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Ce . + . . iM iy 7 . -* Py - Bary POA wate . é, pd * 7 ‘ ie bas 4 ~ : . . . “ - e; isd : : : ae “ é . . oy , = + 5 ae - . ‘ + wm oe ah & e , et hae F nu ae é . , BRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS SAI1YVe daw) § Ga mD A Mas’ - yf a FS |= Ve Say = iy 2 COIN am : rns XY a Oren Zz — Pd agi tee ai I LALILSNI” NVINOSHLIWS SJIYVYSgIT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN_INSTITUTI a ae wo “5 ow “07 e XY \ 5 2 5 2 z; aes ES i > fa i D> ‘ 3a eS DS oe Bo) — a) Ay a Se mn o* mm \CAonS BRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S41] uy ‘\ ‘ 1) Zz w z 7) call s < = it < = mc y Y fey, 4 Fe + - ‘Yt fii, 2 (@) S = 2 Gf? = = ~ > = ~ >’ = > irs ee (7) os 2 (7p) ee JLOLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S3IYVYEIT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN i. oP Zz a ye ud Nn me 7) ep) = ac = = 4 9) m (op) INSTITUTION INSTITUTION Wo OLLOLILSNI NWINOSHLIWNS S3IYVYRIT LIBRARIES INSTITUTION SMITHSONIAN NVINOSHLINS S3iI¥VYaIT LIBRARIE SMITHSONIAN NVINOSHLIWS SMITHSONIAN SMITHSONIAN * IBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILALILSNI NVINOSHLINS Saluvul YW ‘3 (op) = _ gh Al % SW ne Pe) = a) m WY * a” : wn ‘ = fap) 5 < (ep) SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S31YVu! w za . YW i) palit = < = Dy = A a = 4%, S Z m) D 5 Uf fe - = = Zs 7 fee a: - 2 é zi 2 a SMITHSONIAN INSTITUT YS. SJIUVUAIT LIBRARIES Suu AY 4 1 OILALILSNI Zz a 3 SS = : — (2 he SS Ay sel Kp cata AS t 2 v as Ny, o 2 ie) —_ > ea 2 {a} eal \ SY . INSTITUTIO Saluvud! Y NVINOSHLIWS INSTITUTIO NOILNLILSNI S3AIYVY INSTITUTION SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTIO NVINOSHLINS S3lYVvugl ” = = a8: ie.) O a Sk z INSTITUTIO JON LILSNI ch < A f iy ay Ri “ eae i kyu’! 4 =, ws I , 4; Published monthly by the University of the State of New York BULLETIN 288 JUNE 1903 New York State Museum Freperick J. H. Merritt Director Bulletin 66 MISCELLANEOUS 2 INDEX TO PUBLICATIONS OF THE TEW YORK STATE NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY AND NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 1837-1902 ALSO INCLUDING OTHER NEW YORK PUBLICATIONS ON RELATED SUBJECTS BY MARY ELLIS Indexer University of the State of New York : PAGE PAGE IBretcenemee ns: .2\- 222 «=== <== an Bei) || JMO inches - ooo sn peohen ces oo 273 _ Abbreviations ....---------------- 2AOn |p SubieCEandexs. seb oemeee eee 304 List of publications .......--------- 241 | Index to genera and species of fossils. 527 ALBANY UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 1903 Price 75 cents Mxro5m-Jl2-3000 \GANSA- 1892 1878 1877 1877 1881 1881 1883 1885 1888 1890 1890 1893 1895 1895 1897 1900 IgOI . Igol 1go2 1903 1903 1903 1903 1888 1890 1890 University of the State of New York REGENTS With years of election WILLIAM CroswELL Doane D.D. LL.D. Chancellor, Albany WuirTeLtaw Reip M.A. LL.D. Vice Chancellor — |New York CHauncey M. Depew LL.D. = = = — New York CHarRtes EE. Firch LL.Bs M-A. L.B.D. — =) aRtochesran Wittiam H. Watson M.A. M.D. LL.D. = = Uittea Henry E. Turner LL.D. = - = = Lowville St Craik McKetway M.A. L.H.D. LL.D. D.C.L. Brooklyn DaniEL BEacH Ph.D. LL.D. — = - — Watkins CarRROLL EB. SMitH -LL.D. — = = - — Syracuse PiniNive we SEDO NG Eile e p= - _ — — Palmares T. GuILForD SmitH M.A. C.E. LL.D. = — Buffalo IeEWwise Ay STINSON -BeAa Sesh Vir See New York ALBERT VANDER VEER M.A. Ph.D. M.D. - — Albany CHARLES R. SKINNER M.A. LL.D. Superintendent of Public Instruction, ex officio CHESTER 5, LORD MAL cI De _ = Brooklyn Tuomas A. Henprick M.A. LL.D. — = — Rochester BENJAMIN B. ODELL jk LL.D Governor, ex officio ROBERT G2ePRUsN = MEARS = = = = — Albany Witiiam NottincHAM M.A. Ph.D — - = Syracuse Frank W. Hicerins Lieutenant Governor, ex officio Joun F. O’Brien Secretary of State, ex officio Cuarves A. GARDINER LL.B. M.A. Ph.D. 2 New York CHARLES S. Francis B.S. — = = - ito SECRETARY Elected by Regents 1900 JAMES RUSSELL Parsons jr M.A. LL.D. DIRECTORS OF DEPARTMENTS Meuvit Dewey M.A. LL.D. State Library and Home Education James RUSSELL Parsons JR M.A. LL.D. Administrative, College and High School Depts FREDERICK J. H. Merritt Ph.D. State Museum University of the State of New York New York State Museum FREDERICK J. H. Merritt Director Bulletin 66 MISCELLANEOUS 2 INDEX TO PUBLICATIONS OF THE NEW YORK STATE NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY AND NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 1837-1902 PREFACE The New York State Museum was established at the time of the final arrangement of the collectionsof the Natural History Survey of New York in 1848. An act of the Legislature placing the collections in the custody of the Regents of the University was passed May 10, 1845, and the first official report was pub- lished in 1848. In 1870 a law was passed establishing the mu- seum on a permanent basis. Till 1871 the museum was styled the State Cabinet of Natural History and appears thus on the titlepages of the early reports. For a description of the Natural History Survey of New York and the origin of the State Mu- seum, see Museum bulletin 19, p. 240-45, Museum bulletin 56, p. 5-10, University handbook 5, also Subject index under Natural History Survey, p. 442. The publications indexed are those of. the New York State Museum from 1848-1902 inclusive; also the annual reports of the early Natural History Survey, 1837-41; the final quarto reports | constituting the Natwral History of New York published 1842-94; papers on geology and entomology in the transactions of the QA0 NEW YORK sTATE MUSEUM New York State Agricultural Society, of the Albany Institute and in Regents reports; and entomological papers in reports of the Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Publications which will bear an imprint date later than 1902 are referred to as In press, or In preparation, and are not fully indexed. The later museum reports have two ‘sets of paging, the first being distinguished by the letter r prefixed to page numbers of the director’s report. Dates covered by a report are in curves, fol- lowed by dates of publication. Volume and page numbers are separated by a colon; e.g. 3:141 means volume 3, page 141. For explanatory matter referring particularly to the subject index, see p. 304. In the preparation of this bulletin, the indexer has received invaluable assistance from the State Museum staff, to whom cordial acknowledgmerts are made. Mary E Luis ABBREVIATIONS New York State Museum. Publications. 1848-1902. FLEW ONES! ayaveueteteiny eueney acts ccna cians cone ee ea haeieac is tees ee eee aa ee Mus. rep. : TER bd eq mb at eens cei cm ioe REREAD el A a AIS Sl, ’...Mus. bul. IY Ren nko an STRUM ra Shs eee Ee tl REAL Miata cana ab a. G5 Mus. mem. Geologist’s Teports .....). os So ak) sa) sed nee nes, «le oe ore ue GrCOlOMEEIOE Paleontolosistisereports, ame ate cena sisters ae Pal. rep. HntomolociStisereports sneer eee Ent. rep. Botanists Tem ORES vee sie.o. 0: caste ceuepoeuelie omete rier an ete) see Bot. rep. Natural History Survey. Annual reports. 1837-41. Mineralogy, sic cictesers Araceie ais: eect eras eee rls eer ne etme Min. rep. GeOlO sy isc Siscek len eRe IS MEER ee aed Nine erento Geol. rep. 1st dist. 66 9d ee 66 3d be oe 4th ‘“ AP RECOMLOLOSY va jeiseveve see soles Reese ee One COE eee Pal. rep. Natural History of New York. Final reports. 1842-94. OOO SY Cailsa halkuans oe SO Ce ee eee Zool. N. Y. BB OEAIY oie )od Oo icdhae oe ee peed Oe oe eee Bot. N. Y¥. Miner aloe y ies 8 anctil ches SADE Ce Seon eae Min. N. ¥. GROG has oS. bi wleee SR a e Geol. N. Y. BAST CME Meg Ree ie dic is UR ce red ea ea Ag. N. Y. d Eo2) eXona KO) (0) Aa Naa Heo Arnca oad Go nloeul, IN, WY, Illustrations of Devonian Fossils..................<.6 Ill. Dev. Foss. New York State Agricultural Society. Transactions..Ag. Soc. Trans. Jloebaby TS HUHNE! MURS CMONS, ca csocbocdsoocoo.coo0. Alb. Inst. Trans. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Any of the University publications will be sold in lots of 10 or more at 20¢ discount. When sale copies are exhausted, the price for the few reserve copies is advanced to that charged by secondhand booksellers to limit their distribution to cases of special need. Such prices are inclosed in brackets. All publications are in paper covers, unless binding is ‘specified. Museum annual reports for 1847-1990. 1848-1902. Price for all in print to 1892, 50 cents a volume, 75 cents in cloth; 1892- ‘date, 75 cents, cloth. These reports are made up of the reports of the director, geologist, paleontologist, botanist and entomologist, and museum bulletins and memoirs, issued as advance sections of the reports. 1 (for 1847) 1848. 33489415 p. O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 3-4; Account, p. 5; Donations 1847, p.6; Catalogue of Mammalia and Birds Ap. 11, 1818, p.7-20; Beck, L. C. Catalogue of Specimens in the Mineralogical Department of the Geological Survey, p.21-338; Hall, James. Catalogue of Specimens in the Geological Department of the Geological Survey, 39p.; Hall, James. Catalogue of Specimens in the Palaeontological Department of the Geological Survey, 15p. 2 (for 1848) 1849. 91p. 5pl. (lith) O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 9-12; Account, p. 13-14; Catalogue of Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes etc. added Ap. 11, 1848 to Jan. 1, 1849, p.15-23; Fitch, Asa. Catalogue of Insects Dec. 1, 1848, p.25-39; Torrey, John. Catalogue of Plants of the State of New York, of which Specimens are preserved in the Cabinet at Albany, p.41-64; List of Minerals, Geological Specimens and Fossils added 1847 and 1848, p.65-70; Catalogue of the historical and antiquarian collection, p.71-79; Morgan, L. H. Communications from, p. 81-91; Ground Plans and Dimensions of Several Trench Inclosures in Western New York or Fort Hills, 5 pl. “2 (for 1849) 1850. 175p. illus. 28pl. (lith.) O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 9-12; Account, p. 14-16; Catalogue of Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fishes ete. added Jan. 1, 1849 to Jan. 1, 1850, p.17-26; List of Minerals, Geological Specimens and Fossils added Jan. 1, 1849 to Jan. 1, 1850, p.27-46;, Additions to the Historical and Antiquarian Collection, Jan. 1, 1849 to Jan. 1, 1850, p.47-60; Catalogue of Reptiles and Amphibians Jan. 1, 1850, p.61-64; Morgan, L. H. Report upon Articles Furnished the Indian Collection, p.65-97, 18 pl.; Hough, F. B. Ancient Remains of Art in Jefferson and St a4 preliminary edition of 97 p. was also issued. 242 3 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Lawrence Counties, p.99-105, 5 pl.; Beck, L. C. Mineralogy of New York, p.107-51; References to Hssays and Writings on the Natural His- tory of New York, p.153-56; Index to Volumes in the State Cabinet containing the Plants of New York, p.157-66; Hall, James. New Species. of Fossils from the Trenton Limestones, p.167-75. 5 pl. rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. 1838p. 28 pl. (lith.) O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p.9-12; Catalogue of Quadrupeds, Birds, s Reptiles, Amphibians, Fishes etc. added Jan. 1, 1849 to Jan. 1, 1850, p.15-24; Catalogue of Reptiles and Amphibians Jan. 1, 1850, p.25-28; List of Minerals, Geological Specimens and Fossils added Jan. 1, 1849: to Jan. 1, 1850, p.29-48; Additions to the Historical and Antiquarian Collection Jan. 1, 1849 to Jan. 1, 1850, p.49-62; Morgan, L. H. Report upon Articles Furnished to the Indian Collection, p.63-95. 18pl.;. Hough, F. B. Ancient Remains of Art in Jefferson and St Lawrence Counties, p. 99-105. 5 pl.; Beck, L. C. Mineralogy of New York, p. 109-53; References to Essays and Writings on the Natural History of New York, p.155-60; Index to Volumes in the State Cabinet containing the Plants of New York, p.161-72; Hall, James. New Species of Fos- sils from the Trenton Limestones, p. 173-88. 5 pl. (for 1850) 1851. 146 p. illus. 5 pl. (lith.) O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 9-12; Account, p. 14-16; Catalogue of 5 Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians etc. added Jan. 1, 1850 to Jan. 1, 1851, p.17-41; Fitch, Asa. Catalogue of Insects collected and ar- ranged, p.43-69; Botany, p.71; List of Minerals, Geological Specimens and Fossils added Jan. 1, 1850 to Jan. 1, 1851, p.73-90; Additions to the Historical and Antiquarian Collection Jan. 1, 1850 to Jan. 1, 1851, p.91- 101; Hough, F. B. Notices of Ancient Remains of Art in Jeffer- son and St Lawrence Counties, p.103-9. 5 pl.; Salisbury, J: H. Analysis of a Specimen of Hematitic Iron Ore, p.111; References to various Writings relating to the Natural History of New York that have appeared during the Year, p.113-16; Hall, James. Catalogue of Speci- mens of the Rocks and Fossils in the Gray Sandstone, Medina Sand- stone, Clinton Group, Niagara Group, Onondaga Salt Group, and a Part of the Water-lime Group, p.117-42; Memorandum of Drawers and Boxes of Fossils, p.148-46. (for 1851) 1852. 117p. illus. 22pl. (lith.) O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 9-10; Account, p. 12-14; Catalogue of Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fishes ete. added Jan. 1, 1851 to Jan. 1, 1852, p.15-34. 2 pl.; Catalogue of Minerals, Geological Specimens and Fossils added Jan. 1, 1851 to Jan. 1, 1852, p.35-43; Additions to the Historical and Antiquarian Collection Jan. 1, 1851 to Jan. 1, 1852, p.45-54; References to various Writings relating to the - Natural History of New York that have appeared during 1851, p.55-57; Meriam, HE. Description of the Means employed to Remove the Rocks at Hellgate by Submarine Engineering, p.59-64; Materials: belonging to the State, which have been used in Publishing the Natural History and the Annual Reports of the Regents received since Feb. 12, 1851, p.65-66; Morgan, L. H. Report on the Fabrics, Inventions, Implements and Utensils of the Iroquois, made Jan. 22, 1851, p.67-117. 20 pl. 6 LISLE OF PUBLICATIONS 243 (for 1852) 1858. 35 p. 0. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 7-8; Gebhard, John, jr. Statement wT 4 and Proposal of, p.9-11; Catalogue of the Cabinet of Fossils of John Gebhard jr, p.12-13; Account, p.14-15; Catalogue of Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians ete. added Jan. 1, 1852 to Jan. 1, 1853, p.17-24; Catalogue of Minerals, Geological Specimens and Fossils added Jan. 1, 1852 to Jan. 1, 1858, p.25-28; Fossils which were Part of Gebhard Col- lection delivered by Hall to the Curator of the State Cabinet, p.29-30; Miscellaneous, p.31-32; Additions to the Historical and Antiquarian Collection Jan. 1, 1852 to Jan. 1, 1853, p.33-35. (for 1853) 1854. 128p. illus. 2pl. (lith.) O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p.7-9; Account, p.10-11; Catalogue of $ Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fishes etc. added Jan. 1, 1853 to Jan. 1, 1854, p.138-26; Catalogue of Mollusca, Crustacea, ete. added Jan. 1, 1853 to Jan. 1, 1854, p.27-42; Additions to the Botanical Department Jan. 1, 18538 to Jan. 1, 1854, p.43-50; List of Minerals, Geological Specimens and Fossils added Jan. 1, 1853 to Jan. 1, 1854, p.51-65; Additions to the Historical and Antiquarian Collection Jan. 1, 1853 to Jan. 1, 1854, p.67-72; Catalogue of Indian Relics, p.73-77; Cook, G. H. On the Nature of Specimens of Salt and Salt Water pre- sented by him with an Analysis, p.79-93; Baird, S. EF. On the Serpents of New York, p.95-124, 2pl.; Order of Publication of the Volumes of Natural History of New York, p.125; Materials to be used in Com- pleting the Publication of the Natural History, p.127. (for 1854) 1855. 69p. pl. (lith.) O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 7-8; Account, p. 9-10; Catalogue of 9 Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes etc. added Jan. 1, 1854 to Jan. 1, 1855, p.13-22; List of Minerals, Geological Specimens and Fossils added Jan. 1, 1854 to Jan. 1, 1855, p.23-31; Additions to the Historical and Antiquarian Collection Jan. 1, 1854 to Jan. 1, 1855, p.33-39; Materials to be used in Completing the Publication of the Natural History, p.41-44; Miscellaneous, p. 45-48; DeKay, J. HE. Catalogue of the Fishes Inhabiting the State of New York, p. 49-69. (for 1855) 1856. 64 p. illus. O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p.7-8; Account, p.9; Catalogue of Birds, 10 Reptiles, Amphibians, Fishes and Shells added Jan. 1, 1855 to Jan. 1, 1856, p.11-38; List of Minerals, Geological Specimens and Fossils added Jan. 1, 1855 to Jan. 1, 1856, p.89-48; Additions to the Historical and Antiquarian Collection Jan. 1, 1855 to Jan. 1, 1856, p.49-60; Materials to be used in Completing the Publication of the Paleontology, p.61-63. (for 1856) 1857. 190p. illus. 0. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p.7-8; Account, p.9; Addresses delivered at the Inauguration of the State Geological Hall, p.11-28; Catalogue of Fossils collected by Jewett, p.29-37; Hall, James. Descriptions of Palaeozoic Fossils, p.39-180; Hall, James. On the Genus Tellinomya and Allied Genera, p. 181-86; Miscellaneous, p. 187-90. QA4 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 11 (for 1857) 1858. 44p. O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 7-9; Account, p. 10; Catalogue of Geological Specimens from England, p.11-36; Catalogue of Shells, p.37T- 42; Catalogue of Fossils, p.43; Miscellaneous Contributions, p.44. 12) (for 1858) 1859) 111 pr illus: 10: Contents: Report of Chancellor, p.3-4; Account, p.5; Hall, James. Con- tributions to the Palaeontology of New York, p.7-96, 110; Donations and Purchases during 1858, p.97-109; Note on the genus Ambonychia, p.110. 18 (for 1859) 1860. 128p. illus. 24 pl. (ith.) map. ©: Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 5-6; Account, p. 7-8; Catalogue of Mammalia, Birds, Reptiles and Fishes added Jan. 1, 1859 to Jan. 1, 1860, p.11-14; List of Deficiencies in Mammalia, Birds, Reptiles and Amphibia Inhabiting the State, p.15-16; Additions to the Cabinet, prin- cipally Fossils, p.17-18; List of Geological and Mineralogical Specimens donated by T. A. Cheney, p.19; Donations to the Historical and Anti- quarian Collection from T. A. Cheney, p.20; Catalogue of the Reigen Collection of Mazatlan Mollusca presented by P. P. Carpenter, p.21-86; Cheney, T. A. Ancient Monuments in Western New York, p.37-52. 24 pl.; Hall, James. Contributions to Palaeontology, 1858 and 1859, p.53- 125; Supplementary Note on Palaeontology of New York v.3, p.126-28. 14 (for 1860) 1861. 109p. 20pl. (ith. 0. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 7-8; Account, p. 9-10; Catalogue of Additions Jan. 1, 1860 to Jan. 1, 1861, p.18-15; Lincklaen, Ledyard. Guide to the Geology of New York and to the State Geological Cabinet, p.17-85, 20 pl.; Hall, James. Contributions to the Palaeontology of New York, p. 87-110. 15 (for iSG1) 1862. 198p. illus. ipl. (lith.) 0. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 7; Account, p. 9; Donations Jian. 1, 1861 to Jan. 1, 1862, p. 13; Catalogue of Shells from John G. Anthony, p.15-21; Catalogue of Shells contributed from the Duplicates collected by the Exploring Expedition by Prof. Henry, p.23-25; Hall, James. Contributions to Palaeontology, p.27-197. 11 pl.; Jewett, Hzekiel. Letter regarding Fossils of the Chemung group, p.198. 16 (for 1862) 1863. 226p. illus. 16pl. (lith.) O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p.7; Account, p.9; Donations 1862, p.13- 14; Catalogue of Collections made by the Curator 1862, p.15; Danker, H. A. List of Birds of New York noticed in Maine June 1862, p.15-16;. Hall, James. Contributions to Palaeontology, p.17-226. 16 pl.; Bruyas, Jacques. Radical Words of the Mohawk Language, 123 p. 17 (for 1863) 1864. 60p. O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 5-6; Report of Secretary of Regents, p.9-11; List of Deficiencies, p.12-19; Donations 1863, p.20-21; Cata- logue of Additions made by the Curator 1863, p.22-23; Additions 1863 acquired by Purchase, p.23; Clinton, G. W. Plants of Buffalo and its Vicinity, p. 24-35; Meteorological Observations, p. 36-45; Annual Me- teorological Synopsis for 1863, p. 46-49; Hall, James. Contributions to the Palaeontology of New York, p.50-60. 18 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 245 (for 1864) 1865. 2831p. illus. 2pl.(phot.) O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 5-7; Additions 1864, p. 11-16; Ward, 19 H. A. Wadsworth Gallery of Casts of Fossil Animals, p. 17-52. 2 pl.; Paine, J. A. Catalogue of Plants found in Oneida County and Vicinity, p. 53-192; Peck, C. H. Catalogue of Mosses, p. 198-96; Clinton, G. W. Flora of the State, p. 197-205; Results of Meteorological Obser- yations, p. 207-31. (for 1865) 1866. S0p. 0. Contents: Report of Chaneellor, p. 5-7; Special Report of the Regents 20 in Relation to the State Cabinet of Natural History, p. 8-832; Account, p. 33; Additions 1865, p. 39-41; Peck, C. H. List of Mosses, p. 42-70; List of Plants for State Herbarium collected by H. B. Lord, p.71; Clinton, G. W. Flora of the State, p. 72-80. (for 1866) 1867. 410p. illus. 21pl. (ith) 0. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 5-8; Account, p. 11; Additions 1866, p.15-18; Catalogue of Shells presented by Smithsonian Institution, p.19-54; List of Specimens in the Heonomie Collection, p.55-57; Cata- logue of Books in the Library, p.59-61; Wilson, W. D. Local Clima- tology, p.63-106; Meteorological Observations, p.107-40; Whitfield, R. P. Observations on the Internal Appendages of the Genus Atrypa, p. 141- 44, 1 pl.; Notice of v.4 of the Palaeontology of New York, p.145-68; Hall, James. Introduction to the Study of the Graptolitidae, p.169-239; Hall, James. Contributions to Palaeontology, p.240-401. 16 pl.; aHali, James. Notes upon the Geology of some Parts of Minnesota; Note upon the Structure of the Mountain Region in the Northern Part of Georgia and Alabama, and the Adjacent Parts of Tennessee; Note upon the Geological Relations of the Oil-bearing Strata of Canada West; Peck, C. H. Flora of the State, p.403-10. 620 rev. ed. (for 1866) 1868; isswed 1870. 447p. illus. 23pl.-(lith.) Q. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 9-12; Account, p.15; Additions 1866, 21 p.17-20; Catalogues of Shells presented by Smithsonian Institution, p.21-60; List of Specimens in Hconomiec Collection, p.61-63; Catalogue of Books 1866, p. 64-66; Wilson, W. D. Local Climatology, p. 67- 106; Results of Meteorological Observations, p. 107-41; Peters, C. H. F. Longitude of Western Boundary Line of State of New York, p. 148-57: Peck, C. H. Flora of the State, p. 159-66; Whitfield, R. P. Observa- tions on the Internal Appendages of the Genus Atrypa, p. 167-72. 1 pl.; Notice of y. 4 of Palaeontology of New York, p. 173-99; Hall, James. Introduction to the Study of the Graptolitidae, p. 201-75. 4 pl.; Hall, James. Contributions to Palaeontology, p.277-345; Hall, James. New or Little Known Species of Fossils from Rocks of the Age of the Niagara Group, p. 347-488. 17 pl. (for 1867) 1871. 7+190p. illus. 9pl.(phot.)4 maps. 0. Contents: Report of Chancellor, pref. p. 5-6; Account, pref. p. 7; Report a of Curator, p. 5-12; Additions 1867, p. 13-19; Schedule of Contents of Titles of these three papers appear in the table of contents, but the papers were never published, except the first which was printed in the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. 1869. 13:329-41. 6300 copies printed. 246 39 onl el NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Pickett Collection, p. 20-21; Report of Botanist, p. 23-24; Morgan, L. H. Stone and Bone Implements of the Arickarees, p. 25-46. 6 pl.; Hunt, T. S. On the Mineralogy of the Laurentian Limestones of North America, p. 47-98; Hall, James. Cohoes Mastodon, p. 99-148. 2pl. 4 maps; Index to Reports 1-20 Hxclusive of Geclogic and Palaeontologie Papers, p. 149-90. (for 1868) 1869. 74113 p.map. O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, pref. p. 5; Account, pref. p. 6; Report of 23 Curator, p.1-7; Additions 1868, p.9-16; Aldrich, T. H. Partial List of Shells found near Troy, N. Y., p.17-24; Report of Botanist, p.25-106; Merriam, C. lL. Meteorological Report, p. 107-8; Hough, F. B. Harly Observations upon Magnetic Variations, p. 109-13. (for 1869) 1873. 94+252p. 14pl. (ith. 0. Contents: Report of Chancellor, pref. p. 7-8; Account, pref. p. 9; Report 24 of Curator, p. 5-15; Additions 1869, p. 17-26; Report of Botanist, p. 27- 135. 6 pl.; Lintner, J. A. Entomological Contributions, p. 137-216. 2 pl.; Speyer, A. On Cucullia Intermedia n. sp. and C. Lucifuga W. V., p. 217-22; Hall, James & Whitfield, R. P. Descriptions of Devonian Fossils, p. 223-48. 4 pl.; Hall, James. New or Imperfectly Known Forms among the Brachiopoda, p. 244-47. 2 pl.; Hall, James. Reply to a Note on a Question of Priority, p. 248-52. (for 1870) 1872. 7+232p. 9pl. (lith.) 0. Contents: Report of Chancellor, pref. p. 5; Account, pref. p. 7; Report - 25 of Director, p.5-16; Additions 1870, p.17-32; List of Mounted Fishes, p. 33-37; List of Fishes Received from the Smithsonian Institution in 1865, p. 39-40; Report of Botanist, p. 41-108. 4 pl.; Lintner, J. A. Hnto- mological Contributions no. 2, p. 109-70; Colvin, Verplanck. Ascent of Mt Seward and its Barometrical Measurement, p. 171-80. 1 pl.; Hall, James & Whitfield, R. P. New Species of Fossils from the Vicinity of Louisville, Kentucky, and the Falls of the Ohio, p. 181-200a. 5 pl. in 27th rep.; Hall, James & Whitfield, R. P. Some Peculiar Impres- sions in Sandstone of Chemung Group, p. 201-4; Hall, James. New Species of Crinoidea and other Fossils from Strata of the Age of the Hudson River Group and Trenton Limestone, p. 205-24. 3 pl.; Hall, James. New Species of Fossils from: the Hudson River Group in the Vicinity of Cincinnati, Ohio, p. 225-32. 1 pl. (for 1871) 1873. 74123p. 2pl. (lith. O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, pref. p. 7; Report of Director, p. 5-133 26 Additions 1871, p.15-26; Contents of Gebhard Collection, p.27-33; Long Island Mollusca presented, p.35-38; Catalogue of Huropean Shells presented by the Smithsonian Institution in 1869, p. 39-55; Report of Botanist, p. 57-128. 2 pl. (for 1872) 1874. 64192 p. illus. O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, pref. p. 5-6; Report of Director, p. 5-15; Additions 1872, p.17-25; List of Iron Ores in Economic Collection, p.27- 30; Record of Borings of Gardner Oil Well no. 3 at Hast Shamburg, Pennsylvania, p. 31-33; Report of Botanist, p. 35-91; Hall, James. Descriptions of Bryozoa and Corals of the Lower Helderberg Group, p. 93-116; Lintner, J. A. Entomological Contributions no. 3, p. 117-92. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS QAT 27 (for 1873) 1875. 74+148p. pl. (lith.) map. O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, pref. p. 7; Report of Director, p. 5-21; Additions 1873, p.23-40; List of Rock Specimens from Cumberland, Eng. p.41-42; List of Land and Fresh Water Shells presented by T. H. Aldrich, p. 48-46; List of Gould types of Mollusca in Museum Collec- tion, p. 47-55; List of Building Stones in Heonomie Collection, p.57-71; Report of Botanist, p. 73-116, 2 pl.; Hall, James. The Niagara and Lower Helderberg Groups; their Relations and Geographical Distribu- tion, p. 117-31; Hall, James. Descriptions of New Species of Gonia- titidae, p.132-86; Lintner, J. A. Entomological Contributions, p.137-48. 28 (for 1874) 1879. 7+210p. 387pl. (lith.) O. (State Museum ed.) Contents: Report of Chancellor, pref. p. 7; Report of Director, p. 5-16; Additions 1874, p.17-80; Report of Botanist, p.31-88. 2 pl.; Walcott, C. D. Discovery of the Remains of the Natatory and Branchial Ap- pendages of Trilobites, p. 89-92; Walcott, C. D. New Species of Fossils from the Trenton Limestone, p. 93-97; Hall, James. Fauna of the Niagara Group in Central Indiana, p. 99-203. 32 pl.; Sonre Remarkabie Crinoidal Forms from the Lower Helderberg: Group, p. 205-10. 3 pl. 29 (for 1875) 1878. 82p.2pl. (lith.) 0. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 7; Report of Director, p. 11-18; Addi- tions 1875, p. 19-28; Report of Botanist, p. 29-82. 2pl. 30 (for 1876) 1878. 74256 p. 4 pl. (lith.) O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, pref. p. 7; Report of Director, p. 5-12; Additions 1876, p. 18-22; Report of Botanist, p. 23-78. 2 pl.; Leeds, A. R. Lithology of the Adirondacks, p. 79-109; Hall, J. W. & Fritz-Gaert- ner, R. On the Structure of Astraeospongia meniscus, p.111-16. 1 pl.; Lintner, J. A. Entomological Contributions no. 4, p.117-254; Hiall, James. Genus Plumalina, p.255-56. 1 pl. $1 (for 1877) 1879. 6478p. 1pl. (lith.) O.. Contents: Report of Chancellor, pref. p.4; Report of Director, p.5-10; Additions 1877, p. 11-17; Report of Botanist, p. 19-60; Walcott, C. D. Some Sections of Trilobites from the Trenton Limestone, p. 61-65. 1 pl.; Walcott, C. D. Eggs of the Trilobite, p. 66-67; Walcott, C. D. New Species of Fossils from the Chazy and Trenton Limestones, p.68-71; Fritz-Gaertner, R. Phlogopyte, p. 72-78. ‘32 (for 1878) 1879. 7+176 p.. O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, pref. p.7; Report of Director, p.5-9; Additions 1878, p. 10-16; Report of Botanist, p. 17-72; Peck, C. H. Mosses of Caledonia Creek, p. 73-74; Lintner, J. A. Insects and Other Animal Forms of Caledonia Creek, N. Y., p. 75-99; Webster, H. E. Annelida chaetopoda of New Jersey, p.101-28; Walcott, C. D. New Species of Fossils from the Calciferous Formation, p. 129-31; Hall, C,. E. Laurentian Magnetic Iron Ore Deposits in Northern New York, p. 153-40; Hall, James. Bryozca and Corals of the Lower Helderberg Group, p. 141-76. 33 (for 1879) 1880. 49p. 2pl. (lith.) O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 3-4; Report of Director, p. 5-10; Re- port of Botanist, p. 11-49. 2 pl. 948 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 34 (for 1880)1881. 58p. 4pl. (ith) 0. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 3-4; Report of Director, p. 5-12; Ad- ditions 1880, p.13-19; Additions to the Library 1880, p.20-25; Report. of Botanist, p. 24-58. 4 pl. 35 (for 1881) 1884. 481 p. 30 pl. (ith) map. O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 5-6; Report of Director, p. 7-11; Ad- ditions 1881, p.13-18; Distribution of Duplicate Fossils and Minerals, p.19-27; List of Species in each of Ten Duplicate Collections of Fossils. for High Schools and Academies, p.29-32; wist of Species and Specimens. of Cephalopoda, p.33-66; Crinoidea from Tentaculite Limestone, p.67; List of Unionidae'of the Gould Collection, p.68-81; List of Unionidae of the New York State Collection, p.82-83; List of Unionidae of the General Collection, p.84-101; List of Land Shells of the New York State Collection, p.102-6; List of Corbiculadae of the New York State Col- lection, p.107; List of Land Shells of the United States in the Museum Collection, p.108-11; List of Shells presented in 1875 by Dr James Lewis, p.112-17; Statistics Relating to the State Museum, as compiled. from the Report made to the Tenth Census of the United States Jan. 4, 1882, p. 118-19; Hall, J. W. Machinery and Methods of Cutting Speci- mens of Rocks and Fossils, p.121-24. 2pl.; Report of Botanist, p.125- 64; De Tarr, D. N. List of the Rhizopoda found in the Vicinity of Albany, N. Y., p. 165-67; Simpson, G. B. Anatomy and Physiology of. Anodonta fluviatilis, p.169-91; 11 pl.; Wright, S. H. Aboriginal Work on Bluff Point, Yates co. N. Y., p. 193-94. 1 pl.; Wright, B. H. Geology of Yates County, N. Y., p. 195-206. 8 pl.; Walcott, C. D. New Species of Fossils from the Trenton Group of New York, p. 207-14. 1 pl.; Hall, James. Lamellibranchiate Shells of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton. and Chemung Groups, p. 215-406¢g; Hall, James. Fossil Gomis from the Niagara and Upper Helderbers Group, p. 407-64. 8 pl; Hall, James. Species of Fossil Reticulate Sponges Constituting the Family Dictyospongidae, p.465-82. 4pl. 86 (for 1882) 1883. 94p. 6pl. (lith.) O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 7-8; Report of Director, p. 9-15; Ad- 3 ( ditions 1882, p. 17-20; List of Niagara fossils from Waldron,. Indiana, p.21-25; List of Genera and Species of Brachiopoda of which Sections have been prepared for the Microscope, p.26; Report of Botanist, p.27- 49; Beecher, C. EH. Some Abnormal and Pathologic Forms of Hresh- water Shells from the Vicinity of Albany, N. Y., p. 51-55. 2 pl.; Hall). James. Bryozoa of the Hamilton Group, p. 57-72; Hall, James. On the: Structure of the Shell in the Genus Orthis, p. 73-75. 2 pl.; Hall, James. New Species of Stylonurus from the Catskill Group, p. 76-17. 1 pl.; Beecher, C. H. List of Species of Fossils from an Hxposure of Utica: Slate and Associated Rocks within the Limits of the City of Albany, p.-78; Murray, David, comp. Catalogue of the Published Works of James Hall, p. 79-94; Illustration of Cryptozo6n, pl.6. 7 (for 1883) 1884. 6Sp. O. Contents: Report of Vice-chancellor, p. 7-9; Act to regulate the State Museum and the Publication of the Palaeontology of the State, p. 11-125. Contract between the State of New York by the Trustees of the State LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 249) Museum and Charles H. Van Benthuysen, p. 12-16; Contract between the State of New York by the Trustees of the State Museum and James: Hall, State Geologist, p.16-18; Report of Director, p.19-24; Current Work, p.25; Additions 1883, p.27-31; Catalogue of Translucent Sections. of Rocks and Fossils, p.33-48; Report of Entomologist, p.47-60; aRe- port of Botanist, p. 63-68. 38 (for 1884) 1885. 138p. 3pl. (lith.) 0. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 3-5; Report of Director, p. 7-15; Ad- ditions 1884, p.16-20; List of Minerals in the General Collection, p- 21-60; Report of Geologist, p. 61-65; Report of Entomologist, p. 67-76: Report of Botanist, p. 77-138. 3 pl. 39 (for 1885) 1886. 229p. 12pl. (lith.) map. O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 7-8; Report of Director, p. 9-14; Ad- ditions 1885, p. 15-29; Report of Blotanist, p. 30-738. 2 pl.; Report of Entomologist, p. 77-125; Simpson, G. B. Anatomy of the Snail, p. 127. 1 pl.; Webster, H. EH. Annelida chaetopoda of New Jersey, p.128-59. 7 pl.; Hall, James. Obscure Organisms in Roofing Slates of Washing- ton County, N. Y., p. 160. 1 pl.; Beecher, C. E. A Spiral Bivalve Shell from the Waverly Group of Pennsylvania, p. 161-63. 1 pl.; Smock, J. C. Crystalline Rock Region of Dutchess, Putnam and Westchester Coun- ties, N. Y., p. 166-85; Hall, James. Building Stones, p. 186-225; Report of Geologist, p. 226-29. 40 (for 1886) 1887. 163 p. 0. Contents: Report of Vice-chancellor, p. 5-8; Report of Director, p. 11-19; Additions 1886, p. 21-34: Smock, J. C. Report of Field Work for 1886, p. 35-36; Report of Botanist, p. 37-77; Report of, Entomologist. p. 79- 154; Report of Geologist, p. 155-63 (Supplement to Geol. rep. 6). 41 (for 1887) 1888. 410p.illus. 9pl. (lith) map. O. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 9-11; Report of Director, p. 13-25; Ad- ditions 1887, p.27-34; Additions to Library, p.35-43; Catalogue of Gems and Precious Stones, p.44-48; Report of Botanist, p.49-122. 1 pl.; Re- port of Entomologist, p. 123-358; Report of Geologist, p. 359-410, 8 pl. Contents of Geol. rep. 7 in Mus. rep. 41: Palaeontology of New York, v. 6, p. 361-78; Beecher, C. HE. Synoptical Table of the Genera and Species. described in v.6 of the Palaeontology of New York, p. 363-75: Synop- Sis of Contents of Palaeontology of New York v. 7, p. 378-80; Hall, James. Palaeontology of New York vy. 8, p. 381-82; Beecher, C. E. Statement of Condition of Work on Brachiopecda, Palaeontology of New York, v. 8, p. 383-84; Beecher, C. E. Lamellibranchiata, List of Genera L[lus. and not Illus. on Plates of Geol. Rep. for 1882, p.385-87; Clarke, J. M. Supposed Mastodon Bones Found at Attica, N. Y., p. 388-90. 1 pl.; Hall, James. Description of New Species of Fenestellidae of the Lower Helderberg; with explanation of plates illus. species of the Hamilton group, described in Geol. rep. for 1886, p, 391-410. 8 pl. 42 (for 1888) 1889. 496p. illus. 3pl. (lith.) 0. Contents: Report of Chancellor, p. 9-13; Report of Director, p. 17-36. 1 pl.; Report of Assistant in Charge, p. 37-49; Additions to Collections, _ aTitles of four articles are enumerated but not printed here. The articles appear its Mus. bul. 2. 250 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM p.50-64; Additions to Library, p.65-74; Murray, David. Catalogue of Publ'shed Works of James Hall, p.75-97; Report of Botanist, p.99-144. 2 pl.; Report of Hntomologist, p. 145-347; Report of Geologist, p. 349- 496. Contents of Geol. rep. 8 in Mus. rep. 42: Report of Geologist, p. 351-402; Palaeontology of New York, v.7, p. 851-69; List of Type Specimens of Devonian Crustacea described in Palaeontology of New York vy. 7, in the Possession of Museum, p. 370-73; Palaeontology of New York v. 8, p. 378-88; Clarke, J. M. Genera of the Palaeozoic Brachiopoda, p. 389- 92; List of Microscopic Sections of Brachiopoda, p.392-93; List of Preparations for y. 8, p.393-94; List of Plates of Brachiopoda, p.394-95; Schuchert, Charles. List of Fossils in the Oriskany Sandstone of Mary- land, New York and Ontario, p. 396-400; Clarke, J. M. Genus Bron- teus in the Chemung Rocks, p.403-5; Clarke, J. M. List of Species Constituting the known Fauna and Flora of Marcellus Epoch in N. Y., p. 406-7; Clarke, J. M. Hercynian Question, p. 408-37; Bishop, I. P. Locality of Flint Implements in Wyoming County, N. Y., p. 488-40; Catalogue of Specimens Representative of the Taconic System, p.441- 44; List of Plates, Drawings, names of Draughtsmen and Lithograph- ers for Palaeontology of New York v.5, pt 1 and 2, v. 7 and 8, p.445- 49; Record of Locality Numbers, p. 450-96. 43 (for 1889) 1890. 274p. illus. 4pl. (lith. map. O. Contents: Report of Assistant in Charge, p. 11-20; Additions to collec: tions, p. 21-37; Additions to Library, p. 37-47; Report of Botanist, p. 49- 97. 4 pl.; Report of Entomologist, p.99-205; Report of Geologist, p. 207-74. ; Contents of Geol. rep. 9 in Mus. rep. 43: Report of Geologist, p. 209-27; Palaeontology of New York v. 8, p. 209-18; Geological Map of the State of New York, p. 218-27; Hall, James. Fossil Dictyospongidae of the Devonian and Carboniferous Formations, p. 227-29; Schuchert, Charles. On Syringothyris, Winchell, and its American Species, p.2380-39; Schuchert, Charles. ‘List of Species of the American Palae- ozoic Orthis, Spirifera, Spiriferina and Syringothyris, p.240-57; Hall, James. New Forms of Dictyospongidae from the Rocks of the Che- mung Group, p.258-62; Record of Locality Numbers, p.263-74. 44 (for 1890) 1892. 405 p. illus. 12 pl. (lith.) O. . Contents: Report of Director, p. 11-16; Report of Assistant in Charge, p.17-21; Additions to Collections, p.22-26; List of Catalogues of Shells published in Former Annual Reports, p.27; Catalogue of Mounted Mammals in the Collection, Sep. 30, 1890, p.28-30; Catalogue of the Col- lection of Mammalian Osteology, p.31-33; Report of Geologist, p.35-114, 5pl.; Report of Botanist, p. 115-87. 4 pl.; Report of Entomologist, p. 197-405, 3 pl. Contents of Geol. rep. 10 in Mus. rep. 44: Report of Geologist, p. 37-55; Palaeontology of New York vy. 8, p. 37-44; Clarke, J. M. Genera of the Palaeozoic Brachiopoda, p.45-48; Original Drawings for Palaeontol- ogy of New York yv.8, p. 49; List of Figures for v. 8, p.49-51; Lists of Microscopie Sections of Brachiopoda, p.52-53; Clarke, J. M. Report of Assistant Palaeontologist, p.59-61; List of Accessions to the Depart- 45 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 25% ment of Palaeontology, p. 62-64; Hall, James. Descriptions of Bryo- zoa, p. 65-87; Clarke, J. M. Genus Acidaspis, p. 91-101. 3 pl.; Clarke, J. M. Coronura aspectans, p.105-9. 1 pl.; Clarke, J. M. Terataspis grandis, p.111-14, 1 pl.; (Additional papers.in geologist’s edition). (for 1891) 1892. 616p.illus. 2pl. (phot.) map. O. Contents: Report of Director, p. 11-18; Report of Assistant Director, p. 14; Report of Assistant Zoologist, p. 15-19; Additions to Collections, p. 20-28; Catalogue of Muricidae, p. 29-45; Marshall, W. B. A Deposit of Marl and Peat in the Town of New Baltimore, p. 46-52; Bishop, I. P. Salt Industry of Central New York, p. 53-61; Report cf Botanist, p. 63-102; Report of Entomologist, p. 103-320. 2 pl.; Report of Geologist, p. 321-616. Contents of Geol. rep. 11 in Mus. rep. 45: Report of Geologist, p. 323-45; 46 Livonia Salt Shaft, p. 326-28; Palaeontology of New York, v.8, p. 828- 29; Clarke, J. M. List of Preparations of Spirals, Loops and Hinge- plates for v.8, pt2, p.330-31; List of Genera of Palaeozoic Brachiopoda, p.331-87; Additions to Palaeontological Collections, p. 338-44; Clarke, J. M. Catalogue of the Collection of Geological and Palaeontological Specimens Donated by the Albany Institute, p.347-69; Clarke, J. M. Report of Assistant Palaeontologist, p. 370-71; Clarke, J. M. List of Original and Illustrated Specimens in the Palaeontological Collections, pt 1, Crustacea, p. 373-487; Record of Localities of Hxtra Limital Geo- logical and Palaeontological Collections, p.488-39; Clarke, J. M. On Cordania, a Proposed New Genus of Trilobites, p. 440-48; Publications. of Geologist, p.44447; Hall, James & Clarke, J. M. Introduction to the Study of the Brachiopoda, p, 449-616. (for 1892) 1893. 495 p. illus. O. Contents: Report of Director, p. 11, 62-81; Report of Assistant Director, p.12-14; Report of Assistant Zoologist, p.15-61; Additions to Zoological © Collections, p.21-27; Catalogue of Zoological Collections, p.29-61; Col- -lections of Fossils made for Palaeontology of New York Previous to 1883, p.62-65; List of Boxes of Fossils in State Hall, p.66-74; Additions to Collections in Geology and Palaeontology, p-(5-77; School Collec- tions, p.77-79; Museum Publications, p.79-81; Report of Botanist, p.83- 149; Report of Geologist, p.151-288; Report of Hntomologist, p.289-495. Contents of Geol. rep. 12 in Mus. rep. 46: Report of Geologist, p. 153-87; Palaeontology of New York vy. 8, pt 1, p. 160-68; Palaeontology of New York yv. 8, pt 2, p. 169-71; Geological Map of the State of New York, p. 171-84; Geological Surveys and Maps of Part of the State of New York, p.184-85; Clarke, J. M. Report of Assistant Palaeontologist, p.189-95; Additions to the Geological and Palaeontological Collections 1891-92, p.196-59; Clarke, J. M. List of Original and Illustrated Speci- mens in the Palaeontological Collections, pt 2, Annelida and Cephalop- oda, p. 201-50; Emerson, B. IX. Two Boulders of a very Basic Erup- tive Rock from the West Shore of Canandaigua Lake, p.251-55; Prosser, C. 8. Devonian Section of Central New York along the Unadilla River, p. 256-88. 252 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 47 (for 1893) 1894. 1187p. illus. pl. (phot.) maps. O. Contents: Report of Director, p. 9-19; Report of Assistant Palaeontolo- gist, p.17; Additions to Palaeontological Collection, p.18; Report of Assistant Director, p.21-30; Report of Assistant Zoologist, p.30-34; Ad- ditions to Collections, p.35-40; World’s Fair Exhibits, p.41-75; Cata- logue of Zoological Collections, p.77-128; Report of Botanist, p.129-74; Report of Entomologist, p. 175-97; Report of Geologist, p. 199-1137. Contents of Geol. rep. 13 in Mus. rep. 47: Wall, James. Livonia Salt Shaft, its History and Geological Relations, p. 203-14; Luther, D. D. Geology of the Livonia Salt Shaft, p. 215-324; Clarke, J. M. Succes- sion of the Fossil Faunas in the Section of the Livonia Salt Shaft, p. 325-52; Clarke, J. M. New or Rare Species of Fossils from the Horizons of the Livonia Salt Shaft, p. 353-83; Geological Survey of the State of New York, Reports, p. 385-751; Darton, N. H. Relations of the Helderberg Limestones and Associated Formations in Eastern New York, p. 391-422; Darton, N. H. Geology of Albany County, p. 423-55; Nason, F. L. Economic Geology of Albany County, p. 457-81; Darton, N. H. Geology of Ulster County, p. 483-566; Nason, F. L. Economic Geology of Ulster County, p. 567-600; Darton, N. H. Geclogy of the Mohawk Valley in Herkimer, Fulton, Montgomery and Sara- toga Counties, p.601-23; Kemp, J. F. Geology of Essex County, p.625- 66; Cushing, H. P. Geology of Clinton County, p. 667-83; Smyth, C. H. jr. Geology of Four Townships in St Lawrence and Jefferson Counties, N. Y., p. 685-709; Randall, F. A. Geology of Cattaraugus and Chautauqua Counties, p. 711-21; Clarke, J. M. Field Work in Chenango County, p.723-51; Clarke, J. M. comp. List of Publications relating to the Geology and Palaeontology of New York 1876-93, p.753- 91; Department of Palaeontology (v. 2. of Geol. rep.) p.7938-1137: Palaeontology of New York v. 8, pt 2, p. 797-802; Clarke, J. M: Evolu- tion of the Genera of the Palaeozoic Brachiopoda, p.803-40; Descrip- tion of New Species figured in v. 8, pt 2 of Palaeontology of New -York, p. 841-51; Sherzer, W. H. Platyenemic man in New York, p. 853- 77; Simpson, G. B. Genera of Fenestellidae, p.879-921; Simpson, G. B. Glossary and Explanations of Specific Names of Bryozoa and Ccrals, p.923-41; Hall, James & Clarke, J. M. Introduction to the Study of the Brachiopoda, pt 2, p.943-1137. 48 (for 1894) 1895. v.1,650p.tp. 93-595, illus. pl.(phot.)maps. O. v. 2 (Report of Geologist), 669p. illus. 44 pl. (lith.) other pl. (phot.) maps. O. vy.3, 44 pl. (lith.) (on edible fungi). O. ‘Contents, v. 1: Report of Director, p.11-39; List of Accessions, p.18; List of Awards to Mineral Exhibit at World’s Fair, p.14-15; Catalogue of New York Woods, p.16-20; Catalogue of Building Stones, p.21-31; Catalogue of Rock Specimens collected by Kemp, p.32-39; Report of Geologist, p. 41-44; Marshall, W. B. Geographical Distribution of New York Unionidae, p. 45-99; Report of Botanist, p. 101-337. 44 pl. in v. 3; Report of Hntomologist, p.3839-635; Report of Assistant Zoologist, p. 637-47; Marshall, W. B. List of Shells Inhabiting the Vicinity of Albany and Troy, N. Y., p. 641-47; Index, p. 648-50; Bulletin 12, Ries, Heinrich. Clay Industries of New York, p. 93-262 (2d paging); Bulletin 13, Lintner, J. A. San José Scale, Aspidiotus perniciosus and Some LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 253 Other Destructive Scale Insects of New York State, p.263-305 (2d paging); Bulletin 14, Kemp, J. F. Geology of Moriah aud Westport Townships, Hssex ¢o., p.823-55 (2d paging); Bulletin 15, Merrill, F.J. H. Mineral Resources of New York State, p.359-595 (2d paging); Contents of Geol. rep. 14 in Mus. rep. 48 v. 2: Staff of geologist, p. 5; Re- port of Geologist and Palaeontologist, p.7-29; Preface to Palaeontology of New York, v. 8, pt 2, p. 21-28; Geological Survey of the State of New York, Reports, p. 31-125; Darton, N. H. Faulted Region of Her- kimer, Fulton, Montgomery and Saratoga Counties, p. 31-53; Beecher, C. E. & Hall, C. HE. Field Notes on the Geology of the Mohawk Valley, p. 54-56; Lincoln, D. F. Geology of Seneca County, p. 57-125; Bernard, Felix. Principles of Palaeontology ed. by J. M. Clarke, p.127-215; Ruede- mann, Rudolf. Development and Growth of Diplograptus, p. 217-49. 5 pl.; Girty, G. H. Revision of the Sponges and Coelenterates of the Lower Helderberg group of New York, p. 259-309. 7 pl.; Hall, James & Clarke, J. M. New Species of Brachiopoda Described in Palaeontology of New York v. 8, pt 1 and 2, p. 823-72. 14 pl.; Simpson, G. B. Hand- book of the Genera of the North American Palaeozoic Bryozoa, p. 403- 669. 30 pl. 49 (for 1895) v. 1, 1897, v. 2-3, 1898. v. 1, 64+334p. illus. 6 pl. (lith.) other pl. (phot.) O. v. 2 (Report of Geologist) 738p. illus. pl. (phot.) maps. Q. v. 3 (Report of Geologist) p.739- 934. illus. 47 pl. (lith.). Q. Contents, v. 1: Report of Director, p. 1-10; Additions to Collections, p. 9- ‘10; Report of Geologist and Paleontologist, p.11-15; Report of Botanist, p.17-83. pl.44-49; Report of Entomologist, p.85-329; Index, p.331-34. Contents of Geol. rep. 15, v. 1 in Mus. rep. 49, v. 2: Report of Geologist and Palaeontologist, p.7-26; Geological Survey of the State of New York, Reports, p. 27-698; Clarke, J. M. Stratigraphic and Faunal Relations of the Oneonta Sandstones and Shales, the Ithaca and the Portage Groups in Central New York, p. 27-81; Prosser, C. S. Classification and Distribution of the Hamilton and Chemung Series of Central and Eastern New York, pt 1, p. 88-222; Luther, D. D. Stratigraphic posi- tion of the Portage Sandstones in the Naples Valley and the Adjoining Region, p. 223-36; Luther, D. D. Economic Geology of Onondaga County, p. 237-303; Bishop, I. P. Geology of Hrie County, p. 305-92; Ries, Heinrich. Geology of Orange County, p.393-475; Smyth, C. H. jr. Crystalline Rocks of St Lawrence County, p. 477-97; Cushing, H. P- Geology of Clinton County, p. 499-573; Kemp, J. F. Geology of Essex County, p. 575-614; Prosser, C. S. & Cumings, H. R. Sections and Thickness of the Lower Silurian Formations on West Canada Creek and in the Mohawk Valley, p. 615-59; Smyth, C. H. jr. Tale Industry of St Lawrence County, p. 661-71; Ries, Heinrich. Physical tests of the Devonian Shales, p. 673-98; Ruedemann, Rudolf. Discovery of a Sessile Conularia, p. 699-728; Clarke, J. M. Crustaceans from the Chemung Group, p. 729-38. Contents of Geol. rep. 15, v. 2 in Mus. rep. 49, v. 3: Hall, James & Clarke, J. M. Memoir on the Palaeozoic Reticulate Sponges Constituting the Family Dictyospongidae; pt 1, p. 741-984. 47 pl. 25 50 4 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM (for 1896) v. 1, 1898, v. 2, 1899. v. 1, 4+4034134p. illus. pl. (phot.) maps. O. v. 2 (Report of Geologist), 8:448p. illus. d2pl. (lith.) other pl. (phot.) maps. Q. Contents, v. 1: Report of Director, p.1-20; Additions to Museum Collec- tions, p.12-20; Geology of Crystalline Rocks of Southeastern New York, p.21-31; Origin of Serpentines in the Vicinity of New York, p. 32-44; Public Geologic and Mineralogie Collections in the United States and Canada, p. 45-74; Index to Report of Director, p. 75-76; Report of Botanist, p. 77-159; Report of Entomologist, p. 161-403; Bulletin 16, Beauchamp, W. M. Aboriginal Chipped Stone Implements, p. 3-84 (2d paging); Bulletin 17, Merrill, F. J. H. Road Materials and Road Building in New York p. 87-134 (2d paging). Contents of Geol. rep. 16 in Mus. rep. 50 v. 2: Report of Geologist and 51 Palaeontologist, pref. p.7-8; Geological Survey of the State of New York, Reports, p.1-27, 171-226; Cushing, H. P. Boundary Between the Potsdam and Precambrian Rocks North of the Adirondacks, p. 1-27; Clarke, J. M. Naples Fauna in Western New York, p. 29-161. 9 pl; Clarke, J. M. Early Stages of Certain Goniatites, p. 163-693. Luther, D. D. Brine Springs and Salt Wells of New York and the Geology of the Salt District, p.171-226; Grabau, A. W. Faunas of the Hamilton Group of Highteen-mile Creek and Vicinity in. Western New York, p. 227-339; Hall, James & Clarke, J. M. Memoir on the Palaeozoic Reticulate Sponges Constituting the Family Dictyospongi- dae, pt 2, p. 341-448. pl. 48-70. (for 1897) 1899. v.1, r153+410p. illus. 9pl. (lith.) other pl. (phot.) maps. O. v.2 (Report of Geologist), 564p. illus. pl. (phot.) maps. O. Contents, v.1: Report of Director, p.r5-13; Additions to Collections, p.r13-20; White, T. G. Relations of the Ordovician and Ho-Silurian Rocks in Portions of Herkimer, Oneida and Lewis Counties, p.r21-54; Watson, T. L. Some Higher Levels in the Postglacial Development of the Finger-lakes, p.r55-117; Nevius, J. N. Tale Industry of St Lawrence County, N. Y., p.r119-27; Nevius, J. N. History of Cayuga Lake Valley, p.r129-53; Bulletin 18, Beauchamp, W. M. Polished Stone Articles Used by the New York Aborigines, p.3-102; Bulletin 19, Merrill, F. J. H. Guide to the Study of the Geological Collections of the New York State Museum, p.105-262; Report of Botanist, p.263-321. 9 pl.; Report of Entomologist, p.327-90; General Index, p.391-410. Contents of Geol. rep. 17 in Mus. rep. 51, v.2: Report of Geologist and Paleontologist, p.5-7; Bishop, I. P. Petroleum and Natural Gas in Western New York, p.9-63; Prosser, C. 8. Classification and Distribu- tion of the Hamilton and Chemung Series of Central and Eastern New York, pt2, p.65-815; Hastman, C. R. Upper Devonian Fish Fauna of Delaware County, N. Y., p.817-27; Prosser, C. 8S. & Rowe, R. B. Strati- graphic Geology of the Hastern Helderbergs, p.329-54; Ries, Heinrich. Limestones of New York, p.355-467; Smyth, C. H. jr. Crystalline Rocks of Western Adirondack Regions, p.469-97; Kemp, J. F. & Newland, D. H. Geology of Washington, Warren and Parts of Essex and Hamil- ton Counties, p.499-553; Index, p.555-64. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 255 52 (for 1898) 1900. v.1, r111+695p. illus. 6pl. (lith.) other pl. (phot.) maps. O. v.2 (Report of Geologist), 169p. illus. pl. (phot.) maps. O. Contents, v.l: Report of Director, p.r5-17; Accessions to Collections, p.r18-32; Bagg, R. M. jr. Report of Work on the Collections of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Fossils in Geological Hall, p.r32-40; Catalogue of Meso- zoic and Cenozoic Fossils, p.r40-46; Catalogue of Huropean Fossils presented by Murchison, p.r47-71; Bagg, R. M. jr. comp. Synoptic Catalogue of Fossils, p.r71-78; Nevius, J. N. Fossil Plant from Orange County, p.r79-81; Nevius, J. N. Sacandaga Mining and Milling Co. and the Sutphen Process, p.r82-87; Ries, Heinrich. Notes on a Trip from Port Jervis to Rondout, p.r88-91; Bean, T. H. Fishes of Long Island, p.r92-111; Bulletin 20, Felt, H. P. Elm-leaf Beetle in New York State, p.1-43. ipl.; Bulletin 21, Kemp, J. F. Geology of Lake Placid Region, p.47-67; Bulletin 22, Beauchamp, W. M. Earthenware of New York Aborigines, p.71-146; Bulletin 23, Report of Hntomologist, p.151-295; Bulletin 24, Felt, HE. P. Memorial of Life and Hntomologic Work of J. A. Lintner, p.3801-611; Bulletin 25, Report of Botanist, p.617-88. 5 pl.; General Index, p.689-95. Contents of Geol. rep. 18 in Mus. rep. 52, v.2: Report of Acting State Geologist and Paleontologist, p.5-7; Ktimmel, H. B. The Newark or New Red Sandstone Rocks of Rockland County, p.9-50; Prosser, C. S. Sections of the Formations Along the Northern Wnd of the Helderberg Plateau, p.51-72; Cushing, H. P. Geology of Franklin County, p.73-128; Smyth, C. H. jr & Newland, D. H. Progress in Mapping Crystalline Rocks of Western Adirondack Region, p.129-35; Kemp, J. F., Newland, D. H. & Hill, B. F. Geology of Hamilton, Warren and Washington Counties, p.137-62; Index, p.163-69. 53 (for 1899) 1901. v.1, r170+867p. 4pl. (lith.) other pl. (phot.) maps. O. v.2, 234p. 33pl. (lith.) Q. Contents, v.1: ‘Report of Director, p.rd5-170; Report of Geologist, p.r7-154; Additions to Collections, p.r163-70; Bulletin 26, Felt, EH. P. Collection, Preservation and Distribution of New York Insects, p.3-34; Bulletin 27, Felt, EH. P. Shade Tree Pests in New York State, p.39-60; Bulletin 28, Peck, C. H. Plants of North Hlba,p .65-266; Bulletin 29, Miller, G. S. jr. Preliminary List of New York Mammals, p.271-390; Bulletin 30, Orton, Hdward. Petroleum and Natural Gas in New York, p.395-526; Bulletin 81, Report of Entomologist, p.531-653; aReport of Paleontologist, p.659- 816; Report of Botanist, p.821-67. 4pl.; General Index, p.657-61. pe: Memoir 3, Clarke, J. M. Oriskany Fauna of Becraft Mountain, p.1-128. 9pl.; Memoir 4, Peck, C. H. Edible Fungi of New York, p.129- 234. 24pl. Contents of Geol. rep. 19 in Glee rep. 53, v.l: Report of Geologist, p.r7-16; Kemp, J. F. & Hill, B. F. Pre-Cambrian Formations in Parts of War- ren, Saratoga, Fulton and Montgomery Counties, p.r17-35; Cushing, H. P. Geology of Rand Hill and Vicinity, Clinton Co., p.r37-82; Smyth, C. H. jr. Geology of the Crystalline Rocks in the Vicinity of the St a ¥or contents see Paleontologist’s reports, p. 262. 9 ' PAR G) NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Lawrence River, p.r83-104; Bishop, I. P. Oil and Gas in Southwestern New York, p.r105-34; Nevius, J. N. Roofing Slate Quarries of Wash- ington County, p.r135-50; Nevius, J. N. Emery Mines of Westchester County, p.r151-54. 54 (for 1900) 1902. v.1, r261+195+484p. 17pl. (lith.) other pl. (phot.) O. v.2, p.489-1063, 2pl. (lith.) other pl. (phot.) O. v.83, 968p. 37pl. (lith.) other pl. (phot.) O. v.4, 664p. 13pl. (lith.) other pl. (phot.) O. Contents, v.1: Report of the Director and State Geologist, p.r3-261; Tests of Road Metal, p.r14-22; Cushing, H. P. Recent Geologie Work in Franklin and St Lawrence Counties, p.r23-82; Cushing, H. P. Pre- Cambrian Outlier at Little Falls, Herkimer co., p.r83-95; Finlay, G. I. Preliminary Report of Field Work in the Town of Minerva, Hssex ¢o., p.r96-102; Fairchild, H. lL. Pleistocene Geology of Western New York, Report of Progress for 1900, p.r103-89; Eckel, H. C. The Quarry In- dustry in Southeastern New York, p.r141-76; Parsons, A. L. Recent Developments in the Gypsum Industry in New York State, p.r177-83; Accessions to Collections, p.r201-7; Stoller, J. H. Two New Land Isopods, p.r208-13; Scott, G. G. Notes on the Marine Food Fishes of Long Island and a Biologic Reconnaissance of Cold Spring Harbor, p.r214-29; Converse, H. M. Iroquois Silver Brooches, p.r231-54; Index, p.r255-61; Report of State Paleontologist 1900, p.38-124; Report of State Botanist 1900, p.129-99. 18pl.; Bulletin 32, Beauchamp, W. M. Abo- riginal Occupation of New York, p.3-187; Bulletin 33, Parr, M. 8S. Check List of New York Birds, p.193-409; Bulletin 34, Cumings, EH. R. Lower Silurian System of Eastern Montgomery County, Prosser, C. S. Notes on the Stratigraphy of the Mohawk Valiey and Saratoga County, N. Y. p.415-84. v.2: Bulletin 85, Ries, Heinrich. Clays of New York, p.489-944; Bul- letin 36, Felt, E. P. 16th Report of State Hntomologist, p.949-1063. v.d: Bulletin 37, Felt, E. P. Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue of In- © jurious and Beneficial Insects of New York State, p.3-52; Bulletin 38, — Miller, G. S. jr. Key to the Land Mammals of Northeastern North — America, p.59-160; Bulletin 39, Clarke, J. M., Simpson, G. B. & Loomis, F. B. Paleontologic Papers, p.165-231; Bulletin 40, Simpson, G. B. | Anatomy and Physiology of Polygyra Albolabris and Limax Maximus, — p.287-314; Bulletin 41, Beauchamp, W. M. Wampum and Shell Articles | Used by the New York Indians, p.319-480; Bulletin 42, Ruedemann, Rudolf. Hudson River Beds near Albany and their Taxonomic Hquiva- lents, p.485-596; Bulletin 43, Kellogg, J. L. Clam and Seallop Industries of New York State, p.601-31; Bulletin 44, Ries, Heinrich. Lime and Cement Industries of New York, p.639-968. v.4: Bulletin 45, Grabau, A. W. Guide to the Geology and Paleon- — tology of Niagara Falls and Vicinity, p.3-284; Bulletin 46, Felt, H. P. 7 Scale Insects of Importance and List of the Species in New York State, p.289-377; Bulletin 47, Needham, J. G. and Betten, Cornelius. | Aquatic Insects in the Adirondacks, p.383-612; Bulletin 48, Wood- worth, J. B. Pleistocene Geology of Portions of Nassau County and Borough of Queens, p.617-70; General Index, p.673-79. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 257 Contents of Geol. rep. 20 in Mus. rep. 54, v.1: Report of Geologist, p.r7-22; Tests of Road Metal, p.r14-22; Cushing, H. P. Recent Geologic Work in Franklin and St Lawrence Counties, p.r23-82; Cushing, H. P. Pre- Cambrian Outlier at Little Falis, Herkimer Co., p.r83-95; Finlay, G. I. Preliminary Report of Field Work in the Town of Minerva, Essex Co., p.r96-102; Fairchild, H. L. Pleistocene Geology of Western New York, Report of Progress for 1900, p.r103-39; Eckel, H. C. The Quarry In- dustry in Southeastern New York, p.r141-76; Parsons, A. lL. Recent Developments in the Gypsum Industry in New York State, p.r177-83; Index, p.r185-89. 'Geologist’s annual reports for 1881-1900. Rep’ts 1, 3-13, 17-date, O; 2, 14-16, Q. 1881-1902: The annual reports of the early natural history survey, 1837-41 are out of print. Reports 1-4, 1881-84 were published only in separate form. Of the 5th report 4 pages were reprinted in the 39th museum report, and a supple- ment to the 6th report was included in the 40th museum report. The 7th and subsequent reports are included in the 41st and following museum reports, except that certain lithographic plates in the 11th report (for 1891) and 13th report (for 1893) are omitted from the 45th and 47th museum ‘reports. Separate volumes of the geologist’s 12th and 20th reports can be supplied for 50 cents; 14th, 17th and 18th for 75 cents each; 15th and 16th for $1 each; 19th for 40 cents. Others, except as parts of museum reports, are not available. In 1898 the paleontologic work of the State was made distinct from the 2eologic and will hereafter be reported separately. 1 (for 1881) 1884. 15p. 11pl. (lith.) 0. Contents: Report of Geologist, p.3-7; Classification of the Lamelli- branchiata, p.8-15. 11pl. 2 (for 1882) 1883. 17p. illus. 61pl. (lith.) Q. Contents: Report of Geologist, p.1-8; Hall, James. Discussion upon Genus Fenestella, p.5-16; 33 plates illustrating corals and Bryozoans of upper and lower Helderberg groups; Brachiopoda, plates and ex- planations, pl.34-61. 2 (for 1883) 1884. 6lp. O. Contents: Report of Geologist, p.1-3; Hall, James. Bryozoans of the Hamilton Group, p.5-61. 4 (for 1884) 1885. 47p. illus. 2pl. (lith. maps. 0. Contents: Report of Geologist, p.1-8; Geological Map of the State, p.4-8; Clarke, J. M. Geological Succession in Ontario County, N. Y., p.9-22; Hall, C. H. Laurentian Magnetic Iron Ore Deposits of Northern New York, p.23-34; Hall, James, Mode of Growth and Relations of the Fenestellidae, p.35-45. 2pl.; wood-cuts of palaeozoic pectenoid shells, p.4T. 5 (for 1885) 1886. 47p. ilus. 28pl. (lith.) maps. O. Contents: Report of Geologist, p.3-5; Palaeontology of New York, v.5, pt2, Lamellibranchiata, p.5-7; Beecher, C. E. & Hall, C. E. Field Notes on 258 6 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM the Geology of the Mohawk Valley, p.8-10; Oneonta Sandstone in the | Vicinity of Oxford, Chenango County, N. Y., p.11; Bishop, I. P. Salt Wells of Western New York, p.12-47; 14 plates to accompany Palaeon- tology of New York, y.5, pt2; 14 plates to accompany Palaeontology of New York, v.6. (for 1886) 1887. ‘Op. 8pl. (lith.) maps. O. Contents: Report of Geologist, p.3-9; Williams, S. G. Lower Helderberg ¢ 8 Rocks of Cayuga Lake, p.10-12; Williams, S. G. Tully Limestone, its Distribution and its Known Fossils p.13-29; Clarke, J. M. Annelid Teeth from Lower Portion of Hamilton Group and from Naples Shales of Ontario County, N. Y., p.380-38. 1pl.; Clarke, J. M. Supposed Masto-— don Bones Found at Attica, N. Y., p.84-35; Hall, James. Dictyospongi- dae in New York, p.36-88; Hall, James. Note on the Discovery of a Skeleton of an Hlk in Farmington, Ontario ¢o., p.39; Hall, James. Descriptions of Fenestellidae of the Hamilton Group, p.41-70. 7pl. (for 1887) no separate edition. see Mus. rep. 41 for contents. (for 1888) 1889. 150p. illus. 0. Contents: Report of Geologist, p.5-56; Palaeontology of New York vy.7,. 9 (Gi 10 C p. 5-23; List of Type Specimens of Devonian ‘Crustacea described in Palaeontology of New York, v.7 in Possession of Museum, p.24-27; Palaeontology of New York v.8, p.27-42; Clarke, J. M. Genera of the Palaeozoic Brachiopoda, p.48-46; List of Microscopic Sections of Brachiopoda, p.46-47; List of Preparations for y.8, p.47-48; List of Plates of Brachiopoda, p.48-49; Schuchert, Charles. List of the Fossils in the Oriskany Sandstone of Maryland, New York and Ontario, p.50-54; Clarke, J. M. Genus Bronteus in the Chemung Rocks, p.57-59;. (Clarke, J. M. List of Species Constituting the Known Fauna and Flora of the Marcellus Epoch in New York State, p.60-61; Clarke, J. M. Hercynian Question, p.62-91; Bishop, I. P. Locality of Flint Imple- ments in Wyoming County, N. Y., p.92-94; Catalogue of Specimens Representative of the Taconic System, p.95-98; List of Plates, Draw- ings, Names of Draughtsmen and Lithographers for Palaeontology of New York, v.5, ptl and 2, v.7 and 8, p.99-103; Record of Locality Num- bers, p.104-50. (for 1889) 1890. 72p. O. ontents: Report of Geologist, p.7-25; Palaeontology of New York, v-.8,. p.7-16; Geological Map of the State of New York, p.16-25; Hall, James. Fossil Dictyospongidae of the Devonian and Carboniferous Forma- tions, p.25-27; Schuchert, Charles. On Syringothyris, Winchell and its American Species, p.28-37; Schuchert, Charles. List of Species of the American Palaeozoic Orthis, Spirifera, Spiriferina and Syringothyris, p.38-55; Hall, James. New Forms of Dictyospongidae from the Rocks of the Chemung Group, p.56-60; Record of Locality Numbers, p.61-72. (for 1890) 1891. 155p. Tpl. (lith.) O. ontents: Report of Geologist, p.7-25; Palaeontology of New York y.8, p.7-14; Clarke, J. M. Genera of ‘the Palaeozoic Brachiopoda, p.15-18; Original Drawings for the Palaeontology of New York y.8, p.19; List of Figures for v.8, p.19-21; List of Microscopic Sections of Brachiopoda, p.22-28; Clarke, J. M. Report of Assistant Palaeontologist, p.29-31; 11 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 259 List of Accessions to the Department of Palaeontology, p.382-34; Hall, James, Descriptions of Bryozoa, p.35-57; Clarke, J. M. Genus Acid- aspis, p.61-71. 3 pl.; Clarke, J. M. Coronura aspectans, p.79-83. 1 pl.; Clarke, J. M. Terataspis grandis, Hall, p.87-90. 1pl.; Hall, James. Pre- liminary Notice of Newberria, p.91-99. 2 pl.; Merrill, F. J. H. Quater- nary Geology of the Hudson River Valley, p.103-9; Ries, Heinrich. Quaternary Deposits of the Hudson River Valley between Croton and Albany, with Notes on Brick Clays, and the Manufacture of Brick, p.110-55. (for 1891) 1892. 3800p. illus. 22pl. (lith.) map. O. Contents: Report of Geologist, p.7-29; Livonia Salt Shaft, p.10-12; 12 Palaeontology of New York, v.8, p.12-18; List of Preparations of Spirals, Loops and Hinge-plates for v.8, pt2, p.14-15; List of Genera of the Palaeozoic Brachiopoda, p.15-21; Additions to the Palaeontological eollections, p.22-28; Clarke, J. M. Catalogue of the Collection of Geologi- cal and Palaeontological Specimens donated by the Albany Institute, p.33-58; Clarke, J. M. Report of Assistant Palaeontologist, p.54-55; Clarke, J. M. List of the Original and Illustrated Specimens in the Palaeontological Collections, ptl, Crustacea p.57-121; Record of Locali- ties of Extra Limital Geological and Palaeontological Collections, p.122- 23; Clarke, J. M. On Cordania a Proposed New Genus of Trilobites, p.124-27; Publications of Geologist, p.128-31; Hall, James & Clarke, J. M. Introduction to the Study of the Brachiopoda, p.133-3800, 22pl. (for 1892) 1893. 142p. O. Contents: Report of Geologist, p.7-41; Palaeontology of New York, v.8 _ pti, p.14-22; Palaeontology of New York, v.8, pt2, p.23-25; Geological Map of the State, p.25-38; Geological Surveys and Maps of Parts of the State of New York, p.38-39; Clarke, J. M. Report of Assistant Palaeontologist, p.48-49; Additions to the Geological and Palaeonto- logical Collections during 1891-92, p.50-538; Clarke, J. M. List of the. Original and Illustrated Specimens in the Palaeontological Col- 13 lections, pt2, Annelida and Cephalopoda p.55-104; Emerson, B. Kk. Two Boulders of a very Basie Eruptive Rock from the West Shore of Canandaigua Lake, p.105-9; Prosser, C. 8S. Devonian Section of Central New York along the Unadilla River, p.110-42. (for 1893) 1894. v.1, 597p. illus. 4pl. (lith.) other pl. (phot.) maps. O. v.2, p.598-943. illus. pl.23-54 (lith.) maps. O. Contents, v.l: Report of Geologist and Palaeontologist, p.7-8; Hall, James. Livonia Salt Shaft, its History and Geological Relations, p.11-20; Luther, D. D. Geology of the Livonia Salt Shaft, p.21-130; Clarke, J. M. Succession of the Fossil Faunas in the Section of the Livonia Salt Shaft, p.181-58; Clarke, J. M. New or Rare Species of Fossils from the Horizons of the Livonia Salt Shaft, p.159-89. 4pl.; Geological Survey of the State of New York, Reports, p.193-557; Darton, N. H. Relations of the Helderberg Limestones and Associated Forma- tions in Eastern New York, p.197-228; Darton, N. H. Geology of Albany County, p.229-61; Nason, F. L. Heonomic Geology of Albany County, p.268-87; Darton, N. H. Geology of Ulster County, p.289-372; Nason, F. L. Economie Geology of Ulster County, p.3873-406; Darton, 260 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM N. H. Geology of the Mohawk Valley in Herkimer, Fulton, Mont- gomery and Saratoga Counties, p.407-29; Kemp, J. F. Geology of Essex County, p.431-72; Cushing, H. P. Geology of Clinton County, p.473-89;. Smyth, C. H. jr. Geology of Four Townships in St Lawrence and Jefferson Counties, N. Y., p.491-515; Randall, F. A. Geology of Cat- | taraugus and Chautauqua Counties, p.517-27; Clarke, J. M. Field Work — in Chenango County, p.529-57; Clarke, J. M. comp. List of Publications. relating to the Geology and Palaeontology of the State of N. Y. 1876-93, p.559-97; v.2, Dept of palaeontology: Palaeontology of New York, y.8, pt2, p.608-8; Clarke, J. M. Evolution of the Genera of the Palaeozoic Brachiopoda, p.609-46; Descriptions of New Species figured in y.8, pt2 of Palaeontology of New York, p.647-57; Sherzer, W. H. Platyenemic Man in New York, p.659-83; Simpson, G. B. Genera of Fenestellidae, p.685-727; Simpson, G. B. Glossary and Hxplanations of Specific Names of Bryozoa and Corals, p.729-47; Hall, James & Clarke, J. M. Introduction to the Study of the Brachiopoda, pt2, p.749-943; pl.23-54. 14 (for 1894) 1895. 669p. illus. 44pl. (lith.) other pl. (phot.)} maps. Q. Contents: Staff of geologist, p.7; Report of Geologist and Palaeontologist, p.9-29; Preface to Palaeontology of New York, v.8, pi2, p.21-28; Geologi- eal Survey of the State of New York, Reports, p.31-125; Darton, N. H. Faulted Region of Herkimer, Fulton, Montgomery and Saratoga Counties, p.381-538; Beecher, C. E. & Hall, C. H. Field Notes on the Geology of the Mohawk Valley, with a map, p.54-56; Lincoln, D. F. Geology of Seneca County, p.57-125; Bernard, Felix. Principles of Palaeontology, ed. by J. M. Clarke, p.127-215; Ruedemann, Rudolf. Development and Mode of Growth of Diplograptus, p.217-49. 5 pl.< Girty, G. H. Revision of the Sponges and Coelenterates of the Lower Helderberg Group of New York, p.259-309. 7 pl.; Hall, James & Clarke, J. M. New Species of Brachiopoda described in Palaeontology of New York, v.8, ptl and 2, p.3823-72. 14pl; Simpson, G. B. Handbook of the Genera of the North American Palaeozoic Bryozoa, p.403-669. 30pl. 15 (for 1895) v.1, 1897, v.2, 1898. v.1, 738p. illus. pl. (phot.} maps. F*. y.2, p.739-984. illus. 47pl. (lith.) F*. Contents: Report of Geologist and Palaeontologist, p.7-26; Geological Survey of the State of New York, Reports, p.27-698; Clarke, J. M. Stratigraphic and Faunal Relations of the Oneonta Sandstones and Shales, the Ithaca and the Portage Groups in Central New York, p.27-81; Prosser, C. S. Classification and Distribution of the Hamilton and Chemung Series of Central and Hastern New York, pti, p.83-222; Luther, D. D. Stratigraphie Position of the Portage Sandstones in the Naples Valley and the Adjoining Region, p.223-36; Luther, D. D. Hconomic Geology of Onondaga County, p.237-3038; Bishop, I. P. Geology of Erie County, p.805-92; Ries, Hein-. rich. Geology of Orange County, p.393-475; Smyth, C. H. jr. Crystalline Rocks of St Lawrence County, p.477-97; Cushing, H. P. Geology of Clinton County, p.499-573; Kemp, J. F. Geology of Hssex County, p.575-614; Prosser, C. 8. & Cumings, EH. R. Sections and Thickness of | LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 261 the Lower Silurian Formations on West Canada Creek and in the Mohawk Valley, p.615-59; Smyth, C. H. jr. Tale Industry of St Lawrence County, p.661-71; Ries, Heinrich. Physical Tests of the Devonian Shales, p.673-88; Ruedemann, Rudolf. Discovery of a Ses- sile Conularia, p.699-728. 4 pl.; Clarke, J. M. Crustaceans from the Chemung Group, p.729-38. ; v.2: Hall, James & Clarke, J. M. Memoir on the Palaeozoic Reticu- 16 late Sponges Constituting the Family Dictyospongidae, pt1, p.741-984. 47pl. (for 1896) 1899. 84+448p. illus. 32pl. (lith.) other pl. (phot.) maps. F*, Contents: Report of Geologist and Palaeontologist, pref. p.7-8; Geologi- 17 cal Survey of the State of New York, Reports, p.1-27, 171-226; Cushing, H. P. Boundary Between the Potsdam and Precambrian Rocks North of the Adirondacks, p.1-27; Clarke, J. M. Naples Fauna in Western N. Y., p.29-161. 9 pl.; Clarke, J. M. Early Stages of Certain Goniatites, p.163-69; Luther, D. D. Brine Springs and Salt Wells of New York and the Geology of the Salt District, p.171-226; Grabau, A. W. Faunas of the Hamilton Group of Highteen-mile Creek and Vicinity in Western New York, p.227-339; Memoir 2, pt2, Hall, James & Clarke, J. M. Memoir on the Palaeozoic Reticulate Sponges Constituting the Family Dictyospongidae, pt2, p.341-448. pl.48-70. (for 1897) 1899. 564p. illus. pl. (phot.) maps. O. Contents: Report of Geologist and Palaeontologist, p.5-7; Bishop, I. P. 18 Petroleum and Natural Gas in Western New York, p.9-63; Prosser, C. S. Classification and Distribution of the Hamilton and Chemung Series of Central and Hastern New York, pt2, p.65-315; Eastman, C. R. Upper Devonian Fish Fauna of Delaware County, N. Y., p.317-27; Prosser, C. 8. & Rowe, R. B. Stratigraphic Geology of the Hastern Helderbergs, p.329-54; Ries, Heinrich. Limestones of New York, p.355-467; Smyth, C. H. jr. Crystalline Rocks of the Western Adiron- dack Region, p.469-97; Kemp, J. F. & Newland, D. H. Geology of Washington, Warren and Parts of Essex and Hamilton Counties, p.499-553; Index, p.555-64. (for 1898) 1899. 169p. illus. pl. (phot.) maps. O. Contents: Report of Acting State Geologist and Paleontologist, p.5-7; Kimmel, H. B. The Newark or New Red Sandstone Rocks of Rock- land County, p.9-50; Prosser, C. S. Sections of the Formations along the Northern End of the Helderberg Plateau, p.51-72; Cushing, H. P. Geology of Franklin County, p.73-128; Smyth, C. H. jr & Newland, D. H. Progress in Mapping Crystalline Rocks of Western Adirondack Region, p.129-35; Kemp, J. F., Newland, D. H. & Hill, B. F. Geology of Hamilton, Warren and Washington Counties, p.137-62; Index, p.163-69. 19 (for £899) 1901. 158p. illus. pl. (phot.) maps. O. Contents: Report of Geologist, p.r7-16; Kemp, J. F. & Hill, B. F. Pre cambrian Formations in Parts of Warren, Saratoga, Fulton and Mont- gomery Counties, p.r17-35; Cushing, H. P. Geology of Rand Hill and 262 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Vicinity, Clinton Co., p.r37-82; Smyth, C. H. jr. Geology of the Crystal- line Rocks in the Vicinity of the St Lawrence River, p.r&3-104; Bishop, I. P. Oil and Gas in Southwestern New York, p.r105-84; Nevius, J. N. roofing Slate Quarries of Washington County, p.r135-50; Nevius, J. N. Hmery Mines of Westchester County, p.r151-54; Index, p.r155-58. 20 (for 1800) 1902. 189p. illus. pl. (phot.) maps. O. Contents: Report of Geologist, p.r7-22; Tests of Road Metal, p.r14-22; Cushing, H. P. Recent Geologic Work in Franklin and St Lawrence Counties, p.r23-82; Cushing, H. P. Pre-Cambrian Outlier at Little Falls, Herkimer Co., p.r83-95; Finlay, G. I. Preliminary Report of Field Work in the Town of Minerva, Essex Co., p.r96-102; Fairchild, H. lL. Pleisto- cene Geology of Western New York, Report of Progress for 1900, p.r103-89; Eckel, E. C. The Quarry Industry in Southeastern New York, p.r141-76; Parsons, A. L. Recent Developments in the Gypsum Industry in New York State, p.r177-83; Index, p.r185-89. Paleontologist’s annual reports for 1899-1901. 1900-1902. See fourth note under Geologist’s annual reports. Bound also with museum reports of which they form a part. Reports for 1899 and 1900 may be had for 20 cents each. Beginning with 1901 these reports will be issued as bulletins. (for 1899) 1900. p.659-816. O. Contents: Report of Paleontologist, p.661-78; Accessions, p.679-83; General Record of Localities of American Paleozoic Fossils belonging to State Museum, p.683-813; Index, p.815-16. (for 1900) 1901. 124p. 4p]. (lith.). O. Contents: Report of Paleontologist, p.5-25; Accessions, p.25-31; New Entries of Localities of Fossils, p.31-81; Clarke, J. M. Notes on Paleo- zoic Crustaceans, p.83-119. 4 pl.; Index, p.121-24. (for 1901) 1902. p.419-693. 9pl. (lith.) 0. Contents: Report of Paleontologist, p.419-56; George Bancroft Simpson, p.457-60; Accessions, p.461-68; New Entries of Localities of Fossils, p.468-516; Clarke, J. M.; Ruedemann, R. & Luther, D. D. Contact Lines of Upper Siluric Formations on the Brockport and Medina Quad- rangles, p.517-23; Clarke, J. M. Paleontologic Results of the Areal Survey of the Olean Quadrangle, p.524-28; van Ingen, Gilbert. Pots- dam Sandstone of the Lake Champlain Basin, p.529-45; Ruedemann, Rudolf. Graptolite Facies of the Beekmantown Formation in Rensse- laer County, N. Y., p.546-75; Ruedemann, Rudolf. Growth and De- velopment of Goniograptus thureaui McCoy, p.576-92; White, David. Fossil Alga from the Chemung of New York, p.593-605; Clarke, J. M. A New Genus of Paleozoic Brachiopods, Hunoa, p.606-15; Luther, D. D. Stratigraphic Value of the Portage Sandstones, p.616-31; Ulrich, BH. O. and Schuchert, Charles. Paleozoic Seas and Barriers in Hastern North America, p.633-63; Clarke, J. M. Indigene and Alien Faunas of the New York Devonic, p.664-72; Explanation of Plates, p.673-84; Index, p.685-93. a LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 263 *Botanist’s annual reports for 1867-1901. 1869-1902. = Bound also with museum reports 21-55 of which they form a part; the first botanist’s report appeared in the 21st museum report and is numbered 21. Reports 21-24, 29, 31-41 were not published separately. Separate reports 25-28, 30, 42-50 and 52 (Museum bulletin 25) are out of print. Report 51 may be had for 40 cents; 53 for 20 cents; 54 for 50 cents; 55 (Museum bulletin 54) for 40 cents. Beginning with 1901, these reports will be issued as bulletins. Descriptions and illustrations of edible, poisonous and unwholesome fungi of New York have been published in volumes 1 and 3 of the 48th museum report and in volume 1 of the 49th, 51st, 52d, 54th and 55th reports. The descriptions and illustrations of edible and unwholesome species contained in the 49th, 51st and 52d reports have been revised and rearranged, and eombined with others more recently prepared and constitute Museum memoir 4. bContents: Order Agaricini, 23, p.66-127; Genus Boletus, 23, p.127-33; Genus Clavaria, 24, p.104-5; Genus Aecidium, 24, p.105-8; Gelatinospo- rium gen. nov., 25, p.84-106; Synopsis of New York Pucciniae, 25, p.110-23; Report on Fungi, 27, p.74-80; Parasitic Fungi of New York and their Supporting Plants, 29, p.71-82; New. York Species of Helvella, 31, p.59-60; New York Species of Phallus, 32, p.37-43; Glomerularia gen. nov., 32, p.43-52; New York Species of Lycoperdon, 32, p.58-72; New York species of Amanita, 338, p.38-49; Report on Fungi, 34, p.24-36; New York Carices, 35, p.147-49; New York Species of Lepiota, 35, p.150-64; New York Species of Psalliota, 36, p.41-49; New York Species of Lactarius, 38, p.111-33; New York Species of Pluteus, 38, p.133-38; New York Species of Pleurotus, Claudopus and Crepidotus, 39, p.58-73; Fungi Destructive to Wood, 41, p.86-94; New York Species of Clitopilus, 42. p.135-42 (sep. ed. p.89-46); New York Species of Armillaria, 48, p.86- ‘91 (sep. ed. p.40-45); Fungi Destructive to Wood, 48, p.91-93 (sep. ed. p.45-47); New York Species of Tricholoma, 44, p.150-76 (sep. ed. p.38-64); Fungi of Maryland, 44, p.176-87 (sep. ed. p.64-75); New York Species of Omphalia, 45, p.92-102 (sep. ed. p.82-42); New York Species of Pluteo- lus, 46, p.138-41 (sep. ed. p.58-61); New York Species of Galera, 46, p.141- 49 (sep. ed. p.61-69); List of New York Fungi represented at the World’s Columbian Exposition at Chicago, 47, p.169-72 (sep. ed. p.48-46); Preliminary List of Hymenomycetous Fungi inhabiting our Principal ‘Coniferous Forest Trees, 47, p.172-74 (sep. ed. p.46-48); New York Species of Carex, 48, 1:118-202 (sep. ed. p.20-104); Edible and Poisonous Fungi of New York, 48, 1:203-316, 44pl. in 48. v3 (sep.ed. p.105-241. 44p1.); New York Species of Collybia, 49, 1:46-69 (sep. ed. p 32-55); Edible Fungi, 49, 1:70-78, 5pl. (sep. ed. p.56-62); Unwholesome Fungi, 49, 1:79, 1pl. (sep. ed. p.65); New York Species of Mlammula, 50, 1:133-42; Edible Fungi, 51, 1:300-12, Tpl.; List of Changed Names, 52, 1:628-42; Plants of the Summit of Mt Marey, 52, 1:657-73; Edible Fungi, 52, 1:6738-82, 5pl.; Plants of Bonaparte Swamp, Lewis County, 53, 1:858-61; Edible Fungi, 54+, 1:173-86 (1st paging), 8pl.; Edible Fungi, 55, 1:966-82, 5pl. aPapers entitled Facts and Observations touching the Flora of the State of New York ‘were published in Mus. rep. 18, 19 and 20, the last being by C. H. Peck, the present “state botanist. 6 Not including Plants added; Contributors and their contributions; Species not before reported; Remarks and observations, which appear in each report. 264 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Entomologist’s annual reports on the injurious and other insects of the State of New York for 1882-1901. 1882-1902. Reports 3-17 bound also with museum reports 40-46, 48-55 of which they form apart. Beginning with 1898 these reports have been issued as bul- letins. eer Report Price Report Price Report Price 1 (for 1881) 1882 $.50 7 (for 1890) 1891 $.20 13 (for 1897) 1898 $.10 2 (for 1882 & 1883) 1885 .30 8 (for 1891) 1893.25 14 (for 1898) 1898 (Mus. bul. _ 20: 3 (for 1886) 1&87 o.p. 9 (for 1892) 1893 .25 15 (for 1899) 1900 ( ‘15 4 (for 1887) 1888 0. p. 10 (for 1894) 1895 38 16 (for 1900) 1901( 30) 125 5 (for 1888) 1889 125 11 (for 1895) 1896.25 17 (for 1901) 1902 ( “ 53) 30° 6 (for 1889) 1890 15 12 (for 1896) 1897.25 18 (for 1902) 1903 ( “ 64) .20 Reports 1 and 2 were issued independently of the museum. Paging of separate editions same aS museum report editions, except report 4. Reports 2, 8-12 may also be obtained bound separately in cloth at 25e¢ in addition to the price given above. For contents of reports 1-18, see Mus. bul. 24. Museum bulletins.” ©. 1887-1902. To advance subscribers, $2 @ year, or 50c a year for those of any one division: (1) geology, m- cluding econonc geology, general zoology, archeology and mineral- ogy, (2) paleontology, (38) botany, (4) entomology. Bulletins are also found with the annual reports of the museum as fol- lows: Bulletins Report Bulletins Report Bulletins Report 12-15 48, v.1 20-25 O2aiveul 35-36 54, v. 2 16-17 DOR 26-81 ae 37-44 lesa 18-19 Bul hanes 32-34 DAE: 45-48 vi 4 The letter and figure in parenthesis after the bulletin number indicate the division and the division and series number. G=geology, HG=economic geology, Z—general zoology, A=archeology, M—mineralogy, P=paieon- tology, B=botany, H=entomology, Misc=miscellaneous. Volume 1. 6 nos. $1.50 in cloth 1 (Z1) Marshall, W. B. Preliminary List of New York Union- idae. 20p. Mar. 1892. 5e. 2 (B1) Peck, C.H. Contributions to the Botany of the State of New York. 66p. 2pl. (lith.) May 1887. [35c] (EG1) Smock, J. C. Building Stone in the State of New York. 152p. Mar. 1888. Out of print. 4 (M1) Nason, F. L. Some New York Minerals and their Local- ities. 20p. 1pl.(phot.) Aug.1888. Se. 5 (E1) Lintner, J. A. White Grub of the May Beetle. 32p. il. Noy. 1888. 0c. 6 (E2) ——— Cut worms. 36p. il. Nov. 1888. 0c. we) Volume 2. 4 nos. [$1.50] in cloth : 7 (EG2) Smock, J.C. First Report on the Iron Mines and Iron Ore Districts in New York. 6+70p.map. June 1889. Out of print. 8 (B2) Peck, C. H. Boleti of the United States. 96p. Sep.. 1889. [50c] a The covers of bulletins bound in paper are counted in giving the number of pages. 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 265: (Z2) Marshall, W. B. Beaks of Unionidae Inhabiting the Vicinity of Albany, N. Y. 24p. Ipl. (lith.) Aug. 1890. 10c.' (EG3) Smock, J. C. Building Stone in New York. 210p. map. tab. Sep. 1890. 40c. Volume 3. 5 nos. (EG4) Merrill, F. J. H. Salt and Gypsum Industries in New York. 92p. 12pl. (phot.) 2 maps, 11 tab. Ap. 1893. 40c. (EG5) Ries, Heinrich. Clay Industries of New York. 174p. 2 pl. (phot.) map. Mar. 1895. 30e. (E) Lintner, J. A. San José Scale, Aspidiotus perniciosus and Some Other Destructive Scale Insects of New York State. 54p. 7pl. (phot.) Ap.1895. 5c. (G1) Kemp, J. F. Geology of Moriah and Westport Town- ships, Essex Co. N. Y.; with notes on the iron mines. 38p. “pl. (phot.) 2 maps. Sep. 1895. 0c. (EG6) Merrill, F. J. H. . Mineral Resources of New York. 224p. 2maps. Sep. 1895. 40c. Volume 4 (A1) Beauchamp, W. M. Aboriginal Chipped Stone Imple- ments of New York. 86p. 23pl. (phot.) Oct. 1897. 25c. (EG7) Merrill, F. J. H. Road Materials and Road Building in New York. 52p. 14pl. (phot.) 2 maps 34x45, 68x92cm. Oct. SSK Loe. Maps separate 10c each, two for 15c. (A2) Beauchamp, W. M. Polished Stone Articles Used by the New York Aborigines. 104p. 35pl. (phot.) Nov. 1897. 250. ; (G2) Merrill, F. J. H. Guide to the Study of the Geological Collections of the New York State Museum. 162p. 119pl. (phot.) map. Nov. 1898. 40ce. Volume 5 (E4) Felt, E. P. Elm-leaf Beetle in New York State. 46p. il. ipl. (ith.) Spl. (phot.) June 1898. 5e. (G3) Kemp, J. F. Geology of the Lake Placid Region. 24p. 1pl. (phot.) map. Sep. 1898. 5c. (A3) Beauchamp, W.M. Earthenware of the New York Ab- origines. 78p. 33pl. (phot.) Oct. 1898. 25e. (E5) Felt, E.P. 14th Report of the State Entomologist 1898. 150p. il. 9pl.(phot.) Dec.1898. 20c. (E6) Memorial of the Life and Entomologic Work of J. A. Lintner Ph.D. State Entomologist 1874-98; Index to Entomologist’s Reports 1-18. 3816p. 1pl. (phot.) Oct. 1899. Jue. Supplement to 14th report of the state entomologist. 266 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 25 30 31 35 36 oe) +] 38 39 (B3) Peck, C. H. Report of the State Botanist 1898. 6p. Spl. (lith.) Oct. 1899. Owt of print. Volume 6 (E7) Felt, E. P. Collection, Preservation and Distribution of New York Insects. 36p.il. Ap. 1899. de. (H8) —-—— Shade-tree Pests in New York State. 26p. il. 5pl. (phot.) May 1899. 5e. (B4) Peck, C. H. Plants of North Elba. 206p. map. June S99: 20e: (Z3) Miller, G. S. jr. Preliminary List of New York Mam- mals. 124p. Oct. 1899. 5c. (EG8) Orton, Edward. Petroleum and Natural Gas in New York. 1386p. il. 3maps. Novy. 1899. 5c. (E9) Felt, E.P. 15th Report of the State Entomologist 1899. 128p. June1900. 5c. Volume 7 (A4) Beauchamp, W. M. Aboriginal Occupation of New York. 190p. 16pl. (phot.) 2 maps. Mar. 1900. 30e. (Z4) Farr, M.S. Check List of New York Birds. 224p. Ap. 1900. 25e. (P1) Cumings, E.R. Lower Silurian System of Eastern Mont- gomery County; Prosser, C.S. Notes on the Stratigraphy of Mohawk Valley and Saratoga County, N. Y. 4p. 10pl. (phot.) map. May 1900. 5c. | (EG9) Ries, Heinrich. Clays of New York: their Properties and Uses. 456p. 140pl. (phot.) map. June 1900. $1, cloth. (E10) Felt, E. P. 16th Report of the State Entomologist 1900. 118p.. 2pl. (lith.) 14pl. (phot.) Mar. 1901. 25e. Volume 8 (E11) Catalogue of Some of the More Important In- jurious and Beneficial Insects of New York State. 54p. il. Sep. 1900. 0c. (Z5) Miller, G. S. jr. Key to the Land Mammals of North- east North America. 106p. Oct.1900. de. (P2) Clarke, J. M.; Simpson, G. B. & Loomis, F. B. Paleon- tologic Papers 1. 2p. il. pl. (lith.) 9pl. (phot.) Oct. 1900. 156. Contents: Clarke, J. M. A Remarkable Occurrence of Orthoceras in the Oneonta Beds of the Chenango Valley, N. Y. | Paropsonema cryptophya; a Peculiar Hchinoderm from the In- tumescens-zone (Portage Beds) of Western New York Dictyonine Hexactinellid Sponges from the Upper Deyonie of New York. The Water Biscuit of Squaw Island, Canandaigua Lake, N. Y. Simpson, G. B. Preliminary Descriptions of New Genera of Paleozoic Rugose Corals. Loomis, F. B. Siluric Fungi from Western New York. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 267 40 (Z6) Simpson, G. B. Anatomy and Physiology of Polygyra albolabris and Limax maximus and Embryology of Limax maximus. 82p. 28pl. (heliotype). Oct. 1901. 25c. 41 (A5) Beauchamp, W. M. Wampum and Shell Articles Used by New York Indians. 166p. 28pl. (phot.) Mar.1901. 30c. 42 (P3) Ruedemann, Rudolf. Hudson River Beds near Albany and their Taxonomic Equivalents. 1114p. 2pl. (lith.) map. Ap. 1901. 25e. 43 (Z7) Kellogg, J. L. Clam and Scallop Industries of New York. 3836p. 2pl. (phot.) map. Ap.1901. 10e¢. 44 (EG10) Ries, Heinrich. Lime and Cement Industries of New York; Eckel, E. C. Chapters on the Cement Industry. 330p. 101pl. (phot.) 2 maps. Dec. 1901. 85e, cloth. Volume 9 45 (P4) Grabau, A. W. Geology and Paleontology of Niagara Falls and Vicinity. 286p. il. 18pl. (phot.) map. Ap. 1901. ; 65c; cloth 90c.. 46 (E12) Felt, E. P. Scale Insects of Importance and a List of the Species in New York. 94p. il. pl. (lith.) 8pl. (phot.): ‘June 1901. 25c. 47 (E15) Needham, J. G. & Betten, Cornelius. Aquatic Insects in the Adirondacks. 234p. il. 30pl. (phot.) 6pl. (lith.) Sep. L901. 45e. 48 (G4) Woodworth, J. B. Pleistocene Geology of Nassau. County and Borough of Queens. 58p. il. 9pl. (phot.) map. Dee. 1901.. 25e. Volume 10 49 (P5) Ruedemann, Rudolf; Clarke, J. M. & Wood, Elvira.. Paleontologic Papers 2. 240p. 138pl. (lith.) Dec. 1901. 40c. Contents: Ruedemann, Rudolf. Trenton Conglomerate of Rysedorph. s. j . : Clarke, J. M. Limestones of Central and Western New York Inter- bedded with Bituminous Shales of the Marcellus Stage. Wood, Elvira. Marcellus Limestones of Lancaster, Erie Co. N. Y. Clarke, J. M. New Agelacrinites. Value of Amnigenia as an Indicator of Fresh-water Deposits Dur- ing the Devonic of New York, Ireland and the Rhineland. 50 (A6) Beauchamp, W. M. Horn and Bone Implements of the New York Indians. 112p. 48pl. (phot.) Mar. 1902. 30c. 51 (Z8) Eckel, E. C. & Paulmier, F. C. Catalogue of Reptiles. and Batrachians of New York. 64p. il. I1pl. (phot.) Ap. S025 Soe. Hekel, H. C. Serpents of Northeastern United States. Paulmier, F, C. Lizards, Tortoises and Batrachians of New York. 52 (P6) Clarke, J. M. Report of the State Paleontologist 1901. 280p. 9pl. (lith.) map. 1tab.il. July 1902. 40¢. 53 (E14) Felt, E. P. 17th Report of the State Entomologist 1901. 232p. il. 6pl. (phot.) Aug. 1902. 30¢. 268 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 04 (B5) Peck, C. H. Report of the State Botanist 1901. 58p. Tpl. (lith.) Nov. 1902. 40c. 55 (A7) Beauchamp, W. M. Metallic Implements of the New York Indians. 94p. 38pl. (phot.) June 1902. 25e. 56 (G) Merrill, F. J. H. Geologic Map of New York. 42p. 2 maps. table. Aug. 1902. 5c. 57 (E15) Felt, E.P. Elm Leaf Beetle in New York State, 46p. il. Tpl. (phot.) 1pl. (lith.) ‘Aug. 1902. de. 58 (M2) Whitlock, H. P. Guide to the Mineralogie Collections of the New York State Museum. 150p. il. 39pl. (phot.) 11 models. Sep. 1902. 40c. 59 (E16) Felt, E. P. Grapevine Root Worm. 40p. il. Ipl. (lith.) 5pl. (phot.) Dec. 1902. 15e. 60 (Z9) Bean, T.H. Catalogue of the Fishes of New York. 784p. Feb. 1908. $1, cloth. 61 (EG11) Dickinson, H. T. Bluestones and other Sandstones in the Upper Devonian in New York State. 108p. 18pl. 2maps. Mar. 1908. 35e. 62 (Misc1) Merrill, F. J. H. Directory of Natural History Mu- seums in United States and Canada. 236p. Ap. 1908. 30c. 63 (P7) Clarke, J. M. Stratigraphy of Canandaigua and Naples Quadrangles; 2 maps. In press. 64 (E17) Felt, E. P. 18th Report of the State Entomologist 1902. 110p. 6Gpl. May 1908. 20¢. 65 (P8) Clarke, J.M. Catalogue of Type Specimens of Paleozoic Fossils in the New York State Museum. 848p. May 1903. $1.20, cloth. 66 (Misc2) Ellis, Mary. Index to Publications of the New York State Natural History Survey and New York State Museum. 1837-1902. 418p. June 1903. 75e, cloth. 67 (B6) Peck, C. H. Report of the State Botanist 1902. 196p. 5pl. May 1903. 50¢. 68 (E18) Needham, J. G. and others. Aquatic Insects in New York State. Jn press. 69 (P9) Clarke, J. M. Report of the State Paleontologist 1902. In press. Felt, E. P. & Joutel, L. H. Monograph of the Genus Saperda. In press. Kellogg, James L. Feeding Habits and Growth of Venus mercenaria. In press. Museum memoirs. Q. 1889-1902. 1 Beecher, C. E. & Clarke, J. M. Development of Some Silu- rian Brachiopoda. 96p. Spl. (lith.) Oct. 1889. Out of print. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 269 2 Hall, James & Clarke, J. M. Palaeozoic Reticulate Sponges, constituting the Family Dictyospongidae. 3850p. il. Opi. (lith.). 1898. $1, cloth. 3 Clarke, J. M. The Oriskany Fauna of Becraft Mountain, Columbia Co. N. Y. 128p. 9pl. (lith.) Oct. 1900. 80c. 4 Peck, C. H. New York Edible Fungi, 1895-99. 106p. 25pl. (lith.) Nov. 1900. 75e. This includes revised descriptions and illustrations of fungi reported in the 49th, 51st and 52d reports of the state botanist. 5 Clarke, J. M. & Ruedemann, Rudolf. The Guelph Formation and Fauna of Western New York. - In press. 6 Clarke, J.M. Naples Fauna in Western New York. Jn press. Felt, KE. P. Insects Affecting Park and Woodland Trees. In press. Natural history of New York. 30v. il. pl. (lith.) maps. Q. 1842-94. The annual reports of the early natural history survey, 1837-41 are out of print. They were originally published as Assembly doc. 1887, no. 161; 18388, no. 200; 1889, no. 275; 1840, no. 50; 1841, no. 150. Division 1 Zoology. De Kay, James E. Zoology of New York; or the New York Fauna, comprising detailed descriptions of all the animals hitherto observed within the State of New York with brief notices of those occasionally found near its borders, and accompanied by appro- priate illustrations. 5 y. il. pl. maps. sq. Q. 1842-44. Oué of print. Historical introduction to the series by Gov. W: H. Seward. 178p. vy. 1 ptl Mammalia. 134+146p. 338pl. 1842. 300 copies with hand-colored plates. -y. 2 pt2 Birds. 124880p. 141pl. 1844. Colored plates. vy. 3 pt3 Reptiles and Amphibia. 7498p. pt4 Fishes. 154415p. 1842. pt3-4 bound together, y. 4 Plates to accompany v. 3. Reptiles and Amphibia, 23 pl. Fishes, 79pl. 1842. 300 copies with hand-colored plates. vy. Spt) Mollusca. 44271p. 40pl. pt6 Crustacea. TOp. 13pl. 1843-44. Hand-colored plates: pt 5-6 bound together. Division 2 Botany. ‘Torrey, John. Flora of the State of New York; com- prising full descriptions of all the indigenous and naturalized plants hitherto discovered in the State, with remarks on their economical and medical properties. 2y. il. pl. sq. Q. 1848. Out of print. v. i Flora of the State of New York. 124484p. 72pl. 1843. 300 copies with hand-colored plates. v. 2 Flora of the State of New York. 572p. 89pl. 1848. 300 copies with hand-colored plates. Division 3 Mineralogy. Beck, Lewis C. Mineralogy of New York; com- prising detailed descriptions of the minerals hitherto found in the State of New York, and notices of their uses in the arts and agriculture. — il. pl. sq. Q@. 1842. Ouwt of print. aioe Heonomical Mineralogy. pt2 Descriptive Mineralogy. 24+536p. 8 plates additional to those printed as part of the text. Division 4 Geology. Mather, W: W.; Emmons, Ebenezer; Vanuxem, Lardner & Hall, James. Geology of New York. 4v. il. pl. sq. Q. 1842-43. Owzt of print. v.1ptl Mather, W: W. First Geological District. 387+653p. 46pl. 1848. nee Emmons, Ebenezer. Second Geological District. 104437p. 17pl. y.3 pt8 Vanuxem, Lardner. Third Geological District. 3806p. 1842. Vv. a ts a James. Fourth Geological District. 22+683p. Map and pl. 3. 270 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Division 5 Agriculture. [Hmmons, Ebenezer. Agriculture of New York; comprising an account of the classification, composition and distribution of the soils and rocks and the natural waters of the different geological formations, together with a condensed view of the meteorology and agricultural productions of the State. Sy. il. pl. sq. @. 1846-54. Out of print. : v. 1 Soils of the State, their Composition and Distribution. 11+371p. 21pl. 1846. v. 2 Analyses of Soils, Plants, Cereals, ete. 8+843+46p. 42pl. 1849. With hand-colored plates. v. 3 Fruits, etc. 8+340p. 1851. v. 4 Plates to accompany v. 3. 95pl. 1851. Hand-colored. v. 5 Insects Injurious to Agriculture. 8+272p. 50pl. 1854. With hand-colored plates. Division 6 Paleontology. Hall, James. Palaeontology of New York. Sy. il. pl. sq. Q. 1847-94. Bound in cloth. vy. 1 Organic Remains of the Lower Division of the New York System. 234+338p. 99pl. 1847. Out of print. vy. 2 Organic Remains of Lower Middle Division of the New York System. 8+862p. 104p1. 1852. Out of print. v. 3 Organic Remains of the Lower Helderberg Group and the Oriskany Sandstone. pti, text. 124532p. 1859. [$3.50] pt2, 143 pl. 1861. [$2.50] v. 4 Fossil Brachiopoda of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. 11+14+428p. 99pl. 1867. $2.50. v. 5 ptl Lamellibranchiata 1. Monomyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups. 18+268p. 45pl. 1884. $2.50. Lamellibranchiata 2. Dimyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Ham- ilton, Portage, and Chemung Groups. 62+p.269-561. 51pl. 1885. $2.50. Illustrations of Devonian Fossils. pl. sq. F. 1876. Published in advance of Palaeontology of New York v.5, pt2—v.7 v. 5 pt2 Gasteropoda, Pteropoda and Cephalopoda o ot (ee Upper Helder- berg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. » 18795 7 vee texte 15+492p. v. 2, 120pl. $2.50 for 2 v. v. 6 Corals and Bryozoa of the Lower and Upper Helderberg and Ham- ilton Groups. 244+298p. 67pl. 1887. $2.50. v. 7 Trilobites and Other Crustacea of the Oriskany, Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage, Chemung and Catskill Groups. 64+236p. 46pl. 1888. Cont. supplement to v. 5, pt 2. Pteropoda, Cephalopoda and Anne- lida. 42p. 18 pl. 1888. $2.50. vy. 8 pt 1 Introduction to the Study of the Genera of the Palaeozoic Brach- iopoda. 16+867p. 44 pl. 1892. $2.50. pt 2 Palaeozoic Brachiopoda, 16+394p. 84pl. 1894. $2.50. eUniversity handbooks. 74x12} cm. 1893-1902. In quantities, 1 cent for each 16 pages or less. Single copies postpaid as be- low. H5 New York State Museum. 14p. 2e. Outlines history and work of the museum; with list of staff and scientific publications, 1898. New edition in press. H13 Paleontology. 8p. 2e. Brief outline of State Museum work in paleontology. under heads: Defini- tion; Relation to biology; Relation to stratigraphy; History of paleontology in New York. H15 Guide to Excursions in the Fossiliferous Rocks of New York. 120p. S8e. Itineraries of 32 trips covering nearly the entire series of Paleozoic rocks, prepared specially for the use of teachers and students desiring to acquaint themselves more intimately with the classic rocks of this State. aIncluding only those relating to the Museum. bo =] fet LIST OF PUBLICATIONS H1i6 Entomology. 16p. 2e. _H17 Economic Geology. In preparation. H1i8 Insecticides and Fungicides. 20p. 3e. Maps. Merrill, F. J. H. Economic and Geologic Map of the State of New York; issued as part of Museum bulletin 15 and the 48th museum report, v.1. 59x67 cm. 1894. Scale 14 miles to Linch. Out of print. | ; ; New edition in preparation. — Geologic Map of New York. 1901. Scale 5 miles io 1 inch. Jn atlas form $3; mounted on rollers $5. Lower Hudson sheet 60e. The lower Hudson sheet, geologically colored, comprises Rockland, _ Orange, Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester, New York, Richmond, Kings, _ Queens and Nassau counties, and parts of Sullivan, Ulster and Suffolk counties; also northeastern New Jersey and part of western Connecticut. The following papers in other New York publications are included in the index: New York State Agricultural Society. Transactions: Gaylord, Willis. Geology as Connected with Agriculture, 1 (for 1841) 1842, p.273-98; Hall, James. Geological Survey of New York, 3 (for 1843) 1844, p.241-78; Roberts, A. S. On the Advantages of Geology to Agricul- ture, 8 (for 1848) 1849, p.862-65; Fitch, Asa. Survey of Washington County, 8 (for 1848) 1849, p.875-975; 9 (for 1849) 1850, p.753-944; Norton, J. P. Elements of Scientific Agriculture, 9 (for 1849) 1850, p.602-735; Delafield, John. Survey of Seneca County, 10 (for 1850) 1851, p.3856-616; Evans, Gurdon. Survey of Madison County, 11 (for 1851) 1852, p.658-777; Watson, W. C. Survey of Essex County, 12 (for 1852) 1853, p.649-898; 13 (for 1853) 1854, p.699-741; aFitch Asa. Reports on the Noxious, Beneficial, and other Insects of the State of New York; Geddes, George. Survey of Onondaga County, 19 (for 1859) 1860, p.219-352; Denniston, Goldsmith. Survey of Steuben County, 21 (for 1861) 1862, p.547-661; Denniston, Goldsmith. Sur- vey of Orange County, 22 (for 1862) 1863, p.135-235; Peters, T. C. Agricul- tural and Other Resources of the State of New York, 23 (for 1863) 1864, p.234-379; Felt, H. P. Injurious Insects and How to Control them, 59 (for 1899) 1900, p.267-82; Felt, EH. P. Exhibition of Insects at Agricultural Gatherings and Catalog of Injurious Species, 59 (for 1899) 1900, p.282-93; Felt, E. P. Household Insects, 59 (for 1899) 1900, p.294-308. Albany Institute. Transactions: Beck, L. C. Geographical Botany of the United States. 1828. 1:10-21; Geddes, James. Geological Features of the South Side of the Ontario Valley. 1829. 1:55-56; Morse, J. O. Great Greywacke Region of the State of New York. 1829. 1:84-85; Henry, Joseph. Topographical Sketch of the State of New York, designed chiefly to show the general elevations and depressions of its surface. 1829. 1:87-112; Green, Jacob. Cones of North America. 1830. 1:121-25; Eaton, Amos. Coal Formations in the State of New York. 1880. 1:126-30; Green, Jacob. Dolia of the United States. 1830. - 1:131-33; Green, Jacob. Notes on the American Shells, figured in the Supplement to the Index Testaceologicus. 1830. 1:1384-36; Beck, T. R. Address delivered before the Lyceum of Natural History at its First Anniversary, March 1, 1824. 1830. 1:137-47; Beck, L. C. & Tracy, J. G. Note Respecting the Ranunculus lacustris. 1830. 1:148-49; Green, Jacob. Reclamation of Salamanders. 1830. 1:150-51; Clinton, G. W. Graphite of Ticonderoga. 1830. 1:233-35; Beck, T. R. Abstracts of Meteorological Observations made at the City of Albany. 1833-52. 2:1-29; Hights, James. Description of a New Crustaceous Animal found on the Shores of the South Shetland Islands, with Remarks on their Natural - a¥For number of reports and page references, see Author index, p.283. 272 ‘BW YORK 4 . NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM History. 1833-52. 253-69; Report of Committee appointed to Continue Observations on Meteorology. 1833-52. 2:97-112, 153-209; Webster, M. H. Table of Mean Temperatures for the Last Ten Years, &c. deduced from the Reports of the Regents of the University. 1833-52. 2:221-23; Hights, James. Description of a New Animal belonging to the Crustacea, dis- covered in the Antarctic Seas. 1833-52. 2:331-34; Hights, James. Obser- vations on the Geological Features of the Post Tertiary Formation of the City of Albany and its Vicinity. 1833-52. 2:335-53; Hall, James. Descrip- tion of New Species of Fossiis from the Carboniferous Limestones of Indiana and Illinois. 1858-64. 4:1-36; Meek, F. B. Descriptions of New Organic Remains from the Cretaceous Rocks of Vancouver's Island. 1858- 64. 4:37-49; Meek, F. B. & Hayden, M. D. Descriptions of New Organic Remains from North-Hastern Kansas, indicating the Existence of Permian Rocks in that Territory. 1858-64. 4:73-88; Hall, James. Observations upon some of the Brachiopoda, with Reference to the Genera Cryptonella, Centronella, Meristella, and Allied Forms. 1858-64. 4:125-48; Murray, David. Petroleum, its History and Properties. 1858-64. 4:149-66; Hall, James. New Species of Fossils from a Locality of the Niagara Group in Indiana, with a List of Identified Species from the Same Place. 1858-64. 4:195-228; Stevens, G. T. Flora of the Adirondacks. 1870. 6:67-82; Lans- ing, J. V. Frogs and their Contributions to Science. 1870. 6:120-35; Peck, C. H. Fungi. 1870. 6:209-26; Peck, C. H. Report on Botany. 1872. 7:35-43, 186-204; 1876. 8:152-66; Stevens, G. T. Report on Zoology. 1872. 7:182-48; Peck, C. H. Synopsis of New York Uncinulae. 1872. 7:218-17; Callaway, Charles. The Geological Evidence of the Origin of Species by Evolution. 1876. 8:207-14; Lintner, J. A. Otto Meske’s Col- lection of Lepidoptera. 1876. 8:215-20; Peck, C. H. The Black Spruce. 1876. 8:283-301; Colvin, Verplanck. The Winter Mauna of Mount Marcy. 1879. 9:11-26; Hall, James. The Hydraulic Beds and Associated Lime- stones at the Falls of the Ohio. 1879. 9:169-80; Webster, H. H. Annelida chaetopoda of the Virginian Coast. 1879. 9:202-69; Peck, C. H. United States Species of Lycoperdon. 1879. 9:285-318; Waleott, C. D. Utica Slate and Related Formations of the Same Geological Horizon. 1883. 10:1-17; Walcott, C. D. Fossils of the Utica Slate. 1883. 10:18-38; Hall, James. Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Niagara Form- ation at Waldron, Ind. 1883. 10:57-76; Hall, James. Bryozoans of the Upper Helderberg and Hamilton Groups. 1883. 10:145-97; Peck, C. H. Fertilization of Flowers. 1887. 11:155-68; Peck, C. H. Hdible Wild Fruits of New York. 18938. 12:83-102; Lintner, J. A. Insects of the Past Year and Progress in Insect Studies. 1893. 12:227-40; Peck, C. H. Weeds. 1893. 12:251-65. “Regents reports: Veeder, M. A. Uses and Relations of the Study of Botany, 91 (for 1877) 1878, p.439-42; Williams, H. S. Palaeontological Hyvidences as Bearing upon the Theory of Evolution, 95 (fcr 1881) 1882, p. 319-27; Lintner, J. A. Present Status of Entomological Science in the United States, 100 (for 1886) 1887, p.122-34; Hall, James. Educational Uses of Museums of Natural History, 100 (for 1886) 1887, p.208-13; Winchell, Alexander. Geol- ogy and Culture,. 102 (for 1888) 1889, p.69-85; Tarr, R. S. lJLaboratory. Methods of Instruction in Geology and Physical Geography, 108 (for 1894) 1895, 2:992-1011; Clarke, J. M. Relation of New York State Paleontology to the Schools and Colleges, 118 (for 1899) 1901, p.359-64. Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Reports: _ Felt, H.P. Insects Injurious to Maple Trees, 4 (for 1898) 1899 [issued Ap. — 3, 1900], p.367-95; Felt, E. P. Insects Injurious to Elm Trees, 5 (for 1899) 1900 [issued Jian. 16, 1902], p.351-79; Felt, HE. P. Aquatic Insects of the Saranac Region, 6 (for 1900) 1901 [issued Aug. 1902], p.499-531; Felt H. P- Insects Affecting Forest Trees, 7 (for 1901) In press. Public Service of the State of New York: Hall, James. Geological Survey, 2:367-80; Hall, James. State Museum of Natural History, 3:482-88. aAlso in University Convecation Proceedings. AUTHOR INDEX 273 AUTHOR INDEX Names of donors are not included, but collections known under names persons appear in the subject index. Unless otherwise specified, pl. s to lithographic plates only. For other explanatory matter see p.240. Asassiz, Alexander. On Reorganization of State Cabinet. Mus. rep. 19 | for 1865) 1866. p.20-22. ' Aldrich, Truman H. Partial List of Shells Found near Troy, N. Y. Mus. p. 22 (for 1868) 1869. p.17-24. ird, Spencer F. On the Serpents of New-York, with notice of a species not hitherto included in the fauna of the State. Mus. rep. 7 (for 1853) 1854. p.95-124. 2pl. nning, Mary H. Fungi of Maryland. Bot. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1891. p.64-75. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.176-87. Bean, Tarleton H. Report on the Fishes of Long Island Collected in the Summer of 1898. Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:192-111. Also published separately. —— Oatalogue of the Fishes of New York. Mus. bul. 60. Jn press. — Report on the Fishes of Great South Bay, Long Island, Collected in _ the Summer of 1901. Mus. rep. 55 (for 1901). Jn press. sSeauchamp, William M. Aboriginal Chipped Stone Implements of New "York. Mus. bul. 16. 1897. 84p. 23pl]. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for ; 1896) 1898. 1:3-84 (2d paging). 23pl. (phot.) —— Polished Stone Articles Used by the New York Aborigines. Mus. bul. ' 18. 1897. 102p. 35pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:3-102. sopl. (phot.) 3 Harthenware of the New York Aborigines. Mus. bul. 22. 1898. p.71- 146, 38apl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:71-146. 33pl. (phot.) —— Aboriginal Occupation of New York. Mus. bul. 32. 1900. 187p. 16pl. _(phot.) maps. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:3-187. 16pl. (phot.) maps. i - Contains a bibliography. _ Map of the territorial divisions of the aborigines of New York about A. D. 16vU, 4x 35cm. 2 Map of the early and recent sites of the aborigines of New York, 93.5 x 69.5em. Wampum and Shell Articles Used by the New York Indians. Mus. bul. 41. 1901. p.319-480. 28pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:319-480. 28pl. (phot.) List of authorities on wampum, p.321-26. - — Horn and Bone Implements of New York Indians. Mus. bul. 50. 1902. p.1-112,. 43pl. (phot.) - Metallic Implements of New York Indians. Mus. bul. 55. 1902. p.1-94. 38pl. (phot.) Beck, Lewis C. Geographical Botany of the United States. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1828. 1:10-21. _ Read before the Albany Institute, Mar. 26, 1828. —— & Tracy, J. G. Note Respecting the Ranunculus lacustris. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1830. 1:148-49. _ Read before the Albany Institute, June 7, 1830. - Report on Mineralogical and Chemical Department of Survey. "Assembly doc. 1837, no.161, p.15-60 (ed.2, p.17-62); 1838, no.200, p.7-73; 1839, no.275, p.9-56; 1840, no.50, p.37-111; 1841, no.150, p.3-23. = Mineralogy of New York; comprising detailed descriptions of the minerals hitherto found in the State of New York, and notices of their uses in the arts and agriculture. 1842. 536p. il. pl. sq. Q. _ Contents: ptl Economical Mineralogy. _ pt2 Descriptive Mineralogy. 8 plates additional to those printed as part of the text. —— Catalogue of Specimens in the Mineralogical Department of the Geo- - logical Survey. Mus. rep. 1 (for 1847) 1848, p.21-33. ; 274 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM —— leport on the Mineralogy of New York; comprising notices of the additions since 1842. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.109-53. Beck, T. Romeyn. Address delivered before the Lyceum of Natural. History, at its First Anniversary, March 1, 1824. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1830, 1:137-47. —— Abstracts of Meteorological Observations made at the City of Albany. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1833-52. 2:1-29. Read before the Albany Institute, Feb. 7, 1833 Beecher, Charles E. Some Abnormal and Pathologic Forms of resh-water~ Shells from the Vicinity of Albany N. Y. Mus. rep. 36 (for 1882) 1883... p.51-55. 2pl. —— List of Species of Fossils from an Exposure of the Utica Slate and Associated Rocks, in the Limits of Albany, N. Y. Mus. rep. 36 (for 1882): 1883. p.78. & Hall, C. E. Field Notes on the Geology of the Mohawk Valley, with. ‘a map. Geol. rep. 5 (for 1885) 1886. p.8-10. map. Same, Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.54-56. Map showing results of field work in Mohawk valley, 25 x 20.5em. Hall, C. HE. & Hall, J. W. Note on the Oneonta Sandstone in the Vicinity’ of Oxford, Chenango co., N. Y. Geol. rep. 5 (for 1885) 1886. p.11. A Spiral Bivalve Shell from the Waverly Group of Penisyivanila i Mus. rep. 39 (for 1885) 1886. p.161-63. pl.12. is ; i Cephalopoda. Descriptions of Species. Pal. N. Y. v.7, supplement. 1888. p.25-40. pl.117-29. a —— Statement on the Condition of the Work on the Brachiopoda, Palaeon-- _ tology of New York, v. 8. ‘Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.383-84.. | j | | Palaeontology of New York. Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.363-75. — & Clarke, J. M. Development of Some Silurian Brachiopoda. Mus.. mem. 1. 1889. 95p. Spl. Benedict, Farrand N. Barometrical Measurements in Essex County..- Geol. N. Y. pt2: 1842. p.195-212. Bernard, Felix. Principles of Palaeontology; ed. by J. M. Clarke. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.13-15, 127-215. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894): _ 1895. 2:13-15, 127-215. Also published separately. — Extracted from Bernard’s Hléments de Paléontologie. Paris, 1895. Betten, Cornelius. Order Trichoptera. Mus. bul. 47. 1901. p.561-73. Same,. — Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:561-73. Bishop, Irving P. Salt Wells of Western New York. Geol. rep. 5 (for 1885) 1886. p.12-47. 2 SP ee ale ig ee, ee ee On a Locality of Flint Implements in Wyoming County, N. Y. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.92-94. 1pl. in Geol. rep. 9. Same, Mus. rep. 42: (for 1888) 1889. p.488-40. 1pl. in Mus. rep. 438. ¥ Report on the Development of the Salt Industry of Central New York q for the Year 1891. Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.53-61. Structural and Economie Geology of Erie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for — 1895) 1897. p.17-18, 305-92. pl. (phot.) maps. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) — 1898. 2:17-18, 305-92. pl. (phot.) maps. * Also published separately. Economie and geologic map of Erie county (uncolored) 33 x 21.5cm. Maps showing Buffalo gas field. Report on Petroleum and Natural Gas in Western New York. Geol. — rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.9-63. map. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:9-63. map. Also published separately. : Map of the Cattaraugus oil and gas district, 34.5 x 24cm. Oil and Gas in Southwestern New York. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r105-34. map. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r105-34. — Map of a portion of Allegany county, N. Y. showing the outlines of the proved oi) and gas territory. Aug. 1, 1899, by John W. Greenwood, 25.5 x 17cm. AUTHOR INDEX 275 “Boyd, George W. Orleans County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. —+~p.847-59, Wayne County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1887) 1838. p.312-26. - Brinckerhoff, John N. Annual Meteorological Abstracts for 1863 and 1864, - Union Hall Academy, Jamaica, L. I. Mus. rep. 18 (for 1864) 1865. p.212-138. _Bruyas, Rev. Jacques. Radical Words of the Mohawk Language, with their Derivatives. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1863. 123p Also published in Library of American Linguistics, ed. by J. G. Shea. 1860-64. v.10. Butts, Charles, Glenn, L. C. & Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Olean Quadrangle. Pal. rep. (for 1902). Jn press. ‘Callaway, Charles. The Geological Evidence of the Origin of Species by Evolution. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1876. 8:207-14. Read before the Albany Institute, Dec. 16, 1873. _ Carpenter, Philip P. Catalogue of the Reigen Collection of Mazatlan Mol- lusca. Mus. rep. 13 (for 1859) 1860. p.21-36. ‘Carr, Ezra S. Economical Geology. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.385-88. Cheney, T. Apoleon. Illustrations of Ancient Monuments in Western New York. Mus. rep. 13 (for 1859) 1860. p.37-52. 24pl. map. 41x41cem. -Clarke, John Mason. Brief Outline of the Geological Succession in Ontario | Co., N. Y., to accompany a map. Geol. rep. 4 (for 1884) 1885. p.9-22. map 36x33.5cem. Annelid Teeth from the Lower Portion of the Hamilton Group, and from the Naples Shales of Ontario County, N.Y. Geol. rep. 6 (for 1886) 1887. p.380-32. 1pl. -—— Preliminary Report on Mastodon Bones at Attica, N. Y. Geol. rep. 6 (for 1886) 1887. p.384-35. Report on the Bones of Mastodon or Hlephas Found Associated with Charcoal and Pottery at Attica, N. Y. Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.388-990. Also published separately, 7p. Ground plan of sink holes in which were found mastodon bones. Hall, James &. Trilobites and Other Crustacea of the Oriskany, Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage, Chemung and Catskill Groups. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.7. 2836p. 46pl. Beecher, C. E. & Development of Some Silurian Brachiopoda. Mus. mem. 1. 1889. 95p. 8pl. The genus Bronteus in the Chemung Rocks of New York. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.57-59. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.403-5. Also published separately, 6p. The Hereynian Question; a Brief Review of its Development and Present Status, with a Few Remarks upon its Relation to the Current Classification of American Palaeozoic Faunas. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.62-91. \|Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.408-37. Also published separately, 32p. List of the Species Constituting the Known Fauna and Flora of the Marcellus Epoch in the State of New York. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.60-61. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.406-7 Also published separately, 4p. List of the Type Specimens of Devonian Crustacea Described in Palaeontology of New York, v.7, in the New York State Museum. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.24-27. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p-370-73. —— Genera of the Palaeozoic Brachiopoda. Geol. rep..S (for 1888) 1889. p.43-46. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.389-93. —— —— revised. Geol. rep. 10 (for 1890) 1891. p.15-18. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.45-48. 276 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM —— Reports as Assistant Paleontologist. Geol. rep. 10-12 (for 1890-92) 1891-93. Mus. rep. 44-47 (for 1890-93) 1892-94. ¢ For page references, see List of publications, p.258-59. : Notes on the Genus Acidaspis. Geol. rep. 10 (for 1890). 1891. p.61-71. _ pl.1-8. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.91-101, pl.1-3. Also published separately, 13p. 8pl. (for 1890) 1892. p.105-9. pl.4. Also published separately, 7p. : Observations on the Terataspis grandis, Hall, the Largest Known Trilobite. Geol. rep. 10 (for 1890) 1891. p.87-90. pl.5. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1880) 1892. p.111-14. pl.5. 1 Also published separately, 6p. ~ mens Donated by the Albany Institute to the State Museum. Geol. rep. 11 (for 1891) 1€92. p.31-53. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.347-69. Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.373-437. On Cordania, a Proposed New Genus of Trilobites. Geol. rep. 11 (for 1891) 1892. p.124-27. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.44:0-43. Also published separately. Hall, James &. Introduction to the Study of the Brachiopoda, in- tended as a hand book for the use of students. Geol. rep. 11 (for 1891). — 1892. p.183-300. illus. 22pl. map. Pt2, Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.749- 948, illus. pl.23-54. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.449-616. map. no plates. Pt2, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1€93) 1894. p.943-1187. illus. no plates. Also published separately. Chart of the world showing distribution of recent Brachiopoda, 43 x 28.5cm. Introduction to the Study of the Genera of the Palaeozoic Brachiopoda. Pal. N. Y. 1892, v.8, ptl, 367 p. 44pl.; 1894. v.8, pt2, 394p. 84pl. List of the Original and Illustrated Specimens in the Palaeontological Collections. Pt2, Annelida and Cephalopoda. Geol. rep. 12 (for 1892). 1898. p.55-104. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1898. p.201-50. Succession of the Fossil Faunas in the Section of the Livonia Salt Shaft. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1898) 1894. p.131-58. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 18938) 1894. p.325-52. —— New or Rare Species of Fossils from the Horizons of the Livonia Salt Shaft. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.159-89. 4pl. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1884. p.353-83. no plates. —— Report on Field-work in Chenango County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898): 1894. p.529-57. illus. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.723-51. illus. Also published separately. List of Publications Relating to the Geology and Palaeontology of the State of New York, 1876-93. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.559-97. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.753-91. Also published separately. Evolution of the Genera of the Palaeozoic Brachiopoda. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1884, p.609-46. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.803-40. Extract from Palaeontology of New York, v.8, pt2. ed. Bernard, Felix. Principles of Palaeontology. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.18-15, 127-215. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:13-15,. 127-215. Also published separately. Hall, James & New Species of Brachiopoda Described in Palaeon- tology of New York, v.8, ptl and 2. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.16-18, 323-72. 14pl. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:16-18, 323-72. 14pl. Also published separately. ; Note on Coronura aspectans, Conrad (sp.); the Asaphus diurus, — Green. Geol. rep. 10 (for 1890) 1891. p.7983. pl.4. Same, Mus. rep, 44— List of the Original and Illustrated Specimens in the Palaeontological — Collections. Pti1, Crustacea. Geol. rep. 11 (for 1891) 1892. p.57-121. Same, — Catalogue of the Collection of Geological and Palaeontological Speci- : —— | AUTHOR INDEX 217 ep Stratigraphic and Faunal Relations of the Oneonta Sandstones and Shales, the Ithaca and the Portage Groups in Central New York. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.11-12, 27-81. pl. (phot.) 2 maps. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:11-12, 27-81. pl. (phot.) 2 maps. Also published separately. Geologic map of a part of Chenango and Cortland counties, 25 x 28.5cm. Geologic map showing distribution of Portage group in Seneca, Schuyler, Yates and parts of Tompkins and Ontario counties, 26 x 26.5cm. Notes on Some Crustaceans from the Chemung Group of New York. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1£95) 1897. p.729-88. ‘Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:729-38. Also published separately. Hall, James & Memoir on the Palaeozoic Reticulate Sponges Consti- tuting the Family Dictyospongidae. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. 350p. illus. TOpl. Same, Pt1, Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1898. 2:741-984. illus. 47pl. Pt2, Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.841-448. illus. pl.48-70. Same, Pt1, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 3:741-984. illus. 47pl. Pt2, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:341-448. illus. pl.48-70. Contains a bibliography. The Naples Fauna (Fauna with Manticoceras intumescens) in West- ern New York. ‘Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.29-161. illus. Spl. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:29-161. illus. 9pl. Also published separately. Notes on the Early Stages of Certain Goniatites. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1886) 1889. p. 168-69. illus. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:163-69. illus. Also published separately. Paleontology. University handbook 13. 1899. 8p. Brief outline of State Museum work in paleontology. Guide to Excursions in the Fossiliferous Rocks of New York State. University handbook 15. 1899. 120p. —— Report as Acting State Geologist and Paleontologist. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899, p.5-7. — Reports as Paleontologist. Pal. rep. (for 1899-1901) 1900-1902. Same, Mus. rep. 53-54 (for 1899-1900) 1901-1902. For page references and contents, see List of publications, p.262. Oriskany Fauna of Becraft Mountain, Columbia County, N. Y. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. 128p. 9pl. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. v.2. 128p. 9pl. Includes table of New York series, published by Clarke and Schuchert, in Science, Dec. 8, 1899. A Remarkable Occurrence of Orthoceras in the Oneonta Beds of the Chenango Valley, N. Y. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.167-71. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:167-71. — Paropsonema ecryptophya; a Peculiar Hchinoderm from the Intu- mescens-zone (Portage beds) of Western New York. Mus. bul. 39. 1800. p.172-78. p.5-9. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:172-78, pl.5-9. —— Dictyonine Hexactinellid Sponges from the Upper Devonie of New York. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.187-90, pl.10-11. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:187-90. pl.10-11. — The Water Biscuit of Squaw Island, Canandaigua Lake, N. Y. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.195-98. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:195-98. _ — Notes on Paleozoic Crustaceans. Pal. rep. (for 1900) 1901. p.83-119. 4pl. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:83-119. 4pl. (apx. 1). Contents: Genus Pseudoniscus. : Phyllocarida from the Black Shale Beds at Base of Salina Beds in Western New York. Some Devonic Phyllocarida from New York. Phyllopod Crustacean in the Oneonta-Catskill Sediments in Eastern New York. Estheria ortoni, sp. nov. Limestones of Central and Western New York Interbedded with Bituminous Shales of the Marcellus Stage, with notes on their faunas. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.115-38. pl.8-9. New Agelacrinites. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.182-98. pl.10. 278 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM — Value of Amnigenia as an Indicator of Freshwater Deposits During the Devonic of New York, Ireland and the Rhineland. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.199-208. pl.11. Relation of New York State Paleontology to the Schools and Colleges. Regents rep. 113 (for 1899) 1901. p359-64 Read before the University Convocation, June 28, 1899. Ruedemann, R. & Luther, D. D. Contact Lines of Upper Siluric Formations on the Brockport and Medina Quadrangles. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.517-23. — Preliminary Statement of the Paleontologic Results of the Areal Survey of the Olean Quadrangle. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.524-28. — A New Genus of Paleozoic Brachiopods, Eunoa, with Considerations on Discinocaris, Spathiocaris and Cardiocaris. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.606-15. —— Indigene and Alien Faunas of the New York Devonic. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.664-72. State Museum. Mus. bul. 65. In press. R. The Guelph Formation and Fauna in Western New York. Mus. mem. 5. In press. —— Naples Fauna in Western New York. Mus. mem. 6. In press. —— Stratigraphy of the Canandaigua and Naples Quadrangles. Mus. bul. 63. 2 maps. In press. — Mastodons of New York; a List of Discoveries of their Remains 1705- 1902. Pal. rep. (for 1902). In press. Clarke, William C. Gypsum Industry in New York State. Mus. bul. 11. 1893. p. 70-84. Clinton, George W. Graphite of Ticonderoga. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1830. 1:233-35. Read before the Albany Institute, Feb. 14, 1827. Preliminary List of the Plants of Buffalo and its Vicinity. Mus. rep. 17 (for 1863) 1864. p.24-35. Facts and Observations Touching the Flora of the State of New York. Mus. rep. 18 (for 1864) 1865. p.197-205; 19 (for 1865) 1866. p.72-80. Colvin, Verplanck. Ascent of Mt Seward and its Barometrical Measure- ment. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.171-80. 1pl. The Winter Fauna of Mount Marcy. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1879. 9:11-26. Read before the Albany Institute, Jan. 4, 1876. Conrad, Timothy A. Annual Report on the Geological Survey of the Third District. Assembly doc. 1837, no.161, p.155-86 (ed.2, p.157-88). — Reports on the Palaeontological Department of the Survey. Assem- bly doc. 1838, no.200, p.107-19; 1839, no.275, p.57-66; 1840, no.50, p.199-207; 1841, no.150, p.25-57. Converse, Harriet Maxwell. Iroquois Silver Brooches. Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r231-54. Also published separately. Cook, George H. Communication on the Nature of the Specimens of Salt and Salt Water presented by him, with an analysis of most of the same. Mus. rep. 7 (for 1858) 1854. p.79-93. Cumings, Edgar R., Prosser, C. S. & Sections and Thickness of the Lower Silurian Formations on West Canada Creek and in the Mohawk valley. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.23-24, 615-59. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:23-24, 615-59. pl. (phot.) — Lower Silurian System of Elastern Montgomery County, New York. (Mus. bul. 34. 1900. p.415-68, 4p]. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:415-68. 4pl. (phot.) map. Geologic map of Amsterdam quadrangle, 44x 32.5cm. ra F; 7 A . = Pe Lee ne ee ae Te ‘tee we AUTHOR INDEX 279 _ Cushing, Henry P. Preliminary Report on the Geology of Clinton County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.473-89. maps (uncolored). -Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.667-83. maps (uncolored). Also published separately. Report on‘the Geology of ‘Clinton County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.21-22, 499-573. pl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Same, Mus. rep. 49 _ (for 1895) 1898. 2:21-22, 499-573. pl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Also published separately. - Map of Clinton county showing the boundary between the Cambrian and pre-Cambrian formations (uncolored) 16.5 x 19.5cm, Report on the Boundary between the Potsdam and Pre-Cambrian Rocks North of the Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.1-27. map (uncolored) 18x3lem. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:1-27. map (uncolored) 18x81cm., Also published separately. —— Preliminary Report on the Geology of Franklin ‘County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898). 1899. p.73-128. pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900, 2:73-128. pl. (phot.) map. Also published separately. Geologic map of Franklin county, 29x39cm. — Geology of Rand Hill and Vicinity, Clinton County. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r87-82. 2 maps. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r37-82. 2 maps. Geologic maps of parts of Clinton county 33x22, 10.5x5cm. Recent Geologic Work in Franklin and St Lawrence Counties, and Precambrian Outlier at Littlefalls. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r23-95. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:1r23-95. Also published separately. Geologic map of the vicinity of Saranac lakes, 13.5 x 16cm. Petrography and Age of the Northumberland Rock. Geol. rep. 21 (for 1901). In press. Geology of the Vicinity of Littlefalls, Herkimer Co. Mus. bul. In press. Dana, James D. On Reorganization of State Cabinet. Mus. rep. 19 (for 1865) 1866. p.10-11. Danker, Henry A. List of the Birds of New York noticed in Maine June 1862. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1863. p.15-16. Darton, Nelson Horatio. Report on the Relations of the Helderberg Lime- stones and Associated Formations in Eastern New York. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.197-228. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.391-422. pl. (phot.) Also published separately. Preliminary Report on the Geology of Albany County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.229-61. pl. (phot.) map, in Geol. rep. 15, v.1. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.423-55. pl. (phot.) map, in Mus. rep. 49, v.2. Also published separately. Preliminary geologic map of Albany county, 78x74.5cm. Preliminary Report on the Geology of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.289-372. pl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.483-566. pl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Also published separately. Geology of the Mohawk Valley in Herkimer, Fulton, Montgomery and Saratoga Counties. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.407-29. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.601-28. pl. (phot.) Also published separately. Preliminary Description of the Faulted Region of Herkimer, Fulton, Montgomery and Saratoga Counties. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.11-12, 31-53. pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:11-12, 31-53. pl. (phot.) map. Also published separately. Preliminary geologic map of portions of Herkimer, Fulton, Montgomery, Saratoga and adjacent counties (uncolored) 28.5x16.5cm. 280 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Davies, Charles. Remarks at the Inauguration of the State Geological Hall. Mus. rep. 10 (for 1856) 1857. p.27-28. Davis, K. C. The Sialididae of North and South America. Mus. bul. 68. In press. De Kay, James EH. Report on Zoological Department of Survey. Assembly doc. 1887, no.161. p.11-13 (ed.2, p.18-15); 1840, no.50, p.7-36. Zoology of New York; or, the New York Fauna. 1842-44. 5y. il. pl. maps. sq. Q. Historical introduction to the series by Gov. W. H. Seward. 178p. Contents: v1 ptl Mammalia. 13+146p. 33pl. 1842. 300 copies with hand-colored plates. v.2 pt2 Birds. 12+380p. 141pl. 1844. Colored plates. v.3 pt3 Reptiles and Amphibia. 7+98p. pt4 Fishes. 15+415p. 1842. pt3-4 bound together. v.4 Plates to accompany y.3. Reptiles and amphibia, 23pl. Fishes, 79pl. 1842. 300 copies with hand-colored plates. v.5 ptS Mollusca. 4+271p. 40pl. pt6 Crustacea. 70p. 18pl. 1848-44. Hand-colored plates: pt5-6 bound together. — Catalogue of the Fishes Inhabiting the State of New York as Classi- fied and Described in pt4 of the New York Fauna, with a list of the fishes inhabiting the State discovered since the publication of the zoology. Mus. rep. 8 (for 1854) 1855. p.49-69. Delafield, John. A General View and Agricultural Survey of the County of Seneca. Ag. Soc. Trans. 10 (for 1850) 1851. p.356-616. illus. 1pl. map. Topographic map of Seneca county, N. Y. by William T. Gibson, 39.5x25.5em. Denniston, Goldsmith. Survey of the County of Steuben. Ag. Soc. Trans. 21 (for 1861) 1862. p.547-661. map. Map of Steuben county (uncolored) 43.5x42.5em. Agricultural Survey of the County of Orange. Ag. Soc. Trans. 22 (for 1862) 1863. p.135-235. illus. maps. Map of Orange county (uncolored) 59x47.5cm. Map of patents in Orange county granted under the colonial government (uncolored) 43x32cm, De Tarr, D. N. List of the Rhizopoda Found in the Vicinity of Albany, N. Y. Mus. rep. 85 (for 1881) 1884. p.165-67. Dewey, Chester. Catalogue of Shells Given by Chester Dewey. Mus. rep. 9 (for 1855) 1856. p.31-38. —— Address at the Inauguration of the State Geological Hall. Mus. rep. 10 (for 1856) 1857. p.13-19. -—— Meteorological Observations at Rochester, N. Y., for 1863. Mus. tep- 17 (for 1868) 1864. p.39-45. — Meteorological Results for 1864 and for 28 Years now ended, Roch- ester, N. Y. HANES. rep. 18 eo 1864) 1865. ae -31. N. Y. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866). 1867. p.125-40.. Dickinson, Harold T. Bluestones and Other Sandstones in the Upper Devonian in New York State. Mus. bul. 61.2 maps. Jn press. Dix, John A. Report of the Secretary of State in Relation to a Geological Survey of the State. 60p. Assembly doc. 1836, no. 9. Also published in Dix, J. A. Speeches. 1864. 2:181-241. Dudley, P. H. Fungi Destructive to Wood. Bot. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.86-94. Same, Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.86-94. —— —— Bot. rep. 43 (for 1889) 1890. p.45-47. Same, Mus. rep. 43 (for 1889) 1890. p.91-93. Eastman, C. R. Upper Devonian Fish-fauna of Delaware County, New York. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.317-27. illus. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:317-27. illus. Eaton, Amos. Geological and Agricultural Survey of the District Adjoin- ing the Erie Canal. 1824. 1638p. AUTHOR INDEX 28 - —— Coal Formations in the State of New York. Alb. Inst. Trans. 18380, 1:126-30. Read before the Albany Institute Mar. 11, 1830. Eberhardt, William G. Bluestone Quarries of New York. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.411-19. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:411-19 (2d paging). Eckel, Edwin C. Harly history of the Portland Cement Industry in New York State. Mus. bul. 44, 1901. p.849-59. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900): 1902. 3:849-59. : —— Manufacture of Portland Cement in New York State. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.860-76. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:860-76. — Tests of Cement, made by the State Engineer during 1897-1900. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.877-91. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:S7T7-91. —— Serpents of Northeastern United States. Mus. bul. 51. 1902. p.355-88.. — Quarry Industry in Southeastern New York. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900). 1902. p.r141-76. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r141-76. Also published separately. Map of southeastern New York showing locations of quarries, 28.5x388cm. —— Molding Sand, its Uses, Properties and Occurrence. Geol. rep. 21 (for 1901) In press. Eights, James. Description of a New Crustaceous Animal found on the Shores of the South Shetland Islands, with remarks on their natural history. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1833-52. 2.53-69. 2pl. Communicated July 10, 1833. —— Description of a New Animal belonging to the Crustacea, discovered in the Antarctic Seas. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1833-52. 2:331-34. 2pl. Geo:ogical Features of the Post Tertiary Formation of the City of Albany and its Vicinity. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1838-52. 2:335-53. Accepted Mar. 4, 1852. Emerson, B. K. Notes upon Two Boulders of a Very Basic Eruptive Rock from the West Shore of Canandaigua Lake; and their Contact Phe- nomena upon the Trenton Limestone. Geol. rep. 12 (for 1892) 1893. p.105-9. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1893, p.251-55. Also published separately. Emmons, Ebenezer. Annual Report of 2d Geological District. Assembly doc. 1837, no.161, p.97-153 (ed.2, p.99-155); 1838, no.200, p.185-252; 1839, no.275, p.201-39; 1840, no.50, p.259-353; 1841, no.150, p.113-36. — Geology of New York, pt2, comprising the Survey of the Second Geological District. 1842. 10+487p. 17pl. sq. Q. Agriculture of New York. 1846-54. 5v. il. pl. sq. Q. Comenis- v. 1 Soils of the State, their Composition and Distribution. 11-+371p. 2ipl. Ve 2 Analyses of Soils, Plants, Cereals, etc. 8+3438+46p. 42pl. 1849. With hand-colored plates. v. 3 Fruits, etc. 8+340p. 1851. v. 4. Plates to accompany v.38. 95pl. 1851. Hand-colored. v. 5 Insects Injurious to Agriculture. 8+272p. 50pl. 1854. With hand-colored plates. — Catalogue of the Specimens Arranged by Prof. E. Emmons, as Rep- resentatives of the Taconic System, at the Close of the Geological Sur- vey ot New York in 18438. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.95-98. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.441-44. Evans, Gurdon. A General View and Agricultural Survey of the County of Madison. Ag. soc. Trans. 11 (for 1851) 1852. p.658-777. t Fairchild, Herman Le Roy. Pleistocene Geology of Western New York. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r103-39. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:1103-39. Also published separately. ~- Map of the shore line and area of Lake Iroquois, 60x41.5cm. Latest and lowest Pre-Iroquois Channels between Syracuse and Rome. Geol. rep. 21 (for 1901). Jn press. 282 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Farr, Marcus S. Check List of New York Birds. Mus. bul. 33. 1900. p.193-409. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:193-409. —— Ed. 2 revised. Mus. bul. 33. 1900. p.193-414." Felt, Ephraim Porter. Reports as Entomologist. 14-18 (for 1898-1902). Also published in Museum reports. Report for 1898 Mus. bul. 23 Same. Mus. rep. 52, v.1 «1399 is 3 53, Vial! “ 1900 a 36 es 54, v.2 S 1901 ‘ 53 ss 5b, v.l x 1902 “ 64 Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:463-80. illus. Also published separately. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1886) 1898. 1:223-29. bul. 23). Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:221-30. Also published separately. Elm-leaf Beetle in New York State. Mus. bul. 20. 1898. 43p. illus. 1pl. (lith.) 5pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:1-48. illus. tpl. (lith.) Spl. (phot.) revised. Mus. bul. 57. 1902. 48p. illus. 7pl. (phot.) 1pl. (lith.) Descriptive Catalogue of inept Exhibited at New York State Fair, Syracuse, 4-9 Sep. 1899. 26p. —— Memorial of the Life and Entomologic Work of J. A. Lintner Ph. D. State Entomologist 1874-98; Index to Entomologist’s Reports 1-13. Mus. bul. 24. 1899. p.301-611. 1pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:301-611. 1pl. (phot.) Collection, Preservation and Distribution of New York Insects. Mus. bul. 26. 1899. 34p. illus. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:3-34. illus. Shade-tree Pests in New York State. Mus. bul. 27. 1899. p.39-60. illus. 5pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 538 (for 1899) 1901. 1:39-60. 5pl. (phot.) — Insects Injurious to Maple Trees. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 4 (for 1898) 1899. p.3867-95. illus. 3pl. Also published separately. Catalogue of Injurious and Beneficial Insects of New York State. Mus. bul. 87. 1900. 52p. illus. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:3-52. illus. —— Injurious Insects and How to Control them. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.267-82. illus. 4pl. Household Insects. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.294-308. illus. 2pl. —— Insects Injurious to Elm Trees. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 5 (for 1899) 1900. p.851-79. illus. 3pl. Also published separately. Seale Insects of Importance and a List of the Species in New York. Mus. bul. 46. 1901. p.289-377. 7pl. (lith.) 8pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902, 4:289-377. Tbh (lith.) Spl. (phot.) Aquatic Insects of the Saranac Region. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 6 (for 1900) 1901. p.499-531. illus. 6pl. —— Entomology. University handbook 16. 1902. 12p. rapevine Root Worm. Mus. bul. 59. 1902. p.49-84. illus. Ipl. (lith.) 5pl. (phot.) —— Insects Affecting Forest Trees. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7 (for 1901). In press. — Importance of Injurious Insects Introduced from Abroad. Ent. rep. 18 (for 1902) p.116-26. Jn press. Read before the Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science at its meeting held in Washington D. C. Dec. 29, 1902. Insects Affecting Park and Woodland Trees. Mus. mem. In press. Scorpion Flies. Ent. rep. 10 (for 1894) 1895. p.463-80. illus. Same, Additional Notes on Sciara. Ent. Rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.223-29. Hints about Insecticides. Ent. rep. 14 (for 1898) 1898. p.221-30. (Mus. AUTHOR INDEX 288. —— Insecticides and Fungicides. University handbook 18. In press. — & Joutel, L. H. Monograph of the Genus Saperda. Mus. bul. In Press. Fenno, Frank E. Plants of the Susquehanna Valley and Adjacent Hills. of Tioga County. Bot. rep. (for 1902). In press. Finlay, Gecrge I. Preliminary Report of Field Work in the Town of Minerva, Essex Co. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r96-102. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r96-102. Also published separately. Geologic map of the town of Minerva, 21x19cm. aFitch, Asa. Catalogue of Insects in the State Cabinet of Natural History Dee. 1, 1848. Mus. rep. 2 (for 1848) 1849. p.25-39. -—— Survey of Washington County. Ag. soe. Trans. 8 (for 1848) 1849. p.875-975. —— A Historical, Topographical and Agricultural Survey of the County of Washington. Ag. Soc. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.753-944. map. Map of Washington county (uncolored) 36x1l3cm. Catalogue with References and Descriptions of the Insects Collected and Arranged for the State Cabinet of Natural History. Mus. rep. 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.43-69. On the Homoptera. Reprinted in Ent. rep. 9, p.381-409 and Mus. rep. 46, p.381-409. Reports on the.Noxious, Beneficial and other Insects of the State of (New York. 1855-72. Published in New York State Ag. Soc. Transactions 14, p.705-880; 15, p.409-559; 16,. p.315-490; 17, p.687-814; 18, p.781-854; 20, p.745-868; 21, p.813-59; 22, p.657-91; 23, p.778-823; 24, p.433-61; 26, p.487-543; 27, pt2, p.889-932; 29, p.495-566; 30, p.355-81. Rep’t 1-11 also published separately. Say’s Heteropterous Hemiptera. 17, p.754-814. Fritz-Gaertner, R., Hall, J. W. &. On the Structure of Astraeospongia meniscus. Mus. rep. 30 (for 1876) 1878. p.111-16, pl.3. Notes on Phlogopyte. Mus. rep. 31 (for 1877) 1879. p.72-78. - Gale, L. D. Geology of New York County. Geol. rep. Ist dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.177-99. — Diary of a Geological Survey of the Island of New York. Geol. N. Y ptl. 18438. p.581-604. Gaylord, Willis. Geology as Connected with Agriculture. Ag. Soc. Trans. 1 (for 1841) 1842. p.273-98. Gebhard, John, jr. Catalogues of Museum Collections. (see under name of eollection, i. e. Zoological collection, ete. in Subject index also under Gebhard collection.) — Statement and Proposal (offering for sale to the State his collection of fossils). Mus. rep. 6 (for 1852) 1858. p.9-11. — Catalogue of the Cabinet of Fossils Sold by him to the State of New York. Mus. rep. 6 (for 1852) 1853. p.12-13, 29-30. Geddes, George. Survey of Onondaga County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 19 (for 1859) 1860. p.219-352. illus. map. Geographic and topographic map of Onondaga county, 79x57.5cm. Geddes, James. Geological Features of the South Side of the Ontario. Valley. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1829. 1:55-56. Read before the Albany Institute, Feb. 15, 1826. Girty, George Herbert. Revision of the Sponges and Coelenterates of the Lower Helderberg Group of New York. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.16, 259-309. Tpl. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:16, 259-309. Tpl. Also published separately. Glenn, L. C. & Butts, Charles. Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Olean Quadrangle. Pal. rep. (for 1902). In press, Gould, Augustus A. On Reorganization of State Cabinet. Mus. rep. 19 (for 1865) 1866. p.24-26. a¥or list of publications by Fitch, sce Ent. rep. 1 (for -1881) 1882. p.291-325. 284 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ‘Grabau, Amadeus W. Faunas of the Hamilton Group of Highteen-mile Creek and Vicinity in Western New York. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.227-339. pl. (phot.) 3 tab. map. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:227-339. pl. (phot.) 3 tab. map. Also published separately. Map of the township of Hamburg, Erie co. (uncolored) 18x24.5em. Guide to the Geology and Paleontology of Niagara Falls and Vicinity; with a chapter on Post-pliocene Fossils of Niagara by Hlizabeth J. Let- son. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. 2&4p. 18pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:3-284. 18pl. (phot.) map. Geologic map of Niagara river, 84.5x38cm. Contains a partial bibliography of the geology of Niagara and the Great lakes. Stratigraphy of Becraft Mountain, Columbia Co. Pal. rep. (for 1902). In press. With map. Green, Jacob. Cones of North America. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1830. 1:121-25. Read before the Albany Institute, June 7, 1830. —-— Dolia of the United States. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1830. 1:131-33. 1pl. Read before the Albany Institute, June 7, 1830. Notes on the American Shells, figured in the Supplement to the Index Testaceologicus. Alb. Inst. Trans. “1830. 1:184-86. Read before the Albany Institute, June 7, 1830. Reclamation of Salamanders. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1830. 1:150-51. Read before the Albany Institute, June 7, 1830. Hall, C. E. Laurentian Magnetic Iron Ore Deposits of Northern New York. Mus. rep. 32 (for 1878) 1879. p.183-40. Same, Geol. rep. 4 (for 1884) 1885. p.23-34, with geol. map of Hssex co. 48x40. 5em. a@Hall, James. Ores of Iron (in northern district). Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.127-49 (ed.2, p.129-51). Facts in relation to gold ore obtained from W. W. Mather, see note, p.146. Annual Report of the Fourth Geological District of New York. As- sembly doc. 1888, no.200, p.287-881; 1839, no.275, p.287-347; 1840, no.50, p.3889-480; 1841, no.150, p.149-79. Geology of New York, pt4, comprising the Survey of the Fourth Geological District. 1848. 22+683p. 19pl. map, sq. Q. Geologic map of the Middle and Western states. Geological Survey of New York. Ag. Soc. Trans. 3 (for 1843) 1844. p.241-78. Palaeontology of New York. 1847-94. Sy. il. pl. sq. Q. Introduction to v.38, contains discussion of geologic formations, theory of mountain ele- vation, metamorphic rocks, and other geologic phenomena, 96p. Contents: v.1 Organic Remains of the Lower Division of the New York System. 23-+338p. 99pl. 1847. v. 2 Organic Remains of Lower Middle Division of the New York System. 8+362p. 104pl. 1852. v. 8 Organic Remains of the Lower Helderberg Group and the Oriskany Sandstone. ptl, text. 12-+-532p. 1859. — — pt2, 148pl. 1861. v. 4 Fossil Brachiopoda of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. 11+1-+428p. 99pl. 1867. v. 5 ptl Lamellibranchiata 1. Monomyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups. 18+268p. 45pl. 1884. — — Lamellibranchiata 2. Dimyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. 62-+p.269-561. 5ipl. 1885 v. 5 pt2 Gasteropoda, Pteropoda and Cephalopoda of the Upper Helderberg, Hamil- ton, Portage and Chemung Groups. 2y. 1879. v.1, text. 15+492p. v.2, 120pl. v. 6 Corals and Bryozoa of the Lower and Upper Helderberg and Hamilton Groups. 24+298p, 67pl. 1887. v. 7 Trilobites and Other Crustacea of the Oriskany, Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage, Chemung and Catskill Groups. 644+236p. 46pl. 1888. Cont? supplement to v.5, pt2. Pteropoda, Cephalopoda and Annelida. 42p. 18pl. 1888, v. 8 ptl Introduction to the Study of the Genera of the Palaeozoic Brachiopoda. 16+867p. 44pl. 1892. — pt2 Palaeozoic Brachiopoda, 16+394p. 84pl. 1894. a¥or sketch of life by H. C. Hovey, including portrait, list of published works, list of titles and memberships, see American Geologist, Mar. 1899. 23:137-68. See also sketch by J. M. Clarke. Regents rep. 113. p.382-85. AUTHOR INDEX 285 -—— Catalogue of Specimens in the Palaeontological Department of the Geological Survey. Mus. rep. 1 (for 1847) 1848. 15p. — Catalogue of Specimens in the Geological Department of the Geologi- cal Survey. Mus. rep. 1 (for 1847) 1848. 39p. Memorandum as to the Additions made to the Palaeontological Cab- inet since April 11, 1848. Mus. rep. 2 (for 1848) 1849. p.68-70. — Description of New Species of Fossils and Observations upon Some Other Species Previously not well known from the Trenton Limestone. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.173-83. 5pl. Catalogue of Specimens of the Rocks and Fossils in the Gray Sand- stone, Medina Sandstone, Clinton Group, Niagara Group, Onondaga Salt Group and a Part of the Water-lime Group. Mus. rep. 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.117-42, —— Description of New Species of Fossiis from the Carboniferous Lime- stones of Indiana and Illinois. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1858-64. 4:1-36. Read before the Albany Institute, Nov. 27, 1856. — Descriptions of Palaeozoic Fossils, chiefly from those constituting the third volume of the Palaeontology of New York. Mus. rep. 10 (for 1856) 1857. p.39-180. On the Genus Tellinomya and Allied Genera. Mus. rep. 10 (for 1856) 1857. p.181-86. illus. _ From the Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. 1856. 1:390-95. —— Contributions to the Palaeontology of New York. Contents: Mus. rep. 12 (for 1858) 1859. p.7-96, 110, illus. Notice of the Genera Ambonychia, Palaearca and Megambonia, p.8-14. Observations on the Genera Capulus, Pileopsis, Acroculia and Platyceras, p.15-19. Observations on the Genera Platyostoma and Strophostylus, p.20-22. Observations on the Genus Nucleospira, p.23-34. Observations on the Genus Eatonia, p.34-37. Observations on the Genus Rensselaeria, p.38-41. Observations on the Genus Camarium, p.42-44. Notes upon the Genus Graptolithus, p.45-58. Trilobites of the Shales of the Hudson River Group, p.59-62. Catalogue of the Species of Fossils described in volumes 1, 2 and 3 of the Palae- ontology of New York, with corrections in nomenclature, p.63-87. Corrected List of the Fossils described in the Report of the 4th Geological Dis- trict of New York, p.87-92. Catalogue of the Species of Fossils described in the 3d volume of the Palaeon- tology of New York, p.93-96. Supplementary Note on the Genus Ambonychia, p.110. Mus rep. 13 (for 1859) 1860. p.53-125. Notices of New Forms of the Genus Graptolithus and Allied Genera, p.55-64. On Genus Rhynchonella, p.65-69. Observations on Orthis, Skenidium, Ambocoelia and Vitulina, p.69-73. Observations on the Genera Athyris (=—Spirigera), Merista (]Camarium), Meri- stella and Leiorhynchus, p.73-75. Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Hamilton Group of Western New York, with Notices of Others from the Same Horizon in Iowa and Indiana, p.76-94. : Notes and Observations upon the Fossils of the Goniatite Limestone in the Marcellus Shale of the Hamilton Group, in the Eastern and Central Parts of the State of New York, and Those of the Goniatite Beds of Rockford, Ind., with Some Analogous Forms from the Hamilton Group Proper, p.95-112, 125. Note upon the Trilobites of the Shales of the Quebec Group in the Town of Georgia, Vt. p.113-19. New Species of Fossils from the Hudson River Group of Ohio and Other Western States, p.119-21. Observations upon a New Genus of Crinoidea, Cheirocrinus, p.121-24. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.87-109. Observations upon Some New and Other Species of Fossils from the Rocks of Hudson River Group of Ohio and the Western States, with Descriptions, p.89-92. Note on the Genera Bellerophon, Bucania, Carinaropsis and Cyrtolites, p.93-98. Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups, with Observations upon Previously Described Species, p.99-109. New Species of Fossils from Upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups, p.27-155. Mus. rep. 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.27-197. illus. 11pl. p.27-114 also published separately in 1861, continued from p.109 of the 14th report. Preliminary Notice of the Trilobites and Other Crustacea of the Upper Helder- berg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups, p.82-114. 286 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Preliminary Notice of Some of the Species of Crinoidea Known in tke Upper Helderberg and Hamilton Groups of New York, p.115-53. Observations upon a New Genus of Brachiopoda, p.154-55. ; Observations on the Genera Athyris (=Spirigera), Merista, Camarium and Meri- stella, p.176-91. : Note on the Genus Cypricardites, p.192-93. Notes and corrections, p.195-97. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1868. p.17-226. illus. 12pl. Descriptions of New Species of Brachiopoda from the Upper Helderberg, Hamil- ton and Chemung Groups, p.19-37. a Observations upon Some of the Brachiopoda, with Reference to the Characters cf the Genera Cryptonella, Centronella, Meristella, Trematospira, Rhynchospira, Retzia, Leptocoelia and Allied Forms, p.38-61. Observations upon the Genus Streptorhynchus, with Remarks upon Some Species Heretofore Referred to the Genera Strophomena and Orthis, p.61-66. Note on the Geological Range of the Genus Receptaculites in American Palaeo- zoic Strata, p.67-69. Note on the Occurrence of Astylospongia in the Lower Helderberg Rocks, p.69-70. On the Occurrence of Crustacean Remains of the Genera Ceratiocaris and Dithy- rocaris, with a Notice of Some New Species from the Hamilton Group and Genesee Slate, p.71-75. Observations upon Some Spiral-growing Fucoidal Remains of the Palaeozoic Rocks of New York, p.76-83. Observations upon the Genera Uphantaenia and Dictyophyton, with Notices of Some Species from the Chemung Group of New York and the Waverly Sand- stone of Ohio, p.84-91. Flora of the Devonian Period, p.92-117. b Preliminary Notice of the Fauna of the Potsdam Sandstone, with Remarks upon the Previously Known Species of Fossils and Descriptions of Some New Ones from the Sandstone of the Upper Mississippi Valley, p.119-209. Supplementary Note on the Potsdam Sandstone, p.210-20. : Supplementary Note on Some Fossils of the Lower Beds of the Potsdam Sané— stone of the Upper Mississippi Valley, p.221-22. Notes and corrections, p.223-26. Mus. rep. 17 (for 1868) 1864. p.50-60. p.50-60 also published separately in 1863. Preliminary Notice of Some Species of Crinoidea from the Waverly Sandstone Series of Summit County, Ohio, Supposed to be of the Age of the Chemung Group of New York, p.50-60. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.241-303. illus. Observations on the Genera Streptorhynechus and Strophodonta, p.241. Genus Chonetes (Fischer, 1837), p.242-44. Remarks on the Genera Productus, Strophalosia, Aulosteges and Productella, p.245-50. On the Genera Spirifera, Cyrtina and Allied Genera, p.251-57. On the Genera Athyris, Merista and Meristella, p.258-66. Note upon the Genus Zygospira and its Relations to Atrypa, p.267-68. Remarks upon the Genera Rhynchonella and Leiorhynchus, p.269-73. Note on the Genus Hichwaldia, p.274-78. On the Genus Tropidoleptus, p.279-81. : Note on the Genus Palaeaster, with Descriptions of Some New Species and Observations upon Those Previously Described, p.282-303. cDescriptions of some New Species of Crinoideae and other Fossils from the Lower Silurian Strata, principally of the Age of the Hudson River Group, p.304. dDescriptions of Bryozoa and Corals from the Lower Helderberg Group of New York, p.304. eDescriptions of Bryozoa, etc. from the Upper Helderberg and Hamilton Groups of New York, p.304. — New Species of Fossils from a Locality of the Niagara Group in Indiana, with a List of Identified Species from the Same Place. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1858-64. 4:195-228. Read before the Albany Institute, Ap. 29, 1862. A revised edition in Alb. Inst. Trans. 10:57-76, and Mus. rep. 28, p.99-203. On Reorganization of State Cabinet. Mus. rep. 19 (for 1865) 1866.. p.27-32. — Notice of v.4 of the Palaeontology of New York. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.145-68. illus. Also published separately. —— Introduction to the Study of the Graptolitidae. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.169-240. illus. 4pl. aAlso published in Alb. Inst. Trans. 4:125-48. bAlso published in Alb. Inst. Trans. 1864. 5:93-195. cTitle given here, but paper was published in Mus. rep. 24, p.205-24. adTitle given here, but paper was published in Mus. rep. 26, p.93-116. _ eTitle given here, but paper was afterward published separately, also in Alb. Inst- Trans. 1883. 10:145-97. ef ee ae Socks eee Oe CEST Ce wept a! AUTHOR INDEX 287 — Desccriptions of New or Little Known Species of Fossils from Rocks of the Age of the Niagara Group. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.305-401. pl.10-23. Originally printed in 1864. Reports as Curator of Museum. Mus. rep. 21-23 (for 1867-69) 1869-73. For page references, see List of publications, p.245-46. Notes and Observations on the Cohoes Mastodon. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.99-148. 5pl. 2 maps. Map of Cohoes and vicinity, showing course of the Mohawk, 23 x 18.5cm. Map of Cohoes falls and vicinity (uncolored) 67x42cm. Reports as Director of Museum. Mus. rep. 24-47 (for 1870-93) 1872-94. For later reports, see Merrill, F. J. H. For contents of reports, see List of publications, p.246-52. Fossil Trees in Schoharie County. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.15-16. — & Whitfield, R. P. Description of New Species of Fossils from the Vicinity of Louisville, Ky. and the Falls of the Ohio. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. -:p.181-200a. 5pl. in 27th report. Remarks on Some Peculiar Impressions in Sandstone of the Chemung Group, New York. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.201-4. — Description of New Species of Crinoidea and Other Fossils from Strata of the Age of the Hudson river Group and Trenton Limestone. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.205-24. pl. 5-7. Originally published in part in 1866. — Description of New Species of Fossils from the Hudson River Group in the Vicinity of ‘Cincinnati, O. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.225-32. pl.8. Published, Oct. 1871. & Whitfield, R. P. meeennons of New Species of Fossils from the Devonian Rocks of Iowa. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1878. p.223-39. pl.9-12. Notice of Three New Species of Fossil Shells from the Devonian of Ohio. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1873. p.240-41. Notice of Two New Species of Fossil Shells from the Potsdam Sandstone of New York. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1878. p.241-42. Notes on Some New or Imperfectly known Forms among the Brach- iopoda, etc. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1873. p.244-47. pl. 18. Also published separately, 1871. Reply to a *“‘ Note on a Question of Priority.’ ‘Mus. rep. 28 (for 1869) 1878. p.248-52. — Descriptions of Bryozoa and Corals of the Lower Helderberg Group. Mus. rep. 26 (for 1872) 1874. p.93-116. revised. Mus. rep. 32 (for 1878) 1879. p.141-76. Also published separately. —— 33 plates and explanations illustrating Corals and Bryozoans of Upper and Lower Helderberg groups. Geol. rep. 2 (for 1882) 1883. — The Niagara and Lower Helderberg Groups: their Relations and Geographical Distribution in the United States and Canada. Mus, rep. 27 (for 1873) 1875. p.117-31, map 70x50cem. From Proceedings of American Association for the Advancement of Science, Aug. 1873. Descriptions of New Species of Goniatitidae, with a List of Previously Described Species. Mus. rep. 27 (for 1873) 1875. p.132-36. Published in advance, May 1874. Illustrations of Devonian Fossils. 1876. Published in advance of Palaeontology of N. Y. v.5, pt2—v.7 The Hydraulic Beds and Associated Limestones at the Falls of the Ohio. Alb. Inst. Trans, 1879. 9:169-80. Read before the Albany Institute, Dec. 4, 1877. Note on the Genus Plumalina. Mus. rep. 30 (for 1876) 1878. p.255-56. pl.4. —— —o 288 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Fauna of the Niagara Group in Central Indiana. Mus. rep. 28 (for 1874) 1879. p.99-203. 32pl. Printed as a legislative document, 1876. Other editions in Alb. Inst. Trans. 4:195-228 and 10:57-76. Notice of Some Remarkable Crinoidal Forms from the Lower Helder- berg Group. Mus. rep. 28 (for 1874) 1879. p.205-10. p1.35-37. Also published in quarto, 1880. - Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Niagara Formation at Waldron, Indiana. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1883. 10:57-76. Read before the Albany Institute, Mar. 18, 1879. Another edition in Alb. Inst. Trans. 4:195-228 and Mus. rep. 28, p.99-203. Bryozoans of the Upper Helderberg and Hamilton Groups. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1883. 10:145-97. Read by title before the Albany Institute, Mar. 29, 1881. 5 State Museum of Natural History. Public Service of the State of | New York. 1882. 3:482-88. Geological Survey. Public Service of the State of New York. 1882. 2:367-80. Also published in Pop. Sci. Monthly, Ap. 1888. 22:815-25. Bryozoa (Kenestellidae) of the Hamilton Group. Mus. rep. 36 (for 1882) 1883. p.57-72. Also published separately. Plates and descriptions. Geol. rep. 6 (for 1886) 1887. p.41-70. Tpl. Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p1.8-15. — On the Structure of the Shell in the Genus Orthis. Mus. rep. 36 (for 1882) 1888. p.73-75. pl.3-4. Also published separately. — Description of a New Species of Stylonurus from the Catskill Group. Mus. rep. 36 (for 1882) 1883. p.76-77. pl.5. : Also published separately. Illustration of Cryptozoon. Mus. rep. 36 (for 1882) 1883. pl.6. Also published separately. Discussion upon the Manner of Growth, Variation of Form and Char- acters of the Genus Fenestella, and its Relations to Hemitrypa, Poly- pora, Retepora, Cryptopora, ete. Geol. rep. 2 (for 1882) 1883. p.5-16, illus. continued Geol. rep. 4 (for 1884) 1885. p.35-45. illus. 2pl. — Brachiopoda, plates and explanations. Geol. rep. 2 (for 1882) 1883. pl.34-61, — Reports of Geologist and Palaeontologist. Geol. rep. 1-17 (for 1881-97) 1884-99. Mus. rep. 38-51 (for 1884-97) 1885-99. Dr Hall was appointed paleontologist by Gov. Bouck in 1843, while his title as geol- ogist originated from the commission of 1837 on the geological survey. For his other reports, see Annual Report of the Fourth Geological District 1838-41; final report, 1843, and his reports as curator and director of museum, 1867-93. Geol. rep. 18, edited by J. M. Clarke, acting state geologist and paleontologist. For page references and contents see List of publications, p.257-61. . For later reports of geologist, see Merrill, F. J. H; of paleontologist, see Clarke, J. M. Classification of the Lamellibranchiata. Geol. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1884. p.8-15. 11pl. Descriptions of Bryozoans of the Hamilton Group (Fenestellidae ex- | j ee eee Paes Pee ee cepted). Geol. rep. 3 (for 1883) 1884. p.5-61. Preliminary Notice of the Lamellibranchiate Shells of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups (preparatory for the Palaeontology of New York). Mus. rep. 385 (for 1881) 1884. p.215-406¢g. For plates, see Geelogist’s report for 1881. Also published separately, with 5 plates additional. Descriptions of Fossil Corals from the Niagara and Upper Helderberg Groups. Mus. rep. 85 (for 1881) 1884. p.407-64. p1.23-30. Published in advance, 1882, 59p.; also pub. in Indiana—Dep’t of Geol. and Nat. Hist. Annual Rep. 12 (for 1882) p. 271- 318. 14 plates. Descriptions of the Species of Fossil Reticulate Sponges Constituting the Family Dictyospongidae. Mus. rep. 85 (for 1881) 1884. p.465-81. pl.18-21. Also published in advance, without plates. AUTHOR INDEX 289 _—— On the Relations of the Genera Stictopora, Ptilodictya, Acrogenia and Allied Forms in the Palaeozoic Rocks of New York. Geol. rep. 4 (for 1884) 1885. p.46. illus. ; ——. Note [on some Palaeozoic pectenoid shells]. Geol. rep. 4 (for 1884) 1885. p.47. illus. Geological Map of the State of New York. ‘Geol. rep. 4 (for 1884) 1885, p.4-8; 9 (for 1889) 1890. p.16-25; 12 (for 1892) 1893. p.8-18, 25-389; 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.193-94; 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.9-11; 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.7. Mus. rep. 36 (for 1888) 1884. p.12; 38 (for 1884) 1885. p.62-65; 43 (for 1889) 1890. p.218-27; 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.154-59, 171-85; 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.13-14, 387-88; 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:48, 2:9-11; 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:7. Note on Some Obscure Organisms in the Roofing Slates of Washing- ton County, N. Y. Mus. rep. 39 (for 1885) 1886. p.160. pl.11. Report on Building Stones. Mus. rep. 39 (for 1885) 1886. p.186-225. Communicated to commissioners of new capitol, 1868. Also published separately, 1886, 44p. { Plates and explanations of Cephalopoda, supplementary to Palaeon- tology of New York, v.5, pt2. Geol. rep. 5 (for 1885) 1886. pl.1-14 (117-29). Plates and explanations, published in advance of Palaeontology of New York, v.6. Geol. rep. 5 (for 1885) 1886. p1.25,'27, 29- 82, 40-41, 44-45, 48, 50-51, 53. _— Note on the Occurrence of the Dictyospongidae in the State of New York. Geol. rep. 6 (for 1886) 1887. p.36-38. map. ] Map showing geographic distribution of Dictyospongidae in Steuben and adjoining counties, 33 x 260m. Note on the Discovery of a Skeleton of an Elk (Elaphus canadensis) . in the Town of Farmington, Ontario co. Geol. rep. 6 (for 1886) 1887. | p.39. Educational Uses of Museums of Natural History. Regents rep. 100 (for 1886) 1887. p.208-13. Read before the University Convocation, July 7, 1886. Description of New Species of Fenestellidae of the Lower Helderberg | with Explanation of Plates Illustrating Species of the Hamilton Group. Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.393-94. pl.8-15. Crustaceous Tracks from Potsdam Sandstone of Port Henry, N. Y. Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.25-34. 1pl. —— Record of Locality Numbers Marking the Specimens Collected for the Illustration of the Palaeontology of New York. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.104-50; continued 9 (for 1889) 1890. p.61-72. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.450-96; continued 43 (for 1889) 1890. p.263-74. New Forms of Dictyospongidae from the Rocks of the Chemung Group. Geol. rep. 9 (for 1889) 1890. p.56-60. Same, Mus. rep. 43 (for 1889) 1890. p.258-62. First published notice of species in Proceedings of Geological Society of America. Continuation of Descriptions of Bryozoa not printed in v.6, Palaeon- tology of New York. Geol. rep. 10 (for 1890) 1891. p.85-57. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.65-87. Preliminary Notice of Newberria, a New Genus of Brachiopods; with Remarks on its Relations to Rensselaeria and Amphigenia. Geol. rep. 10 (for 1890) 1891. p.91-98. p1.5-6. Also published separately. Record of Localities of Extra-limital Geological and Palaeontological Collections of the New York State Museum. Geol. rep. 11 (for 1891) 1892. p.122-23. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.488-39. & Clarke, J. M. Introduction to the Study of the Brachiopoda, In- tended as a Handbook for the Use of Students. Geol. rep. 11 (for ESN 1892. p.133-800. illus. 22pl. map. Pt2, Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. 2:749- 948. illus. pl.23-54. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.449-616. map. no plates. Pt2, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.943-11387. illus. no plates. Also published separately. Chart of the world showing distribution of recent Brachiopoda, 43 x 28.5cm. — ’ 290 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM — Collections of Fossils made for the Palaeontology of New York pre- vious to 1888. Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.62-74. —— Additions to the Museum Collections in Geology and Palaeontology made in Connection with Work on the Geological Map. Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 18938. p.75-81. Livonia Salt Shaft, its History and Geological Relations, ete. Geol. rep. 138 (for 1898) 1894. p.11-20. diagrams. maps. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.203-14. diagrams. maps. Also published separately. Map showing area of New York covered by Onondaga salt group, 37 x 14.5cm. Map showing salt-producing district of western N. Y. 34.5x21.5em (in Geol. rep. only) & Clarke, J. M. New Species of Brachiopoda described in Palaeon- tology of New York, v.8, ptl and 2. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.16-18, 823-72. 14pl. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:16-18, 323-72. 14pl. Also published separately. Discussion of Streptelasma and Allied Genera of Rugose Corals. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.24-25. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:24-25, : Work planned by Dr Hall; continued by George B. Simpson. & Clarke, J. M. Memoir on the Palaeozoic Reticulate Sponges con- stituting the Family Dictyospongidae. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. 350p, illus. 70pl. Same, Pti, Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1898. 2:741-984. illus. 47pl. Pt2, Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.341-448. illus. pl.48-70. Same, Ptl, Mus. rep. 49: (for 1895) 1898. 3:741-984. illus. 47pl. Pt2, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896): 1899. 2:341-448. illus. pl.48-70. Contains a bibliography. For complete catalogue of published works, see Murray, David. Hall, James W. Machinery and Methods of Cutting Specimens of Rocks and Fossils. Mus. rep. 85 (for 1881) 1884. p.121-24. 2pl. —— & Fritz-Gaertner, R. On the Structure of Astraeospongia meniscus. Mus. rep. 30 (for 1876) 1878. p.111-16. pl.3. Hartnagel, Chris A. Preliminary Observations on the Cobleskill (Coral- line) Limestone of New York. Pal. rep. (for 1902). Jn press. Hayden, M. D., Meek, F. B. & Descriptions of New Organic Remains from North-eastern Kansas, indicating the Hxistence of Permian Rocks in that Territory. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1858-64. 4:73-88. Read before the Albany Institute, Mar. 2, 1858. Henry, Joseph. Topographical Sketch of the State of New York, designed chiefly to Show the General Elevations and Depressions of its Surface. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1829. 1:87-112. map. Read before the Albany Institute, Oct. 28, 1829. Hill, Benjamin F., Kemp, J. F., Newland, D. H. &. Preliminary Report on the Geology of Hamilton, Warren and Washington Counties. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.137-62. maps (uncolored). Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:1387-62. maps (uncolored). Also published separately. Kemp, J. F. &. Preliminary Report on the Precambrian Formations in Parts of Warren, Saratoga, Fulton and Montgomery Counties. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r17-35. pl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Same, Mus. rep. 53. (for 1899) 1901. 1:r17-35. pl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Map of the ‘‘ Noses ”’ (colored). Hitchcock, Edward. Address at the Inauguration of the State Geological ~ Hall. Mus. rep. 10 (for 1856) 1857. p.20-26. Hollick, Arthur. Field Work during 1901 in the Cretaceous Beds of Long Island. Geol. rep. 21 (for 1901). Jn press. Horsford, E. N. Report on the Geology of Cattaraugus County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.457-72. Horton, William. Geology of Orange County. Geol. rep. Ist dist. (for 1838) 1889. p.135-75. AUTHOR INDEX 291 adHough, Franklin B. Notice of Several Ancient Remains of Art in Jeffer- son and St Lawrence Counties.* Mus. rep. 8 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.99-105. 5pl.; 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.103-9. 5pl. Results of a Series of Meteorological Observations from 1826-71, made in Obedience to Instructions from the Regents of the University. 1855-72. 2v. pl. maps, tab. — Aen Reorganization of State Cabinet. Mus. rep. 19 (for 1865) 1866. p.22-24. — Barly Observations upon Magnetic Variations. Mus. rep. 22 (for 1868) 1869. p.109-138. map. Howe, E. C. New York Species of Carex. Bot. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. p.20-104. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:118-202. - Howell, Edwin E. Map of New York and Vicinity. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. p.r9-10. map 22.5 x 14.5cm. Hunt, T. Sterry. On Reorganization of State Cabinet. Mus. rep. 19 (for 1865) 1866. p.12-13. On the Mineralogy of the Laurentian Limestones of North America. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.47-98. Jewett, Ezekiel. Letter Regarding Fossils of the Chemung Group. Mus. rep. 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.198. Johannsen, 0. A. Aquatic Nematocerous Diptera. Mus. bul. 68. In press. Johnson, David. Meteorological Observations at Newbury, Vt., for 1863-64, Mus. rep. 17 (for 1863) 1864. p.36-38; 18 (for 1864) 1865. p.210-11. -Joutel, L. H. & Felt, E. P. Monograph of the Genus Saperda. Mus. bul. In press. Kellogg, James L. Clam and Scallop Industries of New York. Mus. bul. 43. 1901. p.601-31, 2pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:601-31. 2pl. (phot.) map. Map of Long Island, 25.5 x 11.5cm. Feeding Habits and Growth of Venus mercenaria. Mus. bul. Jn press. Kemp, James Furman. Preliminary Report on the Geology of Essex County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.431-72. maps (uncolored). Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.625-66. maps (uncolored). Also published separately. Contains a bibliography. continued. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.22-23, 575-614. 1pl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:22-23, 575-614. Ipl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Also published separately. Map of Hssex county (uncolored). Geology of Moriah and Westport Townships, Essex County, N. Y. Mus. bul. 14. 1895. p.323-55, Tpl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:328-55 (2d paging). Tpl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Map of the Mineville district, Essex co., 30 x 33cm. Geologic map of Moriah and Westport townships, Essex co., 88 x 44cm. Geology of the Lake Placid Region. Mus. bul. 21. 1898. p.47-67. ipl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:47-67. 1pl. (phot.) map. Geologic map of area around Lake Placid, 33 x 34cm. & Newland, D. H. Preliminary Report on the Geology of Washing- ton, Warren and Parts of Hssex and Hamilton Counties. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.499-553. pl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:499-553. pl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). : Also published separately. Newland, D. H. & Hill, B. F. Preliminary Report on the Geology of Hamilton, Warren and Washington Counties. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.137-62. maps (uncolored). Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. ' 2:137-62. maps (uncolored). Also published separately. a¥or biography and bibliography of Hough, see Regents rep. 99, p.300-47. 292 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM & Hill, B. F. Preliminary Report on the Precambrian Formations im Parts of Warren, Saratoga, Fulton. and Montgomery Counties. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r17-35. pl. (phot.) maps (uneolored). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r17-35. pl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Map of the ‘‘ Noses’’’ (colored). Kummel, Henry B. The Newark or New Red Sandstone Rocks of Rock- land County, N. Y. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.9-50. pl. (phot.) map.. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:9-50. pl. (phot.) map. Also published separately. Map showing Triassic rocks of Rockland county, 45 x 44cm. Lansing, John V. . Frogs and their Contributions to Science. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1870. 6:120-35. Lapham, I. A. Meteorological Observations. at Milwaukee, Wis. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p:422-23. ) Leeds, Albert R. Notes upon the Lithology of the Adirondacks. Mus. rep. 30 (for 1876) 1878. p.79-109. Letson, Elizabeth J. Post-pliocene Fossils of the Niagara River Gravels.. Mus. bul, 45. 1901. p.238-52. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:238-52. Lincklaen, Ledyard. Guide to the Geology of New York and to the State Geological Cabinet. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.17-84. 20pl. Lincoln, David Francis. Report on the Structural and Hconomie Geology of Seneca County. Geol.rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.12-13, 57-125. pl. (phot.) map (uncolored) 27.5x48.5em. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:12-18, 57-125. pl. (phot.). Mus. rep.. | eee aig nite iene) Prt os S Also published separately. ‘ : Lintner, Joseph Albert. Entomological Contributions. Mus. rep. 23-24, . 26-27, 30 (for 1869-70, 1872-73, 1876) 1872-73, 1874-75, 1878. o For page references, see List of publications, p.246-47. : Reports as Hntomologist. 1-18 (for 1881-97). 3 Reports 1 and 2 were issued independently of the museum. * Reports 3-13 also published in museum reports. E For index to Reports 1-13, see Mus. bul. 24. : Otto Meske’s Collection of Lepidoptera. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1876. : 8:215-20. i Read before the Albany Institute, Oct. 20, 1874. The Insects and Other Animal Forms of Caledonia Creek, N. ¥Y. Mus. wet sealh rep. 32 (for 1878) 1879. p.75-99. From the 10th report of the New York Commissioners of Fisheries. White Grub of the May Beetle. Mus. bul. 5. 1888. 32p. illus. Cut-worms. Mus. bul. 6. 1888. 36p. illus. —— Present State of Entomological Science in United States. Ent. rep. 4 (for 1887) 1888. p.163-72. Same, Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.283-92.. Read before the University Convocation, July 6, 1886. Also published in Regents rep. 100 (for 1886) 1887, p.122-34. Annual Address of President of Entomological Club of A. A. A. §.. Ent. rep. 4 (for 1887) 1888. p.172-83. Same, Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888.. p.292-203. Read at Buffalo meeting, Aug. 17, 1886. Some Pests of the Pomologist. Ent. rep. 4 (for 1887) 1888. p.183-92-. Same, Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.303-12. From the report of the American Pomological Society for 1887. Also published separately, 13p. Insects of the Past Year and Progress in Insect Saudis! Alb. Inst. Trans. 1893. 12:227-40. Read before the Albany Institute, Ap. 15, 1890. —-— Late Experiences with Insects Injurious to the Orchard and Garden. Ent. rep. 7 (for 1890) 1891. p.3842-56. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.342-56. From the Proceedings of ines Western New York Horticultural Society. 1890. Read at its annual meeting, Jan. 22, 1890. Also published separately. ‘ AUTHOR INDEX 293 Some Injurious Insects of Massachusetts. Ent. rep. 8 (for 1891) 1893. p.227-57. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.227-57. Read before the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture, at Framingham, Dec. 3, ‘Also published separately. Our Insect Enemies and How to Meet them. Ent. rep. 8 (for 1891) 1893. p.258-77. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.258-77. Read before ine New Jersey State Board of Agriculture, at Trenton, Feb. 1, 1889. Also published separately. Reports of Committee on Entomology. Ent. rep. 9 (for 1892) 1898. p.414-87. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.414-37. Read before the Western New York Horticultural Society, Jan. 29, 1891. Also published separately. The San José Scale and Some Other Destructive Scale-insects of New York State. Mus. bul. 18. 1895. p.263-305, Tpl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:263-305 (2d paging). Tpl. (phot.) Reprinted with additions in Ent. rep. 11 and Mus. rep. 49, v.1, p.200-33. On Arsenical Spraying of Fruit Trees while in Blossom. Ent. rep. 11 (for 1895) 1896. p.117-24. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:117-24. Read before the Association of Economic Entomologists at its 5th meeting, Madison Wis. Aug. 16, 1893. Also published in Insect Life, Dec. 1893. 6:181-85. The Mosquito. Ent. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.319-35. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:319-35. . Read before the Dana Natural History Society of Albany, May 14, 1887. Plea for Entomological Study. Ent. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.836-45. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:336-45. =e before the Agassiz Association of the State Normal College, Albany, May 18, EE: AS ill a a ee a ee a 2 For complete list of Dr Lintner’s works, see Museum bul, 24. Logan, Sir William EH. On Reorganization of State Cabinet. Mus. rep. 19 (for 1865) 1866. p.12-138. —— On the Track of an Animal found in the Potsdam Formation. Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.30-34. Read before the Natural History Society of Montreal, June 1860, and published in Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. 1860. 5:279-85. - Loomis, Frederic B. Siluric Fungi from Western New York. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.223-26. pl.16. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:223-26. pl.16. — The Dwarf Fauna of the Pyrite Layer at the Horizon of the Tully Limestone in Western New York. Pal. rep. (for 1902). Jn press. Luther, D. Dana. Report on the Geology of the Livonia Salt Shaft. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.21-180. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.215-324. pl. (phot.) Also published separately. Stratigraphic Position of the Portage Sandstones in the Naples Valley and the Adjoining Region. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.13-14, 2238-36. pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:13-14, 228-36. pl. (phot.) map. Also published separately. Geologic map of the township of Naples, 17 x 16.5cm. Economic Geology of Onondaga County, N. Y. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.14-16, 237-303. pl. (phot.) maps. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:14-16, 237-803. pl. (phot.) maps. Also published separately. Map of Onondaga county (uncolored) 34x 34cm. Geologic map of Onondaga county (colored) 34 x 38cm. The Brine Springs and Salt Wells of the State of New York, and the Geology of the Salt District. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.171-226. pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:171-226. pl. (phot.) map. Also published separately. Geologic map of the salt district, 45 x 24cm. Ruedemann, R., Clarke, J. M. & Contact Lines of Upper Silurie Formations on the Brockport and Medina Quadrangles. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.517-23. 294 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM —— Stratigraphic Value of the Portage Sandstones. Mus. bul. 52, 1902. p.616-31, —— Stratigraphy of the Portage Formation between the Genesee Valley and Lake Hrie. Pal. rep. (for 1902). In press. MacGillivray, Alexander D. Aquatic Chrysomelidae, together with a Table of the Families of Coleopterous Larvae. Mus. bul. 68. In press. Marsh, E. S. Meteorological Observations at Milwaukee, Wis. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.122-23. Marshall, William B. Beaks of Unionidae inhabiting the Vicinity of Al- bany, N. Y. Mus. bul. 9. 1890. p.167-89. ipl. Report on a Deposit of Marl and Peat in the Town of New Baltimore. Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.46-52. Preliminary List of New York Unionidae. Mus. bul, 1. 1892. 20p Report on the Zoological Department of the State Museum, by assist- ant zoologist. Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.15-19; 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.15-17;. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.30-82; 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:639-40. Necturus macuiatus in the Hudson River. Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.33-34. — Mammals of New York exhibited at the World’s Columbian Exposi- tion, Chicago, Ill., 1898. Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.41-48. Land and Fresh-water Shells of New York exhibited at the World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, Ill, 1893. Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.49-75, Geographical Distribution of New York Unionidae. Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:45-99. List of Shells inhabiting the Vicinity of Albany and Troy, N. Y. Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:641-47. Mather, William Williams. Annual Report of First Geological District. Assembly doe. 1837, no.161, p.61-95 (ed. 2, p.63-97); 1838, no.200, p.121-84; 1839. no. 275, p.69-199; 1840, no.50, p.209-58; 1841, no.150, p.59-112. Geology of New York, ptl, Comprising the Geology of the First Geo- logical District. 1848. 37+653p. 46pl. sq. Q. Meek, F. B. Descriptions of New Organic Remains from the Cretaceous Rocks of Vancouver’s Island. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1858-64. 4:37-49. & Hayden, M.D. Descriptions of New Organic Remains from North- eastern IXansas, indicating the Existence of Permian Rocks in that Territory. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1858-64. 4:73-88. Read before the Albany Institute, Mar. 2, 1858. Meriam, E.. Description of the Means employed to Remove the Rocks at Hurlgate by Submarine Hngineering. Mus, rep. 5 (for 1851) 1852. p.59-64. illus. ‘ Merriam, Clinton L. Meteorological Report for 1868. Mus. rep. 22 (for 1868) 1869. p.107-8. Merrill, Frederick J. H. Quaternary Geology of the Hudson River Valley. Geol. rep. 10 (for 1890) 1891. p.103-9. Also published separately. Am. Jour. Sci. ser. 3. 41:460-66. Report on the Work of the State Museum, by assistant director. Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.14; 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.12-14; 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.21-30. — Salt and Gypsum Industries of New York. Mus. bul. 11. 18938. 89p. 12pl. (phot.) maps. 11tab. Map of New York showing salt wells and mines and gypsum quarries, 38 x 55cm. Map of western ‘salt field of New York, 52.5 x 32.5em. Chart of well sections. Abstract. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.545-51. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:545-51 (2d paging). —— Reports as Director of Museum. Mus. rep. 48-52 (for 1894-98) 1895- 1900. For page references and contents, see List of publications, p.252-55. AUTHOR INDEX 295 Mineral Resources of New York State. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.859-595. maps. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:559-595 (2d paging). maps. Economic and geologic map of New York State, 22 x 35cm. Geologic map of a part of southeastern New York, 58 x 66cm. Road Materials and Road Building in New York. Mus. bul. 17. 1897. p.87-134, 14pl. (phot.) maps. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:87-134 (2d paging). 14pl. (phot.) maps. Including directory of quarrymen. Map of New York showing distribution of rocks most useful for road metal, 34 x 44cm. Map of New York showing location of quarries of building stone and road metal, 68 x 92cm. Guide to the Study of the Geological Collections of the New York State Museum. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.105-262, 119pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:105-262. 119p1. (phot.) map. z pete map of the State of New York showing the boundaries of the. geologic systems, 33 x 43cm. Geology of the Crystalline Rocks of Southeastern New York. Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:21-31 (1st paging). Origin of the Serpentines in the Vicinity of New York. Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:32-44 (1st paging). 8pl. (phot.) —— Reports as Geologist and Director of Museum. Geol. rep. 19-20 (for 1899-1900) 1901-2. Mus. rep. 53-54 (for 1899-1900) 1901-2. Directory of Natural History Museums in United States and Canada. Mus. bul. 62. Jn press. Geologic Map of the State of New York. Mus. bul. 56. 1902. 42p. 2 maps. table. — Economie Geology. Mus. handbook 17. In preparation. Miller, Gerrit S. jr. Preliminary List of New York Mammals. Mus. bul. 29. 1899. p.271-890. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:271-390. Contains a bibliography. —— Key to the Land Mammals of Northeastern North America. Mus. bul. 38. 1900. p.59-160. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:59-160. Morgan, Lewis H. Communication concerning the Indian Collection. Mus. — rep. 2 (for 1848) 1849. p.81-83. Report on Articles given to the Indian Collection. Mus. rep. 2 (for 1848) 1849. p.84-91; 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.63-95. illus. 18pl. — Schedule of Articles obtained from Indians. Mus. rep. 8 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.59-62; 5 (for 1851) 1852. p.51-54. Report on the Fabrics, Inventions, Implements and Utensils of the Iroquois. Mus. rep. 5 (for 1851) 1852. p.67-117. illus. 20pl. Stone and Bone Implements of-the Arickarees. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.25-46. 6pl. Morse, James O. Great Greywacke Region of ie State of New York. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1829. 1:84-85. Read before the Albany Institute, Oct. 28, 1829. Murray, David. Petroleum, its History and Properties. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1858-64. 4:149-66. Read before the Albany Institute, Dec. 16, 1862. Catalogue of the published Works of James Hall, 1836-1882. Mus. rep. 86 (for 1882) 1883. p.79-94. — with supplementary list to 1888. Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.75-97. Continued to 1894 by J. M. Clarke in American Geologist. Mar. 1899. 23:149-68. Wason, Frank L. Some New York Minerals and their Localities. Mus. bul. 4.1888. 19p. 1pl. (phot.) Economie Geology of Albany County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.263-87. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.457-81. pl. (phot.) Also published separately. Economie Geology of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.373-406. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.567-600. pl. (phot.) Also published separately. 296 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Needham, James G., & Betten, Cornelius. Aquatic Insects in the Adiron- dacks. Mus. bul. 47. 1901. p.383-612. illus. 6pl. (lith.) 30pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:383-612. illus. 6pl. (lith.) 30pl. (phot.) & others. Aquatic Insects in New York State. Mus. bul. 68. In press. Nevius, J. Nelson. Preliminary List of Public Geological and Mineralogi- cal Collections in the United States and Canada, prepared under the _ direction of ¥. J. H. Merrill. Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:45-74 (1st paging). 4 — Talc Industry of St Lawrence County, New York. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:7119-27. pl. (phot.) — History of Cayuga Lake Valley. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:7129-58. pl. (phot.) Contains a bibliography. A Fossil Plant from Orange County. Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:r79-81. pl. (phot.) The Sacandaga Mining and Milling Co. and the Sutphen Process. Mus, rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:1782-87. pl. (phot.) p.r151-54. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r151-54. pl. (phot.) — Roofing Slate Quarries of Washington County. Geol. rep. 19 ‘(for 1899) 1901. pl. (phot.) p.r135-50. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. pl. (phot.) 1:r185-50. Newland, David H., Kemp, J. F. & Preliminary Report on the Geology of. Washington, Warren and Parts of Essex and Hamilton Counties. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.499-553. pl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:499-553. pl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Also published separately. —— Kemp, J. F., Hill, B. F. & Preliminary Report on the Geology of Hamilton, Warren and Washington Counties. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898): 1899. p.137-€2. maps (uncolored). Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:1387-62. maps (uncolored). Also published separately. Smyth, C. H. jr & Report on Progress made during 1898 in Mapping (Crystalline Rocks of Western Adirondack Region. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899, p.129-35.. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:129-35. Also published separately. Newton, H. H. Catalogue of the Minerals of Washington Coun: Ag. Soe. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.857-62. Norton, John P. Elements of Scientific Agriculture. Ag. Soe. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.602-735. p.728-35 on applications of geology to agriculture. Orton, Edward. Petroleum and Natural Gas in New York. Mus. bul. 30. 1899. p.895-526. maps. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:395-526. maps. Man of Oswego county and Onondaga county, 23 x 13cm. Lake shore belt of Chautauqua county, 22 x 7cm. Sketch map of central New York, 14 x 9cm. Owen, David Dale. Regarding Human Footprints in Solid Limestone. Mus. rep. 9 (for 1855) 1856. p.53-59. Abstract of paper originally published in Amer. Jour. of Sci. 1842. 43:14-32 Paine, John A. jr. Catalogue of Plants found in Oneida County and Vicinity. Mus. rep. 18 (for 1864) 1865. p.53-192. Parsons, Arthur L. Recent Developments in the Gypsum Industry in New York State. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r177-83. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r177-838. Also published separately. Paulmier, Frederick C. Lizards, Tortoises and Batrachians of New York. Mus. pul. 51. 19C2. p.3889-409. — The Edible Crab. Mus. rep. 55 (for 1901). Jn press. ¥ 2. ha , — i Gee Alcs So eT Lt aA gn eet eel ees oe re et AUTHOR INDEX 297 Peale, A. C. Mineral Springs of New York; analyses. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. _ p.563-78. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:563-78 (2d paging). Peck, Charles H. Catalogue of Mosses Presented to the State of New York by C. H. Peck. Mus. rep. 18 (for 1864) 1865. p.193-96. — List of Mosses of the State of New York. Mus. rep. 19 (for 1865) 1866. p.42-70. —— Facts and Observations touching the Flora of the State of New York. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.403-10. . Fungi. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1870. 6:209-26. Read before the Albany Institute, Feb. 15, 1870. E ; tS r r Report on Botany, 1871-73. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1872. 7:35-43, 186-204;. 1876. 8:152-66. Reports as Botanist. Mus. rep. 21-54 (for 1867-1901) 1869-1902. Also published separately. For page references and contents, see List_of publications, p.263. Index to rep. 22-38 in Mus. rep. 41, p.94-122. ve 39-48 is 50, 1:143-59. Page references in above mentioned indexes are given to botanist’s edition. Synopsis of New York Uncinulae. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1872. 7:213-17.. F ; i 1pl. é Communicated Feb. 20, 1872. - The Black Spruce. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1876. 8:283-301. Read before the Albany Institute, May 4, 1875. United States Species of Lycoperdon. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1879. 9:285- 318. Read before the Albany Institute, Feb. 4, 1879. The Mosses of Caledonia Creek. Mus. rep. 32 (for 1878) 1879. p.73-7 From the 10th report of the New York Commissioners of Fisheries. Fertilization of Flowers. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1887. 11:155-68. Read before the Albany Institute, Ap. 15, 1884. Contributions to the Botany of the State of New York. Mus. “pul, oe 1887. 66p. 2pl. (lith.) Boleti of the United States. Mus. bul. 8. 1889. p.71-166. Edible Wild Fruits of New York. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1893. 12:83-102. Read before the Albany Institute, Ap. 16, 1889. Weeds. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1893. 12:251-65. Read before the Albany Institute, Ap. 7, 1891. Plants of North Elba. Mus. bul. 28. 1899. p.65-266. map. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1€89) 1901. 1:65-266. map. Map of North Elba, Essex county (uncolored) 12 x 16cm. Report of the State Botanist on Edible Fungi of New York. 1895-99. sue mem. 4. 1900. p.129-234. 25pl. Same, Mus. ae 538 (for 1899) 1901. 2:129-234. 25pl. This consists partly of revised descriptions and isirations of edible fungi reported in the 49th, 5ist and 52d reports of the state botanist. For earlier reports on this subject, see Mus. rep. 48, v.1 and v.3. Peters, C. H. F. Longitude of the Western Boundary Line of the State of New York. Mus. rep. 20 rev. ed. (for 1866) 1870. p.143-57. 2pl. Peters, Theodore C. Report on the Agricultural and other Resources of the State of New York. Ag. Soc. Trans. 23 (for 1863) 1864. p.284-379. maps. Pierrepont, W. C. Meteorological Observations at Pierrepont Manor, N. Y. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.124. Pratt, Daniel J. Report of the Regents on the Boundaries of New York. 1874-84. 2y. Prosser, Charles S. The Devonian Section of Central New York along the Unadilla River. Geol. rep. 12 (for 1892) 1893. p.110-42. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.256-88. Also published separately. 298 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Classification and Distribution of the Hamilton and Chemung Series of Central and Eastern New York. Pti, Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.12-18, 88-222. pl. (phot.) map. Pt2, Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p-65-315. pl. (phot.) map. Same, Pt1, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:12-13, &3-222. pl. (phot.) map. Pt2, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:65-315. pl. (phot.) map. f Also published separately. Ptl, Geologic map of parts of Chenango, Madison, Otsego, Schoharie and Albany counties, 58 x 33.5cm. Pt2, Map showing distribution of middle and upper Devonian rocks in central-eastern New York, 61 x 38.5em. Map of Delaware county, by W. L. Fisher, 34 x 32cm. & Cumings, EH. R. Sections and Thickness of the Lower Silurian Formations on West Canada Creek and in the Mohawk Valley. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.23-24, 615-59. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:28-24, 615-59. pl. (phot.) Also published separately. & Rowe, R. B. Stratigraphic Geology of the Hastern Helderbergs. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.329-54. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:329-54. pl. (phot.) Also published separately. . Sections of the Formations along the Northern Hnd of the Helder- berg Plateau. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.51-72. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:51-72. pl. (phot.) Also published separately. Notes on the Stratigraphy of the Mohawk Valley and Saratoga County. Mus. bul. 34. 1900. p.469-82. 6pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:469-82. 6pl. (phot.) map. Geologic map of Amsterdam quadrangle, 44 x 32.5cm. : Randall, F. A. Preliminary Report on the Geology of Cattaraugus and Chautauqua Counties. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.517-27. diagrams. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.711-21. diagrams. Also published separately. f Ries, Heinrich. Quaternary Deposits of the Hudson River Valley between Croton and Albany, with notes on the brick clays and the manufacture of brick. Geol. rep. 10 (for 1890) 1891. p.110-55. Also published separately, with Merrill, F. J. H. Quaternary Geology of Hudson River Valley. Clay Industries of New York. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.93-262. 2pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:93-262 (2d paging). 2pl. (phot.) map. Map of New York showing location of clay deposits and manufactories, 59 x 67cm. abridged by F. J. H. Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.494-501. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:494-501 (2d paging). abridged by F. J. H. Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.208-138. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:208-13. —— Road Metal; revised by F. J. H. Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.448-50. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:448-50 (2d paging). Geology of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.18-19, 393-475. pl. (phot.) maps. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:18-19, 393-475. pl. (phot.) maps. Also published separately, without maps. Geologic map (colored) 44 x 34cm. Economic and sectional maps (uncolored), Contains a bibliography. Physical Tests of the Devonian Shales of New York State to deter- mine their Value for the Manufacture of Clay Products. Geol. rep. 15. (for 1895) 1897. p.673-98. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:673-98. Also published separately. Limestones of New York and their Economic Value. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.855-467. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:355-467. Also published separately. Notes on a Trip from Port Jervis to Rondout. Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:r88-91. AUTHOR INDEX 299 —— Clays of New York, their Properties and Uses. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.489-944. 140pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:489-944. 140pl. (phot.) map. Mus. bul. 12. 1895 revised and enlarged. Map of New York State showing clay and shale deposits, and manufactories,. 93.5 x 69.5cm. Contains a bibliography. Lime and Cement Industries of New York. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.639-968. pl. (phot.) maps. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:639-968. pl. (phot.) maps. Map of New York State showing location of limestone quarries and marl deposits and manufactories of natural and Portland cement, 72x74cm (uncolored). Map of New York State showing distribution of limestones, 44.5x35em (uncolored). Uses of Peat and its Occurrence in New York. Geol. rep. 21 (for 1901). In press. .Contains a bibliography. Roberts, Algernon S. On the Advantages of Geology to Agriculture. Ag. Soc. Trans. 8 (for 1848) 1849. p.362-65. Root, Oren. On Reorganization of State Cabinet. Mus. rep. 19 (for 1865): 1866. p.18-19. Rowe, Richard B., Prosser, C. S. &. Stratigraphic Geology of the Hastern Helderbergs. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.829-54. pl. (phot.) Same,. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:329-54. pl. (phot.) Also published separately. Ruedemann, Rudolf. Development and Mode of Growth of the Genus Dip- lograptus, McCoy. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.15, 217-49. 5pl. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:15, 217-49. 5pl. — Note on the Discovery of a Sessile Conularia. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.24, 699-728. 4pl. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:24, 699-728. 4pl. Originally published in part in American geologist, Mar. 1896 and Aug. 1896. Hudson River Beds near Albany and their Taxonomic Hquivalents. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.485-596. 2pl. map. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900): 1902. 3:485-596. 2pl. map. Stratigraphic map showing the subdivisions of the Hudson river beds in parts of Albany and Rensselaer counties, 51.5 x 24.5cm. Contains a bibliography. Trenton Conglomerate of Rysedorph Hill, Rensselaer Co. N. Y. and its Fauna. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.3-114. 7pl. —— Luther, D. D., Clarke, J. M. & Contact Lines of Upper Silurie For- mations on the Brockport and Medina Quadrangles. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.517-23. —— Graptolite (Levis) Facies of the Beekmantown Formation in Rensse- laer County, N. Y. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.546-75. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.576-92. Clarke, J. M. & The Guelph Formation and Fauna in Western New York. Mus. mem. 5. In press. Cambric Dictyonema Fauna in the Slate belt of Hastern New York. Pal. rep. (for 1902). Jn press. Salisbury, James H. Analysis of a Specimen of Hematitic Iron Ore. Mus. rep. 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.111. Sarle, Clifton J. A New Eurypterid Fauna from the base-of the Salina of Western New York. Pal. rep. (for 1902). In press. aSchuchert, Charles. List of the Fossils occurring in the Oriskany Sand- stone of Maryland, New York and Ontario. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.50-54. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.396-400. On Syringothyris, Winchell and its American Species. Geol. rep. 9 (for 1889) 1890. p.28-37. Same, Mus. rep. 43 (for 1889) 1890. p.230-39. @F¥For table of New York series by Clarke & Schuchert, see Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.8-12 300 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM — List of Species of the American Palaeozoic Orthis, Spirifera, Spirifer- — | ina and Syringothyris. Geol. rep. 9 (for 1889) 18990. p.38- -55. Same, Mus. rep. 438 (for 1889) 1890, p.240-57. Also published separately. —— Ulrich, E. 0. & Palaeozoic Seas and Barriers in Eastern North America. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.633-63. Also published separately. Scott, George G. Notes on the Marine Food Fishes of Long Island and a Biological Reconnaissance of Coldspring Harbor. Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1 :1214-29, Also published separately. Sherzer, W. H. Platycnemic Man in New York. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.661-83. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.853-77. Also published separately. aSimpson, George B. Anatomy and Physiology of Anodonta fluviatilis. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.169-91. pl.3-18. Anatomy of the Snail. Mus. rep. 39 (for 1885) 1886. p.127, pl.3. —— Hall, James, &. Corals and Bryozoa of the Lower and Upper Hel- derberg and Hamilton Groups. Pal. N. Y. 1887. v.6, 298p. 67pl. Discussion of the Different Genera of Fenestellidae. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.685-727. illus. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.879- 921. illus. Also published separately. described in v.6, Palaeontology of New York and other reports. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1898) 1894. p.729-47. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.923-41. é Also published separately. Handbook of the Genera of the North American Palaeozoic Bryozoa, with an introduction upon the structure of living species. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.18-19, 403-669. illus. 80pl. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:18-19, 408-669. illus. 30pl. Also published separately. Contains a bibliography. Preliminary Descriptions of New Genera of Paleozoic Rugose Corals. Mus. bul. 89. 1900. p.199-222. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:199- 222. Anatomy and Physiology of Polygyra albolabris and Limax maxi- mus and Embryology of Limax maximus. Mus. bul. 40. 1901. p.237-314. 28pl. (lith.) 1pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:237-314. 28pl. (lith.) 1pl. (phot.) Smock, John C. Geological Reconnaissance in the Crystalline Rock Region; Dutchess, Putnam and Westchester Counties, New York. Mus. rep. 39 (for 1885) 1886. p.165-85. map. Map of Archaean areas of Highlands (uncolored) 11 x 18.5em. 1886) 1887. p.35-36. — Building Stone in the State of New York. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. 152p. revised and enlarged. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.191-895. map. tab. Map of New York showing location of quarries, 5$ x 60cm. First Report on the Iron Mines and Iron-ore Districts in the State of New. York.- Mus. bul. 7. 1889. 70p. map. Map of New York showing location of iron mines, 58 x 60cm. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.529-42. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:529-42 (2d paging). — —— Mus. bul. 19, 1898. p.214-22. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:214-22. — Report of the Assistant in Charge of State Museum. Mus. rep. 42 (for (1888) 1889. p.37-49; 43 (for 1889) 1890. p.11-20; 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.17-21. a Memorial tribute to, by J. M. Clarke, Pal. rep. (for 1901) 1902. p.457-60. Glossary and Explanations of Specific Names of Bryozoa and Corals rs 7 i 4 Report of Field Work for 1886 (building stones). Mus. rep. 40 (for 9 AUTHOR INDEX 301 Geology and Geographic Distribution of Building Stone in New York; revised by F. J. H. Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.872-448. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:372-448 (2d paging). — Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.181-204. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:181-204, Smyth, Charles H. jr. Report on a Preliminary Examination of the Gen- eral and Economic Geology of Four Townships in St Lawrence and Jefferson Counties, New York. \Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.491-515. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.685-709. Also published separately. Report on the Crystalline Rocks of St Lawrence County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.20-21, 477-97. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:20-21, 477-97. Also published separately. Report on the Tale Industry of St Lawrence County. Geol. rep. 15 for 1895. 1897. p.20, 661-71. ‘Same, Mus.-rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:20, 661-71. Also published separately. Report on Crystalline Rocks of the Western Adirondack Regions. ‘Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.469-97, pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:469-97. pl. (phot.) Also published separately. & Newland, D. H. Report on Progress made during 1898 in Mapping Crystalline Rocks of Western Adirondack Region. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.129-35. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:129-35. Also published separately. Geology of the Crystalline Rocks in the Vicinity of the St Lawrence River. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r83-104. pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r88-104. pl. (phot.) map. Geologic map of portions of St Lawrence and Jefferson counties, 26.5 x 16.5cm. Speyer, A. On Cucullia intermedia nov. spec. and C. lucifuga W. V. ‘Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1878. p.217-22. From the Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung. 1870, v.31, no.10-12. ; Stevens, George T. Flora of the Adirondacks. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1870. 6:67-82. — Read before the Albany Institute, Feb. 1868. Report on Zoology. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1872. 7:182-43. Read before the Albany Institute, Mar. 7, 1871. _ Stoller, James H. Two New Land Isopods. Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r208-138. Also published separately. Tarr, Ralph S. Laboratory Methods of Instruction in Geology and Physi- cal Geography. Regents rep. 108 (for 1894) 1895. 2:992-1011. Published as an appendix to University Convocation. Proceedings. 1895. Thomas, J. J. On Reorganization of State Cabinet. Mus. rep. 19 (for 1865) 1866. p.26. Torrey, John. Report on Botanical Department of Survey. Assembly — doe. 1887, no.161, p.9-10 (ed. 2, p.11-12); 1840, no.50, p.113-97. —— Flora of the State of New York. 1843. 2v. il. pl. sq. Q. v.1 124484p. 72pl. 1843. 300 copies with hand-colored plates. v. 2 572p. 89pl. 1848. 300 copies with hand-colored plates. — Catalogue of Plants of the State of New York of which Specimens are preserved in the Cabinet at Albany. Mus. rep. 2 (for 1848) 1849. p.41-64. Trembley, J. B. Annual Meteorological Synopsis for the Year 1863. Mus. rep. 17 (for 1863) 1864. p.46-49. — Meteorological Synopsis for 1864, Toledo, O. Mus. rep. 18 (for 1864) 1865. p.207-9. — Meteorological Observations made at Toledo, O. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.107-21. ee 302 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Ulrich, E. O. & Schuchert, Charles. Paleozoic Seas and Barriers in Hastern North America. Mus, bul. 52, 1902. p.633-63. Also published separately. Van Ingen, D. A. Petroleum. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.558-60. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:558-60 (2d paging). van Ingen, Gilbert. Potsdam Sandstone of the Lake Champlain Basin. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.529-45. Also published separately. Vanuxem, Lardner. Annual Report on Geological Survey of the Third District. Assembly doc. 1888, no.200, p.253-86; Tees no.275, p.241-85; 1840, no.50, p.355+88; 1841, no. 150, p.1387-47. — Annual Report on the Geological Survey of the Fourth District. As- sembly doc. 1887, no.161, p.187-212 (ed. 2, p.189+214). — Geology of New York, pt3, comprising the Survey of the Third Geo- logical District. 1842. 3806p. sq. Q. Veeder, M. A. Uses and Relations of the Stuley of Botany. Regents rep. 91 (for 1877) 1878. p.489-42. Read before the University Convocation, July 11, 1877. Walcott, Charles D. Preliminary Notice of the Discovery of the Remains: of the Natatory and Branchial Appendages of Trilobites. Mus. rep. 28 (for 1874) 1879. p.89-92. —— Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Trenton Limestone. Mus. rep. 28 (for 1874) 1879. p.93-97. Notes on Some Sections of Trilobites from the Trenton Limestone. Mus. rep. 31 (for 1877) 1879. p.61-63. 1pl. Published in advance, 1877. Note upon the Legs of Trilobites. Mus. rep. 31 (for 1877) 1879. p.64. 1pl. '—— Note on the Bggs of the Trilobite. Mus. rep. 31 (for 1877) 1879. p.66-67. Published in advance, 1877. Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Chazy and Trenton TLimestones. Mus. rep. 31 (for 1877) 1879. p.68-71. Published in advance, 1877. Description of New Species of Fossils from the Calciferous Forma- tion. Mus. rep. 32 (for 1878) 1879. p.129-31. —— Utica Slate and Related Formations of the Same Geological Horizon. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1883. 10:1-17. Read before the Albany Institute, Mar. 18, 1879. Fossils of the Utica Slate. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1888. 10:18-38. Read before the Albany Institute, Mar. 18, 1879. Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Trenton Group of New York. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.207-14. pl.17. Ward, Henry A. Wadsworth Gallery of Casts of Fossil Animals. Mus. rep. 18 (for 1864) 1865. p.17-52. illus. Watson, Thomas Leonard. Some Higher Levels in the Postglacial De- velopment of the Finger Lakes of New York State. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:755-117. pl. (phot.) maps. A thesis presented to the faculty of Cornell University for the degree of doctor of philosophy. Maps showing extent of glacial lakes. Contains a bibliography. Watson, Winslow C. A General View and Agricultural Survey of the County of Hssex. Ag. Soc. Trans. 12 (for 1852) 1853. p.649-898. Supplement. Ag. Soe. Trans. 13 (for 1853) 1854. p.699-741. Webster, H. E. Annelida chaetopoda of the Virginian Coast. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1879. 9:202-69. Read before the Albany Institute, Oct. 15, 1878. Annelida chaetopoda of New Jersey. Mus. rep. 32 (for 1878) 1879. p.101-28; reprint 39 (for 1885) 1886. p.128-59, pl.4-10. AUTHOR INDEX 303 Webster, Matthew Henry. Table of Mean Temperatures, for the Last _ Ten Years, deduced from the Reports of the Regents of the University. _ Alb. Inst. Trans. 1838-52. 2:221-23. ‘White, David. Description of a Fossil Alga from the Chemung of New ; York, with Remarks on the Genus Haliserites. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.598-605 Also published separately. ; . White, Theodore G. Report on the Relations of the Ordovician and Ho- Silurian Rocks in Portions of Herkimer, Oneida and Lewis Counties. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:r21-54. pl. (phot.) maps. Map of the vicinity of Frankfort hill, 31.5 x 16.5cm. Map of the Precambrian border in Oneida and Lewis counties, 49.5 x 16cm. Whitfield, Robert P. Observations on the Internal Appendages of the Genus Atrypa, with a notice of the discovery of a loop connecting the spiral cones. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.141-44. —— Hall, James &. Description of New Species of Fossils from the _ Vicinity of Louisville, Ky., and the Falls of the Ohio. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.181-200a. 5pl. in 27th report. -——— Remarks on Some Peculiar Impressions in Sandstone of the Chemung Group, New York. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.201-4. -—— —— Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Devonian Rocks of Iowa. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1878. p.223-39. p1.9-12. — Notice of Three New Species of Fossil Shells from the Devonian _ of Ohio. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1873. p.240-41. Notice of Two New Species of Fossil Shells from the Potsdam - Sandstone of New York. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1873. p.241-42. “Whitlock, Herbert P. Guide to the Mineralogic Collections of the New York State Museum. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. 147p. illus. 39pl. (phot.) 11 models. Williams, Henry S. Palaeontological Evidences as bearing upon the Theory of Evolution. Regents rep. 95 (for 1881) 1882. p.319-27. Read before the University Convocation, July 18, 1881. “Williams, S. G. Note on the Lower Helderberg Rocks of Cayuga Lake. Geol. rep. 6 (for 1886) 1887. p.10-12. -— Tully Limestone, its Distribution and its Known Fossils. Geol. rep. 6 (for 1886) 1887. p.13-29. map. Map showing geographic distribution of Tully limestone in central New York, $7.5 x 19cm. “Wilson, W. D. Local Climatology. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.63-106. “Winchell, Alexander. On Reorganization of State Cabinet. Mus. rep. 19 (for 1865) 1866. p.13-18. Geology and culture. Regents rep. 102 (for 1888) 1889. p.69-85. Read before the University Convocation, July 8, 1888. Winkler, Charles. Meteorological Observations at Milwaukee, Wis. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.122-23. ; Wood, Elvira. Marcellus (Stafford) Limestones of Lancaster, Erie Co. N. Y. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.139-81. pl.9. Woodworth, Jay Backus. Pleistocene Geology of Portions of Nassau County and Borough of Queens. Mus. bul. 48. 1901. p.617-70. pl. (phot.) maps. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:617-70, pl. (phot.) maps. Sketch map of a part of Long Island, 22.5 x 18.5cm. Map of the Pleistocene geology of the Oyster Bay and Hempstead quadrangles on Long Island, 71 x 35cm. | The Northumberland Volcanic Plug. Geol. rep. 21 (for 1901). In press. _—— On the Sedentary Impression of the Animal whose Trail is known as _ Climactichnites. Pal. rep. (for 1902). In press. Wright, Berlin H. Notes on the Geology of Yates County, N. Y. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.195-206. pl.15-16. map 24x21cm. (pl.16A). Wright, S. Hart. The Aboriginal Work on Bluff Point, Yates County, N. Y. _ Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.193-94. pl.14. Young, D. B. List of Coleoptera taken at Newport, Herkimer co., N. Y. Ent. rep. 18 (for 1902). Mus. bul, 64. p.153-61. In press. j ; ; q f . ) 304 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM SUBJECT INDEX This is mainly an index to geologic, mineralogic and paleontologic pub- lications, including papers in administrative reports of the museum. For index to Hntomologist’s reports 1-13, see Mus. bul. 24. For index to Botanist’s reports 22-38, see Mus. rep. 41, p.94-122; reports 39-48, see Mus. ~ rep. 50, 1:143-59. Descriptions of rock formations are indexed; also subjects relating to economic geology, names of minerals, names of classes of animals and fossils, ordinal and Hnglish names of insects and generic names of plants. A special index to genera and species of fossils follows this. Geologic formation names are indexed under terms used in the ome followed by synonyms in curves, with See also references to synonyms and related formations at the end of entries on a subject. The name of the © geologist first using the term is indicated by a footnote. As a rule geographic divisions smaller than counties are not included in the index; there are, however, a few exceptions. Unless otherwise specified, pl. refers to lithographic plates only. For other explanatory matter, and list of abbreviations, see p.240. Aborigines. Cheney. Illustrations of the Ancient Monuments in Western New York. Mus. rep. 13 (for 1859) 1860. p.87-52. 24pl. map. Wright. Aboriginal Work on Bluff Point, Yates County. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.193-94. pl.14. See also Indians. Abrasions. Hmmons. Period when, and Causes by which the Northern Rocks were abraded. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.349-52. Acadian. Clarke & Schuchert. Acadian. See New York series. ~ Merrill. Acadian. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.144. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:144. Acephala. De Kay. Acephala. Zool. N. Y. 18438. v.5. pt5. p.166-249. Acephala (palaeozoic). Hall. Acephala of Lower Silurian. Pal. N. Y. 1847. v.1. (various page references, see Table, p.3825) Hall. Acephala of Clinton Group. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:838-88. Hall. Acephala of Niagara Group. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:282-85. Hall. Acephala of Coralline Limestone. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:380-33. Hall. Acephala from Limestone at Galt, Canada. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:343-44, Achnite, see Acmite. Acidulous springs, see Carbonated springs. Acmite. Beck. Achmite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.366. Acorn weevil. Felt. Acorn Weevil. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7 (for 1901). Jn press. : Actinolite. Merrill. Actinolite. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.121. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:121. Additions to museum collections, see Batrachia; Birds; Botanic collection; Crustacea; Economic geology; Entomologic collection; Fishes; Geologic collection; Historical and antiquarian. collection; Library; Mammals; Mineralogie collection; Mollusca; Paleontologie collection; Reptiles; Zoologic collection. Adirondack pass, see Indian pass. et OO ee SUBJECT INDEX 305 @Adirondacks. Colvin. Winter Fauna of Mount Marcy. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1879. 9:11-26. Cushing. Sequence of Geologic Hvents. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.8-15. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:8-15. Cushing. Topography of Northern Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.75-89. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900..2:75-89. Emmons. Annual Report of the Second Geological District. Assembly doc. 1837, no.161, p.97-153 (ed. 2, p.99-155); 1888, no.200, p.185-252; 1889, no.275, p.201-39; 1840, no.50, p.259-358; 1841, no.150, p.113-36. First report describes reconnaissance of east and west portions of Adirondacks; second report chiefly filled with details of St Lawrence and Hssex counties, also many details about iron mines, and an account of his ascent of Mt Marcy; third report describes Hamilton, Clinton and Warren counties; fourth report takes up the iron ores at length, specially those at Lake Henderson; fifth report describes Hamilton, Hssex and Franklin counties, and iron ores of Clinton and Franklin. Hmmons. Hlevation of Mountains and Lakes. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.99-103 (ed. 2, p.101-5); (for 1837) 1888. p.243-44; (for 1839) 1840. p.3826-47. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.17, 195-212. Emmons. Visit to the Mountains of Essex. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.240-50. First use of name ‘‘ Adirondacks,’’ p.242. Emmons. Geology of New York, pt2, comprising the survey of the second geological district. 1842. 487p. Felt. Aquatic Insects of the Saranac Region. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 6 (for 1900) 1901. p.499-531. illus. 6pl. Ground Plan of Beds and Veins of Magnetic Oxide of Iron. Min. N. Y. 1842, pl.5. Kemp. Literature on Geology and Mineralogy. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1894. p.435-37. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.629-31. Kemp & Newland. Preliminary Report on the Geology of Washington, Warren and Parts of Hssex and Hamilton Counties. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.499-553. pl.(phot.) maps (uncolored). Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:499-553. pl.(phot.) maps (uncolored). Leeds. Lithology. Mus. rep. 30 (for 1876) 1878. p.79-109. Needham. Aquatic Insects in the Adirondacks. Mus. bul. 47. 1901. p.383-612. 6pl. (lith.) 30pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:383-612. 6pl. (lith.) 80pl. (phot.) Peck. Plants of the Summit of Mt Marcy. " Bot. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1899. p.657-78. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:657-73. Peck. Plants of North Hilba, Essex co. Mus. bul. 28. 1899. p.65-266. map. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:65-266. map. Smock. Magnetic Iron Ores. Mus. bul. 7. 1889. p.7-10, 24-44. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.532-37. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:532-37 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.218-19. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:218-19. Smyth. Crystalline Rocks of the Western Adirondack Regions. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.469-97. pl.(phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:469-97. pl.(phot.) ' Smyth & Newland. Mapping Crystalline Rocks of Western Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.129-35. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:129-35. Stevens. Flora of the Adirondacks. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1870. 6:67-82. Read before the Albany Institute, Feb. 1868. See also Clinton county; Essex county; Franklin county; Hamilton county; Jefferson county; Placid, Lake; St Lawrence county; Saranac lakes; Warren county; Washington county. a¥or bibliography of Adirondacks, see Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 4. p.423-41. 306 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Aecidium. Peck. Genus Aecidium. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.105-8, Agaricus. Peck. Genus Agaricus. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1873. p.67-103. — Agelacrinitidae, see Echinoderma. 4 Agoniatite limestone (Goniatite). «Clarke. Limestones of Central and Western New York interbedded with Bituminous Shales of the Mar- cellus Stage, with notes on their faunas. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.115-38. pl.8-9. Clarke. Fauna. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.668. ; Hall. Fossils of the Goniatite Limestone in the Marcellus Shale of the Hamilton Group, in the Hastern and Central Parts of the State of New York, and those of the Goniatite Beds of Rockford, Ind., with some analogous forms from the Hamilton group proper. Mus. rep. 13 (for 1859) 1860. p.95-112, 125. illus.; 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.81,196. Luther. Goniatite Limestone. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.279-80. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:279-80. Ries. Goniatite Limestone. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.766. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:766. Agriculture. Emmons. Agriculture of New York. 1846-54. 5yv. il. pl. sq. Q. For contents, see List of publications, p.269-70. Gaylord. Geology as connected with Agriculture. Ag. Soc. Trans. 1 (for 1841) 1842. p.273-98. Norton. Elements of Scientific Agriculture. Ag. Soc. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.602-735. p.728-35 on applications of geology to agriculture. Peters. Agricultural and other Resources of the State of New York. Ag. Soc. Trans. 23 (for 1863) 1864. p.234-379. maps. Ries. Agricultural Uses of Lime. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.671-72. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:671-72. Roberts. On the Advantages of Geology to Agriculture. Ag. Soc. Trans. 8 (for 1848) 1849. p.362-65. Alabaster. Beck. Alabaster. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.61, 237. Whitlock. Alabaster. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.126, 127. Albany. Beecher. Some Abnormal and Pathologic Forms of Presi waiee Shells from the Vicinity of Albany, N. Y. Mus. rep. 36 (for 1882) 1883. p.51-55. 2pl. Beecher. List of Species of Fossils from an Hxposure of the Utica Slate and Associated Rocks in the Limits of Albany, N. Y. Mus. rep. 36 (for 1882) 1888. p.78. ; De Tarr. List of the Rhizopoda found in the Vicinity of. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.165-67. Hights. Geological Features of the Post Tertiary Formation of the City of Albany and its Vicinity. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1883-52. 2:335-53. Marshall. Beaks of Unionidae inhabiting the Vicinity of. Mus. bul, 9. 1890. p.167-89. 1pl. Mather. Albany Mineral Springs. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.101-3. Smock. Stone Construction in. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.324-80. Albany county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.54-55. Clarke. Oriskany Fauna. Mus. mem, 8. 1900. p.77. Same, Mus. rep. 538 (for 1889) 1901. 2:77. Darton. Preliminary Report on Geology. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.229-61. pl.(phot.) map in Geol. rep. 15, v.1. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894, p.423-55. pl.(phot.) map in Mus. rep. 49, v.2. Preliminary geologic map of Albany county, 78x74.5cm. a¥First use of term. SUBJECT INDEX 307 Albany county (continued) Felt. Entomological Reports from. Ent. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.552. (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 538 (for 1899) 1901. 1:552. Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1001-2. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1001-2. Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.776-77. (Mus. bul. 53). Hall. Catalogue of Fossils from Lower Helderberg Rocks. Pal. N. Y. 1859, 3:492-94. Mather. Geological Phenomena and Resources. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.68-112. Mather. Hudson River Group. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.375-890. Mather. Dip and Strike of Rocks. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.620-21. Merrill. Hudson River Bluestone Quarrymen. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.458. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:458 (2d paging). Nason. Economic Geology. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.263-87. pl.(phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894, p.457-81. pl.(phot.) Prosser. Geologic Map of Part of. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. facing p.87. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. v.2, facing p.87. Prosser. Hamilton, Sherburne and Ithaca Formations. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.239-64. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:239-64. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.190-92, 246. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:190-92, 246 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 35. 1990. p.704-8. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:704-8. Ries. Drain Tile Works. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.222. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:222 (2d paging). —— —— Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.771. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. TET ta : Ries. Limestones. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.429-31. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:429-31. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.769-72. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:769-72. ; Ruedemann. Hudson River Beds near Albany and their Taxonomic Equivalents. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.485-596. 2pl. map. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:485-596. 2pl. map. Stratigraphic map showing the subdivisions of the Hudson river beds in parts of Albany and Rensselaer counties, 51.5x24.5em. See also Helderbergs. Albion quadrangle. Clarke, Ruedemann & Luther. Contact Lines of Upper Siluric Formations. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.519-21. Albite. Beck. Albite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.342. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.138. Hmmons. Albite. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:39. Merrill. Albite. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.121. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899; 12121. Nason. Albite. Mus. bul. 4. 1888. p.9. Whitlock. Albite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.89-90. Allanite. Beck. Allanite.- Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.109-10. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.440-41. : Hunt. Allanite. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.84. Mather. Highlandite: Allanite. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.512-13. Allegany county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.55. Bishop. Oil and Gas in. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r107-138. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r107-18. Bishop. Consumption of Natural Gas in. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r113-15. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901, 1:r118-15. a 308 NEW YORK STATE. MUSEUM Allegany county (continued) Dickinson. Bluestone quarries. Mus. bul. 61. In press. Hall. Allegany. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.401-11. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.484-88. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.208-9, 250. Same, Mus. rep. — 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:208-9, 250 (2a paging). 2:726. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.90-91; 10. 1890. p.277. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:410 (2d paging). van Ingen. Oil and Gas Field. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.558-60. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:558-60 (2d paging). Alluvial deposits. Carr. Alluvium. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1889) 1840. p.3s6. Gale. Alluvial Beds and Valleys of New York County. Geol. rep. ist dist. (for 1838) 1889. p.187-90. Hall. Alluvium. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.329-31. Horsford. Alluviums of Cattaraugus County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.459-60. Mather. Alluvial Deposits. Geol. rep. 1st dist: (for 1836) 1837. p.70-73 (ed. 2, p.72-75); (for 18389) 1840. p.214-15; (for 1840) 1841. p.66-71. Mather. Fluviatile Alluvions. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.143-46; (for 1838) 1839. p.72-74, 117-18. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.4-10. Vanuxem, Alluvions. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.282-83. Vanuxem. Alluvial Deposits. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.212-20. See also Drift. Alluvial division. Mather. Alluvial Division. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.4-123, 229-37, 634-39. Alum. Beck. Alum. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.202-3. Alumina. Beck. Alumina. Min. N. Y, 1842. p.314-74. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.135-45. Mather. Sulphates of Lime, Alumina, ete. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.83-85. Aluminite. Beck. Aluminite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.320-21. Alunite. Whitlock. Alunite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.127. Amanita. Peck. New York Species of Amanita. Mus. rep. 33 (for 1879) 1880. p.38-49. Sere Beck. Amber. . Min. rep. (for 1838) 1889. p.15. Min. N. Y. 1842, p.185. Whitlock. Amber. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.129. Ambrosia beetles. Felt. Ambrosia Beetles. Horest, Fish and Game Com. rep: 7 (for 1901). Jn press. Ammonia. Beck. Carbonate of Ammonia. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.195. Ammonium sulfate. Ries. Ammonium Sulfate. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.668. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:668. Amphibia, see Batrachia. Amphibole. Beck. Hornblende. Min. N. ¥. 1842. p.298-308. Merrill. Amphiboles. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.121. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:121. Whitlock. Amphibole. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.94-95. Amphibolites. Merrill. Amphibolites. Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:31 (1st paging). 5 Amsterdam quadrangle. Geologic Map. Mus. bul. 34. 1900. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. v.1, facing p.415. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.726. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.410. Same, Mus. rep. SUBJECT INDEX 309 _ Analcite. Beck. Analcime. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.352. Whitlock. Analcite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.109. Anatase, see Octahedrite, Andalusite. Beck. Andalusite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.362-63. Whitlock. Andalusite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.103. Andesite. Merrill. Andesite. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.121. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899, 1:121. Angilesite. Beck. Anglesite. Min. N. Y. 1842, p.415-16. ‘Whitlock. Anglesite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.125. Anhydrite. Beck. Anhydrite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.238-39. Whitlock. Anhydrite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.124-25. Ankerite. Beck. Brown Spar, or Ankerite. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.107. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.398-99. Annelida. De Kay. Annelides. Assembly doc. 1840, no.50, p.34-35. Webster. Annelida Chaetopoda of New Jersey. Mus. rep. 32 (for 1878) 1879. p.101-28; reprint 39 (for 1885) 1886. p.128-59, pl.4-10. Webster. Annelida Chaetopoda of the Virginian Coast. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1879. 9:202-69. Annelida (paleozoic). Clarke. Annelid Teeth from the Lower Portion of the Hamilton Group and from the Naples Shales of Ontario Co. N. Y. Geol. rep. 6 (for 1886) 1887. p.30-32. 1pl. Clarke. List of the Original and Illustrated Specimens in the Palaeonto- logical Collections. Pt2, Annelida and Cephalopoda. Geol. rep. 12 (for 1892) 1898. p.55-104. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1898, p.201-50. Clarke. Oriskany Species of Becraft Mountain. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p. 26-28. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:26-28. Grabau. Annelida of Niagara Region. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.161. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:161. Hall. Annelida of Lower Helderberg Group. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:349. “a ee of Potsdam Sandstone. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1863. p.136. Hall. Annelida of Niagara Group in Central Indiana. Mus. rep. 28 (for 1874) 1879. p.181-85. ; Hall. Tubicolar Annelida. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.7. supplement, p.8-24. pl.115-16a. Ruedemann. New Species of Annelida of Hudson River Beds near Albany. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.573-74. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:578-T4. Wood. Annelida of Marcellus (Stafford) Limestones of Lancaster, Erie Co. N. Y. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.155. See also Vermes. Anorthite. Merrill. Anorthite. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.121. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:121. Whitlock. Anorthite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.90-91. Anorthosites. Cushing. Anorthosite Intrusion. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.11. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:11. Cushing. Anorthosites of Franklin County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.99-105. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:99-105. Cushing. Anorthosite-gabbros of Clinton County. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r52-54. Same, Mus. rep. 58 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r52-54. Cushing. Anorthosites in Franklin and St Lawrence Counties. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r30-82. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r30-82. With analyses. Kemp. Anorthosites of Lake Placid Region. Mus. bul, 21. 1898. p.57-58, 61. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:57-58, 61. 310 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Anorthosites (continued) Leeds. Lithology of the Adirondacks. Mus. rep. 30 (for 1876) 1878. p.79-109. See also Gabbros; Hypersthene rock. Ant-lions, see Neuropteroid insects. Anthophyllite. Beck. Anthophyllite; Hydrous Anthophyllite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.312-18. Gale. Hydrous Anthophyllite of New York County. Geol. rep. ist dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.193-94. Anthozoa (paleozoic). Clarke. Oriskany Species of Becraft Mountain. Mus. mem. 3. 1900, p.62-64. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:62-64, Girty. Anthozoa of Lower Helderberg Group. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.299-309. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:299-309. Grabau. Anthozoa of Hamilton Group. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.287-90. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:287-90. Grabau. Anthozoa of Niagara Region. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.135-48. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902, 4:135-48. Ruedemann. Anthozoa of Trenton Conglomerate of Rysedorph Hill. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.10-12. Wood. Anthozoa of Marcellus (Stafford) Limestones of Lancaster, Hrie Co. N. Y. Mus. bul. 49, 1901. p.154-55. See also Corals. Anthracite. Beck. Anthracite. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.15. Min. N. Y¥. 1842. p.94, 188-89. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.119. Hunt. Anthracite. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.97-98. Antimony. Whitlock. Stibnite (antimony glancej. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. Dp-a2. ; Antiquarian collection, see Historical and antiquarian collection. Ants. Felt. Little Red Ant. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.298-99. Lintner. Little Red Ant. WHnt. rep. 11 (for 1895) 1896. p.109-14. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:109-14. See also Hymenoptera. a Apatite. Beck. Apatite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.239-48. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.127-28. Hunt. Apatite. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.73-75. Merrill. Localities. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.581. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:581 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.233. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. Nason. Apatite. Mus. bul. 4. 1888. p.8, 15. Whitlock. Apatite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.117-18. See also Hupyrchroite. Aphis-lions, see Neuropteroid insects. Apophyllite. Beck. Apophyllite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.348-49. Whitlock. Apophyllite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.108. Appalachian geology. Ulrich & Schuchert. Paleozoic Seas and Barriers in Hastern North America. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.633-63. Apple leaf Bucculatrix. Lintner. Apple Leaf Bucculatrix. Ent. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1882. p.157-62. Apple leaf miner. Lintner. Apple Leaf Miner. Ent. rep. 11 (for 1895) 1896. p.160-62. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:160-62. Appletree bark louse. Felt. Appletree Bark Louse. Mus. bul. 46. 1901. p.297-300. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:297-300. Lintner. Appletree Bark Louse. Ent. rep. 4 (for 1887) 1888. p.114-20. Same, Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.234-40. ee ee ee Ss SUBJECT INDEX 311 Appletree borer. Lintner. Round-headed Appletree borer. Ent. rep. 5 (for 1888) 1889. p.269-71. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.269-71. Appletree tent caterpillar. Felt. Appletree Tent Caterpillar. Ent. rep. 14 (for 1898) 1898. p.177-90. (Mus. bul. 23). Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900.1 :177-90. Mus. bul. 27. 1899. p.46-48. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:46-48. Ag. Soe. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.271-72. Apulia shale. Conrad. Shales near Apulia. Pal. rep. (for 1840) 1841. p.31. See also HWrie division; Hamilton group. _ Aquatic insects. Felt. Aquatic Insects of the Saranac Region. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 6 (for 1900) 1901. p.499-531. illus. 6pl. Needham & Betten. Aquatic-Insects in the Adirondacks. Mus. bul. 47. 1901. p.883-612. illus. 6pl. (lith.) 30pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:383-612. illus. 6pl. (lith.) 30pl. (phot.) Needham ¢ others. Aquatic Insects of New York. Mus. bul. 68. In press. Arachnida. Additions to Collection. Hnt. rep. 3, p.142; 5, p.3826; 6, p.190; f, p.884; 9 p.464; 10, p.513; 11, p.288; 13, p.375; 14, p.262-63; 15, p.620; 16, p.1046; 17, p.824. For dates of reports, see List of publications, p.264. Arachnida (paleozoic) see Tracheata. Aragonite. Beck. Arragonite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.235-37. f Merrill. Aragonite. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.120. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:120. Whitlock. Aragonite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.83-84. Archaean. Merrill. Archaean; Typical Localities. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.138-41. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:138-41. See also Crystalline rocks. Archeology, see Aborigines; Historical and antiquarian collection; Indians; Platycnemic man. Arfvedsonite. Beck. Arfwedsonite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.309. Argentite. Beck. Vitreous Silver. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.448. Whitlock. Argentite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.53. Argillaceous iron ores, see Clinton ores. Argillite, see Transition argillite. Arickarees. Morgan. Stone and Bone Implements of the Arickarees. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.25-46. 6pl. Armillaria. Peck. New York Species of Armillaria. Bot. rep. 43 (for 1889) 1890. p.40-45. Same, Mus. rep. 43 (for 1889) 1890. p.86-91. Army worm. Lintner. Army worm. Ent. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.190-214. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:190-214 (ist paging). Arragonite, see Aragonite. . Arsenic. Beck. Arsenic. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.53-54. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.56, 439-40. Arsenical iron pyrites, see Arsenopyrite. Arsenical poisons. Felt. Arsenical compounds. Ent. rep. 14 (for 1898) 1898. p.224-26 (Mus. bul. 23). Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:224- 26. Felt. Formulas for Arsenical Preparations. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 5 (for 1899) 1900. p.353. Felt. Insecticides. University handbook 18. p.2-6. In. press. Arsenopyrite. Beck. Arsenical Iron; Mispickel. Min. rep. (for 1836) 1887. p.41-42 (ed. 2, p.43-44). Min. N. Y. 1842. p.3894-95. Mather. Arsenical Ores of Putnam County. Geol. rep. ist dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.105-6. 312 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Arsenopyrite (continued) Mather. Orpiment and Arseniate of Iron. Geol. N. Y. pt1. 1848. p.119. Merrill. Localities. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.579. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:579 (2d paging). —— —— Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.232. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 12282. Whitlock. Arsenopyrite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.60. Artesian wells. Mather. Artesian wells. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.146. Articulata, see Annelida; Crustacea; Entomology. Articulata (paleozoic), see Annelida (paleozoic); Crustacea (paleozoic). Asbestus. Merrill. Asbestus. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.121. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:121. Whitlock. Asbestos. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.95. Asparagus beetle. Felt. Common Asparagus Beetle. Hnt. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.d40-41. (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:540-41. Felt. Twelve-spotted Asparagus Beetle. Wnt. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.540-41. (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 538 (for 1899) 1901. 1:540-41. - Lintner. Common Asparagus Beetle. Ent. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1882. p.239-46. Hnt. rep. 11 (for 1895) 1896. p.177-81. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:177-81. d Lintner. Twelve-spotted Asparagus Beetle. Hnt. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.248-52. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:248-52 (ist paging). Asphaltum. Whitlock. Asphaltum. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.130. Asteroidea, s¢e Echinoderma. Astraeospongidae, see Spongiae. Astylospongidae, see Spongiae. Atacamite. Whitlock. Atacamite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.66. _ Atmospheric air. Beck. Atmospheric Air. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.176. Atmospheric water. Beck. Atmospheric Water. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.178-79. Auburn. Smock. Stone Construction in. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.842-48. Augite. Beck. Augite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.286. Hmmons. Augite. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:40. Mather. Augite Rock in Putnam and Westchester Counties. Geol. rep. ist dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.102. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.531-32. Mather. Augite Rock of Orange and Rockland Counties. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.538-39. Merrill, Augite. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.121. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:121. Whitlock. Pyroxene (Augite). Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.92. Augite-syenites. Cushing. Augite-syenite of Clinton County. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r59-60. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r59-60. Cushing. Augite-syenite in FWranklin and St Lawrence Counties. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r25-82. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:725-82. With analyses. : Automolite. Beck. Automolite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.319. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.185-36. Autunite. Whitlock. Autunite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.122. Aymestry limestone. Conrad. Aymestry Limestone. Pal. rep. (for 1840) 1841. p.31. Azurite. Beck. Azurite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.426-27. Whitlock. Azurite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.86-87. wpa ware. + cir t Oy q f a 4 * SUBJECT INDPX 313 Babingtonite. Beck. Babingtonite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.407-8. Mus. rep. 8 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.149. : Hunt. Babingtonite. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.79. Bacillaria. Mather. Bacillaria. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.51-77, 238-45. Bag worm. Felt. Bag Worm. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 5 (for 1899) 1900. p.359-68. Lintner. Bag Worm. Ent. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1882. p.81-87. Bald mountain limestone, see Black river limestone. Ballston Springs. Mather. Ballston Springs. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.98-101. Balsam bark borer. Felt. Balsam Bark Borer. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7 (for 1901). Jn press. Balsam trees, see Forest trees. Barite. Beck. Heavy Spar. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.204-9. Hunt. Heavy Spar. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.73. Merrill. Localities. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.582. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:582 (2d paging). —— —— Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.233-34. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:233-34. Whitlock. Barite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.124. Barium carbonate, see Witherite. Bark borers. Felt. Bark Borers. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7 (for 1901). Jn press. Barnegate limestone. @Mather. Barnegat Limestone. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 18387) 1838. p.168. Mather. Barnegate Limestone. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.410-14. See also Newburg limestone. Barystrontianite. Beck. Barystrontianite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.213-14. Baryta. Beck. Baryta. Min. rep. (for 1888) 1889. p.17-18. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.204-9. Basalt. Emmons. Basalt. Ag. N. Y. 1846, 1:42. Base of the Trenton limestone, see Black river limestone. Basic steel. Ries. Manufacture. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.374. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:374. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.667. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:667. Bastard limestone. Conrad. Bastard Limestone. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1836) 1887. p.162 (ed. 2, p.164). Bastite. Beck. Schiller Spar. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.109. Min. N. Y. 1842, p.311-12. Batrachia. Additions to Collections. Mus. rep. 2, p.23; 3 rev. ed. p.28; Apes 5. pel, 24: 6) p:285 7, p18, 25; 9) palG-18; 17, p.14; ~46, p.21-22; 58, 1:r169. For dates of Mus. rep., see List of publications, p.241. De Kay. Amphibia. Zool. N. Y. 1842. v.38. pt3. p.59-89. (v.38, pt8 text, v.4 plates). Lansing. Frogs and their Contributions to Science. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1870. 6:120-35. List of Deficiencies in the Amphibia. Mus. rep. 17 (for 1868) 1864. p.14. Paulmier. Lizards, Tortoises and Batrachians of New York. Mus. bul. 51. 1902. p.389-409. Bauxite. Whitlock. Bauxite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.78. Bean-weevil. Lintner. Bean-weevil. Ent. rep. 7 (for 1890) 1891. p.255-79. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.255-79. aFirst use of term. 314 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Becraft limestone (Scutella; Upper Pentamerus). Clarke & Schuchert. Becraft Limestone. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.12. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:12. wDarton. Becraft Limestone. Geol. rep. 138 (for 1898) 1894. p.212-13. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.406-7. Also quoted in Geol. rep. 17, p.365 and Mus. bul. 44, p.760. Darton. Becraft Limestone of Albany County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1898) 1894. p.245-46. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.4389-40. Darton, Becraft Limestone of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.304. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.498. Ries. Becraft Limestone. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.864. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899, 2:364. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.762. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:762. Ries. Becraft Limestone of Albany County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.429. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:429. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.770. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:770. Ries. Becraft Limestone of Columbia County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.431. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:481. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.776-77. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:776-77. Ries. Becraft Limestone of Greene County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.437. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:437. 1900) 1902. 3:786-87. Ries. Becraft Limestone of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.456-57. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:456-57. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.821-22. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:821-22 See also Encrinal limestone (Scutella); Scutella limestone. Becraft mountain. Clarke. Oriskany Fauna of Becraft Mountain, Colum- bia County, N. Y. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. 128p. 9pl. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. v.2, 128p. 9pl. Grabau. Stratigraphy of Becraft Mountain, Columbia County. Pal. rep. (for 1902). In press. With map. Mather. Limestones. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.351-52. Bedbugs. Felt. Bedbug. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.299-300. Bedford, limestone of. Mather. Limestone of Bedford. Geol. rep. ist dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.91. Beekmantown limestone (Calciferous sandrock). 0Clarke & Schuchert. Beekmantown Limestone. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.11. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:11. Ruedemann. Graptolite (Levis) Facies of the Beekmantown Formation in Rensselaer County N. Y. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.546-75. See also Calciferous sandrock. Bees, see Hymenoptera. Beetles, see Coleoptera. Bellvale flags. Ries. Bellvale Flags of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.404. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:404. Bellvale mountain. Ries. Geology of the Region along Bellvale Mountain. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.410-15. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:410-15. aF¥irst use of term, ori use of term in original publication of this article. Science. 1899. mew ser 877. ; revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.786-87. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for SUBJECT INDEX 315 Beryl. Beck. Emerald. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.374. Whitlock. Beryl. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.96. Binghamton. Smock. Stone Construction in. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.337-38. Biotite. Merrill. Biotite. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.122. Same; Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:122. _ Whitlock. Biotite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.111. Birds. Catalogues and Additions. Mus. rep. 1, p.11-20; 2, p.19-22; 3 rev. ed., p.19-21, 42; 4, p.20-22, 31-41; 5, p.18; 6, p.20; 7, p.17; 8, p.17-18; 9, p.13; 18, p.12-13; 24, p.19; 25, p.16; 46, p.21; 50, 1:12-14; Hl, 1:r19; ~52, 1:r26; 53, 1:r167-68. For dates of Mus. rep., see List of publications, p.241. Danker. List of the Birds of New York noticed in Maine during June 1862. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1863. p.15-16. De Kay. Birds. Assembly doc. 1840. no.50. p.8-11, 20-26. Zool. N. Y. 1844. y.2. pt2. 8380p. 141pl. De Rham collection. Catalogue. Mus. rep. 8 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.42; 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.31-41. Bees added to Collection. Mus. rep. 18 (for 1864) 1865. p.13-16. Farr. Check List of New York Birds. Mus. bul. 33. 1900. p.193-409. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:193-409. —— —— Hd. 2 revised. Mus. bul. 33. 1900. p.193-414. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:193-414. Felt. Birds Feeding on Forest Tent Caterpillar. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 4 (for 1898) 1899. p.377-78. List of Deficiencies in the Birds. Mus. rep. 17 (for 1863) 1864. p.13. Birdseye limestone (Lowville). Conrad. Birdseye Limestone of Haton. Pal. rep. (for 1837) 1838. p.114. “Cumings. Historical Sketch. Mus. bul. 34 1900. p.421-23. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:421-23. Darton. Birdseye Limestone of the Mohawk Valley. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.422-24. \Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.616-18. aKaton. Birdseye Marble. Geol. and Agric. Surv. adjoining the Hrie Canal. 1824. p.32. Hmmons. Birdseye Limestone. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.107-10, 168. Ag. N. Y. 1846, 1:122. Emmons. Birdseye Limestone of Clinton County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.317-18. Emmons. Birdseye Limestone of Jefferson County. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.324. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.382-86. Emmons. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.108-10, 317, 382-86. eae Remains. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.28. Pal. N. Y. 1847. Hall. Birdseye Limestone. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:11-12. Lincklaen. Birdseye Limestone; Fossils. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.41. Merrill. Birdseye Limestone. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.147-48. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:147-48. Prosser & Cumings. Lower Silurian Formations on West Canada Creek and in the Mohawk Valley. Geol. -rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.627-59. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:627-59. Ries. Birdseye Limestone. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.361. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:361. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.756, 757. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:756, 757. aFirst use of term. 316 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Birdseye limestone (continued) Ries. Birdseye Limestone of Herkimer County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.488. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:4388. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.788. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:788. Ries. Birdseye Limestone of Jefferson County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.789-90. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:789-90. Ries. Birdseye Limestone of Lewis County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.790-91. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:790-91. 2 Smock. Birdseye Limestone. Mus. bul. 8. 1888. p.21; 10. 1890. p.210-11. | revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.426. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:426 (2d paging). a Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.200. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:200. a Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.94-134; 10. 1890. p.238-55. —— —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.432-47. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:482-47 (2d paging). Vanuxem. Birdseye Limestone. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.255, 266, 288; (for 1839) 1840. p.370. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.39-42, 45. Vanuxem. Birdseye Limestone in Montgomery County. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1887) 1838. p.259. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.250. Vanuxem. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.89-40. White. Birdseye Formation of Herkimer County. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:r27. See also Gray sparry limestone (Conrad’s first report); Lowville limestone. Bismuth. Beck. Native bismuth. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.419. Whitlock. Bismuth. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.49. Bismuthinite. Beck. Bismuthine. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.447. Hunt. Bismuthine. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.91. Bitter spar, see Dolomite. Bitumen. Beck. Bitumen. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.15. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.182-84, 444. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.118. Black lead, see Graphite. Black marble. Hmmons. Black Marble of Isle la Motte. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.110-11, 168, 318-19. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:1238. Emmons. Isle La Motte Marble in Jefferson County. gi N. Y. pt2. 1842, p.386. Emmons. Black Marble of Glen’s Falls. Geol. N. Y. pt2. He p.181-82. Emmons. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.111, 318. See also Black River limestone. Black river limestone. Clarke & Schuchert. Black River Limestone. See New York series. F Cumings. Historical Sketch. Mus. bul. 34. 1900. p.423-24. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:423-24. Cushing. Black River Limestone of Clinton County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.514-78. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898, 2:514-73. Darton. Black River Limestone of the Mohawk Valley. Geol. rep. 138 (for 1893) 1894. p.424. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.618. Hall. Black River Limestone Group. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.28. Hall. Organic Remains. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.28. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:46-60. Hall. Black River Limestone. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:11-12. Lincklaen. Black River Limestone; Fossils. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.41-44. SUBJECT INDBPX 317 3 Black river limestone (continued) z Mather. Black River Limestone. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.402-9. Merrill. Black River Limestone. Mus. bul. 19, 1898. p.148. Same, Mus. $ rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:148. Prosser & Cumings. Lower Silurian Formations on West Canada Creek fe and in the Mohawk Valley. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.627-59. _ __~Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898, 2:627-59. Ries. Black River Limestone. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.360. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:360. . revised. Mus. bul. 44, 1901. p.756. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for é 1900) 1902. 3:756. , Ries. Black River Limestone of Clinton County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.4382. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:482. —— —— revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.774-75. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:774-75. Ries. Black River Limestone of Essex County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.486. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:486. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.782. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902, 3:782. Ries. Black River Limestone of Jefferson County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.790. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:790. Smock. Black River Limestone. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.21; 10. 1890. p.210-11. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.426. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:426 (2d paging). ao. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.200. Same, Mus. rep, 51 (for 1897) 1899. Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.94-184; 10. 1890. p.238-55. — revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.482-47. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:482-47 (2d paging). aVanuxem. Black River Limestone. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.38-45. Vanuxem. Black River Limestone in Lewis County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.265, 268. Vanuxem. Black River Limestone in Montgomery County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.250. ~ Vanuxem. Black River Limestone in Oneida County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.259. Vanuxem. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.389-42. White. Black River Formation of Herkimer, Oneida and Lewis Counties. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:r27-29. Black shale (Genesee shale). Hall. Upper Black Shale of Erie County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.164. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.473. Hall. Black Shale of Genesee County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.431. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.467. Hall. Upper Black Shale of Livingston County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.422-23. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.462-63. Hall. Upper Black Shale of Ontario County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.3818. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.457. Hall, Upper Black shale of Seneca County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1889. p.801-2. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.452. Hall. Black Shale of Tompkins County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.817. . Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.475. Hall. Black Shale in Yates County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.314-16. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.458. a@¥First use of term. 318 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Black shale (Genesee shale) (continued) Hall. Note on the Black Slate succeeding the Hamilton Limestones at the Falls of the Ohio. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5. pt2. p.148-54. Vanuxem. Black Shale. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.381. See also Genesee shales. ; Black shale (Utica slate). Emmons. Black Slate. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:63-65. j Upper portion of Taconic slate. Vanuxem. Black Shale. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.258, 283; (for 1889) 1840. p.371-72. : See also Mohawk slate; Utica shale. Blende, see Sphalerite. Blister beetles. Lintner. Margined Blister Beetle. Ent. rep. 6 (for 1889) 1890. p.184-85. Same, Mus. rep. 43 (for 1889) 1890. p.184-385. Lintner. Striped Blister Beetle. Ent. rep. 6 (for 1889) 1890. p.182-34. Sane, Mus. rep. 43 (for 1889) 1890. p.132-34. Blue limestone, see Black river limestone. Blue shale, see Hamilton group. Bluestone. Dickinson. Bluestones and other Sandstones in the Upper Devonian in New York State. Mus. bul. 61. Jn press. Eberhardt. Bluestone Quarries of New York. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.411-19. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:411-19 (2d paging). Merrill. Bluestone; Producers. Mus. bul. 17. 1897. p.129-30. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:129-80 (2d paging). Nason. Bluestone of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.384-91, 400-1. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.578-85, 594-95. Smock. Microscopie Structure. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.361. Smock. Tests; Durability; Causes of Decay. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.364-89. See also Hudson river bluestone; Seneca limestone. Bog iron ore, see Limonite. Bog manganese, see Wad. Boletus. Peck. Genus Boletus. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1873. p.127-338. Peck. Boleti of the United States. Mus. bul. 8. 1889. p.71-166. See also Fungi. ‘ Boltonite. Beck. Boltonite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.283-84. Bone ash. Ries. Bone Ash. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.670.- Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:670. Bone implements. Beauchamp. Horn and Bone Implements of New York Indians. Mus. bul, 50. 1902. p.1-112. 48pl. (phot.) Morgan. Stone and Bone Implements of the Arickarees. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.25-46. 6pl. Boracite. Whitlock. Boracite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.122. Borax. Whitlock. Borax. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.1238. Bornite. Beck. Purple copper. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.453. Whitlock. Bornite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.57. Botanic collection of museum. Additions. Mus. rep. 4, p.71; 6, p.24; 7, — p.43-50; 18, p.11, 198-96; 19, p.39, 71; 20, p.15, 18; 21, p.14, 23-24; 22, p.9-10, 25-51; 28, p.23-24, 27-49; 24, p.19-21, 41-56; 25, p.17-19, 57-68; 26, p.18-19, 35-47; 27, p.28-30, 80-89; 28, p.21-23, 38-46; 29, p.21-22, 81-37; 30, p.14-15, 26-37; 381, p.11, 24-80; 32, p40, 18-23; 33, p-12a7; 84, p.13-14, 36-41; 35, p.183, 126-31; 36, p.17-18, 30-84; 37, p.27, 66-68; 88, p.16-17, 79-82; 39, p.15-16, 33-38; 40, p.28, 44-51; 41, p.54-56; 42, p.106-11; 48, p.57-61; 44, p.121-26; 45, p.70-77; 46, p.92-98; 47, p.188-42; 48, 1:106-8 (1st paging); 49, all 31:29: 50, 1 :84- 92 (1st paging): Hale 1:270- Ms Oa, G2a-2neu aos 826-34. For dates of Mus. rep., see List of publications, p.241. " 4 , ee ee —_— SUBJECT INDEX 319. Botanic collection of museum (continued) Deficiencies in the Herbarium. Mus. rep. 17 (for 1863) 1864. p.15-19. List of Plants for State Herbarium collected by H. B. Lord. Mus. rep. 19 (for 1865) 1866. p.71. Peck. Catalogue of Mosses presented to the State of New York by C. H. Peck. Mus. rep. 18 (for 1864) 1865, p.193-96. Torrey. Catalogue of Plants of the State of New York of which Speci- mens are preserved in the Cabinet at Albany. Mus. rep. 2 (for 1848) 1849. p.41-64. Botany. Beck. Geographical Botany of the United States. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1828. 1:10-21. Clinton. Preliminary Lists of the Plants of ‘Buffalo and its Vicinity. Mus. rep. 17 (for 1868) 1864. p.24-35. Clinton. Facts and Observations touching the Flora of the State of New York, by one of the Regents. Mus. rep. 18 (for 1864) 1865. p.197-205; 19 (for 1865) 1866. p.72-80. Fenno. Plants of the Susquehanna Valley and Adjacent Hills of Tioga County. Bot. rep. (for 1902). In press. Index to the Volumes in the State Cabinet of Natural History containing the Plants of the State of New York. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.161-72. Paine. Catalogue of Plants found in Oneida County and Vicinity. Mus. rep. 18 (for 1864) 1865. p.53-192. Peck. Facts and Observations touching the Flora of the State of New York. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.403-10. Peck. Reports as Botanist. Mus. rep. 21-55 (for 1867-1901) 1869-1902. Also published separately. For page references and contents, see List of publications, p.263. Index to rep. 22-38 in Mus. rep. 41, p.94-122. ae 39-48 he 50, 1:143-59. Page references in above mentioned indexes are to botanist’s edition. Report for 1898 Mus. bul. 25, p.628-42 contains list of changed names in 6th ed. of Gray’s Manual and Illustrated Flora. Peck. Report on Botany. 1871-73. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1872. 7:35-43, 186-204; 1873. 8:152-66. Peck. Fertilization of Flowers. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1887. 11:155-68. Peck. Contributions to the Botany of the State of New York. Mus. bul. 2. 1887. 66p. 2pl. Contents: Descriptions of New Species of New York Fungi; Additions to the Flora of New York in 1883; Descriptions of New York Species of Fungi belonging to the Genera Paxillus, Cantharellus and Craterellus; Namles of New York Species of Pyrenomycetous Fungi; Descriptions of New York Species of Viscid Boleti. Titles enumerated in 37th report, but articles not printed there. Peck. Plants of North Elba. Mus. bul. 28. 1899. p.65-266. map. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:65-266. map. Map of North Elba, Essex county (uncolored) 12x1l6cm. Peck. List of Changed Names of New York Species. Bot. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. p.628-42. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:628-42. References: to Various Hssays and Writings on the Natural History of New York. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849).1850. p.158; 5 (for 1851) 1852. p.57. Stevens. Flora of the Adirondacks. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1870. 6:67-82. Torrey. Report on Botanical Department of Survey. Assembly doc. 18387, no.161, p.9-10 (ed.2, p.11-12); 1840, no.50, p.1138-97. Torrey. Flora of the State of New York. 1848. 2v. il. pl. sq.Q. For contents, see List of publications, p.269. Veeder. Uses and Relations of the Study of Botany. Regents rep. 91 (for 1877) 1878. p.4389-42. See also Carex; Fruits; Fungi; Mosses; Paleobotany; Ranunculus; Weeds. Boulders, see Drift; Pleistocene. 320 NEW YORK STATH MUSEUM Boundaries of New York. Peters. Longitude of the Western Boundary ~ : Line of the State of New York. Mus. rep. 20 rev. ed. (for 1866) 1870. p.143-57. 2pl. Pratt. Report of the Regents on the Boundaries of New York. 1884. 2v. Bournonite. Whitlock. Bournonite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.61. Brachiopoda. De Kay. Brachiopoda. Zool. N. Y. 1848. v.5. pt5. p.166-67. Brachiopoda (paleozoic). Beecher. Statement on the Condition of the Work on the Brachiopoda, Palaeontology of New York, v.8. Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.3883-84. % Beecher & Clarke. Development of some Silurian Brachiopoda. Mus, ~ mem. 1. 1889. 95p. Spl. Clarke. Genera of the Palaeozoic Brachiopoda. ‘Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.48-46. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.889-93. revised. Geol. rep. 10 (for 1890) 1891. p.15-18. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.45-48. Clarke. Evolution of the Genera of the Palaeozoic Brachiopoda. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.609-46. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.803-40. : Clarke. Oriskany Species of Becraft Mountain. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.38-59. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:38-59. Clarke. A New Genus of Paleozoic Brachiopods, Hunoa, with some considerations on Discinocaris, Spathiocaris and Cardiocaris. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.606-15: Clarke. Type Specimens in New York State Museum. Mus. bul. 65. In press. Grabau. Brachiopoda of Hamilton Group. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.261-85. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:261-85. Grabau. Brachiopoda of Niagara Region. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.177-206. — Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:177-206. az Halli. Brachiopoda of Lower Silurian. Pal. N. Y. 1847. v.1. (various page references, see Table, p.323). Hall. Brachiopoda of Medina Sandstone. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:8-14. Hall. Brachiopoda of Clinton Group. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:53-82. Hall. Brachiopoda of Niagara Group. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:249-81. Hall. Brachiopoda of Coralline Limestone. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:326-30. Hall. Brachiopoda of Lower Helderberg Group. Mus. rep. 10 (for 1856) 1857. p.41-109. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:153-262. Hall. Brachiopoda of Oriskany Sandstone. Mus. rep. 10 (for 1856) 1857. p.62-109. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:406-64. ‘Hall. Fossil Brachiopoda of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. Mus. rep. 10 (for 1856) 1857. p.109-80. Pal. N. Y. 1867. v.4. 428p. 99pl. Hall. New Species and Genera. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:481-91. Hall. Genus Nucleospira. Mus. rep. 12 (for 1858) 1859. p.23-34. Hall. Genus Watonia. Mus. rep. 12 (for 1858) 1859. p.34-37. ‘Hall. Genus Rensselaeria. Mus. rep. 12 (for 1858) 1859. p.38-41. Hall. Genus Camarium. Mus. rep. 12 (for 1858) 1859. p.42-44. Hall. On Genus Rhynchonella. Mus. rep. 18 (for 1859) 1860. p.65-69; 20 rev. ed. (for 1866) 1870. p.3809-13. Hall. Observations on Orthis, Skenidium, Ambocoelia and Vitulina. Mus. rep. 18 (for 1859) 1860. p.69-738. Halli. Observations on the Genera Athyris (—Spirigera), Merista (~Cam- arium), Meristella and Leiorhynchus. Mus. rep. 13 (for 1859) 1860. p.73-75; 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.176-81; 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.258-66, 269-73. 4 ? . s SUBJECT INDEX 321 Brachiopoda (paleozoic) (continued) Hall. Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Hamilton Group of Western New York, with notices of others from same horizon in Iowa and Indiana. Mus. rep. 18 (for 1859) 1860. p.76-94; 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.99-103; 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.181-91. ‘ Hall. A New Genus of Brachiopoda, Zygospira. Mus. rep. 15 (for 1861) : 1862. p.154-55. » Hall. Descriptions of New Species of Brachiopoda from the Upper Hel- 3 derberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) | 1868. p.19-37. Hall. Observations upon Some of the Brachiopoda, with Reference to the Characters of the Genera Cryptonella, Centronella, Meristella, Trematospira, Rhynchospira, Retzia, Leptocoelia and Allied Forms, Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1868. p.38-61, 223. Paper read before the Albany Institute, Feb. 3, 1863 and published also in Alb. Inst. Trans. 1858-64. 4:125-48. Hall. Observations upon the Genus Streptorhynchus, with remarks upon some species heretofore referred to the genera Strophomena and Orthis. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1863. p.61-66. Hall. Brachiopoda of Potsdam Sandstone. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1863. p.125-35. Hall. Genus Streptorhynchus and Strophodonta. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.241. Hall. Genus Chonetes. (Fischer, 1837). Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.242-44. Hall, Remarks on the Genera Productus, Strophalosia, Aulosteges and Productella. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867 p.245-50. Hall. On the Genera Spirifera, Cyrtina and Allied Genera. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.251-57. Hall. Note upon the Genus Zygospira and its Relations to Atrypa. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.267-68. : Hall. Genus Hichwaldia. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.274-78. Hall. Genus Tropidoleptus. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p. 279-81. Hall. Brachiopoda of Niagara Group. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.368-74. Hall. New or Imperfecitly Known Ferms among the Brachiopoda, etc. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1873. p.244-47. pl.13. Hall. Brachiopoda of Niagara Group in Central Indiana. Mus. rep. 28 (for 1874) 1879. p.148-70. Hall. On the Structure of the Shell in the Genus Orthis. Mus. rep. 36 (for 1882) 18838. p.73-75. pl.3-4. Hall. Brachiopoda, Plates and Explanations. Geol. rep. 2 (for 1882) 1883. p1.34-61. Hall. Report on Palaeontology of New York, v.8. Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.381-82. Hall. Statement Regarding Work done for v.8 of Palaeontology of New York. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.27-42; 9 (for 1889) 1890. p.7-16; 10 (for 1890) 1891. p.7-14; 11 (for 1891) 1892. p.12-21; 12 (for 1892) 1893. p.14-25; 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.601-8. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) - 1889. p.873-88; 48 (for 1889) 1890. p.209-18; 44 (for 1890) 1892..p.37-44; 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.328-837; 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.160-71; 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.795-802; 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:44. Hall. List of Plates of Brachiopoda for Palaeontology of New York, v.8, showing the Condition of the Work. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.48-49. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.3894-95. Hall. List of Sections of the Shells of Genera and Species of Brachio- poda prepared for the Study of the Microscopic Structure. Geol. rep. 10 (for 1890) 1891. p.22-23. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.52-53. Dy NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Brachiopoda (paleozoic) (continued) Hall. Preliminary Notice of Newberria, a New Genus of Brachiopods; with remarks on its relations to Rensselaeria and Amphigenia. Geol. rep. 10 (for 1890) 1891. p.91-98. pl.5-6. Hall. List of the Genera of the Palaeozoic Brachiopoda in Palaeontology of New York, v.8. ptl. Geol. rep. 11 (for 1891) 1892. p.15-21. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.331-37. Hall & Clarke. Introduction to the Study of the Brachiopoda, intended as a Hand Book for the Use of Students. Geol. rep. 11 (for 1891) 1892, p.1383-800. illus. 22pl. map. Pt2, Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894, p.749-943. illus. pl.23-54. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.449-616. map. Pt2, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.943-1137. illus. Chart of the world showing distribution of recent Brachiopoda, 48x28.5cm. Hall & Clarke. Introduction to the Study of the Genera of the Palaeozoie Brachiopoda. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v8. ptl. 3867p. 44pl.; 1894. v.8. pt2. 8394p. 84pl. Hall & Clarke. Descriptions of New Species figured in Palaeontology of New York, v.8. pt2. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.647-57. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.841-51. Hall & Clarke. New Species of Brachiopoda described in Palaeontology of New York, v.8. ptl and 2. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.16-18, 323-72. 14pl. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:16-18, 323-72. 14pl. Illustrations showing microscopic structure of Strophomenoid Brachio- poda. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. pl.22. List of Genera and Species of Brachiopoda, of which Sections have been prepared for the Miscroscope. Mus, rep. 36 (for 1882) 1883. p.26. Ruedemann. New Species of Brachiopoda of Hudson River Beds near Albany. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.569-72. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:569-72. Ruedemann, Brachiopoda of Trenton Conglomerate of Rysedorph Hill. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.14-27. Schuchert. On Syringothyris, Winchell, and its American Species. Geol. rep. 9 (for 1889) 1890. p.28-37. Same, Mus. rep. 43 (for 1889) 1890. p.230-39. Schuchert. List of Species of the American Palaeozoic Orthis, Spirifera, Spiriferina and Syringothyris. Geol. rep. 9 (for 1889) 1890. p.38-55. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1889) 1890. p.240-57. Whitfield. Internal Appendages of the Genus Atrypa, with a notice of the discovery of a loop connecting the spiral cones. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867 p.141-44. Ipl. Wood. Brachiopoda of Marcellus (Stafford) Limestones of Lancaster, Erie Co. N. Y. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.157-67. Brecciated limestone. Mather. Brecciated and Conglomerate Limestone. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.406-9. Bricks and brick manufacture. Bishop. Brick Manufacture of Erie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.842-44. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:342-44. Lincoln. Brick and Tile Manufacture of Seneca County. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.105-11. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:105-11. Luther. Brick Manufacture of Onondaga County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.288-91. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:288-91. Mather. Bricks Manufactured in Columbia and Dutchess Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.159-60. Mather. Brick Manufacture in Dutchess, Westchester and Putnam Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.77-79. Mather. Brick Manufacture of the Hudson Valley. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.142-45. SUBJECT INDEX 323 Bricks and brick manufacture (continued) Merrill. Directory of Clay Manufacturers. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.502-18. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:502-18 (2d paging). Nason. Brick and Tile Manufacturers and Product, Albany County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.284. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.478. Nason. Brick Manufacture of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1898) 1894. p.391-93, 406. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.585-87, 600. Ries. Quaternary Deposits of the Hudson River Valley between Croton and Albany, with notes on brick clays and the manufacture of brick. Geol. rep. 10 (for 1890) 1891. p.110-55. Ries. Bricks and Brick Manufacture. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.148-251. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:148-251 (2d paging). revised and enlarged. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.648-757. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:648-757. Ries. Brick Clays of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.468-69. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:468-69. Ries. Characters of Brick Clays; Burning. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.686-42. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:636-42. Ries. Analyses of Brick Clays. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.882-99. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:882-99. Ries. Directory of Manufacturers.- Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.913-25. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:913-25. Ries. Refractory Bricks. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.667. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:667. Brine springs, see Salt. Brochantite. Whitlock. Brochantite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.126. Brockport quadrangle. Clarke, Ruedemann & Luther. Contact Lines of Upper Siluriec Formations. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.517-23. Bromid of magnesium. Beck. Hydrobromate of Magnesia. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.256. Brooklyn. Smock. Stone Construction in. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.317-18. Brooklyn quadrangle. Woodworth. Brooklyn Quadrangle. Mus, bul. 48, 1901. p.648-50. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:648-50. Broome county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1889) 1840. p.55. Dickinson. Bluestone Quarries. Mus. bul. 61. In press. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Ent. rep. 15 (fer 1899) 1900. p.552-53. (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:552-53. Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1002-3. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1002-3. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.211-12, 250. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:211-12, 250 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.731. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2731. Vanuxem. Broome County. Geol. N. Y. pt3, 1842. p.294-96. Brown hematite, see Limonite. Brown sandstone. Emmons. Brown Sandstone or Granular Quartz. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:83-86. - Brown spar, see Ankerite. Brown tail moth. Felt. Brown Tail Moth. ‘Ent. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.9499. In press. Brucite. Beck. Brucite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.248-49. Whitlock. Brucite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.78. 3o24 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Bryozoa (paleozoic). Beecher. Synoptical Table of the Genera and Species described in y.6 of the Palaeontology of New York. Mus. tep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.363-75. Clarke. Oriskany Species of Becraft Mountain. Mus. mem. 3. 1900: p.59-62. Same, Mus. rep. 538 (for 1899) 1901, 2:59-62. | Clarke. Type Specimens in New York State Museum. Mus. bul. 65. — In press. Grabau. Bryozoa of Hamilton Group. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.286-87. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:286-87. Grabau, Bryozoa of Niagara Region. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.161-76. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:161-76. gy Hall. Bryozoa of Lower Silurian. Pal. N. Y. 1847. v.1 (various page | references). Hall. Bryozoa of Clinton and Niagara Group. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:50-52, 144-73. a Hall. Descriptions of Bryozoa and Corals of the Lower Helderberg i Group. Mus. rep. 26 (for 1872) 1874. p.93-115. revised. Mus. rep. 32 (for 1878) 1879. p.141-76. 33 plates and explanations illustrating Corals and Bryozoa of Upper and Lower Helderberg Groups. Geol. rep. 2 (for 1882) 1883. Hall. Corals and Bryozoa of Niagara Group in Central Indiana. Mus. rep. 28 (for 1874) 1879. p.106-26. Es Hall. Bryozoans of the Upper Helderberg and Hamilton Groups. Alb. ~ Inst. Trans. 1888. 10:145-97. Read before the Albany Institute, Mar. 29, 1881. - Hall. Discussion upon the Manner of Growth, Variation of Form and Characters of the Genus Fenestella, and its Relations to Hemitrypa,. Polypora, Retepora, Cryptopora, etc. Geol. rep. 2 (for 1882) 1883. p.5-16. illus.; 4 (for 1884) 1885. p.35-45, illus. 2pl. Hall. Bryozoa (Fenestellidae) of the Saues Group. Mus. rep. 36 (for 1882) 1888. p.57-72. — —— Plates and descriptions. Geol. rep. 6 (for 1886) 1887. p.41-70, Tpl. Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. pl.8-15. Hall. Descriptions of Bryozcans of the Hamilton Group (Fenesteliidae excepted). Geol. rep. 8 (for 1883) 1884. p.5-61. Hall. Bryozoa of the Upper Helderberg Group. 14pl. with explanations. Geol. rep. 5 (for 1885) 1886. These plates appeared subsequently in Pal. Whe 3% WG, IIS7. Hall & Simpson. Corals and Bryozoa ot the Lower and Upper Helder- berg and Hamilton Groups. Pal. N. Y. 1887. v.6. 298p. 67pl. Hall. Description of New Species of ee of the Lower Helder- berg, with explanation of plates illustrating species of the Hamilton: group. Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.393-94, pl.8-15. Hall. Continuation of Descriptions of Bryozoa not printed in vV.6, Palaeontology of New York. Geol. rep. 10 (for 1890) 1891. p.35-57.. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.65-87. Ruedemann. Bryozoa of Trenton Conglomerate of Rysedorph Hill. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.12-14. Simpson. Discussion of the Different Genera of Fenestellidae. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.685-727. illus. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.879-921. illus. Simpson. Glossary and Explanations of Specific Names of Bryozoa and Corals described in v.6, Palaeontology of New York and other Reports. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.729- “AT. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.923-41. WOU ee et ae ee et ee eee ae | ee nerte a webhlinkl Bepeeyh ie Pte i i is SUBJECT INDEX 325 Bryozoa (paleozoic) (continued) Simpson. Handbook of the Genera of the North American Palaeozoic Bryozoa. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.18-19, 403-669. illus. 30pl. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:18-19, 408-669. illus, 30pl. Contains a bibliography. Wood. Bryozoa of Marcellus (Stafford) Limestones of Lancaster, Erie’ Co. N. Y. Mus. bul. 49, 1901. p.156. Bucholzite. Beck. Bucholzite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.364. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.142-43. Buffalo. Clinton. Preliminary Lists of the Plants of Buffalo and its Vicinity. Mus. rep. 17 (for 1868) 1864. p.24-35. Smock. Stone Construction in. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.846-51. Bugs, see Hemiptera. Building stone. Bishop. Stone Quarries of Hrie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.8380-35. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:330-35. Carr. Materials for Construction. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.3s7. Catalogue of Building Stone in the State Museum (old collection). Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895, 1:21-27 (1st paging). ; Cushing. Building Stone of Franklin County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1889. p.126. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:126. Dickinson. Quarries of Bluestone and other Sandstones in the Upper Devonian of New York State. Mus. bul. 61. Jn press. Eckel. Quarry Industry in Southeastern New York. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r141-76. map. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r141-76. map. Map showing location of quarries, 28.5x3Scm. Four-inch Cubes of Building Stone exhibited at the World’s Columbian Exposition. Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:31 (1st paging). Hall. Building Stones of Chautauqua County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.176-78. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.497. Hall. Building Stones of Monroe County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 18387) 1838. p.845-46. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.482-33. Hall. Building Stones of Niagara County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.368-70. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.447-48. Hall. Building Stones of Orleans County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.356-58. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.488-39. Hall. Building Stones of Wayne County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.324-25. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.421. Hall. Report on Building Stones, (including catalogue of stones in museum collection). Mus. rep. 39 (for 1885) 1886. p.186-225. List of Building Stones in the Economic Collection. Mus. rep. 27 (for 1873) 1875, p.57-71. Luther. Building Stone of Onondaga County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) © 1897. p.2738-74, 277-79. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:278-74, 277-79. Mather. Building Stones and Marbles. Geol. rep. ist dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.238-89. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.326-28. Merrill. Directory of Quarrymen. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.451-93. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:451-93 (2d paging). Nason. Limestone for Building in Albany County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.279. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.478. Ries. Building Stone of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.AvTO. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:470. Ries. Limestones of New York and their Economic Value. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.3855-467. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:355-467. 3826 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Building stone (continued) Smock. Report of Field Work for 1886, (building stones). Mus. rep. 40 (for 1886) 1887. p.35-36. Smock. Building Stone in the State of New York. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. 152p. map. revised and enlarged. Mus. bul. 10, 1890. p.191-395. map. tab. Map of New York showing location of quarries, 58x60cm. Smock. Geology and Geographic Distribution, revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.3872-448. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:372-448 (2d paging). ; Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.181-204. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:181-204. Specimens of Building Stones of the State of New York. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.55-57; 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.17-19. Ten-inch Cubes of Building Stone exhibited at the World’s Columbian Exposition. Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:28-80 (1st paging). Bumble flower beetle. Lintner. Bumble Flower Beetle. Ent. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1882. p.232-39. Butterflies, see Lepidoptera. Cabbage caterpillar. Felt. Zebra Caterpillar. Ent. rep. 14 (for 1898) 1898. p.201-7. (Mus. bul. 23). Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:201-7. Lintner. Zebra Cabbage Caterpillar. Ent. rep. 5 (for 1888) 1889. p.206-10. Sane, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.206-10. Cacoxenite. Beck. Cacoxenite. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.110. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.402-3. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.14'9. — Caddis flies, see Neuropteroid insects. Cadmia. Beck. Oxide of Zine or Cadmia. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.411-12. Calamin. Beck. Calamine. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.448. Whitlock. Calamin. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.106. Caleareous minerals. Beck. Calcareous Minerals. Min. N. Y,. 1842. p.61-88. See also Gypsum; Marbles; Marl; Waterlime. Calcareous sandstone, see Calciferous sandrock. Calcareous shale. Hall. Calcareous Shale. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.300-2. ; See also Niagara group. Calcareous spar. Beck. Calcareous Spar. Min. rep. (for 1886) 1887. p.58 (ed. 2, p.60). Min. N. Y. 1842. p.215-30. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.124-26. Caleareous tufa. Beck. Concentrated Carbonate of Lime. Min, N. Y. 1842. p.230-34. Carr. Lake Marl and Tufa. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.385. Conrad. Calcareous Tufa. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.179-80 (ed.2, p.181-82). Geddes. Tufa of Onondaga County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 19 (for 1859) 1860. p.254-56. Hall. Lake Marl and Tufa. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1888) 1889. p.382-353 (for 1839) 1840. p.445-48. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.360-61. Hall. Tufa and Marl in Monroe County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.337-40. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.428-30. Horsford. Marl and Tufa of Cattaraugus County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.461-62. Mather. Alluvions from Solution in Columbia and Dutchess Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.155-56. Mather. Alluvions from Springs. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 18389) 1840. p.225-26. ; alt te ae SUBJECT INDEX ant i Caleareous tufa (continued) ; Mather. Calcareous Alluvions. Geol. N. Y. pt1. 1848. p.79-82. Ries. Caleareous Tufa of Monroe County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.797-98. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:797-98. Vanuxem. Limestone, Marl and Tufa. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1836) 5 1837. p.191-93 (ed.2, p.193-95). Vanuxem. Tufa and Lake Marl. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.278-81. Vanuxem. Caleareous Tufa. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.226-27. Calciferous sandrock (Beekmantown limestone). Bishop. Calciferous Sandstone of Hrie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.391. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:391. Conrad. Calecareous Sandstone of the Mohawk Valley. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.160-62 (ed.2, p.162-64). Conrad. Calciferous Sandrock of Haton. Pal. rep. (for 1837) 1838. p.114; (for 1840) 1841. p.31. Cumings. Historical Sketch. Mus. bul. 34. 1900. p.419-21. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:419-21. Cushing. Calciferous Sandrock of Clinton County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.476, 479-81. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.670, 673-75. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.512-73. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:512-738. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r66-67. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r66-67. Cushing. Calciferous sandrock of Franklin County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.123-25. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:123-25. Darton. Calciferous Sandrock of Mohawk Valley. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.417-21. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.611-15. aHaton. Calciferous Sandrock. Geol. and Agric. Surv. adjoining the Hrie Canal. 1824. p.32, 73. WHmmons. Calciferous Sandrock of Eaton. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.117-19 (ed.2, p.119-21). Emmons. Calciferous Sandrock. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.105-6. Ag. N. ¥. 1846, 1:118-22. Hmmons. Calciferous Sandrock of Clinton County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.310-15. Hmmons. Calciferous Sandrock of Essex County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.270. Emmons. Caleciferous Sandrock of Franklin County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.332-33. Emmons. Calciferous Sandrock of Jefferson County. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1889) 1840. p.324. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.380-82. Emmons. Calciferous Sandrock of St Lawrence County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.361-63. Hmmons. Calciferous Sandrock of Warren County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.179-80. Emmons. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.106, 179, 311-14. Fitch. Calciferous Sandstone of Washington County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.825-26. Hall. Calciferous Sandrock. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.28. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:4-11. Hall. Organic Remains. Geol, N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.28. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:5-138. EE I Oa ce ghee a @First use of term. 328 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Calciferous sandrock (continued) Kemp. Calciferous Sandrock of Hssex County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.446-72. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.640-66. —— —— Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.596-98. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:596-98. . Kemp & Newland. Calciferous Limestone of Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.505-52. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2::505-52. IKkemp, Newland & Hill. Calciferous Sandrock of Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 18 (fer 1898) 1899. p.145, 148. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:145, 148. IKkemp & Hill. Calciferous Limestone of Montgomery and Fulton Counties. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r33. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r33. Kemp & Hill. Calciferous Limestone of Warren County. Geol. rep. 19: (for 1899) 1901. p.r24, r26. Same, Mus. rep. 58 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r24, r26. Lincklaen. Calciferous Sandstone; Fossils. Mus: rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.37-38. Mather. Calciferous Sandstone. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.101. Geol. N. ¥. ptl. 1848. p.414-15. Mather. Calciferous Group. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.410-17. Merrill. Calciferous Group. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.146-47. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:146-47. Prosser & Cumings. Lower Silurian Formations on West Canada Creek and in the Mohawk Valley. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.627-59. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:627-59. _ Ries. Calciferous Limestones. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.358-59. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:358-59. —— —— revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.753-54. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:753-54. Ries. Calciferous Sandrock of Clinton County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.774. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:774. Ries. Calciferous Limestones of Fulton County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.788. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:783. (Ries. Calciferous Sandrock of Herkimer County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.437-88. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:437-38. revised. Mus. bul, 44. 1901. p.787. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:787. Ries. Calciferous Sandrock of Jefferson County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.789. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:789. Ries. Calciferous Limestones of Montgomery County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.442. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:442. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.798-99. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:798-99. Ries. Calciferous Limestones of Rockland County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.450-51. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:450-51. Ries. Calciferous Limestones of Saratoga County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.452-538. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:452-53. —— —— revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.815-16. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1802, 3:815-16. ' Ries. Calciferous Limestone of Warren County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.824. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:824. Ries. Calciferous Limestones of Westchester County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.462-67. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:462-67. 4 pee Calciferous Sandrock. Mus. bul. 8. 1888. p.20-21; 10. 1890. — p.210. : : SUBJECT INDEX 329 | ’ Calciferous sandrock (continued) revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.425-26. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:425-26 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.199. Same, Mus. rep. 61 (for 1897) 1899. 1:199. Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.94-134; 10. 1890. p.238-55. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p. 430-4 47, Same, Mus. _ rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:482-47 (2d paging). Vanuxem. Calciferous Sandrock. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.255, 282-83; (for 1839) 1840. p.369. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.32-35. Vanuxem, Calciferous Sandrock in Lewis County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.267. Vanuxem. Calciferous Sandrock in Montgomery County. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1§37) 1838. p.259-61. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.249. Vanuxem. Calciferous Sandrock in Oneida County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.259. Vanuxem. Calciferous Group. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.30- 38. Vanuxem. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.35. “Walcott. Description of New Species of Fossils from the Calciferous. Formation. Mus. rep. 32 (for 1878) 1879. p.129-31. See also Beekmantown limestone. Calciferous slate. Conrad. Calciferous Slate of Eaton. Pal. rep. (for 1837) 18388. p.112. See also Clinton group; Niagara group; Salina group. Calcite. Beck. Carbonate of Lime. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.18. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.214-34. Hunt. Calcite. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.70-71. Merrill. Localities. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.581. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:581 (2d paging). —— —— Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.2384. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:234. : Merrill. Calcite. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.120. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:120. Nason. Calcite. Mus. bul. 4. 1888. p.15-16. Nason. Calcites from Rossie, St Lawrence County. Mus. bul. 4. 1888. p.10-12. Whitlock. Calcite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.79. Caledonia creek, N. Y. Lintner. The Insects and other Animal Forms of Caledonia Creek, N. Y.- Mus. rep. 32 (for 1878) 1879. p.75-99. Peck. Ihe Mosses of Caledonia Creek. Mus. rep. 32 (for 1878) 1879. p.73-7T4. Cambrian. Merrill. Cambrian. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.142-43. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899, 1:142-43. Merrill. Life of the Cambrian. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.146. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:146. See also Potsdam sandstone; also names of classes of fossils, i. e. Ceph- alopoda, Crustacea, etc. Cambrian limestones. Ries. Cambrian Limestones of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.400, 405-10, 418. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:400, 405-10, 413. Ries, Cambrian Limestones of Dutchess County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.483. \|Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:433. Cambric (Taconic). Clarke & Schuchert. Cambric. See New York series. Cambro-Silurian limestones. Ries. Cambro-Silurian Limestones of New York County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.800. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:800. 330 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cambro-Silurian limestones (continued) Ries. Cambro-Silurian Limestones of Orange and Rockland counties. Mus. bul. 44, 1901. p.808-9. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:808-9., Ries. Cambro-Silurian Limestones of Dutchess County. Mus, bul. 44. 1901. p.778. -Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:778. Ries. Cambro-Silurian Limestone of Rensselaer County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.811-12. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:811-12. Ries. Cambro-Silurian Limestone of Westchester County. Mus. bul. 44, 1901. p.828-33. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:828-33. Canada. Cushing. Comparison of Rocks of Canada and Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r79-82. ‘Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r79-82. Emmons. Extension of the New York System in Canada. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.407-8. , Hall. Discussion of Formations of New York, comparison with Rocks of Canada. Pal. N. Y. 1859. v.38. introd. p.1-65. Canadian. Clark & Schuchert. Canadian. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.10. Same, Mus. rep. 538 (for 1899) 1901. 2:10. Canandaigua lake. ‘Clarke. The Water Biscuit of Squaw Island, Canan- daigua Lake, N. Y. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.195-98. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902, 3:195-98. Clarke. Paleontologie and stratigraphic map of Canandaigua lake region. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.422-25. Himerson. Notes upon Two Boulders of a Very Basic Eruptive Rock from the West Shore of Canandaigua Lake; and their Contaet Phe- nomena upon the Trenton Limestone. Geol. rep. 12 (for 1892) 1898. p.105-9. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 18938. p.251-55. Hall. Canandaigua Lake. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.407. Canandaigua quadrangle. Clarke. Stratigraphy of the Canandaigua and Naples Quadrangles. Mus. bul. 63. 2 maps. In press. Cantharellus. Peck. Genus Cantharellus. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1873. p.121-24. Peck. New York Species of Cantharellus. Mus. bul. 2. 1887. p.34-43. Caradoc sandstone. Conrad. Caradoe Sandstone. Pal. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.201; (for 1840) 1841. p.31. Carbon dioxid. Ries. Carbon Dioxid. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.659. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:659. Carbonate ores, see Siderite. Carbonated springs. Beck. Acidulous or Carbonated Springs. Min. rep. (for 1837) 1838. p.48-55. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.1384-41. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.116-17. ; Mather. Acidulous Mineral Waters. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.94-1038. See also Chalybeate springs. Carbonic. Clarke & Schuchert. Carbonic. See New York series. Carbonic acid gas. Beck. Carbonic Acid Gas. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.14. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.175-76. Merrill. Natural Carbonic Acid Gas. Mus. bul, 15. 1895. p.561. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:561 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.228-29. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:228-29. Ries. Carbonic Acid Gas. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.375. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:375. Carboniferous system. Conrad. Carboniferous System. Pal. rep. (for 1840) 1841. p.43. Hall. Carboniferous System. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.284-94. Hall. Organic Remains. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.291-92. | i 4 i | if 4 >| SUBJECT INDEX 331 Carboniferous system (continued) ' Hall. Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Carbonif- erous Limestones of Indiana and Illinois. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1858-64. 4:1-36. Read before the Albany Institute, Nov. 27, 1856. Hall. Carboniferous Limestone Formation and Coal Measures Proper. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:53-66. Lincklaen. Carboniferous System. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.71-74. Mather. Coal System. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.295-97. Merrill, Carboniferous System. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.166-70. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:166-70 Merrill. Life of the Carboniferous. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.170. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:170. Carburetted hydrogen. Beck. Carburetted Hydrogen. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.18. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.172-73. (Hall. Carburetted Hydrogen. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.335; (for 1888) 1889. p.837-38; (for 18389) 1840. p.449, 465; (for 1840) 1841. p.178-79. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.309-11, 497-98. Mather. Carburetted Hydrogen. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.114. Carburetted hydrogen springs. ‘Beck. Gas or Carburetted Hydrogen Springs. Min. rep. (for 1837) 1838. p.41-47. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.128-32, Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.116. ; Hall. Carburetted Hydrogen. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1888) 1889. p.3387-88. Mather. Sulphur and Carburetted Hydrogen. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.113-14. Carex. Howe. New York Species of Carex. Bot. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. p.20-104. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:118-202 (1st paging). Peck. New York Carices. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.147-49. Carpet beetles. Felt. Black Carpet Beetle. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.297-98 Felt. Buffalo Carpet Beetle. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.297-98. Lintner. The New Carpet Bug. Mus. rep. 30 (for 1876) 1878. p.127-35. Lintner. Black Carpet Beetle. Ent. rep. 2 (for 1882 & 1883) 1885. p.46-48. Lintner. Buffalo Carpet Beetle. Ent. rep. 9 (for 1892) 1893. p.299-306. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.299-3806. Carrot rust fly. Felt. Carrot Rust Fly. Wnt. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.99-108. ; In press. Case bearer. Lintner. Pistol Case-bearer. Hnt. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1882. p.163-67. Cashaqua shale (Naples; Portage). q@Hall. Cashaqua Shale. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1889) 1840. p.390. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.226-27. Hall. Cashaqua Shale in Hrie County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.165. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.4738. Hall. Cashaqua Shale of Genesee County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.480. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.467. Hall. Cashaqua Shale of Livingston County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1889) 1840. p.428. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.463. See also Naples shales; Portage group. Cassiterite. Whitlock. Cassiterite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.75. Catalogues of museum collections, see Batrachia; Birds; Botanic collec- tion; Crustacea; Economic geology; Entomologic collection; Fishes; Geologie collection; Historical and antiquarian collection; Library; Mammals; Mineralogie collection; Mollusca; Paleontologic collection; Reptiles; Zoologic collection. a¥irst use of term. 332 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ‘Catskill division. Emmons. Catskill Division. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:187-97. $ aMather. Catskill Mountain Series. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1839) 1840, — p.212, 227-36; (for 1840) 1841. p.75-85. Mather. Catskill Division. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.299-316. Mather. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.299-402. See also Old red sandstone. Catskill formation (Old red sandstone). Clarke & Schuchert. Catskill sandstcne. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.12. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) — 1901. 2:12. Clarke. Paleontologie Results of the Areal Survey of the Olean Quad- rangle. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.524-28. Dickinson. “Quarries of Bluestone and other Sandstones. Mus. bul. 61. In press. Hastman. Upper Devonian Fish-fauna of Delaware County, New York. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.317-27, illus. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:317-27. illus. Emmons. Catskill Group. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:198-97. Hall. Catskill Group. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:51-53. Hall. Use of Term. Mus. rep. 28 (for 1869) 18738. p.7-8. Hall. Description of a New Species of Stylonurus from the Catskill Group. Mus. rep. 86 (for 1882) 1883. p.76-77, pl.5. Hall & Clarke. Trilobites and other Crustacea of the Oriskany, Upper : ie Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage, Chemung and Catskill Groups. Pal. ~ N. Y. 1888. v.7. 236p. 46pl. Lincklaen. Catskill Group; Fossils. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.70-71. Merrill. Fossils. Mus, bul. 19, 1898. p.165. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:165. _ Smock. Catskill Sandstone. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.18-19; 10. 1890: p.224-25. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.390. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:390 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.194. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897)"1899. 1:194. Vanuxem. Catskill Group. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.16. 186-94. ‘Vanuxem. Catskill Group in Broome County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.294, 296. Vanuxem. Catskill Group in Chenango County. Geol. N. Y. pt. 1842. p.294. t Vanuxem. Catskill Group in Otsego County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.254. Vanuxem. Catskill Group in Tioga County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.297. Vanuxem, Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.188-92. See also Old red sandstone. Catskill mountains. Darton. Catskill Mountain Region. Geol. rep. 138 (for 1893) 1894. p.862-64. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.556-58. Merrill. Relief map. . Mus. bul. 19. 1898. pl.85. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. v.1, pl. 85. Catskill shaly limestone (New Scotland; Delthyris). aVanuxem, Cats- kill Shaly Limestone. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.120-22. Vanuxem. Catskill Shaly Limestone in Herkimer County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.258. Vanuxem,. Catskill Shaly Limestone in Madison County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.274. a EEN a¥irst use of term. ; | : a , 5 fe a 4 e SUBJECT INDEX 333 €atskill shaly limestone (continued) Vanuxem. Catskill Shaly Limestone in Oneida County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842, p.263. Vanuxem. Catskill Shaly Limestone in Otsego County: Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.253. Vanuxem. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.121-22. See also Delthyris shaly limestone; New Scotland limestone. Cattaraugus county. Bishop. Oil and Natural Gas. Geol. rep. 17 (for ee 1899. p.383-62. map. Same, Mus, rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:33-62. an oF the oil and gas district, 34.5x24cm. Bishop. Oil and Gas in. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r115-20. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r115-20. Dickinson, Bluestone Quarries. Mus. bul. 61. In press. Felt. Entomologiec Reports from. Ent. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.144-45. In press. Hall. Cattaraugus. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.412-16. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.488-93. Horsford. Geology of Cattaraugus County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.457-72. Randall. Preliminary Report on the Geology of Cattaraugus and Chau- tauqua Counties. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1894. p.517-27. diagrams. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.711-21. diagrams. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.208, 248. Same, Mus, rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:208, 248 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.725. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:725. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 8. 1888. p.91; 10. 1890. p.277-78. —— —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.410. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:410 (2d paging). van Ingen. Oil and Gas Field. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.560. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:560 (2d paging). Cauda galli grit (Esopus). Emmons. Cauda-galli Grit. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:171-73. Hall. Cauda-galli Grit. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.150. Mather. Cauda-galli Grit. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.341-42. Mather. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.341. Merrill. Cauda Galli Grit. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.159. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:159. Smock, Sandstones. Mus. bul. 8. 1888. p.17; 10. 1890. p.221. — revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.3887. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:3887 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.191. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:191. en Fucoides cada Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. Dp (i aVanuxem. Cauda Galli Grit. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.127-30. po Cauda Galli Grit in Herkimer County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.258. VE ees Cauda Galli Grit in Otsego County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.253. See also Hsopus grit. a¥irst use of term. 304 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cave men, see Platycnemic man. Caves. Mather. Caves, Subterranean Streams, Natural Springs and Lime stone Springs. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 18438. p.109-13. Cayuga, gray sandstone of, see Gray sandstone. Cayuga county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.55-57. Beck. Brine Springs. Min. rep. (for 1840) 1841. p.23. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.108-10. Bishop. Natural Gas. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.11-12. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:11-12. Clarke. Agoniatite Limestone. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.119-20. Dickinson. Bluestone Quarries. Mus. bul. 61. In press. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Ent. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.553 (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1900. 1:5538. Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1003. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1003. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.202, 208, 248. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:202, 203, 248 (2d paging). - Mus. ‘bul. 85. 1900. p.718. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:718. 3 Ries. Drain Tile Works. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.223. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:223 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.772. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. —— euler Ries. Limestone Formations. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.772-74. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:772-74. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.81, 125-80; 10. 1890. p.252-58, 261. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul, 15. 1895. p.897, 445. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:397, 445 (2d paging). Vanuxem. Geology. Geol. rep. 8d dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.245-85. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.285-89. Cayuga lake. Delafield. Cayuga Lake. Ag. Soc. Trans. 10 (for 1850) 1851. p.409-12. Hall. Cayuga Lake. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.406. Nevius. History of Cayuga Lake Valley. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:r7129-58. illus. Contains a bibliography. Vanuxem, Cayuga Lake. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.2389. Williams. Lower Helderberg Rocks of Cayuga Lake. Geol. rep. 6 (for 1886) 1887. p.10-12. See also Finger lakes. Cayugan. «Clarke & Schuchert. Cayugan. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.10. Same, Mus. rep. 538 (for 1899) 1901. 2:10. Cazenovia group. Conrad. Cazenovia Group. Pal. rep. (for 1840) 1841. Pros See also Hrie division; Hamilton group. Cazenovia lake. Vanuxem. Cazenovia Lake. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.238. Celestite. Beck. Celestine. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.210-11. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.123. Whitlock. Celestite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.125-26. Cement. Beck. Hydraulic or Water Limestones. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.23-31; (for 1840) 1841. p.11-12. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.75-82, 256. Mus. rep. 8 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850.°p.128. ent use of term in original publication of this article. Science. 1899. new ser. SUBJECT INDEX 335 Cement (continued) Bishop. Hydraulic Limestones of Hrie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.812-18, 330-31, 338-41, 390. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:312-18, 330-31, 338-41, 390. Darton. Rosendale-Whiteport Cement Region. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.829-46. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.523-40. Darton. Salina Waterlime Beds of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.3806-7. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.500-1. Eckel. Early History of the Portland Cement Industry in New York State. Mus. bul. 44.1901. p.849-59. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:849-59. Hekel. Manufacture of Portland Cement in New. York State. Mus. bul. 44, 1901. p.860-76. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:860-76. Hekel. Tests of Cement made by the State Hngineer during 1897-1900. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.877-91. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:877-91. Evans. Cement of Madison County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 11 (for 1851) 1852. p.698. Fitch. Galesville Hydraulic Cement of Washington County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.853. Geddes. Waterlime of Onondaga County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 19 (for 1859) 1860. p.249-50. Hall. Waterlime, or Hydraulic Cement. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.142-438. Luther. Natural Cement Industry in Onondaga County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.267-72. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:267-72. Luther. Portland Cement of Onondaga County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.291. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:291. Mather. Lime and Hydraulic Cement in the 1st District. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.239-44. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.328-30. _ Merrill. Lime and Cement. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.222. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:222. Merrill. Directory of Producers. Mus. bul. 15, 1895. p.519-26. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:519-26 (2d paging). Nason. Rosendale, or Natural Cement in Ulster county. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.3879-84, 399. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 18938) 1894. p.573-78, 593. Ries. Cements. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.3889-428. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:389-428. Ries. Lime and Cement Industries of New York. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p-639-968 pl. (phot.) maps. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:639-963 pl (phot.) maps. ; Map of New York state showing location of limestone quarries and marl deposits and manufactories of natural and Portland cement (uncolored) 72x74cm. Map of New York state showing distribution of limestones (uncolored) 44.5x35cm. Ries. Books relating to. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.751-52. Same, Mus. rep. D4 (for 1900) 1902. 3:751-52. Ries. Directory of Producers. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.839-48. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:839-48. Ries. Portland Cement. Geol. rep.17 (for 1897) 1899. p.403-28. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:4038-28. —— —— revised. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.845-47. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:845-47. —— —— revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.692-750. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:692-750. Ries. Rosendale Cements. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.678-92, 833-38. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:678-92, 838-38. See also Waterlime. 336 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cenozoic fossils. Bagg. Report of Work on the Collection of Mesozoic and | eenorale Fossils in Geological Hall. Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 732-78. Cenozoic time. Merrill. Cenozoic Time. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.174-79. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:174-79. See also Pleistocene; Quaternary; Tertiary. Cephalopoda. De Kay. Cephalopoda. Zool. N. Y. 1843. v.5. pt5. p.2-5. Cephalopoda (paleozoic). Beecher. Cephalopoda; Descriptions of Species. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.7, supplement. p.25-40. pl.117-29. Clarke. List of the Original and Illustrated Specimens in the Palae- ontological Collections. Pt2, Annelida and Cephalopoda. Geol. rep. 12 (for 1892) 1893. p.55-104. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.201-50. Clarke. Naples Fauna. Goniatitinae. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.42- 161. 9pl. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:42-161. 9pl. Clarke. Harly Stages of Certain Goniatites. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.163-69. illus. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:163-69. illus. Clarke. A Remarkable Occurrence of Orthoceras in the Oneonta Beds of the Chenango Valley, N. Y. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.167-71. pl.1-4 (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:167-71. pl.1-4 (phot.) Clarke. Type Specimens in New York State Museum. Mus. bul. 65. In press. | Grabau. Cephalopoda of Hamilton Group. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.243-44. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:2438-44. Grabau. Cephalopoda of Niagata Region. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.214-18. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:214-18. Hall. Cephalopoda of Lower Silurian. Pal. N. Y. 1847. v.1 (various page references, see Table, p.327). Hall. Cephalopoda of Clinton Group. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:94-97. Hall. Cephalopoda of Niagara Group. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:290-95. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.347-63. Hall. Cephalopoda of Coralline Limestone. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:335-37 Hall. Cephalopoda of Lower Helderberg Group. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:342-46. Hall. Cephalopoda of Oriskany Sandstone. Pal. N. Y. 1859, 3:480. Hall. Fossils of Goniatite Limestone. Mus. rep. 13 (for 1859) 1860. p.95-112, 125. Hall. New Species. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.108-9. : Hall. Cephalopoda. Mus. rep. 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.63-80. Hall. Orthoceratidae of Niagara Group. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.351-68. Hall. Descriptions of New Species of Goniatitidae, with a List of Pre- viously Described Species. Mus. rep. 27 (for 1878) 1875. p.132-36. Hall. Illustrations of Devonian Fossils. Cephalopoda. 1876. Hall. Cephalopoda of the Palaeozoic Formations. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5. pt2. p.217-478. (v.1, text; v.2, plates). Hall. Cephalopoda of Niagara Group in Central Indiana. Mus. rep. 28 (for 1874) 1879. p.179-80. Hall. Plates and Explanations of Cephalopoda, Supplementary to Paleontology of New York, v.5. pt2. Geol. rep. 5 (for 1885) 1886. pl.1-14 (117-29). List of the Species and Specimens of Cephalopoda from the Schoharie Grit, Upper Helderberg, Marcellus Shale, Hamilton, Tully Limestone, Genesee Slate, Portage, Chemung and Waverly Groups, as arranged in the Cases of the State Museum. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.33-66. Ruedemann. Cephalopoda of Trenton Conglomerate of Rysedorph Hill. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.389-41. eer SUBJECT INDEX 337 ‘Cephalopoda (paleozoic) (continued) Wood. Cephalopoda of Marcellus (Stafford) Limestones of Lancaster, Hrie Co. N. Y. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.171-72. Ceramics, see Pottery. Cerargyrite. Whitlock. Cerargyrite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.64. Cerium. Beck. Cerium. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.440-41. Cerussite. Beck. White Lead Ore. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.414-15. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.150. Merrill. Localities. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.580. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:580 (2d paging). —— —— Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.282. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1232. Whitlock. Cerussite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.85. Chabazite. Beck. Chabazite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.353. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.142. Whitlock. Chabazite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.109. Chalcocite. Beck. Vitreous Copper. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.422. Whitlock. Chaleocite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.54. Chalcopyrite. Beck. Sulphuret of Copper, or Copper Pyrites. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.52, 423-25. Hunt. Copper Pyrites. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.90-91. Merrill. Localities. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.580. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:580 (2d paging). —— — Mus bul. 19. 1898. p.232. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 12232, Whitlock. Chaleopyrite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.57. Chalybeate springs. Mather. Chalybeate Springs. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.89-91, 237. Peale. Chalybeate Springs. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.564. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:564 (2d paging). See also Carbonated springs. Champlain division. Denniston. Champlain Division in Orange County. Ag. Soe. Trans. 22 (for 1862) 1868. p.156. aKHmmons. Champlain Group. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.102-26. Emmons. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.382-405. Emmons. Section of the Champlain Group at Highgate, Vt. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.3821-22. Emmons. Champlain Division. Ag, N. Y. 1846. 1:117-41. Hall. Champlain Division. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.18, 27-31. Mather. Champlain Division. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.3866-421. Mather. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.390-95, 400-2, 410-12. Mather. Ores found in the Champlain, Taconic and Metamorphic Rocks. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.488-509. Vanuxem. Champlain Division. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.15, 28-67. See also Champlainic. ‘Champlain valley. Hmmons. Champlain Valley. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.13-15. Ries. Clays. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.120. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:120 (2d paging). —— — Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.594-95. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:594-95. — —— abridged by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.499-500. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:499-500 (2d paging). aFirst use of term. 338 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Char plsin valley (continued) —— —— Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.211-12. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:211-12. Champlainic (Lower Silurian; Ordovician). Clarke & Schuchert. Cham- oa Mus. mem. 8. 1900. p.9. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. ve Chautauqua county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.b7-58. | Bishop. Oil and Gas in. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r120. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901, 1:r120. Dickinson. Bluestone Quarries. Mus. bul. 61. In press. Felt. Entomologic Investigations in. Mus. bul. 59. 1902. p.49-84. illus. 1 pl. (lith.) 5 pl. (phot.). Hall. Chautauque County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.169-79. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.498-99. Orton. Lake Shore Natural Gas Belt of Chautauqua County. Mus. bul. 30, 1899. p.492-522. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:492-522. Randall. Preliminary Report on the Geology of Cattaraugus and Chau- tauqua Counties. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.517-27. diagrams. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.711-21. diagrams. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.207, 248. Same, Mus. rep. 48 — (for 1894) 1895. 1:207, 248 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.724-25. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:724-25. _ Ries. Marl. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.774. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:774. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.91-92; 10. 1890) p.278. —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.410-11. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:410-11 (2d paging). Chautauquan. aClarke & Schuchert. Chautauquan. Mus. mem. 3. 1900: p.11. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:11. Chazy limestone. Clarke & Schuchert. Chazy limestone. See New York series. Cushing. Chazy Limestone of Clinton County. Geol. rep. 18, (for 1893): 1894. p.481-83. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.675-77.. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.513-73. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:518-78. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r67-68. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r67-68. -bEmmons. Chazy limestone. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.107, 168. Ag. N. Y. 1846, 1:122. ‘ Emmons. Chazy Limestone of Clinton County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.315-17. Emmons. Chazy Limestone of Hssex County. Geol. N. Y. pit2. 1842. p.272-77. Hmmons. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.107, 278, 276, 316. Fitch. Chazy Limestone of Washington County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.826-27. Hall. Organic Remains. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.28. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:14-36. Hall. Chazy Limestone. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:7-11. Kemp. Chazy Limestone of Essex County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.446-72. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.640-66. “ieee use of term in original publication of this article. Science. 1899. new ser. 2877. iFirst use of term. Se ee Oe SUBJECT INDEX 339 _ Chazy limestone (continued) / ia Chazy Limestone; Fossils. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.38-41. Merrill. Chazy Limestone. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.147. Same, Mus. rep. . 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:147. Ries. Chazy Limestone. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.862-63. Same, ; Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:362-63. revised. Mus. bul. 44, 1901. p.754-55. -Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:754-55. Ries. Chazy Limestone of Clinton County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.482. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:482. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.774. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:774. Ries. Chazy Limestone of Essex County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.436-37. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:486-37. revised. Mus. bul. 44, 1901. p.782. ‘Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:782. Ries. Chazy Limestone of St Lawrence County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.453-54. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:453-54. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.812-13. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:812-13. ‘Smock. Chazy Limestone. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.21; 10. 1890. p.210. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15, 1895. p.426. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:426 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.200. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:200. Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.94-1384; 10. 1890. p.288-55. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.482-47. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:432-47 (2d paging). Walcott. Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Chazy and Trenton Limestones. Mus. rep. 31 (for 1877) 1879. p.68-71. Cheese skipper. Felt. Cheese Skipper. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.300-1. Lintner. Cheese Skipper. Ent. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.229-34. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:229-34 (1st paging). Chemung county. Dickinson. Bluestone Quarries. Mus. bul. 61. In press. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1003. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1005. —— Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.777. (Mus. bul. 53). —— —— Ent. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.145. In press. Hall. Chemung County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.321-24. fy Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.477-79. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.209-10, 250. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:209-10, 250 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.726-28. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:726-28. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.85-87; 10. 1890. p.276. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.409. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:409 (2d paging). Chemung group. Clarke. Chemung Group of Ontario County. Geol. rep. 4 (for 1884) 1885, p.21-22. Clarke. The Genus Bronteus in the Chemung Rocks of New York. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.57-59. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.403-5. 340 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Chemung group (continued) Clarke. Notes on Some Crustaceans from the Chemung Group of New York. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.729-88. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:729-38. Clarke. Dictyonine Hexactinellid Sponges from the Upper Devonie of New York. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.187-90. pl.10-11. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:187-90. pl.10-11. Clarke. New Agelacrinites. Mus. bul. 49, 1901. p.182-98. pl.10. Clarke. Chemung Fauna. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.671-72. Clarke & Schuchert. Chemung Beds. See New York series. Dickinson. Quarries of Bluestone and Other Sandstones. Mus. bul. 61. In press. Hmmons. Chemung Group. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:188-93. Hall. Chemung Group. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.892. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.251-77. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:48-49. Hall. Chemung Group of Allegany County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839): 1840. p.402. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.485. Hall. Chemung Group of Chautauqua County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.171. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.494. aHall. Chemung Group of Chemung County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1888) 1889. p.822-24. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.477-79. Hall. Chemung Group of Genesee County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1889) 1840. p.480. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.467. Hall. Chemung Group of Steuben County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.325-26; (for 1839) 1840. p.895-97. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.480-81. Hall. Chemung Group of Tompkins County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1888) 1839. p.818-19. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.476. Hall. Chemung Group of Yates County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.458. Hall. Organic Remains. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.261-75. Mus. rep. 10: (for 1856) 1857. p.169-80. Hall. Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups. Miuus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.99-1093. 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.27-155. illus. 11pl. Hall. Descriptions of New Species of Brachiopoda from the Upper Hel- derberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1868. p.19-37. Hall. Observations upon the Genera Uphantaenia and Dictyophyton, with notices of some species from the Chemung group of New York and the Waverly sandstone of Ohio. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1863. p.84-91. illus. 4pl. Hall. Fossil Brachiopoda of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. Pal. N. Y. 1867. v.4. 428p. 99pl. Hall & Whitfield. Some Peculiar Impressions in Sandstone of the Che- mung Group, New York. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.201-4. Hall. Use of Term. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1873. p.8-9. Hall. Illustrations of Devonian Fossils of the Upper Helderberg, Ham- ilton and Chemung groups. 1876. ‘ Hall. Gasteropoda, Pteropoda, and Cephalopoda of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. Pal. N. Y. 1879. y.5. pt2-. 492p. (v.1, text, v.2, 120pl.); 1888. v.7, supplement. 42p. 18pl. Hall. Preliminary Notice of the Lamellibranchiate Shells of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884, p.215-406¢g. a¥irst use of term. 7) SUBJECT INDEX 341 Chemung group (continued) Hall. Lamellibranchiata: Monomyria of the Upper Helderberg, Hamil- ton and Chemung Groups. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5. ptl. 268p. 45pl.; Dimyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5. ptl. p.269-561. 51pl. Hall & Clarke. Trilobites and Other Crustacea of the Oriskany, Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage, Chemung and Catskill Groups. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.7. 236p. 46pl. Hall. New Forms of Dictyospongidae from the Rocks of the Chemung Group. Geol. rep. 9 (for 1889) 1890. p.56-60. Same, Mus. rep. 438 (for 1889) 1890. p.258-62. Jewett. Letter regarding Fossils of the Chemung Group. Mus, rep. 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.198. Lincklaen. Chemung Group; Fossils. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.69-70. Luther. Stratigraphic Position of the Portage Sandstones in the Naples Valley and the Adjoining Region. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.18-14, 223-36. pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898..2:13-14, 223-36. pl. (phot.) map. Geologic map of the township of Naples, Ontario county, 17x16.5cm. Purpose of paper to determine line of division between Portage and Chemung groups. Luther. Chemung Group. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.225-26. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:225-26. Luther. Chemung Group of Onondaga County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.284-86. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:284-86. Mather. Ithaca and Chemung Group. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.317. Merrill. Chemung Group. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.164. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:164. Prosser. Classification and Distribution of the Hamilton and Chemung Series of Central and Hastern New York. Pt1, Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.12-18, 83-222, pl. (phot.) map. Pt2, Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.65-315. pl. (phot.) map. Same, Pti, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:12-13, 83-222. pl. (phot.) map. Pt2, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:65-315. pl. (phot.) map. Pti Geologic map of parts of Chenango, Madison, Otsego, Schoharie and Albany counties, 58x33.5em. Pt2 Map showing distribution of middle and upper Devonian rocks in central eastern New York, 61x38.5em; Map of Delaware county, by W. L. Fisher, 34x32cm. Ries. Chemung Shale. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.695-98. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:695-98. revised. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.836-41. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902, 2:836-41. Ries. Chemung Group of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.404. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:404. Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.85-92; 10. 1890. p.275-78. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.409-11. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:409-11 (2d paging). Smock. Chemung Sandstone. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.18; 10. 1890. p.224. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.3889-90. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:389-90 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.193-94. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:193-94. Vanuxem. Chemung Group. Geol, rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.381. Geol. N. Y. pt. 1842. p.179-85. Vanuxem, Chemung Group in Broome County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.294. Vanuxem. Chemung Group in Chenango County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.2938. 342, NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Chemung group (continued) Vanuxem. Chemung Group in Cortland County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.291. Vanuxem. Chemung Group in Otsego County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.254. Vanuxem. Chemung Group in Tioga County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.297. Vanuxem. Chemung County in Tompkins County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.298-99. Vanuxem. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.180-85. White. Deseription of a Fossil Alga from the Chemung of New York with Remarks on the Genus Haliserites. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.593-605. Wright. Chemung Group in Yates County. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.196-98. : Chenango county. Beck. Sulphur Springs. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.58. Clarke. Report on Field-work in Chenango County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.529-57. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.723-51. pl. (phot.) Clarke. Geological Map of Part of Chenango County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. facing p.42. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. v.2, facing p.42. Clarke. Oneonta, Ithaca and Portage Groups. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.63-81. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:63-81. Dickinson. Bluestone Quarries. Mus. bul. 61. Jn press. Merrill. Hudson River Bluestone Quarrymen. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.458. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:458 (2d paging). Prosser. Geologic Map of Part of. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. facing p.87. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. v.2, facing p.87. Prosser. Hamilton, Sherburne and Ithaca Formations. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.87-222. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:87-222. i Prosser. Chemung I‘ormation. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.94-105. » Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:94-105. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.78-80; 10. 1890. p.271-72. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.405-6. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:405-6 (2d paging). Vanuxem. Chenango County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.292+94. Cherry scale insect. Felt. Cherry Scale’Insect. Mus. bul. 46. 1901. p.330- 382. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:330-32. Chestnut weevils. Lintner. Chestnut Weevils. Ent. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.267-72. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:267-72 (1st paging). China, see Pottery. Chinch bug. Lintner. Chinch Bug. Ent. rep. 2 (for 1882-1883) 1885. p.148- 64 Chloanthite. Whitlock. Chloanthite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.59. Chlorid of lime. Beck. Muriate of Lime. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.245-46. Mather. Sulphate of Magnesia, Muriate of Soda and Muriate of Lime. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.86-88. Ries. Chlorid of Lime. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.3884-85. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:384-85. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.658-59. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:658-59. Chlorite. Beck. Chlorite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.284. Chloritic slates. Mather. Chloritic and Taleose Slates. Geol. rep. 1st dist. ‘(for 1840) 1841. p.96-97. | I SUBJECT INDEX 343 it a _ Chondrodite. Beck. Chondrodite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.281-83. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.132-33. Hunt. Chondrodite. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.76-77. Whitlock. Chondrodite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.106. Chromite. Beck. Chrome-iron Ore. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.400-1. Merrill. Localities. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.580. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:580 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.232. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1232. Whitlock. Chromite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.74. Chrysanthemum fiy. Lintner. Chrysanthemum Fly. Ent. rep. 4 (for 1887) 1888. p.73-80. Same, Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.193-200. a —— —— f—fnt. rep. 7 (for 1890) 1891. p.242-46. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.242-46. . Chrysoberyl. Beck. Chrysoberyl. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.375-77. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.145-46. Whitlock. Chrysoberyl. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.74. ‘Chrysocolla. Beck. Chrysocolla. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.449. Whitlock. Chrysocolla. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.115. Chrysolite. Hunt. Chrysolite. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.76. Merrill. Olivine or Chrysolite. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.122. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:122. Whitlock. Chrysolite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.99-100. Cicada. Lintner. 17 Year Cicada. Ent. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.272-89. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:272-89 (1st paging). Cincinnati. Hall. Description of New Species of Fossils from the Hudson River Group in the Vicinity of Cincinnati, O. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.225-32. pls. ‘Cincinnatian. Clarke & Schuchert. Cincinnatian. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.10. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:10. Cinnabar. Whitlock. Cinnabar. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.55. Cirrhopoda. De Kay. Cirrhopoda. Zool. N. Y. 1848. v.5. pt5. p. 250-57. Clams, see Lamellibranchiata. Claudopus. Peck. New York Species of Pleurotus, Claudopus and Crepi- dotus. Mus. rep. 39 (for 1885) 1886. p.58-73. Clavaria. Peck. Genus Clavaria. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.104-5. Clays. Beck. Materials for the Manufacture of Porcelain. Min. rep. (for 1888) 1839. p.41-42. Beck. Materials for Bricks, Pottery ‘and Porcelain. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.59-60, 340. Carr. Clays. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.386. Hmmons. Porcelain Clay and Feldspar. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1888) 1889. p.203-12. HEmmons. Preparation of Marly and Tertiary Clays. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.221-24. Sola of Washington County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.872-78. Hall. Clay. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.332. Hall. Clays of Monroe County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.332-33. ‘Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.425-26. ‘Hall. Clays of Niagara County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.363-65. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.444-45. Hall. Clays of Orleans County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.354. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.437. 344 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Clays (continued) Hall. Clay of Wayne County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.318-19. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.418. Hall. Discoloration of Sands and Clays from the Percolation of Water. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.361-62. Horsford. Clay Beds of Cattaraugus County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.460. Horton. Clays of Orange County. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p. 153-54. | Lincoln. Clays of Seneca County. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.105-11. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:105-11. Luther. Clays of Onondaga County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.288-91. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:288-91. | Mather. Clays of Suffolk County. Geol. rep. ist dist. (for 18386) 1837. p.89-91 (ed.2, p.91-93). Mather. Sands and Clays of Long Island and Staten Island. . Geol, rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.136-37. Mather. Tertiary Clays, Loams and Marls in Columbia and Dutchess Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.158-59. Mather. Clays of Westchester and Putnam Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.76-79. Mather. Sand, Clay and Drift. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.71-75. Mather. Clay Balls and Calcareous Concretions. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.82-83. : Merrill. Directory of Clay Manufacturers. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.502-18. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:502-18 (2d paging). Nason. Gravels, Sands and Clays of Albany County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1898) 1894. p.266-77, 284. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.460-71, 478. Ries. Quaternary Deposits of the Hudson River Valley between Croton and Albany, with notes on the brick clays and the manufacture of , brick. Geol. rep. 10 (for 1890) 1891. p.110-55. Ries. Clay Industries of New York. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.93-262. 2pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:93-262 (2d paging). 2pl. (phot.) map. Map of New York showing location of clay deposits and manufactories, 59x67em. abridged by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.494-501. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:494-501 (2d paging). — Mus. bul, 19. 1898. p.208-18. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:208-13. Ries. Physical Tests of the Devonian Shales of New York State to de- termine their Value for the Manufacture of Clay Products. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.673-98. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:673-98. Ries. Brick Clays of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.468-69. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:468-69. Ries. Champlain Clays of Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.511-53. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:511-53. Ries. Notes on a Trip from Port Jervis to Rondout. Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:r88-91. Ries. Clays of New York, their Properties and Uses. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.489-944. 140pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:489-944. 140pl. (phot.) map. Contains a bibliography. Map of New York State showing ‘clay and shale deposits and manufactories, 93.5x69.5em. SUBJECT INDEX 345 Clays (continued) Ries. Clay Analyses. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.860-907. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:860-907. | Ries. Bibliography of Clay Literature. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.908-12. | Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:908-12. | Ries. Directory of Clay Workers in New York State. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.9138-25. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2913-25. Woodworth. Clays of Long Island. Mus. bul. 48. 1901. p.621-23. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:621-23. See also Long Island division; Pleistocene. Climate, see Meteorology. Clinochlore. Whitlock. Clinochlore. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.112. Clinton county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.58-59. Beck. Magnetic Oxide of Iron. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.17-20. Cushing. Preliminary Report on the Geology of Clinton County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.473-89. maps (uncolored). Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.667-83. maps (uncolored). Cushing. Report on the Geology of Clinton County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.21-22, 499-573. pl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:21-22, 499-578. pl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Map of Clinton county showing the boundary between the Cambrian and Precam- brian formations (uncolored) 16.5x19.5cm. Cushing. Geology of Rand Hill and Vicinity. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r37-82. maps. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r387-82. maps. Geologic maps of parts of Clinton county, 33x22, 10.5x5cm. ‘Emmons, Clinton County. Geol. rep. 2d:dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.230-34. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.289-324. Emmons. Iron Ores. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1889) 1840. p.261-73. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.291-308. Emmons. Ores of Clinton and Franklin. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1840): 1841. p.133-35. Emmons. Geological Map. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. pl.17. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1003-4. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1003-4. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.194, 246. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:194, 246 (2d paging). —— —— Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.709-10. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:709-10. Ries. Limestones. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.432-88. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:432-338. —. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.774-76. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:774-76. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.103-5; 10. 1890. p.248. : revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.487. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:437 (2d paging). See also Adirondacks. Clinton group. Bishop. Clinton Group of Erie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.390. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:390. Clarke, Ruedemann & Luther. Clinton Beds of Brockport and Medina Quadrangles. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.517, 520, 522. Clarke. Limestone Lenses in. Pal. rep. (for 1899) 1900. p.672-73; (for 1900) 1901. p.12-13; (for 1901) 1902. p.428-31. Clark & Schuchert. Clinton beds. See New York series. 346 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Clinton group (continued) Darton. Clinton Formation. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.218-20. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.412-14. Darton. Clinton Formation of Ulster ‘County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894, p.307-8. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.501-2. Emmons. Clinton Group. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:144-50. Geddes. Clinton Group of Onondaga County. Ag. Soe. Trans. 19 (for 1859) 1860. p.244-45. ‘Grabau. Clinton Beds at Niagara. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.95-102. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:95-102. Hall. Argillaceous and Calcareous Shales of the Genesee and Niagara Rivers. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.297-99. Hall. Clinton Group. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.58-79. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:2-4; 1859. 3:24-27. Hall. Clinton Group in Monroe County. ‘Geol. N: Y. pt4. 1848. p.422. Hall. Clinton Group in Niagara County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.440. Hall. Clinton Group in Orleans County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.433. Hall. Clinton Group in Wayne County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.326-29. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.414. Hall. Mineral Contents. Geol. N. Y. pt 4. 1843. p.67. Hall. Organic Remains. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.68-78. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:15-105, 296-301, 354-55. Lincklaen, Clinton Group; Fossils. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.52-53. Loomis. Siluric Fungi from Western New York. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.223-26. pl.16.. Same. Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:223-26. pl.16. Luther. Clinton Shales of Onondaga County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.247. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:247. Luther. Clinton Group. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.203-4. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:2038-4. Merrill. Clinton Group. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.153. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:153. Ries. Clinton Shale. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.680. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:690. —— Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.828. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. Ries. Clinton Group of Cayuga county. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.772. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:772. Smock. Clinton Group. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.16-17; 10. 1890. p.221._ revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.3887. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:387 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.180-91. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:190-91. Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.71; 10. 1890. p.273. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.395-96. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1884) 1895. 1:395-96 (2d paging). aVanuxem. Clinton Group. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.79-90. Vanuxem. Clinton Group in Cayuga County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.286. Vanuxem. Clinton Group in Herkimer County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.257-58. Vanuxem. Clinton Group in Madison County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.272. Vanuxem, Clinton Group in Oneida County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.262. a ce ra a a a¥irst use of term. SUBJECT INDEX 347 | _ Clinton group (continued) Vanuxem. Clinton Group in Onondaga County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842) p.278. Vanuxem. Clinton Group in Oswego County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.271. Vanuxem. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.84, 87-90. White. Clinton Stage. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:r37-44. Clinton ores. Beck. Lenticular Clay Iron Ore. Min. rep. (for 1836) 1837. p.32-338 (ed. 2, p.384-85). Min. N. Y. 1842. p.26-28. (Hall. Argillaceous Iron Ore. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.299-300. Hall. Argillaceous Iron of Wayne County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) oe p.321-23; (for 1838) 1839. p.326-29. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.60-62, Hall. Oolitic or Lenticular Iron Ore. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.326-29. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.60-62. Merrill. Localities in New York. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.543. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:543 (2d paging). Smock. Clinton or Fossil Ores. Mus. bul. 7. 1889. p.11-12, 48-52. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.538-39. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:538-39 (2d paging). —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.219-20. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:219-20. Vanuxem. Lenticular Clay Iron Ore. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.83, 262. Clintonite. Beck. Clintonite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.361-62. Hunt. Clintonite. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.83. — Clitopilus. Peck. New York Species of Clitopilus. Bot. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.389-46. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.135-42. Clothes moth. Felt. Clothes Moth. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 19900. p.297-98. Clover hay caterpillar. Lintner. Clover Hay Caterpillar. Ent. rep. 11 (for 1895) 1896. p.145-51. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:145-51. Clover leaf weevil. Lintner. Punctured Clover Leaf Weevil. Hnt. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1882. p.247-53. —— —— Hnt. rep. 5 (for 1888) 1889. p.272-73. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.272-73. —— —— Ent. rep. 7 (for 1890) 1891. p.815-16. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.315-16. Saas Coal. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.15. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.94, Carr. Excavations for Coal. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.387. Conrad. On the Probability of Discovering Coal. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1836) 1887. p.183-84 (ed. 2, p.185-86). Eaton. Coal Formations in the State of New York. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1830. 1:126-30. Hall. Improbability of Finding in New York. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.289-90. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.293-94. Mather. Search for Coal in the Utica Slate Group. Geol. N. Y. pt1. 1843. p.391-93. Merrill. Localities. Mus. bul. 15. 1895, p.582. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:582 (2d paging). —— —— Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.234-35. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:234-35. Vanuxem. Coal. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.195-98 (ed.2, p.197-200). Whitlock. Mineral Coal. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.130-31. oA8 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Coal system, see Carboniferous system. 5 Cobalt. Whitlock. Cobalt. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.59, 120-21. Cobaltite. Whitlock. Cobaltite (Cobalt glance). Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.59. ‘aCobleskill limestone. Clarke. Coralline or Cobleskill Limestone. Mus. mem. 5. p.136-387. In press. Hartnagel. Preliminary Observations on the Cobleskill (Coralline) Lime- stone of New York. Pal. rep. (for 1902). In press. Coccolite. Beck. Coccolite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.287. See also Pyroxene. Cockroach. Felt. Cockroach. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.299. poe grit. Mather. Cocktail Grit. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.237. See also Cauda galli grit. Coane moth. Felt. Codling Moth. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.276-77. Lintner. Codling Moth. Ent. rep. 9 (for 1892) 1893. p.338-42. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.338-42. ‘Coelenterata (paleozoic). Girty. Revision of the Sponges and Coelenter- ates of the Lower Helderberg Group of New York. ‘Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.16, 259-309. Tpl. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:16, 259-309. Tpl. See also Authozoa; Corals; Hydrozoa. ‘Coeymans limestone (Helderberg; Lower Pentamerus; Pentamerus). bClarke & Schuchert. Coeymans Limestone. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.11. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:11. Cohoes. Smock. Stone Construction in. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.332-33. ‘Cohoes mastodon. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.6; 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.5, 7-9, 99-148. maps. Map of Cohoes and vicinity showing course of the Mohawk, 23x18.5cm. Map of Cohoes falls and vicinity (uncolored) 67x42cm. Colemanite. Whitlock. Colemanite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.122-23. Coleoptera. Additions to Collection. Ent. rep. 3, p.141; 4, p.207-8; 5, p.325; 6, p.188-89; 7, p.382-838; 8, p.298-99; 9, p.462-63; 10, p.510-11, 516-17; 11, p.285-87; 12, p.361-62; 18, p.3873- 74; 14, p.255- BT: 1055, ee 16, p.1035-38; 17, p.809-13; 18, p.170-71. For dates of reports, see List of publications, p.264. Felt. Species Treated. Hnt. rep. 14 (for 1898) 1898. p.158-60 (Mus. bul. 23). Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1: 158-60. Mus. bul. 20. 1898. p.5-48. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:5-48. —— —— Mus. bul. 57. 1902. p.3-48. —— —— Mus. bul. 59. 1902. p.51-84. Lintner. Species Treated. Ent. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1882. p.227-63. Ent. rep. 2 (for 1882 & 1883) 1885. p.125-44. ——. —— [Fnt. rep. 3 (for 1886) 1887. p.98-107. Same, Mus. rep. 40 (for 1886) 1887. p.98-107. —— —— Ent. rep. 4 (for 1887) 1888. p.80-107, 155-56. Same, Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.200-27, 275-76. —— —— fnt. rep. 5 (for 1888) 1889. p.227-42. Same, Mus. ue: 42 (for 1888) ae Dp. aa -42, 7-36. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1889) 1890. D. 117.36. —_— aFirst use of term in report of paleontologist to secretary of Regents. Regents bulletin 59. 1903. p.r42. bFirst use of term in original publication of this article. Science. 1899. new ser. 10:877. < so SUBJECT INDEX 349 Coleoptera (continued) Ent. rep. 7 (for 1890) 1891. p.246-96, 310-17. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.246-96, 310-17. Ent. rep. 8 (for 1891) 1893. p.172-77. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.172-77. —— —— nt. rep. 9 (for 1892) 1898. p.299-309. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1898. p.299-309. —— —— Hnt. rep. 10 (for 1894) 1895. p.406-20. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:406-20 (1st paging). —— —— Ent. rep. 11 (for 1895) 1896. p.172-98. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:172-98. —— —— Ent. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.235-72. Same, Mus. rép. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:235-72 (1st paging). MacGillivray. Aquatic Chrysomelidae and a Table of the Families of Coleopterous Larvae. Mus. bul. 68. Jn press. Young. List of Coleoptera taken at Newport, Herkimer co., N. Y. Ent. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.153-61. In press. Species The following list of species includes only the more important accounts by Lintner in Ent. rep. 1-13; by Felt in Ent. rep. 14-18, Ag. Soc. Trans. 59, Forest. Fish and Game Com. rep’ts, Mus. bul. 20, and later. For dates of reports and bulletins, see p.264. Adalia bipunctata. Ent. rep. 9, p.306. Same, Mus. rep. 46, p.306. Ag. Soe. Trans. 59, p.297. Agrilus ruficollis. Ent. rep. 6, p.123-25. Same, Mus. rep. 48, p.123-25. Ent. rep. 10, p.406-7. Same, Mus. rep. 48, 1:406-7 (1st paging). Anomala lucicola. Ent. rep. 10, p.408-10. Same, Mus. rep. 48, 1:408-10 ist paging). Anthrenus serophulariae. Mus. rep. 30, p.127-35. —— Ent. rep. 9, p.299-306. Same, Mus. rep. 46, p.299-306. —— Ag. Soc. Trans. 59, p.297-98. Aramigus fulleri. Ent. rep. 2, p.142-44. Attagenus piceus. JHnt. rep. 2, p.46-48. Ag. Soe. Trans. 59, p.297-98. Balaninus sp. Ent. rep. 12, p.267-72. Same, Mus. rep. 50, 1:267-72 (1st paging). Balaninus nasicus. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. Jn press. Bruchus obtectus. Ent. rep. 7, p.255-79. Same, Mus. rep. 44, p.255-79. Conotrachelus nenuphar. Wnt. rep. 7, p.288-96. Same, Mus. rep. 44, p.288-96. Crioceris asparagi. Ent. rep. 1, p.239-46. Wnt. rep. 11, p.177-81. Same, Mus. rep. 49, 1:177-81. —— Fnt. rep. 15, p.540-41. (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 53, 1:540-41. Crioceris 12-punctata. Ent. rep. 12, p.24852. Same, Mus. rep. 50, 1:248-52 (ist paging). —— Ent. rep. 15, p.540-41. (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 58, 1:540-41. Cyllene pictus. Ent. rep. 8, p.175-76. Same, Mus. rep. 45, p.175-76. Dendroctonus terebrans. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. Jn press. Dermestes lardarius. Ent. rep. 6, p.119-23. Same, Mus. rep. 43, p.119-23. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59, p.300. Hlaphidion villosum. Wnt. rep. 9, p.857-61. Same, Mus. rep. 46, p.357-61. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 4, p.392-93. Epicauta cinerea. Ent. rep. 6, p.134-35. Same, Mus. rep. 43, p.134-35. 350 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Coleoptera (continued) Epicauta vittata. Ent. rep. 6, p.132-34. Same, Mus. rep. 43, p.132 34, Euphoria inda. Wnt. rep. 1, p.232-39. Fidia viticida. Mus. bul. 59, p.49-84. Galerucella luteola. Hnt. rep. 5, p.234-42. Same, Mus. rep. 42, p.234-42, Ent. rep. 11, p.189-96. Same, Mus. rep. 49, 1:189-96. —— Ent. rep. 12, p.253-64. Same, Mus. rep. 50, 1:253-64 (1st paging). — Mus. bul. 20, p.1-48. Same, Mus. rep. 52, 1:1-48. revised. Mus. bul. 57, 1902. p.1-43. — Ent. rep. 14, p.232-35. (Mus. bul. 23). Same, Mus. rep. 52, 1:232-35- — Ag. Soc. Trans. 59, p.279. —— forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 5, p.354-59. Lachnosterna fusca. Mus. bul. 5, 32p. Ent. rep. 9, p.353-57. Same, Mus. rep. 46, p.3853-57. Macrodactylus subspinosus. Ent. rep. 1, p.227-32. Magdalis barbita. Mus. bul. 37, p.22. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 3:22. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 5, p.374. Monarthrum mali. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. Jn press. Monohammus confusor. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. Jn press. Phlaeosinus dentatus. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. Jn press. Phytonomus punctatus. Ent. rep. 1, p.247-53. —— Hnt. rep. 5, p.272-73. Same, Mus. rep. 42, p.272-73. Hnt. rep. 7, p.315-16. Same, Mus. rep. 44, p.315-16. Pissodes strobi. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. Jn press. Pitogenes sp. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. In press. Plagionotus speciosus. Ent. rep. 12, p.237-48. Same, Mus. rep. 50, 1:237- 48 (ist paging). — Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 4, p.386-92. — Ag. Soc. Trans. 59, p.277-78. Polygraphus rufipennis. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. In press. — Rhagium lineatum. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. In press. Saperda, Monograph of Genus. Mus. bul. In press. Saperda candida. Ent. rep. 5, p.269-71. Same, Mus. rep. 42, p.269-71. Saperda tridentata. Ent. rep. 12, p.243-48. Same, Mus. rep. 50, 1:243-48 (1st paging). —— Ag. Soc. Trans. 59, p.278-79. —— Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 5, p.371-75. Scolytus rugulosus. Ent. rep. 4, p.103-7. Same, Mus. rep. 41, p.223-27. Tienebrio molitor. Ent. rep. 8, p.176-77. Same, Mus. rep. 45, p.176-77. Tomicus balsameus. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. Jn press. Tomicus cacographus. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. In press. Tomicus caelatus. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. Jn press. ~ Tomicus calligraphus. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. Jn press. Tomicus pini. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. In press. Xyleborus dispar. Ent. rep. 7, p.348-51. Same, Mus. rep. 44, p.348-51. Collybia. Peck. New York Species of Collybia. Bot. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1896, p.82-55. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:46-69. Columbia county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep: (for 1839) 1840. p.59-60. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Ent. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p:553-54. (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:553-54. Mather. Economic Geology. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.142-84. SUBJECT INDEX Bia) Columbia county (continued). Mather. Hudson River Group. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.385-89. Mather. Taconic Rocks. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.422-38. Mather. Limonites and Hematite. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.491-98. Mather. Dip and Strike of Rocks. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.613-14. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.188-89, 244. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:188-89, 244 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.703-4. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:7038-4. Ries. Limestones. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.481. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:4381. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.776-77. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:776-77. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 38. 1888. p.42, 97; 10. 1890. p.239-40. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15, 1895. p.484. ‘Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:484 (2d paging). Smock. Limonites. Mus. bul. 7. 1889. p.12-13, 52-61. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul, 15. 1895. p.589-41. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:539-41 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.220-21. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:220-21. Smock. Carbonate Ores. Mus. bul. 7. 1889. p.13-14, 62-65. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.541-42. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:541-42 (2d paging). —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.221-22. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:221-22. See also Becraft mountain. Columbite. Beck. Columbite. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.151. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.449. Whitlock. Columbite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.116-17. : Combustible minerals. Beck. Combustible Minerals. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.94-98. Conchology, see Mollusca. Conesus lake. Hall. Conesus Lake. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.407. Conglomerate limestone. Mather. Brecciated and Conglomerate Lime- stone. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.406-9, Conglomerates. Mather. Alluvial Sandstones and Conglomerates. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.122-23, 236. Mather. Red and Grey Conglomerate. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.286-87. See also Carboniferous system. Conularida-(paleozoic). Grabau. Conularida of Niagara Region. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.218-14. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:213-14. ‘Copper. Beck. Copper. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.420-27. Mus. rep. 8 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.150. Emmons. Copper. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.124 (ed.2, p.126). Emmons. Copper in St Lawrence County. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.212-13. Mather. Lead, Copper and Zine Ores of Columbia and Dutchess Coun- ties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.176-81. Mather, Copper Ores. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.500-9. Vanuxem. Copper. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.200 (ed.2, p.202). aa2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Copper (continued) Watson. Copper in Essex County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 12 (for 1852) 1853. 3 p.792-98; 13 (for 1858) 1854. p.718-19. Whitlock. Copper. Mus. bul. 58. 1802. p.50, 54, 57, 62, 63, 66, 69, 86-87, 115, 120, 126. Copper pyrites, see Chalcopyrite. Copperas. Beck. Copperas. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.399-400. Mather. Sulphate of Iron. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.114-19. Coprinus. Peck. Genus Coprinus. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1873. p.103-5. a@Coralline limestone (Cobleskill; hae Clarke. Coralline or Coble- skill Limestone. Mus. mem. 5. p.136-37. In press. Hall. Organic Remains. Pal. a Y. 1852. 2:321-38. See also Cobleskill limestone; Niagara limestone. Corals. Beecher. Synoptical Table of the Genera and Species described 4 in y.6 of the Palaeontology of New York. Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) © 1888. p.863-75. Clarke. Type Specimens in New York State Museum. Mus. bul. 65. In press. a Hall. Fossil Corals of Lower Silurian. Pal. N. Y. 1847. v.1 (various page references, see Table, p.822). Hall. Corals of Clinton Group. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:38, 354-55. Hall. Corals of Niagara Group. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:109-76, 354-55. Hall. Corals of Coralline Limestone. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:321-25. Hall. Descriptions of Bryozoa and Corals of the Lower Helderberg id Group. Mus. rep. 26 (for 1872) 1874. p.93-115. : revised. Mus. rep. 32 (for 1878) 1879. p.141-76. 4 — 88 plates and explanations illustrating Corals and Bryozoans of Upper and Lower Helderberg Groups. Geol. rep. 2 (for 1882) 1883. Hall. Illustrations of Devonian Fossils. Corals. 1876. Hall. Corals and Bryozoa of Niagara group in central Indiana. Mus. rep. 28 (for 1874) 1879. p.106-26. Hall. Descriptions of Fossil Corals from the Niagara and Upper Helder- berg Groups. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.407-64, pl.23-30. Hall & Simpson. Corals and Bryozoa of the Lower and Upper Helder- berg and Hamilton Groups. Pal. N. Y. 1887. v.6. 298p. 67pl. Hall. Discussion of Streptelasma and Allied Genera of Rugose Corals. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. 1:24-25. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:24-25,. Simpson. Glossary and Explanations of Specific Names of Bryozoa and Corals described in v.6, Palaeontology of New York and Other Reports. | Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) ae p.729-47. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.923-41. | Simpson. Preliminary seeuanes of New Genera of Palaeozoic Rugose Corals. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.199-222. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:199-222. | See also Anthozoa; Coelenterata. | Corn worm. Lintner. Corn Worm. Ent. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1882: p.116-26. bCorniferous limestone (Onondaga; Seneca; Upper Helderberg). Bishop. Corniferous Limestone of Hrie County. Geol. rep. 15 (1895) 1897. p.318-15, 3382-88, 390. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:318-15, 332-33, 390. Clarke. Corniferous Limestone in Ontario County. Geol. rep. 4 (for 1884) — 1885. p.10. aTerm originated by Gebhard. bTerm Corniferous limerock first used by Eaton. Amer. Jour. of Science. 1839. ser. 1. 36:61-71. SUBJECT INDEX 253 Corniferous limestone (continued) Conrad. Corniferous Limestone. Pal. rep. (for 1840) 1841. p.31. Geddes. Corniferous Limestone of Onondaga County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 19 (for 1859) 1860. p.251-52. Hall. Corniferous Limestone. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.161-76. Hall. Corniferous Limestone of Erie County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for > 1820) 1841. p.158. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.471-72. — ees Limestone of Genesee County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.466. Hall. Corniferous Limestone of Livingston County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.460-61. eee OC Limestone of Ontario County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.456-57. See eros Limestone of Seneca County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.450: 51. : Hall. Organic Remains. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.170-76. Lincklaen. Corniferous Limestone. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.60-61. Lincoln. Corniferous Limestone of Seneca County. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.88, 90-92, 102. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:88, 90-92, 102. Luther. Corniferous Limestone in Livonia Salt Shaft. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.44-47. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.238-41. Luther. Corniferous Limestone of Onondaga County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.275-79. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:275-79. Mather. Corniferous Limestone. Geol. rep. ist dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.237. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.3837-38. Mather. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.337-88. Ries. Use of Term. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.366. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:366. Ries. Corniferous Limestone. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.765. Same, Mus. rep. d4 (for 1900) 1902. 3:765. Ries. Corniferous Limestone of Cayuga County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.772. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902..3:772. Ries. Corniferous Limestone of Hrie County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.486. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:4386. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.779-80, 781. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:779-80, 781. Ries. Corniferous Limestone of Greene County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p-786. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:786. Ries. Corniferous Limestone of Livingston County. Mus. bul. 44, 1901. p.792-93. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:792-938. Ries. Corniferous Limestone of Onondaga County: Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.807. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:807. Smock. Corniferous Limestone. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.22; 10. 1890. p.218. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.428. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:428 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.202. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:202. Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.94-134; 10. 1890. p.238-55. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.482-47. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:482-47 (2d paging). Vanuxem. Corniferous Limerock. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.378. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.139-46. Vanuxem. Corniferous Limerock in Cayuga County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.288. — a 354. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Corniferous limestone (continued) Vanuxem. Corniferous Limerock in Herkimer County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842; p.258. Vanuxem. Corniferous Limerock in Madison County. Geol. N. Y. pts. | 1842. p.274. Vanuxem, Corniferous Limerock in Oneida County. Geol, N. Y. pts. iy 1842. p.263. Vanuxem. Corniferous Limerock in Onondaga County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. | 1842. p.284. Vanuxem. Corniferous Limerock in Otsego County. Geol. N. Y. pts. ty 1842. p.253. Vanuxem. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842, p.140-41, 146. See also Onondaga limestones; Seneca limestone; Upper Helderberg group. Cornplanter tomahawk. Mus. rep. 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.99-101. Cortinarius. Peck. Genus Cortinarius. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1878. p.105-12 Cortland county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1889) 1840. p.60. Clarke. Geological Map of Part of Cortland County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. facing p.42. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. v.2, facing p.42, Clarke. Oneonta, Ithaca and Portage Groups. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.63-81. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:63-81. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895, p.211, 250. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:211, 250 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.731. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. Poot le Vanuxem, Cortland County. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.289-91. Corundum. Beck. Corundum. Min. N. Y. 1842, p.314-15. Hunt. Corundum. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.85-86. Whitlock. Corundum. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.70. See also Hmery. Crabs. Paulmier. The Hdible Crab. Mus. rep. 55 (for 1901). Jn press. Craterellus. Peck. New York Species of Craterellus. Mus. bul. 2. 1887. p.44-48. Crepidotus. Peck. New York Species of Pleurotus, Claudopus and Cre- pidotus. Mus. rep. 39 (for 1885) 1886. p.58-73. Cretaceous system. Conrad. Cretaceous System. Pal. rep. (for 1840) 1841, p.44-46. idiiidamai ta cheghihiaiiin ita aeleaie Meek. Descriptions of New Organic Remains from the Cretaceous Rocks of Vancouver’s Island. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1858-64. 4:37-49. Merrill. Cretaceous System. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.173-74. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:178-74. Merrill. Life of the Cretaceous Period. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.174. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:174. Crickets, see Orthontera. Crinoidal limestone, see Encrinal limestone. Crinoidea (paleozoic), sée Hchinoderma. Crocoite. Whitlock. Crocoite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.126. Crooked lake, see Keuka lake, Cross lake. Geddes. Cross Lake. Ag. Soc. Trans. 19 (for 1859) 1860. p.260-61. Croton bug. Felt. Croton Bug. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.299. er = ip eer ere anos: a ee ee ees tai . a ORF A, SUBJECT INDEX Aas "Crustacea. Catalogues. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. p.24; 7, p.41; 8, p.22; 22, p.15; 46. p.22. For dates of Mus. rep., see List of publications, p.241. De Kay. Crustacea. Assembly doc. 1840, no.50, p.18, 35-36. Zool. N. Y. 1844. v.5. pt6. TOp. 13pl. Hights. Description of a New Crustacean Animal found on the Shores of South Shetland Islands, with Remarks on their Natural History. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1833-52. 2:53-69. Hights. Description of a New Animal belonging to the Crustacea, dis- covered in the Antarctic Seas. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1833-52. 2:331-34. 2pl. Paulmier. The Edible Crab. Mus. rep. 55 (for 1901). In press. Stoller. Two New Land Isopods. Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. p.r208-13. Crustacea (paleozoic): Clarke. List of the Type Specimens of Devonian Crustacea described in Palaeontology of New York, v.7, in the New York State Museum. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.24-27. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.370-73. Clarke. Genus Bronteus in the Chemung Rocks of New York. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.57-59. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.403-5. Clarke. Genus Acidaspis. , Geol. rep. 10 (for 1890) 1891. p.61-71. 3pl. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.91-101. 3pl. Clarke. Coronura aspectans, Conrad (sp.); the Asaphus diurus, Green. Geol. rep. 10 (for 1890) 1891. p.79-83. pl.4. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.105-9. pl.4. Clarke. Terataspis grandis, Hail, the Largest Known Trilobite. Geol. rep. 10 (for 1890) 1891. p.87-90. pl.5. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.111-14. pl.5. Clarke. List of the Original and Illustrated Specimens in the Palaeon- tological Collections. Pti, Crustacea. Geol. rep. 11 (for 1891) 1892. p.57-121. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.3873-4387. Clarke. On Cordania; a Proposed New Genus of Trilobites. Geol. rep. 11 (for 1891) 1892. p.124-27. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.440-43. Clarke. Notes on Some Crustaceans from the Chemung Group of New York. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.729-388. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:729-88. Clarke. Oriskany Species of Becraft Mountain. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.15-26. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:15-26. Clarke. Notes on Paleozoic Crustaceans. Pal. rep. (for 1900) 1901. p.83- 119. 4pl. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:83-119. 4pl. (apx. 1) Contents: Genus Pseudoniscus; Phyllocarida from the Black Shale Beds at Base of Salina Beds in Western New York; Some Devonie Phyllocarida from New York; Phyllopod Crustacean in the Oneonta-Catskill Sediments in Eastern New Yori; Estheria ortoni, sp. nov. Clarke. Type Specimens in New York State Museum. Mus. bul. 65. In press, Grabau. Crustacea of Hamilton Group. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.241-43. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:241-43. Grabau. Crustacea of Niagara Region. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.218-31. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:218-31. ‘Hall. Crustacea of Lower Silurian. Pal. N. Y. 1847. v.1 (various page references, see Table, p.329). Hall. Tracks of Crustacea in Clinton Group. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:26-37, 353-54. Hall. Crustacea of Clinton and Niagara Groups. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:296-318. Hall. Crustacea of Coralline Limestone. Pal, N. Y. 1852. 2:337-38. Hall. Crustacea of Lower Helderberg Group. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:350-81 Hall. Crustacea of Waterlime Group. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:382-424. 356 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Crustacea (paleozoic) (continued) Hall. Trilobites of the Shales of the Hudson River Group. Mus. rep. 12 (for 1858) 1859. p.59-62. illus. Same, Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:525-29. >| Hall. Note upon the Trilobites of the Shales of the Quebee Group in the Town of Georgia, Vt. Mus. rep. 18 (for 1859) 1860. p.113-19. illus.; 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.114, 196. € Hall. Preliminary Notice of the Trilobites and Other Crustacea of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups. Mus. rep. 15 (for © 1861) 1862. p.82-114; 16 (for 1862) 1863. p.223-25. Hall. On the Occurrence of Crustacean Remains of the Genera Cera- tiocaris and Dithyrocaris, with a notice of some new species from the Hamilton group and Genesee slate. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1868. p.71-75. Hall. Crustacea of Potsdam Sandstone. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1863. — p.137-82. Hall. Lichas grandis. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1863. p.223-25. Hall. Crustacea of Niagara Group. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.330- AL, 375-78. Hall. Illustrations of Devonian Fossils. Crustacea. 1876. Hall. Crustacea of Niagara Group in Central Indiana. Mus. rep. 28 (for 1874) 1879. p.186-99. Hall. Description of a New Species of Stylonurus from the Catskill Group. Mus. rep. 36 (for 1882) 18838. p.76-77. pl.5. Hall & Clarke. Trilobites and Other Crustacea of the’ Oriskany, Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage, Chemung and Catskill Groups. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.7. 2386p. 46pl. Hall. Crustacean Tracks from Potsdam Sandstone of Port Henry, N. Y. Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.25-34. 1pl. s $ Hall. Report on v.7 of the Palaeontology of New York. Geol. rep. 8 (for — 1888) 1889. p.5-15. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.351-61. | Hall. Synoptical Table to the Genera and Species of Devonian Crustacea ~ described.in y.7 of the Palaeontology of New York. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.16-28. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.3862-67. Hall. Genera and Species, not Devonian, described or illustrated in y.7 © of the Palaeontology of New York. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.22. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.368. Hall. Summary of the North American Devonian Crustacea (exclusive of the Ostracoda). Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.23. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.369. Logan. On the Track of an Animal lately found in the Potsdam Forma- tion. Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.30-84. : Ruedemann. New Species of Crustacea of Hudson River Beds near Al- bany. Mus, bul. 42. 1901. p.575-81. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:575-81. Ruedemann. Crustacea of Trenton Conglomerate of Rysedorph Hill. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.41-89. Sarle. A New Eurypterid Mauna from the Base of the Salina of Western New York. Pal. rep. (for 1902). In press. Walcott. Preliminary Notice of the Discovery of the Remains of the Mera! and Branchial Appendages of Trilobites. Mus. rep. 28 (for 874) 1879. p.89-92. Se Some Sections of Trilobites from the Trenton Limestone. Mus. rep.. 81 (for 1877) 1879. p.61-68. ipl. Walcott. Note upon the Legs of Trilobites. Mus. rep. 31 (for 1877) 1879. p.64. 1pl. Walcott. Note on the Eggs of the Trilobite. Mus. rep. 31 (for 1877) 1879. p.66-67. CPR tepid? eer ae mere dae tims SUBJECT INDEX 357 Crustacea (paleozoic) (continued) Wood. Crustacea of Marcellus (Stafford) Limestones of Lancaster, Erie Co. N. Y. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.172-74. Woodworth. On the Sedentary Impression of the Animal whose Trail is known as Climactichnites. Pal. rep. (for 1902). In press. Cryolite. Whitlock. Cryolite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.65-66. aCrystalline rocks. Cushing. Crystalline Rocks of Clinton County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1894. p.476. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.670. —— —— Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.506-73. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:506-73. Cushing. Report on the Boundary between the Potsdam and Pre-Cam- brian Rocks North of the Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.1-27. map (uncolored) 18x31em. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. D: 1-27. map (uncolored) 18x31cm. Cushing. Precambrian Rocks of Franklin County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.89-123. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:89-123. Cushing. Geology of Rand Hill and Vicinity, Clinton County. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r37-82. maps. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r87-82. maps. Geologic maps of parts of Clinton county, 33x22, 10.5x5cm. . Cushing. Recent Geologic Work in Franklin and St Lawrence Counties. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r25-82. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r25-82. With analyses. Cushing. Pre-Cambrian Outlier at Little Falls. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r83-95. ‘Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r83-95. Cushing. Geology of the Vicinity of Little Falls. Mus. bul. In press. Finlay. Preliminary Report of Field Work in the Town of Minerva, Essex County. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r96-102. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r96-102. Kemp. Crystalline Rocks of Essex County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.444-72. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.638-66. — —— Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.580-608. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:580-608. Kemp. Geology of Moriah and Westport Townships, Essex County. Mus. bul, 14. 1895. p.325-40. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:325- 40 (2d paging). Kemp. Crystalline Limestone of Lake Placid Region. Mus. bul. 21. 1898. p.53-54, 60. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:53-54, 60. Kemp & Newland. Preliminary Report on the Geology of Washington, Warren and Parts of Essex and Hamilton Counties. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.499-553. maps (uncolored). Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:499-553. maps (uncolored). ; Kemp, Newland & Hill. Crystalline Limestones of Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.145-62. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:145-62. Kemp & Hill. Precambrian Formations in Parts of Warren, Saratoga, Fulton and Montgomery Counties. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r17-35. pl. (phot.) maps. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:117-35. pl. (phot.) maps. Small uncolored geologic maps, map of the ‘‘ Noses ”’ (colored). Merrill. Crystalline Limestone. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.126. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:126. Merrill. Geology of the Crystalline Rocks of Southeastern New York. Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:21-31 (1st paging). Ries. Crystalline Limestones of New York County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.800. . Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:800. alIncluding Precambrian. 358 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Crystalline rocks (continued) Ries. Crystalline Rocks of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. } | 4 E p.599-400. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:399-400, Ries. Crystalline Limestones of St Lawrence County. Geol, rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.454-55. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:454-55. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.813-15. Same, Mus, rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:813-15. — Ries. Crystalline Limestones of Westchester County. Geol. rep. 17 (for — 1897) 1899. p.462-67. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:462-67. Mus. bul. 44, 1901. p.832-33. Same, Mus. rep, 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:832-33. Smock. Geological Reconnaissance in the Crystalline Rock Region: Dutchess, Putnam and Westchester Counties, N. Y. Mus. rep. 39 (for 1885) 1886. p.165-85, map. Map of Archean areas of Highlands (uncolored) 11x18.5cm. Smock. Crystalline Rocks. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.9-14; 10. 1890. p.202-7. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.372-75. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:372-75 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19, 1898. p.181-84. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:181-84. Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.25-36; 10. 1890. p.228-34. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895, 1:375-80 (2d paging). : Smyth. Crystalline Limestone of St Lawrence and Jefferson Counties. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.493-98. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.€87-92. Smyth. Report on the Crystalline Rocks of St Lawrence County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.20-21, 477-97. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:20-21, 477-97. Siyth. Report on Crystalline Rocks of the Western Adirondack Regions. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.469-97. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:469-97. pl. (phot.) Smyth & Newland. Mapping Crystalline Rocks of Western Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.129-35. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:129-35. Smyth. Geology of the Crystalline Rocks in the Vicinity of the St Law- rence River. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r83-104. pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r83-104. pl. (phot.) map. Geologic map of portions of St Lawrence and Jefferson counties, 26.5x16.5em. White. Crystalline Rocks of Oneida and Lewis Counties. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:725-26. ; See also Anorthosites; Archaean; Gabbros; Gneiss; Granite; Laurentian System; Norite; Primitive limestone; Syenites; Trap. Cuprite. Beck. Red Copper Ore. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.421. Merrill. Localities. Mus. bul. 15. 1895, p.580. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:580 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.232. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. Ia Whitlock. Cuprite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.69. : Currant borer. Lintner. Red-breasted Saw-fly. Ent. rep. 13 (for 1897) 1898. p.335-37. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:335-37. Currant sawfly. Fitch. Currant Sawfly. Ag. Soc. Trans. 27 (for 1867) 1868. p.909-82, (rep. 12) Lintner. Currant Sawfly. Ent. rep. 2 (for 1882 and 1883) 1885. p.217-21. Currant spanworm. Felt. Currant Spanworm. Mus. bul. 37. 1900. p.13-14. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:18-14. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.875-80. Same, Mus. SUBJECT INDEX 359 Currant spanworm (continued) Lintner. Gooseberry Spanworm. Ent. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.310-11. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:310-11 (1st paging). Cut worms. Lintner. Cut-worms. Mus. bul. 6. 1888. 36p. illus. Lintner. Variegated Cutworm. Ent. rep. 5 (for 1888) 1889. p.200-6. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.200-6. —- Cyanite. Beck. Kyanite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.365. Whitlock. Cyanite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.104. Cystoidea, see Echinoderma. Damourite. Merrill. Damourite. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.122. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:122. Danburite. Beck. Danburite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.450. Dannemora formation. Cushing. Dannemora Formation. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r47-51. Same, Mus. rep. 58, (for 1899) 1901. 1:747-51. —— —— Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r82. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r82. Datolite. Beck. Datolite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.246-47. Whitlock. Datolite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.104. Decorative tile. Ries. Decorative Tile. Mus. bul. 385. 1900. p.777-80. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:777-80. Delaware county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.61. Dickinson. Bluestone Quarries. Mus. bul. 61. Jn press. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Ent. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.554. (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:554. Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1004. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1004. Hastman. Upper Devonian Fish-fauna of Delaware County, New York. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.317-27. illus. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:317-27. illus. Wisher. Geologic Map. 34x32.5em. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. facing p.104. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. v.2, facing p.104. Mather. Heonomical Geology. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.213-58. Mather. Dip and Strike of Rocks. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.621. Merrill, Hudson River Bluestone Quarrymen. Mus. bul. 15. - 1895. p.458-61. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:458-61 (2d paging). Prosser. Chemung Formation. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.105-41. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:105-41. Delta terraces. Lincoln. Delta Terraces of Seneca County. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.74-77. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:74-77. Delthyris shaly limestone (New Scotland; Catskill shaly). Emmons. Delthyris Shaly Limestone. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:167-68. Hall. Delthyris Shaly Limestone. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.144-45. Hall. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.144-45. Mather. Delthyris Shaly Limestone, or Catskill Shaly Limestone. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.3843-45. Mather. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.345. aVanuxem. Delthyris Shaly Limestone. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.377. See also Catskill shaly limestone; New Scotland limestone. De Rham collection. Catalogues. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.37-48; 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.28-41; 27 (for 1873) 1875. p.41-42. aF¥irst use of term. 360 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Devonian. Clarke. The Hercynian Question. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.62-91. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.408-37. Clarke. Devonie Age of the Helderbergian Fauna and the Base of the Devonie System in New York. Mus. mem. 8. 1900. p.82-98. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:82-98. Clarke. Value of Amnigenia as an Indicator of Freshwater Deposits during the Devonic of New York, Ireland and the Rhineland. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.199-208. pl.11. Clarke. Indigene and Alien Faunas of the New York Deyonie. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.664-72. Clarke & Schuchert. Devonic. See New York series. Conrad. Old Red Sandstone or Devonian System. Pal. rep. (for 1840) 1841. p.41-42. Emmons. The Upper Rocks of New York Equivalent to the Devonian System of England and the Continent. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:198-99. Halil. Line of Demarcation between Silurian and Devonian. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:42. ; Hall. Flora of the Devonian Period. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1863. p.92-117. illus. 4pl. Hall & Whitfield. Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the De- vonian Rocks of Iowa. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1873. p.223-39. pl.9-12. Hall & Whitfield. Notice of Three New Species of Fossil Shells from the Devonian of Ohio. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1878. p.240-41. Hall. Illustrations of Devonian Fossils. 1876. Merrill. Devonian System. Mus, bul. 19. 1898. p.158-65. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:158-65. Merrill. Life of the Devonian. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.165. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:165. Prosser. The Devonian Section of Central New York along the Unadilla River. Geol. rep. 12 (for 1892) 1893. p.110-42. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.256-88. See also New York series; Old red sandstone; also names of subdivis- ions; also names of classes of fossils, i. e. Brachiopoda, Corals, Crus- tacea, ete. Devonian shales, see Shales. Devonic. Clarke & Schuchert. Devonic. See New York series. Diabase, see Trap. Diamond. Whitlock: Diamond.- Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.47. Diatomaceous earth, see Infusorial earth. Dictyospongidae, see Spongiae. Dikes. Cushing..Dike Rocks of Clinton County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.515-73. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:515-738. —— —— Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1900. p.r61. Same, Mus. rep. Be (for 1899) 1901. 1:r61. Cushing. Pre-Cambrian Dikes of Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.12-18. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899, 2:12-13. Cushing. Dikes of Franklin County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.117- 22. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:117-22. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r23-82. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r23-82 (various page references). Cushing. Diabase Dikes at Little Falls. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r93. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r98. Pees Phenomena of Dykes. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.225-26. Emmons. Direction of Dykes, Veins, ete. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1838) 1889. p.238. SN ee el a Ke wo) Ripa Bote 2 at ie eat “he > SUBJECT INDEX 361 Dikes (continued) Kemp. Dikes of Essex County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.446-72. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.640-66. — —— Mus. bul. 14. 1895. p.339. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:389 (2d paging). -—— — Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.580-608. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898, 2:580-608. Kemp. Trap Dikes of Lake Placid Region. Mus. bul. 21. 1898. p.58-59, 61. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:58-59, 61. Kemp & Newland. Dikes of Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.511-52. Same, Mus: rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:511-52. Ries. Dike Rocks of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.457-62. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:457-62. Smyth. Dikes in the Vicinity of the St Lawrence River. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r89-98. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r89-98. See also Trap. Diluvium, see Drift. Diopsid. Beck. Diopside. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.286, 294. Merrill. Diopside. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.121. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:121. : Whitlock. Diopsid. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.92. See also Pyroxene. Diorites, see Crystalline rocks; Harrison diorite. Diptera. Additions to Collection. Hnt. rep. 4, p.206-7; 5, p.825; 6, p.188; 7, p.382; 8, p.297; 9, p.462; 10, p.510, 516; 11, p.285; 12, p.3861; 13, p.3872; 14, p.257; 15, p.606-7; 16, p.1038; 17, p.814; 18, p.171. For dates of reports, see List of publications, p.264. Felt. Species Treated. Ent. rep. 14 (for 1898) 1898. p.160-68 (Mus. bul. 23). Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:160-63. —— —— Fnt. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.705-80 (Mus. bul. 53) —— ——— Hn. rep. 18 (for 1902) p.99-103. In press. —— —— Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 6 (for 1900) 1901. p.529-31. Johannsen. Aquatic Nematocerous Diptera. Mus. bul. 68. Jn press. Lintner. Species Treated. Hnt. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1882. p.168-227. Wnt. rep. 2 (for 1882 and 1883) 1885. p.110-25, 241-43. —— —— Hnt. rep. 4 (for 1887) 1888. p.60-S0. Same, Mus. rep. 41 (for 887) 1888. p.180-200. —— —— fFnt. rep. 5 (for 1888) 1889. p.220-27. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.220-27. , Mus. rep. 43 (for 1889) 1890. p.111-17. Hnt. rep. 7 (for 1890) 1891. p.228-46, 807-10. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.228-46, 307-10. —— —— Ent. rep. 8 (for 1891) 1893. p.140-51. Sane. Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.140-51. —— —— fFnt. rep. 9 (for 1892) 1893. p.3809-14. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.309-14. —— —— Wnt. rep. 10 (for 1894) 1895. p.3886-405. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:386-405 (1st paging). —— — Ent. rep. 11 (for 1895) 1896. p.162-72. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:162-72. —— ——. Ent. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.223-34. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:223-84 (1st paging). Needham. Order Diptera. Mus. bul. 47. 1901. p.573-82. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:573-82. 362 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Diptera (continued) Needham. Some New York Life Histories of Diptera. Mus. bul. 68. Jn press. Species The following list of species includes only the more important accounts by Fitch, in Ag. Soc. Trans. 21; by Lintner in Ent. rep. 1-13; by Felt in Ent. rep. 12, 14-18, Ag. Soc. Trans. 59, Forest, Fish and Game Com. reports; by Needham in Mus. bul. 47. For dates of reports and bulletins, see p.264. Cecidomyia destructor, Ag. Soc. Trans. 21. p.819-380 (rep. 7, sep. ed. p.133- 44). Ent. rep. 17, p.705-80 (Mus. bul. 53) Culicidae. Mus. bul. 68. Jn press. Diplosis pini-rigidae. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. Jn press. Diplosis pyrivora. Ent. rep. 8, p.140-51. Same, Mus. rep. 45, p.140-51. Phora agarici. Ent. rep. 10, p.399-406.- Same, Mus. rep. 48, 1:399-406 (ist paging). Phytomyza chrysanthemi. Ent. rep. 4, p.73-80. Same, Mus. rep. 41, p.193-200. Ent. rep. 7, p.242-46. Same, Mus. rep. 44, p.242-46. Piophila casei. Ent. rep. 12, p.229-34. Same, Mus. rep. 50, 1:229-34 (ist paging). Ag. Soc. Trans. 59, p.3800-1. Psila rosae. Ent. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.99-108. Jn press. Roederiodes juncta. Mus. bul. 47, p.581-82, 586. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:581-82, 586. Sciara. Hnt. rep. 12, p.223-29. Same, Mus. rep. 50, 1:223-29. Sciara coprophila. Ent. rep. 10, p.391-97. Same, Mus. rep. 48, 1:391-97 (ist paging). Sepedon fuscipennis. Mus. bul. 47, p.577-80. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:577- 0. Simuliidae. Mus. bul. 68. Jn press. Stratiomyia badius. Mus. bul. 47, p.576-77. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:576-77. Tetanocera pictipes. Mus. bul. 47, p.580-81. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:580-81. Tipula abdominalis. Mus. bul. 47, p.575-76. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:575-76. Zabrachia polita. Mus. bul. 47. p.585. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:585. Dipyre. Nason. Dipyre.. Mus. bul. 4. 1888. p.9-10. Dolomite. Beck. Magnesian Carbonate of Lime. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.252- 56. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.126. Hunt. Dolomite. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.71-72. Merrill. Dolomite. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.120. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899, 1:120. Ries. Dolomites. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.644-45. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:644-45. Whitlock. Dolomite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.81. See also Guelph formation. Dragon flies, see Neuropteroid insects. Drain tile. Bishop. Tile Manufacture of Erie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.342-45. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:342-45. Merrill. Directory of Manufacturers. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.502-18. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:502-18 (2d paging). Nason. Tile Manufacturers and Products, Albany County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.284. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.478. Ries. Drain Tile. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.221-23. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:221-23 (2d paging). P- Pe ie aha ones oad Vb ePew & A iy PPP a se et nl gy SUBJECT INDEX 363 y = Drain tile (continued) revised. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.770-72. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:770-72. Ries. Directory of Manufacturers. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.913-25. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:913-25. _ Drift. Carr. Erratic Blocks. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.388. ; Delafield. Drift Deposits of Seneca County. Ag. Soe. Trans. 10 (for : 1850) 1851. p.475-79. Emmons. Drift, Boulders, etc. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.422-27. j Emmons. Drift, Superficial Covering of Clinton County. Geol. N. Y. : pt2. 1842. p.3823-24. Emmons. Superficial Deposits, Drift, Peat, etc. of Hssex County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.284-85. Emmons. Drift and Surface Materials of Franklin County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.333. Hmmons. Distribution of Drift and Boulders of Jefferson County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.410-13. Emmons. Superficial Covering, Drift or Boulder System of St Lawrence. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.364-65. Emmons. Superficial Deposits in Warren County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.186-88. Emmons. Diluvial Action. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:207-18. Fitch. Boulders of Washington County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.883-90. Gale. Boulders of New York County. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.190. Hall. Diluvium and Diluvial Action. ‘Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.307-10. Hall. Boulders. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.332. Hall. Boulders; Erratic Blocks of Monroe County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.331. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.424. Hall. Boulders of Niagara County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.362. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.4438. Hall. Boulders of Orleans:County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p. 354. Geol. N. Y. pt 4. 1848. p.4387 Hall. Boulders of Wayne County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.319. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.416. Hall. Superficial Detritus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.318-31, 342-47. Hall. Position and Mode of Transport of the Great Northern Boulders. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.3832-41. Horton. Erratic Blocks; Boulders, of Orange County. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 18389. p.159-61. Lincklaen. Drift. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.79-81. Mather. Erratic Blocks of Suffolk County. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.87-89 (ed. 2, p.89-91). Mather. Erratic Blocks of Queens, Kings and Richmond Counties. Geol. ~ rep. Ist dist. (for 1887) 1838. p.133-36. Mather. Terrains de transport. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.76; (for 1839) 1840. p.226-27. Mather. Sand, Clay and Drift. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.71-75. Mather. Boulders and Erratic Blocks. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.163-97. Mather. Theories of Erratic Blocks, Boulders, Scratches, ete. Geol. N. Y. pti. 18438. p.214-21. 364 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Drift (continued) Smock. Building Stones. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.22-23; 10. 1890. p.226-27. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.420. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:420 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.203-4. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:203-4. Vanuxem. Boulders. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.220-24. See also Alluvial deposits; Pleistocene. ; Drift division. Mather. Drift Division. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.158-228, 636-37. Drumlins. Lincoln. Drumlin Belt of Seneca County. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.69-71. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:69-71. Dudley rocks. Conrad. Dudley Rocks of Murchison. Pal. rep. (for 1837) — 1838. p.111. See also Esopus grit; Helderbergian; Onondaga salt group; Schoharie erit. Dutchess county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1889) 1840. p.61-63. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Ent. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.554-55 (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 538 (for 1899) 1901. 1:554-55. ——- —— nt. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.10045 (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1004-5. —— —— fnt. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.777-79 (Mus. bul. 53). Hnt. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.145-46. Jn press. Mather. Economic Geology. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 18387) 1838. p.142-84. Mather. Hudson River Group. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.3885-89. Mather. Taconic Rocks. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.483-36. Mather. Metamorphic Rocks. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.442-46. Mather. Steatite in. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.487. Mather. Limonites and Hematite. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.491-98. Mather. Primary Rocks. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.525-34. Mather. Dip and Strike of Rocks. Geol. N. Y. pt.J. 18438. p.611-12. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.182-84, 187, 244. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:182-84, 187, 244 (2d paging). — Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.696-98, 701-2. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1802. 2:696-98, 701-2. Ries. Limestones. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.483-34. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:433-34. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.777-79. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:777-79. Smock. Geological Reconnaissance in the Crystalline Rock Region: Dutchess, Putnam and Westchester Counties, N. Y. Mus. rep. 39 (for 1885) 1886. p.165-85, map. Map of Archaean areas of Highlands (uncolored) 11x8.5cm. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 8. 1888. p.52, 95; 10. 1890. p.238, 259. —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.3894, 483. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:394, 483 (2d paging). Smock. Limonites. Mus. bul. 7. 1889. p.12-138, 52-61. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.539-41. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:539-41 (2d paging). —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.220-21. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:220-21. See also Highlands of Hudson. SUBJECT INDEX 365 Harthenware. Beauchamp. Harthenware of the New York Aborigines. Mus. bul. 22. 1898. p.71-146, 33pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:71-146. 33pl. (phot.) See also Pottery. Echinoderma (paleozoic). Clarke. Paropsonema cryptophya, a Peculiar Hechinoderm from the Intumescens-zone (Portage beds) of Western New York. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.172-78. pl.5-9. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:172-78. pl. 5-9. Clarke. Oriskany Species of Becraft Mountain. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.62. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:62. Clarke. New Agelacrinites. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.182-98. pl.10. Clarke. Type specimens in New York State Museum. Mus. bul. 65. In press. Crinoidea from the Tentaculite Limestone, arranged in table cases. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.67. Grabau. Crinoidea of Hamilton Group. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.285. Same, Mus.-rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:285. Grabau. Cystoidea of Niagara Region. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.148-52. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:148-52. Grabau. Crinoidea of Niagara Region. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.152-60. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:152-60. Hall. Crinoidea of Lower Silurian. .Pal. N. Y. 1847. v.1 (various page references, see Table, p.323). Hall. Crinoidea of Clinton Group. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:52, 179-84. Hall. Asteriadae. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:247-48. Hall. Crinoidea of Middle Silurian Period. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:177-232. Hall. Crinoidea of Niagara Group. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:185-232. ‘Hall. Cystideae. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:233-46. Hall. Crinoideae and Cystideae of the Lower Helderberg Limestones and Oriskany Sandstone. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:99-152. Hall. A New Genus of Crinoidea, Cheirocrinus. Mus, rep. 18 (for 1859) 1860. p.121-24. Hall. Preliminary Notice of Some of the Species of Crinoidea known in the Upper Helderberg and Hamilton Groups of New York. Mus. rep. 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.115-53. Hall. Preliminary Notice of Some Species of Crinoidea from the Waverly Sandstone Series of Summit County, Ohio, supposed to be of the Age of the Chemung Group of New York. Mus. rep. 17 (for 1863) 1864. p.50-60. Published in advance in 1863. Hall. Note on the Genus Palaeaster and Other Fossil Star-fishes. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.282-303. pl.9. Hall. Echinodermata of Niagara Group. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.308-29. Hall. Description of New Species of Crinoidea and Other Fossils from Strata of the Age of the Hudson-river Group and Trenton Limestone. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.205-24. pl.5-7. Hall. Crinoidea of Niagara Group in Central Indiana. Mus. rep. 28 (for 1874) 1879. p.127-47. Hall. Some Remarkable Crinoidal Forms from the Lower Helderberg Group. Mus. rep. 28 (for 1874) 1879. p.205-10. pl.35-37. Kellogg Collection of Crinoidea. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.9, 13. Economic entomology, see Entomology. | 366 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Economic geology. Additions to collection. Mus. oy 12, p.108; 18, p.11-12; 19, p.89-41; 20, p.16-18, 61-63; 21, p.17-19; 22, p.10- 12; 23, D. 19-20; 24, p.21-24; 25, p.19-21; 26, p.19-20; 27, p.30-35; 28, p.23-25; 29, p.22-23: 30, p.15-17; 34, p.16-19; 36, p.18-19; 37, p.28;. 38, biz. 18; 39, p.16-19; 40, p.23-26; 42, p.52-62; 43, p.14-15, 31-34; 44, p.24-26; 45, p.27-28; 49, 1:10; 50, 1:17-18, 20; 51, 1:713-17; 52, 1:1r22-23; 53, 1:1163-64. For dates of Mus. rep., see List of publications, p.241. Merrill. Economic Geology. University handbook 17. Jn preparation. See also Building stones; Calcareous tufa; Clays; Coal; Drift; Iron ores; Limestones; Limonite; Marl; Mineral springs; Molding sand; Natural gas; Peat; Petroleum; Sait; Talc; also names of counties. Economic map. Hall. Recommendations on Preparation of Geologic Map. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.9-11. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:9-11. Merrill. Economic and Geologic Map of the State of New York. 59x67cem. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. description, p.865-71. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. v.1. description, p.365-71 (2d paging). Scale 14 miles to 1 inch. New edition in preparation. ; Economic materials. Hmmons. Hconomic Materials existing in the Form of Rocks; in the Form of Simple Minerals. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.418-21. Highteen-mile creek. Grabau. Faunas of the Hamilton Group of High- teen-mile Creek and Vicinity. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.227-339. pl. (phot.) 3 tab. map. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899, 2:227-339. pl. (phot.) 3 tab. map. Map of township of Hamburg, Hrie co. (uncolored) 18x24.5em. Hlephant, see Mastodon. Elk. Hall. Note on the Discovery of a Skeleton of an HIk (Hlaphus canadensis) in the Town of Farmington, Ontario Co. Geol. rep. 6 (for 1886) 1887. p.39. Elm bark borer. Felt. Hlm Bark Borer. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.278-79. -75. Lintner. Elm Bark-borer. Ent. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.248-48. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:243:48 (1st paging). Elm bark louse. Felt. Elm Tree Bark Louse. Mus. bul. 20. 1898. p.16-18. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:16-18. —— Mus. bul. 27, 1899. p46. Same, Mus. rep. 538 (for 1899) 1901. 1:46. —— —— forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 5 (for 1899) 1900. p.875-79. Lintner. Elm Bark Louse. Ent. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.292-98. Same, Mus. rep. 50: (for 186) 1898. 1:243-48 (1st paging). Elm caterpillar. Felt. Spiny Elm Caterpillar. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 5 (for 1899) 1900. p.368-71. Elm leaf beetle. Felt. Hlm Leaf Beetle. Muss bul. 20, 1898. p.1-43. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for ge 1900. 1:1-48. j . 1902. p.1-48. Ent. rep. 14 Gon 1898) 1898. p.232-35. (Mus. bul. 23). Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:232-35. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p. 279. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 5 (for 1899) 1900. p.354-59. ‘Lintner. Elm Leaf Beetle. Ent. rep. 5 (for 1888) 1889. p.2384-42. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.234-42. —— —— fnt. rep. 11 (for 1895) 1896. p.189- 96. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:189-96. —— —— Hnt. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.253-64. eames Mus. rep. 50 (for ' 1896) 1898. 1:253-64 (1st paging). J Elm snout beetle. Felt. Elm Snout Beetle. Mus. bul. 37. 1900. p.22. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:22. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 5 (for 1899) 1900. p.374. Elm trees, see Shade trees. Elmira. Smock. Stone Construction in. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.336. Emerald. Beck. Emerald. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.374-75. See also Beryl. Emery. Merrill. Hmery. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.555. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:555 (2d paging). ar Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.226. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:226. Nevius. Emery Mines of Westchester County. |Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r151-54. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r151-54. pl. (phot.) Whitlock. Corundum (emery). Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.70-71. Enargite. Whitlock. Enargite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.63. Encrinal limestone (of Hamilton group). Bishop. Encrinal Limestone of Hrie County. ‘Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.317-20, 333. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:317-20, 333. oe ee Band of Ontario County. Geol. rep. 4 (for 1884) 1885. p.15-16. Grabau. Encrinal Limestone. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.285. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:235. Hall. Crinoidal Limestone. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.389-990. Hall. Encrinal Limestone. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.187. Hall. Encrinal Limestone of Hrie County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.168. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.472. Hall. Crinoidal Limestone of Genesee County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.430. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.467. Hall. Encrinal Limestone of Ontario County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (or 1838) 1839. p.313. @Hall. Encrinal Limestone of Seneca County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839, p.298. Luther. Encrinal Limestone in Livonia Salt Shaft. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.43-44. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.237-38. Wright. Encrinal Limestone in Yates County. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.205-6. See also Erie Division; Hamilton group. Encrinal limestone SSE Eau Emmons. Encrinal Limestone. Ag. N, Y. 1846. 1:168. Hall. Encrinal Limestone. Geol. N, Y. pt4. 1843. p.145. Enstatite. Whitlock. Enstatite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.91. Entomologic collection of museum. Additions. Mus. rep. 22, p.15; 23, p.21-23; 37, p.48-49; 38, p.73-75; 89, p.89-93; 40, p.140-42; 41, p.325-28; 42, p.324-26; 43, p.186-90; 44, p.881-84; 45, p.296-300; 46, p.461-64; 47, p.179; 48, 1:509-19; 49, 1:284-88; 50, 1:359-64; 51, 1:371-75; 52, 1:255-63; 58, 1:600-20. For references to Entomologist’s reports, see under ordinal names of insects. For dates of Mus. see List of publication, p.241. For earlier additions, seé . Zoologic collection. Fitch. Catalogue of Insects Dec. 1, 1848. Mus. rep. 2 (for 1848) 1849. p.25-39. Fitch. Catalogue with References and Descriptions. Mus. rep, 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.43-69. On the Homoptera. Reprinted in Ent. rep. 9 and Mus. rep. 46, p.381-409. SUBJECT INDEX 367 aF¥irst use of term. 3868 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ‘ Entomology. De Kay. Insects. Assembly doc. 1840, no.50, p.13-14. Emmons. Insects Injurious to Agriculture. Ag. N. Y. 1854. v.5. 272p. 50pl. Felt. List of Publications of. Ent. rep. 14, p.248-54; 15, p.588-600; 16, 1p.1027-38; 17, p.800-8; 18, p.161-69. For dates and corresponding museum reports, see List of publications, p.264. Felt. Hints about Insecticides. Ent. rep. 14 (for 1898) 1898. p.221-30 (Mus. bul. 23). Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:221-30. —— —— Mus. bul. 37. 1900. p.44-47. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:44-47, Felt. Memorial of the Life and Entomological Work of J. A. Lintner Ph.D. State Hntomologist 1874-98; Index to Entomologist’s Reports 1-13. Mus. bul. 24. 1899. p.301-611. 1pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:301-611. 1pl. (phot.) Felt. Collection, Preservation and Distribution of New York Insects. Mus. bul. 26. 1899. 34p. illus. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:3-34, illus. Felt. Descriptive Catalogue of Insects exhibited at New York State Fair, Syracuse, 4-9 Sep. 1899. 26p. Felt. Reports as Entomologist. 14-18 (for 1898-1902). Also published in Museum reports. Report for teen Mus. bul. a Same Mus. rep. 52, v.1. ce a ce 3 - cé E 53) Vill: oe 1900. ef 36. Se 54, v.2. es 1901. se 63. “ 1902. sf 64. Felt. Catalogue of Some of the More Important Injurious and Beneficial Insects of New York State. Mus. bul. 37. 1900. 52p. illus. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:1-52. illus. Felt. Exhibition of Insects at Agricultural Gatherings and Catalog of Injurious Species. Ent. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.575-88. (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:575-88. — —— Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.282-938. Felt. Voluntary Reports on. Hnt. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.549-75 (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:549-75. —— —— Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1000-26. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1000-26. —— —— Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.776-800 (Mus. bul. 53). —— Ent. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.144-52. In press. Felt. Illustrated Catalog of Injurious and Beneficial Insects. Mus. bul. 37. 1900. p.3-52. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:3-52. Felt. Injurious Insects and How to Control them. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.267-82. illus. 4pl. Felt. Household Insects. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.294-303. illus. 2pl. Felt. Insects as Food for Fish. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 6 (for 1900) 1901. p.501-3. Felt. Account and Catalogue of the HEntomologic Exhibit at the Pan- American Exposition 1901. Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.825-99 (Mus. bul. 538). Felt. Entomology. University handbook 16. 1902. 12p. Felt. Importance of Injurious Insects Introduced from Abroad. Hnt. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.116-26. In press. Felt. Insecticides and Fungicides. University handbook 18. 16p. In press. b. SUBJECT INDEX 369 _ Entomology (continued) Fitch. Reports on the Noxious, Beneficial and Other Insects of the State of New York. 1855-72. Published in New York State Ag. Soc. Trans. 14, p.705-880; 15, p.409-559; 16, p.315-490; 17, p.687-814; 18, p.781-854; 20, p.745-868; 21, p.813-59; 22, p.657-91; 23, p.778-823: 24, p.483-61; 26, p.487-543; 27, pt2, p.889-932; 29, p.495-566; 30, p.355-81. Say’s Heteropterous Hemiptera. 17, p.754-814. pee ist of Entomological Reports of. Ent. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1882. p.291-322. Lintner. Entomological Contributions. Mus. rep. 23-24, 26-27, 30 (for 1869-70, 1872-73, 1876) 1872-73, -1874-75, 1878. For page references, see List of publications, p.246-47. Lintner. Reports as Entomologist. 1-13 (for 1881-97). Reports 1 and 2 were issued independently of the museum. Reports 3-13 also published in museum reports. For index to Reports 1-13, see Mus. bul. 24. Lintner. The Insects and Other Animal Forms of Caledonia Creek, N. Y. Mus. rep. 32 (for 1878) 1879. p.75-99. Lintner. Extent of Insect Depredations. Ent. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1882. p.2-12. Lintner. Number and Habits of Insects. Hnt. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1882. p.12-15. Lintner. Heconomic Progress made in. Wnt. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1882. p.15-25. Lintner. Insecticides and Preventives of Insect Depredations. THnt. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1882. p.25-77. —— —— fnt. rep. 2 (for 1882 and 1883) 1885. p. 24-38. —— —— Hnt. rep. 5 (for 1888) 1889. p.155-68. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.155-63. Lintner. List of Publications of. Ent. rep. 3, p.142-54; 4, p.193-204; 5, p.299-323; 6, p.165-85; 7, p.857-80; 8, p.278-95; 9, p.446-59; 10, p.484-508; 11, p.273-83; 12, p.347-57; 13, p.364-70. See also Mus. bul. 24. For dates and corresponding museum reports, see List of publications, p.264. Lintner. Present State of Hntomological Science in United States. Hnt. rep. 4 (for 1887) 1888. p.163-72. Same, Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.283-92. ‘ Also published in Regents rep. 100 (for 1886) 1887. p.122-34. Lintner. Annual Address of President of Entomological Club of A. A. A. 8. Ent. rep. 4 (for 1887) 1888. p. 172-83: Same, Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.292-303. Lintner. Insects of the Past Year and Progress in Insect Studies. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1893. 12:227-40. Lintner. Some Injurious Insects of Massachusetts. Ent. rep. 8 (for 1891) 1898. p.227-57. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.227-57. Lintner. Our Insect Enemies and How to Meet them. Ent. rep. 8 (for 1891) 1893. p.258-77. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.258-77. Lintner. Reports of Committee on Entomology. Ent. rep. 9 (for 1892) 18938. p.414-37. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1898. p.414-37. Committee of Western New York Horticultural Society. Lintner. Plea for Entomological Study. Ent. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.336-45. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:336-45. References to Various Essays and Writings on the Natural History of New York. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.158. See also Aquatic insects; Forest trees; Fruit trees; Garden crops; Grains; Shade trees; also Coleoptera; Diptera; Hemiptera; Hymenoptera; Lepidoptera; Neuropteroid Insects; Orthoptera; also common names of Species. Ephemerida, see Neuropteroid insects. 370 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Epidote. Beck. Epidote. Min. N. Y, 1842. p.354-56. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850, p.142. Hunt. Epidote. Mus. rep, 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.84. Whitlock. Epidote. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.104-5. Epistilbite. Beck, Hpistilbite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.347-48. Epsom salt. Beck. Hpsom Salt. Min. N, Y. 1842. p.251-52. Mather. Sulphate of Magnesia, Muriate of Soda and Muriate of Lime. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.86-88. Whitlock. Epsomite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.127. : Eremite. Beck. Eremite. Min. N, Y. 1842. p.450. f Erian. Clarke & Schuchert. Erian. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.11. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:11. Erie county. Beck, Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.63-64. Bishop. Structural and Economic Geology. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.17-18, 305-92. pl. (phot.) maps. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898.. 2:17-18, 305-92. pl. (phot.) maps, Reouontic and geologic map of Hrie county (uncolored) 32x21cm. Maps showing natural gas field of Buffalo. Bishop. Natural Gas. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.846-89. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:346-89. . —— Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.25-26. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:25-26. Bishop. Oil and Gas. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r121-23. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r121-23. : Clarke. Agoniatite Limestone. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.120-21. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Ent. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. 1p.555-58. (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:555-58. Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1005-8. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1005-8. Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.779-81. (Mus. bul. 53) Ent. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.146. In press. Hall, Erie County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.150-69. Geol. N. Y¥. pt4. 1848. p.469-75. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.205-7, 248. Same, Mus. rep. 4& } (for 1894) 1895. 1:205-7, 248 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 35, 1900. p.722-24. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902, 2:722-24, Ries. Limestones. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.484-36. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899, 2:434-36. revised. Mus. bul, 44. 1901. p.779-81. Same, Mus. rep, 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:779-81. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888, p.131-33; 10. 1890. p.253-54. —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.446-47. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895, 1:446-47 (2d paging). Wood. Marcellus (Stafford) Limestones of Lancaster, Erie Co. N. Y- Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.189-81. pl.9. See also Highteen-mile creek. Erie division. Denniston. Erie Division in Orange County. Ag. Soc. Trans, 22 (for 1862) 1863. p.155. Emmons. Erie Group. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.100, 429. Emmons. Erie Division. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:180-86. Hall. Erie Division. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.18, 177-277. Mather, Erie Division. Geol.-N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.317-23. Mather. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.320-23. We i” | M4 f SUBJECT INDEX 371 Erie division (continued) aVanuxem. Hrie Division. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.16, 146-85. Vanuxem. Observations upon the Upper Part of the Erie Division. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.170-72. © See also Erian. ‘Erie, Lake. Hall. Lake Hrie. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.407-13, 664. _ Erratic blocks, see Drift. Eruptive rocks, see Igneous rocks. Hrythrite. Whitlock. Erythrite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.120-21. _ Esopus grit (cauda galli). Clarke & Schuchert. Esopus Grit. Mus. mem. 8. 1900. p.12. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:12. aDarton. Cauda-galli Grit; Esopus Slate. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.209-10. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.403-4. Darton. Cauda-galli Grit; Esopus Slates in Albany County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.244-45. Same, Mus.rep, 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.488-39. Darton. Cauda Galli Grit; Esopus Slate of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.802-3. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.496-97. Ries. Esopus Slate of Greene County. Mus, bul. 44. 1901. p.786. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:786. Ries. Esopus Slate of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.402-8. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898, 2:402-8. - See also Cauda galli grit. Esopus millstones. Mather. Hsopus Millstones. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.357. ; Essex, sandstone of. Emmons. Sandstone of Essex. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.230. See also Potsdam sandstone. Essex county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.64-66; (for 1840) 1841. p.13-18. Beck. Magnetic Oxide of Iron. Min, N. Y. 1842. p.14-17. Emmons. Geology. Geol. rep, 2d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.219-50; (for 1839) 1840. p.281-88. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.194-288. Hmmons. Magnetic Ore. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1889) 1840. p.319-21. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.231-63. Emmons, Ores of Newcomb (McIntyre). Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.273-311. Hmmons. Survey in the Interior of Hamilton, Essex and Franklin Coun- ties. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.113-33. Emmons, Minerals. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.285-87. Hinlay. Preliminary Report of Field Work in the Town of Minerva, Hssex Co. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r96-102. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r96-102. Geologic map of the town of Minerva, 21x19cm. Ground Plan of Beds and Veins of Magnetic Oxide of Iron at Adiron- dack, Essex Co. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. pl.3-4. Hall, C. E. Laurentian Magnetic Iron Ore Deposits of Northern New York. Mus. rep. 32 (for 1878) 1879. p.133-40. Same, Geol. rep. 4 (for 1884) 1885. p.23-34, with geol. map of Essex county 48x40.5cm, Kemp. Preliminary Report on the Geology of. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.431-72. maps (uncolored). Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.625-66. maps (uncolored). ee a bibliography on geology and mineralogy of Adirondacks. continued. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.22-23, 575- 614. 1pl. (phot.) maps. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:99-93, 575-614, 1pl. (phot.) maps, Map of Essex county, 20x19cm. —$_ @First use of term. 312 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Essex county (continued) Kemp. Geology of Moriah and Westport Townships, Hssex County, N, Y. Mus. bul. 14, 1895. p.823-55. pl. (phot.) maps. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:323-55 (2d paging). pl. (phot.) maps. Map of the Mineville district, Essex co. 30x33cm. Geologic map of Moriah and Westport townships, Essex co. 38x44cm. Kemp & Newland, Preliminary Report on the Geology of Washington, Warren and Parts of Essex and Hamilton Counties. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899, p.499-553. pl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:499-553. pl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Nason. Newcomb Tourmalines. Mus, bul. 4, 1888. p.5-10. - Nason. Pyroxenes from the Mineral Locality at Chilson Hill, Ticon- deroga, N. Y. Mus. bul. 4. 1888. p.12-16. Peck. Plants of North Elba. Mus. bul, 28. 1899. p.65-266. map. Same, Mus. rep. 58 (for 1899) 1901. 1:65-266. map. Map of North Elba, Essex co. (uncolored) 12x16cm. Ries. Limestones. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.486-37,. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:436-37. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.781-88. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:781-83. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.33-34, 44, 45-46, 102-3; 10. 1890. p.232-33, 238, 242-48, 256. — —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.378-79, 391-92, 482, 436. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:378-79, 391-92, 432, 486 (2a paging). Watson, A General View and Agricultural Survey of the County of Essex. Ag. Soc. Trans. 12 (for 1852) 1853. p.649-898. illus. — — —— Supplement. Ag. Soc. Trans. 138 (for 1853) 1854. p.699-741. See also Adirondacks. Ethnologic collection of museum. Additions. Mus. rep. 53, 1:1165-66. See also Historical and antiquarian collection; Indian collection. Euclase. Beck. Euclase. Min, N. Y. 1842. p.451. Eupyrchroite. Beck. Fibrous Phosphate of Lime. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.107-8. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.240. Emmons, Eupyrchroite. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.252; (for 1840) 1841, p.135. European fruit scale insect. Felt. Huropean Fruit Tree Seale Insect. Mus. bul. 46. 1901. p.823-26. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. - 4:323-26. Eurypteridea, see Crustacea (paleozoic). Evolution. Callaway. The Geological Evidence of the Origin of Species by Evolution. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1876. 8:207-14. Williams. Paleontological Evidences as Bearing upon the Theory of Evolution. Regents rep. 95 (for 1881) 1882. p.319-27. Fairfield slate, see Utica shale. Fall webworm. Felt. Fall Webworm. Torest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 5 (for 1899) 1900. p.3863-68. Faults. Cushing. Faults of Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.14-15. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899, 2:14-15. | Cushing. Faults of Clinton County. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r44, r71-73. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r44, r71-73. Darton. Preliminary Description of the Faulted Region of Herkimer, Fulton, Montgomery and Saratoga Counties. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.83-53. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:33-55. Kiimmel. Faults in Rockland County. Geol. rep, 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.44-48. Same, Mus, rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:44-48. See also Uplifts. SUBJECT INDEX ole Feldspar. Beck. Feldspar. Min. rep. (for 18386) 1837. p.59 (ed. 2, p.61). Min. N. Y. 1842. p.334-40. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.138. Emmons. Porcelain Clay and Feldspar. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.203-12. Hmmons. Felspar. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:39. Merrill. Feldspars. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.121. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:121. - Ries. Feldspar. Mus, bul. 35. 1900. p.841-48. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:841-48. Whitlock. Feldspars. Mus, bul. 58. 1902. p.87-90. Fenestellidae, see Bryozoa (paleozoic). Ferriferous slate and sandrock, see Clinton group. Ferruginous tufa. Vanuxem. Tufaceous Iron. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1888) 18389. p.281-82. Vanuxem, Ferruginous Tufa. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.227-28. Fertilizers, see Marl; Peat. Fibrolite, see Sillimanite. Filling paper. Ries. Filling Paper. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.852. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:852. Finger lakes. Watson. Some Higher Levels in the Post-glacial Develop- ment of the Finger Lakes of New York State. Mus, rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:r55-117. pl. (phot.) maps. Maps showing extent of glacial lakes. Contains a bibliography. See also Cayuga lake; Seneca lake. Fire brick. Merrill. Directory of Manufacturers. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.502-18. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:502-18 (2d paging). Ries. Fire Brick. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.223-25. Same, Mus. rep, 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:223-25 (2d paging). Ries. Fire Clays and Fire Brick. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.781-90, 867-77. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:781-90, 867-77. Ries. Directory of Manufacturers. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.918-25. Same, Mus, rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:913-25. Fireproofing. Bishop. Fire-proofing Manufacture of Erie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.342-44. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:342-44. Firestones. Hall. Firestones. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.324, 344. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.420, 482. Fishes. Bean. Report on the Fishes of Long Island collected in the Summer of 1898. Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:r92-111. Bean. Catalogue of the Fishes of New York. Mus. bul. 60. In press. Bean. Report on the Fishes of the Great South Bay, Long Island, col- lected in the Summer of 1901. Mus. rep. 55 (for 1901) In press. Catalogues and Additions. Mus. rep. 2, p.23; 3 rev. ed., p.23-24, 42; 4, p.24-25; 5, p.20, 24-28; 6, p.28; 7, p.18-23; 8, p.20; 9, p.19-29; 18, p.14; 22, p.14; 24, p.19, 33-37, 39-40; 25, p.17; 46, p.22; 52, 1:r29-32. For dates of Mus. rep., see List of publications, p.241. De Kay, Fishes. Assembly doc, 1840, no.50, p.11-12, 27-31. Zool. N. Y. 1842. y.3. pt4. 415p. (v.38, pt4 text, v.4, T9pl.) De Kay. Catalogue of the Fishes inhabiting the State of New York as classified and described in pt4 of the New York Fauna, with a list of the fishes inhabiting the State discovered since the publication of the Zoology. Mus. rep. 8 (for 1854) 1855. p.49-69; 9 (for 1855) 1856. p.30. DeRham Collection. Catalogue. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.42. Felt. Insect Food of. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 6 (for 1900) 1901. | p.501-8. Needham. Insect Food of Brook Trout. Mus. bul. 68. Jn press. 374 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Fishes (continued) Scott, Notes on the Marine Food Fishes of Long Island and a Biological Reconnaissance of Cold Spring Harbor. Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. p.r214-29. Fishes (fossil). Clarke. Type Specimens in New York State Museum. Mus. bul. 65. Jn press. Eastman, Upper Devonian Fish-fauna of Delaware County, New York. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.317-27. illus. Same, Mus, rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899, 2:317-27. illus. Hall, Remains of Fishes. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:319-20. Flagstones. Darton. Upper Flagstone Series; Lower Flagstone Series of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1898) 1894. p.298-300. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.492-94. Hall. Flagging Stones. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.356-58, 370-71; (for 1840) 1841. p.176-78. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.438-39, 448, 497. Mather. Flagging Stones, Grindstones, ete. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.231-82. Nason. Flagstones of Albany County. Geol. rep. 138 (for 1893) 1894. p.277-78, 285. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.471-72, 479. Ries. Flagstones of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.470. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:470. See also Hudson river bluestone. Flammula. Peck. New York Species of Flammula. Bot. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1897. p. 188-42. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:133-42. Flies, see Diptera. Flies, lace-winged, see Neuropteroid insects. Flint implements. Bishop. On a Locality of Flint Implements in Wyom- ing County, N. Y. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.92-94. 1pl. in Geol. rep.9. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.438-40. 1pl. in Mus. rep. 43. Floor tile. Ries. Floor Tile. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p. 774-76. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:774-76. Ries, Directory of Manufacturers. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.913-25. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:913-25. Fluorite. Beck. Fluor Spar. Min. rep. (for 1836) 1837. p.58 (ed. 2, p.60). Min. N. Y. 1842, p.243-45. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.128. Hunt. Fluor Spar. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871, p.72-73. Merrill. Localities. Mus. bul, 15. 1895. p.581. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:581. —— —— Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.234. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:234. Whitlock. Fluorite (fluor spar). Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.65. Food adulterants. Ries. Food Adulterants. Mus. bul. 85, 1900. p.852. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:852. Footprints in limestone. Owen. Regarding Human Footprints in Solid Limestone (abstract). Mus. rep. 9 (for 1855) 1856. p.53-59. Fordham gneiss. Eckel. Quarries. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r152-55. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r152-55. Merrill. Fordham Gneiss. Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:25-26 (1st paging). Forest tent caterpillar. Felt. Forest Tent Caterpillar. Ent. rep. 14 (for 1898) 1898. p.191-201. (Mus. bul. 23). Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:191-201. — —— Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 4 (for 1898) 1899. p.374-80. — —— Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.275-76. ——- —— Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.994-98 (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:994-98. SUBJECT INDEX 375 Forest trees. Felt. Shade and Forest Tree Pests. Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901). 1902. p.738-49. (Mus. bul. 53). Felt. Forest Insects. Int. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.110-13. In press. Felt. Insects Affecting Forest Trees. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7 (for 1901). Jn press. Felt. Insects Affecting Park and Woodland Trees. Mus. mem. 7. In press. Fitch. Forest Trees, Insects Affecting. Ag. Soe. Trans. 14 (for 1854) 1855. p.852-73 (rep. 1. sep. ed. p.148-69). Ag. Soc. Trans. 15 (for 1855) 1856. p.488-501 (rep. 2. sep. ed. —— Ag. See. Trans. 16 (for 1856) 1856. p.438-77 (rep. 3. sep. ed. —— —— Ag. Soc. Trans. 17 (for 1857) 1858. p.691-753 (rep. 4. sep. ed. —— —— Ag. Soc. Trans. 18 (for 1858) 1859. p.781-854 (rep. 5. sep. ed. Lintner. Insects of the Hemlock. Ent. rep. 4 (for 1887) 1888. p.19-27. Same, Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.139-47. See also Spruces. Forester. Lintner. Hliight-spotted Forester. Ent. rep. 5 (for 1888) 1889. p.179-88. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.179-83. Fort hills, see Trench inclosures. Fossil bones. Hall. Fossil Bones of Quadrupeds. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838, p.347. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.363-67. ‘Fossil ores, see Clinton ores. Fossil trees. Hall. Fossil Trees in Schoharie County. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.15-16. Nevius. A Fossil Plant from Orange County. Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:r79-81, pl. (phot.) Fossils, see Paleontologic collection; Paleontology; also Index to genera and species, p.527. Frankfort slates (Hudson river; Lorraine; Pulaski). Fitch. Silicious or Frankfort Slates of Washington County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.829-30. ; Mather. Frankfort Slate. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.92. @Vanuxem. Frankfort Slate. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.3872-73. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.60-64. Vanuxem. Frankfort Slate in Herkimer County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.257. Vanuxem. Frankfort Slate in Lewis County. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.356. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.265, 269. Vanuxem. Frankfort Slate in Montgomery County. Geol. N. Y. pta. 1842. p.250. Vanuxem, Frankfort Slate in Oneida County. Geol, N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.261. White. Frankfort Slates of Herkimer and Oneida Counties. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:183-86. See also Hudson river group; Lorraine beds; Pulaski shales. Franklin county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.66-67. Cushing. Boundary between the Potsdam and Pre-Cambrian Rocks North of the Adirondacks. Geol. rep; 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.5-27. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899, 2:5-27. aFirst use of term. 376 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Franklin county (continued) Cushing. Preliminary Report on Geology. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.73-128, pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:73-128. pl. (phot.) map. Geologic map of Franklin county, 29x39cm. Cushing. Recent Geologic Work in Franklin and St Lawrence Counties. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r23-82. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900). 1902. 1:r23-82. Geologic map of the vicinity of Saranac lakes, 13.5x16cm. Hmmons. Ores of Clinton and Franklin. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1840): 1841. p.183-35. Emmons. Survey in the Interior of Hamilton, Hssex and Franklin Coun- ties. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.113-33. Emmons. Franklin County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.325-34. Hmmons. Iron Ores. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.326-31. Felt. Entomologic Investigations in. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 6 (for 1900) 1901. p.499-531. Needham. Hntomologic Investigations in. Mus. bul. 47. 1901. p.883-612- Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:383-612. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 8. 1888. p.46; 10. 1890. p.256_ revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.892. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:392 (2d paging). See also Adirondacks. Franklinite. Beck. Franklinite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.451. Hunt. Franklinite. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.89. Whitlock, Franklinite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902, p.73-74. Freestones. Hall. Sandstones or Freestones and their Varieties; their Geological Position and Geographical Distribution. Mus. rep. 389 (for 1885) 1886. p.196-99. Mather. Red Sandstone or Freestone. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.287. Fruit tree bark beetle. Lintner. Fruit Tree Bark Beetle. Ent. rep. 4 (for 1887) 1888. p.103-7. Same, Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.223-27. Fruit trees. Felt. Fruit Tree Pests. Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.731- 38, 833-37. (Mus. bul. 58). —— Hnt. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.104-5, 120. Jn press. Fitch. Insects Infesting Fruit Trees. Ag. Soc. Trans. 14 (for 1854) 1855. p.709-842 (rep. 1. sep. ed. p.5-188). Ag. Soc. Trans. 15 (for 1855) 1856. p.4138-87 (rep. 2. sep. ed. p.181-255). Ag. Soc. Trans. 16 (for 1856) 1856. p.321-87 (rep. 3. sep. ed. p.1-69. Lintner. List of Insects on Apple Trees. Ent. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1882. p.327-32 —— Ent. rep. 11 (for 1895) 1896. p.263-72. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:263-72. Lintner. Some Pests of the Pomologist. Ent. rep. 4 (for 1887) 1888. p.188-92. Same, Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.3803-12. Lintner. Late Hxperiences with Insects Injurious to the Orchard and Garden. Hnt. rep. 7 (for 1890) 1891. p.842-56. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.342-56. Lintner. On Arsenical Spraying of Fruit Trees while in Blossom. Hnt. rep. 11 (for 1895) 1896. p.117-24. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:117-24. See also English names of species. : Fruits. Felt. Small Fruit Insects. Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.837-40. (Mus. bul. 53). SUBJECT INDBX Bi Te Fruits (continued) Fitch. Small Fruits, Insects Affecting. Ag. Soc. Trans. 14 (for 1854). 1855. p.848-49, 880 (rep. 1. sep. ed. p.139-45, 176). —— —— Ag. Soc. Trans. 16 (for 1856) 1856. p.887-437 (rep. 3. sep. ed.. p.69-119). — Ag. Soc. Trans. 27 (for 1867) 1868. 2:908-32 (rep. 12). Peck. Hdible Wild Fruits of New York. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1893. 12:83-102.. Fucoidal layers (Calciferous sandrock). Darton. Fucoidal Layers in the Mohawk Valley. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.420-21. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.614-15. Emmons. Fucoidal Layers of Clinton County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.310. Emmons. Fucoidal Layers and Calciferous Sandrock of Hssex County.. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.270-72. Vanuxem. Fucoidal Layers. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.363,. 369-70. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.35-38. Vanuxem. Fucoidal Layers in Lewis County. Geol. N. Y pt3. 1842. p.265, 267. Vanuxem. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt. 1842. p.35-37. See also Calciferous sandrock. Fucoidal sandstone. Conrad. Fucoidal Sandstone. Pal. rep. (for 1840)- 1841. p.31. Fucoides. Hall. Some Spiral-growing Fucoidal Remains of the Paleozoic Rocks of New York. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1863. p.76-83. illus. 1pl. Fucoides cauda-galli, see Cauda galli grit. Fullers’ earth. Ries. Fullers Harth. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.848-51. Same,. Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:848-51. Fulton county. Darton. Geology of the Mohawk Valley in Herkimer, Fulton, Montgomery and Saratoga Counties. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893). 1894. p.407-29. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.601-23. pl. (phot.) Darton. Faulted Region. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.11-12, 31-58. pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:11-12, 31-53. pl. (phot.) map. Preliminary geologic map of portions of Herkimer, Fulton, Montgomery, Saratoga: and adjacent counties (uncolored) 28.5x16.5cm. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Ent. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.558-59- (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:558-59. Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1008-9 (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1008-9. Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.781. (Mus. bul. 53). Kemp & Hill. Precambrian Formations. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r17-35. pl. (phot.) maps. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r17-35. pl. (phot.) maps. Small, uncolored geologic maps; map of the ‘‘ Noses ’’ (colored). Ries. Brick Yards. Mus, bul. 12. 1895. p.198, 246. Same, Mus. rep. 48. (for 1894) 1895. 1:198, 246 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.714. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:714. Ries. Limestone Formations. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.783. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:783. Vanuxem. Montgomery and Fulton Counties. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.249-53. Fungi. Banning. Fungiof Maryland. Bot. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1891. p.64-75_ Same, Mus. rep. 44 “(for 1890) 1892. p.176-87. Dudley. Fungi Destructive to Wood. Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888_ p.86-94. 378 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Fungi (continued) Bot. rep. 43 (for 1889) 1890. p.45-47. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1889) 1890. p.91-93. Peck. Fungi. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1870. 6:209-26. Peck. Parasitic Fungi of New York and their Supporting Plants. Mus. rep. 29 (for 1875) 1878. p.71-82. Peck. Contributions to the Botany of the State of New York. Mus. bul. 2. 1887. G5p. 2pl. Contents: Descriptions of new species of New York fungi; Additions to flora of State; Descriptions of New York species of fungi belonging to the genera Paxillus, Cantharellus and Craterellus; Names of New York species of Pyrenomycetous fungi according to the Saccardoan system of arrangement; Descriptions of New York species of viscid Boleti. Peck. List of New York Fungi represented at the World’s Columbian Exposition at Chicago. Bot. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.43-46. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.169-72. Peck. Preliminary List of Hymenomycetous Fungi Inhabiting our Prin- cipal Coniferous Forest Trees. Bot. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.46-48. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.172-74. Peck. Edible and Poisonous Fungi of New York. Bot. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. p.105-218. 44pl. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:203-316. 44pl. in v.3. ; Peck. Edible Fungi. Bot. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1896. p.56-64. 5pl. separate. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:70-78. 5pl. Bot. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1898. p.800-12. Tpl. separate. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:300-12. 7pl. —— Bot. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1899. p.673-82. 5pl. separate. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:673-82. 5pl. Bot. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1901. p.173-86. Spl. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:173-86 (ist paging). Spl. Bot. rep. 55 (for 1901) 1902. p.966-78. 5pl. Same, Mus. rep. 55 (for 1901). Jn press. Peck. Unwholesome Fungi. Bot. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1896. p.65. 1Ipl. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:79. 1pl. Peck. Report of the State Botanist on Edible Fungi of New York, 1895- 99. Mus. mem. 4. 1900. p.129-234. 25pl. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2129-234. 25pl. ~ This consists in part of revised descriptions and illustrations of fungi reported in the 49th, 51st and 52d reports of the state botanist. See also Aecidium; Agaricus; Amanita; Armillaria; Boletus; Cantharellus; Claudopus; Clavaria; Clitopilus; Collybia; Coprinus; Cortinarius; Craterellus; Crepidotus; Flammula; Galera; Hygrophorus; Lactarius; Lentinus; Lepiota; Lycoperdon; Marasmius; Omphalia; Paxillus; Pleurotus; Pluteolus; Pluteus; Psalliota; Pucciniae; Russula; Tricho- loma; Uncinulae; also Paleobotany; also miscellaneous descriptions m Botanist’s reports. Fungicides. Felt. Insecticides and Fungicides. University handbook 18. 16p. In press. Furnace flux. Ries. Furnace Flux. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.372. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:372. —— —— Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.654-55. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:654-55. ‘Gabbros. Cushing. Gabbros of Clinton County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.476. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.670. —— — Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.508- 73. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:508-73. —— —Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r52-59. Same, Mus. rep. 53 Meet 1899) 190%. 1:152-59. = SUBJECT INDEX 3TD Gabbros (continued) Cushing. Gabbros of Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.11-12. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:11-12. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.133-34. Same, Mus. rep. 52° (for 1898) 1900. 2:133-34. Cushing. Gabbros of Franklin County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.109-14. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:109-14. Cushing. Gabbros of Franklin and St Lawrence Counties. Geol. rep 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r33-82. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r33- 82, Including analyses. Kemp. Gabbros of Essex County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.445-72. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.639-66. —— —— Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.580-608. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:580-608. ; Kemp. Geology of Moriah and Westport Townships, Essex County. Mus. bul. 14. 1895. p.3825-40. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:325-40 (2d paging). Kemp & Newland. Gabbros of Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.511-52. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:511-52. Kemp, Newland & Hill. Gabbros of Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.145-62. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:145-62. Kemp & Hill. Gabbros of Warren County. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901.. p.r24. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r24. Smock. Gabbros. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.204-5. —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.374-75. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:374-75 (2d paging). —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.183-84. Same, Mus.. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:188-84. Smyth. Gabbros of Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.472.. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:472. See also Crystalline rocks. Galena. Beck. Sulphuret of Lead or Galena. Min. rep. (for 1836) 1837. p.51-58 (ed. 2, p.538-60); (for 1888) 1839. p.50-51. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.44-52, 412-14. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.149-50. Emmons. Galena and Lead in St Lawrence County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.354-60. Mather. Lead, Copper and Zine Ores of Columbia and Dutchess Coun- ties. Geol. rep. ist dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.176-81. Mather. Lead Ore. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.112. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.498-509. Merrill. Localities. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.580. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:580 (2d paging). —— —— Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.232. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:232. Whitlock. Galena. Mus. bul. 58..1902. p.52-53. Galera. Peck. New York Species of Galera. Bot. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.61-69. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.141-49. Gall beetle. Lintner. Gouty Gall Beetle. Ent. rep._6 (for 1889) 1890. p.123-25. Same, Mus. rep. 43 (for 1889) 1890. p.128-25. ———— Ent. rep. 10 (for 1894) 1895. p.406-7. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:406-7 (1st paging). Gall-flies, see Hymenoptera. Galt. Hall. Fossils from the Limestone at Galt, Canada West. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:340-50; 1859. 3:30-82. See also Guelph formation. 380 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Gardeau group (Portage). «aHall. Gardeau, or, Lower Fucoidal Group. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.391. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.227-28. Hall. Gardeau Rocks in Allegany County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.401. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.484. Hall. Gardeau Group in Cattaraugus County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.412. Hall. Gardeau Group in Hrie County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.165. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.473. Hall. Gardeau Rocks in Genesee County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.480. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.467-68. Hall. Gardeau Group in Livingston County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.423. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.463. See also Portage group. Gardeau shales, see Naples shales. Garden crops. Felt. Insects Infesting. Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.749- 57, 840-44 (Mus. bul. 53). Fitch. Insects Infesting Green Vegetables. Ag. Soc. Trans. 14 (for 1854) 1855. p.874-79. (rep. 1. sep. ed. p.170-75). . Ag. Soc. Trans. 22 (for 1862) 1863. p.659-75 (rep. 8. sep. ed. p.177-98). —— ——. Ag. Soc. Trans. 23 (for 1863) 1864. p.778-817 (rep. 9. sep. ed. p.211-50). —— —— Ag. Soc. Trans. 24 (for 1864) 1865. p.483-61 (rep. 10). Ag. Soc. Trans. 29 (for 1869) 1870. p.495-566 (rep. 18). Lintner. Late Experiences with Insects Injurious to the Orchard and Garden. Ent. rep. 7 (for 1890) 1891. p.842-56. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.342-56. ‘Garnet. Beck. Garnet. Min. rep. (for 1836) 1837. p.59 (ed. 2, p.61). Min. N. Y. 1842. p.3823-28. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.136. Hunt. Garnet. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.83-84. Mather. Yellow Garnet of Edenville. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.514. Merrill. Garnet. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.553-55. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:558-55 (2d paging). : — — Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.225-26. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:225-26. Whitlock. Garnet. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.98-99. ‘Gas manufacture. Ries. Gas Manufacture. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.671. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:671. ‘Gas springs, see Carbonated springs; Carburetted hydrogen; Nitrogen (Chateaugay) springs; Sulfur springs. Gaspe limestones. Clarke. Fauna. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.80-82. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:80-82. Gastropoda. Catalogue of Muricidae in the Collection of the State Mu- seum (exclusive of the Mazatlan collection) identified and arranged in Accordance with Tryon’s Manual of Conchology. Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.29-45. Catalogue of the Families Tritonidae, Fusidae, Buccinidae, Nassidae, Turbinellidae, Volutidae and Mitridae in the Collections of the State Museum exclusive of the Mazatlan Collection. Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1898. p.31-61. Catalogue of the Marginellidae, Olividae, Columbellidae, Conidae, Tere- bridae, Cancellariidae, Strombidae, Cypraeidae, Ovulidae, Cassididae and Doliidae in Museum Collections, exclusive of Mazatlan Collection. Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.79-128. @¥First use of term. SUBJECT INDEX 381 Gastropoda (continued) De Kay. Gastropoda. Zool. N. Y. 1843. v.5. pt5. p.7-165. Green. Cones of North America. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1830. 1:121-25. Green. Dolia of the United States. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1830. 1:131-33. 1pl. | Simpson. Anatomy of the Snail, Helix thyroides. Mus. rep. 39 (for 1885) 1886. p.127, pl.3. Simpson. Anatomy and Physiology of Polygyra albolabris and Limax maximus and Embryology of Limax maximus. Mus. bul. 40. 1901. p.237-311. 28pl.(lith.) 1pl.(phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:237-311. 28pl. (lith.) 1pl. (phot.) Gastropoda (paleozoic). Clarke. Type Specimens in New York State Museum. Mus. bul. 65. Jn press. Clarke. Oriskany Species of Becraft Mountain. Mus. mem. 8. 1900. p.28-31. ‘Same, Mus. rep. 58 (for 1899) 1901. 2:28-31. Grabau. Gasteropoda of Hamilton Group. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. | p. 246-50. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:246-50. Grabau. Gastropoda of Niagara Region. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.210-13. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:210-13. Hall. Gasteropoda of Lower Silurian. Pal. N. Y. 1847. v.1 (various page references, see Table, p.326). Hall. Tracks of Gasteropoda in Clinton Group. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:26-37, 353-54. Hall. Gasteropoda of Clinton Group. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:89-93. Hall. Gasteropoda of Niagara Group. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:286-89. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.341-47, 364-67. Hall. Gasteropoda of Coralline Limestone. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:333-384. Hall. Gasteropoda from Limestone at Galt, Canada. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:345-50. Hall. Gasteropoda of Lower Helderberg Group. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:292- 341. Hall. Gasteropoda of Oriskany Sandstone. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:468-79. Hall. Observations on the Genera Capulus, Pileopsis, Acroculia and Platyceras. Mus. rep. 12 (for 1858) 1859. p.15-19. Hall. Observations on the Genera Platyostoma and Strophostylus. Mus. rep. 12 (for 1858) 1859. p.20-22. Hall. New Species. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.103-7. Hall. Note on the Genera Bellerophon, Bucania, Carinaropsis and Cyr- tolites. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.93-98. Hall. Gasteropoda. Mus. rep. 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.29-63. Hall. Gasteropoda of Potsdam Sandstone. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1863. p.136. Hall. Illustrations of Devonian Fossils. Gasteropoda. 1876. Hall. Gasteropoda of Niagara Group in Central Indiana. Mus. rep. 28 (for 1874) 1879. p.175-78. Hall. Gasteropoda of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5. pt2. p.1-138 (v.1, text; v.2, plates). Letson. Gastropoda of Niagara River Gravels. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.239- 45. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:239-45. Ruedemann. Gastropoda of Trenton Conglomerate of Rysedorph Hill. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.29-36. Wood. Gastropoda of Marcellus (Stafford) Limestones of Lancaster, Erie Co. N. Y. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.169-70. Gebhard collection. Catalogues. Mus. rep. 6 (for 1852) 1853. p.12-18, 29-30; 25 (for 1871) 1873. p.7, 27-33; 26 (for 1872) 1874. p.7. 382 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Gems. Catalogue of Gems and Precious Stones. Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.44-48. Genesee county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.67. Bishop. Natural Gas. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.22-23. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:22-23. Bishop. Oil and Gas in. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r123-24. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r123-24. Clarke. Agoniatite Limestone. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.120. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Wnt. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.559-60- (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:559-60. Wnt. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1009-10 (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1009-10. 3 Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.781-84 (Mus. bul. 53). —— — Ent. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.146-47. In press. Hall. Genesee County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.42481. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.464-69. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.248. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:248 (2d paging). Ries. Drain Tile Works. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.222-28. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:222-23 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.771-72. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:771-72. Ries. Limestone Formations. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.783-85. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900). 1902. 3:783-85. Pee Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p. 1381; 10. 1890. p.253. : —— —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.446. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:446 (2d paging). Genesee river. Hall. Geology of the Genesee River, with map. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.292-94. Horsford. Map illustrating geology of the Genesee river. Geol. rep. 1837-41. v.2; Assembly doe. 1838, no. 200. Genesee shales (black shale, upper). Bishop. Genesee Shales of Hrie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.316-20, 389. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:316-20, 389. Clarke. Genesee Slate. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.42-43. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:42-48. Clarke. Genesee Shales of Ontario County. Geol. rep. 4 (for 1884) 1885. p.17-19. Clarke & Schuchert. Genesee Shale. See New York series. Delafield. Genesee Slate of Seneca County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 10 (for 1850) 1851. p.461-67. Emmons. Genesee Slate. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:189. Geddes. Genesee Slate of Onondaga County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 19 (for 1859) 1860. p.254. Grabau. Genesee Slate. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.234. Same, Mus.. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:234. Hall. Genesee Slate. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.218-23. Hall. Genesee Shale of Hrie County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.473. Hall. Genesee Shale of Genesee County. Geol. N. Y. pt.4. 1848. p.467. Hall. Genesee Slate of Livingston County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.462-63. Hall. Genesee Slate of Ontario County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.457. Hall. Genesee Slate of Seneca County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.452. SUBJECT INDEX 383 Genesee shales (continued) Hall. Genesee Slate in Tompkins County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.475. Hall. Genesee Slate in Yates County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.458. Hall. Organic Remains. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.221-238. Hall. On the Occurrence of Crustacean Remains of the Genera Ceratio- earis and Dithyrocaris, with a notice of some new species from the Hamilton group and Genesee slate. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1863. p.71-75. Lincklaen. Genesee Slate. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.68. Lincoln. Genesee Shale of Seneca County. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.97-99, 103. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:97-99, 1038. Luther. Genesee Shales in Livonia Salt Shaft. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.35-38. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.229-32. Luther. Genesee Slate of Onondaga County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.285-86. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:285-86. Luther. Genesee Slate. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.221-22. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:221-22. Merrill. Genesee. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.163-64. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:163-64. aVanuxem. Genesee Slate. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.168-69. Vanuxem. Genesee Slate in Cayuga County. Geol. N. Y. pta. 1842. p.289. eo. Genesee Slate in Chenango County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. Vanuxem, Genesee Slate in Cortland County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. Vanuxem, Genesee Slate in Madison County. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. Vamuxem, Genesee Slate in Onondaga County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. Vanuxem, Genesee Slate in Tompkins County. Geol. N. Y. pt38. 1842. p.298. Vanuxem. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.168. Wright. Genesee Slate in Yates County. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.201-2. See also Black shale. — Genista caterpillar. Lintner. Genista Caterpillar. Hnt. rep. 11 (for 1895) 1896. p.142-45. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:142-45. Geodiferous limerock, see Niagara group. Geodiferous limestone (Lockport; Niagara). Hall. Geodiferous and Bituminous Limestone. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.302-3. See also Lockport limestone; Niagara limestone. Geologic collection of museum. Additions. Mus. rep. 2, p.68; 3 rev. ed. p.32-37; 4, p.80-90; 6, p.28; 7, p.57-59; 8, p.27-31; 9, p.45-48; 11, p.11-36; 12, p.108; 13, p.19; 18, p.11-12; 19, p.39-41; 20 rev. ed. p.17-20; 21, p.15-19; 22, p.10-12, 16; 28, p.17-19; 24, p.21-28; 25, p.19-21; 26, p.19-20; 27, p.30- 83; 28, p.23-25; 29, p.22-23; 30, p.15-17; 31, p.18; 34, p.16-19; 35, p.15-16; 36, p.18-19; 37, p.28; 38, p.17-18; 39, p.16-19; 40, p.23-26; 42, p.52-62; 43, p.14-15, 34-36; 45, p.27-28, 347-69; 46, p.196-99; 49, 1:10; 50, 1:17-19; BI, d:r13-17; 52, 1:r18-21; 53, 1:r163-65. Geol. rep. 11, p.33-53; 12, p.50-53. : For dates of Mus. rep., see List of publications, p.241. Catalogue of Specimens collected by J. F. Kemp, for Report on Moriah and Westport Townships. Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:32-39. aFirst use of term. 384 NEW YORK STATH MUSEUM Geologic collection of museum (continued) Catalogue of Translucent Sections of Rocks and Fossils, in Museum. Mus. rep. 37 (for 1883) 1884. p.33-43. Clarke. Catalogue of the Collection of Geological and Palaeontological Specimens donated by the Albany Institute to the State Museum. Geol. rep. 11 (for 1891) 1892. p.33-53. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) ~ 1892. p.3847-69. ; De Rham Collection. Mus. rep. 8 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.37; 27 (for 1873) 1875. p.41-42. Emmons. Catalogue of the Specimens arranged by Prof. E. Emmons, as Representatives of the Taconic System, at the Close of the Geological Survey of New York in 1843. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.95-98. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.441-44. Hall. Catalogue of Specimens. Mus. rep. 1 (for 1847) 1848. 39p. Hall. Catalogue of Specimens of the Rocks and Fossils in the Gray Sandstone, Medina Sandstone, Clinton Group, Niagara Group, Onon- daga Salt Group and a Part of the Water-lime Group. Mus. rep. 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.117-42. Hall. Record of Localities of Extra Limital Geological and Palaeonto- logical Collections of the New York State Museum. Geol. rep. 11 (for 1891) 1892. p.122-23. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.438-39. Hall. Additions to the Museum Collections in Geology and Palaeon- tology made in Connection with Work on the Geological Map.. Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.75-81. Hall, J. W. Machinery and Methods of Cutting Specimens of Rocks and Fossils. Mus. rep. 85 (for 1881) 1884. p.121-24. 2pl. Hough Collection. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.33-35; 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.82-90. Merrill. Guide to the Study of the Geological Collections of the New York State Museum. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.105-262. 119pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:105-262. 119pl. (phot.) map. Relief map of the State of New York showing the boundaries of the geologic sys- tems, 33x48cm. Synoptical Geological Collection. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:r5-6. Vanuxem. Of the Rocks collected for the State and for the Colleges. Geol. N. Y. pt. 1842. p.304-5. Geologic collections. Nevius, comp. Preliminary List of Public Geolog- ical and Mineralogical Collections in the United States and Canada. Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:45-74 (1st paging). Merrill. Directory of Natural History Museums in United States and Canada. Mus. bul. 62. In press. Geologic map of New York. Geologic Map of the State. 1842. 92x99cm. Issued by the four geologists. _ Geological and Agricultural Map of the State. 1844. 92x107¢em. Printed from same stones in different colors and shows Taconic system of Emmons. It is known as the Emmons map. Hall. Reports on Geological Map of the State of New York. Geol. rep. 4 (for 1884) 1885. p.4-8; 9 (for 1889) 1890. p.16-25; 12 (for 1892) 1898. p.8-13, 25-39; 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.193-94; 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.9-11; 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.7. Mus. rep. 36 (for 1883) 1884. p.12; 38 (for 1884) 1885. p.62-65; 48 (for 1889) 1890. p.218-27; 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.154-59, 171-85; 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.18-14, 387-88; 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:48, 2:9-11; 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:7. Hall. Additions to the Museum Collections in Geology and Palaeon- tology made in Connection with Work on the Geological Map. Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1898. p.75-81. Merrill. Economie and Geologie Map of the State of New York. 59x67em. 1894. Mus. bul. 15. 1895; description, p.865-71. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895, v.1; description, p.365-71 (2d paging). Scale 14 miles to 1 inch. New edition in preparation. SUBJECT INDEX 3885 | Geologic map of New York (continued) Merrill. Geologic Map of New York. 1901. Seale 5 miles to 1 inch. For fuller description, sce p.271. Merrill. Geologic Map, Topographic Sheets. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r13-15. map. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r13-15. map. Map of New York showing atlas sheets surveyed by the United States Geological Survey in cooperation with the state engineer and surveyor, Jan. 1, 1900 (uncolored) 22.5x17.5cm. Merrill. Description of the State Geologic Map of 1901. Mus. bul. 56. 1902. 3835p. Contains a description of earlier geologic maps and their geographic bases. Preparation Suggested. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.11. Heports Preliminary to Construction. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.191-557. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.391-751. —— Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.31-125. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:31-125. —— Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.9-698. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:9-698. — Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.1-27, 171-226. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:1-27, 171-226. Vanuxem. Hxplanation of that Part of the Geological Map of the State which relates to the Third District. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.800-3. See also references under heading Topographic sheets. Geologic maps. Hall. Geological Map of the Middle and Western States. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.681-83. map S2x57.5cem. Merrill. Geological Map of a Part of Southeastern New York showing Distribution of Rocks used as Building Stones. 23x85em. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. description, p.370. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. v.1, description, p.870 (2d paging). Geological Hall. Addresses delivered at the Inauguration August 27, 1856. Mus. rep. 10 (for 1856) 1857. p.11-28. Geological survey, see Natural History Survey of the State of New York;. also following entries. Geological survey, first district. Mather. Annual Report of the First Geological District. Assembly doc. 1837, no. 161, p.61-95 (ed. 2, p.63- 97); 1838, no. 200, p.121-84; 1839, no. 275, p.69-199; 1840, no. 50, p.209- 58; 1841, no. 150, p.59-112. Mather. Geology of New York, pti, comprising the Geology of the First Geological District. 1848. 37+653p. 46pl. sq. Q. Geological survey, second district. Emmons. Annual Report of 2d Geo- logical District. Assembly doc. 1837, no.161, p.97-153 (ed. 2, p.99-155); 1838, no.200, p.185-252; 1839, no.275, p.201-39; 1840, no.50, p.259-353; 1841, no.150, p.113-86. Emmons. Geology of New York, pt2, comprising the Survey of the Second Geological District. 1842. 10+437p. 17pl. sq. Q. Geological survey, third district. Conrad. Annual Report on the Geolog- ical Survey of the Third District. Assembly doc. 1837, no.161, p.155- 86 (ed. 2, p.157-88). Vanuxem. Annual Report on Geological Survey of 3d District. Assem- bly doc. 1838, no.200, p.253-86; 1839, no.275, p.241-85; 1840, no.50, p.3855- 88; 1841, no.150, p.137-47. Vanuxem. Geology of New York, pt8, comprising the Survey of. the Third Geological District. 1842. 3806p. sq. Q. Geological survey, fourth district. Hall. Annual Report of the Fourth Geological District of New York. Assembly doc. 1838, no.200, p.287- 381; 1839, no.275, p.287-347; 1840, no.50, p.889-480; 1841, no.150, p.149-79. Hall. Geology of New York, pt4, comprising the Survey of the Fourth Geological District. 1843. 22+683p. 19pl. map. sq. Q. 386 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Geological survey, fourth district (continued) Hall. Corrected List of the Fossils described in the Report of the 4th Geological District of New York. Mus. rep. 12 (for 1858) 1859. p.87-92. sVanuxem. Annual Report on the Geological Survey of the Fourth Dis- trict. Assembly doc. 18387, no.161, p.187-212 (ed. 2, p.189-214). Geological surveys. Baton. Geological and Agricultural Survey of the District Adjoining the Erie Canal. 1824. 163p. Hall. Geological Surveys Hast of the Mississippi. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.22-28. Geology. Clarke. List of Publications relating to the Geology and Palae- ontology of New York, 1876-98. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.559-97. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.753-91. Gaylord. Geology as connected with Agriculture. Ag. Soc. Trans. 1 (for 1841) 1842, p.273-98. Hall. Geologic and Palaeontologic Knowledge at Beginning of Natural History Survey. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.4-11. Hall. Geological Formations, Theory of Mountain Hilevation, Meta- morphic Rocks, and Other Geological Phenomena. Pal. N. Y. 1859. v.3, introduction. 96p. Hall. Reports as Geologist and Paleontologist. Geol. rep. 1-17 (for 1881-97) 1884-99. Mus. rep. 38-51 (for 1884-97) 1885-99. For page references, see List of publications, p.257. Geol. rep. 18 edited by J. M. Clarke, acting state geologist and paleontologist. Hon later reports of geologist, see Merrill, F. J. H.; of paleontologist, see Clarke, See also note, p.288. Lincklaen. Guide to the Geology of New York and to the State Geolog- ical Cabinet. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.17-84. illus. Merrill. Guide to the Study of the Geological Collections of the New York State Museum. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.105-262. 119pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:105-262. 119pl. (phot.) map. Relief map of the State of New York showing the boundaries of the geologic sys- tem, 33x48cem. Merrill. Geologic Text-books and Books of Reference. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.236-38. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:236-38. Merrill. Reports as Geologist and Director of Museum. Geol. rep. 19-20. Same, Mus. rep. 58-54 (for 1899-1900) 1901-2. For page references, see List of publications, p.261-62. Norton. Hlements of Scientific Agriculture. Ag. Soe. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.602-735. p.728-35 on applications of geology to agriculture. References to Various Hssays and Writings on the Natural Eliane: of New York. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.159; 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.116; 5 (for 1851) 1852. p.56. Roberts. On the Advantages of Geology to Agricullure. Ag. Soc. Trans. 8 (for 1848) 1849. p.362-65. Tarr. Laboratory Methods of Instruction in @ovlon and Physical Geog- raphy. Regents rep. 108 (for 1894) 1895. 2:992-1011. Winchell. Geology and Culture. Regents rep. 102 (for 1888) 1889. p.69-85. ; See also Hconomic geology; Geologic map of New York; Geological suryey; New York series; also names of rock formations and localities. Georgian. Clarke & Schuchert. Georgian. See New York series. Merrill. Georgian. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.143-44. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:143-44. 3 Gibbsite. Beck. Gibbsite. Min. rep. (for 1836) 1837. p.58-59 (ed. 2, p.60-61). Min. N. Y. 1842. p.820. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.136. Whitlock. Gibbsite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.78. Gieseckite. Hunt. Gieseckite. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.79-80. SUBJECT INDEX 387 _ Gipsy moth. Felt. Gipsy Moth. Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.955-62 (Mus. bul. 86). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:955-62. Lintner. Gipsy Moth. Ent. rep. 9 (for 1892) 1898. p.422-26. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.422-26. Glacial deposits, see Drift; Pleistocene; Quaternary system. Glacial lakes. Fairchild. Glacial Lakes. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r135-89. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r135-39. Map of the shore line and area of Lake Iroquois, 60x41.5cm. Fairchild. Latest and Lowest Pre-Iroquois Channels between. Syracuse and Rome. Geol. rep. 21 (for 1901). Jn press. Grabau. Lacustrine Period. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.57-65. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:57-65. Glass manufacture. Ries. Glass Making. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.385. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:385. —— —— Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.653-54. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:653-54. Glass sand. Merrill. Glass Sand. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.552. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:552 (2d paging). — Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.225. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:225. Glauber’s salt. Beck. Glauber’s Salt (sulphate of soda). Min. rep. (for 1838) 18389. p.16. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.196-97. Glucina. Beck. Glucina. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.374-77. Mus. rep. 3, rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.145-46. Gneiss. Conrad. Gneiss. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.158-59 (ed. 2, p.160-61). Cushing. Gneisses of Clinton County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.475. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.669. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.506-73. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:506-73. : Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r42. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901 1:42. Cushing. Gneisses of Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.8-12. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:8-12. Cushing. Gneisses of Franklin County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.89-89. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:89-99. Cushing. Gneisses of Franklin and St Lawrence Counties. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r25-82. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:125-82. Including analyses. Eckel. Quarries in Southeastern New York. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r151-61. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r151-61. Emmons. Gneiss, Hornblende and Granular Limestone. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 18386) 1837. p.113-16 (ed. 2, p.115-18). Emmons. Metals in Gneiss. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.148 (ed. 2, p.150). Emmons. Gneiss. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.75-79. Emmons. Gneiss of Essex County. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.226. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.229-31. Emmons. Gneiss of St Lawrence County. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.194-95. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.340-41. Finlay. Field Work in the Town of Minerva, Essex Co. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r96-102. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r96-102. Gale. Granite and Gneiss of New York County. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.192. Kemp. Gneisses of Essex County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.444-72. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.638-66. 388 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Gneiss (continued) ‘ ’ Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.579-608. Same, Mus. rep. 49 ~ (for 1895) 1898. 2:579-608. Kemp. Geology of Moriah and Westport Townships, Hssex County. Mus. bul. 14. 1895. p.325-40. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. — 1:325-40 (2d paging). Kemp. Gneiss of Lake Placid Region. Mus. bul. 21. 1898. p.55-57, 61. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:55-57, 61. Kemp & Newland. Gneisses of Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) © 1899. p.510-52. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:510-52. } Kemp, Newland & Hill. Gneisses of Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.142-62. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:142-62. - Kemp & Hill. Gneiss of Fulton County. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r29-32. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r29-32. | Kemp & Hill. Gneiss of Montgomery and Fulton Counties. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r83-35. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r33-35. Kemp & Hill. Gneiss of Saratoga County. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r28-29. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:1728-29. Kemp & Hill. Gneiss of Warren County. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r23, r25, r28. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:723, 125, r28. Mather. Gneiss of Long Island. (Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.138. Mather. Granite, Gneiss and Granular Quartz of Columbia and Dutchess Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.172-73. Mather. Gneiss of New York, Westchester and Putnam Counties. Geol. rep. Ist dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.85-86. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.529-31. Mather. Gneiss of Rockland and Orange Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.128-29. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.537-38. Merrill. Directory of Quarrymen. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.452. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:452 (2d paging). Merrill. Definition. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.125. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:125. ; Prosser & Cumings. Gneisses of Littie Falls. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.682-33. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:632-33. Ries. Gneisses of Orange County. . Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.399- 400, 413-14, 446-56. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:399-400, 418-14, 446-56. é Smock. Gneiss. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.10-12; 10. 1890. p.204. — revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.874-75. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:374-75 (2d paging). —— revised by Merrill. Mus, bul. 19. 1898. p.183-84. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:183-84. Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.25-36; 10. 1890. p.228-34. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.3875-80. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:375-80 (2d paging). Smyth. Gneiss of St Lawrence and Jefferson Counties. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.4938-98. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.687-92. Smyth. Gneisses of St Lawrence County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.485-97. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:485-97. Smyth. Origin of the Gneisses. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.485-97. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:485-97. Smyth. Gneisses of Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.471-97. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:471-97. —— —— Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.132-35. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:132-35. SUBJECT INDEX 389 Gneiss (continued) Smyth. Gneiss in the Vicinity of the St Lawrence River. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r86-98. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r86-98. Vanuxem. Gneiss. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.282. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.17-21. Vanuxem. Gneiss in Herkimer County. Geol. N. Y. pt3: 1842. p.255. Vanuxem. Gneiss in Lewis County. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.265. Vanuxem. Gneiss in Montgomery County. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.262-68. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.249. Watson. Gneiss of Hssex County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 12 (for 1852) 1853. p.779. See also Crystalline rocks; Fordham gneiss; Primary rocks; Syenites;' ‘) Yonkers gneiss. Gothite. Whitlock. Gothite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.76-77. Gold. Beck. Gold. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.452. Hunt. Gold. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.91-92. Nevius. The Sacandaga Mining and Milling Co. and the Sutphen Process. Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:r82-87. pl. (phot.) Whitlock. Gold. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.49. Goniatite limestone, see Agoniatite limestone. Goniatitidae, see Cephalopoda (paleozoic). Gould collection. Gould Collection of Shells. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.9. List of the Unionidae of the Gould Collection. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.68-81. Gould types of Mollusca. Gould Types of Mollusca in State Museum Collection. Mus. rep. 27 (for 1878) 1875. p.47-55. Grain moth. Lintner. Grain Moth. Hnt. rep. 2 (for 1882 and 1883) 1885. p.102-10. —— —— nt. rep. 10 (for 1894) 1895. p.877-86. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:377-86 (1st paging). Grains. Felt. Insects Infesting. Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.844-46. (Mus. bul. 53). Ent. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.106-8. In press. Fitch. Insects Infesting Grains. Ag. Soc. Trans. 15 (for 1855) 1856. p.509-54 (rep. 2. sep. ed. p.277-322). ——-—— Ag. Soc. Trans. 20 (for 1860) 1861. p.745-868 (rep.6. sep. ed. p.3-126). Ag. Soc. Trans. 21 (for 1861) 1862. p.813-59 (rep.7. sep. ed. p.127-73). Ag. Soc. Trans. 22 (for 1862) 1863. p.685-86 (rep.8. sep. ed. p.203-4). Granite. Cushing. Granite of Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.12. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:12. Cushing. Granites of Franklin County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.114-17. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:114-17. Hekel, Quarries in Southeastern New York. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r151-65. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r151-65. Emmons. Metals in Granite. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1887. p.148 (ed. 2, p.150). Hmmons. Granite. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.23-26. Emmons. Granite of Essex County. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 18386) 1837. p.109-138 (ed. 2, p.111-15); (for 1837) 1888. p.220-23. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.225. Granite (continued) 390 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Emmons. Granite of St Lawrence County. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.195-96. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.337-40. Hmmons. Granite of Warren County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.173-75. Fitch. Granite of Washington County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.822 Gale. Granite and Gneiss of New York County. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1888) 1839. p.192. Hall. Granites, including Sienites, Gneiss, or Gneissoid and Sienitic Rocks, their Geological Position and Geographical Distribution. Mus. rep. 39 (for 1885) 1886. p.190-93. ; Kemp. Granite of Lake Placid Region. Mus. bul. 21. 1898. p.54-55. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:54-55. Mather. Granite of Staten Island. Geol. rep. Ist dist. (for 1837) 18388. p.139. Mather. Granite, Gneiss and Granular Quartz of Columbia and Dutchess Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.172-738. Mather. Granite of New York, Westchester, Dutchess and Putnam Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.80-85. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.525-28. Mather. Granite of Rockland and Orange Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1889. p.127-28. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.535-36. Merrill. Directory of Quarrymen. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.451-52. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:451-52 (2d paging). Merrill. Granites of Southeastern New York. Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:30 (ist paging). Merrill. Road Materials. Mus, bul. 17. 1897. p.104-5. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:104-5 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.204-5. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:204-5. Ries. Granites of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.405-10. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:405-10. Smock. Granite. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.9-12; 10. 1890. p.202-6. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.872-75. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:372-75 (2d paging). —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.181-84. Same, Mus. _ rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:181-84. Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.25-36; 10. 1890. p.228-34. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.375-80. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:375-80 (2d paging). Smock. Microscopic Structure. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.360-61. Smock. Tests; Durability; Causes of Decay. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.364-89. Smyth. Granite of St Lawrence and Jefferson Counties. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.493, 494. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.687, 688. Vanuxem. Gneiss and Granite. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.17-21. Vanuxem. Gneiss and Granite in Herkimer County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.255. Vanuxem. Gneiss and Granite in Lewis County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.265. Vanuxem. Gneiss and Granite in Oneida County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.259. See also Crystalline rocks. ; ; Grape-seed fly. Lintner. Grape-seed Fly.. Mus. rep. 30 (for 1876) 1878. p.1386-40. Soy ~ ee OS ee ee eee Ce er Or SUBJECT INDEX 391 Grapevine beetle. Lintner. Light-loving Grapevine Beetle. Ent. rep. 10 (for 1894) 1895. p.408-10. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:408-10 (ist paging). Grapevine plume moth. Fitch. Grapevine Plume Moth. Ag. Soc. Trans. 14 (for 1854) 1855. p.843-47 (rep.1. sep. ed. p.189-43). Lintner. Grapevine Plume Moth. Ent. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.218-22. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:218-22 (1st paging). Grapevine root worm. Felt. Grapevine Root Worm. Mus. bul. 59. 1902. p.49-84. illus. 1pl.(lith.) 5pl.(phot.) Graphite. Beck. Graphite or Pluinbago. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.14-15. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.96-98, 186-87. Mus. rep. 8 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.118. Clinton. Graphite of Ticonderoga. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1830. 1:233-35. ) Hmmons. Black Lead: Graphite. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.220-21. Hmmons. Graphite or Black Lead in Warren County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.177. Fitch. Graphite of Washington County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.823. Hunt. Graphite or Plumbago. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.92-97. Mather. Plumbago in Dutchess County. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.176. Merrill. Graphite. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.552. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:552 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.224. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:224. Nason. Graphite. Mus. bul. 4. 1888. p.9, 18, 15. Vanuxem. Plumbago in Lewis County. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.267. Watson. Graphite of Essex County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 12 (for 1852) 1853. p.778-79, 786-87. ; Whitlock. Graphite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.47-48. Graptolite shales, see Normanskill shales; Utica shale. Graptolitidae, see Hydrozoa (paleozoic). Grasshoppers, see Orthoptera. Gravels. Bishop. Sand and Gravel of Erie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.345. Same, Mus. rep. 49. (for 1895) 1898. 2:345. Nason. Gravels, Sands and Clays of Albany County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.266-77. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.460-71. See also Pleistocene. Gray sandstone. Emmons. Grey Sandstone. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.123-26. Hmmons. Grey Sandstone of Jefferson County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.406-7. Hall. Oneida Conglomerate and Grey Sandstone. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.31. Vanuxem. Gray ‘Sandstone of Cayuga. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1858) 1839. p.246. Vanuxem. Grey Sandstone of Oswego. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.67-70. Vanuxem. Grey Sandstone in Lewis County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.265, 269. Vanuxem. Grey Sandstone in Oneida County. Geol. N. Y. pt38. 1842. p.261. Vanuxem. Grey Sandstone in Oswego County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.270. 392 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Gray sparry crinoidal limestone. Conrad. Gray Sparry Crinoidal Lime- stone. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.180-81 (ed. 2, p.182-83). Vanuxem. Gray Sparry Crinoidal Limestone. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.274-75. See also Onondaga limestone. Gray sparry limestone (Birdseye). Conrad. Gray Sparry Limestone of the Mohawk Valley. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.162-63 (ed. 2, p.164-65). See also Birdseye limestone. Graywacke. Horton. Graywacke of Orange County. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1889. p.145-47. Morse. Great Greywacke Region of the State of New York. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1829. 1:84-85. See also Hamilton group; Hudson river group; Marcellus shales; Onon- daga salt group; Utica shale. Green shales. Vanuxem. Green Shale and its Sandstone. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1887) 1888. p.257, 283-84. See also Frankfort slates; Hudson river group. Greene county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.67-68. Dickinson. Bluestone Quarries. Mus. bul. 61. Jn press. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Ent. rep. 15 (for 1899). 1900. p.560. (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:560. —— Unt. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1010-11. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1010-11. —— Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.784. (Mus. bul. 53). —— —— Ent. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.148. Jn press. Marshall. Report on a Deposit of Marl and Peat in the Town of New Baltimore. Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.46-52. Mather. Economical Geology. Geol. rep. ist dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.213-58. Mather. Hudson River Group. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.372-74. Mather. Dip and Strike of Rocks. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.620. Merrill. Hudson River Bluestone Quarrymen. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.461. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:461 (2d paging). Prosser. Hamilton, Sherburne and Ithaca Formations. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.264-88. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:264-88. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.188, 189-90, 246. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:188, 189-90, 246 (2d paging). —— Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.702-8, 704. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:702-3, 704. Ries. Limestones. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.487. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:437. —— —— revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.786-87. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:786-87. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.52-54; 10. 1890. p.259. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.894. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:394 (2d paging). Greenockite. Whitlock. Greenockite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.55. Greenstone. Emmons. Trap; Greenstone Trap. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.82-84. Hmmons. Greenstone. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:42. Gale. Greenstone of New York County. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.190-91. Mather. Greenstone. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.532-33, 539-40. * " e Me Se SUBJECT INDEX 393. Grenville series. Cushing. Grenville Series. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.10-11. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:10-11. —— —— Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.92-95. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:92-95. ° —— —— Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r79-81. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r79-81. Grey band of Rochester, see Oneida conglomerate. Grit slate. Conrad. Grit Slate. Pal. rep. (for 1840) 1841. p.31. See also Schoharie grit. aGuelph formation. Clarke & Schuchert. Guelph Dolomite. See New York series. Clarke & Ruedemann. Guelph Formation and Fauna in Western New York. Mus. mem. 5. Jn press. Ries. Guelph Limestone. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.3864. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:364. —— —— Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.759. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:759. Ries. Guelph Limestone of Monroe County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.441-42. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:441-42. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.794, 795-96. ‘Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:794, 795-96. Ries. Guelph Limestone of Orleans County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.810. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:810. Gypseous deposits. Conrad. Gypseous Shales. Pal. rep. (for 1888) 1889. p.63; (for 1839) 1840. p.202; (for 1840) 1841. p.31. Hall. Gypseous Marls and Slates. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.303-7. Vanuxem. Gypseous Deposit. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.252-61. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.98-107, 278-83, 287. See also Onondaga salt group; Salina group. Gypseous marl. Hall. Gypseous Marl in Wayne County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.3820-21. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.418. See also Onondaga salt group. Gypsum. Beck. Gypsum. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.31-37. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.61-67, 237-38. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.127. Conrad. Gypsum. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.179 (ed. 2, p.181). Hall. Gypsum; Plaster, in Monroe County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837): 1838. p.340-42. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.430-31. Hall. Gypsum in Ontario County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.304-6. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.453-55, 457. Hall. Gypsum in Seneca County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.291-93. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.449-50. Hall. Gypsum in Wayne County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.325-26. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.421. Luther. Sulphate of Lime or Gypsum. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.266-67. ‘Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:266-67. Mather. Sulphates of Lime, Alumina, ete. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.83-85. Merrill. Salt and Gypsum Industries of New York. Mus. bul. 11. 1893. 89p. 12pl. (phot.) 2maps, litab. Map of New York showing salt wells and mines and gypsum quarries, 38-55cm. Map of western salt field of New York, 52.5x32.5cm. Chart of well sections. abstract. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.545-51. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:545-51 (2d paging). aTerm first defined by Bell. Described by Logan. Can. Geol. Surv. 1863. p. 298-344. 894 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Gypsum (continued) Merrill. Gypsum; Directory of Producers. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.550-51. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:550-51 (2d paging). Merrill. Gypsum. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.224. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:224. Parsons. Recent Developments in the Gypsum Industry in New York State. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r177-83. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r177-83. Whitlock. Gypsum. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.126-27. Gypsum group, see Onondaga salt group. Halite, see Salt. Halotrichite. Beck. Alumina-sulphate of Iron. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.400. Hamilton county. Hmmons. Hamilton County. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.224-80. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.414-17. Hmmons. Survey in Interior of Hamilton, Essex and Franklin Counties. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.113-33. Kemp & Newland. Preliminary Report on the Geology of Washington, Warren and Parts of Essex and Hamilton Counties. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.499-553. pl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:499-553. pl. (phot.) maps (uncolored). Kemp, Newland & Hill. Preliminary Report on the Geology of Hamilton, Warren and Washington Counties. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.137-62. maps (uncolored). Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:137- 62. maps (uncolored). Hamilton group. Bishop. Hamilton Group of Erie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.315-20, 390. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2::315-20, 390. Clarke. Hamilton Group in Ontario County. Geol. rep. 4 (for 1884) 1885. p.11-19. Clarke. Annelid Teeth from the Lower Portion of the Hamilton Group and from the Naples Shales of Ontario County, N. Y. Geol. rep. 6 (for 1886) 1887. p.30-32, 1pl. : Delafield. Hamilton Group of Seneca County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 10 (for 1850) 1851. p.452-57. Dickinson. Quarries of Bluestones and other Sandstones. Mus. bul. 61. In press. Evans. Hamilton Group of Madison County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 11 (for 1851) 1852. p.699. Geddes. Hamilton Group of Onondaga County. Ag. Soe. Trans. 19 (for 1859) 1860. p.253. Grabau. Faunas of the Hamilton Group of Highteen-mile Creek and Vicinity. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.227-339. pl. (phot.) 3tab. map. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:227-339. pl. (phot.) 3tab. map. Map of the township of Hamburg, Erie co. (uncolored) 18x24.5em. Hall. Hamilton Group. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.184-211. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:45-48. Hall. Hamilton Group in Erie County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.162-64. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.472-73. Hall. Hamilton Group in Genesee County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.429. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.467. ; Hall. Hamilton Group in Livingston County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.421. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.462. Hall. Hamilton Group in Ontario County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.812-138. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.457. Hall. Hamilton’ Group in Seneca County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.296-300. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.451. | * x - J y r. ’ SUBJECT INDEX 39 Or \ Hamilton group (continued) Hall. Hamilton Group in Tompkins County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.475. Hall. Hamilton Group in Yates County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.\815-17. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.458. Hall. Organic Remains. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.195-210. Mus. rep. 10 (for 1856) 1857. p.135-69, 171-80. Hall. Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Hamilton Group of Western New York, with notices of others from the same horizon in Iowa and Indiana. Mus. rep. 13 (for 1859) 1860. p.76-94. illus.; 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.181-91, 195. Hall. Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Upper Helder- berg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups, with observations upon pre- viously described species. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.99-109; 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.27-155. illus. 11pl. Hall. Deseriptions of New Species of Brachiopoda from the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 18638. p.19-37. Hall. On the Occurrence of Crustacean Remains of the Genera Ceratio- earis and Dithyrocaris, with a notice of some new species from the Hamilton group and Genesee slate. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1863. p.71-75. Hall. Fossil Brachiopoda of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. Pal. N. Y. 1867. v.4. 428p. 99pl. Hall. Illustrations of Devonian Fossils of the Upper Helderberg, Ham- ilton and Chemung Groups. 1876. Hall. Gasteropoda, Pteropoda, and Cephalopoda of the Upper Helder- berg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5. pt2. 492p.; (v.1, text, v.2, 120pl.); 1888. v.7, supplement. 42p. 18pl. Hall. Bryozoans of the Upper Helderberg and Hamilton Groups. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1888. 10:145-97. Read by title before the Albany Institute, Mar. 29, 1881. Hall. Bryozoa (Fenestellidae) of the Hamilton Group. Mus. rep. 36 (for 1882) 1883. p.57-72. Geol. rep. 6 (for 1886) 1887. p.41-70. 7pl. Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. pl.8-15. Hall. Preliminary Notice of the Lamellibranchiate Shells of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups (preparatory for the Palaeontology of New York). Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.215-406¢g. Hall. Lamellibranchiata: Monomyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Hamil- ton and Chemung Groups. Pal. N. Y. 1884. y.5. ptl. 268p. 45pl.; Dimyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5. pti. D. 269-561. 51pl. Hall. Descriptions of Bryozoans of the Hamilton Group (Fenestellidae excepted). Geol. rep. 3 (for 1883) 1884. p.5-61. Hall & Simpson. Corals aie Bryozoa of the Hamilton Group. Pal. INSEE 1887. 6:175-292. p1.55-66. - Hall & Clarke. Trilobites and other Crustacea of the Oriskany, Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage, Chemung and Catskill Groups. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.7. 236p. 46pl. Lincklaen. nator Group; Fossils. .-Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.65-68. Luther. Hamilton Group. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.216-19. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:216-19. Luther. Hamilton Group in Livonia Salt Shaft. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p. 39, 42-45. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.233, 236-39. Luther. Hamilton Group of Onondaga County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.279-84. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:279-84. 396 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Hamilton group (continued) Mather. Hamilton Group. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.317. Merrill. Hamilton Group. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.162-64. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:162-G64. Prosser. Classification and Distribution of the Hamilton and Chemung ; Series of Central and Eastern New York. Pti, Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.12-18, 83-222. pl. (phot.) map. Pt2, Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) | 1899. p.65-315. pl. (phot.) map. Same, Pti, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. | 2312-18, 83-222. pl. (phot.) map. Pt2, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. i 2:63-315. pl. (phot.) map. Pt 1 Geologic map of parts of Chenango, Madison, Otsego, Schoharie and Albany counties, 58x33.5em. Pt 2 Map showing distribution of middle and upper Devonian rocks in central- eastern New York, 61x38.5em.; map of Delaware county, by W. L. Fisher, 34x32cm. Ries. Hamilton Group of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.403-4. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:403-4. Smock. Hamilton Group. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.17-18; 10. 1890. p.222-23. —— —— revised by/Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.887-88. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:387-88 (2d paging). —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.191-92. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:191-92. Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.71-85; 10. 1890: p.265-75. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.400-8. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:400-8 (2d paging). aVanuxem. Hamilton Group. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.380. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.150-63. : Vanuxem. Hamilton Group in Broome County. Geol. N. Le pts. 1842. p.295. Vanuxem. Hamilton Group in Cayuga County. Geol. N. Y¥. pts. 1842. p.288-89. Vanuxem. Hamilton Group in Chenango County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.292-938. Vanuxem. Hamilton Group in Cortland County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.290. Vanuxem. Hamilton Group in Madison County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.275-T77. Vanuxem. Hamilton Group in Oneida County. Geol. N. Y. pt. 1842. p.264. Vanuxem. Hamilton County in Onondaga County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.285. Vanuxem. Hamilton Group in Otsego County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.254. Vanuxem. Hamilton Group in Tompkins County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.298. Vanuxem. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.151-53, 158-63, 306. See also Hamilton shales; Marcellus shales; Tully limestone. Hamilton shales. Bishop. Hamilton Shales of Erie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.816-20. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:316-20. Clarke. Hamilton Shales of Ontario County. Geol. rep. 4 (for 1884) 1885. p.12-17. Clarke & Schuchert. Hamilton Beds. See New York series. Darton. Hamilton Flags and Shales; Hamilton Black Shales in Albany County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.240-42. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.434-36. es a lie a¥First use of term. SUBJECT INDEX 397 Hamilton shales (continued) Darton. Hamilton Shales of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.3800-1. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.494-95. Emmons. Hamilton Shales. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:183-86. Grabau. Hamilton Shales. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.235-36. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:235-36. Lincoln. Hamilton Shales of Seneca County. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.93-95. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:93-95. Luther. Hamilton Shales of Onondaga County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.280-82. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:280-82. Luther. Hamilton Shales of the Salt District. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.217-19. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:217-19. Merrill. Hamilton Shale. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.163. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:168. Ries. Hamilton Shale. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.693-94. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:693-94. revised. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.831-34. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:831-34. Harlem quadrangle. Woodworth. Harlem Quadrangle. Mus. bul. 48. 1901. p.648-50. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:648-50. Harmatome. Beck. Harmatome. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.451. Harrison diorite. Eckel. Quarries. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r165-66. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r165-66. Merrill. Harrison Diorite. Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:30 (1st paging). Hartz mountains. Clarke. The Hercynian Question. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.62-91. Same, Mus. rep. 42. (for 1888) 1889. p.408-37. Heavy spar, see Barite. Helderberg division. Denniston. Helderberg Division in Orange County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 22 (for 1862) 1863. p.155. 2 Emmons. Helderberg Series. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.100, 429. Emmons. Helderberg Division. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:153-79. Hall. Helderberg Series. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.18, 117-76. aMather. Helderberg Limestone Group. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.212, 236-46; (for 1840) 1841. p.85-89. Mather. Helderberg Division. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.324-53. Mather. Fossils. -Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.824, 388, 337-53. Mather. Hconomical Applications. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.326-30. Vanuxem. Helderberg Division. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.15-16, 94-146. ‘Helderberg limestones (Coeymans; Becraft; Scutella; Lower Helderberg; Lower Pentamerus). Clarke. Hercynian Question. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.62-91. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.408-37. Clarke. Devonic Age of the Helderbergian Fauna and the Base of the Devonie System in New York. Mus. mem. 38. 1900. p.82-98. Same, Mus. rep. 538 (for 1899) 1901. 2:82-98. Clarke. Helderbergian Fauna. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.665-66. aConrad. Helderberg Limestones. Pal. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.62. Darton. Report on the Relations of the Helderberg Limestones and Associated Formations in Eastern New York. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.197-228. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.391- 422. pl. (phot.) - Merrill. Helderberg Rocks. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.156-57. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:156-57. a¥irst use of term. 398 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Helderberg limestones (continued) ¢ Ries. Helderberg Limestones. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.364-70. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:364-70. Ries. Lower Helderberg Limestones. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.759-64. Same, ; Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:759-64. : Ries. Helderberg Limestone of Albany County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.429-31. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:429-31. Ries. Lower Helderberg Limestone of Albany County. Mus. bul. 44. ; 1901. p.770-72. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:770-72. , Ries. Lower Helderberg Limestone of Cayuga County. Mus. bul. 44. j 1901. p.773-74. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:773-74. ; Ries. Helderberg Limestone of Genesee County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. 2 p.783-85. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:783-85. f Ries. Lower Helderberg Limestone of Greene County. Mus. bul. 44. — 1901. p.786. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:786. Y Ries. Helderberg Limestones of Herkimer County. Geol. rep. 17 (for : 1897) 1899. p.488. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:438. y — revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.788. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for : 1900) 1902. 3:788. : Ries. Helderberg Limestones of Livingston County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.792. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:792. Ries. Lower Helderberg Limestone of Madison County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.798. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:793. Ries. Helderberg Limestones of Oneida County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.445. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:445. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.801-8. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:801-3. Ries. Helderberg Limestones of Onondaga County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.447-48. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:447-48. Ries. Lower Helderberg Limestone of Onondaga County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.803-6. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:803-6. Ries. Lower Helderberg Limestones of Ontario County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.807-8. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:807-8. Ries. Helderberg Limestones of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.401-2. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:401-2. Ries. Lower Helderberg Limestones of Orange and Rockland Counties. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.810. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:810. Ries. Helderberg Limestones of Schoharie County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.816. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:816. See also Becraft limestone; Coeymans limestone; Helderberg division; Lower Helderberg group; Scutella limestone. Helderberg sandstones. aConrad. Helderberg Sandstones. Pal. rep. (for 1838) 18389. p.62. Helderbergian (Lower Helderberg). Clarke & Schuchert. Helderbergian. Mus. mem. 8. 1900. p.10. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:10. Helderbergs. Hall. Rocks of the Helderberg Mountains. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:97-98. Prosser & Rowe. Stratigraphic Geology of the Hastern Helderbergs. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.829-54. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2::329-54. pl. (phot.) Prosser. Sections of the Formations along the Northern End of the Helderberg Plateau. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.51-72. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:51-72. pl. (phot.) . a¥First use of term. SUBJECT INDEX 399 Hell Gate. Meriam. Description of the Means employed to remove the Rocks at Hurlgate by Submarine Hngineering. Mus. rep. 5 (for 1851) 1852. p.59-64. illus. Hematite. Beck. Specular Iron Ore. Min. rep. (for 1836) 1837. p.28-32 (ed. 2, p.80-34); (for 1838) 18389. p.46. Min. N. Y. 1842. p. 23-26, 385-86. Conrad. Red Oxide of Iron and Associated Strata. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.176-77 (ed. 2, p.178-79). Emmons. Specular Oxide of Iron. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.206-8. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.92-98. Hmmons. Hematitic Iron, or Limonite. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.161-62. Emmons. Iron Ores of the Primary District of St Lawrence County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.341-47. Emmons. Specular Oxide of Iron in Jefferson County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.376-77. Hall. Specular Oxide of Iron. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1886) 1837. p.186- 38 (ed. 2, p.138-40). Hunt. Hematite. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.88-89. Merrill. Localities in New York. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.548. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:543 (2d paging). Salisbury. Analysis of a Specimen of Hematitic Iron Ore. Mus. rep. 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.111. Smock. Hematite Ores of St Lawrence and Jefferson Counties. Mus. bul. 7. 1889. p.10-11, 44-48. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.537-88. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:587-88 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.219. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:219. Smyth. Hematites of St Lawrence and Jefferson Counties. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.498-511. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.692-705. Vanuxem. Specular Iron Ore of Lewis County. Geol. N. Y. pt38. 1842. p.267. Whitlock. Hematite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. pd 72. See also Clinton ores; Iron ores. : Hemiptera. Additions to Collection. Ent. rep. 3, p.141-42; 4, p.208; 5, p.326; 6, p.189; 7, p.883-84; 8, p.299; 9, p.463-64; 10, p.512, 517-19; 11, p-287-88; 12, p.363; 18, p.874; 14, p.259-62; 15, p.613-18; 16, p.1042-45; 17, p.820-24; 18, p.174-77. For dates of reports, see List of publications, p.264. Fitch. Catalogue with References and Descriptions of the Insects col- lected and arranged for the State Cabinet of Natural History. Mus. rep. 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.43-69. On the Homoptera. Reprinted in Ent. rep. 9 and Mus. rep. 46, p. 381-409. Lintner. Species Treated. Wnt. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1882. p.264-88. Ent. rep. 2 (for 1882 and 1883) 1885. p.144-87. —— —— Ent. rep. 3 (for 1886) 1887. p.107-28. Same, Mus. rep. 40 (for 1886) 1887. p.107-28. Ent. rep. 4 (for 1887) 1888. p.107-21, 156-58. Same, Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.227-41, 276-78. Ent. rep. 5 (for 1888) 1889. p.242-57. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.242-57. - —— —— Ent. rep. 6 (for 1889) 1890. p.137-48. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1889) 1890. p.137-48. Ent. rep. 7 (for 1890) 1891. p.296-301, 317-18. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.296-301; 317-18. Hnt. rep. 8 (for 1891) 1898. p.152-55. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for » 1891) 1892. p.152-55. 400 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Hemiptera (continued) : Ent. rep. 9 (for 1892) 1893. p.815-29. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 18938. p.3815-29. —— —— Ent. rep. 10 (for 1894) 1895. p.420-39. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:420-39 (1st paging). ———— Ent. rep. 11 (for 1895) 1896. p.198-233. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:198-233. —— —— Ent. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.272-98. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:272-98 (1st paging). , —— —— Ent. rep. 13 (for 1897) 1898. p.3851-57. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:351-57. ! Say. Heteropterus Hemiptera. Ag. Soc. Trans. 17 (for 1857) 1858. p.754- — 5 = i Species ’ ie The following list of species includes only the more important accounts by Lintner in Hnt. rep. 1-13; by Felt in Ag. Soc. Trans. 59, Forest, Fish and Game Com. reports. ‘ Acanthia lectularia. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59, p.299-300. Blissus leucopterus. Ent. rep. 2, p.148-64. Chermes pinicorticis. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. In press. Cicada septendecim. WHnt. rep. 12, p.272-89. Same, Mus. rep. 50, 1:272-89 (1st paging). Lygus pratensis. Ent. rep. 18, p.351-57. Same, Mus. rep. 51, 1:351-57. Poecilocapsus lineatus. Hnt. rep. 1, p.271-81. Psylla pyricola. Hnt. rep. 9, p.317-29. Same, Mus. rep. 46, p.317-29. Hemiptera. Scale insects. Felt. Experiments on Scale Insects. Hnt. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.967-88 (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:967-88. —— —— Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.761-75. (Mus. bul. 58). —— Ent. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.126-43. In press. Felt. Scale Insects of Importance and a List of the Species in New York. Mus. bul. 46. 1901. p.289-377. 7pl. (lith.) Spl. phot. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:289-877. Tpl. (ith.) Spl. (phot.) Lintner. Species Treated. Ent. rep. 4 (for 1887) 1888. p.114-20. Same, Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.234-40. Ent. rep. 6 (for 1889) 1890. p.141-47. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1889) 1890. p.141-47. : Ent. rep. 11 (for 1895) 1896. p.200-33. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:200-33. Ent. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.292-98. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) — 1898. 1:292-98 (1st paging). Species The following list of species includes only the more important accounts by Lintner in Ent. rep. 1-13, Mus. bul. 13; by Felt in Ent. rep. 14-18, Ag. Soe. Trans. 59, Forest, Fish and Game Com. reports, Mus. bul. 20, 27, 46. Aspidiotus ancylus. Putnam’s scale insect. Mus. bul. 46, p.32630. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:326-30. ; Aspidiotus forbesi. Cherry scale insect. Mus. bul. 46, p.330-82. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:330-32. Aspidiotus hederae. Ivy scale insect. Ent. rep. 11. p.203-4. Same, Mus. rep. 49, 1:203-4. Mus. bul. 46, p.333-36. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:333-36. Aspidiotus ostreaeformis. European fruit tree scale insect. Mus. bul. 46, p.323-26. Same, Mus. rep.54, 4:323-26. Aspidiotus perniciosus. San José scale insect. Ent. rep. 11, p.200-33. Same, Mus. rep. 49, 1:200-33. SUBJECT INDEX 401 Hemiptera. Scale insects (continued) Mus. bul. 13, p.263-305. Same, Mus. rep. 48, 1:263-305 (2d paging). —— Ent. rep. 16, p.967-88. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 2:967-88. —— Mus. bul. 46, p.304-23, 336-42. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:304-23, 336-42. —— Ent. rep. 17, p.761-75. (Mus. bul. 53). Ent. rep. 18, p.126-43. In press. ‘Chionaspis furfura. Scurfy bark louse. Mus. bul. 46, p.300-4. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:300-4. ‘Chionaspis pinifoliae. Pine leaf scale insect. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. Jn press. . ‘Gossyparia ulmi. Elm tree bark louse. Ent. rep. 12, p.292-98. Same, Mus. rep. 50, 1:292-98. —— Mus. bul. 20, p.16-18. Same, Mus. rep. 52, 1:16-18. -—— Mus. bul. 27, p.46. Same, Mus. rep. 53, 1:46. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 5, p.375-79. Lecanium tulipiferae. Tulip tree scale insect. Ent. rep.’ 14, p.213-16. (Mus. bul. 23). Same, Mus. rep. 52, 1:213-16. Mytilaspis pomorum. Appletree bark louse. Ent. rep. 4, p.114-20. Same, Mus. rep. 41, p.234-40. — Mus. bul. 46, p.297-300. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:297-300. Pulvinaria innumerabilis. Cottony maple tree insect. Ent. rep. 6, p.141-47. Same, Mus. rep. 43, p.141-47. — Mus. bul. 27, p.52. Same, Mus. rep. 53, 1:52. —— Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 4, p.393-95. Hempstead quadrangle. Woodworth. Hempstead Quadrangle. Mus. bul. 48. 1901. p.618. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:618. Hepatic springs, see Sulfur springs. ‘Hercynian question. Clarke. The Hercynian Question. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.62-91. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.408-37. See also Helderberg limestones. Herkimer county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.69-70. Cushing. Pre-Cambrian Outlier at Little Falls. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r83-95. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r83-95. Darton. Geology of the Mohawk Valley in Herkimer, Fulton, Mont- gomery and Saratoga Counties. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.407-29. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 47. (for 1898) 1894. p.601-23. pl. (phot.) Darton. Faulted Region. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.11-12, 31-53. pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:11-12, 31-53. pl. (phot.) map. \ Preliminary geologic map of portions of Herkimer, Fulton, Montgomery, Saratoga and adjacent counties (uncolored) 28.5x16.5cm. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Hnt. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.561. (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:561. Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1011-12. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1011-12. Hnt. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.784-86. (Mus. bul. 58). —— Ent. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.148-49. In press. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.197, 198, 246. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:197, 198, 246 (2d paging). —— —— Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.7138, 714. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:713, 714. Ries. Limestones. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.487-89. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:487-39. - revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.787-89. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:787-89. i 4()2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Herkimer county (continued) Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.32, 71, 112-13; 10: 1880. p.2382, 246, 250, 278. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.878, 395-96, 489, 443. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:378, 395-96, 439, 448 (2d paging): Vanuxem. Herkimer County. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.266-73. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.255-59. White. Report on the Relations of the Ordovician and Ho-Silurian: Rocks in Portions of Herkimer, Oneida and Lewis Counties. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:r21-54. pl. (phot.) 2 maps. Map of the vicinity of Frankfort hill, 31.5x16.5cm. Map of the Precambrian border in Oneida and Lewis counties, 49.5xl6cm. Young. List of Coleoptera taken at Newport, Herkimer co., N. Y. Ent. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.153-61. In press. .Hessian fly. Felt. Hessian Fly. Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.705-30. (Mus. bul. 53). j Fitch. Hessian Fly.. Ag. Soc. Trans. 21 (for 1861) 1862. p.819-80 (rep.7. — sep. ed. p.133-44). Heulandite. Beck. Heulandite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.346-47. Mus. rep. 3, ~ rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.140-41. ae Whitlock. Heulandite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.109. Hickory borer. Lintner. Painted Hickory Borer. Wnt. rep. 8 (for 1891): 1893. p.175-76. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.175-76. Highlandite. Mather. Highlandite, Allanite. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.512. Highlands of Hudson. Mather. Altered Taconic Rocks. Geol. N. Y. ptl.. 1843. p.446-50. Mather. Metamorphic Rocks. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.465-85. Mather. Miscellaneous Remarks. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.542-58. Mather. Magnetic Oxide of Iron. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.559-75. Smock. Geological Reconnaissance in the Crystalline Rock Region: Dutchess, Putnam’ and Westchester Counties, New York. Mus. rep. 39 (for 1885) 1886. p.165-85. map. . Map of Archaean areas of Highlands (uncolored) 11x18.5cm. Smock. Magnetic Iron Ores. Mus. bul. 7. 1889. p.5-7, 15-24. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.530-32. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:580-82 (2d paging). —— —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.216-18. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:216-18. See also Dutchess county; Orange county; Putnam county. Historical and antiquarian collection. Additions. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed., p.49-62; 4, p.91-98; 5, p.45-54; 6, p.33-34; 7, p.67-T7; 8, p.33-39; 9, p.49-60; 18, p.20; 18, p.12; 20 rev. ed., p.20; 21, p.13-14; 22, p.12; 23, p.24; 24, p.28-30; 25, p.22; 27, p.83; 28, p.25; 29, p.23-28; 30, p.17; 31, p.13-14; 82, p.12; 34, p.16; 35, p.16; 36, p.19; 37, p.29; 39, p.19; 40, p.28; 41, p.34;: 42, p.64; 43, p.36-37. For dates of Mus. rep. see List of publications, p.241. Catalogue. Mus. rep. 2 (for 1848) 1849. p.71-79. See also Indian. collection. Horn implements. Beauchamp. Horn and Bone Implements of New York Indians. Mus. bul. 50. 1902. 112p. 43pl. (phot.) Hornblende. Beck. Hornblende. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.298-308. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.134. Emmons. Gneiss, Hornblende and Granular Limestone, Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.118-16 (ed. 2, p.115-18). Emmons. Hornblende. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.79-80. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:40. i lo SUBJECT INDEX 4.03 -jHornblende (continued) Emmons. Hornblende and Gneiss in Essex County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.229-31. Emmons. Gneiss and Hornblende of St Lawrence County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.340-41. Horton. Hornblende Rock of Orange County. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1889. p.187-89. Hunt. Hornblende. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.77-78. Mather. Hornblendic Rocks. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.533-34, 541. Merrill. Hornblende. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.121. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:121. Whitlock. Amphibole (Hornblende). Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.94-96. See also Amphibole. ‘Hough collection. Catalogue. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.33-35; 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.82-90; 5 (for 1851) 1852. p.23-28, 40-43. ‘Hudson river. Mather. Fluviatile Alluvions. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.148-46. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.4-10. “Hudson river bluestone. Merrill. Directory of Quarrymen. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.458-84. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:458-84 (2d paging). Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.71-78, 146; 10. 1890. p.222-23, 265-71. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.400-8. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:400-8. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.192-93. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:192-93. “Hudson river group. Clarke & Schuchert. Hudson River Beds. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.11. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:11. Cumings. Historical Sketch. Mus. bul. 34. 1900. p.428-30. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:428-30. Cushing. Hudson River Group of Clinton County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.476, 486. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.670, 680. Darton. Hudson River Formation. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.221. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.415. ‘Darton. Hudson River Formation in Albany County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.249-50. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.443. Darton. Hudson River Formation of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 138 (for 1893) 1894. p.810. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.504. Denniston. Hudson River Group in Orange County. Ag. Soe. Trans. 22 (for 1862) 18638. p.156. Fitch. Hudson River Slate of Washington County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.827-30. Hall. Hudson River Group. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.30-31. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:14-24. Hall. Organic Remains. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.30-31. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:250-314. Hall. Trilobites of the Shales of the Hudson River Group. Mus. rep. 12 (for 1858) 1859. p.59-62. illus. Same, Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:525-29. Hall. New Species of Fossils from the Hudson River Group of Ohio and other Western States. Mus. rep. 13 (for 1859) 1860. p.119-21; 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.89-92. Hall. Description of New Species of Crinoidea and other Fossils from Strata of the Age of the Hudson-river Group and Trenton Limestone. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.205-24. pl.5-7. Hall. Description of New Species of Fossils from the Hudson River Group in the Vicinity of Cincinnati, O. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.225-32. pl.s. 404 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Hudson river group (continued) me oe Hudson River Group; Fossils. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.48-50. i Luther. Hudson River Group. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.200-1.. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:200-1. aMather. Hudson Slate Group. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.212,. 256-58; (for 1840) 1841. p.90-96. Mather. Hudson River Group. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.369-89. Merrill. Hudson River Group. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.149-50. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:149-50. : ; Ries. Hudson River Shale. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.689. Same,. Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:689. —_—_— Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.826. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:826. Ries. Hudson River Slates of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895): 1897. p.401, 408-10, 489-42. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:401, 408-10, 439-42. Ruedemann. Hudson River Beds near Albany and their Taxonomic Equivalents. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.485-596. 2pl. map. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:485-596. 2pl. map. Stratigraphic map showing the subdivisions of the Hudson river beds in parts of Albany and Rensselaer counties, 51.5x24.5cm. Contains a bibliography. Ruedemann. History of the Hudson River Beds. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.490-512. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:490-512. Ruedemann. Discussion of Validity of Term. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.564- 67. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:564-67. Ruedemann. Cambriec Dictyonema Fauna in the Slate Belt of Hasterm New York. Pal. rep. (for 1902). In press. Smock. Hudson River Group. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p-15-16; 10. 1890. p.218.. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.884-85. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:384-85. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.188. Same, Mus. rep.. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:188. Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.51-57; 10. 1890. p.259-60. — revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.3894-95. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:394-95 (2d paging). Vanuxem. Hudson River Group. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.60-67. Vanuxem. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.62-67. See also Champlain division; Frankfort slates; Green shales; Lorraine beds; Pulaski shales; Salmon river sandstones; Taconie. Hudson river valley. Hmmons. Climate. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:21-23. Merrill. Quaternary Geology. Geol. rep. 10 (for 1890) 1891. p.103-9. Merrill. Relief Map. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. pl.85. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. v.1. pl.85. Ries. Quaternary Deposits of the Hudson River Valley between Croton: and Albany, with notes on the brick clays and the manufacture of brick. Geol. rep. 10 (for 1890) 1891. p.110-55. Ries. Clays. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.104-19. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894): 1895. 1:104-19 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.576-93. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:576-93. — abridged by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.498-99. Same, Mus.. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:498-99 (2d paging). aFirst use of term. SUBJECT INDEX 405 Hudson river valley (continwed) abridged by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.210-11. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:210-11. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.176-94. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:176-94 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.687-709. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:687-709. See also Geological survey, first district. Hudsonite. Beck. Hudsonite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.405. Humite group. Whitlock. Humite Group. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.106. Hurl Gate, see Hell Gate. Hydraulic cement, see Cement. Hydraulic limestone, see Waterlime. Hydrogen. Beck. Hydrogen. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.18. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.171-72. Hydrozoa (paleozoic). Clarke. Oriskany Species of Becraft Mountain. Mus. mem. 8. 1900. p.64. Same, Mus, rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:64. Girty. Hydrozoa of Lower Helderberg Group. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.288-99. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:288-99. Grabau. Hydrozoa of Niagara Region. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.133-35. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:133-35. Hall. Graptolites of Clinton Group. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:39-52. Hall. Notes upon the Genus Graptolithus and Allied Genera. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:495-522. Hall. Notes upon the Genus Graptolithus. Mus. rep. 12 (for 1858) 1859. p.45-58. Hall. Notices of New Forms of the Genus Graptolithus and Allied Genera. Mus. rep. 13 (for 1859) 1860. p.55-64. From sup. to v.1, Pal. N. Y. pub. in v.3, p.510-20. Hall. Graptolitidae of Potsdam Sandstone. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1863. p.124. Hall. Introduction to the Study of the Graptolitidae. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.169-240. illus. 4pl. Hall. Note on the Genus Plumalina. Mus. rep. 30 (for 1876) 1878. p.255-56. pl.4. * Ruedemann. Development and Mode of Growth of the Genus Diplo- graptus, McCoy. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894). 1895. p.15, 217-49. 5pl. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:15, 217-49. 5pl. Ruedemann. Graptolite Fauna of the Hudson River Beds near Albany. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.485-568. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:485-568. Ruedemann. Graptolite (Levis) Facies of the Beekmantown Formation in Rensselaer County, N. Y. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.546-75. Ruedemann. Mode of Growth and Development of Goniograptus thu- reaui, McCoy. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.576-92. Ruedemann. Cambrie Dictyonema Fauna in the Slate Belt of Hastern New York. Pal. rep. (for 1902). Jn press. Hygrophorus. Peck. Genus Hygrophorus. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1873. p.112-14. Hymenoptera. Additions to Collection. Ent. rep. 3, p.140; 4, p.205; 5, p.324; 6, p.186; 8, p.296; 9, p.461; 10, p.509, 515; 11, p.284; 12, p.359; 18, p.3871; 14, p.255; 15, p.600-1; 16, p.1034; 17, p.808-9; 18, p.170. For dates of reports, see List of publications, p.264. Felt. Natural Enemies of Notolophus. Ent. rep. 14 (for 1898) 1898. p.168- 71 (Mus. bul. 23). Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:168-71. Lintner. Species Treated. Ent. rep. 2 (for 1882 and 1883) 1885. p.217-20. 406 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Hymenoptera (continued) Hnt. rep. 3 (for 1886) 1887. p.87-90. Same, Mus. rep. 40 (for 1886) eae p.87-90. . p.27-48. Same, Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888, p.147.68. —— —— HMnt. rep. 5 (for 1888) 1889. p.164-73. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.164-73 —— —— Hnt. rep. 6 (for 1889) 1890. p.109-11. Same, Mus. rep. 43 (for 1889) 1890. p.109-11. —— —— HEnt. rep. 7 (for 1890) 1891. p.223-24. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. 2223-24. —— —— fnt. rep. 8 (for 1891) 1893. p.163-69. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.163-69. —— —— Wnt. rep. 10 (for 1894) 1895. p.3865-69. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:365-69 (ist paging). — —— FEnt. rep. 11 (for 1895) 1896. p.109-23. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:109-23. —— —— Mnt. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.181-82. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for - 1896) 1898. 1:181-82 (1st paging). —— —— Fnt. rep. 13 (for 1897) 1898. p.335-42. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:335-42. Species The following list of species includes only the more important accounts by Fitch, in Ag. Soc. Trans. 21, 27; by Lintner in Ent. rep. 1-13; by Felt, in Ag. Soc. Trans. 59, Forest, Fish and Game Com. reports, Mus. bul. 20; by Ashmead and MacGillivray in Mus. bul. 47. For dates of reports and bulletins, see p.264. Aphidius nigripes. Mus. bul. 47, p.588. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:588. Atractodes sepedontis. Mus. bul. 47, p.d88-89. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:588 89. Brachystropha quadriceps. Mus. bul. 47, p.587. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:587. Isosoma hordei. Ag. Soc. Trans. 21, p.830-41 (rep.7. sep. ed. p.144-55). Hnt. rep. 4, p.27-35. Same, Mus. rep. 41, p.147-55. Isosoma vitis. Mus. rep. 30, p.136-40. Monomorium pharaonis. Ent. rep. 11, p.109-14. Same, Mus. rep. 49, 1:109-14. Ag. Soe. Trans. 59, p.298-99. Pachynematus corticosus. Mus. bul. 47, p.584-85. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:584-85. : Pteronus ribesiil. Ag. Soe. Trans. 27, p.909-32 (rep.12. sep. ed.) Hunt. rep. 2, p.217-21. Rhizarcha astigma. Mus. bul. 47, p.587-88. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:587-88. aeons innominatus. Mus. bul. 47. 1901. p.585. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 2000. Telenomus longicornis. Mus. bul. 47, p.586. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:586. Tenthredo rufopectus. Ent. rep. 13, p.335-37. Same, Mus. rep. 51, 1:335-37. Thalessa lunator. Ent. rep. 4, p.35-41. Same, Mus. rep. 41, p.155-61. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 4, p.389-92. Tremex columba. Mus. bul. 20. 1898. p.18-19. Same, Mus. rep. 52, 1:18-19. — Mus. bul. 57, p.19-20. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 4, p.389. Hypersthene. Beck. Hypersthene. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.309-11. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.135. Whitlock. Hypersthene. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.91. SUBJECT INDEX 407 Hypersthene rock. Hmmons. Hypersthene Rock. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.27-37. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:39, 40. Emmons. Hypersthene rock of Essex County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.221-24. Emmons. Hypersthene rock of St Lawrence County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.337. Watson. Hyperstene Rock of Hssex County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 12 (for 1852) 1853. p.777-78. See also Anorthosites; Laurentian system; Norite. Hypsometric map, see Physical geography. Ice. Mather. Transport by Floating Ice; Ground Ice. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 18438. p.39-42. See also Pleistocene. Ichneumons, see Hymenoptera. Idocrase. Beck. Idocrase. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.321-23. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.136. Hunt. Idoerase. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.84. See also Vesuvianite. Igneous rocks. Emerson. Notes upon Two Boulders of a very Basic Eruptive Rock from the West Shore of Canandaigua Lake, and their Contact Phenomena upon the Trenton Limestone. Geol. rep. 12 (for 1892) 1893. p.105-9. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.251-55. Merrill. Igneous Rocks. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.124-25. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:124-25. See also Anorthosites; Gabbros; Granite; Syenites; Trap. Illuminating gas, see Natural gas. Ilmenite. Beck. Ilmenite. Min. N. Y.. 1842. p.431-32. Hunt. Ilmenite. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.86. Mather. Specular Oxide of Iron. Titaniferous Iron. Geol. N. Y¥. pti. 1848. p.514-15. Whitlock. Ilmenite or Menaccanite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.72. Ilvaite. Beck. Ilvaite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.403-4. Indexes. Felt. Index to Entomologist’s Reports 1-13. Mus. bul. 24. 1899. p.401-600. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:401-600. General Index to the Annual Reports 1-20 on the State Cabinet of Natural History, exclusive of the geological and palaeontological papers. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.149-90. Indian collection. Additions. Mus. rep. 2, p.73-79; 8 rev. ed., p.51-95; 4, p.93-101; 5, p.47-54; 6, p.33; 7, p.9, 69-77; 8, p.35-39; 9, p.51; 10, p.187- 88; 18, p.17-20; 15, p.13; 16, p.13-14; 18, p.12; 20 rev. ed., p.18; 21, p.13-14; 22, p.12; 23, p.24; 24, p.28; 25, p.22; 28, p.25; 30, p.17; 31, p.13- 14; 32, p.12; 34, p.16; 37, p.29; 39, p.19; 41, p.34; 42, p.64; 43, p.36-37; 52, 1:r24-25; 53, 1:r165-66. For dates of Mus. rep. see List of publications, p.241. Catalogue of the Historical and Antiquarian Collection. Mus. rep. 2 (for 1848) 1849. p.71-79. Catalogue of Indian Relics obtained by HB. G. Squier. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.57-58. Catalogue of Indian Relics obtained in the Connecticut and Mississippi Valleys by Dexter Marsh. Mus. rep. 7 (for 1853) 1854. p.73-77. ‘Cornplanter Tomahawk. Mus. rep. 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.99-101. Morgan. Communication from. Mus. rep. 2 (for 1848) 1849. p.81-83. Morgan. Report on Articles given to the Collection. Mus. rep. 2 (for 1848) 1849. p.84-91; 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.63-95. illus. 18pl. Morgan. Schedule of Articles obtained from Indians. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.59-62; 5 (for 1851) 1852. p.51-54. 408 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Indian pass. Emmons. Description. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.103-4 (ed. 2, p.105-6). Emmons. Adirondack Pass. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.216-18. Indiana. Hall. Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Hamilton Group of Western New York, with notices of others from the same horizon in Iowa and Indiana. Mus. rep. 13 (for 1859) 1860. p.76-94. illus.; 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.195. Hall. Notes and Observations upon the Fossils of the Goniatite Lime+ stone in the Marcellus Shale of the Hamilton Group, in the Eastern and Central Parts of the State of New York, and those of the Gonia- tite Beds of Rockford, Ind., with some analogous forms from the Hamilton group proper. Mus. rep. 13 (for 1859) 1860. p.95-112, 125. illus.; 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.81, 196. Hall. Fauna of the Niagara Group in Central Indiana. Mus. rep. 28 (for 1874) 1879. p.99-203, 32pl. Indians. Beauchamp. Aboriginal Chipped Stone Implements of New — York. Mus. bul. 16. 1897. 86p. 23pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:3-86 (2d paging). 23pl. (phot.) Beauchamp. Polished Stone Articles used by the New York Aborigines. Mus. bul. 18. 1897. 102p. 35pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897): 1899. 1:3-102. 35pl. (phot.) Beauchamp. Harthenware of the New York Aborigines. Mus. bul. 22. 1898. p.71-146. 33pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:71- 146. 33pl. (phot.) Beauchamp. Aboriginal Occupation of New York. Mus. bul. 32. 1900. 187p. 16pl. (phot.) maps. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:3-187. 16pl. (phot.) maps. Contains a bibliography. Map of the territorial divisions of the aborigines of New York about A. D. 1600, 44x85cm. Map of the early and recent sites of the aborigines of New York, 93.5x69.5cm. Beauchamp. Wampum and Shell Articles used by New York Indians. Mus. bul. 41. 1901. p.319-480. 28pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:319-480. 28pl. (phot.) List of authorities on wampum, p.321-26. Beauchamp. Horn and Bone Implements of New York Indians. Mus. bul. 50. 1902. 112p. 48pl. (phot.) Beauchamp. Metallic Implements of New York Indians: Mus. bul. 55. 1902. 94p. 38pl. (phot.) Cheney. Illustrations of the Ancient Monuments in Western New York. Mus. rep. 18 (for 1859) 1860. p.87-52. 24pl. map. Converse. Iroquois Silver Brooches. Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. p.r231-54. -Ground-plans and Dimensions of Several Trench Hnclosures in Western New-York. Mus. rep. 2 (for 1848) 1849. Spl. Hough. Ancient Remains of Art in Jefferson and St Lawrence Counties. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.99-105. Spl.; 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.103-9. 5pl. Morgan. Report on the Fabrics, Inventions, Implements and Utensils of the Iroquois. Mus. rep. 5 (for 1851) 1852. p.67-117. illus. 20pl. See also Arickarees; Mohawk language. Infusoria. Mather. Infusoria. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.48-77, 258-45. Infusorial earth. Merrill. Diatomaceous Earth; Infusorial Harth. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.555-56. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:555-— 56 (2d paging). — — Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.226-27. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:226-27. Insects, see Entomology. ‘nwood limestone. Merrill. Inwood Limestone. Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:26-27 (1st paging). $ SUBJECT INDEX 409 Iolite. Beck. Iolite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.451. Whitlock. Iolite. Mus. bul. 58, 1902. p.96-97. Iowa. Hall. Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Hamilton Group of Western New York, with notices of others from the same horizon in Iowa and Indiana. Mus. re 13 (for 1859) 1860. Bees illus.; 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.195. Hall & Whitfield. Descriptions of New Ragen of Fossils from fe Devo- nian Rocks of Iowa. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1878. p.223-89. pl.9-12. Iron. Beck. Native Iron. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.43. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.382-83, 445. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.147. Whitlock. Iron. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.51, 131. Iron manufacture. Beck. Present Condition of Manufacture of Iron in the State of New York. Min. rep. (for 1836) 1837. p.42-51 (ed. 2, p.44-53). Min. N. Y. 1842. p.38-43. Emmons. Iron Manufacture in Hssex County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.231-63. Hall. Quantity of Iron Manufactured in ue Different Counties. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.142-48 (ed. 2, p.144-45). Hall. Value and Importance of Iron Manufacture. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 18386) 1837. p.143-45 (ed. 2, p.145-47). Iron ores. Beck. Iron Ores. Min. rep. (for 1836) 1887. p.18-42 (ed. 2, . p.20-44); (for 1837) 1838. p.7-9; (for 1888) 1889. p.43-47. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.1-37, 382-405. Emmons. Iron Ore of Essex County. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1887) 1838. p.223-25. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.231-63. Emmons. Iron Ores of Essex and Clinton County. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.261-311. Emmons. Iron Ores of St Lawrence and Jefferson Counties. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.311-19. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.341-48, 376-77. Emmons. Ores of Clinton and Franklin. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.1383-35. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.291-308, 326-31. Hall. Ores of Iron (in northern district). Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.127-49 (ed. 2, p.129-51). Hall. Argillaceous Iron Ore. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.299- 300. Horton. Iron Ores of Orange County. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.161-75. List of Iron Ores in the Economic Collection. Mus. rep. 26 (for 1872) 1874. p.27-30. Mather. Iron Ores of Columbia and Dutchess Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1887) 1888. p.181-84. Mather. Iron Ore of Staten Island. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.140. Merrill. Localities in New York. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. 2 542-43. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:542-43 (2d paging). Smock. First Report on the Iron Mines and Iron-ore Districts in the State of New York. Mus. bul. 7. 1889. T0p. map. Map of New York showing location of iron mines, 58x60cm. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.529-42. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:529-42 (2d paging). —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.214-22. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:214-22. See also Chromite; Clinton ores; Geologic collection; Gothite; Miner- alogie collection; Hematite; Ilmenite; Limonite; Magnetite; Siderite; Vivianite. Iron pyrites, see Pyrite. A10 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Iron sinter. Beck. Iron Sinter. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.396-97. Iron, sulfate of, see Copperas. Iroquois, see Indians. Iroquois, Lake, see Glacial lakes. Ischua sandstone. Horsford. Ischua Sandstones. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.466, 469. Isopoda, see Crustacea. Ithaca group. Clarke. Stratigraphic and Faunal Relations of the Oneonta Sandstones and Shales, the Ithaca and the Portage Groups in Central New York. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897.. p.11-12, 27-81. pl. (phot.) 2 maps, 25x28.5, 26x26.5em. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:11-12, 27-81. pl. (phot.) 2 maps, 25x28.5, 26x26.5em. ~— ‘Clarke. Historical and Actual Significance of the Terms Ithaca Group and Ithaca Fauna. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.46-52. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:46-52. ‘Clarke. Ithaca Fauna. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.670-71. Clarke & Schuchert. Ithaca Beds. See New York series. Emmons. Ithaca Group. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:190-93. Geddes. Ithaca Group of Onondaga County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 19 (for 1859) 1860. p.254. Hall. Ithaca Group. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.250. Hall. Ithaca Group in Chemung County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.321-22. Hall. Ithaca Group in Steuben County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.325. aHall. Ithaca Group in Tompkins County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.318. Mather. Ithaca and Chemung Group. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.317. Prosser. Ithaca Formation. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.87-94. Same, Mus. rep. 49: (for 1895) 1898. 2:87-94. : Vanuxem. Ithaca Group. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 18389) 1840. p.381. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.170-71, 174-78. Vanuxem. Ithaca Group in Cayuga County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.289. Vanuxem. Ithaca Group in Chenango County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.292-93. Vanuxem. Ithaca Group in Cortland County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. D.290. Vanuxem. Ithaca Group in Madison County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.277. Vanuxem. Ithaca Group in Onondaga County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.285. Vanuxem. Ithaca Group in Otsego County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.254. Vanuxem. Ithaca Group in Tompkins County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.298. Vanuxem. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.175-77. Ivy scale insect. Felt. White Scale Insect of the Ivy. Mus. bul. 46. 1901. p.333-36. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:333-36. Lintner. The White Scale. Ent. rep. 11 (for 1895) 1896. p.203-4. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:203-4. Mus. bul. 13. 1895. p.271-72. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:271-72. Jefferson county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.70-72. Emmons. Jefferson County. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.821-26. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.3868-414. a¥irst use of term. SUBJECT INDEX Alt Jefferson county (continwed) Emmons. Iron Ores. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.311-19. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.376-77. Emmons. Map. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. pl.16. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Ent. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.562. (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:562. Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1012. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1012. Hough. Ancient Remains of Art in Jefferson and St Lawrence Coun- ties. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.99-105, 5pl.; 4 (for 1850): 1851. p.103-9. 5pl. Orton. Petroleum and Natural Gas. Mus. bul. 30. 1899. p.456-59. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:456-59. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.195, 250. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:195, 250 (2d paging). — Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.710-11. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:710-11. Ries. Limestone Formations. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.789-90. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:789-90. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 8. 1888. p.35-36, 51, 116-19; 10. 1890. p.233-34, 247-48, 258. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.879-80, 394, 441. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:379-80, 394, 441 (2d paging). Smock. Hematite Ores. Mus. bul. 7. 1889. p.10-11, 44-48. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.537-38. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:537-88 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.219. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:219. Smyth. Report on a Preliminary Examination of the General and Heonomie Geology of Four Townships in St Lawrence and Jefferson Counties, New York. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.491-515. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.685-709. Smyth. Geology of the Crystalline Rocks in the Vicinity of the St Law- rence River. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r83-104. illus. map. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r83-104. illus. map. Geologic map of portions of St Lawrence and Jefferson counties, 26.5x16.5cm. See also Adirondacks. Jewett collection. Catalogue. Mus. rep. 10 (for 1856) 1857. p.29-87. Jointed structure. Hall. Jointed Structure of the Rocks of the Fourth District. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.299-307. Jointworm. Fitch. Jointworm. Ag. Soc. Trans. 21 (for 1861) 1862. p.830- 41 (rep.7. sep. ed. p.144-55). Lintner. Joint-worm. Ent. rep. 4 (for 1887) 1888. p.27-85. Same, Mus.. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.147-55. : : Jurassic. Merrill. Jurassic System. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.172-78. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:172-73. Merrill. Life of the Jurassic Period. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.172-73. Sane, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:172-73. Kames. Lincoln. Kame District of Seneca County. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.72-74. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:72-74. Kaolinite. Merrill. Kaolinite. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.120. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:120. Whitlock. Kaolinite (Kaolin). Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.114-15. See also Clays. Kellogg collection. Catalogue. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.9, 13. Keuka lake. Hall. Crooked Lake. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.406-7. 412 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Kings county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.72. Mather. Economic Geology. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.122-42. Mather. Beaches, Spits, Bars, ete. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.27-30. Mather. Dip and Strike of Rocks. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.606. See also Long Island. Kingston. Smock. Stone Construction in. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.322-24. Kingston beds. @Clarke & Schuchert. Kingston Beds. Mus. mem. 3. 1800. p.12. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:12. Kyanite, see Cyanite. Zabradorite. Beck. Labradorite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.341. Mus. rep. 38 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.138. Emmons. Labradorite. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:39. Merrill. Labradorite. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.121. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:121. . Whitlock. Labradorite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.90. Labradorite rocks, see Anorthosites; Gabbros; Norite. Lactarius. Peck. Genus Lactarius. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1873. p.114-20. Peck. New York Species of Lactarius. Mus. rep. 38 (for 1884) 1885. p.111-33. Ladybugs. Felt. Two Spotted Ladybug. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.297. Lintner. Two Spotted Ladybug. Ent. rep. 9 (for 1892) 1893. p.306. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 18938. p.306. Lake marl, see Mari. Lake ridge. Hall. Lake Ridge. Ridge Road. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.310-12, 313-14, 348-50. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.348-58, 661-62. ; - Lakes. Fairchild. Pleistocene Geology of Western New York. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r103-39. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:71038-39. Grabau. Partial Bibliography of the Geology of Niagara and the Great Lakes. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.253-62.. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:253-62. Hall. Depth of Lakes. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.338., Hall. Lakes; Tables of Elevation. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.405-18, 663. Vanuxem. Lakes. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.237-42. See also Finger lakes; also names of lakes. Lamellibranchiata. De Kay. Lamellibranchia. Zool. N. Y. 1843. v.5. pto. p.167-249. Kellogg. Clam and Scallop Industries of New York. Mus. bul. 43. 1901. p.601-31. 2pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:601-31. 2pl. (phot.) map. Map of Long Island, 25.5x11.5em. : Kellogg. Feeding Habits and Growth of Venus mercenaria. Mus. bul. In press. See also Unionidae. Lamellibranchiata (paleozoic). Beecher. A Spiral Bivalve Shell from the Waverly Group of Pennsylvania. Mus. rep. 39 (for 1885) 1886. p.161- 63. pl.12. Beecher. List of Genera illustrated on the Plates of the Report of the State Geologist for 1882. Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.385. Beecher. List of Genera not illustrated on the Plates of the Geologist’s Report of 1882, together with the author’s name and references to the earliest publication of the same. Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.385-87. aFirst use of term in original publication of this article. Science. 1899. new ser. SUBJECT INDEX 413 Lamellibranchiata (paleozoic) (continwed) Clarke. Oriskany Species of Becraft Mountain. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.31-37. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:31-37. Clarke. Value of Amnigenia as an Indicator of Freshwater ‘Deposits during the Devonic of New York, Ireland and the Rhineland. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.199-208. pl.11. Clarke. Type Specimens in New York State Museum. Mus. bul. 65. In press. Clarke. Naples Fauna in Western New York. Mus. mem. 6. Jn press. Grabau. Lamellibranchiata of Hamilton Group. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.250-61. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:250-61. Grabau. Pelecypoda of Niagara Region. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.206-10. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:206-10. Hall. Genus Tellinomya and Allied Genera. Mus. rep. 10 (for 1856) 1857. p.181-86. Hall. Lamellibranchiata of Lower Helderberg Group. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:263-91. Hall. Lamellibranchiata of Oriskany Sandstone. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:465-67. Hall. Notice of the Genera Ambonychia, Palaearca and Megambonia. Mus. rep. 12 (for 1858) 1859. p.8-14, 110. Hall. Note on the Genus Cypricardites. Mus. rep. 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.192-93. Hall. Lamellibranchiata of Niagara Group. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.336-41. Hall. Lamellibranchiata of Niagara Group in Central Indiana. Mus. rep. 28 (for 1874) 1879. p.171-74. Hall. Classification of the Lamellibranchiata. Geol. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1884. p.8-15, 11pl. Hall. Preliminary Notice of the Lamellibranchiate Shells of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups (preparatory for the Palaeontology of New York). Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.215-406g. Hall. Lamellibranchiata: Monomyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Hamil- ton and Chemung Groups. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5. ptl. 268p. 45pl.; Dimyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5. ptl. p.269-561. 51pl. Letson. Pelecypoda of Niagara River Gravels. Mus. bul. 2. 1901. p.245-52. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:245-52. Ruedemann. New Species of Pelecypoda of Hudson River Beds near Albany. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.572-78. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:572-73. Ruedemann. Pelecypoda of Trenton Conglomerate of Rysedorph Hill. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.28-29. Wood. Pelecypoda of Marcellus (Stafford) Limestones of Lancaster, Hrie Co. N. Y. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.167-68. Land slides. Mather. Land Slides. Geol. rep. Ist dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.82-83 (ed. 2, p.84-85). Geol. N. Y. pti, 1843. p.32-37, 634-36. Larder beetle. Felt. Larder Beetle. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.300. Lintner. Bacon Beetle. Ent. rep. 6 (for 1889) 1890. p.119-23. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1889) 1890. p. 119-23. ' Laumontite. Beck. Laumonite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.351. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.141. Laurentian limestones. Hunt. On the Mineralogy of the Laurentian Limestones of North America. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.47-98. See also Crystalline rocks. 414 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Laurentian system. Hall, C. EH. Laurentian Magnetic Iron Ove Deposits: of Northern New York. Mus. rep. 32 (for 1878) 1879. p.133-4U. Same, Geol. rep. 4 (for 1884) 1885. p.23-34, with geol. map of Hssex co. 48x40.5cm. Lead. Beck. Ores of Lead. Min. rep. (for 1836) 1837. p.51-58 (ed. 2, p.53- 60); (for 1838) 1839. p.49-58; (for 1840) 1841. p.6-8. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.44-52, 412-18. Emmons. Lead, Sulphuret of Lead. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.124-26 (ed. 2, p.126-28). Hmmons. Lead in St Lawrence County. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.124-26 (ed. 2, p.126-28); (for 1837) 18388. p.210-12. . Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.354-60. Mather. Lead Ore in Shawangunk Mountain. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.308-62. Nason. Lead Mines at Ellenville. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p. 397-98.. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.591-92. Ries. Lead of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.469-70. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:469-70. Vanuxem. Ores of Montgomery County. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.263-66. Whitlock. Lead. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.52, 85, 118, 119, 125, 126, 128-29. See also Galena. Leaf bug. Lintner. Four-lined Leaf Bug. Hnt. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1882. p.271-81. Lenticular iron ore, seé Clinton ores. Lentinus. Peck. Genus Lentinus. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1873. p.126-27. Leopard moth. Felt. Leopard Moth. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 4 (for 1898) 1899. p.380-84. Lintner. Leopard Moth. Ent. rep. 9 (for 1892) 1893. p.426-27. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1898. p.426-27. Lepidolite. Whitlock. Lepidolite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.111. Lepidoptera. Additions to Collection. Ent. rep. 3, p.140-41; 4, p.205-6; 5, p.324; 6, p.186-87; 7, p.3881-82; 8, p.296-97; 9, p.461-62; 10,p.509-10, 515-165. 11, p.284-85; 12, p.3859-60; 18, p.871-72; 14, p.257-59; 15, p.607-13; 16, p.1038-42; 17, p.815-19; 18, p.172-74. For dates of reports, see List of publications, p.264. Felt. Species Treated. Ent. rep. 14 (for 1898) 1898. p.163-215. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:163-213. Hunt. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.955-66. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:955-66. —— —— Ent. rep. 18 (for 1902) p.94-99. —— —— Forest. Fish and Game Com. rep. 4 (for 1898) 1899. p.368-85. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 5 (for 1899) 1900. p.359-71. Lintner. Species Treated. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1873. p.137-216. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.109-70. —— —— ‘Mus. rep. 26 (for 1872) 1874. p.117-92. —— —— Mus. rep. 27 (for 1873) 1875. p.137-48. Mus. rep. 30 (for 1876) 1878. p.141-248. Including paper on Adirondack Lepidoptera. Ent. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1882. p.81-167, 333-41. —— —— Ent. rep. 2 (for 1882 & 18883) 1885. p.57-110, 213-17. —— —— Ent. rep. 3 (for 1886) 1887. p.90-96. Same, Mus. fk: 40 (for 1886) 1887. p.90-96. Ent. rep. 4 (for 1887) 1888. p.48-60, 151-54. Same, Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.168-80, 271-74. Ent. rep. 5 (for 1888) 1889. p.174-219. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.174-219. Boece = oa SUBJECT INDEX 415 Lepidoptera (continued) Hnt. rep. 7 (for 1890) 1891. p.225-28, 302-7. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.225-28, 302-7. —— —— Ent. rep. 8 (for 1891) 1893. p.129-40, 169-72. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.129-40, 169-72. —— —— Wnt. rep. 10 (for 1894) 1895. p.869-86. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:369-86 (1st paging). —— —— nt. rep. 11 (for 1895) 1896. p.124-62. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:124-62. —— —— fnt. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.183-222. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:183-222 (1st paging). Ent. rep. 13 (for 1897) 1898. p.842-51. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:842-51. Lintner. Otto Meske’s Collection of Lepidoptera. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1874, 8:215-20. _ Species The following list of species includes only the more important accounts by Fitch, in Ag. Soc. Trans. 14, 15; by Lintner in Ent. Contrib. 1-4 and Ent. rep. 1-18, Mus. bul. 6; by Felt in Ent. rep. 14-18, Ag. Soc. Trans. 59, Forest, Fish and Game Com. reports, Mus. bul. 27, 37; by Speyer in Mus. rep. 23. For dates of reports and bulletins see p.241, 264. Acidalia lacteola. Mus. rep. 30, p.224. Alypia octomaculata. Wnt. rep. 5, p.179-83. Same, Mus. rep. 42, p.179-83. Anisota senatoria. Ent. rep. 5, p.192-200. Same, Mus. rep. 42, p.192-200. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. Jn press. Bucculatrix pomifoliella. Wnt. rep. 1, p.157-62. Cacoecia fervidana. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. Jn press. Carpocapsa pomonella. Ent. rep. 9, p.838-42. Same, Mus. rep. 46, p.338-42. , Ag. Soe. Trans. 59, p.276-77. Cerura aquilonaris. Mus. rep. 30, p.197-99. Cerura candida. Mus. rep. 30, p.199-200. Cerura occidentalis. Mus. rep. 30, p.194-95. Cidaria packardata. Mus. rep. 30,p.225-26. Clisiocampa americana. Hnt. rep. 14, p.117-90. (Alus. bul. 23). Same, Mus rep. 52, 1:177-90. Mus. bul. 27, p.46-48. Same, Mus. rep. 53, 1:46-48. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59, p.271-7T2. Clisiocampa disstria. Ent. rep. 14, p.191-201. (Mus. bul. 23). Same, Mus. rep. 52, 1:191-201. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 4, p.874-80. — Ag. Soc, Trans. 59, p.275-76. —— Ent. rep. 16, p.994-98. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54, 2:994-98. Coleophora malivorella. Ent. rep. 1, p.163-67. Cossus reticulatus. Mus. rep. 30, p.242-48. Cossus undosus. Mus. rep. 30, p.243-45. Cucullia intermedia. Mus. rep. 23, p.217-22. Cucullia lucifuga. Mus. rep. 28, p.217-22. Cucullia serraticornis. Mus. rep. 26, p.174-76. Cucullia speyeri. Mus. rep. 26, p.168-74. Diastictis ribearia. Ent. rep. 12, p.310-11. Same, Mus. rep. 50, 1:310-11 (ist paging). — Mus. bul. 87, p.18-14. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 3:13-14. Ellema pineum. Mus. rep. 23, p.169-71. Eudamus epigena. Mus. rep. 30, p.1S1-S2. 416 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Lepidoptera (continued) Euproctis chrysorrhoea. Ent. rep. 18. p.94-99. Huyanessa antiopa. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 5, p.368-71. Heliothis armiger. Ent. rep. 1, p.116-26. Hemileuca maia. Mus. rep. 238, p.137-53. — Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. Jn press. Hydroecia nitela. Hnt. rep. 1, p.110-16. Hyphantria cunea. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 5, p.363-68. Hypocala hilli. Mus. rep. 30, p.217-19. Leucania unipuncta. Ent. rep. 12, p.190-214. Same, Mus. rep. 50, 1:190- . 214 (Ist paging). Lycaena lotis. Mus. rep. 30, p.169-70. Mamestra picta. Ent. rep. 5, p.206-10. Same, Mus. rep. 42, p.206-10. —— Ent. rep. 14, p.201-7. (Mus. bul. 28). Same, Mus. rep. 52, 1:201-7. Mecyna reversalis, Hnt. rep. 11, p.142-45. Same, Mus. rep. 49, 1:142-45. Melitaea nycteis. Mus. rep. 23, p.158-59. Melitaea phaeton. Mus. rep. 23, p.154-57. Melitta satyriniformis. Ent. rep. 2, p.57-68. Nisoniades afranius. Mus. rep. 30, p.175-76. Nisoniades ausonius. Mus. rep. 23, p.166-68. Nisoniades icelus. Mus. rep. 23, p.162-64. Nisoniades lucilius. Mus. rep. 23, p.164-66. Nisoniades pacuvius. Mus. rep. 30, p.172-73. Noctuidae (family). Mus. bul. 6, 36p. Notolophus leucostigma. Hnt. rep. 2, p.68-89. Ent. rep. 11, p.124-26. Same, Mus. rep. 49, 1:124-26. — Ent. rep. 14, p.168-76. (Mus. bul. 28). Same, Mus. rep. 52, 1:163-76. —— Mus. bul. 27, p.41-44. Same, Mus. rep. 538, 1:41-44. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 4, p.368-74. Oxyptilus periscelidactylus. Ag. Soc. Trans. 14, p.843-47 (rep. 1. sep. ed. p.189-43). Ent. rep. 12, p.218-22. Same, Mus. rep. 50, 1:218-22 (1st paging). Pamphila osceola. Mus. rep. 30, p.170-71. Peridroma saucia. Ent. rep. 5, p.200-6. Same, Mus. rep. 42, p.200-6. Pieris oleracea. Mus. rep. 23, p.160-61. Porthetria dispar. Ent, rep. 9, p.422-26. Same, Mus. rep. 46, p.422-26. Ent. rep. 16, p.955-62. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54, 2:955-62. Psilura monacha. Ent. rep. 18. p.111-138. Pyralis costalis. Ent. rep. 11, p.145-51. Same, Mus. rep. 49, 1:145-51. Retinia comstoeckiana. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. Jn press. Retinia frustrana. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7. Jn press. Sanninoidea exitiosa. Ag. Soc. Trans. 14, p.812-21 (rep. 8. sep. ed. p.108-17). —— nt. rep. 8, p.181-86. Same, Mus. rep. 45, p.181-86. Sitotroga cerealella. Wnt. rep. 2, p.102-10. —— Wnt rep. 10, p.377-86. Same, Mus. rep. 48, 1:377-86 (1st paging). Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis. Ent. rep. 1, p.81-87. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 5, p.359-63. Tineola biselliella. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59, p.297-98. Tischeria malifoliella. Ent. rep. 1, p.160-62. Same, Mus. rep. 49, 1:160-62. Xylina lepida. Mus. rep. 30, p.207-8. pe - SUBJECT INDEX 417 Lepidoptera (continued) Xylina unimoda. Mus. rep. 30. p.208-9. Ypsolophus pometellus. Ag. Soc. Trans. 15, p.453-65 (rep. 2. sep. ed. p.221-33). — Ent. rep. 16, p.962-66. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54, 2:962-66. Zeuzera pyrina. Ent. rep. 9, p.426-27. Same, Mus. rep. 46, p.426-27. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 4, p.380-84. Lepiota. Peck. New York Species of Lepiota. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.150-64. Leucite. Whitlock. Leucite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.91. Leucopyrite. Beck. Leucopyrite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.451. Lewis county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.72-74. Peck. Plants of Bonaparte Swamp, Lewis County. Bot. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1900. p.858-61. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:858-61. Ries. Limestones. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.439- “41. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:439-41. —— —— revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.790-92. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:790-92. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.115-16; 10. 1890. p.247. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.440. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:440 (2d paging). Vanuxem. Lewis County. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.356-67. Geol. N. Y. pt8, 1842. p.264-70. White. Report on the Relations of the Ordovician and HKo-Silurian Rocks in Portions of Herkimer, Oneida and Lewis Counties. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:r21-54. pl. (phot.) 2 maps. Map of the vicinity of Frankfort hill, 31.5x16.5em. Map of the Precambrian border in Oneida and Lewis counties, 49.5x16cm. Libethenite. Whitlock. Libethenite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.120. Library of museum. Additions. Mus. rep. 10, p.189-90; 20 rev. ed., p.20; 22, p.12-16; 23, p.24-26; 24, p.30-31; 25, p.23-26; 26, p.20-24; 27, p.33-40; 28, p.26-28; 29, p.28-28; 30, p.17-22; 31, p.14-17; 32, p.13-16; 34, p.20-23; 35, p.16-18; 36, p.19-20; 87, p.29-31; 38, p.18-20; 39, p.19-24; 40, p.28-32; 41, p.35-43; 42, p.65-74; 48, p.37-47. For dates of Mus. rep. see List of publications, p.241. Catalogue of Books. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.59-61. Lignite. Beck. Lignite. Min. rep. (for 1886) 1837. p.59 (ed. 2, p.61); (for 1888) 1839. p.16. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.191-92. Mather. Lignite and Fossil Wood. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.264-70. Merrill. Localities. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.582. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:582 (2d paging). Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:234-35. Lime. Beck. Lime. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.214-48. Beck. Manufacture of Lime. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.74-75 Conrad. Use of Lime as a Manure. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.171-72 (ed. 2, p.173-T4). Hall. Lime in Erie County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.159-61. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.472. Mather. Lime and Hydraulic Cement. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.239-44. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.328-30. Mather. Lime, whence derived. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.77-79. Mather. Nitrates of Lime and Potassa. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.85. Merrill. Lime and Cement. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.222. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:222. 418 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Lime (continued) Merrill. Lime and Cement; Directory of Producers. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.519-26. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:519-26 (2d paging). Nason. Lime Burning in Ulster County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.396. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.590. Ries. Lime. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.375-89. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:375-89. Ries. Lime and Cement Industries of New York. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.637-968. pl. (phot.) maps. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:637- 9868. pl. (phot.) maps. Ries. Directory of Producers. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.839-48. Same, Mus. Tep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:839-48. Ries. Lime of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.469. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:469. See also Caleareous minerals; Chlorid of lime; Gypsum; Niter. Limestone springs. Mather. Limestone Springs. Geol. N. Y. pti, 1848. p.111-13. Limestones. Eckel. Quarries in Southeastern New York. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r169-76. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r169-76. Emmons. Transition, or Blue Limestone. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1887. p.119-20 (ed. 2, p.121-22). Emmons. Gneiss, Hornblende and Granular Limestone. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.113-16 (ed. 2, p.115-18). Emmons. Transition Rocks of Essex; Limestones, Shales, ete. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.226-30. Hall. Limestones of Orleans County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.358-59. Hall. Limestones not Metamorphic, Compact or Subcrystalline; their Geological and Geographical Distribution. Mus. rep. 39 (for 1885) 1886. p.194-95. Horton. Limestones of Orange County. Geol. rep. Ist dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.147-52. Lincoln. Limestone of Seneca County. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.111. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:111. Mather. Limestones and Marbles of Columbia and Dutchess Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1838. p. 165-72. Mather. Limestone of New York, Westchester and Putnam Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.89-98. Mather. Red Conglomerate Limestone. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.126-27. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.288-89. : Mather. Limestone of Orange and Rockland Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.130-31. Mather. Compact Grey Limestone. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.288. Mather. Metamorphic Limestones. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.439-87. Merrill. Directory of Quarrymen. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.486-93. Sanie, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:486-93 (2d paging). Merrill. Road Materials. Mus. bul. 17. 1897. p.105. Same, Mus. rep. 50: (for 1896) 1898. 1:105 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.205. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:205. Nason. Limestone for Building in Albany County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.279. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.473. Ries. Limestones of New York and their Economic Value. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.355-467. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:355-467. SUBJECT INDEX 419 Limestones (continued) Ries. Lime and Cement Industries of New York, with analyses. Mus. bul. 44, 1901. p.637-968. pl. (phot.) maps. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:637-968. pl. (phot.) maps. Map of New York State showing location of limestone quarries and marl deposits and manufactories of natural and Portland cement (uncolored) 72x74cm. Map of New York State showing distribution of limestone (uncolored) 44.5x35cm. Smock. Limestones. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.20-22; 10. 1890. p.207-18. —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.423-29. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:423-29 (2d paging). —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.196-203. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:196-203. Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.94-134; 10. 1890. p.238-55. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.432-48. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:482-48 (2d paging). Smock. Tests; Durability; Causes of Decay. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.364-89. Vanuxem. Limestone, Marl and Tufa. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.191-93 (ed. 2, p. 193-95). Vanuxem. Upper Limestone. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.272, 285. See also Carboniferous system; Crystalline rocks; Primitive limestone; Waterlime; also names of formations, i. e. Onondaga limestone; Tully limestone, ete. Limonite. Beck. Limonite: Hydrous Peroxide of Iron. Min. rep. (for 1836) 1837. p.383-39 (ed. 2, p.35-41); (for 1838) 18389. p.46. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.29-36, 386-87. Carr. Bog-ore. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.386. Emmons. Bog Ore’ of St Lawrence County. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.208-9. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.848-49. Emmons. Hematitic Iron, or Limonite. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.161-62. Hall. Bog Ore. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 18386) 1837. p.188-42 (ed. 2, p.140- 44), Hall. Bog Iron Ore. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.335. Hall. Bog Ore of Niagara County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.367. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.447. Hall. Bog Iron of Orleans County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.355. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.487-38. Hall. Bog and Argillaceous Iron of Wayne County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.419. Mather. Bog Ore. Geol. rep. Ist dist. (for 18386) 1837. p.72-73 (ed. 2, p.74-75); (for 1889) 1840. p.224-25. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.119-20, 236-37. Mather. Bog Ore of Columbia and Dutchess Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.156. Mather. Limonite in Putnam and Westchester Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 18389. p.107-8. Mather. Limonite and Lead. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.111-12. Mather. Limonite or Hematite Ore Beds. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.488-98. Merrill. Localities in New York. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.548. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:548 (2d paging). Nason. Limonite of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.598. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.592. Smock. Limonites of Dutchess and Columbia Counties. Mus. bul. 7. 1889. p.12-13, 52-61. —— —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.589-41. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:539-41 (2d paging). a 420 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Limonite (continued) —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.220-21. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:220-21. Smock. Limonite of Staten Island. Mus. bul. 7. 1889. p.61-62. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.541. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:541 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.221. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:221. \Vanuxem. Bog Ore, Limonite. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.228-29. Whitlock. Limonite (brown hematite). Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.77-78. Lithographing. Ries. Lithographing. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.375. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:375. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.660. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:660. Lithology. Leeds. Lithology of the Adirondacks. Mus. rep. 30 (for 1876) 1878. p.79-109. Little Falls quadrangle. Cushing. Pre-Cambrian Outlier at Little Falls. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r83-95. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:1r83-95. Cushing. Geology of the Vicinity of Littlefal.s. Mus. bul. In press. Livingston county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.74-75. Bishop. Salt Wells of Western New York. Geol. rep. 5 (for 1885) 1886. p.12-47. Bishop. Natural Gas. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.20-22. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:20-22. Bishop. Oil and Gas. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r124-25. Same, Mus. rep. 538 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r124-25. Dickinson. Bluestone Quarries. Mus. bul. 61. Jn press. Felt. Entomological reports from. Ent. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.562. (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:562. Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1012-13. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1012-18. Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.787. (Mus. bul. 53). Hnt. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.149. In press. Hall. Livingston County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.416-24. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.459-64. Ries. Limestone Formations. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.792-93. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:792-93. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 8. 1888. p.83-84, 88; 10. 1890. p.253, 274, 276. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.407-8, 409, 446. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:407-8, 409, 446 (2d paging). Livonia salt shaft. Clarke. Fossils Found in the Liyonia Salt Shaft. Geol. rep. 11 (for 1891) 1892. p.10-11, 54-55. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.826-27, 370-71. —— —— Geol. rep. 12 (for 1892) 1893. p.46-47. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for (1892) 1893. p.192-94. Clarke. Succession of the Fossil Faunas in the Section of the Livonia Salt Shaft. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.131-58. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.325-52. Clarke. New or Rare Species of Fossils from the Horizons of the Livonia Salt Shaft. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.159-89. 4pl. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.353-83. Hall. Geological Work in Connection with the Livonia Salt Shaft. Geol. rep. 11 (for 1891) 1892. p.7-12. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.323-28. SUBJECT INDEX 421 Livonia salt shaft (continued) — Geol. rep. 12 (for 1892) 1898. p.13. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 18938. p.159. Hall. Livonia Salt Shaft, its History and Geological Relations, ete. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1898) 1894. p.11-20. diagrams. 2maps. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.208-14. diagrams. map. Map showing area of New York covered by Onondaga salt group, 37x14.5cm. Map Se ae salt-producing district of western New York, 34.5x21.5cm (in Geol. rep. only). Luther. Report on the Geology of the Livonia Salt Shaft. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.21-180. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.215-324. pl. (phot.) Lizards, see Reptiles. Llandeilo flags. Conrad. Llandeilo Flags of Murchison. Pal. rep. (for 1837) 1838. p.114. Lockport. Smock. Stone Construction in. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.351-52. Lockport dolomites. Clarke, Ruedemann & Luther. Lockport Dolomites of Brockport and Medina Quadrangles. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.517-18, 520-21. Lockport group, see Niagara group. Lockport limestone (Niagara). Clarke & Schuchert. Lockport Limestone. See New York series. Conrad. Lockport Limestone. Pal rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.202. Grabau. Lockport (Niagara) Limestone in Niagara District. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.105-13. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:105-13. aHall. Lockport Limestone. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.289. Vanuxem. Lockport Limestone. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.874. See also Niagara limestone. Lockport marble. Hall. Variegated Marble of Lockport. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.3870. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.448. Locusts. Lintner. Red-legged Locust. Ent. rep. 10 (for 1894) 1895. p.439-45. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:489-45 (st paging). See also Orthoptera. Loganite. Hunt. Loganite. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.80-81. Long Island. Bean. Report on the Fishes of Long Island Collected in the Summer of 1898. Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:r92-111. Bean. Report on the Fishes of Great South Bay, Long Island, Collected in the Summer of 1901. Mus. rep. 55 (for 1901). In press. Emmons. Climate. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:20-21. Hollick. Field Work during 1901 in the Cretaceous Beds of Long Island. Geol. rep. 21 (for 1901). Jn press. Mather. Economic Geology of Queens, Kings and Richmond Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.122-42. Mather. Encroachments of the Sea. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.19-25. Mather. Marine Alluvial Detritus; Beaches, Shoals, Spits, etc. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.24-27, 2384-35. Mather. Sand Dunes. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.30-32. Mather. Springs, Wells, ete. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.108-9, 145-48, 270-71. Mather. Boulders and Drift. Geol. N. -Y. pti. 1843. p.165-77. Mather. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.261-70. Mather. Geological Map of Long and Staten Islands with the Environs of New York. 129x56.5em. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. pl.1. Mather. Valleys. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.271-72. aF¥irst use of term. - 422 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Long Island (continued) Ries. Clays. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.121-33. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:121-33 (2d paging). —— —— revised. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.595-607. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:595-607. —— —— abridged by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.500-1. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:500-1 (2d paging). abridged by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.212. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:212. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.214-20, 242. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:214-20, 242 (2d paging). revised. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.733-42. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:783-42. Scott. Notes on the Marine Food Vishes of Long Island and a Biologie Reconnaissance of Cold Spring Harbor. Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. p.1r214-29. See also Kings county; Nassau county; Queens, Borough of; Queens county; Suffolk county. ‘Long Island division. Mather. Long Island Division. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.248-78. Long Sting. Felt. Lunate Long Sting. Forest Fish and Game Com. rep. 4 (for 1898) 1899. p.3889-90. Lintner. Lunate Long Sting. Ent. rep. 4 (for 1887) 1888. p.35-41. Same, Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.155-61. Lorraine beds (Frankfort; Hudson river; Pulaski). Clarke & Schuchert. Lorraine beds. See New York series. aKmmons. Lorrain Shales. Geol. N. Y. pt.2. 1842. p.119-23. Ag. N. Y. 1846... 1:124-25. eee Loraine Shales in Jefferson County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842.- p.401-5. Emmons. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.120, 402-5. Ruedemann. Lorraine Beds near Albany. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.o13- 19. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:513-19. See also Frankfort slates; Hudson river group; Pulaski shales. Louisville. Hali & Whitfield. Description of New Species of Fossils from the Vicinity of Louisville, Ky., and the Falls of the Ohio. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.181-200a. 5 plates in 27th report. Louisville limestones. Hall. Louisville Limestones; Notes on the Hy- draulic Beds and Associated Limestones at the Falls of the Ohio. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5. pt2. p.1389-47. Lower Helderberg group (Becraft; Coeymans; Helderberg; Helder- bergian; New Scotland). Clarke. Faunal Characters. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.82-91. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.428-37. Girty. Revision of the Sponges and Coelenterates of the Lower Helder- berg Group of New York. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.16, 259-309. Tpl. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:16, 259-309. 7pl. Hall. Lower Helderberg Group. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:33-36, 37-42. Hall. Catalogue of Species obtained at a Single Loeality in Albany County. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:492-94. Hall. Organic Remains. Pal. N. Y. 1859. v.3. ptl. p.99-381; y.3. pt2. pl. Hall. Note on the Occurrence of Astylospongia in the Lower Helderberg Rocks. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1863. p.69-70. Hall. Descriptions of Bryozoa and Corals of the Lower Helderberg Group. Mus. rep. 26 (for 1872) 1874. p.93-115. revised. Mus. rep. 32 (for 1878) 1879. p.141-76. aFirst use of term. j ) 498 _* SUBJECT INDEX Lower Helderberg group (continucd) 33 Plates and Explanations illustrating Corals and Bryo- zoans of Upper and Lower Helderberg Groups. Geol. rep. 2 (for 1882) 1883. Hall. The Niagara and Lower Helderberg Groups: their Relations and Geographical Distribution in the United States and Canada. Mus. rep. 27 (for 1873) 1875. p.117-31. map 70x50cm. Hall. Some Remarkable Crinoidal Forms from the Lower Helderberg Group. Mus. rep. 28 (for 1874) 1879. p.205-10. pl.35-37. Hall & Simpson. Corals and Bryozoa of the Lower Helderberg Group. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:1-68. pl.1-24. Hall. Description of New Species of Fenestellidae of the Lower Helder- berg, with explanation of plates illustrating species of the Hamilton group. Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.393-94. pl.8-15. Lincklaen. Lower He:derberg Limestones. Fossils. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.58-59. Lincoln. Lower Helderberg Group. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.87. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:87. Luther. Lower Helderberg Group in Livonia Salt Shaft. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.48. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.242. Luther. Lower Helderberg Group of Onondaga County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.267-74. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:267-74. Merrill. Lower Helderberg Group. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.157-58. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:157-58. Smock. Lower Helderberg Group. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.22; 10. 1890. OA — —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.427-28. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:427-28 (2d paging). —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.201. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:201. Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.94-134; 10. 1890. p.238-55. —— —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.482-47. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:432-47 (2d paging). Williams. Note on the Lower Helderberg Rocks of Cayuga Lake. Geol. rep. 6 (for 1886) 1887. p.10-12. See also Becraft limestone; Coeymans limestone; Helderberg limestones; Helderbergian; New Seotland limestones. Lower Pentamerus limestone. See Coeymans limestone; Pentamerus lime- stone. ; Lower shaly beds. Darton. Lower Shaly Beds. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.213. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.407. Darton. Lower Shaly Limestone of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.304-5. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.498-99. Lower Silurian (Champlainic; Ordovician). Cumings. Lower Silurian System of Eastern Montgomery County, N. Y. Mus. bul. 34. 1900. p.415-68, 4pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:415-68. 4pl. (phot.) map. Geologic map of Amsterdam quadrangle, 44x32.5cm. Hall. Organic Remains. Pal. N. Y. v.1. 1847. Merrill. Lower Silurian System. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.146-50. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:146-50. Merrill. Life of the Lower Silurian. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.150. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:150. : Prosser & Cumings. Sections and Thickness of the Lower Silurian Formations on West Canada Creek and in the Mohawk Valley. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.23-24, 615-59. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:23-24, 615-59. pl. (phot.) 4 424 5 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Lower Silurian (continued) White. Report on the Relations of the Ordovician and EKo-Silurian Rocks in Portions of Herkimer, Oneida and Lewis Counties. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:r21-54. pl. (phot.) 2 maps. Map of the vicinity of Frankfort hill, 31.5x16.5cm. Map of the Precambrian border in Oneida and Lewis counties, 49.5x1l6cm. See also Champlainic; also names of subdivisions; also names of classes of fossils, i. e. Brachiopoda, Cephalopoda, ete. Lowville limestone (Birdseye). aClarke & Schuchert. Lowville Limestone. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.11. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:11. See also Birdseye limestone. Loxoclase. Beck. Loxoclase. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.151-52. See also Orthoclase. Ludlow rocks. Conrad. Ludlow Rocks of Murchison. Pal. rep. (for 1837) 1838. p.110. Conrad. Lower Ludlow Rocks. Pal. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.203; (for 1840), 1841. p.31. See also Chemung group; Hamilton group. Ludlowville shales. OHall. Ludlowville Shales. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.298. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.187. Hall. Ludlowville Shale of Genesee County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.890, 429. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.467. Hall. Ludlowville Shale in Livingston County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.421. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.462. Luther. Ludlowville Shales in Livonia Salt Shaft. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.44. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.238. Luther. Ludlowville Shales of Onondaga County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.281. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:281. Wright. Ludlowville Shale in Yates County. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881). 1884. p.206. See also Wrie division; Hamilton group. Lycoperdon. Peck. New York Species of Lycoperdon. Mus. rep. 32 (for 1878) 1879. p.58-72. Peck. United States Species of Lycoperdon. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1879. 9:285-318. Madison county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.75-76. Clarke. Agoniatite Limestone. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.117-19. Evans. A General View and Agricultural Survey. ‘Ag. Soc. Trans. 12 (for 1851) 1852. p.658-777. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Ent. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.562-63. (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:562-63. Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1018. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1013. Prosser. Geologic Map of Part of. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. facing p.87. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. v.2, facing p.87. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.199, 212, 248. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:199, 212, 248 (2d paging). —— —— Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.715, 731. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900): 1902. 2:715, 731. Ries. Drain Tile Works. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.222. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:222 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.771. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:771. Ries. Limestone Formations. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.793-94. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:793-94. aFirst use of term in original publication of this article. Science. 1899. mew ser 10:877. 6First use of term. a bo OU SUBJECT INDEX Madison county (continued) Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.122; 10. 1890. p.250. —— —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.448. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:443 (2d paging). Vanuxem. Geology. Geol. rep. 8d dist. (for 1888) 1839. p.245-85. Geol. N. Y. pt. 1842. p.271-77. Magnesia-iron silicates. Merrill. Magnesia-iron Silicates. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.121-22. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:121-22. Magnesian deposits. Vanuxem. Magnesian Deposits. Geol, rep. 3d dist.. (for 1888) 1839. p.261. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.107-9. See also Onondaga salt group. Magnesian marble. Beck. Magnesian Marble. Min. rep. (for 1836) 1837. p.58 (ed. 2, p.60). Min. N. Y. 1842. p.250. Magnesian minerals. Beck Magnesian Minerals. Min. rep. (for 1838): 1839. p.388-41. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.57-59, 248-56. Magnesian slate. Emmons. Magnesian Slate. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.152-54. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:75-78. Witch. Magnesian Slate of Washington County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.854-55. Magnesite. Beck. Carbonate of Magnesta. Min. N. Y. 1842. p:249-50. Beck. Magnesite or Kerolite. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1889. p.89. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.57, 279-81. Merrill. Localities. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.582. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:582 (2d paging). se Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.234. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899.. 1:234. Whitlock. Magnesite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.82. Magnetic iron ore, see Magnetite. Magnetic iron pyrites, See Pyrrhotite. Magnetic iron sand. Beck. Magnetic Iron Sand. Min. rep. (for 1836) 1837.. ))p-3940 (ed. 2, p.41-42). Min. N. Y. 1842. p.22. Merrill. Magnetic Iron Sand. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.542. Same, Mus.. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:542 (2d paging). Magnetic needle. Hough. Harly Observations upon Magnetic Variations. Mus. rep. 22 (for 1868) 1869. p.109-18. map. Magnetite. Beck. Magnetic Iron Ore. Min. rep. (for 1836) 1837. p.18-28 (ed. 2, p.20-80). Min. N. Y. 1842. p.1-22, 383-85, 445. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.147-48. Cushing. Iron Ore of Franklin County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.125-26. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:125-26. Denniston. Magnetic Oxide of Iron of Orange County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 22 (for 1862) 1863. p.159-60. Emmons. Magnetic Oxide of Iron in Essex County. Geol. rep. 2d dist.. (for 1889) 1840. p.819-21. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.231-63. Emmons. Magnetic Oxide of Iron. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.87-92. Emmons. Iron Ores of Clinton County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.291-308. Emmons. Iron Ores of Franklin. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.326-31. Emmons. Magnetic Ores of St Lawrence County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.347-48. Emmons. Magnetic Oxide of Iron in Warren County. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.236-37; (for 1839) 1840. p.319-21. Fitch. Iron Ore of Washington County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850: p.822-23. Hall. C. E. Laurentian Magnetic Iron Ore Deposits of Northern New York. Mus. rep. 32 (for 1878) 1879. p.133-40. Same, Geol. rep. 4 (for 1884) 1885. p.23-34, with geol. map of Essex county, 48x40.5cm, 426 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Magnetite (continued) Hall, James. MEE eae Oxide of Iron. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1837. Dp. 127-35 (ed. 2, p.129-37). Hunt. Magnetite. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.86-88. Kkemp. Iron Ores of Moriah and Westport Townships, Hssex County. Mus. bul. 14. 1895. p.340-51. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:340-51 (2d paging). Kemp. Iron Ores of Essex County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.607-14. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:607-14. List of es a Ones in the Economic Collection. Mus. rep. 26 (for 1872) 1874. p.27 Mather. Mache Oxide of Iron in Putnam County. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.108-14. Mather. Magnetic Oxide of Iron of Rockland and Orange Counties. Geol. rep. Ist dist. (for 1838) 18389. p.133-34. Mather. Magnetic Iron Ore. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.105-8. Mather. Ores of the Highlands and of the Mountains of Saratoga and _ Washington. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.559-76. Merrill. Localities in New York. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.542-43. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:542-43 (2d paging). Ries. Iron Ores of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.470-73. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:470-73. Smock. Highlands of the Hudson; Magnetic Iron Ores. Mus. bul. 7. 1889. p.5-7, 15-24. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.530-32. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:530-32 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.216-18. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:216-18. Smock. Adirondack Region including the lake Champlain Mines; Mag- netic Iron Ores. Mus. bul. 7. 1889. p.7-10, 24-44. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.532-37. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:532-37 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.218-19. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:218-19. Watson. Iron Ore of Essex County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 12 aoe 1852) 1853. p.771-86; 13 (for 1853) 1854. p.717. Whitlock. Magnetite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.73. See also Iron ores. Malachite. Beck. Green Malachite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.425-26. Whitlock. Malachite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.86. -Mammals. Catalogues and Additions. Mus. rep. 1, ‘p.7-10; 2, p.17-18; 3 rev. ed., ale 18, 42; 4, p.19, 29-30; 5, p.17; 6, p.19; 7, p.15-16; 8, p.15-16; 13, p11; 2 22, p.14; 24, p.19; 25, p.16; 46, p.21; 51, 1:120; 53, 1:ri66. For dates of Mus. rep. see List of publications, p.241. Catalogue of Mounted Mammals in the Collection Sep. 30, 1890. Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.28-30. Catalogue of the Collection of Mammalian Osteology, Sep. 30, 1890. Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.31-33. De Kay. Mammalia. Assembly doc. 1840, no.50, p.7, 17-20. Zool. N. Y. 1842. v.1. pti. 146p. 33pl. De Rham collection. Catalogue. Mus. rep. 8 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.42; 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.29-30. List of Deficiencies in the Mammalia. Mus. rep. 17 (for 1863) 1864. p.12. Marshall. Mammals of New York exhibited at the World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, Ill., 1893. Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.4148. j SUBJECT INDEX 427 Mammals (continucd) e Miller. Preliminary List of New York Mammals. Mus. bul. 29. 1899. p.271-390. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:271-390. Contains a bibliography. Fossil species, p.372-76. Miller. Key to the Land Mammals of Northeastern North America. Mus. bul. 38. 1900. p.59-160. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:59-160. See also Mastodon. Manganese. Beck. Manganese. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.47-49. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.538-55, 406-8. Beck. Black Manganese. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.447. Horsford. Manganese of Cattaraugus County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1889) 1840. p.463-64. Manganese. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.200 (ed. 2, Dp. 4 Whitlock. Manganese. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.76, 77, 79, 83. - Manganese oxid, sce Wad. Manganese spar, see Rhodonite. _ Manganite. Whitlock. Manganite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.77. Manhattan schist. Merrill. Manhattan Schist. Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) J 1898. 1:28 (1st paging). Manlius limestone (Tentaculite). Clarke. Fauna. Mus.-mem. 3. 1990. p.98-101. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:98-101. Clarke & Schuchert. Manlius Limestone. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.11. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:11. Emmons. Manlius Waterlime. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:159-66. Grabau. Manlius Limestone of Niagara Region. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.116-17. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:116-17. aVanuxem. Manlius Water Lime Group. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.272-74; (for 1839) 1840. p.3876. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.110. Vanuxem. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.112. See also Tentaculite limestone. Manure fly. Lintner. Manure fly. Ent. rep. 10 (for 1894) 1895. p.891-97. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:391-97 (1st paging). Mapletree borer. Felt. Mapletree Borer. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 4 (for 1898) 1899. p.3886-92. Ag. Soc. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.277-78. Lintner. Mapletree Borer. Ent. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.237-48. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:287-48 (1st paging). Mapletree pruner. Felt. Maple Tree Pruner. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 4 (for 1898) 1899. p.3892-93. Lintner. Maple Tree Pruner. Ent. rep. 9 (for 1892) 1898. p.857-61. Same, Mus. rep 46 (for 1892) 1898). p.357-61. Mapletree scale insect. Welt. Cottony Maple Tree Scale Insect. Torest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 4 (for 1898) 1899. p.3938-95. —— —— Mus. bul. 27. 1899. p.52. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899). 1901. Say, Lintner. Cottony Maple Tree Scale Insect. Ent. rep. 6 (for 1889) 1890. p.141-47. Same, Mus. rep. 43 (for 1889) 1890. p.141-47. Mapletrees, see Shade trees. Maps, see Economie map; Geologic map; Indians; Physical geography; also names of counties, etc. Marasmius. Peck. Genus Marasmius. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 18738. p.124-26. aYirst use of term. oe 428 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM “Marbles. Beck. Marbles. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.18-22. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.67-74, 229. Eckel. Quarries in Southeastern New York. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r169-76. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r169-76. Emmons. Marble. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.212-16. Hall. Marbles, or Metamorphic Crystalline Limestones; their Geological Position and Geographical Distribution. Mus. rep. 39 (for 1885) 1886. p.193. Mather. Limestones aendl Marbles of Columbia and Dutchess Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.165-72. Mather. Building Stones and Marbles. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.326-28. Merrill. Directory of Quarrymen. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.486-98. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:486-93 (2d paging). Smock. Marbles. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.13-14; 10. 1890. p.208. Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.424. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:424 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.197. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:197. Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.386-44; 10. 1890. p.234-37. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.429-32. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:429-32 (2d paging). Smock. Tests; Durability; Causes of Decay. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.364-89. Smyth. Marble of St Lawrence County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.514-15. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.708-9. : See also Black marble. Marcasite. Beck. White Iron Pyrites. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.393-94. Whitlock. Marcasite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.60. Marcellus shales. Bishop. Marcellus Shales of Erie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.315-16, 390. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:315-16, 390. Clarke. Marcellus Shales in Ontario County. Geol. rep. 4 (for 1884) 1885. p.11-15. Clarke. List of the Species constituting the known Fauna and Flora of the Marcellus Epoch in the State of New York. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.60-61. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.406-7. Clarke. Limestones of Central and Western New York interbedded with Bituminous Shales of the Marcellus Stage with Notes on their Maunas. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.115-38. pl.8-9. Clarke. Marcellus Fauna. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.668. Clarke & Schuchert. Marcellus Shale. See New York series. Conrad. Shales oH the Superior Series. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.182-84 (ed. 2, p.184-86). Delafield. Marcellus Shale of Seneca County. Ag. Soe. Trans. 10 (for 1850) 1851. p.444-47. Emmons. Marcellus Shales. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:181-83. Geddes. Marceilus Shales of Onondaga County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 19 (for 1859) 1860. p.252-58. Grabau. Marcellus Shales. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.236-37. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:236-37. Pi uaazeellns Shale. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.177-83. Pal. N. Y. 1859. Hall. Marcellus Shale in Hrie County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.162. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.472. Hall. Marcellus Shale of Genesee County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.429. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.466-67. Hi * SUBJECT INDEX 429 Marcellus shales (continued) Hall. Marcellus Shales of Livingston County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.420-22. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.461-62. Hall. Mareellus Shales of Ontario County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1888) 1839. p.812. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.457. aHall. Marcellus Shales in Seneca County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 18389. p.295-96. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.451. Hall. Organic Remains. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.180-82. Hall. Fossils of the Goniatite Limestone in the Marcellus Shale of the Hamilton Group, in the Wastern and Central Parts of the State of New York, and those of the Goniatite Beds of Rockford, Ind., with some Analogous Forms from the Hamilton Group Proper. Mus. rep. 13 (for 1859) 1860. p.95-112, 125. illus; 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.81, 196. Lincklaen. Marcelius Slate; Fossils. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.62-65. Lincoln. Marcellus Shale of Seneca County. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.92-93, 102. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:92-93, 102. Luther. Marcellus Shales in Livonia Salt Shaft. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1894. p.45-46. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.239-40. Luther. Marcellus Shale of Onondaga County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.279-80. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:279-80. Luther. Marcellus Shale of the Salt District. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.216-17. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:216-17. Mather. Marcellus Shales. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.317. Merrill. Marcellus Shale. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.162. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:162. Ries. Marcellus Shale. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.692-93. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:692-93. —— Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p. 880-381. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) F 1902. 2:830-31. Smock. Marcellus Shale. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.17; 10. 1890. p.221-22. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.3887. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:387 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.191. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:191. Vanuxem. Marcellus Shale. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.879-80. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.146-50. Vanuxem. Marcellus Shale in Cayuga County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. Vanuxen. Marcellus Shale in Herkimer County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. Vanuxem. Marcellus Shale in Madison County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. Vanusem, Marcellus Shale in Oneida County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. Vanusem. Marcellus Shale in Onondaga County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. Vanuxen Marcellus Shale in Otsego County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.254, Vanuxem. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.147. Wright. Marcellus Shale in Yates County. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.206. See also Agoniatite limestone; Stafford limestone. Margarite. Beck. Margarite. Mus. rep. 3 rev, ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.144-45. Hunt. Margarite. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.83. aFirst use of term. 430 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Margarodite. Merrill. Margarodite. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.122. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:122. Marine alluvions. Mather. Marine Alluvions. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.76-82 (ed. 2, p. 78-84). Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.17-30. Marl. Beck. Marl. Min. rep. (for 1836) 1887. p.58 (ed. 2, p.60). Min. N. Y. 1842. p.83-88. Carr. Lake Marl and Tufa; Cortland Marl Ponds. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.385. Conrad. Caleareous Tufa and Marl. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.179-80 (ed. 2, p.181-82). Emmons. Fresh Water Marl. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.149 (ed. 2, p.151). Emmons. Marl in Warren County. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1888) 18389. p.237. Emmons. Marl. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:204-6. Evans. Marl Beds of Madison County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 11 (for 1851) 1852. p.703-7. , Geddes. Marl of Onondaga County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 19 (for 1859) 1860. p.254-56. Hall. Lake Marl and Tufa. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.832-35; (for 1839) 1840. p. 445-48. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.3860-61. Hall. Tufa and Marl in Monroe County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.337-40. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.428-30. Hall. Marl in Niagara County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.367. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.446. Hall. Marl in Orleans County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.354. _ Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.437. Hall. Marl in Wayne County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838S. p.320- 21. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.416. Horsford. Marl and Tufa of Cattaraugus County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1889) 1840. p.461-62. ‘Marshall. Report on a Deposit of Marl and Peat in New Baltimore. Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.46-52. Mather. Shell Marl. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1836) 1887. p.71-72 (ed. 2, p.73-74); (for 1840) 1841. p.69-71. Mather. Fresh Water Shell Marl of Columbia and Dutchess Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.147-50. Mather. Red Marl. Geol. N. Y. pti. 18438. p.288. Mather. Shell or Lake Marl. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.10-12. Mather. Table of Localities. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.14-16, 229. Merrill. Marl. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.528. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:528 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.223. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:223. Ries. Marls. Mus. bul. 44. 1901, p.766-G8. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:766-68. Ries. Marl in Genesee County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.785. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:785. Ries. Marls of Livingston County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.792-93. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:792-93. Ries. Marls of Madison County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.793-94. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1800) 1902. 3:793-94. Ries. Marls of Monroe County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.797-98. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902.-3:797-98. Ries. Marls of Onondaga County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.807. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:S07. SUBJECT INDEX 431 Marl (continued) Ries. Marl of Ontario County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.S08. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:808. Ries. Marl in Orleans County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.811. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:811. Ries. Marl of Schuyler County. Mus. bul. 44: 1901. p.818. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:818. Ries. Marl of Steuben County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.S19. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1800) 1902. 3:819. Ries. Marl of Wayne County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.828. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:828. Ries. Marl of Yates County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.833. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:833. Vanuxem. Limestone, Marl and Tufa. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.191-93 (ed. 2, p.193-95). Vanuxem. Lake Marl. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.280-81. Geol. .N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.224-26. See also Gypseous marl. Marsh alluvions, sce Salt marshes. Maryland. Schuchert. List of the Fossils occurring in the Oriskany Sand- stone of Maryland, New York and Ontario. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.50-54. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.3896-400. Masonite. Beck. Masonite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.452. Mastodon. Bones of a Mastodon found at Hllenyille, N. Y. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.7. Clarke. Report on Mastodon Bones at Attica, N. Y. Geol. rep. 6 (for 1886) 1887. p.34-35. Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.388-90. plan. Clarke. Monroe Mastodon. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.489-41. Clarke. Mastodons of New York; a List of Discoveries of their Remains 1705-1902. Pal. rep. (for 1902). Jn press. Hall. Fossil Bones of Quadrupeds. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.347. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.363-67. Hall. Notes and Observations on the Cohoes Mastodon. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.99-148. 5pl. 2maps. Map of Cohoes and vicinity showing course of the Mohawk (uncolored) 23x18.5cm. Map of Cohoes falls and vicinity (uncolored) 67x42cm. Mather. Bones of Animals in Alluvial Depositions; Mastodon and Fossil Elephant. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.44-47, 232-33, 636. 3 Miller. Mastodon americanus. Mus. bul. 29. 1899. p.873-75. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:373-75. Skeleton of a Mastodon found at Cohoes, N.Y. Mus. rep. 20 rev. ed. (for 1866) 1868. p.10; 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.5, 7-9. Mauch Chunk group. Merrill. Mauch Chunk Group. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.166-67. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:166-67. May beetle. Lintner. White Grub of the May Beetle. Mus. bul. 5. 1888. 32p. illus. Lintner. May Beetle. Ent. rep. 9 (for 1892) 1893. p.853-57. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.353-57. May flies, see Neuropteroid insects. Mazatlan mollusca. Catalogue. Mus. rep. 13 (for 1859) 1860. p.21-36. Meal worm. Lintner. Meal Worm. Ent. rep. 8 (for 1891) 1893. p.176-77. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.176-77. Mecoptera, see Neuropteroid insects. Medina quadrangle. Clarke, Ruedemann & Luther. Contact Lines of Upper Siluric Formations. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.517-238. Medina sandstone. Bishop. Medina Sandstone of Erie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.390. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:390. 432 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Medina sandstone (continued) Clarke, Ruedemann & Luther. Medina Sandstone on Brockport and Medina Quadrangle. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.519-20, 522. Clarke & Schuchert. Medina Sandstone. See New York series. Darton. Medina Formations of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.3807-8. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.501-2. Hmmons. Medina Sandstone. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:142-44. Grabau. Medina Sandstones and Shales in Niagara District. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.87-95. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:87-95. | Hall. Medina Sandstone. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.34-57. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:2-4, Hall. Medina Sandstone in Monroe County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.422. Hall. Medina Sandstone in Niagara County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.440. Hall. Medina Sandstone in Orleans County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.433. Hall. Medina Sandstone in Wayne County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.414. Hall. Organic Remains. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.39-40, 46-49. Pal. N. Y. 1852, 2:4-14. Hall. Mineral Contents. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.44-45. Lincklaen. Medina Sandstones; Fossils. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.51-52. Luther. Medina Sandstone. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.201-8. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:201-8. Mather. Rocks Similar in Character to the Shawangunk Grit and Over- lying Red Rocks. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.362-65. Merrill. Medina Sandstone. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.152. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:152. Ries. Medina Shale. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.689. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:689. revised. Mus. bul. 85. 1900. p.826-28. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:826-28. Ries. Medina Sandstone of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.401. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:401. Smock. Medina Sandstone. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.16; 10. 1890. p.219-21. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.385-86. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:385-86 (2d paging). —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.189-90. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899: 1:189-90. Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.57-71; 10. 1890. p.260-65. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.396-400. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:396-400 (2d paging). aVanuxem. Medina Sandstone. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.374. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.71-74. Vanuxem. Medina Sandstone in Cayuga County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.286. VYanuxem. Medina Sandstone in Oneida County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.261. Vanuxem. Medina Sandstone in Oswego County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.270-71. Vanuxem. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.71. Menaccanite, see Ilmenite. Mercury. Whitlock. Mercury. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.51, 55. Mesotype. Beck. Mesotype. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.344. Mesozoic. Merrill. Mesozoic Time. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.170-74. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:170-74. ? aFirst use of term. SUBJECT INDEX tae Mesozoic fossils. Bagg. Report of Work on the Collection of Mesozoic eos ae Fossils in Geological Hall. Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1132-78. Metallic implements. Beauchamp. Metallic Implements of New York Indians. Mus. bul. 55. 1902. 94p. 38pl. (phot.) Metallic minerals. Beck. Metallic Minerals. Min. rep. (for 1888) 1889. p.42-54. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.882-443. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.147-51. Merrill. Localities. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.578-81. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:578-81 (2d paging). —— —— Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.231-33. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:231-33. Vanuxem. Metallic Minerals in the Fourth District. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.198-201 (ed. 2, p.200-3). Metalliferous greywacke, see Hudson river group; Utica shale. Metalliferous limerock, see Black river limestone; Trenton limestone. Metamorphic limestones. Mather. Economical Applications. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.444-46. Metamorphic rocks. Hmmons. Observations on Metamorphism. Ag. N.Y. 1846. 1:81-83. Emmons. Metamorphic Rock. Ag. . 1846. 1:165-66. Hall. Metamorphism of Strata. ae : Y. 1859. 3:73-78, 89-96. Mather. Metamorphic and Primitive Rocks and their. Contents. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.1038-5. Geol. N. Y. pt.1. 1848. p.489-87. Mather. Ores found in the Champlain, Taconic and Metamorphic Rocks. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.488-509. Mather. Periods of Metamorphic Agency. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.629-31. Merrill. Metamorphic Rocks. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.125-26. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:125-26. See also Taconic. Meteorites. Whitlock. Meteorites. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.131. Meteorology. Beck. Abstracts of Meteorological Observations made at the City of Albany. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1833-52. 2:1-29. Emmons. Climate and Temperature of the State. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:11- 32, 321-22. Hough. Results of a Series of Meteorological Observations [from 1826- ll: made in Obedience to Instructions from the Regents of the Uni- versity, 1855-72. 2v. pl. maps, tal. Meteorological Observations. 1886-37. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1833-52. 2:247-62. Report of Committee appointed -to Cae Observations. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1833-52. 2:97-112, 153-209. Results of Meteorological Observations. Mus. rep. 17 (for 1863) 1864. p.36-49; 18 (for 1864) 1865. p.207-31; 20 rev. ed. (for 1866) 1868. p.107-41; 22 (for 1868) 1869. p.107-8. Webster. Table of Mean Temperatures, for the Last Ten. Years deduced from the Reports of the Regents of the University. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1833-52. 2:221-23. Wilson. Local Climatology. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.68-106. diagram. Mica. Beck. Mica. Min. rep. (for 1836) 1837. p.59 (ed. 2, p.61). Min. N. Y. 1842. p.369-74. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.144-45. Emmons. Mica. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:40. Merrill. Micas. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.122. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:122. Whitlock. Mica. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.110-12. Mica schist. Smock. Mica Schist. Mus. bul. 8. 1888. p.10-12. 434 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Mica slate. Fitch. Mica Slate of Washington County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.836-38. Mather. Mica Slate. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.531, 538. Microcline. Merrill. Microcline. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.121. Same, Mus. ~ rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:121. Whitlock. Microcline. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.89. Microlite. Beck. Microlite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.452. Milk of lime. Ries. Milk OE Lime. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.669. Same, Mus- rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:669. Millerite. Merrill. Localities. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.581. Same, Mus. rep- 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:581 (2d paging). —_ ___Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.288| Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1892 1:238. Whitlock. Millerite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.56. Millstone grit. Horton. Millstone Grit of Eaton. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1888) 1839. p.152-53. Vanuxem. Millstone Grit. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.267-70, 284. See also Carboniferous system; Oneida conglomerate. Millstones. Merrill. Millstones. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.223. Same, Mus- rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:228. Merrill. Millstones; Directory of Producers. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.527. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:527 (2d paging). Nason. Millstones of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.893- — 94, 401-5. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.587-88, 595-99. Mimetite. Whitlock. Mimetite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.119. Mineral paints. Beck. Stone Paints, Ochres.. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.60-61. Merrill. Mineral Paint. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.222-23. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1897) 1899. 1:222-23. Merrill. Mineral Paint; Directory of Producers. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.544. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:544 (2d paging). Ries. Mineral Paint. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.848. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:848. Mineral springs. Beck. Mineral Springs of the State of New York. Min. rep. (for 1837) 1838. p.10-73. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.99-167. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.112-17. Beck. Catalogue of the Mineral Springs of New York, with their Com- position: Table. Min. rep. (fer 1887) 1838 following p.73. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.160-67. Geddes. Mineral Springs of Onondaga County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 19 (for ~ 1859) 1860. p.264-86. Hall. Water and Springs. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1889. p.335-38. Hall. Springs. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.448-50. Hall. Mineral and Gas Springs in the Fourth District. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.308-16. Hall. Catalogue of Principal Mineral Springs in Fourth District, with their Geological Position and Products. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.315-16. Hall. Mineral Springs of Monroe County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.834-36. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.426-28. Hall. Springs of Niagara County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.365-66. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.445-46. Hall. Springs and Mineral Waters in Orleans County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.852-538. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.436. Hall. Mineral Waters of Wayne County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.317-18. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.417-18. ‘ SRL ees ECs 2- Ss eee ee eee par. os Sa eee 1 ee ee i SUBJECT INDEX 435 Mineral springs (continued) : Horsford. Springs of Cattaraugus County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.464-65. Mather. Mineral Springs. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.235-36; (for 1840) 1841. p.108-11. Mather. Springs of Columbia and Dutchess Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.1738-76. Mather. Springs. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.88-109. Merrill. Mineral Waters. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.561-63. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:561-63 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.229-31. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:229-31. Peale. Mineral Springs of New York; Analyses. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.563-78. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:563-78 (2d paging). Vanuxem. Mineral Springs. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.233-34. Watson. Mineral Springs of Essex County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 12 (for 1852) 1853. p.803-7 See also Carbonated springs; Nitrogen springs; Petrifying springs; Salt; Sulfur springs. Mineralogie collection of museum: Additions. Mus. rep. 2, p.65-67; 8 rev. ed. p.31, 33-39; 4, p.73-90; 5, p.35-43; 6, p.25-27; 7, p.51-57; 8, p.23- 263) 9: D804, 13, p.19; 18, p.11-12; 19, p.89-41; 20, p.15-17; 21, p.15-17; 22, p.10-12; 23, p.17-19; 24, p.21-28; 25, p.19-21; 26, p.19-20; 27, p.30-38; 28, p.23-25; 29, p.22-23: 30, p.15-17; 31, p.13: 32, p.12: 34, p.16-19; 386, p.18-19; 37, p.28; 39, p.16- 19: 40, p-28-26; 41, p.32-34; 42, p.62-64; 43, p. 13- 14, 29- 30: 44, p.24-26: 45, p.28: 49, 1:9; 50, 1:15-17; Bul, asl 18; RD a areesbo Ish 1:1165. For dates of Mus. rep. see List of publications, p.241. Arrangement. Mus. rep. 29 (for 1875) 1878. p.16; 30 (for 1876) 1878. p.7-9; 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.39-41. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.136-38. __ Beck. Catalogue of Specimens. Mus. rep. 1 (for 1847) 1848. p.21-83 Catalogue of Gems and Precious Stones. Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p.44-48. De Rham Collection. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.37-89. Distribution of Duplicate Fossils and Minerals. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.19-27. Gebhard Collection. Mus. rep. 25 (for 1871) 1878. p.27-33; 26 (for 1872) 1874. p.7. Hough Collection. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.33-35; 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.82-90; 5 (for 1851) 1852. p.40-48. List of Minerals in the General Collection of the Museum. Mus. rep. 38 (for 1884) 1885. p.21-60. Nevius, comp. Preliminary List of Public Geological and Minnerelaeieol Collections in the United States and Canada. Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:45-74 (1st paging). Mineralogy. Beck. Report on Mineralogical Department of Natural His- tory Survey. Assembly doc. 1837, no.161, p.15-60 (ed. 2, p.17-62); 1888, no.200, p.7-78; 1839, no.275, p.9-56; 1840, no.50, p.87-111; 1841, no. 150, p.3-23: Beck. Tabular View of the Minerals of the State of New York. Min. rep. (for 1888) 1839. p.10-18. Beck. Mineral Contents of Principal Rock Formations. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.46-54. Beck. Mineralogy of New York. 1842. 536p. il, pl. sq. Q. Beck. Report on the Mineralogy of New York comprising Notices of the Additions since 1842. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.109-53. 436 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Mineralogy (continued) Emmons. Catalogue of Minerals of Second Geological District. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.151-53 (ed. 2, p.153-55). Emmons. Minerals of Hssex County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.285-87. Emmons. Minerals of St Lawrence County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. Dp. 865-66. Emmons. Minerals,of Warren County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.192. Emmons. Composition of Simple Minerals. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:39-42. Hunt. On the Mineralogy of the Laurentian Limestones of North America. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.47-98. Mather. Useful Minerals of Catskill Division. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.314-16. Mather. Crystallographical Examination of Some Minerals. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.509-15. Merrill. Mineral Resources of New York State. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.859- 595. 2 maps. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:359-595 (2d paging). 2 maps. Economic and geologic map of New York State, 23x35cm. Geologic map of a part of southeastern New York, 58x66em. Merrill. Minerals. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.120-22. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:120-22. Nason. Some New York Minerals and their Localities. \ Mus. bul. 4. 1888. 19p. 1 pl. (phot.) : Newton. Catalogue of the Minerals of Washington County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.857-62. References to Various Essays and Writings on the Natural History of New York. Mus. rep. 8 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.158; 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.115-16; 5 (for 1851) 1852. p.56-57. Vanuxem. Minerals. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.283-84. Vanuxem. Theory of Veins. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.201-4 (ed. 2, p.203-6). Whitlock. Guide to the Mineralogie Collections of the New York State Museum. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. 138p. 39pl. (phot.) 11 models. Pt 1 General properties of minerals. Pt 2 Description of mineral species. See also names of minerals. Mining. Hall. Importance and Application of Science to Mining. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1887. p.145-48 (ed. 2, p.147-50). See also Iron. Mispickel, see Arsenopyrite. Mohawk language. Bruyas. Radical Words of the Mohawk Language, with their Derivatives. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1868. 123p. Mohawk limestone. «Conrad. Mohawk Limestone. Pal. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.63; (for 1840) 1841. p.29. Emmons. Mohawk Limestone of Jefferson County. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 18389) 1840. p.324. Mather. Mohawk Limestone. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.91, 98-101. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.402-6. = Vanuxem. Mohawk Limestone. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.363- 64, 370. See also Mohawkian. Mohawk river. Nason. Power at Cohoes. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.282-83, 287. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.476-77, 481. Mohawk river valley. Beck. Valley of the Mohawk and Western New York; Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1840) 1841. p.8-11. aFirst use of term. \ SUBJECT INDEX AZT Mohawk river valley (continued) Beecher & Hall, C. H. Field Notes on the Geology of the Mohawk Val- ley, with a map. Geol. rep. 5 (for 1885) 1886. p.8-10. map; 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.54-56. Map showing results of field work in Mohawk valley, 25x20.5cm. Darton. Geology of the Mohawk Valley in Herkimer, Fulton, Mont- gomery and Saratoga Counties. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.40T- 29. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.601-23. pl. (phot.) Darton. Faulted Region of Herkimer, Fulton, Montgomery and Saratoga Counties. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.11-12, 31-53. pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:11-12, 31-53. pl. (phot.) map. Preliminary geologic map of portions of Herkimer, Fulton, Montgomery, Saratoga and adjacent counties (uncolored) 28.5x16.5cm. Emmons. Climate. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:23-26. Prosser & Cumings. Sections and ‘thickness of the Lower Silurian For- mations on West Canada Creek and in the Mohawk Valley. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.23-24, 615-59. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:23-24, 615-59. pl. (phot.) Prosser. Notes on the Stratigraphy of the Mohawk Valley and Saratoga County. Mus. bul. 34. 1900. p.469-82. 6pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:469-82. 6pl. (phot.) map. Geologic map of Amsterdam quadrangle, 44x32.5cm. Vanuxem. Uplifts of the Mohawk. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1887) 1838. p.255-57. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.203-11. See also Geological survey 3d district. Mohawk slate. Mather. Mohawk Slate (Black slate). Geol. rep. Ist dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.91, 92-94. See also Utica shale. Mohawkian. Clarke & Schuchert. Mohawkian. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.10. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:10. Molding sand. Eckel. Molding Sand, its Uses, Properties and Occurrence. Geol. rep. 21 (for 1901). In press. Merrill. Molding Sand. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.553. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:553 (2d paging). — Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.225. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. TDD Nason. Molding Sands of Albany County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.274-77, 286. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.468-71, 480. Mollusea: Aldrich. Partial List of Shells found near Troy, N. Y. Mus. rep. 22 (for 1868) 1869. p.17-24. Carpenter. Catalogue of the Reigen Collection of Mazatlan Mollusca. Mus. rep. 13 (for 1859) 1860. p.21-36. Catalogues. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed., p.43-48; 4, p.26; 6, p.24; 7, p.29-41; 8, p.21-22; 9, p.31-38; 11, p.87-42; 12, p.102-7; 18, p.21-36; 15, p.15-25; 20 p.19-54; 21, p.9; 22, p.15, 17-24; 24, p.18; 25, p.35-55; 27, p.43-46; 35, p.14; 44, p.27; 45, p.29-45; 46, p.28-27. For dates of Mus. rep. see List of publications, p.241. Catalogue of Shells given by Chester Dewey. Mus. rep. 9 (for 1855) 1856. p.31-38. Catalogue of Shells presented by William Newcomb. Mus. rep. 11 (for 1857) 1858. p.37-42. Catalogue of Shells from J. G. Anthony. Mus. rep. 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.15-21. Catalogue of Shells contributed from the Duplicates collected by the Exploring Expedition, Smithsonian Institution. Mus. rep. 15 (for 1861) 1862. p.28-25. Catalogue of Shells presented to the State Museum by the Smithsonian Institution in 1865 and 1866. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.19-54. 438 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Mollusca (continued) Catalogue of European Shells, presented to the State Museum by the Smithsonian Institution in 1869. Mus. rep. 25 (for 1871) 1873. p.39-55. Corbiculidae of the New York State Collection. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.107. : De Kkay. Mollusca. Assembly doc. 1840. no.50. p.12, 31-34. Zool. N. Y. 1843. v.5. pt5. 271p. 40pl. De Rham collection. Catalogue. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.43-48. Green. Notes on the American Shells, figured in the Supplement to the Index Testaceologicus. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1830. 1:134-36. Land Shells of the New York State Collection. Mus. rep. 25 (for 1881) 1884. p.102-6. Land Shells of the United States. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.108-11. List of British Mollusca purchased of P. P. Carpenter. Mus. rep. 12 (for 1858) 1859. p.102-5. List of Gould Types of Mollusca in State Museum Collection. Mus. rep. 27 (for 1873) 1875. p.47-55. List of Land and Fresh-water Shells presented to State Museum by T. H. Aldrich. Mus. rep. 27 (for 1873) 1875. p.43-46. List of Shells from H. Cuming. Mus. rep. 12 (for 1858) 1859. p.105-7. List of Long Island Mollusea presented to the State Museum. Mus. rep. 25 (for 1871) 1873. p.35-38. List of Shells presented to the State Museum by Dr James Lewis, Mar. 15, 1875. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.112-17. List of the Catalogues of Shells published in Former Annual Reports. Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.27. Marshall. Land and Fresh-water Shells of New York exhibited at the World’s Columbian Hxposition, Chicago, Il., 1893. Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.49-75. Marshall. List of Shells inhabiting the Vicinity of Albany and Troy, N. Y. Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:641-47. See also Brachiopoda; Cephalopoda; Gastropoda; Lamellibranchiata; Pteropoda; Unionidae. Mollusca (paleozoic), see Brachiopoda; Cephalopoda; Gastropoda; Lamel- libranchiata; Pteropoda. Molluscoidea, see Bryozoa. Molybdenite. Beck. Sulphuret of Molybdenum. Min. rep. (for 1836) 1857. . ~ p.59 (ed. 2, p.61). Min. N. Y. 1842. p.438-39. Hunt. Sulphuret of Molybdenum. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.91. Merrill. Localities. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.581.. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:581 (2d paging). —— —— Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.238. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 233% Monazite. Beck. Monazite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.452. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.152. Whitlock. Monazite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.117. Monroe county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.76-77. ‘Bishop. Natural Gas. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.28. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:28. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Ent. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.563-64. (Mus. bul. 34). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:563-64. Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1013-14. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900)-1902, 2:1013-14. Hall. Monroe County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.827-47. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.422-38. A ae SUBJECT INDEX 439 Monroe county (continued) Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.203-4,.248. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:208-4, 248 (2d paging). —— revised. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.720-22. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:720-22. Ries. Limestones. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.441-42. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:441-42. —— revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.794-98. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:794-98. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.59, 133; 10. 1890. p.258, 254, 261-62. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.897, 447. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:397, 447 (2d paging). Monroe shales. Ries. Monroe Shales of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.404. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:404. Montgomery county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.77. Cumings. Lower Silurian System of Hastern Montgomery County. Mus. bul. 34. 1900. p.415-68. 4pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:415-68. 4pl. (phot.) map. Geologic map of Amsterdam quadrangle, 44x32.5cm. Darton. Geology of the Mohawk Valley in Herkimer, Fulton, Montgom- ery and Saratoga Counties. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.407-29. pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.601-23. pl. (phot.) Darton. Faulted Region. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.11-12, 31-53. pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:11-12, 31-53. pl. (phot.) map. Preliminary geologic map of portions of Herkimer, Fulton, Montgomery, Saratoga and adjacent counties (uncolored) 28.5x16.5cm. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1014. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1014. —— Wnt. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.787. (Mus. bul. 58). Kemp & Hill. Precambrian Formations. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p-r17-35. pl. (phot.) maps. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r17-35. pl. (phot.) maps. Small, uncolored geologic maps. Map of the ‘‘ Noses ”’ (colored). Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.197, 198, 246. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:197, 198, 246 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.713, 714. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:713, 714. _ Ries. Limestones. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.442-44. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:442-44. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.798-99. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:798-99. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 8. 1888. p.106-12; 10. 1890. p.248-45. —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.437-89. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:437-39 (2d paging). Vanuxem. Montgomery County. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.257-66. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.249-53. Montrose sandstone (Oneonta; Portage). @Vanuxem. Montrose Sand- stone, or Sandstone of Oneonta. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.381. See also Oneonta sandstone; Portage sandstone. Mooers quadrangle. Cushing. Geology of Rand Hill and Vicinity, Clinton County. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r37-82. 2 maps. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r37-82. 2 maps. Geologic maps of parts of Clinton county, 33x22, 10.5x5em. aFirst use of term. 440) NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Mortar. Ries. Mortar. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.3886. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:386. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.672-73. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:672-73. Moscow shale. Bishop. Moscow Shale of Erie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.320. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:320. Conrad. Moscow shales. Pal. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.206. Delafield. Moscow Shale of Seneca County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 10 (for 1850) 1851. p.455. Hmmons. Moscow Shales. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:188. Grabau. Moscow Shales. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.234-35. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:234-35. aHall. Moscow Shales. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1888) 1839. p.298-800. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.187. Hall. Moscow Shale in Erie County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.163-64. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.473. Hall. Moscow Shale of Genesee County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.480. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.467. Hall. Moscow Shale in Livingston County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.421. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.462. Hall. Moscow Shale of Yates County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.316-17. Luther. Moscow Shales in Livonia Salt Shaft. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.42. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.236. He Moscow Shale in Yates County. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.208-4. Vanuxem. Moscow Shales. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.380. See also Erie division; Hamilton group. Mosquito. Lintner. The Mosquito. Ent. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.819-35. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:319-35. Mosses. Peck. Catalogue of Mosses presented to the State of New York by C. H. Peck. Mus. rep. 18 (for 1864) 1865. p.193-96. Peck. List of Mosses of the State of New York. Mus. rep. 19 (for 1865) 1866. p.42-70. Peck. The Mosses of Caledonia Creek. Mus. rep. 32 (for 1878) 1879. p.73-74. Moths, see Lepidoptera. Mound builders, see Aborigines. Mounds. Vanuxem. Mounds. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.247-48. Mt Marcy, see Adirondacks. Mt Seward. Colvin. Ascent of Mt Seward and its Barometrical Measure- ment. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.171-80. ipl. eeu Hall. Theory of Formation. Pal. N. Y¥. 1859. 3:66-73, 82-88, Muck swamps. Hall. Muck Swamps. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.444-45. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.359-60. Muriate of lime, see Chlorid of lime. Muscovite. Merrill. Localities. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.582. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:582 (2d paging). Se, Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.234. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. Merrill. Muscovite. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.122. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:122. aFirst use of term. SUBJECT INDEX 44 Muscovite (continued) Nason. Muscovite. Mus. bul. 4. 1888. p.9. Whitlock. Muscovite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.110-11. Museums. Merrill. Directory of Natural History Museums in United States and Canada. Mus. bul. 62. In press. Nevius, comp. Preliminary List of Public Geological and Mineralogical Collections in the United States and Canada. Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:45-74 (ist paging). See also New York State Museum. Mushroom phora. Lintner. Mushroom Phora. Ent. rep. 10 (for 1894) 1895. p.399-406. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:399-406 (ist paging). Mushrooms, see Fungi. Myriapoda. Additions to Collection. Ent. rep. 3, p.142; 4, p.208; 5, p.326; 6, p.190; 7, p.3884; 9, p.464; 10, p.518, 519; 12, p.3864; 18, p.3875; 14, p.268; 15, p.620. _ For dates of reports, see List of publications, p.264. Nantucket pine moth. Felt. Nantucket Pine Moth. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7 (for 1901). Jn press. Naphtha. Beck. Naphtha. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.183. Waples quadrangle. Clarke. Stratigraphy of the Canandaigua and Naples Quadrangles. Mus. bul. 63.2 maps. In press. aNaples shales (Cashaqua; Gardeau; Portage). Clarke. Annelid Teeth from the Lower Portion of the Hamilton Group and from the Naples Shales of Ontario County, N. Y. Geol. rep. 6 (for 1886) 1887. p.30- Be ayo Clarke. Naples Fauna. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.52-57. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:52-57. Clarke. The Naples Fauna (fauna with Manticoceras intumescens) in Western New York. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.29-161. illus. 9pl. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2::29-161. illus. 9pl. Clarke. Naples Fauna. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.670. Clarke. Naples Fauna in Western New York. Mus. mem. 6. In press. Clarke & Schuchert. Naples Beds. See New York series. Grabau. Naples Shales. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.233-34. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:233-34. See also Cashaqua shale; Gardeau group; Portage group. Naples valley. Luther. Stratigraphic Position of the Portage Sandstones in the Naples Valley and the Adjoining Region. Geol. rep. 15 (for | 1895) 1897. p.13-14, 223-36. pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:13-14, 223-36. pl. (phot.) map. Geologic map of the township of Naples, 17x16.5cm. Nassau county. Woodworth. Pleistocene Geology of Portions of Nassau County and Borough of Queens. Mus. bul. 48. 1901. p.617-64. pl. (phot.) maps. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:617-64. pl. (phot.) maps. Sketch map of a part of Long Island, 22.5x18.5cm. Natrolite. Beck. Natrolite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.344. Whitlock. Natrolite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.110. Natron. Beck. Carbonate of Soda. Natron. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.17. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.197-98. Natural gas. Bishop. Natural Gas of Erie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p. 346-89. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:346-89. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.25-26. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:25-26. a@Term proposed by J. M. Clarke in 1885, see U. S. Geol. Surv. Bul. 16. p.36. 442 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Natural gas (continued) Bishop. Report on Petroleum and Natural Gas in Western New York. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.9-63. map. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:9-63. map. Map of the Cattaraugus oil and gas district, 34.5x24cem. Bishop. Oil and Gas in Southwestern New York. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r105-34. map. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r105-34. map. Map of a portion of Allegany county, N. Y. showing the outline of the proven oil and gas territory. Aug. 1, 1899, by John W. Greenwood, 25.5xl7cm. Lincolh. Gas Wells of Seneca County. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.120-22. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:120-22. Merrill. Petroleum and Illuminating Gas. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.557-60. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:557-60 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.227-28. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:227-28. Nason. Natural Gas in Albany County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.281-82. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 18938) 1894. p.475-76. - Orton. Petroleum and Natural Gas in New York. Mus. bul. 30. 1899. p.395-526. 3 maps. Same, Mus. rep. 58 (for 1899) 1901. 1:395-526. 3 maps. Map of Oswego county and Onondaga county, 23x13cm. Lake shore belt of Chautauqua county, 22x7cm. Sketch map of central New York, 14x9cm. See also Petroleum. Natural history. Beck. Address delivered before the Lyceum of Natural History at its First Anniversary, March 1, 1824. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1830. 1:137-47. References to Various Essays and Writings on the Natural History of New York. Mus. rep. 8 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.155-60; 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.118-16; 5 (for 1851) 1852. p.55-57. Natural History Survey of the State of New York. New York Geological and Mineralogical Reports, 1837-41. 2y. Alb. 1840. Reprinted from Assembly doc. 1887, no.161; 1838, no.200; 1839, no.275; 1840, no.50; 1841, no.150. New York State. Natural History of New York. 1842-94. 30y. illus. pl. maps. Q. aContents: De Kay, J. E. Zoology of New York, 1842-44. Torrey, John. Flora of New York, 1848. Beck, L. C. Mineralogy of New York, 1842. Mather, Emmons, Vanuxem & Hall. Geology of New York. 1842-43. Hmmons, Ebenezer, Agri- culture of New York. 1846-54. Hall, James. Paleontology of New York. 1847-94. Legislative and other documents: Report of the Secretary of State in relation to a Geological Survey of the State. 60p. Assembly doc. 1836, no.9. Law passed 15 Ap. 1836.—Ch. 142. Descriptive Pamphlet issued by the Four Geologists. 1837. 8p. Report of the Select Committee on so much of the Governor’s Message as relates to the Geological Survey. 16p. Assembly doc. 1840, no.338. Communication from the Governor in Relation to the Progress of the Geological Survey. 8p. Senate doc. 1842, no.68. Report of the Secretary of State. 20p. Assembly doc. 1844, no.87. Report of the Select Committee. 15p. Senate doc. 1845, no.123. Report of the Minority of the Select Committee. 8p. Senate doc. 1845, no.124. Communication from the Governor and Secretary of State Relative to the Disposal of the Volumes of the Natural History of the State. 5p. Assembly doc. 1846, no.41. — Report of the Regents of the University on the Condition of the Cabinets of Neal eee with documents from Hmmons and Hall. 10p. Senate doc. : 9 MOLL. Report of the Select Committee. 16p. Assembly doc. 1846, no.172. Act Authorizing an Abridged Publication of the Natural History of the State of New York. Assembly doc. 1846, no.172, 877. Communication from Hmmons relating to the Averill and Skinner Veins, Essex County. p.7-9. Assembly doc. 1847, no.211. Report of the Committee on Literature on the Letter of Prof. Agassiz. 4p. Senate doc. 1847, no.155. Report of the Select Committee appointed to investigate the Matters connected with the Publication of the State Work on Natural History. 178p. Assembly doc. 1850, no.9. Review of the Report of the Select Committee. Sp. aSce also List of publications, p.269, for fuller contents. SUBJECT INDEX 4438 Natural History Survey of the State of New York (continued) perc turee of E. Emmons upon Certain Parts of the Report of the Select Commit- ce ss Report of the Committee of Ways and Means. 5p. Assembly doc. 1850, no.186. Report of the Commissioners appointed to superintend the Completion of the Publication of the Natural History of the State of New York. 64p. Assembly doc. 1851, no.124. — 25p. Assembly doc. 1852, no.23. — 12p. Assembly doc. 1853, no.74. - —118p. Assembly doc. 1856, no.150. Report of the Select Committee on the Completion of the Natural History of the State. 16p. Assembly doc. 1856, no.211. Hall. Geological Survey of New York. Ag. Soc. Trans. 3 (for 1843) 1844. p.241-78. _ Hall. Geological Survey. Public Service of the State of New York. 1882. 2:367-80. Also published in Pop. Sci. Monthly, Ap. 1883. 22:815-25. Hall. Reorganization of Survey recommended. Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. ».15-16. Materials belonging to the State used in publishing the Natural History and the Annual Reports. Mus. rep. 5 (for 1851) 1852. p.65-66; 6 (for 1852) 18538. p.31-32; 7 (for 1853) 1854. p.127; 8 (for 1854) 1855. p.41-44; 9 (for 1855) 1856. p.61-63. Merrill. The Natural History Survey of New York and the Origin of the State Museum. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.240-45. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:240-45. Merrill. History of the New York Geologic Surveys. Mus. bul. 56. 1902. ae Gf New York showing geologic districts, 22.5x17.5cem. Order of Publication of the Volumes. Mus. rep. 7 (for 1853) 1854. p.125. Vanuxem. Division of Districts of Geological Survey. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (fer 1836) 1837. p.209-10 (ed. 2, p.211-12). See also New, York State Museum. Natural rock cement, see Cement. Neelytown limestone. Ries. Neelytown Limestone. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.442-48. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:442-43. See also Black river limestone. Nemalite. Beck. Nemalite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.272. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.131-32. Nephelite. Whitlock. Nephelite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.97. Weuropteroid insects. Additions to Oollection. Ent. rep. 4, p.208; 5, p.326; 6, p.189; 8, p.300; 9, p.464; 10, p.512; 11, p.288; 12, p.364; 13, p.375; 14, p.259, 262; 15, p.613, 619; 16, p.1042, 1046; 17, p.819, 824; 18, p.174. : For dates of reports, see List of publications, p.264. -Felt. Species Treated. Ent. rep. 10 (for 1894) 1895. p.463-80. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:463-80 (1st paging). Ent. rep. 14 (for 1898) 1898. p.216-18. (Mus. bul. 23). Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:216-18. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 6 (for 1900) 1901. p.503-28. Lintner. Species Treated. Ent. rep. 2 (for 1882 and 1883) 1885. p.198-210, 235-41. —- - Ent. rep. 4 (for 1887) 1888. p.121-24. Same, Mus. rep. 41 (for 1887) 1888. p. 241-44. —— —— Ent. rep. 8 (for 1891) 1893. p.155-62. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.155-62. —— —— Fnt. rep. 11 (for 1895) 1896. p.234-54. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:234-54. —— —— Ent. rep. 12 (for 1896) 1897. p.298-99. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:298-99 (1st paging). 444 NEW YORK SYATE MUSEUM Neuropteroid insects (continued) Needham & Betten. Species Treated. Mus. bul. 47. 1901. p.412-578. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1901) 1902. 4:412-573. Needham & others. Sp-cies Treated. Mus. bul. 68. In press. Species The following list of species includes only the more important accounts by Lintner, in Ent. rep. 11; by Felt in Ent. rep. 10, 14, Ag. Soc. Trans. 59; by Needham and others in Mus. bul. 47. For dates of reports and bulletins, sce p.264. Anax junius. Mus. bul. 47, p.471-72. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:471-72. Baetis pygmea. Mus. bul. 47, p. 421-23. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:421-23. Basiaeschna janata. Mus. bul. 47, p.466-67. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:466-67, Bittacus. Ent. rep. 10, p.463-S0. Same, Mus. rep. 48, 1:463-80. Boyeria vinosa. Mus. bul. 47, p.464-66. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:464-66. Caenis diminuta. Mus. bul. 47, p.426-27. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:426-27. Celithemis elisa. Mus. bul. 47, p.515. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:515. Celithemis eponina. Mus. bul. 47, p.514-15. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:514-15. Chloroperla bilineata. Mus. bul. 47, p.414-15. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:414- 15. Climacia dictyona. Mus. bul. 47, p.558-60. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:558-60. Cordulegaster maculatus. Mus. bul. 47, p.476-77. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:476-77. Cordulia shurtleffi. Mus. bul. 47, p.502-3. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:502-8. Didymops transversa. Mus. bul. 47. p.481-82. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:481- 82. Dorocordulia libera. Mus. bul. 47, p.504-5. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:504-5. Dromogomphus spinosus. Mus. bul. 47, p.461-62. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:461-62. Ephemera varia. Mus. bul. 47, p.429. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:429. Ephemerella excurcians. Mus. bul. 47, p.425-26. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:425-26. Epiaeschna heros. Mus..bul. 47, p.468-69. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:468-69. Pan princeps. Mus. bul. 47, p.488-89. Same, Mus. rep. 54. 4:488- Gomphus abbreviatus. Mus. bul. 47, p.448. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:448. Gomphus brevis. Mus. bul. 47, p.449-50. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:449-50. enue descriptus. Mus. bul. 47, p.452-54. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:452- o4. ; Gomphus exilis. Mus. bul. 47, p.455-56. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:455-56. Gomphus fraternus. Mus. bul. 47, p.451. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:451. Gomphus scudderi. Mus. bul. 47, p.456-57. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:456-57. Gomphus spicatus. Mus. bul. 47, p.459-60. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:459-60. Gomphus villosipes. Mus. bul. 47, p.460-61. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:460-61. Hagenius brevistylus. Mus. bul. 47, p.440-41. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:440- 41. Halesus sp.? Mus. bul. 47, p.567-70. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:567-70. Helocordulia uhleri. Mus. bul. 47, p.497-98. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:497-98. Heptagenia pulchella. Mus. bul. 47, p.420-21. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:420- Pale Hexagenia variabilis. Mus. bul. 47, p.427-28. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:427- 9) Hydropsyche sp.? Mus. bul. 47, p.566-67. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:566-67. Ladona julia. Mus. bul. 47, p.530. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:530. Lanthus parvulus. Mus. bul. 47, p.441-42. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:441-42. : SUBJECT INDEX 445 Neuropteroid insects (continucd) Leucorhinia glacialis. Mus. bul. 47, p.518-19. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:518- is. Leucorhinia intacta. Mus. bul. 47, p.517. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:517. Leuctra tenella. Mus. bul. 47, p.416-18. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:416-18. Libellula auripennis. Mus. bul. 47, p. 532-33. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:582- Boe Libellula basalis. Mus. bul. 47, p.532. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:532. Libellula cyanea. Mus. bul. 47, p.534. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:534. Libellula pulchella. Mus. bul. 47, p.536. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:536. Libellula quadrimaculata. Mus. bul. 47, p.534-35. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:534-35. Mesothemis simplicicollis. Mus. bul. 47, p.527-28. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:527-28. Molanna cinerea. Mus. bul. 47, p. 564-65. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:564-65. Vannothemis bella. Mus. bul. 47, p.509-11. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:509-11 Nasiaeschna pentacantha. Mus. bul. 47, p.467-68. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:467-68. Neurocordulia obsoleta. Mus. bul. 47, p.486-87. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:486-87. Odonata-Zygoptera and Anisoptera. Mus. bul. 68. In press. Ophiogomphus aspersus. Mus. bul. 47, p.487-38. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:437-38. Ophiogomphus carolus. Mus. bul. 47, p.489. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:439. ee ae longipennis. Mus. bul. 47, p.526-27. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:526-27. Panorpa. Ent. rep. 10, p.463-80. Same, Mus. rep. 48. 1:463-80. Pantala flavescens. Mus. bul. 47, p.5389-40. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:539-40. Perithemis domitia. Mus. bul. 47, p.512-13. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:512-13. Plathemis lydia. Mus. bul. 47, p.536-37. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:536-37. et aepes lucidus. Mus. bul. 47, p.565-66. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:565- Sialidae. Mus. bul. 68. In press. Sialis infumata. Mus. bul. 47, p.542-44. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:542-44. Siphlurus alternatus. Mus. bul. 47, p.423-25. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:423- Sisyra umbrata. Mus. bul. 47, p.555-57. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:555-57. Somatochlora elongata. Mus. bul. 47, p.499-500. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:499-500. Sympetrum semicinctum. Mus. bul. 47, p.523-24. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:523-24. Sympetrum vicinum. Mus. bul. 47, p.522-23. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:522- 23. Tachopteryx thoreyi. Mus. bul. 47, p.472-73. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:472- 73. Thermobia furnorum. Ent. rep. 14, p.216-18. (Mus. bul. 23). Same, Mus. rep. 52, 1:216-18. Ag. Soe. Trans. 59, p.s01. Thrips tabaci. Ent. rep. 11, p.241-47. Same, Mus. rep. 49, 1:241-47. Tramea carolina. Mus. bul. 47, p.538. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:538. Tramea lacerata. Mus. bul. 47, p.589. Same, Mus. rep. 54, 4:539. New Baltimore. Marshall. Report on a Deposit of Marl and Peat in New Baltimore. Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.46-52. 446 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM New Jersey. Webster. Annelida Chaetopoda of New Jersey. Mus. rep. 82 (for 1878) 1879. p.101-28; 39 (fof 1885) 1886. p.128-59. pl.4-10. aNew Red Sandstone. Conrad. New Red Sandstone or Saliferous Sy stem. ; Pal. rep, (for 1840) 1841. p.43-44. : Emmons. New Red Sandstone. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1 200-1. Gale. Red Sandstone of New York County. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.191. Kitimmel. The Newark or New Red Sandstone Rocks of Rockland County, N. Y. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.9-50. pl. (phot.) map: Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:9-50.pl. (phot.) map. Map showing Triassic rocks of Rockland county, 45x44cm. Mather. Red Sandstone or Freestone. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.287. Mather. Red Sandstone of Rockland County. Geol. rep. 1st dist: (for 1888) 1839. p.123-26. Mather. Red Sandstone Division. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.285-94. See also Triassic. ; New Scotland limestone (Catskill shaly; Delthyris shaly). O0Clarke & Schuchert. New Scotland Beds. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.11. Same, Mus. ~ rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:11. New York city and county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840_ p.78-79. Gale. Geology. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.177-99. Gale. Borings for Water. Geol. N. Y. pt. ine p.1386-40. Gale. Boulders. Geol. N. Y. ptl: 1848. p.178-S84. Gale. Grooves, furrows and Seratches. Geol. N. ¥. ptl. 1848. p.209-10. Gale. Island of New York, Geology and Mineralogy. Geol. N. Y. ptl- 1843. p.518-24. | Gale. Diary of a Geological Survey of the Island of New York. Geol. N. Y¥. ptl. 1848. p.581-604. Howell. Relief Map of New York and Vicinity. 22.5x1l45¢em. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. v.1, facing p.rl2. Howell. Relief Map of Manhattan Island. 32x12cm. 1898. Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. v.11. , Mather. Economic Geology. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.72-114. Mather. Limestone. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.451-52. Mather. Primary Rocks. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.525-34. Mather. Miscellaneous Remarks. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.542-49. Mather. Dip and Strike of Rocks. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.606-9. Mather. Map. Geol. N. ¥. ptl. 1848. pl.1. Merrill. Geological Map, showing the Distribution of Rocks used as Building Stones. 22x85cem. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. description, p.370- Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 189+) 1895. v.1. description, p.3870 (2d paging). Ries. Limestone Formations. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.800. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:800. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.25, 36-37; 10. 1890. p.228-29, 234. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.875, 429. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:3875, 429 (2d paging). Smock. Stone Construction in. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.283-316. New York series. Clarke & Schuchert. Nomenclature of New York Series of Geological Formations. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.8-12. Same, Mus. rep. 538 (for 1899) 1901. 2:8-12. Originally published in Science, Dec. 8, 1899. Table also published in Mus. bul. 45. 1901. p.20-21. —————— ee ee lf aTerm first used by Hitchcock. Geol. of Mass. Final rep’t. 1841. 2:484-531. ~ . eit use of term in original publication of this article. Science. 1899. new ser- 0:87. SUBJECT INDEX 447 New York series (continued) Denniston. New York System. Ag. Soc. Trans. 22 (for 1862) 1863. p.154-55. Hmmons. New York Transition System. Geol.-N. Y. pt2..1842. p.99-126. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:118-206. Emmons. New York System in Vermont. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.279-82. Emmons. Extension of the New York System in Canada. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.407-8. Emmons. Tabular View of the Sedimentary Rocks of New York. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.429. Hall. On the Basis of Nomenclature. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.288-90. Hall. Rocks and Fossils. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.453-55. Hall. Section from Mouth of the Genesee River to Instantur, Penn. Geol. rep. 1837-41. y.2. Assembly doc. 1838, no.200. Hall. Tabular View of the Rocks and Groups described in the Geological Reports of New York; their Hxtent and Agreement with those of Kurope. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.17-25. Hall. On the Identity of the Rock Formations of the Western States with those of New York. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.500-15. Hall. On the Identity of the New York Formations with those of Europe; Table of Equivalents in American Strata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.516-20. Hall. Discussion of Formations, Comparisons with Rocks of other Parts of United States and of Canada. Pal. N. Y. 1859. v.3. introd. p.1-G5. Mather. New York System. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.298-421. Merrill. Geologic Formations of New York. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.137-38. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:137-38. Merrill. Table showing Progress made in Classification. Mus. bul. 56. 1902. facing p.34. Vanuxem. Enumeration of Rocks; Tabular View. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.11-16. Vanuxem. New York System. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.24-202. Vertical Section showing Relative Thickness of the Different Rocks. Geol. rep. 1837-41. v.2. Assembly doc. 1838, no.200. See also Transition system. New York State Museum. Act to regulate the State Museum of Natural History, and the Publication of the Palaeontology of the State; Con- tracts relating to Publication of Palaeontology. Mus. rep. 37 (for 1883) 1884. p.11-18. Addresses delivered at the Inauguration of the State Geological Hall, Aug. 27, 1856. Mus. rep. 10 (for 1856)’ 1857. p.11-28. Hall. State Museum of Natural History. Public Service of the State of New York. 1882. 3:482-88. Hall. Educational Uses of Museums of Natural History. Regents rep. 100 (for 1886) 1887. p.208-13. Hall. Plan of the Museum. Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.18-24. Meirill. The Natural History Survey of New York and the Origin of the State Museum. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.240-45. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:240-45. New York State Museum. University handbook 5. 14p. Revised edition in press. ba cd Outlines history and work of museum; with list of staff and scientific publications, Special Report of the Regents of the University in Relation to the State Cabinet of Natural History. Mus. rep. 19 (for 1865) 1866. p.8-32. Statistics relating to Museum as compiled from Tenth Census. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.118-19. 448 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM New York State Museum (continued) Statement of the Space now occupied, and an Estimate of the Space © required for the Collections and Offices of the State Museum. Mus. rep. 39 (for 1885) 1886. p.24-29. See also Natural History Survey of the State of New York. * Newark formation, see New red sandstone. Newburg. Smock. Stone Construction in. Mus. bul. 10, 1890. p.319-20. Newburg limestone. #Mather. Newburg Limestone. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.257. See also Calciferous sandrock. Niagara county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.79-80. Bishop. Natural Gas. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.29-30. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:29-80. ; Felt. Entomological Reports from. Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1014. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1014. —— —— Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.787-88. (Mus. bul. 58). Hall. Niagara County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.359-73. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.440-48. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.204-5, 248. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:204-5, 248 (2d paging). —— Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.722. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. PUPP. Ries. Limestones. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.444-45. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:444-45. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.800-1. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:800-1. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.70-71, 133-34; 10. 1890. p.254-55, 265. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.397, 400, 447-48. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:397, 400, 447-48 (2d paging). Niagara falls. Grabau. Guide to the Geology and Paleontology of Niagara Falls and Vicinity; with a chapter on Post-pliocene Fossils of Niagara by Elizabeth J. Letson. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. 284p. 18pl. (phot.) map. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900). 1902. 4:3-284. 18pl. (phot.) Ronee map of Niagara river, 84.5x38em. Contains a partial bibliography of the geology of Niagara and the Great lakes. Hall. Niagara Falls and River. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 18387) 1888. p.371- 73. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.383-404. Facsimile of a view of Niagara falls by Father Louis Hennepin, 1698. Geol. N. Y. : Trigonometric survey and map. Geol. N. Y. pt4. Niagara group. Emmons. Niagara Group. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:15052. Hall. Niagara Group. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.80-117. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:2-4; 1859. 3:25-30, 41-42. Hall. Niagara Group in Monroe County. Geol. N. Y. pt4 1843. p.422. Hall. Niagara Group in Niagara County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.440. Hall, Niagara Group in Orleans County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.433. Hall. Niagara Group in Wayne County. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.414. Hall. Mineral Contents. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.98-99. Hall. Organic Remains. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.100-17. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:106-295, 302-20, 354-55. Hall. New Species of Fossils from a Loeality of the Niagara Group in Indiana, with a List of Identified Species from the Same Place. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1858-64. 4:195-228. Read before the Albany Institute, Ap. 29, 1862. aFirst use of term. a SUBJECT INDEX 449 Niagara group (continued) Hall. Deseriptions of New or Littl Inown Species of Fossils from Rocks of the Age of the Niagara Group. Mus. rep. 20 (for 1866) 1867. p.305-401. pl.10-23. Hall. The Niagara and Lower Helderberg Groups; their Relations and Geographical Distribution in the United States and Canada. Mus. rep. 27 (for 1873) 1875. p.117-31. map 70x50cm. Hall. Description of New Species of Fossils from the Niagara Formation at Waldron, Indiana. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1883. 10:57-76. Read before the Albany Institute, Mar. 18, 1879. Hall. Fauna of the Niagara Group in Central Indiana. Mus. rep. 28 (for 1874) 1879. p.99-203. 32pl. Hall. Descriptions of Mossil Corals from the Niagara and Upper Helder- berg Groups. Mus. rep. 35 (for.1881) 1884. p.407-64. pl.23-30. Linecklaen. Niagara Group; Fossils. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.53-56. Luther. Niagara Group. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.204-5. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:204-5. Merrill. Niagara Group. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.153-54. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:153-54. aVanuxem. Niagara Group. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.90-94. Vanuxem. Niagara Group in Cayuga County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.286. Vanuxem. Niagara Group in Madison County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. De22 Vanuxem. Niagara Group in Oneida County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. :p.262-63. Vanuxem. Niagara Group in Onondaga County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.278. Vanuxem. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.94. bNiagara limestone (Lockport). Bishop. Niagara Limestone of Erie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.890. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:390. Darton. Niagara Limestone. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.218. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.412. Darton. Coralline Limestone (Niagara limestone) of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.807. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.501. Emmons. Niagara Limestone. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:151. Geddes. Niagara Limestone of Onondaga County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 19 (for 1859) 1860. p.245. Hall. Niagara Limestone. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.84-97. Hall. Organic Remains. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:321-38. Luther. Niagara Limestone of Onondaga County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.247-50. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:247-50. Ries. Niagara Limestone. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.863-64. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:363-64. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.758-59. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:758-59. Ries. Niagara Limestone of ‘Cayuga County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.772. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:772. Ries. Niagara Limestone of Genesee County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.783. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:783. Ries. Niagara Limestones of Madison County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.793 Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 19800) 1902. 3:793. aFirst use of term. oOTerm first used by Hall. Amer. Jour. Sci. 1842. ser. 1. 42-58. 450 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Niagara limestone (continued) Ries. Niagara Limestone of Monroe County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.441-42. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:441-42. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.794-95. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:794-95. Ries. Niagara Limestone of Niagara County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.444-45. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:444-45. revised. Mus. rep. 44. 1901. p.800-1. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:800-1. Ries. Niagara Limestone of Oneida County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.802. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:802. Ries. Niagara Limestone of Onondaga County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.447. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:447. revised. Mus. bul, 44. 1901. p.803. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:803. Ries. Niagara Limestones of Orleans County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.810-11. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:810-11. Ries. Coralline-or Niagara Limestone of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.459. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:459. — —— revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.824. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:824. Ries. Niagara Limestone of Wayne County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.828. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:828. i Smock. Niagara Limestone. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.21; 10. 1890. p.211-12. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.427. Same, Mus. rep. — 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:427 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.201. Same, Mus. rep- 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:201. Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.94-134; 10. 1890. p.254- 5B. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.447-48. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:447-48 (2d paging). See also Guelph formation; Lockport limestone. Niagara river. Bishop. Preglacial Hrosion. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.325-26. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1868. 2:325-26. See also Niagara falls. Niagara river, red sandstone, see Red sandstone of Niagara. aNiagara shale (Rochester). Hmmons. Niagara Shale. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:151. Hall. Niagara Shale. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.81-83. Ries. Niagara Shale. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.690. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:690. — Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.828-29. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:828-29. See also Rochester shale. [Niagaran. Clarke & Schuchert. Niagaran. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p10. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 2:10. ; Wiccolite. Whitlock. Niccolite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.56. Nickel. Whitlock. Nickel. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.56. Niter. Beck. Nitre. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.453. Mather. Nitrates of Lime and Potassa. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.85. Nitrate of lime. Beck. Nitrate of Lime. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.152. eae aTerm first used by Conrad. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci. Journal. 1842. ser. 1. 8:232. SUBJECT INDEX 451 Nitrogen. Beck. Nitrogen Gas. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.14. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.174-75. Witrogen springs. Beck. Nitrogen Springs. Min. rep. (for 1837) 1888. p.47-48. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.1383-34. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.116. ; Emmons. Springs of Chateaugay. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.122-23 (ed. 2, p.124-25). Hall. Nitrogen Springs. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.308-9, 451. Mather. Gaseous and Thermal Springs. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.104-8. Nomenclature, see New York series. Worite. Smock. Norite. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.205. See also Crystalline rocks; Gabbros. Wormanskill shales. Ruedemann. Normanskill Beds (Lower Dicello- graptus zone). Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.538-44, 550-52. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:538-44, 550-52. Ruedemann. Trenton Conglomerate of Rysedorph Hill, Rensselaer Co. N. Y¥. and its Fauna. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.38-114. 7pl. _ Nunda group, see Portage group. Oak caterpillar. Felt. Yellow Striped Oak Caterpillar. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7 (for 1901). Jn press. Oak worm. Lintner. Orange Striped Oak Worm. Ent. rep. 5 (for 1888) 1889. p.192-200. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.192-200. Oaktrees, see Forest trees. . Ochers. Beck. Stone Paints, Ochres. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.60-61. Octahedrite. Beck. Anatase. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.428. Whitlock. Octahedrite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.76. Odonata, sce Neuropteroid insects. Ohio. Hall. New Species of Fossils from the Hudson River Group of Ohio and other Western States. Mus. rep. 13 (for 1859) 1860. p.119- 21; 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.89-92. Hall & Whitfield. Notice of Three New Species of Fossil Shells from the Devonian of Ohio. Mus. rep. 23 (for 1869) 1873. p.240-41. See also Cincinnati; Waverly sandstone. Oil, see Petroleum. Old red sandstone (Catskill formation). Conrad. Old Red Sandstone Group. Pal. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.62. Conrad. Old Red Sandstone or Devonian System. Pal. rep. (for 1840) 1841. p.41-42. Hall. Old Red Sandstone. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.893-94. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.278-83. Hall. Old Red Sandstone of Chautauqua County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.172. 3 Hall. Old Red Sandstone of Steuben County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.397. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.482. Hall. Organic Remains. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.280-83. See also Catskill division; Catskill formation; Devonian. Olean quadrangle. Clarke. Paleontologic Results of the Areal Survey. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.524-28. Glenn & Butts. Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Olean quadrangle. Pal. rep. (for 1902). Jn press. Oligoclase. Hunt. Oligoclase. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.81-82. Merrill. Oligoclase. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.121. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:121. Whitlock. Oligoclase. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.90. 452 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Olive shale, see Erie division; Hamilton group. Olivenite. Whitlock. Olivenite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.120. Olivin. Merrill. Olivine. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.122. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:122. See also Chrysolite. Omphalia. Peck. New York Species of Canale. Bot. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1893. p.82-42. Same, Mus. rep. 45 (for 1891) 1892. p.92-102. Oneida conglomerate (Shawangunk grit). Clarke & Schuchert. Oneida Conglomerate. See New York series. Emmons. Oneida Conglomerate. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:125-26. Hall. Oneida Conglomerate. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.81. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:1. Lincklaen. Oneida Conglomerate. Mus. rep. 14. (for 1860) 1861. p.51. Luther. Oneida Conglomerate. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.201. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:201. Merrill. Oneida Conglomerate. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.151-52. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:151-52. : Smock. Oneida Conglomerate. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.218-19. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.385. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:385 (2d paging). —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.189. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:189. aVanuxem. Oneida Conglomerate. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.374. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.75-78. Vanuxem. Oneida Conglomerate in Cayuga County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.286. Vanuxem. Oneida Conglomerate in Herkimer County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.257. Vanuxem. Oneida Conglomerate in Oneida County. Geol. N. Y. pta. 1842. p.262. White. Oneida Conglomerate Stage. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:r36. See also Shawangunk grit. Oneida county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.80-81. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Hnt. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.564. (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 58 (for 1899) 1901. 1:564. Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1014. (Mus. bul. 36. Same, Mus. tep. 54 (for 1900) 1802. 2:1014. —— Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.788. (Mus. bul. 53). Orton. Petroleum and Natural Gas. Mus. bul. 30. 1899. p.476-83. Same, ~ Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:476-83. Paine. Catalogue of Plants found in Oneida County and Vicinity. Mus. rep. 18 (for 1864) 1865. p.53-192. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.197, 198-99, 248. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:197, 198-99, 248 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.713, 714-15. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:718, 714-15. Ries. Limestones. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.445-46. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:445-46. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.801-3. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:801-3. Smock. Building Stone Omanries, Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.57, 59, 71, 113-15, 122; 10. 1890. p.246-47, 250, 260, 261, 273. —— aFirst use of term. i SUBJECT INDEX 453 Oneida county (continued) revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.395-96, 397, 439-40, 443. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:395-96, 397, 489-40, 443 (2d paging). Vanuxem. Oneida County. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.273-80. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.259-64. White. Report on the Relations of the Ordovician and Ho-Silurian Rocks ‘in Portions of Herkimer, Oneida and Lewis Counties. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:121-54. pl. (phot.) 2 maps. Map of the vicinity of Frankfort hill, 31.5x16.5cm. Map of the Precambrian border in Oneida and Lewis counties, 49.5xl6cm. Gneida lake. Geddes. Oneida Lake. Ag. Soc. Trans. 19 (for 1859) 1860 p.259. Vanuxem. Oneida Lake. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.241. Oneonta sandstone (Portage). Beecher, C. E., Hall, C. E. & Hall, J. W. Note on the Oneonta Sandstone in the Vicinity of Oxford, Chenango Co., N. Y. Geol. rep. 5 (for 1885) 1886. p.11. Clarke. Oneonta Sandstones and Shales in Chenango County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.531-57. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.725-51. Clarke. Stratigraphic and Faunal Relations of the Oneonta Sandstones and Shales, the Ithaca and the Portage Groups in Central New York. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.11-12, 27-81. pl. (phot.) 2 maps 25x28.5, 26x26.5em. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:11-12, 27-81. pl.(phot.) 2 maps 25x28.5, 26x26.5em. Clarke. A Remarkable Occurrence of Orthoceras in the Oneonta Beds of the Chenango Valley, N. Y. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.167-71. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:167-71. Clarke. Oneonta Fauna. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.671. Clarke & Schuchert. Oneonta Beds. See New York series. Conrad. Oneonta Group. Pal. rep. (for 1840) 1841. p.31. Darton. Oneonta Formation in Albany County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.238-40. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.432-34. Prosser. Classification and Distribution of the Hamilton and Chemung Series of Central and Eastern New York. Ptl, Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.12-18, 83-222. pl. (phot.) map. Pt2, Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.65-315. pl. (phot.) map. Same, Pti, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:12-18, 83-222. pl. (phot.) map. Pt2, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:65-315. pl. (phot.) map. Pti, Geologic map of parts of Chenango, Madison, Otsego, Schoharie and Albany counties, 58x33.5cem. q t Pt2, Map showing distribution of middle and upper Devonian rocks in central- eastern New York, 61x38.5cm. Map of Delaware county by W. L. Fisher, 34x32cm. Prosser. Oneonta Formation. Geol- rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.74-515. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:74-315. Smock. Oneonta Sandstone. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.17; 10. 1890. p.222-25. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.388. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:388 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.193. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:198. aVanuxem. Montrose Sandstone, or Sandstone of Oneonta. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.381. See also Portage sandstones. Onion thrips. Lintner. Onion Thrips. Ent. rep. 11 (for 1895) 1896. p.241- 47. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:241-47. aFirst use of term. 454 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Onondaga county. Beck. Brine Springs. Min. rep. (for 1837) 1838. p.24- 36; (for 1840) 1841. p.18-23. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.103-8, 110. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1889) 1840. p.81-82. Bishop. Oil and Gas. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r125-26. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r125-26. Clarke. Agoniatite Limestone. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.117-19. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Wnt. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.564-65. (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:564-65. Same, Mus. rep. 54 ( for 1900) 1902. 2:1014-15. —— —— Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.788-89, (Mus. bul. 53.) Geddes. Survey of. Ag. Soe. Trans. 19 (for 1859) 1860. p.219-352. illus. map. Geographic and topographic map of Onondaga co. by George Geddes, 79x57.5em. Luther. Economic Geology. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.4-16, 237-303. pl, (phot.) 2 maps. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:14-16, 237-303. pl. (phot. 2 maps. Map of Onondaga county (uncolored) 34x34cm. Geologic map of Onondaga county (colored) 34x38cm. Orton. Petroleum and Natural Gas. Mus. bul. 30. 1899. p.459-76. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:459-76. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.199-202, 248. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:199-202, 248 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.715-18. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:715-18. Ries. Limestones. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.446-50. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:446-50. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.803-7. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:803-T. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.122-25; 10. 1890. p-250-52. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.448-44. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:448-44 (2d paging x Vanuxem. Geology. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.245-85. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.277-85. Onondaga lake. Geddes. Onondaga Lake. Ag. Soc. Trans. 19 (for 1859) 1860. p.259-60. - Vanuxem. Onondaga Lake. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.241-42. Onondaga limestone (Upper Helderberg; Corniferous; Seneca). Bishop. Onondaga Limestone of Erie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) -1§97. p.318, 331-32, 390. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:313, 331-382, 390. Clarke. Onondaga Limestone in Ontario County. Geol. rep. 4 (for 1884) 1885. p.10. Clarke. Onondaga Fauna. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.667-68. Clarke & Schuchert. Onondaga Limestone. See New York series. Conrad. Onondaga Limestone Series. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.178-81 (ed. 2, p.i80-83). Pal. rep. (for 1840) 1841. p.31. Darton. Onondaga Limestone. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.207-8. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.401-2. Darton. Onondaga Limestone in Albany County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.242-43. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.436-37. Darton. Onondaga Limestone of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.3801-2. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.495-96. Emmons, Onondaga Limestone. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:174-79. Geddes. Onondaga Limestone of Onondaga COMB. Ag. Soe. Trans. 19 (for 1859) 1860. p.251. Lil SUBJECT INDEX 455 - Onondaga limestone (continued) — Hall. Onondaga Limestone. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.151-60. Hall. Onondaga Limestone in Erie County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.156-58. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.471. Hall. Onondaga Limestone of Genesee County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.427-29. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.466. Hall. Onondaga Limestone of Livingston County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.418-20. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.460. aHall. Gray Crinoidal or Onondaga Limestone of Ontario County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1889. p.809-10. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.456. Hall. Organic Remains. , Geol. N. Y. pt4t. 1843. p.157-60. Lincklaen. Onondaga Limestone. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.60. Lincoln. Onondaga Limestone of Seneca County. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.87-89. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:87-89. Luther. Onondaga Limestone. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.214-16. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:214-16. Luther. Onondaga Limestones in Livonia Salt Shaft. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.45-47. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.239-41. Luther. Onondaga Limestone of Onondaga County. Geol. rep. 15 p.75-76. Mather. Serpentine of Staten Island. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.139. Mather, Serpentine of New York, Westchester and Putnam Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.99-101. Mather. Serpentine Rocks. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.283-85, 462-68, 541. Mather. Crystallized Serpentine. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 18438. p.509-12. Merrill. Origin of the Serpentines in the Vicinity of New York. Mus. rep. 50. (for 1896) 1898. 1:32-44 (1st paging). Spl. Merrill. Localities. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.582. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:582 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.234. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899: 1:234. Smock. Serpentine. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.14. Vanuxem. Serpentine of Syracuse. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1888) 1&3). p.283-84. Vanuxem. Metamorphic Rock near Syracuse. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.L09. Whitlock. Serpentine. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.113. Serpents, see Reptiles. Sewer-pipe. Bishop. Sewer-pipe Manufacture of Hrie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.3844-45. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1§95) 1898. 2344-45. Merrill. Directory of Manufacturers. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.s02-18. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:502-18 (2d paging). Ries. Sewer Pipes. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.226-28. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:226-28 (2d paging). : revised. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.767-70, 904-7. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:767-70, 904-7. Ries. Directory of Manufacturers. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.918-25. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:913-25. Seybertite, see Clintonite. i Shade trees. Felt. Elm-leaf Beetle in New York State. Mus. bul. 20. 1898. 48p. illus. 1pl. (lith.) 5pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:1-48. illus. 1pl. (lith.) 5pl. (phot.) revised. Mus. bul. 57. 1902. 48p. illus. 7pl. (phot.) 1pl. (ith.) Felt. Insects Injurious to Maple Trees. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 4 (for 1898) 1899. p.867-95. illus. 38pl. Felt. Shade Tree Pests in New York State. Mus. bul. 27. 1899. p.389-60. illus. 5pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 538 (for 1899) 1901. 1:39-60. 5pl. (phot.) Felt. Insects Injurious to Elm Trees. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 5 (for 1899) 1900. p.351-79. illus. 3pl. Felt. Insects Affecting Shade Trees. Hnt. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. f p.738-49. (Mus. bul. 58). ; Ent. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.108-10. In press. Felt. Insects Affecting Park and Woodland Trees. Mus. mem. In press. | SUBJECT INDEX 494 Shade trees (continued) Fitch. Insects Injurious to. Ag. Soc. Trans. 15 (for 1855) 1856. p.501-8 (rep. 2.:sep. ed. p.269-76). Shales. Emmons. Transition Rocks of Essex; Limestones, Shales, etc. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.226-30. Hall. Argillaceous and Calcareous Shales of the Genesee and Niagara Rivers. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.297-99. Hall. Shales of Seneca County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.295-300. ; Merrill. Shales and Shale Products. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.214. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:214. Ries. Physical Tests of the Devonian Shales of New York State to de- termine their Value for the Manufacture of Clay Products. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.673-98. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:6738-98. Ries. Shales of New York. Mus. bul. 85. 1900. p.825-41. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:825-41. Analyses. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.898-801. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:898-901. Vanuxem. Sandstone and Shale. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.190-91 (ed. 2, p.192-93). See also Slates. Shaly limestone. Darton. Shaly Limestone of Albany County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.246. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.440. See also Lower shaly beds; Upper shaly limestone. Shawangunk grit (Oneida conglomerate). Clarke & Schuchert. Shawan- gunk Grit. See New York series. Darton. Shawangunk Grit. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.220-21. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p. 414-15. Darton. Shawangunk Grit of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1894. p.308-9. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.502-3. aMather. Shawangunk Grit. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.212, 246-55. Mather. Shawangunk Grit or Conglomerate. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.355- oie Mather. Economical Applieations and Mines. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. D.357-62. Merrill. Shawangunk Grit. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.151. Same, Mus, rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:151. See also Oneida conglomerate. Shawangunk mountain. Darton. Shawangunk Mountain. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.346-58. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 18938) 1894. p.540- Ok Shell grit, see Schoharie grit. Shell limerock (Eaton), see Onondaga salt group. Shell marl, see Marl. Shell money, see Wampum. Shells, see Mollusca. Sherburne formation. Clarke. Sherburne Sandstones. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.43. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:43. Conrad. Sherburne Group. Pal. rep. (for 1840) 1841. p.31. Prosser. Sherburne formation. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.112-13. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:112-13. @First use of term. 498 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Sherburne formation (continued) eyanuee: Sherburne Flagstone. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1889) 1840. 331. See also Erie division; Hamilton group; Portage group. . Siderite. Beck. Spathose Iron. Min. N. Y.1842. p.397-98. Merrill. Localities in New York. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.548. ‘Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:548 (2d paging). Se ae Carbonate Ores of the Hudson River. Mus. bul. 7. 1889. p.13-14, —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.541-42. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:541-42 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. HATS. bul. 19. 1898. p.221-22. Same, Mis: rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899, 1:221-2 Whitlock. Siderite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.82. Sienite, see Syenite. Silica. Beck. Silica. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.257-313. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.129-35. Silicates. Emmons. Silicates. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:40. Silicious conglomerate. Vanuxem. Siliceous Conglomerate. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1836) 1887. p.193-94 (ed. 2, p.195-96). Sillimanite. Beck. Sillimanite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.454. Whitlock, Sillimanite. Mus, bul. 58, 1902. p.1038. bSilurian. Conrad. Organic Remains of Lower Transition or Silurian Sys- tem. Pal. rep. (for 1837) 18388. p.107-19; (for 1838) 18389. p.57-66; (for 1839) 1840. p.200-7; (for 1840) 1841. p.25-41. Hall. Table of Rocks. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.452-538. White. Report on the Relations of the Ordovician and Ho-Silurian Rocks in Portions of Herkimer, Oneida and Lewis Counties. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:r21-54. pl. (phot.) 2 maps. Map of the vicinity of Frankfort hill, 31.5x16.5cm. Map of the Precambrian border in Oneida and Lewis counties, 49.5xl6cm. See also New York series; Lower Silurian; Ontarie; Upper Silurian; also names of subdivisions. Siluric (Ontaric). Clarke & Schuchert. Siluric. See New York series. Silver. Beck. Silver. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.442-48. ‘Mather. Silver Ores. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.500-9. Watson. Silver Ore in Hssex County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 12 (for 1852) 1853. p.788; 138 (for 1853) 1854. p.719. Whitlock. Silver. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.50, 53, 61, 62-64. Silver fish. Felt. Silver Fish. Hnt. rep. 14 (for 1898) 1898. p.216-18 (Mus. bul. 23).. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:216-18. Ag. Soe. Trans. 59 (for 1899) 1900. p.301. Skaneateles lake. Geddes. Skaneateles Lake. Ag. Soc. Trans, 19 (for 1859) 1860. p.260. Vanuxem. Skaneateles Lake. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.238-39. Skaneateles shale. aVanuxem. Skaneateles Shales. Geol. rep. 3d dist.. (for 1839) 1840. p.380. See also Hrie division; Hamilton group. Skunnemunk conglomerate. Ries. Skunnemunk Conglomerate of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.404. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:404. ; a¥irst use of term. bFor papers discussing line of division between Silurian and Deyonian, see under Devonian. SUBJECT INDEX 499 Skunnemunk mountain. Ries. Geologic Relations of the Area along Skunnemunk Mountain. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.415-26. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:415-26. Slates. Fitch. Slates of Washington County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.827-88. : Mather. Slate of Columbia and Dutchess Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.160-65. Merrill. Directory of Quarrymen. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.485. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:485 (2d paging). Merrill. Definition. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.126. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:126. Ee ate Quarries. Mus. bul. 8. 1888. p.23-24, 135-48, 146; 10. i890. p.279-81. ; —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.421-23. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:421-23 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.196. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:196. See also Magnesian slate; Mica slate; Roofing slates; Shales. Slaty limestone. Mather. Slaty Limestone. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.95-96. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.417. Smaltite. Beck. Smaltine. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.454. Whitlock. Smaltite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.59. Smithsonite. Whitlock. Smithsonite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.83. Snails, see Gastropoda. Soap. Felt. Whale Oil Soap for Scale Insects. Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.977-82. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:977-82. —— —— Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.770-75. (Mus. bul. 53). —— —— Ent. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.180-31, 1388. Jn press. —— —— Mus. bul. 46. 1901. p.336-37. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 4:336-37. Ries. Manufacture. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.669-70. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:669-70. Soapstone. Emmons. Soapstone. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.206. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.352-53. See also Tale. Soda. Ries. Soda Manufacture. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.659. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:659. Sodium iodide: Beck. Hydriodate of Soda. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.17. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.200. Sodom, Lake. Geddes. Lake Sodom. Ag. Soc. Trans. 19 (for 1859) 1860. p.261. Vanuxem. Lake Sodom. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.264-69. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.242. Soils. Beck. Soils. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.89-93. Emmons. Soils. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.187-94. Emmons. Agriculture of New York. 1846-54. 5v. illus. pl. sq. Q. For contents, see List of publications, p.269-70. Horton. Improvement of the Soil; Manures. Geo). rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.154-56. Mather. Soils.’ Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.66-70 (ed. 2, p.68-72); (for 1840) 1841. p.63-66. Vanuxem. Soil. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.231-35. Southern tomicus. Felt. Southern Tomicus. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7 (for 1901). Jn press. Sparry limerock (Haton), see Gray sparry limestone; Black river limestone. 500 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Sparry limestone. Hmmons. Sparry Limestene. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.151-52. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:72-74. Fitch. Sparry Limestone of Washington County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.843. Spathic iron, see Siderite. Specular iron ore, see Hematite. Sphalerite. Beck. Zine Blende. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.52, 408-11. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.149. Merrill. Localities. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.580. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:580 (2d paging). ane Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.233. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 233. Whitlock. Sphalerite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.54. Sphene, sce Titanite. Spinel. Beck. Spinelle. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.815-18. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.135. Hunt. Spinel. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.85. Whitlock. Spinel. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.72-73. Spodumene. Beck. Spodumene. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.368. Whitlock. Spodumene. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.93. Spongiae. Clarke. Type Specimens in New York State Museum. Mus. bul. 65. In press. Girty. Revision of the Sponges and Coelenterates of the Lower Helder- berg Group of New York. Geol. rep. 14 wor 1894) 1895. p.16, 259-309. Tpl. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:16, 259-309. 7pl. Hall. Note on the Occurrence of Astylospongia in the Lower Helderberg Rocks. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1868. p.69-70. Hall. Note on the Geological Range of the Genus Receptaculites in American Palaeozoic Strata. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1863. p.67-69. Hall & Fitz-Gaertner. On the Structure of Astraeospongia meniscus. Mus. rep. 30 (for 1876) 1878. p.111-16. Hall. Illustration of Cryptozo6n. Mus. rep. 36 (for 1882) 1883. pl.6. Dictyospongidae. Clarke. Dictyonine Hexactinellid Sponges from the Upper Devonic of New York. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.187-90. pl.10-11. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:187-90. pl.10-11. Hall. Observations upon the Genera Uphantaenia and Dictyophyton, with notices of some species from the Chemung group of New York and the Waverly sandstone of Ohio. Mus. rep. 16 (for 1862) 1863. p.84-91. 4pl. Hall. Descriptions of the Species of Fossil Reticulate Sponges consti- tuting the Family Dictyospongidae. Mus. rep. 385 (for 1881) 1884. p.465-81. pl.18-21. ; Hall. Note on the Occurrence of the Dictyospongidae in the State of — New York. Geol. rep. 6 (for 1886) 1887. p.86-88. map. Map showing geographic distribution of Dictyospongidae in Steuben and adjoining. counties, 33x26cm. Hall. New Forms of Dictyospongidae from Rocks of the Chemung Group. Geol. rep. 9 (for 1889) 1890. p.56-G0. Same, Mus. rep. 43 (for 1889) 1890. p.258-62. Hall & Clarke. Memoir on the Palaeozoic Reticulate Sponges constituting the Family Dictyospongidae. Mus. mem. 2, 1898. 35(p. illus. 7Opl. Same, Pti, Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1898. 2:741-984. illus. 47pl. Pt2, Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.341-448. illus. pl. 48-70. Same, Pt1, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 3:741-984. illus. 47pl. Pt2, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:341-448. illus. pl.48-70. Contains a bibliography. SUBJECT INDEX ; BOL Springs. Bishop. Springs of Hrie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. .p.325. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:325. Delafield. Springs of Seneca County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 10 (for 1850) 1851. p.468-74. Evans. Springs of Madison County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 11 (for 1851) 1852. p.707-9. Hall. Water and Springs. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 18388) 1839. p.335-38. Hall. Springs. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.44, 99, 179, 194, 289, 260. Hall. Springs in Corniferous Limestone. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.168-70. Hall. Springs of Monroe County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.333-36. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.426. Hall. Springs of Niagara County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.3865. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.445-46. Hall. Springs of Orleans County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.352. Geol. N. Y. pt4, 1843. p.436. Horsford. Springs of Cattaraugus County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.464-65. Lincoln. Springs of Seneca County. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.82- 83. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:82-88. Mather. Springs; Limestone Springs. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.108-13, 145-47, 270-71. Mather. Springs of Columbia and Dutchess Counties. Geol. rep. Ist dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.173-74. Mather. Springs of Long Island. Geol. rep. ist dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.1387-88. Geol. N. Y. pti. 18438. p.108-9. See also Mineral springs. Spruces. Peck. The Black Spruce. Alb. Inst. Trans. 1876. 8:283-301. Squash vine borer. Lintner. Squash Vine Borer. Ent. rep. 2 (for 1882 and 1883) 1885. p.57-68. Stafford limestone. Bishop. Stafford Limestone of Erie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. pi814, 333. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:314, 333. aClarke. Stafford Limestone. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.60. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.406. Clarke. Limestones of Central and Western New York interbedded with Bituminous Shales of the Marcellus Stage with notes on their faunas. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.115-38. pl.8-9. Clarke. Fauna. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.130-35. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.669. Wood. Marcellus (Stafford) Limestones of Lancaster, Erie Co. N. Y. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.189-81. pl.9. See also Marcellus shales. Stalk-borer. Lintner. Stalk-borer. Ent. rep. 1 (for 1881) 1882. p.110-16. Starfishes, see Hchinoderma. ‘State Museum, see New York State Museum. Staten Island, see Richmond county. Staurolite. Beck. Staurolite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.833-34. Whitlock. Staurolite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.107-8. Steatite. Emmons. Talc, or Steatite. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.80. : Emmons. Steatite or Soapstone of St Lawrence County. Geol. N. ¥Y. _ pt2. 1842. p.852-53. Mather. Steatite of New York and Putnam Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.101. aFirst use of term. 502 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Steatite (continued) . Mather. Steatite in Putnam and Dutchess Counties. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.487. See also Tale. Steatitic-pyroxene, see Rensselaerite. DG = Stellite. Beck. Stellite. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.110-11. Min, N. Y. 1842. p.342-48. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.139-40. Stephanite. - Whitlock. Stephanite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.63. Steuben county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.99-100. Bishop. Consumption of Natural Gas. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r113-15. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r113-15. Bishop. Oil and Gas. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r128-82. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r128-32. ; Denniston. Survey of. Ag. Soc. Trans. 21 (for 1861) 1862. p.547-661. Meee Steuben county (uncolored) 43.5x42.5cm. Dickinson. Bluestone Quarries. Mus. bul. 61. Jn press. Felt. Entomological reports from. Ent. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.57L (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:571. Ent. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1022. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1022. Hall. Steuben County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.824-26; (for 1839) 1840. p.3895-401. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.480-84. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.208, 250. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:208, 250 (2d paging). —— — Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.725-26. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:725-26. Ries. Marl. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.819. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:819. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.87-90; 10. 1890. p.276-77. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.409-10. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:409-10 (2d paging). Stibnite. Whitlock. Stibnite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.52. Stilbite. Beck. Stilbite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.345-46. Whitlock. Stilbite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.109. Stcckbridge limestone. aHmmons. Stockbridge Limestone. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.154-58. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:78-80. Stone, see Building stone. Stone flies, see Neuropteroid insects. Stone implements. Beauchamp. Aboriginal Chipped Stone Implements of | New York. Mus. bul. 16. 1897. 86p. 23pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:3-86 (2d paging). 23pl. (phot.) Beauchamp. Polished Stone Articles used by the New York Aborigines. Mus. bul. 18. 1897. 102p. 35pl. (phot.) Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:3-102. 35pl. (phot.) ; Morgan. Stone and Bone Implements of the Arickarees. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.25-46. 6pl. Stoneware, see Pottery. Stratigraphy, see New York series; also names of formations. Street pavements. Smock. Street Pavements. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.307-8, 318-20, 822, 324, 329-30, 331-33, 335-38, 341-48, 346, 350-52. See also Paving brick. aFirst use of term. SUBJECT INDEX 503 Strontia. Beck. Strontia. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.210-14. Strontianite. Beck. Strontianite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.212-13. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.123-24. Whitlock. Strontianite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.85. Strontium. Whitlock. Strontium. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.85, 125-26. Subterranean streams. Mather. Subterranean Streams. Geol. N. Y. pti. - 1848. p.111, 235. . Suffolk county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.100. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Ent. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.571. (Mus. bul. 81). Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:571. —— Ent. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.151. In press. Mather. Local Details of the Economical Geology of Suffolk County. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.74-91 (ed. 2, p.76-93). Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.215-20, 242. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:215-20, 242 (2d paging). —— —— Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.734-42. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:734-42. See also Long Island. Sugar manufacture. Ries. Sugar Manufacture. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) - 1899. p.381-84. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:381-84. —— —— Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.655-58. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:655-58. Sulfite pulp. Ries. Sulfite Pulp. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.374-75. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:374-75. Sulfur. Beck. Sulphur. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.15. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.94, 181-82. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.118. Mather. Sulphur and Carburetted Hydrogen. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. Sap ad3-14- Whitlock. Sulfur. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.48. Sulfur springs. Beck. Sulphuretted or Sulphureous Springs. Min. rep. (for 1837) 1838. p.55-68. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.141-56. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.112-15. Carr. Sulphur Springs. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.386-87. Hall. Sulphur Springs. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.317, 334, 353, 865; (for 1838) 1839. p.335; (for 1839) 1840. p.448, 465. Hall. Sulphuretted Hydrogen Springs. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.311-14, 417, 486, 445, 491. Mather. Hepatic or Sulphur Springs. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.91-94, 113-14. Peale. Sulphur Springs. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.567-69. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:567-69 (2d paging). 7 Sulfuretted hydrogen. Beck. Sulphuretted Hydrogen Gas. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.14. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.173. Sulfuric acid. Beck. Sulphuric Acid. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.16. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.177-78. Sullivan county. Beck. Lead or Zine Mines of Sullivan and Ulster. Min. rep. (for 1888) 1839. p.49-53; (for 1840) 1841. p.6-8. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.100. Dickinson. Bluestone Quarries. Mus. bul. 61. Jn press. Mather. Economical Geology. Geol.rep. 1st dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.213-58. Mather. Hudson River Group. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.372. Mather. Dip and Strike of Rocks. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.621. Merrill. Hudson River Bluestone Quarrymen. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.461- 63. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:461-68 (2d paging). 504 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Sullivan county (continued) DA Prosser. Distribution of the Middle and Upper Devonian. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.304-11. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:304-11. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.212-13. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:212-13 (2d paging). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. Te PET (aye Syenites. Cushing. Syenites of Franklin County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.105-9. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:105-9. Cushing. Syenites in Franklin and St Lawrence Counties. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r25-82. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902 1:r25-82. ‘ Including analyses. Cushing. Pre-Cambrian Outlier at Little Falls, Herkimer Co. Geol. rep. 20 (for 1900) 1902. p.r83-95. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:r83-95.. Emmons. Sienite. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.80-81. Mather. Sienite of Westchester and Putnam Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.98-99. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.528-29. Mather. Sienite in the Highlands. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.536-37. Smock. Syenite. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.10-12; 10. 1890. p.204-5. Smyth. Syenites of Adirondacks. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.474-97. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:474-97. See also Augite-syenites; Crystalline rocks. Sylvanite. Whitlock. Sylvanite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.G1. Syracuse. Smock. Stone Construction in. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.338-41. Tabular spar, see Wollastonite. : Taconic (Cambric). Clarke & Schuchert. Taconic. See New York Series. aKHmmons. Taconic System. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.135-64. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:45-112. Emmons. Catalogue of the Specimens arranged by Prof. H. Hmmons, as Representatives of the Taconic System, at the Close of the Geolog- ical Survey of New York in 1843. Geol. rep. 8 (for 1888) 1889. p.95-98. Same, Mus. rep. 42 (for 1888) 1889. p.441-44. Hall. Organic Remains. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:319-20. Lincklaen. Taconic System. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.50. Mather. Taconie System. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.422-38. Mather. Ores found in the Champlain, Taconic and Metamorphic Rocks. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 18438. p.488-509. = Vanuxem. Taconic System. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.15, 22-23, 195. See also Hudson river group. Taconic sandstone. Fitch. Taconic Sandstone of Washington County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.838-43. Taconic slate. Fitch. Taconic Slate of Washington County. Ag. Soc. _ Trans. 9 (for 1849) 1850. p.830-34. Tale. Beck. Tale. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.284-85. Hunt. Tale. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.79. -Merrill. Tale. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.556. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:556 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.227. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. £52277. Nevius. Tale Industry of St Lawrence County. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:r119-27. pl. (phot.) Smyth. Tale of St Lawrence and Jefferson Counties. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1898) 1894. p.511-14. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.705-8. aFirst use of term. a SUBJECT INDEX 505 Tale (continued) Smyth. Report on the Talc Industry of St Lawrence County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.20, 661-71. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:20, 661-71. Whitlock. Tale. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.113-14. See also Steatite. Talcose slates. Mather. Chloritic and Talcose Slates. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.96-97. Mather. Talcose Slate. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.129-30. Mather. Taleose Slate of Westchester and Putnam Counties. Geol. rep. ist dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.88-89. Tarnished plant bug. Lintner. Tarnished Plant Bug. Ent. rep. 13 (for 1897) 1898. p.351-57. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:351-57. Tentaculite limestone (Manlius). Darton. Tentaculite Beds. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.215. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.409. Darton. Tentaculite Limestones in Albany County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.247-48. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.441-42. Darton. Tentaculite Limestone in Ulster County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 18938) 1894. p.805-6. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.499-500. aMather. Tentaculite Limestone. Geol. rep. Ist dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.2388. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1843. p.326, 350. Mather. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1843. p.350. Ries. Tentaculite Limestone. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.869. Same. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:369. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.760, 763. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:760, 763. Ries. Tentaculite Limestones of Albany County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897): 1899. p.480. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:430. — — revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.771. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:771. Ries. Tentaculite Limestones of Herkimer County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.438. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:438. — — revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.788. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:788. Ries. Tentaculite Limestones of Schoharie County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.816-18. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:816-18. Ries. Tentaculite Limestone of Ulster County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.457-58. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:457-58. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.823. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:823. Smock. Tentaculite Limestone. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.22; 10. 1890. p.212. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.427. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:427 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.201. Same, Mus. rep. 61 (for 1897) 1899. 1:201. Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.94-184; 10. 1890. p.238-55. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.432-47. Same, Mus- rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:482-47 (2d paging). See also Manlius limestone. Tephroite. Beck. Tephroite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.455. Hunt. Tephroite, Willemite. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.77. Terenite. Beck. Terenite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.444. Emmons. Pyramidal Atelene Picrosmine: Terenite. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.152 (ed.2, p.154). oo — —— aFirst use of term, 506 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Terra cotta. Merrill. Directory of Manufacturers. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.502-18. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:502-18 (2d paging). — Ries. Terra Cotta. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.235-37. Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:235-37 (2d paging). ; revised. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.758-64, 904-5. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:758-64, 904-5. Ries. Directory of Manufacturers. Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.913-25. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:913-25. Tertiary. Conrad. Tertiary Formation. Pal. rep. (for 1840) 1841. p.46-48. Hmmons. Tertiary. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.120 (ed.2, p.122); (for 1837) 1838. p.232-389. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.127-34. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:202-6. Emmons. Tertiary Beds of Clinton. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.822-24. Emmons. Tertiary of Hssex County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.283-84. Z Emmons. Tertiary of St Lawrence. Geol. N. ¥. pt2. 1842. p.363-65. Emmons. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.128, 283. Hall. New Red Sandstone and Tertiary. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.317. Mather. Tertiary Deposits. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.246-47. Merrill. Tertiary System. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.174-75. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:174-75. Merrill. Life of the Tertiary Period. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.175. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:175. Tetrahedrite. Whitlock. Tetrahedrite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.62. Thomsonite. Beck. Thomsonite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.350-51. Thysanura. Additions to Collection. Wnt. rep. 6, p.190; 10, p.513; 183, p.375; 15, p.619; 17, p.824. For dates of reports, see List of publications, p.264. Tile. Lincoln. Tile Manufacture of Seneca County. Geol. rep, 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.105-11. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:105-11. See also Decorative tile; Drain tile; Floor tile; Roofing tile. Till. Lincoln. Till in Seneca County. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.78-79. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:78-79. Tin. Beck. Tin Ore. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.455. Whitlock. Cassiterite (stream tin). Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.75. Tioga county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.100. Bishop. Oil and Gas. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r133. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r133. Dickinson. Bluestone Quarries. Mus. bul. 61. In press. Fenno. Plants of the Susquehanna Valley and Adjacent Hills of Tioga County. Bot. rep. (for 1902). In press. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.210, 250. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:210, 250 (2d paging). ~ ee Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.728. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1728. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.85; 10. 1890. ; p.275-76. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.409. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:409 (2d paging). Vanuxem. Tioga County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.296-98. | Titaniferous iron ore, see Ilmenite. Titaniferous magnetite, see Magnetite. Titanite. Beck. Sphene. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.433-36. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.150-51. Hunt. Sphene. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.86. SUBJECT INDEX 507 Titanite (continued) Nason. Sphene or Titanite. Mus. bul. 4. 1888. p.7-8, 15. Whitlock. Titanite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.115-16. Titanium. Beck. Titanium. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.53. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.55-56, 427-87. Tompkins county. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.100-1. Clarke. Geological Map showing Distribution of Portage Group. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. facing p.60. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. yv.2, facing p.60. Dickinson. Bluestone Quarries. Mus. bul. 61. Jn press. Felt. Entomological Reports from. Ent. rep. 15 (for 1899) 1900. p.571. (Mus. bul. 31). Same, Mus. rep. 53. (for 1899) 1901. 1:571. —— —— [nt. rep. 16 (for 1900) 1901. p.1022. (Mus. bul. 36). Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:1022. —— —— Ent. rep. 17 (for 1901) 1902. p.796-97. (Mus. bul. 53). Wnt. rep. 18 (for 1902). p.151. In press. Hall. Tompkins. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1889. p.3817-21. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.475-77. Ries. Brick Yards. Mus. bul. 12. 1895. p.210-11, 250. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:210-11, 250 (2d paging). -—— —— Mus. bul. 35. 1900. p.728-31. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 2:728-81. Ries. Limestone Formations. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.819-20. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:819-20. Smock. Building Stone Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.81-83; 10. 1890. p.272-73. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.406-7. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:406-7 (2d paging). Vanuxem. Tompkins County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.298-99. Topaz. Beck. Topaz. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.455. Whitlock. Topaz. Mus. bul. 58. 1802. p.102-3. Topographic sheets. Merrill. Topographic Sheets. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r14-15. map. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r14-15. map. Map of New York showing atlas sheets surveyed by the United States Geological Survey in cooperation with the state engineer and surveyor. Jan. 1, 1900 (un- colored) 22.5x17.5em. See also Albion quadrangle; Amsterdam quadrangle; Brockport quad- rangle; Brooklyn quadrangle; Canandaigua quadrangle; Harlem quad- rangle; Hempstead quadrangle; Little Falls quadrangle; Medina quad- rangle; Mooers quadrangle; Naples quadrangle; Olean quadrangle; Oyster Bay quadrangle; also under names of counties. Topography, see Physical geography. Torbernite. Whitlock. Torbernite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.21. Tortoises, see Reptiles. Tourmalin. Beck. Tourmaline. Min. N.Y. 1842. p.356-60. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.142. Hunt. Tourmaline. Mus. rep. 21 (for 1867) 1871. p.83. Nason. Newcomb Tourmalines. Mus. bul. 4. 1888. p.5-10. Whitlock. Tourmalin. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.107. Tracheata (paleozoic). Clarke. Type Specimens in New York State Mu- seum. Mus. bul. 65. Jn press. Transition argillite. Horton. Transition Argillite. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.141-45. See also Hudson river group; Utica shale. Transition limerock (Haton), see Black river limestone. bd NN KN lA AE #2 VAY SERe AAR KUN a ee Transition sandrock (Haton), see Calciferous sandrock. Transition system. Conrad. Organic Remains of Lower Transition or Silurian System. Pal. rep. (for 1837) 1838. p.107-19; (for 1838) 1839. p.57-66; (for 1839) 1840. p.200-7; (for 1840) 1841. p.25-41. Conrad. Table of Formations, showing the Order of Superposition and some Characteristic Fossils of the Transition Strata. Pal. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.62-63. Sait Emmons. Use of Term. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.21-22. Vanuxem. Advantages of Study in United States. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1886) 1837. p.204-9 (ed.2, p.206-11). See also New York series. Trap. Cushing. Diabase of Franklin County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.117-22. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:117-22. Emmons. Trap; Greenstone Trap. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.82-84. — Emmons. Trap, Porphyry or Volcanic Rocks of Essex County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.263-65. Emmons. Trap or igneous Rocks of Warren County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.184-85. Hall. Trappean Rocks. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:78-80. Kitimmel. Trap Rocks of Rockland County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.22-42. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:22-42. Leeds. Lithology of the Adirondacks. Mus. rep. 30 (for 1876) 1878. p.79-109. Mather. Trap Rock Greenstone. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.140. Mather. Trap Rocks of Rockland and Orange Counties. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1838) 18389. p.122-23. Mather. Origin of Trap Rocks. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.283. Merrill. Road Materials. Mus. bul. 17. 1897. p.104. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1898. 1:104 (2d paging). Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.204. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:204. Smock. Trap-rock. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.13; 10. 1890. p.205, 206-7. —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.880. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:380 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.184. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:184. Woodworth. The Northumberland Volcanic Plug; with Notes on the Petrography and Age of the Rock, by H. R. Cushing. Geol. rep. 21 (for 1901). Jn press. : See also Crystalline rocks; Dikes. Trappean division. Mather. Trappean Division. Geol. N.Y. pti. 1848. p.278-85. Trees, see Forest trees; Fruit trees; Shade trees; Spruces. Tremolite. Merrill. Tremolite. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.121. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:121. Nason. Tremolite. Mus. bul. 4. 1888. p.8. See also Amphibole. Trench inclosures. Ground-plans and Dimensions of Several Trench En- closures in Western New-York. Mus. rep. 2 (for 1848) 1849. 5pl. Hough. Ancient Remains of Art in Jefferson and St Lawrence Counties. Mus. rep. 8 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.99-105. 5pl.; 4 (for 1850) 1851. p.103-9. 5pl. Trenton group. Merrill. Trenton Group. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.14749. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:147-49. MUPI ws LAND EMA Ud Trenton group (continued) Prosser & Cumings. Sections and Thickness of the Lower Silurian For- mations on West Canada Creek and in the Mohawk Valley. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.615-59. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:615-59. Ruedemann. Trenton Conglomerate of Rysedorph Hill Rensselaer Co. N.Y. and its Fauna. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.3-114. 7pl. Ruedemann. Trenton Beds near Albany. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.533-38, 044-49. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:533-38, 544-49. Ruedemann. Clastic Development of Trenton in Hudson River Valley. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.558-61. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:558-61. Ruedemann. Discontinuity of Faunistic Succession in Trenton and Utica Beds. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.561-64. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:561-64. Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.94-134; 10. 1890. p.238-55. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.432-47. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:432-47 (2d paging). Walcott. Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Trenton Group of New York. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.207-14. pl.17. Trenton limestone. Bishop. Trenton Limestone of Erie County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.391. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:391. Clarke & Schuchert. Trenton Limestone. See New York series. Conrad. Blue Fetid Limestones and Shales of Trenton Falls. Geol. rep. | 3d dist. (for 1836) 1837. p.163-64 (ed. 2, p.165-66). aConrad. Trenton Limestone and Slate. Pal. rep. (for 1837) 1888. p.115; (for 1888) 1839. p.63; (for 1840) 1841. p.31. Cumings. Historical Sketch. Mus. bul. 34. 1900. p.424-26. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 1:424-26. Cushing. Trenton Limestone of Clinton County. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.476, 483-86. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.670, 677-80. —— —— Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.514-73. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:514-73. Darton. Trenton Limestone of the Mohawk Valley. Geol. rep. 138 (for 1893) 1894. p.424-29. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.618-23. Emerson. Notes upon Two Boulders of a Very Basic Eruptive Rock from the West Shore of Canandaigua Lake, and their Contact Phenomena upon the Trenton Limestone. Geol. rep. 12 (for 1892) 1893. p.105-9. Same, Mus. rep. 46 (for 1892) 1893. p.251-55. Hmmons. Trenton Limestone. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.112-16, 168. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:1238. Emmons. Trenton Limestone in Clinton County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.319. Emmons. Trenton Limestone in Essex County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.277-78. Emmons. Trenton Limestone in Jefferson County. Geol. rep. 2d dist. (for 1839) 1840. p.325-26. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.387-97. Emmons. Trenton Limestone in Warren County. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.182-83. Emmons. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.114-15, 319, 389-97. Hall. Trenton Limestone. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.29. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:11-14. Hall. Organic Remains. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.29. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:60-249. aTerm first used by Conrad and Vanuxem im 1838. 510 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Trenton limestone (continued) Hall. Description of New Species of Fossils and Observations upon Some Other Species previously not well Known from the Trenton Lime- stone. Mus. rep. 3 rev. ed. (for 1849) 1850. p.173-83. 5pl. ; Hall. Description of New Species of Crinoidea and Other Fossils from Strata of the Age of the Hudson-river Group and Trenton Limestone. Mus. rep. 24 (for 1870) 1872. p.205-24. pl.5-7. Kemp. Trenton Limestone of Essex County. Geol. rep. 18 (for 1893) 1894. p.446-72. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1893) 1894. p.640-66. Kemp, Newland & Hill. Trenton Limestone of Adirondacks. Geol. rep- 18 (for 1898) 1899. p.146, 148-50. Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 2:146, 148-50. j Kemp & Hill. Trenton Limestone of Warren County. Geol. rep. 19 (for 1899) 1901. p.r26. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:r26. geerey Trenton Limestone; Fossils. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.44- 4 Mather. Trenton and Mohawk Limestones. Geol. rep. 1st dist. (for 1840) ; 1841. p.97-101. Mather. Trenton Limestone Group. Geol. N. Y. ptl. 1848. p.897-402. | Mather. Fossil Remains. Geol. N. Y. pti. 1848. p.402. Merrill. Trenton Limestone. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.148-49. Same, Mus. ' rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:148-49. Ries. Trenton Limestones. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p. 359- 62. Same, ‘ Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:359-62. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.755-58. Same, Mus. rep- 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:755-58. Aa Ries. Trenton Limestone of Clinton County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.482. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:432. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.775-76. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (tor 1900) 1902. 3:775-76. Ries. Trenton Limestone of Essex County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.436-37. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:436-37. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.782. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:782. Ries. Trenton Limestones of Fulton County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.783- Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:783. Ries. Trenton Limestones of Herkimer County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 13897) 1899. p.438-89. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:4388-39. — revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.788-89. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1802. 3:788-89. Ries. Trenton Limestone of Jefferson County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.789- Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1800) 1902. 3:789. Ries. Trenton Limestone of Lewis County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.439-41. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:439-41. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.790, 791-92. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:790, 791-92. Ries. Trenton Limestone of Montgomery County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.443-44. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:443-44. —— —— revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.798-99. Same, Mus. rep. a (for 1900) 1902. 3:798-99. Ries. Trenton Limestones of Oneida County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897): 1899. p.445-46. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2445-46. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.802-3. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:802-3. Ries.. Trenton Limestone of Orange County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.400-1. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:400-1. SUBJECT INDEX Bit Trenton limestone (continued) Ries. Trenton-Chazy Limestones of St Lawrence County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.453-54. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:453-54. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.812-18. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for ~ 1900) 1902. 3:812-138. Ries. Trenton Limestone of Saratoga County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.458. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:453. —— — revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.815-16. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:815-16. Ries. Trenton Limestone of Warren County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.459-60. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:459-60. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.824-25. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for ~ 1900) 1902. 3:824-25. Ries. Black Trenton Limestone of Washington County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.461-62. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:461-62. revised. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.827. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:827. Ries. Trenton Limestones of Westchester County. Geol. rep. 17 (for 1897) 1899. p.462-67. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 2:462-67. Smock. Trenton Limestone. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.21; 10. 1890. p.210-11. —— —— revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.426-27. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:426-27 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.200-1. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:200-1. aVanuxem. Trenton Limestone. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1837) 1838. p.255, 275, 283; (for 1839) 1840. p.3864, 871. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.45-56. Vanuxem. Trenton Limestone in Herkimer County. Geol. N.Y. pts. 1842. p.256-57. Vanuxem. Trenton Limestone in Lewis County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. ' p.265, 268. Vanuxem. Trenton Limestone in Montgomery County. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.258. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.250. Vanuxem. Trenton Limestone in Oneida County. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1837) 1888. p.275. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.259-60. Vanuxem. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.45-48, 50, 55. Walcott. Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Trenton Lime- stone. Mus. rep. 28 (for 1874) 1879. p.93-97. Walcott. Some Sections of Trilobites from the Trenton Limestone. Mus. rep. 31 (for 1877) 1879. p.61-63. 1pl. Walcott. Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Chazy and Trenton Limestones. Mus. rep. 31 (for 1877) 1879. p.68-71. White. Trenton Formation of Herkimer, Oneida and Lewis Counties. Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:r29-33. Triassic. Merrill. Triassic System. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.171-72. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:171-72. Merrill. Life of the Triassic. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.172. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:172. Smock. New Red Sandstone. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.19. Smock. Triassic Formation. Mus. bul: 10. 1890. p.225-26. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.390-91. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:390-91 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.195. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:195. Smock. Quarries. Mus. bul. 3. 1888. p.92-93; 10. 1890. p.278. aTerm first used by Conrad and Vanuxem in 1838. 512 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Triassic (continued) revised by Merrill. M 48 (for 1894) eat GO (AE ue Le 15.1895. p.419. Same, Mus. rep. See also New red sandstone. Tricholoma. Peck. New York Species of Tricholoma. Bot. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1891. p.38-64. Same, Mus. rep. 44 (for 1890) 1892. p.150-76. Trichoptera, see Neuropteroid insects. Trilobita, see Crustacea. Triplite. Beck. Triplite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.455 Troostite. Beck. Troostite. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.456. See also Willemite. Troy. Aldrich. Partial List of Shells found near Troy, N. Y. Mus. rep. j 22 (for 1868) 1869. p.17-24. Smock. Stone Construction in. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.330-31. Tufa, see Calcareous tufa; Ferruginous tufa. ‘Tuliptree scale insect. Felt. Tulip Tree Scale Insect. Ent. rep. 14 (for ee ae p.213-16. (Mus. bul. 23). Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. Tully limestone. Clarke. Tully Limestone. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.42. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:42. gee Tully Limestone of Ontario County. Geol. rep. 4 (for 1884) 1885. p.17. Clarke. Tully Fauna. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.669-70. Clarke & Schuchert. Tully Limestone. See New York series. Conrad. Tully Limestone. Pal. rep. (for 1840) 1841. p.31. Delafield. Tully Limestone of Seneca County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 10 (for 1850) 1851. p.457-61. Emmons. Tully Limestone. Ag. N. Y. 1846. 1:186. Evans. Tully Limestone of Madison County. Ag. Soe. PED ES. 11 (for 1851) 1852. p.700. Geddes. Tully Limestone of Onondaga County. Ag. Soc. Trans. 19 (for 1859) 1860. p.253-54. Hall. Tully Limestone. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.212-16. Hall. Tully Limestone in Erie County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1840) 1841. p.164. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.473. Hall. Tully Limestone in Ontario County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.313. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.457. Hall. Tully Limestone in Seneca County. Geoi. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.800-1. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.452. Hall. Tully Limestone in Tompkins County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.317. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.475. Hall. Tully Limestone in Yates County. Geol. rep. 4th dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.315. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.458. Hall. Organic Remains. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.215-16. Lincklaen. Tully Limestone; Fossils. Mus. rep. 14 (for 1860) 1861. p.68. Lincoln. Tully Limestone of Seneca County. Geol. rep. 14 (for 1894) 1895. p.95-97, 102-3. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 2:95-97, 102-3. Loomis. The Dwarf Fauna of the Pyrite Layer at the Horizon of the Tully limestone in Western New York. Pal. rep. (for 1902). Jn press. Luther. Tully Limestone. Geol. rep. 16 (for 1896) 1899. p.220-21. Same, Mus. rep. 50 (for 1896) 1899. 2:220-21. Luther. Tully Limestone in Livonia Salt Shaft. Geol. rep. 13 (for 1893) 1894. p.38-42. Same, Mus. rep. 47 (for 1898) 1894. p.232-36. Luther. Tully Limestone in Onondaga County. Geol. rep. 15 (for 1895) 1897. p.282-84. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1898. 2:282-84. — SUBJECT INDEX 513 Tully limestone (continued) Merrill. Tully Limestone. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.163. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:168. Ries. Tully Limestone. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.766. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:766. Ries. Tully Limestone in Seneca County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.819. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:819. Ries. Tully Limestone in Tompkins County. Mus. bul. 44. 1901. p.819-20. Same, Mus. rep. 54 (for 1900) 1902. 3:819-20. Smock. Tully Limestone. Mus. bul. 10. 1890. p.213. revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 15. 1895. p.429. Same, Mus. rep. 48 (for 1894) 1895. 1:429 (2d paging). revised by Merrill. Mus. bul. 19. 1898. p.202-3. Same, Mus. rep. 51 (for 1897) 1899. 1:202-3. aVanuxem. Tully Limestone. Geol. rep. 3d dist. (for 1838) 1839. p.278; (for 1839) 1840. p.381. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.163-67. Vanuxem. Tully Limestone in Cayuga County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.289. Vanuxem. Tully Limestone in Chenango County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.292. Vanuxem. Tully Limestone in Madison County. Geol. N. ¥. pt3. 1842. p.277. Vanuxem. Tully Limestone in Onondaga County. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.285. Vanuxem. Tully Limestone in Tompkins County. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.298. Vanuxem. Fossils. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.164-65. Williams. Tully Limestone, its Distribution and its Known Fossils. Geol. rep. 6 (for 1886) 1887. p.13-29. map. Map showing geographic distribution of Tully limestone in central New York, 37.5x19em. Wright. Tully Limestone in Yates County. Mus. rep. 35 (for 1881) 1884. p.202-3. Tungsten. Beck. Tungsten. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.456. Tungstic ocher. Beck. Tungstic Ochre. Min. N. Y. 1842. p.456. Tunicata. De Kay. Tunicata. Zool. N. Y. 1848. v.5, pt5, p.258-60. Turpentine bark beetle. Felt. Turpentine Bark Beetle. Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 7 (for 1901). In press. Turquoise. Whitlock. Turquoise. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.121. Turtles, see Reptiles. Tussock moth. Felt. White Marked Tussock Moth. Ent. rep. 14 (for 1898) 1898. p.163-76. (Mus. bul. 23). Same, Mus. rep. 52 (for 1898) 1900. 1:163-76. —— —— Mus. bul. 27. 1899. p.41-44. Same, Mus. rep. 53 (for 1899) 1901. 1:41-44. 4 —— —— Forest, Fish and Game Com. rep. 4 (for 1898) 1899. p.368-74. Lintner. White Marked Tussock Moth. Ent. rep. 2 (for 1882 and 1883) 1885. p.68-89. —— —— nt. rep. 11 (for 1895) 1896. p.124-26. Same, Mus. rep. 49 (for 1895) 1897. 1:124-26. Ulexite. Whitlock. Ulexite. Mus. bul. 58. 1902. p.128. Ulster county. Beck. Lead or Zine Mines of Sullivan and Ulster. Min. rep. (for 1838) 1839. p.49-53; (for 1840) 1841. p.6-8. Beck. Mineralogy. Min. rep. (for 1839) 1840. p.101-2. aF¥irst use of term. 514 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Ulster county (continued)

?navitormis, Pal. N. Y. 1859: 3:279. obliquata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:285. obscura. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:280. orbiculata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.202. 5aD Avicula (continued) ?orbiculata. Pal. N. Y¥. 1852. 2:284. pauciradiata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:287. pecteniformis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.263. recticosta. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:466, rhomboidea. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:84. rugosa. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.112. schohariae. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:283. securiformis, Pale N. ¥. 1852: 2:331; 1859. 3:290. ?signata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.265. speciosa. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.248. Sspinigera. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.268. Spinulifera. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:282. subequilatera. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:281. subplana. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:2838. subrecta. Pal. rep. 1841. p.53. Jel, ING Wipes, Bal tenuilamellata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:281. textilis. Pal. N. Y. 1859, 3:288. var. arenaria. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:465. trentonensis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. neil tricostata. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.179. triquetra. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.1388. tuberculata. Pal. rep. 1838. p.117. umbonata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:284. undata., Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:288: Aviculopecten. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.xii. Geol. rep. 1. 1884. p-12. sp. Mus. mem. 38. 1900. p.34. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:34. ie yay “OC 536 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM = Aviculopecten (continued) aequilateralis. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.229. aequilaterus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.19. bellus.. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.3o. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.242. eancellatus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.d, ptl, p.J8. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.229. earoli.. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt, p.29. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.237. celsus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.238. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.232. cleon. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.6. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.220. econvexus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.28. Mus. rep. 85. 1884. p.2386. erassicostata. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.188. dolabriformis. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.26. Mus. rep. 380. 1884. p.235. duplicatus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.35, ptl, p.lv7. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.228. ellipticus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. y.5, ptl, p.25. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.234. ; exacutus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.8. Mus. rep. 385. 1884. p.221. fasciculatus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, pli. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.224. formio. Pal, N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, idas. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.l38. Mus. rep. 35, 1884. p.225. ignotus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. y.5, ptl, p.33. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.240. incultus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.30. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.288. insignis. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.34. Mus. rep. 35 p.241. Aviculopecten (continued) invalidus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. yv.5, ptl, p31. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.239. -itys. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.20. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.230. lautus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. y.5, pti, p.14. Mus. rep. 85. 1884. p.226. mucronatus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. y.5, ptl, p.38. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.243. ornatus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.65, ptl, p.387. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.2438. patulus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.24. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.283. pecteniformis. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.38. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.219. phoreus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.10. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.2238. plenus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.21. Mus. rep. 85. 1884. p.281. princeps. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.1.. Mus. rep. 35. 1884 p.217. rugaestriatus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p14. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.227. scabridus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. yv.5, pti, p.7. Mus. rep. 35, 1884. p.220. signatus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. y.5, ptl, p.29. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.237. squama. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.27. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.2385. striatus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. y.5, pti, p.22. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.282; : tenuis. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.39. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.244. terminalis. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.32. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.239. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Bactrites. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.315. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.122. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. EOP aciculum. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.128.. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:128. clavus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.316. _ gracilior. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.124. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:124. Bactropora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xyv. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.553. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:553. curvata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:194. granistriata. Pal. N. Y. 1882. 6:193. Bactrynium. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:900. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1094. Balanocrinus. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.131. ° Barrandella. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.241. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:844. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1088. areyi. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.3s68. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:655. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.849. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.369. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:369. Barrandia. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. edhe, thompsoni. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.115. vermontana. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. jodlale( Barroisella. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.62. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.280. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.546. Bathynotus. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. jonIALTe holopyga. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.118. Bathyurus armatus. 1879. p.131. longispinus. p.94. Mus. rep. 82. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. 537 Batostoma. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.588. Mus. rep. 48, 1895. 2:588. Beachia. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.260. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:850. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1044. Beecheria. Pal. N. Y. 1894, v.8; pt2, p.800. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:866. Mus. -rep. 47. 1894. p.1060. davidsoni. Pal. N. Y. 1894. yv.8, pt2, p.370. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.372. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2rotes Bellerophon sp.? Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.28. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:28. acutilira. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.56. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.106. auriculatus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:334. bilobatus. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.392. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:184, 307. var. acutus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:185. var. corrugatus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:185. brevilineatus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. Woy TOU WhIKVH eanecellatus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:307. crenistria. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gas- tropoda. 1876. expl. pl. 25. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.116. eurvilineatus. Mus. rep. 15. eG, JOG, Weel, IN, M5 | aksineh y.5, pt2, p.94. cyrtolites. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.107. : expansus? Geol. N, Y. pt4. 1848. p.244. explanatus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5b, pt2, p.109. helena. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.114. hyalina. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.99. “42 538 Bellerophon (continued) leda. .Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.58; 27. 1875. expl. pl. 13. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.110. lineolatus. Mus. rep. 138. 1860. p.107. lyra. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.59. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.113. maera. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastro- poda. 1876. expl. pl. 22. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.119. nactus. Pal, N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.121. natator. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.108. newberryi. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.97. obsoletus. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gas- tropoda. 1876. expl. pl.22. Teel, ING Se USS, VR) Ou, OILS. otsego. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.60. Pal, N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.104. patulus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.196. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. DsDor EEE ING We INSEE ayeay To p.100. pelops. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.56. JANE, Who Yo ISG) sda, TOU, TOL). var. exponens. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.96. profundus. Geol. N. Y. pit2. "1842. p.393. punctifrons. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842, p.392. repertus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.65, pt2, p.128. rotalinea. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.115. rudis. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.57. Pal. N. Y. 1879. yv.5, pt2, p.103. striatus? Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.246. suleatinus. p.312. thalia. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.60. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.105. tricarinata. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gas- tropoda. 1876, expl. pl. 22. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM | Bellerophon (continued) 3 Pal. N.Y T879ieaess triliratus. pt2, p.117. juvenis? Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.118. tuber. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.177. Beloceras. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.102. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. POA, iynx. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.103. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:103. Berenicea. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.594. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:594. Beyrichia. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:377. sp.? Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.121. bella. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.213. sTtanulata. “Pally New yeueeloag: SEOMhie granulosa. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.186. lata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:301. notata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:379: Dir. Ventricosa=, —Eallaas Nemes 1859. 3:380. oculifer. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.282. oculina. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:378. punctulifera. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. joslelale Symmetrica. Pal. N. Y. 1852. DEelae trisulcata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:381. tumifrons. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. Dole Billingsella. Pal. N. Y. 1892. yv.8, pti, p.230. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.273. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.589. Bilobites. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.204. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.269. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.585. Bittnerula. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:764. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.958. Blothrophyllum multicalicatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.448. papulosum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.448. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Blothrophyllum (continued) promissum. Mus. rep. 385. 1884. p.449. Sinuosum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.449. Bolboporites americanus. Mus. bul. 49. 1901, p.11. Bollia cornucopiae. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.82. Botryllopora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxvi. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.592. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:592. socialis. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.61. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:282. Botryodictya. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. peeits Geol, rep. 15: 1898: 2:851. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:891. Sp. Mus. mem. 2, 1898. p.114. Geol, rep. 15. 1898; p.854. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:854. ramosa. Mus. mem. 2 1898. p.111. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:851. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:851. Bouchardia. Geol. rep, 18. 1894. 2:898. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1087. Brachiocrinus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:118. nodosarius. Pal. N. Y. 1859. Sjei ake} Brachyprion. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.288. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.281. Mus, rep. 45. 1892. p.597. major. Mus. rep. 538. 1900. 2:54. schuchertanum. Mus, mem... 3. 1900. p.56. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:56. Bronteus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:xxv. acamas. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.332. barrandi. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:350. lunatus. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.65. ?niagarensis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:314. Mus. mem. 8. 1900. p.54. 539 Bronteus (continued) senescens. Geol, rep. §&. p.57. Mus. rep. 42. 1889. Geol. rep. 15. 1897. 1889. p.403. ALE Ry Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 2:733. tullius. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:12. Bucania. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:32. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.93. sp. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:334. Anu Staita ally eNe | eYeals a2, 2:349. ?bellapuncta. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:93. bidorsata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:186. devonica. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.195. expansa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:186. intexta. Pal. N. Y. 184%. £:317. profunda. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:341. punctifrons. Pal, N. Y. 1847. IULSIUSIT( a rotundata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:38. stigmosa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:92. sulcatina. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:32. iremovovziuet, Jet, IN, N24 ett, ABTBt 93: Bumastis barriensis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.102. 2:302. Bumastus trentonensis. pt2. 1842. p.390. Pal. Ne Yio 852° Geol. N. Y. Buthotrephis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:8. antiquata: Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:8. ?eaespetosa. Mus. rep. 38. 1850. p.178. ?flexuosa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. de265% gracilis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:62. 1852. 2:18. gracilis? Pal, N. Y. 1852. 2:20. var. erassa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:19. = var. intermedia. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:19. impudica. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:20. palmata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2;20. Tamosa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:21. subnodosa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:262. succulens. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:62. Le 540 Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, Geol. rep. 1. 1884. Byssopteria. ptl, p.xiv. pala: radiata. Pal.N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.252. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p. 400. Bythocypris cylindrica. Mus. bul. 49, 1901. p.86. Bythopora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.551. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:551. Cacabocrinus glyptus. Mus. 12. 1862. p.140. glyptus? var. intermedius. rep. 12. 1862. p.141. lamellosus. Mus. rep. Wa liratus. var. multilira. 1862. p.139. speciosus. Mus. mle troosti. Cadomella. p.282. Calathospongia. 12. Mus. rep. 15. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.188. Geol. rep. 11. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.598. Mus. p.347. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. amphorina. Mus. mem. 2. p.182. Geol. rep. 16. p.s74. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. earceralis. Mus. mem. 2. p.157. Geol. rep. 16. p.349. earlli. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.350. rep. 50. 1899. 2:350. ?magnifica. Mus. mem. 2. p.182. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. mem. 2. rep. 16. redfieldi. p.155. Mus. Geol. ?sacculus. Mus. mem. 2. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:352. tiffanyi. Mus. mem. 2. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:350. Calceocrinus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.146. Zeooae rep. Mus. 1862. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.139. rep. 15. 1862. 1892. mem. 2. 1899. p.155. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. 23847. 1899. 1899. 2:374. 1899. 1899. Mus. rep. 59. 1899. 2:349. p.158. Mus. 1899. p.s74. Mus. rep. 50. 1899, 2:374. 1899. 1899. p.347. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:347. 1899. p.160. Geol. rep. 16, 1899. p.352. 1899. p.158. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.350. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Calceocrinus (continued) stigmatus. Mus. rep. p.147. Calceola pusilla. p.419. Callocystites. Pal. N, Y¥Y. 2:238; 1859. 3:151. 28. 1879. ~ Mus. rep. 35. 1884. 1852. jewettii. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:239. var.? Paj.N. Y. 1852:-2:2393 Callonema. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.50. bellatula.- Pal., N. Y¥. 1879. v5; UZ, Ded L imitator: “Pal.” Ne Ye etsioneayes (Ot, iD lichas. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.b2. Callopora. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:144; 1887. 6:xv. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.588. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:588. aculeolata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:76. aspera. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:147. bipunctata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.15. bispinulata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.14. cellulosa. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.154. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:21. elegantula. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:144. . exsul. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.115. fistulosa. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.154. florida. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:146. geniculata. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl.. pl. 25.. ‘Pal Ne Neerssie 500 Ds hemispherica.. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.17. heteropora. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p. 102; 32. 1879. p.153. Pal: N.Y. 1887. 6:25. ’hyale. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.100; 82. 1879. p.155. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:76. internodata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.16. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:189. irregularis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:76. laminata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:146. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Callopora (continued) macropora. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. pao 82) 1879, pl52:, Bal. N. Y. 1887. 6:24. var. Signata. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p. 1538. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:25. maculosa. Mus. rep. 382. 1879. p.156. mediopora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:23. multiseriata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:75. multitabulata. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. prs. nummiformis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:148. oculifera. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p-155: Pal: N. Y. 1887.. 6:27. oppleta. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:21. parasitica, Mus, rep. 382. 1879. Dalat. paucipora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. v.6, expl. pl. 23. perelegans. Mus. rep. p-102; 32. 1879. p.154. 26. 1874. BaleeNeay. 1887. 6:22. ponderosa. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.103; 32. 1879, p.156. singularis. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. Delaheys Striata; Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:26. unispina. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.102; 32. 1879. p.153. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:26. venusta. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. pilOil; 32. 1879: p55. Pal. N. Y: 1887. 6:28. Callotrypa. Pal, N. Y. 1887. 6:xvi, 24. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.551. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:551. Calymene. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:xxi. sp. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.390. indet. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:258. sp. Pal. N. ¥. 1852. 2:350. beckii. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 250. blumenbachii. var, niagarensis. PANE ool Sa2 20%. 1:237, 541 Calymene (continued) blumenbachii. var. ? senaria Bale Ne, ¥718525/2:299: bufo. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.201. cameratum. Pal. N. Y. 1852. PARSON christyi. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.119. Ghinttomin se ale Ne. 1Sa2e 222988 crassimarginata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.173. MUUNLTIEOStas= Bal Ne WS 1847. 1:228. niagarensis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.162. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.334; 28. 1879. p.187. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v-.7, expl. plea nupera. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.262. ‘platys.. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.82. JEM ING MES iststoy, 1Eil. Senaria. Pal. rep. 1841. p.49. Geol. N. Y.. pt2. 1842. p.390. Pale Ne ae S47 te Sa vs: bul. 49. 1901. p.67. ?trisuleata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.74. Camarella: > Pal.) No Y. 18942 ys; pt2, p.219. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:838. Meus. rep: - 47. . 1894. p.1032. Camarium. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:486. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.42; -15. 1862. p.178. elongatum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:488. typum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:487. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.48; 15. 1862. p.181. Camarocrinus. p.205. clarkii. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.209. saffordi. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.208. stellatus. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.207. Camarophorella. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.38, pt2, p.215. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:838. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1032. 542 Camarophoria. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:367. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.212. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:837. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1031. eucharis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:368. rhomboidalis. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.866.- Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:6538. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.847. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.363. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:363. schlotheimi. Pal. N. Y. 4:367. Camarospira. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.82. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:776. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.970. Camarotoechia. Pal. N. Y. 1894. Wash) 12 deltcie)s (Exo iveio, 11), 1894. 2:826. Mus. rep. 47, 1894. p.1020. sp. indet. Pal. N- Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl. 57. sp. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.283. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:2838. sp.? Mus. mem. 8. 1900. p.41. Mus. rep. 58. 1900. 2:41. barrandii. Mus. mem. 38. 1900. p.40. Mus. rep. 58, 1900. 2:40. dryope. Mus. mem. 38. 1900. p.41. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:41. ? fitchana. Mus. mem. 8. 1900. p.40. Mus. rep. 58. 1900. 2:40. horsfordi. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p-162. oblata. Mus. mem, 38. 1900. p.41. Mus. rep. 58. 1900. 2:41. 1867. pauciplicata. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.162. prolifica? Mus. bul 49. 1901. p.162. sappho. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.162. Cameroceras. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:221. trentonense, Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:221, trentonensis. GeokL N. Y. pt2 1842. p.397. Camerothyris. 2:887. Mus. rep. 47. p.1081. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 1894. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Campophyllum nanum. Mus. rep. py, Mei), JOLABZt Caninia bilateralis. Pal. Ue, Bel, ie}. Cannapora. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:43. junciformis. Pal. N. ~ Yo. dieses BAS : Capellinia. Pal. N. Y¥. 1894. yv.8,- 7 pt2, p.248. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:847. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1041. mira. Pal. N. Y. 1894: yv.8, pit2, p.249, 369. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.368. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:368. Capulus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:308. auriformis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:31. Cardinocrania. Pal. N. Y. 1892. y.8, ptl, p.154. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.262. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.578. Cardiocaris. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.606-15. Cardiomorpha yetusta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:154. Cardiopsis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. ya, ptl, p.xxxvii. crassicosta. Mus. rep, 24. 1872. p.188. radiata. ~Palo IN Ye dssossveom ple p.433. Cardium? vetustum. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.245. Carinaropsis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:183. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.93. earinata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:183. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.30. cunulae. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.94. cymbula. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.94. ’ orbiculatus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:306. patelliformis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:183, 306. Carinopora. Geol. rep. 4. 1885. p.38. hindei. Geol. rep. 4. 1885. p.39. Cariocystites. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:150. Caryocrinus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:216. ornatus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.112. tab. 19, 20. Pal. N. Y- 1852. 2:182, 216. -N, q INDEX Catazyga. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.157. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:813. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1007. Catenipora agglomerata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. tab. 22. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:129. escharoides. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. tab. 22. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:44, 127. Caunopora planulata. Mus. rep. 23. 1873. p.228. Centronella. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.45. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:399; 1894. v.8, pt2, p.265. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:853. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1047. alveata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:401. glans-fagea. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:399. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.46. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:853. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1047. glaucia. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:403. heeate. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:420. impressa. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:402. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.102. julia. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:419. ovata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:419. Ceramella. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xix. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.527. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:527. scidacea. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:240. Ceramopora. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:168; 1887. G6:xvili. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.568. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:563. agellus. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.120. confluens. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.119. foliacea. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:170. ? foliacea. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:285. imbricata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:169. imbricella. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:236. incrustans. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:169. labecula. Mus. rep. 28. 1879 p.119. labeculoidea. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.158. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:33. TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS 543 Ceramopora (continued) maculata. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.108; 32. 1879. p.159. Pal. N.Y, 1887. 6:33. maxima. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.109; 32. 1879. p.159. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6.34. parvicella. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.158. ?parvicella. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:34. Ceramoporella. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.564. Mus. rep. 48, 1895. 2:564. Ceratiocaris. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:420.* Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:lii. Sp.? Pal. N. Y. 1859, 3:422.* aculeatus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:422.* acuminatus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3 :422.* armatus. Mus. rep. 16. 1863, p.72. beecheri. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:164. longicauda. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:163. longicaudis. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.73. maccoyanus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:421.* praecedens. Pal. rep. 1900. p.92. ?punctatus. Mus. rep, 16. 1863. p.74. (?)simplex. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:165. Ceratocephala. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.67. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.97. Ceratodictya. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.117. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:857. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:857. ‘annulata. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.120. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:860. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:860. carpenteriana. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.117. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:857. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:857. eenteta. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.120. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:860. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:860. cincta. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.118. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:858. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:858. 544 Blas Ceratodictya (continued) zonata. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:859. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:859. Ceratolichas. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:xl. Ceratopora dichotoma. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.155. jacksoni. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.155. Ceratostigma papillata. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 1:178. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.372. Ceraurus indet. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:25. insignis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:300, S0GMe niagarensis. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.376; 28. 1879. p.189. pleurexanthemus. Geol. N. Y., pt2. 1842. p.390. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:242. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.67. ?pustulosus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:246. rarus. Mus. rep. 31. 1879. p.68. vigilans. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:245. Chaetetes. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xiii. Sp. indet. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:18; - 1852. 2:7. abruptus. Mus. rep. 382. 1879. p.148. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:18. arbusculus. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:12. colliculatus. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.148. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:11. columnaris. consimilis. p.110. corticosa. Mus, p.149. densus. fruticosus. 1876. expl. pl. 38. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.148. fureatus. Ill. Dev. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl. 37, 38. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. rep. 32. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:14. helderbergiae. Mus. rep, 26. 1874. p.110. humilis. Ill. Dey. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl. 37. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.119. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:68. 1879. Ill. Dey. Foss. Corals. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Chaetetes (continued) lycoperdon. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:64, 276; 1852. 2:40. lycoperdon? Pal. N. Y. 1847: 1:48. monticulatus. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.148. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:12. ?rugosus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:67. sphaerica. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.111. tabulatus. Ml. Dev. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl. 37. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.149. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:14. tenuis. Ill. Dev. 1876. expl. pl. 37. Foss. Corals. Charactophyllum. Mus. bul. 39. 1900, p.209. Chariocephalus. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.175. whitfieldi. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.175. Charionella. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.40.. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.78. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:775. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.969. ~ Chasmops. Pal. N. Y. 1888... T:XXXiv. Cheirocrinus. Mus. rep. 138. 1860. p.122. chrysalis. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.128. celarus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.116. dactylus. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.123. lamellosus. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.128. ; nodosus. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.124. tunicatus. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.124. ventricosus. Mus. rep. 138. 1860. p.1238. Chiloporella. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.565. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:565. Chilotrypa. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.554. Mus. rep, 48. 1895. 2:554. Chonetella. Pal. pti, p.313. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.294. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.610. N. Y.- 18925) v.835 INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Chonetes. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:64; 1867. 4:115. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.242. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt1, p.3803. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.292. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.608. acutiradiata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.117. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:120. arcuata. Mus.: rep. 10. 1857. p.116. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:119. complanata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.56. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:418. cornuta. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:64. coronata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.146. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:1338. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. expl. pl. 22. deflecta. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.149. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:126. gibbosa. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.145. glabra. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.117. hemispherica. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.116. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:118. hudsonica. Mus. mem. 38. 1900. p.49. Mus. rep. 58. 1900. 2:49. laticosta. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. Od lepida. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.148. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:132, 142. lepidus. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.159. lineata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:121. logani var. aurora. Pal. N. Y. _ 1867. 4:137. mucronatus. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:124. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.158. muricata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:423. muricatus. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:148. nova-scotica. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.155. pusilla. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.149. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:128. scitula. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.147. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:130, 1441. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.159. setigera. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. paovey bale UNG . 1S67~ 4:129, 142. undulata. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.155. yandellana. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.l18. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:128. 545 Chonetina. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.310. Chonopectus. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.3812. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.295. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.611. Chonophyllum capax. Mus. rep. 385. 1884. p.410. ellipticum. Mus. p.283. vadum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.410. Chonostrophia. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.310. Geol. rep. 11.- 1892. p.294. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.610. complanata. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.50. Mus. rep. 538. 1900. 2:50. helderbergia. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.353. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.353. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2::3538. reversa. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 1:176. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.370. Christiania. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.298. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. rep. 23. 1873. p.290. Mus, rep. 45. 1892. p.606. subquadrata. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.351. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.351. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:351. trentonensis. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.21. g Cimitaria. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.xlii. angulata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.468. corrugata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.465. elongata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.466. recurva. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.467. Cistella. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:896. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1090. Cladograpsus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.235. Cladopora. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:137. Mus. rep. 23. 1878. p.229. Gornicornice Pall NG yaleds52) 2:139. cespitosa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:138. 546 (we?) ES Cladopora (continued) clarkei. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.306. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:306. fibrosa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:139. halli. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.306. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:306. macrophora. Pal. N. Y. 2:140. magna. 1852. Mus. rep. 23. 1873. p.230. multipora. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:140. palmata. Mus. rep. 23. 1873. p.231. prolifica. Mus. rep. 28. 1873. p.230. reticulata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:141. seriata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:137. smicra. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:63. styphelia. Mus. mem. 3. 19090. p.64. Mus. rep. 53, 1900. 2:64. Clathrocoelia. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.203. eborica. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.204. Clathrodictyon jewetti. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.298. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:298. Clathropora. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:159. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.543. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:543. aleicornis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:159. carinata. Geol. rep. 2. 1883. expl. pl. 26. frondosa. striatura. pl. 26. Clathrospira subconica. 49. 1901. p.33. Clathrospongia. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.121. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:861. abacus. Mus. mem. 2. p.153. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.345. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:345. caprodonta. Mus. mem. 2. p.154. Geol. rep. 16. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:160. Mus. bul. (?) desmia. Mus. mem. 2. p.125. Geol. rep. 15. 2:865. Mus. rep. 49. 3:865. 1898. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.63. Geol. rep, 2. 1883. expl. Geol, rep. 15. 1898. 2:861. 1899. 1899. 1899. p.346. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:346. 1898. 1898. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Clathrospongia (continued) fenestrata. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.122. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:862. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:862. (?) hamiltonensis. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.66. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:806. Mus. rep, 49. 1898. 1:806. (?) irregularis. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.124. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:864. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:864. (?) tomaculum. Mus, mem. 2. 1898. p.123. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:863. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:863. vascellum. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.123. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:863. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:863. Cleidophorus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:300. planulatus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:300. Cleodictya. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.467. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p.163. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.355. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:355, claypolei. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p.168. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.355. Mus. rep, 50. 1899. 2:355. gloriosa. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.479. Mus. mem. 2. 1899._ p.188. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.875. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:375. ?mohri. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.479. mohri. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p.184. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.376. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:376. Cleodora. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.95. Clepsydrospongia. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.71. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:810. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:811. matutina. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.71. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:811. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:811. Clidophorus. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.228. Climacograptus scharenbergi. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.11. Clinopistha. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.liv. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Clinopistha (continued) subnasuta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.512. telliniformis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.513. Clintonella. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.159. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:814. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1008. yagabunda. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.160. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.361. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:361, Clioderma. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.96. anatiformis. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.98. attenuata. Mus.rep.14. 1861. p.98. ceanaliculata. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.97. expansa. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.98. saffordi. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.96. undulata. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.97. Cliothyris. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.90. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:779. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.973. Clitambonites. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.233. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.274. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.590. Clonopora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxyv. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.598. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:598. fasciculata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:289. incurva. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:289. semireducta. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:289. Closterocrinus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:179. elongatus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:179. Clymenia complanata. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.63. ?complanata. Geol. N. Y. pte. 1843. p.244. erato. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.64. Coccosteus decipiens. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 1:163. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.357. (?)halmodeus. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 1:161. Mus. rep. 47, 1894. p.357. 547 Codaster pyramidatus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.152. Coelocaulis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xvi, 23. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.554. Mus rep. 48. 1895. 2:554. Coeloconus. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.549. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:549. Coelospira. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:328. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.60. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.134. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:802. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.996. concava. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:329. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.42. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:42. dichotoma. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.42. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:42. disparilis. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.162. Mus. mem. 1. 1889. p.64. Coenothyris. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:882. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.LO76. Coleolus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. y.5, pt2, p.184. aciculatum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. yv.5, pt2, p.190. aciculum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.187. crenatocinectum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.188. ?gracilis. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.95, pt2, p.190. herzeri. Pal. N. Y. 1888. y.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.7. ?mohri. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.189. tenuicinctum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5D, pt2, p.185. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.171. Coleophyllum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.463. pyriforme. Mus. rep. 385. 1884. p.464. romingeri. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.463. Coleoprion. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.183. tenuicinetum. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastropoda, 1876, expl. pl. 27. 548 Coleoprion (continued) ?tenuis. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.184. . Colpoceras. Mus. rep. 3. 1850. p.174. virgatum. Mus. rep. 3. 1850, p.174. - Columnaria alyeolata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:47. ‘inequalis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:323. Conehicolites. Pal. N. Y¥. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.22. corrugatus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p. 17, 23. gregarius. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v. 5, pt2, suppl. @ 7), p.22. Conchidium. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.231. Geol. rep. 13.. 1894. 2:842. Mus. rep. 47, 1894. p.1036. cerassiplica. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.369. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:656. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.850. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.367. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:367. exponens. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl. 66. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.866. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:366. georgiae. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.869. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:656. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.850. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.867. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:367. greenili. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.s68. Geol. rep. 18. 1894, 2:655. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.849. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.3867. Mus. rep. - 48. 1895, 2:367. nettelrothi. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.234, footnote. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.3866. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:366. obsoletum. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl. 67. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.866. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:366. scoparium. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl. 67. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.3866. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:366. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Conchopeltis. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.93. alternata. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.93. minnesotensis. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.94. Conocardium. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.xxiv. sp. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.259. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:259. concinnum. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, pti, p.414. cuneus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.409. denticulatum. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.4138. eboraceum. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.91. p.412. inceptum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:491; 1885. 5:415. Mus. mem. 3. Pal, N. Y. 1885. y.5, pti, 1900. p.87. Mus. rep, 53. 1900. 2:37, liratum. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.414. normale. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pt1, p.411. ohioense. Pal. N. Y: 1885. y.5, ptl, p.411. reliquum. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.415. tegulum. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, pti, p.415. ventricosum. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.91. Conocephalites. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.147. anatinus. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.158. ?binodosus. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.160. ealciferus. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.129. diadematus. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.167. dorsalis. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.222. eos. Mus. rep. 16. 18638. p.151. eryon. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.157. __ : 7 — 7 INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Conocephalites (continued) hamulus. Mus. rep. 16. 1863, p.166. hartti. Mus. rep. 82. 1879. p.130. iowensis. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.162. minor. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.149. minutus. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.150. nasutus. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.155. optatus. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.222. oweni. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.155. patersoni. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.159. perseus. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.153. shumardi. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.154. Winona. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.161. wisconsensis. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.164. Conolichas. Pal. N. Y. 1888. T:XXXix. Conophyllum. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:114. niagarense. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:114. Conotreta. Pal, N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.104. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.250. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.566. Conradella compressa. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.30. Conularia. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.205. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 2:701. 2? sp. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:480. eayuga. Ill. Dey. Foss. Gastro- poda. 1876. expl. pl. 28. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.211. congregata. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gas- tropoda. 1876. expl. pl. 28. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.214. continens. Ill. Dey. Koss. Gastro- poda. 1876. expl. pl. 28. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.212. var. rudis. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.215. Geol. rep. 15. 1897. 1:701. 549 Conularia (continued) crebristriata. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.210. desiderata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. v.3, expl. pl. 72A. cf. desiderata. Mus. mem. 3 Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 1900. p.28. 2:28. gracile. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:224. gracilis. Geol. rep. 15. 1897. v.1, expl. pl.1-4.. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. v.2, expl. pl.1-4. granulata. Pal. N. Y. 1847, 1:223. huntiana. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:348. laqueata. Pal. rep. 1841. p.57. lata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:479. longa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:295. newberryi. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, expl. pl. 34. Hiagarensis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:294, papillata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:223. pyramidalis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:347. quadrata. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.93. quadrisuleata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.111. trentonensis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1 ae. cf. trentonensis. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.38. ' undulata. Pal. rep. 1841. p.57. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.62. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.208. Cordania. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.124. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.440. becraftensis. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.22. Mus. rep. 53, 1900. 2:22. hudsonica. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.24. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:24. Cornulites. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.65, pt2, suppl. @7), p.8. n.sp. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.188. Sp.? Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:353. sp.? Pal. N. Y. 1888. yv.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.19. arcuatus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.110. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (= 7), p.19. HAL AB), 550 Cornulites (continued) bellastriatus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.20. ehrysalis. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. 7), p. 20. cingulatus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. yv.5, pt2, suppl. @7), p. 20. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.27. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:27. clintoni. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (= 7), p.18. distans. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.18. flexuosus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:98; 1888. v.5, pt 2, suppl. @7), p.18. immaturus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. y.5, pt2, suppl. @7), p.18. incurvus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.65, pt2, suppl. (7), p.18. major. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), expl. pl. 116A. modestus. Pal. N. Y. 1887. v.6, expl. pl. 2. proprius. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.182. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. @7), p.19. Serpularius. Pal. N. Y. 1888. yv.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.21. tribulis. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. @7), p.20. Coronocrinus. Pal. N. Y. 1859, 3:124. polydactylus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:124. Coronura. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:xxxii. aspectans. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.79. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.105. diurus. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. expl. pl. 4. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. expl. pl. 4. Coscinella. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xix. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.534. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:534. elegantula. Pal. N. Y. 1887, 6:239. Coscinium. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xviii. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.537. Mus. rep. 48. 1895: 2:537. striatum. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:238. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Coscinium (continued) striaturum. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:88. Coscinopora infundibuliformis. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.67. sulcata. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.68. Coscinotrypa. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl. 29. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xix. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.537. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:537. eribriformis var. carinata. N. Y. 1887. 6:89. Cranaena. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.297. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:865.. Mus, rep. 47. 1894. p.1059. Crania. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:26; 1892. v.8, ptl, p.145. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.260. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.576. n.sp. Pal. N. Y. 1892. y.8, pti, expl. pl. 4H. agaricina. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.180. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.335. Mus. rep. 48, 1895. 2:335. aurora. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.30. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:27. cf. bella. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.d8. Mus. rep. 58. 1900. 2:58. bordeni. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.187. crenistriata. Mus. rep, 13. 1860. p.78; 15. 1862. p.183. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:28. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.157. famelica. Mus. rep. 23. 1873. p.236. favineola. Pal. N. Y. 1892. y.8, pti, p.181. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.336. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:336, granosa. Pal. N. Y. 1892. y.8, pt1, p.180. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.335. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:335. gregaria. Mus. rep. 16. 18638. p.31. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:29. hamiltoniae. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.77. Mus. rep. 15, 1862. p.182. Pal, N. Y. 1867. 4:27. laelia. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.220. leoni. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.78; 15. 1862. p.183. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:30. Pal. - INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Crania (continued) pulchella. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.180. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.335, Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:335. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.58. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:58. recta. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.157. seabiosa. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.220. setifera. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.148. setigera. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.220. siluriana. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.148. Mus. mem. 1. 1889. p.18. trentonensis. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.219. cf. trentonensis. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p. 15. Craniella. Pal, N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt, p.153. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.262. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.578. hamiltoniae. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.158. ulrichi, Pal. N. Y. 1892. yv.8, pt1, p.181. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.836. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:336. Craniscus. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.261. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.577. Crenipecten. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.xii; 1885, v.5, ptl, p.lxi. Geol. rep. 1. 1884. p.12. amplus. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.277T. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.81. erenulatus. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.278. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt, p.82. glaber. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.280. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.85. impolitus. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.278. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.83. Jeon. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.282. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.88. liratus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt, p.87. micropterus. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p. 280. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.86. obsoletus. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.279. Pal. N. Y. 1884. y.5, ptl, p.84. winchelli. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.282. Pal. N. Y. 1884. y.5, ptt, p.89. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.281.. Crepipora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.566. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:566. Crinocystites. Mus. rep. 20. 1867 p.317. chrysalis. Mus. rep. 20. 1867 p.318. ? rectus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.318. Crisinella. Geol. rep. 2. 18838. expl. pl. 26. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxv. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.526. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:526. scrobiculata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:108. (?) Cruratula. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:872. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1066. Cryphaeus. Mus.rep. 28. 1879. p.192. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:xxxii. boothi. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.173. cealliteles. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.201. Cryptacanthia. Pal. N. Y. 1894. yv.8, pt2, p.3d0. (?) Cryptacanthia. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:867. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1061. Cryptocrinites. All, ING 3%, Iss), 3:150, Cryptodictya. Geol. rep. 9, 1890. p.60. Mus. rep. 43. 1890. p.262. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.144. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:884. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:884. alleni. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.60. Mus. rep. 43. 1890. p.262. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.144. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:884. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:884. Crypitonella. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.102; 16. 1863. p.43. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:392, 421. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.164. Pal. N. Y. 1894. y.8, pt2, p.286. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:860.. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1054. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.39. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:59. calvini. Mus. rep. 23. 18738. p.239. eudora. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:398. (?)fausta. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.38. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:38. Lie ‘ <2 5D2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cryptonella (continued) horrida. Geol. rep. 12. 1893. p.48. Mus. rep. 46. 1898. p.194. iphis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:396. ? linecklaeni. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:397. planirostra. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:395. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.164. rectirostra. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:394. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.164. subelliptica. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl.81. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.871. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:371. Cryptopora. Geol. rep. 4. 1885. p.40; 13. 1894. 2:834. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1028. ; mirabilis. Geol. rep. 4. 1885. p.41. Ctenacanthus wrighti. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p. 206. : Ctenobolbina ciliata. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.575. var. cornuta. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. “p.575. subrotunda. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.576. | Ctenodonta sp. ? Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.28. cf. astartaeformis. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.28. Cucullea opima. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.197. Cucullella. Mus, rep. 10. 1857. p.185. Cyathaxonia columellata. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p. 415. herzeri. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.416. Cyathocrinites pyriformis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.112. Cyathocrinus ? Geol. N. Y. pt4, 1843. tab. 21. bulbosus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.123. cora. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.324. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.136. Geol. N. Y. pt4. nucleus. ornatissimus. 1843. p.247. polyxo. Mus. rep, 28. 1879. p.135. pusillus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.324. waukoma. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.324. Cyathophycus. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.466. reticulatus, Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.468. subsphericus. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.468. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.24. Geol. rep, 15. 1898. 2:764. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:764. Cyathophyllum ?. 1848. tab. 49. agustatum. Mus, rep. 35. 1884. p.482. arctifossa. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.444. bullatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.445. ; bullulatum, Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.416. canaliculatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.4438. cohaerens. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.445. conatum. Ill. Dev. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl.31. concentricum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.446. depressum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.444. dianthus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.160. exfoliatum. -Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.443. galerum. Ill, Dev. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl. 382. gradatum. Ill. Dey. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl. 31. impositum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.444. intertrium. p.416. intervesiculum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.442. nanum. Ill. Dey. Foss. 1876. expl. pl. 22. nepos. 1876. expl. pl. 22. 4 palum. Ill. Dev. Foss. 1876. expl. pl. 31. perfossulatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.446. Geol. N. Y. pt4. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. Corals. Ill. Dev. Foss. Corals. Corals. te INDEX TO.DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Cyathophyllum: (continued) perplicatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.447. robustum. Ill. Dey. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl. 22. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p. 447. rugosum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. expl. pl. 16. scalenum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.446. septatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.445. turbinatum. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. tab. 49. validum. Ill. Dey. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl. 39. vesiculatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884, p.445. Cyathospongia. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.419. excrescens. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.419. Cybele. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:297. sp. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.66. punectata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:297. Cyclocystoides. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.217. anteceptus. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.219. salteri. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.218. Cyclolites rotuloides. eM ING NY 1852. 2:42. Cyclonema. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:89. sp.? Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, expl. pl. 12. bilix. Mus, rep. 14. 1861. p.92. ceanecellata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:90. Mus. rep. 27. 1875. expl..pl. 13. eancellata? Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:91. eoncinna. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastro- poda. 1876. expl. pl. 12. Pal.- N. Y. 1879. v-5, pt2, p.38 crenistria. Ill. Dey. Foss. Gas- tropoda. 1876. expl. pl. 12. doris. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.34. elevata. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.342. hamiltoniae. Mus, rep. 15. 1862. p.47. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.37. 553 Cyclonema (continued) lirata. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.47. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.35. multilira. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.48. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.36. ?obsoleta. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:90. obsoleta. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastro- poda. 1876. expl. pl. 12. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.38. sulcata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:347. varicosa. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.110. ventricosa, Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:90. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.91. Cyclopora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.601. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:601. Cycloporina. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:711. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.905. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.504. Mus. rep.48. 1895. 2:504. Cyclorhina. Pal, N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.206. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:830. Mus. rep. 47. 1894.p.1024. Cyclospira. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.-146. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:808. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1002. Cylindrophyllum. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.217. elongatum. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.217. Cyphaspis. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:xlvii. christyi. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.188. coelebs. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:151. eraspedota. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:148. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.173. diadema. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:144. hudsonica. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.64. hybrida. Pal, N. Y. 1888. 7:144. laevis. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:150. matutina. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.62. minuscula. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:140. Mus. mem. 38. 1900. p.24. Mus. rep. 538. 1900. 2:24. ornata. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:145. var. baccata, n. var. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:146. stephanophora. Pal. N. Y. 1888. A142, Bb4 Cypricardia ? angusta. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.76. contracta. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p-292. obsoleta. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.76. ?rhombea. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.291. truncata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.197. ventricosa. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.110. Cypricardinia. Pal. N.Y. 1859. 3:266. Pal. N. Y. 1885, v.5, pti, p.xlvi. arata. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.337; 28. 1879. p.174. arcuata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.486. concentrica. consimilis. ptl, p.486. erassa. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:268. ?eylindrica. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.190. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pt1, p.486. dorsata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, Pal. N. Y. 1859, 3:267. indenta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.485. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.36. Mus. rep. 538. 1900. 2:36. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.168. inflata var. subequivalvis. rep. 24, 1872. p.189. Mus. lamellosa. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:266. planulata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.484. sublamellosa. Pal. N. Y¥. 1859. 3 :267. sulciferus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, pti, p.487. Cypricardites. Pal. rep. 1841. p.51. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 8:524. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.13. alta. Pal. rep. 1841. p.52. angustata. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.186. angustifrons. Pal. rep. 1841. p.52. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.405. bisuleata. Pal. rep. 1841. p.52. Pal. N.Y. 1859. 3:268. NEW YORK STATHW MUSHUM Cypricardites (continued) carinata. Pal. rep. 1841. p.53. catskillensis. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.186. chemungensis. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.179. concentrica. Pal. rep. 1841. p.52. eurta. Pal. rep. 1841. p.53. elongatus. Pal. rep. 1841. p.51. marcellense. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.146. modiolaris. Pal. rep. 1841. p.52. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.403. mytiloides. Pal. rep. 1841. p.52. nasuta. Pal. rep. 1841. p.52. oblonga. Pal. rep. 1841. p.52. ovata. Pal. rep. 1841. p.52. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.405. ?quadrilatera. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.340. radiata. Pal. rep. 1841. p.53. recta. Pal. rep. 1841. p.52. recurva.. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.152. rugosa. Pal. rep. 1841. p.538. sinuata. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.399. ; Subalata. Pal. rep. 1841. p.53. (?)Cyrtia. _Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.40. Cyrtia. Pal. N.Y. 1867. 4:263. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:759. 47. 1894. p.953. Mus. rep. biplicata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.165. dalmani. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.64. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:206. exporrecta. Mus. rep. 27. 1875. expl. pl. 9. hamiltonensis. p.166. radians. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. Pal. N. Y. 1894. y.8, pt2, p.362. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:650. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.844. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.357. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:357. rostrata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.64. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:429. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS 555 Cyrtina. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:263; 1894. v.8, pt2, p.48. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:763. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.957. Sp.? Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl. 39. biplicata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:266. crassa. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:267. Mus. rep. 27. 1875. expl. pl. 9. curvilineata ? Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:270. dalmani. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:265. hamiltonensis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:268. var.recta. Pal. N.Y. 1867. 4:270. lachrymosa. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.362. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:650. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.844. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.358. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:358. neogenes. Pal. N. Y. 1894. yv.8, pt2, expl. pl. 84. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.3872. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. DEST: pyramidalis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:265. rostrata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:265. umbonata var. alpenensis. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.362. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:650. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.844. Geol. rep. 14. _ 1895. p.857. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:357. varia. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.49. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:49. Cyrtoceras. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.381. absens. Ill. Dev. Foss. Cephalo- poda. 1876. expl. pl. 47. aemulum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v. 5, pt2, p.371. alternatum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. y.5, pt2, p.365. amplicorne. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.358. annulatum. Pal. N.Y. 1847. 1:194. arcticameratum. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:349. arcuatum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:196. Cyrtoceras (continued) brevicorne. p.356. ecamurum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:196. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. ?cancellatum. 128i, ING Yes lee 2:290. citum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.372; 1888. suppl. (= 7), p.36. clavatum. Ill. Dey. Foss. Cepha- lopoda, 1876. expl. pl. 47. constrictostriatum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:195. dardanus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.349. densum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.3638. eugenium. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. ots JEEVE ING Mo ISVs Wed TOU p.369. filosum. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.392. formosum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.362. fosteri. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.349. ?gibbosum. Ill. Dey. Foss. Ceph- alopoda. 1876. expl. pl. 47. hector. Pal. N. Y. 1879. y.5, pt2, p.364. jason. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.71. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (= 7), p.36. lamellosum. Rall N= You 84 1:1938. z laterale. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.357. liratum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. y.5, pt2, p.364. lucillus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.349. macrostomum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:194. maximum. Pal. rep. 1838. p.117. metula. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.72. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.360. morsum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.71. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.367. multicameratum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:195. orion. Ill. Dey. Foss. Cephalo- poda. 1876. expl. pl. 48. pusillum. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.357. 556. Cystiphyllum (continued) rigidum. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.358. subannulatum. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.40. subcompressum. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.35. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl. (129) 14. subrectum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:342. transversum. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.104. undulatum. Ill. Dev. Foss. Ceph- alopoda. 1876. expl. pl. 47. undulatus. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.189. Cyrtoclymenia. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.131. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:131. neapolitana. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p-131. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:131. Cyrtolites. Pal. rep. 1838. p.118; 1841. pl. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.123. compressus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:188. dyeri. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.230. ?expansus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:479. expansus. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.28. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:28. filosum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:190. ?mitella. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.61. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v. 5, pt2, p.123. ornatus. Pal. rep. 1838. p.118. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.402; pts. 1842. p.64. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:308. pileolus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.61. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.125. sinuosus. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.178. trentonensis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:189. Cyrtospira attenuata. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.35. Cystiphyllum americanum. rep. 35. 1884. expl. pl. 16. Mus. bifurcatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.459. bipartitum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.459. econifollis. Ill. Dev. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl. 30. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cystiphyllum (continued) corrugatum. Ill. Dey. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl. 29. erateriforme. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.461. cylindricum. Geol. N. Y. pt. 1848. p.209. granilineatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.418. infundibulum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.462. latiradius. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.461. mundulum. Mus. rep. 23. 1873. p.234. muricatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.460. nanum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.460. obliquum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.462. pustulatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.462. quadrangulare. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.460. scalatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.463. striatura. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.463. supraplanum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.461. tenuiradius. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.460. varians. Ill. Dev. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl. 29. Cystodictya. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.536. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:536. Cystopora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxv. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.598. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:598. geniculata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:103. Cytherina sp. indet. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:44. alta. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.112. alta? Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:338. cylindrica. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:14. Spinosa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:317. Cytherodon. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.liii. nasutus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v. 5, pti, p.511. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Dactyloidites bulbosus. 39. 1886. p.160. Dallina. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:881. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1075. Dalmanella. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.205. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. Mus. rep. p.270. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.586. perelegans. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.57. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:57. Subaequata var. pervetus. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.26. testudinaria. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.25. Dalmania adspectans. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.88. aegeria. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.85. anchiops. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.83. var. armata. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.84. bifida. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.91. boothi. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.91. breviceps. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.223. calypso. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.89. coronata. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.86. erina. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.90. helena. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.89. macrops. micrurus. myrmecophorus. 1862. p.88. nasutus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:362. pleione. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.90. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.87. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:359. Mus. rep. 15. pleuroptyx. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:356. selenurus. p.84. tridens. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:361. vigilans. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.335 375. : Dalmanites. p.192. achates. aegeria. anchiops. var. armatus. 7:62. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:53. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:59. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. ’ Mus. rep. 28. 1879. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:xxix. Mus. bul. 49.-1901. p.68. Pal. N. Y. 1888. var. sobrinus n. var. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:62. aspectans. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:33. 557 Dalmanites (continued) barrisi. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:48. bicornis. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.196. bifidus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:53. bisignatus. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.19. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:19. boothi. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:42. var. calliteles. Pal. N. Y. 1888. T:45. calypso. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:64. comis. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:41. concinnus. Ill. Dey. Foss. Crus- tacea. 1876. expl. pl. 10. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:30. var. serrula n. var. 1888. 7:30. ?coronatus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:54. dentatus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:58. dolphi. Geol. rep. 12. 1893. p.49. Mus. rep. 46. 1893. p.195. emarginatus. Ill. Dey. Foss. Crustacea. 1876. expl. pl. 10. JPEN, ING We ?emarginatus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:40. erina. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:67. intermedius. Mus. rep. 31. 1879. p.69. macrops. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:68. meeki. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:32. myrmecophorus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. ceil phacoptyx. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:31. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.19. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:19. pleione. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:41. pleuroptyx. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:28. pygmaeus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:56. regalis. Ill. Dev. Foss. Crustacea. 1876. expl. pl. 11. Pal. N. Y¥. 1888. 7:55. selenurus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:49. stemmatus. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.15. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:15. var. convergens. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.19. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:19. verrucosus. p.195. vigilans. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.193. Sp - 558 Davidsonella. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:900. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1094. Davidsonia. Pal. N. Y. 1892. yv.8, pti, p.301. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.292. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.608. Daviesiella. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.817. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.296. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.612. Dayia. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.62. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:768. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.962. Dekayella. Geol. rep. 14.1895. p.589. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:589. Dekayia. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.578. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:578. Delthyris. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:131. ? Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.396. acanthota. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.270. acuminata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.271. arenaria. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.123. arenosa. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.124; pt4. 1848. p.148, 149. biforatus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:131. var. lynx. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:133. bilobata. Pal. rep. 1838. p.118. brachynota. Geol. N. Y. pi4. 1848. p.71. congesta. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.206. cuspidata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.270. decemplicata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.106. disjuncta. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.269. duodenaria. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.172. expansus. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.397. fimbriata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.208. granulifera. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.206. inermis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.271. laevis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.245. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Delthyris (continued) macronota. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.206. macropleura. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.120. medialis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.208. mesacostalis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.269. mesaSstrialis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.269. mucronata? Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.198, 271. mucronatus. Pal. rep. 1841. p.54. Geol. N. Y. pt3, 1842. p.150. niagarensis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.105. perlatus. Pal. rep. 1841. p.54. prolata. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.179. radiata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.106. sculptilis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.203. Sinuatus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.L06. staminea. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.106. undulatus. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.132. zigzage. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.201. Dendroerinus. Pal. N. Y. 1852 2:193. longidactylus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:193. retractilis. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.211. Dendrograptus hallanus. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.124. Dentalium aciculatum. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.107. Derbya. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt, p.261. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.286. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.602. Sp. indet. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt1, expl. pl. 11B. affinis. Pal. N. Y. 1892. yv.8, pt, p.349. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.349. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:349. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Derbya (continued) bennetti. Pal. N. Y..1892. v.8, pt1, p.348. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.347. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:347. (?) biloba. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.350. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.350. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:350. broadheadi. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.847. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.346. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:346. ? costatula. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.3846. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.3s46. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:346. eymbula. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt1, p.348. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.348. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:348. ruginosa. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.346. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.345. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:345. Diamesopora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xv, 19. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.566. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:566. camerata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:72. constricta. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:19. dichotoma. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:158. dispersa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:20. Dianulites. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.587. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:587. Diaphorostoma desmatum. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.29. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:29. ventricosum. Mus. mem. 38. 1900. p.30. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:30. Diastoporina. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.095. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:595. Dicamara. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.73. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:772. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.966. Dicranogmus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:xli. Dicranopora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.545. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:545. Dicranurus. Pal. rep. 1841. p.48. Dictuocrinites. Pal. rep. 1841. pl. Dictuolites beckii. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 26. Dictyocrinus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:135. squamifer. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:135. Dictyonema. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:174. cerassum. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.288. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:288, 559 Dictyonema, (continued) gracilis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:175. pergracilis. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p. 181. retiformis. 2:174. cf. Splendens. Mus. mem. 3. 1900, p. 64. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:64. Dictyophyton. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.87; 35. 1884. p.466. abacus. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.474. amalthea. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.58. Mus. rep. 43. 1890. p.260. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:174. annulatum. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.90; 35. 1884. p.472. baculum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.471. einctum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.472. conradi. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.89; 85. 1884. p.471. cylindricum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.475. fenestratum. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.90; 35. 1884. p. 469. filitextile. Mus. rep. 16. p.88; 35. 1884. p.470. halli. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.59. Mus. rep. 48. 1890. p.26. 1863. hamiltonense. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.468. irregulare. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.470. newberryi. Mus. rep, 16. 1863. p.87. nodosum. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.91; 35. 1884. p.472. paralellum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.471. patulum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.469. prismaticum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.469. randalli. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.57. Mus. rep. 43. 1890. p.259. redfieldi. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.88. ? redfieldi. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.474. rude. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.90; 35. 1884. p.469. “560 Dictyophyton (continued) sacculum. Mus. p.473. sSceptrum. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.56. Mus. rep. 48. 1890. p.258. scitum. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.58. Mus. rep. 48. 1890. p.260. ’ telum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.470. tenue. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.474. tomaculum. tuberosum. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p. 90; 35. 1884. p.473. vascellum. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.57. Mus. rep. 48. 1890. p.259. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.72; expl. pl. 27. Geol. rep. 15. Mus. rep. 49. 1898 3:812; expl. pl. 27. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.76.. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:816. Dictyospongia. 1898. 2:832; expl. pl. 27. almondensis. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:816. ? bacteria. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:817. charita. rep. 49. 1898. 3:814. eylindric¢a. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:358. danbyi. rep. 49. 1898. 3:803. eumorpha. Mus. mem. 2. n.75. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 8:815. haplea. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:808. rep. 49. 1898. 3:808. lophura. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.74. Mus. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:814. rep. 49. 1898. 3:814. ? marcellia. p.65. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:805. morini. rep. 49. 1898. 3:887. rep. 35. 1884. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.58. Mus. rep. 43. 1890. p.260. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.77. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:817. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.74. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. p.814. Mus. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p.166. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.358. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.63. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:808. Mus. 1898. Geol. ren, 15. 1898. 2:815. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.68. Mus. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:805. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.147. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:887. Mus. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Dictyospongia (continued) osculata. Mus. p.167. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.359. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:359. sceptrum. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.73. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:813. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:813. siraea. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.75. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:815. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:815. ? stylina. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p.167. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.359. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:359. Dictyothyris. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:879. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1073. Dielasma. Pal. N. Y. 1894. y.8, pt2, mem. 2. 1899. _ p.298. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:863. - — Mus. rep. 47, 1894. p.1057. sp.? Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl. 81. obovata. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl. 81. obovatum. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.372. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:372. Dielasmina. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.298. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:865: Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1059. Dignomia. Pal. N. Y. 1892. yv.8, pti, p.14. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.230. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.546. Dikelocephalus. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p. 137. sp. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.200, 205. minnesotensis. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.1388. var. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.141. var. limbatus. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.141. misa. Mus. rep. 16. 18638. p.144. osceola. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.146. pepinensis. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.142. Spiniger. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.148. Dimerella. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:833. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1027. Dinarella. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:859. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p. 1053. Dinichthys. Geol. rep. 17. 1899. p. 318. —_—. ee nit Nip » INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Dinichthys (continued) Sp. Geol. rep. 17. 1899. p. 320, 326. Mus. rep. 51. 1899. 2:320, 326. Dinobolus. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.36. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.287. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.553. Dinorthis. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.195. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.266. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p. 582. Dioristella. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:77. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p. 969. Diphyphyllum adnatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.458. apertum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.458. breve. Mus. rep. 85. 1884. p.459. eylindraceum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.458. tumidulum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. - p.459. Dipleura dekayi. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p. 150. Diplograptus. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.219. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:219. foliaceus. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.11. pristis. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.237. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:237. ruedemanni. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. expl. pl. 1, 2, 5. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2: expl. pl. 1, 2, 5. Diplophyllum. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:115. caespitosum. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:116. caespitosum ? Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:118. eoralliferum. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:322. Diplopora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.525. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:525. Diplospirella. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:786. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.980. Dipterocaris. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:lix. pennae-daedali. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:200. pes-cervyae. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:202. procne. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:201. Discina. 561 Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:159; 1867. 4:15; 1892. v.8, ptl, p.120. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.255. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.571. Sp.? Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:21. Sp.? Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.28. alleghania. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.77; 15. 1862. p.182. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:25. conradi. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:161. discus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:159. doria. Mus. rep. 16. 18638. p.26. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:19. elmira. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.29. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:24. grandis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:406; 1867. 4:17. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.187. humilis. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.25. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:16. ? inutilis. Mus. rep. 16. 1862. p.130. lodensis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:22. media. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.27. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:20. minuta. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:16. neglecta. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.29. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:24. newberryi. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.30. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:25. randalli. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.25. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:18. seneca. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.26. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:20. truncata. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.28. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:28. Mus. rep. 24. 1892. p.187. tullia. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.28. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:22. vanuxemi. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:162. Discinisea. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt1, p.120, 123. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.254. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.570. Discinocaris. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.606-15. Discinolepis. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.90. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.247. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.563. Discinopsis. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.105. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.250. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.566. es 562 Discites. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.425. Discocystis.. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.193. Discophyllum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:277. peltatum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:277. Discosorus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:99. conoideus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:99. (?) Diseulina. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:874. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1068. Dithyroearis. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.74. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:lvii. belli. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:194. neptuni. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.75. Ditoecholasma. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.200. Dolatocrinus ? Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.137. Dolichopterus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:414.* macrocheirus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:414.* Douvillina. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.281. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.597. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.288. Duneanella rudis. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.299. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:299. Dysecolia. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:876. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1070. Dystactella. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.192. subnasuta. Mus. expl. pl. 11. rep. 27. 1875. Eatonia. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:482. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.35. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.204. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:829. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1023. eminens. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.92. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:242. medialis. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.90. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:241. Mus. mem. 38. 1900. p.40. Mus. rep. 58. 1900. 2:40. peculiaris. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:244, 436. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.37. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.40. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:40. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Hatonia (continued) pumila. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:48T.. Singularis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:243. sinuata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.91- Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:438. whitfieldi. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:437.. Eecculiomphalus comes. Ill. Dey. Foss. Gastropoda. 1876. expl. spl iG: Hecyliopterus spiralis. Mus. bul. 49, 1901. p.34. Hehinoearis. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:liii. condylepis. Pal. N. Y. 1888. elias multinodosa. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:180. punctata. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:166. pustulosa. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:178. socialis. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:174. sublaevis. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:176. whitfieldi. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:172.. Hehinocystites. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.316. nodosus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.316. Echino-enecrinites. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:87; 1859. 3:151. ; anatiformis. Pal. N. Y. 1847.. 1:89, 318. Hehinosphaerites. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:150. Hetenodesma. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5;. pti, p.xiv. Geol. rep. 1. 1884. p.14. birostratum. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5,. pti, p.242. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.399. ? Hetenodictya. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p.164. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.356. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:356- Ectenodictya. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.466. burlingtonensis. Mus, rep. 35.. 1884. p.476. eccentrica. Mus. rep. 35. 1884.. p.476. expansa. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.475.. implexa. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.475. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p.164. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.356. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:356. \ INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Hdaphophyllum. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.221. / Edmondia. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pt1, p.Xxxii. burlingtonensis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v. 5, pti, p.390. depressa. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.391. ellipsis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.392. obliqua. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pt1, p.388. philipi. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v. 5, pt1, p.387. rhomboidea. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.386. subangulata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:156. ? subearinata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, ptl, expl. pl. 64. subovata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.389. subtruncata. 1:156. tenuistriata. Pal. N. Y. v.5, ptl, p.393. transversa. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.389. ventricosa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:155. Edriocrinus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.115. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:119. becraftensis. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.62. Mus. rep. 538. 1900. 2:62. JEDIT Nae Ge ale2e 1885. pocilliformis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:121. pyriformis. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.116. sacculus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:148. Hichwaldia. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.274. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.307. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2: 903. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1097. eoncinna. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.278. eoralifera. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.278. gibbosa. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.278. 563 Hichwaldia (continued) reticulata. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.278; 28. 1879, p.169. Mus. mem, 1. 1889. p. 31. EHlaphus canadensis. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.39. Hlasmophyllum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.442. attenuatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.442. Eleutherocaris. Pal. rep. 1900. p.103. Eleutherocrinus whitfieldi. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.151. Hlkania. Pal. N. Y. 1892. y.8, pti, p.75. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.241. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.557. Hllipsolites ? Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.385. Elliptocephala asaphoides. Ag. N.Y. 1846. p.65. Elymella. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, pl. fabalis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.502. levata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pt, p.504. nuculoides. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.503. patula. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v. 5, ptl, p.505. j Elymocaris. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:lvy. eapsella. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:181. siliqua. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:182. Emmelezoe decora. Pal. rep. 1900. p.95. Enantiosphen. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:860. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1054. Encrinites triciclas. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.182. Encrinus sp. Mus. rep. 20, 1867, p.334. nereus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.375. raricostatus. Mus. rep. 31. 1879. p.69. trentonensis. Mus. rep. 31. 1879. p.68. Endoceras. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:58. angusticameratum. Paley iNe ie 1847. 1:218. 564 Endoceras (continued) annulatum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:207. approximatum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:219. arctiventrum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:217. distans. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:220. duplicatum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:219. gemelliparum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:60. lativentrum. Mus. rep. 3. 1850. p.173. longissimum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:59. Magniventrum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:218. ?var. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:218. multitubulatum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:59. proteiforme. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:208, 2138, 216, 311. ? var. elongatum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:216. var. lineolatum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:211. var. strangulatum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:212. var. tenuistriatum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:209. var. tenuitextum. ‘Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:210. subcentrale. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:59. Enteletes. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.214. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.588. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.272. Enterolasma. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.2038. EKocidaris. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.297. drydenensis. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.298. Eopolychaetus. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.574. albaniensis. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. | p.573. Epicyrta. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:886. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1080. Eridopora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.561. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:561. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Escharopora. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:72. bifoliata. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.162. lirata. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.1003;. 82. 1879. p.161. nebulosa. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.99; 32. 1879. p.162. recta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:73. var. nodosa. Pal. N. Y. 1847.. 1:73. tenuis. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.99;: 82. 1879. p.161. Hstheria. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:1xi. membranacea. Pal. rep. 1900. p.1038. ortoni. Pal. rep. 1900. p.109. pulex. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:206. Etheridgina. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8,. pti, p.835. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.300. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.616. Hucalathis. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:876. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.Lo7o. Eucalyptocrinus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.321. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:207. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.144. ? Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:352. caelatus. Pal. N..¥Y. 1852. 2:210.. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.3829; 28. 1879. p.142. cornutus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.322. var. excavatus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.3822. erassus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.323; 28. 1879. p.141. decorus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:207. obconicus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.328. ornatus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.329. ovalis: Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.1438.. papulosus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:211.. Euchondria.. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5,. pti, p.lxii. Eudesella. Geol. rep. 13. 1894.. 2:900. Mus. rep. 47. 1894.. p. 1094. Hudesia. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:885_ Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1079. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Eugaster. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.290. logani. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.290. Eumetria. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.115. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:795. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.989. Eunella. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.290. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:861. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1055. Eunema ? trilineata. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.346. Eunicites? Geol. rep. 6. 1887. expl. pl.Al. Eunoa. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.606. accola. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.607- 10. Huomphalus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.54. clymenioides. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.54. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.62. conradi. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.107. decewi. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.55, 187. depressus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.291. disjunectus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:340. eboracensis. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.55. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.61. heeale. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastrop- oda. 1876. expl. pl. 16. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.59. inops. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastropoda. 1876. expl. pl. 16. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.58. laxus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.54. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.60. lens. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p. 109. pervetusta. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.4s. planodiscus. Mus. rep. 138. 1860. p.109. Pal. N.Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, Dot. - profundus. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.117. Pal. N. Y. 1859. v.3, cor- rigenda in vol. of plates. ?rotundus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.173. 565 - EKuomphalus (continued) rudis. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastropoda. isi Exell, Til a,» JRL ING WZ, 1879. v.5, pt2, p.d58. rugaelineata. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.186. Sinuatus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:340. spirorbus. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.109. sulcatus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.188. tioga. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastropoda. 1876. expl. pl. 15. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.56. uniangulatus. Pal. N. YY. 1847. 1:9. ?vaticinus. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.136. Euractinella. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:787. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.981. Eurychilina bulbifera. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.76. dianthus. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.78. obliqua. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.79. reticulata. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.76. ?solida. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.76. subradiata var. rensselaerica. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.77. Eurydictya. -Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.527. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:527. Eurypterus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:382, 395. 1888. 7:xlix. approximatus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.7, expl. pl. 27. beecheri. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:156. dekayi. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:411.* lacustris. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:407.* var. robustus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:410.* microphthalmus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3 :407.* pachycheirus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:412.* prominens. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:157. pustulosus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:413.* remipes. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.100. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:404.* 566 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Eurypterus (continued) robustus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. v.3, errata. Euspilopora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.528. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:528. Euthydesma. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, ptl, p.xxxii. subtextile. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.385. Evactinopora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.529. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:529. Favicella. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xviil. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.556. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:556. inclusa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:234. Favistella. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:275. favosidea. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:41. stellata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:275. Favosites. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:124; 1887. 6xiii. alveolaris. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.158. arbuscula. Ill. Dev. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl.36. ?argus. Ill. Dev. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl.13. conica. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.112; 32. 1879. p.146. conicus. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:9. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.302. Mus. rep.48. 1893. 2:302. conradi. Geol. rep.14. 1895. p.304. Mus. rep.48. 1895. 2:304. emmonsi. Ill. Dey. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl.9. explanata. Ill. Dev. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl.14. favosa? Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:126. fibrosa. Geol. N.Y. pt4. 1843. p.159. forbesi var. occidentalis. Mus. rep.28. 1879. p.109. gothlandica. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.158. hamiltoniae. Ill. Dev. Foss. Cor- als. 1876. expl. pl.34. helderbergiae. Mus. rep. 26.1874. p.111; 32. 1879. p.145. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:8. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.302. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:302. Favosites (continued) inexpectans. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.146. lycopodites. Geol. N. Y. ptz2. 1842. p.889. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.46. ? minima. Mus. rep. 26, 1874. p.113. minimus. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.147. niagarensis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:17.25. niagarensis? Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:324. placenta. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.154. proximus. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.147. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:10. sphaericus. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.146. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:9. spinigerus. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.108. Fenestella. Geol. rep. 2. 1883. p.5; 4. 1885. p.35. Pal. N. Y. i887. 6:xxii, 104° Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:687. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.881. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.500. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:500. ? Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:166. n. sp.? Geol. rep. 2. 1883. expl. pl.33. sp. Geol. rep. 2. 1888. expl. pl.13, 18-20, 22, 28, 29. sp. indet. Pal. N. Y. 1887. v.6, expl. pl.18, 20, 35, 36. acaulis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:131. var. inelinis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:132. acclivis. acmea. aculeata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:138. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.124. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:157. adnata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:152. adornata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:66. adraste. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.169. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:48. aequalis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:112. aesyle. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.166. Pal, N. Y. 1887. 6:46. albida. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.48. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS 567 Fenestella (continued) althaea. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.166. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:48. ambigua. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.123. angustata. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. p.60. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.54. aperta. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.58. arta. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.163. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:63. caspectans. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.65. aspectus. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. p.59. assita. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. p.64. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.56. bi-imbricata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:122. biordo. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:149. biserialis. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p. 174. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:57. var. exilis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:57. biseriata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:113. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.61. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:61. ibiserrulata. 6:128. brevilinea. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. p.70. brevisuleata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:168. -carinella. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:153. ¢elsipora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:150. Pal. N. Y. 1887. var. minima. 6:151. var. Minor. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:151. cinctuta. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. p.62. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.69. eircumstata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:144. elathrata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:117. eleia. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.169. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:45. eleis. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.1738. coalescens. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:120. eolumellata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:146. compacta. Mus. rep. 382. 1879. p.163. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:63. Pal. N. Y. 1887. Fenestella (continued) compressa. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.164. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:61. confertipora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:108. conjunctiva. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:143. consimilis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:142. coronis. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.171. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:51. crebescens. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. _expl. pl. 45. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:170. erebripora. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.167. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:43. cribrosa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:166; 1887. 6:145. cultellata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:160. cultrata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:119. curvata. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. p.69. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.50. curyijunctura. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:107. depressa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:111. dispanda. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl. 44. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:114. disparilis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:173. distans. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:161. elegans. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:164. elegantissima. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:140. elongata. Geol. rep. 2. 18838. expl. pl. 33. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:153. emaciata. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. p.68. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.57. erectipora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:118. eudora. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.165. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:58. exornata. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. p.67. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.49. fastigata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:141. favosa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:148. ficticius. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:137. fistulata. Mus. rep. 36. 1888. p.59. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.64. flabelliformis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:161. frequens. Geol. rep. 7. Mus. rep. 41. 1888. p.396. granifera. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:125. 568 Fenestella (continued) granilinea. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:154. hemicycla. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.55. hestia. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:45. Mus. rep. 82. 1879. p.168. hexagonalis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:164. : var. foraminulosa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:165. idalia. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.95; 82. 1879. p.170. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:52. idothea. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.166. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:60. inequalis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:171. inflexa. Mus.-rep. 36. 18838. p.64. interrupta. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:123. junceus. Mus. rep. 82. 1879. p.168. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:44. laevinodata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:169. laevistriata. Geol. rep. 2. 1883. expl. pl. 28. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:159. largissima. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:156. lata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:136. laticrescens. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:171. latijunectura. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:128. latitruncata. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. p.58. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.68. lilaea. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.165. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:62. loculata. Geol. rep. 7. Mus. rep. 41. 1888. p.395. lunulata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:121. marcida. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. p.61. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.51. multiplex. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. p.57. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.66. mutabilis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:166. mana. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:1838. nervia. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.93; 382. 1879. p.173. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:55. var. constricta. Mus. rep. 382. 1879. p.174. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:56. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Fenestella (continued) nexa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:165. nexilis. Geol. rep. 7. Mus. rep. 41. 1888. expl. pl. 10. ‘noe. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:47. obliqua. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:64. parallela. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:107. parvulipora. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.1238. paxillata. Mus. rep. 82. 1879. p.164. - Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:65. peculiaris. Geol. rep. 2. 1883. expl. pl. 33. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:113. ; perangulata. Pal. 6:162. ; perforata. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. p-65. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.62. permarginata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:127. pernodosa. perplexa. Ns Ye 1Ssie Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:139. — Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:180. pertenuis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:106. perundata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:163. perundulata. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. p.63. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.438. philia. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.168. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:50. pinnata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:171. planiramosa. Geol. rep. 2. 1883. expl. pl. 18. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. p.62. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.44. . porosa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:168. praecursor. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.94; 32. 1879. p.171. Pal. N. Y- 1887, 6:54. prisca? Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:50. proceritas. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:115. projecta. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:182. propria. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:157. punctostriata. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.125. quadrangula. Mus. rep. 36. 1888. p.68. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.47. quadrangularis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:158. quadrula. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.172. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:53. rhombifera. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:120. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Fenestella (continued) rigida. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:155. robusta. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:156. rustica. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:169. scalaris. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. p.66. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. -p.60. semirotunda. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:125. separata. pl. 32. serrata. Geol. rep. 2. 1883: expl. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:166. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:110. singularis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:114. sinistralis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:174. sinuosa. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl.44. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:116. spio. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:47. gspissa. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.59. stellata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:109. stipata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:134. strata. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. p.72. striata. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.45. striatopora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:168, stricta. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:59. submutans. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:167. subtortilis. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. p.71. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. p.52. sylvia. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.96, 32. 1879. p.167. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:49. tegulata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:135. tenella. -Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl.45. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:105. tenuiceps. Pal, N. Y. 1852. 2:165. tenuis. Pal N. Y. 1852. 2:51. thyene. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.170. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:50. transversa. Pal, N. Y. 1887. 6:132. tuberculata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:116. varia. Geol. rep. 7. Mus. rep. 41. 1888. expl. pl.14. variapora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:104. verrucosa. Geol. ‘rep. 2. 1883. exp]. pl.33. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:10. ?verrucosa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:166. Fenestralia. Fenestrapora. 569 Geol. rep. 4. 1885. p.37; 13. 1894. 2:717. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.911. Geol. rep. 14.. 1895. p.502. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:502. Geol. rep. 4. 1885. Dis6s o Palk NeiXe 188 (5 Gexcxal: Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:701. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.895. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.506. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:506. biperforata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:286. Fenestrellina. Geol. rep. 4. 1885. p.36. Fimbriothyris. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:8838. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1077. Fistulicella. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.606. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:606. Fistulipora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xviil. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.559. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:559. gp.2.- Pal. N. Y¥. 1887. v.6, expl- pl.14. sp. Mus. bul, 49. 1901. p.156. confertipora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:211. constricta. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:227. decipiens. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:232. densa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:231. digitata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:229. hemispherica. Pal. N. Y. 1887.. 6:226. interaspera. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:218. intercellata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:87. involvens. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:221. lamellata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:87.. longimacula. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:209. micropora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6 :220. minuta (?) Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:2238.. multaculeata. Pal, N. Y. 1887. 6:228. occidens. Mus. rep. 23. 1873. p.228. 570 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Fistulipora (continued) parasitica. plana. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:215. ponderosa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:27. scrobiculata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. ' 6:212. ‘Segregata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:219. ‘serrulata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:214. ‘Spheroidea. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:225. ‘subtilis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:233. triangularis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:223. ‘trifaria. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:222. triloba. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:29. umbilicata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:218. unilinea. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:217. variapora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:210. #istuliporella. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.560. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:560. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.606. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:606. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.555. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:555. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.502. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:502. Fistuliporidra. Histuliporina. Flabelliporella. Forbesiocrinus communis. Mus. rep. 17. 1864. p.55. kellogi. Mus. rep. 17. 1864. p.56. lobatus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.124. var. tardus. Mus. rep. 17. 1864. p.56. nuntius. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.124. Geol. N. Y. pts. Fucoides biloba. 1842. p.79. ceauda-galli. demissus. p.109; pt3. 1842. p.39. flexuosa. Ag. N. Y. 1846. p.69. gracilis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.69. graphica. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.172. harlani. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.71. rigida. Ag. N. Y. 1846. p.69. velum. p.176. Pal, N. Y. 1887. 6:28. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.128. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.76. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. Fusispira. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.229. elongatus. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.229. terebriformis. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.230. ventricosa. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.229. Gephyroceras. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.85. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:85. cataphractum. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p. 87. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:87. genundewa. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.86. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:86. holzapfeli. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.87. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:87. perlatum. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.85. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:85. Gerasaphes ulrichana. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.60. Gladiolites. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:517. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.61. Glassia. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.152. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:811. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1005. romingeri. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.153. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.363. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:363. Glassina. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:771. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.965. Glauconome. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxiv. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.524. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:524. earinata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.60. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:278. nodata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:102. sinuosa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:101. tenuistriata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:102. Glossina. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.15. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.230. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.546. Glossites. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, pti, p.xlix. amygdalinus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl1, p.502. depressus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.496. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Glossites (continued) ellipticus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.498. lingualis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.497. patulus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.501. -procerus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.499. rudicula. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.65, pti, p.498. subnasutus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.500. subtenuis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.495. teretis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pt1, p.494. Glossothyris. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:877. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1071. Glossotrypa. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl.31. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xvii. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.562. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:562. Glottidia. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.14. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.229. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.545. Glyptaster. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:187. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p. 131. brachiatus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:187. inornatus. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.134. occidentalis. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.3826; 28. 1879. p.1338. var. erebescens. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.1338. pentangularis. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.326. Glyptocardia. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.xxxvi. speciosa. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.426. Glyptocrinus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:281. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.131. ? Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:181. argutus. Mus. rep. 35. 1884 p.207. 5TL. Glyptoerinus (continued) carleyi. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.132. decadactylus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:281. nealli. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.206. nobilis. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.328. parvus. Mus. rep. 24. 1872: p.207. plumosus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:180.. siphonatus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.328. ?subnodosus. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.208. Glyptocystites. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3.151. Glyptodesma. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5,. ptl, p.xiil. Geol. rep. 1. 1884. p.14. erectum. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5.. pti, p.153. Mus. rep. 35. 1884.. p.33l. var. obliquum, Pal. N. Y. 1884.. y.5, ptl, p.155. Mus. rep. 35.. 1884. p.333. occidentale. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5.. ptl, p.157. Mus. rep. 35. 1884.. p.333. Gomphoceras? Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:290. Gomphoceras. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5,. pt2, p.318. Sp. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, expl. pl.60. abruptum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5.. pt2, p.339. absens. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.324, 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.82. ajax. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.350. beta. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.72. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.326- cammarus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5,. pt2, p.333; 1888. v.5, pt2. suppl. (7), p.32. clavatum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5.. pt2, p.323. conradi. Mus. rep. 13. 1860 p.106. Pal. N. Y¥. 1879. v.5, pt2,. p.348. 572 ‘Gomphoceras (continued) crenatum. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl. (121A) 6. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.33. ?ceruciferum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.828. eximium. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.109. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.329; 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=), p-82. fax. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2,: suppl. (=7), p.32. fischeri. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.106. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.336. gomphus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.834; 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (= 7), p.32. ilaenus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.322; 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.82. impar. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.332; 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=), p.82. lunatum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.341. manes. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.339; 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.34. minum. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl. (122) 7. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.d4. mitra. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p-330; 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.32. mitriformis. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 1:171. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.365. nasutum. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl. (120) 4. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (= 7), p.34. oviforme. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.105. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.344. pingue.. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, DeAGe ae ?planum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p. 352. plenum. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl. (121A) 6. ‘Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. 7), p.33. , NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Gomphoceras (continued) poculum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. vy.5, pt2, p.340. potens. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.351; 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.35. raphanus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v. 3, pt2, p.347. rude. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.327. serinium. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.350. septoris. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.350. solidum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.338. tumidum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.65, pt2, p.351. Gomphocystites. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.309. “Hae clavus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.310. glans. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.310. tenax. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.310. Gongylospongia. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.92. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:832. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:832. marshi. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.92. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:832. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:832. Goniatites amplexus. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl. (427) 12. Pal. . N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. ©‘), p.39. : bicostatus. Geol. N. Y. pt4..1848. p.246. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.102. Pal. N. ¥. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.450. chemungensis. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p. 182. Pal. N. Y. 1879. V.5, pt2, p.467. var. equicostatus. Mus. rep. 27. 1875. p.1385. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.469. complanatus. Mus. rep. 27. 1875. p.132. Pal. N. Y. 1879, v.5, pt2, p.455; 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7). p.40. var. perlatus. Mus. rep. 27. 1875. p.132. Pal. N. Y. 1879. y.5, pt2, p.458. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Goniatites (continued) discoideus. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. Dome eals IN Yo WSi9le v5; pt2, p.441; 1888, v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.39. var. ohioensis. Mus. 1875. expl. pl.18. expansus. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.146. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.96. hyas. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.102. ixion. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.125. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v. 5, pt2, p.474; 1888, v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.40. rep. 27. lyoni. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.476. marcellense. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.146. mithrax. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.98. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.433. nundaia. Mus. rep. 27. 1875. p.134. orbicella. Mus. rep. 13: 1860. p.99. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.447. oweni. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.100. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.470; 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.40. var. parallela. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.101. Pal. N. Y. 1879. V.5, pt2, p.478. patersoni. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.99. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.464; 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.40. peracutus. lopoda. 1876. expl. pl. 69. N. Y. 1879. v. 5, pt2, p.4638. plebeiformis. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.448. punctatus. Pal. rep. 1838. p.117. rotatorius? Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.101. simulator. Mus. rep. 27. 1875. p.133. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.453. | sinuosus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.244, 246. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.460; 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (= 7), p.40. Ill. Dey. Foss. Cepha- Pal. 573 Goniatites (continued) uniangularis. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.98. Pal. N. ¥.°1879. v.5, pt2, p.444. uniangulatus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.39. unilobatus. Mus. rep. 27. 1875. p.133. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.438. vanuxemi. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.4384; 1888, v.5, pt2, suppl. 7), p.39. var. nodiferus. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl. (427) 12. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (= 7), p.39. Gonioceras. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:54. anceps. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:54. Goniograptus thureaui. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.576-92. Goniophora. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.xxiv. Sp.? Mus. mem. 8. 1900. p.35. Mus. rep. 58. 1901. 2:35. acuta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pt, p.295. ?alata. p.294. earinata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.301. chemungensis. yv.5, ptl, p.303. glaucus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.299. hamiltonensis. v.5, pti, p. 296. ida. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, Pal. N. Y. 1885. Pal. N. Y. 1885. p.300. minor. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.305. modiomorphoides. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.254. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2::254. perangulata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.2938. rugosa. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pt1, p.297. subrecta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.304. 574 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Goniophora (continued) trigona. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.302. truncata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.298. Goniotrypa. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.545. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:545. Gordia marina. Ag. N. Y. 1846. p.68. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:264. Gorgonia? Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.115. aspera. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:16. perantiqua. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:76. reteformis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.115. Gosselettia. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.xiv. Geol. rep. 1. 1884. p.15. retusa. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.266. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.405. triquetra. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.265. Grammysia. ptl, p.xxx. sp. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.258. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:258. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, alveata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pt1, p.370. arcuata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.373. bellatula. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.367. bisuleata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.359. circularis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.364. f communis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.378. constricta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.3877. cuneata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.383. duplicata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.380. elliptica. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.365. erecta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.363. eriopa. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, pti, p.36s8. Grammysia (continued) glabra. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptt, p.369. globosa. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.372. hannibalensis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.3881. lirata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, pti, p.371. magna. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.362. nodocostata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.360. obsoleta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5,. pti, p.366. ovata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti,” p.358. plena. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.382. praecursor. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5,. ptl, p.376. secunda. Pal. N. Y. 1885, v.5, ptl, p.376. var. gibbosa. 1875. expl. pl.12. subarcuata. Pal. N. ¥. 1885. v.6,. pti, p.375. ?subnasuta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.507. undata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pt1,, p.379. zonata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.373. : Granatocrinus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.146. Graptodictya. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.541. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:541. Graptolites clintonensis. Geol. N. Y.. pt4. 1848. p.74. dentatus. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.279; pts. 1842. p.57. Graptolithus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 8:501. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.49. abnormis. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.51. amplexicaule. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:79. angustifolius. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:515. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.59- Mus. rep. 27.. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:503.. - INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS 575 Graptolithus (continued) arundinaceus. ~ Pal. N. Y. 1847. v.1, expl. pl.74. bicornis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:268. clintonensis. Pal, N. Y. 1852. 2:39. divaricatus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:518. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.58. divergens. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:509. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p. 57. fureatus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:278. gracilis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:274; 1859. 3:510. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p. 57; 13. 1860. p55. ?laevis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:274. losanineeeeale IN. 6. 1859), -3:502. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.51. marcidus. Pal. N.Y. 1859. 3:514. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.58. mucronatus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:268. multifasciatus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:508. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.56. pristis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:265. Tamosus. Pal. N.Y. 1847. 1:270. sagittarius. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:272. Seallaicissimalee Ns Yo. sd. 27h secalinus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:267. serratulus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:274. Sextans. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:273. spinulosus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:517. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p60. tenuis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:272. venosus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:40. whitfieldi. Pal. N .Y. 1859. 3:516. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.60. Griphodictya. Mus. mem. 2. 1&99. p.179. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.37l. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:371. epiphanes. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p.180. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.372. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. PIERS OL. Gruenewaldtia. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.175. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:818. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1012. Gwynia. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:897. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1091. Gypidula. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:378, 380. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.163. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.2:241. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:846. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1040. laeviuscula. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:381. occidentalis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:380. romingeri. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.248. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.369. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:369. Gyroceras sp. indet. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, expl. pl.103. cyclops. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.68. Tel, IN, See MST, We, TON, BSI eryx. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.67. Pal. N.Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.386. expansum? var. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.104. gracile. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.105. laciniosum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, (OUZ, TO, SIGS ISS We, jou 2 suppl. @7), p. 36. liratum. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p. 104, matheri. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.66. JER ING Ws Were Wed, UZ, ODOT nais. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.68. nereus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.67. Pal Ne Ye Sia.) Diz Dialers 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p 36. paucinodum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.380. paucinodus. Ill. Dey. Foss. Ceph- alopoda. 1876. expl. pl. 55. spinosum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p. 69. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.382. stebos. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl. (426) 11. ?stebos. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p. 36. subliratum. Ill. Dey. Foss. Ceph- alopoda. 1876. expl. pl. 58. transversum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. y.5, pt2, p.384. 576 NEW YORK Gyroceras (continued) trivolve. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.374. trivolvis. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.65. undulatum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.66. Pal. N. Y. 1879. y.5, pt2, p.378. validum. opeda. 1876. expl. pl. 51. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.385. Ill. Dey. Foss. Cephal- Pal. Haliserites. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.593-605. Hallia divergens. 1884. p.412. divisa. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.412. pluma. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.412. scitula. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.411. Hallina. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:810. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1004. Hallodictya. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p-140. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:880. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:880. cottoniana. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.142. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:882. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:882. Mus. rep. 35. sciensis. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.140. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:881. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:880. Halorella. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:832. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1026. Haplocrinus. Mus. rep. 12. 1862. p.148. clio. Mus. rep. 12. 1862. p.143. Hapsiphyllum. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.203. Harttina. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.292. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:862. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1056. Hausmannia. Pal. N.Y. 1888. 7:xxxi. Hebertella. Pal. N. Y. 1892. yv.8, ptl, p.198. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.266. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.582. Hederella. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxvi. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.599. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:599. arachnoidea. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.61. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:61. STATE MUSEUM Hederella (continued) canadensis. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.53. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:277. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.156. cirrhosa. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.53. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:277. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.156. conferta. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:279. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.56. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.86. filiformis. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.54. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:278. gracilior. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.62. Mus. rep. 538. 1900. 2:62. magna. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.5bd. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:280. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.61. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:61. ramea. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.62. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:62. Helicodictya. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.114. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:854. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:854. (?) concordia. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p-115. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:855. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:855. (?)scio. Mus. mem, 2. 1898. p.116. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:856. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:856. trypania. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.l14. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:854. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:854. Helicopora. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:722. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.916. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.517. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:517. Heliolites. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:130. elegans. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:130. macrostylus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:135. pyriformis? Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:1338. spinipora. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:131. Heliophyllum acuminatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.450. aequale. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.451. aequum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.455. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Heliophyllum (continued) alternatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.449. annulatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.452. arachne. Ill. Dev. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl.24. campaniforme. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.457. cancellatum. ‘Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.457. compactum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.452. eonfluens. Ill. Dev. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. p1.26,27. degener. Il]. Dev. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl.25. dentatum. Mus. trep. "835. 1884. p.452. denticulatum. Mus. rep. 35.1884. p.456. dentilineatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.417. distans. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.454. - fasciculatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.452. fecundum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.453. fissuratum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.457. gemmatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.453. gemmiferum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.417. halli. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. expl. pl.16. imbricatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.450. incrassatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.450. invaginatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.451. irregulare. Ill. Dey. Foss. als. 1876. expl. pl.24. Cor- latericrescens. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.453. lineolatum. Mus. rep. 35, 1884. p.454. 517 Heliophyllum (continued) mitellum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.418. nettelrothi. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.455. : pocillatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.454. pravum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.417. proliferum. Ill. Dev. Foss. Cor- als. 1876. expl. pl.26. puteatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.418. seyphulus. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. ~p.455. sordidum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.456. tenuimurale. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.455. venatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.450. verticale. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.451. Helmersenia. Pal. N. Y..1892. yv.8, pti, p.119. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.254. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.570. Sp.? Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, expl. pl.4. Helopora. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:44. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.548. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:548. fragilis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:44. Hemicosmites. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:150. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.315. subglobosus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.316. Hemicrypturus clintonii. Geol. N.Y. _ pt3. 1842. p.79. Hemicystites. Pal. 2.:245; 1859. 3:152. parasitica. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:246. Hemiphragma. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.592.. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:592. N. Y. 1852. Hemipronites. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.238. sp. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt1, expl. pl.7. Hemiptychina. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.299. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:366. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1060. 578 NEW YORK Hemithyris. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:835. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1029. Hemitrypa. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.97. Geol. rep, 4. 1885. p36. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxiii. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:710. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.904. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.507. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:507. ecolumellata. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.61. Mus. rep. 538. 1900. 2:61. prima. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.98. Hernodia. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxvi. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.596. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:596. humifusa. Geol. rep. 38. 1884. p.58. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:281. Heterocrinus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:278. Mus. -rep. 24. 1872. p.210. constrictus. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.211. exilis. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.213. ?eracilis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:280. heterodactylus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:279. : juvenis. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.212. laxus. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.211. polyxo. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.212. simplex. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:280. Heterocystites. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:229; 1859. 3:152. MAMAS, IRL IW, Yo is, B22), Heterorthis. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.202. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.268. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.o84. Heterotrypa. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.578. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:578. Hindella. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.63. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:769. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.963. Hindia fibrosa. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.263. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:263. Hipparionyx. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.257. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.285. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.601. consimilaris. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.182. STATE MUSEUM Hipparionyx (continued) proximus. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.124. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.52. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:52. Hippodophycus. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.208. Holocystites. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.311, 380. abnormis. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.312. alternatus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.312. cylindricus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.311. ovatus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.313. scutellatus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.314. winchelli. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. Pols: Holopea. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:169. antiqua. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:294. vor, \ pervetusta. | Pall Na Ne 1859. 3:295. danai. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:295. ?elongata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:295. guelphensis. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.3438. harmonia? Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.342. obliqua. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:170. paludiniformis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:170. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.35. Subconica. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:294. symmetrica. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:170. ventricosa. Pal— N. Waste 1:171. Holoptychius americanus. Geol. rep. 17. 1899. p.321. Homalonotus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7 :Xxiil. sp.? Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.26. Mus. rep. 538. 1900. 2:26. dekayi. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.113. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:7. delphinocephalus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.103. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:104, 309. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.187. major. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:4. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS 579 Homalonotus (continued) vanuxemi. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:352; 1888. 7:11. Homalophyllum. .Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.221. Homocrinus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:185; 1859. 3:102. eylindricus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:186. parvus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:185. proboscidalis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:138. scoparius. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:102. Homoeospira. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.112. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:792. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.986. Homotrypa. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.575. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:575. Homotrypella. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.586. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:586. Hoplolichas. Palo Ne oY. 4888: 7:XXXix. Hornera. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:168. ? dichotoma. Pale Nene e1l8h2° 2:163. Hustedia. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2,. p.120. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:797. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.991. Hyalostelia(?) marcellia. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 1:177. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.371. Hyattella. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.61. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:767. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.961. Hydnoceras. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.95. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:835. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:835. sp. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.111. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:851. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:851. anthracis. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.109. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:849. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:849. ayoca. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.1038. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:842. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:848. barroisi. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.147. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:887. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:887. Hydnoceras (continued) bathense. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.101. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:841. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:841. botroedema. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p-102. Geol. rep. 15. 1898, 2:842. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:842. eumeces. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.110. Geol. rep..15. 1898. 2:850. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:850. eutheles. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.105. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:845. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:845. eutheles(?) Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.70. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:810. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:810. gracile. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.70. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:810. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:810. hypastrum. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.105. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:845. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:845. jeumontense. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.148. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:888. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:888. legatum. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.69. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:809. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:809. lutheri. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.106. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2846. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:846. multinodosum.. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.106. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:346. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3 :846. nodosum. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.109. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:849. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:849. phymatodes.. Mus. mem. 2 1898. p.104. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:844. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3844. rhopalum. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.107. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:8A7. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:847. 580 NEW YORK Hydnoceras (continued) tuberosum. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.97. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:837. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:837. var. glossema. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.101. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:841. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:841. variabile. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.108. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:848. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:848. Hydriodictya. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.77. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:817. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:817. cylix. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.78. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:818. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:818. nephelia. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.79. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:819. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:819. patula. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.78. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:818. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:818. Hynniphoria. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:882. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1076. Hyolithellus micans. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.38. Hyolithes. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.191. aclis. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastropoda. 1876. expl. pl.27. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.197. eentennialis. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. @7), p.6. gibbosus. Mus. rep. 28. 18738. p.242. heros. Pal. N. Y. 1888. y.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.7. ligea. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.195. principalis. Dl. Dev. Foss. Gas- tropoda. 1876. expl. pl.27. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.196. singulus. Pal. N. Y. 1879 v.5, pt2, p.202. striatus. Ill. Dey. Foss. Gastro- poda. 1876. expl. pl.27. STATE MUSEUM Hyolithes (continued) triliratus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.201. Hyolithus ceratophilus. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 1:172. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.366. rhine. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.36. striatus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.199. Hypanthocrinites caelatus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.118. decorous. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.114. Hyphantaenia. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.1387. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:877. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:877. chemungensis. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.139. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:879. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:879. Hypothyris. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.195. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:828. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1022. Ichnophycus tridactylus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:26. Ichthyocrinus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 271965. clintonensis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:181. laevis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:195. subangularis. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.325; 28. 1879. p.137. Ichthyodurolite? Geol. N. Y¥. pt3. 1842. p.132, 139; pt4. 1843. p.174. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:104. Ichthyorachis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxv. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.524. Mus. rep. 48. . 1895. 2524. nereis. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.98; - 32. L879. p. 174: Pale ND Ne 1887. 6:66. Idiotrypa. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.591. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:591, Illaenurus. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.176. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Illaenurus (continued) quadratus. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.176. Illaenus americanus. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.61. areturus. Pal, N. Y. 1847. 1:23. armatus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.330. armatus? Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.189. barriensis. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.332. cornigerus. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.186. crassicauda. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:229. crassicauda? Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:24. euniculus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.377. imperator. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.332. indeterminatus. Mus. rep. 31. 1879. p.70. insignis. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.331. ioxus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.378. latidorsata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:230. milleri. Mus. rep. 31. 1879. p.71. ovatus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:259. trentonensis. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p. 390. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:230. Inachus undatus. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.394. Inoecaulis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:176. plumulosa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:176. Intrapora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxii. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.535. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:535. puteolata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:97. Intricaria ? reticulata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:77. Iocrinus. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.210. trentonensis. Mus. rep. 85. 1884. p.210. Iphidea. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt, p.97. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.249. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.565. 581 Ischadites bursiformis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:291. squamifer. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:291. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.270. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:270. Ismenia. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:892. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1086. Isochilina armata var. pygmaea. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.72. Isonema bellatula. Mus. rep. 27. 1875. expl. pl. 18. Isotelus canalis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:25. gigas. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.389; pt8. 1842, p.47. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:231, 254. gigas ? Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:25. maximus. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.59. Isotrypa. Geol. rep. 4. 1885. p.37. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxiii. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:714. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.908. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.510. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:510. Juvavella. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:858. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1051. Karpinskia. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.176. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:819. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1013. Kayserella. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.259. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.286. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.602. Kayseria. Pal. N. Y. 1894. y.8, pt2, p-101. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:785. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.979. Keyserlingia. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.117. Kingena. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:889. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1083. Kionelasma. Mus. bul. 389. 1900. p.207. Koninekella. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:820. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1014. 582 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Koninckina. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:819. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1018. Koninekodonta. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:820. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1014. Kraussina. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:894. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1088. Kutorgina. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.90, 188. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.247. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.563. Lacazella. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:898. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1092. Laccophyllum. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.201. acuminatum. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.202. Lakhmina. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.28. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.2384. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.550. Lampterocrinus inflatus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.328. . Laqueus. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:887. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1081. Lebedictya. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p.169. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.361. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:361. crinita. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p.169. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.361. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:361. Lecanocrinus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:199. ealiculus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:2038. macropetalus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:109. ornatus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:201. pusillus. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.136. simplex. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:202. Leda. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.XxXvii. brevirostris. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.329. diversa. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.329. Leda (continued) obscura. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.331. pandoriformis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.332. rostellata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, pti, p.330. Leiopteria. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.xiii. Geol. rep. 1. 1884. p. 14, sp. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.253. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:253. bigsbyi. Pal. N.. Y. 1884. y.5, pti, p.165. Mus. rep. 385. 1884. p.340. chemungensis. Pal. N. Y¥. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.172. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.345. conradi. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.159. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.335. dekayi. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.164. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.339. gabbi. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt, p.169. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.343. greeni. p.160. laevis. p.158. 0.334. leai. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.336. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt, Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.168. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.342. N. Y. 1884. Mus. rep. 35. linguiformis. Pal. v.o, ptl, p.173. 1884. p.346. mitchelli. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.166. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.341. oweni. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.170. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.344. rafinesquii. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.161. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.336. sayi. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.162. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.33T. re ae INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Leiopteria (continued) torreyi. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.174. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.346. troosti. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.167. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.342. Leiorhynehus. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.%5. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:355. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.272. dubius. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:364. globuliformis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:364. iris. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:360. kelloggi. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:361. limitaris. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.85. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:356. - mesacostalis. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.86. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:362. multicosta. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.85, 94. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:358. mysia. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:357. newberryi. Mus. rep. 23. 1878. p.240. quadricostata. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.86. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:357. sinuatus. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:362. Lepadocrinus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:125, 151. gebhardi. Pal. N. Y. 1859 3:127. Leperditia alta. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:373. armata. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.218. cayuga. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.111. eylindrica. Mus. rep. 24. 1872 p.231. faba. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.186. fabulites. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.70. fonticola. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.335. hudsonica. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:375. jonesi. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:372. minutissima. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.231. parasitica. parvula. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:376. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:376. 583 Leperditia (continued) punctulifera. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.92. resplendens. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.71. seneca. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.112. spinulifera,. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.111. Lepidechinus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.295. rarispinus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.295. Lepidocoleus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. T:Ixiv. jamesi. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.87. Lepidodiscus. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.193. alleganius. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.194. Lepocriniltes gebhardi. pt3. 1842. p.117. Lepocrinus. Pal, N. Y. 1859. 3:125. Leptaena. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt1, p.276. Geol. rep. 11. 1892 p.277. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.598. Geol. N. Y. sp. undet. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:116. sp. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:326. alternata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:02, 286. alternistriata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:109. bipartita. Pal. N.Y. 1852. 2:326. camerata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:106. econeava. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.47. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:197. corrugata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:59. defiecta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:113. deltoidea. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:106. depressa. Pal. N. Y. 1852; 2:62, 257. fasciata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:120. filitexta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:111. incrassata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:19. indenta. Pal. rep. 1838. p.117. nucleata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.47. ‘nucleata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:419. obseura. Pal. N. Y¥. 1852. 2:62. obscura? Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:108. orthididea. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:62. 584 Leptaena (continued) patenta. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:60. planoconvexa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:114. planumbona. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:112. plicifera. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:19. profunda. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:61. profunda? Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:61. punctulifera. Pal. rep. 1888. p.117. recta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:118. rhomboidalis. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.57. Mus. rep. 538. 1900. 2:57. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.18. sericea. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:110, 287; 1852. 2:59. 1884. expl. pl. 22. striata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:259. subplana. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:259. subquadrata. Geol. rep. 2. 1883. expl. pl. 46. subtenta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:115. tenuilineata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:115. tenuistriata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:108. transversalis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:256. Leptaenisea. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.300. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.291. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.607. adnascens. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.352. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.352. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:352. tangens. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.352. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.352. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:352. Leptaenulopsis. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.294. Leptella. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt, p.2938. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.277. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.593. Leptobolus. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.226. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt, p.73. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.241. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.557. insignis. Mus. rep. 24. p.227. lepis. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.226. 1872. Mus. rep. 35. NEW YORK STATH MUSEUM Leptobolus (continued) occidentalis. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.227. walcotti. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.569. Leptocoelia. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:447. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.32; 16. 1863. _ p.59. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:365; 1894. v.8, pt2, p.136. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:803. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.997. acutiplicata. 4:365. conecaya. p.107. Pal. N. Y. 1867. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:245. dichotoma. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:452. fimbriata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:450. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.33. flabellites. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:449. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.33. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.42. Mus. rep. 538. 1900. 2:42. imbricata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p-108. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:246. planoconvexa. Pal. N. Y. 1859. v.3, expl. pl. 103B. propria. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.108. Leptodesma. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.xiii. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.346. Geol. rep. 1. 1884. p.14. ? Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, expl. pl. 80. ? sp. indet. Pal. N. Y. 1884. y.5, pti, expl. pl. 22. acutirostrum. Pal. v.5, ptl, p.2384. 1884. p.393. agassizi. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt1, p.182. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.353. alatum. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.218. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.380. N. Y. 1884. Mus. rep. 35. aliforme. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.220. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.382. arciforme. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.229. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.389. aviforme. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.224. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.385. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Leptodesma (continued) beeki. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.185. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.355. billingsi. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.192. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.3860. biton. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.222. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.3838. cadmus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.201. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.368. clitus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v. 5, ptl, p.210. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.374. complanatum. Pal. N. Y. 1884. y.5, ptl, p.227. Mus. rep. 365. 1884. p.387. corydon. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.212. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.376. creon. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.202. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.368. curvatum. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.196. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.364. demus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt, p.203. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.369. disparile. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.186. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.356. extenuatum. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.207. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.372. flaccidum. Pal. N. Y. 1884. yv.5, ptl, p.225. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.386. hector. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.209. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.373. jason. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.213. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. D.376. lepidum. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.195. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.363. lesleyi. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt, p.223. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.384. lichas. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt, p.232. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.391. longispinum. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.179. 1884. p.350. Mus. rep. 35. 585 Leptodesma, (continued) loxias. Pal. N. Y. 1884. y.5, pti, p.204. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.370. lysander. Pal. N. Y 1884. v.5, pti, p.216. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.379. maclurii. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.228. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.388. marcellense. ‘Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.175. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.347. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p. 167. matheri. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.198. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.361. medon. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt, p.197. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.365. mentor. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.205. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.d71. mortoni. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.65, pti, p.190. Mms. rep. 35. 1884. p.359. mytiliforme. Pal: N. Y¥. 1884. v.5, pti, p.235. 1884. n.394. Mus. rep. 35. naviforme. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.200. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.367. nereus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.217. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.379. oreus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt, p.215. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.378. orodes. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.206. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.s71. orus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. yv.5, ptl, p.219. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.38s1. patulum. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.226. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.387. pelops. Pal. N.Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p-214. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.377. 586 Leptodesma (continued) phaon. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.230. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.390. potens. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt1, p.188. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.358. var. juvens. Pal. N. Y. 1884. - v0, ptl, p.189. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.359. ‘propinquum. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.281. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.390. protextum. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.188. Mus. rep. 85. 1884. p.o54. quadratum. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.283. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.392. robustum. Pal. N. Y. 1884. yv.5, ptl, p.181. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.352. : rogersi. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.176. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.348. rude. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.221. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.383. Shumardi. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.180. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.3o1. sociale. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.187. Mus. rep. 385. 1884. p.357. spinigerum. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.177. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.349. # stephani. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.194. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.362. trunecatum. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.211. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.375. umbonatum. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.198. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.365. var. depressum. alee Nees 1884. v.5, pti, p.199. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p 366. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Leptostrophia. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.281. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.597. magnifica. Mus. mem. 38. 1900. p.58. Mus. rep. 538. 1900. 2:53. mucronata. Geol. rep. 15. 1897. 1:38. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 2:38. oriskania. Mus. mem. 38. 1900. p.53. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:53. Leptotrypa. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.580. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:580. Lichas. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:311; 1888. esxoxoxavsle sp. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.334. ?sp. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:80. sp.? Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.199. armatus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.109; 16. 1863. p.226. bigsbyi. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:364; 1888. 7:80. boltoni. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:311. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.226. var. occidentalis. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.198. breviceps. Mus. p.197. breviceps ? p.334, 377. : contusus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:83. dracon. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:85. emarginatus. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.199. eviopis. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:78. grandis. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.110; 16. 1863. p.223. Pal. N.Y. 1888. 7:73. eryps. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:84. hispidus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:77. hylaeus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:81. nereus. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.226. obvius. Mus. rep. 20. rev. ed. 1868. expl. pl. 25. ptyonurus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:86. pugnax. Mus. rep. 20. rev. ed. 1868. expl. pl. 25. pustulosus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:366. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:80. _ cf. pustulosus. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.25. Mus. rep. 53. 1900 225% rep. 28. 1879. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Lichenalia. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:171; 1887. 6:xvi. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.559. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:559. sp.? Geol. rep. 2. 1888. expl. pl. Dimes mma IN. eY¥ar 1887. v6; expl. pl. 28. : sp. indet. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. Dies. eal. N. Ye. 1887. -v.6; expl. pl. 32. alternata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:80. alveata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:85. bistriata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:79. bullata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:205. circincta. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:86. elivulata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:83. clypeiformis. Geol. rep. 8. 1884. p.37. colliculata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.s6. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:200. complexa. Pal; N. Y. 1887. 6:87._ concentrica, Pal. N.: ¥.. 1852. 2:171. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.116. var. maculata. 1879. p.117. var. parvula. 1879. p.117. confusa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:204. eonstricta. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.3s6. conulata. Mus. rep. 28. Mus. rep. 28. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:81. cornuta. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:208. erassa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:30. cf. crassa. Mus. mem. 38. 1900. p.60. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:60. cultellata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. Draomezale Ne Ye TSS 622025 050 denticulata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:84. dissimilis. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.158. distans. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.157. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:32, 197. foliacea. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.35. geometrica. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:79. ?geometricus. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl. 32. granifera. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:84. imbricella. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.37. longispina. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:287. 58T Lichenalia (continued) lunata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:77. var. tubulata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:78. maculosa. operculata. 6:205. ovata. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl. 32. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:80. ?paliformis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:85. permarginata. 6:82. pustulosa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:206. pyriformis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:82. ramosa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:199. serialis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:32. stellata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.33. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:195. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:30. 12M INS USI al eee en L Sole Subcava. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:81. substellata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:78. SMicwesomei Jez ING Wo. ISS. 6:196. tessellata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:207. torta. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.157. IEG INf, YC, Aster Gesule vesiculata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:198. Lichenocrinus. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.216. crateriformis. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. OEZAie dyeri. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.216. Lichenotrypa. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.556. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:556. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xvii. Lima glaber. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.265. macroptera. Pal. rep. 1888. p.117. ?obsoleta. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.265. rugaestriata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.264. Limaria. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:142. fruticosa ? Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:148. laminata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:143. ramulosa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:142. Limoptera. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p-xiii. Geol. rep. 1. 1884. p.13. 588 Limoptera (continued) eancellata. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.244. var. occidens. Mus. 1875. expl. pl.11. curvata. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, rep. 27. pti, p.250. macroptera. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.246. obsoleta. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.249. pauperata. Pal. N. Y. 1884. y.5, pti, p.243. Lindstroemella. Pal. N. Y. 1892. y.8, ptl, p.120, 184. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.257. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.573. aspidium. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.178. p.334. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:334. Lingula. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:5; 1892. y.8, ptl, p.2. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.226. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.542. sp.? Pal. N. Y. 1892. v. 8, pti, expl. pl.4k. sp. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.262. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:262. acuminata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:9. acutirostra. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.77. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:56. aequalis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:95. alveata. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.23. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:12. ampla. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.125. antiqua. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.268. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:3. attenuata? Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:94. aurora. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.126. var. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.127. centrilineata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 32155. ceryx. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.19. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:5. clintonii. Geol. N. Y. pt. 1842. p.79. compta. Pal. N. Y. 1892. y.8, ptl, p.171. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p. 325. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2::325. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. - NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Lingula (continued) concentrica. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.168; pt4. 1843. p.223. crassa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:98. eriei; Pal. "N. Y. 1892>)y-8piie p.65. cuneata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:8. curta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:97. cuyahoga. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.24. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:15. delia. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.22. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:12. densa. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.22. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:11. desiderata. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.l9. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:6. elliptica. Geol. N. Y¥. pt4. 1843. p.TT. elongata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:97. exilis. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.77; 15. 1862. p.182. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:7. flabellula. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.172. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.326. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:326. lamellata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.109. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:55, 249. leana. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.20. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:9. ligea. Mus. rep. 138. 1860. p.76; 15. 1862. p.181. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:7. var. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:8. lingulata. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.178. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.327. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:327. maida. Mus. rep. 16. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:9. manni. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.20. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:6. melie. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.24. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:14. mosia. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.126. nuda. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.22. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:10. oblata. Geol. N. Y. pt4 1843. p.77. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:54. oblonga. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:54. 1863. p.20. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Lingula (continued) obtusa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:98. palaeformis. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p-76; 15. 1862. p.181. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:8. paracletus. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.172. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.326. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:326. perlata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:156. perovata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:55. pinnaformis. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.128. prima. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:3. punctata. Mus. rep. 16. 18683. p21. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:10. quadrata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:96, 285. rectilatera. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:156. cf. rectilatera. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.59. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:59. rectilateralis. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.399. riciniformis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:95. scutella. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.171. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.326. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:326. spathata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:157. spatiosa. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:158. spatulata. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.168; pt4. 1843. p.228. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:13. taeniola. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.18, 173. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.327. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:327. Winona. Mus. rep. 16.°1863. p.126. Lingulasma. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.24. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.235. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.551. Lingulella. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v. 8, ptl, p.55. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.232. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.548. Lingulepis. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.129. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt1, p.59. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.231. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.547. 589 Lingulepis (continued) pinnaformis. Mus. rep. 16. 1862. p.129. Lingulops. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt1, p.18. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.233. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.549. granti. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.173. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.328. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:328. Linnarssonia. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.107. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.251. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.567. Liorhynchus. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.193. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. PA toval lc Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1021. lesleyi. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.368. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:655. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.849. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.3865. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:365. limitare. Mus. p.163. robustus. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl. 59. Geol. rep. 14. bul. 49. 1901. 1895. p.365. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:365. Liospira americana. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.31. subtilistriata. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.33. Liothyrina. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:875. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1069. Littorina antiqua. 1842. p.112. Geol. N. Y. pt3. eancellata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.73. Lituites convelvans. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:53. marshii. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.362. undatus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:52. Loculipora. Geol. rep. 4. 1885. p.37. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxiii. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:716. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.910. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.511. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2 silele Lopholasma. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. — p.206. Lophospira bicincta. 590 Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.30. perangulata. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.31. Loxonema. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.51. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.39. ?sp. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.346. sp. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.170. attenuata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:296. bellatula. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.104. bellona. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastrop- oda. 1876, expl. pl. 14. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.46. boydii. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.138. breviculum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.95, pt2, p.132. coapta. Ill. Dey. Foss. Gastrop- oda. 1876. expl. pl. 13. 2 coapta. Pals IN» Yo AST wd; pt2, p.44. ? compacta. Pal. N. Y. i859. Beh delphicola. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. Ove, Jee, ING Wo IS), Wo By iu. p.47. fitehi. Pal. N. Y¥- 1859. 3:296. hamiltoniae. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. Ose, el IN, Mf. Ue, Wed, Wu, p.45. hydraulica. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.193. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.44. laeviusculum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.131. var.? Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, expl. pl. 28. lei, 1Pelle IN, We US Wr, BD, jou, p.49. leda. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.367. minuscula. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, expl. pl. 28. nexilis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.201. ?obtusa. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:297. pexata. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.104. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.42. var. obsoleta. v.5, pt2, p.43. Pal eNa yeni sie: NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Loxonema (continued) planogyrata. Pal. 3 :298. postremum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.132. N.Y sae rectistriatum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.129. robusta. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.52. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.40. sicula. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.43. solida. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.51. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.41. styliola. Ill. Dey. Foss. Gastrop- oda, 1876. expl. pl. 14. Pal. N. Y. 1879. y.5, pt2, p.4s. ?subattenuata. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.52. Pal. N. Y¥. 1879: v.5, pt2, p.4o. terebra. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastrop- oda. 1876. expl. pl. 14. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.48. teres. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastropoda. 1876. expl. pl. 18. ? teres. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.42. Y turritiformis. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.109. ; Lucina elliptica var. occidentalis. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.189. lirata. Mus. rep. 27. 1875. expl. pl. 12. ?livonensis. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 1:174. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.368. J ? retusa. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.246. Lunulicardium. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.xxxviii. curtum. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, pti, p.437. fragile. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.484. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.168. ?? lineolatum. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 1:175. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.369. livoniae. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 1:175. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.369. marcellense. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.435. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Lunulicardium (continued) orbiculare. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.486. ornatum. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.4387. rude. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.4385. transversum. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.439. Lycophoria. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.230. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:842. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1036. Lyra. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:890. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1084. Lyriocrinus. Pal. N. Y. 1852, 2:197. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.126. dactylus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:197. sculptilis. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.325. : Lyriopecten. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.xii. Geol. rep. 1. 1884. p.13. ‘sp. Mus. mem, 8. 1900. p.34. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:34. anomiaeformis. Pal. N. Y. 1884. Veo. Die pos. Muss rep. 35. 1884. p.255, eymbalon. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.47. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.251. dardanus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.41. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.246. fasciatus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.55. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. Pe2ots interradiatus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p44. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.248. macrodontus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. y.5, ptl, p.46. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.250. magnificus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p51. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.254. orbiculatus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.42. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.247. 591 Lyriopecten (continued) parallelodontus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.o, ptl, p.40. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.245. polydorus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.50. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. Da2ass priamus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.54. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.256. solox. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.56. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.258. tricostatus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. yv.5, ptl, p48. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.252. Lyrodesma. Pal. rep. 1841. p. 51. Pal, N. Y. 1847. 1:302. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.185; 24. 1872. p.227. cincinnatiensis. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.227. plana. Pal. rep. 1841. p.51. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:302. pulchella. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:802. Lyrodictya. Mus. rep. 385. 1884. p.466. Mus. mem. 2 1899. p.170. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.s62. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:362. ? Lyrodictya. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. expl. pl.55. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. expl. pl.55. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. y.2, expl. pl.55. (?)burlingtonensis. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p. 165. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.357. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:357.. romingeri. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.476. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p.170. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.362. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:362. Lyropora. Geol. rep. 4. 1885. p.373 13. 1894. 2:723. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.917. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.515. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:515. Lyroporella. Geol. rep.. 18. 1894. 2:724. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.891. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.516. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:516. 592 Lyroporidra. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.517. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. Dasaly( Lyroporina. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 27723. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.917. Lysactinella. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. | p.267. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:267. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.64. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:804. Mus. | rep. 49. 1898. 3:804. gebhardi. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.269. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2269. perelegans. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.270. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. PTO)s Lyttonia. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p-313. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:90, Mus. rep. 47, 11894" p.1095. Macandrevia. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:882. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1076. Maclurea labiatus. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.312. magna. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:26. matutina. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:10. sordida. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:10. striatus. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.312. Macrocheilus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.32. hamiltoniae. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.49. Pal. N. Y. 1879. yv.5, ptz, p.33. hebe. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.48. macrostomus. Mus. rep. 15, 1862. p.49. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.33. ?primaevus. Ill. Dey. Foss. Gas- tropoda. 1876, expl. pl.12. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.34. Macrochilina onondagaensis. bul. 49. 1901. p. 127. Mus. Macrodon. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.x xviii. chemungensis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.350. NHW YORK STATE MUSEUM Macrodon (continued) hamiltoniae. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, pti, p.349. ovatus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, pti, p.351. Macronotella ulrichi. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.83. fragaria. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.85. | Maecrostylocrinus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:208. fasciatus. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.130. ornatus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:204. striatus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.327; 28. 1879. p.129. var. granulosus. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.129. Magas. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:893. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1087. Magasella. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:890. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1084. Magellania. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:879. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1073. Malocystites. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:152. Mannia. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:895. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1089. Manticoceras. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.42. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:42. accelerans. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.77. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:77. apprimatum. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.62. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:62. contractum. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.69. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:69. fasciculatum. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.71. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:71. intumescens. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.42. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:42. nodifer. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.74. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:74. Oxy. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.77. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:77. pattersoni. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.45. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:45. var. styliophilum. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.75. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:75. rhynchostoma. Geol. rep. 16.1899. p.65. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:65. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Manticoceras (continued) simulator. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.64. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:64: sororium. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.75. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:75. tardum. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.63. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:68. vagans. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.78. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:78. Mareginifera. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptt, p:830. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.298. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.614. Mariacrinus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:104. macropetalus. allen Newel S59: Sralalele nobilissimus. Tet TNs Nea) esate SeLOD: pachydactylus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:107. paucidactylus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:109. plumosus. Jnl, IN Wg = alist), 3:110. ramosus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:147. stoloniferous. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 82112. Marsupiocrinites? dactylus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.114. Mastodon maximus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.363. Meekapora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.538. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:538. Meekella. Pal. N. Y. 1892. y.8, ptl, p.264. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.287. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.603. Megalanteris. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:859. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1053. RalkoNe NS 1894" y.8) pt2, p27. ovalis. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.40. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:40. Megalomus. Pal. N. Y. 1852, 2:543. canadensis. TRL, INQ GG SP? 2:348. Megambonia. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:273. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.12. Pal. IN. Y¥. 1885. v.5, pti, p.lyv. aviculoides. Pal, ING YZ, abst) 3274. bellistriata. Pale Ne 1859) 3 467. 593 Megambonia (continued) cardiformis. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. jon, JERI Isl, Nhe alistsiayy Aves, Yoel p.old. cordiformis. 3:278. crenistriata. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.sd. Mus. rep. 58. 1901. 2:35. lamellosa. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:467. lpia, leztl ING Yen Ise) Beer. lyoni. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.110. mytiloidea. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:276. oblonga. Pal. N. ¥. 1859: 3:277. obscura. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:277. ovata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:279. ovoidea. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:276. rhomboidea. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:275. Pal, (Ne 41809: Spinneri. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:274. suborbicularis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. Bess Meganteris cumberlandiae. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.101. elliptica. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.98. elongatus. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. [OZR equiradiata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.99. laevis. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.99. mutabilis. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.97. ovalis. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.101. ovoides. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.102. subtrigonalis. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. Deltas suessana. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.100. Megathyris. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:896. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1090. Megerlina. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:892. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1086. Megistocrinus depressus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.134. ontario. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.136. Melocrinites. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:227. sculptus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:228. Melocrinus obconicus. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.188. verneuili. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.327. 594 NEW YORK SPATE MUSEUM Meniscophyllum. Mus. bul. 39.1900. p.199. minutum. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.200. Merista. Mus. rep. 138. 1860. p.73; 15. 1862. p.179. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.70. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:771. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.965. indet. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:252. arcuata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.95. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:249. barrisi. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.189. bella. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.92. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:248. bisuleata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:2538. doris. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.189. haskini. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.189. laevis. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.94. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:247. lata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:431. meeki. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.97. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:252. princeps. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.95. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:251. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p. 180. subquadrata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.93. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:249. tennesseensis. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.865. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:652. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.846. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.3861. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:361. typa. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.93. Meristella. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.74; 15. 1862. p.179; 16. 1863. p.50. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:295. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.155. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.73. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:773. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.967. ? Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:308. arcuata. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.156. barrisi. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.84; 16. 1868. p.52. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:304. Miuus. bul. 49. 1901. p.166. doris. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.84; 16. 1863. p.52. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:303. Meristella (continued) elissa. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.100. haskinsi. Mus.rep. 13. 1860. p.84; 16. 1863. p.52. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:306. lata. Mus. mem. 38. 1900. p.45. Mus. rep. 538. 1900. 2:45. lenta. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:420. lentiformis. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.44. Mus. rep. 58. 1900. 2:44. limitaris. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.190. maria. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.157. mesacostalis. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.191. meta. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:308. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.167. multicosta. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.181, 190. nasuta. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.93. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:299. prineeps. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.93. quadricosta. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.191. rectirostra. Mus. mem. 1. 1889. p.67. rostrata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:307. scitula. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:302. unisuleata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:309. ? vascularia. Mus. mem. 38. 1900. p.45. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:45. waleotti. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.365. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:652. ' Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.846. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.860. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:360. Meristina. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:299. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p:65. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:770. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.964. maria. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:299. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.159. nitida. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.160. Mus. mem. 1. 1889. p.70. Merocrinus. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.208. corroboratus. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.210. typus. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.209. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS JERE INigek%s aust alate AleeNe Ye tess Gloire Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:187. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:1938. veneris. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:1938. Mesotreta. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.109. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.251. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.567. Metaplasia. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.&, pt2, p.56. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:762. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.956. pyxidata. Mus. mem. 8. 1900. p.48. Mus. rep. 538. 1900. 2:48. Metoptoma billingsi. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.212. cornutaforme. p.129. ?dubia. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:23. ?rugosa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:306. Michelinia. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xii. dividua. Ill. Dev. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl. 18. lenticularis. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p-1138; 32. 1879. p.145. Pal. N-Y. 1887. 6:7. stylopora. expl. pl. 16. Mickwtizia. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.86. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.246. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.562. Microdon. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, Mesothyra. neptuni. oceani. spumaea. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. DEXXv. bellastriata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.196. bellistriatus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.30ds. complanatus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. Wedy TOIL sToNsalal, gregarius. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, pt1,° p.309. major. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v5, pti; p.s07. reservatus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.312. tenuistriatus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.310. - Microthyris. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:884. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1078. 595 Mimulus. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt, p.269. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.289. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.605. Mitoclema. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.598. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:598. Modiella. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.liv. : pygmaea. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.514. Modiola concentrica. pt4, 1843. p.197. metella. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.268. ? obtusa. praecedens. pti, p.267. Modiolopsis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:157. indet. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:297. anodontoides. RailleeNe Yel S4%6 1:298. arcuatus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:159. aviculoides. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:161, 317. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.28. carinatus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:160. eurta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:297. dictaeus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.338. ? dubius. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:264. faba. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:158, 298. latusie) Rall Ne Yo 184760: modiolaris. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:294. mytiloides. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:157. nasutus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:159, 296. ? nuculiformis. 1:298. orthonota. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:10. Ovatuise ale Ne Ye 1852521015 parallela. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:158. perlatus. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.172. ?primigenius. Pal. N. Y. 1852. Berl. rectus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.338. subalatus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:84. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.339. Sia buS2.0 alles Nee Yeu Spas 2:285. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.173. Geol. N. Y. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:40. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, Pal. N. ¥. 1847. subcarinatus. Bale Nes en sac. (ile subspatulatus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:159. 596 Modiolopsis (continued) terminalis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:318. ? trentonensis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:161. truncatus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:290. ? undulostriata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:284. Modiomorpha. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.xxiii. affinis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.284. Aitd er dedlmN, Wout SSoamavenautile p.278. arcuata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.281. clarens: ) PaliN. Ye d88hs webs pull p.2738. complanata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.272. concentrica. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.275. cymbula. Pal. N. Y. 1885, v.5, pti, p.282. hyalea. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.292. linguiformis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.274. macilenta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.280. mytiloides. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.277. neglecta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, pt1, p.290. ?ponderosa. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.271. putillus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.271. quadrula. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.289. recta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.286. recurva. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.288. TeSulArisn eLLaleweNe New esasuvens pti, p.270. ese, IER, ING YS ISIS, Wud), JOLT, p.287. Schoharie. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.269. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Modiomorpha (continued) subalata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.283. var. chemungensis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.284. subangulata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.287. tioga. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.291. Monobolina. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.88. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.245. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.561. Monograptus beecheri. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.288. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:288. i Monomerella. Pal. N. Y. 1892. y.8, ptl, p40. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.2388. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.5o4. Sp.? Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, expl. pl. 4D. egani. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.175. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.330. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:3380. greeni. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt1, p.174. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.328. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:328. kingi. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.174. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.329. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:329. ortoni. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.175. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.330. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:330. Monotis princeps. Pal. rep. 1838. p.117. Monotrypa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xiii. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.581. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:581. ? spinosula. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:67. Monotrypella. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xiii. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.581. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:581. arbusculus. Mus. mem. 8. 1900. p.64. Mus. rep. 58. 1900. 2:64. Monticulipora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. D.5D77. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. PHT INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Miihlfeldtia. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:891. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1085. Murchisonia ? sp. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.345. abbreviata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:32. ? angustata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:41. bellicinecta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:179. bicincta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:177. bilirata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:299. bivittata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:345. boydii. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:346. ?conoidea. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:18. conradi. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.3844. desiderata. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.500. Pal. N.Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.89. war. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v. 5, pt2, p.90. extenuata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:298. gracilis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:18], 303. intercedens. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.92. laphami. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.366. leda. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.103. PalaeNe Yo 1879s v5, pt2> p.Oue limitaris. Mus.rep.13.1860. p. 108. loganii. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:346. longispira. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:345. macrospira. Pal. N. Y. “1852. 2:346. maia. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.103. levi, ING M5 ake), Wes, Oy Toe mncwlas weal IN, Ye) LSKOs vad, pb2; p.938. minuta. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:298. obisas Bale Ne Ye 18525 22332) perangulata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:41, Vora wale New 4 1847. le 79: petila. Mus. rep. 24. 1874. p.186. subfusiformis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:180. Mus. rep. 3. 1850. p.171. subulata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:91. | 597 Murchisonia ? (continued) ? terebralis. Bally Ne yen 1eh2- 2:384. tricarinata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:178. turricula, Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.50. turritiformis. Bale IN Ye) Sa2: 2:347, uniangulata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 12179. var. abbreviata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:304. ? varicosa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:42. ventricosa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:41. vittata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:181.- Myalina mytiliformis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:100. Myelodactylus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:191. ? Pal. N. ¥. 1852. 2:232. brachiatus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2::232. convolutus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2192. Myrianites murchisoni. Ag. N. Y. 1846. p.69. sillimani. Ag. N. Y. 1846. p.69. Myrtillocrinus ? americanus. Mus. rep. 12. 1862. p.142. Mytilarca. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.xiv. Geol. rep. 1. 1884. p.15. arenacea. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pil, p:253. attenuata. pti, p.260. carinata. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt1, p.259. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.402. chemungensis. Pal. N. Y. 1884. y.5, pti, p.258. fibristriata. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.264. gibbosa. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt1, p.262. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.104. knappi. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt1, p.256. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.401. Lata wale Ne eXs. wel SSA uve oye itil, p.262. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.405. occidentalis. Pal. N. Y. 1884.. v.5, pti, p.2638. Pal. N. Y. 1884. yv.5, 598 Mytilarea (continued) oviformis. Pal. N. ¥. 1884. v.5, pti, p.255. ponderosa. pti, p.254. pyramidata. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.256. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.401. regularis. Pal. N. Y. 1884. y.5, pti, p.260. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.403. sigilla. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.174. simplex. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.261. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.404. umbonata. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, - ptl, p.257. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.402. Mytilops. p.Xly. Pal. N. ¥. 1884. v.5, Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt1, Geol. rep. 1. 1884. p.15. Natica ?sp. indet. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:42. Naticopsis comperta. JeBnG INI, MC 1879. v. 5, pt2, expl. pl. 29. cretacea. Mus. rep. 238. 1873. p.240. gigantea. Mus. rep. 23. 1878. p.238. Nautilus acraeus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. y.5, pt2, p.417. ammonis. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.425; 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.38. barrandi. Ill. Dey. Foss. Ceph- alopoda. 1876. expl. pl. 62. bucinum. Ill. Dev. Foss. Ceph- alopoda. 1876. expl. pl. 60. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.412. capax. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.363. cayus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.416. ecornulum. Ill. Dev. Foss. Ceph- alopoda. 1876. expl. pl. 60. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.414. hyatti. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. Ol, (GAS) abl, TEM, IW, YG Aleteleh v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.387. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 1:168. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.362. inopinatus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.426. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Nautilus (continued) liratus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.407. var. juvenis. Pal. N. Y. 1879. ° y.5, pt2, p.411. magister. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.422. marcellensis. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.428; 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.39. maximus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. y.5, pt2, p.418. occidentalis. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.368. oriens. Ill. Dey. Foss. Cephal- opoda. 1876. expl. pl. 61. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.420; 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.37. ornatus. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.1038. parallelus. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl. (126) 11. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. @v7), p.38. subliratus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.409. Nemapodia. Ag. N. Y. 1846. p.68. tenuissima. Ag. N. Y. 1846. p.68. Nemataxis. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl. 25. ° Pall N. Ye US8S8ite Grave Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.552. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:552. fibrosa. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl.25. fibrosus. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:74. simplex. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:193. Nematopora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.5538. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:553. Neobolus. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.84. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.245. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.561. Nepheliospongia. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.189. avocensis. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.190. typica. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.189. Nephriticeras bucinum. Mus.- bul. 49. 1901. p.172. Nereites deweyi. Ag. N. Y. 1846. p.69. gracilis. Ag. N. Y. 1846. p.69. jacksoni. Ag. N. Y. 1846. p.69. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Nereites (continwed) Janceolata. Ag. N. Y. 1846. p.69. loomisii. Ag. N. Y. 1846. p.69. pugnus. Ag. N. Y. 1846. p.69. Newberria. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.92. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.261. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:851. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1045. claypoli. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.97. condoni. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.95. johannis. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.96. laevis. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.95. missouriensis. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.98. Nicholsonella. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.590. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:590. Noetlingia. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:841. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1085. Norella. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:833. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1027. Notothyris. Pal. pt2, p.265. {:) Notothyris. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:857. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1051. Nucleatula. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:858. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1051. Nucleocrinus. Mus. rep. 12. 1862. p.146. elegans. Mus. rep. 12. 1862. p.147; 15. 1862. p.153. lucina. vor. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.148. verneuili. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.149. Nucleospira. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:219. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.24. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:278; 1894. v.8, pt2, p. 142. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:806. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1000. eoncentrica. Pal. N. Y. 1859. BOR eoncinna. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:279. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.166. elegans. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:222 pisiformis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. v.38, expl. pl. 28B. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.160. INGYe 1ROdee ves Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.148. 599 Nucleospira (continued) ventricosa. TRANG ING No Paes) 8:220. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.25. Nucula. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.XXvVi. ; bellatula. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.197. bellistriata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.318. corbuliformis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. V.0, ptl, p.d19: difidens. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.322. ?donaciformis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:316. globularis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.322. hians. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.110. houghtoni. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pil, p.323. lamellata, Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.320. levata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:150. lineata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.197. lineolata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.246. lirata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.316. machaeriformis. Geol. N. Y. pt+. 1848. p.76. matraeformis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.76. neda. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.191. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.314. niotica. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.190. epi ING 8G alsishy Wey TOW To-siley oblonga. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.197. randalli. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.315. subelliptica. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.817. umbonata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. yv.5, pti, p.321. varicosa. Pal. N. ¥. 1885. v.5, pti, p.319. Nuculites. Pal. rep. 1841. p.49. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.184. Pal. N..Y. 1885, v.5, pti, p.xxvi. 600 Nuculites (continued) bellastriata. cuneiformis. faba. inflata. p.395. lamellosa. Pal. rep. 1841. p.50. maxima. Pal. rep. 1841. p.50. nyssa. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pt, p.328. oblongata. Pal. rep. 1841. p.50. oblongatus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, pti, p.324. planulata. Pal. rep. 1841. p.50. poststriata. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.399. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:151, 201. rostellata. scitula. p.399. subeuneatus. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 1:173. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.367. triqueter. Pal. rep. 1841. p.50. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.326. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.395. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. Pal. rep. 1841. p.50. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. triquetra. Mus. rep. 27. 1875. expl. pl. 11. Nyassa. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.xXxix. arguta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.3d4. elliptica. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, jal esa rectals wealy Ne Yo SSaanveoe pitas p.356. Subalata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.65, pti, p.355. Obolella. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.131. Pal. N. Y. 1892. y.8, pti, p.66. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.240 Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.556. . ? polita. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.133. Obolus. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.80, 387. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.242. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.558. conradi. p.368. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. Pal. rep. 1841. p.50. Pal. rep. 1841. p.50. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.325. emarginata. Pal. rep. 1841. p.50. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Odontocephalus. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.191. Pal. N. Y. 1888. Dail, selenurus. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.139. Odontophyllum. Mus. bul. 39. 19CO p.210. Odontopleura ovata. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. expl. pl.8.. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. expl. pl.3. Odontotrypa. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl.30. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xvil. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p561. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:561. : Oehlertella. Pal. N. Y. 1892. y.8, pti, p.120, 188. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.257. Mus. rep. 45. 1892 DeDiliere Oeonites. Geol. rep. 6. 1887. expl. pl.Al. Ogygia? vetusta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 2 Oldhamina. Pal. N. Y. 1894. yv.8, pt2, p.314. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:902. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1096. Olenus. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.i13. asaphoides. Pal. N. Y¥. IJS847- 1:256. thompsoni. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 8:525. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.59. undulostriatus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:258. vermontana. Pal. N. Y.* 1859. _ 8:527. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.60. Onchus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:820. dewell. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:320. rectus. Geol. rep. 17. 1899. p.323. Mus. rep. 51. 1899. 2:328. Oncoceras. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:196. constrictum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:197. Mus. rep. 3. 1850. p.172. dilatatum. Mus. rep. 138. 1860. p.105. expansum. Pal. Nig y@uess roeilts gibbosum. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:13. orcas. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.350. ovoides. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:342. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Oncoceras (continued) subrectum. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:94. Onychochilus nitidulus. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 1:172. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.366. ?nitidulus. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.170. Onychodus sigmoides. Geol. rep. 17. 1899. p.321. Ophileta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:11. complanata. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.179; pts. 1842. p.386. Pal. N.Y. 1847. 1:11. levata. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.179; pt8. 1842. p.86. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:11. Orbicella. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.254. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.570. Orbicula. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.120. nm. Sp. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.312. eaelata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:290. corrugata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.109. ?erassa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:290. ?deformata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:23. ?filosa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:99. grandis. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.152. lamellosa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:99. lodensis. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.168; pt4. 1843. p.203. minuta. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.182. ?squamiformis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.108. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:250. ? subtruneata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:290. tenuilamellata. Pals N. Y. 1852. 2:250. terminalis. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.395. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:100. Orbiculoidea. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.120, 128. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.256. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. Dior2- 601 Orbiculoidea (continued) sp. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, expl. pl4F, 4K. herzeri. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt1, p.178. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.333. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:338. magnifica. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.615. numulus. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.178. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.333. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:338. ovalis. Pal. N. Y. 1892. y.8, pti, p.177. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.3382. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:332. pulchra-herzeri. Pale IN. Ye, 1892: y.8, ptl, expl. pl.4H, 4F. Oriskania. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.265. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:854. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1048. navicella. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.370. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.371. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. Peyrls sinuata. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.38. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:38. Ormoceras crebriseptum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:318. ? gracile. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:58. remotiseptum. Mus. rep. 8. 1850. p.178. tenuifilum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:55, DoDe tenuifilum ? var. distans. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:58. vertebratum. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:94. Orthidium. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.244. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.276. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.592. Orthis. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.66. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:38; 1892. v.8, pti, p.186, 191, 227. Geol. rep. 11. 1862. p.264. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.580. n.sp. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.312. Sp.? Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:39. 602 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Orthis (continued) aequivalvis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:120. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.109. alsus. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.33. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:36. arcuaria. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, - pti, p.841. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.340. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:340. assimilis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:175. bellarugosa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:118. bisuleata. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.396. eanalis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.107. earinata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.267. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:58. earleyi. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.120. ? centrilineata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:289. ecirculis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. Onfil, « JEL, ING Wo Ia, Pash, cleobis. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.35. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:41. elytie. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.90; 36. 1883. expl. pl. 3. eoncinna. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:172. costalis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:20. crispata. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.404. eumberlandia. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:481. eyclas. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.78; 15.1862. p.183. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:52. deformis. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.44. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:174. dichotoma. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:125. discus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:165. disparilis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:119. elegantula. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:252. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.150. Mus. mem. 1. 1889. p.18. elegantula ? var. Pal. N. Y. 1852. Pye ella. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.121. emacerata. Mus. rep. 138. 1860. p.121. hybrida. Orthis (continued) eminens. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.42. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:167. erratica. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:288. eryna. Mus. rep. 16. 18638. p.35. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:423. fasciata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:255. fissicosta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:121. flabellites var. spania. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl.84. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.839. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:339. flabellulum? Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.107. var.? Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:254. flabellum ? var. ? Pal. N. Y. 1852. DDS. ?glypta. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.359. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:647. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.841. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.838. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:388. hipparionyx. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:407. ? holstoni. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.340. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. 2:339. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. p.339. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.J08: Pall N: Y2 18522922253: Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.149. Mus. mem. 1. 1889. p.17. idas. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:42. idoneus. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:52. impressa. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.268. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:60. insculpta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:125. insignis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:178. interlinea. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.268. interstriata. Pal. sN. Y. 18525” 2:326. jamesi. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.89. lenticularis. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.139. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:35. leonensis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:62. lepidus. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.78; 15. 1862: p.183. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:46. leptaenoides. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p. 396. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS 603 Orthis (continued) leucosia. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.80; 15. 1862. p.185. leucosia? Pal. N. Y. 1867, 4:48, 63. limitaris. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.146. livia. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.36. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:38. loricula.. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt1, p.341. Geol. rep..14. 1895. p.339. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:339. mitis. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.34. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:37. multistriata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p. 45. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:176. musculosa. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.46. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:409. nisis. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.181. nucleus. Geol. N. Y. pt4 1843. p.181. oblata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.41. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:162. var. emarginata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:164. oceasus. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.111. occidentalis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. USA oweni. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt1, p.342. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p341. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:341. panderiana. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.338. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:388. pectinella. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.394. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:123. var. semiovalis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:124. peduncularis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:174. peloris. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.32. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:34. penelope. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.79; 15. 1862. p.184. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:50. pepina. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.134. perelegans. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. eee IJERIL ING We alesse sila Orthis (continued) perversa. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.187. perveta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:120. Mus. rep. 36. 1888. expl. pl.3. pisum. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:250. Pplanoconvexa. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:168. plicatula. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.112. praeumbona. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.167. propinqua. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.110. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:43. punctostriata. Pal, N. Y. 1852. 2:254. pyramidalis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 23251. quadracostata. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.168. resupinata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.216. rugaeplicata. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.182. ?saffordi. Pal. N. Y. 1892. y.8, pti, p.340. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.340. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:340. semele. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.34. Pal, N. Y. 1867. 4:40. senecta. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.348. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.342. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2::342. sinuata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:128. solitaria. Mus. rep. 138. 1860. p.80; 15. 1862. p.185. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:45. striatula. Geel. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.394. : strophomenoides. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.46. Pal. N.Y. 1859. 3:177, 481, subaequata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:118. subearinata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.48. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:169. subjugata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:129. subquadrata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:126. subumbona. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.168. 604 Orthis (continued) superstes. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.842. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.341. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:841. tenuidens. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:58. tenuistriata. Geol. N. Y. pft4. 1843. .246. testudinaria? Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.404. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1117, 288: var. Geol. rep. 2. 1883. expl. pl. 34. thiemei ? Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:63. tioga. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:59. tricenaria. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:121. Mus. bul. 49.1901. p.24. - trinucleus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:58. tubulostriata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.42. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 32166. tulliensis. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.163. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:55. umbonata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.167. unguiculus. 1843. p.268. vanuxemi. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.185. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:47. vanuxemi ? Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:40. varica. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:179: Orthisina alternata. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.81; 15. 1862. p.186. Geol. N. Y. pt4. arctostriata. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.80; 15. 1862. p.185. Orthoceras. Mus. bul. 89. 1900. p.167. indet. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:208, 311. indet. Pal, N. Y¥. 1852. 2:14, 291, 292. sp. indet. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.304, expl. pl. 87, 89. ? Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:345. abnorme. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.355. abruptum. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:97. aciculum. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.244. aedipus. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 1:171. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.365. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Orthoceras (continued) aegea. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.80. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.295. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.172. alienum. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. Dodo: amplicameratum. Palys Nees 1847. 1:205. anellum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:202. anguis. Pal. N. Y. 1879.-v.5, pt2; p.312. angulatum. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.3o4. annulatum. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. prools annulatum ? Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. pHll0>) SRalyNeee ewes 2a 2:96. aptum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. y.5, pt2, p.282. arcuoliratum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:198. arenosum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:480. atreus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pi2, p.3805. aulax. Pal. No Ye adsi9saeoaoie. p.293. baculum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.74. bebryx. Ill. Dey. Foss. Cephalo- poda. 1876. expl. pl. 39. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.27. var, cayuga. Pal. N. ¥. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.276. bilineatum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:35, 199. var. ad. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:200. bipartitum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. y.5, pt2, p.313. caelamen. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.298. cancellatum. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 22922 carnosum, Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.258. cingulum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.240. clathratum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:201. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS 605 Orthoceras (continued) clavatum. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:104; 1859. 3:345. ecochleatum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.308. collatum; Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.252. columnare. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.351. econsortale. Geol. rep.5. 1886. eSxlaple Gals) 25 —PaltsiN.. X. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.29. constrictum. Pale repay l8ss: Weel Geol. IN. MW: pte. = 1842: p.150. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.77. ale Nw Y. 1879) v.b, pt2) p.288. corallirernm: ~ Pal, “Ns -Y. -1847. eeest2. crebescens. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.3d54. ereon. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.260. ecrotalum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. Oris, JEM ING Yo Tee Aya oe p.296. daedalus. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl. (118) 2. dagon. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl. G29) 14. Pal. N. Y. 1888. y.0, pt2, suppl. (7), p.28. demus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, psa directum. Geol. rep. 5. 1886 expl. pl. (117) 1. Pal. N.Y. 1888. y.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.27. duramen. Geol. rep. 5 1886. expl. pl. 117) 1. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.25. emaceratum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. Vane Dts Peco. eriense. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, | p.274. Mus. bul. 49. 1901 Mal Tale exile. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.78. Pall Ne Yo A879) v25,-pt2, p-290: Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.171. expositum. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. | expl, pl. (118) 2. Pal. N. Y. 1888. y.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.29. Orthoceras (continued) fenestrulatum. Geol. rep. 18. 1894, 1:168. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.362. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.172. fluctum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.239. foliatum. Mus. rep, 15. 1862. -p.74. fulgidum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.310. fusiforme. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:60. fustis. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.281. geneva. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 68, Mus; rep. 472 W894: p.362. helderbergiae.. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:345. hyas. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.75. icarius. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl. (118) 2. icarus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2; suppl. @7), p.3l. idmon. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v:5, pt2; p.302. imbricatum? Pal. N. Y¥. 1852. 2:291. incarceratum. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 1170. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.364. indianense. Pal- N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.30. indianensis. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.107. inoptatum. Pal.N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.267. jaculum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.266. junceum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:204. laeve. Geol. N.Y. pt4. 18438. p.138. lamellosum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. USD laqueatum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:18, 206. var, Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:206 latiannulatum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:204. leander. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.309. 606 Orthoceras (continued) linia. > PalloN., % A879) (yb: 0 pte, p.308. linteum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pi2, p.277. longicameratum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:348. loxias. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.380. luxum. Ill. Dev. Foss. Cepha- lopoda. 1876. expl. pl.35. Pal N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.244. marcellense. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.278. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.171. marcellensis. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.106. masculum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.238. medium. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.254. medullare. p.353, 381. molestum. Ill. Dev. Foss. Cepha- lopoda. 1876. expl. pl.35. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.265. moniliforme. Pal. N. Y. 1847. ssp, Bile, multicameratum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:45. multicinctum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.76. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.263. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. multiseptum. Pal, N. Y. 1852. 2:14. niagarense. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.356. nuntioides. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 1:170. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.364. nuntium. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.79. Pal N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.299. oedipus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.294. ohioense. Pal N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.2386. oppletum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.248. NEW YORK STATH MUSEUM Orthoceras (continued) pacator. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.307. palmatum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. y.5, pt2, p.312. pauciseptum. Pal. N. Y¥. 1859. 3:346. pelops. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.73. Pal: N. Y. 1879: v.25, pt2.apieaee perelegans. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.80. perstriatum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3 :346. pertextum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. y.5, pt2, p.314. pervicax.. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.257. pravum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.65, pt2, p.25d. primigenia. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.36. primigenium. Pal. N. Y. 1847. ial}. primigenius. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.179. procerus. Ill. Dev. Foss. Ceph- alopoda. 1876. expl. pl.35. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.249. profundum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.76. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.271. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 1:170. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.364. rectiannulatum. 1:34. recticameratum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:46. rigidum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:344. robustum. Il]. Dev. Foss. Ceph- alopoda. 1876. expl. pl.40. rudens. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.28. Geol. rep. 5- 1886, expl. pl. (118) 2. rudicula. Ill. Dev. Foss. Cephal- opoda. 1876. expl. pl. 37. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.268. rudis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:346. scammoni. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.381. Pal. N. ¥. d84i- INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS 607 Orthoceras (continued) sceptrum. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.26. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl. (117) 1. scintilla. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.293. sicinus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.301. simulator. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.179. sirpus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.269. spissum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.287. staffordensis. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 1:169. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.363. strigatum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:205. stylus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.258. subarcuatum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:34. subtextile. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:344. subulatum. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.180. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.77. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.283. tantalus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.241. telamon. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.291. tenere. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.285. tenuiannulatum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:345. tenuiseptum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 115345)5 teretiforme. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:198. tersum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.286. tetricum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.738. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.251. textile. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:199. textum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.285. thestor. p.302. thoas. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.75. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.261. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, Orthonomaea. Orthoceras (continued) thyestes. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.306. undulatum. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:298. undulostriatum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:202. varum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.259. vastator. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.65, pt2, p.248. vertebrale. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:201. viator. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v. 5, pt2, p.270. virgatum ? Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:291. virgulatum. Pal. 2:96. zeus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.235. N. Y. 1852. Orthoceratites ? Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.396, 397. aequalis. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.404. multicameratus. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.382. multilineatus. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.397. trentonensis. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. -p.396. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:814. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1008. Orthonota. Pal. rep. 1841. p.50. Pal, N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.xlv. earinata. Pal. rep. 1841. p.51. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.479. contracta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:300. curta. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.76. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:86. curta ? Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:285. ensiformis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.480. parallela. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:299. ?parvula. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.i, pti, p.482. pholadis. Pal. rep. 1841. p.51. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:299. rigida. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.481. 608 Orthonota (continued) undulata. Pal. rep. 1841. p.51. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.150. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.478. Orthonychia. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.173. tortuosa. Mus. mem. 8. 1900. p.30. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:30. Orthopora. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl. 25. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xiv, 16. Orthorhynchula. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.181. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:824. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1018. Orthostoma. Pal. rep. 1838. p.119. communis. Pal. rep. 1888. p.119; 1841. pl. Orthostrophia. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.199. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.267. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.583. Orthothetes. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.253. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.284. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.600. becraftensis. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.51. Mus. rep. 538. 1900. 2:51. bellulus. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 1:176. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.370. chemungensis var. arctostriata. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.158. deformis var. sinuata. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, expl. pl.20. desideratus. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.345. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.s45. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:345. Orthotichia. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p 213. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. bp. 272.” Muss reps 45. 1892: p.588. Orthotoma. 2:885. p.1079. Orthotropia. \Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl.84. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. p.948. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1137. 1894. 1894. Geol. rep. 18. Mus. rep. 47. NEW YORK STATH MUSEUM Orthrotropia (continued) dolomitica. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v8, pt2, expl. pl. 84. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.848. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:348. Ortonia. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p. 22. conica. Pal. N. Y. 1888. .v.5, pt2, suppl. 7), p.17, 28. minor. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.17, 24. Pachydictya. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.530. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:530. Pachyphyllum solitarium. Mus. rep. 23. 1873. p.232. woodmani. Mus. rep. 23. 1873. p.231. Palaeacmaea. Mus. rep. 23. 1873. p.242. typica. Mus. rep. 23. 1878. p.242. Palaeanatina. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.xlvii. angusta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.65, pti, p.490. sinuata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p 491. - 2 solenoides. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.489. typa. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.488. Palaeareca. Pal. N., Y. 1859. 3:27], 523. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.10. saffordi. Pal. N. Y¥. 1859. 3:271. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.11. ventricosa. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:271. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.10. Palaeaster. Pal. N. ¥. 1852. 2:247. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.282. antiqua. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.287. antiquata. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.286. eucharis. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.287. granulosa. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p-285. i INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Palaeaster (continued) jamesi. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.286. matutina. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.283. MNiagarensis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:247, ‘sshaefferi. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.284. wilberanus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.285. Palaeocardia cordiformis. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.341. Palaeocrania. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.152. Palaeocreusia devonica. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:210. Palaeoneilo. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.xxvii. angusta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.344. arata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.341. attenuata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.346. bisuleata. 'Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.344. brevis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.342. eonstricta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.333. var. flexuosa. Pal, N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.334. dubia. Pal. N. Y. 1885: v.5, pti, p.348. elongata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.345. emarginata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.3388. fecunda.. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.336. filosa. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.343. Maxima. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.335. muta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pt, Dao. parallela. Mus. rep. 23. 1873. p.241. 609 Palaeoneilo (continued) perplana. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.339. plana. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.334. suleatina. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.347. tenuistriata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.336. truncata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, Dpelen pare virginica. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v-.5, pti, p.340. Palaeopalaemon. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7 :1xi. newberryi. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:203. Palaeophycus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:7. indet. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:264. indet. Pal. N. Y. 1847. v.1, expl. pl. 21, fig.3. ® Jails IN, We, IG; B22, irregularis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:8. rugosus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:68. simplex. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:63. striatus: Pal. N. Y. 1852, 2:22. tortuosus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:6. tubularis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:7. virgatus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:263. Palaeophyllum divaricans. Mus. Tep. 35. 1884. p.482. Palaeopinna. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.xiv. Geol. rep. 1. 1884. p.14. flabella. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.240. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.397. recurva. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.241. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.398. Palaeosolen. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.xlvi. [Palaeospongia] cyathiformis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:72. Palaeotrochus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.133. kearneyi. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v5, pt2, p.133. Paleschara. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p. 107. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xviil. amplectens. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p. 7; 10. 1891. p.40. Mus. rep. 44, 1892. p.70. 610 NEW YORK STATH MUSEUM Pateschara (continued) bifoliata. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.107. ?bilateralis. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.160. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:36. eoncentrica. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:67. dissimilis. Pal, N. Y. 1887. 6:35. incrassata. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.121. incrustans. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.107; 32. 1879. p.160. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:35. intercella. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.5; 10. 1891. p.87. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.67. maculata. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.121. offula. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.120. pertenuis. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.7; 10. 1891. p.87. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.67. ?radiata. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.160. radiata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:35. Teticulata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.6; 10. 1891. p.88. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.68. ?sphaerion. p.121. ?tenuis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:36. variacella. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.6; 10. 1891. p.389. Mus. rep. 44, 1892. p.69. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. Panenka. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.XXXyv. abrupta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pt1, p.423. alternata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.416. costata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, _ ~p.419. degener. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.424. dichotoma. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.416. F equilatera. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.419. hero. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.418. Paracyclas. Panenka (continued) lincklaeni. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5,. ptl, p.420. Mus. bul. 49. 1901.- p.167. mollis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.420. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.167.. multiradiata. Pal. N. Y. 1886.. v.5, ptl, p.417. potens. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti,. p.422. radians. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pt1,- p.422. retusa. ‘Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti,- p.421. robusta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti,. p.424. ventricosa. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5.. pti, p.417. Paracardium. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5,- pti, p.xxxvii. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v5;. pti, p.xxxviii. : chemungensis. Pal. N. Y. 1885:. v.5, ptl, p.448. elliptica. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.171. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pt1,. p.440. erecta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti,. p.445. ignota. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.444, lirata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, pti,- p.441. ohioensis. pti, p.442. ?pauper. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5,. pti, p.446. rotunda. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pt1,. p.444, tenuis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti,. p.443. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5,. Paradoxides. Mus. rep. 13. 1860:. p.1138. Pararca. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.XxXxXvii. erecta. Pal. N.. Y. 1885. v.5, pti.. p.482. neglecta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5;. pti, p.4382. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS 1Pararea (continued) praecedens. Pal, v.5, ptl, p.429. NEY 8a 1 885. sao. “Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.4380. transvyersa. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.429. venusta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.431, yParastrophia. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, - pt2, p.221. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:8389. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1083. .divergens. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.866. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:654. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.848. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.364. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:364. :greenii. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.367. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:654. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.848. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.364. Mus. rep. 48. 1895, 2:364. themiplicata. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.26. ‘latiplicata. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.868. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:655. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.849. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.365. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:365. smultiplicata. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.3867. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:654. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.848. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.3s65. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:365. ‘Parazyga. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.l127. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:800. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.994. Paropsonema cryptophya. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.172. ‘Paterina. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.247. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.563. . Paterula. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.78. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.242. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.558. sp.? Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, expl. pl.4k. 611 Paterula (continued) Sp. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.569. amii. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.569. Pecten cancellatus. ‘Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.265. ?convexus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.265. ?ecrenulatus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.265. ?dolabriformis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.265. duplicatus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.264. striatus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.265. Peltura. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.114. holopyga. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:528. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.61. Pemphigaspis. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.221. bullata. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.221. Pentacrinites hamptoni. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.402; pt. 1842. p.64. Pentactinella. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:788. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.977. Pentagonia. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:309; 1894. v.8, pt2, p.80. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:775. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.969. peersi. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:309. Pentamerella. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:373. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p 163. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.241. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:845. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1039. arata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:375. dubia. Pal. N. Y.. 1867. 4:379. micula. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:378. obsolescens. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:379. papilionensis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:377. Pentamerus. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v8, pt2, p.236. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:844. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1038. aratus. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.120, Pentamerus (continued) elongata. Geol. N. Y. pt8. 1842. p.132. fornicatus. Pal, N. Y. 1852. 2:81. galeatus. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.117. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.105. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:257. knappi. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.184. littoni. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:262. Mus. rep. 24. 1874. p 186. multicostatus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.373. nucleus. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.200a. nysius. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.184. var. erassicosta. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.185. var. tenuicosta. 1872. p.185. oblongus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:79. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.183. var. cylindrica. 1872. p.183. var. cylindricus. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl.69. var. maquoketa. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.239. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.868. Mus. rep. 47. 1895. 2:368. var. subrectus. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.238. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.368. Mus. rep. 47. 1895. 2:368. occidentalis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:341, ovalis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:108. papilionensis. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.86. pseudogaleatus. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.106. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:259. ventricosus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.374. verneuili. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.104. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:260. Pentremites. Mus. rep. 12. 1862. p.145. ealyce. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.150. leda. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.149. Peregrinella. Mus. rep. 24. Mus. rep. 24. Petalotrypa. Petraster. Phacelopora. 612 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Pentremites (continued) lycorias. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.151. maia. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.150. melo. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.145. norwoodi. Mus. rep. 12. 1862. p.145. whitei. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.150. Pephricaris. Geol. rep. 15. 1897. 1:731. Mus. rep. 49. 1898.. 2:731. horripilata. Geol. rep. 15. 1897.. 1:731. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 2:731. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:835. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1029. Pernopecten. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.xii; 1885. v.5, ptl, p.lvii. Geol. rep. 1. 1884. p.12. Peronosporites globosus. Mus. bul.’ 39. 1900. p.225. minutus. Mus. bul. 39. 1900: p.225. ramosus. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.225. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.582. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:582.. Petigopora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.563. Mus. rep. 48. 1895.. 2:563. Mus. rep. 20. 1867.. p.294. Pexidella. Geol. rep. 13. 1894- 2:786. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. . p.980. Geol. rep. 14. 1895.. p.600. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:600. Phacops. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:xxvii. bombifrons. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.95. bufo. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.93. Pal. N.Y. 1888. 7:26. eacapona. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.96. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:27. eallicephalus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:247. correlator. Mus. mem. 3.. 1900. p.20. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:20. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Phacops (continued) eristata. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.95. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:14. var. pipa. n. var. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:18. hudsonicus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:355; expl. pl.73. ?laticaudus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:248. limulurus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:303. logani. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:353; 1888. yv.7, expl. pl.S8A. Mus. mem. 8. 1900. p.21. Mus. rep. 538. 1900. 2:21. nupera. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:27. rana. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.93. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:19. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.172. rana? Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.7, expl. pl.6. trisuleatus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:300. Phaenopora. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:46. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.541. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:541. constellata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:47. ensiformis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:48. explanata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:46. Phaéthonides. Pal. N. Y. 1888. T:xlv. arenicolus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7134. eyelurus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:137. ? denticulatus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7139. gemmaeus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:136. varicella. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 72135. Phanerotinus. ‘Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.54. Pharetrella. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.7. tenebrosa. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.7. Phillipsia sp. ? Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.7, expl. pl.22. levis. Ill. Dev. Foss. Crustacea. 1876. expl. pl. 21. 613 Phillipsia (continued) minuscula. Ill. Dev. Foss. Crus- tacea. 1876. expl. pl. 20. ? ornata. Ill. Dev. Foss. Crus- tacea. 1876. expl. pl.21. Pholadella. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.xliii. newberryi. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.471. parallela. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.65, pti, p.470. radiata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.469. 4 Pholidops. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.92; 15. 1862. p.195. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:489; 1867. 4:31, 413; 1892. v.8, ptl, p.155. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.262. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.578. sp.? Mus. mem.3. 1900. p.59. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:59. arenaria. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:413. areolata. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.31. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:31. ealeeola. Pal. N. Y. 1892. yv.8, ptl, p.182. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.337. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:337. cincinnatensis. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. expl. pl.7. hamiltoniae. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.92. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:32. ?linguloides. Pal. N. Y. 1867. — 4:414, oblata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:414. _ovalis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. v.4, expl. pl.3. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.149. ovatus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:490. patina. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.182. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.337. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:387. squamiformis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3 :490. subtruncatus. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.221. terminalis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:490. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.59. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:59. 614 Pholidops (continued) trentonensis. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.221. Mus. bul. 49.1901.: p.15. Pholidostrophia. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.287. Geol. rep. 11. 1892, p.281. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. D.o97. Phractopora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xvii. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.5389. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:539. cristata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:99. var. lineata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:99. Phragmoceras? 2:351. expansum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, expl. pl.46. Pal oN. YX.) 1852! nestor. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.347. Phragmodictya. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.466. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p.172. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.364. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:364. eatilliformis. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.477. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p.178. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.365. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:365. ? erebristriata. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. expl. pl.21. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p-176. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.s68. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:368. lineata. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.478. Mus. mem. 2. {899. p.176. Geol. rep. 16. 1899, p.368. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:368. patelliformis. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.478. Mus. mem. 2. 1899, p.176. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.368. Mus. rep. 50. S09. 2:368. Phragmolites. Pal. rep. 1838. p.119. compressus. Pal. rep. 1838. p.119. Phragmostoma. Mus. rep. 14. 1801. p.94. natator. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.tid. Phthonia. Pal, pti, p.xliv. N. Y. 1885. v.5, NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Phthonia (continued) cylindrica. Pal. N. Y. 1885. yv.5, pti, p.473. lirata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.476, nitida. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.477. nodicostata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.i, ptl, p.474. é sectifrons. Pal. N. Y. 188d. v.5, pti, p.475. truncata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.476. Phyllodictya. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.531. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:5a0, Phyllograptus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:504. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.52. Phyllopora. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:718. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p912. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.512. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:512. - Physospongia. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.467. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p.-187. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.376. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:379. sp.? Mus. mem. 2. 1899. expl. pl.56. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. expl. pl.56. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. v 2, expl. pl.56. alternata. Mus. rep. 385. 1884. p.481. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p.195. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.387. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:387. : colletti. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.480. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p.193. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.385. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:385. dawsoni. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.479. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p.189. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.381. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:381. multibursaria. Mus. mem, 2. 1899. p.196. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.388. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:388. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Phytopsis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:38, 315. cellulosum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:39. tubulosum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:38. Pileopsis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:308. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.15. Pileotrypa. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl.30. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xvi. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.562. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:562. Pinacotrypa. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.555. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:555. Pinnaporina. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.507. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:507. Pinnopsis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.244. acutirostra. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.244, ornatus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.244. Placophyllum. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.216. tabulatum. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.216. Plaesiomys. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.196. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.266. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.582. Platidia. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:895. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1089. Platyceras. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:309. Mus.rep. 12. 1859. p.16. ? Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:478. Sp. ? Pal. N. Y. 1859. v.38, expl. DIL5S8. sp. indet. Pal. N. Y. 1859. v.3, expl. pl.70. agreste. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:338. ammon. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.37. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.20. arcuatum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:336. argo. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.39. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.19. attenuatum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p30. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.6. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.170. auriculatum. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gas- tropoda. 1876. expl. pl.3. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.7. 615 Platyceras (continued) billingsi. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:315. bisinuatum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:318. ‘ bisuleatum. Pal. N; Y. 2859: 3:327. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.18. bucculentum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.33. Pal. N. Y.° 1879. v.5; pt2; p.10. calantica. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:328. ?callosum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:478. cearinatum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.s3. Pal. N: Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.5. cirriformis. Pal. rep. 1841. p.56. elavatum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:337. coneavum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.30. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.3. conicum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.31. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.3. crassum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.3s6. ‘Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.18. curvirostrum. Pala Nee ee ooo: 3:338. eymbium. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.35. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.12. dentalium. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.29. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.2. dilatatum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:322. dumosum. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p-19; 15. 1862. p.87. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.14. var. rarispinum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.38. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.16. echinatum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.38. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, — p.18. elongatum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. oubods elongatum ? var. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:335. erectum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.32. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.5. 616 Piatyceras (continued) expansus. Pal. rep. 1841. p.56. fornicatum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.35. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.11. gebhardi. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:312, 474. cf. gebhardi. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.30. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:30. gibbosum. Pal. N. Y. , 1859. 3:323. incile. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:332. intermedium. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:321. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.17. lamellosum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3.:330. magnificum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:476. minutissimum. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.129. multisinuatum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:319. newberryi. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:333. niagarensis. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.341. nodosum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:473; 1879. v.5, pt2, p.17. Mus. mem. 8. 1900. p.31. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:31. nodosus. Pal. rep. 1841. p.56. obesum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:329. patulum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:477. pentalobus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:319. perlatum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:328. perplexum. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gas- tropoda. 1876. expl. pl.2. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.4. perplicatum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 31325. pileiforme. Pal. N. Y. 1859. DoRe platyostomum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:326. var. alyveatum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3 :326. plicatile. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:325. NEW YORK STATHD MUSEUM Platyceras (continued) plicatum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:334 Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.18. primordialis. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.186. pyramidatum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:336. reflexum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:477. retrorsum. Pal. N., Y. 1859. 3:320. var. abnormis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:321. rictum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.35. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.13. robustum. Pal. N. Y. 1859: 3:313. sinuatum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:314. Spirale. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:331. subnodosum. Pal. N. Y. 1859.. BATA. - subrectum. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.18; 15. 1862. p.29. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v 5, pt2, p.1. subundata. Pal. rep. 1841. p.56. suleatus. Pal. rep. 1841. p.56. sulecoplicatum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:324. ' Symmetricum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.34. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.9. tenuiliratum. Pal. N.. Y. 1859. 3:317. thetis. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.32. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.8. tortuosum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:472. trilobatum. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.17. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:316. tubaeforme. ‘Pal. N. Y. 1859. 33382. undatum. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gas- tropoda. 1876. expl. pl.7. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.17. undulostriatum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:336. Pala New Yen atsaos unguiforme. BuB22. var. multicarinatum. Pal. N. Y- 1859. v.38, expl. pl.59. - unisuleatum. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:316. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Platyceras (continued) ventricosum. Pal, N. Y. 1859. * 3:311, 475. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.17. Platycrinus contritus. Mus. rep. 17. 1864. p.54. eboraceus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.119. eriensis. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.119. graphicus. Mus. rep. 17. 1864. p.55. parvus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:114. plumosus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:113. ramulosus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:115. tentaculatus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:116. Platynotus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:235. Pal. rep. 1838. p.118. boltoni. Pal. rep. 1838. p.118. trentonensis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:235. Platyostoma. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:91, 103, 286; 1859. 3:299. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.20. 2 Tall, Ne Wo eb es Aa SBS aplata. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastro- poda. 1876. expl. pl1l. Pal. N. Y. 1879. y.5, pt2, p.26. arenosa. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:302. defigurata. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gas- tropoda. 1876. expl. pl.9. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2,:p.24. depressa. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:301. euomphaloides. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastropoda. 1876. expl. pl.9. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.25. hemispherica. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:288. lichas. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.106. lineata. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.40. Pal. N. ¥. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.21. var. ampla. Pal. N. Y. 1879. V.o, pt2, p.23. var. eallosa. Pal. v.5, pt2, p.23. var. sinuosa. Pal. N. Y¥. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.24. niagarense. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.175. Ne. 1879: 617 Platyostoma (continued) niagarensis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:287. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.342. plebeium. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.175. pleurotoma. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gas- tropoda, 1876. expl. pl.10. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.30. strophius. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.41. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.25. ?subangulata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:301. turbinata. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p-106. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.65, pt2, p.27. var. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.29. var. cochleata. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.28. unisuleata. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.26. var. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2,. p.27. ventricosa. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:300, 469. Platystrophia. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8,. pti, p.200. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.268. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.584. biforata. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. expl. pl.3. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.25. flabella. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. expl. pl.3. occidentalis. Mus. rep. 36. 1883.. expl. pl.3. subquadrata. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. expl. pl.3. tricenaria. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. expl. pl.3. Plectambonites. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.295. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.290. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.606. pisum. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.19. producta. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.360. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:648. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.842. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.354. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2::354. 618 NEW YORK ¥ Plectambonites (continued) sericeus. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.18. var. asper. Mus. bul. 49, 1901. p.18. Plectorthis. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.194. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.266. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.582. plicatella. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.25. Plesiothyris. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:886. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1080. Plethomytilus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.xiv. Geol. rep. 1. 1884. p.15. Plethorhyncha. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.191. Plethorhynchus. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:827. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1021. Pleurocystites. Pal. N. Y-. 1859. 3:152. Pleurodictyum lenticulare. rep. 14. 1895. p.305. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:305. Pleuronotus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.138. Pleurorhynechus trigonalis. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.172. Pleurotomaria? Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.398, 396, 397, 404. sp. indet. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:31, 305. sp. ? Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:348. sp. 2 Pale UNGoYe ASi9s ico; ant2. expl. pl.11, 12. sp. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.29. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:29. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.169. adjutor. Pal, N. Y¥. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.80. ambigua. Geol. Pal. N.Y. 1847. 1:176 antiquata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:31. apicialis. Il]. Dey. Foss. Gastrop- oda. 1876. expl. pl.20. ?apicialis. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.88. STATE Geol. MUSEUM Pleurotomaria (continued) arata. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.42. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.64. var. clausa. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.65. axion. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.344. biangulata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:31. ? bilix. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:305. bispiralis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:348. eapillaria. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.45. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, > p.77. var. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.87. var. rustica. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.169. delicatula. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gas- tropoda. 1876. expl. pl.19. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.70. disjuncta. Ill. Dey. Foss. Gastrop- oda. 1876. expl. pl. 20. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.84. doris. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.43. ella. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastropoda. 1876. expl. pl. 19. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.72. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.169. estella. Mus. rep. 24. 1812. p.195. euomphaloides. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.46. filitexta. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastrop- oda. 1876. expl. pl. 19. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.73. halei. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.344, 364. hebe. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.105. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.68. hoyi. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.364; 1868. 20. rev. ed. expl. pl. 25. idia. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.365. imitator. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.195. indenta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:176. insolita. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastro- poda. 1876. expl. pl. 20. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.81. isaacsii. Mus. rep. 28. 1873. p.238. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Pleurotomaria (continued) itys. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastropoda. 1876. expl. pl. 20. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.76.. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.169. var. tenuispira. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.87. kearnyi. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.105. labrosa. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:339. var. occidens. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.3438. lenticularis. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.3892. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:172. lineata. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.44. litorea. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:12. lucina. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.42. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.67 Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p. 169. var. perfasciata. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.83. ~ ?mitigata. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.108. nitella. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.85. ?nodulosa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:44. ?nucleolata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:42. ?obsoleta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:44. occidens. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.364. pauper. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.343. percarinata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:177. perlata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:349. ?pervetusta. Pal. N. Y. 1852. (2:12. planidorsalis. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.82. plena. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastro- poda. 1876. expl. pl. 17. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.66. _ quadricarinata, Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:43. quadrilix. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.86. rotalia. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.46. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.71. rotuloides. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:173. 619 Pleurotomaria (continued) rugulata. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.108. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.75. solarioides. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:348. subconica. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:174, 304, — subdepressa. 12a ING YS) SS Dear subtilistriata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:172. sulecomarginata. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.46. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5,. pt2, p.69. trilix. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.45. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.79. ?turgida. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:12. umbilicata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:43, 175. unisuleata. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.43. vadosa. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.108. Plicigera. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:783. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.977. Plumalina. Mus. rep. 30. 1878. p.255. Plumulites sp. Mus. mem, 3. 1900. p.26. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:26. Pollicipes siluricus. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.578. Polydilasma. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:112. turbinatum. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:112. Polyphemopsis louisvillae. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.193. Polypora. Pal. N. Y. 1852 2:167. Geol. rep. 4. 1885. p.35. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxiv. 150. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2699. Mus. rep- 47. 1894. p.898. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.502. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2::502, elegans? Mus. rep 26. 1874. p.97. incepta. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:167. lilia. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.96. separata. Mus. mem. 38. 1900 p.60. Mus. rep. 58. 1900 2:60- 620 Polyporella. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.002. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2::502. Polytoechia. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.239. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.275. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.o91. ? Pomatospirella. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:784. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.978. Pontobdellopsis. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.574. cometa. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.574. Porambonites. Pal. N. ¥. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.225. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:840. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1034. Porecellia hertzeri. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gastropoda. 1876. expl. pl.16. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.126. nais. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.127. ?rotatoria. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gas- tropoda. 1876. expl. pl.16. sciota n. sp.? Mus. rep. 23. 1878. p.240. Porites? vetusta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:71. ?Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.86, 91. Posidonia? alata. 1843. p.73. 2:87. ?falveata. Pal. rep. 1841. p.53. farcuata. Pal. rep. 1841. p.53. lirata. Pal. rep. 1838. p 116; 1841. pl. Posidonomya? rhomboidea. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:284. Poteriocrinus alternatus. Pal. N. Y. Geol. N. Y. pt4. Pal. N. Y. 1882. 1847. 1:83. caduceus. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.208. corycia. Mus. rep. 17. 1864. p.57. erineus. Mus. rep. 17. 1864. p.56. diffusus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.121. gracilis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:84. indentus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.122. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Poteriocrinus (continued) nassa. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.120. nereus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p. 121. nycteus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.120. pleias. Mus. rep. 17. 1864. p.57. posticus. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.209. verticillus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.122. Praecardium. Pal. N, Y. 1885. v5, pti, p.xxxvii. doris. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, © p.428. vetustum. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.427. Prasopora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.586. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:586. simulatrix. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.13. Primitia mundula var. jonesi. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.80. Primitiopsis punctulifera. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.1738. Prismatophyllum. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.218. Prismodictya. Mus. mem. 2, 1898. p.79. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:819. Mus. rep. 49. 1898: 3:819. sp.? Mus. mem. 2. 1898. expl. pl. 86. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. Yy.2, expl. pl. 36. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. v.3, expl. pl. 36. allegania. Mus. mem. 2, 1898. p.84. iGeol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:824. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:824, amicitiae. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.87. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:827. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:827. aulophia. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.88. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:828. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:828. baculum. Mus. mem, 2. 1898. p.81. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:821. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:821. banano. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.87. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:827. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:827. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS 621 ‘Prismodictya (continued) cercidea. Mus. mem. 2. p.89. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:829. choanea. Mus. mem. 2. Mus. rep. 49: 1898. 3:825. _ cithara. rep. 49. 1898. 3:830. eonradi. Mus. mem. 2, 1898. p.91. Geol, rep. 15. 1898. 2:831. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:831. corynia. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p 86. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:826. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:826. filitextilis. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.86. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:826. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:826. narthecia. Mus. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:830. palaea. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.69. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:809. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:809. parallela. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.82. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:822. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:822. polyhedra. Mus. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:360. prismatica. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:823. ptionia. rep. 49. 1898. 3:828. spectabilis. p.82. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:822. telum. rep. 49. 1898. 3:820. Prismopora. Geol. p.50. Pal. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.531. rep. 48. 1895. 2:531. rep. 38. Mus. 1898. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:829. 1898. p.85. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:825. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.90. Geol, rep. 15. 1898. 2:880. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.90. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:830. mem. 2. 1898. p.168. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.360. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.88. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:823. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.88. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:828. Mus. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:822. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.80. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:820. Mus. 1884. INZS Yeu SSie iGExxa: Prismopora (continued) dilatata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.50. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:265. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.53. Mus. rep. 44, 1892. p.83. lata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:266. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.538. Mus. rep. 44, 1892. p.83. paucerama. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:98. sparsipora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:288. triquetra. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:97. Probeloceras. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.90. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:90. lutheri. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.90. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:90. ? naplesense. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.105. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:105. Proboscidella. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.333. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.298. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.614. Proboscina. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.596. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:596. Productella. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:1538. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.250. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v. 8, pti, p.328. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.298. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.614. sp. Geol. rep. 2. 1883. expl. pl. 49. sp. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, expl. pl. 17A. arctirostrata. 4:182. bialveata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:183. boydii. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:169. Pal. N. Y. 1867. costatula. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:180. var. strigata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:181. dumosa. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:162. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.161. exanthemata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:163. hirsuta. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:166. var. rectispina. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:168. hystricula. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:178. 622 NEW YORK STATH MUSEUM Productella (continued) lachrymosa. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:172. var. lima. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:174. var. stigmata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:174. navicella. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:156. onusta. Pal. N. Y. 1867, 4:184. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.246. rarispina. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:170. shumardiana. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:157. Speciosa. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:175. spinulicosta. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:160. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.161. striatula. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:177. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.246. subaculeata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 47154. : Subalata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:165. truncata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:160. tullia. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:164. Productus. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:146. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.245. Pal. N. Y¥. 1892: v.8, pti, p32: Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.297. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.613. sp. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.172. ?sp. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:165. ?sp. ? Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, expl. pl. 18. : arctirostratus. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.177. boydii. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.179. concentricus. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.180. ecostatus. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:149. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.247. dumosus. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.99. exanthematus. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.174. hirsutus. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.175. lachrymosus. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.177. navicella. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.172. Productus (continued) newberryi. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.180. i ; populata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:423. rarispinae. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.178. speciosus. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.176. spinulicostae. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.173. subaculeata var. cataracta. Mus. rep. 27. 1875. expl. pl. 9. subalatus. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.174. truncatus. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.171. Proetus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:315. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.97. Pal. N: Y. 1888. 7:xli. Sp.? Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:94. sp. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.242. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:242. angustifrons. Mus. rep. 15. 1862- p.98. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:91. auriculatus. ~Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.107. canaliculatus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.101. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:107. clarus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.99- Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:104. conradi. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.97. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:89. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.25. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:25. coryeoeus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:315. crassimarginatus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.100. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:99. curvimarginatus. Pal. N. ¥. 1888. 7:94. delphinulus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:111. doris. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.112. folliceps. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:101- haldemani, Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.102. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:113. hesione. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.98- Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:93. jejunus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:124. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Proetus (continued) latimarginatus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 4:97. longicaudus. Mus. rep. 15.. 1862. p.108. ?flongicaudus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 9 aL. macrocephalus. Mus. rep. 15. SOQ Meleas Veale No LY. dess: TANG: var. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.107. marginalis. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. pds eal N; Yo 1888. 72122: microgemma. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:109. missouriensis. Pal. N. Y. 1888. A338. nevadae. Pal, N. Y. 1888. 7:129. occidens. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. pJ108. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:1380. oOvanronsys Pal. N. ¥. 1888) 7:110: parviusculus. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.120; 24. 1872. p.223. phocion. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:125. [?] planimarginatus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:112. protuberans. Pal. N. Y. 1859. diol. prouti. Pal. N.-Y. 1888. 7:126. rowi. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.108. Pal Ne Ye 1888. 7 all9: stenopyge. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:110. ?stokesii. \Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:316. tumidus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:1138. verneuili. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:108 Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.101. Promacrus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, Delp i cuneatus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.510. Propygope. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:878. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1072. Prorhynchus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5 pti, p.xlviii. angulatum. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.493. nasutum. Pal. pti, p.493. NY WY: LS85.° vio; 623 Prorhynchus (continued) quadratum. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.492. Protaster. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:1384. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.293. forbes: | Rall N= Yo 18b9) 32134 Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.293. Prothyris. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pt1, jOSali, aratas seals NewYe 1885s veo pte p.461. exuta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pt1, p.462. lanceolata. Pal, N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.460. planulata.- Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.460. Protobalanus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. (bat hamiltonensis. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:209. Protolimulus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7 :xiviii. : eriensis. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:153. Protomya. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.65, pti, p.lil. oblonga. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.65, pti, p.509. Protorhyncha. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.180. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:824. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1018. Protorthis. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.231. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.273. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.589. sp.? Pal. N. Y. 1804. v.8, pt2, expl. pl.84. Protowarthia cancellata. 49. 1901. p.29. Mus. bul. Protozyga. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.151. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:809. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1008. exigua. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.26. Proutella. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.601. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:601. Prunocystites. Pal, N. Y. 1859. Sriloile 624 Pseudocrania. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.151. Geol. rep. 11. 1892 p.261. . Mus. rep, 45.° 1892. p.577. Pseudocrinites. Palle Neel Sao) Bip) kay Pseudoniscus. Pal. rep. 1900. p.88. roosevelti. Pal. rep. 1900. p.89. Pterinea. Pal, N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.xii. Geol. rep. 1. 1884. p.13. sp.? Mus. mem. 38. 1900. p.31. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:31. appressa. Pal. rep. 1838. p.116. avis. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt1, p-105. Mus. rep. 30. p.294. bisuleata. Pal. rep. 1888. p.116. brisa. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.337; 28. 1879: p.173. ? eardiiformis. 1848. p.173. earinata. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.402; pt3. 1842. p.64. chemungensis. Pal. N. Y. 1884. y.5, pti, p.98. Mus. rep. 35 1884. p.289. econcentrica. Pal. rep. 1838. p.116. Geol. N. Y. pt4. eonsimilis. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.100. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.291. cuneata. Pal. rep. 1838. p.116. dispanda. Pal..N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.97. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.289. flabella. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl p.93. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.285. grandis. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.284. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt, p.90. interstrialis. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.96. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.288. modiolaris. Pal. rep. 1838. p.118. orbicularis. Geol. N. Y. ptz2. 1842. p.397. pholadis. Pal. rep. 1838. p.118. pinguis. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.92. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.284. 1884. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Pterinea (continued) prora. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.102. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.292. punctulata. Pal. rep. 1838. p.116. reprorba. Pal. N. Y. 1884. yv.5, pti, p.106. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.295. reversa. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.104. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.294. rigida. Pal: N=” YoedSs45ivaar pti, p.101. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.292. ? suborbicularis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.264. ; triqueter. Pal. rep. 1838. p.116. undata. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.395. Pterinopecten. Pal. N. Y. 1884. yv.5, pti, p.xii. Geol. rep. 1. 1884. p.13. sp. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.251. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:251. conspectus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.66. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.266. crenicostatus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, Dtl, p78: Mus¥oreparas: 1884. p.274, — dignatus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.62. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.262. dispandus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. yv.5, pti, p.76. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.273. erectus. Pal. N. Y. A882ieveo; pti, p.77. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.274. exfoliatus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.61. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.261. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.168. filitextus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. y.5, pti, p.67. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.267. hermes. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.64. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.264. imbecilis. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.75. Mus. rep. 35. 1884.- p.272. insons. Pal. N. Y. 1884. y.5, ptl, p.59. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.260. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Pterinopecten (continued) intermedius. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.68. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. ‘p.267. laetus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.63. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.263. multiradiatus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. V.0, ptl, p.57. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.259. neptunus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.79. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.275. nodosus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt1, p.60. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.261. proteus. Mus, mem. 3. 1900. p.32. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:32. pumilus. Mus. mem. 3, 1900. p.33. ' Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:38. reflexus. Pal. N. ¥. 1884. v.5, ptl. p.58. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.259. regularis. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.70. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.268. signatus. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.33. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:33. spondylus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.09, pti, p.65. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.265. strictus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.74. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.271. subequilateralis. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.31. Mus. rep. 53. 1909. 223, suborbicularis. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.80. Mus. rep. 365. 1884. p.276. undosus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt1, p.72. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.270. vyertumnus. ‘Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.71. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.269. Pteronites. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.xiii. Geol. rep. 1. 1884. p.14. inoptatus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.239. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.396. profundus. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.237. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.395. ' 625 Pteronites (continued) rostratus. Pal. N. Y¥. 1884. y.b, pti, p.288. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.396. Pterygometopus callicephalus. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.70. eboraceus. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.69. Pterygotus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:416.* cobbi. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:417.* macrophthalmus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:418.* osborni. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:419.* Ptilionella conferta. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.56. nodata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.57. pennitormis. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.56. Ptilocella. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.605. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:605. Ptilodictya. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xix. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.541. rep. 48. 1895. 2:541. Mus. lirata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:38. nebulosa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:40. parallela. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:270. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.54. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.84. plumea. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:271. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.55. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.85. retiformis. Pal. N: Y. 1887. 6:272. scutulata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:272. tenuis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:39. Ptilonaster. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.291. princeps. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.292. Ptilopora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxiv. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.519. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:519. infrequens. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:284. nodosa. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.59. Pale Ne ¥. 188%. 6:285., Geol rep. 10. 1891. p.57. Mus. rep. 44, 1892. p.87. striata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.58. Palen. Ye 188i 62282: Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.56. Mus. rep. 44, 1892. p.86. 626 Ptiloporella. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:704. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.898. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxiv. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.506. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:506. Ptiloporina. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxiv. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.507. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:507. Ptilotrypa. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.542. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:542. Ptychaspis. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.L70. Sp. ? Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.174. granulosa. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.173. miniscaensis. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. pale speciosus. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.131. Ptychodesma. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.192. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, Ds XeXaiXe, knappiana. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.192. knappianum. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.50, pti, p.352. minor. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.353. nanum. p.3538. . Ptychonema. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xiv, 14. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.583. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:583. helderbergiae. Pal. N. Y. 6:15. ? helderbergiae. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.68. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:63. Ptychophyllum floriforme. rep. 35. 1884. p.409. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, 1887. Mus. fulcratum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.410. striatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.426. versiforme. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.426. Ptychopteria. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.xii. Geol..rep. 1. 1884. p.13. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Ptychopteria (continued) alata. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.56, pti, p.139. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.320. beecheri. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.143. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. “p.323. elongata. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.141. Mus. rep. 385. 1884. p.321. eucrate. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5; pti, p.1388. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.316. eudora. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.188. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.319. expansa. Pal. N. Y¥. 1884. y.5, ptl, p.152. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.330. faleata. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pil, p.136. Mus. rep. 385. 1884. p.317. galene. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.142. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.322. gibbosa. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt1, p.149. Mus. rep. 385. 1884. p.327. lata. Pal. N. Youlss4iveovmnls p.145. Mus. rep. 385. 1884. p.325. lobata. Pal, N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt1, p.150. Mus. rep. 385. 1884. p.328. perlata. Pal. N. Y. 1884. yv.5, pti, p.147. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.326. proto. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, — p.129. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.312. salamanea. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.131. Mus. rep. 35. 1884.. p.314. sao. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt1, p.132. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.315. sinuosa. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, ptl, p.180. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.318. ; spatulata. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v5, pti, p.144. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.324. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Ptychopteria (continued) Spio. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt1, pi3sv. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.318. thalia. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.148. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.327. thetis. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pt, p.1385. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.317. trigonalis. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.140. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.320. vanuxemi. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.151. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.329.- Ptychospira. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.112. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. POD: Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.986. Ptylopora. Geol. rep. 4. 1885. p.36. Ptyloporella. Geol. rep. 4. 1885. ; p.36. Ptyloporina. Geol. rep. 4. 1885. p.36. Pugiunculus? aculeatus. 13. 1860. p.107. Pugnax. Geol. rep. 13: 1894. 2:828. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1022. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.202. Pygope. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:877. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1071. Pyrenomoeus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:87. cuneatus. Pal. N. Y¥. 1852. 2:87. Rafinesquina. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.281. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.279. -Mus. rep. 45. 1892. D.595. alternata. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.16. deltoidea. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. Dali Raphistoma. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:28. planistria. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:30. var. parva. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:30. staminea. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:29. ALLigio weal NG Ye IS47. 1:28: Mus. rep. 627 Rastrites. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.64. Pale Nes Yeulsnoroco2le barrandi. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.64. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:521. Receptaculites bursiformis. Geol. rep. 2. 1888. expl. pl.23. infundibuliformis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:290. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.271. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. PAPA monticulatus. Geol. rep. 2. 18838. expl. pl.23. neptunii? Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:68. Geol rep. 14. 1895. p.287. rep. 48. 1895.. 2:287. Mus. oweni. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.284. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:284. subturbinatus. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.108. Remopleurides linguatus. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.56. — tumidus. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.54. Rensselaeria. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:454. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.39. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:385; 1894. Vie, Die. p29. Geol repay ts. 1894, 2:849. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1043. aequiradiata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:255. cayuga. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.370. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:657. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.851. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.370. rep. 48. 1895. 2:370. Mus. cumberlandiae. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:464. elliptica. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:256. intermedia. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:463. é ?johanni. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:385. laevis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:256. marylandica. Pal. N. Y¥. 1859. 3:461. mutabilis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:254. ovalis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:458. ovoides. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:456. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.41. Mus. mem. 8. 1900. p.39. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:39. 628 Rensselaeria (continued) ovolum. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl.75. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.870. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:370. suessana. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.41. Reptaria. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxv. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.599. Mus. rep. 48. 1895, 2:599. nodata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:276. stolonifera. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:274. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.156. Reteograptus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:518. barrandi. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.61. geinitzianus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:518. Reteolites. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:517. Retepora? Geol. rep. 4. 1885. p.35. angulata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:49. asperato-striata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:161. diffusa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:160. fenestrata. Mus. rep. 3. 1850. p.170. ?foliacea. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:78. gracilis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:15. inceptum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:15. Reteporella. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:702. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.896. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.508. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2::508. Reteporina. Geol. rep. 4. 1885. p.35; 14. 1895. p.504. Mus. rep. 48, 1895. 2:504. Reticularia fimbriata. 49.1901. p.165. Retopora n. sp. Geol. rep. 2. 1883. expl. pl.18. Retzia. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:787. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.981. evax. Mus. mem 1. 1889. p.55. ovalis. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.56. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:459. Mus. bul. Mus, rep. 16. 18638. p.53. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.103. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.160. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Retzia (continued) Serpentina. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.54. sobrina. Mus. mem. 1. 1889. p.61. verneuili. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.55. Rhabdosispongia. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.116. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:856. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3 :856. amalthea. Mus. mem, 2, 1898. - p.116. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:856. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:856. condroziana. Mus. mem, 2, 1898. p.149. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. . 2:889. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:889. Rhaetina. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:879. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1073. Rhinidictya. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xx. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.605. rep. 48. 1895. 2:605. Mus. Rhinobolus. Pal. N. Y. 1892. y.8, ptl, p.44. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.239. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.555. davidsoni. Pal. N. Y. 1892. y.8, pti, p.176. Geol, rep. 14. 1895. p.331. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. DEpeoile Rhinocaris. Pal. N. ¥. 1888. 7:lviii. ? bipennis. Geol. rep. 15. 1897. 1:69. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 2:69. Pal. rep. 1900. p.101. capsella. Pal. rep. 1900. p.101. columbina. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:195. Pal. rep. 1900. p.101. var. livonensis. Pal. rep. 1900. p.101. : hamiltoniae. Pal. rep. 1900. p.101. scaphoptera. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:197. Pal. rep. 1900. p.101. veneris. Pal. rep. 1900. p.101. Rhinodictva? granulosa. Pal, N. Y. 1887. 6:40. Rhinopora. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:48. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.540. lus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:540. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Rhinopora (continued) tuberculosa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:170. tubulosa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:49. verrucosa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:48. Rhipidomella. Pal. N. Y. 1892, v.8, ptl, p.208. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. Dail. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.587. oblata. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.58. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:58. vanuxemi. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.161. Rhodocrinus. Mus. rep, 15. 1862. p.125. gracilis. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.127. melissa. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.1389. nodulosus? Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.126. ? rectus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.379. Spinosus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.127. Rhombipora rhombifera. Mus. mem. &3.. 1900. -p.59. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:59. Rhombopora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.550. Mus. rep. 48, i895. 2:550. Rhopalonaria. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.603. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:603. Rhynchonella. Mus. rep. 13. {S60. p.65. IRB IN, Woo USAGE Ghee, Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.270. Fal. Nees S9455 v8.) pt2)) puli7S: Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:822, 823. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1016, 1017. abrupta. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.68. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:228. acinus. Mus. mem. 1. 1889. p.35. acutiplicata. Dale.) eal, INS Yo 1859: 3:232: aequivalvis. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.G6: Palo N. Y. 1859. 3:224. altiplicata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. OU, JERI, IN, Ne, eb. Beeshle Mus. rep. 28! 1879. p.168. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. 629 Rhynchonella (continued) ?alveata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.124. barrandi. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.82. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:442. ? bialveata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. Dafaq) Pally Ne Yec1859has2on: billingsi. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:336. campbellana. Mus. rep. 10, 1857. p.79. Pal..N. Y. 1859. 3:239. carica. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:344. earolina. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:337. congregata. len, ING WG Astor 4:341. eontracta. var. saxatilis. 4:417. cuneata. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.56. dotis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:344. duplicata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:350. eminens. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. joes}, J2BNL IN, WY, Wes. Sai, eximia. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:348. fitchana. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.85. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:441. formosa. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.76. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:236. glans-fagea. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.125. horsfordi. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.87.. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:3389. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:351. Pak N.Y. 1867. inerebescens. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.66. indianensis. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.163. Mus. mem. 1. 1889. p.42. {inequiplicata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.126. inutiles. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.74. BAL ING YG USS Bese. multistriata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.85. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:440. mutabilis. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.66. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:225. neglecta. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.162. Mus. mem. 1. 1889. p.37. nigricans. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.66. nobilis. Palle eNe Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.80. Y. 1859. 3:240. 630 Rhynchonella (continued) nucleolata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.68. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:227. oblata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.86. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:439. obsolescens. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.111. orbicularis. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.88. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:353. planoconvexa. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.75. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:235. pleiopleura. Mus. rep, 10. 1857. p.86. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:440. principalis. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.84. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:448. prolifica. Pal, N. Y. 1867. 4:348. psittacea. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.66. pyramidata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.70. Pal, N. Y. 1859. 3:229. ramsayi. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:446. royana. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:338. rudis. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.75. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:235. saffordii. Mus. rep. 27. 1875. expl. pl.9. sappho. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.87. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:340. var. Pal. N.Y. 1867. 4:354. semiplicata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.65. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:224. septata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:443. speciosa. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.81. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:444. stephani. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:349. stricklandil? Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.165. sulcoplicata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.76. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:236. tennesseensis. Mus. rep. 27. 1875. expl. pl.9. tethys. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:335. transversa. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p. 74. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:284. ?var. Pal. N. Y. 1859. v.3, expl. pl.34. unisuleata. p.125. vellicata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.71. Pal. N.-Y. 1859. 3:230. Mus. rep. 10. 1879. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Rhynchonella (continued) ventricosa. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.78. Pal, N. Y. 1859. 3:238. venustula. Geol. rep. 15. 1897. 1:184. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 2:184. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:346. whitii. -Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.164. Mus. mem. 1. 1889. p.39. Rhynchonellina. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:833. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1027. Rhynchopora. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.210. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:832. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1026. Rhynechora. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:894. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1088. Rhynchorina. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:894. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1088. Rhynechospira. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:218, 484. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.29.. Pal. N. ¥.. 1867 e42ie: Pal. N. Y. 1894. yv.8, pt2, p.108. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:791. Mus. rep. 47, 1894. p.985. deweyi. Pal. Ni Yo i859 ayes. errata. formosa. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.58. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:485, errata. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.30. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:791. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.985. globosa. Pal. N. Yo S59sevess errata. lepida. Mus. rep. 138. 1860. p.83; 15. 1862, p.188. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:276. nobilis. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.83; 15. 1862. p.188. rectirostra. Pal. N. Y. 1859, 3:485, errata. scansa. Pal. N. Y. 1894. y.8, pt2, p-111. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.3860. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:360. subglobosa. Pal. N. Y¥. 1867. 4:421. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Rhynchotrema. Pal. N: Y. 1894. y.8, pt2, p.182. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:825. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1019. Rhynchotreta. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p-166. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.185. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:825. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1019. cuneala var. americana. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.167. Mus. mem. 1, 1889. p.47. Rhynobolus sp.? 1873. expl. pl.12. Richthofenia. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.815. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. | 2:905. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p. 1099. Roemerella. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pile piZo, 137, Geol: rep. 11. 1892. p.257. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. Mus. rep. 23. p.573. Roemerispongia. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.67. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:807. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:807. zerolsteinensis. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.67. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:807. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:807. Romingerina. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.265. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:855. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p. 1049. Rusophycus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. Deo bilobatus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:24. clavatus: Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:28. pudieus: Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:24. subangularis. lee ING G5 SE, Qeeo. Saccocrinus. Teele Nis Ga ue alse 2:205. christyi. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. Date speciosus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:205. Sagenella. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:172. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.597. rep. 48. 1895. 2:597. Mus. 631 Sagenella (continued) elegans. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.118. membranacea. Pal. N. Y. 1852. Pag, Sandbergeroceras. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.105. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. POD syngonum. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.106. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:106. Sanguinolites. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, leslie ?subtruneatus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. Wea, jOdl, 435i er- ?undulatus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.508. Sauripteris. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.282. taylori. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.282, Sealaripora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxi. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.5382. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:532. scalariformis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:100. subeconeaya. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:100. Sealites angulatus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. Ne Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842, DoL2. Scaphiocoelia. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.275. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:857. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1051. Scaphiocrinus aegina. Mus. rep. 17. 1864. p.57. lyriope. Mus. rep. 17. 1864. p.58. subcarinatus. Mus. rep. 17. 1864. p.58. subtortuosus. Mus. rep. 17. 1864. p.59. Scenellopora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.593. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:598. Scenidium. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.241. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.276. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.592. 682) Scenophyllum. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.210. Sceptropora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.548. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:548. Schizambon. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.113. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.2538. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.569. Schizobolus. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.87. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.246. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.562. truncatus. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.157. Schizocrania. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.142. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.259. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. ‘p.575. ?helderbergia. Pal. N. Y. 1802. v.8, pti, p.179. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.334. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:334. schucherti. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.x, pti, p.179. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.334. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2::3384. Sehizoecrinus. Pal. N. ¥. 187. 1:81. ? Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:86. nodosus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:81. striatus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:316. Schizodiscus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:)xii. capsa. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:207. Schizodus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p-XXXI1X. sp. undet. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, expl. pl.95. aequalis. Pal. N. ¥. i885: v.5, pti, p.459. appressus. pti, p.449. chemungensis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.453. var. quadrangularis. 1885. v.5, pti, p.454. contractus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.451. euneus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.458. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, Pal. N. Y. Schmidtella crassimarginata. NEW YORK STATH MUSEUM Schizodus (continued) . degener. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, ptl, p.456. ellipticus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.450. eminens. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.457. ?fissa. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.447. : gregarius. Pal, N. Y. 1885. y.5, _ ptl, p.452, oblatus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, pti, p.455.- 'patulus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.457, rhombeus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.452. tumidus. Pal, Ne YeelsSSaamaves pti, p.448. Schizopholis. Pal. N. Y., 1892, v.8, pti, p.94. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.248. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.564. Schizophoria. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.211. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.272. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.588. Schizotreta. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v8, pt, p.120, 185. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.257. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.573. conica. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, expl. pl.4F. papilliformis. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.570. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.75. Schmidtia.: Pal. N>> % 1sS2yesem pti, p.83. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.244. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.560. Schoenophyllum. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.214. ; aggregatum. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.215. Schyphocrinus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:85. heterocostalis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:85. Scolithus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:2. linearis. Pal, N. Y. 1847. 1:2. verticalis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:6. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Selenella. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.265. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:855. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1049. gracilis. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.s70. -Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.s71. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. Mesa Selenopora. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. ples. Pal N. Y¥. 1887. 6:xvii. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.557. rep. 48. 1895. 2:557. Semicoscinium. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:705. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.899. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.509. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2::509. Seminula. Pal, N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.98. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:781. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.975. Mus. dawsoni. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.364. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:652. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.846. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.359. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:359. rogersi. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.364. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:boile Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.845. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.359. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:359. Semiopora. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.51. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxii. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.535. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:535. bistigmata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.51. PaloN. Y. 1887. 6:262: Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.52. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.82. Septopora. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. PT PANS Mus. rep.. 47. 1894. p.915. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.514. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:514. Serpulites murchisoni. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.136. Sieberella. Pal. N. Y. 1894. y.8, pt2, p.241. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:845. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1039. 633 Sieberella (continued) roemeri. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl.72. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.370. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:370. Sigillaria chemungensis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.275. simplicitas. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.190. Siphonotreta. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.110. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.252. Mus. rep. 45, 1892. p.568. minnesotensis. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.14. ? minnesotensis. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.177. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.882. Mus. rep. 48. 1895.. 23332. Skenidium. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.70. insignis. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.70. Smithia johanni. Mus. rep. 23. 1873. p.234. multiradiata. Mus. rep. 23. 1873. p.234. Solemya. Pal, N. Y. 1885. v.5. pti, p.xli. vetusta. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pt1, p.463. Solen siliquodiae. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, ptl, p.483. Spathella. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p. xxiii. typica. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.407. , ventricosa. Pal. N. Y. 1885. yv.5, pti, p.408. Spathiocaris. Jebil, TN, Near iletsisi- Tlvill. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.606-15. emersoni. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:199. Sphaerexochus mirus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.334. romingeri. Mus. rep. 20. 1867 D375. Sphaerocoryphe major. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.67. Sphaerocystites. 3:130, 151. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 634 Sphaerocystites (continued) multifasciatus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:1380. Sphaerodictya. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.766. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:766. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:766. Sphaeroma. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.433. bumastiformis. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.3890, 434. Sphenopteris laxus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.274. Sphenothallus. alaNee Yer vs4ie 1:261. angustifolius. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:261. Geol. rep. 15. 1897. v.1, expl. pl.4. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. - y.2, expl. pl.4. latifolius. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:262. Sphenotus. Pal. pti, p.xxiii. N. Y. 1885. v.65, aeolus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.404. arcaeformis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.395. ?arcuatus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.400. clavulus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.401. econtractus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, | pti, p.399. cuneatus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.396. flavius. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.403. rigidus. Pal. N, Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.402. Signatus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.405. solenoides. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.398. sSubtortuosus. Pal.-N. Y. 1885. v.5, ptl, p.397. ; telamon. 12BIL IN, YZ, ISS, Aa ptl, p.406. truncatus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.65, pti, p.394. ?undatus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.5, pti, p.506. NEW YORK STATH MUSEUM Sphenotus (continued) valvulus. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, pti, p.403. Sphragiopora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.594. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:594. Spirifer. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.l. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:751. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.945. ? Pal, N. Y. 1852. 2:66, 327. sp. ? Geol. rep. 2. 1883. expl. pl.51, 58, 61. : acuminatus. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.135. angusta. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.164. arata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.161. arctisegmentus. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.131. arenosus. ‘Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3-425. Mus. mem, 3. 1900. p.46. rep. 53. 1900. 2:46. Mus. arrectus. Pal. N. Y¥. 1859. 3:422. bicostatus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:263. var. petilus. Mus, mem. 1. 1889. p.75. biforatus- var. lynx. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:65. bilobus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:260. canandaiguae. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.360. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:648. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.842. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.355. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:355. capax. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.32. Mus. rep. 43. 1890. p.234. earteri. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.170. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.31. Mus. rep. 48. 1890. p.233. clintoni. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.157. clio: Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.94. concinna. Mus: rep. 10 asa p.60. concinnus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:200. corticosa. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.160. crispatus. Pal. N. Y. 1894. yv.8, pt2, p.860. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:648. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.842. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.355. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:355. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS 635 Spirifer (continued) erispus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:262; 3828. Mus. mem. 1. 1889. p.75. var. Simplex. Mus. mem. 1. 1889. p.75. cumberlandiae. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.638. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:421. : eycloptera. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. > p.58. eyclopterus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:199. disjunectus var. sulcifer. Pal. N. Y. 1894. y.8, pt2, p.361. Geol. rep. 13. 1894..2:649. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.843. Geol. rep. i4. 1895. p.356. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:356. disparilis. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.134. divaricatus. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.1838. dubius. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.90. eatoni. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.157. formosa. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.154. fornacula. p.154. fornax. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.155. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. granulifera. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.163. gregaria. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. Ona grieri. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.127. hannibalensis. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.3l1. Mus. rep. 43. 1890. p.233. cf. hirtus. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl.84. intermedius. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:424. keokuk var.? Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl.37. macra. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.134. macropleurus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:202. ; macrothyris. Mus, rep. 10. 1857. p.132. manni. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.128. marcyi. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.158. Spirifer (continued) medialis. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.164. modesta. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.61. modestus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:203. mucronatus. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.165. var. posterus. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.3861. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:649. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.843. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.356. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:356. multistriatus. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.59. murchisoni. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.46. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:46. newberryi. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.862. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:649. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p. 843. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.857. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:357. niagarensis. Palts INSU Yenel S52: 2 :264. octocostata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.62. octocostatus. 1eENG INO YG, SHS). 3:205. i et oweni. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.129. ?perforatus. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.60. perlamellosa. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.57. perlamellosus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:201. pertenuis. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.163. pyramidalis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:266, pyxidatus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:428. radiatus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:66, 265. Mus. mem. 1. 1889, p.77. saffordi. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:203. Mus. mem. 8. 1900. p.48. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:48. segmentus. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.131. 636 Spirifer (continued) semiplicata. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.111. submucronatus. Mus. rep. 10. 185%, pi62. =Pall IN, war 1859: 3:419. subumbona. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.165. 2 sulcatus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:261. tenuis. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.162. tenuistriatus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:204. textus. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.169. tribulis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:420. vanuxemi, Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:198. varicosus. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.180. ventricosa. Mus. rep. 10. ‘857. p.57. venustus. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.82; 15. 1862. p.187. williamsi. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.361. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:649. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.848. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.856. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:356. wortheni. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.156. : Spirifera. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:186. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.251. acuminata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:198, 234. alta. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:248. angusta. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:280. arata. Pal. N. Y. 1867, 4:235. arctisegmenta. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:208. corticosa. Pal. N. Y. 1867. +4:236. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p. 157. Mus. rep. 28. erispa. var. simplex. 1879. p.157. eyrtinaformis. Mus. rep. 23. 18738. p.238. disjuncta. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:243. disparalis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:204. divaricata. Pal. ~N: Y.~ 1867. 4:213. duodenaria. Pal, N. Y. 1867. 4:189. duplicata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:236. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Spirifera (continued) eudora. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.3703 28. 1879. p.156. euruteines. Pal. 4:209. var. fornacula. 4:211. fimbriata. formosa. N. Yoo t86ge Pal. N. Y. 1867. Pal, N. Y. 1867. 4:214. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:220. gibbosa. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.370. granulifera. Pal, N. Y. 1867. 4:2238. gregaria. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:195. grieri. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:194. laevis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:239. macra. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:190. macronota. Pal. N. Y. 1867. AED ile macrothyris. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:202. maia. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:416. manni. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:211. marcyi. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:226. medialis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:227. var. eatoni. Pal. N. Y. 1867: 4.:229, ; mesacostalis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:240, mesastrialis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. AAP Adie meta. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.372. mucronata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:216. newberryi. Geol. rep. 2. 1883. expl. pl.56. nobilis. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.3872. orestes. Mus. rep, 23. 1873. p.237. oweni. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:197. pertenuis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:236. plicatella var. radiata. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.871. praematura. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:250. radiata. Mus. rep. 27. 1875. expl. pl.9; 28. 1879. p.157. raricosta. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:192. rostellum. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.182. seulptilis. segmenta. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:221. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:207. ai all INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Spirifera (continued) subumbona. Pal, N. Y. 1867. 4:234. subvaricosa. Mus. rep. 23. 1873. | p.237. tenuis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:236. trapezoidalis. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.183. tullia.. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:218. ~ unica. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:208. yaricosa. Pal. N. Y. 1867, 4:205. var. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:206. whitneyi. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:417. ziezac. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:222. Spiriferina. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.51. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:764. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.958. Spirigera spiriferoides. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.153. Spirigerella. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.98. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:782. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.976. Spirodomus insignis. Mus. rep. 39. 1886. p.162. Spirophyton. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.78. eauda-galli. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.79. crassum. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.83. typum. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.80. velum. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.80. Spirorbis sp. Mus. buh 49. 1901. p.155. angulatus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.112. assimilis. Mus. mem. 38. 1900. p.26. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:26. cincinnatiensis. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. 7), p.17. jnornatus. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.181. laxus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:349. Spondylobolus. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.133. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p.85. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.245. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.561. Spyroceras cf. anellus. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.39. 637 Spyroceras (continued) bilineatum. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.39. Stellipora. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:79. antheloidea. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:79. Stenocisma. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:335. Stenopora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.583. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:583. Stenoschisma. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.187. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:826. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1020. Stephanocrinus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. DOT angulatus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:212, Spe gemmiformis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:215. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.146. Stereolasma. Mus. bul. 89. 1900. p.205. rectum. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.154. Stictocella. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.532. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. Qi Stictopora. PAINS YS WStieeeleiior Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.122. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xx.- Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.48; 14. 1895. p.605. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:605. Sp.? Mus. mem. 38. 1900. p.60. Mus. rep. 58. 1900. 2:60. sp. Mus. bul, 49. 1901. p.156. ?acuta. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:74. alternata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. v.6, expl. pl.23A. angularis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:252. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.46. Mus. rep. 44, 1892. p.76. bifureata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:254. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.47. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.77. claviformis. Pall aN Yo 488i 6:269. crassa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:45. crenulata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.44. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:252. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.45. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.75. 638 Stictopora (continued) cerescens. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl.27. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:91. (s. g.?) dichotoma. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.48, divergens. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:257. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.49. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.79. elegantula. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:75. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.13. fenestrata. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:16. fruticosa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:92. gilberti. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:90. glomerata. Pal. N. Y. 1847, 1:17. granatula. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:38. granifera. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.45. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:257. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.49. Mus. rep. 44, 1892. p.79. incisurata. Geol. TOs, IRL, ING 3G incrassata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.47. Pal. N. ¥. 1887. 6:249, Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.43. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.73. rep. 3. 1884. 1887. 6.241. indenta. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.40. interstriata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. D4, ~ Jail, ING. Ws WSS7, La, | Geol, rep. 10. 1891. p.51. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.81. invertis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:94. labyrinthica. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:50. limata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:250. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.44. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.74. linearis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:96. ” lobata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:256. multipora. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.43. obliqua. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.39. obsoleta. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:37. ovata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:248. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.48. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.73. ; ovatipora. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:93. palmipes. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.41. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:255. Geoi. rep. 10. 1891. p.48. Mus. rep. 44, 1892. p.78. | NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Stictopora (continued) papillosa. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.161. Pal. N. Y¥.-1887. 6:37: perarcta. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:96. permarginata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.46. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:258. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.50. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.80. punctipora. Pal. N.-s¥e alsa24 Poly ramosa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:51. raripora. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:46. recta. Pal. N. Y¥. I88%eGe2as: Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.47. Mus. rep, 44. 1892. p.77. rectalinea. Pal. N.Y. 1887. 6:245. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.40. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.70. rectilatera. Geol, rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl.27. recubans. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:260. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.51. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.81. rhomboidea. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:95. rigida. Pal. N. ¥. 1887. 6:91. scitula. Pal. N. Y. 1887. v.6, expl. pl.61. ? scutulata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.47. semistriata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:95. similis. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.122. sinuosa. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.42. Pal, N. Y. 1887. 6:247.. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.42. Mus. rep. 44, 1892. p.72. striata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:246. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.42. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.72. subearinata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:261. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.52. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.82. subrigida. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.43. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:251. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.45. Mus. rep. 44, 1892. p.75. trilineata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:2438. ?triserialis. Geol. rep. 2. 1883. expl. pl.25. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Stictopora (continued) tumulosa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:246. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.41. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.71. vermicula. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expla plom Pal N. YY. W188i 6:98. Stictoporella. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. -p.5385. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:535. Stictoporina. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xx. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.532. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:532. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.548. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:5438. Stomatopora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.o97. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:597. ?alternata. Mus. rep. 23. 1873. p.235. erratica. Mus. rep. 23. 1873. p.226. inflata. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.12. Straparollus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.54. mopsus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.342. Streblotrypa. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.551. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:551. Streptelasma. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xi. aequidistans. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.424, ampliatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.423. borealis. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p. 106. ealicula. - Pal. N, ¥. 1852. 2:11. coarctatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.425. conspicuum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.423. corniculum. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.10. erateriforme. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.424, dissimile. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.421. ?exstans. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.409. fossula. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.423. inflatum.. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. J p.422, Streptorhynchus. 639 Streptelasma (continued) involutum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.424. lamellatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.421. laterarium. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.422. limitare. Mus. rep. 385. 1884. p.409. mammiferum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.425. papillatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.425. radicans. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p. 106. simplex. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.422. stricta. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.114. Sieneunads; Je IN, C5 TUSSI. (Gell Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.300. Mus. tep. 48. 1895. 2:300. tenue. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.421. ungula. Ill, Dev. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl.19. Streptis. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.274. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.289. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.605. waldronensis. Mus. mem. 1. 1889. p.30. Streptoplasma. Pal. N. Y. 1847. Ui, corniculum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:69. erassa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:70. expansa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:17. multilamellosa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:70. parvula. profunda. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:71. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:49. Mus. rep. 16. Uses, TOG, IBN IN, wo Wee 4:64; 1892. v.8, ptl, p.267. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.288. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.604. sp.? Geol. rep. 2. 1883. expl. pl.42. alternata. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.112. arctostriata. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. pi12°* Pal. N. Y. 1867.,4:71. 640 NEW YORK STATE MUSHUM Streptorhynchus (continued) biloba. Geol. rep. 2. 1883. expl. pl.41. chemungensis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:67. pandora. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:68. pectinacea. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:78. perversa. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:72. subplana. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.151. subplanum. Mus. mem. 1. 1889. p23. : tenuis. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.150. ulrichi. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt1, p.351. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.350. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:350. Striatopora. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:156; 1887. 6:xii. flexuosa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:156. issa. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.114; 82. 1879. p.144. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:6. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.305. Mus. rep. 48. 1895, 2:3805. Stricklandinia. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:369. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.160. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.249. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:847. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1041. chapmani. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl.83. Stringocephalus. Pal. N. Y. 1894. y.8, pt2, p.282. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:867. ‘Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1061. Strobilepis. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:Ixiii. Sspinigera. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:212. Stromatocerium. 1:48. tugosum. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:48. Stromatopora. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:135. concentrica. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:136, 325. 5 constellata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:324, expansa. Mus. rep. 23. 1878. p.226. incrustans. Mus. rep. 23. 1878. p.227. bot) ee Qo a Stromatopora (continued) nodulata? Mus. rep. 35. 1884. expl. pl.16. solidula. Mus. rep. 23. 1878. p.227. Strombodes. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. tab. 49. distortus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.210. helianthoides? Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.209. ?rectus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.210. simplex. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.210. Strophalosia. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:146, 1538. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.245. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, — p.314. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.295. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.611. ep. Pal. N. Y. 1892; >ys5epeis expl. pl.15B. cymbula. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, expl. pl17A. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.355. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2) BSI), rockfordensis. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v8, pti, p.3858. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.853. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:358. truncata. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.160. Stropheodonta. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:63; 1892. v.8, ptl, p.284. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.280. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.596. inaequistriata. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.158. ae lincklaeni. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.52. ‘Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:52. perplana. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.158. : prisca. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:63. textilis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:327. Strophodonta. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.65. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:78. alveata. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.36. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:81. ampla. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:98. a ae INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Strophodonta (continued) beckii. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:191. eallosa. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.36. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:82. vor. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:83. eanace. Mus. rep. 23. 1873. p.236. eayumbona. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:187, ‘cayuta. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:110. eoelata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:112. eoneava. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:96. erebristriata. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. Diotea eal IN. Y. 1867. 4:86: demissa. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:81, 107, 114. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. | expl. pl.22. geniculata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:483. headleyana. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:185. hemispherica. Pal. N. Y. 1867. - 4:90. hybrida. Mus. rep. 23. 1873. p.239. inequiradiata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:87. inequistriata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:93, 106. intermedia. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3 :482. junia. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:423. leavenworthana. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:189. lincklaeni. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:415. magnifica. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:414, 482. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. expl. pl.22. magniventra. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:411. mucronata. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:111. macrea. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:104. parva. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.37. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:85. patersoni. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:89. perplana. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:92, 98. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. expl. pl.22. var. Nervosa. 4:113. planulata. BalyN. 1867. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:184. 641 Strophodonta (continued) plicata. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.90. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:114. profunda. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.369. Mus. rep. 28, 1879. p.151. punctulifera. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:188. reversa. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. expl. pl.22. striata. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.152. subdemissa. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:114, 415. textilis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:108. varistriata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:180. vor, arata. Pal. N. -Y. 1859. 3:183. vascularia. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:412. Strophomena. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. OMG | JERI, IN, No alist, eens Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.245. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.288. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.599. ? Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.403. acutiradiata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.171. alternata. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.395. Mus. rep. 385. 1884. expl. pl.22. ampla. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.111. arctostriata. _Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.266. beckii. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.52. bifureata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.266. cavumbona. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.b1. concava. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.115, 140. conradi. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:194; 1892. v.8, ptl, p.344. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.843. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:348. cornuta. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.73. corrugata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.73. crenistria. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.171. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.111. 642 NEW YORK Strophomena (continued) deltoidea. p.389; pt3. 1842. p.46. demissa. Mus. p.137. depressa. p.79; pt4. 1848. p.104. var. ventricosa. 1857. p.55. elegantula. p.73. fragilis. p.143. gibbosa. headleyana. p.49. hemispherica. p.113. Mus. rep. 10. Pal. rep. 1841. p.5+4. inequiradiata. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.1138. inequistriata. 1843. p.201. p.142. interstrialis. Geol. 1842. p.174; pt4. 1843. p.267. Geol. ithacaensis. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.174. laevis. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.385. leavenworthana. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.53. lincklaeni. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. D.55. lineata. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.139. magnifica. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.o4. magniventra. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.b4. membranacea. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.179. mucronata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.181. nacrea. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.144. nasuta. ~Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.408. nervosa. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.266. patersoni. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.114. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. rep. 10. 1857. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. Mus. rep. 10. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. 1857. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. IN YS- 1pta: Mus. rep. 10. 1857. IN 5) 7OUB}, STATH MUSEUM Strophomena (continued) pectinacea. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.266. punctulifera. Geol.) Ne DYeuspise 1842. p.122. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.50. pustulosa. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.181. radiata. Geol. N. Y. pt3. 1842. p.122. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.50- Pal, N. Y. 1859. 3:193. rhomboidalis. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:76. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.1513 35. 1884. expl. pl.22. Mus. mem. 1. 1889. p.18. rhomboidalis? Pal. N. Y. 1807. 4:414, rugosa. Pal. N. W. 1859s 7seioas Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.284. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.600. var. ventricosa. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3: 417. sericea. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.394. setigera. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.180. striata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.104. subdemissa. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.145. subplana. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.104. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.68. textilis. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.141. transversalis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.105. undulatus. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.139. undulosa. Pal. rep. 1841. p.54. winchelli. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.344. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.344. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:344. woolworthana. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.48. Pal. N. Y. 1859, 3:192- Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.62. Strophonella. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.153. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt1, p.290. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.282. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.598. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS Strophonella (continued) costatula. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.859. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:647. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.841. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.354. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:354. sSemifasciata. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.154. striata. Mus. mem. 1. 1889. p.25. Strophostylus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:303. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.21. andrewsi. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:472. eyclostoma var. disjunctus. Mus. rep. 28, 1879. p.177. eyclostomus. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.176. depressus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:306. elegans. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:304. expansus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:470. Mus. mem, 3. 1900. p.30. Mus. rep. 538. 1900. 2:30. sC@hie eal. IN. Ye. 1859. 3:306: globosus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:305. matheri. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:471. obtusus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:305. ?rotundatus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:307. transversus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:470. unica. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.41. unicus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.30. varians. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gas- tropoda. 1876, expl. pl.11. Pal. I, Ye SESS Wea, TOUS Osaule Strotopora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.560. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:560. Styliola. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.175. fissurella. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.178. obtusa. Pal. N. Y. 1879. y.5, pt2, p.182. spica. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.7. Styliolina fissurella. 1901. p. 170. Mus. bul. 49. OF FOSSILS 643 Stylonlurus. Mus. rep. 36. 1883. Daliveee al sNee You SS Sen lie excelsior. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:158, PAL ?wrightianus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:160. Subulites. Pal. N. Y. 1847, 1:182. abbreviata. Mus. rep. 3. 1850. p.172. elongata. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.392. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:182. ventricosa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:347. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.346. Suessia. Geol. rep. 13. i894. 2:765. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.959. Synaptophyllum. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.212. baculoideum. Mus. ‘pul. 39. 1900. p.213. segregatum. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.213. Synbathocrinus oweni. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.111. Synocladia. Geol. rep. 4. 1885. p.373 13. 1894. 2:720. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.914. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.513. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. Z7ol3 Sis IPR ING ON iletso THe, Gaxio)! pl.22. Syntrophia. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.216. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:836.- Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1030. Syringopora. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:118, multicaulis. Pal. N, Y: 1852. PNT) Syringostroma barretti. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.296. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:296. ecentrotum. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.293. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:293. consimile. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.297. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:297. foveolatum. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.295. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:295. 644 Syringostroma (continued) microporum. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.296. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:296. Syringothyris. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.47. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.28. Mus. rep. 43. 1890. p.2380. alta. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.35. Mus. rep. 48. 1890. p.237. angulata. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.32. Mus. rep. 48. 1890. p.234. earteri. Geol. rep. 9. 1889. p.30. Mus. rep. 43. 1890. p.232. cuspidata. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.s2. Mus. rep. 438. 1890. p.23+. extenuata. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.33. Mus. rep. 43. 1890. p.235. gigas. - Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.382. Mus. rep. 43. 1890. p.235. herricki, Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.36. Mus. rep. 43. 1890. p.238. missouri. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.50, 368. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:650. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.844. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.358. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:358. ?plena. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.37. Mus. rep. 48. 1890. p.239. randalli. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.36. Mus. rep. 48. 1890. p.238. texta. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.34. Mus. rep. 48. 1890. p.236. typa. Geol. rep. 9. 1890. p.31. Mus. rep. 438. 1890. p.283. Taeniaster. Mus. 20. 1867. p.300: Taeniodictya. p.d33. Mus. 2:533. Taeniopora. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.49. alee Ne Ye lS Siem oe xexc ase GeO) rep. 14. 1895. p.588. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:538. exigua. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.49. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:263. Taxocrinus sp. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.285. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:285. rep. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. rep. 48. 1895. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Technocrinus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. — 3:189. andrewsi. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:141. sculptus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:143. Spinulosus. Pal. N. Y¥. 1859. 3:140. striatus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:142. Technophorus cancellatus. © Mus. bul. 42. 1901. p.572. Tectulipora. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:715. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.909. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.511. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:511. Tectuliporella. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:715. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.909. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.510. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:510. Tellina ?0vata. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. p.197. Tellinomya. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:151. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.182. anatiniformis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:154. eurta. Pal. N. Y. 1852: 2:86. dubia. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:153. elliptica. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:102. fequilatera. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:330-. gibbosa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:158. lata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:85. machaeriformis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:85. nausuta. Pal.N. Y. 1847. 1:152. pucleiformis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3 263. pectunculoides. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.228. sanguinolaroidea. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:152. subnasuta. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.191. ; Tellinopsis. Pal. N. Y. 1885. v.65, Dele peoxdiy : subemarginata. Pal. N. Y. 1885. y.5, pti, p.464. : Tentaculites. Pal. N. Y. 1879. yv.5, -pt2, p.155. Geola NaN pt2. 1842. p.404. acula. Pal. N. Y. 1888. y.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.6. ?acus. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.28. Mus. rep. 538. 1900. 2:28. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Tentaculites (continued) arenosa. Ill. Dev. Foss. tropoda. 1876. expl. pl.26. Gas- arenosus. Pal, N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.166. -attenuatus. Ill. Dey. Foss. Gas- tropoda. 1876. expl. pl.26. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.170. bellulus. Il, Dev. Foss. tropoda. 1876. expl. pl.26. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.169. dexithea. Pal. N.Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.6. distans. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:184. elongatus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:136; 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.6. Mus. mem. 8. 1900. p.27. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:27. Gas- Pal. fissurella. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.182. flexuosa. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:92, 284, gracilistriatus. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.173. gyracanthus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. y.3, errata; 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=), p.5. irregularis. Pal. N. Y. 1859. DealByrie minutus. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. Dai eal Nee Ye, 18525 25183: 1888. v.5; pt2, suppl. (= 0) p.d. niagarensis. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2::352. var. cumberlandiae var. nov. alee Nee SSS anveo.s be suppl. (=7), p.5. ornatus. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.112. richmondensis. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (=7), p.17. sealariformis. Il]. Dey. Foss. Gas- tropoda. 1876. expl. pl.26. Pal. NEYO veo. Die. Dul6n= 188s! v.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.6. sealaris. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. p.173. spiculus. Ill. Dev. Foss. Gas- tropoda. 1876. expl. pl.26. Pal. INES OO ove, Dts, sn. 645 Tentaculites (continued) sterlingensis. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (7), p.17. Terataspis. Mus, rep. 16. 1863. p.223. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:xxxviii. grandis. Geol. rep. 10. 1891. expl. pl.87. Mus. rep. 44, 1892. p.111. Terebratalia. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:887. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1081. Terebratella. 2:889. p.1083. Terebratula. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:386, 421. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:874. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1068. elia. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:390. harmonia. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:388. jucunda. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:390. laticosta. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1843. tab.66. lens. Mus. rep. 138. 1860. p.89. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:386. lincklaeni. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.88. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:423. “var, Pal. N, Y. 1867. 4:418. 1894. 1894. Geol. rep. 138. Mus. rep. 47. michelini. Pal. N. Y. 1892. y.8, pti, p.208. navicella. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:391. ontario. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:418. planirostra. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.89. rectirostra. Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.88. roemingeri. Pal. N. Y. i867: 4:389. salteri. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.56. simulator. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:391. sullivanti. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:387. Terebratulina. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:872. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1066. Terebratuloidea. Pal. N. Y. 1894. y.8, pt2, p.208. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:831. Mus. rep. 47: 1894. p.1025. Tetractinella. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:788. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.977. 646 Tetradium cellulosum. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.10. ontario. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. expl. pl.16. Thaleops. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:259. oyata. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.62. ovatus. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:259, 318. Thallostigma confertipora. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.19. decipiens. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.29. densa. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.25. digitata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.24. inclusapora. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.33. longimacula. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.23. micropora. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.26. multaculeata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.23. plana. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.30. scrobiculata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.20. Segregata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.27. serrulata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.20. spheroidea. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. [OBlks striata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.28. subtilis. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.30. triangularis. Geol. rep. 8. 1884. Doze umbilicata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.22. variapora. Geol. rep. 8. 1884. p.18. Thamniscus. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxii. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.524. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2 524. ?cisseis. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.176. Pal. N. Y¥. 1887. 6:42. fruticella. Mus. rep. 82. 1879. p.176. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:42. multiramus. Pal. N. Y, 1887. 6:104. nanus. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:292. niagarensis. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.126. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Thamniscus (continued) nysa. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.175. var. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.176. Geol. rep. 2. 1883. expl. pl.22. ?nysa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:43. pauciramus. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p60) “Pall Ne Ye A88ieeG-2nee Geol. rep. 10. 1891. p.55. Mus. rep. 44. 1892. p.85. variolata. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. pllvo. BaliNe Yeulssieeoroe Thamnocella. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.525. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:525. ; Thamnocladus. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. p.595. clarkei. Mus. bul. 52. 1902: p.596-99. Thamnodictya. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.466. Mus, mem. 2. 1899. p.160. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.352. Mus rep. 50. 1899. 2:352. newberryi. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.477. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p.161. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.353. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:353. ortoni. Mus. mem. 2. 1899. p.162. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.354. Mus rep. 50. 1899. 2:354. Thamnograptus. Pal.-N. Y. 1859. 3:519. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.62. capillaris. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:520. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.63. typus. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:519. Mus. rep. 18. 1860. p.62. Thamnotrypa. Pal. N. Y. i887. (GisXexals Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.546. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2546. divarcata. Pal, N. Y. 1887. 6:101. Theca ligea. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.62. 4 primordialis. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.135. ?triangularis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. HE Sileee Thecidea. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:897. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1091. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Thecidella. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:899. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1098. Thecidiopsis. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:899. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1098. Thecocyrtella. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:765. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.959. Theeospira. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:821. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. _ p.1015. Thoracoceras wilsoni. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.126. Thysanocrinus. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:188. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.125. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:190. Pale Neen lool: aculeatus. eanaliculatus. 2:189. immaturus. Pal. 22191. liliiformis. Thysanodictya. p.125. Geol. rep. 15. 2.865. Mus. rep. 49. 3:865. apleta. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:875. rep. 49. 1898. 3:875. edwin-halli. ING as Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:866. expansa. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.154. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.346. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:346. hermenia. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. Dalss: Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:873. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:873, johnstoni. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.130. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:870. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:870. poecilus. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p27. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:867. Mus. rep. 49. 1898S. 3:867. quasillum. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.131. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:871. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:871. 1852. Pall iNe Y. 1852. 2188: Mus. mem. 2. 1898. 1898. 1898. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.185. Mus. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.126. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:866. 647 Thysanodictya (continued) randalli. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.129. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:869. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:869. rudis. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.128. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:868. rep. 49. 1898. 3:868. Mus. saccus. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.130. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:870. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:870. scyphina. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.132. Geol. rep. 15. i898. 2:872. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:872. turricula. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.135. Geol. rep. 15. 1898. 2:875. Mus. rep. 49. 1898. 3:875. Tomasina. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.65. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p. 231. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.547. Tornoceras. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.109. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:109. bicostatum. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.118. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:118. peractum. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.118. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:118. rhysum. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.121. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:121. uniangulare. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.111. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. lalate var. compressum. 16. 1899. p.116. Geol. rep. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:116. var. obesum, Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.116. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:116. Torynifer. Pal. N. Y .1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl.84. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. p. 948. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. Dalle criticus. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl.84. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.309. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:359. Tremanotus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.347. 648 NEW YORK STATH MUSEUM Tremanotus (continued) alpheus. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.347. Trematella. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. PL: teal Nae ISSiemGesivc Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.550. Mus. rep. 48, 1895. 2:550. glomerata. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl.25. Trematis. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.138. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.258. Mus. rep. 45. i892. por. sp. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, expl. pl.4G. millepunctata. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.221. punctostriata. Mus. rep. 23. 1873. p.243. ?pustulosa. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.222. rudis. Mus. rep. 23. 1878. p.248. Trematobolus. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.252. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.568. Trematocrinus spinigerus. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.128. Trematopora. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:149; 1887. 6:xiv. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.591. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:591. ?2sp. indet. Geol. rep. 2. 1883. expl. pl.25. 2indet. Pal. N. Y. 1887. v.6, expl. pl.22. annulata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:69. arborea. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:69. aspera. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:154. bispinulata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:182. camerata. Geol. rep. 2. 1883. expl. pl.24. canaliculata. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. Delole eal Nem Ye 1S Siren Geilire carinata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:179. claviformis. p.12. coalescens. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:150. constricta. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p. 104. ' Geol. rep. 3. 1884. Trematopora (continued) ? constricta. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.150. corticosa. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.105. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:15. crassa. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.152. densa. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.105; 82. 1879. p.150. dispersa. Mus. rep. 382. 1879. = S150} echinata. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.112. elongata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:183. glomerata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:70. granifera. Pal, N. Y. 1887. 6:186. granilinea. Pal. N. Y. 1887. v.6, expl. pl.23. granistriata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.13. granulifera. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:154. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. ~ p.112. : hexagona. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:178. immersa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:185. infrequens. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.111. interplana. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:186. lineata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:181. maculosa. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.L06. minuta. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.1138. nodosa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:176, expl. pl.238. orbipora. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.12. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:188. ornata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:184. osculum. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. Dalal: ostiolata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:152. ovatipora. Mus. rep. 382. 1879. p.151. Pali N: 3. SSsieGelie parallela. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.152. Pal. N. Y.-1887. 6:19. perspinulata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p-li. Pal: N: YoAS8i-aGalias polygona. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.9. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:176. ponderosa. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.106. punetata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:151. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS 649 Trematopora (continued) regularis. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.106; 32. 1879. p.151. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:16, 71. reticulata. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:179. rhombifera. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p.103; 32. 1879. p.152. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:18, 71. scutulata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.7. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:70. signatus. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. p. 104. 5 solida. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:153. sparsa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:155. spiculata. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.114. spinulosa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:155. striata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:153. subquadrata. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. Doiceetaale New. 1887. 60%. tortalinea. Geol. rep. 3. 1884.. pads = Rall N. ¥. 1887. 6:180: Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.156. transversa. Geol. rep. 3. 1884. p.8. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:187. tuberculosa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:149. tubulosa. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:151. varia. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.111. variolata. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. Dedclis: Trematospira. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:207. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.27. Pal. N. Y.1867. 4:271; 1894. v.8, pt2, p.124. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:798. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.992. ecamura, Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:212. Mus. rep. 16. 1868. p.56. costata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:210. Miss rep. 125 1859) p.283 16: 1863. p.56. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:276. deweyi. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:216. equistriata. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl.49. formosa. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:215. gibbosa.- Mus. rep. 13. 1860. p.82; 15. 1862. p.187. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:272. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.166. globosa. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:215. Trematospira (continued) hirsuta. Mus. rep. 14. 1861; p.101. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:274. multistriata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:209. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.28; 16. 1863. p.56. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:276. Geol. rep. 138. 1894. 2:800. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.994. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.43. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:48. ? nobilis. Pal, N. Y. 1867. 4:412. perforata. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:208. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.28; 16. TES DOs ala Nee Yerrlson. 4:276. : rectirostra. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:217. simplex. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:211. var. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:211. tennesseensis. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, expl. pl.83. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.3860. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:360. Tretaspis diademata. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.46. reticulatus. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.41. > Triarthrella auroralis. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.177. . Triarthus beckii. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.279, 399; pt8. 1842. p.57. Trigeria. Pal, N. Y.1894. v.8, pt2, p.265. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:856. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1050. Trigonosemus. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:888. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1082. Trimerella. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, pt1, p.33. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.236. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.552. Trinucleus caractaci. Geol. N. Y- pt2. 1842. p.403. concentricus. Pal. N. Y¥. 1847. 1:249, 255. tessellatus. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.390. Triplecia. Pal. N. Y. 1892. v.8, ptl, p2695 > Geols reps Ad. As92: p.289. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.605. 650 Triplecia (continued) niagarensis. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.351. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:351. nucleus. Mus. bul, 49. 1901. p.24. Triplesia. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:522. extans. Pal. N. Y. 1859. 3:528. Triplophyllum. Mus. bul. 39. 1900. p.209. Trochoceras. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:335. aeneas. Mus. rep. 20. rev. ed. 1868. expl. pl.25. bannisteri. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.361. barrandei. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.398. biton. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.395. clio. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.108. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.392. costatum. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.360. desplainensis. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.359. discoideum. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.64. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.394. eugenium. Mus. rep. 14. 1861. p.108. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.396. expansum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.402. ; gebhardii. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:335. notum. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.360. obliquatum. Pal ONe Yel SiO: v.5, pt2, p.401. obliquatus. Ill. Dey. Foss. Ceph- alopoda. 1876. expl. pl.48. orion. “Pals Ne. Ye W879e-v-5, pt2, p.397, pandion. Ill. Dev. Foss. Ceph- alopoda. 1876. expl. pl.48. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.400. ?pandum. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.403; 1888. v.5, pt2, suppl. (= 7), p.87. turbinata. Pal. N. Y. 1852. 2:336. waldronense. Mus. rep. 28. 1879.. p.179. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Trocholites. Pal. rep. 1838. p.118. ammonius. Pal. rep. 1838. p.119. Geol. N. Y. pt2. 1842. p.279, 892. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:192, 309. planorbiformis. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:310. Trochonema emacerata. 24. 1872. p.193. fatua. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.345. pauper. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.365; 20 rev. ed. 1868. expl. pl.25. Mus. rep. rectilatera. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.193. umpbilicatum. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.35. yandellana. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.194. Tropidocaris. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:ly. alternata. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:186. bicarinata. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:184. hamiltoniae. Pal. N. Y. 1888. v.7, expl. pl.30. interrupta. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:18. Tropidoleptus. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:404. Mus. rep. 12. 1859. p.315 20. 1867. p.279. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.302. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:870. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p. 1064. carinatus. Pal. N. Y. 1867, 4:407. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.151; 35. 1884. expl. pl.22. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.164. occidens. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:408. ?occidens. Mus. rep. 138. 1860. p.91. Tropidopora. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl.25. Pal. Ni wWeelssie 6:xy. Geol. rep. 14. 1895, p.553. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:553. nana. Geol. rep. 5. 1886. expl. pl.25: Pal. N. ¥o 188i Gee Turbo dilucula. Pal. N. Y. 1847. 1:12. lineatus. p.198. ?obscura. Pal, N. Y. 1847. 1:12. shumardii. Pal. N. Y. 1879. v.5, pt2, p.135. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 1848. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Turrilepas. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:1xiii. eancellatus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:216. devonicus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:216. ?fibrosus. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. Spor. flexuosus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:215. foliatus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:218. ?newberryi. Pal. N.Y. 1888. 7:219. nitidulus. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:218. Ssquama. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:217. tener. Pal. N. Y. 1888. 7:219. Tylodictya. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.151. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.3438. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2::348. ?tenuis. Mus. mem. 2 i898. p.152. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p.s44. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:344, warrenensis. Mus. mem. 2. 1898. p.151. Geol. rep. 16. 1899. p-3438. Mus. rep. 50. 1899. 2:348. Uncinella. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.1238. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:794. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.988. Uneinulina. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.195. Uneinulus. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.195. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:828. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1022. Unecites. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.118. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:798. Mus: rep. 47. 1894. p.987. Ungulina suborbicularis. Geol. N. Y. pt4. 18438. p.244. Unitrypa. Geol. rep. 4. 1885. p.36. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xxiii. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:708. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.902. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.508. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:508. _acclivis. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.60. Mus. rep. 5. 1900. 2:60. 651 Unitrypa (continued) lata. Mus. mem. 38. 1900. p.60. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:60. Uphantaenia. Mus. rep. 16. 1863. p.87; 35. 1884. p.467. chemungensis. Geol. N. Y. pts. 1842. p.188. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.481. Urasterella. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.289. pulchella. Mus. rep. 20. 1867. p.289. Vermipora. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. Os, IAL ING Wo Isis, Gazal, Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.807. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:307. robusta. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.144. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:6. serpuloides. Mus. rep. 26. 1874. poulakOS Se, ile joes leek, N. Y. 1887. 6:5. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.63. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:63. streptocoelia. Mus. mem. 3. 1900. p.68. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:63. ?tortuosa. Mus. rep. 32. 1879. p.144. tortuosa. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:6. Verneuilia. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.58. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:762. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.956. Vertumnia. Pal. N. Y. 1884. v.5, pti, p.xii. Geol. rep. 1. 1884. p.13. Vinella. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.604. Mus. rep. 48, 1895. 2:604. Vitulina. Mus. rep. 138. 1860. p.72. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:409, 410; 1894. v.8, pt2, p.138, 317. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:804. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.998. pustulosa. Mus. rep. 138. 1860. p-82; 15. 1862. p.187. Pal. N. Y. 1867. 4:410. Volborthia. Pal, N. Y. 1892. v.8, pti, p.95. Geol. rep. 11. 1892. p.249. Mus. rep. 45. 1892. p.565. 652 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Waldheimia deweyi. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.89. formosa. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.88. globosa. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.87. rectirostra. Mus. rep. 10. 1857. p.89. Whitella ventricosa. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.28. Whitfieldella. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.58. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:766. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.960. Whitfieldia maria. Mus. mem, 1. 1889. p.73. Wilsonia. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.195. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:827. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1021. Worthenopora. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.602. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2-602. Yolida? valvulus. Mus. rep. 24. 1872. p.190. Zaphrentis. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:xi. sp. Mus. mem. 38. 1900. p.62. Mus. rep. 53. 1900. 2:62. ampla. Ill. Dev. Foss. Corals. 1876. expl. pl.21. annulata. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.4387. caleariformis. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p-487. canadensis. Mus, rep. 35. 1884. expl. pl.16. celator. Mus. rep. 28. 1879. p.107. colletti. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.4382. complanata. Mus. rep. 35, 1884. p.430. — compressa. expl. pl.30. concava. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.439. constricta. Mus, rep. 35. 1884. p.437. contorta. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.441. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. econvoluta. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.441. corrugata. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.431. Zaphrentis (continued) ceristulatum. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.414. curvata. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.4389. eyathiformis. Mus, rep. 35. 1884. p.431. duplicata. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.436. elegans. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.441. fastigata. Mus. -rep. 35. 1884. p.484. foliata. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.438. frequentata. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.435. fusiformis. Mus, rep. 35. 1884. p.483. gravis. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.440. herzeri. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.439. inclinata. Mus. rep. 385. 1884. p.438. inequalis. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.430. ie irregularis. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.438. : knappi. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.438. latisinus. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.414. nitida. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.435. ovalis. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.433. planima. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.433. ponderosa. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.431. pressula. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. - p.414. profunda. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.435. rigida. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.413. roemeri. Pal. N. Y. 1887. 6:2. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.302. Mus. _ rep. 48. 1895. 2:302. sentosa. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.436. solida. Mus. rep. 23. 1873. p.231. spissa. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.434. subcompressa. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.482. subvada. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.415. subvesiculare. Mus. rep. 35. 1884, p.414. INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSILS Zaphrentis (continued) tabulata. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.431,. torta. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.434. transyersa. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.440. trisutura. Mus. rep. 85. 1884. p.434. ungula. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. expl. pl.30. venusta. Mus. rep. 35. 1884. p.442. Zeacrinus merope. Mus. rep. 17. 1864. p.60. paternus. Mus. rep. 17. 1864. p.59. Zeilleria. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:883. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1077. Zellania. Geol. rep. 13. 1894. 2:897. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1091. 653 Zitteloceras hallianum. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.41. Zugmayeria. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:878. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1072. Zygospira. Mus. rep. 15. 1862. p.154; 20. 1867. p.267. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.154. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:812. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.1006. putilla. Pal. N. Y. 1894. v.8, pt2, p.865. Geol. rep. 18. 1894. 2:658. Mus. rep. 47. 1894. p.847. Geol. rep. 14. 1895. p.862. Mus. rep. 48. 1895. 2:362. recurvirostris. Mus. bul. 49. 1901. p.27. i ay \ { t it f i i ot Mh LY i ij Vy : 4 CMA) Bayt , ) ear is mi ey (obi y ae ry ry! a ta vin yy Ms ra Ali sree hl eer “Se paren wm Tp — er wn , = ILALILSNI NVINOSHLINS SSIYVHYE!IT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN at w a we 22) ae = Se ee = S Fd Aig ays AY XS. 4 z E 2 Gy ENG 2 FE = > = > = ; Ww) Pe ep) * Ps Uv BRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI Ww > yy > vy) oa 4” = w “ ow. = a = ox oi <= < oa = = = = oO = a0 = = = {@) — oO _- : a Zz of 2 4 ie Saluyvyuydit LIBRARIES INSTITU — z= i, Zz Lia ee a ° a 2 wo e) a a = a =| = > Ke > - ., > z= E & a i wv Pi, ee 0 Z a BRAR | ES | oMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNILILSNI NVINOSHIIWS Sat uVvy x = ail g z | z yy, , =| =| Z =i / NX GF ah Ae = a NSE i 2 oY “WSN > >" 1 ye : i ILALILSNI NVINOSHLINS LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITU1 NOILNLILSNI NOILNLILSNI BRARIES SMITHSONIAN NOILMLILSNI INSTITUTION NOILONLILSNI NVINOSHLINS SAIluVe SaIYVUSIT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN = = za ° o ° aca] ES ptf ty - Le > 4, cfd P F - “CY od kK 2 a g a JILNLILSNI NYINOSHLINS S31NVYGIT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN ve NVINOSHLINS S31tuvudll LIBRARIES NVINOSHLIWS . 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