ATSKILE\FL_.„ L. Brooks riBRARY new YORK BOTANICAL GAF Bulletin No. 441 New York State Museu The Univer^^ of the State of New York THE STATE MUCATION DEPARTMENT Alb^ New York 12230 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from IMLS LG-70-15-0138-15 https ://arch i ve . o rg/detai Is/bu 1 1 eti n n ewyo rks441 1 n ewy A CATSKILL FLORA AND ECONOMIC BOTANY II. CONIFERALES Karl L. Brooks Bulletin No. 441 New York State Museum The University of the State of New York The State Education Department Albany, New York 12230 1980 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Regents of The University (with years when term expire) 1981 THEODORE M. BLACK, A.B. , Litt.D., LL.D. , Pd.D. , D.C.L. , L.H.D. Chancellor........... ....Sands Point 1988 WILLARD A. BENRICH, LL.B. , L.H.D. , LL.D. Litt.D. Vice Chancellor Buffalo 1986 KENNETH B. CLARK, A.B. , M.S., Ph.D. , LL.D., L.H.D. C.Sc Hastings on Hudson 1983 HAROLD E. NEWCOMB, B.A Oswego 1982 EMILYN I. GRIFFITH, A.B. , J.D Rome 1983 MARY ALICE KENDALL, B.S Rochester 1984 JORGE L. BATISTA, B.A. , J.D. , LL.D Bronx 1982 LOUIS E. YAVNER, LL.B New York 1986 LAURA BRADLEY CHODOS , B.A. , M.A Vischer Ferry 1980 MARTIN C. BARELL, B.A. , I.A. , LL.B Kings Point 1981 JOSEPH R. BONGIORNO, B.S., M.D Brooklyn 1984 LOUISE P. MATTEONI, B.A., M.A. , Ph.D Bayside 1981 J. EDWARD MEYER, B.A., LL.B Chappaqua 1983 ARLENE B. REED-DELANEY , B.A., M.D Albany 1987 R. CARLOS CARBALLANDA, B.S Arcade President of The University and Commissioner of Education GORDON M. AMBACH Executive Deputy Commissioner of Education JOSEPH J. BLANEY Deputy Commissioner for Cultural Education ROBERT J. MAURER Director, State Science Service HUGO JAMNBACK Chief, Biological Survey RICHARD H. MONHEIMER State Botanist RICHARD S. MITCHELL DEDICATION My studies of the Catskill flora are dedicated to my good wife MARGUERITE Toint ' '.W I 'i )'>■ '.1^ ?.-i! - “f' I • ‘-v%Ay =r. -ir f -'UHVM ’iM - Hu'Jis^in ■■ ' 'm, .. ■■ ‘V^ „•> ‘ *•«’■ r!: -ix _ f ,-A - '^'v# v*rry ' '■’3 'V« U?» ■ >i4’' ■ I EDITOR’S PREFACE This is the work of an amateur botanist whose many years of col- lection and study of Catskill plants make him the person most qualified to produce such a treatment in the tradition of the old herbals. We at the Botany Office of the New York State Museum feel that this type of publication is a useful adjunct to our efforts to produce a comprehensive state flora. The author’s intimate knowledge of the area and its plants makes this a valuable work for those who are native to the Catskills as well as for the many summer visitors. Medical and food uses of plants, though often only of historical Interest, round out the treatment, and make this publication what it is intended to be--a source book for those interested in reading and learning about the Catskill flora. Indeed, since the vast majority of the plants discussed are widely distributed throughout the northeastern states and adjacent Canada, this work should also be of interest far beyond the narrow confines of the Catskill region. IMPORTANT NOTE All economic uses, folklore, medical and phar- maceutical notes, uses as foodstuffs, etc., are com- piled from the literature and do not represent an en- dorsement by the author or the New York State Museum. Some of the uses may, indeed, be dangerous if incor- rectly employed. Some are not effective and are pre- sented for historical interest only. -V- nr'' . n • I - * * » *■ * ' iTk I , ,1.' I •' - V- >i V. - ■;■■>■>. li , nr-," dc-T \\ V ?:g;- . ti ■ i.. -..i. . ' J J -'rt ■1.(1 yf'.- rij‘xdj;^toutJ ' ' „ ■ ' ’ * •“' . -v.. ^ .,W ■.'^ jni 'jfciti I ■r»r ■ j'4 ^ . J i 4 . '-f- r - '' *' ‘ ' "'' c< . H?;. ■ ! ')( I. ux I* , ■ "■ .)‘Vo v: . ■ i - -t • »•* 1.0 ij-.'Mo r '>vo.i ■ yio- a”*" j' , V < «<** «i 1 PREFACE The Catskills have long been known for their unusual beauty, health- ful climate, and their natural resources for recreation, not the least of which is their abundant wildlife and in some respects a unique flora. While it is true that a large percentage of the plants growing naturally in the Catskills also occur throughout most of the northeastern states and adjacent Canada, many species are rare, only locally abundant, or do not occur elsewhere in the eastern states. Some are northern elements found only on the high peaks, and others appear to have been stranded in isolated areas following the retreat of the last glacier some 10,000 years ago. But whether rare in distribution or more abundantly widespread, no plant is completely devoid of interest, and many have had a long and var- ied association with man that goes back over many millennia. A study of the flora of any region can be a richly rewarding ex- perience, and that of the Catskills is no exception. Simply getting to know what plants grow in a particular area brings one closer to an under- standing of the wonders of nature, but it has long been my contention that just knowing a plant by name is only the beginning. What is its re- lationship to other plants, both wild and cultivated? Of what value is it to man and to wildlife? Is it edible, a source of dye, useful as a medicine, or is it just an obnoxious weed? How can it be prepared for the table? For what was it prescribed? How can one get rid of it? An- swers to such questions not only lead us down many intriguing paths, but also contribute much to our understanding of the intricacies of the bio- sphere . My work on the Catskill flora during the last quarter of a century has therefore a three-fold objective: (l) to determine precisely what species grow in this area, (2) to chart the known distribution of each species in the Catskills, and, (3) for each, to collect as much informa- tion as possible concerning its value to man and to wildlife. These ob- jectives have led to many hours of work in the field collecting specimens and making observations of the plants seen plus countless others in li- braries and herbaria to obtain information on their distribution and use. This work was written primarily for the serious amateur with a de- sire to know more about the plants growing in the northeastern states and adjacent Canada, with particular emphasis upon those occurring in the Cats- kills. In these times of increasing concern for man’s impact upon the en- vironment, the dwindling food supply in relation to increased population pressure throughout the world, inflation, and the rising desire of a large segment of the people to return to fundamentals, as it were, it is hoped that the emphasis given to economic botany, and to the importance of our native flora to wildlife, will fill a basic need. So far as the writer is aware, this is the first time that detailed information on food, drug, and dye plants has been assembled in a compilation that includes the common weeds as well as the more obscure components of our flora such as the grasses and sedges, which most popular field guides ignore completely. vii- In addition, "plant biographies" summarizing basic data concerning the name, t3rpe of plant, range, distribution, origin, and time of flower- ing (or fruiting) are provided for each plant occurring in the Catskills, together with some remarks on other salient facts of the plants in ques- tion. Detailed distribution maps showing by township the localities where each species has been observed are supported by data culled from the lit- erature and an examination of herbarium specimens, in addition to many thousands of observations in the field. The citation of observations is a comparatively recent innovation in helping to determine the distribution of the many species making up our flora; in addition, so far as the writer is aware, never before have photographs been cited as evidence for the oc- currence of a particular species in any given area, thus placing them al- most on a par with herbarium specimens. In view of the number of rare and endangered species now stringently protected by law, this practice is like- ly to attain increased importance. These data, together with the keys, illustrations, and detailed notes on each of the various species, should help the serious student not only to identify the plants in question, but to provide the basic knowledge that will enable him to view the plant world as a vital part of the planet on which he lives. In collecting and organizing this information, the writer has at- tempted to proceed from the general to the more specific, starting with the orders into which the various plant families are organized, then pre- senting some ideas on their evolution and possible relationships to each other, together with comments on both wild and cultivated plants, in the hope that such an overview will provide a more meaningful picture of each group of plants. The families making up each order of the Catskill flora are then presented (in "manual" order), with an attempt to relate any cul- tivated plants in that family to their wild cousins before going on to a discussion of the wild species themselves. Where possible, information on their economic value to man and to wildlife has been supplied. With few exceptions, genera are arranged alphabetically under families, and species are arranged alphabetically under genera. To aid in the identification of the various species, keys to genera and species are included, and illustra- tions of the various species have been chosen with considerable care. Some may object that such an accumulation of material is not truly a flora, but that is a matter of definition. In any case, such a study is not only its own reward, but a knowledge of the world of plants and their relationships to wildlife and to man, not to mention an enjoyment of the natural world as opposed to the artificial concrete jungles of our modern cities, brings a perspective not to be attained in any other way. This may perhaps seem to be getting far afield, but all the world is an intri- cately balanced biosphere, and man must not only understand its complex- ities, but must also be able to accommodate himself to its demands if he, himself, is to survive as a species. A work of this nature could not have been completed without the help and encouragement of a number of people. My wife. Marguerite, has borne the brunt of my numerous idiosyncrasies, both as a constant companion in the field and as a demanding editor and critic. The late Stanley J. Smith, curator of botany at the New York State Museum, not only spent countless hours checking my specimens and graciously permitted access to the state's -viii' records on plant distribution, but has also been mentor and companion in the field on many occasions, to say nothing of his continuing advice and encouragement for over a quarter of a century. In addition to supplying moral support and companionship in the field, Paul Huth, -who fell heir to the Domville-Dunbar records of the Ulster County flora, was kind enough to check through several thousand cards to extract information pertaining to collections and observations made in the Catskill region of that county. More than thanks are due to Elizabeth G. Hall, formerly librarian at The New York Botanical Garden, whose vast knowledge of botanical source material seems inexhaustible and whose boundless enthusiasm is infectious. She has been unfailing in digging out elusive books and suggesting sources of information in addition to supplying many details concerning earlier workers in the field. Librarians at both the Horticultural Society of New York and at The New York Botanical Garden have also been most help- ful. Last, but in no way least, thanks are due to Patricia Holmgren, herbarium supervisor and administrator of the phanerogamic herbarium at The New York Botanical Garden, and to George Kalmbacher, curator at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, for permission to check specimens in the herbaria at those institutions. The writer wishes also to express his appreciation for permission to reproduce the illustration of Pinus svlvestris from The Book of Trees by William C. Grimm, copyright, 19^2, by The Stackpole Company, Harris- burg, Pa. Permission to quote from A Natural History of Trees of Eastern and Central North America by Donald Culross Peattie, copyright, 19^8, 19^9, 1950, by Donald Culross Peattie, is likewise gratefully acknowledged. Reprinted by permission of Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston. Karl L. Brooks Brooklyn, New York 16 April 1979 -ix- ’ M^;r r.j;, O ; 4 fi' V'‘.r‘> ; i'-, j^Wv** A •I' • • .' M- . *»•> ■!a-'. 'J,rO“-a.(; Uv^X-v' 'J ‘.- WQ^P* I I ' •■■(,■;■- -tK 3'' . . -t '.i i«r '1* iJ.- f- ■ I-;.. ■' ' « ;.' ■ 3’ b'. , -iA ^ _ liD ^i.-3 •N,- • 'if. . 'V / ^ ^ -'-rv :;,r il^- ■ tS'. 'i- cu ,lf^;.«i I f - •' '“.y ' o...;.. 4.v» f- '■ V .*. 'ii'‘ 5''’'^ ''’ ■■'n ./Ca ■'■■".'A' (W.!.'!'' ' , ‘."‘.■•I- !■ .' '.a .'£(?# '• rsia. , .. . ( -Hf- •.- ■«( ./'.’• i'll.',; ■- Is' , ' -j-fld '.s/US'V'l '/ i3.X«- vri c.fs' -z.^yr , -‘ ■ It j .yr# • i. 4.^/7' «! iculd . ,i -r-','-'.' t'tttiy ,«*■ 'iATi§i'l,'>iiT ■ v,r^ ^ -j'l •■■iny ^-sfi I 'V ■ ^,i;' t>,rr-';*',ti^' - ■ »■' ■'a.-.' vjt" i' : s-\T4':'' 'Vi ,h s,l>.' ^ i. , -.4^?. ■' 01; ;,x*«r» 'X',. I'', * ■' V'-v '.'Vti'i-C' 0' ■(! .'r%i\>^'a t4 4;»cb .;"„ CSJ* ' -s' j^r .q, . -. ,. • c f ^ 'if) ' rjS'i , . ,1 ‘Z'tp ,l-<' .:s4;|‘'' : f';,rrs''v .'vsl* ■ i 4. to It .'’'‘-■rna*:, lot' - Vl'M,. few A ^ )fl .* '"SX . i-SJD'SlI' ': ; '|.tJ} 7,, . • _. %fA’. , e,/ » *.1 ..lufltrj- -r.’ • . ■ ... . . 'I ‘ - V' •••,’> ■ 4^ ' '■ ■' \ily i *'.h*^r< ■ ."■ tjfve- Ii* 4 fi - r-'i .siLrJ- ’-■ -''.f r Hft • . r 1 n'^ ivslf "* « : " ’ vl'li'-t .» ».’'?* M, vr-'oe io *' ' III ■ ' '• <} * • I ’ ’ ' J . JT V tfi ) »» ‘ UtS 'ipa to© -ij' Oi'li ••/ ' ■,= ;i ; , •i- . M ‘ -ri'i „ ' . V ■ , <■■ ^ 1 r, I '. Jki ' i* 1 - 1 illl ' ?! >^ 6... . ' liixrlfbftiOsrf/' ^ 4 Kl ' u • '■ U>-' ■ *>: .,1 M ) . f ^ •Ui^y • * T L • ■ , ’ ■ ' . » In , sbibv cfirjilT / -Kn V r ■i'tiij Oh ^ mu'' '■ j -'J e. i V-'Xl.'. :.jc f . rSfj'i-LmVV ll'i. I” *1* . >M. tJ-nBOXHSV » u9h:-Ar>'f.' i^(} ■■ i ' 'ol' si sot. ly H- IMl l'J/ , ■ . 1.' r. -,loin s,0'i !,. t:r -Wflfit '/ . ’ ’■ ’-r:." i'.',. 'boJy. ' »■ . •. ' . V. ' 1 f ' ■ I Hi ,(1 '• • '-fxw ' , U) ; ij/ill r ' ‘I'M .. f* *' BIBLIOGRAHIY Adrosko, Rita J. 1971. Natural Dyes and Home Dyeing. Dover Publications, Inc . , New York. Alexander, E. J. 1936. "An Unsought Adventure in the Southern Catskills," Jour. N. Y. Bot. Gard, 37: 42-46. Arehart-Treichel, Joan. 1976. "Don’t Let Toxic Chemicals Go to Your Head," Science News, Vol. 109, No. l4, p. 221. Bailey, L[iberty] H. 1949- Manual of Cultivated Plants, Rev. Ed. Mac- millan Publishing Co., Inc., New York. Bertram, William. 1792. Travels Through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida. A facsimile of the 1792 London ed. 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[n.d.] The Indian Folk Medicine Guide. Popular Library, New York. Loudon, John C. l844. Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum. 8 vols. Printed for the author by Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, London. McVaugh, Rogers. 1958. Flora of the Columbia County Area, New York. New York State Museum and Science Service Bui. No. 36O. -81- Martin, Alexander C., Herbert S. Zim, and Arnold L. Nelson. I96I. Amer- ican Wildlife and Plants. Dover Publications, Inc., New York. Medsger, Oliver P. 1917. "Two Months in the Southern Catskills," Mem. Torr. Bot. Club 17: 294-300. . 1927. [Flora of the Catskills--Abstract of a lecture before the Torrey Botanical Club 9 Nov 26] Torreya 27: 13” l4. . 1947. Edible Wild Plants. The Macmillan Co., New York. Michaux, F[rangois] Andrew. I85I. The North American Silva ... 3 vols . Robert P. Smith, Philadelphia; G. P. Putnam, New York. First pub- lished in Paris, I8IO-I3. Millspaugh, Charles F. I887. American Medicinal Plants ... 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Platt, M. "Plants Collected and Examined by the Botanic Class . . . During the Summer Term of l840," Fifty-fourth Annual Report of the Regents of the University of the State of New York, 227-231, l84l. Proctor, George R. 19^7. "Some Noteworthy Cat skill Plants," Rhodora 49: 53-54. Rafinesque, C [onstantine ] s[amuel]. I828-3O. Medical Flora ... of the United States ... 2 vols. Atkinson & Alexander, Philadelphia. -82- Rogers, Julia E. I926. Trees. Doubleday, Page & Co. for Nelson Double- day, Inc., New York. Sargent, Charles S. 1891“ 1902. The Silva of North America ... Exclusive of Mexico. l4 vols. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston & New York. Steyermark, Julian A. 1983* Flora of Missouri. Iowa State University Press, Ames, la. Stone, Hugh E. 1945* A Flora of Chester County Pennsylvania. 2 vols. The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Sturtevant, Edward L. 1919- See Hedrick, U. P., ed. 1919* Svenson, H. K. 1931- "Trip of August 22-29," Torreya 3I: 154-157. Taylor, Norman. 1909- "The Botanical Symposium at Stamford, Delaware County, July 3" 10, I909," Torreya I88-I89. _. 1915- Flora of the Vicinity of New York: A Contribution to Plant Geography. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden, Vol. V. Torrey, Raymond H. 1930. "Columbus Day Week-End in the Catskills," Torreya 3O: 24-25. . 1931. "Catskill Trip, May 30-31," Torreya 31: 121-123. U. S. Department of Agriculture. 1949* Trees: the Yearbook of Agricul- ture. U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. , Agricultural Research Service. 1971. Common Weeds of the United States. Dover Publications, Inc., New York. Usher, George. I966. A Dictionary of Botany. Constable & Co., Ltd., London . Vogel, Virgil J. I97O. American Indian Medicine. Ballantine Books, New York. Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary. I965. G. C, Merriam Co., Springfield, Mass. Weiner, Michael A. 1972. Earth Medicine — Earth Foods: Plant Remedies, Drugs, and Natural Foods of the North American Indians. The Mac- millan Co., New York. Wiegand, Karl M. , and Arthur J. Fames. 1925. The Flora of the Cayuga Lake Basin, New York. Vascular Plants. Cornell University Agri- cultural Experiment Station, Memoir 92. Wiley, Farida. 1936. "Catskills Trip, September 12- l4," Torreya 36: 152-154. -83- I* . ■_ • l‘ , I t* " \ - • j ‘Vr >- T /'C- i-.L^6*' ,.'^ ■ j ' ■■?.< '/. 'C. • i '■ , O . ..y ‘M xo ■ ^ ■ i v?.i)s- .r*' ■'} : ^ 1 ^f’V iKi'-xiUIST’ *" ■>• ^ ^ i'tT" .,;{ .H .ttOf^irvuS ;• ■ , ■• ., ^ . ;/"' ^ : t ^^lij '. . .i-'!! ii- '. V &.g '^s:. "■'fi , . :; .Digo.ovtjry '.f' •■’' ' .7 : r.^'1 Cfilv’r 'l^ -, .’O^ . . ) . r: i.i-> '-•'J ")'_"»■ ^ ..'^I ', .tr ll, • ' ;,' * ".; 'f": K'.-J-Q ■■ ' S; '--yv , ••.-iirtC'J '■'' ' ..(’f‘3;o'*v •’v'':,/. /V li Lk'fv' £.713 .'■VOTr . .'.':o''‘ WE?];* .b’J Lijsilx-x' ■' ■ ■• , . : V. , 7 »■■ ?. ■ :■ V.*. .,-■ . . -Jii "■' \ 'l-' 'xa,‘. f.A' iV,tb g*H' ■<’' ;?,vn!.‘'a ;>at.'’7 ’ , I i .(lie ^'3- <»>l!=5i.T'' ’ ■ ‘ .jnwi lij'jxS; .l'3'U,.irx::> ■"' :'7t» '^iiyur-fs . ■•!■■): oroi . .3j ; _ >3 f ,, iB.-’dir ‘•• f » f’ ^r’.w'flSO- ’' i'U {»*' df "SA . T-'.-j, ^ .-7U, - - . ' o r ih 0 ,- 'rAr*<’*;- , ?' ' !.'» ■ • ’•pi' ■ . r':^h ...Mi . r 7 '■ ‘■''JO;''! iA E-'-i/PE ■ ■ ■ •'• 'ji.M tUy.7^iC ;: 'tOr'r^T , 1' j ''’.t ' ■(.■ ',', CJo . i'r.U 'i'O S'scl'»i 'J'.'l ' ■'- ?T j '.JSi^.'!!;; - ; :'>. '.V-OS^ li '? ■'T^- ^ "■?>''•;■ .'x ,'m^sC APIENDIX To collect specimens of the more than 1000 plants growing in each of the several townships in the Catskills would not only entail an enormous amount of work hut would at the same time clutter up the herbarium with hundreds of specimens of very common plants. Taking a cue from the work of Homer D. House and Stanley J. Smith, both of whom have supplemented collections with observations in compiling distribu- tion records for the State of New York, the writer for many years has made an effort to collect one specimen of each plant growing in the Cats- kills, supplementing these records with observations made in the field, listing all specimens identified at each locality on any given date. The fly in this ointment, of course, is that the observer must know what he is looking at. When not sur‘e of the identity of any given plant in the field, a specimen was collected to key out at home. In due coui'se, these field observations were listed in manual sequence by place and date, then transferred to 4-by-6-inch file cards under the name of the species, eliminating duplicate observations made on previous visits at or near the same place. These records are supplemented by a picture file, both of colored slides and of black-and-white photographs, built up over the years. The result totals thousands of records from each county in the Catskills, many from different places in the same township. It was therefore necessary to devise some method to reduce the bulk of these records while still giving a fairly comprehensive view of the distribution of the various species in the Catskills. Some scientific studies of plant distribution are made on grid plots of equal size and shape. While not strictly accurate from the scientific point of view, the township boundaries in each county do effectively break up the area into a grid. Following a device used by a number of other writers faced with a similar problem, it was there- fore decided to use the township grid as a basis for the distribution maps that follow, the selection of records being based on the follow- ing criteria: 1. All specimens collected in the Catskills have been listed, even when two or more came from the same township. 2. All known references in the literature have been included. 3. In the absence of specimens, with few exceptions, only the earliest observation for each township is given, regardless of the number of observations at hand for that area. 4. Records are arranged in chronological sequence by county. 5. In selecting the records for each township, collections take precedence; when no collection records are available, photographs take precedence over observations as represent- ing more objective evidence of the occurrence of the species in that area . 6. Owing to the uncertain status of species on the Platt list, subsequent records for the Town of Franklin in Delaware County are also listed as confirmation of the fact that the species occurs in that township. -85- On the distribution maps that follow, a solid dot (•) repre- sents a collection made in that township, while an open circle (o) represents an observation, a reference in the literature, or a photo- graph taken by the writer, with "T" indicating a transparency in color and "BW" a black-and-white picture. No effort has been made to show the approximate location within the township of collections or obser- vations; the solid dots and open circles simply indicate the occurrence of that taxon somewhere within the township. In most instances a specimen has been collected as conclusive evidence that a particular species occurs in each county. Specimens of all critical taxa collected by the writer have been checked by the late Stanley J. Smith ("SJS" in the records that follow), curator of botany at the New York State Museum in Albany, and specimens have been deposited with that institution. The herbaria where specimens from the Catskill region are filed are indicated in the distribution records as follows: (BKL) Brooklyn Botanic Garden; (Brooks) herbarium of the writer; (CU) Cornell Univer- sity; (min) University of Minnesota; (NY) New York Botanical Garden; (NYS) New York State Museum; (O) Ohio State University; (FENN) University of Pennsylvania; (Phil) Philadelphia Academy of Sciences; (US) U. S. Na- tional Herbarium. The eventual aim is to secure at least one specimen or an obser- vation of each species occurring in each of the several townships com- prising the Catskill region--an almost never-ending task. But from these records one can easily compile a check list for any particular township. It is hoped that such information may stimulate further re- search and add to our knowledge of the local distribution of plants in the Catskill region. During the last century it was the fashion among amateur botanists to compile floras or check lists for their local townships, work that contributed a more intimate knowledge of the plants growing in the area covered. There is still need for such studies. In addition to extending our scientific knowledge concerning the distribu- tion of plants, such a project will not only result in a deeper under- standing of the natural world but also provide many hours if intense satisfaction . -86- 87' Counties and townships of the Catskill mountain region. I ... ■l. : t " ' • t A ,r V <<0L ' , teU'lw I', *^’)r'.”T" -Vv' Flora of THE CATSKILLS New York State Taxus baccata L. ssp. canadensis (Marsh.) Pilger American Yew Delaware County Arkville, Town of Middletown P. Wilson 5 Jul 15 & 25 Jul 15--NY Delhi, Town of Delhi 2026 N. Hotchkiss 9 May 27--KYS Robinson L, w of Delhi, Town of Delhi UU88 E. Whitney 26 Jul 35--ITYS Brookdale Farm, 3 mi s by w of W. Harpersf ield. Town of Kortright 3324 Brooks 5 Sep 54 — Brooks Post Place, 2 I/2 mi s of Stamford, Town of Stamford KLB & Elisabeth Post obs 11 Sep 78 Greene County Hunter, Town of Hunter J. H. Redfield 20 Aug I869--HY Onteora , Town of Hunter Anna M. Vail Jul l891““WY -89- Taxus baccata ssp. canadensis Blackhead Mt, Town of Windham G. V. Nash at 3500 ft 2 Jul I893--NY Kaaterskill, Town of Hunter E. A. Mearns 8 Aug I896--NY Tannersville , Town of Hunter 282 N. Taylor at I86U ft 1 Jim 09~“NY Elk [a?] Park, Town of Hunter W. L. Bray Jul l4--Syracuse Haines Falls, Town of Hunter W. C. Ferguson at 38OO ft 1 Jul 19~“NY Sprucetown, Town of Lexington D. B. Cook 10 May 35--NYS Sullivan County Vic of L Shandelee, Town of Callicoon P. Wilson 8 Aug 18- -NY Fir Brook Swamp, vie of Willowemoc, Town of Never sink 8258 S. J. Smith 5 Aug 50--NYS Ne of Long Eddy, Town of Fremont SJS obs 20-22 Jun 56 Ulster County High Peak, Town of Olive J. F. Poggenburg 3 Aug l895~“BKL Woodland Valley, 4 mi e of Phoenicia, Town of Shandaken 0. P. Medsger in Mem. Torr. Bot. Club 17: 294-300, 1917; E. J. Alex- ander in Jour. N. Y, Bot. Gard. 37: 42-46, 1936. Overlook Mt, Town of Woodstock KLB & Mary Domville obs 12 Jul 70 5 1/2 mi se of Margaretville, Town of Hardenburgh KLB obs 4 Sep 72 -90- Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. Balsam Fir Flora of THE CATSKILLS New York State PelaTMare County The Vlai, 1 l/2 mi s of Oneonta, Town of Franklin W. N. Glute in Flora Upper Susquehanna, p. 102, I898. Stamford, Town of Stamford 371 N. Taylor 3 Jun 09 at I8OO ft"-WY Vic of W. Harpersfield, Town of Harpersfield Smith & DeGroot obs 20 Sep 63 Plattekill Mt, Town of Roxbury Kudish (1971), p. 161. Greene County Hunter Mt, Town of Hunter E. A. Mearns at 3100=U200 ft 27 Aug l896-"HY; H. K. Syenson obs 2k Aug 31 in Torreya 3I: 154-157, 1931- Tannersville , Town of Hunter 379 N. Taylor at l864 ft 1 Jun 09- -NY -91- Abies balsamea Windham, Town of Windham 895 & 896 N. Taylor at 1700 ft 28- 31 Jul 09--NY High Peak, vie of Haines Falls, Town of Hunter W. C. Ferguson at 38OO ft 1 Jul 19-~NY Black Dome, Town of Jewett Kudish (1971), p. 170 Windham High Peak, Burnt Knob, Acra Pt, Blackhead 85 Thomas Cole mts. Town of Windham Kudish (1971), pp. 161, 170. North Dome, Sherrill, Evergreen, Rusk & West Kill mts. Town of Lexington Kudish (1971), pp. 161, 171. Stoppels Pt, North Mt, Kaaterskill High Peak, Roundtop, Indian Head, Twin, Sugarloaf, Plateau & Hunter mts. Town of Hunter Kudish (1971), pp. 161, 170, 171. Sullivan County Vic of Neversink, Town of Neversink 5 G. L. Stebbins Jr. 23 Jun 3^ -NY Fir Brook Swamp, vie of Willowemoc, Town of Neversink 8259 S. J. Smith 5 Oct 50--NYS Ulster County Vic of Bull Run, Town of Denning 2507 C. J. Elting 17 May I899--NYS Woodland Valley, U mi e of Phoenicia, Town of Shandaken 0. P, Medsger in Mem. Torr. Bot. Club 17: 29^“ 300, 1917. Overlook Mt, Town of Woodstock H. K. Svenson obs 27 Aug 31 in Torreya 31: 15^“157, 1931; Kudish (1971), p. 161. Slide Mt, Town of Shandaken 4 G, L. Stebbins Jr. 26 Jun 34--NYS; E. J. Alexander in Jour. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 37: 42-46, 1936; summit of Slide Mt, SJS obs 8 J\in 54 Doubletop Mt, Town of Denning Gilly & Camp 26 Jul 41--NYS Watson Hollow, Town of Denning H. Dunbar obs in Torr. Club Bui. 84: 57, 1957. Schoolhouse Mt, Town of Denning Kudish (1971), pp. 162, 170. Slide, Panther, Fir, Big Indian, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam Cap, Friday, Wittenberg & Cornell mts. Town of Shandaken Kudish (1971), pp. 161, 170. Doubletop, Balsam Lake, Balsam, Eagle, Haynes & Graham mts. Town of Hardenburgh Kudish (1971), pp. 161, 162, 170. -92- Abies magnifica A. Murr. Red Fir Flora of THE CATSKILLS New York State Ulster Comity Huth Place, 1 l/2 ml s of Pine Hill, Town of Shandaken 511 M. Domville 22 Sep 68--HYS, Domville -93“ Larix laricina (DuRoi) K. Koch American Larch Flora of THE CATSKILLS New York State Dela-ware County Vic of W. Harpersf ield, Town of Harpersfield SJS and DeGroot obs 20 Sep 63 3 mi se of Delancey at I800 ft, Town of Hamden 6060 Brooks 16 Aug 74 — NYS Vic of Fleischmanns , Town of Middletown KLB obs 11 Sep 75 Coulter Brook at 2000 ft, 2 mi s of Bovina Center, Town of Bovina 6102 Brooks 2 Jun 75 — KYS, Brooks ( Larix x pendula Salisb.) Wake Robin, vie of Roxbury, Town of Roxbury Phil Caswell obs, personal communication 10 Dec 78 Sullivan County Vic of Liberty, Town of Liberty Leggett [n.d.] — NYS (apparently!;, x alaskensis) (Continued on p. 99) -94- Picea abies (L.) Karst. Norway Spruce Flora of THE CATSKILLS New York State Delaware County Brookdale Farm, 3 mi s by w of W. Harpersf ield, Town of Kortright U055 Brooks 13 May 56 — NYS, Brooks Vic of Delhi, Town of Delhi KLB obs 27 Apr 75 U mi s of Andes, Town of Andes KLB obs 11 May 75 U mi ne of Walton, Town of Walton KLB obs 30 May 76 2 mi se of Bovina, Town of Bovina KLB obs h Jun 76 3 mi s of Treadwell, Town of Franklin KLB obs 15 Sep 76 Wake Robin, vie of Roxbury, Town of Roxbury Phil Caswell obs, personal communication 26 Sep 77 Arkville, Town of Middletown KLB obs 17 Aug 78 (Continued on p. lo4) -95- Picea glauca (Moench) Voss. White Spruce Flora of THE CATSKILLS New York State Old Stone Schoolhouse, 2 l/2 mi s of Margaretville , Town of Middletown 5012 Brooks 30 May 71””NYS, Brooks Big Pond Rd, l4 mi s by e of Andes, Town of Andes KLB obs 6 Jun 73 (specimen checked) 3 1/2 mi n by e of Bovina Center, Town of Bovina KLB obs 24 Jun 74 (specimen checked) Vic of Roxbury, Town of Roxbury Phil Caswell obs, personal communication 26 Sep 77 3/4 mi s by w of Davenport Center, Town of Davenport KLB obs 5 Sep 78 Ulster County Rider Hollow, 2 mi e of Dry Brook, Town of Hardenburgh KLB obs 7 Jun 75 (specimen checked; probably spread from cult) -96- Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP. Black Spruce Flora o^ THE CATSKILLS New York State Ulster County Woodland Valley, 4 mi e of Phoenicia, Town of Shandaken 0. P. Medsger in Mem. Torr. Bot . Club 17: 294-300, 1917. “97- Picea rubens Sarg. Red Spruce Flora of THE CATSKILLS New York State Delaware County Doonans Corners, Town of Kortright 4360 Brooks 9 Ju.1 58--Brooks, RYS Vic of W. Harpersfield, Town of Harpersfield Smith & DeGroot obs 20 Sep 63 Plattekill Mt, Town of Roxbury Kudish (1971), p. 155- Greene County Kaaterskill Jet, Town of Hunter E. A. Mearns 12 Aug I896--NY Vic of Hunter, Town of Hunter N. L. Britton 30 Jul-1 Aug I898--NY Tannersville , Town of Hunter N. Taylor at l864 ft 1 Jun 09--NY Hunter Mt, Town of Hunter H. K. Syenson obs 24 Aug 31 in Torreya 31: 154-157, 1931- -98- Picea rubens Big Hollow [Maplecrest] on Batavia Kill, Windham High Peak, Burnt Knob, Acra Pt, Thomas Cole & Blackhead mts. Town of Windham Kudish (1971), pp. 155 5 161, 170. Colgate L on East Kill, Town of Jewett Kudish (1971)5 p. 159. Platte Cove, Elka Park, Kaater skill High Peak, Roundtop, North Mt, Stop- pels Pt, Indian Head, Twin, Sugarloaf, Plateau & Hunter mts. Town of Hunter Kudish (1971)5 pp. 1555 171. West Kill & Rusk mts. Town of Lexington Kudish (1971)5 pp. 1555 1565 171. Sullivan County Fir Brook Swamp, vie of Willowemoc, Town of Neversink 8260 S. J. Smith 5 Oct 50— NYS Ulster County Woodland Valley, 4 mi e of Phoenicia, Town of Shandaken 0. P. Medsger in Mem. Torr. Bot. Club 17: 294-300, 1917. Vic of Wittenberg & Slide mts, Town of Shandaken A. H. Graves quoting 0. P. Medsger in Torreya 27: 13" l4, 1927. Overlook Mt, Town of Woodstock H. K, Svenson obs 27 Aug 31 in Torreya 3I: 154-157, 1931; Kudish (1971)5 p. 155. Headwaters of Rondout Creek, Town of Denning SJS obs 12 Sep 59 Peekamoose, Table, Lone & Rocky mts. Town of Denning Kudish (1971)5 p. 155. Balsam Cap, Slide, Panther, Giant Ledge, Friday, Cornell & Wittenberg mts, Town of Shandaken Kudish (1971)5 pp. 155, 170. Larix laricina (continued from p. 94) Ulster County Town of Denning 855 H. Dunbar 10 Jun 55—RYS Rider Hollow, 2 mi e of Dry Brook, Town of Hardenburgh KLB obs 7 Jun 75 Vic of Pine Hill, Town of Shandaken KLB & Joe Quint obs 25 May 78 -99- Pinus resinosa Ait. Red Pine Flora of THE CATSKILLS New York State Greene County Catskill Mts Peck [n.d.]--NYS Mink Hollow, vie of Haines Falls, Town of Hunter H. Dunbar obs [n.d.] N of Kaaterskill L, Town of Hunter J. Bartram obs autumn 1753 Otis Summit, Town of Hunter N. Taylor in Flora Vic. N. Y., p. 71, 1915- W of Palenville, Town of Catskill McIntosh obs Jul 6l Ulster County Between Willow & Mt Tremper, Town of Woodstock D. B. Cook obs 1 Dec 35 Goblin Cut, High Point Mt, Town of Olive h2Q H. Dunbar 8 Aug 5^--NYS -100- Pinus rigida Mill. Pitch Pine Flora THE CATSKILLS New York State Dela>;are County Franklin, Town of Franklin M. Platt, 1840 Greene County South L, Town of Hunter SJS Ohs 30 Sep 63 Ulster County High Point Mt, Town of Oliye 11136 Moldenke 28 May 39~~NY; I8256 Moldenke 1 Jun 46- -HY -101- Pinus strobus L. Eastern White Pine Flora of THE CATSKILLS New York State Delaware County Franklin, Town of Franklin M. Platt, l8U0 Stamford, Town of Stamford 370 N. Taylor 3 Jun 09 at I85O ft--]NlY Delhi, Town of Delhi N. Hotchkiss obs 10 May 27 Brookdale Farm, 3 mi s by w of W. Harpersf ield. Town of Kortright 103 Brooks 6 May 51““Brooks, NYS Point Mt, vie of Cadosia, Town of Hancock SJS obs 17 Jun 1 1/2 mi sw of Odell L, Town of Harpersfield KLB obs 2 Jul 55 Merrill Farm, 2 ml s of Treadwell, Town of Franklin KIH obs 10 Jul 59 Rathbone Rd, 1 l/U mi se of Pinders Corners, Town of Davenport KLB obs 8 Aug 70 -102- Pinus strobus Rosa Farm, 1 mi s of Margaretville , Town of Middletown T444 Brooks 3 May 70 Gregorytown, Town of Colchester KLB obs 3 Jul 71 Delancey, Town of Hamden KLB obs 7 Aug 71 Vic of Bovina, Town of Bovina KLB obs 27 May 73 2 mi w by s of Grand Gorge , Town of Roxbury KLB obs 30 Jul 73 Emmons Pond, Town of Davenport R. Vitkus, A Floris . Descr . of Emmons' Pond Preserve [29 Aug 73] 1 mi e of Tompkins Falls, Town of Andes KLB obs 12 May 74 2 mi s of E. Meredith, Town of Meredith KLB obs 24 Jun 74 Vic of Launt Pond, Town of Walton KLB obs 28 Jul 74 Vic of Stilesville, Town of Deposit KLB obs 10 Aug 75 7 mi e by n of Deposit, Town of Tompkins KLB obs 10 Aug 75 3 mi nw of Trout Creek, Town of Masonville KLB obs 7 Sep 75 Vic of Sidney Center, Town of Sidney KLB obs 7 Sep 75 Greene County South L, Town of Hunter SJS obs 7 Sep 57 Vic of West Kill, Town of Lexington KLB obs 13 Sep 73 Vic of Prattsville, Town of Prattsville KLB obs 4 Jul 74 3 mi e of Jewett Center, Town of Jewett KLB obs 10 Sep 74 3 mi n of Halcott Center, Town of Halcott KLB obs 31 May 75 2 mi sw of Ashland, Town of Ashland KLB obs 1 Jul 75 2 mi n of Windham, Town of Windham KLB obs 21 Jul 75 Vic of Durso Corner, Town of Durham KLB obs 23 Sep 75 Schoharie County Vic of W. Conesville, Town of Conesville KLB obs 1 Jul 75 -103- Pinus strobus Vic of S. Gilboa, To-wn of Gilboa KLB obs 22 Sep 75 Sullivan County Vic of L Shandelee, Town of Callicoon P. Wilson 22 Aug iQ—Wf 1 mi sw of Lew Beach, Town of Rockland KLB obs 3 Jun 74 Vic of Claryville, Town of Neversink KLB obs 11 Jun 74 3 mi n of Woodbourne, Town of Fallsburg KLB obs 2 Aug 76 Vic of Long Eddy, Town of Fremont KLB 85 Phil Caswell obs l4 Sep 78 Ulster County Woodland Valley, 4 mi e of Phoenicia, Town of Shandaken 0. P. Medsger in Mem. Torr. Bot. Club 17: 294-300, I917. Headwaters of Rondout Creek, Town of Denning SJS obs 12 Sep 59 South Hill Rd, n of Ulster Heights, Town of Warwarsing KLB & Mary Domville obs 11 Jul 70 Overlook Mt, Town of Woodstock KLB & Mary Domville obs 12 Jul 70 Friedberg Place, 1 mi sw of Boiceville, Town of Olive KLB & Claire Friedberg obs I8 Jul 73 Vic of Hardenburgh, Town of Hardenburgh KLB obs l4 May 74 3 mi nw of Tabasco, Town of Rochester KLB & Paul Huth obs I9 Aug 76 Picea abies (continued from p. 95) Greene County Vic of Red Falls, Town of Prattsville KLB obs l4 Sep 75 -104- Pinus sylvestris L. Scotch Pine Flora of THE CATSKILLS New York State Delaware County 2 mi n of New Kingston, Town of Middletown U798 Brooks 2 Jun 68- -Brooks, NYS Rose Farm, 1 mi s of Margaretville , Town of Middletown TU63 Brooks 10 May 70; BW8-O9 Brooks 12 Sep 71 Lake Delaware, Town of Bovina KLB obs 24 Aug 72 Vic of Gregorytown, Town of Colchester KLB obs 8 Jul 73 Vic of Centerville, Town of Hancock KLB obs 8 Jul 73 Vic of Beerston, Town of Walton KLB obs 8 Jul 73 Betty’s Brook Rd, 1 mi nw of S . Kortright, Town of Kortright KLB obs 24 Jun 74 3 mi sw of Delhi, Town of Delhi KLB obs 29 Jun 75 -105- Pinus sylvestris 1/2 mi s of Davenport, Town of Davenport KLB obs 30 Sep 75 Vic of Merrickville , Town of Franklin KLB obs 6 Jul 76 Vic of Hambleville, Town of Deposit KLB obs 6 Jul 76 2 1/2 mi se of Roxbury, Town of Roxbury KLB obs 18 Jul 76 Greene County Vic of Ashland, Town of Ashland KLB obs 25 Jul 76 Vic of Prattsville, Town of Prattsville KLB obs 17 Aug 76 Ulster County Vic of Allaben, Town of Shandaken KLB obs 29 Jun 73 Vic of Willow, Town of Woodstock KLB obs 11 Jul 73 Vic of Belle Ayre Village, Town of Hardenburgh KLB obs 8 Jul 75 Vic of Boiceville, Town of Olive KLB obs 11 Jun 76 -106- Flora of THE CATSKILLS New York State Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. Eastern Hemlock Delaware County Franklin, Town of Franklin M. Platt, 18U0 Stamford at l800 ft. Town of Stamford 377 N. Taylor 3 Jun 09--HY Arkville, Town of Middletown 396 N. Taylor 3-7 Jun 09" "NY 2 mi sw of Grand Gorge, Town of Roxbury 119 Brooks, Smith et al. 12 May 51--Poor specimen; destroyed Bullet Hollow Rd, 5 mi nw of Andes, Town of Delhi IU56 Brooks 31 May 52--NYS Point Mt, vie of Cadosia, Town of Hancock SJS obs 17 Jun 54 Vic of W. Harpersfield, Town of Harpersfield Smith & DeGroot obs 20 Sep 63 The Vlai, 1 l/2 mi s of Oneonta, Town of Franklin Smith & DeGroot obs 21 Sep 63 -107- Tsuga canadensis 1/2 mi w by s of W. Harpersfield, Town of Kortright UlOl Brooks 9 56--NYS Rosa Farm, 1 mi s of Margaretville , Town of Middletown TII3 Brooks 6 Nov 65; BW3“18A & BW3~l8 Brooks 4 Jul 68; BW4-10A Brooks 26 Aug 68 Gregorytown, Town of Colchester KLB obs 3 Jul 71 Delancey, Town of Hamden KLB obs 7 Aug 71 1 mi s,w of Bovina Center, Town of Bovina KLB obs 27 May 73 Big Pond Rd, l4 mi s by e of Andes, Town of Andes KLB obs 6 Jun 73 6 mi e of Downsville, Town of Colchester KLB obs 12 Jun 73 Vic of Apex, Town of Tompkins KLB obs 8 Jul 73 Emmons Pond, Town of Davenport R. Vitkus, A Floris. Descr. of Emmons' Pond Preserve [29 Aug 731 2 mi se of Walton, Town of Walton KLB obs 28 Jul 74 Vic of Stilesville, Town of Deposit KLB obs 10 Aug 75 3 mi nw of Trout Creek, Town of Masonville KLB obs 7 Sep 75 2 mi sw of Meridale, Town of Meredith KLB obs 21 May 76 Greene County Onteora woods. Town of Hunter Anna M. Vail Sep I89I--NY Tannersville , Town of Hunter 284 N, Taylor 1 Jun 09“ “NY Windham, Town of Windham 805 N. Taylor at 1700 ft 28- 31 Jul 09“ “NY Deep Notch, vie of West Kill, Town of Lexington SJS obs 15 Jun 56 Prattsville, Town of Prattsville KIB obs 19 Jun 73 Elk Creek Rd, 2 mi ne of Halcott Center, Town of Halcott KLB obs 24 Jul 73 2 mi s of Jewett, Town of Jewett KLB obs 1 Jul 75 Vic of E. Ashland, Town of Ashland KLB obs 4 Jul 75 Vic of Durso Corner, Town of Durham KLB obs 2 May 76 -108- Tsuga canadensis Schoharie County Vic of Conesville, Town of Conesville KLB obs 1 Jul 75 Vic of S. Gilboa, Town of Gilboa KLB obs 22 Sep 75 Sullivan County Vic of L Shandelee, Town of Callicoon P. Wilson 25 Aug 18--NY Fir Brook Swamp, vie of Willowemoc, Town of Neversink SJS obs 5 Oct 50 E side of Long Eddy, Town of Fremont SJS obs 7 Sep 56 1 mi sw of Lew Beach, Town of Rockland KLB obs 3 Jun 74 3 mi n of Woodbourne, Town of Fallsburg KLB obs 2 Aug 76 Ulster County t Woodland Valley, 4 mi e of Phoenicia, Town of Shandaken 0. P. Medsger in Mem. Torr. Bot. Club 17: 294-300, 1917. Vic of Boiceville, Town of Olive 731 H. Dunbar 22 Apr 54--NYS Headwaters of Rondout Creek, Town of Denning SJS obs 12 Sep 59 South Hill Rd, n of Ulster Heights, Town of Warwarsing KLB & Mary Domville obs 11 Jul 70 Overlook Mt, Town of Woodstock KLB & Mary Domville obs 12 Jul 70 5 1/2 mi se of Margaretville , Town of Hardenburgh KLB obs 4 Sep 72 3 mi nw of Tabasco, Town of Rochester KLB & Paul Huth obs I9 Aug 76 -109- Juniperus communis L. ssp. depressa (pursh) Franco Dwarf Juniper Flora of THE CATSKILLS New York State Delaware County Merrill Farm, 2 mi s of Treadwell, Town of Franklin U464 Brooks 10 Jul 59" "Brooks, NYS Cold Spring Hollow, 3 l/2 mi s by e of Margaretville , Town of Middletown KLB obs 28 Jul 73 2 mi w by s of Grand Gorge, Town of Roxbury KLB obs 30 Jul 73 6 mi e of Downsville, Town of Colchester KLB obs 18 Jun 74 1/2 mi s of Davenport, Town of Davenport KLB obs 30 Sep 75 Vic of S. Kortright, Town of Kortright KLB obs 2 May 76 Greene County Prattsville, Town of Prattsville KLB obs 19 Jun 73 -110- Juniperus communis ssp. depressa Brunner Place, 4 mi n of Halcott Center, Town of Halcott KLB obs 9 Jun 75 Vic of Windham, Town of Windham KLB obs 2 May 76 Vic of W. Jewett, Town of Jewett KLB obs 17 Aug 76 Vic of S . Durham, Town of Durham KLB obs 30 Apr 78 Sullivan County W of Obernburg, Town of Fremont SJS obs 7 Sep 56 Ulster County Vic of Willow, Town of Woodstock KLB obs 11 Aug 76 -111- Juniperus virginiana L. Eastern Red Cedar Flora of THE CATSKILLS New York State Delaware County E of Grand Gorge, Town of Roxbury C. H. Diebold obs 1 Oct 30 Rosa Farm, 1 mi s of Margaretville , Town of Middletown U728 Brooks 5 Sep 66--Brooks, RYS Farmers Hill, 2 l/2 mi s of Andes, Town of Andes KLB obs 26 May 73 3 mi n of Bovina Center, Town of Bovina KLB obs 29 Sep 74 Hobart, Town of Stamford KLB obs 21 May 75 3 mi nw of Trout Creek, Town of Masonville KLB obs 7 Sep 75 1/2 mi e of Davenport, Town of Davenport KLB obs 30 Sep 75 1 1/2 mi sw of Stamford, Town of Harpersfield KLB obs 2 May 76 -112- Juniperus virginiana Vic of Bloomvillej Town of Kortright KLB obs 2 May 76 Greene County Vic of Lexington, Town of Lexington SJS obs 8 Jim 54 Vic of Prattsvllle, Town of Prattsville KLB obs k Jul 74 Vic of Hunter, Town of Hunter KLB obs 27 Jun 75 2 mi sw of Ashland, Town of Ashland KLB obs 1 Jul 75 Vic of Beaches Corners, Town of Jewett KLB obs 4 Jul 75 2 mi n of Windham, Town of Windham KLB obs 21 Jul 75 Vic of S. Durham, Town of Durham KLB obs 30 Apr 78 Schoharie County Vic of Conesville, Town of Conesville KLB obs 1 Jul 75 Vic of S. Gilboa, Town of Gllboa KLB obs 22 Sep 75 Sullivan County Vic of Obernburg, Town of Fremont KLB obs 21 Jun 75 Vic of Grahamsville, Town of Weversink KLB obs 2 Aug 76 Ulster County Vic of Shandaken, Town of Shandaken KLB obs l6 May 73 Friedberg Place, 1 mi sw of Boiceville, Town of Olive KLB & Claire Friedberg obs l8 Jul 73 Vic of Willow, Town of Woodstock KLB obs 7 May 75 3 mi nw of Tabasco, Town of Rochester KLB & Paul Huth obs 19 Aug 76 2 mi n of Ulster Heights, Tovm of Warwarsing KLB & Paul Huth obs 19 Aug 76 -113- Thuja occidentalis L. Eastern Arborvitae Flora of THE CATSKILLS New York State Delaware County Vic of Apex, Town of Tompkins 6179 Brooks 27 Aug 75" “Brooks, NYS Ulster County Oliyerea, Town of Shandaken 678 H. Dunbar 27 May 5^““frYS (a stand of oyer 100 trees) -III+- INDEX Underscored figures represent pages -where illustrations are located. Abbreviations, list of, 73 Abies, 5 balsamea, 7, 91 magnifica, 11. 12, 93 American Yew, 3j it? 89 Appendix, 85 Arborvitae, 68, 69, ZIj Balsam Fir, 7, 2, 91 Bibliography, 79 Black Spruce, 23, 25.5 97 Common Juniper, ^ Coniferales, 1 Cupressaceae, the Cypress Family, 57 Cypress family, 57 Dwarf Juniper, 59j HO Eastern Red Cedar, 63, 6^, 112 Eastern White Pine, 4l, 44, 45 .. 102 Family Cypress, 57 Pine , 5 Yew, 2 Fir, 5 Balsam, 7, 91 Red, 11, 12, 93 Glossary of technical terms, 75 Gymnospermae , 1 Hemlock, 51 Eastern, 52, 107 Juniper, 57 Common, ^ Dwarf, 59? HO Eastern Red, 63, 112 Juniperus, 57 communis, 6l communis ssp. depressa, 59? 110 virginiana, 63, ^? 112 Larch, I3 Larix, I3 laricina, 13, I5., 94 Norway Spruce, I9? £Q, 95 Picea, 17 abies, I9? £Q, 95 glauca, 21, 22, 96 mariana, 23? £5.? 97 rubens, 26, £2? 98 Pinaceae, the Pine Family, 5 Pine , 30 Eastern White, 4l, 44, 4^? 102 family, 5 Pitch, 38, £9, 101 Red, 35? £7, 100 Scotch, 48, 49, 105 White, Eastern, 4l, 44, 45 . 102 Pinus , 30 resinosa, 35? £1? 100 rigida, 38, 101 strobus, 4l, 2£? 102 sylvestris, 48, £9? 105 Pitch Pine, 38, £9, 101 Red Cedar, Eastern, 63? ^? 112 Red Fir, 11, 12, 93 Red Pine, 35? £1? 100 Red Spruce, 26, ££, 98 Scotch Pine, 48, £9? 105 Spermatophyta , 1 Spruce , 17 Black, 23? £9? 97 Norway, I9? £0, 95 Red, 26, £1, 98 White, 21, £2, 96 Tamarack, 13, 19? 94 Taxaceae, the Yew Family, 2 Taxus, 2 baccata ssp. canadensis, 3? 4? 89 Technical terms, glossary of, 75 -115- Thu j a , 68 occidentalis , 69, 'JXi Tsuga, 51 canadensis, 52, 107 White Pine, Eastern, 4l, U5, 102 White Spruce, 21, 22, 96 Yew, 2 American, 3? It? 89 family, 2 -116- New York Botanical Garden Library 3 5185 00337 3790 These publications are available from: (Request Price List) Gifts & Exchange New York State Library Albany, New York 12234 Other Botanical Publications of Interest: Brooks, Karl. 1979. A Catskill Flora and Economic Botany, vol . 1, Pteridophyta, The Ferns and Fern Allies. N.Y.S. Museum Bull. 438, 276 pp. Mitchell, Richard S. & J. Kenneth Dean. 1978. Polygonaceae (Buckwheat Family) of New York State. Contr. to a Flora of New York State, I. N.Y.S. Museum Bull. 431, 81 pp. Mitchell, Richard S. & Ernest 0. Beal. 1979. Magnoliaceae through Ceratophyl laceae of New York State. Contr. to a Flora of New York State, II. N.Y.S. Museum Bull. 435, 62 pp. Mitchell, Richard S. 1979. Preliminary Lists of Rare, Endangered and Threatened Plant Species in New York State. N.Y.S. Museum Leafl. 21, 18 pp. Ogden, Eugene C. et al . 1976. Field Guide to the Aquatic Plants of Lake George, New York. N.Y.S. Museum Bull. 426, 65 pp. 08939