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Baily, Jr. (1937) Harald A. Rehder (1941) Henry van der Schalie (1946-47) Myra Keen (1948) Elmer G. Berry (1949) J. P. E. Morrison (1951) A. Byron Leonard (1953) Joseph C. Bequaert (1954) Morris K. Jacobson (1955) Allyn G. Smith (1956) Ruth D. Turner (1957) Aurele LaRocque (1958) R. Tucker Abbott (1959) Katherine V. W. Palmer (1960) Thomas E. Pulley (1961) William K. Emerson (1962) Albert R. Mead (1963) John Q. Burch (1964) Juan J. Parodiz (1965) Ralph W. Dexter (1966) Leo G. Hertlein (1967) Arthur H. Clarke, Jr. (1968) Joseph Rosewater (1969) Alan Solem (1970) David H. Stansbery (1971) Honorary Life Members William J. Clench Joseph C. Bequaert Katherine V. W. Palmer Margaret C. Teskey Leo G. Hertlein A. Myra Keen Honorary Life President S. Stillman Berry THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, Inc. BULLETIN for 1971 AMU, Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, Inc. CONTENTS AMU Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting 1 Papers read at AMU 37th Annual Meeting: Amblema plicata (say), Maintenance of the Naiad in an Artificial System Martha H. Fikes 35 AMU Conservation Committee Report 50 Aquaculture of Mollusks Along the West Coast of the United States William N. Shaw 23 Aquaculture of Mollusks in the Gulf Coast Region T. J. Costello 22 Aquatic Ohio Mollusca, Some Occurences and Assemblages of Harold J. Walter 40 Caecidae Collected at St. Croix, Virgin Islands, Ecological and Systematic Notes on Donald R. Moore 11 Chisos Mountains, Big Bend National Park, Texas, Land Snails of Wm. Lloyd Pratt 8 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! Kenneth J. Boss - 11 Cinematographic Studies of Crawling Behavior in Larval and Juvenile Bivalves John L. Culliney 29 Cinephotomicrography: A Tool in Biological Studies Ruth D. Turner 30 Ciam Aquaculture, Recent Advances in Hugh J. Porter 16 Cuba, Notes on Malacology in Morris K. Jacobson 3 Dentalium pilsbryi, Microanatomical Studies of Ken Bazata 10 Diplodon delodontus, the “Superspecies” J. J. Parodiz 34 Elliptio in North Carolina, Sympatric Species of Joseph P. E. Morrison 38 Feeding in Janthina jantJiina Edward T. LaRoe (Abstract) 28 Greater Adaptability of Fresh-Water Mussels to Natural than Artificial Displacement Marc J. Imlay 43 Haminoea solitaria (Say) in New York Dorothy Raeihle 31 Helicodiscus, Delayed Oviposition in Carl W. Gugler 10 Kudzu Vine and Associated Land Snail Fauna Dorothy E. Beetle 6 Lake LBJ, Texas, Fresh-Water Mussels of Harold D. Murray 36 iii Mariculture Experiments with the Bay Scallop, Argopecten irradians in Waters of the Seaside of Virginia Michael Castagna and William P. Duggan 21 Molluscan Aquaculture in British Columbia Neil Bourne 25 Molluscan Aquaculture, Introduction to Symposium on William N. Shaw, Convener 12 Molluscan Mariculture, the Role of Genetics in R. W. Menzel 13 Mollusks Coincident with North Carolina’s Calico Scallop Industry Hugh J. Porter 32 Mollusk Fauna of the North Fork Holston River at Saltville, Virginia, The David H. Stansbery 45 Naiad Mollusk Fauna of the Lower Olentangy River Following Channelization and Highway Construction, Population Changes in Carol B. Stein 47 Oyster Culture, the Development of Closed System Don Maurer 18 Shell Images in American Furniture Before 1850, Structural and Decorative Uses of Glenn A. Long 5 Vagabonding for Shells — in Retrospect William J. Clench 42 List of attending members and guests and group photograph - 56 AMU Annual Business Meeting 51 Report of the Secretary 52 Report of the Treasurer 52 AMU Membership List 54 Index of Authors 70 iv Bulletin of the American Malmological Union, Inc. February 1972 THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, Inc. THIRTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING Cocoa Beach, Florida July 15-19, 1971 The festivities began even before the official opening of the 37th Annual Meeting. Those who arrived at the Atlantis Motel in Cocoa Beach on July 14th found at the registration desk a large sign inviting everyone to cocktails and supper at the home of Mrs. Smith Whiteside in Indian Harbour Beach. There were cocktails at poolside, and a buffet supper offering an assortment of casseroles and salads prepared by members of the Astronaut Trail Shell Club. The mood was festive, and AMU members filled the patio, living room and dining room of Jeanne's new home. (Pro- nounce her name “Johnnie”.) The only regrets to be heard concerned an inability to sample all the many delicious casseroles. This party seemed to set the tone for the whole meeting, which was notable for its more leisurely than usual pace, providing a greater opportunity for asking questions of speakers, and for per- sonal contact and conversations with other mem- bers. The heat and humidity, and the rain which came almost every afternoon, did nothing to dampen the members’ spirits. The morning of July 15th was registration time at the Atlantis Convention Center, a time for greeting old friends and acquaintances not seen for a year or more. Many familiar faces were missing, mostly because of collecting trips to distant parts of the world or other activities. Although 125 were registered, there was no lack of enthusiasm. The souvenirs distributed at regis- tration included a large live-collected Murex fulvescens for each person. Some members had already collected shells on the beach and among the green plants outside the Convention Center. The Annual Meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m. with a welcome by Mrs. Eleanor Hillman, local committee co-chairman, and from Tom Sproul, City Manager of Cocoa Beach. President Stansbery responded on behalf of the AMU and introduced the first of the 30 papers. The informal gathering Thursday night was highlighted by Dr. Larry Mertens, an under- water photographer and instructor in that specialized art. Friday night was Shell Club Night. Highlight- ing the evening were many slides of shells and living mollusks, brought by shell club members. More and more people are tackling the demanding task of photographing live mollusks, with excel- lent results. The Question Box was opened and Dr. Clench answered a number of questions for mem- bers. Door prizes were six specimen shells, donated by members. Because of the late hour, we were not able to have the club reports read aloud, but they will be printed in more detail in the Spring 1972 Newsletter. Sunday was a purely social day, highlighted by a picnic on North Grange Island, in the Indian River near Grant, Florida. We were taken up the coast by bus and had our daily rain shower v/hile waiting for the barge and boat that took us to the island in shifts. The delicious meal of clams, chicken, corn on the cob, potatoes and carrots was more than most of us could finish. The picnic was catered by a local group, and proceeds were added to a scholarship fund for local children. Some of us had brought collecting gear. Many shells were to be found around the small, sandy island, but the live ones were mostly small, common species. We were surprised to find that most of the plentiful clam shells were Mercenaria mercenaria, not M. campechiensis, and we were told that they were harvested commercially. At least one member came back with a live angel wing, which was on display in a bucket of water the next day. Sunday night was another evening of films, scheduled at the same time as the Executive Council meeting, so not all members were able to attend. Monday was the last day for papers, with a workshop on rare and endangered mollusks in the afternoon, at which Mr. Earl B. Baysinger of the Office of Endangered Species of the Department of Interior spoke. This was followed by the annual Business Meeting. While the meeting room was being transformed into a banquet hall, the members changed into their finery. As we entered the hall, the most striking feature was the decorations — center- pieces with foot-long horse conchs and lightning whelks, surrounded by other local shells plus preserved echinoderms. After the buffet-style 1 2 MARIAN S. HUBBARD dinner, Karl Jacobson spoke on the history of Cuban Malacology in his own inimitable way. President Stansbery introduced the other officers and the Past Presidents in attendance. Mrs. Hill- man supervised the distribution of an extraordi- nary number of doorprizes. The first prize, won by Carl Gugler, was the main decoration on the dais, a beautiful arrangement of shells and other marine life on a foam plastic base. The artist had thoughtfully used a minimum of water-soluble glue in putting it together, so that the recipient could take it apart easily. Each member found one or more shells at his place when he sat down, from the Central Florida Shell Club as well as the host club. All were delighted to hear that they could also take the shells used as decorations. There were still more shells in boxes at the rear of the room, and many members went through them and left with bags full of “goodies”. The com- mittee was even thoughtful enough to provide paper bags for those taking shells. All the shells had come from commercial fisherman (probably scallop dredgers) working 30 miles east of Cape Canaveral. The last day saw the remaining members going off on field trips, both marine and fresh water. The shore collecting trip was scheduled to take advantage of the lowest tides. A number of smaller species were found alive, especially at Sebastian Inlet. Your secretary went on the fresh water collecting trip to a creek tributary to Lake Washington. This spot provided several species of mussels in quantity, plus Helisoma and Pomatia snails. Even the professionals said they had never had any easier collecting. Although it was not difficult to feel the mussels in the mud among the roots of the water lilies, it was even easier to walk along the banks of the creek and find scores of mussels that had been “collected” and eaten by some animal. Dozens of the mussels were still in pairs, and some of the well-cleaned but unbroken apple snails even had operculums nearby. With Dr. Morrison, some of us went on to a collecting spot on the St. James River nearby, where we found mostly the same species plus one Elliptio not previously recorded from that area. Looking back over the week, we realized that conservation was the topic that kept recurring, in private conversations as well as formal meetings. Fresh water mollusks are the ones most endan- gered, both from pollution and from the builders of dams. The dams create deep lakes, and many populations of mollusks cannot live in deep water. Although marine mollusks are not in such im- mediate danger, we should all be aware that over- collecting live mollusks could endanger popula- tions. Conservation should always be in mind. The most important thing at a convention is the papers presented, but perhaps the part an individual remembers most about a particular con- vention is the people with whom he came in con- tact. We have especially fond memories of the Astronaut Trail Shell Club members who worked long and hard to make our stay in Cocoa Beach most pleasant. They had extraordinary problems to overcome. The principal problem was the motel, which had changed ownership. Bess Severance, Eleanor Hillman, and others from the Club were always at the registration desk, ready to help members with their large and small problems. There were many especially thoughtful touches, like the coffee urn and hot water for tea in the meeting room. The amount of shells they had collected live and cleaned for us was overwhelm- ing. Very few of these people had been to an AMU Meeting before. We hope that many of them will be at Galveston next year to renew acquaintances and to really enjoy a convention. Marian S. Hubbard Recording Secretary Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 NOTES ON MALACOLOGY IN CUBA Morris K. Jacobson AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NEW YORK, NEW YORK SUMMARY OF BANQUET ADDRESS Cuba, like the other Greater Antilles, is uniquely rich in land shells, specially land prosobranchs of the families Pomatiasidae and Helicinidae. It is very rich but not necessarily richer than Jamaica and Hispaniola and probably, like the other two richer than Puerto Rico. Yet in malacology Cuba is — or until recently was — far ahead of the others. The mollusks have been more thoroughly studied in Cuba, by foreign and na- tive specialists, and have been more enthusiastical- ly collected by foreign and Cuban amateurs than those of any country in the New World besides the United States. Thus, regions like Mexico and Hispaniola, which are blessed with the richest of land snail faunas, have never aroused enough popular interest to form a conchological society or to publish a malacological periodical. And it was only in very recent years that some display of interest in shells began to develop in Brazil and Uruguay. But in the rest of the Americas with the exception of Canada there is not a sign. In Cuba also, though many European and Cuban specialists studied the native mollusks, there was at first little popular interest in the subject. It was not until the 1940’s that a big boom in popular interest took place as a result of which the first malacological society outside the United States and the first malacological periodical be- sides those in the United States was established. Large numbers of Cubans became enthusiastic shell hobbyists and large and valuable private collections were formed. What caused this boom, what happened to the collections made, and what the present day status of the subject is in Castro’s Cuba — as far as I could determine — will be the subject of my talk. The highwater mark of this interest in mala- cology lasted from about 1942, when the Sociedad Malacologica ‘Carlos de la Torre' was formed in Havana, to approximately 1954, when the Revista de la Sociedad Malacologica ‘Carlos de la Torre’ was suspended after having gone through two numbers of volume 9. The boom finally came to an end when the Sociedad, together with ail private associations, were abolished in the early 1960’s by the Communist government. Together with this abolition of the Sociedad came the more or less voluntary donation of all private collections to the new Academia de Ciencias where indications are that they are being somewhat less than satis- factorily cared for. The first Cuban land shells which came to the attention of Europeans were not recognized as such. Thus Helix picta Born (now Polymita) was thought to have come from the coast of Italy and Buccinum fasciatum Muller (now Liguus fasciatus) was reported from the Indies. Even as late as 1838, Isaac Lea described Helicina pulcherrima (now Emoda) as coming from Java. The first shell named which was known to come from Cuba seems to be Helix bonplandi Lamarck 1820 (now Eurycampta) . In the early and middle 19th century several European travellers came to Cuba where they collected many species and later described them in German, English, French, and Spanish publica- tions. Among these men should be mentioned Arthur Morelet, Ludwig Georg Karl Pfeiffer, who in 1839 wrote the first specialized paper on Cuban land shells, Alcides Dessalines d’Orbigny, whose malacological contribution to the huge Historia Fisica, Politica, y Natural de la Isla de Cuba by Sagra (1842-1845) is one of the most important works on the subject. Mention must also be made of Johannes Christoph Gundlach, the gentle Ger- man scholar who came to Cuba in 1838, fell in love with it and stayed there till his death in 1896. One of the best foreign collectors was the American, Charles Wright, who wandered about on foot in the Cuban countryside, collecting plants and shells for specialists to describe and name. Among the Cubans of this period we must not omit Felipe Poey y Aloy, the greatest of Cuban naturalists as well as one of the leading geniuses which the New World produced. He deserves to be far better known to us than he is. The only Cuban of the period who largely specialized in mollusks was Rafael Arango y Molino whose catalogue of 3 4 MORRIS K. JACOBSON Cuban shells (Contribucion a la Fauna Mala- cologica Cubana (1878-80) remains even today the best single work on the subject ever published. The later Cuban and American students of Cuban mollusks are too numerous to mention. They would include practically every American malacologist of note, such as Pilsbry, Bartsch, Henderson, Clench, etc. etc. Among younger Cubans we must at least mention the names of Carlos Guillermo Aguayo, Miguel L. Jaume, and Luis Howell Rivero. But there are many many more. The dean of Cuban malacologists was Don Carlos de la Torre y Huerta who died in 1956. His career as politician, educator, naturalist, and malacologist deserves an essay in itself. But until the 1940’s the study of snails remained largely the exclusive province of specialists and trained observers. Then an event occurred which made the ‘caracolitos’ one of the most popular hobbies among the Cubans of leisure. This was the publication in 1938 by the United States National Museum of THE CUBAN OPER- CULATE LAND SHELLS OF THE SUBFAMILY CHONDROPOMINAE by Carlos de la Torre and Paul Bartsch, to be followed in 1941 by the same authors’ THE CUBAN OPERCULATE LAND MOLLUSKS OF THE FAMILY ANNULARIIDAE, EXCLUSIVE OF THE SUBFAMILY CHONDRO- POMINAE, and in 1942 by THE CYCLOPHORID OPERCULATE LAND MOLLUSKS OF AMER- ICA, in which they were aided by Joseph P. E. Morrison. These handbooks had certain great advantages; they were superbly illustrated and printed, they provided clear and detailed locality data for each taxon described — a point of tremendous value in Cuba where many species have a fantastically restricted range — , and they were easily acces- sible and cost less than $2 each. I found all three works in the hands of all the Cuban shell people I ever visited. The appearance of these three works drove many Cubans into a collecting frenzy. Other hobbies were given up for the ‘caracolitos.’ Even popular weeklies of large circulation, such as BOHEMIA, had to take notice of the craze. Mak- ing land shell collections and naming “novedades” (new species) blossomed as readily as the excel- lent Cuba tobacco and sugar cane under the hot subtropical sun. As a result, every nook and cranny was hunted down for snails. Cuba became splendidly known conchologically. A side result was that the first inklings of the need for conservation of the in- comparable snail fauna began to appear. But the three monographs which caused this furor malacologicus were not without their faults. The descriptions were lengthy and repetitive and it was difficult to winnow the diagnostic features from the chaff of repeated adjectives. However, this fault was largely overcome by the truly ex- cellent illustrations and admirable locality data. Probably most readers relied on the figures and the precise locality data alone to name up their hauls. A somewhat more serious fault was the over- naming of taxa on the basis of variable details of shell morphology. Unfortunately this became a tradition which was followed by the authors of the REVISTA, and as a result the Cuban land fauna is overburdened with many useless names. Of course, it is not the only one. I can only say a few words about the status of malacology in modern day Cuba. From the little I could learn, there still seems to be a good deal of study going on in very restricted circles. Unfortun- ately, pitifully little of this is being published. Moreover the few students still trying to do work in the field find themselves seriously hind- ered by an almost complete lack of the rich modern literature which is the blessing of the science today. To conclude, I see the tasks of a revived interest in Cuban malacology to consist of the following: 1) the continued collection and description of the fauna, since the restricted habitat of many species and the increased industrialization of the country will put the existence of many molluscan forms into jeopardy; 2) intensive studies of the life history — includ- ing ecological requirements — of even the better known groups; 3) the care and maintenance of the important type collections present in various Cuban museums; 4) and the thorough revisions of the fauna in the light of newer taxonomical concepts. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1912 STRUCTURAL AND DECORATIVE USE OF SHELL IMAGES IN AMERICAN FURNITURE BEFORE 1850 Glenn A. Long TOWSON, MARYLAND SUMMARY This is the first paper in a series meant to describe the origins of shell decorations on early American furniture. It deals with the appearance of these shell images, their similarity to other decorative elements, and their structural relation to living zoological specimens. During the initial stages of research, this writer has assumed that the selection of certain kinds of shell images by American furniture makers signifies some kind of specialized cultural function or meaning. Fascination with and classification of things in nature, popular within intellectual circles in England during the late seventeenth, eighteenth, and early nineteenth centuries, provided a cultural context well suited to the practice of decorating elegant furnishings with shell carvings and in- lays. Three style periods are represented in early American shell ornamented furniture. They are (1) Queen Anne style (ca. 1720-1750); (2) Chip- pendale style (ca. 1750-1785); and (3) Classical style (ca. 1785-1840). Furniture from these periods are decorated with shells on the knees of the cabriole legs, on the aprons of case pieces and chairs, on the undulating front surfaces of block- front chests and desks, on the large central drawers of high and low chests, and on the tops of Classical style card tables, dressing tables, and desks. Carved shells of a type resembling the family Pectinidae are commonly found on furniture made in eastern Pennsylvania and Maryland. There are regional variations of these carvings which occur within this area of the eastern seaboard and are significant in making stylistic attributions of works to known craftsmen. In New England are found examples made in and around Newport, Rhode Island which seem to have been inspired by Tridacna gigas and its related species. There is an ancient Greek ornament called the anthemion which seems to have been combined with shell carvings and contributed to the imaginative free- dom seen in carvings made by Chippendale cabinetmakers. Inlaid shell ornaments occuring in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth cen- turies seem to be illusionistic versions of exotic gastropods. Some of these inlays might well have been inspired by such marine shells as Strombus gallus Linne and Lambis violacea Swainson. Thomas Seymour, a cabinetmaker from Boston, is known to have commissioned a local artist to decorate a Classical style commode with a paint- ing of six gastropods. Three questions conclude this survey of early American shell ornamentation. One of them is this: Is it possible to make a definitive attribution of a piece of Queen Anne, Chippendale or Classical style furniture to a given cabinetmaker through study and comparison of shell carvings and shell inlay selections? This might well become the thesis question for a second paper in this series. PLATE 1 DRESSING TABLE — Chi'p'pendale style ca. 1760 Walnut Detail of shell carving on cabriole leg. Reproduced through the courtesy of Mrs. William D. Poultney. 5 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 KUDZU VINE AND AN ASSOCIATED LAND SNAIL FAUNA Dorothy E. Beetle PENINSULA NATURE MUSEUM NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA An accidental fire set by a passing train burned over the north boundary of the woods surrounding the Peninsula Nature Museum, Newport News, Virginia, on March 28, 1971. This area had been completely taken over by Kudzu vine which had spread from the slopes of an adjacent railroad overpass. The fire burned off all of the leaf litter, exposing bare sand. Snail shells were lying in considerable numbers on the surface of the sand. All that was required was to lay out square yard plots, count the shells and collect them for identifi- cation. Ten species of land mollusks were found on the steep slopes of the railroad overpass. Three ad- ditional polygyrids were on the floor of the woods. Newport News lies on a peninsula which juts into Chesapeake Bay. The climate is mild with abundant rain. Originally the land where the museum and overpass are situated was covered with a mixed pine and hardwood forest. White and black oaks and hickories are abundant. Sweetgum, red maple, beech, tulip tree, and the shrubby dog- wood, sourwood and alder occur in the area. The soil is coarse sand, with crossbedded sands, gravels and clays extending downward to con- siderable depths. At the museum the elevation is only 45 feet above sea level. When the highway and overpass were con- structed in 1958, the steep sandy slopes were planted with Kudzu vine to prevent erosion. There is no denying that Kudzu prevents erosion, but it rapidly forms a dense mass that smothers local vegetation. Volunteer plants are unable to estab- lish themselves and the Kudzu invades roadside and forest, far beyound its original planting. Currently the Kudzu vine has invaded the woods belonging to the Nature Museum, and will even- tually destroy our nature trails unless funds can be found to spray and kill the vine and replant native vegetation. Shrubs have been smothered under festoons of vine and the tallest trees have been killed as their crowns were covered. Under the trees only scattered patches of moss, grass and a few early spring flowers, that bloom be- fore the Kudzu becomes active, have survived. In fall the vine becomes dormant and sheds its leaves. On the ground there is a brittle mat of dead leaves resting slightly above the soil on the vines which thickly crisscross everywhere. These leaf mats can be lifted intact to expose the bare sand beneath them. Even in the woods the sand permits rapid leach- ing of material and only a thin humus layer is formed. Under the Kudzu vine desiccated plant material consists almost entirely of the previous year’s growth. On the steep slopes of the overpass the sand has almost no trace of plant debris in unburned areas. In spite of the exposed habitat of the dry steep overpass slopes, the most species were found here, although the largest population of polygyrids was concentrated at the base of the slope and on the level ground under the dead trees. Following is a list of the species occuring at several stations and the number of shells found. Station 1. One square yard, 35° slope almost under the overpass, 3 feet above ground level. Triodoysis juxtidens 9 Retinella indentata paucilirata 1 Hawaiia minuscula 3 Ventridens cerinoideus 1 Zonitoides arhoreus 2 Helicodiscus parallelus 1 Strohilops labyrinthica 5 Gastrocopta contracta 17 Vertigo oscariana 1 Triodopsis juxtidens and Gastrocopta contracta were most numerous at this station. While Triodopsis was numerous all through the one and one half acre tract, Gastrocopta was only abun- dant here. Only one shell of the minute Vertigo oscariana was found, although the slopes and floor of the woods were searched for more shells. Below this station, at the base of the slope, 9 Triodopsis albolabris were lying. Station 2. One square yard on low slope of embankment, 15 feet from entrance to museum grounds. 6 KUDZU VINE AND AN ASSOCIATED LAND SNAIL FAUNA 7 Triodopsis juxtidens 8 Retinella indentata paucilirata 3 Helicodiscus parallelus 2 Succinea sp., juvenile 2 Gastrocopta contracta 1 Station 3. Floor of forest, under and around fallen log 4 inches diameter. Standing trees dead, area bare of native plants. Triodopsis juxtidens 28 Triodopsis fallax ohsoleta 4 Helicodiscus parallelus (under log) 6 Retinella indentata paucilirata (under log) 2 Transect, 50 feet long. 1/2 foot on either side of line, forest floor invaded by Kudzu Vine. Triodopsis juxtidens 19 T. fallax ohsoleta 6 T. albolabris 12 Mesodon thyroidus 5 Retinella indentata paucilirata 1 Ventridens cerinoideus 1 Havoaiia minuscula (under log) 1 In woods still free of Kudzu vine, a search under old logs and through the leaf litter turned up the same animals except for Succinea sp., Gastrocopta contracta and Vertigo oscariana. Triodopsis juxtidens and Helicodiscus parallelus were most abundant. This area is somewhat disturbed due to the fairly heavy recreational use. Gratitude is expressed for the assistance of F. Wayne Grimm for identification of several snails. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 LAND SNAILS OF THE CHISOS MOUNTAINS, BIG BEND NATIONAL PARK, TEXAS Wm. Lloyd Pratt COLLECTIONS DEPARTMENT, FORT WORTH MUSEUM OF SCIENCE & HISTORY FORT WORTH, TEXAS The Chisos Mountains are a rhyolitic igneous range rising to an elevation of 2568 m out of the Chihuahuan desert of southern Brewster County, Texas. A single uplifted remnant of upper cretaceous limestone is included in the range. The range is surrounded by shrub desert and is isolated from the Sierra Fronteriza of north- western Coahuila, the nearest wooded range, by a distance of about 80 km. It is doubtful that a continuous habitat suitable for montane land snails has existed between the ranges during pleistocene or recent times (Wells, 1966). The upper bajada slopes and foothills support poorly developed succulent desert (Gehlbach, 1967). Above about 1500 m the range is vegetated by evergreen woodland, with limited areas of deciduous wood- land in protected canyons. Two dominance types of Pinyon-Oak-Juniper woodland correspond to the Quercus-Juniyerus types a and b of Gehlbach (1967). The xeric type, occupying the majority of the wooded sites in the range, is dominated by Pinus cembroides (Mexican Pinyon), Quercus grisea (Gray Oak), Juniperus flaccida (Drooping juniper), and J. pinchotti (Red-berry Juniper), of relatively low stature, more open spacing, and less mesic shrub and herb layers. The mesic type, occupying the floor and lower slopes of protected canyons, at elevations above 1800 m is dominated by P. cembroides, Q. grisea, and J. deppeana (Al- ligator-bark Juniper), with Cupressus arizonica (Arizona Cypress) and P. ponder osa (Ponderosa Pine) locally attaining co-dominant status and with Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas Fir) as a local constituent. The stature is taller, the spacing is closer, and the inferior layers more mesic and more diverse than in the xeric type. Whitson (1965) describes the mesic dominance type of Boot Canyon. Deciduous woodland is restricted to the most mesic conditions, such as the stream-bed and adjacent floor of canyons, the vicinity of springs, and protected north-facing slopes. The deciduous woodland is dominated by Q. gravest (Graves Oak) with Acer grandidentatum (Big- tooth Maple) as a local co-dominant. The purely igneous foothills and bajada of the Chisos Mountains do not support a land snail fauna. Elsewhere in the region, on limestone and calcareous alluvium, there is a distinctive desert fauna, completely separate from the montane fauna herein described. Studies of these desert calciphiles have barely started and are not re- ported at this time. Snail habitat in the xeric evergreen woodland is limited. Snails are largely restricted to the leaf mold beneath dead, decaying Agave harvardiana (Harvard Agave) and to rocky ledges. Population levels are low, and most areas are devoid of snails. Gastrocopta ashmuni (Sterki), Polygyra chisosensis Pilsbry, and Humboldtiana agavophila Pratt comprise the fauna. In the mesic evergreen, woodland snails are found under rocks, logs, and dead Agave. Populations are generally sparse, but snails may be locally abundant under good cover. Cionella lubrica (Muller), Pupilla hebes (Ancey), Gastrocopta pellucida (Pfeiffer), G. pentodon (Say), Helicodiscus singleyanus (Pilsbry), Radiodiscus millecostatus Pilsbry and Ferriss, Glyphyalinia indentata (Say), Eu- conulus fulvus (Muller), P. chisosensis, and H. agavophila make up the fauna. In the deciduous woodland, snails are found under rocks and logs, in talus slopes, and in the leaf litter. G. pentodon, Columella alticola (Ingersoll), Pallifera sp., Helicodiscus eigenmanni (Pilsbry), H. singleyanus, Punctum vitreum (H. B. Baker), R. millecostatus, G. indentata, E. fulvus, Striatura meridionalis (Pilsbry and Ferriss), Pseudosubulina cheatumi Pilsbry, Thysanophora horni (Gabb), Microphysula ingersolli (Bland), and an undescribed Hum- boldtiana living in shaded talus (Boot Canyon) comprise the fauna. The cool, moist interiors of rock slides and of crevices in sheltered cliffs com- prise a distinctive habitat. Cionella lubrica, P. 8 LAND SNAILS 9 hehes, G. pentodon, H. singleyanus, R. mille- costatus, G. indentata, E. fulvus, P. cheatumi, P. chisosensis, Humholdtiana chisosensis Pilsbry, probably H. edithae Parodiz, and four undescribed Humholdtiana have been collected to date. Pilsbry collected a Pallifera sp. in this habitat (Metcalf, 1970). The rockslide habitat transgresses the three above mentioned habitats, and its fauna is a mix- ture of species characteristic of the deciduous woodland and mesic evergreen woodland with specialized forms not found outside of rockslides. The uplifted remnant block of limestone which forms Laguna Meadow and the eastern side of Ward Mountain (Elevation ca. 2200 m.) supports an interesting calciphilous fauna. Although the habitat is xeric evergreen woodland, the fauna found under dead Agave and in the leaf litter under thickets of Q. intricata (Chihuahua Scrub Oak) resembles that of the mesic evergreen wood- land more closely and includes two apparently obli- gate calcicoles, Vallonia perspectiva Sterki and a Succinea species. The fauna also includes : P. hehes, G. pellucida, G. ashmuni, H. singleyanus, G. indentata, E. fulvus, and H. agavophila (type locality). Population density is higher than in any other habitat. The zoogeographic affinities, with one possible exception, seem to be with the Southwestern and Mexican Plateau provinces of the Western Amer- ican division. Gastrocopta pellucida, G. pentodon, Helicodiscus singleyanus, Glyphyalinia indentata, and Striatura meridionalis are widespread species ; Helicodiscus eigenmanni and Thysanophora horni occur in both the Texan and Southwestern prov- inces and T. horni in the Mexican Plateau as well. Pseudosubulina cheatumi, Polygyra chisosensis, and the genus Humholdtiana are Mexican, and the remaining species are Southwestern, with one exception. Punctum vitreum is Texan, but it is known from the state of Vera Cruz and may occur in the ranges of the Mexican Plateau. The almost total lack of information on land snails in the mountain ranges of the Chihuahuan desert region (=Mexican Plateau) is a stumbling block to zoogeographic speculations. The data would seem to show that the fauna is transitional between the Sonoran desert region (=Southwestern) and the Chihuahuan, but it is conceivable that virtual- ly all of the “Sonoran” forms in the Chisos faxma occur also in the Chihuahuan and that the fauna is entirely Chihuahuan in origin. The latter case seems more likely in view of the situation in re- gard to plants and other animal groups. LITERATURE CITED Gehlbach, F. R. 1967. Vegetation of the Guadalupe Escarpment, New Mexico-Texas. Ecology 48:404-419. Metcalf, A. L. 1970. Field Journal of Henry A. Pilsbry pertaining to New Mexico and Trans- Pecos Texas. Sterkiana no. 39:23-37. Wells, P. V. 1966. Late pleistocene vegetation and degree of pluvial climatic change in the Chihuahuan desert. Science 158:970-975. Whitson, P. D. 1965. Phytocoenology of Boot Canyon Woodland, Chisos Mountains, Big Bend National Park, Texas. M. S. Thesis, Baylor Univ. 45 p. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 DELAYED OVIPOSITION IN HELICODISCUS Carl W. Gugler UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA SUMMARY In the endodontid pulmonale, Helicodiscus parallelus (Say) eggs are assembled singly in the mid-region of the spermoviduct. The initially trans- parent egg shell accumulates calcareous granules and becomes opaque, but still remains flexible, during the first 4 to 6 days. The egg is retained in the spermoviduct until the embryo has reached a relatively advanced stage. The egg then is de- posited in the substratum or in a crevice in de- caying wood, where the developmental sequence is completed. Adults measure 3.0-3.8 mm in diameter. The developing egg in the spermoviduct is sausage- shaped and measures about 2.5 mm in length and about 0.7 mm in diameter. A newly deposited egg assumes a sharply ovoid outline and measures on the average 2.1 mm in length and 1.5 mm in greatest diameter. Developmental time in the spermoviduct is 36 to 40 days under laboratory conditions. An additional 6 to 8 days elapses be- tween deposition and hatching. Newly hatched snails measure 1.5 to 1.7 mm in diameter. MICROANATOMICAL STUDIES OF DENTALIUM PILSBRYI Ken Bazata UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN, NEBRASKA The anatomy of Dentalium pilsbryi Rehder, 1942 was investigated. There is a single kidney, located anterior to the digestive gland in a blood space which offers a free communication between excretory, digestive, and reproductive systems. A duct from the kidney passes anteriorad through the muscle septum and joins the gut near the radular cavity. Anterior to the kidney is a struc- ture which could be called a heart. It is vesicular, is incompletely bounded by an epithelium, and consists of a spongy mass of cells. Neither a pericardial cavity nor a renopericardial system, in the usual sense, exists. The single gonad duct opens broadly into the blood space around the kidney. A duct from the blood space leads to a papilla on the mid-dorsal wall of the mantle cavity. It is through this duct that the gametes may be discharged to the ex- terior by way of the mantle cavity. The digestive system has a single opening, the mouth. The esophagus originates at the right side of the radular cavity. After a number of complex convolutions the digestive tube passes through the muscle septum and receives the ducts of the digestive glands in an inflated region which could be called the stomach. The intestine leaves the stomach region, goes through the muscle septum and forms a diverticulum which is filled with excretory spherules. The intestine then joins the radular sac by way of a broad, transverse, slit- like opening in the dorsal wall of the radular sac. A cartilaginous ring, made up of segments, is located near the anterior edge of the mantle. A probable function of this ring is to provide support for the mantle opening, permitting efficient opera- tion of captacula and foot. 10 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG Kenneth J. Boss MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS In the middle of the last century the itinerant professor of Amherst College, Charles Baker Adams, described several species of minute land prosobranchs from Jamaica and established a new genus, Stoastoma, to separate them from their relatives in the New World Helicinidae. In addition to the small size, usually 1 to 3 mm in diameter with the exception of the type-species which reaches 5 or 6 mm, the taxon is character- ized by distinctively developed sculpture, a feature so infrequently encountered in helicinids that when it does occur, authors normally recognize separate subgeneric or generic taxa. Finally there are radular peculiarities which have been noted by H. B. Baker. Following quickly upon the death of Adams, who did not live long enough to illustrate his new species, Edward Chitty, an amateur enthusiast, Adams’s man in Jamaica, English lawyer and judge, effectively stopped all interest in Stoastoma by publishing a monograph in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London in which sixty-one new species, two new varieties, and seven new genera were described and Adams’s taxon elevated to the status of a family, the Stoastomidae. Only a line cut drawing of g. yisuyn, which has been reproduced subsequently several times, illustrated the group. The small size of the specimens and the nomenclatorial overburden have prevented further work on Stoastoma, al- though several other species from other West Indian islands have been described. The title of this talk needs no explantation! A study of the primary types of Adams’s species, upon which Chitty based his 7 genera, allows re- cognition of the relative status of these taxa. Al- though the type-species were never delineated by Chitty, they were effectively designated sub- sequently by H. B. Baker and they are here illus- trated for the first time. Most of the taxa are synonymous. Stoastoma itself, with the type- species, S. pisuyn may be presently separated from all of Chitty’s genera by its larger size; its radula, according to Baker, forms a connecting link be- tween the Vianinae (=Stoastomatinae) and the Helicininae. Lindsleya, tentatively placed as a subgenus of Lucidella by Baker, may be retained as a genus with Metcalfeia, with Fadyenia and Lewisia coming as possible synonyms. Petitia and BJandia are also synonymous, consisting of ex- tremely tiny, depressed species, but Wilkinsonaea is very distinct conchologically, with heavy sculp- ture, a unique operculum and unusual digitiform processes forming an awning over the aperture (Plate 2, fig. 4). ECOLOGICAL AND SYSTEMATIC NOTES ON CAECIDAE COLLECTED AT ST. CROIX, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS Donald R. Moore INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCES MIAMI, FLORIDA ABSTRACT only four specimens, and little is known about the other species. Four live around coral reefs, but the other three have a wider range of habitats. Seven species of Caecidae were collected by diving at St. Croix. Three species are known from 11 Bulletin of the American Malarologiral Union, Inc. February 1972 SYMPOSIUM ON MOLLUSCAN AQUACULTURE WILLIAM N. SHAW, CONVENER INTRODUCTION In recent years there has developed a great interest in farming the sea. One reason is to ful- fill the need for protein to feed the increasing world population. It is felt that this must be done by farming rather than hunting animals of the sea. When we compare the development of agricul- ture to aquaculture it is obvious that aquaculture is just in its infancy A tremendous amount of time, money, and effort will be necessary before our technology in aquaculture approaches that which we already have in agriculture today. This symposium reviews the present status of molluscan aquaculture in North America. Im- mediately it will be obvious that the oyster is one of the principal species presently being cul- tured and shows the greatest future potential. Our knowledge of this species is probably greater than any other marine mollusk. In addition, the oyster is a high priced commodity, an important prerequisite if molluscan aquaculture is going to be economically successful in North America. Both the scallop and the hard clam show great potential in future molluscan culture. Presently, molluscan aquaculture is highly suc- cessful in countries such as Japan and Spain. In Japan over 23 tons of oyster meats are being raised per acre per year while in Spain they are harvesting 120 tons of mussel meats per acre per year (Table 1). There is no reason why such yields cannot be realized in North America. At present the best yield for oysters in the United States is only 2.0 tons per acre per year, a far cry from those now being harvested in Japan. Although molluscan aquaculture has attracted great interest in recent years there is still a considerable lack of know-how to make such ventures a commercial success. Many companies have blindly entered the field and have lost enormous amounts of money. It is knowledge be- ing gained by people like those on the panel today, that will be necessary for a successful commercial program. You will learn after hearing these papers today that we have a long way to go. TABLE 1. Aquaculture yield of cultivated stocks or natural popula- tio7is with no fertilisation or feeding. Units in fresh weight, shells excluded. ' Country Species kg/ha/yr t/acre/yr U.S. Oysters (National Avg.) 9 0.004 U.S. Oysters (Best Yield) 5,000 2.00 France Flat Oyster (National Avg.) 400 0.16 France Portugese Oyster (National Avg.) 935 0.37 Australia Oysters (National Avg.) 150 0.06 Australia Oysters (Best Yield) 540 2.20 2/ Japan (Inland Sea) Oysters 58,000 23.30 Malaya Cockles 12,500 5.00 France Mussels 2,500 1.00 Philippines Mussels 125,000 50.00 2/Spain Mussels 300,000 120.00 I. Source: The Status and Potential of Aquaculture. Volume I. Parti- cularly Invertebrate and Algae Culture. John H. Ryther and John E. Bardach. 2. Calculations based on an area 25% covered by rafts. 12 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 THE ROLE OF GENETICS IN MOLLUSCAN MARICULTURE R. IV. Menzel DEPARTMENT OF OCEANOGRAPHY FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA Compared to the successful results obtained through genetical selection, inbreeding and out- breeding of inbred lines, and by intraspecific and interspecific hybridization of terrestrial organ- isms, relatively little has been done with aquatic forms. Some notable exceptions are the bizarre forms of goldfish, the increased growth rates of pond-reared fresh-water trout and the success of obtaining faster growing and larger marine salmonoids.. Genetical experimentation involving selection and breeding in bivalve mollusks had to await the development of reliable techniques (Reviewed by Loosanoff and Davis, 1963) for larval culture. This discussion is mainly concerned with research on oysters and quahog clams in the United States. Longwell and Stiles (1970) discuss the genetic system of our native oyster (Crassostrea vir- ginicaj and suggest methods for enhancing their commercial qualities through breeding. They found that there was a high mortality of the second generation of inbred oysters, probably due to lethal genes. Imai and Sakai (1961) studied the Japanese oyster C. gigas from northern and southern areas, performing inbreeding experi- ments as well as cross breeding of oysters from the different areas. The F2 generation between the forms showed no segregation but showed a higher adaptability to environmental conditions than did the inbred parental types, that would be of commercial importance. In the inbred lines they were able to obtain the Fa’s but found that the F4’s had negative viability of the larvae al- though fertilization occurred. Some of the commercial attributes that could be achieved from genetical research with oysters discussed by Longwell (1968), Longwell and Stiles (1970) and Menzel (1971) are: 1) resistance to disease, 2) better growth, 3) better adaptation to environmental conditions of temperature, tur- bidity and salinity, 4) growth at a uniform rate to eliminate culling, 5) increased reproductive capacity, 6) decreased reproductive capacity or even sterility associated with better growth. 7) hybrid vigor of out-crossing of inbred lines, 8) incorporation of desirable traits through inter- specific hybridization, 9) genetic mutation by irradiation or other means with inheritance of possible mutated desirable traits, and 10) pos- sible polyploidy with associated giantism. Galtsoff and Smith (1932) cross fertilized the Japanese oyster, C. gigas, and the American oys- ter, C. virginica, and obtained development of the larvae. Techniques were not available at this time to rear these but later Davis (1950) and Imai et al. (1950) found that the hybrid larvae lived only a few days. Imai and Sakai (1961) reared the hybrid between their C. gigas with the Portu- guese oyster C. angulata. Menzel (1968) reared several combinations of hybrids through to sexual maturity among the species C. gigas, C. angulata, C. rhizophorae (the mangrove oysters from the West Indies and Central America) and C. vir- ginica, including hybrids between C. gigas and C. virginica. Chromosomal analyses were made in all the Fi hybrids of mitoses and meioses in some as well as mitoses in some larval F2 hybrids. A move to a new laboratory site resulted in unsatisfactory water quality and all the Fi hybrids died, after living more than a year, before complete analyses could be made. Chromosomal behavior in the hybrid of C. angulata and C. gigas was apparently normal as was the hybrid between C. rhizophorae and C. virginica. The other combinations of hybrids had considerable meiotic anomolies in the Fi and mitotic anomolies in the F2 hybrids. The hybrids had mostly intermediate shell character- istics and growth patterns of the parents. Not enough data were obtained to propose any com- mercial applications, except it was noted that those hybrids in which C. gigas was a parent had greater growth than the others. Hard clams or quahogs are the second most valuable mollusks in the United States. The majority of the commercial fishery is for the northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria, and the southern quahog M. campechiensis is a relatively 13 14 R. W. MENZEL unimportant fishery, one reason being that this species quickly gapes and dies when removed from the water, hence causing it to be unsuitable for the very valuable shell trade. Experiments were conducted that demonstrated that the clams could be grown commercially in mariculture, if suitable precautions were taken to prevent mortality from predation (Menzel and Sims, 1962). Seed clams would have to be supplied from a hatchery, as the natural recruitment is too PLATE 2 FIG. 1 Mercenaria campechiensis (Apalachicola Bay, Florida area) 85 mm length. FIG. 2 M. mercenaria (Great South Bay, New York) 7Jf mm length. FIG. 3 Fi Hybrid of M. Campechiensis X M. mer- cenaria 87 mm length. FIG. 4 Stoastoma (Wilkonsonaea) gouldianum C. B. Adams 3 mm diameter. (See article by K. J. Boss, p. 00) erratic. The two species hybridize readily in the laboratory (Loosanoff, 1954) (Plate 2, figs. 1-3) and the F2 hybrid has been grown (Menzel, 1970) as well as the Fa’s. Growth experiments in Frank- lin County, Florida (Menzel 1962) have shown that it is possible to produce commercial size northern quahogs for the shell trade in about two years and the southern in half the time. Con- current growth experiments of the hybrid showed that their growth was equal to the faster grow- ing southern parent. The hybrids had almost as good keeping qualities when removed from the water as the northern parent. These data along with the necessity to use hatchery produced seed, leads to the recommendation that hybrid clams be used in mariculture. In summary it may be stated that we are on the threshold of employing genetic manipulations in improving the commercial yield of marine mollusks. We have some of the basic information and it has been demonstrated in some instances that improvements can be made. So far the com- mercial fishermen are working with wild animals even though oysters have been cultivated since ancient times. The increased interest in maricul- ture and the increase in shellfish hatcheries, coupled with large investments, would seem to make the approach imperative. What is needed is a concentrated effort by governmental agencies as well as private industry to apply some of the findings as well as to continue to intensify the basic and applied research, similar to what has been done with terrestrial commercial organisms. LITERATURE CITED Davis, H. C. 1950. On interspecific hybridization in O'strea. Science 111(2889) :522. Galtsoff, P. S. and R. O. Smith. 1932. Stimulation of spawning and cross-fertilization between American and Japanese oysters. Science 76:271-272. Imai, T. M. Hatanka, R. Sato, S. Sakai and R. Yuki. 1950. Artificial breeding of oysters in tanks. Tohoku Journ. Agric. Resch. 1:69-86. Imai, T. and S. Sakai. 1961. Study of breeding of Japanese oysters. Tohoku Journ. Agric. Re- search. 12(2):125-163. Longwell, A. C. 1968. Oyster genetics: Research and commercial applications. Address on Shellfish Culture, Regional Resources Council of Nassau-Suffolk Regional Planning Board, Hauppauge, L. I., N. Y.:91-103. Longwell, A. C. and S. S. Stiles 1970. The genetic system and breeding potential of the com- mercial American oyster. Endeavour XXIX (107): 94-99. Loosanoff, V. L. 1954. New advances in the study of bivalve larvae. Amer. Scient. 42(4) :607-625. GENETICS IN MOLLUSCAN MARICULTURE Loosanoff, V. L. and H. C. Davis. 1963. Rearing of bivalve larvae. Recent Advances in Marine Biology, Acad. Press, London; 1:2-236. Menzel, R. W. 1962. Seasonal growth of northern and southern quahogs, Mercenaria mercen- aria and M. campechiensis, and their hybrids in Florida. Proc. Natl. Shellfish Assoc. 53:37-46. 1968. Cytotaxonomy of species of clams (Mercenaria) and oysters iCrassostrea) . Proc. Mar. Biol. Assoc. India, Symposium on Mol- lusca. 1:75-84. 15 1970. The species and distribution of quahog clams Mercenaria. Proc. Natl. Shell- fish. Assoc. 60:8 (Abstract). 1971. Selective breeding in oysters. Con- ference on Artificial Propogation of Com- mercially Valuable Shellfish, Eds. K. S. Price, Jr. and D. L. Maurer, Univ. Delaware; 81-92. Menzel, R. W. and H. W. Sims. 1962. Experimental farming of hard clams Mercenaria mercen- aria, in Florida. Proc. Natl. Shellfish. Assoc. 53:103-109. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 RECENT ADVANCES IN CLAM AQUACULTURE Hugh J. Porter UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCES MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA This paper will center primarily on recent aquacultural methods developed for the northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria (Linne), in our area of the western Atlantic. It is realized that similar work is also being done on other clams, for example, the soft-shell clam, Mya arenaria Linne in Dennis, Massachusetts by the Aquacul- tural Research Corporation. Credit for much of the material included in this discussion is extended to Mr. Michael Castagna of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science Labora- tory in Wachapreague, Virginia and to Mr. Elwood Bayer of the Coastal Zone Research Corporation Laboratory in Southport, North Carolina. Aquacul- ture studies at the University of North Carolina Institute of Marine Sciences were aided by NOAA Office of Sea Grant, Department of Commerce, under Grant :^GH-103 U.N.C. At present there are more than 15 laboratories or companies on the East Coast engaged in de- velopment of clam hatchery techniques. Most are in the Chesapeake and New England regions. Probably less than a third have reached com- mercial capabilities. Larval Culture Techniques. A variety of larval culture techniques have been developed because a single method is not always appliable in different localities. Each method is a variation of the basic process described by Loosanoff and Davis (1963). In North Carolina, clam larvae are raised in plastic dishpans, each with about 140,000 larvae, kept in a temperature-controlled, darkened room. No water changes are made or antibiotics added and about 50U survive through setting. Larvae are fed from mass cultures of Nannochloris. In Virginia, Castagna uses a modification of Glancy’s greenhouse method — the plastic green- house was built by Castagna’s group for about $2,500. Larvae are raised in covered 50 liter plastic pails at an initial concentration of about 1,000,000/50 1 which is later dropped to 200,000/50 1 by setting time. Three times weekly larvae are washed, counted, and sorted according to size; sorting is facilitated by sifting through screens made from large diameter plastic pipe and cloth screening. Generally no feeding is necessary since the clarified water used for the larvae is rich in natural phytoplankton. This water, which has been passed through a “clarifer” — usually a modified cream separator which removes heavy silt particles from the water, is incubated for 48 or more hours under natural sunlight or fluorescent growth lamps before use. Occasionally it is necessary to feed larvae with known algal species. Antibiotics are not used but clarified water is run through an ultraviolet treatment unit before use. Cultured or Non-living Foods Comparative growth studies of larval clams using various uni-algal diets have received much attention but little has been done with juvenile clams. Walne (1970) examined the growth rate of juvenile clams produced by 13 different algal species with that produced by Isochrysis galhana. The diatom Skeletonema costatum produced 3.3 times as much juvenile clam growth as did Isochrysis; others comparing favorably with Isochrysis or even better were Pyramimonas grossii, Tetraselmis suecica and Nannochloris atonius. Use of non-living foods in place of living phytoplankton for larvae and/or juvenile clams continues to be investigated by our laboratory and others. Chanley and Normandin (1967) evalu- ated a number of possible non-living foods. Our preliminary experiments with juvenile clams using starch, finely-ground cereals and finely- ground freeze-dried Porphyra and Ulva have so far been inconclusive. In addition to Porphyra umhilicalis and Ulva curvata, other sea-weeds that will be evaluated are Codium dichotomum, Dasya pedicellata, Ectocarpus sp., Enteromorpha tubulosa, Gracilaria folifera, Padina vickersiae, Sargassum filipendula and Scytosiphon loment- aria. 16 RECENT ADVANCES IN CLAM AQUACULTURE 17 Use of waste heat from nuclear powered, electric-generating stations to stimulate growth of phytoplankton foods and clams in cold water areas has been attempted by a Long Island com- pany. Use by the power company of toxic chemicals to clean their cooling pipes has pre- cluded this use of a possible waste energy source. Juvenile Clam Rearing. Use of covered outdoor troughs with running saltwater for rearing clams following setting is well established. A sand substrate in tanks has been shown to increase growth about fourfold. Castagna can get clams to a 1.7 - 3.0 mm size in two months and to a 10 mm size in about four months. Bayer gets similar growth but notes that this can vary considerably from one area to another. Aggregate Method for Growing Commercial-Size Clams from Nursery-grown Seed. Castagna, who developed this method, now has about 14 planters applying this method; Bayer in North Carolina has one. The planting area must be protected from the wind and be exposed to a slow current; a soft mud bottom usually indi- cates such an area. A layer of crushed oyster shells or stone (aggregate) several inches in depth serves to protect clams from predators. Clams 1.7 -3.0 mm in length are planted at a density of 25/ft® (1,000,000/acre) and in the Wachapreague area clams are ready for harvesting as “little neck” in two years. Survival varies from 35 to 95%, but in areas not protected by the aggregate, survival is less than 16%. Harvesting can be done by a hydraulic escalator dredge which would harvest the entire crop and replace the aggregate on the mud substrate. Conclusion, Technology is available to cope with tempera- ture and salinity problems in clam hatcheries. When natural phytoplankton and nutrient levels are high, the clarified water technique seems most useful. When these levels are low, mass cultures of rapid growth-producing strains of algae can be established with a minimum of effort. Physiolog- ical and genetic differences among clams of dif- ferent areas are a problem and can only be over- come through more research and a better under- standing of the available stocks of clams. Selected breeding for rapid growing and hardy strains has only begun. Technical information is available for com- mercial hatcheries to be a possibility and now the aggregate method of planting nursery stocks ap- parently makes the commercial farming of clams an excellent probability. LITERATURE CITED Chanley, P. and R. F. Normandin. 1967. Use of artificial foods for larvae of the hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria (L). Proc. Nat. Shell- fish. Ass., 57:31-37. Loosanoff, V. L. and H. C. Davis. 1963. Rearing of bivalve mollusks. In F. S. Russell (editor), Advances in Marine Biology 1:1-136. Academic Press, London and New York. Walne, R. R. 1970. Studies on the food value of nineteen genera of algae to juvenile bivalves of the genera Ostrea, Crassostrea, Mercenaria and MytiJus. Fishery Invest., Long., Ser. 2, 26(5):1-62l Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 THE DEVELOPMENT OF CLOSED SYSTEM OYSTER CULTURE Don Maurer UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE COLLEGE OF MARINE STUDIES LEWES, DELAWARE Recent interest and progress in aquaculture has made the oyster a prime candidate for controlled culture methods. Since commercial oyster pro- duction was primarily based on natural popula- tions, the main approach in shellfish research was ecological (Korringa, 1952; Galtsoff, 1964). With the degradation of the environment, water quality has deteriorated to the point where successful production under natural conditions is seriously threatened in many areas. In view of increased pollution and in many cases inadequate manage- ment practices of natural resources (Merrill, 1971), it appears that emphasis in aquaculture will have to be placed on the development of enclosed, completely controlled environmental systems to maintain a viable industry. To accomodate this change from a hunt and search method to one emulating agricultural techniques, a premium on studying the biology of the oyster under artificial conditions must emerge. To a certain extent, some of this research has been conducted. An excellent summary of the history of pioneer workers in developing shellfish methodology for controlled and semi-controlled conditions was presented by Loosanoff (1971). People like Wells, Glancy, Korringa, Walne, and Imai, representing several countries, have provided many basic methods in- volving hybridization, out of season spawning, larval rearing, and nursery activities. In parti- cular the research of Loosanoff and Davis (1963) has played a leading role in promoting the develop- ment of oyster hatcheries in the United States. Their initial impact was experienced in the New England areas and it has subsequently spread south and to the Pacific Coast. Matthiessen (1970) provided a review of oyster culture and the oys- ter industry including description of hatchery operations throughout the country. Cartainly, members of the oyster industry have contributed many techniques and refinements that are com- monplace today. More recent developments along these lines involve integrating the various com- ponents of biology, equipment, and facilities into one system. Admittedly some of these efforts have been paper studies (American Cyanamid, 1969; Jones, 1969; Goodman, 1971) unsupported by actual research. Nevertheless, these papers have performed an important service in attempting to describe and define the parameters to be studied before a controlled environmental oyster culture system can be economically feasible. Goodman (1971) makes a strong and provocative case for a systems analysis approach to the problem. Although our interest in systems analysis in planning a hatchery operation is not unique, our aquacultural research has stressed this approach to ultimately develop a controlled oyster culture system for production of commercial size oysters. More specifically we have developed and refined aquacultural techniques in the laboratory that can be tested in a demonstration project. In essence we plan to provide data for the parameters de- fined in paper studies. Moreover, past work has shown that hatchery operations must be per- formed at a scale larger than previously at- tempted if people expect to develop valid, real world cost estimates. The demonstration project is designed to provide a sound minimum level to determine the technical and economic feasibility of scaling a controlled hatchery process to com- mercial production. At the same time results from the project are expected to indicate the re- finements necessary for an optimal process. The relationship between the demonstration project and research subprojects may be analogous to spokes of a wheel to the hub. Each subproject develops basic aquacultural techniques. For example, culture methods, systems engineer- ing, environmental engineering, and problems of nutrition relate to the demonstration project. The most promising techniques from each discipline like spokes of a wheel are arranged at the hub or demonstration project as a complete produc- tion process. This process will be tested under conditions that will allow for the prediction of economic feasibility and large scale problems. Since few aquacultural projects are completely refined, the research subprojects continue to 18 SYSTEM OYSTER CULTURE 19 develop specific aspects of the production process. In turn, each subproject serves as the hub of focus of still other subcomponents. For example, there are several natural subcomponents that relate to culture methods; selective breeding and hybridization, conditioning for out of season spawning, spawning methods, larval rearing, larval setting, and growth from nursery size to commercial size. Correspondingly, each discipline has its own subcomponents which must be treated before that discipline can contribute to the demonstration project. This research is in pro- gress. The goal of the demonstration project involves the production of commerical size oysters using an optimal combination of closed and semi-closed system. The system will be flexibly designed to provide for production testing of other organisms as new target species evolve from our research. The production scheme is based in large part on research generated by the University’s aquacul- tural group. A brief outline of this scheme follows. 1. Initially two species of oysters (Crassostrea virginica and C. gig as) will be cultured and crossed to obtain desirable characteristics (survivorship, growth, disease resistance, shape, taste) of each under closed (or semi-closed) sys- tem aquaculture {*Menzel, 1971; Maurer, 1970a). 2. Conditioning for out of season spawning and spawning methods will follow; (*Loosanoff and Davis, 1963; Maurer and Price, 1968; Price and Maurer, 1971a, b). 3. Larvae will be cultured using a bulk culture running water system (Maurer, 1970b). 4. Cultch will be treated with setting stimulants in order to control setting densities {Keck, et al, 1971). 5. Larvae will be set on mini-floats in order to increase growth rates (Maurer, 1970c). 6. Spat will be fattened to market size on welded wire and be handled as infrequently as possible to reduce labor costs (Harmon, 1970a). 7. Spawning, rearing, and growing tanks will be designed, constructed, and operated on a closed system basis unless disease, failure of equipment and food supply, or other unforeseen conditions require the use of filtered, temperature controlled, Delaware Bay water (Harman, 1970b; Costello, 1970a). *Note: Authors with an asterisk are not affiliated with the University of Delaware. Authors not in italic refer to unpublished reports. 8. Larvae and spat will be fed measured quan- tities of known algal strains while the diet of older oysters will be supplemented with measured amounts of corn meal (*Ukeles, 1971; *Dunathan, et al, 1969; Harman, 1970b). Natural phytoplankton will also be assessed if Delaware Bay water is used for feeding. 9. Water quality in closed system (and semi- closed system if closed system becomes impos- sible) culture tanks will be monitored to deter- mine levels of salinity, temperature, oxygen, PH, CO^ and nitrogenous by-products of metabolism. Water quality will be maintained at predetermined standards known to be conducive to good oyster health and growth (Harman, 1970c; Maurer, 1970d). 10. Records will be maintained of the cost of producing oysters using this system (Costello, 1970; Goodman, 1971). 11. A pilot shellfish hatchery has been designed based on data provided by the proceeding invest- igators and the literature (Miller and Bertred, 1971). 12. Property acquisition for the demonstration project has been arranged in a former oyster depuration plant and renovation is in progress (CMS 1972). When the closed system approach was initially proposed, many of us had serious reservations about accomplishing the goals. Three years of research has yielded sufficient progress to en- courage additional study. Problems like disease, the development of an inexpensive substitute food for the oysters, the cost of pumping large quanti- ties of temperature controlled water, still remain to be resolved. The economic feasibility of pro- ducing commercial size oysters in a closed system may not be accomplished by this project. The real value of the research lies in the future availability of tested closed systems that may be necessary to produce any shellfish resources in a hopelessly polluted environment.' LITERATURE CITED American Cyanamid Corporation. 1969. New Engineering Approaches for the Production of Connecticut Oysters, Vols I & II. Cent. Res. Div. Stamford, Conn., R. B. Wainwright, Pro- ject Leader. I Marine Biology Contribution No. 74. This re- search has been supported in part by the NSF Sea Grant Program, the National Marine Fish- eries Service, and the State of Delaware. 20 DON MAURER Dunathan, J. P., R. M. Ingle, and W. K. Havens. 1969. Effects of Artificial Foods Upon Oyster Fattening with Potential Commercial Applica- tion. Fla. Dept. Nai. Res. Tech. Ser. 58:1-39. Galtsoff, P. S. 1964. The American Oyster Crass- ostrea virginica Gmelin. Fish. Bull. 64:1-480. Goodman, J. 1971. A Systems Engineering Ap- proach to Mollusc Production. In: Proceedings of the National Shellfisheries Symposium on the Artificial Propagation of a Commercially Valuable Shellfish, (eds.) K. Price and D. Maurer. Univ. Del. Publ., p. 159-181. Jones, L. 1969. Oyster Production System. In Auburn design. 11-12:35-37. Keck, R., D. Maurer, J. Kauer, and W. Sheppard. 1971. The Setting Response of Crassostrea virginica to Chemical Stimulants. Proc. Nat. Shell. Assoc., 61:24-28. Korringa, P. 1952. Recent Advances in Oyster Biology. Quart Rev. Biol. 27(3) :266-308, 4:339-365. Loosanoff, V. L. and H. C. Davis. 1963. Rearing of Bivalve Mollusks. In: Advances in Marine Biology I (ed.) F. S. Russell, 1-130. Loosanoff, V. L. 1971. Development of Shellfish Culture Techniques. In: Proceedings of the National Shellfisheries Symposium on the Artificial Propagation of a Commercially Valuable Species (eds.) K. Price and D. Maurer. Univ. Del. Publ., p. 9-40. Matthiessen, G. C. 1970. A Review of Oyster Cul- ture and the Oyster Industry in North America. Woods Hole Oceanographic Contr. 2528:1-52. Maurer, D. and K. Price. 1968. Holding and Spawn- ing Delaware Bay Oysters (Crassostrea vir- ginica) out of Season I. Laboratory Facilities for Retarding Spawning. Proc. Nat. Shell. Assoc. 58:71-77. Menzel, R. W. 1971. Selective Breeding in Oysters. In: Proceedings of the National Shellfisheries Symposium on the Artificial Propagation of a Commercially Valuable Species (eds.) K. Price and D. Maurer. Univ. Del. Publ., p. 81-92. Merrill, A. S. 1971. Symposium on Commercial Marine mollusks: Summary, Amer. Mai. Union, Inc. Ann. Rept. 36:38-40. Price, K. S., D. Maurer. 1971. Holding and spawn- ing Delaware Bay Oysters (Crassostrea vir- ginica) Out of Season II. Temperature Re- quirements for Maturation of Gonads. Proc. Nat. Shellfish Assoc. 61:29-34. 1971a. Proceedings of the National Shell- fisheries Symposium on the Artificial Pro- pagation of a Commercially Valuable Species. University of Delaware Publications, College of Marine Studies. 212 p. Ukeles, R. 1971b. Nutritional Requirements in shellfish Culture. In: Proceedings of the Na- tional Shellfisheries Symposium on the Artifi- cial Propagation of a Commercially Valuable Species, (eds.) K. Price and D. Maurer. Univ. Del. Publ., p. 43-64. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 MARICULTURE EXPERIMENTS WITH THE BAY SCALLOP, ARGOPECTEN IRRADIANS, IN WATERS OF THE SEASIDE OF VIRGINIA ' Michael Castagna and William P. Duggan VIRGINIA INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCE WACHAPREAGUE, VIRGINIA Experiments to test the feasibility of utilizing present mariculture techniques to rear the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, were initiated at the Eastern Shore Laboratory of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science in 1968. This species was chosen for the following reasons: it has a relatively high market value and good consumer acceptability; techniques for spawning and larval culture are known; it has a rapid growth rate and a short life cycle; new markets and more stable prices could be attained with dependable production attainable in a mariculture operation; technological development on similar species are adaptable to the bay scallop (i.e. mechanical shucking and eviscerating). Adults were collected from Hog Island, Swash, Metomkin, and Chin- coteague Bays on the eastern side of the Del- marva Peninsula and from Bogue Sound, North Carolina. A total of 66 constituted the original spawning stock, but the program has since utilized three subsequent generations for spawn- ing stock. The adults were conditioned in the laboratory by holding them in seawater of 18 to 21°C for four to six weeks. The gonadal develop- ment could be visually checked without damage to the animal. When the gonads appeared ripe, the animals were induced to spawn, both during and out of their normal spawning period. A thermal stimulus of 21 to 27°C was used to stimulate spawning. Individual scallops usually spawned eggs or sperm, although hermaphroditic spawning was not uncommon. Self-fertilized and cross-fertilized groups developed with equal suc- cess. The larvae grew to setting stage in 10 to 19 days. Various combinations of cultured algae and/or centrifuged seawater held in a green- house for 48 hours were used as food. Post-set scallops were held in plastic trays or plastic troughs in the laboratory for one week, then moved to outdoor tanks with flowing unfiltered seawater. They remained there until they were about 10 to 15 mm in width, then moved to field experiments. Juvenile scallops were held in plastic-screened wooden floats or screen-enclosed pens in the field where they reached an average minimum market size of 50 mm in 6 to 12 months. Depth and Density Studies. Scallops are presently being held in screened wooden floats at four different depths: surface, one meter below the surface, and one and two meters above the bottom, and at four different densities; 100, 75, 50, and 25 per square foot to determine both the optimum depth and optimum density at which to hold bay scallops. Data col- lected so far show no large difference in growth at the four depths. Data from the density experi- ment indicate approximately the same growth at all densities up to 27 to 28 mm. From this size on there is a decrease in growth rate with each in- crease in density. Present indications are that the bay scallop is amenable to mariculture. PLATE 3 Contribution No. 411 from Virginia Institute of Marine Science. 21 Scallops growing in wooden and plastic screen floats. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 AQUACULTURE OF MOLLUSKS IN THE GULF COAST REGION T. ]. Costello NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE TROPICAL ATLANTIC BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY MIAMI, FLORIDA Molluscan aquaculture can be an important in- dustry in the Gulf coast region, but an inspection of on-going and planned work indicates minimal recent activity. Some improvements in traditional methods of oyster culture have been attempted in Texas, Alabama, Louisiana, and Florida, but there are only a few on-going operations dealing with rearing of other mollusks in the Gulf. Menzel (1971) reported the potential of clam farming in the Gulf region. The lack of current activity is understandable when we consider that sizeable natural popula- tions of mollusks in the Gulf and south Atlantic are not yet fully exploited. For example, in north- west Florida there are populations of sunray venus, Macrocallista nimbosa, still not fully utilized. Along the upper Florida west coast south- ern quahogs, Mercenaria campechiensis , are avail- able in commercial quantities, but only a very small fishery is active. With the aid of Dr. John Dupuy and Sam Rivkin of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, we have successfully reared the calico scallop, Argopecten gibbus, from eggs spawned in the laboratory. As part of our calico scallop life his- tory studies, a group of these laboratory reared scallops are being grown to mature animals. However, I see no present economic feasibility in rearing calico scallops commercially when large natural populations off Cape Kennedy and in the Gulf are not yet fully utilized. Molluscan aquaculture in the Gulf region may provide a very important link in the developing shrimp and marine fish farming industry. Use of laboratory methods described by Loosanoff and Davis (1963) allows the researcher to generate mass cultures of various molluscan larvae — many are ideal food for rearing larval shrimp and young marine fish. For rearing young stages of marine fish and in certain applications for rearing larval stages of freshwater shrimp, genus Macrobrachium, 1 suggest the use of larval forms of Mulinia lateralis or a similar mollusk (Cala- brese, 1969). Larvae of such warmwater mussel forms as Brachidontes exustus or Brachidontes citrinus may also be useful to feed larval crusta- ceans and young marine fish. LITERATURE CITED Calabrese, Anthony. 1969. Mulinia lateralis: mol- luscan fruit fly? 1968 Proceedings National Shellfisheries Association, Vol. 59:65-66. Loosanoff, Victor L., and Harry C. Davis. 1963. Rearing of bivalve mollusks. In Advances of marine biology Vol. I, pp. 1-136. Academic Press Inc. (London) Ltd. Menzel, Winton. 1971. The mariculture potential of clam farming. The American Fish Farmer and World Aquaculture News 2(8);8-14. I. 22 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 AQUACULTURE OF MOLLUSKS ALONG THE WEST COAST OF THE UNITED STATES William N. Shaw U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NOAA, NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE MARINE EXTENSION — SHELLFISH EASTON, MARYLAND Considerable progress has been made in the aquaculture of marine mollusks along the west coast of the United States. The principal shellfish under culture is the oyster. Studies are presently underway to determine the feasibility of culturing abalone and several species of clams. In California, oysters are being grown in three principal areas; Morro Bay, from rafts; and Drakes Estero Bay and Humboldt Bay, from racks (Fig. 1). Oysters are also being grown on the bottom in Humboldt Bay and Tomales Bay. The largest commercial shellfish hatchery along the west coast is located at Pigeon Point, Pescadero, California. Here, millions of cultchless oysters are produced and sold to commercial planters throughout the United States. Some abalone seed also are produced at the hatchery. A new state marine laboratory has recently been built at Granite Canyon, just south of Monterey, California. Studies in the culturing of oysters and abalone have been initiated. At Moss Landing attempts are being made to utilize heated water from a power plant in the culturing of marine mollusks. Aquaculture of marine mollusks is limited main- ly to oysters in Oregon. Centers of production are Yaquina Bay and Tillamook Bay. In Yaquina Bay oysters are grown from rafts (PI. 4, Fig. 2) and racks while in Tillamook Bay oysters are grown on the bottom. A shellfish hatchery is located at the Oregon State University, Marine Science Center in New- port. The hatchery is partially supported by in- dustry who purchase oyster seed produced at the Center. In Washington, as in the other two west coast states, oysters are the principal shellfish species being farmed. Among the three west coast states, Washington is the leading producer of oysters with landings totaling 6.2 million pounds in 1970. The majority of oysters are produced in Willapa Bay and Puget Sound using bottom techniques. Cultchless spat are being grown in Willapa Bay in an “oyster house” and in trays suspended from a raft. Raft culture of oysters is being practiced by one company at Purdy, Washington. Initially the west coast industry was totally dependent on the importation of Japanese oyster seed. In recent years an extensive program has been developed in Dabob Bay to produce seed oysters. Annually, thousands of shell strings are suspended from racks and rafts in the Bay. After setting, the seed is planted on private bottoms in Washington and California. At present only a small portion of Dabob Bay is being utilized for seed production, and more than likely the use of this area for seed protection will be expanded. A large EDA project is now underway at Lummi, Washington. Two small ponds (one-acre each) and one large one (750 acres) have been built for culturing oysters in combination with salmon. A small shellfish hatchery is also located at the site. There is a great potential for oyster aquaculture along the west coast at this time. For example, it has been estimated by the Washington Depart- ment of Fisheries that if 28% of the total surface area of Puget Sound was used for floating oyster culture, a sustained annual production of up to 6 billion pounds of meat may be possible. In order for production to reach these levels there will be a need for large quantities of seed oysters. It is unlikely that the Japanese will be able to meet this demand; therefore, expansion of the Dabob Bay seed area and possible hatchery produced seed will be necessary. The future for abalone culture remains in doubt. At present it is a wild fishery dependent on natural setting. If this species is to be cultured, private leases of good growing areas would be necessary. These areas could be seeded with small abalone reared in hatcheries. Some seeding is now 23 24 WILLIAM N. SHAW being done along the southern Oregon coast, where abalone previously had not been found. Abalone grow at an extremely slow rate. It is possible that heated water from electric power plants could be used to speed up their growth. Commercial clam culture is very limited on the west coast. The industry is small and most land- ings are the results of a sport fishery. A new geoduck, (Pmiope generosa) fishery has been initiated in Washington and several small leases have been given out by the state. Whether or not this species can be farmed is not known at this time. Aquaculture of clam species in the future may include the soft-shell clam, Mya arenaria-, the razor clam, Siliqua patula; common littleneck, Protothaea staminea; and the Japanese littleneck, Tapes semidecussata. Considerable effort, both governmental and private, is now underway to develop and expand aquaculture practices. Problems related to multi- use of waterways and pollution will have to be faced and hopefully solved if aquaculture is to be successful. Although the population along the west coast has been increasing at an accelerated rate, many of the areas that are presently utilized for molluscan aquaculture are not as yet subjected to this pressure. PLATE 4 FIG. 1. Rack culture of oystey's in Humboldt Bay, California. FIG. 2. Raft culture of oysters in Yaquina Bay, Oregon. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 MOLLUSCAN AQUACULTURE IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Neil Bourne FISHERIES RESEARCH BOARD OF CANADA BIOLOGICAL STATION, NANAIMO, BRITISH COLUMBIA The 15,000 miles of British Columbia coastline extends from latitudes 48°20’ to 54°40’ N and has many fiords and inlets which provide much pro- tected water. Approximately 800 species of mol- lusks have been recorded from these waters but only six enter the commercial fishery and but one, the Pacific oyster {Crassostrea gigas Thunberg), is cultured. One species of gastropod (of approximately 450), the British Columbia abalone (Haliotis kamt- schatkana Jonas), is harvested commercially. The fishery is small (annual landings less than 20,000 lbs) and sporadic, and it is unlikely this species can be cultured economically in the im- mediate future. Four species of clams are used commercially butter, Saxidomus giganteus Deshayes; littleneck, Protothaca staminea Conrad; manila, Venerupis japonica Deshayes; and razor, Siliqua patula Dixon. The clam fisheries are not extensive, peak annual landings were about 3000 tons round weight but recently they have been less than half this amount. At present none of the species lend themselves to aquaculture operations because of the extensive populations of wild stocks, slow growth rate and low price. Increased use in the recreational fishery may, however, make clam aquaculture economically feasible in the future. Molluscan aquaculture in British Columbia cen- ters on oyster culture. Three species of oysters have been harvested commercially:- the native, Ostrea lurida Carpenter; the eastern oyster, Crass- ostrea virginica Gmelin; and the Pacific oyster, C. gigas. The fishery began before the turn of the century with small landings of O. lurida, and land- ings gradually increased until, in 1939, they were 1000 tons, mainly C. gigas. Since 1963, annual landings have consistently been over 3000 tons, entirely C. gigas. The native oyster occurs throughout the prov- ince and was harvested commercially as early as 1884. A small fishery continued for wild stock, since this species was never really cultured in our province. The fishery ended about 1930, and al- though it commands a high market price, the slow growth rate and small size make mariculture of this species unlikely in the immediate future. The eastern oyster was introduced into British Columbia about 1903 to both the mainland and Vancouver Island and introductions (mainly for re-laying) continued on the mainland until about 1940. No extensive resident populations became established and, except for one small population on the mainland, the species is no longer found in British Columbia. Since 1940, the production of Pacific oysters has increased steadily from 21,700 gallons (868 tons round weight). In 1962, landings first exceeded 100,000 gallons (4,000 tons round weight) and have remained above this figure since (except for 1968 and 1970). The landed value has also increased steadily from $36,784 in 1940, to a high of $870,981 in 1967. Since 1946, the value has consistently been over $100,000. The Pacific oyster is an intertidal oyster which was first introduced into British Columbia about 1912 and is now found in a feral state throughout much of the Strait of Georgia. Virtually all the culture has been intertidal bottom culture on ground leased from the provincial government. Most operations are family enterprises and the majority of leases are under 20 acres. Seed was imported annually from Japan be- ginning in 1925 and reached a high of 5400 cases in 1951. The seed was spread on the lease and harvesting occurred after three years; production from one case of seed is about 25 gallons of shucked meats (1 ton round weight). Annual production from an acre of oyster ground is ap- proximately 300 gallons shucked meats (12 tons round weight). In 1942 and 1958, extensive breeding of Pacific oysters occurred in the Strait of Georgia which altered oyster farming practices. Large quantities of oysters became available to oyster growers on much of the crown foreshore area of the Strait of Georgia and many growers began to harvest these wild oysters in addition to, or instead of. 25 26 NEIL BOURNE PLATE 5 Rafts with suspended shell cultch used to catch Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) spat in Pendrell Sotind, British Columbia. MOLLUSCAN AQUACULTURE 27 oysters from their leases. The necessity for plant- ing seed was greatly reduced. Because oyster breeding in British Columbia is not consistent, the industry had to rely on yearly importations of seed from Japan. With the dis- covery of consistent breeding in Pendrell Sound, which lies in the northeast corner of the Strait of Georgia, the importation of seed is no longer necessary. Due to peculiar oceanographic con- ditions, regular annual oyster breeding occurs here and since monitoring began in 1948, a com- mercial set has occurred in every year but one, 1954. The discovery and development of Pendrell Sound has not only ensured a steady supply of oyster seed within the province but has also per- mitted an oyster seed industry to develop, most of which is exported (Plate 5). The British Columbia oyster industry is now faced with new difficulties and new culture practices must be developed if the industry is to prosper and expand. Although the province is relatively free of pollution, 40% of the leased oyster ground is closed because of it. In addition, renewal of oyster leases requires the consent of the upland owner which is becoming more dif- ficult to obtain because much of the land now has a high real estate value. Furthermore, the amount of suitable intertidal oyster ground does not ex- ceed about 2500 acres. Several alternatives to the standard bottom culture are possible but one, raft culture, appears to be the most promising. This permits the culture of oysters in a three dimensional aspect and is potentially 1000 times more effective in presenting food to the animals per unit of area than ground culture. Furthermore, the coastline of British Columbia appears well suited for raft culture with its many fiords and inlets containing much rich protected water. Two courses may be followed for raft culture in British Columbia. If breeding is early in Pendrell Sound and the spat about 25 mm in diameter at the time of collecting, then the seed may be re-strung on wire so it is about one foot apart and suspended directly on rafts. The oys- ters will be large enough for harvesting in the following fall, i.e. when 14 to 16 months old. If the seed is small at the time of collecting, then it Is grown on seed ground for one summer, re- strung, rafted the following spring, and harvested in the fall of the second year. Hence, production may be obtained from raft culture in either one or two years. Experiments in one area of British Columbia showed that in bottom culture, one case of seed yielded 25 gallons of shucked oysters (1 ton round weight) in three years. In contrast, a similar amount of seed when grown one year on a raft, yielded 40 gallons of shucked meats (1.6 tons), and when held one year on the bottom and one year on the raft, yielded 80 gallons of meats (3.2 tons). The yield per acre is about 25 times that of bottom culture. Oysters have been grown on experimental rafts in many areas over the entire coast. Growth was fastest in the Strait of Georgia, but satisfactory in the northern area. However, the oysters would require two summers oh rafts in the latter region before harvesting. Certainly oyster production in British Columbia could be greatly increased by raft culture. A conservative estimate of annual production from 1500 acres suitable for raft cul- ture in the Strait of Georgia is between two and three million gallons of shucked oyster meats, (80,000 to 120,000 tons round weight). Continued work in the field of molluscan aqua- culture is needed and future research might in- clude: 1. Breeding a Pacific oyster with a lighter mantle suitable for the half shell trade. 2. Control of the environment to extend the growing season and alternatively prevent gonadal development so the oyster has a high glycogen content for a longer period of time. 3. Breed a stock of Pacific oysters with a lower reproductive temperature. 4. Use of other species of oysters; e.g. the Chilean or New Zealand oysters which have short larval periods. 5. Culture of other species of mollusks; e.g. scallop or perhaps mussels to provide cheap food for high price fish (salmon). REFERENCES Quayle, D. B. 1969. Pacific oyster Culture in British Columbia. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada Bull 169. 193 pp. Quayle, D. B. in press. Pacific oyster raft culture in British Columbia. Quayle, D. B. and N. Bourne in press. The clam fisheries of British Columbia. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 FEEDING IN JANTHINA JANTHINA Edward T. LaRoe SCHOOL OF MARINE AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, MIAMI, FLORIDA ABSTRACT The pelagic gastropod Janthina janthina visits our coast regularly. This delicate snail is a voracious predator, capturing its prey with swift movements and devouring it completely. (A brief color movie of Janthina feeding was shown). INTERTIDAL MARINE ANIMALS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST — THE MOLLUSKS A 16 mm motion picture in color with sound. Introduced by Arthur H. Clarke, National Museum of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 28 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 CINEMICROGRAPHIC STUDIES OF CRAWLING BEHAVIOR IN LARVAL AND JUVENILE BIVALVES ' John L. CulUney MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS Observations of pediveliger larvae and newly metamorphosed bivalve mollusks have revealed distinctive patterns of motion and locomotion in different species. Using 16 mm cinemicrography I have recorded differences in crawling behavior of a number of common New England bivalves. Pediveligers of Zirfaea crispata crawl with rapid, rhythmic, muscular movements of the foot. Gliding on the extended foot occurs generally at very short intervals between bursts of muscular activity. Crawling in this pholad species is similar to that seen in the closely related family, Tered- inidae. Hiatella arctica seems to be less rhythmic in its crawling movements than other bivalves observed. Possibly, with further study, if we use variable speed projection and frame-by-frame analysis, a greater degree of underlying rhythmicity will be discovered. Gliding and muscular activity are both evident in Hiatella. Crawling involves a well-de- fined portion of the lower surface of the foot be- tween the anterior tip and the prominent “heel”. The shell of young crawling individuals does not follow the foot but moves from side to side in a zigzag motion, as the foot traces a more nearly linear path. Cerastoderma pinnulata crawls in a manner superficially resembling Hiatella but with much greater rapidity. There is little or no involvement of the foot’s diminutive “heel” in crawling. In Anomia aculeata, the shape of the foot is very much like that of Cerastoderma. However, crawling movements are vastly different. Exten- sive gliding is seen, followed by relatively weak I This work was supported by a grant from the Office of Naval Research, Contract No. N00014- 67-A-0298-0027 with Harvard University. and slow muscular movements. Rhythmicity is not generally apparent. Young Tellina agilis, less than 500 microns long, exhibit the ability almost instantaneously to ex- pand the distal portion of the foot into a flattened oval disk. Crawling is rapid, rhythmic, and en- tirely muscular. This species also shows a change in the pattern of locomotion with increas- ing size and age. Individuals over 500 microns long develop a rippling and thrusting muscular movement not seen in younger specimens. This activity is combined with the expansion of the foot described above, which seems to become relatively less pronounced in older individuals. Newly metamorphosed My sella planulata crawl with a slow, precise movement involving a highly rhythmic bobbing of the shell on the anterior- posterior axis. The “heel” is prominent and is al- ways in contact with the substrate as the animal crawls. Both muscular movements and gliding are important in the crawling of this species. The locomotory activities described above, and which I have recorded on film, have already proved useful in preliminary sorting of living bivalves in plankton samples and collections of microbenthos. With observations of more species, crawling behavior could become a systematic tool for distinguishing numerous pediveliger and juvenile bivalves that are similar in shell mor- phology. Furthermore, precise knowledge of natural be- havior of marine animals may be important in detecting or assaying sub-lethal effects of toxicants in the sea. Such features as the rhythmic crawling of Mysella or the flaring of the foot in Tellina could be affected by low concentrations of pollutants damaging to neuromuscular coordina- tion in complex organisms such as bivalve mol- lusks. 29 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 CINEPHOTOMICROGRAPHY: A TOOL IN BIOLOGICAL STUDIES Ruth D. Turner MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS If “a picture is worth a thousand words" when describing a mollusk shell, then a nnoving picture is worth a million when describing the activities of the living animal. Moving pictures have been used extensively in biological research for many years but only relatively recently has it been pos- sible to take movies through the microscope and even more recently to make time-lapse movies of living microscopic or minute organisms. Today, though still rather expensive, the techniques and equipment are available which allow the biologist not especially trained in photography to record his observations on film. Anyone who has attempted to study the em- bryology and development of invertebrates or the functional anatomy and behavior of minute organisms knows how tiring it is to spend long hours peering through the microscope. He also knows the difficulties and frustrations of simul- taneously observing and recording events either in writing or on tape. We have been working on the larval development, behavior and settlement of bivalves, especially the boring and fouling species, for several years, making pictorial re- cords with a 35mm still camera. These pictures have been useful, but we have found it difficult to describe the movements and behavior of the larvae in words. We have also found that when rechecking our observations or comparing the activities of different specimens or species, our notes were sometimes vague or lacking in some essential detail. Consequently we turned to mov- ing pictures in order to make a continuous record that could be replayed as needed for analysis or comparison of the anatomy and activities of in- dividuals or species. Rapid movements such as the swimming of veliger larvae can be studied by means of slow motion photography, while time-lapse can be used to make a continuous record of slower movements such as the penetration of the wood by newly settled and metamorphosing pediveligers, a pro- cess which may require two to three days. Know- ing the speed at which the pictures were taken (i.e. the number of frames per second, per minute or even greater intervals) it is possible to time precisely these events without having to sit over the microscope — the camera does the work. Moving pictures have been particularly useful in studying the anatomy and metamorphosis of bivalve larvae, for they are nearly transparent and, when swimming or crawling, continually turn so that one sees them from all sides. This allows one to understand the movement of mus- cles, the function of cilia, the path of food through the digestive tract or the development of the gills for example, in a way never possible with fixed material. Movies are also an effective way to study and record the reaction of bivalve larvae or other planktonic organisms to changes in en- vironmental conditions such as temperature, salinity or the presence of pollutants. The equipment used in taking the stills and movies showing the life history of Nototeredo knoxi (Bartsch) and Lyrodus pedicellatuB (Quatre- fages) is given for the benefit of those who might be interested in using these techniques. This work was done with the aid of a grant from the Office of Naval Research under Contract No. N00014-67- A-0298-0027 with Harvard University. EQUIPMENT Microscoj)e Compound microscope — Leitz Laborlux -- for larvae, etc. Dissecting scope — for close-up of siphons, etc. Camera Leica 35mm — for stills Bolex H16-Reflex 5 — for movies — for use with the microscopes or with Pan Cinor Lens for large animals, etc. Lighting Incident light 2 tungsten 3200° K. photoflood lamps — 500 watts Sage Instruments Superstrobe Model 500 — to synchronize with shutter of movie camera Sage Instruments specimen shielding shut- ter — for time-lapse Transmitted light Leica Ultropak illuminator — for stills Sage Instruments Superstrobe — for movies Exposure meter Microsix-L — for stills Sage Instruments Model 293 — for movies 30 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 HAMINOEA SOLITARIA SAY IN NEW YORK Dorothy Raeihle ELMHURST, NEW YORK The opisthobranch Haminoea solitaria Say ap- pears seasonally in many bays of Long Island, in sheltered areas that offer a silty-sandy substrate. Stations and date of appearance vary from year to year, but they have been found with their egg masses at and below the low tide line as early as June 14th and as late as October 13th. Usually the shells are white to colorless, with traces of orange periostracal thickenings in the evenly spaced spiral grooves that cover the body whorl, They generally range to 8 and 10 mm in height. Breeding colonies were found at a station on the bay side of Jones Island in the summers of 1958, 1963, 1970, and 1971. In 1970 there was a particularly large colony. The shells reached 13 mm and practically all had a periostracum that ranged in color from ivory in the lightest speci- mens to orange-horn in the darkest. In August of 1967, at the same station, freshly dead specimens rafted ashore on seaweed had the horn-colored periostracum covering the shells except at the area of depression around the protoconch. They were of remarkable size, ranging from 15 to 20 mm in height. Dr. R. T. Abbott verified the identi- fication as Haminoea solitaria Say, remarking, "They are the giant form from New York first named by Totten as insculpta in 1835. Sowerby records It in 1868 from New York.” The animal of Haminoea solitaria is dark grey. It is quite extensible and, unlike some of the other opisthobranchs, can retract into its shell. Living specimens were collected for observation in 1963 and 1970, and each lot produced egg masses, in the following manner: A few seconds after the snail burrows into the substrate, a small “air hole” is made. Next the hole is seen to be enlarged and covered with a clear gelatinous material. Some time later the spherical egg mass is pushed above the surface of the substrate, the clear bubble hav- ing been filled with an egg string containing thousands of eggs. The egg mass is attached to the substrate by a ribbon-like mucous cord that may measure up to 35 mm. Most of its length is beneath the surface, and the egg masses bob about above the substrate like tiny tethered balloons. Egg masses collected in the field measured 10 to 15 mm in diameter. The gelatinous outer wall of the sphere, ± 1 mm in thickness, is smooth and slick when freshly deposited. The individual cases, which contain the minute ivory eggs, measure 8 cases per mm. As the larvae develop the outer surface of the sphere first turns rough in spots, then layer by layer disintegrates to coincide with the time of hatching. At 80° to 84° F hatching began, in captivity, early on the third day after deposit; at 72° to 76° hatching was not until late in the third day. Hatching continued for from 36 to 48 hours and at completion nothing but a few shreds were left of the original sphere. (As water temperatures in the bays during breeding season range from 68° to 73° F, it is likely that there is a longer incubation period in situ.) The veliger has two fairly small velar lobes with rather short cilia; the mass of the swimming animal does not extend beyond the width of the simple glassy nuclear shell. Veligers hatched in captivity lived less than three days. Specimens retrieved from the container were of two sizes and were considered as newly hatched and about two days old. The newly hatched, 1/10 mm, had operculums that filled the apertural opening to the rim of the shell; the two-day-old specimens, 1/8 mm, had shell growth on the body whorl that extended beyond the closed operculum. Dr. Harold J. Walter kindly examined specimens at over 150X and advised me that the veliger shells are totally sculptureless, and that there are no traces of punctation on the adult shell. A silty substrate appears to be an important factor in the successful deposit of egg masses. As the animals were transferred to progressively siltless substrates, sand grains would cling to the egg masses until in clean coral sand the weight of the particles was sufficient to hold the egg masses in the substrate. (Representative samples of egg masses and of both adult and veliger shells and animals have been placed with the American Museum of Natu- ral History in New York, the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D. C., the Marine Biological Laboratory at Helsing^r, and with Dr. Harold J. Walter of Dayton, Ohio, whose assistance is greatly appreciated.) 31 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 MOLLUSKS COINCIDENT WITH NORTH CAROLINA’S CALICO SCALLOP FISHERY Hugh J. Porter UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCES MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA An active and profitable calico scallop fishery existed off the coast of North Carolina during 1965-1967 and 1970-1971. Large beds occurred north- east and southwest of Cape Lookout in 60-100 ft depths. Several small beds between Cape Lookout and Drum Inlet were being fished in July 1971 after the catch from the large beds had diminished considerably. No commercial quantities of adult scallops were found during 1968-1969. The Mollusca coincident with the 1965-1968 North Carolina Calico Scallop beds and catches are described by Porter and Wolfe (in press). One hundred eighty-two different Mollusca are enumerated and the following are new northern range records: Modulus modulus (Linne), Alabina cerithidiodes (Dali), Strombus alatus Gmelin, Bursa bufo (Bruguiere), Aspella anceps (Lamarck), Murex rubidus F. C. Baker, Olivella adelae Olsson (?), Ancistrosyrinx radiata Dali, Conus floridensis Sowerby, Siphonaria alternata Say, Pododesmus rudis (Broderip), Pseudochama radians (La- marck), Tellina magna Spengler, Tellina punicea Born, CoralUophaga coralliophaga (Gmelin), Gastrochaena ovata Sowerby, Thracia morrisoni Petit. Collections from the 1970-1971 fishery added few new mollusks to the total known North Carolina fauna; however some species previously thought to be rare appeared in numbers. These included the following: Amaea retifera (Dali), Cymatium krebsii (Morch), Cyniatium parthenopeum (von Salis), Bufo bufo (Bruguiere), Murex levictdtis (Dali), Coralliophila caribaea Abbott, Trigonostoma smithi (Dali), Conus sozoni Bartsch, Syntomodrillia moseri (Dali). In June 1971, when fishermen started to fish slightly north of earlier beds, most of the above species ceased to appear but numbers of large Pleuroploca gigantea (Kiener) and small or medium-sized Cassis madagascariensis Lamarck were found. An explanation as to why species found abun- dantly in the 1970-1971 fishery were not so in the 1965-1967 fishery is not clear. The fishery may not have been in the identical area as it was earlier. Local environmental factors before the 1970-1971 season may have been ideal for spawning, survival of larvae, and growth of juveniles, but less so be- fore the 1965-1967 season. Periods of such con- ditions are not unusual off the coast of North Carolina for many marine species. Unusual hydrographic conditions off the southeastern Atlantic Coast caused wholesale drift of larvae from more southern spawning populations. The larval drift capabilities of the cymatiums are well known. The paper by Porter and Wolfe is concerned mainly with macro-sized Mollusca. To gain an idea of micro-size mollusks occurring coincident with the Calico Scallop fishery, stomach contents from two samples of sea-stars, Astropecten articulatus (Say), approximately 100 individuals each, were examined under microscope in 1971. Wells, Wells and Gray (1961) suggested that the stomach con- tents of these sea-stars may reflect the faunal composition of their habitat. Sea-stars of the May 1971 sample, believed to have been taken from the bed east of Cape Lookout, had_a maximum arm length which ranged 35-93mm (X — 60.0mm). Sea-stars of the June 1971 sample, believed to have been taken from the bed Just west of Cape Look- out, had a maximum arm length which ranged 32-76mm (X ~ 54.5mm). A total of 1210 mollusks representing 66 species was found in the May sample. The June sample had 3584 mollusks representing 70 species. Wells, Wells, and Gray (1961) sampling 124 Astropecten stomachs from a non-Calico Scallop producing area off Ocracoke, N. C., recorded 1379 specimens representing 74 species. Species taken from the 1971 sea-star stomach samples and not previously recorded from the North Carolina calico scallop grounds by Porter 32 MOLLUSKS COINCIDENT WITH NORTH CAROLINA’S CALICO SCALLOP FISHERY 33 and Wolfe (1971) include the following (common species — 10 or more specimens per sample — are indicated by an asterisk): Arene tricarinata (Stearns), Solariella sp., Tricola thalassicola Robertson, Alvania auberiana (Orbigny), Cyclos- ^remella hiimilis Bush, Cyclostremescus trilix (Bush), Teinostoma cryptospera (Verrill), Vitre- nella terminalis Pilsbry & McGinty, Caecum cooperi Smith, C. piilchellum Stimpson, *Meioceras cubitatum Folin, Triphora pulchella (C. B. Adams), Epitonium apiciilatum (Dali), E. candea- nuni (Orbigny), E. championi Clench & Turner, E. muUistriatum (Say), Balds conoidea (Kurtz & Stimpson), B. intermedia Cantraine, *Olivella bullula (Reeve), Trigonostoma smitJii (Dali), Bullata sp., Cerodrillia simpsoni (Dali), Cryoturris citronella Dali, Drillia actinocycla Dali, *Mangelia oxytata Bush, Syntomodrillia moseri (Dali), Vitricythara metria (Dali), Odostomia gibbosa Bush, Orinella lochlini Bartsch?, Pyramidella crenulata (Holmes), Pyramidella sp., Turbonilla interrupta (Totten), Turbonilla sp., Acteondna candei (Orbigny), Micromelo sp., Philine sagra Orbigny, Pyrunciilus caelatus Bush, Rhizorus per- siyyiilis (Morch), *8piratella trochiformes Or- bigny?, ^^Nucidana acuta (Conrad), Crenella glandula (Totten), Codakia sp., Mysella sp., Cardita tridentata (Say), Crassinella lunulata (Conrad), Cerastoderma pinnulatum (Conrad), Macoma tenta (Say), Tellina versicolor DeKay, Semele nuculoides (Conrad), Pitar fulminata (Menke), *P. morrhuana (Linsley), *Corbula con- tracta Say, Pandora inflata Boss & Merrill, ^Lyonsia hyalina (Conrad), Cardiomya costellata Deshayes. Species taken from the 1971 sea-star stomach samples are indicated in Table 1. Those species not previously recorded from the North Carolina Calico scallop grounds by Porter and Wolfe (1971) are specified. Data suggests that the composition of the sam- ples was not similar. A species overlap of only 14 to 18% between the 1971 samples and that recorded by Wells, etc. is indicated. Overlap be- tween May and June samples was only slightly better (267c). The May sample had more gastropods than bivalves whereas in the June sample this was strikingly reversed. The dis- parity between numbers of specimens caught in the May and June samples for the following species was striking: Natica pusilla Say, Acteon punctostriatus C. B. Adams, Nuculana acuta, Argopecten gibbus (Linne), Abra lioica (Dali), Corbula caribaea Orbigny, N otocorbula operculata Philippi, Lyonsia hyalina, Cadulus caroUnensis Bush. Additional samples must be taken to better understand this variability. The data for Argopecten gibbus is particularly interesting (0 specimens in May, approximately 3,000 in June). It is possible that Astropecten has a preference for young scallops and will thus selectively feed on them to the exclusion of other possible foods when the young scallops are pres- ent in quantity. The June sample may be the re- sult of this, or, it may be a true indication of rela- tive densities of different molluscan species in the fauna of the immediate area. It is possible that this kind of sampling may now provide another means for determining time and density of setting by the Calico Scallop. LITERATURE CITED Porter, H. J. and D. A. Wolfe. Mollusca from the North Carolina commercial fishing grounds for the calico scallop, Argopecten gibbus (Linne). In press. Journal de Conchyliologie, Vol. 109. Wells, H. W., M. J. Wells and I. E. Gray. 1961. Food of the sea-star Astropecten articulatus. Biol. Bull. 120:265-271. BulMin of th@ Am§rkan Malaeologlml Union, Ine, Fibruary ig?l THE “SUPERBPECIES” DIPLODON DELODONTUS J, J, Parndiz SECTION OF INVERTEBEATES CARNEGIE MUSEUM PITTSIURGH, PENNSYLVANIA Th® ip®ei@§=e0mpl@?^ ef Dlplodon MoAontus (Lcimarek) eentalni six speeifieally idgntlflablg taxa. Semi authers eensidgrad thg§o as "ferms", glinal varlatlens ef an unique spgeies, or synenyms ef ether known speelgs. The taxenemle units are DiploAon soHilanns (Orbjgnyi, 1835, D, uruguayonsk (LepV, I860. D, martmiM (Ihering), 1893. D, mpanmis (Kuster), 1S56. D, pauUsta (Iherlng), 1893, D. AiloAontus (Lamarck), 1819, D, Aclodontm wymanl (Lea), 1860. The species have defined areas ef distribution from seuthern Brazil, Uruguay to northeast Argentina, in the rivers Parang Uruguay and ether tributaries ef La Plata River system, Altheugh net entirely sympatrlc, their ranges nevertheless overlap greatly. Therefore, any eon- slderatien ef subspecies = except in the ease et wymani = is useless. Also, the treatment ef those named species as eeelegieal ferms ef a polytypic species is not supported by their habitats: different ferms may occupy a single niche, or the same form may be found in different habitats. The variations, which have been called “forms ef reaction'' or ecological forms, by previous authors, are individuals, or groups of individuals, resulting from cross-breeding. Cross-breeding is not only highly probable: it is easily detected when the parental species of the hybrids are well recognized by prevalence ef specific characters. In the original descriptions and illustrations of the six species mentioned, we found a great per- centage of characteristics of constant specific value. The systematic confusion which prevailed In this group of naiads was due to the fact that many revisions were made with scarcity of materials to corroborate such characteristics. Hybridization is not uncommon in bivalves, be- ing most likely to occur, and it occurs in naiads on account of their system ef reproduction. Furthermore, the genetic constituency in a group ef species ef close relationship and common aneestiy = which are the factors defining the concept of the “superspeeles" as it has been ap- plied in recent years = favors the possibilities of cross-breeding when two or more populations, within those species complex, overlap. A “superspeeles" is neither a special kind of species with taxonomic rank, nor referred with particular nomenclature, but a purely genetic concept which, if applied in pertinent eases, as in our present ef the Diplodon delodontua com- plex, helps to clarify some taxonomic eroblems. In the superspeeles of Diplodon delodontua, the following results of cross-breeding have been de- tected by hybrids (individuals or lots represent- atives of populations) among the materials studied: Hybrids: Diplodon delodontua delodontua 8 X aoliaianuB j x d.wymani x uruguayenaia a X martensl b Diplodon uruguayenaia a Diplodon expanaua X martenai § x expanaua 4 3 x pauUata (1) Identified as D. wymani in most collections. (2) Described as Unto peculiaria Lea. (3) Specimens in many collections labelled (Iher= Ing’s hand-writing) as Unio guahyhof^ (nomem nudum) are probably these hybrids. (4) Hybrids of D. uruguayenaia x expanaua wero given different specific names: D. trivialia Simpson, Unio caipira Iherlng, Unio fokkeai Dunker. (5) Numerous specific names given to these hybrids. (8) The “typical” form of delodontua agrees en- tirely with what Lea described as Unio rudua. 34 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc, February IBIM MAINTENANCE OF THE NAIAD AMBLEMA PLICATA (SAY, 1817) IN AN ARTIFICIAL SYSTEM Martha H, Ftkes OHIO C0OFERATIV1 FISHERY UNIT OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS, OHIO In order to eonduet an experiment using the naiad AmbUma plicata (Say, 1817) it was neces- sary to find a way to maintain this mollusk in an artlfielal system for a long period of time. A preliminary study was conducted to compare various methods of maintaining naiads. Forty- two naiads were collected 10 June 1969 and put in a stationary well water system. Some were placed directly on the slate bottom of an aquarium and others were placed in a glass holder con- structed to maintain the naiads in their natural position. During the following month, 14 naiads died. The water in the aquaria often had foam along the sides and those naiads held in the glass containers became sluggish and many gaped open. Therefore, on 21 July, the remaining 28 naiads were placed on the bottoms of aquaria in a con- tinuous flow system using the same well water that fluctuated In temperature from 12.2 to 16.6®C. Six naiads were soon sacrificed for experimental purposes. The remaining 22 naiads lived for 2 months in these conditions and appeared to be siphoning normally. One death on 17 September was presumed to be caused by starvation and the green, planktonic algae Golenkinia sp. was added to the system. Green pseudofeces were seen com- ing from almost all the naiads within 2 hours. In the next 11 days, two more naiads died and more algae was added to the system. During the follow- ing 3 weeks (28 September to 19 October) algae was added every 5 or 6 days and no more deaths occurred. These observations indicated that A. plicata was using Oolenkinia sp. as a food source and the preliminary experiment was terminated. F’or experimental purposes, specimens of A. plicata were collected on 20 October 1969 and placed in the continuous flow system. Eighty-nine naiads were designated as control organisms. The first death occurred on 14 November and starting then Oolenkinia ip. was added to the system every 4 or S days during most of the experiment. Green pseudofeees were frequently seen. Three naiads were sacrificed weekly for experimental purposes and the sample siie was continually decreased. However, 16 naiads survived for S months (17 March 1970). The long survival time was an- other indication that Oolenkinia sp. was acting as a food source for A, plicata. Other investigators (Allen, 1914; Allen, 1921; Bovjerg, 19§7; Churchill and Lewis, 1924) do not mention Oolenkinia sp. as a food source for naiads, and further experi- mental work will be needed to statistically test this hypothesis. Another observation was made between 20 December 1969 and 1 February 1970 when the iron content of the water was high ranging from 0.3 to 0.8 mg/liter iron. During this time the naiads produced a dark red pseudofeees that looked like iron oxide, indicating that A. plicata may be able to precipitate and concentrate the ferric ion from water. Additional work must be done to confirm this. LITERATURE CITED Allen, W. R. 1914. The food and feeding habits of freshwater mussels. Biol. Bull. 27(3) :127-146. Allen, W. R. 1921. Studies of the biology of fresh- water mussels. Experimental studies of the food relations of certain Unlonldae. Biol. Bull. 40(4):210-241. Bovjerg, R. V. 1957. Feeding related to mussel activity. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 64:650-653. Churchill, E. P. and S. I. Lewis 1924. Food and feeding in freshwater mussels. Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish. 39:439-471. 35 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 FRESH-WATER MUSSELS OF LAKE LBJ, TEXAS Harold D. Murray TRINITY UNIVERSITY SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Lake LBJ, formerly called Lake Granite Shoals, has a surface area of 6,300 acres and is located in Central Texas on the Colorado River. Lake LBJ was completed in 1950, lowered by six feet in 1964, and drained in 1970, reaching its lowest level on October 1, 1970, with the remaining water at the approximate level of the Colorado River prior to lake construction in 1950. The Colorado River is 600 miles long and flows in a southeasterly course to the Gulf of Mexico. The drainage basin of the river is approximately 37,800 square miles in- cluding the principal tributaries of the Concho, Llano, Pedernales, San Saba, and Pecan Bayou. The San Saba and Concho rivers are tributaries of the Colorado River above Lake LBJ, and the Llano River is a tributary of the lake. The most recent and complete listing of the naiads of Texas was by Strecker (1931). Most of Strecker’s (1931) records for the Colorado system are from the Concho River or from the Colorado River in Travis County, 40 miles downstream from the lake. This report is considered significant for the following reasons; 1) One rarely has the opportunity to view the naiad fauna of a drained lake. This gives a view of the numbers and kinds of naiads pres- ent in a way that no other collecting procedure can duplicate. 2) No study of the naiads of the Colorado River has been reported since Strecker (1931). 3) Strecker (1931) recorded only three species of naiads from the Colorado River at the site of this lake: Amblema plicata (Say), Leptodea fragilis (Rafinesque) and Potamilus (—Prop- tera) purpuratus (Lamarck). 4) The former name of the lake. Granite Shoals, clearly expresses the geologic nature of the area. Because of the large granite out- croppings and the sharp granite gravel in the river, this immediate area is judged as unsuit- able for most naiads. The construction of this lake created numerous habitats suitable to naiads as indicated by the increased kinds present in the lake. Most of the lake front property is privately owned; however, five areas of access to the lake were obtained. Although this appears to be a small sampling area for a large lake, one should realize that once on the dry lake bed an unlimited footage of the lake becomes accessible. The following species of naiads were collected from Lake LBJ on January 10, March 27, and April 3, 1971. All specimens were collected dead but exposed in their living position. Arcidens confragosus (Say). This is the western- most record for this species in the Colorado River with the previous record (Strecker, 1931) at Austin, Travis County, 40 miles downstream. Anodonta grandis forma grandis Say. Speci- imens m.easuring 120-130mm were abundant near the dam but were scarce at other sites. No immatures of the form grandis were ob- tained from the lake. Anodonta grandis forma stewartiana Lea. Val- entine and Stansbery (1971) placed stew- artiana as a form of A. grandis as did Strecker (1931). This is probably correct, but I observed no intergrades of the form stewartiana with the form grandis in this lake. The form stewartiana was common in quiet, shallow areas of the lake where numerous immatures were obtained. The presence of the forms grandis and stewartiana in the same lake with no apparent intergrades and the presence of the immatures of stewartiana form only in- dicate that this taxonomic problem needs further study. Anodonta imbecilis Say, Amblema plicata (Say). These large shells hav- ing high umbos with few ridges on the posterior slope are judged to be the form peruviana (Lamarck). 36 FRESH-WATER MUSSELS 37 Quadrula quadrula (Rafinesque). Lake LBJ specimens, as with most South Texas forms, have more pustules on the umbo than speci- mens from the Mississippi drainage. Quadrula pustulosa (Lea). One specimen was recovered having two pustules on the lateral slope. This is consistent with most of the Texas Q. pustulosa in having few pustules. Leptodea fragilis (Rafinesque). Potamilus {=Proptera) purpuratus (Lamarck). Toxolasma i=Carunculina) parva (Barnes). Only one specimen was recovered. Cyrtonaias grandensis (Conrad). This is Lampsilis tampicoensis Lea as listed by Strecker (1931). In Texas, this species is highly variable in size, color of nacre, and color of the periostracum. This was the most abundant species of naiad in Lake LBJ with most specimens having a black periostracum and a deep purple nacre. Corbicula manilensis Philippi. Large popula- tions occurred at two of five sites. All speci- mens were judged to be less than three years old which indicates a recent appearance in the lake for the Asiatic clam. Prior to draining. Lake LBJ contained ten species of the family Unionidae and one species of the family Corbiculidae. The presence of ten unionid species shows a significant increase from the three species recorded by Strecker (1931) for this specific area of the Colorado River. This is the first record of the Asiatic clam, Corbicula manilensis, in Lake LBJ and in the Colorado River. LITERATURE CITED Strecker, J. K. 1931. The distribution of the naiades or pearly fresh-water mussels of Texas. Bay- lor Univ. Mus. Spec. Bull. 2:1-71. Valentine, Barry D. and David H. Stansbery. 1971. An introduction to the naiads of Lake Texoma region, Oklahoma, with notes on the Red River fauna (Mollusca: Unionidae). Sterkiana 42:1-40. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 SYMPATRIC SPECIES OF ELLIPTIO IN NORTH CAROLINA Joseph P. E. Morrison UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM WASHINGTON, D. C. In 1834 Conrad named Unio raveneli from the Wateree Canal, South Carolina. It was collected in company with Unio congaraea Lea, 1831, in the same waters by Conrad’s declaration. These two species both belong to the section Cunicula Swainson, 1840 of the genus EUiptio Rafinesque, 1819. By anatomy, glochidia, and reproduction — including parasitism on gills of host fishes — they are proven to belong to the subfamily Am- bleminae s.s., of the family Amblemidae Rafines- que, 1820. Examination of the North East Cape Fear River, about 2 miles west of Chinquapin, Duplin County, North Carolina, on July 11, 1970, showed these two species living together, just as Conrad had recorded them one and a third centuries ago. 39 males and 25 females of these mussels are EUiptio congaraea Lea, 1831 (Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., 4 : 72 : 6 : 4), of which Unio icterinus Conrad 1834 (New Freshwater Shells U. S., p. 41 : 6 : 15) is a synonym. EUiptio congaraea is more quadrate and much smoother in general appearance than is E. complayiata Lightfoot, 1786. Its ecological preference in the North East Cape Fear River is for sandy bottoms, in which it burrowed com- pletely below the water surface. The second species, with a more elongate shell, duller periostracum, and of greater pro- portionate diameter, was more abundant in the muddier bottoms closer to the river bank. There were 9 males and 15 females in this sample of the species named raveneli Conrad (New Freshwater shells U.S., p. 39 : 6 : 4). Unio con- fertus Lea, published later in 1834 (Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., 5: 103 : 16 : 47), from the same Santee River System, is a synonym of raveneli Conrad. When these shells were cut open, and the animals examined, it was found that all but three (12 out of 15) females of raveneli were gravid with eggs in the outer gills, on the date of col- lection, July 11, 1970. This was in direct contrast to the 25 females of congaraea, none of which were gravid on this date, with either eggs or glochidia in the gills. The discovery that EUiptio congaraea and E. raveneli reproduce at different times, proves their specific distinction as continu- ing biological species that are sympatric. It cor- roborates Conrad’s judgement of them as separate species when he named raveneli in 1834. The wide- spread EUiptio complanata was not found with E, congaraea and E. raveneli near Chinquapin in the North East Cape Fear River on July 11, 1970, although it is known to live in this river system. Also in the Cape Fear River System, and in Lake Waccamaw, there is a third member of the EUiptio angustata (producta) group, that was first named folliculata Lea in 1838. This even more elongate and narrow EUiptio species is stretching out in the direction of the extremely longest and most narrow EUiptio shepardiana Lea of the Altamaha System. EUiptio folliculata lives along- side E. raveneli Lea, and E. waccamawensis Lea, 1863, in the sandy shallows of Lake Waccamaw. (see: Wildlife in North Carolina, Vol. 35, No. 4., April 1971, pp. 10 - 12.) This corroborates earlier records in the United States National Museum. In the Potomac River System, EUiptio com- planatus Lightfoot, and EUiptio angustata Lea, 1831 (-[- producta Conrad, 1836) are living side by side in sandy silt, silt, or clayey bottoms. A search for further sympatric species observa- tions led to Ortmann’s (1913, p. 319) listing of three species from the Rappahannock River of Virginia, E. complanata Lightfoot, E. angustata Lea,(-|- producta Conrad) and E. lanceolata Lea, 1828. I know the latter two are sympatric, because I collected them living side by side in the Hazel River of the Rappahannock River System in 1934. I found two EUiptio living together in the Tar River, August 26, 1966 at the route 64 bridge, 1 1/2 miles west of Spring Hope, North Carolina. In addition to 26 living EUiptio complanata Light- foot and 14 living E. raveneli Conrad, there were dead shells of both E. angustata Lea and E. lanceolata Lea collected in the same 50 yard stretch of the Tar River at that time and place. In other words, there are 4 sympatric EUiptio 38 SYMPATIC SPECIES OF ELLIPTIO 39 species in the Tar River System. If you question what Elliptio raveneli Conrad is like — that is the only Elliptio species that was collected alive from the muddy shore of University Lake, west of Chapel Hill, August 24, 1966, along with the pygmy mussel, Toxolasma pulla Conrad, 1838. It did not surprise me to learn that Unio pygmaeus Lea, 1852 is a synonym of Conrad’s name. The entire Cape Fear River System includes five sympatric species of Elliptio living in these waters, : E. complanata, congaraea, raveneli, angustata, and folliculata. This story of sympatric species of one genus is not unique in North American Ambleminae. I be- lieve Dr. Stansbery has collected five Pleurobema species in the same mussel bed of the Green River of Kentucky. Apparently Rafinesque also original- ly collected three of them together in the Ohio River, 150 years ago. These five are: Pleurobema clava Lamarck 1819 (-|- mytiloides Rafinesque, 1820); P. obliqimm Lamarck, 1819 cordatum Rafinesque, 1820) ; P. obliquata Rafinesque, 1820 (-|- pyramidatam Lea, 1834); P. premorsa Rafines- que, 1831 (-j_ plenum Lea, 1840); and P. sintoxia Rafinesque, 1820 (-^ solidum Lea, 1838). The commonest Lampsiline species found living together in Wisconsin Rivers and Lakes are Lampsilis luteola Lamarck, 1819, and Lampsilis cardium Rafinesque, 1820. In the Ohio and Ten- nessee regions, the most striking example of even closer sympatry is the repeated recording of Lampsilis ovata Say, 1817 and L. cardium Rafinesque living together. The biological proof of their speciation is that they are distinct in shell, with different beak sculpture, and that each exists alone in some places. Of the two, there is only L. cardium in any of the waters of Wisconsin known to me. In contrast, there is only L. ovata of Say in the New River of Virginia (Kanawha River System above the falls), and in the Potomac River System, above the fall - line. The named “form” cohongoronta Ortmann, 1912 is a form of ovata, and has no direct relation to cardium of Rafinesque. Lampsilis o. cohongoronta has not replaced Lampsilis cariosa Say, which in the Potomac region is essentially a tide-water species. Lampsilis o. cohongoronta filled a void that was not previously filled by any Lampsilis species, or that was not collected in by any scientific worker for more than 200 years. What I used to think was L. cariosa from the Upper Potomac (and Shenandoah River) System, proved some weeks ago to be only the slightly dwarf form cohongoronta of ovata Say. There are no L. cariosa specimens known to me from the Potomac at any appreciable distance above the fall - line. Sympatry is also known for the Family Unionidae. A couple of years ago, I personally collected two species of Unio in the same cut-off pond of the Danube Flood-plain, a little east of Vienna, Austria. Those two species had animals of different color, as described by the European authorities. Of the subfamily Anodontinae, the most striking sympatric example known to me is the occurrence of Anodonta (Anodonta) im- becilis Say, A. (A.) couperiana Lea, and A. (Pyganodon) teres Conrad, living together in the same bottoms in Greenfield Pond, Wilmington, North Carolina. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 SOME OCCURRENCES AND ASSEMBLAGES OF AQUATIC OHIO MOLLUSCA Harold J. Walter DAYTON, OHIO This study, centered on my home town, began in 1951, but was pursued sporadically until 1964 when an effort was launched to account for every aquatic molluscan species at the locality here des- ignated Ml. Like this assemblage, that at M2 came under observation at the start of the study; it is thoroughly known, as is the assemblage at M3. Each remaining locality’s mollusks are known on the basis of one or a few field trips. Locality Ml constitutes the last 1.6 miles of the Stillwater River, where it joins the Great Miami River in Dayton. Upstream, it has an obvious cur- rent and gravelly shoals, but downstream, where there are extensive mud shoals, artificial modifica- tions have made it almost pondlike. Beds of water willow iJusticia), leaf-litter in the shallows, and early-season scouring out of shoals are important in its molluscan ecology. The habitat is evidently abnormally eutrophic, although reportedly mini- mally subject to the generally severe water pollu- tion in the region. Turbidity generally prevents seeing specimens in more than a few inches of water. Collections were mostly made by sieving sediments and feeling in mud with the hands. H. van der Schalie identified the Dysnomia. D. H. Stansbery identified shells of Lampsilis fasciola and for Actinonaias his suggestion regarding a submitted shell is applied. F. Thompson con- firmed hydrobiid identifications (excepting Pomatiopsis) . H. Herrington identified some Pisidium (localities GR6 and MI), Sphaermm striatinum (Ml, CT), and S. fabale (CT), and con- firmed identifications of S. sulcatum (M7) and 5. transversum (CT). Species discovered only as shells, listed by number in accord with the lists below, are 21, 32, 33, 37, 39, 46, 55-57, and 59. Abun- dance of the 39 species taken at Ml, similarly des- ignated, is suggested thusly: very abundant, 1, 4, 6, 9, 12, 17, 36; abundant, 2, 3, 8, 34; very common; 11, 16, 24, 30; common, 10, 23, 29, 35, 38; fairly com- mon, 14, 19, 20, 26, 27, 31; uncommon, 7, 13, 15, 18, 22, 25, 32, 39; rare, 5, 21, 28, 33, 37. These species make up the first list, wherein symbols for habitats listed afterwards indicate additional locality records. 1. Campeloma integrum (Say)-M8,GR7; 2. Cam- peloma rufum (Haldeman); 3. Campeloma decisum (Say)-M8,GR7; 4. Amnicola limosa (Say); 5. Probythinella lacustris (Baker) ; 6. Cincinnatia integra (Say)-M8; 7. Pomatiopsis lapidaria (Say)- M2,3,8,10,GR4,6,8,CK3,CH; 8. Pleurocera canali- culatum (Say)-M8; 9. Goniobasis livescens (Menke)-M6-8,11,GR7,CK1,CH,D1; 10. Ferrissia fragilis (Tryon)-GR8,Dl; 11. Ferrissia rivularis (Say)-M8,CT; 12. Laevapex fuscus (Adams) -MS; 13. Micromenetus dilatatus (Gould)-M8; 14. Helisoma trivolvis (Say)-M2,3,5,6,GR3,CK2,D1, P, HC; 15. Gyraulus parvus (Say)-M2,3,6,GR1,CK1, Dl; 16. Lymnaea humilis (Say) -M2,3, 6,8-10, GRl, 6, CK1,3,D1,CT; 17. Physa heterostropha (Say)- M4,6-8,11,GR1,7,CK1,CH,D1,CT,GU,L; 18. Physa gyrina (Say)-M2,3,5,6,9,GR3,8,CK1,2,CT,HC; 19. Fusconaia flava (Rafinesque)-M8; 20. Amblema pllcata (Say)-M8; 21. Cyclonaias tuberculata (Raf.)-M8; 22. Elliptio dilatatus (Raf.)-M8,GR7; 23. Lasmigona costata (Raf.)-M8,GR7; 24. Anodonta grandis (Say)-M6,8,11,GR7; 25. Anodonta imbecillis (Say)-M8; 26. Alasmidonta marginata (Say)-M8,GR7; 27. Strophitus undulatus (Say)-M8, GR7, Dl; 28. Actinonaias carinata (Barnes); 29. Carunculina parva (Barnes)-M6,8,GR7; 30. Lampsilis radiata siliquoidea ( Barnes )-M6-8, 11, GR7,D1; 31. Lampsilis ovata (Say)-M8,ll; 32. Lampsilis fasciola (Raf.); 33. Dysnomia triquetra (Raf.)-M8,GR7; 34. Sphaerium striatinum (La- marck )-M6,8,GR7,Dl,CT; 35. Sphaerium fabale (Prime)-M8,D1; 36. Sphaerium transversum (Say)-M8,GR7,CT; 37. Pisidium dubium (Say); 38. Pisidium compressum Prime-CK1,D1; 39. Pisidium cruciatum Sterki. Additional localities, by county: Montgomery County (M): -2, seasonally dry woods swamp adjoining Ml -3, ponded ditch drain- ing storm sewer, across river from M2 -4, in cast- off “grit” from Dayton sewage plant -5, swampy pond, Northridge -6, Wysong’s gravel pit, return- ing to wild state, west side of Dayton -7, Wolf 40 AQUATIC OHIO MOLLUSCA 41 Creek, near M6 -8, Great Miami River, Taylors- ville Dam, Vandalia -9, small rocky sewer-creek entering Stillwater River, Englewood Dam -10, seepage on shale outcrop, adjoining M9 -11, Twin Creek, Germantown Dam. Greene (GR) : -1, pol- luted swampy creek, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base -2, muddy seepage pools around watercress -3, woods pond. Yellow Springs -4, seepage around limestone outcrop, Clifton Gorge, Little Miami River bank -5, rivulet, silted sand, wooded hillside, near Xenia -6, seepage, wooded hillside, near GR5 •7, Little Miami River, Spring Valley -8, pond- marsh adjoining GR7. Clarke (CK) ; -1, clear boggy creek, Medway -2, Great Cattail Marsh, Medway -3, small ditches near boggy ground, near Medway. Champaigne (CH): small clear creek, Cedar Bog, near Urbana. Darke (D): -1, Miller’s Fork of Twin Creek, Ithaca -2, among Calamus, small intermittent oxbow of Dl. Clinton (CT): Lytle Creek, near Wilmington. Pike (P) : Pike Lake, near Bainbridge. Hamilton (HT) : small lake, Sharon Woods, Sharonville. Guernsey (GU): ditch-creek, east of Cambridge. Shelby (S): in rotting log, isolated woods pool, near Ft. Loramie. Hancock (HC) : vernal woods pools, near Van Lue. Ottawa (O) : grassy swale-ditch, adjoining cattail marsh, west of Port Clinton. Erie (E) : foul muddy ditches, Cedar Point, Sandusky. Lorain (L) : pools on limestone ledges, creek bed, east of Lorain. Further species, with finds indicated by symbols for the above localities: 40. Valvata tricarinata (Say)-CKl; 41. Viviparus malleatus ( Reeve )-E; 42. Viviparus georgianus (Lea)-HT; 43. Marstonia lustrica (Pilsbry)-CKl, CH; 44. Pomatiopsis cincinnatiensis (Lea) •M3, GR8; 45. Planorbula armigera (Say)-M5,GR8,HC: 46. Planorbula exacuous (Say)-M5: 47. Planorbula umbilicatellus (Cockerell) -M2; 48. Helisoma anceps (Menke)-M6-8,11,GR7,8,D1; 49. Lymnaea umbilicata ( Adams )-HC; 50. Lymnaea parva Lea-HC,L; 51. Lymnaea columella Say-P; 52. Lymnaea catascopium (Say)-M2,5,GR2,CK1,2,D2, GU,HC,0; 53. Lymnaea caperata (Say)-M2,GR8, CK2,0,L; 54. Aplexa hypnorum (Linne)-D2,HC; 55. Quadrula quadrula (Raf.)-M6; 56. Plethobasis cyphyus (Raf.)-M8; 57. Pleurobema clava ( La- marck )-GR7; 58. Lasmigona complanata ( Barnes )- M11,GR7; 59. Lasmigona compressa (Lea) -MS; 60. Alasmidonta calceolus (Lea)-GR7,D1; 61. Anodon- toides ferussacianics (Lea)-M6,GR7,D1; 62. Sphaerium sulcatum (Lamarck) -M7,GR2,CK1; 63. Sphaerium occidentale Prime-M2,GR8,HC; 64. Sphaerium partumeium (Say)-S; 65. Pisidium casertanum ( Poll ) -M2,GR5,CK1,CT. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 VAGABONDING FOR SHELLS IN RETROSPECT William J. Clench HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS This day, this month 47 years ago, I left Ann Arbor, Michigan with P. Sheldon Remington for a collecting trip in the rivers and streams of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama. This 1924 expedition and its experiences have colored my life throughout the intervening years, even to this day. Shel Remington was my boyhood com- panion when we both lived in the Boston area. We spent many wonderful days together collecting in the Blue Hill and the Quincy quarries south of Boston during our formative years. The 1924 trip was made when I was a graduate student at the University of Michigan. It was sponsored by Bryant Walker, a Detroit lawyer, and Calvin Goodrich, an editorial writer for the Toledo Blade, and later Curator of Mollusks at the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. In essence, our trip had two main objectives. One was to make two or more collec- tions from the Green, Cumberland, and Tennes- see Rivers in Kentucky and Tennessee. The purpose of this was to determine, on the basis of the material and number of species collected, which of the rivers would be selected for a more de- tailed survey in the years ahead. Dr. Walker selected the Green River and two trips were made, one in 1925 with Carl Erlanson, a graduate student in Botany at the University of Michigan. This trip covered the upper reaches of the Green River as well as down stream as far as Mumford- ville, Hart County, Kentucky. In 1927, associated with Dr. Peter Okkelberg, Professor of Zoology, University of Michigan, we started from near Mumfordville and continued collecting down stream to Rochester, Butler County, Kentucky. On both of these trips we collected as many tributary streams as possible. The purpose of the second part of the 1924 ex- pedition was to redo the trip made in 1853 by J. G. Anthony, then of Cincinnati, Ohio L Anthony, an ardent student of freshwater mollusks, made a walking and stage coach trip from Cincinnati, Ohio through Kentucky, Tennessee and south as far as Macon, Georgia. Unfortunately Anthony did not keep a log of his trip and as he worked up his materia] he became aware of errors in the localities so in his published reports cited only the state for most of his new species^. This led to many uncertainties concerning his species, most of which were in the very complex family Pleuroceridae. It was a difficult job to work out his trip in its entirety, but he apparently went from Cincinnati to Louisville, Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga and on down to Macon, Georgia. He took several side trips and apparently many people gave him material. In his paper he also included material sent to him by his correspondents such as B. W. Budd, M. D. By following old stage coach routes and inquiring from the local people we were successful in collecting many of Anthony’s original species, so that it is now possible to assign precise localities to them. Pollution was bad in 1924 but nothing to what it is today. Then it was composed largely of silt with a small amount of commercial waste. Many of the rivers which we collected, then rich in ma- terial, are almost devoid of mollusks as well as most other forms of life, today. Though we did not realize it at the time, we were making history and preserving material that was to be lost to future generations. For example, we made twelve stations on the Clinch River and many of these are now destroyed by the impounded waters of flood control dams. This is true also of the Tennessee River. A detailed account of our 1924 trip was publish- ed in the Nautilus 3. 1 See ‘John Gould Anthony with a Bibliography and Catalogue of his species’ by Ruth D. Turner, 1946, Occasional Papers on Mollusks, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, 1(8): 81-108. 2 J. G. Anthony 1854, ‘Descriptions of New Fluvi- atile Shells of the Genus Melania Lam. from the Western States of North America’. Ann. Lyceum of Natural History, New York 6:80-130. 3 Remington, P. S. and W. J. Clench 1925, Vaga- bonding for Shells. Nautilus, 38:127-143. 42 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 GREATER ADAPTABILITY OF FRESH-WATER MUSSELS TO NATURAL THAN ARTIFICIAL DISPLACEMENT Marc J. Imlay NATIONAL WATER QUALITY LABORATORY U. S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY DULUTH, MINNESOTA Freshwater mussels are artificially displaced in their natural environment in many ways in- cluding simple removal from the substrate, being smothered by a substrate, and being disturbed in their substrate during harvesting of a mussel bed. The mussel may have the physical capacity to re- cover from these events by digging back in (or out), reorienting to the direction of current flow, and regaining a desirable water depth and type of substrate by migratory movement. But there is evidence that the mussel is more prone to ac- complish these feats when the displacement is of natural rather than artificial origin. Animal be- haviorists are learning that organisms utilize their abilities to surmount difficulties when cer- tain response-triggering mechanisms, much more probably associated with naturally occurring prob- lems, are present. Smothering The freshwater mussel presumably can ex- tricate itself from a thin covering of sand or silt by employing the foot and valves (Barnes, 1955, 1962). It is conceivable, however, that an unna- tural covering, a covering at an atypical season, or an otherwise artificial covering would not trig- ger a response mechanism for digging out even though the mussel has the physical means to do so. The results of the following laboratory experi- ments on mussel response to smothering as a form of artificial displacement indicate that the latter possibility occurs more often in practice. Mussels were placed on their sides in large battery jars, covered with sand, silt, or other substrate, and provided with about 1 foot of continuously aerated Lake Superior water at 16 C. Detritus On July 6, 1967, 9 Anodonta grandis were cover- ed with 3 inches of detritus consisting of leaf, twig, and other loose material from a creek. A few mussels emerged each day until in 5 days all had completely emerged. However, 16 Fusconaia flava were covered on July 18 and in 7 days, 2 Fusconaia flava were almost emerged, one-half way up, but 13 were on the bottom (10 dead). On July 14, 8 Ligumia recta were covered and in 4 days 3 were at least partly emerged but at least 3 were on the bottom. Sand, Silt, Fine gravel Other substrates (sand, silt, and fine gravel) were applied individually as smothering material and created similar fates for the animals as did de- tritus. Some species could emerge but more could not. Many animals finally died of suffocation on the bottom. The demonstrated failure of mussels to climb out of smothering conditions explains in part the devastating effects of dredging (van der Schalie, 1941: 308), channelization and quarry washing (Stansbery, 1970). As an example of the difference to mussels be- tween artificial and natural sand formation, Grier (1922) may be quoted: “An old bed of “niggerheads” existing at Wild’s Landing was found to be absolutely covered with sand deflected by the dams . . . the best collecting in this area was from the sand bars.” Methods of Harvest Van der .Schalie (1941) has commented that there has been “an excessive amount of mussel- shell gathering with the use of “apparatus” in- jurious to the mussel beds.” He urges (1948) en- forcement against the illegal practices of com- mercial hand-picking and forking because only the acceptable method with the crow-foot bar skims above the surface removing the larger, higher mussels and not removing the young ones, so necessary for replacement of the older stock. Dennis (1971) explains the damage to mussel beds by hand-picking or raking as a matter of re- moving too many shells for restocking to be pos- sible. I suggest that an additional explanation 43 MARC J. IMLAY may be that brailing either removes a mussel entirely from the water or does not disturb it at all, leaving the substrate below relatively un- disturbed. Forking and hand-picking on the other hand, with the kicking of the substrate, overturn- ing of rocks, raking the substrate, and throwing back mussels too young for harvest, may amount to artificial displacement of the mussels not col- lected. Removal from Substrate On May 27, 1971, I placed 20 large male Lampsilis ventricosa on their sides at one location in 3 feet of water in a sandy area near the bank of the Eau Claire River, Wisconsin. On July 11, 19 of these mussels were found in the same 4x4 foot placement area (thus no migration). All were burrowed in except one almost on its side. All were oriented posteriorly upstream and 14 essen- tially parallel to the current flow. However, earlier, in the late autumn, I left about 50 mussels (including Lampsilis ventricosa) on their sides in a 4 x 4 foot sandy area near the bank of the Eau Claire River and 3 months later the mussels were still on their sides except for 2 or 3 which had burrowed in. There was no migra- tion from tlie placement area. Thus artificial dis- placement, in this case displacement at an atypical season, was too extremely different from natural displacement for the animals to adapt to it. Stansbery (personal communication) observed that mussels of certain species collected in sum- mer and left on their sides in a pile for many weeks remained that way. It may be speculated that part of the explana- tion for these experiences may be that certain species of mussels establish a partial domicile by growing into a shape which conforms to the particular microhabitat pressures and require- ments at the location of the particular mussel. This follows the familiar experience of finding arcuate and even odd shaped specimens in areas with boulders, stones, and small patches of suit- able sandy substrate. Such an older mussel would be less adaptable to displacement than a younger mussel. The type oi distinction shown here between artificial and natural imposition on the mussels may be involved in the unhappy circumstance that artificial river-lakes such as the large impound- ments on the Tennessee River and elsewhere are so inimical to mussels but natural river-lakes such as Lake Pepin, Minnesota, or mussels-Shoals, Alabama, supported even more species and num- bers of mussels than have large rivers. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 THE MOLLUSK FAUNA OF THE NORTH FORK HOUSTON RIVER AT SALTVILLE, VIRGINIA David H. Sta fishery THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, COLUMBUS, OHIO MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY A combination of extensive deposits of valuable chloride salts at the site of the headwaters of one of the richest freshwater fauna regions of the world has made Saltville, Virginia, a focal point of concern to biologists and water pollution auth- orities alike. For some 75 years the Olin Chemical Corporation has maintained a soda ash operation here with its chloride wastes going into the rela- tively small North Fork Holston River. The Hols- ton River proper is one of the largest headwater tributaries of the Tennessee River which originally had an endemic fauna of 24 species of naiads alone. Unfortunately the chemical industry had been in operation for at least seven years before the first observations were recorded on its affects on aquatic life. Adams (1915:18), in his classic work on lo, notes that in August, 1900, “At and below the alkali works the refuse flowing into the river has covered all the rocks and the bed of the stream with a whitish coat- ing. Natives reported that fish had been killed in great quantities by this refuse. Had this factory been located a few miles farther up- stream, lo would have become extinct in all this portion of the stream. Such influences show the importance of studying the animals of our streams before such pollution.” Adams had collected a fine series of lo fluvialis (Say, 1825) from the river above the polluted area. Collections in 1968 did not reveal the pres- ence of lo at or anywhere above Saltville or at Holston, 20 miles downstream. The only pleurocerid snails found at that time came from above the Olin Corporation outfall. Abundant populations of Oxytrema (Pleurocera) unciale (Haldeman, 1841) and Leptoxis (Anculosa) sub- globosa (Say, 1825) extended from within the Saltville city limits for miles upstream. The first extensive collection of naiads made at Saltville proper was by Ortmann. He lists (1918:608) 15 species taken by himself in 1912 and cites 9 species collected there by Peterson in 1917 making a total of 16 different species. Dr. William J. Clench and I collected at Saltville in September 1968, and added two more unionid species bringing the list up to 18. Five species previously recorded (see table) were not found, however, indicating a fauna decreasing in species diversity. Adams (1915:18), in his search for lo, made an effort to collect it at Holston in 1901. He found “ . . . the river apparently afforded an excel- lent habitat for lo. The water was shallow, about a foot deep, with an abundance of large rocks covered with a slimy algal growth and varied current from eddy to that of moderate swiftness. The water was clear, and yet no shells were found. I then examined the river for about a mile upstream ... no lo were found except an old weathered shell. I was told by a resident that occasionally the “alkali” refuse came down in such a quantity as to give the river a milky color. . . . Unionids were present, however, as shown by the bivalves on the banks where they had been opened by raccoons or muskrats.” The naiad shells collected by Adams at Holston became part of the Walker Collection and were listed by Ortmann (1918:609). There were 14 species in this collection and efforts by Clench and myself to find any of these forms at Holston in 1968 failed completely. The North Fork at Holston still looked much the same as it did to Adams in 1900, but the only mollusks found were a few Physa sp. in a pool alongside the river. It appears that the entire river fauna has been eliminated from this site. Recent attempts to collect the North Fork as far downstream as Rotherwood, only one mile above its mouth, did not reveal any living species of river mollusks, naiads or pleurocerids. Ortmann (1918:610) took 34 species of naiads at Rother- wood in 1913. It appears that the North Fork is devoid of mollusk life from Saltville as far down as the point where it joins the South Fork forming the Holston proper. What effect this badly pol- luted tributary has on the main stream is not known. Just recently the Virginia Water Control Board established strict new standards which make the 45 46 DAVID H. STANSBERY SPECIES RECORDED Saltville, Va. Holston, Va. Ortmann, 1912 Peterson, 1917 Stansbery and Clench, 1968 Change Adams, 1901 Stansbery and Clench, 1968 Change Subfamily Anodontinae Strophitus undulatus tennesseensis Frierson, 1927 X O O O O s Alasmidonta marginata Say, 1818 X o O O O s Alasmidonta viridis (Rafinesque, 1820) X o O o 0 s Pegias fabula (Lea, 1836) X X O X o Lasmigona cost at a (Rafinesque, 1820) X o O X 0 Subfamily Ambleminae Fusconaia edgariana (Lea, 1840) o o 1 + X o Fusconaia barnesiana (Lea, 1838) X X 3 S X 0 Lexingtonia dolabelloides (Lea, 1840) X X m S X o Pleurobema oviforyne (Conrad, 1834) X X 3 s X 0 EUiptio dilatatus (Rafinesque, 1820) o 0 0 s X 0 Subfamily Lampsilinae Ptychobranchus fasciolaris (Rafinesque, 1820) o o 1 + o o s Ptychobranchus subteyttuyyi (Say, 1825) X X 12 s X o Actinoyiaias pectorosa (Conrad, 1834) X o O X o Toxolasyyia 7. lividian (Rafinesque, 1820) o X O X o Medioyxidus coyiradicus (Lea, 1834) X X 15 s X o Conradilla caelata (Conrad, 1834) o o O s X 0 ViUosa iris yiebxdosa (Conrad, 1834) X X 22 s X o Villosa vayiuxeyyyi (Lea, 1838) X X 9 s o o s Laynpsilis ventricosa (Barnes, 1823) X o 1 s o o s Layyypsilis fasciola (Rafinesque, 1820) X 0 4 s X o Total Naiad Species Recorded 15 9 11 14 0 Faunal Change in Numbers of Species -5 -14 X = species present O = none taken = species added = species removed S = same continued operation of the Olin Corporation plant at Saltville economically unfeasible. Present plans are to phase out by December 1972 (Newcombe, 1971), but operations may stop before that time. Just how rapidly and to what extent the biota of the North Fork Holston can recover remains to be seen. The principle purpose of this paper is to summarize the changes which have occurred in the mollusk fauna up to the present time and to serve as a basis for comparison with such im- provements as may hopefully occur in the not- too-distant future. LITERATURE CITED Adams, Charles C. 1915. The variations and eco- logical distribution of the snails of the Genus lo. Memoirs National Academy of Sciences XII (II):1-92,61 pis. Newcombe, Jack and Grey Villet 1971. End of a company town. Life 70(11) :36-45, 14 pis. Ortmann, Arnold E. 1918. The nayades (fresh- water mussels) of the upper Tennessee drain- age. With notes on synonymy and distribution. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. LVII (6):521-626, 1 map. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 POPULATION CHANGES IN THE NAIAD MOLLUSK FAUNA OF THE LOWER OLENTANGY RIVER FOLLOWING CHANNELIZATION AND HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION Caro! B. Stein MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS, OHIO 43210 During the 1950’s and early 1960’s the Olen- tangy River just below the Fifth Avenue Dam in Columbus, Ohio, supported large populations of a wide variety of native aquatic animal species, including many kinds of river mollusks. The bed of the river was stable, consisting mainly of gravel and cobbles in shallow riffles and runs between small islands of water-willow and flood plain trees, as shown in the top figure of plate 6. Zoology students and faculty members of The Ohio State University (OSU), located nearby, frequently visited this site to study the various native species and to obtain specimens needed for research and classioom demonstration. More than 20 collections made here between 1956 and 1967 by Dr. David H. Stansbery, myself, and other OSU zoologists are now deposited in the mollusk research collections of the OSU Museum of Zoology. Seventeen species of naiads (see table) are known to have been living in the Olentangy below the Fifth Avenue Dam as recently as the early 1960’s. Four additional naiad species were found only as sub-fossil shells, indicating that they had been extirpated from this site before 1956. As shown in the center figure, the river channel was greatly modified during the summer of 1968, when a new freeway was constructed above the river. All the islands and other irregularities of the riverbed were eliminated, and the channel was graded to a uniform depth. Pillars were placed in the riverbed to support the new roadway. The height of the dam was increased approximately three feet. In 1971, three years after channelization, the site was again searched for naiads. Two after- noons of collecting yielded only three living specimens: two Anodonta imbecillis and one Anodonta grandis. The only other naiad species which were found were Strophitus undulatus (one fresh shell) and LampsUis radiata luteola (two fresh shells). All of the other naiad species ap- pear to have been extirpated from this site. Those species which were found are among the few naiads which are able to live in the silt-bottom, quiet-water pool impounded by the dam. It seems probable that they were washed over the dam during a period of high water following the channelization. Silt, diatoms, and filamentous algae now cover the rocks in the river channel below the dam. One small patch of water-willow, about two feet in diameter, has become established in the chan- nelized section of stream. How long a period will be required for the re-establishment of a stable and diversified naiad fauna at this site is un- known. 47 48 CAROL B. STEIN SPECIES Family UNIONIDAE Subfamily ANODONTINAE Anodonta imbecillis Say, 1829 Anodonta grandis Say, 1829 Strophitus undulatus (Say, 1817) Alasniidonta marginata Say, 1818 Alasmidonta calceolus (Lea, 1829) Lasmigona costata (Rafinesque, 1820) Subfamily AMBLEMINAE Quadrula cylindrica (Say, 1817) Amblema plicata (Say, 1817) Fusconaia flava (Rafinesque, 1820) Pleurobema coccineum (Conrad, 1836) Elliptio dilatatus (Rafinesque, 1820) Uniomerus tetralasmus (Say, 1830) Subfamily LAMPSILINAE Ptychobranchus fasciolaris (Rafinesque, 1820) Actinonaias ligamentina (Lamarck, 1819) Toxolasma parva (Barnes, 1823) Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) Lampsilis radiata luteola (Lamarck, 1819) Lampsilis ventricosa (Barnes, 1823) Lampsilis fasciola Rafinesque, 1820 Dysnomia triquetra (Rafinesque, 1820) Dysnomia torulosa rangiana (Lea, 1839) BEFORE AFTER (1956-1967) (1971) X X X X X X X o X o X o S-F O X o S-F O X O X o X o X o S-F O X o X o X X X o X o X o S-F O NAIAD MOLLUSK FAUNA 49 PLATE 6 The Olentangy River below the Fifth Avenue Dam in Columbus ) Ohio. Top: in 1961, showing habitat conditions under which 17 species of naiads thrived. Center: in 1968, during highway construc- tion and channelization work. Bottom: in 1971, three years after channelization. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 REPORT OF AMU CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Dr. Dolores S. Dundee presided in the absence of Mrs. Anne Spears, chairman; Mrs. Jeanne Whiteside served as secretary pro tern. Dr. Marc J. Imlay read the President’s Water Pollution advisory Board’s annual conference Re- solution IV: recommendations of the Bureau of Sports Fisheries and Wildlife; 1. To declare the Merrimac River, Missouri a wild river to prevent the Corps of Engineers from damming it; 2. To set aside the following rivers as sanct- uaries; the Clinch in West Virginia, the Powell in Tennessee, and the Paint Rock in Alabama. 3. To provide funds for surveys in Texas; 4. To provide funds for publishing descriptions and making color films for public recognition of endangered species. Dr. Imlay also stated that work is required by shell clubs, individuals, and conservation groups to preserve rare and en- dangered species, e.g. the geoduck clam on the west coast. Dr. David H. Stansbery reported that Senator Royce of Wisconsin had offered a bill to declare a one-year moratorium on funds for stream chan- nelization. The bill was defeated in the Senate but will be offered again. Dr. Imlay introduced Mr. Earl B. Baysinger of the Office of Endangered Species of the Depart- ment of the Interior who recommended that the AMU prepare a form suitable for the description of mollusks to aid in the identification by mem- bers of his office, giving the locality as well. He also suggested that the AMU set up a review committee to propose the names of endangered species. Such species will be entered in the Federal Register which must be referred to by other Federal Departments in planning their programs. However, the entering of species in the Register alone does not insure local protec- tion; this can be done only by the states through legislation and enforcement, except on Federal lands. Mr. Baysinger also pointed out that the designation “rare and endangered species” is defective, since his office recognizes only endan- gered species, that is, those in danger of becoming extinct. The term “rare” refers to small popula- tions at present safe from extinction because of isolation in difficult country, etc. They become “endangered” in the event of a natural or man- made catastrophe. Hence Mr. Baysinger suggested that only the term “endangered” be used. Dr. Arthur H. Clarke asked if the AMU will lose its tax-exempt status should it engage in lobbying. Mr. Baysinger answered that much can be done by individuals and even organizations without the Internal Revenue Service declaring the organization a lobbyist. However, it is im- portant to begin at the local level in town councils, county commissioners, etc., to prevent a potentially harmful project from getting started, since once such a project is beyond the preliminary planning stages, it is often too late. Dr. Dundee appointed Dr. Imlay chairman of a subcommittee to work out the descriptive form suggested by Mr. Baysinger and to decide how these forms will be distributed to taxonomists and zoogeographers. President Stansbery stated that the Executive Council of the AMU will take up requests for funds for the Conservation Committee in the budget. He also stated that the AMU can accept donations from individuals and clubs for this purpose. In the general discussion, means of collating and disseminating information on endangered species were discussed. Collaboration with other groups such as the Audubon Society, League of Women Voters, etc, was proposed to plan preventive measures. We were also asked how we as shell collectors can undertake conservation. It was sug- gested that we change our attitude toward nature by discouraging not necessarily eliminating, live collecting by AMU members. The next edition of the AMU booklet on HOW TO COLLECT SHELLS, will be renamed HOW TO COLLECT AND STUDY MOLLUSKS and emphasis will be placed on making observations, studying life habits, etc. rather than indiscriminately collecting to please passing whims. A committee was set up to propose a revised code of ethics for the collector. Jeanne Whiteside Sec’y pro tern 50 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, INC. ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING, JULY 19, 1971 President David H. Stansbery, presiding, called for a motion to waive reading of the minutes of the previous annual business meeting since an accounting had appeared in the Annual Reports for 1970. Motion made, seconded, carried. The reports of the Secretary and the Treasurer were heard and approved. See following sheet (s) for details. The budget for calendar year 1972 anticipates receipts and expenditures of $4,600, with $3,200 of that amount for the printing of the 1971 Annual Report. The Secretary reported on the Executive Council Meeting held July 18, 1971, and gave the following summary of matters considered: The format of the Annual Reports may be changed so that we will be able to get the best possible publication at the lowest possible cost. The title will be changed from Annual Reports to Bulletin. Be- cause it is less expensive to print a smaller num- ber of larger pages, the size of the pages of the Bulletin will probably be larger. How to Collect Shells will be revised before reprinting. Title is to be changed to How to Collect and Study Mollusks. Articles are to include emphasis on ecology and conservation. No action is to be taken on moving AMU’s state of incorporation from California, a move that seemed desirable last year. It is possible that we will be better off as an unincorporated association. This will be studied further. The Legal Committee was asked to consider the limits of AMU activities in influencing legislation i-e- garding endangered species. It was also asked to consider results of dropping our non-profit status. A number of new committees were created to study particular problems, and to report by next year. There are now ten committees — An- nual Meeting Site, Auditing, Budget, Conservation, Constitutional Revision, History and Archives, Legal, Membership, Nominating, and Publica- tions. The report of the Conservation Committee was reviewed by the Council. An open meeting of that Committee had been held on July 17. The Committee now has a budget for expenses, and channels of communication are clearer. It was recommended that each member of the AMU consider conservation as his own personal respon- sibility, letting his conscience be his guide. The President announced that the next Annual Meet- ing will be in Galveston, Texas, starting July 10, 1972. The Secretary read the report of the Nominat- ing Committee and explained that some officers are now elected for several years. The following were nominated: President, Arthur S. Merrill; President-Elect, Dolores S. Dundee; Vice Presi- dent, Harold D. Murray; Corresponding Secretary, for three-year term, Paul R. Jennewein; Council- lors-at-Large, for two-year terms, Henry D. Rus- sell and Carol B. Stein. The motion was made, seconded and carried that the nominations be closed. The Secretary was instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for the slate. Under new business, the desirability of formul- ating an AMU Code of Ethics for collectors was discussed by the membership. Copies of TIDE LINES, a publication of the St. Petersburg Shell Club, were passed out, as a Code was printed in it. Mr. Jacobson said it does not go far enough to suit him. He would like to see a pledge that starts, “I will not collect live shells”, but allows for ex- ceptions as conscience permits. Miss Stein recom- mended that the Conservation Committee work on formulating a Code of Ethics and present in- formation to the members at the next meeting or, preferably, prior to the meeting. Mrs. Beetle sug- gested that the school field trip is a good place to start to emphasize the importance of just look- ing, not taking plants or animals. It might be helpful to prepare a pamphlet for teachers, espe- cially elementary school teachers, on how to con- duct a field trip. This can be done by the AMU or by a shell club. Dr. Stansbery turned over the gavel to incom- ing President Merrill, and the meeting was ad- journed. 51 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY FOR 1970 As of January 1, 1971, the membership of the AMU was 823. The following is a tabulation of membership by category, and comparison with the previous year. 1/1/71 1/1/70 Individuals Individuals under 510 514 Family Membership 235 185 Corresponding Members 37 28 Honorary Life Members 9 8 Clubs 32 37 Total 823 764 Since year-end, several of the clubs that had been dropped for non-payment of dues have been contacted, and three of them have renewed mem- bership. About 100 names were dropped in 1970 for non-payment of dues. These were more than compensated for by new members and by mem- bers who added their spouses to the membership rolls. Respectfully submitted, Marian S. Hubbard, Re- cording Secretary. REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1970 Check Book Balance, January 1, 1970 Receipts Memberships: Regular 2,604.25 Corresponding 149.25 Shell Clubs 188.00 2,941.50 Sales: How to Collect Shells 401.15 Bulletin (back issues) 137.45 Rare & Endangered Species 16.10 554.70 2,294.27 Proceeds of Key West Meeting 771.34 Page Charge to Authors 80.00 Interest on Bonds 158.55 Miscellaneous 2.69 TOTAL RECEIPTS 4,508.78 Total cash to be accounted for 6,803.05 52 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 Disbursements Printing: Annual Report Newsletter Miscellaneous Rare & End. Species 2,604.16 172.60 85.03 201.00 3,062.79 Postage 229.51 Office Supplies — Secretary & Treasurer 57.87 Bank Charge 25.37 Secretary’s Expenses — Annual Meeting 253.78 Office Expenses — Secretary & Treasurer 113.51 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES Deposit in 5% savings account 3,742.83 1,000.00 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS Checking Account Balance, December 31, 1970 4,742.83 2,060.22 Total cash accounted for 6,803.05 Savings Account BlJf592, Colonial Federal Savings & Loan Association Balance, January 1, 1970 663.30 Interest for year 47.94 From Checking Account 1,000.00 Total Balance 1,711.24 Recapitulation of Assets, December 31, 1970 Cash in Checking Account, Girard Trust 2,060.22 Treasurer’s Petty Cash 10.00 Secretary’s Petty Cash, transferred from Margaret 100.00 Teskey to Marian Hubbard Savings Account 1,711.24 Savings Bonds — Girard Trust 3,000.00 Total Assets 6,881.46 Allocated to Life Membership Fund 1,470.88 AMU Net Worth, December 31, 1970 5,410.58 Changes in Capital Account: AMU, Capital Account, Jan. 1, 1970 4,596.69 AMU, Capital Account, Dec. 31, 1970 5,410.58 Net Increase in Assets, 1970 813.89 Respectfully submitted, Bernadine B. Baker, Treasurer Audited February 5, 1971 by R. 'Tucker Abbott and Russell H. Jensen 53 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. February 1972 THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, INC. THIRTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING MEMBERS AND GUESTS IN ATTENDANCE: Mr. Kirk Anders, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Mrs. Bernadine Baker, Havertown, Pa. Mr. John Baker, Patrick A.F.B., Fla. Mrs. Wilma Baker, Sarasota, Fla. Mr. Earl Baysinger, Washington, D.C. Ken Bazata, Lincoln, Neb. Mrs. Dorothy Beetle, Newport News, Va. Jerome M. Bijur, Naples, Fla. Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Bippus, Toledo, Ohio Mrs. Morley Bishop, Akron, N. Y. Miss Shirley Bishop, Akron, N. Y. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Blum, Pompano Beach, Fla. Mrs. Hollis Q. Boone, Houston, '"ex. Mrs. Jane Brooks, Fort Pierce, Fla. Michael Castagna, Wachaprague, Va. Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Clarke, Manotick, Ont., Canada Dr. William Clench, Dorchester, Mass. Mrs. Juliette Compitello, Bethesda, Md. T. J. Costello, Miami, Fla. Dr. John Culliney, Cambridge, Mass. Dr. Dolores Dundee, New Orleans, La. Lt. Col. Corinne Edwards, Coconut Grove, Fla. Dr. & Mrs. John Ferguson, Chapel Hill, N. C. Mrs. Kleinie Fieberg, Wilmette, 111. Mr. & Mrs. E. Flynn Ford, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Dr. & Mrs. Lake Fowler, Galveston, Tex. Mrs. Susan Gallagher, Treasure Island, Fla. Dr. Carl Gugler, Lincoln, Neb. Mr. & Mrs. M. T. Harris, Jacksonville, Fla. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Hicks, Eau Gallic, Fla. Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Holiman, Edinburg, Tex. Mrs. Marian Hubbard, Seaford, L. I., N. Y. Mr. & Mrs. Mart Hulswit, New York, N. Y. Mrs. Ruth Hunkins, Englewood, Fla. Dr. Marc Imlay, Duluth, Minn. Mr. & Mrs. Morris Jacobson, Rockaway, N. Y. Mrs. Beth Johnson, North Myrtle Beach, S. C. Mrs. Kenneth Johnson, Raleigh, N. C. Mrs. Hessie Kemper, St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Lucia King, Ft. Myers, Fla. Mrs. Florence Kuczynski, St. Petersburg, Fla. Sophie Kuczynski, St. Petersburg, Fla. Dr. Edward La Roe, Miami, Fla. Judge & Mrs. Benjamin Lencher, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. & Mrs. K. R. Lewis, Merritt Island, Fla. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lindar, Chicago, 111. Mr. & Mrs. Glen Long and family (2) Mrs. Mary Long, Sonora, Cal. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lowry, Raleigh, N. C. William Lyons, St. Petersburg, Fla. Mrs. Cornelia Mclnnes, Raleigh, N.C. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Magnotte, Pompano Beach, Fla. Mrs. Terese Marsh, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Don Maurer, Lewes, Del. Dr. Arthur Merrill, Easton, Md. R. W. Menzel, Tallahassee, Fla. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Moore and family (1) Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Morrison, Washington, D. C. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Murray, Lighthouse Point, Fla. Dr. Harold Murray, San Antonio, Tex. Miss Hellen Notter, Jacksonville, Fla. Dr. & Mrs. J. J. Parodiz, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Petit and Betsy, North Myrtle Beach, S. C. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Pfaff, Chicago, 111. Cynthia Plockelman, West Palm Beach, Fla. Hugh Porter, Morehead City, N. C. W. Lloyd Pratt, Jr., Fort Worth, Tex. Mrs. Dorothy Raeihle, Elmhurst, N. Y. Dr. & Mrs. Harald Rehder, Washington, D. C. Howard Root, West Palm Beach, Fla. John Root, West Palm Beach, Fla. William Ross, West Palm Beach, Fla. Dr. Henry Russell, Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. Frieda Schilling, St. Louis, Mo. Mr. J. Gunn Seville, Dunedin, Fla. Miss Violet Seville, Dunedin, Fla. William Shaw, Easton, Md. Dr. & Mrs. Francis A. Smith, St. Petersburg, Fla. Dr. & Mrs. David Stansbery and family (2), Columbus, Ohio Mr. & Mrs. Dan Steger, Tampa, Fla. Carol Stein, Columbus, Ohio Mrs. Leo Tate, Lake Jackson, Tex. Mrs. Myra Taylor, San Antonio, Tex. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Taxson, Bronx, N. Y. Mrs. Fran H. Thorpe, Miami, Fla. Mrs. Patricia Torrance, St. Petersburg, Fla. Dr. Ruth Turner, Cambridge, Mass. Gordon Nowell-Usticke, St. Croix, Virgin Islands Mrs. J. Andrews Wasson, Corpus Christi, Tex. Milton Werner, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. J. Smith Whiteside, Indian Harbour Beach, Fla. NOTE: In addition to those registered, a number of members of the Astronaut Trail Shell Club were in attendance, staffing the registration desk. 125 people registered, including 6 children. 54 THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, INC. THIRTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING COCOA BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 15-19, 1971 Group photograph: 1. Mrs. Esther Parodiz, 2. Dr. Juan J. Parodiz, 3. Dr. William Clench, 4. Mrs. Lois Rehder, 5. Dr. Harald Rehder, 6. Mrs. Bernadine Baker, 7. Dr. David Stansbery, 8. Mrs. Mary Lois Stansbery, 9. Mrs. Marian Hubbard, 10. M. Karl Jacobson, 11. Mrs. L. Jacobson (Pinky), 12. Mrs. Louise Clarke, 13. Jerome Bijur, 14. Mrs. Lucia King, 15. Mrs. Wilma Baker, 16. Kirk Anders, 17. Mrs. Morley Bishop, 18. Mrs. Fran Thorpe, 19. Mrs. Kleinie Fieberg, 20. Mrs. Kathryn Pfaff, 21 Albert Lindar, 22. Mrs. Charlotte Lindar, 23. Dr. Arthur Clarke, 24. Carol Stein, 25. Dan Steger, 26. Mrs. Mary Long, 27. Dr. Henry Russell, 28. Mrs. Dorothy Beetle, 29. Mildred Smith, 30. Fred Pfaff, 31. Mrs. Cornelia Mclnnes, 32. Mrs. Nell Lowry, 33. Walter Lowry, 34. Arthur Merrill, 35. Mrs. Anne Taxson, 36. Mrs. Dorothy Morrison, 37. Mrs. J. Ferguson, 38. Dr. John Ferguson, 39. Mrs. Beth Johnson, 40. Mrs. Jeanne Whiteside, 41. Mrs. Connie Boone, 42. Dr. Dee Dundee, 43. Mrs. Mildred Tate, 44. Mrs. K. R. Lewis, 45. Mrs. Emily Smith, 46. Dr. Francis A. Smith, 47. Hugh Porter, 48. Bill Ross, 49. Mae Ross, 50. Francis Murray, 51. Louise Murray, 52. Howard Blum, 53. Mildred Blum, 54. Violet Seville, 55. J. Gunn Seville, 56. Albert Taxson, 57. Dr. Joseph Morrison, 58. Judge Ben- jamin Lencher, 59. Mrs. Benjamin Lencher, 60. Lt. Col. Corinne Edwards, 61. Howard Root, 62. Gary Magnotte, 63. Mrs. Rudi Magnotte, 64. Dr. Carl Gugler, 65. Ken Bazata, 66. Michael Castagna, 67. William Shaw, 68. Mrs. Jane Brooks, 69. Cynthia Plockelman, 70. Mrs. Mary Ford, 71. J. Flynn Ford, 72. John Root, 73. W. Lloyd Pratt, Jr., 74. Mrs. Dorothy Raeihle, 75. Mrs. Ruth Hunkins, 76. Mrs. Audrey Holiman, 77. Wayne Holiman, 78. Mrs. Myra Taylor, 79. Dr. Donald Moore, 80. Mrs. Cindy Moore, holding Walter Moore, 81. William Lyons, 82. Mrs. Betsy Petit, 83. Gordon Nowell-Usticke, 84. Mrs. Juliette Compitello, 85. Mart Hulswit, 86. Mrs. Maria Hulswit, 87. Dr. Edward LaRoe, 88. Milton Werner, 89. Hellen Notter, 90. Dr. Lake Fowler, 91. Mrs. Lake Fowler, 92. Dr. Marc Imlay, 93. Jack Costello, 94. T. J. Costello, 95. Mrs. Florence Kuczynski, 96. Mrs. Sophie Kuczynski, 97. Mrs. Susan Gallagher, 98. Linda Stansbery, 99. Mrs. Miriam Hicks, 100. Richard Petit, 101. Dr. Harold Murray, 102. Mrs. J. Andrews Wasson, 103. Edwin Hicks, 104. Mrs. Patricia Torrance, 105. Mrs. Vera Roberts, 106. Millie O’Mara, 107. Mrs. Eleanor Hillman, 108. John Baker. 56 Bulletin of the American MalacoJogical Union, Inc. February 1972 THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, INC. ACTIVE MEMBERS Membership List Revised October 20, 1971 Abbott, Dr. and Mrs. R. Tucker, Delaware Museum of Natural History, Greenville, Del. 19807 Academy of Natural Sciences Library, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Adams, Lawson, 584 Banyan Blvd., Naples, Fla. 33940 Aguayo, Dr. Carlos G., College of Agriculture, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00709 Albert, Mrs. Ernest, 905 Bayshore Blvd., Safety Harbor, Fla. 33572 Aldrich, Dr. Frederick A., Marine Sciences Re- search Lab., Memorial Univ., St. Johns, New- foundland, Canada (Decapod cephalopoda ) Alexander, Robert C., 423 Warwick Road, Wynne- wood, Pa. 19096 Allen, Dr. J. Frances, COOO 42nd Ave., No. 311, Hyattsvilie, Md. 20781 Allen, James E., 1108 Southampton Dr., Alex- andria, La. 71301 (Tertiary micro-niollusca) Allen, Mrs. Lawrence K., Box 822, Port Isabel, Texas 78578 iMurex, Pecten, world marines; dealer) Allen, Miss Letha S., 187 Argyle St., Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada (General) Anders, Kirk W., Shells of the Seas, Inc., P. O. Box 1418, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33302 (Volu- tidae; all rare shells) Anderson, Carieton J., Kettle Creek Road, Weston, Conn. 06880 Andrews, Mrs. Jean (Wasson), 241 Melrose, Corpus Christi, Tex. 78404 Angstadt, Mrs. Earle K., Longview Farm, 959 Whitner Rd., Reading, Pa. 19605 Arnold, Ben E., Rt. 5, Box 27, Port Orchard, Wash. 98366 Aslakson, Capt. and Mrs. Carl I., 5707 Wilson Lane, Bethesda, Md. 20034 Athearn, Herbert D., Rt. 5, Box 376, Cleveland, Tenn. 37311 (Freshwater) Athearn, Mrs. Roy C., 5105 N. Main St., Fall River, Mass. 02720 (Landshells) Auerbach, Stuart, 1710 Algonquin Trail, Maitland, Fla. 32751 Avery, Mrs. R. Gail, Box 2557, Harbor, Oregon 97415 (Shells of West America; exch.) Baerreis, David A., 1233 Sweet Briar Road, Madi- son, Wise. 53705 (Paleoecological interpreta- tion through mollusks) Baily, Dr. Joshua L., P. O. Box 1891, La Jolla, Cal. 92038 Baker, Mrs. Horace B., 11 Chelten Road, Haver- town, Pa. 19083 Baker, John A., P. O. Box 4524, Patrick AFB, Fla. 32925 (General) Baker, Nelson W., 279 Sherwood Dr., Santa Bar- bara, Cal. 93105 (General) Baker, Wilma, Orange Acres, Lot 65, Sarasota, Fla. Barlow, Mrs. G. Barton, 5 Downey Drive, Tenafly, N. J. 07670 Barr, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. and J. W., Jr., 405 Prairie Street, St. Charles, 111. 60174 (Cowries) Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo C., P. O. Box 894, League City, Tex. 77573 (All mollusca) Baum, Newman N., 83 Weaving Lane, Wantagh, L. I., N. Y. 11793 Baxa, Mrs. Dorothy and Mr. Edward H., Box 177, Genesee Depot, Wise. 53127 (Beginning coll.; gaining knowledge of mollusks) Bayne, Dr. and Mrs. C. J., Dept, of Zoology, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, Ore. 97331 (Gastropod physiology) Bazata, Kenneth R., Univ. of Nebraska, Oldfather Hall 434, Lincoln, Neb. 68508 (Terrestrial pulmonates) Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Albert F., 2157 Sunrise Dr., LaCrosse, Wise. 54602 (Mississippi River shells) Bedell, Adele Koto, 2643 Laundale Dr., Beloit, Wise. 53511 Beetle, Mrs. Dorothy, Peninsular Junior Natui’e Museum, J. Clyde Morris Blvd., Newport News, Va. 23601 (Land, freshwater world shells) Bennett, Charles G., 374 73rd Street, Ocean, Marathon, Fla. 33050 Bequaert, Dr. Joseph C., Dept, of Entomology, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 85717 Berry, Dr. S. Stillman, 1145 W. Highland Ave., Redlands, Cal. 92373 57 ACTIVE MEMBERS 58 Bickel, David, Dept. Earth Sci., Minot State Col- lege, Minot, N. D. 58701 (Systematics and ecology of freshwater mollusks, exp. pleuro- cerid snails) Bijur, Jerome M., 135 7th Ave. N., Naples, Fla. 33940 (Buy, exch. Florida & Caribbean marine) Bippus, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin C., 2743 Sagamore Rd., Toledo, Ohio 43606 (Marine gastropods) Bishop, Stephen H., 4039 Turnberry Circle, Hous- ton, Tex. 77025 (Metabolism) Blaine, Mr. and Mrs. Alger P., 237 19th Ave. S., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33705 (Summer; 74 Pal- mer Ave., Springfield, Mass. 01108) Blankenship, Shaw, Route 2, Crab Orchard, Ky. 40419 (Fresh water mussels) Bleakney, Dr. J. Sherman, Dept, of Biology, Acadia Univ., Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada (Nudibranchs and sacoglossans; ecology, zoogeography, systematics) Blum, Mr. and Mrs. Howard F., 2881 N. E. 22 Court, Pompano Beach, Fla. 33062 Boone, Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Q., 3706 Rice Blvd., Houston, Tex. 77005 Borkowski, PhD., Cpt. Thomas V., 381-44-2275, USAMEDC, Box 177, APO San Francisco, Cal. 96331 (Systematics, ecology-Littoi’inidae, also micro-mollusks) Born, Mrs, Thomas, 4345 Manolete, Pensacola, Fla. 32504 Boss, Dr. Kenneth Jay, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. 02138 Bottimer, L. J., Rte. 1, Box 50, Tow, Tex. 78672 (Recent and fossil) Boyd, Dr. and Mrs. Eugene S., 6806 Gillis Road, Victor, N. Y. 14564 (All aspects) Bradley, J. Chester, 604 Highland Road, Ithaca, N. Y. 14850 Bradley, John C., 469 Farmington Ave., Waterbury, Conn. 06710 (Travel and collect) Brady, E. Leo, P. O. Box 2515, Newburgh, N. Y. 12550 (land snails) Branson, Branley A., P. O. Box 50, Eastern Ken- tucky Univ., Richmond, Ky. 40475 Bratcher, Twila L., 8121 Mulholland Terrace, Hollywood, Cal. 90046 Brill, Mr. and Mrs. James A., 804 Johnson Street, Terrell, Tex. 75160 Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. John C., 3050 Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Pierce, Fla. 33450 Brown, Dorothy, 7090 Madera Drive, Goleta, Cal. 93017 (Pectens) Brown, Wade G., 1317 Arnette Ave., Durham, N. C. 27707 (Rare W. Atlantic shells) Broyles, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E., 5701 Fairfield Drive, Ft. Wayne, Ind. 46807 Brunson, Dr. Royal Bruce, Montana State Univ., Missoula, Mont. 59801 Bryan, Edwin H., Jr., Bishop Museum, P. O. Box 6037, Honolulu, Hawaii 96818 (Pacific Biogeo- graphy and Bibliography) Buffalo Museum of Science, Research Library, Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, N. Y. 14075 Burch, Dr. John B., Museum of ZooL, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 (Land and freshwater mollusks) Burch, Mr. and Mrs. John Q., 1300 Mayfield Rd., Apt. 61-L, Seal Beach, Cal. 90740 Burch, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A., 236 Kuuhoa Place, Kailua, Hawaii 96734 (Dredging) Burgers, Dr. and Mrs. J. M., 4622 Knox Rd., Apt. 7, College Park, Md. 20740 Burggraf, Margaret R., 608 N. W. 26th Street, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33311 (Self-collected Florida shells) Burghardt, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn, 14453 Nassau Road, San Leandro, Cal. 94577 Burke, Alice L. and Thos. D., Jr., 1820 S. Austin Blvd., Cicero, 111. 60650 (Marine mollusks of eastern U. S. A.) Caffin, John, 528 W. New York Ave., DeLand, Fla. 32720 (World shells) Campbell, Edward D., 3528 1/2 Meade Ave., Apt. E, San Diego, Cal. 92116 Campbell, Mrs. Minnie Lee, 3895 DuPont Circle, Jacksonville, Fla. 32205 (General collecting) Cardeza, R. Adm. and Mrs. Carlos M., P. O. Box 6746, Houston, Tex. 77005 (Summer Address: Rt. 1, Box 104, Sanibel, Fla. 33957. Florida and Texas shells) Carley, T. S., 407 Kingston, Deerfield, 111. 60015 Carlton, Jas. T., Dept. Invert. ZooL, Cal. Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Cal. 94118 (Estua- rine & brackish water mollusks) Carney, W. Patrick, U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit No. 2, Djakarta Detachment, APO San Francisco, Cal. 96356 Carr, Mrs. Jack C., 912 Broadway, Normal, 111. 61761 (Exchange worldwide marine) Castagna, Michael, Va. Inst. Marine Sci., Wacha- preague, Va. 23480 (Pelecypod larval be- havior) Cate, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford N., 12719 San Vincente Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. 90049 (Winter; P. O. Drawer R, Sanibel, Fla. 33957. {Mitra, Cy- praea; no exchanges) Chace, Emery, 24205 Eshelman Ave., Lomita, Cal. 90717 Chandler, Carl and Doris, P. O. Box 621, Rt. 28, Chatham, Mass. 02633 (Winters: P. O. Box 2344, Ft. Myers Beach, Fla. 33931) (Cones, Cypraea) Chanley, Paul, c/o Shelter Island Oyster Co., P. O. Box 353, Greenport, L. I., N. Y. 11944 59 ACTIVE MEMBERS Chichester, Lyle F., Dept. Biol. Sci., Central Conn. State College, New Britain, Conn. 06050 (Ecology of terrestrial gastropods, biology of land slugs) Christensen, Carl C., 1612 Kamole Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96821 Clark, John W., Jr., 1407 Westmoor, Austin, Tex. (Economic exploitation of mollusks by pre- historic Indians, their use in ecological re- construction) Clarke, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur H., Jr., Dept, of Mollusks, Nat’l Museum of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Clarke, Dr. Rosemary, P. O. Box 615, Dubuque, Iowa 52001 Class, Harry E., 35 Tyrell Street, Simcoe, Ont., Canada Clench, Dr. Wm. J., 26 Rowena Street, Dorchester, Mass. 02124 Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Wade Oval, University Circle, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Clover, Phillip W., Box 33, Div. 32, FPO, New York 09540 {Marginella, Mitra, Voluta, Conus, Cypraea) Coan, Dr. Eugene, 891 San Jude Ave., Palo Alto, Cal. 94306 Cole, Mrs. Joseph H., Jr., 255 El Pueblo Way, Palm Beach, Fla. 33480 (Florida and Caribbean marine shells) Compitello, Mrs. Juliette, 5630 Alta Vista Road, Bethesda, Md. 20034 Conde, Vincent, Redpath Museum, McGill Univ., Montreal, Quebec, Canada Conway, Miss Leslie E., 70 Stoneyside Lane, Olivette, Mo. 63132 Cooper, Robert W. and Marjorie, 5012 Pfeiffer Road, Peoria, 111.61607 (Florida marine; world Murex, Pecten, Spondylus; SCUBA divers) Corey, Mrs. David K., 206 Airport Road, Blacks- burg, Va. 24060 Corgan, James X., Dept. Geography and Geology, Austin Peay State Univ., Clarksville, Tenn. 37040 (Microscopic gastropods) Cornell University, Albert R. Mann Library, Ithaca, N. Y. 14850 Craine, Mrs. Ruth A., 161C Pelham Lane, Ross- moor, Jamesburg, N. J. 08831 Cramer, Frances L., 766 Obispo Ave., Long Beach, Cal. 90804 (Ecology; conservation) Crittenden, Mrs. John S., 624 Waterfall Isle, Alameda, Cal. 94501 Crutchfield, Mrs. Auralie, 48 Jan Drive West, Hebron, Conn. 06248 Cull, Mrs. Robt. R., 7927 Chippewa Rd., Brecks- ville, Ohio 44141 Cummings, Raymond W., 37 Lynacres Blvd., Fayetteville, N. Y. 13066 (Shells of the West Indies, esp. Windward and Grenadine) Cutler, Henry H.., 105 Abbott Rd., Wellesley Hills, Mass. 01570 Cvancara, Dr. Alan Milton, Dept. Geology, Univ. of N. Dakota, Grand Forks, N. Dak. 58201 (Pleistocene and Holocene continental mol- lusks; Early Tertiary continental and marine mollusks) Davis, Derek S., Nova Scotia Museum, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (Gastropod biology and taxonomy) Davis, Dr. George M., Dept. Mollusks, Academy of Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Davis, John D., 26 Norfolk Avenue, Northampton, Mass. 01060 (Ecology of Marine bivalves) Dawley, Dr. Charlotte, 114 So. Mendenhall St., Greensboro, N. C. 27403 Deatrick, Paul A., 218 S. W. 32 Ave., Miami, Fla. 33135 (Strombus, Busycon) DeGaetano, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F., 5 Forest Drive, Mendham, N. J. 07945 (Collect and buy marine shells) DeLuca, Mrs. John A., Miss Gladys, Deborah Rd., Hanover, Mass. 02339 Demond, Joan, Dept. Geology, Univ. of Cal., Los Angeles, Cal. 90024 Desmond, Hon. Thos., 94 Broadway, Newburgh, N. Y. 12550 Dexter, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph W., Dept. Biol. Sci., Kent State Univ., Kent, Ohio 44240 Dietrich, Mr. and Mrs. Louise E., 308 Veri Drive, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15220 Dixon, Mrs. Ruth S., 711 Parker St., Durham, N. C. 27701 (Marine mollusks) Doucet, Mrs. P., Bay No. 24, 3313 Dewdney Trunk Rd., Port Moody, B. C., Canada DuBar, Dr. and Mrs. Jules R., Geoscience Dept., Morehead State Univ., Morehead Ky. 40351 (Cenozoic and recent mollusks — ecology and paleoecology) Dundee, Dr. Dolores S., Dept. Biol., La. State Univ. in New Orleans, New Orleans, La. 70150 (Land mollusks; freshwater mussels) Dunn, V. Roger, 4727 27th Ave., So., Gulfport, Fla. 33711 Dvorak, Stanley J. 3856 W. 26th St., Chicago, 111. 60623 (Muricidae) Eddison, Grace G., M.D., 810 Soundview Dr., Mamoroneck, N. Y. 10543 (World marine) Edmiston, Mrs. J. R., 5038 Hazeltine Ave., Apt. 301, Sherman Oaks, Cal. 91403 Edwards, D. Craig, Dept. Zoology, Univ. of Mass- achusetts, Amherst, Mass. 01002 (Population ecology & behavior of marine benthic mol- luscs) Ellin, Philip, 130 Cliff Ave., Winthrop, Mass. 02152 (Pecten, Terebra, Cypraea) ACTIVE MEMBERS 60 Emerson, Dr. Wm. K., American Museum Nat. Hist., Central Park W. at 79th, New York City 10024 Erickson, Carl W., 4 Windsor Ave., Auburn, Mass. 01501 Erickson, Richard, Macalester College, St. Paul, Minn. 55101 (General interest, esp. fossil and freshwater) Eubanks, Mrs. Edwin W., 9353 Bermuda Ave, Baton Rouge, La. 70810 Eyerdam, Walter J., 7531 19th Ave., N. E., Seattle, Wash. 98115 Fackert, Dorothy M., R. D. 1, Box 355, Sussex, N. J. 07461 Farrell, Lyle H., Proctor Academy, Andover, N. H. 03216 Fassig, Mrs. Margaret L , 216 So. Occidental Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. 90057 Fechtner, Mr. Frederick, 6027 N. Kenmore Ave., Chicago, 111. 60626 (Unionidae, Sphaeriidae, Corbiculidae) Feigert, Eugene C., 409 South Avenue, Van Wert, Ohio 45891 (Cypraeidae and general) Feinberg, Harold S., Dept. Living Invertebrates, American Museum Nat. Hist., Central Park W. at 79th St., New York City 10024 (Land and freshwater mollusks) Ferguson, Dr. and Mrs. John H., 226 Glandon Drive, Chapel Hill, N. C. 27514 Fieberg, Kleinie, 1430 Lake Ave., Wilmette, 111. 60091 Field Museum of Natural History, Library — SO 11627, Chicago, 111. 60605 Fikes, Mrs. Martha H., 5837 Roberts Road, Hilliard, Ohio 43026 (Pesticide usage in the environment) Fingold, Mr. and Mrs. A. S., University Sq. No. 1, 4625 Fifth Ave., Apt. 105, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213 Finlay, C. John, 116 Tanglewood Lane, Newark, Del. 19711 (Marine mollusks of the Western Atlantic & Caribbean) Fisher, Larklyn, Dept, of Zoology, Washington State Univ., Pullman, Wash. 99163 (Phy- siology, taxonomy) Foehrenbach, Jack, 91 Elm St., Islip, L. I., N. Y. 11751 (Ecology of marine mollusks) Foote, Mary K., Box 2075, South Padre Island, Tex. 78578 Ford, Mr. and Mrs. E. Flynn, 2100 So. Ocean Dr., Apt. 8-M, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33316 Foster, Mrs. Fred H., 401 N. Justus St., P. O. Box 213, Oxford, Ind. 47971 (Shells in general) Fowler, Dr. and Mrs. Lake, 4508 Woodrow, Galves- ton, Tex. 77550 Franke, Norman W., 214 Orin St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15235 (Self-collected marine shells) Franz, Dr. David R., Dept. Zool. and Entomology, U. of Conn., Storrs, Conn. 06268 (Ecology and physiology marine mollusks, esp. Nudi- branchs) Franzen, Dr. Dorothea, 111. Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, 111. 61702 Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Harley L., 353 S. Atlantic Ave., Ormond Beach, Fla. 32074 (West Atlan- tic shells) Frost, Eric, P.E.A., Box 304, Exeter, N. H. 03833 (Amateur) Gallagher, Mrs. John, 12250 6th Street East, Treasure Island, Fla. 33706 Garcia, Emilio F., 135 Oak Crest Dr., Lafayette, La. 70501 (Bulimulinae, Pectinidae, Cy- praeidae) Garoian, Dr. Geo , Dept. Zool., So. 111. Univ., Car- bondale, 111. 62901 Geological Survey of Canada Library, Room 350, 601 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Gilbert, Mrs. Laura, 808 Westwood Drive, Abilene, Tex. 79603 Gilbert, Professor & Mrs. William H., Colby Col- lege, Dept, of Biology, Waterville, Maine 04901 (Marine & FW bivalves — ecology, behavior & systematics; Tellina, Macoma) Gilmour, Thos. H. J., Dept. Biology, U. of Saskat- chewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada ( Anisomyarian bivalves) Girardi, Mrs. Jos. B., 707 Kent Road, Kenilworth, 111. 60043 Goethel, Lt. Col. (Ret.) Louis and Mrs., 9402 Nona Kay Dr., San Antonio, Tex. 78217 (Cy- praea — buy and trade) Gottlieb, Lee, 3580 Gull Road, Lake Park, Fla. 33403 (Marine gastropods) Graaf, Gerrit de, 10915 S. W. 55th St., Miami, Fla. 33165 Grantier, Mrs. Bruce J., 7 Tiverton Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Persian Gulf shells) Graves, Mr. and Mrs. Howard B., Jr., 826 S. Ingram Ave., Lakeland, Fla. 33801 Gregg, Wendell O., M.D., 2220 S. Harvard Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. 90018 Griffin, Mary Jane, 705 Miller Street, Helena, Ark. 72342 (Shells for beauty — scientific collection) Groeneveld, Miss Mae, 1183 Terrace St., Muskegon, Mich. 49442, (Cypraea, conus) Gruetzmacher, Inez, 534 1st St., Menominee, Mich. 49858 Guckert, Richard H., 433 Grace Road, Upper Darby, Pa. 19082 (Systematics of freshwater mussels; ecology, seasonal life histories fresh- water mollusks; comp, ecology and physiology of Nassariidae) Gudnason, Mrs. Harold, 1959 Wrenn St., Oakland, Cal. 94602 61 ACTIVE MEMBERS Gugler, Carl W., Dept. ZooL, Univ. of Neb., Lin- coln, Neb. 68508. (Terrestrial pulmonates) Gunter, Dr. Gordon, Gulf Coast Research Lab. Ocean Springs, Miss. 39564 (Ostreidae) Hadley, Mrs. Esther, 48 Adella Ave., West Newton, Mass. 02165 Hagge, Mrs. Daniel, 20 North Hill Rd., Wausau, Wis. 54401 Hall, Mrs. Warner L., 727 Queen’s Rd., Charlotte, N. C. 28207 Hallacker, Daniel J., 3243 Potter Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. 19134 (Cones) Hamilton, Mrs. Wm. J., 615 Highland Rd., Ithaca, N. Y. 14851 Hand, Dr. Cadet H., Bodega Marine Lab., P. O. Box 247, Bodega Bay, Cal. 94923 Hargreaves, Jacqueline A., 2208 48th Street, Lub- bock, Tex. 79412 Harman, Dr. Willard N., Science, NYSU College, Oneonta, N. Y. 13820 (Freshwater) Harris, Mrs. E. Milton, 3237 Carlisle Rd., Birming- ham, Ala. 35213 Harris, Larry G., Dept. Zoology, Univ. New Hampshire, Durham, N. H. 03824 (Symbiotic association of Gastropoda, esp. nudibranch- coelenterate association) Harris, Marion J. and Bessie B., Rt. 6, Box 347T, Jacksonville, Fla. 32223 Harrison, Mrs. F. F., One Beaver St., Cooperstown, N. Y. 13326 Harry, Dr. Harold W., 4612 Evergreen, Bellaire, Tex. 77401 Harwell, Mrs. Albert L., 5613 — 8 Court South, Birmingham, Ala. 35212 Heck, Ralph L., P. O. Box 16712, Temple Terrace, Fla. 33617 (World gastropods, esp. Conus, Cypraea) Hedges, Mrs. Arlene J. and Miss Barbara JoAnne, 404 North East Street, Crown Point, Ind. 46307 (Diversified interests) Henderson, Jerry G., 1729 N. W. Greenbrier Way, Seattle, Washington 98177 (General interest) Mrs. Pat Hermann, Rt. 3, Box 324C, Panama City, Fla. 32401 (land snails) Herr, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Sr., 7901 Dewitt Drive, RFD No. 3, Baldwinsville, N. Y. 13027 Hertlein, Dr. Leo G., Cal. Academy of Sci., San Francisco, Cal. 94118 Hesse, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H., 1241 Cocoanut Road, Boca Raton, Fla. 33432 Hettick, Mrs. G. Riley, 933 Lynwood Dr., Bartles- ville, Okla. 74003 Hickman, Mrs. Harriette L., 11015 First Ave., Stone Harbor, N. J. 08247 (Worldwide Epitonium) Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S., 1522 Palmwood Drive, Eau Gallie, Fla. 32935 (General collect- ing; also fossil shells) Hidu, Dr. Herbert, Ira C. Darling Center, Univer- sity of Maine, Walpole, Maine 04573 (Ecology of estuarine mollusks) Higbee, Mrs. Florence and Joan, 13 N. Bedford St. Arlington, Va. 22201 Hinshaw, Merton E., 2542 N. Spurgeon, Santa Ana, Cal. 92706 Holiman, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne, Box 246, Edinburg, Tex. 78539 Holle, Dr. Paul A., Asst. Prof. Biology, State Teacher’s College, Worcester, Mass. 01602 (Salt marsh snails) Hollister, S. C., 5 Parkway Place, Ithaca, N. Y. 14850 Hood, Elizabeth G., 1742 Meredith Lane, Belleair, Clearwater, Fla. 33516 Hopkins Marine Station Library of Stanford Univ., Pacific Grove, Cal. 93950 Hopkins, Dr. and Mrs. Sewell H., Dept. Biol., Tex. A and M Univ., College Station, Tex. 77843 Hornstein, Leon, 2211 Arden Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21209 (Amateur) Houbrick, Mr. Richard Joseph, Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center, Washington, D. C. 20560 (Zoogeography, systematics, evolu- tion) Howard, Mrs. Faye B., 4167 Creciente Dr., Santa Barbara, Cal. 93105 (Gulf of California shells) Hubbard, Mrs. Marian S., 3957 Marlow Court, Seaford, N. Y. 11783 Hubricht, Leslie, 4026 35th St., Meridian, Miss. 39301 (U. S. land and freshwater) Hulswit, Mart, 680 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. 10025 (Collecting with SCUBA) Hunkins, Mrs. Ruth E., 133 Brook to Bay, Engle- wood, Fla. 33533 (Miniature shells; exch) Imlay, Dr. and Mrs. Marc J., Nat. Water Quality Lab. 6201 Congdon Blvd., Duluth, Minn. 55804 Inchaustegui, J. M., 2121 Grape PL, Gretna, La. 70053 Ishikawa, Samuel, 551 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10017 Isom, Billy G., 318 Riverview Circle, Florence, Ala. 35630 Jackson, R. H., 5219 Trentwood Drive, New Bern, N. C. 28560 Jackson, Ralph W., Rt. 1, Cambridge, Md. 21613 (Exch. land shells) Jacobs, George, 853 Riverside Dr., New York, N. Y. 10032 (Buy and exch. foreign land and marine shells) Jacobson, Morris Karl, 455 Beach 139 Street, Rock- away Beach, N. Y. 11694 James, Mrs. Frederic, 850 W. 52nd St., Kansas City, Mo. 64112 ACTIVE MEMBERS 62 Jennewein, Mr. and Mrs. Paul R., Box 394, Wrightsville Beach, N. Carolina 28480 (Rais- ing mollusks in aquaria; writing and illus- trating articles on shell collecting) Jensen, Mrs. Dorothy, 30-83 Crescent St., Apt. B-3, Astoria, N. Y. 11102 Johns, Mrs. Veronica Parker, c/o Seashells Un- limited, Inc., 590 Third Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10016 Johnson, Col. and Mrs. Harvey A. (Ret.), 3915 S. W. 109th St., Seattle, Wash. 98146 Johnson, Mrs. Kenneth L., 3206 Sussex Rd., Raleigh, N. C. 27607 (World marine shells) Johnson, Sp/6 Oliver M., E 264-34-3424, 95th Evac. Hosp. (Dental Clinic), APO San Francisco, Cal. 96349 (South China Sea shells) Johnson, Richard I., 124 Chestnut Hill Road, Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02167 (Books) Johnstone, Mrs. Kathleen Yerger, 2209 River Forest Road, Mobile, Ala. 36605 Jones, Dr. David T., P. O. Box 284, Vinton, Iowa 52349 Jones, Richard H., 1432 Dorsh Road, So. Euclid, Ohio 44121 Jordan, Leslie Ann, 24232 Via Aquara, Laguna Niguel, Cal. 92677 (Parasites on Donax; gen- eral coll, with emphasis on gastropods) Junge, Reinhart, 89-19 171st St., Apt. 2-P, Jamaica, Queens, N. Y. 11432 Katsaras, Nick, 479B S. Washington Ave., Ber- genfield, N. J. 07621 Kay, Dr. E. Alison, Gen. Sci. Dept. Univ. of Hawaii, 2450 Campus Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 (Indo-Pacific marine mollusca: system- atics and ecology) Keen, Dr. A. Myra, Dept. Geol., Stanford Univ., Stanford, Cal. 94305 Keferl, Eugene P., 4766 Riverside Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43321 (Terrestrial gastropods) Kelsheimer, Geo. E. and Geneva, 19137 Dresden Drive, South Bend, Ind. 46637 (Live collecting; cleaning and preservation methods) Kemper, Mrs. Hessie, 11854 Josse Dr., St. Louis, Mo. 63128 Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Caroline, 1070 Northampton St., Holyoke, Mass. 01040 Kile, Chas. O., Box 2046, Agana, Guam 96910 (All shells) King, Lucia E., Presbyterian Apts. No. 1503, 1925 Virginia Ave., Ft. Myers, Fla. 33901 Kline, Mrs. Mary, 240 Makee Rd., Apt. 10-A, Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 Klinkey, Martha, 336 Main Street, Batavia, 111. 60510 (Cypraea, Miirex, Strombus) Knauer, Mrs. Freda S., 244 33rd St., Avalon, N. J. 08202 (N. J. & Florida marine shells; exch.) Kohn, Dr. Alan J., Dept. Zool., Univ. of Washing- ton, Seattle, Wash. 98105 Kondo, Dr. Yoshio, Bishop Museum, Box 6037, Honolulu, Hawaii 96818 Kovach, Jack, Dept. Geology, Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio (Ecology, shell composi- tion, paleontology of non-marine mollusks) Kraemer, Dr. Louise R., Dept. Zool., Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. 72702 (Fresh- water lamillibranchs) Krauss, N. L. H., 2437 Parker Place, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 (Carnivorous land snails; biology) Kuczynski, Florence, 7400 46th Ave. N., Lot 406, St. Petersburg, Fla. 33709 (Collect, photo- graph, and exchange shells) Kurz, Richard M., 1575 N. 118 St., Wauwatosa, Wis. 53226 (Large specimen shells) Laavy, T. L., Middleton Place Apts., A21, E. Earl Street, Greenville, So. Car. 29609 Lamberts, Dr. Austin, 1520 Leffingwell, N. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. 49505 Landye, Jas. Jerry, Dept. Zool., Arizona State Univ., Tempe, Ariz. 85281 (Freshwater) Lang, Bruce Z., Eastern Wash. State College, Dept. Biology, Cheney, Wash. 99004 (Ecology FW mollusca — Goniobasis, Valvata, Parapholyx — and effects of parasitism on mollusc popula- tions) LaRivers, Dr. Ira, Box 167, Verdi, Nev. 89439 LaRocque, Dr. Aurele, Dept. Geol. Ohio State Univ., 125 S. Oval Dr., Columbus, Ohio 43210 Laudig, Mr. and Mrs. David J., 700 Via Zumaya, Palos Verdes Estates, Cal. 90274 (Molluscan ecology, behavior) Lawrence, Mrs. Kay, 88 Siders Pond Rd., Fal- mouth, Mass. 02540 (Pectinidae) Lemire, Ross, 184 Grandview Ave., Willowdale, Ontario, Canada Lencher, Judge and Mrs. Benj, Apt. 408, 144 N. Dithridge St., Pittsburgh, Penn. 15213 Lerner, Martin, 64 Thompson Avenue, Oc('anside, N. Y. 11572 (Worldwide marine shells) Levin, Mrs. Milton I., 57 Stonicker Dr., Trenton, N. J. 08638 Lewis, Harold, 125 McClenaghan Mill Rd., Wynne- wood, Pa. 19096 Lewis, Dr. and Mrs. John R., 23 W. 551 Warren- ville Rd., Lisle, 111. 60532 Lewis, Mrs. J. Kenneth, 9207 48th Ave., College Park, Md. 20741 Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R., 1221 Crane Drive, Cherry Hill, N. J. 08034 Light, Frank B., Jr., The Cate School, P. O. Box 68, Carpinteria, Cal. 93013 Loizeaux, Mrs. A. D., 5369 Susquehanna Dr., Va. Beach, Va. 23462 Long, Glenn A., 608 Stevenson Lane, Towson, Md. 21204 (Marine gastropods) 63 ACTIVE MEMBERS Long, Mary E., 36 W. Lytton St., Sonora, Cal. 95370 (Marine shells) Lowry, Walter G. and Nelle H., 5404 Overlook Drive, Raleigh, N. C. 27609 (Collect N. C. marine; exchange for world marine) Lubinsky, Dr. Irene, Dept. Zoology, Univ. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (Marine bivalves of the Canadian Arctic) Luttrell, Mr. and Mrs. A. L., 5800 Wall Lane, Rock- ville, Md. 20852 (Marines and fossils) Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G., Florida Dept. Nat. Resources, P. O. Drawer F, St. Petersburg, Fla. 33731 (Florida and W. Indian mollusks) MacBride, Grace, R. D. 1, Hartman Rd., North Wales, Pa. 19454 MacMillan, Gordon K., 169 Glenfield Dr., Pitts- burgh, Pa. 15235 MacPherson, Mrs. A. H., 13812 — 98th Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (Canadian gastro- pods; taxonomy) Macquin, Mrs. Hazelle B., 437 Douglas Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 (Fossil mollusks of the United States) Maes, Virginia Orr, Dept. Mollusks, Academy Nat. Sci., Philadelphia 19103 Mahavier, Mrs. W. E., 234 E. Woodland Ave., San Antonio, Tex. 78212 Malek, Dr. Emile, Dept. Parasitology, Tulane Univ. Medical School, New Orleans, La. 70112 Malone, Elsie, Sanibel Island, Fla. 33957 (Buy, sell, exch. world shells) Manes, Mrs. Sidney, Knollwood Rd., Fayetteville, N. Y. 13066 iHaliotis: also land and fresh- water species) Mann, Mrs. Julia, Data Research Associates, 425 Park Avenue South, New York, N. Y. 10016 Marsh, Mrs. Therese C., P. O. Box 22291, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33315 (S. E. Florida marine; world bivalves) Marshall, Mrs. Thos. H., 2237 N. E. 175th St., Seattle, Wash. 98155 (World shells; exch.) Martin, Mrs. Winifred, Rt. 2, Box 222, Brazoria, Tex. 77422 Martz, Mrs. Helen J., 2525 Eastwood Ave., Evans- ton, 111. 60201 Mattera, Albert and Mrs. Emily, 4501 Traymore, Bethesda, Md. 20014 (Murex) Matteson, Dr. Max R., Dept. Zook, Univ. of Ilk, Urbana, Ilk 61803 Mauseth, E. L., Alden, Minn. 56009 (All shells) McAlester, A. Lee, 247 St. Ronan Street, New Haven, Conn. 06511 (Bivalve evolution and ecology) McCall, Mrs. Diane, Buckingham Road, Box 8, R.R. 3, Willimantic, Conn. 06226 McCallum, John and Gladys, Meadowvue Drive, Rt. 2, Wexford, Pa. 15090 McCarty, Col. Wm. A., 424 Hunting Lodge Dr., Miami Springs, Fla. 33166 McClure, Mrs. Virginia H., 317 S. Wetherly Dr., Beverly Hills, Cal. 90211 McDonald, Mrs. Sharon C., Museum Zook, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 (Biology, re- source management of Fw & marine gastro- pods, esp. Lymnaea and Strombus) McGinty, Thos. L., Box 765, Boynton Beach, Fla. 33435 Mclnnes, Mrs. Cornelia G., F-6 Raleigh Apts., Raleigh, N. C. 27605 (All marine mollusks) McLean, Dr. James H., Los Angeles Co. Museum, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. 90007 Mead, Dr. Albert R., Dept. Zoology, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 85721 Merrill, Dr. Arthur S., National Marine Fisheries Service, Biological Laboratory, Oxford, Md. 21654 Merritt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack H., 2251 Euclid Ave., Ft. Myers, Fla. 33901 Mesibov, Robert E., 240 Cabrini Blvd., New York, N. Y. 10033 Metcalf, Dr. Artie L., Dept. Biology, Univ. of Tex. at El Paso, El Paso, Tex. 79968 (Terrestrial Gastropoda of S. W. United States) Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey G., Box 61, Captiva, Fla. 33957 Michaelsen, Jeffry Ingalls, c/o J. W. Michaelsen, Director, Nairobi, Pan American Airways, Mailroom, Hangar 14, JFK International Air- port, Jamaica, L. I., N. Y. 11430 (Indian Ocean and South Pacific) Michalski, David, 868 Emory Court, Upland, Cal. 91786 (General collection, especially more colorful or showy families) Michelson, Dr. Edw. H., 7 Richmond Rd., Natick. Mass., 01760 (Medical malacology) Miles, Dr. Chas. D., Dept, of Zoology, Univ. of Mo. at Kansas City, Kansas City, Mo. 64110 Miller, Barry B., Dept. Geology, Kent State Univ., Kent, Ohio 44240 (Non-marine Pleistocene malacology) Miller, Richard L., Dept. Biology, Temple Univ.. Philadelphia, Pa. 19122 (General interest) Miller, Walter B., 6140 Cerrada El Ocote, Box 199-B, Rt. 4, Tucson, Ariz. 85718 Moberg, Capt. and Mrs. A. G., Keene Rd., RFD 154, Freetown, Mass. 02717 Mohorter, Willard, Museum Natural History, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 (Field collecting; Cypraea, Murex, Pecten, Valuta) Molesko, Mrs. Phyllis, 56C Nob Hill Road, New London, Conn. 06320 (Collecting; underwater research) Monfils, Paul R., Johnson House, University of Mass., Amherst, Mass. 01002 ACTIVE MEMBERS 64 Moore, Dr. and Mrs. Donald R., Institute of Marine Science, Univ. of Miami, 10 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Fla. 33149 Morrison, Dr. Joseph P. E., Div. of Mollusks, U. S. Natl. Museum, Wash., D. C. 20560 Morrison, Robert W., 574-A Canal Road, Sarasota, Fla. 33581 (Marine shells, esp. Cypraea, Voluta, Oliva, Murex) Mousley, Louis B., Director-Curator, Mousley Museum of Natural History, 11555 Bryant Street, Yucaipa, Cal. 92399 Murasko, Mrs. Janice, 95 Connolly Drive, Mill- town, N. J. 08850 (Marine mollusks of Atlantic coast) Murray, Mrs. Francis A., 3741 N. E. 24th Ave., Lighthouse Point, Fla. 33064 Murray, Dr. Harold D., Biol. Dept., Trinity Univ., San Antonio, Tex. 78212 (Unionidae, distri- bution and parasites) Murray, Talbot E., Jr. and Mrs. Miriam G., Pacific Marine Station, Dillon Beach, Cal. 94929 (In- vertebrate embryology) Musial, Eugene, 53 Idlewood Drive, Tonawanda, N. Y. 14151 Myer, Dr. Donal G., Southern 111. Univ., Edwards- ville, 111. 62025 (Land snails) Myers, Paul R., 1208 W. Clark, Urbana, 111. 61801 (Biochemistry of excretion and cellular pro- cesses involved; characterization of trans- mitter substances, location in the ganglion) Naide, Meyer, M.D., 2034 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 National Museum of Canada Library, Ottawa 4, Ontario, Canada Nicol, Dr. David, P. O. Box 14376, University Station, Gainesville, Fla. 32601 Nicolaci, Mr. and Mrs. Domenick, 40 Sedgewick Rd., Fairhaven, Mass. 02719 iPecten; exch) Norton, Mrs. LeRoy, 49 State Street, Presque Isle, Maine 04769 Noseworthy, Ronald G., P. O. Box 104, Grand Bank, Newfoundland, Canada (No. Am. cir- cumboreal mollusks; also Clausiliidae and Turridae) Notter, Hellen, 2529 Gilmore St., Jacksonville, Fla. 32204 Oatis, Mrs. Vincent P., 312 Holiday Park Dr., Pitts- burgh, Pa. 15239 (Exchange world marines) Ode, Dr. Helmer, 4811 Braeburn Dr., Bellaire, Tex. 77401 (Gulf of Mexico marines) Oetzell, Miss Edith M., 518 S. Ardmore Ave., Villa Park, 111. 60181 (Conus) Old, Wm. E., Jr., Dept. Mollusks, Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Central Park W. at 79th St., New York, N. Y. 10024 Olsson, Axel A., 1900 Ferdinand St., Coral Gables, Fla. 33134 (Tertiary Mollusca; Panamic- Pacific Mollusca; radulae) Oppenheimer, Ella H., M.D., 7703 Crossland Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21208 Ostheimer, Alfred J. Ill, 4607 Kahala Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 Ostheimer, Ruth E. M., 146 S. Whitford Rd., Whitford (Exton P. O.), Pa. 19341 Pace, Gary, Dept. Biol., Univ. of Mich., Flint, Mich. 48503 Palmer, Dr. Katherine V. W., 206 Oak Hill Rd., Ithaca, N. Y. 14850 Parker, Rosemarie, 2118 Glenn Summer Road, Colorado Springs, Colo. 80909 (Marine gastro- pods) Parodiz, Dr. and Mrs. Juan J., Sect, of Inverte- brates, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213 (Neotropical mollusks and freshwater Gastropoda of U.S.A.) Pasternack, Dr. and Mrs. Richard, 1224 Seminole Dr., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33304 Petit, Mr. and Mrs. Richard E., Box 133, North Myrtle Beach, S. C. 29582 (World shells) Phillips, Betty and Ted, 4580 Nueces Dr., Santa Barbara, Cal. 93105 Plockelman, Cynthia H., 311 Franklin Rd., W. Palm Beach, Fla. 33405 (Caribbean Muricidae, Naticidae) Plummer, Mrs. Berniece, 47 Tulane Parkway, Rochester, N. Y. 14623 Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Dan, Hudson House, Ardsley- on-Hudson, N. Y. 10503 Porter, Mrs. Miriam E., 2013 So. Vernon PL, Mel- bourne, Fla. 32901 Potter, Mrs. A. Leslie, Rt. 1, Fulton, N. Y. 13069 Potter, John William, 4815 Merlendale Court N. W., Atlanta, Ga. 30327 Pratt, W. L., Jr., Dept. Nat. Sci., Ft. Worth Mu- seum of Science and History, 1501 Montgo- mery St., Ft. Worth, Tex 76107 (Texas and Mexican land snails) Ptolemy, Mrs. Wm. R., 220 Sanatorium Rd„ Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (Collect, exch. World shells) Pulley, Dr. Thos. E., Houston Museum of Nat. Sci., P. O. Box 8175, Houston, Tex. 77004 Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P., General De- livery, Fort Collins, Colo. 80521 Quammen, Eleanor K., Box 132, 402 Homestead Rd., Wayne, Pa. 19087 Quigley, Jacqueline S., P. O. Box 14365, West Omaha Station, Omaha, Neb. 68114 (Cypraea) Radwin, Dr. Geo. E., 4341 Rodrigo Drive, San Diego, Cal. 92115 (Gastropod taxonomy) Raeihle, Dorothy and Geo., 5346 82nd St., Elm- hurst, N. Y. 11373 Rathburn, Mary H., P. O. Box 455, Sarasota, Fla. 33578 (World shells) 65 ACTIVE MEMBERS Rawls, Dr. Hugh C., Eastern Illinois Univ., Dept, of Zool., Charleston, 111. 61920 (Ecology, tax- onomy, distribution of land snails) Reader, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R., 4772 49th Ave., N., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33714 (Live mollusks) Reeder, Richard L., Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 85721 (Land pulmonates) Rehder, Dr. Harald A., U. S. Natl. Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 20560 Rice, Thos. C., Rt. 4, Box 330, Poulsbo, Washington 98370 (All shells; exchange) Richards, Charles S., Lab. of Parasitic Diseases, Nat. Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. 20014 (Freshwater mollusks, host-parasite rela- tions, mollusk pathology and genetics) Richards, Dr. Horace G., Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Rickard, Mrs. George C., 9316 Harvey Road, Silver Spring, Md. 20910 Ridge, Mrs. Lorraine, 17 Cassanova Drive, St. Augustine, Fla. 32084 Ring, Eileen G., 1510 No. Euclid, Upland, Cal. 91786 Risser, Capt. R. D., USN (Ret.), Morrison Plane- tarium, Cal. Acad. Sci., Golden Gate Park, San Francisco 94118 Ritchie, Mrs. Rebecca P., Dock Ledge, Marblehead, Mass. 01945 (World marine shells, esp. Marginella) Ritchie, Mrs. Robt. M., 17 Country Club PI., Bloom- ington, 111. 61701 Robert, Miss Ginette, Inst. Oceanography, Dal- housie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (Ecology, systematics and evolution) Robertson, Dr. Robert, Dept, of Mollusks, Acad- emy of Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Robinson, Geo. D., 5347 Dartmouth Ave., N., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33710 (Collect, buy, sell, exch.) Root, John, P. O. Box 182, W. Palm Beach, Fla. 33402 Roper, Dr. Clyde F. E., Div. of Mollusks, U. S. Nat. Museum, Washington, D. C. 20560 (System- atics and ecology of the Cephalopoda) Ropes, John W., P. O. Box 333, St. Michaels, Md. 21663 Rosentreter, Howard W., P. O. Box 532, Big Pine Key, Fla. 33043 Rosewater, Dr. Joseph and Mrs., Div. of Mollusks, U. S. Nat. Museum, Washington, D. C. 20560 Ross, Landon T., Jr., 1301 Taylor Road, Punta Gorda, Fla. 33950 Ross, Mr. and Mrs. William A., 1101 Hampton Road, W. Palm Beach, Fla. 33405 (Olividae and Pectinidae) Rotenberger, David N., 10316 Acapulca Way, Orlando, Fla. 32810 (Shadow Boxes) Roworth, Edwin C., 1301 Windsor Dr., Cardiff-by- the-Sea, Cal. 92007 (World shells and sea life) Roy, Dr. Edw. C., 915 Fabulous Dr., San Antonio, Tex. 78213 (Invertebrate paleontology; non- marine mollusks) Ruehl, Theo. C., 112 Haverstraw Rd., Suffern, N. Y. 10901 (Murex, Valuta, Conus) Russell, Chas. E., 10602 Jordan Road, Carmel, Ind. 46032 (Land, freshwater) Russell, Dr. Henry D., Springdale Ave., Dover, Mass. 02030 Russell, Dr. Loris S., Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada Russell, Richard H., Dept. Biol. Sci., Univ. of Ariz., Tucson, Ariz. 85720 Russell-Hunter, Dr. W. D., Dept, of Biology, 112 Lyman Hall, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. 13210 Sankey, Harriet E., 7857 So. Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. 60649 Schell, Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick B., Jr., The Brook- lands, Colebrook, Conn. 06021 (Retired; trav- elers and collectors) Schilling, Mrs. Frieda, 3707 Lan Drive, St. Louis, Mo. 63125 Schoen, Mr. and Mrs. Donald, 11 Hamilton Ave., Bronxville, N. Y. 10708 (Ecology of intertidal species) Seip, Wm. F., 1555 Stonewood Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21212 Shasky, Donald R., M.D., 734 W. Highland Ave., Redlands, Cal. 92373 Shaw, William N., National Marine Fisheries Service, Biological Laboratory, Oxford, Md. 21654 (Shellfish culture) Sheafer, Clinton W. and Mabel H., P. O. Box 576, Delray Beach, Fla. 33444 Sheets, Mrs. Elva, R. R. 4, Huntington, Ind. 46750 Shell Shop, The, 509 Embarcadero, Morro Bay, Cal. 93442 Siekman, Mrs. Lula B., 5031, 41st Street South, St. Petersburg, Fla. 33711 Silverthorne, Lt. Gen. M. H., 4711 Dover Rd., Washington, D. C. 20016 Sinclair, Ralph M., U. S. Dept. Interior, FWPCA Training, 4676 Columbus Pwy., Cincinnati, Ohio 45226 (Pleurocerids and unionid ecology) Singleton, Mrs. J. L., 7275 N. Beach Dr., Mil- waukee, Wis. 53217 Sisson, Mr. and Mrs. C. H., 3300 Wisconsin Street, Oakland, Cal. 94602 (Haliotis, Conus, Crj- praea) Smith, Allyn G., 722 Santa Barbara Rd., Berkeley, Cal. 94707 Smith, Egbert T., Ft. Myers Travel Agcy., Ft. Myers, Fla. 33901 ACTIVE MEMBERS 66 Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Francis, 1023 55th Ave., S., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33705 (Microscopic marine mollusks of Florida) Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harry M., 1410 Wayne St., Sandusky, Ohio 44870 (Local and foreign col- lecting) Smith, Dr. Judith Terry, 1527 Byron Street, Palo Alto, Cal. 94301 Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Roland V., 215 Sunnyside Ave., Ottawa, KIS OR4, Ontario, Canada Smithsonian Institution Library, Acquisitions, Washington, D. C. 20560 Snyder, Barry, 119 E. Ferry Road, Morrisville, Pa. 19067 Snyder, Harry P., 716 King St., McKeesport, Pa. 15132 Snyder, Martin Avery, 745 Newtown Rd., Villanova, Pa. 19085 Solem, Dr. Alan and Barbara, Dept, of Zoology, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 111. 60605 Soper, Arthur W., 69 Hunter’s Lane, Devon, Pa. 19333 Speers, Mrs. Anne B., c/o Superior Oil Co., Lake Creek Camp, Box 71, Conroe, Tex. 77301 (Shells of Texas coast) Sphon, Gale, Jr., c/o Los Angeles County Museum, Invertebrate Zoology, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. 90007 Stanford University Library, Acquisitions Div., Serial Dept., Stanford Univ., Stanford, Cal. 94305 Stansbery, Dr. David H., The Ohio State Museum, Columbus, Ohio 43210 (Naiads) Starrett, Dr. Wm. C., 111. Nat. Hist. Survey, Box 324, Havana, 111. 62644 (Aquatic biology) Steger, Mr. and Mrs. Dan, 2711 68th St., Tampa, Fla. 33619 (Marine fauna, Gulf of Mexico) Stein, Carol B., The Ohio State University, Muse- um of Zoology, 1813 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43210 (Freshwater bivalves) Steinke, Capt. Dale E., 2011 W. Barker, Peoria, 111. 61604 (Marine shells) Stenzel, Dr. H. B., Dept. Geology, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, La. 70803. Stevenson, Mrs. Thelma M., 1225 Valley View, Vermillion, S. D. 57069 (Fossil mollusks and their recent equivalents) Stewart, Rev. Marlin B., Box 487, Pleasant Valley, N. Y. 12569 Stickle, William B., Jr., Biology Dept., Univ. of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. D. 58201 Stingley, Dale V., P. O. Box 113, La Belle, Fla. 33935 {Crejndula) Stix, Hugh S., 13 VanDam St., New York, N. Y. 10013 Stohler, Dr. Rudolf, Dept. Zoology, Univ. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. 94720 Strieder, Denise J., M.D., 143 Laurel Road, Chest- nut Hill, Mass. 02167 (American seashells) Stringer, H. J., Jr., 1180 S. Ocean Blvd., Apt. B-11 Boca Raton, Fla. 33432 Stuart, Frances M., 19 East 65th Street, New York N. Y. 10021 (Gastropods) Sutow, Wataru W., M.D., 4371 North MacGregor Way, Houston, Tex. 77004 (Strombus; ex- change) Sutton, Barbara, 254 West 73 Street, New York, N. Y. 10023 Swan, Emery F., The Lacawac Sanctuary, R. F. D. 1, Lake Ariel, Pa. 18436 Talmadge, Robt. R. 2850 Pine St., Eureka, Cal. 95501 (Haliotidae) Taxson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert, 25 Knoll’s Crescent, Bronx, N. Y. 10463 Taylor, Dr. Dwight W., Nat. Hist. Museum, Box 1390, San Diego, Cal. 92112 Taylor, Mrs. Jud, 900 Burr Rd., Apt. 1-G, San Antonio, Texas 78209 (Shells of the Texas Coast) Taylor, Mrs. Renford, 102 E. Hermosa, San Antonio, Tex. 78212 Teixeira, Mrs. Frank, Sias Point, Box 274, Buz- zards Bay, Mass. 02532 (Pecten; exch.) Teskey, Mrs. Margaret C., P. O. Box 273, Big Pine Key, Fla. 33043 Thomas, Dr. Grace, Dept. Zook, Univ. of Ga., Athens, Ga. 30601 (Sphaeriids) Thomas, Miss Marguerite I., Box 312-A, Rt. 1, Swansboro, N. C. 28584 (World marine; exch.) Thompson, Jean, 11 Old Field Point Road, Green- wich, Conn. 06830 (General interest) Thorpe, Mrs. Fran Hutchings (Mrs. Foster B.), 3910 Battersea Road, Coconut Grove, Fla. 33133 Tidepool Gallery, 22762 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, Cal. 90265 Torrance, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W., 5561 9th Ave. No., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33710 (Aquarium and field study of marine Mollusca; world exch.) Turano, Andrew F., M.D., R. F. D. 1, Cemetery Road, Colchester, Conn. 06415 (World marine shells) Turner, Dr. Ruth D., Museum of Comp. Zool., Cambridge, Mass. 02138 Ucko, Paul, 731 W. 183 St., New York, N. Y. 10033 (Shells in general) U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Library, National Marine Fisheries Service, Tropical Atlantic Biol. Lab., 75 Virginia Beach Drive, Miami, Fla. 33149 University of Arizona Library, Tucson, Ariz. 85721 Univ. of Cal. Library, Serials Dept., San Diego Accounting Office, LaJolla, Cal. 92037 Univ. of Cal. at Los Angeles Geology Library, Los Angeles, Cal. 90024 67 ACTIVE MEMBERS Univ. of Conn., Wilbur Cross Library, Serials Dept., Storrs, Conn. 06268 Univ. of 111. Library, Urbana, 111. 61803 Univ. of Kentucky Library, Acquisitions Dept., Lexington, Ky. 40506 University of Maine Library, Orono, Maine 04473 University of Maryland Library, College Park, Md. 20740 Univ. of Maryland Library, Natural Resources Institute, Chesapeake Biological Lab., Solo- mons, Md. 20688 Univ. of So. Cal., Hancock Foundation Library, University Park, Los Angeles, Cal. 90007 Usticke, N. Gordon, 1 North St., Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands 00821 Valentine, Dr. and Mrs. J. Manson, 1260 S. W. 1st St., Miami, Fla. 33135 Van der Schalie, Dr. Henry, University Museums, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 Van Erp, Mrs. G. D., 11306 Surrey Oaks Lane, Houston, Tex. 77024 Van Riper, Dr. Mildred J., 611 No. Mayo St., Crystal Beach, Fla. 33523 (Display; world shells) Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, Va. 23062 Vokes, Dr. Harold and Emily, Dept. Geology, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. 70118 (Mesozoic and Tertiary mollusks. Fossil and Recent Muricidae) Wadsworth, Jas. Edgar, Wilson Court, Chapel Hill, N. C. 27514 (Shell club promotion) Waggoner, Mrs. Marguerite, 412 Main St., Lock- port, La. 70374 Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. J. L., 13 N. Shore Dr., Seaford, Del. 19973 Walker, Mr. R. L., Texaco Caribbean, Inc., Apartado 779, Santo Domingo, Dominican Re- public (Dominican shells) Waller, Dr. Thos. R., Dept. Paleobiology, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 20560 (Zoogeography, ecology, evolution of Cenozoic Pectinidae) Walter, Harold J., Ph.D., 7 Niagara Ave., Dayton, Ohio 45405 (Lymnaeidae-Basommatophora- Gastropoda) Walter, Dr. Waldemar, Dept. Biology, Western 111. Univ., Macomb, 111. 61455 Walton, Munro L., 1108 N. Central Ave., Glendale, Cal. 91202 (Land snails) Warehime, Mrs. Alan, R.D. 3, Hanover, Pa. 17331 (General interest) Warmke, Germaine L., 1711 S. W. 43rd Ave., Gainesville, Fla. 32601 Wasili, Mrs. John, P. O. Box 8, Frisco, N. C. 27936 Watkins, T. Edward, 381 W. 24th St., Riviera Beach, Fla. 33404 Wayne, Dr. Wm. J., Dept. Geol., Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 68508 (Pleistocene non-marine mollusks) Weaver, Clifton S., 1038 Mokulua Drive, Kailua, Oahu, Hawaii 96734 Webb, Dr. Glenn R., Rt. 1, Box 148, Fleetwood, Pa. 19522 Weber, Martha and Gertrude, 5450 7th Ave., N., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33710 Weingartner, Mathilde P., 17 Amelia Ct., Staten Island, N. Y. 10310 Weisbord, Norman E. and Nettie S., Dept. Geol., Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, Fla. 32306 (Cenozoic and Recent mollusks) Wells, Dr. Harry, 620 Presbyterian Ave., Laurin- burg, N. C. 28352 Werner, Milton, 70 Richmond St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 11208 Westerfield, Mrs. Asher L., 429 Montgomery Ave., Haverford, Pa. 19041 (Marine shells) Wheel, Adlai B., Pet Haven, 4501 West Seneca Turnpike, Syracuse, N. Y. 13205 Whiteside, Mrs. Smith, 205 Marion Street, Indian Harbour Beach, Fla. 32937 Widmer, Ernest C., P. O. Box 814, Orange Park, Fla. 32073 (Exch. marine and freshwater Florida material) Wightman, Eugene P., Ph.D., 85 Harding Rd., Rochester, N. Y. 14612 (World marine) Wilie, Wm. L., Jr., 1405 McFaddin, Beaumont, Tex. 77701 (Conus) Willis, Kathryn, Dogwood Lane, Alpine, N. J. 07620 (Cypraea) Wilson, Dr. Druid, Room E506, U. S. Natl. Museum, Washington, D. C. 20560 Windnagel, John, 3581 Snouffer Road, Worthing- ton, Ohio 43085 Wiswall, Harold C., 42 Winding River Road, Need- ham, Mass. 02192 (W. Atlantic, Caribbean mollusks) Withrow, Mr. and Mrs. Carl C., 4825 9th St., S., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33705 Wolfe, Dr. Douglas A., U.S.B.C.F. Radiobiological Lab., Beaufort, N. C. 28516 (W. Atlantic marine Mollusca) Work, Robert C., Institute of Marine Science, Univ. of Miami, 10 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Fla. 33149 Wright, Rev. Calvin T., 4 Water Street, Assonet, Mass. 02702 (Marine species) Wulff, Ella May, R.D. 2, Bella Vista Drive, Wil- limantic, Conn. 06226 (Marine gastropods) Wurtz, Dr. Chas. B., 3220 Penn St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19129 (Terrestrial Pulmonata) Yokley, Paul, Jr., Florence State College, Florence, Ala. 35630 Yokota, Hisao A., 1813 Derby Street, Berkeley, Cal. 94703 (Indo-Pacific) ACTIVE MEMBERS 68 Young, Ann Frame, P. O. Box 846, Marathon, Fla. 33050 (SCUBA; Cassidae) Young, H. D., P. O. Box 1931, Seattle, Wash. 98111 (Exchange “documented” gastropods of Pacific Northwest for “documented” species from other areas; also purchase) Young, Miss M. E., 6314 Waterway Dr., Falls Church, Va. 22044 Zager, Mrs. Jane, 200 Mt. Pleasant Ave., West Orange, N. J. 07052 (American shells) Zanders, Tyrone Von, 4501 Phoenix Drive, Oxnard, Cal. 93030 Zenon, Michele, 307 Charlane Parkway, North Syracuse, N. Y. 13212 (Cowries) CORRESPONDING MEMBERS Aitena, Dr. C. O. van Regteren, Duindoornlaan 26, Bentveid, Holland Australian Museum, P. O. Box A-285, Sydney, N. S. W., Australia 2000 Boettger, Dr. Caesar, 33 Braunschweig Zoolog- isches Inst., Pockelstrasse 10-A, West Ger- many British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London S. W. 7 5BD, England Chrosciechowski, Przemyslaw K., Aptdo. 125, Maracay (Ar.), Venezuela (Planorbidae) Dazo, Dr. Bonifacio C., c/o Parasitic Diseases Div. of Communicable Diseases W.H.O., Geneva, Switzerland deAlmeida, Mr. A. C., No. 16 Chilaw Road, Negombo, Ceylon (Land snails) Duarte, Eliseo, Casilla Correo 1401, Central, Mon- ■ tivideo, Uruguay (Exchange) Galindo, Lie. Ernesto Santos, Lopez no. 1, Mexico 1, DF. (Marine shells) Hallin, Sea-captain Per W., Gullregnsvagen 23, 43400 Kungsbacka, Sweden (General interest; exchange) Kilbourn, Mr. R. N. c/o Natal Museum, Pieter- maritzburg, Natal, South Africa 197041971 Marine Biological Lab., Univ. of Copenhagen, 3000 Helsing^r, Denmark Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Labora- toire de Malacologie, 55 Rue Buffon, Paris, France Netherlands Malacological Society, Zoologish Museum Library, Middenlaan 53, Amsterdam, Netherlands Oliveira, Dr. Maury Pinto de, Institute de Ciencias Biolo"gicas e de Geoci^ncias, Cidade Univer- sitaria, Juiz de Fora, M. G., Brazil Oyama, Dr. Katura, Geol. Survey of Japan, Kawada-cho 8, P. O. Ushigome, Tokyo, Japan Paget, Dr. Oliver E., Museum Natural History, Burgring 7, Vienna, A-1014, Austria Rios, Dr. Eliezer de Carvalho, Museu Oceano- grafico, Box 379, Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (Marine shells, worldwide) Stevenson, A. G., c/o Bowers, 28-30 Anzac Street, Auckland 1, New Zealand Univ. Auckland Library, Serials Dept., Auckland, New Zealand SHELL CLUBS AFFILIATED WITH THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION ASTRONAUT TRAIL SHELL CLUB, INC., P. O. Box 515, Eau Gallie, Fla. 32935 BOSTON MALACOLOGICAL CLUB, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard, Mass. 02138 BRAZASPORT MUSEUM OF NATURAL SCI- ENCE, Box 355, Lake Jackson, Tex. 77566 BROWARD SHELL CLUB, 2800 N. W. 10th Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33311 CHICAGO SHELL CLUB, Dept. Zoology, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago 111. 60605 CLEVELAND SHELL CLUB, THE, 1432 Dorsh Road, South Euclid, Ohio 44121 COASTAL BEND GEM & MINERAL CLUB, c/o Mrs. Pat Ratliff, P. O. Dr. 1232, Bay City, Tex. 77414 COASTAL BEND SHELL CLUB, c/o Corpus Christi Museum, 1212 N. Water Street, Corpus Christi, Tex. 78401 CONCHOLOGICAL CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALI- FORNIA, 16321 Pacific Coast Highway, No. 150, Pacific Palisades, Cal. 90272 CONCHOLOGICAL SECTION, BUFFALO SOCI- ETY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Buffalo Museum of Science, Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, N. Y. 14211 CONNECTICUT SHELL CLUB, Peabody Mu.seum, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 06520 CONNECTICUT VALLEY SHELL CLUB, c/o Earl Reed, Springfield Museum of Natural History, 236 State Street, Springfield, Mass. 01103 69 MEMBERS CROWN POINT SHELL COLLECTORS STUDY GROUP, 404 North East Street, Crown Point, Indiana 46307 FORT MYERS BEACH SHELL CLUB, P. O. Box 5057, Ft. Myers Beach, Fla. 33931 FORT MYERS SHELL CLUB, 1936 Coronado Road, Fort Myers, Fla. 33901 GALVESTON SHELL CLUB, P. O. Box 894, League City, Tex. 77573 GREATER ST. LOUIS SHELL CLUB, Museum of Science and Natural History, Oak Knoll Park, St. Louis, Mo. 63105 HAWAIIAN MALACOLOGICAL SOCIETY, c/o Aquarium, 2777 Kalakaua Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 HOUSTON CONCHOLOGY SOCIETY, Museum of Natural Science, Hermman Park, Houston, Tex. 77005 JACKSONVILLE SHELL CLUB, 3895 DuPont Circle, Jacksonville, Fla. 32205 KANSAS CITY SHELL CLUB, 5401 Mohawk Lane, Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66205 LOUISVILLE CONCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 1216 Allison Lane, Jeffersonville, Ind. 47130 MIAMI MALACOLOGICAL SOCIETY, P. O. Box 691, Coconut Grove, Fla. 33133 NAPLES SHELL CLUB, P. O. Box 1991, Naples, Fla. 33940 NATIONAL CAPITAL SHELL CLUB, Div. of Mollusks, U. S. National Museum, Washing- ton, D. C. 20560 NEW YORK SHELL CLUB, Dept. Living Inverte- brates, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park W. at 79 Street, New York, N. Y. 10024 NORTH CAROLINA SHELL CLUB, c/o Ruth Dixon, 711 Parker Street, Durham, N. C. 27701 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA MALACOZOOLOG- ICAL CLUB, c/o Salle Crittenden, 624 Water- fall Isle, Alameda, Cal. 94501 PACIFIC NORTHWEST SHELL CLUB, INC., Rt. 1, 2405 N. E. 279th Street, Ridgefield, Wash. 98642 PALM BEACH COUNTY SHELL CLUB, P. O. Box 182, W. Palm Beach, Fla. 33402 PHILADEPHIA SHELL CLUB, Dept. Mollusks, Academy of Natural Science, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 PITTSBURGH SHELL CLUB, Section of Inverte brates, Carnegie Museum, 4400 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213 ROCHESTER SHELL AND SHORE CLUB, c/o John Crucini, Librarian, 65 Eastland Road, Rochester, N. Y. 14616 SACRAMENTO VALLEY CONCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 7908 Seneca Way, No. Highlands, Cal. 95660 ST. PETERSBURG SHELL CLUB, 7400 — 46th Avenue No., Box 406, St. Petersburg, Fla. 33709 SAN ANTONIO SHELL CLUB, 9402 Nona Kay Drive, San Antonio, Tex. 78217 SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB, San Diego Museum of Natural History, P. O. Box 1390, San Diego, Cal. 92112 SANIBEL-CAPTIVA SHELL CLUB, Box 61, Captiva, Fla. 33957 SANTA BARBARA MALACOLOGICAL SOCI- ETY, INC., THE, P. O. Box 30191, Santa Bar- bara, Cal. 93105 SARASOTA SHELL CLUB, 6512 Clemson Street, Bradenton, Fla. 33505 SOUTH FLORIDA SHELL CLUB, Museum of Science & Natural History, 3280 So. Miami Ave., Miami, Fla. 33129 SOUTH PADRE ISLAND SHELL CLUB, P. O. Box 2110, S. Padre Island, Tex. 78578 SOUTHWEST FLORIDA CONCHOLOGIST SOCI- ETY, P. O. Box 876, Ft. Myers, Fla. 33902 TIDEWATER SHELL AND FOSSIL CLUB, Nor- folk Museum of Arts and Sciences, Norfolk, Va. 23510 WESTERN SOCIETY OF MALACOLOGISTS, THE, c/o Dr. James H. McLean, Los Angeles County Museum, Exposition Park, Los Angeles, Cal. 90007 YUCAIPA SHELL CLUB, Mousley Museum of Natural History, Yucaipa, Cal. 92399 INDEX OF AUTHORS Bazata, Ken 10 Long, Glenn A. 5 Beetle, Dorothy E. 6 Maurer, Don 18 Boss, Kenneth J. 11 Menzel, R. W. 13 Bourne, Neil 25 Moore, Donald R. 11 Castagna, Michael 21 Morrison, Joseph P. E. 38 Clarke, Arthur H. 28 Murray, Harold D. 36 Clench, William J. 42 Parodiz, J. J. 34 Costello, T. J. 22 Porter, Hugh J. 16, 32 Culliney, John L. 29 Pratt, Wm. Lloyd 8 Duggan, William N. 21 Raeihle, Dorothy 31 Fikes, Martha H. 35 Shaw, William N. 12, 23 Gugler, Carl W. 10 Stansbery, David H. 45 Imlay, Marc J. 43 Stein, Carol B. 47 Jacobson, Morris K. 3 Turner, Ruth D. 30 LaRoe, Edward T. 28 Walter, Harold J. 40 IN MEMORIAM Dr. Horace B. Baker Wm. Phelps Corbett Joseph J. Kuchar Cliiton Morris Dr. E. Laurence Palmer Mrs. Ruth Richmond Howard Root Dr. Gunnar Thorson Dr. Frank M. Warder 70 THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, Inc. (tr^ WILLIAM H, DALL’ SECTIONAL LIBRARY' DIVISION OF MOLLUSKS BULLETIN for 1972 AMU, Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, INC. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 19724973 Officers President ........... President-Elect ....... Vice President ....... Recording Secretary . . . Corresponding Secretary Treasurer ........... Publications Editor .... Dolores S. Dundee . Harold D. Murray . . . John B. Burch Marian S. Hubbard Paul R. Jennewein ..... Myra Taylor . Arthur H. Clarke Councillors-at-Large Dorothea Franzen Carol B. Stein Henry D. Russell Permanent Council Members (Past Presidents) William J, Clench (1935) Joshua L. Baily, Jr. (1937) Harald A. Rehder (1941) Henry van der Sehalie (1946-47) A. Myra Keen (1948) Elmer G. Berry (1949) J. P. E. Morrison (1951) Joseph C. Bequaert (1954) Morris K. Jacobson (1955) Allyn G. Smith (1956) Ruth D. Turner (1957) Aurele LaRocque (1968) R. Tucker Abbott (1959) Katherine V. W. Palmer (1960) Thomas E. Pulley (1961) William K. Emerson (1962) Albert R. Mead (1963) John Q. Burch (1964) Juan J. Parodiz (1965) Ralph W. Dexter (1966) Arthur H. Clarke (1968) Joseph Rosewater (1969) Alan Solem (1970) David H. Stansbery (1971) Arthur S. Merrill (1972) Honorary Life Members Joseph C, Bequaert Katherine V. W. Palmer William J, Clench Margaret C. Teskey A. Myra Keen Honorary Life President S. Stillman Berry The American Malacological Union, Inc. Mrs. Marion S. Hubbard, Ree. Sec. Published 3957 Marlow Court March 23, 1973 Seaford, L. I., N.Y. 11783 THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, Inc. era BULLETIN for 1972 AMU, Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, INC. THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING Galveston, Texas July 9-14, 1972 The 38th Annual Meeting started off very socially on Sunday, July 9th. After registering, the members assembled at 5 o’clock in President Merrill’s suite for his “hospitality hour”. Hors d’oeuvres, supplied by our Texas hosts, included luscious melon as well as traditional nibbles. It was a time for renewing ac- quaintances and making new ones. We had several members from California, and one from as far away as Calgary, Canada. There were plenty of suggestions regarding good places to eat, and plenty of offers of transportation and company for dinner. The spacious lobby of the Galvez Hotel permitted conversations to be continued into the night. Registration was resumed on Monday morning, and our thoughtful committee made sure there was someone at the desk all through the meeting to take care of our questions and problems. The Annual Meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m., and papers started promptly at 10:00. Those who were used to having the papers start in the afternoon were sur- prised, and some who arrived at the hotel late in the morning were disappointed at having missed part of the program. Let that be a warning to you! At 5 p.m. we started boarding buses and headed for supper at Jamaica Beach, which is west of Galves- ton. Dinner was not actually on the beach but in an open-air pavilion, one flight up. The tables were dec- orated with molluscan goodies, a packet of local or exotic shells at each place. The food was delicious, a fried fish dinner served buffet style. It was nearly sun- set when the buses started back toward the hotel. One bus took some of us to the wide, sandy Gulf beach before returning to the Galvez. Although the tide was going out, the pickings were poor. However, for most of us it was a new area and new shells, and we did get a few live Donax and sand dollars. We were eventually coaxed back to the bus and returned to the hotel. It was then full low tide, so some con- tinued the search with flashlights on the beach in front of the Galvez Hotel. We found several species alive on pilings, as well as young Oliva sayana making tracks in the wet sand. The rock jetties held surpris- ingly few mollusks, but someone interested in crabs and other crustaceans would have been delighted. Tuesday was a full day of papers, with a break at noontime for the group photograph. Of the 127 people registered, less than 100 appeared to have their picture taken. I am sure that more would have ventured out of the air-conditioned comfort of the hotel if they had known how quick and painless it would be. You can see the fine results of the photo- grapher’s work in the Bulletin. In addition to regis- trants, there were a number of children and spouses at the Galvez. The children and grandchildren got acquainted with each other immediately; see the first row of the group photograph. The evening program was scheduled as an informal gathering, but it was especially interesting. We heard Twila Bratcher tell about the Ameripagos Expedition, of which she was a member, and she showed her slides. We also saw Parts 1, 3 and 4 of Intertidal Life of the North American West Coast. Part 2 on Mol- lusca was shown last year in Cocoa Beach. The movies were produced for the National Museums of Canada by the National Film Board of Canada and are avail- able on loan from the National Museums of Canada in Ottawa. Wednesday morning was a symposium on genetics, cytogenetics and hybridization of marine mollusks. The afternoon consisted mostly of meetings. After lunch, President Merrill met with his committee chair- men, and the various committees met separately to discuss and decide on various problems. Please note here that the Conservation Committee is an open committee, and all members are invited to attend meetings and contribute to the discussions. The full Executive Council met at 3:30 p.m. A summary of their actions is given in the report of the Annual Busi- ness Meeting in this Bulletin. The relatively few members who were not on any committee had time to go sightseeing or shopping. The informal gathering that evening was Shell Club Night, and as usual there was not enough time to do or say all the things we wanted to do and say. Bessie Goethel was mistress of ceremonies. Thursday morning saw the last of the papers pre- sented. Lunch was an extra special treat. In the lobby was a sign inviting all AMU members to a “shrimp and crab boil” aboard the Captain McGinn as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGinn, who were attending their first Annual Meeting. Tom operates his own shrimp boat out of Cut Off, Louisiana, and he had been fishing Thursday morning. AMU members re- sponded to his invitation with enthusiasm, and con- sumed an extraordinary amount of seafood. We ex- tend an extra-special “thank you” to the McGinns for the delicious seafood. The Annual Business Meeting was the only busi- 1 2 MARIAN S. HUBBARD ness Thursday afternoon. Adjournment by 3:30 p.m. gave the members plenty of time to get into their finery for the Annual Banquet. As on previous even- ings, there virere many presents and shells at the ban- quet. At each place was a large freshwater mussel from Lake LBJ, Texas, acquired when the lake was drained. There were many door prizes, including books. The table centerpieces were flower-like crea- tions of driftwood, shells, and other marine life. We thank Mrs. Phyllis Dale for contributing these beauti- ful centerpieces. Ten percent of us went home with one of them - those with the proper stickers under their chairs. The after-dinner address by Dr. Carol Lain of McGill University was about gymnosomatous pteropods. She made these tiny and little-known mollusks as interesting to us as they are to her, through her excellent talk illustrated with slides. Friday was the day for field trips. We were offered a choice of three: full-day or part-day marine, or land and freshwater collecting. I went on the full-day marine trip. We collected at seven localities between San Luis Pass and McFadden Beach, 10 miles west of the Sabine River, before returning to the Galvez. Dr. Pulley spent some time explaining the geological history of the area while we were munching dough- nuts on the bus. This explained the semi-fossil Rangia shells we found at several spots. Mildred Tate handed each of us a pair of Chione clenchi Pulley together with an article pointing out how it differs from C. latilirata and C. paphia. We had lunch at McFadden Beach. Dr. Pulley put on a big leather apron and be- came the chief cook, grilling frankfurters for us and telling the uninitiated how to create chili dogs. There was plenty to drink, and several cold watermelons to carve up and eat in the shade of the bus. This “poor” collecting day by Texas standards provided me with at least 50 species, seven of them live. At Rollover Pass we had the thrill of finding so many live Thais haemastoma that you could pick the few with the colouring you wanted and put back the other dozen or more. One stop at the Galveston East Beach Lagoon provided the first live Cerithidea pliculosa and Melampus bidentatus that some of us had ever seen. Dr. Pulley told us to look for Melampus under debris well back from the water’s edge. This was the first time I ever thought kindly about litterbugs, for there was at least one Melampus under each beer can that I turned over. On the ride back to the hotel we compared notes about our finds and swapped or gave away extras of special goodies, like Epitonium or molluscan egg cases. We trailed into the back door of the Galvez with buckets and plastic bags full. We had showered, dined and started cleaning shells before the last of the freshwater collectors arrived, about 8 p.m. The highlight of their day - and prob- ably the highlight of the year - was their trip to Barker Dam. In planning the trip, the local people hoped to have the water level of the lake lowered for collecting. When Mrs. Connie Boone and Harold Murray approached the local official to actually close the dam, he had to call the head engineer in Galves- ton for permission. After some 15 minutes’ delay, permission was granted for a one-hour closing of the gates. The gates were closed at 3 p.m., and by 3:15 the 3-4 feet of water had dropped to a few inches. Freshwater mollusks were collected with ease while the dam officials watched in amazement. At 4:00 the gates were reopened and all left happy and in total disbelief at what they had accomplished. Not only had they increased the collections of several museums but they were probably the first malacologists to have a dam closed especially for their benefit. A special tip of the hat to the Corps of Engineers! Leaving is always a little sad, but we had to chuckle as we checked out of the Galvez on Saturday morning. A “yellow rose of Texas” from the Presi- dent’s Hospitality Hour was still standing in a glass full of water on the hotel’s front desk! Marian S. Hubbard Recording Secretary PLATE 1. Group photograph, American Malacological Union, Inc. thirty-eighth annual meeting, 1972. THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, INC. THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING GALVESTON, TEXAS JULY 9 - 14, 1972 Group photograph identification: 1. Eric Long, 2. Jeremy Long, 3. Frank Ukoli, 4. Glenn Long, 5. John B. Burch, 6. Doug Smith, 7. Priscilla Merrill, 8. Lucille Taylor, 9. George A. Te, 10. Cleta Mahavier, 11. Philip T. LoVerde, 12, Henry D. Russell, 13. Margaret Teskey, 14. William Clench, 15. Ann Young, 16. Arthur Merrill, 17. M. Karl Jacobson, 18. Paul Jen- newein, 19. Marian Hubbard, 20. Florence Kuczynski, 21. Leona Grantier, 22. Jeanne Whiteside, 23. Kirk Anders, 24. Adelaide Johnstone, 25. Kenneth Boss, 26. Gale Sphon, 27. Betty Allen, 28. Shi-Kuei Wu, 29. A1 Lindar, 30. Charlotte Lindar, 31. Kathryn Pfaff, 32. Corinne Edwards, 33. Daniel Steger, 34. Annie Schmidt, 35. Dorothea Franzen, 36. Constance Boone, 37. Katy Fowler, 38. Harold D. Murray, 39. Robert Lipe, 40. Artie L. Metcalf, 41. George M. Davis, 42. Charles S. Richards, 43. Benjamin Lencher, 44. Margo Musselwhite, 45. Jennie Lencher, 46. Laura Bauer, 47. Fred Pfaff, 48. Harvey Meyer, 49. Albert Taxson, 50. Eleanor Mead, 51. Anne Taxson, 52. Hugh J. Porter, 53. H. Wayne Holliman, 54. Irene H. Porter, 55. Jeneva Porter, 56. Carl Gugler, 57. Twila Bratcher, 58. Ken Bazata, 59. Carol Lalli, 60. Louis Goethel, 61. Donald Moore, 62. Walter Moore, 63. Cindy Moore, 64. Helen Ness, 65. David Stansbery, 66. Sarah Swartz, 67. Unice Nace, 68. Hellen Hotter, 69. Mary E. Long, 70. Maude Meyer, 71. Carol Stein, 72. Betty Sue Miller, 73. A1 Mead, 74. Arthur Clarke, 75. W. Lloyd Pratt, 76. Alice Burke, 77. Sam Miron, 78. Audrey Holliman, 79. Laura S. Barnes, 80. Ford Bratcher, 81. Jennifer Merrill, 82. Lilburn Hettick, 83. Bessie Goethel, 84. Bobby Steger, 85. Frieda Schilling, 86. Dorothy Morrison, 87. Hessie Kemper, 88. Joseph P. E. Morrison, 89. Anne Speers, 90. William Bledsoe, 91. Mildred Tate, 92. Wes Tunnell, 93. Paul McGee, 94. Larry Petersen, 95. Wilma Baker, 96. Marc Imlay, 97. Walter B, Miller, 98. Hollis Q. Boone, 99. John A Baker, 100. Fannie Miron, 101. Harold Harry, 102. Alan Solem, 103. John Root. Other members and guests who attended the meeting are: Hugo Bauer, Louise Beeman, Grace Broussard, Sybil Burger, Nadalyn Gotten, John D. Davis, Dolores S, Dundee, Lake Fowler, Barkley Glass, Mrs. Barkley Glass, Jewell Griffin, Mary J. Griffin, Mrs. Harold Harry, Virginia Joiner, Virginia Lee, Mrs. Paul McGee, Thomas McGinn, Madeline Merren, Esse Merrill, Charlotte Patterson, Helmer Ode, Mary Pinkerton, Thomas E. Pulley, Helen Quentin, Sammy Ray, Selma Snider, Barbara Solem, Linda Stephens, Myra Taylor, William J. Wardle, Beuleah White, Zoula Zein-Eldin. 4 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 PAPERS AND ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS READ AT AMU 38TH ANNUAL MEETING MOLLUSKS FROM A SMALL LANDLOCKED MEXICAN LAGOON ' ^ " Donald R. Moore * Cozumel is an island at the extreme northwestern end of the Caribbean Sea. It lies 16 km off the east- ern coast of Quintana Roo, Yucatan, and 240 km due southwest of Cabo San Antonio, Cuba. The island is on the edge of the Yucatan Channel which funnels Caribbean water into the Gulf of Mexico and the Straits of Florida. The island does not lie on the shal- low shelf as one would expect from its proximity to Yucatan, but rises abruptly from depths of more than 300 m. The slope is also steep on the opposite Yucatan coast hence there is a deep channel between island and mainland. The Yucatan Current flows on both sides of the island, and reef corals grow right to shore on hard bottom. The island is low, flat, and is composed of oolitic limestone. Some evidence of solution and collapse can be seen on the western side at Caleta Bay and at Chancanab Lagoon. This lagoon is very small, about 150 by 200 m, and is completely landlocked. The bottom is flat, and is about two m deep. The water is quite saline, and several species of corals live there. Water exchange with the open sea is maintained by an underground passage. This underground passage is the type locality for Dimyella starcki Moore, a small (3 mm ) oyster - like bivalve that Walter Starck collected in 1961 (Moore, 1970). There is a deep crevice around the edge where the bottom meets the vertical side of the lagoon. This shows that Chancanab Lagoon was once a cavern. The roof collapsed and now the former upper surface forms the floor of the lagoon. This event must have happened in fairly recent times since the space be- tween the lagoon floor edge and the vertical side of the lagoon has not yet filled with debris. The old passageway into the cavern was not completely blocked by the fall, and permits water circulation with the adjacent marine environment. This circula- tion is sufficient to maintain some small corals * Acknowledgement is made to the donors of the Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society, for partial support of this research. ^Contribution No. 1596 from the University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospher- ic Science. *Institute of Marine Sciences, Miami, Fla. 33149 (Agaricia and Porites) and an interesting population of small mollusks. Those that could be considered macromollusks were rather small and few in number. I observed Cerithium litteratum, and collected, in sediment samples, Cerithium eburnium, Chione cancellata, a Tellina, and Divaricella quadrisulcata. I did not see any large species such as Strombus gigas or Fasciolaria tulipa. A special effort was made to collect the little oyster - like micromollusk Dimyella starcki. Rocks brought up from within the passage entrance were examined later with a hand lens, but without result. Species of the Family Dimyidae appear to be nega- tively phototropic, and the type specimens of D. starcki were no exception. They were found on the base of a colonial coral collected from deep within the passage. However, when a sediment sample from near the middle of the lagoon was sorted, twenty upper valves of D. starcki were found. Since the water in the lagoon is very still, the dimyids must have been living attached to rocks very close to where the sam- ple was collected. Thus D. starcki is unique among the Dimyidae since it is the only known species that will live in very shallow water where sunlight is strong. Altogether, 40 species of micromollusks and young specimens of eight species of macromollusks were picked out of the sediment sample. Those iden- tified were as follows: Gastropods Tricolia bella Smith, 1937 Pachystremiscus pulchellus (Olsson & McGinty, 1958) Pachystremiscus ornatus (Olsson & McGinty, 1958) Alvania auberiana (Orbigny, 1842) Amphithalamus vallei Aguayo & Jaume, 1947 Rissoina multicostata (C. B. Adams, 1850) Rissoina bryerea (Montagu, 1803) Zebina browniana (Orbigny, 1842) Cochliolepis holmesi (Dali, 1889) Caecum imbricatum Carpenter, 1858 Caecum pUcatum Carpenter, 1858 Meioceras nitidum (Stimpson, 1851) Meioceras cornucopiae Carpenter, 1858 Rissoella galba Robertson, 1961 Cerithium eburneum Bruguiere, 1792 5 6 DONALD R. MOORE Cerithium litteratum (Born, 1778) Cypraeolina ovuliformis (Orbigny, 1842) Odostomia laevigata (Orbigny, 1842) Retusa candei (Orbigny, 1841) Bivalvia Dimyella sfarcfez Moore, 1970 Divaricella quadrisulcata (Orbigny, 1842) Americardia guppyi (Thiele, 1910) Condylocardia smithi (Dali, 1896) Saxicavella sagrinata Dali & Simpson, 1901 Chione cancellata (Linnaeus, 1767) In the unidentified material, two species of Nucul- idae were of great interest. The larger, with a maxi- mum size of less than two mm , is found over a wide area throughout the Caribbean. Although I had collected a number of specimens elsewhere, Chan- canab Lagoon sediments were unusually rich in this species, some 90 specimens in all. The other nuculid is considerably smaller, and is mature at about 500p. The largest specimen measured 520 p. It might be considered rash to call this micro- scopic clam an adult, yet another species, only slight- ly larger (600)U), has been found off the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua. The two species are clearly con- generic, and both give every indication of maturity at a very small size. The two species are evidently the smallest bivalve species yet found. LITERATURE CITED Moore, Donald R. 1970. A new genus and species of Dimyidae from the Caribbean coast of Mexico. J. Conchyl., 107 (4): 137-141, 1 pi. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 THE CASE FOR A DRIFTLESS NATIONAL PARK Marc J. Imlay * In the Driftless Area of southeastern Minnesota, southwestern Wisconsin, northeastern Iowa and northwestern Illinois at least four likely endangered species of clams and snails still survive. This is the famous Northern Area, about 150 miles in diameter, that the four recent ice ages did not sig- nificantly demolish with their great glacial drifts. Other than by visiting this spectacular northern area one must travel several hundred miles south to find areas with ancient dendritic patterned drainages, low mosquito counts, and tall conical outliers of deep valleys. Cumberlandia monodonta, an endangered fresh-water mussel according to Stansbery (1971), commonly known as the Spectacle-Case, is the only species in an old genus. It appears to have more pro- tein than other mussels in its shell composition and in fact all the museum specimens I have seen have devel- oped cracks even though they were collected whole in the water. Its ability to live in a very particular microhabitat (firm mud and quiet water because of its aforemen- tioned fragile condition but very near rapid water because of high respiratory requirements) (Stans- bery, 1967) is possibly why this anomaly is still with us today. Cumberlandia monodonta was found in the Driftless Area (Baker, 1928) at Prairie du Chien but otherwise is only found hundreds of miles further south. The Army Corps of Engineers, fortunately for this species, has decided to relocate 157 old buildings for flood control as an alternative to building a dam on the Mississippi River at Prairie du Chien. Hendersonia occulta, according to Morrison (1929), a likely endangered flood plain snail in the Driftless Area, is another matter. Found in the Kiekapoo Valley, this conspicuous red snail that was the original biological evidence of the Driftless Area, is threatened by a dam that will inundate a full third of the best part of the Kiekapoo Valley. Commonly known as the “wild-cherrystone” snail, the rarity of this helicinid operculate was described by Morrison in 1929. It is now considered by Morrison (1972) as a species that may soon become endangered if it is not already. The northern existence of a helicinid is some- thing of an anomaly anyway and such southern forms have been decreasing in northern areas. On July 2, 1972, Dan Engstrom and I found Hen- * Bureau of Sport Fisheries & Wildlife, Office of Endangered Species, Washington, D. C. 20240 dersonia occulta in the upper reaches of the specific area to be inundated by the dam. This species was abundant on a slope under leaves in a dark sombre cave-like waterfall area known as Ice Cave located in the lower part of Wild Cat Mountain State Park. Low shrubbery on nonsandy soil was evidently also neces- sary. Dan and I also found Hendersonia occulta that day at the east side of Devils Lake, Wisconsin, on a slope at the base of a talus fall, thus confirming an earlier find there by Morrison (personal communication). Situated at the edge of the Driftless Area, the spectac- ular valley of Devils Lake is a nonglaciated remnant of the old bed of the Wisconsin River. Found relatively near the water on woody, leafy ground, the snail was shielded from sunlight by the very large rocks of the talus slope. Again, low shrub- bery on nonsandy soil was evidently also necessary. Devils Lake is located at Devils Lake State Park, an intensive use recreation area. Zonitoides limulatus was found by Dan Engstrom, John Satterlee, and myself in an area to be inundated by the Kiekapoo Dam. Morrison considers this snail (personal communication) probably endangered and certainly a candidate for the watch list of species that may become endangered. The known range of Discus macclintocki on the Earth “is an area about ten feet long and a foot wide at the mouth of a cave in Bixby State Park, Clayton County, Iowa” in the Driftless Area (Hubricht, 1972). The Duluth, Minnesota Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America has prepared a resolution (Eaton, 1972) which includes a statement that “the present program of producing wetlands with a few exceptions is more environmentally sound by the plugging of ditches for areas that were once wetlands than by the impoundment of creeks in areas that are naturally dry.” It was pointed out as an example that if ever Discus macclintocki were thus flooded, it might be eliminated from the Earth. Just such a disaster has been uncovered recently by the Sierra Club in California (Roth, 1972) where the habitat of an endangered snail is threatened by “the manage- ment of marshland for the benefit of waterfowl.” There are undoubtedly many other relict species in the Driftless Area. Some of these are probably of strictly northern character and mostly as yet new (undescribed) species which will spread to the rest of the North during this present interglacial period of which only about 10,000 years have passed. The 7 8 MARC J. IMLAY Driftless Area is a priceless preview of the future. This is what a far vaster area is predicted to be like prior to the next glacial period. The Driftless Area must be protected not only for its beauty (it is close in prox- imity, as a primitive undeveloped area, to major population centers), but also as the single “seed” area for the post glacial redistribution of these species. There is, in summary, a strong case for a Driftless national, state and/or local park system which would include portions of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois. LITERATURE CITED Baker, F. C. 1928. The Fresh Water Mollusca of Wisconsin. Part II. Pelecypoda. Madison; Univer- sity of Wisconsin. p. 51. Eaton, J. G. 1972. Personal communication. National Water Quality Laboratory, 6201 Congdon Blvd., Duluth, Minn. 55804. Duluth Chapter Izaak Walton League. Hubricht, L. 1972. Endangered land snails of the east- ern United States. Sterkiana. 45: 33. Morrison, J. P. E. 1929. On the occurrence of Hen- dersonia in Crawford County, Wisconsin. Nautilus 43(2): 41-45. Morrison, J. P. E. 1972. Personal communication, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. Roth, B. 1972. Mollusks-animals without advocates. Sierra Club Bulletin, June, 1972. p. 6. Stansbery, D. H. 1966. Observations on the habitat distribution of the naiad Cumberlandia mono- donta (Say, 1829). Annual Reports for 1966. The American Malacological Union, Inc. p. 29-30. Stansbery, D. H. 1971. Rare and endangered fresh- water mollusks in Eastern United States in Pro- ceedings of a Symposium on Rare and Endangered Mollusks of the U. S., Fish and Wildlife Service, U. S. Dept, of Interior. Federal Building, Fort Snell- ing. Twin Cities, Minnesota 55111. 5-19 pp. SHELL TRUMPETS AND CONCENTRIC CIRCLES IN PRE-COLUMBIAN TOMB OFFERINGS Glenn A. Long * ABSTRACT To find the practical use of shell trumpets in a framework of ritual operation is the ultimate goal of this study. Specifically, the purpose of the paper in hand is to make the subject accessible to the membership. There is a second objective. A regular association of shell trumpets and incised concentric circles is one category of recurrent elements and this association is set apart for discussion in depth, herein. Among cultural objects in use in the Americas before the Spanish Conquest were specimens o/ Strombus gigas Linne, Pleuroploca gigantea (Keiner), and Turbinella angu- lata (Solander). Their use was basically ritualistic. They were part of the shaman’s equip- ment to call into operation the spirits, perhaps to awaken beneficent deities and ward off affects of those which were evil. Often these shells were found in tombs, as were ceramic replicas, accompanying human remains. In certain instances the shells were decorated with incised patterns of concentric circles. A mystery yet unsolved is the regular coincidence of shell trumpets and concentric circle motifs in affiliation with aspects of death and phenomena of earthly and subter- ranean significance. Vfe present data illustrative of this functional and motivic coincidence and speculate toward a reasonable interpretation of their association. *The Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, Md. 21218 SHELL TRUMPETS 9 PLATE 2. Conch Shell Trumpet, Pleuroploca gigantea (?) Nayarit, Mexico Proctor Stafford Collection Photo, courtesy of the Los Angeles County Museum Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 VARIATIONS IN TRIODOPSIS MULTILINEATA IN NEBRASKA Carl W. Gugler* ABSTRACT Unbanded and banded Triodopsis from Nebraska traditionally have been assigned to T. albolabris and T. multilineata, respectively. On the basis of geographical distribution, the unbanded Triodopsis would, of necessity, be assigned to T, a. alleni. Biometric analyses and breeding experiments indicate that Nebraska Triodopsis should be assigned to T. multilineata, with a smoothly continuous variation from the red, un- described variety rubra to the unbanded, undescribed variety alba. Morphological investigations of unbanded Triodopsis populations from the Lexington, Missouri area reveal a conspicuous difference in the talon. The Missouri specimens have the talon enveloped by a relatively thick, fatty sheath. Such a sheath is not conspicuous in Nebraska specimens, either banded or unbanded. This finding lends support to the interpretation of the Nebraska populations as vari- ants of the species multilineata. Further studies of morphology and of the results of inter- breeding are indicated, but the provisional conclusion is that the Missouri unbanded Triodopsis represent the true T. a. alleni, while the Nebraska populations represent highly variable T. multilineata. *Dept. of Zoology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 68508 THE TALON OF SOME NEBRASKA SUCCINEIDS Ken Bazata * ABSTRACT The morphology of the talon in two common Nebraska succineids was discussed. Succinea ovalis has a talon with three chambers, viz., a basal, compact, egg chamber and two elongate distal chambers for sperm storage. One of the sperm chambers is longer than the other; its distal end is recurved over the end of the shorter chamber. Seasonal variation in morphology of the talon was described. The talon of S. pseudavara also has three chambers, but the sperm chambers are of equal length, and the talon as a whole is relatively shorter. The sperm chambers are more widely separated from each other than is the case in S. ovalis. Pigmentation patterns in all components of the reproductive tract in both species are highly variable. On the basis of this study, with particular emphasis on variability within single popula- tions, it seems premature to make firm statements of taxonomic and phylogenetic impli- cations. 'Dept, of Zoology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 68508 10 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 ANCYLODORIS, ITS WELL-DESERVED OBLIVION (MOLLUSCA, NUDIBRANCHIA) Kenneth J. Boss * The faunas of the ancient fresh-water lakes com- mand attention because of their unusual diversity and singular endemicity. The study of the mollusks of Lake Tanganyika in Africa, Ohrid in Yugoslavia, Titicaca in South America, and Baikal in Siberia is scarcely over a hundred years old. Numerous mala- cologists described - sometimes greatly overnamed - the unusual mollusks of these isolated basins. Theories were elaborated to account for their zoo- geographic peculiarities. The idea of Reliktensee proposed that the present inhabitants of the lakes were veritable antediluvian remnants or survivors of a far distant past and far different faunas. Certain adherents of this notion could not forbear the at- tractive, if not daring, idea that the lakes were in reality ancient inland seas, turned to fresh-water lakes. Indeed, some faunal elements, for example, the seal in Lake Baikal, are of marine origin but others were all too often figments of the author’s imagina- tion. One such case is the alleged fresh-water opistho- branch of Lake Baikal. Now of purely historical in- terest, it at one time was considered additional proof of the marine origin of the molluscan fauna of Lake Baikal and occasioned a feud between the doyen of Russian malacologists, Lindholm, and the celebrated brothers, Wladyslaw and Benedikt Dybowski. Ancylodoris baicalensis was described by W. Dybowski in 1900. As if to counter possible criticism, he attempted to justify the peculiar circumstances by which the collection came into his hands and to ex- plain the lack of any real locality data. Five speci- mens then preserved at the Museum in Lemberg in Galicia (now L’vov in the Ukraine) constitute the type-series of A. baicalensis. No label certified the provenance of these specimens and no record of them is given in a recent appraisal of the Dybowski col- lection (Zdun, 1969). The importance of Ancylodoris as W. Dybowski (1900) explained it, was that this was strong proof of the marine origin of the Baikalian fauna. At that time fresh-water opisthobranchs were thought to be un- known.^ Benedikt Dybowski thundered his support not only of this hypothesis but also of the provenance of the specimens of Ancylodoris, stating that they came from considerable depths in the lake, as indicated by *Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univer- sity, Cambridge, Mass. 02138 their white color (Dybowski, 1900: 489). Lindholm (1927) dryly added that two decades in alcohol might have some effect on body color! B. Dybowski further elaborated his strange ideas about the fauna of Baikal (Dybowski and Grochmalicki, 1920), and he was one of the few modern zoologists to find one of his works on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Works in Zoological Nomenclature. According to B. Dybowski (1911) the specimens of Ancylodoris were obtained from Lake Baikal along with several planarians which Grube described. As Lindholm (1927) has summarized, the specimens were shipped to W. Dybowski in Dorpat (Tartu), Estonia during the 1870’s, then to Breslau, Germany to Grube, then to Wrzesniowski in Warsaw, then to Lemberg and finally to Niankow (in Minsk Province, Russia) where W. Dybowski, retired and in poor health (Hryniewiecki, 1910), rediscovered them and described Ancylodoris. Lindholm (1927) tartly ob- served that it might have been possible - over all those travels in nearly 25 years - that some mix-up had occurred. Other evidence leads one to question the authenti- city of these specimens. For example, Grube was an authority on the Turbellaria and he published an extensive monograph on the Baikalian forms. Grube was a staunch proponent of the marine origin of that fauna, and, as Lindholm (1927) commented, it is virtually inconceivable that he would have overlooked this potentially startling discovery. The original description (Dybowski, 1900) is reasonably complete though it deals principally with external features. That his knowledge of zoology, which had been appreciable during his professorship in Dorpat, had declined through time and illness is reflected both in his invention of the name Ancylo- dorisand in certain textual remarks. He claimed that the species had a two-fold nature, combining features of the Opisthobranchiata and the Prosobranchiata; thus, he brought together the names Ancylus and Doris. Ancylus is of course not a prosobranch at all ^Lindholm (1927) summarized the species of opisthobranchs known to have invaded estuarine or nearly fresh-water habitats. Subsequently, true fresh-water forms have been re-discovered which were actually described in the late nineteenth cen- tury and overlooked by the Dybowskis (Bayer and Fehlmann, 1960). 11 12 but a pulmonate. * He also suggested that the tentac- ular outgrowths on the mantle of Ancylodoris might be retractible like the spines of ‘ein Igel’, a European hedgehog, the spines of which have never been known to have this ability. Later (1902) he recognized a specific dorid having affinities to Ancylodoris. With all the thorough studies of the molluscan fauna of Lake Baikal (Kozhov, 1936: 1963), neither any opisthobranch nor any specimen resembling Ancylodoris has ever been reported (Cockerell, 1927). In spite of zealous searching for this snail, Korotnev (1902), during his great expedition, noted that he could not find it and that it should only doubtfully be attributed to the fauna of Baikal. In his review of Lake Baikal, Johansen (1925) referred to Ancylodoris several times, particularly in regard to the ideas concerning the marine origin of the fauna fostered by the Dybowski brothers. However, he too observed that it was never found again, and that if it were, it might be shown to have been introduced. Thus, the doubts raised by Lindholm (1927) are con- firmed, and it can be surmised that the name Ancy- lodoris applies to a nudibranch from some other locality. The probable relationships of Ancylodoris were discussed by Lindholm (1927) who credited Odhner (an acknowledged authority on the opisthobranchs) with the opinions given. Dybowski (1902) himself recognized that Ancylodoris was very much like an unnamed nudibranch which Middendorff (1847: 184, pi. 10, figs. 19-21) had referred to Doris and sug- gested it was similar to the case of Lubomirskia, a Baikalian sponge, which supposedly showed affinities with a marine form from the Bering Sea. He went so far as to aver that only more careful comparison of these species would indicate whether they were the same or closely related but different species. Midden- dorff’s figured specimen was listed as occurring in the Arctic Ocean along the coast of Russian Lapland and in the Novaya Zemblya Islands. Unknown to Dy- bowski, Herzenstein (1885) had already recognized that the species figured by Middendorff was referable to Doris bilamellata Linnaeus, a species presently known from this region (Odhner, 1907: 1940). Ancylodoris has been infrequently cited in the literature and always placed among the dorid nudi- branchs. Thiele (1931) questioned the provenance of Ancylodoris and regarded its single species as of prob- able marine origin. He placed the genus in the sub- family Onchidoridinae of the Polyceridae and cited its similarity to Calycidoris Abraham (1876). Hoff- mann (1933) figured Ancylodoris, also noted its similarity to Calycidoris and placed it in the Onchi- doridinae. Boettger (1954) did likewise. Curiously, in the more recent, extensive taxonomic reviews of ^ Probably misled by Dybowski’s mention of Ancylus, Berg (1922) remarked that the character of the tentacles and gills in Ancylodoris indicated a rela- tionship to fresh-water gastropods. ANCYLODORIS, ITS WELL DESERVED OBLIVION nudibranchs. neither Pruvot-Fol (1954) nor Odhner ([in] Franc, 1968) mention Ancylodons, Ancylodoris belongs in the family Lamell- idorididae, a name now used in preference to the old Onchidoridae for nomenclatorial reasons (Pruvot-Fol, 1954). Probably both Ancylodoris and Calycidoris should be placed in the synonymy of Lamellidoris. The type-species of these nominal genera have been either synonymized or are closely related to one another. Ancylodoris, with its type-species by mono- typy. A.baicalensis, has been made virtually synony- mous with Doris bilamellata Linnaeus (Dybowski, 1902) and that is the type-species of Lamellidoris Alder and Hancock 1855 by monotypy (Russell, 1971). Calycidoris has as its type-species, C. guntheri Abraham 187 6. Russell (1971) noted that no type-locality was given for this species, although for some reason he added that it was found in the Falk- land Islands; he is presently unable to confirm this locality (per. Comm.) Without explanation and with- out mention of Ancylodoris, Odhner ([in] Franc, 1968) synonymized Doris sibirica Aurivillius 1887 of the Arctic Ocean with C. guntheri and since sibirica has been placed in Acanthodoris (Odhner, 1907), the exact status of Calycidoris remains unresolved. Ancylodoris falls into the synonymy of the well-known Lamellidoris and into well deserved obli- vion, closing an interesting chapter in the study of the fauna of Lake Baikal. LITERATURE CITED Abraham, P. S. 1876. Notes on some genera of nudi- branchiate Mollusca with notices of a new genus and some hitherto undescribed species in the col- lection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 18: 132-146, pis. 6, 7. Bayer, F. M. and H. A. Fehlmann. 1960. The dis- covery of a freshwater opisthobranchiate mollusk, Acochlidium amboinenseStruhell, in the Palau Is- lands. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 73: 183-194, 3 figs. Berg, L. S. 1922. Klima und Leben. Staatsverlag, Moskau [not seen]. Boettger, C. R. 1954. Die Systematik der euthyneu- ren Schnecken. Verhandl. Deutschen Zool. Gesell., Tubingen, p. 253-280. Dybowski, B. 1900. Kilka uwag o nowych formach zwierzat fauny Bajkalu. Kosmos, Lwow, 25: 487-491. Dybowski, B. 1911. O faunie mieszakow bajkalskiech (Uber die Fauna der Baikalmollusken). Kosmos, Lwow, 36: 966-967. Dybowski, B. and J. Grochmalicki. 1920. Badania nad slimakmi bajkalskiemi (Etudes sur les gastro- podes spire deroule du Lac Baikal et sur les formes analogues des autres localites). Kosmos, Lwow, 45: 87-100, 355-370. Dybowski, W. 1900. Beschreibung einer Hinterkiem- er-Schnecke aus dem Baikalsee (Ancylodoris bai- calensis m.). Nachrichtsbl. Deutsch. Malakoz. ANCYLODORIS 13 Gesell., 32; 143-152, pi. 2, figs. 1-7. Dybowski, W. 1901. Przyczynek do znajomosci slimaka Bajkalskiego (Ancyiodoris baicaiemis Dyb,). Wszechswiat, 20, no. 9: 141. Dybowski, W, 1902. Die Verwandtschaft ¥on Ancy- iodoris. Nachrichtsbl. Deutsch. Malakoz, Gesell. , 34: 18-19. Herzenstein, S, 1885. Materiali k fauni murmanskago berega i bilago morya. Mollyuski. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Fauna der Murmankuste und des Weissen Meeres. 1. Mollusca Trudy St. Petersburg, Obschestva estest¥oispuitateIg’a Trans. Soc. Nat. St. -Petersburg, 16: 635-814, In Russian. Hoffmann, H. 1933. [in] Bronn. Klass. Ord. Tier- reichs. Bd. 3 (Mollusca), Ab. (Gastropoda) 3rd Buch, Opisthobranchia, 2 Lieferung: 153-312, (175 + 180 figs.) Hryniewiecki, B, 1910. Dr. Wladyslaw Dybov/ski. Nekrolog. Sitzungsb. Naturf. Gesell. Dorpat, 19 (1-2): 1-15. Johansen, H. 1925. Der Baikalsee. Mitt, geogr, Gesell., Miinchen, 18: 1-202. Korotnev, A. A. 1902. Zoogeographische Forschun- gen am Baikal. Semlewedenie, Moscow, 9(4). [not seen]. Cited in Johansen, 1925, p. 146-7. Kozhov, M. M. 1936. The mollusks of Lake Baikal. Trudy Baik. limnol, St. Acad. Sci. USSR, 8: 1-352 (German summary). Kozhov, M. M. 1963. Lake Baikal and its life. Mono- graphiae Biologicae, Junk, Hague, 11: 1-344. Lindholm, W. A. 1927. Kritische Studien zur Mol- luskenfauna des Baikalsees, Komm. Izucheniyu Ozera Baikala (Trudy Comm, for the Study of Baikal), II: 139-189. Middendorf, A. T. 1847. Beitrage zu einer Malaco- zoologia Rossica. 1: 513, pi. 10, figs. 19-21. Odhner, J, H, 1907. Northern and Arctic inverte- brates in the collection of the Swedish State Muse- um (Riks Museum). 3. Opisthobranchia and Ptero- poda, Stockholm. K. Svenska Veten. Akad. Hand!. (N. F.)., 41 (4): 1-113, pis. 1-3. Odhner, J, H. 1939. Opisthobranchiate Mollusca from the western and northern coasts of Norway. Det. Kgl, Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skrift. No. 1 : 1-93, 59 text Odhner, N. J. 1968. [in] Franc, A. [in] Gr^se, P. Traite de Zoologie. Vol. 5. Masson & Cie., Paris: 608-893. Pruvot-Fol, A, 1954. Faune de France. 58. Mol- lusques opisthobranches. Lechevalier, Paris, 460 p., 173 figs., 1 pi. Ru^ell, H. D. 1971. Index nudibranchia. Delaware Mus. Nat. Hist., 141 p. Thiele, J. 1931. Handbuch Sys. Weichtierkunde. Zweiter Teil, Jena, Fischer Verlag: 377-778. Zdun, V, I. 1969, The collection of Baikal mollusks of B'. Dybowski in the Zoological Museum of the Univeristy of Lvov, p. 68-70. [in] loganzen, B. G. 1969. Siberian maiacological problems. Tomsk. ASPECTS OF REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF ANGUISPIRA KOCHI Carl IP. Gugler * ABSTRACT Preliminary studies of Anguispira kochi from central United States and southern Canada have revealed a number of interesting problems. Anatomically, A. kochi is, in general, similar to A. altemata, except for the terminal vas deferem. Pilsbry figured a typical muscular epiphallus for A. kochi. However, in specimens from Missouri and from Illinois, the terminal vas deferens is complexly saccu- lated. Histological studies are in progress. The most perplexing problem encountered in our laboratory arises from the fact that a sample of A. kochi sent to us from Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, produced living young rather than the expected calcareous shelled eggs. Populations from Missouri have been maintained in the laboratory, but have not reproduced. Populations from Illinois have deposited eggs similar to those of Anguispira altemata. Note. During discussions following presentation of this paper the opinion was expressed that the Alberta snails may be Oreohelix strigosa (Gould). Ed. *Dept. of Zoology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 68508 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 SYMPATRIC SPECIES OF ELLIPTIO LIVING IN THE ST. JOHNS RIVER, FLORIDA Joseph P. E. Morrison * Specimens of Elliptio monroensis (Lea, 1843), Elliptio aheneus (Lea, 1843), and Elliptio jayensis (Lea, 1838) were collected living together in the west- ern margin of the St. Johns River, just below the highway 192 bridge, west of Melbourne, Brevard County, Florida, on the occasion of the A. M. U. field trip, July 20, 1971. Elliptio monroensis (Lea) is the member of the typical E. crassidens group endemic in the St. Johns River. To the northward, the larger F. dariensis (Lea) is known only from the Altamaha River System. Still further to the north, this typical group is represented by Elliptio waccamawensis (Lea), from Lake Wacca- maw, North Carolina. Elliptio aheneus (Lea) is the Florida species of the group until recently called the group of Elliptio pro- ductus (Conrad). Northward, in the Altamaha River, it is replaced by the most elongate of all Elliptio, E. shepardianus (Lea). This group of elongated species includes Elliptio angustatus (Lea, 1831), which oc- curs in both South and North Carolina, and north- ward as far as the Schuylkill River near Philadelphia. The dark species E. angustatus is completely biologi- cally separate from the golden, sand-dwelling Elliptio lanceolatus (Lea, 1828). The true species E. lanceo- latus is known only from five river systems in Mary- land, Virginia, and North Carolina. Unio buddianus Lea was also named in 1843 from * Division of Mollusks, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 20560 the St. Johns River System. However, Elliptio jay- ensis (Lea, 1838) is the earliest name for the extreme- ly common, variable, and widespread peninsular Florida species often called “buckleyi”. Both Simp- son in 1900, and Ortmann in 1912, said that these two named forms so ran together that they were undoubtedly one single species. When we look for relatives, we find that Elliptio opacatus (Crosse & Fisher), from Lake Catemaceo, southern Vera Cruz, Mexico, is very similar in appearance and repro- ductive characters to Elliptio jayensis (Lea). On the date of collection, July 20, 1971, one female of each of the three Elliptio species in the St. Johns River was partly gravid, with eggs in the lower part of the outer gills. All three were beginning their short (tachytictic) period of reproduction. Therefore they belong to the Family Amblemidae, subfamily Ambleminae, and tribe Pleurobemini, carrying glochi- dia only in the outer gills. I cannot believe that these three species of the single genus Elliptio should be assigned to three separate subfamilies, viz. Pleuro- beminae Hannibal, 1912; Elliptioninae Modell, 1942; and Popenaiadinae Heard & Guckert, 1971. We are fortunate to have such a clear sympatric record. These three Elliptio species have been living together, yet maintaining their separate genetic dis- tinction from the time of Isaac Lea’s descriptions almost exactly 130 years ago. 14 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 TAXONOMIC GROUPINGS IN THE LYMNAEIDAE* J. B. Burch\nd G. K. Lindsay* ABSTRACT The Lymnaeidae are one of the most common and wide-spread of all animal groups, its species being found in the freshwaters of all the major land masses of the world. Many species and genera have been named, but few malacologists seem to agree on their taxo- nomy. This is hardly surprising since there is a dearth of critical scientific information available on which to build solid systematic concepts. There is little information on gene- tics, and almost no data on breeding potential or reproductive isolation for any of the nominal species, and the morphological parameters of no species have been adequately defined in terms of modern biological concepts. In an effort to gather more systematic data of particular significance for understanding the relationships of the various taxonomic units within the family, we have been using various techniques, ranging from classical conchology to breeding studies. One technique that has been specially illuminating is immunology of lymnaeid foot muscle proteins. Briefly, our procedures included production of antisera in rabbits, and the observation of precipitin reactions between these antisera and antigens of selected lymnaeid species. Of particubr pertinence in our immuno-taxonomic study was the preabsorption of antigen from one lymnaeid species and allowing the antibody of another species to diffuse through it in order to meet and react with its own antigen. Thus, in any particular test, we could determine whether or not the species to which we had antiserum contained the same proteins found in the species furnishing the antigen, ie., whether or not the two species in question had developed immunologically detectable differences in foot muscle proteins during their evolutionary divergence. Our results showed that, in general, classical taxonomic divisions within the family based on shell characters are more reliable than radular teeth or characters of the repro- ductive tracts (as previously used), Le,, our immunological studies correlated best with shell characters. Lymnaea s.s,, Stagnicola, Fossaria (= Galba), Radix, Austropeplea, Pseudosuccinea and Bulimnea each forms a distinct immunological group. Finer divisions within these taxa could not be distinguished by our technique. ^Supported by research grants from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, U. S. Public Health Ser¥ice (N. I. H. Training Grant No. 5 T1 AI 41), the National Science Foundation (grant GB-7 569X and the Foreign Currency Program, Office of International Activities, Smithsonian Insti- tution, *Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104. 15 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 FOSSIL SNAILS OF THE GENUS ASHMUNELLA, SACRAMENTO MOUNTAINS, NEW MEXICO, AND REMARKS ON FORMER DISTRIBUTIONS Artie L. Metcalf* ABSTRACT Four new species of fossils of the land snail genus Ashmunella (Pulmonata: Polygyridae) from the Sacramento Mountains, Lincoln and Otero Counties, New Mexico, were discussed. All were judged to be of Pleistocene age. Comparisons were made with living species and some phylogenetic and zoogeographic inferences were made. At present, in the genus Ashmunella, only the variable species A. rhyssa (Dali) seems to inhabit the Sacramento Mountains. The known Pleistocene fauna indicates greater diversity of species of the genus in the past. The question was considered whether this diversity was more likely attributable to radiation within a closely allied species group or whether the species were of diverse ancestries within the genus. The latter view was deemed more plausible. One of the species of fossils was suggested as being related to the group of A. thomsoniana (Ancey) of northern New Mexico and another to the group of A. tetrodon Pilsbry and Ferriss of western New Mexico. Two species were considered as belonging to the group of A. mearnsi (Dali) of southern New Mexico and extreme western Texas. The similarity of one of these latter species to A. ferrissi Pilsbry of the Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona, was pointed out. The similarity, in this case, was suggested as being most likely a result of convergent evolution in two mountain ranges distant from each other. *Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas 79968 16 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 ANATOMICAL STUDIES ON THE SCAPHOPOD, DENTALIUM TEXASIANUM Larry R. Petersen * ABSTRACT Details of the anatomy of scaphopods, other than shell and radula, have been published on only three species, none of which are present in the New World. Dentalium texasianum Philippi 1848 was collected alive in West Bay of the Galveston Bay Complex in June 1966 and September 1967, but sampling of over 50 stations in that area between January and October 1971 did not yield live specimens. Anatomical studies were made on preserved material of the earlier collections. In most respects the anatomy agrees with the accounts of other species. Two important features have not been previously described. (1) There is a large, tubular cavity in the foot, opening at the base, and lined with epithelium which is continuous with that of the external pedal surface. The cavity extends nearly to the end of the foot. (2) There are two fleshy, semilunar valves extending across the man- tie cavity slightly anterior to the mantle collar at the posterior end of the animal. The valves are unequal in size and overlap each other. The larger valve extends from the dorsal wall of the mantle ventrally and covers slightly more than half of the inner diameter of the cavity. The ventral edge of this valve is thicker than the remainder of either valve and may be muscular. The smaller valve extends from the ventral surface of the mantle dorsal- ly and covers the remainder of the opening. It is slightly anterior to the larger valve. The cavity of the foot may be filled with water by relaxing the oblique sphincter musculature of the foot, which is then extended through the tight, thick mantle margin at the anterior end by progressive contraction of that musculature. The valves may regulate the passage of water at the posterior end of the animal, which has been described as a period of gentle, continuous intake followed by a sudden forceful ejection through the same open- ing. Presumably the valves are relaxed during intake, with the inward current produced by cilia on the circular ridges in the middle of the mantle cavity. Ejection may result from closure of the valves, followed by rapid retraction of the foot with simultaneous relaxa- tion of the valves. This study is based on data submitted as a thesis for the Master of Science Degree in Biology at Texas A & M University, 1972. *Dept. of Biology, San Jacinto College, Pasadena, Texas 77505 17 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON THE DIGESTIVE AND REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS OF SOME MURICID GASTROPODS Shi-Kuei Wu Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Twenty-four species of muricid gastropods collect- ed from the intertidal zone of the coast of Taiwan, the Gulf of California (U. S. A.), Virginia (U. S. A.) and San Juan Islands (U. S. A.) were studied and compared. In the digestive system, differences were observed in the radula, accessory salivary gland and the stomach. In the reproductive system, differences were observed in the capsule gland, the prostate gland and the penis. Radula. The rachidian tooth of the muricid radula can be divided into three types; (1) The Thais type: five-cusped (one central, two lateral and two marginal cusps), the lateral side of the lateral cusp has many and deeply cut denticles; found in the genera Pur- pura, Drupa, Morula, Thais, Thaisella, Acanthina, Nucella, Urosalpinx and Eupleura, (2) The Murex type: three-cusped (one central and two lateral cusps), lateral side of lateral cusp smooth; found in Chicoreus, Hexaplex, Muricanthus and Mancinella. (3) An intermediate type: three-cusped, but the angle of the margin somewhat raised to form a hump; the lateral denticles of the lateral cusp exist merely as wrinkles; found in Morula granulata. Accessory salivary gland. Most muricid species have a pair of long accessory salivary glands, except for Morula granulata and M. uva, which have a pair of short, symmetrical or asymmetrical accessory salivary glands, and Mancinella tuberosa, Drupella cornus and Thaisella rugosa, which lack accessory salivary glands. Stomach. All muricids examined had U-shaped stomachs, except Drupa ricina and D. arachnoides, which had a pouch on the esophageal side of the stomach. Capsule gland. In cross-section the capsule gland could be assigned to one of four types: (1) Those species with a single left longitudinal fold (Fretter, 1941, Jour. mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K., 25: 173-211) arising from the left lobe of the gland; anterioventral lobe lacking (Morula granulata and M. uva). (2) Those with a single left longitudinal fold arising at the junc- tion of the left lobe of the gland and the ventral wall; anterioventral lobe present (Drupa ricina, D. arach- noides, D. morurn and Chicoreus torref actus). (3) Those with a single left longitudinal fold arising from the ventral wall of the gland; anterioventral lobe present (Thais distinguenda, T. kineri. Purpura luteo- stoma, Mancinella tuberosa and Acanthina angelica), (4) Those with two or more longitudinal folds, the main left longitudinal fold arising from the left lobe of the gland; anterioventral lobe present (Urosalpinx cinerea, Eupleura caudata, Thaisella rugosa, Nucella canaliculata, N. emarginata and N. lamellosa). Prostate gland. In cross-section the prostate gland could be assigned to one of three types: (1) Those species in which the lumen of the gland was round at the right ventral corner of the gland and the rectum is embedded in the gland (Morula granulata, M, uva, M. borealis, Thaisella rugosa and Drupella cornus). (2) Those in which the lumen of the gland was an ex- tensive longitudinal slit and the rectum was free from the gland (Drupa arachnoides, Thais distinguenda, T. kineri, T. armigera, Urosalpinx cinerea and Eupleura caudata). (3) Those in which the lumen of the gland is multi-grooved and the rectum is free from the gland (Nucella canaliculata, N. emarginata and N. lamel- losa). Penis. Three types of penes were observed: (1) Those in which the basal portion was dorsoventrally flat and the distal portion thin and long (Morula granulata, Drupa arachnoides, Thais distinguenda, T. kineri, T. armigera, Thaisella rugosa, Chicoreus torre- f actus, Muricanthus nigritus, Urosalpinx cinerea, Nucella canaliculata, N. emarginata and N. lamellosa). (2) Those with the basal portion as in type 1, but the distal portion was club-shaped (Purpura panama, P. luteostoma and Drupella cornus). (3) Those with the basal portion as in type 1 but with an anteriorly pro- jected pad, and the distal portion was either thin or thick (Morula uva and M. borealis). The differences in morphology of the stomachs and accessory salivary glands do not serve as good systematic characters in muricid gastropods. How- ever, the radulae and the reproductive systems are useful in determining systematic categories within the Muricidae. 18 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 NEW OUTBREAKS IN THE FLORIDA GIANT AFRICAN SNAIL INFESTATION Albert R. Mead* ABSTRACT With the recent appearance of the giant African snail, Achatina fulica, in a third major infestation site in the Miami-Hollywood area, the problem that this snail has presented in Florida has now reached its most critical and possibly decisive stage since the original three year old infestation was discovered in 1969. Reports from the Indian subcontinent. Southeast Asia, and the Far East indicate that this snail pest is continuing to spread with no really effective means of control yet coming to light. Some wholly novel and exotic molluscicides have been recommended; some seem promising, but in most cases the re- sults are still preliminary and empirical. Certain sophisticated physiological and histo- chemical investigations suggest strongly the possibility of their eventual use in highly selective molluscan metabolic antagonists. The widespread introduction of predatory snails, sciomyzid flies, and other types of predators as biological control agents is continu- ing to produce enigmatic results. The tissue inhabiting nematode, Angiostrongylus cantonensis (the causative agent of eosinophilic meningoencephalitis in humans), appears to be assuming a more and more important role as a stress factor in the disease syndrome. A predatory terrestrial planarian, Geoplana sp., has been discovered in Florida, but the nature of its predation on snails has not yet been determined. *Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 85721 19 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE NAIAD FAUNA OF THE CLINCH RIVER IN THE SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN MOUNTAINS OF VIRGINIA AND TENNESSEE (MOLLUSCA: RIVAL VIA; UNIONOIDA) David H. Stanshery * The Mississippi River system of central North America has the most diverse naiad mollusk fauna known. While the exact number of species found here is as yet uncertain, studies of the Ohio River system alone have revealed at least 120 species and sub- species. A consideration of the distribution patterns of these species demonstrates that they can be placed in three groups on a geographic basis (Ortmann, 19 24, 1925). Some species are found generally throughout the Ohio basin. A second group is restrict- ed to the Ohio River proper and its tributaries in the Central Lowlands and the Interior Low Plateau. These are referred to as the Ohioan fauna. A third group is found only in streams of the Tennessee and Cumber- land River systems flowing out of the Southern Appalachians and the Cumberland Plateau. This assemblage is known as the Cumberlandian Fauna and has a number of elements analogous to the Ozarkian Fauna of the Ozark Plateau and Ouachita Mountains west of the Mississippi. The Cumberlandian Fauna of the main stem of the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers has been largely destroyed by impoundments, pollution, dredging operations and other activities which have greatly reduced or eliminated much of the naiad habitat. Field studies over the past decade have revealed that most species of this “high country” fauna still live in those few tributaries of the Cumberland and Tennes- see Rivers that remain relatively unmodified. The fauna of the Clinch River above Norris Reservoir appears to be one of the best preserved of the entire area. This paper is a brief preliminary account of the naiad species found today in the Clinch River and some of its tributaries from its headwaters near Tazewell, Virginia, down to the head of Norris Reser- voir near Tazewell, Tennessee. In spite of quantities of trash and obvious pollution in a number of places, this part of the river still retains most of the species recorded by Ortmann (1918) half a century ago (1912-1915). A concerted effort has been made to visit this free-flowing portion of the Clinch River at every bridge, ford, or other point of access at times of either normal or low water and to sample each of the habitat areas present. Wherever possible the shell midden heaps left by ♦Museum of Zoology, Ohio State University, Colum- bus, Ohio 43210 raccoon, muskrat or other mammals were salvaged and carefully checked. Such collections commonly contained a few to several hundred fresh-dead shells. Some middens containing over a thousand such speci- mens were found. Representative series of each species from each site studied are deposited in the Ohio State University Museum of Zoology. Although data from other tributaries of the Ten- nessee and Cumberland Rivers are not presented here, it seems reasonably certain from our work in the area that the Clinch River has the greatest diversity of Cumberlandian species yet surviving. The 28 endemic species still living in the upper Clinch River are, with rare exception, found nowhere outside the Cumber- land and Tennessee River systems. Some of these species are restricted to the Clinch River while others reach peak abundance here. Every reasonable effort should be made to pre- serve this highly restricted, purely North American mollusk fauna. Present plans to improve the econo- mic life of the people of Appalachia by the further impounding of these mountain rivers and the intro- duction of heavy industry into these valleys could easily destroy what little remains of this rare heritage. LITERATURE CITED Ortmann, Arnold E. 1918. The nayades (freshwater mussels) of the upper Tennessee drainage. With notes on synonymy and distribution. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 57(6); 521-626. 1924. The naiad-fauna of the Duck River in Ten- nessee. Amer. Midi. Nat. 9 (1): 3-47. 1925. The naiad-fauna of the Tennessee River system below Walden Gorge. Amer. Midi. Nat. 9 (8): 321-373. Stansbery, David H. 1970. Eastern freshwater mol- lusks. The Mississippi and St. Lav^a•ence River systems, p. 9-21. In A. H. Clarke (editor) Papers on the rare and endangered mollusks of North America. Malacologia 10 (1): 1-56. 1971. Rare and endangered mollusks in eastern United States, p. 5-18. In S. E. Jorgensen and R. W. Sharp (editors) Proceedings of a symposium on rare and endangered mollusks (naiads) of the U. S. Bur. Sport Fish, and Wild., Department of the Interior, Region 3, Twin Cities, Minn., 79 p. 20 NAIDES OF THE CLINCH RIVER THE NAIADES OF THE CLINCH RIVER ABOVE NORRIS RESERVOIR 21 C - Cumberlandian O - Ohioan U - Undetermined P - Previously recorded (Ortmann, 1918) (Collected by Adams, 1899 and Ortmann, 1912-1915) R - Recently recorded (Stansbery, 1972) (Collected by Stansbery and others, 1963-1971) E - Believed extinct (Stansbery, 1970, 1971) FAMILY MARGARITIFERIDAE Ortmann, 1911. 1. Cumberlandia monodonta (Say, 1829), FAMILY UNIONIDAE (Fleming, 1828) Ortmann, 1911. SUBFAMILY ANODONTINAE (Swainson, 1840) Ortmann, 1910. 2. Strophitus undulatus shaefferianus (Lea, 1852). 3. Alasmidonta marginata Say, 1818. 4. Alasmidonta uiridis (Rafinesque, 1820). 5. Pegias fabula (Lea, 1836). 6. Lasmigona costata (Rafinesque, 1820). 7. Lasmigona holstonia (Lea, 1838). SUBFAMILY AMBLEMINAE Morrison, 1955. 8. Quadrula cylindrka strigillata (Wright, 1898). 9. Quadrula sparsa (Lea, 1841). 10. Quadrula intermedia (Conrad, 1836). 11. Quadrula pustulosa (Lea, 1831). 12. Amblema plicata plicata (Say, 1817). 13. Fusconaia subrotunda lesueuriana (Lea, 1840). 14. Fusconaia cuneolus (Lea, 1840). 15. Fusconaia edgariana (Lea, 1840). 16. Fusconaia barnesiana (Lea, 1838). 17. Cyclonaias tuherculata (Rafinesque, 1820). 18. Lexingtonia dolabelloides (Lea, 1840). 19. Plethohasus cyphyus (Rafinesque, 1820). 20. Pleurobema oviforme (Conrad, 1834). 21. Pleurobema coccineum (Conrad, 1836). 22. Pleurobema plenum (Lea, 1840), 23. Pleurobema pyramidatum (Lea, 1831). 24. Elliptio crassidens (Lamarck, 1819). 25. Elliptio dilatatus (Rafinesque, 1820). 26. Lastena lata (Rafinesque, 1820). SUBFAMILY LAMPSILINAE (von Ihering, 1901) Ortmann, 1910 27. Ptychohranchus fasciolaris (Rafinesque, 1820). 28. Ptychohranchus subtentum (Say, 1825). 29. Cyprogenia irrorata (Lea, 1828). 30. Dromus dromas (Lea, 1834). 31. Actinonaias ligamentina orbis Morrison, 1942. 32. Actinonaias pectorosa {Conrad, 1834). 33. Truncilla truncata Rafinesque, 1820. 34. Leptodea fragiiis (Rafinesque, 1820). 35. Potamilus alatus (Say, 1817.) 36. Toxolasma lividus lividus (Rafinesque, 1831). 37. Medionidus conradicus (Lea, 1834). 38. Ligumia recta (Lamarck, 1819). 39. Conradilla caelata (Conrad, 1834). 40. Villosa fabalisihea, 1831). 41. Villosa trabalis (Conrad, 1834). Fauna Recorded U R C p R u p R u p R C R u p R C p R C p R C R C p R U p R u p R c p R C p R c p R c p R u p R C p R u p R C p R u p R u p R u p R u p R u p R u p R U p R C p R u R C R C p R c p R u p R u p R u p R c p R c p R u p R c p R u p R c p R 22 DAVID H. STANSBERY 42. Villosa perpurpurea (Lea, 1861). C 43. Villosa iris nebulosa (Conrad, 1834). C 44. Villosa vanuxemi (Lea, 1838). C 45. Lampsilis ovata (Say, 1817). U 46. Lampsilis ventricosa (Barnes, 1823). U 47. Lampsilis fasciola Rafinesque, 1820. U 48. Epioblasma triquetra (Rafinesque, 1820). U 49. Epioblasma brevidens (Lea, 1831). C 50. Epioblasma haysiana (Lea, 1834). C 51. Epioblasma lenior (Lea, 1843). C 52. Epioblasma stewardsoni (Lea, 1852). C 53. Epioblasma capsaeformis (Lea, 1834). C 54. Epioblasma walkeri (Wilson and Clark, 1914). C 55. Epioblasma torulosa gubernaculum (Reeve, 1865). C NAIAD SPECIES RECORDED ONLY FROM THE LOWER (IMPOUNDED) SECTION OF THE CLINCH RIVER (COLLECTIONS MADE BEFORE IMPOUNDMENT) 56. Fusconaia subrotunda subrotunda (Lea, 1831). U 57. Pleurobema cordatum (Rafinesque, 1820). U 58. Obliquaria reflexa Rafinesque, 1820. U 59. Plagiola lineolata (Rafinesque, 1820). U 60. Obovaria retusa (Lamarck, 1819). U 61. Leptodea leptodon (Rafinesque, 1820). U 62. Lampsilis orbiculata (Hildreth, 1828). U 63. Epioblasma arcaeformis (Lea, 1831). C 64. Epioblasma lewisi (Walker, 1910). C 65. Epioblasma propinqua (Lea, 1857). C P R P R P R P R P R P R P R P R P R P E P E P R R P R P P P P P P P P E P E P E While the details concerning each of the above species are beyond the scope of this report, some statistics may be of interest. Number of species and subspecies previously recorded from the upper Clinch River (Ortmann, 1918 ) . . .49 New Records for the upper Clinch River contained herein .6 Total species and subspecies recorded from the upper Clinch River . 55 Additional species recorded from the lower Clinch only (prior to impoundment) .10 Total species and subspecies recorded from the Clinch River 65 Species recorded from the Clinch River believed extinct .5 Species believed living in the Clinch River today 60 Species of Cumberlandian origin recorded from the Clinch River 33 Species of undetermined origin recorded from the Clinch River 32 New records for the Clinch River contained herein 3* *Pegias fabula, Quadrula sparsa, and Epioblasma walkeri. Bulletin of the American Maiacologkal Union, Inc, March 1973 NEGLECTED TOPOGRAPHICAL RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE GILL AND SHELL OF BIVALVE MOLLUSKS Harold W. Harry* Several principles of organizations of the excurrent mantle chamber of bivalve mollusks, which are of prime importance in understanding the functional anatomy and phylogeny of the group, have been neglected in the literature. The gill axes in bivalves are two parallel lines, usu- ally straight but sometimes curved (particularly in the asiphonate monomyaria), along which arise the paired gill elements, either the lamellae of the protobranchs or filaments of the filibranchs and eulamellibranchs. The front part of the axes are extensively adnate to the visceral mass, but the posterior ends of the axes extend free behind the visceral mass for a varying distance. The posterior, free extension is longer in more primitive fornK (Protobranchia, Arcacea, Tri- gonia, Pseudolamellibranchia). In most of the latter forms, each gill axis is suspended by a muscular sep- tum, which can contract to draw the gills upward, thus effecting a pumping action. The gill elements extend from the axes to the mantle laterally, and to the visceral mass medially, where they effect func- tional (non-fused) or structural (fused) junctions. These junctions, together with the gill axes and intervening gill elements, define the gill diaphragm, or partition between the incurrent and excurrent cham- bers of the mantle cavity. Behind the gill axes the diaphragm is sometimes augmented by a small in- growth of the fused inner lamellae of the mantle margin. Particulate matter which enters the incurrent man- tle chamber is effectively denied passage to the excur- rent one by the gill diaphragm. Feces, urinary pro- ducts and gametes (in most) are shed into the excur- rent chamber, and are removed by the same stream of water, initiated by the gills, which brings water into the incurrent mantle chamber. Sudden contraction of the adductor muscles augment water movement, al- ways forcing water out of both chambers of the man- tle cavity. When the adductor muscles are relaxed, the same amount of water enters and leaves the mantle cavity in unit time. But the excurrent stream is al- ways faster and more forceful than the incurrent one. This results from the following principles: (1) The excurrent opening of the mantle cavity of bivalves is always smaller than the incurrent one. Moreover, the excurrent chamber is always smaller in volume than the incurrent chamber of the mantle cavity. These arrangements are accomplished in more *4612 Evergreen, Bellaire, Texas 77401 primitive members of the class by the position of the gill axes in relation to the mantle and shell, as fol- lows: (2) The anterior ends of the gill axes of bivalves originate at the level of the umbos or slightly behind the umbos. When the umbos are far forward, the front end of the gill axes may be far behind them. In those cases in which the front ends of the gill axes are not located directly under the umbo (Ensis, asipho- nate monomyarians), each umbo is on a line which is an extension of the gill axis. (3) Originally, and in most bivalves, the posterior ends of the gill axes are approximately just above the part of the shell margin where the post-dorsal slope of the shell’s periphery joins the ventral part of the shell margin; or, in rostrate species, the hind end of the axes end in the middle of the rostrum. Siphons seem to have evolved independently sev- eral times in the bivalvia. Although varied in struc- ture, length and terminal appendages in different groups, the excurrent siphon always appears before the incurrent one, and in many bivalves it is the only one present. It serves to reduce further the excurrent opening, relative to the incurrent one. When the en- trance of water is limited by a second siphon, the opening of that siphon is always larger than that of the excurrent one. These mechanisms further enhance the flushing ability of the excurrent stream of water. In most bivalves, the front end of the gill axes re- tain their position subordinate to that of the umbos, regardless of changes in the shape of the shell (Figs. 1-11). In species in which the umbos are distant from the front end of the animal, the connection between the gill surface and the mouth is made by lengthening the gill filaments or the labial palps or both. This varies widely in different groups. But the front end of the gill axis can only approach the mouth in forms in which the umbos are near the anterior margin of the shell. A major exception to these generalizations may be the septibranchs, which according to drawings in the literature, have centrally placed umbos, but the dia- phragm extends far in front of them. The relative size of the two mantle chambers and the siphonal open- ings in septibranchs seem to be in accord with the principles stated above. In oysters (Fig. 9) the principles hold very well. The occlusion of the promyal chamber on the right side which occurs in some genera of oysters (it is oc- cluded on the left in all species of the family) is an 23 24 HAROLD W. HARRY additional method of decreasing the volume of the excurrent mantle chamber. In Tridacnidae (Fig. 11), most of the principles are valid, despite much shifting of position of the gills and other structures, and loss of the anterior adduc- tor muscle. The anterior end of the gill remains at or slightly behind the umbos, which are a short distance behind the middle of the shell’s length. The front ends of the gill axes have swung forward nearly 180 , however. But the excurrent siphon is smaller than the incurrent, and the excurrent mantle chamber is small- er in volume than the incurrent one. As also occurs in oysters, it is the mouth which has moved to the front end of the gill axes, rather than the opposite. Many anatomical drawings of bivalves in the litera- ture seem to be wrong in their placement of the gill axes. Others do not adequately show the position or extent of the axes because they are obscured by the profile of the outer demibranch, which sometimes ex- tends in whole or in part dorsal to the axes them- selves. Such an extension is an additional mechanism which reduces the volume of the excurrent mantle chamber, thereby enhancing flushing ability of the excurrent stream of water. PLATE 3. All species are viewed from the right side. Heavy dashed lines represent gill axes. The small circle near the anterior margin of the shell is the approximate position of the mouth. Larger circles are the adductor muscles. 1, Glycymeris; 2,Cras~ sinella; .3, Area; 4, Tagelus; 5, Amblema; 6, Pinna; 7, Ensis; 8, Donax; 9, Ostrea; 10, Pteria; 11, Tr- idacna (after Purchon 1955, Proc. Mai. Soc. Lon- don 31: 97). Ad, Adductor muscle; An, Anus; B, Byssal retractor muscle; By, Byssus; Ft., Foot; Gi, Gill; Go, Gonad; K, Kidney; Li, Ligament; Ma, Mantle; Pa, Labial palps; Pc, Pericardium; Sh, Shell; Incurrent and excurrent siphons are shown by arrows. The excurrent mantle chamber is darkly stippled. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 MOLLUSCAN POPULATION OF A SUBMERGED REEF OFF PADRE ISLAND, TEXAS* John W. Tunnell, Jr. Department of Biology, Texas A & M University College Station, Texas 77843 Seven and One-half Fathom Reef is a small topo- graphic prominence located in the shallow neritic waters of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico.lt lies 74 kilometers south of the northern entrance to Padre Island National Seashore and 3.2 kilometers offshore from Padre Island in 14.0 meters of water. The reef is an elongate sedimentary rock structure composed of a silty quartz sandstone that is partially cemented with calcium carbonate. It is approximately 350 meters long and averages about 50 meters in width with a maximum relief of 5.4 meters. The gen- eral topography is rough, with numerous crevices and small caverns. The sides vary from steep cliffs, dotted with pockets, to even, gentle slopes. Boring molluscs and other organisms have extensively eroded the up- per levels of -the structure, and sponges, hydroids, bryzoans and algae have completely encrusted it. Fos- sil mammal teeth and bones found in the crevices (Tunnell and Causey, 1969) and fossil freshwater snails in the rock indicate the reef is of terrestrial ori- gin. Bottom salinities adjacent to the reef during the study varied from 28.1 to 35.9 ppt. Temperature ranged from a low of 13.2 C in the winter to a high of 30.1 C during the late summer. The molluscan fauna of Seven and One-half Fathom Reef was studied during 1968-1969. SCUBA was employed as a working tool and proved to be a way of adequately sampling this hard-rock structure and of collecting life history data on animals in their natural habitat. Three sampling methods were utilized for collect- ing molluscs: 1) mud samples from the crevices and surrounding bottom, for representative micro-molluscs associated with the structure; 2) rock samples, for boring and attached species; and, 3) random collect- ing by hand, for mobile macromolluscs. In the last method most of the reef surface was examined in situ, turning over rocks and searching crevices and holes. Relative abundance of some of the larger, more common species was obtained by taking meter square quadrats along transects set across the reef. In addi- tion, sponges, hydroids and algae were collected, washed and examined for small molluscs. * This research was conducted under Texas A & I University Faculty Research Grants 449-G-68 and 449-4-69. Using these three sampling methods 169 species of molluscs were found representing 71 families. There were 108 gastropods, 57 bivalves, 3 scaphopods and 1 cephalopod (Tunnell and Chaney, 1970). Of the 97 species of micro-molluscs identified in the mud samples, the following were the most abun- dant; cf. Cingula sandersoni Verrill (shells only), juve- nile (turritella stage) Vermicularia spirata Philippi, Tectonatica pusilla (Say), Anachis obesa (C. B. Adams) and Abra aequalis (Say). The shells and valves of a number of other species were also quite abun- dant: Parviturboides interruptus (C. B. Adams), - Anachis sp., Retusa canaliculata (Say), Cylichna bidentata (d’Orbigny), Odostomia seminuda (C. B. Adams), Cresis ascicula (Rany), Lucina multilineata (Tuomey and Holmes), L. amiantus (Dali), Chione grus (Holmes), and Corbula contracta Say. The most abundant boring pelecypod in nearly all rocks examined was Lithophaga bisulcata (d’Orbig- ny). As many as 158 individuals were removed from a single rock measuring 140 x 140 x 400 mm. Grega- riella coralliophaga (Gmelin) was the second most abundant “borer” (actually found embedded in its own secretion of fibers and accumulated sand, not bored into rock). As many as 72 individuals were counted on a single rock measuring 160 x 180 x 380 mm. An average of three Rupellaria typica (Jonas) was found in each rock examined and Lithophaga aristata (Dillwyn), Diplodonta punctata (Say) and Rocellaria hians Gmelin (valves only) were represent- ed by one individual in every 5-8 rocks. The sipun- culid Phascolosoma antillarum Grube and Oersted was also common in most rocks. Fifty individuals were removed from one rock. The most abundant large pelecypod attached to the reef was Area imbricata Bruguiere. It was most abundant, up to 287 individuals in one square meter, on the upper levels of the reef. Area zebra (Swainson) was also present, but much less abundant than A. im- bricata. Barbatia domingensis (Lamarck) was also very abundant, as many as 64 individuals were count- ed attached to one rock measuring 140 x 140 x 400 mm, Ostrea equestris Say was found in abundance on the lower seaward side of the reef where 336 individ- uals were counted on rocks in one square meter of one transect. Live individuals and shells of this species literally covered most rocks along the entire bottom length of this side of the reef. However, this species 25 JOHN W. TUNNELL, JR. 26 was not found anywhere else on the reef. An explana- tion for this odd phenomenon is not clear at present. Chama congregate Conrad was also quite abundant at- tached to rocks and other shells. Other macro-pelecypods which occurred alive and are not commonly found along the usual mud-sand substrate of most of the Texas coast were: Atrina rig- ida (Solander), Pteria colymbus (Roding), Lyropecten nodosus (Linne), Spondylus americanus Hermann, Pododesmus rudis (Broderip) and Pseudochama radi- ans (Lamarck). Abundant gastropods were Calliostoma euglyptum (A. Adams), Cypraea cervus Linne, Thais haemos- toma (Linne), Anachis avara (Say) and Pisania tinctus (Conrad). C. cervus was a cryptic species and usually observed moving about in crevices or under large rocks. Ten to fifteen of these large cowries could be seen in one dive if these areas were examined. C. euglyptum was usually found under rocks and in pockets on the sides of cliffs. T. haemostoma was generally found on the underside of rocks or moving about over small rock piles. In July 1968 five individ- uals were noted laying eggs on two Leptogorgia virgu- lata Lamarck in approximately 11 meters of water. On that same day three other individuals were noted laying eggs on a branching hydroid. P. tinctus was usually found on the underside of rocks on all por- tions of the reef. Egg cases of this species were found attached to rock samples collected during July 1968. The small snail A. avara was commonly found all over the reef. Other species associated with this reef, but uncom- mon or unreported along most of the Texas coast were: Neosimnia acicularis (Lamarck), Cyphoma megintyi Pilsbry, Cymatium pileare (Linne), Bursa cubaniana d’Orbigny and Chicoreus pomum Gmelin. Octopus vulgaris Lamarck was the largest and most voracious molluscan predator observed on the reef. In one instance this octopus was observed carrying a live Cypraea cervus into its den. On another occasion one was seen struggling with a large Pleuroploca gigantea (Kiener). Each individual observed had a den within a large rock or crevice that could repeatedly be visited and observed in the same location on various trips to the study area. Fresh shells observed immediately outside of octopus dens and presumably eaten by them were: Cypraea cervus, Oliva say ana Ravenel, Area zebra, A. imbricate, and Barbatia Candida (Helbling). LITERATURE CITED Tunnell, John W. and Billy D. Causey. 1969. Verte- brate Pleistocene fossils from the continental shelf, northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Texas A & I Univ. Studies . 2 (1): 75-76. .and Allan H. Chaney. 1970. A checklist of the mollusks of Seven and One-half Fathom Reef, northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Contr. Mar. Sci. Univ. Tex. 15: 193-203. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 SOME NOTES ON SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN THE SHARK EYE, POLINICES DUPLICATUS (SAY) AT ROCKAWAY BEACH, NEW YORK Morris K, Jacobson* There is little mention in the literature of the fact that the Shark Eye, Polinices duplicatus (Say), at least toward the center of its range, occurs in two dis- tinct forms. This dimorphism is very noticeable in many specimens in the population at Rockaway Beach, New York, but in many cases, especially in medium sized shells, it is less so. Some shells are quite flat with a low, domelike spire. Others have a sharply raised, triangular or pyramidal shape with the spire strongly raised; the latter are in addition heavier than the former. The difference between the two types of shells is so strong that Smith & Prime (1870: 396) thought that “two species are probably included under [one] name.” According to Dali (1892: 369) this difference is a secondary sexual characteristic, the higher and heav- ier shell being the male, the lower, lighter one the fe- male. I was able to confirm this by examining some live specimens at Rockaway. It occurred to me that it might prove of interest to try to express this shell di- morphism mathematically and to see if the less strongly marked shells can statistically be fitted into the picture. Bernard (1968) reported on the measurements of sexual dimorphism in a related naticid on the West Coast, Polinices lewisi (Gould). Though Bernard found no difference in the shell outline such as occurs in P. duplicatus, he did find that “the shells of males, particularly the older ones, were pro- portionately thicker than those of the same sized females.” (loc, cit., 3). He further noticed that this difference grew greater as the snails matured. At Rockaway, however, the difference was noticeable in even some smaller shells. I have worked with three characteristics in my study of the Rockaway specimens: the height/di- ameter index (h/d), the angle of diversion of the spire, and the volume/weight index (v/w). The last is arrived at by dividing the product of the height and the diameter, loosely called the volume, by the weight. So far the statistical results are too meager to reach any conclusion. Nevertheless, a brief prelimi- nary report might prove of interest. For the purpose of this preliminary report, I se- *455 Beach 139 St., Rockaway Beach, N. Y. 11694 lected three pairs of shells, each pair of approximate- ly the same size, but one of each pair distinctly male, the other female. The largest pair measured about 63 mm in diameter, the medium pair about 49, the smallest about 40. Applying the three measurements to each of these pairs, I found the following results: h/d index male female .900 .846 smallest pair .827 .920 medium pair .920 .951 largest pair Here we see no significant difference between the male and female shells. v/w index male female 49.7 67.3 smallest pair 39.8 70.8 medium pair 36.5 69.1 largest pair Here the difference is significant, the male being dis- tinctly heavier. The v/w index for the heavier male is, of course, lower because the greater weight goes fewer times into the volume. angle of divergence male female 90° 110° smallest pair 100° 110° medium pair 100° 110° largest pair Here the male is clearly more acutely conical than the female. These results indicate that there is indeed a secon- dary sexual dimorphism at least in the extreme shells. It now remains to be seen whether this difference is maintained when less distinctly differentiated shells are taken into consideration. LITERATURE CITED Bernard, F. R. 1968. Sexual dimorphism of Po/m/ces lewisi. Nautilus 82: 1-3. Dali, W. H. 1892. Contribution to the Tertiary fauna of Florida pt. 2, Trans. Wagner Free Inst., Philadel- phia, p. 201-473, pis. 13-21, 1 map. Smith, S. and T. Prime, 1870. Report on the Mollusca of Long Island, N. Y. and its dependencies. Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York 9: 377-407. 27 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 PARALLEL EVOLUTION OF SHELL CHARACTERS IN SUCCINEIDS INHABITING WATERFALLS* C. M. Patterson Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104 ABSTRACT Most representatives of the stylommatophoran family Succineidae are terrestrial residents in humid habitats. Many species are amphibious, while some are arboreal and others are adapted to living in extremely dry areas. At least two species, Lithotis rupicola and Succinea bernardii, are found living aquatically on the vertical faces of rocks at water- falls. The shells of these two anatomically distinct generic forms have evolved to become so peculiarly similar that, based on shell characters alone, they would most likely be con- sidered closely related. This is undoubtedly why Zilch (1959, in: Schindewolf Handbuch der Palaozoologie, Lief. 1 (6): 1-701) placed both L. rupicola and S. bernardii together in a third genus, the conchologically similar Camptonyx. In fact, S. bernardii was placed in Camptonyx s. s. The anatomy of Camptonyx has not been studied. Lithotis rupicola was collected from the vertical face of algae-covered rocks, a short distance from the major waterfall at Khandalla in the Western Ghats, India, in June 1968. Water flows down the rock wall and over the snails, so that Lithotis actually lives in an aquatic environment. The most prominent feature of the shell of L. rupicola is a raised spiral ridge which shields the pneumostome at the apertural margin. I refer to this feature as the pneumostomal ridge. This ridge aids in channeling water over the shell to either side of the ridge, thereby providing an air space around the pneumostome. Thus, the ani- mal can live in an aquatic habitat and remain an air breather. Furthermore, the shell has become depressed or almost limpet-like in form, allowing less resistance to water flow, which would otherwise tend to dislodge the snail from the vertical rock surface. Along with the depressed shell is an accompanying large aperture which entirely accommodates the broad foot. The animals move about with only the tentacles protruding slightly from beneath the shell margin, which keeps the water from “catching” the edge of the shell and dislodging the animal. The Tahitian Succinea bernardii was collected from a similar habitat as the Indian Lithotis, near a waterfall in Fautaua Valley on the island of Tahiti. The shell of S. ber- nardii strongly resembles that of L. rupicola in being similarly depressed and having a prominent pneumostomal ridge. A pneumostomal ridge is also present on a species of Succinea living in the spray zone of a waterfall in Papenoo Valley, Tahiti, and on a species of Succinea living in the spray zone of Thomson’s Falls, Kenya. Neither of these species lives directly in running water nor do they have depressed shells. However, since water does continually collect on the shell surface, they too have evolved a pneumostomal ridge to channel water away from the pulmonary opening. These are interesting shell characteristics which have evolved independently in the Suc- cineidae as adaptations which aid some members of this worldwide group in occupying aquatic or semi-aquatic habitats that would otherwise be unsuitable for them. Such adap- tations in the shell undoubtedly accompany other physiological, morphological and be- havioral traits. * Research supported by N. 1. H. Training Grant No. 5 T1 AI 41 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, U. S. Public Health Service, Grant GB-6450 (to Dr. Yoshio Kondo) from the National Science Foundation, and a grant from the Foreign Currency Program, Office of International Activities, Smithsonian Institution. 28 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc, March 1973 FIELD NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE OF JOHN K. STRECKER (1875-1933) Harold D. Murray* From March 6-9, 1972, I studied the naiad col- lection at the Strecker Museum, Baylor University, Waco, Texas. John K. Strecker was an early Texas naturalist whose main interests were herpetology, or- nithology, and malacology. Strecker (1931) published a list of the Texas naiads which is today the most complete listing for the state. The naiad collection of the Strecker Museum is mostly disorganized and presently contained in some 21 cardboard boxes of assorted sizes. There are no dates of collection on the specimens, on the museum labels, or in the catalogues for the naiads in the Strecker Museum. Dr. Bryce Brown, Di- rector of the Museum, suggested I search the field notes and correspondence of Strecker to determine the dates of collection. I believe this is the first exam- ination of Strecker’s correspondence pertaining to mollusks. The earliest field note indicating a naiad collection by Strecker was June 11, 1906 for specimens from the North Bosque River, McLennan County, Texas. No naiad collected by Strecker should have a date earlier than this, and the correspondence to follow confirms this opinion. April 3, 1932 was the final field note entry for naiads from the Cibolo Creek, 21 miles north of San Antonio, Texas. I divided Strecker’s malacological correspondence into three periods. The first period, October 14, 1906 to March 29, 1908, was a time of identification by authorities and exchange of Texas naiads. The second period was from March 29, 1908 to March 11, 1912, when he apparently had no interest in naiads. During the third period, March 11, 1912 until his death January 9, 1933, there was considerable interest in naiads. The reader should realize that the correspond- ence was only letters written to Strecker and that I have either paraphrased or quoted parts from these letters. A. The first period - October 14, 1906 to March 29, 1908. Only five letters in this period mentioned naiads with the first dated October 14, 1906, from W. E. Snyder who wished to exchange shells. The four month interval between the field date on June 11, 1906 and this letter confirms the field date of June 11 as the first naiad collection by Strecker. N. W. Lermond (June 30, 1907), later secretary of the AMU, and R. Rathbun (September 9, 1907), Assistant Secretary of the U. S. National Museum, ♦Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas 78284 both wrote to indicate their desire to receive Texas naiads. On October 25, 1907, Berlin H. Wright wrote con- cerning Strecker’s desire to exchange Texas naiads. The following from that letter is both interesting and revealing, “I have every species of naiad from Texas in my collection; therefore do not need yours. I will, however, send you duplicates of my material when I get back to my collection.” The last letter in this period was the first letter from Bryant Walker dated March 24, 1908. Among other things Walker stated, “ . . . Lampsilis purpur- atus is not species but typical berlandieri. ” I believe that the L. purpuratus mentioned involved specimens of the first recorded field date (June 11, 1906) be- cause in the margin of his field notes Strecker wrote in different pen, “most of these are berlandieri ac- cording to Walker.” B. The second period - March 24, 1908 to March 11, 1912. During this period, there were no letters received by Strecker referring to naiads. Apparently Strecker neither collected nor exchanged naiads during this four year period; therefore, specimens collected by Strecker should bear no dates for this period. C. The third period - March 11, 1912 to 1933. The second period ended with a letter from Bryant Walker dated March 11, 1912, indicating that Walker had forwarded naiads to Strecker. Although J. D. Mitchell wrote numerous letters to Strecker concerning herpetology and entomology, the letter of March 27, 1912 was the first letter by Mitchell to mention naiads, and stated, “ . . . You will find Mr. Frierson is authority on Unios. He is one of the finest ‘all around’ men I ever met.” Apparently, Mitchell introduced Strecker to Frierson. The first letter from L. S. Frierson to Strecker was dated August 5, 1912 (five months after Mitchell’s letter). Frierson noted that he was glad that Strecker was working on a checklist of Texas Shells, and that he (Frierson) had finished one for North America and worked on it for two years. The correspondence between Frierson and Strecker was numerous after August 5th. What started as a polite, nonpersonal relationship changed rapidly to a warm, personal relationship between the two with each spending many days in the home of the other. This was the only professional relationship that became personal in the correspondence. Frierson wrote too many letters to detail them all; hom’^ever, the following may interest many. Frierson 29 30 HAROLD D. MURRAY wrote on June 10, 1916, “ . . . I want one or two pairs, if possible of live Unio Berlandieri, Lea, sent with my compliments to Dr. A. E. Ortmann, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburg, and send me the bill. If possible, I would like to see a gravid female myself. But the Doctor doesn’t need that they be gravid. He can tell how they ought to look, with his glasses ! Be sure he gets a female.” (The underscoring is Frierson’s). Both Frierson and Strecker were having difficulty with U. berlandieri which was the complex I was examining at the museum. There were no letters from Ortmann or Frierson that they ever received these specimens. It is unfortunate that there are no dates for the naiads in the Strecker Museum. If one can correlate the volume of correspondence on naiads to activity of collecting naiads, it is reasonable to assume that no naiads were collected by Strecker from early 1908 to early 1912 and that the majority were collected be- tween 1912 and 1932. Unfortunately, I see no way, at present, of refining almost 21 years of collecting by Strecker. This study was done with the aid of a grant from the Faculty Research and Development Council of Trinity University. I wish to thank Dr. Bryce C. Brown, Director of the Strecker Museum, for his cooperation during this study. LITERATURE CITED Strecker, John K. 1931. The distribution of the naiades or pearly fresh-water mussels of Texas. Baylor Univ. Mus. Spec. Bull. 2: 171. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 ASPECTS OF MOLLUSCAN ZOOGEOGRAPHY IN BAFFIN BAY AND THE GREENLAND SEA Arthur H. Clarke* Shallow-water marine moilusks from the vicinity of Greenland have engaged the attention of natural- ists for 200 years. It is therefore surprising that only two archibenthal or abyssal biological bottom sam- ples have ever been reported from off the west coast of Greenland in Baffin Bay (Lemche, 1941: Thorson, 1951). On the basis of these samples Thorson(loc. cit.) described two new species, however, and postulated the existence of a partly endemic fauna in the abyssal basin of Baffin Bay, isolated from the Labrador Sea by a 300 fathom sill at Davis Strait. In order to test this hypothesis, the writer made arrangements with the Bedford Institute of Ocean- ography to carry out dredgings in Baffin Bay aboard C. S. S. Dawson and C. S. S. Hudson in 1970 and 1971. For comparative purposes, and through the courtesy of the U. S. Naval Oceanographic Office, dredgings were also carried out in 1971 aboard U. S. S. Lynch in the Labrador Sea and the Greenland Sea and in the vicinity of Iceland. I am grateful to these institutions for their support, to Mr. Brian T. Kidd for reliable assistance in the field, and to Mrs. Muriel F. I. Smith and Mrs. Jane Topping for conscientious assistance in the laboratory. A total of 24 dredge hauls were taken in Baffin Bay and 23 were taken in the Labrador and Green- land Seas, mostly from archibenthal and abyssal depths. 174 species of moilusks were collected. A full report is in preparation but a few of the observations and conclusions will be presented here. ENDEMICITY IN BAFFIN BAY The material now available shows that the Baffin Bay fauna is closely related to that of the Labrador Sea and although it is reduced in number of species the Baffin Bay fauna is essentially an extension of the Labrador Sea fauna. The presence of some endemic mollusk species occurring in depths greater than 300 fathoms, i.e. greater than the sill depth of Davis Strait, suggests substantial antiquity of isolation of the archibenthal and abyssal fauna there. These spe- cies are Acrybia glacialis Thorson, Colus krampi (Thorson), and some other species which may be new, i.e. Proneomenia sp., Chaetoderma sp., and Lyonsiella sp. Presumed antiquity is in agreement with the most recent estimates of age for the termina- tion of sea-floor spreading in Baffin Bay and the for- *National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, KIA OM8 mation of the Davis Strait sill, i.e. about 60 million years ago (Keen et al, 1972). THE EUROPEAN-NORTH AMERICAN FAUNAL BOUNDARY Initial examination of the molluscan fauna dredged near Iceland showed that it was quite differ- ent from that dredged in Baffin Bay and along the coast of North America. Several genera and species were present which do not occur in the western At- lantic, e.g. Emarginula fissura, Aporrhais serresiana, Nassarius incrassatus, Area nodulosa. Modiolus phase- olinus, Chlamys septemradiatus, Hinnites distorta, Parvicardium spp., Venus casina, Gari spp., etc. The available distributional data on northern prosobranch gastropods (Thorson, 1944; Maepherson, 1971) and on northern lamellibranchs (Ockelmann, 1958) from all depths, together with other data, were then ana- lyzed to determine more fully the nature and magni- tude of this faunal change. The analysis showed that a dramatic change in the faunal composition does occur along the island arc. If pan-boreal species and those known only from Green- land and/or Iceland are excluded, the faunal shift may be expressed in a striking manner by using the percentage of “European” species relative to the total of “European” plus “North American” species in the faunas of West Greenland, East Greenland, Iceland and the Faroes. These percentages are 22%, 41%, 88% and 100% respectively. The most dramatic shift oc- curs as one progresses from East Greenland to Ice- land, and it is caused principtdly by the large increase (78) of “European” species and only secondarily by a decrease (16) in “North American” species. Such changes may be more apparent to a North American worker than to a European. On zoogeographic grounds, therefore, the island arc may be considered as a region of transition between the North American and European faunas and, if it is desirable to desig- nate a boundary line between these zoogeographic regions, the line should be located between East Greenland and Iceland. DYNAMIC ZOOGEOGRAPHY It is usually difficult, and often impossible, to de- cide whether new regional records for species are the result of more thorough and/or more effective col- lecting methods or if they signify migrations of the species concerned. When large or conspicuous species 31 ARTHUR H. CLARK 32 are found in areas which have been well studied previ- ously the probability appears great that faunal migra- tions have occurred. Present examples of this are new records of Laeocochlis granosa (Wood) from near the Grand Banks, Neptiinea satura (Martyn) from near Iceland, and Megayoldia thraciaeformis (Storer) from the northern extremity of Baffin Bay. On the other hand new records of small inconspicuous species may not reflect faunal migrations, although the possibility of such migrations surely exists. Examples here are the new records for Adis walleri Jeffreys (near Ice- land), Eulimella compactilis Jeffreys (Davis Strait), and Axinulus pygmaeus (Verrill and Bush) (Baffin Bay). Natural range expansions of some marine animals are well documented and there is every reason to be- lieve that the zoogeography of archibenthal and abys- sal molluscs is also dynamic. Our present concepts of geographic distribution patterns of deep-water marine molluscs are based on summations of all presumably authentic species records accumulated over 50 to 100 years or more. The extent to which these conceptual patterns reflect present reality is an important ques- tion which deserves investigation. LITERATURE CITED Keen, C. E., D. L. Barrett, K. S. Manchester and D. 1. Ross (1972). Geophysical Studies in Baffin Bay and Some Tectonic Implications.Can. J. Earth Sci. 9 (3): 239-256. Lemche, Henning (1941). The Godthaab Expedition 1928. Gastropoda Opisthobranchiata (excl. Ptero- poda). Medd. omGr^n. 80 (7): 1-65. Macpherson, Elizabeth (1971). The Marine Molluscs of Arctic Canada, Prosobranch Gastropods, Chi- tons and Scaphopods. Nat. Mus. Canada, Pub. in Biol. Oceanog. No. 3: i-viii & 1-149, 7 pis. Ockelmann, W. K. (1958). Marine Lamellibranchiata. The Zoology of East Greenland. Medd. om Gr0n. 122 (4): 1-256, 3 pis. Thorson, G. (1944). Marine Gastropoda Prosobranch- iata. The Zoology of East Greenland. Medd. om Grptn. 121 (13): 1-181. (1951). The Godthaab Expedition 1928. Scapho- poda, Placophora, Solenogastres, Gastropoda, Prosobranchiata, Lamellibranchiata. Medd. om Gr^fn. 81 (2): 1-117. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 THE AE/IERIPAGOS EXPEDITION Twila Bratcher * The purpose of the Ameripagos Expedition was to study the molluscan fauna of the Galapagos Islands with emphasis on those ¥/ithin scuba or snorkle dwing range and on the Opisthobranchia. Both areas had been neglected by former expeditions. Only one species of nudibranch had been reported from that area. Ellen Brennan, Jackie Grundman, David Muliiner, William Old, Carolyn Polonsky, Gale Sphon and myself, Twila Bratcher, spent the month of March 1971 based at the Charles Darwin Research Station at Academy Bay, Santa Cruz Island with field trips to 10 other islands. Planning for the expedition began in July 1969, nearly one and a half years before our arrival in the Galapagos. We received permission from Captain Sir Thomas Barlow, Secretary General of the Charles Darwin Foundation for UNESCO, to use the facilities of the Darwin Station. This eliminated the necessity of obtaining a special collecting permit from the Gala- pagos National Park Service. The Galapagos archipelago, 600 miles west of Ec- uador, is surrounded by water warm enough for div- ing only about three months of the year even though it straddles the equator. During the remainder of the time the Humboldt Current from the antarctic brings water so frigid that even the air of the islands is cooled. Around the first of the year the Humboldt Current is replaced by the warmer Panama Current. Fur seals and penguins co-exist with tropical fish and corals. We recorded surface water temperatures there as high as 80° F. *8121 MulhoIIand Terrace, Hollywood, Calif. 90046 The divers carried underwater slates on which were recorded such observations as: Conus diadema Sowerby, 1834, were depositing square pink eggs, and we noticed a number of Engina pyrastoma (Sowerby, 1832) on the eggs but could not be sure they were feeding. Cerithium adustum Kiener, 1841, were copu- lating and depositing eggs like small white dots at- tached to threads. Thais melones (Duclos, 1832) were feeding on Cerithium adustum. When a piece of cal- careous coral broke away from the rock to which it was attached, we discovered the habitat of Colubraria iucasensk Strong & Hertlein, 1937, underneath and completely covered by coral where it was attached to the rock. By intertidal and diving collecting we recorded 25 species of nudibranchs. Six of those are probably new and are being researched by Dave Muliiner and Gale Sphon. The few beds of Caulerpa we discovered contained both Lobiger souverbii Fischer, 1857, and the bi- valved gastropod, Berthelinia chloris (Dali, 1918). The personnel at the Charles Darwin Research station were most helpful. They furnished us with laboratory space and equipment and desk space. They loaned us camping gear for a field trip when our own equipment was late arriving, and they offered sugges- tiom for field trip locations a,nd helped us in many other ways. 33 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 SYMPOSIUM ON GENETICS, CYTOGENETICS AND HYBRIDIZATION OF MARINE MOLLUSKS J. B. Burch, Convener The seven papers which were read at this sympos- in condensed form. The full papers will be published ium are summarized below as abstracts or presented in Malacological Review, vol. 6, no. 2, 1973. CYTOGENETICS OF GASTROPOD MOLLUSKS' C. M. Patterson Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 ABSTRACT Cytogenetic studies of gastropod mollusks have been concerned with hybridity, poly- ploidy, chromosome morphology and behaviour, karyotype studies, sex chromosomes and supernumerary chromosomes. A detailed review of these can be found in Patterson (1969, Proc. Symp. Moll., Pt. 2, Mar. biol. Assoc. India, p. 635-686). Hybridity. There are only three purely cytogenetic studies of hybrid snails known to me; those of Staiger (1954, Chromosoma, 6: 419-478), Burch (1964, Amer. malacol. Union, ann. Reps., 31: 28-29), and current researches under way in our laboratories at The University of Michigan. Staiger studied various populations of the muricid snail, Purpura lapillus. In hybrid populations between n=13 and n=18 forms, individuals were found in which, during meiosis, five metacentric chromosomes paired with ten acrocentrics. Presumably the ten acrocentrics arose by splitting of the centromeres of five metacentric chromo- somes. Burch (1960, Amer. malacol. Union, ann. Reps., 26: 15) reported the chromosomal features of four nominal species o/" Oncomelania, and later (1964, op. cit.^ studied the cytology of hybrids of the four so-called species. From his results, the non-reduced viabil- ity of the hybrids and the morphological similarities of the parental populations, Burch concluded that the four nominal species, although isolated and widely separated geo- graphically, were in reality only races of one species. The third cytogenetic study is one currently in progress in our own laboratories in Ann Arbor. We are studying the karyotypes of hybrid offspring from matings of Bulinus (Is- idora) species having diploid and polyploid chromosome numbers. We hope to gain in- sight into the evolution of the polyploid karyotypes and to determine how the polyploids were produced. Polyploidy. Polyploidy has been reported to occur in the streptoneuran families Hydrobiidae and Thiaridae. Sanderson (1940, Proc. zool. Soc. London, 1939/40 (A): 109-110), in studying the chromosomes of the parthenogenetic Potamopyrgus jenkinsi from Scotland, found that there was only one non-reductional maturation division in the egg, and that the diploid number of chromosomes appeared to be n=36 in some cells and n=44 in others. Since Rhein (1935, Naturwissenschaften, 23 (6): 100) reported the continental race of P. jenkinsi to have 20-22 pairs of chromosomes, Sanderson concluded that the ' Supported (in part) by N. I. H. Training Grant No. 5 T1 AI 41 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, U. S. Public Health Service. 34 CYTOGENETICS OF GASTROPOD MOLLUSKS 35 British snails are a tetraploid race which developed from their continental diploid rela- tives. Melanoides tuberculatus, a member of the Thiaridae, is apparently also a polyploid species, or at least it contains polyploid populations. Jacob (1959, Cytologia, 24 (4): 487-497) found 16 pairs of chromosomes in one so-called race and 2n=90-94 in another race, which he considered polyploid. However, it seems possible that two different species were involved. Jacob considered the polyploid race to be an autoallopolyploid arising from a cross between an autotetraploid parthenogenetic female of one species and a di- ploid male of another species. M, lineatus and M. scabra were also thought by Jacob to be polyploid. Another melaniid snail, Balanocochlis sp., is also presumably a polyploid, judg- ing from its high chromosome number of n=60 (Burch, 1967, Venus, 25 (3/4): 118-135). Among the Euthyneura, polyploidy has been reported in the families EHobiidae (one isolated individual), Ancylidae and Planorbidae. Species of the freshwater limpet family Ancylidae have chromosome numbers of n=15, n=17, n=18, n=30 and n=60 (Burch, 1967, op. cit.). Rhodacmea cahawbensis has the chromosome number n=15, while two species each of Ancylus and Ferrissia have chromosome numbers that are multiples of 15. That there is a polyploid series with no known intermediate haploid numbers in the sub- family Ancylinae strengthens the contention that n=30 for Ferrissia (Ferrissinae) is also a polyploid (tetraploid) condition. Burch and his colleagues have also studied polyploidy in the Planorbidae. In the sub- family Planorbinae, Gyraulus circuinstriatus has 18 pairs of chromosomes and the closely related G. parvus has 36 pairs (1960, Nature 186: 497-498; 1965, Malacologia, 2 (2): 251). The greatest number of polyploid species yet studied are members of the planorbid subgenus Bulinus s. s. Nearly 50% of the species studied cytologically are polyploids (Burch, 1960, Z. Tropenmed. Parasit., 11: 449-452; 1964, Malacologia, 1 (3): 387-400; 1967, Malacologia, 5 (2): 127-135; 1967 Eth. Med. 5 (4): 245-257; Burch & Lindsay, 1970, Malacol. Rev., 3 (1): 1-18). Most of the polyploid species are tetraploids, but hexa- ploid and octoploid species have also been found. Intermediate numbers produced by aneuploidy have not been discovered. Chromosome morphology and behavior and other cytological phenomena. Morphology of mollusk chromosomes and their characteristics during cell division do not differ from cytological conditions typically found in other animals. Chromosome number variation within individuals and populations, heterochromatic chromosomes, su- pernumerary chromosomes, bridges and fragments, univalents, trivalents and quadrival- ents are among the cytological phenomena that have been observed in molluscan repre- sentatives. Karyotypes based on chromosome morphology have been presented for about 35 species. The karyotype, although potentially useful in cytogenetics of moUusks, has been used mainly in species discrimination. The most thorough comparative karyotype analysis of a snail group is that of Burch (1967, J. ConchylioL, 107 (1): 3-51) for species of the Japanese pleurocerid genus Semisulcospira. Chromosome numbers of species in this genus range from n=7 to n=20, with most species having a distinctive karyotype. Sex chromosomes. Sex chromosomes have been reported for several streptoneuran snails. Patterson (1965, Malacologia, 2 (2): 259-265) studied sex chromosomes in both male and female individuals of the viviparid species Tulotoma angulata, whose sex chromosomes are XX in the female with a dimorphic XY pair of sex chromosomes in the male. Supernumerary chromosomes. The most thorough study of supernumerary chromosomes of a mollusk is that of Evans (1960, Heredity, 15: 129-138), where the occurrence of supernumerary chromo- somes in wild populations of Helix pomatia were investigated. From one to six extra chromosomes were found in various cells. All of the extra chromosomes were similar in the two populations studied in that they were submedianly constricted and smaller than chromosomes of the basic complement Evans felt that the supernumerary chromosomes may have arisen from chromosome change occurring after a period of genotype instability due to inbreeding of these normally cross-fertilizing hermaphrodites. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 OYSTER GENETICS AND THE PROBABLE FUTURE ROLE OF GENETICS IN AQUACULTURE A. Crosby Longwell and S. S. Stiles National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service Milford, Connecticut 06460 ABSTRACT Techniques for artificial rearing of commercial edible oysters have already been worked out. The oyster is generally regarded as a prime candidate for intensive aqua- culture. Yet to be achieved is the true domestication of the oyster with the development of a variety of different strains so well suited to the methods of intensive culture in hatch- eries that a margin of profit is reasonably assured to the commercial breeder. Domestica- tion along with some genetic interference with the course of wild populations could fur- ther assure that this pelecypod mollusk contributes to the world food supply to the limit of its not-insignificant potential. Such “domestication” can be achieved by the deliberate application of genetic methods or, over a longer period, by trial and error breeding. Most likely, it will be accomplished through the combined efforts of researchers and commer- cial producers, the developments of one opening new avenues of approach to the other. This paper tells what is known already about the genetics of the oyster, reviewing such information in light of its significance in the application of different breeding programs to oysters, and to the introduction on natural beds of specially bred new oyster stocks to old wild populations. The review first presents background information on the cyto- genetics of oysters, then goes on to consider them in the perspective of inbreeding, selec- tive breeding, intra-and inter-species hybridization, and finally in respect to use in the future of induced mutations in special breeding programs. DEVELOPMENT OF HYBRIDS BETWEEN NASSARIUS SPECIES FOLLOWING EXPERIMENTAL FERTILIZATION James N. Gather Department of Zoology, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 ABSTRACT Sperm dissected from the testis or vas deferens and eggs dissected from either the oviduct or from capsules formed by isolated unfertilized females of Ilyanassa obsoleta, Nassariustrivittatus, N. vibex, N. fossatus and N. cinisculus have been used for hybrid- ization studies. Sperm were collected by pipette and diluted two times with pasteurized sea water containing 50 mg/l of sulfadiazine and 50 mg/l streptomycin in abiotic sea wa- ter. Eggs washed three times in 15 ml of abiotic sea water were fertilized with 10-15 drops of sperm suspension. The cultures were gently shaken to mix sperm and eggs, al- lowed to sit ten minutes, after which the eggs were transferred to fresh abiotic sea water. Controls included isolated unfertilized eggs and eggs fertilized by sperm of the same species. The latter group included at least 75% normal development of embryos or else the experiments were discarded. Sperm from all of the above species were utilized, but eggs in satisfactory condition were not obtained from all of the species. Activation of eggs by non-specific sperm was approximately that of fertilized controls. First and second po- lar bodies were formed as well as the third polar lobe. Arrest often occurred at first cleav- age. Dispermic eggs had a tripolar cleavage and were arrested shortly thereafter. Greater polyspermy involved either 1st cleavage or earlier arrest, regardless of whether or not the sperm nuclei underwent migration. Thus far, no hybrid embryos have proceeded beyond the trochophore equivalent, which has completed gastrulation and developed cilia. No later organogenesis has been observed. Additional experiments are currently underway. 36 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc, March 1973 ONCOMELANIA HUPENSIS (GASTROPODA: HYDROBIIDAE): HYBRIDIZATION, GENETICS AND TRANSMISSION OF SCHISTOSOMA JAPONICUM George M. Davis * ABSTRACT A model is presented for studying the infraspecific molluscan genetic mechanism(s) governing the transmission of the Oriental human blood fluke. Schistosoma japonicum. The Japanese strain of parasite was used. Male, parasite resistant, smooth, small, albino Oncomelania hupensis formosana from southern Taiwan were mated with female, suscep- tible, ribbed, large, pigmented O. h. hupensis from mainland China. Fi and F2 generations were produced. Production of Fj cross snails was significantly lower than that of the control inbred subspecies; however, this was due to females not being fertilized, not to lower output of young per female per month. Fecundity ofFj x Fj crosses was equal to or greater than that of the control inbred subspecies. The Fi generation was equal in size to parental O. h. hupensis, was pigmented and with gradation in strength of ribbing, suggesting multiple allelic control of the last trait. The F2 generation exhibited a 9: 3:3:1 ratio of pigmented-ribbed: pigmented-smooth:albi- no-ribbed: albino-smooth. The F/ generation and all classes of F2 generation were suscep- tible to infection at the same level as parental O. h. hupensis, i.e., 1.6 ± 0.4 percent. Genes governing susceptibility are on a chromosome other than that controlling albinism or ribbing. * Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Phila- delphia, Pa. 19103 GENETICS OF BIOMPHALARIA GLABRATA (GASTROPODA: PLANORBIDAE) Charles S. Richards* ABSTRACT The genetic aspects of susceptibility of Biomphalaria glabrata for infection with Schistosoma mansoni have been studied. B. glabrata is hermaphroditic and isolated snails can reproduce by self-fertilization. Generation time is about six weeks, enabling us to follow eight consecutive generations in a year. When two B. glabrata are mated, reciprocal cross-fertilization occurs. Pigmentation serves as a genetic marker in crosses. Basic pigmentation is a single gene character, follow- ing simple Mendeiian inheritance. Three alleles of the gene occur resulting in six possible genotypes expressed as three pigment phenotypes. Wild type black pigmentation is domi- nant, albino recessive, while “blackeye" is recessive to wild type but dominant over albi- no. The capacity of B. glabrata for both self- and cross-fertilization, short generation time, a long reproductive span of about a year, and pigment alleles enable selfing an albino and then mating it four or more times, alternating wild type and blackeye mates. The wild type and blackeye mates can then be used as males in serial crosses with other albinos. Five single gene characters have been demonstrated in B. glabrata, representing five of the 18 linkage groups: (1) basic pigmentation, (2) pearl formation, (3) antler tentacles, (4) everted preputium and swollen tentacles, and (5) adult insusceptibility to S. mansoni. *National Institute of Allergy, & Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. 20014 37 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 SOME SPECIES AFFINITIES IN THE OYSTER GENUS CRASSOSTREA R. Winston Menzel ^ Department of Oceanography, Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida 32306 ABSTRACT Twelve species of Crassostrea from various areas of the world were available for study, including the local C. virginica and all the other principal commercial species. Seventy-two reciprocal crossing attempts were made of the possible 132 combinations. All crossing attempts were duplicated (as many as 12 times in some combinations), making a total of 282 attempts, and attempts made to rear 98 of these. Seven of the species were completely infertile with all other species, or showed less than 5% fertilization. Cross fertilization (cell cleavage and embryo development) occurred in crosses involving five species. Rearing hybrid embryos through to metamorphosis and attachment was successful with four species (C. angulata, C. gigas, C. rhizophorae, C. virginica). Although the fifth species (C. iredalei) had reciprocal fertilization with the other four, cytological examination showed chromosome anomalies and the embryos never lived beyond five days. The above observations showed that five species of Crassostrea have close genetic affinities, but C. iredalei is more distantly related to the other four than they are to each other. Judging from ease of crossing, rearing larvae through metamorphosis, chromosomal behavior and morphological similarity, the closest relationships are between (1) C. angulata and C. gigas and (2) C. virginica and C. rhizophorae. It is concluded tentatively that C. angulata is a subspecies of C. gigas and that C. rhizophorae is a subspecies of C. virginica. ^Initial work supported by NSF Grant 5034 and hybridization work continued through a Sea Grant (NOAA) to State University System of Florida. 38 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc, March 1973 CROSS-BREEDING EXPERIMENTS WITH THE AFRICAN SNAIL GENUS BULINUS (GASTROPODA: PLANORBIDAE)! Shi-Kuei Wu Museum and Department of Zoology, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 ABSTRACT A totally albino strain (i. e., lacking even eye-pigment) of Bulinus tropicus (n=18) from Onderstepoort, Transvaal, South Africa was crossed with pigmented snails of each of the following seven populations: B. tropicus (n=18) from Malelane, Transvaal, South Africa; B. natalensis (n=18) from Lake Sibayi, Natal, South Africa; B. tropicus (n=18) from Lake Baharshangi, Ethiopia; B. truncatus (n=36) from Behaira Province, Egypt; B. sericinus (n=36) from Toquor River, Ethiopia; B. hexaploidus (n=54) from Sulultu River, Ethiopia; B. octoploidus (n=72) from Sheno, Ethiopia, In two breeding experiments between the albino Bulinus tropicus (n=18) and the pigmented B. tropicus (n=18, Transvaal), both albino and pigmented parents produced only eye-pigmented Fj progeny. The eye-pigmented and albino characters segregated in the expected 3:1 ratio in the F2 progeny produced by mating Fi siblings, and in the expected 1:1 ratio when Fj individuals were backcrossed with albino snails. This indi- cates that the eye-pigment character is inherited in a simple Mendelian fashion in these populations of Bulinus. In three breeding experiments between the albino Bulinus tropicus (n=18) and pig- mented B. natalensis (n-18. Natal), the three albino parents produced only pigmented Fi progeny, demonstrating successful cross-fertilization and dominance of eye-pigment. However, the three eye-pigmented parents failed to produce progeny. Here the genetic exchange was in only one direction: from pigmented to albino snails. Observation of the F2 progeny obtained by sibling mating of Fj snails showed that the eye-pigmented char- acter segregated in the expected 3:1 ratio. In four breeding experiments between the albino Bulinus tropicus (n=18) and pigment- ed Bulinus tropicus (n=18, Ethiopia), only two albinos produced pigmented Fi progeny, and these with 25% and 28% embryo mortality. None of the pigmented parents produced eggs. The direction of genetic exchange was in only one direction: eye-pigmented to al- bino snails. In the above breeding experiments between diploid populations, genetic exchange decreased as geographical separation increased. In four breeding experiments between the albino Bulinus tropicus (n=18) and the pigmented B. truncatus (n=36, Egypt), neither albino nor pigmented snails produced progeny. In three breeding experiments between the albino B. tropicus (n=18) and the pigmented B. sericinus (n=36, Ethiopia), only one pigmented snail produced Fi progeny: 19 eye-pigmented snails. Sibling mating of Fi progeny produced no F2 progeny. How- ever, backcrosses of Fj progeny to the albino diploid (n=18) snails immediately produced eggs, but with 100% mortality. This indicates that the Fj progeny were sterile when mated to siblings, but they could at least produce non-developing eggs when backcrossed to albinos. In four breeding experiments between the albino Bulinus tropicus (n=18) and the * Supported (in part) by a research grant (AI-07279) from the National Institute of Allergy and Infec- tious Diseases, U. S. Public Health Service, and (in part) by grants from the National Science Founda- tion, GB-13104 and GB-25986, to Dr. N. G. Hairston, The University of Michigan, for research in Systematic and Evolutionary Biology. 39 40 SHI-KUEI WU pigmented B. hexaploidus (n=54), all four pigmented snails produced vigorous pigmented Fj progeny. However, no F2 progeny were obtained from the sibling mating of Fj progeny. In chromosome squash preparations of ovotestes from adult Fj snails, incom- plete meiotic divisions and lack of sperm were observed. None of the albino snails pro- duced eggs. The direction of genetic exchange in these crosses was in only one direction: albino to pigmented snails. In four breeding experiments between the albino Bulinus tropicus (n=18) and the pigmented B, octoploidus (n=72), only one pigmented snail succeeded in producing Fi progeny, which were sterile. A histological study of ovotestes of adult F/ progeny showed an extremely low number of ova and a lack of sperm. The direction of genetic exchange was again in only one direction: albino to pigmented snails. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 WESTERN ATLANTIC ERVILIA (PELECYPODA: MESODESMATIDAE): ASPECTS OF SYSTEMATICS, DISTRIBUTION, BIOLOGY, AND BEHAVIOR John D. Davis * Three species of Ervilia are found in the western Atlantic: E. nitens (Montagu, 1808), E. concentrica (Holmes, 1860), and E. subcancellata Smith, 1885. Ervilia maculosa Dali, 1896 (described from small specimens) is a synonym of E. concentrica. Ervilia rostratula Rehder, 1943 (described from larger spec- imens) is a synonym of E. subcancellata (described from smaller specimens). E. nitens ranges from southern Florida and the Bahamas through the Caribbean to northern Brazil (Rio Grande do Norte). E. concentrica is concen- trated along the southeastern United States coast from Cape Hatteras to Pensacola, Florida, with oc- casional appearances in the northern West Indies. E. subcancellata extends from Bermuda south to Florida and the Caribbean and along the Atlantic coast of South America to Sao Paula, Brazil. Living specimens of Ervilia subcancellata were col- lected in Bermuda in 1966 and studied at the Bermuda Biological Station. In Bermuda, E. sub- cancellata is found in intertidal and subtidal areas where there is relatively fine substratum usually in large part consisting of coral fragments and broken shell. Larger rocks or coral fragments are often present, and E. subcancellata may possibly tend to concentrate adjacent to these larger objects for addi- tional cover and protection. The foot was slender and very active, and was often extended for as much as 1.5 times the length of the shell. The ventral margin of the foot had a well-defined groove. Presumably, this groove secretes the mucous strands for attachment to substratum particles. Additional attachment in the substratum may possibly be provided by the many papillae which extend outward from the mantle margin. The dorso-posterior excurrent siphon is the longer of the two siphons and has no papillae surrounding the distal opening. The more ventral incurrent siphon is equipped with a number of long papillae. During normal pumping/feeding activity these papillae curve inward over the siphon opening, presumably pre- venting entry of suspended particles or organisms. *26 Norfolk Ave., Northampton, Ma.ss. 01060 Stomach contents were not examined, but consider- ing the orientation of E. subcancellata in the sub- stratum during these laboratory studies, I assume this pelecypod to be a filter feeder. A specimen placed in a dish of seawater with suit- able substratum would remain completely still for some time but eventually the siphons appeared and, shortly after, the foot protruded. At first the foot felt out the substratum, then was inserted between near- by sand particles. Subsequently the clam quickly pulled itself erect, several convulsive tugs drawing it part way into the substratum. After a pause of from several seconds to several minutes, 3-4 stronger tugs pulled the clam virtually out of sight, only the siphons remaining visible. When preparing to dig in, the clam forced out a jet of water between the dorsal edge of the foot and the anterior adductor muscle, concurrently effecting a quick closing of the valves. The valves reopened al- most immediately. The sudden water current usually forced some of the finer material away from the bur- rowing site. This observed burrowing pattern of E. subcancellata seems quite similar to the sequence attributed to the freshwater clam Margaritifera mar- garitifera by Trueman (1968) and later generalized for burrowing bivalves by Stanley (1970). Particularly interesting is the appearance of water currents from the mantle margin during adduction of the valves. As noted for E. subcancellata, this sudden flow of water removes finer sediment particles from the burrowing area. In M. margaritifera, according to Trueman, valve adduction (closing) is rapid and corresponds with expansion (dilation) of the foot and forced expulsion of water from the mantle cavity. Concurrently, the siphons are closed. The burrowing behavior pattern and sequence of events of Ervilia subcancellata ap- pears to be closely similar. It is altogether possible that valve adduction, foot expansion and expulsion of mantle cavity water are behavioral patterns common- ly held by most pelecypod mollusks burrowing in relatively coarse, loose substratum. 41 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc, March 1973 THE SYSTEMATIC POSITION OF RADIX LUTEOLA AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN LYMNAEID SYSTEMATICS^ J. B. Burch*andP. T. Lo Verde* ABSTRACT Taxonomy of the freshwater basommatophoran family Lymnaeidae has received much attention in the past. Nevertheless, systematic relationships oftaxa within the family are still open to debate. Some authors would lump all the Recent species into a single genus ("Lymnaea^, or at most two genera ('Lymnaea and Lanxj, while others recognize several genera (e. g., Lymnaea s.s., Acella, Austropeplea, Bulimnea, Fossaria (=Galba), Lanx, Pseudosuccinea, Radix, Stagnicola, etc.). These latter genera were all separated originally on shell characters, a taxonomic practice criticized by some recent malacologists. Burch, Lindsay & LoVerde (1971, Zool. Zh., 50 (8): 1158-1168) showed that in three species of Lymnaeidae (one from North America, one from Poland, and the other species common to both regions), shell characters are better indicators of systematic relationships than characters of the reproductive system (as previously used). Walter (1968, Amer. malacol. Union, ann. Reps., 35: 18-19, 23-25; 1969, Malacol. Rev., 2: 1-102) has assigned considerable importance to the multifolded condition of the lower “prostate” gland of the lymnaeid male reproductive system. Most lymnaeids have a unifolded lower prostate (Roszkowski,! 926, Ann. Zool. Mus. Polonici Hist, natur., 5 (1): 1-14, and subsequent publications; Hubendick, 1951, Kungl. svenska Vet.-akad. Handl., ser. 4, 3 (1): 1-223), but in a few species it is unfolded, and in three species it is known to be multifolded (the Holarctic Lymnaea stagnalis, the Polish Stagnicola corvus and the Indian Radix luteola). If the folded condition of the lower “prostate” gland is of prime importance in indicating systematic relationships in the Lymnaeidae, then one would assume that the latter three species are rather closely related, in spite of their con- chological differences. However, cytological and electrophoretic data (Burch & Lindsay, 1969, Malacol. Rev., 2: 135), as well as immunological studies (Burch, Lindsay & LoVerde, op. cit; Burch & LoVerde, present report), do not support such conclusions. L. stagnalis and S. corvus are not closely related. R. luteola is not closely related to either of these two species, but it is closely related to all other species of Radix that we have been able to compare. Thus, R. luteola is yet another species demonstrating that characters of the reproductive anatomy are to be used with caution in assessing systematic relationships within the Lymnaeidae. *Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 * Supported by research grants from the National In- stitute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, U. S. Public Health Service (N. 1. H. Training Grant No. 5 T1 AI 60), the National Science Foundation (grant GB-7569), and the Foreign Currency Program, Of- fice of International Activities, Smithsonian Insti- tution. 42 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 AGGREGATIVE BEHAVIOR IN VERONICELLID SLUGS: A PRELIMINARY REPORT Dee S. Dundee * ABSTRACT A continuing series of experiments with veronicellid slugs has demonstrated aggregative behavior which appears to be the result of a phaeromone (s). Veronicella ameghini and V. floridana are being studied at present and an attempt to determine the chemical nature of the phaeromone will be undertaken soon. This finding is significant since little is known about moHuscan phaeromones. If such phaeromones could be isolated from these and/or other molluscs, various possibilities would present themselves: for example, as attractants for undesirable molluscs. *Dept. of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State Univer- sity in New Orleans, New Orleans, La. 70122 SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE STUDIES OF LAND SNAIL RADULAE Alan Solem* ABSTRACT With a useful magnification range from 14x to more than 50,000x combined with 500x the depth of field mailable with optical equipment, the scanning electron micro- scope is becoming the routine instrument for use in examining radular structure and func- tion. The same radular tooth can be studied at a variety of magnifications and from many different angles, enabling three-dimensional viewing and understanding of structure. By modeling the radula into a simulated feeding stroke, the teeth position in both function- ing and relaxed stages can be observed from the same preparation. Carnivorous land snails have evolved in several different lineages. All agree in having a reduced number of teeth with elongated single cusps. When the teeth are elevated for slicing into their prey, great stress can be generated and transmitted to the tooth base. Modifications of the anterior tooth margin to provide support during the stress period of resistence to cutting differ from family to family. In the Oleacinidae the anterior tooth margin is abruptly truncated; in some Haplotrematidae there is anterior elongation of the tooth base; in some Sysirophiidae the modification is for folding; while in the Pary- phantidae the teeth slice at a muck lower angle. Most herbivorous families have a complex inter-row support system that functions to convert resistence pressure encountered by one tooth into assistance for the tooth in the next row. Examples from the Enidae, Partuiidae, and Camaenidae demonstrate the diver- sity of suck support systems. Details of such inter-row support can vary widely between closely related genera, or can be completely absent. Lack of similarity between two sympatric Australian desert Camaenidae and the lack of any support structure in Papuina from the Bismarck Archipelago suggest that this feature has no value in working out higher classifications. Several land snails have the teeth modified to form spade-like scraping cusps. Examples from the Enidae and Partuiidae are used to show how an extremely similar structure can be derived independently. Other uses of the scanning electron microscope in studying pulmonate radulae will include examination of wear patterns, growth rates, and the form and ontogeny of indivi- dual teeth. These attributes will be of value in systematic revisions. Grateful acknowledgment is made to the American Philosophical Society for support of the studies on carnivorous species. *Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois 60605 43 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 SALTATIONAL SPECIATION IN AMERICAN HELMINTHOGLYPTIDAE (GASTROPODA: PULMONATA) Walter B. Miller* The Helminthoglyptidae is a large family of New World land snails ranging from British Columbia to Patagonia. It appears to be most closely related to the Bradybaenidae in Asia. The fossil record shows it to be in North America during Eocene and possibly as early as late Cretaceous. In the southwestern United States and adjacent Mexico, there are 12 described and at least three undescribed genera. Determination of phylogeny among these genera is a complex task involving the comparison of shell morphology, ana- tomy, chromosome karyotype, and body proteins, together with due regard for present and past zoogeo- graphical considerations. The family Helminthoglyptidae is characterized as “dart-bearing helices”, but many of its genera have no dart apparatus. In such cases, it is generally agreed that dart-less forms have become secondarily simpli- fied from a dart-bearing ancestor. The genera Sonorel- la, Sonorelix, Mohavelix, Greggelix, and Tryonigens are dart-less, while Helminthoglypta, Eremarionta, Xerarionta, Plesarionta, and Micrarionta are dart-bear- ing. It is tempting to hypothesize that all dart-less genera form a monophyletic subfamily evolved from one dart-less ancestor by way of adaptive radiation. For example, Sonorelix could have evolved from an Eremarionta-like ancestor by losing the dart appara- tus; in turn, it could have given rise to Sonorella and Greggelix and subsequently, Sonorella could have given rise to Mohavelix and Tryonigens. Evidence tends to indicate that the monophyletic concept of a dart-less subfamily is incorrect. The first such bit of evidence was in the discovery of a new species of Hel- minthoglypta, H. micrometalleoides W. B. Miller, 1970, in very close proximity to Mohavelix micro- metalleus (Berry, 1930) in the arid El Paso Mts. of the Mojave Desert. Shell morphology and zoogeo- graphy favor the hypothesis that Mohavelix arose saltationally from H. micrometalleoides rather than from a distant Sonorella ancestor. New evidence has been uncovered in the Eremarionta argus (Edson, 1912) complex of the Mojave Desert. Shells of a new, undescribed genus are indistinguishable from Er- emarionta shells but the anatomy shows it to be dart-less and very simplified. Again, shell morphology and zoogeography strongly point to a saltational speciation phenomenon. Other instances of probable saltational speciation are being discovered in still other helminthoglyptid genera but have not been documented sufficiently to discuss at this time. Saltational speciation is an extreme case of rapid genetic drift and is probably brought about by major chromosomal breakage and rearrangement in isolated, desert populations decimated by severe climatic stress. Studies are presently underway at the Univer- sity of Arizona to compare karyotype and protein patterns in the various genera of western helmin- thoglyptids in an effort to find additional evidence to assist in elucidating their phylogeny. *Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 85721 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 THE FAMILIES OF THE PEARLY FRESHWATER MUSSELS Joseph P. E. Morrison * Brooks, in 1875, reporting on North American “Unio” (actually Amblemidae), may have been the first to indicate the true story of the development and relationships of the pearly freshwater mussels. He reported that the shell nucleus develops first as an undivided, saddle-shaped structure on the middle of the slightly elongate embryo. This stage corresponds to the lasidium and the haustorium larva of the Mycetopodidae and the Mutelidae. In other words this first stage corresponds to the Mutelacea. Because the embryonic shell is later divided into two distinct valves, the glochidium larva of the thionacea is con- sidered more advanced. I consider the Unionacea more advanced than the Mutelacea. The Mutelacea possess the lasidium type of larvae, with the strong development of anterior pallial pro- cesses of the mantle, which are in effect attachment processes that grow into the host tissues in a mucus blister on the surface of the host fish. When these larvae are completely mature, they break off their attachment stalks and leave the fish hosts to begin their adult lives. This Superfamily contains the fami- lies Mutelidae, Etheriidae, Mycetopodidae and Acostaeidae. The Family MUTELIDAE, whose haustoria larvae are incubated in the inner gills only, are African. Spatha, Mutela, and a few other genera belong here. The Family ETHERIIDAE (the “freshwater oys- ters” of the larger African Rivers) are distinct because they are cemented to rocks, or other shells in rapid water. Characteristically they show blistered, greenish nacre. In spite of being attached, they have retained both anterior and posterior adductor muscles. The occurrence of eggs in the inner gills of the females of the Etheria mussels indicates their relationship with, and derivation from, the unattached mutelid mussels of the same region. The Family MYCETOPODIDAE of South Ameri- ca, are gravid in the inner gills only, with the lasidia larvae described first by Von Ihering. These lasidia larvae also attach in a mucus “blister” to the skin of the fishes, then when mature, break off the attach- ment stalk to start juvenile adult life. One genus, Anodontites, is living as far northward as Vera Cruz, Mexico. Bartlettia mussels are only modified Anodontites hooked into firm (rocky ?) bottoms, but are not cemented on. Most of the Mycetopodidae possess markedly greenish nacre. *Division of Mollusks, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 20560 Another Family, the ACOSTAEIDAE, living in the Magdalena River System, are the “South American freshwater oysters”. The shells of Acostaea are cemented to rocky bottoms, but unlike the “African freshwater oysters”, they are modified in the adult to retain only one (the posterior) adductor muscle. Their unblistered greenish colored nacre is so obvious- ly similar to the nacre of the Mycetopodidae from the same region, that I consider them most closely related. The Unionacea reproduce by means of glochidia larvae, distinctly bivalved from the later embryonic stages onward. With many other characters involved, there is more apparent divergence and/or convergence in this complex of Families. They may have devel- oped from more than one original ancestral stock. This Superfamily contains the Families Margari- tiferidae, Hyriidae, Unionidae, Amblemidae and Pseudomulleridae. The M ARGARITIFERIDAE stand alone, not directly in the ancestral line of any other Family. They have retained the most primitive gill structures, with diagonal, incomplete gill septa, and incomplete separation of the siphonal openings. Their very small glochidia, borne in all four gills, are parasitic on the gills of fishes. The very few species are relict, with one species circumpolar, and a very few others south- ward in southeast Asia, and southeast North America. The only two highly sculptured members of this Family are known from North Vietnam, West of Can- ton, China, in the Pearl River System, and from the southern United States (southern Alabama and Louisiana). The HYRIIDAE carry their lop-sided, subtri- angular, hooked glochidia in the inner gills only. In South America, Tetraplodon (Hyria) and other genera including the widespread Diplodon have been studied extensively by Bonetto and other authors. The glochi- dia larvae of the hyriid mussels are normally parasitic on the external surfaces (fins, tail, etc.) of their host fishes. Bonetto has indicated that some species of Diplodon may have secondarily dropped the parasitic stage on fishes and metamorphose directly. With identical characters by definition, this Family must also include the genera and species of the Australian Region often called the Hyridellidae, etc.. It seems there are two Austral Regions, populated by surviving members of the Hyriidae, while mussels we consider more highly specialized moved in behind them, both in Asia and in America. The Family UNIONIDAE includes mussels that 45 46 JOSEPH P. E. MORRISON reproduce by means of triangular, hooked glochidia carried only in the outer gills of the gravid females. These glochidia are normally shed in strings of mucus trailing along the bottom. Chance contact by fish of an appropriate species results in the glochidia being clamped (hooked) onto the fin or tail edge, followed by encystment, and successful parasitism and meta- morphosis to the juvenile mu^el. The typical genus Unio is living from Europe eastward across Asia to China. Other relatives are known from Asia. On the other hand this Family is represented in North American waters only by members of the Subfamily Anodontinae. These North American mussels, as well as all other Anodontinae differ from the typical Unioninae by the partial reduction of, or the com- plete loss of, the hinge teeth. The AMBLEMIDAE, the most highly specialized free-living Unionacea, produce hookless glochidia, usually of elongate shape, with short hinge lines. Their glochidia are normally parasitic on the gills of fishes. Some are gravid (carry the glochidia) in all four gills; some in the full length of the outer gills; the most highly specialized in only a part of the outer gills. With one exception, members of the typical Subfamily Ambleminae do not show any sexual dimorphism of the shells. In Africa, Asia, and America, genera of the Ambleminae include some of the smallest and thinnest, as well as the largest and thickest - shelled pearly freshwater mussels known. The more specialized subfamily Lampsilinae shows permanent modification of the marsupial portions of the outer gills, and a corresponding permanent modi- fication of the shells of the females, resulting in sexu- al dimorphism of the adult shells. The necessity of parasitism on the gills of the host fish species has led to a variety of “bait - mechan- isms” that serve to induce fish to “mouth” the glochi- dia, and so enable the glochidia to reach the gill fila- ments, to be there encysted and undergo their larval metamorphosis. In United States waters, the crimson glochidia of Fusconaia species, and the white glochi- dia of Pleurobema and other related genera may be shed in packages (conglutinates) resembling pink or white (flat) worms lying on the bottom. Cyprogenia has been recorded as shedding the conglutinates en- tire; resembling coiled red worms, which are avidly “eaten” by fish. Ptychobranchus ejects entire con- glutinates which resemble in size, shape, and color, newly hatched fish embryos. A “tasty” morsel to attract predator fish species. The mantle margins ventral to the siphons, of some of the Lampsilinae of North America, show “fish - bait” structures. The genus Toxolasma has small caruncles, which move like “twiddling thumbs” and attract small and/or young fish to eat the “wrig- gling red worms”. Ligumia and Villosa have papillae that resemble worms of various types. The mantle margins of Villosa amygdala from southern Florida possess varicolored brown and green papillae that together resemble a caterpillar that has fallen into the water and is lying on the bottom. The extreme “fish - bait” structure and mechanism is shown by Lampsilis species. The females have an eye-spotted, minnow-like mantle flap below the siphons. These specially innervated flaps move and resemble the intermittent jerking of a wounded min- now. This occurs when the glochidia are ripe in the late spring and the females are “up-ended” in the bottom, thereby fully showing this action. The host fish gets a mouthful of glochidia (burst out of the edge of the marsupia) when it attempts to eat the “wounded minnow”. Another extreme is shown by the blue or white “flags” of certain Plagiola species, which may be visible seven metres away in the clear water over the shallows, in their glochidia shedding season. Plagiola rangiana Lea was known to local fisherman as the “White Mouth” when it was described 133 years ago. The Family PSEUDOMULLERIDAE is the third “freshwater oyster” family in the world. Pseudo- mulleria is living in certain rivers of southern India. The juvenile mussel starts as a small bilaterally symmetrical bivalve, then is attached, and changes to retain only one adductor muscle between the asym- metrical attached and free valves of the adult mussel. The general appearance, especially of the nacre of Pseudomulleria, is so different from the green nacre of Acostaea of South America that they should not be considered members of the same Family, Only examination of the marsupial gills and of the glochi- dia of Pseudomulleria can prove from which other Family of the Unionacea they have been modified. Bulletin of the American Maiacoiogical Union, Inc. March 1973 AMU COMMITTEE AND BUSINESS REPORTS REPORT OF CONSERVATION COMMITTEE The Conservation Committee meeting, attended by approximately 16 persons, opened with a discus- sion of the response of member shell clubs to a ques- tionnaire concerning their interest and participation in conservation problems, which was mailed out with the AMU Bulletin in April. Unfortunately the ques- tionnaire did not reach the clubs until a deadline date for replying had expired and only about five clubs returned their forms. From this meager response it appears there is very little conservation activity being carried out by shell clubs with the exception of the Sanibel Island Shell Club, which has a most active program in this field. The responding clubs indicated that they would be interested in a bibliography of inexpensive education- al material on conservation, ecology, etc. A chairman will be appointed who, with the help of other Conser- vation Committee members, will compile such a bibli- ography for distribution either through the AMU Bulletin or by direct mail. It was agreed that the AMU as an organization has made little impression on most shell club members. If we are to influence shell collectors, we should drama- tize our existence. The committee therefore recom- mended the AMU put themselves into the shell club world by offering two awards, as follows: 1. An award to an individual in the form of a ‘noticeable’ trophy, plaque, framed certificate or similar award to be given for the best exhibit in a shell club show which demonstrated some maiacoio- gical feature of a species or group of species. It was emphasized that we should especially encourage exhibits using photographs, slides, movies, drawings, etc. of the living shell - preferably illustrating some ecological characteristics, a phase of life history, or some other biological approach, and perhaps not exhibiting the actual shell of the species involved at all. 2. An award to a shell club given on Shell Club Night at the Annual AMU Meeting for submitting a scrapbook as evidence that the club had completed some outstanding conservation project. The decision would be by committee, with a chairman receiving the scrapbooks to be Judged prior to the meeting and making a ‘digested’ evaluation to help the committee select a winner. It was requested that the President of AMU and the Conservation Chairman appoint an Awards Committee which would work out the necessary de- tails of the two awards, such as who would be eligi- ble, rules for entering, nature of the award, criteria for judging, etc. These rules would be submitted for the Council’s approval at the 1973 meeting and should go into effect as soon as possible thereafter. Because of the difficulty of thoroughly investiga- ting all requests for help in either supporting or op- posing legislation concerning conservation, the Con- servation Committee requested that a broad policy statement of AMU’s attitude on ecological matters be drafted for the Council’s approval, permitting the use of this statement in lieu of more pointed support where such support is impossible because of lack of time, knowledge, etc. Carol Stein was appointed chairman of this project with the privilege of calling on any other AMU members whose support or advice she might need. It was also suggested that a Creed of Collecting Ethics be drafted for Council’s approval. This was also assigned to Miss Stein, and it was hoped that pos- sibly these two statements of policy could be ready for publication in the AMU Bulletin for 1972. Coun- cil members would be polled for approval. A resolution urging judges to disqualify shell show competitive exhibits utilizing specimens of any mol- luscan species listed on U. S. government lists of endangered species was passed by the Conservation Committee, the Council and by the membership at the annual business meeting. The resolution has been published in the 1972 Fall AMU Newsletter. At the moment use of only one species, Papustyla pulcherri- ma from Manus Island, is so restricted. A resolution requesting AMU support for legis- lative measures protecting certain areas of the Drift- less Area of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois was tabled because of the lack of time for investiga- tion of all the ramifications involved. The problem is described in the paper by Marc J. Imlay, printed here- in. Individuals were reminded they could support the resolution privately. The sum of $200.00 was allocated for the Conser- vation Committee in 1972-73. Respectfully submitted, Anne B. Speers, AMU Conservation Committee Chairman. 47 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 REPORT OF AMU ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING, JULY 13, 1972 President Arthur S. Merrill, presiding, called for a motion to waive reading of the minutes of the pre- vious annual business meeting because they had been printed in the Bulletin for 1971. Motion made, seconded, carried. The reports of the Recording Secretary, Corres- ponding Secretary and Treasurer for 1971 were heard and approved. They are printed on the following pages. A detailed budget was not submitted, but both income and expenditures were estimated at $4,600 for fiscal 1973. It was noted that total 1971 expendi- tures were $3,850 and the Council had authorized special budget items totalling $600 in the coming year. President Merrill asked the various committee chairmen to report, as they had in the Council meet- ing, on their activities during the year and on action by the Council. The membership thus got an unusual- ly complete view of the number and variety of prob- lems considered by the Council. Dr. Clench reported that the History and Archives Committee had found a place for the AMU Library - a room of our own at the Delaware Museum of Natural History. A»n alloca- tion of $400 has been made to buy used furniture for the room. Mr. Jacobson reported for the Publications Committee. He mentioned the new format for the annual report, now called the Bulletin. A fourth edi- tion of How to Collect Shells will be prepared in the coming year. It will be titled “How to Collect and Study Shells”, and although it will have similar arti- cles, it will stress conservation more than past edi- tions. Dr. Clarke reported for the Constitutional Revi- sion and Legal Committees. A revision of the Consti- tution and By-Laws of the AMU is progressing, but a final draft is not yet ready for action by the member- ship. Article VIII, prohibiting lobbying, will be delet- ed. Article VIII of the By-Laws will be re-worded to clarify the disposition of excess funds from an An- nual Meeting or payment of a deficit from general funds. Article III, Section 3 will be amended to avoid double payment of officers’ travel expenses. AMU dues for institutions will be $6 per year, starting with 1973. This includes colleges, libraries and government entities; it is intended to compensate for the extra time required to process these memberships. Dr. Murray reported for the Membership Commit- tee. He echoed the Recording Secretary’s concern over decreasing membership, but said he could not determine any particular cause. The Council will investigate the possibility of establishing a junior membership with lower dues for those under a certain age. A greater emphasis on publicity will be made in the coming year, especially in connection with the Annual Meeting. The following resolution, approved by the Council, was presented to and approved by the membership: “It has been brought to the attention of the Council that Mrs. Miriam Hicks has been answer- ing, over a period of time, a number of inquiries from young people who addressed letters to the AMU care of the address of the former International League of Young Shell Collectors. The AMU wishes to express gratitude to Mrs. Hicks for her efforts in encouraging young shell collectors. The Council approves that she be authorized to forward any future mail to the Cor- responding Secretary for reply, and be reimbursed for postage expense in connection with this.” Mrs. Speers reported for the Conservation Com- mittee, and her report is printed in detail on Page 47. Dr. Clench reported that the Annual Meeting in 1973 would be on the campus of the University of Delaware in Newark, Delaware. Our hosts will be the Delaware Museum of Natural History and the new Wilmington Shell Club. The dates are June 24 to June 29. Dr. Morrison presented the following slate, pre- pared by the Nominating Committee: President, Dolores S. Dundee; President-Elect, Harold D. Mur- ray; Vice President, John B. Burch; Treasurer, Mrs. Myra Taylor (3 years); Councillors-at-Large (2 years), Corinne Edwards and Dorothea Franzen; Publications Editor (5 years), Arthur H. Clarke. The other officers do not require election this year. It was moved, seconded and voted that the members accept the slate as presented, and that the Secretary cast a unanimous ballot. (Lt. Col. Edwards could not take office be- cause she had not been a member for two years, as required under the By-Laws, Article IV, 2.) The new Treasurer will take office on January 1, 1973. Bunny Baker and Karl Jacobson, the outgoing Treasurer and Publications Editor, were commended for their years of service to the AMU. The new members of the various committees were introduced. Dr. Merrill turned the meeting over to the new President, Dr. Dundee. As there was no new business. Dr. Dundee adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Marian S. Hubbard, Recording Secretary. 48 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 REPORT OF THE CORRESPONDING SECRETARY FOR 1971 Since I took over the job of corresponding secre- tary in July and handled the backlog, letters have been coming into my mailbox at an average of five a week. Most of these can be answered by supplying the writer with one of the five pieces of duplicated material on hand, together with a form letter thank- ing the writer for his inquiry. Some take a more specific form of answer. Some have been referred to specialists in the field, with the names taken from the AMU Bulletin. Others have been in Spanish, Italian and French. Fortunately I did study all three in college, together with German, so that I could figure out what information they were seeking. I might say, Mrs. Marian S. Hubbard has offered invaluable aid when I’ve been stumped, as well as helping me get started. Some letters have been challenging: the one from an engineer in India who sent a picture of a chalce- dony volute (with a left-handed spiral) and wondered why specialists in this country couldn’t tell him all about it. He was referred to Dr. Katherine Palmer. There also was the little girl who asked what does the American Malacological Union do, and the young- ster who said he was interested in malacology and please send him some. Respectfully submitted, Paul R. Jennewein, Cor- responding Secretary. REPORT OF THE RECORDING SECRETARY FOR 1971 As of January 1, 1972, the membership of the AMU was 717, a net decrease of 119 individuals and an increase of 13 organizations. The following is a comparison, by category, with the two previous years: Individual* Individuals under Family Membership (2 or more people per membership) Honorary Life Members Corresponding Members Clubs and Regional Organizations TOTAL * Including Paid Life Members The net loss of 106 is serious, but it conceals an even more serious statistic: 192 people, or almost 25% of those on the rolls at 1/1/71, were dropped during the year for non-payment of 1971 dues. I took it upon myself to write to the people I thought were really still interested in malacology, and I had good results with renewals. I continued writing as I had time, eventually sending 85 letters to 100 people in the United States and 14 letters abroad. To date over 30 of these people have renewed (June 1972). New people are joining at what appears to be a greater rate than in 1971, when the average was five per month. We would really like to know why so many people have dropped membership. We know that some have moved without leaving a forwarding address, and a few have vratten to give a reason for resigning, but most simply do not answer our letters. From August 1970 to June 1971, the AMU had no 1/1/70 1/1/71 1/1/72 506 510 451 185 235 190 8 9 8 28 37 23 37 32 45 764 823 717 18 18 18 Corresponding Secretary. I answered as many of the general inquiries as possible during that period, and was much relieved when Paul Jennewein agreed to accept the position. This left me with more time to do things for which I had no time the previous year. I can now read the club publications and pass along pertinent information to Paul Jennewein. I can keep in closer touch with the clubs and officers of the AMU. I find that I still have a heavy load of corres- pondence. I sent out well over 700 pieces of mail in 1971, although I was acting as Corresponding Secre- tary for only the first five months. I hope to continue to grow in knowledge of the job, and be better able to serve you in the coming year. Respectfully submitted, Marian S. Hubbard, Recording Secretary. 49 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. March 1973 REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE FISCAL YEAR E^ Checkbook Balance, January 1, 1971 Receipts: Memberships: Sustaining 50.00 Regular 2284.83 Corresponding 125.75 Shell Clubs 313.50 2774.08 Sales: HTCS 329.98 Rare & End. Species 193.25 Back Issues - Bulletin 75.15 598.38 Proceeds of Cocoa Beach Meeting 361.05 Page Charge to Authors 552.00 Interest on Bonds 166.14 Miscellaneous 6.71 Total Receipts 4458.36 Transferred from Savings Account 700.00 Total Cash to be accounted for Disbursements: Printing: Annual Report 3051.01 Other Printing 172.22 3223.23 Postage 262.75 Bank Charges 22.30 Sec’s Expenses to Annual Meeting 286.15 Miscellaneous Office Expenses 49.50 Total Operating Expenses Transferred to Savings Account Total Disbursements Checking Account Balance, Dec. 31, 1971 Total cash accounted for Savings Account B14592, Colonial Federal Savings & Loan Asso. 1711.24 84.26 1500.00 3295.50 700.00 Balance, January 1, 1971 Interest for the year Deposit from checking account Withdrawal 2060.22 5158.36 7218.58 3843.93 1500.00 5343.93 1874.65 7218.58 Balance, JanuEiry 1, 1972 2595.50 Recapitulation of Assets, December 31, 1971 Cash in Checking Account, Girard Trust 1874.65 Treasurer’s Petty Cash 10.00 Secretary’s Petty Cash - Marian Hubbard 100.00 Savings Account 2595.50 Savings Bonds - Girard Trust 3000.00 Total Assets 7580.15 Allocated to Life Membership Fund 1470.88 AMU Net Worth -December 31, 1971 6109.27 Changes in Capital Account: AMU Capital Account, January 1, 1971 5410.58 AMU Capital Account, December 31, 1971 6109.27 Net Increase in Assets, 1971 698.69 Respectfully submitted, Bernardine B. Baker, Treasurer Audited January 17, 1972 by Virginia O. Maes and George M. Davis 50 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc, March 1973 THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, INC. ACTIVE MEMBERS Membership List Revised October 20, 1972 Abbott, Dr. and Mrs. R. Tucker, Delaware Museum of Natural History, Greenville, Del. 19807 Abel, Richard & Company, Inc., P. O. Box 4302, Portland, Ore. 97208 Academy of Natural Sciences Library, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Adey, Mrs. John S., Jr., Lee’s Hill Rd., New Vernon, N. J. 07976 (General interest) Aguayo, Dr. Carlos G., College of Agriculture, Maya- guez, Puerto Rico 00709 Albert, Mrs. Ernest, 905 Bayshore Blvd., Safety Har- bor, Fla. 33572 Alexander, Robert C., 423 Warwick Rd., Wynne- wood, Pa. 19096 Allen, Dr. J. Frances, 7507 23rd Ave., Hyattsville, Md. 20783 Allen, James E., 1108 Southampton Dr., Alexandria, La. 71301 (Tertiary micro-mollusca) Allen, Mrs. Lawrence K., Box 822, Port Isabel, Texas 78578 {Murex, Pecten, world marines; dealer) Allen, Miss Letha S., 187 Argyle St., Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada (General) Anders, Kirk W., Shells of the Seas Inc., P. O. Box 1418, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33302 (Volutidae; all rare shells) Anderson, Carleton J., Kettle Creek Rd., Weston, Conn. 06880 Andrews, Mrs. Jean (Wasson), 241 Melrose, Corpus Christi, Texas 78404 Angstadt, Mrs. Earle K., Longview Farm, 959 Whitner Rd., Reading, Pa. 19605 Aslakson, Capt. Carl I., 5707 Wilson Lane, Bethesda, Md. 20034 Athearn, Herbert D., Rt. 5, Box 376, Cleveland, Tenn. 37311 (Freshwater) Athearn, Mrs. Roy C., 5105 N. Main St., Fall River, Mass. 02720 (Land shells) Auerbach, Stuart, 1710 Algonquin Trail, Maitland, Fla. 32751 Avery, Mrs. R. Gail, Box 2557, Harbor, Ore. 97415 (Shells of West America; exch.) Baerreis, David A., 1233 Sweet Briar Rd., Madison, Wise. 53705 (Paleoecological interpretation through mollusks) Baily, Dr. Joshua L., P. O. Box 1891, La Jolla, Cal. 92038 Baker, Mrs. Horace B., 11 Chelten Rd., Havertown, Pa. 19083 Baker, John A., P. O. Box 4524, Patrick AFB, Fla. 32925 (General) Baker, Nelson W., 279 Sherwood Dr., Santa Barbara, Cal. 93105 (General) Baker, Wilma, Orange Acres, Lot 65, Sarasota, Fla. Barlow, Mrs. G. Barton, 5 Downey Dr., Tenafly, N. J. 07670 Barton, Mrs. James, 20 Newfield Dr., Rochester, N. Y. 14616 {Cypraea; worldwide general collection, especially Hawaiian) Bates, John M., Director, Center for Aquatic Biology, Eastern Michigan Univ., Ypsilanti, Mich, 48197 Bauer, Mr, and Mrs. Hugo C., P. O. Box 894, League City, Texas 77573 (All Mollusca) Baum, Newman N., 83 Weaving Lane, Wantagh, L. I., N. Y, 11793 Baxa, Mrs. Dorothy and Mr. Edward H., Box 177, Genesee Depot, Wise. 53127 (Beginning coll.; gaining knowledge of mollusks) Bayne, Dr. and Mrs. C. J., Dept, of Zoology, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, Ore. 97331 (Gastropod physiology) Bazata, Kenneth R., Univ. of Nebraska, Oldfather Hall 434, Lincoln, Neb. 68508 (Terrestrial pulmonates) Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Albert F., 2157 Sunrise Dr., LaCrosse, Wise. 54602 (Mississippi River shells) Bedford, Mrs. Ann W., P. O. Box 6181, West Palm Beach, Fla. 33405 Beetle, Mrs. Dorothy E., Peninsular Science Center, 524 J. Clyde Morris Blvd., Newport News, Va. 23601 (Land, freshwater world shells) Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G., 374 73rd St., Ocean, Marathon, Fla. 33050 Bequaert, Dr. Joseph C., Dept, of Entomology, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 85717 Berry, Dr. and Mrs. Elmer G., 1336 Bird Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48103 Berry, Dr. S. Stillman, 1145 W. Highland Ave., Redlands, Cal. 92373 Bickel, David, Dept. Earth Sci., Minot State College, Minot, N. Dak. 58701 (Systematics and ecology of freshwater mollusks, esp. pleurocerid snails) Bijur, Jerome M., 135 7th Ave. N., Naples, Fla. 33940 (Buy, exch. Florida and Caribbean marine) Bippus, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin C., 2743 Sagamore Rd., Toledo, Ohio 43606 (Marine gastropods) Blaine, Mr. and Mrs. Alger P., 237 19th Ave. S., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33705 (Summer; 74 Palmer Ave., Springfield, Mass. 01108) 51 52 ACTIVE MEMBERS Blankenship, Shaw, Route 2, Crab Orchard, Ky. 40419 (Fresh water mussels) Bleakney, Dr. J. Sherman, Dept, of Biology, Acadia Univ., Wolfville, No¥a Scotia, Canada (Nudibranchs and sacoglossans ; ecology, zoogeography, systematics) Bledsoe, William D., 11763 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. 90049 Blum, Howard F,, 2881 N. E. 22 Court, Pompano Beach, Fla, 33062 Blum, Mr, and Mrs. Robert M., 1916B Lombard St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19146 (Cowries, scallops) Boone, Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Q., 3706 Rice BWd., Houston, Texs^ 77005 Born, Mrs. Thomas, 4345 Menolete, Pensacola, Fla. 32504 Boss, Dr. Kenneth Jay, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. 02138 Bottimer, L. J., Rte. 1, Box 50, Tow, Texas 78672 (Recent and fossil) Bouchard, Richard J., Pine Acres Rd., Amherst, N. H, 03031 Boyd, Dr. and Mrs. Eugene S., 6806 Gillis Rd., Victor, N. Y. 14564 (All aspects) Bradley, J. Chester, 604 Highland Rd., Ithaca, N. Y. 14850 Bradley, John C., 469 Farmington Ave., Waterbury, Conn. 06710 (Travel and collect) Brady, E, Leo, P, O. Box 2515, Newburgh, N. Y. 12550 (Land snails) Branson, Branley A., P. O. Box 50, Eastern Kentucky Univ., Richmond, Ky. 40475 Bratcher, Mrs. Twila L. and Mr. Ford, 3121 Mulholland Terrace, Hollywood, Cal. 90046 Bretsky, Sara S., Dept, of Earth & Space Sciences, State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook, N. Y. 11790 (Ecology and evolution of Bivalvia, especially Tertiary and Recent) Bright, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C., 30 West Chestnut Hill Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 19118 (Marine gastropods) Brill, Mr. and Mrs. James A., 804 Johnson St., Terrell, Texas 75160 Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. John C., 3050 Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Pierce, Fla. 33450 Broussard, Mrs. Grace, Rt. 2, Box 185, Beaumont, Texas 77705 (Sea shells of Gulf coast) Brown, Dorothy, 7090 Madera Dr,, Goleta, Cal. 93017 (Pectens) Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Harvey E., Jr., 9455 S. W. 81st Ave., Miami, Fla. 33156 Brown, Wade G. 1317 Arnette Ave., Durham, N. C. 27707 (Rare W. Atlantic shells) Broyles, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E., 5701 Fairfield Dr., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 46807 Brunson, Dr. Royal Bruce, Montana State Univ., Missoula, Mont. 59801 Bryan, Edwin H., Jr., Bishop Museum, P. O. Box 6037, Honolulu, Hawaii 96818 (Pacific biogeography and bibliography) Buehler, William, 2019A Lincoln Ave., Stevens Point, Wise. 54481 (Freshwater) Buffalo Museum of Science, Research Library, Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, N. Y. 14075 Bullis, Harvey R., Jr., 400 Glenridge Rd., Key Biscayne, Fla. 33149 Burch, Dr. John B., Museum of ZooL, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 (Land and freshwater mollusks) Burch, Mr. and Mrs. John Q., 1300 Mayfield Rd., Apt. 61-L, Seal Beach, Cal. 90740 Burch, Dr. and Mrs. ITiomas A., P. O. Box 309, Kailua, Hawaii 96734 (Dredging) Burgers, Dr. and Mrs. J. M., 4622 Knox Rd., Apt. 7, College Park, Md. 20740 Burggraf, Margaret R., 608 N. W. 26th St., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33311 (Self-collected Florida shells) Burghardt, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn, 14453 Nassau Rd., San Leandro, Cal. 94577 Burke, Alice L. and Thos. D., Jr., 1820 S. Austin Blvd., Cicero, 111. 60650 (Marine mollusks of eastern U. S. A.) Burmeister, Carol, 310 Parker Ave., Algoma, Wise. 54201 (Cowries, top shells and turbans) Caffin, John, 528 W. New York Ave., DeLand, Fla. 32720 (World shells) California Institute of Technology, Millikan Library, Pasadena, Cal. 91109 Campbell, Mrs. Minnie Lee, 3895 DuPont Circle, Jacksonville, Fla. 32205 (General collecting) Cardeza, R. Adm. and Mrs. Carlos M,, P. O. Box 6746, Houston, Texas 77005 (Summer Address: 1718 Jewel Box Dr., Sanibel, Fla. 33957 (Florida and Texas shells) Cardin, T/Sgt. Charles, 3301 Civic Center Dr., Apt. 3A, N. Las Vegas, Nevada 89030 Carlton, Jas. T., Dept. Invert. Zook, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Cal. 94118 (Estuarine and brackish water, mollusks) Carney, W. Patrick, U. S. Naval Medical Research Unit No, 2, Djakarta Detachment, APO San Francisco, Cal. 96356 Carr, Mrs. Jack C., 912 Broadway, Normal, 111. 61761 (Exchange worldwide marine) Castagna, Michael, Virginia Inst. Marine Sciences, Wachapreague, Va. 23480 (Pelecypod larval behavior) Cate, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford N,, P. O. Drawer R, Sanibel, Fla. 33957 {Mitra, Cypraea; no exchanges) Chase, Emery, 24205 Eshelman Ave., Lomita, Cal. 90717 Chandler, Carl and Doris, P. O. Box 261, Chatham, Mass. 02633 (Cones, Cypraea) Chanley, Paul, c/o Shelter Island Oyster Co., P. O. Box 353, Greenport, L. L, N. Y. 11944 Chichester, Lyle F,, Dept. Biol. Sci., Central Conn. State College, New Britain, Conn. 06050 (Ecology of terrestrial gastropods, biology of land slugs) ACTIVE MEMBERS 53 Christensen, Carl C., Dept, of Biol. Sciences, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 83721 Clark, John W., Jr,, 1407 Westmoor, Austin, Texas. (Economic exploitation of mollusks by prehistoric Indians, their use in ecological reconstruction) Clarke, Dr. Arthur H., Dept, of Mollusks, National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario KIA OM8, Canada Clench, Dr. Wm. J., 26 Rowena St,, Dorchester, Mass. 02124 Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Wade Oval, University Circle, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Coan, Dr. Eugene, 891 San Jude Ave., Palo Alto, Cal. 94306 Cole, Mrs. Joseph H., Jr., 255 El Pueblo Way, Palm Beach, Fla. 33480 (Florida and Caribbean marine shells) Compitello, Mrs. Juliette, 5630 Alta Vista Rd., Bethesda, Md. 20034 Conde, Vincent, Redpath Museum, McGill Univ., Montreal, Quebec, Canada Conolly, Mrs. Joseph B,, Jr., 68 Wheatley Rd., Glen Head, N. Y. 11545 (Long Island shells) Cooper, Robert W. and Marjorie, 5012 Pfeiffer Rd., Peoria, El. 61607 (Florida marine; world Murex, Pecten, Spondylus; SCUBA divers) Cooper, Samuel W., County Atty’s Office, Douglas County Courthouse, 17th & Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb. 68102 (Generd interest) Corgan, James X., Dept. Geography and Geology, Austin Peay State Univ., Clarksville, Tenn. 37040 (Microscopic gastropods) Cornell Univ., Albert R. Mann Library, Ithaca, N. Y. 14850 Cotten, Mrs. Nadalyn, 299 Vincent Ave., Metairie, La. 70005 (Gulf of Mexico and West Indies) Craine, Mrs. Ruth A., 161C Pelham Lane, Rossmoor, Jamesburg, N. J. 08831 Cramer, Frances L., 766 Obispo Ave., Long Beach, Cal. 90804 (Ecology; conservation) Crittenden, Mrs. John S., 624 Waterfall Isle, Alameda, Cal. 94501 Cull, Mrs. Robt. R., 7927 Chippewa Rd., Brecksville, Ohio 44141 Cummings, Raymond W., 37 Lynacres Blvd., Fayetteville, N. Y. 13066 (Shells of the West Indies, esp. Windward and Grenadine) Cutler, Henry H., 105 Abbott Rd., Wellesley Hills, Mass. 01570 Cvancara, Dr. Alan Milton, Dept. Geology, Univ. of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. Dak. 58201 (Pleistocene and Holocene continental mollusks; Early Tertiary continental and marine mollusks) Danforth, Louise L., 729 Indian Beach Lane, Sarasota, Fla. 33580 Davis, Dr. George M., Dept. Mollusks, Academy of Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Davis, John D., 26 Norfolk Ave., Northampton, Mass. 01060 (Ecology of marine bivalves) Dawley, Dr. Charlotte, 114 S. Mendenhall St., Greensboro, N. C. 27403 Deatrick, Paul A., 218 S. W. 32 Ave., Miami, Fla. 33135 (Strombus, Busycon) De Gaetano, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F., 5 Forest Dr., Mendham, N. J. 07945 (Collect and buy marine shells) DeLuca, Mrs. John A., Miss Gladys, Deborah Rd., Hanover, Mass. 02339 Demond, Joan, Dept. Geology, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, Cal. 90024 Desmond, Hon. Thos., 94 Broadway, Newburgh, N. Y. 12550 Dexter, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph W., Dept. Biol. Sci., Kent State Univ., Kent, Ohio 44240 Dietrich, Mr. and Mrs. Louise E., 308 Veri Dr., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15220 Dixon, Mrs. Ruth S., 711 Parker St., Durham, N. C. 27701 (Marine mollusks) Doucet, Mrs. P., Bay No. 24, 3313 Dewdney Trunk Rd., Port Moody, B. C., Canada DuBar, Dr. and Mrs. Jules R., Geoscience Dept., Morehead State Univ., Morehead, Ky. 40351 (Cenozoic and Recent mollusks - ecology and paleoecology) Dundee, Dr. Dolores S., Dept. Biol., Louisiana State Univ. in New Orleans, New Orleans, La, 70150 (Land mollusks; freshwater mussels) Dunn, V. Roger, 4727 27th Ave. S., Gulfport, Fla. 33711 Dury, Ralph, Director, Cincinnati Museum of Natural History, 1720 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Dvorak, Stanley J., 3856 W. 26th St., Chicago, El. 60623 (Muricidae) Eddison, Grace G., M. D., Box 249, Rural Rte. #3, Lemons Mill Pike, Lexington, Ky. 40505 (World marine) Edmiston, Mrs. J. R. 5038 Hazeltine Ave., Apt. 301, Sherman Oaks, Cal. 91403 Edwards, Lt. Col. Corinne E., P. O. Box 691, Coconut Grove, Fla. 33133 Edwards, D, Craig, Dept. Zoology, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. 01002 (Population ecology and behavior of marine benthic mollusks) Ellin, Philip, 130 Cliff Ave., Winthrop, Mass. 02152 (Pecten, Terebra, Cypraea) Ellis, Richard, 1185 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. 100 28 (Conchs, cones, Murex) Emerson, Dr. Wm. K., American Museum Nat. Hist., Central Park W. at 79th St,, New York, N. Y. 10024 Emery, Mrs. Adele K., Box 1265, South Miami, Fla. 33143 (Florida east coast marines) Erickson, Carl W,, 4 Windsor Ave., Auburn, Mass. 01501 Eubanks, Mrs. Edwin W., 9353 Bermuda Ave., Baton Rouge, La. 70810 Eyerdam, Walter J., c/o Mrs. David Homchick, 8640 15th N. E., Seattle, Wash. 98115 54 ACTIVE MEMBERS Fackert, Dorothy M„, 2 Wilson Rd,, Apt. 16B, Sussex, N. J. 07461 Farrell, Lyle H., Proctor Academy, Andover, N. H. 03216 Fassig, Mrs. Margaret L., 216 S. Occidental BWd., Los Angeles, Cal, 90057 Fechtner, Frederick R., 6027 N. Kenmore Ave., Chicago, 111. 60660 (Unionidae, Sphaeriidae, Corbiculidae) Feinberg, Harold S., Dept. Living Invertebrates, American Museum Nat, Hist., Central Park W. at 79th St,, New York, N. Y. 10024 (Land and freshwater mollusks) Fenzan, William J., 385 Dohner Dr., Wadsworth, Ohio 44281 (Worldwide marine) Ferguson, Dr. and Mrs. John H., 226 Glandon Dr., Chapel Hill, N. C. 27514 Ferreira, Antonio J., M. D., 2060 Clarmar Way, San Jose, Cal. 95128 (Ecology, behavior, physiology, systematics of American mollusks ) Fieberg, Kleinie, 1430 Lake Ave,, Wilmette, 111. 60091 Field Museum of Natural History, Library - SO 11627, Chicago, 111. 60605 Fingold, Mr. and Mrs. A. S., University Sq. No. 1, 4625 Fifth Ave., Apt. 105, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213 Finlay, C. John, 116 Tanglewood Lane, Newark, Del, 19711 (Marine mollusks of the Western Atlantic and Caribbean) Foehrenbach, Jack, 91 Elm St., Islip, L, L, N. Y. 11751 (Ecology of marine mollusks) Foote, Mary K., Box 2075, South Padre Island, Texas 78578 Ford, Mr. and Mrs. E. Flynn, 2100 S. Ocean Dr., Apt. 8-M, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33316 Foster, Mrs. Fred H., 401 N. Justus St., P. O. Box 213, Oxford, Ind. 47971 (Shells in general) Fowler, Dr. and Mrs, Lake, 4508 Woodrow, Galveston, Texas 77550 Franke, Norman W., 214 Orin St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15235 (Self-collected marine shells) Franz, Dr. David R., Dept. Zool. and Entomology, Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. 06268 (Ecology and physiology marine mollusks, esp. Nudibranchs) Franzen, Dr. Dorothea, Illinois Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, 111, 61702 Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Harley L., 353 S. Atlantic Ave., Ormond Beach, Fla. 32074 (West Atlantic shells) Gallagher, Dr. and Mrs. John, 12250 6th St. E., Treasure Island, Fla. 33706 Garcia, Emilio F., 135 Oak Crest Dr., Lafayette, La. 70501 (Bulimulinae, Pectinidae, Cypraeidae) Garoian, Dr. Geo., Dept. Zook, Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale, III. 62901 Garrett, Mrs. Sharon V,, 227 Winchester Dr., Hampton, Va. 23366 Garrison, Joseph C., Puerto Rico Glass Corp., G. P. O. Box 4272, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936 (Marine mollusks) Geological Survey of Canada Library, Room 350, 601 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIA OE8 Gilbert, Mrs, Laura, 808 Westwood Dr., Abilene, Texas 79603 Gilbert, Professor and Mrs, William H,, Colby College, Dept, of Biology, Waterville, Me. 04901 (Marine and freshwater bivalves - ecology, behavior and systematics; Tellina, Macoma) Gilmour, Thos. H. J., Dept. Biology, Univ. of Sas- katchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchev/an, Canada (Anisomyarian bivalves) Girardi, Mrs. Jos. B,, 707 Kent Rd., Kenilworth, 111. 60043 Goethel, Lt. Col. (Ret.) Louis and Mrs,, 9402 Nona Kay Dr., San Antonio, Texas 78217 (Cypraea - buy and trade) Goldberg, A. H., M. D., 566 William St,, Stratford, Ontario, Canada (Marine shells) Goodfriend, Glenn A., Dept, of Zoology, Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. I., 02881 (Molluscan ecology) Gottlieb, Lee, 3580 Gull Rd., Lake Park, Fla. 33403 (Marine gastropods) Graaf, Gerrit de, 10915 S. W. 55th St., Miami, Fla, 33165 Grantier, Mrs, Bruce J., 7 Tiverton Dr,, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 6L4, Canada (Persian Gulf shells) Graves, Mr. and Mrs. Howard B., Jr., 826 S. Ingram Ave., Lakeland, Fla. 33801 Gregg, Wendell O., M. D,, 2220 S, Harvard Blvd„ Los Angeles, Cal. 90018 Griffin, Mary Jane, 705 Miller St., Helena, Ark. 72342 (Shells for beauty - scientific collection) Grimm, F. Wayne, P. O. Box 7227, Vanier, Ontario, Canada (Holarctic terrestrial mollusks) Groeneveld, Miss Mae, 1183 Terrace St., Muskegon, Mich. 49442 (Cypraea, Conus) Gruetzmacher, Inez, 534 1st St., Menominee, Mich. 49858 Guckert, Richard H., 433 Grace Rd., Upper Darby, Pa. 19082 (Systematics of freshwater mussels; ecology, seasonal life histories freshwater mollusks; comp, ecology and physiology of Nassariidae) Gudnason, Mrs. Harold, 1959 Wrenn St., Oakland, Cal. 94602 Gugler, Dr. Carl W., Dept. Zoology, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 68508 (Terrestrial pulmonates) Gunter, Dr. Gordon, Gulf Coast Research Lab., Ocean Springs, Miss. 39564 (Ostreidae) Gustave, Al, Creative Designs, Inc., 207 E. Camelback Rd., Phoenix, Ariz. 85012 Hadley, Mrs. Esther, 48 Adella Ave., West Newton, Mass. 02165 Hagge, Mrs. Daniel, 20 North Hill Rd., Wausau, Wise. 54401 ACTIVE MEMBERS 55 Hall, Mrs. Warner L., 727 Queen’s Rd., Charlotte, N. C. 28207 Hallacker, Daniel J. 3243 Potter St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19134 (Cones) Hamilton, Mrs. Wm. J., 615 Highland Rd., Ithaca, N. Y. 14851 Hand, Dr. Cadet H., Bodega Marine Lab., P. O. Box 247, Bogeda Bay, Cal. 94923 Hansell, Mrs. C. Edward, Mimosa Hall, Roswell, Georgia 30075 Hargreaves, Jacqueline A., 2208 48th St., Lubbock, Texas 79412 Harman, Dr. Willard N., Science, NYSU College, Oneonta, N. Y. 13820 (Freshwater) Harris, Don V., Jr., 888 16th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. 20006 Harris, Mrs. E. Milton, 3237 Carlisle Rd., Birmingham, Ala. 35213 Harris, Larry G., Dept. Zoology, Univ. of New Hampshire, Durham, N. H. 03824 (Symbiotic association of Gastropoda, esp. nudibranch-coelenterate association ) Harris, Marion J. and Bessie B., Rt. 6, Box 347T, Jacksonville, Fla. 32223 Harrison, Mrs. F. F., One Beaver St., Cooperstown, N. Y. 13326 Harry, Dr. Harold W., 4612 Evergreen, Bellaire, Texas 77401 Harwell, Mrs. Albert L., 5613 8 Court South, Birmingham, Ala. 35212 Haven, Dr. Dexter, 336 Lafayette Rd., Yorktown, Va. 23490 (Mercenaria mercenaria, Mya arenaria, Crassostrea uirginica) Heard, Dr. William, Dept. Biol. Sci., Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, Fla. 32306 Heck, Ralph L., P. O. Box 16712, Temple Terrace, Fla. 33617 (World gastropods, esp. Conus, Cypraea) Hedges, Mrs. Arlene J., 404 North East St., Crown Point, Ind. 46307 (Diversified interests) Henderson, Jerry G., 1729 N. W. Greenbrier Way, Seattle, Wash. 98177 (General interest) Hepler, Neil M. and Laura E., P. O. Box 461, Deerfield Beach, Fla. 33441 (Cephalapoda, Conus, Cypraeidae) Hermann, Mrs. Pat., Rt. 3, Box 324C, Panama City, Fla. 32401 (Land snails) Hernandez, Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo, 90 Park Terrace E. , Apt. 6E, New York, N. Y. 10034 (Tropical Western Atlantic mollusks and Caribbean land mollusks) Herr, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L., Sr., 7901 Dewitt Dr., RFD No. 3, Baldwinsville, N. Y. 13027 Hesse, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H., 1241 Cocoanut Rd., Boca Raton, Fla. 33432 Hettick, Mrs. G. Riley, 933 Lynwood Dr., Bartlesville, Okla. 74003 Hickman, Mrs. Harriette L., 11015 First Ave., Stone Harbor, N. J. 08247 (Worldwide Epitonium) Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S., 1522 Palmwood Dr., Eau Gallic, Fla. 32935 (General collecting; also fossil shells) Hill, Frederick C., Univ. of Louisville, Water Resources Laboratory, Belknap Campus, Louisville, Ky. 40208 Holiman, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne, Box 246, Edinburg, Texas 78539 Holle, Dr. Paul A., Asst. Prof. Biology, State Teacher’s College, Worcester, Mass. 01602 (Salt marsh snails) Hollister, S. C., 5 Parkway Place, Ithaca, N. Y. 14850 Hood, Elizabeth G., 1742 Meredith Lane, Belleair, Clearwater, Fla. 33516 Hoover, Mrs. G, R., 5,07 Cedar St., Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 (Amateur; for recreation, pleasure and aesthetic appreciation) Hopkins Marine Station Library of Stanford Univ., Pacific Grove, Cal. 93950 Hornstein, Leon, 2211 Arden Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21209 (Amateur) Houbrick, Mr. Richard Joseph, Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center, Washington, D. C. 20560 (Zoogeography, systematics, evolution) Howard, Mrs. Faye B., 4167 Creciente Dr., Santa Barbara, Cal. 93110 (Gulf of California shells) Hubbard, Mrs. Marian S., 3957 Marlow Court, Seaford, N. Y. 11783 Hubricht, Leslie, 4026 35th St., Meridian, Miss. 39301 (U. S. land and freshwater) Hulswit, Mart, 680 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. 10025 (Collecting with SCUBA) Hunkins, Mrs. Ruth E. 133 Brook to Bay, Englewood, Fla. 33533 (Miniature shells; exch.) Hunter, Rev. Elwood B., 3385 S. Winchester Blvd., Campbell, Cal. 95008 I ml ay, Dr. and Mrs. Marc J,, Bureau of Sport Fisheries & Wildlife, Office of Endangered Species, Washington, D. C. Inchaustegui, J. M., 2121 Grape PI., Gretna, La. 70053 Ishikawa, Samuel, 551 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10017 Isom, Billy G., 318 Riverview Circle, Florence, Ala. 35630 Jackson, R. H., 5219 Trentwood Dr., New Bern, N. C. 28560 Jackson, Ralph W., Rt. 1, Cambridge, Md. 21613 (Exch. land shells) Jacobs, George, 853 Riverside Dr., New York, N. Y. 10032 (Buy and exch. foreign land and marine shells) Jacobson, Morris Karl, 455 Beach 139 St., Rockaway Beach, N. Y. 11694 Jacobson, Mrs. Ursula, 5618 E. Montecito, Phoenix, Ariz. 85018 (Indo-Pacific, esp. cones and cowries; West Coast-Panamic) James, Mrs. Frederic, 850 W. 52nd St., Kansas City, Mo. 64112 56 ACTIVE MEMBERS James, Dr. R. H. and Kathy James, 2524 Beaurue, Norman Okla. 73069 (Cypraea) Janowsky, Robert and Dorothy, 125 East 86th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 11236 {Cypraea, Murex, volutes) Jennewein, Mr. and Mrs. Paul R., Box 394, Wrightsville Beach, N. C. 28480 (Raising mollusks in aquaria; writing and illustrating articles on shell collecting) Jensen, Mrs. Dorothy, 30-83 Crescent St., Apt. B-3, Astoria, N. Y. 11102 Johns, Mrs. Veronica Parker, c/o Seashells Unlimited, Inc., 590 Third Ave., New York, N. Y. 10016 Johnson, Col. Harvey A. (Ret), 3915 S. W. 109th St, Seattle, Wash. 98146 Johnson, Mrs. Kenneth L., 3206 Sussex Rd., Raleigh, N. C. 27607 (World marine shells) Johnson, Richard L, 124 Chestnut Hill Rd., Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02167 (Books) Johnstone, Mrs. Adelaide B., 5713 Hinman Dr., Corpus Christi, Texas 78412 Johnstone, Mrs. Kathleen Yerger, 2209 River Forest Rd., Mobile, Ala. 36605 Jones, Dr. David T., P. O. Box 284, Vinton, Iowa 52349 Jones, Dr. Meredith L., Curator, Div. of Worms, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. 20560 Jones, Richard H., 1432 Dorsh Rd., S. Euclid, Ohio 44121 Jordan, Leslie Ann, 24232 Via Aquara, Laguna Niguel, Cal. 92677 (Parasites on Donax; general coll, with emphasis on gastropods) Junge, Reinhart, 89-19 171st St., Apt. 2-P, Jamaica, Queens, N. Y. 11432 Kalas, Dr. Leonard, 3303 33 Street N. W., Calgary 44, Alberta, Canada (Taxonomy and ecology of non-marine mollusca, Recent and fossil) Katsaras, Nick, 479B S. Washington Ave., Bergenfield, N. J. 07621 Keen, Dr. A Myra, Dept. GeoL, Stanford Univ., Stanford, Cai. 94305 Keferl, Eugene P., 4766 Riverside Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43321 (Terrestrial gastropods) Kelsheimer, Geo. E. and Geneva, 19137 Dresden Dr., South Bend, Ind. 46637 (Live collecting; cleaning and preservation methods) Kemper, Mrs. Hessie, 11854 Josse Dr., St. Louis, Mo. 63128 Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Caroline, 1070 Northhampton St., Holyoke, Mass. 01040 Key, Mrs. Mary, 327 S. Bath Club Blvd., N. Reddington Beach, Fla. 33708 (General) Kile, Chas. O., Box 2046, Agana, Guam 96910 (All shells) Kinarney, Thomas, 1555 N. Hampton Rd., New Carlisle, Ohio 45344 King, Lucia E., Presbyterian Apts. No. 1503, 1925 Virginia Ave., Ft. Myers, Ha. 33901 Kinney, Harold C., 2805 Bibb St., Shreveport, La. 71108 (Cypraea) Kline, Mrs. Mary, 240 Makee Rd., Apt. 10-A, Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 Klinkey, Martha, 336 Main St., Batavia, 111. 60510 (Cypraea, Murex, Strombus) Knauer, Mrs. Freda S., 244 33rd St., Avalon, N. J. 08202 (N. J. and Florida marine shells; exch.) Koehler, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold A., P. O. Box 457, Watertown, Conn. 06795 (Cowries and cones) Kohn, Dr. Alan J., Dept. ZooL, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, Wash. 98105 Kondo, Dr. Yoshio, Bishop Museum, Box 6037, Honolulu, Hawaii 96818 Kovach, Jack, Dept. Geology, Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio (Ecology, shell composition, paleontology of non-marine mollusks) Kraeuter, Dr. John N., Marine Institute, Sapelo Island, Ga. 31327 (Ecology, distribution and systematics of Scaphopoda; ecology and distribution of benthic infaunal communities of U. S. East Coast) Krauss, N. L. H., 2437 Parker Place, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 (Carnivorous land snails; biology) Kuczynski, Florence, 7400 46th Ave. N., Lot 406, St. Petersburg, Fla. 33709 (Collect, photograph and exchange shells) Kurz, Richard M., 1575 N. 118 St., Wauwautosa, Wise. 53226 (Large specimen shells) Laavy, T. L., Middleton Place Apts., A21, E. Earl St., Greenville, S. C. 29609 Lalli, Dr. Carol M., Marine Sciences Centre, McGill Univ., Moiltreal 110, Quebec, Canada (Pteropod mollusks) Lamberts, Dr. Austin, 4300 Waialae, B 503, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816 Landye, Jas. Jerry, Dept. ZooL, Arizona State Univ., Temple, Ariz. 85281 (Freshwater) Lane, Lewis B., 204 Ransom St., Fuquay-Varina, N. G 27526 (Land and marine) Lang, Bruce Z., Eastern Washington State College, Dept. Biology, Cheney, Wash. 99004 (Ecology freshwater mollusks ■ Goniobasis, Valvata, Parapholyx - and effects of parasitism on mollusk populations) Lange, Dr. W. Harry, Jr., Div. of Entomology & Parasitology, College of Agriculture, Univ. of California, Davis, Cal. 95616 LaRoeque, Dr. AurMe, Dept. Geol., Ohio State Univ., 125 S. Oval Dr., Columbus, Ohio 43210 Laudig, David J., 700 Via Zumaya, Palos Verdes Estates, Cal. 90274 (Molluscan ecology, behavior) Lawrence, Mrs. Kay, Box 73, Sanibel, Fla. 33957 (Pectinidae) Lemire, Ross, 184 Grandview Ave., Willowdale, Ontario, Canada Lencher, Judge and Mrs. Benj., Apt. 408, 144 N. Dithridge St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213 Lerner, Martin, 64 Thompson Ave., Oceanside, N. Y. 11572 (Worldwide marine shells) Leslie, John, 15722 Torry Pines Rd., Houston, Texas 77058 (Haliotk) ACTIVE MEMBERS 57 Levin, Mrs. Milton I., 57 Stonicker Dr., Trenton, N. J. 08638 Lewis, Harold, 138 S. Twentieth St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Lewis, Dr. and Mrs. John R., 23 W. 551 Warrenville Rd., Lisle, 111. 60532 Lewis, Mrs. J. Kenneth, 9207 48th Ave., College Park, Md. 20741 Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R., 1705 Pelican Dr,, Merritt Island, Fla. 32952 Light, Frank B., Jr., The Cate School, P. O. Box 68, Carpinteria, Cal. 93013 Linney, Mr. and Mrs. George, 2648 13th St., Port Arthur, Texas 77640 Loizeaux, Mrs. A. D., 5369 Susquehanna Dr., Virginia Beach, Va. 23462 Long, Glenn A., 608 Stevenson Lane, Towson, Md. 21204 (Marine Gastropods) Long, Mary E., 36 W. Lytton St., Sonora, Cal. 95370 (Marine shells) Long, Steven J., 110 Cuyama Ave., Pismo Beach, Cal. 93449 (Opisthobranchs, nudibranchs, cephalaspideans, notaspideans, lamellarians) Lowry, Walter G. and Nelle H., 552 Old Lundy Rd., Macon, Ga. 31204 (Collect North Carolina marine; exchange for world marine) Lubarsky, Bernard and Mrs. Sue, 71 Barberry Dr., Berea, Ohio 44017 (General) Lubinsky, Dr. Irene, Dept. Zoology, Univ. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (Marine bivalves of the Canadian Arctic) Luttrell, Mr. and Mrs. A. L,, 5800 Wall Lane, Rockville, Md. 20852 (Marine and fossil) Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G., Florida Dept. Nat. Resources, P. O. Drawer F, St. Petersburg, Fla. 33731 (Florida and West Indian mollusks) MacBride, Grace, R. D. 1, Hartman Rd., North Wales, Pa. 19454 MacMillan, Gordon K., 169 Glenfield Dr., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15235 Macpherson, Mrs. A. H. 13812 98th Ave., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (Canadian gastropods; taxonomy) Macquin, Mrs. Hazella B., 437 Douglas St., Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 (Fossil mollusks of the U. S.) Madden, Maurice J., Box 43, Pedricktown, N. J. 08067 (Shell collecting and identification) Maes, Virginia Orr, Dept. Mollusks, Academy Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Magnuson, Nannette, Environmental Sciences Div., Industrial BIO-TEST Laboratories, Inc., 1810 Frontage Rd., Northbrook, 111. 60062 (Marine and estuarine ecology; parasitic gastropods) Mahavier, Mrs. W. E., 234 E. Woodland Ave., San Antonio, Texas 78212 Malek, Dr. « Emile, Dept. Parasitology, Tulane Univ. Medical School, New Orleans, La. 70112 Malick, Donald, 5514 Plymouth Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21214 (Buy, sell, exchange fossils) Malone, Elsie, Sanibel Island, Fla. 33957 (Buy, sell exchange world shells) Manes, Mrs. Sidney, Knollwood Rd., Fayetteville, N. Y. 13066 (Haliotis; also land and freshwater species) Mann, Mrs. Julia, Data Research Associates, 425 Park Ave. S., New York, N. Y. 10016 Maritimes Regional Library, Dept, of the Environment, Fisheries Service, P. O. Box 550, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Marsh, Mrs. Therese C., P. O. Box 22291, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33315 (S. E. Florida marine; world bivalves) Marshall, Mrs. Thos. H., 2237 N. E. 175th St., Seattle, Wash. 98155 (World shells; exch.) Martz, Mrs. Helen J., 2525 Eastwood Ave., Evanston, 111. 60201 Mattera, Albert and Mrs. Emily, 4501 Traymore, Bethesda, Md., 20014 (Murex) Matteson, Dr. Max R., Dept. Zool., Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, 111. 61803 Maupin, Lou and Roberta, P. O. Box 376, Big Pine Key, Fla., 33043 Mauseth, E. L., Alden, Minn. 56009 (All shells) Mazurkiewicz, Michael, River Rd., Newcastle, Maine 04553 (Larval development and ecology of estu- arine mollusks) McCallum, John and Gladys, Meadowvue Dr., Rt. 2, Wexford, Pa. 15090 McCarty, Col. Wm, A., 424 Hunting Lodge Dr., Miami Springs, Fla. 33166 McClure, Mrs. Virginia H., 37434 Sumac Ave. E., Palmdale, Cal. 93550 McDonald, Mrs. Sharon C., Museum Zool., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 (Biology, resource management of freshwater and marine gastropods, esp. Lymnaea and Strombus) McGinn, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M., P. O. Box 89, Cut Off, La. 70345 McGinty, Thomas L. and Paul, Box 765, Boynton Beach, Fla. 33435 Mclnnes, Mrs. Cornelia G., F-6 Raleigh Apts., Raleigh, N. C. 27605 (All marine mollusks) McLean, Dr. James H., Los Angeles Co. Museum, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. 90007 McMillan, William L., P. O. Box 26A, Tavernier, Fla. 33070 (Cypraea) Mead, Dr. Albert R., Dept. Zoology, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 85721 Menzel, Dr. R. W., Dept. Oceanography, Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, Fla. 32306 (after May 31, 1973) (Oysters, clams) Merren, Mrs. E. J., 2601 6th St., Port Arthur, Texas 77640 Merrill, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur S. (Esse), National Marine Fisheries Service, Biological Lab., Oxford, Md. 21654 Merritt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack H., 2251 Euclid Ave., Ft. Myers, Fla. 33901 Mesibov, Robert E., 240 Cabrini Blvd., New York, N. Y. 10033 58 ACTIVE MEMBERS Metcalf, Dr. Artie L., Dept. Biology, Univ. of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas 79968 (Terrestrial gastropoda of S. W. United States) Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey G., Box 61, Captiva, Fla. 33924 Michelson, Dr. Edw. H., 7 Richmond Rd., Natick, Mass. 01760 (Medical malacology) Miles, Dr. Chas. D., Dept. Zoology, Univ. of Missouri at Kansas City, Kansas City, Mo, 64110 Miller, Barry B., Dept. Geology, Kent State Univ., Kent, Ohio 44 240 (Non-marine Pleistocene malacology) Miller, Richard L., Dept. Biology, Temple Univ., Philadelphia, Pa. 19122 (General interest) Miller, Walter B., 6140 Cerrada El Ocote, Box 199-B, Rt. 4, Tucson, Ariz. 85718 Miron, Sam and Fannie, 5238 Sanford, Houston, Texas 77035 Moberg, Capt. and Mrs. A. G., Keene Rd., RFD 154, Freetown, Mass. 02717 Mohorter, Willard, Museum Nat. Hist., Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 (Field collecting; Cypraea, Murex, Pecten, Valuta) Molesko, Mr. and Mrs. Norman, 56C Nob Hill Rd., New London, Conn. 06320 (Collecting; underwater research) Monfils, Paul R., 169 Triangle St., Amherst, Mass. 01002 (Worldwide marine, esp. Cypraeidae) Moore, Dr. and Mrs. Donald R., Institute of Marine Science, Univ. of Miami, 10 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Fla. 33149 Morrison, Dr. Joseph P. E., Div. of Mollusks, U. S. National Museum, Wash., D. C. 20560 Morrison, Robert W., 5101 Ocean Blvd., Sarasota, Fla. 33581 (Marine shells, esp. Cypraea, Valuta, Oliva, Murex) Mountain, L., #3 Taft Bldg., 22608 Ocean Ave., Torrance, Cal. 90505 (Marine ecology) Mousley, Louis B., Director-Curator, Mousley Museum of Nat. Hist., 11555 Bryant St,, Yucaipa, Cal. 92399 Murasko, Mrs. Janice, 95 Connolly Dr., Milltown, N. J. 08850 (Marine mollusks of Atlantic coast) Murray, Mrs. Francis A., 3741 N. E, 24th Ave., Lighthouse Point, Fla. 33064 Murray, Dr. Harold D., Biol. Dept., Trinity Univ., San Antonio, Texas 78284 (Unionidae, distribution and parasites) Murray, Talbot E., Jr., and Mrs. Miriam G., Pacific Marine Station, Dillon Beach, Cal. 94929 (Invertebrate embryology) Musial, Eugene, 53 Idlewood Dr., Tonawanda, N. Y. 14151 Mussel white, Margo, 10815 Janet Lee, San Antonio, Texas 78230 (Cowries) Myer, Dr. Donal G., Southern Illinois Univ., Edwardsville, 111. 62025 (Land snails) Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Brevard S., 2746 Hampton Ave., Charlotte, N. C. 28207 Naide, Meyer, M. D., 2034 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 National Museum of Canada Library, Ottawa, Ontario KIA OM8, Canada Nicol, Dr. David, P. O. Box 14376, University Station, Gainesville, Fla. 32601 Nicolaci, Mr. and Mrs. Domenick, 40 Sedgewick Rd., Fairhaven, Mass. 02719 {Pecten; exch.) Hotter, Hellen, 2529 Gilmore St., Jacteonville, Fla. 32204 Oat is, Mrs. Vincent P., 312 Holiday Park Dr,, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15239 (Exchange world marines) Ode, Dr. Helmer, 4811 Braeburn Dr., Bellaire, Tex^ 77401 (Gulf of Mexico marine) Oetzell, Miss Edith M,, 518 S. Ardmore Ave., Villa Park, 111. 60181 (Conus) Old, Wm. E., Jr., Dept. Mollusks, American Museum Nat. Hist., Central Park W. at 79th St., New York, N. Y. 10024 Olsson, Axel A., 1900 Ferdinand St., Coral Gables, Fla. 33134 (Tertiary mollusca; Panamic-Pacific mollusca; radulae) Oppenheimer, Ella H., M. D., 7703 Crossland Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21208 Ostheimer, Alfred J., Ill, 5017 Maunalani Circle, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816 Ostheimer, Mrs. Ruth M., 146 S, Whitford Rd., Whitford (Exton P. O.), Pa. 19341 Pace, Gary, Dept. Biol., Univ. of Michigan, Flint, Mich. 48503 Paleontological Research Institution, 1259 Trumansburg Rd., Ithaca, N. Y. 14850 Palmer, Dr. Katherine V. W., 206 Oak Hill Rd., Ithaca, N. Y. 14850 Parodiz, Dr. and Mrs. Juan J., Sect, of Invertebrates, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213 (Neotropical mollusks and freshwater gastropoda of U. S. A.) Pasternack, Dr. and Mrs. Richard, 1224 Seminole Dr., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33304 Petit, Mr. and Mrs. Richard E., Box 133, North Myrtle Beach, S. C. 29582 (World shells) Petrowski, Joseph, Academic Press, Inc., Ill 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 10003 Pettigrew, J. H., 2145 Trade Mart, Dallas, Tex^ 75207 (Large examples specimen shells) Phillips, Betty and Ted, 4580 Nueces Dr., Santa Barbara, Cal. 93105 Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Dan, Hudson House, Ardsley-on-Hudson, N. Y. 10503 Porter, Hugh J., c/o Univ. of North Carolina, Inst, of Marine Sciences, Morehead City, N. C. 28557 (Systematics, culture of bivalves) Porter, Mrs. Miriam E., 2013 S. Vernon Place, Melbourne, Fla. 32901 Potter, Mrs. A. Leslie, Rt. 1, Fulton, N. Y. 13069 (Fosil mollusks) ACTIVE MEMBERS 59 Pratt, W. Lloyd and Mrs. Suzann, Ft, Worth Museum of Science and History, 1501 Montgomery St., Ft. Worth, Texas 76107 (Texas and Mexican land snails) Ptolemy, Mrs. Wm. R., 220 Sanatorium Rd., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (Collect, exch. world shells) Pulley, Dr. Thos, E., Houston Museum of Nat. Sci., P. O. Box 8175, Houston, Texas 77004 Quammen, Eleanor K., Box 132, 402 Homestead Rd., Wayne, Pa. 19087 Quigley, Jacqueline S., P. O. Box 14365, W. Omaha Station, Omaha, Neb. 68114 (Cypraea) Radwin, Dr. Geo. E., 4341 Rodrigo Dr., San Diego, Cal. 92115 (Gastropod taxonomy) Raeihle, Dorothy and Geo., 5346 82nd St., Elmhurst, N. Y. 11373 Rathburn, Mary H., P. O. Box 455, Sarasota, Fla. 33578 (World shells) Rawls, Dr. Hugh C., Eastern Illinois Univ., Dept, of Zoology, Charleston, 111. 61920 (Ecology, taxonomy, distribution of land snails) Reader, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R., 4772 49th Ave. N., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33714 (Live mollusks) Reeder, Richard L,, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 85721 (Land pulmonates) Rehder, Dr. Harald A., U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 20560 Rheem, Miss Avon, P. O. Box 664, Galveston, Texas 77550 Rice, Thomas C., OF SEA AND SHORE Publications, P. O. Box 33, Port Gamble, Wash. 98364 (Dealer) Rice, Mrs, Winnie H., P. O. Box 638, Rockport, Texas, 78382 (Gulf of Mexico mollusca) Richards, Charles S., Lab. of Parasitic Diseases, Nat. Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. 20014 (Fresh- water mollusks, host-parasite relations, mollusk pathology and genetics) Richards, Dr. Horace G., Academy of Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Ridge, Mrs. Lorraine, 148 Washington St., St. Augustine, Fla. 32084 Ritchie, Mrs. Rebecca P., Dock Ledge, Marblehead, Mass. 01945 (World marine shells, esp. Marginella) Ritchie, Mrs. Robt. M., 17 Country Club Place, Bloomington, III. 61701 Robertson, Dr. Robert, Dept, of Mollusks, Academy of Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Root, John, P. O. Box 182, W. Palm Beach, Fla. 33402 Roper, Dr. Clyde F. E., Div. of Mollusks, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 20560 (Systematics and ecology of the Cephalopoda) Ropes, John W., P. O. Box 333, St. Michaels, Md. 21663 Rosentreter, Howard W., P, O. Box 532, Big Pine Key, Fla. 33043 Rosewater, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph, Div. of Mollusks, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 20560 Ross, Landon T., Jr., 1301 Taylor Rd., Punta Gorda, Fla. 33950 Ross, Mr. and Mrs. William A., 1101 Hamptoi: Rd., West Palm Beach, Fla. 33405 (Olividae and Pectin- idae) Rossman, Mrs. Jeanne N., 3600 Montrose Blvd., # 305, Houston, Texas 77006 Rotenberger, David N., 10316 Acapulca Way, Orlando, Fla. 32810 (Shadow boxes) Roworth, Edwin C., 1301 Windsor Dr., Cardiff-by-the-Sea, Cal. 92007 (World shells and sea life) Ruehl, Theo. C., 112 Haverstraw Rd., Suffern, N. Y. 10901 (Murex, Valuta, Conus) Russell, Chas. E., 10602 Jordan Rd., Carmel, Ind. 46032 (Land, freshwater) Russell, Dr. Henry D,, Springdale Ave., Dover, Mass. 02030 Russell, Dr. Loris S., Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada Russell, Mrs. Richard, 2229 Hollister Terrace, Glendale, Cal. 91206 (Most popular families) Russell, Richard H., Dept. Biol. Sci., Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 85720 Rutter, Kurt L., P. O. Box 107, Stanton, N. J. 08885 (Shells of the littoral area) Sankey, Harriet E., 7857 S. Shore Dr., Chicago, Rl 60649 Sayler, Mrs. Jane, 4870 Fairfield Rd., Memphis, Tenn, 38116 Schell, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B., Jr., The Brooklands, Colebrook, Conn. 06021 (Retired; travelers and collectors) Schilling, Mrs. Frieda, 3707 Lan Dr., St. Louis, Mo. 63125 Schmidt, Mrs. Anne C., 1321 Lincoln, Apt. 4, Norman, Okla. 73069 (Cypraeidae, Ovulidae, Olividae) Schoen, Mr. and Mrs. Donald, 11 Hamilton Ave., Bronxville, N. Y. 10708 (Ecology and intertidal species) Seip, Wm. F., 1555 Stonewood Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21212 Sessoms, Roberta G, and Junius B., Ill, 461 N. Hanover St., Pottstown, Pa. 19464 Shasky, Donald R., M. D., 734 W. Highland Ave., Redlands, Cal. 92373 Shaw, William N., National Marine Fisheries Service, Biological Lab., Oxford, Md. 21654 (Shellfish culture) Sheafer, Clinton W. and Mabel H., P. O. Box 576, Delray Beach, Fla. 33444 Sheets, Mrs. Elva, R. R. 4, Huntington, Ind. 46750 Shell Shop, The, 509 Embarcadero, Morro Bay, Cal. 93442 Shelley, Dr. Rowland, N. C. State Museum of Nat. Hist., Box 27647, Raleigh, N. C. 27611 (Freshwater mollusks of North Carolina) 60 ACTIVE MEMBERS Shipman, Mrs. Robert G., 11 Bantle Rd., Glastonbury, Conn. 06033 (Molluscan habitats and life patterns) Sickel, James B., Emory Univ., P. O. Box 21185, Atlanta, Ga. 30322 (Unionidae ecology and physiology) Silverthorn, Lt. Gen. M. H., 4711 Dover Rd., Washington, D. C. 20016 Sinclair, Ralph M., Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water Programs, National Training Center, Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 (Pleurocerid and unionid ecology) Smith, Aliyn G,, 722 Santa Barbara Rd., Berkeley, Cal. 94707 Smith, Egbert T., Ft. Myers Travel Agency, Ft. Myers, Fla. 33901 Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Francis, 1023 55th Ave. S., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33705 (Microscopic marine mollusks of Florida) Smith, Mr, and Mrs. Harry M., 1410 Wayne St., Sandusky, Ohio 44870 (Local and foreign collecting) Smith, Mrs. J. Russell, 3052 Fondren Dr., Dallas, Texas 75205 (Teacher) Smith, Dr. Judith Terry, 1527 Byron St., Palo Alto, Cal. 94301 Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Roland V., 215 Sunnyside Ave,, Ottawa, KIS OR4, Ontario, Canada Smithsonian Institution Library, Acquisitions, Washington, D. C. 20560 Snyder, Barry, 119 E. Ferry Rd., Morrisville, Pa. 19067 Snyder, Harry P., 716 King St., McKeesport, Pa. 15132 Snyder, Martin Avery, 745 Newtown Rd., Villanova, Pa. 19085 Solem, Dr. Alan and Barbara, Dept, of Zoology, Field Museum of Nat. Hist., Chicago, 111. 60605 Solomon, Harvey S., 3431 Bruckner Blvd., Bronx, N. Y. 10461 Soper, Arthur W., 69 Hunter’s Lane, Devon, Pa. 19333 Southeast Missouri State College, Kent Library, William LeRoy, Cape Girardeau, Mo. 63701 Speers, Mrs. Anne B., c/o Superior Oil Co., Lake Creek Camp, Box 71, Conroe, Texas 77301 (Shells of Texas coast) Spencer, Gladys M., 1305 12th Ave., Sterling, 111. 61081 Sphon, Gale, Jr., c/o Los Angeles County Museum, Invertebrate Zoology, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. 90007 Stainken, Dennis, 51 Coughlan Ave., Staten Island, N. Y, 10310 (Anatomy and physiology of bivalves; effects of marine pollutants) Stannard, Mrs. Carroll D., Little Stannard Beach, Westbrook, Conn. 06498 Stansbery, Dr. David H., The Ohio State Museum, Columbus, Ohio 43210 (Naiads) Steger, Mr. and Mrs. Dan, 2711 68th St., Tampa, Fla. 33619 (Marine fauna, Gulf of Mexico) Stein, Carol B., The Ohio State Univ,, Museum of Zoology, 1813 N. High St., Columbus, Ohio 43210 (Freshwater bivalves) Steinke, Capt. Dale E., 2011 W. Barker, Peoria, 111. 61604 (Marine shells) Stentz, Miss Terry L., 3043 S. 31st St., Lincoln, Neb. 68502 (Freshwater mollusca; student and curator) Stenzel, Dr. H. B., Dept. Geology, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, La. 70803 Stevenson, Mrs. Thelma M., 1225 Valley View, Vermillion, S. Dak. 57069 (Fossil mollusks and their recent equivalents) Stewart, Rev. Marlin B., 54 Elm St., Westfield, N, Y. 14787 Stickle, William B., Jr., Dept, of Zoology and Physiology, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, La. 70803 Stifel, Peter B., 3617 Littledale Rd., Kensington, Md. 20795 Stingley, Dale V., P. O. Box 113, laBelle, Fla. 33935 Stix, Hugh S., 13 VanDam St., New York, N. Y. 10013 Stohler, Dr. Rudolph, Dept. Zoology, Univ, of California, Berkeley, Cal. 94720 Strieder, Denise J., M. D,, 143 Laurel Rd., Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02167 (American seashells) Stringer, H, J., Jr., 1180 S. Ocean Blvd., Apt, B-11, Boca Raton, Fla. 33432 Sutow, Wataru W., M. D., 4371 N. MacGregor Way, Houston, Texas 77004 {Strombus; exch.) Sutton, Barbara, 11 Riverside Dr., Apt. 8A, New York, N. Y. 10023 Swan, Emery F„ 3 Faculty Rd,, Durham, N. H. 03824 Swartz, Miss S. L., 306 20 Ave. S. W., Calgary 3, Alberta, Canada Swift, Charles H., 606 E. Peter St., Edinburg, Texas 78539 (Shells of Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico coast) Talmadge, Robert R., 2850 Pine St., Eureka, Cal. 95501 (Haliotidae; benthic invertebrates) Tan, Barbara L., 11722 Eucalyptus St., Hawthorne, Cal, 90250 (West Coast and Baja California) Taxson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert, 25 Knoll’s Crescent, Bronx, N. Y. 10463 Taylor, Dr. Dwight W., Nat. Hist. Museum, Box 1390, San Diego, Cal. 92112 Taylor, Mrs. Jud, 900 Burr Rd., Apt. 1-G, San Antonio, Texas 78209 (Shells of the Texas coast) Teixeira, Mrs. Frank, P. O, Box 274, Buzzards Bay, Mass. 02532 (Pecten; exch.) Terry, Mrs. Carolyn J., 388 Burns St., Forest Hills, N. Y. 11375 Teskey, Mrs. Margaret C., P. O. Box 273, Big Pine Key, Fla. 33043 Thomas, Dr. Grace, Dept. Zook, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, Ga. 30601 (Sphaerlids) ACTIVE MEMBERS 61 Thomas, Miss Marguerite L, Box 312-A, Rt. 1, Swansboro, N. C. 28584 (World marine; exch.) Thomas, Mr. Ronald F., Univ. of Miami, School of Marine & Atmospheric Science, 10 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Fla. 33149 Thorpe, Mrs. Fran Hutchings (Mrs. Foster B.), 3910 Battersea Rd., Coconut Grove, Fla. 33133 Ti depool Gallery, 22762 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, Cal. 90265 Tippett, Dr. and Mrs. Bonn L., 10281 Gainsborough Rd., Potomac, Md. 20854 Torrance, Mrs. Patricia A., 5561 9th Ave. N., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33710 (Aquarium and field study of marine mollusks; world exch.) Trapani, Miss Carmen M., 2020 N. Mattis Ave., Apt. 208 K, Champaign, 111. 61820 Tunnell, John W., Jr., Biology Dept., Texas A & M Univ., College Station, Texas 77843 ( Systematics, distribution and ecology of reef and bank mollusks in Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean) Turano, Andrew F., M. D., RFD 1, Cemetery Rd., Colchester, Conn. 06415 (World marine shells) Turgeon, Donna D. and Kenneth W,, Dept. Zoology, Univ. of New Hampshire, Durham, N. H. 03824 (Bivalve systematics; ecology of gastropods) Turner, Dr, Ruth D., Museum of Comp. Zool., Cambridge, Mass. 02138 U. S. Dept, of Commerce, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Biological Lab., Oxford, Md. 21654 U. S, Fish & Wildlife Service, Library, National Marine Fisheries Service, Tropical Atlantic Biological Lab., 75 Virginia Beach Drive, Miami, Fla. 33149 University of Arizona Library, Tucson, Ariz. 85721 Univ. of California at Los Angeles Geology Library, Los Angeles, Cal. 90024 Univ. of Illinois Library, Urbana, HI. 61803 Univ. of Kentucky Library, Acquisitions Dept., Lexington, Ky. 40506 Univ. of Maine Library, Orono, Me. 04473 Univ. of Maryland Library, College Park, Md. 20740 Univ. of Maryland Library, Natural Resources Institute, Chesapeake Biological Lab., Solomons, Md. 20688 Usticke, N. Gordon, 1 North St., Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands 00821 Valentine, Dr. and Mrs. J. Manson, 1260 S. W. 1st St., Miami, Fla. 33135 Van der Schalie, Dr. Henry, University Museums, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 Van Erp, Mrs. G. D., 11306 Surrey Oaks Lane, Houston, Texas 77024 Vega, Luis Eduardo, M. D., U. S. Naval Hospital, Fleet Post Office, New York, N. Y, 09551 Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, Va. 23062 Vokes, Dr. Harold and Emily, Dept. Geology, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. 70118 (Mesozoic and Tertiary mollusks; fossil and Recent Muricidae) Wadsworth, Jas. Edgar, Wilson Court, Chapel Hill, N. C. 27514 (Shell club promotion) Waggoner, Mrs. Marguerite, 412 Main St., Lockport, La. 70374 Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. L., R. D. 1 Box 21, Marathon, Fla. 33050 Waller, Dr. Thos. R., Dept. Paleobiology, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 20560 (Zoogeography, ecology, evolution of Cenozoic Pectinidae) Walter, Dr. Waldemar, Dept. Biology, Western Illinois Univ., Macomb, 111. 61455 Walton, Munro L., 1108 N. Central Ave., Glendale, Cal. 91202 (Land snails) Warmke, Germaine L., 1711 S. W. 43rd Ave., Gainesville, Fla. 32601 Wasili, Mrs. John, P. O. Box 8, Frisco, N. C. 27936 Wayne, Dr, Wm, J., Dept. Geol., Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 68508 (Pleistocene non-marine mollusks) Webb, Dr. Glenn R., Rt. 1, Box 148, Fleetwood, Pa. 19522 Weber, Martha and Gertrude, 5450 7th Ave. N., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33710 Weingartner, Mathilde P., 17 Amelia Ct., Staten Island, N. Y. 10310 Weisbord, Norman E. and Nettie S., Dept. Geol., Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, Fla. 32306 (Cenozoic and Recent mollusks) Wells, Dr. Harry, 620 Presbyterian Ave., Laurinburg, N. C. 28352 Werner, Milton, 70 Richmond St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 11208 West, Arthur C., Seashell Treasures, 715 Glover Ave., Chula Vista, Cal. 92010 (Dealer) Westerfied, Mrs. Asher L., 429 Montgomery Ave., Haverford, Pa. 19041 (Marine shells) Wheel, Mr. and Mrs. Adlai B,, Pet Haven, 4501 W. Seneca Turnpike, Syracuse, N. Y. 13205 Whiteside, Mrs. Smith, 205 Marion St., Indian Harbour Beach, Fla. 32937 Widmer, Ernest C., P. O. Box 814, Orange Park, Fla. 3 207 3 (Exch. marine and freshwater Florida material) Wightman, Eugene P., Ph, D., 85 Harding Rd., Rochester, N. Y, 14612 (World marine) Wilie, Wm. L., Jr., 1405 McFaddin, Beaumont, Texas 77701 (Conus) Wilson, Dr. Druid, Room E506, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 20560 Windnagel, John, 3581 Snouffer Rd., Worthington, Ohio 43085 Winner, Mrs. Beatrice E., C. R. T., 439 11 Street, West Palm Beach, Fla. 33401 Wiswall, Harold C., 42 Winding River Rd., Needham, Mass. 02192 (W. Atlantic, Caribbean mollusks) 62 ACTIVE MEMBERS Withrow, Mr. and Mrs. Carl C., 4825 9th St. S., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33705 Wolfe, Dr, Douglas A., U. S. B. C. F. Radiobiological Lab., Beaufort, N. C. 28516 (W. Atlantic marine mollusca) Woods, William L., 2721 Murray Ridge Rd., San Diego, Cal. 92123 (Panamic mollusks - Turridae, Columbellidae) Work, Robert C., Institute of Marine Science, Univ. of Miami, 10 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Fla. 33149 Wright, Rev. Calvin T., 4 Water St., Assonet, Mass. 02702 (Marine species) Wright, Eugenia, 3968 Coquina Dr., Sanibel Island, Fla. 33957 Wulff, Mrs. Ella May, R. D. 2, Bella Vista Dr., Willimantic, Conn. 06226 (Marine gastropods) Wurtz, Dr. Chas. B., 3220 Penn St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19129 (Terrestrial Pulmonata) Yokley, Paul, Jr,, Florence State College, Florence, Ala. 35630 Young, H. D., P. O. Box 1931, Seattle, Wash. 98111 (Exch. “documented” gastropods of Pacific Northwest for “documented” species from other areas; also purchase) Young, Miss M. E.,6314 Waterway Dr., Falls Church, Va. 22044 Zager, Mrs. Jane, 200 Mt. Pleasant Ave., West Orange, N. J. 07052 (American shells) CORRESPONDING MEMBERS Australian Museum, P. O. Box A-285, Sydney, N. S. W,, Australia 2000 Boettger, Dr. Caesar, 33 Braunschweig Zoologisches Inst., Pockelstrasse 10-A, West Germany British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London S. W. 7 5BD, England Chrosciechowski, Przemyslaw K., Apto. 125 Maracay (Ar.), Venezuela Comply, Guy, 53 Rue Jean-Jaures, Raizet Abymes, Guadeloupe de Brambila, Mrs. Ruzena, El Marisol, Mulege, B. C. Sur, Mexico Duarte, Eliseo, Casilla Correo 1401, Central, Montevideo, Uruguay Galindo, Lie. Ernesto Santos, Lopez No. 1, Mexico, D. F,, Mexico Lea, Miss Trygve Berg, Oscar Wistningsgt. 56, 4000 Stavanger, Norway Leslie, Theodore, 883 Craig Street, Belize, British Honduras Miyauti, Dr. Tetuo, Miyademy Fisheries Lab., Ikenoura, Futami-cho, Watarai-gun, Mie-ken, 519-06 Japan National Lending Library for Science & Technology, Accessions Dept., Boston Spa, Yorkshire, England LS23 7BQ Oyama, Dr. Katura, Geol. Survey of Japan, Kawada-cho 8, PO Ushigome, Tokyo, Japan Ponder, Dr. Winston, Australian Museum, 6-8 College Street, Sydney, N. S. W., Australia Rivero, Oscar Pintado, Arq., Rio Mississippi No. 33, 2 Piso, Colonia Cuauhtemoc, Mexico 5, D. F. Mexico South Australian Museum, Library, North Terrace, Adelaide, S. A. 5000, Australia Stevenson, A. G., c/o Bowers, 28-30 Anzac Street, Auckland 1, New Zealand Tropiano, Saverio, Via Luigi Gherzi 14/16, 16138 Genoa, Italy AFFILIATED SHELL CLUBS AND REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ASTRONAUT TRAIL SHELL CLUB, INC., P. O. Box 515, Eau Gallie, Fla. 32935 BOSTON MALACOLOGICAL CLUB, Mollusk Department, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. 02138 BRAZASPORT MUSEUM OF NATURAL SCIENCE, Box 355, Lake Jackson, Texas 77566 BROWARD SHELL CLUB, P. O. Box 1738, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33311 CENTRAL FLORIDA SHELL CLUB, 717 aemwood Place, Orlando, Fla. 32803 CHICAGO SHELL CLUB, Dept. Zoology, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 111. 60605 CLEVELAND SHELL CLUB, THE, 6720 Forest Glen, Solon, Ohio 44139 COASTAL BEND GEM & MINERAL CLUB, c/o Mrs. Pat Ratliff, P. O. Dr. 1232, Bay City, Texas 77414 COASTAL BEND SHELL CLUB, c/o Corpus Christi Museum, 1212 N. Water Street, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 ACTIVE MEMBERS 63 CONCHOLOGICAL CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, 16321 Pacific Coast Highway, No. 150, Pacific Palisades, Cal. 90272 CONCHOLOGICAL SECTION, BUFFALO SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Buffalo Museum of Science, Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, N. Y. 14211 CONNECTICUT SHELL CLUB, Peabody Museum, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 06520 CONNECTICUT VALLEY SHELL CLUB, c/o Earl Reed, Springfield Museum of Natural History, 236 State Street, Springfield, Mass. 01103 CROWN POINT SHELL COLLECTORS STUDY GROUP, 404 North East Street, Crown Point, Indiana 46307 FORT MYERS BEACH SHELL CLUB, P. O. Box 5057, Ft. Myers Beach, Fla. 33931 FORT MYERS SHELL CLUB, 1936 Coronado Road, Fort Myers, Fla. 33901 GALVESTON SHELL CLUB, Box 2072, Galveston, Texas, 77550 GREATER ST. LOUIS SHELL CLUB, Museum of Science and Natural History, Oak Knoll Park, St. Louis, Mo, 63105 HAWAIIAN MALACOLOGICAL SOCIETY, c/o Aquarium, 2777 Kalakaua Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 HOUSTON CONCHOLOGY SOCIETY, 3706 Rice Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005 JACKSONVILLE SHELL CLUB, 3895 DuPont Circle, Jacksonville, Fla. 32205 KANSAS CITY SHELL CLUB, 5401 Mohawk Lane, Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66205 LOUISVILLE CONCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 2901 Falmouth Drive, Louisville, Ky, 40205 NAPLES SHELL CLUB, P. O. Box 1991, Naples, Fla. 33940 NATIONAL CAPITAL SHELL CLUB, Div, of Mollusks, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 20560 NEW YORK SHELL CLUB, Dept. Living Invertebrates, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park W. at 79 Street, New York, N. Y. 10024 NORTH CAROLINA SHELL CLUB, 1409 Ruffin Street, Durham, N. C. 27701 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA MALACOZOOLO- GICAL CLUB, c/o Salle Crittenden, 624 Waterfall Isle, Alameda, Cal. 94501 PACIFIC NORTHWEST SHELL CLUB, INC., Rt. 1, 2405 N. E. 279th Street. Ridgefield, Wash. 98642 PALM BEACH COUNTY SHELL CLUB, P. O. Box 182, W. Palm Beach, Fla. 33402 PHILADELPHIA SHELL CLUB, Dept, of Malacology, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 PITTSBURGH SHELL CLUB, Section of Invertebrates, Carnegie Museum, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213 ROCHESTER SHELL AND SHORE CLUB, c/o John Crucini, Librarian, 65 Eastland Road, Rochester, N. Y. 14616 SACRAMENTO VALLEY CONCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 7908 Seneca Way, N. Highlands, Cal. 95660 ST. PETERSBURG SHELL CLUB, 7400 46th Avenue N., Box 406, St. Petersburg, Fla. 33709 SAN ANTONIO SHELL CLUB, 9402 Nona Kay Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78217 SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB, San Diego Museum of Natural History, P. O. Box 1390, San Diego, Cal. 92112 SANIBEL-CAPTIVA SHELL CLUB, Post Office Drawer R, Sanibel, Fla. 33957 SANTA BARBARA MALACOLOGICAL SOCIETY, INC., THE, P. O. Box 30191, Santa Barbara, Cal. 93105 SARASOTA SHELL CLUB, 6512 Clemson Street, Bradenton, Fla. 33505 SOUTH FLORIDA SHELL CLUB, Museum of Science & Natural History, 3280 S. Miami Avenue, Miami, Fla. 33129 SOUTH PADRE ISLAND SHELL CLUB, P. O. Box 2110, S. Padre Island, Texas 78578 SOUTHWEST FLORIDA CONCHOLOGIST SOCIETY, P. O. Box 876, Ft. Myers, Fla. 33902 TIDEWATER SHELL AND FOSSIL CLUB, P. O. Box 62421, Virginia Beach, Va. 23462 WESTERN SOCIETY OF MALACOLOGISTS, THE, c/o Dr. James H. McLean, Los Angeles County Museum, Exposition Park, Los Angeles, Cal. 90007 YUCAIPA SHELL CLUB, Mousley Museum of Natural History, Yucaipa, Cal. 92399 INDEX OF AUTHORS Bazata, Ken 10 Lo Verde, P. T. 42 Boss, Kenneth J. 11 Mead, Albert R. 19 Bratcher, Twila 33 Menzel, R. Winston 38 Burch, J. B. 15, 34, 42 Metcalf, Artie L. 16 Gather, James N. 36 Miller, Walter B. 44 Clarke, Arthur H. 31 Moore, Donald R. 5 Davis, George M, 37 Morrison, Joseph P. E. 14, 45 Davis, John D. 41 Murray, Harold D. 29 Dundee, Dee S. 43 Patterson, C. M. 28, 34 Gugler, Carl W. 10, 13 Petersen, Larry R. 17 Harry, Harold W. 23 Richards, Charles S. 37 Imlay, Marc J. 7 Solem, Alan 43 Jacobson, Morris K. 27 Stansbery, David H, 20 Lindsay, G. K, 15 Stiles, S. S, 36 Long, Glenn A. 8 Tunnell, John W., Jr. 25 Longwell, A Crosby 36 Wu, Shi-Kuei 18, 39 IN ME MORI AM Mrs. Arthur H. (Louise) Clarke (January, 1973) Harold S, Colton (December, 1970) Dr. Leo G. Hertlein (January, 1972) Dr. William C. Starrett (December, 1971) Mrs. Edward L. Strater (July, 1971) Symposium on genetics, cytogenetics and hybridization of marine mollusks. John B. Burch (Convenor) Cytogenetics of gastropod mollusks C. M. Patterson 34 Oyster genetics and the probable future role of genetics in aquaculture A. Crosby Longwell and S. S. Stiles 36 Development of hybrids between Nassarius species following experimental fertilization James N. Cather 36 Oncomelania hupensis (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae): hybridization, genetics and transmission of Schistosoma japonicum George M. Davis .......... ........... 37 Genetics of Biomphalaria glabrata (Gastropoda; Planorbidae) Charles S. Richards 37 Some species affinities in the oyster genus Crassostrea R. Winston Menzel .38 Cross-breeding experiments with the African snail genus Bulinus (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) Shi-Keui Wu 39 Western Atlantic Ervilia (Pelecypoda: Mesodesmatidae): Aspects of symstematics, distribution, biology, and behavior John D, Davis 41 The systematic position of Radix luteola and its significance in lymnaeid systematics J. B. Burch and P. T. LoVerde 42 Aggregative behavior in veronicellid slugs: a preliminary report Dee S. Dundee 43 Scanning electron microscope studies of land snail radulae Alan Solem 43 Saltational speciation in American Helminthoglyptidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) Walter B. Miller 44 The families of the pearly freshwater mussels Joseph P. E. Morrison 45 AMU COMMITTEE AND BUSINESS REPORTS Report of Conservation Committee 47 Annual Business Meeting 48 Report of the Corresponding Secretary 49 Report of the Recording Secretary 49 Report of the Treasurer 50 LIST OF AMU MEMBERS 51 Index of Authors 64 In Memoriam 64 NOTICE Most scientific journals send manuscripts to qual- ified reviewers to assist authors in avoiding errors and in improving their papers. The AMU has now adopted a similar policy. The AMU Council will constitute our review board and be^nning in 1973 all manuscripts except short abstracts will be sent to appropriate members of this review board (usually two) prior to acceptance for publication. The AMU Bulletin has also adopted as its standard the Style Manual for Biological Journals published by the American Institute of Biological Sciences, Wash- ington. All manuscripts accepted for publication be- come the property of the AMU and may be edited for style in accordance with this standard. bulle™ OF THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, INC. CONTENTS AMU THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING Account of the meeting . ... . .1 , Group photograph and list of members and guests 3 PAPERS READ Mollusks from a small landlocked Mexican lagoon Donald R. Moore 5 ■ The case for a Driftless National Park Marc J. Imlay .7 ' Shell trumpets and concentric circles in pre-Columbian tomb offerings Glenn A. Long .8 ' Variations in Triodopsis multilineata in Nebraska Carl W. Gugler . . . 10 ' The talon of some Nebraska succineids Ken Bazata 10 ' Ancylodoris, its well-deserved oblivion Kenneth J. Boss .11 : Aspects of reproductive biology of Anguispira kochi Carl W.Gugler . . 13 : Sympatric species of E/lipffo living in the St. Johns River, Florida s Joseph P. E. Morrison .14 \ r Taxonomic groupings in the Lymnaeidae , J, B. Burch and G. K. Lindsay . .16 ; ;; Fossil snails of the genus Ashmunella, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico, and remarks on former . ; ' distributions Artie L. Metcalf .16 '.o-; Anatomical studies of the scaphopod, Dentalium texasianum Larry R. Petersen 17 . ; Comparative studies on the digestive and reproductive systems of some muricid gastropods ' Shi-Kuei Wu . . . .18 , New outbreaks in the Florida giant African snail infestation Albert R. Mead 19. .i; A preliminary report on the naiad fauna of the Clinch River in the Southern Appalachian Mountains ' of Virginia and Tennessee (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionoida) David H. Stansbery 20 ' Neglected topographical relationships between the gill and shell of bivalve mollusks Harold W. Harry 23; ; Molluscan populations of a submerged reef off Padre Island, Texas : John W. Tunnell, Jr 25 Some notes oh sexual dimorphism in the Shark Eye, PoUnices dupUcatus (Say) at Roekaway Beach, New York Morris K. Jacobson .27 Parallel evolution of shell characters in succineids inhabiting waterfalls , C. M. Patterson 28 , ■ Field notes and correspondence of John K. Strecker (1875-1933) Harold D. Murray 29 , Aspects of molluscan zoogeography in Baffin Bay and the Greenland Sea Arthur H. Clarke 31 ; The Ameripagos Expedition Twila Bratcher .33 ; /;i THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, Inc. BULLETIN for 1973 AMU Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, INC. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 1973-1974 Officers President President-Elect Vice President Recording Secretary . . . Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Publications Editor .... .Harold D. Murray . Donald R. Moore Dorothea Franzen Marian S. Hubbard Paul R. Jennewein . . .Myra L. Taylor . Arthur H. Clarke Councillors-at-Large Carl W. Gugler (to 1974) Harold W. Harry (to 1975) William Lloyd Pratt, Jr. (to 1974) James H. McLean (to 1975) Permanent Council Members (Past Presidents) William J. Clench (1935) Joshua L. Baily, Jr. (1937) Harald A. Rehder (1941) Henry van der Schalie (1946-47) A. Myra Keen (1948) Elmer G. Berry (1949) J. P. E. Morrison (1951) Joseph C. Bequaert (1954) Morris K. Jacobson (1955) Allyn G. Smith (1956) Ruth D. Turner (1957) Aurdle LaRocque (1958) R. Tucker Abbott (1959) Katherine V. W. Palmer (1960) Thomas E. Pulley (1961) William K. Emerson (1962) Albert R. Mead (1963) John Q. Burch (1964) Juan J. Parodiz (1965) Ralph W. Dexter (1966) Arthur H. Clarke (1968) Joseph Rosewater (1969) Alan Solem (1970) David H. Stansbery (1971) Arthur S. Merrill (1972) Dolores S. Dundee (1973) Honorary Life Members Joseph C. Bequaert Emery P. Chace William J. Clench A. Myra Keen Katherine V. W. Palmer Margaret C. Teskey Honorary Life President S. Stillman Berry The American Malacological Union, Inc. Mrs. Marian S. Hubbard, Rec. Sec, 3957 Marlow Court Seaford, N.Y. 11783 Published May 22, 1974 THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, Inc. BULLETIN for 1973 AMU, Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. May 1974 SPECIAL CONTRIBUTION HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION 1931-1973 Margaret C. Teskey* The American Malacological Union had its inception in 1929 or 1930. It began as an idea in the fertile mind of Mr. Norman Lermond, an energetic and individualistic Norwegian gentleman who oper- ated a small natural history museum and arboretum in Thomaston, Maine. After discussing the merits of such an organization with his good friend, William J. Clench of Harvard, he dispatched the first of a series of letters to every person of his acquaintance of whom he had knowledge as being in any way interested in mollusks or their shells. Response was so favorable that he named his movement the American Association of Conchol- ogists, and called a meeting to organize. The meeting was held by invitation of Dr. Henry A. Pilsbry, at the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, in April, 1931. By then 169 persons had sent in dues of twenty-five cents and were enrolled as charter members, and 29 of them attended the organizational meeting. A constitution was drafted and adopted, the name American Malacological Union proposed and accep- ted, and Dr. Pilsbry was elected to be the first president after Mr. Lermond had declined the office. He chose instead to become corresponding secretary, but was not active; soon his duties were incorporated with those of Financial Secretary Imogene S. Robertson of Buffalo. The following year a meeting was held at the U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C. Several additions were made to the constitution, and Dr. Paul Bartsch was elected to succeed Dr. Pilsbry and to conduct the 1933 meeting at Harvard. Over the following decade the AMU grew slowly but at a steady pace. Annual meetings were held at Stanford University (Junius Henderson, President), Buffalo Museum of Science (President Clench being out of the country and unable to preside, the meeting was conducted by Vice-President Calvin Goodrich), St. Petersburg, Florida (Goodrich), University of Michigan (Joshua L. Baily, Jr.), University of Havana, Cuba (Carlos de la Torre), Royal Ontario Museum of Zoology in Toronto, Canada (Maxwell Smith), again at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia (H. B. Baker), then at the invitation of Mr. Lermond, at Rockland, Maine (Harald A. Rehder). *P.O. Box 273, Big Pine Key, Fla. 33043 A part of the program at the Maine meeting (1941) was in the form of a collecting symposium, and several papers were read on the subject of collecting and preparing land, freshwater and marine mollusks. The Annual Bulletin in which these papers were printed was a handy reference source, so much in demand that in 1955 the symposium papers were to be incorporated into the popular AMU publica- tion, How to Collect Shells. World War II interrupted annual meetings for a period of four years, but by carrying on voluminous correspondence Imogene Robertson managed to compile and issue annual report bulletins for 1943 and 1944-45; in this last was reported the death of Norman Lermond at age 83. The 1946 meeting was the twelfth, and a return visit to the U.S. National Museum; since President Louise M. Perry had resigned, Vice-President Henry van der Schalie occupied the chair. It was an especially joyous occasion, as old friends and new gathered to exchange news and experiences after so long an absence. The offices of Corresponding and Financial secretaries had been held by Mrs. Robertson since the second year, and at this meeting they were formally incorporated into one; her husband, Harold R. Robertson, was elected to fill the newly created office of Treasurer. The following year the AMU met for the second time on the Pacific coast, at Asilomar, in Pacific Grove, California; Dr. van der Schalie again conducted the meeting. On this occasion the idea of forming a west coast division was discussed informally. It received such favor that the following year (1948) the Pacific Division of the American Malacological Union was organized, and held the first annual meeting at Stanford, California. The AMU convened that year at the Carnegie Museum at Pittsburgh (A. Myra Keen), and during succeeding years at the University of Miami (Elmer Berry), The Chicago Natural History Museum (Fritz Haas), then again in the Museum of Science in Buffalo (J. P. E. Morrison). Harold Robertson had passed away earlier that year (1951), and Mrs. Robertson had assumed his duties along with her own. Her health, however, was failing and at the meeting in August she tendered her resignation. Termination of her long and faithful 1 2 MARGARET C. TESKEY service was accepted with regret, and upon her recommendation Margaret C. Teskey was made Secretary-Treasurer. Mounting popular interest was increasingly evident as local shell clubs were organized in California, New York and Florida. As each came into being it was invited to affiliate with the AMU as a member club; currently forty-nine local groups are in existence, and the annual accounting of their activities attests to the fact that the collection and study of shells holds a reward for all. Annual AMU meetings continued with ever-mounting attendance. The Musuem of Compar- ative Zoology at Harvard was re-visited in 1952 (Jeanne Schwengel), then for the first time meetings were held at the University of Kansas (A. Byron Leonard), the University of New Hampshire (Joseph C. Bequaert) and at Wagner College on Staten Island, New York (Morris K. Jacobson). A revised constitution was adopted in 1954, containing a clause relating to the Pacific Division and its precepts; in 1956 the Pacific Division postponed their annual meeting and members went all out to entertain the AMU at San Diego (Allyn G. Smith). Peabody Museum at Yale University provided the site of the 1957 meeting (Ruth Turner). Dr. Pilsbry attended this meeting but died three months later at the age of ninety-five. A repeat visit to the University of Michigan was made the following year (Aur^le La Rocque), then for the third time the AMU returned to its birthplace in Philadelphia (R. Tucker Abbott). Redpath Museum at McGill University in Montreal, Canada hosted the 1960 convention (Katherine V. W. Palmer), and next summer the AMU paid a third-time visit to the U.S. National Museum (Thomas E. Pulley). St. Petersburg again in 1962 (William K. Emerson) and the following year a third visit was made to the Buffalo Museum of Science (Albert R. Mead). By now the AMU had achieved a recognized place among the scientific societies of the world, and listed among the corresponding members were names from such distant lands as Japan, the Philippines, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Yap, the Netherlands. The annual report bulletins had become a valued reference source since they contained abstracts of most of the papers read at both annual meetings, together with a constantly updated membership list complete with current addresses. The AMU went to New Orleans in 1964 as guest of Louisiana State University in New Orleans (John Q. Burch), and adopted an extensive constitution, incorporating the By-Laws of the Pacific Division. Next year an invitation to return to Wagner College on Staten Island was accepted (Juan J. Parodiz), and the annual bulletin reporting this meeting was expanded to contain an index of all papers read since 1949. By now a membership approaching 800 had created an intolerable workload for Secretary-Treasurer Teskey, though relieved of a portion of her duties when in 1954 the Executive Council had created a new office, that of Publications Editor. George M. Moore was elected to fill it, succeeded in 1962 by Karl Jacobson who remained publications editor until 1972 when he resigned and his duties were a^umed by Arthur H. Clarke who currently holds the office. In 1962 the office of Secretary -Treasurer was separated and Jean M. Cate was elected AMU Treasurer, a post she held for three years, resigning then in favor of another Californian, Mae Dean Richart. Mrs. Richart resigned in 1966 and Mrs. H. B. Baker was elected and served until 1972. Myra Taylor is now AMU Treasurer. The years and the AMU rolled along, with the annual meetings red letter days on the calendar of most of the country’s malacologists, professional and amateur alike. The friendly attitude of professional malacologists towards the non-professional has long been remarked upon, creating camaraderie reflected in the success of over forty years of happy annual reunions. The 1966 meeting at the University of North Carolina (Ralph W. Dexter) was such a meeting, as was the next when the AMU went north to meet in Ottawa, Canada, at the invitation of the National Museums of Canada (Leo G. Hertlein). Then to Corpus Christ!, Texas in 1968, (Arthur H. Clarke) when six Texas shell clubs united to play host in lieu of university auspices. The Pacific Division became inactive during this year and was declared dissolved in 1972. The University of Wisconsin — Green Bay welcomed the AMU to its campus at Marinette, Wisconsin (Joseph Rosewater) and at this meeting in her home town Secretary Teskey tendered her resignation to become effective the following year when the AMU convened in Key West, Florida (Alan G. Solem). At that meeting Marian S. Hubbard was elected Recording Secretary, her duties now to be shared by a Corresponding Secretary, Paul R. Jennewein. Both are currently in office. A much-amended and thoroughly revised constitution was adopted at this 1970 meeting. The 1971 meeting was again held in Florida, at Coco Beach (David H. Stansbery). Next year Texas again beckoned, this time to Galveston (Arthur S. Merrill); Tucker Abbott entertained at the University of Delaware in 1973 (Dee Dundee). In 1974 Harold D. Murray will occupy the chair when the AMU visits Springfield, Massachusetts. Forty-two years after its organization, nine charter members are still on the AMU roster: Carlos G. Aguayo, William J. Clench, Wendell O. Gregg, Ralph W. Jackson, Aur^e La Rocque, Katherine Van Winkle Palmer, Horace G. Richards, Aliyn G. Smith, Druid Wilson. Six have been honored with life membership: (Continued on page 68) Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. May 1974 THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, INC. THIRTY-NINTH ANNUAL MEETING Newark and Greenville, Delaware June 24-28, 1973 Members started arriving at the campus of the University of Delaware in Newark on Sunday afternoon, June 24th. We went first to Clayton Hall where the smiling clerk handed us packets of room keys, information, tickets and our name tags all ready to pin on. Clayton Hall was the center of our activities for most of the convention. It looked “brand new”, and had indeed been dedicated only the previous November. There was a large conversa- tion area, several meeting rooms, a banquet hall, and a large auditorium with comfortable seats in raised tiers like a theater. We found no “ivy” on this new North Campus of the University but there were plenty of trees and a number of mockingbirds and other birds to serenade us. There were two types of rooms available. Both were air conditioned. Pencader A was a building that looked like a two-story motel. Rooms were entered directly from the outside. An inside door led to a short hall and the bathroom that was used by six or eight rooms. The other dormitory, Christiana Tower, looked like a modern apartment building, and operated like one, residents having a key for the outer door as well as a room key. First-time visitors from Pencader were shocked to find that they could not get into the building but students passing by saw our badges and cheerfully let us in. After getting settled in our rooms, the next step was finding a place to eat supper. Most people went to a restaurant a few miles down the road, near Route 95. They had a long wait, as the restaurant was not equipped to cope with so many extra customers. A few of us chose the pizza place recommended by the desk clerks which was only a few hundred yards away. We were rewarded with excellent pizza and meatball heroes at modest prices. Then back to Clayton Hall for more getting acquainted and re-acquainted. On tables at the rear of the auditorium were displays of publications from the AMU and from several museums. Of prime interest to many was a pile of color plates from a publication of the Delaware Museum, with instructions to “take one”. Voluta junonia was probably the most popular shell, and one smiling member was heard to say, “This is probably the only way I’ll ever get one”. Clayton Hall closed at 10 pm, but activity continued even later in some of the rooms and resumed in Clayton Hall on Monday morning as more members and visitors arrived. We had most of our meals at the university cafeteria, a short walk from Clayton. The food was surprisingly good for institutional fare and no one went away hungry. (The only problem was an unusually early hour for dinner — the result of union problems with the cafeteria employees). The 39th Annual Meeting of the AMU was officially convened at 11 am by President Dee Dundee, Introductory remarks were brief. Tucker Abbott, chairman of the local committee, was everywhere during the meeting — fixing microphones, solving problems, announcing details of many things such as bus pickups, and still had time to socialize. There were other people behind the scene, however, including Russ Jensen, members of the Wilmington Shell Club and Ken Bazata, our projectionist, who was isolated in a projection room for most of the 21/2 days when papers were presented. Papers were presented on Monday afternoon, and that evening was Shell Club Night. Unfortunately, the Executive Council had a meeting at the same time, and some of us had to miss the gathering of shell club members. The Council had so many things to discuss and decide upon (some of them controversial) that they had not finished by 11:10 when the staff finally closed Clayton Hall. That meeting was resumed on Tuesday night. With the Texans promising a party to start as soon as the meeting finished, the Council completed its deliberations in one hour. On Tuesday we had our meetings at the Delaware Museum of Natural History in Greenville where we were delivered by bus about 9 am. We had time to look at the public displays, and then assembled in the 300-seat auditorium. Heads of many game animals were mounted high along the side walls of the auditorium. Mr. John I. DuPont welcomed the AMU members to his museum. Then we had the option of staying for two nature films or touring the parts of the museum normally closed to visitors. Those of us who went upstairs found Wilmington Shell Club members stationed along our tour route, explaining the different sections if necessary. Workers from the older, crowded, museums looked longingly at all the new shell cabinets with sections marked “for expansion”, the glassed-in library and spacious work areas. As there were so many of us, we were not able to poke into the shell cabinets. We did see a few special shell displays in this area. Of particular interest was the museum’s shell catalogue. Many of us were gratified to find that, as with our personal collections, Delaware had many shells numbered but 3 4 MARIAN S. HUBBARD not named. On the way back downstairs we passed through a mezzanine with a number of offices, including the AMU library. This room now has furniture and cabinets as well as the AMU scrapbooks, old Annual Reports, shell club publica- tions, and a small but increasing collection of memorabilia and pictures of shell collectors. Papers were presented in the late morning and all afternoon. Lunch was held at the cafeteria of the Winterthur Museum near the Delaware Museum and supper was held back at the university. After supper Clayton Hall was again the center of interest. Dan Steger and Bob Lipe held a symposium on specimen photography, sharing their special techniques with interested members. Others made good use of the conversation corners in the reception area and later drifted off to private parties in Christiana Tower. Wednesday morning was devoted to papers. At mid-day, some 210 of us went out into the blinding sunshine for our group photograph. This was about the brightest sun we had seen in three days of high humidity and pleasant temperatures. After lunch, the last papers were presented and the Annual Business Meeting was called to order at 3 pm. The minutes of that meeting are printed in this Bulletin. Perhaps the most notable vote was that in favor of a joint meeting with the Western Society of Malacologists on the west coast in the summer of 1975. So save up and plan to go west in ’75. The Annual Banquet was on Wednesday evening, with 210 in attendance. It was also held in Clayton Hall. At each place was a small dish of mints, the dishes made from scallop shells and decorated with various small shells. Place cards at the head table were held on a base of mushroom coral, decorated with small cowries and other shells. Each table had a lighted candle in a Busycon shell in the center and one of the six people at the table could take the candle. The lucky person was the one with a slip of paper under his or her chair, and the eager turning of chairs made for a wonderful “seventh inning stretch”. On the head table were bouquets of beautiful hand- made shell “flowers”; and the most extraordinary eggs, decorated with beads, spangles, and tiny shells and pictures of seashells flat on the eggshells, like decoupage. The eggs were hung by loops from branches, very much like Christmas tree bails. After the delicious dinner came acknowledgements, intro- ductions, and a film titled “Take Two from the Sea”. This was promotional material for eating more clams and oysters, and was done in a humorous vein for the Department of Commerce. Tucker Abbott made some introductions, in- cluding our cook, Mohammed Solomon from Egypt. President Dundee introduced the head table and past presidents. She then took the opportunity to thank the teachers who had most influenced her. Dr. Dorothea Franzen and Dr. Henry van der Schalie, explaining with much levity how she went from snails and slugs to fresh water mussels and back again. She then went with much greater seriousness to her concern for the AMU, noting that there are very few younger members. It is possible that major changes will be required to make the AMU more truly a union of malacologists. Thursday morning was a time for saying first farewells to those who were not going on the field trip to Lewes, Delaware. The morning was overcast, but two busses and a few cars left for Lewes at 9 am amid forecasts of an 80% chance of rain. We arrived at the beach around 11 am and the sun got brighter as we travelled there. It turned out to be a lovely day. We scoured the beach for what was there. Only a few of the luckier or more skillful turned up any live mollusks (mostly on mud flats back of the beach proper) but the beachcombing was interesting and whetted appetites for the brown-bagged lunches. Most tantalizing were the many fragments of angel wings, as much as four square inches in area, but no whole valves. We were told that no live ones have been found nearby within memory and no one knows where these fragments come from. About 1:30 the busses took us to the nearby biological station to see how clams, oysters and lobsters were bred and raised in tanks, some to be put back into the bay or ocean on attaining the proper size. There was a nice, smelly flat exposed at low tide when we got to the research station. In addition to many small live snails, we saw live sea anemones, one almost two inches across the disc when contracted, and dead horseshoe crabs — the mature males with peculiarly hooked front claws. The young man who did not recognize an operculum turned out to be not the son of an inland land snail collector but a local reporter covering our outing. He was absolutely amazed at how much more we could see on the beach than he could see there. Most of the cars left us there and headed for home in New Jersey, Pennsylvania or the Washington, D.C. area. The busses took the rest of us back to Clayton Hall through the same green fields. Many of us left for home immediately thereafter, but far-away travelers were allowed to stay at the college Thursday night. So off we all went with calls of, “See you in Springfield next year!” Marian S. Hubbard, Recording Secretary Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. May 1974 MEMBERS AND GUESTS IN ATTENDANCE AT THE 39th ANNUAL MEETING Group photograph identification: 1. James B. Sickel, 2. John W. Ropes, 3. Leslie Hubricht, 4. William Lloyd Pratt, 5. Susan Pratt, 6. Milton Werner, 7, Mathilde Weingartner, 8. William G. Lyons, 9. Saul D. Rotter, 10. Gordon Usticke, 11. M. Karl Jacobson, 12. Mattie Chanley, 13. Carl W. Gugler, 14. Ken Bazata, 15. Mique Pinkerton, 16. John Barr, 17. Donald T. Bosch, 18. Eloise Bosch, 19. Jack Foehrenbach, 20. Harold D. Murray, 21. Sue Davis, 22. H. Wallace Roberts, 23. Mattie Heist, 24. Florence Kuczynski, 25. Sophie Kuczynski, 26. William Reader, 27. Ted Katsigianis, 28. William Harman, 29. David Constantine, 30. Olive Le-wis, 31. Dorothy Raeihle, 32. Virginia Orr Maes, 33. Daniel J. Bereza, 34. Harold Mills, 35. Vivian Mills, 36. Carol Lalli, 37. Thomas J. Banek, 38. Carol B. Stein, 39. Esther Reader, 40. E. J. Cetnar, 41. Barbara McGinn, 42. Thomas McGinn, 43. Clyde F. E. Roper, 44. Walter E. Sage III, 45. Ann Cohen, 46. Grace Rickard, 47. Martha Klinkey, 48. Ruth Shasky, 49. Donald Shasky, 50. Jerry Harasewych, 51. Helen K. King. 52. Veronica Cetnar, 53. Artie Metcalf, 54. Joseph R. Houbrick, 55. Peter Myers, 56. Leigh Stacey, 57. Miriam Schriner, 58. Howard Schriner, 59. Eugene P. Keferl, 60. Jay Tripp, 61. Bonnie Oatis, 62. Mary Long, 63. Wilma Baker, 64. Anthon Bagdon, 65. Irene Stacey, 66. Sergio Fernandez, 67. Cherita Stark, 68, John Lewis, 69, Esther Lewis, 70. Leroy Heist, 71. Patricia Bagdon, 72. Prasong Temcharoen, 73. Mrs. T. Myers, 74. T. Myers, 75. Adelaide Johnstone, 76. Laura Hepler, 77. A1 Avellanet, 78. Neil Hepler, 79. Helene Avellanet, 80, Hendryk B. Stenzel, 81. Hollis Boone, 82. Constance Boone, 83. Thomas Pulley, 84. Charles M. Courtney, 85. Ellen McHugh, 86. Juan Jose Parodiz, 87. K. Elaine Hoagland, 88. Mrs. William Hamilton, 89. George M. Davis, 90. Roberta Curington, 91. Hal Lewis, 92. Meredith L. Jones, 93. J. Dayton, 94, Esther Wheel, 95. Therese Marsh, 96. Ada Dayton, 97. Adlai Wheel, 98. Bessie Harris, 99. Major Marion Harris, 100. Wayne Holiman, 101. Myra L. Taylor, 102. Robert Robertson, 103, Gladys McCallum, 104. Esther Parodiz, 105. Carl Aslakson, 106. Ann Marti, 107. Jennifer Merrill, 108. Carolyn Jenkinson, 109. John Jenkinson, 110. Russell Jensen, 111. Jean Cate, 112. Crawford Cate, 113. R. Tucker Abbott, 114. Ruth D. Turner, 115. Dorothea Franzen, 116. Audrey Holiman, 117. Donald Moore, 118. Albert Taxson, 119. Cynthia Moore, 120. V/alter Moore, 121. Anne Taxson, 122. Arthur H. Clarke, 123. John McCallum, 124. Marian Aslakson, 125. Esse Merrill, 126. Arthur Merrill, 127. Kenneth J. Boss, 128. Ralph Dexter, 129. Ann Adams, 130. Robert Janowski, 131. Elmo Adams, 132. Germaine L. Warmke, 133. Charlotte Johnson, 134. Veronica Johns, 135, Cornelia Mclnnes, 136. Harriet Riggs, 137. Hugh J. Porter, 138. Marguerite Thomas, 139. Jack Carnes, 140. Sue Carnes, 141. Aurele LaRocque, 142. Henry van der Schalie, 143. Kirk W. Anders, 144. Dorothy Janowski, 145. David Stansbery, 146. Sarah Swartz, 147. Frieda Schilling, 148. Hessie Kemper, 149. Mrs. David S. K. Corey, 150. Austin Barker, 151. Henry Dow, 152. Nellie Dow, 153. Albert Lindar, 154. Charlotte Lindar, 155. Miriam K. Hicks, 156. Mrs. A. LaRocque, 157. Dan Steger, 158. Katherine V. W. Palmer, 159. Juliette Compitello, 160. Lula B. Siekman, 161. Mary Lois Stansbery, 162. Betty Lipe, 163. Robert Lipe, 164. Katherine Seitz, 165. Ellen Barker, 166. Mrs. H. B. Baker, 167. William J. Clench, 168. Viola Perrault, 169. Twila Bratcher, 170. Miriam E. Porter, 171. Adaline Westerfield, 172. Ruth Craine, 173, Mrs. Ralph Dexter, 174. Ruth Greenberg, 175. Corinne Edwards, 176. William Bledsoe, 177. Betty Allen, 178. Lawrence Allen, 179. Paul Jennewein, 180. Doris Ferguson, 181. Marian Hubbard, 182. Dee S. Dundee, 183. Bobbye Steger, 184. Jan Greenberg, 185. Elmer Neudecker, 186. Mildred Neudecker, 187. Kleinie Fieberg, 188. Alice Imlay, 189. Grace R. MacBride, 190. Mary Rosewater, 191. Joseph Rosewater, 192. Marc Imlay, 193. Hellen Notter, 194. John Ferguson. Members and guests who were registered but are not in group photograph: Katie Benson, David Bickel, K. David Brown, Paul Chanley, Carla Cicchi, Alfdis Courtney, Susan Cumins, Sue Evans, John and Magda Finlay, Stanley Fraser, Neil and Laura Hepler, Ginnie Jennewein, Lawrence E. Jerome, George L. Jerome, Gladys R. Jerome, Richard H. Jones, Judge and Mrs. Benjamin Lencher, Glenn Long, Elizabeth McKinley, Joseph and Dorothy Morrison, Jane M. Oram, Eileen Posey, Ruth Price, Lauralee Rappleye, Mary Ropes, Gary Rosenberg, Florence A. Ruhoff, Ronald Sasaki, Grace J. Thomas, Butch Weir, Jeannie Whiteside, Lucia Zoecher. 5 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. May 1974 PAPERS READ AT AMU 39th ANNUAL MEETING* AMERICAN MALACOLOGISTS - A BIOGRAPHICAL SURVEY (16184973) R. Tucker Abbott* The American poet, Ralph Waldo Emerson, wrote over a hundred years ago that “there is properly no history; only biography.” The history of American Malacologists (or conch ologists, in the terminology of some) is also a web of biographies — the life story of people: early American explorers, farmers, natural- ists, school teachers, scholars and physicians. Among the ranks of pioneering shell collectors and mollusk students in America were a President of the United States (Thomas Jefferson), a Secretary of War (Joel Poinsett), several U.S. Senators, a dozen admirals and generals, a member of the Canadian Parliament, numerous judges, and six college presidents. There has long been a need for a register or biographical reference book in the field of malaco- logy, one similar to American Men and Women of Science or Who’s Who in America, but one that would include the lives of amateur conchologists as well as professional, college-trained research workers. Malacology is unique among the American fields of scholarly endeavors because no other science has had so many devoted amateurs contribute so much to its reservoir of knowledge or to its general welfare and progress. In addition, there has been a need for an historical account, a sort of “Who Was Who,” especially for research workers, curators, and historians. American Malacologists was created in 1972 with R. Tucker Abbott as editor-in-chief. Miss M. E. Young as managing editor, and with the following consulting editors: Arthur H. Clarke, William J. * Delaware Museum of Natural History, Greenville, DE. 19807. Clench, Ralph W. Dexter, Aur^le La Rocque, William E. Old, Jr., Allyn G. Smith, and Margaret C. Teskey. It was published in late 1973. In addition to the main purpose of serving as a source book of current and past biographies, the editors have assembled and will keep on record an historical file of letters, papers, photographs and other data that someday will serve the community of science historians and students of malacology. We urge biographees to contribute such material for safekeeping for the use of generations to come. These archives will be deposited with the American Malacological Union or the Delaware Museum of Natural History in Greenville, Delaware. Help is needed in completing the biographies of over 400 deceased persons who once worked with mollusks in the Americas, such as Mrs. George Andrews of Tennessee, Rev. E. R. Beadle of Philadelphia, Richard E, Call of Connecticut, and the Rev. J. Rowell of California, to name but a few. A list of these forgotten people is available from the editor-in-chief. It is hoped that interested students of malacological history will contribute additional information. A second edition is planned for 1976, and those persons not already included in this first one may apply for a free application form from the publisher of American Malacologists. Photographs or early sketches of deceased malacologists and amateur conchologists are particularly needed for use in a forthcoming edition. Plans have been launched to assemble and publish a European Malacologists and an International Malacologists. Details may be obtained from our editorial offices. *Author’s manuscripts which contain substantially more than 300 words are considered as scientific papers. They have each been evaluated by appropriate referees and those which are acceptable have been edited and are printed in this section. Shorter manuscripts are considered as abstracts. They have been edited (but not referred) and are printed in a following section. 8 HISTORICAL ANALYSIS 9 HISTORICAL ANALYSIS An analysis, however short, of the biographees is a measure of the current state of the science and hobby of malacology in the Americas. It should be born in mind that the contents in this first edition are far short of being a true representation of living malacologists, particularly from Central and South America. The first edition of American Malacologists contains approximately 1,000 living registrants. Of the 3,500 applications mailed to members of shell clubs in the United States, members of the American Malacological Union, the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, the National Shell- fisheries Association and subscribers to such scientific journals as The Nautilus and Indo-Pacific Mollusca, about one third responded. We believe that the appearance of the first edition of American Malacologists will stimulate a large proportion of the non-respondents to apply for listing in the second edition. Among the probable reasons for not submitting applications are a dislike of filling out questionaires; procrastination; lack of appreciation of the purposes and value of this project; present lack of interest in mollusks; and, in some cases, a feeling of not belonging in the directory. LIVING MALACOLOGISTS Geographical Distribution — A complete geograph- ical index of biographees is included in the book. The highest number of biographees (155) live in California. The 1971 membership of the Western Society of Malacologists consists of 164 Californian residents, indicating that a majority of the more serious malacologists of that state responded to our applications. Florida was second with 127 biograph- ees. Among the 10 leading states all were sea-board, except Pennsylvania and Illinois. The states having the most biographees are, in descending order, California (15%), Florida (13%), New York (7%), Texas (7%), Pennsylvania (5%), Massachusetts (3.5%), New Jersey (3.1%), North Carolina (3%), Illinois (2.8%), Maryland (2.6%). According to The Naturalists Directory of 1878, those interested in mollusks (205) were distributed as follows: New York (14%), California (13%), Massa- chusetts (11.5%), Ohio (11%), Pennsylvania (8%), Illinois (5%), and Florida less than 1%. By 1895, New York had dropped to 10%, and Florida had risen to 3%. Ever since colonial days the drift has been from the northeastern quarter of the nation to the southwest and southeast. Occupations — An accurate determination of the occupation of each biographee was sometimes difficult, and in some instances several occupations were listed for some people. The most difficult to ascertain properly was “housewife” or “homemaker”, a term generally applied to a wife or a female head of the household. Of the 200 women listed (20% of the total biographees), only 101 claimed “homemaker” as an occupation, and often this was supplemental to being a teacher, librarian or nurse. Among the 1,000 living registrants we found the following full or part-time occupations or activities. College professors (assistant prof, and above) 147 14.7 Homemakers; housewives 101 10.1 School teachers (below college level) 92 9.2 Authors of popular books and textbooks 58 5.8 Editors or consultants of professional mollusk journals 57 5.7 Museum directors 5 .5 Occupations of Professional Malacologists (of 400 persons) Systematists; taxonomists; museum curators 107 27.0 Marine biologists (marine or zoologists) 106 26.5 Shellfishery biologists 86 21.5 Freshwater and land ecologists; limnologists 73 18.2 Paleontologists ; Paleoconchologists 57 14.2 Parasitologists 12 3.0 Entomologists 8 2.0 Ethnoconchologists 3 .7 10 R. TUCKER ABBOTT Occupations of Amateur Conchologists (of 600 persons) Homemakers (active or retired) 101 17.0 Teachers (below college level) 84 14.0 Physicians 44 7.3 Shell dealers 33 5.5 Engineers (civil, electrical, etc.) 29 4.9 Chemists, biochemists 27 4.5 Newspaper reporters; journalists 17 2.8 Accountants; statisticians 16 2.6 Professional artists; illustrators 14 2.3 U.S. Navy career personnel 14 2.3 Nurses 13 2.1 Ministers, priests, missionaries 9 1.5 Attorneys and judges 9 1.5 Librarians 9 1.5 Sociologists; social workers 7 1.1 Current Research Activities — The responses of the 400 living professional malacologists to the query concerning research activities was quite naturally a blend of past interest, research accomplishments and competency in certain subjects, on the one hand, and of current, new, exploratory research and awakening interests, on the other hand. It would also be expected that with some research workers interests would vary from year to year. In general terms, below are the research areas most frequently mentioned by the 400 professionals; Systematic research — The nature of the question on the application did not permit an adequate response. Some research systematists are currently active in several groups of mollusks, but undoubtedly felt that their mention was not significant. It was surprising to learn how few competent taxonomists were currently working on some of the larger and more important families, such as the Turridae, Conidae, Cardiidae, Veneridae, to mention but a few groups that probably have less than a half-dozen workers. Among the 100 families and genera being taxonomically investigated at present, the following Biology and ecology of bivalves 62 persons have the most workers: Biology of oysters 48 Marine community studies 48 Unionidae 28 persons Marine mollusk ecology 42 Pleuroceridae 13 Aquaculture or mariculture 41 Cephalopoda 10 Freshwater mollusk ecology 36 Corbicula 9 Embryology and development 31 Mactridae 8 Biology of gastropods 29 Turridae 6 Biochemistry of mollusks 24 Feeding habits 24 Pollution and oil spillage 22 Behavior of mollusks 22 Freshwater community studies 18 History of malacology 17 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. May 1974 DECEASED MALACOLOGISTS In the section of “Who Was Who in American Malacology,” containing brief biographies of 535 deceased persons, we attempted to add, when known, any biographical sources. Obituaries appearing in the leading malacological and paleontological journals were an important source, as well as the various editions of American Men of Science, Who’s Who, and Max Meisel’s A Bibliography of American Natural History. The occupations of these 535 were not unlike those of today, with teachers leading the field (127), then physicians (70), followed by paleontologists (54), ministers (20), newspaper editors and printers (17) and engineers (13). It has been said that many naturalists and malacologists live to a ripe old age. We made a distributional curve of the ages at death and apparently the adage has some truth in it. Of 215 shell collectors bom before 1850, one third of them lived to be over 81 years of age, 10 lived well into their 90’s. The group of 205 born between 1850 and 1900 fared a little better, one third living beyond 82 and 13 living well into their 90’s. Among the well-known malacological nonagen- arians were George H. Clapp of Pittsburgh (90), J. T. Gulick of Hawaii (91), Isaac Lea of Unionidae fame (94), E. L. Mark, embryologist at Harvard (99), H. A. Pilsbry of Philadelphia (94), two Cubans — Felipe Poey (90) and Carlos de la Torre (92), Julia Rogers who wrote The Shell Book (93) and D. Thaanum of Hawaii (96). But dying young was the fate also of many famous mollusk workers: C. B. Adams (of yellow fever at the age of 39); baptist preacher, Daniel Barnes, author of many new unionids, killed falling from a stagecoach at 43; Dr. Bruce Campbell died in 1973 at the age of 39, William M. Gabb (39), Thomas Say, America’s first conchologist of note (47), William Stimpson (49) and G. W, Tryon (49). Among the odd facts is the case of two malacologists born about a hundred years apart — both were born in Boston, both graduated from Harvard, both died at the age of 44, and both died in a hospital in Rome — the two were Amos Binney and Richard W. Foster. Four shell collectors have been killed by trains, two have died of accidental arsenic poisoning, one of them being Henry Hemphill who used this poison to cure small land snails. The first auto fatality occurred in 1909, when Henry A. Ward of Ward’s Natural History Establishment was killed. Lt. Joseph P. Couthouy, the Boston conchologist who survived the rigors of Wilkes’ U.S. Exploring Expedition in the 1830’s was felled by a bullet from a Confederate sniper’s rifle as he stood at the turret of his civil war vessel in the swamps of Louisiana. The earliest European shell collectors include John Josselyn (born 1618) who wrote about the shellfish of New England in 1672. The Roman Catholic priest, E. F. Kino, collected shells throughout the Gulf of California in 1685. An anonymous account of the oysters and mussels of Virginia was published in London in 1649. The first true systematic malac- ologist of American origin was Thomas Say of Philadelphia and, later, New Harmony, Indiana. American Malacologists, a 495-page, hardbound book, is available for $12.50 from the editorial headquarters at 6314 Waterway Drive, Falls Church, Virginia 22044. Biographees receive a 30 percent discount; institutional libraries a 10 percent discount. If billing is required, charges are made for postage and handling. 11 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. May 1974 THE EFFECTS OF RESERVOIR CONSTRUCTION AND CANALIZATION ON THE MOLLUSKS OF THE UPPER DELAWARE WATERSHED Willard N. Harman * Lakes are ephemera! geological phenomena. The most stable, although dynamic, aquatic biotopes are our major rivers. As would be expected, our greatest diversity of freshwater mollusks occur in these environments. Unfortunately, many of our rivers, including the Delaware, are becoming chains of impoundments. In the Northeast these are constructed primarily for flood control and urban water supplies. The construction of reservoirs in tropical climates has increased the populations of pulmonates that are vectors of schistosomiasis, causing serious health problems. However, the same impoundments eliminate mollusks specialized for existence in the erosional areas of rivers. Even snails adapted for life in impounded waters are often eliminated from comparatively deep, steep-sided reservoirs typical of those found in the Northeast. In lakes of this character, variable water levels preclude the development of stable shallow water communities. This has been so effective in removing snails that varying the water levels of impoundments has been used as a control measure for snails in tropical areas (Jobin, 1970). One of the most serious effects of the construction of reservoirs is the destablization of substrates and increased siltation. Canalization, often associated with the construction of highways, has the same effects, and has also been used for snail control (Palmer et al., 1969). As a result of these activities silt is often found in suspension. This has an abrasive action on molluscan shells that erodes the periostracum, allowing carbonic acids to quickly corrode the CaCOa layers underneath. It also affects light penetration, reducing primary productivity and decreasing the dissolved oxygen levels. When this silt is deposited, it fills the spaces between rocks reducing most of the surface area for the growth of organisms and eliminating many benthic species. Bivalves are quickly buried and gastropod eggs do not develop properly (Chutter, 1969). This same phenomenon also increases the possibility of adsorption and absorption of various toxic chemicals (Cairns, 1968). These activities have adversely affected more than three-fourths of the Delaware watershed north of the Beaverkill. The major streams exhibit vast reaches practically devoid of mollusks. In these waters, which * Dept, of Biology, S.U.N.'Y. at Oneonta, N.Y. 13820. are used as water supplies for New York City, the water levels fluctuate as much as 20m annually, and daily changes of 2 m have been recorded. Aquatic plants, that provide food and cover for many mollusks, are unable to grow, and adult mollusks and their eggs are often stranded completely out of the water. Drains from the deeper waters of these reservoirs normally maintain extremely low temperatures throughout the year in the streams below them. This reduces productivity, resulting in extremely low food supplies, very slow growth and inhibition of reproduction. Variable amounts of precipitation, typical of the Northeast, result in ephemerally large flows of water out of these reservoirs (compared to the usual restricted flow) which often flushes snails away in the downstream areas. This technique has also been artificially induced and utilized as a snail control procedure (Jobin and Ippen, 1964). Figure 1 illustrates a typical situation in which the species of mollusks present in an area increase as one moves downstream from the headwaters. Apparently this is a result of the waters becoming larger, more chemically and physically stable, and therefore more conducive to inhabitation. The example is the relatively undisturbed Chenango River in east-central New York State. The coarse stippling indicates areas where 10 or more species of mollusks are found; the fine stippling indicates from 5 to 9 species; the outlined areas, from 2 to 4; and no pattern indicates 1 or less. In the Delaware (Figure 2) we see the effects of reservoir construction and canalization. Note the normal increase in species numbers above the impoundments and how the populations are now isolated from each other in tributaries that enter the reservoirs. For 10 to 20 miles below the reservoirs the cold water precludes the development of stable populations although some specimens are found that have presumably washed from the tributaries. Canalization along route 17 (the heavy dark line) has disrupted species along its right of way. It can be seen that where meanders of the river were left undisturbed, greater numbers of species still maintain themselves. The group most seriously affected appears to be the larger bivalves. The only habitat that retains an apparently normal bivalve fauna is just above the Cannonsville reservoir. In that locality we have collected Anodonta cataracta, Alasmidonta undulata. 12 EFFECTS OF RESERVOIR CONSTRUCTION 13 Fig. 1, Chenango River, New York. Fig. 2, Upper Delaware River, New York. See text for explanation. 14 WILLARD N. HARMAN A marginata, Strophitus undulatus and Elliptio complanata, along with the prosobranchs Campeloma decisum and Amnicola limosa and several pulmonate snails, including the limpet Ferrissia rivularis. In many other localities bivalves are absent and mollusks are represented only by a few tolerant pulmonates such as Gyraulus parvus, Helisoma spp. and Physa spp. LITERATURE CITED Cairns, J. 1968. Suspended solids standards for the protection of aquatic organisms. Purdue Univ. Eng. Bull. Part 1. 129: 16-27. Chutter, F. M. 1969. The effects of silt and sand on the invertebrate fauna of streams and rivers. Hydrobiologia 34: 57-76. Jobin, W. R. 1970. Control of Biomphalaria glabrata in a small reservoir by fluctuation of the water level. Amer. J. Tropical Med. and Hygiene 19: 1049-1054. Jobin, W. R. and A. T. Ippen. 1964. Ecological design of irrigation canals for snail control. Science 145: 1324-1326. Palmer, J. R., A. Z. Colon, F. F. Ferguson and W. R. Jobin. 1969. The control of schistosomiasis in Patillas, Puerto Rico. Publ. Health Rept. 84: 1003-1008. BIOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL CAUSES OF MORTALITY IN NEW ENGLAND CREPIDULA SPECIES K. Elaine Hoagland* Mortality in Crepidula species is notable for its seasonal and year-to-year variability (Adam and Leloup, 1934). It is of interest economically since Crepidula are attacked by many of the same predators as oysters, yet the two groups differ in susceptibility to physical mortality factors (Korringa, 1946). This present report summarizes preliminary qualitative investigations into causes of death in adult populations of C. fornicata, C. plana, and C. convexa, the three species found in New England. Table 1 details known causes of death and reduced viability in New England Crepidula. Except where a literature citation is given, data were obtained from field observations at Nahant, Woods Hole, Vineyard Haven, and Duxbury, Massachusetts, supplemented by laboratory tests. Some factors are not by themselves usually fatal, but contribute to mortality in concert with other factors (see asterisks in Table 1). Such synergistic effects have been demonstrated in the laboratory. For example, C. fornicata stressed by low oxygen were more adversely affected by a temperature increase from 10 C to 20 C than were animals held under continuous aeration. Oxygen needs increase with temperature in metabolic processes. Crepidula maintained on suboptimal food were more easily pried loose by crabs and starfish than well-fed animals. In nature, those animals whose shells are infested by Cliona or Polydora must put energy into shell repair that they would otherwise use in body maintenance and reproduction. Also, a shell riddled by Cliona provides increased surface area for fungal growth. * Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. 02138. Interspecific competition for space is often a factor in death of Crepidula. It forces them into marginal habitats, where they are less well protected against physical causes of mortality and more available to predators. Marginal habitats for C. fornicata at Nahant are the rocky-shore tidepools surrounded by soft, unsuitable substrate and by submerged rocks covered with algae. Temperature fluctuations and exposure to the air at low tide cause high mortality of spat in these tidepools. Fast-growing barnacles and colonial tunicates sometimes grow over Crepidula and kill them outright, as observed on spat collectors put out at Woods Hole. Crepidula maintained in water tables in the laboratory are often attacked by fungi, bacteria, and protozoa. Only in areas of restricted circulation are these factors expected to be important in nature. Crepidula are also attacked by trematode cercaria; they commonly cause resorption of the gonads without killing the adult. Chemicals such as copper sulfate are used commercially to kill Crepidula on oyster shells (Walne, 1956). All three New England species thrive in water containing organic pollution and oil scum, although large amounts of oil interfere with respiratory and feeding functions of the gill. Exact ranking of mortality factors is not yet possible, but different rank orders are expected for different geographical areas and substrate types. Off Vineyard Haven, in 10 to 20 feet of water on a muddy bottom, starfish are very abundant and predacious gastropods are rare. Less than 1% of empty shells examined had been drilled. In Woods Hole, drilling gastropods are relatively unimportant macropredators compared with flatworms, crabs, and starfish, yet about 5% of all C. fornicata beach shells collected in one year were drilled. The percentage was less for the other species. The proportion of drilled CAUSES OF MORTALITY IN CREPIDULA 15 shells increases in summer months. Drilled C. fornicata fall between 15 and 25 mm in length with few exceptions, showing predator size-selection. Only one of a sample of fifty C. fornicata kept in a tank with Urosalpinx cinerea and Nucella lapillus from September to April was drilled, indicating low winter predation by these organisms. Both snails have been observed feeding on C. fornicata in Woods Hole, the locality from which specimens for the experiment were collected. A look at Table 1 reveals that C. fornicata is subject to a greater number of predators than the other two species. Crepidula living on rocky substrates are not subject to predation by Lunatia heros, but C. fornicata can be attacked if living in stacks on muddy bottoms. The animals directly in contact with the soft substrate in which Lunatia live are vulnerable. Stacking of C. fornicata increases local density and consequently these animals are more affected by such density-dependent predators as starfish. Hancock (1955) and Paine (1969) have reported that starfish establish food-preference hierarchies based on energy value and ease of capture of prey. Starfish should take C. fornicata when it is the most abundant (in terms of biomass) and easily-obtained species among available prey. Laboratory studies revealed that small starfish up to 150 mm in diameter can detach healthy C. fornicata up to 20 mm in length, so they are restricted to the juveniles and males at the top of the stacks. In Vineyard Haven, however, large starfish take a heavy toil on C. fornicata adults which range from 20 to 50 mm long (John S. Rankin, personal communication). Of stacked C. fornicata dredged from mud off Vineyard Haven, 80% were infested with boring worms, and 30% with Cliona. Such shell infestations are less common in animals attached to rocks, and are rare in animals found at the low tide line. Tide line populations are so often killed by abiotic factors and washed ashore that their shells are poor homes for boring symbionts. The alga Codium fragile is responsible for deaths of stacked C. fornicata. It attaches to clumps of shells, and as it grows, it floats them and increases the chances of their being washed ashore. This is very important in the Vineyard Haven population, where Codium is a recent invader (Fralick and Mathieson, 1973) to which Crepidula has not evolved a protective mechanism. Another unusual mode of death in C. fornicata comes about when the snails attach to the underside of a horseshoe crab which then molts or dies and the crab’s carapace or body washes ashore, stranding the Crepidula. Crepidula plana is subject to the same causes of mortality as C. fornicata when located on an exposed surface. In its preferred habitat inside an empty snail shell it is less easily destroyed by macropredators, except flatworms. A shell also occupied by a hermit crab offers even greater protection. Spat settlement experiments showed that C. plana settled preferentially on shaded, concave surfaces and that spat attaching to exposed surfaces subsequently moved to protected areas. Among the Crepidula, C. plana has the least clinging ability for its size, and its habit of living in a protected cavity has partially reduced the need fot a strong foot. When protected space is limited, C. plana spat settle on rocks and suffer high mortality. Crepidula conuexa has the greatest tolerance to desiccation and changes in salinity and temperature of the three species. It usually lives on the shells of living gastropods, thereby being subject to the host’s predators. It is the most mobile of the Crepidula, and therefore is not as affected by overgrowth or other interspecific competition. Population density of C. conuexa is lower than for the other species in all localities studied. Numbers are regulated primarily by restricted births — fewer eggs are laid per female (60-300 per brood) than for either C. plana (2,000-9,000) or C. fornicata (4,000-15,000). Low density and small size of individuals make C. conuexa insignificant prey to drilling snails and other large predators. In the Crepidula species, as in all living organisms, “old age’’ death takes place through intrinsic deterioration of body processes (referred to as accumulation of somatic mutations). In all species, mortality rate is inversely proportional to age and size. Major predators change with substrate type and water depth as well as with the species. Species differences in mortality are based partly on ecological specializations such as substrate preference. The ratio of abiotic to biotic mortality depends on the time of year, water depth, and density and age structure of the population. C. fornicata is vulnerable to the greatest number and intensity of mortality factors, due to its size, abundance, and orientation on exposed surfaces. It has the highest reproduction rate and is the most densely packed of the three species in the regions studied. It acts as an energy funnel from the plankton to carnivores and decomposers. Where plentiful, C. fornicata absorbs a large portion of the energy of the ecosystem and plays a key role in energy flow and nutrient cycling. Therefore, its means of death are important factors in ecosytem interactions. C. plana and C. conuexa are not present in such quantity as to play this role. Extrinsic mortality factors place selection pressure on life history parameters such as birth rate and age at maturity. In C. fornicata, populations living in stacks on muddy substrates are subject to density-dependent predation. We expect an evolutionary trend toward production of fewer offspring with more energy devoted to each one. On the other hand, populations living on rocks at the low tide line are subject to intense density-independent mortality from physical factors. For these individuals, there should be a tendency toward greater numbers of offspring. In the Woods Hole area, the two habitats TABLE 1: SOME MORTALITY FACTORS IN NEW ENGLAND POPULATIONS OF CREPIDULA 16 K. ELAINE HO AG LAND CAUSES OF MORTALITY IN CREPIDULA 17 are connected by a planktonic larval stage and no genetic isolation occurs, hence these trends are not realized. Yet there is an environmentally-induced mechanism by which animals living in the dense populations are able to postpone the sex change from male to female and effectively reduce the number of offspring produced in the lifetime of each individual. This kind of adjustment in reproduction can be considered as an energy-saving defense against predators which attack only when there are large numbers of the prey species available. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I thank R. D. Turner for helpful suggestions and for reading the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Adam, W. and E. Leloup. 1934. Sur la presence du gasteropode Crepidula fornicata (Linne, 1758) sur la cote Beige. Bull. Musee royal d’Histoire nat. de Belgique, 10: 1-6. Fralick, R. A. and A. C. Mathieson. 1973. Ecological studies of Codium fragile in New England, U.S.A. Mar. Biol. 19: 127-132. Frank. P. W. .1965. The biodemography of an intertidal snail population. Ecology, 46: 831-844, 8 figs. Hancock, D. A. 1955. The feeding behavior of starfish on Essex oyster beds. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U. K., 34: 313-331. Korringa, P. 1946. The decline of natural oyster beds. Basteria, 10: 36-41. Korringa, P. 1952. Recent advances in oyster biology. Quarterly Rev. Biol., 27: 266-308 and 339-365. Paine, R. T. 1969. The Pisaster-Tegula interaction: Prey patches, predator food preference, and intertidal community structure. Ecology, 50: 950-961. Verrill, A. E. and S. I. Smith. 1874. Report upon the invertebrate animals of Vineyard Sound and adjacent waters, with an account of the physical features of the region. In Report of Prof. S. F. Baird on the Condition of the Sea-fisheries of the South Coast of New England in 1871 and 1872, Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 295-747. Walne, P. R. 1956. Biology and distribution of Crepidula fornicata in Essex rivers. Fish. Invest. London, Ser. II, 20: 1-50, 33 figs. REMARKS ON THE MARINE MOLLUSCAN FAUNA OF NORTHERN SOUTH AMERICA Donald R. Moore* I think that most people believe the northern coast of South America — from French Guiana to Panama — to be a tropical paradise: sandy beaches with coconut palms and the coral reef lying a little offshore. This is far from the truth. Nearly half of this coastline is low lying, swampy, and with muddy bottom offshore. The remainder of the coast is largely mountainous, and the bottom usually drops away rapidly. There are some few islands with coral reefs between Trinidad and Aruba, a distance of around 750 kilometers. Corals live, of course, along the rocky shoreline of the mountainous area, but the only reef development may be along the sides of small steep sided bays indenting the coastline. The bottom of the bay is soft mud, while sand is usually found offshore along the open coast. The molluscan fauna is composed of wide-ranging West Indian species and an endemic element that is as yet rather poorly known. While the mollusks have been somewhat neglected, a number of papers have been published during the last 100 years. Among these are Higgins (1876), Dautzenberg (1900), Bentham Jutting (1927), Coomans (1958), Rodriguez *Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, FL. 33149. (1959), Rehder (1962), Bullis (1964), Work (1969), Kaufmann and Getting (1970), and Altena (1971). Some of the above investigations were confined to coral reef areas. Most of the species listed in these works are common to much of the tropical western Atlantic. In the paper by Altena (1971), however, on the bivalve Mollusca of Surinam, approximately 25% of the species comprise the endemic faunal element. One third of these have been recently described by Altena. In November 1972, I visited the Instituto Colombo- Aleman, Santa Marta, Colombia. While there I collected by diving in shallow water on both sandy and rocky bottoms and also on a small coral reef clinging to the side of Ensenada de Concha. The most interesting material, however, came from a series of bottom grabs from the muddy bottom of the bay, 20 to 35 m in depth. These samples contained considerable numbers of small gastropods and scaphopods but these were greatly outnumbered by the bivalves. Two species of Nucula, N. dalmasi Dautzenberg, 1900, and N. venezuelana Weisbord, 1964, were fairly common. Both species have been reported from Surinam by Altena and both are known only from the northern coast of South America. Other bivalves included 18 DONALD R. MOORE Nuculana chazaliei (Dautzenberg, 1900), and Tellina versluysi Dautzenberg, 1900. Santa Marta is the type locality for both species. Limopsis antillensis Dali, 1881, would have been a surprise, but Altena had already found it at Surinam. The most abundant bivalve appears to be a small lucinoid, Parvilucina (Microloripes) clenchi (Altena, 1968). There were hundreds of specimens, many showing signs of maturity, but the largest was only 1.2 mm long. Of the above identified species, Limopsis antillensis and Tellina versluysi (this species synonymized with T. martinicensis d’Orbigny by Boss, 1966) range into the northern Caribbean. The others appear to be confined to the northern coast of South America. This work, of course, covers much too small a proportion of the fauna to enable more than a general statement to be made. However, it is now apparent that a number of shallow water species are only found along the northern coast of South America. The percentage of species making up this portion of the fauna will not be known for some time. As stated above, a rough count of Altena’s bivalves from Surinam shows about 25% endemic to the region. I expect that this figure is too high since Surinam is a mud and sand region, but it does indicate the presence of an important faunal element in the tropi- cal western Atlantic. LITERATURE CITED Altena, C. O. Van Regteren. 1971. The marine Mollusca of Surinam (Dutch Guiana) Holocene and Recent. Part H. Bivalvia and Scaphopoda. Zool. Verb., 119: 1-100, 10 pis., 1 map. Benthem Jutting, T. van. 1927. Marine mollusks of the island of Curacao. Bidjr. Dierk.,25: 1-36. Boss, Kenneth J. 1966. The subfamily Tellininae in the western Atlantic. The genus Tellina (Part I). Johnsonia, 4 (45): 217-272, pis. 127-142. Bullis, Harvey R., Jr. 1964. Muricidae (Gastropoda) from the northeast coast of South America, with description of four new species. Tulane Stud. Zook, 11 (4): 99-107, 1 pi. Coomans, Henry C. 1958. A survey of the littoral , Gastropoda of the Netherlands Antilles and other Caribbean Islands. Stud. Fauna Curacao, 8: 42-111, 16 pis. Dautzenberg, Ph. 1900. Croisieres du yacht Chazalie dans I’Atlantique. Mollusques. Mem. Soc. Zool. France, 13: 145-265, pis. 9-10. Higgins, H. H. 1876. Mollusca of the Argo Expedition to the West Indies. Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Liverpool, 31:405-423,1 pi. Kaufmann, R. and K.*J. Getting. 1970. Prosobranchia aus dem Litoral der karibischen Kuste Kolumbiens. Helgolander wiss. Meeresunters., 21: 33-398, 148 figs. Rehder, Harald. 1962. Contribucion al conocimiento de los moluscos marines del archipielago de Los Roques y La Archila. Mems. Soc. Cienc. nat. ‘La Salle’, 22: 116-138. Rodriguez, G. 1959. The marine communities of Margarita Island, Venezuela. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf & Carib., 9 (3): 237-280, 26 figs. Work, Robert C. 1969. Systematics, ecology, and distribution of the mollusks of Los Roques, Venezuela. Bull. Mar. Sci., 19 (3): 614-711, 4 figs. DIPLODON CHARRUANUS (d’Orbigny): A REVISION Juan J. Parodiz* The species Diplodon charruanus (d’Orbigny, 1835) (Unionacea, Hyriidae) is typical of, and almost restricted to, Uruguay. Although it is abundant, within the genus it is one of the species most frequently misidentified. While revising several museum collections I found many specimens labelled D. charruanus which belong to several different species, and also the true D. charruanus under other species names. Furthermore, in the literature its synonymy has included many names which are not synonyms. Such confusion is not just the result of the variability of the species; actually D. charruanus is less variable than species in other groups of Diplodon, e.g. D. delondontus (Lamarck) and D. burroughianus (Lea). D. charruanus was described by d’Orbigny in 1835 and it was repeated with added illustrations in 1842. *Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, PA. 15213. The type lot was accessioned in the British Museum in 1854. Johnson (1971 ) designated a lectotype from the Rosario River, Dept, of Colonia, Uruguay, plus 12 lectoparatypes. In 1868, G. B. Sowerby II gave a description under the name Unio charruanus, but his illustration was entitled as belonging to the “var.” rhuacoicus. Actually the illustration is of typical D. charruanus, Sowerby having confused the original figures in d’Orbigny. Diplodon rhuacoicus (d’Orbigny) is an entirely different species but the mistake was perpetuated in the literature. Even Ortmann (1921) synonymized D. rhuacoicus under D. charruanus. In 1914 Simpson supplemented the previous descriptions of D. charruanus from observations he made on specimens from Isaac Lea’s collection. Lea had indicated that the specimens had been received from d’Orbigny. Thus, in each of the three descriptions of D. charruanus up to that time, those of d’Orbigny, Sowerby and Simpson, there are DIPLODON CHARRUANUS 19 indicated characteristics in each which are lacking in the other two. Meanwhile, it had been overlooked that Lea in 1860 had described a new species as Unio lepidus, a name which, being preoccupied, Lea himself changed to lepidior in 1870. Its description contains all the characteristics which the other authors had added to D charruanus and the illustration also shows it to be that species. In his very important work “South American Naiads” Ortmann (1921) produced a redescription of Diplodon charruanus. It was exhaustive in every detail, but unfortunately, none of the specimens that Ortmann had at that time in the Carnegie Museum collection were actually D. charruanus. Surprisingly, he too overlooked the mistakes of Sowerby and Lea. The specimens he referred to as D. charruanus from Santa Isabel in Uruguay belong to another species described by Ortmann himself as Diplodon berthae. On the pages following D. charruanus, Ortmann also gave a full description of Diplodon piceus (Lea). This was what Haas (1930) thought to be the true D. charruanus, and in most modern collections this is the species labelled as D. charruanus. Recently I had the opportunity to revise the collection at the Seckenberg Museum studied by Haas and I found that in the lots he had labelled D. charruanus, specimens of D. charruanus and D. piceus are mixed. The main difference that Ortmann found between the specimens he called D. charruanus and D. piceus was that the first grows from nonparasitic and hookless glochidia, while in D. piceus he detected hooks. These facts were confirmed by Bonetto working on living material, but it must be remembered that Ortmann had seen only glochidia of D. berthae, which is hookless and non-parasitic as in D. charruanus. Because of this similarity in larvae, Bonetto, following Haas’ synonymy, included D. berthae under D. charruanus. Owing to confused nomenclature, and the large number of names wrongly accepted as synonyms, it was believed that D. charruanus had a wide distribution in the Parana, Uruguay and La Plata rivers. Actually D. charruanus does not inhabit the large rivers but is found only in smaller streams of Uruguay, mainly in the southwest, although a few populations have also been recorded from across the border in the southernmost part of Brazil. The shells of Diplodon charruanus have a shiny green-brownish periostracum, darker on the posterior half, with angulated posterior margin. The umbos show strong radial sculpture, and the posterior wing is marked with flutings. The cardinal tooth is trifid. It does not demonstrate unusual clinal variation. Diplodon piceus differs by its opaque, totally black periostracum, less angulated posterior and more oval outline, virtual absence of a wing and absence of flutings. The cardinal tooth is less complex than in D. charruanus, bifid but stronger. The valves are generally thicker and heavier. Gerontic specimens, especially those from rapid streams, have eroded umbones and look like D. uruguayensis (Lea). It occupies a larger geographical area extending from the Argentina province of Entre Rios across central Uruguay into southern Brazil and exhibits conspicuous clinal variation. When these differences are recognized, it is not difficult to separate the two species. Often it has been said that species in the genus Diplodon are very difficult, or sometimes impossible, to tell apart by the shells alone. That is an overstatement. Larval features are of course of great importance in distinguishing genera, subgenera, or groups of species. At the species level, however, two species which in the larval stage may look almost identical may show features in their subsequent development into adults which are remarkable enough to distinguish them completely. LITERATURE CITED Haas, F. 1930/31. Versuch einer kritischen Sichtung der sudamerikanischen Najaden. Senckenbergiana 12 (4/5): 175, 13 (1): 30; (2): 87. Johnson, R. I., 1971. The types and figured specimens of Unionacea (Mollusca, Bivalvia) in the British Museum (Natural History). Bull, of the British Mus. (Nat. Hist.). 20(3): 73-108, 2 pis. Lea, I. 1860. Descriptions of fifteen new species of Uruguayan Unionidae. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia 12:90-92. Lea, I. 1870. A synopsis of the Family Unionidae, Fourth Edition [etc.]. Philadelphia, pp. i-xxx + 25-184. d’Orbigny, A. 1835. Synopsis terrestrium et fluviatilium molluscorum in suo per Americanum Meridionalum itinere. Mag. de Zool., 1835. d’Orbigny, A. 1842. Voyage dans I’Amerique Meridionale. Paris. Ortmann, A. E. 1921. South American Naiades. . . . Mem. Carnegie Mus. 8: 451-670, pis. 34-48. Simpson, C. T. 1914. A descriptive catalogue of the naiades, or pearly fresh-water mussels, i-xii -i- 1-1540. Bryant Walker, Detroit. Sowerby, G. B. II. 1868. Monograph on the Genus Unio. Conch. Icon. 16 (1), pi. 93, fig. 505. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. May 1974 ■> MOLLUSKS FROM M/V EASTWARD STATIONS 11542 AND 11545 EAST OF CHARLESTON, S.C. Hugh J. Porter Sand-inhabiting fauna east of Charleston, South Carolina, was sampled twice on March 16, 1969 during cruise E-50L-69 of the Duke University M/V Eastward while searching for a southern extension of the offshore-reef system of North Carolina (Macintyre and Pilkey , 1969, Menzies ct a/. ( 1966). Sampling at both stations (#11542 & 11545, see Table 1) was by “small biological trawl”, bar mesh size. Sediment from each station was washed through a series of wire screens, the smallest having 1/8 bar mesh and screened remains were sorted under a binocular microscope. Fine sand occurred at #11542 but that at #11545 was much coarser and was difficult to wash through the 1/8” mesh screen. The latter station was also near a small ridge. Station # 11545 (coarse sand and 50 m depth) contained 90 species of mollusks (Table 2). Species most abundant were: Solariella lacunella, Anachis pretrii cf., Psarostola minor, Prunum uirginianum, Viridrillia cerviana, Cadulus quadridentalus, Dentalium sowerbyi, D. taphrium, and Notocorbula operaculata. Few bivalve species were abundant. The deeper water station #11542, with its fine-grained sediment, had only 63 species of mollusks represented (Table 2). Most abundant were: Arene variabilis, Niso aeglees, Olivella bullula, Terebra protexta, Turbonilla cf. dalli. Scaphander watsoni, Dentalium laqueatum, D. sowerbyi, Nucula crenulata, Nuculana acuta, Limopsis sulcata, Tellina squamifera, Verticordia fisheriana, and V. ornata. The abundance of bivalves at this station unlike the previous may be attributed partly to the fineness of its substrate. Of 144 different mollusks reported, 28 may be new records for South Carolina waters (Table 2). Only ten species occurred at both stations and of these only one, Dentalium sowerbyi, was common at both. Shoemaker (1972) listed 48 molluscan species occurring on the South Carolina offshore calcareous reefs. Of these, only eight were similar to those from the sandy area of #11545 and 11542. The overlap of occurrence by these reef mollusks for station #11545 was 9% and for station #11542 was 0%. This low degree of overlap may have been affected by the rock dredge used by Shoemaker. His dredge had larger mesh size than the “small biological trawl” and thus was unable to retain smaller forms. Comparison of molluscan species caught (unpublished U.N.C. Institute of Marine Sciences data) from the calcareous reef area off the North Carolina coast, 50-140 m depth, with species from stations #11545 and 11542, shows a much greater similarity than that exhibited by the samples of Shoemaker and stations #11545 and 11542. Sixty-nine percent of the mollusks of station #11545 and 57% of the mollusks of #11542 have also been collected from North Carolina reefs. Samples from the North Carolina reef area were taken by “small biological trawl” and the rock dredge. Although most North Carolina samples are from reef outcroppings, some included varying amounts of sand from the back- and fore-reef areas. This latter may account for the greater species overlap between the North Carolina and the #11545 and #11542 areas than between the Shoemaker species and those from #11545 and 11542 stations. Comparison was also made of molluscan species caught (unpublished U.N.C. Institute of Marine Sciences data) from a shallow area (26-29 m depth) east of Cape Fear, North Carolina, containing a bed of Glycymeris americana (Table 1) with those from stations #11545 and 11542. Forty-eight percent of the mollusks from station #11545 and 11% from #11542 had also been collected on the glycymerid bed. Analysis of data suggests that molluscan fauna from the two stations, #11545 and #11542, is quite diverse and that the fauna of each station is dissimilar. As station #11545 (50 m depth) exhibits a greater overlap of molluscan species with the glycymerid bed (26-29 m depth) than does #11542 (depth 150 m), it is suggested that much of this dissimilarity may be attributed to depth. Further, the high degree of species overlap between the area of stations #11545 and 11542 and the calcareous reef area off the North Carolina coast suggests a definite faunal relationship between these two areas. LITERATURE CITED *University of North Carolina, Institute of Marine Sciences, Morehead City, NC. 28557 20 Macintyre, I. G. and O. H. Pilkey. 1969. Tropical reef corals: tolerance of low temperatures on the North Carolina continental shelf. Science 166: 374-375. MOLLUSKS FROM EASTWARD STATIONS 21 Menzies, R. J., O. H. Pilkey, B. W. Blackwelder, Deborah Dexter, P. Huling, and L. McCloskey. 1966. A submerged reef off North Carolina. Int. TABLE 1. Station locality data. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol. 51: 393-431. Shoemaker, A. H. 1972. Reef mollusks of South Carolina. Nautilus 85: 114-120. Station # Lat. Long. Depth Subsirate E11542 32 41.9’N 78 23.5’W 130 meters Fine sand E11545 32°41.8’N 78°34.6’W 50 meters Coarse sand D.M. 0232 33°28.5’N 77°27.5’W 26-29 meters Shell-sand E=M/V Eastward; D.M.=M/V Dan Moore. Station #E11545 is approximately 8 miles west of #E11542. STATION E11545 E11542 ARCHITECTONIDAE TABLE 2. Species recorded from stations #E11542 & E11545. STATION E11545 E11542 FISSURELLIDAE Diodora cayenensis (Lamarck) R ACMAEIDAE *Acmaea cf. leucopleura (Gmelin) R TROCHIDAE Calliosloma pulchrum (C. B. Adams) R Microgaza rolella Dali Solariella lacunella (Dali) A* Solariella lamellosa (Verrill & Smith) TURBINIDAE Arene tricarinala (Stearns) R* Arene variabilis (Dali) PHASIANELLIDAE *Tricolia bella (M. Smith) R Tricolia tlialassicola Robertson C VITRINELLIDAE Aerotrema cistronium (Dali) C Unknown sp. Heliacus bisulcatus (Orbigny) R Philippia krebsii (Morch) R TURRITELLIDAE Turritella acropora Dali C Turritella exolela (Linne) R CERITHIDAE Litiopa melanostoma Rang R Seila adamsi (H. C. Lea) R R TRIPHORIDAE Trifora sp. R C* EPITONIIDAE Epitonium novangliae (Couthouy) R* EULIMIDAE Niso aeglees A* Bush Unknown sp. CALYPTRAEIDAE Calyplraea centralis (Conrad) C* ERATOIDAE Erato maugeriae (Gray) R Trivia antillarum Schilder R *before scientific name = possible range extension into South Carolina waters; *following station information = live specimens found. R = rare (Ispecimen); C = common (2-9 specimens); A = abundant (10 or more specimens). < C£i 22 HUGH J. PORTER ATLANTIDAE Atlanta peroni Lesueur NATICIDAE Natica pusilla Say Polinices lacteus (Guilding) Sigatica carolinensis (Dali) MURICIDAE Murex leuiculus (Dali) Murex rubidus F. C. Baker Unknown sp. COLUMBELLIDAE *Anachis calliglypta (Dali and Simpson) *Anachis cf. petrii (Duclos) Anachis translirata (Ravenel) Mitrella lunata (Say) Mitrella raveneli (Dali) Psarostola minor (C. B. Adams) BUCCINIDAE Antillophos candei (Orbigny) Cantharus tinctus (Conrad) Colubraria lanceolata (Menke) NASSARIDAE Nassarius albus (Say) Nassarius trivittatus (Say) OLIVIDAE ?*Oliuella bullula (Reeve) MARGINELLIDAE Bullata ovuliformis (Orbigny) Marginella aureocincta Stearns Prunum virginianum Conrad MITRIDAE Mitra hendersoni (Rehder) Uromitra wandoensis (Holmes) C C* R C* R A* R C A* R R C* C* C A* R C TURRIDAE Ancistrosyrinx radiata C Dali Bactrocylhara cf. sp. *Brachycythara barbarae Q Lyons *Cerodrillia bealiana (Schwengel and McGinty) *Cryoturris citronella C (Dali) cf. Cryoturris sp. Daphnella morra (Dali) *Eubela cf. mcgintyi Schwengel *Glyphostoma gabbii Dali Inodrillia aepynota (Dali) C *Ithycythara lanceolata (C. B. Adams) *Ithycythara parkeri Abbott *Ithycythara psila (Bush) Kurtziella cf. limonitella (Dali) C Viridrillia cervina Bartsch ^ Unknown sp. TEREBRIDAE Terebra protexta (Conrad) PYRAMIDELLIDAE Turbonilla cf. dalli (Bush) *Turbonilla winkleyi Bartsch Turbonilla sp. 1 Turbonilla sp. 2 Turbonilla sp. 3 ^ Turbonilla sp. 4 ACTEONIDAE Acteon punctostriatus A* (C. B. Adams) ACTEOCINIDAE Cylichna cf. verrilli C (Dali) Unknown sp. SCAPHANDRIDAE Scaphander watsoni Dali PHILINIDAE *Philine cf. planata Dali *Philine tincta Verrill R R R C A* R R OO O O 0> ?30 OOO MOLLUSKS FROM EASTWARD STATIONS 23 BULLIDAE Bulla occidentalis A. Adams ATYIDAE ?*Atys cf. caribaea (Orbigny) RETUSIDAE Retusa caelata (Bush) SIPHONODENTALIIDAE Cadulus agassizii Dali Cadulus carolinensis Bush *Cadulus minusculus Dali Cadulus quadridentatus (Dali) DENTALIIDAE Dentalium laqueatum Verrill Dentalium sowerbyi Guilding Dentalium taphrium Dali NUCULIDAE Nucula crenulata A. Adams *Nucula delphinodonta Mighels NUCULANIDAE Nuculana acuta (Conrad) Nuculana aspecta (Dali) *Yoldia sapotilla (Gould) SOLEMYIDAE *Solemya cf. occidentalis (Deshayes) ARCIDAE Arcopsis adamsi (E. H. Smith) GLYCYMERIDAE Tucetona pectinata (Gmelin) LIMOPSIDAE Limopsis sulcata Verrill and Bush MYTILIDAE Amygdalum cf. papyria (Conrad) *Crenella cf. fragilis (Verrill) PECTINIDAE Aequipecten muscosus (Wood) Chlamys benedicti Verrill and Bush R R A* A* A* C* R* C* c* c c c c c c A A* A C* A* C R R A* C PROPEAMUSIIDAE Cyclopecten nanus Verrill and Bush Cyclopecten thalassinus (Dali) LIMIDAE Limatula setifera Dali *Limatula subauriculata Montagu Limea bronniana (Dali) CHAMIDAE Chama macerophylla Gmelin ASTARTIDAE Astarte nana Dali *Astarte smithii Dali CRASSATELLIDAE Crassinella lunulata (Conrad) MESODESMATIDAE Ervilia concentrica (Holmes) TELLINIDAE Macoma tenta (Say) Tellina squamifera Deshayes Tellina probrina Boss Tellina sybaritica Dali SCROBICULARIDAE Abra lioica (Dali) SEMELIDAE Semele bellastriata (Conrad) Semele nuculoides (Conrad) Semele purpurascens (Gmelin) VENERIDAE Chione cancellata mazy ski Dali Chione latilirata Conrad Gouldia cerina (C. B. Adams) Macrocallista maculata (Linne) LUCINIDAE Lucina leucocyma Dali Phacoides filosus Stimpson C C C C C R* C c c* R C A* C c c* c* c* c* c* c* c* c* R* R* 24 HUGH J. PORTER UNGULINIDAE Diplodonla punctata (Say) (2 varieties) C THYASIRIDAE *Thyasira cf. gouldi (Philippi) CARDITIDAE Cardita dominguensis Orbigny C Venericardia perplana (Conrad) R Venericardia tridentata (Say) R* CORBULIDAE Corbula dietziana C. B. Adams C* Notocorbula operculata (Philippi) A* HIATELLIDAE Hiatella artica (Linne) R PANDORIDAE Pandora bushiana Dali C* Pandora inflata Boss and Merrill C* LYONSHDAE Lyonsia hyalina (Conrad) R* THRACHDAE *Cyathodonta semirugusa (Reeve) R POROMYIDAE Poromya granulata (Nyst & Westendorp) C* VERTICORDIIDAE Verticordia fisheriana Dali A* Verticordia ornata (Orbigny) A* CUSPIDARIIDAE Cardiomya costellata (Deshayes) C *Cuspidaria granulata (Dali) C * Cusp id aria turgid a Verrill and Bush C Unknown sp. R A REVISION OF THE MAINLAND SPECIES OF THE BULIMULID LAND SNAIL GENUS RABDOTUS W. L. Pratt, Jr.^ Six species of the genus Rabdotus Albers, 1850 are known to inhabit the North American mainland and are treated in the present study. An indeterminate number of species inhabiting the Baja California peninsula and adjacent islands will be the subject of future research. In the following checklist synonyms are given as they appear in Pilsbry (1946). Bulimulus dealbatus pasonis Pilsbry, 1902, for example, is cited as Bulimulus pasonis, following Pilsbry (1946); fuller synonymies as well as figures and descriptions of most of the taxa can be found in that work. For forms outside the range of Pilsbry (1946) the original description has been cited. Subgenus Rabdotus (s. str. ) Rabdotus dealbatus dealbatus (Say, 1821 ) (Synonymy: Bulimulus d. dealbatus (Say); B. d. liquabilis Reeve, 1848; B. d. neomexicanus Pilsbry, 1946; B. d. ozarkensis Pilsbry and Ferris, 1906). Northeastern Mexico to eastern Kansas, east to *Asst. Curator of Science, Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, Fort Worth, TX. 76107. western Louisiana, Arkansas, and Missouri. Disjunct colonies in relict grasslands in southern Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Alabama. R. d. neomexicanus is simply a disjunct population in the mountains of southern New Mexico. Similar large forms occur at various localities in east central Texas. Rabdotus dealbatus ragsdalei (Pilsbry, 1890) (Synonymy: Bulimulus dealbatus ragsdalei Pilsbry). A narrow zone west of the range of R. d. dealbatus in Texas, from the Red River to the Rio Grande. Rabdotus dealbatus durangoanus (Martens, 1893) (Synonymy: Bulimulus durangoanus Martens; B. pasonis Pilsbry, 1902; B. novoleonis Pilsbry, 1953). Chihuahuan desert from Durango and Nuevo Leon to southern New Mexico in desert mountains. This is the taxon formerly treated under the name Rabdotus pasonis and regarded as a distinct species (Pratt, 1969). In the mountains of southern New Mexico and adjacent Texas it overlaps R. d. dealbatus without interbreeding, as noted by Pilsbry (1946: 19). However, it intergrades with R. d. ragsdalei in Terrell County, Texas and with R. d. dealbatus on the eastern slope of the Sierra Madre Oriental in western BULIMULID LAND SNAIL 25 Nuevo Leon and eastern Coahuila. The type of Bulimulus novoleonis Pilsbry is a normal specimen of this taxon. Bulimulus durangoanus Martens is also based on this widespread Chihuahuan desert form and by the law of priority Marten’s name must replace the more familiar Bulimulus pasonis of Pilsbry. Rabdotus alternatus (Say, 1830) (Synonyms: Bulimulus alternatus alternatus (Say); B. a. mariae (Albers, 1850); B. a. hesperius Pilsbry and Ferriss, 1924; B. schiedeanus (Pfeiffer, 1841 );B. patriarcha (Binney, 1858), for figure and description see Binney, 1885. Val Verde, Bexar, and Jackson Counties, Texas, south to southern Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi; up valley of Rio Grande to above Presidio, Texas. Scattered disjunct colonies in Chihuahuan Desert of Chihuahua, Coahuila, and northern Durango, and in the rain shadow of Pico Orizaba in eastern Puebla and adjacent Vera Cruz and Oaxaca. Highly variable. The Chihuahuan desert and Puebla populations seem to be subspecifically distinct from those of south Texas and northeastern Mexico. The name Rabdotus alternatus hesperius (Pilsbry and Ferriss) is available for the Chihuahuan desert populations, from the Pecos River, Texas, westward and was also applied by Pratt (1969). The name Bulimulus schiedeanus (Pfeiffer) was first applied to these populations by Martens (1893), followed by Pilsbry (1946) and in part by Hubricht (1960) and Pratt (1969). It seems preferable, however, to restrict that name to the population in the Pico Orizaba rain shadow, which was considered typical by Martens (1893), which then becomes Rabdotus alternatus schiedeanus (Pfeiffer). In view of the protean variability of the species and in the absence of adequent material from Mexico it seems the wisest course to minimize the use of trinomens for the present. Rabdotus mooreanus mooreanus (Pfeiffer, 1868) (Synonymy: Bulimulus dealbatus mooreanus (Pfeiffer); B. schiedeanus pecosensis Pilsbry and Ferris.., 1906; B. mooreanus pecosensis P. & F., Hubricht, 1960). Texas, from Pecos River to border of pine-hardwood forests, Webb, Duval, and San Patricio Counties, north to Red River. Disjunct colonies in Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, and Missouri. As noted by Hubricht (1960) the southern limit of R. mooreanus seems to be determined by competition with R. alternatus. Although relict colonies of R. mooreanus occur within the range of R. alternatus, the two species never occur together at the same locality. Rabdotus mooreanus jonesi (Clench, 1937). (Synonomy: Bulimulus dealbatus jonesi Clench). Relict grasslands on the Selma chalk of west central Alabama and adjacent Mississippi. Hubricht (in litt.) has considered these populations to be introduced, but the character combination of R. m. jonesi is not matched by any material from west of the Mississippi River. It seems probable that the Alabama and Mississippi populations are xerothermal relicts, as are the grasslands in which they occur. Rabdotus nigromontanus (Dali, 1897) (Synonymy: Bulimulus nigromontanus Dali; B. sonorensis Vxlshry, 1928). Tumacacori Mountains of Santa Cruz County, Arizona south to Carbo, Sonora. The type material of Bulimulus sonorensis is not distinguishable from R. nigromontanus. Subgenus Hannarabdotus Emerson and Jacobson, 1964. Rabdotus pilsbryi (Ferriss, 1925) (Synonymy: Bulimulus pilsbryi Ferriss). Eastern Big Bend region of Texas and isolated localities near Jimenez, Chihuahua and Rodeo, Durango. Probably in desert mountains through much of the Chihuahuan desert. Rabdotus baileyi (Dali, 1893) (Synonymy: Bulimulus baileyi Dali). Sonoran Desert of Mexico from the Rio Magdalena, Sonora to northern Sinaloa. A disjunct (?) occurrence at Mazatlan. LITERATURE CITED Binney, W. G. 1885. A manual of American land snails. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 28: pp. 526. Dali, W. H. 1893. Land snails of the genus Bulimulus in Lower California, with descriptions of several new species. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 16: 639-647, pi. 71-72. Emerson, W. K. and M. K. Jacobson, 1964. Terrestrial mollusks of the Belvedere expedition to the Gulf of California. Trans. San Diego Soc. of Nat. Hist. 13: 313-332. Hubricht, L. 1960. The genus Bulimulus in southern Texas. Nautilus 74: 68-70. Martens, E. von. 1893. Biologia Central! Americana; Terrestrial and Freshwater Mollusca. (Date of pertinent fascicle; published from 1890 to 1901). Pilsbry, H.A. 1928. Mexican Mollusks. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 80: 115-117. Pilsbry, H. A. 1946. Land Mollusca of North America (north of Mexico). Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. Monogr. 3, 2(1): i-viii, 1-520. Pilsbry, H. A. 1953. Land mollusks from Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Nautilus 67: 46-47. Pfeiffer, L. 1841. Symbolae ad Historium Heliceorum (in three vols., 1841-1846) 1:43 (reference not seen). Pratt, W. L. 1969. A preliminary revision of the land snail genus Rabdotus in Texas. Ann. Rept. Amer. Malacol. Union 1969: 47-49. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. May 1974 TAXONOMIC PROBLEMS WITH INDO-PACIFIC TRICOLIA (PHASIANELLIDAE) Robert Robertson^ This is a progress report on a monograph of the Phasianellidae for “Indo-Pacific Mollusca” Eight Indo-West-Pacific species of Tricolia Risso, s. str., are being recognized, and three species in the subgenus Hiloa Pilsbry. Singled out for discussion here are the relationships between a pair of species of Tricolia, s. str., and the problems of categorizing species of Hiloa. Tricolia indica Winckworth ranges from western India to the Strait of Malacca and has a shell closely resembling that of a new species I am describing from East Africa (Kenya to the Somali Republic). These zoogeographic neighbors are the same shape and size and have similar sculpture. They differ in the coarseness of their sculpture, in their colors and patterns, in the presence or absence of an umbilical chink, in the thickness of the shell, and in the size of the first whorl. The two species are the only ones known in the family to have posterior median projections on the jaws. Initially, I was inclined to rank the new taxon as a subspecies of T. indica. Then I discovered that their radulae differ greatly. Relative to shell size, the radula of T. indica is much smaller than that of T. n.sp., has much smaller teeth, and has fewer marginals in much more curved and broadly overlapped transverse rows. T. indica has the innermost pair of laterals fused into a pseudocentral, and only three pairs of unfused laterals remain. The outermost marginals are widened, fused, and spinose. No other phasianellid radula is similar. I could name a new monotypic genus or subgenus based on T. indica, but I believe that such action would be wrong. Excepting the radula, the evidence points to T. indica being closely related to T. n.sp. There is a striking difference in the habitat of the two species. T. n.sp. lives among algae, as is usual for phasianellids. T. indica, on the other hand, lives on a siliceous sand bottom where there are no macroscopic plants and where the water is opaque with suspended detritus. I have collected the species off Cochin, India, and this habitat is unlike that of any other phasianellid. I suggest that T. indica has evolved a special, perhaps carnivorous diet and as a consequence has a special radula. Other data show that phasianellid radulae are more evolutionarily plastic than are the shells. I *Academy of Natural Sciences, Nineteenth and The Parkway, Philadelphia, PA. 19103 conclude that genera and subgenera should not be distinguished in any group of gastropods on radular characters alone. Radula differences should be considered in the context of the total biology of the animals. The subgenus Hiloa is endemic to the Indo-West-Pacific, and is the predominant group of minute phasianellids in the area. I have had available for study more than 5,800 specimens. Their sexually dimorphic shells and radulae have already been discussed in a preliminary paper (1971, A.M.U. Ann. Rept. for 1970, pp. 75-78, 2 figs.). Provisionally I am recognizing three latitudinally separated, allopatric species: Tricolia (Hiloa) megastoma (Pilsbry) from Japan, T. (H.) variabilis (Pease) from most of the tropical Indo-West-Pacific, and T.(H.) uirgo (Angas) from New South Wales, Australia. The only consistent differences noted between these is that the two subtropical species have larger first whorls of both the shell and the operculum; also, their periostracums are thicker. These characters could be climatically induced, and they may be shown to intergrade clinally. The Japanese species attains larger shell sizes than either of the others, but the size disparities between populations of T.(H.) variabilis are far greater. The Japanese species also has more pairs of marginal radular teeth, but the numbers of these correlate with shell size throughout the subgenus. Differences between populations of T.(H.) variabilis are more extreme than those supposedly differentiating the species. The following characters are shown to vary geographically: 1. The numbers of spiral threads or cords above the suture on the early teleoconch whorls 2. The percentages of shells that predominantly are spirally dotted or spirally lined 3. The maximum attained shell sizes 4. The numbers of pairs of marginal radular teeth in adults 5. The cusping of the pseudocentral radular teeth in adults Excepting characters 3 and 4, each shows a wholly different pattern of geographic variation. Thus there is a complex geographic mosaic of characters. A pelagic larval stage is suppressed, and the restriction of gene flow between populations helps to explain the origin and maintenance of the geographic polymorphism. Despite the polymorphism, there is no evidence for genetically definable subspecies. Such 26 PROBLEMS WITH TRICOLIA 27 taxa either would have to be based on a single character, or each population in the mosaic would have to be considered distinct. The whole subgenus may be one genetic continuum, in which case it would be far the most polymorphic marine gastropod species known. VERTICAL AND SEASONAL DISTRIBUTION OF PELAGIC CEPHALOPODS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA. PRELIMINARY REPORT. Clyde F. E. Roper^ Although benthic and neritic cephalopods of the Mediterranean Sea have been studied since Aristotle first observed Octopus behavior, the pelagic forms have received very little attention. The Mediterranean Biological Studies Program of the Smithsonian Institution, an outgrowth of the Ocean Acre Program in the Sargasso Sea (see Gibbs and Roper, 1970; Gibbs et. al, 1971), provided the opportunity to study in detail the midwater macrofauna with particular emphasis on diel vertical distribution of species and their seasonal and geographical variation in occurrence and abundance. The precision and detail required for collecting specimens for such a study was achieved through use of a net-closing device, the discrete-depth cod-end sampler, rigged to a 3 m Isaacs-Kidd Midwater Trawl (IKMT) (Aron et. al., 1964). This instrument permits collecting of three replicate samples at any desired depth during a single lowering of the trawl. The closing devices are actuated from shipboard through use of a multiconductor towing warp; monotoring of depth of net and ambient temperature permats precise placement and control of the fishing depth of the trawl during each tow. Five localities were selected as collecting stations (Figure 1) and were sampled during the summer of 1970 and the winter of 1972. The sampling regime consisted of IKMT discrete-depth tows both day and night at 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800 and 1000 meters and neuston tows at the surface. Sampling at all depths for all stations was not possible to complete because of lack of time. Station I was not sampled in winter. Station data are presented elsewhere (Gibbs, 1972). During the two cruises a total of 591 cephalopods, representing 21 species, was captured: 362 specimens representing 15 species in summer; 229 specimens representing 17 species in winter. A total of 760.2 hours was spent in trawling; trawling time was about equally divided between the two cruises (summer: 368.1 hrs; winter: 392.1 hrs). All species captured were members of the North Atlantic fauna, so no endemic component of the Mediterranean fauna is represented. A preliminary report on the cephalopods *Division of Mollusks, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560 taken during the summer cruise has appeared (Roper, 1972). Limited space precludes a detailed report of all species here so the results for four species will be discussed as examples of the types of vertical and seasonal distributions exhibited by pelagic cephalopods in the Mediterranean. A more comprehensive account will be published elsewhere. All day and night closing-net and neuston net captures have been standardized for analysis of vertical distribution to number of specimens captured per hour of trawling (spec. /hr) at any given depth. In the consideration of vertical distribution, specimens captured within 1 hour before or after sunrise or sunset were eliminated because these are the primary hours during which active vertical movements take place. In order to access the seasonal abundance and distribution all captures at each station were analyzed, e.g. discrete, oblique, open-net, neuston net and twilight-captured specimens. SUMMARY OF RESULTS 1. Fourteen discrete specimens of Heteroteuthis dispar, a small sepiolid squid, were captured in summer during daytime over a range of 150-500 m at an average rate of capture of 1.7 (range 1. 0-7.0) specimens per hour of trawling; 64% of the sample population was concentrated in a narrow band at 400-425 m. At night an average of 2.5 (1.0-5. 3) spec./hr (30 discrete specimens) was captured between 25 and 300 m, with 81% of the sample concentrated at 25-100 m. Therefore, in the summer H. dispar in the Mediterranean appears to undergo a diel vertical shift where the “center” of the population moves vertically about 350 m during the morning and evening crepuscular periods. The vertical range is broad and a 150 m overlap of the day and night distributions occurs. In winter two specimens (average of 0.8 (0.7-1. 0) spec./hr) were captured in the closing net during the day at 500 and 525 m. At night an average of 3.8 (1.0-6. 6) spec./hr (8 specimens) was taken at 25-200 m, 90% of them at 25-100 m. Although data are less complete for winter it seems likely that a vertical shift similar to that of summer occurs. An average of 1.2 spec./hr (3 spec., one from an open net) was caught in less than 75 m in winter, while 2.7 spec./hr (29 spec.) were captured in less than 75 m in the summer. 28 CLYDE F. E. ROPER The determination of seasonal occurrence and relative abundance at each station utilizes all specimens captured by all gear, the result recorded as total number of specimens per hour of travirling (tot. spec./hr). The results are presented in Table I. H. dispar was absent from station 1 in summer but occurred in about equal numbers at stations 2 and 3. While the species appears to be absent from station 4, fishing effort there may have been too low to pick up specimens in low abundance. Station 5, with greater effort, yielded a low rate of abundance. In winter H. dispar was entirely absent from stations 2 and 3 (station 1 was not sampled) but was present in equal abundance at stations 4 and 5. H. dispar was significantly more abundant at station 5 in winter than in summer. The absence of H. dispar in the northern Balearic (station 2) and Tyrrhenian (station 3) Seas in winter and in the Ionian (station 4) and Levantine (station 5) Seas in summer may indicate a seasonal shift of the population toward the eastern basins in wintertime. 2. Pyroteuthis margaritifera, a known strong diel vertical migrator, was represented by 22 specimens captured in the closing net. In the summer during the day an average of 1.0 (l.OT.O) specimens per hour (4 specimens) was captured between 400 and 600 m, with 50% concentrated at 400 m. At night an average of 1.4 spec./hr (1. 0-2.0) (8 specimens) was captured between 50 and 250 m with 75% of the sample population concentrated at 150-200 m. In summertime a strong diel migration is indicated that may extend over a vertical distance of 150-550 m. In winter an average of 4.0 spec./hr (4.0) (4 specimens) was captured at 400 m during daytime, while at night an average of 1.3 spec./hr (1. 0-2.0) (4 specimens) was taker at 75-375 m, with 50% at 75 m. Although a diel vertical migration does occur during winter, too few data points are available for a complete description to be, made. P. margaritifera was absent from stations 1, 2, and 4 during summer; it was present at stations 3 and 5 in concentrations of 0.13 and 0.03 total specimens per hour respectively. Although the greatest trawling effort was at stations 3 and 5, stations 1 and 2 were adequately sampled; very little trawling was done at station 4, so the apparent absence of P. margaritifera may not be real. In winter, no specimens of P. margaritifera were captured at stations 2 and 3, but the species did occur in about equal abundance at stations 4 and 5. P. margaritifera appears to exhibit an eastward shift of the population in winter, leaving the summertime center of abundance in the Tyrrhenian Sea (station 3) entirely devoid of specimens in winter. The relative abundance of P. margaritifera in winter is about three-fifths that of summer. 3. A total of 31 specimens of Ctenopteryx sicula was captured in closing nets, 23 in summer and 8 in winter. In summertime during the day 7 specimens were captured at an average rate of 1.7 specimens per hour (1. 0-3.0) over a range of 100-150 m. At night 8 specimens were taken at an average of 2.7 spec./hr (1. 0-4.0) at 50-150 m, with 88% taken at 50-100 m. The 8 additional specimens captured during twilight were caught at an average of 3.2 spec./hr (1. 0-6.0) at 25-100 m with the center of abundance at 50-100 m. In winter an average of 2.1 (1. 0-4.0) spec./hr (8 specimens) was captured at night at 50-100 m with a peak of abundance (75%) at 50-75 m. No captures were made during the day. At present it is uncertain if C. sicula is a vertical migrator, because, while the data show an apparent limited ascent at night to 25-100 m from 100-150 m, daytime sampling at less than 100 m was minimal. C. sicula was present in equally low abundance in the summer at stations 1 and 2, while a 10-fold increase occurred at station 3, the center of abundance in summertime (Table I). No specimens were taken at stations 4 and 5. In winter the center of abundance occurred at station 4 where captures were slightly greater than the summertime abundance at station 3. No material was taken at station 2; the catches at stations 3 and 5 were negligible. Therefore, the center of abundance of C. sicula appears to shift from the Tyrrhenian Sea in the summer eastward to the Ionian Sea in winter. 4. Onychoteuthis banksi, the most abundant cephalopod captured during the Mediterranean studies, was also the only cephalopod that was captured at every station both summer and winter. A total of 104 specimens was captured in the closing net, 84 in the summer and 20 in the winter. In the summer during the d^y an average rate of capture of 1.7 specimens per hour (0.8-5. 0) was made between 50 and 800 m; 46% of the captures was concentrated at 50-100 m and 38% at 750 m. At night an average catch of 4.5 spec./hr (0.8-24.0) was attained between 0 and 300 m, with only one capture at 300 m and the rest at 100 m or less; 49% of the captures occurred at 50 m and 37% at 100 m. In the winter an average of 1.2 spec./hr (1.0-1. 3) was captured during the day, one specimen each at 75 m and 375 m. At night during the winter an average of 4.1 spec./hr (1.0-12.0) was taken between 0 m and 150 m; 83% of the captures was concentrated at 25-75 m (50% at 25 m). O. banksi clearly has a broad vertical range, particularly during the daytime (summer), but heaviest concentrations occur in the upper 100 m both day and night. The range is more restricted at night when nearly the entire population occurs at 25-100 m. As strong, active swimmers the larger juveniles and the adults are able to make occasional excursions to depths of 600-800 m during the day, apparently returning toward the surface waters at night. Winter captures, less numerous than those of summer, occur over a more restricted range of depths (0 - 375 m). O. banski was present at all 5 stations during the summer, with maximum abundance at station 3, PELAGIC CEPHALOPODS 29 followed by station 2; it was least abundant at station 1 (Table I). In winter the center of abundance of the sample population occurred at station 4 where the species was three times more abundant than at station 3. Captures at stations 2 and 5 were very low. O. banksi, therefore, is distributed throughout the area of study both summer and winter, but is concentrated in the central basins. The site of greatest abundance occurs in the Tyrrhenian Sea (station 3) in summer and shifts eastward to the Ionian Sea (station 4) in winter. SUMMARY The cephaiopods collected during the Mediterranean Biological Studies Program exhibit several different types of diel vertical distributions, four of which are: 1) Heteroteuthis dispar shifts up toward the surface at night but retains a significant zone of overlap of day and night distributions. 2) Pyroteuthis margaritifera exhibits strong diel vertical movements of at least 200-500 m in extent with no overlap. 3) Onychoteuthis banksi is distributed broadly througiiout the water column to about 800 m but is concentrated in the upper 100 m. 4) Ctenopteryx sicula is very restricted in vertical range, limited to the upper 150 m. Seasonal differences also occur. In general, relative abundance of a species is considerably lower in winter than in summer. A general trend exists for the displacement of the bulk of the population of each species toward the eastern basins in wintertime. Station 3 was most productive in the summer, while station 4 was most productive in the winter. Acknowledgements I wish to thank the following for support during the Mediterranean Biological Studies Program: biologists of the Smithsonian Institution, University of Rhode Island, Naval Oceanographic Office, (Washington) and Underwater Systems Center (New London); Office of Naval Research (Contract No. N00014-67-A-399-0007 ); officers and crew of the research vessels TRIDENT and SANDS. I am especially grateful to M. J. Sweeney and R. D. Gatton for preparing specimens and data for analysis. Figure 1. Location of collecting stations in the Mediterranean Sea. 30 CLYDE F. E. ROPER TABLE I. Total number of specimens captured per hour of trawling (all sampling devices included). Station No. H. dispar P. margaritifera O. banksi C. sicula Summer 1. 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 2. 0.36 0.00 0.36 0.02 3. 0.34 0.13 0.52 0.20 4. 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.00 5. 0.02 0.03 0.15 0.00 TOTAL AVERAGE 0.21 0.05 0.32 0.07 Winter 1 . Not Sampled 2. 0.00 0.00 0.00+ 0.00 3. 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.01 4. 0.11 0.11 0.42 0.21 5. 0.11 0.09 0.02 0.00+ TOTAL AVERAGE 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.02 +P"ewer than 0.01 spec. /hr. LITERATURE CITED Aron, VV., N. Raxter, R. Noel, and W. Andrews. 1964. A description of a discrete depth plankton sampler with some notes on the towing behavior of a 6-foot Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl and a one-meter ring net. Limnol. and Oceanog. 9 (3), pp. 324-333. Oibbs, R. H., Jr. 1972. Mediterranean Biological Studies. Part 1. Gear, sampling methods, and bioi jgical sample processing. Smithsonian Inst. Rep. July, 1972, 1, pp. 5-25. Gibbs, R. H., Jr. and C. F. E. Roper. 1971. Ocean Acre: preliminary report on vertical distributions of fishes and cephalopods. In Proceedings of an International Symposium on Biological Sound Scattering in the Ocean. U.S. Navy, Maury Center Report 005, pp. 120-135. Gibbs, R. H., Jr., C. F. E. Roper, D. W. Brown, and R. H. Goodyear. 1971. Biological studies of the Bermuda Ocean Acre. I. Station data, methods, and equipment for cruises 1 through 11, October, 1967 — January, 1971. Smithsonian Inst. Rep. September, 1971, 49 pp., 14 figs. Roper, C. F. E. 1972. Mediterranean Biological Studies. Part 5. Ecology and vertical distribution of Mediterranean pelagic cephalopods. Smithsonian Inst. Rep. July, 1972, 1, pp. 282-316. STUDIES ON ASCENSION ISLAND MARINE MOLLUSKS Joseph Rosewater^ Ascension in the tropical mid-South Atlantic is a young island compared to most nearby land masses. It is fairly well established that Ascension is of Pleistocene origin, and various estimates of its age range from 10,000 to over one million years with volcanic activity probably having taken place in the past few hundred years (Wilson, 1963; Duffey, 1964; Atkins, et al., 196 4). The nearest land mass, the island of St. Helena, is considerably older, probably dating from the Miocene. The geological youth of *Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Mollusks, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, DC 20560 Ascension makes it of interest faunistically. The marine shallow water invertebrates living there now must have arrived during the elapsed time since the emergence of the island’s cooled volcanic substance. It is, therefore, a kind of laboratory on which one can study the effects of dispersal of marine animals by currents and other means and also the effects of isolation as they may be expressed in the evolution of distinct island species. The mollusks of Ascension were first well enumerated by E. A. Smith (1890b) in a report which listed 42 species of which 9 were from deep water and not properly characterized as shallow water species. Little further has been written on the island ASCENSION ISLAND MOLLUSKS 31 except for the reports of Stearns (1892) and Packer (1968) which added virtually no new species to the fauna. Ekman (1953) practically ignored Ascension in his remarks on Atlantic island zoogeography because of lack of information. In recent years the island has become more accessible. During World War II it was a refueling stop for transoceanic flights and most recently it has done service as a missile tracking station. Some of its recent human inhabitants have collected m.arine animals, including mollusks, and the collection of one such person, Mrs. Kay Hutchfield, was sent to me for identification. In 1971 Dr. R. B. Manning visited Ascension and made an intensive collection of shallow water marine invertebrates. These collections have been studied with some rather interesting results. The information from the new collections of mollusks, when added to the previous records, results in a 100 percent increase in the number of species inhabiting Ascension (84: 42). The question immediately arises: “Have these additional species arrived since the initial census by Smith?”. This cannot be answered definitely, of course, although it is possible that some of them are new arrivals and that this influx will continue barring some catastrophic occurrence on the island. At least part of the increase may be due to more complete collections having been made more recently. A rounding of the figures of known species when compared with the supposed geologic age of the island, 100: 1,000,000 respectively, yields a possible arrival rate for new immigrants of one each 10,000 years! If the age of the island is even twice that, it would mean one new species each 20,000 years, a really insignificant change when the totality of geologic time is imagined. Most of the mollusk species now living on Ascension originated elsewhere, that is they are generally considered to be inhabitants either of western Atlantic, eastern Atlantic, or of both areas, i.e., amphi- Atlantic. In a smaller number of cases they are inhabitants in addition of another faunal area, i.e., they are pantropical species. In a very few cases, they are endemic, apparently having evolved on the island, possibly from an ancestral form now extinct. In the case of marine invertebrates having planktonic larvae it is generally conceded that ocean currents may transport them over varying distances and in this way they have achieved their present distributions. Other means are needed to explain the distributions of non-planktonic forms. The suggestions have been made that they may rely on wind and even bird transport or may be carried on floating objects. Man is often implicated. A recently proposed explanation becomes involved with continental drift (Chace and Manning, 1972). In the present case no new explanation for the transport of species will be attempted. It is here considered of sufficient interest that most of the various species have originated elsewhere and that by some means they have arrived at Ascension. The recent papers of Scheltema (1968, 1971a, b) in which the North Atlantic drift, the westward-flowing North and South Equatorial currents, the eastward- flowing Equatorial counter current and undercurrent are discussed are considered to be especially pertinent in explaining Atlantic ocean distributions. An analysis of the geographic origins of the marine mollusks of Ascension indicates that about 23% of them are derived from the western Atlantic, 27% from the eastern Atlantic, 21% occur in both eastern and western Atlantic, 10% are pantropical, while only about 10% are endemic.* When these statistics for Ascension are compared to the information known for St. Helena (Smith 1890a) an interesting correlation becomes apparent. Approximately 14% of the marine mollusks of St. Helena are from the west and 14% from the east; 5% occur in both east and west; 16% are pantropical; and 51% are endemic. It is significant to note that faunal relationships of the two mid- Atlantic islands are roughly comparable as to the source of their faunas, but there is a major discrepancy in the numbers of endemic species: 51% of the fauna being endemic on St. Helena and only 7% on Ascension. The reason for this discrepancy may lie in the comparative ages of the two islands, that of St. Helena being of the order of 20 million years, while Ascension is only 1 to 2 million. This result, although still rather tentative, supports what probably would be predicted concerning endemicity in the two islands based on their ages. If isolation over a long time period allows genetic differentiation and with it speciation, it should be more evident on St. Helena than it is on Ascension and the figures substatiate this. Regarding the origin of the fauna of Ascension (and also of St. Helena which probably is comparable) the species seem not to have arrived predominantly from either east or west, but rather equally from both directions and include immigrants from other faunal zones as well. This lends credence to the belief that given sufficient time and a vehicle such as the ocean currents, species will colonize any area they can reach that is ecologically acceptable. LITERATURE CITED Atkins, F. B., P. E. Baker, -J. D. Bell, G. W. Smith. 1964. Oxford Expedition to Ascension Island, 1964. Nature 204 (4960): 722-724. Chace, Fenner A. and Raymond B. Manning. 1972. Two new Caridean shrimps, one representing a new family, from marine pools on Ascension Island (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia) Smithsonian Contrib. Zool. (131): 1-18. Duffey, Eric. 1964. The terrestrial ecology of Ascension Island. J. Applied Ecol. 1 (2): 219-251. Ekman, Sven. 1953. Zoogeography of the Sea. Sidgwick and Jackson Limited, London, pp. XIV -^ 417. * Only 81 of 89 Ascension Island species are included. 32 J. ROSEWATER & H. VANDER SCHALIE Packer, John C. 1968. Ascension Island. A Concise Handbook. Privately printed, Georgetown, Ascension Island, pp. 1-68. Scheltema, Rudolf S. 1968. Dispersal of larvae by equatorial ocean currents and its importance to the zoogeography of shoalwater tropical species. Nature 217 (5134): 1159-1162. Scheltema, Rudolf S. 1971a. Larval dispersal as a means of genetic exchange between geographically separated populations of shallow-water benthic marine gastropods. Biol. Bull. 140 (2) 284-322. Scheltema, Rudolf S. 1971b. Dispersal of phytoplanktonic shipworm larvae (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) over long distances by ocean currents. Mar. Biol. 2(1): 5-11. Smith, Edgar A. 1890a. Report on the marine molluscan fauna of the Island of St. Helena. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1890, part 2, pp. 247-317, pis. 21-24. Smith, Edgar A. 1890b. On the marine Mollusca of Ascension Island. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, part 2, pp. 317-322. Stearns, Robert E. C. 1893. Preliminary report on the molluscan species collected by the United States scientific expedition to West Africa in 1889-90. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 16 (940): 317-339. Wilson, J. Tuzo. 1963. Evidence from islands on the spreading of ocean floors. Nature 197 (4867): 536-538. SNAIL-RELATED PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEMS IN THE MEKONG Henry van der Schalie* Snail biology appears to be more important in large dam developments in the Mekong than most planners realize. This is well illustrated in the region of the recently completed Uboratana (also called Nam Pong) Dam of Northeast Thailand. A few of the snail-related health problems are cited to emphasize the need in the planning stages for better consideration of the feasibility of such dam-building projects. To provide more protein in the native diet a small fish-pond had been built near Khon Kaen, but it was avoided for fishing when the non-human schistosome. Schistosoma spindale, developed to troublesome proportions. The pond was being used for immersing the water buffalo which, in turn, left behind the parasite eggs that hatched to infect the pond snails, Indoplanorbis exustis, living there in large numbers. One of the men to whom we spoke about this problem rolled up his pants and displayed a severe case of schistosome dermatitis. While the conditions have not as yet been studied, non-human bird schistosomes, also, will undoubtedly prove to be a nuisance in this region. The water from this same pond was used to soak jute, or “kenaf” as it is called locally. The stalks of the plant are allowed to rot and soften and the fiber is then stripped to make the jute. There was no evidence that the women doing this work were infected, but the rotting process was a source of pollution to the local streams. Another small pond in this same region contained many Pila (ampullarid) snails used as a source of protein. Unfortunately, those snails were often not properly cooked with the result that many of the local people suffered from brain lesions. The snails become infected with the rat lung worm — a * University Museums, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 48104 nematode called Angiostrongylus cantonensis; the larvae of the parasite travel through the brain tissues of the definitive hosts enroute to the lungs. It was of interest to find that, while the Thai people in that northeast Thailand region were seriously infected, the people in the vicinity of the Prek Thnot Dam southwest of Phnom Penh (Cambodia) cook Pila snails thoroughly and the incidence of brain lesions is far less. Another snail-borne disease of serious proportions and common to persons living in the neighborhood of the Uboratan Dam is opisthorchiasis — a human liver disease acquired from eating improperly cooked fish. People living in the region of the impoundment were paid for their flooded land but no provision was made for re-housing them. They settled in a filthy village not far from the dam. Parafossarulus (bythiniid) snails inhabiting the margin of that man-made lake are infected by miracidia from the human wastes and these people are in turn infected when they eat poorly cooked fish. Human infections there are reported to be near one hundred percent! Perhaps a more serious threat to health in the lower Mekong is the recently discovered strain of Schistosoma japonicum carried by a snail (Lithoglyphopsis aperta) and representing a genus not hitherto suspected of carrying Oriental schistosomiasis (blood fluke). In a floating village made up of Vietnamese people living on the river opposite Cratie, Cambodia, the incidence was known (and reported informally by authorities in the World Health Organization) as 50 percent. No one can predict how prevalent this disease may become when the many dams projected for that region are constructed. This problem has recently been discussed in a short paper with the title: Dam(n) Large Rivers — Then What? (The Biologist, 55: 39-35, 1973). Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. May 1974 THE PLEUROCERIDAE AND UNIONIDAE OF THE NORTH FORK HOLSTON RIVER ABOVE SALTVILLE, VIRGINIA David H. Stansbery* and William J. Clench^ The Ridge and Valley Province of the Southern Appalachians in the western part of the state of Virginia is well named since it is characterized by parallel mountain ranges or ridges alternating with deep stream-occupied valleys. The North Fork Holston River, flowing southwest, shares such a valley with Walker Creek, which flows northeast as a tributary of the ancient New River system. The headwaters of these two master streams interdigitate here on the valley floor and approach each other within a few hundred feet. The composition of the molluscan faunas of these two streams is strikingly dissimilar in spite of the fact that both are small, cool, swift, mountain headwaters and both are part of the Ohio River drainage system. This paper is the result of an effort to determine the composition and *The Ohio State University Museum of Zoology Columbus, OH. 43210 distribution of the pleurocerid and unionid mollusks living today in the North Fork Holston River above Saltville, Virginia, and what changes may have occurred in this fauna since the reports of Say (1825), Adams (1915) and Ortmann (1918). Publications on the mollusks of the Holston River by Lewis (1871), Boepple and Coker (1912) and Remington and Clench (1925) refer to the fauna of the Holston proper far downstream below Saltville and below the confluence of the North, Middle and South Forks of the river. There is a need to study the entire length of the North Fork in some detail in order to document and interpret past and future changes in the fauna. This study is a direct outgrowth of our work on the fauna at Saltville in 1968 (Stansbery 1972). 33 34 D. STANSBERY AND W. J. CLENCH The North Fork Holston River rises from several springs in the vicinity of Sharon Springs, Virginia, and follows a tortuous course SW about 30 air miles down the valley between Brushy and Walker Mountains to Saltville, Virginia. The Karst topography of the valley floor reveals the presence of soluble limestone which may well contribute to the well-being of the mollusk fauna. Thomas Say (1825) noted that his specimens, the types, of Fusus fluvialis (now lo fluvialis), were collected by Vanuxem “on the north fork of the Holston River, near the confluence of a brook of salt water”. This site has been generally assumed to be at or in the vicinity of Saltville. Adams (1915:18) found lo fluvialis present at Saltville “From above the ‘alkali works’ upstream for 2 or 3 miles” on 20 August 1900. He failed to find lo downstream from the chemical plant’s effluent. Other pleurocerids were not mentioned. When Ortmann (1918) collected the North Fork Holston River (17 September 1912) in his study of the naiades of the upper Tennessee River drainage, he worked no further upstream than Saltville. His material from this site combined with that collected there by an O. A. Peterson (20 June 1917) (Ortmann 1918:608) totaled 16 species of unionids. Pleurocerids were not included in the study. A search of the Saltville site above the polluting outfall in 1968 yielded specimens of 9 of the unionids recorded by previous workers plus 2 additional unionids and 2 pleurocerid species not previously recorded (Stansbery 1972). No trace of /o fluvialis was found. The closing of the Olin Corporation plant at Saltville in 1972 (Newcombe and Villet, 1971:36) brought about conditions favoring the possible recovery and repopulation of the North Fork below Saltville. Since the reseeding of the river may well depend in large part upon the populations now living upstream, it has seemed desirable to do this study. Collections of bivalves and gastropods were made along the main stem at each bridge or reasonable point of access in 1968 or 1972 or both. The three main tributaries , Spring Branch, Lick Creek, and Laurel Creek were each sampled once. A total of 16 sites were studied as indicated in the table giving a mean sampling frequency of one collection for each 4 or 5 river miles on the North Fork proper. All specimens collected were either living mollusks or fresh shells indicating the presence of a living population. We found no direct evidence, “bones” or sub-fossil material, indicating the previous existence of lo fluvialis or any other fluviatile mollusk not presently living in this part of the Holston today. The results, when arranged in tabular form, demonstrate an expected increase in species diversity going downstream towards Saltville. This varied from 0 at the uppermost site to a total of 20 species at Saltville. The frequency of occurrence and range of distribution within the main stem were calculated for each species found. Spirodon patula, Villosa iris nebulosa, and Villosa vanuxemi had the greatest range, being found at all but the uppermost site. The least common species were Goniobasis simplex, found only at two of the uppermost sites and Strophitus undulatus shaefferianus, Lasmigona costata, Ptychobranchus fasciolaris, and Lampsilis ventricosa, all of which were restricted to two sites at or near Saltville. None of the typical headwater species “dropped out” going downstream, except Goniobasis simplex, indicating that the entire North Fork above Saltville might well be termed “headwaters”. Since all but one of the naiad species previously recorded from Saltville may still be found there and two species have recently been added to the list, we must infer that the pollution responsible for the destruction of most or all of the molluscan fauna below Saltville has had little or no known effect on the fauna above that point. If any unionids living above Saltville were dependent on factors downstream, such as host fishes, these species must have either been destroyed before the earliest collections were made, thus leaving no record, or have somehow escaped detection by all studies in the area to date. If Ortmann’s reason for not seeking naiades above Saltville was the belief that no additional species (headwater species) were to be found there, we are confident that his reasoning was correct. We are at a loss to explain the absence of lo fluvialis from its former habitat “above the ‘alkali works’ upstream for 2 or 3 miles”. While possibilities would include such modern contaminants as detergents and pesticides, we can only conclude that whatever factor(s) was responsible did not eliminate the naiades or the other pleurocerid species present. To demonstrate, with reasonable certainty, the presence or absence of a species, especially a rare species, from an area of free-flowing stream is a task frequently fraught with many difficulties but these are apt to be relatively minor problems, indeed, when compared to those one may encounter in attempting to discern the reasons for such presence or absence. It is our hope that this summary will provide a base from which the recovery of the mollusk fauna of the North Fork Holston River below Saltville can be measured. LITERATURE CITED Adams, Charles C. 1915. The variations and ecological distribution of the snails of the Genus lo. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci. Wash. 12(2): 1-92, 61 pis. Boepple, J. F. and Robert E. Coker. 1912. Mussel resources of the Holston and Clinch Rivers of eastern Tennessee, U.S. Bur. Fish, Document No. 765: 1-13. Lewis, James. 1871. On the shells of the Holston River. Amer. J. Conch. 6 (3): 216-226. PLEUROCERIDAE AND UNIONIDAE 35 IL61 ‘5133^0 i3JnBq 8961 ‘513310 ^on 896 T ‘qouBag guudg uoi^nqu^siQ jo aSuBg aouajanDso Jo Aouanbajg (M CO CO (M CO CO • O> « o' CS CO '*-1 ' ep^co « ^ g?T3 S -S 3 O [C iJ o "g £ 3 ^ ^ ^ a a -f 5 c c ^ a § 'tl 1_§I S P ^ ^ S S 'o il§ i -2 i "S o c i -S — : o 3 'S3 iT3 O g, '•2 e I 1 c £ J i 5 ^ I « S 5 •S « S C K to S O iC J O a a s S § «S. g o:g X! "a S < .2 ■ £■« -a ^ - g S O' s 2 s « 5 £,'ra ^ '■i'~ ■ -O ? 'c O ' g X c g 3 a ; to s » •2 -2 C (N £ 2 . o ^ CD irt 00 ^ s 9 to X< 3 3 CO CO -c C "o - ^ O o o ^ p S O, a, ~:5 £ £ a, a £3 II ^ o '5. a ^ a, O CO ^ species present + = species added - = species removed D. STANSBERY & W. J. CLENCH Newcombe, Jack and Grey Villet. 1971. End of a company town. Life 70 (11): 36-45, 14 pis. Ortmann, Arnold E. 1918. The nayades (freshwater mu^els) of the upper Tennessee drainage. With notes on synonymy and distribution. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 57 (6): 521-626, 1 map. Remington, P. S. and William J. Clench. 1925. Vagabonding for shells. Nautilus 38 (4): 127-143. Say, Thomas. 1825, Descriptions of some new species of fresh water and land shells of the United States. J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 5:129. Stansbery, David H. 1972. The mollusk fauna of the North Fork Holston River at Saltville, Virginia. Bull. Amer. Malacol. Union 1971:45-46. IN THE PATH OF A WARM, SALINE EFFLUENT R. D. Turner^ Problems arising from warm effluents, particularly in rivers, are not new and it is not the purpose of this paper to review the subject. Rather it is to show what can happen and will happen with increasing frequency as additional fossil fuel or nuclear powered plants are constructed along our coastline. In December 1969 the Jersey Central Power and Light Company began the operation of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station at Forked River, New Jersey. The town of Forked River was chosen for the site of the plant because: 1) the proximity of the South Branch of Forked River and Oyster Creek allowed the use of the former stream as the ‘intake canal’ or source of cooling water and the latter as the ‘discharge canal’; 2) the area is rural but within 50 miles of New York City and Philadelphia and 3) the prevailing offshore winds would carry most air pollutants out to sea. Unfortunately I was not acquainted with the area before the plant went into operation so cannot make ‘before and after’ comparisons on a personal basis. However, papers by Nelson and others at the New Jersey Agricultural College Experiment Station, plus a first hand knowledge of present conditions in neighboring creeks give a good idea of conditions in these creeks before 1969. Like other small streams which margin the western shore of Barnegat Bay they used to be freshwater to within a short distance of their entrance into the bay. The depth and extent of the saltwater wedge on the bottom varied from time to time in accordance with the rainfall and subsequent run-off from the land (Nelson, 1922). Based on personal observations, discussions with local residents, and tests made in neighboring creeks during the past two and one half years, it is apparent that formerly Oyster Creek often had ice in the winter and in summer was a comfortable temperature for swimming. We know that “Oyster Creek, which was freshwater to about 2,500 feet downstream of US *Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. 02138 Route 9, is now salt-water from it’s entrance into thp discharge canal above the highway to its mouth”. Salinities in the creek now range from 12%oto 25%oand the temperature of the water, except when the plant is shut down, never drops below 10 C in the winter and may reach 36 C in summer. The rate of flow and the volume of Oyster Creek (the discharge canal) has increased tremendously as a result of the 460,000 to 1,240,000 gallons of water per minute circulated by the plant for cooling purposes. The amount varies in relation to the temperature of the water in Barnegat Bay. Forked River and its South Branch may now be considered an arm of Barnegat Bay because the current is up-stream so that the temperature and salinity of the water is the same as the adjacent waters of the Bay. As a result of these changes freshwater species have been eliminated from both creeks below the plant and various marine species are gradually invading them. Though data are being accumulated on several species, in this short paper I will concentrate on the invasion of marine boring bivalves (Teredinidae), the group with which I have been most concerned. Marinas and small docking facilities have been a part of the Oyster Creek environment since 1944 but it was not until the summer of 1971 that the owners of these facilities became aware of shipworms (Teredinidae) in the creek. At the request of the marina owners I visited the area on August 25, 1971 and was shown a portion of the keel of a yacht (Fig. 1) which had been attacked by borers. Since the yacht could have picked up the borers in Barnegat Bay, where they are known to exist, native and trash wood in the creek was examined for borers and several specimens were found. ' Draft Environmental Statement by the Directorate of Licensing, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission related to the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Jersey Central Power and Light Company. Docket No. 50-219, Chapter 5, p. 17, paragraph 5.5.21. July 1973. SALINE EFFLUENT 37 It can be speculated that one of the yachts brought the borers into the creek, and perhaps one did. This, however, has nothing to do with the problem because wooden ships and floating wood have been carrying shipworms around the world since man first started plying the seas. In fact, during the days of exploration and until metal ships became common, ports were, whenever possible, located well up rivers where the low salinity would kill off both boring and fouling organisms. The point here is that conditions in Oyster Creek have changed. This stream, once a safe place for untreated piling and wooden ships, is now heavily infested. Before discussing further the present situation in Oyster Creek it is important to consider the biology of the species of borers found there. Two species of Teredinidae, Bankia gouldi (Bartsch) and Teredo navalis Linnaeus, occur in Oyster Creek in an area extending from its mouth upstream at least as far as Sands Point Marina. The following life history data were obtained from laboratory experiments and field observations (Culliney, 1969; Turner, 1966, 1971). Adult Bankia gouldi (Bartsch) can tolerate salinities ranging from 10 %o to 35 %o and temperatures from 5 C to 33 C. They are oviparous and spawn between 17.5 C and 30 C. At 25 C and a salinity of 30 %o development of the larvae from fertilization of the egg to the pediveliger stage takes about 25 days. The larvae grow normally at salinities of 10%o to 32 %o but do so more slowly below 19%o. Development from settlement to sexual maturity at 22 C to 25 C and a salinity of 30 %o requires about 33 days. Thus generation time ranges from 2 to 3 months. Adult Teredo navalis Linnaeus can tolerate salinities ranging from 5 %o to 32 %o and temperatures from 2°C to 35 C (Blum, 1923). They are short-term larviparous species and brood the young to the straight-hinge veliger stage. The young are released at temperatures ranging from 13 C to 30 C and their planktonic life at 25 C and a salinity of 30 %o lasts about 15 days. The larvae can tolerate salinities ranging from 10 %o to 30 %o but grow slower at salinities below 15%o. Sexual maturity is reached about 33 days after settlement at temperatures of 22°C to 25°C (Culliney- 1969) and in 24 days at 80° F to 86° F [=27 - 30° C] (Potts, 1920). Thus this species has about the same generation time as B. gouldi. Teredo navalis differs from B. gouldi in being able to tolerate slightly lower temperatures and salinities and in having a planktonic period of about 15 days while that of gouldi is about 25 days. In the summer of 1921 there was a sudden, heavy attack of Teredo navalis in the inner area of Barnegat Bay. Nelson (1922) published a paper, “The European Pileworm, a dangerous marine borer in Barnegat Bay”, based on this occurrence. He described its attack on the oyster platforms in tidal creeks entering the bay and compared it to Bankia fimbriata Jeffreys [=B. gouldi (Bartsch)] as the species in the bay was then called. Nelson felt that the sudden influx of navalis was a result of an increase in salinity to 10 %o caused by the drought, 1921 being one of the five driest years on record. This no doubt was part of the answer but the reduction of dissolved plant material in the water resulting from the decreased run-off was probably equally important. Culliney (1973) has shown that the larvae of T. navalis are far more susceptible to humic materials in the water than those of B. gouldi. An estuarine area draining extensive marshes such as are found along Barnegat Bay receives large amounts of humic materials during heavy rains so that the water becomes red or tea-colored. At such times there is a marked drop in the numbers, if not local extinction, of T. navalis larvae in the plankton. During the 10 year drought which plagued the area the reduction in humic materials, combined with the increased salinity near the mouths of the creeks, made conditions ideal for the influx of T. navalis and the increase of breeding populations. It is evident that the relative abundance of these two species, the ranges of which overlap, may vary in a given locality according to conditions. Though T. navalis may be found in the inner areas of Barnegat Bay it is not as common there as B. gouldi and its populations fluctuate from year to year. In the outer part of the bay and at localities not so greatly influenced by marsh run-off such as Sandy Hook, Barnegat Light at the Coast Guard Station, the light ship off Sandy Hook, and Cape May, Teredo navalis is the dominant species (Wallour, 1960). This distribution pattern seems to reflect the sensitivity of T. navalis to humic materials in the water. Nelson (1924) stated that pumped water samples taken close to piling at Barnegat Pier contained 88 mature teredinid larvae per 100 qt sample, while the greatest number taken in a 100 qt sample in the open bay was 10. On the basis of this he agreed with Harrington (1921) that wood extracts attract larval teredinids. He suggested that, as the tidal currents carried the borer larvae past the piling some substance exuding from the wood caused them to congregate there. These field data support laboratory experiments showing that mature larvae have the ability to detect wood and to settle even in the face of rather strong currents such as those which now exist in Oyster Creek. In order to prove the existence of breeding populations of teredinids in Oyster Creek and the fact that the larvae could mature and settle despite the strong current, a series of collecting panels were exposed. Two sets, one inshore and one off-shore (at the outer ends of the wharves), were put out at each of the three marinas with which we were working, and an additional set was put at the mouth of Oyster Creek. A set of control panels were exposed in Stout’s Creek, a stream which, according to those acquainted with the area, is similar to what Oyster 38 R. D. TURNER Creek was like in the 1960’s. An additional control set was exposed at Holly Park, an area known to harbour shipworms. Panels measuring 8 " x 4 x % , of straight grained soft pine were attached to horizontal racks and set about 6 inches above the water-sediment interface. The first sets of 12 panels, plus a control were exposed on September 7, 1971, and one panel plus a monthly control were removed each month until September 1972. A second series was submerged at the same sites on August 18, 1972 and these are being removed in the same fashion. These tests, show that the attack in Oyster Creek was light during the first year but increased noticeably after the July-August spawning (Fig. 2). Reproductive success and the growth of breeding populations in the creek is evidenced by the heavy attack on the panels removed during the period from October 1972 to March 1973 (Fig. 3). Both B. gouldi and T. navalis occur in the panels and both appear to breed more than once a year. The spawning periods of the two species do not seem to coincide though further testing is needed to prove this. The greatly increased volume of water in the creek apparently reduces the concentration of humic material following heavy rains to a level below that which affects navalis. At Stout’s Creek, the control locality, only a single specimen (1 cm long) of B. gouldi was found in the panels. The occurrence of a borer at this site probably results from the dredging now going on in the creek, which allows the salt water wedge to creep upstream. Cold winter temperatures (2.5 C) and low salinities will, however, keep populations in such a situation at low levels. As would be expected, none of the first series of Holly Park panels was attacked until after the June-July spawning as evidenced by the 54 young B. gouldi in the control and 45 in the panel removed August 18, 1972. Only one specimen has been found in the second series of panels (submerged August 18, 1972) so it would appear that most of the B. gouldi larvae had matured and settled prior to that date. This is in contrast to stations in Oyster Creek where settlement of B. gouldi continued into November and T. navalis settled in February. No T. navalis were taken in the Holly Park panels though the species had been found in the area previously. This probably reflects variations in the amount of humic materials in the w'ater at this site. On the basis of these data it appears that: 1) As a result of the effluent from the Jersey Central Power and Light Company Plant, temperature and salinity conditions in Oyster Creek are now suitable for continued growth of both B. gouldi and T. navalis. 2) The warm water has increased the growth rate, extended the breeding season and eliminated winter kill-offs of these species. Consequently the breeding populations are kept at high levels and population increase enhanced. 3) To date the temperature in Oyster Creek has not risen high enough in summer to exceed the tolerance of the borers and so reduce the populations. This, however, should never be allowed to happen as it would result in the death of nearly everything else in the creek. 4) The attack of marine borers is so severe that, if present conditions continue, it will be necessary to replace piling and other structures periodically, even if they are treated, and check all wooden vessels at frequent intervals. 5) If the isopod crustacean borer, (Limnoria) known to occur in Barnegat Bay, is introduced into Oyster Creek it will also become a problem as will any tropical borer accidentally carried in by yachts. 6) Though the fouling organisms have not been studied in detail it is evident that Balanus eburneus Gould (Pilsbry, 1916), the most noisome of the foulers, are growing faster and have a longer breeding season than is typical for other areas in Barnegat Bay. Several additional problems attributable, I believe, to the operation of the plant also plague Oyster Creek and should be mentioned briefly. The silt load of the creek below the plant has increased greatly as it now receives in addition to its normal load the run off from both the South Branch and the Middle Branch of Forked River which were captured in the “intake canal”. Added to this is the silt resulting from the severe erosion of the unprotected banks of the Creek just below the plant. Where the Creek widens in the vicinity of the Marinas the current lessens and the silt burden is dropped in the dock area. On several occasions I have seen yachts get stuck on mud banks as they entered the Marina. In cool and humid weather, vapors rising from the heated water of the Creek produce fog. The consequent continuous damp atmosphere results in the development of mold, mildew and dry rot on the wood panelling, seats and furnishings of the yachts as well as the corrosion of instruments and metal fixtures. An unsightly “sludge” apparently from the plant, comes down the creek at irregular intervals and fish kills result from thermal shock when the plant shuts down in winter. Though these do not affect the Marinas directly they do affect the water quality and are unpleasant. What has happened in Oyster Creek may occur in any area where such changes in the environment occur. Certainty whenever thermal effluents enter the the marine environment in temperate and boreal waters marine boring and fouling problems can be expected to develop in the vicinity of waterfront structures. LITERATURE CITED Blum, H. F. 1923. On the effects of low salinity on Teredo navalis. [in] The San Francisco Bay Marine Piling Survey, Third Ann. Prog. Rept. Appendix III pp. 349-368. SALINE EFFLUENT 39 Culliney, J. 1969. Larval biology and recruitment of the shipworms Teredo navalis and Bankia gouldi in the Newport Estuary, North Carolina. Ph.D. Thesis, Duke Univ., Durham, N.C. 173 pp. Culliney, J. 1973. Settling of larval shipworms. Teredo navalis Linnaeus and Bankia gouldi (Bartsch), stimulated by humic material (Gelb- stoff). Proc. 3rd Internat. Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, pp. 822-829. Harrington, C. R. 1921. A note on the physiology of the shipworm (Teredo noruegica). Biochem. J. 15(6): 736-741. Nelson, T. C. 1922. The European pileworm, a dangerous marine borer in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. New Jersey Agri. Expt. Sta., p. 1-15, 8 figs. Nelson, T. C. 1924. Marine Borers, [in] Kept. Dept. Biol., New Jersey Agri. Coll. Expt. Sta. 1924. pp. 244-245. Pilsbry, H. A. 1916. The sessile barnacles (Cirripedia) contained in the collections of the U.S. National Museum; including a monograph of the American species. U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 93: 1-366, pis. 1-76. Potts, F. A. 1921. Experiments on the rate of growth of sessile marine organisms other than corals. Carnegie Inst. Washington, Year Book 19 [for 1920] pp. 197-198. Turner, R. D. 1966. A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of the Teredinidae. Mus. Comp. Zook, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. 265 pp., 64 pis., 25 figs. Turner, R. D. and A C. Johnson. 1971. Biology of marine wood-boring Molluscs, [in] Marine Borers, Fungi and Fouling Organisms in wood, Jones and Eltringham, editors. Chapter 13, pp. 259-301, figs. 1-14. Wallour, D. B. 1960. Marine borer activity in test boards operated during 1959. 13th Prog. Rept., William F. Clapp Laboratories, Duxbury, Mass. pp. 1-xxxx + 1-59. Fig. 1 Borer damage in keel of yacht. Oyster Creek Marina, Oyster Creek, Waretown, New J rsey, August 1971. Temperature 0° C Number of spec! 40 R. D. TURNER Fig. 2 Graph showing borer attack at Sands Point Marina, Oyster Creek, Waretown, New Jersey, Sept. 1971 to June 1973, temperature and salinity records taken at time the panels were removed and ranges of tolerance of the adults and larvae. SALINE EFFLUENT 41 Fig. 3 X-ray of a portion of panel exposed at Briarwood Yacht Basin, Oyster Creek, Waretown, New Jersey, from Aug. 1972 to June 1973 showing extent of attack (nat. size). Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. May 1974 ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS READ AT AMU 39th ANNUAL MEETING FURTHER MICROANATOMICAL STUDIES OF DENTALIUM Ken Bazata* The shells of Dentalium pilsbryi and D. texasianum are confusingly similiar. Observations of living specimens reveal that strikingly different foot characteristics permit separation of these two species without any question, D. pilsbryi has a spade-shaped foot with two erectile lateral flaps which aid in burrowing. D. texasianum has an elongate, cylindrical foot without flaps. Serial sections of the siphonal ends show a more complex valve system in D. pilsbryi. D. pilsbryi has a pair of valve flaps dorsally and a single ventral valve flap. D. texasianum has a pair of single, overlapping valve flaps. In one serially sectioned specimen, assignable to D. texasianum on the basis of the foot characteristics, there was no valve system at all, but simply a solid transverse septum. ^Department of Zoology, University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE. 68508 A SURVEY OF BRITISH COLUMBIAN FRESHWATER MOLLUSKS* PRELIMINARY RESULTS Arthur H. Clarke"^ In August, 1972 freshwater mollusks were collected, ecological observations were recorded, and water analyses were performed by A. H. Clarke and B. T. Kidd at approximately 100 localities throughout British Columbia. Some taxonomic problems are still unresolved so a complete report cannot be presented at this time. Preliminary results indicate that: (1) Anodonta nuttaliana Lea (= A. wahlamatensis Lea) occurs together with A. kennerlyi Lea in the Fraser and Columbia river systems and the two species are distinct; (2) scanning electron microscope photographs show that the radula of Lymnaea atkaensis Dali is closely similar to that of L. stagnalis L. but dissimilar to that of L. catascopium Say; (3) in Lake Wabamun, Alberta, Helisoma trivolvis subcrenatum Carpenter and H. binneyi (Tryon) intergrade completely; (4) 40 to 50 freshwater species are present in British Columbia, and (5) four zoogeographic groups are present, viz.: Central West Coast endemics (ca. 35%); Beringian relicts (ca. 5%); widespread boreal and subarctic species (ca. 55%), and introduced species (ca. 5%). Further field work is planned for 1973. *National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, Canada KIA OM. 42 ABSTRACTS 43 OXYNOE ANTILLARUM (MORCH) AND LOBIGER SOUVERBIEI (P. FISCHER) ON FLORIDA S LOWER GULF COAST (OPISTHOBRANCHIA: OXYNOIDAE) Charles M. Courtney"^ In an effort to develop baseline data on fish and invertebrate abundance in the waters surrounding Marco Island, Florida, a regular monthly trawl monitoring study was begun in July of 1971, Several living specimens of Oxynoe antillarum (March) and Lobiger souverbiei (P. Fischer) appeared for the first time in 1973 and were most abundant over a scoured sand bottom which was sparsely populated by the algae Caulerpa spp. The sudden appearance of the two oxynoids marks the first appearance of O. antillarum on Florida’s lower west coast and reaffirms the presence of L. souverbiei. *Marco Applied Marine Ecology Station, Marco Island, FL. 33937 ANNUAL CHANGES IN POPULATIONS OF TWO INTERTIDAL GASTROPODS (NASSARIUS OBSOLETUS AND LITTORINA SAXATILIS) AT CAPE ANN, MASSACHUSETTS, 1956-1972 Ralph W. Dexter*- Annual changes in abundance of these two species in the Cape Ann area between 1933-37 have previously been described by the writer (Nautilus 58:18-24, 1944). At Station J, a mud flat on Little River, a side channel of the Annisquam Tidal Inlet, single annual counts of N. obsoletus from various tidal levels were made between 1956-64, along with other marine invertebrates. A special report was published for 1960 (Nautilus 75: 85-86, 1961). Between 1965-72, 10 random samples of this snail were counted annually along the level of greatest concentration. The range and average number per quarter square meter were as follows: 1965 (62-122, 91); 1966 (19-92, 38); July 1967 (19-100, 48); Sept. 1967 (24-189, 97); 1968 (105-375, 203); 1969 (32-419, 162); 1970 (19-86, 42); 1971 (0-19, 6); 1972 (0). After preliminary observations during 1963-65, the range and average number per quarter square meter for L. saxatilis at High Bank section of Whale Cove on the open ocean off Rockport, between 1966-72, were as follows, from 10 random samples taken at the level of greatest density: 1966 (0-14, 5); 1967 (11-51, 19); 1968 (24-103, 53); 1969 (0-22, 6); 1970 (24-46, 33); 1971 (0-16, 8); 1972 (5-49, 30). These snail populations, sampled in the summer season, fluctuate widely and fortuitously from year to year at the same locality. During three summers, 1960, 1961, and 1972, the entire population of N. obsoletus completely left the sampling station, apparently as a result of schooling behavior as described by Jenner (Biol. Bull. 113:328-329, 1957). ’Dept, of Biological Sciences, Kent State University, Kent, OH. 44242 44 ABSTRACTS A TRILOBED SHELL OF PLACOPECTEN MAGELLANICUS (GMELIN) Ralph W. Dexter^ Merrill has reported on abnormal shells of the Atlantic deepsea scallop Placopecten magellanicus (Ann. Kept. Amer. Malacol. Union for 1964, p. 2; ibid, for 1966, pp. 35-36; U.S.F. and IT.S. hshery Bull. 66: 273-279. 1967). An unusual specimen consisting of three lobes (anterior, posterior, and lateral) was taken by a fishing dragger on Brown’s Bank off the coast of New England in June, 1966, and given to the writer by John B. Auditore (Marine Biological Supply, Gloucester, Mass.). It is 12.2 cm in length, 8.5 cm in height, and 4.4 cm in thickness and its age is five years. Possibly a growth of encrustation caused the abnormal growth, but more likely it either *Dept. of Biological Sciences, Kent State University, Kent, OH. 44242 Trilobed Placopecten magellanicus from Brown’s Bank. suffered a physical blow at the middle, ventral margin, or it hit an obstruction while growing which caused the mantle to form the three lobes. CRITERIA EMPLOYED IN THE RECOGNITION AND DESCRIPTION OF OXYLOMA DEPRIMIDA FRANZEN Dorothea Franzen* Distinctive characteristics of Oxyloma deprimida Franzen are: 1. The nuclear whorl is depressed. The tip of the nuclear whorl appears to be somewhat “tucked in” under the penultimate whorl. 2. The epiphallus enters the penis subterminally producing a terminal extension of the penis, the penial appendix. In O. deprimida the base of the penial appendix is broad which makes it appear to be a terminal extension of the penis rather than an appendix distinctly separated from the body of the penis by a constriction as in, for example, O. haydeni (W. G. Binney). The epiphallus enlarges as it approaches the penis and merges imperceptibly with it. 3. The albumen gland is smaller than is the prostate gland. The acini of the albumen gland are smaller than those of the prostate gland. The relatively large, twinned, unequal seminal vesicles are coarsely peppered with black pigmentation, whereas the inflated fertilization sac is lightly pigmented. The large, coiled hermophroditic duct is darkly pigmented. 4. This species does not live on the ground but 3 to 5 feet above the ground and/or water level, on cattails and willows. 5. Oxyloma deprimida matures in September or October which is several months later than the maturation time of other species of Oxyloma as known in the Mississippi Valley. *Illinois Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, IL. 61702. ABSTRACTS ASPECTS OF THE ANATOMY OF CIONELLA LUBRICA Carl W. Gugler'^ The appearance of the penial complex varies greatly, according to its degree of activation. In the inactive state the epiphallus region is slightly larger than vas deferens; when active it is markedly distended and glandular. In the inactive state the penial appendix is slender and uniform in diameter, distal to a basal bulbous element; when active, the distal end is greatly swollen and the basal bulb exhibits an internal valve-like structure. In the inactive state the digitiform prostate glands are minute; when active they are greatly swollen and packed with eosinophilic granules. Granules of similar appearance, encased by a hyaline substance are found in the swollen distal end of the active appendix. Similar granules also are found in the active spermatheca. In no case have spermatozoa been observed in either the active appendix or the active spermatheca. At the junction of the albumen gland, spermoviduct, and little hermaphroditic duct, a slender tube, the talon, extends over the surface of the albumen gland. In some of the specimens examined the talon contained unoriented spermatozoa. *Dept. of Zoology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE. 68508. CHARLES WRIGHT (1811-1885) IN CUBA Morris K. Jacobson* Charles Wright, the well-known American botanist and collector, — princeps longe collectorum (by far the first of collectors) as he was called by Grisebach — collected land shells extensively in Cuba during the years 1856 and 1867. Approximately 30 names of new species of land shells were credited to him by Pfeiffer and others. It is shown that in all likelihood Wright suggested the names alone, that the descriptions were not written by him, and that the species should be credited to Pfeiffer, Sowerby, Orbigny, Presas and others. A complete list of these nomina and their latest forms, together with a brief account of the life of Wright has appeared in Sterkiana, No. 53: 1-6, 1974. *455 Beach 139th Street, Rockaway Beach, NY 11694 MARINE MOLLUSC AN DISTRIBUTION/DENSITY SURVEY: A PROPOSAL TO THE AMU Lawrence E. Jerome* The author introduced the concept of an expert opinion survey to determine molluscan population changes which may have occurred within the memory span of malacologists and conchologists. He pointed out that this information is irretrievable by any other means and suggested that the AMU sponsor and/or participate in such a survey. He discussed the relevant statistics for the survey and demonstrated that an order of magnitude may be a realistic tolerance. He proposed a scale for rating relative abundances similar to that used by bird watchers and based on this factor-of-ten tolerance. ** Surveys are usually conducted with a “schedule” or questionnaire; the author presented a sample check list which might serve as a questionnaire for the proposed survey. He then discussed the handling and mapping of the data, which must first be normalized and their standard deviations determined. 45 46 ABSTRACTS Finally, the author discussed the use of topographical maps for obtaining environmental data which is suitable for making correlation studies between environmental and molluscan population changes. * 1467 Navarro Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95051 **An ad hoc AMU committee is studying this proposal and will present its findings to the AMU Council in 1974. Ed. GATUN LAKE AS A FRESHWATER BARRIER IN THE PANAMA CANAL Meredith L. Jones* A general orientation of the geographical and physical characteristics of the Panama Canal was presented. Data obtained with a Beckman Model RS5-3 Portable Salinometer indicates that a freshwater continuum (or essentially so) extends from Miraflores Lake through the Pedro Miguel Locks and Gatun Lake, to, and including, the highest chamber of the Gatun Locks. This forms an effective barrier against the migration of ste nohaline organisms between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Comments were made concerning the vertical homogeneity of the water masses within the lock chambers. *National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC 20560. REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT IN SPIRATELLA INFLAT A (D’ORBIGNY), A THECOSOMATOUS PTEROPOD* C. M. Lain** and F. E. Wells, Jr.** Reproduction and development of the protandric hermaphrodite, Spiratella inflata, was studied in Barbados, West Indies. Specimens larger than 1.1 mm in shell diameter are mature females, constituting 1.9% of the total population. The characteristic inflated body whorl and expanded mantle cavity of S. inflata form a spacious chamber, in which females brood young through the early veliger stage. Embryos begin development at the posterior portion of the mantle cavity near the common genital pore and move forward adhering to the mantle lining as they develop. Lack of a capsule or mucus around the eggs and embryos is correlated with the absence of albumen and mucous glands in females. Veligers released by the parent have a sinistral shell of one whorl measuring 0.067 mm in diameter. A bilobed velum, eyespots and foot with a transparent operculum are present upon release. Wing rudiments later develop in free-swimming veligers and metamorphosis to the adult state is complete at 0.4 mm shell diameter. * Research supported by Grant No. A5248 from the National Research Council of Can- ada to CML. **Marine Sciences Centre, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. ABSTRACTS 47 FROG MOTIFS ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL MOLLUSKS OF HOHOKAM AND MOGOLLON INDIAN CULTURES Glenn A. Long* This is a preliminary report of research on carved shell ornaments from archaeological remains of pre-Historic Indian cultures in the Southwest. In the current phase of study, a checklist of frog images is being compiled and motific groups are being catalogued. Forty-three pendants and eight bracelets carved with frog motifs, or overlaid with turquoise mosaic, comprise the initial checklist. Of the carved pendants without overlay, several motific groups can be identified. The bracelets with frog images carved or the umbonal region of the shells are less varied in form than are the pendants. The pendants and the bracelets were made from whole valves of various Glycymeris species, such as G. gigantea (Reeve) and G. maculatus (Broderip). Other shells were also used but less frequently. Frog motifs are not restricted to worked shell. Stone and clay vessels are known from the Southwest which incorporate frog images in relief modelling and carving. Conclusions which can be drawn, so far, are few. *The Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, MD. 21218. Shell (Glycymeris gigantea (Reeve)?, carved in the form of a frog, Hohokam, Central Arizona (P:14:14). From the collections of the Arizona State Museum (A23646) (Photo by G.A. Long). Among them we have found that: (1) incidence of carved frog pendants is rather frequent in archaeological contexts throughout the Hohokam and Mogollon culture areas and (2) that when not found in association with architectural fill and floor debris, the pendants have been excavated most frequently in connection with burials. FOSSIL AND LIVING FRESHWATER MUSSELS (UNIONACEA) FROM THE PECOS RIVER, NEW MEXICO AND TEXAS Artie L. Metcalf* The Pecos River arises in north-central New Mexico, traverses eastern New Mexico and western Texas and empties into the Rio Grande above Del Rio, Texas. At the present time, its discharge is rigidly controlled by a series of reservoirs and the river terminates in Amistad Reservoir. The middle reaches of the river suffer from salinization and from some pollution from oil fields. The lowest segment of the river is deeply entrenched in Cretaceous limestone, suggesting a relatively great age for that part of the valley. The mid-upper part in eastern New Mexico seems, however, to be relatively young, having removed Pliocene sediments that presumably formerly occupied the valley. At present, unionaceans are found almost exclusively in the lowest, cany onlands part of the river. A few collections made in the past indicate that the richest fauna was at the mouth near the Rio Grande in that area now covered by Amistad Reservoir. At least two species still persist in the lower river: Popenaias popeii (Lea) and Cyrtonaias grandensis (Conrad) and the former may still persist in southern New Mexico. Holocene bank deposits along the Pecos in its middle section have yielded radiocarbon dates in the range of 3600 to 1130 years B. P. These deposits also contain only the two species listed above. One late Pleistocene locality near Toyah, Texas, contains Anodonta grandis Say and a lampsiline tentatively assigned to the genus Disconaias. 48 ABSTRACTS At what is judged to be a still older (undated) Pleistocene locality below Lake McMillan (a reservoir) in New Mexico, the same Disconaias (?) occurs along with another, unidentified lampsiline, a Quadrula, and Megalonaias nervosa (Raf.). Affinities of the Lake McMillan fauna seem to be with the lower Rio Grande system and possibly some systems to the south of it. Construction of a new reservoir that will inundate the Lake McMillan fossil locality has been authorized. *Department of Biological Sciences, University of Texas at El Paso TX 79968. NORTH CAROLINA SCALLOP FISHERY, 19724973 Hugh J. Porter This talk was illustrated by a silent 16 mm motion picture documenting the fishery. Location, description, and investigative efforts of the 1972-1973 fishery were covered. Scenes showing scallops being caught, types of gear used, fauna associated with scallops, unloading of scallop catch and pictures of scallop processing by automatic scallop shucking machinery were included. Research and development of film was supported by Grant #456 of the North Carolina Board of Science and Technology. *Institute of Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina, Morehead City, NC 28557. THE EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON GROWTH AND REPRODUCTION IN AQUATIC SNAILS Henry van der Schalie* and Elmer G. Berry* Nuclear reactors, either built or projected, are destined to bring large amounts of heat into lakes, streams and regions where natural waters will be used to cool the machinery in nuclear power stations. This may have profound effects on the resident populations of freshwater mollusks. The research, which is partially summarized here, sought to determine what these effects might be. The study extended over a three-year period and used seven species of freshwater snails for stressing in aquaria with temperatures ranging between 6 C and 36 C at 6 intervals. Following the initial tests, the same species were again tested in aquaria at 2 C intervals in a temperature range compatible for each. Species tested included: Lymnaea stagnalis and L. emarginata (= castacopium); Helisoma trivolvis, H. anceps and H. campanulatum; Physa gyrina; and Amnicola limosa. The results can be summarized by noting that the lymnaeids, which have a northern distribution, grow best under “cool” conditions (about 18 to 20 C) with egg-laying somewhat better under slightly warmer conditions (22 C); the planorbids cultured better under warmer conditions (about 25 C) with egg production best at about 28 C but restricted at 30 C — conditions that resemble for some species the tropical and sub-tropical environments; the Physa tested had the widest range of tolerance in that they grew and reproduced in temperatures ranging between 14 C and 30 C — an indication that this group occupies perhaps the widest range of conditions in nature of any of the snails tested. The study showed that none of the snails studied could grow and reproduce below 12°C or above 30 C; while all seemed to reproduce better at temperatures higher than their optimum for growth, the adverse effects of heat on the gonads lowered egg production at the upper temperature ranges. Consequently, as shown by gonad tissue studies, temperature approaching 30 C usually results in some degree of sterility. This effect has also been observed on the gonads of fish. The data, although unfortunately limited largely to the pulmonate (“pond”) snails, serve to indicate the dangers to mollusks in regions where the ambient temperatures of an environment will be changed appreciably by effluents from reactors. The tolerances measured also give a better appreciation of climates during interglacial periods which heretofore were designated “hot” or “cool” almost solely on what was known about the geographical distribution of the snails. ABSTRACTS 49 This report, with tables and graphs, was recently published in: Ecological Research Series, Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-R3-7 3-021, February, 1973 and in Sterkiana, No. 50, June, 1973. *University Museums, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48104. THE MOLLUSKS OF THE DUCK RIVER DRAINAGE IN CENTRAL TENNESSEE Henry van der Schalie* Based on three consecutive years of collecting, A. E. Ortmann (1924) published his observations on the mussels in a paper with the title: The Naiad-Fauna of Duck River in Tennessee (American Midi. Nat. 9:18-62). He reported 63 species and forms and showed that the Duck River contained two distinct faunal elements. The upper river stations (Wilhoite and Columbia) had a Cumberlandian fauna; the lower half below Centerville had a Mississippian (Ohioan or Interior Basin) fauna. In 1931 another survey was made of mollusks of that river system by Calvin Goodrich and Henry van der Schalie, the former concentrating on the pleurocerid snails, the latter on the mussels. The collections reported serve as a supplement to Ortmann’s original collections; in the Buffalo River only one headwater station (at Riverside) was established by Ortmann; the present report adds four stations and shows that the Buffalo had as many mussel species as the Duck. All of these records are now significant since in both drainages the mussels have all but disappeared. When the information contributed by both surveys is combined, the following conclusions are warranted: 1) Of the 63 species and forms of mussels reported by Ortmann in his survey, the collections ten years later yielded 48, indicating that this river had a surprisingly rich mussel fauna. 2) The Cumberlandian fauna is restricted in the Duck to stations above Centerville; the lower half of the river contained only Mississippian mussels. 3) The additional four stations established in the Buffalo River indicate that it has a Cumberlandian assemblage. This condition prevails even though the Buffalo enters the lower Duck which is Mississippian and parallels the lower Tennessee which also is entirely Mississippian. 4) Excluding the Buffalo itself, neither drainage now has an appreciable mussel fauna in the tributaries; pleurocerids are still abundant in the smaller streams. 5) For all practical purposes the mussels of both the Duck and the Buffalo have disappeared with only a few dwindling pockets left near Columbia and Centerville in the Duck. 6) The Oriental clam (Corbicula) has made serious inroads into both drainages and tends to crowd out the native mussels; there is evidence they now substitute as food for mink and muskrats. 7) While the mussels are disappearing, the pleurocerid snails remain unusually abundant; Goodrich’s studies indicate that there are nine species and three forms; most of them show clinal tendencies. Unfortunately, studies involving biomass have never been made, although it is established that the many shoals in this drainage system were virtually paved with mussels and pleurocerid snails. While the mussels have disappeared at an alarming rate, the snails are still legion there. ♦University Museums, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48104. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. May 1974 AMU COMMITTEE AND BUSINESS REPORTS REPORT OF AMU ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING, JUNE 27, 1973 President Dee S. Dundee, presiding, called for a motion to waive reading of the minutes of the previous annual business meeting because they had been printed in the Bulletin for 1972. Motion made, seconded, carried. The Recording Secretary read reports of the Secretaries and the Treasurer for 1972; they are printed in this Bulletin. Reports of the various committees to the Executive Council were summarized by the Re- cording Secretary. The Publications Editor reminded members that, starting with 1973, manuscripts for the Bulletin will be sent to appropriate members of a review board (present members of the Executive Council) prior to acceptance for publication. We have exhausted our supply of HOW TO COLLECT SHELLS and the Fourth Edition has been delayed by lack of a Special Editor for revision. The Conservation Committee reported that kits with conservation materials had been mailed to member clubs on March 1 and June 1, 1973. The Council authorized Mrs. Merrill, Chairman, to investigate the possibility of our putting out a booklet for fresh water and land habitats similar to the American Littoral Society’s “202 Questions for the Endangered Tidal Zone”. She will investigate the cost and seek potential sponsors. A proposed Code of Ethics, prepared by Carol Stein and approved by the Council, was presented to the membership and approved. (This was printed in the Fall Newsletter). The Awards Committee recommended that the AMU establish two annual $50 prizes. One is to be for the individual member or club member, non-professional, for an illustrated paper related to conservation. The other will be to a member club for a project related to conservation, and will be judged on the basis of a scrapbook. The budget approved by the Council for 1974 was unbalanced, with anticipated receipts of $4,100 and budgeted expenditures of $4,700. The actual deficit will probably be less than $600 because no increase in income was forecast over 1972, and some budget items may not be fully utilized, especially the increased allowance for printing and postage. The budget includes $2,500 for the Bulletin, $600 for the Newsletters (both printing and postage for each), $200 for Conservation Committee activities, $500 for miscellaneous expenses and supplies, $200 for other printing, $600 for officers’ meeting expenses, and a new provision for $100 in prizes. The Membership Committee, headed by Dr. J. B. Burch, sent letters to lapsed members, students, and other prospective members. There has been an en- couraging recent increase in the number of new members. The Executive Council moved that the AMU membership express its approval of the principles and endeavors of the Council of Systematic Malacology. This new association considers inter-institutional problems that are not suitable for AMU considera- tion. Members now include managers of systematic collections of mollusks (i.e. museum curators), and utilizers of resources are also invited. (See Malacolog- ical Review, No. 6, pp. 73-74 (1973) ). A resolution concerning the maintenance of the existing fresh water barrier in the Panama Canal, as approved by the Council, was presented to the membership and approved. (This Gatun Lake Resolution was printed in the AMU Newsletter (Fall, 1973) ). (See also the Abstract of Dr. Meredith Jones’ presentation, printed in this Bulletin, for background material relating to the problem). The site of the 1974 Annual Meeting will be Springfield, Mass. Our hosts will be the Connecticut Valley Shell Club and the Springfield Museum of Science. The dates were subsequently set as August 4 through 8, 1974. Most of the publications of member clubs, supplied to the AMU over the years, have now been transferred to the AMU Library at the Delaware Museum. Members are welcome to read the scrapbooks and other material available there. Mr. Emery P. Chace of Lomita, California, was recommended as an Honorary Life Member. The motion was unanimously approved by the member- ship. Mr. Chace is probably our oldest member, and he still attends meetings of the Conchological Club of Southern California. The Nominating Committee presented and the membership elected the following slate of officers for the coming year: President, Harold D. Murray; President-Elect, Donald R. Moore; Vice President, Dorothea Franzen; Recording Secretary, Marian S. Hubbard (3 years); Councillors-at-Large, William Lloyd Pratt, Jr. (1 year), Harold W. Harry and James H. McLean (2 years). The other officers do not require election this year. The Legal Committee has recommended that the AMU remain incorporated in California this year, but re-incorporate in Delaware in 1974 after provision has 50 REPORTS 51 been made for a legal address in that state. Proposed changes in the Constitution and Bylaws of the AMU were read and explained, and approved by the members present. They will be confirmed by a mail ballot to all members, which will be included with the Fall Newsletter. Mrs. Twila Bratcher, as President and on behalf of The Western Society of Malacologists, invited the AMU to hold a joint meeting with the WSM on the West Coast in 1975. (It was later announced that the meeting will be in San Diego). The Executive Council agreed to discuss this in more detail if enough members expressed an interest in such a meeting. Some 70 of the members present, including about 10 who live on the West Coast, said they would expect to attend a Western joint meeting. Since many more papers would be presented, the members were asked if they preferred the usual 4 or 5 day meeting with double sessions, or a week-long meeting. The members seemed to favor the longer meeting, especially because the purpose of meeting jointly was to share each others’ interests. Donald Moore and Joseph Rosewater will meet with representatives of the WSM to work on details of a 1975 Meeting. During the year members of the Conservation Committee tried to make arrangements to get one or more mollusks on the stamps of the National Wildlife Federation. It was moved to have lo fluvialis put on a stamp but that the exact location of the habitat not be published to avoid further depletion of this fresh-water snail. Under New Business, Mr. Lawrence Jerome of California asked the AMU to support his proposed study of molluscan distribution and density for the East Coast of the United States. He needs money for maps and other materials, as well as help from AMU members and member clubs. (See his Abstract in this Bulletin for details, ) The incoming President, Dr. Harold D. Murray, was introduced and took over the gavel. He announced the chairmen of the various committees of the Executive Council. Among the announcements, Marc Imlay told the members about some develop- ments relating to conservation, but the members could not vote on them because they were not properly presented. Carol Stein will function in a liaison capacity for conservation, collecting cross-specialty information, and working on a conservation directory, something especially needed in the field of endangered species. The Conservation Committee would like to modify last year’s resolution of the membership regarding endangered shells in competitive exhibits. They would like the member clubs to exclude not only the species on the official U.S. Government list, but those included in an International Convention, the so-called World List. The members passed most enthusiastically a resolution thanking Dr. Abbott and the Delaware Museum. Respectfully submitted, Marian S. Hubbard, Re- cording Secretary. REPORT OF THE CORRESPONDING SECRETARY FOR 1972 Mail came in about the same rate as last year, with possibly a slight increase. It was averaging about a letter a day. About 50 per cent of this mail was from youngsters, grammar to high school. Those in high schools were using shells in their science projects. Most of the mail was answered through one of five types of form letters or informational lists. A few required more thought and additional comments. A small percentage was from overseas with most of those, strangely enough, from the Philippines, where apparently sales of shells is a thriving business in theory if not in actuality. There is still high demand for “How to Collect Shells,” with checks, money orders and crumpled dollar bills returned with a form letter indicating that we hope another edition will be out soon and we’ll let them know when it’s available again. Membership applications go out to any who appear to be that interested in becoming members, especially where no state club or regional organi- zation on malacology is nearby. Respectfully submitted, Paul R. Jennewein, Corresponding Secretary. 52 REPORTS REPORT OF THE RECORDING SECRETARY FOR 1972 As of January 1, 1973, the membership of the following is a comparison, by category, with the AMU was 760, showing a net increase of 41 previous two years: individuals and 2 clubs over the previous year. The 1/1/71 1/1/72 1/1/73 Individual 510 451 479 Individuals under Family Membership (2 or more people per membership) 235 190 208 Honorary Life Members 9 8 6 Corresponding Members 37 23 20 Clubs and Regional Organizations 32 45 47 TOTAL 823 717 760 In the fall of 1972, about 70 members were dropped for non-payment of dues. The efforts of the Membership Committee, headed by Jack Burch, started early in 1973 and appear to be bearing fruit. Personal letters sent to lapsed members have so far resulted in 11 people re-joining, mostly paid for 1972 as well as 1973. Letters were also sent to students and scientists not then members of the AMU. In addition, information about AMU membership was sent to all MALACOLOGICAL REVIEW subscribers, and there was a notice in the April issue of THE NAUTILUS about both the Annual Meeting and membership. New members do not always tell us why they joined, but many people joining this year did not have the Application for Membership form sent out by the Corresponding Secretary. As of June 6, 1973, membership was up to 836, including 50 organiza- tions and 25 corresponding members. However, we expect that upwards of 50 of these 836 will be dropped by year-end for non-payment of 1973 dues. Although I am only Recording Secretary, I try to quickly answer correspondence that requires only a form or a few words. I pass along more involved inquiries to Paul Jennewein. Including welcome letters to new members, I sent out about 50 pieces of mail a month. I find that even after almost 3 years this office is never “routine”. I write an individual letter to each new member because in most cases I am giving or requesting information that could not be covered by a form. As much as possible I read the various club publications and advertising material that arrives. I pass along information to other officers and committee chairmen when I think they would be interested. Since last October I have had frequent correspondence with Myra Taylor, the new Treasurer. We have a number of points to present to the Executive Council for advice and guidance relating to our activities. This is an attempt to codify our current practices and to ensure that the Council is aware of all of our activities. It will take continued effort to make the system work efficiently. Respectfully submitted, Marian S. Hubbard, Recording Secretary. REPORTS REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1972 CHECK BOOK BALANCE, JANUARY 1, 1972. RECEIPTS: 1874.65 Memberships; Regular 2609.75 Corresponding 88.25 Clubs & Institutions 246.00 2944.00 Sales: HOW TO COLLECT SHELLS 256.12 RARE & ENDANGERED SPECIES 8.05 Back Issues-Bulletin 165.75 429.92 Proceeds of Galveston Meeting 315.78 Page charge to authors 199.50 Interest on Savings Certificate 166.60 Miscellaneous credits 11.75 693.63 Total Receipts from activities 4067.55 Transferred from Savings Account 500.00 4567.55 TOTAL CASH TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR: . . .6442.20 DISBURSEMENTS: Printing: Annual Report 2292.85 Other printing 206.45 2499.30 Postage 410.20 Bank charges 25.44 Office expenses 153.83 2 Secretaries’ expenses — annual meet. 560.00 Filing Fee-State of California 10.00 Miscellaneous expenses 21.50 1180.97 Total Disbursements 3680.27 Check Book Balance, December 31, 1972 2761.93 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNTED FOR: . . . 6442.20 53 54 REPORTS Savings account B14592, Colonial Federal Savings & Loan Association. Balance, Jan. 1 2595.50 Interest 82.20 2677.70 Withdrawal to checking account 500.00 Balance 10/31/72 2177.70 Withdrawn and sent to Myra Taylor 2177.70 Savings Account #8289670, Broadway National Bank Opened account, November 15, 1972 2177.70 Balance, December 31, 1972 TIME CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT # 6659, Broadway National Bank RECAPITULATION OF ASSETS, DECEMBER 31, 1972: Cash in Checking Acct., Broadway Nat’l. Bank i Treasurer’s Petty Cash — Myra Taylor Secretary’s Petty Cash — Marian Hubbard Savings Account #8289670, Broadway Nat’l. Bank Time Savings Certificate #6659, Bdy. Natl. Bank TOTAL ASSETS Allocated to Life Membership Fund A. M. U. NET WORTH - DECEMBER 31, 1972 CHANGES IN CAPITAL ACCOUNT: A.M.U. CAPITAL ACCOUNT, JANUARY 1, 1972 A.M.U. CAPITAL ACCOUNT, DECEMBER 31, 1972 NET INCREASE IN ASSETS, 1972 2177.70 3000.00 2761.93 25.00 100.00 2177.70 3000.00 8064.63 1470.88 6593.75 6109.27 6593.75 484.48 Respectfully submitted, Myra L. Taylor, Treasurer Audited by T. E. Pulley (19 May, 1973) & Harold D. Murray (2 June, 1973) Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc. May 1974 THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, INC. ACTIVE MEMBERS Membership List revised October 27, 1973. Abbott, Dr. and Mrs. R. Tucker, Delaware Museum of Natural History, Greenville, Del. 19807. Abel, Richard & Company, Inc., P.O. Box 4302, Portland, Ore. 97208. Adair, Mrs. Mary Lucy C., 2527 Loving Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75214 (Coloured or striped shells; Murex). Aguayo, Dr. Carlos G., Dept, of Biol., Univ. of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00708. Albert, Mrs. Ernest, 905 Bayshore Blvd., Safety Harbor, Fla, 33572. Alexander, Robert C., 423 Warwick Rd., Wynne- wood, Pa. 19096. Allen, Dr. J. Frances, 7507 23rd Ave., Hyattsville, Md. 20783. Allen, James E., 1108 Southampton Dr., Alexandria, La. 71301 (Tertiary micro-mollusca). Allen, Mrs. Lawrence K,, Box 822, Port Isabel, Texas 78578 (Murex, Pecten, world marines; dealer). Allen, Miss Letha S,, 187 Argyle St., Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada (General). Anders, Kirk W., Shells of the Seas Inc., P.O. Box 1418, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33302 (Volutidae; all rare shells). Anderson, Carleton J., Kettle Creek Rd., Weston, Conn. 06880, Anderson, Gregory L., Pacific Marine Station, Dillon Beach, Cal. 94929. Andrews, Mrs. Jean (Wasson), 241 Melrose, Corpus Christi, Texas 78404. Angstadt, Mrs. Earle K., 247 Penn St., Reading, Pa. 19602. Aslakson, Capt. & Mrs. Carl I., 5707 Wilson Lane, Bethesda, Md. 20034. Athearn, Herbert D., Rt. 5, Box 376, Cleveland, Tenn. 37311 (Freshwater). Athearn, Mrs. Roy C., 5105 N. Main St., Fall River, Mass. 02720 (Land shells). Avellanet, Mrs. Helene, 341 Griggs Ave., Teaneck, N.J. 07666. Avery, Mrs. R. Gail, Box 2557, Harbor, Ore. 97415 (Shells of West America; exch.). Babrakzai, Mr. Noorullah, Dept. Biol. Sci., Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 85721. Baerreis, David A., 1233 Sweet Briar Rd., Madison, Wise. 53705 (Paleoecological interpretation through mollusks). Bagdon, Mr. & Mrs. Anthon, 440 Home Dr., Levelgreen, Trafford, Pa. 15085. Baily, Dr. Joshua L., P.O. Box 1891, La Jolla, Cal. 92038. Baker, Mrs. Horace B., 11 Chelten Rd., Havertown, Pa. 19083. Baker, John A., 147 Hedgegrove Ave., Satellite Beach, Fla. 32937 (General). Baker, Nelson W., 279 Sherwood Dr., Santa Barbara, Cal. 93110 (General). Baker, Wilma, Orange Acres, Rte. 1, Lot 65, Sarasota, Fla. 33577. Balsam, Arthur, 1911 Fawn Dr., Philadelphia, Pa. 19118. Banek, Thomas J., 220 Littleton Rd., Parsippany, N.J. 07054 (Marine gastropods, taxonomy and ecology). Bannister, Mrs. Betty S., 2800 E. 3rd St., Tucson, Ariz. 85716. Barker, C. Austin, 2 Hickory Dr., Rye, N.Y. 10580. Barlow, Dr. & Mrs. G. Barton, 5 Downey Dr., Tenafly, N.J. Barnett, Dr. Herbert C., Brazilian-American Bio- medical Program, U.S. Consulate, Salvador (Bahia), APO New York, N.Y. 09676. Barr, John W., Jr., 4N 737 Crane Rd., St. Charles, 111. 60174 (Cowries). Barton, Mrs. James, 20 Newfield Dr., Rochester, N.Y. 14616 (Cypraea, worldwide general coll, especially Hawaiian). Bauer, Mr. & Mrs. Hugo C., 5205 Ave. O-V2, Galveston, Texas 77550 (All Mollusca). Baum, Newman N., 83 Weaving Lane, Wantagh, L.I., N.Y. 11793. Baxa, Mrs. Dorothy, Box 177, Genesee Depot, Wise. 53127 (Beginning coll.; gaining knowledgt of mollusks). Bayne, Dr. and Mrs. C. J., Dept, of Zool., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, Ore. 97331 (Gastropod physiology). Bazata, Kenneth R., 430 Oldfather Hall, Univ. of Nebraska, Dept, of Zool., Lincoln, Neb. 68508 (Terrestrial pulmonates; Dentalium). Becker, Mr. & Mrs. Albert F., 2157 Sunrise Dr., LaCrosse, Wise. 54601 (Mississippi River shells). Bedford, Mrs. Ann W., P.O. Box 6181, West Palm Beach, Fla. 33405. Beetle, Mrs. Dorothy E., 375 W. Galbraith Ave., #42, Cincinnati, Ohio 45215. 55 56 ACTIVE MEMBERS Bequaert, Dr. Joseph C., Dept, of Entomol., Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 85717. Bereza, Daniel J., 825 N. 24th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19130 (Unionidae and Pleuroceridae ). Berry, Dr. and Mrs. Elmer G., 1336 Bird Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48103. Berry, Dr. S. Stillman, 1145 W. Highland Ave., Redlands, Cal. 92373. Bickel, David, Dept. Earth Sci., Minot State College, Minot, N. Dak. 58701 (Systematics and ecology of freshwater mollusks, esp. pleurocerid snails). Bijur, Jerome M., 135 7th Ave. N., Naples, Fla. 33940 (Buy, exch. Florida and Caribbean marine). Bippus, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin C,, 2743 Sagamore Rd., Toledo, Ohio 43606 (Marine gastropods). Blankenship, Shaw, Route 2, Crab Orchard, Ky. 40419 (Fresh water mussels). Bleakney, Dr. J. Sherman, Dept, of Biol., Acadia Univ., Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada (Nu- dibranchs and sacoglossans; ecology, zoo- geography, systematics). Bledsoe, William D., 11763 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. 90049. Blum, Howard F., 2881 N.E. 22 Court, Pompano Beach, Fla. 33062. Blum, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M., 1916B Lombard St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19146 (Cowries, scallops). Boone, Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Q., 3706 Rice Blvd., Houston, Texas 77005. Born, Mrs. Thomas, 4345 Manolete, Pensacola, Fla. 32504. Borror, Kathy Gail, 612 Northridge Road, Columbus, Ohio 43214. Bosch, M. D., Donald T., 4035 South Rose Street, Apt. 202, Kalamazoo, Mich. 49001. Boss, Dr. Kenneth Jay, Mus., Comp., Zook, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Bottimer, L. J., Rte. 1, Box 50, Tow, Texas 78672 (Recent and fossil). Boyd, Dr. and Mrs. Eugene S., 6806 Gillis Rd., Victor, N.Y. 14564 (All aspects). Bracco, Mrs. Alice, 26 Madison St., New York, N.Y. 10038 (General interest; buying and finding). Bradley, J. Chester, 604 Highland Rd., Ithaca, N.Y. 14850. Brady, E. Leo and Mrs. Frances, P.O. Box 2515, Newburgh, N.Y. 12550 (Land snails). Branson, Branley A., P.O. Box 50, Eastern Kentucky Univ., Richmond, Ky. 40475. Bratcher, Mrs. Twila L., 8121 Mulholland Terrace, Hollywood, Cal. 90046. Bretsky, Sara S., 91 Upper Sheep Pasture Rd., East Setauket, N.Y. 11733 (Ecology and evolution of Bivalvia, especially Tertiary and Recent). Bricker, Mrs. Minnie, Miss Donna Bricker, and Mr. Walter Kurman, R. D. 3, Hanover, Pa. 17331. Brill, Mr. and Mrs. James A., 804 Johnson St., Terrell, Texas 75160. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. John C., 3050 Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Pierce, Fla. 33450. Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Harvey E., Jr. 9455 S.W. 81st Ave., Miami, Fla. 33156. Brown, Wade G. 1317 Arnette Ave., Durham, N.C. 27707 (Rare W. Atlantic shells). Broyles, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E., 5701 Fairfield Dr., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 46807. Brumbelow, Mary Linda, 501 E. Fairlane, #34, Rapid City, S.Dak. 57701 (Worldwide Cypraea, Conus, Valuta, Murex, Marginella). Brunson, Dr. Royal Bruce, Univ. of Montana, Missoula, Mont. 59801. Bryan, Edwin H., Jr., Bishop Museum, P.O. Box 6037, Honolulu, Hawaii 96818 (Pacific bio- geography and bibliography). Buehler, William, 2019 A Lincoln Ave., Stevens Point, Wise. 54481 (Freshwater). Burch, Dr. John B., Mus. Zook, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 (Land and freshwater mollusks). Burch, Mr. and Mrs. John Q., 1300 Mayfield Rd., Apt. 61-L, Seal Beach, Cal. 90740. Burch, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A., P.O. Box 309, Kailua, Hawaii 96734 (Dredging). Burgers, Dr. and Mrs. J. M., 4622 Knox Rd., Apt. 7, College Park, Md. 20740. Burghardt, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn, 14453 Nassau Rd., San Leandro, Cal. 94577. Burke, Alice L. and Thos. D., Jr., 1820 S. Austin Blvd., Cicero, Ilk 60650 (Marine mollusks of eastern U.S.A.). Burky, Dr. Albert J., Dept, of Biok, Univ. of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio 45409. Burmeister, Carol, 310 Parker Ave., Algoma, Wise. 54201 (Cowries, top shells and turbans). Cahill, Michael, 1639 Madison Street, Apt. #4, Hollywood, Fla. 33020 (Florida marine). Campbell, Mrs. Minnie Lee, 3895 DuPont Circle, Jacksonville, Fla. 32205 (General collecting). Cardeza, R. Adm. and Mrs. Carlos M., P.O. Box 6746, Houston, Texas 77005 Summer Address; 1718 Jewel Box Dr., Sanibel, Fla. 33957 (Florida and Texas shells), Cardin, T/Sgt. Charles, 818 Can.,,hor St., Vandenberg AFB, Cal. 93437. Carlton, Jas. T., Dept. Invert. Zook, Cal. Acad. Sci. San Francisco, Cal. 94118 (Estuarine and brackish water mollusks). Carney, W. Patrick, U. S. Naval Medical Research Unit No. 2, Djakarta Detachment, APO San Francisco, Cal. 96356. Carr, Mrs. Jack C., 912 Broadway, Normal, Ilk 61761 (Exchange worldwide marine). Castagna, Michael, Locustville, Va. 23404 (Pelecypod larval behavior). Cate, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford N., P.O. Drawer R., Sanibel, Fla. 33957 (Mitra, Cypraea; no ex- changes). Cetnar, Eugene J., M.D. and Mrs. Veronica Cetnar, 4322 Bishop, Detroit, Mich. 48224. Chace, Emery P. 24205 Eshelman Ave., Lomita, Cal. 90717 ACTIVE MEMBERS 57 Chandler, Carl and Doris, P.O. Box 621, Chatham, Mass. 02633 (Cones, Cypraea). Chanley, Mr. & Mrs. Paul E., Fred Rd., New Suffolk, N.Y. 11956. Cheng, Dr. Thomas C., Inst, for Pathobiol. Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. 18015. Chichester, Lyle F., Dept. Biol. Sci., Central Conn. State College, New Britain, Conn. 06050 (Ecology of terrestrial gastropods, biology of land slugs). Childs, Richard M., M.D., and Donna S. Childs, M.D., 5325 Mission Woods Terrace, Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66205. Christensen, Carl C., Dept, of Biol. Sci., Univ, of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 85721. Christie, John Doyle, Ph.D., Tropical Public Health, Harvard School of Public Health, 665 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. 02115 (Medical Malacology). Clark, John W., Jr., Texas Archeological Salvage Project, Balcones Research Center, Rt. 4, Box 189, Austin, Texas 78757. (Economic exploitation of mollusks by prehistoric Indians, their use in ecological reconstruction). Clarke, Dr. Arthur H., Head of Invert. Sec., Nat. Mus. Can., Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0M8, Canada. Qarke, Michael D.. 1179 Brown Rd., Hanover, Mich. 49241. Clench, Dr, Wm. J., 26 Rowena St., Dorchester, Mass. 02124. Close, Henry T., 2808 Wendland Dr., N.E., Atlanta, Ga. 30345 (Liguus fasciata, Terebra, Murex; Coral). Coan, Dr. Eugene, 891 San Jude Ave., Palo Alto, Cal. 94306. Compitello, Mrs. Juliette, 5630 Alta Vista Rd., Bethesda, Md. 20034. Cooper, Robert W. and Marjorie, 5012 Pfeiffer Rd., Peoria, 111. 61607 (Florida marine; world Murex, Pecten, Spondylus; SCUBA divers). Corey, Mrs. David S. K., 206 Airport Rd., Blacksburg, Va. 24060. Courtney, Charles M., 161 Tahiti Rd., Marco Island, Fla. 33937 (Aquatic Ecologist/Malacologist). Craig, Michael M., Dept, of Zool. Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104, Craine, Mrs. Ruth A., 161C Pelham Lane, Rossmoor, < Jamesburg, N.J. 08831. Cramer, Frances L., 766 Obispo Ave., Long Beach, Cal. 90804 (Ecology; conservation). Crittenden, Mrs. John S., 624 Waterfall Isle, Alameda, Cal. 94501. Crocker, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M., Laurel Hollow, Syosset, N.Y. 11791. Cull, Mrs. Robt. R., 7927 Chippewa Rd., Brecksville, Ohio 44141. Cummings, Raymond W., 37 Lynacres Blvd., Fayetteville, N.Y. 13066 (Shells of the West Indies, esp. Windward and Grenadine). Cutler, Henry H., 105 Abbott Rd., Wellesley Hills, Mass. 02181. Cvancara, Dr. Alan Milton, Dept. Geol., Univ. of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. Dak. 58201 (Pleistocene and Holocene continental mollusks; Early Tertiary continental and marine mollusks). Danforth, Louise L., 3435 Bee Ridge Rd., Apt. 220, Sarasota, Fla. 33580. Davis, Dr. Derek S., Nova Scotia Mus. 1747 Summer Street, Halifax, N.S., Canada (Gastropod biology and taxonomy). Davis, Dr. George M,, Dept. Mollusks, Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. Davis, Dr. John D., 26 Norfolk Ave., Northampton, Mass. 01060 (Ecology of marine bivalves). Deatrick, Paul A., 218 S.W. 32 Ave., Miami, Fla. 33135 (Strombus, Busycon). de Graaff, Mr. Gerrit, 10915 S.W. 55 St., Miami, Fla. 33165. DeLuca, Mrs. John A., Miss Gladys, 61 Deborah Rd., Hanover, Mass. 02339. Demond, Joan, Dept. Geol., Univ, of California, Los Angeles, Cal. 90024. Dexter, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph W., Dept. Biol. Sci., Kent State Univ., Kent, Ohio 44242. Dietrich, Mr. & Mrs. Louis E., 308 Veri Dr., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15220. Dixon, Mrs. Ruth S., 711 Parker St., Durham, N.C. 27701 (Marine mollusks). Draine, Flossie M., P.O. Box 764, Roundup, Mont. 59072 (Marine; shell crafts). Du Bar, Dr, and Mrs. Jules R., Geoscience Dept., Morehead State Univ., Morehead, Ky. 40351 (Cenozoic and Recent mollusks — ecology and paleoecology). Dundee, Dr. Dolores S., Dept. Biol., Louisiana State Univ. in New Orleans, New Orleans, La. 70122 (Land mollusks; freshwater mussels). Dvorak, Stanley J., 3856 W. 26th St., Chicago, 111. 60623 (Muricidae). Dyer, Mr. & Mrs. John S., Jr., Box 238, Brookside, N.J. 07926 (Gastropods). Eddison, Grace G., M.D., District Three State Hospital, Paris, Kentucky 40361 (World marine). Edmiston, Mrs. J. R. 5038 Hazeltine Ave., Apt. 301, Sherman Oaks, Cal. 91403. Edwards, Lt. Col. Corinne E., P.O. Box 691, Coconut Grove, Fla. 33133. Edwards, D. Craig, Dept, of Zool., Morrill Science Center, Univ. of Mass., Amherst, Mass. 01002 (Population ecology and behavior of marine benthic molluscs). Ellis, Richard, 1185 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10028 (Conchs, cones, Murex). Emerson, Dr. Wm. K., Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Central Park W. at 79th St., New York, N.Y. 10024. Emery, Mrs. Adele K., Box 1265, South Miami, Fla. 33143 (Florida east coast marines). Emmling, Philip J., Zool. Dept., Univ. of Wise. — Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wise. 53201 (Freshwater; particularly sphaeriid clams). 58 ACTIVE MEMBERS Erickson, Carl W., 4 Windsor Ave., Auburn, Mass. 01501. Eubanks, Mrs. Edwin W., 9353 Bermuda Ave., Baton Rouge, La. 70810. Evans, Susan E., 244 Congress Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. 19050 (Conus, Cypraea, Murex). Eyerdam, Walter J.. c/o Mrs. David Homchick, 8640 15th N.E., Seattle, Wash. 98115. Fackert, Dorothy M., 2 Wilson Rd., Apt. 16B, Sussex, N.J. 07461. Farrell, Lyle H., Ll.D., L.H.D., Box 57, Andover, N.H. 03216. Fechtner, Frederick R., Miss Cynthia May Fechtner, and Master James Fred Fechtner, 2611 Fitch Ave., Apt. B. W., Chicago, 111. 60645. Feinberg, Harold S., Dept. Living Inverts., Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Central Park W. at 79th St., New York, N.Y. 10024 (Land and freshwater mollusks). Fenzan, William J., 385 Dohner Dr.,Wadsworth, Ohio 44281 (Worldwide marine). Ferguson, Dr. and Mrs. John H., 226 Glandon Dr., Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. Ferreira, Antonio J., M.D., 2060 Clarmar Way, San Jose, Cal. 95128 (Ecology, behavior, physiology, systematics of American mollusks). Fieberg, Kleinie, 1430 Lake Ave., Wilmette, 111. 60091. File, Sharon, Ph.D., Delta Primate Center, Tulane Univ., Covington, La. 70433 (Fresh water planorbids, especially as trematode intermediate hosts). Fingold, Mr. and Mrs. A.S., University Sq. No. 1, 4625 Fifth Ave., Apt. 105, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213. Finlay, C. John, 116 Tanglewood Lane, Newark, Del. 19711 (Marine mollusks cf the Western Atlantic and Caribbean). Fisher, Larklyn, Dept, of Zook, Washington State Univ., Pullman, Wash. 99163 (Physiology, tax- onomy ). Flansburg, Ronald R., D.V.M., 2910 Ponoma Court, Brookfield, Wise. 53005 (Shells). Foehrenbach, Jack, 91 Elm St., Islip Manor, L.I., N.Y. 11751 (Ecology of marine mollusks). Foote, Mary K., Box 2075, South Padre Island, Texas 78578. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. E. Flynn, 2100 S. Ocean Dr., Apt. 8-M, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33316. Foster, Mr. & Mrs. Edward W., 30 Bamboo Dr., Naples, Fla. 33940. Foster, Mrs. Fred H., 401 N. Justus St., Oxford, Ind. 47971 (Shells in general). Fowler, Dr. and Mrs. Lake, 4508 Woodrow, Galveston, Texas 77550. Franke, Norman W., 214 Orin St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15235 (Self-collected marine shells). Franz, Dr. David R., Biol. Dept., Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11210 (Ecology and physiology marine mollusks, esp. nudibranchs). Franzen, Dr. Dorothea, Illinois Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, 111. 61702. Fraser, Stanley, R. R. 5, Smith Falls, Ontario, Canada (Amateur). Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Harley L., 353 S. Atlantic Ave., Ormond Beach, Fla. 32074 (West Atlantic shells). Fuller, Samuel L. H. and Mrs. Mary L. B. Fuller, Acad. Nat. Sci. 19th St. and The Parkway, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 (World Naiads, Unionacea and Mutelacea). Gallagher, Mrs. Susan, 12250 6th St. E., Treasure Island, Fla. 33706. Garcia, Emilio F., 135 Oak Crest Dr., Lafayette, La. 70501 (Bulimulinae, Pectinidae, Cypraeidae). Garoian, Dr. Geo., Dept. Zook, Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale, Ilk 62901. Garrett, Mrs. Sharon V., 605 York-Warwick Dr., Yorktown, Va. 23490. Gilbert, Mrs. Laura, 808 Westwood Dr., Abilene, Texas 79603. Gilbert, Prof, and Mrs. William H., Colby College, Dept, of Biol., Waterville, Me. 04901 (Marine and freshwater bivalves — ecology, behavior and systematics; Tellina, Macoma). Gilmour, Dr. Thos. H. J., Dept. Biol., Univ. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N OWO (Anisomyarian bivalves). Girardi, Mrs. Jos. B., 707 Kent Rd., Kenilworth, Ilk 60043. Glick, Dr. Robert N., 13500 E. 12 Mile Rd., Warren, Mich. 48093. (Cowries, cones, olives; beginners). Goethel, Lt. Col. (Ret.) Louis and Mrs., 9402 Nona Kay Dr., San Antonio, Texas 78217 (Cypraea — buy and trade). Goodfriend, Glenn A., 5520A Ellis Ave., Apt. 3W, Chicago, Ilk 60637 (Molluscan ecology). Goossen, Robert W., 59 Bayside Village, Newport Beach, Cal. 92660 (South Pacific — self collected). Gottlieb, Lee, 3580 Gull Rd., Lake Park, Fla. 33403 (Marine gastropods). Graf, Robert A., 3217 Maxim Dr., Fort Wayne, Ind. 46805. Grantier, Mrs. Bruce J. (Leona), 7 Tiverton Dr., Ottawa, Ont., K2E 6L4, Canada (Persian Gulf shells). Greenberg, Mrs. Ruth and Mrs. Jan Greenberg, 22762 Pacific Coast Hwy., Malibu, Cal. 90265. Gregg, Wendell O., M.D., 2200 S. Harvard Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. 90018. Groeneveld, Miss Mae, 1183 Terrace St., Muskegon, Mich. 49442 (Cypraea, Conus). Gruetzmacher, Inez, 534 1st St., Menominee, Mich. 49858. Guckert, Richard H., P.O. Box 185, Thomasville, Ga. 31792 (Systematics of freshwater mussels; ecol- ogy, seasonal life histories freshwater mollusks; comp, ecology and physiology of Nassariidae). Gudnason, Mrs. Harold, 105 Danefield Place, Moraga, Cal. 94556. Gugler, Dr. Carl W., Dept. Zoology, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 68508 (Terrestrial pulmo- nates). ACTIVE MEMBERS 59 Gunter, Dr. Gordon, Gulf Coast Res. Lab., Ocean Springs, Miss. 39564 (Ostreidae). Gustave, Al, Creative Designs, Inc., Box 7762, Phoenix, Ariz. 85011. Hadley, Mrs. Esther, 48 Adella Ave., West Newton, Mass. 02165. Hagge, Mrs. Daniel, 20 North Hill Rd., Wausau, Wise. 54401. Hall, Mrs. Warner L., 727 Queen’s Rd., Charlotte, N.C. 28207. Hamilton, Mrs. William J., Jr., 615 Highland Rd., Ithaca, N.Y. 14850. Hand, Dr. Cadet H., Bodega Marine Lab., P.O. Box 247, Bogeda Bay, Cal. 94923. Harman, Dr. Willard N., Science SUNY College, Oneonta, N.Y. 13820 (Freshwater). Harris, Don V., Jr., 888 16th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006. Harris, Mrs. E. Milton, 3237 Carlisle Rd., Birming- ham, Ala. 35213. Harris, Larry G., Dept. Zool. Univ. of New Hampshire, Durham, N.H. 03824 (Symbiotic association of Gastropoda, esp. nudibranch-coelenterate association). Harris, Major Marion J. and Mrs. Bessie B., Rte. 6, Box 347T, Jacksonville, Fla. 32223. Harrison, Mrs. F. F., One Beaver St., Cooperstown, N.Y. 13326. Harry, Dr. Harold W., 4612 Evergreen, Bellaire, Texas 77401. Haven, Dr. Dexter, 336 Lafayette Rd., Yorktown, Va. 23490 (Mercenaria mercenaria, Mya arenaria, Crassostrea virginica). Heck, Lt. Col. Ralph L., P.O. Box 16712, Temple Terrace, Fla. 33617 (World gastropods, esp. Conus, Cypraea). Hedges, Mrs. Arlene J., 404 North East St., Crown Point, Ind. 46307 (Diversified interests). Henderson, Jerry G., 1729 N.W. Greenbrier Way, Seattle, Wash. 98177 (General interest). Hendress, Don C. and Mrs. Cheryl, 124 Eleventh Street, Streator, 111. 61364 (World shells). Hepler, Neil M. and Laura E., P.O. Box 467, Deerfield Beach, Fla. 33441 (Cephalapoda, Conus, Cypra- eidae). Herman, Dr. Loren H., 16 Randolph Dr., Dix Hills, N.Y. 11746 (Cones). Hernandez, Mr. & Mrs. Leonardo, 622 West 113 St. New York, N.Y. 10025 (Tropical Western Atlantic mollusks and Caribbean land mollusks). Herr, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L., Sr., 7901 Dewitt Dr., RFD No. 3, Baldwinsville, N.Y. 13027. Hesse, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H., 1241 Cocoanut Rd., Boca Raton, Fla. 33432. Hettick, Mrs. G. Riley, 933 Lynnwood Dr., Bartles- ville, Okla. 74003. Hickman, Mrs. Harriette L., 11015 First Ave., Stone Harbor, N.J. 08247 (Worldwide Epitonium). Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S., 1522 Palmwood Dr., Eau Gallic, Fla. 32935 (General collecting; also fossil shells). Hill, Charles W., Dept, of Oceanography, Texas A & M Univ., College Station, Texas 77843 (Marine mollusks, especially Muricidae). Hill, Frederick C., Univ. of Louisville, Water Resources Lab., Belknap Campus, Louisville, Ky. 40208. Hoagland, K. Elaine, Biol. Lab., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. 02138 (Ecology and evolution of marine mollusks). Holiman, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne, Box 246, Edinburg, Texas 78539. Holle, Dr. Paul A., 131 Holman St., Shrewsbury, Mass., 01545 (Salt marsh snails). Hollister, S. C., 5 Parkway Place, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850. Homan, Mrs. Jacqueline A., The Museum, Texas Tech. Univ., P.O. Box 4499, Lubbock, Texas 79409. Hopkins, Dr. & Mrs. Sewell H., 709 Garden Acres Blvd., Bryan, Texas 77801. Horishney, Allan W., 4029 Hayhurst, Tucson, Ariz. 85716. Hornstein, Leon, 2211 Arden Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21209 (Amateur). Houbrick, Richard S., 311 N. Piedmont St., #1, Arlington, Va. 22203 (Zoogeography, systematics, evolution). Hubbard, Mrs. Marian S., 3957 Marlow Court, Seaford, N.Y. 11783. Hubricht, Leslie, 4026 35th St., Meridian, Miss. 39301 (U.S. land and freshwater). Hulswit, Mart, 680 West End Ave., New York, N.Y. 10025 (Collecting with SCUBA). Hunkins, Mrs. Ruth E., 133 Brook to Bay, Englewood, Fla. 33533 (Miniature shells; exch.). Hunter, Dr. R. D., Dept, of Biol. Sci., Oakland Univ., Rochester, Mich. 48063 (Physiological ecology of freshwater pulmonates). Hyett, Marvin R, M.D., 2031 Locust St., Philadel- phia, Pa. 19103. Imlay, Dr. and Mrs. Marc J., Bureau of Sport Fish. & Wildlife, Office of Endangered Species, Washing- ton, D.C. Inchaustegui, J. M., 2121 Grape PI., Gretna, La. 70053. Ing, Mrs. May and Master Michael Ing, Box 1750, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00708 (Small and minute shells of West Indies). Ishikawa, Samuel, 551 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. Isom, Billy G., 606 Crest St., #8, Florence, Ala. 35630. Jackson, R. H., 5219 Trentwood Dr., New Bern, N.C. 28560. Jackson, Ralph W.,Rte. 1, Box 229, Cambridge, Md. 21613 (Exch. land shells). Jacobson, Morris Karl, 455 Beach 139 St., Rockaway Beach, N.Y. 11694. Jacobson, Mrs. Ursula, 5618 E. Montecito, Phoenix, Ariz. 85018 (Indo-Pacific, esp. cones and cowries; West Coast- Panamic). 60 ACTIVE MEMBERS Janowsky, Robert and Dorothy, 125 East 86th St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11236 (Cypraea, Murex, volutes). Jennewein, Mr. and Mrs. Paul R., Box 394, Wrightsville Beach, N.C. 28480 (Raising mollusks in aquaria; writing and illustrating articles on shell collecting). Jensen, Mrs. Dorothy H., P.O. Box 2205, Astoria, N.Y. 11102. Jensen, Russell H., R.D. #1, Box 55, Chadds Ford, Pa. 19317 (Bermuda mollusks). Jerome, Lawrence E., 1467 Navarro Dr., Santa Clara, Cal. 95051 (Distribution and population densities of mollusks). Johns, Mrs. Veronica Parker, c/o Seashells Unlimited, Inc., 590 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. Johnson, Col. Harvey A. (Ret.), 3915 S. W. 109th St., Seattle, Wash. 98146. Johnson, Mrs. Kenneth L., 3206 Sussex Rd., Raleigh, N.C. 27607 (World marine shells). Johnson, Dr. & Mrs. Louis, 1508 Wesley Parkway, N.W., Atlanta, Ga. 30327. Johnson, Richard I., 124 Chestnut Hill Rd., Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02167 (Books). Johnstone, Mrs. Adelaide B., 5713 Hinman Dr., Corpus Christi, Texas 78412. Johnstone, Mrs. Kathleen Yerger, 2209 River Forest Rd., Mobile, Ala. 36605. Jones, Dr. David T., P.O. Box 284, Vinton, Iowa 52349. Jones, Dr. Meredith L., Curator, Dept. Invert. Zook, Nat. Mus. Nat. Hist., 10th & Constitution Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20560. Jones, Richard H., 1432 Dorsh Rd., S. Euclid, Ohio 44121. Katsaras, Nick, 479B S. Washington Ave., Bergen- field, N.J. 07621. Kay, Dr. E. Alison, General Science Dept., Univ. of Hawaii, 2450 Campus Rd., Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 (Indo-Pacific marine mollusca: systematics and ecology). Keen, Dr. A. Myra, Dept. Geol., Stanford Univ., Stanford, Cal. 94305. Keferl, Eugene P., 4766 Riverside Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43220 (Terrestrial gastropods). Kemper, Mrs. Hessie, 11854 Josse Dr., St. Louis, Mo. 63128. Kile, Chas. O., Box 2046, Agana, Guam 96910 (All shells). King, Lucia E., Heron Club, 434 Broad Ave. South, Naples, Fla. 33940. Klein, Mrs. Isabelle H., Atkins Rd., R.D. #3, Geneva, Ohio 44041 (Land snails). Kline, Mrs. Mary, 240 Makee Rd., Apt. 10-A, Honolulu, Hawaii 96815. Koehler, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold A., P.O. Box 457, Watertown, Conn. 06795 (Cowries and cones). Kohn, Dr. Alan J., Dept. Zool., Univ. of Washington, Seattle, Wash. 98195. Kondo, Dr. Yoshio, Bishop Museum, Box 6037, Honolulu, Hawaii 96818. Kovach, Jack, Dept. Geol., Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio 43762 (Ecology, shell composition, paleontology of non-marine mollusks). Kraemer, Dr. Louise R., Dept. Zool., Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. 72701. Kraeuter, Dr. John N., Mar. Inst., Sapelo Island, Ga. 31327 (Ecology, distribution and systematics of Scaphopoda; ecology and distribution of benthic infaunal communities of U.S. East Coast). Krauss, N.L.H., 2437 Parker Place, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 (Carnivorous land snails; biology). Kuczynski, Mrs. Florence, 7400 46th Ave. N., Box 406, St. Petersburg, Fla. 33709 (Collect, exchange, photograph all shells). Kurz, Richard M., 1575 N. 118 St., Wauwatosa, Wise. 53226 (Large specimen shells). Laavy, T. L., Apt. A21, 311 W. Earle St., Greenville, S.C. 29609. Lalli, Dr. Carol M., Mar. Sci. Centre, McGill Univ., Montreal 110, Quebec, Canada (Pteropod mol- lusks). Lamberts, Dr. Austin E., 1520 Leffingwell N.E. Grand Rapids, Mich. 49505. Landye, Jas. Jerry, Dept. Zool., Arizona State Univ., Temple, Ariz. 85281 (Freshwater). Lane, Lewis B., 204 Ransom St., Fuquay-Varina, N.C. 27526 (Land and marine). Lang, Bruce Z., Eastern Washington State College, Dept. Biol, Cheney, Wash. 99004 (Ecology freshwater mollusks — Goniohasis, Valvata, Para- pholyx — and effects of parasitism on mollusk populations). LaRoeque, Dr. Aurdle, Dept. Geol, Ohio State Univ., 125 S. Oval Dr., Columbus, Ohio 43210. Laudig, Mr. & Mrs. David J., 2672 Via Pacheco, Palos Verdes Estates, Cal. 90274 (Molluscan ecology, behavior). Laursen, Dan, Ph.D., Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor, Mich, 48106 (Arctic and Subarctic mollusks, esp. Greenland; free living larvae of Caribbean and Gulf area). Lemire, Ross, 184 Granview Ave., Thornhill, Ont. L3T IJl, Canada. Lencher, Judge and Mrs. Benj., Apt. 408, 144 N. Dithridge St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213. Lent, Mrs, June M., 32 Raleigh Dr., Nashua, N.H. 03060 (Worldwide marine). Leonard, Dr. A. Byron, Dept, of Systematics & Ecol, Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66044. Lerner, Martin, 64 Thompson Ave., Oceanside, N.Y. 11572 (Worldwide marine shells). Leslie, John, Univ. of Dallas, Box 286, Irving, Texas 75060. Levin, Mrs. Milton L, 57 Stonicker Dr., Trenton, N.J. 08638. Lewis, Edward E., P.O. Box 1425, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106. Lewis, Harold, 138 S. Twentieth St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. ACTIVE MEMBERS 61 Lewis, Mrs. J. Kenneth, 9207 48th Ave., College Park, Md. 20741. Lewis, Dr. and Mrs. John R., 25 W. 551 Warrenville Rd., Lisle, 111. 60532. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R., 1705 Pelican Dr., Merritt Island, Fla. 32952. Lindar, Mr. & Mrs. Albert J., 5124 Cornell Ave., Chicago, 111. 60615 (Collecting Conus, Cypraea, Murex). Linney, George K., 2648 ~ 13th St., Port Arthur, Texas 77640. Lipe, Robert and Mrs. Betty Lipe, 8929 — 91st Terrrace, Seminole, Fla. 33542 (Florida shells; Marginellidae worldwide; live marine photo- graphy). Loizeaux, Mrs. A. D., 5369 Susquehanna Dr., Virginia Beach, Va. 23462. Long, Dr. Glenn A., The Baltimore Museum of Art, Art Museum Dr., Baltimore, Md. 21218 (Ethn- oconchology). Long, Mary E., 36 W. Lytton St., Sonora, Cal. 95370 (Marine shells). Long, Steven J., 100 Cuyama Ave., Pismo Beach, Cal. 93449 (Opisthobranchs, nudibranchs. cephala- spideans, notaspideans, lamellarians). LoVerde, Philip Thomas, Mollusc Div., Mus. Zool., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 (Freshwater pulmonates and intramolluscan stages of trematode parasites). Lowry, Walter G. and Nelle H., 552 Old Lundy Rd., Macon, Ga. 31204 (Collect North Carolina marine; exchange for world marine). Lubarsky, Bernard and Mrs. Sue, 71 Barberry Dr., Berea, Ohio 44017 (General). Lubinsky, Dr. Irene, Dept. Zool., Univ. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man., Canada (Marine bivalves of the Canadian Arctic). Lyons, William G., Florida Dept. Nat. Resources, Mar. Lab., 100 Eighth Ave. S.E., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33701 (Florida and West Indian Mollusks). MacBride, Grace, R.D. 1, Hartman Rd., North Wales, Pa. 19454. Mackie, Dr. Gerry L., Malacology Unit, Nat. Mus. Can., Ottawa, Ont. KIA OM8, Canada (Sphaeriids). MacMillan, Gordon K., 169 Glenfield Dr., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15235. Macpherson, Mrs. A. H. 13812 98 th Ave., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5N OGl (Canadian marine gastropods; taxonomy). Macquin, Mrs. Hazelle B., 437 Douglas St., Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 (Fossil mollusks of the U.S.). Madden, Maurice J., Box 43 Pedricktown, N.J. 08067 (Shell collecting and identification). Maes, Virginia Orr, Dept. Mollusks, Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. Mahavier, Mrs. W. E., 234 E. Woodlawn Ave., San Antonio, Texas 78212. Malek, Dr. Emile, Tulane Univ., Medical School, 1430 Tulane Ave., New Orleans, La. 70112. Malick, Donald, 5514 Plymouth Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21214 (Buy, sell, exchange fossils). Malone, Mrs. Elsie, 1017 Periwinkle Way, Box 54, Sanibel Island, Fla. 33957. Marsh, Mrs. Therese C., P.O. Box 22291, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33315 (S. E. Florida marine; world bivalves). Marshall, Mrs. Thos. H., 2237 N.E. 175th St., Seattle, Wash. 98155 (World shells; exch.). Marti, Mrs. Ann, Box 892, Balboa, Canal Zone. Martz, Mrs. Helen J., 2525 Eastwood Ave., Evanston, 111. 60201. Mathiak, Mr. Harold A. and Mrs. Julia, 209 S. Finch St., Horicon, Wis. 53032 (Natural history of Wisconsin clams and recent species distribution. Effects of fish toxicants on clams). Mattera, Albert and Mrs. Emily, 4501 Traymore, Bethesda, Md., 20014 (Murex). Matteson, Dr. Max R., Dept. Zool., Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, 111. 61801. Mauseth, E. L., Alden Minn. 56009 (All shells). Mayer, Hildegard M., Cedar Pte., Apt. L-4, 2000 E. Ocean Blvd., Stuart, Fla. 33494 (Epitonium). Mazurkiewicz, Michael, River Rd., Newcastle, Me. 04553 (Larval development and ecology of estuarine mollusks). McAlester, Prof. A. Lee, Peabody Museum, Yale Univ., Whitney Ave., New Haven, Conn. 06520 (Bivalve evolution and ecology). McCallum, John and Gladys, Meadowvue Dr.,Rte. 2, Wexford, Pa. 15090. McCarty, Col. Wm. A., 424 Hunting Lodge Dr., Miami Springs, Fla. 33166. McDonald, Mrs. Sharon C., Mus. Zool., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 (Biology, resource management of freshwater and marine gastropods, esp. Lymnaea and Strombus). McGinn, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M., P.O. Box 89, Cut Off, La. 70345. McGinty, Thomas L. and Paul, Box 765, Boynton Beach, Fla. 33435. McGowan, Mrs. Susan E., P.O. Box 621, Captain Cook, Hawaii 96704 (Observation of and research regarding live mollusks). McGrath, Robert E., 4434 S. 10, TerreHaute, Ind. 47802 (Common large shells). McHugh, Mrs. John, 4654 Quarry Rdg., Rockford, 111. 61103 (Murex). Mclnnes, Mrs. Cornelia G., F-6 Raleigh Apts., Raleigh, N.C. 27605 (All marine mollusks). McLean, Dr. James H., Los Angeles Co. Mus., 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. 90007. McMillan, William L., P.O. Box 26A, Tavernier, Fla. 33070 (Cypraea). McRae, Mrs. Catherine, 903 King’s Crown Dr., Sanibel, Fla. 33957 (Pectinidae). Melvin, Di. & Mrs. A. Gordon, 863 Watertown St., West Newton, Mass. 02165 (Collectors; dealers in shells and shell books). Menzel, Dr. R. W., Dept. Oceanography, Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, Fla. 32306 (Oysters, clams). 62 ACTIVE MEMBERS Merrill, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur S. (Esse), Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv. Biol. Lab., Oxford, Md. 21654. Merritt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack H., 2251 Euclid Ave., Ft. Myers, Fla. 33901. Metcalf, Dr. Artie L., Dept. Biol., Univ. of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas 79968 (Terrestrial Gastropoda of S.W. United States). Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey G., Box 61, Captiva, Fla. 33924. Michelson, Dr. Edw. H., 7 Richmond Rd., Natick, Mass. 01760 (Medical malacology). Micoine, Mrs. Colette, P.O. Box 622, Carson City, Nev. 89701 (Cyprea, Conus, Voluta). Miles, Dr. Charles D., 6325 W. 73rd Terrace, Overland Park, Kansas 66204. Miller, Barry B., Dept. Geol., Kent State Univ., Kent, Ohio 44240 (non-marine Pleistocene malacology). Miller, Richard L., Dept. Biol., Temple Univ., Philadelphia, Pa. 19122 (General interest). Miller, Walter B., 6140 Cerrada El Ocote, Box 199-B, Rte. 4, Tucson, Ariz. 85718. Mills, Mr. & Mrs. Harold J., 575 Thornwood Lane, ^Northfield, 111. 60093. Moberg, Capt. & Mrs. A. G., Keene Rd., R.F.D. Box 154, East Freetown, Mass. 02717. Molesko, Mrs. Norman, 56C Nob Hill Rd., New London, Conn. 06320 (Collecting; underwater research). Monfils, Paul R., 169 Triangle St., Amherst, Mass. 01002 (Worldwide marine, esp. Cypraeidae). Monroe, Mrs. Helen E., 500 N. Roosevelt Blvd., #411, Falls Church, Va. 22044 (Cones, amateur). Moore, Dr. and Mrs. Donald R., School of Mar. Sci. Univ. of Miami, 10 Rickenbacker Causeway, Mia. li, Fla. 33149. Morrison, Dr. Joseph P. E., Div. of Mollusks, U.S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D.C. 20560. Morrison, Robert W., 5101 Ocean Blvd., Sarasota, Fla. 33581 (Marine shells, esp. Cypraea, Voluta, Oliva, Murex). Mousley, Louis B., Director-Curator, Mousley Mus. of Nat. Hist., 11555 Bryant St., Yucaipa, Cal. 92399. Muangman, Pongsa-Pyn, M.D., 42-B Dunfey Lane, Windsor, Conn. 06095 (Cowries, cones, olives). Murasko, Mrs. Janice, 95 Connolly Dr., Milltown, N.J. 08850 (Marine Moll, of Atlantic Coast). Murray, Mrs. Francis A., 3741 N. E. 24th Ave., Lighthouse Point, Fla. 33064. Murray, Dr. Harold D., Biol. Dept., Trinity Univ., San Antonio, Texas 78284 (Unionidae, distribution and parasites). Mussel white, Margo, 10815 Janet Lee, San Antonio, Texas 78230 (Cowries). Myer, Dr. Donal G., Southern Illinois Univ., Edwardsville, 111. 62025 (Land snails). Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Brevard S., 2746 Hampton Ave., Charlotte, N.C. 28207. Myers, Paul R., R.R. #1, Quincy, 111. 62301. Naide, Meyer, M.D., 2034 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. Nelson, Frank J. and Mrs. Lee Nelson, 1856 Madison St., Ridgewood, N.Y. 11227 (Non-marine and Archaeogastropoda, World-wide). Nicol, Dr. David, P.O. Box 14376, University Station, Gainesville, Fla. 32601. Nicolaci, Mr. & Mrs. Domenick, Bella Vista Is., Box 147, Fairhaven, Mass. 02719 (Pecten; exchange). Noseworthy, Ronald G., P.O. Box 104, Grand Bank, Newfoundland, Canada (North American circum- boreal mollusks; also Clausiliidae and Turridae). Notter, Hellen, 2529 Gilmore St., Jacksonville, Fla. 32204. Oatis, Mrs. Vincent P., 312 Holiday Park Dr., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15239 (Exchange world marines). Ode, Dr. Helmer, 4811 Braeburn Dr., Bellaire, Texas 77401 (Gulf of Mexico marine). Oetzell, Miss Edith M., 518 S. Ardmore Ave., Villa Park, HI. 60181 (Conus). Old, Wm. E., Jr., Dept. Mollusks, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Central Park W. at 79th St., New York, N.Y. 10024. Olsson, Axel A., 1906 Ferdinand St., Coral Gables, Fla. 33134. (Tertiary Mollusca. Panamic-Pacific Mollusca, radulae). Oppenheimer, Ella. H., M.D., 7703 Crossland Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21208. Ostheimer, Alfred J., Ill, 5017 Maunalani Circle, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816. Ostheimer, Mrs. Ruth M., 146 S. Whitford Rd., Exton, Pa. 19341. Palmer, Dr. Katherine V. W., 206 Oak Hill Rd., Ithaca, N.Y. 14850. Parodiz, Dr. and Mrs. Juan J., Sect, of Invert., Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213. (Neotropical mollusks and freshwater Gastropoda of U.S.A.). Perrault, Viola, Deer Pt. B.O.Q., Rm. 328, FPO New York, N.Y. 09593. Peterson, David B., c/o RCA Autec Project, Box 341, FPO New York, N.Y. 09559. Peterson, Mrs. Dorothy B., 1425 Hillcrest Dr., Melbourne, Fla. 32935. Petit, Mr. and Mrs. Richard E., Box 133, North Myrtle Beach, S.C. 29582 (World shells). Petrowski, Joseph, Academic Press, Inc., Ill 5th Ave., New York, N.Y. 10003. Phillips, Betty and Ted, 4580 Nueces Dr., Santa Barbara, Cal. 93110. Plockelman, Cynthia H., 311 Franklin Rd., West Palm Beach, Fla. 33405 (Caribbean Muricidae, Nati- cidae). Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Dan, Hudson House, Ardsley-on-Hudson, N.Y. 10503. Porter, Mrs. Miriam E., 2013 S. Vernon Place, Melbourne, Fla. 32901. Post, Mrs. Alfred P., Jr., P.O. Box 65, Darlington, Md. 21034. Potter, Rev. & Mrs. A. Leslie, 9 Plateau Rd., Asheville, N.C. 28805. ACTIVE MEMBERS 63 Pratt, W. Lloyd and Mrs. Suzann, Ft. Worth Mus. Sci. and Hist., 1501 Montgomery St., Ft. Worth, Texas 76107 (Texas and Mexican land snails). Priest, Mrs. Adele Medellin de, 306 East Summit Place, San Antonio, Texas 78212 (General). Pulley, Dr. Thos. E., Houston Mus. Nat. Sci., P.O. Box 8175, Houston, Texas 77004. Quhmmen, Mrs. Eleanor K., 402 Homestead Rd., Strafford-Wayne, Pa. 19087. Quigley, Jacqueline S., 11450 W. Dodge Rd., Omaha, Neb. 68154. Radwin, Dr. Geo. E., 4341 Rodrigo Dr., San Diego, Cal. 92115 (Gastropod taxonomy). Raeihle, Dorothy and Geo., 5346 82nd St., Elmhurst, N.Y. 11373. Rains, Thomas D., Rt. 4, Fraternity Church Rd., Winston-Salem, N.C. 27107 (Bivalve and Scap- hopod Ecology). Rathburn, Mary H., P.O. Box 455, Sarasota, Fla. 33578 (World shells). Rawls, Dr. Hugh C., Eastern Illinois Univ., Dept. Zool., Charleston, 111., 61920 (Ecology, Tax- onomy, distribution of land snails). Raymer, Robert, 296 Mahoning Ave., N.W., Warren, Ohio 44483 (Marine shells; Spondy/us). Reader, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R., 4772 49th Ave. N., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33714 (Live mollusks). Reeder, Richard L., Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 85721 (Land pulmonates). Rehder, Dr. Harald A., U.S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D.C. 20560 Rice, Thomas C., OF SEA AND SHORE Publications, P.O. Box 33, Port Gamble, Wash. 98364 (Dealer). Rice, Mrs. Winnie H., P.O. Box 638, Rockport, Texas, 78382 (Gulf of Mexico Mollusca). Richards, Charles S., Lab. of Parasitic Diseases, Nat. Inst, of Health, Bethesda, Md. 20014 (Freshwater mollusks, host-parasite relations, mollusk path- ology and genetics). Richards, Dr. Horace G., Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadel- phia, Pa. 19103. Rickard, Mrs. George C., 9316 Harvey Rd., Silver Springs, Md. 20910. Ridge, Mrs. Lorraine, 14 Eugene Place, St. Augustine, Fla. 32084. Riggs, Harriet H., Rte. 1, Box 255, Swansboro, N.C. 28584 (Worldwide Pectens; North Carolina Mol- luscs). Ritchie, Mrs. Robt. M., 17 Country Club Place, Bloomington, 111. 61701. Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. H. Wallace, Hopkinson House, Apt. 2016, Washington Square South, Phila- delphia, Pa. 19106. Robertson, Dr. Robert, Dept, of Malacol. Acad., Nat. Sci., 19th & The Parkway, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 (Marine). Root, John, P.O. Box 182, W. Palm Beach, Fla. 33402. Roper, Dr. Clyde F. E., Div. of Mollusks, U.S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D.C. 20560 (Systematics and ecology of the Cephalopoda). Ropes, John W., P.O. Box 333, Church Neck, St. Michaels, Md. 21663. Rosentreter, Howard W., P.O. Box 29, Big Pine Key, Fla. 33043. Rosewater, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph, Div. of Mollusks, U.S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D.C. 20560. Ross, Mary K., 2927 — 42nd St., Highland, Ind. 46322 (Cowries, Murex, olives, cones, all marine bivalves; exchange). Ross, Mr. and Mrs. William A., 1101 Hampton Rd., West Palm Beach, Fla. 33405 (Olividae and Pectinidae). Rotter, Saul D., M.D., 170 North Ocean Blvd., Palm Beach, Fla. 33480 (Cones, volutes, cowries, olives). Roworth, Edwin C., 1301 Windsor Dr., Cardiff-by-the-Sea, Cal. 92007 (World shells and sea life). Ruehl, Theo. C., 112 Haverstraw Rd., Suffern, N.Y. 10901 (Murex, Valuta, Conus). Russell, Chas. E., 10602 Jordan Rd., Carmel, Ind. 46032 (Land, freshwater). Russell, Dr. Henry D., Springdale Ave., Dover, Mass. 02030. Russell, Dr. Loris S., Royal Ont. Mus., 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2C6. Russell, Ml'S. Richard, 2229 Hollister Terrace, Glendale, Cal. 91206 (Most popular families). Russell-Hunter, Dr. W. D., Dept. Biol., 112 Lyman Hall, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N.Y. 13210. Rutter, Kurt L., P.O. Box 107, Stanton, N.J. 08885 (Shells of the littoral area). Sage, Walter E., Ill, 1123 Hathaway, Louisville, Ky. 40215 (All mollusks). Sartor, James C., 5606 Duxbury, Houston, Texas 77035 (Olividae). Sayler, Mrs. Jane, 4870 Fairfield Rd., Memphis, Tenn. 38116. Scheetz, Mrs. George W., 413 Skippack Pike, Fort Washington, Pa. 19034. Schell, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B., Jr., The Brooklands, Colebrook, Conn. 06021 (Retired; travelers and collectors). Schilling, Mrs. Frieda, 3707 Lan Dr., St. Louis, Mo. 63125. Schriner, Mr. & Mrs. Howard, Jr., Rte. #2, Box 127, LaBelle, Fla. 33935. Seip, Wm. F., 1555 Stonewood Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21239. Seitz, Mrs. Katherine, Mountain View Rd., Skillman, N.J. 08558. Sharpe, Stephen George, Amherst, R.R. #2, Nova Scotia, Canada (South African shells; conservation of Strombus gigas; pen pals). Shasky, Donald R., M.D., 734 W. Highland Ave., Redlands, Cal. 92373. Shaw, William N., 209 Sycamore Ave., Easton, Md. 21601. Sheafer, Clinton W. and Mrs. Mabel H., 417 N.W. 17 St., Delray Beach, Fla. 33444. Sheets, Mrs. Elva, R.R. 4, Huntington, Ind. 46750. 64 ACTIVE MEMRERS Shelley, Dr. Rowland, N.C. State Mus. Nat. Hist., Box 27647, Raleigh, N.C. 27611 (Freshwater mollusks of North Carolina). Sherman, J. M., 33-60 21 St., Long Island City, N.Y. 11106. Shipman, Mrs. Robert G., 11 Bantle Rd., Glaston- bury, Conn. 06033 (Molluscan habitats and life patterns). Sickel, James B., Emory Univ., P.O. Box 21185, Atlanta, Ga. 30322 (Unionidae ecology and physiology). Siekman, Mrs. Lula B., 5031 — 41st St. S., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33711. Silverthorn, Lt. Gen. M. H., 4711 Dover Rd., Washington, D. C. 20016. Singleton, Mrs. J. L., 1007 Stratford Lane, Bloomfield Hills, Mich. 48013. Smith, Allyn G., 722 Santa Barbara Rd., Berkeley, Cal. 94707. Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Francis, 1023 55th Ave. S., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33705 (Microscopic marine mollusks of Florida). Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harry M., 1410 Wayne St., Sandusky, Ohio 44870 (Local and foreign collecting). Smith, Mrs. J. Russell, 3052 Fondren Dr., Dallas, Texas 75205 (teacher). Smith, Dr. Judith Terry, 1527 Byron St., Palo Alto, Cal. 94301. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Roland V., 215 Sunnyside Ave., Ottawa, KIS OR4, Ont., Canada. Snyder, Harry P., 716 King St., McKeesport, Pa. 15132. Snyder, Martin Avery, 745 Newtown Rd., Villanova, Pa. 19085. Solem, Dr. Alan and Barbara, Dept, of Zook, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, 111. 60605. Soper, Arthur W., P.O. Box 431, Devon, Pa. 19333. Spencer, Gladys M., 1305 12th Ave., Sterling, 111. 61081. Sphon, Gale, Jr., c/o Los Angeles County Mus., Invert. Zook, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. 90007. Stacey, Leigh B., 711 17th Ave., S., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33701 (Florida marine and fossil). Stainken, Dennis, 51 Coughlan Ave., Staten Island, N.Y. 10310 (Anatomy and physiology of bivalves; effects of marine pollutants). Stansbery, Dr. David H., The Ohio State Univ., Mus. Zook, 1813 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43210 (Naiads). Stark, Mrs. Cherita L., 43-57 Union St., Apt. 3G, Flushing, N.Y. 11355 (Small and minute marine species). Steger, Mr. and Mrs. Dan, 2711 68th St., Tampa, Fla. 33619 (Marine fauna. Gulf of Mexico). Stein, Dr. Carol B., The Ohio State Univ., Mus. Zook, 1813 N. High St., Columbus, Ohio 43210 (Freshwater bivalves). Steinke, Capt. Dale E., 6001 Craftsbury Dr., Charlotte, N.C. 28215 (Marine shells). Stenzel, Dr. H. B., Dept. Geok, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, La. 70803. Stern, Mr. Edward M., Dept. Zook & Physiol., Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, La. 70803 (Systematics and ecology of terrestrial gastropods and Unionidae). Stewart, Rev. Marlin B., 54 Elm St., Westfield, N.Y. 14787. Stickle, Dr. William B., Jr., Dept, of Zook and Physiol., Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, La. 70803. Stifel, Peter B., 3617 Littledale Rd., Kensington, Md. 20795. Stilwell, James M., 5856 Riverside Dr., Dublin, Ohio 43017. Stingley, Dale V., P.O. Box 113, LaBelle, Fla. 33935. Stix, Hugh S., 13 VanDam St., New York, N.Y. 10013. Stohler, Dr. Rudolf, 1584 Milvia St., Berkeley, Cal. 94709. Sutow, Wataru W., M.D., 4371 N. MacGregor Way, Houston, Texas 77004 {Strombus; exch.). Sutton, Barbara, 11 Riverside Dr., Apt. 8 A, New York, N.Y. 10023. Sutton, Roy and Mrs. Bobbi Sutton, 101 Tenth Ave., Absecon, N.J. 08201. Swan, Emery F., 3 Faculty Rd., Durham, N.H. 03824. Swartz, Miss S. L., 306 20 Ave. S. W., Calgary 3, Alberta, Canada. Swift, Charles H., 606 E. Peter St., Edinburg, Texas 78539 (Shells of Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico coast). Talmadge, Robert R., 2850 Pine St., Eureka, Cal. 95501 (Haliotidae; benthic invertebrates). Taxson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert, 25 Knoll’s Crescent, Bronx, N.Y. 10463. Taylor, Dr. Dwight W., Nat. Hist. Mus., Box 1390, San Diego, Cal. 92112. Taylor, Mrs. Jud, 900 Burr Rd., Apt. 1-G, San Aitonio, Texas 78209 (Shells of the Texas coast). Teixeira, Mrs. Frank, P.O. Box 274, Buzzards Bay, Mass. 02532 (Pecten; exch.). Teskey, Mrs. Margaret C., P.O. Box 273, Big Pine Key, Fla. 33043. Thomas, Dr. Grace, Dept. Zook, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, Ga._30601 (Sphaeriids). Thomas, Lawrence E., The Shell Shop, P.O. Box 590, Morro Bay, Cal. 93442. Thomas, Miss Marguerite L, Box 312-A, Rte. 1, Swansboro, N.C. 28584 (World marine; exch.). Thomas, Mr. Ronald F., Univ. of Miami, School of Marine & Atmospheric Science, 10 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Fla. 33149. ACTIVE MEMBERS 65 Thorpe, Mrs. Fran Hutchings (Mrs. Foster B.), 3910 Battersea Rd., Coconut Grove, Fla. 33133. Tippett, Dr. and Mrs. Donn L., 10281 Gainsborough Rd., Potomac, Md. 20854. Tomkin, Mrs. Gary, 419 Johnson Ave., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44221. Torrance, Mrs. Patricia A., c/o S. D. Kaicher, 5633-B 18th Way South, St. Petersburg, Fla. 33712 (Aquarium and field study of marine mollusks; world exchange). Tunnell, John W., Jr., Biol. Dept., Texas A & M Univ., College Station, Texas 77840 (Systematics, distribution and ecology of reef and bank mollusks in Gulf of Mexico). Turano, Andrew F., M.D., RFD 1, Cemetery Rd., Colchester, Conn. 06415 (World marine shells). Turner, Dr. Ruth D., Mus. Comp. Zook, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Urbaniak, Mrs. Roman and Miss Suzanne, 2668 N. Holton St., Milwaukee, Wise. 53212 (Begin- ners). Usticke, Gordon, 1 North St., Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands, 00820. Valentine, Dr. and Mrs. J. Manson, 1260 S.W. 1st St., Miami, Fla. 33135. Van der Schalie, Dr. Henry, University Museums, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104. Vega, Luis Eduardo, M.D., U.S. Naval Hospital, FPO New York, N.Y. 09551. Veverka, John A. and Mrs. Sandra A., 598 Arlington Ave., Mansfield, Ohio 44903 (Land and freshwater mollusks). Vokes, Dr. Harold and Emily, Dept. Geok, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. 70118 (Mesozoic and Tertiary mollusks; fossil and Recent Muricidae). Wadsworth, Jas. Edgar, Wilson Court, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 (Shell Club promotion). Waggoner, Mrs. Marguerite, 412 Main St., Lockport, La. 70374. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. L., R.D. 1, Box 21, Marathon, Fla. 33050. Waller, Dr. Thos. R., Dept. Paleobiok, U.S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D.C. 20560 (Zoogeography, ecology, evolution of Cenozoic Pectinidae). Walter, Dr. Waldemar, Dept. Biok, Western Illinois Univ., Macomb, Ilk 61455. Walton, Munro L., 1108 N. Central Ave., Glendale, Cal. 91202 (Land snails). Ward, Wilson B., P.O. Box 26341, Houston, Texas 77032 (Cypraea, Conus, representative shells of other genera). Warmke, Germaine L., 1711 S.W. 43rd Ave. Gainesville, Fla. 32601. Wasili, Mrs. John, P.O. Box 8, Frisco, N.C. 27936. Wayne, Dr. Wm. J., Dept. Geok, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, NeH 68508 (Pleistocene non-marine mollusks). Webb, Dr. Glenn R.,Rte. 1, Box 148, Fleetwood, Pa. 19522. Weingartner, Mathilde P., 17 Amelia Ct., Staten Island, N.Y. 10310. Weisbord, Norman E. and Nettie S., Dept. Geok, Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, Fla. 32306 (Cenozoic and Recent mollusks). Weiss, Mr. Fred, 6 Plymouth Rd., Great Neck, N.Y. 11023. Wells, Dr. Harry, 620 Presbyterian Ave., Laurinburg, N.C. 28352. Werner, Milton, 70 Richmond St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11208. Westerfield, Mrs. Asher L., 429 Montgomery Ave., Haverford, Pa. 19041 (Marine shells). Wheel, Mr. and Mrs. Adlai B., Pet Haven, 4501 W. Seneca Turnpike, Syracuse, N.Y. 13215. Whiteside, Mrs. Smith, 205 Marion St., Indian Harbour Beach, Fla. 32937. Widmer, Ernest C., P.O. Box 814, Orange Park, Fla. 32073 (Exch. marine and freshwater Florida material). Wightman, Eugene P., Ph.D., 85 Harding Rd., Rochester, N.Y. 14612 (World marine). Wilie, Wm. L., Jr., 1405 McFaddin, Beaumont, Texas 77701 (Conus). Williams, Dr. James D., Biok Dept., Tuskegee Institute, Alabama 36088 (Freshwater mussels; zoogeography and systematics). Wilson, Dr. Druid, Room E506, U.S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D.C. 20560. Winner, Mrs. Beatrice E., C.R.T., 2087 S. Waterway Dr., Juno, Fla. 33408. Wiswall, Harold C., 42 Winding River Rd., Needham, Mass. 02192 (W. Atlantic, Caribbean mollusks). Withrow, Mr. and Mrs. Carl C., 4825 9th St. S., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33705. Wolfe, Dr. Douglas A., Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Beaufort, N.C. 28516 (Western Atlantic marine mollusks). Woods, William L., 2721 Murray Ridge Rd., San Diego, Cal. 92123 (Panamic mollusks — Turridae, Columbellidae). Wright, Rev. Calvin T., 4 Water St., Assonet, Mass. 02702 (Marine species). Wright, Kirk and Mrs. Rosemary, Box 423, Fitchburg, Mass. 01420. Wulff, Mrs. Ella May, R.D. 2, Bella Vista Dr., Willimantic, Conn. 06226 (Marine gastropods). Wurtz, Dr. Chas. B., 3220 Penn St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19129 (Terrestrial Pulmonata). Yokley, Paul Jr., Ph.D., Box 653, Florence State Univ., Florence, Ala. 35630. Young, Mrs. Ann Frame, P.O. Box 846, Marathon, Fla. 33050. Young, H. D., P.O. Box 1931, Seattle, Wash. 98111 (Exch. “documented” gastropods of Pacific Northwest for “documented” species from other areas; also purchase). Young, Miss M. E., 6314 Waterway Dr., Falls Church, Va. 22044. Zach, Mr. Reto, 317, 35 Charles Street W., Toronto, Ont., Canada M4Y 1R6. Zager, Mrs. Jane, 200 Mt. Pleasant Ave., West Orange, N.J. 07052 (American shells). Bulletin of Mie American Malacological Union, Inc. May 1974 CORRESPONDING MEMBERS Altena, Dr. C. O. Van Regteren,. Duindoornlaan 26, Bentveld, Holland. Baba, Dr. Kikutaro, Shigigaoka 35, Minami-ll-jyo, Sango-cho, Ikoma-gun, Nara-ken, Japan 636 (Opisthobranchia — taxonomy, morphology). Carter, Mr. J. H. Molyneux, 130 Algernon Rd., Norwood, Johannesburg, South Africa. Chrosciechowski, Przemyslaw K., Aptdo, 125, Mar- acay (Ar. ), Venezuela (Planorbidae). Galindo, Lie. Ernesto Santos, Lopez No. 1, Mexico 1, D. R, Mexico (Marine shells). Haritatos, Emmanuel, Anagnostopoulou 8, Athens 136, Greece. Hwang Shin Rong, P.O. Box 58530, Taipei, Taiwan (Cypraeidae, Conidae). Lafont, Jean, mas des Hourtes, 30740 Le Cailar, France. Lane, Mr. C. T., Nature Biological Co., P.O. Box 22489, Taipei, Taiwan, China (Collection marine shells; pearl culture; SCUBA). Lea, Mr. Trygve Berg, Oscar Wistningsgt. 56, 4000 Stavanger, Norway (Shells and snails of arctic and boreal waters). Leslie, Theodore A., 883 Craig St., Belize, British Honduras. Lo, C. T., Ph.D., Dept. Parasitol., College of Medicine, National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, China 100 (Medical malacology; shell collection). Nautilus, P.O. Box 3, 58043 Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy (All bivalves; land and fresh water mollusks; shell shop). Oliveira, Sra. Maria Inez Mendonpa de, Instituto de Antropologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Av. Hermes da Fonseca, 1396, Natal, Brazil (Fossil mollusks, espec. correlation with recent marine mollusks found locally). Oyama, Dr. Katura, Geol. Survey of Japan, Kawada-cho 8, P.O. Ushigome, Tokyo, Japan. Paget, Dr. Oliver E., Mus. Nat. Hist., Burgring 7, Vienna, A-1014, Austria. Pajer, Miss Zdenka, Tomsiceva 8, 64000 Kranj (Slovenija), Yugoslavia (General collection, princi- pally Adriatic Sea; biology student). Temcharoen, Mr. Prasong, Dept, of Parasitology, Faculty of Public Health, 420/1 Rajvithi Road, Dusit, Bangkok 4, Thailand (Fresh and brackish water snails). Walker, R. Lindsay, Apartado Postal 344, San Salvador, El Salvador, C.A. (Local shells). AFFILIATED SHELL CLUBS AND REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ASTRONAUT TRAIL SHELL CLUB, INC., P.O. Box 515, Eau Gallie, Fla. 32935. BOSTON MALACOLOGICAL CLUB, Mollusk Dept., Mus. Comp. Zool., Cambridge, Mass. 02138. BROWARD SHELL CLUB, P.O. Box 1738, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33302. CARIBE SHELL CLUB, DeDiego Ave. 316, Suite 504, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00909. CENTRAL FLORIDA SHELL CLUB, 717 Clemwood Place, Orlando, Fla. 32803. CHICAGO SHELL CLUB, Dept. Zool., Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, 111. 60605. CLEVELAND SHELL CLUB, THE, 6720 Forest Glen, Solon, Ohio 44139. COASTAL BEND GEM & MINERAL SOCIETY, c/o Mrs. Pat Ratliff, P.O. Dr. 1232, Bay City, Texas 77414. COASTAL BEND SHELL CLUB, c/o Corpus Christi Museum, 1919 N. Water St., Corpus Christi, Texas 78401. CONCHOLOGICAL CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, c/o Los Angeles County Museum, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. 90007. CONCHOLOGICAL SECTION, BUFFALO SO- CIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Buffalo Mus. Sci., Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, N.Y. 14211. CONNECTICUT SHELL CLUB, Peabody Museum, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. 06520. CONNECTICUT VALLEY SHELL CLUB, c/o Earl Reed, Springfield Mus. Sci., 236 State St., Springfield, Mass. 01103. CROWN POINT SHELL COLLECTORS STUDY GROUP, P.O. Box 462, Crown Point, Ind. 46307. FORT MYERS BEACH SHELL CLUB, P.O. Box 5057, Ft. Myers Beach, Fla. 33931. FORT MYERS SHELL CLUB, 1936 Coronado Rd., Fort Myers, Fla. 33901. GALVESTON SHELL CLUB, Box 2072, Galveston, Texas 77550. GEORGIA SHELL CLUB, THE, 2808 Wendland Dr. N.E., Atlanta, Ga. 30345. GREATER ST. LOUIS SHELL CLUB, 4032 Garden Lane, Granite City, 111. 62040. GREATER TAMPA SHELL CLUB, c/o Mus. Sci. & Nat. Hist., 1101 River Cove, Tampa, Fla. 33604. 66 CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS 67 HAWAIIAN MALACOLOGICAL SOCIETY, c/o Aquarium, 2*111 Kalakaua Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii 96815. HOUSTON CONCHOLOGY SOCIETY, 3706 Rice Blvd., Houston, Texas 77005. JACKSONVILLE SHELL CLUB, P.O. Box 8651, Jacksonville, Fla. 32211. KANSAS CITY SHELL CLUB, 5401 Mohawk Lane, Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66205. LOUISVILLE CONCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 2901 Falmouth Dr., Louisville, Ky. 40205. NAPLES SHELL CLUB, P.O. Box 1991, Naples, Fla. 33940. NATIONAL CAPITAL SHELL CLUB, Div. of Mollusks, U.S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D.C. 20560. NEW JERSEY SHELL CLUB, 653 Briarcliff Ave., Maywood, N.J. 07607. NEW YORK SHELL CLUB, Dept. Living Invert., Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Central Park W. at 79 St., New York, N.Y. 10024. NORTH CAROLINA SHELL CLUB, 1409 Ruffin St., Durham, N.C. 27701. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA MALACO- ZOOLOGICAL CLUB, c/o Salle Crittenden, 624 Waterfall Isle, Alameda, Cal. 94501. PACIFIC NORTHWEST SHELL CLUB, INC.,Rte.l, 2405 N.E. 279th St., Ridgefield, Wash. 98642. PALM BEACH COUNTY SHELL CLUB, P.O. Box 182, W. Palm Beach, Fla. 33402. PHILADELPHIA SHELL CLUB, Dept, of Malacol., Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. PITTSBURGH SHELL CLUB, Section of Invert., Carnegie Museum, 4400 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213. ROCHESTER SHELL AND SHORE CLUB, c/o John Crucini, Librarian, 65 Eastland Rd., Rochester, N.Y. 14616. SACRAMENTO VALLEY CONCHOLOGICAL SO- CIETY, 7908 Seneca Way, N. Highlands, -Cal. 95660. ST. PETERSBURG SHELL CLUB, 7400 46th Ave. N., Box 406, St. Petersburg, Fla. 33709. SAN ANTONIO SHELL CLUB, 9402 Nona Kay Dr., San Antonio, Texas 78217. SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB, San Diego Mus. Nat. Hist., P.O. Box 1390, San Diego, Cal. 92101. SANIBEL-CAPTIVA SHELL CLUB, 1215 Seagrape Lane, Sanibel Island, Fla. 33957. SANTA BARBARA MALACOLOGICAL SOCIETY, INC., THE, P.O. Box 30191, Santa Barbara, Cal. 93105. SARASOTA SHELL CLUB, 3934 Marlborough Place, Sarasota, Fla. 33577. SOUTH FLORIDA SHELL CLUB, Mus. of Sci. & Nat. Hist., 3280 S. Miami Ave., Miami, Fla. 33129. SOUTH PADRE ISLAND SHELL CLUB, P.O. Box 2110, S. Padre Island, Texas 78578. SOUTHWEST FLORIDA CONCHOLOGIST SO- CIETY, P.O. Box 876, Ft. Myers, Fla. 33902. TIDEWATER SHELL AND FOSSIL CLUB, P.O. Box 62421, Virginia Beach, Va. 23462. WESTERN SOCIETY OF MALACOLOGISTS, THE, c/o Dr. James H. McLean, Los Angeles County Mus., Exposition Park, Los Angeles, Cal. 90007. WILMINGTON SHELL CLUB, 2607 W. 16 St., Wilmington, Del. 19806. YUCAIPA SHELL CLUB, Mousley Mus. Nat. Hist., Yucaipa, Cal. 92399. INSTITUTIONS - - DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN Academy of Natural Sciences Library, 19th and The Parkway, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Brazosport Museum of Natural Science, c/o Mrs. Mildred Tate, Box 355, Lake Jackson, Texas 77566 Buffalo Museum of Science, Research Library, Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, N. Y. 14075 Cincinnati Museum of Natural History, 1720 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Wade Oval, University Circle, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Cornell University, Albert R. Mann Library, Ithaca, N. Y. 14850 Field Museum of Natural History, Library — SO 11627, Chicago, 111. 60605 Geological Survey of Canada Library, 601 Booth St., Room 350, Ottawa, Ont., Canada KIA OE8 Mari times Regional Library, Dept. of the Environment, Fisheries Service, P.O. Box 550, Halifax, N.S., Canada National Museums of Canada, Library, Metcalf and McLeod Streets, Ottawa, Ont., Canada KIA OM8 Paleontological Research Institution, 1259 Trumansburg Rd., Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 Smithsonian Institution Library — Acquisition'-, Washington, D.C. 20560 Stanford University Library, Acquisitions Div., Serial Dept., Stanford University, Stanford, Cal. 94305 U. S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, NMFS, Middle Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Center, Oxford Laboratory, Oxford, Md. 21654 U. S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, Libraries Division, Technical Processes Branch D823, 8060 13th St., Room 806, Silver Spring, Md. 20910 University of Arizona, Library, Serials Dept., Tucson, Ariz. 85721 University of California at L.A., Geology Library, 405 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. 90024 University of Connecticut, Serials Dept., Wilbur Cross Library, Storrs, Conn. 06268 68 INSTITUTIONS University of Kentucky Library, Acquisitions Dept., Lexington, Ky. 40506 University of Maine Library, Raymond H. Fogler, Librarian, Orono, Maine 04473 University of Manitoba, Elizabeth Dafoe Library, Receiving Section, Winnipeg, Man., Canada R3T 2N2 University of Maryland, Library, Natural Resources Institute, Chesapeake Biological Lab., Solomons, Md. 20688 University of Southern California, Hancock Library of Biology and Oceanography, Allan Hancock Foundation, University Park, Los Angeles, Cal. 90007 Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, Va. 23062 FOREIGN INSTITUTIONS Australian Museum, P. O. Box A-285, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia 2000 British Museum (Natural History), General Library, Cromwell Rd., London, S.W.7 5BD, England Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Rue Vautier 31, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium Natal Museum, The Librarian, Loop St., Pietermaritzburg, South Africa National Lending Library for Science & Technology, Accessions Dept., Boston Spa, Yorkshire, England LS23 7BQ South Australian Museum, Library, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia, 5000 Australia University of Auckland, Biological Sciences Library, Private Bag, Auckland, New Zealand Margaret C. Teskey (Continued from page 2) William J. Clench, Joseph C. Bequaert, Emery P. Chace, Katherine V. W. Palmer, Margaret C. Teskey, A. Myra Keen. The hononary life president, S. Stillman Berry, was first honored with life member- ship in 1954. Attendance at the annual meetings averages about 25% of total membership. A program of diversified scientific papers has been followed from the beginning, though of recent years an effort is being made to group some of them into symposia. Conservation is being stressed, though to date the effort to convince shell collectors not to take live mollusks seems confined to lip service. The World Health Organization’s program of medical malacology, commercial interests served by research on behalf of the National Shellfisheries Association, promotion of mollusk-related science in schools and universities — all, together with many others, are being aided by the work of AMU. Also aided are untold numbers of people who love shells for their beauty alone. Truly, Norman Lermond builded better than he knew! INDEX OF AUTHORS R. Tucker Abbott 8 Kenneth R. Bazata 42 Artie L. Metcalf 47 Elmer G. Berry 48 Donald R. Moore 17 Arthur H. Clarke 42 Juan Jose Parodiz 18 William J. Clench 33 Hugh J. Porter 20,48 Charles M. Courtney 43 William L. Pratt 24 Ralph W. Dexter 43,44 Robert Robertson 26 Dorothea S. Franzen 44 Clyde F. E. Roper 27 Carl W. Gugler 45 Joseph Rosewater 30 Willard N. Harman 12 Henry van der Schalie 32,48,49 K. Elaine Hoagland 14 David H. Stansbery 33 Morris K. Jacobson 45 Margaret C. Teskey 1 Lawrence E. Jerome 45 Ruth D. Turner 36 Meredith L. Jones 46 Fred E. Wells, Jr. 46 Carol M. Lalli 46 Glenn A. Long 47 IN MEMORIAM Mrs. Dorothy Brown (1971) Hon. Thomas Desmond Rev. H. B. Herrington George Jacobs Egbert T. Smith Mrs. Carroll D. Stannard 69 -1 •‘ 'UlKi'‘/ '',“.'#-»ii.T ' I ^ '' •• '/V' . r iij|p f;^ ' ., t: > :^-^] ' wap- 'i^''' ' ' ;•-■ ■■ ' '^*'’91^ •:. '1^,„ ' 'I I, . '' ~^''**'TOif iff !»‘ # '/ ■,. «r3^S3wfc-’ii*.^'^ • ■■' ■ ^ 5 -“il. -O , - ■’';'^4 I , ■' ■ .'’'''^/a qV. ■ '" ■, -^ 'P#'€^®"' '■ ft-- •^ls..'n\. r., ,;Tf ' ^ 4! •T.r;'/'*'. .■■^' '^'’^ J'V. '•• ,*■■''•'■' *'-V''~\ ' ‘^'k v"-v ■ .1, (3 Criteria employed in the recognition and description of Oxyloma deprimida Franzen Dorothea Franzen 44 Aspects of the anatomy of Cionella lubriea Carl W. Gugler 45 Charles Wright (1811-1885) in Cuba Morris K. Jacobson 45 Marine molluscan distribution/density survey: a proposal to the AMU Lawrence E. Jerome 45 Gatun Lake as a freshwater barrier in the Panama Canal Meredith L. Jones .46 Reproduction and development in Spiratella inflata (d’Orbigny), a thecosomatous pteropod C. M. Lalli and F. E. Wells, Jr 46 Frog motifs on archaeological mollusks of Hohokam and Mogollon Indian cultures Glenn A. Long . .47 Fossil and living freshwater mussels (Unionacea) from the Pecos River, New Mexico and Texas Artie L. Metcalf 47 North Carolina scallop fishery (1972-1973) Hugh J. Porter .48 The effects of temperature on growth and reproduction in aquatic snails Henry van der Schalie and Elmer G. Berry 48 The mollusks of the Duck River drainage in central Tennessee Henry van der Schalie .49 AMU Committee and Business Reports Annual Business Meeting 50 Report of the Corresponding Secretary .51 Report of the Recording Secretary .52 Report of the Treasurer 53 List of AMU Members 55 Index of Authors 69 In Memoriam 69 NOTICE Most scientific journals send manuscripts to qualified reviewers to assist authors in avoiding errors and in improving their papers. The AMU has now adopted a similar policy. The AMU Council constitutes our review board and all manuscripts except abstracts are sent to appropriate members of this review board (usually two) prior to acceptance for publication. The AMU Bulletin has also adopted as its standard the Style Manual for Biological Journals published by the American Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington. All manuscripts accepted for publication become the property of the AMU and may be edited for style in accordance with this standard. BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, Inc. CONTENTS Special Contribution — History of the American Malacological Union 1931-1973 Margaret C. Teskey .1 AMU Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting Account of the meeting 3-4 Group photograph and list of members and guests 5-7 Papers read at 39th AMU Annual Meeting: American Malacologists — a biological survey (1618-1973) R. Tucker Abbott .8 The effects of reservoir construction and canalization on the mollusks of the Upper Delaware Watershed Willard N. Harman .12 Biological and physical causes of mortality in New England Crepidula species K. Elaine Hoagland .14 Remarks on the molluscan fauna of northern South America Donald R. Moore .17 Diplodon charruanus (d’Orbigny): a revision Juan J. Parodiz .18 Mollusks from M/V Eastward Stations 11542 and 11545 east of Charleston, S.C. Hugh J. Porter .20 A revision of the mainland species of the bulimulid land snail genus Rabdotus W. L. Pratt, Jr. ................ .24 Taxonomic problems with Indo-Pacific Tricolia (Phasianellidae) Robert Robertson .26 Vertical and seasonal distribution of pelagic cephalopods in the Mediterranean Sea. Preliminary report Clyde F. E. Roper .27 Studies on Ascension Island marine mollusks Joseph Rosewater . .30 Snail-related public health problems in the Mekong Henry van der Schalie .32 The Pleuroceridae and Unionidae of the North' Fork Holston River above Saitville, Virginia David H. Stansbery and William J. Clench .33 In the path of a v^arm saline effluent R. D. Turner .36 Abstracts of papers read at AMU 39th Annual Meeting Further microanatomical studies of Dentalium Ken Bazata .42 A survey of British Columbian freshwater mollusks — preliminary results. Arthur H. Clarke .42 Oxynoe antillarum (Morch) and Lobiger souverbiei (P. Fischer) on Florida’s lower gulf coast (Opisthobranchia: Oxynoidae) Charles M. Courtney .43 Annual changes in populations of two intertidal gastropods (Nassarius obsoletus and Littorim saxatilk) at Cape Ann, Massachusetts 1956-1972 Ralph W. Dexter .43 A trilobed shell of Placopecten magelianicus Gmelin Ralph W. Dexter .44 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, Inc. Fortieth Annual Meeting THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, INC. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 1974-1975 Officers President Donald R. Moore President-Elect Dorothea Franzen Vice President George M. Davis Recording Secretary Constance Boone Corresponding Secretary Paul R. Jennewein Treasurer Myra L. Taylor Publications Editor Arthur H. Clarke Associate Editor (Newsletter) Dorothy E. Beetle Councillors-at-Large Harold W. Harry (to 1975) Carl W. Gugler (to 1976) James H. McLean (to 1975) Constance Boone (to 1976) Permanent Council Members (Past Presidents) William J. Clench (1935) Joshua L. Baily, Jr. (1937) Harald A. Rehder (1941) Henry van der Schalie (1946-47) A. Myra Keen (1948) Elmer G. Berry (1949) J.P.E. Morrison (1951) Joseph C. Bequaert (1954) Morris K. Jacobson (1955) AllynG. Smith (1956) Ruth D. Turner (1957) Aurele LaRocque (1958) R. Tucker Abbott (1959) Katherine V.W. Palmer (1960) Thomas E. Pulley (1961) William K. Emerson (1962) Albert R. Mead (1963) Juan J. Parodiz (1965) Ralph W. Dexter (1966) Arthur H. Clarke (1968) Joseph Rosewater (1969) Alan Solem (1970) David H. Stansbery (1971) Arthurs. Merrill (1972) Dolores S. Dundee (1973) Harold D. Murray (1974) Honorary Life Members Joseph C. Bequaert Emery P. Chace William J. Clench Honorary Life President S. Stillman Berry A. Myra Keen Katherine V.W. Palmer Margaret C. Teskey The American Malacological Union, Inc. Mrs. Constance Boone, Rec. Sec. 3706 Rice Blvd. Published May, 1975 Houston, Texas 77005 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, Inc. 1974 Fortieth Annual Meeting Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION LORTIETH ANNUAL MEETING The 1974 meeting of the American Malacological Union was held in a setting of art, history, and science in the Museum Complex in Springfield, Massachusetts. The hard-working members of the Connecticut Valley Shell Club, under the leadership of their president, Earl Reed, were busy at the Registration Desk by 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 3, 1974, at Tolman Hall in the Museum of Science. Early arrivals gathered to greet old friends, make new ones, and have coffee and lemonade. Members of the local committee wore blue ribbons attached to their name tags and Executive Council Members wore red ribbons, a thoughtful touch provided by the CVSC Committee, which enabled everyone to identify those who might lend a hand in solving any problems which might arise. Saturday night saw the early arrivals in gala attire, for it was the President’s Reception, hosted by AMU President, Harold D. Murray, assisted by the members of the Connecticut Valley Shell Club. Slides taken by Myra Taylor at previous meetings were shown on a wall of the Museum, and members were surprised and amused to see themselves or friends in sober and sedate poses. A word of warning to those of you who may be tempted to arrive late at future meetings; next time come early so you will not miss out on any activities! The Stonehaven Hotel, located just across the street from the Museum Complex, was the hub of activity for the members when not in the meetings. A map of the area, showing the locations of meetings and other activities, was posted on the bulletin board so that everyone could find just where all events occurred. On Sunday morning the registration desk was again the scene of activity, when late arrivals were on hand to get name tags and talk “shells,” before the meeting got under way. In the afternoon. President Harold D. Murray called the meeting to order in the Museum of Fine Arts, and a cordial welcome was given by Chairman Earl Reed, on behalf of the City of Springfield, the Springfield Science Museum, and the Connecticut Valley Shell Club. After announcements, Harold thanked Mr. A.M. Frias Martins, photographer of the exquisite shell pictures exhibited in Tolman Hall, George Buckley and Walter Baranowski, who were projectionists for the meeting and Ruth D. Turner and Walter Baranowski who prepared the beautiful program cover. Excellent papers were then given following the introductions, beginning with a com- mentary on America’s first malacologist, Thomas Say. The Conservation Committee met on Sunday evening, with Mrs. Jeanne Whiteside presiding. Among the many items of business of the Conser- vation Committee was the action to have the AMU enter a legal case involving Big Darby Creek in Ohio. This action required the expenditure of $50.00. The action to intercede in the case was finally approved at the Annual Business Meeting but since the AMU Constitution and By Laws do not provide for dis- bursement of AMU Funds for such purposes the AMU membership was asked to contribute. Before the convention had adjourned, members had donated $88.40 to the Conservation Committee for the legal action. On Monday morning more papers were given, and the meeting was presided over by Don Moore. Members of the AMU assembled for the group picture just before lunch. In the afternoon the meeting was convened by Dorothy Beetle. Monday evening’s program consisted of a movie, “Undersea Oasis,” shown in the Museum of Science, while the members of the Executive Council met elsewhere. Dorothea Franzen convened the meeting on Tuesday morning, and Gladys McCallum was in charge of the afternoon meeting. In the evening, Constance Boone was moderator for Shell Club Night, which consisted of a varied and interesting program beginning with a discussion by R. Tucker Abbott of “Preparing Exhibits and Judging Shell Shows,” and an especially interesting program on Melo amphora given by Frank Abbottsmith, of Balga, Western Australia. Following Shell Club Night, the Texas Delegation honored their Texas President, Harold D. Murray, with a party, to which all AMU members were invited. The Stonehaven Hotel very graciously donated a suite to the Texans for the party, but even so, guests overflowed the rooms and party-goers were to be found along the hallways. This Texas Party has by now become a tradition, and some of the guests were bidding the hosts good-bye at a very early hour in the morning. The Texan hosts were: Adelaide Johnstone, Corpus Christi; Constance Boone, Houston; Betty Allen, Port Isabel; Suzanne and Lloyd Pratt, Fort Worth; and Myra Taylor, San Antonio. (Continued on page 79) 1 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. PLATE 1. MEMBERS AND GUESTS IN ATTENDANCE AT THE FORTIETH ANNUAL MEETING Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. 3 7t IX) aj m ; ^ s’ o o -■-“ Ss; §2 ^ o 'H 2 w o -2 an s ^ ^ < 'P s p"Q I ^ b H £ « ?: § ^ -S £ ^ 2 jT ^ ^ g o „ 7^ X £ 2 ^ C3 _u_ ^ ^ =3 £ M 3 E S -rt ^ * ^ -00 e >3 JCmS^KStS ^ 30 ''o S >^ >’^ oC^ ,St-,33K!t4^gioSir-S IsS w Ml;^ eu'd-'^ g _ 3 VO § 'S S !£ „ 5 3 VO ■« e 5 g pa § g c! iifo oE^ g’Sti g ^ > 5 S .2 s I ^ ^ "C 5 c 5-^r^”'=«r'rSP3csoQ^--« — ,- c q M w ■ . _ n'^5S^S^ge'^£n«3 ®^£qE x-qi-i.gvo • 'O ^ .H U g 00 < ® £ .2 ■jz;’— ^ »'^roO 0>,i/^U^«S'^ -0^ T'-'oSo Sr'-;||lsllt>«~-^o ^ > - o s -7 g --• .y ®° o « K ^ u -S S S s c ^ ffl "3 V. . X. -- aj« ^ 3 l-sS Q^5£S^M£|g £ S £ 'S ^ ^ m£ a ^ ^ ^ M G j. ^ O [G O M ^2^ Q 4) E S ^ III S o . S^-S g g a' ^ ii .y — < aj cs •< o z M G Vh ao jG 2, £ £ « W „-§ g £ « s g g ■ o^ CN cflO^n o •p Q « E ~ < c c Q . o o ^ c " °o o P O .„ ^ 6 « g g -a - aj 3 = SOW c VO p p p KT^'S. a ^ - Z O ^ M ” M pq o G -< tS s c w . n< ■— 13 £ o I >>< g a ^ r- « . - - W ^ o 3t ^ s y M 5 .2 - O yv-' e" s ^ P3 5 -G Q S § ■§ ^ o S ^ i .5 i 3 ^ 00 I f-. ^ "O ^ O a.'^-'-S g-gmSS^^o g ^ ,'P -3 O . 2 o - g C W , 2 p ^ O O VO : m Q - •s q 1^ a- > ro .3 -G l> o g VO Q V" C^ 2 w|£ g2|y ^ O G 3 £ 3 2 gQ SnsO«Qp « >2 °^- ^ -a P _ . . ■ U £ I § '^ o 5 r . S § oo u 32 ' " £ -f < ?> 34 £ o Q^ ^ - g . E 2 >< sy 2 O .S 1-i Cl .4' Tt M ^2 i 2 E si s ^ _ .. o' '3 W a ^ ■2 E S o ^ VO ro — CM ^®£oJf^vD'^G5;pWE’~^-^ -7 44 ^ „ >> O P C s « OT P — , .___t . cSjjgnS .OS"t-i 34 3 ^ o 3 - tS^^^HgcE a ^ W 0) OV o g G o ^ < 2 P ^ S 'g p c8 O nj G S - K ^ m < H ivo O — Ovvo^^-Sg ;VO&v 03 2 Q S J 00 s ■*== a g p > C S G •ss I ’§ S - 5^-? ^2® ^ W 2 . £ £ ^ G C - 3 S £ C o £ >..2 >H .a E a . M „ N w I, 107 Susan F. Carnes, 108 Veronica Parker Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. PAPERS READ AT AMU 40th ANNUAL MEETING CYTOTAXONOMY OE SOME ARIZONA OREOHELICIDAE (GASTROPODA: PULMONATA) Noorulkih Babmkzai*, Walter B. Miller*, and Oscar G. Ward*. Members of the land snail family Oreohelicidae were at one time placed in the Camaenidae as the subfamily Oreohelicinae by Pilsbry (1939). Later, Wurtz (195 5) considered them sufficiently distinct from other Camaenidae to warrant familial rank. Bequaert and Miller (1973) concurred in this opinion. The family consists of the single genus Oreohelix, with two subgenera, Oreohelix s. s. and O. (Radio- centrum). The two subgenera differ in their em- bryonic whorls, reproductive anatomy, and type of reproduction. Oreohelix s. s. is ovoviviparous and has a reduced albumen gland, while O. (Radiocentrum ) is oviparous and has a large albumen gland. The two subgenera are widely distributed in the western United States and northwestern Mexico (Bequaert and Miller, 1973). Burch (1965) and Patterson (1969) reviewed the chromosome numbers and systematics in euthy- neuran snails and other molluscs and discussed the importance of chromosome numbers and other cyto- logical characters in molluscan systematics. Studies on Australian camaenids by Laws (1965, 1973), and on a Japanese camaenid by Inaba (1959) have shown that the chromosome number in the Camaenidae is n=29 without exception. It was, therefore, of interest to us to study the chromosomes of some Oreoheli- cidae to see how they would compare with those of the Camaenidae. In this communication we report the chromosome numbers of 6 species and the karyo- types of 4 species of Oreohelicidae. MATERIAL AND METHODS Live adult snails were collected from their type localities and identified by one of us (W.B. Miller). The following species were studied cytologically : 1. Oreohelix (Radiocentrum j clappi Eerriss, 1904, from South Fork of Cave Creek, Chiricahua Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona (three speci- mens). 2. Oreohelix (R.j chiricahuana Pilsbry, 1905, from Crystal Cave, Cliiricahua Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona (twelve specimens). 3. Oreohelix (Oreohelix) anchana Gregg, 195 3, from the Sierra Ancha, Gila County, Arizona (six specimens). 4. Oreohelix (O.) concentrata Dali, 1896, from Miller Canyon, Huachuca Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona (seven specimens). 5. Oreohelix (O.) subrudis Reeve, 1854, from Greer, White Mountains, Apache County, Arizona (three specimens). 6. Oreohelix (O.) houghi Marshall, 1929, Mogollon Rim, near Pine, Gila County, Arizona (six speci- mens). Mitotic and meiotic chromosome spreads of ovotestis tissue were obtained by the hypotonic squash technique (Babrakzai and Miller, 1974). Observations were made under a Wild compound microscope with 15x oculars and photomicrographs were taken on Kodak High Contrast Copy Film. The nomenclature of centromeric position for the classification of chromosomes as proposed by Levan et ah, (1964) has been followed in this study. The following symbols have been used in describing karyotypes: p, short arm of the chromosome. q, long arm of the chromosome. p+q, length of the chromosome. RL, relative length of chromosome expressed as percentage of the genome and multi- plied by 10. q/p, arm ratio. Cl centromeric index, ratio of short arm to total length of chromosome, expressed as percentage. A chromosome with arm ratio between 1.01 and 1.6 and Cl (centromeric index) between 37.5 and 49.9 will be referred to as metacentric (m) chromo- some. If the arm ratio is between 1.7 and 2.9, and Cl is between 25.0 and 37.4, the chromosome is con- sidered submetacentric (sm). Similarly a chromosome is considered subtelocentric (st), if the arm ratio is 3 or more and the Cl is less than 25.0. For comparison of karyotypes, the methods of Bogart (1970) and Raicu et ah, (1973) have been followed. RESULTS 1. Oreohelix (Radiocentrum) clappi We found only spermatogonial mitotic chromo- somes from the specimens of this species. Chromo- somal data are presented in Table 1. The diploid chromosome number is 62 as seen in Fig. 1. Figure 2 * Department of Biological Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721. 4 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 19 74. 5 f M a tt )\ »* SSse ss n$ 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 If. ft J^ll ll'll f c m ^ 3« srt a 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 K .r ft H •*> 11 12 13 14 11 12 lOij ■hit if 8S ITS KS if 4^ 15 16 17 18 19 1 13 14 15 16 17 ff fl nt^ * * sm. sa St 20 21 22 23 24 18 19 20 21 22 11 H #1 ^ ftS ^ Sjs SI ai lit 25 26 27 28 29 ' 23 24 25 26 21 ' 28 lOii St 1 30 31 ( 29 30 31 32 ipig. 1. Karyotype of O. (R.j clappi. Fig. 3. Karyotype of O. (R.) chiricahuana. Fig. 2. Idiogram of O. (R.) clappi. Fig. 4. Idiogram of O. (R.) chiricahuana. OR£OHELIX(R.)CLAPPI OREOHELIKR.; CHIRICAHUANA 6 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. <1 \ ® 1.45 II H (j) ti II 8 9 10 Hi XX KX ttn si 1 2 3 4 5 M Xk MX yi 6 7 8 9 10 II II 11 12 il 16 17 Xi 11 ft 13 14 15 «$ 18 Nir X] 11 12 13 14 15 lOn sm 19 20 /> {> 1/ n n 21 22 23 u «} 25 mm) year-old Mya were numerous. Prior to the first change the strong dominance and 1,2 rank of Mya and Mytilus in the snails’ diet (Table 2, col. 1) directly reflected prey abundances. Allowing for size factors favoring My in feeding observations, there was no evidence for a preference between these bivalves. With the loss of Mytilus, feeding shifted toward Tellina and Littorina, increasing the diet’s evenness while maintaining its species diversity (Table 2, col. 2). Mya, with highly variable annual recruit- ment, alternated with Tellina for top rank in abun- dance; its continuing dominance in the diet implied a preference, though size factors would also favor Mya over Tellina. Tellina (like the vanished Mytilus) was more numerous downshore. The larger, but heavy- shelled, Littorina was ubiquitous, never plentiful, but always ranked at or near third in abundance. Nassa- rius trivittatus, numerous in 1970-71, and N. obso- letus, always present in moderate numbers, were under-represented in the diet of Polinices. With the second change in feeding regimes, Mya, now available in preferred sizes as well as dominant in numbers, truly monopolized a low-diversity diet (Table 2, col. 3). Even when Mytilus was present (1969), Mya constituted 90% of the diet. Indeed, Polinices, in- cluding tagged ones, were attracted to the Mya sub- area: Huebner (1972) took 1.4 and 2.2 snails per m2 in 1969 and I took 1.5/m2 in 1970. In contrast, den- sities v/ere 0.4-0.7/m2 in the general area and Russell Hunter and Grant (1966) found 0.6/m2 in another nearby area. The “natural experiments” thus indi- cated Mya as the preferred species of prey. At other sites (Table 2, col. 4) the only unusual feature was the feeding on Nassarius obsoletus, which represented all of the observations at the Wellfleet site in 1970. By itself such a pure diet might suggest a preference, but, given the Barnstable findings, it is more likely that Nassarius is a low-ranking prey taken when better alternatives are lacking. Two experimental studies further clarified feeding patterns. The apparent preference between the high- ranking Mya and Mytilus prey was tested by first training 7 snails (31-33 mm) on each pure diet for 80 days in field cages and then providing each predator with a 5 Mya ("^22 mm) w 5 Mytilus (~28 mm) choice situation in laboratory aquaria provided with sand and seawater. The training period alone showed Polinices grew significantly faster on a Mya diet. In the preference test, training had very little effect and all snails adopted a pure Mya diet within 1 5 days (Table 3). When size differences are not great, Mya is Table 3 Attacks on Mya and Mytilus (2N = 426) in a prey- preference test. Although 7 predators had been trained on each diet, both groups preferred Mya. The preference increased with time. Training Days 1-5 Days 6-10 Days 11-15 diet N %Mya N % Mya N % Mya Mytilus 52 87 64 95 86 99 Mya 64 95 73 96 87 100 clearly the greatly preferred prey. Feeding on Nassa- rius obsoletus and N. trivittatus, very similar, apparent- ly low-ranking prey, was comparably tested. Eight Polinices (32-35 mm), half from the tidal level where each prey was common, were kept in individual field cages stocked with 15 of each nassariid. Prior co- existence did not affect feeding, which initially was minimal; over a period of 25 days N. trivittatus was preferred 41 to 6. Next, 2 Polinices (32-33 mm) were trained on each pure diet for 64 days and then each predator was offered a 5 M. trivittatus w 5 N. obso- letus choice situation for 10 days. During training the N. trivittatus diet was the more popular (42 eaten vj' 10), and only on it was growth appreciable. In the preference test, predators preferentially ate the low- ranking prey upon which they had been trained, favoring either N. trivittatus 6:1 or N. obsoletus 4:0. The untrained predator’s preference fox N. trivattatus is probably related to the defensive behavior of N. obsoletus. ¥/hen Polinices contacts N. obsoletus, the latter, which exhibits little of the twisting, “leaping” predator-avoidance response of other nassariids, extends its proboscis and “bites” the massive foot of the intruder. Normally both then depart, but if the prey is captured it continues to bite its captor, even as the latter wraps its victim in its mesopodium and burrows into the substrate. Perhaps in response, Polinices wraps this prey, as it does Ensis, in an especially heavy mucus sheath. Within the restriction of complete dependence on molluscan prey (Edwards and Huebner, in prep.), Polinices duplicatus is indeed a dominant, generalist predator in the Cape Cod area, eating at minimum all 13 regularly available mollusks of the Barnstable site, and occurring in unusual abundance (nearly l/m2) for a high-level consumer. Feeding patterns, however, are complex. Polinices exhibits strong preferences for prey both by size and species. Moreover, as in other marine invertebrates (Landenberger, 1968; Murdoch, 1969), training has little effect and dietary switching is unlikely when the most-preferred prey is available; whereas the effects of feeding experience and the prospects for switching increase when only low- ranking prey occur. Yet even predation on system- atically and ecologically similar species involves distinctive behavioral interactions. 20 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was initiated with support from the Univ. of Mass. Research Council and aided by the Dept, of Zoology. Graduate ecology classes helped with transect sampling. John Jenkinson, via the NSF- URP program, and Gary Norman assisted in feeding tests with Nassarius. As a Visiting Investigator in the Systematics-Ecology Program (M.R. Carriker, Direc- tor), I benefited from the facilities of the Woods Hole (Mass.) Marine Biological Laboratory. LITERATURE CITED Edwards, D.C. and J.D. Huebner. in prep. Feeding and growth rates of Polinices duplicatus preying on Mya arenaria at Barnstable Harbor, Massa- chusetts. Gilbert, W.H. 1973. Spatial patterns, behavior, and systematics of Tellina agilis (Bivalvia: Mollusca). Ph.D. Thesis. Univ. Mass., Amherst. Green, R.H. 1968. Mortality and stability in a low diversity subtropical intertidal community. Eco- logy 49: 848-854. Green, R.H. and K.D. Hobson. 1970. Spatial and temporal structure in a temperate intertidal com- munity, with special emphasis on Gemma gemma (Pelecypoda: Mollusca). Ecology 51 : 999-101 1 . Hanks, J.E. 195 2. The effect of changes in water temperature and salinity on the feeding habits of the boring snails, Polinices heros and Polinices duplicata. In: Fifth Rep. Invest. Shellfish. Mass., Mass. Div. Mar. Fish. (Woods Hole Oceanogr. Inst., coll, reprints 1953, Contr. No. 656). Hanks, J.E. 1960. The early life history of the New England clam drills, Polinices duplicatus (Say), Polinices heros (Say), and Polinices triseriata (Say) (Naticidae: Gastropoda). Ph.D. Thesis. Univ. New Hampshire. Harper, J.L. 1969. The role of predation in vegeta- tional diversity, pp. 48-61. In: Diversity and stability in ecological systems. Brookhaven Symp. Biol., No. 22. Huebner, J.D. 1972. Physiological ecology and bioenergetics of Polinices duplicatus (Mollusca: Prosobranchia). Ph.D. Thesis. Univ. Mass., Amherst. Landenberger, D.E. 1968. Studies on selective feeding in the Pacific starfish Pisaster in southern Cali- fornia. Ecology 49: 1062-1075. MacArthur, R.H. 1955. Fluctuations of animal popu- lations, and a measure of community stability. Ecology 36: 533-536. Miner, R.W. 1950. Field book of seashore hfe. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York. Murdoch, W.W. 1969. Switching in general predators: experiments on predator specificity and stability of prey populations. Ecol. Monogr. 39: 335-354. Paine, R.T. 1966. Food web complexity and species diversity. Amer. Naturalist 100: 65-75. Russell Hunter, W. and D.C. Grant. 1966. Estimates of population density and dispersal in the naticid gastropod, Polinices duplicatus, with a discussion of computational methods. Biol. Bull. 131: 292-307. Sanders, H.L. 1968. Marine benthic diversity: a com- parative study. Amer. Naturalist 102: 243-282. Sanders, H.L. 1969. Benthic marine diversity and the stabihty-time hypothesis, pp. 71-80. /«: Diversity and stability in ecological systems. Brookhaven Symp. Biol., No. 22. Turner, H.J., Jr. 1951. The survival of the boring snail on depleted clam flats. In: Fourth Rep. Invest. Shellfish. Mass., Mass. Div. Mar. Fish. (Woods Hole Oceanogr. Inst., coll, reprints 1952, Contr. No. 615). Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 19 74. THE VALUE OF ANATOMICAL CHARACTERS IN NAIAD TAXONOMY (BIVALVIA: UNIONACEA)' Samuel L.H. Fuller* * and Daniel J. Bereza* Study of the anatomy of Nearctic naiades began with the descriptions and illustrations incorporated in Lea’s “Observations on the genus Unio" (1834-1874). Lea’s notes lay unexploited until Simpson, notably in his “Synopsis of the naiades, or pearly fresh-water mussels” (1900), coupled some of them with his own discoveries and created the first naiad classification to be based in large measure upon anatomical data. Commencing with his “New system of the Union- idae” (1910), Ortmann contributed a long series of papers which developed an anatomically based naiad system that not even the best later re-evaluation (i.e.. Heard and Guckert, 1971) could radically alter. Although the value of anatomical information in naiad systematics has been generally recognized, there have been oddly few attempts (e.g., Ortmann, 1917; Kraemer, 1970; Fuller, 1971) to use such knowledge taxonomically — i.e., in discrimination between and among species. This paper is intended to show how anatomical discriminants can be employed to separate conchologically similar and/or congeneric species. Most naiad specimens available to early investi- gators had been immersed ahve in preservative. Such material exhibits adequately preserved anatomical features of systematic value (e.g., the marsupium), but the inner lobe of the mantle margin, where lie most details of pigmentation and form that are of taxonomic value, is so badly contracted and shrunken that full and accurate observation is not possible. However, if a mussel is relaxed and fixed before storage in alcohol, the delicate, contractile margin can be preserved in a nearly or quite hfelike aspect, whereupon sound observations can be made. We have chosen three pairs of at least nominally congeneric species to illustrate the kinds of valuable information that can be gained from properly pre- served naiad material. Unless otherwise credited, the notes below have not previously been pubhshed, in- sofar as we are aware. Our first pair of congeners is Lamp sills teres (Rafinesque), the Yellow Sand Shell, widespread in the Interior Basin and Gulf drainages, and L. fasciola (Rafinesque) of the Basin. The latter represents the advanced members of its genus: the postbasal inner mantle lobe is an extensively pigmented “flap” of piscine form. On the outer surface of the lobe, pigment is rather dark and solid along the distal margin, including the flap, and forms longitudinal streaks on the proximal portion. There is a very dark “eyespot” at the posterior end of the flap, and over the anterior part (or “tail”) pigment is opalescent, giving the appearance of the scales of a fish. These patterns are greatly reduced on the inner surface of the lobe. In Lampsilis teres there are some conspicuous dif- ferences from L. fasciola in both form and pigmen- tation of the postbasal mantle margin. The longitu- dinal streaks on the inner lobe are very faint, and the band along the distal margin of the lobe is very narrow. There is no eyespot. Although the lobe is very broad postbasally, development of a flap is hmited to additional broadening of the lobe in the region where the tail of the flap occurs in L. fasciola. Finally, pigmentation is usually limited to the outer surface of the lobe, but on the inner surface some specimens have a broad orange band along the distal margin. Is the presence or absence of this band mere- ly a polymorphic phenomenon, or, perhaps, does it hold promise as a discrimmant between L. teres and a very similar nominal species, L. fallaciosa ‘Smith’ Simpson, the Slough Sand Shell? These data suggest that Lampsilis teres is less advanced than L. fasciola and that reconstruction of the evolutionary history of this genus is possible on the basis of anatomical evidence. Improved taxo- nomic understanding should follow. For example, we have a preserved male of the rare L. binominata Simpson of the Apalachicola river system in the eastern Gulf drainage. There is a faint eyespot, which would doubtless be more conspicuous were the specimen a female. This species is surely an advanced member of its genus. The shells of Lampsilis teres and L. fasciola are quite distinct, so anatomical information is not neces- sary for the separation of these species. Nevertheless, the profound differences between their anatomies reflect the potential of this kind of information in separating conchologically similar species. Kraemer (1970), for example, demonstrated that several Interior Basin Lampsilis are separable according to characters of their mantle flaps. Similarly, the flap of 1 Portions of this study were supported by the Department of Limnology at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; others, by National Science Foundation grant GB-40064. * Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 19103. 21 22 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. L. ochracea (Say) is “greatly reduced” (Fuller, 1971), whereas L. cariosa (Say) has a strongly developed flap.^ Thus the separation of these two concho- logically confusing species (which are restricted to the Atlantic drainage, where they sometimes occur together) not only is easy on the basis of anatomical observation, but also can be done from living material, thereby obviating the need to remove any specimens from a strugghng population for identifi- cation purposes (see Fuller, 1971). Our second pair of congeners is Villosa delumbis (Conrad) and V. vibex (Conrad). Both occur in the southern Atlantic drainage; the latter, in the eastern Gulf drainage as well. Pigment of the outer surface of the inner lobe along the postbasal mantle margin is dark and rather solid in V. delumbis and ends abruptly a short distance anteriad from the incurrent mantle aperture. This pattern allies this species with V. lienosa (Conrad) of the Gulf drainage, but is quite different from the pigmentation of V. vibex, which consists of dark streaks, extends the length of the animal, and includes an eyespot. In all three respects, this pattern is typical of advanced Lampsilis. There is no mantle flap, but, especially in older females of V. vibex, there is strong papillation in the region where the tail of the flap occurs in advanced Lampsilis. On the basis of such evidence, plus the observations (above) on L. teres, should we consider that Lampsilis and Villosa are distinct genera, congeneric subgenera, or worthy of separation at all? Our first two sets of examples provide new infor- mation, to be sure, but create unresolved problems as well. The third example demonstrates that some taxo- nomic problems can be at least partially solved with anatomical evidence. Endemic to the Choctawhatchee river system in the eastern Gulf drainage, Elliptio mcmichaeli Clench and Turner has darkly pigmented mantle apertures, and most papillae of the inner row at its incurrent aperture are weak versions of the arborescent incurrent papillae (Lea, 1860) that are characteristic of the Margaritiferidae {sensu Heard and Guckert, 1971) and, in varying degrees of devel- opment, of many Nearctic Unionidae: Ambleminae (i.e., the Amblemidae of Heard and Guckert). It is generally accepted that these two groups are less advanced than the Unionidae; Unioninae {sensu Ortmann, 1910, but minus tetragenous genera), to which E. mcmichaeli belongs. Accordingly, the presence of even weakly arborescent papillae in this species persuades us that it is primitive within its genus. Now, Johnson (1970) considered Elliptio mcmichaeli a synonym of E. fraterna (Lea) of the Savannah river system in the southern Atlantic drainage and, presumably (ibid.), of the Choctawhat- chee and the neighboring Apalachicola and Ochlock- onee systems to the east. However, the mantle margins of E. fraterna are only faintly pigmented, and its incurrent papillae, conspicuously fewer than those of E. mcmichaeli, are simple or bifid. We interpret these characters as clearly in advance of the corres- ponding features of E. mcmichaeli. Thus it appears that these two conchologically similar species of Elliptio not only are easily separated on anatomical grounds, but also are of two different evolutionary grades within their genus. This line of inquiry does not guarantee that there is no prior objective synonym for either species, but it does demonstrate that they are not synonyms of each other. 2 Morrison (1975) states that Lampsilis ochracea has no flap and belongs in the genus Leptodea. Recently collected and better preserved than Fuller’s (1971), our material also shows that no flap exists. This alone does not prove that the species is a Leptodea, but, nevertheless, Morrison may be quite correct. LITERATURE CITED Fuller, S.L.H. 1971. A brief field guide to the fresh- water mussels (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionacea) of the Savannah river system. ASB [ Association of Southeastern Biologists] Bull. 18; 137-146. Heard, W.H., and R.H. Guckert. 1971. A re- evaluation of the Recent Unionacea (Pelecypoda) of North America. Malacologia 10: 333-355. Johnson, R.I. 1970. The systematics and zoogeo- graphy of the Unionidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) of the southern Atlantic slope region. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 140: 263-450. Kraemer, L.R. 1970. The mantle flap in three species of Lampsilis (Pelecypoda: Unionidae). Malaco- logia 10: 225-282. Lea, I. 1834-1874. Observations on the genus Unio. Volumes 1-13. Philadephia, PA. Lea, I. 1859. New Unionidae of the United States. J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., New Ser. 4; 191-233. Morrison, J.P.E. 1975. Maryland and Virginia mussels of Lister. Bull. Amer. Malacol. Union 1974: 36-39. Ortmann, A.E. 1910. A new system of the Unionidae. Nautilus 23: 1 14-120. Ortmann, A.E. 1912. Notes upon the families and genera of the naiades. Ann. Carnegie Mus. 8: 222-365. Ortmann, A.E. 1917. A new type of the naiad (or nayad) genus Fusconaia. Group of F. barnesiana (Lea). Nautilus 31: 58-64. Simpson, C.T. 1900. Synopsis of the naiades, or pearly fresh-water mussels. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 22: 501-1044. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 19 74. SPECIATION WITHIN THE TRIODOPSIS FALL AX GROUP (PULMONATA: POLYGYRIDAE) - A PRELIMINARY REPORT F. Wayne Grimm* INTRODUCTION The genus Triodopsis s.s., (Family Polygyridae) is an explosively evolving group of land snails which is confined to humid eastern North America. A closely related subgenus, Cryptomastix , which exhibits similar patterns in the evolution of its species, occurs in western North America. Members of the genus Triodopsis may be found in many habitats in eastern North America, from the humid boreal forests at the tops of the higher Appalachians, through the south- ern hardwoods and swamps, to the semiarid postoak savannahs of the south-central United States. Species and individuals are most numerous in the deciduous and mixed forests of the southern Appalachians. They usually Live on the ground under leaf-litter, logs, or stones and emerge from their retreats at night to feed upon fungi or dead plant tissue. In the mild climate of the southern Atlantic and Gulf coastal plain they are active from late fall to late spring, and aestivate in summer. Inland, and in cooler climates, they hibernate from two to five months of the year and are active through the spring and summer. During their active periods, particularly in the early spring, they deposit clutches of four to ten eggs in loose soil beneath some cover. The young hatch in from two to three weeks and most reach maturity in six to eight months. The adults live from two to four years in the laboratory, and deposit eggs at irregular intervals, the shortest interval noted between clutches being three weeks and the longest six months. Although they are hermaphroditic, they do not self-fertilize. They mate repeatedly and often, although one mating seems to be enough to fertilize a snail for at least a year, if not for its hfetime. Most of the work which has been done on the sytematics of this genus at the species level by Pilsbry (1940), Hubricht (1950a,b; 1952a,b; 1953; 1954; 1958; 1971), and Vagvolgyi (1968) has been based upon morphology of the shell. Pilsbry (1940) and Webb (1952; 1954; 1959) have illustrated and dis- cussed the anatomy of a few members of the genus in the course of more comprehensive studies. To date, no publications exist which correlate the shell morphology, internal morphology of the genitalia. the ecology, behavior, and distribution of these animals. The taxonomy of this genus must be based upon all of these factors taken together, because, as Hubricht (1953) and Vagvolgyi (1968) have shown, forms which have strikingly dissimilar shell morpho- logy often interbreed. My own work is showing that some forms which have similar shells belong to dif- ferent species groups anatomically and genetically. Triodopsis juxtidens juxtidens (Pilsbry), Triodopsis anteridon Pilsbry, Triodopsis fallax hopetonensis (Shuttleworth), Triodopsis cragini Call, and Triodopsis claibornensis Lutz resemble each other quite closely, but are more closely related to other species than to each other. Thirty-one named forms in Triodopsis s.s. are based on shell morphology. Often, poorly sampled, isolated populations have formed the basis upon which the taxonomy of the genus is based. Vagvolgyi (1968), by studying only the shell morphology of many small and few large population samples taken from several places within the ranges of the named taxa and constructing character indices, reduced the total number of recognized taxa to sixteen, and de- scribed a new subspecies. Over a period of about ten years I have managed to collect, breed, and dissect most of the named taxa within the subgenus, but most of the hybridization experiments were interrupted or terminated by moving my place of residence and the colonies about. Therefore, this paper is devoted to the one species group within the genus which I think I understand, and includes a few observations of other groups which may differ from those of previous workers. The aim of this paper is also to arouse interest in this group of snails so that the enormous gaps in our knowledge may be filled. DESCRIPTION OF THE GENUS, ITS SUBGENERA, AND SPECIES GROUPS WITHIN TRIODOPSIS SENSU STRICTO In this work, the genus Triodopsis Rafinesque, 1819 is being taken in the broad sense (Pilsbry, 1940) to include polygyrid land snails in which the lower portion of the penis is enveloped by a thin muscular * Design and Display Division, National Museums of Canada. Ottawa, Ontario. 23 24 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 19 74. sheath which is connected to the retractor muscle by a retentor muscle. The spermathecal duct is muscular and is expanded conspicuously, and the interior chamber of the penis is papillose. This genus com- prises a diverse group of animals. Each of its three subgenera is fundamentally distinctive, but the genus itself possesses traits common to other members of the triodopsine Polygyridae; the penial sheath and the expanded spermathecal duct. For this reason, a good case can be made to elevate these subgenera to the level of genera (Webb, 1952; 1954; 1959). This step requires a complete anatomical revision of the Polygyridae, a task too large to be discussed here. For informative discussions of polygyrid systematics at the generic level, consult Pilsbry, 1940, and Webb, 1952, 1954, 1959. Although examination of both the shells and the genitaha of triodopsine snails usually indicates the species group to which they belong, the anatomical differences between members of the same subgenus often appear negligible. In fact, most of the smaller species in Triodopsis s.s., although they differ in size and arrangement of penial papillae, can and do in- seminate each other in the laboratory. Unless in- seminated by another individual, Triodopsis will not oviposit. Eggs resulting from cross insemination by members of different species groups do not hatch. SUBGENUS Xolotrema Rafinesque, 1819:425, type Triodopsis denotata (Ferussac) = T. notata (Deshayes) designated by Pilsbry, 1940: 823. This subgenus is characterized anatomically by possessing a verge through which the vas deferens opens into an ejaculatory pore (Webb, 1952: 7 - 8; 1954: 16). It includes two sections: Xolotrema s.s., which comprises Triodopsis denotata (Ferussac, 1821) and its allies, and N eohelix Von Ihering, 1892, which comprises Triodopsis albolabris (Say, 1816) and its allies. All shells have a closed umbilicus. SUBGENUS Cryptomastix Pilsbry, 1939: XVII; 1940, 852-853, type Triodopsis mullani olneyae (Pilsbry, 1891). This western subgenus is characterized anatomical- ly by possessing a well differentiated epiphallus terminating in a short, vestigial flagellum. There is no verge, and the penis contains two major ridges of papillae and several minor ones. Recent collecting in the northwestern U.S. has suggested to me that the relationships between members of this subgenus are at least as complex as those between eastern Trio- dopsis s.s. , if not more so. SUBGENUS Triodopsis sensu stricto Rafinesque, 1819: 425, type T. liinala Rafinesque = Helix tridentata Say, 1817. This subgenus is characterized anatomically by possessing a penis-chamber which contains several converging rows of papillae and bears no verge or stimulator. The vas deferens is not thickened to form a conspicuous epiphallus, and there is no flagellum. The shell is umbilicate and usually possesses three apertural teeth. The other characters are as defined for the genus. This subgenus contains several species groups which may be defined on the basis of a com- bination of shell characters, genital characters, and genetic affinity (determined by breeding experiments in the laboratory, coupled with observed hybridi- zation in the field). 1 have been unable to assign all named species to groups, as breeding experiments have been terminated without completion in many cases, and cases of parallelism are common. The following species-groups are now recognizable in Triodopsis s.s. : 1) The Triodopsis tridentata group, characterized by having an ovate-triangular aperture with a marginal hp-swelling and pointed, widely spaced lip teeth. Triodopsis tridentata (Say, 1817), Triodopsis tennes- seensis (Walker and Pilsbry, 1902), Triodopsis com- planata (Pilsbry, 1898), Triodopsis platysayoides (Brooks, 1933) and Triodopsis burchi Hubricht, 1950, belong to this group. I have collected Trio- dopsis tridentata with all species in this group except T. complanata and have observed no hybridization. An anatomical description of the group is being prepared. 2) The Triodopsis fraudulenta group, characterized by having a penis with a widely expanded apical chamber and a narrow stalk. Triodopsis fraudulenta (Pilsbry, 1894) and Triodopsis anteridon Pilsbry, 1940, definitely belong to this group, as these species were found interbreeding at several stations in Green- brier County, West Virginia, and pure populations were crossed in the laboratory. By shell characters, several other species may belong to this group, but they have not been studied. 3) The Triodopsis juxtidens group, characterized by having the upper and lower hp teeth close together, and by having a high, straight parietal tooth which points at or above the upper lip tooth. The extended penis differs from that of T. tridentata by having larger, more widely spaced papillae and by having a more receding ejaculatory pore and a narrower stalk. Shells of several samples resemble T. anteridon very closely, but that species interbreeds with Triodopsis fraudulenta. Triodopsis juxtidens, Triodopsis tri- dentata, and Triodopsis fraudulenta have been found together many times without showing signs of inter- breeding. The Triodopsis juxtidens group comprises Triodopsis juxtidens juxtidens (Pilsbry, 1894) and Triodopsis juxtidens discoidea (Pilsbry, 1904). I found intermediate populations in the New River gorge near Hinton, West Virginia, and Vagvolgyi (1968: 173) found similar populations farther down- stream in Clay Co., West Virginia. 4) Triodopsis vulgata Pilsbry, 1940, which is charac- terized anatomically by a penis which has approx- imately twenty rows of tiny papillae (compared with the usual five to eight) and a terminal ejaculatory pore, appears to be somewhat isolated. It is possible that some of the species which have not been assigned to a group are related to this one. Pilsbry’s (1940: 807) description of the specimen from Wilmington, North Carolina applies to T. juxtidens. This unique species has been considered by Pilsbry (1940: 805) to be a subspecies of Triodopsis fraudulenta, and by Vagvolgyi (1968: 175) to be a subspecies of T. neglecta. Webb (1959: 24-38) illustrated the genitalia Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 19 74. 25 of both T. neglecta and T. vulgata, showing that despite the similarity of their shells, the species are quite different. 5) The Triodopsis cragini group, characterized ana- tomically by having a greatly elongated, tlireadlike penis and by having the expansion of the sperma- thecal stalk some distance above its base (Figure 3,c). This group includes Triodopsis cragini Call, 1886, Triodopsis vultuosa (Gould, 1848), and Triodopsis henriettae (Mazyck, 1877). Although shells of members of this group are difficult to separate from some members of the Triodopsis fallax group, the unique genitalia show that this group is isolated. Members of this group interbreed occasionally. 6) The Triodopsis fallax group is characterized gene- tically. All of the taxa produce fertile hybrids in the laboratory when deliberately crossed with each other. and many, but not all of them cross in the field. None cross with members of other groups. Although these forms vary in penial papillation, they all apparently possess a concentrated group of comparatively large papillae in the apical chamber of the penis. This character does not separate them from several other members of Triodopsis s.s., however. The shells of these snails vary greatly, but they possess no shell characters which differentiate them collectively from other groups in the subgenus, although each taxon within the group is distinct. This group includes Trio- dopsis fallax fallax (Say, 1825), Triodopsis fallax obsoleta (Pilsbry, 1894), Triodopsis fallax messana Hubricht, 1952, Triodopsis fallax vannostrandi (Bland, 1875), Triodopsis fallax liopetonensis (Shuttleworth, 1852), Triodopsis fallax alabamensis (Pilsbry, 1902), and Triodopsis soelneri (J.B. Hen- derson, 1907). Figure 1. The Triodopsis fallax fallax complex. Shells. A. Triodopsis fallax fallax (Say) NMC 63190. Milford, Baltimore Co., Maryland. F.W.G.! B. Triodopsis fallax obsoleta (Pilsbry) NMC 59884. New Bern, Craven Co., North Carolina. Leslie Hubricht! TOPOTYPES. C. Triodopsis fallax obsoleta (Pilsbry) NMC 59894. Leon (Pig Point), Anne Arundel Co., Maryland. F.W.G.! D. Triodopsis fallax fallax X Triodopsis fallax obsoleta. NMC 60535. Chincoteague, Accomack Co., Virginia. F.W.G.! TOPOTYPES of Triodopsis liopetonensis chincoteaguensis Pilsbry. E. Triodopsis fallax messana Hubricht NMC 59862. Whiteville, Columbus Co., North Carolina. Leslie Hubricht, PARATYPES. F Triodopsis fallax messana Hubricht NMC 59869. Nichols, Marion Co., South Carolina. F.W.G. & W.A. McDonald! G. Triodopsis soelneri J.B. Henderson NMC 95880. North Shore Lake Waccamaw, Columbus Co., North Carolina. F.W.G. ! TOPOTYPES. H. Triodopsis soelneri X Triodopsis fallax messana. NMC 59878. Creek embankment, Bladenboro, Bladen Co., North Carolina F.W.G. & W.A. McDonald! 26 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 19 74. Members of the Triodopsis fallax complex range from the piedmont of Pennsylvania and New Jersey southward on the piedmont and coastal plain to northern Florida and westward on the Gulf coastal plain to eastern Alabama. In isolated places, members enter and cross the Appalachians, and to many places outside their natural ranges the anthropochorous members have been introduced by man. Triodopsis fallax has produced populations which occupy several degrees of intermediacy between being full species and races of the same species. Although several of these populations fail to interbreed when they contact each other, all of them interbreed readily with Triodopsis fallax fallax in the laboratory, and many of them interbreed with it in the field. The following seven populations may be clearly distin- guished on the basis of shell morphology, habitat preference, and geographic range. The Triodopsis fallax fallax herd. Figure 1. This is the northern herd of populations. When dentition is reduced, the aperture becomes sharp- edged, and the lip swelling is retained only on the inner, ventral edge of the lip. Members of this herd readily interbreed when in contact with each other, as a rule. Triodopsis soelneri retains its identity even when in contact with the closely related Triodopsis fallax messana, however. Hybrids between these two populations are extremely rare. Triodopsis fallax fallax (Say, 1825) Figure 1: A; Figure 3:B COLOR light buff brown; SCULPTURE finely striate; SPIRE medium domed; WHORLS 4.5 — 5.0; UMBILICUS medium to narrow; LIP EDGE sharp dorsally, swollen ventrally; UPPER LIP TOOTH very large, rounded, always inflected; LOWER LIP TOOTH large, buttressed on columellar side; PARIETAL TOOTH large, high, arcuate; FULCRUM present; LUSTRE dull; RANGE piedmont and coastal plain New Jersey to central Virginia, piedmont and eastern Appalachians to northern Georgia; HABITAT thin upland woods, clearings, roadsides. Anthro- pochorous. Triodopsis fallax messana Hubricht, 1952 Figure 1: E,F COLOR dark red brown to walnut brown; SCULP- TURE very finely striate; SPIRE medium domed; WHORLS 4.5 - 5.0; UMBILICUS narrow to barely perforate; LIP EDGE sharp; UPPER LIP TOOTH large, rounded to pointed, flush with lip, or some- times inflected; LOWER LIP TOOTH large, buttress- ed on columellar side; PARIETAL TOOTH large, high arcuate; FULCRUM absent; LUSTRE shining; RANGE coastal plain, inland near Miocene terrace, eastern North Carolina and South Carolina; HABITAT pine woods, low hardwood stands, cypress swamps, roadsides. Anthropochorous. Triodopsis fallax obsoleta (Pilsbry, 1894) Figure 1 ; B,C Figure 3; A, a COLOR dark red brown to walnut brown; SCULP- TURE coarsely to finely striate; SPIRE low domed; WHORLS 4.5 - 5.0; UMBILICUS medium to wide, funicular; LIP EDGE sharp; UPPER LIP TOOTH medium to absent, pointed, rarely inflected; LOWER LIP TOOTH small to medium, usually buttressed if larger than 0.2 mm.; PARIETAL TOOTH small, low, shghtly arcuate; FULCRUM absent; LUSTRE shining; RANGE outer coastal plain, pleistocene to holocene land from Maryland to northeastern South Carolina. Rare in the southern portion of its range. HABITAT low woods, marshes, roadsides, clearings. Anthro- pochorous. Triodopsis soelneri (J.B. Henderson, 1907) Figure 1: G COLOR dark red brown; SCULPTURE finely striate; SPIRE medium domed; WHORLS 4.5 - 5.0; UMBI- LICUS barely perforate; LIP EDGE sharp, inner edge swollen; UPPER LIP TOOTH obsolete, rarely present as a tiny swelling; PARIETAL TOOTH large, low, arcuate; FULCRUM absent; LUSTRE shining; RANGE small area between Lumber and Cape Fear Rivers on outer coastal plain in far southeastern North Carohna; HABITAT low woods, pine woods. Figure 2. The Triodopsis fallax alabamensis complex. Shells. A. Triodopsis fallax alabamensis (Pilsbry) NMC 59834. Wooded Hillside 5 miles south of Wetumpka, Elmore Co., Alabama. Leshe Hubricht! B. Triodopsis fallax vannostrandi (Bland) NMC 59841. Allendale, Allendale Co., South Carolina. F.W.G.! C. Triodopsis fallax liopetonensis (Shuttleworth) NMC 59858. Whiteville, Columbus Co., North Carolina. F.W.G.! Found with the type popu- lation of Triodopsis fallax messana Hubricht, without intergradation. D. Triodopsis fallax fallax X Triodopsis fallax alabamensis NMC 59842. Columbia, Richland. Co., South Carolina. Leslie Hubricht! PARA- TYPES of Triodopsis fallax affinis Hubricht. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. 27 The Triodopsis fallax alabamensis herd. Figure 2. This is the southern herd of populations. When dentition is reduced, the aperture usually retains a swollen edge. The teeth usually stand out more con- spicuously from the aperture than they do in the previously discussed examples. The parietal tooth often is more abrupt, its inner edge quite low, its outer edge high and sharp. They hybridize readily with Triodopsis fallax fallax in nature, as well as with each other, but they hybridize with other members of the northern herd only if isolated in the laboratory with them. Triodopsis fallax alabamensis (Pilsbry, 1902) Figure 2; A COLOR light buff to tight red brown; SCULPTURE coarsely striate; SPIRE high to medium domed; WHORLS 5.5 - 6.5; UMBILICUS wide, well-like, sometimes medium; LIP EDGE usually swollen; UPPER LIP TOOTH large, rounded, sometimes in- flected; LOWER LIP TOOTH large, buttressed; PARIETAL TOOTH short, high, straight or with curved remnant; FULCRUM usually absent; LUSTRE dull; RANGE western North Carolina and south- western Virginia to eastern Alabama; HABITAT open, mesic woods, roadsides. Triodopsis fallax vannostrandi (Bland, 1875) Eigure 2:B COLOR light buff; SCULPTURE coarsely striate, SPIRE high to medium domed; WHORLS 5.5 - 6.5; UMBILICUS narrow; LIP EDGE swollen; UPPER LIP TOOTH large, rounded, inflected; LOWER LIP TOOTH large, buttressed; PARIETAL TOOTH short, high, straight or arcuate; EULCRUM absent; LUSTRE dull; RANGE south-central South Carohna to northern Florida, west to eastern Alabama; HABITAT pine barrens, pine woods, clearings, low ground when within the range of alabamensis (Hubricht, pers. comm.). Triodopsis fallax hopetonensis (Shuttleworth, 1852) Figure 2:C. COLOR dark walnut brown; SCULPTURE medium to coarsely striate; SPIRE low domed; WHORLS 4.5 - 5.0; UMBILICUS medium to wide; LIP EDGE usually swollen, sometimes sharp; UPPER LIP TOOTH medium to large, rounded to slightly pointed, inflected; LOWER LIP TOOTH medium to large, buttressed; PARIETAL TOOTH medium to large, high, curved, often short; FULCRUM absent; LUSTRE dull; RANGE southern Atlantic and Gulf coastal plain from southeastern Virginia to Elorida, west to Alabama, with introduced populations out- side of its range in Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, the piedmont of Virginia, and New Jersey. This is the most synanthropic member of the fallax complex, being found in cities, along roadsides and in dumps. In southern North Carolina, eastern South Carolina, and eastern Georgia it is found in the woods, on barrier islands behind sand dunes, and in other “natural” situations. Outside of this area it is usually synanthropic. It crosses readily with Triodopsis fallax fallax and with other members of the southern 'herd, but is reproductively isolated from members of the northern herd in nature, but not in the laboratory. As can be seen from the descriptions, most of the shell characters used to distinguish the taxa inter- grade, but not evenly. Each of these nominate, morphologically distinct populations has a specific geographic and environmental range, and large samples collected from “natural” habitats such as woods, marshes, and swamps are remarkably homo- geneous. In a few places, scattered, homogeneous intermediate populations exist, but these are rare and may be the product of introgressive hybridization in the distant past. Some populations of Triodopsis fallax obsoleta, particularly when the lip teeth have been enlarged by introgression from messana or fallax, are difficult to distinguish from hopetonensis. The lip of the aperture is a bit thinner in large toothed obsoleta, and the color of the shell a bit more reddish than in hopetonensis. Both Leslie Hubricht (1958; pers. comm.) and I have found easily distinguishable populations of obsoleta and messana Uving with hopetonensis without intergradation. Hopetonensis does cross with the others in the labora- tory, however, producing fertile hybrids. Perhaps this is due to restricted choice of mating partners and withdrawal of seasonal climatic and photoperiodic changes. Hybridization is quite common between certain members of this complex in urban areas and on waste ground. I have seen no dine anywhere. Wild hybrid swarms seem to be quite rare. I know of only two, and one appears to be largely the result of human activity and partially the result of natural causes. On the Delmarva Peninsula, east of Chesapeake Bay, Triodopsis fallax fallax occupies the northern half of the peninsula, and a multitude of colonies of hybrids between it and obsoleta occupy the southern half. Each colony appears to be quite uniform, occupying some stable stage of intermediacy between the two. There is no dine. One of these colonies was given the name Triodopsis hopetonensis chincoteaguensis Pilsbry, 1940: 813. Some colonies resemble Trio- dopsis fallax hopetonensis, some resemble obsoleta, and some resemble messana. West of Chesapeake Bay and north of the James River, in Virginia, T.f fallax occupies the pine woods and mixed mesic woods of the inner coastal plain. The outer edges of the pleistocene necks are occupied by T.f obsoleta, especially in wet woods and marshes. In trash heaps and along the railroad in the city of Hampton, however, where the two have met quite recently, every grade of intermediacy between the two extremes may be found in a single colony. In the pine woods near Columbia, South Carolina, where T.f. fallax and T.f. vannostrandi meet, there are a few homogeneous intermediate colonies. In the town itself, fallax, hopetonensis, alabamensis, and vannostrandi have combined in varying degrees on waste ground, giving rise to many populations of “weed snails”. The combination Triodopsis f. fallax X Triodopsis f. alabamensis has appeared in other dis- turbed areas from southwestern Virginia to central Georgia, and has been given the name Triodopsis fallax affinis by Leslie Hubricht (Eigure 2: D). The following hybrid populations have been found 28 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. Figure 3. Genitalia of Triodopsis. A. Triodopsis fallax obsoleta (Pilsbry). NMC 59893. Leon, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland. Retracted anterior genitalia, with views of interior of penis (a) and spermathecal duct. Scale = 1mm. B. Triodopsis fallax fallax (Say). NMC 63132. Chance, Somerset Co., Maryland. Extended penis. The shells of members of this population indicate slight introgression from obsoleta. Scale = 1 mm. C. Triodopsis cragini Call. TOPOTYPES. Chetopa Co., Kansas. Retracted anterior genitalia and outhne of extended penis. Figures redrawn from Webb, 1959, pp. 27 - 28. in the field: fallax X obsoleta (synanthropic and natural); messana X obsoleta (synanthropic); mmana X soelneri (synanthropic, only once); fallax X hope- tonensis (synanthropic); vannostrandi X hopetonensis (synanthropic); fallax X vannostrandi (synanthropic and apparently natural); fallax X vannostrandi X hopetonensis (synanthropic); fallax X alabamensis (synanthropic). The following taxa have been found living together without intergradation: messana and hopetonensis; obsoleta and hopetonensis; soelneri and hopetonensis; soelneri and messana. Although fallax has not been found with messana, a small intermediate population which may be of hybrid origin has been found in southern North Carolina. I believe that the two major inland populations, Triodopsis fallax fallax in the north, and Triodopsis fallax alabamensis in the south, give rise to similar populations of dark snails with reduced teeth when they moved onto the unstable coastal plain from the older land of the piedmont, probably in Pleistocene times or earlier (see Hubricht, 1971: 42). Although the coastal plain populations resemble each other by being dark in color and having reduced apertural teeth, all of the populations are distinct, and it is likely that they resulted from different waves of migration onto the coastal plain. From Triodopsis fallax fallax two populations with severely reduced dentition resulted: T.f. obsoleta on the outer coastal plain between the Delmarva peninsula and north- Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. 29 eastern South Carolina, and T. soelneri in the Bay District between the Cape Fear and Lumber Rivers in southern North Carolina. In the north, obsoleta is coming into contact with fallax, possibly because rising seas since Wisconsin time are driving it inland. Soelneri appears to have been isolated longest. It may have occupied more territory in the past. Messana appears to have arisen quite recently. It may have arisen from an early precursor of soelneri. Because of the rarity of the messana X soelneri cross, it is obvious that these two entities have evolved a fairly effective reproductive barrier. From Triodopsis fallax alabamensis, two popula- tions have resulted: Triodopsis fallax vannostrandi on the sand barrens and pine savannahs and Triodopsis fallax hopetonensis on the lower coastal plain. In eastern Alabama, T.f. alabamensis occupies upland woods and T.f. vannostrandi the low ground (Hubricht, pers. comm.). T. f. hopetonensis now has a very wide distribution largely because of its anthro- pochorous habits. It has evolved to the point where it can co-exist in nature with T. f. obsoleta, T. f. messana, and T. soelneri without hybridization. Within the subgenus Triodopsis s.s., the following species are too poorly known to assign to a species group, although each taxon appears to be distinct. They require either dissection or attempts to be made to cross them with presumed relatives, or both: Trio- dopsis pendula Hubricht, 1952; Triodopsis neglecta (Pilsbry, 1899); Triodopsis palustris Hubricht, 1958; Triodopsis picea Hubricht, 1958; Triodopsis rugosa Brooks and MacMillan, 1940; Triodopsis fulciden Hubricht, 1952; Triodopsis claibornensis Lutz, 1950. None of these appear to truly intergrade with other species in the material examined. A report is soon to be prepared on the structure of the genitalia of most of these species. LITERATURE CITED Grimm, F. Wayne. 1961. Land Snails of the Delmarva Peninsula (abstr.). Ann. Rept. Amer. Malcol. Union 1961: 3-4. Grimm, F. Wayne. 1966. Speciation in the Triodopsis fallax complex (abstr.). North Carolina Acad. Sci. Proc. and Abstr. Nov. 1966: 101-102. Hubricht, Leslie. 1950a. The distribution of Trio- dopsis soelneri (J.B. Henderson) in North Carolina. Nautilus 64: 67. Hubricht, Leslie. 1950b. The Polygyridae of Pitt- sylvania County, Virginia. Nautilus 64: 6-9. Hubricht, Leshe. 1952a. Three new species of Trio- dopsis from North Carolina. Nautilus 65: 80-82. Hubricht, Leslie. 1952b. The Landsnails of Pitt- sylvania County, Virginia. Nautilus 66: 10-13. Hubricht, Leslie. 1953. Landsnails of the southern Atlantic Coastal Plain. Nautilus 66: 1 14-1 25. Hubricht, Leslie. 1954. A new subspecies of Trio- dopsis. Nautilus 68: 28-30. Hubricht, Leshe. 1958, New species of landsnails from the eastern United States. Trans. Kentucky Acad. Sci. 19: 70-76. Hubricht, Leshe. 1971. The Landsnails of South Carolina. Sterkiana 41: 41-44. Lutz, L. 1950. A hst of the land Mollusca of Clai- borne County, Tennessee, with description of a new subspecies of Triodopsis. Nautilus 63: 99-105, 121-123. Pilsbry, H.A. 1939-1940. Land Mollusca of North America (North of Mexico). Monogr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. no. 3, v. 1 , pts. 1 & 2. Vagvolgyi, Josenh. 1968. Svstematics and Evolution of the genus Triodopsis (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Polygyridae). Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 13(7): 145- 254. Webb, Glenn R. 1952. Pulmonata, Polygyridae: a sexological revision of some triodopsin land snails. Gastropodia 1(1): 7-8. Webb, Glenn R. 1954. The Life-history and sexual anatomy data on Ashmunella with a revision of the triodopsin snails. Gastropodia 1(2): 13-18. Webb, Glenn R. 1959. Pulmonata, Polygyridae: notes on the sexology of Triodopsis, a new subgenus, Haroldorbis, and a new section, Shelfordorbis. Gastropodia 1(3): 23-25. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. THE FALL LINE AS A BARRIER TO THE DISTRIBUTION OF SOME UNIONIDS (BIVALVIAiUNIONIDAE) John J. Jenkinson* The Coastal Plain Physiographic Province of eastern and southern North America is an area of flat or gently rolling topography and soft or poorly- compacted bedrocks. The coastal and marine sedi- ments which make up the bedrock of this province have been deposited in association with the rise and then gradual fall of the sea level since the beginning of Upper Cretaceous tiro,e, about iOO million years ago. Along the inner edge of the Coastal Plain, the soft Cretaceous sediments interface with older and much harder rocks. Streams which arise in these older physiographic provinces, and flow across the Coastal Plain to the ocean, often include a steep rapids or falls where they flow off the last of the resistant strata and onto the easily eroded Coastal Plain deposits. Along the East Coast this line of falls, or Fall Line, runs from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, through Richmond, Virginia, Columbia, South Caro- lina, and Macon, Georgia to Montgomery, Alabama. The Fall Line has been of considerable economic interest because it generally marks the head of river navigation and offers an excellent source of water power to run mills, and more recently, electric generating stations. Some recent research on the distribution of aquatic organisms may also make the Fall Line the subject of considerable biological and zoogeographic interest. In his study of the fishes of Alabama, Smith- Vaniz (1968) states that the Fall Line clearly delimits the ranges of numerous species. This statement, and the fact that members of the bivalve Family Unionidae are obligate fish parasites during part of their life cycles, leads directly to the conclusion that the Fall Line may serve as a barrier for some unionids as well as for their fish hosts. No previous discussion of this hypothesis has been published, however, both Heard (1970) and Johnson (1970) mention the general paucity of unionid species above the Fall Line. An examination of the effect of the Fall Line was included in the evaluation of a unionid survey of four creek systems in east-central Alabama (Jenkinson, 1973). This study included Halawakee Creek and the Uchee Creek system of the Chattahoochee River drainage and Saugahatchee Creek and the Uphapee Creek system of the Tallapoosa River drainage. The headwaters of these creeks originate near Auburn, Lee County, Alabama. The Fall Line crosses tributa- ries of both Uchee and Uphapee creeks and essential- ly divides the study area into northern and southern halves. Forty-seven of the eighty collection sites yielded 2646 specimens of 27 species of unionids. While none of the 27 species were collected only above the Fall Line, 1 5 species were collected largely or only below it. Personal collections outside the study area and the site records listed by Clench and Turner (1956), Johnson (1967; 1970) and van der Schalie (1938) demonstrate that ten of the 15 species have been taken above the Fall Line in more than one river system. Recently, site records of the remaining five species in the collection of the Museum of Zoology, Ohio State University (OSUM) were added to the published and personal data. The following annotated list presents the accumulated distributions of these five species with special reference to the Fall Line. The scientific names used in this list are generally those of the current literature; their use here is not necessarily meant to reflect support for these specific names or combinations. Anodontoides radiatus (Conrad, 1834) This Study: Forty-six specimens were collected at eight sites; two of these specimens were taken from one site above the Fall Line. Other Records: Nineteen sites in the Alabama, Escambia and Apalachicola river systems; one of these sites is above the Fall Line [Chattahoochee River, West Point, Troup Co., Georgia (Clench and Turner, 1956) (Johnson, 1967)]. * Department of Zoology-Entomology, Auburn University. Present address: Museum of Zoology, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210. 30 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. Alasmidonta triangulata (Lea, 1858) This Study: Seventeen specimens were collected at four sites, all below the Fall Line. Other Records: Fourteen sites in the Apalachicola, Ogeechee, Savannah, and Cooper-Santee river systems; one of these sites is above the Fall Line [Mulberry Creek (of Chattahoochee River) 3 mi S Mountain Hill, Harris Co., Georgia (Clench and Turner, 1956)]. Fusconaia rubida (Lea, 1861) This Study: Twenty specimens were collected at four sites, all below the Fall Line. Other Records: Thirty-seven sites in the Amite, Tangipahoa, and Alabama river systems; six sites on the Cahaba River (van der Schalie, 1938) and one site each in the Black Warrior and Coosa river drainages (OSUM) are above the Fall Line. Pleurobema pyriforme (Lea, 1840) This Study: Thirty-six specimens were collected at three sites; six of these specimens were taken at one site above the Fall Line. Other Records: Twenty sites in the Apalachicola, Ocholockonee, and Suwannee river systems, none of which is above the Fall Line. Lampsilis subangulata (Lea, 1840) This Study: Forty-three specimens were collected at seven sites, none of which is above the Fall Line. Other Records: Thirty-four sites in the Chocta- whatchee, Apalachicola, and Ocholockonee river systems; two of these sites are above the Fall Line [Flint River 5 mi E Alvaton, Meriwether /Pike Cos., Georgia (OSUM) and Flint River 3 mi SE Gay, Meriwether/Pike Cos., Georgia (personal)]. This rather limited study suggests that these five species of unionids are largely restricted to the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province. Their general lack of penetration above the Fall Line may be caused by substrate, water chemistry, turbidity, fish- host, or some combination of these and/or other requirements, all of which may change drastically as a stream falls onto the Coastal Plain. The lack of pene- tration of some unionids and fishes may also be the result of the physical barrier of the falls themselves. On Little Uchee Creek, for example, the falls consists 31 of a solid face of bedrock two to three meters high which extends completely across the stream. Regardless of the reasons for the general restric- tion of these five species to the Coastal Plain, this study suggests that the distributions of some unionids are limited by the Fall Line or by factors related to this feature. If this suggestion is supported by addi- tional site records for these and other Coastal Plain species, some of our present concepts of migration patterns, affinities among species, and other zoo- geographic relationships may have to be modified. We may also realize, and be able to document, that some Coastal Plain species are in greater danger of extinc- tion than we had previously believed. Whatever the outcome of these additional studies, we will certainly add.'to our meager knowledge of the unionids of the Coastal Plain. LITERATURE CITED Clench, W.J. and R.D. Turner, 1956. Freshwater mollusks of Alabama, Georgia, and Florida from the Escambia to the Suwannee River. Bull. Fla. State Mus., Biol. Sci. 1(3): 97-239. Heard, W.H. 1970. 3. Eastern freshwater mollusks (II) The South Atlantic and Gulf drainages. Pages 23-27 IN A.H. Clarke, ed. Papers on the rare and endangered mollusks of North America. Malaco- logia 10(1): 3-56. Jenkinson, J.J. 1973. Distribution and zoogeography of the Unionidae (Mollusca:Bivalvia) in four creek systems in east-central Alabama. M.S. Thesis. Auburn Univ. 96 pp. Johnson, R.I. 1967. Additions to the unionid fauna of the Gulf drainage of Alabama, Georgia and Florida (Mollusca:Bivalvia). Breviora 270: 21 pp. Johnson, R.I. 1970. The systematics and zoogeo- graphy of the Unionidae (Mollusca:Bivalvia) of the Southern Atlantic Slope Region. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 140(6): 263-450. Smith-Vaniz, W.F. 1968. Freshwater fishes of Alabama. Auburn Univ. Agri. Exp. Sta. 21 1 pp. van der Schalie, H. 1938. The naiades (fresh-water mussels) of the Cahaba River in northern Alabama. Occ. Pap. Mus. ZooL, Univ. Mich. 392. 29 pp. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. VARIATIONS IN THE INCURRENT AND EXCURRENT APERTURES OF QUADRULA QUADRULA RAFINESQUE, 1820 AND QUADRULA PUSTULOSA (LEA, 1831)* * Frank L. Kokai* Early students of North American naiads recog- nized soft parts as an aid to identification and classi- fication. Rafinesque (1820) was the first to illustrate soft parts and Barnes (1823) stated that “perfect accuracy” in distinction between species depends upon examination of soft parts. Agassiz (1851) reported that identification should be based on shell characters and soft parts and listed the structures he felt were significant to taxonomy. Isaac Lea (1859) discussed the value of observing soft parts and speci- fically illustrated naiad apertures and papillae. George B. Simpson (1884) was among the first to write an extensive paper on naiad soft parts with detailed illustrations. Charles T. Simpson (1900) organized the naiads on the basis of soft parts wherever possible. While these experts, and others, recognized varia- tion in shell characters, little was written about varia- tion of the soft parts. Descriptions of soft parts dealt mainly with the gills, and terms such as “large”, “numerous”, “normal”, etc. are found applying to other structures (Baker, 1898, Ortmann, 1912). In some cases color is the only description (Ortmann, 1911, 1912). Very httle recent quantitative work has been done to determine how much variation occurs in the soft parts and how variation may affect taxo- nomy. The objective of this study was to measure and compare soft parts to determine variability and perhaps find potential taxonomic characters. Specimens used for this study were collected by skin diving and SCUBA diving in Fishery Bay of western Lake Erie between Gibraltar Island and South Bass Island, Ottawa County, Ohio. Twenty- eight collections were made during the summer of 1970 which yielded 833 specimens representing 3 subfamilies, 15 genera, and 18 species of the family Unionidae. Twenty-eight Quadrula pustulosa (Lea, 1831 ) and twenty-five Quadrula quadrula Rafinesque, 1820 were among those specimens collected and this material became the basis of this study. Specimens were returned to the laboratory where the shells were pegged open with small cork stoppers. The specimens were then fixed in a solution of 75% ethanol, 20% water, and 5% glycerine. After fixing, the soft parts were dissected from the shells and stored separately. Shells and soft parts were processed into the collections of the Ohio State University Museum of Zoology where they are now preserved. A data sheet was prepared for each specimen to note the following: species, catalog number, collec- tion number, length of incurrent, excurrent, and accessory apertures, type and number of aperture papillae, structures of the mantle such as flaps, papil- lae, and ridges, marsupium length, shape, and devel- opment, length of the animal, and additional com- ments such as parasite infestations etc. This paper represents only a portion of the entire study. Lengths of the three apertures and the entire animal were measured using a needlepoint divider and a metric rule. All measurements were taken to the closest millimeter. Papillae were observed and counted using a binocular microscope at a magnification between 16x and 24x. q = Quadrula quadrula p- Quadrula pustulosa I qI VARIATION IN APERTURE LENGTH Fig. 1. Absolute Variation in Aperture Length. 1 Q. pustulosa (Lea. 1831) = 0. bullata Rafinesque, 1820 according to Dr. J.P.E. Morrison (pers. comm.) but in the interest of clarity the more familiar name Q. pustulosa is used here. * The Ohio State University, Museum of Zoology, Columbus, OH 43210. 32 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. 33 Absolute measurements of the three apertures of Q. quadrula and Q. pustulosa (figure 1 ) indicate the excurrent aperture is the smallest and least variable of the three in both species. Quadrula pustulosa has a greater variability in excurrent aperture length and a larger mean, 9 mm compared to 7 mm. The incurrent aperture was slightly larger in both species with a mean of 12 mm in Q. quadrula and 11 mm in Q. pustulosa. Quadrula pustulosa was again more vari- able. The accessory aperture is the largest and most variable with a mean of 13 mm for both species. Because the absolute measurements are dependent on animal size, greater aperture variability in one species could be explained by a greater range of animal size. Although Q. pustulosa was more variable in animal size and incurrent and excurrent apertures, Q. quadrula was more variable in absolute accessory aperture length To compare relative lengths of apertures of animals of different sizes, a length index was cal- culated by dividing animal length into aperture length. This percentage was then multiplied by 1000 to give a whole number (figure 2). The use of this index reveals that an “average” Q. quadrula has an incurrent aperture with an index of 100, an accessory of 160, and an incurrent of 170. The accessory aperture is the most variable. Several specimens have very large (25% animal length) or small (7% animal length) accessory apertures but most were about 15% animal length, roughly the same size as the incurrent aperture. q ° 300- o X e E 200- E E t ^ 150 -'”‘100 0 relative length of apertures Fig. 2. Relative Length of Apertures. The “average” Q. pustulosa has relatively larger apertures with indices of 120 for the excurrent, 200 for the incurrent, and 220 for the accessory. Both species have approximately the same degree of relative variability for the excurrent and accessory apertures, but Q. pustulosa has a more variable in- current aperture. The most obvious structures of the apertures are the incurrent aperture papillae. Both species have complex and variable arrangements and number of = Quadrula quadrula =: Quadrula pu s t u I o s a papillae. Many of the species taken from Lake Erie have as few as 25 solitary papillae along each margin of the aperture. The papillae of Q. quadrula and Q. pustulosa are more numerous and are arranged in “clusters” which border the aperture margin. In Q. quadrula the clusters are brown at the base and white at the tips giving a gross appearance of brown As the animal gets older, the papillae darken until reaching a brown-black color. The number of clusters varies between 8-14 per side, but one side of the animal may have more clusters than the other. The number of individual papillae per cluster varies between 4-23. These papillae may bifurcate several times (figure 3). The number of papillae tips ranges from 90 to 140 per aperture side. Between the clusters are solitary papillae which may bifurcate. The presence of these papillae between clusters appears to be at random but they are always found at the dorsal and ventral margin of the aperture. Fig. 3. The papillae of Quadrula quadrula Rafinesque, 1820 located in the inner margin of the right incur- rent aperture (x20). Characteristics of the papillae are bifurcations from clusters, brown base, and white tips. In Q. pustulosa the papillae are also arranged in clusters but three general differences occur: 1) the color of the papillae is somewhat lighter, although this is hard to observe without the aid of a micro- scope, 2) there are less solitary papillae between the clusters, and those which do exist rarely bifurcate, 3) the papillae of the clusters rarely bifurcate. The number of clusters per aperture side is 12-28 and the number of papillae per cluster is 10-19. Total number of papillae is between 120-160 per side. For these two species of this population the use of aperture size ratios is not justifiable as a taxonomic character. The relative size ratios of the incurrent, excurrent, and accessory apertures are 10: 17: 16 in (2. quadrula and 12:20:22 in Q. pustulosa. The high degree of variability, particularly the accessory apertures, makes these ratios meaningless. No speci- men exhibited these ratios exactly and most speci- mens were not close to the mean in more than one relative aperture size. Ortmann (1911) states that papillae of the branchial (incurrent) opening “although slightly varying in their development (offer) no remarkable differentiations.” I cannot agree with this statement. The 18 lake species observed do have distinct Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. papillae. For the two species in this study, correct identification could be made on the basis of papillae with approximately 80% accuracy. Further studies should be made to determine what differences occur between lake and stream forms, other species of the genus, and other genera. Further study could disclose a helpful taxonomic aid. LITERATURE CITED Agassiz, Louis. 1851. Some comments on naiads by Prof. Agassiz from the minutes of the Boston Society of Natural History, Nov. 20, 1850. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 3; 356-363. Baker, Prank Collins. 1898. The Mollusca of the Chicago Area. Pt. 1. Bull. Nat. Hist. Surv., Chi. Acad. Sci., Ill, pp. 1-130, pi. i-xxvii, figs. 1-12. Barnes, D.H. 1823. On the genera Unio and Alasmo- donta; with introductory remarks. Amer. J. Sci. & Art, 1st ser.,6(l): 107-127,6(2): 258-280. Lea, Isaac. 1859. New Unionidae of the United States. J. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV, New Ser. pp. 191-233, pi. 21-32. Ortmann, Arnold E. 1911. A monograph of the najades of Pennsylvania. Part 1. Mem. Carnegie Mus. 4(6): 279-347, 4 pis., 8 figs. Ortmann, Arnold E. 1912. Notes upon the famihes and genera of the Najades. Ann. Carnegie Mus. 8(2): 222-365. Rafinesque, C.S. 1820. Monographie des coquilles bivalves et fluviatiles de la riviere Ohio, contenant douze genres et soixante-huite especes. Annales Generates des Sciences Physiques, 15e livraison du 5e tome: 287-322, 3 pis. Simpson, Charles Torrey. 1900. Synopsis of the naiads or pearly freshwater mussels. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 22(1205): 501-1004, pi. XVIII. Washington, D.C. Simpson, George B. 1884. Anatomy and physiology of Anodonta fluviatilis. Ann. Rep. N.Y. St. Mus. Nat. Hist. 35: 169-191, 1 1 pis. PHILOBRYIDAE IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE Donald R. Moore* The Philobryidae are a group of poorly known bivalves living mainly in the southern hemisphere. They are poorly known because most species measure two or three millimeters, and httle is known of them beyond the original description. The family was un- known in the tropical western Atlantic until com- paratively recently. David Nicol (1970), when discussing living Antarc- tic bivalves stated that only one species of Philo- bryidae Philobrya setosa (Carpenter, 1864), eastern Pacific, was now living in the northern hemisphere. Unfortunately, Nicol had overlooked the description of two small philobryids described from the Carib- bean in 1958. Philobrya inconspicua Olsson and McGinty, 1958, and Cosa caribaea Abbott, 1958, are very small bivalves, and are considered quite rare. Both have been reported only from the type locality, Bocas del Toro for P. inconspicua, and Grand Cayman for C. caribaea. Shortly after reading Nicol’s article, I collected bottom samples from depths of 12 m and 14 m near Buck Island, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Cosa caribaea was found to be a common species at this depth, but was not present in samples from lesser depths behind the reef. Thus the supposed rarity of this species is apparently simply an artifact of col- lecting. The small size of the species (1.5 mm) also contributes to our lack of knowledge of this bivalve. I also examined a bottom sample from Arrow- smith Bank, a small flat topped rise a few km east of northeastern Yucatan, and found a third Caribbean species (description in manuscript). This material came from a depth of 37 to 405 m trawled up a steep slope, and was found in CaC03 sand which pre- sumably had been carried down slope from the flat top. The original depth must have been some 25 to 35 m. This material was collected by the University of Miami R/V Gerda on a cruise to Arrowsmith Bank * The Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, FL 33149. 34 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 19 74. 35 in 1967. This, then, makes a total of four philobryids hving north of the Equator. However, Abbott, 1958, suggested that Limopsis antillensis Dali, 1881, also belonged in the Philobryidae. At first glance, this seems a poor idea as the prodissoconch is not a large cap-like structure typical of many philobryids. A close examination, though, does show a number of characters that L. antillensis has in common with the two Caribbean species of Cosa. They are: straight hinge line, small, triangular ligament, low cancellate sculpture, two or three internal ribs which become prominent on the posterior margin, many fine tubules which run through the shell at right angles, and a large posterior adductor muscle scar, obsolete anterior scar. In addition, the hinge of L. antillensis is like that of Gratis with two or three teeth on each side of the ligament. A similar species, described from the Upper Miocene of Matanzas, Cuba, is Limopsis pentodon Aguayo and Borro, 1946. This little clam, known only from the original description, has been found in Recent sediments collected off the coast of Behze by Dr. Donald Marszalek, and from the north coast of Jamaica by Dr. Peter Supko and John F. Meeder. Both L. antillensis and L. pentodon appear to belong to the genus Gratis Hedley, 1915. They are both small, ranging in size from about 2.5 to 4.0 mm. Gratis antillensis is found in the Upper Gulf of Mexico, and so is the only known philobryid hving on the Atlantic continental shelf of the United Sta*-es. Gratis, until now, has only been known from the south Pacific: these new records greatly extend the range of the genus. So now, instead of one species living in the northern hemisphere, there are six. They are as follows: Philobrya setosa Carpenter (eastern Pacific) P. inconspicua Olsson and McGinty Gosa caribaea Abbott Gosa sp. (Arrowsmith Bank) Gratis antillensis Dali C. pentodon Aguayo and Borro The number for the tropical western Atlantic is also six, for Klappenbach, 1966, described Gosa brasiliensis from the southern coast of Brazil. Finding additional species of philobryids in the Northern Hemisphere is of interest to zoogeo- graphers, paleontologists, and bivalve specialists. What is far more interesting is the implication that Aus- tralian and Caribbean mollusc faunas are more closely related than is usually thought. This relationship is concealed by a welter of generic and subgeneric names, or by the placing of closely related groups in different families or even orders. Hence an Orbites- tella in the Caribbean is placed in Gyclostrerniscus, while Amphithalamus in Australian waters is put into Scrobs. There are many genera and some famihes which are found in only one of the two areas, but much more effort has gone into pointing out dif- ferences than in showing affinities. LITERAl URE CITED Abbott, R.T. 1958. The marine mollusks of Grand Cayman Island, British West Indies. Monogr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. No. 11: 1-138, pis. 1-5. Aguayo, C.G. and P. Borro. 1946. Algunos moluscos Terciarios de Cuba. Rev. Soc. Malac. “Carlos de la Torre” 4(2): 43-49, pi. 3. Carpenter, P.P. 1864. Diagnoses of new forms of mollusks collected at Cape St. Lucas, Lower California, by Mr. J. Xantus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, 13: 311-315. Dall, W.H. 1881. Preliminary report on the Mollusca. Reports on the results of dredging .... in the Gulf of Mexico (1877-1878) and in the Caribbean (1879-1880) by the U.S. Coast Survey steamer “Blake” .... 15. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 9: 33-144. Hedley, C. 1915. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part 12. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales 39: 695-755, pis. 77-85. Klappenbach, M.A. 1966. Un nuevo representante del genero “Gosa'’ obtenido en aguas brasilenas (Mollusca, Pelcypoda). Rev. Brasil Biol. 26(1): 23-27, 4 figs. Nicol, D. 1970. Antarctic pelecypod faunal peculia- rities. Science 168(3936): 1248-1249. Olsson, A. A. and T. McGinty. 1958. Recent marine mollusks from the Caribbean coast of Panama with the description of some new genera and species. Bull. Amer. Paleo. 39(177): 1-58, pis. 1-5. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. MARYLAND AND VIRGINIA MUSSELS OF LISTER Joseph P.E. Morrison* Freshwater Mussels from the colonies figured as “Mya”, “Mytilus”, and “Pectunciilus” by Lister in 1686 included members of each subfamily living today in the Chesapeake Bay Region. Most of them, such as Elliptio complanatus Lightfoot, and Lampsilis radiata Gmelin, have been universally recognized since they were scientifically named. In contrast, two species of the James River of Virginia are not com- monly known by their earliest names. Of the Unionidae, subfamily Anodontinae, the “Red Ano- donta” is correctly known as Anodonta (Pyganodon) fucata Dillwyn, 1817, while the plate 157, figure 12 "Pectunculus”, of the Amblemidae, subfamily Lampsilinae, is only correctly known as Leptodea fluviatilis Gmelin, 1791. The various mistaken listings of these names, and fluviatilis, or their omis- sions, are indicated in the following synonymies of the past century and a half. ANODONTA (PYGANODON) FUCATA (Dillwyn, 1817) Figs. 5-8 1686 — - Lister, Hist. Conch., pi. 154, fig. 9. (Va.) 1770 — Lister (Huddesford), Hist. Conch., pi. 154, fig. 9 (Va.) 1786 Mytilus fucatus Solander Mss, Lightfoot, Port- land Cat., p. 29, lot 672. (Md.) NUDE NAME. 1817 Mytilus fucatus Dillwyn, Descr. Cat., p. 317. (minus the European avonensis synonymy). 1823 Mytilus fucatus Dillwyn, Index to Lister, p. 13. 1829 Anodonta implicata Say, N. Harmony Diss., 2, no. 22, p. 340. \S3A Anodonta implicata Conrad, New Freshwater Shells, p. 73. 1835 Anodonta implicata Ferussac, Guerin’s Mag., p. 250. 1838 Anodonta newtonensis Lea, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., 6: 79, pi. 21, fig. 66. \S38 Anodonta newtonensis Lea, Observations, 2: 79, pi. 21, fig. 66. 1838 Margarita (Anodonta) implicata Lea, Synopsis, p. 30. \S38 Margarita (Anodonta) newtonensis Lea, Synopsis, p. 30. 1840 Anodonta implicata Say, New Land and Fresh- water Shells, p. 10. \MQ Anodonta implicata L.W. Say, Terr. & Fluv. Shells, p. 1 1 . 1841 Anodon implicata Gould, Invertebrata Mass., p. 118, fig. 78. \8A3 Anodon implicata DeKay, Nat. Hist., N.Y., Moll., p. 202. I S43 Anodon excurvata DeKay, Nat. Hist., N.Y., Moll., p. 202, pi. 17, fig. 233. 1845 Anodonta housatonica Linsley, Am. Journ., Sci., Ser. I, 48: 277. NUDE NAME. 1845 Anodon newtoniana Catlow & Reeve, Conch. Nomencl., p. 67. 1848 Anodonta housatonica Gould, Am. Journ. Sci., Ser. II, 6: 234, figs 4-5. 1851 Anodonta implicata Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 1 5. 1851 Anodonta housatonica Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 1 5. 185 2 Margaron (Anodonta) implicata Lea, Synopsis, p. 50. \853 Anodonta implicata Conrad, Proc. A.N.S.P., 6:264. 1853 Anodonta excurvata Conrad, Proc. A.N.S.P., 6:264. 1856 Anodonta implicata Girard, Proc. Nat’l. Inst. Wash., D.C., N. Series, vol. 1 , no. 2, p. 79. \862 Anodonta williamsii Lea, Proc. A.N.S.P., 6: 169. 1862 Anodonta williamsii Lea, Observations, 11: 31, pi. 10, fig. 26. \861 Anodon newtonensis Sowerby, Conch. Icon., 17, pi. 17, fig. 62. 1870 Anodon implicata Binney’s Gould, Invertebrata Mass., p. 1 80, fig. 48 1 . \810 Margaron (Anodonta) implicata Lea, Synopsis, p. 80. \810 Margaron (Anodonta) williamsii Lea, Synopsis, p. 81. 1873 Anodonta implicata Clessin, Conch. Cab. Anodonta, p. 78, pi. 19, fig. 3. * Division of Mollusks, U.S. National Museum (Natural History), Smithsonian Inst., Washington, DC 20560 36 Figs. 1-4: Mytilus fluviatilis Gmelin. Neotype. USNM 709986 Figs. 5-8: Mytilus fucatus Dillwyn. Neotype. USNM 709985 38 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc.; 1974. 1874 Anodon implicata Hartman & Michener, Conch. Cestrica, p. 94, fig. 193. 1890 Anodonta implicata Carpenter, Nautilus, 4: 57. 1900 Mytilus fucatus Simpson, Proc. U.S.N.M., vol. 22, p. 622. (incorrectly synonymous under cygnaea of Europe). \90Q Anodonta implicata Simpson, Proc. U.S.N.M., vol. 22, p. 633. 1914 Mytilus fucatus Simpson, Descript. Cat., p. 362 (not avonensis Mont., incorrectly synonymous under cygnaea of Europe). 1914 Anodonta implicata Simpson, Descript. Cat., p. 391. 1919 Anodonta implicata Ortmann, Mem. Carnegie Mus., 8: 159, pi. 11, fig. 2,3. 1927 Anodonta implicata Erierson, Checklist, p. 16. \9A6 Anodonta implicata Johnson, Occ. Pap. Moll., I: 112, pi. 16, fig. 1,2. 1959 Anodonta implicata Clarke & Berg, Cornell Univ. Exp. Sta. Mem. no. 367, p. 40, fig. 42. 1962 Anodonta implicata Athearn & Clarke, Nat’l Mus. Canada, Bull. 183, p. 26, pi. 2, figs. 1-2. 1969 Anodonta (Pyganodon) implicata Haas, Tier- reich 88, Unionacea, p. 368. \910 Anodonta (Pvganodon) implicata Johnson, Bull. M.C.Z., vol. 140, no. 6, p. 360, pi. 15, fig. 4; pi. 16, figs. 1-2. 1973 Anodonta implicata Johnson & Baker, Proc. A.N.S.P., 125 (no. 9), p. 158. The name given by Dillwyn in 1817 is distinctive; fucata means painted, or painted red, in Latin. This agrees with the very brief Latin description of Lister — Musculus angustior, suhfuscus, paulo crassior, — for this species of Anodonta, which is elongate in typical adult shells. The pale copper or salmon color of the nacre is normally specific, as Johnson has noted in 1970. Also characteristic is the habitat in sand or gravel bottoms, in contrast to that of most other Anodonta species, in muddier or silty sands. This species, fucata of Dillwyn, is apparently not, and has not been living south of the Chesapeake Bay Drain- age, since Lister figured it. The pale colored form from the Potomac River south of Mount Vernon named williamsii by Lea may now be extinct because of pollution. It is interesting to note the re-discovery of this species in Virginia, almost 300 years after the original Listerine locality was published. The first specimen of this Anodonta I ever per- sonally collected was found in shallow water in current— swept gravel, in the lower Appomattax River, of the James River System, near Hopewell, Virginia, June 12, 1973. This specimen, from near the original locality of Lister, U.S.N.M. No. 709985, is hereby declared the NEOTYPE of the species Anodonta (Pyganodon) fucata Dillwyn, 1817. LEPTODEA ELUVIATILIS (Gmelin, 1791) Eigs. 1 -4 1686 Pectunculus - Lister, Hist. Conch., PI. 157, fig. 12. 1770 Pectunculus - Lister (Huddesford Edn.), pi. 157, fig. 12. 1791 Mytilus fluviatilis Gmelin, Syst. Naturae, 13th Edn., p. 3359. 1801 Anodonta fluviatilis Bose, Hist. Nat. de Coquil- les, vol. 3, p. 146. 1816 Anodontes fluviatilis Cuvier, La Regn. Animal, vol. 2, p. 472. 1817 Mytilus fluviatilis Dillwyn, Descr. Cat., p. 316. 1817 Unio ochraceus Say, Nicholson’s Encyclopedia, p. 2, pi. 3, fig. 8. 1820 Lampsilis rosea Rafinesque, Ann. Gen. de Sci. Phys. Bruxelles, vol. 5, p. 299; separate, p. 33. 1820 Unio (Metapteraj ochracea Raf., Ann. Gen. de Sci. Phys. Bruxelles, vol. 5, p. 300. separate, p. 34. 1823 Mytilus fluviatilis Dillwyn, Index to Lister, Hist. Conch., p. 13. \^24 Anodonta fluviatilis Bose, Hist. Nat. de Coq. (2nd Edn.), vol. 3, p. 143. 1826 4/ya ochracea Eaton, Zool. Textbook, p. 218. Symphynota ochracea Lea, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., vol. 3, p. 455. \832 Lampsilis rosea Raf., (Poulson Translation), p. 28. 1832 Unio (Metaptera) ochracea Raf. (Poulson Trans- lation), p. 29. 1834 Unio ochraceus Conrad, New Freshwater Shells, p. 70. 1834 Symphvnota ochracea Lea, Observations, I, p. 69. 1835 Unio ochraceus Ferussac, Guerin’s Magazine, p. 25. 1836 Margarita (Unio) ochracea Lea, Synopsis, p. 23. 1836 Unio ochracea Conrad, Mon. Unionidae, no. 4, p. 37, pi. 18, fig. 2. 1836 Unio ochracea (var. A.) fluviatilis Conrad, Mon. Unionidae, no. 4, p. 37. 1838 Margarita (Unio) ochracea Lea, Synopsis, p. 18. 1838 Unio ochracea Lea, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. 6, pp. 48-57. 1838 Unio ochracea Lea, Observations, vol. 2, pp. 48-57, pi. 15, fig. 44 (anatomy). 1841 Unio ochraceus Gould, Invertebrata Mass., p. 112, fig. 74. 1842 Unio ochraceus Hanley, Test. Moll., p. 190. 1843 Unio ochraceus Hanley, Bivalve Shells, p. 190, pi. 20, fig. 48. 1843 Unio ochraceus DeKay, Nat. Hist. N.Y., p. 193, pi. 69, figs. 237, 238. 1845 Lampsilis rosea Raf., Chenu — Reprint, p. 14. 1845 Unio (Metapteraj ochracea Raf., Chenu - Reprint, p. 1 5. 1851 Lampsilis ochracea Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 14. 1852 Margaron (Unio) ochraceus Lea, Synopsis, p. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. 39 1853 Unio ochracea Conrad, Synopsis, Proc. A.N.S. Phila., vol. 6, pp. 254, 265. 1856 Unio ochracea Girard, Proc. Nat’l. Inst. Wash., N. ser., 1 (2), p. 79. 1856 Unio ochraceus Kiister, Conch. Cab., Utiio, p. 163, pi. 47, fig. 1. 1863 Unio ochracea Lea, Journ. A.N.S.P., ser. 2, vol. 5, pp. 401-456. 1863 Unio ochracea Lea, Observations, vol. 10, pp. 37-92. 1864 Lampsilis rosea Raf., Binney & Tryon - Reprint, p. 44. 1864 Unio (Metapteraj ochracea Raf., Binney & Tryon — Reprint, p. 45. 1868 Unio ochraceus Sowerby, Conch. Icon., 16, pi. 63, fig. 317. 1870 Unio ochraceus Binney’s Gould, Invertebrata Mass., p. 173, fig. 476. 1872 Margaron (Unio) ochraceus Lea, Synopsis, p. 42. 1874 Unio ochraceus Hartman & Michener, Conch. Cestrica, p. 39, fig. 184. 1895 Unio ochraceus Simpson, Nautilus, vol. 8, p. 122,figd. 1900 Lampsilis ochraceus Simpson, Bull. U.S.N.M., vol. 22, p. 530. 1914 Lampsilis ochraceus Simpson, Descr. Cat. Naiades, p. 49. 1919 Lampsilis ochracea Ortmann, Mem. Carnegie Mus.,vol. 8,p. 318, pi. 20, figs. 6-7. 1927 Lampsilis ochracea Frierson, Checklist N. Amer. Naiades, p. 68. 1929 Lampsilis ochracea Reardon, Proc. U.S.N.M., vol. 75, p. 1, pi. 1, figs. 1-10 (anatomy). 1947 Lampsilis ochracea Johnson, Occ. Papers Moll., M.C.Z.,vol. l,p. 150, pi. 20, figs. 1-2. 1959 Lampsilis ochracea Clarke & Berg, Cornell Univ. Exp. Sta., Mem. no. 367, p. 57, figs. 55-56. 1962 Lampsilis ochracea Athearn & Clarke, Nat. Mus. Canada, Bull. no. 1 83, p. 30, pi. 4, figs. 3-4. 1965 Lampsilis ochracea Da\vley, Sterkiana, no. 19, p. 36. 1969 Lampsilis (Lampsilis) ochracea Haas, Tierreich, Unionacea, p. 454. 1970 Lampsilis ochracea Johnson, Bull. M.C.Z., vol. 140, no. 6, pp. 388-390, pi. 21, figs. 14-15. 1973 Unio ochraceus Johnson & Baker, Proc. A.N.S.P., vol. 125, no. 9, p. 163. A search of all pertinent literature shows that Conrad in 1836 correctly named this species. His account of Unio ochracea, var. fluviatilis Gmelin, from Virginia, tells the whole story. Lister figured this shell as Pectunculiis, thereby declaring it had (sub-equal) teeth on the hinge, both anterior and posterior to the beaks or umbones. Conrad said: “variety A (fluviatilis) is very abundant in James River, Virginia, where I found vast numbers of shells brought ashore by seines used in the shad fishery in March. So accurately does the above mentioned variety agree with Lister’s figure and description, that I cannot doubt the identity .... The specimen figured has a double cardinal tooth in each valve.” Such double cardinal teeth in each valve coincides with Lister’s original placement of the shell as Pectunculus. Conrad’s reference to the shad fishery specimens seined from the James River probably indi- cates the original method and place of discovery of this species, almost, if not exactly, three hundred years ago. The references by Isaac Lea and others, of flu- viatilis of Dillwyn to Anodonta cataracta Say, 1817, are false. There is no Anodonta species from Colonial Virginia that has high enough, swollen umbones to match Lister’s figure 12. Apparently Gmelin called it Mytilus fluviatilis because he saw no hinge teeth in the (external only) figure. He forgot to read Lister’s Pectunculus', we agree with Conrad’s correction of this mistake by Gmelin. Conrad’s 1836 reference to the earliest name fluviatilis Gmelin, 1791 was completely and/or deli- berately ignored by Isaac Lea, who left all fully dentate mussels in the genus Unio all his life. On the other hand. Lea in 1872, page 77, footnote, was not too sure about the name for Lister’s plate 157; he said: “probably Unio cariosus Say.” In the past century, it was “Unio” for all references except Rafinesque 1820, et seq., Stimpson 1851, and then Simpson in 1900, who apparently put ochracea under Lampsilis on account of the sexual dimorphism of the shells. All previous authors in this century have left the species in Lampsilis, simply because they did not study the anatomy critically or comparatively. Personal research on this species, mostly since 1971, has proven two things. Firstly - ochracea of Say is the same as fluviatilis of Gmelin. Secondly — it does not belong to the genus Lampsilis. Both Isaac Lea in 1838, and Reardon in 1929, figured the gross anatomy of this Atlantic species. Recent exami- nations of numerous females from the Tar River, and from Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina, have corro- borated the figures of Lea and Reardon. With smaller glochidia, and a complete lack of “mantle flaps” or papillae on the mantle margins of females, ventral to the siphonal area, it is clearly a species of Leptodea. This genus, of the subfamily Lampsilinae, has not previously been recognized as including any species living in the Atlantic Slope rivers. No one has yet determined the fish host or hosts of this mussel, but I believe it will be found to be one of the anandromous species of Herring, Alewife, or Shad, of the genus Alosa. Leptodea fluviatilis has not been carried by its fish hosts above the Fall Line, in rivers wherever there is a distinct falls, as at the Great Falls of the Potomac. I have not seen any specimens of this species, or of Lampsilis cariosa Say, that were found living upstream of the Great Falls of the Potomac. The specimen figured was taken with a mussel bar in 18 feet of water in the lower Appomattox River, of the James River System, near Hopewell, Virginia, June 12, 1973. Because of its almost complete accordance with Lister’s figure 12 of Pectunculus, this specimen, Leptodea fluviatilis U.S.N.M. No. 709986, is here selected as the NEOTYPE of Mytilus fluviatilis Gmelin, 1791. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 19 74. THE HISTORICAL LIBRARY OF MALACOLOGY AT THE DELAWARE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY John Dyas Parker* With the great burst of exploration triggered by Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal, about 1450, one country after another sent out exploring expedi- tions. This enthusiasm has continued until the present time. The first expeditions returned with souvenirs for those who had advanced the money, and many of these souvenirs were exotic shells. Soon the wealthy or politically powerful had curio cabinets of this material and eventually a brisk trade in shells result- ed. From this beginning shell collections sprang up all over Europe, reaching a peak between 1650 and 1800. S. Peter Dance, of the British Museum (Natural History), has gathered information on these collec- tions in a fascinating book called Shell Collecting, an Illustrated History. While this book is a wonderful help to the student of European collections and collectors, it doesn’t have much to say about North American collections. Not until 1973 when Dr. R. Tucker Abbott and a group of associates compiled American Malacologists had much been done about malacological history of this continent. Last Novem- ber I suggested to Dr. Abbott that material be collect- ed in an archive to be established at the Delaware Museum of Natural History. The American Malaco- logical Union maintains such a library at the DMNH, but we decided if we were to put funds into our endeavor, our collection should be the property of the museum and remain there permanently. We then notified the AMU that it could duplicate anything we had in our historical library. Dr. R. Tucker Abbott and I put up most of the funds to meet the costs involved while the DMNH underwrote the housekeeping expenses. Using American Malacologists as a base, 1 started in January to write over 670 persons listed in the book. From these I have received many obituaries, biographies, vitas, much correspondence and nearly 1000 pictures of collectors. My wife, a graduate librarian, and I set j up dossiers on each person listed in AM and establish- ed a 1 4 division color code so we could see at a glance ! what was available on each collector. Among the illus- trations on hand for future historians are photographs of such well-known malacologists as H.A. Pilsbry, C.M. Cooke, L. Hertlein, G.D. Hanna, A. A. Olsson, W.J. Eyerdam, and E.P. Chace. These are but a few of j the hundreds of items now in this unique historical j library at the Delaware Museum of Natural History. Further contributions are welcome. i * Deleware Museum of Natural History, Greenville, DE 19807. REMARKS ON WESTERN ATLANTIC HA(AC///N Dorothy Raeihle* The identification of several species of Anachis is difficult because of the variability in color and dimen- sion of shells within a species or among specimens from the same station. In addition, the appearance of the living animals is so alike that one description is applicable not only to several species of Anachis but also to species of Mitrella and Nitidella. Of Anachis personally observed in aquaria, one still unidentified species, collected in the Florida Keys, deposited cap- sules each containing a single egg to hatch as crawling young (Raeihle 1969; cf. ANSP 219895, 334590). Each of the other species so observed, and those in Brazil observed by Marcus and Marcus (1962), hatched as swimming veligers. Anachis iontha (Ravenel, 1861) collected at Sanibel, Florida, varied greatly in color. It was iden- tified by comparison of its egg capsules with those figured for Pyrene albella iontha (Ravenel, 1861) by *211 Milligan Road, West Babylon, NY 11704. 40 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. 41 Perry and Schwengel (1955, PI. 50, fig. 344) and later with shells in the collection of ANSP. A. floridana Rehder, 1939 from Sebastian Inlet, Florida; A. trans- lirata (Ravenel, 1861) from Long Island, New York, and A. avara (Say, 1822) from Jekyll Island, Georgia and Lake Worth, Florida also bred in the aquaria, each species depositing a capsule of distinctly dif- ferent sculpture. The identifications of these species were resolved when their egg capsules were figured by Scheltema (1968). It was most interesting that Marcus and Marcus reported egg capsules with structures identical to the above three species for Anachis collected near Ubatuba, Brazil, respectively A. brasiliana (v. Martens, 1897) and A. veleda (Duclos, 1846) both of which deposited egg capsules in captivity. The third type of egg capsule was field- collected; Marcus and Marcus attributed them to A. sparsa (Reeve, 1859) on the basis of comparison of the shells of the hatching veligers to the protoconch of adult A. sparsa. However, as these capsules are structured as those of A. avara (Say) — like little volcanoes, 2 ± mm — it indicates the desirability of live observation of A. avara (C.B. Adams, 1845) (= A. moleculina Duclos, 1835) whose range includes the area where the capsules were collected. Through the courtesy of Dr. J.J. Parodiz, Dr. E.C. Rios, and Mr. Omar E. Sicardi, shells of South American Anachis species were received for com- parison with North American specimens. The shells of A. floridana and A. brasiliana, both to around 1 1 mm, are so alike that small differences of color flecks, and the lack of ribs on postnuclear whorls of A. brasiliana, could be attributed to ecological con- ditions. Their egg capsules are of the same structure; 1 ± mm, moderately globose with a flaring, starlike collar around the hatch area. The shells of A. trans- lirata and A. veleda are both about 1 6 mm and have the same general dimensions. They show strong similarities but the many ribs of A. veleda are heavy and somewhat keeled at the sutures in comparison with the fine ribs and low shoulders of A. translirata. Their egg capsules are of like structure: 1-1/2 — 2 mm, resembling tiny crushed turbans. As the shells of Anachis avara (Say) and A. sparsa (Reeve) were observed to be quite unhke, the shells of A. avara (Say) and A. avara (C.B. Adams) (= A. moleculina Duclos) were compared and found to be close in size (14 ± mm), dimension and pattern of dentition, but the northern specimens were more strongly ribbed, more colorful, and with more rounded denticles. To add to the confusion, some specimens of A. avara (Adams) (= A. moleculina) in appearance suggested a large form of A. brasiliana. If the reproduction of A. sparsa as well as A. avara (Adams) (= A. moleculina) can be observed in cap- tivity, (hopefully) their egg capsules may resolve the questions of relationship. Anachis obesa (C.B. Adams, 1845) was also col- lected at Sanibel, Elorida, but did not thrive in our aquarium and so feeding and reproduction was not observed. These shells compare closely with one lot of “A. isabellei (D’Orbigny, 1841)” from Uruguay. This is in accord with the report of Parodiz (1962) who gives the southern limit of A. obesa as Rio Negro, Patagonia. Other lots of Anachis isabellei from Brazil and Uruguay also give substantiation to the opinion of Parodiz, who discussed differences between A. obesa and A. isabellei and their confusing synonymies, and to the opinions of Sicardi (1967; also personal communication, 1974) and Figueiras and Sicardi (1972) who consider that two species have been lumped under A. isabellei. Again, live observation may be of value. Unfortunately, living specimens of Anachis are very difficult to obtain along the coast of South America because of gene- rally unfavorable collecting conditions. In researching the species named in these remarks an interesting pattern of distribution appeared. The northern and southern species compared occurred in similar degrees of north and south latitude; the ranges of all the Anachis discussed were generally within latitudes from approximately 10° to 40° north or south. LITERATURE CITED Figueiras, A., and O.E. Sicardi. 1972. Catalogo de los moluscos marinos del Uruguay, Part VII. Com- mun. Soc. Malacol. Urug. 3: 169-186. figs. 161-183. Marcus, E. and E. 1962. Studies on Columbellidae, Bol. Fac. Files. Cienc. Let. Univ. Sao Paulo Ser. Zool. No. 261 (24), pp. 335-402, 8 pi. Parodiz. J.J. 1962. On South Atlantic Columbellidae. Nautilus 76: 74, iii. Perry, L. and J. Schwengel. 1955. Marine Shells of Western Coast of Florida. Paleontological Res. Inst., Ithaca, N.Y. 318 pp., 55 pi. Raeihle, D. 1969. Egg Cases of Nitidella ocellata Gmelin and an Anachis. Am. Malacol. Union. Ann. Rep. Bull. No. 36, pp. 25-26. Rios, E.C. 1970. Coastal Brazilian Seashells, Museu Oceanografico de Rio Grande, R. S. 253 1/2-1/2/. 60 pi. 4 maps. Scheltema, A.H. 1968. Redescriptions of Anachis avara (Say) and Anachis translirata (Ravenel) with notes on some related species (Prosobranchia, Columbellidae). Breviora No. 304, pp. 2-19, 1 pi., 4 text-fig. Sicardi, O.E. 1967. Especies Atribuidas a la Influencia de la Corriente del Brasil. Comun. Soc. Malacol. Urug. 2: 49-60. Sicardi, O.E. 1974. Personal communication. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. MOLLUSKS OF GATUN LOCKS, PANAMA CANAL' Joseph Rosewater* * The East chambers of Gatun Locks were de- watered early in March 1974 for repairs. On March 3, 4, and 5 collections were made from floors and walls of the drained upper, middle and lower chambers respectively. Mollusks were collected at six main stations corresponding to the upper and lower portions of each chamber. As the Gatun Locks carry ship traffic from the freshwater Gatun Lake down 85 feet to the level of the Atlantic Ocean this survey was thought to be a good test of the preventive effect of the freshwater barrier of the lake on transport of marine species through the canal. Hildebrand (1939) reported only two mollusk species from Gatun Locks: Brachidontes exustus (Linne) and Neritina meleagris Lamarck [= N. usnea (Roding)] both also mentioned in the present report; but he made no definite mention of the several addi- tional species found in the present survey. It is not known whether these additional species were present at that time and not collected or if they are new introductions. The locks are dewatered on a more or less regular basis as repairs or cleaning are necessary. Depending on the length of time the chambers are dry, it is probable that many hving aquatic in- habitants are killed and must be recruited anew when the chambers are refilled. As mentioned by Jones and Dawson (1973) a number of attempts have been made to theorize on the possibihties for passage of marine animals through the locks and the conditions which would permit such passage. Jones and Dawson made the first care- ful temperature and salinity measurements in the several locks of the canal. In the case of the Gatun Locks their readings show that the upper chamber nearest Gatun Lake is virtually fresh water; the middle has a salinity of only a few parts per thousand; the lowest chamber is considerably more saline with readings ranging from 6.3%o in the upper part to 14.3%o at its lower end. These salinities apparently are high enough to support life in the marine species found. The upper and middle chambers are inhabited by species with tolerances ranging from freshwater (Neritina and Mytilopsis) to brackish water. See Table 1. OBSERVATIONS ON DEWATERED EAST CHAMBERS Upper chamber - the walls and floor were uni- formly fairly bare. Neritina predominated in the upper portion with Mytilopsis appearing in the lower part; dead shells of Isognomon and Brachidontes were present and are believed to have been washed in from the middle chamber. Middle chamber - Neritina was still present but Mytilopsis was becoming more numerous; a few Brachidontes were present in the upper part, they were very common at mid point and many were present in the lower part, A few living /rognom on lay unattached on the floor of the lower part showing evidence of having been washed in from the lowest chamber. Lower chamber - Neritina was absent; living Isognomon were attached to the walls and floor in large numbers throughout the lock, but were increasingly numerous toward the lower part. Brachidontes noticeably clustered around the sump holes in the floor. Thais was present at least from the mid to lower end, where the wails were heavily encrusted with organisms; Area, Chama, sponge, and tube worms. A single specimen of Alexania was collected with its egg mass from the underside of a rock on the floor near the middle of the chamber. CONCLUSION The assemblages of mollusks collected in the several chambers of Gatun Locks give considerable support to the statement of Jones and Dawson (1973) that the Panama Canal constitutes a barrier to the migration of the stenohahne marine biota between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. LITERATURE CITED Hildebrand, S.F. 1939. The Panama Canal as a Pass- ageway for Fishes, with Lists and Remarks on the Fishes and Invertebrates Observed. Zoologica, N.Y. Zool. Soc. 24(1): 15-45, 2 plates. Jones, M.L. and C.E. Dawson. 1973. Salinity - Temperature Profiles in the Panama Canal Locks. Mar. Biol. 21: 86-90, 4 figs. 1 This study is a portion of the National Museum of Natural History - Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Panama Survey in progress since 1971 to provide adequate coOections of-and research on-that fauna in the event a sea level canal is to be constructed. * National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560. 42 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. 43 Table 1 Dominant Living Mollusks found in East Chambers, Gatun Locks, March 1974. Species Upper Chamber Middle Chamber Lowest Chamber 1/ 21 31 U(O.l) L(0.3) U(l.l) L(1.3) U(6.3) L(14.3) Neritina usnea (Roding) X X X X Mytilopsis sallei (Reciuz) X X X Brachidontes exustus (Linne) X X X4/ X Isognomon alatus (Gmelin) X X X Alexania floridana (Pilsbry) X Thais haemastoma floridana X X (Conrad) Area zebra Swainson Area imbricata Bruguiere Chama macerophylla Gmelin Sphenia antillensis Dali and Simpson 1/ U = Upper to middle portion of lock chamber 21 figures in parentheses are salinities in parts per thousand read at chamber bottoms in April 1972 (Jones and Dawson, 1973) 3/ L = Middle to lower portion of lock chamber 4/ living only around sump holes Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 19 74. METAL CONTENT OF THE NAIAD SHELL AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO SEX AND AGE' Linda D. Saville* * and Sandra S. Sterrett* GAMMA SPECTRUM OF A SAMPLE AFTER A 5 MINUTE IRRADIATION adapted from Meirltt (t9T4) Fig. 1. Gamma spectrums of a naiad shell sample after a five-minute irradiation showing the radioactive decay two minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes and four hours after irradiation. Naiades are sessile filter-feeding animals and de- posit their shells in characteristic annual layers. Thev are also known to deposit certain metals in the CaC03 crystal lattice (Turekian and Armstrong, 1960; Nelson, 1966). These characteristics make them good candidates for biological monitors of heavy metal pollution in our rivers and streams. Before their reputation as a monitor can be established much preliminary work on the natural variation in the shell content of metals due to age, sex, formation year and species must be determined. This is the work in which we are currently engaged. Specifically, in the part of our study represented here, we looked at metal differences in relation to sex and age in Amblema plicata (Say, 1817) and Quadrula quadrula (Rafinesque, 1820). All naiades used were collected from the Muskin- gum River at Lowell, Ohio, and thus the environment 1 Tins study was funded by the Water Resources Center with the assistance of the Ohio State University’s Nuclear Reactor Lab and Museum of Zoology. * Ohio State University, Water Resources Center, Columbus, OH 43210. 44 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 19 74. 45 Ca Mn Na Ca Fig. 2. Comparisons of the Ca, Mn and Na levels in two different layers from seven-year-old A. plicata speci- mens; one laid down in 1969 when the animals were three years old and one laid down in 1973 when the animals were seven. Information based on five males and two females. The stippled area represents the range of metal content values. was eliminated as a variable. The shells were separated into annual peripheral nacre layers (Sterrett and Saville, in press), and each layer was analyzed for metals by neutron activation (Heath, 1964). The detection system used was a Nal(Tl) crystal and a 400 channel pulse height analyser. Samples were irradiated for five minutes to deter- mine the presence of short-hved nuclides and for four hours to detect longer hved nuclides. Since the four- hour irradiation results have not yet been analyzed this paper concerns only the five-minute irradiation results. Ca, Mn and Na were found in all samples. The amounts of the metals present in each sample are represented in the form of counts per minute per gram, a value proportional to the concentration of the metal in the shell. Sex differences were tested by using two different layers from seven-year-old A. plicata specimens; one laid down in 1969 when the animal was three years old and one laid down in 1973 when the animal was seven. The results are based on five males and two females (see fig. 2). Such a small sample size makes definite conclusions difficult, but in this test sex differences did not seem to be significant. Significant sex differences would not be expected in the three- year-old samples since the animals were almost certainly not sexually mature at this age (Stein, 1973). The fact that sex differences seem insigni- ficant in both seven- and three-year-old samples from the same individual lends support to the possibility that sex differences are not important. Mn, the most variable of the three metals (see ranges, stippled area 46 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. AGE DIFFERENCES Fig. 3. Comparisons of Ca, Mn and Na levels in four-, five- and seven-year-old A. plicata specimens and nine-, 10- and 1 1-year-old Q. quadrula specimens. Information is based on four four-year-old specimens, three five-year- old specimens, seven seven-year-old specimens, four 10-year-old specimens and four 1 1 -year-old specimens. The stippled area represents the range of metal content values. in fig. 2), also would be expected to show sex diffe- rences plainly, if they existed, and does not. In a study of Mn content of gastropod shell, sex was not seen to be significant (Merhni, et al., 1965). Since it is probable that sex makes little or no difference in the ability of the individual to deposit either Ca, Mn or Na in its shell, sex was disregarded as a variable in the remainder of our analyses. Individuals of A. plicata of four, five and seven years old and Q. quadrula of nine, 10 and 11 were tested for age differences (see fig. 3). Ca and Na differences appear to be insignificant in all cases, while Mn differences appear to be significant. In both species Mn levels increase with increasing age. Merlini, et al., (1965) found that Mn content increased with shell size (i.e. with age) in specimens of Unio. Nelson (1961) suggests that differences in the metal content of naiad shell related to age may be due to surface to volume relationships. Since young animals have a greater surface to volume ratio, ionic exchange is more rapid and metals would have a greater chance of escaping back into the environment. He also suggests that differences in growth rates with increasing age may lead to metal concentration differences. Ca and Na levels seem to change little with age, although fig. 3 suggests that Ca levels do seem to increase slightly with age. Ca levels would be expected to be closely controlled regardless of age since the vast majority of the shell is made up of CaC03. That Ca levels are quite consistent has been demonstrated (Nelson, 1961). Na levels in an animal are also usually under quite strict control. Mn on the other hand, may be less carefully controlled. In noting the ranges of Mn levels (fig. 3) we found our Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 19 74, data support this supposition. So far our work suggests differences in metal levels are more closely related to age than to sex, and that sex is probably not a significant factor in this work. Quite a bit of work is yet to be done. The analysis of our four-hour irradiations will yield information on metals with longer-lived nuclides. We can then see if this information matches the results already obtained for sex and age differences. Further age and sex studies will be carried out on older and younger specimens, and achieving (hopefully) better ratios of male to female. Studies of differences between species are also underway. Analyses of prismatic, periostracum and laminar nacre are being planned to determine if metals show up equally well in all shell layers. After inherent differences of the shell’s metal con- centrations are fairly well established, water samples and shell layer samples can be correlated to see how well the shell reflects the metal content of the water environment. LITERATURE CITED Heath, R.L. 1964. Scintillation spectrometry gamma- ray spectrum catalogue. 2nd ed., Vol. 1 of 2. U.S. Atomic Energy Comm. 203 pp. Merhni, Margaret, F. Giardi, R. Pietra, A. Brazzelli. 1965. The stable manganese content of molluscs from Lake Maggiore determined by activation analysis. Limnol. Ocean. 10: 371-378. Merritt, John C., Jr. 1974. The development of a technique to analyze the elemental content of naiad shells using neutron activation analysis. M.S. Thesis, Ohio State Univ. Nelson, D.J. 1961, The strontium and calcium rela- tionships in Clinch and Tennessee River mollusks, p. 203-212. In V. Schults and A. W. Klement, Jr., (Eds.). Radioecology. Chapman & Hall, Ltd., London. Nelson, D.J. 1966. High-purity calcium carbonate in freshwater clam shell. Science 152(3727): 1368-1370. Stein, Carol B. 1973. The life history of Amblema plicata (Say, 1817), the three-ridge naiad (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Ph.D. Thesis, Ohio State Univ. Sterrett, Sandra S., and Linda D. Saville. 1975. A technique to separate the annual layers of a naiad shell (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Unionacea) for analysis by neutron activation. Bull. Amer. Malacol. Union, Inc., 1974:55-57. Turekian, Karl K., and Richard L. Armstrong 1960. Magnesium, strontium, and barium concentrations and calcite-aragonite ratios of some recent mollus- can shells. J. Mar. Res. 1 8(3): 133-151. CHARACTER WEIGHTING IN EAND SNAIL CLASSIFICATION Alan Solem * One of the most common disputes in systematic hterature concerns the relationships between taxa. One specialist uses character “A” to indicate close similarity, while another specialist maintains that character “B” indicates a different grouping. How we should select and evaluate characters for systematic analysis is at the center of biological theorizing by systematists in the 1970’s. Studies based on mollusks lag far behind studies on other groups in terms of attempting to cope with these problems. This report attempts to survey briefly the basic data sets that have been used to classify land snails, to indicate major gaps in our knowledge, and then to describe one way in which selection and weighting of characters can be approached. It is not an attempt at * Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, IL 60605. an exhaustive review, but a very preliminary outline to stimulate thought. It deliberately does not try to catalog or categorize current studies. Because of its many and obvious features, plus ease of preservation, the shell of snails has been and con- tinues to be used extensively in classification. From an initial division (Linne, 1758) into Helix and Bulimus on the basis of shape, progressively more detailed features have been studied and utilized. Ferussac (1821-2) cited the peripheral shape, sculpture, presence or absence of apertural barriers, and umbilical contours as criteria in separating groups. Beck (1837) showed an intuitive genius in recognizing shell similarities and differences that led to his dividing the land snails into 126 “sections”. 47 48 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 19 74. Many of these genera are used today in very nearly their original sense. Building on this basis, Albers (1850) and von Martens (1860) coped with the rising number of land snail species by expanding the number of genera, sections and families. All of this work was conchological. It is still a rare situation where features enabling identification of a biospecies cannot be discovered in the shell. Frequently, how- ever, the initial discovery that more than one species was represented among a series of populations occurred because data from other organ systems, behaviour, genetics, biochemistry, or breeding experi- ments showed that reproductive isolation existed. Subsequent study usually finds shell differences from which identifications can be made. Currently the shell microstructure is just starting to be examined. The study of suboptical features in sculpture, periostracum, shell layers, bonding of the organic and calcareous layers, details of embryo- logical development of the shell, and shell repair mechanisms, all can be expected to yield basic data of great potential systematic utihty. Robert Hooke (1665) called the jaw of a snail its “teeth”, illustrating this as one of the first biological objects examined through a microscope. It was not until the time of Morch (1860, 1865), however, that a systematic evaluation of the jaw in land pulmonates was undertaken. Morch’s division of the land mollusks into major groups based on jaw shape, structure and ridging is now only of historical inter- est. The convergent nature of jaw shape and gross sculpture is generally accepted, although the classi- fication of Pelseneer (1906) still was based on Morch’s system. Studies of jaw microsculpture, chemical composition, and micro-architecture could yield highly useful data. Casual observations (Solem, unpublished) with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) suggest that major differences exist in the jaws of land mollusks. Scattered observations on the radula occurred in the early to mid-1800’s, but it was the monumental work by Troschel (1856-1893) that estabhshed the utility of the radula in distinguishing genera, species and even families. Continued use of radular data, from information obtained through optical micro- scopes, gradually is being replaced by studies using the SEM. The first illustrations of land snail genitaha were by Swammerdam in the mid-1600’s. Although not published until 100 years later (Swammerdam, 1752), they set a level of knowledge and quahty not equalled until nearly 1900. Exquisite illustrations by Leidy (1851) slightly preceded pioneer works by Schmidt (1855) and Moquin-Tandon (1855), who used the genital system in systematic studies. While Fischer 0883) gave high systematic weight to the number of genital openings, it remained for Pilsbry (1893) to articulate the basic outline of systematically important features. His (Pilsbry, 1893, p. 389) recom- mendations that one should observe the “Shape of the penis and presence or absence of internal papilla and external appendix; presence or absence of flagellum or epiphallus; point of inser- tion of the retractor muscle and of the vas deferens. Upon the female system should be noticed the absence or presence and form of dart sacks, darts, mucous glands or appendicula; the length of the spermathecal duct; the form of the caeca of the ovotestis and whether they are embedded in the liver or free; and finally whether the right eye-peduncle is retracted between the branches of the genitalia or to the left side” set a standard that held essentially unchanged until about 1960. Since then a number of workers have begun examining finer details of the genital system, analyzing homologies and functional significance, and attempting to develop some ideas as to directionality of observed changes. Only a few taxa have been sampled and this work is in purely initial stages of development. Use of the pallial cavity configurations and excretory system in land snail classification dates from Semper and Simroth (1894) and Pilsbry (1900a, 1900b). Critical comments and expanded observa- tions by Watson (1920), Wachtler (1934) and H.B. Baker (1955) have led to an ordinal level classifica- tion of the stylommatophoran land snails based largely on this organ complex. The data prior to the studies of BouiUon (I960) and Bouillon and Delhaye (1970) were based on gross dissection. A huge variety of taxa remain to be studied at the tissue and cellular levels of observation. Study of the caudal mucus gland, foot grooves, and integument date from work in the 1 890’s, with Pilsbry (1896) assigning high significance to the foot grooves, although Watson (1920), Wachtler (1935) and H.B. Baker (1955) assigned somewhat lesser weight. The fine structure and functional significance of these structures still remain to be determined. Work on the nervous system (Bargmann, 1930 and Van Mol, 1967), chromosome numbers (J.B. Burch, et. ah), karyotype analysis (Butot and Kiauta, 1967), and various studies on the molecular level (immuno- logy, electrophoresis, protein evolution) are beginning to yield data of great potential value in systematics. Unfortunately the tendency still prevails for each worker to focus on one set of characters and make sweeping conclusions concerning affinities of species based on one organ system. All too often the desira- bility of using data from a variety of systems is ignored. The examples of Semper (1870-1880), Pilsbry (1893, 1893-4, 1900a, 1900b, 1919, 1948), Watson (1915, 1920), Steenberg (1925) and the many contributions by H.B. Baker in which a variety of systems are studied still have not been adopted as standards. The recommendation of Pilsbry (18934, p. xxvii) that “a natural (^phylogenetic) classification of Pul- monates should be based upon: Organs of protection (Shell, mantle, integument of body). Organs of locomotion (foot with pedal-grooves, tail gland, etc.). Organs of reproduction (genitalia, comparative size of eggs, etc.). Organs of nutrition O'aw and teeth, intestinal tract, kidney). Nervous system (including sense-organs such as Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. tentacles, etc.). Muscle system.” remains equally timely now. As in systematic studies in most groups of organ- isms, the initial “whole organism” impressions con- cerning land snails in the late 1700’s expanded into studies of organ systems through gross dissections, histological observations in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s on the tissue level with optical microscopes, cellular observations with new techniques of prepara- tion and modern optical equipment in the mid- 1900’s, and recently into suboptical studies with transmission and scanning electron microscopes. Simultaneously with the latter approaches, bio- chemical studies have commencedo The electron microscope and biochemical studies require sophis- ticated equipment available only at a few centers and training in technology that until very recently was not available routinely to graduate students. The resulting almost overwhelming mass of potential data in every field undoubtedly has served to focus attention on the problem of how to evaluate con- flicting evidence. In the early 1960’s, the phenetic approach, based on the Adansonian idea that “all characters are of equal value”, enjoyed a brief vogue. Realization that many characters are correlated, demonstrations con- cerning the prevalence of convergent evolution, and the growing triumphs of functional morphology in understanding the origin and significance of structures led a return to phyletic analysis. Formerly handled on a relatively intuitive basis, this school of systematics considers that “some characters are important in interpreting directions of evolutionary change, while others are relatively trivial". The obvious questions relating to this view are “How do you tell which character is important and which is trivial? ”, “If two organisms have the same character, is this the result of common origin or convergent evolution? ”, “Are the similarities and differences shown by species being studied the result of con- vergence, divergence, or independent origin? ” The pheneticists claim that it is virtually impos- sible to answer these questions. Certainly it is diffi- cult to do so, but at least an approximation is possible. The approach I am attempting to use in understanding the patterns of land snail evolution, and hence higher systematic categories, involves trying to separate different levels of evolutionary change. Implicit in this approach is the concept of “progress”, that is, change in ecological relationships over time, leading to “success” measured by group survival, diversification in ways of living, and/or persistence in a taxonomic sense. I The most significant level of evolutionary change, I and presumably the rarest, involves a shift in adaptive ; zones, such as the movement from water to land, changes in water conservation patterns on land, ■ evolution from shelled mollusk to slug, and possibly the shift from cell content sucking to detritus con- sumption. A second, and much more common level, involves the process of diversification, whether in an ecological vacuum or as a more gradual process. The change from terrestrial to arboreal life, herbivore to 49 carnivore, moist to semi-arid habitat dweller, detritus to “live plant” (algal sheets, fungi, plants) feeder, and major shifts in niche position are included in this level. Finally there is the most common level of change, involving sympatric species interactions. The well established concepts of competitive exclusion, character displacement, niche specialization, and effects of predator selection will result in changes at the population or species level. Tliey also initiate the beginnings of shifts leading to diversification or a real change in adaptive zone. All the characters observed in a group of snails, whether the characters be shell, anatomical, cellular, behavioral, or biochemical, must be thought of in terms of functional significance to the snail, parti- cularly in comparison with potentially related species. It must be asked “Could this behavioral/genetic/ biochemical/anatomical/shell/radular variation be the result of selection caused by local species inter- actions; does it permit a shift in way of living com- pared with similar species; is the character common through a group, present in a few, or unique to one species; do the species all have very similar “life styles” or is one species “different” in its ecological role; is the different type simply an “odd ball” or does it presage a “new way” of living.” In theory this approach would require an in- credible amount of work, since reviewing all charac- ters would be a monumental task. In practice, the high degree of character correlation within a group means that a relatively small number of features vary extensively, a major grouping of characters serves to separate clusters of species (genera and families), and, when dealing with closely related taxa, only a few species show evidence of exploring “new ways of living”. Organisms do not exist in a static world, but con- stantly interact with other species. In recent years dramatic advances in understanding species and community ecology have occurred. A “marriage” of the data from systematic observations and the accumulated ecological data offers perhaps the best hope for a real advance in understanding the evolu- tion and coping with the diversity of the 25,000 land snail species. We are only beginning to study this diversity, the newly available electronic tools and biochemical tech- niques have been used by a handful of workers, and many lifetimes of study are needed. Yet without a framework of reference, in the absence of a clearly defined way in which to evaluate the significance of the observed variations, it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to develop a classification and understanding of land snail evolution with predictive values. The major practical advantage of phyletic classification lies in its ability to predict many features of the behaviour, feeding, possible parasites, and general ecology of “unknown species” showing structural affinity to a group. We do not, at present, have a truly phyletic classification of the land snails, but hopefully the methodology briefly outlined above can lead to the development of one. 50 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. LITERATURE CITED Albers, J.C. 1850. Die Heliceen. Berlin, 262 pp. Baker, H.B. 1955. Nautilus 68(4): 109-1 12. Bargmann, H.E. 1930. Linnean Society of London (Zoology) J. 37: 1-92. Beck, H. 1837. Index Molluscorum Christian! Fre- deric!. Copenhagen, 124 pp. Bouillon, J. 1960. Annales des Sciences Naturelles: Zoologie et Biologie Animale (12) 2: 719-749. Bouillon, J. & W. Delhaye. 1970. Annales des Sciences Naturelles: Zoologie et Biologie Animale (12)12: 1-26. Butot, L.J.M. & B. Kiauta. 1967. Beaufortia 14 (174): 157-164. Ferussac, A.E.J. 1821-2. Tab. Syst. de Animales Moll., Part 2. Paris. Fischer, P. 1883. Manuel de Conchyhologie et de Paleontologie Conchyliologique 5: 417-512. Hooke, R. 1665. Micrographia. London, 274 pp. Leidy, J. 1851. Special Anatomy of the Terrestrial Gastropods of the United States. In A. Binney’s The Terrestrial Air-Breathing Mollusks of the United States, and the Adjacent Territories of North America. Boston: Little and Brown, pp. 198-260. Linne, K. von. 1758. Systema Naturae (10) 1. Martens, E. von. 1860. Die Heliceen. Zweite Ausgabe. Leipzig, pp. 1-312. Moquin-Tandon, A. 1855. Histoire Naturelle des Mollusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles de France. Vol. ML Paris. Morch, O.A.L. 1860. Malakozoologische Blatter 6: 102-126. Morch, O.A.L. 1865. Jour, de Conchyl. 13: 265-283. Pelseneer, P. 1906. Molliisca. In Lankester’s Treatise on Zoology. Pilsbry, H.A. 1893. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1892: 387-404. Pilsbry, H.A. 1893-4. Man. Conch. (2) 9: 1-366. Pilsbry, H.A. 1896. Nautilus 9 (10): 109-1 1 1. Pilsbry, H.A. 1900a. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1900: 561-567, pi. 17. Pilsbry, H.A. 1900b. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1900: 568-581. Pilsbry, H.A. 1919. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 40: 1-370. Pilsbry, H.A. 1948. Land Mollusca of North America (North of Mexico), vol. 2, pt. 2. Schmidt, A. 1855. Abhandlungen des Naturwissen- schaftlichen Vereines fiir Sachsen und Thirringen in Halle. I: 1-52. Semper, C. 1870-1880. Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen. Dritter Band, Landmollusken: 1-264. Semper, C. & H. Simroth. 1894. Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen. Dritter Band, Landmollusken, Sweites Erganzungsheft: 45-91. Steenberg, C.M. 1925. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk naturhistorisk Forening 80: 1-211. Swammerdam, J. 1752. Bibel der Natur. Leipzig. Troschel, F. 1856-1893. Das Gebiss der Schnecken. 2 vol. Van Mol, J.-J. 1967. Mem. Acad. Roy. Belgique (8°) 37 (5): 1-168. Wachtler, W. 1934. Zoologischer Anzeiger 105 (7-8): 161-172. Wachtler, W. 1935. Jahrbucher der Akademie gemeinniitziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt 52: 107-135. Watson, H. 1915. Annals of the Natal Museum 3 (2): 107-267. Watson, H. 1920. Proc. Malacol. Soc. London 14 (1): 6-30. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. THE PLEUROCERIDAE AND UNIONIDAE OF THE MIDDLE FORK HOLSTON RIVER IN VIRGINIA David H. Stansbery* and William J. Clench* The Middle Fork Holston River is one of several headwater streams of the Tennessee River system. It has its origin in a number of cold springs just above the village of Groseclose in the Ridge and Valley Province of the Southern Appalachians of western Virginia. From this point it flows in meandering fashion southwest down its valley, joining the South Fork Holston River at what is now the head of South Holston Impoundment, This man-made modification is responsible for the elimination of most forms of river life from the impounded part of the South Fork; but the impoundment appears to have had httle effect on the Middle Fork except for a few miles near its mouth. Other factors which may have a delete- rious effect on the Middle Fork mollusk fauna in- clude domestic and industrial wastes from the com- munities of Marion and Chilhowie and the silts and pesticides associated with valley farming. Favorable factors for molluscan life include the soluble limestone bedrock of the entire length of the Middle Fork valley. Topographic maps show the valley dotted with sinkhole depressions. The forested slopes on either side, in combination with abundant rainfall, provide a relatively constant source of cool, clear water throughout the year. The high gradient and coarse substrate of the stream bed result in frequent riffles or shoals which maintain high levels of dissolved oxygen and keep the particulate food of the filter-feeding bivalves available in suspension. Considering these factors, it is not surprising that the Middle Fork Holston and many other upper Tennessee system tributaries have (or had) such an unusual abundance, in both species and numbers, of river mollusks. What is surprising is that Reed Creek, a tributary of New River, which flows northeast out of this same valley and whose headwaters inter- digitate with those of the Middle Fork, had only a very few species of river mollusks. Quite obviously, the fauna of a river system depends on more than favorable habitat. Whether or not ancestral forms of any given species had access to a stream system clearly appears to be a major factor to be considered in each such problem. It is the primary objective of this study to deter- mine what species of pleurocerid snails and unionid bivalves live in the Middle Fork Holston River and to learn the pattern of distribution of the various species within the stream. This information provides a base for an equally interesting problem, that of deter- mining what factors are responsible for the origin and maintenance of these patterns of distribution We hope that this report will provide inspiration and insight to others who are also interested in solving the problems of ecological zoogeography. Several early studies (Say, 1825; Lewis, 1871; Pilsbry and Rhoads, 1896; and Beopple and Coker, 1912) dealt with the Holston River in general terms or the Holston proper below the confluence of the forks. The earhest known specific reference to Middle Fork mollusks, however, was that of Adams (1915: 19) in his study of lo fluvialis (Say, 1825). Adams notes that “The probabilities are that lo does not occur in the Middle Fork, nor in the South Fork, above the junctions of the two streams near Barron, Va. I examined the streams at this place . . . but found no evidence of them upon the rocky shoals which abound in the Middle Fork near its mouth . . .” We also found no trace of lo in this study. In his study of the naiades of the upper Tennessee system, Ortmann (1918: 610) made 2 collections on the Middle Fork in Smyth County, Virginia. At Marion, about 10 miles below the source, he found two unionid species. At Chilhowie, about 20 miles below the source and slightly more than halfway to the mouth, he was successful in taking 1 2 species. The air-distance from Marion downstream to Chilhowie is only about 10 miles, while the increase in unionid diversity revealed in Ortmann’s collections is a factor of six. This fact, in view of our recent experience on the North Fork Holston River (Stansbery and Clench, 1974), led us to carefully sample the Middle Fork every few miles from its origin through Marion to Chilhowie, and to make enough collections below Chilhowie to give us the distribution patterns of the species involved. * The Ohio State University Museum of Zoology, Columbus, OH 43210. 51 52 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. Collections were made along the main course at each reasonable point of access in 1968, 1970, 1973, and 1974. The approximately 40 mile distance was sampled at 21 sites. Four of these sites were re- sampled on a second or third occasion to compensate for such factors as high water, poor lighting, or lack of time, on the first visit. We made a sincere effort to determine the entire mollusk fauna at each site although this sometimes required spending all or most of a day at a single collection site. All specimens collected were either living or represented by fresh shells unless otherwise indicated. No evidence was found of the previous existence of species not hsted here. We found the fauna to consist of 4 pleurocerids and 18 unionids, a total of 22 species. A comparison of the Middle Fork faunal list with that of the North Fork, 23 species, shows the number of species present to be nearly the same. An exami- nation of species composition, however, reveals some interesting differences. Species absent from the Middle Fork but recorded for the North Fork include Strophitiis undulatus tennesseensis (Frierson, 1927), Fusconaia edgariana (Lea, 1840), Toxolasma (= Caruncidina 1. livid us (Raf., 1831) and lo Jluvialis (Say, 1825). All of these species were recorded only for the lowermost 3-4 miles of the North Fork suggesting that the Middle Fork retains its headwater environment for a much greater distance downstream. This is further indicated by the presence of Lasmigona holstonia*, long known as a headwater species (Ortmann 1918: 557), at 3 of the 4 uppermost sites of the Middle Fork. There are no records of this species for the North Fork. The pleurocerid species of the two forks are the same except for the time-honored records of lo from the lowermost North Fork at Saltville. An examina- tion of the distribution of these snails reveals pat- terns, however, that are quite different from those that were expected. Goniobasis simplex was found at all of the upper 14 collection sites in the Middle Fork while in the North Fork it was limited to only 2 of the upper 4 sites. It was also found that Pleurocera uncialis did not become part of the fauna until the 11th site with Spirodon patula and Anculosa sub- globosa appearing at the 12th site. This evidence further emphasizes the persistence of headwater con- ditions far downstream in the Middle Fork. The arrangement of Middle Fork species in a distri- butional table reveals in graphic form the sudden change in diversity suggested by Ortmann’s 2 col- lections (made in 1912 and 1913) and further supported by the observations noted above. Species diversity varies from 1 to 3 throughout the first 1 1 sites of the Middle Fork, a distance of over 20 miles. Over the same distance the North Fork achieves a diversity of 10 species. The 13th site on the Middle Fork, however, shows a dramatic increase in diversity to 13 species. Ortmann’s collections indicate that this condition is of at least 50 years’ duration. Whatever the conditions responsible for this per- sistent headwater habitat in the Middle Fork, they are effectively, and rather suddenly, reduced at this point about midway between Marion and Seven Mile Ford. The transition zone in both streams is indicated by the point where Goniobasis simplex, the uppermost headwater pleurocerid, is joined by Spirodon patula, another headwater species and where Villosa iris nehiilosa and Villosa vanuxemi are joined by Pegias fabula, Pleurobema oviforme, and Medionidus con- radicus. This transition occurs just over 5 miles down- stream from the source of the North Fork and about 17 miles downstream from the source of the Middle Fork. The topographic maps of the area were examined in the hope that some physiographic feature or features might provide a probable answer. The most apparent differences are the narrower upper valley, greater habitation, and extensive Karst topography of the Middle Fork valley. Since this distribution pattern existed at the time of Ortmann’s collections (1912 and 1913) before Marion and Chilhowie had grown to their present size, factors associated with recent population increases do not appear to be responsible. The number of solution depressions combined with vegetated slopes and a relatively long narrow valley, at least down to Marion, may well reflect a stream generously provided with cold ground water. This could readily result in lower mean stream tempera- tures and the maintenance of headwater habitat for an unusually long distance downstream. The physio- graphy of the valley and the sudden increase in mollusk diversity independently place the area of change midway between Marion and Chilhowie, While the above may explain the absence of certain species from upper Middle Fork, it does not explain the presence of Elliptio dilatatus, a common species here or Epioblasma (= Dysnomia) walkeri, one of the rarest forms present. The understanding of the nature and origin of faunal distributions, even in stream headwaters, is fraught with many difficulties. Not the least of these is our ignorance of many, perhaps most, of the factors involved. Certainly aquatic organisms and the streams in which they live have evolved together. It || may well be that our crude efforts to understand the relationships existing between them today may i eventually lead to a far better understanding of both than we could have achieved through the study of each independently. * See table for authors and dates of species if not given in text. LITERATURE CITED Adams, Charles C. 1915. The variations and ecolo- gical distribution of the snails of the Genus lo. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci. Wash. 12(2): 1-92, 61 pis. Boepple, J.F. and Robert E. Coker. 1912. Mussel resources of the Holston and Chnch Rivers of eastern Tennessee. U.S. Bur. Fish. Document No. 765: 1-13. I Goodrich, Calvin. 1950. Goniobasis proxima (Say). Nautilus 63(3): 78-80. Lewis, James. 1871. On the shells of the Holston j River. Amer. J. Conch. 6(3): 216-226. i Ortmann, Arnold E. 1918. The nayades (freshwater mussels) of the upper Tennessee Drainage. With j Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. 53 notes on synonymy and distribution. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 57(6): 521-626, 1 map. Pilsbry, Henry A. and Samuel N. Rhoads. 1896. Con- tributions to the Zoology of Tennessee. No. 4, Mollusks. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 48: 487-506. Say, Thomas. 1825. Descriptions of some new species of fresh water and land shells of the United Slates. J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 5: 129. Stansbery, David H. and William J. Clench. 1974. The Pleuroceridae and Unionidae of the North Fork Holston River above Saltville, Virginia. Bull. Amer. Malacol. Union 1973: 33-36. uoijnqu;sia jo aoiiojjnooo Jo XDuanbsjj O-) ^ ON o ^ r- ON o r-- os 0A61 '8961 •aSpug pjoj MOiiEqs p/,61 'pioj aSpug SuiSuims 0/L61 ‘lUIAl >i30W 17^61 ‘8961 ‘aSpug Sto 0/.61 'sSpi-ifl P/.61 ‘eA61 ‘8961 ‘3iA\oqiiq3 0A6I ‘q3-'nq3 qjoj aippip^j ^L6 \ ‘PJOJ apw uaAas K61 ‘0/.6I ■uouEiAi msm Pu 9'S 0^61 ‘ipjnqj uo!Z m 0^61 -uouEpj a\sa\ PU ST 0L61 (jaajJS aiMoqiqo) uouE^^; 0A6I ■(3Sp3H)nouBp^ 0^61 ■I3UIJB3 uinopM 0/.6I 'suiqiv 0L6\ ■asopasojo a\sa\ IT 0^61 ■asopasojo MSM 9“ IT 0161 ■asopasojo mSM Pu it 0A6I •asopasoJO mSM Pu 91 0/.6I ‘asopasojo a\sa\ Pu 01 17^61 ‘jEaJja^ lEjng a\ uu st S ^ I - I I w < = o .a « ^ c -S ii ^ - 2 -o' S? “ I -s 1 1 S S £ f i s a ^ -g i f a s s 2 S -S ^ ^ ^ I ’S c s; s: $ 53 Q < -2 ^ ^ 5 S 2 2 .bo bo I I ■3 >2 o.-?-? 5.0'S 2 2 CO ^ 3 ^ "C3 s s - - E ^ I ^ J 2 ^ TS 0 E )^-2 .^oooS'3'a'i'’s 'Pc 7gc:-ca.2s55Ci.o.-Q 3 A gpp'c'c-a-asg.S 5:Ly 5: E s ^ pj — ^ o < t; 6 Q d " c 3; .0 w W .a o. a iir d p .P ^ I a i - this study, 1968-1974 * = Subfossil o = Ortmann, 191 2-19 1 3 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 1974. A TECHNIQUE TO SEPARATE THE ANNUAL LAYERS OE A NAIAD SHELL (MOLLUSCA, BIVALVIA, UNIONACEA) FOR ANALYSIS BY NEUTRON ACTIVATION' Sandra S. Sterrett* * and Linda D. Saville* Trace metals discharged into our streams and rivers, even though usually in small concentrations, are often toxic to some of the aquatic hfe. Because the concentrations are so minute and vary greatly with time, detection of the source is not feasible by ordinary chemical monitoring. In such situations analysis of an aquatic organism that would con- centrate the metals to a measurable level and inte- grate the variations in concentration over its growing season can indicate the presence of toxic metals. If the indicator organism is relatively immobile, analysis of specimens from different sites can help locate the effluent responsible. Naiades are relatively immobile, are widely dis- tributed (Simpson 1914) and are known to con- centrate many trace metals in their shells (Girardi and Merlini 1963). But what makes the naiad an espe- cially good indicator organism is the fact that the shell is deposited in annual layers (Chamberlain 1930). If these layers could be isolated and analyzed individually, annually integrated trace metal con- centrations could be determined for a specific loca- tion as far back in time as the age of the naiad would permit.^ This study was undertaken to develop an accurate shell separation technique and an appro- priate analytical technique to make the historical information in the naiad shell available. Activation analysis was chosen as our analytical technique because of its sensitivity to metals and because it requires only a small amount of sample material. For activation analysis of naiad shells, at least 0.5 gram of sample material is required (Merritt 1974). Before developing a method for separating the naiad shell into annual layers, an understanding of shell formation was necessary. A naiad shell actually has four layers formed by different areas of the ^ NOTE: Some naiades commonly live 15-25 years and some have been estimated at 40-60 years (Isely 1931, Stansbery 1961). mantle and each layer has its own annual layers. Two thin outer layers are formed by the free ventral edge of the mantle: the outer protein membrane, the periostracum, and under the periostracum, the crystalline prismatic layer (Wilbur 1964). The layer forming the bulk of the shell, the peripheral nacre, is deposited by the surface of the mantle ventral, or peripheral, to the pallial line. The thin laminar nacre is deposited by the surface of the mantle dorsal, or central, to the pallial hne (Nelson 1964). (See Fig. 1.) Fig. 1. A diagram of the shell and mantle showing the four shell layers with their annual layers in cross section. The mantle first deposits the periostracum which serves as an organic matrix on which CaC03 is crystal- lized into the three crystalline shell layers (Bevelander and Benzer 1948, Taylor et ah, 1969). As in trees, the annual layers in naiades are a result of seasonal changes in growth rate. During periods of low temperature, the mantle withdraws and ceases shell formation (Coker et al. 1921). Repeated inter- ruptions in shell formation during the spring and fall result in an area of discontinuity visible as a dark line. The greater amount of periostracum at this border results in an area higher in protein than the other parts of the shell. Theoretically, if the shell is baked 1 This study was funded by the Water Resources Center with the assistance of The Ohio State University’s Nuclear Reactor Laboratory and Museum of Zoology. * Ohio State University, Water Resources Center, Columbus, OH 43210. 55 56 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. at high temperatures, the protein of the periostracum will ash and not the CaC03, leaving a weak spot or crack that delineates the part of the shell formed in a single growing season. Utilizing these facts, Nelson (1964) described a baking method for separating annual layers. He cut each valve in half medially and ashed it in a muffle furnace at 400 C for four hours. The annual rings of each layer were then separated with a scalpel. A second separation technique was described by Pahl (1967). He also cut each valve in half medially but ashed it in a muffle furnace at 500 C for 10 minutes and separated only the nacre into the annual layers using a sharp probe and forceps. Although both Nelson and Pahl sawed the shells in half, we attempted to separate the layers on a whole baked valve. The layers, however, stuck together at the edges just anterior and posterior to the umbo. When pressure was applied to separate the layers, the whole shell crumbled. Sawing the shell in half removes one edge enabling better separation. We found that if the valves are cut from the umbo to the ventral edge at both the anterior and posterior margins, the wedge produced separates far better than either the whole valve or a half. (See Fig. 2.) The shells were cut with an automatic saw using a car- borundum-charged blade which produced a smoother cut and was a great deal easier than a hack saw. Fig. 2. One valve of a Lasmigona complanata (Barnes 1923) sawed in preparation for baking. The shells baked by the shorter method separated much more easily than those baked by the long method. Those wedges baked longer developed many separations within an annual layer and tended to crumble. The prismatic layer was much easier to separate from the peripheral nacre in the wedges baked for 10 minutes. We found that shells s^arated well even when baked for five minutes at 600 C. (See Fig. 3.) Because the prismatic layer is much too thin and does not develop cracks at the annual layers, it was not used for analysis. The laminar nacre (formed within the pallial line) is too thin in some species and tends to flake apart easily. On the other hand, the layers of the peripheral nacre usually weighed 0.5 gram except for the first year of growth and could be separated easily with forceps and a sharp probe. Samples of peripheral nacre were prepared from five species collected in the Muskingum River in Ohio: Lasmigona complanata (Barnes, 1823), Quadrula quadrula (Rafinesque, 1820), Amblema plicata plicata (Say, 1817), Obliquaria reflexa (Raf., 1820), and Potamilus alatus (Say, 1817). Of these, T. alatus and L. complanata were the easiest to separate. By cutting the valves into wedges and baking them for five minutes at 600°C, the peripheral nacre can be separated into annual layers. An analysis can be made of each layer, except the first, producing an historical record of metal concentrations which were present in that naiad’s environment. Analysis of naiad shells collected before and after the installation of a suspect pollutant could determine the resultant change in water quality. Using recently collected naiades, the difference between metal concentrations above and below a suspect effluent could be determined. Analysis of a recently deposited layer could indicate the presence of hazardous elements before they reach a damaging concentration, and indicate the source and the range downstream. The full potential of information available from naiad shells remains to be determined. Fig. 3. The peripheral nacre from the center wedge shown in Fig. 2. The wedge was baked in a muffle furnace at 600°C for five minutes and the layers separated with a needle and forceps. LITERATURE CITED Bevelander, Gerrit, and Benzer, P. 1948. Calcification in marine molluscs. Biol. Bull. 94; 176-183. Chamberlain, Thomas K. 1930. Annual growth of fresh-water mussels. Bull. U.S. Bur. Eish. 46: 713-739. Coker, R.E., Shira, A.F., Clark, M.W., and Howard, A.D. 1921. Natural history and propagation of fresh-water mussels. Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish. 37: 79-181. Girardi, F., and Merlini, Margaret. 1963. Studies on the distribution of trace elements in a mollusk from a freshwater environment by activation analysis. EURATOM: EUR 474.e.: 25 pp. Isely, E.B. 1931. A fifteen year growth record in freshwater mussels. Ecology 12(3): 616-619. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. Merritt, John C., Jr. 1974. The development of a technique to analyze the elemental content of naiad shells using neutron activation analysis. M.S. Thesis, Ohio State Univ. Nelson, Daniel J. 1964. Deposition of Sr in relation to morphology of clam shells. Verb. Internal. Verein. Limnol. 55: 898-902. Pahl, George. 1969. Radioactive and stable strontium analysis of Upper Mississippi River clamshells. Symposium on Radioecology CONF - 670503: 234-239. Simpson, Charles T. 1914. A descriptive catalogue of the naiades, or pearly fresh-water mussels. Detroit: Bryant Walker, 1540 pp. Stansbery, David H. 1961. The naiades (Mollusca, Pelecypoda, Unionacea) of Fishery Bay, South Bass Island, Lake Erie. Sterkiana 5: 1-37. Taylor, J.D., Kennedy, W.J., and Hall, A. 1969. The shell structure and mineralogy of the Bivalvia. Bull. Br. Mus. Zoo. London: 115 pp. Wilbur, K.M. 1964. Shell formation and regeneration. In Wilbur, K.M., and Yonge, C.M., (Ed.). Physio- logy of Mollusca Vol. 1. Academia Press Inc., New York, N.Y.: 473 pp„ SHELL GROWTH RATES OE THE COMMON MUCKETS ACTINONAIAS LIGAMENTINA (LAMARCK, 1819) COMPLEX Mary E. St. John* The growth of the Actinonaias ligamentina (Lamarck, 1819) complex (figure 1), has not been studied, even though this complex is very common in many rivers of midwestern North America. This inves- tigation is part of an attempt to discover the basic growth patterns of populations of this complex in localities over the range. All of the collections used are in the Ohio State University Museum of Zoology. Data on growth in length were collected from specimens from seven rivers. These were the Grand River, Ontario (55 specimens), Sandusky River, Ohio (100 specimens), Walhonding River, Ohio (111 speci- mens), Green River, Kentucky (120 specimens), Powell River, Tennessee (100 specimens). Clinch River, Tennessee (120 specimens), and the Kiamichi River, Oklahoma (90 specimens). The length, defined as the maximum anterio-posterior dimension, of each annual ring on each shell was measured. The mean length for each year of growth was calculated and these means were used to construct the bar graphs. The most rapid growth rate occurs during the second or third growing season in all the populations, with the possible exception of those in the Kiamichi River The shells of the Kiamichi A. 1. gibba (Simpson, 1900) were so badly eroded around the umbo, even in specimens collected alive, that accurate determination of the earliest growth rates was nearly impossible. All the populations showed the most rapid decrease of growth rates between the fourth and ninth years. In the tenth year and beyond, a slower, steady decline was established. * Ohio State University, Newark Campus, Newark, OH 43055. As shown in the bar graphs, figure 2, the most rapid growth rate, an average 20.3 mm per year, is found in the A. 1. carinata (Barnes, 1823) from the Sandusky River. Actinonaias 1. carinata from the Grand River maintained a rapid rate of growth for a longer period of time than those of the other rivers. Shells from these three samples were larger than those of the other rivers. The largest specimen was an individual at least 40 years old from the Sandusky River, with length 175 mm, width 86 mm, height 101 mm, and weight 1017 grams. The right valve of this shell measured 19 mm thick near the ventral margin. The slowest average growth rate during the first three years was 12 mm per year, and occurred in the A. 1. ligamentina (Lamarck, 1819) from the Powell River. Beyond the fourth year, the A. 1. carinata of the Green River and the A. 1. gibba of the Kiamichi River maintained the slowest growth rates, dropping to an average of 0.3 mm per year in the oldest shells. The shells from the Green River were the most variable in size and shape of all the populations studied. Among shells approximately 20 years old, the average total length was 151 mm in the Sandusky River, 136 mm in the Grand River, 128 mm in the Walhonding River, 121 mm in the Powell River, 121 mm in the Chnch River, 104 mm in the Kiamichi River, and 100 mm in the Green River. Some of the difference in total length attained is due to differences in the shape of the shell of the three varieties, as illustrated in figure 1. Actinonaias 1. ligamentina is relatively square, with a shorter length 57 58 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. A B C Figure 1. The Common Mucket, Actinonaias ligamentina (Lamarck) A = A.l. carinata (Barnes) OSUMZ catalogue number 10509.54 from the Grand River, Ontario. L= 138 mm, H = 77 mm, W = 53 mm, age = 18 years. B= A.l ligamentina (Lamarck) OSUMZ catalogue number 16759.156 from the Clinch River, Tennessee. L = 105 mm, H = 75 mm, W = 45 mm, age = 13 years. C = A. I gibba (Simpson) OSUMZ catalogue number 32825 collected alive from the Kiamichi River, Oklahoma. L = 106 mm, H = 67 mm, W = 47 mm, age = 12 years. never seen it dry or not flowing in over 40 years of observation. The current is moderate, and the bottom is coarse sand and gravel with some soft silt in the run and gravel and cobbles in the riffle. Each living naiad is about two-thirds buried in the gravel bottom areas. Water chemistry tests in September, 1972 (St. John, | 1973) revealed calcium averaging 230 ppm and bicar- i bonate averaging 210 ppm. These calcium and bicar- bonate levels were higher than those found in any of the other rivers studied. In the Green River, the calcium content, measured in June, 1971, averaged 76 ppm, and the bicarbonate content averaged 82 ppm. Radlinski (1972: 295) gave water chemistry for the Kiamichi River; calcium averaged 1.3 ppm and bicarbonate averaged 8,8 ppm. relative to the height (the dorsoventral dimension) when compared with the other two. Actinonaias I carinata and A. 1. gibba are about equally elongate. Some of the difference in growth rates and total size attained is related to environmental conditions, especially the concentration of calcium and of bicarbonate. The most rapid growth rate occurs in the Sandusky River specimens of A. I carinata, most of which were collected in one area, about one mile south of Upper Sandusky, Ohio. This is evidently a local environment with very favorable conditions for this species. The site is a run, downstream from several miles of alternate riffles and runs, with water from a few inches to about 4 ft deep. Stansbery (personal communication, 1973) reports that he has LITERATURE CITED Radlinski, W.A. 1972. Quality of surface waters of the U.S. Parts 7 and 8, Lower Mississippi River basin and western Gulf of Mexico basins. GeoL Surv. V/ater-Supply Paper 2014. St. John, M.E. 1973. Shell growth and variation in tht Actinonaias ligamentina (Lamarck, 1819) com- plex (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionidae). Ph.D. Dis- sertation. Ohio State Univ. Columbus, OH. Stansbery, D.H. 1973. Personal communication. Ohio State Univ. Mus. Zool. Columbus, OH. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. STUDIES OF BIVALVE LARVAE USING THE SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE AND CRITICAL POINT DRYING R.D. Turner* and P.J. Boyle* INTRODUCTION The study of minute organisms using the Scrnning Electron Microscope (SEM) is now routine but the quality of the results is directly proportional to the care with which specimens are selected and prepared. Consequently the techniques used and the care taken in cleaning, drying and mounting specimens are most important for successful SEM work. The purpose of this paper is to point out some of the problems that may be encountered working with bivalve larvae and to present techniques which we have found to be successful. Our research involves problems which we have found can best be accom- plished and illustrated using the SEM: 1) Studies on the variation in the sculpture and hinge structure of the valves of pediveliger larvae and their importance in systematic work both on an inter and intra specific level 2) Studies of larval transport by currents based on the ability to identify larvae to species 3) The morphology of the foot, velum, apical “flagellum”, cilia and microvilli of pediveliger larvae to aid in an understanding of their function and their possible use in systematic work. PREPARATION OF SHELLS Bivalve larvae form a major component of the plankton (Thorson 1946; Thiede 1974) and though the percentage varies greatly with season and locality, large numbers are routinely taken in plankton tows. Most of these larvae, unfortunately, remain uniden- tified or are determined only to family or possible genus. McBride (1914) believed that the veliger larvae of bivalves were so similar that they could not be distinguished. Since that time many papers on bivalve larvae have been published, the more notable recent ones being those of Jorgensen (1946), Rees (1950) and Loosanoff, and Davis (1963), Loosanoff, Davis and Chanley (1966), Chanley and Andres (1971). All of these authors, however, depended largely on shell shape and size to distinguish species, the hinge struc- ture and sculpture generally being beyond the ability of the instruments then available to examine and photograph them. The shells of bivalve larvae seldom reach 400 microns in length, most are strongly convex and many are nearly spherical, characters which make them nearly impossible to photograph through the light microscope. Turner and Johnson (1969) and Scheltema (1971) using the SEM illustrated two species of teredinids which showed marked differences in sculpture and hinge structure. We have now examined 6 additional species of teredinids and 3 pholads using the SEM and on the basis of these micrographs it is apparent that the sculpture and hinge structure can be effectively illustrated and that larvae of species within the same genus can be readily distinguished. All of the larvae which we have used in our SEM studies are reared in the laboratory from known parents so that identifi- cation to species is positive. Cleaning the tiny larval shells is one of the major problems in SEM work. The soft parts can be removed from preserved or relaxed living specimens by teasing with fine needles, soaking in a weak base or digestive enzyme, or by sonicating. These methods are not always successful, particularly if the valves are tightly closed, and many of the specimens may be lost in the process. If living larvae are available feeding them to small anemones is an effective way of cleaning them. The anemones digest the soft parts and egest empty, gaping valves. The sea anemones, all less than 1 cm in diameter, are kept in a series of petri dishes and the larvae are pipetted directly onto the tentacles. To insure complete removal of all soft tissue the anemones should not be over fed, so no more than five larvae should be given at one time. The gaping valves should be picked up immediately on release from the anemones before they become covered with bacteria and debris. (Culliney, Boyle and Turner, 1975). To further clean the valves they should be washed 5 or 6 times by gently shaking them for 3-4 minutes in a small vial of distilled water to which a minute drop of Teel or other detergent can be added. After each wash the water should be decanted or pipetted off the valves immediately after they settled to the bottom. The process should then be repeated an * Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138. 59 60 equal number of times using 75 to 80% alcohol. The specimens can then be stored in 95% alcohol as recommended by Thiiiot-Quievreux (1972). If the shells, on inspection with a compound microscope, look completely clean they can be mounted on metal stubs using double coated tape or other adhesives, coated with gold-palladium and examined under the SEM. This process, however, may be unsatisfactory for three reasons: 1) The valves are seldom clean enough for the high magnifications possible with the SEM 2) Mounting individual valves on the stub is extremely time consuming and specimens may be damaged or pick up dirt in the process 3) Specimens mounted on double coated tape or other media available at the present time are, in a matter of a few months, envel- oped by the medium and so lost. Consequently, rare specimens or those needed for a permanent museum record should not be examined with the SEM. The procedure used in our studies began with the cleaning of the shells as outlined above and storing them in 95% ethyl alcohol. Einal preparation for SEM examination consisted of rinsing the specimens in distilled water, placing them in an ultra filtration cell (Amicon Model 12 without the stirrer) using a PM 30 Diaglo ultra filter. The filter was numbered for iden- tification purposes with a fine Esterbrook Perm-color pen, and placed in the bottom of the ultrafiltration cell. The cell was filled 1/2 to 2/3 with distilled water, the specimens pipetted in and the top clamped into place. The cell was connected to a nitrogen tank and then submerged in a water bath in a 3M sonicator (Plate 1, fig„ 5). After sonicating for about 1 minute, the nitrogen was turned on gradually and the water was slowly replaced by nitrogen. As soon as the nitrogen began to bubble out of the vent on the bottom of the cell it was removed from the bath and the nitrogen allowed to continue to pass through the filter until it appeared dry. This deposited the speci- mens on the surface of the plastic filter and they adhered firmly to it. The filter was removed, after drying the outside of the cell, and examined under a dissecting microscope. If it was still damp some rearranging of the specimens was possible using a fine needle. When the filter was dry (this is very important for successful coating) it was attached to the stub with conductive paint and placed in the sputter coater, the pressure raised to 200 psi and the speci- mens coated with gold-palladium for about 1-1/2 minutes. The specimens were then ready for exami- nation with the SEM. After examination and photo- graphing, the filter was removed from the stub and stored in a small plastic box as a permanent part of the collection (Plate 1, figs. 1-2). The advantages of this system are: 1) It is relative- ly easy to examine populations of larvae, 2) The plastic filters do not “consume” the specimens, so the picture is not the only permanent record of the material examined thus permitting the examination of rare specimens 3) It is possible to re-examine the specimens years later. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 1974, Plate I Fig. 1. Filters with specimens attached after examination with SEM and ready for storage in the collection. Fig. 2. Close up of filter showing coated larvae. Fig. 3. Capsule made from pyrex tubing, plastic caps and nytex for use in the critical point dryer. Fig. 4. Pick-up tool made from applicator stick and double coated tape. Fig. 5. Ultrafiltration cell in sonicator and attached to nitrogen tank. PREPARATION OF SOFT TISSUE The examination of soft tissue with the SEM is relatively new and to date has been confined mainly to bacteria, protozoa, phytoplankton, small inverte- brates and isolated tissue (Anderson, 1951, 1956; Hollenberg and Erickson 1973 - review and biblio- graphy; Paerl and Shimp 1973; Por and Bromley 1974). An effective and commonly used procedure for preparing soft tissue for examination with the SEM is by critical point drying, the procedure used in this study. To our knowledge this is the first time relaxed bivalve larvae have been examined in this Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 19 74. 61 Plate II Fig. 1. Teredo navalis Linnaeus, valve of pediveliger (360 X). I Fig. 2. Sculpture of the same (1000 X). I Fig. 3. Lyrodus pedicellatus (Quatrefages), valve of pediveliger (260 X). Fig. 4. Sculpture of the same (1000 X). 62 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. Plate III Fig. 1. Nototeredo kno.xi Bartsch, valve of pediveliger (600 X). Fig. 2. Sculpture of same (2000 X). Fig. 3. Teredo furcifera von Martens, valve of pediveliger (300 X). Fig. 4. Sculpture of same (3000 X). Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. 63 way. The following procedures were used in preparing of the specimens illustrated on Plate 4. Relaxation of specimens. To obtain fully relaxed specimens 100-200 active larvae were placed in a petri dish with 50 ml sea water and 8 ml of 7.5% MgCl2 made with distilled water. They were left undisturbed for 1 hour, or until most larvae were swimming, then another 8 ml of the MgCl2 solution was added and within an hour the specimens were fully relaxed. Experience, however, has shown that the reaction of larvae differ. Lyrodus pedicellatus relaxed readily with MgCl2 but not with propylene phenoxetol while Martesia striata relaxed in both solutions. Experimen- tation is needed to find the best relaxant for a given species. When the larvae were fully relaxed the solution was pipetted off leaving only enough to cover the specimens. Further immobilization was accomplished by placing the dish in the refrigerator for 1 5 minutes and then in the freezing compartment until the first ice crystals began to form at the edge of the dish. This must be watched carefully because the specimens must not be allowed to freeze. Fixation. The specimens were fixed by flooding them with chilled 2% glutaraldehyde buffered with sodium cacodylate (0.025 M in seawater). We dissolve 1.07g sodium cacodylate in 200 ml of lju filtered sea water; add 8.0 ml of 25% glutaraldehyde to 92 ml of the buffered sea water. This solution was changed 5 times at 5 minute intervals. At this stage the speci- mens can be stored for a few weeks unfrozen in the refrigerator. Dehydration. Dehydration of the specimens is accomplished by running them up through a series of miscible liquids to liquid CO2 (such that at no time is there a liquid -liquid phase boundary which would distort the specimens). This is accomplished in 3 steps. 1) The alcohol series. The water is gradually replaced by alcohol to 100%. Concentrations, time intervals and the number of changes per concen- tration are shown in Table 1. The alcohol solutions from 7.5% to 50% were made with 3.5% sodium chloride solution adjusted to pH 8 which is isotonic with sea water to prevent osmic shock to the fixed tissue. Alcohols from 75% to 95% were made with distilled water to prevent the precipitation of salts on the surface. If necessary, specimens can be stored for a short time in 95% alcohol. 2) The amyl acetate series. The alcohol was gradually replaced with amyl acetate, (which is miscible with both alcohol and liquid carbon dioxide) according to Table II. After the last change in 100% amyl acetate the specimens were transferred to a container made to fit the “bomb” chamber of the critical point dryer. This container was made from pyrex tubing fitted at each end with a plastic cap from which the center had been removed. A disc of nylon screen (nytex) of a mesh size small enough to contain the specimens was placed over the ends of the tube and the plastic cap pushed firmly into place. The tube containing the specimens to be dried was submerged in a bottle of 100% amyl acetate until it was placed in the critical point dryer. Replacement of amyl acetate by liquid C02- After checking the critical point dryer to be sure that every- thing was functioning properly the container of speci- mens was removed from the jar of 100% amyl acetate, drained briefly on a piece of paper towel to remove excess liquid and sealed quickly into the bomb which must be at a temperature of 25°C or below. For a discussion of the principle behind the functioning of a critical point dryer, the critical temperature and pressure, see Anderson (1951, 1956). There are now several models of CPD’s on the market, each with its own manual of operation and this should be studied carefully before the specimens are placed in the bomb chamber. After removal of the specimens from the dryer they should be mounted immediately in as dry and clean an atmosphere as possible so that the specimens do not pick up moisture or dirt. If they cannot be mounted immediately they should be left in the con- tainer and placed in a dessicator. Attachment of specimens to the stub. Two dissec- ting microscopes were used for this process: under Table I - Time Table - The Alcohol Series Table II - Time Table - Amyl acetate Series % ETOH Time (min.) # of Changes Notes 7.5 1 1 Made with 3.5% NaCl solution adjusted to pH 8 7.5 20 1 15 1 1 ” 15 20 1 30 1 1 ” 30 20 1 50 1 1 ” 50 20 1 75 5 6 Made with distilled water unbuffered 85 5 8 95 5 10 Can store for short period 100 6 3 % Amyl acetate 20 20 40 60 80 100 Time No. of Oianges 1 min. 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 3 64 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. Plate IV — Critical point dried Lyrodus pedicellatus (Quatrefages). Fig. 1. Side view of entire larvae with foot and velum extended, note the cilia covering the foot (180 X). Fig. 2. Enlargement of cilia on the velum (1000 X). Fig. 3. Anterior view of vellum showing the ‘apical flagellum’ (200 X). Fig. 4. Enlargement of the ‘apical flagellum’ (2000 X). Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. 65 one we had the loose dried specimens and under the other the stub with double coated tape on which they were to be mounted. The specimens were transferred from the tube to a slide a few at a time by gently tapping the side of the tube. They were picked up one at a time using a piece of double coated tape which had been cut to a fine point, wrapped around the end of a small applicator stick and then trimmed to the finest possible point. By gently touching the point of the double stick tape to the dried specimen it was easily picked up, transferred to the stub and placed in the desired position without damage to the specimen. The specimens should be distributed on the stub so that they do not interfere with each other during coating or when viewing with the SEM. The best medium to date for the mounting of critical point dried specimens is double coated tape because it allows time for the careful transfer and placement of specimens not possible with the quick drying liquids. The disadvantage is that it will eventually “consume” the specimens. However, if, after exami- nation, the stubs are kept in a dessicator in a cool place they should last for a considerable time. When all specimens were mounted on the stub the tape was attached to the stub with conductive paint to reduce charging. It was then placed in a dessicator and kept in a cool, dry place until ready for coating. Coating and examination. The specimens were coated using a mini sputter coater and viewed- with a JEOL Inc. Scanning Electron Microscope model JSM 35. CONCLUSIONS Variation in sculpture of four species of Tere- dinidae is shown on Plates 2 and 3. The high magnifi- cation possible with the SEM clearly shows the finest growth lines on the valves. Since we know the exact age of these laboratory reared larvae, careful counting of these growth lines should give us some indication of their periodicity. The most exciting result from the examination of the critical point dried larvae was the demonstration that the apical flagellum is not a single element but a bundle of large cilia (Plate 4). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are most grateful to Mr. T. Huber and Mr. A. Kabaya of JEOL U.S.A. Inc. for their kind help and the use of a JSM35 Scanning Electron Microscope; to the Amicon Corporation for their interest in our problem and the loan of an ultrafiltration cell and to the Oceanic Branch, Office of Naval Research for support of our research under Contract Number No. 14-67 A-0298-0027 with Harvard University. We also thank Mr. B. Calloway for aid in preparation of speci- mens and Dr. J. Culliney and Dr. K. Boss for reading the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Anderson, T.F. 1951. Techniques for the preservation of three-dimensional structures in preparing speci- mens for the electron microscope. Trans. New York Acad. Sci. 13: 130. Anderson, T.F. 1956. Electron microscopy of micro- organisms [in] Physical Techniques in Biological Research. 3: Chap. 5: 177-240. G. Oster and A. Pollistor, editors. Chanley, P.E. and J.D. Andrews. 1971. Aids for the identification of bivalve larvae of Virginia. Malaco- logia 11(1): 45-119, figs. 1-51. Culliney, J.C., P.J. Boyle and R.D. Turner. 1975. New approaches and techniques for studying bivalve larvae. In Culture of marine invertebrate animals, pp. 257-271, figs. 1-2. W.L. Smith and M.H. Chanley, eds. Plenem Publ. Co. NY. Hollenberg, M.J. and A.M. Erikson. 1973. The scan- ning electron microscope: potential usefulness to biologists. J. Histochem. and Cytochem. 21: 109- 130. Jorgensen, C.B. 1946. Lamellibranchia [in] Thorson, Reproduction and larval development of Danish marine bottom invertebrates. Meddel. fra Komm. for Danmarks Fiskeri - og Havundersogelser (Plankton). 4(1): 277-31 1, figs. 161-189. Loosanoff, V.L. and H.C. Davis. 1963. Rearing of bivalve mollusks. Advances Mar. Biol. 1, 1-136, figs. 1-41. Loosanoff, V.L., H.C. Davis and P.E. Chanley. 1966. Dimensions and shapes of larvae of some marine bivalve mollusks. Malacologia 4(2): 351-435, figs. 1-61. McBride, E.W. 1914. Text-book of embryology. Invertebrata. Macmillan & Co., N.Y. 1 : 1-692. Paerl, H.W. and S.L. Shimp. 1973. Preparation of filtered plankton and detritus for study with scan- ning electron microscopy. Limnol. and Oceanog. 18:802-805. For, F.D. and H.J. Bromley. 1974. Morphology and anatomy of Maccabeus tentaculalus (Priapulida: seticoronaria). J. Zool. London 173: 173-197. Rees, C.B. 1950. The identification of lamellibranch larvae. Hull Bull. Mar. Ecol. 3(19): 73-104, pis. 1-5. Scheltema, R.S. 1971. Dispersal of phytoplankto- trophic shipworm larvae (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) over long distances by ocean currents. Mar. Biol. 11: 5-11, fig. 1. Thiede, J. 1974. Marine Bivalves: Distribution of mero-planktonic shellbearing larvae in Eastern North Atlantic surface waters. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Paleoecology 15: 267-290. Thiiiot-Quievreux, K. 1972. Microstructures de Coquilles Larvaires de Prosobranches au Micro- scope Electronique a Balayage. Arch. Zool. exp. gen. 113: 553-564. Thorson, G. 1946. Reproduction and larval devel- opment of Danish marine bottom invertebrates. Meddel fra Komm. for Danmarks Fiskeri — og Havundersogelser (Plankton) 4(1): 1-523, figs. 1-195. Turner, R.D. and A.C. Johnson. 1969. Some problems and techniques in rearing bivalve larvae. Bull. Amer. Malacol. Union 1969, pp. 9-13, pi. 1. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS READ THOMAS SAY - AMERICA’S FIRST MALACOLOGIST R. Tucker Abbott * Commentary on the life of Thomas Say of Philadelphia, who was one of the first malacologists of America. * Delaware Museum of Natural History, Greenville, DE 19807 DREDGING FOR SCAELOPS OFF VERO BEACH Kirk W. Anders* A slide presentation of a dredging operation in the Summer of 1971, operating out of Vero Beach. Information regarding other species of mollusks which were collected during the operation was given. * P.O. Box 1418, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33302 A COLEECTING TRIP WITH EERMOND IN THE FEORIDA EVERGLADES William J. Clench * (Abstract not available.) * 26 Rowena Street, Dorchester, MA 02124 EVOLUTION OF THE HYDROBIIDAE: AN ANALYSIS OF TWO DISTINCT LINEAGES George M. Davis* Existing taxonomic arrangements of gastropods considered to be Hydrobiidae result from the analysis of shell, radulae, opercula, and verges. Analyses of all morphological traits and their ontogeny leads to the conclusion that European and North American taxa allied to Hydrobia are in a lineage (Hydrobiinae) apart from that involving taxa from South America, South Africa, Australia, and the Orient. The latter taxa are currently grouped in the subfamilies Triculinae and Pomatiopsinae. Characters of importance in addition to the above mentioned traits are the ontogeny of the female reproductive system, mechanisms by which sperm enter the female reproductive system, and geo- graphic origins of the faunas. * Department of Malacology, The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA 19103 66 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. 67 DR. JARED P. KIRTLAND, CLEVELAND’S FIRST MALACOLOGIST, AND SOME OF HIS CORRESPONDENCE Ralph W. Dexter* Dr. Jared Potter Kirtland (1793-1877), under the influence of his grandfather Dr. Jared Potter, studied nature and collected shells as a boy in Connecticut. In 1810 he joined his father, founder of Poland, Ohio (near Youngstown), where he collected mol- lusks from the Mahoning River. After his medical training at Yale University (M.D., 1815) and practice of medicine in Connecticut, he returned to Ohio in 1823 to practice medi- cine and continue his study of Ohio natural history. In 1829 he discovered separate sexes in the Unionidae, and in 1840 discovered the byssus in larval stages of that family. During 1836-37 he wai in charge of Zoology for the First Geological Survey of Ohio and published an official report in 1838. His principal interests were the mollusks, fishes, and birds. While engaged in medical practice, teaching in medical schools, founding an aca- demy and museum of natural sciences, and conducting experimental work in horticulture in the Cleveland area, he continued his studies on Ohio freshwater and land mollusks. He was on the Board of Managers for the Smithsonian Institution and corresponded with many naturalists throughout the country. Two letters sent in 1841 to Dr. D. Humphreys Storer, an officer and curator at the Boston Society of Natural History, relate to col- lecting bivalves in Lake Erie and Dr. Kirtland’s praise for the work on midwestern mol- lusks by John Gould Anthony. * Department of Biological Sciences, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242 INTRODUCED MOLLUSCS Dee S. Dundee* (Abstract not available.) * Department of Biological Sciences, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70122 AN ECOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION OF NUDIBRANCH ZOOGEOGRAPHY IN THE NORTHWEST ATLANTIC David R. Franz* The nudibranchs of the northwest Atlantic coast of North America comprise two distinct faunal groups: a small component of endemic temperate species; and a larger group of amphi- Atlantic boreal (amphiboreal) species. The latter confer a decided boreal cast to the North American fauna. South of New York, the relative importance of the amphiboreal component declines, and temperate species dominate. South of Cape Hat- teras, nudibranch diversity increases with the influx of subtropical and Caribbean species. About 70% of New England nudibranchs are amphiboreal species. Analysis of faunal overlap between New England and other locations in the North and Northeast Atlantic using a numerical similarity coefficient (the Simpson Index) indicates significant simi- larity with locations from West Greenland to the Netherlands, and northern Norway to England. On the Brittany coast, similarity with New England becomes insignificant. Thus, Thus, the New England nudibranch fauna is essentially a subset of the larger boreal Atlantic fauna. Distributions of amphiboreal species may have been continuous across the North Atlantic arc during the post-pleistocene “hypsithermal” period. However at present, populations of less cold-tolerant species are absent from Iceland and West Green- land. 68 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 19 74. Two ecological correlates of amphiboreal nudibranchs are: (Ij broad feeding niches as measured by the number of prey species; (2) specialization on transient prey species of low biomass. An analysis of feeding data for North Atlantic nudibranchs shows that in England, the amphiboreal component of the fauna is more prey-diverse than the fauna as a whole. In New England, this same component appears to be less prey-diverse, reflecting the absence in American waters of many potential alternate prey species. If many of the amphiboreal nudibranchs of New England are relatively recent colonizers of the northwest Atlantic, the quality of prey diversity may have been the singularly most important requirement for success in a new geographical area where the number of potential prey species is much reduced. * Department of Biology, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY 11210 THOUGHTS ON THE FUNCTIONAL MORPHOLOGY AND ECOLOGY OF PATELLIFORM MOLLUSKS Elaine Hoagland* The patelliform shell has evolved independently in several lines of mollusks. This is not a single convergence, but is composed of a least three major trends; adaptation for grazing on rocky shores (chitons; Archaeogastropods), adaptation for life on vegetation in creeks and ponds (pulnionates), and modification for life as subtidal, sedentary, filter feeding organisms (Calyptraeacea; oyster-like bivalves). The general benefits and liabilities of the patelliform shell were reviewed for all mollusks. Ecological parallels between the oysters (including the Anomiacea and Chamacea) and the Calyptraeacea were related to morpho- logical adaptations in the groups. * Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 PHOSPHOLIPIDS OF TWO VERONICELLIDS M.L. Ibanez* and D.S. Dundee* Phospholipids of Veronicella ameghini and V. floridana were isolated and compared. In addition, the fatty acids were isolated and identified for each of the phospholipids. No qualitative dijferences were found although quantitative differences were detected between the two species. The authors report the presence of cardiolipin, phosphatidyl ethanolamine, phosphatidyl choline, and sphingomyelin with small amounts of phos- phatidyl serine and phosphatidyl inositol also present. * Department of Biological Sciences, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70122 MOLLUSKS IN LITERATURE, ETC. Morris K. Jacobson * Popular tnyths about mollusks and the uses poets, novelists, seers, and prophets have made of mollusks were discussed. Some remarks on the trials of museum curators and some slides referring to Charles Wright (1811-1885) were also included. Rockaway Beach, New York, NY 1 1694 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 19 74. 69 SHIPBOARD OBSERVATIONS ON THE BIOLOGY OF GYMNOSOMATOUS PTEROPODS FROM THE SOUTH ATLANTIC AND ANTARCTIC OCEANS' C.M. Lain* The biology of several gymnosomatous pteropods from the South Atlantic and Antarc- tic Oceans was studied during the Hudson 70 Expedition, sponsored by the Canadian Department of Energy, Mines and Resources. Feeding experiments were conducted with Spongiobranchaea australis d ’Or/? the most abundant gymnosome in subantarctic surface waters. In the laboratory, this gym- nosome fed upon live specimens of the thecosomatous pteropod, Clio antarctica Dali, by completely extracting the prey body from its shell. The only recognizable gut contents from rapidly preserved specimens were gizzard plates o/Clio spp., confirming that this is a natural food ofS. australis. Bipolarity was re-examined in the thecosomes Spiratella (“Limacina”) retroversa (Fleming) and S. helicina (Phipps), which show very little anatomical difference from their northern counterparts. However, distinct external anatomical differences distinguish the clionid gymnosome of Antarctic waters from Clione limacina (Phipps) of the northern hemisphere. A slimmer body shape, proportionately longer head and larger foot lobes, the distinct neck region dorsal to the wings, and the prominent papillae of the larval anterior ciliary band are among those features of the Antarctic clionid which immediately dis- tinguish it from Clione limacina and justify the usage of the name Clione antarctica E.A. Smith. Results of feeding experiments demonstrated that Clione antarctica feeds upon Spiratella retroversa and S. helicina, as does Clione limacina in northern waters. ' Research supported by Grant No. A5248 from tlie National Researcli Council of Canada. *. Marine Sciences Centre, McGill University, Montreal, Que. Canada. PINCTADA MARGARITIFERA (LINNE) USED IN FIJIAN BREASTPLATES Gleiui A. Long* This paper was read under the title “Identification of Pecten sp. (? ) Used in Fijian Breast Plates” making reference to the use of mistaken nomenclature for shell material in ethnographic objects. Our intention is to provide accurate identifications of ethnoconchological materials. Pinctada margaritifera (Linne) is the species of pearl shell used in all Fijian breast plates which were exa}nined at first hand. That identification was made on evidence of the characteristic combination of size, color, growth and muscle scar configuration in the examined species. Color variations were examined in the hope that such variances might lead to the determination of collecting localities of shells used in the breast plates. So far, these studies have lead to no conclusions. Species identification was a simple procedure, but discovering and defining ethnological use and anthropo- logical significance of the shell used in breast plates is far more difficult. Anthro- pological attribution of the breast plates should tentatively be broadened to include Fiji and Tonga both on the basis of motific characteristics of inlaid whale ivory and with regard to accounts of the geographical distribution of lineages whose head-men possessed these ornaments. Further, there are unanswered questions regarding the origins of intrinsic value attributed to pearl shell. In addition, due to the appearance of distinct artistic styles in the manufacture of these breast plates we are obliged to inquire as to the significance of potential tribal dynastic influence over yet unidentified artists. Nevertheless, accumulated data suggest that breast plates made with whale ivory alone or with shell were produced over a relatively short time, roughly commen- surate with the first century of continuous contact by trade and exploration by European and American seafarers. This leads to the question of whether drastic economic change and increased accumulation of wealth by certain Fijian or Tongan chieftains was the cause of shell and whale ivory breast plate production. Did white men, in fact, stimulate a modification in the fabrication of breast plates which heretofore was thought to be endemic? * Tire Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, MD 21218 Fiji or Tonga Breast Plate (Shell) Pinctada margariti- tera, whale ivory. Accession number 55.251.160 Gift of Mr. Alan Wurtz- burger, Baltimore Museum of Art. 70 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. AROAPYRGUS COSTARICENSIS HYBROBIID SNAIL HOST OF PARAGONIMIASIS IN COSTA RICA E.A. Malek*, R. Brenes* and G. Rojas* The systematics of the hydrobiids of Central and South America are still unstable. Early reporting on this group placed several species under a few genera, common among which are Paludina, Hydrobia, Amnicola and Littoridina. Later reports considered also Pterides, Idiopyrgus, Lyrodes, Potamopyrgus and Cochliopa. Thanks to the works by Baker (1930), Morrison (1946), Taylor (1966) and Thompson (1968) the status of some genera and species was clarified, and still more work is needed. Interest in the study of this group of mollusks increased in recent years because it became known that they are of significance in the transmission of several species of lung flukes of humans and other mammals in Central and South America, rather than the melaniid snails which had been suspected to act in this capacity. Aroapyrgus costaricensis is here described from Costa Rica as the snail intermediate host of Paragonimus mexicanus in that country. It was collected from Balsa de Atenas and San Mateo (Province of Alajuelaj, from Tres Rios (Province of Cartago) arid from Rincon de Osa (Province of Puntarenas). It had been placed earlier under Hydrobia by Morch, Amnicola by von Martens, and even recently under Pyrgophorus. Information in this paper deals with its systematics, morphology, laboratory maintenance and ecology of its habitats, with special reference to the capacity of the snail in transmitting the infec- tion to freshwater crabs, which are the second intermediate hosts of paragonimiasis in Costa Rica, as well as in other parts of Central America, and in South America. In the morphological features emphasis is placed on the shell, on the verge in the male, the pallial oviduct in the female which is modified to form a brood pouch in this viviparous snail, on the radula, shape of the gill and number of gill filaments. The closest species to A. costaricensis is A. alleei described from Panama by Morrison (1946). * Department of Tropical Medicine, Tulane Medical Center, New Orleans, LA and Faculdad de Microbiologia, Universidad de Costa Rica. WEST COAST MALACOLOGISTS, A CANDID PORTFOLIO James H. McLean* Portraits of malacological personalities taken at meetings of the Western Society of Malacologists were shown. * Los Angeles Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, CA 90007 REDISCOVERY OF VERRILL’S NUDIBRANCHS AND SEVERAL NEW ADDITIONS TO THE OPISTHOBRANCHS OF NEW ENGLAND M. Patricia Morse* During the last ten years a number of species of opisthobranch molluscs have been found which have not been studied since their original descriptions were recorded in the literature. Coryphella stimpsoni Verrill and C. salmonacea Couthouy have been redis- covered and their direct development patterns recorded. Recently an 80 mm specimen of Dendronotus robustus Verrill was taken in Beverly, Massachusetts and placed in a tank at the Marine Science Institute in Nahant. The nudibranch was maintained on Tubularia sp. and an egg mass was deposited. In Waquoit Bay, a large population of Doriopsilla pharpa Marcus was found feeding on the boring sponge, Clione celata, which bores into oyster shells. This nudibranch appears to have been transplanted from south of New Jersey, where it was described by Marcus, and has established a breeding population along the Southern Cape Cod Coast due to aciuaculture practices. Additionally, two new species of opisthobranchs have been described from our labo- ratory. First is Okenia ascidicola Morse which is found feeding on the tunicate, Mogula manhattensis. The organisms bore a hole in the test of the solitary tunicate and proceed Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. 71 to feed on the contents. They then crawl inside the test and take up residence. The second discovery was a new species of the order Acochlidicea, Unela nahantensis Doe. This is an interstitial opisthobranch found in the coarse gravel beach at the Nahant Marine Science Institute and its maximum length is 2. 7 mm. Year round studies and new techniques used for interstitial opisthobranchs have been important in increasing our knowledge of New England opisthobranchs. (Contribution number 34 from the Marine Science Institute, Northeastern University). * Santa Catalina Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Southern California, Avalon, CA 90704. ECOLOGICAL DISTRIBUTION OL LAND SNAILS IN THE CHIHUAHUAN DESERT OL BIG BEND NATIONAL PARK, TEXAS. W. Lloyd Pratt* Land snail habitats within the park include the Rio Grande floodplain, desert ranges of Cretaceous limestone, and the wooded Chisos Mountains of Tertiary igneous rock. The desert land snail fauna of the floodplain and desert mountains is entirely separate from the montane woodland fauna: there are no species and only two genera of broad eco- logical amplitude common to both. Two species are found on the floodplain. Polygyra texasiana (Moricand) is found around springs at Rio Grande Village and Rabdotus alternatus (Say) is generally distri- buted in the mesquite - seepwillow woodland of the floodplain. Eight species are found in the desert mountains. Rabdotus alternatus (Say) is generally distributed in the shrub desert of the lower slopes and three species of Holospira (H. hamiltoni Dali, H. yucatanensis Bartsch, and H. riograndensis inhabit rock ledges in the same habitat. Succinea luteola Gould, Metastoma roemeri (Pfeiffer), Rabdotus dealbatus durangoanus (Martens), and Rabdotus pilsbryi (Ferriss) are found in desert grassland on the flat tops of the ranges. The desert species seem to be obligate calciphiles and are absent from the largely igneous bajada of the Chisos Mountains. Twenty-three species of the montane fauna inhabit a variety of wooded habitats in the Chisos Mountains: Succinea sp., Cionella lubricella (Porro), Vallonia perspectiva Sterki, Pupilla hebes (Ancey), Gastrocopta pellucida (Pfeiffer), G. ashmuni (Sterki), G. pentodon (Say), Columella columella (Benz), Pallifera Helicodiscus eigenmanni Punc- tum vitreum Baker, Radiodiscus millecostatus Pilsbry and Ferriss, Glyphyalinia identata (Say), Euconulus fulvus (Muller), Striatura meridionalis (Pilsbry and Ferriss), Hawaiia minuscula (Binney), Pseudosubulina cheatumi Pilsbry, Thysanophora homi (Gabb), Microphysula ingersolli (Bland), Polygyra chisosensis Pilsbry, Humboldtiana chisosensis Pilsbry, H. edithae Parodiz, and H. agavophila Pratt. R.H. Wauer has collected two addi- tional tnontane species, an undescribed Polygyra allied to P. chisosensis and Humboldtiana texana Pilsbry, in a small area of stunted evergreen woodland on the Sue Peaks in the Dead Horse Mountains. * Science Dept., Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, Forth Worth, TX THE SHELL IN CEPHALOPOD PHYLOGENY Clyde F.E. Roper* Cephalopods arose as a distinct Class of mollusks 400-500 million years ago. During most of their evolutionary history, cephalopods retained one of the primary molluscan features - a hard, external shell. The fossil cephalopods are a very large and diverse group of mollusks, whose diversity is expressed in a complex classification that is based on a single structure of the whole animal, the shell. In the absence of other preserved charac- ters, the high degree of variation in the cephalopod shell through more than 400 million years of evolution has enabled paleontologists to distinguish more than 10,000 species. Only during the last moment of geological time has the shell become incorporated internally with the structure of the mantle, until in Recent cephalopods the shell has lost its predominence as a primary phylogenetic character. Although the shell is an extremely 72 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. varied structure throughout the living cephalopods, animals that possess similar-looking shells are not necessarily closely related, based on more significant systematic characters. If a neontologist were limited to using only the shell or gladius upon which to base a classification, some strange relationships would emerge when compared with the modern classification based on such characters as tentacles, fins, a radulae, gills, liver-pancreas, eyes, suckers, etc. A brief survey demonstrated this enigma by illustrating species grouped according to apparent relationships based on similar structure of shells or gladii and comparing the results with the currently accepted classification. The shell has undergone an extreme modification in most Recent cephalopods to such an extent that it is hardly recognizable as a molluscan feature. Even within the class extensive variation in form and structure ranges from the coiled, chambered, external o/ Nautilus, the calcareous, finely septate cuttlebone o/ Sepia, the featherlike gladius or pen of some squids, the cartilaginous stylets of octopuses, to the entire absence of a pen in some species of each major Order. The 16 basic groups revealed by this preliminary study indicate the broad diversity in structure of the cephalopod shell. The groups arranged by shell similarities only contained a mixture of actually unrelated species. For example, one group consisted of species from different suborders, while another contained species from different orders. The shell of cephalopods, therefore, while of supreme importance in the systematics and phytogeny of fossil forms, is of more limited value in determining relationships of living species. * Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560 SCAPHOPODS OF THE SOUTHWESTERN ATLANTIC OCEAN* Victor Scarabuio * A check list and the latitudinal and bathymetrical distribution of the scaphopods from Cape San Roque (Brazil) to the Antarctic Peninsula are presented, based on material of Argentinian, Uruguayan, Brazilian, North American, French, and British Institutions. 33 species were reported and placed as follows: in the family Dentaliidae in two genera: Dentalium with 20 and Fustiaria (4) and in the Siphonodentaliidae in four genera: Cadulus (6): Entalina (1 ): Pulsellum (3) and Siphonodentalium (1 ). New records of species coming from both higher and lower latitudes are also reported. The study of the assemblages of forms from the North and South Western Atlantic confirm the preference of the group for temperature-warm to tropical regions. The deepest record cited in the literature for living scaphopods from the southwestern Atlantic is 34 75 m /'Dentalium amphialum Watson 1879 “off Rio de la Plata”). New deep sea material that is under study will add more information. Tire final list will be published with Patrick M. Arnaud from the Marine Station of Endoume (Marseille, France). * Depto. de Ecologja, Facultad de H. y Ciencias and Instituto de Investigacion de Ciencias Biologicas, Avda. Italia 3318, Montevideo, Uruguay. THE UNIONID MOLLUSKS RESTRICTED TO THE TENNESSEE AND CUMBERLAND RIVER SYSTEMS David H. Stansbery* A review of the unionid mollusks found only in the Cumberland and Tennessee River systems has resulted in a greater list than previously known and a theory of origin of this fauna. The Ohio State University, Museum of Zoology, Columbus, OH 43210 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1974. 73 THE EFFECT OF “ONCE THROUGH” POWER PLANT COOLING OF FRESHWATER MUSSELS James M. Stilwell, *M. Claire Matthews'^ and Duane E. Bell* Growth rates have been determined for the dominant species of freshwater naiads collected in the vicinity of three fossil fuel electric power plants located on the Muskin- gum River in Ohio. The species composition and diversity of the naiad population in the area of one of the plants have been compared with data collected 10 years previously. Curves derived from shells collected upstream and downstream of the thermal outfalls of these plants were then compared. No significant differences in growth rates could be attributed to the increased temperatures found downstream of the plants. * Battelle, Columbus Laboratories, Columbus, OH NOTES ON SOME NEPTUNEIDS Robert R. Talmadge* Although the circumboreal marine gastropods belonging to the genus Neptunea are, for the most part, neritic to bathyl in habit, a few localized populations have been found living in the lower subtidal levels. In some instances, this was attributed to breeding, storm-wave debris, or still-living snails discarded along with fisheries trash. However, most records of such intertidal populations are caused by still unknown reasons. Several species of Neptunea, usually those inhabiting a geographical range of less than 1200 miles in linear extent, have little, if any, significant shell differences, either within a population or between populations. Other species exhibit the same shell characteristics within a population, but alter shell forms in other populations on distal portions of the range of the species. This is the basis for the biological unit, “Subspecies or Geographical Race”. The variation trend may be gradual, usually noted in a species with a continuous distribution, or there may be major breaks in shell morphs, usually found in species with a discontinuous distribution. A third unit of neptuneids consists of populations which may have one or more shell morphs, repeated many times within the distributional area. The percentage of shells of the various forms varies between populations, creating a rather confusing situation, which only in part may be based upon geographical races. Ana- tomical comparisons are a must in this situation to verify if one or more species, especial- ly sibling species, are present. Curator of Natural History, College of the Redwoods, Eureka, CA 95501 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 1974. AMU COMMITTEE AND BUSINESS REPORTS REPORT OF AMU ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING, AUGUST 7, 1974 The Annual Business Meeting of the AMU was called to order by President Harold D. Murray. A motion to approve the minutes of the 1973 Annual Business Meeting as published in the 1973 AMU Bulletin was approved. President Murray summarized the reports of the Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary as submitted to the Executive Council August 5, 1974. The Convention approved the reports as summarized, and they are printed on the following pages. Mrs. Myra Taylor, Treasurer, summarized the Treasurer’s report for 1973. She noted that in the past page charges have been paid for by authors who are funded by a grant or an institution, but AMU pays for the charges if authors are not so funded. A motion to continue this policy with a clarification of the policy statement was approved. The Treasurer’s and Auditors’ reports for 1973 were approved and are printed on the following pages. President Murray summarized the report of the chairman of each committee of the Council, giving the action of the Executive Council on August 5, 1974: Publications Committee - It was announced that Mrs. Jeanne Whiteside had resigned her position as editor of the Newsletter to assume the chairmanship of the Conservation Committee. A statement of thanks was made for her efforts as Newsletter editor. The new editor for the Newsletter, Mrs. Dorothy Beetle, was announced. Dr. Arthur Clarke reported that he hoped to expedite publication of the Bulletin and that referees would soon be receiving copies of manuscripts. The report was accepted as summarized. Membership Committee — This committee had prepared a new form for attracting new members to the AMU, and it was noted that some new members had been obtained using this form. The Council approved $25.00 expenditure for costs accumulated by the chairman. Dr. Dorothea Franzen. The report was accepted as summarized. Conservation Committee — The Council approved the request of the Conservation Committee to pre- pare a list of member experts to be compiled to assist major environmental groups in their works. Member experts would appear on the list only with their per- mission. The Council approved the establishment of an ad hoc committee of the Council to set the guide lines of the Conservation Committee. A request to the Council to have mail-out bulletins of committee activities was defeated, and the Awards Committee was eliminated because of a lack of interest. The request of the Committee to involve the AMU in legal action on the Big Darby Creek, Ohio, Case was defeated by the Council. The report was accepted as summarized. History and Archives Committee — The committee and the Council expressed its thanks to Mr. Dan Steger and Mrs. Gladys McCallum for slides donated to the Archives collection. A request was made by the chairman. Dr. William J. Clench, for more materials for the Archives. The report was accepted as sum- marized. Nominating Committee — This committee pre- sented the following slate of officers for 1974. The officers were unanimously approved by the Council on August 5: President Dr. Donald R. Moore President-Elect Dr. Dorothea Franzen Vice-President Dr. George M. Davis Corresponding Secretary Mr. Paul Jennewein Co uncillors-at- Large Dr. Carl Gugler Mrs. Constance Boone There were no nominations from the floor and the slate was approved unanimously. Annual Meeting Site Committee — The committee reported the receipt of an invitation to meet with the Western Society of Malacologists at San Diego State University, San Diego, California on June 22-26. The Council approved this site for the 1975 meetings and the report was approved by the Convention. Budget Committee — This ad hoc committee was reported by the Treasurer, Mrs. Myra Taylor. She noted that there may be a $350.00 anticipated deficit for 1975; however, the sale of How to Study and Collect Shells might offset this deficit, and there is over $2,000.00 in a time certificate in case of emer- gency. Action to raise dues was deferred until 1975. President Murray reported on other items ap- proved by the Council on August 5. It was approved by the Council that the incorporation of the AMU would remain in California. The Council approved the immediate publication of the How to Study and Collect Shells, authorizing the Recording Secretary to sell the publication at 25% discount for the purchase of ten or more copies, and 40% discount for the purchase of 50 copies or more. The Council also reaffirmed its policy of not exchanging publications with other organizations. In further action, the Council clarified that there are only single Life 74 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 1974. memberships available and no joint life memberships. Under new business before the Convention, it was moved, seconded, and approved that the AMU act as an intervening defendant in the case between the City of Columbus, plaintiff, and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, defendant, in which case the city is attempting to prevent the state from designa- ting Big Darby Creek as a state scenic river, and to declare the state scenic river law unconstitutional. In the event the court declares the AMU ineligible to be an intervenor, then the AMU will submit an amicus curiae brief in support of state scenic river desig- nation for Big Darby Creek. Although the above motion was presented to the Council on August 5 and defeated, it was presented as new business before the Convention. It was also moved, seconded, and approved that implementation of the above motion be started by the Conservation Committee without delay, that $50.00 be allocated for lawyer’s fees, and that an ad hoc committee be authorized to petition the Department of Fish and Wildlife to add four addi- tional endangered species to the list. The question of whether AMU should have a student section, with awards to encourage them, was assigned to the Membership Committee for study. The President adjourned the meeting at 3:50 p.m. Leona Grantier, Secretary pro tern REPORT OF THE RECORDING SECRETARY As of January 1, 1974, the membership of the AMU was 790, showing a net increase of 28 indivi- duals and 2 clubs over the previous year. The fol- lowing is a comparison by category with the previous two years: 1/1/72 1/1/73 1/1/74 Individual 451 479 492 Individuals under Family Membership (2 or more people per membership) 190 208 216 Honorary Life Members 8 6 7 Clubs and Regional Organizations 45 47 49 Corresponding Members 23 20 26 TOTALS: 717 760 790 Included with the “individuals” were a number of institutions that were not segregated prior to 1973, when a separate dues category was approved. The following chart gives the full breakdown and member- ship status as of June. Institutions (U.S. and Canada) 1/1/74 28 6/26/74 32 Individuals 464 485 Individuals under Family Membership 216 228 Honorary Life Members 7 7 Clubs and Regional Organizations 49 50 Corresponding — Institutions 7 7 — Individuals* 19* 28* 790 837 * Members with mailing addresses outside of U.S. and Canada segregated for convenience in mailing. In- cluded regular members in Western Hemisphere, 5 at 1/1/74 and 14 at 6/26/74. 75 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 1974. The increase in membership between 1/1/73 and 1/1/74 masks a large turnover of members. About 110 individuals, including family memberships, were dropped for non-payment of 1973 dues, yet new memberships more than made up for the loss. At least 50 and often over 75 members are lost each year, and only the increase in new members last year kept us from losing ground. We must keep trying to recruit new members to make up for the inevitable losses. Since most of those dropped are amateurs, it seems hkely that they have simply lost interest, rather than that we have done something wrong. Our members are very lax about notifiying the AMU when they move. I can expect some 2% of any bulk mailmg to be returned with an address correc- tion, or sometimes with no forwarding address at all. If the Post Office gives us the new address, it costs us triple postage plus 10(/ to deliver the mail correctly, often after considerable delay. (There is postage out, back and out again, plus 10^ service charge.) Some- times the Post Office clerk does not forward OR return the mail — and we may lose a BULLETIN worth almost $3. Even worse, we lose contact with a member and can’t even bill him! PLEASE let us know before you move! ! Also, please let us know if you do not get a BULLETIN or a Newsletter within two months of the expected time. Occasionally I have gotten back an undelivered publication with the original address label missing. During the past year I was able to help a member in a special way, and I want to let everyone else know about this as a possible source of information. A professional from a northern state was going to study Gulf of Mexico mollusks last summer. He asked me if I could help with names of collectors in that area. My address label stickers are filed in Zipcode order, so I lent him the stickers for that geographical area. He chose the names he wanted and wrote to a number of amateurs in the area. He got excellent responses. His comment to me was that the amateurs were delighted that their collections could be of some real use to others - happy that they could be of assistance to a professional. I hope all researchers will keep this in mind in case of future need. We probably have a number of members who are not listed in AMERI- CAN MALACOLOGISTS, as our members are con- stantly changing, and constantly moving from place to place. Respectfully submitted, Marian S. Hubbard, Recording Secretary REPORT OF THE CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Letters asking for information or other help con- tinued to arrive in batches at about the same rate as last year. Big spurts occurred before Christmas and in early spring. The average was running about a letter a day. About one in three letters asked for the booklet, HOW TO COLLECT SHELLS. An item on the AMU in “Sea Secrets” supple- mental leaflet of the International Oceanographic Eoundation in Miami that goes to schools and libra- ries, prompted a number of inquiries to Marian S. Hubbard, whose address was listed. The item sug- gested writing the AMU for its list of 50 shell clubs or its pubhcation, HOW TO COLLECT SHELLS. Mrs. Hubbard attempted to answer the first few, then passed the rest to the Corr. Secy. Eorm letters continued to help in letting most inquirers receive prompt replies. Some required a httle more information than could easily be placed on a form letter. About half the mail continued to come from youngsters who had read one or more of the books or guides on shells and wanted more specific information. A few asked for the baffling “more information” without any hint at what sort of infor- mation. The Philippines, with their wealth of shells, were the source of most of the overseas inquiries, and virtually all were from prospective dealers who sought information on going into business, lists of shells with values and possible customers. In most cases, they were referred to dealers who might help them. Apart from the routine, the corresponding secre- tary sent a wire to the AMU’s newest Honorary Life Member on the closing afternoon of 1973’s Annual Meeting, then followed it up with a letter when he reached home. (Months later he learned Emery P. Chace’s last name doesn’t have an “s” as the address in the AMU BULLETIN for 1972 indicates.) Letters of thanks were also written to various orga- nizations and individuals and correspondence was caught up finally in September, despite temptations of fishing, shelling and sailing. Late in September, letters were written to 14 editors of magazines and to officials of various orga- nizations interested in the resolution on maintaining the existing fresh water barrier in the Panama Canal, which resolution was adopted June 27, 1973. The letter that went to editors is as follows; The American Malacological Union, an 840- member organization interested in the scientific aspects of mollusks and their shells, recently went on record as opposing the Panama Canal Com- pany’s proposal for a brackish water canal across the Isthmus of Panama. While the AMU recognizes the need for sufficient 76 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 1974. water to facilitate the movement of ships through the canal, it views the pumping of sea water into the Gatun Lake environment as a potentially dangerous act, in that it would allow the mixing of Atlantic and Pacific organisms. Such a saline canal, the organization feels, would form a barrier to the net north-south movement of terrestrial and fresh water creatures, as well as destroy the present animal populations in and immediately around Gatun Lake and the Canal. The AMU considers the plan as being ecologically irresponsible and strongly urges the use of other alternatives available to the Panama Canal Com- pany. A similar but different letter went to individuals and officials interested in the program and project. Both the resolution and supporting data were dupli- cated so that recipients would have copies. Letters were received from the following maga- zines or newsletters, indicating they were considering publishing the letters: BioScience, Natural History, Newsweek, Science, Sport Fishing Institute and Time. Letters were also received from David S. Parker, Governor of the Canal Zone and President of the Panama Canal Company, and Juan Antonio Tack, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Republica de Panama. Parker indicated his company was not committed to pumping sea water. He said he had commissioned a scientific group to prepare an en- vironmental impact statement on technical alter- natives and would pass the AMU statement on to this committee. He said he was committed to both the letter and spirit of the Environmental Policy Act in this regard. Tack’s three-page letter was in Spanish and said in part: “Nos es muy grato llevar al conociemiento de ustedes nuestra decidida cooperacion en mantenerlos debidamente informados sobre cualquier medida que se trate de implantar contraviniendo los principios de la inalterabilidad de las condiciones de equilibrio ecologico existente hoy en la via acuatica inter- oceanica emplazada en territorio panameho.” This appeared to indicate that he is aware of the problem and appreciated the interest of the AMU. As for the publication of the letter, the only news- letter in that list which the corresponding secretary receives regularly is the Sport Fishing Institute Bulle- tin. It didn’t appear there. There’s no information on its appearing elsewhere, although SCIENCE indicated a letter from Dr. Victor G. Springer of the Biological Society of Washington contained the information that the AMU had passed a similar resolution to the one passed by the Biological Society of Washington. Respectfully submitted, Paul R. Jennewein, Cor- responding Secretary. REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1973. CHECK BOOK BALANCE, JANUARY 1, 1973 RECEIPTS: Memberships: Regular 2589.92 Sustaining 50.00 Life 125.00 Corresponding 101.25 Clubs & Organizations 562.75 3428.92 Sales: HOW TO COLLECT SHELLS 48.40 RARE & ENDANGERED SPECIES 19.75 Back issues — BULLETIN 100.70 188.85 Miscellaneous credits 55.97 55.97 Total Receipts from Activities: TOTAL CASH TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR: 3673.74 DISBURSEMENTS: BULLETIN 2436.32 NEWSLETTERS 305.07 Archives 398.00 Conservation Committee 151.27 Printing 158.21 Postage 176.46 Office Expenses & Supphes 107.15 Annual Meeting Expenses 164.23 Filing Fee — State of California 5.00 2761.93 6435.67 77 78 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 1974. Travel — 2 Secretaries + Treasurer 596.54 Miscellaneous expenses 55.44 Total Disbursements 4553.69 Check Book Balance, December 31, 1973 1881.98 TOTAL CASH TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR: 6435.67 Savings Acct # 8289670, Broadway Nat’l Bank 2177.70 Interest added to Savings # 8289670, balance. 90.33 2268.03 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT, # 6659, Bdy Nat’l Bank 3000.00 Lnt. added, balance 22.85 3022.85 RECAPITULATION OF ASSETS, DECEMBER 31, 1973: Cash in checking account, Broadway National Bank 1881.98 Treasurer’s Petty Cash — Myra Taylor 25.00 Secretary’s Petty Cash — Marian Hubbard 100.00 Savings Account # 8289670, Broadway National Bank 2268.03 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT, # 6659, Broadway Nat’l Bank 3022.85 TOTAL ASSETS: 7297.86 ALLOCATED TO LIFE MEMBERSHIP FUND: 1 595.88 A.M.U. NET WORTH - DECEMBER 31, 1973 5701.98 CHANGES IN CAPITAL ACCOUNT: A.M.U. CAPITAL ACCOUNT, JANUARY 1 , 1973 6593.75 A.M.U. CAPITAL ACCOUNT, DECEMBER 31, 1973 5701.98 NETDE’CREMSF IN ASSETS - 1973 $ 891.77 Respectfully submitted, Myra L. Taylor, Treasurer AUDITED: DATE: T.E. Pulley and Constance E. Boone 1 March, 1974 Betty Allen 11 March, 1974 TREASURER’S NOTE: DECREASE IN NET ASSETS DUE TO SEVERAL FACTORS: 1 . Expenditures for Archives Room and Conservation Committee 2. No receipts from 1973 A.M.U. meeting and no page charges from authors. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 1974. REPORT OF CONSERVATION COMMITTEE 1974 ANNUAL MEETING The meeting, chaired by Mrs. Jeanne Whiteside in the absence of Mrs. Esse Merrill, was open to all; attendance was approximately 37. The treasurer’s report for 1973 showed a balance of $48.73 (out of $200 allocated to this committee) plus $100 for two awards for conservation projects, for which no entries were submitted. The sum for awards is still available. A third set of conservation kits has been made up and distributed. During a discussion of what AMU can do in the conservation field, attention was called to a publi- cation of the Izaak Walton League, “2002 Questions for the Endangered Coastal Zone.” It was suggested that information be included in the Newsletter regarding what literature is presently available, avoid- ing duplication of the aforementioned, including locality data on polluted areas. A U.S. mollusk census, similar to that being under- taken in Great Britain, was rejected. After a discussion of what AMU can do in the conservation field, it was moved, seconded and approved that we compile a list of experts in mol- lusks, providing the list to major environmentalists, offering our aid and assistance in any way we can. Regarding a policy on state shells (some feeling it would cause over-collecting, and some that it would work for protection), it was decided by vote that this be left to individual states. The National Wildlife Federation is to put out seals of various species of wildlife, and it was agreed that AMU would advise the N.W.F. as to an appro- priate selection of endangered mollusks to portray. In response to a question about a list of endan- gered species, it was reported that so far the list con- tains 15 California land snails, 35 midwestern mussels and 10 crustaceans. It was pointed out in regard to the role of the conservation committee and its effectiveness, that the total environment needs protection, not just specific moUusks, and that we should adhere to our Code of Ethics adopted in 1973. We were reminded, however that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers demands specific names. It was agreed that the committee’s role is hamper- ed by having only annual meetings. To counteract this time lag it was suggested regional chairmen could keep in touch with local action, that the newsletter be supplemented by two notices yearly, that regional chairmen be chosen to advise members in their area of activity affecting conservation, and that AMU could voice its feelings to Corps of Engineers and similar groups. It was also suggested that we lend our name to existing organizations. After a reading of the con- servation policy formulated in 1973, it was moved, seconded and passed that the conservation committee issue a bulletin on a regular basis informing members of general areas of interest related to endangerment of habitat and that regional directors assist. It was moved, seconded and passed that the con- servation committee study and take to the member- ship in 90 days an opinion on the National Land Use Act in regard to whether or not to support this Act. Leona Grantier, Secretary pro tern (Continued from page 1) The last session was convened by Carol Stein and after lunch the members gathered for the Annual Business Meeting in the Museum of Fine Arts. On Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. members gathered at the Stonehaven Hotel for a reception, followed by I the Annual banquet. The management of the Stone- ! haven honored those at the head table with I champagne. The banquet address was given by Dr. Ruth Turner, and concerned her experience in the ' Deep Sea Research Vessel, “Alvin.” Ruth’s beautiful- ! ly presented program was accompanied by color I slides, and the audience genuinely enjoyed her inter- I esting presentation. After introductions and acknow- ledgements, the Past Presidents were presented to the group, and the new Officers were introduced. The final adjournment of the 1974 AMU meeting came and those who were leaving early the next morning bade farewell to friends until next year. Some of us could not leave our friends so soon, however, so on Thursday morning approximately 40 persons journeyed in private cars to a drained canal near the Connecticut River. Within minutes most of the members were wading in shallow water collecting several species of unionids just below the locks of the canal. By noon we began to tire, and those on the field trip drifted back to the Stonehaven or started home. Respectfully submitted, Myra Taylor, Treasurer 79 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 1974. THE AMERICAN MALACOEOGICAL UNION, INC. ACTIVE MEMBERS 1974 Membership List Revised January, 1975 Abbott, Dr. R. Tucker, Delaware Museum of Natural History, Box 3937, Greenville, DE. 19807. Abbott, Mrs. Sue D., Suite D-l-A, R.D. 3, Box 250, Hockessin, DE. 19707. Abreu, Mrs. Vivian B., 2709 Dewey St., Tampa EL. 33607 (Sea life relationship to human race). Aguayo, Dr. Carlos G., Dept, of Biology, Univ. of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00708. Alarcon, Sr. Benito Euenzalida, Correo, Isla de Pascua, Chile (Easter Island species). Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest, 905 S. Bayshore, Safety Harbor, EL. 33572. Alexander, Robert C., 423 Warwick Rd., Wynne- wood, PA. 19096. Allen, James E., 1 108 Southampton Dr., Alexandria, LA. 71301 (Tertiary micro-mollusca). Allen, Dr. J. Erances, 7507 23rd Ave., Hyattsville, MD. 20783. Allen, Mrs. Lawrence K., Box 822, Port Isabel, TX. 78578 {Murex, Pecten, world marines; dealer). Allen, Miss Letha S., 187 Argyle St., Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada B5A 3X2 (General). Anders, Kirk W., Shells of the Seas, Inc., P.O. Box 1418, Ft. Lauderdale, EL. 33302 (Volutidae, all rare shells). Anderson, Carleton Jay Jr., 56 Kettle Creek Rd., Weston, CT. 06880. Anderson, Gregory L., Pacific Marine Station, Dillon Beach, CA. 94929. Angstadt, Mrs. Earle K., 247 Penn St., Reading, P.A. 19602. Aslakson, Capt. and Mrs. Carl L, 5707 Wilson Lane, Bethesda, MD. 20034. Atheam, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D., Museum of Flu- viatile Mollusks, Rt. 5, Box 499, Cleveland, TN. 3731 1 (Freshwater mollusks). Atheam, Mrs. Roy C., 5105 N. Main St., Fall River, MA. 02720 (Land shells). Avellanet, Mrs. Helene, 115 Sunaire Terrace, Noko- mis, FL. 33555. Avery, Mrs. R. Gail, Box 2557, Harbor, OR. 97415 (West American mollusks; exchange). Babrakzai, Mr. Noorullah, Dept. Biological Science, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 85721. Baerreis, David A., 1233 Sweet Briar Rd., Madison WI. 53705 (Paleoecological interpretation through mollusks). Bagdon, Mr. and Mrs. Anthon, 440 Home Dr., Traf- ford, P.A. 15085. Baily, Dr. Joshua L. Jr., 4435 Ampudia St., San Diego, CA. 92103. Baker, Mrs. Horace B., 1 1 Chelten Rd., Havertown, PA. 19083. Baker, John, A., 147 Hedgegrove Ave., Satellite Beach, FL. 32937 (General). Baker, Nelson W., 69-990 Papaya Lane, Cathedral City, CA. 92234 (General). Balsam, Arthur, 1911 Fawn Dr., Philadelphia, PA. 19118. Banek, Thomas J., 466 Thatcher Rd., Springfield, PA. 19064 (Marine gastropods, taxonomy and eco- logy). Barker, C. Austin, 2 Hickory Dr., Rye, NY. 10580. Barlow, Dr. and Mrs. G. Barton, 5 Downey Dr., Tenafly,NJ. 07670. Barnett, George H., Koran Ave., M.D. # 23, New- burgh, NY. 12550. Barnett, Dr. Herbert C., Brazilian-American Bio- medical Program, U.S. Consulate, Salvador (Bahia), APO New York, NY. 09676. Barton, Mrs. James, 20 Newfield Dr., Rochester, NY. 14616 (Cypraea; worldwide general, esp. Hawaiian). Bates, Dr. John M., 1900 Dexter Ave., Ann Arbor, ML 48103. Battles, Harold J., 502 Pinon Dr., Morro Bay, CA. 93442 (Worldwide marine). Bauchman, Frank A., 1601 Big Bethel Rd., Hampton, VA. 23666 (Collecting). Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo C., 2126 45th St., Gal- veston, TX. 77550 (all Mollusca). Baum, Newman N., 83 Weaving Lane, Wantagh, L.I., NY. 1 1793. Baxa, Mrs. Dorothy, Box 177, Genesee Depot, WI. 53127. Bayne, Dr. C.J., Dept, of Zoology, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR. 97331 (Gastropod physio- logy). Bazata, Kenneth R., Dept, of Life Sciences, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. 68508. Beetle, Ms. Dorothy E., 375 W. Galbraith Ave. #42, Cincinnati, OH. 45215. Bennett, Dr. Terry M., Medical Advisor, U.S. Embassy, APO New York, NY. 09697 (Exchange). Bequaert, Dr. Joseph C., Dept, of Entomology, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 85717. Bereza, Daniel J., 825 N. 24th St., Philadelphia, PA. 19130 (Unionidae; Pleuroceridae). Berry, Dr. and Mrs. Elmer G., 13409 Accent Way, Germantown, MD. 20767. Berry, Dr. S. Stillman, 1 145 W. Highland Ave., Redlands, CA. 92373. Bickel, David, Dept. Earth Sciences, Minot State College, Minot, ND. 58701 (Systematics and eco- 80 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 19 74. 81 logy of freshwater mollusks, esp. Pleurocerids). Bijur, Jerome M., 135 Seventh Ave. N., Naples, FL. 33940 (Buy, exchange Florida and Caribbean marine). Bippus, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin C., 2743 Sagamore Rd., Toledo, OH. 43606 (Marine gastropods). Blankenship, Shaw, Rt. # 2, Crab Orchard, KY. 40419 (Freshwater mussels). Blaser, James, 1846 Laurel Lane, Amherst, OH. 44001 (Florida mollusks; Ohio freshwater mol- lusks). Bleakney, Dr. J. Sherman, Dept, of Biology, Acadia Univ., Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada BOP 1X0 (Nudibranchs and sacoglossans; ecology, zoo- geography, systematics). Bledsoe, William D., 352 Bon Hill Rd., Los Angeles, CA. 90049. Boone, Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Q., 3706 Rice Blvd., Houston, TX. 77005. Borror, Kathy Gail, 612 Northridge Rd., Columbus, OH. 43214. Boss, Dr. Kenneth J., Museum of Comparative Zoo- logy, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA. 02138. Bottimer, L.J., Rt. 1, Box 50, Tow, TX. 78672 (Recent and fossil mollusks). Bowen, Philip R., 1004 Collins St., Hartsville, SC. 29550. Boyd, Dr. and Mrs. Eugene S., 6806 Gillis Rd., Victor, NY. 14564 (Phylum Mollusca — all aspects). Bradley, J. Chester, 604 Highland Rd., Ithaca, NY. 14850. Brady, Mr. and Mrs. E. Leo, P.O. Box 2515, Newburgh, NY. 12550 (Land snails). Branson, Dr. Branley A., P.O. Box 50, Eastern Kentucky Univ., Richmond KY. 40475. Bratcher, Mrs. Twila, 8121 Mulholland Terrace, Hollywood, CA. 90046. Bretsky, Mrs. Sara S., 91 Upper Sheep Pasture Rd., East Setauket, NY. 1 1733 (Ecology and evolution of Bivalvia, Tertiary and Recent). Bricker, Mrs. Minnie, Miss Donna Bricker, Walter Kurman, R.D. 3, Hanover, PA. 17331 (Conchs and Whelks). Brill, Mr. and Mrs. James A., 805 Johnson St., Terrell, TX. 75160. Britton, Joseph C., Dept, of Biology, Texas Christian Univ., Ft. Worth, TX. 76129. Brooks, Mrs. John C., 3050 Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Pierce, FL. 33450. Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Jr., 9455 S.W. 81st Ave., Miami, FL. 33156. Broyles, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E., 5701 Fairfield Dr., Ft. Wayne, IN. 46807. Brunson, Dr. Royal Bruce, Univ. of Montana, Mis- soula, MT. 59801. Bryan, Edwin H. Jr., Bishop Museum, P.O. Box 6037, Honolulu, HI. 96818 (Pacific biogeography and bibliography). Buckley, George D., 164 Renfrew St., Arlington, MA. 02174. Buehler, William, 113 16th Ave. East, Ashland, WI. 54806 (Freshwater mollusks). Buerk, Minerva S., M.D., 331 Penn Rd., Wynnewood, PA. 19096 (Anatomy, histology). Bullis, Harvey R. Jr., 121 Island Dr., Key Biscayne, FL. 33149. Burch, Mrs. John Q., 1300 Mayfield Rd., Apt. 61-L, Seal Beach, CA. 90740. Burch, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A., P.O. Box 309, Kailua, HI. 96734 (Dredging). Burger, Sybil B., 3700 Gen. Patch N.E., Albuquerque, NM. 87111 (Gulf of Mexico; land snails). Burgers, Dr. and Mrs. J.M., 4622 Knox Rd., Apt. 7, College Park, MD. 20740. Burghardt, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn, 14453 Nassau Rd., San Leandro, CA. 94577. Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Jr., 1820 S. Austin Blvd., Cicero, IL. 60650 (Marine mollusks of Eastern USA). Bulky, Dr. Albert J., Dept, of Biology, Univ. of Dayton, Dayton, OH. 45409. Cahill, Michael, 1639 Madison St., Apt. #4, Holly- wood, FL. 33020 (Florida marine). Cameron, Hugh C., 3704 Edwards Rd., Cincinnati, OH. 45208 (Collecting). Campbell, Mrs. Minnie Lee, 3895 DuPont Circle, Jacksonville, FL. 32205 (General). Canon, Sr. Jose R., instituto de Fomento Pesquero, Casiila 1287, Santiago, Chile (Benthic ecology; South American Mollusca). Capo, Thomas R., 28 Windward Lane, Easthampton, NY. 1 1937 (Benthic ecology). Cardeza, R. Adm. and Mrs. Carlos M., P.O. Box 6746, Houston, TX. 77005; summer add. - 1718 Jewel Box Dr., Sanibel, FL. 33957 (Florida and Texas shells). Cardin, T/Sgt. Charles, 818 Camphor St., Vandenberg AFB, CA. 93437. Carlton, James T., Dept, of Geology, Univ. of Cali- fornia, Davis, CA. 95616 (Estuarine and brackish water mollusks). Carney, Dr. W. Patrick, Dept, of Experimental Para- sitology, NMRI, NNMC, Bethesda, MD. 20014. Carr, Mrs. Jack C., 912 Broadway, Normal, IL. 61761 (Exchange worldwide marine). Castagna, Michael, Va. Institute of Marine Science, Wachapreague, VA. 23480 (Pelecypod larval behavior). Cate, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford N., 905 Strangler Fig Lane, Sanibel, FL. 33957 (Mitra, Cypraea: no exchanges). Cetnar, Dr. and Mrs. Eugene J., 4322 Bishop Rd., Detroit, MI. 48224. Chace, Emery P., 24205 Eshelman Ave., Lomita, CA. 90717. Chandler, Car! B. and Doris M., P.O. Box 621, Chatham, MA. 02633 (Cones, Cypraea). Chanley, Mr. and Mrs. Paul E., P.O. Box 645, New Suffolk, NY. 1 1956. Chauvin, Daniel, 3950 Hollister # 79, Houston, TX. 77055. Cheng, Dr. Thomas C., Institute for Pathobiology, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, PA. 18015. Christie, Dr. John D., Research and Control Dept., P.O. Box 93, Castries, St. Lucia, West Indies. Chrosciechowski, Przemyslaw K., Aptdo 125, Maracay (Ar.), Venezuela (Planorbidae). 82 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 1974. Chichester, Lyle F., Dept. Biological Science, Central Conn. State College, New Britain, CT. 06050 (Ecology of terrestrial gastropods, biology of land slugs). Christensen, Carl C., Dept, of Biological Sciences, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 85721. Clark, John W. Jr., Texas Archeological Survey, Rt. 4, Box 189, Austin, TX. 78757 (Economic exploita- tion of mollusks by Indians). Clarke, Dr. Arthur H., Head Invertebrate Division, National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, Ont., Canada KIA 0M8. Clarke, Michael D., 1179 Brown Rd., Hanover, MI. 49241. Clench, Dr. William J., 26 Rowena St., Dorchester, MA. 02124. Coan, Dr. Eugene V., 891 San Jude Ave., Palo Alto, CA. 94306. Coleman, Dr. Richard W., Dept, of Biology, Upper Iowa College, Fayette, lA. 52142 (Environmental interrelationships, plants-Lnvertebrates). Compitello, Mrs. Juliette, 5630 Alta Vista Rd., Bethesda, MD. 20034. Cooper, Robert W., 5012 Pfeiffer Rd., Peoria, IL. 61607 (Florida marine; Murc.v, Pecten, Spondvlus, SCUBA). Corgan, Dr. James X., Dept. Geography and Geology, Austin Peay State Univ., Clarksville, TN. 37040 (Microscopic gastropods). Courtney, Charles M., c/o Marco Applied Marine Eco- logy Station, North Barfield Dr., Marco Is., FL. 33937 (Aquatic ecologist/malacologist). Craig, Michael M., Dept, of Zoology, Univ. of Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, MI. 48 104. Craine, Mrs. Ruth A., Penick Memorial Home “F”, East Rhode Island Ext., Southern Pines, NC. 28387. Cramer, Frances L., 766 Obispo Ave., Long Beach, CA. 90804 (Ecology; conservation). Cull, Mrs. Robert R., 7927 Chippewa Rd., Brecks- ville, OH. 44141. Cummings, Raymond W., 37 Lynacres Blvd., Fayette- viUe, NY. 13066 (West Indies shells, esp. Wind- ward and Grenadine Is.). Curington, Roberta M., 6746 Ransome Dr., Balti- more, MD. 21207 (Marine gastropods). Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. Henry H., 105 Abbott Rd., Wellesley Hills, MA. 02181. Cvancara, Dr. Alan Milton, Dept. Geology, Univ. of N. Dakota, Grand Forks, ND. 58201 (Pleistocene and Holocene continental mollusks, early Tertiary continental and marine). Danforth, Louise L., 2920 Yorktown St., Sarasota, FL. 33581. Daniels, Mrs. Kathleen K., 121 Stephens Lane, Verona, PA. 15147 (Marine; educational mate- rials). Davis, Dr. Derek S., Nova Scotia Museum, 1747 Summer St., Hahfax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3M 3A6 (Gastropod biology and taxonomy). Davis, Dr. George M., Dept, of Mollusks, .Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and the Parkway, Philadel- phia, PA. 19103. Davis, Dr. John D., 26 Norfolk Ave., Northampton, MA. 01060 (Ecology of marine bivalves). Deatrick, Paul A., 218 S.W. 32 Ave., Miami, FL. 33135 (Strombus, Busyconj. de Graaff, Gerritt, 10915 S.W. 55 St., Miami, FL. 33165. De Luca, Mrs. John A. and Miss Gladys De Luca, 61 Deborah Rd., Hanover, MA. 02339. De Oliveira, Dr. Maury Pinto, Chefe Secao de Malaco- logie do ICBG da UFJF, 36100 Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Demond, Miss Joan, 4140 Grandview Blvd. # 1, Los Angeles, CA. 90066. Dexter, Miss Norma, 135 E. Main St. # 3, Clinton, CT. 06413 (Cypraea). Dexter, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph W., Dept. Biological Sciences, Kent State Univ., Kent, OH. 44240. Dietrich, Mr. and Mrs. Louis E., 308 Veri Dr., Pitts- burgh, PA. 15220. Dixon, Mrs. Ruth S., 711 Parker St., Durham, NC. 27701 (Marine). Dobos, John D., 1300 Porter, Apt. 45, Dearborn, ML 48124. Duarte, Sr. Eliseo, Casilia Correo 1401, Central, Montevideo, Uruguay. DuBar, Dr. and Mrs. Jules R., Geoscience Dept., Morehead State Univ., Morehead, KY. 40351 (Cenozoic and recent mollusks — ecology and paleoecology). Dundee, Dr. Dolores S., Dept, of Biological Science, Louisiana State Univ., New Orleans, LA. 70122 (Land mollusks, freshwater mussels). Dvorak, Stanley J., 3856 W. 26th St., Chicago, IL. 60623 (Muricidae). Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Jr., Box 238, Brookside, NJ. 07926 (Gastropods). Eddison, Dr. Grace G., District Three State Hospital, Paris, KY. 40361 (World marine). Edmiston, Mrs. J.R., 5038 Hazeltine Ave., Apt. 301, Sherman Oaks, CA. 91403. Edwards, Lt. Col. Corinne E., USAF (Ret.), P.O. Box 691, Coconut Grove, FL. 33133 (Chitons; self- collected). Edwards, D. Craig, Dept, of Zoology, Morrill Science Center, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. 01002 (Population ecology and behavior of marine benthic molluscs). Emerson, Dr. William K., American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St., New York, NY. 10024. Erickson, Carl W., 4 Windsor Ave., Auburn, MA. 01501. Eubanks, Dr. Elizabeth R., 9821 Childress Dr., Austin, TX. 78753 (Florida marine shells). Evans, Miss Susan E., 244 Congress Ave., Lansdowne, PA. 19050 (Conus, Cypraea, Murexj. Fackert, Miss Dorothy M., 2 Wilson Rd., Apt. 16B, Sussex, NJ. 07461. Farrell, Dr. Lyle H., Box 57, Andover, NH. 03216. Fechtner, Frederick R., 2611 W. Fitch Ave., Chicago, IL. 60645. Feinberg, Harold S., Dept, of Living Invertebrates, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park W. at 79th St., New York, NY. 10024 (Land and freshwater mollusks). Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 1974, 83 Fenzan, William J., 385 Dohner Dr., Wadsworth, OH. 44281 (Worldwide marine). Ferguson, Dr. and Mrs. John H., 226 Glandon Dr., Chapel mu, NC. 27514. Ferreira, Dr. Antonio J., 2060 Clarmar Way, San Jose, CA. 95128 (Ecology, behavior, physiology, systematics of American Mollusca). Fieberg, Mrs. Kleinie, 1430 Lake Ave., Wilmette, IL. 60091. Fingold, Mr. and Mrs. A.S., University Square # 1, 4625 Fifth Ave., Apt. 105, Pittsburgh, PA. 15213. Finlay, C. John, 1 16 Tanglewood Lane, Newark, DE. 19711 (Marine mollusks Western Atlantic and Caribbean). Flansburg, Dr. Ronald R., 2910 Pomona Court, Brookfield, WI. 53005. Foehrenbach, Jack, 91 Elm St., Islip Manor, NY. 11751 (Marine ecology). Foote, Miss Mary K., Box 2075, South Padre Island, TX. 78578. Ford, Mrs. E. Flynn, 2100 S. Ocean Dr., Apt. 8 M, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33316. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Edward W., 30 Bamboo Dr., Naples, FL. 33940. Foster, Mrs. Fred H., 401 N. Justus St., Oxford, IN. 47971. Fowler, Dr. and Mrs. Lake, 4508 Woodrow, Galves- ton, TX. 77550. Franke, Norman W., 165 1 Nash Ave., Pittsburgh, PA. 15235 (Self-collected marine). Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, 112 Rennard Place, Phila- delphia, PA. 19116 (Pecten, Spondylus, Murex). Franz, Dr. David R., Biology Dept., Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY. 11210 (Ecology and physiology, marine mollusks, esp. Nudibranchs). Franzen, Dr. Dorothea, Illinois Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, IL. 61701. Fraser, Stanley, R.R. 5, Smith Falls, Ont., Canada. FuUer, Samuel L.H. and Mrs. Mary L.B. Fuller, Aca- demy of Natural Sciences, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA. 19103 (World Naiads, Unionacea and Mutelacea). Fullington, Richard W., Dallas Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box 26193, Dallas, TX. 75226 (Land and freshwater gastropods of North America). Gad, Kathleen J., 8911 W. Burleigh, Milwaukee, Wl. 53222. Gale, Dr. William F., Ichthyological Assoc. Inc., R.D. # 1, Berwick, PA. 18603 (Sphaeriids). Galindo, Lie. Ernesto Santos, Lopez # 1, Piso 6, Mexico, D.F., Mexico. Gallagher, Mrs. Susan, 12250 6th St. East, Treasure Island, FL. 33706. Garoian, Dr. George, Dept, of Zoology, Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale, IL. 62901. Gilbert, Mrs. Laura, 808 Westwood Dr., Abilene, TX. 79603. Gilbert, Prof, and Mrs. William H., 1 1 West St., Water- ville, ME. 04901 (Marine and freshwater bivalves - ecology, behavior, systematics; Tellina, Macoma). Gilmour, Dr. Thomas H.J., Dept. Biology, Univ. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada S7N OWO (Anisomyarian bivalves). Girardi, Dr. Elizabeth-Louise, 707 Kent Rd., Kenil- worth, IL. 60043. Glazebrook, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel, P.O. Box 651, Marathon, FL. 33050. GUck, Dr. Robert N. 13500 E. 12 Mile Rd., Warren, MI. 48093 (Cowries, cones, olives). Goethel, Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Louis N., 9402 Nona Kay Dr., San Antonio, TX. 78217 {Cypraea - buy and trade). Goodfriend, Glen A., Div. of Invertebrates, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, IL. 60605. Graf, Robert A., 3217 Maxim Dr., Fort Wayne, IN. 46805. Grantier, Mrs. Bruce J., 7 Tiverton Dr., Ottawa, Ont., Canada K2E 6L4 (Persian Gulf shells). Greenberg, Mrs. Janis, 22762 Pacific Coast Hwy., Malibu, CA. 90265 (Tidepool Gallery). Greenberg, Mrs. Ruth, 22762 Pacific Coast Hwy., Malibu, CA. 90265 (Tidepool Gallery). Gregg, Dr. Wendell O., 2546 Hill St., Huntington Park, CA. 90255. Grimm, F. Wayne, 356 Mayfield, Apt. 3, Vanier, Ont., Canada (Holarctic terrestrial mollusks). Groeneveld, Miss Mae, 1183 Terrace St., Muskegon, ML 49442 (Cypraea, Conus). Guckert, Richard H., P.O. Box 185, Thomasville, GA. 31792. (Systematics of freshwater mussels; eco- logy; physiology of Nassariidae). Gudnason, Mrs. Harold, 105 Danefield Place, Moraga, CA. 94556. Gugler, Dr. Carl W., School of Life Sciences, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. 68508 (Terrestrial pul- monates). Gunter, Dr. Gordon, Gulf Coast Research Lab., Ocean Springs, MS. 39564 (Ostreidae). Gustave, Al, 3929 North Third St., Phoenix, AZ., 85012 (Murex, Astraea, Latiaxis). Haas, Dr. John W., 1653 Medical Arts Bldg., Min- neapolis, MN. 55402 (Volutes, Pectens, Spon- dylus). Hadley, Mrs. Esther, 48 Adella Ave., West Newton, MA. 02165. Hagge, Mrs. Daniel, 20 North Hill Rd., Wausaw, WL 54401. Hall, Mrs. Warner L., 727 Queen’s Rd., Charlotte, NC. 28207. Hamilton, Mrs. William J. Jr., 615 Highland Rd., Ithaca, NY. 14850. Hand, Dr. Cadet H., Bodega Marine Lab., P.O. Box 247, Bodega Bay, CA. 94923. Harasewych, Jerry, Academy of Natural Sciences, Dept, of Mollusks, 19th and the Parkway, Phila- delphia, PA. 19103. Harman, Dr. Willard N., P.O. Box 63, Otego, NY. 13825. Harris, Don V. Jr., 888 16th St. N.W., Washington, DC. 20006. Harris, Mrs. E. Milton, 3237 Carlisle Rd., Birming- ham, AL. 35213. Harris, Major Marion J. and Mrs. Bessie B. Harris, Rt. 6, Box 347 T, Jacksonville, FL. 32223. Harrison, Mrs. Francis F., One Beaver St., Cooper- stown, NY. 13327. Harry, Dr. Harold W., 4612 Evergreen St., Bellaire, TX. 77401. 84 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 19 74. Haven, Dr. Dexter S., 336 Lafayette Rd., Yorktown, VA. 23490. (Mercenaria rnercenaria, Mya arenaria, Crassostrea virginica). Hecht, Mrs. Paul L., 3636 Mineola Dr., Sarasota, FL. 33579. Heck, Lt. Col. Ralph L., P.O. Box 16712, Temple Terrace, FL. 33617 (Gastropods, esp. Conus, Cypraea ). Hedges, Mrs. Arlene, 404 North East St., Crown ^ Point, IN. 46307. Henderson, Jerry G., 1729 N.W. Greenbrier Way, Seattle, WA. 98177 ’’Hensley, Steven V., 2488 S. Fletcher Dr., Fernandina Beach, FL. 32034 (Ecology of freshwater Pele- cypoda). Hepler, Neil M. and Laura E., 435 S. Federal Hwy., Deerfield Beach, FL. 33441 (Cephalopoda, Cypraeidae). Herr, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Sr., 7901 Dewitt Dr., RFD #3, Baldwmsville, NY. 13027. Hesse, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H., 1241 Cocoanut Rd., Boca Raton, FL. 33432. Hettick, Mrs. G. Riley, 933 Lynnwood Dr., Bartles- ville, OK. 74003. Hickman, Carole S., Biology Dept., Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA. 19081 (Tertiary mol- luscan paleontology). Hickman, Mrs. Harriette L., 11015 First Ave., Stone Harbor, NJ. 08247 (Worldwide Epitonium). Hicks, Mrs. Edwin S., 1522 Palmwood Dr., Eau Gallic, FL. 32935 (Recent and fossil marine shells of Western Atlantic). Hill, Frederick C., Univ. of Louisville, Water Re- sources Lab., Belknap Campus, Louisville, KY. 40208. Hillman, Dr. Robert E., Battelle-Clapp Laboratories, Duxbury, MA. 02332 (Molluscan ecology and physiology). Hoagland, Ms. Elaine, Dept, of Mollusks, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA. 02138 (Ecology and evolution of marine mollusks). Hohman, Betty Jean, 10 Ferris, Apt. 101, Highland Park, MI. 48203 (Cones, Volutes, Murices). Holiman, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne, Box 246, Edinburg, TX. 78539. Holle, Dr. Paul A., 131 Holman St., Shrewsbury, MA. 01545 (Salt marsh snails). Hollister, Dean S.C., 201 Hollister Hall, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY. 14850. Homan, Mrs. Jacqueline A., Tire Museum, Texas Tech Univ., P.O. Box 4499, Lubbock, TX. 79409. Hopkins, Dr. and Mrs. Sewell H., 709 Garden Acres Blvd., Bryan, TX. 77801. Hornstein, Leon, 2211 Arden Rd., Baltimore, MD. 21209. Houbrick, Dr. Richard S., Supervisor for Benthos, Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center, Washington, DC. 20560 (Zoogeography, systema- tics, evolution). Hubbard, Mrs. Marian S., 3957 Marlow Court, Sea- ford, NY. 1 1783 (Littorinidae; all juvenile mollusks). Hubricht, Leslie, 4026 35th St., Meridian, MS. 39301 (U.S. land and freshwater). Hulswit, Mart, 680 West End Ave., New York, NY. 10025 (SCUBA). Hunkins, Mrs. Ruth E., 133 Brook to Bay, Engle- wood, FL. 33533 (Miniature shells; exchange). Hunter, Dr. R.D., Dept, of Biological Sciences, Oak- land Univ., Rochester, MI. 48063 (Physiological ecology of freshwater pulmonates). Hurd, John C., Dept, of Zoology-Entomology, Auburn Univ., Auburn, AL. 36830 (Systematics of Unionidae). Hyett, Dr. and Mrs. Marvin R., 2031 Locust St., Philadelphia, PA. 19103. Imlay, Dr. Marc J., Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Office of Endangered Species, Washing- j ton, DC. 20240. Ing, Mrs. May and Michael Ing, Box 1750, Mayaguez, j Puerto Rico 00708 (Small and minute shells of j West Indies). I Ishikawa, Samuel, 551 Fifth Ave., New York, NY. I 10017. ■ Isom, Billy G., Rt. 2, Box 1 12, Amy Dr., Killen, AL. j 35645. ! Jackson, R.H., 5219 Trentwood Dr., New Bern, NC. [ 28560. Jackson, Ralph W., Rt. # 1, Box 229, Cambridge, i MD. 21613 (Exchange land shells). ! Jacobson, Morris K., 455 Beach 139 St., Rockaway j Beach, NY. 11694. Jacobson, Mrs. Ursula, 5618 E. Montecito, Phoenix, | AZ. 85018 (Indo-Pacific, esp. cones and cowries; West Coast-Panamic). ; Janowsky, Robert and Dorothy, 946 Ralph Ave., ; Brooklyn, NY. 1 1236 (Cypraea, Murex, Volutes). Jenkinson, Mr. and Mrs. John J., 189 W. Lakeview Ave., Columbus, OH. 43202. | Jennewein, Mr. and Mrs. Paul R., Box 394, Wrights- i: ville Beach, NC. 28480 (Raising mollusks in i. aquaria; writing and illustrating articles on shell ' collecting). ; Jensen, Russell H., Box 3937, Delaware Museum of ; Natural History, Greenville, DE. 19807 (Mollusks [ of Bermuda). I Johns, Veronica Parker, c/o Seashells Unhmited, Inc., 590 Third Ave., New York, NY. 10016. Johnson, Mrs. Barbara N., 510 Groveland, Minnea- i; polls, MN. 55403. Johnson, Col. Harvey A. (Ret.) 3915 S.W. 109th St., Seattle, WA. 98146. Johnson, Mrs. Kenneth L., 3206 Sussex Rd., Raleigh, NC. 27607 (World marine). i; Johnson, Richard L, 124 Chestnut Hill Rd., Chestnut HiU, MA. 02167. ■ Johnstone, Mrs. Adelaide B., 226 Wasp, Corpus Christi, TX. 78412. Johnstone, Mrs. Kathleen Yerger, 2209 River Forest Rd., Mobile, AL. 36605. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Archie L., 4370 S.W. 14 St., Miami, FL. 33134 (Liguusj. Jones, Meredith L., Division of Worms, USNM, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 20560. Jones, Richard H., 1432 Dorsh Rd., South Euclid, OH. 44121. Katsaras, Nick, 479B S. Washington Ave., Bergen- ▲ Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 19 74. 85 field, NJ. 07621. Kay, Dr. E. Alison, General Science Dept., Univ. of Hawaii, 2450 Campus Rd., Honolulu, HI. 96822 (Indo-Pacific marine; systematics and ecology). Keegan, Mrs. Barbara, c/o Catholic Relief Serv., Apartado 2617, Managua, Nicaragua, Central America (Caribbean and Pacific mollusks of Central America). Keen, Dr. A. Myra, Dept, of Geology, Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA. 94305. Keferl, Eugene P., 4766 Riverside Dr., Columbus, OH. 43220. (Terrestrial gastropods). Kemper, Mrs. Hessie, 1 1854 Josse Dr., St. Louis, MO. 63128. Kennedy, Miss Caroline H., 196 West 10th St., New York, NY. 10040. King, Lucia E., Heron Club, 434 Broad Ave. South, Naples, FL. 33940. Klein, Mrs. Isabelle H., Atkins Rd., R.D. # 3, Geneva, OH. 44041 (Land snails). Kline, Mrs. Mary, 240 Makee Rd., Apt. 10-A, Honolulu, HI. 96815. Klinkey, Mrs. Martha, 336 Main St., Batavia, IL. 60510 fCypraea, Murex, Strombiis). Kohn, Dr. Alan J., Dept. Zoology, Univ. of Washing- ton, Seattle, WA. 98195. Kokai, Frank L., 3472 Green Meadows St., Colum- bus, OH. 43207. Kondo, Dr. Yoshio, Bishop Museum, Box 6037, Honolulu, HI. 96818. Kovach, Jack, Dept, of Geology, Muskingum College, New Concord, OH. 43762 (Ecology, shell com- position, paleontology of non-marine). Kraemer, Dr. Louise R., Dept, of Zoology, Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. 72701 (Freshwater lamellibranchs). Kraeuter, Dr. John N., Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Wachapreague, VA. 23480 (Ecology, distribution and systematics of Scaphopoda; benthic infaunal of U.S. East Coast). Krauss, N.L.H., 2437 Parker Place, Honolulu, HI. 96822 (Carnivorous land snails; biology). Krieger, Kenneth A., P.O. Box 22721 Emory Univ., Atlanta, GA. 30322 (Ecology and systematics of Hydobiidae and Pleuroceridae). Kuczynski, Mrs. Florence, 7400 N. 46th Ave., Box 406, St. Petersburg, FL. 33709 (Collect, exchange, photograph shells). Kurz, Richard M., 1575 N. 118 St., Wauwatosa, WI. 53226 (Specimen shells). Kuzirian, Alan M., Univ. of New Hampshire, Dept, of Zoology, Durham, NH. 03824 (Nudibranch bio- , logy). ! Laavy, T.L., Apt. A21, 311 W. Earle St., Greenville, i SC. 29609. ! Lalli, Dr. Carol M., Marine Sciences Centre, McGill I Univ., Montreal, Que., Canada H3C 3G1 (Ptero- I pods). I Lamb, Cathy, 312 N. Thomas St. #3, Arlington, VA. i 22203. Lamberts, Dr. Austin, 1520 Leffingwell, N.E., Grand Rapids, MI. 49505 (Coral reefs and associated mollusks). Landye, James Jerry, Dept, of Zoology, Arizona State Univ., Temple, AZ. 85281. Lane, Lewis B., 204 Ransom St., Fuquay-Varina, NC. 27526 (land and marine). Lang, Bruce Z., Eastern Washington State College, Dept, of Biology, Cheney, WA. 99004 (Ecology of freshwater mollusks and effects of parisitism on populations). Lange, W. Harry, Dept, of Entomology, Univ. of California, Davis, CA. 95616. LaRocque, Dr. Aurele, 102 W. Beaumont Rd., Columbus, OH. 43214. Laudig, Mr. and Mrs. David, 2672 Via Pacheco, Palos Verdes Est., CA. 90274. Laursen, Dr. Dan, Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor, ML 48106 (Arctic and Subarctic mollusks, esp. Greenland; free living larvae of Caribbean and Gulf area). Lemire, Ross, 184 Grandview Ave., Thornhill, Ont. Canada L3T IJl. Lencher, Mrs. Jennie R., 144 N. Dithridge St., Apt. 408, Pittsburgh, PA. 15213. Leonard, Dr. A. Byron, 562 Snow Hall, Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. 66045. Lemer, Martin, 64 Thompson Ave., Oceanside, NY. 1 1572 (Worldwide marine). Leslie, John, 15722 Torry Pines Rd., Houston, TX. 77058 (Haliotis). Lewis, Harold, 138 S. Twentieth St., Philadelphia, PA. 19103. Lewis, Mrs. J. Kenneth, 9207-48th Ave., College Park, MD. 20740. Lewis, Dr. and Mrs. John R., 23 W. 551 Warrenville Rd., Lisle, IL. 60532. Linney, George K., 2648 13th St., Port Arthur, TX. 77640. Linsley, Robert M., Dept, of Geology, Colgate Univ., Hamilton, NY. 13346 (Paleozoic Gastropoda). Lipe, Robert and Mrs. Bette Lipe, 8929-9 1st Terrace, Seminole, FL. 33542 (Florida shells; Marginellidae worldwide; photography). Loizeaux, Mrs. A.D., 5369 Susquehanna Dr., Virginia Beach, VA. 23462. Long, Dr. Glenn A., Baltimore Museum of Art, Art Museum Dr., Baltimore, MD. 21218 (Ethnocon- chology). Long, Mary E., 36 W. Lytton St., Sonora, CA. 95370 (Marine shells). Long, Steven J., 110 Cuyama Ave., Pismo Beach, CA. 93449 (Opisthobranchs, Nudibranchs, Cephalas- pideans, Notaspideans, Lamellarians). Lowry, Walter G. and Nelle H., 552 Old Lundy Rd., Macon, GA. 31204 (Collect N.C. marine, ex- change). Lubinsky, Dr. Irene, 32 Thatcher Dr., Winnipeg, Man., Canada R3T 2L2 (Canadian Arctic bivalves). Lyons, William G., Florida Dept, of Natural Re- sources, Marine Lab, 100 Eighth Ave. S.E., St. Petersburg, FL. 33701 (Florida and West Indian mollusks). MacBride, Grace, R.D. 1, Hartman Rd., North Wales, PA. 19454. Mackie, Dr. Gerry L., Dept, of Zoology, Univ. of Guelph, Guelph, Ont., Canada NIG 2W1 (Sphaeriids). 86 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 1974. MacMillan, Gordon K., 169 Glenfield Dr., Pittsburgh, PA. 15235. Macquin, Mrs. Hazelle B., 437 Douglas St., Salt Lake City, UT. 841 02 (Fossil moUusks of U.S.). Maes, Dr. Virginia Orr, Dept, of MoUusks, Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and the Parkway, Phila- delphia, PA. 19103. Mahavier, Mrs. W.E., 234 E. Woodlawn Ave., San Antonio, TX. 78212. Malek, Dr. Emile, Tulane Univ. Medical School, 1430 Tulane Ave., New Orleans, LA. 70112 (Parasito- logy). Mahck, Donald, 5514 Plymouth Rd., Baltimore, MD. 21214 (Buy, seU, exchange fossils). Malone, Mrs. Elsie, 1017 Periwinkle Way, Box 54, Sanibel Island, FL. 33957 (Buy, seU, exchange world sheUs). Marsh, Mrs. Therese C., P.O. Box 22291, Ft. Lauder- dale, FL. 33315 (^E. Fla. marines; worldwide bivalves). MarshaU, Ms. Susan, P.O. Box 103, Coconut Grove, FL. 33133. Marshall, Mrs. Thomas H., 2237 N.E. 175th St., Seattle, WA. 98155 (World shells; exchange). Marti, Mrs. Ann, Box 892, Balboa, Canal Zone. Martz, Mrs. Helen J., 2525 Eastwood Ave., Evanston, IL. 60201. Mathiak, Mr. and Mrs. Harold A., 209 S. Finch St., Horicon, WI. 53032 (History of Wisconsin mussels; species distribution). Mattera, Albert and Mrs. Emily, 4501 Traymore St., Bethesda, MD. 20014 (Murex). Mauseth, E.L., Alden, MN. 56009. Mayer, Miss Hildegard M., Cedar Pointe, Apt. L-4, 2000 E. Ocean Blvd., Stuart, FL. 33494 (Epi- tonium). Mazurkiewicz, Michael, River Rd., Newcastle, ME. 04553 (Larval development and ecology of estuarine moUusks). McAlester Prof. A. Lee, Peabody Museum, Yale Univ., Whitney Ave., New Haven, CT. 06520 (Bivalve evolution and ecology). McCaUum, Mr. and Mrs. John, R.D. 2, Meadowvue Dr., Wexford, PA. 15090. McCarty, Col. WUliam A., 424 Hunting Lodge Dr., Miami Springs, FL. 33166. McGinn, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M., P.O. Box 89, Cut Off, LA. 70345. McGinty, Thomas L. and Paul L., Box 765, Boynton Beach, FL. 33435. McGrath, Robert E. and Mrs. ZeUa Roberta McGrath, 4434 S. 10th, Terre Haute, IN. 47802. McHugh, Mrs. John, 4654 Quarry Ridge, Rockford, IL. 61103 (Murex). Mclnnes, Mrs. CorneUa G., F-6 Raleigh Apts., Raleigh, NC. 27605 (All marine). McLean, Dr. James H., Los Angeles County Museum, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. 90007. McMillan, William L., P.O. Box 26A, Tavernier, FL. 33070 (CypraeaJ. McRae, Mrs. Catherine, 903 King’s Crown Dr., Sani- bel, FL. 33957 (Pectinidae). Mead, Dr. Albert R., Dept, of Biological Sciences, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 85721. Menzel, Dr. R.W., Dept, of Oceanography, Florida State Univ., TaUahassee, FL. 32306 (Oysters; clams). MerrUl, Dr. Arthur S., National Marine Fisheries Service, Biological Lab, Oxford, MD. 21654. Merritt, Mr. and Mrs. lack H., 2251 EucUd Ave., Ft. Myers, FL. 33901. Metcalf, Dr. Artie L., Dept, of Biology, Univ. of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX. 79968 (Terrestrial Gastropoda of S.W. U.S.). Metz, Mrs. P.A., 6 Walsh Hail, Univ. of Alaska, Fair- banks, AK. 99701 (Clams, esp. Macoma). Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey G., P.O. Box 61, Captiva, FL. 33924. Michelson, Dr. E.H., 15 Edmands Rd., Apt. 89, Framingham, MA. 01701, (Medical malacology). Micoine, Mrs. Colette, P.O. Box 622, Carson City, NV. 89701 (Cypraea, Conus, Voluta). Miles, Dr. Charles D., 6325 West 73rd Terrace, Over- land Park, KS. 66204. MUler, Barry B., Dept, of Geology, Kent State Univ., Kent, OH. 44240 (Non-marine Pleistocene, Mala- cology). MUler, Richard L., Dept, of Biology, Temple Univ., PhUadelphia, PA. 19122. Miller, Dr. Walter B., 6140 Cerrada El Ocote, Tucson, AZ. 85718. Moberg, Capt. and Mrs. A.G., Keene Rd., RFD Box 154, East Freetown, MA. 02717. MonfUs, Paul R., 239 Orms St., Providence, RI. 02908 (Worldwide marine, esp. Cypraeidae). Monroe, Mrs. Helen E., 500 N. Roosevelt Blvd., Apt. 411, Falls Church, VA. 22044 (Cones). Moore, Dr. and Mrs. Donald R., School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Univ. of Miami, 10 Ricken- backer Causeway, Miami, FL. 33149. Morrison, Eugene, Rt. 3, Box 306-B, Perry, FL. 32347 (Marine Gastropoda). Morrison, Dr. J.P.E., Div. of MoUusks, U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC. 20560. Morrison, Robert W., 5101 Ocean Blvd., Sarasota, FL. 33581 (Cypraea, Voluta, Oliva, Murex). Mousley, Louis B., Mousley Museum of Natural History, 1 1555 Bryant St., Yucaipa, CA. 92399. Murray, Mrs. Francis A., 3741 N.E. 24th Ave., Light- house Point, FL. 33064. Murray, Dr. Harold D., Biology Dept., Trinity Univ., San Antonio, TX. 78284 (Unionidae; distribution and parasites). Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Talbot E. Jr., Graduate School of Oceanography, Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston, RL 02881. Musselwhite, Miss Margo, 10815 Janet Lee, San Antonio, TX. 78230 (Cowries). Myer, Dr. Donal G., Southern Illinois Univ. at Edwardsville, IL. 62025 (Land snails). Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Brevard S., 2746 Hampton Ave., Charlotte, NC. 28207. Naide, Dr. Meyer, 2034 Spruce St., Philadelphia, PA. 19103. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J., 95-24 110 St., Richmond HiU, NY. 11419 (Non marine and Archaeogastropoda, worldwide). Nicol, Dr. David, P.O. Box 14376, University Station, Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 1974. 87 Gainesville, FL. 32601. Nicolaci, Mr. and Mrs. Domenick, Bella Vista Is., Box 147, Fairhaven, MA. 02719 (Pecien; exchange). Nielsen, Richard L., Box 278, Fletcher Academy, Fletcher, NC. 28732 (Non-marine aquatic mol- lusks). Noseworthy, Ronald G., P.O. Box 104, Main St., Grand Bank, Newfoundland, Canada AOE IWO (North Am. circumboreal moUusks; also Clausihidae and Turridae). Notter, Miss Hellen, 2529 Gilmore St., Jacksonville, FL. 32204. Nowell-Usticke, Gordon, 1 North St., Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands 00820. Nunnally, Mrs. Sally and Doug Nunnally, 512 North Channel Dr., Apt. B, Wrightsville Beach, NC. 28480. Oatis, Mrs. Vincent P., 312 HoUday Park Dr., Pitts- burgh, PA. 15239 (World marines; exchange). Ode, Dr. Helmer, 4811 Braeburn Dr., Bellaire, TX. 77401 (Gulf of Mexico marines). Oetzell, Miss Edith M., 518 S. Ardmore Ave., Villa Park, IL. 60181 (Conus). O’Gorman, Ms. Barbara and Bill Schutze, 1 14-62 41st Ave., Flushing, NY. 1 1355 (Drawing specimens; SCUBA). Old, William E. Jr., Dept, of Mollusks, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park W. and 79th St, New York, NY. 10024. Oppenheimer, Dr. Ella H., 7703 Crossland Rd., Balti- more, MD. 21208. Ostheimer, Alfred J. Ill, 5017 Maunalani Circle, Honolulu, HI. 96816. Ostheimer, Mrs. Ruth M., 146 S. Whitford Rd., Exton, PA. 19341. Pace, Dr. Gary L., Univ. of Michigan, Biology Dept., Ann Arbor, MI. 48503. Paine, Walter C., Valley News, Box 877, White River Junction, VT. 05001. Palmer, Dr. Katherine V.W., 206 Oak Hill Rd., Ithaca, NY. 14850. I 1 ! Parker, John Dyas and Mrs. Kathleen de Groot Parker, 149 Trent Rd., Penn Wynne, Philadelphia, PA. 19151 (Tertiary fossils and historical con- chology). Parodiz, Dr. and Mrs. Juan Jose, Sect, of Inverte- brates, Carnegie Museum, 4400 Forbes Ave., Pitts- burgh, PA. 15213 (Neotropical mollusks and fresh- water Gastropoda of USA). Pate, John B., P.O. Box 51, Addison, TX. 75001 (Amateur shell and fossil collector; Panamanian shells). Perrault, Miss Viola, Box 50, U.S. Navy, FPO New York, NY. 09593. Peterson, Mrs. Kay, 25 Scenic Dr., Warwick, RI. 02886 (Marine gastropods). Petit, Mr. and Mrs. Richard E., Box 133, North Myrtle Beach, SC. 29582 (Worldwide shells). Peyton, Gary, 1238 Peden #2, Houston, TX. 77006. Phillips, Betty and Ted, 4580 Nueces Dr., Santa Barbara, CA. 93110. Plockelman, Cynthia H., 31 1 Franklin Rd., West Palm Beach, FL. 33405 (Caribbean Muricidae, Nati- cidae). Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Dan F., Hudson House, Ardsley- on-Hudson, NY. 10503. Porter, Hugh J., Institute of Marine Science, Univ. of North Carolina, Morehead City, NC. 28557. Porter, Mrs. Miriam E., 2013 S. Vernon PL, Mel- bourne, FL. 32901. Post, Mrs. Alfred P. Jr., P.O. Box 65, Darlington, MD. 21034. Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lloyd Jr., Forth Worth Museum of Science and History, 1501 Mont- gomery St., Forth Worth, TX. 76107. Price, Miss Ruth G., Fenwick Island, DE. 19944. Priest, William G. Jr., 306 East Summitt PL, San Antonio, TX. 78212. Pulley, Dr. Thomas E., Director, Houston Museum of Natural Science, P.O. Box 8175, Houston, TX. 77004. Putnam, Mrs. Judith Dorr, P.O. Box 1178, Ft. CoUins, CO. 80521 (Sphaeriidae). Quammen, Mrs. Eleanor K., 402 Homestead Rd., Wayne, PA. 19087. Radwin, Dr. George E., 4341 Rodrigo Dr., San Diego, CA. 92115 (Gastropod taxonomy). Raeihle, Mr. and Mrs. George, 211 Milligan Rd., West Babylon, NY. 11704. Raines, Mrs. Kathleen Jane Parker, P.O. Box 73, Mystic, lA. 52574 (Behavior and species specifi- city of Kansas aquatic gastropods). Rains, Thomas D., Rt. 1, Box 354-A-38, Chardale Dr., Clemmons, NC. 27012 (Bivalve and scaphopod ecology). Rappleye, Miss Lauralee, 4605 Beechwood Rd., College Park, MD. 20740 (Busyconj. Rathburn, Mary H., P.O. Box 455, Sarasota, FL. 33578 (Worldwide shells). Rawls, Dr. Hugh C., Eastern Illinois Univ., Dept, of Zoology, Charleston, IL. 61920 (Ecology, taxo- nomy, distribution of land snails). Reader, Mr. and Mrs. William R., 4772 49th Ave. North, St. Petersburg, FL. 33714 (Live mollusks). Reeder, Richard L., Dept, of Biological Sciences, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 85721 (Land pulmonates). Rehder, Dr. and Mrs. Harald A., U.S. National Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 20560. Rice, Thomas C., Of Sea and Shore Publications, P.O. Box 33, Port Gamble, WA. 98364 (Dealer). Rice, Mrs. Winnie H., P.O. Box 638, Rockport, TX. 78382 (Gulf of Mexico Mollusca). Richards, Charles S., Lab. of Parasitic Diseases, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD. 20014 (Freshwater mollusks, host-parasite relations, mollusk pathology and genetics). Richards, Dr. Horace G., Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA. 19103. Rickard, Mrs. George C., 9316 Harvey Rd., Silver Spring, MD. 20910. Ridge, Mrs. Lorraine, 14 Eugene PL, St. Augustine, FL. 32084. Riggs, Mrs. Harriett H., Rt. 1, Box 255, Swansboro, NC. 28584 (Worldwide Pectens; North Carolina mollusks). Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 1974, Rios, Dr. Eliezer C., Museu Oceanografico de Rio Grande, Caixa Postal 379, Rio Grande, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil. Ritchie, Mrs. Robert M., 17 Country Club PI., Bloomington, IL. 61701. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wallace, Hopkinson House, Apt. 2016, Washington Square South, Philadel- phia, PA. 19106 (Marine). Robertson, Dr. Robert, Dept, of Malacology, Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and the Park- way, Philadelphia, PA. 19103 (Marine). Root, John, P.O. Box 182, West Palm Beach, FL. 33402. Roper, Dr. Clyde F.E., Div. of Mollusks, U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC. 20560 (Systematics and ecology of Cephalopoda). Ropes, John W., P.O. Box 333, Church Neck, St. Michaels, MD. 21663. Rosentreter, Howard W., P.O. Box 29, Big Pine Key, FL. 33043. Rosewater, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph, Division of Mollusks, U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC. 20560. Ross, Miss Mary K., 2927 42nd St., Highland, IN. 46322 (Cowries, Murex, Olives, Cones, marine bivalves; exchange). Ross, Mr. and Mrs. William A., 1101 Hampton Rd., West Palm Beach, FL. 33405 (Olividae and Pec- tinidae). Rotter, Dr. Saul D., 170 North Ocean Blvd., Palm Beach, FL. 33480 (Cones, Volutes, Cowries, Olives). Roworth, Edwin C., 1301 Windsor Rd., Cardiff-by- the-Sea, CA. 92007 (World shells and sea life). Ruehl, Theodore C., Rt. 202, 1 12 Haverstraw Rd., Suffern, NY. 10901 (Murex, Valuta, Conus). Russell, Charles E., 10602 Jordan Rd., Carmel, IN. 46032 (land; freshwater shells). Russell, Dr. Henry D., 50 Springdale Ave., Dover, MA. 02030. Russell, Dr. Loris S., Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto, Ont., Canada M5S 2C6. Russell-Hunter, Dr. W.D., Dept, of Biology, 112 Lyman Hall, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, NY. 13210. Rutter, Kurt L., P.O. Box 107, Stanton, NJ. 08885 (Shells of the littoral area). Sage, Walter E. HI, 1123 Hathaway, Louisville, KY. 40215. St. John, Dr. Mary Ellen and Dr. F. Lee St. John, 1571 North 21 St., Newark, OH. 43055 (Naiads, esp. Actinonaias ligamentina). Sartor, James C., 5606 Duxbury, Houston, TX. 77035 (Olividae). Saville, Linda D., Ohio State Univ. Water Resources Center, 1791 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH. 43210. Sayler, Mrs. Jane, 4870 Fairfield Rd., Memphis, TN. 38116. Schell, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic B. Jr., 1200 Peppertree Lane, Apt. 102, Sarasota, FL. 33581 (winter); The Brooklands, Colebrook, CT. 06021. Schilling, Mr. and Mrs. Albert E., 419 Linden Ave., Glenside, PA. 19038 (Mr. -Cypraea: Mrs. -Murex; both. Conus). Schilling, Mrs. Frieda, 3707 Fan Dr., St. Louis, MO. 63125. Schonfeld, Mrs. Rivka, 136 E. 64th St., New York, NY. 10021 (Indo-Pacific and West Indies). Schriner, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jr., Rt. #2, Box 127, LaBelle, FL. 33935. Schwartz, Mrs. Sally W., 2761 Leeds Rd., Columbus, OH. 43221. Scarabino, Sr. Victor, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, C.C. 399, Montevideo, Uruguay. Seip, William F., 1555 Stonewood Rd., Baltimore, MD. 21239. Sharpe, Stephen George, Amherst, R.R. # 2, Nova Scotia, Canada (South African shells; conservation of Strornbus gigas\ pen pals). Shasky, Dr. Donald R., 734 W, Highland Ave., Red- lands, CA. 92373. Shaw, William N., 209 Sycamore Ave., Easton, MD. 21601 (Shellfish culture). Sheafer, Clinton W. and Mabel H., P.O. Box 576, Delray Beach, FL. 33444. Sheets, Mrs. Elva D., R.R. 4, Huntington, IN. 46750. Shelley, Dr. Rowland, N.C. State Museum, Box 27647, Raleigh, NC. 2761 1 (Freshwater mollusks of North Carolina). Shipman, Mrs. Robert G., 1 1 Bantle Rd., Glaston- bury, CT. 06033 (Molluscan habitats and life patterns). Shoemaker, Alan H., 2136 Rolling Hills Rd., Columbia, SC. 29210 (Littoral and shallow sub- littoral mollusks). Sickel, James B., Biology Dept., Emory Univ., Atlanta, GA. 30322 (Unionidae ecology and physiology). Siekman, Mrs. Lula B., 5031 41st St. South, St. Petersburg, FL. 3371 1. Smith, Allyn G., 722 Santa Barbara Rd., Berkeley, CA. 94707. Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Francis, 1023 55th Ave. South, St. Petersburg, FL. 33705 (Microscopic marine mollusks of Florida). Smith, Mrs. Hattie Little, P.O. Box 1053, Foley, AL. 36535 (Gulf of Mexico). Smith, Dr. Judith Terry, 1527 Byron St., Palo Alto, CA. 94301. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Roland V., 215 Sunnyside Ave., Ottawa, Ont., Canada KIS 0R4. Smrchek, Dr. Jerry C., Research Biologist, Waposa, Inc., 6900 Wisconsin Ave., N.W., Washington, DC. 20015 (Effects of poOution on freshwater Mol- lusca). Snyder, Martin Avery, 745 Newtown Rd., Villanova, PA. 19085. Sohl, Dr. Norman F., U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Museum, Washington, DC. 20560. Solem, Dr. Alan and Barbara, Dept, of Zoology, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, IL. 60605. Soper, Arthur W., P.O. Box 431, Devon, PA. 19333. Spencer, Miss Gladys M., 1305 12th Ave., Sterling, IL. 61081. Spurr, Charles B., Rt. 3, Box 85, Cut Off, LA. 70345 (Marine). Stainken, Dennis, 51 Coughlan Ave., Staten Island, NY. 10310 (Anatomy and physiology of bivalves; effects of marine pollutants). Stansbery, Dr. David H., Museum of Zoology, Ohio Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 19 74. 89 State Univ., 1813 North High St., Columbus, OH. 43210 (Naiads). Steger, Mr. and Mrs. Dan, 271 1 68th St., Tampa, FL. 33619 (Marine fauna of Gulf of Mexico). Stein, Dr. Carol B., Museum of Zoology, Ohio State Univ., 1813 North High St, Columbus, OH. 43210 (Naiads, Gastropoda). Steinke, Capt. Dale E., 6001 Craftsbury Dr., Char- lotte, NC. 28215 (Marine). Stenzel, Dr. H.B., Dept, of Geology, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA. 70803. Stern, Edward M., Dept, of Zoology and Physiology, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA. 70803 (Systematics and ecology of terrestrial gastropods and Unionidae). Sterrett, Sandra S., Ohio State Univ., Water Resources Center, 1791 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH. 43210 (Naiads). Stewart, Rev. Marlin B., 54 Elm St., Westfield, NY. 14787. Stickle, Dr. William B. Jr., Dept, of Zoology and Physiology, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA. 70803. Stingley, Dale V., P.O. Box 1 13, LaBelle, FL. 33935. Stix, Hugh S., 13 Vandam St., New York, NY. 10013. Stohler, Dr. Rudolf, 1584 Milvia St., Berkeley, CA. 94709. Stough, Mrs. Jeanne F., Box 741, Curundu, Canal Zone (Marginella). Strieder, Dr. Denise J., 143 Laurel Rd., Chestnut Hill, MA. 02167 (American shells). Stuardo, Dr. Jose, Centro de Ciencias del Mar, U.N.A.M., Apdo Postal 70-305 y 306, Mexico 20, D.F., Mexico (General). Sutow, Dr. Wataru W., 4371 North MacGregor Way, Houston, TX. 77004 (Strombus', exchange). Sutton, Barbara J., 11 Riverside Dr., Apt. 8A, New York, NY. 10023. Swan, Emery F., Dept, of Zoology, Spaulding Bldg., Univ. of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. 03824. Swartz, Miss S.L., 306 20 Ave. S.W., Calgary 3, Alberta, Canada. Talbot, Robert, 2640 Killarney Rd., Victoria, British Columbia, Canada V8P 3G8 (Conidae, Cypraeidae of Pacific; intertidal life of Pacific Northwest). Talmadge, Robert R., 2850 Pine St., Eureka, CA. 95501 (Haliotidae; benthic invertebrates). Tate, Mrs. Mildred, Brazosport Museum of Natural Science, Box 355, Lake Jackson, TX. 77566. Taxson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert, 25 Knoll’s Crescent, Bronx, NY. 10463. Taylor, Dr. Dwight W., Box 1 124, Rohnert Park, CA. 94928. Taylor, Mrs. Jud, 900 Burr Rd., Apt. 1-G, San Antonio, TX. 78209 (Shells of the Texas coast). Taylor, Mrs. Judy, c/o Collector’s Cabinet, 670 Lin- coln Rd., Miami Beach, FL. 33139 (Dealer). Teixeira, Mrs. Frank, P.O. Box 274, Buzzards Bay, MA. 02532 (Pecten-, exchange). Teskey, Mrs. Margaret C., P.O. Box 273, Big Pine Key, FL. 33043. Thomas, Dr. Grace, Dept, of Zoology, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, GA. 30602. (Sphaeriids). Thomas, Lawrence E., 590 Embarcardero, Morro Bay, CA. 93442. Thomas, Miss Marguerite T., Box 312-A, Rt. 1, Swan- sboro, NC. 28584 (World marine; exchange). Thompson, Dr. Fred G., Florida State Museum, Gainsville, FL. 32601 (Land and freshwater mol- lusks; systematics). Thorpe, Mrs. Fran Hutchings (Mrs. Foster B.), 3910 Battersea Rd., Coconut Grove, FL. 33133. Tippett, Dr. and Mrs. Donn L., 10281 Gainsborough Rd., Potomac, MD. 20854. Tunnell, John W. Jr., Dept, of Sciences, Texas A. & I. Univ. at Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX. 78411 (Systematics, distribution and ecology of reef and bank moliusks of Gulf of Mex.). Turano, Dr. Andrew F., R.F.D. # 1, Cemetery Rd., Colchester, CT. 06415 (World marine). Turner, Dr. Ruth D., Museum of Comparative Zoo- logy, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA. 02138. Upatham, Dr. Edward Suchart, Research and Control Dept., P.O. Box 93, Castries, St. Lucia, West Indies (Ecology of snails and their relationship to para- sitic trematodes). Urbaniak, Mrs. Roman and Miss Susanne Urbaniak, 2668 N. Holton St., Milwaukee, WL 53212. Valentine, Dr. and Mrs. J. Manson, 1260 S.W. 1st St., Miami, FL. 33135. Van der Schalie, Dr. Henry, University Museums, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, ML 48104. Van de Velde, Sharon C., 1518 Flippen Court, Anaheim, CA. 92802 (Ultrastructure of molluscs). Vega, Dr. Luis Eduardo, U.S. Naval Hospital, F.P.O., New York, NY. 09551. Veverka, John A. and Mrs. Sandra A., 598 Arlington Ave., Mansfield, OH. 44903 (Land and freshwater moliusks). Villarroel, Miss Maria, Centro de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia, UNAM, Apdo Postal 70-305 y 306, Mexico 20, D.F., Mexico. Vokes, Dr. Harold and Dr. Emily, Dept, of Geology, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, LA. 70118 (Mesozoic and Tertiary moliusks; fossil and recent Muri- cidae). Wadsworth, James Edgar, Wilson Court, Chapel Hill, NC. 27514. Waggoner, Mrs. Marguerite, 412 Main St., Lockport, LA. 70374. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.L., R.D. 1, Box 21, Marathon, FL. 33050 (Purchase shells). Walker, R. Lindsay Jr., Apartado Postal 344, San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America. Waller, Dr. Thomas R., Dept, of Paleobiology, U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC. 20560 (Zoo- geography, ecology, evolution of Cenozoic Pectinidae). Walter, Dr. Waldemar, Dept, of Biology, Western Illi- nois Univ., Macomb, IL. 61455. Ward, Wilson B., P.O. Box 26341, Houston, TX. 77032 {Cypraea, Conus, representative world- wide). Warmke, Germaine L., 1711 S.W. 43rd Ave., Gaines- ville, FL. 32608 (Shells of Puerto Rico). Wartenbergh, Mrs. Marolyn, 511 North Cascade Terrace, Sunnyvalle, CA. 94087. 90 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 1974. Wasili, Mrs. John, P.O. Box 8, Frisco, NC. 27936. Waters, Ruth A., 135 East Main St., Apt. 3, Clinton, CT. 06413 (U.S. marine, principally East Coast). Wayne, Dr. William J., M.H. 112, Dept, of Geology, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. 68508. Webb, Dr. Glenn R., Rt. 1, Box 148, Fleetwood, PA. 19522. Weingartner, Mathilde P., 17 Amelia Court, Staten Island, NY. 10310. Weisbord, Norman E. and Nettie S., Dept, of Geo- logy, Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, FL. 32306 (Cenozoic and recent). Weiss, Fred, 6 Plymouth Rd., Great Neck, NY. 11023. Weiss, Harold M., 3607 Sarah Dr., Wantagh, NY. 11793 (Conidae and Cypraeidae). Welch, Miss Isabelle E., 6314 Waterway Dr., Falls Church, VA. 22044 (General). Wells, Dr. Harry, 620 Presbyterian Ave., Laurinburgh, NC. 28352. Werner, Milton, 70 Richmond St., Brooklyn, NY. 11208. Westerfield, Mrs. Asher L., 429 Montgomery Ave., Haverford, PA. 19041 (Marine). Wheel, Mr. and Mrs. Adlai B. Sr., 4501 West Seneca Turnpike, Syracuse, NY. 13215. White, Joseph P. and Mrs. Joan D. White, Neuville, Oracabessa P.O., St. Mary, Jamaica, West Indies (Local shells). Whiteside, Mrs. Smith, 205 Marion St., Indian Harbour Beach, FL. 32937. Whitney, Dr. Marjorie A., 60 Rose Park Dr., Toronto Ont., Canada, M4T IRl. Widmer, Ernest C., P.O. Box 814, Orange Park, FL. 32073 (Exchange marine and freshwater Florida mollusks). Wightman, Dr. Eugene P., 85 Harding Rd., Rochester, NY. 14612 (World marine). Wilie, William L. Jr., 1405 McFaddin, Beaumont, TX. llimiConus). Williams, Dr. James D., Biology Dept., Tuskegee Institute, AL. 36088 (Freshwater mussels; zoo- geography and systematics). Wilson, Dr. Druid, Room E506, U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC. 20560. Windnagel, John, 3581 Snouffer Rd., Worthington, OH. 43085 (Florida sheUs). Wiswall, Harold C., 42 Winding River Rd., Needham, MA. 02192 (Western Atlantic, Caribbean mol- lusks). Withrow, Mr. and Mrs. Carl C., 4825 9th St. S., St. Petersburg, FL. 33705. Wolfe, Dr. Douglas A., National Marine Fisheries Service, Beaufort, NC. 28516 (Western Atlantic marine mollusks). Woods, William L., 2721 Murray Ridge Rd., San Diego, CA. 92123 (Panamic mollusks; Turridae, Columbellidae). Work, Robert C., School of Marine Science, Univ. of Miami, 10 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL. 33149. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk, Box 423, Fitchburg, MA. 01420. Wu, Shi-Kuei and Mrs. Ching-Chen Wu, 1450 Ithaca Dr., Boulder, CO. 80303 (Functional morphology of mollusks; Muricids; land and freshwater mol- lusks of Rocky Mountain area). Wulff, Mrs. Ella May, R.D. 2, Bella Vista Dr., Willi- mantic, CT. 06226 (Marine gastropods). Wurtz, Dr. Charles B., 3220 Penn St., Philadelphia, PA. 19129 (Terrestrial Pulmonata). Yochelson, Dr. Ellis, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC. 20560. Yokley, Dr. Paul Jr., Box 653, Univ. North Alabama, Florence, AL. 35630. Young, H.D., P.O. Box 1931, Seattle, WA. 98111 (Exchange “documented” gastropods of Pacific Northwest for “documented” species from other areas; also purchase). Young, Miss M.E., 6314 Waterway Dr., Falls Church, VA. 22044. Zager, Mrs. Jane, 200 Mt. Pleasant Ave., West Orange, NJ. 07052 (American shells). CORRESPONDING MEMBERS Altena, Dr. C.O. van Regteren, Duindoornlaan 26, Bentveld, Holland. Ant, Professor Dr. Herbert, Wielandstr. 17, D-47 Hamm, Germany. Baba, Dr. Kikutaro, Shigigaoka 35, Minami-1 1-jyo, Sango-cho, Ikoma-gun, Nara-ken, Japan 636 (Opisthobranchia — taxonomy, morphology). Boettger, Dr. Caesar, Zoologisch Inst., Pockelstrasse 10 A, 3300 Braunschweig, West Germany. DeLos Santos, Jose T., 273 Karuhatan, Valenzuela, Bulacan, Philippines D-226. Haritatos, Emmanuel, Anagnostopoulou 8, Athens 136, Greece. Martins, A.M. Frias, Seminario-Colegio do Santo Cristo, Ponta Delgada, San Miguel, Azores. Miyauti, Dr. Tetuo, Miyademy Fisheries Lab, Ikenoura, Futami-cho, Watarai-gun, Mie-ken, 519-06 Japan. Oyama, Dr. Katura, Geol. Survey of Japan, Kawada- cho 8, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Paget, Dr. Oliver E., Naturhistorisches Museum, Burgring 7, A-104, Vienna, Austria. Pajer, Miss Zdenka, Tomsiceva 8, 64000 Kranj (Slovenija), Yugoslavia. Piani, Piero, P.O. Box 2192, Bologna, E.L. Italy 40100. Rong, Hwang Shin, P.O. Box 58530 Taipai, Taiwan, (Cypraeidae, Conidae). Sibley, Frederick D., Logistics Division Hdqtrs., USAREUR, Ob Gaisbergweg 10/A, 69 Heidelberg, Germany. Trinidad, Dr. Victor Jose V., # 10 Orchid St., Cebu City, Philippines 6101 (Cowries, cones, olive and Tibia shells). Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 1974, 91 AFFILIATED SHELL CLUBS AND REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ASTRONAUT TRAIL SHELL CLUB, INC., P.O. Box 515, Eau Gallie, FL. 32935. BOSTON MALACOLOGICAL CLUB, Mollusk Department, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, MA. 02138. BROWARD SHELL CLUB, P.O. Box 1738, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33302. CHICAGO SHELL CLUB, Dept, of Zoology, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, IL. 60605. CLEVELAND SHELL CLUB, 30 Park Lane, Chagrin Falls, OH. 44022. COASTAL BEND GEM & MINERAL SOCIETY, P.O. Dr. 1232, Bay City, TX. 77414. COASTAL BEND SHELL CLUB, c/o Corpus Christ! Museum, 1919 North Water St., Corpus Christi, TX. 78401. CONCHOLOGICAL CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALI- FORNIA, c/o Los Angeles County Museum, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. 90007. CONCHOLOGICAL SECTION BUFFALO SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Buffalo Museum of Science, Humboldt Parkv/ay, Buffalo, NY. 14211. CONCHOLOGISTS OF AMERICA, 946 Ralph Ave., Brooklyn, NY. 11236. CONNECTICUT SHELL CLUB, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, CT. 06520. CONNECTICUT VALLEY SHELL CLUB, c/o Earl Reed, Springfield Museum of Science, 236 State St., Springfield, M A. 01103. CROWN POINT SHELL COLLECTORS’ STUDY GROUP, INC., P.O. Box 462, Crown Point IN. 46307. FORT MYERS SHELL CLUB, 1936 Coronado Rd., Fort Myers, FL. 33901. GALVESTON SHELL CLUB, Box 2072, Galveston, TX. 77550. GREATER ST. LOUIS SHELL CLUB, 50 DeVore Dr., ElUsville, MO. 63011. GREATER TAMPA SHELL CLUB, 2507 W. Ken- more Ave., Tampa, FL. 33609. HAWAIIAN MALACOLOGICAL SOCIETY, P.O. Box 10391, Honolulu, HI. 96816. HOUSTON CONCHOLOGY SOCIETY, INC., 3706 Rice Blvd., Houston, TX. 77005. INDIANA’S FIRST SHELL CLUB, 404 North East St., Crown Point, IN. 46307. JACKSONVILLE SHELL CLUB, INC., 3895 Dupont Circle, Jacksonville, FL. 32205. JERSEY CAPE SHELL CLUB, 32 34th St., Avalon, N.J. 08202. LOUISVILLE CONCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY, P.O. Box 7663, St. Matthews, KY. 40207. NAPLES SHELL CLUB, P.O. Box 1991, Naples, FL. 33940. NATIONAL CAPITAL SHELL CLUB, Div. of Mol- lusks, U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC. 20560. NEW JERSEY SHELL CLUB, 653 Briarcliff Ave., Maywood, NJ. 07607. NEW YORK SHELL CLUB, INC., Dept, of Living Invertebrates, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park W. at 79 St., New York, NY. 10024. NORTH CAROLINA SHELL CLUB, 1409 Ruffin St., Durham, NC. 27701. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA MALACOZOO- LOGICAL CLUB, 624 Waterfall Isle, Alameda, CA. 94501. PACIFIC NORTHWEST SHELL CLUB, INC., Rt. 1, 2405 N.E. 279th St., Ridgefield, WA. 98642. PALM BEACH COUNTY SHELL CLUB, P.O. Box 182, West Palm Beach, FL. 33402. PHILADELPHIA SHELL CLUB, Dept, of Malaco- logy, Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA. 19103. PITTSBURG SHELL CLUB, Sect, of Invertebrates, Carnegie Museum, 4400 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA. 15213. ROCHESTER SHELL AND SHORE CLUB, 65 East- land Rd., Rochester, NY. 14616. ST. PETERSBURG SHELL CLUB, 7400 - 46th Ave. North, Box 406, St. Petersburg, FL. 33709. SAN ANTONIO SHELL CLUB, 9402 Nona Kay Dr., San Antonio, TX. 78217. SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB, San Diego Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box 1390, San Diego, CA. 92112. SANIBEL-CAPTIVA SHELL CLUB, 1215 Seagrape Lane, Sanibel Island, FL. 33957. SANTA BARBARA MALACOLOGICAL SOCIETY, INC., P.O. Box 30191, Santa Barbara, CA. 93105. SARASOTA SHELL CLUB, 3934 Marlborough PI., Sarasota, FL. 33577. SOUTH FLORIDA SHELL CLUB, Museum of Science and Natural History, 3280 South Miami Ave., Miami, FL. 33129. SOUTH PADRE ISLAND SHELL CLUB, P.O. Box 2110, South Padre Island, TX. 78578. SOUTHWEST FLORIDA CONCHOLOGIST SOCIETY, INC., P.O. Box 876, Ft. Myers, FL. 33902. TIDEWATER SHELL AND FOSSIL CLUB, P.O. Box 62421, Virginia Beach, VA. 23462. WESTERN SOCIETY OF MALACOLOGISTS, c/o Dr. James H. McLean, Los Angeles County Museum, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. 90007. WILMINGTON SHELL CLUB, 116 Tanglewood Lane, Nottingham Manor, Newark, DE. 19711. YUCAIPA SHELL CLUB, Mousley Museum of Natural History, 1 1555 Bryant St., Yucaipa, CA. 92399. 92 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 1974. INSTITUTIONS - DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Library, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA. 19103. BUFFALO MUSEUM OF SCIENCE, Research Library, Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, NY. 14211. CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Millikan Library, 1201 East California Blvd., Passa- dena, CA. 9 1 109. CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, Wade Oval, University Circle, Cleveland, OH. 44106. CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY. 14850. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, Libra- ry, Chicago, IL. 60605. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA, Library, Room 350, 601 Booth St., Ottawa, Ont., Canada KIA 0E8. MARITIMES REGIONAL LIBRARY, Dept, of Envi- ronment, Fisheries Services, P.O. Box 550, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. NATIONAL MUSEUMS OF CANADA, Library, Ottawa, Ont., Canada KIA 0M8. OF SEA AND SHORE MUSEUM OF SHELLS AND MARINE LIFE, INC., P.O. Box 219, Port Gamble, WA. 98364. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Library Acquisi- tions, Washington, DC. 20560. SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE COLLEGE, Kent Library, William LeRoy, Cape Girardeau, MO. 63701. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, Morris Library, Carbondale, IL. 62901. STANFORD UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES, Acquisi- tions Div., Serials Dept., Stanford University, Stanford, CA. 94305. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, NOAA, NMFS, Middle Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Center, Oxford Laboratory, Oxford, MD. 21654. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, NOAA, Fisheries Library, 75 Virginia Beach Dr., Miami, FL. 33149. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, NOAA, Libraries Division, Technical Processes Branch- D823, 8060 13th St., Room 806, Silver Spring, MD. 20910. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES, Geology Library, Geophysics, 405 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA. 90024. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT SAN DIEGO, SIO Library - MAX, P.O. Box 2367, La Jolla, CA. 92037. UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT, Serials Depart- ment, Wilbur Cross Library, Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. 06268. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY, Serials Dept., Urbana, IL. 61801. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARY, Acquisi- tions Dept., P.O. L 16976X, Lexington, KY. 40506. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE LIBRARY, Darling Center, Walpole, ME. 04573. UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA, Elizabeth Dafoe Library, Receiving Section R., Winnipeg, Man., Canada R3T 2N2. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND LIBRARY, College Park, MD. 20742. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, Hancock Library of Biology and Oceanography, Allan Hancock Foundation, University Park, Los Angeles, CA. 90007. VIRGINIA INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCE, Gloucester Point, VA. 23062. FOREIGN: AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM, Librarian, P.O. Box A-285, Sydney South, N.S.W., Australia 2000. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), Crom- well Road, London, SW7 5BD, England. BRITISH LIBRARY LENDING DIVISION, Acces- sions Department, Boston Spa, Wetherby, York- shire, LS23 7BQ, England. INSTITUT ROYAL DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE BELGIQUE, Rue Vautier 31, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium. MUSEUM NATIONAL D’HISTOIRE NATURELLE, Librarian, Laboratoire de Biologie des Invertebres Marins et Malacologie, 55, Rue De Buffon, 75 Paris (5®) France. NATAL MUSEUM, Librarian, Loop St., Pieter- maritzburg, South Africa. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF VICTORIA, Russell Street, Melbourne, Australia 3000. NAUTILUS, P.O. Box 3, 58043 Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARY, Bayswater Branch, 10, Porchester Gardens, London, W2 4DE, England. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM, Library, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 5000. UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND, Biological Sciences Library, Private Bag, Auckland, New Zealand. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union Inc., 1974. 93 INDEX OF AUTHORS R. Tucker Abbott 66 Carol M. Lalli 69 Kirk W. Anders 66 Glenn A. Long 69 Noorullah Babrakzai 4 Emile A. Malek 70 Duane E. Bell 73 M. Claire Matthews 73 Daniel J. Bereza 21 James H. McLean 70 Kenneth J. Boss 12 W.B. Miller 4 P.J. Boyle 59 Donald R. Moore 34 R. Brenes 70 J.P.E. Morrison 36 George Buckley 13 M. Patricia Morse 70 Susan F. Carnes 14 John D. Parker 40 Arthur H. Clarke 15 W.L. Pratt 71 Louise R. Clarke 15 Dorothy Raeihle 40 William J. Clench 51,66 G. Rojas 70 George M. Davis 66 Clyde F.E. Roper 71 Ralph W. Dexter 67 Joseph Rosewater 42 D.S. Dundee 67,68 Linda D. Saville 44,55 D. Craig Edwards 17 Victor Scarabino 72 David R. Franz 67 Alan Solem 47 Samuel L.H. Fuller 21 David H. Stansbery 51,72 F. Wayne Grimm 23 Sandra Sterrett 44,55 K. Elaine Hoagland 68 James M. Stilwell 73 M.L. Ibanez 68 Mary E. St. John 57 Morris K. Jacobson 68 Robert R. Talmadge 73 John J. Jenkinson 30 Ruth D. Turner 59 Frank Kokai 32 O.G. Ward 4 IN MEMORIAM John Q. Burch Walter J. Eyerdam E. Flynn Ford Dr. David T. Jones Judge Benjamin Lencher Mrs. John D. (Kathleen) Parker Mrs. Robert (Marian) Robertson Harry M. Smith Munroe Lawrence Walton EDITORIAL POLICY Most scientific journals send manuscripts to qualified reviewers to assist authors in avoiding errors and in improving their papers. The AMU has now adopted a similar policy. The AMU Council constitutes our review board and all manuscripts except abstracts are sent to appropriate members of this review board (usually two) prior to acceptance for publication. The AMU Bulletin has also adopted as its standard the Style Manual for BiologicalJournals published by the American Institute for Biological Sciences, Washington. All manuscripts accepted for publication become the property of the AMU and may be edited for style in accordance with this standard. NOTICE A new edition of the popular symposium HOW TO STUDY AND COLLECT SHELLS published by the American Malacological Union is now available. Copies can be bought from Mr. Paul R. Jennewein, Corresponding Secretary American Malacological Union Box 394 Wrightsville Beach North Carolina 28480 The price is $2.50. Evolution of the Hydrobiidae: An analysis of two distinct lineages George M. Davis 66 Dr. Jared P. Kirtland, Cleveland’s first malacologist, and some of his correspondence. Ralph W. Dexter 67 Introduced Molluscs Dee S. Dundee 67 An ecological interpretation of nudibranch zoogeography in the Northwest Atlantic David R. Franz 67 Thoughts on the functional morphology and ecology of patelliform mollusks Elaine Hoagland 68 Phospholipids of two veronicellids M.L. Ibanez and D.S. Dundee 68 Mollusks in literature, etc. Morris K. Jacobson 68 Shipboard observations on the biology of gymnosomatous pteropods from the South Atlantic and Antarctic oceans C.M. Lalli 69 Pinctada margaritifera (Linne) used in Fijian breast plates Glenn A. Long 69 Aroapyrgus costaricensis hybrobiid snail host of paragonimiasis in Costa Rica E.A. Malek, R. Brenes and G. Rojas 70 West Coast malacologists, a candid portfolio James H. McLean \ 70 Rediscovery of Verrill’s nudibranchs and several new additions to the opisthobranchs of New England M. Patricia Morse 70 Ecological distribution of land snails in the Chihuahuan desert of Big Bend National Park, Texas W. Lloyd Pratt 71 The shell in cephalopod phylogeny Clyde F.E. Roper 71 Scaphopods of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean Victor Scarabino 72 The unionid mollusks restricted to the Tennessee and Cumberland River systems David H. Stansbery 72 The effect of “once through” power plant cooling on freshwater Naiads James M. Stilwell, M. Claire Matthews and Duane E. Bell 73 Notes on some neptuneids Robert R. Talmadge 73 AMU Committee and Business Reports: Annual Business Meeting 74 Report of the Recording Secretary 75 Report of the Corresponding Secretary 76 Report of the Treasurer 77 Report of the Conservation Committee 79 List of AMU Members 80 Index of Authors 93 In Memoriam 93 CONTENTS AMU Fortieth Annual Meeting Account of the meeting Group photograph and list of attending members and guests Papers read at the 40th AMU Annual Meeting: Cytotaxonomy of some Arizona Oreohelicidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) Noorullah Babrakzai, Walter B. Miller and Oscar G. Ward Dormancy in Mollusks Kenneth J. Boss Ecological aspects of some molluscan species of Pleasant Bay, Orleans, Massachusetts George D. Buckley Mollusks from southern Nichupte Lagoon, Quintana Roo, Mexico Susan F. Carnes Mollusk utilization by Nootka Indians, 2300 B.C. to A.D. 1966 Louise R. Clarke and Arthur H. Clarke Preferred prey of Polinices duplicatus in Cape Cod inlets D. Craig Edwards The value of anatomical characters in naiad taxonomy (Bivalvia: Unionacea) Samuel L.H. Fuller and Daniel J. Bereza Speciation within the Triodopsis fallax group (Pulmonata: Polygyridae) - A preliminary report F. Wayne Grimm The Fall Line as a barrier to the distribution of some unionids (Bivalvia: Unionidae) John J. Jenkinson . . . Variations in the Incurrent and excurrent apertures of Quadrula quadrula Rafinesque, 1820 and Quadrula pustulosa (Lea, 1831) Frank L. Kokai Philobryidae in the Northern Hemisphere Donald R. Moore Maryland and Virginia mussels of Lister Joseph P.E. Morrison The Historical Library of Malacology at the Delaware Museum of Natural History John Dyas Parker Remarks on Western Atlantic Anachis Dorothy Raeihle Mollusks of Gatun Locks, Panama Canal Joseph Rosewater Metal content of the naiad shell and its relationship to sex and age Linda D. Saville and Sandra S. Sterrett . 4- . . . ‘ ’'A ■' ‘ ‘''n''- Character weighting in land snail classification ' • Alan Solem ‘ The Pleuroceridae and Unionidae of the Middle Fork Holston River in Vir^nia . ■ ;■ , David H. Stansbery and William J. Clench V.. 1 ‘ A technique to separate the annual layers of a naiad shell (Mollusca,.BibaMa, l/nianpcea) for .analysis by neutron activation ^ Sandra S. Sterrett and Linda D. Saville ‘ ’.'i' Shell growth rates of the common muckets Actinonaias ligamentina (Lamarck, 1819) complex Mary E. St. John Studies of bivalve larvae using the scanning electron microscope and critical point drying R.D. Turner, and P.J. Boyle Abstracts of papers read at AMU 40th Annual Meeting: Thomas Say — America’s First Malacologist R. Tucker Abbott Dredging for scallops off Vero Beach Kirk W. Anders A collecting trip with Lermond in the Florida Everglades William J. Clench / WILLIAM H. DALL’ ^SfCTlONAL LIBRARY division of MOLLuI^ BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, Inc. for 1975 / WILLIAM H. CALL' SECTIONAL LIBRARY DIVISION OF MOLLUSKS JOINT MEETING of The W^estern Society [>f Malacologists The American Malacological Union Eighth ilnnual Meeting San Diego, Caliiornia 22-26 June 1975 FE» 8? 19/U Forty First Annual Meeting AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, INC. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 1975-1976 OFFICERS Treasurer-Myra L. Taylor Councillor-at-large-Herb Athearr and Carl W. Gugler (to 1976) Hugh Porter and Carol Lalli (to 1977) Publications Editor-Dee S. Dundee Permanent Council Members (Past Presidents) President-Dorothea S. Franzen President Elect-George M. Davis Vice President-Henry D. Russell Recording Secretary-Constance E. Boone Corresponding Secretary-Paul R. Jennewein William J. Clench (1935) Joshua L. Baily, Jr. (1937) Harald A. Rehder (1941) Henry van der Schalie (1946-47) A. Myra Keen (1948) A. Byron Leonard (1950) J.P.E. Morrison (1951) Joseph C. Bequaert (1954) Morris K. Jacobson (1955) Allyn G. Smith (1956) Ruth D. Turner (1957) Aurele LaRocque (1958) R. Tucker Abbott (1959) Katherine V.W. Palmer (1960) Thomas E. Pulley (1961) William K, Emerson (1962) Albert R. Mead (1963) Juan J. Parodiz (1965) Ralph W. Dexter (1966) Arthur H. Clarke (1968) Joseph Rosewater (1969) Alan Solem (1970) David H, Stansbery (1971) Arthur S. Merrill (1972) Dolores S. Dundee (1973) Harold D. Murray (1974) Donald R. Moore (1975) HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS Joseph C. Bequaert A. Myra Keen Emery P. Chace Katherine V.W. Palmer William J. Clench Margaret C. Teskey HONORARY LIFE PRESIDENT S. Stillman Berry NEWSLETTER EDITOR Dorothy E. Beetle (For addresses of any of the above see membership list in the back) Published January 30, 1976. AMU BULLETIN The AMU Bulletin is the official annual publication of the American Malacological Union. It is published after each annual meeting. Communications about editorial matters should be sent to Dr. Dee Dundee, Editor, Dept, of Biological Sciences, Univ. of New Orleans, LA. 70122. Subscription orders from institutions, inquiries about missing issues and other circulation matters should be addressed to Mrs. Constance E. Boone, 3706 Rice Blvd., Houston, TX. 77005. Subscription rate for non-members of the AMU: $10; back issues for members and affiliate institutions: write for rates and availability; AMU membership: $7 plus $1 per additional family member. Corresponding membership: (outside W. hemisphere) $7 plus $1.50 postage. Affiliate members (shell clubs, libraries, museums, etc.): $10. Initiation or reinstatement fee for any member: $1.50. Printing by the Hauser Press, Inc., New Orleans. The Western Society of Malacologists is a West Coast-based national organization dedicated to the study of malacology. It normally issues an Annual Report based on its yearly meeting. This year a brief Annual Report is being issued containing the Society’s essential business, the abstracts and papers from the joint meeting being contained in this AMU Bulletin. Distribution of the WSM’s Annual Report is free to its regular and student members who are, at the time of issue, in good standing. Membership dues are $5 for regular members and $2 for students. Others of a regular member’s family may join for an additional $1; each family receives only one Annual Report. Correspondence regarding membership in the Western Society of Malacologists and orders for back copies of the Annual Report or other of the Society’s publications should be addressed to the Treasiurer, Mr. Merton J, Goldsmith, 1622 No. 20th St., Phoenix, Arizona 85006. " The current officers of the WSM are: James | Nybakken-iVesidenf ; Helen Dushane-fYrs# Vice President', ^ Peter N. D’Eliscu-Second Vice President; Clifton L. i Martin-TVeosurer; Louie Marincovich, Carol Skoglund- j Members-at-Large; James H. McLean, George E. Radwin, and Twila Bratcher-TAree most recent Past Presidents; and Eugene V. Coaa-Editor. 1 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, Inc. for 1975 JOINT MEETING of The Western Society of Malacologists The American Malacological Union San Diego, California 22-26 June 1975 Eighth Annual Meeting Forty First Annual Meeting Meeting Committees Auction: Mr. Robert Schoening and members of the Southwestern Malacological Society. Exhibits: Mr. Clifford Martin Mr. Loyal J. Bibbey Mrs. Jeanne Pisor Historian: Mrs. Bernadine Hughes Hospitality & Refreshments: Mr. & Mrs. Roland Taylor Mrs. Barbara Good Mrs. Margaret Mulliner Mr. Loyal J. Bibbey Mr. James Seay Registration: Mr. Bertram Draper Mrs. Lucinda Draper Mr. Clifton Martin Mrs. Blanche Brewer Photograph: Mr. David K. Mulliner Banquet Favors: Mrs. Gertrude Wahrenbrock and the Yucaipa Shell Club Program Coordination: Dr. Donald R. Shasky Publicity: Mrs. Prudence Hutsching Audio-Visual: Mr. Leroy Poorman, Mr. James T. Carlton, Mr. Hans Bertsch Exhibits R. Tucker Abbott- “American Malacologists, Past and Present” Phillip Clover- “Margineliidae and the cypraeid genus Zoila" Barbara Good - “Marine Mollusks of San Diego” A.M. Frias-Martins- “Photographs of Micro- mollusca of the Azores” James Lance & David K. Mulliner- “Outstanding nudibranch Photographs” Bill and Lois Pitt- “Fossil Mollusks from Costa Rica” Don and Jeanne Pisor- “Growth Series” Leroy and Forrest Poorman- “Giants of their species” Donald R. Shasky- “Tropical West American Cancellariidae” Southwestern Malacological Society- “Learning to See” JOINT MEETING American Malacological Union, Inc. and Western Society of Malacologists June 22-26, 1975 San Diego, California Malacologists from East and West joined for this historic meeting in June, 1975, at San Diego State University, at San Diego, California. President George Radwin of WSM acted as host chairman for the event, and duties of directing events of the sessions were shared with AMU President Donald R. Moore. This meeting was dedicated to the memory of William Healey Dali, one of America’s outstanding malacologists. Opening day of the meeting on Sunday, June 22, found members of both organizations registering, greeting friends, gathering programs and other information about events and checking into Olmeca Dormitory. It was difficult to get every thing handled, dash over for lunch in the Cafeteria and then get to the afternoon session in Aztec Hall on time. Afternoon papers included reports on the legacy left for malacology by Dr. Dali, personal reminiscences of Dr. Dali by Dr. Wendell P. Woodring and reports on correspond- ence with Dr. Dali from Dr. Joshua L. Daily, Jr. Sunday night everyone enjoyed the luau given by the San Diego Shell Club on the lawn outside Olmeca Dorm. Highlight of the evening was performance of the hula by Twila Bratcher. Members were then invited to Aztec Hall for films on collecting and a delightful presentation by Dr. Robert Robertson, of photos of members taken through the years. Some members of both organizations appro- priated one of the study rooms of the dormitory and viewed slides of Nudibranchs. The tides were right and those who had permits planned dawn excursions. Monday found members on time for the session after a hearty breakfast in the cafeteria. One of the delights for members was the association and meeting with malacologists such as E.P. Chace, Dr. Myra Keen, Dr. S. Stillman Berry (who is honorary life president of AMU), together with directors and curators of most of the major American museums. Monday afternoon’s session was a symposium of Eastern Pacific- Western Atlantic faunal affinities, chaired by Dr. Emily H. Yokes. The Conchological Club of Southern California catered a “chuckwagon style” dinner on the lawn outside the dormitory on Monday evening. The good food, homemade cakes, seconds available, made the evening a really pleasant one. Executive board meetings were held by both WSM and AMU that evening while other members were entertained with a report on the life and times of Dr. Stillman Berry. There was a report from one of AMU’s new affiliate clubs, the Jersey Cape Shell Club, and an account of the 1974 AMU fresh water field trip at Springfield, Mass. Meetings moved along on schedule on Tuesday. Everyone gathered for the photo at noon which was so much on schedule that AMU’s incoming president. Dr. Dorothea Franzen, missed it as she hurried back from the cafeteria. The evening’s auction was well attended. There were so many, many shells available that the hour grew late and another session was set for another day. Bids were high with some very spirited ones for packets of minute shells and fossils. The Council of Systematic Malacologists also met Tuesday night. Wednesday’s papers rolled along until 3:30 p.m. when the annual business meeting of AMU was. called to order. Although there was important business to be handled. President Moore conducted the meeting smoothly and ended it in plenty of time to allow members to get ready for the festive banquet that evening. There was an impressive number of past presidents of AMU and WSM introduced by President Moore. He thanked President Radwin for the success of the joint meeting and ended up with presenting a check for his own membership in WSM. The banquet speaker, Sam Hinton of the University of California at San Diego, gave a delightful talk on ‘‘The Taxonomy of Common Names,” completing his presentation with equally delightful combination of song and guitar. The forty-first session of AMU was officially over. Papers scheduled for the next morning had been cancelled. There remained the WSM general business meeting. Those not attending this had time to visit in the dormitory lobby and view more thoroughly the exhibits set up there. Members also had had the opportunity during this meeting to go on field trips to Scripps, to collect Nudibranchs if they had permits and to view a reef if not, to visit mollusi and fossil departments of local institutions. Many also chose to visit the famous San Diego zoo, to dip into Mexico, a few to try hang gliding. The cool climate of San Diego, the really cold Pacific waters, proved surprising to many Eastern members. But all agreed the joint meeting, girls’ dormitory and all, was fun and certainly worth the travel. Registration totalled 232. 1 2 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 PLATE 1. - MEMBERS AND GUESTS IN ATTENDANCE AT THE FORTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING Bulletin of the American Malacological _ d/ (Tdr dr Union, Inc., 1973 S ^ S .5 ^ M 3|1 ^ Pu Oj cs . v-< W . -■•S I pasissl tt S a •v ^ n uo « CU S "3 li ►2 ^ H fN S S 'O is - eg ^ ^ S o sl,^ § W ^ ^ g Q O' « « (U o H cs • 2 ^ c 13 2 g "o ^ R1 W C S 2 Q > 3 n* ti rN O * C3 I ^ Pu ^ 'I . o S - tJ- - 1». S3;j; S . ^ S, I O 5 . & . g g -S 5 U Mjg x: -a X "t; ^ .S ^ t: 3' tJ^XI^SCXiOW I 5 ^ § S I -g •3 « 00 fc°S'S> sisss-a-^^ ^ ^ cigi S a ^2 2i- So<^ s«i2cQ 2 -'H^wjpQ' - ggSp:^gg sllllsllffK2d ^^^’S'^Scq'goO ft)*S c 5 cst:^^ 0.2*^ (UVO e’> (S ^ ^o.ijo . .w>2’0^a) aoop ^ 2r s2r'i'KE««r'^’i3 o-r.f^£-|.Sx2d 2 ^'^c^*&o^gxNgs« ^ Oc^^CQ c y S5 ® x Q X' §2 Is^ll-a:^ g J5 fQ g -* fs I gS|> e s S £■§=§■“ 2 c &“ d S£.S ;S . M.M ^ si>- g|ai|'!.|l®!|lit 2>ggcEcni«Cg25(Sp: « « ,^i ■§ .« o ^ « 2 c fe o ^ c a>l'g|“ 2 w)^ O M W e o w 3 2 ioi: S I 3 2 2 S' >> 00 s O . g 3 O _* « ? 3 C 2 g « 0- o ^ O z ^ 2 ^ e So 2 g § -o S 2 3 W5 S g^C C £ 2 g S e 00 m y cd c ^ 3 ?i:- 2 X c/5 r.; ^5^ (u 43 g -•- - g ^ S « fs i; -i-> 1 i"« w i J 3 I-. O e to 3 ’y S-13^ S SM;H . Q - (u ^ . e ^ o as (jj 5 « H 2 g 00 g ^ ^ .-. _ (U w W ' -rt S 00 >. a « S ^ 5 c ‘S c <-* 3 2 . g ^ 55 2 W as ' ^ S 9 0 2^ § -O * i« C «■ _ (D Cd oBa'g^sggsg. ►SSSpqoEwohe ' J4 c3 -r ^ ,« t:! o fc- ^ 09 Wi 2 ^ ^ g 3 X) S i-i -t-* ffi u. 33 =3 M ^ g 5 . X '3 [Ij 2 c >, o ss Si «« o 0-S^ TSP=> ^ jr « H •B . ? 'S o "a o 2 •- •I 5 4, tM .-S o e" X . g.i-1 . -2 g 2 g s - 12 .g V) 2 •- 2 ffi 9 “3^5||i * T3 - 2 «« '-o < i; - « 00 O OO Jrt o g c (U ro .2 i U. 2 g ^ c 3 ! Q >- o OT ns « X s 43 3 S2 2 3_r' i 2 2 S 3 e e o e ' ! 2 ^ ^i< S « 2 M ;PQ^D-q cKo i|td=£&| = [3SZ"-° I as o I- ate •S o 111 S 2- -g S 2 ^ M S- 3 .2 O 00^' a X < o 2 o 2 ^ t O 3 g (2 ^ ^ O £ ° «« >^2 & r1l ^ •X e 3 5 z W . S I g .5^:2 ^.2 4= M ^ o ^ . S u M'S o S OT OD .5 3 o X ^ a g 2 2"^. ^|®5dg| S >; g a£ .S fp m O C 3 - 4) S “S O 9 e (u S 2 S 2 3 o t-t ^ 3 e^ O 5rt "-s CQ U 00 Q O 00 3 :S o o ^ 2 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 197^ TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM HEALEY BALL WILLIAM HEALEY BALL - THE LEGACY HE LEFT FOR MALACOLOGY Joseph Rosewater Invertebrate Zoology (Mollusks), National Museum of Natural History Washington, D.C. 20560 WILLIAM HEALEY DALL-1843-1927. Members of the Western Society of Malaco- logists and of the American Malacological Union, our officers and councils have seen fit to dedicate this joint meeting to William Healey Dali. If he were with us today I think he would approve because from what I have learned of him I know that he was a man capable of accepting his own greatness with humility. He would certainly enjoy the scientific papers which are to come and would, no doubt, comment on many of them construct- ively. To many of us Dali’s immediate importance may seem to lie in his having been in charge of the mollusk collections of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., for 47 years, from 1869-1915. But this is not the only reason for dedicating this meeting to Dali. His contributions to our science were immense in their number and in breadth of coverage, spanning our country from coast to coast and from border to border, and beyond to encompass the world. This legacy he left is of great importance to members of both our organizations. it is necessary to examine the life and contributions of this man to make more clear why we are honoring his memory and why the legacy he left for malacology is such a rich one. There have been a number of memoirs to Dali in which his life was described and his scientific accomplishments extolled. I have extracted many of the following details from a number of them, including Gates (1905); Merriam (1927, 1928); Bartsch, Rehder & Shields (1946); Herron (1948); Woodring (1958); Boss, Rosewater & Ruhoff (1968); and information in the Smithsonian Archives. Dali was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on August 21, 1845. His father was a minister who probably inspired him in his intellectual pursuits. His mother was a radical reformer, a highly energetic and intelligent woman from whom he probably acquired much of his discipline and drive. Dali left school at 17, and due to the lack of funds and also a professed lack of interest in a formal higher education, he did not enroll at a university, but did study Zoology under Louis Agassiz and mollusks under A. A. Gould, whose classical book -- ‘Tnvertebrata of Massachusetts” (1841) awakened in Dali his life-long dedication to malacology. He became a student member of the Boston Society of Natural History during that time. He then accepted a job in Chicago between 1863-1865 where he worked for the Illinois Central Railroad. There he met Robert Kennicott of the Chicago Academy of Sciences who offered him a position as naturalist in the Scientific Corps of the Western Union International Telegraph Expedit- ion to Explore Alaska for the purpose of finding an overland telegraph route through Alaska and Siberia to Europe. The party sailed from New York on March 21, 1865, via Nicaragua for San Francisco. At the May 1, 1865, meeting of The California Academy of Sciences mention of Dali’s name was first made in its Proceedings. He was then 19 years old. As San Francisco was the base 4 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 5 of operations for the telegraph survey, Dali returned there several times a year. From a perusal of its Proceedings he participated in as many of the meetings of the Academy as possible, and presented a number of scientific papers on various aspects of West Coast malacology. In these early years, Dali made numerous trips to Alaska during which he explored much of this unknown land, cataloging its ethnology, geology, and natural history. Thousands of specimens of mollusks and other animals were returned to the Smithsonian collections as Dali had an agreement to collect for the Institution. In 1869, after returning from the Alaskan telegraph surveys and later work in charge of Coast and Geodetic Survey steamers charting the Alaskan coast, Dali took up residence at the Smithsonian in Washington. Although it is not realized by some, he was never an employee of the Smithsonian, but of the U.S. Geological Survey. His title as “Honorary Curator’’ was a just appellation as he was responsible for the arrangement of the collections and many of the curatorial methods that persist until the present day. Dali produced over 1600 publications during his career. Many of these, it is true, were non-scientific in nature, but many also were significant contributions. Woodring (1958) listed 69 major works that Dali produced in his lifetime. Many of us would] be grateful to have one of our papers placed in this category. His most important works are generally considered to be the publications arising from his explorations of Alaska, and the famous one on the paleontology of the southeastern United States, the “Contribut- ions to the Tertiary Fauna of Florida.’’ But many persons consider his descriptions of the molluscan fauna of the Caribbean area made in the “Blake Report,’’ his classification of bivalves, or his survey of the northwest coast mollusks to be equally important. Not counting suprageneric taxa, Dali describ- ed 5,427 species and genera of mollusks, worms, crustaceans, brachiopods, tunicates, and mam- mals; 5,302 were mollusks. As this joint meeting was to take place on the west coast of America, I thought it might be fitting to determine how much of this descriptive effort of Dali’s was exerted here. A survey of the Boss, et. al. (1968) catalogue of Dali’s names for West Coast entities yielded the following results. Roughly one third or 1,745 of his taxa bear eastern Pacific localities. The largest numbers of these species come from California (513), West Mexico (384), Alaska (362), western Central America (215), and the balance from Canada (66), the other western states (139), and South America (66). Woodring (1958) pointed out that of the approximately 2,000 species and subspecies of mollusks known in 1921 from Alaska to southern California almost half (47 percent) were described by Dall. Only an unusual man could have done what he did. Wh^t made Dali great? How could one man have accomplished so much in his lifetime? For one thing he lived 82 years, some 62 of which were spent in the pursuit of scientific knowledge and in the publication of the results of his research. In addition he lived at a time which has been called “The Descriptive Age of Malacol- ogy. ” when the catches from the great expeditions of the middle and late 19th Century were being studied and enumerated. The only other American worker known to have surpassed Dall in numbers of described taxa is Henry A. Pilsbry who introduced 5,680 names. Paul Bartsch ran third with a mere 3,278 according to Rehder, in Ruhoff & Rehder (1973). But there are other reasons for Dali’s success. He appears to have acquired an encyclopedic knowledge in many areas other than malacology, including anthropology, vertebrate zoology, geography, paleontology, meteorology and other fields. He was a hard and energetic worker and must have had enormous powers of concentration. He is said to have been marvelously well organized (Woodring, 1958). Dall suggested the following as a work ethic: “Do the work next you, and do it with all your might. Nothing is too trifling to do well, and no knowledge attainable is useless’’ (Gates, 1905). What should we do in response to the legacy Dall left us? Should we attempt to duplicate Dali’s work by describing more taxa? Certainly there is describing to be done, but not to the extent that he did it. What it would appear that we need much more than that is a better understanding of the biology and relationships of our known malacological fauna and a synthesis of our knowledge, that is, an orderly grouping of the species and higher categories, rather than a further proliferation of individual taxa. The legacy that Dall and the others of his time gave us is a huge body of data with which to work and to study. It is our task and that of those who follow to try to analyze that data and build from it a more complete understanding of the Phylum Mollusca. In conclusion, I think Dall may have explained his own success rather well in the following much-quoted statement, “The only lesson which may be said to be absolutely clear is, that naturalists are born, and not made; that the 6 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1973^' sacred fire cannot be extinguished by poverty nor lighted from a college taper. That the men whose work is now classical, and whose devotion it is our privilege to honor, owed less to education in any sense than they did to self-denial, steadfastness, energy, a passion for seeking out the truth, and an innate love of nature. These are the qualities "which enabled them to gather fruit of the tree of knowledge” (Dali, 1888). LITERATURE CITED Bartsch, P., H. A. Rehder and B. E. Shields. 1946. A bibliography and short biographical sketch of William Healey Dali. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 104 (15); 1-96. Boss, K. J., J. Rosewater, & F. A. Ruhoff. 1968. The zoological taxa of William Healey Dali. U. S. Nat’! Mus. Bull. 287: 1-427. Dali, W. H. 1888. Some American conchologists. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 4: 95-134 Gates, M. E. 1905. Men of mark in America. Men of Mark Publishing Co., Washington, D.C., vol. 1, 422 pp. Gould, A. A. 1841. Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts. Folsum, Wells & Thurston, Cambridge, Mass., 373 pp. Herron, E. A. 1948. William Healey Dali - Alaska Pioneer. Natural History 57 (4): 176-179 Merriam, C. Hart 1927. William Healey Dali. Sci. 65, (1684): 345-347. (reprinted, 1928, Smithsonian Rep. for 1927: 563-566.) Ruhoff, F. A. & H. A. Rehder 1973. Bibliography and zoological taxa of Paul Bartsch, with a biographical sketch. Smith- sonian Contrib. to Zook, 1973 (143): 166 pp. Woodring, W. P. 1958. William Healey Dali, 1845-1927. Nation. Acad. Sci. Biograph. Mem., 31: 92-113 PERSONAL REMINISCENCES OF WILLIAM HEALEY DALL W.P. Woodring U.S. National Museum of Natural History Washington, D.C. 20560 I first met William Healey Dali in 1915, while I was a student at Johns Hopkins University. From 1919 until his death in 1927 it was my good fortune to work across the hall from his spacious laboratory- library in the U.S. National Museum, now the U.S. National Museum of Natural History. Though he made important contributions in many fields, he will be remembered chiefly for his work in malacology and Cenozoic molluscan paleontology. Many malacologists are not aware that from the time when he left the Coast Survey in 1884 until his retirement in 1925, he was a Paleontologist on the staff of the U.S. Geological Survey. From 1881 until his death he was Honorary Curator of Mollusks at the U.S. National Museum, and from 1869 to 1914 he was Curator in fact, if not in title. He was a superb curator. He kept in immaculate condition his library and the collections under his supervision. A microscope was used only for anatomical work; for shells a hand lens was sufficient. He was not a gregarious person. He arrived at his office on time and left on time. It was his custom to carry his lunch, which he ate by himself as he read. He was never hurried or harrassed, and I saw him really angry only once. I remember him as almost always writing and smoking a long-stemmed German pipe. He had a lucid, orderly, disciplined mind. It seemed that he instinctively organized his work in the most effective way. CONTRIBUTED PAPERS PRESENTED AT JOINT MEETING THE BEHAVIOR AND TENTACLE MORPHOLOGY OF PTERIOMORPHIAN BIVALVES: A MOTION-PICTURE STUDY Thomas R. Waller Department of Paleobiology Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C. 20560 Crawling, swimming, and the behavior and morphology of tentacles in the Pteriomorphian families Pteriidae, Limidae, Pectinidae, Spon- dylidae, and Anotniidae have been studied by means of close-up cinematography. This paper examines those aspects previously unknown or poorly understood and considers some general behavioral patterns and morphological features in an evolutionary context. Methods and Materials The species to be discussed are listed in Table 1, which also gives their size, reproductive maturity, and collecting locality in Bermuda, where the study was carried out in September, 1973. The molluscs were collected by SCUBA diving and transported, generally in aerated containers, to the Bermuda Biological Station, where they were place in aquariums supplied with running sea water and substrates resembling in texture those of the natural habitats. Mr. Kjell Sandved, professional photographer on the staff of the U.S. National Museum of Natural History, did the filming using Beaulieu 16mm motion-picture cameras equipped with a 90mm Macro-kilar lens or 40 and 60mm Zeiss Luminar macro lenses with specially devised semi-automatic diaphragms. The special aquar- iums were constructed of optically flat Corning glass or quarter-inch plexiglass kept free of condensation by an electric hair dryer. Lighting was by means of two 650 watt quartz-iodine floodlights with heat-filtering lenses. In some cases overnight time-lapse sequences were run using only a 200 watt Ascor strobe unit synchronized on timed demand with the rate of travel of the film. All photography was on color film (Kodak Ektachrome Commercial No. 7242 and 7252). In the case of Argopecten gibbus and Pecten ziczac, individuals first observed and filmed in an aquarium were later transported to an area of clear, shallow water for underwater filming. Bivalves capable of swimming generally do not swim unless provoked, either by a predator or an adverse environmental change. The principal stimulus used in this study, both in the aquarium and the underwater filming, was the starfish Coscinasterias tenuispina (Lamarck). This potential predator was found near the living sites of some of the bivalves, but was never found in the act of preying on them. Whether it is an actual predator on the species studied in Bermuda is unknown, but the vigorous reactions of the limids and pectinids to its approach suggest that it is. OBSERVATIONS Pteriidae Pinctada imbricata, which normally lives attached by the byssus to a hard object or substrate (Waller, 1973), is capable of crawling after being forcibly detached (Stanley, 1970). A specimen 35mm in height managed to crawl, unobserved at night, up the glass side of an aquarium, where it secreted a new byssal attachment of nine threads radiating widely from the byssal notch. In this position the individual showed no escape reaction to the approach of a starfish, merely closing its valves when actually contacted by the tube feet. The tentacles of Pinctada which can be observed when the shell is gaping during the normal feeding position are tho^e located on the edges of the inner lobes of the mantle. A series of tentacles is also present on the middle lobe lying adjacent to the inner surface of the shell, but these were not extended or active and not observable on the film, even in the night time-elapse sequences. The inner-lobe tentacles showed no unusual motion during the approach of the starfish, and in fact they appeared to be incapable of any significant extension, retraction, or complex movement. Unlike the more advanced middle-lobe tentacles of Lima (Gilmour, 1967) or 7 8 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1973 Pecten, which are circular in cross-section and have complex muscular, hydrostatic, and neural systems, those of Pinctada are flattened, ramose structures that appear to be little more than extensions of the edge of the inner mantle lobe. The only type of movement observed consisted of groups of tentacles giving short quick flexures involving the adjacent inner lobe. A young Pteria colymbus 8mm in length exhibited an extraordinary ability to lower and raise itself on a thread. The specimen, still attached to the branch of alcyonarian coral on which it was found, was placed in its natural position in the aquarium. During this transfer the little Pteria maintained its original living position, with the anterior side of its right valve pressed against the alcyonarian and its elongate, posterior wing directed upward. When the floodlights in the laboratory were turned on, the specimen released its hold on the branch of coral and fell a distance of 15 or 20cm, spinning a very thin thread as it fell. It remained suspended on the thread with its antero-ventral margin upward for a short time and then, with valves agape, extended the tip of its foot to contact the thread, rotated into a position with anterior side upward, and began to climb up the thread (Fig. 1). In all bivalves, the foot is relatively larger in younger individuals than in mature ones, and Pteria is no exception. The foot extended to a length beyond the shell nearly equal to half the length of the shell itself. It probed and gyrated within a narrow radius about the thread, but in general seemed to align its basal groove with the thread during upward climbing. At times, however, the thread would pass the distal tip of the foot on the dorsal side, opposite to the grooved side. Presumably, at this growth stage the entire foot is ciliated, and the thread is being moved downward by ciliary activity as the bivalve climbs upward. Upward movement was smooth and gliding, with only an occasional abrupt pedal retraction. At times the specimen lost its grip on the thread and fell freely, but each time it would either secrete or release more thread so that it would be suspended again before reaching the bottom. It appeared that these falls were marked on the thread by a blob of clear material that apparently was released at the precise moment that the fall occurred. Finally, the Pteria managed to climb all the way back up to its original site of attachment. Upon reaching the branch of coral, it turned itself around to its original living position, so that the posterior wing, which was downward during thread-climbing, pointed upward. This entire process was repeated several times in response to turning on the floodlights in a darkened laboratory. We were unable to determine the nature of the thread. It was extremely thin and clear, except for a few blobs of clear material along its length, and could be either a byssal or a mucous thread. At one point in the film it can be seen that the thread emerges from a protuberance at the base of the foot at a point that seems to correspond to the position of the byssal duct. On this basis alone I am inclined to think that the thread is a byssus, possibly not hardened by contact with the more distal glands of the foot (assuming that the foot of young Pteria has multiple glands somewhat as in the foot of larval Ostrea described by Cranfield, 1973). No thread remained behind after the climb, and presumably the excess thread was moved by ciliary activity along the base of the foot and disposed of in the usual manner of pseudofaeces or excess mucus. Limidae Two individuals of Lima lima 21mm in height were found byssally attached side by side beneath the holdfast of a large gray finger sponge. They made no attempt to escape when the sponge was turned over, but in the aquarium these same individuals, lying free on the bottom after being forcibly detached, responded to the approach of a starfish. The initial response was to gape widely with the brilliant red pallial curtains and pale tentacles extending and undulating. When contact with the starfish occurred, each limid slid laterally with a single clap of its valves, turning away from the starfish as it slid. The same sequence of gape, rigid pallial curtains, tentacle extension and undulation, and a single short jet causing a lateral slide occurred repeatedly, but at no time did this species actually rise up off the bottom and swim freely. During the clapping movement, the tentacles are withdrawn nearly but not completely into the shell and the valves themselves do not close completely. If a specimen is traumatized, however, complete retraction of the tentacles and valve closure are possible. Lima lima does not show any preference for lying on a particular valve and has no righting reaction such as that displayed by most pectinids. The foot was prominent in the individuals studied, and they showed a strong tendency to extend the foot and probe for an attachment site whenever they were adjacent to a hard object. Once an attachment was secured, pedal retraction would pull the flattened antero-dorsal region of the shell Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1973 9 against the substrate, with the plane of commissure approximately perpendicular to the attachment surface. The tentacles of Lima lima are developed from the middle lobe of the mantle adjacent to the inner surface of the shell. They are of variable length, but the variation is continuous and there seems to be only one kind of tentacle present. All are circular in cross- section and greatly extendible, the largest located toward the interior of the shell and the shortest toward the exterior. The surface of each tentacle is papillose with a very vague annular arrangement of some of the papillae. Very distinct annuli, such as those described by Gilmour (1967) on the tentacles of Lima Mans, are absent. Tiny, dark red eyes are present on each valve near the bases of the tentacles. The inner lobes of the mantle, or pallial curtains, have smooth margins without tentacles as in all limid species thus far investigated. A young specimen of Lima lima 6mm in height climbed up the glass side of the aquarium with its relatively large foot, which was capable of extending to a length about equal to the diameter of the shell. During climbing, the plane of commissure was approximately perpendicular to the glass, the dorsal margin (hinge line) trailing, the ventral margin leading, and the flattened, straight anterior margin pressed against the glass. As is well known (Yonge, 1953), this position during crawling is unlike that of any other bivalve group, the foot being rotated 180° from its normal position. The sequence of movements involved (1) extension of the foot, which probed from side to side before pressing down its tip; (2) a quick pedal retraction which pulled the shell up to the extended tip of the foot, accompanied by a simultaneous partial quick retraction of the tentacles and a clap of the valves; and (3) extension of the foot again. Precisely how the ‘ animal held on to the side of the aquarium while extending and probing with the foot was not observed. Possibly adhesion was by means of the heel of the foot, which may have remained affixed to the glass while the distal portion of the foot extended, or possibly it was by means of the I tentacles which border the antero-dorsal, flatten- ! ed margin of the shell. It did not appear that j climbing was by means of the alternate spinning I and release of byssal threads as is done by adult Lima lima (Stanley, 1970). j Tentacles of the young Lima lima are not annulated like those of the mature specimens. Only a very faint pink coloration is present on the j pallia! curtains and tentacles, allowing the dark red eyes to stand out in contrast. Four specimens of Lima pellucida ranging in height from 11 to 18mm were observed. This is a small species, reaching a maximum height of about 25mm, and to judge by the presence of brightly colored gonadal tissue the two largest specimens are mature. Lima pellucida severs its byssal attachment and swims readily when its living site is disturbed. Like Lima Mans (Gilmour, 1967), its tentacles are very extendible, reaching a length about equal to or slightly greater than the shell diameter, and bear distinct annuli. These rings presumably consist of mucous glands, because the tentacles, like those of Lima Mans, are sticky and autotomize readily. Also like that species, Lima pellucida is unable to completely retract its tentacles. The swimming behavior of the Bermudian specimens is also similar to that of the Eastern Atlantic species described by Gilmour (1967), but cinematography does not clearly reveal a rowing motion by the tentacles. Rather, they sweep backward at the precise moment that the valves close and the shell jets forward, so that it appears that they are behaving passively in the slipstream of water. Individuals were capable of swimming above the bottom in flights approaching 50cm in length. More commonly, they would move by hopping along the bottom. When the dorsally projecting tentacles, which remain much more rigid than those elsewhere around the margin during swimming, would contact the bottom, a new valve adduction would jet the shell forward and upward again. During swimming in a straight path, water emerges from the shell through a single, nearly circular jet formed by the opposed pallial curtains in the postero-dorsal region. Movements are coordinated remarkably well and the animal is able to change its direction abruptly, even during a single valve ad4uction, by allowing additional jets of water to emerge elsewhere along the margin. Once the animal finds a crevice or manages to land next to an object on the bottom, it probes with an extended foot in preparation for a new site of byssal attachment. I did not observe any excavating movements by the tentacles such as those described in Lima Mans by Gilmour (1967). Unlike pectinids, which habitually lie with the right valve against the attachment surface, limids seem to be able to rest on either valve and to lack an overturning reaction. During resting phases between swimming movements, Lima pellucida is able to balance itself, probably by means of its 1 10 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1973 extended tentacles and gaping valves, so that its plane of commissure remains essentially vertical. Peciinidae Three species of scallops differing markedly in shell form (see illustrations in Warmke & Abbott, 1961) were filmed in the act of swimming in response to an approaching starfish. Chlamys imbricata, like most species currently assigned to the genus, has inequilateral valves with long anterior and short posterior auricles. The umbonal angle is narrow and shell height (perpendicular to hinge) generally exceeds shell length. Both valves are low in convexity, the left valve being somewhat flatter than the right. Argopecten gibbus is strongly biconvex, as its species name implies, but nearly equilateral. Pecten ziczac has a flat or even slightly concave upper (left) valve and a deeply convex lower valve, is equilateral, and has a broad umbonal angle. The living habits of these species have been described previously (Waller, 1973), and the swimming behavior of scallops is well known. The most marked behavioral difference in swimming movements is that Argopecten gibbus jets water alternately between the antero-dorsal and postero-dorsal regions of its shell, so that it twists from side to side with each clap of the valves. In contrast, both the Chlamys and the Pecten jet water simultaneously from the two sides, although the latter may use the alternating method when first rising off the bottom. Pecten ziczac is the most graceful swimmer of the three, proceeding the furthest in a single flight and gliding further between claps, an outcome which is predicted on the basis of the aerodynamics of shell geometry (Stanley, 1970). Not predicted, however, is the low angle of attack assumed by Pecten ziczac in a long flight, during which its plane of commissure is essentially horizontal. Pecten ziczac also exhibits a clear sequence of movements as it buries its convex lower valve in the sandy substrate. The scallop tilts itself so that its anterior margin is inclined toward the bottom. Then by clapping its valves it jets water from openings formed by the pallial curtains on both the anterior and posterior sides of the shell. The anterior jet, directed at the substrate, blows away the sand, whereas the posterior jet provides an opposing thrust to keep the scallop in position. This process occurs repeatedly while the scallop moves around the periphery of the growing depression. Finally, it slides into the depression and allows the sand suspended by additional clapping to settle on its flat upper valve. This is almost exactly the same pattern of behavior shown by Pecten maximus (Baird, 1958) and is apparently a common trait among many pectinids which live unattached by a byssus (Waller, 1969). Each of the three species has three sets of tentacles (Fig. 2), as do all members of the family Pectinidae thus far observed. Two sets are developed from the middle lobe of the mantle, one being a series of densely spaced short tentacles which border the edge of the shell, the other being a series of widely spaced highly extendible tentacles with bases somewhat more toward the interior. A third set, which is lacking in the Pectinacean families Propeamussiidae (Waller, 1972b), Spondylidae, and possibly the Plicatuli- dae (Watson, 1930) is developed along the edge of the inner lobe or pallial curtain. These three sets have been termed, respectively, fringing, explor- atory, and guard tentacles (Waller, 1972a). Time-lapse photography indicates that fring- ing tentacles undergo some extension and retraction but are relatively inactive compared to the exploratory tentacles, which can extend to a length nearly equal to half the diameter of the shell. All three types of tentacles have essentially smooth surfaces and lack the papilli or annuli found on the tentacles of limids. Instead, the pectirtid tentacles are characteristically pigment- ed. Generally opaque white spots or bands form on the exploratory and fringing tentacles, whereas darker pigments may appear on the guard tentacles. The guard tentacles are relatively short compared to the other types and when inactive have a fixed shape, curved so that their convex side is outward (Fig. 2). When the pallial curtains are nearly in contact with one another, the guard tentacles interfinger to form a coarse screen-. When sedimentary particles are introduced, the tentacles, either individually or in groups, flick outward, seemingly to bat the particles out of the incurrent stream. During the intake of water preparatory to swimming, at which time the pallial curtains are very rigid, the guard tentacles fold outward and against the outer surface of their respective pallial curtains just before the valves clap. At no time did the guard tentacles vary their length, and it appeared that their action is primarily muscular rather than hydrostatic. During swimming, the exploratory and fringing tentacles retract withii:^ the shell margins except for those which protrude at the ends of the auricles. These remain protruding and rather rigid, just as do the dorsal tentacles of the limids. Spondylidae Both a large and small Spondylus americanus were studied by means of time-lapse photo- graphy. Spondylids have fringing and exploratory Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 1 tentacles and well- developed eyes like those of pectinids but lack guard tentacles, the edges of the pallial curtains being smooth. The exploratory tentacles appear less extendible and less active than those in the pectinids. Spondylus reacts to an approaching starfish simply by tightly closing its valves, reopening them slowly after the danger is past. Anomiidae The tentacle system of Pododesmus rudis is like that of Spondylus, but the anomiid lacks eyes. Upon the approach of a starfish, the individual gaped slightly, and when the tube feet of the starfish contacted the mantle of the bivalve, the valves moved in a gentle clapping or pumping action before closing. CONCLUSIONS The behavioral traits and tentacle morpholo- gies of the bivalves herein reported appear to be remarkably conservative in an evolutionary sense. In terms of both features, the families studied fall readily into three groups: (1) the Pteriidae, (2) the Limidae, and (3) the Pectinidae, Spondylidae, and Anomiidae. The tentacle systems of both Pinctada and Pteria, like those of all pteriid genera thus far studied, are basically simple and lack the functional specialization of the other groups. The behavior of these bivalves in the face of attack by a potential predator is also similar. They simply close their valves and hang on by means of their sturdy byssal attachment. In contrast to the generalized tentacle systems and passive behavior of the Pteriidae, the tentacles of the Limidae are highly developed, as shown by Gilmour (1967); eyes are present; and limids exhibit a well-known swimming behavior in response to predator attack. In contrast to the Pectinacea, however, the tentacles of the Limidae are relatively undifferentiated, all exhibiting about the same degree of complexity and activity. The Pectinacea possess highly differentiated tentacles, two types on the middle lobe of the mantle in the Spondylidae, Propeamussiidae, and Pectinidae, and an additional set on the inner lobe of the mantle in the Pectinidae. Their mode of swimming is entirely different from that of the Limidae, the valves assuming a horizontal rather than a vertical position, there being two principal jets rather than pne, and the tentacles being completely retracted into the shell during swimming except for those which protrude from the ends of the auricles. Unlike limids, which lie on either valve or attach with the plane of commissure more or less vertical, the pectinids are distinctly and consistently pleurothetic with the right valve downward, and most exhibit a distinctive overturning reaction when upside down. The spondylids, although incapable of swimming because of their cemented habit, have an arrangement of middle-lobe tentacles and eyes like that of the pectinids and appear to deploy the tentacles in a similar fashion, both while agape and while clapping the valves. Recent observations by the author on a variety of Atlantic and Pacific pectinids and a species of Atlantic Propeamussiidae indicate that the basic behavior- al traits of these families are remarkably similar, even though anatomical and paleontological evidence suggests that they have had separate evolutionary histories for over 225 million years (Waller, 1972b). In spite of a considerably different anatomical arrangement because of its prominent calcified byssus, the tentacle system and response of the anomiid Pododesmus is similar to that of the pectinids and spondylids. The thread-climbing of young Pteria reported here is similar to byssal or mucous thread- climbing in other molluscan groups (Pelseneer, 1935, p. 362) and is possibly a specialized trait that has evolved independently in many groups. It serves to keep the young from being swept away from their original attachment sites or prevents them from falling to the bottom, where environmental conditions for feeding and survival may be less favorable. In the case of young Mytilus edulis, the early dissoconch stages are capable of hanging from the surface film by short byssal threads (Nelson, 1928). Nelson supposed that this served to prolong the pelagic larval stage until contact could be made with a suitable, object for permanent byssal attachment. Verrill (1897) noted that “threads of adhesive mucus are formed by the foot glands of many land slugs and by certain marine species at the present time (e.g., Litiopa bonbyx, a small gastropod that attaches itself to floadng sargassum in this way).’’ I was able to observe thread-climbing by the tiny Sargassum snail, Litiopa melanostoma, which had been shaken from its normal foothold on sargassum. Indeed the behavior is almost identical to that of the young Pteria, except that in the snail, mucus could be seen accumulating at the posterior end of the foot. Verrill (1897) hypothesized an evolutionary relationship between mucous threads and byssal threads, suggesting that the earliest form of adhesion was temporary and perhaps aided by secretion of mucus from the surface of the foot. 12 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 Noting that “such a mode of adhesion to objects is common among planarians, small nemerteans, annelids, and the young forms of many groups at the present time,’’ he supposed that “from such a primitive adhesive foot the transition to a larger foot with more specialized cells situated in a groove for the secretion of stronger byssus-like threads of mucus would have been easy.’’ The three groups formed on the basis of behavioral traits and tentacle specializations are also readily separable on the basis of shell microstructure, itself a highly conservative series of characters representing a genetically deter- mined sequence of biochemical events during the ontogeny of the mantle epithelium (Taylor, Kennedy, & Hall, 1969). Virtually all extent Pteriacea (Group 1 above) have shells consisting of an outer layer of simple prismatic calcite and inner layers of nacreous aragonite. Group 2, the Limidae, have an outer calcitic layer which in some respects resembles the fibrillar calcite of the Mytilacea but which appears to be a unique microstructure found only in the Limacea (Waller, in preparation). It is not merely finely foliated calcite as reported by Taylor, Kennedy, & Hall (1969). Group 3 (Pectinidae, Spondylidae, and Anomiidae, as well as the Propeamussiidae, Plicatulidae, Dimyidae, and Ostreacea), is characterized by the presence of foliated calcite microstructure, which appears to be an evolution- ary derivative of a particular type of simple prismatic calcite also present at least in the early ontogeny of these groups (Waller, in this volume). Aspects of shell microstructure are preservable in the fossil record, and these groups can be traced back into the Paleozoic era well beyond 250 million years. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank Dr. S. Dillon Ripley, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, and the Smithsonian Research Foundation for funding this project; Mr. Kjell Sandved for his excellent photography; and Mr. Warren Blow for his resourceful assistance underwater and in the laboratory. Mrs. Ann Cohen alerted me to a thread-climbing perform- ance of the sargassum snail; Dr. Edward Ayensu loaned a photo-optical analyzer; Dr. Klaus Reutzler provided a boat and motor; and Ms. Maureen Downey identified the starfish. Laboratory facilities were provided by the Bermuda Biological Station. The illustrations are the work of Mr. Larry Isham. Drs. Joseph Rosewater and Richard Houbrick read the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Baird, R.H. 1958. On the swimming behaviour of escallops {Pecten maximus L.). Malacol. Soc. London Proc. 33(2): 67-71 Cranfield, H.J. 1973. A study of the morphology, ultrastructure, and histochemistry of the foot of the pediveliger of Ostrea edulis. Marine Biol. 22(3): 187-202 Gilmour, T.H.J. 1967. The defensive adaptations of Lima Mans (Mollusca, Bivalvia). Jour. Marine Biol. Assoc. U.K. 47(1): 209-221 Nelson, T.C. 1928. Pelagic dissoconchs of the common mussel, Mytilus edulis, with observ- ations on the behavior of the larvae of allied genera. Woods Hole Marine Biol. Lab., Biol. Bull. 55: 180-192 Pelseneer, Paul. 1935. Essai d’ethologie zoologi- que d’apres I’etude des mollusques. Acad. Roy. Belg., Publ. de la Fondation Agathon De Potter, No. 1, 662 p. Stanley, S.M. 1970. Relation of shell form to life habits of the Bivalvia (Mollusca). Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem. 125: 296 p. Taylor, J.D., W.J. Kennedy, and A. Hall. 1969. The shell structure and mineralogy of the Bivalvia. Introduction. Nuculacea - Triganocea Bull. British Mus. (Nat. Hist.), ZooL, Suppl. 3. 124 p. Verrill, A.E. 1897. A study of the family Pectinidae, with a revision of the genera and subgenera. Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts and Sci. 10: 41-95 Waller, T.R. 1969. The evolution of the Argopecten gibbus stock (Mollusca: Bivalvia), with emphasis on the Tertiary and Quaternary species of eastern North America. Paleont. Soc., Mem. 3 (Jour. Paleo. 43(5), supp.), 125 p. 1972a. The Pectinidae (Mollu- sca: Bivalvia) of Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands. Veliger 14(3): 221-264. — — 1972b. The functional signifi-. cance of some shell microstructures in the Pectinacea (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Intern. Geol. Congr., Montreal, Sect. 7, Paleo.: 48-56. ________________ 1973. The habits and habitats of some Bermudian marinp mollusks. Nautilus 87(2): 31-52. Warmke, G.L., and R.T. Abbott. 1961. Caribbean Seashells. Livingston Publ. Co., Narberth, Pennsylvania, 346 p. Watson, H. 1930. On the anatomy and affinities of Plicatula. Proc. Malacol. Soc. London 19(1): 25-31. Yonge, C.M. 1953. The monomyarian condition in the Lamellibranchia. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 62(12): 443-478. 13 Bulletin of the Amencan Malacological Union, Inc., 1973 Table 1. Bermuda specimens studied by means of closeup cinemotography. Numbered specimens are in the collections of the Department of Invertebrate Zoology, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. Length (L) or USNM Height (H) Species Number Quantity in mm Immature Mature Locality Pinctada imbricata Roding, 1798 710705 1 35(H) X North Lagoon adjacent to Bailey’s Bay, 3 to 4 m. Pteria colymbus (Roding, 1798 710706 1 8(L) X Same. Lima lima (Linne, 1758) 710707 2 21-23 (H) X Castle Harbor, 4.5 m. Lima lima (Linne"", 1758) 710717 1 6(H) X North Rock, 5 meters. Lima pellucida C.B. Adams, 1846 710708 4 12-18 (H) X X Harrington Sound, 1 to 6 meters. Chlamys imbricata (Gmelin, 1791) 710709 2 14-27 (H) X X Castle Harbor, 2 to 4 meters. Argopecten gibbus (Linne, 1758) 710710 17 26-55 (H) X X Harrington Sound, 1 to 8 meters. Pecten ziczac (Linne, 1758) 710711 4 43-70 (H) X X Harrington Sound, 3.5 to 7 m. Spondylus americanus Hermann, 1781 710712, 710718 2 21-60 (H) X X “Bermuda” Pododesmus rudis (Broderip, 710713 1 X “Bermuda”. 1834) Fig. 1. Young Pteria colymbus 8 mm in length (USNM 710706) in act of climbing up a byssal or mucous thread. Fig. 2. The tentacle system of Argopecten gibbus (USNM 710710), showing fringing and exploratory tentacles on the middle lobe (next to shell) and guard tenta- cles on the inner lobe of the mantle. 14 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 PRELIMINARY REVISION OF SUPRASPECIFIC TAXA IN THE CERITHIINAE FLEMING, 1822 (Cerithiidae: Prosobranchia) Richard S. Houbrick Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C. 20003 Generic classification within the subfamily Cerithiinae Fleming, 1822 is a matter of controversy. Taxonomists working with cerithids long have been plagued with problems resulting from an overabundance of proposed generic and subgeneric taxa. Because many proposed Cerithiinae groups cannot be defined sharply by any differential diagnoses, some groups, par- ticularly within Cerithium, sensu lato, merge into one another. The genera Rhinoclavis Swainson, 1840, and Pseudovertagus Vignal, 1904, are regarded both as generic and subgeneric taxa by various authors. These also have been synonymized with other cerithiid supraspecific taxa such as Cerithium, Clava, Vertagus, Aluco, and Proclava. Other proposed subgeneric groups are ranked by various authors in any number of combinations. The result is taxonomic chaos. For instance, a quick survey of shell manuals and literature reveals that the common Indo-Pacific cerithiid, Rhinoclavis sinensis, has been given 14 different generic and subgeneric assignments; Cerithium Cerithium [Aluco] Cerithium [Vertagus] Cerithium [Rhinoclavis] Cerithium [Ochetoclava] Cerithium [Clava] Rhinoclavis Rhinoclavis [Ochetoclava] Rhinoclavis [Rhinoclavis] Hinton (1972) Von Martens (1880) Tinker (1958) Ladd (1972) Kira (1959) Thiele (1925) Cernohorsky (1972) Kira (1959) Abbott (1950) Vertagus Clava Ochetoclava Clypeomors Pseudovertagus Dautzenberg & Bouge (1933) Morris (1958) Kuroda (1971) Kosuge (1969) Cotton (1964) Taxonomic confusion with Cerithiids was mentioned by some earlier monographers. Both BruguHere (1792) and Kiener (1841) divided cerithiids into groups based on canal length and curvature, but Kiener noted difficulty in assigning species to various genera. Sowerby (1855) remarked that many authors described new genera without reviewing the complete array of cerithid species critically. He lumped all of the species in his monograph under the genus Cerithium and went on to say, “...it is easy to take two or three species here, and form them into a genus under one name, and to take two or three there to make a genus under another name; but it is not easy to take every species and to place each in its appropriate genus. For if the species are placed in a line, it is almost impossible to mark the boundaries of the separate groups. I know an instance of a most accomplished conchologist attempting to arrange an extensive collection of Cerithiidae according to the modern style of numerous small genera, and the result was, of course, that he had a great many species which he did not know what to do with; and instances occurred in which specimens of the same species were placed apart in different genera. Endeavouring, therefore, to give a correct account of the species, and of course keeping those most alike, nearest to each other, I leave the task of forming generic groups to those who think them useful.’’ I believe Sowerby’ s last phrase bears much merit and attention. I am aware of 70 generic and subgeneric groups described under the broad concept of “Cerithium.” The usefulness and value of these numerous subdivisions should be seriously questioned. This is more than just a matter of individual opinion. Although generic Bulletin of the American Malacologica! Union, Inc., 1973 15 allocations are subjective, they should be based on some criteria and have a certain utility. As Boss (1973) has recently remarked, the proliferat- ion of supraspecific nomina is astonishing and obfuscates rather than elucidates relationships. Similar supraspecific proliferation and con- fusion exists in other prosobranch groups such as cones (with 52 genera) and cowries (with 41 genera). A temporary solution is to relegate all related species to one broad generic group. For example, Kay (1960) proposed using Cypraea in place of numerous generic names assigned to species of Cypraeinae and Kohn (1963) assigned all species of Coninae to the genus Conus. However, I believe that this would not be expedient for the cerithids and merely would generate more problems. Instead, I have chosen to reject groups that convey no more information than is already provided by good species, and to keep only those that are clearly useful. Mayr (1969) suggested two criteria to follow when considering need for new taxa above the species level: 1) an indication or clarification of a distinct phylogenetic relationship; 2) usefulness as an information retrieval system. Another criterion frequently used in science is “Occam’s Razor’ ’ : i.e., 'avoiding unnecessary multiplication of entities and choosing the simplest explanation for phenomena until proof of more complicated processes is obtained. My evaluation of supraspecific Gerithiinae taxa employs the above criteria in .considering conchological and anatomical characters. I also have used available ecological information. A thorough literature survey has reduced some taxa to synonymy. I have discarded groups proposed on the basis of what I regard as specific characters or equivocal supraspecific characters. Many nomina have been proposed to accomodate fossil species and are difficult to evaluate; although I have included groups dating from the Cretaceous, most fossil nomina are in need of critical review beyond the scope of a short paper. I propose herein to deal mostly with Recent taxa. In formulating a workable classification, it is important to note that cerithids are polymorphic in shell size, color and sculpture. This is reflected at both generic and specific levels and has been the cause of undue splitting. I believe supraspecific groups that have been created merely on the basis of a few equivocal sculptural characters are unreliable and invalid; moreover, some taxa have diagnostic characters that are based on specific rather than generic criteria. Nevertheless, new genera and species are proposed continually, sometimes almost reckless- ly. The most blatant example is the recent paper of Nordsieck (1974) in which two common Mediterranean species, Cerithium vulgatum and C. rupestre were divided into six genera comprising 56 species, six subspecies, and eight forms,- surely a classic “reductio ad absurdum. ” Radular characters, although of some value, should not be weighed too heavily. For example, two cerithiid species assigned to the genera Proclava and Clavocerithium have radulae that are virtually identical, yet these two are far-removed concholo'gically. Undoubtedly this radular similarity is due to convergence and suggests that cerithiid radulae are not conserva- tive in characters and Should not be overempha- sized. Protoconchs almost always are lacking, even in very juvenile specimens, and therefore are impractical taxonomic tools. When present, they are rather nondescript, and I find no merit in their use. Ornamentation of post-nuclear whorls is more reliable. I believe apertural characters should be weighted most heavily in evaluating higher taxa. These have greatest stability and show little variation in Recent or fossil groups. Although gross anatomical studies have been somewhat of a disappointment, I have been able to find anatomical characters separating the genera Rhinoclavis and Cerithium. I have studied living representatives of Cerithium, Rhinoclavis, Thericium, Clypeomorus, and Semivertagus in the field, reviewed their gross anatomy, made observations on life histories, and studied their habitats and feeding. Anatomical studies also have been completed using preserved animals of the groups Proclava, Clavocerithium, Ocheto- clava, and Pseudovertagus. Scanning electron micrographs have been made of the radulae of all species in each group. Most of the Recent generic and subgeneric taxa I recognize may be traced back to the Pliocene. Using the" above data and applying the criteria discussed, I suggest the phylogeny and tentative classification presented below: 16 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 Fig. 1. Inferred phylogeny of supraspecific taxa in the Cerithiinae. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 17 LITERATURE CITED Abbott, R.T., 1950. The molluscan fauna of the Cocos-Keeling Islands, Indian Ocean. Bull. Raffles Mus., Singapore, No. 22:#68-98. Boss, K., 1973. Occasional Papers on Mollusks (Preface), 3:x-xi. Bruguiere, J.G., 1789; 1792. Encyclopedie Methodique, Histoire Naturelle des Vers. Paris. Bol. 1(1): 1-344, 1789; (2):#345-757, 1792. Cernohorsky, W., 1972. Marine Shells of the Pacific, Vol. 2. Sydney. 411 p. Chavan, A., 1948. Nouveaux genres et sous- genres de Mollusques. Seances Soc. Geol. France, Paris, Compte Rendu, No. 15-16:#352- 245. — - — 1952. Quelques int^ressants types de Cerithes. Cahiers Geologiques de Thoiry-Seyssel, No. 12:#103-104. Clark, B.L. and J.W. Durham, 1946. Eocene faunas from the Department of Bolivar, Colombia. Geol. Soc. Amer., Memoir 16. 126p. Cossmann, M., 1889. Cataloque illustre des coquilles fossiles de 1’ Eocene des environs de Paris. Ann. Soc. Malac. Beligique, 24:#7-385 12 pis. 1906. Essais de pal^oconchol- ogie compare'e. Vol. 7, Paris. 261 p. — — — 1920. Mollusques eloceniques de la Loire-Infe^rieure, Supplement. Bull. Soc. Scien. Natur. I’Ouest France (Nantes), Serie 3, Vol. 5: 53-141. Cotton, B.C., 1964. Mollusks of Arnhem Land. Records of the American- Australian Exped. to Arnhem Land, 4:#8-36. Dautzenberg, P. and J.L. Bouge, 1933. Les mollusques testaces marins des establisse- ments Fran§ais de FOcdanie. J. de ConchylioL, 77(2):#145-326. Fischer, P., 1884-1887. Manuel de conchyliologie et de paleontologie conchyliologique, etc. Paris. 1369 p. Fleming, J., 1822. The philosophy of zoology or a general view of the structure, functions & classifications of animals, etc. 2 V. Edinburgh. Hinton, A., 1972. Shells of New Guinea and the Central Indo-Pacific. Port Moresby. 94 p. Jousseaume, F., 1888. Mollusques de la Mer Rouge et du Golfe d’Aden. Mem. Soc. Zool. France, l:#165-223. Kay, A., 1960. Generic revision of the Cypraei- nae. Proc. Malac. Soc. London, 33:#278-287. Kiener, L.C., 1841-42. Species general et iconographie des coquilles vivantes, etc., vol. 5, Genre Cerite, 104 p. Kira, T., 1959. Coloured Illustrations of the shells of Japan. Osaka. 239 p. Kohn, A.J., 1963. Type specimens and identity of the described species of Conus, 1. The species described by Linnaeus, 1785-1767. J. Linn. Soc. London, Zoology., 44(301):#740-768. Kosuge, S., 1969. Fossil mollusks of Oahu, Hawaii Islands. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, 12 (4): 783-794. Kuroda, T., T. Habe and K. Oyama, 1971. The Sea Shells of Sagami Bay. Tokyo. 489 p., 121 pis., 1 map. Ladd, H., 1972. Cenozoic fossil mollusks from Western Pacific Islands; Gastropods (Turri- tellidae through Strombidae). Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 532: 1-79. Ludbrook, N.H., 1957. The molluscan fauna of the Pliocene strata underlying the Adelaide Plains. Part 4, Gastropoda (Turritellidae to Struthio- lariidae). Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Australia, 80 (4): 17-58. Martens, E. von, 1,887. Beitrage zur Meeresfauna der Insel Mauritius und der Seychellen. Mollusken. Berlin. 181-352. Mayer-Eymar, 1870. Description de coquilles fossiles des terrains Tertiaires inferieurs (suite), J. de Cpnchyliol., 18:323-228, pi. xi. Mayr, E., 1969. Animal species and evolution. Harvard. 797 p. Monterosato, M., 1890. Conchiglie delle profund- ita del mare di Palermo. Naturalista Siciliano, 9(7): 140-151; 157-166. Morris, P., 1952. A field guide to shells of the Pacific coast and Hawaii. Boston, 220 p. Nordsieck, F., 1974. The genus Thericium Monterosato in the European seas. La Conchiglia 6, No. 1(59): 3-12. Olsson, A., 1929. Contributions to the Tertiary paleontology of Northern Peru: Part 2, Upper Eocene mollusca and brachiopoda. Bull. Amer. Paleont., 15(57): 1-36. Olsson, A. & A. Harbison, 1953. Pliocene mollusca of Southern Florida. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Monographs No. 8. 457 p. Sacco, F., 1895. I Molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e delle Liguria, 17: 1-83. Sowerby, G.B., 1855. Thesaurus conchyliorum, vol. 2, Cerithium, p. 847-859. Swainson, W., 1840. A treatise on malacology. London. 419 p. Thiele, J., 1925. Gastropoda der Deutschen Teifsee-Expedition, vol. 2. Deutsche Teifsee- Expedition 1898-1899, 17(2): 38-382. 1929. Handbuch der System- atischen Weichtierkunde, vol. 1, Jena. 778 p. 18 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 Tinker, S.W., 1958. Pacific Sea Shells. Rutland. 240p. Tryon, G.W., 1887. Manual of Conchology. First series; 9: Cerithium, 127-149. Vignal, M.L., 1904. Liste des coquilles de la famille des Cerithide^s recuilles par M. Ch. Gravier aux environs de Djibouti et d’Obock. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Natur., 10: 354-359. Woodring, W.P., 1928. Miocene mollusks from Bowden, Jamaica. Part 2, gastropods and discussion of results. Carneigie Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 385. 546 p. Woodring, W.P. & H.B. Stenzel, 1959. Geology and paleontology of the Canal Zone and adjoining parts of Panama: Description of Tertiary mollusks (Gastropods: Vermetidae to Thaididae). Geol. Surv. Profr Pap. 306-B: 147- 239. SUBFAMILY CERITHIINAE: GENERA AND SUBGENERA CERITHIUM RHINOCLAVIS PSEUDOVERTAGUS C. [Cerithium] Bruguiere, 1789 C. [Gourmya] Bayle in Fischer, 1884 C. [Thericium^ Rochebrune in Monterosato, 1890 C. [Conocerithium] Sacco, 1895 C. [Semivertagus] Cossmann, 1889 C. [Is chno cerithium] Thiele, 1929 \ *C. [Perucerithium] Olsson, 1929 *C. [Tiaracerithium] Sacco, 1895 *C. [Chondrocerithium] Monterosato in Coss- mann, 1906 *C. [Chavanicerithium] Ludbrook, 1957 *C. [Pseudoaluco] Clark & Durham, 1946 *C [Hopkinsiana] Olsson, 1929 *C. [Striovertagus] Chavan, 1948 R. [Rhinoclavis] Swainson, 1840 R. [Ochetoclava] Woodring, 1928 \ R. [Proclava] Thiele, 1929 }*R. [Dir o cerithium] Woodring & Stenzel 1958 I }*R. [Bellatara] Mayer-Eymar, 1870 J P. [Pseudovertagus] Vignal, 1904 I *P. [Cerithioclava] Olsson & Harbison, 1953 CLYPEOMORUS JOUSSEAUME, 1888 CL A VOCERITHIUM C. [Clavocerithium] Cossmann, 1920 *C. [Indocerithium] Chavan, 1952 LIOCERITHIUM TRYON, 1887 Represents Fossil Taxa Tinker, S.W., 1958. Pacific Sea Shells. Rutland. 240p. Tryon, G.W., 1887. Manual of Conchology. First series; 9: Cerithium, 127-149. Vignal, M.L., 1904. Liste des coquilles de la famille des Cerithide^s recuilles par M. Ch. Gravier aux environs de Djibouti et d’Obock. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Natur., 10: 354-359. Woodring, W.P., 1928. Miocene mollusks from Bowden, Jamaica. Part 2, gastropods and discussion of results. Carneigi6 Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 385. 546 p. Woodring, W.P. & H.B. Stenzel, 1959. Geology and paleontology of ,, tire Canal Zone and adjoining parts of Panama: Description of Tertiary mollusks '"(Gastropods: Vermetidae to Thaididae). Geol. Surv. Profr Pap. 306-B; ,147- 239. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 19 IS MEIOCERAS LIVING IN THE INDO-PACIFIC? (GASTROPODA: CAECIDAE) Donald R. Moore University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science Miami, Florida 33149 The genus Meioceras was established by Carpenter (1858) for a West Indian species with an unusual second stage. This stage was not curved on a single plane like most Caecidae, but evidently retained a vestige of the ancient spiral coiling of its ancestors. The result was widely open spiral looking something like a cow’s horn. The adult shell, however, shows very little of the spiral twist and is slender to tumid in. shape, glossy smooth, opaque, some shade of light brown, and sometimes with an intricate color pattern of dashes, dots or broad bands. There are four species in the western Atlantic: M. nitidum Stimpson, 1851; M. cornucopiae Carpenter, 1858; M. tumidissimum Folin, 1869; and M. cubitatum Folin, 1968. Only M. nitidum has the second stage shaped like a cow’s horn. There are many available names, mostly synonyms of M. nitidum. There does not seem to be any species ol Meioceras in the eastern Pacific. Three of the tropical Atlantic species are extremely abundant: M. nitidum in shallow, inshore locations, M. cornucopiae around coral reefs, and M. cubitatum in deeper water on the continental shelf (Moore, 1973, 1975). They are still poorly known because of the confusing number of synonyms and the small number of studies on micromolluscs in general. Several species have been described from the Indo-Pacific. The Marquis de Folin in 1881 in two different papers described M. sandwichensis from Hawaii and M. elongatum from Hong Kong. A single broken specimen from Iraq was described as “Meioceras sp. nov.” by Eames & Wilkins, 1957, but it has not been named since. Kisch (1959) reported three specimens of M. carpenteri Folin from Mer de Chine. Habe (1963) described M. kajiyamai from the Amami Islands, and referred Caecum legumen Hedley, 1899 to Meioceras. At first glance, it appears that the genus is well established in the Indo-Pacific. A careful survey of the species, however, shows a different picture. Meioceras is very close to Fartulum Carpenter, 1857, and probably would not have been created if Carpenter had not found the striking second stage of M. nitidum. Species of Fartulum are very similar in size and shape to Meioceras, but lack color and color patterns. So, M. sandwichensis, M. kajiyamai, and M. legumen should all be referred to Fartulum since they lack color. M. carpenteri, from “Mer de Chine,’’ is clearly Meioceras, but the three specimens are M. nitidum, probably mislabeled as to locality. This leaves M. elongatum Folin. The type specimens in the Folin collection are mature, but in poor condition. They look much like Meioceras; however, they also resemble another gastropod genus named Parastrophia Folin, 1869. The type species of this genus, P. cornucopiae (Folin, 1869), was described from Hong Kong. Folin’s drawing of P. cornucopiae was extremely fanciful, and no one seems to have recognized the species since. Type material of both species is very poor, except for one specimen of P. cornucopiae. It is immature, but does retain the protoconch which is very distinctive and different from that in other gastropods. Spirolidium sumatranum Theile, 1925, is evidently a fine, mature specimen of P. cornucopiae. Parastrophia has been put in the Family Ctiloceratidae by Iredale & Laseron (1957). The elongate Ctiloceratids (some are secondarily recoiled) differ from the Caecidae in that the older portions of the shell are not shed periodically. Instead, the protoconch usually wears away. The mollusk counteracts this erosion by infilling the apical end of the shell with calcareous material. This varies in extent from species to species and individual to individual. The result is that a Parastrophia that has been long dead before being collected can look very much like a member of the Caecidae. Iredale & Laseron (1957) established two subfamilies of Ctiloceratidae based on whether or not the coiled portion of the protoconch is retained. The chief characteristic of the Pedumicrinae is that the coiled portion of the protoconch is retained. In any one lot of Parastrophia (Pedumicra Iredale & Laseron is a synonym) the aduit3 may or may not have lost a portion of the protoconch. The other subfamily, the Watsoniinae, has a protoconch in which the posterior part is always lost. This subfamily, as constituted by Iredale & Laseron, consisted of two genera, Watsonia Folin 1879 and Gladioceras Iredale & Laseron, 1957, with a single species in each. However, they did not recognize that their new genus and species, Gladioceras armorum, was identical with Watsonia elegans 20 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 Folin 1879. Hence this would leave Watsoniinae with a single species. As I have already indicated (Moore, 1967), IFafsonm is actually little different from Parastrophia, and Watsoniinae should be suppressed in favor of Pedumicrinae. Iredale & Laseron suggested that Meioceras was related to Pedumicra [ — Parastrophia] and should be transferred from the Caecidae to the Ctiloceratidae. This theory cannot hold since Meioceras has the typical growth form of the Caecidae; as growth continues, first the proto- conch and early part of the teleoconch is discarded; then, when nearing maturity, another length of teleoconch is dropped off. A septum is constructed to close off the posterior end of the shell each time. There can be no doubt that Meioceras is a typical member of the Caecidae. Meioceras, then, may live in the Indo- Pacific, but it appears that all of the species from this region so far referred to the genus should be placed in the caecid genus Fartulum or in the Ctiloceratidae. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I take pleasure in thanking James Behensky for the bottom sample from Kealakekua Bay, Hawaii, in which I found the specimen of Fartulum sandwichensis. Thanks are due others who have provided Pacific material: Harvey Bulbs, Dr. Richard Houbrick, Dr. Thomas Borkowski, and John F. Meeder. This work was supported in part by NSF Ship Funding Grant GD-31576 and a number of other NSF grants; also, the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Grant No. 5063-AC2. LITERATURE CITED Carpenter, P.P. 1857. Catalogue of the collection of Mazatlan Shells in the British Museum. Oberlin Press, Warrington, 564 p. Carpenter, P.P. 1858. First steps towards a monograph of the Caecidae, a family of rostri- ferous Gasteropoda. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1858; 413-444. Fames, F.E. and G.L. Wilkins. 1957. Six new molluscan species from the alluvium of Lake Hamar near Basrah, Iraq. Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond., 32 (5): 198-203, pis. 27-28. Folin, L. 1868. Baie de Bahia. Les Fonds de la Mer. 1 (11): 48-51, pi. 5. Folin, L. 1869a. Le genre Meioceras. Annls. Soc. Linn. Maine et Loire, II: 1-15, 1 pi. Folin, L. 1869b. Hong Kong. Les Fonds de la Mer. 1 (25): 118-122, 174, pi. 15. Folin, L. 1879. On the Mollusca of the H.M.S. Challenger Expedition. The Caecidae, com- prising the genera Parastrophia, Watsonia, and Caecum. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1879: 806-812. Folin, L. 1881a. Quelques Caecidae des mers de Chine. Les Fonds de la Mer, 4 (7): 16-17, pi. 1, figs. 7-9. Folin, L. 1881b. UnMeiorceras dcsWes Sandwich. Les Fonds de la Mer, 4 (8): 18, pi. 1, figs. 10-11. Habe, T. 1963. Eight minute species of shells from Amami Islands far south of Kyushu, Japan, including six new species. Venus: Jap. Journ. Malacology, 22 (3): 229-237, 8 figs. Hedley, C. 1899. The Mollusca of Funafuti (Supplement). Mem. Aust. Museum, 3 (9): 549, 565, figs. 59-80. Iredale, T. and C.F. Laseron. 1957. The system- atic status of Ctiloceras and some comparative genera. Proc. Roy. Zool. Soc. N.S.W. 1955- 1956: 97-109, 2 pis. Kisch, B.S. 1959. La collection de Caecidae du Marquis de Folin en Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle. J. Conchyl., 99 {1): 15-42, 2 figs. Moore, D.R. 1967. Systematics and zoogeography of the Ctiloceratidae. Ann. Rep. Amer. Malac. Union, 1966, (abstract): 40-41. Moore, D.R. 1973. Ecological and systematic notes on Caecidae from St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Bull. Mar. Sci., 22(4): 881-899, 12 figs., 2 maps. Moore, D.R. 1975. The micromollusca of the MAFLA project. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management, Washington, D.C.: 1-32. Theile, J. 1925. Gastropoda der deutschen tiefsee- expedition. Teil 2. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition, 17 (2): 35-348, pis. 13-46, 31 text figs. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1973 21 THE PELAGIC OCTOPOD OCYTHOE TUBERCULA r/. 'A RAFINESQUE, 1814 . Clyde Roper and Michael J. Sweeney National Museum of Natural Histoiy, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.G. 20560 A large octopo|i from southern Australia was sent to the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) by Brian Smith, National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia, for identification. The specimen was a large female of the pelagic octopod Ocyihoe tuberculata^ Rafinesque, 1814. Because this species is- uncommon in collections, this fine specimen ' stimulated a search of the literature to determine the previously reported specimens and their distribution. The South Aus- tralian specimen is the first recorded capture of O. tuberculata- from the .waters of Australia. Furthermore, the species previously has not been reported from the entire central Pacific or the Indian Oceans. This paper records major extentions in range that verify a world-wide distribution, and it adds new information concerning certain aspects of the biology of O. tuberculata. HISTORICAL REVIEW The original description of Ocythoe tuberculata by Rafinesque (1814) was very short and carried no illustrations. The translation from the French follows: “XVII G. Ocythoe Eight arms, the upper two winged towards the inside, with inner suckers pedunculate, joined by the lateral wings, no membrane at the base of the arms. 73.- Ocythoe tuberculata. Ventral side tuberculate, dorsum smooth, arms [as] long as the body, keeled on the outer side, with two rows of suckers, eight suckers around the mouth.” Rafinesque’ s only other mention of the species appeared in 1840 in an obscure paper that comprised the first number in' a proposed series of ten booklets entitled “Amenities of Nature”; each number was to be extensively illustrated. 'Unfor- tunately, Rafinesque died in 1840, and neither the remaining nine numbers nor any of the 10 supple- ments of illustrations was published. The article added valuable information to the initial meager description of O. tuberculata, and it clarified the misconception of contemporary biologists that O. tuberculata (or Todarus) was the animal that lived in the Argonauta shell. Rafinesque’ s comments on Ocythoe are quoted here because the 1840 work is not readily available and largely has been overlooked resulting in misinterpretations by some subsequent workers who had not seen it. (See also Binney & Tryon, 1864). “12. On the 3 Genera of Cephalopodes, Ocythoe, Todarus and Anisoctus. “My G. Ocythoe altho’ adopted by Leach and others, is .yet a problematical animal for many, and I find even in late Journals discussions on its being or not the animal of the Argonauta shell - it would be wiser to ask me (the original discoverer) for my opinion or experience - I once wrote to Leach about tit, but it was during his sickness, and I believe he omitted to publish my remarks, which were at variance with his. It is ;time therefore to settle this question, or rather throw new doubts on it perhaps; ■ my recollections of my Ocythoe are quite vivid as a very remarkable animal. “I omitted in my short account of the Genus (in my precis- of 1814) to- state the size of this animal, and ' thence have originated many wrong -surmises. T did not state that it was the animal of the Argonauta' since I never d-reamt of such a thing, knowing theTo0.02) (no pattern). Differences between female and male weights were significantly (p<0.05>0.02) effected by stream position (greater downstream) but not by station type. Also, the weight differences among the stations were significantly (p«0.001) effected by station type (no pattern). Further- more, there was a positive interaction among all three factors effecting weight (p<0.02>0.01). Continuing work will attempt to explain the bases of these interactions. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 69 THE EFFECTS OF THE REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE ON SEASONAL GROWTH TRENDS IN THE OWL LIMPET, LOTTIA GIGANTEA Gregory P. Daly Department of Zoology, San Diego State University San Diego, California 92115 Growth and reproduction of Lottia gigantea (Gray), the owl limpet, were studied for a one-year period at a location in Baja California Norte. Through histological analysis of gonadal tissue, Lottia was found to spawn once annually. Spawning occurred during February 1974 and was followed by a brief resting phase with gonad redevelopment recommencing during the summer months. Several “simultaneous” hermaphro- dites were found among the monthly samples. Females dominated the larger size classes of mature individuals, while the smaller size classes were predominantly male. Age at first reproduction was calculated as 3 years. By monthly measurement of marked individuals, seasonal growth patterns were established. Periods of shell growth and gonad development were mutually exclusive, the former occuring in all size classes only in the spring months after the cessation of spawning. Small (nonreproductive) individuals, however, were found to grow on a limited basis throughout the year. Although highly variable, annual growth data conformed reasonably well to the Brody-von Bertalanffy model and were treated accordingly (k = .1775). Annual growth rate appeared to be affected by tidal position and possibly by sex. AN ANALYSIS OF FEEDING OF TWO SPECIES OF BENTHIC OPISTHOBRANCHS David Shonman Moss Landing Marine Laboratories P.O. Box 223 Moss Landing, California 95039 Acteocina culcitella and Cylichna attonsa, two cephalaspidean opisthobranchs, co-occur at ten benthic stations in northern Monterey Bay, California. These stations ranged in depth from 16 to 63 meters and were sampled quartely during a 11/^ year period using a Smith-Mcintyre grab. Both species exhibited similar patterns of population abundance, and both are known to burrow into the substrate in search of food. Gut content analysis of snails from three stations showed that Acteocina (240 specimens) had ingested numerous foraminifera (representing 13 genera) and many sediment particles, along with small numbers of ostracods, juvenile bivalves, and polychaete worms. Analysis of 330 specimens of Cylichna showed that they too had ingested foraminifera and sediment particles, but the foraminifera, with three exceptions, were all of the same genus, Nonionella (N. basispinata and N. Stella). No recognizable remains of other organisms were found. Sediment cores taken at each station allowed comparison of the foramini- fera ingested by the snails with those available in the substrate. Living foraminifera were found within the top three centimeters of substrate, and different foraminiferal species were not vertically statified but were well integrated. Anatomical studies demonstrated differences in radula formulae and gizzard plate configuration, and these may partially explain the differences in prey items selected by these species. THE HOMING DEPRESSION OF THE LIMPET, COLLISELLA SCABRA (GOULD, 1846) David R. Lindberg Department of Invertebrate Zoology, California Academy of Sciences San Francisco, California 94118 Abstract The acmaeid, Collisella scabra (Gould, 1846), gigantea (Sowerby, 1843) by radular action. The erodes a complex home scar on the shells of home scar is composed of two distinct depress- Mytilus calif ornianus Conrad, 1837 and Lottia ions; the outer depression corresponds to the 70 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1973 limpet’s shell margin, and the inner, deeper depression to the foot dimensions of the limpet. The home scar insures a tight, desiccation- resistant seal between the limpet and the substrate and may aid in resistance to wave action and predation. Erosion of the home scar occurs as a separate activity not associated with feeding and the feeding range of the limpet appears to be restricted to its specific molluscan substrate. Collisella digitalis (Rathke, 1833) also erodes a dual depression home scar on Lottia gigantea and a flat surface on the barnacle, Pollicipies polymerus Sowerby, 1833. Two exotic acrnaeids, Patelloida nigrosulcata (Reeve, 1855) and Scurria parasitica form coffea (Orbigny, 1841) also erode complex home scars on their respective molluscan substrates. THE VERDESIAN PROVINCE: A NEW WEST AFRICAN MARINE MOLLUSCAN FAUNAL PROVINCE Ed Petuch Department of Biology, University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Based upon detailed taxonomic and distribu- tional analyses of major intertidal mollusk families, a new marine molluscan faunal province has been proven to exist on the west coast of Africa. The new province ranges from approximately 9®N latitude to 18®N latitude, encompassing the coastal regions of Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, and the Cape Verde Islands. I propose the name “Verdesian Province” for this zoogeographic unit in reference to the Cape Verde Peninsula, its apparent faunistic center. On a north-south gradient running along the West African coast, the Verdesian Province occupies a mid-way position between the Mauretanian and Guinean Provinces. Large percentages of species in several of the major intertidal mollusk families analyzed were found to be endemic to the Verdesian Province: 56% in the Conidae, 50% in the Cypraeidae, 60% in the Marginellidae, and 20% in the Volutidae. RELICT MUSSELS FROM TWO CONTINENTS Joseph P.E. Morrison Division of Mollusks, U.S. National Museum (Nat. Hist.) Washington, D.C. 20560 Abstract The Margaritifera of the ‘‘Pine Barrens” of south central Alabama are relict populations, living far south of the usual habitat of the family. Search for their relatives proved that Gibbosula Simpson 1900 from North Vietnam is a parallel relict with the same characters that is now known to belong to the same family (Margaritiferidae). Another relict from this same Alabama region is Pseudodontoideus , which may be closer to Unie of Europe than any other mussel known from United States waters. The full story of these relict species will be published in a future issue of Sterkiana. THE NAIAD MOLLUSKS OF THE ROCKCASTLE RIVER OF THE CUMBERLAND PLATEAU OF EASTERN KENTUCKY (BIVALVIA: UNIONOIDAE) David H. Stansbery Museum of Zoology, The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 43210 A series of 28 sites in the Rockcastle River system have been studied over the past 14 years. These collections, combined with literature records, reveal the presence of 29 naiad species. The maximum diversity, 28 species, occurs at Livingston, Kentucky, about midway in the 53 mile length of the river. A review of records for the Livingston site since 1904 indicates a fauna decreasing in both diversity and numbers. Bulletin of the American Matacological Union, Inc., 1973 71 KARYOTYPE STUDIES m ASHMUNELLA (PULMONATA: POLYGYRIDAE) Richard L. Reeder and Walter B. Miller Department of General Biology, University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 85721 Abstrae! Land snails of the genus Ashmunella living in southeastern Arizona currently present a confusing taxonomic picture. The parallel evolution of shell type in numerous populations, both within and among isolated mountain ranges, has made determination of species a difficult task. Furthermore, the reproductive anatomy is also of little use in species discrimination. Species of the Huachuca Range have both divisions of the bipartite penis equal in size, while species of the Chiricahua Range have the upper sac narrower than the lower. Among the species of each range there is little variation other than size. Because of the difficulty with using shell morphology and reproductive anatomy, we began karyotype studies of the Arizona Ashmunella. All species thus far investigated have a haploid number of 29, thus members alone are of no value. Karyotypes of five species are presented here. The chromosome nomenclature is after Levan, et al. (1964, Hereditas 52: 201-220). The karyotype of Ashmunella levettei (Bland) of the Huachuca Mountains consists of 5 M, 19m, 3 sm, and 2 st chromosome pairs. Ashmunella mogollonensis Pilsbry of the Blue Mountains has 5 M, 16 m, 5 sm, and 3 st pairs. Of the remaining species, ail from the Chiricahua Mountains, A. esuritor Pilsbry has 5 M and 24 m. pairs; A. angulata Pilsbry has 5 M, 19 m, and 5 sm, pairs; and A. lenticula Gregg has 5 M, 13 m, and 10 sm pairs, and one st pair. Although, at this point, the evidence is inconclusive as to the overall value of karyotypes as a taxonomic tool in Ashmunella, we have found them useful in the species examined. We have also established a generic karyotype pattern for Ashmunella which, hopefully, will prove useful in comparison with patterns of other polygyrid genera when such patterns become available. THE AVAILABILITY OF TAXA PROPOSED IN THE MINUTES OF THE CONCHOLOGICAL CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Eugene V. Coan Department of Geology, California Academy of Sciences Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California 941 18 Abstrae! The new molluscan taxa first proposed in the Minutes of the Conchological Club of Southern California are available for taxonomic use and must be taken into account. The Minutes were mimeographed, but the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature recommends against but does not forbid this means of reproduction. While the Minutes were not available for formal subscription, they were available to the public for free (or later for a minimum “assessment”), and they were widely distributed to malacological research institutions. The first few taxa proposed in the Minutes were advanced in a tentative fashion, but these have been accepted in molluscan literature and were republished by Burch less than a year later in unambiguous form; little would be gained by not accepting them from their first appearances. Altogether 29 new taxa were proposed in the Minutes by John Q_. Burch, Thomas A. Burch, Wesley Coe, A. Hyatt Verrill, A.M. Strong (posthumously), and Robert Talmadge. Almost all were illustrated, and the type ^specimens of all the West American taxa are in recognized type collections. A number of the taxa from the Minutes will prove to be synonyms. Moreover, this form of publication is not a desirable means of advancing new taxa, and it is to be hoped that the publication of new taxa and taxonomic innova- tions will continue to be confined to a few, properly edited scientific journals. 72 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 KARYOTYPIC COMPARISON BETWEEN HELMINTHOGLYPTIDAE AND BRADYBAENIDAE (GASTROPODA: PtJLMONATA) Noorullah Babmkzai and Walter B. Miller Department of Biological Sciences, University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 85721 Abstract Members of the Old World pulmonate family Bradybaenidae have been considered by many workers to be very close relatives of the New World Helminthoglyptidae based on morphology of the shell and genital anatomy. The chromosome numbers in the two families are also comparable: n = 28-29 in Bradybaenidae and n = 29-30 in Helminthoglyptidae. However, chromosome numbers alone shed little light on the relationship between the two families. One of us (W.B.M.) collected specimens of Brady baena similaris in July, 1974, from Hawaii. For the description of a karyotype the nomen- clature of chromosomes proposed by Levan, et a!., 1964 (Hereditas 52:201-220), has been adopted. The karyotypes of Sonorelix, Greggelix and Helminihoglypia (Helminthoglyptidae) are compared to that of B. similaris. The karyotype of Sonorelix borregoensis (n = 29, 2n = 58) has 13 m, 15 sm, and one pair of St chromosomes. Greggelix indigena (n = 29, 2n = 58) has 16 m, 10 sm, and 3 st pairs of chromosomes. Helminthoglypta cf. H. lowei (n = 30, 2n = 60) has 17 m, 10 sm, and 3 st pairs of chromosomes. The karyotypes of the Bradybaenid species B. similaris (n = 28, 2n = 56) has 2 to, and 26 pairs of t chromosomes. This is in distinct contrast to the three karyotypes of Helminthoglyptidae. While all the species of Helminthoglyptidae (14 species belonging to 9 genera) have a majority of metacentric (m) or submetacentric {sm) chromo- somes, the reverse is true for B. similaris, where the majority of chromosomes are telocentric. The karyotypes of Helminthoglyptid species, while differing among each other by 2-4 chromosome types, generally have the same overall pattern. This observation alone necessit- ates further cytological study in Bradybaenidae to determine if a karyotype with a majority of t chromosomes is the rule or an isolated occurrence in B. similaris. If other species of Bradybaenidae have similar karyotypes, then there is a significant cytological difference between the two otherwise seemingly related families. Similarly, if we assume that the Helminthoglyptids evolved from the Brady- baenids and the karyotype of B. similaris is a “representative” one for the family, then one must assume that the ancestral Helminthoglyptid had a majority of telocentric chromosomes. Subsequently, evolution of Helminthoglyptids was followed by the change from telocentric chromosomes to metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. The most likely mechanisms for such changes are homozygous pericentric inver- sions and not centric fissions. This is because centric fissions would almost double the haploid chromosome number, i.e., n = 50 or more, which is not observed in any Helminthoglyptid studied so far. On the other hand if the ancestral stock had a majority of metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes, retained by Helminthoglyptids, then the karyotypes of Bradybaenids further evolved by more than 25 homozygous pericentric inversions converting metacentric or submeta- centric chromosomes into telocentric chromo- somes. At any rate B. similaris is cytologically different from Helminthoglyptids. SPONDYLUS: THE RED SHELL Glenn A. Long Abstraet The Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, Maryland 21218 We deal here with color, the color red, and one particular source of that color -- the marine pelecypod genus Spondylus, most notably, S. princeps. Invariably Spondylus is identified as status material among the goods traded by aboriginal peoples of the New World. Our attention is focused here on the sort of object Spondylus was when it reached the market place and how it was used in ancient times. Was Spondylus valued as shell, or as a source of red pigment for personal and ceremonial use? Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 73 Evidence presented from ethnological and archaeological sources supports the notion that traders and consumer peoples in the New World exchanged Spondyius as a raw material of a specific color for use in objects of personal adornment, as visible indicators of accumulated wealth and as sacraments for ritual offering. THE IMPACT OF MOLLUSCS FEEDING ON SOME WEST INDIAN GORGONIANS Christopher L. Kitting, Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University Pacific Grove, California 94025 Abstract 9 A 400 m area containing 110 gorgoman colonies was observed repeatedly during Feb- ruary and March, 1975, on a patch reef at St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Ninety per cent of the colonies were sea fans, Gorgonia ventalina. Twenty per cent of these demonstrated wounds from mollusks. For all 5 mollusk species found on the gorgonians, time-lapse underwater photo- graphs documented the progressive damage and subsequent regeneration of the prey colonies. Two Simnialena marferula (= Neosimnia acicu- laris) and 1 unidentified nudibranch each browsed only on sea fan polyps. Rapid polyp regeneration prevented an observable wound on the fans. Groups of 6 to 20 Coralliophila caribaea on the bases of 3 of the sea fans maintained a localized area on the colonies stripped of living tissue. Sample specimens defecated gorgonian spicules, but this species possibly feeds on other prey as well. The common Cyphoma gibbosum usually consumed only a small area of sea fan tissue before leaving a colony. The coenenchyme could regenerate within 1 month. However, these snails removed extensive tissue from a sea whip, Plexaureila. After such damage, colony regener- ation did not occur. The 2 Cyphoma signatum which were present remained on a Plexaureila colony, where each localized wound could regenerate largely within 2 weeks. Thus, the impact of molluscan predators ranges from browsing to extensive tissue removal. Prey regeneration occurs only where damaged is localized, and where algae do not establish themselves on the exposed gorgoman skeleton. Restricting predation to localized damage apparently conserves the existing prey colonies and may prevent “tracking” by any visual predators on the mollusks. PAPERS PRESENTED; ABSTRACTS NOT AVAILABLE Sphon, Gale G.- -Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History. “The Mitridae of the Galapagos”. Berry, S. Stillman--! 145 W. Highland Ave., Redlands, CA. 92373. “Thoughts on Ocythoe” . Abbott, R. Tucker-Delaware Museum of Natural History, Box 3937, Greenville, DE. 19807. “American Seashells--Supplement and Third Edition”. Talmadge, Robert R.- -College of the Redwoods, Eureka, CA. 95501. “Northern California Paleontological Sites”. Bailey, Joshua L., Jr. --Department of Marine Invertebrates, San Diego Natural History Museum. “Recollections of William Healey Dall, Based on Correspondence”. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 AMU ANNUAL REPORTS AMU ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING, JUNE 25, 1975, SAN DIEGO The General Business Meeting was called to order by President Donald R. Moore at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 25, 1975, in Aztec Hall, San Diego State University, San Diego, California. Minutes of the 1974 business meeting as published in the 1974 Bulletin were approved. The report from the Recording Secretary was approved. (Published below) The report from the Treasurer was approved as read. (Published below) Treasurer Myra Taylor reported to members that the addition to the Dues Notice in 1974 of a space for donations to AMU met some acceptance and appreciation for such money for the treasury was acknowledged. She also urged members to send in changes of addresses to help save on postage to redirect mail. President Moore summarized the report from the Corresponding Secretary. Approved. (Published below) The increased value of the Bulletin to malacologists everywhere was remarked by President Moore as he announced the resignation of Dr. Arthur Clarke as Publications Editor and reported the Council’s recognition of the outstanding job done by Dr. Clarke. A vote of thanks from general membership was taken at this time to express appreciation to Dr. Clarke. A report from the budget committee was deferred until after the discussion of dues. The nominating committee report was read as follows: President D.S. Franzen President-Elect George Davis Vice-President Henry Russell Recording Secretary .Connie Boone Treasurer Myra Taylor Councilor-at-Large Herb Athearn Councilors-at-Large Hugh Porter Carol Lalli Publications Editor Dee Dundee The election of Recording Secretary is for the remaining one year term of a three year term due to resignation of the former secretary, the election of Athearn for one year to fill vacancy left by moving Boone to secretary. Lalli and Porter are elected for two years. Chairman, Dr. Harold Murray; Dr. Dee Dundee, Dr. Bill Clench, and Dr. Dave Stansbery, committee members. Slate approved. It was announced that the annual meeting will be held at Columbus, Ohio, in 1976. Invitations have been received from St. Petersburg, Florida, and from Tampa, Florida, for future meetings. Dr. William Clench’s report on History and Archives was summarized by President Moore. The Archives, located at the Delaware Museum of Natural History, has some new additions of slides from members. More photos, slides, clippings, etc., are requested. The auditing report showed books to be balanced and the report of the Treasurer was properly signed. Approved. A report from Council to authorize ads in several malacological journals to inform the public about AMU and membership was approved. The offer by Dr. Tucker Abbott to mail paperback copies of American Malacologists and Supple- ment to new members in 1975 and 1976 was approved and accepted with appreciation. Dr. Abbott also offered a free ad in Nautilus. Approved. Dr. George Davis reported to Council on possible student awards or student membership category. Council voted to not make such awards in 1976. Council voted to refrain from separate membership for students. Approved. Dr. Dave Stansbery made a report on the Big Darby litigation which AMU entered in 1974. The matter is still in litigation, and while this is going on the fauna is safe in Big Darby. Jeanne Whiteside reported to Council that she had few responses to her request for expert witnesses to aid in answering requests for assistance in Conservation problems. She suggested the need for regional chairmen and was asked to secure these by volunteer effort. Dr. Moore presented Council action in approving the following Resolution: Whereas, The Deltona Corp. of Florida has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to do extensive dredge and fill at Marco Island, Florida; and Whereas, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, is accepting comments to be reviewed and incorporated in the final Environ- mental Impact Statement; and 74 Bulletin of the American Maiacoiogical' Union, Inc., 1975 75 Whereas, Dr. A. Myra Keen, Professor Emeritus of Stanford University states: “The loss of over 50 linear miles of natural shoreline that would be turned into sterile canals and seawalls; the destruction of 2,052 acres of man- groves and the total disturbance of over 4,000 acres in the dredge and fill operations are a matter of grave concern, not merely to the people of the immediate area but also to citizens at large. This regipn borders on the Everglades, which we have been at great pains to set aside as a national park. The lagoons to be destroyed are a part of an ecological system that is of far more than local significance. During my years as a professor at Stanford University I taught a course on Biological Oceanography, and in my studies of the subject came to realize that this part of Florida is one of the richest nursery grounds any- where on earth. The shrimp, for example, that are harvested a hundred miles to the southwest of there spent their juvenile stages in the warm, nutrient-rich waters of the mangrove swamps in the Everglades area and northward, right in the heart of which this dredge-and-fill operation would be taking place. Thus, the destruction of the habitat would have repercussions not only locally but also for commercial fishermen whose livelihood is gather- ed tens of miles away.”; and Whereas, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, will hold a public hearing on this matter, now therefore be it Resolved, That the American Malacological Union, Inc., wishes to be on record as opposing the issuance of these permits because it would be detrimental to the environment. President Moore gave a background discuss- ion on Marco Island area. Charles M. Courtney gave a report from Deltona and his work at the Marco Applied Marine Ecology Station. Members asked questions on acreage owned by Deltona. After further discussion, Dr. J.P.E. Morrison made the motion that the resolution be approved. Approved, report of such action to be immediately sent to appropriate parties. Dues recommended by Council and approved by members are as foUows( (Effective J anuary 1 , 1976) Regular member (Western Hemisphere) $7.00 Each additional family member (one mailing) fl.OO Corresponding member (outside Western Hemisphere) $7.00 Each additional family member (one mailing) fl.OO PLUS Postage by Seamail |1.50 Affiliate member (shell club, corp., library, museum, etc.) flO.OO New member fee or reinstatement fee of $1.50 to remain the same. All above categories receive all mailings and the Bulletin, plus listing in the Bulletin. Subscription for Bulletin only (Institutional, may be had on continual billing) $10.00 There was some discussion on possible cut rates for charter or “over-65” members and postage fees. No Action. The Budget Committee, composed of Dr. .Harald Rehder, chairman, and Drs. Abbott and Bill Ermerson, proposed the following budget for 1976: RECEIPTS ANTICIPATED: Memberships |5,000 Sales: (HTSCS) 550 Sales: Back issues of Bulletin 100 From 1975 meeting 300 Page charges- -Bulletin 1,000 Miscellaneous income 50 17,000 EXPENDITURES ANTICIPATED: Printing Bulletin $4,200 Printing Newsletter 1 , 000 Printing Miscellaneous 250 Conservation Committee 100 Postage 500 Office Supplies and Expenses 200 State of California Filing Fee 5 Travel for Secretaries, Treasurer 500 Expenses for President, Vice-President 100 Expenses for Editor 50 Miscellaneous 95 17,000 Dr. Rehder noted that a separate amount of 1600.00 was designated to go back into the Capital fund from sales of How to Study and Collect Shells. It was reported by President Moore that Council had approved mandatory charges for papers published in the Bulletin over 500 words. Dr. Dundee, Editor, would announce charges after checking out printing costs. The 1975 76 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 Bulletin will be a joint Bulletin with the Western Society of Malacologists, a large issue. Costs would be worked out by the Editors. WSM will publish and distribute its membership list separately. Only one Bulletin will be mailed to a member, even though member in both organiz- ations. A call for new business to be brought to the attention of full membership gained no response. The motion to adjourn was approved. The forty-first annual meeting of AMU closed at 4:30 p.m., with the banquet that night to be the final session for AMU. REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1974. CHECK BOOK BALANCE, JANUARY 1, 1974 1,881.98 RECEIPTS: Memberships: Regular Corresponding Sustaining Clubs & Institutions Sales: HOW TO STUDY & COLLECT RARE & ENDANGERED SPECIES Back Issues, BULLETIN 2449.75 92.25 75.00 528.75 3145.75 SHELLS 92.00 2.65 101.87 196.52 Proceeds of Springfield Meeting Page charges to authors Contributions to Legal Fund Miscellaneous receipts 366.08 811.00 103.40 111.68 1392.16 Total receipts from activities Transferred from Savings Account 4734.43 2000.00 6734.43 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNTED FOR: 8616.41 DISBURSEMENTS: Costs, 5,000 copies of HOW TO STUDY & COLLECT SHELLS 3041.86 BULLETIN 2664.65 NEWSLETTERS 826.28 Conservation Committee 23.67 Membership Committee 25.00 Other printing 88.05 Other postage 217.53 Expenses for 2 officers to Springfield 592.92 Filing Fee, State of California 5.00 Office supplies 52.04 Miscellaneous expenses 136.05 Total disbursements 7673.05 7673.05 CHECK BOOK BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 1974 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNTED FOR: Savings Acct #2-6621, 1st Federal Savings Withdrawn from Savings Interest added - Balance 12/31/74 Savings Cert. #60-3332 02 1st Federal Interest added - Balance 12/31/74 943.36 8,616.41 ♦2299.62 2000.00 ♦108.21 *407.83 ♦3162.86 *220.86 *3383.72 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1973 77 RECAPITULATION OF ASSETS, DECEMBER 31, 1974: Cash in checking account, Broadway National Bank $ 943.36 Treasurer’s Petty Cash, Myra Taylor 25.00 Secretary’s Petty Cash, Marian Hubbard - closed out -0- Secretary’s Petty Cash, Constance Boone 75.00 Savings Account #2-6621, 1st Federal Savings & Loan 407.83 Certificate of Deposit #60-332 02, 1st Federal Savings & Loan 3383.72 TOTAL ASSETS: 14834.91 ALLOCATED TO LIFE MEMBERSHIP FUND : 1595.88 A.M.U. NET WORTH -DECEMBER 31, 1974 3239.03 CHANGES IN CAPITAL ACCOUNT: A.M.U. CAPITAL ACCOUNT, JANUARY 1 , 1974 5701 .98 A.M.U. CAPITAL ACCOUNT, DECEMBER 31, 1974 3239.03 NET DECREASE IN ASSETS IN 1974 $2462.95 Respectfully submitted, Myra L. Taylor, Treasurer AUDITED: Thomas E. Pulley 15 June, 1975 Harold D. Murray 7 March, 1975 Bessie G. Goethel 7 March, 1975 TREASURER’S NOTES: DECREASE IN NET ASSETS DUE TO SEVERAL FACTORS: 1. Cost of new edition, 5,000 copies of HOW TO STUDY & COLLECT SHELLS 2. Increased costs of paper, printing and postage, etc. *3. Savings accciints were moved in order to benefit by increased interest rates, from 5% to 5V4 % on Passbook, and from 5%%to 6%% on CD. Extra interest on old Passbook #8289670 was 31.59 and on CD was l-^.Ol, after books were closed for 1973. Hence, the difference in old figures for 1973 and new ones for 1974. 78 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1973 REPORT OF THE RECORDING SECRETARY Memberships for 1974 reviewed in January, 1975, were as follows: Honorary Life Members 6 Honorary Life President 1 Regular Memberships (all Western Hemisphere) 551 Additional F amily Members 105 Corresponding memberships 15 Affiliated Memberships (Institutions) Domestic 29 Foreign 11 Clubs, Regional organizations 47 Life Members 20 Total 785 Several 1974 memberships were accepted after January, due to some mail delays, etc., so that the 1974 total did reach the total of 1973. The count above compares with recent years as follows: 1973, 790; 1972, 760; 1971, 717. Only the totals can be compared because a realignment has been made on regular member- ships in accordance with the By-Laws which state that all members residing in the Western Hemisphere are regular members. A check with the Treasurer’s records confirms the following statistics: Unpaid 1974 member- ships include 104 regular members, 2 affiliate members, and 3 corresponding members; 9 regular members resigned; 2 affiliates resigned; 3 deaths. By the end of 1975 new cards will be completed. A request is made from members to update titles and areas of study and interest for use in the Bulletin Membership list. As of June 1, 1975, we have 42 new members, 3 new affiliates, one reinstatement, and three new life members. There have been four deaths and one resignation. Correspondence consists of letters of welcome to new members, mailing of Newsletters to new members, mailing of copies of Rare and Endangered Species Symposium and old Bulletins. There is a continual flow of correspondence on the collection of the initial membership fee of |1.50 which is frequently overlooked by new members. Respectfully submitted, Constance E. Boone Recording Secretary REPORT OF CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 1975 Publication of “How to Study and Collect Shells’’ was a boon and found ready acceptance once the booklets arrived just before Christmas 1974. Several (16) of the shell clubs took advantage of the offer of 25 per cent off the cost in quantities of 10 or more and 40 per cent off on quantities of 50 or more. Form letters had gone out in November urging them to grab the opportunity. A total of 358 copies were distributed this way. Letters also went out to persons who had sent checks for the previous booklet. And several of these placed orders for copies. There are still persons sending in $2 checks, as indicated in some of the older shell guides. Booklets go out to these folks and most of them have sent in balances. A few $1 checks have come in. These are returned with the request to send a check of the larger amount. Included in the letter is a list of books available -- which may help indicate the bargain they’re receiving in the AMU guide. Assisting in this booklet distribution project were R. Tucker Abbott and Karl Jacobson. Karl rode herd on the booklet’s printers and managed to find a temporary home for the booklets with Tucker, both of them sending me boxes when I requested them. i Form letters have continued to lessen the chore of writing to persons inquiring about the organization, the hobby, the list of clubs, and j occasionally “what do you do in the AMU?’’ A j few of those wishing more detailed information on j whom to contact in a particular field take a bit more time and more correspondence. The | corresponding secretary was glad to see that more ! persons in distant lands are learning English. » There have been fewer letters in Spanish, Italian j and German, which, fortunately, he is still able to I read. The AMU’s resolution on the Panama Canal ! was published in the August 1974 issue of the SFI ' Bulletin, published by the Sport Fishing Institute. [ Shortly after I received my copy, I got a call from a I radio newsman in Michigan. He asked questions j on the resolution with the interview later j broadcast over the University of Michigan | network. j Respectfully submitted, Paul R. Jennewein j Corresponding Secretary. ! Bulletin of the American Malacologicai Union, Inc., 1915 THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, INC. ACTIVE MEMBERS 1975 Membership List Revised September 1, 1975 Abbott, Dr. R. Tucker, Delaware Museum of Natural History, Box 3937, Greenville, DE. 19807. Abbott, Mrs. Sue D., Suite D-1-A,R.D. 3, Box 250, Hockessin, DE. 19707. Abreu, Mrs. Vivian B., 2709 Dewey St., Tampa FI. 33607 |Sea life relationship to human race). Aguayo, Dr. Carlos G., Dept, of Biology, Univ. of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00708. Alarcon, Sr. Benito Fuenzalida, Correo, Isla de Pascua, Chile (Easter Island species). Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest, 905 S. Bayshore, Safety Harbor, FL. 33572. Alexander, Robert C., 423 Warwick Rd., Wynnewood, PA. 19096. Allen, James E., 1108 Southampton Dr., Alexandria, LA. 71301 (Tertiary micro-moUusca). Allen, Dr. J. Frances, 7507 23rd Ave., Hyattsville, MD. 20783. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K., Box 822, Port Isabel, TX. 78578 (Murex, Pecten, world marines; dealer). Allen, Miss Letha S., 187 Argyle St., Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada B5A 3X2 (General). Anders, Kirk W., Shells of the Seas, Inc., P.O. Box 1418, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33302 (Volutidae, all rare shells). Anderson, Carleton Jay Jr., 56 Kettle Creek Rd., Weston, CT. 06880. Anderson, Gregory L., Pacific Marine Station, DiUon Beach, CA. 94929. Anderson, Richard V., Dept, of Biological Scs., Northern ni. Univ., DeKalb, IL. 60115 (Freshwater Pelecypods). Andrews, Jean, 200 Ave. D., #363, Denton, TX. 76201. Angstadt, Mrs. Earle K., 247 Penn St., Reading, P.A. 19602. Arnold, Charles E., 3206 Floyd Ave., Richmond, VA. 23221 (Collecting, photographing). Aslakson, Capt. Carl I., 5707 Wilson Lane, Bethesda, MD. 20034. Atheam, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D., Museum of Fluviatile MoUusks, Rt. 5, Box 499, Cleveland, TN. 37311 (Freshwater mollusks). Atheam, Mrs. Roy C., 5105 N.Main St., FaU River, MA. 02720 (Land sheUs). AveUanet, Mrs. Helfne, 105 Clipper Way, Fair Winds Villas, Nokomis, FL. 33555. Avery, Mrs. R. Gail, Box 2557, Harbor, OR. 97415 (West American mollusks ;exchange). Babrakzai, Mr. NooruUah, % General SFVOOSHJ SAMSAM; Vanak, Tehran, Iran Baerreis, David A., 1233 Sweet Briar Rd., Madison WI. 53705 (Paleoecological interpretation through mollusks) Bagdon, Mr. and Mrs. Anthon, 440 Home Dr., Trafford, PA. 15085. Baily, Dr. Joshua L. Jr., 4435 Ampudia St., San Diego, CA. 92103. Baker, Mrs. Horace B., 11 Chelten Rd., Havertown, PA. 19083. Baker, John, A., 147 Hedgegrove Ave. Satellite Beach, FL. 32937 (General). Baker, Nelson W., 69-990 Papaya Lane, Cathedral City, CA. 92234 (General). Balsam, Arthur, 1911 Fawn Dr., Philadelphia, PA. 19118. Banek, Thomas J., 466 Thatcher Rd., Springfield, PA. 19064 (Marine gastropods, taxonomy and ecology). Barker, C. Austin, 2 Hickory Dr., Rye, NY. 10580 Barlow, Mrs. G. Barton, 5 Downey Dr., Tenafly, NJ. 07670 Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. George H., Koran Ave., M.D. #23, Newburgh, NY. 12550. Barton, Mrs. James, 20 Newfield Dr., Rochester, NY. 14616 (Cypraea; worldwide general, esp. Hawaiian). Bateman, William J., 15 Pilgrim Circle, Methuen, MA. 01844 {Cypraea, Voluta). Bates, Dr. John M., 1900 Dexter Ave., Arm Arbor, MI. 48103. Battles, Harold J., 602 Pinon Dr., Morro Bay, CA. 93442 (Worldwide marine). Bauchman, Frank A., 1601 Big Bethel Rd., Hampton, VA. 23666 (Collecting). Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo C., 2126 45th St., Galveston, TX. 77550 (all MoUusca). Baum, Newman N., 83 Weaving Lane, Wantagh, L.I., NY. 11793. Baxa, Mrs. Dorothy, Box 177, Genesse Depot, WI. 53127. Bayne, Dr. C.J., Dept, of Zoology, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR. 97331 (Gastropod physiology). Bazata, Kenneth R., Industrial Biotest Labs, Inc., Bldg. 1374; Air Park West, Lincoln, NE. 68524 (Terrestrial puhnonates; Dentalium). Bearse, David T., Grad. School of Oceanography, Univ. of R.I., Kingston, RI 02881 (Shellfisheries). Beetle, Ms. Dorothy E., 375 W. Galbraith Rd. #42, Cincinnati, OH. 45215. Bennett, Sally, 514 W. Rose Lane, Phoenix, AZ. 85013 (Panamic Province shells). Bennett, Dr. Terry M., Medical Advisor, U.S. Embassy, APO New York, NY. 09697 (Exchange). Bequaert, Dr. Joseph C., Dept, of Entomology, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 85717. Bereza, Daniel J., 825 N. 24th St., Philadelphia, PA. 19130 (Unionidae)Pleuroceridae). Berman, Lynn, 8 Peter Cooper Rd., New York, NY. 10010 (Marine). Berry, Dr. and Mrs. Ebner G., 8506 Beech Tree Comt, Bethesda, MD. 20034. Berry, Dr. S. Stillman, 1145 W. Highland Ave., Redlands, CA. 92373. Bickel, David, Dept. Earth Sciences, Minot State College, Minot, ND. 58701 (Systematics and ecology of fresh- water mollusks, esp. Pleurocerids). 79 80 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 Bijur, Jerome M., 135 Seventh Ave. N., Naples, FL. 33940 (Buy, exchange Florida and Caribbean marine). Bing, Ruth Rosser, P.O. Box 2612, MuMenburg Station, Plainfield, NJ. 07060 (Art-Photography, oil painting). Bippus, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin C., 2743 Sagamore Rd., Toledo, OH. 43606 (Marine gastropods). Blankenship, Shaw, Rt. #2, Crab Orchard, KY. 40419 (Freshwater mussels). Blaser, James, 1846 Laurel Lane, Amherst, OH. 44001 (Florida moilusks; Ohio freshwater moUusks). Bleakney, Dr. J. Shennan, Dept, of Biology, Acadia Univ., Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada BOP 1X0 Nudibranchs and sacoglossans; ecology, zoogeography, systematics) . Bledsoe, William D., 352 Bon Hill Rd., Los Angeles, CA. 90047. Boone, Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Q., 3706 Rice Blvd., Houston, TX. 77005. Borror, Kathy Gail, 612 Northridge Rd., Columbus, OH. 43214. Boss, Dr. Kenneth J., Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA. 02138. Bottimer, L.J., Rt. 1, Box 50, Tow, TX. 78672 (Recent and fossil moUusks). Bowen, Philip R., 1004 Collins St., Hartsville, SC. 29550. Boyd, Dr. and Mrs. Eugene S., 6806 GilHs Rd., Victor, NY. 14564 (Phylum Mollusca - all aspects). Bradley, J. Chester, 604 Highland Rd., Ithaca, NY. 14850. Brady, Mr. and Mrs. E. Leo, P.O. Box 2515, Newburg, NY. 12550 (Land snails). Brandyberry, John J., 6323 Middlebranch Ave., NE, North Canton, OH. 44721 (Marine mollusca). Branson, Dr. Branley A., P.O. Box 50, Eastern Kentucky Univ., Richmond KY. 40475. Bratcher, Mrs. Twila, 8121 MulhoUand Terrace, Holly- wood, CA. 90046. Brean, Clark, 705 E. Sherman, Lebanon, OR. 97355 (Student, Cypraea). Bretsky, Mrs. Sara S., 91 Dept, of Earth and Space Sciences State Univ. of NY, Stonybrook, NY. 11794. (Ecology and evolution of Bivalvia, Tertiary and Recent) Bricker, Mrs. Minnie, Miss Donna Bricker, Walter Kurman, R.D. 3, Hanover, PA. 17331 (Conchs and Whelks). Brill, Mr. and Mrs. James A., 804 Johnson St., Terrell, TX. 75160. Britton, Joseph C., Dept, of Biology, Texas Christian Univ., Ft. Worth, TX. 76129. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. John C., 3050 Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Pierce, FL. 33450. Brooks, Dr.and Mrs. James C. Jr., P.O. Box 490127, College Park, GA 30349 (Cypraea, Mur ex). Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Jr., 9455 S.W. Slst Ave., Miami, FL. 33156. Broyles, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E., 5701 Fairfield Ave., Ft. Wayne, IN. 46807. Brunson, Dr. Royal Bruce, Univ. of Montana, Missoula, MT. 59801. Bryan, Edwin H. Jr., Bishop Museum, P.O. Box 6037, Honolulu, HI. 96818 (Pacific biogeography and bibliography). Buckley, George D., 164 Renfrew St., Arlington, MA. 02174. Buehler, William, 113 16th Ave. East, Ashland, WI. 54806 (Freshwater moilusks). Buerk, Dr. Minerva S., Maybrook Chalet, 331 Penn Rd., Wynnewood, PA. 19096 (Anatomy, histology). Bulls, Harvey R. Jr., 121 Island Dr., Key Biscayne FL. 33149. Burch, Mrs. John Q., 1300 Mayfield Rd., Apt. 61-L, Seal Beach, CA. 90740. Burch, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A., P.O.Box 309, Kailua, HI. 96734 (Dredging). Burger, Sybil B., 3700 Gen. Patch N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87111 (Gulf of Mexico; land snails). Burgers, Dr. and Mrs. J.M., Lnstitute Fluid Dynamics, U. of Maryland, College Park, MD. 20742. Burghardt, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn, 14453 Nassau Rd., San Leandro, CA. 94577. Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Jr., 1820 S. Austin Blvd. Cicero, IL. 60650 (Marine moilusks of Eastern USA). Burky, Dr. Albert J.,Dept. of Biology, Univ. of Dayton, Dayton, OH. 45409. Cahill, Michael, 1639 Madison St., Apt. #4, Hollywood, FL. 33020 (Florida marine). Cameron, Hugh C., 3704 Edwards Rd., Cincinnati, OH. 45208 (Collecting). Campbell, Mrs. Minnie Lee, 3895 DuPont Circle, Jacksonville, FL. 32205 (General) Canon, Sr. Jose R., Instituto de Foment© Pesquero, Casilla 1287, Santiago, Chile (Benthic ecoIogy;South American Mollusca). Capo, Thomas R., 28 Windward Lane, Easthampton, NY. 11937 (Benthic ecology). Cardeza, R.Adm. and Mrs. Carlos M., P.O.Box 6746, Houston, TX. 77005; summer add. -1718 Jewel Box Dr., Sanibel, FL. 33957 (Florida and Texas shels). Cardin, MSGT. Charles, Box 3539, APO San Francisco, CA. 96328. Carlton, James T., Dept of Geology, Univ. of California, Davis, CA. 95616 (Estuarine and brackish water moOusks). Camey, Dr. W. Patrick, Dept of Experimental Parasitology NMRI, NNMC, Bethesda, MD. 20014. Carr, Mrs. Jack C., 912 Broadway, Normal, IL. 61761 (Exchange worldwide marine). Castagna, Michael, Va. Institute of Marine Science, Wachapreague, VA. 23480 (Pelecypod larval behavior b Cate, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford N., P.O. Drawer 710, Rancho Santa Fe, CA. 92067. (Mitra, Cypraea; no exchanges). Cetnar, Dr. and Mrs. Eugene J., 4322 Bishop Rd., Detroit, MI. 48224. Chace, Emery P., 24205 Eshelman Ave.,Lomita, CA 90717 Chandler, Carl B. and Doris M., P.O.Box 621, Chatham, MA. 02633 (Cones, Cypraea). Chanley, Mr. and Mrs. Paul E., P.O.Box 645, New Suffolk NY. 11956. Chauvin, Daniel, 3950 Hollister #79, Houston, TX. 77055. Cheng, Dr. Thomas C., Institute for Pathobiology, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, PA. 18015. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1973 81 Chichester, Lyle F., 31 Chamberlain St., New Britain, CT. 06052 (Ecology of terrestrial gastropods, biology of land slugs). Christie, Dr. John D., The Rockefeller Foundation 111 West 50th St., N.Y., NY. 10020. Christensen, Carl C., Dept, of General Biology, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 85721. Chrosciechowski, Przemyslaw K., Aptdo. 125, Maracay 3KO, Venezuela (Planorbidae). Clark, John W. Jr., Texas Historical Commission, P.O.Box 12276, Capitol Station, Austin, TX. 78711 (Economic exploitation of moUusks by prehistoric Indians). Clarke, Dr. Arthur H., Head Invertebrate Division National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, Ont., Canada KIA OM8. Clarke, Michael D., 1179 Brown Rd., Hanover, MI. 49241. Clench, Dr. William J., 26 Rowena St., Dorchester, MA. 02124. Clover, Phillip W., P.O.Box 83, Glen EUen, CA. 95442. Coan, Dr.Eugene V., 891 San Jude Ave., Palo Alto, Ca. 94306. Cohen, Anne C., 6803 Florida St., Chevy Chase, MD. 20015 (Loliginidae; Litiopa melano stoma). Coleman, Dr. Richard W., Dept of Biology, Upper Iowa College, Fayette, LA. 52142. (Environmental inter- relationships, plants-invertebrates). Compitello, Mrs. Juliette, 5630 Alto Vista Rd., Bethesda, MD.' 20034. Cooper, Robert W., 5012 Pfeiffer Rd., Peoria, IL. 61607 (Florida marine; Murex, Pecten, Spondylus, SCUBA). Corgan, Dr. James X., Dept of Geography and Geology, Austin Peay State Univ.,ClarksviUe, TN. 37040 (Microscopic gastropods). Courtney, Charles M., c/o Marco Applied Marine Ecology Station, North Barfield Dr., Marco Is., FL. 33937 (Aquatic ecologist/malacologist). Craig, Michael M., Div. of Biol. Sciences, the Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, MI. 48104. Craine, Mrs. Ruth A., Penick Memorial Home “F”, East Rhode Island Ext., Southern Pines, NC. 28387. Cramer, Frances L., 766 Obispo Ave., Long Beach, CA. 90804 (Ecology; conservation). Cull, Mrs. Robert R., 7927 Chippewa Rd., Brecksville, OH. 44141. Cummings, Raymond W., 37 Lynacres Blvd., FayetteviUe, NY. 13066 (West Indies shells, esp. Windward and Grenadine Is.). Curington, Roberta M., 6746 Ransome Dr., Baltimore, MD 21207 (Marine gastropods). Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. Henry H., 105 Abbott Rd., Wellesley HiUs, MA. 02181. Cvancara, Dr. Alan Milton, Dept. Geology, Univ. of N. Dakota, Grand Forks, ND. 58201 (Pleistocene and Holocene continental moUusks, early Tertiary continen- tal and marine). Danforth, Louise L., 2920 Yorktown St., Sarasota, FL 33581. Daniels, Mrs. Kathleen K., 121 Stephens Lane, Verona, PA. 15147 (Marine; educational materials). Daniels, Ronnie H., 101 Brock Ave., Blytheville, AR. 72315 (Marine: Volutes, Murex, Cowries). Davenport, Mrs. Lillim B. 802 Cape Ave., Cape May Point NJ. 08212 (Anything pertaining to the sea). Davis, Dr. Derek S., Nova Scotia Museum, 1747 Summer St., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3M 3A6 (Gastropod biology and taxonomy). Davis, Dr. George M. and Davis, Dr. Elaine Hoagland, Dept, of MoUusks, Academy of Natural Science, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA. 191C3, and (Mrs.) Ass’t. Prof, of Biology, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, PA 18015. Davis, Dr. John D., 26 Norfolk Ave., Northampton, MA. 01060 (Ecology of marine bivalves). Deatrick, Paul A., 218 S.W. 32 Ave., Miami, FL. 33135 {Strombus, Busycon). de Graaff, Gerritt, 10915 S.W. 55 St., Miami, FL. 33165. DeLuca, Mrs. John A., and Miss Gladys DeLuca, 61 Deborah Rd., Hanover, MA. 02339. Dennis, Ms. SaUy, TVA, Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife Develop., Norris, TN. 37828 (Freshwater mussels). DeOliveira, Dr. Maury Pinto, Dept. Biologia-Malacologia, Universidado Federal DeJuiz DeFora, Cidade Univer- siteriae, 36100 Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, BrazU Demond, Miss Joan, 4140 Grandview Blvd. #1, Los Angeles, CA. 90066. Dexter, Miss Norma, 135 E.Main St. #3, Clinton, CT. 06413 {Cypraea). Dexter, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph W. , Dept. Biological Science, Kent State Univ., Kent. OH. 44242. Dietrich, Mr. and Mrs. Louis E., 308 Veri Dr., Pittsburgh, PA. 15220. Dixon, Mrs. Ruth S., 711 Parker St., Durham, NC. 27701 (Marine). Dobos, John D., 1300 Porter, Apt. 45, Dearborn, MI. 48124. Duarte, Sr. Eliseo, Casilia Correo 1401, Central, Montevideo, Uruguay. DuBar, Dr. and Mrs. Jules R., Lakeview Hgts., Morehead, KY. 40351 (Cenozoic and recent moUusks - ecoloby and paleoecology). Dundee, Dr. Dolores S., Dept, of Biology, Univ. of New Orleans-Lakefront, New Orleans, LA. 70122 (Land moUusks, freshwater mussels). Draper, Bertram, C., 8511 Bleriot, Los Angeles, CA. 90045 Druger, Dr. George, Box 172, Tripler AMC, APO San Francisco, CA. 96438 (Scuba). Dvorak, Stanley J., 3856 W. 26th St., Chicago, IL. 60623 (Muricidae). Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Jr., Box 238, Brookside, NJ. 07926 (Gastropods). ^ Eddison, Dr. Grace G., Region D., Respiratory Disease Hospital, Paris, KY. 40361. Edmiston, Mrs. J.R., 5038 Hazeltine Ave., Apt. 301, Sherman Oaks, CA. 91423. Edwards, Lt. Col. Corinne E., USAF (Ret.), P.O.Box 691, Coconut Grove, FL. 33133 (Chitons; self-coUected). Edwards, D. Craig, Dept, of Zoology, MorriU Science Center, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. 01002 82 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 (Population ecology and behavior of marine benthic molluscs). Emerson, Dr. William K., American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St., New York, NY. 10024. English, Rita C. and English, James F., 10300 Terrace Court, Parma, OH. 44130 (Fossils; Florida and Caribbean; ecology of mangrove areas). Erickson, Carl W., 4 Windsor Ave., Auburn, MA. 01501. Eubanks, Dr. Elizabeth R., 2162 E. Minton Dr., Tempe, AZ. 85282. (Florida marine). Evans, Miss Susan E., 244 Congress Ave., Lansdowne, PA 19050 (Conus, Cypraea, Murex). Eversole, Dr. Arnold G., Dept, of Entomology and Economic Zoology, Clemson Univ., Clemson, SC. 29631 (Interpopulation variation and bioenergetics of moUus- can populations). Fackert, Miss Dorothy M., 2 Wilson Rd., Apt. 16B, Sussex, NJ 07461. Farber, Mrs. Jeanie, 4169 Carmain Dr.N.E., Atlanta, GA 30342 (all shells). Farrell, Dr. Lyle H., Box 57, Andover, NH. 03216. Fechtner, Frederick R., 2611 W. Fitch Ave., Chicago, EL. 60645. Feinberg, Harold S., Dept, of Fossil and Living Invertebrates, American Museum of Nat. Hist., Central Park West at 79th St., N.Y., NY 10024 (Land and freshwater mollusks). Fenzan, William J., 385 Dohner Dr., Wadsworth, OH. 44281 (Worldwide marine). Ferguson, Dr. and Mrs. John H., 226 Glandon Dr., Chapel HUl, NC. 27514. Ferreira, Dr. Antonio J., 2060 Clarmar Way, San Jose, CA 95128 (Ecology, behavior, physiology, systematica of American MoUusca). Fieberg, Mrs. Kleinie, 1430 Lake Ave., Wilmette, EL. 60091. Fingold, Mr. and Mrs. A.S., University SquEue §\, 4625 Fifth Ave., Apt. 105, Pittsburgh, PA. 15213. Finlay, C.John, 116 Tanglewood Lane, Newark, DE. 19711 (Marine mollusks )Vestem Atlantic and Caribbean). Flansburg, Dr. Ronald R., 2910 Pomona Court, Brookfield WI. 53005. Foehrenbach, Jack, 91 Elm St., Islip Manor, NY. 11751 (Marine ecology). Foote, Miss Mary K., Box 2075, South Padre Island, TX. 78578. Ford, Mrs. E. Flynn, 2100 S.Ocean Dr., Apt. 8 M, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33316. Forrest, Frank, 2717 Vinewood Dr., Speedway, IN. 46224. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Edward W., 30 Bamboo Dr., Naples FL. 33940. Foster, Mrs. Fred H., 401 N. Justus St., Oxford, IN. 47971 Fowler, Dr. and Mrs. Lake, 4508 Woodrow, Galveston, TX 77550. Franke, Norman W., 1651 Nash Ave., Pittsburgh, PA. 15235 (Self-collected marine). Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, 112 Rennard Place, Phildelphia PA 19116 (Pecten, Spondylus, Murex). Franz, Dr. David R., Biology Dept., Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY 11210 (Ecology and physiology, marine mollusks, esp. Nudibranchs). Franzen, Dr. Dorothea, Illinois Wesleyan Univ., Bloom- ington, IL. 61701. Fraser, Stanley, R. 5, Smiths Falls, Ont., Canada K7A 4S6 Fuller, Samuel L.H. and Mrs. Mary L.B. Fuller, Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia PA 19103 (World Naiads, Unionacea and Mutelacea). FuUington, Richard W., 1111 Ave. A., Denton, TX 76201 (Land and freshwater gastropods of N.A.; Curator, Invertebrate Zoology, DaUas Museum of Nat. Hist.) Gad, Kathleen J., 8911 W. Burleigh, Milwaukee, WI 53222. Gale, Dr. Wilham F., Ichthyological Assoc.Inc.,R.D. #1, Berwick, PA. 18603 (Sphaeriids). Galindo, Lie. Ernesto Santos, Lopez #1, 6. Piso, Mexico, D.D.I., Mexico. Gallagher, Mrs. Susan, 12250 6th St. East, Treasure Island FL 33706. Garoian, Dr. George, Dept, of Zoology, Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale, IL. 62901. Gilbert, Mrs. Laura, 808 Westwood Dr., Abilene,TX 79603 Gilbert, Prof, and Mrs. William H., Dept, of Biol., Colby College, Waterville, ME. 04901 (Marine and freshwater bivalves) . Gihnour, Dr. Thomas H.J., Dept. Biology, Univ. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada S7N OWO (Anisomyarian bivalves). Girardi, Dr. Elizabeth-Louise, 707 Kent Rd, Kenilworth IL 60043. Glazebrook, Sandra R., P.O.Box 651, Marathon, FL 33050 Ghck, Dr. Robert N. 13500 E. 12 MUe Rd., Warren, MI 48093 (Cowries, cones, olives). Goethel, Lt.Col.(Ret.) and Mrs. Louis N., 9402 Nona Kay Dr., San Antonio, TX 78217 (Cypraea - buy and trade) Goodfriend, Glenn A., Comm, on Evol. Biology, U. of Chicago, IL. 60637 (Molluscan ecology). Graf, Robert A., 3217 Maxim Dr., Fort Wayne, IN 46805 Greenberg, Bayle, c/q Tidepool Gallery, 3907 W. 50th St., Edina, MN. 55424. Greenberg, Mrs. Janis, 22762 Pacific Coast Hwy., Malibu, CA. 90265 (Tidepool Gallery). Greenbert, Mrs. Ruth, 22762 Pacific Coast Hwy., Malibu, CA. 90265 (Tidepool GaUery). Gregg, Dr. WendeU O., 2546 Hill St., Huntington Park CA. 90255. Grimm, F. Wayne, 356 Mayfield, Apt.3, Vanier, Ont., Canada (Holarctic terrestrial mollusks). Groeneveld, Miss Mae, 1183 Terrace St., Muskegon, MI. 49442 (Cypraea, Conus). Guckert, Richard H., P.O.Box 185, Thomasville, GA. 31792 (Systematica of freshwater mussels; ecology; physiology of Nassariidae) Gudnason, Mrs. Harold, 105 Danefield Place, Moraga, CA 94556. Gugler, Dr. Carl W., 305 Bessey HaU, U. of Neb., Lincoln, NE. 68508 (Terrestrial pulmonates). Gunter, Dr. Gordon, Gulf Coast Research Lab., Ocean Springs, MS. 39564 (Ostreidae). Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1973 83 Gustave, Al, 3829 North Third St., Phoenix, AZ., 85012 (Murex, Astraea, Latiaxis). Haas, Dr. John W., 1653 Medical Arts Bldg., Minneaplois MN. 55402 (Volutes, Pectens, Spondylus). Hadley, Mrs. Esther, 48 Adella Ave., West Newton, MA. 02165. Hagge, Mrs. Daniel, 20 North Hill Rd.,Wausaw,WI. 54401 Hall, Mrs. Warner L., 727 Queen’s Rd., Charlotte, NC. 28207. Hamilton, Mrs. William J. Jr., 615 Highland Rd., Ithaca, NY. 14850. Hand, Dr. Cadet H., Bodega Marine Lab., P.O.Box 247 Bodega Bay, CA. 94923. Hange, Mrs. Maye E., 923 Arbor St., Costa Mesa, CA. 92627. Harasewych, Jerry, Academy of Nat. Sciences, Dept, of MoUusks, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA. 19103. Hargreave, Dr. David, Ass’t. Prof. Nat.Scs., College of Gen. Studies, Western Mich.Univ., 1104 Berkshire Dr., Kalamazoo, MI. 49007 (Collecting and photography). Harman, Dr. Willard N., Biology Dept., Suny College at Oneonta, Oneonta, NY. 13820 (Fresh water mollusca). Harris, Don V.Jr., 888 16th St. N.W., Washington, DC. 20006. Harris, Ira Alexander, 9365 S.W. 77th Ave., #2006, Miami FL. 33156. Harris, Mr. & Mrs. E. Milton, 3237 Carlisle Rd., Birmingham, AL. 35313. Harris, Major Marion J. and Mrs. Bessie B. Harris, Rt. 6, Box 347 T, JacksonviUe, FL. 32223. Harrison, Mrs. Francis F., One Beaver St., Cooperstown, NY. 13326. Harry, Dr. Harold W., 4612 Evergreen St., Bellaire, TX. 77401. Haven, Dr. Dexter S., 336 Lafayette Rd., Yorktown, VA. 23690 (Mercenaria mercenaria, Mya arenaria, Crasso- trea virginica). Hecht, Mrs. Paul L., 3636 Mineola Dr., Sarasota, FL. 33579. Heck, Lt. Col. Ralph L., P.O. Box 16712, Temple Terrace, FL. 33617 (Gastropods, esp. Conus, Cyprae). Hedges, Mrs. Arlene, 404 North East St., Crown Point, IN. 46307. Henderson, Jerry G., 1729 N.W. Greenbrier Way, Seattle, WA. 98177. Hensley, Steven V., 2488 S. Fletcher Dr., Femandina Beach, FL. 32034 (Ecology of freshwater Pelecypoda). Herman, Dr. Richard D., 919 Hamilton Place, Wyomissing PA. 19601 (Collecting Murex, Cypraea; biology). Hepler, Neil M. and Laura E., 435 S. Federal Hwy., Deerfield Beach, FL. 33441 (Cephalopoda, Conus, Cypraeidae). Herr, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Sr., 7901 Dewitt Dr., RFD #3, BaldwinsviUe, NY. 13027. Hesse, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H., 1241 Cocoanut Rd., Boca Raton, FL. 33432. Hettick, Mrs. G. Riley, 933 Lyimwood Dr., Bartlesville, OK. 74003. Hickey, Ms. MaryT., 183 Neck Path Rd., E. Hampton, NY 11937 (Scallops). Hickman, Carole S., Biology Dept., Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA. 19081 (Tertiary moUuscan paleon- tology). Hickman, Mrs. Harriette L., 11015 First Ave., Stone Harbor, NJ. 08247 (Worldwide Epitonium). Hicks, Mrs. Edwin S., 1522 Palmwood Dr., Eau Gallie, FL 32935 (Recent and fossil marine shells of Western Atlantic) . Higbee, Florence and Higbee, Joan, 13 N. Bedford St., Arlington, VA. 22201. Hill, Frederick C., Univ. of LouisvUle, Water Resources Lab., Belknap Campus, Louisville, KY. 40208. Hillman, Dr. Robert E., BatteUe-Clapp Laboratories, Duxbury, MA. 02332 (MoUuscan ecology and physio- logy). Hohman, Betty Jean, 10 Ferris, Apt. 101, Highland Park, MI. 48203 (Cones, Volutes, Murices). Holiman, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne, Box 246, Edinburg, TX. 78539. HoUe, Dr. Paul A., 131 Holman St., Shrewsbury, MA. 01545 (Salt marsh snails). Hollister, Dean S.C., 201 Hollister Hall, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY. 14850. Homan, Mrs. Jacqueline A., 2208 48th St., Lubbock, TX. 79412. Hopkins, Dr. and Mrs. SeweU H., 709 Garden Acres Blvd. Bryan, TX. 77801. Homstein, Leon, 2211 Arden Rd., Baltimore, MD. 21209. Houbrick, Dr. Richard S., Supervisor for Benthos, Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center, Washing- ton, DC. 20560 (Zoogeography, systematics, evolution). Hoyer, Kerry Bryce, 1210 S. Downing, Seaside, OR. 97138 (Olives, Cones, Cowries, Murex). Hubbard, Mrs. Marian S., 3957 Marlow Court, Seaford, NY. 11783 (Littorinidae; aU juvenile moUusks). Hubricht, Leslie, 4026 35th St., Meridian, MS. 39301 (U.S. land and freshwater). Hulswit, Mr. & Mrs. Mart, 680 West End Ave., New York NY. 10025 (SCUBA). Hunkins, Mrs. Ruth E., 133 Brook to Bay, Englewood, FL. 33533 (Miniature sheUs; exchange). Hunter, Dr. R.D., 1630 W. BueU Rd., Lake Orion, MI. 48035 (Physiological ecology of freshwater pulmonates). Hurd, John C., 104 Boulevard, LaGrange, GA. 30240 (Systematics of Unionidae). Hyett, Dr. and Mrs. Marvin R., 403 SUverhiU Rd., Cherry HiU, NJ. 08034. Imlay, Dr. Marc J., Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Office of Endangered Species, Washington, DC. 20240. Ing, Mrs. May C. and Michael B. Ing, BeUa Vista Hospital Box 1750, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00708 (SmaU and minute sheUs of W.I.). Ishikawa, Samuel, 551 Fifth Ave., New York, NY. 10017. Isom, BiUy G. and Wanda S. Isom, Rt. 2, Box 112, Amy Drive, KiUen, AL. 35645. Jackson, R.H., 5219 Trentwood Dr., New Bern, NC. 28560 Jackson, Ralph W., Rt. #1, Box 229, Cambridge, MD. 21613 (Exchange land sheUs). Jacobson, Morris K., 465 Beach 139 St., Rockaway Beach, NY. 11694. 84 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1973 Jacobson, Mrs. Ursula, 5618 E. Montecito, Phoenix, AZ. 85018 (Indo-Pacific, esp. cones and cowries; West Coast-Panamic). James, Brian, 24 The Links Rd., Apt. 210, Willowdale, Ont., Canada Janowsky, Robert and Dorothy, 946 Ralph Ave., Brooklyn, NY. 11236 (Cypraea, Murex, Volutes). Jenkinson, Mr. and Mrs. John J., 189 W. Lakeview Ave., Columbus, OH. 43202. Jennewein, Mr. and Mrs. Paul R., Box 394, WrightsviUe Beach, NC. 28480 (Raising moUusks in aquaria; writing and illustrating articles on shell collecting). Jensen, Russell H., Box 3937, Delaware Museum of Natural History, Greenville, DE. 19807 (MoUusks of Bermuda) . Johns, Veronica Parker, c/o SeasheUs Unlimited, Inc., 590 Third Ave., New York, NY. 10016. Johnson, Mrs. Barbara N., 510 Groveland, MinneapoUs, MN. 55403. Johnson, Col. Harvey A. (Ret.) 3915 S.W. 109th St., Seattle, WA. 98146. Johnson, Mrs. Kenneth!., 3206 Sussex Rd., Raleigh, NC. 27607 (World marine). Johnson, Richard I., 124 Chestnut HiU Rd., Chestnut HiU, MA. 02167. Johnstone, Mrs. Adelaide B., 226 Wasp, Corpus Christi, TX. 78412. Johnstone, Mrs. Kathleen Yerger, 2209 River Forest Rd., MobUe, AL. 36605. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Archie L., 4370 S.W. 14 St., Miami, FL. 33134 (Liguus). Jones, Meredith L., Division of Worms, USNM, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 20560. Jones, Richard H., 1432 Dorsh Rd., South Euclid, OH. 44121. Katsaras, Nick, 479B S. Washington Ave., Bergenfield, NJ. 07621. Kay, Dr. E. AUson, General Science Dept., Univ. of Hawaii, 2450 Campus Rd., Honolulu, HI. 96822 (Indo- Pacific marine; systematics and ecology). Keegan, Mrs. Barbara, c/o Catholic Relief Serv., Apartado 2617, Managua, Nicaragua, Central America (Caribbean and Pacific moUusks of Central America). Keeler, James H., 30 Park Lane, Chagrin FaUs, OH. 44022 (Marine, esp. micro Gastropods— Epitoniidae and Terebridae) . Keen, Dr. A. Myra, Dept, of Geology, Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA. 94305. Keferl, Eugene P., 4766 Riverside Dr., Columbus, OH. 43220. (Terrestrial gastropods). Kemper, Mrs. Hessie, 11854 Josse Dr., St. Louis, MO. 63128. Kennedy, Miss Caroline H., 196 West 10th St., New York, NY. 10040. King, Lucia E., Heron Club, 434 Broad Ave. South, Naples FL. 33940. Klein, Mrs. IsabeUe H., Atkins Rd., R.D. #3, Geneva, OH. 44041 (Land snails). Kline, Mrs. Mary, 240 Makee Rd., Apt. 10-A, Honolulu, HI. 96815. Klinkey, Mrs. Martha, 336 Main St., Batavia, IL. 60510 {Cypraea, Murex, Strombus). Kohn, Dr. Alan J., Dept. Zoology, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA. 98195. Kokai, Frank L., 3472 Green Meadows St., Columbus, OH. 43207. Kondo, Dr. Yoshio, Bishop Museum, Box 6037, Honolulu, HI. 96818. Kotrla, M. Bowie, Dept, of Biology, Trinity Univ., 715 Stadium Dr., San Antonio, TX. 78284 (Parasites of snaUs). Kovach, Jack, Dept, of Geology, Muskingum CoUege, New Concord, OH. 43762 (Ecology, sheU composition, paleontology of non-marine). Kraemer, Dr. Louise R., Dept, of Zoology, Univ. of Arkansas, FayetteviUe, AR. 72701 (Freshwater lameUi- branchs). Kraeuter, Dr. John N., Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Wachapreague, VA. 23480 (Ecology, distri- bution and systematics of Scaphopoda; benthic infaunal of U.S. East Coast). Krauss, N.L.H., 2437 Parker Place, Honolulu, HI. 96822 (Carnivorous land snails; biology). Krieger, Kenneth A., P.O.Box 22721 Emory Univ., Atlanta, GA. 30322 (Ecology and systematics of Hydobiidae and Pleuroceridae) . Kubat, Melanie, 331 Woodland Dr., S. Hempstead, NY. 11550 (Designing with shells). Kuczynski, Mrs. Florence, 7400 N. 46th Ave., Box 406, St. Petersburg, FL. 33709 (Collect, exchange, photograph shells) . Kurz, Richard M., 1575 N. 118 St., Wauwatosa, WI. 53226 (Specimen shells). Kuzirian, Alan M., Univ. of New Hampshire, Dept, of Zoology, Durham, NH. 03824 (Nudibranch biology). Laavy, T.L., Rt. 5, Maruca Dr., Greenville, SC 29609. LaCrosse, Richard L., 379 Gardner Dr., Fort Walton Beach, FL. 32548 (Worldwide collecting). Lalli, Dr. Carol M., Marine Sciences Centre, McGill Univ., Montreal, Que., Canada H3C 3G1 (Pteropods). Lamb, Cathy, 312 N. Thomas St. #3, Arlington, VA. 22203 Lamberts, Dr. Austin, 1520 Leffingwell, N.E., Grand Rapids, MI. 49505 (Coral reefs and associated moUusks) Landye, James Jerry, Dept, of Zoology, Arizona State Univ., Temple, AZ. 85281. Lane, Lewis B., 204 Ransom St., Fuquay-Varina, NC. 27526 (land and marine). Lang, Bruce Z., Eastern Washington State CoUege, Dept, of Biology, Cheney, WA. 99004 (Ecology of freshwater moUusks and effects of parisitism on populations). Lange, W. Harry, Dept, of Entomology, Univ. of CaUfomia Davis, CA. 95616. LaRocque, Dr. Aurele, 102 W. Beaumont Rd., Columbus, OH. 43214. Laudig, Mr. and Mrs. David, 2672 Via Pacheco, Palos Verdes Est., CA. 90274. Laursen, Dr. Dan, 4901 East Eastland, Tucson, AZ. 85711 (Artie, Subarctic moUusks; Free Uving larvae of Caribbean and Gulf areas). Lee, Dr. Harry G., 709 Lomax St., JacksonviUe, FL. 32204. Lemire, Ross, 184 Grandview Ave., ThomhiU, Ont. Canada L3T IJl. Lencher, Mrs. Jennie R., 144 N. Dithridge St., Apt. 408, Pittsburgh, PA. 15213. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1973 85 Lenhard, Louis, P.O. Box 58, Martinsville, VA. 24112 (Terrestrial mollusks). Leonard, Dr. A. Byron, 562 Snow Hall, Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. 66045. Leonard, Fred L., 800 N. 41st Ave., Hollywood, FL.33021 Lemer, Martin, 64 Thompson Ave., Oceanside, NY. 11572 (Worldwide marine). Leslie, John, 15722 Torry Pines Rd., Houston, TX. 77058 {Haliotis). Lewis, Harold, 138 S. Twentieth St., Philadelphia, PA. 19103. Lewis, Mrs. J. Kenneth, 9207-48th Ave., College Park, MD. 20740. Lewis, Dr. and Mrs. John R., 23 W. 551 Warrenville Rd, Lisle, IL. 60532. Linney, George K., 2648 13th St., Port Arthur, TX. 77640. Linsley, Robert M., East Lake Road, Hamilton, NY 13346. Lipe, Robert and Mrs. Bette Lipe, 8929-91st Terrace, Seminole, FL. 33542 (Florida shells; MargineUidae worldwide; photography). Loizeaux, Mrs. A.D., 5369 Susquehanna Dr., Virginia Beach, VA. 23462. Long, Dr. Glenn A., 608 Stevenson Lane, Towson, MD. 21204 (Ethnoconchology). Long, Mary E., 36 W. Lytton St., Sonora, CA. 95370 (Marine shells). Long, Steven J., 110 Cuyama Ave., Pismo Beach, CA. 93449 (Opisthobranchs, Nudibranchs, Cephalaspideans, Notaspideans, Lamellarians). Lowry, Walter G. and Nelle H., 552 Old Lundy Rd., Macon GA. 31204 (Collect N.C. marine, exchange). Lubinsky, Dr. Irene, Dept, of Zoology, Univ. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man., Canada R3T 2N2 (Marine bivalves of the Canadian Arctic). Lyons, William G., Florida Dept, of Natural Resources, Marine Lab, 100 Eighth Ave. S.E., St. Petersburg, FL. 33701 (Florida and West Indian moUusks). MacBride, Grace, R.D. 1, Hartman Rd., North Wales, PA. 19454. Mackie, Dr. Gerry L., Dept, of Zoology, Univ. of Guelph, Guelph, Ont., Canada NIG 2W1 (Sphaeriids). MacMillan, Gordon K., 169 Glenfield Dr., Pittsburgn, PA. 15235. Macquin, Mrs. Hazelle B., 437 Douglas St., Salt Lake City UT. 84102 (Fossil mollusks of U.S.) Maes, Dr. Virginia Orr, Dept, of Mollusks, Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA. 19103. Mahavier, Mrs. W.E., 234 E. Woodlawn Ave., San Antonio, TX. 78212. Malek, Dr. Emile, Tulane Univ. Medical School, 1430 Tulane Ave., New Orleans, La. 70112 (Parasitology). Malick, Donald, 5514 Plymouth Rd., Baltimore, MD. 21214 (Buy, sell, exchange fossils). Malone, Mrs. Elsie, 1017 Periwinkle Way, Box 54, Sanibel Island, FL. 33957 (Buy, sell, exchange world shells). Marsh, Mrs. Therese C., P.O. Box 22291, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33315 (S.E. Fla. marines; worldwide bivalves). Marshall, Donald S., Far Lands House, 3414 Halcyon Dr., Alexandria, VA. 22305. Marshall, Ms. Susan, P.O. Box 103, Coconut Grove, FL, 33133. Marshall, Mrs. Thomas H., 2237 N.E. 175th St., Seattle, WA. 98155 (World sheUs; exchange). Marti, Mrs. Ann, P.O.Box 7, Trinity, AL. 35673 Martz, Mrs. Helen J., 2525 Eastwood Ave., Evanston, IL. 60201. Mastenbroek, Paul W., P.O.Box 67, Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 1A9, Canada (Ecology of mollusks in boreal and arctic parts of Atlantic). Mathiak, Mr. and Mrs. Harold A., 209 S. Finch St., Horicon, WI. 53032 (History of Wisconsin mussels; species distribution). Mattera, Albert and Mrs. Emily, 4501 Traymore St., Bethesda, MD. 20014 (Murex). Mauseth, E. L., Aiden, MN. 56009. Mayer, Miss Hildegard M., Cedar Pointe, Apt. L-4, 2000 E. Ocean Blvd., Stuart, FL. 33494 (Epitonium). Mazurkiewicz, Michael, River Rd., Newcastle, ME. 04553 (Larval development and ecology of estuarine moUusks) McAlester, Prof. A. Lee, Peabody Museum, Yale Univ., Whitney Ave., New Haven, CT. 06520 (Bivalve evolution and ecology). McCallum, Mr. and Mrs. John, R.D. 2, Meadowvue Dr., Wexford, PA. 15090. McCarty, Col. William A., 424 Himting Lodge Dr., Miami Springs, FL. 33166. McGinn, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M., P.O.Box 89, Cut Off, LA. 70345. McGinty, Thomas L. and Paul L., Box 765, Boynton Beach FL. 33435. McGrath, Robert E. and Mrs. Zella Roberta McGrath, 4434 S. 10th, Terre Haute, IN. 47802. McHugh, Mrs. John, 4654 Quarry Ridge, Rockford, IL. 61103 (Murex). Mclnnes, Mrs. Cornelia G., F-6 Raleigh Apts., Raleigh, NC. 27605 (AU marine). McLean, Dr. James Hj., Los Angeles County Museum, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. 90007. McMUlan, William L., P.O.Box 815, Tavernier, FL. 33070 (Cypraea). McRae, Mrs. Catherine, 903 King’s Crown Dr., Sanibel, FL. 33957 (Pectinidae). Mead, Dr. Albert R., Dept, of Biological Sciences, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 86721. Menzel, Dr. R.W., Dept, of Oceanography, Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, FL. 32306 (Oysters; clams). Merrill, Dr. Arthur S., National Marine Fisheries Service, Biological Lab, Oxford, MD. 21654. Merritt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack H., 2251 Euclid Ave., Ft. Myers, FL. 33901. Metcalf, Dr. Artie L., Dept, oj Biology, Univ. of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX. 79968 (Terrestrial Gastropoda of S.W. U.S.) Metz, Mrs. P.A., 6 Walsh HaU, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK. 99701 (Clams, esp. Macoma). Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey G., P.O.Box 61, Captiva, FL. 33924. Michelson, Dr. Edward H., Richmond Rd., Natick, MA. 01760 (Medical Malacology). Micoine, Mrs. Colette, P.O.Box 622, Carson City, NV. 89701 (Cypraea, Conus, Valuta). MOes, Dr. Charles D., 6325 West 73rd Terrace, Overland Park, KS. 66204. 86 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1973 Miller, Barry B., Dept, of Geology, Kent State Univ., Kent OH. 44242 (Non-marine Pleistocene, Malacology). Miller, Richard L., Dept, of Biology, Temple Um¥., Philadelphia, PA. 19122. Miller, Dr. Walter B., 6140 Cerrada El Ocote, Tucson, AZ. 85718. Moberg, Capt. and Mrs. A.G., Keene Ed., RFD Box 154, East Freetown, MA. 02717. Moia, Marcela, O’Higgins 2057, piso 8 A, Buenos Aires, Argentina (South American, Argentina general) Monfils, Paul R., 239 Onns St., Providence, RI. 02908 (Worldwide marine, esp. Cypraeidae). Monroe, Mrs. Helen E., 500 N. Roosevelt Blvd., Apt. 411, Falls Church, VA. 22044 (Cones). Moore, Dr. and Mrs. Donald R., School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Univ. of Miami, 4600 Ricken- backer Causeway, Miami, FL. 33149. Morrison, Eugene, Rt. 3, Box 306-B, Perry, FL. 32347 (Marine Gastropoda). Morrison, Dr. J.P.E., Div. of Mollusks, U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC. 20560. Morrison, Robert W., 5101 Ocean Blvd., Sarasota, FL. 33581 iCypraea, Valuta, Oliva, Mur ex). Mousley, Louis B., Mousiey Musexim of Natural History, 11555 Bryant St., Yucaipa, CA. 92399. Murray, Mrs. Francis A., 3741 N.E. 24th Ave., Lighthouse Point, FL. 33064. Murray, Dr. Harold D., Biology Dept., Trinity Univ., San Antonio, TX. 78284 (Unionidae; distribution and parasites) . Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Talbot E. Jr., Grad. Sch. of Ocean- ography, Unvi. of R.I., Narragansett, RI. 02882. Musick, Mrs. John W. and Richard M. Musick, 1238 E. Bayshore Dr., Virginia Beach, VA. 23451. (SheB collecting for profit). Musselwhite, Miss Margo, 10815 Janet Lee, San Antonio, TX. 78230 (Cowries). Myer, Dr. Donal G., Southern Illinois Univ. at Edwardsville, IL. 62025 (Land snails). Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Brevard S., 2746 Hampton Ave., Charlotte, NC. 28207. Naide, Dr. Meyer, 2034 Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA. 19103 Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J., 95-24 110 St., Richmond Hill, NY. 11419 (Non marine and Archaeogastropoda, worldwide) . Nicol, Dr. David, P.O.Box 14376, University Station, Gainesville, FL. 32604. Nicolaci, Mr. and Mrs. Domenick, Bella Vista Is., Box 147, Fairhaven, MA. 02719 (Pectera, -exchange). Nielsen, Richard L., Box 278, Fleteher Academy, Fletcher, NC. 28732 (Non-marine aquatic mollusks). Noseworthy, Ronald G., P.O.Box 104, Main St., Grand Bank, Newfoundland, Canada AOE IWO (North Am. circumboreaJ mollusks; also Clausiliidae and Turridae). Hotter, Miss Hellen, 2529 Gilmore St., Jacksonville, FL. 32204. Nowell-Usticke, Gordon, 1 North St., Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands 00820. Nunnally, Mrs. Sally and Doug Nunnally, 512 North Channel Dr., Apt. B, WrightsviOe Beach, NC. 28480. Oatis, Bona D., 312 Holiday Park Dr., Pittsburgh, PA. 15239 (World marines ;exciiaiige). Ode, Dr. Helmer, 4811 Braebum Dr., Bellaire, TX. 77401 (Gulf of Mexico marines). Oesch, D. Ronald, 9 Hffl Dr., Glendale, MO. 63122 (Missouri mussel zoogeography). Oetzell, Miss Edith M., 518 S. Ardmore Ave., VOla Park, IL. 60181 (CoTOs). O’Gotman, Ms.Barbafa and Bill Schutze, 114-62 41st Ave. Flushing, NY. 11355 (Drawing specimens; SCUBA). Old, William E. Jr., Dept, of Mollusks, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park W. and 79th St., New York, NY. 10024. Olsen, Philip L., 10708 Blossom Lane, Silver Spring, MD. 20903 (Cape Hatteras to Cape Cod mollusks). Oppenheimer, Dr. Ella H., 7703 Crossland Rd., Baltimore MD. 21208. Ostheimer, Alfred J. Ill, 5017 Maunalani Circle, Honolulu HI. 96816. Ostheimer, Mrs. Ruth M., 146 S. WMtford Rd., Exton, PA 19341. Otero, D. Jose Hernandez, Capitan Quesada, S/N, Gaidar (Gran Canaria), Espana. Pace, Dr. Gary L., Univ. of Michigan, Biology Dept., Flint ML 48503. Paine, Anna, 6918 Lake Kenilworth Dr., Apt. Ill, New Orleans, LA. 70126. Paine, Walter C., Valley News, Box 877, White River Junction, VT. 05001. Palmer, Dr. Katherine V.W., 206 Oak Hm Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850. Parker, John Dyas, 149 Trent Rd., Penn Wynne, Phila- delphia, PA. 19151 (Tertiary fossils and historical con- chology). Parodiz, Dr. and Mrs. Juan Jose, Sect, of Invertebrates, Carnegie Museum, 4400 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA. 15213 (Neotropical mollusks and freshwater Gastropoda of USA). Pate, John B., P.O.Box 1025, Amada, CO. 80001 (Ama- teur shell and fossil collector; Panamanian shells). Perrault, Miss Viola, Box 50, U.S. Navy, FPO New York, NY. 09593. Peterson, Mrs. Kay, 25 &emc Dr., Warwick, RI. 02886 (Marine gastropods). Petit, Mr. and Mrs. Richard, P.O. Box 30, North Myrtle Beach, SC. 29582. Petrikin, Mrs. Carolyn B., 6301 31st Terrace North, St. Petersburg, FL. 33710. (President, St. Petersburg SheO Club). Peyton, Gary, 927 Christine, Houston, TX. 77017. Phillips, Betty and Ted, 4580 Nueces Dr., Santa Barbara, CA. 93110. Plockelman, CyntMa H., 311 Franklin Rd., West Palm Beach, FL. 33405 (Caribbean Muricidae, Natiddae). Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Dan F., Hudson House, Ardsley-on- Hudson, NY. 1050P. Porter, Hugh J., Institute of Marine Science, Univ. of North CaroHna, Morehead City, NC. 28557. (System- atica, culture of bivalves. Porter, Mrs. Miriam E., 2013 S. Vernon PL, Melbourne, FL. 32901. Post, Mrs. Alfred P. Jr., P.O.Box 65, Darlington, MD. 21034. Bulletin of tke American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 87 Powers, Joe, Bonded Oil Co., 2525 N. Limestone St., Springfield, Ohio 45501 (Marine Shells Worldwide). Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lloyd Jr., Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, 1501 Montgomery St., Fort Worth, TX. 76107. Price, Miss Ruth G., Fenwick Island, DE. 19944. Priest, William G. Jr., 306 East Summit PL, San Antonio, TX. 78212. Pulley, Dr. Thomas E., Director, Houston Museum of Natural Science, P.O.Box 8175, Houston, TX. 77004. Putnam, Mrs. Judith Dorr, P.O.Box 1178, Ft. Collins, CO. 80521 (Sphaeriidae). Quammen, Mrs. Eleanor K., 402 Homestead Rd., Wayne, PA. 19087. Queen, Loma B. (Mrs. C.B.), 202 Nottingham Rd., Jack- sonville, NC. 28540 (Mollusks of the Southeast Atlantic) Radwin, Dr. George E., 4341 Rodrigo Dr., San Diego, CA. 92115 (Gastropod taxonomy). Racela, Dr. and Mrs. Antonio S. Jr., 126 W. 116th St., Kansas City, MO. 64114 (Philippine land and sea shells) Raeihle, Mr. and Mrs. George, 211 Milligan Rd., West Babylon, NY. 11704. Raines, Mrs. Kathleen Jane Parker, 505 N. Park St., CenterviUe, lA. 52544 (Behavior and species specificity, aquatic gastropods). Rains, Thomas D., Rt. 1, Box 354-A-38, Chardale Dr., Clemmons, NC. 27012 (Bivalve and scaphopod ecology). Rappleye, Miss Lauralee, 4605 Beechwood Rd., College Park, MD. 20740 {Busycon). Rathbum, Mrs. Mary H., Rt. 2, Box 344, Sarasota, FL. 33577 (Worldwide sheUs). Rawls, Dr. Hugh C., Eastern Illinois Univ., Dept, of Zoo- logy, Charleston, IL. 61920 (Ecology, taxonomy, distri- bution of land snails). Reader, Mr. and Mrs. William R., 4772 49th Ave. North, St. Petersburg, FL. 33714 (Live moUusks). Reeder, Richard L., Faculty of Nat. Sci., Univ. of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK. 74104 (Land pulmonates). Rehder, Dr. and Mrs. Harold A., 5620 Ogden Rd., Washington, DC. 20016. Rhode, Homer J., 977 Botany Lane, Rockledge, FL. 32955 (Marine collecting). Rice, Thomas C., Of Sea and Shore Publications, P.O.Box 33, Port Gamble, WA. 98364 (Dealer). Rice, Mrs. Winnie H., P.O.Box 638, Rockport, TX. 78382 (Gulf of Mexico Mollusca). Richards, Charles S., Lab. of Parasitic Diseases, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD. 20014 (Freshwater mollusks, host-parasite relations, moUusk pathology and genetics). Richards, Dr. Horace G., Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA. 19103. Rickard, Mrs. George C., 9316 Harvey Rd., Silver Spring, MD. 20910. Ridge, Mrs. Lorraine, Rt. 3, Box 253-B-l, FL. 32084. Riggs, Mrs. Harriet H., Rt. 1, Box 255, Swansboro, NC. 28584 (Worldwide Pectens; North Carolina mollusks). Rios, Dr. Eliezer C., Museu Oceanografico de Rio Grande, Caixa Postal 379, Rio Grande, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil Ritchie, Mrs. Robert M., 17 Coimtry Club PL, Blooming- ton, IL. 61701. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wallace, Hopkinson House, Apt. 2016, Washington Square South, Philadelphia, PA. 19106 (Marine). Robertson, Dr. Robert, Dept, of Malacology, Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA. 19103 (Marine). Romach, Eileen Jokinen, Biol. Dept., Suffolk Univ., Boston, MA. 02114 (Freshwater Gastropods). Root, John, P.O.Box 182, West Palm Beach, FL. 33402. Roper, Dr. Clyde F.E., Div. of MoUusks, U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC. 20560 (Systematics and ecology of Cephalopoda). Ropes, John W., P.O.Box 333, Church Neck, St. Michaels, MD. 21663. Rosentreter, Howard W., P.O.Box 29, Big Pine Key, FL. 33043. Rosewater, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph, Division of MoUusks, U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC. 20560. Ross, Miss Mary K., 2927 42nd St., Highland, IN. 46322 (Cowries, Murex, OUves, Cones, marine bivalves; exchange). Ross, Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam A., 1101 Hampton Rd., West Palm Beach, FL. 33405 (OUvidae and Pectinidae). Rotter, Dr. Saul D., 170 North Ocean Blvd., Palm Beach, FL. 33480 (Cones, Volutes, Cowries, OUves). Roworth, Edwin C., 1301 Windson Rd., Cardiff-by-the- Sea, CA. 92007 (World shells and sea Ufe). Ruehl, Theodore, C., Rt. 202, 112 Haverstraw Rd., Suf- fem, NY. 10901 {Murex, Valuta, Conus). RusseU, Charles E., 10602 Jordan Rd., Carmel, IN. 46032 (Iand;freshwater sheUs). RusseU, Dr. Henry D., 50 Springdale Ave., Dover, MA. 02030. Russel, Dr. Loris S., Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto, Ont., Canada M5S 2C6. RusseU-Hunter, Dr. W.D., Dept, of Biology, 112 Lyman HaU, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, NY. 13210. Rutter, Kurt L., P.O.Box 107, Stanton, NJ. 08885 (SheUs of the Uttoral area). Sage, Walter E. HI, 1123 Hathaway, LouisviUe, KY. 40215 St. John, Dr. Mary EUen and Dr. F. Lee St. John, 1571 North 21 St., Newark, OH. 43055 (Naiads, esp. Actinonaias ligamentina) . Sartor, James C., 5606 Duxbury, Houston, TX. 77035 (OUvidae). SaviUe, Linda D., Ohio State Univ. Water Resources Center, 1791 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH. 43210. Sayler, Mrs. Jane, 4870 Fairfield Rd., Memphis, TN. 38226. Scarabino, Sr. Victor, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, C.C. 399, Montevideo, Uruguay. ScheU, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic B. Jr., 1200 Peppertree Lane, Apt. 102, Sarasota, FL. 33581 (winter); The Brooklands, Colebrook, CT. 06021. Schilling, Mr. and Mrs. Albert E., 419 Linden Ave., Glen- side, PA. 19038 (Mr. -Cypraea; Mrs. -Murex; both. Conus). Schilling, Mrs. Frieda, 3707 Lan Dr., St. Louis, MO. 63125. Schonfeld, Mrs. Rivka, 136 E. 64th St., New York, NY. 10021 (Indo-Pacific and West Indies). 88 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 Schriner, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jr., Rt. #2, Box 127, LaBeUe, FL. 33935. Schwartz, Mrs. SaUy W., 2761 Leeds Rd., Columbus, OH. 43221. Seip, William F., 1555 Stonewood Rd., Baltimore, MD. 21239. Sharpe, Stephen George, Amherst, R.R. #2, Nova Scotia, Canada B4H 3X9 (South African shells ;conservation of Strombus gigas; pen pals). Shasky, Dr. Donald R., 229 Cajon St., Redlands, CA. 92373. Shaw, William N., 209 Sycamore Ave., Easton, MD. 21601 (Shellfish culture). Sheafer, Clinton W. and Mabel H., P.O.Box 576, Delray Beach, FL. 33444. Sheets, Mrs. Elva D., R.R. 4, Huntington, IN. 46750. Shelley, Dr. Rowland, N.C. State Museum, Box 27609, Raleigh, NC. 27611 (Freshwater mollusks of North Carolina) . Shepler, Dr. and Mrs. L. Gordon, 416 72nd St., Brooklyn, NY. 11209 (St. Croix and Fire Island, NY. shells). Shipman, Mrs. Robert G., 11 Bantle Rd., Glastonbury, CT. 06033 (MoUuscan habitats and life patterns). Shoemaker, Alan H., 2136 Rolling Hills Rd., Columbia, SC. 29210 (littoral and shallow sublittoral mollusks). Sickel, James B., Biol. Dept., Murray State Univ., Murray, KY. 42071 (Unionidae ecology and physiology). Siekman, Mrs. Lula B., 5031 41st St. South, St. Petersburg, FL. 33711. Skoglund, Carol, 3846 Highland Ave., Phoenix, AZ. 85018 (Panamic Province shells). Smith, Allyn G., 722 Santa Barbara Rd., Berkeley, CA. 94707. Smith, Douglas G., Dept, of Zoology, Douglas G., Dept, of Zoology, Univ. of Mass., Amherst, MA. 01060 (Land and freshwater mollusca of NE North America). Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Francis, 1023 55th Ave. South, St. Petersburg, FL. 33705 (Microscopic marine mollusks of Florida). Smith, Mrs. Hattie Little, P.O.Box 1053, Foley, AL. 36535 (Gulf of Mexico). Smith, Dr. Judith Terry, 1527 Byron St., Palo Alto, CA. 94301. Smith, Lawrence C., 51 Coppertree Lane, Babylon, NY. 11702. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Roland V., 215 Sunnyside Ave., Ottawa, Ont., Canada KIS 1R4. Smrcheck, Dr. Jerry C., 3316 King William Dr., Olney, MD. 20832 (Effects of pollution on freshwater mollusca) Snyder, Martin Avery, 746 Newtown Rd., Villanova, PA. 19085. Sohl, Dr. Norman F., 7105 Vermillion PL, Aimandale, VA. 22003. Solem, Dr. Alan, Dept, of Zoology, Field Museum of Nat. History, Chicago, ILt 60605. Soper, Arthur W., P.O.Box 431, Devon,PA. 19333. Spencer, Miss Gladys M., 1305 12th Ave., Sterling, IL. 61081. Sphon, Gale G. Jr., Los Angeles County Museum, Inverte- brate Zoology, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. 90007. Spurr, Charles B., P.O.Box 686, Golden Meadow, LA. 70357. Stainken, Dennis, 51 Coughlan Ave., Staten Island, NY. 10310 (Anatomy and physiology of bivalves; effects of marine pollutants). Stansbery, Dr. David H., Museum of Zoology, Ohio State Univ., 1813 North High St., Columbus, OH. 43210 (Naiads). Steger, Mrs. Dan, 2711 68th St., Tampa, FL. 33619 (Marine fauna of Gulf of Mexico). Stein, Dr. Carol B., Museum of Zoology, Ohio State Univ. 1813 North High St., Columbus, OH. 43210 (Naiads, Gastropoda). Steinke, Capt. Dale E., 6001 Craftsbury Dr., Charlotte, NC. 28215 (Marine). Stenzel, Dr. H.B., Dept, of Geology, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA. 70803. Stem, Edward M., Dept, of Zoology and Physiology, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA. 70803 (Systematics and ecology of terrestrial gastropods and Unionidae). Sterrett, Sandra S., 1278 Hunter Ave., Columbus, OH. 43201 (Naiades). Steward, Supt. Orville M., c/o Holly Hill— Mrs. Vincent Astor, P.O.Box 336, Briarcliff Manor, NY. 10510. Stewart, Rev. Marlin B., 54 Elm St., Westfield, NY. 14787. Stickle, Dr. William B. Jr., Dept, of Zoology and Phys- iology, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA. 70803. Stingley, Dale V., P.O.Box 113, LaBelle, FL. 33935. Stix, Hugh S., 13 Vandam St., New York, NY. 10013. Stohler, Dr. Rudolf, 1584 Milvia St., Berkeley, CA. 94709. Stough, Mrs. Jeanne F., Box 741, Curundu, Canal Zone (Marginella) . Strieder, Dr. Denise J., 143 Laurel Rd., Chestnut Hill, MA. 02167 (American shells). Stuardo, Dr. Jose, Centro de Ciencias del Mar, U.N.A.M., Apdo Postal 70-305 y 306, Mexico 20, D.F., Mexico (General). Sutow, Dr. Wataru W., 4371 North MacGregor Way, Houston, TX. 77004 (StromdMS, -exchange). Sutton, Barbara J., 450 E. 20th St., Apt. 5H, New York, NY. 10009. Swan, Emery F., 3 Faculty Rd., Durham, NH. 03824. Swartz, Miss S.L., 306 20 Ave. S.W., Calgary 3, Alberta, Canada. Talbot, Robert 2640 Killamey Rd., Victoria, British Columbia, Canada V8P 3G8 (Conidae, Cypraeidae of Pacific :intertidal life of Pacific Northwest). Talmadge, Robert R., 2850 Pine St., Eureka, CA. 95501 (Haliotidae; benthic invertebrates). Tate, Mrs. MOdred, Brazosport Museum of Natural Science, Box 355, Lake Jackson, TX. 77566. Taxson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert, 25 Knoll’s Crescent, Bronx, NY. 10463. Taylor, Dr. Dwight, Pacific Marine Station, Dillon Beach, CA. 94929. Taylor, Mrs. Jud, 900 Burr Rd., Apt. 1-G, San Antonio, TX. 78209 (Shells of the Texas coast). Taylor, Mrs. Judy, c/o Collector’s Cabinet, 670 Lincoln Rd., Miami Beach, FL. 33139 (Dealer). Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1973 89 Teixeira, Mrs. Frank, P.O.Box 274, Buzzards Bay, MA. 02532 {Pecten; exchange). Teskey, Mrs. Margaret C., P.O.Box 273, Big Pine Key, FL. 33043. Thomas, Dr. Grace, Dept, of Zoology, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, GA. 30602. (Sphaeriids). Thomas, Miss Marguerite T., Box 312-A, Rt. 1, Swansboro NC. 28584 (World marine ;exchange). Thompson, Dr. FredG., Florida State Museum, Gainsville FL. 32601 (Land and freshwater mollusks;systematics). Thorpe, Mrs. Fran Hutchings (Mrs. Foster B.), 3910 Battersea Rd., Coconut Grove, FL. 33133. Tippett, Dr. and Mrs. Bonn L., 10281 Gainsborough Rd., Potomac, MD. 20854. Tumiell, John W. Jr., Dept, of Sciences, Texas A. & I. Univ. at Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX. 78411 (Systematica, distribution and ecology of reef and bank moOusks of Gulf of Mexico). Turano, Dr. Andrew F., R.F.D. #1, Cemetery Rd., Colchester, CT. 06415 (World marine). Turner, Dr. Ruth D., Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA. 02138. Upatham, Dr. Edward Suchart, Research and Control Dept., P.O.Box 93, Castries, St. Lucia, West Indies (Ecology of snails and their relationship to parasitic trematodes) . Urbaniak, Mrs. Roman and Miss Susanne Urbaniak, 2668 N. Holton St., Milwaukee, WI. 53212. Vagvolgyi, Dr. Joseph, Biology Dept. , B-eo4, Staten Island Community College, 715 Ocean Terrace, Staten Island, NY. 10312 (Evolutionary theory ;zoogeography). Valentine, Dr. and Mrs. J. Manson, 1260 S.W. 1st St., Miami, FL. 33135. Van der Schalie, Dr. Henry, University Museums, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 48104. Van de Velde, Sharon C., 1518 Flippen Court, Anaheim, CA. 92802 (Ultrastructure of molluscs). Vega, Dr. Luis Eduardo, 21 W. Linger Lane, Phoenix, AZ. 85021. Veverka, John A. and Mrs. Sandra A., 598 Arlington Ave., Mansfield, OH. 44903 (Land and freshwater moUusks). Vidan, Mrs. Mercedes G., 27 Golfview Dr., Newark, DE. 19702 (Marine Gastropods). Villarroel, Miss Maria, Centro de Ciencias del Mary Limnologia, UNAM, Apdo Postal 70-305 y 306, Mexico 20, D.F., Mexico. Vokes, Dr. Harold and Dr. Emily, Dept, of Geology, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, LA. 70118 (Mesozoic and Tertiary mollusks; fossil and recent Muricidae). Wadsworth, James Edgar, Wilson Coimt, Chapel Hill, NC. 27514. Waggoner, Mrs. Marguerite, 412 Main St., Lockport, LA. 70374. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.L., R.D. 1, Box 21, Marathon, FL. 33050 (Purchase shells). Walker, R. Lindsay Jr., Apartado 06 Postal 344, San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America. Waller, Dr. Thomas R., Dept, of Paleobiology, U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC. 20560 (Zoo- geography, ecology, evolution of Cenozoic Pectinidae). Walter, Dr. Waidemar, Dept, of Biological Sci., Western Illinois Univ., Macomb, EL. 61455. Ward, WUson B., P.O.Box 26341, Houston, TX. 77207 (Cypraea, Conus, representative worldwide). Warmke, Germaine L., 1711 S.W. 43rd Ave., Gainesville, FL. 32608 (SheUs of Puerto Rico). Wartenbergh, Mrs. Marolyn, 511 North Cascade Terrace, Sunnyvale, CA. 94087. Wasili, Odessa, P.O.Box 8, Frisco, NC. 27936. Waters, Ruth A., 135 East Main St., Apt. 3, Clinton, CT. 06413 (U.S. marine, principally East Coast). Wayne, Dr. William J., M.H. 112, Dept, of Geology, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. 68508. Webb, Dr. Glenn R., Rt. 1, Box 148, Fleetwood, PA. 19522 Webb, Mr. and Mrs. John, 27132 Butternut Ridge Rd., North Olmsted, OH. 44070. Weingartner, Mathilde P., 17 Amelia Court, Staten Island, NY. 10310. Weisbord, Norman E. and Nettie S., Dept, of Geology, Florida State Univ., TaUahassee, FL. 32306 (Cenozoic and recent). Weiser, Mrs. Ernest, 3388 Bayfront Dr., Baldwin, NY. 11510. Weiss, Fredric, 6 Plymouth Rd., Great Neck, N.Y. 11023. Weiss, Harold M., 3607 Sarah Dr., Wantagh, NY. 11793 (Conidae and Cypraeidae). Welch, Miss Isabelle E., 6314 Waterway Dr., Falls Church, VA. 22044 (General). Wells, Dr. Harry, 620 Presbyterian Ave., Laurinburgh, NC. 28352. Welty, Stephen L., Box 639, Dubois, WY. 82513. Werner, Milton, 70 Richmond St., Brooklyn, NY. 11208. Westerfield, Mrs. Asher L., 429 Montgomery Ave., Haverford, PA. 19041 (Marine). Wheel, Mr. and Mrs. Adlai B. Sr., 4501 West Seneca Turnpike, Syracuse, NY. 13215. White, Kenneth J., R.Ph., 4735 RosweU Rd., N.E., Apt. 25-B, Atlanta, GA. 30342 (Caribbean). Whiteside, Mrs. Smith, 205 Marion St., Indian Harbour Beach, FL. 32937. Whitney, Dr. Marjorie A., 60 Rose Park Dr., Toronto Ont., Canada, M4T IRl. Widmer, Ernest C., P.O.Box 814, Orange Park, FL. 32073 (Exchange marine and freshwater Florida moUusks). Wightman, Dr. Eugene P., 85 Harding Rd., Rochester, NY. 14612 (World marine). Wilie, William L. Jr., 1405 McFaddin, Beaumont, TX. 77701 (Conus). Williams, Dr. James D., 10805 Bucknell Dr., Silver Spring, MD. 20902 (Freshwater mussels; zoogeography and systematics). Wilson, Dr. Druid, Room E506, U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC. 20560. Windnagel, John, 3581 Snouffer Rd., Worthington, OH. 43085 (Florida shells). Wiswall, Harold C., 42 Winding River Rd., Needham, MA. 02192 (Western Atlantic, Caribbean mollusks). Withrow, Mr. and Mrs. Carl C., 4825 9th St. S., St. Petersburg, FL. 33705. Wolfe, Dr. Douglas A., Rt. 2, Box 184, Beaufort, NC. 28516 (Western Atlantic marine mollusks). Woods, WilMam L., 2721 Mmray Ridge Rd., San Diego, CA. 92123 (Panamic mollusks; Turridae, Colum- beUidae). 90 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1973 Work, Robert C., 7610 S.W. 63rd Court, South Miami, FL. 33143. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk, Box 2191, Fitchburg, MA. 01420. Wu, Shi-Kuei and Mrs. Ching-Chen Wu, 1450 Ithaca Dr., Boulder, CO. 80303 (Functional morphology of mollusks; Muricids; land and freshwater moUusks of Rocky Mountain area). Wulff, Mrs. EUa May, R.D. 2, BeUa Vista Dr., Willi- mantic, CT. 06226 (Marine gastropods). Wurtz, Dr. Charles B., 3220 Penn St., Philadelphia, PA. 19129 (Terrestrial Puhnonata). Yergin, Margaret (Maggi), 2706 Cameron Blvd., Isle of Palms, SC. 29451 (Marine mollusks). Yochelson, Dr. EUis, U.S. Geological Survey, E. 317, U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC. 20560. Yokley, Dr. Paul Jr., Box 5153, Univ. North Alabam, Florence, AL. 35630. Young, Mrs. Ann Frame, P.O.Box 846, Marathon, FL. 33050 (Scuva, Cassidae). Young, H.D. and Wilma G. Young, P.O. Box 1931, Seattle, WA. 98111 (Exchange Pacific Northwest gas- tropods; also purchase). Young, Miss M.E., 6314 Waterway Dr., Falls Church, va. 22044. Zager, Mrs. Jane, 200 Mt. Pleasant Ave., West Orange, NJ. 07052 (American shells). CORRESPONDING MEMBERS Altena, Dr. C.O. van Regteren, Duindoomlaan 26, Bentveld, Holland. Ant, Professor Dr. Herbert, Wielandstr. 17, D-47 Hamm, Germany. Baba, Dr. Kikutaro, Shigagaoka 35, Minami-ll-jyo, Sango-cho, Ikoma-gun, Nara-ken, Japan 636 (Opistho- branchia— taxonomy, morphology). Boettger, Dr. Caesar, Zoologisch Inst., Pockelstrasse 10 A, 3300 Braunschweig, West Germany. Bosch, Dr. Donald, P.O.Box 11, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. DeLos Santos, Jose T., 273 Karuhatan, Valenzuela, Bulacan, Philippines D-226. Haritatos, Emmanuel, Anagnostopoulou 8, Athens 136, Greece. Lazere, Miss Shirley, 72 Salisbury Ave., Slugh, Berks., SL2 lAQ, England. Martins, A.M. Frias, Seminario-Colegio do Santo Cristo, Ponta Delgada, San Miguel, Azores. Miyauti, Dr. Tetuo, Miyademy Fisheries Lab, Ikenoura, Futami-cho, Watarai-gun, Mie-ken, 519-06 Japan. Otero, D. Jose Hernandez, Capiten Quesada, S/N, Gaidar (Gran Canaria), Espana. Oyama, Dr. Katura, Qeol.Survey of Japan, Kawadacho 8, Shinjuku-ku, TokyU, Japan. Paget, Dr. Oliver E., Naturhistorisches Museum, Burgring 7, A-104, Vienna, Austria. Pajer, MissZdenka, Tomsiceva8, 64000 Kranj (Slovenija), Yugoslavia. Piani, Piero, P.O.Box 2192, Bologna, E.L. Italy 40100. Rong, Hwang Shin, P.O.Box 58530 Taipai, Taiwan, (Cypraeidae, Conidae). Sibley, Frederick D., Logistics Division Hdqtrs., USAREUR, Ob Gaisbergweg 10/A, 69 Heidelberg, Germany. Trinidad, Dr. Victor Jose V., #10 Orchid St., Capitol Site, Cebu City, Philippines 6401 (Cowries, cones, olive and Tibia shells). AFFILIATED SHELL CLUBS AND REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ASTRONAUT TRAIL SHELL CLUB, INC., P.O. Box 515, Eau GaUie Station, Melbourne, FL. 32935. BOSTON MALACOLOGICAL CLUB, MoUusk Depart- ment, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, MA. 02138. BROWARD SHELL CLUB, P.O.Box 1738, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33302. CHICAGO SHELL CLUB, c/o Mrs. Kleinie Fieberg, 1430 Lake Ave., Wilmette, IL. 60091. CLEVELAND SHELL CLUB, 30 Park Lane, Chagrin FaUs, OH. 44022. COASTAL BEND GEM & MINERAL SOCIETY, P.O. Dr. 1232, Bay City, TX. 77414. COASTAL BEND SHELL CLUB, c/o Corpus Christi Museum, 1919 North Water St., Corpus Christi, TX. 78401. CONCHOLOGICAL CLUB OF SOUTHERN CAOFORNIA, c/o Los Angeles County Museum, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. 90007. CONCHOLOGICAL SECTION BUFFALO SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Buffalo Museum of Science, Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, NY. 14211. CONCHOLOGISTS OF AMERICA, 946 Ralph Ave., Brooklyn, NY. 11236. CONNECTICUT SHELL CLUB, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, CT. 06520. CONNECTICUT VALLEY SHELL CLUB, c/o Earl Reed, Springfield Museum of Science, 236 State St., Spring- field, MA. 01130. CROWN POINT SHELL COLLECTORS’ STUDY GROUP, INC., P.O.Box 462, Crown Point, IN. 46307. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1973 91 FORT MYERS SHELL CLUB, 1936 Coronado Rd., Fort Myers, FL. 33901. GALVESTON SHELL CLUB, Box 2072, Galveston, TX. 77550. GREATER ST. LOUIS SHELL CLUB, 50 DeVore Dr., Ellisville, MO. 63011. GREATER TAMPA SHELL CLUB, 2507 W. Kenmore Ave., Tampa, FL. 33614. HAWAIIAN MALACOLOGICAL SOCIETY, P.O.Box 10391, Honolulu, HI. 96816. HOUSTON CONCHOLOGY SOCIETY, INC., 3706 Rice Blvd., Houston, TX. 77006. INDIANA’S FIRST SHELL CLUB, 404 North East St., Crown Point, IN. 46307. JACKSONVILLE SHELL CLUB, INC., 3895 Dupont Circle, Jacksonville, FL. 32205. JERSEY CAPE SHELL CLUB, Box 205, Avalon, N.J. 08202. LOUISVILLE CONCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY, P.O.Box 7663, St. Matthews, KY. 40207. MINNESOTA SOCIETY OF CONCHOLOGISTS, c/o 3829 27th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN. 55406. NAPLES SHELL CLUB, P.O.Box 1991, Naples, FL. 33940. NATIONAL CAPITAL SHELL CLUB, Div. of MoUusks, U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC. 20560. NEW JERSEY SHELL CLUB, 653 BriarcUff Ave., May- wood, NJ. 07607. NEW YORK SHELL CLUB, INC., Dept, of Living Invertebrates, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park W. at 79 St., New York, NY. 10024. NORTH CAROUNA SHELL CLUB, 619 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC. 27262. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA MALACOZOOLOGICAL CLUB, 624 Waterfall Isle, Alameda, CA. 94501. PACIFIC NORTHWEST SHELL CLUB, INC., Rt. 1, 2405 N.E. 279th St., Ridgefield, WA. 98642. PALM BEACH COUNTY SHELL CLUB, P.O.Box 182, West Palm Beach, FL. 33402. PHILADELPHIA SHELL CLUB, Dept, of Malacology, Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA. 19103. PITTSBURG SHELL CLUB, Sect, of Invertebrates, Carnegie Museum, 4400 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA. 15213. ROCHESTER SHELL AND SHORE CLUB, c/o Frank F. Velte, 114 Duim St., Rochester, NY. 14621. ST. PETERSBURG SHELL CLUB, 7400-46th Ave. North, Box 406, St. Petersburg, FL. 33709. SAN ANTONIO SHELL CLUB, 9402 Nona Kay Dr.. San Antonio, TX. 78217. SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB, San Diego Museum of Natural History, P.O.Box 1390, San Diego, CA. 92112. SANIBEL-CAPTIVA SHELL CLUB, 1215 Seagrape Lane, Sanibel Island, FL. 33957. SANTA BARBARA MALACOLOGICAL SOCIETY, INC., P.O.Box 30191, Santa Barbara, CA. 93105. SARASOTA SHELL CLUB, c/o Mrs. Helene Avellanet, Treas., 105 Clipperway, Fair Winds Villas, Nokomis, FL. 33555. SOUTH FLORIDA SHELL CLUB, c/o Archie L. Jones, 4370 SW 14th St., Miami, FL. 33134. SOUTH PADRE ISLAND SHELL CLUB, P.O.Box 2110, Port Isabel, TX. 78578. SOUTHWEST FLORIDA CONCHOLOGIST SOCIETY, INC., P.O.Box 876, Ft. Myers, FL. 33902. SOUTHWESTERN MALACOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 3846 E. Highland Ave., Phoenix, AZ. 85018. TIDEWATER SHELL AND FOSSIL CLUB, P.O.Box 62421, Virginia Beach, VA. 23462. WESTERN SOCIETY OF MALACOLOGISTS, 8511 Bleriot, Los Angeles, CA. 90045. WILMINGTON SHELL CLUB, 116 Tanglewood Lane, Nottingham Manor, Newark, DE. 19711. YUCAIPA SHELL CLUB, Mousley Museum of Natural History, 11555 Bryant St., Yucaipa, CA. 92399. INSTITUTIONS DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Library, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA. 19103. BUFFALO MUSEUM OF SCIENCE, Research Library, Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, NY. 14211. CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Acqui- sitions 1-32, Millikan Library, 1201 East California Blvd., Pasadena, CA. 91109. CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, Wade Oval, University Circle, Cleveland, OH. 44106. CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY. 14850. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, Library, Chicago, IL. 60605. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA, Library, Room 350, 601 Booth St., Ottawa, Ont., Canada KIA OE8. aUNOIS WESLEYAN UNIV. LIBRARY, Bloomington, IL. 61701. MCKELDIN UBRARY, Univ. of Md., College Park, MD. 20742. MARITIMES REGIONAL OBRARY, Dept, of Environ- ment, Fisheries Services, P.O.Box 550, HaMfax, Nova Scotia, Canada. MASS. MARITIME ACADEMY, Library, Buzzards Bay, MA. 02532. NATIONAL MUSEUMS OF fANADA, Library, Ottawa, Ont., Canada KIA OM8. OF SEA AND SHORE MUSEUM OF SHELLS AND MARINE LIFE, INC., P.O.Box 219, Port Gamble, WA. 98364. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Library Acquisitions, Washington, DC. 20560. SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE COLLEGE, Kent Library, William LeRoy, Cape Girardeau, MO. 63701. SOUTHERN aiJNOIS UNIVERSITY, Morris Library, Carbondale, IL. 62901. STANFORD UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES, Serials Dept., Stanford University, Stanford, CA. 94305. 92 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1975 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, NOAA, NMFS, Middle Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Center, Oxford Laboratory, Oxford, MD. 21654. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, NOAA, Fisheries, Library, 75 Virginia Beach Dr., Miami, FL. 33149. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, NOAA, Libraries Division, Technical Processes Branch"D823, 8060 13th St., Room 806, Silver Spring, MD. 20910. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES, Geology Library, Geophysics, 405 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA. 90024. UNIVERSITY OF CAOFORNIA AT SAN DIEGO, SIO Library - MAX, P.O.Box 2367, LaJolla, CA. 92037. UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT, Serials Department, Wilbur Cross Library, Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. 06268. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS UBRARY, Serials Dept., Urbana, IL. 61801. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY UBRARY, Agriculture Library, Agriculture Science Center N., Lexington, KY. 40506. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE, Raymond H. Fogler Ubrary, Darling Center, Orono, Maine 04473. UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA, Elizabeth Dafoe Ubrary, Receiving Section R., Winnipeg, Man., Canada R3T 2N2 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND UBRARY, Natural Resources Institute, Chesapeake Biological Lab., Solomons, MD. 20688. UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, RSMAS Ubrary, 4600 Ricken- backer, Miami, FL. 33149. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA, Hancock Library of Biology and Oceanography, Allan Hancock Foundation, University Part, Los Angeles, CA. 90007. TEXAS A&I UNIVERSITY AT CORPUS CHRISTI, Ubrary, P.O.Box 6010, Corpus Christi, TX. 78411. UNIVERSEDAD DE ORIENTE, Centro de Investigaciones Cientificas, Boca de Rio, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela. VIRGINIA INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCE, Glou- cester Point, VA. 23062. FOREIGN: AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM, Ubrarian, P.O.Box A-285, Sydney South, N.S.W., Australia 2000. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), CromweU Road, London, SW7 5BD, England. BRITISH UBRARY LENDING DIVISION, Accessions Department, Boston Spa, Wetherby, Yorkshire, LS23 7BQ, England. INSTITUT ROYAL DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE BELGIQUE, Rue Vautier 31, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium. MUSEUM NATIONAL D’HISTOIRE NATURELLE, Librarian, Laboratoire de Biologie des Invertebres Marins et Malacolgie, 55, Rue De Buffon, 75 Paris (5e) France. NATAL MUSEUM, Ubrarian, Loop St., Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF VICTORIAZ, Russell Street, Melbourne, Australia 3000. NAUTILUS, P.O.Box 3, 58043 Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy. SCIENCE REFERENCE UBRARY, The British Ubrary, Bayswater Branch, 10, Porchester Gardens, London, W2 6HD, England. SOUTH AUSTRAUAN MUSEUM, Ubrary, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 5000. UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND, Biological Sciences Library, Private Bag, Auckland, New Zealand. 3n iOUmorimn Mr. Hugh C. Cameron Mrs. Bruce J. Grantier Mr. Dan Steger EDITORIAL POLICY The original plus two copies of manuscripts (full-length or abstracts) must be submitted to the editor within one month after the annual meeting. No others will be accepted. Each author should also retain a copy of his paper. Manuscripts must be typed, double-spaced, and in the format described in the Style Manual for Biological Journals published by the American Institute of Biological Sciences, 2000 P Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20036. All measurements must be converted to the metric system. Tables should be placed on separate sheets with a title at the top and numbered consecutively with arabic numbers. Legends accompanying photographs must be on separate sheets. All full-length papers will be sent to at least two external reviewers selected from the AMU Council which serves as the review board. All manuscripts accepted for publication became the property of the AMU and may be edited for style as described above. Page charges will be levied for all manuscripts. Reprints may be ordered at the time proofs are sent to authors. Reprints may have portions of adjacent papers on them. Due to the high cost of printing we can no longer offer clean copies. 93 INDEX OF AUTHORS C. O. Van Regteren Altena. Noorullah Babrakzai. 67,72 Thomas Backman........................... •••••61 Hans Bertsch.. ••••■ .....57 Thomas Brideridge .....64 Joseph C. Britton .......................33 James T. Carlton .63,65 Carl C. Christensen..................... ...............66 Eugene V. Coan ....71 Charles M. Courtney. •■■29 Gregory P. Daly.......................... .....69 R. W. Dapson 68 Anthony D‘Attilio.................................. ........... 50 George M. Davis 62,64 K. Elaine Hoagland Davis................ ...52 Peter Neal D'Eliscu.............. ......................65 Bertram C. Draper.... ....56 George T. Hemmingway................ ................64 Richard S. Houbrick... .....14 A. Myra Keen..... 46,66 Christopher L. Kitting.................. .................73 M. Bowie Kotrla 41 Hal Lewis 64 David L. Lindberg....... 69 Glenn A. Long.. .72 Virginia O. Maes...... .....60 Gary McDonald 55 James H. McLean............... ....60 Artie L. Metcalf .....56 Walter B. Miller ..66,67,71,72 Donald R. Moore................................. .......19 Joseph P. E. Morrison...... 70 Harold D. Murray............. 43 James Nybakken.... ..68 William E. Old, Jr 52 G. L. Pace.......................................................68 Ed Petuch 70 Leroy Poorman 61 George E. Radwin............ 58 Richard L. Reeder 71 Robert Robertson..... ....................................51 Gordon A. Robilliard........ .59 Peter U. Rodda....... .....63 Clyde Roper 21 Clyde F. E. Roper... 58 Joseph Rosewater................................ ........48 Barry Roth.... .......62 Donald R. Shasky..... 47 David Shonman 69 Alan Solem... 55,58 David H. Stansbery. ..................................70 Michael J. Sweeney.......... 21 E. J. Szuch........... 68 Robert R. Talmadge .....59 Joseph Vagvalgzi 64 Emily H. Vokes. ...44,54 Harold E. Vokes..... 44 Thomas R. Waller ....7,57 Oscar G. Ward 67 CONTENTS AMU-WSM Joint Meeting............. 1 Group photograph & List of attending Members & and Guests..... ....2 Papers Given at Joint Meeting (See Next Page) Tribute To William Healy DaO 4 AMU Annual Reports 74 Report of The Treasurer.... 76 Report of The Recording Secretary .....78 Report of The Corresponding Secretary, 1975 78 List of AMU Members as of Sept. 1, 1975................ 79 List of Corresponding Members .......90 Affiliated Shell Clubs and Regional Organizations.... 90 Institutions - Domestic and Foreign 91 Index of Author s 93 Editorial Policy................................................. 92 Notices 93 NOTICE A new edition of the popular symposium HOW TO STUDY AND COLLECT SHELLS published by the American Malacological Union is now available. Copies may be purchased for $2.50 from Mr. Paul Jennewein, Corresponding Secretary, Box 394, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480. An Index to the “Bulletin of the American Malacological Union” has been prepared by Ms. Margaret Teskey and will be available the first part of 1976. The cost will be $5.50 for orders placed prior to December 31, 1975 and $6.50 thereafter. Order through Jud Taylor, 900 Burr Rd., Apt. 1-G, San Antonio, TX. 78209. CONTENTS Contribated Papers Presented At Joint Meetings The Behavior and Tentacle Morphology of Pteriomorphian Bivalves - Thomas R. Waller......? Preliminary Revision of Supraspecific Taxa In The Cerithiinae Fleming, 1822 - Richard S. Houbrick..l4 Is Meiocerm Living In The Indo-Pacific? - Donald R. Moore.... ....... .......................... .....19 The Pelagic Octopod Ocythoe Tnbercnlatte Rafinesque, 1814 - Clyde Roper and Michael J. Sweeney. .................................................. .21 Mangrove and Seawall Oyster Communities Marco Island, Florida - Charles M. Courtney............ ...29 The Shallow Water Marine Mollusks Of The Swan Islands, Honduras - Joseph C. Britton............... 35 New Geographical Location For PMIophtolmns Sp. In Thiarid Snails and Waterfowl In Texas ■ M. Bowie Melanoides Tnbercalata (Muller), Las Moras Creek Bracketville, Texas - Harold D. Murray............. 43 Eastern Pacific - Western Atlantic Faanal Affinities Geologic History of the Panamic Region - Emily H. Yokes......... ................... ................44 Atlantic Ancestors Of The East Pacific Fauna - Harold E. Yokes..................... ................44 The Marine Mollusks of Surinam (Dutch Guiana) - C. O. van Regteren Altena............................45 Pacific Outposts Of The Tertiary Caribbean Province - A. Myra Keen................................ 46 Marine Mollusks of Panama Bay - Donald R. Shasky........................... ............................ 47 Some Results of The National Museum of Natural History - Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Survey of Panama - Joseph Rosewater. ............. .48 Recent and Fossil Typhinae of The New World - Anthony Faunal Affinities of The Architectoniddae in The Eastern Pacific - Robert Robertson................... 51 Living Conns From The New World, With Special Reference To ‘Twin Species’ -William E. Old, Jr. ......................................52 Patterns Of Evolution And Niche Partitioning In North American Crepidala (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) - K. Elaine Hoagland Davis......... 52 Eastern Pacific-Western Atlantic Faunal Affinities - Muricinae and Muricopsinae - Emily H. Yokes.... 54 Abstracts And Titles Of Papers Presented At Joint Meeting Cerberilla Mosslandica, McDonald & Nybakken, 1975, A New Species Of Nudibranch From Monterey Bay, California, With Comments on Other Enigmatic or Undescribed Species From California - Gary McDonald.................................................. 55 Oreohelicid Land Snails Of The Salmon River Valley, Idaho - Alan Solem... ...... .....................55 Ashmunellas Of The San Andres and Organ Mountains, New Mexico and Franklin Mountains, Texas - Artie L. Metcalf...... ...................... .....56 An Overview Of The Family Caecidae On The Pacific Coast Of The Americas - Bertram C. Draper....... 56 On Some Species Of Discadoris And The Use Of The Radula In Nudibranch Taxonomy - Hans Bertsch..57 The Origin of Folkted-Calclte Shell Microstructure In The Subclass Pteriomorpha (Moilusca: Bivalvia) - Thomas R. Waller....................................... 57 Structures of Recent Cephaiopod Radulae - Alan Solem and Clyde F. E. Roper........ ....... ....................58 A review of The Genus Aspella (Gastropoda;Muriddae) - George E. The Nudibranch Dendronotas Frondosnsi Is Is It One Species Or Four? - Gordon A. Robilliard............59 Notes On Fositriton - Robert R. Talmadge..............59 A New Genus and Species of Monoplacophora From The Continental Shelf of Southern California - James H. The Genus Pilsbryspiras Its Position In History and The Family Turridae - Virginia O. Maes............. 60 The Effects of Grazing on Algae by Limpets and Littorines - Thomas Backman..........................61 The Life and Times of S. Stillman Berry - Leroy Preliminary Analysis of The Land Mollusk Faunas of The Islands of Southern California and Northern Baja California - Barry Roth............ ................62 Origin of Asian “Hydrobiidae” in Time and Space - George M. Davis...... ................ ..................62 Comments On Cosmopolitanism - James T. Carlton.. 63 Evolutionary Rates In Gastropods - Peter U. Rodda...63 Evolutionary Relationships Between The Three Orders Of The Prosobranch Gastropods - Hal Lewis and George M. Davis....... ................64 Body Size Dispersal And The Origin Of The Pacific Land Snail Fauna - Joseph Vagvolgyi and Thomas Brideridge..,..................,.................64 Functional Morphology Of Feeding In The Predatory Whelk, AcantMna Spirato (Gastropoda: Proso- branchia) - George T. Hemingway. .................. .64 Metal And Pesticide Contamination And Concentration In The Molluscs Of The Lake Tahoe Basin - Peter Nea! D’Eliscu....... .......................... .....65 Extinct And Endangered Populations Of The Endemic Mudsnail CeritMiea CaMfomica In Northern California - James T. Carlton.............. ...... .......65 Another Check-List Plan - A. Myra Keen..... ...........66 Preliminary Observations On Rabdotas In Baja California - Carl C. Christensen and Walter B. Miller 66 The Introduction Of Giemsa And Centromeric Banding Techniques Of Chromosomes To Molluscan Cytotaxonomy - Noorullah Babrakzai, Oscar G. Ward & Walter B. Miller 67 Abundance, Diversity And Temporal Variability Of An Intertidal Nudibranch Population - James Nybakken 68 Scuba Assisted Studies Of Freshwater Snails - G. L. Pace, E. J. Szuch, and R. W. Dapson 68 The Effects Of The Reproductive Cycle On Seasonal Growth Trends In The Owl Limpet, Lottia Gigantea - Gregory P. Daly 69 An Analysis Of Feeding Of Two Species Of Benthic Opisthobranchs - David Shonman 69 The Homing Depressions Of The Limpet, CoUisella Scabra (Gould, 1846) - David R. Lindberg 69 The Verdesian Province: A New West African Marine Molluscan Faunal Province - Ed Petuch 70 Relict Mussels From Two Continents - Joseph P. E. Morrison 70 The Naiad Mollusks Of The Rockcastle River Of The Cumberland Plateau Of Eastern Kentucky (Bivalvia: Unionoidae) - David H. Stansbery 70 Karyotype Studies In Asbmunella (Pulmonata: Polygyridae) - Richard L. Reeder and Walter B. Miller 71 The Availability Of Taxa Proposed In The Minutes Of The Conchological Club Of Southern California - Eugene V. Coan 71 Karyotypic Comparison Between Helminthoglyptidae And Bradybaenidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) - Noorullah Babrakzai and Walter B. Miller 72 Spondylus: The Red Shell - Glenn A. Long 72 The Impact Of Molluscs Feeding On Some West Indian GorgOnians - Christopher L. Kitting 73 Papers Presented, Abstracts Not Available 73 This issue represents a cooperative effort by the WSM Editor, Dr. Eugene V. Coan and the AMU Editor, Dr. Dee S. Dundee. All papers included have been edited by both. In addition, the full-length papers have been read by outside referees. 2L r-' 401- - ■' ■'1:' =r 45 <0 3 a 3 • < “ >> c < 2 ^ 3 .§ si ■q 3 . E H Q •S ® - $ t, ^ "S 3 £ e H ."g fj a cs c „ • 2 ^ M ^ -O ffl o ^ ■§ « aC £ •a S -a « g o o C/5 o * »2 's Q *0 E ^*’2 § H I g « s ^ S 6 ^ ' 0) 'rt ^ -a O .S aw . s _ ^ .S 00 B . . C . ’O t; ca m w ^ oS ^ (D .»- O 4= 5! ^ ^ ^ — . ’^ ^J- ii 3 — c rt ^ rt S ^ 3 ^ « ^ “ S ^ sl^ < 4) « M TS o 5 .5 3 o 1^ b • E i ^ ffi 2s ^ - ”2 ^ M ^ . os w P P 4i ® s g 0 s i tr 9^ 1 a. - £ S j u .S . 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Kokai......... ...............12 Chromosome Numbers of Some North American Naiades (BivalviarUnionacea) - John J. Jenkinson.... .............16 Endangered Freshwater Mollusks of Northwestern North America - Arthur H. Clarke 18 The Effect of Gravel Dredging on Mussel Production - Paul Yokley, Jr. 20 Pelecypods From the Kanopolis Local Fauna (Yarmouthian), Ellsworth County, Kansas - Barry B. Miller. 23 Printing of the Unpublished Velins (53 plates) of Lamarck (1802-1809) Sur les Fossiles des Environs de Paris, ... Especes ... Animaux Marins Sans Vertebres... - Katherine V. W. Palmer,..,.............................26 Changes in the Distribution of lo Fluvialls (say, 1825) in the Upper Tennessee River System (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pleuroceridae) - David H . Stansbe'ry and Carol B . Stein .28 The Role of the “Home Scar” in Pulmonate Limpets - Susan Blackford Cook.. 34 Spiral Cord Variation of Odostomia Impressa (Say) and 0. Seminuda (C.B. Adams) Family Pyramidellidae - Hugh J. Porter 38 Abstracts of Papers Presented at 1976 Meetings Dr. Victor Sterki and Some of His Malacological Correspondence - Ralph W. Dexter .41 The Distribution of the Margaritiferidae: A Review and a New Synthesis - Douglas G. Smith.. 42 Notes on Unionacean Mollusks of the Rio Grande System, United States and Mexico - Artie L. Metcalf & Edward M. Stern ....................42 Origin and Affinities of the Freshwater Mussels (Unionidae) of Southeastern Louisiana - Edward M. Stern............,..........,..................43 EUlptio at the Schacht Site, Hanover Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania - Glenn A. Long & Robert W. Rusbar.. ..43 Bivalve Molluscan Mariculture - Matoira H. Chanley..... .....44 Comparison of Organic and Inorganic Content of the Shells of Some Sphaeriid Clams - Dennis M. Catalano& Albert J. Burky.... .....44 Brief Notes on a Few Species Observed in Captivity - Dorothy Raeihle .....................45 The Development of the Larval and Early Postlarval Shell of the Bay Scallop, Argopecten Irradians - Thomas R. Waller................. ...................46 Ecological Studies on Halophilic Ellobiidae in the Azores - A.M. Frias Martins 47 Galapagos Finches; Caspian Cockles - Kenneth J. Boss 47 Laboratory Culture and Metamorphosis of Larval Aplysia Brasiliana Rang (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia) - Ned E. Strenth & James E. Blankenship.. 48 Micromolluscs of the Continental Shelf, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico - Donald R. Moore. ...... ..............48 Polymorphism, Climate and Biome Development, A Hypothesis - Arthur H. Clarke... 49 Mollusks of Badlands National Monument, SD - Dorothy E. Beetle 49 Land Snail Distribution in Remnant Natural Areas in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas - W. Lloyd Pratt, Jr........... ..50 Energy Content of Parasitized (Trematode) and Non-Parasitized Saccinea Ovalls (Gastropoda: Pulmonata, Trematoda: Leucochloridiidae) - Daniel J. Hornbach & Albert J. Burky ......51 Phyllonotus (Gastropoda, Muricidae), a Worldwide Tropical and Subtropical Genus - George E. Radwin..................................,.....51 Survival of Triodopsis Albolabris in a Fire-Type Habitat - Virginia A. Vail.. 52 Non-Marine Mollusks and Paleoenvironments of the Paleocene Fort Union Group, North Dakota and Montana - David Bickel 52 Papers Presented, Abstracts Not Available 53 The Occurrence of Two European Succineids, Saccinea Oblong and Saccinea Pntris, in North America - F. Wayne Grimm 53 Papers Presented, Abstracts Not Available............. 53 Symposlom: Corrent Trends in Malacology Organizer: Dr. Dorothea S. Franzen Moderator: Dr. Harold D. Mnrray Current Trends in Molluscan Systematics: Methods, Techniques - George M. Davis ..54 Problems of Estimating Populations of Fossil Molluscs - A. Byron Leonard 54 Molluscan Genetics and Host-Parasite Relations - Charles S. Richards 55 Malacology and Parasitology as They Pertain to Health - Henry Van der Schalie 55 Procedures and Methods in Molluscan Cytology and Cytogenetics - Noorullah Babrakzai, Walter B. Miller & Sianoosh Samsam 57 Current Trends in Malacology: Environmental Impact Studies and Endangered Species Research - Carol B. Stein & Marc J. Imlay 62 AMU Annual Reports 68 Report of the Treasurer 71 Report From The Recording Secretary 72 Report of The Corresponding Secretary, 1976 73 List of AMU Members as of Oct. 10, 1976 74 List of Corresponding Members 85 Affiliated Shell Clubs and Regional Organizations.... 86 Domestic Institutions 87 Foreign Institutions 87 Index of Authors 88 Notices 89 AMU ’76 Columbus-Local Committee 89 Presiding at the ’76 AMU Paper Sessions 89 Reviewers for this issue 89 2 AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION. INC. Forty-Second Annual Meeting Aug. 2 - 6, 1976 Columbus, Ohio The Forty-Second Annual Meeting of the American Malacological Union was held on the campus of Ohio State University at Columbus, Ohio, August 2 - 6, 1976, with 129 members registered. Members began to arrive early on Sunday, Aug. 1, checking in at Blackburn House Dormi- tory on campus. Registration was smoothly accomplished that day and on Monday, allowing members to have ample time to visit in the lobby and to roam the campus area to sample restaur- ants. AMU had Blackburn all for its own members, overflowing to the next dormitory also. Monday afternoon a conservation meeting was called for those interested. The first scheduled event was a trek to Black Forest Inn, a campus gathering place, for a very informal get-together on Monday before the opening session at 7:15 p.m. at Independence Hall. Dr. Dorothea Franzen, president, opened the session with a warm welcome and presented Dr. David Stansbery, director of the Museum of Zoology of the Ohio State University, who introduced Dr. Richard H. Bohning, dean of the College of biological Sciences at OSU. Papers of the evening were on land and fresh water mollusks, with a tribute to Dr. Victor Sterki and notes from some of his correspondence. The stress on fresh water and land mollusks was thus well established for this meeting. Members from Texas rounded out the evening by inviting everyone to the basement recreation room at Blackburn House for an hour or so of friendly talk and song. Tuesday the meeting sessions began at Hitch- cock Hall, starting at 8:45 a.m. The group photo- graph was accomplished at noon with members seated in the comfortable seats. No sun glare this time! Members of the conservation committee and interested members met in tbe cafeteria at lunch- time to formulate recommendations to Council. The aftertoon session featured papers on a wide variety of subjects, ending in time for everyone to dash to have the evening meal at the campus cafeteria. Council met that night in the Executive Office of the Museum of Zoology. The conservation committee held another meeting before sending in recommendations to Council. Other AMU members were afforded the opportunity to visit the Museum of Zoology where members of the staff opened drawers of catalogued mollusks and answered questions for some of our members having their first chance to visit such a research collection. All those visiting the Museurn were impressed with the stacks of preserved fresh water and land material for research being put together by Dr. Stansbery, Dr. Carol Stein and staff members. The move back to Sullivant Hall at 1813 N. High Street has just recently been accomplished. The rows of cases and the collection of “wet” specimens were impressive. A full quota of papers on Wednesday morning moved along with good timing by the moderator. Dr. Katherine V.M. Palmer was in attendance for the first time in recent years and presented some unpublished plates of Lamarck from a rare series of Eocene and living mollusks. These are due to be published, with the reprinted text. The afternoon’s session was requested and planned by President Franzen and moderated by Dr. Harold Murray. The Symposium on the Current Trends in Malacology featured a number of selected subjects to stir interest from amateurs and professionals. That evening a FIRST for AMU was a highly successful and popular Literature Auction, with Morris Jacobson as auctioneer. Members swarmed over the tables of sale books and reprints and even bid against themselves in eagerness to acquire the auction materials, all of which were donated to AMU for this event. Slides from the new exhibit on mollusks at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City were shown also. Thursday’s sessions were full to the brim with papers. However, the schedule was adhered to very well, and the annual business meeting at 3 3:30 p.m. lasted approximately an hour, giving everyone time to relax and dress up for the social hour and annual banquet at the OSU Faculty Club. After quite a sumptuous feast, members retired to a meeting room to hear commentaries and see slides on marine bivalves by Dr. Thomas R. Waller. Dr. Franzen presented her officers and committees and introduced an impressive number of former AMU presidents. The gavel was handed over to Dr. George Davis. Officially, AMU ended this annual session. The weather in Columbus had been ideal the whole week. The sun had shown brightly every day, and nights had been so cool that the dormitory staff had had to provide blankets for us sleeping in single bunk beds. However, the morning after the banquet dawned with rain and heavy clouds. This was the day set for the field trip. Some twenty cars of members started off for the first of three sites, but only about six ended up at the final stop. We had lunch in the rain at a lakeside park, but it didn’t seem to matter too much to those who figured they would get wet anyway collecting land and fresh water mollusks. We scrambled through a bog to get fresh water snails, collected snails and fossils as we slid and slithered down a river bank, and we waded Little Darby Creek to dig around the water willows. One amateur participant saw a snake and gave up. Another stuck it out, wearing a plastic garment bag to ward off the rain. All faced going back to the dorms and checking out in heavy rain. Parts of Columbus were, flooded that day. AMU members didn’t seem to mind. The 42nd annual meeting had been too good a meeting to damper their spirits. Constance E. Boone CONTRIBUTED PAPERS PRESENTED AT THE 1976 MEETING SPHAERIIDAE NATALITY AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN WATER QUALITY STUDIES G. L. Mackie Department of Zoology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG2W1 Benthic indicator organisms and diversity of aquatic invertebrate communities are common methods used in the assessment of water quality. However, these methods often employ quantitat- ive techniques with deficiencies that introduce substantial errors in population estimates; there are no sampling devices that sample all substrates and all communities equally well, some size classes of organisms are often lost in washing procedures, and there are no techniques for separating all the benthic organisms from a sample of substrate. There are many other sources of error and investigators are constantly trying to devise new techniques that will improve quantitative estimates of benthic populations. Rather than devising new quantitative samp- ling techniques we are using natality data which requires only a sufficient number of organisms for determining the numbers of young produced by individuals or by a unit of population. Natality is described here as realized natality - the amount of successful reproduction that actually occurs over a period of time (Smith 1974). It is influenced by environmental conditions, nutrition, population density, mortality and competition. Natality is measured as a rate and may be expressed either as crude birth or specific birth rate. Crude birth rate is expressed in terms of population size (Smith 1974), as for example 50 young/growth container/month. Specific birth rate is expressed relative to a specific criterion, as for example 50 newborn/month/length class x. Natality rates are more easily determined for some animals than for others. Sphaeriids are ideal organisms for study because they are cosmopolitan and, most important, are ovovivi- parous. The orderly development of larval stages in brood sacs (Mackie, Qadri, & Clarke 1974) facilitates relatively simple enumeration of larvae. Most other benthic organisms are oviparous making it very difficult to determine natality rates. The use of sphaeriid natality as an index of environmental stress is a new concept. However, before its use can be assessed the effects of other environmental parameters on sphaeriid fecundity must be known, especially temperature, sediment properties, population density, and competition which are functional in most benthic commun- ities. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of these parameters and common environ- mental pollutants such as sulfate, road salts, pulp and paper wastes, and raw sewage and slaughter- house wastes on the natality of a sphaeriid using controlled laboratory and field experiments. MATERIALS AND METHODS Musculium securis was used as the test animal because it is easy to maintain in the laboratory and grows and reproduces relatively quickly (60 - 80 days). With few exceptions, newborn M. securis were obtained from Carp Pond (Mackie, Qadri, & Clarke 1976) and grown in 100 mm diameter X 50 mm height “Pyrex” dishes containing 50 g air-dried soil, 2 g air-dried black willow or white elm leaves, and distilled or deion- ized water to capacity of each dish. After allowing one day for equilibration, 5 pre-measured newborn M. securis were added to each dish. Three replicates were made for each magnitude of environmental parameter tested. The parameters examined in the laboratory were temperature (5C, IOC, 18C, 25C), sediment texture (particle sizes of 0.05 mm i.e. silt and clay, 0.050-0. 125mm fine sand, 0.125-0. 50mm i.e. medium to fine sand, and 0.50-2. 00mm i.e. coarse to very coarse sand), different sediments and leaves (see Table 1 for different combinations of sediments and leaves used), population density (5, 10, 20, 30, 40 parents per dish), sulfate (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 mgS04/l), and road salts (rock salt, pure sodium chloride, and calcium chloride in concentrations of 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 mg/1). The parameters examined in the field were competition and industrial and municipal wastes. Growth tubes were used to maintain M. securis in the field (Mackie 1973). The effects of competition on sphaeriid natality were deter- mined for M. securis and M. transversum in Britannia Bay of the Ottawa River near Ottawa, Canada. The densities used (Table 2) were based 5 6 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 TABLE 1 Mean natalities of Musculium securis adults showing the effects of the abiotic factors, temperature, sediment textures, and different kinds of leaf and sediment substrates. Means side- scored by the same line are not significantly different at P = 0.05. Standard deviation of the mean in parenthesis. 5 pre-measured newborn in each dish at start. Variable Mean Variable Mean Natality Natality Temperature (C) per growth dish Sediment Texture per growth dish 25 14.7 (3.1) Fine sand 21.3 (3.1) 18 49.7 (4.2) Silt-clay 19.7 (3.5) 10 0 Medium fine sand 4.7 (1.5) 5 0 Very coarse sand 1.0 (1.7) Sediment only 0 Leaves only 0 Different Leaves per growth dish Different Leaves per growth dish on Sediments Elm 40.3 (6.8) Cedar 40.7 (5.0) Spruce on birch-aspen 44.0 (2.7) Willow 38.3 (4.2) Willow on willow-elm 42.0 (5.3) Oak 34.0 (1.7) Oak on oak-maple 35.3 (5.7) Birch 31.3 (8.3) Aspen on birch-aspen 11.0 (3.6) Spruce 29.0 (4.4) Maple on oak-maple 7.3 (1.2) Aspen 27.3 (4.0) Birch on birch-aspen 7.0 (4.6) Maple 5.3 (2.3) Cedar on cedar 5.7 (1.5) No leaves 0 Spruce on spruce 0 on natural population sizes in Britannia Bay. The effects of industrial and municipal effluents were determined by placing twenty growth tubes, each containing one newborn M. securis from Britannia Bay, at distances of 50 m, 330 m, 700, and 1000 m below the outfalls of a pulp and paper plant and immediately upstream of the outfalls ( = control); twenty tubes were also placed 1.6 km below a slaughterhouse and several raw sewage outfalls with the growth tubes placed in Britannia Bay as controls. The number of young produced by parents in each tube was recorded at the end of the experiment. Details of these materials and methods may be found in Mackie (1973). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Tables 1 to 3 show that some levels of each environmental variable tested have a profound affect on the natality of M. securis. Environ- mental stress is indicated where natality rates are significantly less (P<0.05) than in control dishes. Table 1 shows that of the magnitudes tested, sig- nificantly smaller natalities occurred in the laboratory growth dishes kept at 25C and at less than IOC, in sediments coarser than 0.125 mm, and generally on sediments and leaves character- istic of the coniferous forest region. On the basis of the numbers of reproductive adults in the population density experiments, the carrying capacity of the growth dishes was approximately 16 parents. Table 2 and .Fig. 1 show that natality rates were significantly smaller in dishes maintained above carrying capacity and where intraspecific (compare a with b and e, and m with n and p, Table 2) and interspecific competition (compare c and 1, d and k, f and j, g and i, and o and q, r and w, s and v, t and x, Table 2) were present. Of the concentrations of pollutants tested, significantly smaller natalities occurred in con- centrations greater than 100 mgS04/l, 200 mg Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 7 TABLE 2 Mean natalities of Musculium securis adults scored by the same line are not significantly showing the effects of the biotic factors, popu- different at P = 0.05. Standard deviation of the lation density and competition. Means side- mean in parentheses. Mean Natality Per dish 47.0 (3.6) 63.0 (2.5) 66.3 (3.0) 71.3 (2.7) 73.7 (3.7) Density per dish 5 10 20 30 40 Variable Mean Natality Variable Competition Per parent M. securis: M. transversum M. securis only a 1:0 9.8 (2.4) b 10:0 7.0 (0.3) c 9.:1 7.2 (0.6) d 19:1 4.5 (0.8) e 20:0 4.5 (0.4) f 16:4 4.7 (1.0) g 18:2 4.4 (0.5) h 10:10 3.4 (0.8) i 2:18 2.3 (2.1) j 4:16 2.2 (0.5) k 1:19 2.3 (0.6) 1 1:9 1.7 (1.5) Competition (cont’d) M. securis: per parent M. transversum M. transversum only m 0:1 11.8 (3.2) n 0:10 9.5 (0.3) o( = l) 1:9 9.3 (0.7) P 0:20 6.4 (0.4) q( = c) 9:1 6.3 (0.6) r(=j) 4:16 6.0 (0.8) s( = i) 2:18 6.0 (0.4) t( = k) 1:19 6.1 (0.9) u( = h) 10:10 4.4 (0.3) v( = g) 18:2 0.7 (1.2) w( = f) 16:4 0 II 19:1 0 NaCl/1, and less than 600 mgCaCl/1 (Table 3). River water contaminated with pulp and paper wastes and with raw sewage and slaughterhouse wastes (Mackie 1973) also significantly reduced natality rates of M. securis (Table 3). The results of these studies indicate that the natality of M. securis is either directly or inversely related to the intensity of environmental variables, especially pollutants. This implies that the natality of M. securis and other sphaeriids is potentially a good index of environmental stress. However, before natality of other sphaeriid species can be used as an index of water quality, the effects of various pollutants must be determined for several species since some e.g. Sphaerium striatinum respond to slight fertiliza- tion by increased productivity (Ingram et al 1953) and others e.g. M. securis by decreased productivity. Also, because of the heterogene- ity of the natural habitat and the multiplicity of factors (e.g. temperature, sediment texture, com- petition, etc.) which operate through factor interaction, experiments should be done in the field on natural populations. Stations should be established above ( = control) and at several distances below the outfalls. Habitat character- istics should be similar, except for those features altered by pollution, and natalities compared with those in the control station. It is essential that a control station be established because natalities may vary from one year to the next and among different bodies of water (Mackie, Qadri, & Clarke 1976). If these criteria are met, then any changes in water quality would be accompanied and be detected by changes in the natality index. Values significantly less than those obtained in the control station would indicate an aggrevation in water quality. Values significantly greater than those obtained in the control station would Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 TABLE 3 Mean natalities erf Musculium securis adults Means side-scored by the same line are not showing the effects of sulfate, rock salt, sodium significantly different at P = 0.05. Standard chloride, calcium chloride, pulp and paper waste deviation of the mean in parentheses, and raw sewage and slaughterhouse wastes. Variable Mean Natality Variable Mean Natality Sulfate mg/1 per growth dish Rock Salt mg/1 per growth dish 40 52.0 (9.2) 0 54.3 (5.1) 20 43.1 (7.0) 200 33.7 (2.5) 0 43.6 (5.6) 400 19.3 (3.2) 60 43.3 (9.2) 800 8.3 (2.7) 80 40.7 (1.2) 600 3.0 (1.5) 100 39.7 (0.6) 600 0 200 21.0 (15.6) 1000 300 10.7 (2.9) 400 10.3 (5.7) 500 0 Sodium Pulp and Paper per growth tube Chloride mg/1 per growth dish Above outfalls 3.8 (1.6) 0 54.3 (5.1) 1000 m below 2.1 (0.6) 200 28.7 (2.1) 700 m below 1.8 (1.1) 400 22.0 (7.6) 300 m below 0.8 (1.3) 600 8.7 (4.1) 50 m below 0 800 5.0 (5.6) 1000 0 Sewage and Calcium Slaughter per growth tube Chloride mg/1 Per Growtl: i Dish Above outfalls 9.8 (2.4) 0 54.3 (5.1) Below outfalls 0 800 40.7 (8.1) 600 31.3 (5.1) 1000 30.3 (7.5) 200 28.7 (2.1) 400 22.0 (8.5) indicate that the species responds to the ambient conditions by increased productivity. The habitat that supports the highest natality would probably be the habitat most characteristic of the species. Therefore, if a species is more prolific in organ- ically enriched areas, it is probably an indicator of those conditions. Applying the index to the Ottawa River, the highest natality (2.44) in the natural population of M. securis in 1972 was obtained in Britannia Bay, the control station. The mean natality of M. securis below the pulp and paper outfalls was 1.70 newborn per parent. This was significantly less than that obtained in Britannia Bay, indicating an aggrevation in water quality. DENSITY OF PARENTAL STOCK PER GROWTH DISH Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 9 LITERATURE CITED Ingram, W. M., D. G. Ballinger, and A. R. Gaufin. 1953. Relationship of Sphaerium soli- dulum Prime to organic pollution. Ohio J. Sci. 53: 230-235 Mackie, G. L. 1973. Biology of Musculium se cutis (Pelecypoda: Sphaeriidae) in two i temporary forest ponds, a river, and a perma- I nent pond near Ottawa, Canada. Ph.D. thesis, i Univ. Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario. 175p. ! Mackie, G.L., S.U. Qadri, and A.H. Clarke. 1974. Development of brood sacs in Musculium securis (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae). The Nautilus 88: 109-111. Mackie, G. L., S.U. Qadri, and A. H. Clarke. 1976. Reproductive habits of four populations of Musculium securis (Pelecypoda: Sphaeriida) near Ottawa, Canada. The Nautilus 90: 76-86. Smith, R. L. 1974. Ecology and field biology. Harper and Row. N.Y. 686p. LITTER SIZE PER REPRODUCTIVE ADULT Fig. 1 - Relation between the average litter size per reproducive adult and the density of parental stock of M. securis in laboratory growth dishes. Curve was fitted by eye. 10 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 SPECIES OF THE GENUS UNIOMERUS J. P. E. Morrison Washington, D. C. The genus Uniomerus Conrad, 1853 (p. 268), originally included the species declivis Say, camptodon Say, subcroceus Conrad, sayii Ward, rivularis Conrad, porrectus Conrad, symmetricus Lea, and excultus Conrad. According to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, the type- species of the genus must be one of these originally- included names. Simpson (1900, p. 739) stated that Unio tetra- lasmus Say was the type of Uniomerus. However, since tetralasmus is not one of originally included names, it cannot be recognized as the type-spec- ies. In the synonymy of U. tetralasmus, Simpson listed excultus, subcroceus, and symmetricus, all of which were among the names originally included by Conrad. According to Article 69 (a) (iv) of the International Code, “If an author designates (or accepts another’s designation) as type-species a nominal species that was not originally included, and if, but only if, at the same time he synonymizes that species with one of the originally included species, his act constitutes designation of the latter as type- species of the genus.’’ Because Simpson synonymized under tetralasmus not just one but three of the originally included species, his act cannot be construed as the designation of any one of the three as type- species. In the same way the reverse synonymy of Ortrpann (1912, p. 272) in putting declivis and six other so-called species as synonyms or varieties under tetralasmus which he declared to be the type, does not hold. We now know that tetralasmus and declivis are separate species. The first clear designation of declivis Say, 1832 as the type-species is that of Frierson (1927, p. 10). Three species can be recognized in the genus Uniomerus. These are separable not only on the basis of shell characters, but also on zoogeo- graphic and anatomical grounds. Their exact time of reproduction, details of glochidial shape and structure, and fish host species are still unknown. Uniomerus carolinianus (Bose, 1801) Unio caroliniana L.A.G. Bose, 1801, Histoire Naturelle Des Coquilles, Deterville edition, Paris, vol. 3, p. 142, pi. 23, fig. 2; refers to Tableau Encyclop6dique et Methodique, pi. 239 (249), fig. 5 (“Se trouve dans les eaux dormantes en Carol- ine’’); 1824, ibid., p. 139. Synonyms: the following names are here considered synonyms of U. carolinianus Bose, and are listed by name, author and date only. For full citations of references see Johnson (1970:339- 340): Unio obesus Lea, 1831; U buddianus Lea, 1843: U. paludicolus Gould, 1845; U. ineptus Lea, 1852; U columbensis Lea, 1857; U. plantii Lea, 1857; U cicur Lea, 1861; U. squalidus Lea, 1863; U. bisselianusluGa., 1867; U. jewettUhedL, 1867; U. pawensis Lea, 1868; U. rivicolus Conrad, 1868. Simpson (1900; p. 741) was correct when he observed that carolinianus “is quite probably U. obesus. ” However, his decision to use Lea’s later name was not in accordance with the present international rules, which state that the earliest valid name is the one to be used for a species. In Bose’s introduction he observes that a species of Unio [probably U. carolinianus^ was found living in mud which was dried so hard it could not be broken with a spade, and which was only watered by the occasional rains of the summer months. Any species found in such a habitat could only be a member of the genus Uniomerus. It could not possibly be a Margarit- ifera, nor could it be a synonym of Elliptio complanatus, as I had considered it until I read Bose’s description of its habitat. This is the Uniomerus of the Atlantic drainage. It is presently known from North Carolina southward all the way around Florida, to and including the Flint River system of Georgia. Its reported presence in southern Virginia needs confirmation. This species, like U. declivis from Ohio, has both male and female individuals, in approxi- mately equal numbers, according to the gill structure of specimens I have examined. Uniomerus declivis [Say, 1932] Unio declivis Say, 1831 [1832] Transylvania Journal of Medicine vol. 4, p. 527 (Bayou Teche, Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 11 Louisiana); 1832, American Conchology no. 4, pi. 35. Synonyms: (see Johnson, 1970): Unio campto- don Say, 1832; U. geometricus Lea, 1832. U. ex- cultus Conrad, 1838; U. sayii Ward {in Tappan), 1839; U. parallelus Conrad, 1841, non Sowerby, 1840; U. symmetricus Lea, 1845; U. rivularis Conrad, 1853; U. porrectus Conrad, 1854; U. manubius Gould, 1855. This species differs from tetralasmus by having a much more distinct point at the posterior base, and by the fact that males and females occur in approximately equal numbers. Frierson (1903) has discussed the differences between the shells of these two species in detail, with illustrations. The species declivis Say is recorded from the Lake Erie drainage, Ohio and Indiana; from Tennessee; from the Coosa River system in Alabama, and southwest across Texas to the south side of the Rio Grande system in Chihuahua, Mexico. Uniomerus tetralasmus (Say, 1831) Unio tetralasmus Say 1831, American Conch- ology, no. 3, pL 23. (Bayou St. John, near New Orleans [Louisiana]). Synonyms (see Johnson, 1970): Unio bland- ingianus Lea, 1834. U. hebes Lea, 1852. U. sub- croceus Conrad, 1854; U. jamesianus Lea, 1857. Unio tetralasmus has a much more rounded posterior end than U. declivis. It is only in some of the oldest specimens, when the shells become markedly arcuate, that it becomes quite difficult to separate the two species. In contrast to the dioecious species declivis, tetralasmus individuals all possess the female type of gill structure, and hence are evidently either parthenogenetic or hermaphroditic. This species occupies much the same geographic area as U. declivis. I have seen specimens from Lake Erie, Ohio; from Indiana, Illinois, Tennessee, Mississippi, and south to the Coosa River drainage in Alabama, and in the west from Colorado, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Texas. LITERATURE CITED Conrad, T.A. 1853. A synopsis of the family of Naiades of North America, with notes, and a table of some of the genera and subgenera of the family, according to their geographical dis- tribution, and descriptions of genera and sub- genera. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 6, pp. 243-269. Frierson, L. S. 1903. The specific value of Unio declivis. Say. The Nautilus, vol. 17, pp. 49-51. Frierson, L. S. 1927. A classified and annotated check list of the North American Naiades. Waco, Texas. Baylor University Press, pp. 1-111. Johnson, R. 1. 1970. The systematics and zoo- geography of the Unionidae (Mollusca:Bivalv- ia) of the Southern Atlantic Slope Region. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, vol. 140(6), pp. 263-449, 22 plates. Ortmann, A. E. 1912. Notes upon the families and genera of the Najades. Annals of the Carnegie Museum, vol. 8, pp. 222-365, pis. 18-20. SiApson, C. T. 1900. Synopsis of the Naiades, or Pearly Fresh-Water Mussels. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, vol. 22, pp. 501-1044, plate 28. 12 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 VARIATIONS in APERTURE CHARACTERISTICS of EIGHTEEN SPECIES of UNIONIDAE from LAKE ERIE Frank L. Kokai Ohio State University Museum of Zoology Columbus, OH 43210 Anatomical data pertaining to the soft parts of North American naiades (Unionidae) have been published almost since the discovery of the fauna. Rafinesque (1820) published figures of two species illustrating gills, palps, mantle lobes and foot, and the visceral mass arrangement. Barnes (1823), Kirtland (1834), Agassiz (1851), and Lea (1859) all stated the importance of soft anatomy in naiad classification. George B. Simpson (1884) was the first to do a detailed study of the anatomy of a North American naiad. Near the beginning of the twentieth century, students such as Sterki (1895, 1898) and C. T. Simpson (1900) began to utilize soft parts in naiad systematics. Ortmann (1910, 1911, 1912) built upon and expanded this trend. These authorities chose to use both soft part features and shell characteristics in classification and phylogeny. As a result, most of the “higher” classification (i.e. genera, subfamily, family, super-family, etc.) is currently based on soft anatomy while species and subspecies are based on shell characters. On the species level the soft part descriptions often were qualitative terms such as “large,” “normal,” etc. (Baker 1898). Modern workers recognize the exhibition of both genetic and environmental variation in a species’ shell structure but, until recently, have done very little in this regard with the soft parts. Recent work by Kraemer (1970), Fuller and Bereza (1974), and Kokai (1974) has only begun to quantatively explore this variation. This study deals with the variation of the number, size, and arrangement of the papillae of the incurrent apertures of 18 species of naiades from one community in western Lake Erie. The intent of this study was to determine what soft part variation exists among, and within, the species of western Lake Erie. The approximately 800 specimens used in this study were collected during the summer of 1970 from Fishery Bay of Lake Erie between South Bass and Gibraltar Islands, Ottawa Co., Ohio. This area was chosen because of the great abundance of naiades, the relatively large number of species, and its proximity to the Stone Laboratory of the Ohio State University. Specimens were preserved in a solution of 75% ethanol, 20% water, and 5% glycerin. This preservative somewhat alters the appearance of the soft parts because of some tissue contraction, dissolving of pigment, etc. The descriptions below, however, refer to specimens which were preserved exactly the same way and yielded consistent results in this type of solution. Obser- vations of papillae were made using a binocular microscope at magnifications between 16x and 60x. TABLE 1 Number of Species Collected Specimens 1) Anodonta grandis grandis Sdcy , 5 2) Quadrulaquadrula{RdLiinesqae,\%2Q) 6 3) Quadrulapustulosa(fea..\%7t\) 28 4) Amblemaplicataplicata {Say. 1817) 156 5) FusconatayZam (Rafinesque. 1820) 92 6) Cyclonaias tuberculata (Rafinesque, 1820) 3 7) Pleurobema coccineum (Conrad, 1886) 40 8) Elliptio dilatatus (Rafinesque, 1820) 88 9) Ptychobranchus fasciolaris (Rafinesque, 1820) 6 10) Obliquaria rejlexa (Rafinesque, 1820) 5 11) Obovaria subrotunda (Rafinesque, 1820) 7 12) Truncilla truncata (Rafinesque, 1820) 6 13) Leptodeafragilis (Rafinesque, 1820) 55 14) Potamilus alatus (Say, 1811) 108 15) Ligumia recta (Lamarck, 1819) 8 16) Ligumia nasuta (Say, 1811) 8 17) Lampsilis radiata luteola (Lamarck, 1819) 149 18) Lampsilis ventricosa (Barnes, 1828) 6 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 13 All species collected (Table 1) had papillae lining the margin of the incurrent aperture. Al- though many additional variations exist, the papillae of Lake Erie species were of four basic types. 1) TENTACULATE - elongated, solitary structures with a relatively uniform diameter from base to tip (Figure 1); 2) CONICAL - solitary papillae in which the diameter is obviously greater at the base) 3) BIFURCATED - papillae having two tips arise from the same base; 4) AG- GREGATED - papillae in which more than two tips arise from a mutual base (Figure 2). Many species have combinations of, or slight deviations from, these four basic types. Several types of variation occurred among different specimens of the same species. First, the smaller, and presumably younger, specimens usually had fewer and smaller papillae than the larger specimens. Secondly, if a species had papillae which bifurcated or split, the bifurcations were more numerous in the larger specimens. These variations imply that, at least for some species from Lake Erie, the morphology and number of papillae change with age. The increase in appillae numer is more readily observed when a large sample size is available. Table 2 shows variation in papillae number with an increase in animal size for 156 specimens of Amblema plicata TABLE 2 Animal Size Number of Specimens Papillae Number 40-49 mm 2 18-31 50-59 mm 6 30 - 52 60-69 mm 28 40-63 70-79 mm 45 39-84 80-89 mm 39 54-86 90-99 mm 30 66-97 100-109 mm 2 90-101 110-119 mm 4 110-132 Table 2. Number of papillae of the right side of the incurrent aperture of Amblema plicata plicata (Say, 1817) versus increase in animal size. In general, as the animal gets larger, the number of aperture papillae increases. plicata (Say, 1817). It should be noted that these data, although typical, are not necessarily repre- sentative of papillae numbers for other Lake Erie species. Third, in some species the papillae, or clusters of papillae, were distinctly “ranked” in rows along the periphery of the aperture, but in other species the papillae were randomly distrib- uted. A short description of the papillae of the incurrent apertures follows. Anodonta grandis grandis Say, 1829. Papillae in smaller specimens appear to be two-ranked with the inner papillae tentaculate and the outer papillae a short protuberance. In larger specimens the papillae of both ranks are more-or-less equal in length with less distinction of the rows. Bifurcations of the papillae occurred in only one specimen. Quadrula quadrula (Rafinesque, 1820). Most papillae are joined into distinct assemblages with as many as 23 papillae tips per cluster. The clusters are singly ranked along the aperture margin and vary in number in size. Solitary papillae may occur between, and lateral to. the larger clusters. The individual papillae are shorter than the aggregated clusters and sometimes bifurcate. Quadrula pustulosa (Lea, 1831). The papillae of Q. pustulosa are arranged in the most distinct assemblages of all the species from Lake Erie. The aggregated papillae are two-ranked, subequal in length, and have between 10 and 19 papillae tips per cluster. There are very few solitary papillae between the clusters or on the lateral edge of the aperture margin, Amblema plicata plicata (Say, 1817. The papillae of this species are the most variable in arrangement of all species observed. In a few specimens the papillae were solitary and bifurcating but in most specimens they were solitary conical or tentaculate. The smaller speci- mens generally had short, two-ranked protuber- ences and the larger specimens had elongated papillae distributed randomly along the periphery of the aperture. Aggregated papillae were not seen. Fusconaia jlava (Rafinesque, 1820). Papillae are aggregated as in the genus Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 Quadrula. The papillae were small, of equal length, and numbered as many as 30 per cluster. The aggregations are two- ranked with the larger clusters medial. Shorter, solitary, non- bifurcating papillae are common throughout the entire lateral periphery of the aperture. Cyclonaias tuberculata (Rafinesque, 1820). Aggregate papillae arise from a mutual base but very short, bifurcating papillae occur between, and lateral to, the clusters. Aggregated papillae have five or six tips per group. The clusters may be two or three ranked and are smaller near the dorsal and ventral extremes of the aperture. Pleurobema coccineum (Conrad, 1836). Structure and arrangement basically the same as for Fusconaia flava. The number of papillae per cluster is much less however, with usually no more than six tips per assemblage. Elliptio dilatatus (Rafinesque, 1820). Papillae are solitary and may be two or three ranked around the perimeter of the aperture. Those of the lateral ranks are shorter. The larger specimens have longer papillae of more equal length arranged so that the ranking is obscured. Ptychobranchus fasciolaris (Rafinesque, 1820). Young specimens have papillae which are sub- equal, two-ranked, solitary protuberances. Older specimens have papillae slightly more elongated into a cone shape with the height of the cone being approximately three times as great as the base. Obliquaria rejlexa (Rafinesque, 1820). Papillae are solitary, contiguous, and tentacu- late. No ranking could be determined. The papillae are slightly smaller at the dorsal and ventral extremes of the aperture. There are no bifurcations. Tuncilla truncata (Rafinesque, 1820). Papillae are gathered into a contiguous mass. All are tentaculate with no bifurcations. They are equal in length throughout most of the margin of the aperture but a few shorter papillae are near the dorsal and ventral extremes. Leptodea fragilis (Rafinesque, 1820). L. fragilis has relatively large papillae which are few in number. Individual papillae are very conical and are very close together. Potamilus alatus (Say, 1817). Two types of papillae are about equally numerous. Half are conical solitary structures which are about four times as long as they are wide. Half are aggregates with two, three, or four papillae tips. The solitary papillae are more common at the dorsal and ventral extremes of the aperture. Ligumia recta (Lamarck, 1819). The papillae are subequal, single ranked, conical and contiguous. The length of each is about four or five times its width. Bifurcations occur in a few papillae of one specimen. Ligumia nasuta (Say, 1817). Papillae of equal length, without ranking, and tentaculate. Length of each about five times its width. Papillae are slightly more numerous than in L. recta and have no bifurcations. Lampsilis radiata luteola (Lamarck, 1819). Subequal, tentaculate papillae are three ranked in younger specimens but more randomly distributed in older. Bifurcations and splitting of the individual papillae is common. Length of each is about six times the width. Bases of some of the papillae are fused in some specimens. Lampsilis ventricosa (Barnes, 1823). Papillae are two or three ranked, some fused at the base, conical or Y-shaped bifurcations, and subequal in length. The base is very broad with small papillae tips. The tips are about one third as long as the entire structure of the papillae. The species of naiades from Lake Erie demonstrated considerable variation in number, size, shape, and distribution of papillae along the margin of the incurrent aperture. The most obvious difference among the species was the aggregation of individuality of papillae. With the exception of A. plicat all members of the subfamily Ambleminae had aggregated papillae. Potamilus alatus was the only species outside the Ambleminae that had aggregated papillae. Fur- ther study of the soft parts of other species. Lake Erie species found in streams, and additional specimens of species represented by inadequate sample size, is needed before the value of Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 15 apertural structures in naiad classification can be determined with certainty. Figure 1. The papillae of Elliptio dilatatus (Raf- inesque, 1820). These papillae are characteristic of the solitary, tentaculate type in which the diameter is uniform from base to tip. (x 30) Figure 2. Aggregated papillae of Quadrula quad- rula Rafinesque, 1820 (x 16). The characteristic of aggregated papillae is several tips arising from a mutual base. LITERATURE CITED Agassiz, Louis. 1851. Some comments on naiads by Prof. Agassiz from the minutes of the Boston Society of Natural History, Nov. 20, 1850. Proc. Boston. Soc. Nat. Hist. 3:356-357. Baker, Frank Collins. 1898. The Mollusca of the Chicago Area. Pt. 1. Bull. Nat. Hist. Surv., Chi. Acad. Sci., Ill, pp. 1-130, pi. i-xxvii, figs. 1-12. Barnes, D. H. 1823. On the genera Unio and Alasmodonta; with Introductory Remarks. Amer. J. Sci. & Art. 1st ser., 6(1): 107-127, 6(2): 258-280. Fuller, S. L. H. and D. J. Bereza. 1974. The Value of Anatomical Charcters in Naiad Tax- onomy (Bivalvia: Unionacea). Bull. Amer. Malacol. Union 1974: 21-22 Kirtland, J. P. 1834. Observations on the Sexual Characters of the Animals belonging to Lamarck’s family of the Naiads. Amer. J. Sci. & Art., 1st. ser., 26(21): 117-120. Kokai, Frank L. 1974. Variations in the Incurrent and Excurrent Apertures of Quadru- la quadrula Rafinesque, 1820 and Quadrula pustulosa (Lea, 1831). Bull. Amer. Malacol. Union 1974: 32-34. Kraemer, L. R. (1970) The Mantle Flap in Three Species oi Lampsilis (Pelecypoda: Unionidae). Malacologia 10: 225-282. Lea, Isaac. 1859. Observations on the Genus Unio. VII (1): 1-43, 12 pis., Philadelphia. Ortmann, A. E. 1910. A New System of the Un- ionidae. Naut. 23(10): 94-95. Ortmann, A. E. 1911. A Monograph of the Nai- ades of Pennsylvania. Part I. Mem. Carnegie Mus. 4(6): 279-347, 4 pis., 8 figs. Ortmann, A. E. 1912. Notes Upon the Families and Genera of the Najads. Ann. Carnegie Mus. 8(2): 222-365. Rafinesque, C. S. 1820. Monographie des coq- uilles bivalves et fluviatiles de la rivier Ohio, contenant douze genres et soixante-huite especes. Annales Generales des Sciences Physiques, 15e livraison du 5 e tome: 287-332, 3 pis. Simpson, Charles Torrey. 1900. Synopsis of the Naiads or Pearly Freshwater Mussels. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 22 (1205): 501-1004, pi. XVIII. Washington, D. C. Simpson, George B. 1884. Anatomy and Physi- ology oi Anodonta fluviatilis. Ann. Rep. N. Y. St. Mus. Nat. Hist. 35: 169-191, 11 pis. Sterki, Victor. 1895. Some Notes on the Genital Organs of Unionidae, with Reference to Systematics. Naut. 9(8): 91-94. Sterki, Victor. 1898. Some Observations on the Genital Organs of Unionidae, with Reference to Classification. Naut. 12(2): 18-21,, 12(3): 38-32. 16 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 CHROMOSOME NUMBERS OF SOME NORTH AMERICAN NAIADES (Bivalvia; Unionacea) John J. Jenkinson The Ohio State University Museum of Zoology Columbus, Ohio Within the last two decades an increasing number of biologists have been determining the chromosme number of various species and using this (and other chromosomal information) as an aid in classification. The rationale behind the use of chromosomal characters in systematics is that chromosomes provide information which is largely unaffected by environmental conditions. Additionally, genetic research has shown that changes in the number and morphology of the chromosomes can result in changes in the morphology and functioning of the organism. In the Phylum Mollusca the chromosome numbers of approximately 0.5% of the species are known (Patterson, 1969), and the vast majority of these are gastropods. On the basis of the 23 pelecypod chromosome numbers compiled by Menzel (1968), he suggested that the chromo- some number in all bivalves is a conservative feature of family-level groupings. This suggest- ion lent considerable weight to the study of the chromosomal characters in the naiades, a group of freshwater bivalves which is presently under- going considerable revision at essentially all tax- onomic levels. This project, now underway, is intended to determine if any of the several chromosomal characters can be used to improve naiad classification. This report, however, deals only with the most obvious chromosomal character — the number of chromosomes. METHODS The specimens used in this study so far have either been naiades collected for inclusion into the bivalve collection of the Ohio State University Museum of Zoology or were collected specifically for this project from streams near Columbus, Ohio. No conscious attempt has, as yet, been made to sample either the geographic or taxonomic diversity of naiades found in North America. Samples of labial palp or inner gill tissue were removed from the living animal, placed in a hypotonic solution and then fixed in freshly-mixed glacial acetic acid and absolute methanol (Arrighi and Hsu, 1974). The fixed material was swabbed onto slides which were air-dried or flame-dried and then stained in 2% Giemsa stain. All slides examined were scanned at 200x and chromosomes were counted and photographed at lOOOx using an Olympus phase- contrast microscope. (It should be noted that, in its present form, this technique often yields no chromosome spreads at all. Under the best conditions produced so far, only a few chromosome spreads occur on any one slide. A brief experiment with the vertebrate mitotic inducer, phytohemaglut- enin, failed to increase the number of spreads.) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION To date, fifteen North American naiad species have been examined in sufficient detail to justify the publishing of chromosome numbers (Table 1). These species include representatives of the two long-standing families Margaritiferidae and Un- ionidae and all three of the classic subfamilies of the Unionidae. The diploid chromosome number of all of these species is 38. The geographic and taxonomic variety present in this assemblage seems to be sufficient to suggest that all North American naiades possess 38 chromosomes. The only published chromo- some numbers for naiades based on whole cell preparations (Van Griethuysen et al., 1969) indicates that Unio pictorum and Anodonta anatina of Europe also have 38 chromosomes. [Lillie (1901) reported 32 chromosomes (n= 16) for Elliptio complanatus, however, his study was based on sectioned material.] While it is likely that there will be species found with atypical chromosome complements, it would not seem at all surprising if the vast majority of species in the Superfamily Unionacea were found to possess the same number of chromosomes — 38. Future research will either support or refute this prediction and, in addition, provide chromosomal evidence concerning the relationship of the Unionacea to the Mutelacea, the other Super- family of large, strictly freshwater bivalves. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 17 Table 1. Chromosome numbers of fifteen species of North American naiades. Also listed are the number of spreads which gave this chromosome count, the number of specimens of each species which provided these spreads and the locations from which these specimens were collected. Species Chromosome Number No. Complete Spreads Counted No. Animals Examined Collection Site Margaritiferidae Margaritifera margaritifera form falcata 38 8 1 Wilamette River, Oregon Unionidae Anodontinae Alasmidonta arcula 38 3 1 Ohoopee River, Georgia Alasmidonta marginata 38 8 1 Big Darby Creek, Ohio Anodonta grandis 38 14 1 Buffalo Creek, Ohio Anodontoides ferussacianus 38 12 1 Buffalo Creek, Ohio Lasmigona costata 38 8 1 Big Darby Creek, Ohio Unioninae Gonidea angulata 38 4 1 Wilamette River, Oregon Quadrula quadrula 38 4 1 Big Darby Creek, Ohio Tritogonia verrucosa 38 3 1 Big Darby Creek, Ohio Lampsilinae — Lampsilis radiata luteola 38 8 2 Big Darby Creek, Ohio Potamilus alatus 38 5 1 Buck Creek, Kentucky Ptychobranchus fasciolaris 38 3 1 Big Darby Creek, Ohio Toxolasma lividus glans 38 3 1 Buck Creek, Kentucky Villosa iris S8 11 1 Big Darby Creek, Ohio Villosa lienosa 38 5 1 Buffalo Creek, Ohio LITERATURE CITED Arrighi, F. E. and T. C. Hsu. 1974. Staining constitutive heterochromatin and Giemsa crossbands of mammalian chromosomes. Pages 59-71 in Yunis, J.J. ed., Human Chromosome Methodology, 2nd., Academic Press, New York, London. 376 pp. Lillie, F. R. 1901. The organization of the egg of Unio based on a study of its maturation, fer- dlization and cleavage. J. Morph. 17:227-292. Menzel, R. W. 1968. Chromosome number in nine families of marine pelecypod mollusks. Nautilus 82:45-50, figs. 1-17. Patterson, C. M. 1969. Chromosomes of mol- luscs. Proc. Symp. Moll., II, Mar. Biol. Assoc. India, 1969: 635-686. Van Griethuysen, G. A., B. Kiauta and L. J. M. Butot. 1969. The chromosomes of Anodonfa anatina (Linnaeus, 1758) and Unio pictorum (Linnaeus, 1758) (Mollusca, Bivalvia:Unioni- dae). Basteria 33:51-56. 18 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 ENDANGERED FRESHWATER MOLLUSKS OF NORTHWESTERN NORTH AMERICA Arthur H. Clarke National Museums of Canada, Ottawa Recent field work by the writer and associates has shown that at least six species and subspecies of freshwater mollusks living in the northwestern United States and in western Canada are endangered. These were not cited in the Sym- posium on Rare and Endangered Mollusks presented at the 1968 A.M.U. annual meeting (published in Malacologia vol. 10, no. 1, 1970) and it therefore seems desirable that they be briefly discussed here. Other species in the region may be also threatened but more research is necessary before this can be determined. Juga acutifilosa (Stearns, 1890) (Pleuroceri- dae), the Graceful Keeled Horn Snail, is a rather large (30 mm), slender and spectacular species with strong crenulated spiral keels and without any longitudinal plicae. It now occurs only in a single spring-fed pool (and in its outlet for about 100 yards downstream) located close to Willow Creek in Lassen County, northern California, southeast of Eagle Lake. Archaeological shells indicate that its distribution was previously much more extensive. The single locality where it now lives is accessible to cattle and is subject to alteration by the private owner if he wishes to do so. It is of interest that J. acutifilosa deposits gelatinous egg masses resembling those of some freshwater pulmonates. One medium-sized specimen kept in the laboratory deposited an irregular subcylindrical and crescent-shaped egg mass about 10 mm long and 6 mm wide containing about 100 pale, turquoise-coloured eggs. (Fig. 1). Similar masses, larger than the one measured were observed in the field. These are quite different from the egg masses deposited by eastern pleurocerids and, if they are similar to those of other western species, they provide additional justification for the separation of western pleurocerids as a distinct genus. Lithoglyphus columbiana (Pilsbry, 1899) (Hydrobiidae), the Great Columbia River Spire Snail, is a large (714 mm) dark species with a conspicuous narrow shoulder on the body whorl and with the upper part of the body whorl Fig. 1. Egg mass of Juga acutifilosa deposited in an aquarium. Scale line = 10 mm. flattened and sloping to the rounded, almost basally located periphery. It apparently now survives only in the main channel of the Columbia River and only in the vicinity of the Hanford Atomic Energy Works in southeastern Washing- ton. Because of damming this is the only free- flowing portion of the river remaining in the United States. If the river there is dammed or polluted the species will probably become extinct. It formerly lived in the Spokane and Little Spokane rivers and downstream in the Columbia to its mouth. Until recently the species was known as Fluminicola columbiana. Lanx nattall nattall (Haldeman, 1841) (Lancidae) the Giant Columbia River Limpet, is about 14 mm long, heavy-shelled, with an anterior apex located in the mid-line and an internal, ring-like muscle scar which gaps on the right side. It also appears to be presently restricted to the deep main channel of the free-flowing portion of the Columbia River in the vicinity of the Hanford Atomic Energy Works in southeastern Washing- ton. Like Lithoglyphus columbiana, this species will probably become extinct if its only refuge is dammed or polluted. Its former range included Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 19 the Snake River from its mouth as far east as Rupert, Idaho and the Columbia River from its mouth upstream at least to Trail, British Columbia. Physa johnsoni Clench, 1926 (Physidae), the Banff Springs Physa, is small (9 mm) inflated, with a short, flat-sided spire and in most specimens with white longitudinal and spiral streaks giving a cancellate appearance. Its previous range included several warm and cold springs in Banff National Park near Banff, Alberta but these springs have now been “developed” for the tourist trade and the snail now appears to be restricted to one small, rapidly-flowing, warm stream near Middle Spring, Banff, Alberta. Physa jennessi athearni Clarke, 1973, the Blunt Albino Physa, is up to 7 mm long, with white shell and body, with a blunt spire and a dominant, peripherally flattened body whorl. It is known only from Johnson Lake and Horseshoe Lake both in Jasper National Park near Jasper, Alberta. Such lakes are often “improved” for fishing by poisoning them and then introducing trout. If this happens P. jennessi athearni will become extinct. Physa species (undescribed), the Liard Hot Springs Physa, is small (5.5 mm), fragile, with flatly rounded whorls and a bluntly pointed apex. Its reproductive anatomy is distinctive and links it with a few other isolated species in the Lfnited States. It is known only from a ten-foot by one-foot cool vegetated portion of the outlet of Liard Hot Springs in extreme northern British Columbia near the Alaska Highway. If that spring is further “developed” the species will become extinct. Full bibliographic references and other information on the species cited, except for the undescribed Physa, may be found in Taylor, 1975 and Clarke, 1973. Field assistance was provided by the late Dr. D.G.S. Wright, the late Francoise Dehenne and my wife, Judith Clarke; laboratory assistance by Muriel F. I. Smith and Jane M. Topping and artistic support by Aleta Karstad Schueler who illustrated the egg mass of /. acutifilosa. Valuable information on Juga acutifilosa was contributed by Allyn G. Smith who also told me the location of the surviving colony. I am very grateful for all of this help. The author also wishes to thank the National Museums of Canada and the Office of Endangered Species, United States Department of the Interior, for providing funds for this work. A more detailed report giving precise localities will soon be on file at both institutions but such data are purposely kept vague in this paper to safeguard the populations concerned. LITERATURE CITED Clarke, A. H., 1973. The freshwater molluscs of the Canadian Interior Basin. Malacologia 13 (1 -1-2): i-xiv + 1-510, 28 pis. Taylor, D. W. 1975. Index and bibliography of Late Cenozoic freshwater Mollusca of Western North America, Claude W. Hibbard Memorial Volume 1. Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan. Papers on Paleontol- ogy. No. 10: 1-384. 20 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 THE EFFECT OF GRAVEL DREDGING ON MUSSEL PRODUCTION Paul Yokley, Jr. Box 5153, University of North Alabama Florence, AL 35630 INTRODUCTION The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency has been and now is concerned about the adverse effects of gravel dredging on the biota in the Tennessee River. This study was initiated and supported through the cooperative participation of the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency and NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under PL88-309, Project No. 2-245-R. The objectives of this study have been to find those methods and organisms that reveal best the effects of gpravel dredging on the biotic communities. Many macrobenthic organisms and plankton were collected above and below the gravel dredging to compare their densities. Mus- sels were tagged, for the purpose of comparing gp-owth rates and placed in areas above and below dredging. The best methods for measuring effects of gravel dredging were (1) use of tagged mussels as biological monitors and (2) use of a variety of artificial substrates which could be colonized with aquatic invertebrates. Growth differences of the mussels and different densities of the aquatic invertebrates above and below the dredging sites were recorded. A longer study period would validate the effects even better particularly since the gp-avel dredging is occurring along much of the length of the Tennessee River and each dredged area is different especially in water volume, rate of flow, and depth. Individ- ual gravel dredging sites may reveal minimal effects in a short study but the total combined effect should be much more noticeable. LOCATION OF STUDY The primary study area was located at Tennessee River Mile 174 to 175 above Saltillo, Tennessee at Petticoat Riffle, This stretch of the Tennessee River averages 400 meters in width and 5 to 11 meters in depth except at Petticoat Riffle where the depth is 4 to 5 meters. Petticoat Riffle is approximately 200 meters in length and 150 meters in width. The suction gravel dredge picks up all the bottom material, carries it upward and then it is sorted to sizes and washed. The undesirable material is returned immediately to the river often leaving the bottom irregular and from one to several meters deeper than before the dredging. The wash water is also returned directly to the river leaving suspended solids in the water for some distance (depends upon particle size, rate of flow, and depth) below the dredge. METHODS Mussels were identified, aged, weighed, measured and marked before placement in study locations. Tagging of mussels was accomplished by using a metal template with 25 drill holes in it in rows of 5. The template was placed against the right or left valve and small drill holes, representing numbers, made on the shell surface. Using both right and left valves for marking surfaces almost 1500 mussels can be marked in one area. Each mussel was weighed in grams, and the length, height and width were measured in millimeters. The age was determined by counting the concentric growth rests. These mussels were returned directly to the river bottom. The location of these tagged mussels was determined by extending a line from a fixed point on the shore to the point out in the river where the mussels were actually placed. One of the weaknesses of this placement method is the difficulty of relocating the organisms. Much time is required to measure, weight, mark and place these mussels in the selected sites and when they are lost much infor- mation is lost. Approximately 500 mussels were used to determine the effects of gravel dredging. These mussels were collected from a large population at T.R.M. 170.3 located above Swallow Bluff Island in a clean gravel environment and where the water is relatively shallow and free flowing. The species selected was Fusconaia Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 21 ebena, which is the most dominant species now in the Tennessee River. It is commercially valuable in the cultured pearl industry. The species depends on the skipjack herring which is its host fish during its parasitic stages. A minimum of eight to twelve years is required for this mussel to grow large enough to be harvested and sold. These mussels may live and continue to grow for twenty or thirty more years in a good environment. When water quality is good the species F. ebena may grow several times larger at a given age than others in a poor environment. Quality of habitat has a significant effect on growth rates of mussels, therefore the mussels selected were all members of a population in a specific area above Swallow Bluff Island. The original sizes and weights in age categories were nearly alike above and below the gravel dredge. The marked mussels were placed in several locations to determine the effect of altered conditions on them. (1) Some were placed in an area immediately behind the dredge where the bottom had been altered by removal of several sizes of gravel. These mussels were gone when a search for them occurred. (2) Some were placed on the bottom at a previously dredged site along Wolfe Island; these had disappeared after one month. A second group of fifty to sixty marked mussels were again placed in that same location. A month later th4y were gone. (3) Some were placed below the gravel dredge where the bottom had not been altered but where the influence of suspended materials could be measured on the growth of the mussels. These were recovered after one year in this location and their weight and growth changes recorded. (4) Some were placed above the dredge and their location marked by one of the red buoy cans in the river. These were lost, however, because the red buoy was moved. (5) Another group was placed upstream in a habitat not influenced by silt or suspended materials and after one year these were collected, remeasured and reweighed. The differences in weight increase and growth above and below the gravel dredge are rather large (Figs. 1 & 2). These differences are further magnified when one considers the total area of the Tennessee River affected, the total number of mussels involved and the life span potential for mussels. The loose irregular bottom material in a dredged area will not support mussels for several Figure 1. Mean percentage weight increase in Fusconaia ebena after one year. Above Dredge Age Group in Fears Figure 2. Mean shell growth of Fusconaia ebena millimeters per year. 22 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 months to years because it tends to shift. Also, the assortment of particle sizes is not immediate- ly favorable for mussels, especially the first year stages. Since the bottom must first attract fish hosts carrying the larval mussels, it may be many years before a lost population of mussels returns to a dredged area. Mussel beds result from the host fish concentrating in an area. As the fish are feeding or spawning the metamorphosed mussels drop from their gills or fins and begin a free-living existence if the bottom is favorable. Then, for five or more years they go unnoticed while growing to about one inch in diameter. Another five years must elapse before they reach harvestable size for the cultured pearl industry. Whatever areas are dredged thus lose their mussel production for at least a decade. This is further amplified by the fact that these spawning areas are continuously being reduced and lost. Therefore, recovery time increases because the removed populations won’t have neighboring populations from which the loss can be regained. The ability to recover decreases after each en- vironmental change and extends the potential time for recovery. CONCLUSION The resilience of the Tennessee River is not the same along its length nor are the organisms equally capable of reverting to their original densities. Freshwater mussels are sedentary and have low resilience requiring much longer time to recover after a habitat alteration. Anything which causes the host fish of a mussel species to avoid or leave an area also eliminates the mussels. Many of the fish species that serve as hosts to freshwater mussels are not tolerant to silt. Mussels have had a prominent historical and economic significance in the Tennessee River. The ecological role of mussels has not been completely evaluated but it is known that the quality of water they inhabit is usually good. Mussels do filter suspended organic matter from the water and improve its quality for fish and other swimming forms. Mussels are natural food for muskrats, some aquatic birds and some fish. The number of mussel species living in the Tennessee River today is less than half the number recorded fifty years ago. The remaining species are decreasing now even faster based on surveys made in the past few years. When a mussel species disappears the host fish species and many other interrelated organisms have probably disappeared. RECOMMENDATIONS 1 . Surveys and impact studies should precede any new gravel dredging sites in the Tennessee River and its tributaries. These impact statements should be presented to appropriate state game and fish agencies who, in turn, should take necessary action to preserve the fauna. 2. Biological monitors ought to be placed above and below gravel dredges in all areas of the Tennessee River to assess the intensity of the effect on the biota. Monitoring should occur on a continuing basis in order to compile data on the differences between the results at each dredging site. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 23 PELECYPODS FROM THE KANOPOLIS LOCAL FAUNA (YARMOUTHIAN), ELLSWORTH COUNTY, KANSAS Barry B. Miller- Department of Geology, Kent State University Kent, OH 44242 The Kanopolis local fauna includes a diverse assemblage of fossil vertebrates and molluscs that were collected by C. W. Hibbard and field parties from the University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology, during the summers of 1969, 1970 and 1971. A field party from Kent State University collected molluscs from this locality during the summer of 1971. The University of Michigan field parties were supported by N.S.F. grant GB-20249 to Dr. Hibbard; and the Kent State University field party was in part supported by a grant to the author from the K.S.U. Research Council. The pelecypods were recovered from lenses of medium to coarse sand exposed in the SWVi NEI/4 sec. 25, T15 S., R. 8 W., Ellsworth County, Kansas (Figure 1). The pelecypod fauna is of special interest because of: (1) the scarcity of Yarmouthian assemblages from the Pleistocene of Kansas; (2) the relative abundance and taxonomic diversity of the unionids; and (3) its implications concerning the drainage history of the Smoky Hill-Kansas system. Study of many of the various faunal elements is in progress, but completed reports are now available for the amphibians, reptiles (Holman, 1972) and fish (Neff, 1975). The gastropods are now being studied by Mr. W. Terrance Kay, Kent State University, and the pelecypods are the subject of this paper. This report is based on all of the identifiable unionid material (88 valves), but only a small part ( + 550 valves) of the sphaeriids in the collections. 0 too Ml. Figure 2. Distribution of Arcidens confragosus (dot) in Kansas and location of Kanopolis local fauna (star). (After, Murray and Leonard, 1962.) Preservation of the unionid material was poor with much of it either badly fragmented or exfoliated. Specimens had to be impregnated with a solution of acetone- soluble resin that hardened upon drying, and excavated as blocks of fossil bearing matrix. The sphaeriids were collected by a screenwashing technique develop- ed by Hibbard (1949). The condition of the unionid material made identification difficult or in some cases impossible, thus the unionids in the fauna probably represent only the minimum number of individuals and taxa. Data for the Kanopolis pelecypod fauna are summarized in Table 1. The fauna includes four species, Tritogonia verrucosa, Arcidens confra- gosus, Quadrula pustulosa and Carunculina parva, not previously reported as fossil in the state, and extends the stratigraphic range of four other species, Uniomerus tetralasmus, Quadrula 24 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 Table 1 KANOPOLIS LOCAL FAUNA PELECYPODS Species KSU Catalog Number Number of Specimens Tritogonia verrucosa (Rafinesque) S557 Arcidens confragosus (Say) 3560 Ligumia subrostrata (Say) 3556 Anodonta grandis [Sdiy) 3552 Uniomerus tetralasmus (Say) 3558 Carunculina parva (Barnes) 3554 Quadrula quadrula (Rafinesque) 3553 cf. Quadrula pustulosa (Lea) 3555 cf. Lampsilis anodontoides (Lea) 3559 Pisidium casertanum (Poli) 3561 Pisidium compressum (Prime) 3562 Sphaerium lacustre (Muller) 3563 Sphaerium transversum (Say) 3564 Sphaerium striatinum (Lamarck) 3565 1 (left valve) 2 (articulated) + 2 (right valves) 2 (articulated) + 3 (left) + 4 (right valves) 3 (left valves) 2 (left valves) 7 (left( + 2 (right valves) 7 (left) + 10 (right valves) 19 (left) + 10 (right valves) 1 (articulated) + 4 (left) + 4 right valves) 7 (valves) 1 (articulated) + > 200 (valves) 5 (valves) 44 (valves) 10 (articulated) + > 300 (valves) quadrula, Anodonta grandis and Sphaerium transversum, back to the Yarmouthian Stage. All of the unionid species except Arcidens confragosus and Lampsilis anodontoides can now be found living in the Smoky Hill-Kansas drainage within Ellsworth County (Miller and Hibbard, 1972). The closest extant record of L. anodontoides in the Smoky Hill-Kansas system is from Riley County (Scammon, 1906). The only reported Holocene occurrence of A. confragosus in Kansas is from the Marais des Cygnes River (Figure 2) (Murray and Leonard, 1962). With the exception of Sphaerium lacustre, all of the sphaeriids are known to occur in Ellsworth County (Miller and Hibbard, 1972). Most of the unionid species are restricted to lotic environments. The lenticular- shaped, medium to coarse sand from which the unionids were collected, together with the diversity of the unionid fauna, suggest that the depositional site was a series of point-bars in a river of at least the size of the modern Smoky Hill River where it now flows through Ellsworth County. The preserva- tion of articulated valves and of delicate beak sculpture in some specimens are considered indicative of slow moving water with little or no suspended load and a stable, nonshifting substrate. The Kanopolis local fauna has been consider- ed Yarmouthian in age based on the evolutionary development of some of the vertebrate taxa and the climatic implications of the fauna (Zakrzewski, 1975). The pelecypod fauna, unfortunately, includes no species that are useful in assessing the age of the assemblage. Figure 3. Distribution of Pleurobema cordatum catillus (dots) in Kansas. The location of the Sandahl local fauna is indicated by the square, and the McPherson Valley by the small dot pattern. (After, Miller, 1970.) Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 25 The presence of A. confragosus in the Kanopolis local fauna marks the second disjunct occurrence of a unionid species as a fossil in the upper Smoky Hill drainage. Miller (1970) reported Pleurobema cordatum catillus from the Illinoian stage Sandahl local fauna. This species is now restricted in Kansas to the Verdigris and Cottonwood-Neosho systems (Figure 3). Some of the fish taxa from the Kanopolis local fauna also have modern distributions in Kansas which are centered in the Verdigris-Cottonwood-Neosho drainage (Neff, 1975). These distributions invite speculation on the possibility of a former confluence between the upper Smoky Hill, the Cottonwood-Neosho, and perhaps the Marais des Cygnes Rivers sometime during the Yarmouthian and/or Illinoian stages of the Pleistocene. LITERATURE CITED Hibbard, C. W., 1944. Techniques of collect- ing microvertebrate fossils: Univ. Mich. Mus. Paleontol., contrib., 8(2): 7-19. Holman, J. A., 1972. Herpetofauna of the Kano- polis local fauna (Pleistocene: Yarmouth) of Kansas: Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts, Letters, 5:87-98. Miller, B. B., 1970. The Sandahl local fauna Illinoian) from McPherson County, Kansas: Ohio Journ. Sci., 70(1): 39-50. Miller, B. B. and C. W. Hibbard, 1972. Recent Mollusca of Ellsworth County, Kansas: Sterkiana, 46:11-14. Murray, H. D. and A. B. Leonard, 1962. Hand- book of unionid mussels in Kansas: Univ. Kansas Mus. Nat. History, Misc. Publ. Publ., 28:1-184. Neff, N. A., 1975. Fishes of the Kanopolis local fauna (Pleistocene) of Ellsworth County, Kansas: in Smith, G. R. and Friedland, N. E. (eds.). Studies in Cenozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy: C. W. Hibbard Mem. Vol. #3: Univ. Mich. Mus. Paleontol. Papers on Pale- ontol., 12:39-48. Scammon, R. E., 1906. The unionidae of Kan- sas, part I: Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 3:279- 372, pis. 52-86. Zakrzeski, R. J., 1975. Pleistoncene strati- graphy and paleontology in western Kansas: the state of the art, 1974: in Smith, G. R. and Friedland, N.E., (eds.), Studies in Genozoic paleontology and stratigraphy: C. W. Hibbard Mem. Vol. #3: Univ. Mich. Mus. Paleontol. Papers on Paleontol., 12:121-128. 26 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 PRINTING of the UNPUBLISHED VELINS (53 plates) of LAMARCK (1802-1809) SUR les FOSSILES des ENVIRONS de PARIS, ... ESPECES ... ANIMAUX MARINS SANS VERTEBRES... Katherine V. W. Palmer Paleontological Research Institution Ithaco, N.Y. To those persons who traffic in the study and names of the genera of the molluscan world, Recent and fossil forms, the name of Jean Baptiste Lamarck (Jean- Baptiste- Pierre- Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck) is one of the familiar names next to Linnaeus. Such common generic names as Terebra, Phasianella, Pyrami- della, Crepidula, Cancellaria, Nucula, Crassatel- la. Modiolus, Petricola are Lamarckian. There would be more if that ill-advised ruling of the International Commission on Zoological Nomen- clature had not replaced such old familiar names of Lamarck, 1799, ol Solarium, Sigaretus, Pyrula, and Rostellaria by Architectonica, Sinum, Ficus, and Tibia of Roeding in Bolten, 1798. In 1799 Lamarck published the “Prodrome d’une nouvelle Classification des Coquilles...’’ in which the forementioned names of Lamarck originated. In 1801, “Systeme des Animaux sans vertebre ou tableau general des classes, des orders et des generes de ces animaux’’; in 1802-1809, Memoires “Surles fossiles des environs de Paris, comprenant la determination des especes qui appartiennent aux animaux marins sans verte- bras, et dont la plupart son figures dans la collection des velins du Museum’’; in 1818-1822, “Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertebras, ’’ of seven volumes, were published. The greater portions of those works were on mollusks and contain basic genera of that group. In the 1802-1809 treatise on the fossil mollusks of the Eocene of the Paris Basin, Lamarck continually brought out the characters of the genera as exhibited by living forms over the seas of the world, and he made new generic names based on Recent shells. The taxonomic books of Lamarck, except the 1802-1809 series on the mollusks of the Eocene of the Paris Basin, are fairly accessible in special libraries even though they are rare and probably difficult to obtain as personal copies. The 1802-1809 work was published in about 45 separate parts through a seven year period in the Annals of the Museum national d’Histoire naturelle. This is a rare series for a general library to have and a tedious chore for a student to search and examine. The title stated that figures of the species for the most part were in the Collection of the Velins of the Museum. From 1805-1809 Lamarck did publish illustrations with figures, 28 plates, of some of the species; but such figures did not include the complete series of illustration of the references to the “Velins” (Plates 1-53). The treatise of 1802-1809 is imperative for students working on the Eocene of the world, as well as the fossil and Recent Mollusks. Researchers are handicapped in using the series because of the inaccessibility of the rare work and because of the mysterious reference to Velins. Because of the uniqueness of the Velins it is possible to examine those illustrations only in Paris and in the archives of the National Museum. To understand the situation involved in the association of Lamarck and the Velins, one must recall a portion of the life of the man. In the years 1772-76 Lamarck studied medicine and botany in the “Jardin du Roy.” In the following years he was occupied and published on botanical subjects. In 1788 he had the post of Botanist in the Jardin du Roi until 1793; by decree of the New Convention, the Jardin du Roi became the Museum d’Histoire naturelle. Lamarck was named Professor of Zoology in charge of the study of invertebrate animals. It was during the following years that he continued his elaboration of the classification of the invertebrates in association with the Museum. Prior to Lamarck’s time in the 17th century, drawings of plants had been executed and preserved. These were the so- called Velins, and by 1660 they comprised five large folio volumes. The series was continued and included the works by famous artists. Hence in 1890 Lamarck recognized the importance of the Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 27 Velins and utilized the method to illustrate his great and extensive production of the famous fossils of the Paris Basin. The collection consisted of the fossils of Defrance and of Lamarck from the rich Eocene deposits in the area surrounding Paris. A review of the background of the periods immediately before, and during, the research and production of Lamarck’s life is in order. In 1789 the French Revolution began with the Fall of the Bastile. The Bastile was across the River Seine from the then Jardin royal des Plantes. In 1793 the Jardin royal became the Museum Natural history. Lamarck during those years v/as from 45-49 years of age. He was the Professor of Zoology, in the Museum, and the events of the Reign of Terror were witnessed at close quarters. In 1799 he wrote the Prodrome which established the names of many well-known genera of mollusks. The 1802-1809 was past the initial decree of cancellation of the first name of persons, the decree is apparent in the format of publications. The title page gave the name of Lamarck (no initials), his discussion stated that the collection studied was that of “citoyen Defrance,” 1802, and citoyen Defiance is so-called through 1803, in 3 parts; then on he is designated M. Defrance. Lamarck in 1802 is “Lamarck” and also in parts through 1804; from then on through 1809, he is “M. Lamarck.” Lamarck’s descriptions in the Memoirs of the species and genera are explicit. They are of simple French, include pertinent characters, give general descriptions and differentiation of genera from older named groups and measurements of the specimens. Regardless of Lamarck’s philosophy of evolution, he stands out as the excellent systematist of Mollusca. In many aspects of the science he was ahead of his time. No present-day student of the group can count his molluscan studies as complete without access to Lamarck’s fossil work of the Paris Basin Eocene. Funds for the publication of the Lamarck Velins were made possible by the generous help of Robert and Shirley Hoerle of West Palm Beach, Florida. I am compiling the explanations of the Velins and the reprint of the text. A history and description of the Velins by M. Laissus, conservateur of the Bibliotheque centrale du Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, and a biographical sketch of Lamarck by Denise Mongin, paleontologist in Paris, will be included as introductions with the plates. A photograph of the statue of Lamarck which is in the Jardin des Plantes will be the frontispiece. Over years of work on the Eocene and the mollusks, one has been puzzled, worried, and frustrated as to the so-called references to the “Velins.” In 1956, a set of copies of Velins of Lamarck was advertised in an European Second Hand Catalogue. It was purchased. In 1974 a second set (copies) was obtained. Many of the copies of the Velins bear the mark of the Museum national d’Histoire naturelle. Also, by checking the text of Lamarck with the indication given with the figures and Velin copies, the authenticity of the illustrations is verified. Because the original plates (Velins) are in the Museum in Paris, the copies of the photographed set must be used for the publication. After about 174 years a complete folio of the illustrations of Lamarck, 1802-1809 work, will be available. A reprint of the complete text is also in preparation. The 45 separate parts will be combined to make one book. The publication of text and plates will be advertised so that students will become aware of the availability of the books. 28 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 CHANGES IN THE DISTRIBUTION OE 10 FLUVIALIS (SAY, 1825) IN THE UPPER TENNESSEE RIVER SYSTEM (MOLLUSCA, GASTROPODA, PLEUROCERIDAE) David H. Stansbery and Carol B. Stein Museum of Zoology, The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio In 1825 Thomas Say described a new species of river snail from the headwaters of the North Fork of the Holston River at Saltville, Virginia. Because the form of this species at this site resembled marine shells of the Genus Fusus, Say called it Fusus fluvialis, the “Fusus of the rivers. ’ ’ Professor Lardner Vanuxem, a geologist- paleontologist, had collected the type material. He sent specimens to his friend Isaac Lea as well as to Say. Lea (1831: 122), in the belief “that no genus should contain pelagian and fluviatile shells in common,’’ established the Genus lo to receive Vanuxem’ s Holston River shells, which he redescribed as lo fusiformis. Thus the Spiny River Snail of the southern Appalachians has come to be known, under the rules of zoological nomenclature, as lo fluvialis (Say, 1825). Additional collections in the upper Tennessee River system over the years brought to light additional forms of lo which were given additional names. As the variability of this group of river snails became known to malacologists, interest in it grew. This interest reached its peak in the monographic study of the genus made over its entire known range by Dr. Charles C. Adams. Al- though Adams’ collections were made in 1899, 1900, and 1901, his classic study was not published until 1915. With perception uncommon in that early period, Adams (1915; 8) wrote;“When we consider the rapid rate at which our native plants and animals are being destroyed by the encroachment of civilization, it will be realized that in a few generations a fairly full account of many of our species will be forever lost. I hope that the present record will be a contribution to the preservation of such ‘vanishing data,’ and that the photographic record and the collection [now preserved at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History] will preserve a reliable sample of one of nature’s vast experiments.’’ Adams confirmed the fact that the lo specimens found in the upper reaches of the Powell, Clinch, and North Fork Holston Rivers were smooth forms which lacked spines. Moving downstream in these rivers, he found phases of lo best described as smooth, undulate, nodulous, low-spined, and finally prominently- spined. Specimens from the uppermost populations in the South Fork Holston River, however, were mainly undulate, while those of the Nolichucky were spinose. In general, the farther downstream an lo was taken, the more prominent its spines were likely to be. An exception to this generalization occurred in the main stem of the Holston River near Rogersville, where large numbers of the smooth shells, typical of the headwaters fo*m, were found, together with spinose shells and many intergrading forms. As can easily be seen from Adams’ excellent series of plates, a great deal of variaticr was found in the lo populations of each locality, and the smooth forms appear to intergrade completely with the most spinose forms, indicating that these animals all represent a single, highly polymor- phic species. DISTRIBUTION No valid records of living or fossil lo are known outside the Tennessee River System. It reached its greatest abundance, at least in historic times, in the middle and upper reaches of the Tennessee system upstream from Chattanooga. The downstream limit of its distribution evidently was Muscle (Mussel) Shoals, Alabama, where Hinkley (1906: 40) found a single living specimen of the spinose turrita form in 1904. The upstream limits of lo ’s distribution were reached in tributaries the size of the North Fork Holston River at Saltville, Virginia, the type locality. Goodrich (1913) extended its known range in the Clinch River upstream to Cedar Bluff. A single specimen of the Turrita form was reported from Little River about eight miles above its mouth by Clench in 1928. Adams searched the Hiwassee and Sequatchie Rivers and South Chickamauga Creek without finding any specimens of this complex. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 29 30 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 The known original range of lo, except for the lone Muscle (Mussel) Shoals record and another live specimen taken in the main stem of the Tennessee River a few miles above Bridgeport, Alabama, by Adams, is shown in Figure 1. The present distribution of lo fluvialis is shown in Figure 2, which is based upon specimens collected within the past two decades now deposited in the Ohio State University Museum of Zoology collection. These specimens, their condition, year of collection, and locality are listed in the accompanying table. lo appears to have been extirpated from the main stem of the Tennessee River, the entire Holston River system, and the French Broad River. We have found it living at one site in the Nolichucky River, where it is now very rare. In the Powell River we have found living specimens from near Penning- ton Gap, Lee County, Virginia, downstream as far as Riverview, Claiborne County, Tennessee. The Clinch River from Blackford, Russell County, Virginia, downstream to Sneedville, Hancock County, Tennessee, harbors most of the world’s remaining populations of living Jo. HABITAT REQUIREMENTS Our early collections of lo led us to believe that it was a creature of rushing waters, and that the collector should be prepared to collect with one hand while hanging on to a firmly seated boulder or a bedrock ledge “for dear life’’ with the other. lo populations are definitely associated with the rapid waters of riffles or shoals, but we soon learned that they are also found in the smoother stretches of runs below these rapids. An lo swept into a deep, quiet pool, however, appears to be an lo doomed to an early death. We have found only dead shells of this species in such pools. It may be, however, that these shells were washed into the pools after the animals had died. Ms. Annie Law, a collector of the 1800’s, observed; “The muscular power of lo is astonishing. I frequently find one adhering to a rock half as large as my head, and when I take up the shell, it brings the rock with it and requires much force to separate it’’ (Lewis, 1871: 233). HABITAT CHANGES Nearly all of the shoals of the Tennessee River and the lower reaches of its major tributaries are now buried beneath many feet of slack water in impoundments behind high dams. We know of no recent records of living lo from these impound- ments. lo also appears to be absent from the rapid tailwaters of these dams, perhaps because of the great short-term variations in stream flow associated with power generation during peak and low demand periods. In addition to lo ’s eradication from its former downstream range, it is now losing headwater habitat because of pollution. Athearn (1968: 44) reported, “The June 1967 pollution of the Clinch River in Virginia by the Appalachian Power Company killed hundreds of thousands (of mollusks.) Among the many mollusks and other plants and animals killed was the best remaining concentrated population of our AMU symbolic mollusk lo fluvialis.” Several communities, such as Tazewell, Virginia, along the lo streams of the upper Tennessee have recently installed municipal sewage treatment facilities, replacing former septic tank systems. Below the outfalls of these sewage treatment plants the rich endemic molluscan fauna of these streams is rapidly disappearing. The killing effect appears to be spreading downstream from these towns and is affecting not only the pleurocerids, but also the naiades. Communities which still have the septic tank treatment systems, such as Fort Blackmore, Dungannon, and Clinchport, do not appear to have an adverse effect on the molluscan fauna of the rivers. Below Big Stone Gap in the upper Powell River, lo and other aquatic mollusks are absent for some miles downstream. The suspected cause is acid mine drainage from the North Fork above Big Stone Gap. The South Fork of the Powell at and above Big Stone Gap still retains a rich pleurocerid fauna, though lo evidently never occurred this far upstream. If coal mining is expanded further into the Clinch River watershed, acid mine drainage could eliminate the richest remaining populations of lo. In the North Fork of the Holston River the lo population has suffered from the outfall of the chemical industry at Saltville since before 1900 (Adams, 1915: 18). No living populations of /o are now known to exist anywhere in the Holston River system (Stansbery, 1972; Stansbery and Clench, 1974). Since the Saltville chemical plant has now ceased operations, it is possible that the Holston River will eventually recover its ability to support a diversity of molluscan life. If so, then perhaps it will be possible to successfully reintroduce lo into the Holston from seed populations in the Powell, Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 31 Clinch, or Nolichucky---if these are still surviving. Efforts are being made to preserve the natural integrity of what is left of lo’s habitat. If the remaining high-quality stretches of the upper Clinch, Powell, and Nolichucky can be protected from further degradation, this unique American river snail and the many other endemic species associated with it in the upper Tennessee drainage may be preserved for future genera- tions. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to express our appreciation to the following people, who have contributed specimens of lo to the OSUM collection or who have helped us make the field collections of specimens upon which this paper is based: Herbert D. Athearn, Constance Boone, Kathy G. Borror, David Carter, William J. Clench, Jon E. Ditmars, John Frederick, Jr., Carolyn Cooper Jenkinson, John J. Jenkinson, Edna Kirby, Harvey Meyer, Frank J. Moore, Joanne Stillwell Kirkpatrick, William Stillwell, Donald P. Tanner, and Richard A. Tubb. 10 FLUVIALIS SPECIMENS COLLECTED SINCE 1950, DEPOSITED IN THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY (Records arranged in upstream to downstream sequence for each river listed.) POWELL RIVER Virginia, Lee County OSUM-7260 Live 1967 2.3 mi. SE of Pennington Gap OSUM-7264 Live 1967 7.7 mi. SW of Pennington Gap Tennessee, Claiborne County OSUM-7267 Live 1967 At Hoop, 9 mi. NE of Tazewell OSUM-7270 Live 1967 At Hoop, 9 mi. NE of Tazewell OSUM-7274 Live 1968 At Hoop, 9 mi. NE of Tazewell OSUM-7276 Live 1969 At Hoop, 9 mi. NE of Tazewell OSUM-7277 Live 1973 At Hoop, 9 mi. NE of Tazewell OSUM-7278 Live 1967 At Riverview, 10.5 mi. W of Hoop CLINCH RIVER Virginia, Russel County OSUM-4535 fresh 1965 At Blackford, 2.5 mi. SE of Honaker OSUM-7279 subfossil 1973 At Blackford, 2.5 mi. SE of Honaker OSUM-7285 subfossil 1965 At Cleveland, 10.8 mi. WSW of Honaker OSUM-7286 live 1973 At Cleveland, 10.8 mi. WSW of Honaker OSUM-7297 subfossil 1963 At Boody (Fink), 1 mi. E of St. Paul OSUM-7299 fresh 1963 At. St. Paul, 9 mi. WSW of Cleveland OSUM-7298 dead 1965 At St. Paul, 9 mi. WSW of Cleveland OSUM-7291 subfossil 1973 At St. Paul, 9 mi. WSW of Cleveland Virginia, Scott County OSUM-7300 live 1965 At Dungannon, 7.3 mi. NE of Fort Blackmore OSUM-7301 live 1963 At Fort Blackmore, 10.7 mi. NE of Clinchport OSUM-7302 live 1965 At Fort Blackmore, 10.7 mi. NE of Clinchport OSUM-7306 live 1963 At Clinchport, 2.2 mi. N of Speers Ferry OSUM-7303 fresh 1970 At Clinchport, 2.2 mi. N of Speers Ferry OSUM-7308 live 1973 At Clinchport, 2.2 mi. N of Speers Ferry OSUM-7311 live 1965 Above the mouth of Copper Creek, 1.3 mi. S of Clinchport 32 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 OSUM-7315 live 1966 At the mouth of Copper Creek OSUM-7317 live 1973 At the mouth of Copper Creek OSUM-7312 live 1970 Copper Creek immediately above its mouth OSUM-7316 live 1963 At Speers Ferry, 2 mi. S of Clinchport OSUM-7320 live 1963 1-2 mi. below Speers Ferry OSUM-7322 live 1963 1-2 mi. below Speers Ferry OSUM-7321 live 1965 1-2 mi. below Speers Ferry OSUM-7323 live 1974 6.2 mi. SW of Clinchport, 12.2 mi. NE of Kyles Ford Tennessee, Hancock County OSUM-4528 fresh 1972 13.8 mi. SW of Clinchport, 4.5 mi. E of Kyles Ford OSUM-7330 live 1968 Below The Rounds, 3.5 mi. E of Kyles Ford OSUM-7324 live 1972 Below The Rounds, 3.5 mi. E of Kyles Ford OSUM-7327 live 1974 Below The Rounds, 3.5 mi. E of Kyles Ford OSUM-7331 fresh 1970 2 mi. above Kyles Ford, 1J.2 mi. E of Sneedville OSUM-7334 fresh ca 1958 At Kyles Ford, 10.2 mi. ENE of Sneedville OSUM-7335 live 1965 » » OSUM-7338 live 1967 OSUM-7339 subfossil 1968 OSUM-7342 live 1969 OSUM-7343 fresh 1971 ’ ’ OSUM-7346 live 1973 OSUM-7349 subfossil 1967 OSUM-7351 live 1967 From Brooks Island to Alder Hollow, 5 mi. E of Sneedville OSUM-7363 live 1968 OSUM-7354 live 1969 ’ * OSUM-7358 live 1974 OSUM-7366 fresh 1967 Below Garland Hollow, 1.1 mi. SE of Sneedville OSUM-7367 live 1972 OSUM-7370 live 1974 Tennessee, Claiborne/Grainger Counties OSUM-7376 subfossil 1968 Below U.S. Rt. 25E bridge, 7.2 mi. SE of Tazewell NOLICHUCK\ ' RIVER Tennessee, Greene County OSUM-7255 subfossil 1968 2.5 mi. S of Chuckey (Indian midden shells) OSUM-7259 live 1964 Hale Bridge, 3.3 mi. SE of Warrensburg OSUM-7258 live 1968 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 33 LITERATURE CITED Adams, Charles C. 1915. The variations and ecological distribution of the snails of the genus lo. Memoirs Nat. Acad, of Sci., 12 (2): 1-92, 61 pis. Athearn, Herbert D. 1968. Changes and reductions in our freshwater moiluscan popula- tions. Amer. Malacological Union Ann. Repts. for 1967; 44-45. Clench, William J. 1928. lo fluvialis turrita Anthony. Naut. 42 (1): 36. Goodrich, Calvin. 1913. Spring collecting in southwest Virginia. Naut. 27 (7): 81-82; (8): 91-95. Hinkley, A. A. 1906. Some shells of Mississippi and Alabama. Naut. 20 (3): 34; (4): 40; (5): 52. Lea, Isaac. 1831. Description of a new genus of the family Melaniana of Lamarck. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 4: 122-123. Lewis, James. 1871. On the shells of the Holston River. Amer. J. of Conch., 6 (3): 216-226. Say, Thomas. 1825. Descriptions of some new species of fresh water and land shells of the United States. J. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phil., 5: 129. Stansbery, David H. 1972. The mollusk fauna of the North Fork Holston River at Saltville, Virginia. Bull. Amer. Malacol. Union 1971: 45-46. Stansbery, David H., and William J. Clench. 1974. The Pleuroceridae and Unionidae of the North Fork Holston River above Saltville, Vir- ginia. Bull. Amer. Malacol. Union, 1974: 33-36. 34 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 THE ROLE OF THE “HOME SCAR” IN PULMONATE LIMPETS Susan Blackford Cook Department of Zoology Ohio State University Columbus, OH 43210 Pulmonate limpets in the genus Siphonaria consistently return to locations on intertidal rock surfaces termed “home sites” (Cook 1969, 1971). Although the exact timing and extent of grazing movements away from home sites can vary with the phase of the monthly tidal cycle and the particular population studied (Cook in prepara- tion), homing individuals invariably occupy home sites at dead low tide and at maximum flood tide. When limpets are away from home sites, the areas can be recognized by a characteristic bluish or greenish tint. On relatively soft rocks, the home site is also marked by a slight depression or “home scar”. When limpets are at home on such rocks, the outline of each animal’s shell fits snugly against the edge of the scar. Several “raisons d’etre” have been proposed for the tightly fitting scars of homing limpets, both pulmonates such as Siphonaria and prosobranchs such as Acmaea scabra. These include protection from desiccation during low tide when the limpets are out of water and exposed to the direct rays of the sun, protection from wave action at high tide, protection from predators both at high and low tides and protection of soft parts against damage from sediment swept across rock surfaces at high tide. Wolcott’s work (1973) suggests that scars are significant in preventing desiccation during aerial exposure at low tide in the prosobranch Acmaea scabra; there is no information on the function of scars in pulmonate limpets. Records of the movements of individual limpets within populations should provide data on when and how animals are lost from limpet populations. In turn this information should provide insight into the possible ways in which scars benefit limpets. For example, intensive observation may show that limpets are success- fully attacked by predators when they are off their scars and are relatively safe from predation when “at home”: this would indicate that scars may serve as “refugia” against predation. In this paper I describe preliminary observations on the role of home scars in two species of Siphonaria. Work on Siphonaria normaiis Gould was carried out at the Mid-Pacific Marine Laboratory, Enewetak Island, Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands (formerly known as the Eniwetok Marine Laboratory, Eniwetok Island, Eniwetok Atoll). Work on Siphonaria alternata Say was done at the Bermuda Biological Station for Research, St. George’s West, Bermuda. At both locations quadrats of various sizes were outlined on inter- tidal rocks with paint. Most records of the movements of individual animals within the quadrats were made by noting successive positions of individuals on a map of the quadrat drawn to scale. To construct this record, dis- tances of individuals from home scars were periodically measured with a ruler to the nearest half centimeter, while headings were visually estimated relative to home scars and the outlines of the quadrat. Occasionally movements were recorded on film with a 35 mm time-lapse camera. At Enewetak individual animals could be identi- fied by distinctive shell shape and markings; in Bermuda limpets were marked by attaching a numbered label to each animal’s dry shell at dead low tide with Eastman 910 cement. Siphonaria normaiis in Enewetak move in response to tidal cycles in a manner similar to that of Siphonaria normaiis in Hawaii (Cook 1969). The animals begin to move as the water level falls past their scars on ebbing tides and move again as the flood tide begins to dampen their scars. Each movement period includes an outbound grazing trip away from the scar and a return leg back to the scar. Animals return home well before dead low tide and well before the height of the flood tide. Siphonaria alternata in Bermuda have the same response to flooding tides as do S. normaiis; however, Bermuda limpets occasionally anticipate the ebbing tide and begin to move when their scars are still covered by 10 - 15 cm. of water (Cook in preparation). Otherwise, their response Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 35 to ebb tides is similar to that of S. normalis. Ob- servations of both species began about an hour before the expected onset of movement and continued until all animals had returned home. With the exception of certain individuals which occasionally failed to home (see below), animals were never seen to move except at the anticipated time. Mortality was estimated by the loss of individuals between observation periods; since limpets do not move more than 20 cm on any given trip (Cook in preparation), any limpet which was not found within 20 cm of the perimeter of the quadrat was considered missing. Two sites (4-1 ^nd 5-1) were examined closely at Enewetak. Site 4-1 (25 cm x 25 cm, containing 19 limpets) was located on a gently sloping inter- tidal bench on the lagoon side of Enewetak Island (Site Fred) about .5 m above Mean Lower Low water. Site 5-1 (15 cm x 15 cm, containing 22 limpets) was located 1.0 m above MLLW in a more steeply sloping area at the base of a seawall several hundred meters southwest of site 4-1. Limpets in quadrats 4-1 and 5-1 were observed on different days. In Bermuda all quadrats were located on limestone benches adjacent to the Bermuda Biological Station’s boat dock on Ferry Reach. Quadrat A (25 cm x 25 cm, containing 10 limpets) and quadrat B (25 cm x 25 cm, containing 20 limpets) were located on the same bench about 1.0 m above MLLW; the sites were separated by no more than 50 cm. Although both sites were at the same level in the intertidal, site A typically drained faster following an ebbing tide; this resulted in greater aerial exposure for the animals there. Two observers recorded movements within each site simultaneously so that the data from the two sites represent identical time periods and general conditions. A third site, D, was located lower in the intertidal than sites A and B; this site was used for replacement experiments described later in this paper. Enewetak observations. Every animal in the Enewetak populations consistently returned to its home scar following outbound trips. While quadrats were observed, there was no predation on limpets and no evidence that animals were ever swept off rocks by wave action. At site 4-1 between 1300 hours and 2100 hours on October 6, 1975, four limpets were missing following a spring flood tide (-1-1.5 m). When the scars of these individuals were examined closely on October 7, distinctive double lines were seen to extend into empty scars from the surrounding rock. These marks resembled the grooves characteristically made by parrotfish (Scaridae) as they browse on algae-covered rock surfaces (Ran- dall 1974; Cook in preparation). In the area around site 4-1 empty scars which had been marked in this way were common on October 7; in several places, the remnants of Siphonaria still clung to marked scars. Clearly, scars do not effectively protect limpets from browsing reef fish. Muricid gastropods have been reported to feed on Siphonaria at Enewetak (Menge 1973, Miller, A., unpublished report to the Enewetak Marine Laboratory); Thais armigera attacks Siph- onaria by prying limpets off rocks with its foot (Menge 1973). However, neither report indicates if predation success is higher when limpets are at home or away from scars. Golden plovers [Pluvialis dominica] commonly forage over Enewetak seaward bench platforms in places where Siphonaria is very abundant and are probably consuming limpets (A. Kohn personal communication), although there is no direct evidence of this. It would be most interesting to know if these birds are feeding during periods when limpets would be moving or when they are in scars. Bermuda observations. In Bermuda I found no evidence of predation on S. alternata during the more than 500 homing cycles observed; I also found no evidence that limpets were removed from rocks by wave action. My observations in Bermuda did suggest that home scars may be important to animals which face longer exposure to air on ebb tides. Twice during my observations a limpet from quadrat A failed to return home following a grazing expedition. Neither animal returned to its scar on subsequent tides; instead, both remained at the end of their outbound paths for several tidal cycles and then vanished from the area. Just before these limpets disappeared, their partially exposed feet were surrounded by swarms of ants at low tide. The limpets in quadrat B were less exposed to drying conditions at low tide. During my observations, more than half of the animals at B failed to home at one time or another. Most of these animals either returned to their original scars on subsequent tides or had formed new scars elsewhere on the rock by the end of the 36 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 TABLE 1. INCIDENCE OF FAILURE TO HOME. ITS CONSEQUENCES FOR LIMPETS. Data from simultaneous observation of two sites in Bermuda over 19 tides. SITE #OF LIMPETS # OF HOMING TRIPS #OF FAILURES FATE OF Lost from Site NON-HOMING Formed new scars LIMPETS Eventual return to old scar A 10 185 2 2(100%) 0 0 B 20 256 II 2(18%) 6(55%) 3(27%) study (Table 1). Two of these non-homing limpets (18% of those which had failed to home) eventually disappeared: neither of the “non-hom- ers” at site A survived, in contrast. The relative importance of scars in low versus high intertidal areas was examined by a preliminary series of replacement experiments using the Bermuda populations. In these studies limpets were marked with paint and returned to the intertidal in two areas. Most of the animals were placed on unoccupied rock between the scars of limpets normally resident at A; no extra scars were available for occupancy. Four replacement experiments were performed at site A. Other limpets were placed on site D; as mentioned before this site was lower in the intertidal than A and B and was exposed to air for a shorter period of time on each low tide. No unoccupied scars were evident. In this experiment only one group of limpets was added to the site. Each day after replacement the number of marked animals which were firmly attached to the rock was determined in both areas; animals which did not attach were considered non- survivors. The percentage of limpets surviving on each day was calculated for each replacement experiment. The loss of animals from site A was initially quite rapid; within three days the population appeared to reach a stable value of 36% of the original number (Figure I). Survival at the less exposed site appeared to be greater; however, this experiment was not continued beyond four days. During the first two days after replacement at site A, numerous limpets were found in a generally moribund condition. These animals responded only slightly to mechanical stimulation FIGURE I . Survival of limpets after replacement at two sites in Bermuda. Site A is higher in the intertidal than D. % survival values for days I and 2 at site A are means of data from four separate replacement experiments; values for days 3 - 7 are means of two experiments. Values for site D represent one experiment only. and would not firmly attach to rocks; because they could not attach, they were not counted as “sur- vivors” in replacement data. Pedal tissue appeared to be much less pliant than usual and mantle edges had withdrawn from the edges of the shell margin. The animals which had been placed at the lower site were never found in this condition. One interpretation of this is that tissues of animals without home scars in the higher intertidal are more subject to desiccation Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 37 than are tissues of scar-less individuals in less exposed areas; the presence of a home scar is more crucial for limpets higher in the intertidal. In this view the observed ant-limpet interactions occur when ants are attracted to a desiccated and dying limpet. An alternate explanation of my observations is that limpets without scars in the high intertidal may be more subect to predation by ants at low tide than those further down; “ant attack’’ may be the prelude to a moribund condition followed by desiccation. Although this preliminary work suggests that limpets may be more likely to consistently return to scars without periodic homing failures in areas which are more exposed on ebb tides, additional data on the consistency of homing in relation to tide level and survival after replacement are required. It may also be feasible to measure water loss from individuals on scars and individuals off scars in replacement experiments during periods of drying to determine if the scar is effective in reducing water loss; other mechan- isms which may be used to reduce desiccation, such as the production of mucous sheets between shell margins and rock surfaces seen in Acmaea digitalis (Wolcott 1973) should be examined. An additional physiological function of the scar may be to reduce osmotic stress when animals are exposed to fresh water; I have observed that limpets return to scars immediately after rain showers begin. The osmotic consequences of being off or on scars at such times should be investigated. In summary, it appears that the home scars of intertidal pulmonate limpets in the genus Siphon- aria do not protect the animals from predators such as parrotfish. It is more likely that the scars afford limpets protection from stresses encoun- tered during periods of aerial exposure during low tides. These stresses include desiccation, pre- dation by foraging ants and possibly osmotic stress from freshwater runoff. My research has been supported by funds from the Energy Research Development Admini- stration, a National Science Foundation grant to the Bermuda Biological Station, and the Irma E. Voigt fellowship from the American Association of University Women. This paper is a contribution of the Mid-Pacific Marine Labora- tory and is Contribution #676 from the Bermuda Biological Station for Research, Inc. LITERATURE CITED Cook, Susan Blackford, 1969. Experiments on homing in the limpet Siphonaria normalis. Anim. Behav. 17; 679-682. Cook, Susan Blackford, 1971. A study of hom- ing behavior in the limpet Siphonaria alter- nata. Biol. Bull. 141: 449-457. Menge, Bruce A., 1973. Effect of predation and environmental patchiness on the body size of a tropical pulmonate limpet. The Veliger 16: 87-92. Randall, John E., 1974. The effects of fishes on coral reefs. Proceedings Second Interna- tional Coral Reef Symposium Vol. 1: 159- 166. Great Barrier Reef Committee, Bris- bane. Wolcott, Thomas G., 1973. Physiological ecol- ogy and intertidal zonation in limpets [Ac- maea']: a critical look at “limiting factors’’. Biol. Bull. 145: 389-422. 38 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 SPIRAL CORD VARIATION OF ODOSTOMIA IMPRESSA (SAY) AND O. SEMINUDA (C. B. ADAMS) FAMILY PYRAMIDELLIDAE Hugh J. Porter University of North Carolina, Institute of Marine Sciences Morehead City. N.C. 28557 A frequently used taxonomic characteristic of the pyramidellids Odostomia impressa (Say, 1822 1 ) and O. seminuda (C.B. Adams, 1839) has been the number of spiral cords per whorl. Vari- ation in these counts has heretofore not been well documented. The following study is an attempt at describing some of this variability. Specimens used are all from North Carolina waters and, except for a fossil seminuda collec- tion ^ , are from the mollusk collection of the UNC Institute of Marine Sciences. Samples, where possible, represent a wide range of localities and times of collection. The impressa data includes material from nine samples, all living epifauna of the common Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin). Samples were from Shallotte River in southern North Carolina estuarine waters to near the mouth of Neuse River and Back Sound in central North Carolina waters. Months sampled include Jan- uary, March, May and September through December. The seminuda specimens used in the study were taken from the following three distinct populations: B, C, and D. B population includes specimens from seven epifaunal, Argopecten irradians (Lamarck) samples collected from the two major North Carolina Bay Scallop producing areas, Bogue Sound and Whitehurst Island - the latter near Cape Lookout. Collections were made during April, August, October, and December. C population includes specimens from 14 samples. Samples were extracted from stomach contents of collected seastars, Astropecten articu- latus (Say), caught on existing North Carolina offshore beds of the Calico Scallop, Argopecten gibbus (Linne) - for location see Porter and Wolfe, 1972. While no collections were made from the scallop epifauna, unpublished data by the author supports the belief that these seminuda were part of it epifauna (note also Wells, Wells, & Gray, 1964). The D population represents one single sample and was collected from a Pliocene-age bed of fossil Crepidula fomicata (Linne) occurring at Johnson Point on the Neuse River; this bed is reported by Mr. Eric N. Powell (personal com- munication) to be made up almost exclusively of C. fornicata and O. seminuda. Measurements and counts were made under magnification. All seminuda samples were presoaked in chlorox to improve clarity of spiral cords; this was found not necessary for impressa samples. Spiral cords were counted only at the juncture of the penultimate and body whorls. Sample data was lumped to facilitate statistical understanding and simplicity. Odostomia impressa (Say) Say (1822) describes Turritella impressa as having “4 acute, impressed revolving lines”. Abbott’s (1968) description notes 3-4 spiral ribs on the upper whorls and in 1974 notes 4 spiral cords but uses an illustration with 5 cords. Photo- graphs of Menestho impressa (Ode & Spears, 1972) have 3.5 and 5 spiral cords; Emerson and Jacobson (1976), like Say, note 4 spiral grooves. North Carolina impressa are here shown to have 3-6 spiral cords per whorl with 94% between 4 and 5 (see A, Fig. 1). About 5% contain less than 4 spiral cords, these specimens resemble O. trifida (Totten, 1834). Ode and Spears (1972), noting reduced spiral cord counts in impressa, suggest that trifida and impressa may be the same. Abbott (1968) mentions that trifida may be a form of O. bisuturalis (Say, 1822); his illustration of trifida has very weak basal spiral cords on the body whorl, a condition not apparent in my specimens with 3 spiral cords. North Carolina impressa specimens were collected live from Crassostrea virginica; Emerson and Jacobson (1976) list trifida as parasitic on Mya arenaria Linne. Dr. Robert Robertson (personal communication) has advised that the relationship between impressa, trifida, and bisuturalis at Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 39 present is of an unresolved complexity. A direct relationship exists between number of spiral cords and shell length of impressa (see A, Fig. 1). Mean shell length of specimens having a specific spiral cord count is significantly greater than the mean length of those specimens of the preceding spiral cord number in all cases except for 5.5 and 6 — this latter group having insufficient numbers for statistical graphing. 1 The date “1821” is used by most recent authors. Say’s paper was read in 1821 but not published until 1822, so the former is incorrect. 2 Property of Dr. Walter Wheeler, Geology Depart- ment, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Fig. 1. Relation of number of spiral cords at end of the penultimate whorl to total shell length in Odostomia impressa and O. seminuda. A = O. impressa population; B — D = O. seminuda pop- ulations, B = population from Bay Scallop, C = population from Calico Scallop beds, D = pop- ulation from Pliocene Crepidula fornicata deposit. N = number of specimens in each population sampled. Dotted line represents percent population having a certain spiral cord count. Block diagrams are adapted from Hubbs & Hubbs (1953): Vertical lines = range of data; horizontal line = mean length of population; hollow blocks = range of ± one standard deviation about the mean; solid blocks = range of two standard errors about the mean. It is stated that considerable reliance can be placed on the significance between samples, populations in this case, if the solid blocks are slightly separated or do not overlap by more than 33% of the smaller solid block. Odostomia seminuda (C. B. Adams) The original description of Jaminia seminuda (see Clench & Turner, 1950) contains no mention of the number of spiral cords per whorl but the picture of the original figure has 4 cords; Clench & Turner’s photograph of the lectotype has 5.5 cords. Wells & Wells (1961) describe seminuda as having 4 rows of tubercles on each whorl. Ab- bott (1968) uses an illustration with 5 cords; in 1974 he states that the upper whorls have 4 strong spiral cords but that the last whorl has 5 or 6 cords. Ode & Spears (1972) state that the species is quite variable and depict the species with a photograph having 5 spiral cords. Two observed processes in seminuda are believed to account for spiral cord counts greater than 4, these processes were found in all three populations. Frequently the posterior portion of the outer lip of the aperture does not cover as many of the basal spiral cords of the body whorl during growth as it covered earlier. Basal spiral cords added by this method to the penultimate whorl can be recognized by the numerous fine axial threads crossing the groove immediately to their posterior (see A, Fig. 2). These fine axial Fig. 2. Odostomia seminuda (C.B. Adams) - length of specimen = 1.8 mm. “A” indicates axial threads characteristically found in grooves separating basal spiral cords on the body whorl from each other and from cords on the penultimate whorl. “B” suggests a cord on the penultimate whorl which may be about to split into two cords. Photograph by a Jeol scanning electron microscope. threads are not characteristically found between the usual spiral cords occuring on the penulti- mate or earlier whorls but are specifically found in the grooves between the basal spiral cords of the body whorl. 40 Bulletin of the American Malacologicai Union, Inc., 1976 A second process involves the splitting into two cords by any of the stock spiral cords found on the penultimate whorl (note B, Fig. 2). This process seems more prevalent in population C than in B. Population B (Bay Scallop population) Specimens have 3.5-6 spiral cords with the largest percentage having 4 cords (4-4.5 cords = 83% population, 4-5 cords = 98%). Character- istic of the impressa population, the mean shell length of each succeeding spiral cord group of this seminuda population was significantly larger than its preceding spiral cord group (see B, Fig. 1). Population C (Calico Scallop population) Specimens in this population have 4-10 spiral cords with most having 4.5 cords (4-4.5 cords = 63% population, 4-5 cords = 87%); note that about 13% of the cord counts are above 5. Mean shell length increases significantly as spiral cord counts increase from 4 to 4.5 to 5; however, mean lengths of shells having 5.5 and 6 spiral cords are not significantly different from the mean length of shells having 5 spiral cords (see C, Fig. 1). Population D (North Carolina Pliocene Crepidula bed) Specimens have 3. 5 -7. 5 spiral cords with the largest percent 4.5 (4-4.5 cords = 64% population; 4-5 cords = 91%; 8% with more than 5 spiral cords). The relationship of numbers of spiral cords to shell length reflects the pattern exhibited in population C. The following differences are apparent between the three populations; 1. Population B was parasitic on Argopec- pecten irradians while C presumably was on gibbus and the Pliocene D population on Crepidula fornicata. 2. Population B was from estuarine waters while C and probably D were from marine waters, 3. Population B had 98% of its population with 4-5 spiral cords and most with 4 cords; whereas, in population C, only 87% had 4-5 spiral cords and 13% had cord counts above 5. Furthermore, most of the latter population had a cord count of 4.5. Population D was closer to C than to B as it also had a significant percent with cord counts above 5 and most of the population had 4.5 spiral cords. 4. Mean shell length of population B shells increased significantly as spiral cord counts increased throughout its range; however, in populations C and D no sig- nificant increase in mean shell length was noted once a group had 5 or more spiral cords. 5. Mean shell sizes of specimens having 4 spiral cords was similar in both B and C populations; however, the fossil popula- tion D was significantly larger. There was no significant difference between the mean lengths of specimens of 4.5 spiral cords in any of the three popula- tions. Mean length of specimens from B population and having spiral cord counts 5-6 are significantly larger than those in either population C or D. In the latter populations, no significant mean length differences were present be- tween groups having 5 or 6 spiral cords. CONCLUSIONS Spiral cord counts per whorl in the genus Odostomia (Family Pyramidellidae) are variable and within limits the number of cords is directly related to total shell length. In the two Odostomia species examined, cord counts for most shells were 4 to 5.5 per whorl; however, counts of impressa ranged 3-6 and counts of seminuda ranged 3.5-10. In the latter species, the relationship of spiral cord count to total shell length and percent population in the Argopecten gibbus bed population seems similar to that in a sampled Pliocene population, probably also an offshore population. Thus, it is of interest that the spiral cord patterns in the estuarine seminuda population appear to differ from those of its offshore populations. Further examination of this difference may be warranted. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Population C samples were largely collected as the result of Grant No. 456 of the North Carolina Board of Science and Technology. Existence of the population D fossil sample was made known and furnished to the author by Eric Powell, grad- uate student. The scanning electron photograph Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 41 was taken by Dr. Robert GoII of the Duke Univer- sity Marine Laboratory. Credit is also extended to Doris Oakely and Tom Whitford for technical aid and to Dr. A. F. Chestnut for mansucript review. LITERATURE CITED Abbott, R.T. 1968. Seashells of North America. A guide to field identification. Golden Press, New York. — — 1974. American Seashells (second ed- ition). Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Clench, W. J., and Ruth D. Turner. 1950. The Western Atlantic marine mollusks described by C. B. Adams. Occ. Paper Moll., Harvard Univ. l(15):233-403. Emerson, W. K., and M. K. Jacobson. 1976. The American Museum of Natural History Guide to Shells. Alfred A. Knopf, New York. Hubbs, C. L., and C. Hubbs. 1953. An improved graphical analysis and comparison of series of samples. Syst. Zool. 8:50-56. Ode, H., and Anne B. Spears. 1972. Notes con- cerning Texas beach shells. Superfamily Pyramidellacea, Part II. Texas Conchologist 9(1):M7. Porter, H. J., and D. A. Wolfe. 1972. Mollusca from the North Carolina commercial fishing grounds for the calico scallop, Argopecten gibbus (Linne). J. de Conchyliologie 109:91- 109. Powell, E. 1976. Personal communication. Robertson, R. 1976. Personal communication. Say, T. 1822. An account of some of the marine shells of the United States. Phila. J. Acad. Nat. Sci. 2:221-248. Wells, H. W., and Mary Jane Wells. 1961. Three species of Odostomia from North Carolina with description of new species. Nautilus 74:149-157. . and 1. E. Gray. 1964. The calico scallop community in North Carolina. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf & Carib. 14:561-593. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PRESENTED AT 1976 MEETING DR. VICTOR STERKI AND SOME OF HIS MALACOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE Ralph W. Dexter Department of Biological Sciences Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242 Abstract Dr. Victor Sterki (1846-1933) was born and educated in Switzerland where he received his M.D. degree from the University of Bern in 1878. He came to New Philadelphia, Ohio, in 1883 to continue his medical practice and research on the smallest mollusks — Pupillidae (tiny land snails) and Sphaeriidae (fingernail clams). In 1909 he abandoned his medical practice, which had long been neglected, to become Assistant Curator of Mollusks at the Carnegie museum in Pittsburgh. From his papers deposited there, excerpts will be read concerning such topics as: identification, classification, and nomenclature of Pupillidae, Sphaeriidae, Unionidae, and some groups of freshwater gastropods; philosophical and scien- tific discussions on the concept of species, “splitting” vs. “lumping” of species, the goals of taxonomy, evolution, and the organization of societies for the promotion of malacology, including the American Malacological Union. This paper has been published in full in Sterkiana 63-64: 65-76, 1976. 42 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE MARGARITIFERIDAE: A REVIEW AND A NEW SYNTHESIS Douglas G. Smith, Museum of Zoology University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 Abstract The disjunct distribution of the Margariti- feridae has long caused speculation among malacolosists and biogeographers. Ttvo classic theories have been formed in the past. In 1912 Scharff proposed that the family originated in North America and spread east and west to Eurasia and Walker in 1910 argued that the family originated in Asia and migrated east and west to North America. The Asian theory for many years has been accepted as the more correct. Further- more, both ideas relied on continental stability and transoceanic landbridges. In addition each assumed a Cretaceous Period origin for the family. Recent advances in plate tectonics and paleomagnetism indicate vast continental move- ments have occurred during the last 400 million years. Such drifting of land masses allows for a new analysis of historical distribution patterns. The dispersal of the Margaritiferidae can be interpreted by the wandering of continents, but one must first accept an earlier, mid-Paleozoic origin for the family. Evidence in the fossil record suggests modern appearing mussels were present during the upper Devonian Period. This suggests the family originated 280 million years earlier than was previously thought. During the mid-Paleozoic Era all the present continents were joined to form Pangaea. Within central Asia the Margaritiferidae were flourishing and spreading. In late Paleozoic Pangaea a shallow continental sea split the family into eastern and western groups. The Ural and Appalachian Mountain orogenies formed barriers limiting the dispersal of the western group, while the eastern group spread widely. In the early Mesozoic Era a rift zone developed in northeast- ern Asia driving the eastern population toward the coast. Propagules of this group then invaded lands formed as a result of early plate shifting. By mid-Mesozoic times the family reached its approximate present day distribution in North America, Europe, northern Africa and Asia. Rotation of Laurasia away from Gondwana at the close of the Mesozoic Era separated. North American populations from those of Europe and North Africa. Rifting in eastern Asia continued to compress and split mussel populations. In the early Cenozoic Era most of the drastic land movements ended and by the mid Cenozoic eastern Margaritiferids crossed the Behring Sea land bridge and invaded western North America. NOTES ON UNIONACEAN MOLLUSKS OF THE RIO GRANDE SYSTEM, UNITED STATES AND MEXICO Artie L. Metcalf Department of Biological Sciences, University of Texas at El Paso El Paso, Texas 79968 Edward M. Stern Department of Zoology and Physiology, Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 Relatively few (14) species of unionacean bivalve mollusks, either living or fossil, are known from the Rio Grande ( = Rio Bravo del Norte) system of the United States and Mexico. In the upper part of the system above the mouth of the Rio Conchos no native unionaceans, living or fossil, are known. This may relate to this part of Abstract the system having originated as an internal drainage. Only two species are known from the Rio Conchos system of Mexico, suggesting that access to this part of the Rio Grande system has been difficult. The canyons of the Big Bend region contain a stream with rocky streambed and frequent rapids. These may have been a barrier Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 43 to dispersal by species preferring siltier stream- beds and calmer waters. Access to the Pecos River, with its mouth downstream from the Big Bend region, seems to have been easier. Five species are known as fossils and five others have been found living in the Pecos system. Some of these latter species may now be extinct in the Pecos system because of impoundment of its lowermost part in Amistad Reservoir. The fauna of the Rio Salado system (Nuevo Leon and Coahuila, Mexico) is much like that of the Pecos, with ten known species. Approximately half of these may now be extinct. In the lower mainstream of the Rio Grande at least six species are still living at present and three or four additional species may occur. ORIGIN AND AFFINITIES OF THE FRESHWATER MUSSELS (UNIONIDAE) OF SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA Edward M. Stern Department of Zoology & Physiology, Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 Abstract Thirty-six species and subspecies of fresh- water mussels (Unionidae) are found in the Lake Maurepas-Pontchartrain-Borgne drainage system of southeastern Louisiana and southwestern Mississippi. A comparison between this unionid faunal assemblage, with those of adjacent gulf coastal drainages, suggests greater affinities to the east in the Alabama-Coosa River system, where 28 of the 36 forms are represented. The analysis of present distributions and past geological events suggests that the introduction of the present fauna did not occur through the Mississippi River system. It is significant that, for 7 of the 28 species encountered in the Alabama-Coosa River system, the western limit of their range in gulf drainages is the Amite River system. The absence of all 7 species from those Mississippi River tributaries draining western Louisiana would seem to preclude their introduc- tion of a unionide fauna from the east includes: (1) the presence of heavy minerals of Appalachian origin in the Citronelle Formation of southeastern Louisiana and (2) a postulated Pliocene Tennessee River that flowed from northeastern to southwest- ern Mississippi where it entered the Mississippi Embayment. The introduction of a naiad fauna may have occurred through this Pliocene Tennessee River. Alternatively, immigration may have been accomplished through former stream confluence between the headwaters of the Pearl and Tombigbee River systems. ELLIPTIO AT THE SCHACHT SITE, HANOVER TOWNSHIP, LUZERNE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Glenn A. Long and Robert W. Rusbar The Baltimore Museum of Art Baltimore, Maryland Abstract For many years before white men came to the Wyoming Valley, Indians vied for control of its arable plains and its strategic location at the mid- section of the northeastern branch of the Susquehanna River. About half a century before Captain John Smith’s coming in 1608, a kitchen midden was formed at the Schacht Site from the remains of numerous clam dinners and general domestic waste. There are five things which we have learned about this midden and its contents. First, Susquehannock Indians probably dug the pit. Second, it was filled with a combination of materials and a relatively small proportion of the total volume were shells. Three, because of the absence of decayed materials such as leaf mold, the pit was probably filled in less than three years. Fourth, one could reasonably conclude that the clams came from the Susquehanna River system in the Wyoming Valley. And fifth, the present population of E. complanatus seems to be dramatically depleted as compared to that of the mid-1500’s when the Schacht Site pit was filled with its kitchen waste. But out of these conclusions comes a 44 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 fundamental question. That is, what does the presence of Elliptio clam shells at the Schacht Site mean in a larger context? We believe that the answer to this question is held in the configuration of the trench around the Indian village. We offer here an hypothetical analysis of what took place during the late prehistoric period at the Schacht Site based on cultural characteris- tics of the supposed inhabitants. It is an ethno- conchological model which is a common denomin- ator with which to analyze material culture. This system of analysis could then be added to other archaeological models, thus providing another tool with which to examine rerriains of ancient peoples. BIVALVE MOLLUSCAN MARICULTURE Matoira H. Chanley Shelter Island Oyster Company Greenport, New York Abstract Mariculture, it is generally agreed, dates back to classical Roman times when oyster appetities demanded more than nature could provide without a little assistance. This slide presentation showed modern molluscan mariculture as actually practiced around the world, featuring the world’s two most important bivalve crops— -oyster and mussel culture. The hatchery and grow-out operation develop- ed at the Shelter Island Oyster Company was included as was a brief presentation of current molluscan mariculture research needs. COMPARISON OE ORGANIC AND INORGANIC CONTENT OF THE SHELLS OF SOME SPHAERIID CLAMS 1 Dennis M. Catalano and Albert J. Burky Department of Biology, University of Dayton Dayton, Ohio 45469 Abstract Freshwater habitats vary greatly in water hardness and the level of available calcium may be important for shell formation in some molluscs. In Lymnaea peregra, the mass of the shell varies with available calcium {Zool. Bid. Uppsala 24: 419, 1947.) \n Ferris sia rivularis, there is neither a correlation between the amount of shell CaC03 and water hardness nor an inverse relationship between shell mass and the amount of carbon and nitrogen in the organic matrix (as expected by an “adaptive value” hypothesis) {Science, 155: 338-340, 1967; Biol. Bull., 139: 402, 1970). Shells from eight sphaeriid clam populations (from Ohio) were studied: one population of Pisidium walkeri (FP, farm pond, Cuyahoga County); three populations of Musculium partumeium (DW, Drew Woods Pond, Darke County; CA, Cox Arboretum Pond, Montgomery County; AM, Aullwood Marsh Pond, Montgomery County); two populations of Sphaerium simile (WC, Wolf Creek, Montgomery County; HC, Holes Creek, Montgomery County); one population of Muscu- lium transversum (SRM, Stillwater River-north branch, Darke County): and one population of Pisidium casertanum (SRP, Stillwater River-north branch, Darke County). Shells were analyzed for total organic carbon by a wet-oxidation method (Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond., 38: 1-11, 1968) and also for total nitrogen using a semiautomatic micro-Dumas nitrogen analyzer (Coleman model 29). The percentage of CaC03 of total shell and tissue dry weight was determined by wet ashing with 10% nitric acid. For each habitat, water conductivity was measured and water hardness determined by an EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetate) titration. For habitats FP, DW, CA. AM, WC, HC. SRM, and SRP, the conductivities (m MHO) are 110, 170, 289, 530, 570, 630, 790, and 790 respectively. The percent CaCOs of total shell and tissue dry Bulletin of the American ' Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 45 weights are 85.99, 85.66, 81.95, 87.15, 89.28, 90.86, 90.50, and 83.57 respectively. For habitats DW, CA, AM, WC, HC, SRM, and SRP, the CaCO 3 hardnesses (mg/1) are 80, 69, 80, 200, 206, 260, and 260, and the MgCOs hardnesses (mg/1) are 54, 116, 126, 183, 210, 186, and 186 respectively. For habitats FP, DW, CA, AM, WC, HC, SRM, and SRP, the shell nitrogens (/ig N/mg shell) are 3.10, 2.24, 3.09, 2.50, 2.06, 1.79, 2.25, and 2.75 respectively. For habitats FP, DW, CA, AM, WC, HC, and SRP, the shell carbons {ug C/mg shell) are 7.89, 7.33, 10.76, 9.00, 5.22, 4.42, and 8.85, and the C:N values are 2.55, 3.27, 3.48, 3.60, 2.53, 2.47, and 3.22 respectively. The C:N values suggest shell matrices of pure protein (within the range of C:N values for amino acids). There are some significant (95% confidence level) interspecific, but no intraspecific differ- ences in the percent CaCO 3 (total shell and tissue dry weight) for the populations examined. Intra- specifically, for M. partumeium (DW, CA, AM) and S. simile (WC, HC) a limited number of populations were examined and more data would be necessary to make definitive statements about the relationship between water hardness and the percent CaCO 3(total shell and tissue dry weight). There are significant differences (95% confidence level) in the organic composition (C and N) of the shells of M. partumeium from DW and CA. How- ever, the values for M. partumeium at AM are not significantly different from those of the popula- tions at DW and CA. There are no significant differences in the levels of shell carbon and nitrogen between the populations of S. simile (WC, HC). For the distinct populations of the five species examined, interspecifically, there are no obvious correlations between water hardness and the percent CaCO 3 (total shell and tissue dry weight). However, inter-and intraspecifically there is an inverse relationship between shell mass (percent CaCO 3 of total shell + tissue dry weight) and the amount of carbon (linear regression: r 2 = 0.69; probability of F = 0.916) and between shell mass and the amount of nitrogen (linear regression: r2 = 0.49; probability of F = 0.784) as expected by an “adaptive value’’ hypothesis. The overall data, interspecifically, strongly indicates that within the range of habitats examined, populations of sphaeriid clams build shells (CaCO 3 mass and organic matrix) which are independent of water hardness. 1 Research supported by NSF URP Grant No. 93237, grants from the University of Dayton Research Council, and the Ohio Biological Survey. BRIEF NOTES ON A FEW SPECIES OBSERVED IN CAPTIVITY Dorothy Raeihle 211 Milligan Road West Babylon, New York 11704 Abstract (1) Siphonaria alternata Say, 1826. One specimen of Siphonaria alternata from the Florida Keys lived in the aquarium about nine months and was observed as it fed on the algae covering the sidewall of its aquarium. It created a trail by grazing to the bare glass a line of minute spots which it followed to its grazing area and retraced to its home station even when branching trails were added. The distance between each spot of cleared glass was slightly longer than the length of the Siphonaria' s shell, just within anterior and posterior contact of the extended animal’s mouth and mantle. Where short stretches were heavily grazed, the bare spots disappeared in a more visible clear swathe. The Siphonaria followed its trail back to its home station even when a direct line over unmarked territory would have been much shorter. (2) Melongena bicolor (Say, 1827). In captivity Melongena bicolor fed upon a number of species not native to its habitat, including Mytilus edulis Linne, 1758. When Mytilus edulis was placed at a distant area of the aquarium, Melongena bicolor found the prey by following the current in the water set up by the exhalant of the bivalve, even when the current ricocheted from sidewall or other obstruction to form an angle. Melongena bicolor attacked by thrusting its proboscis directly into the exhalant siphon of Mytilus edulis. However, Melongena bicolor was unsuccessful in its attempts to strike into the smaller and more elusive target of the exhalant valve of My a arenaria Linne, 1758. (3) Marginella apicina Menke, 1828. Experiments were conducted using two highly 46 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 pigmented female Marginella apicina and four males of very low pigmentation, the specimens selected in order that the lots would not be confused. The males were introduced into the aquarium with the females and withdrawn after five days, after which the females deposited viable eggs for a period of thirty days. Eggs deposited after the thirty day period were infertile. The observation was repeated three times with the same results, indicating that Marginella apicina can retain viable sperm for about a month. (4) Epitonium humphreysii (Kiener, 1838). The adult Epitonium humphreysii (and E. rupicola (Kurtz, 1860) ) fed in captivity on anemones {Sagartia) by thrusting the proboscis down the mouth of the anemone into its body. Juveniles of 2 & 3 mm Epitonium humphreysii were observed to stay close to the base of the anemone and feed from or through the outside of the stalk while staying well out of reach of the anemone’s tentacles. Triangular capsules? Although the egg cases of Epitonium are described in the publications as “angular capsules,’’ it is the shape and texture of the sand grains that cling to the capsules that give them the angular or lumpy appearance. Care- fully removing the sand grains, we found the egg capsule of E. humphreysii to be spherical, 0.6 mm in diameter, and that of E. rupicola a smooth oval of similar size. THE DEVELOPMENT OE THE LARVAL AND EARLY POSTLARVAL SHELL OF THE BAY SCALLOP, ARGOPECTEN IRRADIANS Thomas R. Waller Department of Paleobiology, Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C. 20560 Abstract A culture of the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, was sampled at 24-hour intervals beginning 24 hours after fertilization. Scanning electron microscopy revealed the sequence of development of the hinge, ligament, and shell from the first appearance of the shell through metamorphosis. Initial secretion of Prodissoconch I by the larval shell gland is complete before 24 hours after fertilization. By 24 hours, secretion becomes marginal and incremental, signaling the start of Prodissoconch-II stage, and larval teeth appear as low undulations at each end of the Prodissoconch- I hinge. From 48 to 144 hours marginal growth continues along differing gradients so that the anterior end of the shell becomes narrower than the posterior. The valves remain equal in convexity, and the larval teeth increase in amplitude, offsetting shearing forces on the relatively weak ligament, which is still linear and completely organic. By 168 hours the onset of metamorphosis is indicated by a groove which forms along the inside of the margin of the left valve. Although this groove is occupied by the edge of the right valve, the valves remain about equal in convexity. The ligament begins to thicken in the center of the hinge between the larval teeth but is still completely organic. At metamorphosis, the irregularly prismatic aragonitic structure of the prodissoconch changes abruptly after the formation of an external ridge to foliated calcite in the left valve and prismatic calcite followed internally by foliated calcite in the right. By 216 hours most larvae have metamorphos- ed and have secreted a sizeable fringe of dissoconch shell. Dissoconch shell secretion is much more rapid, and the differences in microstructure between valves allow the right valve to flex and nestle within the left during closure. The right byssal notch and fasciole also begin abruptly at metamorphosis. The embryonic resilium, still completely organic, continues to increase in size and is supported by aragonitic shelves formed as continuations of the inner surfaces of the prodissoconch. By 240 hours, spongy lateral areas begin to form on the resilium, apparently to become the sites for the calcareous pads of the resilium later in ontogeny. This pattern of development lends no support to the idea that the pectinid resilium has evolved from an ostreid-type resilium by decalcification of its central portion. Rather, the non-calcified portion of the pectinid structure is a relatively unmodified primary feature that appears early in the larval stage. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 47 ECOLOGICAL STUDIES ON HALOPHILIC ELLOBIIDAE IN THE AZORES A.M. Frias Martins Seminario-Colegio, Ponta Delgada San Miguel, Azores Abstract The observation of seven ecologically diver- gent, brackish and marine, shore localities in the Azores Islands provided some conclusions about the habits of five halofilic Ellobiidae: 1. Salinity. Salinity, by itself, seemed not to be a conditioning factor for the number of specimens and the distribution of the species; two other factors have to be considered: (1) the accumula- tion of rolled stones (2) the accumulation of decaying organic matter (sea weed detritus). 2. Pollution. Organic matter pollution (detritus) can be a stimulating factor. Detritus from the milk industry seems to be a decreasing factor. Oil is lethal. GALAPAGOS FINCHES: CASPIAN COCKLES Kenneth J. Boss Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Charles Darwin, during his famous voyage aboard the HMS Beagle, was startled by the remarkable finches of the Enchanted or Galapa- gos Islands and first began to perceive what he called that ‘mystery of mysteries’, the origin of distinctly unique organic units, the evolution of new species. The enthusiasm for the mystery has hardly abated and, though several generations of biologists have devoted immense attention to the subject, the dynamics of the formation of new species, indeed, the essential nature of species, remains a central issue in contemporary evolu- tionary biology. The Geospizinae, or Darwin’s Finches, those rather drably colored birds, were intensely investigated by several researchers, among them, David Lack, whose book, Darwin’s Finches, has become a classic in the study of evolution. The radiation of these birds, facilitated by the geographic isolation and lack of competitors provided by the islands, culminated in over a dozen species, separable into several generic units, mostly distinguishable by their amazing adaptation to specific ecological niches, especially their preference in feeding. This trophic diversication, reflected in the differentiation of the form of the bill, ranges from diets including seeds, grains and insects to behavioral adapta- tions including the spectacular use of twigs as tools. Abstract Since Darwin’s elaboration of the theory of natural selection, many instances of noteworthy evolutionary radiation have been discovered. Among the Mollusca, the land snails of the Hawaiian and French Polynesian Islands, the Achatinellidae and the Partulidae, respectively, have attracted considerable attention. One unusual example among marine bivalves, invol- ving not only rapid phyletic diversification by adaptation to rather unique salinity regimes is the radiation of the cardiids in the Ponto-Caspian basin. Today, these cockles are represented by several distinct genera in the Black, Azov, Caspian and Aral Seas. Not only do conchological features distinguish the living species, but anatomical distinctions, particularly of the siphons, indicate trophic specializations. The fossil record provides an historical documentation of this radiation. Researchers have accorded subfamilial and even familial rank to this group of cockles, the Limnocardiidae or Adacnidae. Toward the end of the Miocene, the Sarmatian Sea, a northern branch of the Tethys, extended from the vicinity of Vienna, Austria to the transcaspian Aral Sea, was eventually separated from the Tethys, and isolated the cardiid stock which gave rise to the limnocardiids. During the extent of the Pliocene, which is represented in the area by numerous geological sequences of strata, the original Sarmatian basin 48 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 altered physiographically by being subdivided into a number of smaller seas and changed chemically by a great freshening of water, forming, at times, a disconnected series of inland seas of varying degrees of reduced salinity. Most of the purely marine elements of the marine Sarmatian fauna became extinct, but the cardiid stock, similar to the Recent Cardium (Cerasto- derma) edule, provided the source for the elaboration of a great diversity; some authorities recognize almost 40 genera and 4 or 5 separate subfamilies. Most of these animals became extinct by the beginning of the Pleistocene, but at least 3, Didacna, Monodacna, and Adacna along with Cardium edule survive in the seas today. Didacna, with about seven species, although previously widely distributed in the Ponto- Caspian-Aral basin, lives restricted to the Caspian Sea itself. Monodacna, showing a marked preference for lowered salinities, prefers the limans and estuaries of the great rivers which debouch into the Black, Azov, and Caspian Seas. Adacna (including the sometimes separated Hypanis), exhibiting considerable euryhalinity lives in all the seas of the basin, including the most easterly Aral Sea. Occurring principally in brackish water, Cardium edule enjoys nofonl^ the broad range of the sometime Sarmatian Sea but still flourishes as well along the coasts of western Europe to the Baltic and White Seas. These remarkable cockles and their immen- sely complex evolutionary history provide an example rare among bivalve mollusks of the processes of an exceptionally rapid evolutionary radiation. In this regard they are comparable to the more familiar and more intensely studied case of Darwin’s Galapagos Finches. The complicated geologic events facilitated both the isolation of insular-like basins and the requisite time to allow isolated populations to diverge, establish genetic cohesiveness and form new species. Niches normally occupied by other marine bivalves were left vacant by the extinction of many marine Sarmatian mollusks during the freshening of these waters in the Pliocene and the cardiids were, in the absence of competitors, able to radiate into many of them. LABORATORY CULTURE AND METAMORPHOSIS OF LARVAL APLYSIA BRASILIANA RANG (GASTROPODA, OPISTHOBRANCHIA) Ned E. Strenth and James E. Blankenship Marine Biomedical Institute, Galveston, Texas 77550 Eggs laid by laboratory-held specimens of Aplysia brasiliana hatch in about 8 to 10 days. Newly hatched veligers were cultured in filtered seawater at temperatures of 21 °C to 25°C. Cul- tures were maintained at salinities of 28 to 30 ppt and fed the unicellular algae Isochrysis galbana. The veliger circulatory system becomes well developed and easily visible by 14 days following hatching. Propodal extension was observed as early as 23 days. Metamorphosis was induced as early as 30 days post-hatching upon exposure to Abstract freshly collected specimens of the red seaweed Callithamnion byssoides. Specimens could be retained in culture for as long as 70 days prior to their exposure to Callithamnion and subsequent metamorphosis. Propodal attachment, loss of the velar cilia, and retraction of the velar folds signal the onset of metamorphosis. Feeding begins at 5 days following settlement. This is followed by a rapid increase in growth rate. Sexual maturity is attained at about 2 to 3 months post-metamorpho- sis depending upon food availability. MICROMOLLUSCS OF THE CONTINENTAL SHELF, NORTHEASTERN GULF OF MEXICO Donald R. Moore Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, FLA. 33149 Abstract The Bureau of Land Management, a federal agency, undertook a survey of the shallow shelf, northeastern Gulf of Mexico, in 1974. The work was expanded to include the deeper part of the shelf in 1975-76. The micromolluscs, species attaining a length of no more than seven Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 49 millimeters, were a part of this project. The area off the Mississippi-Alabama coast is dominated by clastic sediments and turbid waters, especially in the shallow part. The water is clear and there is a considerable amount of CaC03 in the sediment in the area east of the head of the DeSoto Canyon. The percentage of CaCO 3 increases to the east, southeast, and south along the Florida coast, especially in the fine fraction. Hard bottom with corals, sponges, and other attached flora and fauna is found on the Florida Middle Ground. The sampling method obtained few living micromolluscs, so most of the observations were based on empty shells. More than 25,000 specimens were identified, many of them drilled or broken by predators. Filter feeding bivalves and browsing gastropods are nearly equal in numbers on the shallow shelf in the southern half of the study area, but browsers almost disappear in turbid waters off the Mississippi-Alabama coast. Browsing gastropods are rare on the deep shelf, and the most numerous molluscs are Bathyarca, Vesicomya, and other deep dwelling bivalves. The most common gastropods were Finella dubia, Caecum pulchellum, and Meioceras cubitatum, all browsers in shallow water. There was no abundant deeper water gastropod. The most im.portant bivalves were Parvilucina multi- lineata and Gouldia cerina in shallow or moderate depths, and Vesicomya pilula out near the shelf edge. POLYMORPHISM. CLIMATE AND BIOME DEVELOPMENT, A HYPOTHESIS Arthur H. Clarke National Museums of Canada Ottawa. Ontario, Canada Abstract A hypothesis is proposed, using apostatic selction, which seeks to partially account for the contrasting variability, bright coloration and conspicuous sculptoring seen in many tropical molluscs. It postulates that the importance of apostatic selection increases v/ith biome matura- tion and that that process produces different effects in simple and complex communities. MOLLUSKS OF BADLANDS NATIONAL MONUMENT, SD Dorothy E. Beetle 375 W. Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45215 Twenty seven species in fourteen genera of living mollusks were found within the boundaries of Badlands National Monument, SD. during the summers of 1975-1976. The Badlands, elevation 700-990 meters, is an area of loess overlying loosely consolidated mudstone, siltstone and more resistant sandstone. The spectacularly eroded surfaces are nearly bare of plants. As the ridges are undermined, they slump to create hummocky pockets that trap water. Sparse stands of Juniperus and shrubs and tiny ponds occur here and are the habitats of land and freshwater snails. There are no natural lakes. Greeks are intermittent and most of the stock ponds dry by Abstract the end of August. Runoff carries a heavy load of silt. Each spring and pond, isolated from the others and from any flowing water, contains a different assemblage of snails. They were most likely populated by adventitious colonization. The heavy burden of silt in the water prevents bivalves from surviving. Only two dead shells of two different Sphaerium and one of Pisidium were found. There are no endemic species; land snails present are ones found in surrounding plains. Succinea vaginacontorta is dominant and abund- ant on the prairie. Oreohelix, present in the Black Hills 160 km west of the Badlands, does not occur in the Juniper stands. The low annual rainfall of 50 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 40 cm, temperatures ranging from 44°C to -40°C, intermittent creeks and high erosional rates combine with the resulting dearth of plants to limit severly the mollusks inhabiting the Badlands. The following is a list of Badlands mollusks: Zonitoides arboreus Say 1816 Deroceras laeve Muller 1774 Succinea avara Say 1824 Succinea vaginacontorta Lee 1951 Gastrocopta armifera Say 1821 Gastrocopta pellucida hordeacella Pilsbry 1890 Pupoides albilabris C.B. Adams 1841 Pupilla blandi Morse 1865 Vallonia parvula Sterki 1893 Vallonia gracilicosta Reinhardt 1883 Vallonia albula Sterki 1893 Vallonia cyclophorella Sterki 1892 Pisidium casertanum Poli 1795 Sphaerium lacustre rykholti Normand 1844 Sphaerium partumeium Say 1822 Lymnaea bulimoides cockerelli Pilsbry & Ferriss 1906 Lymnaea caperata Say 1829 Lymnaea elodes Say 1821 Lymnaea reflexa Say 1821 Physa gyrina Say 1821 Gyraulus circumstriatus Tryon 1866 Gyraulus parvus Say 1817 Promenetus exacuous Say 1821 Promenetus umbilicatellus Cockerell 1887 Helisoma anceps Menke 1831 Helisoma trivolvis Say 1817 Helisoma trivolvis subcrenatum Carpenter 1856 LAND SNAIL DISTRIBUTION IN REMNANT NATURAL AREAS IN THE LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY, TEXAS W. Lloyd Pratt, Jr. Museum of Natural History, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Abstract The original habitat of the subtropical Rio Grande Valley has been reduced to a few remnant stands by agricultural clearing. The Rio Grande plain originally supported a mosaic of dry subtropical thornscrub and grassland. The sparse land snail fauna of remnant tracts includes Rabdotus alternatus (Say), Rabdotus dealbatus (Say), Polygyra texasiana (Moricand), Polygyra scintilla Pilsbry and Hubricht, Praticolella pachyl- oma (Menke), and Praticolella berlandieriana (Moricand). At any single station the fauna usually includes the two Rabdotus, a Polygyra, and a Praticolella. Watercourses and the extensive floodplain of the Rio Grande supported an ecotonal woodland composed of a mixture of elements from the tropical thorn forest of Tamaulipas and the temperate bottomland hardwood forest of Texas. Tropical elements in the fauna of the surviving stands include Gastrocopta riograndensis (Pilsbry and Vanatta), Euglandina texasiana (Pfeiffer), Rabdotus alternatus (Say), Polygyra scintilla Pilsbry and Hubricht, Praticolella griseola (Pfeiffer), Praticolella berlandieriana (Moricand), and Thysanophora plagioptycha (Shuttleworth). Species of northern origin include *Helicina orbiculata (Say), Pupoides albilabris (Adams), Gastrocopta contracta (Say), Gastrocopta pento- don (Say), *Strobilops texasiana (Pilsbry and Ferris), Helicodiscus singleyanus (Pilsbry), *Gly- phyalinia umbilicata (Singley), *Hawaiia minusc- ula (Binney), *Zonitoides arboreus (Say), *Euco- nulus cher sinus trochulus (Reinhardt), Polygyra texasiana (Moricand) and Praticolella pachyloma (Menke). Species preceded by an asterisk seem to occur in the valley as Pleistocene relicts. Gas- trocopta pellucida (Pfeiffer), Rabdotus dealbatus (Say), Succinea lateola (Gould), Succinea solastra (Hubricht), and Thysanophora homi (Gabb are widespread or have otherwise ambiguous distri- Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 51 ENERGY CONTENT OF PARASITIZED (TREMATODE) AND NON-PARASITIZED SUCCINEA OIMT/S (GASTROPODA: PULMONATA, TREMATODA: LEUCOCHLORIDIIDAE) ^ Daniel J. Hornbach and Albert J. Burky Department of Biology, Univeristy of Dayton Dayton, Ohio 45469 Parasitized and non-parasitized Succinea ovalis from Cedar Bog near Urbana, Ohio have been examined to determine what effect that the trematode parasite Leucochloridium variae has on the energy content of its host. S. ovalis is the intermediate host for L. variae whose adult is found in the hind gut of birds. The broodsac of L. variae extends into the hemocoel of the tentacle(s) of S. ovalis and is easily seen pulsating up to 3 + meters. Only those snails with this advanced state of parasitism were analyzed. Body tissue and shell of adult parasitized and non-parasitized S. ovalis and broodsacs of L. variae have been analyzed for carbon using a wet- oxidation method [Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond. 38: 1-11, 1968) and for nitrogen using a semiautomat- ic micro-Dumas analyzer (Coleman Model 29). Mean = pg C/mg dry wt of component (body tissue and shell) of non-parasitized S. ovalis of mean size 16.42 mm (12.4 - 18.1 mm) is 362.54 pg C/mg and 6.74 pg C/mg respectively, whereas the mean = pg C/mg dry wt of component (body and shell of parasitized S. ovalis and broodsac of L. wanae] for snails of mean size 14.84 mm (11.3 - 16.9 mm) is 418.27 ^g C/mg, 9.49 pg C/mg, and 502.00 pg C/mg respectively. Mean =pgN/mg dry wt of component (body tissue and shell) of non-parasitized S. ovalis of mean size 14.75 mm (11.2 - 18.2 mm) is 107.64 pg N/mg and 4.14 pg N/mg whereas the mean =pg N/mg dry wt of component (body and shell of parasitized S. ovalis and broodsac of L. variae} for snails of mean size 15.13 mm (12.3 - 17.9 mm) is 113.46 pg N/mg, 3.58 pg N/mg and 34.86 ug N/mg respectively. The mean> = pg C/mg dry wt for non-parasi- tized S. ouafo (shell -Hbody), parasitized S. ovalis (shell + body), and parasitized S. ovalis (shell + body + broodsac) were used to calculate C:N ratios of 3.44, 4.89 and 5.20 respectively. The C:N ratio for the broodsac alone is 6.47. Data on snails of comparable size suggests that parasitism is detrimental to the relative quality of the host tissue. Even though the C;N ration for the body and shell of the parasitized snail is higher than that for the non-parasitized snail, the difference is due to a lower total pg N/mg dry wt (body -H shell) suggesting that the parasite derives its protenaceous material at the expense of the quality of the host’s composition. Not only is the broodsac ’s nitrogen content almost twice that of the host (77.55 pg N/mg dry wt for broodsac and 47.51 pg N/mg dry wt for body + shell of non-parasitized S. ovalis), the C:N ratio of 6.47 for the broodsac indicates that the parasite is utilizing compounds other than the host’s protein such as fats and/or carbohydrates. ^ Supported by grants from The University of Dayton Research Council and The Ohio Biological Survey. PHYLLONOTUS (GASTROPODA, MURICIDAE), A WORLDWIDE TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL GENUS George E. Radwin San Diego Natural History Museum San Diego, CA 92115 Abstract Of all muricid genera, few exhibit such large shell size and prominent coloration as Phyllon- otus Swainson, 1833 (type species: Murex imper- ialis Swainson, 1833 [= Murex margaritensis Abbott, 1958]. Although unquestionably more richly represented in the New World tropics, Phyllonotus is now considered, on the basis of a re-evaluation of worldwide muricid species, to have several species outside of the New World. The shell in Phyllonotus is large, solid, and 52 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 globose. The inner lip is smooth and expanded anteriorly into a detached, erect inductura. Shells of most species bear three broad spiral brown bands and the apertural margin is heavily enameled in shades of pink, orange, yellow, or brown, or a combination of two or more of these colors. Radular dentition is typically muricine, with a simple, broad, curved rachidian tooth bearing five prominent cusps. The lateral cusps have broadly concave outer margins; the central cusp is long, obelisk-shaped, and lacks the central, longitudinal highlight indicative of a triangular cross-section, as found in Hexaplex, Chicoreus, and Muricanthus. There are two different protoconchs: a simple, short, smooth one, as in P. pomum, and a longer, more tapering, pustulose one, as in P. peratus. In addition to the New World species generally assigned here, our investigation has led us to also assign the west African “Murex” duplex, the Mediterranean “M. ” irunculus, and the Indo- west Pacific “M.” superbus, “M.” laciniatus, and “M. "venustulus to Phyllonotus. SURVIVAL OF TRIODOPSIS ALBOLABRIS IN A FIRE-TYPE HABITAT Virginia A. Vail Tall Timbers Research Station Route 1, Box 160, Tallahassee, FL 32303 Abstract Triodopsis albolabris (Say) from a mixed hardwoods-pine forest in southern Georgia are being studied to determine what factors promote survival in this annually burned habitat. Current field observations suggest that survival of individual snails during a burn is effected by a combination of 3 factors: location of the snail, intensity of the fire, and the tendency of fire to burn in a mosaic pattern; i.e., the area is not burned clean and some vegetation and litter remain. Mortality is highest among snails found under the vegetation and leaf litter; attempts to escape from approaching flames were not observed to occur. Snails under logs, in stump or root holes or behind the loose bark of rotting stumps generally survived the burn. Laboratory and field observations on the reproductive habits of T. albolabris have shown: (1) egg clutches averaging 66.2 eggs (range: 17.107) are deposited in soil or soft, rotting wood during the spring and summer months, which affords protection from fire, (2) Adult snails lay an average of 2.2 clutches per year (range: 1-7, and (3) incubation requires approximately 3 weeks; and (4) maturation occurs within 10-12 months. NON- MARINE MOLLUSKS AND PALEOENVIRONMENTS OF THE PALEOGENE FORT UNION GROUP, NORTH DAKOTA AND MONTANA David Bickel Minot, North Dakota 58701 Early Tertiary non-marine Mollusca and continental strata in North America were first extensively studied in the Williston Basin of North Dakota and Montana by F. B. Meek and F. V. Hayden in the 2850’s. Meek (1876, U.S. Geol. Surv. Terr. - Hayden Surv. 9) provided the only comprehensive study of this classic non-marine molluscan fauna. Since 1971, the systematics, stratigraphic distribution, and paleoecology of 94 molluscan faunules have been analyzed. The Abstract fauna consists of 40 taxa, S Unionidae, 6 Pisidiidae, 1 Corbulidae, 13 Viviparidae, 6 other aquatic prosobranchs, 5 aquatic pulmonates, and 5 land snails. The non-marine Paleocene of the Williston Basin includes in ascending order, the Ludlow Formation and its equivalents, the Tongue River, Sentinel Butte, and lower Golden Valley Formations. All but the Golden Valley Formation comprise the Fort Union Group. While several Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 53 alluvial environments of deposition are recog- nized in the sequence, there are only two molluscan facies - channel and floodbasin. Channel sediments including bar and channel bed deposits have produced infrequent occurrences of molluscan fossils but faunules are often rich in diversity and numbers of individuals. However, only four freshwater- species occur predominately in channel deposits. In addition, five land snails, Grangerella mcleodensis (Russell), Oreohelix grangeri Cockerell and Henderson, Oreohelix cf. W. obtusata (Whiteaves), Oreohelix angulifera (Whiteaves), and ? Macrocyclis spatiosa (Meek and Hayden), appear as allochthones in channel sediments. The terrestrial species, better known from other early Tertiary strata in the Rocky Mountain region, have been found only in the lower Tongue River Formation and represent the first record of land snails in the Williston Basin Paleocene. Natural levee deposits, or overbank silts and sands, contain faunules that often include one or more “channel species’’ and show signs of transport. Such units are sedimentary and paleontologic extensions of the channel environment. Floodbasin deposits include sediments that accumulated in a range of lentic environments such as mud flats, marshes, and pools of various size, and abandoned channels. Ten freshwater species characterize floodbasin assemblages. Sixteen freshwater mollusks commonly occur both in channel and floodbasin units, and 5 are too rare to permit analysis of their habitat preference. Slight differences between faunules from channel and floodbasin sediments and the greater number of species restricted to lentic habitats suggest that slow-moving Paleo- cene streams and associated interfluvial bodies provided similar molluscan habitat for a predom- inately lentic fauna. Changes in molluscan taxonomic diversity through the Paleocene probably reflect fluctua- tions in the extent and stability of floodbasin environments. In the middle and upper Tongue River Formation molluscan diversity reaches a zenith and sedimentological evidence suggests that interfluvial aquatic environments were both extensive and relatively stable during this interval. Declining taxonomic diversity in the late Paleocene (Sentinel Butte and lower Golden Valley Formations) was probably in response to changes in the alluvial system, although a deteriorating climate, as inferred from declining taxonomic diversity in plant microfossils, may have influenced the molluscan fauna. THE OCCURRENCE OF TWO EUROPEAN SUCCINEIDS, SUCCINEA OBLONG AND SUCCINEA PUTRIS, IN NORTH AMERICA F. Wayne Grimm Museum of Natural Sciences Vanier, Ontario, Canada Succinea oblonga and Succinea putris, two common succineids of Europe, have been found in eastern North America. The snails and their colonies are described, and the known history of Abstract the colonies discussed. The possibility that S. putris may be a glacial relict in eastern North America is discussed. PAPERS PRESENTED; ABSTRACTS NOT AVAILABLE Bereza, Daniel J. and Samuel L. H. Fuller. — Acad, of Nat. Sci. Phil. A Reassessment of the Biography of Freshwater Mussels (Bivalvia; Unionacea) of the Atlantic Drainage. Chanley, Paul. — New Suffolk, NY. The Gospel of the Bivalves. Davis, George M. and Samuel L.H. Fuller — Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. Genetic Relationships Among North American Unionacea and an Assessment of Unionid Classifications. 54 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 Dundee, Dee S.— Dept. Biol. Sci., Univ. of New Orleans, N.O., LA 70122. The Melanoides Possibilities in the New Orleans Metroplex. Frias Martins, A.M. — Seminario Colegio, Ponta Deloada, San Miguel, Azores. Ecological Studies on Halophilic Ellobiidae in the Azores. Fuller, Samuel L.H. and George M. Davis.— Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. On Revision of the Fresh- water Mussel Genus Quadrula (Bivalvia: Unionidae). Fuller, Samuel L.H. and George M. Davis.— Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. On Evolution of the Marsupium Among Nearctic Freshwater Mussels (Bivalvia: Unionacea). Hoagland, K. Elaine, George M. Davis, and Arthur J. Cain.— Dept. Biol., Lehigh Univ.; Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil.; Univ. Liverpool, Eng. A Comparative Ecological-Morphological Study of Two Littorina Assemblages. Kraemer, Louise Russert. — Univ. of Ark., Fayetteville, Ark. What is Corbicula doing in the Arkansas River? Lewis, Harold. —Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. The Comparative Anatomy of the Bursidae and Cymatiidae. Robertson, Robert. — The Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Phil. Reversals and Directionalities of Gastro- pod Coiling. Solem, Alan.— Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, ILL. Western Australian Field Work, 1976-77. Stansbery, David H. — Mus. Zoology, The Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH. The Naiad Mollusks of the Red River of Western Kentucky and Tennessee. Vagvolgyi, Joseph. — Staten Island Community College, Staten Island, NY. Speciation in Galapagos Land Snails. Vidrine, Malcom F. and Bereza, Daniel J. — Gulf South Res. Inst, and Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. Corbicula manilensis (Philippi) (Sphaeriacea: Corbiculidae) in Western Louisiana. SYMPOSIUM: CURRENT TRENDS IN MALACOLOGY ORGANIZER: Dr. Dorothea S. Franzen MODERATOR: Dr. Harold D. Murray GEORGE M. DAVIS CURRENT TRENDS IN MOLLUSC AN SYSTEMATICS: METHODS, TECHNIQUES (No Abstract Available) A. BYRON LEONARD PROBLEMS OF ESTIMATING POPULATIONS OF FOSSIL MOLLUSCS (No Abstract Available) Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 55 MOLLUSCAN GENETICS AND HOST-PARASITE RELATIONS Charles S. Richards Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Mollusks serve as intermediate hosts and vectors of parasitic diseases of man such as schistosomiasis. The planorbid freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata is one of the major intermediate hosts for Schistosoma mansoni. It is hoped that genetic manipulation of B. glabrata may provide means of reducing transmission of S. mansoni as an alternative to the use of chemical molluscacides. Through testing by exposing snails to miracidia of S. mansoni, and selection, a variety of genetic stocks of B. glabrata were developed with respect to susceptibility to infection. These include stocks of B. glabrata which test completely refractory to all strains of S. mansoni to which they have been exposed. Introduction of such snails into populations of susceptible B. glabrata in endemic areas might result in reduced transmission of schistosomiasis. Studies are in progress to explain the basic mechanisms by which refractory snails destroy the miracidia that penetrate and by which successful miracidia penetrating a susceptible snail avoid recognition and develop without host reaction. The amebocytes in the hemolymph appear to be the main defense of the snails. These amebocytes normally have the specific ability to recognize each other as “self” and are compatible. They have the non-specific ability to recognize foreign objects as “non-self”. Foreign objects that are small enough are phagocytized by the amebocytes and larger objects are incapsulat- ed. Successful miracidia of S. mansoni penetrating B. glabrata have some means of masking the fact they are foreign objects and developing without tissue reaction by the host snail. An amebocyte-producing organ occurs in the anterior pericardial wall of B. glabrata. This organ is inapparent in normal unstressed snails, but becomes activated in production of amebo- cytes under certain conditions of stress; infec- tions, genetic abnormalities, etc. Amebocytes of B. glabrata can survive in vitro, without multiplication, for several months, and in the absence of stress may survive in the living snail throughout the snail’s life span. MALACOLOGY AND PARASITOLOGY AS THEY PERTAIN TO HEALTH Henry Van der Schalie Museum of Zoology University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Work involving snails in relation to health has been carried out over an extended period at many laboratories both at home and abroad. Among those most active abroad are investigators such as Dr. G. Mandahl-Barth in Copenhagen, Professor J. Lever and the group in the Free University at Amsterdam, Dr. C.A. Wright in the University of London, Professor J.A. Van Eeden in South Africa, Dr. Emile Demian in Cairo, Drs. C.T. Lo and John Cross at NAMRU-2 in Taiwan, and the Tropical Medical Laboratory in Bangkok. In the United States, active centers include: Drs. Michelson and Chernin at the Harvard Public Health School; Dr. Lewert in the University of Chicago; Dr. Lois Wong Chi at California State College; Dr. Emile A. Malek at Tulane; Dr. Charles Richards at N.I.H. in Washington; and the group in the University of Michigan’s Museum of Zoology. Since human trematode cycles were first established in the laboratories at the University of Michigan in 1967, it has been possible to build 56 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 what essentially is a Medical Malacology Institute. This facility has been active with sponsorship from the Geographic Medicine group in the NIH (supported by the Japan-U.S. Agreement funds) for nine years; it now enters the last of a second five-year program. With about 9,000 square feet of space given to maintaining the snail cultures and animal facilities to provide mice, hamsters and dogs to carry the human schistosome infections, this laboratory supplies the basic research materials in schistosomes to some 65 laboratories. With funds from the Armed Forces Research and Develop- ment Command, now terminating after 24 years of support, much of the basic research in learning how to culture intermediate host snails was undertaken. In brief, th^ schistosome supply work enabled the operation and establishment of a facility and staff; other grants-in-aid (such as the Army R and D) provided staff and facility for the research needed to study culturing snails, their morphology, ecology, life-histories, and other studies. The Mollusk Division was fortunate to have had the support of an NIH Training Grant which extended over a 15-year period and ended in 1974 when those grants were terminated. Essentially this support remained the means for training most of the malacologists studying at the University of Michigan. The list of those receiving such support is a long one since there were usually four graduate students active in malacological studies each of the years in which that support was available. Some difficulties developed because the administration of the program, primarily in Zoology had to function to include at least two other schools — Public Health and Natural Re- sources. While functionally there is no conflict, most schools have not yet developed programs that make working along interdisciplinary lines anything but a difficult procedure. Malacological programs that concern us and relate to medical malacology in foreign countries will be discussed and illustrated by kodachrome slides, focusing on some of the problems posed by intermediate snail hosts in the control of human blood fluke (schistosomiasis or bilharziasis). The countries featured are those with which our laboratory has had some immediate contact, but they are just a few among the many awaiting basic malacological studies. In the Orient the pictures show sites of infection with Schistosoma japonicum in Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines. A new focus with a S. japonicum-\ik.e: trematode was discovered a few years ago in the Mekong. We have been fortunate to be able to establish that new cycle in our laboratory with the assistance of Drs. Liang, Kitikoon, Bruce, Schneider and others. It has been encouraging to learn that in using this cycle as supplied from our laboratory, Drs. Ernest Bueding and John Bruce now appear to have a drug that is both prophylactic and curative. In Africa, the problems in Egypt have been compounded with the building of the new High Dam; in the Sudan, the Gezira scheme for increasing agricultural acreage has grown from one million acres to include eventually three million between the Blue and White Nile south of Khartoum, and the struggle to control blood fluke there becomes increasingly more difficult. While the biology of exotic snails in relation to health has been, and will continue to be, a concern of malacologists, the large increase in swimmer’s itch (schistosome dermatitis) in the Great Lakes and other regions has not been discounted. At present, three of the most important non-human schistosomes are being maintained in cycle in our laboratory: the mammal schistosome, Schistosomatium douthitti; two bird schistosomes, Gigantobilharzia huronen- sis (with adult worms in goldfinches, blackbirds, etc.) and Trichobilharzia ocellata (in duck-like birds). A thesis in press by Dr. Robert Wall shows that at least a hundred lakes in Michigan are reported each year to be infested with schistosome dermatitis; a conservative estimate is that five times that many are at least periodically infested but not reported. Studies undertaken are, surprisingly enough, not supported by tourism — one of Michigan’s largest industries! While basic malacology has been encouraged and supported by schools and various govern- mental agencies, as well as the World Health Organization, much more support for study and research will be needed if there is going to be any reasonable amount of control of serious diseases by means of eliminating snail intermediate hosts. Such studies must be far more interdisciplinary than hitherto anticipated. A recent example of a lack of support across fields is the failure to sponsor the use of pulmonale snails for focal control of increased ambient temperatures caused by solarators. Sanitary engineers are not prepared to supply the needed expertise to make such a control program possible. Data derived Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 57 from a 3 -year program designed to measure growth and reproduction in pulmonate snails clearly showed that at 30 °C or higher pond snails will not produce eggs. This prospective method of control now awaits pilot field tests. In the epidemiology of schistosomiasis and other snail-borne diseases, far too little is expended both in funds and effort to find suitable methods of snail control. More properly trained malacologists are needed, and hopefully agencies responsible for developing control methods will encourage more basic studies necessary to find suitable means for snail control. PROCEDURES AND METHODS IN MOLLUSCAN CYTOLOGY AND CYTOGENETICS Noorullah Babrakzai, Walter B. Miller and Sianoosh Samsam Department of General Biology, University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 Chromosome study of molluscs is of special interest to the cytologist because of the extreme diversity in morphology, anatomy, number of species, and a number of other qualities. The earlier reports on molluscan chromosomes are largely unreliable, as these workers mostly used the paraffin sectioning technique (Burch, 1965). This method does not reveal chromosome morphology clearly, compared to the squash technique. Although acetic carmine was reported as a stain fixative in 1921 by Belling (cited by Sharma and Sharma, 1972), for a long time the squash technique was not adopted by molluscan cytologists. Husted and Burch (1945) used the squash technique along with paraffin sectioning on polygyrid snails. In subsequent years many workers switched to the squash technique to study chromosomes of molluscs. Once this switch from sectioning to squashing was made, the study of molluscan chromosomes became easy and rewarding. Moreover, a wealth of reports on chromosome numbers of molluscs has appeared in the literature during the past 26 years (see Burch, 1965; and Patterson, 1969, for reviews). Unfortunately, studies of karyotype analysis of molluscs are very few. Burch (1968) has correctly stated that the rarity of molluscan karyotype analyses is not due to lack of their value, but rather to the technical difficulties in obtaining adequate chromosome preparations. In this paper, we wish to point out to those interested in molluscan cytology and cytogenetics that one can overcome such technical difficulties by utilization of the available techniques or by modifications of these to suit particular needs. ‘ ‘Sources ’ ’ of Chromosomes The testes or ovotestes of snails are good sources of meiotic and mitotic chromosomes. However, it is necessary to know something about the reproductive cycle of the species in question. Both meiotic and mitotic chromosome prepara- tions can be obtained in abundance before the breeding period. Generally, meiotic and mitotic divisions in snails follow the wave pattern observed in vertebrates, (i.e., at any given time one can observe mitotic metaphases, meiotic prophase I, metaphase I or metaphase II in the squash preparations of testes or ovotestes). However, if one obtains specimens from the field and natural time factors must be considered, then it is usually a matter of “luck” in obtaining both meiotic and mitotic chromosomes. This is especially true if the snails are scarce and difficult to obtain in large numbers. An excellent and inexpensive source of mitotic chromosomes is snail embryos. These grow rapidly once the egg capsules are laid. A properly maintained breeding colony of snails can provide abundant embryos for many months. An additional source of chromosomal material is tissue culture. Unfortunately, this has not been widely used. Originally, it was worked out by Burch and Cuadros (1965), and applied to karyotype analysis by Burch (1968). The only limiting factor in Burch and Cuadros’ technique is the great number of snails necessary to prepare the “snail extract”. One of us has tested a number of synthetic culture media for growth using foot tissue of Helix aspersa (S. Samsam, unpublished). After many trials, it was found that Ham’s F-10 medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum and 1 ml of antibiotic- antimycotic solution per 100 ml of 58 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 medium gave good preliminary results. Further investigation on snail tissue culture using synthetic media is necessary. A simple and inexpensive tissue culture technique for snails would open up an entirely new field of molluscan chromosome research. Preparation of Chromosome Spreads 1. From ovotestes or testes: Both mitotic and meiotic chromosome spreads can be made by using the hypotonic squash technique (Babrakzai and Miller, 1974; Stern, 1975). Temporary mounts can be made permanent by; (a) freezing them in dry ice; (b) removing the coverslip with a razor blade; (c) dehydrating them in a graded series of ethyl alcohols (70-100%); and (d) mounting a fresh coverslip on the slide with Euparol and mounting the old coverslip on a new slide in the same way. However, it is recommended that chromosome spreads be studied before making the squash preparations permanent as some loss of material does occur. 2. From embryos: A technique using freshwater snail embryos was first reported by Patterson (1971). We have developed the following modification of this technique suitable for land snail embryos: a. Collect the snails from their habitat just before their breeding season. This is usually early spring if they have seasonal reproductive cycles. b. Maintain the snails in terraria containing leaf litter, rocks, etc., from their natural habitat, and keep them in humid conditions, feeding them romaine lettuce twice a week. c. After 2-3 weeks remove all snails from the terraria and gently search the litter thoroughly for egg clutches. Snails have a tendency to bury their eggs beneath the litter. Carefully and gently collect the eggs using a small spatula, and place them on a moist paper towel. d. Gently wash the eggs in tap water to remove sand and debris. Place the clean eggs again on a moist paper towel, wrap them up gently and place them in a covered petri dish. e. Label each petri dish with the species name, date, etc. Keep these in a moist humid place (a terrarium is fine) at room temperature. f. Incubate for 5-12 days. After the 5th day dissect one or two eggs on a slide under a dis- secting microscope. We have found that embryos having a good number of mitotic metaphases are usually about 1-1.5 mm in dia- meter, or when they have the shell rudiment present. g. Search the terraria for eggs 2-3 times a week, and be certain to feed the snails. h. Dissect all the egg capsules with fine forceps, after the proper incubation period. Do this under a dissecting microscope in a watch glass containing hypotonic -colchicine solution (0.075 M KCI and lO'^'^M colchicine). Release the embryo from the egg capsule. i. Remove the embryos using a Pasteur pipette and wash them in a watch glass contain- ing hypotonic colchicine solution to remove the albumin. j. Incubate the embryos at room temperature in the hypotonic-colchicine solution in a watch glass for 60-90 minutes, or more if desired. This incubation time is critical. Overtreat- ment results in extremely contracted chromo- somes, and undertreatment will not arrest metaphase. The hypotonic solution swells the cells, and thus helps the chromosomes to un- tangle and spread. If very condensed chromo- somes are observed, then dissect the eggs in the hypotonic solution without colchicine. In- cubate them for 30-45 minutes in fresh hypo- tonic solution, followed by incubation in hypo- tonic-colchicine. In favorable spreads the two chromatids of each chromosome should not be separate, otherwise such spreads do not give satisfactory results when subjected to G or C banding techniques. k. Fix the embryos in freshly prepared meth- anol: acetic acid (3:1) for 30 minutes. l. After fixation transfer the embryos to 45% acetic acid for 15 minutes or more. This step removes the methanol from the embryos and also softens them. m. Place one embryo on a clean slide with a small drop of 45% acetic acid. Tease the embryo with fine insect needles to loosen its cells, place the cover slip on top of the drop, and squash on a paper towel. The coverslip should face down during squashing. n. Label the slide on the right hand corner with a diamond pencil for future identification and for use as a reference point. o. Freeze the slides thus prepared on dry ice for 1-2 minutes and remove the cover slip using a razor blade. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 59 p. Dehydrate the slides in a graded series of 70-100% ethanols. q. Store the slide in a clean slide box after drying. r. For routine chromosome study, stain the slides in 1% lactic-acetic orcein (Cooperrider and Morrison, 1^967) for 10-15 minutes. Rinse these in tap water; dehydrate them in graded ethyl alcohols (70-100%); and mount them in Euparol. s. The stored slides (from step “q” above) can be used for G-banding, C-banding and NOR techniques (see below). 3. From tissue cultures: Once good tissue cultures are obtained and maintained, the technique for preparing chromo- some spreads is a standard one, and the reader is referred to Burch (1968) and Schwarzacher (1974a) for details and additional references. Karyotype Analysts 1. The Classical Karyotype: Classically, a karyotype consists of describing the number, morphology and arrangement of the homologous pairs of mitotic metaphase chromo- somes of a species in order of their length. There has been considerable confusion in the terminology used to describe the morphology of chromosomes. In order to minimize this confusion we have followed the scheme of Levan et al. (1964). The methods of Bogart (1970) and Raicu et al. (1973) for the comparison of karyotypes and the construction of idiograms are useful. These have been used to compare the karyotypes of Oreohelicidae (Babrakzai, Miller and Ward, 1975), Helminthoglyptidae (Babrakzai, 1975), and Polygyridae (Reeder, 1975). Not all homologous chromosome pairs can be identified precisely. This is especially true if there are many chromosome pairs with almost identical lengths and centromeric positions. At best the chromosome pairs can be identified statistically from a large sample. Nonetheless, a classical karyotype is very important to have on hand for reference, and is very useful in preliminary studies. An example of this is the karyotype of the Bradybaenid, Bradybaena similaris, versus the karyotypes of Helmintho- glyptid species (Babrakzai and Miller, 1976). 2. Chromosome Banding Techniques and the Karyotype: The difficulty in the identification of homo- logous chromosomes in metaphase has been largely eliminated by the development of chromosome banding techniques. These tech- niques have been developed during the past 6-7 years by mammalian and human cytogeneticists. As it turns out they can also be applied to molluscan cytology (Babrakzai, Ward and Miller, 1976). Essentially, the new banding techniques fall into the following categories: a. Fluorescent bands of chromosomes (Q-bands, so-called for the quinacrine stain). b. Giemsa bands of chromosomes (G-bands). c. Centromeric bands of chromosomes (C-bands). To the best of our knowledge fluorescent banding techniques have not been applied in the analysis of molluscan karyotypes. Usually, the G-bands and Q-bands of a particular set of chromosomes are identical. Various chemical treatments such as trypsin, 2 X SSC (0.3 M NaCl and 0.03 M sodium citrate), urea, sodium hydroxide, potassium permanga- nate, etc., induce G-bands. The technique of Sumner et al., (1971) has been successful with land snail chromosomes in our laboratory. The chromosomes, after pretreatment, are differen- tiated in Giemsq stain. Some parts of a chromosome are stained darkly and others are not. These chromosome “bands”, or G-bands, act as landmarks for the identification of homologous chromosome pairs. The banding pattern of each homologous chromosome is unique and is constant for a species or a group of closely related species. Thus, such techniques allow one to construct a precise karyotype for each species, and this can be used as a comparison with others. Furthermore, chromosomal aber- rations such as inversions, translocation hetero- zygosity, etc., can easily be detected. The mechanism of G-band induction is currently under investigation by a number of workers. Centromeric bands (C-bands) are obtained after denaturing the DNA in sodium or barium hydroxide. This is followed by incubation in hot saline citrate (60 °C) for one hour or more. After staining in Giemsa, the constitutive heterochro- matin, often located around the centromeres but occasionally located interstitially or terminally, is stained darkly. We have found that 6-10 day old slides are suitable for G and C banding techniques of land snail embryos. The BSG technique of Sumner (1972) has given us very satisfactory 60 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 results. However, for land snail chromosomes, staining for 5-20 minutes in Giemsa gives satisfactory results compared to 60-90 minutes recommended by other workers. The C-banded karyotype further facilitates karyotype comparisons, and identifies pericentric inversions and dicentric chromosomes. More- over, since G and C bands are inherent parts of chromosome morphology of each species, banded karyotypes are essential in clarifying relationships between closely related species. Theoretically, it is possible to trace individual chromosomes from species to species through their G and C banding patterns, and thus observe karyotype evolution at a resolution never before achieved in molluscs. For details of techniques of Q, G and C banding see Schwarzacher (1974b) and Schnedl (1974). 3. The NOR Technique: The nucleolar organizer region (NOR), which is usually seen as a secondary constriction in metaphase chromosomes, is another subject of current research. Denton and Howell (1975) have demonstrated that silver nitrate and ammoniacal silver stains the NOR differentially. 4. The Haploid Karyotype and Analysis of Meiosis: An important aspect of cytology and cytoge- netics is the study of the meiotic chromosomes of a species. During the long prophase of meiosis, the homologous chromosomes pair (synapse), form chiasmata, gradually condense and disjoin at metaphase I. Abnormalities in the karyotype (e.g., inversions, translocations, trisomies of various kinds, supernumerary chromosomes, univalents, isochromosomes, etc.) can usually be detected during prophase and metaphase I of meiosis. This information comprises an important supplement to the karyotype constructed from mitotic metaphase chromosomes of the same species. The behavior of chromosomes at metaphase I and metaphase II should also be observed whenever preparations are favorable. Chromosomal aberrations are not uncommon in species of land snails. Chromosome fragments, trisomy and translocations are common in Sonorella virilis (Babrakzai, Samsam and Miller, 1976), S. odorata, S. simmonsi, Monadenia infumata, Helminthoglypta fisheri (Helmintho- glyptidae), Ashmunella chiricahuana and A. lenticula (Polygyridae), and Radiocentrum chiri- cahuana (Oreohelicidae) (Babrakzai, Reeder and Miller, 1975). If it had not been for the analysis of the meiotic karyotype, the chromosome number of Sonorella virilis could not have been determined accurately. Earlier it was incorrectly reported by one of us that the chromosome number in Sonorella is n = 30 (Babrakzai, 1975; Babrakzai, Reeder and Miller, 1975). The correct haploid number for the genus Sonorella and the subfamily Sonorellinae is n = 29. 5. Endopolyploidy: Endopolyploidy has been observed in many animal groups (see White, 1973), and snails are no exception. Our preliminary observations indicate that polyploid nuclei occur in ovotestes (Babrakzai and Miller, 1975), albumin glands, salivary glands, giant neurons, and in developing embryos of land snails. Important aspects which should be pursued are cytophotometric analysis of various DNA classes within each tissue containing polyploid nuclei, and studies attempting to describe the role of polyploid nuclei in development of both embryos and adults. Endometaphases can occasionally be seen in ovotestes and in embryo squash preparations. In embryos endometaphases occur most often when they are about 1 mm in diameter. A simple count of the chromosome number is one way to determine the degree of ploidy in favorable preparations. 6. Studying Mitotic Metaphase Chromosomes without Treatment with Spindle Inhibitors: The current “routine” procedure is to treat dividing cells with colchicine, colcemid, velban or some other spindle inhibitor. However, it is likely that important information is lost as a result of such treatment. This problem has been pointed out and discussed by Hsu (1976). Following Hsu’s words of caution, we examined squash preparations of Ashmunella (Polygyridae) embry- os which had not been treated with any inhibitor. Subsequently, we found chromosomal bridges in the anaphase cells of A. ferrissi and A. chiricahuana. This occurred in 2 embryos out of a total sample of 25 embryos from each species. The chromosomal bridges might be due either to dicentric chromosomes or to the “stickiness” of two chromosomes at submicroscopic levels. In conclusion we would like to emphasize that the fields of molluscan cytology, cytotaxonomy and cytogenetics are wide open for the beginning experimental malacologist. There are now many Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 61 excellent techniques available for the identifica- tion of homologous chromosomes and the description of karyotypes. Their value in systematic problems, phylogenetic considerations and in describing the evolution of closely related species can not be over-emphasized. There exist many reports in the literature on chromosome numbers of molluscs, and these can now be supplemented by complete karyotype descriptions for these species. In the final analysis this would help to shed more light on the interrelationships within molluscan taxa at all levels. LITERATURE CITED Babrakzai, N. 1975. Chromosomes of Helmintho- glyptidae. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Ariz. 102 pp. Babrakzai, N. and W.B. Miller. 1974. A colchi- cine hypotonic squash technique for the chro- mosome spreads of pulmonate land snails. Malacol. Rev. 7: 37-38. Babrakzai, N. and W.B. Miller. 1975. Endopoly- ploidy in the ovotestes of pulmonate land snails. J. Ariz. Acad. Sci. 10: 128-130. Babrakzai, N. and W.B. Miller. 1976. Karyotypic comparison between Helminthoglyptidae and Bradybaenidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata). Bull. Amer. Malacol. Union for 1975, p. 72. Babrakzai, N., W.B. Miller and O.G. Ward. 1975. Cytotaxonomy of some Arizona Oreohelicidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata). Bull. Amer. Mala- col. Union for 1974, pp. 4-11. Babrakzai, N., R.L. Reeder and W.B. Miller. 1975. Chromosomal aberrations in Southwest- ern Pulmonate gastropods. J. Ariz. Acad. Sci. Suppl. p. 30-1. Babrakzai, N., S. Samsam and W.B. Miller. 1976. Chromosomal aberrations in Sonorella virilis (Helminthoglyptidae: Pulmonata). Ann. Rep. Western Soc. Malacol. for 1976, in press. Babrakzai, N., Oscar G. Ward and W.B. Miller. 1976. The introduction of Giemsa and centro- meric banding techniques of chromosomes to molluscan cytotaxonomy. Bull. Amer. Malacol. Union for 1975, p. 67. Bogart, J.P. 1970. Systematic problems in the amphibian family Leptodactylidae (Anura) as indicated by karyotype analysis. Cytogenetics 9: 369-383. Burch, J.B. 1965. Chromosome number and systematics in Euthyneuran snails. Proc. 1st Eur. Malacol. Cong.: 215-241. Burch, J.B. 1968. A tissue culture technique for caryotype analysis of pulmonate land snails. Venus 27(1): 20-27. Burch, J.B. and C. Cuadros. 1965. A culture medium for snail cells and tissues. Nature 206: 637-638. Cooperrider, T.S. and J.H. Morrison. 1967. Lac- tic acetic orcein as a chromosome stain. Michi- gan Botanist 6: 176-177. Denton, T.E. and W.M. Howell. 1975. The use of AgNO 3 and ammoniacal silver to study nucle- olar organizer and satellite regions of chromo- somes. Mammalian Chromosome Newsletter 16(4): 178-179. Hsu, T.C. 1976. Foreword. (Editorial) Mamma- lian Chromosome Newsletter 17(1-2): 1-7. Husted, L. and P.R. Burch. 1945. The chromosomes of polygyrid snails. Amer. Natur. 80: 410-429. Levan, A., K. Fredga and A. A. Sandberg. 1964. Nomenclature for centromeric position on chro- mosomes. Hereditas 52: 201-220. Patterson, C.M. 1969. Chromosomes of molluscs. Proc. Symp. Mollusc. Part II. Marine Biol. Assoc. India, pp. 635-686. Patterson, C.M. 1971. A karyotype technique using freshwater snail embryos. Malacol. Rev. 4: 27. Raicu, P., E. Taisescu and P. Banarescu. 1973. A comparative study of the karyotype in the genus Gobio (Pisces, Cyprinidae). Cytologia 38: 731-736. Reeder, R.L. 1975. Comparative karyotype analy- sis of selected members of the genus Ashmu- nella (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Polygyridae). Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Ariz., 57 pp. Schnedl, W. 1974. Banding patterns in human chromosomes visualized by Giemsa staining after various pretreatments. In: Methods in Human Cytogenetics. H.G. Schwarzacher and U. Wolf, (eds.). New York, Springer-Verlag, pp. 95-117. Schwarzacher, H.G. 1974a. Preparation of meta- phase chromosomes. In: Methods in Human Cytogenetics. H.G. Schwarzacher and U. Wolf 62 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 (eds.), New York, Springer-Verlag, pp. 71-81. Schwarzacher, H.G. 1974b. Fluorescence micro- scopy of chromosomes and interphase nuclei. In: Methods in Human Cytogenetics. H.G. Schwarzacher and U. Wolf (eds.), New York, Springer-Verlag, pp. 83-94. Sharma, A.K. and A. Sharma. 1972. Chromo- some Techniques: Theory and Practice. Univ. Park Press, Baltimore, 575 pp. Stern, E.M. 1975. A technique for the prepara- tion of gastropod chromosomes. Veliger 17(3): 296-298. Sumner, A.T., H.J. Evans and R.A. Buckland. 1971. A new technique for distinguishing between human chromosomes. Nature New Biol. 232: 31-32. Sumner, A.T. 1972. A simple technique for demonstrating centromeric heterochromatin. Exp. Cell Res. 75: 304-306. White, M.J.D. 1973. Animal Cytology and Evolu- tion. 3rd Ed. Univ. Press, Cambridge, England. 959 pp. CURRENT TRENDS IN MALACOLOGY: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDIES AND ENDANGERED SPECIES RESEARCH Carol B. Stein Museum of Zoology, The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 45210 and Marc J. Imlay Office of Endangered Species, U.S. Department of Interior Washington, D.C. Within the past ten years, two major pieces of Federal legislation have brought Washington bureaucratic alphabetese into the field of malacology, and have brought the science of malacology to the attention of many engineers, policy-makers, and even a number of biologists who had never before had contact with this field of study. The first of these pieces of legislation is the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, more familiarly known as NEPA. If Congress and the courts continue to uphold this landmark piece of legislation, it could well have as great an impact on this country’s next two centuries as the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights have had on the first two centuries. In passing this act. Congress recognized the profound impact of man’s activity on the interrelationships of all components of the natural environment. In Title I of NEPA, the Congress declared that it is the continuing policy and responsibility of the Federal Government to use all practicable means to improve and coordinate Federal plans and programs so that the Nation may — (1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generation as trustee of the environment for succeeding generations; (2) assure for all Americans safe, healthful, productive, and esthetically and culturally pleasing surroundings; (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses of the environment without degrada- tion, risk to health or safety, or other undesirable and unintended consequen- ces; (4) preserve important historic, cultural, and natural aspects of our natural heritage, and maintain, wherever possi- ble, an environment which supports diversity and variety of individual choice; (5) achieve a balance between population and resource use which will permit high standards of living and a wide sharing of life’s amenities; and (6) enhance the quality of renewable resources and approach the maximum attainable recycling of depletable resour- ces. At the heart of NEPA is the crucial Section 102 (2) C, which requires that all agencies of the Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 63 Federal Government shall “include in every recommendation or report on proposals for legislation and other major Federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment, a detailed statement by the responsible official [i.e., the official representa- tive of the agency that is planning the project] on— (i) the environmental impact of the proposed action, (ii) any adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be implemented, (iii) alternatives to the proposed action, (iv) the relationship between local short-term uses of man’s environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity, and (v) any irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources which would be involved in the proposed action should it be implemented.’’ This detailed statement has become popularly known as an Environmental Impact Statement, or an EIS. Every time any Federal agency proposes to undertake any action which may have a significant effect on the environment, that agency is required by law to prepare an EIS on the proposed action. Copies of the EIS must be made available to Federal, State, and local environmen- tal agencies, the President, the Council on Environmental Quality, and also to the public. It must accompany the proposal through the existing agency review processes. At first, NEPA’s Environmental Impact Statement requirements caught Federal agencies unprepared. Highway departments, the Corps of Engineers, and other agencies were largely staffed with engineers and designers who had been trained to solve problems in mechanics, design, and construction, but who had little or no familiarity with ecology or the life sciences. This situation is just beginning to change. The first efforts of Federal agencies to comply with NEPA’s EIS requirements were almost entirely directed toward the proposed projects’ effects on recreational facilities, commercial and game species of fish, mammals, and birds — the traditional concerns of most state departments of natural resources or conservation. Non-game species and ecosystem diversity were rarely even mentioned, and their importance to man was little understood or appreciated. However, the preparation of EIS’s did one thing more than require additional agency rubber stamps on project proposals. It gave the public an opportunity to become involved in the govern- mental decision-making process. Conservation organizations which for years had fumed over inept bureaucratic decisions to destroy natural areas while creating public works projects, landowners whose property was to be con- demned, community groups whose neighbor- hoods were to be sacrificed, and even a very few concerned biologists began to read environmen- tal impact statements and to ask some very searching questions about them. In a number of cases citizens’ gproups opposing Federal projects found the agencies’ environmen- tal impact statements highly inadequate or misleading. When the agencies refused to change the EIS’s, some of the citizens’ groups decided to sue the Federal agencies involved in order to force a more realistic evaluation of the impact of the proposed projects. In some such cases, such as the Environmental Defense Fund’s suit against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers over the Cossatot Dam, the courts ruled the EIS was inadequate, and sent the agencies back to get more data. However, when the agencies returned with voluminous documents weighing many pounds, the courts generally weighed the evidence and decided that the impacts of the projects had been adequately described, so the projects could then go ahead. There is no provision in NEPA which requires a project to be abandoned or modified no matter how adverse its impact may be, so long as the impact is adequately described in the environ- mental impact statement. One of the first NEPA cases in which malacology played a role was the Environmental Defense Fund’s suit against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers over the proposed Tennessee- Tombigbee Waterway, a canal project which would channelize the Tombigbee River in Alabama, linking it with the Tennessee River, by excavating more earth than was moved during the building of the Panama Canal. Evidence was presented indicating that five endemic species of Unionidae in the Tombigbee River system would probably become extinct as a result of this project. Other evidence showed that the 253-mile canal 64 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 project would seriously disrupt the area’s balance of nature and would damage wildlife and recreation along the river. However, this evidence was not enough to enjoin the Corps from building the canal, according to the Federal Court judge, who ruled in the Corps’ favor. In another early NEPA case the Environmen- tal Defense Fund took the Tennessee Valley Authority to court over the issue of two high dams to be built at Normandy and Columbia on the Duck River, the largest and one of the most biologically diverse undammed streams remain- ing in the Tennessee River system. The possible extinction of native species of unionids and river snails was an issue in this case, and again EDF lost the case and the appeal. Normandy Dam was closed and began impounding water in May this year. Columbia Dam is now under construction, with approximately 10% of the project completed now. While all of this was going on, a quiet but growing concern for the world’s vanishing species was beginning to arouse public attention. The American Malacological Union was one of the first scientific organizations to call attention to this situation, holding a formal symposium on rare and endangered mollusks of North America at its 1968 annual meeting at Corpus Christi, Texas. The formal involvement of the Federal government in endangered species conservation began with the Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966. This act required the Secretary of Interior to judge what native species of wildlife were threatened with extinction, and to publish lists of them in the Federal Register. It also authorized him to conduct research on such animals and to use limited amounts of money from the Land and Water Conservation Fund to acquire habitat for these species. In 1969 a new Endangered Species Conserva- tion Act amended the first act and broadened its coverage to include all vertebrates, mollusks, and crustaceans. Endangered subspecies as well as species were recognized. The new act authorized the acquisition of water as well as land habitat for endangered species, increased the amount of money available for habitat acquisition to $2.5 million per area and $5 million per year, and provided significant authority for the conservation of endangered foreign wildlife. Later the laws were again amended by the passage of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, which states: “The purposes of this Act are to provide a means whereby the ecosystems upon which endangered species and threatened species depend may be conserved, to provide a program for the conservation of such endangered species and threatened species, and to take such steps as may be appropriate to achieve [these] purposes.’’ The act also states, “It is further declared to be the policy of Congress that all Federal depart- ments and agencies shall seek to conserve endangered species and threatened species and shall utilize their authorities in furtherance of the purposes of this Act.’’ This act extends the scope of Federal coverage to species within the entire plant kingdom, and to the whole animal kingdom, with the sole exception of “a species of the Class Insecta determined by the Secretary [of Interior] to constitute a pest whose protection under the provisions of this Act would present an overwhelming and overriding risk to man.’’ Not only species and subspecies, but also isolated and disjunct populations may be listed. The present law requires the Secretary to publish in the Federal Register lists of all species determined to be either threatened or endanger- ed. These species must be listed by both a scientific name and a common name — a problem for malacologists, since so few molluscan species have common names. The term “endangered species’’ means any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. A “threatened species’’ is any species which is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range. The difference between the two categories is essentially one of priority of action. The Secretary mqy also treat as endangered certain other species which look so much like the listed ones that enforcement personnel would have difficulty in differentiating between them and the listed species. This provision may well prove important in malacology, especially since few law enforcement people have been trained in molluscan taxonomy. The education of these people may well be an important task of malacologists in the future. Criteria used by governmental officials to determine whether a species should be listed an endangered or threatened include: (1) the present or threatened destruction, modification, or curtailment of its Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 65 habitat or range; (2) oven^tilization for commercial, sport- ing, scientific, or educational purposes; (S) disease or predation; (4) the inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms; or (5) other natural or manmade factors affecting its continued existence. Under Section j 5 of the present Endangered Species Act, the Secretary of Interior is directed to establish and implement a program to use all methods and procedures which are necessary in order to bring any endangered or threatened species to the point at which such measures are no longer necessary. “Such methods and proce- dures include, but are not limited to, all activities associated with scientific resources management such as research, census, law enforcement, habitat acquisition and maintenance, propaga- tion, live trapping, and transplantation ’’ Under the terms of this act, the U.S. Office of Endangered Species has thus far issued 12 research contracts to researchers in molluscan systematics and zoogeography. The first priority has been to find out what taxa are known to be threatened with extinction, to determine where these taxa now occur, and to learn what is happening or is about to happen to them. A status report must be prepared for each species to answer three basic questions: What is it? Where is it? Why is it in trouble? Since many of the mollusk species which are potential candidates for listing are highly restricted in distribution and not all are well known, even to malacologists, the investigations supported by these research contracts are providing new information which is aiding in the solution of many taxonomic and zoogeographic problems that otherwise might not even have been tackled until the species was extinct. As a serendipitous by-product of the field work done under these contracts, malacologists are obtaining new data on distribution and abundance not only for potentially endangered species, but also for many relatively common, widespread taxa. Field studies such as are sponsored by endangered species research contracts are providing valuable base-line data on faunal changes in different regions, which can then be correlated with various environmental modifica- tions. Well-documented specimens taken during these field surveys and deposited in museum research collections can be used to help solve taxonomic and zoogeographic problems, as well as serving as irrefutable evidence of the survival of the taxon at the time and place of collection. Exact localities and dates of collection are becoming increasingly essential on specimen labels because of the need to carefully document faunal changes in response to environmental alterations. Attempts to delineate the ranges of endanger- ed species sometimes bring to light new malacological problems which challenge the investigators. As an example, Grimm’s studies of endangered land snails brought to light evidence that some land snail species tend to hybridize in disturbed habitat areas between formerly sepa- rate ranges, a phenomenon which has also been observed in certain species groups of plants. A number of studies of the introduced Asiatic freshwater clam Corbicula have suggested that this bivalve invades disturbed habitats more readily than unmodified natural streams. It has been hypothesized that maintenance and restora- tion of natural conditions may be one of the most effective defenses against domination of the benthos by this exotic bivalve. As endangered species are recogjnized and identified, it is expected that the research emphasis will gradually shift toward studies of the interrelationships of the various taxa with the many factors comprising their environments. Studies such as Vail’s investigations of the survival of Triodopsis albolahris in an annually burned woodland, Mackie’s investigations of the effects of various environmental factors on sphaeriid natality, and comparative ecological studies of several species occupying similar but not identical niches, such as the investigations reported by Hoagland, Davis, and Cain (all presented at the 1976 AMU meeting) will be needed to determine the particular factors in the environment which are limiting to the endangered species, and which factors must be maintained or modified in order to promote the survival and reproduction of the species. Studies of the distribution of rare species frequently show that the ranges of two or more endangered or threatened taxa coincide or overlap. In such cases, protection of the natural integrity of a single habitat area can result in protecting more than one endangered species, as 66 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 well as the biotic community of which these species are integral components. As an example, the ranges of the endangered Morro Bay Kangaroo Rat and the Banded Dune Snail, Helminthoglypta walkeriana, now proposed as an endangered species, coincide. In Ohio, the Big Darby Creek ecosystem which supports the only known population of the Scioto Madtom, a Federal endangered fish species, also supports at least seven additional fish species and four unionid mollusk species on the official state list of endangered wild animals. In the Tennessee River basin, the undammed portions of the Clinch, Powell, Nolichucky, and Duck Rivers each support unique assemblages of endemic bivalve, gastro- pod, and fish species, many of which have either been listed or are in the process of being listed. The ecosystem approach toward endangered species restoration is clearly mandated. By acquiring and protecting the critical habitats for such species, additional plant and animal taxa native to these habitats but not now recognized as endangered may well be protected as a kind of by-product. In addition, forms occurring in these areas which are not now endangered can be given living-space which may prevent them from becoming endangered in the future. The study of these natural ecosystems and their functions may well provide new insights by which man can better utilize the resources of his agricultural ecosystems. Few molluscan taxa are so large and spectacular that zoos feel a need to maintain and propagate them. Few of them are so well-studied that the necessary conditions for survival and reproduction are known. Preservation of captive populations of animals in aquaria, terraria, and gardens; introductions outside the native range; and artificial mass production programs have proven chancy and subject to the fickleness of the budgetary process — especially during times of war or energy crisis. In the long run, the genetics of a captive population may change, variability is lost, and behavior patterns adaptive to survival in the wild may disappear. Introductions of endangered species into new habitats may either fail or be hazardous to the native species already occupying those habitats. One of the most important parts of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 is Section 7, which reads: The Secretary shall review other programs administered by him and utilize such programs in furtherance of the purposes of this Act. All other Federal departments and agencies shall, in consultation with and with the assistance of the Secretary, utilize their authorities in furtherance of the purposes of this Act by carrying out programs for the conservation of endangered species and threatened species... and by taking such action necessary to insure that actions authorized, funded, or carried out by them do not jeopardize the continued existence of such endangered species and threatened species or result in the destruction or modification of habitat of such species which is determined by the Secretary, after consultation as appro- priate with the affected States, to be critical. Although there is no requirement in the National Environmental Policy Act which requires Federal agencies to do anything beyond writing an environmental impact statement. Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act clearly directs these agencies to take such action as is necessary to insure that their activities do not further jeopardize the continued existence of listed species. Twenty-five mollusk species have now been officially listed as endangered, and 37 others have been listed in the Federal Register as proposed endangered species. This is still far short of the 250 mammal species and 209 bird species now listed as endangered, or the more than 1,700 plant species currently proposed for listing (8 % of the seed plants and ferns in the nation!) However, over 400 additional molluscan species are currently under 'consideration and may be proposed when there is sufficient data available on their status. Federal agencies now will be required to include information about the probable impact of their proposed projects in each EIS. The inclusion of endangered mollusks on the Federal list may provide new ammunition for the Environmental Defense Fund and other citizens’ groups in court trials on controversial public works projects. Just last month the U.S. Soil Conservation Service held a preliminary hearing on their proposal to channelize the Paint Rock River in Alabama. AMU member Dr. Paul Yokley and Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 67 biologist Bruce Bell of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s Decatur office, using data from past malacological literature and from recent Ohio State University Museum of Zoology records, informed the SCS that four endangered unionid species occur in the Paint Rock River. Consequently, the SCS will now contact the Department of Interior to determine what action must be taken, under the terms of the Endangered Species Act, to prevent further jeopardization of the continued existence of these species. Research into new technologies of flood damage reduction, water supply, erosion control, and waste management is needed in order to provide better alternatives to the costly public works engineering projects we have been using. By utilizing ecological approaches to the solution of such problems, we may find cheaper and more efficient ways of utilizing natural processes to convert “wastes” to resources. Perhaps we may find ways to utilize various molluscan species in solving these problems. Bivalve mollusks, for example, have been suggested as living monitors of water quality in streams. Some of them may one day be employed as living filters to process organically enriched wastewaters into usable proteins. The preservation of the genetic variability which will make such developments possible in the future depends largely on how effectively NEPA and the Endangered Species Act are used to protect this resource. The Phylum Mollusca constitutes a major segment of Earth’s animal life. Malacologists of today face a major challenge and obligation to make a real contribution both in research and in educating the agencies, the courts, and the citizens of the planet about the importance of preserving natural ecosystems and genetic diversity of living forms. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 AMU ANNUAL REPORTS AMU ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING, AUG. 2-6, 1976 COLUMBUS, OHIO The business meeting of the Forty-Second annual session of the American Malacological Union was called to order at 3:30 p.m. in Hitchcock Hall, Ohio State University, on Aug. 5, 1976, by President Dorothea Franzen. Registration was announced as 129 for this annual meeting. Minutes of the Forty-First meeting held in San Diego, California, as printed in the 1975 Bulletin, were APPROVED. President Franzen read the report from Corresponding Secretary Paul Jennewein in his absence. APPROVED. (Printed below). The Publications Report from Editor Dee Dundee was summarized by Dr. Franzen and included the following pertinent statistics: $4200.00 was budgeted for 1975 for the Bulletin. The joint Bulletin cost $4399.24 but the Western Society of Malacologists paid $1101.00, leaving a cost to AMU of $3298.24. This was $901.76 under budget. The Fall and Spring Newsletters were sent at a total of $613.00, or $387 under budget. Total postage for editorial activities was $228.02. Newsletter Editor Dorothy Beetle’s report to Council was reported to members, noting that the Newsletters are now being printed and mailed in New Orleans, La., on AMU’s postal permit, resulting in savings. Council approved a motion to proceed with publication of the INDEX of AMU Bulletins prepared by honorary member Margaret Teskey. AMU members are urged to buy and help publicize this Index. The price is $6.50, and orders are accepted with payment in U.S. funds to Treasurer Myra L. Taylor. Morris Jacobson reported on How to Study and Collect Shells to Council and requested help in securing permanent storage for copies now being housed at a member’s home in New York City. Council’s acceptance of the offer from Dr. Tucker Abbott to help promote sales of this publication the next year was announced to members. All reports from the Publications Committee were APPROVED. Treasurer Myra L. Taylor gave her report, as audited by a committee chaired by Dr. T. E. Pulley. APPROVED (Printed below). Dr. Franzen reported that in further action Council had accepted a report from the Treasurer on finances of the joint meeting at San Diego in 1975. Dr. Harald Rehder presented the 1977 budget. APPROVED as follows: Receipts: Memberships $5,000 Sales HSCS 600 Back Issues, Other Pub. 500 Page Charges 1,200 Misc. (Inc. donations) 100 Meeting surplus 300 $7,700 Expenditures: Printing of Bulletin $4,500 Newsletters 800 Printing Miscellaneous 300 Postage 700 Office Supplies, misc. 200 Travel, Sects., Treas. 800 Expenses, Pres., V.-Pres. 150 Editor 50 Filing Fee 5 Conservation 100 Miscellaneous 95 $7,700 The Constitutional Amendment approved by Council was submitted as follows: Article III. Sec- tion 2.C of the AMU Bylaws: ‘ ‘The Vice-President shall assist the President on request, shall serve as Membership Chairman, and shall serve as Chairman of the Annual Meeting Site Committee with the responsibility of arranging for and announcing the site of the Annual Meeting that will be held when the now Vice-President will be President of AMU.” APPROVED. 68 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 69 The History and Archives report from Dr, William Clench, chairman, was read by Dr. Franzen. Additions are being made to the Archives housed at the Delaware Museum of Natural Science. An important collection of slides from meetings and members will be preserved with identifications. Over 500 letters, with a host of important signatures, of Mrs. Imogene Robertson, former AMU secretary, have been received for Archives from the Buffalo Museum. APPROVED. Dr. Franzen read a letter from Dr. Henry Russell tendering his resignation from the Vice-Presidency in 1976 and announced that he had continued to function as membership chair- man, completing business to send 45 clubs and 27 domestic and 11 foreign institutions invitation letters. APPROVED. Dr. Franzen read the Nominating Committee report, prepared by Dr. Harold Murray, chair- man, Dr. Donald Moore and Dr. William Emerson. APPROVED BY ACCLAMATION as follows: President: Dr. George Davis (one year term) President-Elect: Dr. Carol Stein (one year term) Vice-President: Mr. William Old (one year term) Recording Sect.: Mrs. Constance Boone (three year term) Councillors-at-large: Dr. Richard S. Houbrick (two year term) Mr. Herb Atheam (two year term) Motions brought to Council from the Conser- vation Committee and there approved were presented as follows; MOTION by Dr. Harold Murray, seconded by Dr. Tucker Abbott, that AMU go on record supporting continued litigation of the City of Columbus vs. the Ohio Department of Natural Resources on Big Darby Creek, and to draw from the treasury up to $50.00 to continue to employ Sigreti and Tousey as attorneys. APPROVED. MOTION by Dr. Carol Stein and seconded by Dr. Murray that Dr. Franzen as president of AMU write a letter to the director of the Ohio Depart- ment of Natural Resources to take all possible steps to protect Big Darby Creek as a natural ecosystem and to declare it a State Scenic River. APPROVED. It was suggested that local (Columbus) people investigate the nomination of Big Darby Creek as a National Wild and Scenic River, persuant to the National Scenic River Act of 1967. This should be done through the local U.S. Senators and Repre- sentatives, if sympathetic. MOTION made by Dr. George Davis and seconded by the president to the chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Canaveral Wilderness Area of the Canaveral National Seashore Park. APPROVED. It was suggested that the local (Brevard Co., FIA) Astronaut Trail Shell Club be urged to offer support of this motion. MOTION made by Leslie Hubricht and seconded by Alice Imlay that Dr. Franzen as president of AMU write a letter to Senator Jennings Randolph, chariman of the Senate Committee on Public Works, and to Senator Edmund Muskie, an influential member of the Committee, informing them that AMU supports Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Act of 1972, as interpreted by the Courts since March, 1976. APPROVED. Motion made by Marian Havlik and seconded by Lloyd Pratt that AMU incoming president Dr. George Davis request Nathaniel P. Reed, Assis- tant Secretary of the Department of the Interior, to list the Naiads on the Tennessee-Tombigbee Project which will become endangered or extinct as a result of the project. (List of Naiades to be provided by Dr. David Stansberry). APPROVED. MOTION made by Frieda Schilling and seconded by Hessie Kemper that AMU incoming President Dr. George Davis request Nathaniel P. Reed, Assistant Secretary of the Department of the Interior, pursuant to Section 4-c-2 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, to list the Naiades on the Meramec Dam Project which will become -endangered or extinct as a result of the Project. (List of Naiades to be proved by Dr. David Stansbery). APPROVED. MOTION made by Marian Havlik and 70 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 seconded by Hessie Kemper that AMU incoming president Dr. George Davis write the U.S. Attorney General Edward Levi requesting action on the knowing violation of Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 by the Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, by dredging in areas of endangered Lampsilis higginsi in the Upper Mississippi River. It is urged that a survey of populations and habitats be made. Copies of this letter are to be sent to the Senators of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. Motion amended to include letters to the Governors of the three states. MOTION APPROVED. A motion brought to Council requesting an amendment to the Bylaws formally establishing the Conservation Committee and defining the duties of the chairman was returned to the committee by Council with the recommendation that the committee chairman bring to next year’s meeting of Council a plan devised in cooperation with incoming president Dr. Davis to streamline business by the committee. A motion brought to Council from the Conservation Committee that AMU enter into the matter of the Duck River, Tennessee, Project through the filing of Amicus Curiae brief to the court concerned was amended on advice of Legal Counsel Wallace Roberts to be entered into through sending of a letter by incoming president Dr. George Davis to the proper judge. APPROVED. A motion was approved that actions voted in conservation motions as outlined above will be carried out when the conservation charman supplies complete names, addresses and mater- ials to Dr. Franzen and Dr. Davis. It was announced by Dr. Franzen that Council had approved the solicitation of donations from members at this meeting to continue legal fees in the Big Darby Creek matter. APPROVED. Council’s action of approving the invitation from the Naples Shell Club to hold the 1977 annual meeting at Naples, Florida, the second week of July was announced by Dr. Franzen and APPROVED by members. A motion had been approved in Council to host a joint meeting with the Western Society of Malacologists in 1979 or 1980 on the East Coast. This met APPROVAL and was amended to include Texas in consideration for site. Dr. Franzen explained that a general discussion was held at Council on allowing commercial sales and exhibits of shells or other items at annual meetings. A motion to allow such sales and exhibits was defeated in Council. After some clarification and discussion on intent, a motion was APPROVED by members forbidding commercial sales and exhibits at official meeting sessions and activities. Council approved a motion stating that the AMU member who serves as legal counsel be named as an ex-officio member of the Executive Council. APPROVED by members. Wallace Roberts serves in this capacity at present. Dr. Franzen made a report on the Literature Auction and Book Bazaar held the evening before and thanked everyone involved for this successful first event for AMU. $971.00 was announced as the gross sales and auction. (It is further here reported to members that the net profit to AMU is now reported as $983.53.) All materials had been donated by members for sale and auction. With no other business brought before the meeting, ADJOURNMENT took place at 4:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Constance E. Boone, Recording Secretary Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 71 REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31,1975. CHECK BOOK BALANCE. JANUARY 1, 1975 RECEIPTS: Memberships: Regular 2578.11 Life 393.00 Corresponding 123.88 Clubs & Institutions 685.50 3780.49 Sales: How To Study & Collect Shells 1301.49 Rare & Endangered Species 7.78 Bulletin, Back Issues 170.75 Teskey Index To Bulletins 27.50 Bulletin Reprints 137.00 1644.52 Page Charges To Authors 1270.00 Contributions to Legal Defense Fund 15.00 Donations (form on Dues Notices) 71.25 Miscellaneous Receipts 49.00 1405.25 Total Receipts From Activities 6830.26 Transferred From Savings Account 2111.88 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNTED FOR: DISBURSEMENTS: Bulletin-Printing, Postage, Etc. 4316.93 Newsletters 436.13 Conservation Committee 86.59 Membership Committee 30.89 President’s Operating Fund 55.56 California Filing Fee 5.00 Officers Expenses to Meeting (3) 857.61 .Legal Defense Expenses 9.44 How To Study & Collect Shells Expenses 32.86 Other Postage 370.72 Other Printing 295.37 Office Supplies 148.44 Miscellaneous Expenses 109.25 6754.79 Total Disbursements 6754.79 CHECK BOOK BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 1975 3130.71 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNTED FOR: Savings Acct. #2-6621, 1st Federal Savings 407.83 Interest added, less withdrawal * 10.39 -408.22 Balance on hand, 12/31/75 10.00 Balance on hand, 12/31/75 Savings Cert. #60-3332-02, 1st. Federal Savings 3383.72 Interest added. Balance on 12/31/75 236.27 3619.99 8942.14 M85 50 9885.50 72 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 Loan on Savings Cert, for Bulletin at 8% % * 170S.66 ♦See Treasurer’s Note on previous page. RECAPITULATION OF ASSETS. DECEMBER 31, 1975 Cash in checking account, Broadway National Bank 3130.71 Treasurer’s Petty Cash, Myra Taylor 25.00 Secretary’s Petty Cash. Constance Boone 75.00 Savings Account #2-6621, 1st Federal Savings & Loan 10.00 Certificate of Deposit #60-332-02, 1st Federal Savings & Loan 3619.99 Loan #9600055 of $1703.66, at8%% interest -1844.21 Net value of CD 1775.78 TOTAL ASSETS: 5016.49 ALLOCATED TO LIFE MEMBERSHIP FUND: 1988.88 A. M.U. NET WORTH- DECEMBERS!, 1975 3027.61 CHANGES IN CAPITAL ACCOUNT: A.M.U. CAPITAL ACCOUNT, JANUARY 1, 1975 3239.03 A. M.U. CAPITAL ACCOUNT, DECEMBER 31. 1975 3027.61 NET IN ASSETS IN 1975 211.42 Respectfully submitted, Myra L. Taylor, Treasurer REPORT FROM THE RECORDING SECRETARY Memberships for 1975, reviewed in January, 1976, were as follows: Honorary Life President 1 Honorary Life Members 6 Regular Memberships (All Western Hemisphere) 560 Additional Family Members 111 Corresponding Members 15 Affiliated Memberships: (Institutions) Domestic 33 Foreign 12 Clubs, regional organizations 47 Life members 27 Total 812 Subscriptions for Bulletin 4 This is an increase in several categories from 1974, with a total increase of 17 memberships and four continuing subscribers. Total for 1974 was 785, with no subscribers for Bulletin only. My records indicate four resignations in 1975, 68 unpaid regular and family memberships, two corresponding memberships unpaid, 3 shell clubs dropped for nonpayment, and there were 5 deaths. Five members were reinstated in 1975. This shows that we enrolled 109 new and reinstated members and institutional affiliates in 1975. As of July, 1976, records indicate 65 new members, two new affiliate institutional mem- bers, four new foreign correspondents, one rein- statement of a foreign affiliate institution, and two new subscribing institutions for the current year. There has been one new life member completed. One death has been reported to me, and we show four resignations. The final request for dues to be sent by the treasurer should bring in more payments of dues from the 200 members not yet paid and from the 20 shell clubs not yet in the 1976 tally. A complete count to show the result of the raise in dues voted in 1975 will not be available until the end of the fiscal year. In 1975 ads were placed in several publica- tions, the membership chairman sent out many letters inviting membership, and we were given the special offer of a bonus to new members of copies of American Malacologists and the 1975 Supplement. All this added to help us secure new members and continues this year. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 73 A letter from Dr. R. Tucker Abbott has been put in the file indicating his gift of AM and Supplement to new members through Dec. 31, 1975, totalled 29 copies of hardback editions, 7 copies of paperbacks of AM, and 36 copies of the Supplement. This amounted to the substantial gift of $470.89. A letter of acknowledgement from AMU has been sent to Dr. Abbott. The usual business of writing welcoming letters and mailing membership cards to new members, answering inquiries for -old Bulletins and invoicing and mailing orders, mailing copies of ordered Rare and Endangered Species Symposium continues at an increased rate. There is continual updating of addresses and titles of members. Appeals for help through the Newsletters have brought some results. It is noted that the Spring Newsletter had 12 returns of changes of addresses. Postage costs continue to rise. Mail stickers are being Xeroxed now and can be updated for each mailing. Members can be of considerable help if they understand that these labels are made up a month or so before mailing and that the slightest change of address causes the post office to return or destroy mail sent out on a bulk permit. Respectfully submitted, Constance E. Boone REPORT OF THE CORRESPONDING SECRETARY FOR THE YEAR UP TO 10 JULY 1976 Loss of the forwarding arrangement in July 1975 with the postmaster at Marinette, Wiscon- sin, after about five years, reduced the volume of mail to a trickle. The Superintendent of Mails in Marinette wrote to say that regulations required forwarding of mail for only one year, but that the Marinette Post Office had “continued to forward the mail, thinking it would soon dwindle off and there would be none to forward. Forwarding addresses are not renewable so the mail is being sent back to the addressee indicating ‘No forward- ing address on file, ’ ’ ’ the superintendent wrote, I replied, pointing out that the Marinette address was contained in several publications which are of world-wide popularity and still being printed. If the Postal Service were really interested in “service,” as the Postmaster General had been emphasizing in speeches around the country and to Congress, I continued, it would forward the letters to an organization interested in replying to such mail and thereby render individual service. I pointed out that the cost of sending a letter on to the intended recipient was about as much as sending it back to the original sender, marked with a falsehood. This logic, however, didn’t seem to carry much weight in view of national attempts to cut costs of mail processing, regardless of how much it affects service. Apart from my battle with bureaucracy, the drop in the volume of mail was probably beneficial to the AMU and was why I didn’t pursue the issue with higher federal officials. Ninety per cent of the loss was in the mail from youngsters, whose curiosity once satisfied, might not linger into college and encourage further study of malacol- ogy for quite a while. From about 35 letters a month, the rate dropped to about a dozen. The majority of these involved questions on member- ship or where they could obtain “How to Study and Collect Shells” or other publications on mala- cology. The loss of mail from children certainly reduced our postage costs, and, with the rising first class rates, has helped to strengthen our financial condition. The generous offer of Dr. R. Tucker Abbott to carry an advertisement in THE NAUTILUS, encouraging membership in the AMU, was welcomed, and. I’m sure, added to the organization’s membership. A copy of that ad was also carried v/ithout charge by Tom Rice in the quarterly, OF SEA AND SHORE. (A copy of the ad was sent to Jean M. Cate, associate editor of the VELIGER, but wasn’t used because of the publication’s policy never to run advertising copy.) Reprints of the ad were also ordered and are being distributed when there are inquiries on membership. Another source of membership — and sales of the AMU booklet — was the article which appeared early in December 1975 in the New York Times’ metropolitan edition on shell collecting. It gave the address of the corresponding secretary as a place where additional information might be obtained. Altogether, about 245 copies of the booklets have been sold during the past year. Respectfully submitted, Paul R. Jennewein Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, INC. ACTIVE MEMBERS 1976 Membership List Revised October 10, 1976 Abbott, Dr. R. Tucker, Delaware Museum of Natural History, Box 3937, Greenville, DE. 19807. Abreau, Mrs. Vivian B., 2709 Dewey St., Tampa FL. 33607 (Sea life relationship to human race). Aguayo, Dr. Carlos G., Dept, of Biology, Univ. of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00708. Ahlstedt, Steven, 34 East Norris Rd., Norris, TN. 37828 (Biological Aide in Fisheries, TVA). Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest, 905 S. Bayshore, Safety Harbor, FL. 33572. Alexander, Robert C., 423 Warwick Rd., Wynnewood, PA. 19096. AUen, James E., 1108 Southampton Dr., Alexandria, LA. 71301 (Tertiary micro-moUusca) . Allen, Dr. J. Frances, 7507 23rd Ave., Hyattsville, MD. 20783. Allen, Mrs. Lawrence K., Box 822, Port Isabel, TX. 78578 {Murex, Pecten, world marines; dealer). Allen, Miss Letha S., 187 Argyle St., Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada B5A 3X2 (General). Anders, Kirk W., Shells of the Seas, Inc., P.O. Box 1418, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33302 (Volutidae, aU rare shells). Anderson, Carleton Jay Jr., 56 Kettle Creek Rd., Weston, CT. 06880. Anderson, Richard V., Dept, of Biological Scs., Northern ILL. Univ., DeKalb, IL. 60115 (Freshwater Pelecypods). Andrews, Dr. Jean, 241 Melrose, Corpus Christi, TX. 78404. Angstadt, Mrs. Earle K., 247 Penn St., Reading, PA 19602. Armington, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart F.Jr., 15932 Brewster Rd., Cleveland, OH. 44112 (Cypraea of Australia). Arnold, Charles E., 3206 Floyd Ave., Richmond, VA. 23221 (Collecting, photographing). Aslakson, Capt. Carl I., 5707 Wilson Lane, Bethesda MD. 20034. Atheam, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D., Museum of Fluviatile Mollusks, Rt. 5, Box 499, Cleveland, TN. 37311 (Freshwater moUusks). Atheam, Mrs. Roy C., 5105 N. Main St., Fall River, MA. 02720 (Land shells). Avellanet, Mrs. Helene, 105 Clipper Way, Fair Winds Villas, Nokomis, FL. 33555. Avery, Mrs. R. Gail, Box 2557, Harbor OR. 97415 (West American mollusks; exchange). Babrakzai, Mr. Noorullah, Dept. General Biology, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 85721. Baerreis, David A., Dept, of Anthropology, 5240 Social Science Bldg., Madison, WI. 53706 (Paleoecological interpretation through mollusks). Bagdon, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony, 440 Home Dr., Trafford, PA. 15085. Baily, Dr. Joshua L. Jr., 4435 Ampudia St., San Diego, CA. 92103. Baker, Mrs. Horace B., 11 Chelten Rd., Havertown, PA. 19083. Baker, John A., 147 Hedgegrove Ave. Satellite Beach, FLA. 32937 (General). Banek, Thomas J., c/o L. Shaw, 311 Vassar Ave., Swarth- more, PA. 19081 (Marine gastropods, taxonomy, ecology) . Barker, C. Austin, 2 Hickory Dr., Rye, NY. 10580. Barlow, Mrs. G. Barton, 5 Downey Dr., Tenafly, NJ. 07670. Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. George H., Koran Ave., MD. #23, Newburgh, NY. 12550. Barr, John W. Jr., 200 26th St., N.W., Apt. C 214, Atlanta, GA. 30309 (Cypraeidae]. Barton, Mrs. James, 20 Newfield Dr., Rochester, NY. 14616 ({Cypraea; worldwide general, esp. Hawaiian). Bateman, William J., 15 Fairlawn St., LoweO, MA. 01851 [Cypraea, Volutes\. Bates, Dr. John M., 1900 Dexter Ave., Aim Arbor, MI. 48103. Bauchman, Frank A., 1601 Big Bethel Rd., Hampton, VA. 23666 (CoOecting). Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo C., 2126 45th St., Galveston, TX. 77550 (all MoUusca). Baum, Newman N., 83 Weaving Lane, Wantagh L.I., NY. 11793. Baxa, Mrs. Dorothy, Box 177, Genesse Depot, WI. 53127. Bazata, Kenneth R., Nalco Environmental Sciences, 4010 Northwest 39th St., Lincoln, NE. 68524. Bearse, David T., Grad. School of Oceanography, Univ. of R.I., Kingston, RI 02881 (Shellfisheries). Beetle, Dorothy E., 375 W. Galbraith Rd. #42, Cincinnati, OH. 45215. (U.S. Land & F.W. Moll:). Bennett, SaUy, 514 W. Rose Lane, Phoenix, AZ. 85013. (Panamic Province shells). Bequaert, Dr. Joseph C., Dept, of Entomology, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 85717. Bereza, Daniel J., 825 N. 24th St., Philadelphia, PA. 19130 (Unionidae; Pleuroceridae) . Berman, Lynn, 8 Peter Cooper Rd., New York, NY. 10010 (Marine). Berke, Ian, 4032 23rd St., San Francisco, CA. 94114. Berry, Dr. and Mrs. Elmer G., 8506 Beech Tree Court, Bethesda, MD. 20034. Berry, Dr. S. Stillman, 1145 W. Highland Ave., Redlands, CA. 92373. Bitmchi, Mrs. Ann, The Pink House Motel, Goodland, FL. 33933. Bickel, David, Dept. Earth Sciences, Minot State College, Minot, ND. 58701 (Systematics and ecology of fresh- water mollusks, esp. Pleurocerids). 74 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 75 Bijur, Jerome M., 135 Seventh Ave. N., Naples, FL. 33940 (Buy, exchange Florida and Caribbean marme). Bing, Ruth Rosser, P.O. Box 2612, MuMenburg Station, Plainfield, NJ. 07060 (Art-Photography, oil painting). Bippus, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin C., 2743 Sagamore Rd., Toledo, OH. 43606 (Maxine gastropods). Blankenship, Shaw, Rt. #2, Crab Orchard, KY. 40419 (Freshwater mussels). Blaser, James, 1846 Laurel Lane, Amherst, OH. 44001 (Florida moUusks; Ohio freshv/ater moHusks). Bleakney, Dr. J. Sherman, Dept, of Biology, Acadia Univ., WolMUe, Nova Scotia, Canada BOP 1X0 Nudibranchs and sacoglossans; ecology, zoogeography, systematics). Bledsoe, William D., 352 Bon Hill Rd., Los Angeles, CA. 90049. Body, Ralph L., 2538 10th Ave. W,, Seattle, WA.98119. Bogan, Arthur E., Research Ass’t., Zooarchaeology, Dept, of Anthropology, Univ. of Terni., Knoxville, TN. 37916. Boone, Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Q., 3706 Rice Blvd., Houston, TX. 77005. Borror, Kathy Gail, OSU, Museum of Zoology, 1813 N. High St., Columbus OH. 43210. Boss, Dr. Kenneth J., Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA. 02138. Bottimer, L. J., Rt. 1, Box 205, Tow, TX. 78672 (recent and fossil moliusks). Boyd, Dr. and Mrs. Eugene S., 6806 Gillis Rd., Victor, NY. 14564 (Phylum Mollusca - all aspects). Branaum, Mrs. Marc, 6827 Basilwood, San Antonio, TX. 78213. Brandyberry, John J., 6323 Middlebranch Ave., ME, North Canton, OH. 44721 (Marine mollusca). Branson, Dr. Branley A., P.O. Box 50, Eastern Kentucky Univ., Richmond, KY. 40475. Bratcher, Mrs. Twila, 8121 MulhoDand Terrace, Holly- wood, CA. 90046. Brean, Clark, 705 E. Sherman, Lebanon, OR. 97355 (Student, Cypraea). Bretsky, Sara S., 91 Upper Sheep Pasture Rd., East Setauket, NY. 11733 (Ecology and evolution of BivaJvia, Tertiary and Recent). Bricker, Mrs. Minnie, Miss Donna Bricker, R.D. 6, Box 476, Hanover, PA. 17331 (Conchs and Whelks). Britton, Joseph C. Dr., Dept, of Biology, Texas Christian Univ., Ft. Worth, TX. 76129. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. John C., 3050 Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Pierce, FL. 33450. Brooks, Dr. and Mrs. James C. Jr., P.O. Box 490127, College Park, GA. 30349 (Cypraea, Murex). Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Jr., 9455 S.W. 81st Ave., Miami, FL. 33156. Broyles, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E,, 5701 Fairfield Ave., Ft. Wayne, IN. 46807. Brunson, Dr. Royal Brace, Univ. of Montana, Missoula, MT. 59801. Bryant, John C., 200 Bryant Rd., Hillsboro, OH. 45133. Buckley, George D., 164 Renfrew St., Arlington, MA. 02174. Buehler, William, 113 16th Ave. East, Ashland, WI. 54806 (Freshwater moUusks). Buerk, Dr. Minerva S., Maybrook Chalet, 331 Penn Rd., Wynnewood, PA. 19096 (Anatomy, histology). Buffet, Miss Sydney, 233 Central #3, San Francisco, CA. 94117. Bullis, Harvey R. Jr., 121 Island Dr., Key Biscayne FL. 33149. Burch, John B. Dr., Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 48104 (Land and fresh water moliusks). Burch, Mrs. John Q., 1300 Mayfield Rd., Apt. 61-L, Seal Beach, CA. 90740. Burch, Mrs. Thomas A., P.O. Box 309, Kailua, HI. 96734 (Dredging). Burger, Sybil B., 3700 Gen. Patch N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87111 (Gulf of Mexico; land snails). Burgers, Dr. and Mrs. J.M., 4622 Knox Rd., Apt. 7, College Park, MD. 20740. Burghardt, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn, 11424 Pioneer Ave., Oak- dale, CA. 95361. Burky, Dr. Albert J., Dept, of Biology, Univ. of Dayton, Dayton, OH. 45409. Burr, Raymond, 7476 Hillside Ave., Los Angeles, CA. 90046. Cahill, Michael, 1509 NE 5 Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33304. Campbell, Mrs. Minnie Lee, 3895 DuPont Circle, Jackson- ville, FL. 32205 (General) Capo, Thomas R., 3875 Waldo Ave., Apt. 2 D, Bronx, NY. 10463 (Benthic ecology). Cardeza, R.Adm. and Mrs., Carlos M., P.O. Box 6746, Houston, TX. 77005; summer add. -1718 Jewel Box Dr., Sanibel, FL. 33957 (Florida and Texas shells). Cardin, MSGT. Charles, Box 3539, APO San Francisco, CA. 96328. Carlton, James T., Dept, of Geology, Univ. of California, Davis, CA. 95616 (Estuarine and brackish water moliusks). Carney, Dr. W. Patrick, Box 14, NAMRU-2 Taipei, APO San Francisco, CA. 96263. Carr, Mrs. Jack C., 912 Broadway, Normal, IL. 61761 (Exchange worldwide marine). Castagna, Michael, Va. Institute of Marine &ience, Wachapreague, VA. 23480 (Pelecypod larval behavior). Cate, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford N., P.O. Drawer 710, Rancho Santa Fe, CA. 92067. (Mitra, Cypraea; no exchanges). Cetnar, Dr. and Mrs. Eugene J., 4379 Ramsgate Lane, W. Bloomfield, ML 48013. Chace, Emery P., 24205 Eshelman Ave., I^mita, CA. 90717. Chandler, Carl B. and Doris M., P.O. Box 621, Chatham, MA. 02633 (Cones, Cypraea). Chadwick, Albert F., 2607 Turner Rd., Wilmington, DE. 19803 (Marine). Chamberlin, Ursula (Mrs. John), Mountain View Rd., Fishkill, NY. 12524 (Compiling collection N. Atl. marines). Chanley, Mr. and Mrs. Paul E., P.O. Box 645, New Suffolk NY. 11956. Chauvin, Daniel, 3950 Hollister #79, Houston, TX. 77055. Chichester, Lyle F., 31 Chamberlain St., New Britain, CT. 06052 (Ecology of terrestrial gastropods, biology of land slugs). Christensen, Carl C., Dept, of General Biology, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 85721. 76 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union^ Inc., 1976 Christie, John D., Ph.D., The Rockefeller Foundation, 1133 Ave. of the Americas, N.Y., NY. 10036. Chrosciechowski, Przemyslaw K., Aptdo. 125, Maracay 3KO, Venezuela (Planorbidae). Clark, John W.Jr., Texas Historical Commission, P.O. Box 12276, Capitol Station, Austin, TX. 78711 (Economic exploitation of mollusks by prehistoric Indians). Clarke, Dr. Arthur H., Head Invertebrate Division Nation- £d Museums of Canada, Ottawa, Ont., Canada KIA OM8. Clench, Dr. William J., 26 Rowena St., Dorchester, MA. 02124. Clover, Phillip W., P.O.Box 83, Glen EUen, CA. 95442 (Rare Cypraea, Conus, Voluta, Murex, Marginella— Buy and exchemge). Coan, Dr. Eugene V., 891 San Jude Ave., Palo Alto, CA. 94306. Cohen, Anne C. (Mrs. Daniel M.), Dept, of Invertebrate Zoology (W-118), Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 20560 (Loliginidae; Litiopa melanostoma) . Colemem, Dr. Richard W., Dept, of Biology, Upper Iowa College, Fayette, lA. 52142 (Environment^ inter- relationships, plants-invertebrates) . CompiteUo, Mrs. Juliette, 5630 Alta Vista Rd., Bethesda, MD. 20034. Conde, Vincent, McGill University (Redpath Museum), Montreal, Canada. Cooper, Robert W., 5012 Pfeiffer Rd., Peoria, IL. 61607 (Florida marine; Murex, Pecten, Spondylus, SCUBA). Corgan, Dr. James X., Dept, of Geography and Geology, Austin Peay State Univ., Clarksville, TN. 37040 (Microscopic gastropods). Countryman, William D., R.D. 1, Northfield, VT. 05663 (MoUusca of Vermont). Courtney, Charles M., 390 Ortega Leme, Marco Island, FL. 33937 (Aquatic ecologist/malacologist). Craig, Michael M., Div. of Biol. Sciences, the Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, MI. 48104. Craig, Katherine B., 24 Savoy St., Colonia, NJ. 07067 (Mollusks of N.E. Coast of U.S.). Craine, Mrs. Ruth A., Penick Memorial Home “F”, East Rhode Island Ext., Southern Pines, NC. 28387. Cramer, Frances L., 766 Obispo Ave., Long Beach, CA. 90804 (Ecology; conservation). Croft, Mrs. Thomas L., 9393 Ladue Rd., St. Louis, MO. 63124 (Marine; fossils). Cull, Mrs. Robert R., 7927 Chippewa Rd., BrecksviUe, OH. 44141. Cummings, Raymond W., 37 Lynacres Blvd., FayetteviUe, NY. 13066 (West Indies shells, esp. Windward and Grenadine Is.). Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. Henry H., 105 Abbott Rd., Wellesley HiUs, MA. 02181. Cvancara, Dr. Alan Milton, Dept. Geology, Univ. of N. Dakota, Grand Forks, ND. 58201 (Pleistocene and Holocene continental mollusks, early Tertiary continen- tal and marine). Danforth, Louise L., 2529 Terry Lane, Sarasota, FL. 33581. Daniels, Mrs. Kathleen K., Box 265 A, Rt. 1, ApoUo, PA. 15613 (Haliotis^-MumSt Spondylus, Pectinidae, Conus, Cypraea, in order listed). Daniels, Ronnie H., 101 Brock Ave., BlythevUle, AR. 72315 (Marine: Volutes, Murex, Cowries). Darwin, Sue, Suite D-a-A, R.D. 3, Box 250, Hockessin, DE. 19707. Davenport, Mrs. Lillian B., 802 Cape Ave., Cape May Point, NJ. 08212 (Anything pertaining to the sea). Davis, Dr. Derek S., Nova Scotia Museum, 1747 Summer St., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 3A6 (Gastropod biology and taxonomy). Davis, Dr. George M. and Davis, Dr. Elaine Hoagland, Dept, of MoUusks, Academy of Natural Science, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA. 19103, and (Mrs.) Ass’t. Prof, of Biology, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, PA. 18015. 6avis, Dr. John D., 26 Norfolk Ave., Northampton, MA. 01060 (Ecology of meuine bivalves). Deatrick, Paul A., 218 S.W. 32 Ave., Miami, FL. 33135 (Strombus, Busycon). de Graaff, Gerrit, 10915 S.W. 55 St., Miami, FL. 33165. DeLuca, Mrs. John A., and Ms. Gladys DeLuca, 61 Deborah Rd., Hanover, MA. 02339. Dennis, Ms. SaUy, TVA, Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife Develop., Norris, TN. 37828 (Freshwater mussels). DeOliveira, Dr. Maury Pinto, Dept. Biologia-Malacologia, Universidado Federal DeJuiz DeFora, Cidade Univer- sitariae, 36100 Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Demond, Miss Joan, 4140 Grandview Blvd. #1, Los Angeles, CA. 90066. Dexter, Miss Norma, 135 E. Main St. #3, Clinton, CT. 06413 (Cypraea). Dexter, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph W., Dept. Biological Science, Kent State Univ., Kent, OH. 44242. Dietrich, Mr. and Mrs. Louis E., 308 Veri Dr., Pittsburgh, PA. 15220. Dillon, Robert T., Jr., 1140 Club Rd., Waynesboro, VA. 22980. Dixon, Mrs. Ruth S., 711 Parker St., Durham, NC. 27701 (Marine). Dobos, John D., 1300 Porter, Apt. 45, Dearborn, Ml. 48124. Dolin, Eric, 107 Briar Brae Rd., Stamford, CN. 06903 (Conus, Cypraeidae, Strombus, Voluta). Draper, Bertram, C., 8511 Bleriot, Los Angeles, CA. 90045 (Eastern Pacific minute moUusks and all Western U.S. marine) . Druger, Dr. George, Memorial Hospital Medical Bldg., 500 Memorial Ave., Cumberland, MD. 21502 (SCUBA). DuBar, Dr. and Mrs. Jules R., Lakeview Hgts., Morehead, KY. 40351 (Cenozoic and recent moUusks-ecology and paleoecology) . Dundee, Dr. Dolores S., Dept, of Biology, Univ. of New Orleans-Lakefront, New Orleans, La. 70122 (Land mollusks, freshwater mussels). Dvorak, Stanley J., 3856 W. 26th St., Chicago, IL. 60623 (Muricidae). Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Jr., Box 238, Brookside, NJ. 07926 (Gastropods). Eakle, Christine E., Rackey, William A., 2308 Breton Dr., District Heights, MD. 20028 (Worldwide collecting). Eddison, Grace G., M.D., “Wildwood,” Rt. 4, Carlisle, KY. 40311. Edwards, Lt. Col. Corinne E., USAF (Ret.), P.O.Box 691, Coconut Grove, FL. 33133 (Chitons; self-collected). Edwards, D. Craig, Dept, of Zoology, Morrill Science Center, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. 01002 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 77 (Population ecology and behavior of marine benthic molluscs). Emerson, Dr. William K., American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St., New York, NY. 10024. English, Rita C. and English, James F., 10300 Terrace Court, Parma, OH. 44130 (Fossils; Florida and Caribbean; ecology of mangrove areas). Erickson, Carl W., 4 Windsor Ave., Auburn, MA. 01501. Eubanks, Dr. Elizabeth R., 2162 E. Minton Dr., Tempe, AZ. 85282 (Florida marine). Evans, Miss Susan E., 244 Congress Ave., Lansdowne, PA. 19050 (Conus, Cypraea, Murex). Eversole, Dr. Arnold G., Dept, of Entomology and Economic Zoology, Clemson Univ., Clemson, SC. 29631 (Interpopulation variation and bioenergetics of moUus- can populations). Fackert, Miss Dorothy M., 2 Wilson Rd., Apt. 16B, Sussex, NJ. 07461. Fair, Ruth H., Apt. 107, 14800 Memorial Dr., Houston, TX. 77079. Fairbams, Matt, 364, Woodland St., Mountain HaU, S. Res., Univ. of Guelph, Ontario, Canada (MoUusks in sphagnum bogs). Farber, Mrs. Jeanie, 4169 Carmain Dr. N.E., Atlanta, GA. 30342 (aU sheUs). Farrell, Dr. Lyle H., Box 57, Andover, NH. 03216. Fechtner, Frederick R., 2611 W. Fitch Ave., Chicago, EL. 60645. Feinberg, Harold S., Dept, of Fossil and Living Inverte- brates, American Museum of Nat. Hist., Central Park West at 79th St., N.Y., NY. 10024 (Land and fresh- water mollusks). Fenzan, Wilham J., 385 Dohner Dr., Wadsworth, OH. 44281 (Worldwide marine). Ferguson, Dr. and Mrs. John H., 226 Glandon Dr., Chapel Hill, NC. 27514. Ferreira, Dr. Antonio J., 2060 Clarmar Way, San Jose, CA. 95128 (Ecology, behavior, physiology, systematics of American MoUusca). Fieberg, Mrs. Kleinie, 1430 Lake Ave., Wilmette, IL. 60091. Fingold, Mr. and Mrs. A.S., University Square #1, 4625 Fifth Ave., Apt. 105, Pittsburgh, PA. 15213. Finlay, C. John, 116 Tanglewood Lane, Newark, DE. 19711 (Marine mollusks Western Atlantic and Caribbean). Flansburg, Dr. Ronald R., 2910 Pomona Court, Brookfield WI. 53005. Foehrenbach, Jack, 91 Elm St., Islip Manor, NY. 11751 (Marine ecology). Fontanier, Charles E., 127 Hallmark House, 316 Fry St., Denton, TX. 76201 (Cypraeidae, Unionidae; Scuba). Foote, Miss Mary K., Apt. 418, 7201 Spencer Hwy., Pasadena, TX. 77505. Forrest, Frank, 2717 Vinewood Dr., Speedway, IN. 46224. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Edward W., 30 Bamboo Dr., Naples FL. 33940. Foster, Mrs. Freh H., 401 N. Justus St., Oxford, IN. 47971. Fowler, Dr. and Mrs. Lake, 4508 Woodrow, Galveston, TX. 77550. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, 112 Rennard Place, Philadelphia, PA. 19116 (Pecten, Spondylus, Murex). Franz, Dr. David R., Biology Dept., Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY. 11210 (Ecology and physiology, marine mollusks, esp. Nudibranchs). Franzen, Dr. Dorothea, Illinois Wesleyan Univ., Bloom- ington, EL. 61701. Fraser, Stanley, Box 966, Smiths Falls, Ont., Canada K7A 5A5. Frye, Mark W., 3521 Liv-Moor Dr., Columbus, OH. 43227 (Naiads, Micropalentology with specialty in Ordovician micro-moUusks). Fuller, Samuel L.H. and Mrs. Mary L.B. Fuller, Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia PA. 19103 (World Naiads, Unionacea and Mutelacea). FuUington, Richard W. and Kate E., 215 Bonnie Brae, Denton, TX. 76201. Gale, Dr. William F., Ichthyological Assoc. Inc., R.D. #1, Berwick, PA. 18603 (Sphaeriids). Galindo, Lie. Ernesto Santos, Lopez #1, 6o, Piso, Mexico, D.F.I., Mexico. Geller, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, 336 DeMott Ave., Rock- ville Centre, NY. 11570. Germer, Mr. and Mrs. John R., 653 Briarcliff Ave., May- wood, NJ. 07607 (Mr., Photography of shells; Mrs., Pectens and Murex, shells of E. and W. Atl.). Gilbert, Mrs. Laura, 808 Westwood Dr., AbUene, TX. 79603. Gilbert, Dr. William H., and Dr. Mary Ann Gilbert, Environmental Studies, Ottawa Univ., Ottawa, KANS. 66067. Gihnour, Dr. Thomas H.J., Dept. Biology, Univ. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada S7N OWO (Anisomyarian bivalves). Girardi, Dr. Elizabeth-Louise, 707 Kent Rd., Kenilworth IL. 60043. Glazebrook, Sandra R., P.O. Box 651, Marathon, FL. 33050. Ghck, Dr. Robert N. 13500 E. 12 MUe Rd., Warren, MI. 48093 (Cowries, cones, olives). Goethel, Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Louis N., 9402 Nona Kay Dr., San Antonio, TX. 78217 (Cypraea-huy and trade). Goodfriend, Glenn A., Comm, on Evol. Biology, U. of Chicago, EL. 60637 (Molluscan ecology). Graf, Robert A., 3217 Maxim Dr., Fort Wayne, IN. 46805. Goldberg, Michael, 6927 Williams Dr., Tampa, FL. 33614. Gordon, Mackenzie Jr., Paleontology and Stratigraphy Branch, U.S. Geological Survey, Smithsonian, Washing- ton, D.C. 20560. Greenberg, Bayle, c/o Tidepool Gallery, 3907 W. 50th St., Edina, MN. 55424. Greenberg, Mrs. Janis, 22762 Pacific Coast Hwy., Malibu, CA. 90265 (Tidepool Gallery). Greenberg, Mrs. Ruth, 22762 Pacific Coast Hwy., Malibu, CA. 90265 (Tidepool Gallery). Gregg, Dr. Wendell O., 2546 HiU St., Himtington Park CA. 90255. \ Groeneveld, Miss Mae, 1183 Terrace St., Muskegon, MI. 49442 (Cypraea, Conus). Guckert, Richard H., P.O. Box 185, ThomasviUe, GA. 31792 (Systematics of freshwater mussels; ecology; physiology of Nassariidae). Gudnason, Mrs. Harold, 105 Danefield Place, Moraga, CA. 94556. 78 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 Gugler, Dr. Carl W., 1825 North 67th St., Lincoln, NE. 68505 (Terrestrial pulmonates). Gunter, Dr. Gordon, Gulf Coast Research Lab., Ocean Springs, MS. 39564 (Ostreidae). Gussman, David S., Pennsylvania State Univ., Dept, of Biology, 208 Life Science I, University Park, PA. 16802 (Aquatic ecology, feeding dynamics of aquatic orga- nisms). Gustave, Al, 3829 North Third St., Phoenix, AZ. 85012 (Murex, Astraea, Latiaxis). Haas, Dr. John W., 1653 Medical Arts Bldg., Minneapolis, MN. 55402 (Volutes, Pectens, Spondylus). Hadley, Mrs. Esther, 48 Adella Ave., West Newton, MA. 02165. Hagge, Mrs. Daniel, 20 North Hill Rd., Wausaw, WI. 54401. Haigh, Ernest S., 5381 LaVeme Circle, Westminster, CA. 92683. HaU, Eleanor R., 1230 N.E. 88th St., Seattle, WA. 98115 (Marine gastropods, esp. worldwide Cypraea). Hall, Mrs. Warner L., 727 Queen’s Rd., Charlotte, NC. 28207. Hamilton, Mrs. William J. Jr., 615 Highland Rd., Ithaca, NY. 14850. Hammer, Richard M., 3237 South 9th St., Arlington, VA. 22204 (Marine mollusks— worldwide). Hand, Dr. Cadet H., Bodega Marine Lab., P.O. Box 247 Bodega Bay, CA. 94923. Hange, Mrs. Maye E., 923 Arbor St., Costa Mesa, CA. 92627. Harasewych, Jerry, Academy of Nat. Sciences, Dept, of Mollusks, 19th and the Peu-kway, Philadelphia, PA. 19103. Hargreave, Dr. David, Ass’t. Prof. Nat. Scs., College of Gen. Studies, Western Mich. Univ., 1104 Berkshire Dr., Kalamazoo, MI. 49007 (CoDecting and photography). Harmeui, Dr. Willard N., Biology Dept., Suny College at Oneonta, Oneonta, NY. 13820 (Fresh water mollusca). Harris, Don V. Jr., 4525 Glebe Rd. N., Arlington, VA. 22207. Harris, Mr. & Mrs. E. Milton, 3237 Carlisle Rd., Birmingham, AL. 35313. Harris, Ira Alexander, 9365 S.W. 77th Ave., #2006, Miami, FL. 33156. Harris, Major Marion J. and Mrs. Bessie B. Harris, Rt. 6, Box 347 T, JacksonviUe, FL. 32223. Harrison, Mrs. Francis F., One Beaver St., Cooperstown, NY. 13326. Harry, Dr. Heurold W., 4612 Evergreen St., Bellaire, TX. 77401. Hartman, Joseph H., Dept. Geology/Geophysics, Univ. of Minn., 108 Pillsbury HaU, Minneapolis, MN. 55455 (Cretaceous-Eocene F.W. moU. of W. US; viviparidae). Haven, Dr. Dexter S., 336 Lafayette Rd., Yorktown, VA. 23690 (Mercenaria mercenaria, Mya arenaria, Crasso- trea virginica). Havens, Miss Susan E., 21 Vamum Ave., Pawtucket, RI. 02860 (Student). Havlik, Mrs. Marian E., 1603 Mississippi St., LaCrosse, WI. 54601 (Naiads of Miss. River). Hecht, Mrs. Paul L., 3636 Mineola Dr., Sarasota, FL. 33579. Heck, Lt. Col. Ralph L., P.O. Box 16712, Temple Terrace, FL. 33617 (Gastropods, esp. Conus, Cyprae). Hedges, Arlene J., 404 North East St., Crown Point, IN. 46307. Hendrickson, F. Scott DDS, 2967 Madison Ave., Granite City, IL. 62040. Herman, Dr. Richard D., 919 Hamilton Place, Wyomissing PA. 19601 (CoUecting Murex, Cypraea; biology). Herr, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Sr., 7901 Dewitt Dr., RFD #3, BaldwinsviUe, NY. 13027. Hettick, Mrs. G. Riley, 933 Lynnwood Dr., BartlesvUle, OK. 74003. Hickey, Ms. Mary T., 4415 Independence St., RockviUe, MD. 20853 (ScaUops). Hickman, Carole S., Biology Dept., Swarthmore CoUege, Swarthmore, PA. 19081 (tertiary moUuscan paleon- tology). HickmEui, Mrs. Harriette L., 20 Wilkie Blvd., Mamora, NJ. 08223 (Worldwide Epitonium). Hicks, Mrs. Edwin S., 1522 Pahnwood Dr., Eau Gallie, FL. 32935 (Recent and fossil marine sheUs of Western Atlantic) . Higbee, Mrs. Florence and Dr. Joan Higbee, 13 North Bedford St., Arlington, VA. 22201. HiU, Frederick C., Dept, of Biology, Bloomsburg State CoUege, Bloomsburg, PA. 17815. HiUman, Dr. Robert E., BatteUe-Clapp Laboratories, Duxbury, MA. 02332 (MoUuscan ecology and physio- logy). Hobbs, Sue, P.O. Box 153, Cape May, NJ. 08204. Hohman, Betty Jean, 10 Ferris, Apt. 101, Highland Park, MI. 48203 (cones. Volutes, Murices). Holiman, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne, Box 246, Edinburg, TX. 78539. HoUe, Dr. Paul A., 131 Holman St., Shrewsbury, MA. 01545 (Salt marsh snaUs). HoUister, S.C., 5 Parkway Place, Ithaca, NY. 14850. Homan, Mrs. Jacqueline A., 2208 48th St., Lubbock, TX. 79412. Hopkins, Dr. and Mrs. SeweU H., 709 Garden Acres Blvd. Bryan, TX. 77801. Homstein, Leon, 2211 Arden Rd., Baltimore, MD. 21209. Houbrick, Dr. Richard S., 614 A St. S.E., Washington, DC. 20003. Houtzel, David B., RR2, Pontiac, IL. 61764 (Desires correspondence and exchange). Hoyer, Kerry Bryce, 1210 S. Downing, Seaside, OR. 97138 (OUves, Cones, Cowries, Murex). Hubbard, Mrs. Marian S., 3957 Marlow Court, Seaford, NY. 11783 (Littorinidae; aU Juvenile moUusks). Hubricht, Leslie, 4026 35th St., Meridian, MS. 39301 (U.S. land and freshwater). Hulswit, Mr. & Mrs. Mart, 680 West End Ave., New York NY. 10025 (SCUBA). Hunkins, Mrs. Ruth E., 133 Brook to Bay, Englewood, FL. 33533 (Miniature sheUs; exchange). Hunter, Dr. R.D., 1630 W. BueU Rd., Lake Orion, MI. 48035 (Physiological ecology of freshwater pulmonates). Hyett, Dr. and Mrs. Marvin R., 403 SUverhiU Rd., Cherry HUl, NJ. 08002. Imlay, Dr. Marc J. and AUce, Fish WUdUfe Service, Dept, ofint., Office of Endangered Species, 1612 K. St. N.W., Washington, DC. 20240. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 79 Ing, Mrs. May C. and Michael B. Ing, Bella Vista Hospital Box 1750, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00708 (SmaU and minute sheUs of W.I.). Ishikawa, Samuel, 551 Fifth Ave., New York, NY. 10017. Isom, Billy G., Rt. 2, Box 112, Amy Drive, Killen, AL. 35645. Jackson, Ralph W., Rt. #1, Box 229, Cambridge, MD. 21613 (Exchange land shells). Jacobson, Morris K., 455 Beach 139 St., Rockaway Beach, NY. 11694. Jacobson, Mrs. Ursula, 5618 E. Montecito, Phoenix, AZ. 85018 (Indo-Pacific, esp. cones and cowries; West Coast-Panamic). James, Brian, 24 The Links Rd., Apt. 210, Willowdale, Ont., Canada. Janowsky, Robert and Dorothy, 946 Ralph Ave., Brooklyn, NY. 11236 (Cypraea, Murex, Volutes). Jenkinson, Mr. and Mrs. John J., 189 W. Lakeview Ave., Columbus, OH. 43202. Jennewein, Mr. and Mrs. Paul R., Box 394, Wrightsville Beach, NC. 28480 (Raising moUusks in aquaria; writing and illustrating articles on shell collecting). Jensen, Russell H., Box 3937, Delaware Museum of Natural History, Greenville, DE. 19807 (MoUusks of Bermuda). Johns, Veronica Parker, c/o SeasheUs Unlimited, Inc., 590 Third Ave., New York, NY. 10016. Johnson, Mrs. Barbara N., 510 Groveland, Minneapolis, MN. 56403. Johnson, Col. Harvey A. (Ret.) 3915 S.W. 109th St., Seattle, WA. 98146. Johnson, Mrs. Kenneth!., 3206 Sussex Rd., Raleigh, NC. 27607 (World marine). Johnson, Richard I., 124 Chestnut HiU Rd., Chestnut HiU, MA. 02167. Johnstone, Mrs. Adelaide B., 226 Wasp, Corpus Christi, TX. 78412. Johnstone, Mrs. Kathleen Yerger, 2209 River Forest Rd., Mobile, AL. 36605. Jokinen, Eileen (Romach), Biology Dept., Suffolk Univ., Boston, MA. 02114 (Freshwater gastropods). Jones, Archie L., 4370 S.W. 14 St., Miami, FL. 33134 iLiguus). Jones, Meredith L., Division of Invert. Zoology, USNM, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 20560. Jones, Richard H., 1432 Dorsh Rd., South Euclid, OH. 44121. Josey, Mrs. John S., 222 Devonwood Dr., St. Simons Is., GA. 31522. Katsaras, Nick, 479B S. Washington Ave., Bergenfield, NH. 07621. Kay, Dr. E. Alison, General Science Dept., Univ. of Hawaii, 2450 Campus Rd., Honolulu, HI. 96822 (Indo- Pacific marine; systematics and ecology). Keegan, Mrs. Barbara, Apt. 1457, Santo Domingo, Do- minican Republic, (Catholic Relief Services). Keeler, James H., 30 Park Lane, Chagrin FaUs, OH. 44022 (Marine, esp. micro Gastropods— Epitoniidae and Terebridae) . Keen, Dr. A. Myra, Dept, of Geology, Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA. 94305. Keferl, Dr. Eugene P., Div. of Natural Science, Brunswick Junior CoUege, Altama at Fourth, Brunswick, GA. 31520 (Terrestrial gastropods). KeUogg, Michael G., Dept. Invert. Zoology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA. 94118. Kemper, Mrs. Hessie, 11854 Josse Dr., St. Louis, MO. 63128. King, Gary emd Debbra, 3903 Barrington, Apt. #203, San Antonio, TX. 78217. King, Lucia E., Heron Club, 434 Broad Ave. South, Naples FL. 33940. Kline, Mrs. Mary, 240 Makee Rd., Apt. 10-A, Honolulu, HI. 96815. Klinkey, Mrs. Martha, 1319 Prairie St., #2A, St. Charles, IL. 60174 {Cypraea, Murex, Strombus). Kohn, Dr. Alan J., Dept. Zoology, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA. 98195. Kokai, Frank L., 3472 Green Meadows St., Columbus, OH. 43207. Kondo, Dr. Yoshio, 809 A Isenberg St., Honolulu, HI. 96814. Kotrla, M. Bowie, Dept, of Biology, Trinity Univ., 715 Stadium Dr., San Antonio, TX. 78284 (Parasites of snails). Kovach, Jack, Dept, of Geology, Muskingum College, New Concord, OH. 43762 (Ecology, shell composition, paleontology of non-marine). Kraemer, Dr. Louise Russert, Dept, of Zoology, Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. 72701 (Freshwater lameUi- branchs). Kraeuter, Dr. John N., Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Wachapreague, VA. 23480 (Ecology, distri- bution and systematics of Scaphopoda; benthic infaunal of U.S. East Coast). Krauss, N.L.H., 2437 Parker Place, Honolulu, HI. 96822 (Carnivorous land snails; biology). Krieger, Kenneth A., P.O. Box 22721 Emory Univ., Atlanta, GA. 30322 (Ecology and systematics of Hydobiidae and Pleuroceridae). Kubat, Melanie, 331 Woodland Dr., S. Hempstead, NY. 11550 (Designing with shells). Kuczynski, Mrs. Florence, 7400 N. 46th Ave., Box 406, St. Petersburg, FL. 33709 (CoOect, exchange, photograph shells). Kurz, Richard M., 1575 N. 118 St., Wauwatosa, WI. 53226 (Specimen sheOs). Kuzirian, Alan M., Univ. of New Hampshire, Dept, of Zoology, Durham, NH. 03824 (Nudibranch biology). Laavy, T.L., Rt. 5, Maruca Dr., Greenville, SC. 29609. LaCroese, Richard L., 379 Gardner Dr., Fort Walton Besieh, FL. 32548 (Worldwide coUecting). Lalli, Dr. Carol M., Marine Sciences Centre, Box 6070, Station A, McGill Univ., Montreal, Que., Canada H3C 3Gl (Pteropods). Lamb, Cathy, 312 N. Thomas St. #3, Arlington, VA. 22203 Lamberts, Dr. Austin, 1520 Leffingwell, N.E., Grand Rapids, ML 49505 (Coral reefs and associated moUusks). Landye, James Jerry, 100-465, Lower Colorado River Basin, Research Lab., Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ. 85281. Lane, Lewis B., 204 Ransom St., Fuquay-Varina, NC. 27526 (Land and marine). Lane, Dr. Roger L., Ashtabula Campus, Kent State Univ., Ashtabula, OH. 44004 (Morphology, Histology). Lange, W. Heuiy, Dept, of Entomology, Univ. of California Davis, CA. 95616. 80 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 LaEodque, Dr. Aurele, 102 W. Beaumont Rd., Columbus, OH. 43214. Laursen, Dr. Dan, 4901 East Eastland, Tucson, AZ. 85711 lArtic, Subarctic moUusks; Free living larvae of Caribbean and Gulf areas). Lee, Dr. Harry G., 709 Lomax St, Jacksonville, FL. 32204. Lemire, Ross, 184 Grandview Ave., ThomHU, Ont. Canada L3T IJl. Lencher, Mrs. Jennie R., 144 N. Dithridge St., Apt. 408, Pittsburgh, PA. 15213. Lenhard, Louis, P.O. Box 58, Martinsville, VA. 24112 (Terrestrial moUusks). Leonard, Dr. A. Byron, 562 Snow Hall, Univ. of Kansas, Lav/rence, KS. 66045. Leonard, Fred L., 800 N. 41st Ave., Hollywood, FL. 33021. Lemer, Martin, 64 Thompson Ave., Oceanside, NY. 11572 (Worldwide marine). Leslie, John, B-122 Birge Hall, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. 53706 {Haliotis). Lewis, Harold, 138 S. Twentieth St., Philadelphia, PA. 19103. Lewis, Mrs. J. Kenneth, 9207-48th Ave., College Park, MD. 20740. Lewis, Dr. and Mrs. John R., 23 W. 551 Warrenville Rd, Lisle, IL. 60532. Lindberg, David R., 53 Cleopatra Dr., Pleasant Hill, CA. 94523. Linsley, Robert M. Dr., Dept, of Geology, Colgate Univ., Hamilton, NY. 13346. Lipe, Robert and Mrs. Bette Lipe, 8929-9 1st Terrace, Seminole, FL. 33542 (Florida shells; MargineUidae worldwide; photography). Loizeaux, Mrs. A.D., 5369 Susquehanna Dr., Virginia Beach, VA. 23462. Long, Dr. Glenn A., 608 Stevenson Lane, Towson, MD. 21204 (Ethnwonchology). Long, Mary E., 36 W. Lytton St., Sonora, CA. 95370 (Marine shells). Long, Steven J., P.O. Box 243, Santa Maria, CA. 93454 (Opisthobranchs, Nudibranchs, Cephalaspideans, Notaspideans, Lamellarians). Lowry, Walter G. and Nelle H., 552 Old Lundy Rd., Macon GA. 31204 (Collect N.C. marine, exchange). Lubinsky, Dr. Irene, 32 Thatcher Drive, Winnipeg, Man., Canada, R3T 2L2, (Marine bivalves of the Canadian Arctic). Lyons, William G., Florida Dept, of Natural Resources, Marine Lab, 100 Eighth Ave. S.E., St. Petersburg, FL. 33701 (Florida and West Indian moUusks). MacBride, Grace, R.D. 1, Hartman Rd., North Wales, PA. 19454. Mackie, Dr. Gerry L., Dept, of Zoology, Univ. of Guelph, Guelph, Ont., Canada NIG 2W1 (Spaeriids). MacMillan, Gordon K., 169 Glenfield Dr., Pittsburgh, PA. 15235. Macquin, Mrs. Hazelle B., 437 Douglas St., Salt Lake City UT. 84102 (Fossil moUusks of U.S.) Madvin, Mrs. Beverly, 24208 Hatteras, Woodland HUls, CA. 91364. Maes, Dr. Virginia Orr, Dept, of MoUusks, Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA. 19103. Malek, Dr. Emile, Tulane Univ. Medical School, 1430 Tulane Ave., New Orleans, La. 70112 (Parasitology). Malick, Donald, 5514 Plymouth Rd., Baltimore, MD. 21214 (Buy, seU, exchange fossils). Malone, Mrs. Elsie, 1017 Periwinkle Way, Box 54, Sanibel Island, FL. 33957 (Buy, sell, exchange world sheUs). Marsh, Mrs. Therese C., P.O. Box 22291, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33315 (S.E. Fla. marines; worldwide bivalves). Marshall, Donald S., Far Lands House, 3414 Halcyon Dr., Alexandria, VA. 22305. Marshall, Mrs. Thomas H., 2237 N.E. 175th St., Seattle, WA. 98155 (World shells; exchange). Marti, Mrs. Ann, P.O. Box 7, Trinity, AL. 35673. Mastenbroek, Paul W., P.O. Box 67, Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 1A9, Canada (Ecology of moUusks in boreal and artic parts of Atlantic). Mathiak, Mr. and Mrs. Harold A., 209 S. Finch St., Horicon, WI. 53032 (History of Wisconsin mussels; species distribution). Mattera, Albert and Mrs. Emily, 4501 Traymore St., Bethesda, MD. 20014 {Murex). Mauseth, E.L., Alden, MN. 56009. Mazurkiewicz, Michael, Associate Prof, of Biology, Depart. Biological Sciences, Univ. of Maine at Portland- Gorham, 96 Falmouth St., Portland, ME. 04103 (Larval development and ecology of estuarine moUusks). McCaleb, John E., Highland Garden Apts., Bldg. E, Apt. B"5, 850 Schuyl Kill Rd., Pottstown, PA. 19464 (Fresh- water moUusks of N.A., esp. Pleuroceridae) . McCaUum, Mr. and Mrs. John, R.D. 2, Meadowvue Dr., Wexford, PA. 15090. McCarthy, Col. William A., 424 Hunting Lodge Dr., Miami Springs, FL. 33166. McDoweU, Marion M., Pan Am-Ascension, P.O. Box 4608, PAFB, FL. 32925 (Cowries of the world). McGinn, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M., P.O. Box 89, Cut Off, LA. 70345. McGinty, Thomas L., Box 765, Boynton Beach FL. 33435. McGrath, Robert E. and Mrs. ZeUa Roberta McGrath, 4434 S. 10th, Terre Haute, IN. 47802. McHugh, Mrs. John, 4654 Quarry Ridge, Rockford, BL. 61103 (Murex). Mclraii.es, Mrs. Cornelia G., F-6 Raleigh Apts., Raleigh, NC. 27605 (AU Marine). McLean, Dr. James H., Los Angeles County Museum, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. 90007. McMillan, William L., P.O. Box 815, Tavernier, FL. 33070 (Cypra^a). McRae, Mrs. Catherine, 903 King’s Crown Dr., Sanibel, FL. 33957 (Pectinidae). Melo, M. en C. Maria Villarroel, Centro de Ciencias del Mar y limnologia, UNAM, APDO Postal 70-305 y 306, Mexico 20, D.F., Mexico. Mead, Dr. Albert R., Dept, of Biological Sciences, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 85721. Menzel, Dr. R.W., Dept, of Oceanography, Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, FL. 32306 (Oysters; clams). Merrill, Dr. Arthur S., 13 Sailer’s Way, Rumson, NJ. 07760. Merritt, Jack H., 2281 Euclid Ave., Ft. Myers, FL. 33901. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 81 Metcalf, Dr. Artie L., Dept, of Biology, Univ. of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX. 79968 (Terrestrial Gastropoda of S.W. U.S.I. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey G., P.O Box 61, Captiva, FL. 33924, Michaelson, Charlotte and EMot, 77 Union St., Newton Court, MA. 02159. Michelson, Dr. Edward H., 15 Edmonds Ed., Apt. 189, Framingham, MA. 01701 (Medical malacology!. Micoine, Mrs. Colette, 8995 Coffins Ave., #301, Miami Beach, FL. 33154 {Cypraea, Conus, Valuta). Miles, Dr. Charles D., 6325 West 73rd Terrace, Overland Park, KS. 66204. Miller, Barry B., Dept, of Geology, Kent State Univ., Kent OH. 44242 (Non-marine Pleistocene, Malacology). Miller, Richard L., Dept, of Biology, Temple Univ., Philadelphia, PA. 19122. Miller, Dr. Walter B., 6140 Cerrada El Ocote, Tucson, AZ. 85718. Moberg, Capt. and Mrs. A.G., Keene Rd., RFD Box 154, East Freetown, MA. 02717, Moia, Maxcela, O’Higgms 2057, piso 8 A, Buenos Aires, Argentina (South American, Argentina general). Moller, Gertrude H. Mrs., 2248 University Blvd. South, Jacksonville, FL. 32216. Moore, Dr. and Mrs. Donald R., Rosensteil School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Univ. of Miami, 4600 Eickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL. 33149. Moosmann, Mrs. Robert A. (Margaret), 1025 Kent Rd., Wilmington, DE. 19807. Morrison, Dr. J.P.E., Div. of Mollusks, U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC. 20560. Morrison, Robert W., 5111-H Ocean Blvd., Sarasota, FL. 33581 {Cypraea, Valuta, Oliva, Murex). Mousley, Louis B., 35350 Panorama Dr., Yucaipa, CA. 92399. Moyer, Edward J., 1605 S. Henderson, Fort Worth, TX. 76104 (Indo-Pacific, Gulf of Mex.). Murray, Mrs. Francis A., 3741 N.E. 24th Ave., lighthouse Point, FL. 33064. Murray, Dr. Harold D., Biology Dept., Trinity Univ., San Antonio, TX. 78284 (Undonidae; distribution and parasites) . Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Talbot E. Jr., Grad. Sch. of Ocean- ography, Univ. of R.I., Narraganaett, EL 02882. Musick, Mrs. John W. and Richard M. Musick, 1238 E. Bayshore Dr., Virginia Beach, VA. 23451 (Shell collecting for profit). Myer, Dr. Donal G., Southern Illinois Univ. at Edwards- ville, IL. 62025 (Land snails). Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Brevard S., 2746 Hampton Ave., Charlotte, NC. 28207. Naide, Dr. Meyer, 2034 Spruce St., Philadelphia, PA. 19103. Nelson, Jack and Linda, 116 lawMngs Rd., Gaithersburg, MD. 20760 (Murex, Mitres, Cyrnatium) . Nicol, Dr. David, P.O. Box 14376, University Station, Gainesville, FL. 32604. Nicolaci, Mr. and Mrs. Domenick, Bella Vista Is., Box 147, Fairhaven, MA. 02719 (Pecten; exchange). Nielsen, Richard L., Box 278, Fletcher Academy, Fletcher, NC. 28732 (Non-marine aquatic mollusks). Noseworthy, Ronald G., P.O. Box 104, Main St., Grand Bank, Newfoundland, Canada AOE IWO (North Am. circmnboreal mollusks; also Clausiliidae and Turridae). Notter, Miss Helen, 2529 Gilmore St., Jacksonville, FL. 32204. NoweU-Usticke, Gordon, 1 North St., Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands 00820. Nunnaly, Mrs. Sally md Doug Nuimally, 512 North Channel Dr., Apt. B, Wrightsville Beach, NC. 28480. Nybakken, Dr. James, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Box 223, Moss Landing, CA. 95039. Oatis, Bona D., 312 Holiday Park Dr., Pittsburgh, PA. 15239 (World marinea; exchange). Ode, Dr. Helmer, 4811 Braebum Dr., Bellaire, TX. 77401 (Gulf of Mexico marines). Oesch, D. Ronald, 9 Hill Dr., Glendale, MO. 63122 (Missouri mussel zoogeography). Oetzell, Miss Edith M., 518 S. Ardmore Ave., Villa Park, IL. 60181 (Conus). Old, William E. Jr., Dept, of Molusks, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park W. and 79th St., New York, NY. 10024. OMnger, Michele, 2307 Sastre, South El Monte, CA. 91733 (Intertidal Gastropoda of Southern California). Olsen, Philip L., 10708 Blossom Lane, Silver Spring, MD. 20903 (Cape Hatteras to Cape Cod mollusks). Oppenheimer, Dr. Ella H., 7703 Crossland Rd. , Baltimore MD. 21208. Ostheimer, Alfred J. HI, 5017 Maunalani Circle, Honolulu HI. 96816. Orchard, C.D., P.O. Box 115, McQueeney, TX. 78123. Ostheimer, Mrs. Ruth M., 253 Cumberland, Kendal at Longwood, Kenriett Sq., PA. 19348. Oswalt, Mrs. Rosellen, 4771 Riverwood Circle, Sarasota, FL. 33581. Pace, Dr. Gary L., Univ. of MicMgan, Biology Dept., Flint MI. 48503. Paine, Anna, 6918 Lake Kenilworth Dr., Apt. Ill, New Orleans, LA. 70126. Paine, Walter C., Assoc. Curator, Malacology, Montshire Mus. of &ience, 45 Lyme Rd., Hanover, NH. 03755. Palmer, Dr. Katherine V.W., 206 Oak Hi! Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850. Parker, John Dyas, Box 318, Chestnut Ave., West Grove, PA. 19390 (Tertiary fossils and historical conchology), Parodiz, Dr. and Mrs. Juan Jose, Sect, of Invertebrates, Carnegie Museum, 4400 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA. 15213 (Neotropical mollusks and freshwater Gastropoda of USA). Pate, John B., P.O. Box 1025, Amada, CO. 80001 (Ama- teur shell and fossil collector; Panamanian shells). Parmalee, Dr. Paul W., Prof, of Zooarchaeology, Dept, of Anthropology, Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville, TN. 37916 (Freshwater mollusks from archaeological sites). Papp, Mrs. Zoltan, Schnecksville, PA. 18178. Paul, A.J., Seward Marine Station, Institute of Marine Science, Box 617, Seward, AK. 99664 (Biology of commercially har^/ested Gastropods of Bering Sea, esp. Neptunea pribiloffensis). Pearson, Kermit, Gloria, and Eric, Box 1002, APO, San Francisco, CA. 96555 (Kwajalein Atoll, Kwajalein Island, Missile Range, interested in exchange). 82 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 Penchaszadeh, Dr. Pablo E., Universidad Simon Bolivar, Institute de Technologia y Ciencias Marinas, Caracas, Venezuela. Perry, Pollyann, 639 N. Citrus Ave., Escondido, CA. 92027. Peterson, Mrs. Kay, 25 Scenic Dr., Warwick, RI. 02886. (Marine gastropods). Petit, Mr. £ind Mrs. Richard, P.O. Box 30, North Myrtle Beach, SC. 29582. Petrikin, Mrs. Carolyn B., 6301 31st Terrace North, St. Petersbm-g, FL. 33710. Peyton, Gary, 810 Rose, Denton, TX. 76201 (Enviromnen- tal chemist; int. in effect of chemical pollutants on mollusks). Phillips, Betty and Ted, 4580 Nueces Dr., Santa Barbara, CA. 93110. Pierce, Dr. Harold G., Dept, of Civil Engineering and Geology, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA. 24450 (Loceil fauna interest). Piplani, Shirley A., 26 Jameson Place, West Caldwell, NJ. 07006 (Chitons). Plockelman, Cynthia H., 311 Franklin Rd., West Palm Beach, FL. 33405 (Caribbean Muricidae, Naticidae). Porter, Hugh J., 119 Fairway Rd., Morehead City, NC. 28557 (Systematics, culture of bivalves). Porter, Mrs. Miriam E., 2013 S. Vernon PL, Melbourne, FL. 32901. Post, Mrs. Alfred P. Jr., P.O. Box 65, Darlington, MD. 21034. Powers, Joe, Bonded Oil Co., 2525 N. Limestone St., Springfield, Ohio 45501 (Marine Shells Worldwide). Pratt, W.L. and Suzann Denton Pratt, Museum of Natural History, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Pkwy. S., Las Vegas, NV. 89154. Priest, William G. Jr., 306 East Summit PL, San Antonio, TX. 78212. Pulley, Dr. Thomas E., Director, Houston Museum of Natural Science, P.O. Box 8175, Houston, TX. 77004. Putnam, Mrs. Judith Dorr, P.O. Box 1178, Ft. Collins, CO. 80521 (Sphaeriidae). Quammen, Mrs. Delbert J., 402 Homestead Rd., Strafford-Wayne, PA. 19087. Queen, Loma B. (Mrs. C.B.), P.O. Box 326, Maysville, NC. 28555 (Mollusks of the Southeast Atlantic). Racela, Dr. Antonio Jr. and Dr. Luz Racela, 126 W. 116th St., Kansas City, MO. 64114 (Philippine land and marine shells). Radwin, Dr. George E., 4341 Rodrigo Dr., San Diego, CA. 92115 (Gastropod taxonomy). Raeihle, Mr. and Mrs. George, 211 Milligan Rd., West Babylon, NY. 11704. Rappleye, Miss Lauralee, 4605 Beechwood Rd., College Park, MD. 20740 (Busycon). Raup, Timothy A., 910 Farrell Ave., Kalamazoo, MI. 49007 {Conus). RavEilli, Rose, 433 Dogwood Ave., West Hempstead, NY. 11552. Rawls, Dr. Hugh C., Eastern Illinois Univ., Dept, of Zoo- logy, Charleston, EL. 61920 (Ecology, taxonomy, distri- bution of land snails). Raymond, Torrance C., 99 Ridgeview Rd., Poughkeepsie, NY. 12603. Reader, Mr. and Mrs. William R., 4772 49th Ave. North, St. Petersburg, FL. 33714 (Live mollusks). Reeder, Richard L., Faculty of Nat. Sci., Univ. of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK. 74104 (Land pulmonates). Rehder, Dr. and Mrs. Harald A., 5620 Ogden Rd., Washington, DC. 20016. Rhode, Homer J., 977 Botany Lane, Rockledge, FL. 32955 (Marine coUecting). Rice, Thomas C., Of Sea and Shore Publications, P.O. Box 33, Port Gamble, WA. 98364 (Dealer). Richards, Charles S., Lab. of Parasitic Diseases, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD. 20014 (Freshwater mollusks, host-parasite relations, moUusk pathology and genetics). Richards, Dr. Horace G., Academy of Natural Science, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA. 19103. Rickard, Mrs. George C., 9316 Harvey Rd., Silver Spring, MD. 20910. Riggs, Mrs. Harriet H., Rt. 1, Box 255, Swansboro, NC. 28584 (Worldwide Pectens; North Carolina moUusks). Riggle, Stan, Asst. Prof, of Anthropoloty, Dept. Sociology/ Anthropology, Western 111. Univ., Macomb, IL. 61455. Riley, Bobby J., 4312 Lahnna Dr., Louisville, KY. 40216 (Terebridae, Olividae and Fasciolariidae) . Ritchie, Mrs. Robert M., 17 Country Club PL, Blooming- ton, IL. 61701. Rivera, Reinaldo Rivera, Calle 21-Z-B 10 RexviUe, Bayamon, Puerto Rico 00619. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wallace, Hopkinson House, Apt. 2016, Washington Square South, Philadelphia, PA. 19106 (Marine). Robertson, Dr. Robert, Dept, of Malacology, Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA. 19103 (Marine). Root, John, P.O. Box 182, West Palm Beach, FL. 33402. Roper, Dr. Clyde F.E. and Ingrid, Div. of Mollusks, U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC. 20560 (Systematics and ecology of Cephalopoda). Ropes, John W., P.O. Box 333, Church Neck, St. Michaels, MD. 21663. Rosewater, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph, Division of Mollusks, U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC. 20560. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. William A., 1101 Hampton Rd., West Palm Beach, FL. 33405 (Olividae and Pectinidae). Rotter, Dr. Saul D., 170 North Ocean Blvd., Palm Beach, FL. 33480 (Cones, Volutes, Cowries, Olives). Roworth, Edwin C., 1361 Windsor Rd., Cardiff-by-the- Sea, CA. 92007 (World sheUs and sea Ufe). Ruehl, Theodore, C., Rt. 202, 112 Haverstraw Rd., Suf- fem, NY. 10901 {Mur ex. Valuta, Conus). RusseU, Charles E., 10602 Jordan Rd., Carmel, IN. 46032 (land; freshwater shells). Russell, Dr. Henry D., 50 Springdale Ave., Dover, MA. 02030. RusseU, Dr. Loris S., Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto, Ont., Canada M5S 2C6. RusseU-Hunter, Dr. W.D., Dept, of Biology, 112 Lyman Hall, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, NY. 13210. Rutter, KurtL., P.O. Box 107, Stanton, NJ. 08885 (SheUs of the Uttoral mea). Sage, Walter E. HI, 1123 Hathaway, LouisviUe, KY. 40215. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 83 Sartor, James C., 5606 Duxbury, Houston, TX. 77035 (Microscopic marine mollusks— exchange or purchase). Saville, Linda D., Ohio State Univ. Water Resources Center, 1791 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH. 43210. Scarabino, Sr. Victor, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, C.C. 399, Montevideo, Uruguay. Schell, Frederic B. Jr., 1200 Peppertree Lane, Apt. 102, Sarasota, FL. 33581 (winter); The Brooklands, Cole- brook, CT. 06021 (May 15 -Oct. 16). Schilling, Mr. and Mrs. Albert E., 419 Linden Ave., Glen- side, PA. 19038 (Mr. -Cypraea; Mrs. -Murex; both. Conus). Schilling, Mrs. Frieda, 3707 Lan Dr., St. Louis, MO. 63125. Schriner, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jr., Rt. #2, Box 127, LaBelle, FL. 33935. Schwartz, Mrs. Sally W., 2761 Leeds Rd., Columbus, OH. 43221. Schuyler, Clint, 229 East Allen St., Lancaster, OH. 43130 (Collecting and studying shells). Seip, William F., 1555 Stonewood Rd., Baltimore, MD. 21239. Sharpe, Stephen George, Amherst, R.R. #2, Nova Scotia, Canada B4H 3X9 (South African shells; conservation of Strombus gigas; pen pals). Shasky, William N., 209 Sycamore Ave., Easton, MD. 21601 (Shellfish culture). Sheafer, Clinton W. and Mabel H., P.O. Box 576, Delray Beach, FL. 33444. Shelley, Dr. Rowland, N.C. State Museum, Box 27647, Raleigh, NC. 27609 (Freshwater mollusks of North Carolina). Shepler, Dr. and Mrs. L. Gordon, 416 72nd St., Brooklyn, NY. 11209 (St. Croix and Fire Island, NY. shells). Shimek, Ronald, Dept, of Zoology, NJ 15, Univ. of Wash., Seattle, WA. 98195 (Turrid gastropods, gastropod systematics, subtidal benthic marine ecology). Shipman, Mrs. Robert G., 11 Bantle Rd., Glastonbury, CT. 06033 (MoUuscan habitats and life patterns). Shoemaker, Alan H., 2136 Rolling HiUs Rd., Columbia, SC. 29210 (littoral and shallow sublittoral mollusks). Sibley, Frederick D., 225 East 36th St., N.Y., NY. 10016. Sickel, James B., Biol. Dept., Murray State Univ., Murray, KY. 42071 (Unionidae ecology and physiology). Siekman, Mrs. Lula B., 5031 41st St. South, St. Petersburg, FL. 33711. Skinner, Drew V. Jr., P.O. Box 208, Bremerton, WA. 98310. Skoglund, Carol, 3846 Highland Ave., Phoenix, AZ. 85018 (Panamic Province shells). Smith, All3m G., 722 Santa Barbara Rd., Berkeley, CA. 94707. Smith, Douglas G., Dept, of Zoology, MorriD Science Center, Univ. of Mass., Amherst, MA. 01002 (Land and freshwater moUusca of NE North America). Smith, Mrs. Ernest B., 416 Washington Terrace, Audubon, NJ. 08106. Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Francis, 1023 55th Ave. South, St. Petersburg, FL. 33705 (Microscopic marine mollusks of Florida). Smith, Mrs. Hattie Little, P.O. Box 1053, Foley, AL. 36535 (Gulf of Mexico). Smith, Dr. Judith Terry, 1527 Byron St., Palo Alto, CA. 94301. Smith, Mrs. Karen C. (KC), 215 S. Indian River Dr., Jensen Beach, FL. 33457 (FossU shells). Smith, Lawrence C., 51 Coppertree Lane, Babylon, NY. 11702. Smith, R.V. and Mrs. Muriel F.I., National Museum of Natural Sciences (Malacology), Ottawa, Ont., Canada KIA 0MB. Smrcheck, Dr. Jerry C., 3316 King William Dr., Olney, MD. 20832 (Effects of pollution on freshwater moUusca). Snyder, Martin Avery, 745 Newtown Rd., Villanova, PA. 19085. Sohl, Dr. Norman F., 7105 Vermillion PL, Annandale, VA. 22003. Solem, Dr. Alan, Dept, of Zoology, Field Museum of Nat. History, Chicago, EL. 60605. Soper, Arthur W., R.F. #2, N. Meadow Rd., Amherst, NH. 03031. Sparks, Mrs. Mary K., Possum Trot Farm, UnionviRe, IN. 47468 {Cypraea, Murex, Ecology of marine habitats, exchange). Spencer, Miss Gladys M., 612 W. Albany, Peoria, IL. 61604. Sphon, Gale G. Jr, Los Angeles County Museum, Inverte- brate Zoology, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. 90007. Spurr, Charles B., P.O. Box 686, Golden Meadow, LA. 70357. St. John, Dr. Mary Ellen and Dr. F. Lee St. John, 155 Van TasseU Ave., Newark, OH. 43055 (Naiads, esp. Actinonaias ligamentina). Stainken, Dennis, 61 Coughlan Ave., Staten Island, NY. 10310 (Anatomy and physiology of bivalves; effects of marine pollutants). Stansbery, Dr. David H., Museum of Zoology, Ohio State Univ., 1813 North High St., Columbus, OH. 43210 (Naiads). Stark, Mrs. Jane Sayler, 1145 South Division, Salisbury, MD. 21801. Steger, Mrs. Dan, 2711 68th St., Tampa, FL. 33619 (Marine fauna of Gulf of Mexico). Stein, Dr. Carol B., Museum of Zoology, Ohio State Univ. 1813 North High St., Columbus, OH. 43210 (Naiads, Gastropoda). Stenzel, Dr. H.B., Dept, of Geology, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA. 70803. Stem, Dr. Edward M., Dept, of Zoology and Physiology, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA. 70803 (System- atics and ecology of terrestrial gastropods and Unionidae). Sterrett, Sandra S., 1278 Hunter Ave., Columbus, OH. 43201 (Naiades). Steward, Supt. Orville M., c/o HoUy HiU— Mrs. Vincent Astor, P.O. Box 336, Briarcliff Manor, NY. 10510. Stewart, Rev. Marlin B., 54 Elm St., 386 S. Hampton Rd., Elmira, NY. 14904. Stickle, Dr. William B. Jr., Dept, of Zoology, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA. 70803. Stingley, Dale V., P.O. Box 113, LaBelle, FL. 33935. Stone, Linda, 507 E. Webster, Cuba City, WI. 53807 (Classification and identification of common shells, int. in values). 84 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 Strenth, Dr. Ned E., The Marine Biomedical Institute, 200 Univ. Blvd., Galveston, TX. 77550 (General ecology, systematics, and larval development of opistho- branch molluscs of genus Aplysm), Strieder, Dr. Denise J., 143 Laurel Rd., Chestnut Hill, MA. 02167 (American shells). Stuardo, Dr. Jose, Centro de Ciencias del Mar, U.N.A.M., Apdo Postal 70-305 y 306, Mexico 20, D.F., Mexico (General). Sutow, Dr. Wataru, W., 4371 North MacGregor Way, Houston, TX. 77004 (Strombus; exchange). Sutton, Barbara J., 169 W. 85th St. #2A “F”, N.Y., NY. 10024. Swan, Emery F., 3 Faculty Rd., Durham, NH. 03824. Swartz, Miss S.L., 306 20 Ave. S.W., Calgary 3, Alberta, Canada. Sypek, Joseph P., 16 Edrimnd St., Chicopee Falls, MA. 01020 (Grad student) (marine biology), sheUfishery diseases, sheUfishery ecology Eind mariculture; amateur conchologist and marine aquarist). Talbot, Robert 2640 KiUamey Rd., Victoria, British Columbia, Canada V8P 3G8 (Conidae, Cypraeidae of Pacific; intertidal life of Pacific Northwest). Talmadge, Robert R.. 2850 Pine St., Eureka, CA. 95501 (Haliotidae; benthic invertebrates). Tate, Mrs. MUdred, Brazosport Museum of Natural Science, Box 355, Lake Jackson, TX. 77566. Taylor, Dr. Dwight, Pacific Marine Station, DiUon Beach, CA. 94929. Taylor, Myra L., 7602 McCullough Ave., San Antonio, TX. 78216 (SheUs of the Texas coast). Taxson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert, 25 Knoll’s Crescent, Bronx, NY. 10463. Teixeira, Mrs. Frank, P.O. Box 274, Buzzards Bay, MA. 02532 {Pecten; exchange). Teskey, Mrs. Margaret C., P.O. Box 273, Big Pine Key, FL. 33043. Thomas, Dr. Grace, Dept, of Zoology, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, GA. 30602 (Sphaeriids). Thomas, Miss Marguerite T., Box 312-A, Rt. 1, Swansboro, NC. 28584 (World marine; exchange). Thompson, Dr. FredG., Florida State Museum, Gainsville FL. 32602 (Land and freshwater moUusks; systematics). Thorpe, Mrs. Fran Hutchings (Mrs. Foster B.), 3910 Battersea Rd., Coconut Grove, FL. 33133. Tippett, Dr. and Mrs. Donn L., 10281 Gainsborough Rd., Potomac, MD. 20854 (Western Atlantic, living and fossU— Cones, Murex, scaUops, Fissurellidae). Tufts, Diane, Rt. 2, Box 2162, Wapato, WA. 98951 (Worldwide). TunneU, John W. Jr., Texas A. & 1. Univ. at Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX. 78411 (Systematics, distri- bution and ecology of reef and bank mollusks of Gulf of Mexico) . Turano, Dr. Andrew F., R.F.D. #1, Cemetery Rd., Colchester, CT. 06415 (World marine). Turner, Dr. Ruth D., Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA. 02138. Urbaniak, Mrs. Roman and Miss Susanne Urbaniak, 2668 N. Holton St., Milwaukee, WI. 53212. Vagvolgyi, Dr. Joseph, Biology Dept., B-204, Staten Island Community College, 715 Ocean Terrace, Staten Island, NY. 10301 (Evolutionary theory; zoogeography). Vail, Dr. Virginia, Tall Timber Research Station, Rt. 1, Box 160, Tallahassee, FL. 32303. Van Devender, Mrs. Amy Shrader, 3023 Woodland Hills Drive, Apt. 11, Ann Arbor, MI. 48104 (Land snails). Van der Schalie, Dr. Henry, University Museums, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 48104. Vega, Dr. Luis Eduardo, 21 W. Linger Lane, Phoenix, AZ. 85021. Veverka, John A. and Mrs. Sandra A., 598 Arlington Ave., Mansfield, OH. 44903 (Land and freshwater mollusks). Vidan, Mrs. Mercedes G., 27 Golfview Dr., Newark, DE. 19702 (Marine Gastropods). Vidrine, Malcolm F., Box 1177 GSRI, New Iberia, LA. 70566. Vink, Danker L.N., Binnenweg 3, Julianadorp, Curacao, Netherland Antilles (Caribbean marine shells, exchange and taxonomy). Yokes, Dr. Harold and Dr. Emily, Dept, of Geology, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, LA. 70118 (Mesozoic and Tertiary mollusks; fossil and recent Muricidae). Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.L., R.D. 1, Box 21, Marathon, FL. 33050 (Purchase shells). Walker, R. Lindsay Jr., Apartado 06 Postal 344, San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America. Walklet, Gerrie, 234 Howard Drive, Belleair Beach, FL. 33535. Waller, Dr. Thomas R., 9420 RoseMU Dr., Bethesda, MD. 20034 (Zoogeography, ecology, evolution of Cenozoic Pectinidae). Walter, Dr. Waldemar, Dept, of Biological Sd., Western Illinois Univ., Macomb, IL. 61455. Ward, Wilson B., P.O. Box 26341, Houston, TX. 77207 (Cypraea, Conus, representative worldwide). Warmke, Germaine L., 1711 S.W. 43rd Ave., Gainesville, FL. 32508 (Shells of Puerto Rico). Wartenbergh, Mrs. Marolyn, 704 Gavello Ave., Sunny- vale, CA. 94086. WasiM, Mrs. John, P.O. Box 187, Frisco, NC. 27936. Waters, Ruth A., 135 East Main St., Apt. 3, Clinton, CT. 06413 (U.S. marine, principally East Coast). Wayne, Dr. William J., M.H. 112, Dept, of Geology, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. 68508. Webb, Dr. Glenn R., Rt. 1, Box 148, Fleetwood, PA. 19522. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. John, 27132 Butternut Ridge Rd., North Olmsted, OH. 44070. Weingartner, Mathilde P., 17 Amelia Court, Staten Island, NY. 10310. Weisbord, Norman E. and Nettie S., Dept, of Geology, Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, FL. 32306 (Cenozoic and recent). Weiser, Mrs. Ernest, 3388 Bayfront Dr., Baldwin, NY. 11510. Weiss, Fredric, 6 Plymouth Ed., Great Neck, NY. 11023. Weiss, Harold M., 3607 Sarah Dr., Wantagh, NY. 11793. (Conidae and Cypraeidae). Welch, Miss Isabelle E., 6314 Waterway Dr., Falls Church, VA. 22044 (General). Wells, Dr. Harry, 620 Presbyterian Ave., Laurmburgh, NC. 28352. Welty, Stephen L. and Elaine, Box 639, Dubois, WY. 82513. Wemer, Milton, 70 Richmond St., Brooklyn, NY. 11208. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 85 WesterfieM, Mrs. A.C., Deanville Apts., 266 3rd Ave., Naples, FL. 33940. Wheel, Mr. and Mrs. Adlai B. Sr., 4501 West Seneca Turnpike, Syracuse, NY. 13215. White, Kenneth J., E.Ph., Apt. 14-B-lO, Akers Mill Rd. NW, Atlanta, GA. 30339 f Caribbean Pro¥.K Whiteside, Mrs. Sinitii, 206 Marion St., Indian Harbour Beach, FL. 32937. Widmer, Ernest C., P.O. Box 814, Orange Park, FL. 32073 (Exchange marine and freshwater Florida moUusks). Wightman, Dr. Eugene P., 85 Harding Rd., Rochester, NY. 14612 (World marine^ WMtsett, Mrs. J.M. (Irma), 4214 W. 70th St., Prairie Vfflage, KS. 66208. Wille, William L. Jr., 1405 McFaddIn, Beaumont, TX. 77701 (Conus). Wffliams, Dr. James D., tJ.S. Dept. Int., Fish and Wild- life Serrise, Office of Endangered Species, Wash., DC. 20240 (Freshwater mussels; zoogeography and system- atics). Wilson, Dr. Dniid, Room E506, U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC. 20660. Wmdnagel, John, 3581 Snouffer Ed., Worthington, OH. 43085 (Florida shelsL Winters, H. Richard, 307 Sobin Hood Way, Bolingbrook, a. 60439. Wiswall, Harold C., 42 Winding River Rd., Needham, MA. 02192 (Western Atlantic, Caribbean moUusks). Withrow, Mr. and Mra. Carl C., 4825 9th St. S., St. Petersburg, FL. 33705. Wolfe, Dr. Douglas A., M-A Wild Horse Circle, Pine Brook Hflls, Boulder, CO. 80302. Woods, William L., 2721 Murray lidge Id., San Diego, CA. 92123 (Panamic moliusks; Tumdae, ColumbelH- dae). Work, Robert C., 7610 S.W. 63rd Court, South Miami, FL. 33143. Wright, Kirk E. and Mrs. Rosemary E., Box 2191, Fitch- burg, MA. 01420. Wright, lev. Calvin T., IFD #1, Suncook, NH. 03275 (Marine speciesl. Wright, Fran (Mrs. l.|, 10360 S.W. 121 St., Miami, FL. 33176. Wu, Mr. and Mrs. SM-Kuei, c/o Univ, of Colorado Museum Boulder. CO. 80309 (Functional morphology of moliusks; Muiidd gastropwis; land and freshwater moMusks of Rocky Mountoin areal. Wulff, Mrs. Ella May, l.D. 2, Bella Vista Dr., WillJman- tic, CT. 06226 (Marine gastropodsl. Wurtz, Dr. Charles B 3220 Penn St., Philadelphia, PA. 19129 -'Ter^. ..trial Yergin, Margaret (Maggii, 2706 Cameron Blvd., Me of Palms, SC- 29451 (Marine moliusks). Yochelson, Dr. Ellis, U.S. Geological Survey, E. 317, U.B. National Museum, Washington, DC. 20560. Yokley, Dr. Paul Jr., Box il63, Univ. North Alabama, Florence, AL. 35630. Young, Mrs. Ann Frame, P.O. Box 846, Marathon, FL. 33050 (Seuva, Cassidae). Young, H.D. and Wilma G. Young, P.O. Box 1931, Seattle, WA. 98111 (Exchange Pacific Northwest gastro- pods; also purchase). Young, Miss M.E., 6314 W'aterway Dr., Falls Church, VA. 22044. Zager, Mrs. Jane, HoMybrTOk 54-303, 8930 S. HollybrTOk Blvd., Pembroke Pines, FL. 33025 (American shells). ZoeUer, Mr. and Mrs. E. Nelson, 360 Phillips Hill Id., New City, NY. 10956 (Worldwide; specialirmg la Polymita and HeMeostyla). CORRESPONDING MEMBERS Alarcon, Benito F., Isla de Pascua, CMe (Easter Island moliusks). Altena, Dr. C.O. van legteren, Dulndoomlaan 26, Bentveld, HoEand. Ant, Professor Dr. Herbert, Wielandstr. 17, D-47 Hamm, Germany. Baba, Dr. KIkutoro, Shigagaoka 35, Mmami-ll-jyo, Sango-cho, Ikoma-gun, Nnxa-ken, Japan 636 (Opistho- brancMa— taxonomy, morphology). Boettger, Dr. Caesar, Zooiogi-sch Inst., Gueldenstr. 408 3300 Braunschweig, West Germany. Bosch, Dr. Donald, 9088 Mina A1 Fabai, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. Habe, Tadashlge, National &ieiice Museum, Hyakunin Cho Shintjuku Km, Tokyo 160, Japan. Kaiser, Klaus J., 6057 Dietzenbach, Dreieichstrase 18, West Germany. LaFont, M. Jean, mas des Hoiirtes, 30740 Le Cailar, France. Lazere, Miss Shirley, 72 SaMsbury Ave., Slough, Berks., SL2 lAQ. England (Cowries). Martins, A.M. Frias, Semmario-Colegio do Santo Cristo, Ponte Delgftda, San Miguel, Azores. Miyauti, Dr. Tetao, Miyademy Fisheries lab, Ikenoura, fulaim-cho, Wauai-gun, Mie-ken, 519-W Japan. Otero, D Jose Hem mdes, Capit m Quesada, S/N, Gaidar (Gran Cananr), Espana Oyama, Dr. Kat ira, Geol. Sur< ey of Japan, Kawada-cho 8, ShinJuku-kj T .kyo Japan Paget, Dr. Oliver E., NaturMstorisclies Museum, Burgring 7, A-104, Vienna, Austria. Pajer, Miss Zdenka, Tomsiceva 8, §4000 KranJ (Slovenija), Yugoslavia. Piani, Piero, P.O. Box 2207, Bologna, E.L. Italy 40100. long, Hwang Shin, P.O. Box 58530 Taipai, Taiwan, (Cypraeidae, Conidae). Sclmbner, Alvan and Dolores (Mr. and Mrs.), c/o PMlco Ford, Jask, Iran (Persian Gulf area of Iran). Trinidad, Dr. Victor Jose V., #10 Orchid St., Capitol Site, Cebu City, PMhppmes 6401 (Cowries, cones, olive and Tibia shells). Upatham, Dr. Edward Suchart, Biology Dept., Facul^ of &ience, MaMdoi Univ., Bangkok, Thailand. 86 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 AFFILIATED SHELL CLUBS AND REGIONAL ORGANIZATION ASTRONAUT TRAIL SHELL CLUB, INC., P.O. Box 515, Eau Gallie Station, Melbourne, FL. 32935. BOSTON MALACOLOGICAL CLUB, MoUusk Depart- ment, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, MA. 02138. BROWARD SHELL CLUB, P.O. Box 10374, Ft. Lauder- dale, FL. 33305. CHICAGO SHELL CLUB, c/o Mrs. Kleinie Fieberg, 1430 Lake Ave., Wilmette, IL. 60091. CLEVELAND SHELL CLUB, c/o Mrs. Linda Krehel, 16611 Pealdale, Cleveland, OH. 44135. COASTAL BEND GEM & MINERAL SOCIETY, P.O. Dr. 1232, Bay City, TX. 77414. COASTAL BEND SHELL . CLUB, c/o Corpus Christi Museum, 1919 North Water St., Corpus Christi, TX. 78401. CONCHOLOGICAL SECTION BUFFALO SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Buffalo Museum of Science, Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, NY. 14211. CONCHOLOGISTS OF AMERICA, c/o Kathleen K. Daniels, Box 265-A, Rt. 1, Apollo, PA. 15613. CONNECTICUT SHELL CLUB, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, CT. 06520. CONNECTICUT VALLEY SHELL CLUB, c/o Earl Reed, Springfield Museum of Science, 236 State St., Spring- field, MA. 01101. CROWN POINT SHELL COLLECTORS’ STUDY GROUP, INC., P.O. Box 462, Crown Point, IN. 46307. FORT MYERS SHELL CLUB, 1936 Coronado Rd., Fort Myers, FL. 33901. GALVESTON SHELL CLUB, Box 2072, Galveston, TX. 77550. GREATER ST. LOUIS SHELL CLUB, c/o 4032 Garden Lane, Granite City, IL. 62040. GREATER TAMPA SHELL CLUB, 2507 W. Kenmore Ave., Tampa, FL. 33614. HAWAHAN MALACOLOGICAL SOCIETY, P.O. Box 10391, Honolulu, HI. 96816. HOUSTON CONCHOLOGY SOCIETY, INC., 3706 Rice Blvd., Houston, TX. 77005. INDIANA’S FIRST SHELL CLUB, 404 North East St., Crown Point, IN. 46307. JACKSONVILLE SHELL CLUB, INC., 3895 Dupont Circle, Jacksonville, FL. 32205. JERSEY CAPE SHELL CLUB, Box 205, Avalon, NJ. 08202. LONG ISLAND SHELL CLUB, c/o M. Springer, 6 Bess Court, Brentwood, NY. 11717. LOUISVILLE CONCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY, P.O. Box 7663, St. Matthews, KY. 40207. MINNESOTA SOCIETY OF CONCHOLOGISTS, c/o 3829 27th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN. 55406. NAPLES SHELL CLUB, P.O. Box 1991, Naples, FL. 33940. NATIONAL CAPITAL SHELL CLUB, c/o Rob StockweU, 6009 Grove Drive, Alexandria, VA. 22307. NEW JERSEY SHELL CLUB, 653 Briarcliff Ave., May- wood, NJ. 07607. NEW YORK SHELL CLUB, INC., Dept, of Living Invertebrates, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park W. at 79 St., New York NY. 10024. NORTH CAROLINA SHELL CLUB, 13 E. Bayshore Blvd., Jacksonville, NC. NORTHERN CAUFORNIA MALACOZOOLOGICAL CLUB, c/o Mrs. Virgil Herring, 5561 MacDonald Ave., El Cerrito, CA. 94530. PACIFIC NORTHWEST SHELL CLUB, INC., 702 Alder,. Edmonds, WA. 98020. PALM BEACH COUNTY SHELL CLUB, P.O. Box 182, West Palm Beach, FL. 33402. PHILADELPHIA SHELL CLUB, Dept, of Malacology, Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA. 19103. PITTSBURG SHELL CLUB, Sect, of Invertebrates, CeuTiegie Museum, 4400 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA. 15213. ROCHESTER SHELL AND SHORE CLUB, c/o David F. Pospula, 217 Dunn St., Rochester, NY. 14621. ST. PETERSBURG SHELL CLUB, c/o Mrs. Mina Slinn, 7570 46 Ave. N., Box 410, St. Petersburg, FL. 33709. SAN ANTONIO SHELL CLUB, 9402 Nona Kay Dr., San Antonio, TX. 78217. SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB, San Diego Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box 1390, San Diego, CA. 92112. SANIBEL-CAPTIVA SHELL CLUB, 1215 Seagrape Lane, Sanibel Island, FL. 33957. SANTA BARBARA MALACOLOGICAL SOCIETY, INC., P.O. Box 30191, Stmta Barbara, CA. 93105. SARASOTA SHELL CLUB, c/o Mrs. Helene AveUanet, Treas., 105 CUpperway, Fair Winds Villas, Nokomis, FL. 33555. SOUTH FLORIDA SHELL CLUB, c/o Mrs. Betty Culver- house, 10620 SW 93 St., Miami, FL. 33176. SOUTHWEST FLORIDA CONCHOLOGIST SOCIETY, INC., P.O. Box 876, Ft. Myers, FL. 33902. SOUTHWESTERN MALACOLOGICAL SOCIE'TY, 3846 E. Highland Ave., Phoenix, AZ. 85018. WESTERN SOCIETY OF MALACOLOGISTS, c/o Gold- smith, 1622 N. 20th St., Phoenix, AZ. 85006. WILMINGTON SHELL CLUB, 116 Tanglewood Lane, Nottingham Manor, Newark, DE. 19711. YUCAIPA SHELL CLUB, Mousley Museum of Natural History, Bryant & Panorama Drive, Yucaipa, CA. 92399. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 87 DOMESTIC INSTITUTIONS ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Library, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA. 19103. BUFFALO MUSEUM OF SCIENCE, Research Library, Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, NY. 14211. CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Acqui- sitions 1-32, Millikan Library, Pasadena, CA. 91125. CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, Wade Oval, University Circle, Cleveland, OH. 44106. CORNELL UNIVERSITY UBRARY, Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY. 14850. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, Library, Chicago, IL. 60605. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA, Library, Room 350, 601 Booth St., Ottawa, Ont., Canada KIA OE8. ILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIV. LIBRARY, Bloomington, IL. 61701. KENT LIBRARY, Periodicals Dept., S.E. Missouri State Univ., Cape Girardeau, MO. 63701. McGILL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, 3459 McTavish St., Montreal, PQ. Canada H3A lYl. McKELDIN LIBRARY, Univ. of Md., CoUege Park, MD., Box S16156, 20742. MARITIMES REGIONAL LIBRARY, Dept, of Environ- ment, Fisheries Services, P.O. Box 550, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. MASS. MARITIME ACADEMY, Library, Buzzards Bay, MA. 02532. NATIONAL MUSEUMS OF CANADA, Library, Ottawa, Ont., Canada KIA OM8. OF SEA AND SHORE MUSEUM OF SHELLS AND MARINE LIFE, INC., P.O. Box 219, Port Gamble, WA. 98364. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION, 1259 Trumansburg Rd., Ithaca, NY. 14850. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Library Acquisitions, A350636, Washington, DC. 20560. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, Morris Library, Carbondale, EL. 62901. SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE -HOUSTON, 3600 Yoakum Blvd., Houston, TX. 77006. STANFORD UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES, Serials Dept., Stanford University, Stanford, CA. 94305. TEXAS A & I UNIVERSITY AT CORPUS CHRISTI, Library, P.O. Box 6010, Corpus Christi, TX. 78411. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, NOAA, NMFS, Middle Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Center, Oxford Laboratory, Oxford, MD. 21654. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, NOAA, Fisheries, Library, 75 Virginia Beach Dr., Miami, FL. 33149. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, NOAA, Libraries Division, Technical Processes Branch-D823, 8060 13th St., Room 806, Silver Spring, MD. 20910. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES, Geo- logy, Geophysics Library, 405 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA. 90024. UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA AT SAN DIEGO, SIO Library- C-075-C, La JoUa, CA. 92093. UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT, Serials Department, Wilbur Cross Library, Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. 06268. UNIVERSITY OF HJJNOIS LIBRARY at URBANA- CHAMPAIGN, Serials Dept., Urbana, BL. 61801. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY UBRARY, Agriculture Library, Agriculture Science Center N., Lexington, KY. 40506. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE, Raymond H. Fogler Library, Darling Center, Orono, Maine 04473. UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA, Elizabeth Dafoe Ubrary, Receiving Section R., Winnipeg, Man., Canada R3T 2N2. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND UBRARY, Natural Resour- ces Institute, Chesapeake Biologiced Lab., Solomons, MD. 20688. UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, RSMAS Ubrary, 4600 Ricken- backer, Miami, FL. 33149. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA, Hancock Libreuy of Biology and Oceanography, Allan Hancock Foundation, University Park, Los Angeles, CA. 90007. VIRGINIA INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCE, Gloucest- er Point, VA. 23062. FOREIGN INSTITUTIONS AUSTRAUAN MUSEUM, Librarian, P.O. Box A-285, Sydney South, N.S.W., Austreilia 2000. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), CromweU Road, London, SW7 5BD, England. BRITISH UBRARY LENDING DIVISION, Accessions Department, Boston Spa, Wetherby, Yorkshire, LS23 7BQ, England. INSTITUT ROYAL DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE BELGIQUE, Rue Vautier 31, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium. MUSEUM NATIONAL D’HISTOIRE NATURELLE, U- brarian, Laboratoire de Biologie des Invertebres Marins et Malacolgie, 55, Rue De Buffon, 75 Paris (5e' France. NATAL MUSEUM, Librarian, Loop St., Pietermaritzburg, South Africa 3200. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF VICTORIA, RusseU Street, Melbourne, Australia 3000. NAUTILUS, P.O. Box 3, 58043 CastigUone Della Pescaia, GR., Italy. NETHERLANDS MALACOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Ubrar- ian. Dr. H.E. Coomems, c/o Zoological Mus., Plantage Middenlaan 53, Amsterdam 1004, The Netherlands. SCIENCE REFERENCE UBRARY, The British Ubrary, Bayswater Branch, 10, Porchester Gardens, London, W2 6HD, England. SOUTH AUSTRAUAN MUSEUM, Library, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia, Austredia 5000. '1 UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND, Biological Sciences Library, Private Bag, Auckland, New Zealand. UNIVERSIDAD DE ORIENTE, Centro de Investigaciones Cientificas, Boca de Rio-Nva. Espaula, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela. 88 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 INDEX OF AUTHORS Dorothy E. Beetle 49 David Bickel. 52 James E. Blankenship 48 Kenneth J. Boss 47 Albert J. Burky 44,51 Dennis M. Catalano 44 Matoira H. Chanley 44 Arthur H. Clarke 18,49 Susan Blackford Cook..... 34 Ralph W. Dexter... 41 F. Wayne Grimm 53 Daniel J. Hornbach 51 JohnJ. Jenkinson 51 John J. Jenkinson 16 Frank L. Kokai 12 Glenn A. Long .43 G. L. Mackie 5 A. M. Frias Martins 47 PAPERS Charles S. Richards 55 Henry Van der Schalie 55 Noorullah Babrakzai 57 Walter B. Miller bl Artie L. Metcalf. 42 Barry B. Miller 23 Donald R. Moore 48 J. P. E. Morrison 10 Katherine V. W. Palmer 26 HughJ. Porter 38 W. Lloyd Pratt, Jr 50 George E. Radwin 51 Dorothy Raeihle.... 45 Robert W. Rusbar ..................43 Douglas G. Smith 42 David H. Stansbery 28 Carol B. Stein 28 Edward M. Stern 42,43 Ned E. Strenth 48 Virginia A. Vail 52 Thomas R. Waller........... .46 Paul Yokely, Jr .20 AT SYMPOSIUM Sianoosh Samsam 57 Carol B. Stein 62 Marc J. Imlay 62 Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, Inc., 1976 89 NOTICES NEXT AMU MEETING: Naples, Florida — July 11-15, 1977. See Spring Newsletter for details. HOW TO STUDY AND COLLECT SHELLS, latest edition of the popular symposium published by the American Malacological Union, may be purchased for $2.50 each from Paul Jennewein, Corresponding Secretary, Box 394, Wrightsville Beach, NC. 28480. Regular bookseller’s discounts are available for purchase of copies of 10 to 50 copies. The INDEX TO THE BULLETINS OF THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION, through 1974, prepared by Mrs. Margaret Teskey, is available for $6.50 postpaid. U.S. funds should be sent to Myra L. Taylor, Treasurer, 7602 McCullough Ave., San Antonio, TX. 78216. The tenth annual meeting of the Western Society of Malacologists will be held June 15 to June 18, 1977, at Kellogg West, Center For Continuing Education, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, California. The program will include contributed papers, symposia, exhibits, and study workshops on molluscan subjects. Inquiries about the meeting should be directed to Mrs. Jo Ramsaran, Secretary, 807 North Road, San Bernardino, CA. 92404. The Sixth European Malacological Congress of the UNITAS MALACOLOGICA EUROPAEA will be held in the week 15-20 August, 1977, in the Free University, Amsterdam. Apart from the usual items on the programme such as a meeting of the European Invertebrate Survey, field trips, and the General Assembly of the U.M.E., there will be twelve main lectures by specialists in the various fields. All malacologists, i.e., everybody working with molluscs, whether in a professional capacity or not, are invited to attend the Amsterdam congress. For further information write to Sixth European Malacological Congress, c/o Congresbureau van de Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam, Holland. The fees will be as follows: Hfl. 100. — for full congress members (approximately US$ 40), Hfl. 20. — for associate members (e.g., accompanying ladies), and Hfl. SO. — for student members. AMU 76 COLUMBUS Local Committee Kathy G. Borror John M. Condit Susan B. Cook Aurele LaRocque Frank L. Kokai David H. Stansbery Mary Lois Stansbery Caro! B. Stein F. Lee St. John Celeste Taft Margaret Wilhelmy Carolyn S. Jenkinson, Co-Chairman John J. Jenkinson, Co-Chairman Exhibit: A.M. Frias-Martins: “Photographs of Mollusks from the Azores.” Presiding at the 1976 AMU paper sessions: Dr. David Bickel Ms. Susan B. Cook Dr. Dee S. Dundee Dr. William K. Emerson Dr. Dorothea S. Franzen Mr. John J. Jenkinson Dr. Arthur S. Merrill Dr. Donald R. Moore Dr. Harold D. Murray Mrs. Dorothy Raeihle Reviewers for this issue: Dr. Albert J. Burky, Univ. of Dayton Dr. Arthur Clark, Nat’l. Mus. of Canada Dr. Charles J. Cole, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Dr. Ralph Dexter, Kent State Univ. Dr. William J. Emerson, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Dr. Dorothea S. Franzen, Dlinois Wesleyan Mr. Morris K. Jacobson, Rockaway Beach, NY Dr. Aurele LaRocque, Ohio State Univ. Dr. A. Byron Leonard, Univ. of Kansas Dr. Gerry L. Mackie, Univ. of Guelph Dr. Walter Miller, Tucson, AZ. Dr. Harold D. Murray, Trinity Univ. Dr. Joseph Rosewater, U.S. Nat’l. Mus. Dr. Carol Stein, Ohio State Univ. • i- . 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