, anoli, ikhana acorn, nust acorn pudding, okshash acquaint, to; ikhana, ikhananchi acquaintance, ikhana acquaintance, an; hatak ikhana acquainted with, to be; akostinincht acquiesce, to; alhpesa ahni, ome ahni acquire, to; ahauchi acquire knowledge, tkhana acquire knowledge at, to; atvithana mufka, to; anukfohki, BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [ BULL. 46 acrid; homi, takba acrid water, oka homi acrimonious, to render; nukhomechi across, okhoata act, to; akaniohmi act in order, to; silhhi action; akaniohmi, ilhkoli active; ashwanchi, tushpa activity, palhki actor; isht atta, na, nan isht atta acute; halupa, halupoa, kallo adage, na miha . add, to; achakalechi, achakalechi, albilli, ibakalt add on, to; achakalechi add on at, to; aiitachakalli add to, to; achakali, ibafoki, ibani added together, ibalhkaha adder; hahta, hawash addice; isht chatya, pent isht charya — addicted to, shali addition; achakaya, alhchakaya, ibalhkaha, itibalhkaha additional, alhchakaya address, a short; anumpa tilofa, anumpa tilolt address, a very short; anwmpa tilofasi address, an; anuwmpa isht hika adept, an; imponna adequate; alauechi, alaui, laue adhere, to; aialbo, alapali, anuksita, albo adhere, to cause to; akmochi, atak- mochi, alapalechi . adhered, aialbo adherent, a political; tashka adhesive, niashmo adipose, nia adjacent, bilivka adjoin, to; apotoli adjoining house; chuka apanta, chuka apantali adjourn, to; abanablichi adjudge, to; apesa adjudicate, to; apesa adjust, to; aposkiachi adjusted rightly, achukmat alhpisa administer, to; ipeta administer medicine, to; alikchi; ikhinsh ipeta administrator, isht atta admire, to; okokkoaiahni admit, to; chukoa admonish, to; miha BYINGTON ] adoption; alla toba, ushi isht atoba adorn, to; aiuklichi, atahpali, aiuklichi, shema, shemachi adorn with a plume, to; shikopa isht shema adorned; pisa aiukli, shema adroit, imponna adult, asano adult, an; asano adulterate, to; ibani adulteress; hatak inhaklo, haui adulterous, hawi adultery, hatak inhaklo adultery, to commit; hatak inhaklo, haui itimalhpisa, lumarka advance, to; achakali advance, to cause to; achakachi advanced in years, sipokni advantage, isht ilaiyukpa adversary, ichapa adversity; isht aiilbasha, isht anukhanklo, nan imokpulo advertiser, anoli advice, anwmpa advise, to; miha, nan itmiha, nanuka, nanukachi adviser, nan i?miha advocate, to; anumpuli advocate for, to; apepoa advocates, apepoa adz; isht charya, pent isht charya affair, nana affect, to; haleli, kanihmi affect all, to; mominchi affect the mouth, to; itukwesoli, kaioti- chi affections, imanukfila affirm, to; a%li achit anoli afflict, to; ilbashachi, ilbashali, nukhan- klochi afflicted; ilbasha, nukhanklo affliction; avilbasha, ilbasha, isht nukhan- klo affluence, nan inlaua affluent, nan inlaua affluent, the; nan inlaua affray, to; nuklakanchichi affright, to; nuklakanchichi affrighted, nuklakancha affront, to; chutkash hutupali, hotupali aforetime, tinkba afraid; anukwia, matali, nukshopa, nuk- wia, takshi pisa the; chunkash, chunkash A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE. 383 afresh, himona Africa, hatak lusa inyakni African buffalo, hatak lusa inyannash after; ha, haya, himmak, inhimmak, on after a while; hopakikma, hopakikmaxo after the, kma afternoon; okataha, tabokoli ont ia afterward, himmak aid, anump imeshi aid, an; apela, mitko imanumpeshi, nan apela, nan apelachi aid-de-camp, anumpeshi ail, to; kanihmi ailment; nan apa, nan inkanimi aim, to; «ahni, anompisachi, tanampo anumpisachi aimed at, the place; abilepa air, the; mali air, to; hufka, ufka aired, holufka again; anoa, anonti, atuklant, falamat, inli, na against, the going; asunanta against wind or tide, to go; asonali age; kasheho, sipokni age, old; sipokni aged; asahnoyechi, kauasha, sipokni aged, the; asanonchi, asunonchi aged, to render; sipoknichi aged man, hatak kamassalli aged men, hatak kamassalleka agent; isht atta, na, na hollo holitopa, nan isht atta agent, a United States; na hollo minko aggravate, to; aiyabechi, atablichi, inshalr aggrieved, nukhatklo agile, tushpa agitate, to; tiabli agitated; anuktiboha, piakachi, piakachi agitation of the heart, an; nukwime- kachi ago, fokakash agone, fokakash agony, nukhammi agony, to cause; nukhammichi agree, to; apesa, ibafoka, imanukfila achafa, imanukfila itibafoka agreeable; alhpesa, chukma, hochukma agreed, alhpesa agreeing, alhpesa agreement; apesa, anumpa alhpisa, nana alhpisa kamassa, kasheho, nukhobela, oka 384 agriculturist, hatak osapa tonksali aground, to run; akkatala ague; ahochukwa, hochukwa ague fit, wannichi aguish; ahochukwa, hochukwa, hochuk- wachi, hochukwoba ah! aiehna!l, hiho, ikikki ah me! huk ahead, tikba aim, to; anumpisachi Alabama, Halbamo Alabama River, Halbamo okhina alas! aiehna!, hale!, hauk, huk, hush, tkikki albumen; aka"k ushi imwalaha, akank ushi walakachi alcohol; na homi, oka homi alert, tushpa alias, yatush alienate, to; kanchi, ihollot issa alienated, chu”kash inla alienation; kanchi, tasembo alight, to; akkoa alike, holba alike, made; holbat toba alike, to become; holbat toba alike in kind, aivimmi birka aliment; ilhpak, nan ilimpa alive, okchanya alive (as a tree), okchavki all; aiokluha, atiha, bano, ilaiyuka, moma, momat, nan uha, okluha, oklumha, puta, putali, uha all, one who takes; tomaffi all about, kanima moma all days, nitak moma all men, okluha all nature, nana moma all over the world, yakni fullota all people, okla moma all round, /olota all things; nan okluha, okluha, nana moma all, to destroy; tomaffi all, to use; whalinchi allay, to; chulosachi, hopotachi, nuktalali, nuktalalichi, yokopuli allayed; chulosa, hopola, nuktala allege, to; a”ti fehna achit miha allegory, anumpa nan isht alhpisa alley; anowa, atia, hina allies, apepoa alligate, to; atakchechi alligator, hachunchuba BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 allot, to; kashkoli allotted, kashkoa allow, to; apesa allowance, afammikma ilhpeta allure, to; anukpallichi, nukpallichi ally; apela, apelachi, itapela, nan apela ally, to; apoa almanac, hashi nitak isht ikhana almighty, palammi Almighty God, the; Chihowa pallammi almost; arhe, a™hesi, a™husi, he, naha, pullasi alms, to do; habenachi almug tree, almuk aloft; aba, chaha alone; bano, beka, chanaia, ilap bano, ilap bieka alone, to live; ilap banot anta alone, to make; banochi along; abaiyat, tarkla along before, tikbali along the road, hinanli along the side of, to be or lie; abaiya along the side of, to go; abaiyachi along with; awant, iba, itatuklo alongside of, abaiyat already; mashko, manshko also; aiena, ak, hak, hokota, inli, kia altar; ahoshmi, alta, aba topa altar of incense; na balama ahushmi, na balama alua alter, to; ainla, aiinlachi, hobak ikbi, inla, inlachi altercate, to; anumpa itinlauachi altercation, anumpa itinlaua altercation, to have an; itinlaua altered; aiinla, hobak, inla although; ik, kia, yohmi kia although it is so, yohmi kia altitude, chaha altogether, bano alum, tali holiya alum salt, hapi lakchi always; abilia, aiemoma, chatok, chokamo always so; aiimoma, atak, chatok amalgamated, ibakaha amanuensis, holissochi amass, to; itahobi amassed, itanaha amaurosis, to have; /ichik asha amaze, to; anuktakashli, okokkoaiahnichi amazed; anuklakancha, nuktakancha anumpa beka, bilia, BYINGTON ] amazement, anuklakancha ambassador; anumpa shali, i?shali iman- umpeshi, mirko imanumpeshi ambitious man, hatak holitopa banna ambrosial, balama ameliorate, to; aiskiachi ameliorated, aiskia amended, aiskia America; Miliki, Miliki yakni American, Miliki American, an; Miliki hatak, Miliki okla amiable; halhpa’sha, yukpa amid, takla amidst; iba, takla amiss, ashachi amity, kana ammunition; isht hunsa, nan isht hursa among; avititakla, iba, ibatatkla, itin- takla, takla among themselves, ilap bitka amount, moma amount to, to; ona amount to several, to; katohmona ample; falaia alhpesa, ‘aua alhpesa, patha, patha alhpiesa amplify, to; lauachi amputate, to; basht tapli amuse, to; «aiokpachechi, yukpalechi, yukpali amused, yukpa an; achafa, ho, o”, yor ancestor; hatak intinkba, hatak tirkba, tikba ancestors, intikba anchor, an; tali chito isht talali ancient; cha™shpo, nitak tinkba ancient, an; hatak tivkba ancient days, nitak tinkba ancient man, hatak chashpo ancients, hatak cha"shpo anciently; cha”shpo, nitak tirkba, tinkba and; aiena, akocha, akucha, amba, anonti, atuklonchi, aua, cha, ish, kesh, kish, mih, mikma, na, sh, yamohmikma, yohmi kia, yohmima, yohmimat and as, mak and he, atuk and so, yamohmima and so forth, chomi and so on, chomi and the, mih and then, mih, na, yohmima 84339°—Bull. 46—15——25 achchukmali, aiskia, chukushpali, his or her maternal; A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 385 and therefore, mih andirons; itakowa intula, tali luak tikeli, tal ulhtikela angel; aba hatak, aba shilombish, enchil anger; aiimukkilli, isht ittuld, nukhobela, nukkilli, nukoa anger, to; nukhobelachi, nukoachi angle, to; nan okweti, nani hokli angler; nan okweli, nani hokli angry; anukhobela, anukyiminta, chut- kash halupa, hashanya, humma, nukho- bela, nukoa, okpoto, okpulo angry, very; nukoa shati anility, kasheho animal, a certain small wild; toni animate, okchanya animate, to; chiletalli, chilitachi, ilhfio- pak, tunshpalechi, turshpali animated; «aiyimita, chilita, yiminta animation, yiminta ankle; imuksak, iyi imuksak ankle bone, wmuksak foni ankle joint; iyi imuksak itachakalli, iyi tilokacht announce, to; miha annoy, to; anuwmpulechi annually; afammaiyukali, afammikma annuity; aiilhpeta, habena, nan ilhpita annul, to; akshuchi, kobaffi annulled; aksho, kobafa anodyne; ikhinsh nusechi, nusilhhachi anoint, to; ahammi, atokolit halalli, bilahammi, fohki anoint, to cause to; ahammichi anoint another, to; bilahammichi anointed; ahama, bilahama anointed, the; alhtoka anointing, ahama anointing oil, pa”sh isht ahama anon; ashalitka, yakosi ititakla anonymous; hochifo iksho, hochifo ikta- kalo another; achafa, inla another clan, tksa inla another man, hatak inla another place, kano” another’s, inla immi answer; anumpa falama, anumpa fala- moa answer, to; achi, afalamichi, anwmpa falamotichi, anumpa falammicht answer again, to; falammichit anumpuli answered, anumpa falama tushpa, 386 answering again; ichapa, ichapoa ant, shutkani ant eggs, shu”kani ushi ant-heap, shu”kani inchuka ant-hill, shu”kani inchuka antagonist, ichapa, tanap antecedent, ti”kba antecessor, hatak titkba anthem, ataloa anthropophagite, hatak apa antiquated, sipokni antique, sipokni antiquity; nitak tivkba, hatak tinkba antiquity, all; hatak tivkba atiha antler; lapish filamminchi, lapish infil- ammt anvil, talaboa anxiety, imanukfila komunta anxious; imanukfila komunta, palata any; kanima, kaniohmi, kia, nana kia any day; nitak kaniohmi kia, nitak nana any more, himmakma any other, inla any time, nitak kaniohmi kia anybody, kana kia anyone; kanima kia, kana, kana kia, kanahosh, kata, nanta anyone whatever, kanaho kia anything; nana, nana hosh, nana kia, nanta anywhere; kanima kia, katima, kent apace, tu%shpa apartment, aboha itatapa apathy, hiahni iksho ape; hatak shaui, shawi hatak ape, to; hobachi aperture; atiwa, itopa, okhisa apex, wishakchi apiary, foe bilishke inchuka imhoshontika apiece, ayukali Apollyon, nan isht ahollo okpulo apology, nan isht amiha apostasy; aba anumpa iXfilammi, iksa issa apostate; aba anumpa issa, aba anum- puli kobafa, iksa issa. apostatize, to; aba anumpa issa, iksa ssa apostatize, to cause to; thksa issachi apostle; anumpeshi, aba anumpeshi, Chisas Kilaist imanumpeshi apothecary, ikhinsh kanchi appalled, nukshopa BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [ BULL. 46 apparel; ilefoka, na fohka apparel, to; na foka fokachechi, shema appareled; na foka foka, shema apparently; achini, chini apparition, shilup appear, to; achini, ahoba, aiahoba, auata, haiaka, holba, kucha, oktani appear (as the new moon), to; hashi himo auata appear, to cause to; haiakachi, oktanichi appear in sight, to; oktani appear like, to cause to; ahoballi appear so, to; chini appearance; ahoba, haiaka, holba, kani- ohmi, oktani, pisa appeared, haiaka appease, to; chulosachi, hopotachi, nuk- talali, patakachi, yokopuli appeased, chulosa appetite, na banna applaud, to; ahnichi, aiokpanchi applause, aiokpanchi apple; na hollo intakkon, takkon chito, takkon masu”fa, takkonlipun apple, crab; shakulap apple, custard; wmbi apple sauce, takkon masu”fa honni apple tree, takkon masunfa api applicant, nana silhha apply, to; onochi apply the mind, to; imanukfila onuchi appoint, to; apesa, atokoli, hopena appoint for, to; atali appointed; aialhtokowa, alhpesa, alhtoka appointed days, nitak alhpisa appointer, hopena appointment, alhtoka appraiser, aiilli onuchi apprehend, to; akostininchi, ishi approach, to; akanali, atikkonofa, atuk- onofa, bilitka, minti approaching old age, hatak kauashachi approbate, to; aiokpanchi, alhpesa achi approve, to; ahnichi, aiokpachi, alhpesa achi, yamma achi approximate, to; akanali, akanalichechi, bilitkachi April, Eplil apron, na foka intikba takali apt, hepulla aqua vitae, oka homi arable; patafa alhpesa, patafa hinla arbiter, nan apesa BYINGTON ] arbor; chishakko, hoshontika, wia arch of heaven, the middle of the; tabokoa archer, iti tanampo isht a’ya arctic, falammi pilla ardent; achunanchi, chilita, homi, lashpa ardent spirits; oka homi, oka luak, oke homi, oke luak arduous, palammi argil, lukfi argue for, to; apepoa arid, shila arise, to; oiya, tani, toba, wakaya arithmetic; na holhtina, na holhtina ho- lisso ; arithmetician, hotina ark; itombi holitopa, patha, penushi Arkansas River, Okahpa okhina arm; ibbak, shakba arm, left; shakba alhfabeka arm, right; shakba isht impaka arm, strong; shakba kallo arm, to; na halupa ilatalti, na halupa imatali arm bands, shakba alhfoa arm bone, ibbak foni arm of a lake, okhata filomminchi arm of a tree, iti naksish filamminchi arm of the sea, okhata filomminchi armed, na halupa imalhtaha armhole, shakba afoka armor, halupa armory, na halupa aiasha armpit, haktampi arms, na halupa arms, the bended or folded; shakba potoma army; tanap, tashka chipota around, to be; afopa, apakfokachi aroused; okcha, yiminta arrange, to; achukmat apesa, apoksiali arranged, achukmat alhpisa arrant; haksi, okpulo array, to; fohkachechi, shema, shemachi, tahpali, tahpalichi arrayed by means of, shema arrayed in, shema arrayed with, shema arrearage, aheka takanli arrears, aheka takanli arrest, to; issachi, oktabli, takchit ishi arrival; ala, ala, ona arrival, first; onahpi itombushi, pent A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 387 arrive, to; ala, anusi ona, ishla, ona arrive at, to; ala, ona arrive at last, to; aiyala arrive together, to; alachi arrogant; fehnachi, ilefehnachi arrow; oski, shumo naki, uski naki arrow of a blowgun; shumatti, shwmo holutti arrow-head; halupa arrow point, uski naki halupa arsenic, pichali isht illi artery; akshish, hakshish, hakshish chito, issish akshish, issish imhina article; na, nana artificer, nan isht apesa imponna artillery; tanamp chito, tanamp hochito artisan; nan isht apesa imponna, to”ksali imponna artist, to’ksali imponna artless, ikhana as, to be; chohmi as, to do; chohmichi as for me, annonto as for the; ato, ato, hano as for the one which, ato as for the present time, himak ano as much as one, achafona as soon as, mak ascend, to; asonali, aba ia, abia, oiya, ott, shoboli, shobota ascend, to cause to; oiyachi ascent, oiya ascertain, to; akostininchi ash, shinap ash, white; shinap ash-bin, hituk chubi aialhto ash-box, hituk chubi aialhto ash-house, hituk chubi inchuka ash-tub, hituk chubi aialhto ashamed; hofahya, takshi ashes, hituk chubi ashes, hot; hituk yanha ashes, light white; luak ipokni ask, to; asilhha, asilhhachi, panaklo, ponaklo ask for, to; hoyo askew, shanaia asleep; nusi, shimoha, taliskachi, talissa aspect; pisa, nashuka asperity, okpulo aspire to help, to; ibawichi ass; isuba haksobish falaia, isuba nashoba assassin, haksinchit abi nakachosha, uski naki 388 assassinate, to; haksinchit abi assemble, to; itahoba, itahobi, itahobli, itanali, itanaha, itannali, itannalicht assemble, to cause to; itanahachi assemble at, to; aiitahoba, atitahobi, aiitanaha, aiitannati assembled; itahoba, itanaha assembler; itahobi, itahobli, itannali assembly; hatak itahoba, hatak itanaha, itahoba, itanaha assent, to; ataklamma, alhpesa mtha, haklo, ome ahni, yamma achi assert, to; achi, arti achit miha assigned, aialhtokowa assimilate, to; hobachi, hobachit ikbi assist, to; apela, apepoa assistant; apela, apelachi, nan apela associate, to; ibafoka associated with, to be; aiitapi”ha association, itahoba assuage, to; chulosa, halata, halatali, hopotachi, nuktalali, shippali, yokopachi assuaged; halata, halatkachi, hopota, shippa, shippachi, yokopa assume, to; ishi assurance against doubt, tah assure, to; a”tichi asthma; /fiopa imokpulo, nukshininfa astonish, to; anuklakashli, okokkoaiahn- icht astonished, anuktakancha, nuklakancha astound, to; anuklakashli, okokkoaiahn- icht astray, gone; yoshoba astray, to go; ashachi astray, to lead; ashachechi astringency, takba astringent; homi, itukwisli, takba, tak- bachi astringent, to render; takbachi at; a, a, ai, 7, ttoma, pilla, yammak o at a future time, himmakma at a loss; anuktuklo, imaiyokoma at all, kamomi at hand; bilinka, mih, olanusi at last; himmak, polanka at length, polavka at once, himonali at once, to do; himonali at that time; a, fokakash, fokali at the head, ibetap pilla at the same time, himonna achafa at this place, ilappak at this time; himak, ma”shko BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 athletic; hallo, kilimpi, kallo athwart, okhoata atmosphere, mali atone, to; atobbi atoned, alhtoba atonement, alhtoba atrocious, okpulo fehna attach, to; ishi attachment, anuksita attack, to; amokafa attain, to; ala, ona, onachi attempt, ilahobbi attempt, to; ibawichi, ilahobbi, pisa attend, to; aton%, haklo, haponaklo, tarkla atya attend, to cause to; haponaklochi attend to, to; anta, hikikina attendant; apaha, itapiha attentive, aiokpachi attest, to; anlichi attested, anti attire; isht shema, na fohka attire, to; ilefoka foka, na foka foka, shema, shemachi attorney; anumpa nan alhpisa isht atta, isht atta, laya auburn, lusbi auction, kanchi audacious, nukwia iksho audible, haiaka audience, haponaklo auditor; haponaklo, na haklo auger; isht fotoha, isht fotoha iskitint, itt isht fotoha, hopaii auger handle, isht fotoha ulhpi August, Akas august; chito, holitopa aunt; ishki, ishki toba, imhukni aurora; onnat isht inchi, tohwiket mint austere, palammi austere, to act as; atapa authentic, ali authenticate, to; antichi authenticated, ali author; ikbi, holisso ikbi authority; alhtoka, nan isht aialhpesa authorize, to; atohnuchi, atokoli, aton- hucht authorized, alhtoka autocrat, mi”ko autocrat of Russia, the; Lashe iminko autumn; ahpi, hashtulahpi, onafapi auxiliary; apela, apelachi, nan apela lampko, nipi BYINGTON |] avail, to; nan ihmi, nan ihmichi avail nothing, to; nan thini keyu availing, nan ihmi avails, isht ahauchi avaricious; hatak nan wholitopa, nan wholitopa avenge, to; atobbi, okha avenged, alhtoba avenger; atobbi, okha avenue; anowa, atia, hina averse, banna avert, to; falammichi avoid, to; apakfokachi avouch, to; a”li achit miha await, to; hoyo awake, okcha awake, to; okcha, okchali awake, to cause to; okchalechi awaken, to; okchachi awakened, okcha aware; ahni, ikhana away; bilia, pilla away here, ilappa pilla away off, pilla awkward, ikhana awl; chufak, isht achunli awl-handle, chufak ahokli awry; shanaia, shanaioa ax; iskifa, isht charya ax, a broad; iskifa patha ax, a carpenter’s; iskifa patha ax, a sharp; iskifa halupa ax, the bit of an; iskifa wishakchi ax, the edge of an; iskifa ahalupa ax, the eye of an; iskifa chiluk, iskifa nishkin ax, the head of an; iskifa chushak, iskifa nushkobo ax helve; iskifa ulhpi, iskifapi axletree, iti chanalli achosha aye, akat baa (cry of a sheep), ba”hachi babble, to; anumpuli ilahobi, himak Jfokalit anumpuli babbler, anumpuli ilahobi babe; allunsi, chinshka, puskus baboon, shawi hatak chito baby; allunsi, chinshka, puskus bacchanalian, hatak okishko shati bachelor; hatak ohoyo ikimiksho, tekchi iksho back, ulbal back, away; ulbal pilla A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 389 back, small of the; inchashwa back, the; nali back, the upper part of the; shinakha back, to; apela, falammichi, oiya, omanili back, to go; ulbalhpelat ia back between the shoulders, the; shanakha back door, aboha a”shaka okhissa back of a horse, isuba nali back of the hand, ibbak paknaka back of the head, iachushak back of the neck, iachuna back water; oka bikeli, oka falama backbite, to; achokushpali, anumpa chukushpali, atshakachi, hatak nanu- machi, na mihachi, nan mmihachi backbiter; achokushpali, a shakachi, ha- tak nanumachi, na mihachi, nan immi- hachi backbiter, a great; hatak nanumachi shati backbone; nahchaba, nali foni, sachakla backside, a”shaka intannap backslide, to; afilema, aba anumpa issat falama, falama backslider; aba anumpa issat falama, falama, falamoa. backward; obalhpela, okbal, olbalhpila, ulbalhpela, ulbal pila backward and forward, to go; /alamoa backward, to go; ulbalhpelat ia backward, to move; obalh kanali bacon; shukha nia shila, shukha pasa shila bacon, to make; shukha nipi shileli bad; achukma, aiokpulo, akna”ka, okpulo bad luck, to cause; poafachi badge, isht alhpisa badly; okpulo, okpulot badness, okpulo bag; bahta, hachik, ipirshik, shukcha bags, saddle; wak hakshup shukcha baggage, shapo baggage horse; isuba shapo shali, isuba shapuli bail; ahalalli, isht halalli, tyasha ahalalli bait, isht albi bait, to; hoto”si, isht albi intakalichi baiter for beaver, holo”sichi bake, to; apushli, nuna, nunachi, palaska, paska, shila, shileli bake, to cause to; nunachechi baked; nuna, palaska, shila baker; pask ikbi, paska bakery, aboha apalaska 390 baking place, apalaska balance, alhtampa balance, a; nan isht weki, nan isht wekicht balance, the; alhkucha balance, to; weki itilaui, weki itilauicht, wekicht balanced; weki itilaui balances, isht wekichi bald; okmilali, okmilashli, okmaloti, okmilonli, patsh iksho, yushmilala bald, to be partly; yushkilali bald, to make; okmilalichi, okmilashlichi, yushmilalicht bald face, ibakhatanli bald faces, ibakhatanshli bald-faced; ibakhatanli, ibakhatanshli baldness; okmilali, yushmilali baldness, to produce; yushmilalichi bale, bahta chito bale, to; bahta chito abeli baled, bahta chito abiha baleful; isht afekommi, okpulo balk, yakni ikapatafo ball; lumbo, towa ball (a dance), hila ball, black; shulush isht lusachi ball ground; atoli, hitoka ball playground, a small; isht aboli ball stick, akkabata, kapucha ballad, taloa ballroom, ahila balm, bam balm, wild; shinuktiteli balmy, balama balmy, to make it; balamachi bamboo brier, bisakchakinna band; afohoma, isht talakchi, nan isht talakcha band, a train; tashka chipota bandage; alhfoa, isht apakfoa banded; apakfoa, talakchi bane, isht alli bang, to; boli banish, to; chafichi banished, chafa bank; bokko, sakti ikbi bank, a furrowed; sakti tanfa bank, a high; sakti chaha bank, a red; sakti humma bank, a steep; sakti chaha bank, an artificial; sakti toba bank, to; bokkuchi, sakti ikbi bank (for money), tali holisso aboli BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 bank bill; holisso lapushki, tali holisso tapuski bank note, holisso lapushki bank of a river, ont bank of a stream, sakti banked, bokko banker, tali holisso itatoba bankrupt; nan chumpa_ kobafa, ittatoba kobafa banks, red; sakti humma banks of a river, bok sakti banner; na hata, shapha banquet; chepulli, impa chito banquet, to make a; chepulechi baptism; baptismo, oka isht okissa baptist; baptismochi, baptist baptize, to; baptismochi, oka isht okis- sacht baptized; baptismo, oka isht okissa baptizer, baptismochi bar, hoti bar, to; okshita, oktabli bar holes in a post, holihta okhisa aiachushkachi barb, isht atapachi barb, to; atapachi, isht atapachi ikbi barbecue, to; abani barbecued beef; wak nipi albani barber, hatak pa™sh amo bard, ataloa ikbi bare, hishi iksho bareboned, /foni bano barebones, hatak chunna barefaced, nashuka bieka barefaced man; hatak afikommi, hatak hofahya iksho barefoot; bano, iyi bano, iyi beka bareheaded, nushkobo beka barely, illa barenecked, ikonla bekat anya barenecked, to go; ikonla bekat anya bargain, anwmpa itimapesa bargain, to; anumpa itimapesa bargain away, to; kanchi bargain for, to; apobachi bargained, anumpa itimalhpisa barge, pent bargeman, pent isht atta bark; akchalhpi, hakchalhpi, hakchalhpi shila, hakshup iti haklupish, iti hakshup bark, dry; chabli bark, to; ka”wa, parya, wowoha, woha, wohwah, wohwoha bark at, to; wolichi nan BYINGTON ] A DICTIONARY barked, foha barn, kanchak barrack; tashka chipota aiasha, tashka chipota inchuka barred; alhkama, alhkomoa, okshillita, oktapa barrel, italhfoa chito barrel, to; italhfoa chito abeti, italhfoa chito fohki barreled; chito foka barren; ashabi, alla ikimiksho, ushi iksho barren, to render; ashabichi barricade; holihta, tanap holihta barrier; isht okshilita, isht oktapa barrow (a hog), skukha hobak barrow (a mound), bunto barrow (a vehicle), iti chanaha iskitini bars of a gate, holihta okhisa achushkachi barter, to; itatoba base; makali, okpulo baseborn; alla iki iksho, iki iksho base of a hill, chakpatali baseness, makali bashful, takshi bashful, to render; takshichi basin, isht ishko patassa basin for a child, alla aiimpa basin, pewter; nakampo bask, to; hashi inni bask in the sun, to; hashi libisha basket; kishi, kishi yancho, tapushirk, talbal, tapak, tapishuk bass (in music), chito bass drum, afepa chito basswood, panashuk basswood tree, pishannuk bastard; alla inki iksho, inki iksho. baste, to; bakaha, bila ontali basted, bila ontaha bastinade, to; boli, iyi pata bolt bat; akkabata, halambisha bath; aiyupi, ayupi bathe, to; yupechi, yupr bathe, to cause to; yupechi bathes, one who; yupi bathing house, aboha ayupi bathing place, ayupi bathroom, aboha ayupi bathing place for children, alla ayuwpi batteau, pent shohala batten, to; niachi, niat isht ia batter, to; boli, paioffi battering ram, holihta kallo isht okpani italhfoa chito abeha, italhfoa OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE O91 battle, itibbi battle ground, aiitibbi bawdy house, ohoyo haui aiasha bay; jilamminchi, okhata bay, a bright; hwmma tishepa bay, to; wolichi bay tree, kolaha bayonet, isht itibbi be, to; ath, aiasha, ansha, h, hati, hikia, ho, hosh, itola, ma, matya, nanih, o, oh, takali, talaia, taloha, toba, yamohmi be in, to; abeha, alhto, ibafoka be of, to; aiahalaia be on, to; ontalaia be there, to; aiashwa, ashwa beach, oka ont alaka bead; innuchi, oksup, shikalilli, shikalla beadmaker, shikalla ikbi beak, ibishakni beam; 711 chito, iti bachoha bean; bala, tobi bean pod, bala hakshup bean pole, tobe isht abela beans, tobi beans, bunch; tobi hikint ani beans, bush; tobi hikint ani beans, pole; tobi abela, tobi uski atuya, tobi uski oiya bear, nita bear, a white; nita tohbi bear, a young; nitushi bear, to; cheli, ieshi, shali, sholi, waya bear, to cause to; chelichi, wayachi bear children, to; alla eshi, ishi bear meat, nita nipi bear on with the hands, to; bitka bear testimony, to; anumpa kallo ilonu- chit anoli, atokolechi bear to, to; ima bear up, to; halalli beard, nutakhish beard of grain, hoshurka bearer; na shali, na sholi, shali, sholi beavr’s fat, nita nia bear’s nest, nita peli bear’s oil, nita bila bearskin, nita hakshup beast; na hopoa, nam poa, poa beat; alepola, boa, isso beat, to; aiisso, bakaha, boli, fahama, hussi, tmaiyachi, isso, kabaha, kabalichi, lalli, lallichi, litinha, michikli, michik- minli, michilhha, mitikli, mitikmint, motukli, nuktimekachi, shotukli, tumikli, timikmekli 392 beat, to make; mitiklichi beat fine, to; pushechi beat out, to; fakoffichi beat quick, to; limikmeli beat there, to; ahosi beat up, to; bali beat up meatin a mortar, to; nipi bali beaten; boa, boli, holussi, kobokachi, pushi beaten down, fohama beater; bati, kabaha beatify, to; yukpalechi, yukpali beating; mitikli, mitikminh beating of a drum, timikachi beautified; aiukli, pisa aiukli beautiful; aiukli, mismiki beautify, to; aiuklichi, pisa aiukli, pisa aiuklichr beauty, aiukli beaver, kinta beaver, a young; kintushi beaver bait, kinta i~kasoma beaver dam; kinta oktabli, oktabli beaver fur, kinta hishi beaver hat, kinta hishi shapo beaver trap, kinta isht albi becalm, to; nuktalali becalmed; chulosa, nuktala because; hakta, hatuk, ho, hokama, kama, kamba, na, tukakosh because of; pulla, pullakako because of that, mih beckon, to; wali, yuhchunukli beckon to, to; pit becloud, to; hoshontichi, oktilechi become, to; aholhtina, alhpesa, holhtina, toba, yohmi aialhpesa become, to cause to; atobachi become each other, to; toba become his, to; imi toba become our, to; pimmi toba bed; aionusha, anusi, patapo, patalhpo, topa, topa umpatalhpo bed, grass; hashuk patalhpo bed, small; topa iskitini bed, straw; hashuk patalhpo bed, trundle; topa iti kalaha atakali bed clothing, patapo bed curtains, isapuntak inchuka bedbug, topa shushi bedcord, topa isht talakchi bedfellow; ibanusi, itibanusi bedim, to; oktilechi BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 46 bedpost, topa iyi bedroom; aboha anusi, anusi bedstead, topa bedtick, bahta chito hoshinsh aialhto bedtime, anust ona beduck, to; oklubbichi bee; asananta, foishke, yikoa beebread; /oe akmo, foe inlakna beech, hatombalaha beechnut, hatombalaha ani beef, wak, wak nipi beef, cured or dried; wak nipi shila beef eater, wak nipi apa beehive, foe bilishke inchuka beehouse, foe bilishke inchuka shontika beeswax; foe akmo, foe hakmi beetle, shakshampi beetle (for striking); isht boa, iti isht boa, isht boa chito beeves, wak befool, to; haksichi, yimmichi before; cha”shpo, itikba, kimsha, tikba, tinkba, before next, ha before time, fi”kba beforehand, tikbali befriend, to; kana beg, to; asilhha, asilhhachi beggar; asilhha, asilhhachi, habenat anya, nana silhha beggar, to; ilbashali beggars’ lice, bissatu”ko beget, to; tkbi, tobachi beget by, to; tobachi beget of, to; tobachi begetter, nan tobachi begin, to; hiket ia, ia, isht ia, nitak echi begin to heal, to; attat isht ia beginner, isht ia beginning; aiamona, aiisht ia, avisht ia ammona, amona, atobahpi, ammona, isht ia, isht 1a ammona beginning, place or time of; aiahpi beginning of darkness, okshochobi begird, to; askufachechi, askufachi begirt, askufa begot, the first; tikba begotten, nan toba begotten of, atoba begrease, to; litikfochi begrudge, to; potanno beguile, to; haksichi inho- BYINGTON ] behave well, to; hopoksia behead, to; nushkobo tabli beheaded; nushkobo tapa, tapa behind; a”shaka, obala, obalaka, obalh- pela, okbal, olbal, ukbal, ulbal behind, to cause to go; ulbalakachi behold! inta, yaki behold, to; hoporkoyo, pisa behold sideways, to; afalapoa beholder, na pisa behoove, to; alhpesa being, an invisible or supernatural; nan isht ahollo being, human; hatak being thus, yakohmi being with, tarkla belated; achiba, atapa belch, to; akeluachi belie, to; holabi, holabichi belied, achokushpa belief, yimmi believe, to; anukfohki, yimmi believe, to cause to; yimmichi, yimmi- hechi believe in, to; ayimmi believe the gospel, to; yimmi believer; na yimmi, yimmi believer in the gospel, aba anumpa yimme bell; tali shiloha, tali shilunhachi, talula bell collar, isuba inuchi bell founder or maker, isuba inuchi ikbi bellied, pot-; takoba chito bellow, to; fopa, woha bellowing, woha bellows; luak isht apu®fachi, luak isht purfa bellows, the mouth of a; apunfa belly; iffuka, ikfuka, takoba belly, a fish’s; nani intali hata bellyache, ikfuka hotupa bellyband, ik/uka isht talakchi bellyful, kaiya belong to, to; aiahalaia belonging to the public, okla moma imma beloved; haloka, holitopa beloved man, hatak holitopa below; nuta, nutaka below, the place; akka below, the space; nutaka belt, isht askufachi belted, askufa aba anumpa A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 393 bench; aiobinili falaia, aiomanili falaia bend; apoloma, bikota, pilefa, potoma, shokulbi, tanakbi, tikpi, waiya bend, to; bichokachi, bichoti, bichota, bichulli, bichullichi, bikoha, bikokachi, bikoli, bikota, bikulli, bitonoa, bitonoli, bokota, bokulli, chasala, chasalachi, chik- sanakli, kochofa, kochuffi, kusha, kush- kachi, kushkoa, kushli, pitema, potoma, potomi, potomoa, potomoli, shanaia, shanaiachi, shanaioli, tabbanachi, tanak- bichi, tanantobichi, tanallachi, tanallali, tanalloli, tobbonali, tonok- bichi, waioha, waiohachi, waiya, waiyachi bend, to make; bicholichi, bikotichi, bikullichi, paiotichi, potomolichi bend and break down, to; akosha, akushlichi bend and turn up, to; ibakchishinli, ibakchushli bend down, to; akochofa, akochuffi, bi- kuttokachi, kahammi, kocholi, kushkuli bend on a tool, a; paiofa bend once, to; bikotakachi bend one’s self, to; chiksanalli bend over, to; apolomi, apolomolili, paiofa, paioti, paknachi, pilefa, piloa, piloti bend up, to; bokonoli, ibakchushlichi, paioffi, paiolr bender; bicholi, bichulli, bikoli, bikulli bends; apofomoa, bikoha, chasaloha, poto- moa, waioha bends, one who; paioffi beneath; nuta, nutaka beneath, the place; akka benediction, aiokpanchi benefaction; aiilhpeta, na halbina, nan ilhpita benefactor; habenachi, na habenachi beneficiary, na habena benefit; azisht ilapisa, na halbina benefit, to; achchukmali, yukpali benevolent, achukma benight one, to; oktilechi benighted, oklili bent; bichokachi, bichota, bikoha, biko- kachi, bikota, bitonoa, bochusa, bokota, chasaloha, chasala, chikisana, chikisanali, chiksanali, ibakchushli, kochofa, kofuna, kushkachi, kushkoa, potoma, potomoa, shanaioa, tabbana, tanakbi, tanantobi, tanalloha, tannalla, tobbonoa, tonokbi, waioha, waiya tobbonoti, 394 bent and broken down; akosha, akushli bent and turned up, ibakchishinli bent double, apoloma, chunuli bent down; akochofa, kocholi, kusha bent leg, iyi tanakbi bent line, auatali bent over; paiofa, paioha, pilefa, piloa, tobbona bent up; kobokshi, paiofa, paioha benumb, to; illichi, shimohachi, shimoli, tamahichi, tamissachi benumbed; illi, shimoha, shimoli bereave, to; alhtaklachi bereaved, alhtakla bereavement, alhtakla berry; ani, nan ani beseech, to; asilhha beside, ichapaka beside, to stand; apotoa besmear, to; litehachi, liteli, okashalayt besmeared, liteha besotted; haksi, tasembo bespeak, to; apobachi bespoken for, alhpoa best, achukma inshaht tati bestir, to; ilhkolechi bestow, to; boli, ima, ipeta bestow in, to; ashachi bet; kaha, kali bet, to; kali bet against, to; aseta betake to, to; aiona betray, to; illiissa, ishit fohki betroth, to; apoa, apobachi betrother, apoachi better; achukma_ ishali, imaiya, ishati, kanthmi better, to; achchukmali, achukmalechi, aiskiachi, hochukmali better, to cause to get; kanihmichi better, to get; kanihmit ia bettered, achukma between; avitintakla, ititakla, tukla bewail, to; nukharklo, yaiya beware of, to; ahah ahni, ahah imahni, nuktata beweep, to; yaiya bewilder, to; aiyokomichi, imaiyokomichi bewildered, imaiyokoma bewitch, to; haksichi, hatak yushpakamma, yushpakamoli, yushpakammi bewitched; haksi, yushpakama bewitched man, hatak yushpakama koshuna, manaia, imachanho, BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 bewitcher, halak yushpakammi bewyrap, to; apakfoli beyond; imma, misha, mishema, mishtan- nap bibber; hatak okishko, okishko, okishko shali Bible, the; holisso, holisso holitopa bicker, to; nukoa bid, to; imissa, miha bidden, anoa bier; aionitola, hatak illi asholi big; alota, chakali, chito, hocheto, ishto Big Black River, lu%sa chito bilbo, bashpo falaia bile; basunlash, lakna bilge of a cask, the; italhfoa tikpi bilious; lakna a”sha, lakna inchito bilk, to; haksichi bill, ibishakni billet of wood; iti tapa, iti tilofa, itt tiloti billow; banatboa, banatha, oka banatha, oka banarya billow, to; banatboa, banatha billow, to make it; banathachi bin; aialhto, itombi bind, to; anumpa kallo ilonuchi, asitoh, ashelichi, hotti, ibbak takchi, katanlichi, siteli, sitoli, takchi binder, isht alhfoa binding quality, sita bins, aiabiha biped, iyi tuklo birch tree, opahaksun bird, hushi bird, a carnivorous; okchata chito bird, a certain; Dilinsbi, hashuk hata, hushlokussa, kanshi, lanla, okchata chito, okchiloha, okchuns, shorkak, tatathata bird, a young; hushushi bird cage; hushi aialhpita, hushi inchuka bird snare, hushi isht hokli bird trap, hushi isht albi birth, attahpi birth, a; atta birthday; aiattatok nitak, atta, nitak aiatta biscuit; paska kallo, tiliko palaska iskatini bishop; aba anumpuli apistikeli, tksa apistikeli bishopric, apelichika bison, yannash bit; chinifa, tusha”fasi BYINGTON ] bit (piece of money), iskali, iskali achafa, tali holisso bit (of an auger), isht fotoha wishakchi bit of a bridle, isuba itikapali bit of paper, holisso tilafa bitch; nashoba tek, ofi tek bite; impa iskitini, kopoli bite, one; kopoli achafa bite, to; kiseli, kiselichi, kopoli biter; kiselichi, kobli, kopoli bits, boshulli bitter; homi, takba bitter, to render; takbachi bitter heart, chwrkash homi bitter thing, na homi bitter water, oka homi bitterish, takbachi bitterness, homi bitterness of heart; chunkash homi bitters, ikhinsh homi blab, to; anol blabber, nan anoli shati black; alusa, lusa black, to; lusachi black cravat, inuchi lusa black dye, isht lusachi black dyestuff, nan isht lusachi black-eyed, nishkin lusa black gum; hush apa, iti ani itani black haw, chanajila black lead, naki lusa black man, hatak lusa black neckcloth, inuchi lusa black place, alusa black stock, inwnchi lusa blackberry, bissa blackberry brier, bissapi blackbird, okchata blackbird, a large; halan blackbird, a small; shivkak blacked, lusa blacken, to; alusachi, holunsi, lusachi blackener, /usachi blackguard; chakapa, hatak chakapa blackguard, to; chakapa blacking; isht lusachi, nan lusachi blackjack, chiskilik blackness, lusa blacksmith, boli, tali boli bladder, hoshu” aialhto, imokato blade; api, bashpo, hatak chilita, hatak dlakshema shati, hishi blade (a youth), nakni kishi, kobli, A DICTIONARY OF THE CHOCTAW LANGUAGE 395 blade bone, okpata blain, wulhko blame, anumpa onutula blame, to; anwmpa onuchi blamed, anumpa onutula blamed for, onutula blanch, to; kashoffichi, tohbichi blanched, tohbi blandish, to; anwmpa achukmalit chuka- shichi blank, a; holisso ikaholisso blanket; anchi, shukbo blanket another, to; anchichechi, anchi- chi blanketing, blue; nan okchal:o blanketing, red; na humma blanketing, white; nan tohbi blaspheme, to; ahoba aba isht ikahobalo blasphemer; aba isht ikahobalo, isht tkahobalo blast; fiopa, mati achafa, ola blast, to; bashechi, bashi blasted, bashi blaze, libbi blaze (a mark on a tree), atila blaze, to; libbi blaze (or mark a tree), to; til, iti titi blaze, to cause it to; libbichi blazed, tila blazed tree, iti tila bleach, to; hatokbichi, kashoffichi, ok- shauanlichi, okshawashlichi, tohbichi bleached; okshauanli, tohbi blear eye, nishkin oktalonli blear-eyed, nishkin oktulonli bleat, to; yarya bled; issish inkucha, tumpa bleed, to; issish i”hina tumpli, issish mkuchi, issish kucha, issish minti, issish mitaja, issish mitaffi, lumpli, shakba tumpli bleed, to cause to; issish milaffi bleed, to make the nose; ibikoachi bleed at the nose, to; ibikoa leed the arm, to; shakba lumpli bleeding, issish mitafa blemish, Jusa blemish, to; okpani blend, to; aiyuwma, yammichi blended, aiyuma bless, to; aiokpachi, holitobli, yukpali, yukpalit anumpuli blessed; holitopa, na yukpa, yukpa blessing, aiokpanchi nan isht aiyukpa 396 blighted, bashi blind; Japa, nishkin lapa, nishkin tamoa blind, a; isht ukhalapa blind, born; lapa i”moma blind, entirely; nishkin lapat kania blind, to; lapa, nishkin lapachi, nishkin okpant blind eye, nishkin lapa blind the eyes, to; tammoli blind-eyed, nishkin oktalonli blindfold, to; nishkin luhma blindfolded, nishkin luma blindness; lapa, lapa immoma, nishkin lapa blister, holhpa, wulhko blister, to; itowulhkachi, wulhko, wulhkocht blister, to cause to; wulhkochi blister by heat, to; towulhkachi blistered; ifowulhko, wulhko blithe, yukpa bloat, to; shatabli, shatammi bloated; shatabli, shatablicht block; iti baka, iti tapa block, to; bakati, bakatichi block out, to; iti bakli block up, to; atapachi, okshita, oktabli blocked, bakati blocked up, alapa blockhead, hatak imanukfila iksho blood, issish blood, sacred; issish hanta blood, to vomit; issish hoeta blood vessel; issish akshish, issish inhina bloodroot, pishkak bloodsucker; halu”s, lasun. yalums bloody; ‘issish bano, issish bieka bloody, to; issish bano bloody sweat, issish laksha bloom; nam pakanlt, pakanl bloom, to; pakanli bloomed, pakanli blossom; nam pakanli, pakanli blossom, to; pakanli blossom, to cause to; pakanlichi blossomed, pakanli blot; isht holissochi otlatapa, lusa, lusa talaia blot, to; isht holissochi otatabli, lusachi blot out, to; kashoffichit kancha blotted; isht holissochi ontatapa, lusa blotted out, kashofa blow; atisso, fahama, isso, kabak, kabuk, kobuk, sakalichi itowulhko, BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 46 blow (flower); nam pakanli, pakanli blow (wind), mali blow, a slight; chikitha blow (as a fly), to; cheli blow (as a horn), to; ola, olachi blow (as the wind), to; apeli, apanuk- fila, mati, matichi blow (or pant), to; fohukli blow (with the mouth), to; apu”fachi, purfa, purfachi blow, to cause to; pu”fachechi blow an instrument, to; pu”fachechi blow down, to; yuti blow the nose, to; tirka blower; pu®fa, pu®fachi blowgun, uski tumpa blown; alhpu®fa, ola, pakanli blown about, yula blown into, alhpu®fa blowpipe; apu”fachi, isht apunfachi blows; kabakachi, kamakachi blows, one who; olachi bludgeon; atashi, itashi, iti tapena blue; okchakalbi, okchako, okchamali blue, to; okchakochi blue dyestuff; nan isht okchakuchi, nan asht okchamalichr blue flag, hashuk pancha bluebird, a small; okchanlush blue-eyed, oktalonli bluff, a; sakti bluff, a high; kunchonwaka bluff, a ridged; sakti tanfa bluff, a steep; sakti chaha blunder, ashachi blunderbuss, tanamp nthi chito blunderer, ashachi blunderhead, hatak nusilhha shalt blunt;