BULLETIN du MUSÉUM NATIONAL d’HISTOIRE NATURELLE PUBLICATION BIMESTRIELLE zoologie 86 N° 112 JANVIER-FÉVRIER 1973 BULLETIN du MUSÉUM NATIONAL D’HISTOIRE NATURELLE 57, rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris Directeur : P r M. Vachon. Comité directeur : P rs Y. Le Grand, C. Lévi, J. Dorst. Rédacteur général : Dr. M.-L. Bauchot. Secrétaire de rédaction : M me P. Dupérier. Conseiller pour l’illustration : Dr. N. Halle. Le Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, revue bimestrielle, paraît depuis 1895 et publie des travaux originaux relatifs aux diverses branches de la Science. Les tomes 1 à 34 (1895-1928), constituant la l re série, et les tomes 35 à 42 (1929-1970), constituant la 2 e série, étaient formés de fascicules regroupant des articles divers. A partir de 1971, le Bulletin 3 e série est divisé en six sections (Zoologie — Botanique — Sciences de la Terre — Sciences de l’Homme — Sciences physico-chimiques — Écologie générale) et les articles paraissent, en principe, par fascicules séparés. S’adresser : — pour les échanges, à la Bibliothèque centrale du Muséum national d’His¬ toire naturelle, 38, rue Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, 75005 Paris (C.C.P., Paris 9062-62) ; — pour les abonnements et les achats au numéro, à la Librairie du Muséum 36, rue Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, 75005 Paris (C.C.P., Paris 17591-12 — Crédit Lyonnais, agence Y-425) ; — pour tout ce qui concerne la rédaction, au Secrétariat du Bulletin, 57, rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris. Abonnements pour l’année 1973 Abonnement général : France, 360 F ; Étranger, 396 F. Zoologie : France, 250 F ; Étranger, 275 F. Sciences de la Terre : France, 60 F ; Étranger, 66 F. Écologie générale : France, 60 F ; Étranger, 66 F. Botanique : France, 60 F ; Étranger, 66 F. Sciences physico-chimiques : France, 15 F ; Étranger, 16 F. International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) : 0027-4070. BULLETIN DU MUSÉUM NATIONAL D’HISTOIRE NATURELLE 3 e série, n° 112, janvier-février 1973, Zoologie 86 The Scoliid Types of Guérin-Méneville (Insecta : Hymenoptera : Scoliidae) by J. Chester Bradley * Résumé. — Dans cette note sont indiqués les holotypes ou les lectotypes des espèces de Scoliidae décrites par Guérin-Méneville et se trouvant dans les collections du Laboratoire d’Ento- mologie du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris. Abstract. — In this short paper is given a list of holotypes or lectotypes of the Scoliid species described by Guérin-Méneville and preserved in the collections of the Department of Entomo- logy in the National Muséum of Natural History, at Paris. The collection of Guérin-Méneville is in the Laboratoire d’Entomologie of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. I wish to thank the authorities of that Muséum, and I am indebted to the late M. Lucien Berland, for permission to study the Hymenoptera collections, and for many courtesies accorded me in 1929 and on subsé¬ quent occasions. The purpose of this paper is to détermine which specimens are holotypes and to esta- blish those that are to be lectotypes of the taxa of the species group, also to show what is believed to be the currently correct formula for each of the latter. I hâve placed a red HOLOTYPE or LECTOTYPE label on the pins of ail such specimens. I am indebted to my colleague Dr J. G. Betrem for critically reading the manuscript with especial attention to correcting the current formula for each taxon, and hâve given him crédit for such corrections as he has had to suggest. [Most of the species described by Guérin in this publication were not collected during the “ Voyage de la Coquille ”, but were put at his disposai by Petit de la Saussaye : S. affinis, S. apicalis, S. apicicornis, S. capitata, S. fasciatopunctata, S. petitii. In most cases Petit did not know where these scoliids were collected, in Sénégal or in India. Guérin stated (p. 250) that Petit had a large collection of insects and crustaceans and that he was too busy to study them himself. Petit is not mentioned in any publi¬ cation ; nor could Miss S. Kelner Pillault (Paris) find any information concerning him. The archives of the “ Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historié ” at Leiden, however, contain some information. Petit de la Saussaye lived in Paris, rue Neuve des Mathurins. There are letters from him, dated 1830-1837 ; furthermore lists of arthropods that he exchanged * 604, Highland Road, Ithaca, New York, 14 850, USA. 112 , 1 218 J. CHESTER BRADLEY with the muséum, e.g. a list of June 1837, in which he mentioned Coleoptera and Hemiptera from Brasil, Peru, Madagascar, Cayenne and Trinidad. J. G. Betrem], Abbreviations Betrem ’28. Treubia, v. 9 — Supplément, 1928. C.U. This indicates that I hâve compared with the type a specimen that is now in the collection of Corncll University. Voy. Coq. stands for « Voyage autour du monde sur la Corvette La Coquille ». The List of Taxa 1. Scolia affinis, <$, Ç. Voy. Coq., 1838 : 254. “ Sénégal ”, = Scolia ( Discolia ) affinis affinis Guérin. 1 Ç and 1 $ in the Paris Muséum are Guérin’s types. The Ç bears Guérin’s mss. label “ Scolia affinis Ç. Voy. Coquille Sénég. ” and on its reverse “ Scolia ruficornis Ç Sénég. ”. I hâve rnarked this specimen “ LECTOTYPE Its eyes are eaten out hy Dermestidae. Guérin at first took these specimens to be ruficornis , but subsequently decided to describe them as different. [The female and the male came from the collection of Petit de la Saussaye and should be from Sénégal according to the label. I studied the types in Paris (April 1966 and November 1970). There is no doubt that S. affinis is a senior synonym of S. jurinei Sauss., 1854, a species that is rather common in India, Ceylon, East Pakistan and probably in Birma, cf. Betrem, 1928 : 280. The older authors usually referred to it as S. aureipennis Lep., 1845. I saw the type of S. aureipennis Lep., at the Muséum of Turin in 1969. It is the black variety of S. castanea Perch., 1838 ; therefore S. jurinei is its valid name. Saussure & Sichel, 1864 : 86, n. 63, p. 109, stated that S. affinis and S. jurinei are synonyms. J. G. Betrem.] 2. Scolia ( Lacosi ) apicalis, Voy. Coq., 1838 : 247 and 254. Locality unknown, pro¬ bably Sénégal. “ Collection de M. Petit de la Saussaye ”. = Scolia ( Discolia ) apicalis Guérin. This species actually lives in Sénégal. The HOLOTYPE is in the Paris Muséum. It bears Guérin’s mss. label “ Scolia apicalis $ Guer. Voy. Coquille p... India ou Sénégal ”. It is the only specimen in the Guérin collection, but there are several others in the Sichel collection. 3. Scolia ( Lacosi ) apicicornis, $. Voy. Coq., 1838 : 253. “ Indes orientales, ou peut-être du Sénégal ”. = Scolia ( Discolia ) apicicornis Guérin. This species occurs in Sénégal ; Saussure saw the type in Guérin’s collection but I hâve not found it in Paris. 4. Scolia ( Scolia) capitata, <$. Voy. Coq., 1838 : 248. “ Indes orientales ou du Sénégal ”. = Austroscolia ruficeps ruficeps (Smith) Betr., n. comb. THE SCOLIID TYPES OF GUERIN-MÉNEVILLE 219 A male in the Paris Muséum bears Guérin’s mss. label “ Sc. capitata £ p.... Guer. Voy. Coquille I hâve labelled it HOLOTYPE. C.U. Scolia castanea Percheron. Although Dalla Torre and Bradley and Betrem both ascribe this taxon to Guérin and Percheron, the original description clearly states that it is by Percheron alone. It must therefore be eliminated from Guérin’s species. Scolia ( Cosila ) chilensis, $. Voy. Coq., 1838 : 247 and 249. “ Trouvée au Chili ”. I hâve no notes on the type of this species. It is not a scoliid. 5. Scolia ( Liacos ) dimidiata, Voy. Coq., 1838 : 247. “ N. Bourou = Liacos analis ancdis (Fabricius), Saussure and Sichel. The HOLOTYPE, a