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I ‘ f ' 7 te ‘A e . $ ee ao leey C oH \ Shy ae REAPPRAISAL OF PROPHAETHON HRUBSOLEI ANDREWS _(NATURAL HISTORY) Oe aa AV Ola tNOE ae A REAPPRAISAL OF PROPHAETHON SHRUBSOLEI ANDREWS (AVES) BY COLIN JAMES OLIVER HARRISON AND CYRIL ALEXANDER WALKER Pp. 1-30; 3 Plates; 7 Text-figures BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) GEOLOGY Vol. 27 No.1 LONDON : 1976 THE BULLETIN OF (THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), tmstituted in 1949, 1s issued in five series corresponding to the Scientific Departments of the Museum, and an Historical sertes. Parts will appear at irregular intervals as they become ready. Volumes will contain about three or four hundred pages, and will not necessarily be completed within one calendar ‘year. In 1965 a separate supplementary series of longer papers was instituted, numbered serially for each Department. This paper is Vol. 27, No. 1, of the Geological (Palaeontological) series. The abbreviated titles of periodicals cited follow those of the World List of Scientific Periodicals. World List abbreviation : Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Geol.) ISSN 0007-1471 © Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), 1976 BRITISH MUSEUM (NATUBAL FISTORY) Issued 4 February, 1976 Price 2.85 A REAPPRAISAL OF PROPHAETHON SHRUBSOLEI ANDREWS (AVES) By C. J. O. HARRISON & C. A. WALKER CONTENTS Page MBSTRACE 0) ‘ : : ‘ : ; ; ; : 3 I. INTRODUCTION : : : : : : . : 5 3 II. DEscRIPTION : : : : : : : : : 4 a. Skull morphology . : ; ; ; : : : 4 b. Postcranial elements . : : . 4 ; : II c. Measurements F ; : ; : 4 : é 16 III. COMPARISONS WITH RECENT MATERIAL : P : , 3 18 IV. DIscUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS : 2 - 5 : : 24 V. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION : : : F : : 2 27 VI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ; : ‘ ‘ - : , : 29 VII. REFERENCES : : : : i 3 : ‘ : 29 VIII. INDEX ‘ : : ; : : : ; : ; 29 ABSTRACT Prophaethon shrubsole1 Andrews of the Lower Eocene, known from an imperfect skeleton, has been previously assigned to the Phaethontidae within the Pelecaniformes. After further preparation the specimen is redescribed. In comparison with Recent species of Pelecani- formes, Charadriiformes and Procellariiformes it was found to share some characters with all three, and could not with any certainty be assigned to any one of them. It is proposed, there- fore, that Prvophaethon should be considered as a representative of a new monotypic order, Prophaethontiformes, and it is suggested that it represents an early link between these Recent orders. This hypothesis is discussed and a diagnosis of the new order is given. fl. INTRODUCTION In 1899 C. W. Andrews described a fossil bird which W. H. Shrubsole had collected from the London Clay of the Isle of Sheppey, Kent, and had presented to the British Museum (Natural History). When found, the specimen consisted of a clay nodule in which one side of the skull and limb fragments were exposed. It was partially prepared at the Museum and when described and figured it showed the entire dorsal, posterior and right lateral views of the skull with the lower mandible in place. The orbit was also partly cleared of matrix back to the quadrate and down to the quad- ratojugal bar. The left side of the pelvis, which was somewhat obscured by the overlying skull, was also prepared, and a femur and the anterior portion of a broken tibiotarsus were laterally exposed. From the general appearance of the skull Andrews concluded that it belonged to a pelecaniform bird. In the subsequent discussion of its affinities only pelecaniform families were referred to, and one may conclude that once he had decided on its possible ordinal status he did not compare it with material other than that within this taxon. 4 REAPPRAISAL OF He compared the specimen systematically with examples of the various pelecani- form families and concluded that it most nearly resembled the genus Phaethon which constitutes the family Phaethontidae. In spite of some differences he thought that it was ancestral to Phaethon and named it Prophaethon shrubsolet, regarding the general similarities of the skull and deep fronto-nasal hinge with a prominent frontal ridge as evidence of affinity. He noted that the nostrils of Prophaethon, unlike the holorhinal ones of Phaethon, approximated to the schizorhinal condition, but quoted Pycraft (1898) to the effect that on the skull of the young of Phaethon the nostrils show a nearly schizorhinal condition. He also noted that the pelvis was narrow and more closely resembled that of Swla and Phalacrocorax. He regarded the nostril condition as ancestral and concluded that the narrow pelvis indicated that, unlike the Recent Phaethon, Prophaethon was probably a good swimmer and diver, and that the extent to which Phaethon had diverged from this condition was a result of post-Eocene evolution. During work towards a comprehensive review of the British Lower Eocene birds, still in progress, we decided that the specimen was suitable for further preparation by modern techniques. This was undertaken by Mr F. M. P. Howie of the Palae- ontological Laboratory of the Museum. X-ray photographs were used to trace the position and extent of the bones present, and the specimen was then carefully prepared. Asa result of this work most of the elements have now been separated and cleaned. The skull can be examined in all aspects including the palate (the lack of access to which Andrews regretted). The lower jaw is now separate and complete. A previously unsuspected portion of sternum has been revealed, and the hidden part of the proximal end of the tibiotarsus is now free. The pelvis has been extensively cleared, but still has attached to it the proximal half of the femur, and also portions of the ribs. An almost complete coracoid and the blade of a scapula are also present, and there are fragments of vertebrae and broken portions of limb- bones partly embedded in more resistant matrix. In the following sections the various parts have been described. The terminology follows that of Jollie (1957) for the skull, and that of Howard (1929) for the post- cranial skeleton. From the characters now available the species does not appear to be closely allied to Phaethon and some characters are apparently shared with non- pelecaniform taxa. II. DESCRIPTION a. Skull morphology CRANIAL AND ORBITAL STRUCTURES. Viewed dorsally (Fig. 1; Pl. 1, fig. A) and laterally (Fig. 2; Pl. 1, figs C & D) the skull as a whole shows a fairly even taper from its widest part in the temporal region to its narrow termination at the tip of the rostrum. The frontal rises a little from the dorsal edge of the parietals, with a slight inflation on either side in the area above the brain. From near the posterior edge of the orbits the frontal maintains a fairly even width anteriorly, with a shallow median hollow in the interorbital region, and then expands gradually at the anterior IPIR(QUAIAALIE IL lel (QIN SIEMR OURS OIL JBI. 5 Fic. 1. Dorsal viewof skull, x 1. Abbreviations: boc, basioccipital condyle ; bps, basi- parasphenoid ; dps, gland depression, ? salt ; exn, external nares ; fm, foramen magnum ; fnh, fronto-nasal hinge ; ios, interorbital septum; mx, maxilla; ns, nasal strut; pes, prefrontal attachment area; pl, palatine; pmx, premaxilla; pop, postorbital process ; q, quadrate ; rps, rostroparasphenoid ; tf, temporal fossa; z, zygoma. end before terminating abruptly in a transverse, rounded and prominent brow ridge just above the fronto-nasal hinge. From the more complete left side of the frontal end of the specimen it would appear to be thick anteriorly, but above the orbits the frontal becomes very thin and its outer edge may have been irregular. The posterior dorsal edge of the orbit curves outwards and terminates in a promi- nent, posteriorly curved postorbital process, which projects at a level only a little below the dorsal surface of the frontal. Posterior to this process is a deep temporal fossa. Viewed from above (Fig. 1; Pl. 1, fig. A), the fossa is rounded and partly enclosed by the postorbital process. In spite of the depth of the fossa the internal margin does not extend very far onto the dorsal surface of the cranium and there is only a relatively small and poorly-defined depression around its inner edge, while dps Fic. 2. Left lateral view of skull, x1. Abbreviations as in Fig. 1. 6 REAPPRAISAL OF posteriorly the main fossa slopes back to the line of the fronto-parietal junction. The fronto-parietal edge is superficially eroded and the original temporal fossa may have been more clearly defined. Posterior to the fossa the squamosal and parietal form an arch over the auditory meatus with a slight peak marking the posterior edge of the fossa; the quadrate articulates immediately below it. On the left side the outer edges of the bones are damaged, while on the right side both the postorbital process and the region above the quadrate are broken. The cranium is rather small and projects forward medially with the result that, within the orbit, the posterior part of the frontal which forms the anterior ventral wall of the cranial cavity slants away postero-laterally, and also at an angle of c. 45° postero-ventrally. In the upper region of the orbit the frontal is pierced, on either side of the inter- orbital septum, by a large oval fenestra opening into the cranial cavity. At the lower posterior edge of the frontal (or possibly in the orbitosphenoid) there is a large optic foramen, piercing the interorbital septum and extending laterally on either side of it. The septum itself is fragmentary and shows an extensive irregular central fenestra and various small subsidiary foramina. There are grooves, pre- sumably to accommodate nerves, along the dorsal and ventral edges of the septum. The interorbital region of the frontal is thick, the roof of the orbit sloping from the orbit edge towards the septum. At its anterior dorsal end the interorbital septum is pierced by a small, vertical fenestra which extends up into a hollow in the ventral surface of the frontal at this point. Just posterior to this fenestra the septum edge forms a thickened ridge descending from the orbit roof and curving forward below the fenestra, becoming concealed by the matrix which encloses the inner nasal region. The interorbital fenestra and hollow may have accommodated some structure with an olfactory function. This area is more complete on the left side of the specimen. On this side the roof of the orbit shows a peculiar feature. Within the orbit, along its dorsal edge, there is an elongated oval depression, extending slightly inwards and terminating internally at an abrupt ridge where the frontal resumes its normal thickness. It is not clear to what extent the edge of the orbit may have been damaged, but there has been a reduction in thickness of the orbit roof, towards its edge, to accommodate a structure which was elongated, broader towards its middle, and dorso-ventrally flattened to an even thickness. At the anterior end of the orbit the frontal is thick and abruptly flattened on the lateral surface. In some of the Recent Pelecaniformes this condition is associated with the presence of a closely attached but unfused prefrontal, which may fall away to reveal a similar surface of attachment. It therefore seems likely that a pro- jecting prefrontal was originally present in Prophaethon, but has been lost. On the left side, within the orbit, there is an incomplete and laterally projecting flange of bone at the middle of the anterior edge of the interorbital septum. This might be the remains of the lateral ethmoid plate associated with it. In either case there is evidence for the existence of some structure at the anterior end of the orbital cavity, of a type normally associated with a prefrontal. PROPHAETHON SHRUBSOLETL a Fic. 3. Ventral view of skull with left zygoma removed, x1. Abbreviations as in Fig. 1. The jugal and quadratojugal form a narrow even strut of bone arising a little dorsal to the posterior tip of the maxillary and extending in a straight line back to the quadrate, continuing the line of the tomium of the upper mandible. The bar has been fragmented but appears to be laterally flattened along its entire length and shows no torsion. Ventrally (Fig. 3; Pl. 1, fig. B), the basiparasphenoid is a small and triangular plate, tapering anteriorly to a smooth rostroparasphenoid and at the external posterior corners curving ventrally to form a pair of blunt projections only a little anterior to the occipital condyle. The area is damaged and pitted in places and it is not possible to be certain of the structure of the anterior part of the basiparasphenoid plate. The posterior surface (Fig. 4; Pl. 1, fig. E) of the cranium is rather flattened, but a little inflated in the region of the supraoccipital. The foramen magnum is large and rounded and tilted slightly downwards. The parietals form a broad arch over the foramen. They are slightly hollowed dorsally towards the inner end, and the Fic. 4. Posterior view of skull, x1. Abbreviations as in Fig. I. 8 REAPPRAISAL OF outer ventral edges are prominent and rounded posteriorly. The surfaces of the exoccipitals are concave. They have a slightly anterior ventral slant and begin to taper ventrally before expanding again at the line of fusion with the posterior edge of the basiparasphenoid plate. QUADRATE. In Prophaethon the right quadrate is in the normal position with the shaft vertical, but it has been damaged along its external side. The left quadrate is also in position, but the posterior end of the pterygoid has become displaced upwards, allowing the quadrate to tilt inwards at its lower end ; it is held in this position by matrix on the internal side. The tilt has displaced the dorsal articula- ting surface and allows a better view of this end. The shaft is postero-anteriorly flattened, the narrow waist at the level of the orbital process being about three times as broad as it is thick, and widening towards the dorsal and ventral ends. The dorsal head is laterally broad, the external flange of the otic process projecting laterally as far as does the quadratojugal socket on the ventral head. The otic process slants laterally from the waist to form a rather flattened process, with a shallow ridge from the base of the orbital process crossing the anterior surface, but with some of the posterior surface and tip broken away. The internal facet of the dorsal head appears to terminate as a rounded structure projecting internally only a little further than the inner edge of the shaft. The orbital process is blade-like, with an almost horizontal upper edge and a slightly rounded tip. From this tip it curves down towards the lower part of the shaft. It appears to project anteriorly at an angle to the quadrate shaft of about 70°. The ventral head of the quadrate is elongated laterally. The quadratojugal socket projects laterally and curves forwards so that the entrance of the socket is more anterior than the lateral alignment. The posterior side of the head curves back from the articulation socket to form a projecting posterior flange; from the posterior side of the broken right quadrate of the specimen it would appear that there is a fairly deep but small groove on the lower end of the mid-shaft, cutting into the flange. The ventral surface of the quadrate then curves anteriorly again, but on the specimen the mandibular articulation surface of this region is damaged. PALATE (Fig. 3; Pl. 1, fig. B). The skull presents an example of a typical schizo- gnathous palate. The maxillae are broadest posteriorly at the point where they fuse with the palatines, and posteriorly they then taper rapidly on the external side to the articulation with the jugal. Anteriorly, they taper a little and extend for most of the length of the rostrum with a narrowing gap between them, fusion presumably occurring in the premaxillary region at the tip of the rostrum (now lost). They are slightly hollowed ventrally and the external edge projects ventrally to form the tomium of the upper mandible. The palatines arise near the posterior ends of the maxillae and extend back as shafts of similar width to the maxillae, but tapering a little, and then expanding in the region below the orbits, to form elongated, ventrally-hollowed blades, their posterior ends articulating with the pterygoids. The posterior external sides of both blades are a little broken but together they show the line of the external and posterior edge. Je HAALID IL IAOIN Sig lela Osa! 9 The palato-maxillae arise on the internal edge of the palatines near the region where the latter diverge from the maxillae. They extend posteriorly as narrow blades lying alongside the internal edge of the palatines, but from the side view of the skull it can be seen that they are laterally flattened blades with the upper edges curving dorsally and externally on either side of the vomer. Laterally, in the angle between the nasal bars and the posterior end of the maxilla, this upper edge of the palato-maxilla can be seen on the right side of the specimen as a projecting flange level with the junction of the nasal and maxilla ; on the left side it is broken, re- vealing the narrow extensions where it joins the internal ventral and internal dorsal ends of the maxilla. Dorsally, the internal edge of the palatines extends upwards on either side of the anterior ventral edge of the interorbital septum, its posterior edge curving inwards and downwards to meet the posterior dorsal surface of the vomer. This structure is fairly complete but a little broken along its upper edge on the left side, and more extensively broken, but still showing curvature, on the right side. The pterygoids are slender shafts. In ventral and lateral view the anterior end which articulates with the posterior tip of the palatine can be seen to be expanded, the sides diverging fairly evenly towards the tip on the ventral surface and with a prominent rounded dorso-external end visible laterally. The main shaft shows some lateral flattening and where it articulates with the right quadrate it shows dorso- external torsion and a rounded, blade-like expansion at the posterior dorsal end. This appears to increase the extent of the articulation with the internal side of the ventral end of the quadrate. Rostrum. Where it joins the skull the rostrum is almost square in transverse section, but slightly narrower dorsally ; anteriorly it tapers very gradually to a point. The frontal region of the skull terminates in a bold ridge, bordered anteriorly by the deep, transverse fronto-nasal hinge. From the base of this ridge a rather flat nasal surface of the basal rostrum projects anteriorly, merging into the premaxilla, and tapering and becoming more rounded dorsally towards the anterior end. On either side it is separated from the more ventrally situated maxillae by an elongated aperture which also tapers and which extends to near the distal tip of the rostrum. Two slender bars of the nasal slope posteriorly upwards from the posterior part of the maxillae just where these widen, and appear to fuse laterally with the edges of the broad posterior rostral surface just anterior to the fronto-nasal groove. MANDIBLE (Fig. 6f; Pl. 2, figs A—C). The mandibular rami are slender, elon- gated and with only a gradual taper towards the tip. They have been twisted and show a dorsal torsion to the right. The distal end is damaged but the more proximal and articular regions are complete. The dentary portion of each ramus is moder- ately rounded externally, more marked towards the ventral edge. The internal side - of the dorsal edge slants ventro-laterally, and ventral to this a deep groove occupies the centre of the internal surface, extending along the distal two-fifths of the man- dible. Proximal to this groove the internal surface is rounded with a more promi- nent central ridge, continuing the internal tomium edge and gradually descending Io REAPPRAISAL OF pre pre Fic. 5. Views of right coracoid, x2. A, dorsal; B, external; C, internal; D, ventral. Abbreviations: gf, glenoid facet; prc, procoracoid ; sci, sternocoracoidal impression ; sf, sternal facet. PROPHAELTHON SHRUBSOLET itt ventrally and becoming shallower, to disappear near the ventro-posteriorly slanting mandibular suture. On the internal side (Fig. 6f), the upper edge of the splenial extends about three-quarters of the way along the ventral anterior edge of the suture and then extends anteriorly and ventrally as a thin line. The mandibular suture appears as a deep groove internally, and much of the lower half is occupied by a narrow, elongated fossa, at the anterior end of which a narrow slit forms the internal opening of a poorly-defined anterior mandibular fenestra. Externally (Pl. 2, fig. C) the upper part of the suture is fused, but there is a narrow, elongated fossa, the dentary edge ventral! to it projecting slightly so that the fossa is internal to it rather than dorsal. The upper edge of the fossa forms an external opening for the fenestral slit. Posterior to this external fossa the suture extends back ventro-posteriorly between the dentary and the anterior ventral parts of the supra-angular and angular. From the anterior end of the fossa a shallow and broad but well-defined groove extends almost horizontally along the external face of the dentary and terminates at a level a little posterior to that of the posterior end of the groove on the internal face of the mandible. On the broad, internal face of the posterior part of the mandible, towards the dorsal edge, there is a large, oval, posterior mandibular fossa between the pre- articular and supra-angular. Since this is filled with matrix the internal structure is not visible, but it does not penetrate to the external surface. Posterior to this fossa the mandible becomes less deep, but broadens rapidly just before the surface of the articulation with the quadrate. Dorsally, the surface widens rapidly into a triangular, smooth surface with a small articular prominence at the external corner. On the posterior side of the surface is a deep hollow which articulates with the ventral head of the quadrate. It has a complete dorsal rim on the external side, but elsewhere slopes to a median groove which occupies the centre of an extension of the hollow opening into the internal side. Posterior to the hollow the dorsal surface terminates as a narrow edge, broadening at the internal end into a small triangular surface with a raised and rounded internal tip, and on the inner side of this, broadening the posterior edge of the hollow, there is a small rounded foramen. The posterior surface of the mandible is flattened and forms a modified inverted triangle. It has a distinct and narrow dorso-internal protrusion, while the lowest part is more broadly rounded and projects as a narrow, curved lip beyond the main ventral shaft. The surface is hollowed at the centre. The true position of this surface is difficult to determine because of the torsion of the specimen, but it appears to show some internal deflection and a marked posterior-dorsal tilt, the ventral lip projecting beyond the rest of the structure. b. Postcranial elements STERNUM (Fig. 6a—c). The sternum was previously concealed within the matrix and its presence was not suspected until the present preparation had begun. It is still partially embedded in matrix and lacks its posterior end and the lateral pos- terior parts of the sternal plate. The carina, which lacks the posterior end, is exposed on its right side and along the anterior and ventral edges. In addition the 12 REAPPRAISAL. OF cs irs f Fic. 6. Views of partly embedded sternum, x1; a. right lateral, b. anterior, c. ventral. Views of imperfect left tibiotarsus, x1; d. oblique anterior, e. oblique internal. f. View of the internal side of right mandible, x1. Abbreviations: art, articular; c, carina; ca, carinal apex; cs, coracoidal sulcus; dg, dental groove; dms, dorsal manubrial spine ; irs, inter-ramal suture; mf, mandibular foramen; occ, outer cnemial crest ; pra, prearticular ; sur, surangular; vms, ventral manubrial spine. PROPHAELTHON SHR UBSOLEL 13 ventral manubrial spine and right half of the manubrium and coracoid sulcus are also present. The right half of the sternal plate is shattered posterior to the thickened region of the sulcus and lacks the external and posterior parts. The sternal plate shows slight ventral curvature. The carina is large, projecting ventrally and anteriorly, with a slight curvature of the ventral margin. It becomes thicker anteriorly, and at the carinal apex bifurcates to accommodate the ventral end of the anterior articulating surface. The anterior carinal margin is stout, but tapers at the dorsal end where it curves up to the underside of the ventral manubrial spine. The latter is a small sharp projection, an inverted triangle in transverse section with the wider dorsal surface rising slightly anteriorly and then curving forwards and downwards, tapering away to a point a little below the level of the ventral edge of the spine. The anterior carinal margin curves forwards ventrally, its apex anterior to the tip of the spine. The upper part, about three-fifths of the whole, curves forwards and becomes thicker ventrally, and forms a blunt projection at a similar anterior level to the tip of the manubrial spine. Below this, the remaining two-fifths form a flattened, elongated anterior facet, hollowed centrally and curving forward ven- trally. It appears analogous to similar surfaces on the sterna of some pelecaniform species, which articulate with the furcula in the region of the ventral symphysis. Viewed laterally (Fig. 6a), this surface on Prophaethon is hollowed to such an extent that it shows some posterior curvature. Viewed anteriorly (Fig. 6b) it is dorso- ventrally elongated and wedge-shaped, widening ventrally and with the ventral portion curving anteriorly. At the ventral end the hollow becomes shallower, forming a poorly-defined lip below the deepest part of the cavity. The dorsal lip of the coracoid sulcus appears thickened but is superficially damaged. The ventral lip arises at the lateral dorsal edge of the base of the ventral manubrial spine and slants posteriorly across the sternal plate. There is a broad ventral surface between the anterior edges of the dorsal and ventral lips. The ventral labial prominence occurs about two-thirds of the way along the sulcus as a bluntly rounded, thin flange overlapping the sulcus which up to this point appears to be ventrally exposed. A low ridge across the sternal plate from the posterior part of the carina terminates at the sulcus after crossing the ventral surface of the ventral labial prominence. The sulcus terminates a little lateral to the prominence, the ventrally projecting ridge of the dorsal lip curving posteriorly towards the end of the sulcus to leave a thinner, laterally-projecting, area of the sterno-coracoid impression. Coracorp (Fig. 5; Pl. 2, figs D-G). The right coracoid is preserved, but an- teriorly it is broken off just above the glenoid facet, the broken surface extending along part of the ventral edge. The sterno-coracoid process and internal distal angle are also damaged. The shaft is smooth and rounded, but towards the distal (sternal) end it is dorso- ventrally flattened. The sterno-coracoid surface is large and slightly curved ventrally, and since the dorsal lip of the coracoid sulcus is markedly anterior to the ventral lip, as already described in discussing the sternum, the ridge marking the 14 REAPPRAISAL OF articulating surface for the latter appears across the middle of the dorsal surface of the sterno-coracoid area. It becomes lower and disappears before reaching the flattened and rather rectangular sterno-coracoid process. The internal distal angle of the coracoid is broken off at the line of the articulation ridge. The shaft becomes thicker and more rounded, and laterally narrower, as it ap- proaches the procoracoid. From the faint scar of attachment of the coraco-brachialis a poorly-defined ridge crosses the shaft to the distal end of the procoracoid. The latter projects laterally and curves anteriorly and ventrally to a point (broken short in the specimen). On the internal side there is a curved hollow between the procoracoid and shaft, with a small longitudinal ridge on either side of it. The internal opening of the coracoid fenestra is a small hole near the distal end of this hollow, and the external opening is a similar hole on the dorsal ae. of the pro- coracoid, towards its edge. The scapular facet is shallow and dorsal, and from it a thickened ridge borders the proximal edge of the procoracoid. The glenoid facet is dorsoventrally aligned. Ventrally, there is a low ridge from the ventro-external edge of the shaft, which crosses the sterno-coracoid process and terminates near its distal external extremity. SCAPULA. The single left scapula lacks the proximal articulating end. It is a slender rod with a slight ventral curvature, dorso-ventrally flattened. It is a little thicker and more rounded at its base and towards its tip becomes more flattened and broader, then tapers to a point. PELvis (PI. 3, figs A-C). Most of the pelvis is present. At the anterior end of it a row of laterally crushed vertebrae form the relic of the thoracic part of the vertebral column. Dorsally the pelvis has been cleared of matrix but some of the more ventral detail of the left side is still obscured by matrix containing broken ribs. On the right side it is completely exposed. The anterior lateral edge of the ilium is broken on the right, but appears complete on the left side. Posteriorly, on the right, the ischium and pubis are broken off at about the posterior end of the ilio- ischiatic fenestra, and the ilium posterior to the fenestra is also missing, the dorsal end terminating at the incomplete caudal end of the synsacrum. On the left side, part of the iliac portion of the synsacrum is visible and the ventral struts of the roof of the renal depression can also be seen on the left. At the anterior end of the pelvis the median-dorsal ridge is thick and prominent, appearing to fuse with the end of a row of elongated and flattened neural spines. The ridge projects sharply, the iliac plates sloping down steeply on either side and curving outwards to form a lateral flange, broadest anteriorly and with a rounded tip. Posteriorly the dorsal ridge widens and the iliac plates become narrower and less hollowed laterally. The edges of the ridge diverge as two well-defined edges of the anterior iliac crest, curving outwards to a slight prominence above and internal to the acetabulum. From there, two blunt, broad ridges continue posteriorly as the posterior iliac crest, curving slightly towards each other in the region of the ilio- ischiatic fenestra, before diverging posteriorly. The shield area between them is narrow and slightly hollowed, with a median ridge beginning to appear towards the PROPHAETHON SHRUBSOLEI 15 posterior end; on the left side at the posterior end there is what may have been the first of a double row of narrow fenestrae from the renal depression. Below the posterior iliac crests the iliac surface slopes outwards as a narrow upper edge to the iliac-ischiatic fenestra. The fenestra is large and elongated, becoming wider posteriorly, with a relatively straight lower edge, a posteriorly-curved upper edge, and the two meeting anteriorly in a small rounded end just posterior to the lower edge of the antitrochanter. Anteriorly the surface bordering the upper edge of the fenestra flares out to a prominent lip over an antitrochanter, the articulating surface of which has an anterior/external aspect and also an anterior/ventral slant. Below this is a rounded acetabulum, the lower third of which does not penetrate completely to the ventral side, but forms a rounded hollow in the bone. There is a small lateral projection midway along the anterior external edge of the acetabulum. Just ventral to the anterior edge of the acetabulum a small anteriorly-projecting pectinal process is present, posterior to which the pubis slopes away as a slender rod of bone. The anterior end of the ischio-pubic fenestra is narrow but rounded and terminates posterior to the ventral edge of the acetabulum. Dorsal to it the ischial bar is nearly twice the width of the pubis. Just posterior to the acetabulum the external surface of this ischial bar slopes ventro-internally, until it meets a small ridge which slopes back from the posterior edge of the antitrochanter, at which point torsion occurs and the external face of the ischium has a ventro-external slant, and shows a poorly-defined, posteriorly and ventrally slanting, ridge in its surface. The fused synsacrum has its greatest depth at the anterior end and viewed laterally the dorsal line of the pelvis and the ventral surface of the synsacrum converge towards the posterior end, forming a thin elongated wedge that shows a slight ventral curvature at its posterior tip. The ventral surface of the synsacrum is widest at the region of the sacral vertebrae, where it shows a well-defined median groove, and tapers gradually towards the posterior end. Anteriorly it also begins to taper but becomes broader again at the anterior tip where it articulates with the first free vertebra. The latter appears to be the last dorsal vertebra. The anterior articu- lation surface of the synsacrum is posterior to the broad dorsal anterior edge of the ilium. Femur. The right femur was exposed in the specimen as originally prepared ; it appears from the original figure (Andrews 1899) to have had a coating of matrix and to have been superficially damaged beneath this. The present preparation has exposed on the distal half, which is detached from the main block but still attached to the tibiotarsus, an internal distal surface almost to the condyle ; on the proximal half still 72 situ on the pelvis the external and posterior surfaces are visible. The distal internal face shows a smooth, slightly rounded surface with a rounded and posteriorly projecting condyle, the internal condylar surface showing an internal deflection towards the distal end. The trochanter shows an abrupt obturator ridge with a hollow beneath it on the posterior side. The anterior head of the trochanter is rounded, and the external edge appears to form a blunt, projecting ridge which extends for some way along the anterior external edge of the shaft. 16 REAPPRAISAL OF TIBIOTARSUS (Fig. 6d—e; Pl. 3, figs D-E). During preparation the proximal end of the left tibiotarsus was removed and cleaned. The external side of the shaft had originally broken away as far as the head, but the internal side is still intact. The anterior and internal sides of the shaft are present and where they join there is an abrupt edge which becomes more prominent towards the proximal end and finally forms the anteriorly-projecting flange of the inner cnemial crest. The inner cnemial crest is a thin prominent flange arising along the internal edge, projecting anteriorly and at its outer edge curving a little externally. It extends proximally well beyond the articulating surfaces. It arises gradually from the shaft, is deepest at about the level of the proximal edge of the articulating surfaces, and then tapers to a blunt point proximally. The outer cnemial crest arises on the anterior surface near the external edge and nearer the proximal end than does the inner crest. It is thicker distally than the inner cnemial crest and projects at an angle between the anterior and external surfaces, curving slightly towards the external side. Its proximal end terminates at an angle a little proximal to the articulation surfaces. It appears to end abruptly as though broken short but this is also apparent on some entire examples of Recent species. The internal articular surface is more distally placed than the inter-articular area and the ends of the crests. Its surface is damaged on the specimen, but it shows a posteriorly-projecting, curved lip. The inter-articular area slopes distally on the external side, curving distally to the broken external surface in a shallow hollow on the external side of the outer cnemial crest. RIBS AND OTHER ELEMENTS. The head of a rib and part of another are visible on the left side of the specimen anterior to the pelvis, together with broken shafts still embedded in matrix. The visible head is relatively stout ventral to the tubercle, and the portions of shaft are fairly broad. There is no obvious uncinate process, but a slender and flat strip of partially embedded bone parallel to the left posterior iliac crest might be referable to this. In general structure the ribs resemble those of the larger larids and sulids. In addition to the material described above, there are also a number of fragments of bone and matrix removed during preparation. A close examination of these might make their identification possible, but they are not likely to provide additional useful information to the present study. Their existence is therefore noted, but no further study has been made. c. Measurements All dimensions are given in millimetres. SKULL Overall length (premaxilla—supraoc- Maximum width at postorbital pro- cipital) 112 cesses 38 Maximum width at posterior end Minimum width of interorbital bar 15 (squamosals) 35°5 Width at anterior end of frontals USE PROPHAETHON SHRUBSOLET 17 SKULL (continued) Width at base of rostrum (dorsal) Width at base of rostrum (ventral) Mid-rostral width Width at tip of rostrum as preserved Length of culmen Length of lateral nasal aperture Maximum depth of lateral nasal aperture Posterior depth of cranium to occipital condyle Maximum cranial depth Depth from anterior end of frontals to palatines Width of temporal fossa at postorbital process Minimum width of cranium at tem- poral fossae QUADRATE Quadratojugal socket to otic process External—internal width of quadrato- ’ articular surface Anterior— posterior width of quadrato- articular surface LOWER MANDIBLE Maximum length of left dentary to post-articular process (incomplete) Maximum length of right dentary to post articular process (incomplete) Depth of dentary at tip Width of dentary at tip Depth of dentary at proximal end of internal dentary groove Width of dentary at proximal end of internal dentary groove Maximum depth of dentary at intra- ramal suture Maximum width of dentary at intra- ramal suture SCAPULA Overall length (incomplete) Maximum distal width CORACOID Overall length Maximum distal width Width of glenoid facet Width of scapula facet Width of sternal facet 2 14°5 232 67°7 Length of dorsal hollow in orbit (? nasal gland) 22 Width of dorsal hollow in orbit (estimated) 4 Length of palatines 42 Maximum proximal width of palatines 5°6 Length of pterygoid 16 Width of shaft of pterygoid 1-6 Width at quadrato-pterygoid articu- lation 4°3 Maximum width of posterior end of basiparasphenoid plate 17 Width of rostroparasphenoid 32 Length of zygoma 44°2 Depth of zygoma 226 Width of zygoma ee External—internal thickness of shaft below orbital process 4°8 Maximum depth of orbital process 6-2 Length of orbital process 7°8 Depth at anterior end of articular surface 6°5 Width at anterior end of articular surface g'I Depth at posterior end of articular surface 9°3 Width at posterior end of articular surface 11:2 Maximum length of posterior mandi- bular fossa 14°3 Maximum depth of posterior mandi- bular fossa 6°7 Proximal width 4°9 Thickness at proximal end Pad | Width of shaft at coracoidal fenestra 6°8 Internal—external length at sternal facet (left) 20°2 Proximodistal width of sternocora- coidal process (left) 85 18 REAPPRAISAL OF STERNUM Maximum length to ventral manubrial Length of furcular facet 10'9 spine 51°5 Maximum width of furcular facet 6:8 Length of carinal edge (incomplete) 59 Tip of ventral manubrial spine to Carinal apex to dorsal edge of ventral ventral labial prominence 22°1 manubrial spine 26°5 Width of coracoidal sulcus 5°7 Tip of ventral manubrial spine to anterior carinal margin 6:3 PELVIS Maximum medial length as preserved 67 Minimum distance between antitro- Anterior border of ilium to anterior chanter and pectineal process 14 edge of acetabulum 35 Ventral length of synsacrum 69°5 Maximum width across antitrochan- Anterior depth of pelvis from median ters 27° A) dorsal ridge to synsacral thoracic Anterior width from external edge of vertebra 19°5 ilium to medial ridge Ly Width of articular facet of first syn- Length of ilio-ischiatic fenestra 23°3 sacral thoracic vertebra 75 Maximum depth of _ ilio-ischiatic fenestra 10 FEMUR Proximodistal length 51 Maximum proximal width at trochan- Anterior/posterior thickness at mid- teric ridge 9°4 shaft 4°8 TIBIOTARSUS Length as preserved Br3 Width from internal edge to external Articular surface to tip of internal edge of internal cnemial crest 15'5 cnemial crest 6-1 Width to internal edge of internal Maximum width of internal cnemial cnemial crest 8-6 crest 5:2 Width to external edge of outer cnemial crest 14 III. COMPARISONS WITH RECENT MATERIAL In attempting to place Prophaethon within the framework of avian taxonomy, using the characters revealed by further preparation, it has been necessary to compare it with osteological material from various Recent taxa. Since the earlier claims of pelecaniform similarities were based on skull characters it seemed preferable for comparative purposes to begin at the other extremity. PROXIMAL END OF TIBIOTARSUS. The obvious characters on this element are the prominent inner cnemial crest, which has its widest part just above the level of the articulation surfaces and tapers proximally, and the inner cnemial crest forming a blunt projection at a similar level. The proximal articular surface slopes posteriorly and has a projecting lip with a concave proximal surface at the posterior edge. The external edge of the proximal surface curves smoothly over onto the shaft in a broad zone where it borders the inner cnemial crest. | Stercorarius provides a very close match in all aspects, while other Charadriiformes also show resemblance to varying degrees. In the Procellariiformes Diomedea PROPHAELPHTON SHRUBSOLET 19 shows some similarities but lacks the projecting posterior lip, and has a larger and more proximally situated inner cnemial crest. There is no obvious resemblance to the Pelecaniformes, where Phalacrocorax retains only a short curved outer cnemial crest while Sula has small blunt projections. The features are almost entirely lacking in other pelecaniform genera. Femur. This is long and narrow, the trochanteric crest present as a prominent narrow ridge rounded off at the proximal end with a curved muscle scar incised into the external surface. In the Charadriiformes the ridge is much more developed, both anteriorly and proximally. Macronectes in the Procellariiformes shows similarities to the specimen. Swla has a stout, curved femur, the proximal end of which shows some similarity to that of Prophaethon, but the trochanteric ridge is low and blunt and the head is more ventrally deflected. Petvis. The narrow, elongated pelvis is typical of that found today in birds which swim and dive to catch their prey. It bears no resemblance to that of Phaethon, which is broad and short. The anterior shield of the ilium extends forward only as far as the proximal end of the second synsacral thoracic vertebra, and the third vertebra is unfused. This condition is typical of the Charadriiformes but not of the other orders examined here. Sula does, however, show a short anterior iliac shield. The median dorsal ridge is slightly convex, but posteriorly it is depressed between well-defined posterior iliac crests. In this respect the specimen resembles Phoebetria, Diomedea and Puffinus among the Procellariiformes. The Alcidae show a similar pro- file. In the Pelecaniformes the posterior iliac crests are poorly developed and in the more aquatic forms such as Sula and Phalacrocorax the posterior median ridge is level with or dorsal to the lateral crests. The Pelecaniformes also show more laterally projecting and anteriorly directed antitrochanteric surfaces than does Prophaethon, and in the latter the iliac surface immediately anterior to the acetabulum is concave and the pectineal process pro- minent. The specimen is more similar in these respects to both Procellariiformes and Charadriiformes, although among the last the Alcidae show the pectineal process greatly reduced or absent. From fine sutures apparent on the specimen the ilium would appear not to have been fused with the synsacrum, in this respect resembling Recent Alcidae and Procellariiformes rather than Pelecaniformes. VERTEBRAE. The free thoracic vertebrae appear to lack hypopophyses. They have rounded concavities laterally, posterior to the prominent anterior costal facet. The diapophyses are short, dorsally broad and have a thin middle ridge ventrally with a deep concavity at the internal corner of the anterior side. There is a thin, tapering anterior process at the distal end of the diapophysis. These vertebrae resembles those of the larger Larus species in the Charadriiformes. Those of the Procellariiformes are more elaborate with larger concavities and various fenestrae, and with hypopophyses ; those of the Pelecaniformes show still fewer similarities to those of Prophaethon. 20 REAPPRAISAL OF STERNUM. Allowing for the incompleteness of the specimen the carina of the sternum is deep and long, extending further back than is the case on Recent Pelecani- formes. The ventral lip of the coracoid sulcus is posteriorly situated so that the sulcus is ventrally exposed, particularly at the middle region, but towards the outer end it undercuts a small but broad labial prominence. In the Pelecaniformes the ventral lip of the sulcus extends almost as far anteriorly as does the dorsal lip, and the sulcus is a deep, anteriorly-directed groove. In Prophaethon the groove is more typical of that found in Charadriiformes and Pro- cellariiformes. From the ventral labial prominence a distinct intermuscular line slants postero-internally towards the middle of the carina. A similar line is present in Charadriiformes, but in the Procellariiformes one line arises on the sulcus internal to the labial prominence and crosses the sternum more anteriorly, while another rises towards the external end and slants towards the posterior end of the carina. In Pelecaniformes there is a faint ridge from the labial prominence apparent in Phalacrocoracidae and Phaethontidae. The hollow facet for furcular articulation at the anterior tip of the carina is a distinctive character in Pvophaethon. Structures of this kind are found in some Recent species of Pelecaniformes and Procellariiformes. A small articulation surface is present on the larger Podicipitiformes. This furcular surface is more extensively developed in the Pelecaniformes where the Pelecanidae and Fregatidae have the furculum fused to the sternum while Phaethontidae, Sulidae and Phala- crocoracidae have the surface developed to varying degrees. Of the Procellarii- formes the Pelecanoididae have a sternum with a large furcular articulation facet, its ventral edge curved anteriorly. The bifurcation of the carina tip, apparent in Prophaethon, is characteristic of many Procellariiformes but not of the Pelecani- formes. None of the Charadriiformes show furcular articulation facets on the sternum. The shape of the manubrial spine in Prophaethon resembles that of Phaethon, but this structure differs so markedly in different families and genera that we do not regard it as taxonomically useful. Coracoip. The shape of the sternal (distal) end of the coracoid is correlated with that of the coracoid sulcus. The coracoids of Pelecaniformes show sternal facets on both sides at the distal end, articulating with the deep sulcus. Prophaethon resembles charadriiform and pelecaniform birds in having a prominent facet across most of the dorsal surface ; a small one on the ventral surface towards the external end is correlated with the position of the ventral labial prominence of the sternum. From the fit of the specimen there is no reason to suppose that the missing internal distal angle of the coracoid of Prophaethon would have projected across the midline of the sternum, as in Phaethon. A stout and dorsally curved internal distal angle to the coracoid is characteristic of most Procellariiformes, although less evident in the Pelecanoididae, and in the Laridae and Alcidae of the Charadriiformes. Although this part of the specimen of Prophaethon is damaged, the general shape of the surrounding bone and the sternal fragment of the other coracoid, which is also present, indicates an absence of such PROPHMAELITON SHRUBSOLET 21 curvature. The specimen most closely resembles the flatter coracoids of Ibido- rhynchus and Haematopus of the Charadriiformes in this respect ; it also resembles them in the area of irregular surface on the dorsal side distal to the line of attachment of the coraco-brachialis muscle, the proportions of the shaft, the procoracoid, and the position of the coracoidal fenestra. LOWER MANDIBLE. This, although relatively complete, does not give an indica- tion of affinity with any particular taxon. The slender ramus, increasing in depth posteriorly and tapering a little at the anterior end of the articular portion, has a general resemblance to those of Phala- crocoracidae and some Procellariidae. The tapering groove on the external surface anterior to the intraramal suture is similar to that of Procellariiformes and Char- adriiformes, but a groove of this type is also present in Phaethon. The arrangement of the component bones around the external fossa of the mandi- bular suture and the shape and position of the fossa itself are most closely paralleled by the structure in some smaller Laridae, the Burhinidae and to a lesser degree by some Procellariiformes. The concave, ventrally tapering and postero-dorsally oriented postarticular surface is very similar to that of Gaviiformes, but only resembles to a limited extent those of the other taxa examined here. The articular facets are very similar to those of Laridae, Burhinidae and Pro- cellariidae but do not closely resemble the more specialized structures of the Pele- caniformes. Prophaethon has a large, rounded posterior mandibular fossa, bordered anteriorly by a large prearticular which extends anteriorly to border the mandibular suture and overlaps with, and possibly fuses with, the dentary towards the dorsal edge of the ramus. This large prearticular is also present in the Procellariiformes and Gaviiformes. The Charadriiformes have a large posterior fossa but the prearticular is small and only partially occupies the anterior space, the mandibular slit forming a distinct fenestra. Phaethon shows a similar condition but has the prearticular larger posteriorly, reducing the size of the posterior fossa. In the other pelecaniform families the posterior fossa is tiny and the prearticular has filled the remaining space. SKULL. The palate is typically schizognathous and resembles those of Charadrii- formes and Gaviiformes. Procellariiformes also have this type of palate, but the distal end is modified by bill shape. The palates of Pelecaniformes appear to be schizognathous in the very juvenile condition but desmognathous in the adults. Schizognathous palates are also present in Podicipitiformes, Gruiformes, Galli- formes, Sphenisciformes and Columbiformes. The distinctive proximal bifurcation of the vomer, visible between the palatines in Prophaethon, is very similar to that of larger Larus species and of other Charadriiformes, but does not appear in Pelecani- formes and Procellariiformes. The rostrum of Prophaethon is long, slender and tapering. An elongated nasal aperture runs for almost the whole length, rising posteriorly and tapering to a slit just proximal to the frontonasal hinge. In general shape the rostrum is similar 22 REAPPRAISAL OF to that of the Phalacrocoracidae, and if it were argued that the latter retained the open aperture of the juvenile there would be strong similarity. In other Recent birds the elongated nasal apertures are typical of Charadriiformes, Gaviiformes, Podicipitiformes and Gruiformes. Although the nares of Pelecaniformes are typically closed or minute, Phaethon shows an intermediate condition with a short but relatively large aperture about a third of the way along the rostrum and a tiny hole near the frontonasal hinge. A transverse frontonasal hinge developed to differing degrees in different families is associated with the greatly reduced nostrils in Pelecaniformes. In Prophaethon the nasal apertures are schizorhinal in shape, but since the nasal struts join the rostrum anterior to the frontonasal hinge they are functionally holorhinal. A holorhinal type of nostril associated with a frontonasal hinge in this position also occurs in the Charadriiformes in the Burhinidae, Thinicoridae and Pluvianus of the Glareolidae, although charadriiform nostrils are usually collectively described as schizorhinal. A deep transverse frontonasal hinge comparable with that of the Phaethontidae also occurs in Rhynchops of the Charadriformes, but in this instance the nostrils are schizorhinal. Procellariiformes have an unspecialized transverse frontonasal structure and holorhinal nostrils. In the Pelecaniformes the heavy frontal brow associated with a deep frontonasal groove is present only in the Phaethontidae. In the Charadriformes it is partially developed in Rhynchops, and more highly developed in the Chionidae. In the latter the nasal struts lie alongside the rostrum and also terminate just below this brow, apparently forming a hinge with the rostrum. This structure has some analogy with that of Prophaethon since a close inspection of the latter reveals that the nasal lies close alongside the dorsal rostral surface but may not fuse with it completely, and the transverse line of the frontal brow is not completely straight but shows paired lateral recesses in the fore-edge which might be comparable with those of Chionidae. Unfortunately the surfaces of the bone are slightly damaged at this point in the specimen of Prophaethon. The frontal shows a flattened lateral surface suggesting the loss of an unfused prefrontal. Prefrontals are unfused in the Phaethontidae and Fregatidae of the Pelecaniformes, and in Burhinidae of the Charadriiformes ; when they become detached they leave flat surfaces similar to those of Prophaethon. The smooth dorsal surface of the skull of Prophaethon may have pelecaniform similarities, but only by virtue of the absence of the nasal glands, and were these not present in other taxa they might also be similar. The feature is therefore a general- ized one, indicative of absence of specialization rather than affinity. In the deeply rounded temporal fossae posterior to the prominently curved postorbital process the specimen resembles the Fregatidae, Uvia of the Alcidae and Stercorarius in the Laridae, rather than the Phaethontidae, but shows some similarity to the last in the rather limited development of the fossae dorsally and anteriorly. In the area of quadrate articulation the ventral edge of the orbitosphenoid curves forwards, leaving a large cavity anterior and internal to the articulation surface and tending to divide the latter into two. This is also present to a similar degree in the Pelecaniformes, but much reduced in the Procellariiformes and Charadriiformes. PROP HAE HON San Os SOL EL 23 The posterior aspect of the skull of Prophaethon has parallels in all the major taxa here examined, and there are considerable differences in these at the family level. The supraoccipital of Prophaethon has a small foramen on either side towards the ventral edge, with associated grooves bordering the upper edge of the foramen magnum. Similar structures are apparent in the Procellariiformes, more modified in the Charadriiformes, and greatly modified or absent in the Pelecaniformes. Within the orbit of Prophaethon the hollow apparently accommodating the nasal gland is in a unique position, being an elongated hollow bordering the dorsal edge of the orbit and on the ventral surface of it. In Pelecaniformes the nasal gland is usually towards the anterior dorsal end of the orbital hollow and in a more median position. In some Phaethon species a small elongated hollow extends posteriorly into the orbit from this anterior site, bordering the orbital septum but separated from it by the channel of the olfactory nerve. In the Sulidae it is an elongated hollow lying completely in the roof of the orbit, but still close to the septum. In Charadriiformes and Procellariiformes the nasal gland hollow either borders the dorsal edge of the orbit or lies internal to it, but on the dorsal surface of the frontal. The position of this structure in Prophaethon is therefore intermediate between that in the two Recent types. The slender, unspecialized pterygoids of Prophaethon, with a small posterior lateral expansion of the orbital process of the quadrate, give little useful evidence of affinity. The Phaethontidae show an even less modified structure, but the ptery- goids of other pelecaniform families and of the other taxa discussed here are stouter, with some development of lateral flanges on the shaft, and in several diverse taxa show the expanded posterior end. The quadrate of Prophaethon also shows little evidence of affinities, and the deep groove at the ventral end of the posterior surface of the shaft appears to be a pecu- liarity of the species. Tables r and 2 give a simplified summary of apparent similarities. Tables such as this may oversimplify, exaggerating both similarities and differences, but they indicate the problem involved in assigning Prophaethon to a known taxon. TABLE I Comparison of postcranial elements of Prophaethon with extant orders of birds Charadriiformes Procellariiformes Pelecaniformes Proximal end, tibiotarsus * x — Proximal end, femur - Pelvis zs Vertebrae * Sternum, other than anterior facet * Anterior edge of carina Coracoid a! * *X X *X xX * * very similar; x some similarity; — little or no similarity 24 REAPPRAISAL OF TABLE 2 Comparison of cranial elements of Prophaethon with extant orders of birds Charadrii- Procellarii- Phaethon- —— : formes formes tidae alee formes LOWER MANDIBLE Shape x = = t External intraramal suture area * * x ~_ Articulation * * — — Posterior fossa * = x — Prearticular = = - * SKULL Palate * x - ~ Rostrum z — — x Frontonasal hinge = * x Unfused prefrontals “s — Temporal fossae = x * = Supraoccipital area x - x - Quadrate articulation area x x 3 * * very similar; x some similarity; — little or no similarity IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS From the above data comparing Prophaethon with Recent birds there would appear to be several possible hypotheses concerning its relationship to known taxa. The species might be regarded as a charadriiform bird, showing the alcid type of pelvis and with a head adapted for catching prey in water and showing modifications which have parallels elsewhere in the taxon. But the specialized sternum with its facet for furcular attachment is not present in known Charadriiformes, and it would be necessary to argue that, since it is known in aquatic birds of two other orders, it might be an adaptation that potentially could have evolved under any similar behavioural or environmental selection pressures. Prophaethon might be regarded as a procellariiform bird, in which case there is a precedent for a modified sternum, but the skull and rostral characters would not be typical of the known forms of that order. If it is argued that the possession of both the specialized frontonasal hinge and the sternum are indications of pelecaniform affinities, then another assumption must be made, that a saltatory form of evolution has produced the more extremely evolved characters now present in this evolutionary diverse order while retaining more generalized characters in other structures which could presumably undergo subsequent modification. This is at variance with the apparent evidence provided by a proto-frigatebird from the Lower Eocene, described by Olsen (1974), which shows modifications in various skeletal elements of the postcranial skeleton but has not achieved either the specialized skull or the sternum typical of the Fregatidae. If any of the above suggestions are adopted then, at least in so far as the early Tertiary is involved, the range of osteological characters used to define any of the PROPHAETHON SHRUBSOLEI 25 three orders must be extended to include a number of significant characters which are at present regarded as diagnostic of some other order. The limiting groups of characters which may be used to assign any species to a particular order will then no longer be clearly separable ; we shall have to assume it is not possible to identify a bird from this geological period unless certain critical skeletal elements are avail- able. Alternatively, in view of the lack of evidence of affinity with any single order, it could be suggested that in the early Tertiary these three Recent orders had not yet diverged, and that Prophaethon was referable to an ancestral stem from which more than one Recent order had subsequently evolved. There is, however, a considerable amount of fossil bird material from this period, most of which appears to be referable to Recent families, suggesting that the degree of evolutionary diver- gence apparent in Recent families had already occurred by this period. In addition fossils referred to Pelecaniformes and Charadriiformes are known from the Upper Cretaceous and from the evidence available it seems that in general the ordinal divisions of birds had occurred within the Cretaceous. Some other Lower Eocene species show this intermediacy of affinities. Among the more specialized forms described from this period is a sea-bird with bony, tooth-like projections on the jaws, Odontopteryx toliapica of the family Odontopterygidae. Related forms, usually separated in the family Pseudodontornithidae, are known from the Miocene. In recent studies of the British Lower Eocene we have found evidence of more numerous and varied forms of both families at this period. These birds were at first regarded as pelecaniform, but Howard (1957), in describing Osteodontornis orrt of the Californian Miocene, pointed out that the skeleton showed a mixture of pelecaniform and procellariiform characters. The British specimens, recently prepared, appear to confirm the rather specialized nature of this group. Avian phylogeny in the Cretaceous is still a mystery and in view of the lack of evidence speculation is of very limited use. If the Lower Eocene is taken as a base line there is an array of families known from fossil remains, most of them first known to occur at this period and subsequently persisting until Recent times. If we insert into this array both Prophaethon and the bony-toothed birds we may produce the kind of picture shown in simplified and linear form in Fig. 7. Let us assume that the base line is the Lower Eocene and the lines rise to the Holocene, that Ar—A3 represents charadriiform families, B1—B3 pelecaniform families and Cr—C3 procellariiform families. If we insert Prophaethon as AB, the Odontopterygidae as BCr and the Pseudodontornithidae as BCz, then we have a continuous sequence in which each family shares some characters with the adjacent ones and the whole presents a relatively uniform array which might have arisen as a complex adaptive radiation from a single ancestral origin, rather than as a divergence from three separate stems, yet showing some morphological convergence. If during later periods Prophaethon and the bony-toothed birds became extinct, then the remaining families would appear to fall into more discrete groups which are then identified as Recent orders — ordinal definition being aided by the absence of the intervening forms. The diagram presented is a linear one, but the relationships should be visualized as three-dimensional, the three Recent orders forming a triangle. 26 REAPPRAISAL OF Al A2 A3 Bl B2 B3 Cl C2 C3 ay ow a Fic. 7. Hypothetical relationship of families. The bony-toothed birds would occupy the space intervening between the Pelecani- - formes and the Procellariiformes, while Prophaethon would come in a more central position in view of its similarities to all three orders. We have also indicated by transverse lines two possible distributions of shared characters resulting from the loss of some of these families. If BC1—2 disappear then the two linking characters which they share become discrete ordinal peculi- arities. The character which AB is shown as sharing with families on either side would, following the extinction of AB, still persist in more than one Recent order but might be limited to certain families. If we assume A1r—3 to be charadriiform families and Br to be the Phaethontidae, species of the latter are seen to share a number of minor morphological characters with the former group and not with other pelecaniform families. The existence of such characters led to some early sug- gestions that the Phaethontidae had more affinity with the Charadriiformes than with the Pelecaniformes, and Mathews & Iredale (1921) created for it a suborder within their gull order, Lari. These similarities have also been explained as con- vergence with the terns (Sterninae of the Laridae) brought about by similar methods of feeding. The latter might be a valid explanation, but on the basis of the hypo- thesis proposed some at least of these similarities might be explained by a closer degree of affinity between the families involved at an earlier period and by the persistence of some shared characters. This proposed arrangement would appear the most satisfactory to explain the combinations of characters found in Prophaethon and the bony-toothed birds, and to present a balanced view of sea-bird evolution in the Lower Eocene based on present evidence. There has for long been general acceptance that the pelecaniform and procellariiform birds shared a common ancestry more recent than that of avian orders in general. The suggested association of the Charadriiformes with these has been weaker and based mainly on the peculiarities shown by the Phaethontidae. PROPHAEBTAON SHRUBSOLET 27 The evidence from the skeletal structure of Prophaethon might now justify, pro- visionally, a stronger linking of the Charadriiformes with the Pelecaniformes. These three Recent orders, with the two interordinal linking taxa, appear to form a more unified group, perhaps a single superorder which, for the purposes of arranging avian taxa of the Lower Eocene and earlier periods, might provide a more convenient unit than the existing groups. This idea does not significantly conflict with present views on affinities based on the study of Recent taxa. These are summarized by Sibley & Ahlquist (1972) in their study of non-passerine relationships based on egg-white protein electrophoresis. There are various characters which appear to link the three Recent orders, and in addition the Gaviiformes are considered to be closely related to the Charadriiformes and the Sphenisciformes to the Procellariiformes. These two additional orders should perhaps be included in any proposed major grouping. Sibley & Ahlquist found evidence of similar starch gel egg-white patterns in Sphenisciformes, Gavii- formes, Procellariiformes, Charadriiformes, and possibly the Pelecanidae, Fregatidae and Phaethontidae. There is therefore evidence of a large and interrelated supra- ordinal group, within which some earlier links may still be undiscovered. While this hypothesis may help to establish the position of Prophaethon within the framework of palaeontological phylogeny, the problem of fitting it into the existing taxonomic hierarchy still remains. As we have already indicated, it does not show definite affinity with any single existing taxon and to attempt to associate it with one of these would affect ordinal definitions based on osteology. From a nomen- clatural point of view the alternative treatment of the specimen seems preferable whereby its isolated position is recognized. In terms of Recent taxonomy Pro- phaethon constitutes an interordinal link. For nomenclatural purposes it seems preferable to treat it as a monotypic order, Prophaethontiformes, with the single family Prophaethontidae, while recognizing its special character. It is then possible to insert it into the existing framework without unduly affecting existing taxa, and it can be merged with another taxon at a later date if new and overriding evidence should justify this. For the moment we would recommend that its placement should be between the Pelecaniformes and the Charadriiformes. Ma SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION Order PROPHAETHONTIFORMES nov. ORDINAL Diacnosis. Dorsal surface of skull with prominent postorbital process and deep, rounded temporal fossae. Cranium small. Anterior lateral surface of frontal flattened for attachment of unfused prefrontal. Deep fronto-nasal hinge with prominent brow ridge. Lateral nasal struts lie alongside, and may fuse with, rostrum just anterior to hinge. Elongated, oval depression in roof of orbit bordering external edge. Zygoma laterally flattened with no dorso-ventral torsion at anterior end. Rostrum tapering evenly with nares approaching schizorhinal condition but terminating anterior to fronto-nasal hinge. Elongated nasal aperture extending almost to rostral tip. Palate typically schizognathous. Quadrate with large projecting flange on otic process, and posterior lower end of shaft with deep, narrow 28 REAPPRAISAL OF groove. Lower mandible long and slender. Dentary with horizontal external groove. Posterior mandibular fossa large, not perforating external wall. Pre- articular large. Carina of sternum deep, with curved ventral edge and anteriorly projecting apex with well-developed manubrial spine. Flattened anterior surface at carinal apex for articulation of furcula, and carinal tip bifurcated. Coracoid sulcus shallow with poorly-developed ventral lip. Ventral labial prominence projecting and rounded. Coracoid with large sterno-coracoid surface, slightly curved ventrally, and sternal facet wide. Small facet for labial prominence on ventral surface. Procoracoid stout, projecting laterally and curving anteriorly. Coracoid fenestra present. Glenoid facet projecting dorso-ventrally. Pelvis elongated and relatively narrow, with prominent median dorsal ridge, and narrow posterior shield between raised posterior iliac crests. Fused synsacrum with greatest depth at anterior end, tapering posteriorly. Last thoracic vertebra not fused tosynsacrum. Anterior iliac plates sloping down steeply and curving outwards to form broad, lateral flanges which project a little anterior to end of the synsacrum. Femur with internal cotylar surface internally deflected towards distal end. Proximal trochanter has abrupt obturator ridge with hollow on posterior side. Trochanteric ridge prominent. Inner cnemial crest of tibiotarsus extending proximally well beyond anterior surfaces, as a thin flange projecting prominently, with some external curvature at outer edge. Outer cnemial crest thicker distally than inner crest, with proximal end terminating at an angle a little proximal to articulating surfaces. Internal articular surface with a posteriorly projecting curved lip. Family PROPHAETHONTIDAE nov. Diacnosis. The only family of its order. Genus PROPHAETHON Andrews 1899 DiaGnosis. The only genus of its family. Type Species. Pyvophaethon shrubsolec Andrews. Prophaethon shrubsolei Andrews 1899 (Pls 1-3; Figs 1-6) 1899 Prophaethon shrubsolei Andrews: 776-785, pl. 51. Diacnosis. The only species of its genus. HoLotyre. Imperfect skull, lower jaws and hyoids, sternum, right coracoid, distal end of left coracoid, left scapula, right femur, proximal end of left tibiotarsus, II vertebrae, rib fragments and synsacrum. In British Museum (Natural History), Department of Palaeontology registered number A683. LocALiTy AND Horizon. Lower Eocene, London Clay (Ypresian) of Sheppey, Kent, England. PROPHAETLHON SHRUBSOLET 29 VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to thank Mr F. M. P. Howie for preparing the specimen, Miss M. L. Holloway for making the detailed line drawings, and Mr F. Greenaway for taking the photographs. VII. REFERENCES ANDREWS, C. W. 1899. On the remains of a new bird from the London Clay of Sheppey. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1899 : 776-785; pl. 51. Howarp, H. 1929. The avifauna of the Emeryville shellmound. Univ. Calif. Publs Zool., Berkeley, 32 : 301-394. 1957. A gigantic ‘toothed’ marine bird from the Miocene of California. Bull. Dep. Geol. S. Barbara Mus. nat. Hist., 1: 1-23, 8 figs. Jotiiz, N. T. 1957. The head skeleton of the chicken and remarks on the anatomy of this region in other birds. J. Morph., Boston, Mass., 100 : 389-436, 26 figs. MatHeEews, G.M.& IREDALE, T. 1921. A Manual of the Birds of Australia, 1. 279 pp. London. OtsENn, S. L. 1974. New fossil evidence of the origin of Frigatebirds. Abstr. 16th int. orn. Congy., Canberra : 61-62. PycraFtT, W. P. 1898. Contributions to the Osteology of Birds. Part I. Steganopodes. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1898 : 82-101, pls 7-8, figs 1-8. SIBLEY, C. G. & AunLQuIST, J. E. 1972. A comparative study of the egg white protein of non-passerine birds. Bull. Peabody Mus. nat. Hist., New Haven, Conn., 39: 1-246, 37 figs. Vi. UN Dir xX The page numbers of the principal references are printed in bold type. An asterisk (*) denotes a figure. Alcidae I9—20, 22 Andrews, C. A. 3-4 bony-toothed birds 25-6 Burhinidae 21-2 carina 23 Charadriiformes 3, 18—27 Chionidae 22 Columbiformes 21 comparisons with Recent material 18—24 Corcoid 4, 10*, 13—14,.17, 20—1, 23; pl. 2, figs D-G cranial structures 4—8, 24 Cretaceous, ordinal divisions of birds within 25 Diomedea 18-19 egg-white protein electrophoresis 27 evolution of birds 24—7 families, hypothetical relationship of 25, 26* femur 4, 15, 18-109, 23 Fregatidae 20, 22, 24, 27 Galliformes 21 Gaviiformes 21-2, 27 Glareolidae 22 Greenaway, F. 29 Gruiformes 2I—2 Haematopus 21 Holloway, Miss M. L. 29 Elowie, FM. P. 4, 20 Ibidorhynchus 21 jaw, lower, see mandible Lari 26 Laridae 20—2, 26 Larus 19, 21 limb-bones 4 ; see femur, etc. Macronectes 19 mandible, lower 4, 9-11, 12*, 17, 21, 24; pl. 2, figs A—C measurements 16-18 nasal structures 21—2 nostrils 4 30 INDEX Odontopterygidae 25 Odontopteryx toliapica 25 orbital structure 4—7 Osteodontornis orri 25 palate4)7*;'$=9) 21; pl>avigeB Pelecanidae 20, 27 Pelecaniformes 3, 6, 19-27 Pelecanoididae 20 pelvis 4, 14-15, 18-19, 23; pl. 3, figs A-C Phaethon 4, 19-23 Phaethontidae 3—4, 20, 22—4, 26-7 Phalacrocoracidae 20—2 Phalacrocovax 4, 19 Phoebetria 19 Pluvianus 22 Podicipitiformes 20—2 postcranial elements I1—16, 23 Procellariidae 21 Procellariiformes 3, 18—27 Pyrophaethon shrubsolei 1-29 passim, 28; pls 1-3 Prophaethontidae fam. nov. 27, 28 Prophaethontiformes ord. nov. 3, 27-8 proto-frigatebird 24 Pseudodontornithidae 25 Puffinus 19 Dr C. J. O.. Harrison, Ph.D. Subdepariment of Ornithology BritisH Museum (NATURAL History) TRING HERTS quadrate 8, 17 Rhynchops 22 ribs 4, 16 rostrum 9, 21-2 scapula 4, 14, 17 Sheppey, Isle of 3 Shrubsole, W. H. 3 skull 3, 4-11, 5*, 7*, 16-17, 21-4; pl. I, figs A-E Sphenisciformes 21, 27 Stercovarius 18, 22 Sterninae 26 sternum 4, 11-13, 12*, 18, 20, 23 Sula 4, 19 Sulidae 20, 23 Thinicoridae 22 tibiotarsus 4,.12*, 16, 18—10; 23877) ples, figs D-E Uria 22 vertebrae 4, 19, 23 X-rays 4 C. A. WALKER Department of Palaeontology British Museum (NATURAL HIsTory) _CROMWELL ROAD Lonpon SW7 5BD Accepted for publication 18 July 1975 PLATE « Prophaethon shrubsolei Andrews BM(NH) Pal. Dept. no. A683. Views of skull, x I. HOOP dorsal (p. 5) ventral (p. 7, 8) left lateral (p. 4) right lateral (p. 4) posterior (p. 7) Bull. By. Mus. nat. Hist. (Geol.) 27, 1 JPL ANIC IB, a PE AWGE. 2 Prophaethon shrubsolei Andrews BM(NH) Pal. Dept. no. A683. Views of lower mandible, x I. (p. 9) A. dorsal B. ventral C. left lateral BM(NH) Pal. Dept. no. A683. Views of right coracoid, x 2. (p. 13) D. dorsal E. external F. internal G. ventral Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Geol.) 27, 1 PLATE 2 ee Ad) Ea Prophaethon shrubsolei Andrews BM(NH) Pal. Dept. no. A683. Views of pelvis, x 1. (p. 14) A. dorsal B. ventral C. right lateral BM(NH) Pal. Dept. no. A683. Views of proximal end of left tibiotarsus, x 2. (p. 16) D. anterior i internal Bull, Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Geol.) 27, 1 PLATE 3 arms I ine oe if gph cee? aA SL a - ‘ a Yt A as n 2 ee x Mines ar LO: LY . Cox, L. R. Jurassic Bivalvia and Gastropoda from Tanganyika and Kenya. . APPENDIX. DAVEY, R. J., Downiz, C., SARJEANT, W. A. S. & WILLIAMS, G. L? . RHODES, F. H. T., Austin, R. L. & DRUCE, E. C. British Avonian (Carboni- . Cuitps, A. Upper Jurassic Rhynchonellid Brachiopods from Northwestern Ee . Goonys Po Cz lhe relationships of certain Upper Cretaceous Teleosts with — i . Owen, H.G. Middle Albian Stratigraphy in the Anglo-Paris Basin. Pp.164; . Sippigul, Q. A. Early Tertiary Ostracoda of the family Trachyleberididae A . A LIST OF SUPPLEMENTS TO THE GEOLOGICAL SERIES OF THE BULLETIN OF S THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) soy Pp. 213; 30 Plates; 2 Text-figures. 1965. OUT OF PRINT. . Ex-NacGar, Z. R. Stratigraphy and Planktonic Foraminifera of the Upper Cretaceous—Lower Tertiary Succession in the Esna-Idfu Region, Nile Valley, ; - Egypt, U.A.R. Pp. 291; 23 Plates; 18 Text-figures. 1966. £11. na . Davey, R. J., DowntE, C., SARJEANT, W. A. S. & WitttaMs, G. L. Studies on Mesozoic and Cainozoic Dinoflagellate Cysts. Pp. 248; 28 Plates; 64 Text- figures. 1966. £8.20. Appendix to Studies on Mesozoic and Cainozoic Dinoflagellate Cysts. Pp. 24. Wee 1969. 95P- Boe . Etyiott, G. F. Permian to Palaeocene Calcareous Algae (Dasycladaceae) af a the Middle East. Pp. 111 ; 24 Plates; 16 Text-figures. 1968. 6.10. rhe ferous) Conodont ans and their value in local and continental correlation. Pp. 313; 31 Plates; 92 Text-figures. 1969. £13.10. Pa Re Europe. Pp. 119; 12 Plates; 40 Text-figures. 1969. £5.25. special reference to the Myctophoids. Pp. 255; 102 Text-figures. 19609. a £7.70. ee 3 Plates; 52 Text-figures. 1971. £7.20. from West Pakistan. Pp. 98; 42 Plates; 7 Text-figures. 1971. f{9.60. Forey, P. L. A revision of the elopiform fishes, fossil and Recent. Pp, 2225. 92 Text-figures. 1973. £11.35. ne WitiAms, A. Ordovician Brachiopoda from the Shelve District, Shropshire. ake Pp. 163; 28 Plates; 11 Text-figures; 110 Tables. 1974. £12.80. Printed in Great Britain by John Wright and Sons Ltd. at The Stonebridge Press, Bristol BS45NU _ hues V , d AS l ey X GENERAL * 29 JUL 1976 A. J. SUTCLIFFE ae. CAND, _ BULLETIN OF. NATURAL HISTORY Vol. 27 No. : 1976 Peas tOCENE RODENTS OF THE BRITISH ISLES BY ANTONY JOHN SUTCLIFFE British Museum (Natural History), London AND KAZIMIERZ KOWALSKI Institute of Systematic and Experimental Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakéw, Poland Php. 31-147 ; 31 Text-figures ; 13 Tables BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) GEOLOGY Vol. 27 No. 2 LONDON: 1976 THE BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), dstituted in 1949, 1s issued in five series corresponding to the Scientific Departments of the Museum, and an Historical series. Parts will appear at irregular intervals as they become ready. Volumes will contain about three or four hundred pages, and will not necessarily be completed within one calendar year. In 1965 a separate supplementary series of longer papers was instituted, numbered serially for each Department. This paper 1s Vol. 27, No. 2, of the Geological (Palaeontological) series. The abbreviated titles of periodicals cited follow those of the World List of Scientific Periodicals. World List abbreviation : Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Geol.) ISSN 0007-1471 © Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), 1976 BRITISH MUSEUM. (NATURAL HiSiaO RR Ye) Issued 29 July, 1976 Price £7.40 i. PEEISTOCENE RODENTS OF THE BRITISH ISLES By. J. SUTCLIBFPE & K: KOWAESKI CONTENTS SYNOPSIS INTRODUCTION A. HISTORY OF STUDIES B. THE GEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND . LOCALITIES IN THE BRITISH ISLES WITH FOSSIL RODENTS A. Deposits OF East ANGLIA. (i) Red Crag. (ii) Icenian Crag : : (ii1) Cromer Forest Bed Series . (a) Pastonian of East Runton acd Happisburgh. (b) Beestonian : ; (c) Cromerian, sensu ee (d) Anglian : 5 : : B. TERRACE AND SOLIFLUXION DEPOSITS OF THE RIVERS THAMES AND LEA (i) Lower Thames . (a) High Terrace of Susnsigese (b) Clacton (c) Early Middle Samene at hades Gene iaeeck and Ilford ‘ , d) Late Middle Terrace at Gar cord ane Ban ; e) Floodplain Terrace complex f) The Middle Sai aa cae Beeaee aie pper Thames . , ‘ (a) Isleworth . (b) Marlow (a) Water Hall aera Cel Pit (b) Nazeing, Ponders End, Edmonton and See (iv) Solifluxion and melt-water deposits ‘ (a) Northfleet, Ebbsfleet and Baker’s Bole C. Cave DEPposits (i) Westbury Fissure ) Kent’s Cavern ) Tornewton Cave ) Other caves with pre- Tpswichian? epesae v) ‘Ipswichian’ cave deposits : ) Caves with post-Ipswichian deposits . ) Caves in Scotland (viii) Caves in Ireland D. OTHER LOCALITIES ; (i) Cromerian localities . Page 34 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS ) Hoxnian localities ) ‘Ipswichian’ localities (iv) Last Glaciation localities ) Holocene localities (vi) Scottish localities III. CLASSIFICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF RODENTS IN THE PLEISTOCENE OF THE BRITISH ISLES Family SciuRIDAE Brandt Genus Sciuvus Linnaeus Sciurus whiter Hinton Sciurus vulgaris Linnaeus Genus Spermophilus Cuvier ‘ Spermophilus (Urocitellus) phe earns : Spermophilus (Colobotis) superciliosus (iKkaup) Family GLIRIDAE Thomas Genus Muscardinus Kaup . Muscardinus avellanarius (Linnaeus) Family CasTORIDAE Gray Genus Tvogontherium Fischer Trogontherium minus Newton . Trogontherium boisvillett: (Laugel) Genus Castor Linnaeus Castor fiber Linnaeus Family MurIDAE Gray . Genus A podemus Kaup A podemus sylvaticus (anaes) A podemus flavicollis (Melchior) Genus Micromys Dehm : Micromys minutus (Pallas) Genus Mus Linnaeus. Mus musculus Linnaeus . Genus Rattus Fischer. Rattus vattus (Linnaeus) . Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout) Family CricETIDAE Rochebrune Genus Cricetus Leske. Cricetus cricetus (Linnaeus) Genus Allocricetus Schaub . cf. Allocricetus bursae Schaub . Genus Dicrostonyx Gloger . : Dicrostonyx torquatus (Pallas) . Genus Lemmus Link . Lemmus lemmus (Linnaeus) Genus Clethrionomys Tilesius Clethrionomys glareolus (Schreber) Genus Pliomys Méhely Pliomys episcopalis Méhely Genus Mimomys Major Mimomys pliocaenicus Major Mimomys rveidi Hinton Mimomys newtont Major. Mimomys savini Hinton . OF BRITISH ISLES 35 Page Genus Arvicola Lacépede . ‘ ‘ : , : 3 99 Arvicola cantiana (Hinton) , j : ‘ : : 102 Arvicola cantiana-terrestyvis 5 ; : ; : ; 103 Avrvicola tervestvis (Linnaeus) . ; : 5 : : 103 Genus Pitymys McMurtrie : : “ : : ; 105 Pitymys arvvaloides Hinton : ; ; : ‘ ; 106 Pitymys gregaloides Hinton , : : ‘ ; 107 Genus Microtus Schrank . ‘ ‘ : : . ‘ 107 Microtus avvalinus Hinton ; : ‘ : : : 108 Microtus agrestis (Linnaeus) . : : : ; : 109 Microtus arvalis (Pallas) : : : : A : £12 Microtus nivaloides Major ‘ : s 5 : , 114 Microtus nivalis (Martins) ‘ ‘ ‘ : ; 4 114 Microtus vatticepoides Hinton . ; 3 : , ; 116 Microtus oeconomus (Pallas) . : ‘ ‘ ; : eu) Microtus gregalis (Pallas) ; 5 : P : ; 118 Genus Lagurus Gloger : : : : : : ; 120 Lagurus lagurus (Pallas) . : : ; : F ; 120 IV. HISTORY OF THE RODENT FAUNA OF THE BRITISH ISLES DURING THE PLEISTOCENE . z : : : d : : : m2 Red Cragin. : 3 ; : : : E22 Icenian Crag and Bes cate Beret, Bed. ; 5 : : 522 Cromerian sensu stricto . ‘ ‘ ‘ : s . : 122 “Westbury stage’ . ; . : < ; : ; : 122 Mundesley Arctic Bed . ; : : : : : : 123 Hoxnian deposits . ‘ : : ‘ . ; ; 123, Comparison of the rodent conn ‘ 123 Notes on the Wolstonian- Sp eelia pane of fe succession : 124 Middle Terrace of the Thames interglacial : : : : 125 Tornewton Cave Glutton Stratum cold stage . ‘ : é 125 Joint Mitnor interglacial : : . ‘ : 3 : 126 Last Glaciation . : : ‘ : ‘ : : , 127 Elolocene .. ‘ 3 ; : A : 5 : : 128 Ireland : : : : ‘ ; ; é . : 129 V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS : 2 : : ‘ : ‘ : 129 VI. REFERENCES . : 2 : , ; : ; : F 130 VS “INDEX . : : ‘ : : : : : , : 027 SYNOPSIS For nearly half a century, since its publication in 1926, M. A. C. Hinton’s Monograph of the Voles and Lemmings has remained the only comprehensive work on British Pleistocene rodents. Subsequent advances in Quaternary studies and the availability of new fossil material have made some updating of this publication necessary. In the present work a brief historical review of the studies of British Pleistocene rodents is followed by a description of the rodent assemblages from the principal fossil localities. Rodent species recorded from the British Pleistocene are then discussed in systematic order and, finally, an attempt is made to relate a generalized sequence of rodent faunas to the climatic sequence usually employed today as the basis for British Pleistocene chronology. 36 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS I. INTRODUCTION NEARLY half a century has elapsed since the publication by the British Museum (Natural History) of M. A. C. Hinton’s Monograph of the Voles and Lemmings in 1926. Today it is still the only comprehensive work on British Pleistocene rodents and remains the standard reference work on this subject. In the meantime there have been great advances in many related fields of study. Hinton did not attempt to relate his sequence of rodent faunas to the glacial—interglacial sequence of climatic events, which was already gaining favour at the time of his studies, and which is known today to be even more complicated than the four glacial and three interglacial stages for so long employed as a basis of Pleistocene chronology. Excavations in the British Isles since 1926 have produced a wealth of new fossil rodent material which was not available to Hinton. Findings from the Westbury- sub-Mendip Fissure (Somerset), Swanscombe (Kent), Tornewton Cave (Devon) and a series of Late Glacial cave sites in the Peak District (Staffordshire and Derbyshire), excavated and published by various workers, are of specialimportance. The advent of carbon-14 (14C) dating has permitted the accurate dating of some Upper Pleisto- cene rodent remains. Studies of pollen and insects are further, relatively new, stratigraphic aids. On the continent of Europe there have been great advances in rodent studies which provide a basis for the interpretation of rodent migrations into the British Isles and assist in identifying stages of geographical isolation. W.von Koenigswald’s recent work (1972, 1973) on the Mimomys-—Arvicola lineage, based initially on continental European remains and subsequently extended to the British Isles, throws new light on the British Pleistocene rodent sequence. In the present work the authors have cooperated on a reappraisal of the Pleistocene rodent faunas of the British Isles. One of us (K. Kowalski of Krakow, Poland) is mainly responsible for the systematic part and for comparison with continental evidence ; the other (A. J. Sutcliffe of London) for the stratigraphic sequence of British rodent faunas. Discussions with W. von Koenigswald (Tubingen) about the Mimomys—Arvicola lineage have contributed fundamentally to the last-mentioned part of this work. Although we cover 37 species of rodents from over 100 sites, many problems re- main which can only be resolved by further careful collecting. Additional material is needed from critical deposits such as the early and late parts of the Forest Bed Series of Norfolk and from Hinton’s Middle Terraces of the Thames, or from deposits of equivalent age. Some of the faunal assemblages which we have listed, such as that from the Otter Stratum of Tornewton Cave, are unique and cannot be compared with deposits of the same age in other parts of the British Isles. We have shown scarcely any evidence of differences between contemporary faunas in different areas, nor of temporal faunal changes within the broad climatic phases used for reference. The systematic relationship between some of the rodent species is still far from clear. All these aspects of rodent studies and many others offer great scope for future research. If this Bulletin provides a stepping stone for such work it will have been worth while. OF BRITISH ISLES 37 A. History of Studies Although publications of the eighteenth century and, in greater number, of the first decades of the nineteenth contain references to the occurrence of remains of beaver in British Quaternary deposits, the first scientific description of fossil rodents from this country did not appear until the middle of the nineteenth century. In 1846 R. Owen published a detailed description, accompanied by excellent drawings, of the remains of Tvogontherium cuviert and Castor fiber from the Forest Bed deposits of East Anglia. He also mentioned the presence of the remains of Avvicola ‘which I have been unable satisfactorily to distinguish from Avvicola amphibia, or common Water-rat’ (1846 : 202) in the sediments of many caves. The bones of the same species were present, according to Owen ‘in newer pliocene deposits’. He considered (1846 : 205) the specimens from the ‘older pliocene crag near Norwich . . . indicated a species of Avvicola intermediate in size between the Water-vole (Arvicola amphibia) and the Field-vole (Avvicola arvalis)’. The next important contribution to the study of British Pleistocene rodents was that of W. A. Sanford. His papers on rodents from caves of Somerset (1870a, b) contain not only descriptions of forms still living in Britain (Arvicola terrestris, Clethrionomys glareolus and Microtus agrestis) but also of species now extinct in this country (Microtus oeconomus, Lemmus ‘of the type of L. norvegicus’ and Dicrostonyx torquatus). It is interesting to note that Sanford correctly determined the skulls of D. torquatus but ascribed jaws of the same species to Avvicola gulielam. He men- tioned also the occurrence of a small hamster, ‘Cvicetus songarus (Pallas)’, and Spermophilus erythrogenoides, a species previously discovered and described by H. Falconer (in Murchison 1868). The first attempt to make a systematic classification of fossil voles, one of the most difficult groups of rodents, was made by H. P. Blackmore & E. R. Alston (1874). They failed to recognize the difference between Recent and fossil species, but were the first to record Mzicrotus nivalis in Britain. A series of works on the ‘preglacial’ deposits of East Anglia by E. T. Newton (1881, 1882a, b, 1890b, 1891 and 1909) provides an important contribution to the knowledge of the rodents of this area. Newton was the first to state that the vole remains were specifically different from Recent forms and he named a new species, Arvicola intermedius Newton 1881. He also published diagnoses of two other new species of rodents, a hamster, ‘Cricetus vulgaris Runtonenstis n. subsp.’ and a beaver ‘Trogontherium minus n. sp.’ His work is of importance in regarding the vertebrate remains, including many rodents, from the ‘pre-glacial’ deposits of East Anglia as specifically distinct from living forms. He also published the first scientific descrip- tion (1894, 1899a, b) of the vertebrate remains, including rodents, from the rich late Pleistocene fauna of Ightham Fissures, Kent. The greatest contribution to the study of British Pleistocene rodents was that of M. A. C. Hinton (1883-1961). His first note on this subject appeared in 1900 and later this group of mammals became the main object of his interest. His work culminated in 1926 with the publication of volume 1 of his Monograph of the Voles and Lemmings. Winton soon became the world authority on Microtinae and his monograph (unfortunately unfinished) is still the standard work in this branch of 38 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS mammalogy. He was the first to recognize that, since rodent species have short ranges in time, their remains are of special stratigraphic value in the study of the Pleistocene. They thus help the geologist attempting to correlate scattered or isolated cavern deposits with others to which ordinary stratigraphical methods can be applied. The importance of this concept was further expanded by Kowalski (1966). Hinton (1926a ; 1926b : 126-136) recognized a series of rodent faunas of different ages at British localities. In order of increasing antiquity these were as follows : Third Terrace of the Thames, in the valley of the River Lea. Ightham Fissure (Kent) stage. Late Middle Terrace of the Thames (typical locality Crayford and Erith, Kent). Early Middle Terrace of the Thames (typical locality Grays Thurrock, Essex). High Terrace of the Thames (Ingress Vale, Swanscombe, Kent). Upper Freshwater Bed at West Runton, Norfolk. Shelly Crag at East Runton, Norfolk. Norwich Crag and Weybourne Crag of the Norfolk Coast. Although Hinton did not attempt to relate this division to any sequence of climatic fluctuations, his faunal stages were far ahead of any other palaeontological division of the British Pleistocene at that time. Hinton also laid the basis for systematic study of the Microtinae (Savage 1963). After 1926 he abandoned nearly completely his study of the British fossil rodents, being involved in problems of pest control and the study of other mammals. He nevertheless published in 1952 a thorough description of rodent remains from the Late Glacial deposits of the Lea Valley. Hinton’s work is not only an important chapter in the history of zoology, but it still forms the standard reference on British Pleistocene rodents. For this reason it seems necessary to mention some of its limitations. He was a monoglacialist, or strictly an antiglacialist, as he postulated only one very late and only moderately cold period in the Pleistocene history of England. This opinion, which he regarded as the established truth, probably also influenced his zoological views. When he came across the fossil remains of species associated today with arctic climate he was inclined to determine them as forms different from Recent ones, since they could not then be used as evidence of particular climatic conditions. Hinton was a prominent typologist. Although he was not more of a ‘splitter’ than most of his contemporary zoologists, he nevertheless used subspecific names extensively and was inclined to determine each new variant as a new species. For this reason, even in Hinton’s own collection, many intermediate specimens were left undetermined. Finally, Hinton accepted the multituberculate origin of rodents, a theory now generally rejected. He accepted that microtine evolution has always led from forms with complicated to forms with simple teeth. Strangely enough this did not hinder him in the correct reconstruction of some of the lines of evolution in voles, since among the different tendencies in the late evolution of the teeth of this par- ticular group some lines did indeed progress from more complicated to simpler tooth-patterns. QF IIR Ist MSILIBS 39 Relatively few contributions to the study of British Pleistocene rodents have been published since the appearance of Hinton’s monograph. These include the work of J. W. Jackson (1932, 1934); L. S. Palmer (1934); A. Schreuder (1929, IQ3I, 1950, 1951); J. N. Carreck (1957, 1966) ; D. Bramwell (1960, 1964, 1970) ; meen outcine & I BE. Zeuner (1962); J. C. Pernetta (1966); R. J. G. Savage (1966) ; K. Kowalski (1967) ; W. von Koenigswald (1973) and M. Bishop (1974, 1975). Most of these papers contain site lists of rodents with relatively little general discussion of their stratigraphical or systematic position. The papers by Schreuder (1929, I93I, 1951) are worthy of special mention for containing a thorough re- description and systematic discussion of the beaver remains from Britain. The paper of 1950 contains a list of the voles from the stratigraphically important Middle Pleistocene deposits of Swanscombe, Kent. More recently A. J. Stuart, ina general review of the British Pleistocene fauna (1974), listed the rodent faunas from key sites and discussed their stratigraphical occurrence. Since the last synthetic work of Hinton (1926b) there has been great progress in other fields of study related to the problem of the history of British rodents. Investi- gations on the continent of Europe (not without influence from Hinton’s work) have brought to light many rich local rodent faunas of Pliocene and Pleistocene age and have made it possible to reconstruct in greater detail the stratigraphical position and evolutionary history of many of these mammals. Recent contributions in the field include the work of J. Chaline (1972), who gives a detailed description of the rodents of the Middle and Upper Pleistocene of France, and of W. von Koenigswald, who studied the phylogenetic lineage of the genus Avvicola. In addition, knowledge of the systematic position, ecology and geographical variability of Recent rodents has greatly improved throughout the whole of the Palaearctic region. In the British Isles there have been extensive geological and palaeobotanical studies (e.g. West 1968), which have provided a more detailed stratigraphic back- ground for rodent studies. In addition the stratigraphic position of many old localities has been clarified and new rodent localities have been discovered. A new aspect of investigation has been provided by zoological studies of insular races of small mammals (Corbet 1961). In view of the increasing importance of rodents in stratigraphic studies and of all the additional information which has become available since the publication of Hinton’s monograph, it is timely to review the existing data on British Pleistocene rodents. In the description which follows the stratigraphic age of crucial rodent localities of the British Isles will be further examined, the systematic position and synonymy of the rodent species, currently overburdened with too many names connected with insufficiently characterized forms, will be discussed and the history of the rodent population of Britain during the Pleistocene reviewed. Many gaps nevertheless remain in the known sequence of events. This paper does not contain morphological descriptions of the various species of British Pleistocene rodents, a task, important for further stratigraphic and systematic studies, which needs to be carried out in the future. In the meanwhile subspecific designations are not used in the present paper. The nomenclature of living species of rodents here used is based mainly on the work of Ellerman & Morrison-Scott (1966). Information about 40 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS morphology, biology and distribution of Recent rodents in Britain is available in Miller (1912), Matthews (1952), Southern (1964) and Corbet (1966). Beirne (1947) has discussed the possible arrival dates of some species of rodents into the British Isles. B. The Geological Background As previously mentioned, great progress has been made towards a more detailed understanding of the British Pleistocene sequence since Hinton published his mono- graph in 1926. Some deposits considered to be Pliocene at that time are now regarded as Lower Pleistocene, and there now exists a detailed picture, still being further elaborated from current studies, of alternating glacial and interglacial stages in the British Isles. A recent contribution of special importance is that of West & Wilson (1966), who demonstrated from palaeobotanical studies that the Cromer Forest Bed Series of Norfolk in fact represents two interglacial stages with an intervening cold stage. At the present time the most generally accepted correlation for the British Pleistocene is that recommended by the Geological Society of London (Mitchell e¢ al. 1973), which is shown, with some additional information from other sources indicated, in Table 1. While in general it seems possible to relate most British rodent faunas to this sequence, there are some parts (notably the Cromerian and Wolstonian—Ipswichian stages) which seem inadequate to account for all the rodent stages currently attributed to them. There can be little doubt that they are more complex than is indicated in the table opposite. Although, in the 1973 correlation of the Geological Society, the Wolstonian and Ipswichian are recognized as two stages only, an earlier correlation published by the same Society (Evans 1971) proposed a more detailed chronology for this part of Pleistocene time which must be mentioned here, since it has important application to our rodent studies. From a consideration of information derived from deep-sea cores and other lines of evidence Evans argued that there had been more than one warm phase since the Hoxnian (Holsteinian) Interglacial. Whilst accepting the period from about 100 to 70 thousand years ago (which he regarded as the true Last Interglacial, the Ipswichian or Eemian, equivalent to Zeuner’s Late Monastirian shoreline) as the only fully warm period of considerable length since the Holsteinian, he drew atten- tion to other lesser mild phases of post-Holsteinian age about 170 000 and 130 000 years ago, possibly equivalent to the Danish Vejlby I and Vejlby II mild stages, the possible relationship of which is shown in Table 2. Evans also drew attention to some problems related to the interpretation of this part of the Pleistocene sequence. He pointed out that Zeuner, who regarded the Last Interglacial as double, used the term ‘Last Interglacial’ for two different ranges of time, that lasting from 180 to 120 thousand years ago (cycles 5w and 4) and also for that lasting from 130 to 70 thousand years ago (cycles 4w and 3). He considered that some confusion had arisen in archaeological circles where ‘Last Interglacial’ had been used as a reference datum and preferred to restrict this term only to zone 3w. 41 OF BRIGISH ISLES TABLE t Generalized British Pleistocene sequence (‘qenrseg = q ‘eNeH = 5H ‘urewig :ozeu[D Jopuy)) Il9y} ye uMOYS a1e (gz61) sa8ejys JUBPOI s,UOPUT}Y ‘€Z6Y 4saA\ ® uoZOYS ‘Auueg ‘[[ayouPY pue ‘zZ61 ysayq ® syIedS ‘gg6I ysoAA UO paseg *21q42} 9} JO UUINTOS 4seI OY} UT UOT}ISOd AjexT] ysOu Ee en en a ae pa Sa. ee DVD ANITIVUOD oe LILLIA PSAP AI AIPA sseI9 auinoqAej\ pue YOIMION uojuNY yseq ye BeID AT[EYS U0JUNYT FSO ze peg Jozemyso1,y reddy (Arepunoq vua90}sIa[q-Ol[q $,U0}UTH) sowley oy} JO soelIey ysl souleyy ay} JO sovIIOy, app ATIeA souley OY} JO 9OVIIOL S[PPHAL 93eT O8E}S IINssLy WeYYST AgyeA eaT 94} UI SOWeY YT, OY} JO 9OeIIOT PIL uortsod orydeisyers a1quqoig (9z61) seune.y JUapo, s,u0pUTET (uotsolea) OVA AIY (sovag HOIMUON x» ANUNOPGATM) Dvug NVINGOT SaIaaS aag ISTO UAWOUD SLisodaqd TVIANTIY x aovura AAV) s}isodap ¥ (Aje}] JO ueysy) ‘dwoy UeIIGANOYT HNHOOVId RviNOnAVAN (Aye}z] JO ueryourszeltA “T) UeI[SIL-9Ig ‘duay, NVINVHGNT io ee i _-_- é _ — 12) (ee) NVINYAH (Ayeaz Jo uvIyourssertA “1) ‘dura NVIINY ueHeEL uetuoiIngy ANAHOOLSIW Id (d) UAMOT PIoD NVILNAAVG LenB ‘duioy NVINOLSVq uvideueyyl (d) NVINOLSaag vee PIOD dua NVINANOUD (q+) (NvILd01SaM07T) ueleys[q ¢ =ANAOOLSIATd 10) (el) NVITIONY URITELS ¢ HICGCCIN ‘dworp NVINXO}] UeIUIOJS[OHL (q+) (NVIDNIddI5) (sxed) uerqees ; 1) (9) NVINOLSTOM ‘duo, NVIHOIMSd] uelulay ANAOOLSIA Id a waddf (d+5) NVISNAAG uvITISYIO plop v d TOSYSTOM, ‘dway NVIYANV TL euss0[0H ANHOOTOH og) ee SS urequg urezyIg S edoing MN Deyewlyg > SO8PYS 1 S98PIS ystig 42 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS TABLE 2 Possible relationship of continental climatic British mild phases (after Evans 1971) Evans’ half-cycles Years ee: Continental Mediterranean (c = cold, w = warm) ago 6 climatic divisions sea levels names 2c 70 000 Early Weichsel, Early Wirm 3W 100 000 IpSWICHIAN Eemian Late Monastirian 3c I20 000 Saale 2, Riss 2, Warthe 4W 130 000 Vejlby 2 Main Monastirian 4C Minor cold phase 5w 180 000 Vejlby 1, ? Domnitz 5c 200 000 Saale 1, Riss 1 ow Hoxnian Holsteinian It follows from Evans’ chronology that the terms Saale 2, Riss 2 and Penultimate Glaciation of some authors have been used for periods of time later than Last Inter- glacial of some other authors, and that great confusion can arise here if stage names such as these are applied incautiously to our studies of British Pleistocene rodents. Likewise the terms Penultimate Glaciation or Wolstonian (when applied away from the type locality) could confusingly be used to mean any period of time from that considered by some writers to be the middle of the Hoxnian/Holsteinian (for ex- ample, Mullender’s suggestion in Wymer (1974) that the upper part of Lower Loam of Swanscombe is Wolstonian) to that immediately preceding Evans’ Interglacial half-cycle 3w. Wymer (1974) has suggested a warm stage during the Wolstonian. Bristow & Cox (in Mitchell e¢ al. 1973) have argued, from their study of glacial deposits in East Anglia, that the interglacial deposits at the Hoxnian type locality of Hoxne belong to the last and not penultimate interglacial and they referred the Ipswichian and Hoxnian deposits, which they accepted may have been separated by a cold oscillation, to a single interglacial between the Devensian and Anglian. In the present paper we will try to overcome such problems, as far as possible, by concentrating on establishing a relative chronology for the rodent faunas of the British Isles which will not be affected by future refinements in the naming of the British Pleistocene sequence, rather than to attempt to refer these faunas too rigidly to a chronology which is clearly incomplete. Let us now make a detailed examina- tion of the rodent faunas from the various British Pleistocene localities. Il, LOCALITIES IN THE BRITISH TSEBRBS With. POSSIEsRODENES Remains of Pleistocene rodents have been found at many localities in the British Isles, notably in the early Pleistocene marine Crag and Forest Bed deposits of East Anglia and in later river terrace and cave deposits. In Ireland they are known only from cave deposits of late Pleistocene age. The location of the principal localities is shown in Fig. 1. A. Deposits of East Anglia Extensive areas of Suffolk and Norfolk are covered by Crag and Forest Bed deposits from which rodent remains have sometimes been recovered. OF BRITISH, ISLES 43 Although recent research (West & Wilson 1966, Norton 1967, West 1968) has greatly increased understanding of the early Pleistocene sequence of East Anglia, all the rodent remains from this region available for the present study are unfor- tunately from old collections, many of them with imptecise stratigraphic information. A series of rodent faunas can nevertheless be distinguished. (i) RED CraG. This is a marine shallow-water shore deposit typically laid down in land-locked bays. It is best developed in Suffolk where it consists mainly of shelly sands. There is also a basal nodule bed with rolled and polished fossils, including mastodon teeth, apparently derived by the Crag sea from earlier deposits. The occurrence of these derived fossils, which include mammalian remains of Eocene, Miocene and Pliocene age, makes the study of the Red Crag mammalian fauna extremely difficult. For a long time the deposit was considered to be of Pliocene age and it was not until 1948 that its Lower Pleistocene date was accepted and the occurrence of relatively unmineralized contemporary mammalian remains, associated with the derived fossils, was recognized. Only a few rodent remains have been found in the Red Crag. Tvogontherium minus (known from Astian localities on the European continent) and Hystrix, represented by teeth (Spencer 1966) and by gnawing on part of a deer antler (Sutcliffe & Collings 1972), are probably derived from pre-Pleistocene deposits and cannot be included in the contemporary Red Crag faunal list. Castor fiber, recorded from a number of Red Crag localities, including Sutton and Woodbridge (47, Fig. 1) is probably a contemporary species. A rolled microtine tooth from the Red Crag has been provisionally referred by Spencer (1964) to Mimomys sp. (ii) IceENIAN Crac. A further series of marine deposits, the Icenian Crag (in- cluding the Norwich and Weybourne Crags), occupies a basin on the north of the Red Crag outcrop. It was apparently laid down in a more open sea. Its exact relationship to the Red Crag is not fully understood, but its age appears to range from Thurnian, through Antian and Baventian, to Pastonian. According to West (1968), these stages may be equivalent to the Tiglian, Eburonian and Waalian in the stratigraphy of the Netherlands. The relationship between the Norwich and Weybourne Crags is also not clear. The Weybourne Crag, typified by the mollusc Macoma balihica, is found at more than one stage. The youngest part of the sequence, including part of the Weybourne Crag, is of Pastonian age and is con- temporaneous with the lowest part of the Cromer Forest Bed series. Part of the Norwich Crag of Suffolk may also be Pastonian. Rodent remains, which have been found in the Norwich and Weybourne Crags of Bramerton (55, Fig. 1), Covehithe (51), Easton Bavents (50), Sizewell (49), Thorpe (48), Trimingham (61) and other localities represent Mimomys pliocaenicus, M. veidi, M. newtont, Castor fiber and Trogontherium boisvilletti. Since conditions were unsuitable for the preservation of very small remains, it is not surprising that no teeth of glirids and murids have been found in the deposits. M. pliocaentcus and M. reidi are typical Tiglian (Upper Villafranchian) elements and confirm a Lower Pleistocene age for at least part of this series. 44 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS 82 81 e 80 e 77 76e © 79 75 e78 74 AS 68 vA €73 067 . e@72 ee 65 & 270 6g 56 oor e 52 sae >> $3) 20 oa ri 47 @40 46 el? 39 ° eo) AG . 42 ¢ 037 43 e 15 21 e 360 3, 3 6 25 5; HY = or: 14 e 969 91) 23 ue” 2 ry HOeP o8 se 22 a. Zoe Je x 1 Fic. 1. Location map of the principal Quaternary rodent localities in the British Isles. Key to numbers opposite. I Joint Mitnor Cave, Buckfastleigh, Devon 2 Levaton Cave, Torbryan, Devon 3 Tornewton Cave, Torbryan, Devon Brixham Cave, Brixham, 4 Devon 5 Happaway Cave, Torquay, Devon 6 Kent’s Cavern, Torquay, Devon 7 (i) Cow Cave, Chudleigh, Devon 7 (ii) Chudleigh Fissure, Devon 8 Huntspill Cut, Huntspill, Somerset 9 (i) Brean Down, nr Brean, Somerset g (ii) Uphill Cave, Uphill, Somerset Hay Wood Rockshelter, Hutton, Somerset ( ( ( Somerset 10 (ili) Picken’s Hole, nr Bleadon, Somerset ( ( ( 10 (iv) Hutton Cave, Hutton, Somerset 10 (v) Banwell Cave, Somerset Ir (i) Rowberrow Cavern, Burrington, Somerset II (ii) Aveline’s Hole, Burrington, Somerset WZ Gough’s Cave, Cheddar, Somerset 13 Westbury-sub-Mendip Fissure, Somerset 14 Clevedon Cave, Clevedon, Somerset 15 Alveston Fissure, Alveston Gloucestershire 16 (i) Minchin Hole, nr Penard, Glamorganshire 16 (ii) Bacon Hole, nr Penard, Glamorganshire 17 (i) King Arthur’s Cave, nr Whitchurch, Herefordshire 17 (ii) Great Doward Cave, Whitchurch, ’ Herefordshire 18 Merlin’s Cave, Symond’s Yat, Herefordshire 19 Beckford, Worcestershire 20 Upton Warren, nr Droitwich, Worcestershire 21 Sugworth, Oxfordshire 22 Fisherton, Salisbury, Wiltshire 23 Thatcham, Berkshire West Wittering, Sussex 24 (ii) Selsey, Sussex QUA JE RAEITIES ISL IUSIEIBS KEY TO FIG. I 25 Marlow, Buckingham- shire 26 Isleworth, Middlesex 27 Crayford and Erith, Kent 28 Ightham Fissures, Ightham, Kent 29 Northfleet, Kent 30 Swanscombe, Kent 31 Upnor, Kent Be Murston, Kent 33 Grays Thurrock, Essex 34 Aveley, Essex 35 Ilford, Essex 36 (i) Hackney, London 36 (ui) Angel Road, Middlesex (north London) 36 (111) Ponders End, Middlesex 37 Nazeing, Lea Valley, Essex 38 Water Hall Farm, Hertfordshire 39 Hitchin, Hertfordshire 40 Barrington, Cambridgeshire 41 Cambridge Fens (including Burwell and Swaffley), Cambridge- shire 42 Copford, nr Colchester, Essex 43 Clacton, Essex 44 (i) Harkstead, Suffolk 44 (li) Stutton, Suffolk 45 Felixstowe, Suffolk 46 (1) Bobbitshole, nr Ipswich, Suffolk 46 (ii) Stoke Tunnel Beds, 47 (i) Ipswich, Suffolk Sutton, Suffolk 47 (ii) Woodbridge, Suffolk 47 (ili) Kyson, Suffolk 48 49 50 51 52 3)3) Thorpe, Norfolk (see p.g6) Sizewell, Suffolk Easton Bavents, Suffolk Covehithe, Suffolk Kessingland, Suffolk Geldeston, nr Beccles, Norfolk Hoxne, nr Diss, Suffolk Bramerton, Norfolk Happisburgh, Norfolk Ostend, Norfolk Bacton, Norfolk Paston, Norfolk Mundesley, Norfolk Trimingham, Norfolk Overstrand, Norfolk Cromer, Norfolk East Runton, Norfolk West Runton, Norfolk Swanton Morley, Norfolk Lynx Cave, Denbighshire (exact location not known) 7I (i) 45 Gwaenysgor Cave, Prestatyn, Flintshire Elder Bush Cave, Wetton, Staffordshire Harborough Cave, Brassington, Derbyshire Fox Hole Cave, High Wheeldon Hill, Earl Sterndale, nr Buxton, Derbyshire 71 (ii) Etches’ Cave, Dowel Dale, Earl Sterndale, nr Buxton, Derbyshire 71 (iii) Dowel Cave, Dowel Dale, Zz 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 gI Earl Sterndale, nr Buxton, Derbyshire Langwith Cave, Upper Langwith, nr Scarcliffe, Derbyshire Pin Hole Cave, Creswell, Derbyshire Hessle, nr Kingston- upon-Hull, Yorkshire Staple Howe, nr Wintringham, Yorkshire Star Can) mr Scarborough, Yorkshire Kirkdale Cave, Helmsley, Yorkshire Cowside Cave No. 3, Settle, Yorkshire Dog Holes Cave, Warton Crag, nr Carnforth, Lancashire Middlestots Bog, Edrom Parish, Berwickshire, Scotland Corstorphine, nr Edinburgh, Midlothian Loch of Marlee, Kinlock, Perthshire Creag nan Uamh Cave, Inchnadamph, Sutherland Keshcorran Caves, Ballymote, Co. Sligo, Republic of Ireland Edenvale Caves, nr Ennis, Co. Clare Red Cellar Cave, nr Lough Gur, Co. Limerick Castlepook Cave, Doneraile, Co. Cork Castletownroche Cave, Connaberry, Co. Cork Kilgreany Cave, Cappagh, Co. Waterford Ballynamintra Cave, Whitechurch, Co. Waterford Nornour, Isles of Scilly 40 PILE TSTOGE NE RODIN aS gham sMundesley HP Felixtowe Weybourne Crag & Forest Bed @ Norwich Crag A Red Crag @ Fic. 2. Location map of Crag and Forest Bed rodent localities in East Anglia. (111) CROMER Forest BED SERIES. This differs from the earlier Crag deposits in being predominantly estuarine and freshwater, with some beach deposits. Coastal exposures occur at many localities along the Norfolk coast, though these are un- fortunately becoming increasingly obscured by sea defence work. Abundant remains of mammals (including rodents) and of plants occur in the Forest Bed. The most important rodent localities are West and East Runton (65, 64), with fewer remains from Ostend (57), Cromer (63), Overstrand (62), Mundesley (60), Paston (59), Bacton (58) and Kessingland (52). It has long been recognized that all the Forest Bed deposits are not contem- poraneous but that they accumulated over a considerable period of time, during which there occurred changes of climate and fauna. West & Wilson (1966), basing OF BRITISH ISLES 47 their conclusions on a study of plant remains, identified four climatic stages within the Forest Bed Series of deposits. In descending order these are: Early Anglian (cold, followed by glacial conditions during the later Anglian) Cromerian sensu stricto (warm) Beestonian (cold) Pastonian (warm) Rodent remains are known from all horizons except the Beestonian. The Ostend Forest Bed presents a problem which is further discussed on pp. 48, 122. (a) Pastonian of East Runton and Happisburgh. Only the earliest part of the Forest Bed sequence is represented at East Runton (64) ; deposits of Cromerian age, sensu stricto, apparently being absent. Azzaroli (1953) observed that the large mammals from this locality are Villafranchian species and that mammals present in the later part of the Forest Bed are absent. West (personal communication, 1972) considers, from palaeobotanical studies, that no Cromerian deposits, sensu stricto, have yet been proved on the foreshore at East Runton. He found, in descending order, the following sequence : c. Clay Conglomerate, being reworked estuarine sediment, probably of Pastonian age, redeposited during late Pastonian or Beestonian times. b. Shelly Crag, of Pastonian age, regarded by Hinton (1926b : 365) as Weybourne Crag. a. Flint Bed, relating to a pre-Pastonian land surface. Unfortunately the East Runton section has not been seen really well for many years and all the rodent remains available for the present study are from old collec- tions. Three species of Mimomys are recorded; these are M. newtom, M. plio- caenicus and M. savini. The occurrence, together in the Shelly Crag, of the last two species, which represent successive stages in the development of the same phyletic line of voles, suggests the natural or accidental mixing of elements from different layers. M. pliocaenicus and M. newtoni are represented in both the Shelly Crag and among the ‘clay pebbles’ of East Runton, the holotype of MW. newtont being from the former horizon. The precise stratigraphic range of these three species is far from clear. M. savini (represented by a few specimens from the Shelly Crag) is very abundant in the later, Cromerian sensu stricto, deposits of West Runton. The occurrence of remains of M. pliocaenicus and M. newtoni (known also from the earlier Norwich Crag) in the ‘clay pebbles’ could mean that these rodents persisted into Pastonian times. Such an interpretation would not be out of harmony with the ‘Villafranchian’ megafauna of this locality. The rolled condition of some of the remains could alternatively indicate their derivation from an earlier deposit. Trogontherium borsvillettt and Castor fiber have also been found at East Runton. A second Forest Bed locality, where the deposits are apparently of Pastonian age only, is Happisburgh (56). Remains of Castor fiber and also fir cones bearing 5) 48 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS marks which appear to indicate gnawing by squirrels (Newton 1882a) have been found there. (b) Beestonian. No rodent remains are known from Beestonian deposits. (c) Cromerian sensu stricto. The Upper Freshwater Bed of West Runton (65), defined by West (1961) as the type deposit of the Cromerian interglacial, contains abundant rodent remains. The following species are represented: Apodemus sylvaticus, Trogonthertum boisvilletti, Castor fiber, Cricetus cricetus, Mimomys savini, Clethrionomys glareolus, Pitymys arvaloides, P. gregaloides, Microtus arvalinus, M. nivaloides and M. ratticepoides. Muscardinus recorded by Hinton (in Barrett- Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, 2 : 351) from the ‘Forest Bed’ can possibly be added to the above list. The rodent fauna with at least 11 species is unusually rich. It is predominantly of forest and meadow type, testifying to a mild climate; no arctic elements are present. The presence of Cvicetus in this fauna is difficult to explain. Sciurus whiter is represented from the marine ‘Monkey Gravel’ at West Runton, which overlies the Upper Freshwater Bed. (d) Anglian. Newton (1882b) described some isolated worn teeth of Spermophilus, found in association with remains of arctic plants, in the Arctic Freshwater Bed near Mundesley (60). This deposit, which is immediately overlain by glacial till, has been interpreted as an indication of oncoming cold conditions in early Anglian times. The rodent fauna of the Forest Bed deposits at Ostend (57) near Bacton presents a stratigraphic problem, since it cannot be accurately related to the above sequence. The remains include Avvicola bactonensis and A. green (Hinton 1926b : 386, 3890), now both regarded as synonyms of A. cantiana, which led Hinton to conclude (p. 391) that the Ostend deposit is later than the Upper Freshwater Bed of West Runton. The specimens were collected over a century ago by the Rev. C. Green and un- fortunately lack reliable stratigraphic information. B. Terrace and Solifluxion deposits of the Rivers Thames and Lea The richest series of rodent-bearing deposits related to a British river system is that of the River Thames and River Lea. The deposits of these rivers have been extensively worked commercially for gravel and brickearth and there have been many deep excavations for building foundations in the London area, leading to frequent discoveries of rodent remains (Fig. 3). Three main series of deposits occur in association with these rivers, the exact relationship between which is often difficult to determine. Firstly, there are the terrace deposits of their upper courses, including Marlow and Isleworth in the Upper Thames, and Water Hall Farm Pit, Nazeing, Ponders End, Edmonton and Hackney on the River Lea. Deposits of both interglacial and glacial age occur here, those representing glacial stages merging with buried channels in the Lower Thames Valley province, where they are inaccessible for study in consequence of later rise of sea level. ORS BRS Hy TSS 49 sClacton on Sea Waiter Hall Ponders End Edmonton Hackney @ !Iford Marshes Avele @ ¥ River Thames Erith @ Crayford @ Upnor = ® s 4 Swanscombe Northfleet KENT peak Fic. 3. Location map of rodent localities in the Thames estuary and the Lea valley. Secondly, there are terraces of the Lower Thames, including Swanscombe, Clacton, Ilford, Aveley and Grays, Crayford and Erith. Hinton (1926b : 126-131) classified these as the High Terrace of the Thames (Swanscombe), the Early Middle Terrace (Grays Thurrock), and the Late Middle Terrace (Crayford and Erith). Whereas each terrace of the upper part of the river is of approximately constant height above the present-day bed of the river and thus becomes progressively lower as it is followed downstream, these terraces of the Lower Thames (which are related to former high sea levels) have approximately horizontal aggradation surfaces and they do not extend further upstream than the head of the contemporary tidal limit of the river. All are of interglacial or interstadial age and they can be cor- related with raised beaches of similar heights along the open coastline. The cold stages which occurred between the accumulation of these terraces of the Lower Thames are represented by deposits submerged in the buried channels of the present- day river, previously mentioned. Thirdly there are solifluxion and hillwash deposits, the heights of which are un- related to the terrace system, with the deposits of which they are often interbedded. Northfleet is the only rodent locality, probably of this category, known to the writers. It follows that, in an area as complicated as the valleys of the Rivers Thames and Lea, the exact relationship between the various rodent-bearing deposits is difficult to interpret. The literature on this subject, which goes back for nearly a century and a half, is voluminous. The general sequence was discussed by King & Oakley (1936) and in a number of important papers by Zeuner (e.g. 1954), who produced a schematic section from the Ebbsfleet Valley to Swanscombe, Kent, showing his interpretation of the relationship between the various deposits there. He inter- preted the solifluxion and loess deposits with Levallois industries of Baker’s Hole 50 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS and Ebbsfleet as earlier than deposits of both Main Monastirian and Late Monastirian age, which he regarded as Last Interglacial, although only the Late Monastirian is accepted as Last Interglacial by Evans (p. 40). During recent years J. N. Carreck has made a detailed further study of many of the mammalian localities in the Thames estuary, especially those in Kent, together with related museum collections and previous literature. On a basis of all lines of evidence he relates (7m litt.) the deposits of some of the more important localities, here given in ascending stratigraphic order, as follows : 1. Interglacial deposits of Swanscombe, with Clactonian and Acheulean industries. . Interglacial deposits of Grays Thurrock and Little Thurrock (including the Orsett Road brickearths, but not those of West Thurrock, which are slightly later), Ilford and Aveley. The Ilford mammoth is a transitional form between Mammuthus trogontheri and M. primigemus. The Ilford fauna does not include any cold elements. 3. Deposits of the Baker’s Hole cold stage at Ebbsfleet/Northfleet. The first true mammoth, M. primigenius, intermediate in form between the mammoths of Ilford and Crayford, appears at this locality in non-estuarine deposits over- lying coombe rock (solifluxion) deposits. There are several associated Leval- lois industries. 4. Interglacial deposits of Crayford and Erith. Carreck found that the mammoth from the Lower Crayford Brickearth is more advanced than that from stage 3, though not so advanced as Last Glaciation mammoths from such localities as Ponders End, in the Lea valley, north London. He suggested that a layer of shattered chalk at the base of the Crayford sequence may be equivalent to the Baker’s Hole cold stage and that the Crayford Gravel and Lower Brickearth, which are interglacial, follow immediately in time. The Crayford fauna suggests more open grassland conditions than indicated at Ilford or Grays, and there is a Levallois industry more advanced than that at Baker’s Hole. 5. Other interglacial deposits, with hippopotamus, suggest that there may have been a further amelioration of climate. Carreck considers that the hippopo- tamus may have survived to a very late stage during the Last Interglacial. The Last Glaciation was characterized by a more advanced mammoth than that from Crayford. iS) Carreck pointed out that most of the Grays mammals were collected over a century ago, possibly from more than one terrace, which makes the study of this locality difficult ; he drew attention to the hazards of confusing the Baker’s Hole cold stage, which he regarded as occurring within the Ipswichian Interglacial, with the Wol- stonian/Saale Glaciation. Carreck’s chronological conclusions are of very far-reaching importance, with two points of special interest. Hinton’s supposition that the Crayford deposits are later than those at Grays receives further support, but unlike the Geological Society (Mitchell e¢ al. 1973), which regards the Northfleet coombe rock as Wolstonian and earlier than Ilford (which is regarded as Ipswichian), Carreck regards the Ilford deposits as being earlier than those of Northfleet. OF BRITISH TSEES 51 Let us now consider in more detail the various deposits in the valley of the Thames and its tributaries where remains of fossil rodents have been found. (i) LowER THAMES. (a) High Terrace of Swanscombe. One of the most important British rodent localities is the world-famous Swanscombe skull site (see Ovey (1964) for a fuller account). A series of estuarine deposits is aggraded to a height of approximately 31°5 m (103 ft) O.D. and is believed to have accumulated when the sea level rose to this height. Solifluxion deposits bring this figure to a total of 35:5m (1173 ft). Rodent remains have been found in two gravel pits, separated by a distance of about a third of a kilometre and now both disused. These are Barnfield Pit, where skull fragments of Acheulean Man were found, and Dierden’s Pit, Ingress Vale. The following sequence of deposits has been described from Barnfield Pit : 6. The Upper Gravel. This is regarded as a solifluxion deposit, later than the terrace proper. No mammalian remains have been found in it. 5. [he Upper Loam, with an Acheulean industry but no mammalian remains. 4. The Upper Middle Gravel, occupying a channel in the underlying deposits and containing an Acheulean industry. The top of this stratum, which is at about 31°5 m (103 ft) O.D., is regarded as the true surface of the terrace deposits proper. This deposit contains the ‘Homo layer’ in which the human remains were found. 3. The Lower Middle Gravel, with an Acheulean industry. 2. The Lower Loam, with an im situ Clactonian activity horizon at its base and a knapping floor higher up. A zone of subaerial weathering, with many well- preserved animal footprints, is present on the surface of this deposit. 1. The Lower Gravel, with an early Clactonian industry, resting on a bench of underlying rock at 21-27 m (70-90 ft). The deposits contain a rich molluscan fauna which has recently been re-examined by Kerney (1971). He concluded that the Lower Gravel, Lower Loam and the very base of the Lower Middle Gravel accumulated under temperate conditions, after which the climate became cooler. Rodent remains have been found in the Lower Gravel (Carreck 1959), in the Lower Loam (remains recently excavated by Waechter), and in a silt bed in the Upper Middle Gravel at a level slightly higher than the ‘Homo layer’ (Schreuder 1950). A few rodent remains have also been found at Ingress Vale. The distribution of rodent species at these two localities is shown in Table 3. The exact relationship between the deposits of Barnfield Pit and Ingress Vale is uncertain. Avvicola cantiana occurs at both the latter site and in the Lower Loam of Barnfield Pit, suggesting a possible correlation of the two. Kerney (1971 and personal communication) found at Ingress Vale a temperate molluscan fauna associ- ated with an industry which is culturally more advanced than that in the Lower Gravel and Lower Loam, suggesting to him a possible equivalence to the base of the Lower Middle Gravel. The Swanscombe rodent remains are insufficiently abundant to permit reconstruc- tion of any environmental and climatic changes, but the species of voles found in the 52 PEEISTOCENE RODENTS TABLE 3 Distribution of rodent species at Barnfield Pit and Ingress Vale, Swanscombe, Kent Barnfield Pit ~"—-- SO —-’- - Lower Upper Ingress Lower. Dower" (Middle ) , Middle’ |!) aie Gravel Loam Gravel Gravel Trogontherium boisvilletti x Castor fiber x Apodemus sylvaticus* x Clethrionomys glareolus x Ayvicola cantiana x x Lemmus sp. x Microtus avvalinus x x M. vatticepoides x x Microtus sp. (avvalis-agrestis group) x Pitymys avvaloides x x * Cited in earlier papers as A. white. Lower Loam suggest that during the deposition of this layer a meadow environment may have prevailed. There are no arctic and no forest species, but such negative evidence is not decisive. Although the Swanscombe deposits are generally regarded as being of Hoxnian Interglacial age, there is increasing evidence that a substantial interval may have elapsed between the deposition of the Lower Gravels/Lower Loam complex and of the overlying Middle Gravels. In general the rodent fauna of the lower unit quite closely resembles that of the Upper Freshwater Bed of West Runton. Puitymys arvaloides, Microtus arvalinus and M. ratticepoides occur in both the Upper Fresh- water Bed at West Runton and in the Lower Loam at Barnfield Pit. The two above- mentioned species of Microtus persist into the Upper Middle Gravel. Mimomys savini, characteristic of Cromerian assemblages sensu stricto, is nevertheless absent from Swanscombe, where it is replaced by Avrvicola, absent from the Upper Fresh- water Bed. It is of interest that by Upper Middle Gravel times Lemmus had appeared and A. cantiana may have disappeared. At the present day Lemmus is a rodent of northern latitudes. Whereas we have no means of demonstrating that its habit is not a recent adaptation, the occurrence of this genus could be interpreted as further evidence of the cool conditions indicated by the mollusca. Recently Mullender (in Wymer 1974) has examined pollen from the Lower Loam of Barnfield Pit and found a marked break in the profile with a great increase in pine and near disappearance of alder. He equated the lower part of the Lower Loam with the Hoxnian Late-temperate Zone II and the upper part with the Wolstonian. If this interpretation were to be accepted then the later deposits of Barnfield Pit could no longer be referred to the Hoxnian, which would lead us to fresh problems of nomenclature for this part of the sequence. (b) Clacton. The exact age relationship between the deposits of Clacton and Swanscombe is not clear, though Clacton is generally regarded as a further Hoxnian OF BRITISH ISLES 53 locality intermediate in age between the Lower Loam and Middle Gravel of Barnfield Pit. The Clacton deposits, which le at about sea level, are at a lower altitude than those at Swanscombe. West (1972) suggests that slight downwarping has occurred in the Clacton area, which may explain this difference. There is a Clactonian in- dustry. Plant remains from Clacton, studied by Pike & Godwin (1952), suggest about one-third of an interglacial sequence, during which mixed deciduous forest of the warmth maximum was replaced by coniferous forest. Only a few rodent remains have been found in the Clacton deposits. These are Trogontherium cf. cuviert (= T. borsvillett:) and Clethrionomys sp. (Singer et al. 1973), Castor sp. and Mucrotus of the agrestis group (Hinton 1923b), and Arvicola cf. praeceptor (= A. cantiana) (Warren 1955, quoting Hinton). (c) Early Middle Terrace at Aveley, Grays Thurrock and Ilford. Hinton (1926b: 129) defined Grays Thurrock (33) as the type locality of this terrace of the Thames, with which the present writers also include Ilford (35) and Aveley (34). Table 4 lists those rodent species whose remains have been found at these localities. The age of the deposits at these localities has been the subject of much discussion which is yet to be concluded. Hinton (1926b: 129-131) considered that the species of Avvicola from Grays (A. praeceptor, = A. cantiana) was not closely related to modern species of that genus. He considered that the latest Forest Bed deposits (presumably Ostend), the High Terrace of the Thames and the Early Middle Terrace were close in time. Zeuner (1945) considered Grays to be Hoxnian. Hoxnian terrace deposits do indeed occur in the Grays area, though remains of fossil mammals do not seem to have been found in them. Wymer (1957) records terrace deposits of Hoxnian age with Clactonian implements resting on a bench at 15 m (49 ft) O.D., but points out that the Grays brickearth is later than this deposit. Most of the Grays rodent remains were found in the brickearth in a small pit near Orsett Road (Hinton 1gor), about 650 m (700 yds) west of Wymer’s site. West (1969) studied plant remains from the three sites mentioned above and concluded that Aveley and Ilford are of Ipswichian age, and that Grays is inter- glacial, probably also Ipswichian. He pointed out that there was at this time apparently an important aggradation phase which resulted in the spreading of alluvium up to levels of between 12 and 15 m (40-50 ft) O.D. The age of the Grays-Ilford—Aveley deposits will be further discussed below. From the evidence of the Avvicola remains, Grays Thurrock would appear to be relatively early. TABLE 4 Distribution of rodent species at Grays Thurrock, Aveley and Ilford, Essex Grays Thurrock Aveley Ilford Castor fiber x x A podemus sylvaticus x Clethrionomys glareolus x x Ayvicola cantiana x x x Microtus agrestis x Microtus sp. x 54 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS (d) Late Middle Terrace at Crayford and Enth. A rich rodent fauna has been collected from the Thames terrace deposits of Crayford and nearby Erith; it has been described by Kennard (1944). Owing to the lenticular character of the deposits at these localities there is little constancy in the details of the succession. Three broad divisions can, however, be identified. In descending order there are : 3. The Upper Brickearth, apparently not fluviatile but the result of sludging. 2. The Lower Brickearth and Corbicula Bed, up to 9m (30 ft) O.D., laid down in a sluggish stream and in more strongly running water respectively. Leval- lois artefacts have been found in this deposit. Most of the rodent remains are from the Corbicula Bed. 1. The Lower Gravel, deposited by a fast-flowing river. The top was a land surface occupied by Levallois man, who left many artefacts. Most of the rodent remains have been found in the Corbicula Bed, which is a sandy development of the Lower Brickearth. The following species are represented : Spermophilus primigenius, Microtus oeconomus, M. nivalis, M. agrestis, Arvicola sp., Lemmus lemmus and Dicrostonyx torquatus. The age of the Crayford deposits is a topic requiring extensive further study. Hinton (1926b: 131) considered Crayford to be later than Grays, with a major intervening change of fauna. This view is also supported by Carreck (in litt.). At the present time Crayford is widely considered to be of Ipswichian age and both the freshwater and land mollusca found in the Corbicula Bed suggest conditions warmer than at the present time. The associated rodent fauna, however, is a typical assemblage of the ‘penultimate’ Glaciation. Spermophilus primigenius is unknown from the sediments of the Last Glaciation in Europe and, although Mzcrotus nivalis was present during the Last Glaciation in many parts of Europe, and still survives in the mountains of central and south Europe, there is no evidence that it survived into the Last Glaciation in Britain. It has been suggested that the lemmings burrowed into the Corbicula Bed from a later land surface, or alternatively that the remains were derived from an earlier deposit. Field evidence, however, suggests that the rodent remains are contem- porary with the Corbicula Bed. A total absence of forest species of land mollusca indicates that the country was open grassland. Living species of Spermophilus are also predominantly grassland animals. This could be interpreted as the beginning or end of an interglacial stage, though it is pointed out by Turner (in prep.) that riverside trampling by large herbivores can also give rise to clearances in otherwise wooded areas. The Crayford deposits apparently date from some time during Wolstonian-— Ipswichian times. Their precise stratigraphic position will be further discussed below and in Section IV (pp. 125-126). (e) Floodplain Terrace complex. A series of lower terraces of Last Interglacial and Last Glaciation age in the Thames estuary have produced an abundance of remains of large mammals but, with one exception (Castor from the Upper Flood- plain Terrace of the River Medway, a river flowing into the Thames estuary, at Upnor, Kent), no rodent remains are known from them. OF BRITISH ISLES 55 (f) The Middle Terrace/Floodplain Terrace problem. Although no stratigraphically significant rodent remains have been found in the Floodplain Terrace complex of the Thames estuary, and although Hinton did not mention this terrace in his monograph (his ‘Third Terrace of the Thames’ is actually a terrace of the upper part of the River Lea), abundant rodent remains which are probably of Upper Floodplain Terrace age have nevertheless been found in many British cave deposits. The present section would be incomplete without some discussion of the status of this terrace. It has already been pointed out that various workers have presented evidence that the period of time regarded by the Geological Society (Mitchell et al. 1973) as Hoxnian—Wolstonian—Ipswichian was, in fact, more complicated than this sequence suggests. Zeuner (1945) described evidence for a minor cool phase dividing what he regarded as the Last (Ipswichian) Interglacial into an earlier and a later part. He considered that there were two stages of high sea level during the Last Inter- glacial, the Main Monastirian or 18m and subsequent Late Monastirian or 8m shorelines, interrupted by an intra-Monastirian fall of sea level. These stages were accepted by Evans (1971 ; see pp. 40-42), though he argued that the earlier of these two stages should not be called Last Interglacial and observed that some confusion seemed to have arisen in archaeological circles where ‘Last Interglacial’ had been used for both. Zeuner correlated the so-called Taplow Terrace of the Thames estuary (our Middle Terrace complex belongs here ; the term “Taplow’ is best abandoned in the estuary since Taplow is in the upper part of the Thames and the terrace there is not estuarine) with the Main Monastirian sea level and the Upper Floodplain Terrace with that of the Late Monastirian. Both these supposed terraces are highly fossili- ferous, with apparently different mammalian megafaunas. When Zeuner described his interpretation of the Last Interglacial terrace sequence of the Thames estuary very little palaeobotanical evidence was available to him. During recent years, however, fossil plant remains have been found at a number of Last Interglacial localities there, the most important being Trafalgar Square (Franks 1960), Seven Kings Station, Ilford (West e¢ al. 1964) and Aveley (West 1969), and here problems have arisen. The plant remains from these localities were assigned to the pollen zones shown in Table 5. To those who had been studying the terraces and mammalian faunas of the Thames estuary, these results were surprising. Whereas Ilford and Aveley had appeared to be part of the Middle Terrace of the Thames and Trafalgar Square part of a lower terrace, the Upper Floodplain Terrace (i.e. Zeuner’s two terraces of the Last Interglacial, representing two distinct periods of time), only one climatic fluctuation, with the climatic optimum of Zone IIb represented at all three sites, could be recognized from the pollen evidence. Was Zeuner wrong in separating the two stages of his supposed Last Interglacial, the Middle and ‘Upper Floodplain’ Terraces of the Thames estuary really being only one terrace, or are the floral remains from two separate climatic events so similar that these terraces cannot be distinguished on palaeobotanical evidence? Mammalian and morphological evi- dence suggests that, in agreement with the views of Zeuner and Evans, the latter 56 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS TABLE 5 Pollen zonation of some ‘Ipswichian’ interglacial sites in the Thames estuary Pollen Zones Flora Ilford Aveley | Trafalgar Square h-i & Oak, hornbeam, silver fir lib e Ila Ib la eh Mixed oak forest Birch, pine c ‘PENULTIMATE’ GLACIATION N.B. The Trafalgar Square deposits are of Zone IIb age, and should be shown somewhat higher than indicated. Last INTERGLACIAL d alternative is the more likely even though palaeobotanical evidence supports only a single terrace (Fig. 4). Even the chronological interpretation of the Ilford sequence is not without problems. West ef al. (1964) referred the gravel under the Ipswichian brickearth and plant deposit at Seven Kings Station to the Gipping cold stage, but Carreck (in litt.) has pointed out that there is considerable lateral variation of the Ilford deposits with interglacial species of mollusca and mammals frequently present in the gravels and sands. Let us now consider the large mammals of these Thames sites in some detail. At Trafalgar Square (supposedly Upper Floodplain Terrace) Zone IIb contains remains of hippopotamus, straight-tusked elephant, a rhinoceros which is probably Dicero- rhinus henuitoechus, fallow deer, red deer, giant ox, bison, lion and other animals. No mammoth or horse remains were found. This is a faunal assemblage which occurs commonly in British cave deposits with localities as widely spread as Joint Mitnor Cave, Devon, and Kirkdale Cave, Yorkshire (Sutcliffe 1960). The Ilford—Aveley fauna appears to be entirely different. At Ilford most of the elephant remains are of an early form of mammoth with affinities to the Middle Pleistocene Mammuthus trogonther, though straight-tusked elephant is also represented. Two species of rhinoceros are present, D. hemistoechus and D. kirch- bergensis. This last species is also common in the preceding Hoxnian Interglacial. There is an abundance of horse; both hippopotamus and fallow deer are absent. QUA IBIS el IS ILILS 57 At Aveley straight-tusked elephant in Zone IIb is replaced by mammoth in Zone III. Comparison of rodent species unfortunately cannot be made, since no diagnostic remains have been found in the Upper Floodplain Terrace. Avrvicola cantiana is present in the Middle Terrace at Aveley, Ilford and Grays Thurrock. The megafaunas of Aveley and Ilford on the one hand, and of Trafalgar Square on the other, are so different that it is difficult to believe that they are contemporary, though consideration must be given to the possibility of their representing different stages within a single climatic fluctuation. The evidence does not seem to support the latter alternative. The hippopotamus level at Trafalgar Square is Zone IIb. A vast amount of Zone IIb clay was exca- vated for cement-making at Aveley but no hippopotamus remains were found. The Ilford plant remains cover Zones IA—IIb but there were no hippopotamus remains there ; two specimens formerly attributed to this animal have since been shown to have been incorrectly identified. It has been pointed out, in support of there having been only one temperate stage, that most of the Ilford mammal remains were recovered over a century ago, during excavations for brickearth which were relatively shallow and did not extend into THAMES ESTUARY IPSWICHIAN TERRACE SEQUENCE SCHEME A (Morphological & Mammal Evidence) Middle Terrace 14m. ss (45°) O.D. Lo S Upper Floodplain Terrace gee NDS ; ~, (Lower Floodplain Terrace) Om. O.D. SCHEME B (Palaeobotanical Evidence) Ilford Mammals a ee EC 22 Erosion Sara Trafalgar Square Mammals Fic. 4. Schematic section of Thames estuary Ipswichian terraces, showing alternative interpretations of the stratigraphic succession. Reproduced from Sutcliffe & Bowen (1973 : 18). 58 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS underlying gravel deposits, which were of no commercial value. The organic deposit described by West e¢ al. (1964) at Seven Kings Station underlay the brick- earth, so it is possible that the ford mammalian fauna is later than Zone IIb (perhaps Zone III), that is the Trafalgar Square fauna might have been found in the basal part of the Ilford terrace had excavations been carried deeper. According to this theory Trafalgar Square represents an earlier stage than Ilford ; according to the twin terrace theory it is later. The former interpretation presents several difficulties. In spite of extensive commercial excavation of sand and clay in the London area, no such relationship has ever been observed ; the Upper Floodplain Terrace does appear to be a good morphological feature ; the Ilford mammoth is relatively primitive ; the Ilford fauna has never been recognized in any British cave, with the possible exception of Hutton Cave, whereas the Trafalgar Square fauna with hippopotamus occurs frequently, suggesting that such deposits have been subject to less denudation and are more recent. In the absence of diagnostic rodent species in the Upper Floodplain Terrace of the Thames the above problem cannot at present be resolved from studies in the Thames area. It will be further critically examined below, in the section on hippopotamus faunas in caves and in Section IV. (ii) UPPER THAMES. (a) Isleworth. Remains of Microtus oeconomus and M. gregalis were found at Willment’s Gravel Pit, Isleworth, in a deposit where they were associated with remains of temperate mollusca and insects (Coope, 1975) and with plant remains dated by 14C to 43 140+1520 or —1280 years B.P. (Birmingham 319). This deposit was overlain by sands and gravels containing remains of reindeer and cut by many fossil ice wedges. A description of the site, by J. Simons, is in preparation. The sequence is interpreted as indicating deteriorating climatic conditions after an inter- stadial during the Last Glaciation. It is probably the earliest occurrence of M. gregalis in Britain ; this species appears to be restricted there to the Last Glaciation and to have disappeared before the end of that stage. (b) Marlow. A small sample of brickearth, found in the Treacher collection at the British Museum (Natural History) and labelled as coming from a brickearth pit 1 mile north-east of Marlow, was found to be rich in rodent remains, predominantly dissociated teeth. They were examined by Dr G. B. Corbet who found that most of them were apparently of Microtus arvalis. There was also one first lower molar of M.oeconomus. The lack of any second upper molars of M. agrestis and the occur- rence of only one first lower molar of M. oeconomus among the many first lower molars (which teeth distinguish these last two closely related species from J. arvalis) suggest M. arvalis was the principal species present. The age of the Marlow rodents is uncertain, but it is likely to be Last Glaciation. Neither M. arvalis nor M. oeconomus survives on the mainland of Britain at the present day. (1) RIvER LEA. . (a) Water Hall Farm Gravel Pit. An important sequence of Pleistocene deposits occurs at Water Hall Farm, Hertfordshire. Here the valley of the River Lea has OF BRITISH ISLES 59 cut through earlier glacial deposits which still cap the hills on either side. In the valley bottom the River Lea is flanked on one bank by its present-day floodplain, on the other by a slightly higher terrace in which have been found abundant remains of interglacial mammals, including Hippopotamus and Palaeoloxodon antiquus. Remains of Mammuthus have also been found. At the base of the sequence of deposits in this terrace there was formerly exposed a white marl with remains of amphibia and of the rodents Mzcrotus agrestis, M. oeconomus and M. nivalis. Since most of the commercial excavation of the interglacial terrace, since concluded, was carried out by mechanical excavators, the exact stratigraphic relationship between the hippopotamus layer and the rodent layer remains unproved, but nearly the whole of the ossiferous gravel deposit for which the pit was worked overlay the rodent-bearing marl and there seems no doubt that the rodent remains antedate those of the hippo- potamus. Unfortunately no rodent remains have been found in the upper deposits. The sequence of events at this locality is provisionally determined as follows : 1. Boulder clay and glacial deposits. Not later than ‘penultimate’ glaciation. 2. Retreat of ice and valley deepening by River Lea. 3. Deposition of marl with remains of amphibia and rodents. 4. Deposition of interglacial deposits with Hippopotamus and P. antiquus over- lying the rodent marl. Last Interglacial. 5. Further deepening of Lea Valley and formation of present floodplain. Last Glaciation to present day. (b) Nazeing, Ponders End, Edmonton and Hackney. A complex series of deposits, mainly of late Last Glaciation and Holocene age, occupies the valley of the lower part of the River Lea. Rodent remains have been found at a number of localities there. The most important of these is at Nazeing, where a series of channel, lake and marsh deposits have been palaeobotanically dated as ranging from Late Glacial to post-Glacial vegetation Zone VII, providing the latest known survival dates in Britain for a number of rodent species (Hinton 1952). The late Pleistocene part of the sequence produced remains of Microtus oeconomus, M. gregalis, Arvicola terrestris, Lemmus lemmus and Dicrostonyx torquatus. Of these the last-mentioned species and M. gregalis were still present in Late Glacial pollen Zone III and M. oeconomus appears to have survived possibly until post-Glacial Zone V. Arvicola terrestris also persisted into the Flandrian and Apodemus sylvaticus, Clethrionomys glareolus and M. agrestis appear in Zones V—VI, by which time post-Glacial re- afforestation had reached an advanced stage. Remains of Dicrostonyx torquatus have been found at three other late Pleistocene localities in the Lea Valley : Ponders End (Warren 1916), Angel Road, Edmonton (Hinton 1912) and at Hackney. (iv) SOLIFLUXION AND MELT-WATER DEPOSITS. (a) Northfleet, Ebbsfleet and Baker’s Hole. Burchell (1935) recorded finding rodent remains associated with those of mammoth and rhinoceros in non-estuarine deposits filling a channel cut through a coombe rock (solifluxion) deposit at Baker’s Hole, between Northfleet and Swanscombe, Kent. As previously mentioned (p. 50) Carreck (in litt.), from the study of the mammoth remains from this site, considered 60 PLEISTOCENE: RODENTS that the deposits, which indicate an ameliorating climate following the deposition of the coombe rock, are later than those of Ilford but earlier than Crayford. Stuart (in ltt.), who has recently re-examined the Burchell specimens in the British Museum (Natural History) together with a few specimens collected more recently by Kerney and Sieveking, gives the following list of species: Clethrionomys glareolus, Microtus arvvalis/agrestis and Arvicola cantiana. He found that in teeth of the last-mentioned species the enamel is clearly differentiated, as in Mimomys, with no A. cantiana- terrvestyis intermediate forms (see notes on Avvicola, pp. 99-102). This suggests a relatively early date for the Northfleet rodent remains, a conclusion in agreement with Carreck’s observations on the mammoth remains. Burchell (1935) lsted Microtus arvalis (here interpreted as M. arvalis/agrestis group), M. nivalis and M. anglicus (= M. gregalis) from his excavations, but the last two have not been confirmed by Stuart’s re-examination of the available specimens. C. Cave Deposits Remains of Pleistocene rodents have been found in many caves in the British Isles. Most such deposits accumulated in consequence of animals accidentally falling down shafts or of their remains being carried into caves by birds of prey. Since, however, the entrance parts of caves are vulnerable to destruction by processes of denudation, many formerly-existing rodent deposits have since disappeared ; it is unusual to find any rodent remains in caves of earlier than Upper Pleistocene age. Kent’s Cavern and a recently discovered fissure at Westbury-sub-Mendip, Somerset, are probably the only exceptions. A Lower Pleistocene cave deposit with megafauna has also been found at Dove Holes, Derbyshire (Crag age), but unfortunately no contemporary rodent remains have been recorded. In contrast, cave deposits with Last Glaciation and Holocene rodent remains are very numerous. Few of these sites have produced stratified sequences of rodent faunas, either because the deposits accumulated during only a short period of time, because they had been disturbed before excavation, or because they were excavated before the importance of stratigraphy had become adequately appreciated. The following are the most important rodent caves in the British Isles. (i) WESTBURY FIssuRE (13). The recently discovered fissure infilling at Westbury- sub-Mendip, described by Bishop (1974, 1975), is of special importance, since its rich mammalian fauna indicates a stage slightly later than the type Cromerian of West Runton, not otherwise well represented in the British Pleistocene. Bishop described, in descending order, the following sequence of deposits : III. ‘Rodent Earth’ (layer 10, the upper part of the ‘Calcareous Group’, layers 2-9 below). A deposit with an abundance of remains of rodents and other small mammals, possibly an accumulation of pellets of birds of prey. II. ‘Calcareous Group’ (layers 2-9, excluding the ‘Rodent Earth’). Pre- dominantly limestone breccias with abundant remains of bears. The cave was probably a bear den at this stage. I. ‘Siliceous Group’ (layer 1). Water-laid deposits with some rolled bones and teeth. Oisy Iie Slel MSIL 61 TABLE 6 Stratigraphic distribution of rodent species in the Westbury Fissure (after Bishop 1974, with personally communicated additions) WH o 18) oO 4 = a q a & a oO s 2 9S is Es fe) = = S 2) Oo ~» Se S SS ed S| ae in SS rs] “— & S S S wH ae; 7) aS = a = < S| Ss = S S aS S Se al ier: Ef en ee Coe - s ; = “< Ss SS) SS cD) ~ jer = a, Ss S oe 38 % SS D S S S Sb © 2 SON Ae ae ae 25s ees A Ne = s = Z S s Sy 8 Sy 3S = = S S S > iS ‘'S Sees o 8 Q Ss S =~ Ss = < cS aa O) ze Q nN Ss) Q 55 AY = (common) III. ‘Rodent Earth’ fe) x x x x x x x x II. ‘Calcareous Group’ (excluding 2-9 x x x x x “Rodent Earth’) I. ‘Siliceous Group’ I x The distribution of rodent species in the Westbury fissure is shown in Table 6. The age of the deposit has been discussed in detail by Bishop (1974). From the ‘Calcareous Group’, excluding the ‘Rodent Earth’, he recorded a fauna including Homotherium latidens, Felis gombaszoegensis, Ursus deningert, Xenocyon lycaonotdes, Canis lupus mosbachensis, Dicerorhinus etruscus and Equus mosbachensis. Rodents from this level are Apodemus sylvaticus, Lemmus sp. (the earliest record of this genus in the British Pleistocene), Avvicola cantiana, Pitymys gregaloides and Microtus arvalinus. The same species are represented in greater abundance in the ‘Rodent Earth’, which Bishop regarded as the last stage of the ‘Calcareous Group’. Remains of Plhiomys episcopalis (the first record in the British Pleistocene), Dicrostonyx sp. (the earliest record in the British Pleistocene) and Clethrionomys were also found in the ‘Rodent Earth’. Bishop regarded the Westbury fauna as later than the type Cromerian of West Runton but not later than Elsterian. He drew attention to its similarity to that of the classic ‘late Cromerian’ sites of Europe (in particular Mauer, Hundsheim, Tark6 and Mosbach) and equated the Westbury ‘Rodent Earth’ with the Avvicola fauna group I of Koenigswald (1973) (see pp. 100-101). This stage was previously unrecognized in the British Pleistocene sequence. (i) KenT’s CAVERN. Unfortunately most of the rodent remains found in Kent’s Cavern were excavated during the nineteenth century and only sparse stratigraphic information is associated with them. The following species have been found there (Hinton 1915, Kennard 1945-6, British Museum (Natural History) collection) : 62 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS Castor fiber, Apodemus flavicollis, Clethrionomys glareolus, Arvicola terrestris, Dicro- stonyx torquatus, Lemmus lemmus, Pitymys gregaloides, Muicrotus agrestis, M. oeconomus and M. gregalis. In addition, Campbell & Sampson (1971) recorded a specimen of Arvicola greent (regarded here as a synonym of A. cantiana) among specimens collected from the cave by J. MacEnery between 1825 and 1829. This is a typically Last Glaciation—Holocene fauna, with the exception of P. gregalotdes, not recorded elsewhere in Britain in deposits later than those of the Westbury Fissure, and A. cantiana. The occurrence of P. gregaloides and also sabre-toothed cat, Homotherium, in Kent’s Cavern has been interpreted by both Hinton (1926b) and Campbell & Sampson (1971) as evidence of a Cromerian stratum somewhere in Kent’s Cavern. The sequence of deposits in the cave varies from one chamber to another (for details see Campbell & Sampson). The principal deposits, in descending order, are as follows : 5. Black Mould, with Mesolithic and later artefacts and fauna. 4. Granular Stalagmite, with Mesolithic and Neolithic artefacts and fauna. 3. Cave Earth, including a local area of hearths known as the Black Band. Middle to Upper Palaeolithic industries. Mammalian fauna including woolly mam- moth, woolly rhinoceros and hyaena. 2. Crystalline Stalagmite. 1. Breccia, with many bear remains and with a Lower Palaeolithic industry. The upper part of the above sequence is typically Last Glaciation (the Cave Earth) to Holocene. Most of the rodent remains probably come from the upper levels. Pitymys gregaloides, on the other hand, is a Middle Pleistocene species probably derived from the Breccia, the age of which is at present uncertain. Homo- therium, P. gregaloides and A. cantiana are all recorded from the Westbury Fissure. At the present time it seems most likely that the earliest remains from Kent’s Cavern are of Westbury Fissure age. There is no conclusive evidence of fauna as early as Cromerian sensu stricto. It may be inferred that the Crystalline Stalagmite represents a major break in sedimentation, possibly because the cave entrance had become sealed. (iii) TORNEWTON CAVE (3). The most important sequence of stratified cave deposits with rodent remains known from the British Isles is that of Tornewton Cave, south Devon (Sutcliffe & Zeuner 1962, Kowalski 1967). Deposits in the shaft-like Main Chamber of this cave and of the talus deposits outside span a cold—interglacial— cold sequence which is unique in showing differences between the rodent faunas of the two cold stages concerned. The relationship between this sequence and that of the terraces of the River Thames will be considered in Section IV, pp. 124-127. The principal deposits in the Main Chamber of Tornewton Cave (excluding some superficial deposits excavated during the nineteenth century and a series of stalag- mite floors), in descending order, were found to be as follows : 5. ‘Diluvium’. Most of this deposit was excavated during the nineteenth century. The remaining part contained a few remains of wolf, hyaena, bear, bovid and OF BRITISH. TSLES 63 reindeer. A Holocene molluscan fauna has been identified by M. P. Kerney from this horizon and it is probable that the mammalian remains are a mixture of derived Pleistocene and contemporary Holocene species. The Reindeer Stratum. Most of this deposit was excavated from the Main Chamber of the cave during the nineteenth century. Abundant rodent remains, associated with remains of wolf, hyaena, horse, rhinoceros, reindeer, a bovid and a sparse Upper Palaeolithic industry were nevertheless recovered more recently from an extension of this stratum in the talus outside the cave. The stratum is of Last Glaciation age. . The Hyaena Stratum. A deposit with abundant remains of spotted hyaenas, which animals apparently occupied the cave as a lair, associated with occasional remains of hippopotamus, narrow-nosed rhinoceros, red and fallow deer, lion, wolf and bear. This is an interglacial assemblage, tentatively referred to the ‘Ipswichian’. . The Bear Stratum. A deposit with abundant remains of brown bears, which animals used the cave as a lair at this stage. . The Glutton Stratum. The earliest fossiliferous deposit in the cave, with numerous remains of brown bears associated with occasional remains of glutton ° (wolverine) and reindeer. This deposit represents an earlier cold phase. Table 7 shows the stratigraphic distribution of rodent remains in the Main Chamber and (Reindeer Stratum only) in the talus of Tornewton Cave. It will be seen from the table that, in the Glutton Stratum, Muicrotus oeconomus and M. miwalis make up the bulk of the rodent fauna. Lagurus lagurus (from the only British locality with this genus), Allocricetus bursae and Cricetus cricetus are typical species of the ‘penultimate’ glaciation. Diucrostonyx torquatus and Lemmus lemmus TABLE 7 Number of rodent specimens from the main deposits of Tornewton Cave Glutton Bear Hyaena Reindeer Stratum Stratum Stratum Stratum Diluviumy’ Total A podemus sylvaticus I - I - 8 10 Cricetus cricetus 4 — — = - 4 cf. Allocricetus bursae 4 _ - ~ - 4 Dicrostonyx torquatus 7 2 _ F I 7 Lemmus lemmus I I - = = 2 Clethrionomys glareolus II 3 - 12 4 30 Ayvicola sp. 36 I 2 14 2 55 Microtus agrestis 170 4 6 13 Fig | 380 Microtus nivalis 298 4 - - = 302 Microtus oeconomus 1066 15 — 19 9 IIO0g Microtus gregalis — _ - 43 12 55 Lagurus lagurus 62 I - — - 63 Total 1660 31 9 218 LE3 2031 The count is based on the number of determinable specimens, not individuals. The apparent greater abundance of remains in the Glutton Stratum is the result of more extensive sampling of this deposit. Remains from minor deposits not included above bring the total number of specimens determined to 2383. 6 64 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS are present but not abundant. Mucrotus gregalis is absent. Sylvan species are very rare, though a few remains of Clethrionomys glareolus occur with this predominantly meadow and steppe assemblage. A single tooth of Afodemus sylvaticus probably represents contamination of the deposit. The rodent fauna of the Glutton Stratum has affinities to that of Crayford, Kent, from which it was probably not greatly separated in time. Only a few rodent remains were collected from the Bear Stratum. The fauna does not differ in composition from that of the underlying Glutton Stratum though, with the exception of one tooth of Lagurus lagurus and four of Microtus nivalis, the typical ‘penultimate glaciation’ elements are lacking. Their absence could be accidental, however, since they are also rare in the Glutton Stratum. The absence of lemmings could indicate a slight amelioration of climate. Rodents are poorly represented in the Hyaena Stratum. Apodemus sylvaticus, represented by only one specimen, is a forest species. Mucrotus agrestis and Arvicola sp. are ecologically neutral. The Reindeer Stratum has a predominantly cold fauna with the typically Last Glaciation Microtus gregalis and with Dicrostonyx torquatus. The apparent mixture of arctic and sylvan species in the “Diluvium’ is in agree- ment with this deposit being of Holocene age, with derived Pleistocene remains. Apodemus sylvaticus reappears here. The climate was milder than before. The sequence of rodent faunas described above is of great importance as 1t makes possible, for the first time, distinction between mammalian assemblages, indis- tinguishable on the basis of the larger mammals, of the two cold stages concerned. Arctic elements (for example, lemmings) appear twice in the sequence, but are lack- ing from the interglacial Hyaena Stratum. The lower cold stage is characterized by, among other rodents, Cricetus cricetus, cf. Allocricetus bursae, Lagurus lagurus and Microtus nivalis, all absent from the Reindeer Stratum, where they are replaced by large quantities of M. gregalis which, on the other hand, is absent from the Glutton Stratum. Distinction is also possible between the teeth of Avvicola from the Glutton Stratum and those from the Reindeer Stratum. W. von Koenigswald (1973 and personal communication) has found that although the form from the latter deposit is A. terrestris, that from the Glutton Stratum is an intermediate form tending towards Arvicola cantiana, known from the Middle Pleistocene deposits of Swanscombe (see pp. 100-102). In addition to the deposits of the Main Chamber of Tornewton Cave two important rodent deposits were found in positions where they could not be directly related to the main sequence. These are the Otter Stratum, in a small chamber adjoining the Main Chamber, and the Upper Rodent Stratum, on the rock platform outside the cave mouth. The Otter Stratum was found to contain an abundance of remains of brown bears associated with some mammalian species unrecorded elsewhere in the Pleistocene of the British Isles, notably Cyvnaonyx, the clawless otter, and Crocidura, the white- toothed shrew (Rzebik 1968). It was composed of a mixture of broken stalagmite OF BRiIitism Isles 65 blocks, some containing faunal remains, in an earthy matrix, suggesting some dis- turbance of the deposit. The following rodent specimens were collected from it. Cricetus cricetus 2 specimens Lagurus lagurus I specimen Dicrostonyx torquatus I specimen Lemmus lemmus I specimen Mucrotus nivalis 4 specimens Microtus oeconomus 82 specimens A podemus sylvaticus 2 specimens Clethrionomys glareolus 19 specimens Microtus agrestis 5 specimens Arvicola sp. 8 specimens This fauna appears to be a mixture from two originally separate layers. Remains from a warm period, including Microtus oeconomus, predominate. They point toa last interglacial age. No Hoxnian elements are present. Lagurus lagurus, Cricetus cricetus and Mucrotus nivalis, on the other hand, are species of the ‘penultimate’ glaciation. In an attempt to separate the two faunal assemblages some of the stalagmite blocks were dissolved in acid. Only temperate species (Muicrotus agrestis, 1 determinable specimen ; M.oeconomus, 6; Arvicola sp., 1 ; Clethrionomys glareolus, 4; Apodemus sylvaticus, 1) were found in the stalagmite. The exact stratigraphic relationship between the Otter Stratum and the deposits of the Main Chamber of Tornewton Cave is unfortunately uncertain, since the overlying deposits were excavated during the nineteenth century and are no longer available for examination. The cave was apparently still inhabited as a lair by bears, making it probable that the deposit antedates the Hyaena Stratum. On the other hand, it seems to be later than the Glutton Stratum since Koenigswald has found that, whilst the Arvicola from both the Glutton Stratum and the Otter Stratum is an intermediate form between A. cantiana and A. terrestris, that from the Otter Stratum is slightly more advanced, though not so advanced as the form from the Reindeer Stratum, which is A. terrestris. The Otter Stratum fauna appears to be a unique assemblage, unknown from any other locality in the British Isles. The deposit known as the Upper Rodent Stratum occupied a rift on the rock platform outside the main entrance to Tornewton Cave. It was only a short distance below the surface and is probably of modern date. The following species are represented: Apodemus sylvaticus, 58 specimens; Clethrionomys glareolus, 14; Microtus agrestis, 86; Arvicola terrestris, 2; Muicromys minutus, 1. All these species live near the cave at the present day, no extinct species are represented ; and M. minutus is a late arrival probably associated with neighbouring plough-land. In conclusion the relative proportions of the various ecologic groups of rodents represented in Tornewton Cave are shown in Table 8. (iv) OTHER CAVES WITH PRE-‘IPSWICHIAN’ DEPOSITS. In light of the faunal sequence demonstrated at Tornewton Cave, it would be surprising if other rodent faunas dating from the time interval between the Hoxnian and the warm stage represented by the Hyaena Stratum of Tornewton Cave were not to be found in caves from time to time. At present this period is one of some obscurity. 66 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS TABLE 8 The relative proportions of the various ecologic groups of rodents found in Tornewton Cave Layer ae Boreal Forest Neutral and steppe Upper Rodent Stratum fo) o) 44°7 55°53 ‘Diluvium’ II'5 8-0 10-6 69°9 Reindeer Stratum 22°9 o7 575 62°8 Hyaena Stratum fo) fe) 2:3 97°7 Bear Stratum 25°8 48°4 9°6 16-1 Glutton Stratum 22-77 64:2 O-7 12°4 Tundra and steppe elements include Dicrostonyx torquatus, Lemmus lemmus, Microtus gregalis, M. nivalis, Lagurus lagurus, Cricetus cricetus and Allocricetus. Boreal elements include M. oeconomus. At the present day this species lives mainly in the taiga belt but it also occurs, under milder climatic con- ditions, in marshland. The forest element is represented by Apodemus sylvaticus and Clethrionomys glaveolus. Arvicola sp. and M. agrestis are ‘neutral’ in their ecologic requirements. Micromys has been omitted from the table since it was probably introduced by man. Some isolated pre-‘Ipswichian’ rodent-bearing cave deposits have nevertheless apparently been found. Hinton (1926b) regarded the rodents of Clevedon Cave (14) and Banwell Cave (10), Somerset, as probably contemporary with those of Crayford which, we have observed, are similar to those of the Glutton Stratum of Tornewton Cave. The rich material from Clevedon Cave is of special interest, as it contains only two species of rodents, Microtus nivalis and M. oeconomus. Hinton (19072) wrote: ‘Dr H. C. Male very generously presented me with a small series of the numerous jaws of Microtus which he found in the Clevedon deposit.’ In the material described by Hinton, which is still preserved in the British Museum (Natural History), there are exclusively remains of the species mentioned above. It is pos- sible that Dr Male did not present Hinton with the material of the other rodents, but it does not seem possible that he retained jaws of Mzicrotus agrestis, as they are difficult to distinguish from those of M. nivalis except by a specialist. It seems probable that the Clevedon Cave remains accumulated at a time when the rodent fauna was composed exclusively of M. oeconomus and M. nivalis. Hinton’s specimens from Banwell Cave have not been seen by the present writers. The only available specimens, representing Avrvicola sp. and Mucrotus sp., are stratigraphically inconclusive. The Gough’s Cave (12) rodent fauna is composed of Arvicola sp., Microtus agrestis, M.oeconomus and M. nivalis. The last-mentioned species suggests an age equivalent to the Glutton Stratum at Tornewton Cave, though the occurrence of a late Upper Palaeolithic industry in the cave indicates a more recent date for most of the deposits. The occurrence of M. nivalis among various rodent remains excavated by J. Simons from Cow Cave, Chudleigh, Devon (7), suggests that there may be a pre- ‘Ipswichian’ deposit there. Hutton Cave, Somerset (10), may provide a further example of a pre-‘Ipswichian’ rodent locality. One of the rodents found there, cf. Allocricetus bursae, is known elsewhere in the British Isles only from the Glutton Stratum of Tornewton Cave. OF. BRITISH ISLES 67 A primitive form of mammoth further supports a relatively early date for the fauna of this cave. (v) ‘IPSWICHIAN’ CAVE DEPOSITS. Sites, in addition to Tornewton Cave, include the hippopotamus-bearing deposits of Joint Mitnor Cave, Devon (1), with Avrvicola cantiana-terrestris transition form (determined by W. von Koenigswald) and Microtus agrestis ; Minchin Hole, Glamorganshire (16), with the same species; the nearby Bacon Hole (16) recently excavated by C. Stringer (1975) with Arvicola sp., M. agrestis, Clethrionomys glareolus and M. oeconomus; and Alveston Fissure, Gloucestershire (15), with M. agrestis and Clethrionomys sp. Rodent remains from the interglacial site of Kirkdale Cave, Yorkshire (77), include Avvicola sp., M. agrestis, Clethrionomys sp., Apodemus sylvaticus and Dicrostonyx torquatus. This cave was excavated over a century ago. Ducrostonyx is out of place and suggests some mixing of material. The rodent fauna of this stage is typically sparse, with Arvicola cantiana-terrestris transition form and Microtus agrestis the most common species. (vi) CAVES WITH POST-IPSWICHIAN DEPOSITS. Cave deposits dating from the Last Glaciation and Holocene are far more numerous than earlier deposits, since there has been less time for them to be destroyed by denudation. Many examples are known. The distribution of rodent species at some of the more important cave sites believed to date from this period is shown in Table 10 (pp. 70-71 ; for refer- ences, see Section III). The interpretation of these rodent faunas must unfortunately be undertaken with caution since many of the deposits in which they were found had been disturbed by burrowing animals; some important rodent caves were excavated during the nineteenth century, so that adequate stratigraphic information is lacking. A fairly consistent Pleistocene faunal assemblage is nevertheless apparent, with Sczurus vulgaris, Muscardinus avellanarius, Apodemus flavicollis and Rattus rattus probably not arriving until Holocene times. A series of excavations recently conducted by the Peakland Archaeological Society in Derbyshire and Staffordshire (Bramwell 1960, 1964, 1970; Pernetta 1966) is of special interest for the light thrown on the rodent faunas of the end of the Pleistocene and early Holocene. The two lemmings, Lemmus and Dicrostonyx, appear to have been common until the end of the Pleisto- cene after some of the large Pleistocene mammals, such as woolly rhinoceros and hyaena, had disappeared ; Miucrotus oeconomus seems to have survived into post- Pleistocene times. The apparent absence of lemmings at Levaton Cave (2, a Pleisto- cene site with mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, red deer, reindeer and hyaena) suggests that, during part of the Last Glaciation (probably an interstadial), Lemmus and Dicrostonyx may have been absent from the fauna, at least in the south of England. The Ightham fissures, Kent (Abbot 1917; Newton 1894, 1899a, b), are further important cave sites with rodent remains of Last Glaciation age. All the fissures do not appear to be contemporary, however, and there may have been some mixing of Holocene material. ; (vii) CAVES IN SCOTLAND. A series of small caves near Inchnadamph in Scotland (83) are of special interest as including the most northerly British fossil rodent 68 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS locality. From one of them, Creag nan Uamh Cave, Newton (in Peach & Horne 1917) recorded Dicrostonyx torquatus, Microtus agrestis and M. ratticeps (= M. oeconomus). Remains of brown bear, reindeer and lynx were also found at the same site. The age of these remains is uncertain, but the caves are situated in wild mountainous country and the possibility that they are of relatively late age needs to be taken into consideration. Some bones of brown bear found in a nearby cave have recently been dated by 1!4C as only about 2700 years old (Burleigh 1972). (viii) CAVES IN IRELAND. Most rodent species living in Ireland today are probably post-Pleistocene arrivals. Only four possibly Pleistocene species need to be con- sidered here. Their distribution at cave sites is shown in Table 9. The exact stratigraphic position of these various remains is uncertain, although it seems unlikely that any of the Irish mammalian faunas are earlier than Last Glaci- ation. Mitchell (1969) considered that the mammals could not all be attributed to one phase, suggesting that, although the remains of giant deer and reindeer found beneath the peat bogs were known to be of Late Glacial age, the Castlepook Cave fauna dated from an (earlier) interstadial of the Last Glaciation. A recently obtained 14C date for part of a mammoth bone from Castlepook Cave (33 500 + 1200 years B.P., University of Dublin 122) confirms Mitchell’s supposition. Both Lemmus and Dicrostonyx are northern species which might be expected to have reached Ireland in advance of other rodent species. Associated species in TABLE 9 Distribution of rodent species at Irish cave sites Keshcorran Edenvale caves, Co. Clare (85) Caves, Co. : ee Sligo (84) — SF Ballynamintra Cave, Co. Waterford (90) Kilgreany Cave, Co. Waterford (89) Castlepook Cave, Co. Cork (87) Castletownroche Cave, Co. Cork (88) Red Cellar Cave, Co. Limerick (86) Alice and Gwendoline Caves a) 8 2 2 > > zy eS, aS a" iS a fs = 4 O 35 S a oO » om eats 2 ee s z : & = aes) 2 iss) oO ise} (2) —_ © Z ai O a A podemus ee 3 x x x x x x x x x sylvaticus Dicrostonyx y x x x x x x x x torquatus Lemmus lemmus x x“ Microtus agrestis ? OF BERIEISH ISLES 69 Castletownroche Cave include mammoth, both mammoth and spotted hyaena being present in Castlepook Cave. Although Afodemus sylvaticus has been recorded from several cave sites, Barrett- Hamilton & Hinton (1910~—21) observed that in some instances it was most abundant in the upper layers, implying a possible late arrival in Ireland. Scharff et al. (1918), on the other hand, considered that at Castlepook Cave Apodemus was part of the Pleistocene fauna. An imperfect skull of Mzcrotus agrestis from Kilgreany Cave presents a problem, since this is the only possible fossil record of Microtus from Ireland, where this genus does not occur even at the present day. Savage (1966) observed that the skull is notably fresh and unaltered and drew attention to the occasional occurrence of vole skulls in north-east Ireland in owl pellets dropped by passing Scottish owls. There are no other records of Microtus in Ireland and the chance introduction of this specimen by owls or human activity needs to be taken into consideration. D. Other Localities (1) CROMERIAN LOCALITIES. Stuart (1974) recorded Mimomys cf. savini associated with Dicerorhinus cf. etruscus from a site at Sugworth, near Oxford (21). He con- sidered that the site is unlikely to be later than Cromerian. (ii) HOXNIAN LOCALITIES. Carreck (1959) recorded Pitymys sp. from an inter- glacial tufa near Hitchin, Hertfordshire (39). This locality is unlikely to be later than Hoxnian in age. Other Hoxnian localities are Copford, Essex (42, Brown 1852; Turner 1970), with Trogonthertum boisvilletti, and the Hoxnian type site of Hoxne with Tvogontherium boisvilletti (Spencer 1956), Apodemus sp., Lemmus sp., Arvicola sp. and Microtus sp. (personal communication from Dr R. G. Wolff). (1) ‘IPSWICHIAN’ LOCALITIES. Six important East Anglian mammalian localities, usually regarded as of Ipswichian age (including the type Ipswichian locality, Bobbitshole) have produced rodent remains as shown in Table Ir. It has been claimed by Koenigswald (pers. comm.) that although the Avvicola from Barrington and from the Stuart collection from Swanton Morley (two hippo- potamus localities) is A. cantiana-terresiris transition form, that from the Stuart collection from Stutton (a locality without hippopotamus) is A. cantiana, suggesting affinities with the Grays—Ilford—Aveley fauna of the Thames estuary. Stuart (1974), on the other hand, considers that the Barrington remains include both ‘cantiana’ and ‘terrestris’ and not merely intermediate forms, suggesting that the above interpretation is oversimplified. Stuart (im litt.) records A. cantiana from Harkstead, a locality near to and probably of the same age as Stutton. Other ‘Ipswichian’ localities with rodent remains are Hessle (74) with Arvicola and Selsey (24) with Castor. (iv) LAST GLACIATION LOCALITIES. The Last Glaciation brings us within the range of radiocarbon dating. Four sites, two of them thus dated, will be mentioned here. At Upton Warren, Worcestershire (20), remains of Dicrostonyx (determined by Carreck) were found in association with mammoth, woolly rhinoceros and reindeer 7O Distribution of rodent species at B Somerset Devon d[OH] S,oulpoAy UIOACD MOIIOG MOY a[OP] S,uoxoIg IoqyOYsyooy, poo Avy eae) TrydQ, oAey) UOpRog aIMssKy YstorpnyD ueAIqIoy, ‘aAeD) U0VeADT Aenbioy, ‘oaeg Aemeddeyzy dAeD) WPYXIG yuoy ‘SoINssLy wWieyYyST Sciurus vulgaris* Spermophilus superciliosus Muscardinus avellanarius* Castor fiber* A podemus sylvaticus A. flavicollis* Rattus vattus* Clethrionomys glareolus Avrvicola terrestris Dicrostonyx torquatus Lemmus lemmus x Microtus agvestis|arvalis group M. oeconomus M. gregalis syuopor [eroe[s-ysod jo o1n}x1uIpe Y}IM s}USpor pue euNeyesoul 9u900}sT9[q eUNPJOIONW 9U990}SI90[q euneyesoul sus00jsI0[q 1oddq e}eIYS posnjuod ‘ausd0[OFT VUNPJOIONW 9U990}SI9[q PUNVJOIOU 9U9904S19[q SUNVJOIOUWI IU9I04SI9[G euneyesoul prep sieldl pozerloossy 9us00}jste[q-3sod Ayjsour ATqeqorg CUNLJLSOW DUIIO}SIO[ Po}erIoossy sjuoulsyea weayAs [eror[s-ysod Jo o1nzxruIpe Y}IM s}UNpoOI pue euUNeyesoUI 9U990}sSI9[q post-Pleistocene. * Probably Wee + Glaciation and Holocene cave sites Derbyshire ailysysiqued ‘oAeg xuAT dITYS}UIP, ‘oaeg IossAueem4y oITYSYIO XK “€ ‘ON VALD IpPISMmOD oITyseoueyT ‘oAed SofoFT 80q x dITYSPIOFeAS ‘oaey Ysng IJopyy DARD IOPFT UG x) xX DARD IJOH{ XO — aAey) ented L adaey [OMOC > x dAeD UYIMSUCT x xX dAeD YSsnoi1oqsiefy DAC) OAM §=9ARD S,UTPIOP SKC "Go Nga CUTSE SUIVUIOI YSI}PIIG-Oueulory pue o1yqzljoor,eg 93e] sTqeqoid poyeroossy SUNVJLSOU 9UII0O}SIO]Y poyeIoossy PUNPJOIOIW JUI90}STO[ PUNPJOIONU JUII0}STOT eunryesoul ouss0}siofq 1oddq sjuepor [eroe[s-ysod jo o1n}xruIpe YJIM s}uNpoI pue euNneyesour 9u990}ST9[q [OAD] (98% Ioyeoq) ousD0][0F{ S[9AIT 9UD90}SIO[G 932] S[OAV] DUIIOTOFT S[OAOT 9U990}STOTq 9} e'T S[OAO] OUDDOTOF{ S[OA9T 9U990}STO[ J 9}e'T SUNVLJESOU 9UB0}SIO[q po}eIOOssy 9U990}STO[q-}SOq AjUO PUNFOIOTIAL SUIeUIOI UPUIOYT oe a (TS = 72 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS TABLE IL Rodent species from East Anglhan ‘Ipswichian’ sites Suffolk © 4 nt \ ee ee ys i) S + 12, Z So eS i ah q = 5) ra © n 0) ite) ch ee es ida) < =~ (aa) ay = Se > aa = ia eee S| @ a Ss + U q fe) 5 (=| ~ wa g op fe) 2 ee wat, oe MEE Be GS) Gere ea” 2e* aaa) nn an Nn mM ea DN A podemus sylvaticus x x x Clethrionomys cf. glareolus x Ayrvicola cantiana x x Avrvicola cantiana-terrestyis transition form x x x Avvicola sp. x Microtus agrestis x x x x IM. oeconomus x List based on specimens in the Ipswich Museum (Stutton, Stoke Tunnel Beds, Harkstead and Bobbits- hole), British Museum (Natural History) (Barrington), and Stuart Collection from Swanton Morley (Stuart 1974). in terrace deposits of the River Salwarpe (Coope et al. 1961). Associated insect remains indicate cold continental conditions. There are !4C dates of 41 500+ 1200 years (GRO 595) and 41 900 + 800 years (GRO 1245). At Beckford, Worcestershire (19), remains which are probably Muicrotus arvalis have been determined by Dr G. B. Corbet from specimens separated by Coope from material collected by D. J. Briggs from deposits of the Carrant Brook, in a terrace equivalent to number 2 terrace of the Warwickshire Avon or the main terrace of the River Severn. Associated mammals include mammoth, woolly rhinoceros and horse. There is a cold insect fauna and “C dates of 27 650 + 250 years (Birmingham 293) and 27 300 + 500 (Birmingham 595). At Fisherton, Wiltshire (22), Dicrostonyx torquatus, Microtus oeconomus and Spermophilus superciliosus were associated with remains of large Pleistocene mammals. In spite of earlier suggestions Microtus nivalis is absent. This is a typical Last Glaciation faunal assemblage. At Brean Down, Somerset (g), remains of Dicrostonyx were found in association with arctic fox and reindeer in talus deposits regarded by Apsimon e¢ al. (1961) as being of Late Glacial age (early Zone II). (v) HOLOCENE LOCALITIES. Two rodent species, now extinct in the British Isles, survived into post-Pleistocene times. These are Castor fiber and Microtus oeconomus. Localities for Castor fiber include the Cambridge Fens (41), Staple Howe, Yorkshire OF BRILISH TSS 73 (75), Star Carr, Yorkshire (76), and Thatcham, Berkshire (23). Mucrotus oeconomus has been found in the Huntspill Cut (8) in the Somerset levels and on Nornour, Isles of Scilly (91). (vi) SCOTTISH LOCALITIES. Other Scottish rodent finds include Dicrostonyx from Corstorphine, Edinburgh (81), and Castor fiber from the Loch of Marlee, Perthshire (82), and Middlestots Bog, Berwickshire (80). The various ages of these remains have not been determined. i Clas > Ee iON SANDS DISTRIBU LLON OF RODENTS IN DE IPILJDILS WOK ISAN ITs (Oey ANS IRIN US al IS IOINS In this section rodents represented in the British Pleistocene are discussed in systematic order. For completeness of taxonomic reference authors and dates of both families and genera are given, though these are generally omitted from the references. In the few cases where the currently used name of an extinct species is based on non-British material the original reference, marked **, is given in the synonymy. With these exceptions, only names used for fossil specimens from the British Isles are cited in the synonymy and each name is given only once, with reference to the first paper where it appeared. The type localities of extinct species of rodents are indicated * in the locality lists or, if non-British, in the sections on general distribution. Locality lists for each species are divided into (a) English and Welsh, (b) Scottish and (c) Irish sites; they are given in ascending stratigraphic order, as precisely as possible on the basis of current information. Where several records are believed to be of similar age they are grouped together, in alphabetical order, at the appropri- ate position. Numbers refer to site locations in Fig. 1. Published records at generic level only are generally not included in the locality lists. Though coverage is basically restricted to the Pleistocene, Holocene records of Castor fiber and Mztcrotus oeconomus are also included since both these species are now extinct in the British Isles. Post-Pleistocene arrivals in the British Isles are briefly mentioned for the sake of completeness. Family SCIURIDAE Brandt 1855 Genus SCIURUS Linnaeus 1758 Sciurus whitei Hinton 1914 Squirrel, extinct IQI4 Sciurus whiter Hinton : 193-195, fig. 10. LocaLity : *West Runton, Norfolk (65) : Hinton 1914. Hinton described a new species of squirrel, S. white1, from a unique fourth upper premolar (BM(NH), M 10720) from the marine ‘Monkey Gravel’ overlying the Cromerian Upper Freshwater Bed at West Runton, Norfolk. 74 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS VA ee 5 Ver cae : : : 7 eae Baa Fic. 5. Distribution of remains of Sciurus os ines whitei Hinton in the British Isles. No other fossil remains of this species have been found in the British Isles, though a number of fir cones from Cromerian deposits of the Forest Bed of Norfolk bear marks suggesting that they had been gnawed by squirrels (Newton 1882a). Newton (1881, 1882a, 1891) described and figured a humerus from Ostend, Norfolk (57), which agreed closely in form with that of the living red squirrel, S. vulgaris Linn., but he was not certain whether it came from the Forest Bed or from a Recent alluvial deposit. On the continent of Europe, remains of Sciwrus are known from a number of Early and Middle Pleistocene localities in France and Hungary, though they have usually been left without specific determination. Janossy (1962) discovered remains of a squirrel approaching S. white: at the Middle Pleistocene locality of Tark6 in Hungary, and described them as belonging to a new subspecies, S. whiter hungaricus Janossy 1962. In his opinion S. white: may represent an ancestral form of S. vulgaris. Sciurus vulgaris Linnaeus 1758 Red squirrel The red squirrel is a widespread Palaearctic species, still common in parts of the British Isles. It occurs principally in woodland, but also in scrub beyond the Arctic circle. Its remains have been found in Late Pleistocene sediments of Europe from France to the Ukraine, but are nowhere common. There are no indisputable records of S. vulgaris in the Pleistocene of the British Isles. Its remains are known from Dowel and Langwith Caves, Derbyshire (71, 72 : Bramwell 1960, Mullins 1913). The Dowel Cave record is from a Holocene stratum. The stratigraphic position of the remains from Langwith Cave was not determined, but the occurrence of Rattus rattus Linn., the black rat, suggests that some Holocene mammalian remains were present in addition to the rich Pleistocene fauna of the cave. OlM” Is S ial MSI IaS 75 Genus SPERMOPHILUS Cuvier 1825 [= Citellus Oken 1816}! It was long suspected that the ground squirrels of the British Pleistocene represent two species. Hinton (in Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21 : 724) wrote: Dr Forsyth Major studied the material [of ground-squirrels] with great care many years ago and we believe that he concluded that at least two species occur in the British Pleistocene ; unfortunately his results were never published. The writer in turn has made some progress with a similar investigation, but has not been able to complete his work yet. In his view also there are two species at least, both extinct, one being allied to the living Cztellus [= Spermo- philus| erythrogenys, the other more nearly related to C. [= Spervmophilus] eversmanni. Following studies of specimens from the British Museum (Natural History) the two forms have recently been distinguished by I. M. Gromov of Leningrad (im Itt.) as Citellus [= Spermophilus| superciliosus, from the Upper Pleistocene, and C. [= S.] primigenius from deposits of earlier age. Spermophilus (Urocitellus) primigenius Kormos 1934 Ground squirrel, extinct 1876 Spermophilus ; Cheadle : 70-71. 1882b Spermophilus Altaicus ?; Newton: 51-54, pl. 2. 1885 Spermophilus erythrogenoides Falconer ; Lydekker : 212-213. 1934 ** Spermophilus primigenius Kormos.: 314-315, fig. 45. 1947 Citellus erythrogenoides Falc.; Jackson : 168. LocaLities : Mundesley, Norfolk (60) : Newton 1882b. Crayford and Erith, Kent (27): Cheadle 1876, Lydekker 1885-87, Whitaker 1889, Newton 1890a, 1894, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton I9g10-21, Kennard 1944, Jackson 1947. DISTRIBUTION IN THE BRITISH ISLES. Remains of this species of ground squirrel have been found abundantly in the Middle Terrace deposits of the Thames at Cray- ford and Erith, Kent. Cheadle (1876) attributed remains which he had found at Erith to Spermophilus sp. Subsequent writers (Lydekker, Whitaker, Newton, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton, Kennard, Jackson) regarded the form represented at these localities as S. erythrogenoides. A skull from Erith was subsequently deter- mined as Citellus [= Spermophilus] primigenius by Gromov, who wrote as follows (in litt., translation) : Specimen M 9605, a deformed skull with a fragment of mandible, belongs to a large form of Citellus (Urocitellus) primigenius Korm., approaching in its dimensions the Polish C. (U.) polonicus Gromoy, though it preserves the basic characters of the former. The skull also has some characters typical for C. nogaici Top.: a well-marked basin which divides the hypo- and entoconid parts on the grinding surface of M;, a weakly developed posterior crest on M3, a weakly developed narrowing on the hypoconid of P,, and a foramen mentale shifted upwards. The second of these characters, as well as the presence of tiny cusps on the bottom of the 1 Although the name Cifelius Oken 1816 has been extensively used hitherto for these ground squirrels, Oken (1815-16) is not consistently binominal (Ellerman & Morrison-Scott 1966 : 3) and was rejected as unavailable by fiat of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (Opinion 417, 1956). 76 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS external valleys of M,—M3;, occurs also in C. polonicus. Finally, peculiar to the British remains is the forward shifting of the crests of the masseteric plate on the mandible. It is probably a distinct subspecies. Some isolated worn teeth of Spermophilus described by Newton (1882b : 54) as close to S. altaicus (= S. eversmannt) were found in deposits now regarded as of early Anglian age at Mundesley, Norfolk. They provide the earliest record of Spermo- philus in the British Isles and are provisionally referred to S. (Urocitellus) primigentus. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION. S. primigenius (type locality Kalkberg, Nagyharsany- berg) is known from Villafranchian as well as from later (Giinz, Gtinz—Mindel) deposits of Hungary. It is also present in the Middle Pleistocene of the Ukraine and Germany (Gromov 1965). According to Chaline (1972), ground squirrels, which he was unable to determine specifically, were present during the Mindel and Riss glaciations in France. The living representatives of the subgenus Uvocitellus — the long-tailed ground squirrels S. undulatus (Pallas 1779) and S. parryi Richardson 1827 — inhabit steppes as well as meadows in the tundra-zone of central and eastern Asia and North America. Spermophilus (Colobotis) superciliosus (Kaup 1839) Ground squirrel, extinct 1839 6** Spermophilus superciliosus Kaup : 112. 1866 Spermophilus erythrogenoides (Falc.) ; Dawkins & Sanford : xxxix (nomen nudum). 1866 Spermophilus citillus Pallas; Dawkins & Sanford : xxxix. 1868 Spermophilus erythrogenoides ; Falconer, in Murchison : 452-454, pl. 35. 1974 Citellus sp.; Stuart: 246. Localities: Langwith Cave, Derbyshire (72) : Mullins 1913, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21. Mendip Hills Caves (Bleadon Cave and others) : Dawkins & Sanford 1866, Falconer 1868, Stevens 1869, Sanford 1870a, b, Newton 1882a, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, BM(NH). Fisherton, Wiltshire (22): Falconer 1868, Stevens 1869, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21. Ightham Fissures, Kent (28) : Newton 1894, 1899b, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton Ig10—21, BM(NH). Picken’s Hole (layer 3), Somerset (10) : Stuart (1974). Pin Hole Cave, Derbyshire (73) : Jackson 1947. DISTRIBUTION IN THE BriTIsH IsLEs. S. swperciliosus is a characteristic element of the fauna of the Last Glaciation. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION AND SYSTEMATIC REMARKS. S. superciliosus was described by Kaup from Eppelsheim in Germany. It is an element of the Late Pleistocene (Wiirm) fauna, present in almost the whole of Europe, including France, Germany, Poland, the European and Asiatic part of the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and Hungary. Its living relatives inhabit the steppe zone of eastern Europe and Asia. OF BRITISH ISLES 77 ~ > Fie. 6. Distribution of remains of Spermo- : 0 \ philus (Urocitellus) primigenius Kormos x ; S (Vv) and S. (Colobotis) superciliosus (Kaup) ) (@) in the British Isles. a a ae yp In Britain it has usually been recorded as S. erythrogenoides, a name first used by Falconer (in Murchison 1868) for remains from caves of the Mendip Hills. Hinton (in Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1g10-21 : 723) stated that recent study tended to show that this name must be treated as a synonym of S. superciliosus. I. M. Gromovy of Leningrad studied the specimens from Ightham Fissures, Kent, and made the following remarks (7 Jitt., translation) : Two mandibular rami, no. M 11867, are typical remains of Cztellus (Colobotis) superciliosus Kaup, broadly distributed in the northern part of continental Europe in Late Pleistocene ; during some part of this time it evidently also inhabited the British Isles. From the characteristic features of this species, as shown by the above-mentioned material, the following can be stated: width of P, no more than 11 per cent greater than its length, processus articularis short and broad below the head, posterior incision of the mandible relatively small, fovamen mentale situated far from the anterior border of the masseteric plates, etc. Family GLIRIDAE Thomas 1897 Genus MUSCARDINUS Kaup 1829 Hinton (in Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton Ig10—21 : 351) recorded a single tooth of Muscardinus from the Forest Bed of Norfolk. This specimen has not been seen by the present writers. Muscardinus is nevertheless known from some Cromerian localities on the European continent so that its presence in Britain in Cromerian times is not improbable. Muscardinus avellanarius (Linnaeus 1758) Common or hazel dormouse Although remains of this species have been found at a number of cave sites — Dog Holes and Pin Hole Caves (79, 73) : Jackson (1934, 1947) ; Great Doward Cave (17) : British Museum (Natural History) — all these remains are probably of Holocene age. 78 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS The hazel dormouse ‘is now distributed in southern, western and central Europe, including southern Sweden and Britain, and in Asia Minor. On the continent of Europe it has been found in interglacial deposits as early as Tiglian. It was also present in France during the last interglacial (Chaline 1972). Family CASTORIDAE Gray 1821 Genus TROGONTHERIUM Fischer 1809 Trogontherium minus Newton 1890 Giant beaver, extinct 1890b Trogontherium minus Newton : 447-448. LocaLiTiEs : Red Crag of Felixstowe and *Woodbridge, Suffolk (45, 47) : Newton 18gob, 1891, 1902, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, Schreuder 1929, 1951. According to Schreuder (1951), who made a very thorough study of the genus Trogontherium, this species is more primitive than the other representatives of the genus, T°. cuviert Fischer and 7. borsvilleti (Laugel). T. minus is also known from Astian (Pliocene) sediments of Perpignan, France. The Red Crag specimens (like many other Crag fossils) are probably derived from earlier deposits and cannot be regarded as part of the contemporary Lower Pleisto- cene fauna. Trogontherium boisvilletti (Laugel 1862) Giant beaver, extinct 1846 Trogontherium Cuviert ; Owen : 184-189, figs 71-73. 1848 Diabroticus Schmerlingi ; Pomel : 167. 1862 ** Conodontes Boisvilletti Laugel : 715-718. 1866 Castor trogontherium Cuvier ; Dawkins & Sanford : xxxvi. 1902 Dipoides Lydekkeri Schlosser : 117. 1951 Trogontherium boisvilletti Laugel ; Schreuder : 403. 1956 Trogontherium sp. ; Spencer : 354. LocaLiTiges: Sizewell, Suffolk, and Thorpe, Norfolk! (49, 48, Norwich Crag) : Lydekker 1885, Schreuder 1951. East Runton (64, Pastonian Forest Bed) : Newton 1882a, 1892, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1g10—21, Schreuder 1951. Bacton, Cromer, Kessingland, Mundesley, Overstrand, Paston and West Runton (58, 63, 52, 60, 62, 59, 65, ‘Cromerian’) : Lyell 1840, Owen 1846, Dawkins & Sanford 1866, Owen 1869, Newton 1881, 1882a, Lydekker 1885, Reid 1890, Hinton 1914, Schreuder 1929, 1931. Clacton, Copford, Hoxne and Swanscombe (43, 42, 54, 30, Hoxnian) : Brown 1852, Newton 1902, Schlosser 1902, Stopes 1904, Newton 1916, Schreuder 1929, 1951, Spencer 1956, Sutcliffe 1964, Singer et al. 1973. RANGE: T. boisvilletti was apparently present in Britain during the Tiglian, Cromerian and Hoxnian. Its remains have been found frequently in deposits of 1 See also footnote on p. 96. OF BRITISH ISLES 79 Fic. 7. Distribution of remains of Tvogon- therium boisvilletti (Laugel) in the British Isles. the Norfolk Forest Bed ; only a few Hoxnian specimens are known. These are a solitary incisor from Ingress Vale, Swanscombe (Newton 1902, Stopes 1904, Schreuder 1929, 1951, Sutcliffe 1964), a cheek tooth from Copford (Brown 1852, site dated as Hoxnian by Turner 1970, BM(NH) 27985), a femur and eight cheek teeth from Hoxne (Spencer 1956) ; and part of a skull from Clacton (Singer e¢ al. 1973). GENERAL DISTRIBUTION. TJ. botsvillettt is known from the early Pleistocene in Britain, Holland, France (type locality Saint-Prest, near Chartres) and western parts of Germany. Further to the east it is, according to Schreuder (1951), replaced by a slightly different species, T. cuviert Fischer, first described from the border of the Azov Sea. T. cuviert was present in Germany during the Holsteinian Interglacial. According to Lehmann (1953), 7. cwviert is a more advanced species than T. borsvilletts and may be its descendant. If this is true, the British Hoxnian remains may represent 7. cuviert, but there are too few suitable specimens to allow a detailed determination. Genus CASTOR Linnaeus 1758 Castor fiber Linnaeus 1758 Beaver 1846 Castor europaeus ; Owen : 190-200, figs 74-75. 1864 Castor veterioy Lankester : 355-350. 1889 Castor fibey Linn. (= euvopaeus Owen) ; Whitaker : 336. 1908b Castor plicidens Maj. ; Major : 630-635, figs 132-136. 1964 Castor sp.; Spencer : 338. LocaLitiEs: Sutton and Woodbridge, Suffolk (47, Red Crag) : Lankester 1864, Newton 1891, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, Schreuder 1929. East Runton (64, Pastonian Forest Bed) : Major 1908b. Bacton, Kessingland, Mundesley, West Runton (58, 52, 60, 65, Forest Bed) : Dawkins & Sanford 1866, Owen 1869, Newton 1881, 1882a, 1891, Major 1908b, 7 80 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, Hinton 1914, Schreuder 1929, 1931, Friant 1962. Westbury-sub-Mendip Fissure (13, lower middle Pleistocene) : Bishop 1974. Clacton (43, Hoxnian) : Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, Hinton 1923b, Sutcliffe 1964. Swanscombe (Barnfield Pit), Kent (30, Hoxnian) : BM(NH). Grays Thurrock and Ilford, Essex (33, 35) : Lankester 1864, Dawkins & Sanford 1866, Whitaker 1889, Hinton 1goob, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1g10—21, BM(NH). Selsey, Sussex and Upnor, Kent (24, 31, Last Interglacial) : BM(NH). Kent’s Cavern, Devon (6) : BM(NH). Cambridge Fens, Cambridgeshire ; Hay Wood Rockshelter, Somerset ; Staple Howe, Yorkshire-; Star Carr, Yorkshire; Yhatcham, Berks (41) 10, 75, 76, 23, Holocene) : Montagu 1924, Brewster 1963, Fraser & King 1954, Wymer 1962. Loch of Marlee, Perthshire, and Middlestots Bog, Edrom Parish, Berwickshire (82, 80) : Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21. iy EA oa mal Fic. 8. Distribution of fossil remains of Castor fibey Linn. in the British Isles. RANGE. Remains of C. fiber have been found in deposits in the British Isles ranging in age from lowest Pleistocene (Red Crag) to Holocene. The species spread to Scotland but apparently never reached Ireland. Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton (Ig10—21) considered that the beaver did not become extinct in Britain before the thirteenth century A.D. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION. Although limited to a small number of relict localities as a result of extermination by man, C. fiber is still widely distributed in Europe and Asia. Its fossil remains are known from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of Europe and Asia. SYSTEMATIC REMARKS. The beaver remains from the Red Crag were described by Lankester (1864) under the new name C. veterior. Newton (1891) considered that this species was conspecific with C. fiber and Schreuder (1929) proved it by a detailed comparison. C. I. F. Major (19g08a) described some remains from the Forest Bed at East Runton as belonging to C. plicidens, a species described by him from Val OR SS RIGS ESSE Ss 81 d’Arno in Italy. Schreuder (1929) showed that the folding of tooth-enamel is a character depending upon the individual age of the animal and C. plicidens is there- fore a synonym of C. fiber. Later it was found that individuals of ‘C. plicidens’ sometimes appear among postglacial beavers. Viret (1954), however, studying the skull of a Villafranchian beaver from St Vallier in France, found some morphological differences from the Recent beaver and was inclined to retain the name C. plicidens for all the beavers from that period, not only for specimens with folded enamel. According to Lehmann (1957) these differences are rather of a subspecific character and he designated the Villafranchian beavers as ‘Castor fiber plicidens Major 1875’. Until statistical analysis of the variability of the living beaver has been made, it seems preferable to use only the specific name Castor fiber Linn. for the Astian (Upper Pliocene) as well as for the Pleistocene beavers. Family MURIDAE Gray 1821 Genus APODEMUS Kaup 1829 Apodemus sylvaticus (Linnaeus 1758) Wood mouse 1846 Mus musculus (?) ; Owen : 2009, fig. 79. 1881 Mus sylvaticus ; Newton : 258—259. 1910 Micromys (= Mus) sylvaticus (Linné) ; Jackson : 328. 1910b Mus sp., allied to M. sylvaticus ; Hinton : 489-507. 1915 A podemus sp. ; Hinton : 580. IQ15 A podemus whitei Hinton : 580-581. 1915 Apodemus sylvaticus L.; Hinton : 581-582. Localities: West Runton (Upper Freshwater Bed), Norfolk (65) : Newton 1881, 1882a, 1891, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1g10—21, Hinton 1915, BM(NH). Westbury-sub-Mendip Fissure, Somerset (13) : Bishop 1974. Hitchin, Hertfordshire (39) : Carreck 1959. Swanscombe (Ingress Vale), Kent (30): Stopes 1904, Hinton Ig1ob, Barrett- Hamilton & Hinton rg10—21, Hinton 1915, Sutcliffe 1964, BM(NH). Hoxne, Suffolk (54) : Wolff (7 litt., Apodemus sp.). Grays Thurrock, Essex (33) : Hinton, Kennard & Newton 1900, Hinton 1915. Stutton, Suffolk (44) : Stuart 1974 (A. sylvaticus group). Bacon Hole, Glamorganshire (16) : det. A. J. Stuart (im litt.). Kirkdale Cave, Yorkshire (77) : Owen 1846, Dawkins & Sanford 1866. Swanton Morley, Norfolk (66) : Stuart 1974 (A. sylvaticus group). Tornewton Cave, Devon (3) : Kowalski 1967, BM(NH). Aveline’s Hole, Somerset (11) : Davies 1921, Hinton 1921, 1924, BM(NH). Dog Holes Cave, Lancashire (79) : Jackson 1910, BM(NH). Great Doward Cave, Herefordshire (17): Bristol University Spelaeological peciery, det. K. K. Gwaenysgor Cave, Flintshire (68) : Jackson 1947. Ightham Fissures, Kent (28) : Newton 1894, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, Hinton 1915, Carreck 1957, BM(NH). 82 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS Langwith Cave, Derbyshire (72) : Mullins 1913. Levaton Cave, Devon (2) : Carreck 1957. Pin Hole Cave, Derbyshire (73) : Jackson 1934, 1947. Rowberrow Cavern, Somerset (11) : BM(NH). Dowel Cave, Derbyshire (71) : Bramwell 1960. Happaway Cave, Devon (5) : BM(NH). Lynx Cave, Denbighshire (67) : Blore 1966. Nazeing, Essex (37) : Hinton 1952, BM(NH). Joint Mitnor Cave, Devon (1, Layer 10, Holocene) : BM(NH). Ballynamintra Cave, Co. Waterford (90) : Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton Ig10—21, Jackson 1929b. Castlepook Cave, Co. Cork (87) : Scharff, Seymour & Newton 1918, BM(NH). Edenvale Caves (Alice and Gwendoline, Catacombs, Newhall, Barntick), Co. Clare (85) : Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, Scharff 1906. Keshcorran Caves (Coffey, Plunkett), Co. Sligo (84) : Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton Ig10—21, Jackson 1929b, Scharff e¢ al. 1903. Kilgreany Cave, Co. Waterford (89) : Jackson 1929b. Fic. 9g. Distribution of fossil remains of A podemus sylvaticus (Linn.) in the British Isles. DISTRIBUTION IN THE BriTISH ISLES. A. sylvaticus was present in the British Isles during the Cromerian, Hoxnian and Ipswichian interglacials. It probably disappeared from the country at the time of the cold stage represented by the Tornewton Cave Glutton Stratum. A solitary specimen from this deposit may have been introduced from a higher, interglacial, level. This species was present during the Last Glaciation and during the Holocene. Most of the localities, especially caves, cannot be accurately dated, and it is difficult to decide if A. sylvaticus was present throughout the Holocene without interruption. It may have reached Ireland during Upper Pleistocene times. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION. A. sylvaticus is now widely distributed in Europe, north Africa and western Asia. The fossil remains of this or nearly related species are known from the Pleistocene of Europe and China. The oldest of them are dated OF BRITISH ISLES 83 as Tiglian, with further records from deposits of Cromerian, Holsteinian and later date. SYSTEMATIC REMARKS. Hinton (1915 : 580) referred the teeth from the Cromerian Upper Freshwater deposits of West Runton to Apodemus sp. Although he found that their pattern was indistinguishable from that of A. sylvaticus he considered that the material was insufficient for fine determination. From Swanscombe (Ingress Vale) (oc. cit.) he described a new species, which he named A. whitez, from part of a maxilla differing slightly from recent specimens of A. sylvaticus. However, the characters concerned lie within the range of individual variability and there does not seem to be any good reason for regarding the West Runton form as a distinct species. Apodemus flavicollis (Melchior 1834) Yellow-necked mouse 1894 Mus Abbotii Newton : 195, pl. xi, fig. 8 (not M. abbott: Waterhouse). 1899a Mus Lewist Newton : 381. IQI5 A podemus lewist Newton ; Hinton : 582-584. 1921 A podemus Flavicollis Melchior ; Hinton : 78. LocaLiTiEs : Aveline’s Hole, Somerset (11) : Davies 1921, Hinton 1921, 1924. Dowel Cave, Derbyshire (71) : Bramwell 1960. Etches’ Cave, Derbyshire (71) : Pernetta 1966. Happaway Cave, Devon (5) : Hinton 1915, BM(NH). Ightham Fissures, Kent (28) : Newton 1894, 1899a, b, Hinton 1915, BM(NH). Kent’s Cavern, Devon (6) : Hinton 1915. Pin Hole Cave, Derbyshire (73) : Jackson 1934, 1947. DISTRIBUTION IN THE BriTIsH ISLES. Remains of A. flavicollis have been found almost exclusively in very late sediments. Many of the records must nevertheless be considered doubtful in view of the great difficulty in distinguishing remains of this species from those of A. sylvaticus. The remains recorded from Dowel Cave were found in a Neolithic layer (Bramwell 1960 : [10]—pages unnumbered) and those from Etches’ Cave were in early postglacial layers (Pernetta 1966: 12,15). Hinton (1921) considered that the Aveline’s Hole remains were probably a late introduction. The same may be true for the Ightham Fissures. The Kent’s Cavern and Happaway specimens were excavated a century ago. From Pin Hole Cave, Derbyshire (Jackson 1934), remains of A. flavicollis have been recorded from both the superficial levels and at a depth of more than 3 m (10 ft), where they were apparently associated with Upper Pleistocene faunal remains. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION. At the present time A. flavicollis is widespread in Europe and east as far as the Urals and Caucasus. It is absent from a large part of western Europe (France, Belgium, Holland), but is present in England and southern Sweden. Nothing is known about the fossil remains. It is absent from the Pleistocene of France (Chaline 1972). It is difficult to decide whether this species represents a natural migration at the end of Pleistocene or during the Holocene or whether it was brought by man. 84 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS SYSTEMATIC REMARKS. According to Hinton (1915), A. lewisz, described from the Ightham Fissures by Newton (18g99a, b), is closely related to, if not identical with, A. flavicollis Melchior. Jackson (1934) determined his material as ‘A. flavicollis (= A. lewist)’. The lack of an anterior accessory cusp on M, 1s, according to Hinton (1915), of no significance in specific determination, because the cusp is apparently absent in slightly worn teeth of A. flavicollis. It seems probable that the holotype of A. lewist is nothing but a Recent specimen of A. flavicollis. Genus MICROMYS Dehm 1841 Micromys minutus (Pallas 1771) Harvest mouse This species was probably introduced into Britain by man in postglacial times. According to Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton (1910-21) it is unknown there in a fossil state. Remains found at Tornewton Cave (Kowalski 1967) are from a surface fissure unconnected with the main sequence of deposits and are unlikely to be of any antiquity. M. minutus, now widely distributed in Europe and Asia, is present in England and perhaps in the southern parts of Scotland. The genus Micromys, and probably the Recent species, is known in continental Europe from the late Pleistocene. Genus MUS Linnaeus 1758 Mus musculus Linnaeus 1758 House mouse The house mouse was introduced into Britain by man. Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton (1910-21) discussed some early data about its fossil occurrence in Britain and considered that all are erroneous or refer to Recent remains. There is no evidence for the occurrence of the house mouse in Britain before the Iron Age. Genus RATTUS Fischer 1803 Rattus rattus (Linnaeus 1758) Black rat Although remains of the black rat have been recorded from Aveline’s Hole (Hinton 1921) and Langwith Cave (Mullins 1913) these are probably Recent. The black rat was introduced into the British Isles by man during the historical period. Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout 1760) Brown rat The brown rat is a recent addition to the British mammalian fauna. Jackson — (1929b) records its remains from Kilgreany Cave, Ireland, in an upper layer with remains of domestic animals and prehistoric material, but these are probably of very recent date. ORB RI DISH Sil s 85 Family CRICETIDAE Rochebrune 1883 Genus CRICETUS Leske 1779 Cricetus cricetus (Linnaeus 1758) Common hamster 1909 Cricetus vulgaris Runtonensis Newton : 110—113, fig. (unnumbered). 1967 Cricetus cricetus (Linnaeus 1758) ; Kowalski: 119-120. LocALITIEs : West Runton (Upper Freshwater Bed), Norfolk (65) : Newton 1909, Hinton r1910b, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1r9g10—21, Osborn 1922, BM(NH). Tornewton Cave (Glutton Stratum), Devon (3) : Kowalski 1967, BM(NH). S aD) av FAR ree : y Ape \ Fic. to. Distribution of fossil remains of le : i, rm ( : ~ Cricetus cricetus (Linn.) in the British Isles. oo ss DISTRIBUTION IN THE BriTiIsH IsLEs. Representatives of the genus Cricetus appeared twice in Britain: in the Cromerian interglacial and during the cold stage represented by the Tornewton Cave Glutton Stratum. The Tornewton Cave remains represent at least two individuals. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION. C. cricetus, the only living member of its genus, occurs at the present time in eastern Europe and in the western part of Asia. It is also present in western and central Europe where its range is insular and seems to be characterized by gradually increasing expansion. It occurs in steppes, parklands and meadows. In Europe its occurrence is now associated with arable fields. Fossil remains of Cricetus are known from the early, middle and late Pleistocene of western, central and eastern Europe, especially in deposits indicating a cold and arid environment. SYSTEMATIC REMARKS. All the fossil remains of the genus Cricetus are very uniform in their dental morphology and do not differ from the Recent ones. They do, however, vary greatly in size. On this basis many new forms have been described, some under specific, others under subspecific names. The specimen from the Cromer Forest Bed, BM(NH) M18352, an upper jaw with a tooth-row 9-3 mm long, 86 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS is the holotype of a form known as Cricetus runtonensis or C. cricetus runtonensis. According to Schaub (1930), it is a synonym of C. c. major Woldiich described from the late Pleistocene deposits of Czechoslovakia. Other palaeontologists use the name C. runtonensis to designate larger representatives of Cricetus from the early Pleistocene, usually without giving sufficient morphological reasons for its distinctness from later populations. According to Fahlbusch (1969), there are some peculiarities in the pattern of M, in C. runtonensis, but a similar morphology can also be found in some Recent specimens. In the opinion of one of us (K. K.) the large early Pleistocene hamsters are at most subspecifically distinct from those of the late Pleistocene and present day. The great variability of this species in the Pleistocene was connected with changing climatic conditions. Genus ALLOCRICETUS Schaub 1930 cf. Allocricetus bursae Schaub 1930 Hamster, extinct 1870a Cricetus songarus ; Sanford : 51, 56, fig. 6. 1870b Cricetus (Mus) songarus (Pallas) ; Sanford : 128-129; pl. viii, fig. 6. 1913 Phodopus sanfordi Hinton, in Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21 : 383, fig. 53. 1967 Phodopus songorus (Pallas) ; Kowalski : 113-114. LocaLiTIES: Hutton Cave, Somerset (10): Sanford 1870a,b, Newton 1909, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, BM(NH). Tornewton Cave (Glutton Stratum), Devon (3) : Kowalski 1967, BM(NH). | Ms Zan i i S AREF Fic. 11. Distribution of remains of cf. $, oe eS D Allocricetus bursae Schaub in the British C Isles. SS ZL Wee ge —_ @ DISTRIBUTION IN THE BritisH IstEs. The occurrence of this species in the Glutton Stratum of Tornewton Cave shows that. it was present during the pre- hippopotamus cold stage represented by this deposit. Although the age of the Hutton Cave fauna is unknown, the occurrence of remains of a relatively primitive OF BRITISH ISLES 87 form of mammoth suggests that this record is at least as early as that from Tornewton Cave. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION AND SYSTEMATIC REMARKS. Small representatives of Cricetidae are common in the early, middle and late Pleistocene of Europe. The uniform structure of the teeth in Cricetidae makes the systematic determination of their remains very difficult. According to Schaub (1930), the small hamsters of the late Pleistocene of Europe should be referred to Phodopus songorus. Janossy (1961) later stated that Schaub based his determination on incorrectly determined Recent specimens and claimed that the small hamster described by him is conspecific with Recent Cricetulus migratorius. The same name was used for English specimens by Kurtén (1969). Chaline (1972) did not find this species in France, but determined all late Pleistocene small French hamsters as Allocricetus bursae Schaub 1930. A more detailed study of English specimens will be necessary before it is possible to decide whether they belong to one or two species and what species there are. In the earliest description of British hamster remains (those from Hutton), Sanford (1870) applied the name Cricetus songarus. Hinton (in Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21 : 383) considered that the remains should be placed in the genus Phodopus and that they could not be synonymized with P. songorus but needed a new name, for which he proposed P. sanfordi. No reasons for this decision are given. If the British specimens are conspecific with A. bursae Schaub then this name is a junior synonym of P. sanford: Hinton and must be replaced by it. Small hamsters are now an element of the steppe fauna, and their species are broadly distributed in south-eastern Europe as well as in western and central Asia. C. migratorius ranges from south-eastern Europe to China. This species, partly cited under the name of A. bursae Schaub, is known as a fossil from the late Pleisto- cene of Germany, Switzerland, Spain, France, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland and the Soviet Union. Genus DICROSTONYX Gloger 1841 Dicrostonysx torquatus (Pallas 1779) Collared lemming 1869 Lemmus torquatus ; Stevens : 110, I13. 1870a Arvicola Gulielmi Sanford: 51, 55, fig. 2. 1870b = Arvicola Gulielmi Sanford: 125, pl. viii, fig. 2. 1874 Myodes torquatus Pall.; Blackmore & Alston : 469-470. I9g10a Dicrostonyx gulielmit Sanford ; Hinton : 38—39. Ig1oa Dicrostonyx henseli Hinton : 37-38. 1960 Dicrostonyx sp.; Bramwell: [10]. LocatitiEs : Westbury-sub-Mendip, Somerset (13) (Dicrostonyx sp., lower middle Pleistocene) : Bishop 1974. Erith, Kent (27): Newton 1890a, Hinton 1g10b, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton Ig10—21, Hinton 1926b, Kennard 1944, Jackson 1947. Hutton Cave, Somerset (10) : Stevens 1869, Sanford 1870a, b, Blackmore & Alston 1874, Jackson 1909, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, Hinton 1926b, BM(NH). 88 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS Tornewton Cave (Glutton Stratum and Reindeer Stratum), Devon (3) : Kowalski 1967, BM(NH). Aveline’s Hole, Somerset (11) : Davies 1921, Hinton 1921, 1924, 1926b, BM(NH). Chudleigh Fissure, Devon (7) : Hinton 1926b. Dog Holes Cave, Lancashire (79) : Jackson 1909, 1910, 1929a, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, Hinton 1926b, Jackson 1947, BM(NH). Elder Bush Cave, Staffordshire (69) : Bramwell 1964. Fisherton, Wiltshire (22) : Stevens 1869, Blackmore & Alston 1874, Jackson 1909, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, Hinton 1926b, BM(NH). Great Doward Cave, Herefordshire (17): Bristol University Spelaeological Society; det_ kK. Ke Gwaenysgor Cave, Flintshire (68) : Jackson 1932 (fide Jackson 1947), Jackson 1947. Ightham Fissures, Kent (28): Newton 1894, Jackson 1909, Hinton rgr0a, b, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, Hinton 1926b, Jackson 1929a, 1947, Zimmer- mann 1959, BM(NH). Kent’s Cavern, Devon (6) : BM(NH). King Arthur’s Cave, Herefordshire (17) : BM(NH) (Hinton collection). Langwith Cave, Derbyshire (72) : Mullins 1913, Hinton 1g10a, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, Hinton 1926b, Jackson 1929a, 1947, BM(NH). Merlin’s Cave, Herefordshire (18) : Hinton 1925, 1926b, BM(NH). Murston, Kent (32) : Newton 1890a, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21. Pin Hole Cave, Derbyshire (73) : Jackson 1934, 1947. Rowberrow Cavern, Somerset (11) : BM(NH) (Hinton collection). Upton Warren, Worcestershire (20) : Coope et al. 1961. Brean Down, Somerset (9) : Apsimon e¢ al. 1961. Fox Hole Cave, Derbyshire (71) : Bramwell 1970. Dowel Cave, Derbyshire (71) : Bramwell 1960. Lynx Cave, Denbighshire (67) : Blore 1966. Etches’ Cave, Derbyshire (71) : Pernetta 1966. Hackney, London (36) : BM(NH). Angel Road, Middlesex (36) : Hinton 1912, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton I910-21, Hinton 1926b, BM(NH). Nazeing, Essex (37) : Hinton 1952, BM(NH). Ponders End, Middlesex (36) : Hinton 1926b. Corstorphine, nr. Edinburgh, Scotland (81) : Evans 1907, 1913, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1g10—21, Jackson 1g29b. Creag nan Uamh Cave, Sutherland (83) : Peach & Horne 1917. Ballynamintra Cave, Co. Waterford, Ireland (go) : Coleman 1965. Castlepook Cave, Co. Cork (87) : Ussher et al. 1908, Jackson 1910, Ussher 1910, Hinton r910a, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, Hinton 1926b, Jackson 1929b, 1947, Coleman 1965. Castletownroche Cave, Co. Cork (88) : Coleman 1965. Edenvale Caves (Alice and Gwendoline, Catacombs, Newhall), Co. Clare (85) : Scharff 1906, Hinton 1926b, Coleman 1965, BM(NH). OF BMITISH AISLES 89 Keshcorran Caves (Coffey, Plunkett), Co. Sligo (84) : Jackson 1909, Scharff e¢ al. 1903, Scharff, Seymour & Newton 1918, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton rg1o-21, Hinton 1926b, Jackson 1929b, Coleman 1965, BM(NH). Kilgreany Cave, Co. Waterford (89) : Jackson 1929b, Coleman 1965. Red Cellar Cave, Co. Limerick (86) : Coleman 1965. Brandon, Warwickshire, and Penkridge, Staffordshire, are two additional Dicro- stonyx localities not marked on Fig. 1, which were notified to us by Mr J. Carreck (in litt.) after the compilation of the above list. § : esa tg Fic. 12. Distribution of fossil remains of ati aS Dicrostonyx torquatus (Pallas) in the nnaiial A British Isles. = Urs An ‘ ae Be ; } ee ° af J : a 3 oe, DISTRIBUTION IN THE BritisH IsLtes. Dicrostonyx is known in the British Isles from at least three stages of the Pleistocene. The earliest record (Dicrostonyx sp.) is from the lower middle Pleistocene site of Westbury-sub-Mendip. The second stage is represented by remains from the Corbicula bed at Erith and the Glutton Stratum of Tornewton Cave. At the last-mentioned site Dicrostonyx disappeared in the overlying Last Interglacial deposits and reappeared again in the Last Glaci- ation Reindeer Stratum. During the Last Glaciation it reached its greatest climax, spreading throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Its remains are especially abundant in deposits dating from the later part of this stage and it was clearly a dominant element of the tundra faunal assemblage of that time. At Nazeing, Essex, it apparently survived until late Glacial pollen Zone III. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION. The collared lemming is now widely distributed in the tundra belt of the Holarctic, in both Eurasia and North America. The American subspecies are sometimes recognized as specifically different from those of Eurasia. Fossil remains are known from the deposits of four different glaciations in Europe and they are also present in Asia and North America. Pre-Cromerian collared lemmings from Czechoslovakia and Poland are morphologically different from later ones and were named Dicrostonyx simplicior Fejfar 1966. During the Last Glaciation D. torquatus in Europe reached as far south as Hungary, Switzerland and central France. 90 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS SYSTEMATIC REMARKS. Hinton (1g10a) distinguished two species of fossil collared lemmings in the British Isles, Dicrostonyx gulielmi and D. henselt. Accord- ing to him the differences between these were as great as those between different Recent species of the genus Dicrostonyx. It is now generally accepted, however, that disregarding the Canadian D. hudsonius (which does not concern us here) all living forms belong to one species. The European fossil forms may, at the most, be subspecifically different from Recent ones, but this seems not to be the case as the two forms described by Hinton are present together at nearly all localities. Janossy (1954) found in Hungarian caves not only all possible intermediate forms between D. gulielmi and D. henseli, but also specimens with left tooth-row of one type and right one of the other. Most palaeontologists are of the opinion that there was only one species of the collared lemming in the Upper Pleistocene of Europe and that it was conspecific with the living D. torquatus. Like the Recent population, it was very variable (Mandach 1938). Recently Agadzhanian (1973) has stated that, among the populations of Recent and fossil collared lemmings, there are different morphotypes, differing in the grade of complication of the crown pattern of their molars. He considered that the simpler morphotypes are more numerous among the populations from the Last Glaciation of Eurasia than among Recent animals from north Asia. For this reason he favoured preserving the name D. gulielmi as the oldest available designation for the collared lemmings from the time of the Last Glaciation of Eurasia. Genus LEMMUS Link 1795 Lemmus lemmus (Linnaeus 1758) Norwegian lemming 1870a Lemmus norvegicus (var.) ; Sanford : 51, 56, fig. 4. 1870b Lemmus norvegicus ; Sanford : 125-126, pl. viii, fig. 4. 1874 Mvyodes lemmus (Linn.) ; Blackmore & Alston : 470-471. 1921 Lemmus lemmus Linn. ; Hinton : 75-76. 1950 Lemmus sp. ; Schreuder : 629, 633—634. LOCALITIES : Westbury-sub-Mendip, Somerset (13) (Lemmus sp., lower middle Pleistocene) : Bishop 1974. Hoxne, Suffolk (54) : Wolff (cn litt.). Swanscombe (Barnfield Pit, Upper Middle Gravel), Kent (30) (Lemmus sp.) : Schreuder 1950. Erith, Kent (27): Newton 1890a, Hinton 1g1ob, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, Hinton 1926b, Kennard 1944, Jackson 1947, BM(NH). Hutton Cave, Somerset (10): Sanford 1870a,b, Blackmore & Alston 1874, Jackson 1909, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, Hinton 1926b, BM(NH). Tornewton Cave (Glutton Stratum), Devon (3) : Kowalski 1967, BM(NH). Aveline’s Hole, Somerset (11) : Davies 1921, Hinton 1921, 1926b, BM(NH). Chudleigh Fissure, Devon (7) : Hinton 1926b. Dog Holes Cave, Lancashire (79): Jackson 1909, 1910, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, Hinton 1926b, BM(NH). ORSSRITISH: LSVES QI Elder Bush Cave, Staffordshire (69) : Bramwell 1964. Great Doward Cave, Herefordshire (17): Bristol University Spelaeological pociety, det. K. K. Ightham Fissures, Kent (28) : Newton 1894, Bate 1901, Jackson 1909, Hinton rgtoa, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, Hinton 1926b, Zimmermann 1959, BM(NH). Kent’s Cavern, Devon (6) : Kennard 1945-46. Langwith Cave, Derbyshire (72): Mullins 1913, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1g10—21, Hinton 1926b. Merlin’s Cave, Herefordshire (18) : Hinton 1924, 1926b, BM(NH). Pin Hole Cave, Derbyshire (73) : Jackson 1934, 1947. Uphill Cave, Somerset (9) : Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1g10~—21, Hinton 1926b, BM(NH). Dowel Cave, Derbyshire (71) : Bramwell 1960. Etches’ Cave, Derbyshire (71) : Pernetta 1966. Harborough Cave, Derbyshire (70) : Jackson 19292. Nazeing, Essex (37) : Hinton 1952, BM(NH). Castlepook Cave, Co. Cork, Ireland (87) : Ussher e¢ al. 1908, Ussher 1910, Scharff, Seymour & Newton 1918, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, Jackson 1g29b, Coleman 1965, BM(NH). Castletownroche Cave, Co. Cork (88) : Coleman 1965. After the compilation of the above list we have been informed by Mr J. Carreck (in litt.) that he has also determined remains of Lemmus lemmus from deposits of Ipswichian (Zone IIb) age at Wretton, Norfolk (not marked on Fig. 1). gL. ; 3 Z Bh & a iss Y ‘Q ; Fic. 13. Distribution of fossil remains of Te \y \ Lemmus lemmus (Linn.) in the British Isles. et. cson. 3 4 z ie ¥ ee Bee S043 ° ee DISTRIBUTION IN THE BritisH IsLEes. L. lemmus is distributed in Pleistocene sediments of England and southern Ireland. In many localities it has been found together with Dicrostonyx torquatus, but it is usually less numerous. Most of the fossil localities with Lemmus are of Last Glaciation age. Its occurrence at Nazeing, where it was found in peaty muds lying deeper than the calcareous muds in which 92 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS Dicrostonyx torquatus appears for the last time, seems to be the latest well-dated evidence of its presence in Britain. This may indicate that Lemmus disappeared slightly earlier than Dicrostonyx, though it could also be explained by lack of sufficient specimens. Lemmus is known from at least four stages of the British Pleistocene. Earlier records are the lower middle Pleistocene site of Westbury-sub-Mendip, the Hoxnian of Hoxne and Swanscombe (Barnfield Pit, Upper Middle Gravel), and the stage or stages represented by the Corbicula Bed of Crayford and Erith and the Glutton Stratum of Tornewton Cave. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION. The genus Lemmus has a circumpolar distribution ranging in the Old World from Scandinavia to the Bering Strait and including the arctic regions of North America. The differences between the Eurasiatic and American forms do not justify their distinction as different species (Sidorowicz 1964) : they can all be treated as subspecies of a single species, L. lemmus. Lemmus coexists in a great part of its range with Dicrostonyx, but is generally more southerly in distribution : it does not occur in Greenland or on the Canadian islands north of Viscount Melville Sound, where Dicrostonyx is abundant. The genus Lemmus appeared very early in Europe. Its remains are known from middle Villafranchian deposits of Hungary, Poland and Germany. During the early Pleistocene it extended further south in eastern Europe than Dicrostonyx, and was present, for example, in Romania, where Dicrostonyx never penetrated. Its remains have been found at most early and middle Pleistocene fossil localities of central and western Europe and the genus is a characteristic element of the arctic fauna of the last two glaciations. SYSTEMATIC REMARKS. Fossil remains of Lemmus from the late Pleistocene of the British Isles and from the continent of Europe are indistinguishable, on the basis of teeth and preserved skeletal remains, from those of Recent L. lemmus. Villa- franchian to middle Pleistocene remains are specifically different from the Recent form. Genus CLETHRIONOMYS Tilesius 1850 Clethrionomys glareolus (Schreber 1780) Bank vole 1846 Ayrvicola pratensis ; Owen : 208, fig. 78. 1870a Arvicola glaveolus (= pratensis) ; Sanford : 56. 1870b = Arvicola glareolus (Schreber) = pratensis (Baillon) = riparia (Yarrell) ; Sanford : 124. 1882a Avvicola (Evotomys Coues & Allen) glaveolus Schreber; Newton: 82-83, pl. xiv, fig. I—Ic. 1g00 Microtus (Evotomys) glaveolus Schreb. ; Hinton, Kennard & Newton : 347-349. 1gOI Microtus glaveolus ; Hinton : 142. 1910b = Evotomys sp. ; Hinton: 492, 494, 497. 1926 Evotomys harrisont Hinton : 216-217, pl. vii, fig. 2. 1926 Evotomys kennardi Hinton : 225-226, pl. vii, fig. 3. 1950 Clethrionomys sp. ; Schreuder : 629, 634-635. OF ERIGISE ISLES 93 Localities : West Runton (Upper Freshwater Bed), Norfolk (65) : Blackmore & Alston 1874, Newton 1882a, 1891, Hinton 1g1ob, Osborn 1922, Hinton 1926b, BM(NH). Westbury-sub-Mendip, Somerset (13) : Bishop 1974. Clacton, Essex (43) : Singer e¢ al. 1973. Hitchin, Hertfordshire (39) : Carreck 1959. Swanscombe (Barnfield Pit, Upper Middle Gravels and Ingress Vale), Kent (30) : Stopes 1904, Hinton 1926b, Schreuder 1950, Sutcliffe 1964, Carreck (in litt). Aveley, Essex (34) : BM(NH). Grays Thurrock, Essex (33) : Hinton, Kennard & Newton Igoo, Hinton Igor, 1g10b, 1926b, BM(NH). INorthileet, Kent (29) : det. A. J. Stuart (7m liz.). Hutton Cave, Somerset (10) : Sanford 1870a, b, Blackmore & Alston 1874. Tornewton Cave (Glutton Stratum and Reindeer Stratum), Devon (3) : Kowalski 1967, BM(NH). Alveston Fissure, Gloucestershire (15) : det. G. B. Corbet. Bacon Hole, Glamorganshire (16) : Stuart (77 Jitt.). Kirkdale Cave, Yorkshire (77) : BM(NH). Swanton Morley, Norfolk (66) : Stuart 1974. West Wittering, Sussex (24) : BM(NH). Aveline’s Hole, Somerset (11) : Davies 1921, Hinton 1921, 1924, BM(NH). Brixham Cave, Devon (4) : Lydekker 1885, Hinton 1926b, BM(NH). Chudleigh Fissure, Devon (7) : BM(NH). Dog Holes Cave, Lancashire (79) : Jackson 1910, BM(NH). Elder Bush Cave, Staffordshire (69) : Bramwell 1964. Great Doward Cave, Herefordshire (17) : BM(NH). Gwaenysgor Cave, Flintshire (68) : Jackson 1947. Ightham Fissures, Kent (28) : Newton 1894, Hinton 1g10b, 1926b, Zimmermann 1959, BM(NH). Kent’s Cavern, Devon (6) : Owen 1846, Dawkins & Sanford 1866, Blackmore & Alston 1874, Lydekker 1885, Kennard 1945-46, BM(NH). Langwith Cave, Derbyshire (72) : Mullins 1913. Merlin’s Cave, Herefordshire (18) : Hinton 1925. Pin Hole Cave, Derbyshire (73) : Jackson 1934, 1947. Rowberrow Cavern, Somerset (11) : BM(NH). Dowel Cave, Derbyshire (71) : Bramwell 1960. Happaway Cave, Devon (5) : BM(NH). Nazeing, Essex (37) : Hinton 1952, BM(NH). Joint Mitnor Cave (layer X, Holocene), Devon (1) : BM(NH). DISTRIBUTION IN THE BriTIsH ISLES. The bank vole appeared in England for the first time during the Cromerian Interglacial. It was also present during the Hoxnian (Hitchin, Swanscombe). Although a few remains were found in the pre- hippopotamus Glutton Stratum of Tornewton Cave, this species is lacking from typical faunal assemblages of this time, for example from Clevedon Cave. It isa common element in deposits of Last Interglacial, Last Glaciation and Holocene age. 04 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS ( ~ Fic. 14. Distribution of fossil remains of us ‘ Clethrionomys glaveolus (Schreber) in the S British Isles. ww e% > aa, i i : ? = 8 orion ‘ A one wleate gh Clethrionomys glareolus is an element of the forest fauna. It was probably not present in this country during the maxima of the glaciations, though it was able to reach it very early after the retreat of the ice and invaded the British Isles many times in all the interglacials and in post-glacial time. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION. C. glareolus is now distributed throughout Europe, northern and central Asia and probably North America. Remains of the genus Clethrionomys are common in faunas of early middle Pleistocene age from continental Europe and have been described under different specific names, though they probably all belong to C. glareolus. C. glareolus is abundant in the interglacial and inter- stadial deposits of the late Pleistocene of Europe. SYSTEMATIC REMARKS. Only a few remains of Clethrionomys are known from the Norfolk Forest Bed. Although they were determined by Hinton (1926b) as ‘“Evo- tomys sp.’, they cannot be distinguished from Recent C. glareolus. The bank vole is a primitive, and very conservative, species of vole and its existence in Europe in the early Pleistocene is not unexpected. Hinton (1926b) described from the Ightham Fissures two new species of Clethrio- nomys, ‘Evotomys kennardv’ and ‘E. harrisont’, both from the same faunal assemblage. The material from Ightham is however a mixture of late Glacial and Recent bones and the holotype of E. harrison is a well-preserved skull of a typical C. glareolus. It is the skull of a young individual and its supposed characters (small dimensions, broad inter-orbital region) are related to its juvenile condition; it is probably a Recent specimen. ‘E. kennardi’ seems to be of earlier geological age and its dimen- sions are somewhat larger than those of Recent specimens. According to Hinton (1926b), it belongs to the ‘FE. nagert’ group. C. g. nageri is now generally recognized as an Alpine subspecies (or perhaps only an ecotype) of C. glareolus, living under a more severe climate. It seems probable that during the difficult conditions of the Last Glaciation individuals of Clethrionomys grew bigger than during interglacial and postglacial times, but there are no reasons to determine them as a new species. OF BRITISH ISLES 95 Genus PLIOMYS Méhely 1914 Pliomys episcopalis Méhely 1914 Vole, extinct 1914 ** Pliomys episcopalis Méhely : 195-203, pls 4-5. 1974 Pliomys episcopalis Méhely ; Bishop: 300, 314. LocaLity : Westbury-sub-Mendip Fissure, Somerset (13) : Bishop 1974, 1975. CASS ah ae Fic. 15. Distribution of remains of Pliomys a *e D . episcopalis Méhely in the British Isles. ac ef Gos wee!) PONE ra DISTRIBUTION IN THE BriTIsH IsLES. Pliomys is known from only one British locality, Westbury-sub-Mendip, where it occurs in association with a lower middle Pleistocene fauna. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION. P. episcopalis (type locality Betfia in Romania) appeared in the late Villafranchian of Europe and became widespread in the lower middle Pleistocene. In Italy it probably survived until the Holsteinian. Its remains are distributed from the European part of the Soviet Union to France and Italy. This species is generally recognized as an element of the steppe fauna. Genus MIMOMYS Major 1902 Mimomys pliocaenicus Major 1902 Vole, extinct 1874 Ayvicola amphibius (Linn.) ; Blackmore & Alston : 462-464 (partim). 1882a Arvicola (Evotomys) intermedius Newton : 83, pl. 13 (partim). 1902 Mimomys pliocaenicus Major : 102-107, figs 13-15. DISTRIBUTION IN THE BriTISH ISLES. Although one rolled microtine tooth from the Red Crag has provisionally been referred to Mimomys by Spencer (1964) no remains identifiable at specific level are known from Britain earlier than the Norwich Crag. M. pliocaenicus has been found in the Norwich Crag and Weybourne Crag 8 96 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS | aie nag + We paar : f as Q ( Fig. 16. Distribution “of “remamis” wf a oa A 2 Mimomys pliocaenicus Major in the British \ Ya S eG Isles. of Covehithe, Easton Bavents and Sizewell, Suffolk, and Thorpe! and Bramerton, Norfolk (51, 50, 49, 48, 55). Its remains are also known from deposits of uncertain age at Kyson, Suffolk (47), and from the Weybourne Crag and probably Pastonian Forest Bed deposits at East Runton, Norfolk (64). All the specimens from this last locality seen by us in the British Museum (Natural History) are rounded, with visible traces of transport by water. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Blackmore & Alston 1874, Newton 1882a, Major 1902, Hinton 1g10b, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1g10-21, Hinton 1926b, Cranbrook 1955Aa, b, Carreck 1966, West 1968. Specimens have been seen in the BM(NH) and Ipswich Museum. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION. M. pliocaenicus was first described by C. I. F. Major from the Val d’Arno in Italy. It is known from Late Villafranchian (Tiglian) deposits in France, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania and the Soviet Union (including Siberia). It has not been found in Cromerian (s.1.) faunal assemblages outside Britain, where it is of Pastonian age. SYSTEMATIC REMARKS. WM. fliocaenicus is a characteristic species. It developed from smaller and more primitive ancestors living in the early Villafranchian (M. polonicus Kowalski) and disappeared or rather evolved into other species at the end of the Tiglian Interglacial. 1 There are several places in East Anglia known as Thorpe and the location of the M. pliocaenicus site is not proved beyond doubt. The two most likely localities are Thorpe near Norwich, Norfolk, and Thorpe near Aldeburgh, Suffolk. C. I. F. Major (1902) described specimens collected by Mr Fitch from Thorpe, preserved in the Norwich Museum, though he did not indicate the county in which the Thorpe in question is situated. Carreck (1966) assumed that it was the Thorpe near Aldeburgh. Mr Fitch is known to have collected in the Norwich Crag of the Norwich area, however, and as the specimens sub- sequently found their way to Norwich Museum the possibility that they came from the Thorpe near Norwich must also be considered. Mr H. E. P. Spencer (2m litt.) favours the last-mentioned locality, since there is a well-documented Crag mammal site there, whereas he points out that Thorpeness in Suffolk is on Coralline Crag. Mr P. Cambridge informs us of a Norwich Crag pit at Shell Cottages, Thorpe, Aldringham, near Aldeburgh, Suffolk. He too thinks the Thorpe near Norwich, where there were formerly several Norwich Crag pits with mammalian remains, is the most likely locality for the remains of M. pliocaenicus described by Major. We have tentatively accepted the Norfolk alternative, and this is marked on Fig. 1 as locality 48. OF BRITISH ISLES 97 Mimomys reidi Hinton 1910 Vole, extinct 1882a Arvicola (Evotomys) intermedius Newton : 83 (partim). I910b Mimomys veidi Hinton : 491. DISTRIBUTION IN THE BRITISH IsLEs. This species is known in Britain from the Weybourne Crag at *Trimingham (61) and from the Norwich Crag at Sizewell (49). In the collections of the British Museum (Natural History) there are specimens from the Savin collection labelled “West Runton, Upper Freshwater Bed’, but they are probably mislabelled or were found in a secondary layer. Hinton (1926b) stated that this species was not found outside the Norwich and Weybourne Crags. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Newton 1882a, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1g1o—21, Hinton 1g10b, 1926b. Specimens have been seen at the BM(NH) and Ipswich Museum. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION. M. reidi (probably identical with M. petenys Méhely 1914) is known from many localities of Tiglian age in Holland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and the Soviet Union (including Siberia). SYSTEMATIC REMARKS. The holotype of this species was described from the Weybourne Crag at Trimingham, Norfolk, but the systematic position of the remains determined as M. reid: from continental Europe presents a problem: different forms, probably different stages of the same phyletic line, appear to be represented. & Fic.17. Distributionof remainsof Mimomys veidt Hinton (v7) and M. newtoni Major (@) in the British Isles. Mimomys newtoni Major 1902 Vole, extinct 1902 Mimomys newtont Major : 102-107, figs 13-15. DISTRIBUTION IN THE BriTIsH IsLEs. In Britain M. newtont is known from deposits ranging in age from Norwich Crag to either Weybourne Crag or Forest Bed. The holotype was described by Major (1902: text-fig. 13, no. 7) as having 98 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS been found in the ‘East Runton Forest Bed’. It is now known that the deposits at East Runton are Pastonian and the holotype is most likely to be of this age. M. newtoni is also known from specimens in the British Museum (Natural History) collected by the Earl of Cranbrook from the Norwich Crag of Easton Bavents, Suffolk (50). The specimen in the BM(NH) from the Norwich Crag at Bramerton, Norfolk, (Hinton 1926b : 376, footnote) ‘which may be referred to M. newton’ is clearly different from the holotype and probably does not belong to the same species. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Major 1902, Hinton 1910b, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, Hinton 1926b. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION. M. newton is known outside Britain from deposits of Tiglian age in Holland, France, Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and the Soviet Union. SYSTEMATIC REMARKS. Small representatives of the genus Mimomys Major are so rare in the Lower Pleistocene strata of East Anglia that it is difficult to decide how many species are represented. Some of the specimens of ‘M. newtoni’ from East Runton (M6967, numbers 19, 20 and 23) are visibly larger than the holotype (M, 2-9 and 3-0 mm long, compared with 2-5 mm) and have cement in the re-entrant angles, absent in the type specimen. There may be two ‘chronospecies’ of different geological ages. The continental specimens (e.g. from Kadzielnia, Poland) are identical with these larger specimens of ‘M. newton’ and different from the holotype. Further research will be necessary to determine whether an additional species should be established. Mimomys savini Hinton 1910 Vole, extinct 1874 Ayrvicola amphibius (Linn.) ; Blackmore & Alston : 462-464 (partim). 1881 Arvicola (Evotomys, Coues) intermedia Newton : 258. 1902 Mimomys intermedius (Newt.) ; Major : 102-107. 191I0b) =9©Mimomys savini Hinton : 491. I910b Mimomys majori Hinton : 491. 1958 Mimomys millert WKretzoi : 55. DISTRIBUTION IN THE BriTIsH IsLEs. M. savini is a common species in the Upper Freshwater Bed at West Runton (65) and it is also known from East Runton (64). According to Newton (1882a), it has also been found at Cromer (63), Geldeston (53) and Kessingland (52). Mzmomys cf. savini was recorded by Stuart (1974) from Cromerian deposits at Sugworth, near Oxford (21). BIBLIOGRAPHY. Blackmore & Alston 1874, Newton 1881, 1882a, 1891, Reid 1890, Major 1902, Hinton 1910b, Barrett-Hamilton & Hinton 1910-21, Hinton 1920, 1926b, Kretzoi 1958, 1965, Pasquier 1972. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION. Mimomys savini is widely distributed at localities of ‘Cromerian’ age in Holland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union (including Siberia). OF BRITISH ISLES 99 Fic.18. Distributionof remainsof Mimomys stig 7 savini Hinton in the British Isles. Q SYSTEMATIC REMARKS. MM. savini was described by Newton (1881) from the Upper Freshwater Bed of *West Runton under the name of Avvicola intermedia. Hinton (1g10b) described two further species of the same genus, WM. majort and M. savint, from the same deposit. According to him, they differed from M. intermedius only in slight differences in the pattern of M,, the dimensions of all the molars and the patterns of all other teeth being identical. Kretzoi (1958) found that A. inter- media is a junior homonym and must therefore be replaced by the name Mimomys milleyt Kretzoi; in a later paper (1965) he showed that the three species M. inter- medius, M. savint and M. major really represent only one variable species. The name of it must therefore be Mimomys savini Hinton, which is the oldest valid name. In fact all possible intermediate forms between typical M. intermedius, M. savini and M. majori are present in the abundant material from the Upper Freshwater Bed (Pasquier 1972). The presence of three species of one genus with identical dimensions in one and the same layer is also scarcely imaginable from the ecological point of view. Specimens determined as ‘M. majom’ and ‘M. savini’ have also been found in some Czechoslovak and German fossil localities, always associated with M. intermedius. Genus ARVICOLA Lacépéde 1799 The systematic study of even the living representatives of this genus presents many difficulties to zoologists. Miller (1912) divided living populations of water voles from western Europe into seven species but later investigators (for bibliography see Reichstein 1963) have demonstrated that nearly all the characters which were used for the diagnosis of these species lie within the limits of individual variation. Variations occur principally in the dimensions and in some proportions of the skull, proportions which may change allometrically with the changes of absolute dimensions. Cytological studies support the view that there are only two living species in this genus, A. sapidus Miller 1908, from the south of France and the Iberian Penin- sula, and A. terrestris (Linnaeus 1758) distributed throughout the rest of Europe 100 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS as well as the northern part of Asia and the Middle East. The Recent population in Britain belongs to this last species. Reichstein (1963), after a very thorough analysis, found distinct but small craniological differences between the two species of Arvicola and further differences were reported by Corbet e al. (1970). The systematic study of fossil forms, usually possible only from teeth and frag- mentary skulls, is still more difficult. Remains from glacial deposits are usually larger than those from the interglacials and interstadials or from the Holocene, and most of the characters which have been used for creating new fossil species of water voles are expressions of individual variability, present also in Recent species. It seems beyond doubt that Avvicola developed from a late form of the genus Mimomys, most likely Mimomys savini, through the progressive reduction of the formation of roots in the molars and acquisition of the continual growth of these teeth. One character, typical of Mimomys, is nevertheless retained in geologically older popu- lations of Avvicola: the enamel of the cheek-teeth is thinner on the concave and thicker on the convex sides of the salient angles, the reverse being true in the late Pleistocene and Recent populations. The two forms are united by a full series of intermediate specimens. O. Fejfar (in Koenigswald 1970) re-examined the holotype of Mimomys cantianus Hinton from the Hoxnian deposits of Ingress Vale, Swans- combe, and found that there is no trace of root-formation. This form must therefore be included in the genus Avvicola. Arvicola cantiana (Hinton) is the oldest available name for the primitive representatives of Avvicola and later names such as A. bactonensis, A. greent and A. praeceptor must be treated as synonyms. Koenigswald (1972, 1973) also studied the stratigraphical range of the various stages of the Mimomys—Arvicola lineage from European localities and defined a series of faunal groups : (a) A Mimomys savint fauna, including the Upper Freshwater Bed of West Runton. (b) and (c) Avvicola faunas groups I and 2, both with A. cantiana (Koenigswald included Swanscombe in group 2). (d) Avvicola fauna group 3, with A. ¢erresiris. Arvicola cantiana cantiaqna - terrestris terrestris Fic.19. Development of the enamel layer in Middle European forms of Avvicola. Arvicola cantiana (Elster—Riss); Avvicola cantiana-tervestyis transition form (Riss—Eem) ; Arvicola terrestris (Eem—Holocene). From Koenigswald (1973 : 164). OF BRITISH ISLES IOI v KONE PRUSY v UPPER FRESHWATER BED PRE ZLETICE VOIGTSTEDT SUSSENBORN ERPFINGEN 1 und 3 HUNDSHEIM SUDMER BERG 2 TARKO MOSBACH mittl.S. UPPONY 1 PETERSBUCH HEPPENLOCH SWANSCOMBE TORNEWTON glutton str ERKENBRECHTSWEILER BIEDERMANN'SCHER STBR. MAUER eer HUNAS Sorex runtonensis Sorex (Orepanosorex) savini Pliomys lenki episcopalis Allocricetus bursae Paropodemus coron. Talpa minor europaea Mimomys savini Arvicola cantiona cont.- terr. terrestris Mimomys savini fauna Arvicola fauna, group 1 Arvicola fauna,group 2 gp. 3 Fic. 20. Chronological distribution of Avvicola and other stratigraphically important small mammal species in European Pleistocene faunas. From Koenigswald (1973 : 161). He referred the Glutton Stratum of Tornewton Cave to an intermediate stage between groups 2 and 3 (Fig. 20). Koenigswald made a further study of British Arvicola remains in 1974 and (pers. comm.) assigned the phylogenetic position, between A. cantiana and A. terrestris, of the finds from various sites as follows : A. cantiana ————————> intermediate forms ———————_———_-> A. terrestris Clacton Aveley Barrington Ightham Swanscombe Crayford Joint Mitnor Cave Kent’s Cavern (Barnfield Pit and (Cave Earth) Ingress Vale) Grays Swanton Morley Wye Cave Ostend Stutton Tornewton Cave (= Merlin’s Cave) (Otter Stratum) Westbury-sub-Mendip Tornewton Cave Tornewton Cave (Reindeer Stratum) (Glutton Stratum) These findings are of very far-reaching stratigraphical importance. ie PLEISTOCENE } 1 | Tomewton Cave | | | "Glutton Stratum” Cold el ||| ea el |__| |__ cold stage | | | i] | Middle Terrace | | / | | of Thames | Temperate | | interglacial 4 Ly t the ee ay | | i) Ne : 2 7 | ! | | | | | P| | Arvicola fauna l | | 1 HOXNIAN Tenpeate| AMCOR TS [TNs Le ae oils | | | ee | } } | | | } | | } | eet 4 fl f 1 1 lel | | i] | | eal h ; | Westb t - rvicola fauna | | i] | | MIDDLE lestbury Stage _| Temperate aan Pas eee Se SSS | PLEISTOCENE - - | 4} | 1 | aed AW : | ti | mn rv Pq |e fl q Mimomys | | CROMERIA Temperate savini | sensu stricto rata | | ¢ | | (Beestonian) cat | rus | | = = ! | | | = | a PASTONIAN Forest Bed | Temperaie mie ahd | and ae | |CENIAN CRAG Cold LOWER | | = |} — = ; PLEISTOCENE | t f | RED CRAG _|Tempenle 1 = | H = L = i OF BRITISH ISLES 123 MuNDESLEY ArcTIC BED. The Sfermophilus described by Newton (1882b) from a deposit with remains of arctic plants at Mundesley, Norfolk, provides the only known instance of a fossil rodent from a British Lower or Middle Pleistocene non- interglacial deposit. According to Newton the deposit was immediately overlain by thick glacial deposits which West & Wilson (1966) attributed to the Lowestoftian (Anglian) Glaciation. They referred underlying interglacial deposits to the Cromerian sensu stricto. For the time being the exact relationship between the Mundesley Arctic Bed and the Westbury deposits must remain uncertain. If, as might be expected, Mundesley is later than Westbury then it is necessary to explain why the Westbury stage has not been recognized, except possibly at Ostend, in the Forest Bed sequence of East Anglia. If, on the other hand, it is earlier then it is necessary to postulate a hitherto unrecognized cold stage between the Cromerian sensu stricto and the ‘Westbury’ stage. HOXNIAN DEposiTs. The best sequence of deposits with rodent remains of Hoxnian age is that of Barnfield Pit, Swanscombe. A considerable time interval is believed to have occurred within this sequence, between the Lower Loam and the Middle Gravel (see p. 52). From the lowest deposit, the Lower Gravel, only Pitymys arvaloides has been recorded. In the overlying Lower Loam this species is accompanied by Castor fiber, Arvicola cantiana, Muicrotus arvalinus and M. vatticepordes. These last two species continue into the Upper Middle Gravel, where they are joined by Clethrionomys glareolus and Lemmus sp. Although Tvogontherium boisvillettt and Apodemus sylvaticus have not been recorded from Barnfield Pit, they are known from a nearby pit in the same terrace deposits at Ingress Vale. Tvogon- therium borsvillettt appears to have been common during the Hoxnian, being recorded also from Clacton, Copford and Hoxne. It is unknown from later deposits. COMPARISON OF THE RODENT FAUNAS of West Runton, Westbury-sub-Mendip and Swanscombe. Although the geological evidence indicates at least one major glaci- ation between the time of accumulation of the deposits at West Runton and at Swanscombe, and although there are very great differences between the large mammals of the three sites mentioned above, changes in the rodent fauna were remarkably gradual. The distribution of the various rodent species is shown in fable 13. Whilst incomplete collecting probably accounts for many of the gaps in the table a gradual replacement of species is nevertheless apparent. Mimomys savini, abundant at West Runton, appears to be replaced at Westbury by Arvicola cantiana. This species persists at Swanscombe and in slightly later deposits. Mucrotus arvalinus and M. ratticepoides are present at both West Runton and Swanscombe (the former occurs also at Westbury), but apparently disappear from the British Pleistocene after the Upper Middle Gravel. Tvogontheriuwm boisvilletit and Pitymys arvvaloides are of similar distribution, last seen at Ingress Vale and in the Lower Loam of Barnfield Pit respectively. Pitymys gregaloides occurs at West Runton and Westbury but does not reappear at Swanscombe. Mucrotus nivaloides is not at present known from deposits later than West Runton. Pliomys is at present known 124 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS TABLE I3 Comparison of rodent species represented at West Runton, Westbury-sub-Mendip (Bishop 1974 and pers. comm.) and Swanscombe § = Westbury-sub- a Mendip Swanscombe a a = Barnfield Pit FSS Fs | : sor 5 8 Toy = LI Sa ge ame = a ee ri GO ee ee: we ee e ns 5 ca g oe Ss oy =) o 2 O 4 = n ge BURR Se | tee a Ne OS Boe. se) Gee 5 | Oo O°. os oon ae 5 Sciurus whiter x Trogontherium boisvilletti x x Castor fiber x x 4 Apodemus sylvaticus x x x x Cricetus cricetus x Dicrostonyx sp. x Lemmus sp. x x x Clethrionomys glareolus x x X Pliomys episcopalis x Mimomys savini x Ayrvicola cantiana x x x x Pitymys arvaloides x x x P. gregaloides x x x Microtus arvalinus x x x x x M. nivaloides x M. ratticepoides x x x only from the youngest deposit at Westbury. Dzicrostonyx and Lemmus, so common in British Upper Pleistocene deposits, appear for the first time at Westbury. Lemmus reappears in the Upper Middle Gravel of Swanscombe. No major break is discernible in the above sequence of rodent faunas. The Westbury fauna has some characters in common with both West Runton and Swanscombe, confirming Bishop’s supposition that it is of intermediate age. The rodent faunas of the three localities are similar to Koenigswald’s Mimomys savint fauna, Arvvicola fauna group I and Arvicola fauna group 2 of the continent of Europe (see p. 101) and suggest land connections during the periods concerned. A similarity of the large mammals of Swanscombe and those from the Holsteinian site of Steinheim an der Murr in Germany has previously been observed by Sutcliffe (1964). NOTES ON THE WOLSTONIAN—IPSWICHIAN PART OF THE SUCCESSION. Although palaeobotanical evidence provides support for only one further interglacial in the OF BRITISH ISLES 125 British Isles after the Hoxnian it is difficult to fit all the known Upper Pleistocene rodent faunas into such a simple sequence of events. The generally accepted Wolstonian—Ipswichian part of the succession appears, from the rodent and other evidence previously described, to be composite. The so-called ‘Ipswichian’ inter- glacial is here interpreted as double, with the Middle Terrace of the Thames rep- resenting a warm stage earlier than the Joint Mitnor Cave warm stage. MIDDLE TERRACE OF THE THAMES INTERGLACIAL. Reasons for regarding the deposits of the Middle Terrace of the Thames (type locality Grays Thurrock) as representing the earlier of these two warm periods have been given on pp. 55-58. Ilford, Aveley, Harkstead, and Stutton in Suffolk are also included here. The known rodent fauna of this stage is very sparse. Avvicola cantiana reappears ; other species include Castor fiber, Apodemus sylvaticus, Clethrionomys glareolus and Microtus agrestis. Consideration needs to be given to the possibility that this stage is Hoxnian (Zeuner (1945) believed that Grays was of Penultimate Interglacial = Hoxnian age) but the occurrence of Avvicola cantiana in other Middle Terrace localities such as Aveley and Stutton, both of which have been claimed on palaeo- botanical grounds to be Ipswichian, makes it unnecessary to resort to such an early date. TORNEWTON CAVE GLUTTON STRATUM COLD STAGE. The Avvicola from the Glutton Stratum of Tornewton Cave is the transition form between A. cantiana and A. terrestyis, suggesting that this deposit is later than the Middle Terrace of the Thames where the species is A. cantiana. We know that this stage was followed by a further interglacial, since these deposits were immediately overlain by the Hyaena Stratum, with remains of hippopotamus. Other species from the Glutton Stratum are Microtus oeconomus and M. nivalis, which make up the bulk of the rodent fauna, and also M. agrestis, Lagurus lagurus (the only British record of this species), cf. Allocricetus bursae and Cricetus cricetus. Dicrostonyx torquatus and Lemmus lemmus are present, but not abundant. This assemblage closely resembles that of the Late Middle Terrace of Crayford and Erith, regarded by Hinton (1926b) as later than that of the Middle Terrace of Grays Thurrock. Rodents common to both Crayford and the Tornewton Cave Glutton Stratum are Muicrotus oeconomus, M. nivalis, M. agrestis, Arvicola sp., Lemmus lemmus and Dicrostonyx torquatus. Most of the species that are not com- mon to both deposits are so rare in the British Pleistocene that stratigraphic com- parison with other localities cannot be made. Spermophilus primigenius from Crayford and Cricetus cricetus from Tornewton Cave are unknown from any other post-Hoxnian British sites ; cf. Allocricetus bursae (Tornewton Cave) is known from only one other British locality, Hutton Cave, which is of uncertain age. Lagurus lagurus is known only from Tornewton Cave. The mollusc evidence suggests that the Corbicula Bed at Crayford, in which most of the rodent remains were found, is still interglacial, though absence of forest species of land mollusca indicates open grassland. The living representatives of the subgenus Urvocitellus, to which Spermophilus primigemius belongs, are also open- country species. On the continent S. primigenius is unknown later than the ‘penultimate’ glaciation. 126 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS From the available evidence the most likely stratigraphic position for Crayford would seem to be the end of the Grays—Ilford—Aveley interglacial. S. primigenius prevents us from attributing a date late in the Pleistocene to the Crayford deposits. Crayford apparently heralds the arrival of the Tornewton Cave Glutton Stratum rodent fauna and marks the beginning of the arrival of a great wave of eastern species of rodents from the European continent. Characteristic of this particular invasion of continental forms are Spermophilus primigenius, Cricetus cricetus, Allocricetus bursae, Lagurus lagurus and Microtus nivalis. In addition, there arrived three other boreal species, Dicrostonyx torquatus, Lemmus lemmus and Microtus oeconomus. During the coldest phase of this period all rodents connected with forest environment, including such adaptable species as Clethrionomys glareolus and Apodemus sylvaticus, apparently disappeared from the British Isles. The absence of Microtus gregalis, so common in Last Glaciation deposits, is a characteristic feature of the fauna of this stage. The apparent occurrence of this cold stage between two interglacial stages with ‘Ipswichian’ floras is not in accordance with current palaeobotanical opinion, which identifies only one Ipswichian. The severity of this cold stage requires further assessment. The occurrence of both reindeer and wolverine, in addition to the above-mentioned rodent species, suggests more than a minor cool phase within an interglacial. Intense disturbance of the Glutton Stratum and the mixing of it with a vast quantity of fragments of broken stalagmite formations could be inter- preted as evidence of very intense frost disturbance later than the Glutton Stratum but earlier than the deposition of the overlying layers. The relationship of this apparent cold stage to known glacial stages of the Upper Pleistocene (ice of the penultimate glaciation is believed to have reached north Devon) must remain, for the time being, unknown. Other localities which Hinton (1926b) considered, from the rodent evidence, to be contemporaneous with Crayford are Clevedon and Banwell Caves. Cow Cave (part), Gough’s Cave (part), Northfleet and Water Hall Farm (each with Microtus nivalis), and Hutton Cave (with cf. Allocricetus bursae) may be further examples of deposits approximately contemporaneous with the Glutton Stratum of Tornewton Cave. Microtus nivalis apparently disappears from the British Pleistocene after this stage. JOINT MITNOR INTERGLACIAL. The occurrence of a further interglacial stage with hippopotamus is reliably demonstrated at Tornewton Cave where the interglacial Hyaena Stratum overlies the Glutton Stratum. The occurrence of remains of M. nivalis and M. oeconomus, apparently underlying hippopotamus-bearing deposits, at Water Hall Farm gravel pit provides a further example of this relationship. Important hippopotamus sites dating from this interglacial probably include Barrington, Joint Mitnor Cave and Swanton Morley. The rodent fauna of this stage is very sparse. The Avrvicola cantiana-terrestris transition form and Mzcrotus agrestis are the most common species. Clethrionomys glareolus, Apodemus sylvaticus and Castor fiber also occur. The Otter Stratum of Tornewton Cave (with the clawless otter, Cyrnaonyx, and white-toothed shrew, Crocidura, unknown elsewhere in the British Pleistocene) may represent the beginning of this stage, before the arrival of Of BRITISH TSLES 127 hippopotamus ; Minchin Hole appears to represent the end, after it had disappeared. The sparseness of this fauna suggests isolation of the British Isles from the European continent at that time. Before leaving discussion of this interglacial, represented also by other sites such as Trafalgar Square with plant remains, we must refer once more to the Middle Terrace of the Thames interglacial, indistinguishable from it on palaeobotonical evidence. Evidence from the rodent remains nevertheless makes it difficult to explain the sequence other than with two post-Hoxnian interglacial stages separated by the Tornewton Glutton Stratum cold stage. The sequence becomes even more complicated if we consider the significance of the Baker’s Hole cold stage. Was this the same as the Tornewton Cave Glutton Stratum cold stage or (if, as Carreck (in litt.) has suggested, it occurred between the Ilford and Crayford stages) does it represent yet another earlier cold stage within the ‘Ipswichian’, sensu lato? There is at present no means of knowing to which of these warm stages the Ipswichian type locality of Bobbitshole belongs, although recent studies by Coope (1974) have showed very close similarities between the insects of this site and of Trafalgar Square, suggesting that it could be the later one. This is in agreement with the view of Evans (1971) who assigned the Ipswichian sensu stricto to his half- cycle 3W (see pp. 40-42). Last GraciaTIon. The Last (Devensian) Glaciation opened the way for a new immigration. This time the immigrants included not only both species of lemmings but also two new arrivals, the ground squirrel Spermophilus superciliosus and the vole Microtus gregalis. Cricetus, Lagurus and Allocricetus, though present at this time in France, did not find their way back to Britain. Avvicola had by this time evolved to A. terrestris (Koenigswald’s Arvicola fauna group 3, see pp. 100-101). Apodemus sylvaticus, Clethrionomys glareolus and Microtus agrestis are other species recorded and M. arvalis may have been present for a short time. Castor fiber apparently disappeared. This fauna differs substantially from that of the preceding cold phase represented by the Glutton Stratum of Tornewton Cave, from which it is readily distinguishable. Diagnostic criteria include the absence of Spermophilus primigenius (found at Crayford), Cricetus, Allocricetus, Microtus mvalis and Lagurus and the appearance of Spermophilus superciliosus and Microtus gregalis. Arvicola had evolved from the A. cantiana-terrestris transition form to true A. terrestris. Dicrostonyx, Lemmus and Microtus oeconomus were present during both stages. It is impossible at present to reconstruct in detail all the changes of the rodent fauna of the Last Glaciation. We have nevertheless now reached the most recent stage within the Quaternary, except for the Holocene, and the later part of it lies within the range of radiocarbon dating. Some changes of the rodent fauna are apparent, which offer a basis for more detailed study in the future, when more and better-dated material becomes available for study. During the coldest part of the Last Glaciation Apodemus sylvaticus and perhaps also Clethrionomys glareolus disappeared from a large part or perhaps all of Britain. During the warmest interstadial the two lemmings were apparently absent, at least in the south of England. Io 128 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS Three sites with 14C dates are of special importance. These are: 1. Willment’s Pit, Isleworth, west London. 43 140+1520 or —1280 years B.P. Microtus oeconomus and M. gregalis (possibly the earliest record of this species in Britain) occur ; no lemmings. 2. Upton Warren, Worcestershire. 41000 years B.P. Diucrostonyx present. 3. Beckford, Worcestershire. 27650+250 years B.P. Probably with Microtus arvalis. Coope, who is making a detailed study of the insect faunas of the Last Glaciation, has named the period of time covered by the above sites the Upton Warren Inter- stadial complex. He found evidence (pers. comm.) of an intense and short amelior- ation of climate at about 43 000 years ago, followed by climatic deterioration with increase of continentality at about 41 000 years. The lack of lemmings at Isleworth is in accordance with the evidence provided by the insects. The Beckford insect fauna (pers. comm.) indicates cold conditions. Other important Last Glaciation sites in the south of England, which lack lemmings, are Levaton Cave and Picken’s Hole. The deposits of this last-mentioned site are interpreted by Stuart (1974) as possibly Early Devensian (layer 5, with Microtus cf. oeconomus and M. cf. gregalis) and Middle Devensian (layer 3, with Citellus sp. (= Spermophilus sp.) and Microtus cf. gregalis). The best evidence of the rodent faunas of the end of the Last Glaciation and early Holocene is provided by the deposits of the Lea Valley and by the Peakland Archaeological Society’s excavations in Dowel Cave, Etches’ Cave and Fox Hole Cave. The end of the Pleistocene is marked by a special abundance of lemmings. Late Glacial deposits in the Lea Valley (dated on palaeobotanical evidence) contained both Lemmus lemmus and Dicrostonyx torquatus and also Arvicola terrestris, M. oeconomus and M. anglicus (= M. gregalis). Of these Dicrostonyx torquatus was still present in pollen Zone III (the last stage of the Pleistocene, ending about I0 000 years ago) and M. oeconomus survived into the Holocene. The cave sites mentioned above also indicate an abundance of lemmings in the Late Pleistocene. Other species present were Avrvicola terrestris, M. gregalis and M. oeconomus, the last-mentioned species surviving there too into the Holocene. At the end of the Last Glaciation arctic species of rodents began to disappear, though both Lemmus and Dicrostonyx seem to have survived at Nazeing until near the end of this period, the latter species still being present in pollen Zone III. M. gregalis does not appear to have persisted into post-Pleistocene times. HoLocEeneE. The postglacial rodent fauna is poorer than that of the neighbouring continent of Europe, but two species of rodents, now extinct in the British Isles, persisted. These are Microtus oeconomus and Castor fiber. M.oeconomus apparently continued in the Lea Valley until pollen Zone V, Mesolithic, about 9000 years ago. It also survived until Mesolithic times at Dowel Cave and was apparently present on the Isles of Scilly during the Bronze Age. Castor fiber, apparently absent during the Last Glaciation, had already reappeared by about 9500 years ago (pollen Zone IV-—V transition, Mesolithic, Star Carr), surviving until possibly the thirteenth century. Although the date of the Scottish finds is uncertain, Castor fiber may have reached Scotland during this stage. On BRITISH ISLES 129 Arvicola terrestris persisted from the Pleistocene and still occurs in Britain at the present day. In the Lea Valley Apodemus sylvaticus, Clethrionomys glareolus and Microtus agrestis reappeared in pollen Zone V-VI (about gooo years ago) after an apparent interval at the end of the Pleistocene. Sciurus vulgaris was probably a post-Pleistocene arrival. Others were A podemus flavicollis, Muscardinus avellanarius and Micromys minutus. It is difficult to decide whether these last three species reached Britain with or without participation of human activity. Geological and ecological data suggest rather the second pos- sibility. Glis glis, Mus musculus, Rattus rattus and Rattus norvegicus are evidently recent human introductions. IRELAND. At some stage during the Last Glaciation the two species of lemmings, but no voles nor any steppe elements, managed to cross to Ireland. A !4C date of 33 000 years for an associated mammoth bone from Castlepook Cave suggests that Lemmus and Dicrostonyx were probably established in Ireland at that time. Both are northern species which might be expected to reach Ireland in advance of other rodents. On the basis of existing evidence, the availability of lemmings for immigra- tion from the British mainland appears entirely plausible. Apodemus sylvaticus, recorded from the Pleistocene levels of Castlepook Cave, may also have arrived in Ireland during the Pleistocene, although it has been observed that at some cave sites this species was most abundant in the upper levels, suggesting a later date. Other rodent species which occur in Ireland today are probably post-Pleistocene arrivals. V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The writers gratefully acknowledge help with the compilation of this Bulletin from many sources. Dr W. von Koenigswald, of Tubingen University, advised on British representa- tives of the Mimomys—Arvicola lineage, and commented on the typescript. Mr M. J. Bishop, of University College, London, provided us with full details of his determinations of the rodent remains from the Middle Pleistocene fissure deposit at Westbury-sub-Mendip and allowed us to see the typescript of his report on this site before publication. Mr J. N. Carreck (Queen Mary College) read the typescript and provided many valuable suggestions. He also allowed us to mention important findings from his own unpublished studies in the Thames estuary. Dr G. B. Corbet, of the British Museum (Natural History), provided determinations of rodent remains from Alveston Fissure, Beckford and Marlow and commented on the typescript. Dr A. J. Stuart, of the University of Cambridge, provided determinations of rodent remains excavated in Minchin Hole in 1973 and much other help. He commented on our typescript and allowed us to see that of his review of British Pleistocene vertebrates before publication. 130 PLEISTOCENE RODENTS Dr J. d’A. Waechter provided an important collection of rodent remains excavated from the Lower Loam of Barnfield Pit, Swanscombe, during 1968-72. Dr G. R. Coope, of Birmingham University, provided rodent remains from Beckford and advice on the events of the Last Glaciation in Britain. Dr R. G. Wolff, of the University of Florida, provided details of rodent remains collected from Hoxne, Norfolk, by the University of Chicago under grants GS41435 and GS2907 of the National Science Foundation to Dr R. Singer. Stratigraphic and other information was received from Mr D. Bramwell (Peakland Archaeological Society), Dr A. S. Clarke (Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh), Dr J. Jewell (British Museum (Natural History)), Mr D. Mayhew (Cambridge), Professor G. F. Mitchell (Trinity College, Dublin), Mr H. E. P. Spencer (Ipswich), Dr R. G. West and Mrs G. Wilson (University of Cambridge). Mr J. J. Hooker sieved Pleistocene sediment from Aveley, Essex, for rodent remains, Mr J. Simons sediment from Willments Gravel Pit, Isleworth, London, and from Water Hall Farm Pit, Hertfordshire, all with important results. Mr A. P. Currant (British Museum (Natural History)) prepared Figs 1, 5-18 and 21-31 and Mrs A. J. Sutcliffe drew Figs 2-4. Mr D. L. F. Sealy provided much editorial help, including preparing the index, and Mrs M. N. M. Bhukhureea prepared the typescript with great patience. VI. REFERENCES An asterisk (*) distinguishes those papers cited in the text which are not directly concerned with Quaternary rodents of the British Isles. ApgBoT, W. J. L. 1917. The ossiferous fissures of the valley of the Shode. Appendix I in: BENNETT, F. J. 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Vil. INDEX The page numbers of the principal references are printed in bold type. Anasterisk (*) denotes a figure. Tab. 12 faces p. 122. Acheulean industry 50-1 alluvial deposits 41, 53, 74, tab. 12; see Africa 82 localities alder 52 Alopex see fox (arctic) Alice and Gwendoline Caves 68; see Eden- Alston, E. R. 37 vale Alveston Fissure 45, 67, 93, 110, tab. 12, 129 Allocricetus 66, 86-7, 127 amphibia 59 cf. bursae 63-4, 66, 86-7, 101, tab. 12, Angel Road 45, 59, 88, tab. 12 125-6 Anglian 41-2, 47-8, 76, 106, 123 Allophaiomys pliocaenicus 105-7, 122 Antian 41, 43 138 INDEX A podemus 81-4 fiavicollis 62, 67, 70-1, 83-4, tab. 12, 129 lewist 83-4 sylvaticus 48, 52-3, 59, 61, 63-72, 81-3, tab. 12, 122-7; 129 whitei 52, 81-3 sp. 69, 81, 83 Arctic Freshwater Bed 48 Arvicola 37-9, 52-3, 64, 69, 99-102, 103-5; see Mimomys—Avrvicola lineage faunas 61, 100-1, tab. I2, 124, 127 abbotti 103 agrestis 109 amphibia 37, 102-3 amphibius 95, 98, 102-3 terrestris 103 arvvalis 37, 106 arvaloides 106 bactonensis 48, 100, 102, 104 cantiana 48, 51-3, 57, 60-2, 69, 72, 100%, tor, 102-3, 104-5, tab. 12, 122-5 cantiana-terrestris transition form 60, 64-5, 67, 69, 72, 100*, 101-2, 103, 125-7 cantiana|terrestris complex 104-5 glareolus 92 gveeni 48, 62, 100, 102, 104-5 gregalis 107, 118 gulielmi 37, 87 intermedia 37, 95, 98-9 praeceptor 53, 100, 102, 104 pratensis 92 vatticeps 117 viparia 92 sapidus 99 tervestvis 37, 59, 62, 64-5, 69-71, 99, I00*, 1o1-2, 103-4, 105, tab. 12, 127-9 Sp. 54, 63-7, 69, 72, 125 Asia 76, 80, 82, 84-5, 87, 89, 94, 100, 105, I12, 118, 120-1 Asia Minor 78 Astian 41, 43, 78, 81 Austria 106, 109, 118 Aveley 45, 49-50, 53, 55-7, 69, 93, IoI-2, tab. 12, 125-6, 130 Aveline’s Hole 45, 70-1, 81, 83-4, 88, 90, 93, 104, 110, Li2, 1E7—S, tab. 12 Avon, Warwickshire 72 Azov Sea 79 Bacon Hole 45, 67, 81, 93; 104, 11Oj117 Bacton 45, 46*, 48, 78-9, 104, tab. 12 Baker’s Hole 49-50, 59-60 cold stage 127 Ballymote 45 Ballynamintra Cave 45, 68, 82, 88, tab. 12 bank vole see Clethrionomys Banwell Cave 45, 66, tab. 12, 126 Barnfield Pit 51-3, 80, 90, 92-3, 101-2, tab. 12, 123-4, 130; see Swanscombe Barntick Cave 68, 82 ; see Edenvale Barrington 45, 69, 72, 101-3, IIo, tab. 12, 126 Bath 112 Baventian 41, 43 Beaker Age 71 bear 60, 62-3, 65 brown 63-4, 68 Bear Stratum (Tornewton Cave) 63-4, 66 beaver 37, 39, 81; see Castor, Trogontherium Beccles 45 Beckford 45, 72, 113, tab. 12, 128-30 Beestonian 41, 47-8, tab. 12 Belgium 83, 96 Bering Strait 92, 120 Berkshire 45 ; see Thatcham Berwickshire 45 ; see Middlestots Bog Betfia, Romania 95 Bhukhureea, Mrs M. N. M. 130 Biedermann’scher Stbr. Io1 birch 56 birds of prey 60, 69 ; see owls Bishop, M. J. 108, 129 bison 56 Black Mould (Kent’s Cavern) 62 Blackmore, H. P. 37 Bleadon Cave 45, 70-1, 76-7, I10, 117, II9Q, tab. 12 Bobbitshole 45, 69, 72, 104, 110, tab. 12, 127 Bos _ see ox, giant bovids 62-3 Bramerton 43, 45, 46*, 95, 98, tab. 12 Bramwell, D. 130 Brandon 89 Brassington 45 Brean Down 45, 72, 88, 110, tab. 12 Breccia (Kent’s Cavern) 62, tab. 12 brickearth 48, 50, 53-4, 56-8 Briggs, D. J. 72, 113 Bristol Museum 107 Bristol University Spelaeological Society 81, 88, OI British Museum (Natural History) 36, 58, 60=1,, 66, -72;-97-—8, 102, 107, 113, £16, 119 Brixham Cave 45, 70-1, 93, 104, 110, 112-3, 119, tab. 12 Bronze Age 128 ; see Nornour INDEX 139 Buckfastleigh 45 Buckinghamshire 45 ; see Marlow Burchell, J. P: ‘T..60 Burrington 45 Burwell 45 Buxton 45 Calcareous Group (Westbury) 60-1, 122, 124 Cambridge Fens 45, 72, 80, tab. 12 Cambridge, P. 96 (footnote) Cambridgeshire 45 ; see localities Canada 92; see North America Canis see wolf lupus mosbachensis 61 Cappagh 45 carbon-14 (14C) dated sites 36, 58, 68-9, 72, 113, tab. 12, 127-9 Carnforth 45 Carrant Brook 72 Carreck, J. N. 50, 54, 56, 59-60, 69, 89, QI, Bs, 104, T1Oj127, 120 Castlepook Cave 45, 68-9, 82, 88, 91, tab. 12, 129 Castletownroche Cave 45, 68-9, 88, 9gI, tab. 12 Castor 39, 54, 69, 79-81 euvopaeus 79 fiber 37, 43, 47-8, 52-3, 61-2, 70-3, 79-81, tab. 12, 122-8 plicidens 81 plicidens 79-81 tvogontherium 78 veterioy 79-80 Sp. 53, 79 Castoridae 78-81 Catacombs 68 ; see Edenvale Caucasus 83, 115 cave deposits 41-2, 56, 58, 60-9, tab. 12; see localities disturbed 67 Cave Earth (Kent’s Cavern) 62, Io1, 104, tab. 12 Cervus see red deer Chaline, J. 39 channels, buried 48-9 Cheddar 45 China 82, 87 Chinese Turkestan 121 Chudleigh (Fissure) 45, 70-1, 88, 90, 93, 104, LO; £17, 119, tab. 12 Citellus 75, 128; see Spermophilus evythrogenoides 75 evythrogenys 75 eversmanni 75 nogaict 75 (Colobotis) superciliosus 75, 77 (Urocitellus) polonicus 75-6 primigenius 75 sp. 76 Clacton-on-sea 45, 49*, 52-3, 78-80, 93, IOI-2, 109, tab. 12, 123 Clactonian industry 50-1, 53 Clare, Co. 45 ; see Edenvale Caves Clarke, Dr A. S: 130 classification 73-121 ‘clay pebbles’ 47 Clethrionomys 92-4 glarveolus 37, 48, 52-3, 59-67, 70-2, 92-4, tab. 12, 122-7, 129 nagevt 94 Sp. 53, 67, 92 Clevedon Cave 45, 66, 93, III, 115-7, tab. 12, 126 Coelodonta see rhinoceros, woolly Coffey Cave see Keshcorran Colchester 45 Colobotis see Spermophilus superciliosus Connaberry 45 Conodontes Boisvilletti 78 coombe rock 50, 59-60; see _ solifluxion deposits Coope,“G.R.«72,, 183;°127=8, 130 Copford 45, 69, 78-9, tab. 12, 123 Coralline Crag 41, 96 (footnote) Corbet, Dr Gr b.58-72,93, LIO=1, PIS prrg, 129 Corbicula Bed 54, 89, 92, 125 Cork, Co. 45; see localities Corstorphine 45, 73, 88, 110, tab. 12 Covehithe 43, 45, 46*, 96, tab. 12 Cow Cave 45, 66, 115, tab. 12, 126 Cowside Cave No.3 45, 70-1, 104, IIo, 118, tab. 12 Cranbrook, Earl of 98 Crags 37, 41-2, 60; see Coralline, Icenian, Norwich, Red, Shelly and Weybourne Crags Crayford 38, 45, 49*, 50, 54, 60, 64, 66, 75, O2¢ TOL 3, oITL, LES; aak7— 6 sta ba pra, 125-7 Gravel 50 Creag nan Uamh Cave 45, 68, 88, 110, 118, tab. 12 Cresswell 45 ; see Pin Hole Cave Cricetidae 85-121 Cricetulus migratorius 87 Cricetus 48, 85-6, 127 140 INDEX cricetus 48, 63-6, 85-6, tab. 12, 122, 124-6 major 86 vuntonensis 86 vuntonensis 86 songavus 37, 80-7 vulgaris Runtonensis 37, 85 Crocidura 64, 126 Crocuta see hyaena Cromer 45, 46*, 78, 98, tab. 12 Cromer Forest Bed Series (Norfolk) 36-7, 40-1, 43, 46-8, 74, 77, 79, 85, 94, 97-8, 105, tab. 12 Cromerian stage 40-1, 47, 60-2, 69, 78, 82-3, 85; 93). 106, 98; 201, 105=8) 1984, 116; tab. 12 sensu stricto 47-8, 52, 61-2, 73, tab. 12, 122-3 Currant, Ay Py 130 Cyrnaonyx 64, 126 Czechoslovakia 76, 86-7, 89, 96-9, 106, 109, £4, FLO Dama _ see fallow deer deep-sea cores 40 deer see fallow, giant, red deer, reindeer, &c. Denbighshire 45 ; see Lynx Cave Denmark 113 Derbyshire 45 ; see localities Devensian 41-2, 115, tab. 12, 127-8 Devon 45, 126; see localities Diabroticus Schmerlingi 78 Dicerorvhinus see rhinoceros, narrow-nosed etyvuscus 61, 69 hemitoechus 56 kirchbergensis 56 Dicrostonyx 67, 69, 72-3, 87-90, 92, III, 122-3, 127-9 gulielmi 87, 90 henseli 87, 90 hudsonius 90 simplicior 89 torquatus 37, 54, 59, 62-8, 70-2, 87-90, g1-2, tab. 12, 125-6, 128 sp. 61, 87, 89, 124 Dierden’s Pit 51; see Swanscombe ‘Diluvium’ (Tornewton Cave) 62-4, 66, IIo, 117 Dipoides Lydekkeri 78 Diss 45 ; see Hoxne distribution 73-121 Dnepr, river I21 Dog Holes Cave 45, 70-1, 77, 81, 88, 90, 93, 104, 109-10, I12-3, 117, 119, tab. 12 domestic animals 84 Domnitz 42 Doneraile 45 dormouse see Muscardinus, Glis Dove Holes 60 Dowel Cave 45, 70-1, 74, 82-3, 88, 91, 93, ki7 ~§10o, tabs 12) 128 Dowel Dale 45; see Dowel Cave, Etches’ Cave Drepanosorex savini 101 Droitwich 45 Earl Sterndale 45 East Anglia 42, 46*, 98; see localities deposits in 42-8, 69, 72 East Runton 38, 45, 46*, 47-8, 78-80, 96, OS, UO, U2 122 East Wickham 115 Easton Bavents 43, 45, 46*, 95, 98, tab. 12 Ebbsfleet 49-50, 59-60 Eburonian 41, 43 Edenvale Caves 45, 68, 82, 88, tab. 12 Edinburgh 45; see Corstorphine Edmonton 48, 49*, 59 Edrom Parish 45 ; see Middlestots Bog Eemian 40-2, 100 Elder Bush Cave 45, 70-1, 88, 91, 93, 104, ELO, Li7, tab. 42 elephant, straight-tusked 56-7 Elsterian 41, 61, 100 Ennis 45 Eocene 43 Eppelsheim 76 Equus see horse mosbachensis 61 Erith 38, 45, 49*, 50, 54, 75, 87, 89-90, 92, Ly, LE7, tab, 12,925 Erkenbrechtsweiler 101 Erpfingen 1 and 2 Io1 Essex 45; see localities Etches’ Cave 45, 70-1, 83, 88, 91, 117, tab. 12, We Europe, continent of 36, 39, 43, 54, 74, 76-8, 80, 82-5, 87, 89, 92, 94,97, 99, 105-8, 112-4, 116, 118, 120-2, 124, 126-8 Evans, P., half-cycles 40, 42, 127 Evotomys glareolus 92 harrisont 92, 94 intermedius 95, 97-8 kennardi 92, 94 nagert 94 Sp. 92, 94 Falconer, H. 37 fallow deer 56, 63 INDEX 141 Felis see lynx gombaszoegensis O1 Felixstowe 45, 46*, 78 field-vole see Arvicola Finland 112 fir cones, gnawed 74 Fisherton 45, 72, 76, 88, 115, 117, tab. 12 Fitch, Mr 96 (footnote) Flandrian 41, 59, tab. 12 Flint bed 47 Flintshire 45 ; see Gwaenysgor Cave Floodplain Terrace complex (Thames) 54, 55-8 footprints 51 Forest Bed 42, 46*, 48, 53 ; see Cromer Forest of Dean 115 fox, arctic 72 Fox Hole Cave 45, 70-1, 88, tab. 12, 128 France 74, 76, 78-9, 83, 87, 89, 95-9, 105, HOG; TLS, E26=1,11827 Geldeston 45, 46*, 98 geological background 40-2 Geological Society of London 40, 50, 55 Georgia 106, I16 Germany 76, 79, 87, 92, 96-9, 106, Io9, I14, iO; 118, 124 giant beaver see Tvogontherium giant deer 68 Gippingian, Gipping cold stage 41, 56 glacial till 48 Glamorganshire 45 ; see Penard Gliridae, glirids 43, 77-8 Glis glis 129 Gloucestershire see Alveston Fissure glutton 63, 126 Glutton Stratum (Tornewton Cave) 63-6, 82, 85-6, 88-90, 92-3, I01-3, I10-I, I15, 117, 120, tab. 12, 125-6 cold stage tab. 12, 125, 127 Gough’s Cave 45, 66, I04, IIo, II5, I17, tab. 12, 126 Grays Thurrock 38, 45, 49*, 50, 53-4, 57, 69, 80-1, 93, IOI-3, 109, III, 115, tab. 12, 125-6 Great Doward Cave 45, 70-1, 77, 81, 88, 91, Os, 1L0,, 117, 119, tab. 12 Green, Rev. C. 48 Greenland 92 Gromoy, I. M. 75, 77 ground squirrels see Spermophilus Gulo_ see glutton, wolverine Giinz, Giinz-Mindel 76 Gwaenysgor Cave 45, 70-1, 81, 88, 93, tab. 12 Hackney (Marshes) 45, 48, 49*, 59, 88, tab. 12 hamster see Cricetus, Allocricetus Happaway Cave 45, 70-1, 82-3, 93, 104, IIo, LO, tabs 12 Happisburgh 45, 46*, 47-8, tab. 12 Harborough Cave 45, 70-1, 91, tab. 12 Harkstead( 45, 60,72, 102—3, 1 10).117, tab; 22) 125 harvest mouse see Micromys Hay Wood Rockshelter 45, 70-1, 80, 118, tab; 12 Helmsley 45 Heppenloch ro1 herbivores, large, trampling by 54 Herefordshire 45 ; see localities Hertfordshire 45; see localities Hessle 45, 69, 102, 104, tab. 12 High Wheeldon Hill 45 ; see Fox Hole Cave hillwash 49 ; see Northfleet Hinton, M. A. C. 35-40 rodent faunas 40-1 hippopotamus, Hippopotamus 50, 56-9, 63, 67, 69, 86, 93, 102, 121, 125-7 history of rodent faunas 121-9 Hitchin 45, 69, 81, 93, tab. 12 Holland 43, 79, 83, 96-8, 116, 118 Holocene 41, 59-60, 62-4, 67, 70-3, 77, 80, 82-3, 93, TOO, T02, 104, 113, .tab. 12; 128-9 Holsteinian Interglacial 40-2, 79, 83, 95, 105, 124 Homo, hominids 51 ; see industries, man Homotherium 62 latidens 61 Hooker, J. J. 130 hornbeam 56 horse 56, 63, 72 Hoxne 42, 45, 69, 78-9, 81, 90, 92, 104, tab. 12, 123, 130 Hoxnian Interglacial 40-2, 52-3, 55-6, 65, 69, 78-80, 82, 92-3, 100-1, 104-8, II0, 116, tab. 12, 123, 125 Hull see Kingston-upon-Hull Hunas Iol Hundsheim 61, 101 Hungary 74, 76, 87, 89-90, 92, 95-8, 106, LOO, 114; 116, £18,.120 Humntspill Gut 45, 73; 11S) Gtabs 125) See Somerset Hutton Cave 45, 58, 66-7, 86-7, 90, 93, tab. I2, 125-6 hyaena 62-3, 67, 69 Hyaena Stratum (Tornewton Cave) 63-6, LO4, 110; F24, tab,, 12; 1125-6 142 INDEX Hypudaeus bucklandit 109 spelaeus 103 Hystrix 43, 122 Iberian peninsula 99 ; see Spain ice covering Britain 113 ice wedges 58 Icenian Crag 41, 43, tab. 12, 122 Ightham Fissures 37-8, 41, 45, 67, 76-7, 81, 83-4, 88, 91, 93-4, IOI, 104, I10, 112-3, LIZ. cro, tab: 12 Ilford 45, 49-50, 53, 55-8, 60, 69, 80, 103, 109, tab. 12, 125-7 Inchnadamph 45, 67; see Creag nan Uamh Cave Ingress Vale 51-2, 79, 81, 93, 100-2, tab. 12, 123-4}; see Swanscombe insects 36, 58, 72, 113, 127-8 Institute of Geological Sciences Museum 104 Ipswich 45, 72 ‘ Ipswich Museum 72, 97, 103-4, I10, II7 ‘Ipswichian’ 57, 63, 67, 69, 72, tab. 12, 125-7 Ipswichian stage (interglacial) 40-2, 50, 53-7, 02, OL, 12455))227), Ireland 42, 91, 129; see counties caves 68-9 rodents in 121 voles in 111-2 Iron Age 84; see Staple Howe Isleworth 45, 48, 49*, 58, 117, 119, tab. 12, 128 Italy 95, 97-8, 106, 114; see Val d’Arno Jewell, Dr J2 2130 Joint Mitnor Cave 45, 56, 67, 82, 93, 101-3, I1o-I, tab. 12, 126 interglacial tab. 12, 125-6 Kadzielnia 98 Kalkberg, Nagyharsanyberg 76 Kent 45, 50; see localities Kent’s Cavern 45, 60, 61-2, 80, 83, 88, 91, 93, LOL, 104, 107,11, 117, 119, tab i222 Kerney, M. P. 51, 60, 63 Keshcorran Caves 45, 68, 82, 89, tab. 12 Kessingland 45, 46*, 78-9, 98, tab. 12 Kilgreany Cave 45, 68-9, 82, 84, 89, III, tab. 12 King Arthur’s Cave 45, 70-1, 88, I10, 117, 10, tab; 'T2 Kingston-upon-Hull 45 ; see Hessle Kinlock 45 Kirkdale Cave 45, 56, 67, 81, 93, 104, IIo, tab. 12 Koenigswald, W. von 36, 39, 64, 67, 69, Io1, 129 Mimomys-Arvicolafaunal groups of 100-1, tabok2) 24a 27 Konéprusy 101 Kopet-Dag 115 Kyson 45, 96 Lagurus 120-1, 127 lagurus 63-6, 120-1, tab. 12, 125-6 Lancashire 45 ; see Dog Holes Cave Langwith Cave 45, 70-1, 74, 76, 82, 84, 88, QI, 63,. 104, TIO; 112, 1L7, PIO Maw. Ie Last Glaciation 50, 54, 56, 58-60, 62-4, 67-72, 76, 82, 89-94, 102, 104, III, 113, 118-21, 126, 127-8, 129 Last Interglacial 40, 42, 50, 54-5, 50*, 59, 80, 89, 93, 102, 104 last interglacial 65, 78 Lea Valley 38, 41, 48-60, 49*, 58-9, 128-9; see Nazeing, Ponders End, Water Hall Farm, &c. Lebanon 115 lemming 54, 64, 67, 122, 127-9; see Lemmus, Dicrostonyx, Lagurus Lemmus 37, 67-8, 90-2, 123-4, 127-9 lemmus 54, 59, 62-6, 68, 70-1, 90-2, tab. 12, 125-6, 128 norvegicus 37, 9O torquatus 87 SP. 52,101, (09,090) E2254 Levallois industries 49-50, 54 Levaton Cave 45, 67, 70-1, 82, 104, I10, 112, 117, 119, tab. 12, 128 Limerick, Co. 45 ; see Red Cellar Cave lion 56, 63 Little Thurrock 50 localities with fossil rodents 42-73, 44-5* Loch of Marlee 45, 73, 80, tab. 12 London 48, 58; see Hackney, Angel Road, CEC Lough Gur 45 Lower Crayford Brickearth 50 Lower Loam (Swanscombe) 42, 52, 102, 108, EEG, 123—4,. 130 Lower Thames Valley province 48 Lowestoftian 41, 123 Ludhamian 41 lynx 68 Lynx Cave 45, 70-1, 82, 88, 110, 118, tab. 12 INDEX 143 MacEnery, J. 62 Macoma balthica 43 Main Chamber see Tornewton Cave Major, C. I. Forsyth 75 Male, H. C. 66 mammals other than rodents 56, 60, 72; see names mammoth 50, 56-60, 62, 67-9, 72, 87, 129 Mammuthus 59; see mammoth primigenius 50 tvogontherit 50, 56 man, introductions to Britain by 83-4, 129 remains, human IItI Marlow 45, 48, 58, 113, 117, tab. 12, 129 mastodon 43 Mauer 61, Iol Mayhew, D. 130 Mediterranean I15 Medway, Upper Floodplain Terrace of 54 Megaceros see giant deer melt-water deposits 59-60 Menapian 41 Mendips_ see Bleadon Cave, &c. Merlin’s Cave (= Wye Cave) 45, 70-1, 88, 91, @3, 1@f, 104,110; 117, 110, tab. 12 Mesolithic 62, 128; see Star Carr, Thatcham Micromys 66, 84 minutus 65, 84, tab. 12, 129 sylvaticus 81 Microtinae 37-8, 43, 107, III Microtius (Pitymys) arvalidens 106 Microtus 69, 105, 107-8, 108-20 agrestis 37, 53-4, 58-9, 62-9, 72, 108, 109-12, 113, 119, tab. 12, 125-7, 129 neglectus 109 of agrestis group 53 agvestoides 109, I11 anglicus 60, 118-20, 128 avvalinus 48, 52, 61, 108-9, 110-1, tab. 12, 122-4 ayvvalis 58, 60, 72, 108-9, 112-3, tab. 12, 127-8 sp. (avvalis/agrestis group) 52, 60, 70-1, 108, 109, 111 cornervt 109, 112-3 everysmanni 120 glaveolus 92 gregalis 58-60, 62-4, 66, 70-I, 107, 113, 118-20, tab. 12, 126-8 intermedius 102 malet 114-6, 118 nivalinus 114 nivalis 37, 54, 59-60, 63-6, 72, 114-6, tab. 12, 125-7 nivaloides 48, 114, tab. 12, 122-4 oeconomus 37, 54, 58-9, 62-3, 65-8, 70-3, 108, 113, 115-6, 117-8, tab. 12, 125-8 ovcadensis 112-3 vatticepoides 48, 52, 116-7, 118, tab. 12, 122-4 vatticeps 68, 116-7 subnivalis 114 tiamschanicus 120 sp. 66, 69 (Pitymys) arvalidens 105-6 sp. 106 Middle East 100 Middle Terrace of Thames interglacial tab. P2125) 127 Middlesex 45; see Isleworth, Angel Road, Ponders End Middlestots Bog 45, 73, 80, tab. 12 Midlothian 45 ; see Corstorphine Mimomys 60, 95-100 cantiana, cantianus 100, 102 intermedius 98-9 majori 98-9 millert 98-9 newtont 43, 47, 97-8, tab. 12 petenyt 97 pliocaenicus 43, 47, 95-6, tab. 12, 122 polonicus 96 Veidt. 43, 97, tab; 12, 122 savini 47-8, 52, 69, 98-9, 100-1, 105, tab. 12, 122—4 fauna tab. 12, 124; see Arvicola SP: 43 Mimomys—Arvicola lineage 36, 100, tab. 12, 129 Minchin Hole 45, 67, 103, 110, tab. 12,127, 129 Mindel 76 Miocene 43 Mitchell, Professor G. F. 130 mollusca 43, 51-2, 54, 56, 58, 63, 125 Monastirian, Late 40, 42, 50, 55 Main 42, 50, 55 Mongolia 121 ‘monkey gravel’ 48, 73, 122 Mosbach 61, IoI, 122 multituberculate origin of rodents 38 Mundesley 45, 46*, 48, 75-6, 78-9, tab. 12, 122 Arctic Bed. tab. 12, 123 Muridae, murids 43, 81-4 Murston 45, 88, tab. 12 Mus 84 Abbotti 83 Lewisi 83 144 INDEX musculus 81, 84, tab. 12, 129 songarus 86 sylvaticus 81 sp. 81 Muscardinus 48, 77-8 avellanarius 67, 70-1, 77-8, tab. 12, 129 Myodes lemmus 90 torquatus 87 narrow-skulled vole see Microtus gregalis Nazeing 45, 48, 49*, 59, 82, 88-9, 91, 93, 104, 118-09, tab. 12, 128 Neolithic 62, 83 Netherlands see Holland Newhall Caves 68; see Edenvale Newton; E13 37 Norfolk 38, 42, 45-6, 113 ; see localities Nornour 45, 73, 118, tab. 12 North America 89-90, 92, 94, 118 Northfleet 45, 49*, 50, 59-60, 93, 103, I10, tab. 12, 126 Norwich Crag 38, 41, 43, 46*, 47, 78, 95-8; see Icenian Crag Norwich Museum 96 (footnote) oak 56 Orkney Islands 109, 112-3 Orkney vole 112; see Microtus arvalis Orsett Road 50, 53 Ostend (Norfolk) 45, 46*, 48, 53, 74, 101-2, 104, tab: 12, 123 Forest Bed 47-8, 53, 74-5, 92, 122-3 otter, clawless 64, 126; see Cyrnaonyx Otter Stratum (Tornewton Cave) 36, 64-5, 101-3, tab. 12, 126 Overstrand 45, 46*, 78, tab. 12 Owen, R. 37 owls 69, I1I2 ox, giant 56 Oxfordshire 45 ; see Sugworth palaeobotany 39-40, 46-8, 55, 57, 59, 124-7; see pollen, plants Palaeolithic 62-3, 66, 71 Palaeoloxodon antiquus 59; see elephant, straight-tusked Palestine 105 Panthera see lion Pavapodemus coron. 101 Paston 45, 46*, 78, tab. 12 Pastonian (Forest Bed) 41, 43, 47-8, 78-9, 96, 98, tab. 12, 122 Peak District 36 Peakland Archaeological Society 67, 128, 130 Penard 45 Penkridge 89 Penultimate Glaciation 42 ‘penultimate’ Glaciation 54, 56, 59, 64-5, LE2, Lisson) a25 Perpignan 78 Persia 105 Perthshire 45 ; see Loch of Marlee Petersbuch 101 Phodopus 87 sanford 86 songorus 86-7 Picken’s Hole 45) 70-1, 76, 117, 119,tabaae, 128 Pin Hole Cave 45, 70-1, 76-7, 82-3, 88, 91, 93, LO4, [HO Ig EHO, tab: ire pine 52, 56 pine vole see Pitymys Pitymys 105-8 avvalidens 105 avvaloides 48, 52, 105, 106, 107, tab. 12, 122-4 gregaloides 48, 61-2, 105-6, 107, tab. 12, 122-4 sp. 69 plants 53, 58, 122, 127; see palaeobotany Pleistocene 67, 74, '82=5, “87, ‘o1=—2 eam) I21I-9, tab. 12 generalized British sequence 41 Lower 43, 60, 98, 121 lower middle 80, 87, 89, 92, 94-5 Upper 83 Phocene 41; 43, 112, 122 ;- “Pliocenes37,.46 Pliomys 95, 123 episcopalis 61, 95, Io1, tab. 12, 122, 124 lenkt 101 Plumpstead 115 Plunkett Cave 68; see Keshcorran Poland 76, 87, 89, 92, 96-8, 106, 116 pollen 36, 52, 55-6, 89, 128-9; see palaeo- botany zonation of “Ipswichian’ sites 56*, 57-8 Ponders End 45, 48, 49*, 50, 59, 88, tab. 12 post-Ipswichian 67 post-Pleistocene 68, 73 ; see Holocene ‘preglacial’ deposits 37 pre-‘Ipswichian’ 65-7 Prestatyn 45 Prezletice 101 Pyrenees 115 INDEX 145 radiocarbon dating see carbon-14 Rangifer see reindeer rat see Rattus Rattus 84 norvegicus 84, tab. 12, 129 vattus 67, 70-1, 74, 84, tab. 12, 129 Red Cellar Cave 45, 68, 89, tab. 12 Red Crag 41, 43, 46*, 78-80, 95, tab. 12, 122 basal nodule bed 43 red deer 56, 63, 67 reindeer 58, 63, 67-9, 72, 126 Reindeer Stratum (Tornewton Cave) 63-6, 88-9, 93, 101, 104, 110, 117, 119, tab. 12 Reuverian 41 rhinoceros 56, 59, 63 narrow-nosed 63 woolly 62, 67, 69, 72 iiss 42, 76, 100, TT2, 121 Rodent Earth (Westbury) 60-1, 122, 124 rodent localities on British mainland tab. 12 Romania 92, 95-6, 109, I14, 116 Romano-British 71 root vole see Muicvotus oeconomus Rowberrow Cavern 45, 70-1, 82, 88, 93, tab. 12 Russia 76, 87, 95-8, 106, 116 Saale 42, 50 Saalian 41 sabre-toothed cat 62; see Homotherium Saint-Prest, Chartres 79 St Vallier, France 81 Salisbury 45 Salwarpe river 72 Sanford, W. A. 37 Savin collection 97 Scandinavia 92, 112-3 ; see Sweden, &c. Scarborough 45 Scarcliffe 45 ; see Langwith Cave Scilly Isles 45, 73, 118, tab. 12, 128; see Nornour Sciuridae 73-7 Sciurus 73-4; see squirrel vulgaris 67, 70-1, 74, tab. 12, 129 whiter 48, 73-4, tab. 12, 122, 124 hungaricus 74 Scotland 73, 80, 128; see localities caves in 67-8, 118 Sealy, D.L. F. 130 Selsey 45, 69, 80, tab. 12 Settle 45 Seven Kings Station 55-6, 58 Severn river 72 Shell Cottages, Thorpe, Aldringham 96 (foot- note) Shelly Crag (East Runton) 38, 41, 47 shrew, white-toothed 64-5, 126; see Croci- dura Siberia 96-8, 105 Sieveking, G. de G. 60 Siliceous Group (Westbury) 60-1, 124 silver fir 56 Simons, J. 58, 66, 130 singer Dr Rk: 140 sizewell 43° 45, 40%, 78, 95,97, tab: ¥2 Sligo, Co. 45 ; see Keshcorran Caves snow vole see Microtus nivalis solifluxion deposits 59-60 Somerset 45; see localities Caves 37 Levels see Huntspill Cut Sorex runtonensis 101 savint 101 Soviet Union see Russia Spain 87 Spencer, H. E. P. 96 (footnote), 130 Spermophilus 48, 54, 75, 76 altaicus 75-6 citillus 76 eversmanni 75-6 evythrogenoides 37, 75-7 evythrogenys 75 Sp. 75, 128 (Colobotis) superciliosus 70-2, 75, 76-7, tab. £2, 127 (Urocitellus) parryi 76 primigenius 54, 75-6, 77, tab. 12, 125-7 undulatus 76 squirrels 48, 74; see Sciurus Staffordshire 45 ; see Elder Bush Cave Stalagmite (Kent’s Cavern) 62 Staple Howe 45, 72, 80, tab. 12 Star Carr 45, 73, 80, tab. 12, 128 Steinheim an der Murr 124 Stenocranius 120; see Microtus gregalis steppe lemming see Lemmus lemmus Stoke Tunnel Beds 45, 72, 103, tab. 12 Stuart, A; jj: 30, 60; 69) 72; 8%, 935 “102-4, LLG, Li, 126 studies, history of 37-40 stutton 45, 60, 72, SI, 1o1=—3, 110, tab: 12, 125 Sudmer Berg 2 Io1 Suffolk 42-3, 45; see localities Sugworth 45, 69, 98, tab. 12 Siissenborn 101 Sussex 45; see West Wittering, Selsey 146 INDEX Sutcliffe, Mrs A. J. 130 Sutherland 45; see Creag nan Uamh Cave Sutton 43, 45, 46*, 79, tab. 12 Swaffley 45 Swanscombe 36, 38-9, 42, 45, 49*, 50, 51-2, 53,59) 78-82, 83, 19078 02—3,) noe—z, 108-11, 115-6, tab. 12, 123-4 Swanton Morley 45, 69, 72, 81, 93, I0I-3, tab. 12, 126 Sweden 78, 83 Switzerland 87, 89, 118, 120 Symond’s Yat 45 Talpa europaea 101 minor 101 Taplow terrace 55 Tarko 61, 74, IOI terrace deposits 41-2, 48-60, tab. 12; see Thames Thames 48-60, 49*, 62 High” Terrace 38; 45, 49), 51=35 see Swanscombe Lower 51-8 Middle Terraces 36, 38, 41, 49, 55, 57, 125 early 53 interglacial see Middle Terrace of Thames interglacial late 54, 125 ; Middle Terrace/Floodplain Terrace prob- lem 55-8 Third Terrace 38, 41, 54, 55 Upper 58 Upper Floodplain Terrace 55-8 Thatcham 45, 73, 80, 104, tab. 12 Thorpe, Aldeburgh, Suffolk 96 (footnote) Thorpe, Norfolk 43, 45, 46*, 78, 96 (incl. footnote), tab. 12 Thorpeness 96 (footnote) Thurnian 41, 43 Tiglian 41, 43, 78, 83, 96-8, 122 tooth-enamel 81, 100 Torbryan 45 Tornewton Cave 36, 45, 62-5, 66-7, 81, 84-90, 92-3, IOI-4, IIO-I, 115, I17, 119-21, tab. 12, 125-6 Torquay 45 Trafalgar Square 55-8, 127 Treacher collection 58, 113 Trimingham 43, 45, 46*, 97, tab. 12 Trogontherium boisvilletti 43, 47-8, 52-3, 69, 78-9, tab. 12, 122-4 cuviert 37, 53, 78-9 minus 37, 43, 78, 122 sp. 78 Turner, C. 54 Ukraine 74, 76, 114 Uphall Estate 109 Uphill Cave 45, 70-1, 91, 119, tab. 12 Upnor 45, 49*, 54, 80, tab. 12 Upper Freshwater Bed (West Runton) 38, 41, 48, 52, 73, 81, 83, 85, 93, 97-101, 105, 107-8, I14, 116, 124 Upper Langwith 45 Upper Rodent Stratum (Tornewton Cave) 64-6 Uppony Io1 Upton Warren 45, 69, 72, 88, tab. 12, 128 interstadial complex 128 Urals 83 Uvocitellus 125; see Spermophilus primi- genius Ursus see bear deningeri 61 Val d’Arno, Italy 80-1, 96 Vejlby I and II mild stages (Denmark) 40, 42 Villafranchian 41, 43, 47, 76, 81, 92, 95-6, n22 Viscount Melville Sound 92 Voigtstedt Io1 voles 38-9, 47, 51, 6©9;~>-see Avvutcola, Mimomys, Microtus in Ireland ? 69, 129 Waalian 41, 43 Waechter, J. d:A. 51; 130 Wales, south 113 Waltonian 41 Warthe 42 Warton Crag 45; see Dog Holes Cave Water Hall Farm (Pit) 45, 48, 49*, 58-9, 110, TTS) gh17, tabs 125 126,130 Waterford, Co. 45; see localities water-rat, water-vole see Avvicola Weichsel 42 Weichselian 41 West, R. G. 47, 130 West Runton 38, 41, 45, 46*, 47-8, 52, 60-1, 73, 78-9, 81, 83, 85, 93, 97-100, 105-8, I14, 116, tab. 12, 122-4 West Thurrock 50 INDEX 147 West Wittering 45, 93, tab. 12 Westbury-sub-Mendip (fissure) 36, 45, 60-1, 80-1, 87, 89-90, 92-3, 95, IOI-2, 105, 107-8, 121, tab. 12, 122-4, 129 Westbury stage 108, tab. 12, 122, 123 Wetton 45 Weybourne Crag 38, 41, 43, 46*, 47, 95-7; see Icenian Crag Whitchurch 45 White Sea 120 Whitechurch 45 Willment’s Gravel Pit 58, 128, 130 Wilson, Mrs G. 130 Wiltshire 45 ; see Fisherton Wintringham 45 wolf 62-3 Wolff, R. G. 69, 81, 90, 104, 130 AS. Surcuirre, Pu.D. Department of Palaeontology BritisH Museum (NaTuraL History) CROMWELL RoapD Lonpon SW7 5BD Wolstonian stage 40-2, 50, 52, 54-5, 124-5 wolverine 126; see glutton wood mouse see Apodemus sylvaticus Woodbridge 43, 45, 46*, 78-9, tab. 12 Worcestershire 45 ; see localities Wretton 91 Wiirm 42, 76, 121 Wye Cave _ see Merlin’s Cave Xenocyon lycaonoides 61 yellow-necked mouse see Apodemus flavi- collis Yorkshire 45 ; see localities Yugoslavia 98, 106, 109, 114 K. KOWALSKI Institute of Systematic and Experimental Zoology PoLisH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES KRAKOW POLAND Accepted for publication 28 October 1975 ‘ ® ie nid > 7a \ x uae =f 4 S t === od an , at oF i 7 f ; i be an 7 agit, a ‘ rim oy aN pee! : ic : if i" 7 f . ~ ij i ‘ f : Me 4 4 ‘ i ae Paling) . ae Io. TE. A LIST OF SUPPLEMENTS TO THE GEOLOGICAL SERIES OF THE BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) ~ Cox, L. R. Jurassic Bivalvia and Gastropoda from Tanganyika and Kenya. Pp..213; 30 Plates; 2 Text-figures. 1965. OUT OF PRINT. . ELt-NaGcGar, Z. R. Stratigraphy and Planktonic Foraminifera of the Upper Cretaceous—Lower Tertiary Succession in the Esna-Idfu Region, Nile Valley, Egypt, U.A.R. Pp. 291; 23 Plates; 18 Text-figures. 1966. 11. . DAvEy, R. J., Downie, C., SARJEANT, W. A. S. & WitiiaMs, G. L. Studies on Mesozoic and Cainozoic Dinoflagellate Cysts. Pp. 248; 28 Plates; 64 Text- figures. 1966. £8.20. . APPENDIX. DAVEY, R. J., DOWNIE, C., SARJEANT, W. A. S. & WILLIAMS, G. L. Appendix to Studies on Mesozoic and Cainozoic Dinoflagellate Cysts. Pp. 24. 1969. 95P. . E..iotr, G. F. Permian to Palaeocene Calcareous Algae (Dasycladaceae) of the Middle East. Pp. 111; 24 Plates; 16 Text-figures. 1968. OUT OF PRINT. . Rwopes, F. H. T., Austin, R. L. & Druce, E. C. British Avonian (Carboni- ferous) Conodont faunas, and their value in local and continental correlation. Pp. 313; 31 Plates; 92 Text-figures. 1969. £13.10. . Cuitps, A. Upper Jurassic Rhynchonellid Brachiopods from Northwestern Europe. Pp. 119; 12 Plates; 40 Text-figures. 1969. £5.25. . Goopy, P. C. The relationships of certain Upper Cretaceous Teleosts with special reference to the Myctophoids. Pp. 255; 102 Text-figures. 1969. £7.70. . OwEN, H.G. Middle Albian Stratigraphy in the Anglo-Paris Basin. Pp. 164; 3 Plates; 52 Text-figures. 1971. £7.20. . Sippigul, Q. A. Early Tertiary Ostracoda of the family Trachyleberididae from West Pakistan. Pp. 98; 42 Plates; 7 Text-figures. 1971. £9.60. Forey, P.L. A revision of the elopiform fishes, fossil and Recent. Pp. 222; 92 Text-figures. 1973. £11.35. Witiiams, A. Ordovician Brachiopoda from the Shelve District, Shropshire. Pp. 163; 28 Plates; 11 Text-figures; 110 Tables. 1974. £12.80. Printed in Great Britain by fohn Wright and Sons Ltd. at The Stonebridge Press, Bristol BS4 5NU SEN), &f A MONOGRAPH ON FOSSIL BEES‘. ws” (HYMENOPTERA: APOIDEA) Pr EE ZEUNER AND F. J. MANNING BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) GEOLOGY Vol. 27 No. 3 LONDON: 1076 A MONOGRAPH ON FOSSIL BEES (HYMENOPTERA : APOIDEA) BY THE LATE FREDERICK EVERARD ZEUNER AND THE LATE FRANCIS JOSEPH MANNING EDITED WITH AN APPENDIX BY SAMUEL FRANCIS MORRIS British Museum (Natural History) Pp. 149-268 ; 4 Plates BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) GEOLOGY Vol. 27 No. 3 LONDON : 1976 THE BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), tstituted im 1949, 1s issued in five series corresponding to the Scientific Departments of the Museum, and an Historical sertes. Paris will appear at irregular intervals as they become ready. Volumes will contain about three or four hundred pages, and will not necessarily be completed within one calendar year. In 1965 a separate supplementary series of longer papers was instituted, numbered serially for each Depariment. This paper is Vol. 27, No. 3, of the Geological (Palaeontological) series. The abbreviated titles of periodicals cited follow those of the World List of Scientific Periodicals. World List abbreviation : Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Geol.) ISSN 0007-1471 © Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), 1976 BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) Issued 23 September, 1976 | Price £8.80 A MONOGRAPH ON FOSSIL BEES (HYMENOPTERA : APOIDEA) By THE LATE F. E. ZEUNER AND THE LATE F. J. MANNING CONTENTS Page SYNOPSIS : : ‘ ; : : : , : ‘ 155 I. INTRODUCTION i ; : : : ; : 155 II. TERMINOLOGY AND CLASSIFICATION : : : ; ‘ ‘ 156 III. MATERIAL STUDIED 3 : 158 IV. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY: SyNoNomIc LIST OF Fossit BEES (EXCLUDING APIDAE) . ‘ 2 : ‘ : ‘ 161 Superfamily APOIDEA Seeeead ‘ : : ; ‘ : 161 Family CoLLETIDAE Bingham , : 3 : : : 161 Family HaLicTipAE Ashmead ; : a : ; : 162 Subfamily HarictinaE Ashmead : , ‘ 2 ‘ 162 Genus Cyrtapis Cockerell . : ; ; : : 163 Cyrtapis anomalus Cockerell : : : : 163 Genus Halictus Latreille . : ; ; ‘ 163 Halictus ruissatelensis Timon- David : : : 164 Halictus florissantellus Cockerell . : ; : 164 Halictus miocenicus Cockerell , : ; . 164 Halictus scudderiellus Cockerell . : 5 : 164 Halictus schemppi (Armbruster) . : : ; 164 Family ANDRENIDAE Latreille é : : : : ; 165 Subfamily ANDRENINAE Latreille . ; ; ‘ : 165 Genus Andrena Fabricius . : : : : é 165 Andrena wrisleyi Salt . : F , ; ‘ 166 Andrena clavula Cockerell . ‘ : : : 166 Andvena grandipes Cockerell : : : : 166 Andrena hypolitha Cockerell . : : 5 166 Andrena lagopus Latreille . : ‘ : : 167 Andrena percontusa Cockerell 3 ‘ : : 167 Andrena sepulta Cockerell . : : : : 107 Andvena primaeva Cockerell . é : ; ‘ 107 Andrena spp. indet. . : : ; . : 168 Genus Lithandrena Cockerell ‘ : : ; : 169 Lithandrena saxorum Cockerell d ; : : 169 Genus Pelandrena Cockerell : : F F : 169 Pelandrena reducta Cockerell : ‘ : ; 170 Subfamily PANURGINAE Leach . : : ‘ : ; 170 Genus Libellulapis Cockerell : : : : : 170 Libellulapis antiquorum Cockerell . : : , 170 Libellulapis wilmattae Cockerell . : z A gt Family Andrenidae incertae sedis : ; ; : : 171 Andrenidae gen. et sp. indet. . : ; : 171 Family MELITTipAE Dumeril : : : - : : 171 Subfamily CTENOPLECTRINAE Cockerell : : : 5 172 Genus Ctenoplectrella Cockerell . ; : : ; E72 Ctenoplectrella dentata Salt . ; : : ; E72 Ctenoplectrella vividiceps Cockerell . : : ‘ £73 T5 MONOGRAPH ON Genus Glypiapis Cockerell . Glyptapis fuscula Cockerell . Glyptapis mirabilis Cockerell Glyptapis neglecta Salt Glyptapis reducta Cockerell . Glyptapis reticulata Cockerell Subfamily MELITTINAE Dumeril Genus Melitta Kirby . , Melitta willardi Cockerell Family Melittidae incertae sedis. Dasypoda (s.1.) sp. indet. Family MEGACHILIDAE Latreille Subfamily LITHURGINAE Newman Genus Lithurge Latreille Lithurge adamitica (Heer) Subfamily MEGACHILINAE Latreille Tribe ANTHIDIINI Michener Genus Anthidium Fabricius Anthidium mortuum (Meunier) Anthidium exhumatum Cockerell Anthidium scudderi Cockerell Genus Dianthidium Cockerell Dianthidium tertiavium Cockerell . Genus Lithanthidium Cockerell Lithanthidium pertriste Cockerell Tribe MEGACHILINI Latreille . Genus Heriades Spinola. : Heriades bowditchi Cockerell . Heriades halictinus Cockerell Heriades laminarum Cockerell Heriades mersatus Cockerell . Heriades mildvedae Cockerell Heriades priscus Cockerell Heriades saxosus Cockerell Genus Megachile Latreille . Megachile amaguensis Cockerell Megachile praedicta Cockerell Megachile sp. indet. Genus Osmia Panzer . Osmia carbonum Heyden Osmia antiqua Heer Osmia nigra sp. nov. Osmia sp. indet. . Family Megachilidae incertae sedis ‘Apiaria’ dubia Germar Megachilidae gen. et sp. indet. Family ANTHOPHORIDAE Dahlbom Subfamily XyLOcoPINAE Latreille Tribe CERATININI Latreille Genus Cevatina Latreille Ceratina disrvupta Cockerell . Tribe XyLocopPini Latreille Genus Xylocopa Latreille Page 173 173 173 174 174 174 174 LD 175 175 175 175 176 176 176 178 178 178 178 179 179 179 180 180 180 180 180 181 181 181 181 I8I 182 182 182 182 183 183 183 184 184 185 186 186 186 186 187 187 188 188 188 188 189 FOSSIL BEES Xylocopa friesei Statz . Xylocopa hydrobiae Zeuner Xylocopa jurinei (Heer) Xylocopa senilis Heer . Subfamily ANTHOPHORINAE Dahlbom Tribe EucERINI Latreille Genus Tetvalonia Spinola P Tetralonia berlandi Théobald Tribe ANTHOPHORINI Dahlbom Genus Anthophora Latreille Anthophora melfordi Cockerell Genus Anthophorites Heer . Anthophorites gaudryi Oustalet Anthophorites thovacica Heer Anthophorites longaeva Heer . Anthophorites mellona Heer . Anthophorites titania Heer A nthophorites tonsa Heer Anthophorites veterana Heer . Tribe MELECTINI Westwood . Genus Promelecta Cockerell. Promelecta brevipennis Cockerell Family Anthophoridae incertae sedis ‘Anthophora’ effossa Heyden. Anthophoridae gen. et sp. indet. Superfamily Apoidea (except Apidae) incertae sedis. Apoidea gen. et sp. indet. Fossils erroneously classified as Apoidea ore Apidae) ‘Formicinae’ Polistes kirbyanus Cockrel. Larval Chambers : : ‘Genus’ Celliforma Brown : Celliforma favosites Brown Celliforma spirifer Brown Celliforma germanica Brown . Celliforma nuda Brown Celliforma bedfordi sp. nov. . Celliforma septata sp. nov. Celliforma sp. indet. ‘Genus’ Uruguay Roselli ‘ Uruguay auroranormai Roselli SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS OF FOSSIL APIDAE Family APIDAE Latreille Chalcobombus group Genus Chalcobombus Gockel Chalcobombus hirsutus Cockerell Chalcobombus humilis Cockerell Chalcobombus martialis Cockerell . Tribe BomBInI Latreille Genus Bombus Latreille Bombus crassipes Novak Bombus abavus Heer Bombus florissantensis (Cockerell) . Page 189 189 189 190 192 192 193 193 193 194 194 194 195 195 195 196 197 198 198 199 199 199 200 200 200 201 201 202 202 202 203 203 203 203 204 204 204 205 205 205 205 206 206 206 200 207 208 208 209 209 209 210 212 153 154 MONOGRAPH ON Bombus proavus Cockerell Tribe MELIPONINI Handlirsch Genus Sophrobombus Cockerell Sophrobombus fatalis Cockerell Genus Trigona Jurine ; Subgenus Trigona Jurine Trigona (Tvigona) erythra Eenicttenes Subgenus Hypotrigona Cockerell Trigona (Hypotrigona) gribodot Magretti Subgenus Tetvagona Lepeletier & Serville . Trigona (Tetragona) succini (Tosi) Trigona (Tetragona) ivridipennis Smith Subgenus indet. Trigona sicula (Tosi) Tribe APINI Latreille : Genus Electvapis Cockerell . Subgenus Electvapis Cockerell . 5 Electrapis (Electvapis) apoides enn Tine Electrapis (Electvapis) meliponoides (accel eepen) Electvapis (Electvapis) tornquisti Cockerell , Subgenus Protobombus Cockerell ; Electvapis (Protobombus) indecisus (Cockerell) . Electrapis (Protobombus) tristellus (Cockerell) . Subgenus Roussyana Manning . ; Electrvapis (Roussyana) palmnickenensis (Roussy) Electrapis (Roussyana) proava (Menge) Genus Apis Linnaeus Subgenus Synapis Cockerell A pis (Synapis) cuenoti Théobald A pis (Synapis) henshawi Cockerell Apis (Synapis) henshawi dormiens subsp. nov. Apis (Synapis) henshawi henshawi Cockerell Apis (Synapis) henshawi kaschket (Statz) Subgenus Apis Linnaeus. Apis (Apis) armbrustert Zeuner : Apis (Apis) avmbrusterit avmbrustert Zeuner. Apis (Apis) armbrusteri scharmanni (Armbruster) Apis (Apis) armbrusteri scheert (Armbruster) Apis (Apis) armbrusteri scheuthlet (Armbruster) Apis (Apis) melisuga (Handlirsch) 5 Apis (Apis) mellifera Linnaeus Family Apidae incertae sedis : ‘Apis’ aquitaniensis de Rilly ‘Apis’ dormitans Heyden ‘Apis’ styriaca Pongracz ‘Bombus’ carbonarius Menge. ‘Bombus’ muscorum Roussy . ‘Bombus’ pusillus Menge ‘Bombus’ antiquus Heyden ‘Bombus’ grandaevus Heer ‘ ‘Bombusotdes’ menget Motschulsky Apidae gen. et sp. indet. FOSSIL BEES 155 Page Not APIDAE , : ‘ ‘ : 255 Lithoblatta Beeeiae (Germar) : : 5 : 255 VI. APPENDIX, by S. F. Morris : : : j : 255 Colletidae gen. et sp. iciee : ‘ : 255 Ctenoplectrella splendens ioe seule’ ‘ z 255 Anthiidini gen. et sp. indet. : : : 5 256 Osmia sp. . ‘ ‘ , ; 256 Apoidea (? Anehophertnae) Sp. ; A : : 256 Probombus hirsutus Piton (ms) . : 256 Trigona (Hypotrigona) eocenica Kelner Pilate ‘ 256 Trigona (Hypotrigona) dominicana Wille & Chandler 250 Trigona (Nogueivapis) silacea Wille ; ‘ F 257 Electrapis minuta Kelner-Pillault 5 : ; 257 Apis catanensis Roussy ‘ : : Z : 257 ? Apoidea sp... ; § : : ; : 257 Not Apoidea : , : ; 5 : ‘ 257 VII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. é i : : : : : 257 VIII. REFERENCES. : ; ; : ; : 5 : ‘ 258 xX. INDEX... ; : é : : 5 5 : ‘ : 204 SYNOPSIS The status of 128 species of fossil bees and nests are reviewed, 19 of which are left under open nomenclature. Four species are removed from the Apoidea. A new species Osmia nigra sp. nov. and subspecies Apis (Synapis) henshawi dormiens subsp. nov. of bees, and two new ‘species’ of bees’ nests Celliforma bedfordi sp. nov. and Celliforma septata sp. nov., are described. An appendix covering the years 1960—74 has been added. i. INTRODUCTION by S. F. Morris UNTIL 1949, Professor Zeuner and Dr Manning had each been independently working on monographs of fossil bees, and until that time they were unaware of each other’s work. But in 1949 they met and agreed to combine their efforts into a joint monograph. This collaboration continued until the death of Professor Zeuner in 1963, followed by the death of Dr Manning in 1966. The major part of the present work was already finished by 1959, but the authors seemed to have had problems which prevented them completing it. The monograph lacks a projected part which was to have dealt with the evolution of the bees, but there are no extant manuscript notes for this. Certainly in 1964 Dr Manning was investigating a sphecid wasp from the Jurassic of Lerida Province, Spain, which he thought might be (or be closely related to) the ancestor of the bees. No written material of this work is extant either. Entries to the main body of the monograph ceased about 1959, so the editor has added an Appendix (p. 255) containing fossil bee references since that date, and a few earlier ones that the authors had missed which have since come to his notice. A few minor alterations to the body of the text have been made in order to bring it into line with modern taxonomic work. 156 MONOGRAPH ON Although the monograph is intended to be a world-wide catalogue of fossil bees, the authors did not have the opportunity to re-examine the American species, so that the taxonomic aspects of these are not treated in as great a depth as are the European ones. In the main the authors have had to rely on the original authors’ descriptions and figures for the American species except where the specimens were deposited in a European institution. Since this work was carried out some years ago, references to various institutions may be badly out-of-date, especially the war-damaged European museums. It has not, however, been the principle of the editor to undertake any significant alteration to the typescript as it stood. The taxonomic work as published is in two parts, the Apoidea excluding the Apidae (Section IV), and the Apidae (Section V). The division appears to have been made in this way because it most nearly represents the division between the New World and Old World fossil bees, and allows for different treatments of the two parts. The textfigures and plates had been made but have disappeared and were not amongst the effects of either of the authors. Fortunately the British Museum (Natural History) still retained negatives of many of the photographs and these have been reprinted for the plates. No attempt has been made to redraw the missing textfigures, since it is not known what they were or what they were intended to show. New photographs have been taken of specimens that are deposited in the British Museum (Natural History). Professor Zeuner was a Research Associate of the British Museum (Natural History), which position he had held since 1934 until his death. His obituary was published in 1963 in Nature, Lond. 200: 1263. An obituary for Dr Manning appeared in 1966 in Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (C) 31: 62. Il. TERMINOLOGY AND CLASSIBPICATION The study of fossil bees, like that of any other group, requires a reasonably satis- factory system of classification. It may not always express fundamental relation- ships, but it must be consistent with the morphological evidence available. Michener (1944, 1965) attempted a revision of the families, subfamilies and tribes of bees of the world and of the North American genera in particular — a formidable task. From its very magnitude it was clear that the result would not completely satisfy the author himself, nor could it entirely agree with all the considered opinions of all bee taxonomists. His groups, however, well express relationships that have for long been obscure, and the inclusion of the bee families in the Sphecoidea has much to recommend itself. For these reasons, Michener’s classification of the bees has been adopted in the present monograph. In the past, the lack of uniformity of the use of a terminology for their morphology has been a serious difficulty in the study of bees. Fortunately Snodgrass (1935) and more recently Michener (particularly 1944) have devoted considerable time and effort to clarifying this unhappy state of affairs, and we have taken advantage of the results of the labours of these authors. Moreover, the often excellent preser- vation of the fossil forms makes it necessary to treat them as if they were Recent POSSliE BEES 157 specimens, and to make detailed reference to morphological characters. This is particularly true, for instance, of specimens from Rott which show such intimate features aS wax mirrors and parts of the alimentary canal. A modern terminology, therefore, is imperative. The terms used in this monograph for the structural features of the hind legs are defined later. With regard to wing venation the system of Ross (1936) has been adopted, together with the use of the following terms: submarginal cells, submarginal cross veins (i.e. 2nd abscissa Rs, 1st r-m, 2nd r-m) and recurrent veins (Ist m-cu and 2nd m-cu). The term ‘intercubitus’ has become obsolete with the rejection of the use of the term ‘cubital cells’ for the submarginal cells. The very convenient term ‘basal vein’, however, is retained for the free (i.e. not fused) sections of both M and Rs, which run from opposite directions towards each other before they unite to form a vein Rs+M. In addition, the term ‘bomboid’ is frequently used in the discussions that follow. This is not synonymous with ‘Bombus-like’ but is intended to suggest that the characters in question are merely reminiscent of those of the tribe Bombini. Bom- boid forms need not be closely related to Recent Bombini, though perhaps derived from either the ancestral form of the Bombini or, just as probably, from the ancestral form from which both the Bombini and the other Apidae arose. The last-mentioned possibility might imply that the Apini and Meliponini are not descended from the Bombini. The term ‘apoid’ is used in a somewhat similar sense in its appropriate context. Other terms, important because of their evolutionary significance, are those defining certain structures of the hind legs. The most essential are the following : (x) tibial comb, (2) tibial rake, or pollen rake, (3) tibial spur, (4) auricle, (5) depstum, and (6) basitarsal brush. The TIBIAL COMB! is a structure much like a comb, situated on the outer side of the apex of the tibia, above the tibio-basitarsal joint. It consists of strong hairs, fused at the base, which usually project backwards and downwards. The TIBIAL RAKE is the. dense row of spines or spine-like hairs along the apical edge of the tuner side of the tibia. The TIBIAL SPURS are the two large and sharp spines which are jointed to the tibia. They protrude from the lower apical margin of the hind tibia. In the normal walking position, with the hind legs slightly turned outwards, they have to be looked for underneath in a seemingly forward position. If two spurs are present they are distinguished as the inner and outer hind tibial spurs. The inner one is often serrate. If only one is present, it may be either the outer or the inner, and one can be dis- tinguished from the other by its position relative to the apical rim of the tibia and by the presence or absence of serration, sometimes expanded into a comb-like structure. Thus a single spur with one edge serrate, occupying a relatively deep, 1 The honey bee and the bumble bee lack this comb, but nevertheless have one or two hairs situated on the outer apical face of the corbicula. The derivation of these hairs is not known. Their position, however, precludes them from being direct derivatives of the tibial comb. They have not been noticed in fossil Apinae but might easily have been overlooked. They are used for stabilizing the load of pollen. \ 158 MONOGRAPH ON inner position, is assumed to be the inner tibial spur, and a straight spur without serration, occupying a more marginal position, is assumed to be the outer. The AURICLE is the more or less broadened upper tip of the basitarsus which lies below the distal end of the tibia. It is like a projecting lip neatly fitting the com- plementary shape of the tibial apex, and in Recent Afyvs it is set with minute stud- like eminences. Often both the lip and tibial apex have been jointly termed the auricle, a practice not followed here. DEPSTUM is a term used for an angularity of the basitarsus which is sometimes present where no true auricle is developed. This is a primitive condition, although some bees (e.g. Meliponini) do not even have a depstum in the modern species. Lastly, the term BASITARSAL BRUSH is reserved for the neatly aligned rows of bristles present on the inner surface of the basitarsus of the Apini. It is not used for the haphazard arrangement of hairs found in other groups. Lit. MATERIAL SiuUDIED For the study of the fossil Apidae a fair amount of material was available in the British Museum (Natural History), the total number of specimens being 52. The Meliponini, for instance, lacked only the specimens from the Sicilian amber which had been well described and illustrated by Tosi as long ago as 1896. The Apini lacked only representatives of the bees from Randecker Maar, mainly in the Arm- bruster Collection, but these were examined by one of the authors. It was only in the Bombini that the Museum collection really lacked material, due to the extreme paucity of the fossils of this tribe. Fortunately the most important representative, Bombus proavus Cockerell, has been well photographed and described (1931). Furthermore, during 1950 and again in 1951, both authors travelled independently on the European continent studying fossil Apidae. Collections in Holland, Germany and Switzerland were examined. One of us had carried on this study of continental material for a number of years before it was decided to continue the work jointly. Whilst fossil Apoidea are plentiful in Europe, the absence of material belonging to families of bees other than the Apidae is disappointing. This material is chiefly in American museums and must await discussion by someone from there. Our attempts to obtain information or specimens from the relevant museums remained, unfortunately, without significant success. Below are given the names of the more important collections of fossil Apidae or museums where such material is to be found. ARMBRUSTER COLLECTION. In the sediments of a small volcanic lake at Randeck, Wiurttemberg, honey bees have been found by numerous collectors. Possibly the oldest known specimens are those in the Oscar Fraas Collection, Stuttgart. In 1926, however, William Scheuthle of Goeppingen began his search for fossil honey bees, and just over a year and a half later was assisted by Professor L. Armbruster. When the former died in November 1928, substantial discoveries had already been made and the collection eventually passed entirely into the possession of Professor AO SINE, INTIS) 159 Armbruster. Other collections believed to contain Randecker Maar honey bees are those of Eduard Scheer of Goeppingen, Bernard Hauff of Holzmaden, Karl Schempp of Brucken, and Pfarrer Hermann of Holzmaden. BAUCKHORN COLLECTION. See Siegburg an der Lahn (p. 160). BursEY COLLECTION. The collection of amber fossils formerly belonging to Mr Maurice Bursey of Surbiton, Surrey, now in the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, contains the important specimen FE. (Electrapis) apoides Manning (p: 227). COCKERELL COLLECTION. The late Professor T. D. A. Cockerell of the University of Colorado collected and studied fossil bees. His main collections were made from the Miocene lake deposits of Florissant, Colorado, particularly during the expedition of 1906-7, when he was accompanied by his wife, Dr W. M. Wheeler and Mr S. A. Rohwer. His collections of fossil bees appear to have been few, and are now in the University of Colorado Museum, Boulder, Colorado, and the American Museum of Natural History. Although more of his other fossil insects are in the British Museum (Natural History), the only bee from his collection to be found there is Anthophora melford: Cockerell. DanziGc, Poland: Westpreussisches Provinzial-Museum. Many Baltic amber specimens were to be found here, but the whereabouts of the collection is not known at the present time. KARLSRUHE i1.B., Germany: Badische Landessammlung fir Naturkunde, Erbprinzenstrasse 13. Contains some of the Oeningen and Radoboj material described by Oswald Heer. The building itself is in ruins, but the cellars are still packed with material and it is possible, therefore, that some further types, at present untraceable, will be found. KLEBS COLLECTION. From time to time Baltic amber specimens were formerly sold to private collectors and to museums, and it appears that this dispersal was made by the firm of Messrs Stantien & Becker, who traded the amber and who later were taken over by the Prussian State Amber Works. Messrs Stantien & Becker, in their day, placed the amber fossils in charge of Richard Klebs (1850-1911) who was, in later years, state geologist to the Prussian Geological Survey. A set of 346 specimens, including the holotype of EF. (Roussyana) proava Menge (p. 236), was acquired by the British Museum (Natural History) from Messrs Stantien & Becker in 1892, but since the specimens bear labels marked ‘R. Klebs, Museum Stantien & Becker’, this collection has usually gone under the name of ‘Klebs Collection’. (See also p. 238.) KOENIGSBERG, East Prussia, U.S.S.R.: Geologisch-Palaontologisches Institut und Museum der Universitat. The most important types and described specimens of Baltic amber bees were included in this collection. They are now housed in the Museum of the Humboldt University, Berlin. Matnz (Rhein), Germany : Naturhistorisches Museum der Stadt Mainz. Contains a large collection of insect remains from the Hydrobia-limestone of the district around Mainz. 160 MONOGRAPH ON Lonpon, British Museum (Natural History). See under Klebs Collection, Swinhoe, R. C. J., Luke Thomas Collection and Krantz, F. This collection includes some 52 specimens, including the types of Heyden (1862), and others from the Baltic amber, Rott am Siebengebirge, Florissant, Béttingen, East African copal, Burmese copal and South Australia. MARSEILLE, France: Musée. According to Armbruster (1938) and Roussy (per- sonal communication), the specimen of ‘Apis’ aquitaniensis de Rilly (No. 5979) (p. 250) is in this collection, and Meunier (1915) states that a specimen of Antho- phorites mellona Heer (p. 196) is also in it. No confirmation, however, can be ob- tained after repeated enquiries. The Marseille Museum is rich in fossil insects from the Tertiary of southern France. Roussy CoLLecTION. This is the private collection of Monsieur Louis Roussy, Aigle, Switzerland, and contains mainly Baltic amber specimens, including Electrapis (Roussyana) palmmickenensts (Roussy), p. 233. SCHEELE COLLECTION. This important collection of several thousand specimens of Baltic amber has been purchased by the Geologisches Staatsinstitut, Hamburg. Several important specimens of Electrapis are included. SIEGBURG AN DER LAHN, Germany: Stadtisches Heimatmuseum. This museum contains the valuable collection of fossil insects made by Hugo Bauckhorn. It is particularly rich in specimens from Rott, previously studied by Meunier and Seaez. STATZ COLLECTION. Fossil insects from Rott am Siebengebirge have been collected for over a century and are to be found in many museums and institutions. The collection made by the late Georg Statz of Cologne has become famous for the number and quality of its specimens. Moreover, Statz described and figured large numbers of his specimens. His collection includes several dozen fossil bees some of which have been well described and play an important role in the reconstruction of the phylogeny of the group. It is much to be regretted that this collection has been removed to Algiers, where it is in the hands of the collector’s daughter. STUTTGART, Germany : Wirttembergische Naturaliensammlung. This collection includes the material from Boettingen Swabian Alb, a locality situated not far from Randeck. One of us, while studying the fauna of this area, discovered a fossil swarm of honey bees, and casts were made of some of the bodies comprising it. Unfortunately it is believed that the original specimens were destroyed during the war, but the casts are still preserved in the British Museum (Natural History). SWINHOE COLLECTION. Specimens of insect inclusions in the dark and pale varieties of Burmese amber from the Hukong Valley were collected by R. C. J. Swinhoe and presented to Professor T. D. A. Cockerell. Some were later presented by Cockerell to the British Museum (Natural History). Only the pale Burmese amber is known to contain bees. Timon-Davip CoLLeEcTIon, Marseille. This collection consists of fossil insects from Camoins (Bassin de Marseille) and other French localities, and includes the fossil bee Halictus ruissatelensis Timon-David (p. 164). FOSSIL BEES 161 LuKE THoMAS COLLECTION. A number of specimens of fossil bees are from East African copal. These, and other insects, have been presented to the British Museum (Natural History) at various times by individual donors. The Luke Thomas Collection contains twelve pieces of copal including fossil bees belonging to the Meliponini. They were presented to the British Museum (Natural History) in 1945 by Col. H. Burrows. All are from the east coast of the mainland of Africa, facing Zanzibar. WasHINGTON, D.C., U.S.A.: United States National Museum; Smithsonian Institution. Contains part of the collection, mainly from Florissant, described by Professor T. D. A. Cockerell. WICKHAM COLLECTION. The late Professor H. F. Wickham collected material from the Miocene shales of Florissant, Colorado, particularly at Wilson Ranch. This collection, which contains Andrena percontusa Cockerell (p. 167), is in Yale University. ZURICH, Switzerland: Geologisches Institut und Museum der Eidgendéssischen Technischen Hochschule. This collection includes much of the material, described by Oswald Heer, from Oeningen. Pie > YSteMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY: SYNONYMIC LIST OF FOSSIL BEES (EXCLUDING APIDAE) The following list is arranged according to Michener (1944, 1965). His phylo- genetic groups and main diagnostic characters for families, relevant subfamilies and tribes have been quoted, even though it is sometimes doubtful whether they are applicable to fossil forms. Indeed, only completely inapplicable characters have been omitted. In compiling the list a considerable number of specimens have been examined. In the case of unexamined material, no diagnoses of genera or species or systematic descriptions are given. These must await a study of the fossil material in American collections. Among such material, too, those specimens whose affinities have been stated in a definite way by earlier authors, but concerning which one might hold other views, have sometimes been accorded the benefit of the doubt, and noted under the generic name assigned by the most trustworthy author. The sections headed ‘incertae sedis’ therefore do not include specimens which are believed to be of such a nature that more information about them may substantiate their present suggested status. It is reserved for those which are too poorly preserved to be classifiable, and for vague records which cannot be substantiated by specimens. The publication containing the first valid name in accordance with the Inter- national Rules of Zoological Nomenclature has been marked with an asterisk (*). Superfamily APOIDEA Ashmead 1899 Family COLLETIDAE Bingham 1897 Diacnosis. Labrum broader than long; subantennal areas absent or at least reduced to small triangular spaces ; lower sides of clypeus not bent parallel to long 162 MONOGRAPH ON axis of body; subantennal sutures directed toward inner margins of antennal sockets ; facial foveae often present ; galeae short post-palpally and usually short pre-palpally, glossa short and often truncate or bifid, rarely round; labial palpi short, segments similar but sometimes the first somewhat elongated and broadened ; pre-episternal sutures usually complete ; metanotum usually horizontal; middle coxae, as seen from the outside, much shorter than the distance from their summits to posterior wing bases ; pygidial plate present or absent. Many of the genera are also distinguished from practically all other bees in having the posterior part of vein 2nd m-cu (2nd recurrent) of each forewing arcuate towards the apex of the wing ; the basal vein is not strongly curved. REMARKS. No fossil Colletidae have so far been found,? though Cyrtapis, a genus of Halictidae, is according to Cockerell (1908a) in some respects reminiscent of the Colletidae. Family HALICTIDAE Ashmead 1899 DiaGnosis. Labrum broader than long, but in some females its apex is produced to form a broad, acutely pointed process ; subantennal areas absent, though there is usually a single subantennal suture directed towards inner margins of antennal sockets ; lower sides of clypeus not bent back parallel to long axis of body ; facial foveae ordinarily absent ; galeae elongated pre-palpally, not post-palpally, the pre- palpal section tapering evenly to an acute base ; labial palpi with segments similar to each other, and usually cylindrical, rarely are any of the first three elongate and flattened. Glossa acute, usually short, without flabellum ; pre-episternal sutures usually complete ; metanotum horizontal ; middle coxae with exposed parts much shorter than distance from summits to posterior wing bases ; basitibial plate usually present in females, except in parasitic genera ; pygidial plate present in females. Basal vein usually strongly curved ; jugal lobe of posterior wings much more than half as long as anal lobe. The most distinctive features are the long pre-palpal parts of the galeae, the usually strong arcuation or angulation of the 1st abscissa of basal vein (vein M), and the normally complete pre-episternal suture. DISTRIBUTION. Oligocene to Recent. REMARKS. Apart from the genus Cyrtapis, which has colletid affinities, only true Halictinae are known as fossils. By Oligocene times they appear to have been very modern in wing venation and probably in their general appearance also. Subfamily HALICTINAE Ashmead 1899 DIAGNOSIS. Supraclypeal area convex and protuberant if seen in profile ; clypeus itself longer than labrum and not protuberant much beyond level of supraclypeal area ; labrum in females commonly provided with a broad, pointed apical process ; 2 But see Appendix, p. 255. FOSSIL BEES 163 antennal sockets not, or only a little, below middle of face ; pre-episternal suture conspicuous and complete ; scopa, when present, usually very extensive and found on posterior trochanters, femora, tibiae and basitarsi; prepygidial fimbria usually divided by a longitudinal line without hairs or with only appressed hairs. First abscissa of basal vein (vein M) strongly arcuate and first submarginal cell ordinarily longer than third when, as is usually the case, three are present. Sometimes the glossa is elongated and variously modified ; the labial palpi are not elongated. Remarks. This large subfamily is only very moderately represented by fossils. Genus CYRTAPIS Cockerell 1908 *1908a Cyrtapis Cockerell : 339. 1909b Cyrtapis Cockerell ; Cockerell : 80. GENOTYPE. Cyrtapis anomalus Cockerell by monotypy. REMARKS. According to Cockerell (1908a), ‘the general appearance and the large stigma, marginal cell, and bent basal nervure are all as in the Halictines. The form of the second submarginal cell, with the first r.n. joining it before the middle, as well as the second r.n. with the double curve, suggest affinity with the Colletines’. Cyriapis may well have retained primitive elements, but because its evolution is towards the Halictines it is better to look upon it, for the time being at least, as a representative of the latter. Special mention of the type was made by Cockerell (1909b). Cyrtapis anomalus Cockerell 1908 *1908a Cyrtapis anomalus Cockerell : 339. 1909b C. anomalus Cockerell ; Cockerell : 80. 1931 Cyrtapis anomalus Cockerell; Salt: 145. Hoiotype. Cockerell Collection, whereabouts unknown. DISTRIBUTION. Oligocene: Florissant. REMARKS. Mouth parts not known. In the circumstances, and because vein 2nd m-cu (2nd recurrent) has a strong double bend, the species is considered to be a little anomalous. Genus HALICTUS Latreille 1804 *1804 Halictus Latreille : 182. 1935b Halictus Latreille ; Richards: 170. 1938 Prohalictus Armbruster : 48, fig. 74 (type species: P. schemppi Armb.). GENOTYPE. Apis quadricincta Fabricius, by subsequent designation of Richards (1935b : 170). 164 MONOGRAPH ON Halictus ruissatelensis Timon-David 1944 1943 Sphecodes Timon-David : 256. *1944 Halictus ruissatelensis Timon-David : 42. Ho.totyrPe. Timon-David Collection, Marseille. DISTRIBUTION. Oligocene: Bassin de Marseille. REMARKS. Originally included by Timon-David (1943) in Sphecodes, but later (1944) placed, more correctly, in Halictus. We have not examined the specimen. Halictus florissantellus Cockerell 1906 *1906 Halictus florissantellus Cockerell : 43. 1907 Halictus florisantellus Cockerell ; Handlirsch : 889. HoLotypPe. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, No. 2010 (= Scudder Coll. No. 921). DISTRIBUTION. Oligocene: Florissant. REMARKS. The name ‘flortsantellus’ (Handlirsch 1907) is obviously a printer’s error. Cockerell (1906) writes that only part of the wing venation is preserved, but ‘generic reference seems safe’. Approximately 6-5 mm long. Halictus miocenicus Cockerell 1909 *t909a Halictus miocenicus Cockerell : 160. 1931 Halictus miocenicus Cockerell ; Salt: 146. HoLotypPe. Cockerell Collection, whereabouts unknown. DISTRIBUTION. Oligocene: Florissant. REMARKS. According to Cockerell, the generic position is probably correct. Halictus scudderiellus Cockerell 1906 *t906 Halictus scudderiellus Cockerell : 43. 1907. Halictus Scudderiellus Cockerell ; Handlirsch : 889. HoLotyPe. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, No. 2011 (= Scudder Coll. No. 1966). DISTRIBUTION. Oligocene: Florissant. REMARKS. Appears to be correctly placed. This bee is smaller than H. floris- santellus, being only 4-5 mm long. Halictus schemppi (Armbruster 1938) *1938 Pyrohalictus schemppi Armbruster : 48, fig. 74. HoLotypPe. Schempp Collection, Stuttgart-Weil. PARATYPES. Three specimens, Armbruster Collection. DISTRIBUTION. Miocene: Randeck. FOSSIL BEES 165 ReMARKS. Armbruster refers to one of his specimens as a true Halictus, stating (1938 : 48) that ‘the nervulus is positioned quite normally’. There is no reason for believing the others are not conspecific. Family ANDRENIDAE Latreille 1802 Diacnosis. Labrum broader than long, subantennal areas defined by two sub- antennal sutures beneath each antennal socket ; anterior lateral margins of clypeus usually concave ; lower sides of clypeus bent backwards more or less parallel to long axis of body (except in many species of Andrena) but clypeus not strongly protuberant ; facial foveae usually present ; galeae short pre-palpally and usually so post-palpally ; labial palpi short, the segments similar or first segment elongated and flattened, very rarely first two segments elongated ; glossa short or long, acute, without a flabellum ; pre-episternal sutures absent or present below scrobal sutures ; metanotum horizontal ; middle coxae short as seen externally, far shorter than distance from summits to posterior wing bases. Basitibial and pygidial plates present in females. Jugal lobe of posterior wing at least nearly three-quarters as long as anal lobe. The most characteristic feature of this family is the presence of defined sub- antennal areas. Unfortunately, in some species they le below the bases of the antennae, covered with hairs, and even when uncovered only weak sutures may be revealed. DISTRIBUTION. Eocene to Recent. REMARKS. Only the subfamilies Andreninae and Panurginae are represented among the fossils. Andvena was well characterized as a genus by the Eocene. Subfamily ANDRENINAE Latreille 1802 Diacnosis. Facial foveae large and usually covered with minute hairs giving a golden or reddish brown sheen in females, but in males foveae absent or virtually undefined and not clothed with minute hairs ; first flagellar segment rarely a little more than half as long as scape, usually much shorter; maxillary palpi six- segmented ; segments of labial palpi cylindrical, similar to one another; glossa usually short, acute ; pre-episternal sutures absent below scrobal sutures ; scopa present from coxae to basitarsi of posterior legs. Pterostigma moderate to large in size; marginal cell longer than distance from apex to wing tip, and with the apex itself pointed on the costal margin of the wing or very narrowly rounded. REMARKS. Most fossil members of this subfamily belong to the important genus Andrena, and two have been placed in the extinct genera Lithandrena and Pelandrena. Genus ANDRENA Fabricius 1775 *1775 Andrvena Fabricius : 376. 1873 Buiareolina Dours : 288 (type species : B. neglecta Dours). 1912 Andvena Fabricius; Viereck : 613. 13 166 MONOGRAPH ON GENOTYPE. Apis helvola Linnaeus 1758, by subsequent designation of Viereck Gor2ichm3). DISTRIBUTION. Eocene to Recent. Andrena wrisleyi Salt 1931 *1931 Andvena wrisleyi Salt : 141, fig. I. HoLotypPe. Formerly in the Geol. Museum, Univ. Koenigsberg, but now in the Humboldt Museum, Berlin. DISTRIBUTION. Eocene: Baltic amber. REMARKS. Well figured and described. Andrena clavula Cockerell 1906 *1906 Andrena (?) clavula Cockerell : 45. 1907. Andrena (?) clavula Cockerell ; Handlirsch : 889. HoLotyPe. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, No. 2014 (= Scudder Coll. No. 6963). DISTRIBUTION. Oligocene: Florissant. REMARKS. Considered by Cockerell (1906) to be congeneric with A. sepulta. He remarked, however, that ‘the shape of the abdomen is like that of a 9 Ceratina, or possibly certain Halictines, but the venation does not agree with these’. Andrena grandipes Cockerell 1911 *to11a Andyrena grandipes Cockerell : 73. 1931 Andrena grandipes Cockerell; Salt: 145. 1938 Andrena grandipes Cockerell; Rodeck : 295. HototyPe. Univ. Colorado Mus., No. 8599 (with counterpart). DISTRIBUTION. Oligocene: Florissant. ReMARKS. Cockerell (Ig11a) states ‘agrees closely with modern Andrvena in most respects, but is peculiar for the very broad hind tibia and basitarsus, the small eyes and the long slender marginal cell’. Andrena hypolitha Cockerell 1908 *1908b Andrena hypolitha Cockerell : 328. 1931 Andrena hypolitha Cockerell; Salt: 145. 1938 Andrena hypolitha Cockerell; Rodeck : 295. HoLotypPe. Univ. Colorado Mus., No. 18736. DISTRIBUTION. Oligocene: Florissant. REMARKS. Differs from A. sepulta and A. clavula in various details of venation etc. It is not clear, however, how the abdomen differs from A. clavula. FOSSIL BEES 167 Andrena lagopus Latreille 1809 *1809q