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July 16. 1894 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Herbert Osborn, Director OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY IN CO-OPERATION WITH OTHER OHO COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Administrative Board consisting of Representatives from co-operat- ing institutions. E. L. Fullmer, Baldwin Wallace University, Berea, O. E. R. Gregory, University of Akron, Akron, O. M. E. Stickney, Denison University, Granville, O. L. B. Walton, Kenyon College, Gambier, O. Miss M. Getman, Lake Erie College, Painesville, O. Bruce Fink, Miami University, Oxford, O. F. O. Grover, Oberlin College, Oberlin, O. E. L. Rice, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, O. H. M. Benedict, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, O. F. H. Herrick, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, O. C. G. Shatzer, Wittenberg College, Springfield, O. ANNOUNCEMENT The Bulletins of the Ohio Biological Survey will be issued as work on any special subject is completed, and will form volumes of about 500 pages each. They will be sent to co-operating institutions and individuals, libraries and colleges in Ohio and to such surveys, societies and other organizations as may offer suitable exchange material. Additional copies of each Bulletin and of completed volumes will be sold at such price as may cover the cost of publication. Special rates on quantities to schools for classes. Subscription for entire volumes . $2.00 Price of this number . 50 All orders should be accompanied by remittance made payable to Ohio Biological Survey and sent to the Director. Correspondence concerning the Survey, applications for exchanges and purchase of copies of Bulletins should be addressed to the Director — Professor Herbert Osborn, Columbus, Ohio. tIhiKARY ‘/•^rvErsiTv Of Illinois urbana THE UBRARY OF THE Volume II, No. 1 SEP 3 1943 UNIVERSflY OF ILLINOIS Ohio Biol ogical Survey THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO, I Preliminary Consideration of Classification BRUCE FINK THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO, II The Collemaceae BRUCE FINK AND C. AUDREY RICHARDS Published by THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Columbus, 1915 Bulletin 5 PRINTED BY THE STONEMAN PRESS Columbus, Ohio ^'cO I. ■ THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO.— I Preliminary Consideration of Classification* BRUCE fink All classifications of ascomycetes hitherto followed have been highly artificial, nor are the data for a satisfactory disposition at hand. Hitherto, these fungi, except for lists from two states and certain works mentioned in this paper, have been placed in two groups. In the work to follow, all the ascomycetes of Ohio will be treated as a single class of fungi, and some defense of this method is in order. The reasons for treating ascomycetous lichens and other ascomycetes together involve mainly the following three considerations : first, the nature of the lichen in general ; second, a review of the similarity of lichens and other ascomycetes ; third, a discussion of the origin of all ascomycetes, with a view to showing relationships within the group. These three matters will be treated in order and as briefly as is consistent with clearness. Frequent reference will be made to other papers where more lengthy discussions of certain phases of the problem may be found. Until the time of Schwendener (57), it was generally believed that the chlorophyllous cells found in lichens were the chloioplasts of these plants. Bornet (12) grew lichens from spores in cultures and saw them attack algae. Bonnier (11), by similar methods, obtained mature fruited plants of Xanthoria parietina and Rinodina sophodes. Moller (47) fol¬ lowed by growing Calicium parietinum in cultures without algae and obtained plants that produced spermagonia and probably archicarps as well. Fink (31) has reported on the frequent growing of various algal hosts in the same habitats with lichens. Had it not been for clinging to erroneous tradition, the researches referred to above and others like them would have convinced all botanists that the lichen is a fungus living in some peculiar relation with an alga. Unfortunately, Reinke (53), Schneider (55), and others have aided in retarding progress, and a considerable number of botanists still cling to some modification of the early view. Peirce (52), Elenkin (25), and Danilov (20), with their researches which greatly strengthen belief in the parasitism or the saprophytism of lichens on algae, have succeeded in turning the attention of botanists toward more plausible conclusions. We need only to advance definitely to the widely but rather hazily understood idea that the lichen is a fungus, the alga being its host and * Contributions from the Botanical Laboratory of Miami University — XI. 3 4 Ohio I Biological Survey therefore forming no part of it. Some of the arguments for this position may lie reviewed liriefiy. The algal host is in a disadvantageous position with respect to light and food materials. The cells of the host become large and may divide rajiidly because of undue stimulation, showing a hypertrophied and pathologic condition, resulting in marked vegetative activity, which balances the rai)id killing of the algal-host individuals. The bright-green, normally-shaped, algal individuals seen in lichens are usually those that are not yet parasitized, or those that have been recently parasitized. The relationship between the lichen and the alga is peculiar on account of the sim])le structure of the latter ; but the lichen seems to be a parasite or a saprophyte, or perhaps partly a parasite and partly a saprophyte, on the alga. The haustoria of lichens are similar to those of other fungi and in all probability function in like fashion. For an extended discussion, see the paper hy Fink (31). One cannot deal with colonies in studies of ontogeny, phylogeny, mori)hology, or taxonomy, nor does the use of Collcma piilposurn, Plivscia stcllaris, or other binomial by one group of botanists to designate a plant and by another group to designate a compound colony conduce to clear¬ ness. In order that one may be clear in his thinking regarding lichens, he must abandon the historical idea that the chlorophyllous cells found in these plants, or in which the lichens live in a few instances, are part of the lichen, or he must hold consistently to the view that the lichen is not a plant, but a compound colony. Critical examination of statements about lichens by a large number of botanists shows that it is not possible to regard the lichen in one of these ways for one purpose and in another manner for another purpose, or even to consider the compound colonies for one purpose and the fungi of the colonies for another purpose, with¬ out committing some of the inconsistencies so commonly found in state¬ ments about lichens (see discussion in Fink 31). The conclusion that the lichen is a fungus is the only one that can be followed equally well by the physiologist, the ecologist, the morphologist, the cytologist, and the systematist. In a previous paper (Fink 31), the typical lichen has been defined as a fungus which lives in parasitic relationship with an alga during all or part of its life, and also sustains a relationship with an external substratum, organic or inorganic. The lichens will be dealt with according to this definition in the treatment of the ascomycetes throughout this series of papers. Idchens possess few distinct characters other than physiological, and these have no weight in the classification of these plants. The dual hypothesis can scarcely be considered seriously in view of recent studies Classification of Ohio Ascomycetes 5 (Fink 31). With this hypothesis falls the argument that lichens con¬ stitute a special biological group, nor can classihcation consistently con¬ sider such groups in any event. Some botanists have supposed that we must know the relation of every lichen or every group of lichens to a non-lichen ancestor with some degree of certainty before we attempt to distribute lichens, but this position is manifestly erroneous. Phyl- ogeny is a science of probabilities, and such exact knowledge of rela¬ tionships has not been attained in any group of plants of considerable size. Lichens resemble other ascomycetes in their methods of sexual reproduction, and their special manner of vegetative reproduction by soredia and soralia can have no considerable weight in favor of treat¬ ment as a distinct group of plants. Higher lichens exhibit certain pecul¬ iarities of vegetative structure, due to their parasitism on algie ; but their fruits are like those of other ascomycetes, which in turn vary greatly with respect to somatic structure. In view of the facts regarding the reproductive tracts and the fruits, the peculiarities in regard to somatic areas are not sufficient ground for distinct consideration of lichens, especially since they are connected with other ascomycetes by hundreds, if not thousands, of intermediate orders, genera, or species. Present separate incorporation of lichens in herbaria, the large litera¬ ture of lichenology, and the fact that students of ascomycetes, for most part, may be divided into two groups, those who study lichens and those who study other ascomycetes, present real obstacles to be overcome ; but arguments of expediency and temporary convenience are hardly valid reasons for maintaining a system of classification that is not in accord with present knowledge regarding the structure, the ontogeny, and the probable phylogeny of ascomycetes. For this reason, many botanists who have considered the matter carefully believe that our method of treatment, which is, in spite of temporary inconvenience, in accord with knowledge of the ascomycetes, should he followed in any systematic treatment of the whole group. There are many genera of ascomycetes which contain some lichen and some non-lichen members, and, as stated above, the bridges that connect ascomycetous lichens with other ascomycetes are many. The best way to facilitate comparison of these forms and thus strengthen our knowledge of the ascomycetes as a whole is to treat the group as a unit. This is, without doubt, also the best way to express what is known regarding these fungi. Some of the points of nearest approach of lichens to non-lichen ascomycetes are the following. Endomyccs scytoncmatum is a lichenoid 6 Ohio Biological Survey plant. The genus Mycocalicium, of the Caliciaceae, has been segregated from Calicium to receive members which do not live with algae. Sclero- tinia tubcrosa is known to live rarely in parasitic relation with an alga (Synes58). Some of the Cclidiaccae are algicolous, others not. Agyrhim riifum has been considered both lichen and non-lichen. The species of Lccideopsis seem to be partly lichens and partly non-lichens. Tobler’s study of Phacopsis vulpina (62) proves that this plant is a lichen, and the species of Conida and Celidium await similar study. The Patel- lariaccae present similar conditions in that the genera KarscJiia,Biatorella, Lcciographa, and Melaspilea all contain some algicolous and some non- algicolous ascomycetes. Among the Lecanactidaceac are species which are non-algicolous. Zukal’s investigation (67) has shown that Pariiphrd- dria heimerlii and Geopcma rehmii of the Cenangiaceae are both algicolous, though other members of the family are non-algicolous. Some species of Dichaena are supposed to be lichens, while other members of the Dichacnaceae are not. The lichen genus Arthonia is well known to con¬ tain non-lichen species and other species that are non-algicolous during part of their lives. The same condition is found in the lichen genera Graphis and Opegrapha (Frank 33), and no one knows how many species are non-algicolous during part or all of their lives, or how many other genera of the Arthoniaceae and the Graphidaceae contain both lichen and non-lichen members. Further statements regarding forms transi¬ tional between lichen and non-lichen ascomycetes will be found in a previous paper (Fink 31), and only extended biological research will give definite knowledge of hundreds or perhaps thousands of such plants which are poorly understood. The research on the sexuality of ascomycetes is all comparatively recent, nothing of importance dating back of 1863 (De Bary 3). The whole literature of the subject is readily available and is convincing with respect to the rather close relationship among all undoubted ascomycetes. The lichens that have been studied, except those that are degenerate with respect to sexual reproduction, show the Collema-Mke type of female reproductive tract, which is very similar to that found in some other ascomycetes that have been studied. Likewise, most lichens and other ascomycetes agree in that they develop similar ascocarps, simple or com¬ pound. It is admitted that the topography, the cytolog}-, and the full development of the sexual reproductive tracts and the ascocarps are not completely known in any of the species that have been studied, and a large amount of research is still necessary before we can hope to approxi¬ mate a natural classification of ascomycetes. The nuclear behavior is Classification of Ohio Ascomycetes 7 known more or less completely in a considerable number of non-algi- colous species, but in only one algicolous species (Bachman 2). Though the results are fragmentary and some of them unreliable, one who con¬ siders carefully even the small portion of the research that can be dis¬ cussed in this paper can scarcely doubt that the ascomycetes form a natural group of fungi. Through the researches of several botanists, we know something regarding the sexual reproductive tracts and sexual reproduction in lichens (Bachman 1 and 2; Baur 4 and 5; Darbishire 2; Funfstiick 37 and 38; Krabbe 42 and 43; Lindau 44 and 45; Nienburg 50; Schulte 55; Stahl 59; Sturgis 60; Wahlberg 63; Wolff 66; and others). The many-celled archicarp, with its long, many-celled trichogyne and its coiled, septate ascogonium, is quite uniform and recalls conditions found in higher non-lichen ascomycetes, especially certain members of the PezizaleSy the Hypocreales, the Sphaerialcs, and the Lahoulheniales. One can imagine readily enough how a one-celled ascogonium sur¬ mounted by a one-celled trichogyne, as in Pyronema (Harper 39), Claussen 16) may be related to the complicated, multicellular, and imperfectly understood female reproductive area of certain lichens and other ascomycetes (Fig. 1, et seq.) ; but the simpler female tracts usually occur with undoubted antheridia, and these cannot be homologized so easily with the spermagonia usually found in ascomycetes which possess the more highly differentiated female reproductive tracts. Hence, we may also suspect, among those non-lichen ascomycetes that have sperma¬ gonia and the more complicated female reproductive tracts, a close rela¬ tionship with certain of the polyphyletic lichens. Rather unexpectedly, only part of the Pezizales examined have furnished types of reproductive tracts so nearly like those of the gymnocarpous lichens examined as have several species of angiocarpous, non-lichen ascomycetes. While the reproductive tracts of a large majority of the Pezizales and the Lecano- rales remain tO' be studied, we may still expect to find many closely related forms connecting these two orders ; but, for the present, usual similarity in the topography of the reproductive areas has been one factor which has led to placing the gymnocarpous lichens, for most part, in a con¬ tinuous series. Future studies may require more or less modification of this method. The discussions to follow will further elucidate this matter and will show especially a striking and rather surprising similarity between the reproductive tracts of the Lecanorales and the pyrenomycetes in general. Polystigma rtibrum, whose archicarp has been described and figured 8 Ohio Biological Survey (Fisch 32 and B'rank 34), has spermagonia, sperinatia, ascogonia, and jierhaps trichogynes especially like those found in many of the Leca~ noralcs. Gnomonia crytJirostoma also has given similar results (Frank 35). Working on the former plant, Blackman and Welsford (10) confirmed the findings of Fisch and Frank regarding the female tract in general, but thought that their supposed trichogynes might be vegetative hyphie which protrude through the stomata, that the spermatia might be functionless, and that the ascogenous hyphie might arise from somatic tracts (Fig. 3). However, all of these results on Polystigma are offset to some extent by Nienburg’s results given below. Brooks (13) found in Gnomonia- crytJirostoma spermatia attached to the trichogynes, but thought that both spermatia and trichogynes might be functionless. As was noted by several workers, these reproductive tracts, however degen¬ erate they may be, show in both spermagonia and archicarps a strong resemblance to conditions well known in certain lichens which are con¬ sidered below. Higgins (41) has recently found in Sphacrclla very similar appearances, which need further investigation. It is convenient to call the coils of an ascocarp an ascogonium and the remainder of the structure a trichogyne, but such use of terms is often inexact. Nienburg (51), working on Polystigma rubrum, seems to have found that one uninucleate cell of the coiled portion of the archicarp is the ascogonium. A multinucleate cell next the uninucleate cell in the same coil, he regards an antheridium. He finds what he supposes to be functionless trichogynes and spermatia, and regards the antheridium and the method of reproduction respectively a secondarily acquired reproduc¬ tive organ and a secondarily acquired sexual process. He believes that the ascogenous hyphse do arise from the ascogonium. The question remains whether he may not have missed a temporary perforation of the transverse sejita of the trichogynes and the passage of sperm nuclei through the trichogyne and other cells of the highly differentiated coil to the ascogonium. His paper is remarkably interesting and suggestive and will of course result in a re-examination of the much-studied but still not fully understood Polystigma rubrum and many other ascomycetes which have similar reproductive tracts. We must pass over Nienburg’s evidence of delayed nuclear fusion and his discussion of probable rela¬ tionship between the Ascomycctac and the Oomycctac. In this matter, his views are similar to those of Claussen (16). Recent work by Dodge also sheds light on the real nature of the ascogonium (23 and Fig. 7). According to Miss Nichols (49), Ccratostoma brevirostrc has a one- celled, coiled ascogonium, to whose tip an antheridium becomes attached Classification of Ohio Ascomycetes 9 directly. The ascogonium septates after fertilization, and the resulting ascogenous structure (ascogenous hypha?) appears at this stage much like the septate ascogonium of a lichen. Miss Nichols suspected that De Bary might have been mistaken about the ascogonia degenerating and the asci arising independently in Xylaria, and that other earlier workers, Hartig (4) and Woronin, might have failed to follow the development carefully in Roscllinia and Sordaria. If her suspicions are correct, and H. B. Brown (14) has since proved them so for a species of Xylaria, conditions found in these non-lichen species are somewhat similar to those known in lichens with respect to the female reproductive tract. If any of the results which indicate that degeneration of the female repro¬ ductive tract and the independent origin of ascogenous hyphse and asci are reliable, such degenerate conditions would be similar to certain degen¬ erate states noted below in certain lichens. Miss Dawson (22) has also found, in Poronia punctata, conditions much like those reported in lichens by several workers. The female reproductive tract consists of a multicellular, coiled hypha surmounted by a more slender, muticellular portion which rises a short distance above the surface of the stroma. In later stages, the supposed ascogonium is absent, and ascogenous hyphse appear. Miss Dawson could not connect the last two structures, nor did she find spermagonia. However, she considered the female tract similar to that found in lichens, and her figures indicate one of the nearest approaches hitherto discovered among non-algicolous ascomycetes to conditions well known among lichens, at least in regard to appearance of the archicarp. Ascogonia not accompanied by trichogynes have been reported for Pcltigera, Pcltidca, and Nephroma (Ffinf stuck 37), and it is supposed that, in these plants in which spermagonia are absent or rare, the apothecia arise apogamously (Fig. 8). Baur (5) has reported similar conditions in Solorina saccata, and several other lichens have given prac¬ tically like results (see especially Sturgis 60). All of these lichens show degeneration of the sexual tracts comparable to that found in some of the non-lichen ascomycetes considered above. Some slightly different conditions among lichens must be noted. The genus Bacomyces seems to present conditions similar to those already discussed for other ascomycetes^ from the results of Brooks, those of Nienburg, and those of Blackman and Welsford. Nienburg (50) has also worked on lichens and found no trichogynes in Bacomyces, nor was he sure that he found ascogonia. He thought that the asci might arise either from ascogenous hyphse or directly from ascogonia. Spermagonia 10 Ohio Biological Survey are rare in the genus, and he concluded that the apothecia arise apogam- ously. In his work on Sphyridium byssoides, he found reduced and probably functionless trichogynes, while here again the spermagonia are rare. In this species, however, he succeeded in tracing the origin of ascogenous hyphse from ascogonia. Reduction of the sexual apparatus does not seem to have proceeded so far here as in Baeomyces ; but the plant may be apogamous, and, according to Nienburg’s results, it is inter¬ mediate between Baeomyces and those lichens which have normal sexual organs, both male and female. In the Caliciaceae, sexual reproductive areas seem to be for most part absent, though Neubner (48) supposed that functionless spermagonia might exist in certain species. Neubner thought that the apothecial development must be wholly vegetative. Mrs. Gertrude Wolff Tobler (66) noted somewhat uncertainly a single transverse septum in the trichogynes of Graphis clegans, and we seem to have here a condition intermediate between the unicellular trichogyne of some non-lichen ascomycetes and the typical lichen trichogyne. It is not quite certain whether these simpler archicarps are primitive or de¬ generate, and more work on the Hysteriales, whether algicolous or non- algicolous, would certainly give other helpful results. It seems probable that in Pyreniila nitida the female sexual tract is perhaps more like the well-developed conditions found in certain disco- mycetous lichens that have been studied than those of the non-lichen pyrenomycetes that have been examined. Baur’s work on Pyreniila needs confirmation and extension, since there is room to suspect that the resemblance of the female reproductive tract to the typical, fully devel¬ oped form found in discomycetous lichens may not be so close after all. Much work is needed on both lichen and non-lichen pyrenomycetes before we can know certainly whether the pyrenomycetous lichens are related more closely to non-lichen pyrenomycetes than to discomycetous lichens. Conditions among the Laboiilbeniales (Thaxter 61 and Faull 26 and 27) are considerably like those found in lichens. A complete series from the one-celled trichogyne to a multicellular and much-branched form has been found (Fig. 4). Non-motile male cells become attached to the trichogynes as in lichens, and later the ascogonium septates or in some manner gives rise to a septate structure somewhat similar to the septate ascogonium of lichens. Some of the conditions known in the Laboulbeniales appear to be intermediate between those found in Cera- tostoma and those that have been observed so frequently in lichens. There are also conditions among the PezPalcs which strongly sug¬ gest the female reproductive tract in lichens. In Laehnca stcrcorea, Classification of Ohio Ascomycetes 11 Fraser (36) found a one-celled ascogonium surmounted by a several- •celled trichogyne (Fig. 2). The cells of the female reproductive tract are multinucleate, and the conditions may be intermediate between those found in Pyronema (Harper 39 and Claussen 16) and those well known in lichens. In Cutting’s (19) discussion of results obtained in a study of Ascophanus carneus, it appears that the archicarp consists of a multicellular ascogonium and a multicellular trichogyne comparable to those of lichens. Two recent researches show a strong resemblance between the sex organs of lichens and non-lichen discomycetes. Miss Bachman’s results (1 and 2) in a member of the Collcmaceae (Fig. 6) and those of Dodge (23) in Ascobolus carhonarius (Fig. 7) furnish striking resemblances which, if later found to occur often in both algi- colous and non-algicolous discomycetes, will demonstrate a much closer relationship between certain gymnocarpous lichens and the PcAnalcs than we are at present showing in our classification. There is good reason for believing that, in many supposed apogamous lichens and in others as well, internal trichogynes and internal spermatia (antheridia?) may occur, and that further studies will give results similar to those obtained by these workers. Among the lichens, some of the promising plants are •other members of the Collemaceae, some of the lichens supposed to have degenerate reproductive tracts and apogamy, and members of the Gyalec- taceae and the Lecideaceae, which are probably close relatives of the Collemaceae. The various results concerning sexual reproduction among ascomy¬ cetes recounted above and others not considered herein surely lend color to the supposition that the ascomycetes are monophyletic ; but the diffi¬ culty of homologizing the various types of male reproductive organs still remains, somewhat bridged, however, by types of male organs apparently intermediate between spermatia and antheridia, and suggesting a possible relationship with conidia as well. It has been suggested by some workers that all multicellular ascogonia in ascomycetes are post-fertilization con¬ ditions, but the evidence is against this view. The multicellular structures that arise after fertilization from a one-celled ascogonium in such ascomycetes as the Erysibaceae, Gymnoascus, and Ceratostoma seem rather to represent ascogenous hyphse. If this be true and the ascogonia of lichens and certain other ascomycetes be really many-celled, such post¬ fertilization areas cannot be homologous with these muticellular asco¬ gonia. It will be seen that this discussion is made with allowance for lack of knowledge, in most instances, whether one cell or more than one of the coil of the archicarp constitutes the ascogonium. 12 Ohio Biological Survey Only a very small proportion of the many groups of ascomycetes has been studied with respect to sexual reproductive areas and life histories in general, and much of the work accomplished is preliminary, fragmentary, unconlirmed, and unsatisfactory. In all present arrange¬ ments of ascomycetes, we hnd occasionally in juxtaposition families or larger groups that have very different reproductive tracts; and further studies are certain to reveal more of this sort of inconsistency in systems of classiheation based largely on spore characters and mature conditions of ascocarps. However, one cannot make very great changes based on the comparatively few and often fragmentary and uncertain researches that have been made. For example, the lichens must be interpolated, for the present, in large groups among other ascomycetes, though they mav need further distribution after we know more about life histories. The general similarity of the reproductive tracts in a large majority of the lichens that have been studied, the resemblance of the somatic tracts in large groups of lichens, and the rather limited knowledge of the rela¬ tionship between lichens and other ascomycetes justify this conservatism in distribution. In previous arrangements of ascomycetes in a single system, no dis¬ cussion of possible or probable homologies and relationships has been attempted. With our present limited knowledge, such discussion must serve as an argument for the method rather than a very great help in the arrangement. Unfortunately, we must continue to base our taxonomic treatment of ascomycetes quite largely on spore characters and on the structure of mature fruits until we have sufficient data to enable us to use more fundamental characters. However, in the plan of classification to follow, the Lccanoralcs have been kept distinct from the Pczizalcs, partly because the lichens that have been examined from the former group have, on the whole, a similar type of reproductive organs, more complicated than those in the latter group, in which these tracts are as a whole more degenerate, or possibly more primitive. Which of these two orders should stand higher is still an open question, regarding which certain statements are made below. For the present, we have placed the order which has the more specialized somatic structure higher. However, it is readily admitted that the higher form of vegetative structure may indi¬ cate either less of degeneration or a better development because of the advantageous conditions under which the lichens live. Again, if the Ascomycetac have arisen from the Rhodophyceae, a consideration to be taken up below, the Lecanorales may yet be proved to have, as a whole, a shorter line of descent than the Pezizales. Classification of Ohio Ascomycetes 13 Whatever consideration we may give to somatic characters and carpologic structure as a basis for classification, it seems certain that the character of reproductive tracts forms a more valuable criterion. Yet it needs to be kept in mind that sometimes, as in the Collemaccac, forms which differ greatly with respect to structure of sexual organs and sexual behavior are so much alike with respect to vegetative characters and mature carpologic structure that the latter features have had greater weight in taxonomic disposition. The plant studied by Miss Bachman (1 and 2 ) illustrates well the point suggested above. It is probably more primitive than members of the Collcinaccae whose sexual reproductive areas, show spermatia in spermagonia, the evolution of the male repro¬ ductive area having probably lagged while carpologic structure and somatic conditions advanced in the direction followed in the evolution of the genus Collcma. In spite of the rather striking resemblance of the reproductive areas of the so-called Collcma piilposum studied by Miss Bachman and those of Ascobolits carbonariits examined by Dodge (23), one cannot overlook somatic characters, to the extent of placing the former plant with the Ascobolaccac rather than with the Collcmaccae. This is one striking instance in which vegetative characters and carpo¬ logic structure have great value in classification ; but it is scarcely possible that plants which have such different male reproductive areas as Miss Bachman’s plant and the one examined by Stahl (59) (Fig. 5) should both be assigned to the same species, Collcma pitlposum. Studies of certain ascomycetes show that forms which differ greatly with respect to somatic and carpologic structure and therefore are far removed from each other in present systems of classification have very similar reproductive areas, while others much alike with respect to somatic and carpologic structure, but very different in regard to male or female reproductive areas or both, have been placed in the same family, the same genus, or even in the same species. For instance, the genus Ascobolits shows a wide range of variation with respect to sexual areas, while the range is much wider for the Ascobolaccac as a whole. A full discussion of conditions found in this family may be found in one of the papers cited from Dodge (23). Wdiile the student who deals with ascomycetes from the taxonomic point of view must endeavor to famil¬ iarize himself with all studies of the life histories of these fungi, it is by no means clear at present just what changes should be made in existing systems of classification on account of the facts more or less clearly, fully, and certainly ascertained regarding reproductive processes and ontogeny. At least, a good deal of conservatism may well be observed 14 Ohio Biological Survey until our information is greatly increased so that many facts which have a bearing on classification may be known and considered in correlation. Our knowledge of the development of the ascocarp is perhaps even more fragmentary than that of the sexual apparatus, toward which a large portion of the recent work has been directed. It is still an open question whether the cleistothecium, the perithecium, or the apothecium is the most primitive form of the ascocarp ; and the whole development of many carpologic structures in various groups of ascomycetes must be carefully studied before we may know their worth as criteria for con¬ structing a system of classification. The Besseys (8 and 9) think that there is good reason to believe that C ollcma-\\kt plants with apothecia, like the one studied by Miss Bachman, may be the most primitive of existing Ascomycetae and closely related to the Rhodophyceae. This suggestion seems reasonable since the species of Collcma and Miss Bachman’s plant are low forms of lichens vegeta- tively, the thalli being mycelia devoid of plectenchymatous structure, while the plants are apparently near relatives of such families as the Lccideaccac, the Gyalectaceae, and the Ascoholaceac, all of which may be rather primitive ascomycetes. Of these groups. Miss Bachman’s plant and Ascobolus carbonarius, studied by Dodge, are nearest the Rhodophyceae of those that have been examined with respect to repro¬ ductive tracts, and may well be regarded as the most primitive ascomy¬ cetes whose life histories have been investigated. Of the two plants. Miss Bachman’s, on account of the character of its male reproductive organs, appears to be nearer the Rhodophyceae. Yet the view that the first ascomycetes were algicolous is opposed to the one commonly held by botanists to the effect that lichens may be traced back to non- algicolous ascomycetes. If the theory that the most primitive ascomy¬ cetes are those having apothecia be true, of course much more investiga¬ tion is needed before we can safely decide whether the primitive forms were lichen or non-lichen. If lichen, it may be that we have the most primitive of existing forms among such members of the Collemaceae as possess the low vegetative structure noticed above and reproductive tracts and sexual behavior most like those known in the Rhodophyeeae. The primitive forms are probably to be sought among those that live in loose relationship with the algal host, but are still largely dependent on this host. The Collemaceae fulfill these conditions, since they do not, with one or two exceptions, form haustoria, but simply penetrate through¬ out the gelatinous Nostoc colonies, confining their course to the sheaths and scarcely injuring the protoplasts, while they are but weakly attached Classification of Ohio Ascomycetes 15 to the substratum by rhizoids and are almost wholly dependent on the host for nourishment. From such a primitive form of ascomycete, there could be two lines of descent, one of which would give rise to higher lichens with foliose and fruticose thalli, close relationship with the algal host, and the apothecial form of ascocarp retained, while the other would produce the lower lichens which are crustose upon the substratum or sunken into it and which live in increasingly loose relations with the algal host as they sink into the substratum. Some of these forms could have lost the algal habit gradually as they came into closer and closer re¬ lationship with the substratum and so have given rise to non-algicolous ascomycetes. As a rule, lichens which have perithecia or hysterothecia are those that are sunken into the substratum, while those that are crustose upon the surface, or are foliose or fruticose, usually have apothecia. On the theory that the apothecium is the primitive form of ascocarp, perithecia and hysterothecia would arise as protective struc¬ tures in reaction to xerophytic habit or sinking into the substratum. Of course we may begin with such a form as Ascobolus carbonarius, suppose that it evolved a form having the algicolous habit, and then apply the above reasoning equally well. Therefore, the rather unim¬ portant question whether primitive ascomycetes were lichens or not, is not so easy to settle, though it is reasonable to suppose that certain Rhodophyceae which had become parasitic on other marine algge may have acquired a terrestrial habit, passed into parasitic relationship with terrestrial algae, and acquired the ascomycetous forms of reproduction and carpologic structure as a response to changed conditions of environ¬ ment. The relation of the lichen to its algal host and to the substratum touches this problem and is discussed in a previous paper (Fink 31). To generalize from finding one or two plants which have apothecia and at the same time possess reproductive areas and processes much like those found in the Rhodophyceae would be a very uncertain procedure ; but the discussion by Dodge (24) shows plainly that the generally favored theory that the perithecium is the primitive form of the ascocarp rests on very uncertain evidence at best. While it is certain that many careful studies of carpologic structure and development will be neces¬ sary before we may know with any reasonable degree of certainty whether the apothecium or the perithecium is more primitive, it has seemed reasonable, in view of all the evidence at hand, to adopt a sequence of orders of ascomycetes which comports in a general way with the view that the apothecium is the primitive form of ascocarp. In fol¬ lowing this view, it has seemed best to place the algicolous discomycetes 16 Ohio Biological Survey above the non-algicolous forms because of their higher somatic develop¬ ment and the general resemblance between their sexual reproductive tracts and those of the pyrenomycetes above them. In so doing, it is plainly seen that any method that could be followed is open to criticism and liable to be proved incorrect by further research. The resemblances between the sex organs of the Ascomycctae and the Rhodophyccac have been a matter of repeated discussion since the time of Stahl’s work on the Collemaccae and have been greatly empha¬ sized since by the researches of Thaxter (61), Bachman (1 and 2), Dodge (24), and others. The ascogenous hyphae of the Ascomycctae like¬ wise have been homologized with the ooblastema filaments of the Rhodophyccac, while a relationship has been suggested between asci and the gonidioblasts which arise as the result of secondary fusions among the red algie. If the evident parallelism in development among the Ascomycctae and the Rhodophyccac rests on supposed homologies, we may also conclude that ascocarps and cystocarps are homologous struc¬ tures, and that the former group arose from the latter, or that the two groups had at least a common origin. One of the two suppositions just stated must be adopted, or we must follow those who think that these par¬ allelisms do not rest upon homology. This matter is fully treated by Dodge (24 ) . In this connection, it might prove worth while to reexamine the forms of parasitism found among the Rhodophyccac, and reproductive and somatic tracts in these parasitic algae, with a special view of attempt¬ ing to shed some light on the problem of possible affinities between the Rhodophyccac and the Ascomycctae. It is even possible that, if asco¬ carps are to be homologized with glomerules and cystocarps, and much more fundamental and significant homologies exist between structures which lead up to these mature fruits, such studies would indicate a multiple origin of the Ascomycctae from the Rhodophyccac and suggest that more than one type of ascocarp may be primitive. Such studies might also help to decide whether forms of ascomycetes which have simi¬ lar ascocarps are all closely related, or whether certain groups which have very different ascocarps are not sometimes nearly related. ^^4latever the future may prove regarding the various possible or jirobable homologies between the Ascomycctae and the Rhodophyccac, it is certain that the theory of the origin of the former from the latter is the most plausible one that has been offered regarding the phylogeny of all undoubted ascomycetes, algicolous and non-algicolous. Cytological studies must prove increasingly valuable in our studies Classification of Ohio Ascomycetes 17 of the relationships among ascomycetes. Especially will knowledge of nuclear behavior in the reproductive tracts finally have considerable weight in the arrangement of ascomycetes, since it will enable us to decide just what portion of an archicarp is the ascogonium. At present nuclear behavior is not known in the sexual reproductive tracts of any lichens save one (Bachman 2), nor is it well understood in many other ascomycetes. According to Claussen (16), delayed nuclear fusions and homologous alternation in ascomycetes strongly resemble the conditions found in certain basidiomycetes. This points to the origin of the latter group from the former, and further studies of nuclear behavior in both groups may shed some light on the relative rank of the various ascomy¬ cetes. The rather uniform character of ascogenous hyphae and the peculiar origin of asci from them, together with the characteristic be¬ havior of the nuclei within these structures, is probably the strongest proof of the common, or at least similar, ancestry of all ascomycetes. There is another theory of the origin of ascomycetes that must be noted. Bucholtz (15) has presented a modification of the theory of origin of the Ascomycetae from the Phycomycetae which is especially worthy of consideration. He considers Endogone to be a plant whose fruit results from the conjugation of heterogametes. After cytoplasmic fusion, the two nuclei pass together from the oogonium into a protrusion, which might be regarded as a primitive ascus. Here the nuclei fuse. Not far removed from this is the formation of asci as direct outgrowths from the single fertilized ascogenic cell described by Faull (26) for Amoj'phomyces and said to occur in some other genera of the Laboul- beniales. Nienburg (51), Claussen (16), and others have also' presented strong arguments for this theory, which would make trichogynes and ascogenous hyphae structures which arose independently in ascomycetes, would deny the origin of the Ascomycetae from the Rhodophyceae, and would account for the resemblances between these two groups by parallelism alone. However, the evidences of relationship between the two groups are too strong to be ofifset by such facts as have been ad¬ vanced hitherto for the origin of the Ascomycetae from the Phycomycetae. It will be seen from the above presentation that no attempt has been made to consider the problem of classification of ascomycetes merely as it applies to our studies in Ohio. The outline of classification that is presented herewith is the result of a study of the problem concerned with the phytogeny of all ascomycetes. To base any system of treatment, even for a small area, on anything less than a consideration of all 18 Ohio Biological Survey ascomycetes as to their origin and relationships would be to invite serious failure. Consequently, in preparing the system to follow, all the orders of ascomycetes have been considered, while many families that do not occur in our flora, and, consequently, do not appear in the outline, have been kept in mind, and have been discussed in part. How these families should be treated will be taken up more fully in the third paper of the series on “The nature and classification of lichens” (Fink 30 and 31), in which the whole problem of the classification of ascomycetes will be reconsidered with such additional data as may come to light in the interval. As stated in the introductory paragraph of this paper, ascomycetes have been treated previously as a whole. Lists from Nebraska (Webber 64 and 65) and California (McClatchie 46) have distributed lichens among other ascomycetes, and certain writers (Bessey 6, 7 and 8; Clements 17 and 18; Fink 28, 29 and 31, and Schaffner 54) have either united all ascomycetes into one system or intimated that this method of treatment is in accord with present knowledge of the group. Certain European mycologists regard lichens as fungi, and some of them have either advocated their distribution among other fungi, or have admitted that they may, without inconsistency, be so treated (Fink 31). The dis¬ position proposed below is based on the belief that we have sufficient data, in part briefly outlined above, to warrant the distribution of lichens in the best manner possible in order that we may present relationships better and have a good basis for comparative studies of all ascomycetes. The statement in this paragraph expresses views that are held by various botanists and have been used in certain arguments, keys, catalogues of plants, and systems of classification cited. However, this series of papers will be the first to treat lichens as fungi with other ascomycetes in a descriptive catalogue. A summary regarding the arrangement of the orders and some of the families will elucidate some points. The Hemiascales {Hernias cine ae) of some authors have not been admitted, though Eremascus and some others of these plants may yet prove to be ascomycetes rather than phycomycetes. The Lahoulbeniales have been placed first in the outline of classification, since the work of Thaxter (6) and Faull (26 and 27) makes them undoubted though aberrant ascomycetes, apparently near to the Rhodophyceae, which have similar archicarpic characters. With respect to ascogenous structures, they must be regarded either degenerate or closely related to those members of the Rhodophyceae that produce ooblastema filaments, while the closed ascocarp would seem to indicate Classification of Ohio Ascomycetes 19 higher rank than is given to the order. In any event there seems to be no good place to interpolate the Laboulbeniales among the other orders, and first place appears to accord better with present knowledge than the place at the end of the ascomycete series to which the order has been assigned more commonly. In placing the order first, one could not afford to commit himself to the belief that the Laboulbeniales are nearer to the Rhodophyceae than are the Pezizales and the Lecanorales, which in turn are probably more plainly related to the orders that follow in the outline. The two orders just named are placed second and third in the series on the theory, based on carpologic development and structure, that they, too, are closely related to the Rhodophyceae. The Lecanorales have been kept in one large group rather than split up into two or more orders, partly on account of their close relationship among themselves and partly because further study may result in a more or less radical rearrangement, which is likely to involve the Pezizales as well. For instance, the Collemaceae, the Gyalectaceae, and the Lecanactidaceae seem to be, partly in light of studies reviewed above, nearer to some of the Pezizales than we are able to indicate in our scheme of classification.. Some students of ascomycetes favor separating the inoperculate mem¬ bers of the Helvellales from those that are operculate. If this be done, the group may well be distributed among the Pezizales. The order Helvellales has been retained for the present and is placed near the Pezizales, to which it seems to be closely related. The Tuberales, which have been variously treated by students, seem to be near relatives of both the Pezizales and the Helvellales, the peridium being probably a reaction to subterranean position of the ascocarp. Interpolation of the Lecan¬ orales prevents placing the Helvellales and the Tuberales in succession immediately after the Pezizales, but this is only one of the many un¬ avoidable difficulties met in efforts to formulate schemes of classification which will bring together forms that seem to be closely related. Proper sequence of the families of the Pezizales depends on whether the simpler archicarps are primitive or degenerate, a point not fully determined. Consequently, the families are arranged in an order which leads up to the Lecanorales, which are placed next above. This arrangement shows the relationship between the two orders by passing from strictly non- algicolous to partially algicolous families of the Pezizales, thence to the algicolous Lecanorales. Of course this method must eventually give way, if need be, to better knowledge of the reproductive areas and related development. Since the Lecanorales in general show great similarity in sexual reproductive areas, the sequence of families is based on apothecial 20 Ohio Uiological Survey and vegetative structure, though it is plainly seen that increasing knowl¬ edge of degeneration in the sexual areas and the sexual processes may soon require some modification of this method. Regarding the Phacidiales and the Hysterialcs, it is quite possible that further study may result in placing some of the lichens in the former order, nor is it certain that these orders are intermediate between discomycetes and pyrenomycetes. Concerning the angiocarpic groups, it is not probable that the perithecia and the cleistothecia all arose in similar manner, or that they are so closely related as the order adopted would indicate. The Pyrcmilales are placed after the non-algicolous groups for about the same reason that the Lecanorales are placed after the Pezisales. Here again, further studies are likely to require some modification of the method used herein. The Perisporialcs, the Aspergillales, the Exoascalcs, and the SaccJiaromy- cctales have been placed toward the close of the series since, if the theory of origin of the Asconiycctae from the Rhodophyceac be true, each of these orders, as a whole, seems to be composed of either degenerate or doubtful ascomycetes. Degeneration seems probable, on this basis of origin, in the simple reproductive tracts tending toward likeness in form and size of gametes, in reduction and final loss of the trichogynes, and in undoubted isogamy in a few instances among the saccharomycetes, though in this order the conjugati.^n, rarely observed, may be a secondarily acquired character. In closing, it should be stated that all speculations regarding the relationships of ascomycetes are rendered more uncertain by the prob¬ ability that carpologic evolution may have proceeded in nearly parallel lines in various groups so that forms that differ considerably with respect to archicarps and ascocarps may be more closely related than others that show considerable similarity with respect to these areas. In the studies of the orders and families of Ohio ascomycetes to follow in this series of papers, the better-known groups will be published while field work and laboratory investigations are increasing our knowl¬ edge of orders at present unknown to our flora, or poorly understood. The system of classification proposed herein will serve as a basis for the work and will indicate where each group studied is related in our scheme of classification adopted for the ascomycetes as a whole. The final work on the ascomycetes of Ohio should be to bring these studies together under a system of classification revised sufficiently to show the advance in knowledge of the group while the preliminary studies are in progress. The provisional arrangement which is to serve as a basis for the study of various groups of Ohio ascomycetes is given below. Classification of Ohio Ascomycetes 21 CLASS ASCOMYCETAE L LABOULBENIALES (LABOULBENIINEAE) Many species of this order doubtless are present in Ohio, though none have been listed. II. PEZIZALES (PEZIZINEAE) 1. Pyronemaceae. The genus Pyronema is known in Ohio. 2. Pezizaceae. Genera known in Ohio' are Peziza^ Lachnea, Geopy.vis, Hmnaria, Otidea, and Urmila. 3. Ascobolaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Ascoholus, Lasio- holns, Ascophaniis, Saccoholus, and Rhyparobiiis. 4. Helotiaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Helotiiim, Sarcos- cypha, Chlorosplenium, Ciboria, Sclerotinia, Arachnopeziza, Dasycypha, Stamnaria, Ombrophila, Coryne, and Phialea. Sclerotinia tiibcrosa sometimes grows with an alga. 5. Mollisiaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Mollisia, Tapcsia, Orbilia, Belonidium, and Pezizella. 6. Cenangiaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Cenangiiim, Cen- angclla, Dermatea, Tympanis, Sarcosoma, and Holwaya. There are some primitive lichens in this family. 7. Patellariaceae. Genera known in Ohio' are Patellaria, Patellea, Patinella, Karschia, Leciographa, Diirella, and Bia- torella. Certain species of Patellea, Patinella, Karschia, Lecio¬ grapha, and Biatorella are lichens. III. LECANORALES (LECANORINEAE) 1. Lecanactidaceae. The genus Lecanactis is known in Ohio. 2. Lecideaceae. Genera known in Ohio' are Lecidea including Biatora), Bacidia, Lopadinm, Buellia, Psora, Toninia, and Rhizocarpon. 3. Cladoniaceae. The genus Cladonia is known in Ohio. 4. Gollemaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Collema, Synecho- blastus, Leptogium, and Mallotium. 22 Ohio Biological Survey 5. Pannariaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Pannaria, Heppia, and Placynthinm. 6. Stictaceae. Genera found in Ohio are Sticta and Lobaria. 7. Peltigeraceae. Genera known in Ohio are Peltigera, Peltidea, and Nephroma. 8. Acarosporaceae. The genus Acarospora is known in Ohio. 9. Lecanoraceae. Genera known in Ohio are Lecanora and 0 chr ole cilia . 10. Pertusariaceae. The genus Pertusaria is known in Ohio. 11. Parmeliaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Parmelia, Anzia, Cetraria, and Nephromopsis. 12. UsNEACEAE. Genera known in Ohio are Usnea, Ramalina, Alectoria, and Evernia. 13. Teloschistaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Teloschistes, Placodium (Calopisma) , and Xanthoria. 14. Physciaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Physcia, Pyxine, Anaptychia, and Rinodina. 15. Gyrophoraceae. Genera known in Ohio are Gyrophora and Umbilicaria. IV. CALICIALES (CALICIINEAE) 1. Caliciaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Calcium, Chaenothcca, Stenocybe, and Cyphelium. These plants are mostly lichens. V. HELVELLALES (HELVELLINEAE) 1. Geoglossaceae. The genus Leotia is known in Ohio. 2. ELelvellaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Helvella, Morchella, and Gyromitra. VI. TUBERAEES (TUBERINEAE) No members of this order have been reported from Ohio. VII. PHACIDIALES (PHACIDIINEAE) 1. Stictidiaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Stictis, Propolis, Mellittiosporium, Schizoxylon, and Lichen opsis. Classification of Ohio Ascomycetes 23 2. Tryblidiaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Tryblidium and Scleroderris. 3. Phacidiaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Phacidium, Coc- comyces, and Rhytisma. VIII. HYSTERIALES (HYSTERIINEAE) 1. Hypodermataceae. Genera known in Ohio are Angelinia and Lop hod ermiii m. 2. Dichaenaceae. The genus Dichaena is known in Ohio. Some of the species may be lichens. 3. Hysteriaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Hysterium, Hystero- g rap Ilium, and G Ionium. 4. Acrospermaceae. The genus Acrospermum is known in Ohio. 5. Graphidaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Graphis and Opegrapha. 6. Arthoniaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Arthonia and Arthothelium. IX. HYPOCREALES (part of the PRYENOMYCETINEAE) 1. Hypocreaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Hypocrea, Hypo- crella, Hypocreopsis, Hypomyces, Melanospora, Letendraea, Nectria, Pleonectria, Ophionectria, Cordyceps, Claviceps, Ty- phodium, and Gibberella. X. DOTHIDIALES (part of the PYRENOMYCETINEAE) 1. Dothidiaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Dothidea, Phylla- chora, and Plowrightia. XL SPHAERIALES (part of the PYRENOMYCETINEAE) 1. Chaetomiaceae. The genus Chaetomium is known in Ohio. 2. SoRDARiACEAE. Genera known in Ohio are Sordaria and Sporormia. 3. Sphaeriaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Sphaeria, Lasios- phaeria, Trichosphaeria, Herpotrichia, Bombardia, Acanthos- tigma, Rosellinia, Bertia, and Zignoella. 24 Ohio Biological Survey 4. Ceratostomaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Ceratostoma and Ophioceras. 5. CucuRBiTARiACEAE. Genera known in Ohio are Cucurbitaria, Nitschkia, and Coelosphacria. 6. Amphispiiaeriaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Ohleria, Trcmatosphaeria, and Caryospora. 7. Mycospiiaerellaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Mycos- phaerella and Giiignardia. 8. Pleosporaceae. Genera known in Ohio, Pleospora, Ventiiria,. Didymella, Leptospracria, Ophiobohis, and Pyrenophora. 9. Gnomoniaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Gnomonia, Gnomo- niclla, and Phomatospora. 10. Valsaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Valsa, Anthostoma,. Kalmusiay Diaporthe, Eiitypa, and Eutypella. 11. Melanchonidaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Valsaria, Galospora, and Pseudovalsa. 12. Diatrypaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Diatrype, Diatry- pella, and Qiiaternaria, 13. Melogrammataceae. The genus Botryosphacria is known in Ohio. 14. Xylariaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Xylaria, Nummidaria, Ustidina, Hypoxylon, Daldinia, and Poronia. XII. PYRENULALES (PYRENULINEAE) 1. Verrucariaceae. Genera known in Ohio' are V errucaria and Staurothele. 2. Pyrenulaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Pyremda, Arthopy- rcnia, and Leptorhaphis. 3. Dermatocarpaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Dermatocarpon and Endocai'pon. 4. Trypetheliaceae. The genus Trypethclium is known in Ohio.. 5. Mycoporaceae. The genus Mycoporuni is known in Ohio. Classification of Ohio Ascomycetes 25 XIII. PERISPORIALES (part of the PYRENOMYCETINEAE) 1. Erysibaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Erysibe, Sphaerotheca, Podosphaera, Microsphaera, Uncinula, and Phyllactinia. 2. Perisporiaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Dimerosporium^ Scorias, Antennaria, and Apiosporium. 3. Microthyriaceae. The genus Asterina is known in Ohio. XIV. ASPERGILLALES (ASPERGILLINEAE) 1. Gymnoascaceae. The genus Gymnoascus must occur in Ohio. 2. Aspergillaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Aspergillus and Penicillium. XV. EXOASCALES(EXOASCINEAE) 1. Exoascaceae. Genera known in Ohio are Exoascus and Taphria. XVI. SACCHAROMYCETALES (SACCHAROYMCETINEAE) 1. Saccharomycetaceae. The genus Saccharomyces is known in Ohio. LIST OP PAPERS CONSULTED 1. Bachman, Freda M. A new type of spermagonium and fertilization in CoUema- Ann. Bot. 24: 747-760. pi. 49. 1912. 2. Bachman, Freda M. The origin and development of the apothecium in Collema pulposum (Bern.). Ach. Archiv. Zellforsch. jo: 369-430. pi. 30-36. 1913. 3. Bary, A. de. Recherches sur le developpement de quelques champignons parasites. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV 20’ 5-148. pi. 1-13. 1863. 4. Baur, Erwin. Zur Frage nach der Sexualitat der Collemaceen. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. i6’- 363-367. pi. 23. 1898. 5. Baur, Erwin. Untersuchimgen iiber die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Flechtenapothecien. Bot. Zeit. 62: 21-44. f. 1. pi. 1-2. 1904. 6. Bessey, C. E. A synopsis of the plant phyla. Univ. Nebraska Stud. 1-99. 1907. 7. Bessey, C. E. Outlines of plant phyla. 1-20. Univ. Nebraska, 1909. See also the second, third, and fourth editions; 1911, 1912, and 1914. 8. Bessey, C. E. Revisions of some plant phyla. Univ. Nebraska Stud.. 14: 37-73. 1914. 26 Ohio Biological Survey 9. Bessey, E. A. Some suggestions as to the phytogeny of ascomycetes. Myc. Centralb. 5: 149-153. 1913. 10. Blackman, V. H. and Weisford, E. J. The development of the perithe- cium of Polystigma riibrum DC. Ann. Bot. 26’’ 761-767. pi. 70-71. 1912. 11. Bonnier, G. Recherches sur la synthese des lichens. Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. 9: 1-32. f. 1-6. pi. 1-5. 1889. 12. Bornet, E. Recherches sur les gonidies des lichens. Ann. Sci. Nat. V. jy: 45-110. pi. 6-16. 1873. 13. Brooks, F. T. The development of Gnomonia erythrostoma Pers. The cherry-leaf scorch disease. Ann. Bot. 24: 585-605. pi. 48-49. 1910. 14. Brown, H. B. Studies in the development of Xylaria. Ann. Myc. ii: 1-13. pi. 1-2. 1913. 15. Bucholtz, F. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gattung Endogone Link. Beih. Bot. Centralb. 29^: 147-225. pi. 3-10. 1912. ' 16. Claussen, P. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Ascomyceten. Pyronema conduens- Zeits. Bot. 4'. 1-64. f. 1-13. pi. 1-6. 1912. 17. Clements, F. E. The polyphyletic disposition of lichens. Am. Nat. 51: 277-284. 1897. 18. Clements, F. E. The genera of fungi. 1-227. Minneapolis, The H. W, Wilson Co., 1909. 19. Cutting, E. M. On the sexuality and development of the ascocarp in Ascophanus carneus Pers. Ann. Bot. 23' 399-417. pi. 28. 1909. 20. Danilov, A, N. Ueher das gegenseitige Verhaltnis zwischen den Goni- dien und den Pilzkomponenten der Flechtensymbiose. I. Morphologische Daten iiber das gegenseitige Verhaltnis der Pilzhyphen und Chlorokok- ken bei heteromeren Flechten. Bull. Jard. Imp. Bot. St, Petersb. jo: 33-70. f. 1-9. pi. 1-3. 1910. 21. Darbishire, .0. V. Ueher die Apothecienentwickelung der Flechte Physcia pulverulenta (Schreb.) Nyl. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 34: 329-345. pi. 11. 1900. 22. Dawson, Maria. On the biology of Poronia punctata (L.) Ann. Bot. 14: 245-262. pi. 14-15. 1900. 23. Dodge, B. O. Methods of culture and the morphology of the archicarp in certain species of the Ascoholaceae. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 39: 139-197. f. 1-2. pi. 10-15. 1912. 24. Dodge, B. O. The morphological relationships of the Florideae and the ascomycetes. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 41: 157-202, f. 1-13. 1914. Classification of Ohio Ascomycetes 27 25. Elenkin, A. Zur Frage der Theorie des Endosaprophytismus bei Plech- ten. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou II. i8‘. 164-186. 1904. 26. Faull, J. H. The cytology of the Laboulbeniales. Ann. Bot. ^-5: 649-654. 1911. 27. Faull, J. H. The cytology of Laboulbenia chaefophora and L. gyrinidarum- Ann. Bot. 26’> 325-355. pi. 37-40. 1912. 28. Fink, Bruce. The lichens of Minnesota. Cont, U. S. Nat. Herb. 14: I-XVII. 1-269. Frontispiece, f. 1-18. pi. 1-51. 1910. 29. Fink, Bruce. The treatment of lichens in “The genera of fungi.” The Bryologist 15: 180-183. 1910. 30. Fink, Bruce. The nature and classification of lichens. — I. Views and arguments of botanists concerning classification. Mycologia 5: 231-269. 1911. 31. Fink, Bruce. The nature and classification of lichens. — II. The lichen and its algal host. Mycologia 5: 97-166. 1913. 32. Fisch, Carl. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte einiger Ascomyce- ten. Bot. Zeit. 40' 851-870. 875-897. 899-906. pi. 10-11. 1882. 33. Frank, A. B. Ueber die biologischen Verhaltniss des Thallus einiger Krustenfiechten. Cohn. Beitr. Biol. Pfianz. 2'. 123-200. pi. 7. 1877. 34. Frank, A. B. Ueber einige neue und weniger bekannte Pfianzenkrank- heiten. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. j: 58-63. 1883. 35. Frank, A. B. Ueber Gnomonia erythrostoma, die Ursache einer jetzt herrschenden Blattkrankheit der Susskirschen im Altenlande, nebst Bemerkungen fiber Infection bei blattbewohnenden Ascomyceten der Baume fiberhaupt. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 4: 200-205. 1886. 36. Fraser, H. C. I. On the sexuality and the development of the ascocarp in Lachnea stercorea- Ann. Bot. 21’- 349-360. pi. 29-30. 1907. 37. Funfstuck, M. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Lichenen. Jahrb. Konigl. Bot. Gard. Berlin 5: 155-174. pi. 3-5. 1884. 38. Funfstuck, M. Thallusbildung an den Apothecien von Peltidea aph- thosa (L.) Ach. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 2: 447-452. pi. 11. 1884. 39. Harper, R. A. Sexual reproduction in Pyronema conduens, and the morphology of the ascocarp. Ann. Bot. 14: 321-400. pi. 19-21. 1900. 40. Marti g, R. Der Eichenwurzeltodter, Rosellinia iRhizoctonia) quercina. Unters. Forstbot. Inst. Mfinchen j: 1-32. pi. 1-2. 1880. 41. Higgins, B. B. Life history of a new species of Sphaerella- Myc. Cen- tralbl, 4'. 187-193. f. 1-2. 1914. 28 Ohio Biological Survey 42. Krabbe, G. Morpliologie imd Entwicklungsgeschichte der Cladoniaceen, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. i: 64-77. 1883. 43. Krabbe, G. Entwicklungsgeschichte und Morphologie der polymorphen Flechtengattimg Cladonia- 1-166. pi. 1-12. Leipzig, 1891. 44. Lindau, G. tjber die Anlage und Entwicklung einiger Flechtenapothe- cien. Flora yi'. 451-489. pi. 10. 1888. 45. Lindau, G. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gattung GyropJiora- Festschrift Schwendener. 19-36. pi. 2. Berlin, Gebriider Borntraeger. 1899. 46. McClatchie, A. M. Seedless plants of Southern California. Protophy- tes-Pteridophytes. Proc. Southern Calif. Acad. Sci. j: 336-398. 1897. 47. Mdller, A. tjber die Cultur flechtenbildener Ascomyceten ohne Algen. Unters. Bot. Ins. Konigl. Akad. Munster. 1887 : 1-52. 1887. 48. Neubner, E. Untersuchungen iiber den Thallus und die Fruchtanfange der Calycien. Wissenschaft. Beilage Jahresb. Konigl. Gymnasium Paulen 5: 1-12. pi. 1. 1893. 49. Nichols, Mary A. The morphology and development of certain pyreno- mycetous fungi. Bot. Gaz. 22: 301-328. pi. 14-16. 1896. 50. Nienburg, W. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte einiger Flechten- apothecien. Flora g8‘- 1-40. f. 1-3. pi. 1-7. 1908. 51. Nienburg, W. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte von Polystigma riibrum DC. Zeits. Bot. 5: 369-400. f. 1-17. 1914. 52. Peirce, G. J. The nature of the association of alga and fungus in lichens. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. Bot. III. j: 207-240. pi. 41. 1899. 53. Reinke, J. Abhandlungen iiber Flechten. — II. Die Stellung der Flechten im Pflanzensystem. Jahrb. Wiss. Bott. 26’ 524-542. 1894. — V. Das nat- iirliche Flechtensystem. 2g: 171-236. f. 196-209. 1896. 54. Schaffner, J. H. The classification of plants, VIII. The Ohio Naturalist, jj: 70-78. 1913. 55. Schneider, A. Reinke’s discussions of lichenology. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 23-. 439-448. 1896. 24'. 32-37. 237-243. 1897. 56. Schulte, F. Zur Anatomie der Flechtengattung Usnca- Beih. Bot. Cent. 13: 2-22. f. 1-8. pi. 1-3. 1905. 57. Schwendener, S. tjber die Beziehungen zwischen Algen und Flechten- gonidien. Bot. Zeit. 26' 289-292. 1868. 58. Seynes, J. de. Recherches pour servir a 1’ historie naturelle des vege- taux inferieurs. 1-85. f. 1-3. pi. 1-3. Paris, G. Massou, 1886. Classification of Ofiio Ascomycetes 29 59. Stahl, E. iBeitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Flechten. — I, Ueber die geschlechtliche Fortpflanzimg der Eollemaceen. 1-55. pi. 1-4. Leip¬ zig, Arthur Felix, 1877. 60. Sturgis, W. C. On the carpologic structure and development of the Collemaceae and allied groups. Proc. Am. Acad, Arts Sci. 25'^ 15-52. pi. 1-8. 1890. 61. Thaxter, R. Contribution towards a monograph of the Laboulbeniaceae- Mem. Am. Acad. II. 12: 195-429. pi. 1-26. 1896. Part II. Mem. Am. Acad. II. ij: 217-469. pi. 28-61. 1908. 62. Tobler, F. Zur Biologie von Flechten und Flechtenpilzen. I. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 4g\ 389-409. f. 1. pi. 3. 1911. 63. Wahiberg, A. tjber die Apothecienentwickelung bei einiger Flechten der Gattungen Anaptychia und Physcia. Ofvers. Finska Vet. Soc. For- handl. 44’. 91-120. pi. 1. 1901. 64. Webber, H. J. Catalogue of the flora of Nebraska. Rep. Neb. State Board Agr. for 1889. i8go'- 37-162. 1890. 65. Webber, H. J. Appendix to the catalogue of the flora of Nebraska. Trans. Acad. iSci. St. Louis 6: 1-47. 1892. 66. Wolff, Gertrude P. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Flechten- apothecien. Flora 95: 31-57. f. 1-22. 1905. 67. Zukal, H. Halbflechten. Flora 74: 92-107. pi. 3. 1891. 30 Ohio Biological Survey EXPLANATION OF PLATES I AND II The figures are intended primarily to illustrate some types of female reproduc¬ tive tracts in ascomycetes. The magnification is given wherever this datum was available. PLATE I Fig. 1. Three archicarps of Pyronema confluens with spheroidal, one-celled ascogonia surmounted by one-celled trichog>nes. Each trichogyne tip is in contact with an antheridium. From Harper. Fig. 2. A transverse section of an archicarp of Lachnea stercorea. The one- celled ascogonium is at the left and passes into the several-celled trichogyne, which extends to an antheridium at the right above, x 600. From Miss Fraser. Fig. 3. A section of a leaf showing the coiled archicarp of Polystigma rubrum and the vegetative hyphae which pass through the stoma, x. 900. From Blackman and Welsford. See also the discussion of Nienburg’s results on this plant. Fig. 4. A reconstruction from sections of Laboulbenia chaetophora to show the complete outer wall of the perithecium, one cell of the inner wall, the enclosed ascogonium surmounted by the trichophoric cell, and the terminal, branched tricho¬ gyne. X 450. From Faull. Ohio Biological Survey VoL. II — Plate I Bruce Fink, 31 32 Ohio Biological Survey PLATE II. Fig. 5. The many-celled archicarp of Collema micro pJiyllum. The coiled ascogonium passes into the erect trichogyne, which in turn extends above the sur¬ face of the algal-host colony, x 300. From Stahl. Fig. 6. The many-celled archicarp of Miss Bachman’s Collema-Wko. plant. The coiled ascogonium is at the left, and the trichogyne extends to a group of in¬ ternal spermatia (antheridia ?) at the right, x 520. From Miss Bachman. Fig. 7. A mature archicarp of Ascoboliis carbonarius : a, a conidium which gives rise to an archicarp ; b, the conidiophore ; d to g, the stalk of the archicarp ; g to j, the ascogonial coil; h, probably the ascogonium proper; k to m, the trichogyne; m, the antheridial conidum ; n, the conidiophore. x 400. From Dodge. Fig. 8. The archicarp of Peltigera canina. One of four cells of the ascogonium is shown at A, and a cell of the vegetative hypha from which the archicarp arose is shown at s. There is supposed to be no trichogyne. x 750. From Funfstuck. Ohio Biological Survey VoL. II — Plate II Bruce Fink. ilKRARY UNIVErSITV Of SLUN0I3 . URBANA THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO.— II I The Collemaceae* BRUCE FINK AND C. AUDREY RICHARDS General Considerations Hitherto comparatively few descriptions of lichens as fungi have been undertaken. In many short diagnoses of lichens, mention of the algal hosts has been omitted, and many lichens have been treated thus in¬ advertently as fungi. But in more lengthy diagnoses or descriptions, the common practice has been to consider the algal host as part of the lichen. In order to dispose of typical lichens as fungi, no greater departure from the ordinary methods is required than to omit from the descriptions all reference to the algal host, the thing which is now often done through inadvertency. However, in order to apply to a few families of lichens the methods commonly employed in the taxonomic disposition of fungi, a method must be followed which diverges considerably from that which has been employed by lichenists. If it should be found impracticable to treat any group of ascomy- cetous lichens as fungi, the whole plan of treatment of ascomycetes proposed in the first paper of this series would be impossible of execution. Consequently, we have considered, in this second contribution toward a knowledge of the ascomycetes of Ohio, a family of lichens, the treatment of which as fungi probably involves as wide a departure from the method commonly employed by students of lichens as any group that could be chosen. In order to demonstrate as early as possible in this series of papers how slight are the changes required in order to treat the large majority of lichens as fungi, the Lecideaceae, another family of lichens, will receive consideration in the next paper of this series. The study of the Collemaceae has been made classic through the contributions of several botanists. De Bary studied this group and ascertained that the chlorophyllous cells are algal (3). Schwendener soon extended this view to include the chlorophyllous cells found in all * Contributions from the Botanical Laboratory of Miami University — XII. 35 36 (3iii() Ijiologjcal Survey lichens (6). Stahl chose members of the same family for the first im¬ portant work on sexual reproduction in lichens (7). Sturgis (8) and Baur (4) have since confirmed Stahl's results. Miss Bachman (1 and 2) has found in a member of the Collcinaccac an interesting condition with respect to the morphology and the behavior of the sexual reproductive tracts and has obtained in the same plant the only important cytological results thus far secured in the study of the sexual organs of lichens. The results obtained by these workers are known to many botanists, have been considered in part in the first paper of this series, and need no further discussion here. In working out a new taxonomic method, there is a distinct ad¬ vantage in considering a group of plants in which many botanists are interested. However, our prime motive in selecting the Collemaccac was, as explained above, to attack first a family of lichens, the treatment of which as fungi probably presents as many difficulties as any that could be selected. The species of this family grow mainly within the algal hosts instead of containing these hosts in a limited area within somatic tracts of the parasites as do the great majority of lichens; and the de¬ scriptions of gross characters hitherto given as morphological features of members of the Collemaccac belong largely to the algal hosts rather than to the lichens themselves. Finding a satisfactory way to obviate this difficulty and devising a new method for the study of the minute morphology of these lichens have required spending much time and energy on details, some of which have proved to be of little if any taxonomic .value and have not been included in the results presented in this paper. One year was given to working out a method, which, in the last two years, has been further elal)orated in the studies of the Collemaccac of Ohio presented herein. In connection with many difficulties encountered, it is fortunate that the tissues of members of the Collemaccac appear more distinctly in sections than do those of the majority of lichens. This condition has made it comparatively easy to study most of the details with respect to structure of cortices, medullse, sexual reproductive tracts, and apothecia. In a few instances, we have resorted to imbedding and serial sectioning ; but most of our results have l^een obtained by free-hand sectioning with the razor. Flemming’s triple stain, Delafield’s haematoxylin, and safranin ..were used with good results; but we depended mainly on the solution of iodine which is used commonly in the study of lichens. Other reagents used were water, potassium hydrate, Schulze's macerating fluid, and alcohol. For macerating, potassium hydrate was found more satis- The Collemaceae of Ohio 37 factory than Schulze’s solution. The measurements of microscopic features were taken from specimens treated with water only. Limiting the area studied to a region near at hand gave the ad¬ vantage of being able to secure material in fresh condition easily. While our area conforms to the requirements of the Ohio Biological Survey, the collecting has been conhned to the southwestern portion of the state, extending roughly about one-fourth of the distance from the southern boundary to the northern and somewhat more than one-third of the way from the western boundary to the eastern. The principal collecting grounds are about Oxford, Eaton, West Alexandria, Mason, Washington Court House, Greenheld, Paint, Bainbridge, Peebles, and Cincinnati. Collections made by others in various portions of the state have been studied through material loaned from the herbarium of the Ohio State University and have given a fairly satisfactory knowledge of the dis¬ tribution of several of the species within the state as a whole. Just what changes in limitations of species would result from the employment of a new taxonomic method could not be known until we had examined a considerable number of species of the family. While our paper covers only the sixteen species of the Collcinaccac known in Ohio, we have made preliminary examinations of about as many more. This means that we have covered approximately one-fourth of the species known to occur in North America. Thus far our method has not required any changes in species-limits. Each species studied has shown a sufficient number of morphological characters to mark it as distinct, or has been found to modify the size, form, color, or general appearance of the algal host in a peculiar manner. In our descriptions, the power of modifying the algal-host colony has been treated as a specific, physiological character of each species of lichen. Since the algal host rather than any portion of the lichen itself, except the apothecia, is con¬ spicuously visible in the field, we have given first under each name of a species a statement concerning the manner in which the lichen has modified its host. This brings into prominence that which is seen plainly on first observation, and at the same time avoids the error of describing the algal host as a portion of the lichen. Eollowing the statement re¬ garding the transforming action of the lichen on the algal host, such characters of the lichen itself as have seemed to have considerable diagnostic value have been recorded. We have tried to present a method workable for the species found in the area treated in this paper and also like that which must be em¬ ployed when our method is extended to include the Collcinaccac of a 38 Ohio Biological Survey larger area, or finally to the family as a whole. It is evident that the taxonomic value of the diagnostic characters used, both morphological and physiological, may be lietter known after a large number of species has been studied carefully, but it is not probable that extension of the method given herein will involve other than minor modifications. In deciding on a method of treatment of the algal host, other ascomycetous lichens which will require treatment similar to that which is given to the Collemaceac in this paper were kept in mind. Other nosticolous lichens may be treated in essentially the same manner as the Collemaceac. Other types are illustrated by Epliebc, the thallus of which is similar to that of the Collemaccce, but is found penetrating throughout the tissue of the branched, filamentous alga, Sirosiplion, and by Coenogonium, which has a mycelial thallus that covers a portion of the filaments of the algal host, Trentcpohlia. From a purely technical point of view, it would be better, in treating the Collemaceac and all other lichens which require special methods for disposition of the modified algal host, to treat the host in a paragraph following the description and dealing with habitat and distribution. However, the practical advantage of placing immediately under the name of the species that which is first noticed in field or laboratory is so great that all who use our descriptions will doubtless agree that we are justified in departing from a more exact scientific procedure sufficiently to place the statement about the trans¬ formation of the algal host before the description of the lichen, which, excepting its apothecia, is known only through microscopic study. The penetration of the thallus of members of the Collemaceac throughout the algal-host colony as a distinct mycelial structure unat¬ tached to the algal cells (Fig. 1) renders the somatic areas so plainly visible that even the sexual reproductive areas, imbedded in the vegetative structures, are much more readily visible in section than those of most other lichens. In beginning our work, it was thought that these re¬ productive structures, so plainly visible, might be available in this family of lichens for diagnostic purposes. The archicarps (Fig. 18) and the spermagonia (Fig. 25) were carefully described for each species of Synechoblastus studied, and later those of a majority of the species of our other genera were more or less carefully examined, even though the work on Synechoblastus indicated that these organs do not dififer enough in the various species examined to make them of diagnostic value, except in a few instances. Added to this is the difficulty, sometimes very great, of finding specimens that bear the sex organs, and the areas of the thallus in which these organs occur. The Collemaceae of Ohio 39 The sex organs grow, for most part, during two months in the spring and for the same length of time in autumn. These organs may be found in specimens not collected during these periods ; but the cells are likely to be dead, and the parts of the archicarps collected out of season are not likely to have quite their natural form. The spermagonia likewise must be studied at the right time, since the spermatia decrease in num¬ bers and finally disappear entirely after the prime condition is past, while the basidia become considerably enlarged. The spermagonia usually ap¬ pear as minute protuberances, which are commonly some shade of yellow or brown. They occur most frequently on the lobes and near the margins, or at least externally to the areas occupied by mature apothecia. They may be seen easily with a hand lens, especially after the lichen and the algal host are moistened ; but they are not easily distinguished, in gross morphology, from young apothecia, which have not yet ruptured the mass of structures which lie above them. There is no way of de¬ tecting the presence of archicarps through external appearance, but they usually occur toward the margins from the position occupied by the scattered apothecia. Sometimes, however, the archicarps are found within the region of the thallus occupied by the apothecia, and they rarely occur well toward the center of the thallus. The more central ones are likely tO' be past prime and more or less distorted. Owing to the uncertainty of finding the sex organs and their slight or infrequent taxonomic value, we have, after working them out labor¬ iously, decided not to burden the diagnosis with matter of so little value in determining species. Instead, we have given the results from studies of these organs toward the close of the paper where they may be acces¬ sible to those who may wish to consult them. Though the sexual tracts are not of sufficient diagnostic worth to warrant lengthening the diagnoses considerably in order to include them, it is true that critical workers on the Collemaceae must hereafter take these structures into account. Miss Bachman’s results (1 and 2) and our own findings from several regions widely separated (Figs. 14 and 20) prove that forms so much alike with respect to somatic characters and their method of modifying the algal- host colonies may differ so much with respect to the sexual tracts that they can scarcely belong to the same genera (Pis. Ill and IV). This means that critical workers on the Collemaceae must know at least the general nature of the reproductive tracts in every specimen in which they can be found in order to be reasonably certain that forms so much alike otherwise do not differ greatly with respect to the sex organs and their behavior. Some of the minor differences in size and form of the sexual 40 Ohio Biological Survey tracts within the family may be seen by consulting our hgures (Pis. Ill and IV), and the measurements given in the descriptions of the sex organs. Our work on these areas in Syneclioblastus illustrates the rather slight dififerences within the species studied from this genus. The differences in size of ordinary spermatia and the internal male repro¬ ductive cells found in certain of the Collemaccae may be seen by com¬ paring Figs. 14, 20, 21, 22, and 23. One of the writers of the present paper had Miss Bachman’s material for examination during the progress of her studies. It seemed certain enough that she was working on Collema pulposuni until the peculiarities with respect to the morphology and the behavior of the sex organs were discovered. It then became apparent that her plants could not be Collema pulposiim, if those previously studied by Stahl (7) and Sturgis (8) are this species. Unfortunately, the reproductive areas can be studied successfully from herbarium material so seldom that it is doubtful whether microscopic study of the type of the genus Collema and the type specimen of Collema pulposum would help to decide which plants are like the types with respect to the sexual tracts. To attempt to treat in this paper the material with internal sex organs found in Ohio would be premature. One of the writers will continue with taxonomic studies of the material already examined by us from Wisconsin, Iowa, Alinnesota, Ohio, Missouri, and New York, with any other that we may discover, while the other author pursues further cytologic investigations. The thalli of members of the Collemaceae are composed entirely of hyphae. The hyphae are commonly long-celled and loosely interwoven in such fashion as to form a mycelial structure, which usually composes the larger portion of the somatic areas. In the hypothecia and the exciples, the hyphie are closely interwoven. In these areas, the cells of the hyphae may be long, or they may be approximately isodiametrical and so closely placed as to exclude interhyphal spaces. In Leptogiuin and Mallotium there is a distinct cortex, usually one layer of cells in thick¬ ness (Fig, 1 ), composed of a layer of roughly isodiametric end-cells of hyphae which extend from the dorsal to the ventral surface. Lindau (5) has proposed the term plectenchyma for the densely interwoven parenchymatoid hyphal tissues of fungi and has distinguished two kinds, the paraplectenchyma with cells roughly isodiametrical and the proso- plectenchyma with the cells more or less elongated and the ends narrowed. The paraplectenchyma is found in the cortices in certain genera of the Collemaceae and in the exciples and the hypothecia of certain species. The prosoplectenchyma is rarely seen in the plants which we have studied. The Collemaceae of Ohio 41 and we have not attempted to differentiate. Loosely interwoven hyphse with much elongated cells we have designated mycelial structure. The mycelial structure is probably present in the medullse of all somatic tracts within the group, though a plectenchymatoid appearance is some¬ times seen in the medulla in instances in which the hyphse are so densely interwoven and so interspersed with algal-host cells as to obscure the structure. The hypothecia and the exciples may be composed of ordinary long-celled, but closely interwoven hyphse (Fig. 9), or they may be plectenchymatous (Fig. 10). The hyphse of the medullse extend in various directions (Fig. 1), and the number that lie perpendicular to the surfaces of the thallus is usually largest about the apothecia and toward the margins of the thalli. This distribution gives strength to the thalli. Perhaps no part of our work presented greater difficulty than de¬ termining whether certain hypothecia, exciples, and medullse, or certain portions of these structures, are plectenchymatous or whether they are composed of closely interwoven hyphse which have elongated cells. Transitional conditions occur, and one may easily mistake interwoven hyphse with elongated cells for a plectenchyma when the hyphse are closely packed. We found a plectenchymatoid appearance in the medullse of certain specimens of Leptogium tremelloides (Fig. 2) and Leptogium cliloromelum, and even in the same section, certain portions may show a plainly mycelial structure while others, in which the hyphse are densely packed, may appear like a plectenchyma. Careful maceration failed to show a true plectenchyma in any instance in our specimens of these two species. Other species are said by certain workers to be plectenchy¬ matous throughout, but it may well be doubted whether this is true. We examined Leptogium tcnuissinium, which is figured in Engler and Prantl as plectenchymatous throughout, but found a plainly but densely mycelial structure toward the lower surface. Leptogium plectenchymiim, de¬ scribed in this paper, varies greatly with respect to position and amount of plectenchyma, but we found no specimens which were wholly plectenchymatous in the vegetative areas. Certain hypothecia and exciples present greater difficulty than any of the medullje that we have examined, and only the use of high powers, the oil-immersion lens, and careful maceration will solve the problem in many instances. We do not wish to leave the impression that such obstacles arise in the study of all the species of the Collemaceae. On the other hand, the typical plectenchyma (Fig. 3) and the typical mycelial structure (Fig. 1) are readily recognizable. 42 Ohio Biological Survey The apothecia of all of the Collemaceae studied possess a more or less strongly developed exciple. Surrounding the exciple and often extending above it is a thalloid margin, composed of elements of the lichen thallus, with which algal-host filaments are intermingled. The thalloid margin is sometimes absent or overgrown, when the exciple is naked as in many other ascomycetes. In some of the species, one must resort to the oil-immersion lens to demonstrate the exciple. This struc¬ ture extends below into the hypothecium, which is much thicker as a rule and is always easily demonstrable. It needs to be made clear that the thalloid margin is not a part of the apothecium, but belongs rather to the somatic tract of the lichen, and is intermingled with elements of the algal-host colony, which, in this family, obscure the real thalloid margin. The Collemaceae form a very distinct group of ascomycetes, especially peculiar with respect to conditions of parasitism and resulting thallus disposition and structure. In the lower members of the family, the thallus is a mycelium pure and simple as found in Syneclioblastiis and Collema. In certain other genera as Leptogium and Mallotiiini, the mycelial structure gives way in part to a cortical plectenchyma. In rare instances, the plectenchyma extends throughout a large portion of the thallus, which, as noted above, is said by some students to be wholly plectenchymatous in some species. A plectenchyma sometimes occurs in the hypothecium and in the exciple, even in the lower members of the family, in which the vegetative areas are wholly mycelial. Hence, it seems safe to assume that the most primitive plectenchyma is that found in the fruit rather than that found in the somatic areas. About and below the apothecia of Lcptogla, the plectenchyma is usually several layers of cells in thickness (Fig. 3), and it is similarly thickened below the apothecia in the material of Mallotium at hand for examination. An interesting series of transitional conditions which indicates how a cortical plectenchyma may have arisen came to light in our studies of Synechohlastus Haccidus (Figs. 6, 7, and 8). Short cells at the upper and the lower ends of erect hyphse often coalesce over limited areas of the thallus and form either a typical plectenchyma, or a structure strongly suggestive of a cortical plectenchyma. In some instances, the cells which coalesce are elongated and form a palisade which dififers considerably from a true plectenchyma (Fig. 6). Over other areas the short end- cells are formed but do not cohere (Fig. 7). On account of these transitional conditions, this species is often placed in the genus Leptogium in herbaria. In Leptogium chloromclum, the plectenchymatous cortex is The Collemaceae of Ohio 43 often poorly developed, and in some instances it is discontinuous and recalls the conditions just noted for Synechoblastiis Haccidus. These two species bridge fairly well the gap between members of the Collemaceae which have no cortex and those which have one. Some of the material of Mallotiiim also showed a poorly developed and scarcely continuous cortical plectenchyma. Sweeping statements to the effect that paraphyses are uniformly simple in many families of ascomycetes are due to the careless manner in which the examinations are made. We have not studied a species of the Collemaceae in which branched paraphyses do not occur (Fig. 11). In instances in which it is difficult to ascertain the structure, maceration and examination with an oil-immersion lens will always reveal branched paraphyses, often in large numbers. Though simple paraphyses occur in all of the species that we have studied, branched ones sometimes appear to be more numerous than the simple ones when one makes a careful examination. The spores of the Collemaceae are hyaline and vary from simple ones to muriform conditions (Fig. 13). The occurrence of muriform spores in Collema and simple ones in genera that have a plectenchymatous cortex makes it probable that there are at least two lines of descent within the family, one expressed mainly in the spore evolution, and the other showing the spore evolution and also the development of a cortical plectenchyma. In separating Synechoblastus, with several-celled spores, from Collema, which has muriform spores, we are following the tendency among students of ascomycetes to give more prominence than formerly to spore characters, in limiting genera. A gradual evolution from simple spores to several-celled ones and from these to muriform types is well known in many groups of ascomycetes ; and transitional conditions in which a species may have either simple or septate spores, or either several-celled or obscurely muriform ones are occasionally met. There¬ fore, one sometimes meets difficulties in using spore characters as taxonomic criteria in the Collemaceae and in some other ascomycetes. However, we have encountered no difficulty in the species treated in this paper. The Collemaceae are related, with respect to apothecial and somatic structure, to the Pannariaceae and tO' the Lecideaceae. The difference in structure of the thallus, in the Lecideaceae on one side and the Colle¬ maceae and the Pannariaceae on the other, is mainly explainable as a re¬ action to different hostal environment and to inorganic, substratic con¬ ditions. With respect to the sexual tracts, the Collemaceae are closely 44 Ohio Biological Survey related to many lichens and other ascoinycetes. These relationships are considered in the previous jiaper of this series. Eleven genera of Collcmaccac are recognized in Engler and Plantl’s “Naturlichen Phanzenfainihen.” Of the genera recognized in Engler and Prantl, only Physma, Leptogium, and Collema are known in North America. However, there seems to be no sufficient reason for exclud¬ ing the monotypic North American genus, Hydrothyria, from the Collemaceae. Seven of the foreign genera are monotypic, and the other one is ditypic. Of approximately 200 species of the Collemaceae, some¬ what more than half occur in North America. Thirteen species of the Collemaceae had been listed for Ohio when we began our work three years since. Of these, Synechoblastiis crystas- pis, Collema crispiim, Leptogium juniperinum and Mallotium myochroum do not seem to occur in the state, the determinations being faulty or rest¬ ing on insufficient or sterile material. Our studies have added seven species to the flora of Ohio, two of which are new. The total number of species now known for the state is sixteen. Besides this, the species with internal reproductive organs remains to be described. Sets of the material on which this paper is based may be found in the state herbarium and in the herbarium of Bruce Fink. During most of the time that we have worked on the Collemaceae of Ohio, Miss Leafy J. Corrington has given her forenoons to the work under our direction, and we are under obligations to her for assistance. Systematic Account COLLEMACEAE Thallus, with rare exceptions, composed wholly or mainly of a mycelium which penetrates throughout and usually surrounds the algal- host colony ; hyphse not attached to the cells of the hosts in any of our species ; the mycelial structure surrounded, in the higher genera, by a cortical plectenchyma, usually a single layer of cells, except around and below the apothecia ; attached to the substratum by hyphal rhizoids, which are usually seen only in sections; female sex organ an archicarp, differentiated into an ascogonium and a trichogyne ; male sex organ usually a spermagonium, which contains spermatia, but sometimes an internal spermatium (antheridium, or antheridial conidium?) ; external conidia known in one member of the family; apothecia with an exciple, either plectenchymatous or of interwoven hyphae, a hypothecium, the structure The Collemaceae of Ohio 45 of which is usually like that of the exciple into which it is produced, and a hymenium composed of the asci and the paraphyses, the former blue and the latter yellow-brown in iodine ; spores simple, several-celled, or muriform, brown in iodine; apothecia usually surrounded by a thalloid margin. The algal host is a form of Nostoc and is strongly modified and transformed into a more or less plainly foliose structure, which has peculiar features of form, size, or color dependent on the transforming efifect of the particular lichen parasite. The algal-host colony becomes gelatinous when wet, and the gelatinization is more marked when the alga functions as the host of a species of the CoUcinaceae which is devoid of a cortical plectenchyma. KEY TO THE OExXERA Without a typical plectenchymatous cortex. Spores 2- to several-celled . Synechoblastus Spores muriform . Collema With a typical plectenchymatous cortex. Rhizoids not plainly noticeable with the hand lens . Leptogium Rhizoids plainly noticeable with the hand lens . Mallotium Synechoblastus Trev. Caratt. Gen. Collem. 2. 1853. Transforming the algal-host colony into a blue-green, olivaceous, or nearly black, irregular or foliose body, with the lobes often ascending or erect and covering the horizontal portions, often to the center of the colony ; thallus not differentiated into a typical plectenchymatous cortex and a mycelia medulla, but the whole structure commonly mycelial and the hyphse usually more densely disposed toward the surfaces, especially the upper surface; hyphse hyaline, perpendicular, horizontal, and extend¬ ing in various directions, straight or curved, monopodially branched ; rhizoids inconspicuous, but commonly seen in sections of some of the species ; apothecia scattered ; disk flat to convex, red-brown to black- brown, surrounded by a thalloid margin which is sometimes overgrown ; exciple either densely mycelial or plectenchymatous, usually tinged with brown ; hypothecium similar in structure and color ; hymenium hyaline below to pale- or darker-brown above ; paraphyses hyaline at the base and gradually becoming tinged with brown toward the enlarged apex, simple or once to several times monopodially branched toward the a])ex or farther back, all species examined showing both simple and liranched 46 Ohio Biological Survey ones, the number of cells ranging from 5 to 20, the length from 4b to 115 mic., and the width from 1.5 to 5 mic. ; asci clavate, the walls 0.5 to 2 mic. thick laterally and 2 to 9 mic. thick at the apex ; spores hyaline, 2- to several-celled, but not muriform, 8 in each ascus and irregularly arranged in all of ours. On account of the flexible nature of the thallus, which is devoid of a strengthening plectenchymatous cortex, the algal host becomes enlarged and more or less plainly gelatinous when moist. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF SYNECHOBLASTUS Spores 2-celled. Apothecia marginal on the densely aggre¬ gated, erect lobules . 2. Synechoblastus pycnocarpus Apothecia scattered over the surface . 1. Synechoblastus ohioensis Spores more than 2-celled. A rudimentary plectenchymatous cortex often seen, usually sterile . 5. Synechoblastus flaccidus Wholly devoid of cortex, usually fertile. Spores less than 40 mic. long . 4. Synechoblastus ryssoleus Spores more than 40 mic. long . 3. Synechoblastus nigrescens 1. Synechoblastus ohioensis Fink sp. nov. Transforming the algal-host colony into a rather small, suborbicular or irregular, foliose body, which is 2 to 5 cm. across, 225 to 500 mic. thick, and rather loosely adnate, with ascending lobes, the margins of which are sometimes closely rugose lobulate, with the upper surface dark-olivaceous, varying toward black or green, with the lower surface lighter colored, and with the algal chains more numerous toward the surfaces, especially the upper; thallus of rather densely disposed hyphse, which are somewhat uniformly distributed with their course, mainly perpendicular to the surfaces, but in part irregular, or roughly horizontal toward the center, 3 to 8 mic. wide ; rhizoids well developed and com¬ monly seen in sections of thalli ; apothecia common, small to middle- sized, sessile, scattered, 0.5 to 2.5 mm. in diameter; disk flat or convex, red- tO' dark-brown, surrounded by an entire thalloid margin, which may extend above it or may rarely become overgrown ; exciple hyaline, of interwoven hyphse, but plectenchymatoid above ; hypothecium of inter¬ woven hyphse, 80 to 120 mic. thick; hymenium 65 to 105 mic. thick; paraphyses frequently and variously branched; asci 55 to 65 mic. long, and 13 to 16 mic. wide; spores ovoid to ellipsoid-pointed, 2-celled, 12 to 24 mic. long and 5 to 8 mic. wide. See Fig. 25. The Collemaceae of Ohio 47 Found on limestone rocks near Peebles, Adams County, usually growing with mosses. The plant was collected for Collcma pulposum^ but differs considerably in its effect on the appearance of the algal-host colony and much more in its anatomical characters. This new species resembles Synechoblastus pycnocarpus strongly, but it modifies the algal- host colony in a different manner and has several distinct features of thallus and fruit. The plant seems to resemble Synechoblastus texanus (Tuck.), both in its physiological action on the algal-host colony and in its anatomical characters. Three collections were made near Peebles. 2. Synechoblastus pycnocarpus (Nyl.) Fink Cont. U. S. Nat. Herb. 14^: 134. 1910. Collema pycnocarpum Nyl. Syn. Lich. i: 115. 1858. Transforming the algal-host colony into a rather small, suborbicular, foliose body, which is 1.5 to 6 cm. across and 150 to 875 mic. thick, the horizontal portions closely adnate and sometimes sparingly perforate, with the lobes long and more or less branched, rising toward the margin into a suberect position, the erect or ascending portions densely rugose lobulate and obscuring more or less the parts below, especially when covered with apothecia, with the upper surface olivaceous varying toward green or black, and sometimes granulate, with the lower surface lighter colored, and with the algal chains distinctly more numerous toward the surfaces; thallus of hyphse which are densely disposed toward the sur¬ faces but somewhat scattered toward the center, variously placed and in part perpendicular or horizontal, the latter especially toward the center, 2 to 4 mic. wide; rhizoids seen in large numbers in certain sections of the thallus ; apothecia small, numerous, sessile, marginal on erect or ascending lobules, 0.4 to 0.8 mm. in diameter ; disk flat to convex, brown or red-brown, surrounded by an entire thalloid margin, which does not extend above the disk and is sometimes overgrown ; exciple of interwoven hyphae, tinged with brown ; hypothecium of interwoven hyphse, 33 to 85 mic. thick; hymenium 55 to 85 mic. thick; paraphyses frequently and variously branched ; asci 45 to 62 mic. long and 10 to 14 mic. wide ; spores ovoid to ellipsoid-pointed, 2-celled, 11 to 20 mic. long and 3.5 to 6.5 mic. wide. See Figs. 9, 11, 18, and 24. Widely distributed in the state, but not common. On tree trunks. Examined from areas about Peebles, Springfield, Amanda, Cedar Swamp, Paint, Prospect, and Columbus. 48 Ohio Biological Survey 3. Synechoblastus nigrescens (Muds.) Stizenb. Rer. St. Gall. Ges. Naturw. 1861-1862: 144. 1862. Lichen nigrescens Huds. FI. Angl. 450. 1762. Transforming the algal-host colony into a middle-sized, orbicular or irregular foliose body, which is 2 to 7 cm. across, 60 to 185 mic. thick, and closely adnate, with the upper surface closely beset with pustules, on many of which apothecia are situated, or with the pustules largely replaced by radiating ridges, with short, rounded, entire, and usually somewhat raised lobes, with the upper surface olive-green and blacken¬ ing, with the lower surface lighter colored and marked by depressions which correspond with the pustules or the ridges of the upper surface, and with the algal chains somewhat more numerous toward the upper surface; thallus of hyphse which are densely disposed, somewhat uni¬ formly distributed with course largely perpendicular or horizontal, and 1 to 2.5 mic. wide; rhizoids rarely seen in the sections; apothecia rather small, numerous, sessile, crowded toward the center of the thallus, which is sometimes obscured by them, 0.4 to 1.2 mm. in diameter; disk flat or convex, brown or red-brown and surrounded by a thin thalloid margin, which is sometimes overgrown ; exciple plectenchymatous, tinged with brown ; hypothecium plectenchymatous below, of interwoven hyphse above, 40 to 65 mic. thick; hymenium 85 to 115 mic. thick; paraphyses sometimes anastomizing by a bridge; asci 65 to 85 mic. long and 14 to 22 mic. wide; spores 4- to several-celled, long-fusiform to acicular, 40 to 70 mic. long and 3.5 to 6.5 mic. wide. See Figs. 12 and 13. Known in Ohio only through specimens collected by T. G. Lea near Cincinnati, in 1841. However, the plant should occur in other portions of the state. On the trunks of trees. 4. Synechoblastus ryssoleus (Tuck.) Fink Cont. U. S. Nat. Herb. 14^: 135. 1910. Collema nigrescens ryssoleum Tuck. Lich. Calif. 34. 1866. Transforming the algal-host colony into a rather small, suborbi- cular, foliose, membranaceous body, which is 2 to 5 cm. across, 60 to 200 mic. thick, and rather smooth, with rounded, ascending lobes, with pli¬ cate, undulate and crisped margins, with the upper surface olivaceous to black-brown and rugose-papulose, with the lower surface lighter colored and reticulate, and with the algal chains somewhat more numerous toward the surfaces ; thallus of densely disposed hyphge, which are more The Collemaceae of Ohio 49 numerous toward the surfaces and largely perpendicular, but in part horizontally or irregularly placed, 2 to 5 mic. wide ; rhizoids seldom seen in the sections ; apothecia minute to middle-sized, numerous but scattered, sessile, 0.2 to 1.5 mm. in diameter; disk brown or red-brown, flat or convex, surrounded by a thin, entire thalloid margin, which is sometimes overgrown ; exciple of interwoven hyphae tinged with brown ; hypothe- cium of interwoven hyphae, 40 to 85 mic. thick ; hymenium 85 to 95 mic. thick; asci 60 to 85 mic. long and 12 to 20 mic. wide; spores long ellipsoid-pointed, 6-celled, 22 to 34 mic. long and 4 to 6 mic. wide. A single specimen was collected by W. A. Kellerman, in Delaware County. The specimen is sterile and without number. On tree trunks. The microscopic apothecial characters were taken mainly from Lichenes B oreali-Americani, No. 199. 5. Synechoblastus flaccidus (Ach.) Trev. Caratt. Gen. Collem. 1853. Lichen haccidiis Ach. Vet. Akad. Handl. i6\ 14. 1795. Transforming the algal-host colony into a middle-sized, suborbi- cular or irregular foliose body, which is 3 to 7 cm. across, 40 tO' 185 mic. thick, and rather loosely attached to the substratum, with rather wide, rounded, entire, and often imbricated lobes, with the upper surface olivaceous, varying toward black or green, usually granulate, with the lower surface commonly lighter colored, and with the algal cells some¬ what more numerous toward the upper surface ; thallus of densely dis¬ posed hyphae, which extend in various directions and are 2.5 to 4 mic. wide, those perpendicular to the surface of the thallus often passing at one end or at both ends into short, enlarged cells, or into branches, the end cells of which are short and wide and sometimes cohere laterally to form a true plectenchyma over limited areas ; rhizoids rarely seen in the sections; apothecia rare, small to middle-sized, sessile, 0.5 to 1.5 mm. in diameter ; disk concave to slightly convex, brown or red-brown, sur¬ rounded by an entire, often granulate thalloid margin, which may extend above it ; exciple plectenchymatous, tinged with brown ; hypothecium plectenchymatous below, of interwoven hyphse above, 34 to 88 mic. thick ; hymenium 85 to 125 mic. thick; asci rather large, 80 to 110 mic. long and 14 to 21 mic. wide; spores long ellipsoid-pointed, 4- to 6-celled, 28 to 40 mic. long and 5 to 9 mic. wide. See Figs. 6, 7, 8, 13, and 17. Widely distributed in the state. On trees and rarely on rocks. Examined from areas about Amanda, Eaton, Oxford, Peebles, Paint, and Orwell. 50 Ohio Biological Survey Collegia (Hill.) Web. in Wig. Prim. FI. Hols. 89. 1780. Transforming the algal-host colony into a squamulose or an irregu¬ larly foliose body, with the upper surface olivaceous, varying toward green or black and the lower surface somewhat lighter colored ; thallus wholly mycelial and the hyphse more densely disposed toward the sur¬ faces ; hyphse hyaline, variously and often densely disposed, straight or curved, monopodially branched ; rhizoids inconspicuous but commonly seen in sections; apothecia commonly scattered; disk varying from con¬ cave to convex, from light brown to dark brown, surrounded by a thalloid margin, which is rarely overgrown ; exciple either densely mycelial or plectenchymatous, usually hyaline ; hypothecium usually of interwoven hyphse, hyaline below to pale brown above ; hymenium hyaline below to brown above ; paraphyses hyaline at the base and tinged with brown toward the somewhat enlarged apex, simple or sometimes monopodially branched toward the apex or farther back, all species showing both simple and branched ones, the number of cells varying from 5 to 9, the length from 55 to 160 mic., the diameter from 1.5 to 4 mic. ; asci clavate, the walls 9.5 to 2.5 mic. thick laterally and 5 to 13 mic. thick at the apex; spores hyaline, ellipsoid, muriform, 8 in each ascus, irregularly arranged. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF COLLEMA Attached to calcareous rocks. Spores usually less than 8 mic. wide . 4. CoHema plicatile Spores usually more than 8 mic. wide . 5. Collema furvum Not attached to calcareous rocks. On calcareous soil and on mosses, usually over calcareous rocks. Thallus and transformed algahhost colony 200 to 750 mic. thick . 1. Collema pulposum Thallus and algal-host colony less than 100 mic. thick . 2. Collema tenax On tree trunks . 3. Collema microphyllum 1. Collema pulposum (Bernh.) Ach. Lich. Univ. 632, pi. 14. f. 9. 1810. Lichen pulposus Bernh. Journ. Bot. Schrad. pi. 1. f. 1. 1799. Transforming the algal-host colony into a middle-sized, orbicular or more or less irregular body, which is 1.5 to 8 cm. across, 200 to 750 mic. thick, and closely attached to the substratum, with thick, entire or repand- crenate and often imbricated, rosulate lobes, which are often reduced in the central portions, to mere granules, with the upper surface olivaceous, The Collemaceae of Ohio 51 varyiiij^ toward black, with the lower surface scarcely lighter colored, and with the algal chains more numerous toward the surfaces ; thallus of scattered or rather densely disposed hyphse with course largely irregular, but roughly horizontal toward the center, 1 to 4 mic. wide ; rhizoids numerous at the scattered points of attachment ; apothecia common, small to middle-sized, adnate or sessile, 0.6 to 2.5 mm. in diameter; disk concave to slightly convex, red-brown, surrounded by an entire or rarely crenate thalloid margin, which extends above it, or is rarely overgrown ; exciple thin, of interwoven hyphse, tinged with brown ; hypothecium of inter¬ woven hyphse, tinged with brown, 40 to 80 mic. thick ; hymenium 90 to 125 mic. thick; asci 70 to 90 mic. long and 11 to 21 mic. wide; spores longitudinally 4- to 5-celled and transversely 2-celled, 17 to 32 mic. long and 6 to 11 mic. wide. See Figs. 9, 13, 15, 16, and 21. Widely distributed in southern Ohio. On calcareous earth, or on mosses over calcareous rocks. Examined from areas about Oxford, Cincinnati, Eaton, Fultonham, and Peebles. Not previously reported for Ohio, but collected by T. G. Lea near Cincinnati, in 1841. 2. Collema tenax (Sw.) Ach. Lich. Suec. 128, 237. 1798. Lichen tenax Sw. Nov. Act. Soc. Sci. Ups. 4: 249. 1784. Transforming the algal-host colony into a small to middle-sized, orbicular or more or less irregular body, which is 0.5 to 7 cm. across, 65 to 85 mic. thick, and closely attached to the substratum, usually crenately lobed and imbricated, but sometimes depauperate and reduced to squamules when attached directly to rocks, with the upper surface olivaceous, varying toward black, with the lower surface scarcely lighter colored, and with the algal chains numerous and somewhat evenly dis¬ tributed ; thallus of densely disposed hyphae, which are often perpendicu¬ lar to the surfaces and are 2.5 to 4. mic. wide ; rhizoids numerous at the points of attachment ; apothecia common, small to middle-sized, sessile or adnate-immersed, 0.5 to 2 mm. in diameter ; disk concave to slightly convex, red-brown and darker, surrounded by an entire or a crenate thalloid margin, which does not extend above it ; exciple hyaline, of interwoven hyphae ; hypothecium of interwoven hyphae, 80 to 95 mic. thick; hymenium 130 to 160 mic. thick; asci 65 to 75 mic. long and 16 to 20 mic. wide ; spores longitudinally 4- to 5-celled, transversely 2-celled, 16 to 21 mic. long and 7 to 10 mic. wide. Collected near Paint, by Bruce Fink, No. 460. Usually on calcar¬ eous soil over rocks, often growing with mosses. Ours a depau])erate 52 Ohio Biological Survey condition on calcareous rocks. Previously recorded for Ohio, but we have not seen the specimens. 3. Collema microphyllum Ach. Lich. Univ. 630. 1910. Transforming the algal-host colony into a minute, suborbicular or irregular body, which is 0.1 to 1 cm. across, 110 to 160 mic. thick, and closely adnate or sometimes raised at the margin, with the marginal lobes rounded and those toward the center reduced, granulate-crenate, and often imbricate, with the upper surface black-olive, and with the algal chains somewhat more numerous toward the upper surface; thallus of densely disposed, much branched hyphse, which are uniformly distri¬ buted, extend in various directions, and are 2.6 to 4 mic. wide; rhizoids hyaline, numerous at certain points, especially under the apothecia ; apothecia numerous, minute or small, sessile, or adnate, 0.3 to 0.6 mm. in diameter ; disk concave to flat, red- to dark-brown, surrounded by an entire thalloid margin which does not extend above it and often becomes overgrown ; exciple plectenchymatous, hyaline ; hypothecium plectenchy- matous below and of interwoven hyphae above, 55 to 80 mic. thick; hymenium 90 to 120 mic. thick; asci 85 to 95 mic. long and 21 to 26 mic. wide; spores longitudinally 4-celled and transversely 2-celled, 18 to 25 mic. long and 9 to 13 mic. wide. See Figs. 10, 12, and 23. Collected near Peebles, by Bruce Fink, No. 64. On tree trunks. Not ])reviously recorded for Ohio. 4. Collema plicatile Ach. Lich. Suec. 129, 237. 1798. Lichen plicatilis Ach. Vet. Akad. Flandl. i6: 11. pi. 1. f. 2. 1795. Transforming the algal-host colony into a small, irregular or subor¬ bicular, somewhat coriaceous body, which is 0.4 to 2.5 cm. across, 185 to 370 mic. thick, and loosely attached to the substratum, with more or less imbricated, ascending or erect lobes with plicate-crisped margins, with the upper surface black-olive, with the lower surface scarcely lighter colored, and with the algal chains scattered toward the center but numer¬ ous toward the surfaces ; thallus of densely and variously disposed hyphie, which are 3 to 5 mic. wide ; rhizoids rare, except at the points of attachment of the thallus to the substratum; apothecia small, sessile, scat¬ tered, 0.5 to 1 mm. in diameter ; disk concave to flat, red- to dark-brown, surrounded by an entire thalloid margin, which does not extend above it ; exciple very thin, of interwoven hyphie, tinged with brown ; hypothecium of interwoven hyph?e, light brown, 90 to 105 mic. thick; hymenium 130 to 160 mic. thick; asci 80 to 95 mic. long and 14 to 18 mic. wide; spores The Collemaceae of Ohio 53 longitudinally 4-celled, becoming transversely 2-celled, 24 to 30 mic. long and 5 to 9 mic. wide. Collected near Peebles, by Bruce Fink, No. 94. On calcareous rocks. Not previously recorded for Ohio. 5. Collema furvum Ach. Lich. Suec. 132, 236. 1798. Lichen fnrvns Ach. Lich. Suec. 132. 1798. Transforming the algal-host colony into a suborbicular or irregular, small or middle-sized body, which is 0.7 to 5 cm. across, 145 to 310 mic. thick, and loosely attached to the substratum, with rounded or somewhat irregular, entire and ascending lobes, which have undulate or crenulate and somewhat crisped edges, with the upper surface black-olive and cov¬ ered with granules, with the lower surface lighter colored, and with the algal chains somewhat more numerous toward the surfaces; thallus of densely and irregularly disposed hyphse, which are infrequently either perpendicular or horizontal to the surface, 1.3 to 5 mic. wide; rhizoids numerous at the points of attachment of the thallus to the substratum; apothecia small, few and scattered, sessile, 0.3 to 1 mm. in diameter; disk concave or flat, light brown, becoming dark, surrounded by an entire thalloid margin, which may extend slightly above it ; exciple plectenchy- matous, hyaline ; hypothecium plectenchymatous below, of interwoven hyphse above, 90 to 160 mic. thick; hymenium 105 to 120 mic. thick; asci 90 to 105 mic. long and 20 to 32 mic. wide; spores longitudinally 4- to 6-celled, transversely 2- to 3-celled, 17 to 26 mic. long and 8 tO' 12 mic. wide. See Fig. 13. Collected near Peebles, by Bruce Fink, No. 184. On calcareous rocks. Not previously recorded for Ohio. Leptogium Ach.; S. F. Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. PI. i: 400. 1821 Transforming the algal-host colony into a foliose, usually lead-col¬ ored or olivaceous body, which is variously lobed and sometimes granu¬ late or isidioid branched, and in which the algal-host chains are com¬ monly more numerous toward the upper surface of the colony ; thallus of a plectenchymatous cortex surrounding a medulla which is mainly or wholly mycelial, or rarely more largely plectenchymatoid ; hyphse of the medulla hyaline, straight or curved, for most part densely and vari¬ ously disposed, more or less branched monopodially ; plectenchymatous cortex usually well developed and of a single layer of cells, except around and below the apothecia, where it is usually several layers of cells in 54 Ohio Hkjlogical Survey thickness; rhizoids rarely seen; ajjothecia usually scattered; the disk commonly hrown and surrounded hy an entire thalloid margin; exciple almost always in ])art or wholly j)lectenchymatous and usually hyaline; hy])othecium hyaline helow to pale hrown above, more often plectenchy- matous ; hymenium hyaline helow to pale- or darker-hrown above ; para- ])hyses hyaline toward the base and tinged with hrown toward the slightly enlarged aj^ex, all s|)ecies examined showing some simple ones and others one- to several-times mono])odially branched near the apex or farther hack, ranging from 60 to 160 mic. long, from 2 to 3.5 mic. wide, and from 6- to 14-celled in the si)ecies examined; asci usually clavate, 65 to 105 mic. long and 12 to 21 mic. wide, the walls 0.5 to 2 mic. thick laterally, and 2 to 11 mic. thick at the apex (thicker in Lcpto- giiim laccnim) ; si)ores hyaline, becoming muriform, 8 in an ascus in all of ours, irregularly arranged. On account of the rigid nature of the thallus, due to the presence of a t)lectenchymatous cortex, the algal-host colony does not become so much enlarged and so plainly gelatinized when moist as does the same host when parasitized hy Syiicclwblastiis or Collcina, genera which are less rigid because of absence of a cortex. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF LEPTOGIUM Plectenchymatoiis cortex of several layers of cells around the apothecia. Spores 4 cells in length. Exciple plectenchymatoiis . 5. Leptogium plechtenchymum Exciple of interwoven hyphge, but often more or less plectenchymatoid . 4. Leptogium chloromelum Spores usually more than 4 cells in length. Medulla plainly mycelial . 1. Leptogium pulchellum Medulla of densely interwoven hyphge, and the structure often plectenchymatoid ... .3. Leptogium tremelloides Plectenchymatoiis cortex of one or rarely two layers of cells around the apothecia . 2. Leptogium lacerum 1. Leptogium pulchellum (Ach.) Nyl. Syn. Licit. /: 123. 1858. Collcma pulcliclliiin Ach. Syn. Licit. 321. 1814. Transforming the algal-host colony into a rather large, suhorbicular body, which is 4 to 12 cm. across, 90 to 265 mic. thick and closely adnate, with the marginal lobes free and somewhat raised, with the upper surface lead-colored and thrown into delicate, plicate wrinkles, with the lower The Collemaceae of Ohio .■)0 surface lighter colored, similarly wrinkled, and more or less pitted, with the lobes rounded and sometimes imbricated, with entire or undulate margins, and with the algal chains more numerous toward the surfaces, especially the upper; medulla of scattered hyphse, which are in part irregularly arranged and in part perpendicular to the surfaces, the latter arrangement more noticeable toward the margins, 1.75 to 2.6 mic, wide, and slightly more numerous toward the upper surface ; cells of the upper cortex 4 to 8 mic. long and 4 to 7.5 mic. wide, those of the lower cortex distinctly smaller, the cortex several cells thick around the apothecia; rhizoids rarely seen in the sections ; apothecia common, small to middle- sized, 0.5 to 2 mm. in diameter, sessile or raised on a pseudostipe, and surrounded by a thalloid margin ; disk flat and light- or darker-brown ; exciple plectenchymatous ; hypothecium plectenchymatous below, of inter¬ woven hyphse above, 90 to 140 mic. thick ; hymenium 80 to 105 mic. thick ; spores ellipsoid to ellipsoid-pointed, longitudinally 6-celled, trans¬ versely 2- to 4-celled, 18 to 33 mic. long and 9 to 16 mic. wide. See Figs. 1, 3, 5, and 13. Generally distributed over the state, but not common. On the trunks of trees, and rarely on rocks. Examined from areas about Peebles, Washington C. H., Springfield, Paint, Cedar Swamp, George- ville. Sugar Grove, Chester Hill, and Columbus. 2. Leptogium lacerum (Retz.) S. F. Gray, Xat. Arr. Brit. PI. i: 401. 1821. LicJicn laccr Retz. FI. Scand. Prodr. 228. 1774. Transforming the algal-host colony into a middle-sized, suborbicular or irregular body, which is 1.5 to 7 cm. across, 60 to 210 mic. thick, and reticulately wrinkled, with the closely adnate horizontal portions obscured by ascending and expanding lobes, with the margins sinuate or more often finely jagged and lacerately fringed, with the upper surface lead-colored to olive-brown, with the lower surface scarcely lighter colored, and with the algal chains more numerous toward the upper surface ; medulla of densely disposed and uniformly distributed hyphae, which are 2.6 to 5 mic. wide and extend in various directions ; cells of the upper cortex 8 to 13 mic. long and 11 to 13 mic. wide, those of the lower cortex scarcely differing in size ; cortex rarely thickened to two layers of cells around and below the apothecia ; rhizoids rarely seen in the sections ; apothecia rare, small to middle-sized, sessile, 0.4 to 1.5 mm. in diameter; disk flat or concave, red-brown, surrounded by a thalloid margin, which 56 Ohio Biological Survey does not extend above it and sometimes becomes concolorous, giving a biatoroid appearance ; exciple and hypothecium plectenchymatous, the latter 125 to 170 mic. thick; hymenium 140 to 175 mic. thick; asci clavate or rarely obclavate, 115 to 130 mic. long, and 25 to 35 mic. wide, with the walls 2 to 3 mic. thick laterally and 20 to 25 mic. thick at the apex ; spores ellipsoid and sometimes pointed, longitudinally 8- to 12-celled, transversely 2- to 4-celled, 27 to 46 mic. long and 11 to 18 mic. wide. See Fig. 13. ^^4dely distributed in the state, but rarely fruited. On rocks among mosses. Examined from areas about Eaton, Paint, Peebles, Oxford, Collinsville, Fultonham, Kelley’s Mills, Prospect, and Spring- field. 3. Leptogium tremelloides (L.) S. F. Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. PI. 2 \ 400. 1821. Lichen tremelloides L. Suppl. PI. 450. 1781. Transforming the algal-host colony into a middle-sized, suborbi- cular body, which is 3 to 8 cm. across, 65 to 210 mic. thick, and rather closely adnate, with ascending and often imbricated lobes, with entire or finely undulate or dentate, crisped and irregular margins, with the upper surface lead-colored and beset more or less with isidioid branchlets, which may pass into minute lobules, with the lower surface somewhat lighter colored, and with the algal chains more numerous toward the upper surface; medulla of densely interwoven and uniformly distributed, vertically and variously disposed hyphse, which are 2.4 to 2.7 mic. wide, often in part or wholly plectenchymatoid ; cells of the upper cortex 5 to 10 mic. long and 5 to 8 mic. wide, those of the lower cortex scarcely differing in size ; cortex several cells in thickness around and below the apothecia ; rhizoids rarely seen in the sections ; apothecia small to middle-sized, scattered, sessile or on a short pseudostipe, 0.5 to 1.7 mm. in diameter; disk from slightly concave to slightly convex, brown, surrounded by an entire or an irregular thalloid margin, which is sometimes overgrown ; exciple at least very largely of interwoven hyphse ; hypothecium of interwoven hyphse, except perhaps at the lower limit, where it is plectenchymatous or plectenchymatoid, 80 to 100 mic. thick: hymenium 90 to 115 mic. thick; spores ovoid-ellipsoid to ellipsoid- pointed, longitudinally 4- to 6-celled, transversely 2- to 3-celled, 18 to 32 mic long and 7 to 12 mic. wide. See Fig. 12. A rare plant in Ohio, the distribution of which is not well known. The Collemaceae of Ohio 57 On rocks and on trunks of trees. Examined from areas about Colum¬ bus, Sugar Grove, Peebles, and Eaton. 4. Leptogium chloromelum (Sw.) Nyl. Syn. Lich. j: 128. 1858. Lichen chloromelos Sw. El. Ind. Occ. y.' 1892. 1808. Transforming the algal-host colony into a middle-sized, suborbicular or irregular, thin body, which is 2 to 7 cm. across and 50 to 185 mic. thick, with sometimes scattered, usually isidioid-granulate, frequently imbricate, ascending lobes, with crisped, undulate, or isidioid-lobulate margins, with the upper surface lead-colored varying toward green or olivaceous, with the lower surface scarcely lighter colored, and with the algal chains somewhat evenly distributed ; medulla of densely, uniformly, and variously disposed hyphse, which are 2 to 5 mic. wide, sometimes plectenchymatoid in part or throughout ; cortex rather poorly developed and not always continuous, the cells of the upper cortex 7 to 16 mic. long and 4.5 to 12 mic. wide, those of the lower cortex scarcely differing in size; cortex several cells in thickness around and usually below the apothecia ; rhizoids often seen in sections, especially under the apothecia ; apothecia commonly present and often numerous, small to middle-sized, sessile, 0.5 to 1.5 mm. in diameter; disk slightly concave to slightly con¬ vex, brown, surrounded by a granulate, entire or irregular thalloid mar¬ gin, which may extend above it ; exciple and hypothecium of interwoven hyphge, but both structures wholly or in part plectenchymatoid, the latter 80 to 105 mic. thick; hymenium 105 to 155 mic. thick; spores ovoid to ellipsoid-pointed, longitudinally 4-celled, transversely 2-celled, 15 to 30 mic. long and 8 to 13 mic. wide. See Eigs. 4, 19, and 22. Widely distributed in the state, but infrequent. On rocks and tree trunks. Examined from areas about Springfield, Scipio, Oxford, Paint, Mineral Springs, and Peebles. 5. Leptogium plectenchymum sp. nov. Transforming the algal-host colony into a small or middle-sized, suborbicular or irregular body, which is 0.8 to 7 cm. across, 35 to 110 mic. thick, and somewhat loosely adnate, with ascending and often imbri¬ cated lobes, with entire or irregular, often minutely lobulate margins, with the upper surface lead-colored, with the lower surface somewhat lighter colored, and with the algal chains somewhat evenly distributed ; medulla of densely and uniformly distributed, vertically and variously disposed hyphse, which are 3 to 5 mic. wide; cells of the upper cortex 9 to 19 mic. long and 5 to 14 mic. wide, those of the lower cortex some- 38 Ohio JJiologjcal Survey what smaller; cortex thickened from 2 to several layers of cells around and below the apothecia, the whole area below the apothecia sometimes being- plectenchymatous ; the occurrence of the ])lectenchymatous cortex varying greatly, this structure being in some specimens thickened only under the apothecia, while in others it is thickened from 2 to 8 or 9 layers of cells around the apothecia, the thickening sometimes passing outward 500 mic. or more in all directions from each apothecium ; rhizoids numerous under the apothecia ; apothecia middle-sized or large, sessile, scattered, 0.5 to 3 mm. in diameter; disk flat or convex, red-brown, sur¬ rounded by an entire or irregular thalloid margin, which often becomes concolorous with the disk and resembles in appearance a true exciple ; exciple plectenchymatous, slightly tinged with brown, often passing im¬ perceptibly into the thickened plectenchymatous cortex about the apothe¬ cium ; hypothecium usually composed wholly of interwoven hyphse, but sometimes in part plectenchymatous below, 45 to 115 mic. thick; hy- menium 150 to 170 mic. thick; paraphyses narrow, 1 to 1.5 mic. wide; spores ovoid-ellipsoid to ellipsoid-pointed, longitudinally 4-celled, becom¬ ing transversely 2-celled, 22 to 30 mic. long and 8 to 14 mic. wide. See Fig. 13. Collected three times near Oxford, by Bruce Fink. On damp clay. Mallotium Ach. ; S. F. Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. PI. i: 399. 1821. Transforming the algal-host colony into a middle-sized or large, foliose, lead-colored to black-green body, which has large, often more or less granulate, sometimes rugose lobes, in which the algal chains are commonly more numerous toward the upper surface of the colony ; thallus of a mycelial medulla and a plectenchymatous cortex ; medulla of hyaline, usually densely and variously disposed hyphae, which are some¬ what uniformly distributed, straight or curved, more or less branched monopodially ; cortex of one layer of cells, except around and below the apothecia where there may be two or more layers of cells, not so well developed as in Lcptogimn, and sometimes difficult to demonstrate over certain areas of the thallus ; rhizoids numerous and strong, appearing as a dense, light-colored nap, which usually covers the whole lower sur¬ face and forms the chief differential character of the genus; apothecia scattered ; the disk usually brown and commonly surrounded by a thalloid margin ; exciple and hypothecium wholly or largely of interwoven hyplue, but both or the latter may be at least partly plectenchymatous ; hymenium pale below and light-brown above ; paraphyses hyaline toward The Collemaceae of Ohio 59 the base and tinged with brown toward the more or less enlarged apex ; asci usually clavate; spores hyaline, becoming muriform. Thallus somewhat thicker than in Lcptogiiiin and rigid enough to overcome largely the tendency of the algal-host colony to gelatinize con¬ spicuously when moist. 1. Mallotium saturninum (Dicks.) Mass. ]\Iem. Lich. 95. pi. 18. f. 114. 1853. Lichen saturniniis Dicks. PL Crypt. Brit, i*.' 21. pi. 6. f. 8. 1790. Transforming the algal-host colony into a rather large, suborbicular or irregular body, which is 4 to 15 cm. in diameter, 80 to 250 mic. thick, and somewhat ascending, rounded, subentire, or undulate, with the upper surface lead-colored varying toward olivaceous or black, more or less granulate and sometimes rugose, and the lower surface clothed with light- colored rhizoids, which form a delicate nap, and with the algal chains more numerous toward the upper surface of the colony ; medulla of somewhat densely and uniformly disposed hyphae, which are 2.5 to 5 mic. in diameter, in part irregularly arranged, but many of them roughly perpendicular while others toward the center of the thallus tend toward a horizontal position; cortex not always well developed and distinct, cells of the upper cortex 5 to 8 mic. long and 4.5 to 5 mic. wide, those of the lower cortex slightly smaller; apothecia rare, middle-sized, subsessile, 1 to 2 mm. in diameter, the disk flat and red-brown, surrounded by a more or less granulate and irregular thalloid margin ; spores ellipsoid, becom¬ ing muriform, 23 to 30 mic. long and 7 to 9 mic. wide. Known to us from Ohio only through No. 572, E. E. Bogue, col¬ lected near Columbus. Some of the specimens distributed under this number are in part or wholly Syneclioblastus flaccid us. The only speci¬ men seen was sterile, and the apothecial characters are taken from Tucker- man. We have never seen any American specimens in fruit. On tree trunks, and rarely on rocks. Descriptions of Sex Organs. Ascogonia coiled, hyaline, single or in groups ; trichogynes usually passing directly or indirectly to and above the surface, one from each ascogonium ; spermagonia marginal or submarginal ; basidia of short cells, more or less branched ; spermatia hyaline, one-celled, oblong-con¬ stricted, located on the ends and sides of the basidia. Internal male sex organs present in an Ohio species not yet named. 60 Ohio Biological Survey Synechoblastiis pycnocarpus. Ascogonia on young lobes, 40 to 215 mic. below the surface, horizontal diameter 20 to 42 mic., vertical diam¬ eter 40 to 215 mic., 10- to 18-or more-celled, cells 5 to 17 mic. long and 3 to 8 mic. wide; trichogynes extending 15 to 30 mic. above the surface, where branched or unbranched, 85 to 265 mic. long, cells 7 to 59 mic. long and 3 to 7 mic. wide, the two distal cells much longer than the others ; spermagonia occurring with the archicarps, horizontal diameter 55 to 200 mic., vertical diameter 55 to 205 mic. ; basidia becoming 20-or more-celled, cells 3.5 to 8 mic. long and 3 to 6 mic. wide; spermatia 2 to 4 mic. long and 0.5 to 1 mic. wide, some seen as low as the fifth cell from the tip of the basidium. See Figs. 18 and 24. Syncchoblasius ryssolctis. Ascogonia 46 to 95 mic. below the sur¬ face, horizontal diameter 19 to 28 mic., vertical diameter 17 to 31 mic., 7- to 15-celled, cells 5 to 9 mic. long and 4 to 7 mic. wide; trichogynes not seen; horizontal diameter of spermagonia 55 to 155 mic., vertical diameter 65 to 125 mic. ; basidia 7- to 12-or more-celled, cells 4 to 6 mic. long and 2 to 5 mic. wide ; spermatia 2 to 3 mic. long and 1 mic. wide. Syncchoblastus flaccidus. Ascogonia 50 to 60 mic. below the sur¬ face, horizontal diameter 14 to 22 mic., vertical diameter 12 to 20 mic., many-celled, cells 6 to 7 mic. long and 4 to 5 mic. wide ; trichogynes extending about 8 mic. above the surface, unbranched, 56 to 65 mic. long, cells 10 to 11 mic. long and 4 to 5 mic. wide; spermagonia submarginal on young lobes, horizontal diameter 150 to 165 mic., vertical diameter 105 to 150 mic., basidia 6- to 15-celled, cells 2 to 5 mic. long and 3 to 5 mic. wide ; spermatia 2 to 3 mic. long and 0.7 to 1 mic. wide. See Fig. 17. Synechoblastiis nigrcsccns. Ascogonia 34 to 54 mic. below the sur¬ face, horizontal diameter 15 to 26 mic., vertical diameter 15 to 17 mic., 8- to 10-or more-celled, cells 6 to 8 mic. long and 3 to 4 mic. wide; trich¬ ogynes extending to and above the surface, 50 to 70 mic. long, cells 8 to 10 mic. long and 3 to 3.5 mic. wide ; horizontal diameter of spermagonia 65 to 230 mic., vertical diameter 56 to 190 mic. ; basidia 4-to 12-or more- celled, cells 3 to 5 mic. long and the same in width ; spermatia 2 to 4 mic. long and 1 to 1.5 mic. wide. Syncchoblastus ohioensis, Ascogonia 90 to 225 mic. below the sur¬ face, horizontal diameter 16 to 37 mic., vertical diameter 16 to 30 mic., 7- to many-celled, cells 6 to 8 mic. long and 5 to 6 mic. wide ; trichogynes passing directly or indirectly to the surface and 20 to 40 mic. above. The Collemaceae of Ohio 61 where they are sometimes branched, 105 to 150 mic. long, cells 11 to 25 mic. long and 4 to 6 mic. wide ; spermagonia submarginal, horizontal diameter 190 to 265 mic., vertical diameter 212 to 250 mic.; basidia 14- to 20-celled, cells 3 to 5 mic. long and 3 to 4 mic. wide; spermatia 3.5 to 5.5 mic. long and 0.8 to 2 mic. wide. See Fig. 25. Collema pidposum. Ascogonia 155 to 600 mic. below the surface, horizontal diameter 16 to 39 mic., vertical diameter 13 tO' 57 mic., 5- to many-celled, cells 9 to 13 mic. long and 4 to 6 mic. wide ; trichogynes extending 17 to 24 mic. above the surface, where sometimes branched, 155 to 625 mic. long, cells 8 to 54 mic. long and 6 to 8 mic. wide, distal cells much longer than others ; spermagonia submarginal, horizontal diameter 65 to 240 mic., vertical diameter 75 to 240 mic.; basidia 7- or more-celled, cells 3 to 5 mic. long and 3 to 4 mic. wide; spermatia 1.5 to 4 mic. long and 0.5 to 1 mic. wide. See Figs. 15, 16, and 21. Collema plicatile. Archicarps not seen ; spermagonia numerous, commonly tinged with red, horizontal diameter 210 to 345 mic., vertical diameter 210 to 235 mic.; basidia many-celled, cells 5 to 6 mic. long and 2.6 to 5 mic. wide; spermatia 5 to 7 mic. long and 1 to 1.5 mic. wide, often slightly curved, located on the ends and sides of the basidia. Collema microphyllum. Archicarps not seen; spermagonia sub¬ marginal, horizontal diameter 135 to 175 mic., vertical diameter 125 to 140 mic. ; basidia several-celled, cells 4 to 8 mic. long and 4 to 5 mic. wide; spermatia 2 to 3 mic. long and 0.5 to 1 mic. wide. Leptogiiim chloromelum. Ascogonia 60 to 95 mic. below the sur¬ face, horizontal diameter 18.5 to 24 mic., vertical diameter 26.5 to 29 mic., many-celled, cells 8 to 10 mic. long and 3 to 5 mic. wide ; trichogynes not seen; spermagonia submarginal, horizontal diameter 60 to 210 mic., vertical diameter reaching 250 mic. ; basidia 4-to 8-or more-celled, cells 2 to 6 mic. long and 3 to 5 mic. wide ; spermatia 2 to 5 mic. long and 0.5 to 1.3 mic. wide. See Figs. 19 and 22. Leptogium pulchellum. Ascogonia about 65 mic. below the surface, horizontal diameter about 14 mic., vertical diameter about 17 mic., 8-or more-celled, cells 7 to 8 mic. long and 5 mic. wide ; trichogynes passing indirectly toward the surface, not fully studied ; spermagonia marginal or submarginal, horizontal diameter 85 to 135 mic., vertical diameter 90 to 120 mic. ; separate basidia not found ; spermatia 2.5 to 3.5 mic. long and 1 to 1.5 mic. wide. Leptogium lacerum. Ascogonia about 80 mic. below the surface, horizontal diameter about 18.5 mic., vertical diameter about 24 mic.. 62 Ohio Biological Survey many-celled, cells nearly isodiametrical ; trichogynes not seen ; sperma- gonia submarginal, horizontal diameter 60 to 135 mic., vertical diameter 70 to 120 mic.; spermatia 2.6 to 5 mic. long and 0.75 to 1 mic. wide. Note. Only spermagonia which reached nearly to the surface and contained spermatia were measured. However, some of the sections may not have passed through the center of the spermagonium. This doubtless makes some of the minimum measurements too small. LIST OF THE TITLES CITED. 1. Bachman, Freda M. A new type of spermagonium and fertilization in Collcina- Ann. Bot. 24: 747-760. pi. 49. 1912. 2. Bachman, Freda M. The origin and development of the apothecium in Collcma piilposiiin (Bern.).Ach. Archiv. Zellforsch. 10: 369-430. pi. 30-36. 1913. 3. Bary, A. de. Morphologie imd Physiologie der Pilze, Flechten, und Myxomyceten. 1-316. f. 1-100. Leipzig, 1866. 4. Baur, Erwin. Zur Frage nach der Sexualitat der Collemaceen. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. i6'- 363-367. pi. 23. 1898. 5. Lindau, G. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gattung GyropJiora- Festschrift Schwendener 19-36. pi. 2. Berlin, Gebriider Borntraeger, 1899. 6. Schwendener, S. Die Algentypen der Flechtengonidien. 1-42. pi. 1-3. Basel, C. Schultze, 1869. 7. Stahl, C. E. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Flechten. I. Ueber die geschlechtliche Fortpflanzung der Collemaceen. 1-55. pi. 1-4, Leipzig, Arthur Felix, 1877, 8. Sturgis, W. C. On the carpologic structure and development of the Collcmaccac and allied groups. Proc. Am. Acad, 2^: 15:52, pi. 1-8. 1890. ■^MK. ' . . .V.. r:' |MPpS^^-li§ ’■ ' -^y' ■ " ’ tWi? W. ■ > ' - L- ^ '■ sS'SirrJ; *.'• ■ • ■ . . ^--* j? , : ^ v: • ■' . ! -w^-- ■■ - •• . '-; "a ; ::3F55- '-- Uii_3SS?^A# ' « i@» ' ■ - i3RV>A.^/- r-^ V Si^.v.aiv J*-.- • ‘ >->.-«- -> ■T ^‘ ’ '‘ji4~''vr *- v Ff; c£' ?v^. Skit'-!. 'Jr •'” " ' ■'^' " • .! ' ♦ £• ! <34 Ohio Biological Survey EXPLANATION OF PLATE III Fig. 1. A section through the thallus of Leptogiiim piilchellum, showing the plec- tenchymatous cortex above and below and the mycelial medulla within. The algal-host chains are shaded, x 435. Fig. 2. A similar section through the thallus of Leptogium tremelloides, highly magnified to show the close plectenchymatoid interweaving of the medullary hyphse. x 1,000. Fig. 3. A section showing a hypha and a portion of the thickened plectenchyma- tous cortex below an apothecium of Leptogium pulchellum. x 1,000. Fig. 4. Four cells of the upper plectenchymatous cortex of Leptogium chloromelum, isolated by maceration, but still cohering to the hyphse from which they were cut off. x 1,000. Fig. 5. A portion of a section of Leptogium pulchellum cut through the thickened plectenchymatous cortex below an apothecium, macerated, but the isolated cells still showing somewhat of the usual arrangement in vertical rows. X 1,000. Pig. 6. A section through the thallus of Syncchohlastus daccidus to show a plec¬ tenchymatous cortex over a limited area above and closely packed hyphae, forming a palisade over a limited area below. The horizontal lines above and below indicate the limits of the algal-host colony, x 875. Fig. 7. Another section of Syneclioblastus daceidus, showing roughly isodiametrical cells cut off at the dorsal and the ventral surfaces, but not plainly plecten¬ chymatous. X 875. P"ig. 8. xVnother section through the thallus of Syueehoblastus daceidus, taken from a region where there was little of the peculiar modification, but showing toward the center above two isodiametrical cells cohering in plectenclwma- like fashion, x 875. Ohio Biological Survey VoL. II — Plate III Fink and Richards. 65 66 Ohio Biological Survey EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV. Fig. 0. A section through an apothecium of Collema pulposum, showing a portion of the hypothecium of interwoven hyphse below and the lower portions of three asci and several paraphyses above, x 1,000. h'ig. 10. A portion of a section showing a few cells of a medullary hypha and three cells of the plectenchyma in the lower portion of the hypothecium of Collema micro phyllum. x 1,000. Fig. 11. Three types of branching of paraphyses in Synechoblashis pycnocarpiis. X 580. I''ig. 12. Three paraphyses of Synechoblastus mgrescens, showing two of the bridge¬ like anastomoses sometimes seen in this species and a branch arising from the middle paraphysis. x 580. Fig. 13. Types of spores found in the Collemaceae ; a, 2-celled spores of Syneclio- blastus ohioensis; h and c, several-celled spores of Synechoblastus haccidiis and Synechoblastus nigrescens ; d, e, f, g, h, and i muriform spores of Collema pulposum (d), Collema microphyllum (e), Collema furvuni (f), Leptogium plectcnchymum (g), Leptogium lacerum (h), and Leptogium pulchellum (i). x 1,000. Ohio Biological Survey Fink and Richards, 13 68 Ohio Biological Survey EXPLANATION OF PLATE V. Fig. 14. Internal reproductive organs in a member of the Colleinaceae collected at Fayette, Iowa. Parts of two ascogonia at the left and two trichogynes passing toward a group of male reproductive bodies at the right, x 1,000. h'ig. 15. Sixteen trichogynes of CoUeina seen projecting above the surface of the algal-host colony within one field of the microscope, x 580. Fig. 16. A single archicarp of Collema piilposiini from the same material from which Fig. 15 was taken, x 1,000. Fig. 17. The tip of a trichogyne of SynccJioblastus flaccidiis branched more than usual. X 580. Fig. 18. The coiled ascogonium of Synechoblastus pycnocarpiis, with a portion of the trichogyne above and a portion of the supporting hypha below, x 580. Note how this differs in form of coil and form of cells from the archicarp of Collema piilposum shown in Fig. 16. Fig. 19. The coiled ascogonium and portions of the supporting hypha and the trichogyne of Leptogiiim chloromchim for comparison with similar struc¬ tures from other members of the Colleinaceae shown in Figs. 14, 16 and 18. X 580. Ohio Biological Survey VoL. IT — Plate Fink and Richards. 69 1HE UBRARY OF THE SEP 3 1943 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 70 Ohio Biological Survey EXPLANATION OF PLATE VI. P'ig. 20. Three groups of internal male reproductive organs from a Collema-Vikt plant collected near Peebles, Ohio, x 1,000. Note how these male cells compare in form and size with the spermatia in Figs. 21, 22 and 23, drawn to the same scale of magnification. Fig. 21. Portions of three basidia of CoUema pulposiim, showing five spermatia attached, x 1,000. Fig. 22. Portions of two basidia of Leptoghim chloromelum, showing four sper¬ matia attached, x 1,000. Fig. 23. Portions of four basidia of CoUema micro phylhim, showing ten spermatia attached, x 1,000. Fig. 24. Portions of three basidia of SynecJwblastiis pycnocarpiis, showing twelve spermatia attached, x 870. Fig. 25. A vertical section through a spermagonium of Synechoblastus ohiocnsis, showing the ostiole, many basidia, numerous spermatia, some attached and others free in the cavity of the spermagonium, hyphge surrounding the spermagonium, and a few chains of cells and two free heterocysts of the algal host x 580. Ohio Biological Survey Plate VI 71 » • 1 ' "vt' ^ - .! ^ 3fc. j: ..'.wV 7 :J- • ^ . .- tf ■♦ .^y ,r S 3fc“ -'.* ' i?!'" •- * 'V* • -*-’T!^ ■'^ - y '■'-< Jis- i . ‘ ■ .'- '■-?. & '. St ■■ *X v~ • * j * T ■* I *• 4' •■'V*; ‘ '• ’ ill ' *. -""jr *#• ^ i. * ■>' .ri^' ■« ■’ ■: . * ■ * Jf * • •1‘ ••- • ‘ ■4 •* *• *•■ Wf >7 . 7 .* ^CI . •* ?v ^ V-’v'# -'■*•. *■• -■• ' /’* -*4 C. rVir - - an-l^’ •: ' . * ■ ik^- '> k'- ^ * I/- ■*^5 /» * lb ’•'‘' ^ 'SJfc ^ .'vJ t" "■ ^ ' <, i '"'*• --i * •>v .-.1L ...:™ , *> *. • ^ -JC».' <*fri J-f ^ *- : .',j V' *T‘i '• f^ •^i.»i''-«^3,».v rf- 'Hly . ' Ptj^- ■* ' • i‘;ifc. , M •« »'<»■* .*11 'Hf v 7 •I ■g-^. 'St!^0 .V »/ ‘ ^ ^ ^4-, _ - ■ -7^‘* I .K « * «, J-. •0 '-^V>J ^ •*• ' A. ’*' ''■•S^ '">“- ' *•- -t,'- ir- ' j yt-‘ * i'* -P’ •' ■'^' ' * • ■ 'T ‘7’ • .'.-^'■»f^ ,.„ :,S- .:‘-.^i*-'/ WK* .». _,v _ V- I'. ■• .- ■' , ''- tr ^,* A ,••■ ' . ■■ 'Cff • v>i - V'>^‘ * >■> 7’’ • "' lIBifJARY iiNIVErSITV Of ILLINOia URBANA THE LIBRARY OF THE SEP 3 1943 Volume II, No. 2 university of Illinois Bulletin No. 6 Ohio B iological Survey QUALITIES AND USES OF THE WOODS OF OHIO WILLIAM R. LAZENBY, FOR. ENG. Professor of Forestry Published by THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Columbus, 1915 Introduction. CONTENTS PAGE Economic Importance of Wood . 75 Qualities of Wood . 76 Color, Luster or Gloss, Texture, Grain, Odor, Weight, Moisture, Volume, Shrinkage, Checking, Toughness, Durability, Fuel Value, Miscellaneous Qualities. Table I — Weight and Specific Gravity . 84 Capacity of Wood to Absorb Moisture . 85 Methods of Testing . 87 Explanatory Notes . 89 Summary of Results . 90 Absorption and Volumetric. Table II — Rate and Percent of Absorption and Expansion. . . 92 Experiments with Coniferous Woods . . 94 Method and Summary. Table III — Results in Percentages . 96 Table IV — Air Drying Compared with Kiln Drying . 96 Kinds and Quantity of Woods Used in Ohio . 96 Classification of the Uses of Wood . 98 Building and Construction Work, Sashes Doors and Mantles, Boxes, Barrels, Crates, Cars, Wagons. Boats, Furniture and Cabinet Work, Veneers, Agricultural Implements, Fencing Material, Rail¬ road Crossties, Telegraph and Telephone Poles, Household Utensils and Wooden Ware, Mining Industry, Caskets and Coffins, Wood Pulp and Paper, Street Paving, Wood Distillation, Fuel. Woods Used for Specific Purposes . 109 Products from Wood and Trees . Ill f J ^ . h! ' . QUALITIES AND USES OF THE WOODS OF OHIO. By William R. Lazenby, For. Eng. INTRODUCTION. For some years it has been the duty of the writer to teach the subject of wood technology. The observations and tests recorded in this paper are a part of the studies undertaken in preparing for this instruction. Comparatively little has been published regarding the structure and physical properties of wood, and many wood users, as well as students of trees, have felt the need of more knowledge along this line. The woods used in the tests reported come from Ohio trees, and it was the aim to secure as far as possible average samples. Many publications that treat of wood are too technical for the average reader. This I have sought to correct by avoiding the use of terms unfamiliar to the general public. I trust that these notes Fig. 1. Western Catalpa grown as a roadside tree, about 25 years old. “Useful for living fence posts and poles, also for supports for telephone wires. Planted close so that thinnings can be made when the trees are large enough.” 75 76 Ohio Biological Survey color. Rosewood, mahogany, and ebony are good examples. Some of our native Ohio woods are well colored. The holly, basswood, and buckeye are light colored, but the wild cherry, black walnut, and persimmon are dark. Most woods when exposed to light and air change their color in course of time. Mahogany may change from brown to black; ash, from brownish white to light violet; alder, from a yellowish white to a reddish brown ; and yellow poplar, from a light to a dark brown. Heartwood is nearly always darker than sapwood and, in some cases, the dif¥erence is very marked. Fig. 2. A corner in the Forestry Museum of the Ohio State University. Luster or Gloss. — Some woods are glossy or lustrous. Maple and ash when well planed have a shining appearance. This is like^ wise seen in some of the oaks, especially when they are quarter- sawed. Pine woods can be easily smoothed, but, as a rule, they are not glossy or shining. The luster or shining quality of wood is due to the way light is reflected from the fibers that compose it. Texture. — There is a difference between the texture and the grain of wood although these qualities are often confused in the public mind. The texture of wood depends upon the character of the tissues Qualities and Uses of the Woods of Ohio 77 slight and imperfect as they are, will incite some of our numerous wood users and students to observe more closely, and take a greater interest in our rapidly disappearing Ohio woods. I desire to express my obligation to Mr. O. W. Pflueger, and Mr. W. L. DuBois for assistance in the preparation of Table II, and for many of the photographs used. QUALITIES OF WOOD. Wood is one of the most abundant products of nature. It is found wherever trees grow and people live. Excepting food staples no material is so universally used, and no product contributes more to the convenience and comfort of mankind. More than one-half of all the houses of the world are built of wood and most of the other half use wood for doors, window frames, floors, and other interior parts. Nearly all barns and out-buildings are made of wood. W^ood warms the dwellings and cooks the food of more than two-thirds of all the people on the earth. When we sit down it is on chairs or benches made of wood ; every day we eat from wooden tables. The news¬ papers, magazines, and books we read are printed on paper made of wood. Whenever we ride out it is in a wagon, carriage, or car made largely, or at least partly, of wood. Our furniture, musical instru¬ ments, household utensils, toys, and ornaments are mainly wood. We ship the products of our farms, orchards, gardens, and fac¬ tories in baskets, crates, barrels, and boxes made of wood. For transportation by land or water we rely on wood, and for communica¬ tion by telegraph and telephone millions of wooden poles are used. We cannot work our farms or our mines without wood. So de¬ pendent are we upon wood that our progress and our well-being can be measured by its use. Why is wood so useful, and for what special purposes are our different woods best adapted? Let us briefly consider. The reason wood can be put to so many uses is the fact that it has many qualities that make its use desirable. These qualities may be divided into outer and inner qualities. The outer qualities are those that can be recognized by the eye, by touch, or by scent. Color. — Color is one of these qualities and wood that has an agreeable or attractive color is in demand for the interior of our houses, for fine furniture, and for many other uses. Wood that comes from trees that grow in tropical countries is usually rich in 78 Ohio Biological Survey that compose it. Ironwood, black gum, buckeye, and willow are ex¬ amples of fine texture, while oak chestnut, coffee tree, and elm are good illustrations of coarse texture. Grain. — Wood of rapid growth having wide annual rings is coarse grained, and wood of slow growth and narrow rings is fine grained. Wood is called rough grained when it does not work easily under smoothing tools. W^ood that can be split readily is usually straight grained. When the fibers are more or less twisted, woven or inter¬ locked the wood is said to be cross-grained or spiral-grained. When the fibers move in and out but do not cross, the grain of the wood is called wavy. Certain twisted or abnormal growths are highly prized by cabinet makers and go under the names of birdseye, mot¬ tled, curly, etc. Some wood, like oak or sycamore, when quarter sawed, show what is called silver grain. Odor. — AVhile odor is not an important quality of wood, it serves a purpose in certain receptacles for furs or other clothing liable to insect injury. It is undesirable in other cases, injuring the flavor of food-stuffs and liquids. Sweet birch, sassafras, and red cedar have characteristic and useful odors. In the process of seasoning most woods lose the odor they have when fresh cut. Weight . — As is well known, the same volume of wood of different species, shows a marked variation in weight. This variation depends mainly upon the amount of pure wood fiber and the amount of mois¬ ture that the wood contains. The weight of pure wood fiber is prac¬ tically the same for al 1 kinds of wood. It is a little more than one and one-half times the weight of an equal volume of water. As a rule, the weight of wood is a good indication of hardness and strength, but it is not a sign of durability. The weight of wood of the same kind is quite variable and de¬ pends upon the following factors: (1) percentage of moisture; (2) rate of growth; (3) age of tree; and (4) soundness of fiber. Woods that weigh less than 25 pounds per cubic foot may be called light, those that weigh 25 to 35 pounds may be called medium light. When the weight is 35 to 45 pounds they may be regarded medium heavy, and when more than 45 pounds they may be considered heavy. In a series of tests in the laboratory of the Forestry Department of the Ohio State University, where over 60 species of wood were used, it was found that among the heaviest were hickory, dogwood, Qualities and Uses of the Woods of Ohio 79 persimmon, osage orange, ironwood, juneberry, and some of the oaks. These weighed when well dried, over 45 pounds per cubic foot. In the medium heavy list — or those that weighed from 35 to 45 pounds per cubic foot — are found red and yellow oak, hard maple, ash, yellow locust, beech, birch, and elm. Among the medium light woods may be named sycamore, soft maple, tulip poplar, chestnut, black walnut, cedar, and others. These weigh from 25 to 35 pounds per cubic foot. Among the lighter woods — those weighing less than 25 pounds per cubic foot — are found arbor-vitae, cottonwood, willow, white pine, catalpa, buckeye, and basswood. Fig. 3, A view of the State University woodlot showing fine young growth by natural regeneration. Moisture. — Ordinary well seasoned, or air dried, wood contains from 10 to 15 per cent of water. Lumber seasoned in the usual way and kept indoors, retains on the average a little more than 10 per cent of moisture. When exposed to the weather, or in contact with soil, seasoned wood absorbs moisture quickly or slowly depending upon the character of the wood tissue. If dry wood is immersed in water it increases in weight with greater or less regularity and rapid¬ ity. This increase in weight may continue for several months. A piece of oak that had been kept under water for more than six months was found to be still gaining in weight. As a rule, however, long continued immersion causes wood to lose in weight. This is due to 80 Ohio Biological Survey the washing out of certain soluble material that is in the cells of wood tissue. In testing the absorptive capacity of 69 different kinds of Ohio woods it was found that the soft woods absorbed the most water in proportion to the weight, and the hard woods the least. The average total absorption of 27 kinds of the softer and lighter woods was 94 per cent of their original weight. The average total absorption of ten medium woods was 74 per cent of their original weight. Thirty- two hard or heavy woods absorbed 64 per cent of their original weight. Volume. — It is a well-known fact that dry wood when subjected to moisture increases in volume. In some cases it assumes a greater size than it had before it \vas seasoned. The expansion is unsteady or irregular in most cases. We might think that the woods which absorb the most moisture and dry most rapidly would expand and shrink to a greater degree than the woods that take up less moisture and lose it less rapidly. This is not the case. The soft lighter woods, such as willow, white pine, and basswood, expand less than the per¬ simmon, oak, and other hard woods. The average increase in volume for 69 seasoned woods, tested while each was saturated with moisture was 12^ per cent of the original volume. Where the shrinkage of wood is irregular the condition known as warping often follows. Shrinkage. — When wood loses is moisture, it usually shrinks more or less, and with this often follows warping and checking. W arping may be caused by irregular shrinkage. If a board dries more rapidly on one side than on the other, the shrinkage that follows causes the board to bend at the ends and sides. Checking depends largely upon the rapidity with which wood loses its moisture, and upon the variation in the wood tissue. Hard¬ woods are more liable to check than softwoods. Outdoor air drying, quarter sawing, steaming, followed by slow drying, painting or oiling are among the means used to prevent checking. Toughness. — The toughness of wood depends upon various fac¬ tors. Among the more important are weight, soundness, freedom from knots, soil where grown, rate of growth, and how stored and seasoned after cutting. Other things being equal the more rapid wood grows the tougher it is. This is why wagon makers and others like second growth ash, hickory, and oak. Qualities and Uses of the Woods of Ohio 81 Fig. 4, A border of young catalpa trees near the University woocllot. Durability. — The duration or lasting- quality of wood depends upon the nature of the wood and the conditions surrounding the wood The character of the wood fiber; the presence of resinous gums, tan¬ nin or other substances, the power to absorb moisture, — the percent¬ age of sap wood, the rate of growth, and the freedom from knots, all influence the durability of wood. Many woods, if kept dry, are ex¬ tremely durable, while others fall a prey to dry rot fungus or insect injury. Some woods that are durable when dry, decay rapidly when subject to repeated moisture and partial drying, as is seen when woods are used for posts. Locust, red cedar, and cypress are more subject to fungus diseases when living than when dead. It has been clearly demonstrated that fence posts from rapid¬ growing trees decay sooner than those from slow-growing trees from the same species. Of the woods grown in Ohio, osage orange makes the most durable fence posts. This is followed by yellow locust, red cedar, red mulberry, chestnut, and white oak. Bur oak and chestnut oak and a few other varieties are about as durable in the form of posts as white oak. A white oak or a cedar growing' raj)idly in the open may be much less durable, however, than a slow-erowine oak or cedar in the forest, and a locust or catalpa grown in rich soil is much less durable than those that grow on a thin soil. 82 Ohio Biological Survey Fig. 5. Section of the trunk of a “birdseye” maple. This tree was found on the banks of the Olentangy river, and was taken up and planted on the Univer¬ sity Campus by the author in 1884. The life of the less durable woods, such as cottonwood, basswood, sycamore, beech, and hickory, may be greatly lengthened by the use of certain preservatives. Painting, smoking, charring, kiln drying, and treating with some antiseptic, like creosote or corrosive sublimate, are means employed to prolong the life of wood. Qualities and Uses of the Woods of Ohio 83 Fuel Value. — As wood is used so largely for fuel, its value for this purpose is a matter of great economic importance. The real heating power of dry wood is directly proportionate to its weight. Light dry woods are more inflammable and give a quicker heat of short duration. Five pounds of wood yield as much heat as one pound of hard coal. A cord of green wood which contains on the average 45 per cent moisture, has but little more heating value than V2 cord of well seasoned or air dried wood. The reason is that a cord of green wood contains about 250 gallons of water, and the heat required to convert the water into steam is lost to the general heating purposes. The heating capacity of unsound wood is reduced in pro¬ portion to the amount of wood tissue destroyed. The presence of gum or pitch increases the capacity to give off heat. The following Fig. 6. Remnant of a fine beech forest. The beech is rapidly disappearing in many sections of Ohio where is was formerly abundant. The growth of weeds and brush with the open conditions prevent further reproduction by natural means. woods have high heating capacity : hickory, beech, locust, ironwood, oak, ash, birch and maple. The following have low heating capacity: cottonwood, basswood, white pine, hemlock, and chestnut. Miscellaneous Qualities. — Among other qualities of woods that make them useful for certain specific purposes are, — resonance,— de¬ manded in wood used for musical instruments, and ‘^nail-holding’’ 84 Ohio Biological Survey power, demanded in building stuff, wood for railroad ties, boxes, fur¬ niture, etc. Among the woods that have excellent nail-holding power may be named, white oak, hemlock, and yellow pine. TABLE I Table showing the weight per cubic foot, in pounds, and the weight in kilograms per cubic decimeter which is the same as the specific gravity, arranged in order from lightest to heaviest. Weight in Specific Specio. Lbs. Gravity. Arbor-Vitae, Thuja occidentalis . 20.28 .32482 Western Catalpa, Catalpa speciosa . 21.72 .34788 Balsam Poplar, Populus balsarnifcra . 21.99 .35221 Black Willow, Salix nigra . 22.86 .36614 Ohio Buckeye, Aesculus glabra . 23.43 .37527 Hemlock, Tsiiga canadensis . 23.77 .38072 Basswood, Tilia amcricana . 24.00 .38440 White Pine, Pinus strobus . 24.02 .38546 Box Elder, Acer negundo . 25,15 .40282 Common Catalpa Catalpa catalpa . 25.15 .40282 Cucumber Tree, Magnolia acuminata . 26.63 .41692 Red Mulberry, Morus rubra . 26.57 .42556 Butternut, Juglans cinerea . 26.57 .42556 Largetooth Aspen, Populus grandidentata . 26.57 .42556 Yellow Buckeye, Aesculus octandra . 26.79 .42909 Cottonwood, Populus deltoides . 27.15 .43385 Chestnut, Castanea dentata . 28.28 .45295 Red Cedar, Juniperus virginiana . 28.28 .45295 Tulip, Liriodendron tulipifera . 30.10 .48211 Red Elm, Ulnius fulva . 30.86 .49428 Sassafras, Sassafras sassafras . 31.13 .49860 Sycamore, Platanus occidentalis . 31.13 .49860 Black Ash, Fraxinus nigra . 32.27 .51686 Black Walnut, Juglans nigra . 32.92 .52727 Tulip, Liriodendron tulipifera . 32.96 .52792 Sweet Gum, Liquidamber styracifliia . 33.76 .54073 Blue Ash, Fraxinus quadrangulata . 34.00 .54457 Jersey Pine, Pinus virginiana . 34.29 .54922 Red Maple, Acer rubruni . 35.36 .56636 Wild Black Cherry, Prunus virginiana . 35.82 .57372 Beech, Fagus grandifolia . 35.82 .57372 Pitch Pine, Pinus rigida . 35.82 .57372 Tamarack, Larix laricina . 35.82 .57372 White Basswood, Tilia americana . 35.93 .57549 Red Oak, Quercus rubra . 35.93 .57549 Yellow Birch, Betula lutea . 37.72 .60816 Shingle Oak, Quercus imbricaria . 38.00 .60864 White Elm, Ulmus americana . 38.65 .61905 Qualities and Uses of the Woods of Ohio 85 Hackberry, Celtis occidentalis . 38.65 .61905 Blue Beech, Carpinus caroliniana . 38.65 .61905 Silver Maple, Acer saccharinum . 38.86 .62242 Yellow Locust, Robinia pseudoacacia . 40.00 .64068 Scarlet Oak, Quercus coccinea . 40.00 .64068 Sugar Maple, Acer saccharum . 41.14 .65893 Black Oak, Quercus nigra . 42.06 .67367 Honey Locust, Gleditsia triacanthos . 42.69 .68376 Coffee Tree, Gymnocladus dioica . 42.91 .68728 Swamp White Oak, Quercus bicolor . 43.43 .69561 Bitternut, Hicoria cordiformis . 44.39 .71099 Beech, Fagus grandifolia . 44.39 .71099 Black Maple, Acer nigrum . 44.50 .71275 Pepperidge, Nyssa sylvatica . 44.50 .71275 White Ash, Fraxinus americana . 44.50 .71275 White Oak, Quercus alba . 44.85 .71836 Shellbark Hickory, Hicoria laciniosa . 44.86 .71846 Chestnut Oak, Quercus prinus . 44.86 .71846 Iron Oak, Quercus muhlenbergii . 45.72 .73229 Bur Oak, Quercus niacrocarpa . 46.29 .74142 Sweet Birch, Betula lenta . 46.57 .74591 Persimmon, Diospyros virginiana . 46.58 .74607 Iron Wood, Ostrya virginiana . 46.92 .75151 Juneberry, Amelanchier canadensis . 47.48 .76048 Crab-Apple, Malus coronaria . 47.66 .76337 Mocker Hickory, Hicoria alba . 48.73 .78010 Shagbark Hickory, Hicoria ovata . 49.14 .78707 Pignut, Hicoria glabra . 51.56 .82583 Yellow Oak, Quercus acuminata . 55.72 .89246 Average . 37.00 .59262 THE CAPACITY OF WOOD TO ABSORB MOISTURE AND ITS RELATION TO WEIGHT AND VOLUME. As has been stated, the weight and volume of different sorts of wood are largely affected by the water content. This is not only true of the wood of different species but is also true of the wood of each individual tree and of each part of each tree. The weight of wood is mainly dependent upon two factors : first, the amount of cellulose and other compounds constituting the wood substance, and second, the amount of water it contains. Lumber seasoned in the usual way and used or kept in a dry room retains on the average a little less than 10 per cent of moisture 86 Ohio Biological Survey and when well sheltered out of doors retains about 15 per cent. The amount is by no means constant but varies with the humidity and temperature of the air. The real substance of wood is something more than one and one-half times the weight of water, and the actual wood fiber of the basswood or poplar is just as heavy as that of the oak or hickory. Fig. 7. A shellbark hickory that has grown under good forest conditions. The long unbranched trunk furnishes timber, free from knots, that is always in demand. Qualities and Uses of the Woods of Ohio 87 Since it has been clearly demonstrated that both the crushing and shearing strength of wood are greatly reduced by moisture, the amount and rapidity of water absorption is a question of no little importance. Dry wood when subjected to moisture increases in volume and in some cases assumes a greater dimension than when green. When the dry wood is immersed in water it increases in weight with greater or less regularity and rapidity, and usually the increase in weight continues for several months or more. From the results of this in¬ vestigation we see that the volumetric increase is not exactly corre¬ lated with the increase in weight. Prolonged immersion causes some woods to lose in weight in consequence of the washing out of the constituents soluble in water. In order to learn something about the relative rapidity of absorp¬ tion and amount of moisture absorbed by air-dried samples of Ohio woods the following tests n ere made by the author. Sixty-nine (69) samples representing sixty-two (62) species were selected for the tests. The samples were from sections of the trunks of living, thrifty trees about 15 inches in diameter where the sections were made. This size was selected as representing a fair average of the timber trees in Ohio, used for ordinary economic purposes. The Fig. 8. Forestry students making measurements and estimates of the amount of merchantable wood in trees cut for paper pulp. 88 Ohio Biological Survey diameter of the section of some of the smaller-growing species was less than 15 inches and in a few instances in some of the larger- growing species it was considerably more. In some cases the sec¬ tions were taken close to the stump of the tree and at other times at some distance up the trunk. As nearly as possible each sample rep¬ resented the wood midway between center and circumference of sec¬ tion of trunk. Sap wood and the oldest heart wood were equally excluded. Wherever possible sections representing a fair average of the merchantable timber portion of the tree were taken. After the sections were selected they were split into small pieces carefully numbered and allowed to remain in a dry room for more than a year. In seven cases a duplicate sample was taken and carefully marked as such. By a mechanical planer and trimmer each sample was re¬ duced to the exact dimensions, 9 inches in length, IY2 inches wide, and % inch in thickness, and therefore contained approximately 0.00585 of a cubic foot. It is well known that the rate of absorption as well as the rapid¬ ity of drying, depends very largely on the size and shape of the piece, as well as on the structure of the wood and the species. As the sam¬ ples were of equal size and all treated alike, the test, while not con¬ clusive for any one species, are at least comparable in results. After the samples were prepared each one was carefully weighed and from this weighing calculations were made of the weight per cubic foot of each species. (See Table I.) In some cases these weights agree with those published by other authors but in other cases they do not. On the average, however, they do agree fairly well for thoroly air-dried woods of the size and shape named. Immediately after the weighing the samples were submerged in water, the water being that of the temperature of the room where the tests were made. The samples were first put into water January 17, at ten o’clock a. m. and were taken out and weighed just 24 hours thereafter. The samples were removed from the water one at a time and after the ad¬ hering water was wiped off with a cloth, they were weighed, and im¬ mediately placed in fresh clear water. They were weighed the second time 48 hours after the first. The third weighing was one week after the second ; the fourth two weeks after the third ; the fifth two weeks Qualities and Uses of the Woods of Ohio 89 after the fourth and so on until the last interval which was only one week in duration. Immediately after the last weighing wdiich determined the water absorption for the whole period, the samples were placed in a dry¬ ing oven and so arranged that each should get, as nearly as pos¬ sible, the same amount of heat. At the end of 24 hours in this drying I oven they were removed and weighed, and this was repeated at in¬ tervals of 48 and 72 hours respectively. This was done in order to determine whether the species that absorbed water most rapidly would also give it up most rapidly. Fig. 9. Students sawing and splitting cottonwood and willow for shipment to a paper and pulp mill. After the samples had been allowed to dry in the air of the room for one month, they were again submerged in water and the results noted as before. NOTES. One (1) liter is equivalent to one (1) cubic decimeter. One (1) gram is equal in weight to one (1) cubic centimeter of distilled water. One (1) pound equals 0.4536 kilograms. One (1) cubic foot equals 28.32 cubic decimeters. 0.4536 divided by 28.32 equals 0.016017, a factor which multi- 90 Ohio Biological Survey plied by the number of pounds per cubic foot gives kilograms per cubic decimeter, which is the same as the specific gravity. The reciprocal of the weight of a cubic foot of water equals the approximate weight per cubic decimeter in kilograms. Each piece contained 10.125 cubic inches. SUMMARY OF RESULTS. In all cases except one, where the weight was the same, the pieces were lighter after soaking and drying than before they were first placed in water. In many cases the samples suddenly absorbed more water after they had once nearly or entirely ceased absorption. This may be due to a slight increase in temperature or the water penetrating some place that it had not previously entered. There was a marked difference in the absorption of the two pieces of Beech, considerable in the two pieces of Tulip-tree (Yellow Poplar), less in the two pieces of Jersey Pine and White Hickory,, while the two pieces of Ohio Buckeye and the two pieces of Cotton¬ wood are in each case, nearly equal. In general the woods having the least absorptive capacity are the most durable species. For a given amount of water absorbed the more porous woods show a less amount of volumetric increase than the less porous sorts. The per cent of absorption is correlated with absorptive capacity. Average absorptive capacity of sixty-nine (69) samples was eigh¬ ty-eight (88) per cent of the original weight of the samples. In the first soaking the per cent of absorption was least in the Yellow Locust, forty-eight (48), and greatest in the Ohio Buckeye, one hundred and eighty-one (181). The average daily absorption varied from forty-one hundredths (.41) grams in the Yellow Locust to one (1) gram per day in the Ohio Buckeye. The average of all was sixty-seven hundredths (.67) grams per day. In the second test the average daily absorption was the same as in the first in only one case, that of the Cucumber Tree. In four cases it was greater, and in all other cases less. The average was fifty-five hundredths (.55) of a gram each day. The average total absorption of twenty-seven (27) samples of the softer woods was ninety-nine (99) grams each, or ninety-four (94) per cent of their original weight; of ten (10) medium woods the aver- Qualities and Uses of the Woods of Ohio 91 age total absorption was ninety-four and five tenths (94.5) grams each, or seventy-four (74) per cent of their original weight; of thirty- two (32) of the harder woods ninety-five grams each or sixty-four (64) per cent of their original weight. Of the sixty-nine (69) sam¬ ples the average per sample was ninety-six and seven-tenths (96.7) grams, or an average of about 70 per cent for all the woods tested. After the samples were well air-dried after the second test, they were for the third time placed in water in order to compare the water absorption with the volumetric increase. (See Table II.) It is seen that the increase in weight and volume was the same during the first period in the Swamp White Oak ; the same during the second period in the June-berry and Black Walnut; the same during the fourth pe¬ riod in the Cucumber Tree. The cases where the volumetric increase exceeded the weight increase are during the first period. White Pine (nearly double), Pitch Pine and Cucumber Tree; second period, AVhite Hickory, Pig-nut; third period. King-nut, Gray Birch, Arbor- Vitae ; none during the fourth period. The White Elm during the second period shows decrease of three (3) grams in weight and in¬ crease of three (3) cc. In the Pepperidge, Hackberry and Western Catalpa the expansion was all during the first period of one day. There was excessive expansion in the Red Elm during the last period. The two Catalpas were the same in volume at the beginning and each increased the same in volume. Eight samples each increased twenty- five (25) cc. in volume. The White Elm and the Hack-berry showed the same per cent of volumetric increase. The average per cent of increase in volume was twelve and five tenths (12.5) of the original volume. The total amount of increase in grams was two and ninety-two hundredths (2.92) times as much as increase in cubic centimeters. The expansion was unsteady or more or less irreguar in most cases. The original volume varied from one hundred and seventy (170) cubic centimeters in the Papaw to two hundred and two (202) cc. in the Persimmon. It might be thought that a piece of timber like Basswood, for example, would shrink to a less volume than an oak, but by comparison of the table this will be seen not to be the case. The volume in all cases was determined by placing the sample in a graduate containing water in sufficient quantity to completely immerse it, and recording the amount of water displaced. 92 Ohio Biological Survey Fig. 10. A typical sugar maple in an Ohio farm woodlot. On account of the open character of the woods it is branched too low to be of much value. It will furnish either sap for sugar or good fuel wood. TABLE II. Table showing the rate in grams of water absorbed in seven days; the or¬ iginal volume in cubic centimeters and the amount and per cent of increase in weight and volume, in samples of sixty-two (62) species of Ohio timber. The periods were one, three, five and seven days respectively. Species arranged accord¬ ing to per cent of increase in volume from the least to the greatest. Qualities and Uses of the Woods of Ohio 93 a b c d e f g h i j k 1 m n o Orig. Orig. Increase Increase Increase Increase Total Per cent of Species wei'ht vol. after at end of at end of at end of Increase Increase at in in Cc. soaking 3 days 5 days 7 days at end of end of grams 24 hours 7 days 7 days In In In In In In In In In In In In gms. Cc. gms. Cc. gms. Cc. gms. Cc. gms. Cc. wgt. vol. Red Mulberry . 74.75 178 13 7 5 0 7 3 11 1 36 11 48.1 6.1 Arborvitae . 57.82 178 8 5 15 7 0 0 14 0 37 12 63.9 6.7 Tamarack . 97.53 187 16 7 9 4 12 2 9 0 46 13 47.1 6.9 Butternut . 76.60 180 16 7 9 3 7 0 16 3 48 13 62.6 7.2 Black Ash . . . 96.65 187 16 10 8 1 8 2 14 1 46 14 47.0 7.5 Pawpaw . . . 92.07 170 5 12 12 0 9 1 7 0 33 13 27.9 7.6 Black or Y e'l ow Locust... . . 117.89 184 10 6 6 5 7 0 10 3 33 14 18.4 7.6 Ohio Buckeye . 69.42 185 67 3 14 11 11 0 14 0 106 14 152 7 7.6 Boxelder . . ... 74.10 184 48 11 16 4 21 0 17 0 102 15 138.2 1 8.2 Ironwood . 142.79 190 40 8 16 7 21 0 9 0 86 15 60.6 1 8.2 White Pine._ . 98.02 180 4 7 16 6 10 2 11 0 41 15 41.8 ; 8.3 Juneberry . 140.68 185 19 9 7 7 11 0 10 0 47 16 31.1 8.6 Blue Ash._ . . 101.83 187 21 11 7 4 5 2 14 0 47 17 46.2 ' 9.1 Cucumber 1 Magnolia . 77.13 185 7 11 17 4 9 0 2 2 35 17 45.4 9.2 Chestnut. . . 81.53 180 16 10 10 3 12 4 15 0 53 17 64.9 9.4 Hemlock . . . 70.43 185 20 13 14 5 11 0 9 0 54 18 76.8 9.7 Red Oak . 103.31 179 28 9 26 9 11 0 14 0 79 18 76.3 10.0 Sassafras . 88.25 177 13 9 8 5 7 4 11 0 39 18 44.2 10.2 Black Walnut . 96.49 183 12 10 2 2 10 4 20 3 44 19 45.6 10.4 Cotton Wood . . 80.16 185 21 7 43 12 17 1 14 0 95 20 116.3 10.8 Jersey Pine . 101.61 185 19 11 16 4 11 0 10 5 56 20 55.2 10.8 Silver Maple. . 117.64 189 16 11 13 5 14 5 17 0 60 21 34.0 11.1 Sycamore . 92.23 189 25 13 11 7 6 1 20 0 60 21 65.1 11.1 "Sl^ite Basswood.. 50.07 187 64 17 17 4 7 0 13 0 101 21 201.7 11.2 Downy Poplar . 63.40 180 18 8 44 12 18 0 12 1 90 21 142.2 11.7 Western Catalpa.. 59.14 170 19 20 9 0 10 0 14 0 52 20 87.9 11.8 Common Catalpa 68.48 170 19 15 7 2 11 1 10 2 47 20 68.7 11.8 Black Willow. . 67.74 185 18 13 15 5 21 3 18 1 72 22 106.2 11.9 Red Maple _ _ 101.94 180 20 15 9 2 21 5 21 0 79 22 77.5 12.2 Basswood . . . 71.88 187 45 14 21 5 12 4 21 0 99 23 137.8 12.3 Persimmon . 155.18 202 44 11 18 3 10 6 16 5 88 25 56.7 12.4 White Oak . 131.46 183 14 7 7 5 11 7 16 44 48 23 36.4 12.6 Sugar Maple . 123.33 188 47 20 14 0 7 3 25 1 93 24 75.4 12.8 Black Maple . 135.42 190 37 15 7 2 10 6 21 2 75 25 55.4 13.2 White Ash . . . 135.42 190 25 11 10 8 9 4 6 2 50 25 36.9 13.2 Beech . . 135.08 190 45 14 13 4 14 1 9 6 81 25 59.9 13.2 Blue Beek . . 111.43 180 26 13 29 6 17 4 12 1 84 24 75.8 13.3 Black Oak . . 124.63 185 23 10 21 13 14 2 12 0 70 25 56.2 13.5 Wild Black Cherry _ _ .. 111.30 194 39 14 19 12 5 0 6 0 69 26 61.9 13.5 Yellow Poplar.. .. 87.74 182 35 21 28 3 9 0 7 1 79 25 90.0 13.7 Red Elm . 88.97 180 21 17 12 0 4 0 10 8 47 25 52.9 13.9 Bur Oak . . . 138.65 187 16 6 10 9 11 6 17 5 54 26 38.9 13.9 Sweet Gum.. . 100.58 186 58 26 21 0 14 0 4 0 107 26 106.2 14.0 Honey Locust . 121.03 177 34 14 16 6 10 3 20 2 80 25 65.9 14.1 Yellow Oak . 172.24 193 24 17 14 11 11 0 14 0 63 28 36.6 14.5 Grey Birch . 111.29 183 20 14 21 8 4 5 10 0 55 27 49.4 14.8 Swamp White Oak . 127.30 183 8 8 9 8 9 6 10 5 36 27 28.1 14.8 Kentucky Coffee- tree . . 132.71 180 28 15 11 5 24 4 5 3 68 27 51.3 15.0 Kingnut Hickory. 134.35 187 18 10 9 6 3 7 20 5 50 28 37.2 15.0 Pepperidge or Tupelo . 135.32 190 56 29 16 0 11 0 3 0 86 29 63.6 15.3 Pitch Pine . 102 . 12 178 14 17 12 6 9 5 9 0 44 28 43.1 15.7 Sweet Birch _ _ 141.72 190 27 12 10 8 7 5 20 6 64 31 45.2 16.3 Chestnut Oak . . 131.48 183 23 12 16 12 14 6 10 0 63 30 48.7 16.4 Bitternut Hickory... . 132.96 187 17 13 13 11 5 4 19 3 54 31 40.7 16.6 Pignut Hickory. .. 158.46 192 16 11 6 9 15 10 22 2 59 32 37.2 16.7 White Hickory. .. 137.81 187 21 18 2 10 19 3 26 1 68 32 49.4 17.1 Shingle Oak . 106.51 175 24 12 32 16 11 2 10 0 77 30 72.3 17.1 White Elm . 112.05 181 58 26 3 3 20 3 12 0 90 32 80.3 17.7 Hackberry . 114.52 185 61 34 21 0 7 0 16 0 105 34 91.8 18.4 Crabapple. . . 145.04 190 58 27 15 8 1 0 11 0 85 35 58.5 18.4 Scarlet Oak . 115.32 180 26 21 25 9 16 4 8 0 75 34 65.0 18.9 Iron Oak . 131.81 180 35 30 18 3 12 4 9 2 74 39 56.2 21.7 Average . 106.17 182.4 27 13 14.3 5.7 11 2.5 13 1.4 64 24.5 63.8 12.5 EXPERIMENTS WITH CONIFEROUS WOODS. The results of a series of tests to learn something of the weight and absorptive power of the following eight coniferous species of Ohio are given in Tables III and IV : No. 1, — White Pine — Pinus strobus. No. 2, — Arbor-Vitae — Thuja occidentalis. No. 3, — Red Cedar — Juniperiis virginiana. No. 4, — Hemlock — Tsiiga caiiadeiiais. No. 5, — Norway or red pine — Pinus rcsinosa. No. 6, — Jersey or scrub pine — Pinus zdrginiana. No. 7, — Pitch Pine — Pinus rigida. No. 8, — Tamarack — Larix laricina. The numbers used in the tables refer to the specimens named above. The weight of the kiln-dried wood is represented by 100 per cent. Using this as a unit the per cent of water in the air-dried wood is found, also the percentage of the original weight gained in soaking. The woods were reduced to the same size as that recorded for the tests already reported, viz.: Nine inches long, three-quarters of an inch thick and one and one-half inches wide. The pieces were first weighed, then dried at a temperature of 250 degrees F. until the weight remained constant. In two instances, viz.: Hemlock (No. 4) and Pitch Pine (No. 7) the water was all expelled in the first twenty-four hours, while in the case of Red Cedar (No. 5) and Tamarack (No. 8) the minimum weight was reached only after ninety-six hours or four days of kiln- drying. In all specimens the loss in weight was comparatively slight between the air-dried and kiln-dried woods. In the Hemlock (No. 4) the water was expelled with the greatest rapidity. The same pieces after being thoroly kiln-dried were carefully measured and the shrinkage in width recorded in per cent is shown in Table III. The pieces were then placed in water where they remained for thirty days. They were taken from the water and weighed at the intervals stated, and the percentage of gain in weight determined as given in Table III. Another series of tests (Table I\^) with pieces of the same di- 94 Qualities and Uses of the Woods of Ohio 95 mensions, but not kiln-dried, gave results nearly identical, excepting that the air-dried pieces absorbed water more rapidly at first. The results obtained in these tests would not hold true for pieces of dif¬ ferent size and shape. Fig. 11. A fungus enemy of veteran trees. 96 Ohio Biological Survey TABLE III. No. of SPECIES White Pine 1 i t* Arbor Vitae w Red Cedar Hemlock O' Norway Pine 0) c s >» CA 6 Pitch Pine O rt C3 e rt H 8 Air-Dried . . . 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.11 1.09 1.08 1.08 1.08 Kiln-Dried . . In water 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 day (24 hrs.) . 1.35 1.34 1.20 1.33 1.25 1.48 1.31 1.29 2 days . 1.47 1.40 1.26 1.44 1.37 1.54 1.49 1.36 3 days . 1.54 1.46 1.32 1.49 1.44 1.56 1.52 1.42 4 days . 1.62 1.49 1.37 1.54 1.49 1.59 1.55 1.47 5 days . 1.65 1.54 1.40 1.58 1.53 1.60 1.55 1.50 7 days . 1.76 1.58 1.43 1.64 1.53 1.63 1.55 1.51 9 days . 1.79 1.64 1.47 1.68 1.54 1.66 1.60 1.57 11 days . '1.84 1.68 1.49 1.73 1.58 1.67 1.62 1.59 14 days . 1.87 1.73 1.50 1.76 1.60 1.68 1.62 1.61 17^ days . . . 1.92 1.74 1.52 1.76 1.64 1.69 1.63 1.61 days . . . 1.98 1.81 1.55 1.80 1.65 1.70 1.66 1.61 30 days . 2.07 1.89 1.68 1.86 1.68 1.75 1.68 1.66 TABLE IV. NUMBER AND COMMON NAME Weight per cu. ft. air dried, lbs. Weight per cu. ft. kiln-dried, lbs. Loss in weight per cu. ft., lbs. Per cent, of weight lost in kiln dried 1 j Weight per cu. ft. after 30-day soaking, lbs. Inc’se in weig’t by 30 days soak¬ ing, lbs. Per cent, gain in 30 days soaking Per cent, loss in 24 hours drying Per ct. shrink¬ age in width jn drying 1. White Pine 23 21 2 8.7 43/ 22/ 107 7.2 0.5 2. Arbor-Vitae 25!4 23/3 2 9.2 43/ 20 89 8.5 1. 3. Red Cedar 31/3 3 8.7 50 IS/ 68 7.7 1.5 4. Hemlock 27^3 24/3 D O 10.8 45^ 21 86 10.8 1.6 5. Norway or Red Pine 35 31/ 3/3 9.5 5314 21/ 68 8.5 1.3 6. Jersey Pine 43!^ 38^3 3/ 8.6 67 28/ 75 7.8 1.24 7. Pitch Pine 38 36 0 7.9 58/ 22/3 68 7.9 1.12 8. Tamarack 36Jd 2 7.8 56^ 20y3 66 4.3 1.8 KINDS AND QUANTITY OF WOODS USED IN OHIO. There are more than one hundred kinds of woods used in Ohio in some way and in some quantity. Sixty of these woods are promi¬ nent in the lumber trade. About one-tenth of the number grow in foreign countries and another tenth comes from the Pacific Coast States. The states of the South furnish the larger quantity of our im¬ ported wood. The wood working factories of Ohio use each year more Qualities and Uses of the Woods of Ohio 97 than two hundred million feet of lumber. The wood consumers of Ohio pay over $40,000,000 annually for the wood they use and fully three-fourths of this amount goes out of the state. There can be no Fig. 12. A fine white ash timber tree badly injured by lightning. doubt that our indifference to wood production Avill compel future gen¬ erations to pay exhorbitant prices for lumber. It will also have the effect of driving some of the important wood-working industries from the state. 98 Ohio Biological Survey Our farm woodlots should be producing more and better timber. A good tree grows as thriftily and surely as a poor one and if our woodlots were given fair treatment the wood grown therein would soon take the place of much that now comes from outside the state. W e see today on many farms from ten to forty acres of indifferent cord wood, where, with slight cost and care, there might be an equal quantity of choice timber worth many times as much. CLASSIFICATION OF THE USES OF WOODS. The demands for wood are so varied that it is difficult to make any satisfactory classification of its many uses, but the following general divisions show the principal ways in which wood is used : 1. Construction work, buildings, bridges, trestles, derricks, etc. 2. Special mill work — sashes, doors, mantles, fixtures, frames, mouldings, etc. 3. Boxes, crates, baskets, barrels, tanks, silos, etc. 4. Transportation vehicles, cars, automobiles, wagons, carriages, boats, etc. 5. Furniture, cabinet work, musical instruments, kitchen cabinets, refrigerators, etc. 6. Agricultural implements, handles, dairy supplies, bee keepers’ supplies, etc. 7. Posts, boards, rails, pickets, and other fencing material. 8. Steam and electric railroad crossties. 9. Poles for support of telegraph, telephone, electric light and power wires. 10. Household utensils, wooden ware, garden tools, matches, hoops, bungs and faucets, brushes, excelsior, laundry supplies, athletic goods, etc. 11. Mining industry. 12. Caskets and coffins including boxes. 13. Wood pulp, paper, cardboard, etc. 14. Street paving, board and plank walks, conduits, etc. 15. Wood distillation, charcoal, creosote, wood alcohol, etc. 16. Fuel. BUILDING AND GENERAL CONSTRUCTION WORK— One of the largest demands for wood is general construction work. The general “bill stuff” of architects and builders, such as joists, studding, rafters, stringers, etc., used in framing and structural work, consists mainly of yellow pine, white pine, hemlock and white oak. There are four species that go under the common name of yellow pine, the most important of these are the long leaf pine, the short leaf pine, and the loblolly pine. The first named being the hardest and the strongest, is the most valuable for frame work and is what all good Qualities and Uses of the Woods of Ohio 99 builders try to secure. It has largely taken the place of hemlock and white oak. For siding there is no wood in such demand as tulip or yellow Fig.13. A plantation of common locust completely ruined by the locust borer (Cyllene robiniae). Fungus growths often follow the ravages of the borer. poplar. In fact, nearly all of the wood-using industries call for this species. The reasons for its popularity are, that it is free from knots. 100 Ohio Biological Survey seasons without injury, is easy to work, is durable when kept dry, is a good nail holder, and takes paint and stains well. Yellow pine is also used as a finishing wood, although white and red oak are regarded as its superior. The reasons are that these oaks have a pleasing grain, are durable, and best lend themselves to artistic treatment. Maple is used largely for floors and stairways. Whenever floors are subjected to hard wear hard maple is regarded as the ideal wood. It stands usage well, wears smoothly, and retains a fine gloss or polish. For shingles, redwood, cedar and white pine are the most satisfactory. As lath are usually made from the waste or leavings of sawed timber, they are often poor in quality. All soft woods together with yellow poplar, bass wood, and cottonwood are used in their manufacture. Boxes, Barrels, Crates, and Retainers Generally — It is estimated that in this division 20 per cent of all wood cut finds use. In this division is included all forms of cooperage, veneer wood, fibre boxes, baskets, trunk frames, and retainers used for storage and transporta¬ tion. Although the amount of wood seems incredible the quality is of low average value. Over fifty diflferent kinds of wood are used. Years ago when white pine was plentiful and cheap, it was in de¬ mand for wooden packages. This species has now given way to cheaper woods, or when used is of a quality unfit for anything else. For ordinary store boxes and crates, all the softer and lighter woods are used. Pine of different species probably takes the lead, but cot¬ tonwood, basswood, chestnut, yellow poplar, and many other woods are in demand. For large tanks and silos, cypress is used and for casks and bar¬ rels for liquids and meats white oak is most prized. For all rough cooperage work elm is the wood most largely used. Elm is also the principal wood used in the manufacture of baskets, and fruit and vegetable packages. In addition to elm, beech, sycamore, basswood, and cottonwood are used for fruit and market baskets. Since long distance shipments are now so common, every effort is made to re¬ duce the weight of packages in order to lessen freight charges. Wood is cut as thin as possible, provided the required strength is secured. This has brought about the use of the veneer box and wood fibre package. Qualities and Uses of the Woods of Ohio 101 Cars, Automobiles, Carriages, Wagons, Boats, Etc. — Although the demand may be less in quantity, there are few if any of the divis¬ ions of wood consumption that use a greater number of varieties than Fig. 14. A portion of a steep hillside held in place by trees. Note how the de¬ forested portion is eroding. the one just named. In wagons and carriages the following woods are largely used : White oak, hickory, white ash, yellow poplar, and yellow pine. To a less extent, locust, elm, gum, cottonwood, black 102 Ohio JIiological Survey walnut, birch, beech, black cherry, basswood, and catalpa are em¬ ployed. In nearly all heavy wagons the hubs, spokes, felloes, and all the running gear, except the axles and the tongue, are made of oak. The axles are made of hickory and the tongue of white ash. In lighter vehicles elm and yellow locust are used for the hubs, and hickory for the spokes and felloes. The shafts are generally made of ash. The boxes or beds of carriages and wagons are usually made of yellow pine, ash, and yellow poplar. Yellow poplar is in great demand by automobile makers because it is strong, not liable to warp, and has the quality of taking a fine polish without the use of any previous filler. For this reason its finish is more permanent. Its size and clear quality permits its use in the form of wide boards, and this is an especial attraction to the manufacture of fine vehicles. The building of our modern Pullman and palace cars calls for the greatest variety and most expensive kinds of wood. Among the thirty or more different kinds of wood used, vermillion, mahogany, teak, rosewood, and other tropical species are found. Furniture and Cabinet Work — The amount and value of furniture now in use is almost beyond computation, and the demand for wood to keep up the needed supply of home and public furnishings is greater than the supply produced. Not long ago the dark woods such as black walnut, black cherry and ebony were in general use, but that time has passed. The lighter colored woods are now in vogue, and maple, birch, and oak have very largely taken the place of walnut and cherry. Oak is now in great demand, and the quarter-sawed work of the cabinet makers of this country is not surpassed in beauty of design and perfection of finish elsewhere in the world. Next to oak, birch, ash, and maple are commonly used for the better kinds of furniture. For paneling and cylinder desks, where lightness, flexi¬ bility and toughness are required yellow poplar is called for. For the more common furniture, elm, chestnut, beech, gum, and other cheaper woods are used. Flard maple is in demand for pianos and organs. Cabinet making is carried on to a greater or less extent in every important city in the United States. It furnishes thousands of men employment and consumes millions of feet of lumber every year. The use of wood in the form of thin strips or veneers enables many to secure what they desire in wood work, where the price of Qualities and Uses of the Woods of Ohio 103 the wood in the solid form is prohibitory. Again, the use of veneers has the merit of making an unusually strong wood basis, preventing many woods from warping and checking, as they will when the pieces used are of ordinary thickness. Another merit in the use of veneers is that it admits of single designs, or efifect by exact duplication that are practically impossible in the solid wood. Among the native woods Fig. 15. A fine crowned red oak. Valuable for shade and ornament, but furnish¬ ing little good timber. that are often used as veneers are oak, maple, black walnut, birch, black gum, sycamore, butternut, holly, and sweet gum. Woods se¬ lected that contain knots, burls, curls, or some other abnormal growth, when sawn or cut into thin slices, present surfaces showing beautiful figures. Other sections of these woods may show a wavy, mottled ap- 104 Ohio Biological Survey pearance equally attractive. These abnormalities in structure, when turned into veneers, furnish an almost endless variety of figures of pleasing shape and color. In this way what is more or less of a de¬ formity or disease in nature becomes a thing of beauty in economic art. V eneers vary in thickness according to the value of the wood from which they are cut and according to the uses to which they are put. From ten to fifty, or even a hundred veneers may be cut from a single inch thickness of solid wood. One form of veneering is known as “pressed work.” It consists of gluing together several rather thick veneers of a cheaper wood as lilack walnut, yellow poplar, or ash, and facing them with the more expensive mahogany, rosewood, English oak, vermillion, etc., in the form of thin veneers. These thick veneers are then steamed and shaped in proper moulds to furnish the backs and arms of chairs, and curved work of all kinds. Treated in this way, the wood has greater strength, and is less liable to crack or warp than would be the case if a single, solid piece were used. Agricultural Implements — The manufacture of farm implements and labor saving machinery for the farm has been stimulated by the recent great advance in agricultural education and the growing scar¬ city of farm labor. The woods that are in demand for the implements and machinery of the farm are oak, yellow pine, maple, hickory, and ash, but more than thirty other woods are used. The growing scar¬ city of tough, strong woods has led' to a greater use of steel and iron. For the same output of implements of certain kinds, as drills, harrows and cultivators, the amount of wood used in their construction is often 50 per cent less than it was a decade ago. Durability united with strength, elasticity and comparative lightness, is found in ash. No wood can properly replace it for tongues in the larger agricultural implements, and for handles for forks, spades, shovels and hoes. Hickory is heavy, strong and elastic, and for the handles of axes, sledges and hammers can not be equaled. AVhere hardness and the quality to w^ear smooth is desired, maple and beech are in demand. Elm, red gum, birch, cottonwood and cypress are quite largely used in special parts of farm machinery. Catalpa is being used for doubletrees and neck yokes. Fencing Material — Nearly all kinds of wood have been used in the construction of fences. As timber becomes scarcer and more ex- Qualities and Uses of the Woods of Ohio 105 pensive, wire has gradually taken the place of fence rails, fence boards and pickets. The demand for wooden fence posts is still large, and is likely to continue, because neither hedge fences nor cement or metal posts are yet generally popular. The value of wood for posts is based mainly upon durability when in contact with the soil. The most dur¬ able woods are desired. Men who have used fence posts all their lives are not agreed as to which are best. Not durability alone but adapta¬ bility to soil and climate, the rate of growth, freedom from insects and fungous diseases, and other factors must be considered. It is safe to say that where the following trees grow surely and thriftily no mis¬ take will be made in selecting them for post timber : Osage orange, yellow locust, red cedar, mulberry, white cedar, hardy catalpa, chest¬ nut, and black ash. Some species of oak and black walnut make good posts, but they are of slow growth and are too valuable for other pur¬ poses to be recommended. Crossties — Our railroads are great consumers of wood. Although the average life of a tie has been increased by the use of wood pre¬ servatives, the annual demand makes one of the heaviest drafts on our forests. The kinds of woods most largely used are oak, the yellow pines of the south, the Douglas fir, western pine, cedar, chestnut, cypress, tamarack, hemlock, and redwood. Less durable woods usually treated with preservatives are white pine, lodgepole pine, gum, spruce, and beech. White ash is considered one of the best, although when untreated it is less durable than cedar or cypress. Oak can be worked to a more uniform size and holds the spikes better than most other woods. Chestnut is slightly more durable than other woods but does not hold spikes as well. Cedar ties are not well adapted to heavy pressure, and are not usually used on sharp curves, unless protected by plates. Telegraph and Telephone Poles — The woods most in demand for poles are red cedar, white cedar, birch or tamarack and chestnut. Ex¬ cept the last named these species are not found in marketable quan¬ tities in Ohio, so they are brought in from outside the state, and the transportation must be added to the first cost. For the shorter poles yellow locust and catalpa are found satis¬ factory. Since there is likely to be a continuously increasing demand for these poles, with a steadily diminishing supply, plantations o/ these and perhaps other species could scarcely fail to yield a profit to 106 Ohio Biological Survey the owner. The average life of poles is about ten years. In a little less than double this time they can be grown. Woods that answer all the requirements of a good telegraph or Fig. 16. A typical beech is an open woodlot. It occupies too much ground, and its low branching makes knotty wood, of little value except for fuel. telephone pole are few, and will always command good prices. The demand in Ohio should be met at as early a date as possible by home grown chestnut, catalpa and locust. Qualities and Uses of the Woods of Ohio 107 Household Utensils and Wooden Ware — The lighter, softer and cheaper woods are generally used for utensils and wooden ware. Cot¬ tonwood, basswood, white pine, buckeye, yellow poplar, black gum, and other species are in demand. Buckeye, on account of its uniform texture and its creamy color, is in great demand for wooden ware. It is also used for artificial arms and legs. Yellow poplar and cucumber are much used by the toy manufacturer and novelty maker. Wooden wire used for mattings and screens, is made from willow, basswood, and cottonwood. Wooden shoe pegs come from birch and hard maple ; and matches from white pine, cottonwood, spruce, and bass¬ wood. Basswood is in demand for fine excelsior. About ten million feet board measure of yellow poplar is used in Ohio annually for the manufacture of bungs and faucets. Mining Industry — This industry consumes vast quantities of wood of various kinds. Oak, ash, hickory, yellow pine, and other tough strong woods are used for supporting roofs and slopes and for the construction of the machinery and appliances incident to mining. Thousands of acres are annually stripped of all valuable timber trees for this purpose alone. Caskets and Coffins — Receptacles for the dead including the burial or outer cases are made largely of chestnut and white pine. The latter is used for the outer cases and the former for caskets, especially those that are covered with cloth. These woods are comparatively cheap, light in weight and easy to work. The chestnut has the desirable quality of being durable underground. It also holds glue remarkably well, which is a de mand in cloth covered caskets. Other woods that are largely used are yellow poplar, hemlock, white and red oak. These woods take a fine polish, stain ,well, and are strong and durable. The higher priced caskets are not cloth covered, and the woods used are often finished so as to resemble mahogany, walnut or cherry. Occasionally these more expensive woods are used and are finished naturally, sometimes being elab¬ orately carved. Wood Pulp and Paper — The use of wood for the manufacture of paper has greatly increased during the last 25 years. In 1900 about 2,000,000 cords of wood were consumed for this purpose. In 1914 over 4,000,000 cords were used. One cord of wood yields on the 108 Ohio Biological Survey average 1 ton of ground pulp or ^2 ton of chemical fiber. The prin¬ cipal woods used for paper are spruce, hemlock, and poplar. In smaller quantities balsam, pine, white fir, cottonwood, willow, beech, gum, birch, chestnut, maple, basswood, buckeye, and a few others have been tested. In some places mill and factory waste constitutes a large part of the wood used. The states of New York and Maine are the largest consumers of pulp wood. In Ohio the pulp mills consume about 40,000 cords of wood a vear. Street Paving — With the improved and more economical meth¬ ods of preservation, more wood is being used now for street paving, Fig. 17. A woodlot showing some timber trees that are over mature, with few standards and practically no trees of younger growth. conduits, and similar purposes. Yellow pine and cedar are among the woods commonly used as street paving blocks. Some of the cheaper forms of wood are still used for sidewalks, but this use of wood is growing less. Wood Distillation — One of the modern chemical industries is the distillation of wood. This results in the formation of various gases, vapors, tarry liquids, and certain solid residues, of which the chief one is charcoal. The condensible vapors give us wood alcohol and various acids. The tarry liquids yield wood tar, creosote, paraf¬ fine, naphthalene, and other allied products. Qualities and Uses of the Woods of Ohio 109 About one and one-half million cords of wood are now distilled annually. Both hardwoods and softwoods are used. Beech, birch, and maple are the principal hardwoods consumed with much smaller quantities of oak, chestnut, hickory, elm, and ash. The yellow pine of the south is the principal softwood used. In the charcoal kiln process the gases, vapors, and tar products of wood are usually lost. Charcoal is the product saved. Two cords of hardwood yield 1 ton of charcoal. In this rather wasteful form of making charcoal the wood used loses about 75 per cent in weight and 50 per cent in volume. Fuel — Inasmuch as nearly all the woods are used to a greater or less extent as fuel, it is unnecessary to specify them. The abundance and cheapness of coal, oil, and gas have largely taken the place of firewood except as a waste product. Farmers who own woodlots are the principal users of wood for heating and cooking purposes. In some sections wood is still largely used as fuel in the manufacture of tile, brick, lime, etc. Slabs, sawdust, and other forms of wood waste are quite generally used as a fuel to furnish power for sawmills and woodworking factories. WOODS USED FOR SPECIFIC BUT MINOR PURPOSES. Alder — Cigar boxes, wooden bowls, toys. Ash — Barrel hoops, tool handles, ball bats, oars, tennis racquets. Beech — Shoe lasts, plane stocks, clothes pins, hames, paving blocks. Birch — Toothpicks, clothes pins, spools, bobbins, spindles, skewers, brushes, but¬ tons, match boxes, imitation mahogany. Black gum — Mangles, rollers in glass factories, wooden shoes. Black cherry — Surveyors’ instruments, backing for metal engraving plates. Buckeye — Artificial limbs, wooden hats. Catalpa — Single trees, neckyokes, boys’ ball bats. Cedar — Buckets, pencils, chests, racing boats. Chestnut — Coffins, Jacob staff for compasses, backing for veneers. Common locust — Police clubs, tree nails, insulator pins, cross bars. Cotton woods — Wooden ware, excelsior, matches. Crabapple — Pipes, canes, mallets. Cucumber — Ox yokes, pump logs. Cypress — Tanks, porch floors, window blinds, molasses barrels. Dogwood — Spools, bobbins, skewers, engraving blocks. Elm — Carriage hubs, saddle trees, bicycle rims, wheelbarrows. Fir — Masts, flag poles, packing cases. Hackberry — Hames, ax handles. 110 Ohio Biological Survey Fig. 18. Well wooded ravine where some cleaning up and improvement cutting should be made. Hickory — Handles, barrel hoops, screws, spokes, felloes, bows of ox yokes. Holly — Mallets, engraving blocks, mathematical instruments. Ironwood — Levers, wagon brakes, shoes, wedges. Linden or basswood — Parts of musical instruments, wooden shoes, butter churns, papier-mache. Maple — Violins, shoe pegs and lasts, pulley blocks, band wheels, gun stocks wooden type. Mulberry — Small boats, ax handles. Oak — Axle trees, brake bars, paving blocks, baskets, plow beams. Osage orange — Paving blocks, mallets, canes, tooth picks. Persimmon — Golf club heads, shoe lasts. Pine — Matches, excelsior, baled shavings, ship masts, patterns for foundry work. Sassafras — Light skiffs, clothes chests. Spruce — Oars, paddles, step ladders, wood type, wooden thread. IHE LIBRARY OF THE SEP 3 1943 UNWERSnV OF ILLINOIS Qualities and Uses of the Woods of Ohio 111 Sweet gum — Coiled hoops, tobacco boxes, pipes. Sycamore — Butchers’ blocks, plug tobacco boxes, butter trays. Tupelo gum — Root is used for bicycle handles and buoys for fish nets. Tulip or yellow poplar — Bungs, biscuit boxes, tobacco hogsheads, cigar boxes. Walnut — Gun stocks, carpenter tool handles. White ash — Oars, tennis racquets, snow shoes, ball bats, clothes pins, tooth picks. Willow — Baby carriages, boys’ ball bats, artificial limbs, charcoal for smokeless powder. USEFUL PRODUCTS FROM WOOD AND PARTS OF TREES. Chewing gum from pitch of spruce, fir and pine. Cordage from inner bark of basswood and pawpaw. Dyes from sumac and oak bark. Flavoring substances from hickory bark, birch bark, fruit of cucumber tree. Healing extract from witch hazel and balsam fir. Lampblack from white cedar. Maple syrup and sugar from sap of sugar maple. Oil of wintergreen from sweet birch bark. Prussic acid from wild cherry bark. Sarsaparilla from sassafras roots. Spruce beer from young branches of hemlock. Substitute for tea from flowers of basswood, sassafras root bark and buds. Tanning substances from bark of hemlock, oak, chestnut, spruce, etc., extract of chestnut wood. Vanillin from spruce wood. Wood vinegar, distilled from birch wood. volume 11. No. 3 Bulletin No. 7 Oh io Biol ogical Survey THE PHYSIOGRAPHIC ECOLOGY OF THE CINCINNATI REGION E. LUCY BRAUN Published by THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Columbus. 1916 PRINTED BY THE STONEMAN PRESS Columbus. Ohio THE PHYSIOGRAPHIC ECOLOGY OF THE CINCINNATI REGION. BY E. LUCY BRAUN. Page CONTENTS. Page I. Introduction . H. Upland Series . A. Forest Associations . 121 1. Depressions . 121 2. Undrained flats . . 128 3. Stages of the succession in depressions and on undrained flats . 13^ 4. Drained and gently rolling uplands . 135 5. The pre-erosion climax forest . 137 6. Morainal belt . . . . 137 7. Margins of uplands; narrow divides . 138 B. Clearing Associations . 139 1. Meadows . 139 2. Reforesting areas . 142 HI. Slope Series . 144 A. Ravines . 14® 1. The typical ravine . 146 2. Modifications of the typical ravine . 157 B. River Bluffs . 1^2 1. Rock bluffs . 162 2. Clay bluffs . 169 3. Gravel bluffs . I’i'l C. Clearing Associations . 173 D. The Erosion Climax Forest . 176 IV. Terraces and Filled Valleys . 177 A. Gravel Terraces . . . . . 177 1. Forest associations . 177 2. Clearing associations . 178 B. Sand and Silt Terraces . 179 C. Filled Valleys . 180 1. The Norwood trough . 180 2. Upper Mill creek valley area . 182 3. The Miami-Whitewater valley . 186 V. Flood Plain Series . 187 A. The Beach-like Shores . . . 187 1. Gently sloping beach-like shores . 188 2. Steep river banks . 189 B. Islands . 102 C. The Flood Plain . . . 194 1. Pond-swamp associations . 194 2. Meadow associations; clearings . 198 3. Forest associations . 198 VI. General Conclusions and Summary . 207 I. INTRODUCTION Dynamic plant geography or physiographic ecology, is intimately related to topography and to soil, and consequently, to physiographic history and to geologic formations. It is therefore necessary to know the essential features of the geologic and physiographic history of a region before its plant associations can be understood. In this paper, the area considered is that generally known as the Cin¬ cinnati region. It includes, in Ohio, Hamilton and Clermont counties, and the southern parts of Butler and Warren counties ; in Kentucky, the northern parts of Boone, Kenton, and Campbell counties (see map, fig. 59)- Considerable has been published on the geology and on the topo¬ graphy of the Cincinnati region ; and a recent contribution by Fuller and Clapp (1912) gives a brief treatment of both the geology and topography, preliminary to a discussion of the underground waters. But believing that the reader of plant geography does not wish to search geological lit¬ erature, especially when it is as scattered as it here is, a brief summary of the features most essential to the ecologist is here given. The flat hill-tops or uplands are but remnants of the Tertiary pene¬ plain, uplifted and partially dissected. Near Cincinnati, these uplands arc merely flat-topped divides, a half mile or a mile in width, for near the Ohio and its larger tributaries — the Miami, Little Miami, Licking, and Mill creek — dissection of the peneplain has progressed far enough to leave few level areas. Farther from drainage lines, in Butler, Warren, and Clermont counties, the upraised peneplain becomes the general level, over which sluggish creeks meander in valleys little below this level, and into which occasional streams are cutting toward the temporary base level of the Ohio, nearly 500 feet below. Almost the whole of the Cincinnati region has been glaciated. Drifts of two epochs, the Illinoian and the Earlier Wisconsin, are represented within the area. Over the uplands is spread a covering of drift from five to twenty-five feet thick (fig. 2). Little of the Illinoian till now remains on hillsides or in ravines, but some of the older valleys are partially filled with it. It is compact and impervious, for it is composed largely of clay, with relatively few and usually small pebbles (Leverett, 1902). 116 Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 117 This older drift affects but little the topography of the region, but does help to produce poor surface drainage on the flat uplands. North of Cincinnati, and extending into Hamilton county in the vicinity of Mill creek and the Miami, is the covering of the younger drift — the Earlier Wisconsin. This, both in the morainal tract and inner border district, commonly contains numerous and often large pebbles held in a clayey matrix (Leverett, 1902). In many places within the area of Wisconsin glaciation, a distinctly glacial topography may be found. Low gently sloping hills, and valleys not undrained but still not stream valleys, are common features of the upland topography within the area which was covered by the Earlier Wisconsin ice. Some areas on the uplands are flat, and except for soil differences, are much like those covered only by the Illinoian. As a rule, it is the uplands covered with the younger drift which are the better drained. Glacial hills occur outside the upland districts, along the west side of Mill creek valley from Lockland almost to Hamilton. The loess, or white clay, which is associated with the Illinoian deposits, is not found north of the Wisconsin glacial boundary. It covers the highest terraces and filled valley flats (at an altitude of 600 feet or more) and is spread out in varying thickness over the upland. It is a very fine-grained material which holds water for a long time. Outwash gravels from the Wisconsin ice sheet partially filled some of the valleys, and now remain as terraces in many places along the Ohio, the 'two Miamis and Mill creek (Hg. 2). These terraces are composed of coarse gravels in the northern parts of the area, along the Adiami and Little Miami ; and of finer material, farther south along the Ohio. The gravel, because of its large pore content, has a high water capacity, but drains rapidly at the surface, and where exposed on river bluffs. It is for this reason that terrace edges are among the most xerophytic habitats of the region. In most parts of the area, stream valleys cut through the glacial deposits, and expose the bed-rock beneath. However, along the small sluggish streams of the upland, and in the deeply filled valleys, bed-rock is seldom seen. The bed-rock is of Upper Ordovician age, and five formations are represented in the region (iig. 2). Three of these, the Pt. Pleasant and the Utica at the bottom, and the Richmond at the top, seldom outcrop within the area, and have little or no effect upon the kind of vegetation. The other two, the Eden shale and the Maysville (Fairview and McMil- 118 Ohio Biological Survey Ian), it will be shown, affect the character of vegetation, because of their different physical natures. The Eden shale is made up of compact thinly bedded shales inter¬ rupted at intervals of about ten feet by thin limestone layers. This material is easily eroded and weathers rapidly. Consequently slopes on it are gentle except in the immediate proximity of the stream, where active erosion produces a gorge. The altitude of its upper surface varies from over 700 to less than 600 feet within the area considered, owing to the dip of the strata. This variation in altitude of outcrop has consid¬ erable effect upon stream profile and ravine slopes, and through these, upon the vegetation. The Maysville is made up of alternating thin-bedded shale and lime¬ stone layers. The frequent occurrence of limestone layers makes this formation much more resistant than the underlying Eden shale. Only one division of it (the Bellevue) outcrops except where relatively rapid erosion is in process. The Maysville, however, weathers so much more slowly than the Eden shale, that it produces noticeably steeper hillsides where removed from the influence of actively eroding streams. And it is resistant enough to withstand extremely rapid stream cutting, so that valleys in it are less gorge-like than those in the Eden shale. The lower formations, Utica and Pt. Pleasant, are usually covered by the thick alluvium which fills the valleys to a depth of 100 to 200 feet (fig. 2). Along the larger streams — especially, the Little Miami and Miami above New Baltimore — the broad flood plains are a conspicuous feature of the topography. The flood plains along the Ohio and lower Fig. 1. View from edge of upland above South Milford, showing the flood plain of East Fork and Little Miami rivers, the terrace upon which Terrace Park is situated, and the level sky line of the uplands beyond. Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 119 >-4-l O o; > O 03 O C/D •4-J C/D Q. rt t/) be c >> ■c'>< g rS <3-' cn u ^ CCxh cs ^ '5>-C’U 4_r a Vh u g >> c« c/0 cS ® - '■“ V CJ > rt U3 u ^ ^ ^ 3 c/3 ^ c^ bo O >3 S2; s. biu |« - 3 S C SO bo tn •- Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 123 on the Mill creek-Miami divide a mile north of College Hill. The lowest part of the elongate depression, as is shown on the map, fig. j, lies seven feet below the general level of the flat upland, and two feet lower than the bordering tract toward the ravine. Most of the depression is but slightly more than a foot below this ravineward margin. Yet this slight depression is sufficient to produce a hydrophytic^ forest. The associa¬ tions are of a character commonly found in shallow morainic depressions elsewhere. A very similar association is noted by Cowles (1901) in the morainic areas of the Chicago region. Fig. 4. Red maples (Acer rubrum) in the lowest part of the depression. Facies of depression. — The lowest part of the depression is occupied exclusively by swamp trees, red maple (Acer rubrum)^ and some shell- bark hickory (Cary a ovata), and swamp herbs, Cardamine bulbosa, Bidens frondosa, Eupatorium perfoliatum, and species of Carex (dg. 4). ^ The term hydrophytic is used in connection with a type of forest of this region, in which the soil is saturated, with puddles standing in all slight depressions, during the spring and early summer — the growing season — and often dry at the surface during the late summer and fall. ^ Names used are those of Gray’s New Manual of Botany, seventh edition. 124 Ohio Biological Survey Up to an elevation of five feet above the center of the depression, swamp trees — red maple, shell-bark hickory, sour gum (Nyssa sylvatica), pin oak (Qiiercus palustris), and white oak (Qiiercus alba) — are com¬ mon (^g. 5). Fig. 5. Shell-bark hickory (Carya ovata) and sour gum (Nyssa sylvatica) in zone around center of depression. Higher than this, more mesophytic trees appear, advancing into the depression, and finally becoming the facies of the forest. Along the top of the ravine slopes, drainage conditions are better and such trees as mulberry (Monts rubra), hackberry (Celtis occiden- talis), honey locust (Gleditsia triacantJios) , and pignut (Carya glabra), are found. The close proximity of hydrophytic trees of the depression and xero-mesophytic trees of the ravine is one of the striking features of this bit of woodland, and illustrates plainly the impervious nature of the till. Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 125 It seems evident that the distribution of larger trees was determined by the extent and depth (or wetness) of the depression. The horizontal succession of large trees accords with the contours. The young ravine which now cuts across this depression drains its highest parts. In the next generation, mesophytic, and even xero-mesophytic trees will advance far into the depression, for the saplings now growing ^beneath the hydro- phytic trees are largely mesophytes and xero-mesophytes. Of course, saplings of the swamp trees are scattered over the whole depression, but the facies of the undergrowth everywhere but in the center is of meso¬ phytic nature as evidenced by the presence of such trees as sugar maple (Acer saccharum) , red elm (Ulmns ftilva), wild cherry (Primus sero- tina), and white oak (Querciis alba). The center of the depression maintains its swamp character, and saplings of red maple, sour gum, and shell-bark hickory far out-number those of the other trees. The hydrophytic herbs still persist in every local depression, and commonly near the center of the major depression. Fig. 6, Diagram representing the two successions in progress in the depression shown in Figs. 3, 4, and 5. Horizontal distances represent time interval ; vertical, progress of succession, toward or away from mesophytism. Elimination of depression. — Two agencies in particular are at work in the elimination of the depression : one biotic, the gradual accumulation of humus, which is slowly building it up ; the other topographic, running water, which is cutting a ravine across it, and so draining it. The first is progressive, tending directly toward mesophytism. The latter is retro- 126 Ohio Biological Survey gressive, for it initiates a long and varied xerarch* succession, which must intervene between the early hydrophytic stages, and ultimate mesophytism (iig. 6). The end of this succession is much more distant than that of the hydrarch succession, which has already advanced so near to mesophytic conditions. And given time enough, this ravine is destined to destroy the mesophytic forest already established around the depres¬ sion. Fig. 7. An upland hydrophytic forest in spring (Terra Alta). Abundance of depressions. — Many other such depressions have been found upon the uplands near Cincinnati, some larger and some smaller, but all similar to the one here described. Few, however, show so com¬ pletely the remarkable succession above described ; for they are often more irregular, and have no definite center around which the zones are arranged. The amount and character of the undergrowth in the scattered depression * The terms xerarch and hydrarch were first used by Cooper in 1913. The following is his footnote defining them: “The terms xerarch and hydrarch are here used for the first time, for the purpose of indicating a natural and important classification of plant successions. The former is applied to those successions which, having their origin in xerophytic habitats, such as rock shores, beaches, and cliffs, become more and more mesophytic in their successive stages; the latter to those which, originating in hydrophytic habitats such as lakes and ponds, also progress toward mesophytism.” Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 127 forests varies considerably. In some, a carpet of grass, sedge, and swamp herbs covers the wetter parts (fig. 4), and a dense undergrowth of sap¬ lings occupies the other zones (fig. 5J. In others, the ground is almost bare, except for scattered plants or patches of Ranunculus abortivus, Car- Fig. 8. A small depression, overgrown with poison ivy (Rhus Toxicodendron) , southwest of Mount Carmel. damine bulbosa, Impatiens pallida, Impatiens biflora, and Carex typhi- noides, mixed with a few saplings. It is in the latter type of woods that standing water in spring is most noticeable (fg. y). In some woods, there are occasional groups of hydrophytic trees and herbs, and the intervening spaces are occupied by a mixed forest of a 128 Ohio Biological Survey common upland type. This will be described later in connection with the forests of imdrained flats. Often the depression, though small, is decided enough to produce a pond. Such ponds, however, are temporary, and dry up during the summer. They are bordered by sedges and but- tonbush (Cephalanthiis occidentalis) , or overgrown by a rank growth of poison ivy (fig. 8). Depressions of all sizes occur on the till plain of the upland, from the small ones just described, to those so large that they are scarcely distin¬ guishable from the undrained flats. Fig. 9. Forest of pin oak, near Bethel. 2. UXDRAINED FLATS Wherever the uplands are broad and undrained, a hydrophytic forest similar to that of depressions is found. In the immediate vicinity of Cincinnati, such areas rarely occur, as stream dissection has progressed too far. The hydrophytic forest of the undrained flat is never extensive here. But eastward, in Clermont and Brown counties, where the old peneplain is uncut for many miles, except for shallow valleys, the swamp Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 129 forest is the prevailing type. Were it not for cultivated fields, this type of forest would be unbroken except along shallow ravines, or deeper valleys, where it gives way to mesophytic or xerophytic woodlands. The dominant trees of the upland hydrophytic forest are not every¬ where the same, nor is the general appearance of the woods necessarily Fig. 10. A beech tree in the pin oak forest; notice that the roots diverge above the ground so that the trunk appears to be raised on three props. the same. Some woodlands are open and grassy^ and others are dense with scant herbaceous vegetation. But they are alike in that- the trees of which they are composed are hydrophytes, or largely so. Pin oak (Quercus palnstris) is often the dominant tree, and may make almost pure stands for several miles, a condition not reported, to my knowledge. 130 Ohio Biological Survey anywhere else. In such cases, the trunks usually stand about 8 to 10 feet apart, and very little herbaceous vegetation is found in the dense shade beneath them (iig. p). Again pin oak is mixed with other trees, especially white oak (Quercus alba), sour gum (Nyssa sylvatica), sweet gum (Liquidambar Styracidua) , swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor), red maple (Acer rubrum), shell-bark hickory (Carya ovata), and sometimes beech (Fagus grandifolia) . Where beech occurs in the swamp forest, its larger roots may lie on the surface of the ground, or may be raised above the surface, appearing as prop roots at the base of the trunk, as illustrated in dg. 10. With the exception of swamp white oak and red maple, any tree which commonly occurs in the pin oak woods, may become dominant. Where one tree is dominant, it is usually dominant over large areas, or it may give way locally to a primary species. Thus, in the northern part of Clermont county (Milford to Blan- chester), pin oak is usually dominant, but often mixed with white oak, which locally is more abundant than the pin oak. Farther south, in Clermont county and in Brown county, in the vicinity of Bethel and Hamersville, pin oak, though still common, does not produce the pure stands before noted, but is mixed with sweet gum, and indeed, is often only one of the primary species in a sweet gum forest. White oak and red maple are common here also, but seldom occupy any considerable area exclusively. As the sweet gum forest is so similar to the pin oak forest in density and in moisture conditions and therefore in under¬ growth, it may be considered as belonging to the pin oak type, which in this region is the more common. The extensive forests of the undissected plateau can not of course occur in the immediate vicinity of Cincinnati. But smaller areas of the same type are found, wherever similar conditions are imposed. Although rather exceptional here, they may be considered as outliers of a prevailing forest type of southwestern Ohio, bearing the same relations to their surroundings as do the more extensive tracts. Much that has been said concerning depression forests, applies equally well to those of the flat uplands. All zonation and horizontal succession are absent here, except where ponds are present, introducing the earlier hydrophytic stages, or ravines are working headward into the plateau, introducing drained conditions. Pin oak forest. — The pin oak type of forest is well represented by small areas. The undergrowth is either very sparce, consisting of Car- Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 131 damine bulbosa, Lilium philadelphicum, Ranunculus abortivus, Onoclea sensibilis, Aspidium Thelypteris, Scirpus atrovirens, several species of Carex, and a number of other plants, usually less common ; or it may be dense, consisting largely of poison ivy, and saplings of the same trees which make up the forest (dg. ii). In either case, fleshy fungi are Fig. 11. An upland forest near Mount Washington in which pin oak (Quercus palustris) is dominant. usually abundant, and such mosses as Thuidium, Climacium, Polytrichum, Catharinea, Leucobryum, and occasionally Sphagnum, form extensive mats. Forest openings. — White oak is a minor constituent of almost all these upland woods, where individual trees or groups of trees occur scat¬ tered through the denser pin oak forest. Such spots are more open than the rest of the woods, and are grassy (dg. 12). Here are usually found a number of herbs characteristic of sunny swamps and meadows, Scirpus cyperinus, Ludvigia alternif olia, Bidens frondosa, Lobelia siphilitica, Soli- dago gramini folia, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Ilysanthcs dubia, Steironema lanceolatum, and a number of Carices. 132 Ohio Biological Survey Where white oak becomes the dominant tree, the ground is usually less swampy, though still very wet ; the herbaceous vegetation is more abundant, but made up largely of the same species as are found in the other parts of the forest. Kentucky blue grass (Poa pratensis) often forms a close sod in the more open parts, and other grasses, Poa sylvestris, Cinna anindinacea, and Agrostis perennans, are not infrequent. Fig. 12. Opening in a hydrophytic forest. White oak. — The general occurrence of white oak (Qucrcus alba), which is so well known everywhere as a xerophyte or xero-mesophyte, in the hydrophytic forests of the uplands, is of special interest. Mixed with pin oak, sweet gum, and red maple, and surrounded by hydrophytic herbs and mosses, its hydrophytic propensities can not be doubted (hg. ig). Neither does it seem to mark any decided advance in the hydrarch succession in which it is here found. Where mixed with pin oak, it is subjected to the same conditions as the latter — an undrained clay soil where water may stand in puddles for several months. Where white oak becomes the dominant tree, the ground is not so wet, and water Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 133 is found on the surface in but few places. Such a forest does not, how¬ ever, seem to succeed the pin oak forest, but rather to occupy areas which always have been different. Either a pin oak or a white oak forest may pass directly into a beech forest. In the advancing mesophytic forests, white oak rapidly drops out with the other hydrophytic trees. In the ultimate mesophytic forest of this succession, it forms no part. It will be shown later, that white oak is a character tree in the xero-mesophytic associations of slopes. It is Fig. 13. White oak tree (Quercus alba) in the upland hydrophytic forest near Bethel ; a hummock of mosses built up around it. The lighter patches are Sphagnum. equally characteristic of these two opposing types of forest. Possibly it may be considered as the ecological equivalent of some of the conifers; for example, white pine, and to take the place of such trees in this region. Mixed forest. — Contrasted with the almost monotonous forest of the pin oak type, are the mixed woods found upon many parts of our up¬ lands. What evidences of succession there are indicate that these mixed hydrophytic forests probably were once similar to the more extensive forests previously discussed, and that they are rapidly becoming more mesophytic. 134 Ohio Biological Survey Upon the older drift, a representative area of mixed forest about 400 by 1000 feet is found a little less than a mile west of Hazelwood. It is estimated, that here 84 per cent of the large trees belong to species com¬ monly found in wet soil in this region; 31 per cent are shell-bark hickory (Carya ovata), and the remaining 53 per cent include in the order of their abundance, red maple (Acer ruhrum), pin oak (Querciis palustris), white oak (Querciis alba), white-heart hickory (Carya alba), white ash (Fraxi- nns americana), shingle oak (Quercus imbricaria), swamp white oak (Querciis bicolor), sour gum (Nyssa sylvatica), and white elm (Ulmus americana) . The red maples usually occur in groups, in the wettest part of the woods. No decided mesophytes are found among the larger trees, though white ash and shingle oak (18 per cent) often occur in mesophytic woods also, and might be listed here as mesophytes. Xero-mesophytes are, however, well represented (16 per cent), and include redbud (Cercis canadensis) (8 per cent), black oak (Quercus velutina), black walnut (Juglans nigra), and locust (Robinia Pseudo-Acacia). Xero-mesophytes make up a much larger proportion of the saplings than of the large trees. Here red elm, walnut, redbud, hackberry, mul¬ berry, and Sassafras are common, and compose probably 50 per cent of the young tree growth. Wild black cherry (Primus serotina), a meso- phyte, is found, and white ash has increased in importance. The large trees stand rather far apart, so that the ground in many places is not well shaded. This may in part account for the scarcity of saplings of mesophytic trees, which are appearing only in the more shaded portions. In the wetter parts of the woods, are saplings of the hydrophytic trees, and many herbaceous plants, among which are Scirpus atrovirens, Scirpus lineatus, Juncus tenuis, Potentilla canadensis, Epilobium color- aturn, Ludvigia alternifolia, Pycnanthemum dexuosum, Bidens frondosa, and several species of Carex. Carex squarrosa frequently forms large patches. Few such areas are found upon the Illinoian till plain; but upon the gently rolling surface of the younger drift, and even on its flattest parts, the mixed swamp forest is more common than that in which pin oak pre¬ vails. Extensive flats of Wisconsin age are absent in this region, and for this reason the swamp forest is limited in extent. The forest suc¬ cession seems to have advanced more rapidly here, probably because of the more porous nature of the sub-stratum, so that the areas of the two drifts may often be distinguished by the character of their plant cover. Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 135 3. Stages of the succession in depressions and on undrained flats. The earliest steps in the hydrarch succession in progress in the de¬ pressions and on the undrained flats are problematic. At first, of course, the succession was climatic, and the earliest stages were not such as could exist in these places today. If we may compare the sequence of events here after the retreat of the glaciers, with what we find in the north today, we would expect tundra and meadow vegetation, slowly encroached upon and restricted by the advancing forests. Today, small natural openings are found in the upland forests. Some are still ponds, with their typical marginal vegetation of sedges and buttonbush ( Cephalanthus occidenta- lis). In others (dg. 4), are a few red maples and a number of sun plants instead of the shade plants of the rest of the forest. Still others are the openings about the white oak trees (dg. 12), with their more meadow-like vegetation. Are these perhaps, relicts of a former and more extensive formation, in time doomed to destruction by the encroachment of the forests? At least, they give some clue to possible earlier stages leading up to the present hydrophytic forests. The succession indicated here is also further substantiated by what is now going on in many clearings. Upon the broadest uplands, there are no indications of what will follow the swamp forest. In the next generation, at least, it will succeed itself. But on the smaller uplands, and wherever streams are draining the flats, or around the margins of depressions, is developed a mesophytic forest. 4. Drained and gently rolling uplands It was shown in discussing the depression forest, that it is being suc¬ ceeded by a more mesophytic vegetation, because of the draining and gradual filling of the depression. Small streams are working headward into the broad flats, carrying off the surface water, and leaving areas drained but still moist. Few such upland valleys are cut through the till mantle ; often indeed, their bottoms are but five or ten feet below the gen¬ eral level of the upland. This slight drainage has served to change a hydrophytic into a mesophytic habitat. Succession. — Occasionally a horizontal succession from the hydro¬ phytic to the mesophytic forest is seen. More rarely, the succeeding meso¬ phytic vegetation is foretold by the appearance of mesophytic trees in the undergrowth of a hydrophytic forest. The succession consists of but few stages. Sometimes a mixed forest intervenes between the pure hydro¬ phytic and the ultimate association of the succession. Often, however, the jump is sudden. If horizontal succession, upon a very gradually 136 Ohio Biological Survey changing topography, may be used as an indication of vertical succession in a place bound to pass through those same topographic stages shown in the area of the horizontal succession, a beech forest will follow the hvdro- phytic association. A beech forest is the climax of the hydrarch succes- sion of the upland. The beech forest. — A beech woods is sometimes found upon flats which are still so wet that swamp herbs are not uncommon. Sometimes even, water stands between the trees. But a beech tree in such a situa¬ tion, occupies a mound one or two feet above the wetter places (hg. g). Fig. 14. An upland beech forest, the pre-erosion climax, near Madeira. Thus, its habitat is essentially different from that of the swamp herbs. The same feature was noticed by the writer along the C. E. and W. Elec¬ tric R. R., in Lorain Co., Ohio, where, in a forest composed chiefly of beech and red maple, beech occupies distinctly higher ground, being either on low ridges or on individual mounds. The mesophytic forest of the upland is composed almost entirely of beech (hg. 14). Occasionally sugar maple (Acer sacchai urn) and white Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 137 ash are found, but beech forms about ninety-five per cent of the tree growth. Of the saplings, sometimes fifty per cent are sugar maple ; beech is next in abundance, and white ash, hickory, and wild cherry are found. The large percentage of sugar maple among the saplings does not neces¬ sarily indicate that it will become an important species in the succeeding forest, as the mortality among the smaller trees is higher in this species than in beech. Herbaceous plants are not common in these beech forests. The vernal vegetation is composed chiefly of spring beauty ( Claytonia virgin- ica), toothwort (Dentaria laciniata) , waterleaf ( Hydro phylliim appendicu- latuni), and May apple (Podophyllum peltatum). The aestival vegeta¬ tion is very scanty, and the most common plant is beech-drops (Epifagus virginiana). Spikenard (Aralia raccmosa) , white snakeroot (Eupatori- iim urticaefolium) , spleenwort (Asplenium angustifolium) , and young plants of Hydrophyllum make occasional patches of green. Wet places still remain in most of the upland mesophytic forests. Here are found a few swamp trees, usually sour gum, but sometimes pin oak or red maple ; and the herbaceous vegetation is similar to that of the hydrophytic forests. 5. The pre-erosion climax forest. This climax forest is but temporary. As long as the topography changes but slightly, the beech forest remains unchanged. But it can be no more lasting than the topographic form upon which it is found. This climax forest is one developed on a topography little modified by erosional changes. It is found in but one other situation — filled valleys — and there also upon a youthful topography. In contrast to the truer -climax of the region, it will be termed the pre-erosion climax. It is best devel¬ oped on the youthful topography of the Illinoian drift area, but it is also found upon the pre-erosion topography of the uplands covered with Wis¬ consin drift. 6. ^lORAINAL belt. Although no distinct terminal moraine marks the most southerly position reached by the Earlier Wisconsin ice sheet, the topography in this morainal belt is decidedly more varied than that to the south. The character of the vegetation of the two drifts is often different, even on the flatter parts, where both successions are progressing from. the hydro¬ phytic to the mesophytic. In portions of the morainal belt, a xerarch succession is in progress. The conditions imposed here were never ex- 138 Ohio Biological Survey treme. The slopes are gentle (about 10 degrees) ; the soil a stifif bowlder- clay. The forest association today is mesophytic, but scarcely climax. Beech and sugar maple are dominant trees, but with them occur black oak (Quercus velutina), white oak (Qiiercus alba), the small-fruited hickory (Carya microcarpa), and Sassafras. Only a few remnants of this forest association remain upon the uplands. The character of the undergrowth is nowhere displayed. The contrast between this morainal forest, and the hydrophytic forest of the flat upland to which it is adjacent, is striking. The sudden change in vegetation, which is so generally found along the geologic boun¬ dary between the two drift sheets in this region, is due chiefly to the change in topography. The vegetational line is almost as marked as the topographic, and is closely related to it ; for wherever the topographic line is indistinct, the plant associations grade into one another. In places, the morainal forest is almost lacking, and the mesophytic or hydrophytic forest of the flat uplands to the south (area of Illinoian till) passes indis¬ tinctly into the mixed or hydrophytic forest of the rolling Wisconsin till plain. This distinction between the vegetation of the two drifts is only pos¬ sible upon the uplands, whose topography has been changed by the till cover. Soil fertility in the two areas is very different, and farms within the area of Wisconsin drift are worth about one and one-half times as much per acre as those south of its margin. But similar topographic situations upon the two areas support similar types of natural vegetation, and the differences which can be noticed are due chiefly to the differences in the topography. 7. Margins of uplands; narrow divides. In some places, the remnants of the Tertiary peneplain are so small or so well drained, that none of the characteristic upland forest associa¬ tions are found. Such conditions are to be seen in the vicinity of the major streams, especially near the Ohio and along such narrower divides, as the Ohio-Licking, upon which Fort Thomas is situated. In these places, the multitude of ravines afford rapid surface drainage, and their deep valleys have so lowered the water table beneath the upland, that a xero-mesophytic habitat is presented. The forest association is essentially that of the dryer ravine slopes. It is the association of the tops of ravine bluffs, where xerophytic con¬ ditions remain the longest. The association is a retrogressive step in the Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 139 succession, and with the continued dissection of uplands, and the head- ward working of ravines, will spread back farther and farther into the uplands. The hydrophytic forests will give place to mesophytic ones, which mark the temporary climax of many upland successions. But this temporary climax forest will in time give way to the xerophytic associa¬ tion, which initiates the xerarch succession characteristic of slopes. A forest of oaks (Quercus Muhlenhergii, Q. rubra), sugar maple (Acer saccharum), red elm (Ulmus fulva), basswood (Tilia americana) , hop hornbeam (Ostrya virginiana) , and thorns (Crataegus) , replaces the mesophytic beech forest of the upland. The undergrowth is usually of saplings of the same kinds of trees, although the proportions vary con¬ siderably, depending on the stage in the succession. In the more meso¬ phytic places, sugar maple is dominant. Near the margins of steep bluffs, it may be entirely absent. Even where it is an important constitu¬ ent of the forest, it may be almost lacking from the undergrowth, if the trend of the succession is toward a less mesophytic forest. B. CLEARING ASSOCIATIONS The forest cover has been removed from a large area of the uplands, and in many parts of this area, a clearing succession is in progress. 1. Meadows. It will be remembered that natural openings in the upland forests contained a characteristic herbaceous vegetation. Wherever a few trees are removed, this herbaceous vegetation appears, so that in a short time such a clearing has much the appearance of a natural opening. More extensive clearing is attended by similar results. If the cleared upland is wet, a meadow association resembling that of wet prairies appears ; if dry, it is soon occupied by a number of xerophytic annuals and per¬ ennials. The clearing successions are probably similar to, but more rapid than the original upland successions. Upon the wetter uplands, the earlier stages of a hydrarch succession are shown. Wet meadows. — Depressions are filled with water for at least a part of the year. Larger ones exhibit a typical pond-swamp succession (dg, 13). The number of aquatics is determined by the permanency of the pond. Submerged aquatics, other than algae, have not been found, and pondweed (Potamogeton dimorphus) was observed in only one instance. The rush (Juncus effusiis) frequently forms a distinct marginal zone (dg. 140 Ohio Biological Survey -i^) and with it may occur the bulrush (Scirpus validus) and species of Eleocharis. Encroaching upon these, is a zone made up of a number of Carices and Scirpus. In places, cat-tails (Typha latifolia) may nearly fill the pond; or such species of broad-leaved amphibious plants as Alisma Plantago-aqiiatica, Litdvigia pahistris, and Penthonnn sedoidcs may com¬ pose the marginal zone. Very shallow depressions on the wet uplands are filled with water for only a short time. Their position is indicated throughout the year by Fig. 15. Juncus effusns forms the marginal zone of the pond in this clearing south¬ west of Mount Carmel. the patches of Scirpus atrovirens and Carex typhinoides, which usually surround or even fill them (fig. i6). The sedge zone is followed by a meadow association in which grasses, sedges and rushes often predominate. Other plants which commonly occur in the wet grassy meadows are Arisaema Dracoiitium, Cardamine hulhosa, Polygala sangiiinea, Viola papilionacea, Lythrum alatiun, Ludvi- gia altcrmfolia, llysanthcs dubia, Gerardia tenuifolia, Diodia teres, Hons- Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 141 tonia coerulea, and Solidago graminifolia. A number of mosses (Hyp- num, Mnium, Polytrichum, Climacium, and Dicranum), and occasional hepatics and lichens are found. In a few places, Bidens trichosperma is the dominant plant, and grows so abundantly, that the meadows are a mass of golden-yellow blossoms early in September. Fig. 16. A grassy meadow at Terra Alta. The darker patches are Scirpus atro- virens and Carex typhinoides. Dry Meadozvs. — The dryer parts of the uplands, when cleared, are soon occupied by a number of the more xerophytic grasses (Poa com- prcssa, Aristida gracilis, Panicuni capillare, Andropogon virginicuni) . As was the case in the wet meadows, other plants also occur, among which are Pentstemon glaber, Pycnanthenium flexuosum, Rudbeckia hirta, Soli¬ dago nemoralis, and A. canadensis, Anaphalis margaritacea, and Aster ericoides var. villosiis. In some places, this dry meadow is a later stage in the pond-swamp-meadow succession. The meadow may be only a rapidly passing stage in the forest suc¬ cession, or it may be relatively permanent. The first condition is ex¬ pected ; the second is difficult to explain. 142 Ohio Biological Survey Certain areas of the upland which are known to have been cleared of their forest cover at least twenty-five years ago, are still meadow. Such an area is shown in fig. i6. It is true, a few scattered trees ( Quercus bi¬ color, Q. paliistris, and Acer rttbnnn) occur, but not enough to be con¬ sidered as the beginnings of a forest cover. That conditions are still suit¬ able to the growth of hydrophytic trees, even though the water table may have been somewhat depressed and conditions of light and exposure made severe by the removal of the forest cover, is proven by the red maples which have been planted along the roadsides. It is possible, that during the interval, the succession may have been set back by burning, or by cutting. Grassy meadows, however, are common upon the Little Miami- Mill creek divide. Few of the flattest parts of this upland show any ten¬ dency toward reforestization. Woodlots retain their straight edges, and do not encroach upon the meadows. Cleared areas reach, in a few years, a meadow stage which is much more persistent than elsewhere in the region. The causes which produce this condition are not understood. Cer¬ tainly the meadow can be but temporary, and must in time give way to forest. Meadows, not now reforesting, are in all cases covered with a thick and dense turf of grass and a few other low herbaceous plants. Where this is occasionally broken, as at the edges of plowed fields or along roadsides, a few trees are found. It may be that as the turf be¬ comes thinner in the shade of the few trees which do appear, seedlings will be able to get a foothold, and a new forest will start. Conditions which appear to be similar to these of our cleared uplands, have been noted by Shimek (1912) as occurring near Amana, Iowa, in the heart of a forest region. 2. Reforesting areas. The usual clearing succession reaches the meadow stage either direct¬ ly, by the rapid spreading of meadow plants growing in natural openings, or through the earlier hydrophytic stages. Early in the succession, sap¬ lings usually begin to appear: xerophytes (Sassafras, red elm, and locust) in the dry meadows, and mostly hydrophytes (pin oak, red maple, shell- bark hickory, and white ash) in the wet meadows. If the clearing is large, or the meadow distant from areas of original forest cover, the saplings are apt to be somewhat scattered. The suc¬ cession, however, definitely shows its forest trend ; and this meadow differs from the more permanent ones in that grass is a less important constitu- Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 143 ent. The aspect of such a meadow is therefore much more varied (fig, ly). A large number of species are found, among which are a few grasses (Poa pratensis and P. compressa, Aristida gracillis), J uncus tenuis, and /. marginatus, Scirpus atrovirens, Habenaria peramoena, Hy¬ pericum punctatum, Ludvigia alternifolia, Steironema lanceolatum, Ly th¬ rum alatum, Poly gala sanguinea, Verbena angustifolia, Pycnathemum flexuosum Pentstemon glaber, Eupatorium coelestinum and E. perfoliat- um, Solidago nemoralis, and vS. graminifolia. Fig. 17. A clearing meadow near Mount Washington returning to forest. The species of saplings appearing are controlled to a large extent by the kind of trees in the vicinity. In the region of sweet gum forests, this species is an important constituent of the new growth. Elsewhere it is entirely absent. Pin oak is the most common species, and with it oc¬ cur red maple, swamp white oak and white ash. In almost every case, a considerable number of red elms (Ulmus fulva) appear. 144 Ohio Biological Survey Forest openings indieated in the elearing successions. — Very near to a tract of forest — within about fifty feet (probably the effective limit of seed distribution) — saplings are much more numerous than at greater distances. This growth is composed of the same species as are found in the neighboring woodland, and is often so close, as to almost exclude meadow vegetation. But openings are found in this, and each contains a rich meadow flora. These will grow smaller as the trees increase in size, and the quantity of meadow vegetation, and probably also the number of species, will decrease. It is such spots as these which probably form the openings in the upland forests. It is likely that the original upland forests grew up in a manner veri¬ similar to that now shown in clearings. Natural meadows do not occur in this region, and the only meadow plants, outside of clearings, are found in the small openings in the forests. The history of such spots is proba¬ bly that outlined above. Conditions are still favorable to the development of extensive meadows, if the forest is removed. Then the plants, which still maintain a foothold in the openings, will spread rapidly and cover the cleared area, only to be slowly restricted again by the growth of new forests. III. SLOPE SERIES The slopes of the region naturally fall into two principal divisions, ravine slopes, and major valley slopes or river bluffs. That such a sepa¬ ration of slopes should be made, may at first sight seem strange. In fol¬ lowing a growing ravine from its source to its entrance into one of the larger streams crossing the region, a connected history is involved. Such a stream is, in physiography, termed susequent. But here the sequence may stop. The large valley is not always older than the small one. The Ohio and lower Miami rivers did not in preglacial times follow their present course. Because of the drainage changes shown in the accom¬ panying map, hg. i8, parts of the Ohio and Miami valleys exhibit marks of extreme youth. And youth in a large valley does not impose the same conditions upon vegetation, that youth in a ravine does. The narrow and deep ravine is quite different from the xerophytic bluff (Cowles, 1901 ,a). The history of the river valley is not the history of its tributary valley. The river series of Cowles (1901), including the ravine, the river bluff, and the flood plain, is somewhat comparable to the slope series and the flood plain series of the present paper. But here, the river bluff and the flood plain are such prominent and important features of the tbpo- Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 145 Fig. 18. Pre-glacial and present drainage in the Cincinnati region. (After Fenneman.) 146 Ohio Biological Survey graphy, that they are deserving of separate treatment. The ravine, as here described, includes blufifs and flood plains of small size only. A. RAVINES The smaller streams of the region cut through a number of different materials, which to some extent, modify the character of the valley, and with it, the plant successions. Usually, these are met with, in definite parts of the course. A typical valley (Hg. 2j) with its attendant plant associa¬ tions is here traced. Fig. 19. Patches of Acorus calamus, and scattered willow trees (Salix nigra) mark the source of a stream on the cleared uplands. 1. The TYPICAL RAVINE The ravine begins almost imperceptibly in the beech woods of the upland. Its head is broad and rounded, serving to collect the surface waters from different directions. Upon a cleared upland, a stream often commences in an Acorns Calamus swamp, around which are a few wil¬ lows (Salix nigra). Such a stream source is shown in fig. zp. Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 147 First stage. — The shallow valley in the till of the upland contains a stream, for it will be remembered, the water table is high. This upland stream is sluggish and meandering. It has many of the marks of old age. The flood plain which it is building supports a hydrophytic vegeta¬ tion wherever the forest is not very dense. Such plants as Cardamine pennsylvanica, Asclcpias incarnata, Mimulus ringens, Lobelia siphilitica, Eiipatorium perfoliatum, Helianthus strumosus, and Bidens laevis, are found scattered along the stream. The aspect of the upland beech woods is, however, little modified by the valley, for its slopes are not yet steep enough or high enough to greatly influence the vegetation. Fig. 20. The broad open valley of Gunpowder creek. Across the cleared uplands, the stream is bordered by hydrophytic herbs, and occasional willows. The plants found are the same as those along the stream in the woodland, but here they are much more numerous. Second stage. — Gradually the ravine increases in size. Its banks become higher, and steeper (5 to 10 degrees). Its flood plain becomes broader, but less hydrophytic, for the stream is lowering its channel below 148 Ohio Biological Survey this flood plain, and leaving it as a terrace. The bed of the stream is limestone. Beech is still dominant on the ravine slopes, and extends down nearly to the stream (fig. 20). But other trees are beginning to appear, sugar maple (Acer saccharum) first, and later, wild black cherry (Primus serotina), tulip tree (Liriodendron Tidipifera) , sweet buckeye (Aesculus octaiidra), and sometimes white oak ( Qucrcus alba) and red oak ( Quercus rubra). Occasionally sugar maple or tulip almost entirely takes the place of beech. If the dominant tree is tulip, the lower zones of the forest are well developed, because tulip admits a greater amount of light than either Fig. 21. The tulip tree (Liriodendron Tnlipifera) is the facies in this woods. beech or sugar maple (fig. 21). This is a mesophytic forest, very differ¬ ent in appearance from the mesophytic forest of the upland. The under¬ growth is more varied and denser, being made up of a large variety of saplings, among which beech and maple are most numerous ; dogwood (Cornus dorida) and papaw (Asimina triloba) are abundant. Instead of the scant herbaceous vegetation of the upland beech woods, a varied spring flora is found in which Claytonia virginica (spring beauty), Phlox divaricata, Hydrophyllum appendiculatum, Trillium erectum, Dentaria laciniata (toothwort), and violets (Viola papilionacea, V. canadensis, V. striata, and V. pubescens) are perhaps the most characteristic plants. Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 149 Thus, with the young ravine, there seems to have come an increase in mesophytism of the forest, because of the protection afforded by the slopes, which are still too gentle, however, to cause xerophytic conditions. But this is only temporary ; for, on the steeper parts of the hills, oaks are appearing. These indicate that as the stream cuts deeper, and its slopes become steeper, the mesophytic forest must change. Occasionally on the remnants of the old bottoms, are large sycamores (Platanus occidentalis) and bur oaks (Quercus macrocarpa) , relicts of a former hydrophytic association ; but most of the newer vegetation is xero¬ phytic. Red elm (Ulmiis fulva), red-fruited thorn (Crataegus mollis), locust (Robinia Pseudo-Acacia) , and hop hornbeam (Ostrya virginiana) grow along the top of the low bluff. The stream is not yet actively cut¬ ting, and has some flood plain. Its bed is only full of water after heavy rains. Pools remain upon the unequal surfaces of the limestone floor. Here, and along the margin of the stream, are found a few hydrophytes — • Eupatorium perfoliatuui, Bidens laevis, several species of Polygonum, Carex, and Cyperus. Third stage. — The stream is now flowing about one hundred feet below the level of the upland, and has traversed about one-third of its course. Its gradient has materially increased, but is very irregular. For the heavier limestone layers of the Maysville are fairly resistant, and so the stream must flow for sometimes a hundred feet over the horizontal surface of a stratum, before it drops several feet over shale and thin limestone layers, to another level stretch. The stream is actively cutting, and it is only on the inside of a sharp curve, that any flood plain is being built. The higher valley floor has entirely disappeared, and the banks rise steeply (10 to 20 degrees) from the water’s edge. A xero-mesophytic association whose coming was indicated higher up the stream, now occupies the ravine slopes. The valley is open, and fairly steep sided ; a combination of factors which has produced the xero¬ phytic conditions. In sheltered parts of the slopes, as along tributary ravines, or on north exposures, a mesophytic association is found. The soil is thin, so that occasionally rock ledges, or more often loose slabs of limestone are found. On these a few species of lichens occur. But here they have little importance in the succession, for soil formation by weath¬ ering of the shales is so rapid that even on fresh exposures, herbaceous plants and seedlings of trees appear the first year. On undercut banks, are shown the earliest stages of the xerophytic succession. Carrot (Daucus Carota), parsnip (Pastinaca sativa), sweet 150 Ohio Biological Survey clover (Melilotus alba), and wire grass (Poa compressa) are scattered over the almost bare bank. At the top of the bluff are red elm (Ulmus fidva), hop hornbeam (Ostrya virginiana) , locust (Robinia Pseudo-Acac¬ ia), red-fruited thorn (Crataegus mollis), blue ash (Fraxinus quadrangu- lata), and chestnut oak (Quercus Muhlcnbergii) . Toward the upper end of the bluff, these are seen advancing down the slopes. Fig. 22 shows, in the left foreground, the upper end of an undercut bank, and in the dis¬ tance, a higher and barer bluff. Fig. 22. Muddy creek under-cutting its banks ; scattered herbaceous plants on the bluffs, trees advancing onto the upper end. As conditions become less severe, and a little soil is formed, a number of other trees appear, among which are white oak ( Quercus alba), hack- berry (Celtis occidentalis), redbud (Cercis canadensis), basswood (Tilia amcricana), and sometimes red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) , red oak ( Quercus rubra), bur oak ( Quercus macrocarpa) , and sugar maple (Acer saccharum) . Many of the trees which have been mentioned are of low growth, and it is not long before the oaks reach above them. Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 151 Then the slope appears to be covered with an oak forest (Hg. 2^), but beneath the oaks, are all the other trees which were pioneers with them. Locust does not retain its early importance after the other trees are started, and is seldom found within the oak forest. The herbaceous vegetation. Fig. 23. Slopes forested chiefly with oak, Sharon creek. in spring, is made up chiefly of groundsel (Scnecio obovatus) in large patches, coral root (Corollorrhiza Wisteriana) , wake robin (Trillum ses¬ sile), larkspur (Delphinium trieorne), rue anemone (Anemonella thalie- troides), buttercup (Ranunenliis hispidus), sickle-pod (Arabis eanaden- 152 Ohio Biological Survey sis), and a number of the more xerophytic sedges (Carex laxiiiora, C. pnhescens, and C. varia). Later, are found species of Desmodium and Lespedeza, Thaspitim pinnatifidum, Cynoglossiim virginianum, Scutellaria canescens, Seymcria macrophylla, Ruellia strepens, Solidago ulmifolia, Aster cordifolius, and Aster Shortii. This type of xero-mesophytic forest is found only on the steeper south exposures. Hillsides sloping in other directions and gentler slopes Fig. 24. Patches of hydrophytic herbs occur along the swampy margins and on small islands, MuHy creek. are more mesophytic, and on these the kinds of trees are more numerous. Sugar maple is an important species, sometimes becoming more abundant than the chestnut oak. Other trees which may occur are wild black cherry, sweet buckeye, tulip, basswood, Carya microcarpa, shell-bark hick¬ ory, black oak and red oak. In such a forest, sugar maple is dominant in the undergrowth. The vernal vegetation is richer than on the more xerophytic hillsides, and a number of more mesophytic plants are ap¬ pearing. Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 153 North slopes are always more mesophytic than south slopes of equal steepness. In some places, the north side of the stream may be bordered by the xero-mesophytic association above described, and the south side by a more mesophytic association, in which beech is a secondary species. The stream bed is broad, and level reaches of limestone are frequent. The margins of the stream are swampy, and in places on the limestone floor, are swampy patches where small islands have been built (fig. 24). Fig. 25. The stream drops suddenly into a narrow gorge of shale. West Fork creek. Such places carry a hydrophytic vegetation, which is usually varied. Among the plants which may be found here are Echinochloa Criisgalli, Leersia oryzoides, Cyperns diandrus, C. escidentus, Eleocharis ovata, Typha latifolia, Polygonum hydropiper, P. persicaria, P. pennsylvanica, Mentha spieata, M. piperita, and Bidens laevis. Fourth stage. — After flowing through this open valley, with its broad flat bottom, for a considerable distance (as a rule about two miles), the stream drops suddenly into a narrow gorge of shale (hg. 2y). This is 154 Ohio Biological Survey never more than ten feet deep at its beginning, but its walls are almost vertical. The stream has reached the Eden shale, and the character of the valley has changed. The fall is rapidly receding, carrying the gorge back into the open valley through the Maysville limestone. The walls of the gorge are dripping with moisture in many places. But the shale erodes so rapidly that almost no vegetation is found upon it. Here and there are patches of algae, and occasionally some moss (Hypnum sp.). Near the top of the gorge, or wherever the banks are not rapidly cutting, Fig. 26. Lower course of Indian creek, bordered by a typical marginal vegetation. are patches of Impatiens and Hydrangea. Instead of the bluff xerophytes found higher up the stream, there are saplings of sugar maple, ash and white elm (see fig. ^o). This narrow gorge is mesophytic. But the mesophytic forest gives way higher up the slope to the xero-mesophytic forest described above. The length of this gorge is largely dependent on the altitude of the Eden-Maysville contact, and of the flood plain of the river, into which this stream is flov/ing. Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 155 Fifth stage. — Soon the valley widens out and the slopes become gen¬ tle. Its bed is full of broken pieces of limestone ; its valley floor built up with rubble, into which the stream cuts during freshets. The flat lime¬ stone reaches, with their groups of hydrophytic plants, are gone. Scat¬ tered sycamores and willows mark the course of the stream. The valley sides are gently sloping, except near the top, where the limestone of the Maysville still retains much of the steepness character¬ istic of a younger part of the ravine. Sixth stage. — The stream emerges into the flood plain of the river. Its valley, now but a few feet deep, is cut in silt. The stream is sluggish, and meanders across the flood plain. It is bordered by a typical marginal vegetation composed of willows (Salix nigra and S. alba vitellina), syca- B Fig. 27. Profiles of streams: — A, a normal valley; B, the typical ravine of the region. more (Platanus occidentalis) , silver maple (Acer saccharinum) , white elm (Ulmus americana) , and, in sunny spots, Helianthus strumosus, Ambrosia triiida, and Silphium perfoliatum (hg. 26). Nothing but the marginal vegetation belongs to the small stream. The rest is a part of the flood plain of the river. Here upon the flood plain, the vegetation of the small stream merges with that of the river. Because many of our valleys present the features above described, they are considered as typical of the region. The ^profile of the stream of this typical ravine (hg. 2y, B) \s not the normal stream profile (hg. 2^, A). Streams commencing near the margin of the upland, and lacking the sluggish upland course, have profiles more nearly resembling the normal. ooz 156 Ohio Biological Survey a t/2 cS c c •T3 u rC C u as O C3 CJ u 1- in ' 03 : bE - Od. PiSOcih rr*- in - E r- ■C ^ > ^ > O O 03 V- in be u. o J o .x < c biO ^ V- r3 . O Cd U S o cr’ Ct c/3 iu -■^p ^ r o3 03 Sole ■2 b cu ti: SppH c o III* X Ct C ^ B= r i: S r2“ qj ” •- S 03'-^ NT ‘CC r- O O O ^ - 3 03 ^ >^.5 • o c. ” N l- cr. CJ _- C in _r o3 ^ ^ J? *r c: rt nj u ^ I d £qi= in rt • Cfl r-T C ^ '-! C 33^ > a. rt u oT o t/i O I ^d c T PN in E u o3 rt OJ *0 • ^ OJ O n-5 a: ^ o c c E rc: 03U % I I I ex be (A) u fli £ o’o 'iJ e Scon q,.E t- be 03 U O-^ rt ^ rt u O I cd c > o VP CJ N < . CTj -4-» d.2 JC 3 .So T ^ OJ .E c« 03 »- 3 o 03 CJ.3 J-J 03 3 ’^.E S i I - ^ QJ S E E ^ Om ?/3 t-l ^ ^ c CU-- o X u cd -4-' u «N in 3 b w- be a, in o3 JC CJ ^ ^ E PN SS OJ T3 u u o3 i.. ■*-> 3 OJ u >> 3 3 O o3 b. '*■' N o I . d^ 3 . CJ CJ in ^ N CO 1-, ~ (U CJ E:‘3 QJ T I— » be S— .s' ^ ''o.E ^ N 3 3 -O d 3 >>'3 o3 03 c- ■ — 'in tcU - J= N D. O be g S E *3 *0 S § 3- T £pC >>*3 Cd CJ U 3 u 3 03 3 ^ E 3 ^ 53 o.E CJ r> rt t— I t/3 E S C/3 ^ r“ o X E '5 3' be QJ >-' i/i o. *- 3 u be O o3 3- •3^:b O 3 d T C/} I Cd ^ E u >. c/5 2? .E u o JSc/2 Sw 0 Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 157 2. Modifications of the typical ravine Many of the ravines of the region do not exhibit all of the features above outlined ; few have all well developed. Some exhibit peculiar fea¬ tures which are dependent upon the particular physiographic and soil conditions of the area through which they flow. Fig. 29. A climax forest in August. Spleenworth (Aspleniiuii angiisnfoiiuui) forms large patches. A number of the smaller streams begin near the margin of the up¬ land. In these, the sluggish upland course is lacking. The fall of the 158 Ohio Biological Survey stream is rapid, and its valley sides much steeper than is the case with longer streams. Along such streams are found many of our steepest slopes. The valleys are so narrow everywhere that the contrast between the parts in the Maysville limestone and in the Eden shale is not often well marked. N orthward flowing streams. — North flowing and south flowing streams of this sort show much the same differences that were noted be¬ tween north and south slopes. Along the northward flowing streams, are the most mesophytic forests of the region. The tree growth is more varied than elsewhere, and almost every mesophytic species of the region may occur. In such a forest, beech forms about fifty per cent of the tree growth. The remaining fifty per cent is made up chiefly of sugar maple (Acer sac chariim) , tulip tree (Liriodendron Tulipifera), wild black cherry (Primus serotina), rock elm (Ulmus racemosa) , big shell-bark hickory (Carya laciniosa), mulberry (Morns rubra), and basswood (Tilia americana). On some slopes beech predominates, but rarely forms over eighty per cent of the forest. The line transect, fig. 28, shows the compo¬ sition of a representative mesophytic forest of this type. The undergrowth is dense, consisting of saplings of the trees named above, with a large amount of dogwood (Cornus florida), ironwood (Car- pinus caroliniana) , papaw (Asimina triloba), and spice bush (Benzoin aestivalc), and sometimes moosewood (Dirca palustris) and elder (Sambu- cus canadensis) . Lianas are represented by wild grape (Vitis aestivalis) , Virginia creeper (Psedera quinquefolia) and green brier (Sniilax his- pida). Because of the very dense shade of this forest, summer herba¬ ceous vegetation is scarce. It consists only of a few thin-leaved shade plants, as Pilea pumila, Impatiens pallida and I. biflora, Actaea alba, Des- modiuni pauciflorum and D. gran dido rum, Aralia racemosa, and a number of ferns, often in large patches (fig. 2q). The vernal vegetation is ex¬ tremely luxuriant. The ground is carpeted with dense mats of squirrel corn and Dutchman’s breeches (Dicentra canadensis and D. Cucullaria), dog’s tooth violet (Erythronium americanum and E. albidum), twinleaf (Jeffersonia diphylla), and many other species less abundant. This mesophytic forest prevails on all slopes up to about 25 degrees. Steeper slopes have some oaks upon them ( Quercus Muhlenbergii, Q. alba, and Q. rubra), and the herbaceous growth is less mesophytic. Here are usually found buttercup (Ranunculus hispidus), Greek valerian monium re plans), rue anemone (Anemonella thalictroides) , meadow rue Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 159 (Thalictmm dioicuni), Hepatica (Hepatica acntiloba) and Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides ) . Southzvard flowing streams. — The forests developed along the steep southward flowing streams are always less mesophytic than those of the northward slopes. It is only in very sheltered spots that a truly meso¬ phytic association is found. Elsewhere, the associations are xero-meso- phytic or even xerophytic on the steepest slopes. Beech is almost always absent, and sugar maple is not everywhere abundant. Instead of Dicentra and Erythronium, are larkspur (Delphinium trieorne), false rue anemone (Isopyrum biteniatum) , and wild hyacinth (Camassia eseulenta) . The short steep ravines seldom carry permanent streams. The slug¬ gish lower course is always short. The marginal vegetation, if present at all, is hardly more than an inward lobe of the marginal flood plain association of the larger stream. Absenee of gorge. — In a number of streams of the region, the gorge¬ like valley through the Eden shale is absent. This is due either to the relatively high level of the stream into which the tributary flows or to the deep and broad valley filling through which the little stream must cut during the latter part of its course. The altitude of the Eden-Maysville contact is a contributing factor in the elimination of the gorge-like valley. Elongated sluggish eourse. — When the stream must cross a broad flood plain, or flow through a filled valley, the sluggish part of its course is often long. This is true of many streams flowing into the Little Miami below East Eork, and of some flowing into the Ohio. But the greatest development of this sluggish portion of the stream course is found along Mill creek valley. In fact, Mill creek flows for most of its length through the wide pre-glacial valleys of the Ohio and Licking rivers. Streams at edge of Wiseonsin drift. — Eour streams in the region, Simpson creek, Sharon creek. West Eork of Mill creek, and Banklick creek, flow for part of their courses, at or very near the margin of the Wisconsin drift (Cincinnati Eolio). These streams were in places pushed southward by the advancing ice, and so forced to cut new channels through rock. In this part of the course, whether the stream is cutting through Maysville or through Eden shale, the valley is very narrow and deep, and the sides steeper than found along the typical ravine. Fig. go shows the gorge in the Eden shale and the narrow valley of Banklick creek. The south slope is quite xerophytic, except near the base. The north slope is damp, and even on the open parts, a number of shade plants are found. 160 Ohio Biological Survey The deep lacustrine deposits through which Sharon creek and Banklick creek cut before entering the gorge, present a habitat different from any found elsewhere. Here clay slopes of 60 degrees are not un¬ common (fig. ^i). On the newest slopes, nothing but herbaceous vege¬ tation is found. This presents a strange medley of xerophytes and hy- Fig. 30. A steep sided, but mesophytic valley in the Eden shale, Banklick creek. drophytes. The ridges are extremely dry, and on them are Desmodium canescens, Erechtites hieracifolia, Euphorbia maculata, Oenothera biennis, Aster Shortii, and Equisetiim arvense. Here and there are wet pockets, in which may be found Lobelia siphilitica, Amphicarpa monoica, and Hy- Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 161 drangea arborescens. Where shaded, the moist clay banks are carpeted with mosses, Dicranella and Physcomitrium. On older parts of the banks, are red elm, sumach, Ostrya, and sugar maple, with sycamore and willow in the wetter parts. The succession which is here indicated is very rapid. The most trying conditions are light and instability of the material. Slides are frequent (dg. gi). Wherever a few trees have gained a foothold and the ground is shaded, mesophytes appear, such as beech, sugar maple, and ironwood. The tops of these bluffs retain their Fig. 31. Steep clay banks support little vegetation ; Sharon creek. xerophytic character longer than the slopes. They are bordered with locust, walnut, Ostrya, and oaks ( Qiierciis Miihlenbergii, Q. rubra, Q. coccinea, and Q. velutina). In many respects this succession resembles that found on clay river bluffs. It differs only in that it is much more rapid, because better sheltered. 162 Ohio Biological Survey B. RIVER BLUFFS 1. Rock bluffs The development of rock bluffs along streams was indicated in the ravine, where such bluffs are small and relatively short lived. The suc¬ cession there is rapid, as it is everywhere along a ravine. The rock bluffs along the rivers (the Ohio especially) are not changing so rapidly. Their plant succession is slower and exhibits more stages. These bluffs are not shaded or protected from wind by the opposite bank of the stream, for the valley is too wide. River erosion is the primary cause Fig. 32. Under-cut rock bluff on the Miami river at New Baltimore. of the existence of the bluffs, but their steepness is renewed in two ways — by under-cutting at the foot of the bluff ( iig. g2 ), and by slump¬ ing high up on the bluff. Almost everywhere a flood plain of greater or less width has been built at the foot of the bluff, so that the earliest stages in the develop¬ ment of rock bluffs by under-cutting are seldom seen. Such rock bluffs are similar to, but much larger than under-cut banks along ravines. The Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 163 rock exposed is always largely shale, and therefore the earliest stages of rock bluff vegetation are not shown. The bluffs of the Ohio rise from 300 to 400 feet above the river, gently at first but precipitous above. The steepest bluffs and those showing the youngest stages in the succession, are found in the position of pre-glacial cols and on the inside of meander curves (Hg. i8). It is here that slumping is most effective in producing the bare rock bluffs upon which the pioneer associations start. The Bellevue division of the Maysville, which is by far the most resistant rock of the formation, stands out prominently. It outcrops near the tops of the higher bluffs, there forming almost vertical cliffs, fifteen feet high. The slope above this is gentle ; below, steep as far down as the Eden-Maysville contact about 100 feet below, where it changes to a gentler slope on all but the youngest bluffs. Along the Miami and Little Miami valleys. Mill creek valley, and the pre-glacial valleys, are lower rock bluffs, which are seldom as steep as the bluffs of the Ohio valley. Pioneer herbaceous association. — Except on the most resistant rock cliffs, the pioneer vegetation is herbaceous. The only plants are a few annuals. The earliest associations in the bluff succession may be com¬ pared to those found on abandoned quarry faces. The first plants to appear are black mustard (Brassica nigra), sweet clover (Melilotus alba and M. officinalis) , parsnip (Pastinaca sativa), and Aster eric aides. A few years suffice to cover all but the steepest parts with this herbaceous growth. The shale, which is everywhere interbedded with the limestone, weathers rapidly and soon supplies enough soil for woody plants. The first tree stage. — Ability to withstand strong light is apparently a factor in determining what trees shall appear. The first are locust (Robinia Pseudo-Acacia) , honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) , red elm (Ulnius fulva), and blue ash (Fraxinus quadrangulata) . With or soon after these, are redbud (Cercis canadensis) , and red-fruited thorn (Crn^ taegns mollis). Sycamores are not uncommon as pioneers, appearing in gullies or along horizons of abundant seepage of ground-water. The herbaceous plants of the open slopes begin to disappear, and in their places come the purple aster (Aster Shortii), cleavers (Galium Aparine), motherwort (Leonurus Cardiaca), catnip (Nepeta Cataria), and wild onion (Allium cernuum). All parts of the slope do not reach this stage with equal rapidity. The succession progresses most rapidly upon the gentler slopes below. 164 Ohio Biological Survey Here, and on the steeper slopes beneath the cliffs the succession is very similar. After the first tree stages are passed, mesophytism increases more rapidly on the shale area than above, and the undergrowth becomes denser than that found on steeper slopes. Bellevue limestone cliffs. — In every situation thus far mentioned, the pioneer stages are passed rapidly. This is not the case on the cliffs of the Bellevue limestone. No soil is found here except in crevices. The rock surfaces are covered with crustose lichens (Endocarpon pusilhim Hedw., V errucaria nigrescens Pers., and Placodhim sideritcs (Tuck.)), and patches of xerophytic mosses. In the crevices are a few herbaceous plants, Saxifraga virginiensis, Aster Shortii, Solidago canadensis, and Poa compressa, with here and there a small red elm, blue ash, or hop hornbeam. The cliffs have still but few trees upon them, when the suc¬ cession on the slopes below has reached the oak forest stage. Where the Bellevue does not cap the bluffs, the slopes are often less steep, and the summits rounded instead of cliff-like. In either case the tops of the bluffs support a similar vegetation, which is always in a more advanced stage than that of the steepest slopes. Thus the cliffs may be bordered above by large oaks ( Quercus Mulilenbergii, Q. rubra, and Q. coccinea) and sometimes sugar maples a short distance back from the edge. The succession on the Bellevue limestone cliffs is typical of resistant rock bluffs. It is similar to that outlined by Cowles (1901, a) as occur¬ ring on limestones and dolomites of the Illinois region, except that the conifer stage is here entirely absent. The first tree stage is its ecological equivalent, being followed here, as in the Illinois region, by an oak forest. The river bluffs nowhere show a later stage in the succession than this oak forest. The oak forest. — The oak forest varies somewhat on different expo¬ sures. On south slopes, oak predominates, and with it are some honey locust, hackberry, blue ash, and red elm. The undergrowth is made up largely of redbud and Crataegus with saplings of the trees named above. Sugar maple is occasionally an important constituent of the younger growth. On north slopes, sugar maple is sometimes a secondary species of the forest. Sweet buckeye (Aesculus octandra), basswood (Tilia americana), wild black cherry (Primus serotina), and walnut (Juglans nigra) are also mixed with oak, which is still the most abundant tree. Considerable difference is noted in the spring herbaceous growth of north and south bluffs. On the north slope, the ground cover is dense, and the plants are those commonly found in mesophytic forests — pale Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 165 corydalis (Corydalis flavula), waterleaf (Hydrophyllum appeiidiculatum) , squirrel corn and Dutchman’s breeches (Dicentra canadensis and D. cneullaria), celandine poppy (Stylophoruni diphyllum), spring beauty f Claytonia virginica) , and yellow adder’s tongue ( Erythroniiiin anieri- canum), — and a few plants of less mesophytic species — larkspur (Delphi¬ nium tricorne), wake robin (Trillium sessile), and bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) . Few of these mesophytes are found on the southward facing bluff; instead are early meadow rue (Thalictrum dioicum), larkspur (Deh phinium tricorne), twinleaf (Jeffersonia diphylla), wild hyacinth (Camas- sia esculenta) , shooting star (Dodecatheon Meadia), and Virginia cow¬ slip (Mertensia virginica) . Logs and outcropping ledges of rock on the north slope are covered with mesophytic mosses — Mnium affine, and species of Hypnum ; on the south slope, they are bare except for scattered patches of Grimmia. Rate of progress in bhiif successions. — Some idea of the rate of progress of the bluff succession may be gained from clearing successions of known age. These are of course more rapid than the original succes¬ sions. Many of the river bluffs were cleared by the early settlers and vineyards planted upon them. In 1864 and 1865, many of these vine¬ yards were cut down, and some of the hillsides left uncultivated. The hillside above Anderson’s Ferry is one of these. Here the south slope toward the river varies from 15 degrees to 40 degrees, but the west slope toward a deep ravine presents most of the features of steeper bluffs. The river and ravine slopes are forested now with second growth, and a few old oaks remain near the top. Fig. gg is a view from the opposite side of the ravine, showing the face of the steep ravine bluff bare near the top of the hill, and the gentler slope toward the river. The bare bluff was produced by slumping. The succession on this south slope has reached the thicket stage. Redbud (Cercis canadensis) and red-fruited thorn (Crataegus mollis) are dominant, and with them is a low growth of hackberry, blue ash, honey locust, red elm, locust, Ohio buckeye, and hop hornbeam mixed with sap¬ lings of chestnut oak (Quercus Muhlenbergii) , the beginning of the oak stage. The vernal vegetation is very characteristic of warm south slopes. The dwarf larkspur (Delphinium tricorne) is by far the most abundant plant. With it are found wake robin (Trillium sessile), wild hyacinth ( Camassia esculenta) , meadow rue (Thalictrum dioicum), toothwort (Dcn- taria ladniata), Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum bidorum), sickle-pod 166 Ohio Biological Survey (Arabis canadensis) , wild onion (Allium cerniinm), and blue violet (Viola sororia). In large part, the vegetation of the west slope is similar, with this difiference, however, that the ground layer is more open. The larkspur is much less abundant, and in some of the steepest places, Viola triloba is almost the only plant growing under the few scattered trees. Rock ledges and scattered limestone slabs are lichen-covered, and patches of xerophytic mosses occur here and there. Fig. 33. Reforested slopes of a hill at Anderson’s Ferry. The right hand slope is toward the Ohio river. At the edge of the bare clifif, are red oak and Ostrya with spring beauty (Claytonia virginica), meadow rue (Thalictrnm dioicum), alum root (Heuchera americana) , and early saxifrage (Saxifraga virginiensis) beneath them (dg. ^4). As the slope becomes gentle above the top of the cliff, this association gives way to a more mesophytic one. On the flat hilltop, basswood and ash are found, together with numerous small sugar maples. Instead of the xerophytic herbs of the steep hillsides, are Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 167 spring beauty, Dutchman’s breeches (Dicentra CucuUaria) , and patches of the bladder fern (Cystopteris fragilis). The flat does not continue long, for the ravine heads to the east. The north slope toward this ravine, is as steep as the south slope toward the river. It is somewhat comparable to north river bluffs, though more protected by the other ravine slopes, and therefore more mesophytic. The differences in vegetation on the two slopes of this hill are due Fig. 34. Red oak and hop hornbeam at the edge of the cliff ; early saxifrage and spring beauty beneath them. directly and indirectly, to differences of exposure, and the contrast be¬ tween them is marked. Mesophytes form a large proportion of the forest. Redbud is entirely absent ; the more mesophytic sweet buckeye (Aesciilns octandra) replaces the Ohio buckeye (A. glabra) ; sugar maple and wild black cherry are common. Almost no xerophytes are found among the saplings. The herbaceous vegetation is mesophytic, consisting of Dice^itra canandensis, Corydalis davula, Cystopteris fragilis, Hydro- phyllum appendiculatum, and Stylophorum diphyllmn (Celandine poppy). 168 Ohio Biological Survey The vegetation of the lower part of the slope is even more mesophytic. But it belongs essentially to the ravine. Opposite the large ravine, a clearing succession of the same age is found on east and southeast slopes. The associations here are very similar to those of south and west slopes, but somewhat less xerophytic. An east exposure has a richer spring flora than the opposite west slope of equal steepness. The prevailing winds of this region are west-south¬ west, and their drying ef¥ect is evidenced in this difference in the vegeta¬ tion of slopes sheltered from and exposed to these winds. Fig. 35. A young bluff of clay and sand on the Little Aliami ; annuals along the wet (dark) bands, older bluff association in center background, and flood plain associations to left. Thus, all the different exposures are exhibited in this limited area. The succession on the south slope is the slowest ; the associations here the most xerophytic. While the associations of south slopes are still pioneers those of north exposures have progressed almost to a climax forest. Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 169 If the associations now existing on river bluffs of different exposures are compared with one another, it is seen that the relations are similar to those found between the associations of the cleared slopes. 2. Clay bluffs Rarely one of the rivers of the region may be seen cutting bluffs in deep clay or clay and sand deposits. These are not the low steep banks formed where the stream is under-cutting its own flood plan, but high bluffs cut in till deposits, or in sandy terraces. Eroding bluffs. — The newer bluffs support little vegetation of any sort. On banks of stratified sand or clay, some of the bands are usually wet, and along these, are a few annuals and young perennials (fig. Occasionally, a row of young willows, cotton-woods, and sycamores is seen along a wet band, if erosion has not been excessive for a few years. The vegetation of the till banks is more scattered than that of the stratified deposits. Each year the banks are undermined by floods, and the plants that have started are destroyed. At the up-stream part of the cut, where active river erosion has ceased, perennials and woody plants advance rapidly. Locust is a common pioneer. Occasionally red cedar is the first tree to advance, and sometimes these may be seen dotted over the face of the bluff (dg. g6). The herbaceous vegetation is composed of the common perennials of dry habitats, and a few more characteristic herbs — Lepachys pinnata, Siliphium terehinthinaceuni, Lithospermum canescens, Euphorbia corollata, and Aster laevis — which in this region are confined to very steep dry banks. The succession resembles that of the less resistant rock bluffs, but is more rapid. The greatest vicissitudes are encountered in the early part of the succession because of the instability 'of the material. Parts of these clay bluffs usually slump each spring, but during the remainder of the year, these banks are firm unless interbedded with sand. Slumping plays an iniportant part in the clay succession, by bringing down plants from above. Thus woody plants may advance not only from the up-stream margin of the bluff, but also from slump centers. A clay or sand bluff rapidly loses its original steepness, and after the ground is shaded, the succession progresses rapidly. Oaks appear on relatively young bluffs, and the first forest cover is composed largely of oaks (Quercus Mtihlenbergii, Q. alba, and Q. rubra). 170 Ohio Biological Survey Old bluffs. — The old clay bluff is clothed with a forest much resemb¬ ling the mixed oak forest of the typical ravine. The vernal vegetation usually consists of a large variety of plants, among which may be men¬ tioned Hepatica acutiloba, Ranunculus hispidus, Polemonium rcptans (Greek valerian), Uvularia grandiflora (bellwort), Ancmonella thalic- troidcs (rue anemone), Thalictrum dioicuni, Cynoglossmn virginianum, and Erigeron pulchcllus. Beech and sugar maple are abundant among Fig. 36. Young clay (till) bluff of the Little Miami river near Miamiville; red cedar a pioneer. the saplings, as are also the hickories ( Carya laciniosa and C. glabra viE losa), basswood (Tilia americana), dogwood (Cornus dorida), and the oaks which are the facies of the upper layer of the forest. The red cedar has almost entirely disappeared. In sheltered ravines in the old bluff, is found a mixed mesophytic forest similar to that found on north¬ ward flowing streams — a forest of the erosion climax type. Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 171 3. Gravel bluffs The Little Miami and Miami rivers are, in many places, cutting bluffs in the gravels with which these valleys were partly filled during the Wisconsin glacial epoch. The gravel bluffs vary from forty to seventy feet in height. The under-cut banks stand at high angles, owing to a partial cementation of the gravel at some horizons. The new bluffs are devoid of vegetation, except that brought down from the top by slides, as the loose gravel is constantly slipping (fig. ^y). At the top of the bluffs, and in those parts where erosion is not very active, a few xerophytic herbs appear, among which are Verbena stricta, Kiihnia eupatorioides, Arabis Drummondi, and Poa conipressa. These are all sun plants, and persist but a short time in the life of the succes¬ sion. Fig. 37, Gravel bluff of the Little Miami river near Milford. Toward the upper end of the under-cut bluff, a few xerophytic trees and shrubs are seen advancing upon the open herbaceous association 37)- Foremost among these are red elm, chestnut oak, blue ash, hop hornbeam, red cedar, and Rhus canadensis. 172 Ohio Biological Survey Up-stream, the bluff decreases in steepness as it becomes older. At the same time, the vegetation becomes denser. A young forest made up of oaks (Qiierciis Muhlenbergii, Q. rubra, and Q. alba), hackberry, redbud, basswood, thorn (Crataegus mollis), hop hornbeam, and red cedar, shades the banks. The undergrowth is made up of a few smaller saplings, and the shrubs, Rhus canadensis, Physocarpus opidifolius (nine- bark), and Cornus asperifolia. The Rhus is by far the most important and characteristic of these shrubs, as in this locality it is entirely re¬ stricted to such habitats. It often forms large patches to the exclusion of other vegetation. The original xerophytic herbs are largely driven out, and in their places are Aquilegia canadensis (wild columbine), Pha- celia Purshii (Miami mist). Phlox divaricata, Sanguinaria canadensis (bloodroot), Arabis canadensis, Silcnc virginica (fire pink), and Aster Shortii. The numerous bowlders which lie on the surface are covered with lichens and moss. Soon a number of marginal trees appear at the foot of the bluff, but these belong to the life history of the flood plain which is now being built. The bluff succession in progress is entirely independent of this. The demarcation between flood plain and bluff is sharp. The original xerophytes retain their position at the top of the bluffs long after they have disappeared from the slopes. Above the marginal trees at the foot of the bluffs, a few mesophytes appear, sugar maple first and then beech. The terrace retains its steep and bluff-like margin long after the food plain has grown wide at its foot, and all stream erosion has ceased. The mesophytic tendency displayed on the lower slopes is an indication of what the future forest will be. But even the oldest bluff*s show little more than a small percentage of mesophytic trees. Oaks predominate, and in some places along the Little Miami, red cedar is important. Sugar maple saplings are not uncommon, and sometimes flowering dogwood' (Cornus dorida) is seen. The herbaceous flora retains much the same aspect as on the younger bluffs, but is a little more varied and denser. The summer blooming plants are not abundant, for the steep gravel slopes are very dry except during the spring when rains are frequent. The gravel bluff exhibits many peculiarities not seen on bluffs of rock or clay. Under-cutting banks in gravel are even more unstable than those in clay ; at least as far as the surface layer is concerned, and more xerophytic than most rock bluffs. A number of the plants of these bluffs fRhus canadensis, Physocarpus opidifolius, Verbena stricta, Kuhnia Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 173 eupatorioides, and Arabis Drummondi) are seldom found elsewhere. Gravel bluffs and hillsides may be said lo have the most characteristic vegetation of any habitat of the region. C. CLEARING ASSOCIATIONS The use to which a cleared slope has been put influences the char¬ acter of the earlier clearing associations. Pastured land is occupied by a Fig. 38. Abandoned pasture land in Ault Park; honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) dominant on this 25 degree south slope. The large trees are oaks (Quercus velutina and Q. Muhlenbergii) and beeches. turf composed chiefly of Kentucky blue grass (Poa pratensis), over which are scattered a few scrubby trees and herbaceous plants, among which ironweed (V ernonia fasciculata) is always prominent. Long after the pasture land is abandoned, the sod retains its hold (dg. j8). Slowly the number of broad-leaved herbs increases, and more trees, sometimes in great variety, appear. 174 Ohio Biological Survey Cultivated lands, lying waste, grow up in tall weeds, among which may be a few of the taller grasses, but never blue grass, at least in the earlier stages. Saplings are more abundant on such areas than on pas¬ ture land. Land which has been cleared, or partially cleared and not cultivated, returns to forest much more rapidly than is the case in the two former instances, doubtless because of the presence of living seeds and roots in the soil. The stage in the original succession influences the character of the new growth in two very different ways. First, the former association depended for its being upon the nature of the soil, its physical state and water content, as influenced by the plant cover and by the stage in the physiographic cycle. The former plant cover affects the new association because of its modifying influence on the soil. Second, if any of the original trees remain in the clearing, they will be represented in the new growth, and often in larger numbers than would otherwise be possible. For this reason, a few mesophytes are sometimes represented in the first clearing association. Clearing always has a retarding effect on the succession. An oak forest is commonly replaced by one composed almost entirely of the pio¬ neers of new slopes. In many places groves of locust (Rohinia -Pseudo- Acacia) occupy the cleared slopes. Though not an indigenous tree, this is probably the most common pioneer of clearings. In bluff successions, it does not long retain the precedence which it may have originally had, but is soon replaced by native trees. In clearings there is, however, often no indication of what will succeed it — the groves are pure stands of locust. The predominance of locust, when once it is introduced into . a clearing, may be partially accounted for by the rapid vegetative propaga¬ tion of this tree by root shoots,^ which gives it an advantage over other bluff xerophytes. Other common clearing pioneers are honey locust ( Gleditsia triacan- thos), thorns (Crataegus mollis, C. Crus-galli, and C. punctata), Sassafras and red elm. These may be found together composing a mixed copse, or separately forming almost pure stands (dg. g8). In a few localities, especially in the Little Miami drainage basin, red cedar (Juniperus virginiama) is the facies of the early stages of slope successions, in clearings as well as on young bluffs. Locust may be ® The terms water shoot, water sprout, shoot, sprout, and sucker, are largely used indis¬ criminately for shoots from roots, both at and far from the main stem. It is here sug¬ gested, that root shoot be used to designate those shoots arising from roots, at a distance from the original plant. Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 175 mixed with it in greater or less abundance, but in older associations, the red cedar stands almost alone (fig. jpj. In other places it is mixed with white and chestnut oaks, in which case it forms a very prominent and important part of the young forest. In most of the area under consid¬ eration, however, red cedar is not even a secondary species in any of the pioneer associations, and never becomes the facies. Its limited distribu¬ tion within the region is not understood. Fig. 39. Red cedar (Jtinipcrus virginiana) is the facies in this clearing association (northeast of Milford). The direction and steepness of the slope, together with the nature of the soil, influence the rapidity of the clearing succession, as they do the original succession. Slopes of from 20 to 30 degrees usually retain their xerophytic flora long after gentler slopes have become mesophytic. Steeper slopes seldom ever become mesophytic. It is in this tension zone of intermediate slopes that some of the most interesting clearing succes¬ sions are seen. It is here that the influence of soil and exposure is most strongly felt. 176 Ohio Biological Survey A slope of 30 or 40 degrees may be covered with a second growth mesophytic forest. The direction of slope must be northerly — northeast, north, northwest, or rarely east or west. The soil must be deep, and of such a nature that it retains water. These requirements are met along a number of ravines, which cut in deep glacial deposits composed largely of fine sand and silt. A single clearing formation changes from a xero- mesophytic forest association on the south slope to a mesophytic one on west and northwest exposures of equal steepness. The succession passes from an association in which locust and sumach (Rhus typhina) are domi¬ nant among the trees, to one in which beech, sugar maple, and tulip are most abundant. Very few species are common to the two associations. With the locust and sumach of the south slope are red elm, hackberry, and mulberry. Blackberry thickets form a lower layer in this open forest, and on the ground are a few herbs among which are V enus’s looking-glass (Specularia perfoliata) , wild pansy (Viola RahnesquU) , the ebony spleen- wort (Asplenium platyneuron) , and some Cystopteris fragilis. On the west and northwest slopes, with the beech, maple, and tulip, are dogwood, sweet buckeye, iron wood, a few large chestnut and red oaks, and bass¬ wood. The herbaceous flora is not that of a climax forest, but is remark¬ ably different from that of the south slope. Here Cystopteris fragilis is common, and with it are the maidenhair fern (Adiantum pedatum), Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisacma triphyllum) , bloodroot (Sanguinaria cana¬ densis), May apple (Podophyllum peltatum), black snakeroot (Cimicifuga racemosa) , and Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum hidorum). Later stages in the clearing succession are very similar to corre¬ sponding associations of the original succession. D. THE EROSION CLIMAX EOREST The mesophytic forest which is found upon a number of the gentler or more protected slopes, it has been shown, differs from that of the uplands. It contains a larger variety of trees, and its herbaceous growth is extremely rich and varied (dgs. 28, 2^). The relatively simple life history of the upland forest is not found here. Topographic changes have played an important part in the succession. Retrogressive periods must have had some place in it. This is the mesophytic forest which develops at the end of a long and varied succession. It is the climax of every erosion succession now in progress, and as the forces of erosion must sooner or later modify all areas, it may be considered as the prob¬ able climax forest of the region. In contrast to the pre-erosion climax Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 177 forest of the upland, is this forest, which will be termed the erosion climax. IV. TERRACES AND FILLED VALLEYS Combining, in a measure, the features of uplands and of slopes, of pre-erosion and erosion vegetational types, is a topographic division of great prominence, and a vegetation series of somewhat intermediate character. The flats of abandoned river valleys and the younger glacial terraces of present streams have not been greatly modifled by the forces of erosion. Older terrace remnants are much dissected, and their vegeta¬ tion belongs more properly to the slope series. The terraces and pre-glacial valleys of the region show less of their original vegetation than any other equal area in the region under con¬ sideration, for they are very favorably situated for both agricultural and commercial pursuits. The discussion is necessarily based on isolated and sometimes poorly preserved remnants. Terrace associations may be grouped into two classes, the associa¬ tions of gravel terraces, and the associations of sand and silt terraces, each dependent on the physical character of the terrace material. Between these two classes, there are a number of intermediate forms for the ter¬ race materials intergrade. A. GRAVEL TERRACES Gravel terraces are limited to a few small areas. Most of these lie along the Miami and Little Miami rivers. Because of their very favor¬ able situation above the reach of floods, and their nearly level surface, the terraces have been cleared for many years, and it is only in a few spots that any of their original vegetation remains. 1. Forest associations A few large trees remain upon the terraces. These are usually beech, but here and there is an occasional wild black cherry or sugar maple. From these few remnants it would appear, that the original forest of the gravel terrace was dominated by beech, and probably resem¬ bled the beech forest of the upland. Near the top of river bluffs or of ravines in the terrace, the mesophytic forest is replaced by one resembling the forests of the margins of uplands!' Red oak, white oak, chestnut oak, and sometimes red cedar replace the mesophytes of the level terrace. 178 Ohio Biological Survey 2. Clearing associations Most of the clearings are occupied by a dry meadow association different from that found in any other location. Wire grass fPoa com- pressa ) is the most common grass, except in some of the older clearings, where Kentucky blue grass fPoa pratensis) almost supersedes it. Sap¬ lings are usually scarce, and represented only by a few red elms, locusts, and red cedars. It is among the herbaceous vegetation that the charac¬ teristic plants are found. Kuhnia eupatorioides, Verbena stricta, Arabia drummondi, Pentstemon hirsutus are the most characteristic. With these, some other widespread herbs occur. These cleared fields are covered with the layer of soil which has accumulated since the deposition of the gravels. Although xerophytic, they do not present the extreme condition of dryness of exposed gravels. Gravel pits are very artificial habitats, but possibly they present con¬ ditions somewhat parallel to those existing before the accumulation of the soil cover. The material is so coarse and loose, that almost no water is retained near the surface. In no place, except on under-cut gravel bluffs or on bare rock, are conditions of ecpial dryness found. Only the most extreme xerophytes can exist. Even these are not abundant. The association is an open one. The ordinary xerophytes of the region, which usually occur in dry situations are stunted. Verbena stricta, occasional plants of Pentstemon hirsutiis, Oenothera laciniata, Croton monanthogy- nus, and stunted Oenothera biennis make up the open gravel association. In a few places, the prickly pear cactus, Opnntia Rahnesquii, is the facies of the association, and Yucca iilamentosa or Andropogon virginicus, pri¬ mary species (hg. 40). On long-abandoned gravel pits, the association is less open, and comes to resemble the dry meadow association of clearings. The facies of sun plant formations of gravel terraces is not the same everywhere. In some localities, a usually common species may be absent, and others so restricted in range that they are not even mentioned here, may be dominant. Of all the herbaceous plants, Verbena stricta is by far the most widespread and characteristic plant of gravel terraces, dr other gravel deposits. It is, as far as known, restricted to such habitats. JArbena angnstifolia, which occurs frequently in upland meadows, never occurs in the fields on the terraces. The two plants are entirelv distinct in range, the former species (V. stricta) never occurring on uplands, except on the gravel roadbeds of some of the railroads. Furthermore, the species are sharply defined, and intermediate forms, such as are found Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 179 at Stony Island, Chicago, do not occur between the plants of the two habitats. B. SAND AND SILT TERRACES The forest cover of the sand and silt terraces is similar to that sup¬ posed to have been the original cover of gravel terraces. It is a climax mesophytic forest somewhat intermediate between the pre-erosion and erosion types. Beech is usually dominant, growing with sugar maple, tulip, sweet buckeye, and walnut. Tulip, in one instance, becomes the facies, constituting nearly 80 percent of the tree growth. Fig. 40. A clearing association on the gravel terrace; Opuiitia rafiiiesquii the facies. The undergrowth of this mesophytic forest of the terrace is rela¬ tively dense, consisting of saplings of the trees noted, with summer grape (Vitis aestivalis) , poison ivy (Rims Toxicodendron) , spice bush (Benzoin aestivate), and mesophytic herbs, among which blue violet (Viola papilio- nacea), waterleaf (Hydrophyllnni appendiculatiini) , black snakeroot (Cimicifnga racemosa), richweed (Pilca pumila), Joe-pye weed (Eupa- 180 Ohio Biological Survey toriinn pnrpurcni ) , and white snakeroot (Eiipatorium ^irticacfoliiim) , are abundant. The sand and silt terraces differ from those of gravel, in that they lack the usual xerophytic margin of the latter. The trees of the flood plain are followed immediately by the mesophytes of the terrace, even where there is considerable difference in the altitude of the flood plain and terraces. Clearings on these terraces have nothing characteristic about them. The associations are not extremely xerophytic, as are those of gravel ter¬ races, and the characteristic herbs of the latter are not found on these sand and silt terraces. C. FILLED VALLEYS The pre-glacial valley of the Ohio, which is partially filled with deep glacial deposits, is divisible into three parts, differing somewhat in soil features and plant associations. One of these commonly known as the Norwood trough, extends from the Little Miami in the vicinity of Plain- ville and Red Bank to Alill creek. This part of the valley is filled with deposits of Illinoian age, covered with a thick mantle of loess. A second portion of this valley, includes the upper part of Mill creek valley from about Hartwell northward to Hamilton, and the belt of low hills on the west side of the valley. The hills are of Wisconsin till, the valley filled with undifferentiated glacial deposits. A part of the former valley of the Ohio, which is not included in the present discussion, is now occupied by the Miami river, from Hamilton almost to New Baltimore. Nothing but recent alluvium is exposed in this valley, and its associations belong almost entirely to the flood plain series. The remainder of the valley, extending from the Miami in the vicinity of New Baltimore westward to the Whitewater river at Harrison is filled with till of Illinoian and Wisconsin age. Other valleys of the region were filled in the same way. Much of the glacial filling has since been removed from those now occupied by large streams, but in many places along these valleys, small areas of deep drift deposits remain. The vegetation of these areas is considered under clay bluff's. In general features, the vegetation of all filled valleys is similar. 1. The Norwood trough The plant associations of the Norwood trough are most closely re¬ lated to those of the uplands covered with Illinoian till. Undissected Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 181 flats (here of limited extent) and small depressions occur, as well as gentle ravine slopes. Poorly drained and drained areas of slight relief. — The few depres¬ sions which are found in the Norwood trough are usually smaller, but more decided than those of the upland. These not uncommonly contain shallow ponds of small size in which the only aquatic plants are algae. They are bordered by the usual marginal plants — buttonbush ( Cephalan- thiis oeeidentalis) , bitter cress (Cardamine pennsylvaniea), poison ivy, and sedges. There is no gradation between depression vegetation and that of the surrounding area. A swamp may succeed the pond, by the closing in of the marginal vegetation, but this is not succeeded by meadow. The area is so small, and usually so well shaded, that the plants of the surrounding forest can occupy the area as soon as it is dry enough. Occasionally, there are a few hydrophytic trees around the depression. These are the same as found on the uplands — Nyssa sylvatica, Quercus hieolor, and Q. palustris. On the flat and undissected portions, drainage conditions are poor, and a wet meadow association much like that of the uplands prevails in the cleared areas. The environs of Norwood — the divide between east and west drainage — probably exhibited in the largest degree, the features common to flat uplands, but here little of the original vegetation remains. Other flat areas of the valley exhibit the upland forest types. Both a mixed hydrophytic forest similar to that of uplands, and a beech forest — the pre-erosion climax — occur here. Disseeted areas. — The marginal parts of the Norwood trough are so well dissected that they present none of the features of uplands. The relief is never great, however, and ravine slopes in the clays are gentle except on under-cut banks. The forests of these areas are therefore prevailingly mesophytic. Beech is often, if not usually, the dominant tree, but with it are many of the other most pronounced mesophytes. This forest extends a short distance up the slopes of surrounding hill¬ sides, usually to the top of the gentle slopes of the till. It is in strong contrast to the oak forest of the rest of the hillside. The view across the Norwood trough (fig. 41) shows a number of forested areas in the valley, in all of which, beech is dominant. The beech forest is also seen on the lower slopes of the hill in the foreground. The oak tree in the left foreground higher up this hill, is a remnant of the oak forest characteristic of rock slopes. 182 Ohio Biological Survey It is only along the crests of narrow divides, or upon unusually steep slopes, that the beech forest is superseded by a xero-mesophytic or mixed forest. Such areas are, however, always small. The prevalent forest of dissected areas is a mesophytic forest inter- Fig. 41. View over the Norwood trough from top of valley slopes. Beech is dom¬ inant in all the wooded areas ; the oak ( Quercus muhlenbergii) in the fore¬ ground belongs to the slopes. mediate in character between the pre-erosion and erosion types, but most closely approaching the latter. Its development has been more rapid, with consequent greater simplicity of the forest, than has that of the erosion climax forest previously discussed, but it nevertheless represents an erosion type. 2. Upper Mill creek valley area The valley. — A part of the broad flat valley of upper Mill creek is covered with recent alluvium, and belongs to the flood plain area. In the rest of the valley, glacial deposits are at the surface. Nothing of the original vegetation of this part remains. It is all farm land. Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 183 Another pre-glacial valley, filled with deposits similar to those of upper Mill creek, lies for the most part, north of the area considered. It runs from the Little Miami above Kings Mills, past Glenwood, to the Miami at Middletown. This valley, whose greatest relief is scarcely more than twenty feet (similar in this respect to upper Mill creek valley), contains a few forest remnants which indicate the probable previous vege¬ tation of Mill creek valley. On regions of low relief, is a mixed mesophytic forest composed of various oaks ( Quercus ruhra, Q. Muhlenhergii, Q. macrocarpa, and Q. alba), Kentucky coffee-tree (Gymnocladus dioica), white ash (Fraxi- nus americana) , and hickory (Carya alba), but containing no beech, and only an occasional sugar maple. Although the relief is very slight, the forest is less mesophytic than that of steeper slopes elsewhere, for the soil is gravelly. Verbena stricta, which is so characteristic of gravel ter¬ races, is not uncommon. Hydrophytic associations of this valley belong to two opposing types, those of half-drained and those of undrained situations — depressions and flats removed from streams (Cowles, 1901). Depressions contain swamp white oak (Quereus bieolor), white oak (Quercus alba), pin oak (Quercus palustris), and red maple (Acer rubrum). Half-drained swampy areas are not met with elsewhere in the region except along the margins of some streams, and in very limited areas around springs or on springy slopes. In the vicinity of Glenwood, how¬ ever, are extensive flats through which small sluggish streams wander in beds from one to three feet below the general level (dg. 42). The area occupied by the swamp is not a flood plain, yet the plant associations are much like some of those of flood plains. The forests are dominated by silver maple (Acer saccharinum), with an occasional sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) near the stream, and a few trees of black ash (Fraxinus nigra), and swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor). Clearings, and openings in this forest, support a luxuriant herbaceous vegetation, different, however, from that of undrained depressions and wet upland flats. There are but few plants of button-bush ( Cephalanthus occidentalis) — a character plant of undrained situations. On the other hand, Bidens laevis, Eupatorium perfoliatum and Verbena hastata — all typical brookside plants — Iris versicolor. Hibiscus Moscheutos, Physos- 184 Ohio Biological Survey tcgia virginiaiia, Sparganiiim curycarpiim, Typha latifolia and many sedges, are abundant (^ig. 4g). This area is swampy, not because there are no streams to carry off the surface waters, as on uplands, but because the water table is always near the surface in this low-lying area of slight relief. Instead of the gradual sinking, and spreading of ground water, as under the flat uplands, there is a constant flow from the hills bordering the lowland area under the swamp lands to the shallow drainage lines. Fig. 42. The swamp at Glenwood extends to the foot of the distant hills; Hibiscus in bloom ; shrubs are Salix nigra. In all probability, upper iMill creek valley, and the Little Miami- Miami pre-glacial valley supported similar types of vegetation. Leverett (1902) speaks of a “marshy tract” in Mill creek valley above Sharonville, which was still undrained and not fit for cultivation in 1889. Water in wells in IMill creek valley stands practically at the surface (Leverett, 1902), and the same condition is found near Glenwood. Glacial hills. — The low glacial hills along the western side of the valley are a continuation of the morainal hills of the upland. In origin Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 185 and topography, they are related to these. In situation within an old filled valley, they are a part of the latter. Their vegetational features are to some extent a combination of those of both areas. Their slopes are always very gentle (3 to 8 degrees), their tops broad and rounded. Fig. 43. Near view in the same swamp, showing Hibiscus Moschcufos and Scirpus atrovirens. The forests of this area are mesophytic, and for the area as a whole, beech is the dominant tree. There is, however a larger admixture of oaks than in the forests of the Norwood trough; indeed, the forests are less mesophytic than those of the latter area. Beech occupies the tops and the longest and gentlest slopes of the hills and much of the space between the hills. With the beech on the tops of the hills, are other trees, the most important of which are sugar maple (Acer sacchanim) , big shell- bark hickory (Carya laciniosa) , white oak (Qucrciis alba), and red oak ( Querciis rubra). On steeper slopes, beech is absent, and then the above- mentioned trees are relatively more abundant. On the flats between the hills, the hickories (Carya ovata, C. alba, and C. cordiformis) , bur oak 186 Ohio Biological Survey (Quercus macrocarpa) , and white ash (Fraxiniis americana) occur with beech. In the upper Mill creek valley area, low hills are built up above the general level ; in the Norwood trough, valleys are cut beneath it. The soil of these hills — a compact but gravelly till without a covering of loess — is more porous than the Illinoian till and the loess of the Norwood trough. These two factors — relatively small area of hill top, and porous soil — tend to make the water table lower than in areas of equal or even greater relief in the Norwood trough, and therefore, the forests less mesophytic. Many of the streams in this area wander among the hills, finding rather than making their valleys. The larger streams which cross the area have, however, cut fairly deep valleys in the till. These valley slopes, though gentle (6-10 degrees) are not clothed with beech forest, as was the case on ravine slopes in the Norwood trough. In fact, beech is always entirely absent, for the porous soil of this gravelly till drains readily. The forest here is composed of oaks ( Quercus Muhlenhergii, Q. velutina, Q. texana, and Q. alba), sugar maple, walnut, and white ash. A short distance back from the edge of the ravine slopes, beech is again dominant. 3. The Miami-Whitewater valley Much of that part of the Miami-Whitewater valley covered with till of Wisconsin age, is flat. In places there is a poorly-developed sag and swell topography. The valley filling is partly water-laid ; gravel is an important component in much of the area. Streams start in indefinable depressions much as do those of the flat uplands. Their margins are swampy and they are bordered by willows (Salix nigra and N. longifolia) , cat-tail (Typha latifolia), ditch stonecrop (Penthorum sedoides), swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata), monkey flower (Mimuhis ringens), and boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum) . The area is little dissected, except near the margins adjacent to the low-lying flood plains. These slopes are terrace edges, and as the till contains a relatively high percentage of gravel, the vegetation is that of gravel slopes. The forests of the Miami-Whitewater pre-glacial valley are essentially like the mixed forests of undrained uplands. Here, as on the uplands, is a pre-erosion forest type. Groups of red maples (Acer rubrum) occur in a mixed forest of oaks ( Quercus alba, Q. velutina), sugar maple (Acer Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 187 saccharumj, sour gum (Nyssa sylvatica), shell-bark hickory (Cary a ovata) , and white-heart hickory (Carya alba). The most striking feature of this area, as well as of the valley of upper Mill creek, and the Little Miami-Miami valley, is the absence of beech. It is found neither on the flats nor on the slopes. The forests, though mesophytic, are far from either climax type. V. THE ELOOD PLAIN SERIES In places along the ravine course, small areas of flood plain with their attendant vegetation were noted. Along the rivers of the region, flood plains are sometimes several miles wide. The vertical range is greatest along the Ohio, which has an annual variation in height of about sixty feet. It is the flood plains of the larger streams — the Ohio, Miami, Little Miami, and Licking rivers, and Mill creek — which constitute one of the four great topographic and vegetational areas of the region. Along these rivers, flood plain vegetation reaches its greatest development. Although the beach-like shore and the islands are genetically a part of the flood plain, it is convenient here to separate the frequently sub¬ merged and open shore associations from the closed associations of the broad and higher flood plain. A. THE BEACH-LIKE SHORES The river shores here discussed are comparable to lake beaches (Cowles, 1899). Their vegetation is controlled by a similar set of fac¬ tors, most important of which are topography, moisture, and varying river stages. The latter aids in producing zones comparable to the wave zones of lake shores, but as the motion of the water is slower, the corresponding zones usually have more plants. The lower part of the shore — the first vegetation zone — is submerged many times each year and not infrequently during the growing season. It may be compared with the lower beach of lakes, although it usually supports a scant growth of annuals, most of which are hydrophytes. A higher part — the second vegetation zone — corresponds to the mid¬ dle beach, with its xerophytic annuals. This is not often submerged except during the winter and early spring. That part of the Ohio river affected by the Fernbank dam (Dam 37) has a nearly constant summer height. Here the lower shore is con¬ stantly submerged, and consequently the first vegetation zone is almost 188 Ohio Biological Survey absent, the upper shore association approaching close to the water’s edge. Vegetation is more abundant and more luxuriant than on the upper shore elsewhere, and some hydrophytes are included among the annuals. 1. Gently sloping beach-like shores In many places the river shore is broad and rises gently from the water’s edge. Along the Ohio, such shores are of sand or silt. On the two Miamis, they are usually of gravel or cobblestones with more or less mud. There is not a great deal of difference in the vegetation of these two kinds of shores. Sandy shores. — On sandy shores, the density of the vegetation in¬ creases up-shore. The demarkation between lower and upper shore is indistinct, so that there sometimes appear to be no definite zones below the first tree zone. The wettest places are occupied by Eleocharis oliva- cea. On other parts of the shore, chiefly the second zone, may be found a variety of plants, among which are a number of grasses fEchinochloa Crusgalli, Panicunt dichotomiflonim, Cenchrus tribuloides, and Eragrostis hypnoides) , knotweeds, (Polygonum pennsylvanicum and P. lapathifo- lium), Amaranthus hyhridus, Strophostyles helvola, Ambrosia trihda, and Bidens laevis. Here and there are seen a few small willows ( Salix nigra and S. longifolia), and cotton- wood (Populus deltoides) advancing into the zone of annuals. These presage the advance of the marginal tree zone. The width of the zone of annuals is determined by the slope of the shore and the average summer fluctuation of the river. The plants of the shore are mainly transients. They are plants which come late, after the rivers have gone down to low summer heights. Cobblestone shores. — The shores of gravel or cobblestones are occu¬ pied by an association of herbaceous plants very similar to that found on sandy shores. The principal differences are that there is no definite advance of woody plants from a distinct tree zone, and that the upper shore association is more xerophytic. The willows are few and scattered. Along very flat bowlder shores, there is sometimes a marginal zone composed of Dianthera americana, advancing out into the river (hg. 44). This is usually found where the shore is narrow, and bordered by bluff¬ like banks of the flood plain. In such places the shore is shaded by the tall trees along the banks, and much of the vegetation characteristic of sunny shores is absent. The second zone of cobble shores is occupied by an open association, in which herbaceous plants have a prominent place. In contrast to the Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 189 lower shore, which is occupied by hydrophytic herbs, is the rough upper shore, with its xerophytic annuals and perennials. With the scattered willows, sycamores, and poplars of this upper zone, are clammyweed (Polanisia graveolens) , blue false indigo (Baptisia australis), crab grass (Digitaria sanguinalis), black mustard (Brassica nigra), peppergrass (Lepidium virginicum) , sweet clover (Mclilotus alba), and evening prim¬ rose (Oenothera biennis). Fig. 4j is a view of a wide cobble shore of the Little Miami; fig. 4p, AA' , a belt transect of the same. Fig. 44. Narrow flat shore at the foot of steep wooded banks of the flood plain. Water willow (Dianther a americana) advancing out into the river. The third zone is a closed association similar to the corresponding zone of sandy shores. This belongs more properly to the flood plain forest than to the beach-like shore. 2. Steep river banks The open shore association extends higher up on steep river banks than on gently sloping ones. But this shore association is not the same 190 Ohio Biological Survey as that previously described. In vertical range it corresponds approxi¬ mately to the first three zones of the flood plain forest to be described later. It is itself divided into distinct belts. Bed-rock banks. — These steep shores are of several kinds. In rare instances they are of bed-rock (Pt. Pleasant) in position, with large pieces broken off and scattered over the surface. Such banks have very little vegetation. A few annuals in the crevices of the rock, and scattered willow bushes are all that is found. Fig. 45, Beach-like shore of cobblestones on the Little Miami river near Gravel Pit. Rocky banks. — A later development of this type of river bank is sometimes found. Instead of ledges of rock, and large blocks lying around, the banks are covered with small angular fragments (dg. 46). The slope of this kind of shore averages about 12 degrees. There are more plants here than on the bed-rock banks, but the association is often open. For a few feet back from the water’s edge, the banks are almost bare. This zone corresponds approximately to the first zone of gently sloping shores. Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 191 Above this are a number of belts composed largely of xerophytic per¬ ennials, among which Desmanthus illinocnsis is the most abundant. Other plants commonly found on such banks are Baptisia australis, Apocynum cannabium, Tecoma radicans, Salix longifolia (low bushes), Echinochloa Crusgalli, Panicum dichotomidorum, Aster ericoides, Xanthium canadense, and Ipomoea hederacea. These belts, with increasing density, and larger plants, extend upward about forty feet, or to the foot of the sudden rise bordering the flood plain. They correspond to the second and third zones of other shores. Fig. 46. A steep rocky river bank near North Bend on which Desmanthus illinoensis and Baptisia australis are common. On the low steep banks bordering the flood plain is a zone of trees, not marginal trees, but the bluff trees — red elm, hackberry, black locust, scarlet thorn (Crataegus coccinea), and honey locust. Although submerged at some periods of the year, the plants of the rocky shores are not hydrophytes. During the summer months, these banks are dry. They are in some ways similar to the high cobblestone shores. The perennials of such localities are deeply and strongly rooted. 192 Ohio Biological Survey Such banks as these are not depositional. They are found only along eroding parts of a river’s course. These herbaceous plants, which present no obstruction to flood waters, retain their foothold, even when the willows of the same association, or the trees higher up, are torn out. Steep river banks are found at or near the foot of b’ufifs. They are always narrow and often short-lived, as a flat beach-like shore may be built out in front of them. Under-cut banks. — All the streams except the Ohio are under-cutting their flood plains. These under-cut banks are comparable to bluffs in steepness, but they belong essentially to the flood plain area. Whatever vegetation may appear upon them during one year is swept away the next spring. It is only after under-cutting ceases, and the slopes become more gentle, that the flood plain vegetation gets a foothold. The plant associations of these steep river banks in silt or sand re¬ semble most closely those of the gently sloping shores in the same mate¬ rial. On the narrow flat at the base of such banks are the hydrophytic herbs of the broader shores. Above this are the other associations of gently sloping banks. These are often so intermingled that they can not be separated into zones (fig. 44). In other places the zones are very nar¬ row and at times one or more are eliminated entirely. P>. ISLANDS The islands of the Miami and Little Miami rivers are residual — rem¬ nants of a former valley Ailing, partially reworked, but produced by ero¬ sive rather than by depositional forces. They vary in size from a few hun¬ dred to several thousand feet in length. It is only the smaller ones which can properly be called islands. The larger ones are areas of the flood plain separated from the mainland by cut-offs (sloughs). They can be considered as islands only in that they are bounded on all sides by parts of the river and that their origin is the same as that of the smaller islands. It is the smaller islands which will be considered here. All gradations between the island and the cobble shore are found. Many projecting stretches of beach-like shore are separated from the higher flood plain by a depression, which during the summer is either swampy or partly filled with water (fg. 4/). Some stretches of shore connected with the mainland in but one or two places become islands dur¬ ing high water. The islands may be well in the center of the river so that the waters divide nearly equally in passing them (fg. 42), or so much to one side that the river is very unequally divided. Sometimes the shallow S' - Zo2'l7. Tiig'ra, Black VJiUow longzfol'idjSoirLd 3ur WiUour Tda f a. n u s occide nlahs. Sgc a mort . M-Acer saccJiari num,Si h-er Ma pie. L -GhdiBia IriacanlhoSjHoney Locust H -Celii 3 occidenlahSyHacklerry VJ-Juglaris nigra^ Black Walnut Bk-iree , size indicated }y circles. C- Prunus seroiina, Wild Black Cherry. 0 - Lush , or shrulrly tree E- Ulmus amencana, While Elm. d - herlaceous plants. J' Uj. 4 < . Map showing general dislriljution of trees and shrubs on island and neighboring shores; Little Miami liver near Gravel "The river banks, is taken as base, and the fall of the river, 1 to 3 feet at each rapids, disregarded. Contours therefore also indicate vegetation nones. Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 193 channel at one side of an island is filled up during a flood, and the island becomes a part of the shore. And, vice versa, a projecting portion of the shore may be suddenly transformed into an island by the gouging out of a channel across it. All parts of an island formed in this way are of very nearly the same age. For this reason, the normal asymmetry of vegetation of river islands as noted by Cowles ( 1901 ) , is not seen here. Fig. 48. The steep lower end of one of the residual islands of the Little Miami river ; near Gravel Pit. Instead, the zonation of associations is radial. The number of zones is dependent on the height and size of the island ; their width upon the steepness of the island’s shores. Fig. 48 shows the lower end of the island in the map (fig. 4/). In this case, the lower end of the island is steep, and resembles the eroding portion of depositional islands. The upper end of this same island has very gently sloping shores, occupied by the first two vegetation zones, both open associations. Tree zones occupy the higher parts of the island — zone III that part between the 15 and 20 foot contours, and zone IV, the area above 20 feet (fgs. 47 and 49, BB' and CC). 194 Ohio Biological Survey Factors limiting associations of cobble shores. — The plant associations of the cobble or gravel shore, whether of mainland or island, are not con¬ trolled by newness of land, but by water height and topography. The lower shore association occupies the area which is exposed during low water. The second zone, or upper shore, is submerged in the summer only for very short periods, if at all, during unusually high water. The lower shore is not being built up or extended outward by deposition ; neither are the islands increasing in size by gradual accession of deposited material at their lower ends. The succession is not related to slow con¬ structional changes, as is the succession on depositing shores or deposi- tional islands ; nor is it accompanied by gradual encroachment of one association upon the next younger. The streams along which the cobble shores, and in which the residual islands are found, are essentially eroding streams. The lower shore is cut below the upper shore ; the upper shore, cut below the general level of the flood plain. The materials of which the islands are composed are too coarse to be moved during low water, even by the swift current assumed by these rivers in passing through the narrow channels around the islands. Changes are effected only during high water, when the cutting and carrying power of the stream is enor¬ mously increased. Nevertheless the beach-like shores and the residual islands of the two Miamis are remarkably stable. Changes of sufficient magnitude to destroy the upper shore vegetation rarely occur. C. THE FLOOD PLAIN 1. Pond-swamp associations. Swampy conditions or ponded waters are found in a number of places on the flood plain. Here are included natural and artificial depressions, and sloughs. Low places which are filled with water for at least a part of the year, are very commonly found at the foot of a pronounced rise in the flood plain. They owe their existence to the levee nature of the alluvial de¬ posits. Other depressions are found whose origin is not as easily ex¬ plained. Artificial conditions also have contributed more or less in the formation of a number of flood plain ponds. And a number also have been destroyed by draining or filling. Most of those that remain are small, and do not contain the wealth of aquatic vegetation which local check lists credit to larger ponds of the region which were drained years ago. I'k;. -10. licit transects along- the lines AA', BB', and CC', in map, Fig. 47; symbols as in Fig. 47. Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 195 True aquatics are scarce or entirely absent, but the amphibious plants are numerous. These are seldom arranged in distinct zones, as these flood plain ponds are often very irregular in outline. Cat-tail (Typha latifolia), arrow-head (Sagittaria latifolia), and bulrush (Scirpus validus) usually occupy the margin of the pond, or are scattered through it in patches. Each wetter spot in the general swampy area is occupied by Fig. 50. Ponds on the Ohio-Little Miami flood plain. these plants, and the intervening spaces are filled with other amphibious plants, among which are Alisma Plantago-aquatica, Cicuta maculata, Pen- thorum sedoides, Ludvigia alternifolia, L. palustris, Rumex altissimus, and Asclepias incarnata. Here and there are patches of the buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) , and advancing upon the herbaceous plants of the pond and its swampy margins are willows and cottonwoods, or sedges and grasses. Fig. 50 is a view of a flood plain swamp, in which are a number of small stretches of open water. 196 Ohio Biological Survey The sloughs of the Little Miami and Miami rivers are similar in many respects to ox-bow cut-offs. They differ from them, however, in mode of origin, and in their almost universal connection with the river at both ends, at least during high water. Between the swampy depres¬ sion which may cross the landward side of a wide shore (fig. 4/), and the slough of almost river dimensions, there are all gradations.. The water of the slough flows very sluggishly, if at all, during dry seasons, but in times of flood is swift. In very quiet places, the water is covered with duckweed (Lemna minor) and floating species of Riccia are Fig. 51. The shallow parts of sloughs are occupied by swamp plants; duckweed on the surface of the water. occasionally found. The shallower parts are occupied by Sagittaria lati- folia, Eleocharis, Typha latifolia, Leersia oryzoides, and Echinochloa Crus- gain (fig. 51). Whether the slough is full of water, or merely swampy, and occu¬ pied by swamp herbs, the margins are bordered by the typical marginal vegetation of rivers. In this respect, the sloughs resemble rivers with their well drained margins, much more than they resemble ox-bow lakes, Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 197 around which are always found plants characteristic of undrained swamps (Cowles, 1901). Fig. 52 shows one of the sloughs of the Miami, in which the channel is full of quiet water. It is bordered by willows ( Salix nigra, and .S', cordata). . Fig. 52. A slough of the Miami bordered by willows. This marginal zone of bushy willows is a continuation of the first tree zone of the rivers. It completely surrounds the “island’’ which is enclosed between the slough and the river. Commencing with this zone of willows, the slough succession and the river bank succession are identical. 198 Ohio Biological Survey 2. Meadow associations ; clearings. In its natural condition, almost the whole of the large flood plain was forested. Now most of it is cleared and cultivated, and only a few nat¬ ural woodlands and uncultivated clearings remain. The pond-swamp associations are usually followed by forest asso¬ ciations. In places, however, an herbaceous association composed of sedges, grasses, and field plants (H elianthus strumosus, V ernonia fascicu- lata. Ambrosia trifida, and Solidago canadensis) follows the amphibious herbs. This condition is only temporary, and if undisturbed, trees begin to appear in the meadow — willows, poplar, honey locust, and elm. Clearings on the flood plain, which are uncultivated for a number of years, are usually occupied by a rank growth of tall weeds, only a few of which are in any way characteristic of flood plains. Most abundant among these, is the giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) which, though com¬ mon in moist soil in clearings everywhere in the region, reaches its highest development in these situations. Where this is not abundant, the vege¬ tation is sometimes quite varied, consisting of such plants as Helianthus strumosus, Silphium perfoliatuni, Echinochloa Crusgalli, Lycopus ameri- caniis, Sicyos angulatus, Lippia lanceolata. Polygonum pennsylvani- cum, etc. In some places the fields are grassy instead of being filled with tall weeds. The aspect of these clearings changes with the season, for they always contain a number of plants other than grasses and sedges. Miami mist (Phacelia Purshii), lamb’s lettuce (V alcrianella radiata), field sorrel (Rum ex acetosella) , cinquefoil (Potentilla monspeliensis) and mist-flower (Eupatorium coelestinum) are perhaps the most noticeable. 3. Forest associations. The forests of the flood plain are of two types, belonging to different successions. One of these, the depression forest, is uncommon, occur¬ ring in undrained situations on the flood plain. The other, which is best known as the flood plain forest, is almost universal. It occupies the wet but well drained margins of streams, and the lower flood plains. Depression forest. — The depression forest of the flood plain is very similar to the depression forest of the upland. The trees are those most typical of undrained situations, namely, pin oak, swamp white oak, and red maple. Only three such areas are known, two on the flood plain of the Ohio, and one in Mill creek bottoms. They lie on broad plains, and as on the uplands, the depressions are so slight, that they are not easily Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 199 noticed. All three are on high flood plains, only reached by exceptional floods, as that of March, 1913. It is probable that this type of forest arises late in the pond-swamp succession. At least the ponds of the flood plain occupy the only other similar positions. None of these show any tendency toward the develop¬ ment of a swamp forest, but this may be due to the artificial conditions which surround them. Little can be learned as to the probable trend of the succession from the depression forests themselves, for they are completely cleared of their undergrowth. A comparison of the three depressions shows that their forests are not in the same stage of development. The largest one (on the flood plain of the Ohio river at Melbourne, Ky.) is undissected by small ravines. Its trees are of different ages and range from several inches to a few feet in diameter, some of the pin oaks being exceptionally large. On the margin of the depression, and not far from the willows and syca¬ mores of the flood plain forest is a single beech tree. This gives the only clue as to the possible future of the depression forest of flood plains, if un¬ dissected — a mesophytic forest, probably similar to that which follows the depression forest of the upland. The other two depressions are broken by ravines. One, on the Ohio river flood plain at Finney, Ohio, is trenched by a deep gully, along which are a few ravine trees. The third depression, north of Lockland, is traversed by several shallow valleys along which are sycamores. As on the uplands, the conditions which produced the depression forest are being destroyed by dissection. The depression forests of uplands and flood plains are alike in that they contain the same kinds of trees, and their successions are proceed¬ ing in the same general course, either toward mesophytism by gradual filling, or toward xerophytism, by dissection. The depressions of the upland depend upon rainfall, ground-water and impervious soil for their supply of water. Those of the flood plain depend upon rainfall and ground-water during only a portion of the year, for at times they are filled by the river. The alluvial soil is light and porous, very different from the till and white clay of the uplands. Topographic situation is a big factor in the production of swamp forests in the flood plain de¬ pressions. Flood plain forest. — The flood plain forest is closely related, in its development, to the constructional phases of river activity. It exhibits a number of zones whose extent and degree of development are depen- 200 Ohio Biological Survey dent on the slope and breadth of the flood plain (sec fig. 55J. The lower shore association (zone I) and zone I of the flood plain forest are identical. But in areas of steadily advancing flood plain forest, the upper shore is usually occupied by an association composed largely of young trees. A general view of a forested area on the flood plain of the Little ]\Iiami river near Gwendolyn is shown in fig. jj. The succession commences with the scattered willows or poplars on the margin of depositing shores. The number of tree seedlings in the Fig. 53. General view of an area of flood plain forest on the Little Miami river at Gwendolyn. herbaceous zones of the shore is usually few, indicating a very gradual advance of trees. In rare instances, however, seedlings almost complete¬ ly take possession of the beach producing a distinct zone. When this is the case, the seedlings are all of the same age and height, and if more than one species are represented in the zone, they often produce distinct bands. Fig. 5^, which is a near view of the flood plain forest seen on the right hand side of /ig. 55, shows in the foreground a banded zone of Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 201 first year seedlings of Salix nigra and Popuhis deltoides. Here, although zone II (dg. 55^ contains many tree seedlings, the plants are all of the current season’s growth (1913). If these endure, and the banks are built out in front of them, a new and younger zone is initiated.® The causes Fig. 54. The same flood plain forest viewed from the shore. which permit the sudden appearance of this new zone have not yet been determined. It is probable, as willow and cotton-wood seeds will germi¬ nate only on moist ground, that a great deal depends on the stage of the river at the time of seed ripening. The second association of the flood plain formation consists most commonly of small willows and cotton-woods, but in many places other trees may enter in, among which are sycamore, white elm, box elder (Acer Negnndo), and silver maple (Acer saccharinuni) . In the succes¬ sion shown in dg. 5^, this zone is made up of willows and poplars showing ®yhe belt transect, fip. 55, shows the conditions late in June, 1914, one year later. The new zone in this is called zone O, and the other zones numbered in accordance with the photographs 202 Ohio Biological Survey (U E 3 u a u o 03 c/) c3 C 03 CJ • ^ s g 03 Ui 03 crt tT ^ > OJ o82, O (L> CC ^ CJ (U o p p o o3 ^•5'(u > g-^ N E *-3 " cJl (1> 03 r- u. a>, Ui Ui < be Ui G OJ •G! ^ cd cd c 'O 03 s ^ o3 cd Ui cd p t/i pri (U OJ p ppE? <3J N . u •2S C/) ■M C *-• I POO cd O CL nj -- C G 8^0 o U N »o Lh rrt ^ 5 O L-i • ^ 03 G cd tJO.E - S o CL 03 c/i E^ Cip g p p I c g rt go o rr( ^ 03 • »iN *^'o o3 '-M C CO -<-’ C G o E cd i=H to OJ u 'o P O • ^ 4-> o3 E u> o cd ’O O o CG ^» np (U to G ^ CP cd P G CL 03 O U Ph to cd -t-> . G to CJ ’^3 P o o O CO p p cd _r o •TP I-. P, O T3 O QJ CJ cd CJ >» CO Jp O ^ I 2 « 3 m O to 'O G T3 UJ C CO 'Q cd O m . » ^ c CJ G cn g .1 - p c CJ .n O P . 'TG E ■ C E cd X3 .2 'G - «^ . . u, G mppx^^ p 2 7 cd CJ Li X O CM U CJ CO G cd Li CJ m »o »n o’ HH m o pp G . E Cd P t c be*" • 11 Li P 03 iG CO CJ C CJ cd cd ^^8 CJ P <: 2 2f „ E'a L- ^ cd OJ C Pplx ^ "lI E Li cd qj X 72 iO I 'T mm^ cd C o I i tH O c/3 '*-* o •o cd CJ *0 cd ." ' u I> ' o c/3 C/3 Cd >-v -C ^ cd 'O be 2 -^o-- g O Pm q; cd o N ’G f/i - g ^ ^ '“■g- .cT P 'G ’2*” “IJ be q) -•G ktd to I - S3” b iG to IQ CJ Pp p O'-: - O’S ^in CO CM to be '2 cd CO G O • n •LJ Cd ■ 1^ CJ O to CO cd CJ o G O s *2 to Li CJ 'TP 'i o iQ O iG m CO T— I Oi G cd iG be CJ OJ CO »,^ 'tg 1^0 c ;S or Oi^ G to -Lj G n O qj ■LJ Li CJ cd G O N >» Li Q to CO cd ■L-* ’Td CJ 2 be E qj cd >m o to ^ 'O G t-M O O CL to CJ 'G ‘-' C cd ^"G O g 8m J=l G to'" _ 2’G 2 P o y O to o g § 8-p U, U O CJ •2 m' 8 CL CO CJ Li O CO CO CJ CJ U G .2 -LI Cd • ^ u O CO to cd CJ Li o iG . to Li 7 a-" I^.E . *0 H CJ CJ cd G O N to Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 203 the same banding that was noted in the first zone. The trees here are from eight to ten feet tall. Herbaceous plants are not abundant, but are represented by a mixture of beech herbs with those of later asso¬ ciations. Competition becomes keener with the increase in size of individuals. A large number of the trees which started die out; and those remaining are standing farther apart. Banding, even if it once existed, is less ap¬ parent in later stages of the succession. Fig. 56. Within the third zone of this flood plain formation. In the next association, the third flood plain zone, fig. ^6, willow and poplar do not everywhere hold the ascendency in numbers that was once theirs. Silver maple is now proportionately more abundant than in the two previous zones. This is an association of small flood plain trees. The compact growth of the second zone, which was due to the bushy character of its trees is now gone. Here there is very little her¬ baceous or low woody growth. A few plants of wood nettle (Laportea. canadensis) and a little poison ivy are all that is seen. Of all the asso- 204 Ohio Biological Survey ciations of the flood plain formation, this has the most open undergrowth. Each year floods add their deposit of mud and debris, seemingly in great¬ est amount at this horizon. On very broad flood plains this association is usually wide. Else¬ where, it is narrow. Traced up or down stream, this is found to be the Fig. 57. Within the fourth zone of this flood plain formation. marginal zone. It is the most persistent flood plain association, border¬ ing all rivers, except along under-cut banks, and extending up smaller streams to their upper limit of flood plain formation (ci. fig. 26). It occupies the area reached by all high water. This zone is flooded several times during the late winter and spring, but rarely at other seasons. The flood plain does not rise evenly from the river to its highest parts, but consists of a number of levels separated by short abrupt slopes. The rise is usually gradual through the first three zones. Then there is an abrupt rise of five or ten feet to a higher flood plain. This, though not often flooded during the growing season, is always covered by all ordinarily high water. Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 205 On this level is the fourth zone of the flood plain formation (Hg. It contains the same hydrophytic trees as the previous associations. Those commonly occurring here are the willows ( Salix nigra and S', alba vitellina), cotton-wood (Populus deltoides) , white elm (Ulmiis ameri- cana), silver maple (Acer saccharinnm) , box elder (Acer Negundo) , and sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) . These vary in abundance in dif¬ ferent parts of the association. The fourth zone is in striking contrast to the previous association with its scant undergrowth. The ground is covered with herbaceous plants, growing in dense patches of single species. The most abundant of these are the wood nettle (Laportea canadensis) , touch-me-not (Inipatiens pallida), skullcap (Scutellaria la- terifolia) and in sunny spots, the giant ragweed (Ambrosia tridda). Saplings are not uncommon in this association, but because of the dense shade, willow, poplar, and sycamore are almost excluded. White elm and box elder are frequent and sugar maple (Aeer saccharum) occa¬ sionally occurs. This last is the first indication of an advance toward mesophytic conditions. This association, in various aspects, is the most wide-spread of any of the flood plain formation. It often occupies a number of successive levels, very slowly changing toward a more mesophytic forest, as the flood plain is built up. On some of the broadest flood plains, it is capable of further subdivision on a basis of age, and of the character of its herbaceous growth. The next zone of the flood plain formation is not of the same char¬ acter along all the streams. Much depends on the history of the valley and on its topography. In the area shown in dg. 5y, the fourth zone is the last that is typical of flood plains (cf., dg. 55j. The next zone occupies the lower slopes of the hills. It is a zone only reached by exceptional floods, as that of March, 1913. Its trees are a medley of flood plain types, slope xero- phytes, and mesophytes. Here are found hackberry ( Celtis occidentalis) , walnut (Juglans nigra), honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) , red elm (Ulmns fulva), red-fruited thorn (Crataegus mollis), and buckeye (Aesculus octandra), with the last remaining trees of the flood plain, white elm and box elder. Among the saplings, sugar maple (Acer sac¬ charum) and wild cherry (Primus serotina) are abundant, with a few of the other trees. Herbaceous plants are very scarce in this zone, pos¬ sibly because of the erosive work of the floods. Succeeding associations do not belong to the flood plain formation. This mixed zone is the last 206 Ohio Biological Survey which shows any indication of connection with the depositional phases of river activity. With slight modifications, the succession just outlined is charac¬ teristic of most of the flood plains of the region. Along the Miami, however, is found a different and later stage in the flood plain succes¬ sion. Much of the flood plain area of that river lies at a level which is very rarely flooded; some of it above the level of the highest floods of historic times. The forest found here is not that typical of the lower Fig. 58. Destruction of a mature flood plain forest by a stream under-cutting its banks. flood plains. On this high-level flood plain, is a mixed mesophytic forest in which are found white elm (Ulmus americana), bitter nut (Cary a cordiformis) , sugar maple (Acer saccharum) , wild black cherry (Prunus serotina), walnut (Juglans nigra), black ash (Fraxinus nigra), red ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) , and oaks (Quercus macrocarpa, Q. imbricaria, Q. alba, and Q. rubra). The white elms are large and as before stated, are among the last of the typical flood plain trees to persist. Of the other trees, Quercus macrocarpa (bur oakj and Carya cordiformis are Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 207 particularly characteristic of high-level flood plains, both of rivers and small streams. Although this mixed mesophytic forest of the high-level flood plain differs from the erosion climax forest in many respects, it re¬ sembles it more closely than it resembles any other forest in the region. It is probably a fore-runner of that forest. The most complete successions are found on the inside of broad curves of the rivers. In such places, the rivers are essentially depositing streams, and their flood plains are constantly being built upward and outward. It is this constant addition to the flood plain, which permits of the gradual advance of flood plain vegetation. Even the mature flood plain forest is not always permanent. In the course of its wanderings on the flood plain, the river may destroy the land it has built up, and the trees that have grown upon it. On the Miami and Little Miami rivers this process is not slow. On under-cutting parts of the flood plain, many trees are destroyed each year. Across the river from the very complete flood plain formation shown in Hgs. S3~S7’ destruction of a mature stage of the fourth flood plain association is in progress. The trees lying in the water at the foot of the bank (iig. §8) illustrate the destructive work of this river. Erosion will very likely cease in this location before the whole of the flood plain has been de¬ stroyed. In this case, a new flood plain succession will commence on the new shore. Very often, parts of different successions are found upon the same flood plain. It is by this partial destruction of flood plains, that this condition is brought about. Beginning with the shore, the succession is a gradual and progres¬ sive one, culminating in the mixed forests of the high-level flood plains. VI. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS AND SUMMARY It has been shown that the plant formations of the Cincinnati region are closely related to its topography. The four principal topographic areas — uplands, slopes, flood ‘plains, and terraces — are also, to a large extent, soil areas. Each exhibits its own plant associations, dependent as has been shown, primarily upon topography and its changes, and only secondarily, upon the soil. Soil influences may be overcome by topographic conditions. Dis¬ similar topographic forms, in the same soil are occupied by different plant associations. Similar topographic forms, in different soils, support 208 Ohio Biological Survey plant associations which are related to one another. Although the vegeta- tional features of young blufifs in gravel, rock, and clay differ from one another in many respects, they are more nearly related to each other, than are the associations of a gravel bluff and a gravel shore. Numerous examples point to the conclusion that topographic influences are usually more powerful than soil influences. In most of the region, there is some relation between vegetational and geological areas due to the influence of soil. Fresh exposures of gravel, rock, and clay are more different from one another, than are weath¬ ered ones. For this reason, the differences between the vegetation of dif¬ ferent soil areas are more pronounced early than late in the succession. Soil has an indirect influence on vegetation through its effects on topographic forms. Resistance or ease of erosion of rock material re¬ tards or accelerates the progress of the erosion cycle, and with that, the vegetative cycle dependent upon it. The effects of difference in resist¬ ance are best disclosed where two materials, in contact, are acted upon by the same agent. These effects may be seen along a stream which cuts through two or more unlike materials. The differences in the asso¬ ciations, along such a stream are partly due to differences in topography arising as a result of differences in the ease of erosion of the soil. The associations, as existing along that stream, do not illustrate exactly the succession of associations at any one place, for this is modified by the soil of the area in which the succession occurs. In some instances, topography and the physical character of the soil, together produce the plant association. An undissected flat is usually a poorly drained area. If, added to the absence of drainage lines, the soil is of such a nature that it drains slowly the features of bad drainage will be more pronounced, and the plant associations which depend upon poor drainage for their existence, will be better developed. Roth xerarch and hydrarch successions are illustrated in the Cin¬ cinnati region. The xerarch succession embraces those of dry flats, whether on up¬ land or terrace, and of slopes, whether of rock, gravel or clay. The suc¬ cessions on dry flats are relatively rapid. They are dependent for their advance upon biotic agencies. Topography is as yet little changing. Erosional features are almost absent. Biotic cycles are not complicated by the progress of a topographic cycle. The successions on slopes are slow and varied. They are produced by a combination of biotic and topographic agencies. Of these succes- Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 209 sions, that on rock bluffs is the slowest and includes the greatest number of stages. Soil or rock is here influencing the succession, because of its resistance to erosion, and its effect on soil water. Hydrarch successions are of two kinds, those of undrained and those of drained or half-drained situations. The former are exhibited in three widely different topographic situations, namely, on uplands, in fijled valleys, and on flood plains ; the latter, along the margins of streams, where the typical flood plain succession is in progress, and occasionally, in the pre-glacial filled valleys. During the hydrophytic stages, these two kinds of successions are characterized by different types of vege¬ tation. The hydrarch succession of the upland depends upon topography and soil. An undissected flat, combined with an impervious soil pro¬ duces the moist conditions necessary to the growth of hydrophytes. That soil is an important factor in producing these conditions, may be learned by comparing flats having different soils. Hydrophytic associa¬ tions are best developed on uplands covered with a relatively thick deposit of Illinoian drift. Where this deposit is very thin or absent, and only the loess (white clay) reaches its usual thickness, as in the southern part of the region, decidedly hydrophytic forests are not found. Only a few hydrophytic trees occur in an otherwise mesophytic forest. South of the limits of glaciation and the extent of loess, wet upland flats appear to be uncommon. Owen (1857) mentioned the “soggy beech flats” in Fayette County, Kentucky. There, as in this region, they seem to be inti¬ mately related to soil conditions, i. e., the sub-stratum is composed of fine-textured mudstones and shales, which produce a poorly drained soil. On comparing an area covered with till of Illinoian age with one cov¬ ered with the Earlier Wisconsin, a similar, but less pronounced difference is seen. Thus the imperviousness of surface material on the uplands modifies the character of the vegetation through its effect on soil water. The hydrophytic associations of undrained situations in the filled valleys are similar in character and causal relations to those of the uplands. The depression hydrophytic forests of the flood plain occur in habi¬ tats formed by streams, but now removed from the influence of their activity. Soil is not the important factor here. Low situation in combi¬ nation with undrained conditions determines their existence. 210 Ohio Biological Survey The typical flood plain succession is a direct result of stream action. Changing topography is the chief cause of the progress of the suc¬ cession. All successions in the region, whether xerarch or hydrarch, in whatever topographic situation they may be, are progressing toward a mesophytic forest. The relatively short successions on a topography as yet unchanging, and the long and varied successions on ever chang¬ ing topographic forms, all lead to a mesophytic forest — a climax forest. The climax mesophytic forest exists in two distinct forms. One is the beech forest of the uplands and filled valleys, the forest developed on an unchanged or very youthful topography. The climax of the vegetative cycle precedes, or accompanies the initiation of the erosion cycle. This beech forest is the pre-erosion climax. The second form of the climax forest is the mixed mesophytic forest of gentle slopes. All long successions dependent on topographic changes lead to this forest. The succession in ravines, the successions in progress on flood plains, both end in a mixed mesophytic forest. Both depend on topographic change, the first on stream degradation, the second on stream aggradation. The climax of these vegetative cycles follows a period of erosive activity. It comes within an erosion cycle. This mixed meso¬ phytic forest is the erosion climax. The pre-erosion climax forest of the Cincinnati region resembles the beech forests of northern Ohio and of Michigan. Its closest affinities are northward. The erosion climax forest resembles the deciduous forest of the Southern Appalachians. It is poorer in variety of trees, but it has much in common with the southern forest. Northern and southern for¬ est types here occur side by side. The pre-erosion climax forest is temporary. It can endure only as long as the pre-erosion topography. The erosion climax forest, a mixed mesophytic forest, which results after, though not at the end of topo¬ graphic changes, represents more truly the climax forest of the region. Ecology of the Cincinnati Region 211 LITERATURE CITED Bonsep, Thomas A. 1903. Ecological study of Big Spring Prairie. Proc. Ohio State Acad. Sci., Spec, paper No. 7. Cincinnati Folio - . In preparation. Cooper, William S. 1913. The climax forest of Isle Royale, Lake Superior, and its develop¬ ment. Bot. Gaz., 55:1-44, 115-140, 189-235. Cowles, H. C. 1899. The ecological relations of the vegetation on the sand dunes of Lake Michigan. Bot. Gaz., 27:95-117, 167-202, 281-308, 361-391. 1901. Physiographic ecology of Chicago and vicinity. Bot. Gaz., 31:73-108, 145-182. 1901, a. The influence of underlying rocks on the character of the vegeta¬ tion. Bull. Amer. Bur. Geogr., 2:163-176. 1911. The causes of vegetative cycles. Bot. Gaz., 51:161-183. Dachnowski, Alfred. 1910. A cedar bog in central Ohio. Ohio Nat., 11:193-199. 1912. The succession of vegetation in Ohio lakes and peat deposits. Plant World, 15:87-103. 1912, a. The peat deposits of Ohio. Geol. Surv. Ohio, Bull. 16. Detmers, Frederica. 1912. An ecological study of Buckeye Lake. Proc. Ohio State Acad. Sci., Spec, paper No. 19. Fuller, M. L. and Clapp, F. G. 1912. The underground waters of southwestern Ohio. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-supply paper 259. Leverett, Frank. 1902. Glacial formations and drainage features o the Erie and Ohio ba¬ sins U. S. Geol. Surv., Mon. 41. Owen, David Dale. 1857. Third report of the Geol. Surv. Kentucky (Fayette Co.). Schaffner, John H.,, Jennings, O. E., and Tyler, F. J. 1904. Ecological study of Brush Lake. Proc. Ohio State Acad. Sci., Spec, paper No. 10. Shaw, C. H. 1902. The development of vegetation in the morainal depressions of the vicinity of Woods Hole. Bot. Gaz., 33:437-450. Shimek, B. 1912. Prairie openings. Paper delivered at the Cleveland meeting of the A. A. A. S. Whitford, H. N. 1901. The genetic development of the forests of northern Michigan: a study in physiographic ecology. Bot. Gaz., 31:289-325. - • ««£*/. ■ ■■- i-t'TlS. : j ;-^5!^S-=»j: *: , ■ - ■' '■••■••?*■ 5--^. ■ -v ' . ',. .::.'5. ■t.-:A;-ia-:M^^#^.4- ; ' •mIBa.'*'* - *• - "V .rJ »•. . jc^^lkBCn .-'••! •"vrS-T^ ■'() Vs '' *•■ ^ -*m at,^K ■"«-”• * It * ’ '-^ jr' j ^.ri* V?... " J • % '■'ju r: T '-J*. >. » '. V jr- .' t J - . I' _ ..Ur ,■: ' .' - •' ' '• ' * *' V.'-:^^ V 1-^'’ - '"Ail C, ~J •-M ’ ' i fc- *' 1 • A ^->*. - .1^ i - . . ^ S' •' Qlenuroc'd H-ayhillon ’'"/////)|\''//(|l T|'' Kings Mills, ^\V\l I / //w / IU( I I i / ( / 1// \/enice ^ Millomson Hazelwood Lpckland Wyoming ^mtm College HiU M iiI'im;, Madeira Mt I ford Terrace Park ? . :C'I ''Norlh Bend 'pilford Ault ' Park' Red Bd\ ’’lainviii '/•'nU 'M'// / ‘Mount Carmel Mount Wlt^ '■gert^lyK ‘ynderson s. &sp// n MilliU//, {^VroTlfni Bet he So ui hern (/oundciTy, III inoian drift region, and localities mentioned in the text. (Boundary of Wisconsin drift, as far east as Kings Mills, after I’cnneman; remainder, and bound nig general topographic features of the Cincinnati inoian drift, after Leverett). Volume II, No. 4 Bulletin 8 Ohio Biological Survey THE TINGITOIDEA OF OHIO HERBERT OSBORN and CARL J. DRAKE Published by THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Columbus. 1916 ^4^' > W ■ ■< A'. . f. • _ I >:; ‘- : " .-'VW •"'■ ■ :“■ v’^ 1-, '«*., F A— ^ -« .1*. -< . i .' 'iU«. 1 • .- • ‘J?^’ - . HW >rC /■ : - -''^'iV- ■ -aa V -r, v-#^ ■■ V .rfr ' •• ••■ *'•¥;. v', ■' %■ ‘s>- ..rjir? i ■ ^ ' • ' ^ *** -. (^4* Z^§mBk^' S\ r- Sc ^ ^ ' -*v * /' --“^ ' >.#.*i- ?■ .’Ji’Sr’-', -' ■^' . :' ■< i* ' “> a:-V^^;'l.'v*> ^., ' r.S‘J - UQ r..* ?v ..; ^ ■v ' ^‘ '• ,fcjV' ■ ■_, .J — .0^. '.%►>*■ v.» ;, • - . . • 'V -4 ^ .'V. >. ' J. ^ ■■ ,• - H *. i • . * :•* * • f . > . tr 'y 5 , a-* >"■ - *-\SV-.-f .^-.l.-V^ '^■SVr;.. *•■! naked in the axils. Spikelets 5-1 S-dowered, dull purple or green; lemma firm, acute, the lateral nerves prominent. In dry soil. August, September. General. 5. Eragrostis pilosa (L.) Beauv. Tufted Love-gras^. An an¬ nual grass with slender, tufted, diffusely branching stems, ^4-1^2 ft- high, with a decumbent or spreading base, and with a diffuse panicle whose lower axils are usually sparingly bearded. Spikelets 5-18- fiowered, becoming linear; lemma subacute, usually purplish, the lateral nerves faint. In waste places or cultivated ground. August, September. Rather general ; no specimens from the northwestern counties. Naturalized. 6. Eragrostis frankii Steud. Frank’s Love-grass. An annual, diffusely branched grass with tufted erect or decumbent stems, 14-134 ft. high and an oblong open panicle with short spreading branches. Spikelets ovate, 3-5-fiowered, on more or less appressed pedicels; lemma very acute ; faintly 3-nerved. In low or sandy places. August-October. Rather general ; no specimens from the south-eastern nor from the north-western counties. 7. Eragrostis capillaris (L.) Nees. Capillary Love-grass. A slender, erect, sparingly branched annual grass, 34-1/4 ft. high with panicles more than half the entire length of the plant, oblong-ovoid in shape, the capillary branches spreading or ascending. Spikelets ovate, 2-4-fiowered, on long, divergent pedicels ; lemma acute, faintly 3-nerved. Often lemon-scented. Considered a weed. In dry, sandy soil. August, September. Ottawa, Madison, Clinton. 8. Sphenopholis Scrib. Eaton-grass. Slender tufted perennials, usually with narrow terminal panicles. Spikelets 2-3-fiowered, the rachilla articulated between and extended beyond the fiowers, the pedicels jointed just below the glumes; outer empty glume linear, acute, 1 -nerved, the inner much broader, 3- nerved, usually obtuse or rounded at the apex, the margins scarious ; lemma chartaceous, with obscure nerves ; palet narrow, 2-nerved ; grain free, enclosed in the rigid lemma. 1. Empty glumes unequal, the outer shorter and about 34 as wide as the inner. 2 1. Empty glumes nearly equal the outer not less than 34 as wide as the inner; Branches of the lax panicle more or less spreading. y. nitida. 2. Inner empty glume obovate ; panicle narrow, densely flowered. y. obtusota. 2. Inner empty glume narrowly obovate to oblanceolate ; branches of the lax panicle more or less spreading. S. pollens. 284 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 1. Sphenopholis obtusata (Mx.) Scrib. Blunt-glumed Eaton- grass. An erect rather stout grass, 1-2^2 ft. high with a dense gen¬ erally spike-like, strict panicle with erect branches. Spikelets 2-3- flowered ; lemma narrow, obtuse ; empty glumes unequal, often purplish, the first narrow, shorter than the inner which is sub- cucullate and about six times as wide. In dry soil. June-August. No specimens. 2. Sphenopholis pallens (Spreng.) Scrib. Tall Eaton-grass. An erect, usually slender grass with simple stems, 1-3 ft. high, and lax, nodding panicles. Spikelets oblong-lanceolate, usually numerous and somewhat crowded and appressed to the branches ; lemma lanceolate, acute, rarely awned ; empty glumes unequal, the outer narrow and about % as broad as the obtuse or abruptly acute inner one, which is smooth or somewhat rough on the keel. In woods or moist soil. June, July. General. 3. Sphenopholis mtida (Spreng.) Scrib. Slender Eaton-grass. A grass with very slender erect stems, 1-2 ft. high, with pubescent sheaths and leaves, and with a loosely flowered panicle, the branches spreading at flowering time and later becoming erect. Spikelets cuneiform, not crowded ; empty glumes smooth, the outer about one-third as wide as the inner; lemma narrow, smooth, obtuse, rarely short-awned. In dry woods. May, June. Cuyahoga, Knox, Licking, Fairfield, Hocking, Lawrence, Adams. 9. Koeleria Pers. Koeler-grass. Tufted perennials with narrow leaves and mostly densely flowered terminal spike-like panicles. Spikelets 2-4-flowered ; rachilla prolonged into a naked pedicel behind the upper palet; empty glumes narrow, acute, unequal, keeled, with scarious margins ; lemma faintly 3-5-nerved ; palet 2-keeled ; grain free, loosely inclosed within the subrigid lemma. 1. Koeleria cristata (L.) Pers. Crested Koeler-grass. A per¬ ennial grass with simple rigid erect stems, l-2j^ ft. high, with retrorsely pubescent sheaths, and with pale green, spike-like, cylin¬ drical panicles. Spikelet 2-5-flowered ; lemma scabrous^ shining. A valuable pasture grass in the west. In dry sandy soil, es¬ pecially on prairies. July-September. Ottawa County. 10. Korycarpus Zea. Korycarpus. Erect, nearly smooth parennials with narrow paniculate or racemose inflorescence. Spikelets 3-5-flowered, the rachilla articu¬ lated between the flowers ; empty glumes much shorter than the GRASSES OF OHIO 285 flowering glumes ; lemma broad, coriaceous and shining, 3-nerved ; palet firm, 2-keeled ; stamens 2, rarely 1 ; grain beaked, free. 1. Korycarpus arundinaceus Zea. American Korycarpus. A grass with simple erect stems, very rough below the panicle, 1^-4 ft. high, and with very simple panicles. Spikelets short-pediceled, 3- 5-flowered, erect ; lemma somewhat abruptly acuminate. In rich woods and shaded river banks. July-September. Ross, Franklin, Auglaize, Highland. 11. Tridens R. & S. Purple-top. Perennial grasses with long leaves and terminal open or con¬ tracted panicles. Spikelets 3-many-flowered ; empty glumes un¬ equal, keeled, shorter than the spikelet; lemma 3-nerved, bidentate, the nerves silky-villous below ; palet broad, compressed, 2-keeled. 1. Tridens flava (L.) Hitch. Tall Purple-top. A grass with erect stems, viscid on the axis of the panicle and below it, 2-5 ft. high, with the leaf-sheaths bearded at the summit, and with showy loose and open panicles with slender spreading branches. Spikelets 4- 8-flowered, purple, on long pedicels; lemma oval, the three nerves pilose and excurrent as short points. Many small insects are caught by the vicid panicle. In dry and especially sandy fields and waste places. July-Sep¬ tember. Rather general ; no specimens from the northwestern counties nor the extreme eastern part. 12. Tnplasis Beauv. Sand-grass. Perennials with small, nearly simple, contracted or open panicles. Spikelets 3-6-flowered, rachilla articulated between the remote flowers ; empty glumes keeled ; lemma short-awned, 2-cleft, with 3 strongly ciliate nerves ; palet 2-keeled, the keels long ciliate ; grain free. 1. Triplasis purpurea (Walt.) Chapm. Purple Sand-grass. A tufted grass with widely spreading or ascending stems, 1-3 ft. long, with short internodes, short convolute leaf blades, the uppermost minute, and with a small terminal panicle composed of a few rigid branches which are finally divergent. Smaller panicles produced later in the season at the nodes of the stem. Spikelets 2-5-flowered, usually rose-purple ; lemma with a short awn scarcely exceeding its truncate lobes ; palet with abundant long hairs on the two nerves. Plant acid to the taste. In sandy soil, especially on sea beaches. August, September. Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Erie. 286 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 13. Cynosurus L. Dogtail-grass. Annual or perennial tufted grasses with dense, erect, spike-like panicles. Spikelets of 2 kinds, in small clusters ; the lower spikelets of the clusters consisting of narrow glumes and continuous rachilla, the terminal spikelets of broader glumes and articulated rachilla and containing perfect flowers ; empty glumes of the fertile spikelets 1-nerved; lemma 1-3-nerved, pointed or short-awned ; glumes of the sterile spikelets spreading, 1-nerved; grain finally adherent to the palet. 1. Cynosurus cristatus L. Dogtail-grass. An erect slender perennial grass with simple stems, 1-2^ ft. high, with narrow leaves, and dense spike-like long exserted panicles. Spikelets of two kinds, in small clusters, the upper with bisporangiate flowers the lower with sterile vestigial flowers ; lemma of the perfect flower pointed or short-awned ; lemma of the sterile flowers very narrow, pointed, and strongly scabrous on the keel. In fields and waste places. June-August. From Europe. Ma¬ honing County. 14. Phragmites Trin. Reed-grass. Tall reed-like perennial grasses with stout, hollow, leafy stems, broad leaf blades, and large terminal panicles. Spikelets 3-7-flowered, rachilla articulated, with long silky hairs; empty glumes unequal, lanceolate, acute ; lowest lemma empty or subtending a staminate flower; lemmas of the perfect flowers glabrous, narrow, long-acumin¬ ate, much exceeding the short palet ; grain free. 1. Phragmites phragmites (L.) Karst. Reed-grass. A tall reed-like perennial grass with stout, hollow, leafy stems, 5-15 ft. high, from long creeping rhizomes, with overlapping sheaths, and with a large, tawney, rather densely flowered panicle whose branches are ascending. Spikelets 3-7-flowered, the flowers shorter than the long hairs of the rachilla ; palet 3-nerved, long-acuminate. Can be used for thatching. In swamps and wet places. August-October. Ashtabula, Cuya¬ hoga, Erie, Lucas, Huron, Wayne, Franklin. Pampas-grass (Cortaderia argentea) is a related perennial grass, 6-10 ft. high with a very large, dense, silky panicle, cultivated for ornament. It might perhaps be successfully planted in protected places in southern Ohio. GRASSES OF OHIO 287 Tribe, Aveneae. Oats Tribe. Grasses zvith laterally eompressed, 2-several-flowered spikelets, usually jointed above the empty glumes and arranged in panieles ; empty glumes usually longer than the dovuering glumes; one or more of the palets usually azvned on the baek or from betzveen the 2-toothed apex. 15. Danthonia DC. Wild-oat-grass. Mostly erect perennials with narrow leaves and small terminal contracted or open panicles. Spikelets 3-many-tlowered, the upper¬ most staminate or vestigial ; rachilla pubescent, extending beyond the dowers ; empty glumes keeled, acute, subequal, much longer than the lemmas, usually exceeding the uppermost dower ; lemmas rounded on the back, 2-toothed, with a dat, twisted and bent awn between the teeth ; palet hyaline, 2-keeled ; grain free. 1. Teeth of the lemma triangular, not awn-pointed; leaves of the stem short. D. spicata. 1. Teeth of the lemma aristate; leaves of the stem elongated. D. compressa. 1. Danthonia spicata (L.) Beauv. Common Wild-oat-grass. A grass with terete stems, 1-2^ ft. high, with involute leaves, and with a few-dowered panicle, often reduced to a raceme, the few short branches erect or ascending. Spikelets 5-8-dowered, on short stiff pedicels ; lemma sparsely clothed with stiff hairs, broadly oblong, its teeth triangular, the bent awn longer than the body of the lemma. In dry or rocky soil. June- August. General. 2. Danthonia compressa Aust. Flattened Wild-oat-grass. A grass with simple, erect, slender, dattened stems, often decumbent at the base, lJ^-3 ft. high, and an open panicle the lower branches generally spreading. Spikelets 5-10-dowered ; lemma oblong, with aristate teeth, a ring of short hairs at the base, and an erect or some¬ what bent and twisted awn. In dry woods. July-September. Portage County. 16. Arrhenatherum Beauv. Oat-grass. Tall perennials with dat leaf-blades and long narrow panicles. Spikelets 2-dowered, the lower staminate, the upper bisporangiate, rachilla extending beyond the dowers ; empty glumes thin-mem¬ branous, keeled, acute, unequal ; lemmas rigid, 5-7-nerved, the first bearing a long bent, twisted, dorsal awn arising below the middle, the second unawned ; palet hyaline, 2-keeled ; grain free, ovoid. 1. Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) Beauv. Oat-grass. A grass with a simple erect stem, 2-4 ft. high, and a narrow, shining, pale or 288 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY purplish panicle, the short branches verticillate and usually spikelet- bearing from the base. Lemma scabrous, the awn of the staminate flower about twice the length of its body. A grass cultivated to some extent for hay. In fields and waste places. June, July. From Europe. Hamilton County. 17. Trisetum Pers. False-oats. Tufted perennial grasses with spike-like or open panicles. Spikelets 2-5-flowered, rachilla prolonged beyond the flowers ; empty glumes unequal, keeled; lemma 2-toothed, keeled, bearing a dorsal awn; palet narrow, 2-toothed; grain free, enclosed in the flowering glumes. 1. Trisetum pennsylvanicum (L.) Beauv. Marsh False-oats. A grass with an erect, slender, often weak stem, 1-3 ft. high, and with a narrow or sometimes loose and nodding yellowish panicle, the branches ascending. Spikelets 2-flowered ; lemma of the lower flower with a small awn; lemma of the upper flower with a long, bent and twisted awn. In swamps and wet meadows. June, July. No specimens. 18. Avena L. Oats. Annual or perennial grasses with terminal panicles of large spikelets. Spikelets 2-many-flowered, rachilla bearded below the flowers ; empty glumes subequal, membranous, many-nerved ; lem¬ mas indurated toward the base, generally bearing a dorsal awn ; palet narrow, 2-toothed ; grain often adherent to the flowering glumes. 1. Empty glumes much shorter than the spikelets ; flowers with a circle of short bristles around the base; perennials. A. torreyi. 1. Empty glumes as long or longer than the spikelets exclusive of the awns; annuals. 2 2. Lemmas pubescent with long bristles; awns long and stiff. A. fatiia. 2. Lemmas glabrous; awn comparatively short and weak, or absent. A. sativa. 1. Avena torreyi Nash. Purple Oats. A perennial grass with an erect simple slender stem, 1-2 ft. high, and a lax panicle, the branches erect or ascending, naked below. Spikelets 3-6-flowered ; lemma scabrous, strongly nerved, with a ring of short hairs at the base, and with an awn as long as its body or longer. In woods. July, August. Franklin County. 2. Avena sativa L. Common Oats. An annual glabrous grass with a hollow stem, 1-4 ft. high, and a loose ample panicle with as¬ cending branches. Spikelets about 1 inch long; lemma glabrous, awnless or with a small straight awn slightly twisted at the base. GRASSES OF OHIO 289 Extensively cultivated for its grain and straw. Persisting in fields and along roads and railways. June, July. Rather general. Escaped from cultivation. 3. Avena fatua L. Wild Oats. An annual grass with a stout simple erect stem, 1-4 ft. high, and an open panicle with ascending branches. Spikelets pendulous ; empty glumes smooth, lemma pubescent with long rigid brown hairs and a ring of hairs at the base, its long stiff awn inserted about the middle and bent and twisted. A weed. In fields and waste places. July, xAugust. From Europe. No specimens. 19. Deschampsia Beauv. Hair-grass. | Tufted perennial grasses with flat or involute leaves and con¬ tracted or open panicles of shining spikelets. Spikelets 2-flowered, the hairy rachilla extended beyond the flowers or rarely ending in a staminate one ; empty glumes keeled, acute, membraneous ; lemmas thin, 4-nerved, the midnerve becoming an awn, toothed at the apex ; palet narrow, 2-nerved ; grain free enclosed in the flowering glumes, 1. Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. Wavy Hair-grass. A glabrous grass with an erect slender simple stem, 1-234 ft. high^ sheaths much shorter than the internodes, involute setaceous leaves, and an open panicle with erect, ascending or widely spreading, flex- uous branches naked at the base. Lemma acutely toothed at the apex and with a twisted bent awn inserted near its base. In dry places. July, xAugust. Portage County. 20. Aspris xAdans. Hair-grass. Small, delicate annuals with narrow leaf-blades and contracted or open panicles. Spikelets small, 2-fIowered, both flowers perfect; empty glumes thin-membranous, subequal, acute ; lemmas hyaline, 2-toothed, bearing a delicate dorsal awn arising below the middle; palet hyaline, 2-nerved ; grain enclosed in the flowering glumes and usually adherent to them. 1. Aspris caryophyllea (L.) Nash. Silvery Hair-grass. A delicate glabrous annual grass with erect stems, ^4-1 ft. high, in¬ volute setaceous leaves, and an open, silvery, shining panicle. Spikelets clustered toward the ends of the capillary branches ; lem¬ ma with a bent awn, very acute, 2-toothed. In fields and waste places. May-July. From Europe. Lake County. 290 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 21. Nothoholcus Nash. Velvet-grass. Perennial grasses with densely flowered terminal panicles. Spikelets 2-flowered articulated below the empty glumes, the lower flower perfect, the upper staminate ; empty glumes membranous, keeled, the outer 1-nerved, the inner 3-nerved and often short-awned ; lemmas chartaceous, that of the upper flower bearing a bent awn ; palet narrow, 2-keeled, grain free, enclosed in the glumes. 1. Nothoholcus lanatus (L.) Nash. Velvet-grass. A light green, perennial, densely and softly pubescent grass with erect sim¬ ple stems, often decumbent at the base, 1-3 ft. high, and a narrow purplish panicle. Spikelets nearly as broad as long; lemmas ciliate at the apex, that of the second flower with a hook-like awn. In flelds, meadows and waste places. June- August. Lake, Trumbull, Cuyahoga, Lorain, Erie, V ayne, Fairfield. From Europe. GRASSES OF OHIO 291 Tribe, Hordeae. Barley Tribe. Grasses ivitli laterally eoinpressed, 2-several-floiaered spikelefs jointed above the empty glumes and arranged on opposite sides of a jointed raehis forming equilateral spikes ; spikelets sometimes zvitli but i perfeet Hozver and a mere vestige of the second ; leaf -blades zvitli a pair of more or less zvell-developed appendages at the base. 22. Lolium L. Darnel. Annual or perennial grasses with simple erect stems, flat leaves, and terminal spikes. Spikelets several-flowered, solitary, with the edge turned toward the raehis ; empty glumes rigid ; lemmas rounded on the back, 5-7-nerved, awned or awnless; palet 2-keeled ; grain adherent to the palet. 1. Outer empty glume shorter than the spikelet ; short-lived perennials. 2 1. Outer empty glume as long or longer than the spikelet ; lemmas awned or awnless; annuals. L. teniulentum. 2. Lemmas awnless. L. perenne. 2. Lemmas, at least the upper ones, awned. L. miiltiflorum. 1. Lolium perenne L. Red Darnel. A short-lived perennial grass with an erect, simple stem, ^-2;^ ft. high, and a flat spike. Spikelets 5-10-flowered ; lemma obscurely nerved, acuminate, awn¬ less. Cultivated as a pasture grass and also used for hay. In cultivated fields and roadsides. Also called ray-grass and rye-grass. June-August. Rather general. From Europe. 2. Lolium multiflorum Lam. Awned Darnel. A short-lived perennial grass with tufted stems, roughened below and in the in¬ florescence, 2-3 ft. high, and with a loose spike of 20-30 spikelets. Spikelets 10-20-flowered ; lemma awned. Cultivated for hay. In fields and roadsides. Also called Italian rye-grass. June, July. From Europe. Flamilton, Madison. 3. Lolium temulentum L. Poison Darnel. An annual glabrous grass with simple, erect stems, 2-4 ft. high, and a flat, coarse spike. Spikelets 5-7-flowered ; outer empty glume equalling or exceeding the spikelet ; lemma obscurely nerved, awned or awnless. The grain of this grass is said to be poisonous. In waste and cultivated fields; often a troublesome weed. June- August. No specimens. From Europe. 23. Agropyron J. Gaertn. Couch-grass, Wheat-grass. Perennial grasses with simple stems and terminal spikes. Spike¬ lets 3-many-flowered, solitary in the notches of the raehis. the side 292 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY of the spikelet turned toward the rachis ; empty glumes equal, usually rigid, several-nerved, acute or awned ; lemma rounded on the back, rigid, 5-7-nerved, usually acute or awned ; palet 2-keeled, the keels bristly ciliate; grain usually adherent to the palet. 1. Lemma awn-pointed or with an awn usually not more than as long as the body; stems from creeping rhizomes. A. repens. 1. Lemma wth an awn about twice as long as its body; stems tufted, without creeping rhizomes. A. caninum. 1. Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. Couch-grass. A perennial, usually glaucous grass with stem 1-4^ ft. high, from a long, jointed, running rhizome, and with a strict spike. Spikelets 3-7-flowered ; lemma glabrous or more or less scabrous, strongly nerved, acute or short awned at the apex. Often a bad weed. Frequently infested with ergot. The rhizome is used in medicine. In fields, roadsides, and waste places. Also called Quitch-grass. July, August. Rather general; no specimens from the southeastern part of the state. From Europe. 2. Agropyron caninum (L.) R. & S. Awned Wheat-grass. A perennial grass with simple, erect stems, 1-3 ft. high, and more or less nodding spikes. Spikelets 3-6-flowered ; empty glumes awn- pointed or bearing an awn ; lemma 3-5-nerved, usually scabrous toward the apex, bearing an awn sometimes twice the length of its body. In cultivated grounds and meadows. July-September. Portage County. From Europe. 24. Triticum L. Wheat. Tall annual grasses with flat leaves, with spikelets single at the nodes of the spike, and with their sides turned to the rachis. Spikelets 2-6-flowered ; empty glumes rather broad ; lemma rounded on the back, many-nerved ending in one or more points or awns ; palet 2-keeled ; grain with a deep groove, hairy at the apex, free. 1. Triticum aestivum L. Wheat. An annual grass with erect hollow stems, 1-5 ft. high, and compact terminal spikes. Spikelets 3-6-flowered ; lemma awned or awnless. Cultivated in numerous spring and winter A^arieties for its grain and straw. In fields and waste places, especially along railways. June, July. Erie, Belmont, Harrison, Tuscarawas, Morrow, Eayette, Madison, Preble, Eranklin. Escaped from cultivation. 25. SecMe L. Rye. Tall annual grasses with flat leaves and simple stems, with the spikelets single at the nodes of the spike, and with their sides to the rachis. Spikelets usually with 2 perfect flowers ; empty glumes GRASSES OF OHIO 293 lanceolate, awn-pointed; lemma keeled, the keel hispid-ciliate, awned ; palet 2-keeled; grain with a deep groove, hairy at the apex, free. 1. Secale cereale L. Rye. A tall, light green, annual grass with slender, erect, hollow stems, 2-6 ft. high, and more or less nodding, terminal spikes. Spikelets 2-3-flowered ; lemma sharply keeled, awned. Cultivated as a winter annual for its grain and straw, and for temporary pasturage. The grain is sometimes infested and dis¬ torted by ergot. In cultivated fields and waste places, especially along railways. May-July. Erie, Morrow, Franklin, Scioto. Escaped. 26. Elymus L. Wild-rye. Tall, erect tufted perennials with flat leaves and dense terminal spikes. Spikelets 2-several-flowered, sessile, usually in pairs, some¬ times in threes; empty glumes equal, rigid, narrow, 1-3-nerved, acute or awned ; lemma convex, obscurely 5-nerved, usually with an awn ; palet 2-keeled, a little shorter than the lemma ; grain adherent to the palet. 1. Empty glumes narrowly lanceolate ; spike stout. 2 1. Empty glumes narrowly awl-shaped ; spike and stem slender. E. striatiis. 2. Lemma glabrous ; spike erect, empty glumes indurated. E. virginicus. 2. Lemma more or less pubescent. 3 3. Spike erect; empty glumes indurated below. E. hirsutiglumis. 3. Spike nodding, empty glumes not indurated below. E. canadensis. 1. Elymus virginicus L. Virginia Wild-rye. A dark yellow- green grass with stout, erect, simple stems, 2-5 ft. high, and thick, rigidly upright spikes, often included at the base in the uppermost inflated sheath. Spikelets 2-3-flowered ; lemma smooth, bearing a rough awn. Extensively infested with ergot. In moist soil, especially in ravines and along streams. July, August. General. 2. Elymus hirsutiglumis Scrib. Strict Wild-rye. A grass with an erect stem, 2-3 ft. high, and a stout, erect spike, the rachis pubescent. Spikelets crowded, in pairs, 2'-5-flowered ; lemma 5>- nerved, lanceolate, appressed-hirsute, long acuminate into a rough awn. On river banks and moist places. July, August. Ottawa, Huron. 3. Elymus canadensis L. Nodding Wild-rye. A light green or usually glaucous grass with simple erect stems, 2-7yi ft. high, and a broad, stout, compact, nodding spike interrupted below, its peduncle much exserted. Spikelets divergent from the rachis, 3-5- flowered ; lemma hirsute with a long, spreading awn. Often infested with ergot. In sandy soil and moist ground. July, August. Rather general. 294 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 4. Elymus striatus \\411d. Slender Wild-rye. A more or less pubescent grass with simple, slender, erect stems, 2-3 ft. high, and slender, dense, sometimes nodding spikes. Spikelets 1-3-flowered, diverg'ent from the rachis ; lemma hirsute, bearing a slender, rough awn. Sometimes infested with ergot. In woods and on banks. June, July. Wayne, Erie, Auglaize. 27. Hystrix Moench. Bottle-brush-grass. Usually tall perennials with simple stems, flat leaves, and loosely flowered terminal spikes. Spikelets 2-several-flowered, in pairs, rarely in 3’s at each node of the rachis ; empty glumes vestigial ; lemmas narrow, rigid, rounded on the back, 5-nerved, awned ; palet 2-keeled ; grain adherent to the palet when dry. 1. Hystrix hystrix (L.) Millsp. Bottle-brush-grass A grass with simple erect stems, 2-4 ft. high, and short exserted or partially included lax spikes. Spikelets usually distant, at length widely di¬ vergent ; lemma more or less pubescent, acuminate into an awn about 1 in. in length. In rocky woods. June, July. General. 28. Hordeum (Tourn.) L. Barley. Tufted annual or perennial grasses with terminal spikes, which disarticulate at maturity. Spikelets with one perfect flower, rarely 2-flowered, usually in 3’s at each joint of the rachis, the middle one sessile and perfect, the lateral ones pediceled and usually reduced ; empty glumes equal, rigid, narrow or setaceous; lemma obscurely 5-nerved, awned ; palet slightly shorter, the two keels near the margin ; grain usually adherent to the palet at maturity. 1. With 3 fertile spikelets at each joint of the rachis; lemma with an awn 4-6 in. long. H. vulgare. 1. With 1 fertile and 2 lateral, more or less vestigial spikelets at each joint of the rachis. 2 2. Spike flat; awn of the lemma enclosing the fertile flower 4-6 in. long. H. distichum. 2. Spike not decidedly flattened, awn 3 in. or much less in length. 3 3. Awns 1/2 in. or less in length. H. nodosum. 3. Awns 1-3 in. long, the whole spike appearing like a brush. H. jubatum. 1. Hordeum vulgare L. Common Barley. An annual grass with simple erect hollow stems, 1-3 ft. high, and dense terminal spikes. Spikelets 3 at a joint of the rachis each with a perfect flower; lemma usually with a coarse long awn which breaks readily. Cul¬ tivated for its grain. In fields and waste places, especially along railways. June, July. Franklin, Tuscarawas, Portage. Escaped from cultivation. GRASSES OF OHIO 295 2. Hordeum distichum L. Two-rowed Barley. An annual grass like Hordeum vulgare but with the 2 lateral spikelets at each node of the rachis vestigial and containing vestigial flowers. Cultivated for its grain, usually mixed with H. vulgare. In fields and waste places. June, July. Escaped in Lake and Erie Counties. 3. Hordeum nodosum L. Meadow Barley. An annual grass with erect or sometimes decumbent stems, 3^-2 ft. high, and erect spikes. Spikelets 3 at a node of the rachis, the central one with a perfect flower, the lateral ones with staminate or vestigial flowers; lemmas awned. In thin dry soils and waste places. May, June. Hamilton County. 4. Hordeum jubMum L. Squirrel-tail Barley. A biennial grass with simple, erect, usually slender stems, ^4-2^2 ft. high, and a nodding, densely awned spike. Spikelets in 3’s, the central one con¬ taining a perfect flower, the lateral ones vestigial ; empty glumes awn-like ; lemma with an awn as long as the empty glumes ; all the awns scabrous and very slender. A weed. In dry soil and waste ground. June-August. From Lake to Lucas County; also in Franklin, Madison, Greene, Allen, Defiance and Williams. Naturalized from the West. 296 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Tribe, Chlorideae. Chloris Tribe. Grasses ivith i-several-flozvered, laterally compressed spikelets, jointed above the empty glumes and borne in 2 rows on one side of a continuous axis, forming spikes which are digitately or paniculately arranged, or sometimes solitary. 29. Spartina Schreb. Slough-grass. Coarse perennial glabrous grasses with strong horizontal rhizomes, rigid stems, long tough leaves, and an inflorescence of one-sided spreading or erect alternate spikes. Spikelets 1-flowered, flattened laterally, borne in two rows on the rachis ; empty glumes unequal, keeled, acute or bristle-pointed; lemma obtuse, 1-nerved; palet equaling or exceeding the lemma, 2-nerved ; grain free. 1. Spartina michauxiana Hitch. Tall Slough-grass. A coarse grass with a simple erect stem, 2-10 ft. high, with an inflorescence of 5-20 spike-like branches. Leaves with a scabrous cutting edge. Spikelets much imbricated ; lemma glabrous except the serrulate- scabrous midnerve which terminates abruptly below the emarginate or 2-toothed apex. Used for thatching and in making coarse mats. In swamps and streams of fresh or brackish water, in wet ravines, and even sand dunes. August-October. Rather general ; no specimens from the central, eastern nor from the southwestern counties. 30. Beckmannia Host. Beckmannia. A tall, erect perennial grass with flat leaf-blades and erect spikes borne in a terminal panicle. Spikelets 1-2-flowered, globose, lat¬ erally compressed, closely imbricated in two rows along one side of a continuous rachis ; empty glumes subequal, inflated, boat-shaped, chartaceous, with scarious margins ; lemma narrow, lanceolate, thin- membraneous ; palet hyaline, 2-keeled ; grain free, enclosed in the lemma and palet. 1. Beckmannia erucaeformis fL.) Host. Beckmannia. A glab¬ rous grass with flattened wiry stems, 1^-3 ft. high, and a panicle of appressed spikes. Spikelets nearly circular in outline, closely imbri¬ cated in 2 rows on the rachis ; empty glumes transversely wrinkled ; lemma with an acuminate apex. In wet ground. July-September. Cuyahoga County. GRASSES OF OHIO 297 31. Capriola Adans. Bermuda-grass. Low diffusely branched, extensively creeping perennials, with flat leaf blades and slender spikes digitately arranged at the apex of upright branches. Spikelets 1-flowered, laterally compressed, ses¬ sile, in two rows along one side of a slender continuous axis ; empty glumes unequal, narrow, keeled ; lemma broad, boat-shaped, ciliate on the keel ; palet 2-keeled, hyaline ; grain free. 1. Capriola dactylon (L.) Ktz. Bermuda-grass. A glabrous grass with flattened, wiry, erect stems, ^-1 ft. high, from long creep¬ ing branched stolons, and a digitate inflorescence of 4-5 spikes. Spikelets imbricated ; lemma broad and boat-shaped, longer than the empty glumes. In flelds and waste places. Cultivated in the south for pasture. July-Sept. No specimens. From Europe. 32. Eleusine Gaertn. Yard-grass Coarse tufted annuals or perennials with stout unilaterial spikes, digitate or approximate at the summit of the stem. Spikelets sev¬ eral-flowered, sessile, closely imbricated in two rows along one side of a continuous rachis which is not extended beyond them; empty glumes unequal, shorter than the flowers, scabrous on the keel ; lemma with a thickened 5-ribbed keel ; palet shorter, acute, the narrowly winged keels distant ; grain black, loosely enclosed in the lemma and palet. 1. Eleusine mdica (L.) Gaert. Yard-grass. A glabrous tufted grass with flattened erect or decumbent stems, ^-2 ft. high, and an inflorescence of 2-10, more or less digitately arranged spikes. Spike¬ lets appressed, 3-6-flbwered ; lemma with a thickened 5-ribbed keel. A weed. In yards, sidewalks, and waste places. June-September. Gen¬ eral. Naturalized. 33. Atheropogon Muhl. Grama-grass. Perennial grasses with solid stems, narrow flat leaf-blades, and an inflorescence composed of numerous, short, scattered, one-sided, spreading or reflex spikes. Spikelets 1-flowered, crowded in two rows ; empty glumes unequal, acute, narrow, keeled ; lemma 3- toothed ; palet narrow, hyaline, 2-toothed ; grain free, enclosed in the flowering glumes. 1. Atheropogon curtipendulus (Mx.) Fourn. Tall Grama- grass. A gray-green grass with simple, solid, erect stems, 1-4^^ ft. high and a long slender raceme of 15-20 spreading or reflexed spikes 298 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY whose rachis is bifid at the apex. Spikelets 4-12 on each branch ; lemma scabrous, ending in 3 short awns ; sterile lemma with 2 acute lobes and 3 straight awns. A valuable hay and pasture grass. In dry soil. July-Sept. Lake, Erie, Ottawa, Franklin, Adams. 34. Bouteloua Lag. Mesquite-grass. Annual or perennial usually gray-green grasses with narrow, flat, or convolute leaves and numerous spikelets in 1-sided spikes. Spike- lets 1-2-flowered, arranged in two rows on one side of a flat rachis and bearing 1-3 awns and 1-3 rudimentary glumes; empty glumes unequal, keeled ; lem^ma 3-5-nerved, 3-toothed, the teeth awn-pointed or awned ; palet hyaline, 2-keeled, 2-toothed ; grain free. 1. Rachilla glabrous ; inner empty glume strongly papillose-hispid on the keel. B. hirsuta. 1. Rachilla with a tuft of hairs; inner empty glume scabrous and sometimes sparingly long-ciliate on the keel. B. oligostachya. 1. Bouteloua hirsuta Lag. Hairy Mesquite-grass. A gray- green grass with erect stems l4-l^ ft. high, leafy at the base, and with an inflorescence of 1-4 erect or ascending spikes whose rachis extends beyond the spikelets as a conspicuous point. Spikelets numerous ; outer empty glume setaceous, the inner conspicuously tuberculate-hirsute on the keel ; fertile lemma pubescent, 3-cleft, the divisions awn-pointed ; rachilla without a tuft of hairs under the vestigial glumes and awns. A valuable pasture grass in the West. In dry soil, especially on prairies. July-Sept. Waifs in Franklin County. 2. Bouteloua oligostachya (Nutt.) Torr. Smooth Alesquite- grass. A gray-green grass with erect, simple stems, j4-2^ ft. high with involute curly leaves, and with an inflorescence of 1-3 spikes often strongly curved, the rachis terminating in a short inconspicuous point. Spikelets numerous, outer empty glume hyaline, shorter than the membranous inner one which is scabrous and sometimes long- ciliate on the keel or with a few papillae ; fertile, lemma pilose, 3-cleft, the divisions short-awned ; sterile lemma consisting of two truncate lobes and three equal awns with a tuft of long hairs at the base. A valuable pasture grass in the West. On dry prairies. July- Sept. Waifs in Franklin County. GRASSES OF OHIO 299 Tribe, Agrostideae. Bent-grass Tribe. Grasses zvith more or less laterally compressed spikelets jointed above the empty glumes and arranged in panicles or racemes; spikelets 1- flozvcred, the rachilla sometimes prolonged behind the palet into a naked or plumose bristle. 35. Sporobolus R. Br. Rush-grass, Dropseed. Perennial or rarely annual grasses with flat or convolute leaves and open or contracted panicles, our species with a peculiar constric¬ tion about the middle of the leaf blade. Spikelets usually small, 1- flowered, awnless ; empty glumes ^usually unequal, membranous ; lemma 1-nerved, equaling or longer than the empty ones; palet 2- nerved, often splitting at maturity ; grain free, readily falling from the spikelet. 1. Panicle contracted. 2 1. Panicle open, its branches spreading; stems tufted; perennials. 5 2. Lemma pubescent. 3 2. Lemma glabrous. 4 3. Panicle 2-5 in. long, its branches 1-2 in. long ; palet long-acuminate ; perennial. 5. clandestinus. 3. Panicle 1-2 in. long, its branches in. long or less; palet long-acute; annual. S. vaginaedoTus. 4. Panicle 3-10 in. long ; sheaths cylindric ; palet obtuse ; perennial. S. asper. 4. Panicle 1-214 in. long, sheaths inflated ; palet acute ; annual. S. neglectus. 5. Spikelets in. long or less ; empty glumes ovate to lanceolate, leaf sheaths densely pilose at the throat. 5. cryptandrus. 5. Spikelets nearly in. long; outer empty glumes subulate, leaf sheaths glabrous or sparingly pilose at the summit. S. heterolepis. 1. Sporobolus asper (Mx.) Kunth. Longleaf Rush-grass. A perennial grass with stout, erect, simple or occasionally branched stems, 1^-3^ ft. high and terminal linear panicles, partly included in the inflated upper sheath. Lemma glabrous, acutish or obtuse. In dry sandy soil. Aug., Sept. Lake, Erie, Franklin. 2. Sporobolus vaginaeflorus Torr. Sheathed Rush-grass. An annual grass with tufted, slender stems, ^-1^2 ft. high, and numerous panicles partly included in the inflated sheath, the terminal one exserted. Lemma acuminate, scabrous, shorter than the sharp- pointed palet. In dry soil. Aug., Sept. Auglaize, Madison, Warren, Vinton, Athens. 3. Sporobolus neglectus Nash. Small Rush-grass. An annual grass with erect slender often much branched, usually decumbent 300 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY stems, 3^-1 ft. high, with inflated sheaths, and with the terminal panicle usually more or less included in the upper sheath, the lateral panicles enclosed in the sheaths. Lemma acute, glabrous, about equalling the acute palet. In dry and sandy soil. Aug., Sept. Cuyahoga, Wayne, Huron, Auglaize. 4. Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) Gr. Sand Dropseed. A per¬ ennial tufted grass with erect, simple stems, 1 3^-314 ft. high, or some¬ times branched at the base, and with an ample lead-colored, usually open panicle included at the base in the upper sheath. Leaves long- acuminate with a peculiar joint-like constriction about the middle of the blade and a ring of long white hairs at its base. Lemma acute, longer than the palet. In sandy soil. Aug.-Oct. Lucas, Ottawa, Erie, Lorain. 5. Sporobolus heterolepis Gr. Northern Dropseed. A tufted perennial grass with rather stout, wiry, erect stems, 1-3 ft. high, and long exserted panicles with ascending branches. Lemma glabrous, obtuse or subacute. In dry soil. Aug., Sept. Franklin, Madison, Champaign. 36. Calamagrdstis Adans. Reed Bent-grass. Tall often reed-like perennial grasses with flat leaf-blades, run¬ ning rhizomes, and panicles with many spikelets. Spikelets 1-flowered, rachilla prolonged behind the flower into a hairy bristle or pedicle ; empty glumes subequal, keeled, membranous ; lemma awned on the back, surrounded at the base with copious long hairs ; palet shorter than the lemma, 2-nerved ; grain free, enclosed in the flowering glumes. 1. Prolongation of the rachilla hairy its whole length; awn straight; panicle open, its branches spreading or ascending^ usually loosely flowered. C. canadensis. 1. Prolongation of the rachilla hairy only at the summit; panicle contracted, its branches erect. C. cinnoides. 1. Calamagrostis canadensis (Mx.) Beauv. Bluejoint Reed Bent-grass. A large grass with clustered, simple or somewhat branched, erect, hollow stems, 2-5 ft. high, and a loose, usually purplish panicle, the slender fascicled branches erect or ascending. Spikelets with copious hairs on the callus, about as long as the flowering glumes, and surrounding them ; lemma thin, erose-truncate, bearing a delicate awn on the back. An important and valuable meadow grass, good for forage and hay. In swamps and wet soils. July-Sept. Northern Ohio, as far south as Stark, Franklin, and Auglaize Counties. GRASSES OF OHIO 301 2. Calamagrostis cinnoides (Muhl.) Scrib. Nuttall’s Reed Bent-grass. A glaucous grass with stout, erect, simple stems, 3-5 ft. high, and contracted panicles with erect branches. Lemma acum¬ inate, awned above the middle ; callus-hairs about one-half the length of the flowering glumes ; prolongation of the rachilla bearing a tuft of terminal hairs. In moist soil. July, Aug. No specimens. 37. Agrostis L. Bent-grass. Annuals or perennials with flat or bristle-like leaves, membran¬ ous ligules, and open or contracted panicles. Spikelets 1-flowered ; empty glumes subequal, membranous, keeled, acute; lemma broad, obtuse, awnless or dorsally awned ; palet hyaline, shorter than the lemma, sometimes minute or wanting; grain free, loosely inclosed in the lemma. 1. Lemma with a prominent dorsal awn just above the middle; palet minute or none. canina. 1. Lemma awnless or rarely with a short awn. 2 2. Palet conspicuous, at least half as long as the lemma, 2-nerved; panicle open. A. alba. 2. Palet inconspicuous, minute and nerveless or wanting. 3 3. Stems weak, decumbent or prostrate at the base ; leaves lax. A. schweinitzii. 3. Stems and leaves erect. 4 4. Branches of the panicle not elongated, usually branching at or below the middle. A. perennans. 4. Branches of the diffuse panicle long and capillary, usually branching above the middle. A. hy emails. 1. Agrostis alba L. Red-top (Bent-grass). A perennial grass with erect or decumbent stems, ^^-2^/2 ft. high, with creeping rhi¬ zomes or stoloniferous, and with a contracted or open usually purplish panicle, the branches verticillate and ascending. Lemma nearly equal¬ ing the empty glumes, 3-nerved, rarely short-awned. An important and valuable grass, extensively cultivated for pas¬ ture and hay. In flelds and meadows. July-Sept. General. From Europe. 2. Agrostis schweimtzii Trin. Thin Bent-grass. A perennial grass with weak, slender, simple or sparingly branched stems, 1-2^2 ft. high, from a decumbent or prostrate base, and with an open panicle with widely spreading branches. Lemma shorter than the acuminate unequal empty glumes; palet small or wanting. In damp shaded places. July-Sept. Rather general. 3. Agrostis hyemalis (Walt.) B. S. P. Rough Bent-grass. A perennial grass with very slender simple erect stems, 1-2 ft. high, and loose purplish panicles, the whorled capillary branches spikelet- 302 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY bearing- at the ends. Lemma awnless or rarely short-awned on the back, palet very small or obsolete. In dry or moist sandy or stony soil. June-Aug. Rather gen¬ eral, but no specimens from the northwestern nor southeastern counties. 38. Apera Adans. Windlestraw. Annual grasses with flat narrow leaves and diffuse panicles. Spikelets 1-flowered, small, the rachilla prolonged beyond the flower into a bristle ; empty glumes subequal, thin, keeled, acute ; lemma membranous bearing a slender awn just below the 2-toothed apex; palet nearly as long as the lemma, 2-keeled, 2-toothed ; grain nar¬ row, free. 1. Apera spica-venti (L.) Beauv. Silky Windlestraw. A grass with tufted slender erect simple stems, 1-2 ft. high, and an open panicle with verticillate capillary ascending branches, spikelet-bear- ing near the ends. Spikelets shining; lemma scabrous, bearing a dorsal awn. In waste places. June, July. From Europe. Lake County. 39. Cinna L. Wood Reed-grass. Tall perennial grasses with flat leaf-blades, conspicuous hyaline ligules, and many-flowered nodding panicles. Spikelets 1-flowered, the rachilla articulated below the empty glumes and prolonged be¬ hind the palet into a minute bristle ; empty glumes narrow, keeled, acute ; lemma 3-5-nerved, short-awned from between the 2 minute teeth of the apex; palet 1- or 2-nerved, the nerves close together; stamen 1 ; grain narrow, free, enclosed in the flowering glumes. 1. Cinna arundinacea L. Wood Reed-grass. A tall grass with erect, simple, often solitary stems, 2-5 ft. high, rather broad leaf blades and a contracted panicle with slender ascending branches. Lemma scabrous, usually bearing a minute awn from the 2-toothed apex. In moist woods and shaded swamps. Aug., Sept. General. 40. Ammophila Host. Beach-grass. Coarse perennial grasses with long, creeping rhizomes, flat leaf- blades, which are deeply grooved above and convolute on drying, and with dense spike-like panicles. Spikelets 1-flowered, the rachilla prolonged beyond the flower and hairy; empty glumes firm, com- pressed-keeled, acute, the outer 1-nerved, the inner 3-nerved ; lemma 5-nerved, with short hairs at the base, 2-toothed and mucronate be- GRASSES OF OHIO 303 tween the teeth; palet rather firm, its two nerves close together; grain free, loosely enclosed in the flowering glumes. 1. Ammophila arenaria ( L.) Link. Sand Beach-grass. A glab¬ rous grass with erect, rigid, stout stems, 2-4 ft. high, from long horizontal branching rhizomes, and with a dense, spike-like, com¬ pressed panicle. Lemma scabrous, usually with a minute awn just below the apex. On sandy beaches of the sea coast and the Great Lakes. July, Aug. Erie County. 41. Alopecurus L. Foxtail. Branching annual or perennial grasses with flat leaves, erect or decumbent stems, and soft dense spike-like panicles. Spikelets 1- flowered, flattened, falling from the axis entire; empty glumes usually somewhat united at the base, keeled ; lemma broad, obtuse, 5-nerved, with a slender dorsal awn on the back ; palet usually none. 1. Lemma shorter than the obtuse, long-ciliate empty glumes ; empty glumes less than yg in. long. A. geniculatus. 1. Lemma as long as the acute long-ciliate empty glumes; empty glumes Yg-yi in. long. A. pratensis. 1. Alopecurus geniculatus L. Marsh Foxtail. A grass, usually glabrous, with slender, decumbent stems, simple or sparingly branched, ft. high, and a slender spike-like panicle. Lemma obtuse, glabrous, with an awn inserted about one-fourth above its base. In wet soil. June-Aug. Lake, Ottawa, Crawford, Auglaize, Madison, Franklin, Perry. Introduced. 2. Alopecurus pratensis L. Meadow Foxtail. A glabrous grass with slender, simple, erect stems, 1-2^4 ft. high, from short, creeping rhizomes, and with a spike-like panicle. Empty glumes united at the base for about one-fourth of their length ; lemma obtuse, its awn inserted about one-fourth above the base. In meadows and pastures. May, June. No specimens. From Europe. 42. Heleochloa Host. Cat-tail-grass. Low tufted branching annuals or perennials with flat leaves and numerous spike-like panicles partly included in the inflated sheaths. Spikelets 1 -flowered, flattened; empty glumes subequal, membranous, acute, ciliate keeled; lemma 1-nerved; palet shorter, 2-nerved ; grain free, oblong, loosely enclosed in the flowering glumes. 1. Heleochola schoenoides (L.) Host. Cat-tail-grass. A low, cespitose, glabrous annual, usually almost prostrate, with branched 304 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY stems, y2-\y2 ft. long, and with dense, oblong-ovoid, spike-like panicles. In waste places. July, Aug. Greene County. From Europe. 43. Phleum L. Timothy. Erect simple-stemmed perennials with flat leaves and dense, spike-like panicles. Spikelets 1-flowered, flattened; empty glumes membranous, compressed, keeled, abruptly awn-pointed ; lemma broad, truncate, hyaline, 5-nerved; palet narrow, hyaline; grain ovoid, free, enclosed in the flowering glumes. 1. Phleum pratense L. Timothy. A glabrous grass with sim¬ ple, hollow, erect stems, 1-5 ft. high, from a swollen base, and with a long-cylindrical, compact, spike-like panicle. Empty glumes short- awned, ciliate on the keel ; lemma 5-nerved, truncate, hyaline. A very important grass extensively cultivated for hay. In fields and meadows. Also called herd-grass. June-Aug. Gen¬ eral. From Europe. 44. Muhlenbergia Schreb. Muhlenbergia. Mostly perennial grasses with flat or involute leaves and small spikelets usually in contracted panicles, and usually with scaly rhi¬ zomes. Spikelets 1-flowered, usually with a short barbate callus below the flower; empty glumes membranous or hyaline, acute, sometimes awned ; lemma narrow, 3-nerved, awned or awnless ; palet thin, 2-keeled ; grain narrow, free, tightly enclosed in the flower¬ ing glumes. 1. Lemma not awned, but the empty glumes may be short awned. 2 1. Lemma long-awned. awn mostly twice as long as the body of the lemma. 4 2. Empty glumes not awned, broadly ovate, acute, about half as long as the lemma. M. sobolifera. 2, Empty glumes long acuminate or short awned, as long or longer than the lemma. 3 3. Empty glumes about equal in length to the lemma, long pointed. M. mexicana. 3. Empty glumes much longer than the lemma, usually about twice as long, short-awned ; panicle usually dense. M. racemosa. 4. Empty glumes at least G as long as the lemma. 5 4. Empty glumes not more than the length of the lemma, the outer one often wanting. M. schreberi. 5. Empty glumes lanceolate, about equaling the lemma. M. umbrosa. 5. Empty glumes broadly ovate, Yi-Yz as long as the lemma. M. tenuiUora. 1. Muhlenbergia sobolifera (Muhl.) Trin. Rock Muhlenbergia. A glabrous grass with erect or ascending, sparingly branched stems, 2-3 ft. high, with numerous conspicuous rhizomes covered with short, appressed scales, and with very slender, usually loose-flowered panicles. Lemma acute, scabrous, 3-nerved. In rocky woods. Sept., Oct. Highland, Wayne. GRASSES OF OHIO 305 2. Muhlenbergia mexicana (L.) Trin. Mexican Muhlenbergia. A glabrous grass with erect or often prostrate, much-branched stems, 2-4 ft. high, with numerous conspicuous rhizomes, covered with short appressed scales, and with a long contracted panicle, usually partly included within the upper sheath, its branches spike¬ like and erect or appressed. Lemma acuminate, scabrous, sometimes awned. In swamps and borders of fields. Aug., Sept. General. 3. Muhlenbergia racemosa (Mx.) B. S. P. Marsh Muhlen¬ bergia. A grass with erect, usually branched stems, 1-3 ft. high, with numerous conspicuous rhizomes covered with short, appressed scales, and with dense spike-like panicles, interrupted at the base, the branches erect or appressed. Empty glumes aristate; lemma acuminate, awnless, its midrib strongly scabrous. In wet places. Aug.-Oct. Summit, Wayne, Huron, Wyandot, Champaign, Licking. 4. Muhlenbergia umbrosa Scrib. Wood Muhlenbergia. A grass with erect branched stems, 1-3 ft. high, with numerous conspicuous rhizomes, covered with short appressed scales, and with somewhat lax panicles, the branches erect or ascending. Lemma strongly scab¬ rous, attenuate into a slender awn. In moist woods and along streams. Aug.-Oct. Cuyahoga, Champaign. 5. Muhlenbergia tenuiflora (Willd.) B. S. P. Slender Muhlen¬ bergia. A grass with slender, simple or sparingly branched stems, 2-3 ft. high, with numerous conspicuous rhizomes covered with short, appressed scales, and with a loosely flowered, slender panicle with appressed branches. Lemma scabrous, tapering into a slender awn. In rocky woods and ravines. Aug., Sept. Portage, Wayne, Fairfield, Madison, Greene. 6. Muhlenbergia schreberi Gmel. Spreading Muhlenbergia. A diffusely much-branched grass with erect or ascending stems, 1-3 ft. high, from a decumbent base, often rooting at the lower nodes, and with slender, somewhat lax panicles, the erect branches rather densely flowered. Empty glumes minute, the outer one nearly ob¬ solete; lemma strongly scabrous, tapering into a slender awn. In dry woods, hillsides, and waste places. Aug., Sept. General. 45. Brachyelytrum Beauv. Brachyelytrum. A tall perennial with flat leaves, simple stems from short knotty rhizomes, and a narrow, few-flowered panicle. Spikelets 1-flowered, narrow, the rachilla prolonged into a slender naked bristle ; empty glumes minute, unequal ; lemma rigid, 5-nerved, ending in a long 306 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY straight awn ; palet rigid, 2-nervecl ; grain oblong, free, enclosed in the flowering glumes. 1. Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv. Brachyelytrum. A grass with erect, slender, simple stems, 1-3 ft. high, with sparingly retrorse-hispid sheaths, and with slender, narrow panicles. Empty glumes unequal, the outer often obsolete ; lemma 5-nerved with an erect awn. In moist, rocky woods. July, August. Cuyahoga, Portage, Lorain, Wayne, Highland, Franklin, Madison, Hocking, Adams. 46. Milium L. Millet-grass. Annual or perennial grasses with flat leaves and terminal open panicles. Spikelets 1-flowered ; empty glumes equal; lemma shining, indurated, the margins inrolled ; palet similar, scarcely shorter; grain free, tightly enclosed in the rigid, shining flowering glumes. 1. Milium effusum L. Tall Millet-grass. A glabrous perennial grass with erect, simple stems, 2-6 ft. high, and a lax panicle with long, slender, somewhat flexuous branches, in remote pairs or fascicles, spikelet-bearing from about the middle. Empty glumes equal ; lemma smooth, white. In woods. June, July. Lake, Cuyahoga, Lorain, Wayne, Stark. 47. Oryzopsis Mx. Mountain-rice. Tufted perennial grasses with flat or convolute leaves and panicu¬ late few-flowered inflorescences. Spikelets, 1-flowered, broad; empty glumes rather broad, about equal, obtuse or acuminate; lemma some¬ what indurated, convolute, bearing a terminal deciduous slender awn ; palet rather large ; grain free, tightly enclosed in the convolute lemma. 1. Oryzopsis racemosa (Sm.) Ricker. Black-fruited Mountain- rice. A glabrous grass with erect, tufted stems, 1^-3 ft. high, and a small panicle with nearly simple usually ascending branches. Empty glumes about equal, acute ; lemma dark colored, acute, sparingly pubescent, with a long awn. In rocky woods. July-Sept. Geauga, Summit, Erie, Greene. Highland. 48. Stipa L . Porcupine-grass. Generally tall, tufted perennial grasses with convolute leaf-blades and loose terminal panicles. Spikelets 1-flowered, narrow; empty glumes narrow, acute or bristle-tipped ; lemma convolute, rigid, with GRASSES OF OHIO 307 a hairy callus at the base, terminating in a simple, strong persistent, bent, twisted awn ; palet 2-nerved, small ; grain narrow, free, tightly enclosed in the fruiting lemma. 1. Stipa spartea Trin. Porcupine-grass. A tall, slender grass with erect, simple stems, 2-4 ft. high, with involute leaf blades and loose, narrow panicles, finally long-exserted. Empty glumes ac¬ uminate into long, slender points, glabrous ; lemma brownish, ap- pressed-pubescent below with a long, rigid, scabrous, twisted, usually bent awn ; callus acuminate, very sharp-pointed, densely clothed with silky, appressed hairs. The awns are highly hygrometric, and the sharp-pointed fruit is injurious to animals, by penetrating the skin. On plains, prairies, and sandy places. June, July. Erie County, where it occurs on Cedar Point. 49. Aristida L. Triple-awn-grass. Tufted annuals or perennials with narrow leaves and usually with loose, narrow panicles. Spikelets 1 -flowered; empty glumes unequal, narrow, acute or acuminate ; lemma somewhat indurated, convolute, terminating in a three-branched awn ; palet thin, 2-nerved ; grain elongated, free, tightly enclosed in the lemma. 1. Awns separate to the base, not articulated to the lemma. 2 1. Awns united below into a long twisted neck and articulated to the lemma. A. tuberculosa. 2. Lateral awns much shorter than the middle one. 3 2. Lateral awns not much shorter than the middle one. 4 3. Middle awn coiled at the base. A. dichotonm. 3. Middle awn not coiled at the base. A. gracilis. 4. Outer empty glume 5-7-nerved; annuals. A. oliganfha. 4. Outer empty glume 1-3 nerved; perennials. A. piirpurascens. 1. Aristida dichotoma Mx. Poverty-grass. An annual tufted grass with wiry much-branched stems, J^-2 ft. high, loose, glabrous sheaths, much shorter than the internodes, and narrow, simple, few- flowered, spike-like panicles, often reduced to racemes, the lateral ones often sessile and partly enclosed in the sheaths. Lemma with a horizontal awn, coiled at the base, with the two lateral awns erect and very short. In dry sandy soil. Aug., Sept. Scioto, Vinton, Eairfield. 2. Aristida oligantha Mx. Eew-flowered Triple-awn-grass. An annual, tufted grass with wiry, branched, erect, solid stems, loose sheaths, and few-flowered, lax, spike-like racemes or panicles. Empty glumes unequal, awned ; lemma scabrous above with three nearly equal, divergent awns. In dry sterile soil. Aug., Sept. Cuyahoga County. 308 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 3. Aristida gracilis Ell. Slender Triple-awn-grass. A glabrous annual grass with slender, sparingly branched stems, ^-2 ft. high, in small tufts or solitary, with rather close sheaths, and with a spike-like, slender panicle or raceme. Lemma usually mottled, with a horizontal middle awn and two much shorter, erect, lateral awns. In dry sandy soil. Aug., Sept. Hamilton, Clermont, Athens, Erie, Cuyahoga. 4. - Aristida purpurascens Poir. Purplish Triple-awn-grass. A glabrous perennial grass, growing in small tufts, with erect, simple or sparingly branched stems, 1-23/2 ft. high, and with a strict or sometimes nodding purplish panicle with appressed branches. Lemma with a horizontal middle awn and two somewhat shorter erect or divergent lateral awns. In dry sandy or gravelly soil. Sept., Oct. Wood, Fulton. GRASSES OF OHIO 309 Tribe, Phalarideae. Canary-grass Tribe. Grasses with laterally compressed spikelets jointed above the empty glumes, arranged in panicles or racemes; spikelets with one perfect dower and 2 staminate or vestigial dowers below, the vestiges sometimes reduced to mere scale-like or bristle-like lemmas or obsolete. 50. Savastana Schrank. Vanilla-grass. Fragrant perennial grasses with flat leaves and terminal panicles. Spikelets 3-flowered, the terminal flower bisporangiate, the others staminate or vestigial ; empty glumes subequal, acute, glabrous, and shining; lemmas of the staminate flowers boat-shaped, indurated, and hairy, each enclosing a 2-nerved palet and 3 stamens ; lemma of the perfect flower similar but enclosing a 1-nerved palet and 2 stamens ; grain free, enclosed in the flowering glumes. 1. Savastana odorata (L.) Scrib. Vanilla-grass. A glabrous grass with simple erect stems, 1-2 ft. high, from a creeping rhizome, and with a pyramidal, usually compact panicle with slender droop¬ ing branches. Spikelets brownish ; staminate lemmas hispid-ciliate on the margins and below the apex on the keel, awnless ; fertile lemma hairy at the apex. This sweet-scented grass is often strewn before churches in northern Europe, whence it is often called holy-grass. In moist meadows. May-July. Trumbull, Madison, Pickaway. 51. Phalaris L. Canary-grass. Annuals or perennials with flat leaves and dense spike-like or capitate panicles. Spikelets 1-flowered, laterally flattened ; empty glumes equal, boat-shaped, strongly compressed and usually wing- keeled ; sterile lemmas minute; fertile lemma indurated and shining; palet faintly 2-nerved ; grain oblong, free, enclosed in the flowering glumes. 1. Empty glumes not winged on the back; panicle narrow, branched. P. anindinacea. 1. Empty glumes broadly wing-keeled on the back ; panicle very dense, appear¬ ing like a short spike. P. canariensis. 1. Phalaris arundinacea L. Reed Canary-grass. A glabrous perennial with simple erect stems, 2-5 ft. high, and a dense panicle with erect or slightly spreading branches. Spikelets lanceolate ; sterile lemmas reduced to minute hairy scales; fertile lemma char- 310 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY taceous with long appressed silky hairs. The common ribbon-grass of gardens is the variety picta L. In moist or wet soil. June-Aug. Rather general; no specimens from the northw^estern nor from the southeastern counties. 2. Phalaris canariensis L. Canary-grass. An annual grass with erect simple or branched stems, 1-3 ft. high, and an ovoid or oblong head-like panicle. Spikelets broadly obovate, imbricated; empty glumes wdiite wdth green veins ; empty lemmas thin-membranous, sparingly hairy; fertile lemma brown, acute, with appressed silky hairs. This species furnishes the canary seed of commerce. In waste places and roadsides. July, Aug. Cuyahoga, Montgomery, Hamil¬ ton. From Europe. 52. Anthoxanthum L. Vernal-grass. Fragrant annual or perennial grasses with flat leaves and nar¬ row spike-like panicles. Spikelets 1-flowered, narrow, somewhat com¬ pressed ; empty glumes very unequal, acute or short-awned ; sterile lemmas 2-lobed, awmed on the back ; fertile lemma, truncate, awnless ; palet faintly 1-nerved; stamens 2; grain free, enclosed in the flower- ing glumes. 1. Empty glumes pubescent; panicle 1^2-3 in. long; perennial. A. odoratum. 1. Empty glumes glabrous; panicle in. long; annual. A. piielii. 1. Anthoxanthum odoratum L. Sw^eet Vernal-grass. A per¬ ennial grass wdth simple or branched erect stems, 1-2 ft. high, and spike-like panicles, the short branches erect or ascending. Spikelets brownish green, spreading at flowering-time ; empty glumes sparsely pilose ; first sterile lemma short-awned below the apex the second bearing a strong bent awn near its base ; fertile lemma awnless. In fields, pastures and waste places. May-July. Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Summit, Mahoning, Wayne, Franklin. From Europe. 2. Anthoxanthum puelii Lecoq & Lamotte. Long-awmed Ver¬ nal-grass. An annual grass with slender stems often branching above the base, and with a dense spike-like panicle. Spikelets whitish green ; empty glumes glabrous ; first sterile lemma with an awn twdce as long as its body, pubescent below the middle, the second sterile lemma with an awn 2-4 times the length of its body, also pubescent below; fertile lemma awnless. In waste places. May-Aug. Hamilton County. A native of Europe* GRASSES OF OHIO 311 Subfamily, Panicatae. Tribe, Paniceae. Panic-grass Tribe. Grasses having the 2-howered spikelets rounded or dorsally corn- pressed, jointed below the empty glumes, and arranged in racemes or panicles; lower dower staminate, vestigial or entirely absent; empty glumes membranous ; dozvering glumes of the perfect dozver usually awnless, indurated, drmly enclosing the free grain. 53. Panicum L. Panic-grass. Annual or perennial grasses of various habit with the spikelets in panicles. Spikelets 2-flowered, with 1 perfect flower and with a staminate or vestigial one below ; empty glumes very unequal, the outer often minute ; sterile lemma membranous often enclosing a hyaline palet ; fertile lemma and palet indurated in fruit, margins of the lemma thick and inrolled ; grain free, enclosed in the hardened flowering glumes. 1. Basal leaves like those of the stem. 2 1. Basal leaves unlike those of the stem. 10 2. Basal leaf-sheaths compressed, often keeled. 3 2. Basal leaf-sheaths round, little flattened, never keeled. 4 3. Fruit stipitate ; spikelets conspicuously secund. P. stipitatum. 3. Fruit not stipitate; spikelets not conspicuously secund. P. agrostoides. 4. Leaf-sheaths smooth. 5 4. Leaf-sheaths pubescent ; annuals. 6 5. Outer empty glume about ^ as long as the spikelet ; tall perennials with rhizomes. P. virgatum. 5. Outer empty glume about ^ as long as the spikelet; annuals. P. dichotoinitlornm. 6. Spikelets ovate, more than % in. long; spikelets close. P. miliaceum. 6. Spikelets lanceolate or elliptic, less than % in. long; spikelets distant. 7 7. Panicle narrow, the branches ascending; spikelets less than ^ in. long. P. dexile. 7. Panicle spreading when mature ; spikelet tV in. long or less. 8 8. Panicle very large, usually the length of the plant. P, capillare. 8. Panicle of medium size, usually the length of the plant. 9 9. Stem delicate; leaf-blade less than Y in. wide. P. philodclphicmn. 9. Stem stout; leaf-blade usually Y-ji in. wide. P. gattingeri. 10. Leaf-blades way up the stem less than ^2 in. wide, attenuate to cordate at the base. 11 10. Leaf-blades Y2 way up the stem ^ in. or more wide, usually cordate clasp¬ ing at the base. 30 11. Spikelets Y in. long or more. 12 11. Spikelets less than Y in. long, usually about tV in. 22 12. Leaves less than in. wide and about 18 times as long as wide. P. depaiiperatuin. 12. Leaves more than Ya in. wide, and not elongated. 13 13. Upper surface of the leaves glabrous. 14 13. Upper surface of the leaves pubescent. P. leibergii. 312 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 14. 14. 15. 15. 16. 16. 17. 17. 18. 18. 19. 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. Outer empty glume as long as the spikelet, short acute. P. scribnerianum. Outer empty glume 3^ as long as the spikelet, long acuminate. „ . , . P. xanthophysum. Stem simple or with basal branches only. 16 Stem at length fasciately branched. 22 Hairs on the leaf sheath almost pg in. long or longer, spreading, usually dense. ^ p Unearifolinm. .9. hairs on the leaf sheath, or with hairs less than tV in. long, sometimes cihate on the margin. 17 Leaf blade in. or less wide, usually 18 or more times as long as wide; spikelets usually glabrous. 18 Leaf-blade usually much more than in. wide, never more than 8 times longer than wide; spikelets more or less pubescent. 20. Leaves much elongated; often 6 to 10 in. long, attenuate at the base. P. werneri. Leaves not elongated ; generally less than 33^ in, long, not attenuate at the base, spikelet less than Yg in. long. P. bicknellii. Spikelets roundish, not over tV in. long. 20 Spikelets oblong-elliptic or elliptic, usually in. or more long. 21 Nodes pubescent with appressed hairs, base of the leaves ciliate, panicle nearly as wide as long. P. sphaerocarpon. Nodes glabrous, base of the leaves not ciliate ; panicle not more than Yi wide as long. Stems pubescent. Stems glabrous. Spikelets glabrous. 23 Spikelets pubescent. 24 Nodes densely bearded. Nodes not bearded. Ligule at the top of the leaf sheath minute or absent. 25 Ligule present. 26 Nodes of the main stem glabrous or with a few hairs. P. polyanthes. P. tsugetorum. P. boreale. P. microcarpon, P. dichotomum. P. P. boreale. P. ashei. lindheimeri. Nodes of the main stem pubescent. Upper sheaths glabrous, ciliate on the margin. All of the sheaths pubescent. 27 Upper surface of the leaves glabrous, except for a few long hairs near the base. P. tsugetorum. Upper surface of the leaves pilose. 28 Outer empty glume acute; spikelet tV in. long, pubescence on the sheath more than tV in. long. P. villosissimum. Outer empty glume blunt ; spikelet less than in. long ; pubescence on the sheaths not so dense and less than iV in .long. 29 Upper surface of the leaf-blade long-pilose; plants yellowish-green. P. huachucae Upper surface of the leaf-blade long appressed pubescent. Spikelet 34 in. or more long. 32 Spikelet less than 34 In. long. 31 Spikelet less than in. long. Spikelet more than tV in. long. Leaf sheaths mostly papillose-hispid ; nodes glabrous or short pubescent. P. eland estinum. Leaf-sheaths glabrous or soft-pubescent. 33 Nodes glabrous. P. latifolium. At least the lower nodes pubescent or bearded. 34 Panicle narrow, its branches appressed, rarely a little spreading; upper nodes at least not bearded. P. xanthophysum. Panicle open, its branches spreading; the nodes appressed-pubescent. P. boscii. P. implicatum. P. polyanthes. P. commutatiim. GRASSES OF OHIO 313 1. Panicum agrostoides Sprang. Agrostis-like Panic-grass. An erect, rather stout, glabrous perennial, 1-3^ ft. high, with loose sheaths and a purplish, oblong-ovate panicle, 6-12 in. long, the branches stiffly ascending. Spikelets crowded on sparsely hairy, short pedicels; lemma oval. In wet ground and along shores. July-Sept. Portage, Erie. 2. Panicum stipitatum Nash. Long Panic-grass. A branched, erect perennial with compressed stems, 3-5 ft. high, and leaf-blades 1 ft. or more long, often purplish and scabrous. Inflorescence a pyra¬ midal, purplish panicle ; spikelets secund, acuminate, crowded ; lemma narrowly elliptic and raised on a delicate stalk. In moist soil. July-Sept. Northeastern Ohio to Lorain, Fair- field and Columbiana Counties. 3. Panicum virgatum L. Tall Smooth Panic-grass. A tall glabrous perennial grass, 3-7^ ft. high, with creeping rhizomes, and loose panicles with ascending or spreading branches. Spikelets ovate, acute to acuminate ; outer empty glume about one-half as long as the spikelet ; first lemma usually subtending a palet and staminate flower. Second lemma shining, inclosing a perfect flower. An im¬ portant grass. It makes fair hay when cut young. In dry or moist soil, es¬ pecially in prairies. Aug., Sept. General. 4. Panicum dichotomiflorum Mx. Spreading Panic-grass. A glabrous branching annual grass with compressed decumbent and geniculate stems, 4-6 ft. long, and a diffuse pyramidal panicle with the lower branches at length widely spreading. Spikelets crowded, lanceolate, acute, glabrous, sometimes purplish ; outer empty glume one-fourth as long as the spikelet; fertile lemma elliptic, shining. A weed. Cattle and horses are very fond of it. In wet soil and cultivated fields. July-Sept. General. 5. Panicum miliaceum L. Millet Panic-grass. An erect or de¬ cumbent annual grass with rather stout stems, 1-2 ft. high, and a dense panicle drooping at maturity. Sheaths papillose-hirsute. Spike¬ lets ovoid, acuminate, turgid ; outer empty glume ^ as long as the spikelet. In waste places. A good fodder grass. Sometimes cultivated as a cereal. July-Sept. Lawrence, Richland, Erie. Introduced from Europe. 6. Panicum capillare L. Tumble Panic-grass. A stout spar¬ ingly branched, erect or decumbent annual, l-5j4 ft. high, with papillose-hirsute sheaths and a very large diffuse panicle with capil¬ lary branches, at first included in the sheath but later becoming exserted and finally breaking off at maturity as a tumble grass. Spikelets acute; outer empty glume 14-^4 as long as the spikelet. 314 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY A bad weed. In dry soil and cultivated fields. July-Sept. Gen¬ eral and abundant. 7. Panicum gattmgeri Nash. Gattinger’s Panic-grass. An an¬ nual grass with widely spreading or decumbent stems, sometimes forming mats, branching at all the nodes, 1-2 ft. long, and with numerous exserted oval panicles, smaller and less diffuse than in P. capillare. Sheaths hirsute ; spikelets elliptic, acute, glabrous, very turgid. In moist open ground. Aug.-Oct. Rather general. 8. Panicum flexile (Gatt.) Scrib. Wiry Panic-grass. A slender erect annual grass, ^-2 ft. high with a few erect branches from the base and with a narrowly oblong panicle with ascending branches, usually one-half the length of the entire plant. Spikelets acuminate, solitary at the ends of the branchlets ; outer empty glume ^.s long as tlie spikelet. In moist or dry sandy soil. Aug.-Oct. Adams, Champaign, Madison, Franklin, Erie, Cuyahoga. 9. Panicum philadelphicum Bernh. Philadelphia Panic-grass. A slender, erect or ascending, freely branching annual with zigzag stems, 1-2 ft. long, and a rather few-flowered panicle about ^3 the length of the plant. Spikelets elliptic, acute, smooth, usually in 2’s at the ends of the divergent branchlets ; outer empty glume about F3 the length of the spikelet. In dry woods and thickets. Aug., Sept. Trumbull, Ottawa. 10. Panicum depauperatum Muhl. Starved Panic-grass. An erect or ascending perennial ft. high, with erect elongated leaves, and a few-flowered, much exserted, terminal panicle, the lower panicles on very short basal branches. Spikelets glabrous, acute ; outer empty glume the length of the spikelet. In dry soil. June-Sept. Cuyahoga County. 11. Panicum linearifolium Scrib. Linear— leaf Panic-grass. A densely tufted perennial grass with slender erect stems, 5^-lp2 ft. high, and a rather few-flowered, loose panicle. Spikelets obtuse or acutish, pubescent with spreading hairs; outer empty glume yi-Yz as long as the spikelet. In woods and hillsides. May-July. Rather general. 12. Panicum werneri Scrib. Werner’s Panic-grass. A smooth, light green, tufted, sparingly branched or simple perennial grass, Yz-^Yi ft. high, with erect, linear, acuminate leaves and a loose open panicle, which is finally long-exserted. Spikelets oval, somewhat pubescent ; outer empty glume Y ^-S long as the spikelet. In dry woods, fields, and the drier parts of swamps. June, July. Lake, Cuyahoga, Franklin, Athens. GRASSES OF OHIO 315 13. Panicum bicknellii Nash. BicknelEs Panic-grass. A slen¬ der, usually stifif, erect or decumbent perennial grass, 5^-1 3^4 ft. high, with the lower sheaths pubescent and a few-flowered panicle with stiff, slender branches. Spikelets 'Oval or ovate, pubescent with ascending hairs; outer empty glume the length of the spikelet. On dry, wooded hills. July, Aug. Gallia County. 14. Panicum sphaerocarpon Ell. Round-fruited Panic-grass. A dull green, usually erect, simple or somewhat branched perennial, 3^-2 ft. high, with somewhat pubescent nodes and an ovoid, long- exserted, loosely flowered panicle with viscid spots on the axis and ascending branches. Spikelets nearly spherical, obtuse, usually pur¬ ple ; outer empty glume broadly ovate, very short. In dry or sandy soil. July-Sept. Cuyahoga, Summit, Trumbull, Hocking, Scioto. 15. Panicum polyanthes Schultes. Many-flowered Panic-grass. A light green perennial grass with erect, simple stems, 1-3 ft. high, with glabrous nodes and very long sheaths with finely ciliate margins, and with a densely flowered, elliptic panicle with slender ascending branches. Spikelets obovoid or nearly spherical ; outer empty glume minute. In damp ground and woods. July-Sept. Fairfield, Hocking, Jackson. 16. Panicum dichbtomum L. Forked Panic-grass. A glabrous, often purplish, perennial grass with erect, dichotomously branched stems, j4-2 ft. high, from short, knotted rhizomes, with light green to purplish leaves, and with a much exserted terminal panicle with lax spreading branches and few spikelets. Spikelets usually glabrous, ellipsoid ; outer empty glume minute. In woodlands and thickets. May-Aug. Rather general ; no specimens from the northwestern counties. 17. Panicum microcarpon Muhl. Small-fruited Panic-grass. A perennial grass, at first erect but later with densely branched, spread¬ ing or prostrate stems, 2-3 ft. long, strongly barbed on the nodes, and with a long-exserted, rigid primary panicle and small few- flowered secondary panicles. Spikelets purplish, glabrous ; outer empty glume Ys as long as the spikelet. In moist soil and swampy places. June-Aug. Cuyahoga, Lorain, Erie, Fairfield, Hocking, Jackson, Adams. 18. Panicum boreMe Nash. Northern Panic-grass. An erect or decumbent, somewhat branched perennial, 1-2 ft. high, with a narrow, loosely flowered panicle, the slender branches ascending or spreading. Spikelets ellipsoid, pubescent ; outer empty glume minute. In moist, open ground or woods. June, July. Fulton County. 316 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 19. Panicum lindheimeri Nash. Lindheimer’s Panic-grass. An erect or spreading dichotomously branched perennial grass l-ly^ ft. high, with swollen nodes and a loosely flowered papicle with ascend¬ ing or spreading branches, the primary one long-exserted. Spikelets pubescent, obovoid ; outer empty glume minute. In dry sandy woods and open ground. June-Aug. Ashtabula, Hocking. 20. Panicum huachucae Ashe. Hairy Panic-grass. A profusely branched erect or somewhat decumbent, hairy perennial grass, ^-1^ ft. high, with a rather densely flowered, ovoid panicle with ascending or spreading branches. Spikelets pubescent ; outer empty glume minute. In dry soil and on prairies. June-Sept. General. 21. Panicum villosissimum Nash. Villous Panic-grass. A vil¬ lous, olive-green perennial grass with tufted, at length branched, erect or ascending stems, 1-2 ft. high, and a loosely flowered, long- exserted primary panicle. Spikelets obovate to elliptic, densely pubescent with short spreading hairs ; outer empty glume a little less than ^ as long as the spikelet. In dry sandy soil and open woods. June-Aug. Cuyahoga, Erie, Licking. 22. Panicum implicatum Scrib. Slender-stemmed Panic-grass. A slender, tufted, more or less pubescent, at length much branched perennial, j^-2 ft. high, with densely papillose-hirsute sheaths and an open, ovate panicle with widely spreading flexuous branches. Spikelets obovoid, obtuse, papillose-pilose ; outer empty glume almost ' p2 as long as the spikelet. In wet soil. July-Sept. Gallia County. 23. Panicum tsugetorum Nash. Hemlock Panic-grass. A bluish- green or sometimes purplish perennial with slender, tufted, branched, decumbent or prostrate stems, ft. long, and a rather loosely flowered panicle with ascending or spreading branches. Spikelets (broadly ovate, pubescent ; outer empty glume ys as long as the spikelet. In sandy woods. June-Sept. Defiance, Summit. 24. Panicum leibergii (Vasey) Scrib. Leiberg’s Panic-grass. A pubescent perennial grass, 1-234 ft. high, with slender, erect, and at length branched stems, with papillose-hispid sheaths and an ob¬ long panicle with erect or ascending branches. Spikelets oval, papil¬ lose-hirsute, outer empty glume the length of the spikelet. On prairies and dry soil. June, July. No specimens. 25. Panicum scribnerianum Nash. Scribner’s Panic-grass. An erect perennial with simple or dichotomously branched stems, p2-2 GRASSES OF OHIO 317 ft. high, and a small, ovoid, short-exserted panicle. Spikelets obtuse, very turgid, slightly pubescent; outer empty glume minute. In dry or moist sandy soil or on dry prairies. June-Aug. Cuya¬ hoga, Erie, Wood, Franklin. 26. Panicum xanthophysum Gr. Slender Panic-grass. A tufted, yellowish green perennial grass with simple, erect or ascend¬ ing stems, 1-2 ft. high, and a few-flowered, very narrow, finally long- exserted panicle with erect branches. Spikelets broadly obovate, very turgid, usually pubescent ; outer empty glume nearly as long as the spikelet. In dry soil. June-Aug. Lake County. 27. Panicum ashei Pear. Ashe's Panic-grass. An erect, stiff, sparingly branched, purplish ‘ perennial grass, ft. high, with a small panicle, its branches ascending. Spikelets elliptic, obtuse, purplish ; outer empty glume minute. In dry woods. May-Aug. Cuyahoga, Lake, Trumbull, Fairfield. 28. Panicum commutatum Schultes. Variable Panic-grass. An erect, rather slender, finally dichotomously branched perennial grass, 1-2J4 ft. high, with firm leaf-blades, cordate clasping at the base, and a lax panicle with spreading branches. Spikelets elliptic, obtuse ; outer empty glume minute. In dry woods and thickets. June-Aug. Lawrence, Gallia, Fair- field, Wayne. 29. Panicum latifolium L. Broad-leaf Panic-grass. An erect, nearly smooth perennial grass with simple or branched stems, 1-3 ft. high, with broad leaf-blades cordate clasping at the base, and a long-exserted panicle with ascending few-flowered branches. Spike¬ lets ovate-elliptic, obtuse ; outer empty glume about Yz the length of the spikelet. In rocky woods and on sand dunes. July, Aug. General. 30. Panicum bdscii Poir. Bose’s Panic-grass. A glabrous or minutely pubescent perennial with erect, simple or somewhat dichotomously branched stems, l-2j^ ft. high, with broad leaves and a slightly exserted panicle with few-flowered spreading or ascend¬ ing branches. Spikelets ovate ; outer empty glume nearly ^4 as long as the spikelet. In woods. June-Aug. Warren, Adams, Jackson, Belmont. The variety P. boscii molle (Vas.) Hitch. & Ch. is downy- pubescent thruout and usually not so tall. Reported from Hamil¬ ton, Lawrence, and Cuyahoga Counties. 31. Panicum clandestinum L. Hispid Panic-grass. An erect or ascending, rather stout perennial with at first simple but later much branched stems, 1J4-4 ft. high, with broad cordate clasping, glabrous leaf-blades and rather long-exserted primary panicles with 318 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY ascending branches, the secondary panicles usually included in the sheaths. Spikelets elliptic, pubescent; outer empty glume ^ as long as the spikelet. In moist ground and thickets. June, July. General. 54. Leptoloma Chase. Witch-grass. Tufted perennial grasses with flat leaves and very diffuse ter¬ minal panicles which break away at maturity and become tumble- grasses. Spikelets with 1 perfect flower, solitary on long capillary pedicels ; outer empty glume very minute or wanting, inner empty glume 3-nerved, nearly as long as the 5-7-nerved sterile lemma ; fertile lemma indurated, papillose, with hyaline margin not inrolled ; lemma of similar texture ; grain free, enclosed in the flowering glumes. 1. Leptoloma cognatum (Schultes) Chase. Fall Witch-grass. A perennial slender tufted grass with erect or decumbent stems, 1-2 ft. high, usually much branched at the base, and with a loose panicle bearded in the axils, the lower branches at first erect and included in the upper sheath but finally exserted and widely spreading. Spikelets lanceolate, acuminate, on capillary pedicels ; lemma lanceo¬ late. In dry soil. July-Sept. From the West. Lake County. » 55. Syntherisma Walt. Crab-grass. Annual, mostly weedy grasses with branched stems, thin flat leaves, and an inflorescence of secund, spike-like racemes which are digitate or approximate at the ends of the branches. Spikelets with 1 perfect flower and a vestige of a second one, lanceolate-elliptic, sessile or short pediceled ; empty glumes 1-3 nerved, the outer some¬ times obsolete ; sterile lemma 5-nerved ; fertile lemma chartaceous, its margins hyaline and not inrolled; palet of similar texture; grain free, enclosed in the flowering glumes. 1. Rachis of the raceme branches with the angles wingless ; outer empty glume wanting or minute ; raceme branches 2-5 ; stems erect. S. filiforme. 1. Rachis of the raceme branches with the lateral angles broadly winged; stems spreading. 2 2. Pedicels terete, glabrous or nearly so ; outer empty glume wanting or minute ; raceme branches 2-6. Y. ischaeninm. 2. Pedicels sharply 3-angled, the angles hispidulous; outer empty glume present, small, raceme branches 3-12. S. sanguinale 1 . Syntherisma filiforme (L.) Nash. Slender Crab-grass. A slender usually tufted grass with erect stems, 1-4 ft. high, and a panicle of 1-5 spike-like racemes. Spikelets elliptic, pubescent; outer GRASSES OF OHIO 319 empty glume usually obsolete, the inner one and the sterile lemma villous between the nerves with gland-tipped hairs ; fertile lemma dark-brown, acute. In dry sandy soil. July-Sept. No specimens. 2. Syntherisma ischaemum (Schreb.) Nash. Small Crab-grass. A glabrous grass with spreading or decumbent much-branched stems, 5^-2 ft. long, and a panicle of 2-6 aggregated spike-like racemes. Inner empty glume and sterile lemma densely short-villous between the nerves ; fertile lemma dark-brown. In cultivated soil and waste places. July-Sept. Lorain, Wayne, Auglaize, Fairfield. From Europe. 3. Syntherisma sanguinale (L.) Dulac. Large Crab-grass. A grass with branched spreading stems, 1-5 ft. long, usually decumbent at the base and often rooting at the lower nodes. Panicles of 3-12 narrowly linear, spike-like racemes, digitate or approximate in whorls ; spikelets elliptic-lanceolate, acute ; outer empty glume usually present, minute ; fertile lemma pale or grayish. In cultivated and waste ground. A very troublesome weed. Makes good hay and pasturage. July-Sept. General. Naturalized from Europe. 56. Echinochloa Beauv. Barnyard-grass. Usually coarse annual grasses with long broad leaf-blades, com¬ pressed sheaths, and terminal panicles of stout one-sided racemose branches. Spikelets with 1 perfect terminal flower and a staminate or vestigial one below ; empty glumes unequal, spiny hispid on the nerves, mucronate ; sterile lemma similar, usually awned from the apex, its palet hyaline ; fertile lemma and palet chartaceous, acu¬ minate ; margin of the lemma inrolled ; grain free, enclosed in the flowering glumes. 1. Leaf sheaths glabrous ; second and third glumes more or less awned. E. crus-galli. 1. Leaf sheaths, at least the lower ones densely papillose-hirsute; second and third glumes long-awned. E. walteri. 1. Echinochloa crus-gMli (L.) Beauv. Common Barnyard-grass. A rather succulent grass branching from the base, with ascending or erect stems, 2-7^3 ft. long, and a dense panicle of numerous erect or spreading, or sometimes reflexed branches. Spikelets ovate, green or purple, densely crowded in rows on one side of the rachis ; empty lemma more or less awned ; fertile lemma ovate, abruptly pointed. A common weed. Sometimes cultivated for hay. A variety is sometimes advertised as “Billion Dollar Grass.” In cultivated and especially in manured soil and waste places. Aug.-Oct. General and abundant. Naturalized from Europe. 320 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 2. Echinochloa waited (Pursh.) Nash. Marsh Cockspur-grass. A grass with robust more or less succulent stems, 3-6 ft. long, and a long more or less drooping panicle with compact ascending or spreading branches. Spikelets long-awned, ovate-lanceolate, on one side of the rachis, brownish-purple; inner empty glume and empty lemma awned ; fertile lemma, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate. In marshes and ditches. Aug.-Oct. Erie, Lorain, Shelby, Au¬ glaize, Licking. 57. Paspalum L. Paspalum. Perennial grasses of various habit with the spikelets in spike¬ like, one-sided racemes, digitate or racemose at the tip of the main stem or branches. Spikelets with 1 perfect flower and a vestige, plano-convex, nearly sessile, placed with the back of the fertile lemma toward the rachis; empty glumes very unequal or the outer entirely obsolete; lemma and palet indurated, margins of the lemma inrolled ; grain free, enclosed in the flowering glumes. 1. Rachis of the racemes very broad, membranous with inrolled margins, about twice the width of the spikelets ; rachis not extending beyond the spikelets. P. dissectum. 1. Rachis narrower than the spikelets not inrolled on the margins. 2 2. Stems simple, axillary peduncles none; racemes stout; sheaths glabrous or nearly so. P. laeve. 2. Stems branched, the upper sheaths containing from 1-3 branches ; racemes slender. 3 3. Spikelets somewhat pubescent, in. long. P. setaceum. 3. Spikelets glabrous, nearly % in. long. P. muhlenbergii. 1. Paspalum setaceum Mx. Slender Paspalum. A slender grass with erect or ascending stems, ^-2^4 ft. high, and with an inflor¬ escence of 1-2 spike-like racemes. Spikelets ovate, somewhat pube¬ scent, about 1/16 in. long; one of the empty glumes 3-nerved, the other 2-nerved. In dry fields. Aug.-Oct. Cuyahoga County. 2. Paspalum muhlenbergii Nash. Muhlenberg’s Paspalum. A tufted branching pubescent perennial grass with spreading or re¬ clining stems, 1-2^ ft. long, and an inflorescence of 1-2 spike-like racemes. Spikelets glabrous, oval or broadly obovate, in pairs ; lemma with inrolled margins ; empty glumes usually 3-nerved. In fields and sandy soil. Aug.-Oct. Cuyahoga, Erie, Warren, Hamilton, Scioto, Guernsey. 58. Chaetdchloa Scrib. Foxtail-grass, Annual or perennial grasses usually with erect stems and flat leaf blades, the inflorescence in spike-like panicles containing nu¬ merous persistent awn-like bristles on the rachis below the articu- GRASSES OF OHIO 321 lation of the spikelets. Spikelet 2-flowerecI, one perfect, the other vestigial or rarely staminate; empty glumes very unequal; sterile lemma often enclosing a hyaline palet; fertile lemma and palet char- taceous or indurated in fruit ; grain free enclosed in the flowering glumes. 1. Bristles of the inflorescence downwardly barbed ; comparatively inconspic¬ uous. . C. verticillata. 1. Bristles upwardly barbed. 2 2. Bristles at the base of the spikelets 5-16, involucrate, yellowish-brown ; in¬ florescence racemose ; inner empty glume shorter than the spikelet. C.glauca. 2. Bristles at the base of the spikelet 1-3, not involucrate; inflorescence pan- iculate; inner empty glume as long as the spikelet. 3 3. Inflorescence 1-314 in. long^ J4 in. thick or less; bristles green. C.viridis. 3. Inflorescence 4-9 in. long, ^-2 in. thick; bristles usually purple. C. italica. 1. Chaetochloa verticillata (L.) Scrib. Verticillate Foxtail- grass. A tufted annual grass with more or less branched, erect or decumbent stems, 1-2 ft. high, and a dense spike-like green panicle which is somewhat compound and interrupted at the base. Involucral bristles of the inflorescence retrorsely barbed ; outer empty glume 1-nerved, less than one-half as long as the spikelet; fertile lemma abruptly apiculate and obscurely transverse-rugose. In waste places and yards. July-Sept. From Europe. Cuya¬ hoga, Wayne, Jefferson, Franklin, Ross, Montgomery, Warren, Ham¬ ilton. ,,, 2. Chaetochloa glauca (L.) Scrib. Yellow Foxtail-grass. An annual grass with compressed, erect or ascending stems, branching at the base, 1-4 ft. high, with glaucous leaves, and a yellowish, com¬ pact, spike-like panicle. Involucral bristles upwardly barbed, yellow¬ ish-brown ; spikelets oval, much shorter than the bristles ; fertile lemma striate, undulate-rugose, very convex, A weed. In cultivated fields and waste places. July-Sept. Gen¬ eral. From Europe. 3. Chaetochloa viridis (L.) Scrib. Green Eoxtail-grass. An annual tufted grass with simple or branched, erect or ascending stems, l-Sys ft. high, and a rather thick spike-like green panicle with slender upwardly barbed greenish bristles. Spikelets elliptic, much shorter than the bristles ; outer empty glume less than one-half as long as the spikelet; fertile lemma only moderately convex, obtuse, striate and faintly wrinkled. Often a bad weed. In cultivated fields and waste places. July- Sept. General. Naturalized from Europe. 4. Chaetochloa itMica (L.) Scrib. Italian Millet. An annual grass with erect stems, 2-5 ft. high, and thick, compact, compound, nodding panicles, interrupted at the base. Involucral bristles up¬ wardly barbed, usually purplish ; spikelets elliptic, shorter than the 322 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY bristles; outer empty glume less than one-half as long as the spikelet ;* fertile lemma only moderately convex, striate, finely and faintly trans¬ verse-rugose or pitted. Several varieties are extensively cultivated for hay. If fed in large quantities and too frequently, the hay is injurious to horses. In cultivated fields and waste places. Also called German or Hun¬ garian millet. July-Sept. Rather general. Escaped from cultivation. Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. Pearl-millet. A coarse annual grass, with a solid stem, 3-8 ft. high, bearing cylindrical, spike-like panicles, 6-12 in. long. Spikelets with 1 perfect flower and an additional vestigial lemma, sur¬ rounded at the base by a cluster of bristles. Empty glumes small and hyaline. Cultivated for fodder and for the grain which is used as food. Other related species are cultivated as ornamental grasses. 59. Cenchrus L. Sandbur-grass. Annual or perennial grasses with flat leaves and spikate inflor¬ escence, the small clusters of spikelets covered by a prickly, bur-like involucre which is deciduous with them at maturity. Prickles ret- rosely barbed. Involucres with 2 or more spikelets. Spikelets 2- flowered usually with one perfect flower and a second staminate or vestigial flower; empty glumes shorter than the lemmas, unequal; lemma and palet of the perfect flower chartaceous, the lemma not inrolled at the margins ; grain free, inclosed in the glumes and the prickly involucre. Cenchrus tribuloides L. Sandbur-grass. An annual ascending or trailing grass with flattened, much-branched solid stems, ^-3 ft. long, and a stout spike-like raceme of prickly burs, often partly en¬ closed in the upper leaf sheath. Prickly involucres pubescent, the prickles retrorsely barbed ; spikelets enclosed in the involucre ; fertile lemma not inrolled at the margin ; somewhat indurated. A disagreeable, troublesome weed. In sandy soil and cultivated fields. July-Sept. Lucas, Wood, Ottawa, Erie, Lorain, Cuyahoga, Eranklin, Highland, Gallia. GRASSES OF OHIO 323 Tribe, Oryzeae. Rice Tribe. Grasses ivith monosporangiatc or bisporangiatc, more or less laterally compressed spikelets in loose panieles; raehilla artieulated helozv the empty glumes zvhich are often minute or obsolete; stamens often 6; hilum linear. 60. HomalocenchrUs Mieg. Cut-grass. Perennial marsh grasses with flat narrow rough and cutting leaf- blades and with paniculate inflorescence. Spikelets apparently 1- flowered, strongly flattened laterally, those of the open part of the panicle usually sterile, those inclosed in the sheath cleistogamous and fruitful ; empty glumes none ; flowering glumes boat-shaped, somewhat indurated, awnless; stamens 1-6; grain ovoid, free. 1. Branches of the rather simple panicle stiffly spreading; spikelets in. long or less. H. virginicus. 1. Branches of the diffuse panicle generally lax; spikelets Y'Y i^i- lo^g- H. oryzoides. 1. HomalocenchrUs virginicus (Willd.) Britt. Virginia Cut- grass. A grass with branched, weak, ascending stems, 1-3 ft. long, with clustered scaly rhizomes, and with simple panicles finally long- exserted, the slender branches stiffly spreading and usually naked below the middle. Lateral panicles usually included ; spikelets ob¬ long, appressed ; lemma hispid on the keel ; stamens 2. In swamps and wet woods. Aug., Sept. Rather general. 2. HomalocenchrUs oryzoides (L.) Poll. Rice Cut-grass. A grass with rather stout, branching stems, 1-4 ft. long, ascending from a decumbent base with slender creeping rhizomes, with very rough leaves and a diffusely branched, lax panicle with ascending or spreading branches. Lateral panicles usually included. Spikelets elliptic ; lemma hispid, strongly bristly ciliate on the keel. In swamps and along ditches and streams. Aug., Sept. Rather general. 61. Zizania L. Wild-rice. A tall monecious hydrophytic annual grass with long flat leaves and large terminal panicle, the upper part consisting of carpellate spikelets, the lower of staminate, with some perfect spikelets be¬ tween the two regions. Spikelets on club-shaped pedicles, readily deciduous, apparently 1-flowered, probably consisting of 2 coalescent flowers ; empty glumes membranous, very minute or nearly obsolete. Carpellate spikelet with a long-awned flowering glume and 6 vestigial 324 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY stamens; staminate spikelet with 6 stamens and a vestigial gynecium, its glumes short-awned or awn-pointed ; spikelets between the stam¬ inate and carpellate parts of the inflorescence more or less perfect, with 6 stamens ; grain cylindrical, closely enveloped in the flower¬ ing glumes. 1. Zizania aquatica L. Wild Rice. A large annual grass with an erect stem, 3-10 ft. high, broad flat leaves, and a large loose panicle, the upper part carpellate with erect branches, the lower staminate with ascending or spreading branches. Staminate spikelets with acute awn-pointed glumes ; carpellate spikelets linear, the lem¬ ma long-awned ; staminate spikelet with 6 stamens and a vestigial ovulary ; carpellate spikelet with 6 vestigial stamens. The grain was used by the Indians for food. In swamps, often in rather deep water. July, Aug. Erie, Licking, Perry, Hocking. GRASSES OF OHIO 325 Tribe, Andropogoneae. Beard-grass Tribe. Grasses usually having the spikelets in pairs on the branches of the inflorescence, the one sessile and perfect, the other pediceled and perfect, staniinate, or vestigial; often arranged in rows; empty glumes more or less indurated, the dowering glumes hyaline; lemma of the perfect flower usually awned; spikelets articulate belozv the empty glumes, dor sally compress or round. 62. Holcus L. Sorghum. Annual or perennial grasses with solid stems, long broad flat leaves and large terminal panicles. Spikelets 1-flowered, in pairs at the nodes or in 3’s at the ends, the one sessile and bisporangiate the other pedicellate and staminate or entirely vestigial; empty glumes of the sessile spikelet indurated and usually shining, ob¬ scurely nerved; flowering glumes hyaline, lemma awned. palet small or sometimes absent ; grain free, more or less enclosed in the flower¬ ing glumes. 1. Panicle lax the branches with spikelets nearly to the base; stem usually not over ii^- thick; perennial. H. halapense. 1. Panicle large and compact or with very long branches naked below; stem usually y2-iy2 in. in diameter; annual. H. sorghum. 1. Holcus halapensis L. Johnson-grass. A coarse perennial grass with solid, simple or sometimes branched stems, 3-5 ft. high, and an open panicle, usually with whorled, spreading branches, naked toward the base. Sessile spikelet, ovate-lanceolate, usually purplish, pubescent with appressed hairs ; awn of the fertile lemma more or less bent ; pedicellate spikelets with membranous glumes, sometimes enclosing a staminate flower but usually vestigial. Cultivated as a forage grass. Escaped. In cultivated fields and waste places. A troublesome weed in the South. July-Sept. Native of Europe. Cuyahoga, Erie, Eranklin, Madison. 2. Holcus sorghum L. Common Sorghum. A coarse annual grass with thick solid stems, 5-12 ft. high, usually with rather dense, much-branched panicles, but in some varieties with the naked part of the branches greatly elongated. Sessile spikelets ovoid or ellip¬ tical, with a large usually exposed grain ; pediceled spikelets vestigial. Cultivated in many forms for fodder, grain, syrup, and broom- corn under various names as sorghum, durra. Kafir-corn, broom-corn, feterita, milo-maize, etc. July-Sept. Volunteer in Adams County. Siidan-grass is an annual slender-stemmed grass, 4-10 ft. high, recently introduced as a forage crop. It is without rhizomes and is apparently a variety of the common sorghum. 326 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 63. Sorghastrum Nash. Indian-grass. Tall stout perennial grasses with hollow stems, long narrow flat leaves, and terminal open panicles. Spikelets in pairs, the sessile spikelet with 1 perfect flower, the pedicellate spikelet vestigial; empty glumes of the sessile spikelet indurated and shining, flowering glumes hyaline, the lemma usually awned ; palet sometimes wanting; grain free. 1. Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash. Indian-grass. A large grass with simple, erect hollow stems, 3-8 ft. high, and a narrowly oblong panicle with slender, erect or spreading branches. Spikelets lanceo¬ late, yellowish or reddish brown and shining, clothed especially toward the base with fawn-colored hairs, at length drooping; lemma with a twisted awn. A valuable pasture and hay grass. In dry soil especially prairies. Aug., Sept. Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Erie, Wyandot, Auglaize, Frank¬ lin, Madison, Adams. Erianthus ravennae (L.) Beauv. Phime-grass. A robust perennial grass, with solid stems. 5-10 ft. high, with a plume-like, silky panicle, 1-2 ft. long. Spikelets with 1 perfect flower and a sterile lemma, in pairs, one sessile, the other pedicellate, with a ring of long hairs at the base. Cultivated for ornament. 64. Miscanthus Anderss. Plume-grass. Tall erect perennials with flat leaves and ample terminal, com¬ monly hairy panicles. Spikelets in pairs unequally pedicellate, with 1 perfect flower ; empty glumes membranous, blunt at the apex ; sterile lemma thinner ; fertile lemma thinly hyaline, 2-toothed at the apex and awned ; palet thin, hyaline ; grain free. 1. Miscanthus sinensis Anderss. Chinese Plume-grass. A large perennial grass with stems 3-9 ft. high, with long, slender leaves and a panicle of numerous erect or ascending branches. Spikelets yellowish brown, surrounded at the base with long, white or purplish hairs ; lemma hyaline with a spirally twisted awn aris¬ ing from between the two teeth of the apex. The variety with banded leaves is commonly cultivated for ornament in gardens and parks and occasionally escapes into waste places. Aug., Sept. An escape in Lake County. 65. Andropogon L. Beard-grass, Bluestem. Tall usually tufted perennials with narrow leaves and terminal and axillary racemes consisting of spike-like branches often more or less digitately arranged and with long silky hairs on the rachis and pedicels. Spikelets in pairs at each node of the jointed rachis one sessile and bisporangiate, the other pedicellate and either stam- GRASSES OF OHIO 327 inate or vestigial ; empty glumes of the sessile spikelet subequal, indurated, the outer one dorsally flattened with a strong nerve near each margin, the inner one keeled above; first lemma hyaline; fertile lemma membranous or hyaline, awned, its palet hyaline, sometimes obsolete; grain free. 1. Inflorescence of 2 or more racemose branches ; joints of the rachis not clavate. 2 1. Raceme simple; joints of the rachis clavate, with a cup-shaped depression at the top. A. sc Oparins. 2. Raceme branches 2-6 on a long peduncle ; rachis with short inconspicuous hairs ; tall coarse grasses. A. fnrcatus. 2. Raceme branches 2 or 3, subtended by a foliaceous sheath ; rachis covered with long white hairs. A. virginicus. 1. Andropogon furcatus Muhl. Big Bluestem. A large grass with solid, robust stems simple at the base but branching from the upper nodes, S-Sj/s ft. high, with a sweetish sap and with a more or less digitate panicle of 2-6 spike-like racemes, usually purplish. Rachis joints and pedicels hairy on the sides and at the summit; pedicellate spikelet staminate; sessile spikelet perfect; fertile lemma with a delicate awn. A characteristic and important prairie grass valuable for hay and pasture. In dry or moist soil. Aug., Sept. Rather general. 2. Andropogon virgmicus L. Virginia Beard-grass. A grass with rather slender stems sparingly branched above, 1^-4 ft. high, and with a loose and elongated inflorescence of 2-4 spike-like racemes protruding from the sides of the sheaths. Hairs of the inflorescence long and silky ; sessile spikelet perfect, its lemma with a nearly straight awn ; pedicellate spikelet vestigial. In dry or moist open fields and hillsides. Aug., Sept. Gallia, Jackson, Meigs, Athens, Vinton, Hocking, Fairfield, Belmont. 3. Andropogon scoparius Mx. Little Bluestem. (Schizachyrium scoparium (Mx.) Nash.) A tufted grass with rather slender and stiff, simple or branched stems, 1-4^2 ft. high, and with loose racemes on long-exserted, slender peduncles. Joints of the rachis and pedicels ciliate with spreading hairs; sessile spikelet perfect, the fertile lemma with a bent and twisted awn ; pedicellate spikelet reduced to a single awn-pointed glume. An important hay and forage grass in the West. On dry prairies and in sandy fields. Aug.-Oct. Rather general. 328 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Tribe, Maydeae. Corn Tribe. Monecioiis grasses having the staniinate and carpellate spikelets in different inflorescences or in different parts of the same inflorescence, often with highly specialized structures; spikelets articulated below the empty glumes, round or dorsally compressed, in pairs, normally 2- flowered, some of the flowers usually more or less vestigial or obsolete and the staminate and carpellate flozvers usually showing vestiges of the opposite organs. 66. Tripsacum L. Gama-grass. Tall stout monecious perennials with solid stems, thick creeping rhizomes, broad flat leaves, and a panicle of spikate or racemose branches, the joints of the fruiting rachis separating at the nodes, each joint containing a grain and the remains of the spikelet, the upper part of the inflorescence staminate, lower part carpellate. Staminate spikelets in pairs, the flowers containing vestigial ovularies ; carpellate spikelet solitary imbedded in the rachis joint, with one carpellate flower which contains vestigial stamens and a vestigial flower with only a vestigial ovulary; outer empty glume of the carpellate flower large and cartilaginous, the inner coriaceous ; flowering glumes hyaline; empty glumes of the staminate spikelets subcoriaceous, the flowering glumes membranous or hyaline ; grain free enclosed in the pocket of the rachis joint and the glumes. Tripsacum dactyloides L. Gama-grass. A monecious, perennial grass with thick rhizomes and solid stems, 1-7 ft. high. Inflorescence consisting of a number of spike-like racemes with paired staminate spikelets above and single carpellate spikelets below. Spikelets 2-flowered, the carpellate spikelet, with one carpellate and one vestigial flower, contained in the deeply channeled joints of the rachis which separate spontaneously at maturity, by cleavage planes. Euchlaena mexicana Schrad. Teosinte. A monecious annual grass, 8-15 ft. high, of much value for forage in the south. The carpellate inflorescence is surrounded by a peculiar husk, and the grains are enclosed in the flattened rachis joints much as in Tripsacum. 67. Coix L. Job’s-tears. Coarse much-branched annuals with large broad leaves and a monecious inflorescence, the staminate spikelets covered by a modi¬ fied leaf-sheath which becomes bony and bead-like in fruit, the stam¬ inate inflorescence projecting thru this sheath. Staminate spikelets 2-flowered, the flowers with vestigial ovularies; carpellate spikelets 2-flowered, the outer flower entirely vestigial with a lemma, the inner containing a normal gynecium and 3 vestigial stamens ; two or more vestigial structures usually present in the sheath besides the carpel¬ late spikelet ; empty glumes thick-membranous ; flowering glumes hyaline ; grain free, enclosed in the glumes and the bony sheath. 1. Coix lacryma-jobi L. Job’s-tears. A much-branched annual grass with rather thick stems, 2-4 ft. high, and a pecular inflores- GRASSES OF OHIO 329 cence, the carpellate spikelet covered by a hardening bead-like sheath, bluish-gray in color and shining when ripe, the staminate inflores¬ cence small and projecting on a slender pedicel from the bead-like sheath. Grown for the ornamental fruits which are used as beads and for rosaries. In waste places around gardens. July-Sept. Persistent in Franklin County. 68. Zea L. Indian-corn. Tall coarse annual grasses with solid stems, large broad flat leaves, prominent prop roots, and a monecious inflorescence, the staminate spikelets in an ample panicle at the summit of the stem, and the carpellate spikelets on an ear covered with husks at the side of the main stem. Staminate and carpellate, spikelets sometimes in the same panicle. Staminate spikelets 2-flowered, in pairs, one sessile and the other pediceled ; carpellate spikelets always in double rows on the ear, usually 2-flowered, the outer flower vestigial ; style of the gynecium a very long ‘‘silk” ; empty glumes thick-membranous or coriaceous ; flowering glumes hyaline ; grain large, free. 1. Zea mays L. Indian-corn. A tall, coarse, annual grass with broad leaves and a thick, solid, erect stem, 3-15 ft. high, de¬ veloping prominent prop-roots at the basal joints, an ample staminate panicle at the top, and one or more peculiar, compact, carpellate in¬ florescences at the side, called ears, covered with peculiar leaf- sheaths or husks ; grain large, exposed, with a very long style or silk. Extensively cultivated in many varieties for grain, green corn, and fodder. Many products are made from the grain. The stigmas of the silk are used in medicine. In fields and waste places. June- Sept. Also called maize. Spontaneous in Brown, Adams, Scioto, Fayette, Monroe, Erie, and Hancock Counties. THE LISRARY OF THE NOV 22 1938 university of ilunois INDEX Agropyron . Agrostideae . Agrostis . Apolecuriis . Ammophila . Andropogoneae . Andropogon . Anthroxanthum Apera . Aristida . Arrhenatherum .. Aspris . Atheropogon . Avena . Aveneae . Barley . ...... Barnyard-grass ... Beach-grass . Beard-grass . Beckmannia . Bent-grass . Bermuda-grass ... Blue-grass . . Blue-stem . Bottle-brush-grass Bouteloua . Brachyelytrum ... Brome-grass . Bromus . Broom-corn . Calamagrostis . Canary-grass . . Capriola . . Cat-tail-grass . Cenchrus . . Chaetochloa . . Cheat . Chess . Chlorideae . Chloris . Cinna . Cockspur-grass .... Page . 291 . 299 . 301 . 303 . 302 . 325 . 326 . 310 . 302 . 307 . 287 . 289 . 297 . 288 . 287 ,291, 294 . 319 . 302 325, 326 . 296 299, 301 . 297 . 278 . 327 . 294 . 298 . 305 . 272 . 272 . 325 . 300 . 309 . 297 . 303 . 322 . 320 . 273 . 272 . 296 . 296 . 302 . 320 Page Coix . 328 Corn . 328 Cortaderia . 286 Couch-grass . 291 Crab-grass . 318 Cut-grass . 323 Cynosurus . 286 Dactylis . 281 Danthonia . 287 Darnel . 291 Deschampsia . 289 Dogtail-grass . 286 Dropseed . 299 Durra . 325 Eaton-grass . 283 Echinochloa . 319 Eleusine . 297 Elymus . 293 Eragrostis . 281 Erinanthus . 326 Euchlaena . 328 Ealse-oats . 288 Eescue-grass . 272, 275 Eestuceae . . . 272 Eestuca . 275 Eeterita . 325 Eoxtail . 303 Foxtail-grass . 320 Gama-grass . 328 Grama-grass . 297 Graminaceae . 257 Hair-grass . 289 Heleochloa . 303 Holcus . 325 Homalocenchrus . 323 Hordeae . 291 Hordeum . 294 Hystrix . 294 Indian-grass . 326 Indian-corn . 329 Johnson-grass . 325 Job’s-tears . 328 Kafir-corn . 325 INDE X- - - Continued Koeler-grass . Koeleria . Korycarpus . Leptoloma . Lolium . Love-grass . Maize . Maydeae . . Manna-grass .. Meadow-grass Melica . Melic-grass . Mesquite-grass Milium . Millet . Millet-grass ... . Milo-maize . Miscanthiis . Mountain-rice . Muhlenbergia .. Nothoholcus ... Oats . Oat-grass . Orchard-grass Oryzeae . Oryzopsis . Pampas-grass . Panic-grass ..... Paniceae . Panicum . . Panictilaria . . Paspalum . Pearl-millet . Pennisetum . Phalarideae . Phalaris . Phleum . Plume-grass . Poa . Porcupine-grass Poverty-grass ... Phragmites . Purple-top . Ray-grass . Red-top . Page . 284 . 284 . 284 . 318 . 291 . 281 . 328 . 328 . 276 . 278 . 275 . 275 . 298 . 306 . 321 . 306 . 325 . 326 . 306 . 304 . 290 287, 288 . 287 . . 281 . 323 . 306 . 286 . 311 . 311 . 311 . 276 . 320 . 322 . 322 . 309 . 309 . 304 . 326 . 278 . 306 . 307 .........286 . 285 . 291 . 301 Page Reed Bent-grass . 300 Reed-grass . 286 Rice . 323 Rush-grass . 299 Rye . 292 Rye-grass . 291 Sandbur-grass . 322 Sand-grass . 285 Savastana . 309 Schizachyrium . 327 Secale . 292 Slough-grass . 296 Sorghastrum . 326 Sorghum . 325 Spartina . 296 Spear-grass . 278 Sphenopholis . 283 Sporobolus . 299 Stink-grass . 282 Stipa . 306 Sudan-grass . 325 Syntherisma . 318 Teosinte . 328 Timothy . 304 Tridens . 285 Triplasis . 285 Triple-awn-grass . 307 Tripsacum . 328 Trisetum . 288 Triticum . 292 Vanilla-grass . 309 Velvet-grass . 290 Vernal-grass . 310 Wheat . 292 Wheat-grass . 291 Wild-oat-grass . 287 Wild-rice . 323 Wild-rye . 293 Windlestraw . 302 Witch-grass . 318 Wood Reed-grass . 302 Yard-grass . 297 Zea . 329 Zizania . 323 Volume II, No. 6 Bulletin No. 1 0 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO IV THE LECIDEACEAE By BRUCE FINK (wiveasmr of umis 1923 THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO V THE PELTIGERACEAE By LEAFY J. CORRINGTON Published by THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Columbus, 1921 1 O B S THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO IV* The Lecideaceae. Bruce Fink. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS It was stated in the second paper of this series that the disposition of the Lecideaceae in an early paper of the series would show what slight changes are needed in treating lichens as we treat other ascomycetes. It is hoped that this paper has accomplished this in phraseology intelligible to those acquainted with the present-day language of systematic mycology. The Lecideaceae form a well-defined family of lichens, the affinities of which seem plainly marked. In apothecial structure, and so far as known, in structure of the sexual reproductive areas, the family seems to be closely related to the mainly non-lichen Patellariaceae and to such lichens as the Gyalectaceae, the Lecanactidaceae, the Collemaceae, the Baeomycetaceae, and the Cladoniaceae. Following the commonly-accepted theory that the lichens have been evolved from non-algicolous fungi, the origin of the Lecideaceae and related lichens from Patellaria-\\ke ancestors is a reasonable supposition, though the relative rank of the various related families named in the last paragraph is not easy to decide. Within the Lecideaceae, the line of evolu¬ tion seems to have been in the direction of a well-developed exciple and from simpler to more complex spores. With the advance in these two directions has gone a slightly increased development of the tballus. In structure, the thallus is crustose, and the thalli vary from inconspic¬ uous, evanescent conditions to those which are conspicuous and sometimes even subsquamulous. Rarely the thallus extends upward as a veil which surrounds the apothecia laterally and suggests how the thalloid exciple of higher families probably arose. As usual in crustose forms, the thalli are composed of hyphae which are densely disposed toward the upper, exposed surface and more loosely disposed toward the lower surface (Fig. 2). The apothecial evolution passes Trom forms with weak, light-colored exciples and soft texture (Fig. 10) to those with strong, dark exciples, which are firm in texture (Fig. 11). The superficial apothecial characters are so much alike in many of the species that one cannot always feel certain even of the genus of unfamiliar forms until he has studied them microscopically. •Contributions from the Botanical Laboratory of Miami University. — XVIII 334 335 5 ”7 0 H Wb. 10, THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO IV The paraphyses are commonly distinct in young apothecia, but in mature apothecia they are usually more or less gelatinized and coherent. In some of the species, they become so gelatinized that they form a homogeneous mass about the asci, in which the individual paraphyses are no longer discernible. When distinct, the paraphyses are sometimes branched, most commonly toward their apices (Fig. 1 and 12). There is great diversity with respect to spore development, the whole range of spore structure, from minute, simple, hyaline spores to those which are large, brown, and muriform being found within the family (Figs. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 13). This condition makes it appear quite possible that the family may be polygenetic. The genus, Biatorella, contains non-lichen forms and is probably as a whole more closely related to the Patellariaceae than to the Lecidiaceae. However, our two species, both of which are lichens, are herein admitted to the latter family. Through one or more species with larger spores than are usually found in this genus, Biatorella approaches Lecidea. Starting with Lecidea, we have a natural series in spore development with intermediate conditions difficult to place The series runs thus: Lecidea with simple hyaline spores (Fig. 3); Biatorina with two-celled, hyaline spores (Fig. 4); Bilimbia with several-celled, hyaline spores, not much narrowed (Fig. 5); ^xvA Bacidia with several-celled, hyaline, acicular spores (Fig. 6). Buellia and Rhizocarpon are aberrant genera, brown-spored, and closely related among themselves (Figs. 8, 9, and 13). Through Buellia, the two genera are related to Rinodina of the Physciaceae. The two aber¬ rant genera are like other members of the Lecideaceae with respect to thallus development and general apothecial characters, the aberrancy being with respect to the spores, on which account the two genera are placed in an¬ other family, the Buelliaceae, by some workers, perhaps with sufficient reason . The algal host is Pleurococcus-\\]^e (Fig. 2, c) in nearly all species of the Lecideaceae; but the host cells are so hypertrophied and distorted that their generic rank is often difficult to ascertain, except by cultivation out¬ side of the lichen thallus. The algal-host cells are few in number in some of the species and are sometimes absent during a portion of the life history of the lichen. The host is usually found throughout the superficial portions of the thallus, except near the upper surface, from which portion the algae are usually absent, except in a dead or dying condition, difficult to detect. The writer has collected the Lecideaceae, with other fungi, in Butler County for fifteen years, and has worked for the Ohio Biological Survey in Preble, Warren, Highland, Fairfield, Adams, Hocking, and Lake counties. Besides these collections made by the writer, a few specimens were examined from Champaign, Hamilton, Wayne, Morgan, Madison, Muskingum, Frank¬ lin, Vinton, and Summit counties. Of the 37 species treated in this paper, 24 had not been reported from Ohio previously. 336 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Systematic Account. LECIDEACEAE Thallus crustose, without plectenchymatous cortex (Fig. 2, a), vary¬ ing from granulose and often evanescent to conspicuous, areolate, or even subsquamulose conditions, attached to the substratum by hyphal rhizoids (Fig. 2, d), and in a few instances extending up as a veil and surrounding the apothecia laterally, the hyphae densely interwoven toward the upper surface, but more loosely disposed below (Fig. 2, a and b); apothecia usu¬ ally minute or small, commonly rounded, the exciple weak and obscure (Fig. 10, d), or more strongly developed when conspicuous and much darker in color (Fig. 11, b); hypothecium varying from hyaline to dark brown (Fig. 10, band Fig. 11, c); hymenium almost always lighter and commonly hyaline (Figs. 10 and 11, a); paraphyses usually simple, but branched forms to be found frequently (Figs. 1 and 12), pale throughout or darkened toward the sometimes enlarged apex, commonly more or less coherent and indistinct at maturity; spores simple and hyaline to muriform and brown (Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 13). KEY TO THE GENERA Spores minute, numerous in each ascus . . . . Biatorella, p. Spores larger, usually 8 in each ascus, Spores hyaline. Spores one-celled (simple) . Lecidea, p. Spores more than one-celled (compound). Spores 2-celled . Biatorina, p. Spores 4- to several-celled. Spores ellipsoid, fusiform, or dactyloid . Bilimbia, p. Spores acicular . Bacidia, p. Spores brown, or becoming brown. Spores 2-celled . Buellia, p. Spores 4-celled and becoming muriform . Rhizocarpon, p. Biatorella De Not. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 21. 192. 1846. Thallus granulose to verrucose and subareolate, sometimes inconspicu¬ ous and evanescent; apothecia minute to middle-sized, adnate or more or less immersed, exciple usually prominent and persistent, but sometimes becoming covered, disk flat to convex; hypothecium and hymenium pale to brown; spores simple, hyaline, minute, numerous in each ascus. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF BIATORELLA The whole apothecium dark colored . 1. B. simplex The disk of the apothecium white-pruinose . . . 2. B. pruinosa 1 Biatorella simplex (Dav.) Br. & Rostr. Bot. Tidssk. 3: 241 1869. Lichen simplex Dav. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 2: 283. pi. 28. f. 2. 1794. Thallus thin and smooth or thicker and roughened, sometimes subar¬ eolate, ash-white to green-gray and darkening, rarely disappearing; apothecia minute to middle-sized, 0.2 to 0.8 mm. in diameter, adnate, scattered or THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO IV 337 crowded, rounded or variously irregular, black but usually dark red when damp, flat or slightly convex, the thin exciple raised and persistent; hypothecium light or darker brown; hymenium pale or tinged brown; paraphyses semi-distinct to coherent-indistinct; asci cylindrico-clavate; spores oblong-ellipsoid, 3 to 5 mic. long and 1 to 1.5 mic. wide. Collected in Butler, Adams, Montgomery, Hocking, and Ross counties. On limestone. Not previously reported from Ohio, but probably frequent where there is limestone, though inconspicuous and easily overlooked. 2. Biatorella pruinosa ( J. E. Smith) Mudd Man. Brit. Lich. 191. 1861. Lichen pruinosus J. E. Smith in Sowerby, Eng. Bot. 32: pi. 2244 1811. Thallus light colored, usually thin and smooth, rarely disappearing; apothecia minute to middle-sized, 0. 2 to 1 mm. in diameter, adnate scattered or crowded, flat or slightly convex, the disk pruinose, and the exciple persistent; hypothecium lighter or darker brown; hymenium usually pale; paraphyses coherent and becoming indistinct; asci cylindrico-clavate; spores oblong-ellipsoid, 3 to 5 mic. long and 1 to 1.5 mic. wide. Collected in Butler and Adams counties. On limestone. Not pre¬ viously reported from Ohio, but often occurring with the last in limestone areas. Lecidea Ach. Meth. Lich. XXX. 32. pi. 2. f. 1, 2. 1803. Thallus smooth, roughened, or verrucose, in some species chinky to areolate, or even subsquamulose, rarely rudimentary and evanescent; apothecia minute to middle-sized, usually adnate, but rarely sessile or immersed, with' pale to black, and flat to strongly convex disk; exciple and hypothecium from pale to dark brown in section; hymenium lighter, most commonly pale; spores simple, hyaline, 8 in each ascus. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF LECIDEA Exciple soft, usually light colored. Apothecia usually surrounded by a thalloid veil . coarciata Apothecia not surrounded by a thalloid veil. Exciple becoming covered. Hypothecium pale or pale yellow. Apothecia always minute. Spores 5 to 7 mic. long . 2. L. intropallida Spores 7 to 15 mic. long . 3. L. varians Apothecia reaching middle size . 4. L. rupestris Hypothecium light-brown to dark brown. Thallus gray -green or lighter . 5. L. viridescens Thallus darker from the first or becoming so. Thallus minute and evanescent . 6. L. humicola Thallus well developed and persistent. Thallus of raised granules . 7. L. uliginosa Thallus of flat granules . . 8. L. salvicola Exciple persistent . 9. L. flexuosa Exciple horny, dark colored. Disk usually convex, commonly on wood . 10. L. enteroleuca Disk flat or less commonly convex, on rocks. Disk usually white-to rusty-green-pruinose . 11. L. albocaerulescens Disk black, scarcely pruinose. . 12. L. platycarpa 338 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 1. Lecidea coarctata (J. E. Smith) Nyl. Act. Soc. Linn. Bord. 21: 358. 1856. Lichen coarctatus J. E. Smith in Sowerby, Eng. Bot. 8: pi. 534. 1789. Thallus of minute, scattered or clustered, rounded, angular, or min¬ utely and irregulary crenate, green-gray, pale brown, or more commonly ash-white granules, sometimes passing into a subcontinuous, chinky or are- olate crust; apothecia minute to small, 0.2 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, adnate, from flesh-colored to black, commonly concave or flat, sometimes difform, frequently surrounded laterally by a thalloid veil; hypothecium and hymenium pale to pale brown; paraphyses distinct; asci clavate or cylindri- co-clavate; spores ovoid to ellipsoid, 13 to 23 mic. long and 7 to 10 mic. wide. Collected in Lake, Ross, Hocking, and Preble counties. Also exam¬ ined from Lawrence County. On rocks and old bricks. Not previously reported from Ohio. Widely distributed in the State, but rare, except in Lake County, where this fungus was unusually common. 2. Lecidea intropallida sp. nov. Thallus a continuous, smooth or slightly roughened, ash-gray and dark¬ ening crust; apothecia minute, 0.15 to 0.25 mm. in diameter, adnate or partly immersed, flesh-colored to yellow-brown, flat to slightly convex, the concolorous and inconspicuous exciple soon covered; hypothecium and hymenium pale; paraphyses sometimes distinct, but more commonly coher¬ ent-indistinct; asci clavate; spores simple, hyaline, ellipsoid, 5 to 7 mic. long and 2.5 to 3 mic. wide. Collected near Painesville in Lake County. On pebbles in a moist wood. The type specimen is deposited in the writer’s herbarium, and a cotype may be seen in the State Herbarium. 3. Lecidea varians Ach. Syn. Meth. Lich. 38. 1914. Thallus of very minute, raised or flattened, green-gray to yellow-green granules, these forming a thin but continuous, smooth or granulate- rugose, often chinky crust, usually bordered and often decussated by black lines; apothecia minute, 0.12. to 0.25 mm. in diameter, often clustered or even conglomerate, adnate, from pale yellow to brown and Anally black, flat with a thin exciple to convex with covered exciple; hypothecium pale to pale yellow; hymenium pale below, but often yellow or blue-violet above; paraphyses usually coherent, distinct or indistinct; asci clavate; spores oviod-ellipsoid, 7 to 15 mic. long and 5 to 7. 5 mic. wide. Collected in Adams County. On maple bark. Also reported from Franklin County. The plant is so minute and inconspicuous as to be very difficult to detect and is probably distributed widely in the State. 4. Lecidea rupestris (Scop.) Ach. Meth. Lich. 70. 1803. (See Fig, 10), Lichen rupestris Scop. FI. Cam. ed. 2. 2: 363, 364. 1772. Thallus a continuous, moderately thick, smooth or more or less roughened, often chinky to subareolate, ash-gray, yellow-green, or darken- THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO IV 339 ing crust; apothecia small to large, 0.4 to 1.3 mm. in diameter, at first im¬ mersed but becoming adnate, yellow to yellow or red-brown, flat to strongly convex and the exciple covered; hypothecium pale or pale yellow; hyme- nium pale; paraphyses coherent, semi-distinct to indistinct; asci clavate; spores ellipsoid, 10 to 15 mic. long and 5 to 7 mic. wide. Collected in Adams Country. On calcareous rocks. Not previously reported from North America. 5. Lecidea viridescens (Schrad.) Ach. Meth. Lich. 62. 1903. Lichen viridescens Schrad. Spic. Fi. Germ. 88. 1794. Thallus of very minute, smooth or delequescent and powdery, ash- grey to grey-green granules, spread over the substratum as a thin or rarely thicker crust; apothecia minute to small, 0.2 to 0.5 mm. in diameter, adnate, frequently clustered or even conglomerate, becoming black, from flat with the thin livid or darker exciple visible to convex with the exciple covered; hypothecium pale or darker brown; hymenium pale to pale brown; paraphyses coherent, semi-distinct to indistinct; asci clavate; spores oblong-ellipsoid, 9 to 12 mic. long and 4 to 5.5 mic. wide. Collected on Little Mountain in Lake County, and in Hocking County. On logs in woods. Not previously reported from Ohio, and probably rare in the State. 6. Lecidea humicola (Ach.) comb. nov. Lecidea uliginosa humicola Ach. Meth. Lich. 43. 1903. Thallus of very minute inconspicuous and evanescent, brown-black granules; apothecia minute, 0.2 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, adnate, dark brown to black, scattered or clustered, plain with a thin concolorous exciple vis¬ ible, to convex with the exciple finally covered; hypothecium dark brown; hym.enium pale brown; asci clavate; paraphyses coherent-indistinct; spores oblong-ellipsoid, 9 to 15 mic. long and 5 to 7 mic. wide. Collected in Hocking County. On soil in a moist wood. Not pre¬ viously reported from North America. 7. Lecidea uliginosa (Schrad.) Ach. Meth. Lich. 43. 1803. Lichen uliginosus Schrad. Spic. FI. Germ. 88. 1794. Thallus of scattered, clustered, or even heaped, irregular and minute, green-olive to rust-brown, or even brown-black, somewhat raised and rarely coralloid granules, these forming a scattered or continuous crust; apothecia minute to small, 0.2 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, closely adnate or more or less immersed, often clustered, brown to black-brown, flat with the thin lighter- colored or black exciple visible, or becoming strongly convex, with the exciple finally covered; hypothecium light or darker brown; hymenium tinged yellow or brown; paraphyses closely coherent, but usually remaining distinct; asci long-clavate; spores oblong-ellipsoid, 8 to 14 mic. long and 4 to 7 mic. wide. 340 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Collected in Preble, Butler, Warren, Adams, Fairfield, and Lake coun¬ ties. On dead wood. Widely distributed in Ohio. 8. Lecidea sylvicola Koerb. Syst. Lich. 254. 1855. Thallus of minute, irregular, somewhat flattened or more rarely hemis¬ pherical, green-gray, olive-brown, or darker granules, these forming a thin, continuous, or rarely scattered, subleprose, verrucose, or even subareolate, wide-spread crust; apothecia minute to small, 0.2 to 0.5 mm. in diameter, adnate or rarely more or less immersed, dark brown to black, flat to con¬ vex, the black exciple soon becoming covered; hypothecium brown to black-brown; hymenium pale or tinged brown; paraphyses coherent, semi- distinct to indistinct; asci clavate; spores ellipsoid, 5 to 9 mic. long and 2.5 to 4 mic. wide. Collected in Lake, Ross, Preble, Hocking, and Butler counties. On various rocks. Not previously reported from Ohio, and apparently new to America under this name. Widely distributed in Ohio. For possible relationship to Lecidea myriocarpoides Nyl. See “The Lichens of Minnesota” (Cont. Nat. Herb. 14: 74. 1910). 9. Lecidea flexuosa (Fr.) Nyl. Act. Soc. Linn. Bord. 21. 356. 1856. Biatora flexuosa Fr. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1822: 267. 1822. Thallus of small or minute, flattened or rugose, scattered or clustered, ash-grey to green-gray granules, these bursting into sorediate heaps, or forming a moderately thick, areolate crust; apothecia minute to small, 0.2 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, adnate, black, and flat, the thin, livid or darker, persistent exciple becoming flexuous; hypothecium pale or darker brown; hymenium tinged brown; paraphyses coherent, semi-distinct to indistinct; asci cylindrico-clavate; spores oblong-ellipsoid, 5 to 10 mic. long and 3 to 5 mic. wide. Collected in Preble, Adams, Ross, and Butler counties. On dead wood. Not previously reported from Ohio, and rare, though probably distributed widely in the State. The spores are slightly below normal size in our specimens. 10. Lecidea enteroleuca Ach. Lich. Univ. 177. 1810. Thallus thin or becoming moderately thick, smooth or more often granulate, chinky or areolate, the granules or verrucae rarely becoming heaped in the thicker forms, ash-to green-gray, occurring in rounded areas, or irregularly and often widely spread over the substratum; apothecia minute to middle-sized, 0.35 to 1.2 mm. in diameter, adnate, black, flat to more commonly convex, the frequently flexuous exciple often becoming covered; hypothecium pale to dark brown; hymenium pale below, but usually more or less colored above; paraphyses distinct, but often more or less coherent; asci clavate; spores ovoid-ellipsoid, 8 to 17 mic. long and 5 to 9 mic. wide (Fig. 3). THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO IV 341 Collected in Lake, Adams, and Hocking counties. On bark and rocks. Not previously reported from Ohio. Rare, but doubtless distributed widely in the State. 11. Lecidea albocaerulescens (Wulf.) Schaer. Lich. Helv. Spic. 3: 142. 1828. Lichen albocaerulescens^ vM.m Jacq. Coll. Bot. 2: 184. pi. 5. f. 1. 1788. Thallus smooth or somewhat rough, more or less chinky or becoming obscurely small-areolate, ash- to green-gray, or becoming olivaceous, spread¬ ing over the substratum as a continuous, moderately thick crust; apothecia small to large, 0.5 to 1.5 mm. in diameter, adnate or more or less immers¬ ed, usually flat, almost always white or rusty-green pruinose, the black exciple rarely becoming covered; hypothecium brown to black-brown; hymenium commonly pale; paraphyses distinct, but usually coherent; asci clavate to inflated-clavate; spores ovoid-ellipsoid, 15 to 24 mic. long and 7 to 10 mic. wide. Collected in Preble, Hocking, and Lake counties. Also examined from Lawrence County. On rocks other than calcareous. Not previously reported from Ohio. Rare, but apparently distributed widely in the State. 12. Lecidea platycarpa Ach. Lich. Univ. 173. pi. 2. f. 5. 1810. Thallus a thin, obscurely or more or less plainly roughened, usually chinky to subareolate, ash- to green-gray, continuous or more or less scat¬ tered, sometimes disappearing crust; apothecia small to middle-sized or even larger, 0.4 to 1.5 mm. in diameter, commonly scattered, brown-black to black, rarely and obscurely white-pruinose, adnate to sessile, rounded to flexuous, flat or finally convex, the raised exciple sometimes becoming covered; hypothecium dark brown; hymenium pale below and colored above; paraphyses distinct or coherent-semidistinct; asci clavate; spores ovoid-to oblong-ellipsoid, 14 to 20 mic. long and 6 to 10 mic. wide. Collected in Ross and Hocking Counties. On rocks. Not previously reported from Ohio. Biatorina Mass. Ric. Lich. 134. f. 262-271. 1852. Thallus commonly granulose, and often passing into verrucose and chinky conditions, but scarcely ever areolate, sometimes scant and evane¬ scent; apothecia usually minute or small, and commonly adnate, exciple weak and often becoming covered; hypothecium and hymenium passing from pale through shades of brown, the former becoming darker than the latter, this rarely tinged blue or violet above; spores hyaline, 2-celled. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF BIATORINA Growing on another lichen . . 1. B. heerii Growing on wood or on rocks. On old wood . 2. B. prasina On rocks. Exciple strong and seldom becoming covered . 4. B. chalybeia Exciple weak and usually becoming covered . 3. B. lentibularis 2 O B S 342 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 1. Biatorina heerii (Hepp) Fink Cont. Nat. Herb. 14: 83. 1910. Biatoro heerii Hepp, Spore Flecht. Eur. pi. 16. f. 135. 1853. Thallus of very minute, rounded and frequently heaped granules, some¬ times visible under a hand lens, but often seen only in sections of the sub¬ stratum, rarely disappearing; apothecia minute, 0.1 to 0.3 mm. in diameter, adnate to sessile, flesh-colored and blackening, flat to slightly convex, the concolorous or darker exciple commonly persistent; hypothecium and hymenium pale to light brown; paraphyses distinct to coherent-indistinct; asci clavate; spores ellipsoid, 7 to 12 mic. long and 3 to 3.5 mic. wide. Collected in Butler County. On the thallus of Peltigera canina. Not previously reported from Ohio. So minute as to be difficult to detect. Consequently nothing further is known of its distribution in the State. 2. Biatorina prasina (Fr.) Fink Cont. Nat. Herb. 14: 84. 1910. Micarea prasina Fr. Syst. Orb. Veg. 257. 1825. Thallus of minute, closely clustered or even heaped granules, these forming a wide-spread, frequently subleprose, green-gray to dark-olive crust; apothecia minute to small, 0.2 to 0.5 mm. in diameter, adnate, com¬ monly carneous or darkening, more or less convex and usually becoming convex with the exciple Anally covered; hypothecium pale or pale brown; hymenium pale below and commonly darker above; paraphyses coherent, semi-distinct to indistinct; asci clavate; spores oblong-ellipsoid, 8 to 12 mic. long and 3.5 to 5 mic. wide. Collected on Little Mountain in Lake County. On a rotten log. Not previously reported from Ohio, and evidently rare in the State. Simple spores were seen in the specimens collected, but they were supposed to be immature. 3. Biatorina lentibularis (Ach.) Koerb. Syst. Lich. 191. 1855. Lecidea lentibularis Ach. Syn. Meth. Lich. 28. 1814. Thallus a thin, smooth or subtartareous, rarely rimose-areolate, ash- white to brown-gray, wide-spread and continuous or Anally disappearing crust; apothecia minute to small, 0.2 to 0.5 mm. in diameter, adnate, black, from flat becoming convex and often irregular, the inconspicuous exciple then becoming covered; hypothecium pale to darker brown; hymenium pale or tinged brown; paraphyses distinct to coherent-indistinct; asci clavate; spores oblong-ellipsoid, 8 to 11 mic. long and 2.7 to 4 mic. wide. A single collection was made in Highland County. On exposed cal¬ careous rocks. Not previously reported from Ohio, and doubtless rare in the State. An occasional 4-celled spore was seen, a transitional character pre¬ viously noted by Th. M. Fries. The plant is closely related to the next below, from which it may not be distinct. THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO IV 343 4. Biatorina chalybeia (Borr.) Mudd, Man. Brit. Lich. 180. 1861. Lecidea chalybeia Borr, in Sowerby, Eng. Bot. Suppl. 1: pi. 2687. f. 2. 1831. Thallus a thin, smooth or roughened, ash-gray and darkening crust, forming a continuous layer, becoming inconspicuous and rarely disappear¬ ing; apothecia minute to small, 0.3 to 0.5 mm. in diameter, adnate to sessile, concave to slightly convex, black, the exciple concolorous, promi¬ nent, and rarely becoming covered; hypothecium dark brown; hymenium pale below and* pale brown above; paraphyses wide and strong, distinct to coherent-indistinct; asci clavate; spores oblong-ellipsoid, 8 to 12 mic. long and 3.5 to 4.75 mic. wide (Fig. 4). Collected in Butler County. On calcareous rocks. Not previously reported from Ohio, and probably rare in the State. The spores are somewhat larger than in European specimens. Bilimbia De Not. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 21: 190. 1846. Thallus usually composed of minute granules, these often run together to form a leprose or verrucose and rarely areolate or even subsquaniulose crust, rarely disappearing; apothecia minute or small, usually adnate, with a weak and often covered exciple; hypothecium pale to dark brown; hymenium pale or tinged brown; spores hyaline, usually fusiform or dacty- loid, varying from 4- to 9-celled. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF BILIMBIA On rocks. Apothecia and spores smaller . . . 5. B. microcarpa Apothecia and spores larger . 6. B. trachona On other substrata. On mosses . . 2. B. hypnophila On wood or bark. Spores becoming more than 4-celled . . 3. B, naegelii Spores not more than 4-celled. Apothecia flesh-colored to dark brown . . 1. B. sphaeroides Apothecia black . . . 4. B. melaena 1. Bilimbia sphaeroides (Dicks.) Koerb. Syst. Lich. 213. 1855. Lichen sphaeroides Dicks. PI. Crypt. Brit. 1: 9. pi. 2. f. 3. 1785. Thallus of minute, gray-green, often heaped granules, these forming a continuous, thin or thicker crust; apothecia minute to small, 0.2 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, adnate, flesh-colored to red-brown, flat to convex and subglobose, the inconspicuous, concolorous exciple soon covered; hypo¬ thecium and hymenium pale; paraphyses usually coherent-indistinct; asci clavate; spores fusiform-ellipsoid, 4-celled, 12 to 20 mic. long and 4 to 6 mic. wide. Collected on Little Mountain, in Lake County. On a rotten log in a wood. Rare in Ohio, and its distribution unknown. The plant is typical internally, but is young with small, flat or slightly convex, light-colored apothecia. 344 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 2. Bilimbia hypnophila (Ach.) Th. Fr. Nov. Act. Reg. Soc. Sci. Ups. III. 3; 283. 1861. Lecidea hypnophila Ach. Lich. Univ. 199. 1810. Thallus of minute, usually crowded, sometimes confluent granules, these forming an ash- or green-gray, thin, leprose or subgranulose, some¬ times scattered and disappearing crust; apothecia minute to middle-sized, 0.2 to 0.75 mm. in diameter, light brown to black, adnate to sessile, scat¬ tered or clustered, becoming strongly convex and the exciple becoming covered; hypothecium pale or darker brown; hymenium pale, or tinged brown below and more plainly brown above; paraphyses coherent, semi- distinct to indistinct; asci clavate or long-clavate; spores ellipsoid to fusi¬ form, 4- to 8-celled, 16 to 35 mic. long and 4 to 8 mic. wide. Collected in Preble, Hocking, and Adams counties. Over mosses on rocks or bases of trees; or rarely on rocks, soil, bark, or wood. Not pre¬ viously reported from Ohio, and not a common fungus in the State. 3. Bilimbia naegelii (Hepp) Zwackh. Flora. 45: 505. 1862. Biatora naegelii Hepp, Spor. Flecht. Fur. pi. 4. f. 1. 19. 1853. Thallus of usually flattened granules, these commonly running together to form a moderately thin, more or less roughened, often chinky, ash- or green-gray, or darkening, limited or rarely wide-spread crust; apothecia minute to middle-sized, 0.2 to 0.9 mm. in diameter, adnate or rarely sessile, flesh-colored to dark brown, scattered or clustered, flat with the thin exciple visible to strongly convex with the exciple covered; hypothecium pale or tinged brown; hymenium pale throughout or tinged brown above; para¬ physes coherent, semi-distinct to indistinct; asci clavate; spores fusiform- ellipsoid, 4- to 8-celled, 18 to 25 mic. long and 3 to 4 mic. wide. Collected in Highland County. On bark. Not previously reported from Ohio, and doubtless rare in the State. The usual width given for the spores is 4 to 6 mic., and our plant is placed here provisionally. 4. Bilimbia melaena (Nyl.) Th. Fr. Lich. Scand. 383-385. 1871. Lecidea melaena Nyl. Bot. Not. 1853: 182. 1853. Thallus of minute, olive-green to black-brown granules, these forming a thin, granulose or scurfy, sometimes disappearing crust; apothecia minute to small, 0.25 to 0.55 mm. in diameter, black-brown to black, sessile, occur¬ ring singly or in clusters, strongly convex to subglobose, the exciple soon covered; hypothecium pale brown to red-brown; hymenium pale or tinged brown; paraphyses coherent, semi-distinct' to indistinct; asci clavate to in- flated-clavate; spores oblong-ellipsoid or dactyloid, 2- to 4-celled, 12 to 22 mic. long and 4 to 6 mic. wide. Collected in Lake County. On an old log in a wood. Not previously reported in Ohio, and rare in the State. THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO IV 345 Nylander called the apothecium pale within, but forms with red-brown hypothecia are admitted by later writers. 5. Bilimbia microcarpa Th. Fr. Bot. Not. 1863: 8. 1863. Bilimbia obscurata microcarpa Th. Fr. Nov. Act. Soc. Sci. Ups. HI. 3: 183. 1861. Thallus of minute ash-gray or green-gray granules, these rarely form¬ ing a thin or moderately thick, subcontinuous, verrucose crust, but more often scattered or disappearing entirely; apothecia minute to small, 0.25 to 0.7 mm. in diameter, scattered or conglomerate, dirty brown to black, soon becoming convex and subglobose, with the pale exciple then covered; hypothecium pale to pale red-brown; hymenium pale; asci clavate to inflat- ed-clavate; paraphyses coherent-indistinct; spores fusiform, 4-celled, 16 to 25 mic. long and 4 to 6 mic. wide. Collected in Hocking County. On shaded sandstone. Not previously reported from North America. 6. Bilimbia trachona (Ach.) Oliver Lich. France 38,39. 1903. Verrucaria trachona Ach. Meth. Lich. Suppl. 16. 1803. Thallus thin and granular, passing into smooth or leprose conditions, thence to thickened and subareolate states, ash-colored to dark brown- green, usually continuous over considerable areas; apothecia minute to middle-sized, 0.4 to 0.1 mm. in diameter, from brown-black with lighter exciple to wholly black, adnate or somewhat immersed, flat or finally convex with the exciple at length covered; hypothecium pale brown to black-brown; hymenium pale or rarely pale brown; paraphyses distinct to coherent semi- distinct; asci clavate; spores fusiform-dactyloid, 4-celled, 12 to 20 mic. long and 2.5 to 4.5 mic. wide (Fig. 5). Collected in several localities in Preble, Highland, and Adams counties. On rocks, usually limestone. Also reported from Cuyahoga and Ottawa counties. Not common, but doubtless distributed widely in the State. Bacidia De Not. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 2: 189. 1846. Thallus granulose, passing into chinky, verrucose, subareolate and subsquamulose conditions, seldom or never disappearing; apothecia minute to large, adnate or rarely immersed more or less, exciple usually weak and becoming covered; hypothecium commonly some shade of yellow or brown; hymenium pale to light brown; spores hyaline, acicular, varying from 4- to 16-celled, often curved or variously twisted, usually 8 in each ascus. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF BACIDIA On rocks. Spores hamate or spirally twisted . 7. B. umbrina Spores straight or only slighly curved. Thallus ash- or green-gray . 5. B. inundata Thallus olive or darker . . . 1. B. egenuloidea 346 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY On bark. Spores less than 40 mic. in length . . 6. B. incompta Spores 40 to 70 mic. long. Apotheci a flesh-yellow to red-brown . 2, B. rubella Apothecia brown to black. Apothecia usually brown with a striate, usually pruinose margin . . 3. B. fuscorubella Apothecia usually black or dark brown, without striate and pruinose margin . . 4. B. schweinitzii 1. Bacidia egenuloidea sp. nov. Thallus of minute, crowded granules, forming a rather thick, conspicu¬ ous, rugose and obscurely chinky, dirt-olive and darkening, wide-spread crust; apothecia minute to small, 0.25 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, yellow-brown and darkening, adnate-sessile, flat with an elevated, darker exciple; hypo- thecium and hymenium pale or tinged brown; paraphyses coherent, semi- distinct; asci clavate; spores hyaline obscurely several-celled, variously curved, 25 to 40 mic. long and 0.75 to 1.25 mic. wide. Collected in Preble County. On granite in a damp fleld near West Alexandria. The type specimen is deposited in the writer’s herbarium, and a cotype may be found in the State Herbarium. 2. Bacidia rubella (Hoffm.) Mass. Ric. Lich. 118. f. 231. 1852 Verrucaria rubella Hoffm. Deutsch. FI. 2: 174. 1795. Thallus of minute, scattered or crowed granules, these frequently becoming compacted into a subleprose or more or less verrucose or chinky, ash- to green-gray, moderately thick or thinner, continuous or sometimes scattered and disappearing crust (Fig. 2); apothecia small to large, 0.5 to 1.35 mm. in diameter, sessile to adnate, flesh-yellow to red-brown, flat with a rather thick and lighter-colored exciple, or becoming convex with the exciple Anally covered; hypothecium pale yellow to brown; hymenium pale yellow; paraphyses coherent, semi-distinct to indistinct; asci long clavate; spores about 8- to 16-celled, 45 to 65 mic. long and 3 to 4 mic. wide. Collected in Butler, Highland, Adams, and Preble counties. Also examined from Franklin County. On bark. Widely distributed in Ohio, but not common. 3. Bacidia fuscorubella (Hoffm.) Arn. Flora 54: 55. 1871. Verrucaria fuscorubella Hoffm. Deutsch. FI. 2: 175. 1795. Thallus of minute, crowded or scattered granules, these forming a usually conspicuous and often rugose and chinky, green-gray or darker, frequently wide-spread, rarely disappearing crust; apothecia small to large, 0.6 to 1.5 mm. in diameter, pale to darker brown and Anally black, adnate or sessile, flat with an elevated, and sometimes transversely striate, and usually pruinose exciple, less frequently becoming convex with the exciple rarely becoming covered; hypothecium yellow to yellow-brown; hymenium THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO IV 347 pale yellow; paraphyses coherent, semi-distinct to indistinct; asci long- clavate; spores about 7- to 14-celled, 40 to 70 mic. long and 3 to 5 mic. wide. Collected in Butler and Adams counties. Also reported from Cham¬ paign and Hamilton counties. On bark. This fungus appears to be rare in Ohio. In one specimen, some of the disks are partly or wholly pruinose, but the plant seemed nearer to this than to Bacidia sujfusa (Fr.) Fink. 4. Bacidia schweinitzii (Tuck.) Fink Cont. Nat. Herb. 14: 89. 1910. Biatora schweinitzii Tuck, in Dari. FI. Cestr. ed. 3. 447. 1853. Thallus thin and inconspicuous, or becoming thick and more prom¬ inent, composed of rounded and often crowded or even heaped granules, these frequently compacted into a continuous or scattered, verrucose and often chinky, green-gray to olivaceous crust; apothecia small to large, 0.6 to 1.75 mm. in diameter, dark brown to black, adnate or sessile, flat or slightly convex, the concolorous or lighter exciple frequently becoming flexuous; hypothecium pale yellow to dark brown; hymenium pale yellow; paraphyses coherent, distinct to semi-distinct; asci long-clavate; spores about 7- to 15-celled, 40 to 70 mic. long and 2.5 to 3.5 mic. wide. Collected in Fairfleld, Hocking, and Adams counties. On bark. Evi¬ dently a rare fungus in Ohio. 5. Bacidia inundata (Fr.) Koerb. Syst. Lich. 187. 1855. Biatora inundata Fr. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1822: 270. 1822. Thallus of minute granules, these usually compacted into a thin or rarely thicker, granulate, chinky, or subareolate, ash- or green-gray or darkening, commonly wide-spread, continuous or scattered crust; apothecia minute to middle-sized, 0.2 to 0.75 mm. in diameter, pale brown to Anally black, adnate or rarely more or less immersed, usually flat and bordered by the commonly lighter colored exciple, rarely becoming convex, the exciple then Anally covered; hypothecium pale to brown; hymenium pale to pale brown; para¬ physes coherent, semi-distinct to indistinct; asci clavate to long-clavate, spores 4- to 8-celled, 15 to 40 mic. long and 1.5 to 2.6 mic. wide. Collected in Butler, Preble, Highland, Adams, Warren, and Lake coun¬ ties. On various rocks in shaded or open moist places, and also about the moist shaded bases of rocks in dry fields. Also reported from Cuyahoga county and doubtless common in all parts of the State. 6. Bacidia incompta (Borr.) Anzi, Cat. Lich. Sondr. 70. 1860. Lecidea incompta Borr. in Sowerby, Engl. Bot. Suppl. 2: pi. 2699. 1834. Thallus of very minute granules, these forming a continuous or more or less broken, wide-spread, sometimes thick and rugose or rarely even subareolate, or again thin, smooth, more or less mealy, light or darker green-gray, rarely disappearing crust; apothecia minute to middle-sized, 0.3 to 0.75 mm. in diameter, dark brown to black, adnate to sub-sessile. 348 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY flat or becoming convex, with a thin and frequently flexuous exciple; hypo- thecium pale brown to brown; hymenium pale below and pale brown above; paraphyses coherent, semi-distinct to indistinct; asci long-clavate; spores 4- to 12-celled, 18 to 35 mic. long and 1.5 to 3 mic. wide. Collected in Adams County. On bark. Not previously reported from Ohio, and doubtless rare in the State. 7. Bacidia umbrina (Ach.) Br. & Rostr. Bot. Tidssk. 3: 235. 1869. Lecidea umbrina Ach. Lich. Univ. 183. 1810. Thallus a rather thick and continuous, or rarely thinner and scattered, subleprose, chinky, rugose-granulate or subareolate, green-gray to dark olive-brown, sometimes largely disappearing crust; apothecia minute to small, 0.25 to 0.6 mm. in diameter, light brown to black, adnate to some¬ what immersed, at first flat with a commonly paler exciple, becoming con¬ vex with the exciple sometimes covered; hypothecium pale or darker brown; hymenium pale throughout, or tinged brown above; paraphyses coherent, semi-distinct to indistinct; asci long-clavate, or inflated-clavate; spores hamate, or more or less spirally twisted, about 4- to 8-celled, 18 to 30 mic. long and 2 to 3 mic. wide (Fig. 7). Collected in Preble, Lake, Hocking, and Adams counties. Also ex¬ amined from Wayne County. On various rocks. Not previously reported from Ohio, but evidently distributed widely in the State. Buellia De Not. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 21; 195. 1846. Thallus granulose, verrucose, or areolate, rather better developed than those of the preceding genera as shown in the more frequent verrucose and areolate conditions; apothecia minute to large, sessile to immersed, the disk and the exciple usually black; hypothecium usually brown; hymenium pale to light brown; paraphyses usually distinct; spores brown, 2-celled. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF BUELLIA On rocks . 3. B. turgescenioides On wood, or on bark. On dead wood . . 1. B. myriocarpa On bark . . 2. B. parasema 1. Buellia myriocarpa (Lam. & DC.) Mudd. Man. Brit. Lich. 217. 1861. Patellaria myriocarpa Lam. & DC. FI. ed. 3. 2: 346. 1805. Thallus a thin and scurfy, smooth or chinky, or thicker and roughened- verrucose, ash- to green-gray, or darkening crust, irregularly spread over small areas, and rarely disappearing; apothecia minute to small, 0.2 to 0.6 mm. in diameter, often numerous, black, adnate, flat and bordered by an exciple, or becoming convex with the exciple sometimes covered; hypothe¬ cium dark brown; hymenium pale, or pale below and pale brown above; paraphyses distinct, but sometimes loosely coherent; asci clavate; spores oblong-ellipsoid, 7 to 16 mic. long and 4 to 7.5 mic. wide. • THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO IV 349 Collected in Butler and Lake counties. On dead Vv^ood, especially posts and boards. Also reported from Cuyahoga County. An inconspicuous fungus, doubtless distributed widely in the State. 2. Buellia parasema (Ach.) Koerb. Syst. Lich. 228. 1855. Lichen parasemus Ach. Lich. Suec. 64. 1798. Thallus usually continuous and smooth, but sometimes becoming thicker and roughened, granulate, chinky, or finally areolate, ash- to green- gray, and darkening, or even yellow-green, usually bordered wholly or in part by a black margin; apothecia small to large, 0.4 to 1.3 mm. in diameter, black, adnate to sessile, or rarely more or less immersed, flat with a prom¬ inent, concolorous, sometimes flexuous exciple, or sometimes becoming convex, with the exciple often covered (Fig. 11); hypothecium dark brown; hymenium pale below and pale brown above; paraphyses distinct (Fig. 12), but sometimes loosely coherent; asci clavate (Fig. 13), or rarely inflated clavate; spores oblong to ellipsoid, 10 to 18 mic. long and 5 to 9 mic. wide, rarely 3-celled (Fig. 13). Collected in Fairfield, Lake, Adams, Highland, Hocking, and Butler counties. Also examined from Morgan, Madison, and Muskingum coun¬ ties. On bark. Generally distributed in Ohio. 3. Buellia turgescentoides sp. nov. Thallus a thick, continuous or scattered, flat or verrucose, areolate or subareolate, dull olive-brown, and darkening crust, covering small areas or spreading widely over the substratum, the marginal areoles sometimes lobulate; apothecia minute to small, 0.2 to 0.5 mm. in diameter, im.mersed to adnate, scattered or clustered, black, flat with the thin concolorous exciple visible, or convex with the exciple covered; hypothecium pale or darker brown; hymenium pale; paraphyses stout, distinct, but often loosely coherent; asci clavate or inflated-clavate; spores brown, 2-celled, oblong to oblong-ellipsoid, 8 to 13 mic. long, and 4 to 6 mic. wide, 8 in each ascus. Collected in Lake County. On exposed igneous rocks. The type specimen is deposited in the writer’s herbarium, and a cotype may be found in the State Herbarium. This species is a coarser plant than Buellia turgescens (Nyl.) Tuck., with much stronger, darker thallus and apothecia on the whole larger. Rhizocarpon Ram. in Lam. & DC. FI. Fr. ed. 3. 2: 365. 1805. Thallus usually verrucose, areolate or subareolate, tending toward squamulose conditions, better developed than in other members of the family, scarcely ever showing granulate conditions, and never disappearing entirely; apothecia also larger than in the other genera, adnate to immersed, usually black, but rarely white-pruinose; hypothecium usually dark brown; hymenium pale to light brown; spores 4-celled to muriform, and pale to brown, various conditions of septation and coloration sometimes appearing in the same hymenium. 350 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY KEY TO THE SPECIES OF RHIZOCARPON On bark . 2. R. alboatrum On rocks. Spores smaller and 4-celled . 1. R. vernicomoideum Spores larger and becoming muriform . 3. R. petraeum 1. Rhizocarpon vernicomoideum sp. nov. Thallus of minute, rounded, scattered or sometimes clustered, straw- colored granules, covering small areas, and usually resting on and limited wholly or in part by a black hypothallus; apothecia minute to small, 0.2 to 0.6 mm. in diameter, black, semi-immersed to adnate, at first flat with a thin somewhat raised exciple, becoming convex with the exciple finally covered; hypothecium brown; hymenium pale or tinged brown below and light brown above; paraphyses coherent, distinct or semi-distinct; asci clavate; spores brown, 4-celled, becoming slightly constricted at the septa, 15 to 18 mic. long and 5 to 7 mic. wide, 8 in each ascus. Collected at Cantwell Cave in Hocking County. On shaded sand¬ stone, intermingled with an ash-gray, crustose thallus, which appeared like a sterile Pertusaria. The type specimen is deposited in the writer’s herbarium, and a cotype may be seen in the State Herbarium. The plant resembles Buellia vernicoma Tuck. 2. Rhizocarpon alboatrum (Hoffm,) Th. Fr. Nov. Act. Reg. Soc. Sci. Ups. HI. 3: 337. 1861. Lichen alboater Hoffm. Lich. Icon. 30. 1784. Thallus ash-gray varying toward white, commonly spread widely over the substratum as a continuous or rarely scattered or disappearing, smooth, chinky, verrucose-areolate, or sometimes mealy crust: apothecia small to middle-sized, 0.35. to 1 mm. in diameter, adnate or immersed, dull black and often more or less white-pruinose, flat with the black exciple visible, or convex when the exciple often becomes covered; hypothecium brown to black-brown; hymenium pale or tinged brown; paraphyses distinct, but sometimes coherent; asci clavate; spores oblong-ellipsoid, brown, 4-celled to muriform, 12 to 22 mic. long and 4 to 9 mic. wide (Fig.8j, 8 in each ascus. Collected in Butler, Preble, Ross, and Highland counties. On bark, especially elm bark. Also reported from Ottawa County. Rare but doubt¬ less distributed widely in the State. 3. Rhizocarpon petraeum (Wulf. ) Koerb. Syst. Lich. 260. 1855, Lichen petraeus Wulf. in Jacq. Coll. Bot. 3: 4. pi. 6. f. 2a. 1789. Thallus an ash or green-gray crust, or varying toward brown or brown- black, smooth to more commonly roughened, chinky to areolate, continuous or scattered, of moderate thickness, often widely and irregularly disposed on the substratum; apothecia small to large, 0.5 to 1.3 mm. in diameter, immersed to adnate, black-brown to black, flat with the concolorous THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO IV 351 exdple visible, or becoming somewhat convex, with the exciple often covered; hypothecium dark brown; hymenium pale, or tinged brown, espec¬ ially above; paraphyses coherent, semi-distinct; asci clavate or inflated-cla- vate; spores oblong-ellipsoid, 4 celled to muriform, hyaline to finally brown, 15 to 40 mic. long and 7 to 18 mic. wide. 8 in each ascus (Fig. 9). Collected in Lake, Hocking, and Ross counties. Also examined from Summit, Vinton, and Ashtabula counties. On rocks. Rare but widely distributed in the State 352 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY EXPLANATION OF PLATE XIII Fig. 1. Five paraphyses of Rhizocarpon alboairum to illustrate types of simple and branched forms found in the same hymenium. X 450. Fig. 2. A section of the thallus of Bac/W/fl rubella and two cells of the woody sub¬ stratum: a, the upper densely interwoven portion of the thallus; b, part of the less densely interwoven portion below; c, the algal-host cells; d, one of the cells of the woody substratum and three hypal rhizoids within it. X 450. Fig. 3. Spores of Lecidea enteroleuca to illustrate the simple, hyaline type. X 760. Fig. 4. Spores of Biatorina chalybeia to illustrate the 2-celled, hyaline type. X 760. Fig. 5. Spores of Bilimbia trachona to illustrate the several-celled, hyaline, fusiform or dactyloid type. X 760. Fig. 6. Spores of Bacidia fuscorubella to illustrate the several-celled, hyaline, acicular type. X 760. Fig. 7. Spores of Bacidia umbrina to illustrate the several-celled, hyaline, hamate or spirally twisted type. X 760. Fig. 8. Spores of Rhizocarpon alboatrum to illustrate the several-celled to many- celled and muriform, hyaline to brown type. X 760. Fig. 9. Spores of Rhizocarpon petraeum of the same type as those shown in the last figure, but larger, and usually composed of more cells. X 760. Fig. 10. A vertical section through an apothecium of Lecidea rupestris: a, the hyme¬ nium, composed of asci and paraphyses; b, the hypothecium; c, the mycel¬ ium, the cells of the algal host, and particles of the limestone on which the plant was growing; d, the weak, light-colored, covered exciple. X 79. Fig. 11. A vertical section through an apothecium of Buellia parasema, the thallus below, and a portion of the woody substratum: a, the hymenium, composed of asci and paraphyses; b, the strongly developed, dark colored exciple; c, the dark colored hypothecium; d, the thallus, composed of interwoven hyphae, and enclosing cells of the algal host, a portion of the woody substratum. X 79. Fig. 12. One branched and one unbranched paraphysis of Buellia parasema. X 450. Fig. 13. An ascus of Buella parasema, containing 8 spores. X 450. The figures were outlined with camera lucida and drawn on the table, close to the base of the microscope, 100 mm. below the stage. They were reduced one-half in making the plate. Figures 2, 10, and 11 are partly diagrammatical. OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY— VOL. 11. PLATE XIII. 353 354 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO V* The Peliigeraceae. Leafy J. Corrington. Two genera, Peltigera and Nephroma, constitute the Peliigeraceae as represented in the flora of Ohio. The thallus is plainly foliose with the margins of the lobes usually ascending and is gray-green to brown in color. The lower surface is often conspicuously veined. There are two pronounced distinctions between the two genera. Peltigera has a well-developed cortex on the upper side of the thallus only (Fig. 1), while in Nephroma there is a well-developed cortex on both upper and lower sides (Fig. 2). The position of the apothecia constitutes another distinction. In both genera the apothecia are marginal or submarginal on the lobes, which are usually narrow and somewhat extended; but in Peltigera they are immer¬ sed in the upper surface, while in Nephroma they are imbedded in the lower surface. Peltigera furnishes seven species for Ohio, while only one species of Nephroma has thus far been found in the State. The algal hosts are usually Daciylococcus or Polycoccus, and both hosts are sometimes found in the sam.e thallus. The chains of cells are usually badly broken up, and the nature of the algal host is, therefore, difficult to distinguish. Other algae doubtless sometimes occur in the thalli of Peltigerae. Nephroma with cortex on both sides, is to be regarded higher than Peltigera, which has the cortex on the upper side only. The family is most closely related to the Stictaceae, from which family it is kept distinct on account of the absence of cyphellae and the difference in disposition of the apothecia. The collecting on which this paper is based was partly by Bruce Fink in connection with general collecting of fungi in Butler County and in collecting in Adams, Warren, Fairfleld, Preble, Ross, Highland, and Lake counties for the Ohio Biological Survey. However, a considerable amount of material found by other collectors and previously reported from Ohio was examined. Hence, the collecting for the Ohio Biological Survey added little to knowledge of the Pcltigeraceae of Ohio, except in way of addition to distribution in the State. Systematic Account PELTIGERACEAE Thallus foliose, with plectenchymatous cortex above (Fig.5), or both above and below (Fig. 2), with medulla of loosely interwoven hyphae, trichomatic hyphae, usually present, attached to the substratum by com- *Contributions from the Botanical Laboratory of Miami University— XIX THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO V 355 pound rhizoids; apothecia of considerable size, commonly on extended lobes, usually imbedded in the tissues on the upper side, or more rarely on the lower side; exciple inconspicuous; hypothecium usually light or darker brown; hymenium usually pale below and brown or tinged brown above; paraphyses simple or branched, distinct, seldom gelatinized or coherent; spores hyaline or brown, 4- to several-called, elongated. KEY TO THE GENERA 1. Cortex developed on the upper side of thallus only, spores hyaline . Peltigera. 2. Cortex developed on both upper and lower sides of thallus, spores brown . Nephroma. Peltigera Willd. FI. Berol. Prodr. 347. 1787. Thallus foliose, usually adnate toward the center, with the lobes more or less ascending at the margins, green-gray varying toward brown, the upper surface sometimes bare, or again clothed with trichomatic hyphae, giving it a downy appearance, or bearing cephalodia or isidioid branchlets, the lower surface usually conspicuously veined, with tufted -rhizoids descending from the veins, color of these light or dark; cross section showing two distinct layers, the upper plectenchymatous cortex composed of 2 to 4 layers of meshes, and the medulla, composed of densely interwoven and irregularly disposed hyphae; lower cortex lacking, but the hyphae of the lower portion in some instances more or less horizontally arranged and produced into hyphal rhizoids, thus serving for support and protection much like a true plectenchymatous cortex; apothecia usually orbicular, frequently revolute, imbedded in the upper surface of the lobes; exciple plectenchymatous (Fig. 4); hypothecium of interwoven hyphae, usually tinged brown; hymenium commonly pale below and brown above; par¬ aphyses usually simple, but some branched ones present in all of the species, hyaline in the main, but usually enlarged and tinged brown at the apex; asci usually cylindrico-clavate; spores hyaline, fusiform to acicular, sometimes curved, 4 to 8-celled, 8 arranged parallel in the asci. The algal host cells lie in the medulla, just below the upper cortex. 2. P. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF PELTIGERA Upper surface of the thallus bearing cephalodia Upper surface of the thallus devoid of cephalodia. Thallus bearing trichomatic hyphae above. Upper surface bearing isidioid branchlets or lobules Upper surface devoid of isidioid branchlets or lobules. Orbicular sorediate areas on the upper surface of the thallus 3 Soredia lacking on the upper surface. Lower surface of the thallus of light color Lower surface partly or wholly dark Thallus devoid of trichomatic hyphae. Apothecia orbicular and revolute, spores 4-to 8-celled Apothecia usually transversely oblong, spores 4-celled 1. P. aphthosa 5. 6. P. 7. P. praetextata P. sored iata 4. P. canina P. rufescens polydactyla horizontalis 356 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 1. Peltigera aphthosa (L.) Willd. FI. BeroL Prodr. 347. 1787. Lichen aphthosus L. Sp. PI. 1148. 1753. Thallus closely attached to the substratum at the center, the lobes ascending, 6 to 8 cm. in diameter, smooth and devoid of trichomatic hyphae above, cephalodia more or less rounded and irregularly scattered over the surface (Fig. 3), the lobes broad and rounded with crenate margins, brown above, the lower surface having numerous veins, these forming a dark brown nap at the center, the veins distinct and light toward the margin, dark rhizoids extending from the veins; medulla composed of thick- walled, densely interwoven hyphae, irregularly disposed; apothecia on extended lobules, orbicular and frequently revolute, the disk red-brown, 2 to 5 mm. in diameter, the margin entire or crenulate; hypothecium pale brown; hymenium hyaline to pale brown above; asci cylindrico-clavate; spores acicular, straight, 4-to 6-celled, 47 to 66 mic. long and 4 to 5 mic. wide (Fig. 8, d). Examined from Clark County. Also reported from Champaign County. On earth and often on humus-covered rocks. Rare in Ohio. 2. Peltigera praetextata (Sommerf.) Fink. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 1918: 267. 1918. Peltigera ulorrhiza praetextata Sommerf. Lapp. Suppl. 123. 1826. Thallus adnate toward the center, more or less ascending toward the margins, 7 to 15 cm. in diameter, the upper surface having isidioid branch- lets or lobules scattered more or less thickly, the lobes broad, wavy, crenate, with frequently isidioid, lobulate margins, trichomatic hyphae often present, usually green-gray toward the center, becoming brown toward the margin, the lower surface light with numerous dark veins and bearing rhizoids of the same color, the veins and rhizoids becoming light colored toward the margin; medulla of densely interwoven and irregularly dis¬ posed hyphae; apothecia on narrow, somewhat extended lobes, the disk brown to brown-black, revolute, 2 to 5 mm. in diameter, hypothecium light to darker brown; hymenium pale below and brown above; asci cylin¬ drico-clavate; spores sub-fusiform to acicular, usually straight but some¬ times slightly curved, 4-to 6-celled, 42 to 56 mic. long and 3 to 5 mic. wide. Examined from Eranklin, Adams, Butler, Marion, Jefferson, and Preble counties. On soil, old logs, and moss in woods. Not previously reported from Ohio, but included under Peltigera canina and Peltigera rufescens. Evidently widely distributed and frequent in the State, but seldom fruited. 3. Peltigera sorediata (Schaer. ) Eink comb. nov. Peltigera canina spuria sorediata Schaer. Enum. Lich. Eur. 21. 1850. Thallus small, composed of scattered lobes, these 1 to 4.5 cm. in length, adnate with slightly ascending rounded, and crenate margins, the upper surface usually deep gray at the center, becoming lighter toward the margin, thickly covered with trichomatic hyphae, orbicular sorediate areas THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO V 357 scattered over the upper surface, the lower surface ash-white to cream- colored, with a network of veins of the same color, with similarly colored rhizoids extending downward; medulla of small, densely interwoven and irregularly extending hyphae; apothecia somewhat digitately clustered on the narrow lobes, small, 1. 3 to 3 mm. in diameter, orbicular, flat or semi¬ revolute, dark brown; hypothecium light brown; hymenium hyaline below and brown above; asci long-clavate; spores acicular, 6-to 8-celled, 53 to 66 mic. long and 3 to 3.5 mic. wide (Fig. 8, b). Examined from Butler and Lake counties. On damp earth and mossy rocks. Not previously reported from Ohio, and probably not widely distributed in the State. Surely rare. 4. Peltigera canina (L.) Hoffm. Deutsch. FI. 2: 108. 1795. Lichen caninm L. Sp. PI. 1149. 1753. Thallus closely adnate toward center, the lobes more or less ascend¬ ing, 6 to 15 cm. in diameter, the upper surface for the most part thickly covered with trichomatic hyphae, generally giving it a downy appearance under the lens, the lobes numerous and usually broad and rounded, with entire or crenate and much crisped margins, usually green-gray but some¬ times becoming brown, below almost white, netted with light brown or gray veins, these bearing rhizoids of the same color; medulla (Fig. 5) of densely interwoven and irregularly disposed hyphae; apothecia on narrow, extended lobes, often erect, orbicular, usually revolute, 2 to 7 mm. in diameter, the disk dark brown; hypothecium (Fig. 7) pale brown; hy¬ menium (Fig. 6) pale below and brown above; asci long-clavate; spores acicular, straight or sometimes curved, 4- to 8-celled, 30 to 65 mic. long and 3 to 5 mic. wide (Fig. 8, d). Examined from Butler, Franklin, Ashtabula, Green, Seneca, Summit, Lorain, Preble, Brown, and Adams counties. On soil or mosses in woods. Generally distributed and frequent in Ohio. 5. Peltigera rufescens (Neck.) Hoffm. Deutsch. FI. 2: 107. 1795. Lichen rufescens Neck. Meth. Muse. 79. 1771. Thallus closely adnate at the center with ascending lobes, 5 to 15 cm. in diameter, the upper surface smooth and devoid of trichomatic hyphae for the most part, but the margins sometimes sparingly covered with them, green-gray to brown, the lobes crowded, rather small with crenate, much crisped, elevated margins, the lower surface usually becoming dark brown except at the margins, and thickly reticulated with brown veins, from these numerous rhizoids of similar color extending; medulla of densely interwoven variously disposed hyphae; apothecia numerous on narrow, extending lobes, the disk brown to black-brown, revolute, 4 to 7 mm. in diameter; hypothecium pale brown; hymenium hyaline to pale brown below and dark brown above; asci long-clavate; spores acicular, straight or curved, 4- to 8-celled, 45 to 68 mic. long and 3.5 to 5 mic. wide. 358 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Examined from Butler, Preble, Clark, Adams, and Summit counties. Also reported from Champaign County. On earth and mosses, commonly about trees. Widely distributed in Ohio, but infrequent. 6. Peltigera polydactyla ( Neck. ) Hoffm. Deutsch. FI. 2: 106. 1795. Lichen polydactylon Neck. Muse. 85. 1771. Thallus adnate at the center with ascendant margins of the lobes, 6 to 11 cm. in diameter, the upper surface smooth and shining, devoid of trichc- matic hyphae, the lobes broad with crisped, crenate margins, except those bearing the apothecia, these much narrower and more elongated and usually digitately clustered, brown in color for the most part, the lower surface showing through a reticulation of dark veins as small light-colored spots, numerous dark rhizoids extending downward from the veins; medulla of densely interwoven and irregularly disposed hyphae; apothecia orbicular, and usually revolute, the disk dark brown, 3 to 10 mm. in diameter; hypothecium pale brown; hymenium pale below and dark brown above; asci clavate to cylindrico-clavate; spores acicular, straight or slightly curved, 4- to 6-celled, 42 to 70 mic. long and 3 to 4 mic. wide. Examined from Clark, Fairfield, and Morgan counties. On earth. Rare in Ohio. 7. Peltigera horizontalis (L.) Hoffm. Deutsch. El. 2: 107. 1795. Lichen horizontalis L. Mant. PI. 2: 132. 1771. Thallus mostly adnate, the margins scarcely ascending, 6 to 20 cm. in diameter, the upper surface smooth and shining, devoid of trichomatic hyphae, green-gray to brown, the lobes broad and rounded with entire or crenate margins, the lower surface covered with numerous veins, these giving a dark coloration toward the center and becoming light colored toward the margins, numerous dark rhizoids extending down from the veins; medulla of thick-walled, densely and irregularly disposed hyphae; apothecia on somewhat narrowed lobes, transversely oblong or infrequently orbicular, the disk red-brown, concave, 2 to 4 mm. in diameter; hypothe¬ cium light brown; hymenium pale below and dark brown toward the upper surface; asci cylindrico-clavate; spores fusiform to long-ellipsoid, straight to curved, 4-celled, 26 to 40 mic. long and 5 to 6.5 mic. wide. (Fig. 8 a). Examined from Lake and Fairfield counties. On earth and mossy rocks. Rare in Ohio. Nephroma Ach. Lich. Univ. 101. 521. pi. 11. f. 1. 1810. Thallus foliose, but smaller and thinner than that of Peltigera, and devoid of trichomatic hyphae, more or less closely attached to the sub¬ stratum by rhizoids; cortex well developed on both upper and lower sides; medulla well developed (Fig. 2); apothecia confined to the lower side of the thallus, marginal on narrow, slightly elongated lobes, thalloid margin per¬ sistent and crenate; hypothecium usually some shade of brown; hymenium THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO V 359 usually pale below and brown above; paraphyses simple or branched; spores brown, 4-celled, 8 in each ascus. The algal-host cells occur as in Peltigera 1. Nephroma Helvetica Ach. Lich. Univ. 523. 1810. Thallus adnate, rather closely attached to the substratum by numer¬ ous short, hyaline, thick-walled rhizoids, irregular or sometimes orbicular in form, 6 to 10 cm. in diameter, green-gray to brown above, smooth or bearing tooth-like branchlets, narrowly and laciniately lobed, the margins of the lobes serrate or crenate, slightly ascending, beneath finally tomentose, and brown or black-brown; plectenchymatous cortices well developed above and below; medulla of narrow, thin-walled, densely, variously disposed hy- phae; apothecia numerous, the disk red-brown to almost black, 1.3 to 3 mm. in diameter; hypothecium of interwoven hyphae, pale brown; hymenium pale brown below and darker above; asci clavate; paraphyses simple or branched, slightly swollen and brown at the apex; spores brown, ellipsoid, 4-celled, 15 to 21 mic. long and 5.5 to 8 mic. wide. Examined from Butler and Champaign Counties. On trunks and mossy rocks. Rare and usually sterile in Ohio. 360 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 EXPLANATION OF PLATE XIV A section through the thallus of Peltigera canina, showing the cortex above and the medulla below, the medullary hyphae of the lower portion running in a somewhat horizontal direction. The algal cells shaded. X 380. A section through the thallus of Nephroma helvetica, showing the cortices, upper and lower, and the mycelial medulla within. The algal cell shaded. X 760 A section through a cephalodium of Peltigera aphthosa; a, the surrounding cortex; b, the internal hyphae and the cells of the algal host; c, the support¬ ing hyphae from the thallus below. Partly diagramatic. X 48. A small portion of a section through the exciple of Peltigera canina, showing the plectenchymatous structure. X 380. OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY— VOL. IL PLATE XIV. 361 362 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY EXPLANATION OF PLATE XV Fig. 5. A section through the cortex of Peltigera canina, showing its relation to the medullary hyphae. X 760. Fig. 6. A portion of a section of the hymenium of Peltigera canina, showing two asci containing spores, two asci with protoplasmic contents, and five paraphyses. X 760. Fig. 7. A portion of a section through an apothecium of Peltigera canina, showing part of the hymenium of interwoven hyphae below and the bases of three paraphyses above. X 760. Fig. 8. Types of spores found in the Peltigeraceae: a, 4-celled spores of Peltigera horizontalis; b, 6- to 8-celled spores of Peltigera sorediata; c, 4-celled spores of Peltigera aphthoisa; d, 4- to 8-celled spores of Peltigera canina. X 380. The drawings were made with camera lucida and were reduced one-half in making the plates. OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY— VOL. IL PLATE XV. 363 INDEX Bacidia . 345 Bacidia egenuloidea . 346 Bacidia fuscorubella . 346 Bacidia incompta . 347 Bacidia inundata . 347 Bacidia rubella . 346 Bacidia schweinitzii . 347 Bacidia umbrina . 348 Biatorella . 336 Biatorella pruinosa . 337 Biatorella simplex . . 336 Biatorina . 341 Biatorina chalybeia . 341 Biatorina heerii . 343 Biatorina lentibularis . 342 Biatorina prasina . 342 Bilimbia . 343 Bilimbia hypnophila . 344 Bilimbia melaena . 344 Bilimbia microcarpa . 345 Bilimbia naegelii . 344 Bilimbia sphaeroides . 343 Bilimbia trachona . 345 Buellia . .. 348 Buellia myriocarpa . 348 Buellia parasema . 349 Buellia turgescentoides . 349 Lecideaceae . 336 Lecidea . . . . 337 Lecidea albocaerulescens . 341 Lecidea coarctata . 338 Lecidea enteroleuca . 340 Lecidea flexuosa . 340 Lecidea humicola . 339 Lecidea intropallida . 338 Lecidea platycarpa . 341 Lecidea rupestris . 338 Lecidea sylvicola . . 340 Lecidea uliginosa . 339 Lecidea varians 338 Lecidea viridescens . 339 Nephroma . 358 Nephroma helvetica . 359 Peltigeraceae . 354 Peltigera aphthosa . 356 Peltigera canina . 357 Peltigera horizontalis . 358 Peltigera polydactyla . . . 358 Peltigera praetextata . 356 Peltigera rufescens . 357 Peltigera sorediata . 356 Rhizocarpon . 349 Rhizocarpon alboatrum . 350 Rhizocarpon petraeum . 350 Rhizocarpon vernicomoideum . 350 364 L. I (31? Al? I /i N UN I V. OF ILLINOIS UI?I3 ANA ill N The Ohio State University Bulletin Volume XXV May 28, 1921 Number 26 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN W OF Si.!:;"’; VOLUME II, No. 6 ‘ JUL 3 ^ 1923 : y, THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO IV BRUCE FINK THE ASCOMYCETES OF OHIO V LEAFY J. CORRINGTON MAY. 1921 PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY AT COLUMBUS. OHIO Entered as second-class matter November 1 7, 1905, at the Postoffice, at Columbus, Ohio, under Act of Congress, July 16, 1 894. OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Herbert Osborn, Director OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY IN CO-OPERATION WITH OTHER OHIO ■ COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Administrative Board consisting of Representatives from co- operating institutions. E. L. Fullmer, Bald win- Wallace University, Berea, 0. A. B. Plowman, University of Akron, Akron, 0. L. B. V/alton, Kenyon College, Gambler, 0. Bruce Fink, Miami University, Oxford, 0. .F. 0. Grover, Oberlin College, Oberlin, 0. E. L. Rice, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, 0. F. H. Herrick, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, 0. C. G. Shatzer, \ Wittenberg College, Springfield, 0. ANNOUNCEMENT The Bulletins of the Ohio Biological Survey will be issued as work on any special subject is completed, and will form volumes of about 500 pages each. They will be sent to co-operating institutions and individuals, libraries and colleges in Ohio and to such surveys, societies and other organizations as may offer suitable exchange material. Additional copies of each Bulletin and of completed volumes will be sold at such price as may cover the cost of publication. Special rates on quantities to schools for classes. Subscription for entire volumes . $2.00 Price of this number . 50 All orders should be accompanied by remittance made payable to Ohio Biological Survey and sent to the Director. Correspondence concerning the Survey, applications for exchanges and purchase of copies of Bulletins should be addressed to the Director — Professor Herbert Osborn, Columbus, Ohio. Bulletins Ohio Biological Survey I. Outline of Biological Survey Plan Syrphidae of Ohio by C. L. Metcalf . $ .50 II. Catalog of Ohio Vascular Plants by John H. Schaffner . 50 III. Botanical Survey of the Sugar Grove Region by R. F. Griggs . . . 50 IV. The Euglenoidina of Ohio by L. B. Walton . 50 V. The Ascomycetes of Ohio. — I by Bruce Fink The Ascomycetes of Ohio. — II by Bruce Fink and C. Audrey Richards . 50 VI. Qualities and Uses of the Woods of Ohio by Wm. R. Lazenby . 50 VII. The Physiographic Ecology of the Cincinnati Region by E. Lucy Braun . 50 VIII. The Tingitoidea of Ohio by Herbert Osborn and Carl J. Drake . 50 IX. The Grasses of Ohio " by John H. Schaffner . 50 X. The Ascomycetes of Ohio. — IV and V by Bruce Fink and Leafy J. Corrington . 50 0 OF iu.iaoiuc.T;a JUL 30 1923 '■■'•’ <•' 'Si V’-.'V^v' 'V* »V|J'f •/•J t'- -vvlra 5,' >■ ' •',. 'I' ■ &’*’ " '■ DflllitfinL'. ■> .' ■ i' ^■■■' ■ •'/ ’ ’ ''iiJ *' * ''Avik ' ■' j'% w p. .*fc. 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