974.401 ^' Es7es V. 27-28 , 1425147 GENEALOGY COLLECTION ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1833 01 0 1266 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. VOLUME XXVII. 189^. SALEM, MASS. PRINTED BY THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. 1897. ^ O^- ) 11251/17 CONTENTS The Retrospect of the year, 1 The Lumbar Curve in Some American Races, by George A. DORSEY, 53 The Flora of Colonial Days, by Miss Mary T. Saunders, 74 Pre-historic Relics from Beverly, by John Robinson, , . 89 Botanical Notes, by William P. Alcott, 92 On a New Genus and Two New Species of Macrurous Crustacea, by J. S. KiNGSLEY, 95 The Nasal Organs of Pipa Americana, by Irving Rked Baj^croft, 101 Supplementary Report on the Mineralogy and Geology of Essex County, by John H. Sears, 109 Sandstone Dikes accompanying the Great Fault of Ute Pass, Colorado, by W. 0. Crosby, 113 (ill) BULLETIN ESSEX IlsrSTITTJTE Vol. 27. Salkm : January, — June, 1895. Nos. 1-6. ANNUAL MKETING. MAY 21, 1895. TuK annual meeting was held in Pluninier Hall, this evening, at 7.4.5 o'clock. President Edmund 15. AVillson, in the chair. The reports of the Secretary, Treasuier and Auditor, Secretary of tlu^ Women's T^ocal History class, T^ihrarian, Committee on Publications and Library, were read, ac- cepted and ordered to be placed on file. The report of the Connnittee on Nominations was j>re- sented by Mr. (reo. H. Allen, and it was ]^ofed, to proceed to the election of officers by ballot, and the Society voted that the Secretary be authorized to cast one ballot for the whole list of names that had been nominated. This was done and the following persons were declared to be unanimously elected : (1) THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. PRESIDENT : EDMUND B. WILLSON. VICE-PilESIDENTS : Abner C. Goodkll, Jk. Edward S. Morse. Danikx B. Hagau. Robert S. Rantoul. SECRETARY : TREASURER : Henry M. Brooks. AVilliam 0. Chapman. AUDITOR : LIBRARIAN : Henry M. Batchelder. Charlks S. Osgood. COUNCIL : William H. Govk. George D. Phippen. Thomas F. Hunt. David Pingree. Francis H. Lee. Frederic W. Putnam. Richard C. Manning. George M. Whipple. 8. Endicott Peabody. Alden P. White. Report of the Secretary, May 20, 1895. It will perhaps he remembered that last year 1 spoke to you on the great lack of interest, by people in general, in society or corporation reports. This year I have a few words to say on another suliject. Annual meetings, to a large majority of people, are a horef Some may think this is rather a strong expression. I 8upi)ose it is, but it is the way such meetings are gen- erally regarded and spoken of. Bank officers have to " scratch round " and get a sufficient number of proxies to elect themselves, and so do the officers of many other corporations. I am telling you nothing new, for this is well known. But, some will say, how is it with those societies, where they soinefi)nes have /)/// meetings? My answer to this is, that steps have to be taken to enliven the meeting with something besides the regular business. There must be THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 6 speeches, literary exercises or iiutsic, or there would he but a slim attendance even at those meetings. When the time comes round to i)rei)are for out' annual meeting, I always feel as Ailemas AVard said he felt when he was surrounded by the Indians. He wished he had happened to be somewhere else, just at that time ; or, like General Butler, when he was out of favor with the Com- mander-in-chief, ordered to report at Lowell. Of course, when I come to the meeting, I like to see a good attendance of handsome, well dressed [)eople, of both sexes — like those here to-night — but I have no words of censure for those members who do not care to come, for I might myself, under certain circumstances, stay away. One very rainy Sunday afternoon, many years ago, the worthy old sexton of the North church was pacing the broad aisle, when the minister. Dr. Brazer, arrived. They were the onl}' persons in the house. The Doctor said — "It doesn't look, Mr. Sexton, as if there would be many here this afternoon." "No, sir," answered the sexton, with his usual rapid and pointed speech, "and you and I. sir. wouldn't be here if we weren't })aid for it.'" But in sjnte of what I have had to say on this subject, it is, I suppose, incumbent on the Secretary to sacrifice his own feelings and present for your consideration some statistics, thought to be applical)le to the occasion. The year just closed has been one of ccmiparative i)ros- perity to the society. We have not, it is true, any of those large legacies to mention, wliich we are always anx- iously looking for. But wc nuist continue to work with patience, and have faith that there is a good time coming, some day or other, when we shall have the means to en- large our buikling, in order to properly display all our constantly increasing donations. 4 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. At the last annual meetino- the fact was referred to, that efforts were making to increase our membership, which was then reported as numbering 391. I have now the pleasure of stating that we have more than doubled the number. To he exact, we have at this time 806 members, and eight have 1)ecome life members. The life members are Calel> Davis Bradlee, Augustus Hemenway, Robert C. Winthrop, Jr., Edward Wiggles- worth, of Boston, James J. Higginson, of New York, Horace Fletcher, of New Orleans, Geo. Peabody Wet- more, of Newport, R. I., C. W. Galloupe, of Swampscott. This is certainly a good showing and proves that the method adopted by the Secretary is a good one, whatever any chronic fault-finders may have to say to the contrary, — I mean if we have any such characters about. I hope we haven't. We must continue this work until we have obtained at least 1,000 members, then we can take a short vacation. The question has been asked how many members we have outside of Salem. About 300, in 65 different cities and towns throughout tlio country, and one member in Birmingham, England. The following members have died during the year : Lincoln F. Brigham, Caleb Foote, John W. Masury, of New York, Daniel Needham, of Groton, Fitz W. Per- kins, George W. Pousland, of Boston, Thomas E. Proc- tor, of Boston, Henry Saltonstall, of Boston, A. A. Scott, of Saugus, Leverett Saltonstall, of Newton, Joseph W. Lefavour, of Beverly, Matthew A. Stickney, Dr. George A. Perkins; and of Honorary Members, Robert C. Win- throp, of Boston, Prof. James D. Dana, of New Haven, Oliver Wendell Holmes, of Boston, E. Rock wood Hoar, of Concord. The free course of lectures the past season in Phinnner TFIE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 0 Hall was apparently (juite satisfactory to the audiences, which were aenerally nmch larger than in previous years. The lectures have been hy Prof. T. C. Mendcnhall, of Worcester, Richard Ilodgdon of Boston, Dr. George A. Dorsey, of Cambridge, Howard Walker, of Boston, (la- nialiel Bradford, of Boston, Goorgo S. Hale, of Boston, Gharles Carleton Coffin, of Boston, Rev. Dr. Pulhnan, of Lynn, Miss Lucia T. Ames, of Boston. There have been twenty-three regular meetings of the Society held this year ; a larger num])er, I think, than has ever l)een held in any year previous. The evening meet- ings in the Library room have been well attended. Papers have been read by the following ])crsons : Herl)ert E. Valentine, of Somervillc, Jolni Rol)inson, Prof. E. 8. Morse, John H. Sears, Hon. R. vS. Rantoul, Frank Cous- ins, Mrs. H. W. Edwards, Mrs. E. A. Kilham, of Bev- erly, Miss Helen D. Lander for Miss Lucy Perry, Mrs. R. C. Manning, Miss Mary S. Cleveland, Miss Abljy L. Read, Miss Irene Weir, of Boston, and three i^ajjers by the Secretary. These papers were discussed by various members of the Society. There is a great interest taken in these meet- ings, which is very encouraging to those who planned them. The only drawl)ack seems to be that some of our members, who would gladly take i)art, have engagements elsewhere on Monday evenings. But it might be the same if we had the meetings upon any other evening. Our regular meetings, in accordance with the by-laws, occ ur on the first and third Monday in every month. They have been held this season in tiie evening, from the first Monday in December until the first Monday in May. Dur- ing the summer months they are usually held on Monday mornings, for business only, and notice is given in the newspai)('i-s of the city on Frid;iy and Saturday previous. I mention this here because members sometimes say they b THE EETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. do not know Avhen we have our meetings, or they would be present. At the last annual meeting it was stated that some of the women connected with the Society proposed to form a class for the study of local history. Such a class was begun earl}^ in June last, and has continued during the year. Miss Helen D. Lander, the Secretary, will read to the meeting a most excellent report of the doings of that very successful class. With regard to this matter, 1 have only to say that, in my judgment, this is the most impor- tant movement made in the Institute for years. I will not except even the Chicago boom, — for one of the prin- cipal objects of the society is the investigation and study of local history. As is perhaps well know^n almost everywhere now, we hold the key to the broadest church in the land. Koman Catholics, Protestants, Trinitarians and Unitarians, all go to this church. Between l;),000 and 10,000 have been into the church this year, the largest numl^er ever reported. It is amusing to hear remarks often made about this house of worship. As we have a card posted up explaining the matter, visitors have ceased to ask how they got up in the gallery. One party who applied for admission asked if they " could be permitted to walk through the church," meaning, 1 suppose, up the broad aisle and down another. One man from New York, upon returning the key, said, " That'll do well enough to show to countrymen, but I can hardly swallow it." One person asked how long the church continued to be Baptist after Roger Williams left. Another asked if all the seats were like the old " settle " we have there. The following societies have visited Salem the last year and received attentions from the Institute and the Peabody Academy of Science : The Auburndale Review Club, on June .5, the Asburv Grove Methodist Trustees on June THE RETROSREOT OF THE YEAR. 7 15, and on August 2, sixty members of the American Society of University Extension under the direction of Prof. Lyman T. PoAvell, of Phi]adeli)hia. This society, under the escort of a committee of the Institute, was taken about the city to historical points in barges, lunched in Plummer Hall at 12 o'clock and attended a meeting at Academy Hall in the afternoon, where Hon. R. 8. Rantoul gave a tine address on the history of Saleni during the Revolution. The visitors expressed themselves as greatly i)leased with the attention they received, and with what the}^ saw and heard on this occasion. Profes- sor Morse and the Seci"etary by invitation, represented the Institute at a reception given to the "Historical Pil- grims " in Boston, on the succeeding Friday evening. As usual, several schools and classes have visited our rooms the past year. These excursions are l)ecoming so general with the increase of the "travel habit," which has taken i)ossession of most people, that any record of them, ceases to be of sjiecial interest to any of us, I imagine. I will mention, however, that on the olst of last May, the architectural class of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology made a visit to Salem for the pur})ose of studying exam])les of colonial architecture. This class was taken to })oints of historical note about town by a committee of the Institute, and two or three evenings our rooms were opened to them that they might study any objects of inter- est to be found there. The tirst evening the class was introduced by jNlr. Ross Turner to the officers and commit- tees of the society, who gave an informal recei)tion from S to 10 o'clock, with a light lunch, nmsic, etc. The large and valual)le collection of manuscript letters and})apers left to the society by Dr. Wheatland have been carefully examined and arranged by AVm. P. Upham, Es(|., curator of manuscripts, and these are now in the 8 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. hands of our library assistants who are placing them in scrap books for their better preservation. The donations to the Cabinets the past year have been 470, from 132 donors. Among these donations were an ancient sword, silver case and hilt (marked 1319) from Miss Mary Ellen Briggs ; a wooden l^ust of Hippocrates which, in Oct., 1771, was a sign for Nathaniel Dabney of Salem, a})othecary ; a cradle used by Judge Story and afterwards by his son Wm. W. Story; and several very finely carved tortoise shell combs from the Misses Cleve- land. From the late Judge E. KockNvood Hoar, a gold watch, key, seal and chain, which belonged to Major John Clarke, who was at the capture of Quebec in 1759 ; and an early Chickering piano from Mrs. W. A. Lander; from the Salem Marine Society, miniatures on ivory, of Capt. Jona. Lambert and Capt. Samuel Lambert, of Salem, and from Prof. Alpheus Hyatt of Cambridge, a slave whip. We have also been presented with a Bull.* He is, however, somewhat aged and infirm and will have to be doctored l)efore he is ready for a bull light, or can be exhibited. Besides this we have some of the bones of Georo:e Jacobs, who was executed for witchcraft. An album of leaves and flowers gathered in Italy by Una Ha^^horne in 1858-9, sent to us by Richard Garnett, Esq., of the British Museum, London. These are a few of the most noted donations, for we could not enumerate all in this report. The Society still wants room, money and nienil)ers — the young and old of both sexes. Which is respectfully submitted, Henry M. Brooks, jSecretmy. *Made of wood, iisecl as a si<;n l)y Jona. Aiuhow in 17<'i9, near Williams Street. THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. Report of the Librarian. The additions to the library for the year (May, to May, 1895), have been as follows : 1894, By Donation. Folios, . Quartos, Octavos, Twelvemos, Sixteenmos, Twenty-fourmos, Total of bound volumes. Pamphlets and serials, Total of donations, 23 75 517 177 119 39 950 3,563 4,513 Folios, Quartos, Octavos, Twelvemos, By Exchange. Total of bound volumes. Pamphlets and serials, 5 21 184 1 211 1,819 Total of exchanges. 2,030 Folios, Quartos, Octavos, Twelvemos, By Purchase. 4 3 12 25 Total of bound volumes, Pamphlets and serials, Total of purchases. Total of donations. Total of exchanges, Total of purchases. 44 441 485 4,513 2,030 485 Total of additions, . . . . ESSEX INST. BUIXETIN, VOL. XXVII 7,02a 10 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. Of the total number of pamphlets and serials, 2,244 were pamphlets and 3,579 were serials. The donations to the library for the year have been received from two hundred and one individuals and nine- ty-three societies and governmental departments. The exchanges, from ten individuals and two hundred and nineteen societies and incorporated institutions, of which one hundred and twenty-two are foreign ; also from edi- tors and publishers. To these facts and figures the librarian has but little to add. The ordinary routine work of the library has been performed quietly and effectively and, we have reason to believe, has been appreciated by many students and in- vestigators. There have been no large donations as in many former years which accounts for the much smaller increase of the library, although the number of donors and exchanges have not materially changed. The use of the library shows a steady increase from year to year, one reason for it this year being found in the impetus given to local historical research by the for- mation, by the ladies connected with the Institute, of the history class to which reference is made in the other re- ports. During the year the magazines in the library, both bound and unbound, have been arranged, and an alpha- betical list of them made, so that it is now possible to tell at once what numbers of the different magazines we have and what are our deficiencies. This will be found a great convenience to all who wish to consult them. The long-looked-for, and confidently expected addition to the funds of the Institute, has not as yet been forth- coming, but we do not lose heart on this account. During the past year we have made an almost phenomenal addi- tion to our list of members. This brings to the mind of THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 11 many more persons the wants and needs of the Institute and the good work it is doing for the county and city. From this largely increased membership, or by means of it, we hope and believe that some will be interested to the extent of furnishing, in some form, a substantial addition to our available funds. When we realize how much has been done by the Institute, at a comparatively small ex- pense, we can form some estimate of how much the public would be benefited were a larger fund placed at its dis- posal. The needs of the library are a stack room for books and a catalogue. Our ever increasing number of books, now about 65,000 bound volumes and 200,000 pamphlets, make the first a pressing necessity which we have partly relieved by the undesirable method of storing those least used outside the library building, and the second is need- ed that the users of the library may be able to know just what it contains on the subjects upon which they desire to inform themselves. Both these needs appeal to the liberality of the public and must await the time when that liberality shall manifest itself. In conclusion, the librarian would congratulate the mem- bers on the possession of a library somewhat unique in character, and one which, notwithstanding all the draw- backs, is frequently and profitably consulted. Charles S. Osgood, Librarian. 12 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. Treasurer's Report. RECEIPTS. Balance from last report, Received from invested funds, " " assessments of members, " " life membership fees, " " publications, " " other sources, Money borrowed. Interest received and funded. $508 97 $2,777 05 1,986 00 400 00 528 14 90 47 5,781 66 1,500 00 12 58 $7,803 21 Also received from Almy, Bigelow & Washburn, $25, the nucleus of a Reception Fund. EXPENDITURES. Salaries of secretary, assistant librarians and janitor, Fuel, Lighting and water. Labor, etc., on grounds. Postage and express. Supplies, ..... Insurance, ..... Interest on loan, .... Furniture and fixtures. Storage, ..... Lecture expenses, Reception " ... Our proportion of Athenaeum expenses. Repairs, ..... Boolis, . - . . . Publications and printing. Miscellaneous, .... Annuities, .... Interest added to manuscript fund, . North Bridge monument fund, Balance of cash on hand, .... $2,458 00 309 76 102 72 51 15 173 44 72 90 45 00 208 50 158 87 51 80 62 42 197 35 246 54 158 68 422 72 1,626 62 29 42 610 00 7 30 5 28 $6,985 88 12 58 804 75 $7,803 21 Respectfully submitted, W. O. Chapman, Treasurer. the retrospect of the year. 13 Auditor's Keport. Salem, May 20, 1895. The treasurer's accounts and books have been examined from the last annual meeting to date. The receipts appear to be correctly entered and the expenditures properly entered and vouched. The securities herein reported by the treasurer were examined on May 18, 1895, and agree with the list sub- mitted within. Respectfully submitted, H. M. Batch ELDER, Auditor. Library and Publication Committee Report. The Library and Publication Committee respectfully presents its report for the year ending May 20, 1895. The condition of the library has undergone no consid- erable change and is clearly indicated in the exhaustive re- port of the Librarian. The library increases with a steady and healthy growth, and so in an unmistakable degree does the use of it, and the need of much additional shelf- room is once more pressing upon us. The publications of the Institute have now been sus- tained in a manner which is recognized as creditable, for a series of years dating from 1856-7, when the Institute moved into Plummer Hall, and when six volumes of Pro- ceedings, covering the work of the society from its incep- tion in 1848, were begun and published at intervals through a dozen years. In 18(59 the Proceedings made way for the Bulletin, now in its twenty-sixth volume, which has, for a reason about to l)e disclosed, become 14 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. scientific in the main, although still embracing the current record of the doings, the meetings and the necrology of the society. In April, 1859, a new publication, devoted to histori- cal matter, was begun, which has now reached a total of thirty completed volumes. It has been sustained without a break. The spirit in which it was conceived and carried on appears from the introductory notes which preface each of the first eight volumes. At first such material as came to hand and seemed worthy of perpetuation in type — historical sketches, copies of records, and essays in antiquarian research — was printed, by a mutually convenient plan, in the col- umns of the Salem Gazette, and before distribution of the type, a limited number of extra copies were run off, paged up in a form to be bound into a periodical volume, and hence the double columns and peculiar shape of the page in the first eight volumes of our Historical Collec- tions. But in 186y, not without a good many pangs amongst the more conservative of us, it was decided that these swaddling clothes had been outgrown, and our pub- lications took on the decorous and customary form of the regulation octavo page. During this series of forty years the Institute has print- ed and put on record very little matter which has not suflicient interest and value to warrant its preservation. Some of the articles in this long series have possessed an exceptional importance and a literary quality which has been recognized by the public. Some have been the work of persons of established literary, scientific and genealog- ical repute. On the whole it is not presumptuous, perhaps, to claim that our publications, as compared with others of their class, contain a fair share of matter which would be accepted as of value in the current issues of the press. THE KETK08PECT OF THE YEAR. 15 Yet, notwithstanding the unstinted efforts which have been made to keep up the standard of our publications and to luring" their merits to the notice of appreciative readers — notwithstanding the frequent expressions of pride and satisfaction in the work which prevail about us, — the fact remains that no appeal to the people of Essex County, be they members or non-meml)ers of the Essex Institute, to sustain these publications has any effect ; that no considerable portion of the cost of production can be met by sales, and that their remunerative value to the Insti- tute lies in their availability in exchange. As Ijooks of reference in the libraries of the country, they are used l^y persons pursuing genealogy, local his- tory and natural science. We have had occasion within a year to refer an English investigator to a copy of our Historical Collections which is on the shelves of the Brit- ish Museum. As a purchasing medium, they bring us large accessions of books from outside sources in the way of exchange. As a ready source of information which could not be reached without them, except through pro- tracted research, they are drawn on by newsmen and genealogists and antiquarians and historical students, as unconsciously as the air they breathe, and, for the most part, with as little sense of dependency or obligation as the bird feels towards the atmosphere in which it floats. Perhai)s this is as it should be ; clearly it is beyond our power to change the fact, and we have either to support the publications on these terms or suspend them altogether. Besides parts four, five and six of volume twenty-six — the current volume — of the Bulletin, comprising valua- ble contributions from Mr. Sears and the annual reports, and besides the second half of volume thirty of the Historical Collections, wholly given up to the memorial tribute to Doctor Wheatland, and the first half of volume 16 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. thirty-one containing church records, family history, etc., there have been printed and issued the following extras : 1. A Partial Catalogue of Publications on sale. 2. The Annual Report for 1894. 3. Baptismal Records of the Church in Topsfield, copied by Geo. Frs. Dow. 4. A Geological Report by Mr. Sears to accompany his map. 5. Geological and Mineralogical Notes, parts 7 and 8, by Mr. Sears. 6. The Wheatland Memorial in pamphlet form. 7. Salem and the Conkling Family, by Frank J. Conkling, Brooklyn, N. Y. 8. The Pepperrell Portraits, by Cecil Hampden Cutts Howard, Beebe, Ark. In commemorating the founder of the Institute, as the occasion was unique, so a course was followed not alto- gether usual and, it was apprehended, open possibly to adverse remark. Instead of presenting a carefully drawn sketch, the work of a single hand, which must exhibit at once the capabilities and the limitations of the limner, it was thought the better plan to collate, in one volume, es- timates and characterizations of the distinguished subject from a multitude of appreciative sources, thus perpetuat- ing, so to say, a rounded statue observable from many points of view, rather than a canvas offering only one. So far as your committee have been informed, the depart- ture has not been considered an unwise one. The elaborate map exhibiting the surface geology of the county, pre})ared by the curator of that branch in the Peabody Academy of Science and promised us for publi- cation last year, has been issued by the Institute and has been received with favor. A trustworthy Guide to Salem and the adjoining region THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 17 has been for years a desideratum with visitors at the Es- sex Institute, and several books of no mean pretensions have been furnished of late by private enterprise. One of these has alread}'' reached its thirty-second thousand and has enjoyed the commendation of critical journals in remote sections of the country. It has seemed advisable, this year, for the Institute to assume the publication of such a guide. For this purpose the valuable accumulation of material in the " Visitor's Guide " has been placed at the service of the Institute and, largely extended and re- vised with care under the supervision of the committee, it will be issued at once and will bear the imprint of the Essex Institute, It is thought to be as free from inaccu- racies as is fairly to be expected. Such errors as may linger in it, will, as they are discovered and pointed out, disappear in subsequent editions. The committee are unable to close this retrospect of the year without alluding to a new element of Institute work which has come to their notice, and which seems to them to be of rich promise for the future. The class of ladies who have taken up, as a recreation, the pursuit of local history and antiquities, embodying the results of their re- search in a series of short, carefully written and well-con- structed papers, have been pleased to place these at the service of the Essex Institute for reference or publication. While some of the best of them, from the necessity of the case, are made up largely of material already to be found in our pages and are therefore of no value to us, as contri- butions to our collections, commensurate with their lit- erary quality, there are others, and these not a few, containing original features of marked merit, — some new mode of treatment of a familiar topic, — some new light thrown on a cons})icuous character, — some new view of an event heretofore regarded from an ill-selected standpoint, ESSEX INST. BULLETIN VOL. XX\^I 3 18 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. — which make the papers distinct contributions to the store of knowledge this committee is endeavoring to ac- cumulate. It can hardly be that this new movement will fail of rendering welcome aid in our historical labors. KOBERT S. RaNTOUL. Geo. M. Whipple. Chas. S. Osgood. Edw. S. Morse. William H. Gove. Alden p. White. Sidney Perley. Local History Class Report. It has been suggested that it might be of interest to the members of the Institute to hear a short report of the work of the Local History Class, a branch of the par- ent tree, to a report of whose proceedings for the past year, we have just had the pleasure of listening. At the last annual meeting of the Institute a suggestion was made that a class should be formed for the study of our local history. It was thought this study might prove interesting and instructive. In pursuance of this suggestion, Mrs. Henry M. Brooks, with a view to finding out if such a class would be desira- ble, talked over the matter with a few persons, and, as a result, a meeting to consider the question was called for Thursday afternoon. May 24th, at the Institute rooms. The day proved very stormy and but three persons were present: Mrs. Brooks, Miss Arvedson and Miss H. D. Lander. Of course no formal action towards the forma- tion of a class could be taken, and the meeting adjourned to June 6th. At that meeting nineteen persons were present. It THE RETROSPECT OF THE TEAK. 19 was voted to form a class for the study of our local his- tory, to hold weekly meetings on Tuesday afternoons ; the hour of meeting to be four o'clock ; the time of the session to be limited to one hour ; the place of meeting, the Henry Wheatland library room, the use of which was offered to the class. Mrs. Henry M. Brooks was chosen chairman, Miss H. D. Lander, Secretary, and Miss M. E. Arvedson, Refer- ence Librarian. At first the members read extracts from books contain- ing accounts of life in the early times. In a few weeks they began to write papers, gathering the facts from the books, but telling the stories in their own words. The in- terest has increased greatly as the study has progressed. Forty-nine papers have been prepared upon a variety of subjects, including the lives of the early planters, of the early governors, of the first ministers, and of the notable women of those early days, who so bravely endured the hardships and privations, and often the persecutions to which they were exposed. Papers have been written also descri})tive of the places prominent in our early history : North and South Fields, Salem Xeck, and Salem Common. Accounts have been given of Salem's early com- merce, ship building, the early Xew England fisheries, schools and school-masters, the establishment of Harvard College, custom houses, taverns, slavery, travelling, the early Quakers, and the cruelties and persecutions they suffered at the hands of the Puritans. A paper dealing with Roger AVilliams' life in Salem, and the persecutions inflicted upon him by the magistrates, drew forth a paper from another member of the class, taking the other side, and, as the title sets forth, " Trying to prove that the mag- istrates had some reason in their sentence of banishment of Roger Williams from the Massachusetts Colony, from their point of view." 20 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. A paper describing the persecutions the Episcopalians underwent from the Puritans was followed by another pa- per called "A Defence of the Puritans." A discussion usually follows the reading of the papers and often new light is thrown upon a subject in that way. Chronologically speaking, the class has not made much progress, as the field of interesting material concerning the very early days has not yet been exhausted. The last paper was upon John Woodbury. Several gentlemen, members of the Institute, have ver}^ kindly consented to address the class from time to time, at Plummer Hall, and there have been given many not only delightful, but also very instructive afternoon talks on subjects bearing upon the work the class has been doing. Mr. Rantoul gave the first informal talk on " Life Among the Early Planters," which was most interesting. He was followed by Rev. E. B. Willson, with a charming sketch of " Life Among the Early Ministers." Next Mr. Sidney Perley gave a very instructive and interesting talk upon the "Interpretation of old Colonial Manuscripts," illus- trated by blackboard drawings. Mr. Ezra D. Hines took the class one afternoon, in imagination, upon his pictur- esque and attractive ramble over "An Historic Highway." Jan. 1, Mr. Henry M. Brooks read a most delightful })aper, entitled " Old Schools." At the close of this paper, in celebration of the day, a bowl of " Literary Salad, " containing quotations from the papers which the members of the class had written, was passed around. Each per- son took a lettuce leaf with quotation attached and was requested to bring to the next meeting the name of the author. Soon after this meeting, Hon. Alden P. White gave, with blackboard illustrations, his most charming and fas- cinating " Evolution of Essex County." One afternoon Mr. Frank Cousins took the class upon THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 21 an imaginary walk through the streets of Salem, describ- ing very graphically, the various points of interest. Mr. Brooks very kindly repeated, lately, his recent paper upon "Early Localities," followed by some extracts from the paper called " Some Eccentric People." Both of these papers were very enjoyable. Last September, the Dan vers Historical Society, through Mr. Hines, sent a most cordial invitation to the class, to at- tend a tield-meeting at Dan vers Centre. Twenty-five per- sons availed themselves of this opportunity to visit the places of historic interest in that town, under such admi- rable guidance. After studying the Ingersoll Boulder, lately ])laced upon the Common and visiting other interest- ing spots, the party adjourned to the Chapel of the First Church, where Mr. William P. Upham gave a most care- fully prepared paper upon the ancient land grants in that vicinity. The class numbers at present sixty-four members, and new ones are constantly being added. The largest num- ber of persons at any meeting has been forty-eight, the smallest twelve, with an average attendance of twenty- eight. Through the winter the hour for besfinnino; the meetino; was changed to half -past three as the Institute Rooms closed at five o'clock. Since May 1, the original hour of four o'clock has been resumed. The question has often been asked to whom is this Local History Class open, and how is membership ol)- tained? The class is open to any member of the Institute or to any person a meni])er of whose family l)clongs to the Institute. No formality is required to become a member. Any person fulfilling the above condition, who feels interested 22 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. in the subjects the class is studying, will be most cordially welcomed any and every Tuesday afternoon. Respectfully submitted, H. D. Lander, Secretary L. H. G. Lectures and Meetings. Regular Meeting, Monday, June 18, 1894. — The Secre- tary stated that he had just heard of the death of Hon. Caleb Foote, who had been a member of the society from its or- ganization in 1848, and one of its best friends. Upon motion of Capt. George M. Whipple, it was voted, That the Secretary be instructed to write a letter of condolence to the family of our revered friend, expressing the feelings of the members of the society upon the loss sustained by them in this event. In accordance with the above vote the Secretary wrote to Mrs. J. B. Tileston at Mattapan (daughter of Mr. Foote) : " It is the sense of the members of our society that in the removal, by death, of our late associate, the Hon. Caleb Foote, we have lost a most valued member and kind friend, who was always ready to aid us in our work in every way in his power, by liberal contril)utions of liooks for our library, as well as by his ready pen whenever oc- casion required. His memory Avill long 1)e cherished by us, as having been one of the most genial and worthy per- sons connected with the society. In communicating this vote I would most tenderly offer to the family my heart- felt sympathy with them in their bereavement." Tuesday, Jidy 10, 1894. — A tield meeting was held this day in Lynn Woods. About fifty members took a special electric car at 'd.lb o'clock and reached the woods THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 23 in about an hour ; some members went in a later car. During the forenoon a portion of the party visited the " wolf pits " and other places of interest, under the guid- ance of Nathan M. Hawkes, Esq. Lunch was eaten at 1 o'clock near the summit of Mount Gilead. At 2 o'clock the meeting was opened by President Willson with some interesting remarks explaining the objects of field-meet- ings, that for many years had been pursued by this so- ciety: — the study of history, botany, geology, etc., by visits to fields and woods, more especially in the county of Essex. The speaker wished it understood that this was a county society and not merely a Salem institution . Mr. Willson referred to the beautiful park in which we were holding our meeting and wished Salem could boast of something of the sort. Mr. Hawkes gave a full ac- count of the establishing of the park and told how the property was acquired. Professor Morse spoke in his usual entertaining manner of the value and importance of out-door education. Alderman Gove hoped Salem would do something to get possession of the territory between Lynn and Salem for a park — that part between the rail- road and the turnpike. In the same line were the re- marks of AV. S. Nevins, Dr. H. C. Merriam, Dr. Jesse Robbins, Captain Whipple and C. H. Preston of Danvers. A vote of thanks was given to Mr. Hawkes and others for courtesies extended. Meeting adjourned at 4 p. m. Thursday ^ Aug mt 2, 1894. — About sixty members of tlie Amcriciui Society of University Teaching, under the direction of Prof. Lytnan T. Powell, visited Salem this day and were entertained l)y the Institute and Peal)ody Acad- emy of Science. They arrived in town at 9.30, and were met at the railway station l)y a eommitte of the Institute, with barges, and taken to our rooms, where they examined our collections ; they then took the barges again and were 24 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. driven about the city to points of historical interest. Re- tiirnino; at 12.30 o'clock, a lunch was served in Pluranaer Hall where about one hundred persons, inchiding the Com- mittee, sat down to a lunch by Caterer Wentworth. At two o'clock a meeting was held in Academy Hall at which President Willson, in a few well chosen remarks, intro- duced Prof. E. S. Morse who gave a brief histcn-y of the Institute and Peabody Academy. The Hon. R. S. Ran- toul then delivered a scholarly address, abounding with information, on the history of Salem in the Revolution. He was followed by Professor Powell who made a pleasant speech expressive of the appreciation and thanks of the visitors for the reception and courtesies extended to them. The guests then visited the Museum of the Peabody Acad- emy and afterwards took the cars for Boston or Marble- head. Regular Meeting, Monday, Aug. 20, 1894. — The Secretary called the attention of the members to the death of Mr. M. A. Stickney which occurred on the 11th inst. The following resolutions offered by Mr. Rantoul, sec- onded by Mr. Cousins, were ado[)ted. Resolved: That it is with a deep sense of loss and regret that the Essex Insti- tute is called to record the death of Matthew Adams Stick- ney, at the ripe old age of eighty-nine. His early, constant, and unfaltering devotion to the interests of this society, dating from a time when its existence from year to year was only secured by the untiring zeal of a few promoters like himself, deserves to be remembered now when the records of the society's stabilit}^ and usefulness cover half a century. Born of an ancient Essex County stock, leading a life pure and lofty in its aims and exemplary in all its relations, his estimable qualities widel}- recognized as they coidd not fail to be, and honored with membershi[) in many leading archivological and literary societies of the THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 25 country, a naturalist at the age of ten, devoted to the study and to the collection of specimens which came to possess a rare interest and value, a careful student of genealogy and family history, leaving much of his research in print, besides a fund of manuscript material most help- ful to those who follow him, — he made his acquaintance an invaluable privilege to the student by a wealth of personal reminiscence ; by an acquaintance with the dark history of Gallows Hill, under whose shadow he passed his life, and of the Witchcraft period of which he made a specialty ; while his gathered store of antique furnishings, publica- tions and coinage made his comfortable homestead a Mecca for the bibliophile and the archaeologist. His accumula- tion of coins and medals of British and American issue, of colonial and provincial currency, of continental pa- per money, of New England almanacs, covering more than two centuries in their publication, of autograph let- ters, French, English and American, illustrating our Rev- olutionary period, represented the devotion of a lifetime and challenged comparison with the most exhaustive collections in the country. With the exception of six consecutive years during which Mr. Stickney was the librarian of the Essex Institute, he was curator of numis- matics from the foundation of the society in 1848 until his death." The Secretary was instructed to send a copy of the above to the family of Mr. Stickney. Regular Meetiiu/, Monday, JVbv. 19, 1894. — Mr. Rantoul made a statement'in reference to a cradle presented to the Institute by Richards W. Bradley of Boston. " The Essex Institute accepts with satisfaction the custody of an object so intimately associated with two of the most distinguished sons of Essex County, as is the cradle of KSSKX INST. BULLETIN, VOL. XXVII 4 26 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. Joseph Story tind William Wetmore Story. The list of their contributions to the fair fame of Salem, in politics, in literature, in good citizenship, in law and in art, is quite too extended to bear rehearsal here. Judge Story was born Sept. 18, 1779, in a mansion house in Marblehead now standing and nearly opposite the old Town House, and was there cradled in this quaint and interesting relic. In 1801, he came to Salem, building ten years later the house, now numbered 26 on Winter street, where he continued to reside until his removal to Cambridge in 1829 ; and in that house, on Feb. 12, 1819, the son was born whose genius as sculptor and author has kept the name of Story fresh in the regfard of a second generation of Americans. No reminder of these two eminent men could be more sug- gestive to the people of this region by whom their fame is cherished than this cradle, and no place of deposit could be selected where it will be more sacredly cared for than in the Essex Institute." It was voted to adopt this statement as the sense of the members of the Institute and the Sec- retary was requested to record the same and forward a copy through Mr. Bradley to the Hon. Wm. W. Story at Rome, Italy. Regular Meeting , Monday, Dec. 3, 1894, in Library room. — The Secretary gave some reminiscences of several old Salem schools, notably Master Lang's and Master Wat- son's ; Mrs. Rogers', latter part of the last century; Mrs. Brown's; Misses Pierce's, Miss Haskell's, James S. Ger- rish's, and the English High school down to about 1836. Specimens of penmanship of some of the old scholars 1791 to 1815, were exhibited, also receipts from old schoolmasters at various dates. This paper called forth quite a discussion, and among those who spoke on the sub- ject in hand were President Willson, Mr. G. M. Jones, Mr. W. L. Welch and others. THE KETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 27 Regular Meeting, Mondaij, Dec. 17, 1894, in Library room. — Papers were read I)}' meinhers of the Local History Class connected with the society : Mrs. H. W. Edwards on "Lady Deborah Moody ;" Mrs. E. A. Kilham of Beverly on "Anne Hutchinson;" and Miss Helen D. Lander read a paper on " Hugh Peters," written by Miss Lucy W. Perry. These papers were well written and highly appreciated by the audience. Remarks were made by the President and Hon. R. S. Rantoul in praise of what had been said. Regular Meeting, Monday Evening , Jan. 7, 1895, in Library room. — Mr. John Robinson gave an account of the stone implements and other relics of the early native In- dians of Essex County, with suggestions as to their age, origin and mode of manufacture. Specimens of stone im- plements, [)()ttery, etc., from the Peabody Academy of Science were exhibited. Mr. Robinson was of the opin- ion, which he substantiated in some interesting remarks, that the stone relics must have been made not later than 1550, for the Indians would not have been likely to have made such articles after contact with Europeans, who vis- ited these parts in the sixteenth century and could furnish them with iron or c(jppcr utensils and tools. Some of the implements may of course be much older. Monday Evening, Jan. 14, 1895. — The first lecture in the "free course" was delivered this evening, in Plum- merHall, by Prof. T. C. Mendenhall, President of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute ; subject, "The Seal Is- lands and the Bering Sea Controversy," illustrated with lantern views. The lecturer gave a brief account of the origin and present condition of the Bering Sea Contro- versy, mentioning incidentally that Bering, the discov- erer of the straits, invariably spelt his name without the h. The gazetteers and geographies all spell the word 28 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. "Behring." He then spoke of the seal islands, discov- ered by a Russian named Publlof in 1786. Two of the group he named St. Peter and St. Paul. The Rus- sians occupied the islands until they were sold with Alaska to the United States, in 1867, for $7,200,000. Professor Mendenhall said, that from these islands have already been reaped more money than was paid for the entire area of Alaska. The year after the U. S. bought it, over 250,000 seals were killed by poachers from all over the world. In 1871, a law was passed protecting seals, but the poachers took to killing them in the open sea, and before long their numbers became greatly diminished and an effort was made by the government to stop this, which eventually resulted in the "Bering Sea Contro- versy." The lecturer described his trip to the islands on a commission to obtain an estimate of the actual loss of seal life. Pictures were shown of seal life and of the natives of the islands. The lecturer stated that the seal would be extinct in a few years, unless in the near future some new and better plan than the arbitration provided, should be made for its protection. Regular Meeting, Monday Evening, Jan. 21, 1895, at the Library room. — Mr. Herbert E. Valentine, a Salem boy, but now of Somerville, read an historical sketch of Company F, 23d Massachusetts Volunteers, organized in the fall of 1861, from the " Union Drill Club " of Salem. In introducing the speaker, Mr. Willson said it was appro- priate that this paper should be read at a meeting of the Institute, as all the officers of the company and several of the members were more or less prominently connected with the Institute: Henry F. Waters, Dr. James A. Emmerton, F. H. Lee; and the commander of the corps, G. M. Whipple, was for years secretary of the Institute. THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 29 The company's life was traced by Mr. Valentine from its lirst camp on Winter Island (Camp Bertram) to the camp at Lynnfield, thence on its march through Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Perry ville, where steamers were taken for Fortress Monroe. In January, 1862, the fleet sailed, the land forces under Gen. Burnside, the naval squadron under Commodore Goldsborough ; after a stormy and perilous time at C&pe Hatteras, the troops landed at Roanoke Island. The speaker described, in vivid lan- guage, the engagements at this place, at Nevvberne, N. C, at later fights at Kingstown, Whitehall and Goldsboro. Ninety per cent of Co. F were Essex County men and seventy per cent from Salem alone. Monday Evening, Jan. 28, 1895. — Dr. Richard Hodg- don, of Boston, lectured in Plummer Hall on ''Unusual Hypnotic States." The lecturer began by saying that Hypnotism was the same as mesmerism, and mentioned recent French experiments in hospitals, in attempting to cure insanity and relieve mild delusions, Avhich had been successful to a certain degree. He described the ditfer- ent states of consciousness which could be induced in the same persons at different times by the treatment — the individuals maintaining :i concurrence of recollections and sentiments in each of the several states, quite independent of the other states, Monday Evening, Feb. 4, 1895. — Regular meeting in the Library room. Mr. Frank Cousins gave an interest- ing and instructive talk on "The Old Houses of Salem," and events connected with them. Monday Evening, Feb. 11, 1895. — Dr. George A. Dorsey, of Cambridge, lectured in Plummer Hall on ** Peruvian Antiquities," illustrated with hmtern views. 30 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. Pictures were shown of excavations made in a 40 acre lot, where 10,000 persons had been buried. The un- earthing was made twenty-five years ago, in connection with the building of a raih'oad. Photographs of mummies were shown as they appeared partially exhumed, and with the natives working over the graves. Monday Evening , Feb. 18, 1895. — Regular meeting at the rooms. Three interesting papers were read by mem- bers of the Local History Class of the Institute. One by Miss Abby Read on "Cats and Dogs" (of the olden time) was quite amusing; many of the old laws were given, together with anecdotes. The second paper was by Miss Mary S. Cleveland, on " South Fields" (South Salem), giving an interesting historic sketch of that part of the town in the early days, and the laying out of Lafayette street, by Mr. Derby and others. The third paper was by Mrs. R. C. Manning, on " Early Travel ;" she spoke of the old roads and conveyances, giving particularly a sketch of a journey by Madam Knight, from Boston to New York and return, in 1740, which took about two months. The paper was full of curious and entertaining incidents. Thesepapers were discussed by the President, Mr. Goodell, Mr. Rantoul, Mr. G. M. Jones, Mr. Welch and Rev. Dr. J. L. Hill. Monday, Feb. 25, 1895.— C. Howard Walker, Esq., of Boston, lectured this evening in Piummer Hall, on the "Application of Architectural Ornamentation." He spoke of the beginning of Egyptian and Grecian architect- ure, and of the fine buildings abroad, where they had proper locations. He praised American enterprise, but thought our coimtrymen lacked good taste in architecture. School-houses are put up in lanes, and public buildings on side streets, when they should have more prominent THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 31 sites. He alluded to Boston's City Hall, on a street thirty six feet wide and the Court House up a lane ; but improvement will come in time. Monday, March 4, 1895. — Regular meeting this evening at the Library room. Professors E. S. Morse and Jolm H. Sears spoke of Indian implements, pottery, shell heaps, etc. The former mentioned the measuring of a great number of clams from different shell heaps of Japan and America and of diflerent periods, as showing age, etc. Mr. Sears thought the stones used by the Indians here for implements were of Essex County origin. Monday, March 11, 1895. — Gamaliel Bradford, Esq., lectured this evening in Pluramer Hall, on "Responsi- l)ility in Municipal Government." The lecturer had made a life-long study of the problems of government, and was therefore w'ell qualified to speak on the subject. He favored the giving of more power to the executive and holding him strictly accountable for the proper con- duct of city afi'airs, and he also favored single-headed commissions for the same purpose. All power to appro- priate money should be vested in the aldermen, and should depend upon the advice of the city treasurer as to the disposal of the funds of a city. Monday, March 18, 1895. — Regular meeting of the society this evening in the Library room. Miss Irene Weir, of Boston, read an exceedingly interesting paper on artistic "Posters." The fine collection, of Mr. Charles K. Bolton of the Brookline Public Library, was used for illustration. Miss Weir pointed out the many details which make a poster at once attractive and i)leasing, and s])oke of the various styles of French and American de- signers. A copy was shown of an early American printed 32 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. poster of 1797, with an engraving of an elephant, which was imported into this conntry in 1796, by a Salem vessel — the first elephant ever landed in America. Mr. J. D. H. Gauss exhibited a large Spanish poster, announcing a recent bull-fight. Monday, March 25, 1895. — Hon. Geo. S. Hale, of Boston, lectured this evening in Plutnmer Hall, on "Why- all citizens should vote." The speaker said that "unless a man is going to vote as he ought to, it is not his duty to vote at all." There is, he said, a growing tendency to hold the individual voters responsible, personally, for the faults and sins of mismanaged governments, but the voters throw the responsibility upon the party with which the}' are identified. Mr. Hale said that the evil of the day is the absurdity of submitting to the party in matters where the individual judgment should be ex- ercised. A coterie of politicians, of either party, get together in some little room and pick out the "rascal" whom they think most likely to be elected, hold a " cut and dried" caucus to get him nominated, and the appeal is, to stand by the party. Until every voter is made to realize that he is to be held morally responsible, person- ally, for the well-being of his town, city, state or nation, in so far as he is able to express his choice of men and measures, politics will be as they are now, in a deplorable state. Men should vote independently, the lecturer said, without regard to party. Monday, April 1, 1895. — Regular meeting this even- ing in the Library room. Hon. R. S. Rantoul read a very valuable and entertaining paper on the old Assembly House in Cambridge street, giving from deeds, documents, etc., a description of the building, of its size and general THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 33 appearance. In this building General Gage and Governor Hutchinson were entertained in 1774. In the Assembly House in Federal St., built in 1782, Generals Washington and Knox attended a brilliant assemblage of ladies and gentlemen in Oct., 1789, when the President visited Salem. Monday, April 8, 1895. — Hon. Charles Carleton Coffin, of Boston, lectured on "The Study of American History." He traced briefly the history of our own country, from its discovery by Columbus down to the present time, and showed how great events and impor- tant changes had often resulted from small things. He gave personal reminiscences of his experiences at Bull Run and Gettj'sburg, graphically describing those famous battles, and showing where comparatively small matters had very materially affected the results. Monday, April 15, 1895. — A regular- meeting of the society this evening in the Library room. The Secretar}'^ read a paper on the old localities about Salem. His remarks were of an historical nature, interspersed with anecdote. Among the localities mentioned were Button- hole, Knockers-hole, Norman St., Norman's rocks, old Eveleth house and vicinity, Creek Court, Broadfield, " Neighbor Thompson's" field or "Nauvoo," Circus Lane or Hathorne St., Wapping, Juniper, HoUingsworth Hill, Winter Island, Hospital Point, Bentley's rock, Gifford's Cave, Plank Alley or Elm St., Hawkes' Wharf or New Dublin, Seccomb's Wharf where anthracite coal was first sold in Salem (1826), Stage Point now site of Naumkeag Mills, Ship-yards in South Salem, Early ships, etc., Burying Point now Charter St. Cemetery (first burying place in Salem), Old Paved Street, Cheapside, "Nigger Huts" on Turnpike, Oliver's Cellar (site of Lynde Block), K8SKX INST. BULLETIN, VOL. XXVII O 34 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. Roast Meat Hill, Mill Hill, North and South fields, Wymaii's Mills, Batchelder's Point, Leggs Hill, Dun- geons, Throgmorton's Cove, Castle Hill, Baptist Hill, Hacker's, Chapman's and Dutch's corners, Cape Driver, Carltonville, Harmony Grove, Gallows or Witch Hill, Paradise, Peirce & Waite's Wharf, Blubber Hollow, Orne's Point, Kernwood, Liberty Hill and Cold Spring. Fish, Water, Neptune and County streets, Bath Street and Gutter Lane, Old Jail, Witchcraft Jail, Court and Marlborough Streets, Short Street, Sun Tavern, Essex Place, Dark Lane, Cow])oy's Beach, etc. This paper was followed by a discussion participated in by the chairman, Hon. R. S. Rantoul, A. C. Goodell, Jr., W. L. Welch, John Robinson, Frank Cousins and others, and many interesting facts were brought out. Monday, April 22, 1895.— Rev. J. M. Pullman, D.D. of Lynn, lectured in Plummer Hall on the "Adminis- tration of Public Charity." He spoke of the various ways in which charity is distributed and of the experience of many persons in alms-giving. He quoted several high authorities in the deprecation of public out-door relief, the evil being that it tends to degeneracy, and the relief only goes to the unworthy. Monday, April 29, 1895. — Miss Lucia T. Ames, of Boston, lectured this evening in Plummer Hall, on "A more beautiful City Life," with lantern illustrations. Miss Ames spoke of the disfigui-ement of some of our American cities by the erection of high buildings — such, for instance, as one which is to be built on the site of the Tremont House in Boston, 135 feet high in a comparatively narrow street. These buildings shut out the light and sun, and make business for the oculist and physician, although they arc considered works of enterprise. She 1425147 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 35 made a good argument against telegraph poles and spoke earnestly in favor of light, air and space, the establish- ment of playgrounds for children, and the hiding out of parks for the peoi)le's use. She spoke of the decoration of the school-house and thought children should be tauo^ht the lines of beauty, so that when they grew up to be men and woniun, they would not permit ugliness in our streets, nor so much waste paper blowing about as we now see. She spoke of the laws on the subject of street cleanliness in our own and some foreign cities, es[)ecially Paris, which she praised. She exhibited on the screen fine views of prominent American and foreign buildings. Monday, May 6, 1895. — Regular meeting this even- ing in the Library room. Prof. E. S. Morse announced by title an account of a new mineral called Fayalite, dis- covered for the first time in this county, at Rockport, by Mr. John H. Sears, of the Peabody Academy of Science. Necrology of Members. Lincoln F. Brigham, sou of Lincoln and Lucy (Forbes) Brigham, was born in Cambridge ,Oct. 4, 1819 ; elected a member of the Essex Institute, Apr. 4, 1870 and died in Salem, Feb. 27, 1895. Caleb Foote, son of Caleb and Martha (West) Foote, was born in Salem, Feb. 28, 1803 ; elected a member of the Essex Historical Society, Dec, 1842 and died in Milton, June 17, 1894. Joseph W. Lefavouk, son of David and Nancy (Foster) Lcfavour, was born in Beverh', Mar. 11, 1836; elected a member of the Essex Institute, May 9, 18fi6 and died in Beverly, May 20, 1895. 36 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. John W. Masury, sou of John and Priscilla (Carroll) Masuiy, was born in Salem, Jan. 1, 1820 ; elected a mem- ber of the Essex Institute, Mar. 4, 1895 and died in Cen- tre Moriches, N. Y., May 14, 1895. Daniel Needham, son of James and Lydia (Breed) Needham, was born in Salem, May 24, 1822 ; elected a member of the Essex Institute, Sept. 17, 1894 and died in Groton, Feb. 20, 1895. FiTZ W. Perkins, son of Jacob and Margaret (Collins) Perkins, was born in Gloucester, Aug. 20, 1844; elected a member of the Essex Institute, Aug. 10, 1894 and died in Washington, D. C, Sept. 30, 1894. George A. Perkins, son of David and Hannah (Fa- bens) Perkins, was born in Salem, Oct. 15, 1813 ; elected a member of the Essex County Natural History Society, Jan., 1835 and of the Essex Institute, Nov. 21, 1849 and died in Salem, May 18, 1895. George W. Pousland, son of Capt. John and Abigail (Derby) Pousland, was born in Beverly, May 13, 1814; elected a member of the Essex Institute, June 29, 1865 and died in Boston, Sept. 27, 1894. Thomas E. Proctor, son of Abel and Lydia (Emer- son) Proctor, was born in Danvers, Aug. 29, 1834; elect- ed a member of the Essex Institute, Aug. 15, 1860 and died in Boston, Dec. 7, 1894. Henry Saltonstall, son of Nathaniel and Caroline (Sanders) Saltonstall, was born in Salem, Mar. 2, 1828; elected a meml)er of the Essex Institute, Mar. 11, 1857 and died in Boston, Dec. 3, 1894. Leverett Saltonstall, son of Leverett and Mary E. (Sanders) Saltonstall, was born in Salem, Mar. 16, 1825 ; THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 37 elected a member of the Essex Historical Society, Apr. 21, 1821, of the Essex County Natural History Society in 1834, and of the Essex Institute, Jan. 4, 1854. He died in Newton, Apr. 15, 1895. Andrew A. Scott, son of Francis and Elizabeth (Mil- ler) Scott, was born in Salem Nov. 9, 1832 ; elected a member of the Essex Institute, June 15, 1868 and died in Saugus, Dec. 17, 1894. Matthew A. Stickney, son of Dudley and Elizabeth (Davis) Stickney, was born in Rowley, Sept. 23, 1805; elected a member of the Essex Historical Society, Dec. 1843, and of the Essex County Natural History Society, Jan. 17, 1846. He died in Salem, Aug. 11, 1894. Donations or exchanges have been received from the fol- lowinff sources : Adams, A. N., Fair Haven, Vt., Adelaide, Royal Society of South Australia, Albany, New York State Library, .... Almy, Mrs. Emma S., . . • . . . Almy, James F., Alteuburg, Naturforscheiide Gesellschaft des Oster landes, American Association for the Advancement of Science American Historical Association, .... Ames, George L., Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amiens, Socifete Linn^enne du Nord de la France, Andover Theological Seminary, Appleton, Daniel F., New York, N. Y.. Archer, Rebecca, .... Arvedson, George C, Augsburg, Naturhistorischer Verein, Bailey, Alfred, Amesbury, Balch, Edwin S., Philadelphia, Pa., Newspaper Vol. Pam 1 1 4 9 12 71 2 1 1 8 2 8 88 12 1 1 1 1 8 1 1(8 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. Balch, Galusha B., Yonkers, N. Y., Baltimore, Md., Johns Hopkins University, . Baltimore, Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Md., Peabody Institute, Barber, H. G., Lincoln, Neb., Barker, Mrs. Richard J., Warren, R. I.. Bartlett, T. E., New Haven, Ct., . Basel, Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Batavia, K. N. Vereeniging in Nederlandsch-Indie Bates, T. C, Worcester, Belfast Naturalists' Field Club, Benson, Arthur F., Bergens Museum, Berkeley, University of California, Berlin, Entomologischer Zeitschrift, Berlin, Gesellschaft Naturforschende Freunde. Berlin, K. P. Akademie der Wissenchaften, Berlin, Verein zur Befdrderung des Gartenbaues, Bern, Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Bern, Society Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles, Bologna, R. Accademia delle Scienze, Bonn, Naturhistorischer Verein, Boston, American Academy of Arts and Sciences Boston, American Congregational Association, Boston Art Club, .... Boston Board of Health, Boston, City of, .... Boston, Directors of Old South Work, Boston Home Market Club, Boston, Industrial Aid Society for Prevention of Pau- perism, Boston, Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor Boston, Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics Associa tion, Boston, Massachusetts Commissioner of Public Records Boston, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Boston, Massachusetts Humane Society, Boston, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Boston, Massachusetts Medical Society, . Boston, Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agricul ture, Boston, Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture THE RETROSPECT OF THE TEAR. 39 Boston, Massachusetts State Board of Health, Boston, National Council of Congregational Churches, Boston, National Divorce Reform League, Boston, New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston Public Library, Boston Record Commissioners, . . . . . Boston School Committee, Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Trustees of Public Reservations of Massachu- setts, Bostonian Society, Bowditch, H. P., Boston, Bowes, James L., Liverpool, Eng., Bradlee, Rev. C. D., Boston, . . Circulars, Bradley, Charles, Newark, N. J., Braunschweig, Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologie, Ethnologic und Urgeschichte, . . . . Brewer, John H., Brigham, Albert P., Hamilton, N. Y., . . . . Brisbane, Royal Geographical Society of Australia, Bristol Naturalists' Society, Brooklyn (N. Y.) Library Brooks, Henry M. , Newspapers, Brooks, Mrs. Henry M., .... Newspapers, Brooks, Margarette W., .... Brookville, Indiana Academy of Science, Brunn, Naturforschende Verein, Brunswick, Me., Bowdoin College, . Bruxelles, Soci6t6 Beige de Microscopic, Bruxelles, Soci6t6 Entomologique de Belgique, Bruxelles, Soci6t6 Royale de Botanique de Belgique Buenos Aires, Sociedad Cientiflca Argentina, Buffalo (N. Y.) Library Buffalo (N. Y.) Society of Natural Sciences, Buffum, Mrs. Ruth H., .... Burhans, Samuel, New York, N. Y., Burlington, University of Vermont, Byfleld, Dummer Academy, Calcutta, Geological Survey of India. Calcutta, Indian Museum, Calcutta, Surveyor General of India. Cambridge (Eng.) Philosophical Society, Cambridge, Harvard University, Cambridge, Museum of Comparative Zoology, 4h 4 1 1 2 8 23 2 3 1 2 a 7 » 2^ 12 1 1 1 5 1 2 2 10 40 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. Carpenter, Rev. C. C, Andover, .... Chamberlain, James A., Boston, .... Chapel Hill, N. C, Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, Chapman, William O., Charleston, West Virginia Historical and Antiquarian Society, Chase, Charlotte F., Newspapers Chemnitz, Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Chever, Edward E., San Francisco, Cal., Chicago, 111., Field Columbian Museum, . Chicago (111.) Historical Society, .... Chicago, 111., Newberry Library, .... Chicago (111.) Public Library, Chicago, 111., Pullman Palace Car Company, . Chicago, 111., University of, Christiania, Norwegischen Meteorologischen Instituo, Christiania, Videnskabs-Selskabet, Cilley, J. P., Rockland, Me., Cincinnati, Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio Mechanics' Institute, Cincinnati (0.) Public Library, .... Cincinnati (0.) Society of Natural History, Cleveland, Lucy H., Cleveland (O.) Public Library, .... Cleveland, O., Western Reserve Historical Society, Colby, William R., Cole, Caroline J., College Hill, Tufts College, Columbia, Missouri Agricultural College, Columbus, Ohio, Archaeologist Publishing Company, Columbus, Ohio State Board of Agriculture, Conant, W. P., Concord, New Hampshire Historical Society, Cope, E. D., Philadelphia, Pa., Cousins, Frank, Creamer, George G., Beverly, Crowell, E. P., Amherst, Curran, Stephen, Estate of, . Cutter, Abram E., Boston, Danvers, Peabody Institute, Danzig, Naturforschende Gesellschaft, . Darmstadt, Verein fiir Erdkunde, . Daves, Graham, New Bern, N. C, Davis, Andrew McF., Cambridge, 1 1 28 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 41 Newspapers Dawson, J. William, Montreal, Can Dayton, W. Hardy, . Dedham Historical Society, Dedham Town Clerk, Derby, Perley, Des Moines, Iowa Academy of Science, Des Moines, Iowa Geological Survey, Detroit (Mich.) Public Library, .... Dickson, W. S., Dijon, Acad^raie Imperiale des Sciences, Arts et Belles- Lettres, Dodge, Charles C, . . Newspapers and Circulars Dow, Geo. Frs., Topsfleld, Dreer, Ferdinand J., Philadelphia, Pa., Dresden, Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft " Isis,' Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, .... Dublin, Royal Society, Edes, Henry H., Charlestown, Edinburgh Royal Society, .... Egbert, Rev. John L., Marblehead, Ellis, Frank R., Cincinnati, O., ... Ely, Theodore N., Philadelphia, Pa., Emden, Naturforschende Gesellschaft, . Endicott, Charles, Erlangen, Physikalisch-medicinische Societat, Ewing, Thomas, New York, N. Y., Exeter, N. H , Phillips Exeter Academy, Fabens, Caroline, Falmouth, Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society, Fearing, A. C, Jr., Boston, Fewkes, J. Walter, Boston, Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, . Firenze, Socifite Entomologique Italienne, Folsom, A. A., Brookline, Foster, John M., Frankfurt-a-M., Seuckenbergische Naturforschende Ges ellschaft, Frear, William, State College, Pa., .... Fribourg, Societe Fribourgeoise des ScienceslNaturelles Gardner, Mrs. Henry, Garrison, F. J., Boston, . Gauss, John D. H., . Geneve, L'Institut National Genevois, Gerould, Rev. S. L., Hollis, N. H., . ESSEX INST. BULLETIN VOL. XXVII Newspapers Newspaper 40 1 265 18 1 2 1 40 1 5 24 3 1 42 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. Gilman, Emily S., Norwich, Ct., Glasgow Archaeological Society, Glasgow, Baillie's Institution, Gloucester City Clerk, Goodell, A. C, Jr., . Gottingen, K. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Grand Rapids (Mich.) Board of Trade, . ; Grand Rapids (Mich.) Public Library, . Grant, Misses, .... Granville, O., Denison University, Gray, Miss A. A., Boston, Green, S. A., Boston, Gustrow, Verein der Freunde der Natnrgeschichte, Halifax, Nova Scotian Institute of Science, . Hall, J. D., and Company, Hamburg, Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, . Hamburg, Verein fiir Naturwissenchaftliche Unterhal tung, Hannover, Naturhistorischer Gesellschaft, Harlem, Muses Teyler, Harlem, Societe Hollandaise des Sciences, Harris, Mrs. Robert, New York, N. Y., . Hartford (Ct.) Board of Trade, Hartford, Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, Connecticut Quarterly Company, Hartford, Ct., School of Sociology, . Hartford, Ct., Trinity College, Hassam, John T., Boston, Hazen, Rev. Henry A., Auburndale, Helena (Mont.) Public Library, Herrick, C. L., Granville, 0 , . Hill, Rev. James L., . Hoadley, Charles J., Hartford, Ct., Hoar, George F., Worcester, . Hooper, N. M., Hotchkiss, Miss S. V., New Haven, Ct., Houghton, Michigan Mining School, Howson, Hubert, New York, N. Y., Hunt, T. F. , Huntington, Ind., Free Library of Public Schools, Iowa City, Iowa State Historical Society, Iowa City, State University of Iowa, Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell University, . Jersey City (N. J.) Free Public Library, Circulars Newspapers 4 21 55 29 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 43 Johnson, EchvardF., Wobnrn, Johnson, Thomas H., Jones, C. v., Rockford, 111., Kassel, Verein fur Naturkunde, Keith, Charles P., Philadelpliia, Pa. Kelton, Dwight H., Montpelier, Vt. Kimball, F. R., King, Horatio C, New York, N. Y., Kjobeuhavn, K. D. Videnskabernes Selskabs, Kjobenhavn, NordOldkyn og Historie, . Koiiigsberg, Physikalisch-Okouomische Gesellschaft, Lambert, Laura, Estate of, Lamson, Frederick, .... Newspapers Lancaster Town Library, Lander, Helen D , Lanier, Mrs. Charles, New York, N. Y., Lansing, Michigan State Library, .... Lausanne, Soci6t6 Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, Lawrence, Kansas University, Leach, Josiah G., Philadelphia, Pa. Leavens, Rev. P. F., Passaic, N. J. Lee, Francis H., Lee, Mrs. Francis H., Lee, L. A., Brunswick, Me., Leiden, Rijks-Universiteit, Leipzig, K. S. Gesellschaft der "Wissenschaften, Le Mans, Soci^te d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts, . Lincoln, Nebraska Historical Society, Lincoln, University of Nebraska, .... London Geological Society, London, Royal Geographical Society, London, Royal Society, London, Zoological Society of, .... London, Entomological Society of Ontario. . Luring, Caleb W., Pride's Crossing, Los Angeles (Cal.) Public Library, Lund, Kongliga Universitetet, .... Lundy, Mrs. J. P., Philadelphia, Pa., Luxembourg, L'Institut Grand Ducal, Lyon, Academic dos Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts, Lyon, Societe d'Agriculture, Science et Industrie, . Lyon, Soci6t6 Linn^enne, Mack, William, Madison, University of Wisconsin, Newspapers, Newspapers, Circulars, 76 221 1 1 2 10 1 3 3 1 12 9 1 1 77 204 4 3 2 1 5 12 15 6 13 1 1 1 3 55 1 44 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. Survey of Madrid, Observatorio de, Manchester (Eng.) Literary and Philosophical Society, Manchester (N. H.) Public Library, Manning, Richard C, . . . . Newspapers Marburg, Gesellschaft zur Beforderung des Gesammten Naturwissenschaften, Massachusetts Board of World's Fair Managers, . Massachusetts, Secretary of the Commonwealth of, Meek, Henry M., Meigs, John, Pottstowii, Pa., . Michigan Agricultural College, Milwaukee, Wis., Public Museum of, Minneapolis, Geological and Natural History Minnesota, Minneapolis (Minn.) Public Library, Montpelier, Vermont State Library, Montreal Natural History Society, Moore, C. B., Philadelphia, Pa., Moore, David, Morris, John E., Hartford, Ct., Morris, Seymour, Chicago, 111., Morse, E. S., Newspapers Moscou, Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes, Mowry, William A., Hyde Park, .... Moynahan, Frank E., Danvers, .... Munchen, Bayerische Botauische Gesellschaft, Munchen, D. Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologi( und Urgeschichte, Munchen, K. B. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Nahant Town Clerk, Napoli, Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche Nashville, Tennessee State Board of Health, Neuchatel, Soci6t6 des Sciences Naturelles, Nevins, W. S., New Brighton, N. Y., Natural Science Association of Staten Island, New Brunswick, New Jersey State Microscopical So ciety, ........ New Haven (Ct.) Colony Historical Society, New Haven, Ct., Yale University, New York (N. Y.) Academy of Sciences, New York, N. Y., American Geographical Society, New York, N. Y., American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y., American Numismatic and Archae- ological Society 1 15 3 11 3 1 1 10 1 1 12 1 1 1 12 3 1 1 11 4 1 1 1 8 10 1 7 13 4 1 22 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 45 New York, N. Y., Astoi- Library, .... New York (N. Y.) Central and Hudson River Railroad New York (N. Y.) Chamber of Commerce, New York (N. Y.) Genealogical and Biographical So ciety, New York (N. Y.) Historical Society, New York, N. Y., Lenox Library, New York, N. Y., Linnean Society of, . New York, N. Y., Mercantile Library of, New York (N. Y.) Microscopical Society, New York, N. Y., Scientific Alliance of, Nichols, Andrew, Bridgewater, N. H., . Nichols, John H., Map Northampton, Smith College, North Andover Town Clerk, Northend, William D., Nourse, Dorcas C, .... Newspapers Nurnberg, Naturhistorische Gesellschaft, Oliver, Mrs. Grace A., . . . . Newspapers Ottawa, Royal Society of Canada, .... Palfray, Arthur S., Palo Alto, Cal., Leland Stanford Junior University, Paris, Journal de Conchyliologie, .... Paris, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, . , Paris, Societe d' Anthropologie, .... Paris, Societfi des Etudes Historiques, Paris, Soci6te Eiitomologique de France, Paris, Soci6t6 Geologique de France, Paris, Societe Nationale d'Acclimatation, Parker, William, Parson, Lewis B., Flora, 111., .... Peabody, Peabody Institute, Pearson, H. G., Memorial Committee, New York, N. Y. Peet, Rev. S. D., Granville, O Perkins, George A., Perkins, John W., Perley, M. V. B., Ipswich, Philadelphia, Pa., Academy 'of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa., American Academy of Political and So cial Science Philadelphia, Pa., American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia (Pa.) City Institute, .... Philadelphia, Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, . 12 24 8 1 1 1 6 1 9 3 1 8 1 1 4 4ft THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. Newspapers Newspapers Philadelphia, Pa., Indian Rights Association, Philadelphia (Pa.) Library Company, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Pliilbrick, Eliza and Helen, . . . Newspapers Phillips, Stephen H., Pickering, John, .... Piper, Horace, Washington, D. C, Pittsburgh, Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania Pool, Wellington, Wenham, Poole, Murray E., Ithaca, N. Y., Porter, Rev. Aaron, Portland, Maine Genealogical Society, Portland, Maine Historical Society, Portland, Ore., Library Association of, Port-of-Spain, Victoria Institute, Powell, Lyman P., Washington, D. C, Prague, K. K. Stern warte, Pratt, Henry J., .... Preston, Charles H., Danvers, Prime, Ralph E., Yonkers, N. Y., . Prime, Temple, Huntington, N. Y., Princeton (N. J.) College, Providence, R. I., American Humanitarian League, Providence, R. I., Brown University, Providence (R. I.) Public Library, Providence, Rhode Island Historical Society Providence (R. I.) Record Commissioners, Putnam, Rev. A. P., Concord, .... Putnam, Eben, Putnam, F. W., Cambridge, . . . Newspapers Quebec, L'Universite Laval, Ramsay, Rev. William H., Rantoul, Robert S., . . . Newspapers Regensburg, Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Reynoldsville (Pa.) Volunteer, .... Rhode Island Commissioner of World's Fair, Rich, George, Columbus, O., Rich, Mrs. Snow, Newspapers Richmond, Virginia Historical Society, . Riga, Naturforschende Verein, .... Ripley, Charles S., U. S. Navy, .... Robinson, E. P., Hamilton, Robinson, John, .... Robinson, Mary F., ... 47 1 19 1 10 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 47 Rochester (N. Y.) Academy of Science, Rugg, Arthur P., Worcester, Sacramento, California State Library, St. Gallen, Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, St. Jolin, Natural History Society of New Brunswick St. Louis, Mo., Academy of Science, .... St. Louis, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis (Mo.) Mercantile Library Association, . St. Louis, Missouri Historical Society, St. Paul, Minnesota Historical Society, . St. Petersbourg, Academic Imperialedes Sciences, St. Petersbourg, Societatis Entomologica, Salem, Associated Charities of, .... Salem Board of Health, Salem Custom House Collector, .... Salem, First National Bank, Salem, Peabody Academy of Science, Newspapers and Circulars, Salem Public Library, Saltonstall, Leverett, Boston, .... San Diego, Cal., West American Scientist, Sanford, H. H., Syracuse, N. Y., San Francisco, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco (Cal.) Board of Supervisors, San Francisco (Cal.) Free Public Library, San Francisco (Cal.) Mercantile Library Association, San Francisco, California State Mining Bureau, Santiago, Societe Scientifique du Chili, Saunders, Mary T., Savage, James F., Lowell, Sayward, C. A., Ipswich, Scuddor, Samuel H., Cambridge, Sears, John H., Shanghai, China Branch of Royal Asiatic Society, Shirley, George H., Brooklyn, N. Y., Silsbee, Mrs. William, Snowdon, W. H., Arcturus, Va., .... Somcrville Public Library, South Boston, Church Home for Orphan and Destitute Children, South Boston, Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind, Springfield, Illinois State Board of Agriculture, Springfield, Illinois State Museum of Natural History 28 3 1 1 1 1 U I 7 1 1 2 1 1 1 32 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 48 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. Springfield City Library Association, Start, Rev. William A., Tufts College, Stavanger Museum, Stearns, John P., Santa Barbara, Cal., Stettin, Entomologischer Verein, Stimpson, T. M., Peabody, . . . Newspapers Stockholm, Academic Royale des Sciences, Stockholm, Entomologique Foreningen, Stone, Arthur R., Stone, Joseph W., Streeter, Gilbert L., ...... Sydney, Department of Agriculture of New South "Wales Sydney, Linnean Society of New South Wales, Sydney, Royal Society of New South Wales, Tacoma, Washington State Historical Society, Taunton, Old Colony Historical Society, Taunton, Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural His tory Society, The Babcock and Wilcox Company, New York, N. T., The Hague, Nederlandsche Entomologische Verein, The Werner Company, Chicago, 111., Throndhjen, K. Norske Videnskabernes-Selskab, Todd, William C, Atkinson, N. H., Tokio, Imperial University of Japan Topeka, Kansas State Historical Society, Newspapers Tromso Museum, Turner, J. Horsfall, Turner, Ross, U. S. Bureau of Education, U. S. Bureau of Ethnology, U. S. Bureau of Statistics, U. S. Census Office, U. S. Chief of Ordnance, U. S. Civil Service Commission, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, U. S. Commissioner of Labor, U. S. Commissioner of Patents, U. S. Committee on Finance, U. S. Department of Agriculture, U. S. Department of Interior, U. S. Department of State, U. S. Director of the Mint, U. S. Fish Commission, . U. S. Geological Survey, 3 164 6 162 3 10 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 49 U. S. Interstate Commerce Commission, U. S. Judge-Advocate General, .... U. S. Life-Saviug Service, U. S. Naval Observatory, U. S. Patent Office, U. S. Quartermaster-General, U. S. Secretary of the Treasury, .... U. S. Surgeon-General, . . U. S. War Department, Upham, William P., Newtonville, .... Upsal, K Vetenskaps-Societeten, .... Walker, Joseph B., Concord, N. H., Waltham, Massachusetts School f'>r the Feeble Minded Walton, J. P., Muscatine, la., .... Washington, D. C, .American Forestry Association, Washington, D. C, Anthropological Society, Washington, D. C, Microscopical Publishing Company Washington, D. C, Smithsonian Institution, Waterloo, Ind., Archaeologist Publishing Company, Waters, E. S., Minneapolis, Minn., Waterville, Me., Colby University, Watson, S.M., Portland, Me., .... Wel)ber, C. H., Boston, Welch. William L., Wellesley, Wellesley College, .... West, Edward W., Brooklyn, N. Y., Wheatland, Elizabeth, .... Newspapers Wheatland, Henry, Estate of, .... Wheeler, W. O. and E. D. Halsey, .Morristown, N. J., Whipple, George M., Whitney. Mrs. H. M., North Andover, Newspapers and Maps, Wien, K. Akademie der Wissenschaflen, Wien, K. K. Geologische Reichsanstalt, Wien, K. K. Naturhistorische Hofmuseums, Wien, K. K. Zoologisch-botanisch Gesellschaft, Wien, Verein znr Verbreitung Naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse, Wiesbaden, Nassauischer Verein fiir Naturkunde, Wilkes-Barr6, Pa., Wyoming Historical and Geological Society Williams, Mrs. Henry L.. . Newspapers Williams. Tucker D., Newspapers and Circulars, Williamsburg, Va., William and Mary College, ESSEX INST. BaLLETIN, VOL. -V.XVH 7 1 2 1 147 12 25 1 58 28 2 1 2 3 4 13 4 12 1 2 1 2 96 I 1 30 1 8 173 24 20 4 4 1 1 33 2 50 THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. Willsou, Rey. E. B., .... Newspapers, Wilsou, Fred A., Nahant, Winnipeg, Historical and Scientific Society of Mani- toba, Wiusor, Justin, Cambridge, .... Wintlirop, Robert C, Jr., Boston, Worcester, American Antiquarian Society, Worcester Society of Antiquity, Wright, Frank V., Hamilton, Wurzburg, Ptiysikaliscli-Medicinische Gesellscliaft, Yates, Lorenzo G., Santa Barbara, Cal., Zebullos, E. S., Argentine Minister, Washington, D. C. Zurich, Naturforschende Gesellschaft, . 151 4 35 3 3 120 17 3 3 The followiDg: have been received from editors and publishers : American Journal of Science. American Naturalist. Beverly Citizen. Cape Ann Advertiser. Chicago Journal of Commerce. Danvers Mirror. Engraver and Printer. Georgetown Advocate. Groton Landmark. Home Market Bulletin. Iowa Churchman. Ipswich Independent. Lawrence American. Le Naturaliste Canadien. Lynn Item. Lynn Transcript. Marblehead Messenger. Musical Record. Nation. Nature. Open Court. Peabody Advertiser. Peabody Press. Salem Gazette. Salem Ncavs. Salem Observer. Salein Register. The Citizen. Traveler's Record. Voice. Zoologischer Anzeiger. The donations to the cabinets during the year number four hundred and seventy from the following one hun- dred and thirty-two donors. Allen, Misses. Allen, George H. Ames, George L. Archer, Augustus J. Archer, Mrs. Mary J. Arvedson, George. Baldwin, William II., Boston. Banks, Charles E., Portland, Me. Barton, James W., Danvers. Batchelder, Henry M. THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 51 Bates, William B., Estate of. Bemis, Caroline E. Berkeley, F. E., Riverside, Cal. Bradlee, Rev. Caleb D., Boston. Bradley, Richards M., Boston. Briggs, Mary E. Brooks, I. Hobart, Boston. Brooks, Mary M. Carpenter, Virginia, Dedham. Cliadwick, Susan 0., Peabody. Chamberlain, .James A., Boston. Chapman, William O. Chase. Henry A. Cleveland, Mary S. and Lucy H. Codman, Mrs J. Amory, Boston. Colby, Henry L. Colby, William R. Cole, Mrs. Mary A. Cousins, Frank. Creamer, George G. , Hamilton. ('urtis, George, Boxford. Curwen, George R. Dalton, J. Frank. Davis, Henry G., Leominster. Doherty, E. W. Eaton, H. L., Wenham. Farrington, Mrs. Susan B. Felt, John. First National Bank. Foster. C. Augustus, Topsfield. Garnett. Richard, London. (Jauss, J. 1). H. Goodell, Zina. Gould, John H., Topsfield. Hale, Henry A. Harrington, Richard B. Hassam, Fred. K. F., Hyde Park Hawkins. Mrs. E. A., East Wen. ham Hill, Mrs. Benjamin I)., Peabody. Hoar, K. R., Concord. Hobbs. Henry, Wenham. Hodges, Mai-y O., Topstleld. Holmes, Mrs. Lucy B., Boxford- Hotchkiss, Susan V., New Haven, Ct. Hubon, Henry G. Hunt, T. F. Hyatt, Alpheus, Cambridge. Johnson, Daniel H., New York, N. Y. Johnson, Thomas H. Kilham, Mrs. Edward, Beverly. Kimball, Sarah S. Kinsman, Mrs. William L. Knight, Mrs. Edward H. Lamson, Frederick. Lander, Helen D. Lander, Louisa. Lander, Mrs. William A. Lee, Francis H. Lee, Mrs. Francis H. Little, David M. Low, Daniel. Mack, William. Merchant. George F., Gloucester. Monroe, Minerva B., Lynn. Moore, David. Morse, Edward S. Morse, N. R. Narbonne, Mary A. Newhall, James R., Estate of, Lynn. Northend, William D. Norton, Thomas II., Warren, Me- Osborne, H. Frances. Osgood, Mrs. Charles S. Peabody Academy of Science. Philbrick, Helen and Eliza. Phillips, Mrs. S. H. Phippen, George D. PickeriniT, -lohn. Putnam, Eben. Rantoul, Hannah L., Beverly. Rantoul, Robert S. Richardson. Edward S. L., Au- rora, HI. Robinson, John. 52 THE RETKOSPECT OF THE YEAR. Robinson, Mary. Russell, William. Salem Marine Society. Salem Water Board. Saunders, Mary T. Silsbee, Mrs. William. Skinner, John B. Smilh, Augustus A. Smith, George P., Philadelphia, Pa. Smith, Isaac T., New York, N. Y. Spear. Charles F., Peabody. Stickney, Walter J. Stone, Jolin, Estate of. Stone, Joseph W. Stone, Lincoln R., Newton. Taber, Abraham, New Bedford. Thomas, Jean. Tileston, Mrs. J. B., Mattapan. Toui'et, Benjamin A. Turner, Ross. Upham, William P., Newtouville. Upton. William A. Webb, Arthur N. Webster, Charles B., Boston. Welch, Charles O. Welch, William L. Wheatland, Elizabeth. Whipple, Charles L. Whipple, George M. Whitney, Mrs. Mary W., Law- rence. Wiggin, Emma. Williams, Misses A. O. and M. E. Williams, George W. Willson, Rev. E. B. Winn, Frank M. Winston, Miss K. S., Richmond, Va. Wright, Frank V., Hamilton. BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX IT^STITTJTE. Vol. 27. Salem: July — December, 1895. Nos. 7-12. THE LUMBAR CURVE IN SOME AMERICAN RACES. BY GEORGE A. DORSET. ASSISTANT CURATOR, IN CHARGE OF PHYSICAL ANTHRO- POLOGY, FIELD COLUINIBIAN MUSEUM. INTKODUCTION. The human vertebral column in profile presents two sets of curves : the primary, or dorsal and sacral curves ; and the secondary, or cervical and lumbar curves. The secondary curves are preeminently human characteristics and are not acquired by the individual until after birth. Furthermore, the secondary curves are essential to the upright gait, and of the two, the lumbar is the more im- portant. Investigation has shown that the curvature of the lumbar region varies according to age, sex and race. It has also been shown that the lumbar curve is not an ESSEX INST. BULLETIN VOL. XXVII 8 (53) 54 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. exclusively human characteristic, but that it prevails to a greater or less extent in the anthropoid apes and is antici- pated at least in some of the quadrupedal mammals. Up to the present time investigations upon the charac- ter of the lumbar curve in man have been pretty exclu- sively confined to Europeans and the peoples of the Pacific and Indian Oceans ; scarcely any observations have been made, so far as I know, on the spines of aborig- inal Americans. To attempt to supply this omission is the motive of this paper. But, before turning to a direct examination of the material in hand, it may not be out of place to sum up the results of former investigators in this field. The literature at my immediate command is not such as to enable me to attempt anything like a complete his- tory of the observations on the lumbar curve, and I can only mention the most important papers on the subject. In 1886, two papers, each preceded by an abstract, appeared on the lumbar curve. The first was by Profes- sor D. J. Cunningham of Dublin, in "Nature" (issue of February 18th). This was an abstract of his researches which were published in full in the same year under the title "The Lumbar Curve in Man and Apes" (Dublin, "Cunningham Memoirs," ii, 1886). The other paper was by Professor W. Turner of Edinburg in the April num- ber of the "Journal of Anatomy and Physiology." In the same year appeared Vol. xvi of the "Challenger Reports," in which Turner not only investigated the curve in the skeletons collected by the Challenger expedition, but incorporates also, to some extent, the results obtained by Cunningham. The acquisition of the fresh spine of an aboriginal Australian was made the subject of another paper by THE LUMBAR CURVE IN SOME AMERICAN RACES. 55 Cunningham before the Royal Society in 1888, which was printed in full in Vol. 45 of the "Proceedings." Other writers on this subject have been Huxley, Sym- ington, Ravenel and Aeby. The brothers Sarasins have reported the results of their investigations of the curve among the Veddahs in their invaluable work "Die Weddas von Ceylon." (Wiesbaden, 1893).i In all of the above investigations the method of pro- cedure is as follows. The anterior and posterior vertical depth of each vertebral body is measured separately. The anterior depth is taken as 100 and so the index of each vertebra can be obtained. By taking the sum of the anterior depths and the sum of the posterior depths the Lumbo-vertehral or Lumbar Index is obtained by this formula : Sum of posterior measurements X 100 Sum of anterior measurements ~ The index, thus obtained, will be 100, when the sum of the posterior measurements equals the sum of the an- terior measurements ; less than 100, when the sum of the anterior measurements exceeds the sum of the poste- rior ; and more than 100 when the opposite condition prevails. To these three conditions Turner has applied the fol- lowing terms: Orthorachic (straight spine) Index 98- 102, Kurtorachic (curve convex forwards) Index 98 — , Koilorachic (curve concave forwards) Index 102-|-. To illustrate the method of procedure, I give the measurements of the lumbar vertebra^ of the spine of a European which may be regarded as fairly typical. 'A complete bibliography of the lumbar spine is to be found In the Cunningham Memoir, pp. H3-11G. 56 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. ANTERIOR DEPTH. MM. POSTERIOR DEPTH. MM. INDEX. I. Lumbar Vertebra . . . II. Lumbar Vertebra . . . III. Lumbar Vertebra . . . IV. Lumbar Vertebra . . . V. Lumbar Vertebra . . . 27 27 27 26 28 28 27 25 24 20 103.6 100.0 92.5 92.3 71.4 Total 135 124 90.3 On analyzing this table it appears that in the first ver- tebra, in this particular instance, the anterior measure- ment exceeds that of the posterior, which is contrary to the general rule in Europeans ; the anterior and posterior depths are equal in the second vertebra ; while in the re- maining vertebrae the anterior depth increases more and more proportionately to the posterior depth until in the fifth vertebra the anterior depth exceeds the posterior in a very marked manner. This it is which gives rise to the wedge-shape appear- ance in the last lumbar so typical in European spines ; and which, as Cunningham has pointed out, is not found in so marked a degree in the lower races. For the purpose of future comparisons and for the reason that the original papers of Turner and Cunning- ham are not always easily accessible in this country, I take the liberty of reproducing here the most valuable portions of their observations. It will be seen at once that the results in the two tables correspond very closely except in case of the Andamanese and Negroes. In the case of the low index (99) assigned to the Andamanese in Turner's table, it is THE LUMBAR CURVE IN SOME AMERICAN RACES. 57 00 3 ® o ll;5.5 111.3 105.9 105.1 92.0 1 23 ANDAMAN E8K. X 'ji — a; -* s ^ 1 § s X i IK n Oi ■* c: 00 « iri « ri o o -^ ^H O O 05 5C ■V- S — a-. -; iC •* If; si o oi ci ^ o rt o o: 1 z; ;< D -< 00 = to 05 ■* 35 CC M M O r- — — i C 05 OD -d 0 s S4 — -i; ->; I.-5 :o cd t-H r- cc ^ O C OJ 35 00 00 •a C .O -.. "i ti. 1 6 5 D ;-• o >■ 3 o I-] u CO II a z _ < OQ S5 < to o ff> in t- O CO » 3 1 GO O o E 3 s o ■«! Q 0 Z 01 W o ■to OD (N o o o '^ '~* 00 ■^ — .* CO 05 2 o o o 05 00 35 -J o a (M S5 » ac a cc to o 00 ffl 00 05 O ^, 35 lO ei ^ s 00 05 ■ 0) ;h -a CS a .a ^^ s V 5 bo C3 ^^ V >■ o ^ a 08 0) fl 3 3 58 BUI.LETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. probably to be explained by the fact that both subjects measured were females. This explanation is also mani- festly good for explaining the difference between the two sets of figures for the Negroes, for in Turner's tables two of the three Negroes measured were females. Cunningham investigated the influence of sex on the curve and found a difference of .03 approximately, in those races which he studied. Here are his^results : Table hi (Cunningham). IRISH. ANDAMANESE. NEGROES. 21 S 23$ U6 9? '6 3? Average Lumbar Index . . 96.2 93.5 106.3 102.4 106. 103.4 AUSTRALIANS. TASMAN1AN8. los 4? 25 1? Average Lumbar Index 110.1 103.1 108.5 104.7 We now come to the question of the relation of the umbar index to the lumbar flexure in the living subject. Cunningham reached the conclusion that practically there could be no inference as to the character of the curve from lum bo- vertebral index. The facts which led him to adopt this conclusion were : — 1 . "In European spines a high index is not infrequently associated with a high degree of curvature. 2. In the chimpanzee, in which the lumbo-vertebral index is so high as 117.5, the prominence of the lumbar curve exceeds that found in the European spine." THE LUMBAR CUKVE IN SOME AMERICAN RACES. 59 Cunningham has further concluded that "the form adaptation of the vertebral bodies must be regarded as the consequence, and not as a cause, of the curve ; at the same time it cannot be due to an immediate and mechan- ical influence operating upon the vertebral bodies during the life of the individual. If it were so, the same char- acters would be present in the lumbar vertebrae of the low races, and even of the anthropoid apes. It is an hereditary condition." As to the causes of such great variations among different races Cunningham says — " The European, who leads a life which early necessitates his forsaking the erect atti- tude, except as an intermittent occurrence, and then for short periods, has sacrificed in the lumbar part of the vertel)ral column flexibility for stability. It is evident that the deeper the bodies of the vertebrje grow in front, the more permanent, stable and fixed the lumbar curve will i)ecome, and the more restricted will be the power of forward-bending in this region of the spine. The savage,. in whose life agility and suppleness of body are of so great an account, who pursues game in a prone condition, and climbs trees for fruit etc., pre- serves the anthropoid condition of vertebr;e, and in con- sequence possesses a superior flexibility of the lumbar part of the spine."' In 1888, in a paper by Cunningham, the title of which has already been given, he carried his investigations still farther by examining the fresh spine of an Australian girl, a full account of which is there given. In this he investigates the indices of the intervertebral disks. The results are self-explanatory and show at once the deter- mining factor in the curve of the living individual. ' "Nature," Fel). 18, ia-*6, p- 379. 60 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. TABLE rv. INDEX OF VERTEBRAL BODIES. INDEX OF INTERVERTEBRAL DISKS. Australian Spine, ? . . . . 101.4 49.5 European Spine, $ .... 91.0 80.3 THE LUMBAR CURVE IN AMERICAN RACES. The skeletons examined for the preparation of this paper come from the following localities : I. North-west Coast Indians, 36 : 1. Songish, seven males, seven females. 2. Kwakiutl, seven males, ten females. 3. Chinook, one male, four females. Iroquois, two males, one female. Mounds of Ohio, 22 : 1. Oregonia, four males, two females. 2. Fort Ancient, ten males, six females. Peru, 35 : 1. Ancon, fifteen males, fourteen females. 2. Cuzco, four males, two females. II. Ill, IV. The skeletons from the North-west Coast, except the Chinook, were collected by Dr. Franz Boas. The Chinook skeletons are from old graves on the upper Columbian River, and were collected by Mr. D. Scott Moncrieff. The Iroquois skeletons were collected by F. M. Noe from ancient graves in New York State. All of the Ohio skeletons were collected by Mr. W. K. Moore- head. Those from Oregonia are from a mound on the Taylor Farm, and those from Fort Ancient, from the village site. The Peruvian skeletons from Ancon were THE LUMBAR CURVE IN SOME AMERICAN RACES. 61 ■collected by the writer, and those from Cuzco were col- lected by Sr. Emelio Montez in the tombs atHuaracondo, near Cuzco. I greatly regret that other localities are not represented by sufficient material in this Museum so that the paper might be made more complete. It will be evident, how- ever, that at least three regions, widely separated from each other, are well represented. It is l)elieved that the material from the North-west Coast is sufficient to enable us to draw conclusions which shall be applicable to that entire region. The Ohio material may be regarded as typical of the older populations of the Ohio Valley. Whether it will be found to be similar to that of the modern red-skins of the Ohio Valley and of the eastern United States in gen_ era) remains to be seen — the number ot Iroquois skele- tons examined not being sufficiently large to enable us to draw any satisfactory conclusion. The two peoples of ancient Peru, the Yuncas of the coast and the Quichuas of the interior ])lains and valleys, are fairlj'^ well represented ; the former it is believed to an extent quite satisfactory. Observations on the luml)ar curve among the peoples of the east coast of South America are especially desir- able, for it seems to me not unlikely that the results from that region may equal or even surpass those of Australia in the height of the lumbo-vertebral index. It may be further stated that only the spines of normal adults, unless otherwise indicated, have been used in the preparation of this paper. ESSEX INST. BCLLKTIN VOL. XXVII 8* 62 BUL.LETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. I. North-west Coast tribes : 1. KWAKIUTL. TABLE V. SEVEN MALES, TEN FEMALES. Kwakiutl MEAN SPECIAL INDEX. MEAN GENERAL I II III IV V INDEX. Males 117.8 110.1 109.8 99.9 88.7 105.0 Females 111.2 106.8 100.8 90.7 84.8 98.1 Both sexes , 114.5 108.4 105.3 95.3 86.5 101.5 The average total of the sura of the anterior depths in the males is 125 mm., the highest single sum being lo5 mm., the lowest, 118 mm. ; of the sum of the posterior measurements, the highest is 143 mm., lowest 125 mm., mean average 132 mm. In the females the highest ante- rior sum is 136 mm., the lowest 119 mm., mean average 128 mm. ; posterior sums, highest 138 mm., lowest 119 mm., mean average 126. Of the mean general index for the males the highest 110, the lowest 101.6; for the females the highest 105, the lowest 90.3. It is interest- ing to note that although the gap separating the index of males from the females is considerable, yet no general male index falls below 100, while forty per cent, of the females indices are above 100. 2. SONGISH. TABLE VI. SEVEN MALES, FIVE FEMALES. Songish MEAN SPECIAL INDEX. MEAN GENEKAL I II III IV V INDEX. Males 115.7 Ul.ii 107.9 96.5 82.5 102.2 Females 111.3 108. 102. 92. 82.8 99.1 Both sexes 113.5 108.8 104.9 94.5 82.6 100.6 THE LUMBAIt CURVK IN SOME AMERICAN RACES. 63 Of this mean general index of 100.6 it is worth while to note that in only one instance does any male index fall below this figure ; while no female index equals it- In fact the range in both sexes among the Songish is very slight, the highest index in the males being 104.7, and in the females the lowest is 98.2. The sum of the anterior measurements in the males averages 126 mm. ; the maximum being 150 mm., the minimum 115 mm. 3. CHINOOK. TABLE VII. ONE MALE, FOUR FEMALES. Cbinook MEAN SPECIAL INDEX. MEAN GENERAL 1 II III IV V INDEX. Males IIG. 115.2 111.5 103.6 80. 104.4 Females 107.1 103.9 99.8 89.5 85.5 98.7 Both sexes lll.j 109..5 105.0 96.5 82.7 101.5 Of course it is barely possible that the mean geiieial index, 101.5, would be slightly raised if there had not been such a disproportionately large number of females to the males ; but a larger number of measurements of the spines of both sexes would not, in all probal)ility, have raised the index above 102. The variations in the four Chinook females are very slight, the highest general index being 100, the lowest 97.7. The average sum of the anterior measurements in the male is 134 mm., of the posterior 140 mm. The aver- aire sum of the anterior measurements of the females is 127 mm. ; the highest being 137 mm., the lowest 126nim. Of the sum of the posterior measurements, the average is 125 mm., the highest being 127 mm., and the lowest 120 mm. 64 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. II. Iroquois : TABLE VIII. TWO MALES, ONE FEMALE. Iroquois MEAN SPECIAL INDEX. MEAN GENERAL I II Ill IV V INDEX. Males 110. 108. 105.6 102.9 94.4 105. Females 112.5 108. 100. 92.5 74. 96.8 Both sexes 111.1 108. 102.8 97.7 84.2 100.9 The sum of the anterior measurements of the lumbar vertebras in the two males is 128 mm., and 129 mm., the sum of the posterior measurements 131 mm., and 139 mm. ; similar measurements in the female are 129 and 125 mm. In both males the anterior depths of the first, second, third and fourth lumbars are less than the posterior depths ; in the female this is true of the first three vertebra? only. III. Mounds of Ohio 1. OREGONIA. TABLE IX. SEVEN MALES. Oregoni.a MEAN SPECIAL INDEX. MEAN GENERAL I 11 III IV V INDEX. Males 109.9 107.5 103.2 100.5 85.9 101.2 The variation in the o-eneral lum])ar index for Oreso- nia skeletons is very small, the maximum index being 103.4, the minimum 98. As in the North-west Indians THE LUMBAR CUKVE IN SOME AMERCIAN RACES. 65 the special index of the first, second, third and fourth vertebrae are in every single instance 100 or above, ex- cept in two cases where the index of the fourth vertebra is 96. In the sums of the measurements of the anterior and posterior depths there is remarkable uniformity, the averao-e beino; 144 mm. for the sum of the anterior and 145 mm. for the sum of the posterior measurements ; the range is from 137 mm. to 150 mm., and from 138 mm. to 152 mm. for the sums of the anterior and poste- rior measurements respectively. i. FORT ANCIENT. TABLE X. TEN MALES, SIX FEMALES. Fort .Ancient MEAN SPECIAL INDEX. MEAN GENERA I II III IV V INDEX. Males 114.3 111.4 106.5 100.0 89.0 104.0 Females 110.1 106.1 102.5 92.5 83.0 98.7 Both sexe(< 112.2 108.6 104..i 96.2 86.0 101.3 The Fort Ancient skeletons resemble those of Orego- nia in the remarkably small amount of variation in the lumbar measurements. In the males the variation of the lumbo- vertebral index varies from 100.7 to 108.9. The special index of the first, second and third lumbars are all over 100, of the fourth three fall below 100. The averages of the sums of the anterior and posterior measurements, 187 mm., and 143 mm., respectively, are very high and the range of variation is small, the maxi- mum and minimum sums being 130 mm. and 145 mm. for the anterior measurements and 135 mm. and 148mm. QQ BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. for the posterior. No general lumbar index among the females exceeds 99.2, while the minimum index is 97.5, a remarkably narrow range of variation. Curiously enough the average of the sums of the anterior measure- ments in the females, 138 mm., exceeds by a single millimetre the average sum of the anterior measurements of the ten males. The posterior average in the female is 136 mm. ; the range of variation being 131 mm. to 148 mm., and 127 mm. to 146 mm., for the anterior and posterior sums respectively. IV. Peru : 1. ANCON. TABLE XI. ELEVEN MALES, EIGHT FEMALES. Ancon MEAN SPECIAL INDEX. MEAN GENERAL I II III IV V INDEX. Males 115.2 110.9 107.2 99.2 85.2 102.9 Females 110.1 104.8 101.8 94.7 81.0 97.9 Both sexes 112.6 107.8 104.5 96.9 83.0 100.4 In this table for the first time the average of the special indices of the 4th vertebra in the males falls considerably below 100. Eight of the indices are ex- actly 100, one is 92.3, another 96 and the other one 104.1. The averages of the sums of the measurements of the lumbars in this group of skeletons falls below any so far recorded in this paper. This is what might be ex- pected from the fact that the coast tribes of Peru were of very short stature. In fact some of those of the south of Peru may almost be called dwarfs. The average of THE LUMBAR CUllVK IN SOME AMERICAN RACES. 67 the sums of the anterior measurements of the five lum- b.irs in the males is 124 mm., highest 138 mm , lowest 114 mm.; average for the females, 120 mm.; highest 126 mm., lowest 113 mm. The general average of the sums of the posterior depths in the males is 130 mm., highest 140 mm., lowest 119 mm. ; females, average 117 mm. ; highest 121 mm., lowest 110 mm. In addition to the nineteen skeletons from A neon which were examined for the preparation of the above table, there were twelve other skeletons which showed marks of senility to such a degree as to necessitate a separate treatment. In the preceding sections such skeletons have not been sufficiently numerous to deserve special notice, and they have consequently been excluded along with the skeletons of children and partially grown individuals- But it is believed that these nine Ancon skeletons may throw some light on the changes produced by old age on the lumbar curve. ANCON. TABLE XII. FIVE MALES, SEVEN FEMALES. SENILE CONDITION. Ancon MEAN SPECIAL INDEX. MEAN GENERAL I II III IV V INDEX. Males 122.1 ll.'j.S 112.5 105.2 90.3 109.4 Femjiles 120..T 122.0 107.5 105.6 87.9 106.1 Both sexes 121.3 118.1 110.0 105.4 89.1 107.7 In the next table the results brought out in tables xi and XII nre contrasted. 68 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. TABLE XIII. Ancon MEAN SPECIAL INDEX. MEAN GENERAL I II III IV V INDEX. C Normal . . . 115.2 110.9 107.2 99.2 85,2 102.9 [ Senile . . . 122.0 115.5 112.5 105.2 90.,3 109.4 f Normal - . . 110.1 104.8 101.8 94.7 81.0 97.9 I Senile .... 120.5 112.8 107.5 105.6 87.9 106.1 Both [Normal . . . 112.6 107.8 104.5 96.9 83.0 100.4 '''''' I senile . . . 121.3 118.1 110. 105.4 89.1 107.7 There are several interesting points brought out in this comparative view. Perhaps the most striking one iis the amount of difference for the two mean general averages. Whether there is any significance in the fact that this difference is greater in the figures for the females than in the males I am unable to determine. Another interesting point is that the two sexes are more nearly alike for the fifth lumbar than they are for the first lumbar. That is, the amount of difference in the curve for the normal spine and the senile spine is greater at the upper part of the curve than it is at the lower portion. The increased age shows itself especially plain in the spine on the fifth lumbar, which no longer has a distinct wedge-shape, as is shown by the average index 89 for the senile group, as contrasted with the index 83, for the normal group. It is interesting to note also the marked decrease of the total length of the lumbar region of the spine in the THE LUMBAR CURVE IN SOME AMERICAN RACES. 69 senile skeletons. In the males the highest total ol the anterior depths is but 124 mm., the average is 117 mm., and the lowest is 118 mm. Similar measurements for the females are : maximum 118 mm., average 112 mm., minimum 106 mm. To make more cleai- the comparison between the normal adult and senile condition of the length of the spine, at any rate as fai- as thf lumbar region is concerned, I give the figures in the following table : TABLE XIV. HEIGHT OF LUMBAR VERTEBRA:. A neon MALES. FEMALES. BOTH 3EXE8. NORMAL. SENILE. NORMAL. SENILE. NORMAL. SENILE. Average puni of an- terior rte])tlis . . mm. 124 mm. 117 mm. 12(1 mm. 112 mm. 122 mm. 114 Averajre sum of pos. terior depths . . . 130 128 117 Hi) 123 123 2. rUZCO. TABLE XV. THREE MALES, THREE KKMALE.S. (Juze, as they usually are, eaten raw; the Indians sell them to the English for twelve pence the bushel. Wild Purcelane, it is eaten as a pot-herb and esteemed by some THE TLORA OF COLONIAL DAYS. 85 as little inferior to asparagus. Woodwax, wherewith they dye many pretty colors. Note. — There is a tradition that it was introduced here by Gov. Endecott, which may have been some forty years before Josselyn finished his herborizing — enough to account for its naturalization then. It was long confined to Salem. Dr. Cutler says "pastures between New Mills and Salem." Woad seed is set down in a memo- randum of the Governor and Company of Massachusetts Bay before February, 1628, to be sent to New England. Gov. Endecott is also responsible for importing another plant to his Danvers home, for we find in Hanson's History of Danvers this note, after referring to Gov. Endecott's land; " If tradition be correct, he introduced for medici- nal purposes, as well as by way of ornament to his garden, the White- weed, or Chrysanthennim Jeiicanthp.mum of the botanist, which has since become so detrimental to the hayflelds of our farmers in some parts of the State." "Of such Plants as are proper to the country. Indian Wheat, of which there are three sorts, yellow, red and blew. Mountain Lillies, bearing many yellow flowers. Hollow-leaved Lavendar is a plant that grows in salt marshes, overgrown with moss, with one straight stalk about the bigness of an Oatstraw, better than a cubit high ; upon the top standeth one fantastical Flower, the Leaves grow close from the root in shape like a Tankard, hollow, tough and always full of Water, the Root is made up of many small strings, growing only in the Moss and not in the Earth, the whole Plant comes to its perfection in August, and then it has Leaves, Stalks and Flowers, as red as blood, excepting the Flower, which hath some yellow admixt. I wonder where the knowledge of this Plant hath slept all this while, i. e., above Forty Years. Tree Primrose, Maiden Hair, ordinarily half a yard in height, Pirola of two kinds, Indian Beans, Squashes, but more truly Squonter-squashes, a kind of Mellon or rather Gourd, Pompiones and Water Mellons, too, they have in good store. New England Daysie or Primrose, flowers in ESSEX INST. BULLETIN, VOL. XXVII 10 86 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. May and grows amongst moss upon hilly grounds or rocks that are shady. Wild Damask Roses, single, but very large and sweet. Sweet Fern, Sarsaparilla, Bill Berries, two kinds, Black and sky colored, which is more frequent. Sumach, our English cattle devour it most abominably. The cherry trees yield great store of cherries which grow in clusters like grapes. They be much smaller than our English cherry; nothing near so good, if they be not fully ripe ; English ordering may bring them to an Eng- lish cherry, but they are as wild as the Indians. Board Pine (JP. strohus) is a very large tree. Pitch Pine, its wood cloven in two little slices something thin, the only candles used by the New England natives, and Higginson found them adopted by the first colonists." The Board Pine, the loftiest tree of New England, was seen in 1605 by Capt. George Weymouth on the Kennebec, and hence the name Weymouth Pine given in England to the imported deals. Wood refers to these Pines, the White Pines, when he speaks "of these stately, high-growue trees, ten miles together, close by the river side." "The Larch Tree, which is the only Tree of all the Pines that sheds his Leaves before Winter, the others remaining Green all the Year. Hemlock Tree, the bark of this serves to dye Tawny. Cran-Berry, or Bear-Berry, because Bears use much to feed upon them, is a small trayling Plant that grows in Salt marshes that are overgrown with moss. The Indians and English use them much, boy ling them with Sugar for Sauce to eat with their meat. Pirola, or Wintergreen, that kind which grows with us in Eng- land, is common in New England, but there is another plant which I judge to be a kind of Pirola and proper to this country, a very beautiful Plant. The Ground of the Leaf is a Sap Green, embroydered (as it were) with many pale yellow Ribs, the whole Plant in shape is like THE FLORA OF COLONIAL DAYS. 87 Sempervivum, but far less, being not above a handful hike rock pebble, with indentations on the edge ; two flat pieces of sandstone, evidently used for rubbing or sharpening imple- ments ; a flat slate stone and two pebbles showing traces of ochre upon them ; and several thin pieces of nmscovite mica of the Andover form of this mineral. The identi- fication of the rock materials has been made by Mr. Sears. There is no reason to suppose that these implements originated outside of Essex County ; for, in each case, a rock of precisely the same character as the object is found within the limits of the county. There are, in the county collections of the Peabody Academy, a large number of interesting objects obtained from pre-historic graves, or graves of the people of the PRE-HISTORIC RELICS FROM BEVERLY. 91 pre-historic race which occupied this region, although from the finding of European beads and copper trinkets in connection with aboriginal stone implements, these latter burials must have been made after the year 1500, when Europeans had visited our shores. In the case of the Beverly graves from which the objects figured were ob- tained, unless the pipes are of European workmanship, or were made with tools obtained from the early voyagers, the age may be placed at more than 850 years. If, how- ever, the pipes were made by Europeans or with tools obtained from them, then 270 to 350 years would be a safer estimate for the age of the objects found ; they undoubtedly antedate the permanent settlement of the region in 1626, Peabody Academy of Science, Jan. 19, 1897. NOTE TO ARTICLE OF REV. WM. P. ALCOTT Since pages 92-94 were in print I have other items as to the history of this Ilex from Mrs. Horner. The bush originally stood by the roadside in the edge of No. Andover. It was transplanted l)y Mr. P. B. Folansbee to his nursei} at Raggett's Pond, and a rooting from it is growing at the Arnold Arboretum. Professor Gray con- sidered this plant simply a freak, like the white huckle- berry, etc. In his "November Chromcle" A flcmtic Monthly, Nov. 1888, Mr. Bradford Torrey mentions finding — perhaps in a wider range of conditions — 73 species blooming during Nov. 1887. BOTANICAL NOTES. BY REV. WM. P. ALCOTT, BOXFORD. The writer's duties have called him to drive in different directions nearly every day of November, 1896. He has noted the roadside flowers seen on these rides, together with such as he could tind about his own premises. Per- sons having opportunity for systematic search may have found many more during such a favoral)le month, and I shall be happy if my own list may serve to call forth longer catalogues. Certain plants which I have not found must surely have been observed, while some mentioned are evidently exceptional cases. Quite a list of Crypto- gams might be added and possibly a few belated grasses. The vigor and beaut}'' of Aster undulatus, even so late as the 18th, was very interesting. It will be noted that fifteen of these brave twenty-eight were Compositie. Flowering plants of the following were abundant : Capsella bursa-pastoris, L. Lepidium Virginicum, L. Brassica canipestris, L. Stellar ia media ^ L. Malva rotundifolia, L. Trifolium pratense, L. Hamamelis Virgimca, L. Aster undulatus, L. Aster miser, L. Erigeron Canadense, L. Solidago cassia, L. Solidago altissima, L. (92) BOTANICAL NOTES. 93 8oUdago memoralis, Ait. Achillea millefoUum^ L. Gnaphalium polycejphalnm, Mchx . Leontodon autm7inale, L. Taraxacum dens-leonis, Desf. Lobelia injlata, L. Two or three specimens were seen of these : — Solidago bicolor, L. Maruta cotula, D. C. Erecthites hieracifolia, Raf. Gentiana crinita, Froel. Of six only single flowering specimens were observed : Ranuncidus acris, L. Sinapis nigra, L. Viola sagittato , L. Potent ilia argentea, L. Aster dumosus, L. Aster longifolius, Lam. Early this last summer Mrs. C. N. S. Horner called my attention to a strange plant found somewhere in Geoigetown, which proved to be an emigrant froiu West- ern Eur()i)e, Hieracium aurantiacum, var. bicolor. Later in the season, during a carriage ride, this plant was seen to be very abundant at a place near East Templcton, Worcester County, and also in Florida, Berkshire County, along the main road over Hoosac Mountain. It thus grows "in high pastures" here, as across the Atlantic. Should it Honrish at lower altitudes it might prove another of those beautiful but most troublesome weeds which the Old World has so often sent us. If memory is correct, I have seen this plant on the high ground of Mr. T. C. Thurlow's Nursery, at West Newbury. Other interesting " finds," by that most observing bota- KSSKX INST. BULLETIN VOL. XXVII 10* 94 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. nist, Mrs. Horner, have been Salvia virgata and Trifo- Uum tomentosum, L., both of Southern Europe. The latter was found ten years ago and from the place of its discovery in Georgetown, is evidently to be added to the list of " Woolen Mill Plants." I am not aware that it has been collected there since. The Salvia appeared this summer, or last, among the seedling flowers of a garden. A small-flowered pink, Silene gallica, var. quinque- vulnera, has bloomed for me two years, coming with "wild garden" seed, probably imported from France. Botanists who know our native weeds from strange ones may often get rare things in this way. What one might call persistent local attachment is remarkably manifested in some plants. Crocuses and Star-of-Bethlehem ( Ornithogaluni) blossom every year in the dense sward near my house, where they must have been planted twenty-five years ago, perhaps much more, having never in that time been cultivated. Probably some readers can far overmatch these instances. Poly- gonum historta, L., also grows, and often flowers, in the same grass, in spite of having been mown close, once or twice a summer for many years. No doubt it is a relic of some ancient garden. In August a white-flowered form of Linaria Canaden- sis, Spreng., was somewhat abundant near Milwood P. O., Rowley. Years ago specimens of "white-fruited" black alder. Ilex verticillata. Gray, were given to the Boxford Natural History Society, from a bush on the land of a Mrs. Cole, of West Boxford. The berries were rather of a yellow ccjlor. One specimen of Hous- tonia purpurea, L., var. longifolia, with white flowers, was also brouglit to our Society from near the center of the town, sown perhaps with grass seed, which so often brings into our soil transient and extra-limital specimens. For ii note appended to the above, see p. 91. ON A NEW GENUS AND TWO NEW SPECIES OF MACRUROUS CRUSTACEA. ^ BY J. S. KINGSLEY. 1 owe to Professor Hermon C. Biimpus, of Brown Uni- versity, the privilege of examining a small shrimp which he obtained from the Island of Naushon, one of the Eliza- beth Islands, on the sonthern coast of Massachusetts. Under ordinary circumstances the publication of isolated descriptions is to ))e deplored, but in this case the pro- cedure seems to have some justification. In the first place the whole Vineyard Sound region has been so thor- oughly explored by the various parties of the U. S. Fish Commission and by the members of the Marine Biologi- cal Laboratory at Woods Holl, that novelties among the Deca[)()d Crustacea are extren»ely rare. Again, the form in (jtiestion is unique in several of its features, combining as it does the cliaractcrs of seveial other orenei'a or even of so-called families. The specimen, which is the basis of the following de- scription, was found July 13, 1893, in the sand of the small channels — the so-called gutters — ot the island. Genus Naushonia. Body somewhat depressed; mandi- bles stout, incurved, the cutting edge excavate anteriorly, the edge itself serrate ; a two-jointed palpus present. 1 Contrihutions from the Biological Lsiliorntories of Tufts Oi)llc>:i', uiidpr the (liruction of .1. S. Kingsley, No. xvi. (96) 96 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. First pair of feet larger than the second, the first pair being sub-chelate, the second non-chelate, and with sim- ple carpus. Antenniilffi biflagellate, the inner flagellum about half the length of the outer. Antennae long ; an- tennal scale small, not reaching to the external spine. This genus resembles the Crangoninse in the larger first pair of pereiopoda ; in the sul)-chelate character of the anterior hand, and the non-annulate carpus of the second pair of pereiopoda. It dififers, however, from this sub-fann'ly, and from all the CrangonidoB as limited by Dana, in the excavate mandible and in the possession of a mandibular palpus. The cutting edge of the mandible recalls somewhat that of the Atyidee, but the palpus is not present in that family. Mandibular characters also exclude it from all known Palasmonida?. Subsequent investigations may show that it will be necessary to erect a new 'family' for its reception. jSTaushonia crangonoides n. sp. Carapax somewhat cylindrical, depressed in front, the rostral region being down curved. The I'ostrum flattened, tip broadly trian- gular, extending forward slightly beyond the eyes. Su- pra-orbital and antennal spines present ; branchiostegal, hepatic and pterygostomian spines lacking. Cervical groove well marked in the middle but not reaching the antero-laleral margin of the carapax. A well-marked impressed line extends from the antero-external angle on either side to the posterior margin of the carapax. With these exceptions the carai)ax is smooth and is without pubescence. The abdomen is about a third longer than the carapax ; is smooth and without carinas, spines, etc. The telson is a third longer than broad, its tip regularly and broadly rounded, with a spine at each external angle. The eyes are on short peduncles, not visible from above, and with a minute pigment spot. The antennuloe are NEW CRUSTACEA. 97 biflagellate, the flagella short, the inner ramus being about half the length of the outer. The antennae are provided with a small basal scale, the external spine of which reaches to the middle of the last joint of the peduncle, while the laminate portion of the scale falls short of the external spine. The external maxillipeds are pediform, elongate and furnished with extremely long hairs. The mandibular palpus bears simple hairs on its inner, and stiff bristles on its outer margin. The pereio- poda are provided with small exopodites. The first pair (only the left present in the specimen) are much the larger, and recall strongly the corresponding appendage in the Crangonids, but the occludent margin is more oblique than in most of the genera of that group. The meros is about twice as long as the ischium, and both these joints have the external margin acute. The short carpus is approximately an equilateral triangle in outline. The hand is flattened, the propodus being twice as long as broad, and externally with an acute edge. A long acute 'thumb' directed obliquely forward, at about the middle of the inner margin of the propodus, limits the occludent margin of the palm. This margin is acute and is pro- vided with one large and several smaller teeth, the dis- tribution of which is shown in the figure. The dactylus is bent, proximally, at a right angle, the distal portion being regularly arcuate and the tip acute. Its margins are sharp and the outer one is provided with a fringe of long hairs. The second pair of feet are the shortest, the carpus is simple, without annulations, and the dactylus is flattened and covered with a pul^escence of long hairs. The remaining pereiopoda are slender, pediform and ter- minated by acute, slightly curved dactyli. The total length from the tip of the rostrum to the end of the telsoQ is 26 mm. 98 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. Caradina pasadence n. sp. Carapax smooth, ecarinate above, rostrum long, three -fourths the length of the cara- pax, and exceeding by a third of its length the antennular peduncle. It is smooth above, its apex minutely bifid, and occasionally a small tooth beneath at about the level of the extremity of the antennular peduncle. Pterygostomian spine present, rather obtuse ; external angle of the orbit spiniform. Antennula with external spiniform scale on the outer margin of the basal joint, reaching slightly in advance of the extremity of the joint, a small spine on the inner margin of the joint. Antennal flagella subequal in length, the length about equal to that of the carapax with- out the rostrum. Antennal scale about four times as long as broad, extending slightly beyond the antennular peduncle ; its external margin straight, its apex obliquely rounded ; antennal flagelluni about two-thirds the length of the ])ody. External maxillipeds pediform, the ischium strongly arcuate ; the terminal joints partly fused and armed with two rows of spines ; exopodite slender, filiform, joints obsolete. First pair of pereiopoda short, rather stout, the meros about equal to the propodus in length ; hand of regular Atyid character, the fingers excavate and furnished with pencils of hairs. Second pair of pereio- poda about twice the length of first, the carpus simple, slightly obconical, and longer than any other joint ; fin- gers excavate and pencilled. Remaining pereiopoda elon- gate, pediform, with moderate, slightly curved dactyli, spinulose beneath. Telson with straight, converging sides, its apex truncate and spinulose. Total length from tip of rostrum to end of caudal pleopoda 32 to 39 mm. This species, which was sent me by Professor A. J. McClatchie of Throop University, is stated by him to be common in the streams about Pasadena, California. This species differs from O. multidentata, serrata, acuminata, NEW CRU8TACRA. 99 brevirostris, exilirostris and typus in its elongate rostrum. From O. grandimstris and leucosticta it differs in the lack of teeth upon the upper margin of the rostrum ; from C. americana m the almost total lack of teeth on the lower surface of the rostrum, while C. denticulata is thrown out by similar characters. C. tenuirostris is a species of Virbius. [PubUehed, March, 1897.] EXPLANATION OF PLATE III. Figs. 1-7. Caradina pasadenoe. Figs. 8-10. Naushonia crangon- Fig. 1-7 . Caradina pasadence. Figs. 8-10. oides. 1. Carapax. 2. Second pereiopod. 3. First pereiopod. 4. External maxilliped. 5. Base of antennae. 6. Mandible. 7. Antennal scale. 8. Mandible. 9. Carapax, etc., from above. 10. Side view. BULLETIN ESSEX INSTITUTE, VOL. XXVII. PLATE III. KINGSLEY. NEW CRUSTACEA. THE NASAL ORGANS OF PIPA AMERICANA.i BY IRVING REED BANCROFT. The investigations recorded in the following paper were undertaken at the suggestion of Professor Kingsley, who pointed out to me that the nasal structures of the Surinam toad differed considerably from those described by Seydel as occurring in other Batrachia ; and that aside from a short reference by Stewart Lee, no account of the olfactory organ of Pipa americana was accessible. The whole work was done by means of sections and plastic models, the slides being the same as those which formed the basis of Arnold's paper on the cranial nerves. The animals were from 9 to 12 mm. in body length and in their general features were much like the adult. The systematic position of Pipa as a member of the Aglossate group of the Anura renders all facts regarding its struct- ure especially interesting. For convenience of comparison in my description, I have followed Seydel ('95) in beginning my account at the choana or posterior nasal aperture. The choana opens from the back and upper part of the oral cavity as in other amphibians. It almost immediately shows clearly two main divisions, fig. 9, plate IV. Of these the supe- rior or cavum nasale, c, figs. 2-9, has an ovoid section with the narrow end directed outward. The second division, the ' Contribution.s from tlie Biological Laboratories of Tufts College, under the direction of J. S. Kingsley, No. xvii. ESSKX INST. BULLETIN, VOL KXVII 11 (101) 102 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. inferior or lateral nasal canal, In, is a long, flattened out- pushing and lies more externally. The walls of the cavum nasale become thickened immediately and the epithelium is specialized for sensory purposes. The walls of the lateral nasal canal are thinner and contain no specialized cells except at its external end. As we go farther forward, the lateral nasal canal sud- denly widens laterally, still retaining its flattened condi- tion, fig. 8, plate IV, and the external part becomes cut ofi" from the main canal, forming a small and short blindsac. The epithelium of this posterior blindsac is not thickened or specialized, but is of the simple columnar type. This blindsac occurs in each series of sections and is apparently a constant structure. It is shown in outline in plate V and fig. 7 cuts through its anterior end. The thickening seen to bound it internally in fig. 7 is merely the oblique section of the wall of the lateral nasal canal, which is here extending itself outward to connect with Jacobson's organ, and has nothing to do with the posterior blindsac itself. In front of the posterior blindsac, the walls of the lat- eral portion of the lateral nasal canal become greatly thickened and its epithelium in this region assumes the same specialized condition as was found in the cavum nasale. This lateral portion now assumes a more nearly cylindrical shape and almost immediately leads away from the lateral nasal canal and forms the duct for the organ of Jacobson. From this duct, the organ of Jacobson ex- tends forward, figs. 6, 5, 4, its anterior end being a little posterior to the middle of the whole nasal apparatus, plate V. It is the most external of the cavities connected with the nasal organ and lies on a lower plane than the rest. It is a rounded cone, viewed from below, and its outer walls have a flattened cylindrical section while its ulmen is broad and low. THE NASAL ORGANS OF PIPA AMERICANA. 103 The sensory epithelium is very thick, consisting of cells of an extreme columnar condition. The nuclei are scat- tered at various depths in the basal two-thirds of the cells while the free ends of the cells present the appearance familiar in this region in all Amphibians. A little in front of the point of union of the duct of Jacobson's organ with the lateral nasal canal is the open- ing of the duct of Jacobson's gland, fig. 6, jd^ the opening being at the inner angle of the organ. The gland itself, figs. 4 to 8, jV/, lies below the cavum nasale and lateral nasal canal and is on a level with Jacobson's organ. Jacobson's gland, as in other Anura, is situated on the median side of the olfactory organ, and in front it extends laterally beneath the nasal cavities. It consists of convoluted cylindrical tubules lined with cubical or low columnar protoplasm, both nuclei and protoplasm staining deeply. It extends from a point somewhat in front of the planes of fig. 4 to that of fig. 8. Its duct passes from the anterior fourth of the gland to empty into the organ of Jacobson, Plate V. In fig. 4 there is a gland, g, which appears diflerentiated from the rest. It continues forward as a tube, and finally enters into the lateral nasal canal just posterior to the plane of fig. 2. Farther forward (figs. 4-7), the lateral nasal canal ex- pands externally into a secondary cavity, hi, which is lined with the same sensory epithelium as the cavum nasale, with which it remains in connection by the nar- rower and much depressed portion of the lateral nasal canal. This latter is lined with undiflferentiated low columnar cells. More anteriorly, the secondary cavity gradually bends downward and inward so that its anterior resfion comes to lie below and in the median line of the rest of the olfactory apparatus as shown in Plate V. From the anterior end of the lateral nasal canal the nasal canal continues forward as a flattened tube to the 104 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. external nares. Its epithelium throughout is of an undif- ferentiated character. The cavum nasale is nearly the same size and shape throughout its whole length (en, figs. 2-9). It is com- posed of specialized cells, and, in its grosser features, its histology is similar to that of Jacobson's organ. It has fine branches of the olfactory nerve- distributed chiefly to its internal part. These are in many cases too small to be seen with the magnification used. At its anterior end, it becomes separated from the lateral nasal canal (fig. 2) and soon ends as a small blindsac. In fig. 5, the naso-lachrymal duct is seen. It can be traced for several sections, but as yet it has not formed its connection with the cavum nasale, as it apparently does in a later stage. It is yet too early too say how much w^eight is to be placed upon the varying conditions of the olfactory organ in settling the vexed questions of the interrelationships of the Amphibia. Too few forms have as yet been studied to allow of any broader generalizations. Naturally one would expect to find more points of resemblance between the conditions occurring in Pipa and in Rana than between Pipa and the Urodeles, but from the foregoing account it will be seen that Pipa is about as widely removed in its nasal structure from the one as from the other. Certainly, if much weight is to be given these structures, naturalists are justified in the separation of the Aglossa from the other Anura.3 In more detail, these diiferences are as follows : — - Fischer ('43) has figured anrt described the olfactory nerve as double in this species; his figures representing the two components as arising side by side, directly from the l)rain. His account has often been quoted. I find, liowever, that the olfactorius arises by a single root and the nerve passes undivided through the ethmoidal cartilage, and almost immediately after its emergence breaks up into two superimposed branches which at once sul)divide for distri- bution to tlie olfactory epithelium. » A study of the structures In Dactylethra would prove very interesting. THE NASAL ORGANS OF PIPA AMERICANA. 105 In Rana esculenta, as described by Seydel, the cuvum nasale and the nasal canal are not diflferentiated from each other, and, while the cavum nasale terminates in both in a cul-de-sac, this termination in Rana is in front of the external nares, in Pipa behind it. Then, too, the lateral nasal canal of Pipa is a structure differing considerably from that of Rana both in position and in histological differentiation. In Rana, Jacobson's organ lies beneath the main nasal canal (cavum nasale) and extends inwards as far as does any other structure connected with the olfactory region. In Pipa, on the other hand, it is not covered by any of the other nasal structures, and it is placed entirely on the external side of the whole nasal apparatus. From the whole course of the duct, so far as developed, the naso-lachrymal canal in Pipa will appar- ently connect with the cavum nasale, while in Rana it opens into the lateral nasal canal. The most posterior blindsac, given off behind Jacobson's organ, is apparently unrepresented in other Amphibians so far as I have studied the literature. Its lack of specialized sensory epithelium would seem to imply that it was of no great importance. It seems uimecessary to make any comparisons with the Urodeles farther than to point out that in some respects Pipa seems to be intermediate between these and the Anura, especially in the relationships of what I have called the nasal canal, which agrees well in some respects Avith what Seydel calls the respiratory duct. Again the position of Jacobson's organ is nearer that found in Uro- deles than that occurring in Rana and Pelobates. Comparisons with the account given by Born ('77) of the conditions found in Pelobates show differences as great as those occurring between Pipa and Rana. One thing that is necessary in these studies is a new nomen- clature of the parts. The terminology employed by 106 BULLETIN or THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. Born and by Seydel is hardly applicable to Pipa. I have, however, refrained from proposing any new names since I believe that this can only be done in a satisfactory man- ner by one who is making a comparative stndy of many different forms, and not by one who has only the limited perspective of a single species. Still it is well to point out what terms are employed by Born for the nomencla- ture adopted here which is based upon the terminolog}'^ of Se3'del. Born distinguished three blindsacs which lie directly under each other ; the upper being the largest and the middle the smallest. Born's "unterer Blindsac " may be compared to the Jacobson's organ in Pipa, while the "oberer Blindsac" is the cavum nasale. Born also finds another blindsac between the other two, which may possi- bly be compared to a similarly lying unnamed blindsac which Seydel found, the "a" of his figures, and possibly to the enlargement of the lateral nasal canal in Pipa. It is true that in Pipa it forms no blindsac, but it is special- ized and forms an enlargement which, from the outside, might readily he taken for an actual blindsac. This enlargement is situated between the Jacobson's organ and the cavum nasale in Pipa, but is more internal in Rana. [Published, lAlarch, 1897.] THE NASAL ORGANS OF PIPA AMERICANA. 107 LITERATURE. '94, Arnold, G. A. The anterior cranial nerves of Pipa americana. Tufts College Studies, No. 1. '84, Blaue, J. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Nasenschleimhaut bei Fischen und Amphibieu. Arch. Anat. u. Phys., Anat. Abth., 1884. '77, Born, G. tjber die Nasenhohle und den Tliranennasengang der Amphibien. Morph. Jalirbuch, ii, 1870. '43, Fischer, J. G. Amphibiorum nudorum neurologiiB specimen primum. Berlin, 1843. '93, Lee, Stewart. Zur Kenntniss der Olfactorius. Berichte Na- turf. Gesellsch. Freiburg i. B., vii, 1873. '95, Seydel, O. Lber die Nasenhohle und das Jacobson'sche Organ der Amphibien. Morph. Jahrbuch, xxiii. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Plate IV. Nine consecutive sections of the nasal region, fig. 1 being a short distance behind the external narial opening, fig. 9 passing through the internal nares. Plate V. A, Dorsal, and B, Ventral veins of a reconstruction of the nasal apparatus of Pijxi americana. In B is shown in outline the limits of the internal cavity ; while in both figures the planes of the sections shown in Plate IV are indicated. ABBREVIATIONS. :Jacobson's organ. : lateral nasal canal. : nasal canal. : branch of nasalis. olfactory nerve. : cavum nasale. : external portion of the nasal canal. : Jacobson's gland. : Jacobson's duct. : posterior blindsac. : difl'erentiated gland. :naso-lachrymal duct. = branch of olfactory nerve to Jacobson's organ. :)■ 0. I. n. n. c. n. 0. c. e. J- {!• J- d. P- b. (/■ I. 0. ■ )■ BULLETIN ESSEX LNSTITUTE, VOL. XXVIL PLATE IV BANCROFT. NASAL ORGANS OF PIPA. ON en Ji- 00 CJ ro — ^ w H H c H rn O o C^C^ Ji- M oo SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT ON THE MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY OF ESSEX COUNTY. BY JOHN H. SEARS, Curator of Mineralogy and Geology, Peabody Academy of Science. During the seasons of 1894, '95 and '96, the principal work in the geology of the county has been the study of the quartzite and interstratitied beds in Lynnfield Centre and North Saugus and carrying the work southwest into Mid- dlesex County in the towns of Reading, Wakefield, etc. The quartzite beds of North Saugus are, without doubt, parts of the basal Lower Cambrian and the knowledge of this formation has been extended southeast on both sides of the head waters of Penny l)rook to Saugus river. The quartzite and inters tratified slates and coarse conglomer- ates of Lynnfield Centre are the basal members of the Carboniferous rocks, a continuance of the blocked area, No. 19 on the map, of Topsfield and Middleton. This work makes several changes necessary in the preliminary map published in 1893. As an evident mistake was made in the mapping of the contact of the hornblende-granite and the diorite areas of Marblehead and Swampscott, these have been more carefully worked out and remapped. Another correction made necessary is the separation of the hornblende-granites from the hornl)lende-biotite- granitite. This was not done when the map was published ESSEX I>'ST. BULLETIN, VOL XXVII 11* (109) 110 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. on advice at the time, although I personally felt then that it would have been better to do so. Another correction is an addition to the augite-nepheline-syenite area. The augite-nepheline-syenite area in Gloucester and Rockport has been extended over two miles and remapped on the west side of Cape Pond. This work was greatly assisted by the Gloucester and Rockport street railroad work and the trenches opened by the Rockport water works, when numerous sections of the fresh rock were exposed thus aflbrding good specimens of the rock for investigation. Many specimens from these outcrops have been collected and the data thus at our disposal have been of great help in tracing this rock formation. The trend of the auojite- nepheline-syenite rock from Gloucester to these outcrops in Rockport and to Sandy bay and the Dry Salvages is in the usual northeast direction and unites in this area the augite-nepheline-syenite, the so-called black granite of the Rockport Granite Company's Quarry. Having thus traced the augite-nepheline-syenite in comparatively nar- row area, through the hornblende-biotite-sfranitite rock- mass, it is an indication that the syenite is the younger rock and cuts through thegranitite without these recently seen outcrops; and, with the knowledge at our command when the geological map of Essex County was published, the small detached areas of the augite-syenite in this region seemed to be cut by the granitite, thus making the granitite apparently the younger rock. I have therefore, taken all of the maps remaining on hand at the Essex Institute and have made the necessary corrections to date in color. These corrections may not appear important to the un- trained eye ; still they are so to the student and it at least brings the maps on hand correct to our best knowledge to the present time. SEARS'S SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT. lH Revised scheme of numbers. (-(-) Hornblende gr.-mite. (12) Eruptive porphyritic gneiss. (18) Cambrian rocks. (19) Carboniferous rocks. GEOLOGICAL SUCCESSION OF THK KOCK FORMATIONS OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASS., FROM THE EARLIEST TO THE MOST RECENT. Archean, Laurentian gneiss, schists and sandstones, all crystalline, more or less contorted and highly metamorphic. Pre-Cambrian, Arkoses, Hornblende epidote gneiss, Limestones, folded and metamorphic. Lower Cambrian (Paleozoic) conglomerates, quartzites, slate and limestone, Georgian Olenellus, etc. Eruptive (igneous) rocks, muscovite biotite granite. Hornblende granite. Hornblende biotite granitite. Eruptive porph3ritic gneiss. Quartz augite diorite. Quartz hornblende diorite. Essexite nepheline rock and aegirite ditroite schieffer. H(»rn])lende diorite. Elaeolite zircon syenite and augite nepheline syenite. Hypersthene augite basalt dyke rocks (eobasalt). Augite olivine basalt dyke rocks. Diallage gabbro dyke rocks. Diallage augite olivine gabbro dyke rocks. Aegirine Tinguaite d3'ke rocks. Aegirine syenite dyke rocks. Ancient volcanic rocks, rhyolite breccias, banded rhyolite, corhyolite. Hornblende diorite dyke rocks. 112 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. Hornblende augite porphyrite, feldspars from one to three inches long, dyke rock. Aphanitic diorite dyke rocks. Aplitic granite dyke rocks. Felsite porphyry dyke rocks (eorhyolite). Bostonite porphyry (sanadindyke rock). Quartz porphyry dyke rocks (eorhyolite). Liperite dyke rock (eorhyolite). Vitrophyre dyke rock (eorhyolite). Keratophyre lava (anorthoclase rock), a sheet covering the rhyolite breccia and banded rhyolites on Marblehead Neck. Paleozoic Era, Carboniferous Period, Permo-Carbon- iferous Epoch. Very coarse ferrugiueous conglomerates and grits, blue shales, sandstones and black limestone, that is fossiliferous. Surface deposits. Cenozoic Era, Pleistocene Period, Pre-glacial Epoch. Pre-glacial clay beds, covered by glacial boulder till (older diluvium) occurring in long ridges or drums, which lie in the general direction of the rock striations. Cenozoic Era, Pleistocene Period, Glacial Epoch. Scratched, grooved, polished and striated surfaces of ledges and stones, drift boulder clays. Terminal moraines as drums and drumlins. Eskers, valley sands and clays deposited in ice dammed seas. This determination may include inter-glacial epochs and a post-glacial epoch. Psychozoic Era, Post-Terrace period. Present Epoch. Peat-beds, river alluvium. Evidence of subsidence, sub- merged forest trees, cones, nuts and fruits ; also many hundreds of wino;s and fragments of beetles and other insects submerged to a depth of fourteen and one-half feet below high water mark. For full description, see Bul- letin of the Essex Institute, Vol. xxvi, 1894. Peaboi>v Academy of Science, Salem, Marcli 29, 1S97. SANDSTONE DIKES ACCOMPANYING THE GREAT FAULT OF UTE PASS, COLORADO. BY W. O. CROSBY introduction- Three years aijo, Whitman Cross' first directed the attention of geoloffists to the fact that dike-like masses of sandstone occur in the granite of the Pike's Peak massif, formino^ a belt aliout one mile wide extending north-northwest from the vicinity of Green Mountain Falls, in Ute Pass, along the southwest side of the narrow Manitou Park l)asin of sedimentary rocks (Silu- rian and Carboniferous). Among the most important characteristics of the dikes noted by Cross are the fol- lowing : — L The dikes have a general trend parallel to the l)elt in which they occur ; are approximately vertical and often appear as a complex of nearly parallel fissures with many In-anches and connecting arms ; and vary in width from mere tilms to two or three hundred yards, the largest being a mile or more in length, and forming ruffffed ridsres with narrow crests which contrast mark- edly with the gently sloping hills of granite alwut them. In short, ''in all formal relationships to the enclosing ' Bull. Geol. Soc. Aincrica, .'>, 225-2;;0; U. S. Geol. Survev, I'ike's Teak Folio. (113) 114 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. rocks these bodies are as typical dikes as any of igneous origin. " 2. The rock of the dikes is a fine and even-grained aggregate of sand grains varying in degree of indura- tion from a normal sandstone to a dense hard quartzite, but throughout of a remarkably massive and uniform character. The induration is mainly due to limonite ; in the quartzitic portions, however, there appears to be some secondary silica, although a distinct enlargement of the quartz grains is rare. During the past summer of 1896 I was able to devote several weeks to the investigation of the sandstone dikes and the great displacement to which I have found them to be genetically related. To the dikes described by Cross I gave only sufficient attention to become familiar with their characteristics ; and then endeavored to trace the series southeastward through Ute Pass to Manitou and beyond. The sedimentary formations of the Manitou area em- brace, from below upward, as described by Hayden, Cross, and others : 1. A basal sandstone which is usually forty to fifty feet thick, white or gray for the lower ten to fifteen feet and dull red or brown above, only rarely of arkose character, l)ut frequently move or less glauconitic. 2. This sandstone, which may be referred provisionally to the Potsdam, becomes calcareous upward, passing into red, cherty limestones, and these into a massive gray limestone having a thickness of several hundred feet. The limestones are throughout more or less magnesia n and contain recognizable traces of a Lower Silurian (Ordovician) fauna. 3. This great Manitou limestone series is overlain without apparent unconformity by the Fountain (Carboniferous) beds, one thousand to possibly 114 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. rocks these bodies are as typical dikes as any of igneous origin. " 2. The rock of the dikes is a fine and even-grained aggregate of sand grains varying in degree of indura- tion from a normal sandstone to a dense hard quartzite, but throughout of a remarkably massive and uniform character. The induration is mainly due to limonite ; in the quartzitic portions, however, there appears to be some secondary silica, although a distinct enlargement of the quartz grains is rare. During the past summer of 1896 I was able to devote several weeks to the investigation of the sandstone dikes and the great displacement to which I have found them to be genetically related. To the dikes described by Cross I gave only sufficient attention to become familiar with their characteristics ; and then endeavored to trace the series southeastward through Ute Pass to Manitou and beyond. The sedimentary formations of the Manitou area em- brace, from below upward, as described by Hayden, Cross, and others : 1. A basal sandstone which is usually forty to fifty feet thick, white or gray for the lower ten to fifteen feet and dull red or brown above, only rarely of arkose character, l)ut frequently more or less glauconitic. 2. This sandstone, which may be referred provisionally to the Potsdam, becomes calcareous upward, passing into red, cherty limestones, and these into a massive gray limestone having a thickness of several hundred feet. The limestones are throughout more or less magnesian and contain recognizable traces of a Lower Silurian (Ordovician) fauna. 3. This great Manitou limestone series is overlain without apparent unconformity by the Fountain (Carboniferous) beds, one thousand to possibly SANDSTONE DIKES OF UTE PASS. 115 fifteen hundred feet in thickness — a remarkable complex .of red and white arkose sandstones, grits and conglom- erates. 4. The red sandstone series (Triassic), a thousand feet or more in thickness. 5. The white, variegated and gypsiferous Jurassic strata. 6. The Cretaceous series, l)eginning with the massive and con- spicuous Dakota sandstone. Each of these formations is cut off on the south by the great fault which skirts the northeastern base of the Pike's Peak massif. This profound displacement, which must be regarded as a dominant factor in the oreological structure of the region, and to which we undoubtedly owe, in the main, the Manitou embayment of sedimentary rocks and the exceptional elevation of the Pike's Peak massif as compared with the Front Range to the North of Ute Pass, gained early recognition and is clearly indicated on Hayden's map of the Manitou area-, the principal features of which are reproduced in the map accompanying this paper. Although the traveler through Ute Pass now leaves the sedimentary rocks and passes onto the granite within two miles of Manitou, there is, apparently, no reason to doul)t that the sedimentaries were once continuous with those of the Manitou Park area, which now begin a mile north of Green Mountain Falls or nine miles from Manitou, and coincidentally with the sandstone dikes described by Cross ; and it is alto- gether prol)able that the fault by which Cross has l)Ounded the Manitou Park sediments (Potsdam, Man- itou limestone and Fountain series) on the southwest is a direct continuation of that which, cutting across the strike of the beds, is so much more conspicuous in the Manitou area. This great displacement, which divides ' Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Survey, 1874, p. 40. 116 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. very obliquely the entire Front Range and the beds lying upon either flank of the range and sloping away from its crest, may therefore be appropriately designated the Ute Fault. Erosion has cut deeply enough over the top of the arch to remove the sedimentary rocks from the downthrow as well as the upthrow side of the fault. The Ute Fault cuts everj^ formation of the region from the fundamental granite and the Potsdam to the Laramie, and in its maximum throw must exceed the aggregate thickness of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic terranes ; and its completion, at least, must date from relatively late geo- logical times. SANDSTONE DIKES NORTHWRST OF MANITOU. The contact of the granite and sedimentary rocks is obscurely exposed in the southeast bank of Ruxton Creek, beneath the bridge of the Colorado Midland Rail- road. It is exposed again and more satisfactorily in the cut on the railroad at Iron Spring Station (Map, 5). The cut and the hillside just above it show the Potsdam beds in normal succession — white sandstone, red sandstone with glauconitic layers, and red calcareous strata passing into the normal Manitou limestone. Near the granite the beds are tilted l)y the drag of the great fault to a dip of 90° Avhich rapidly suljsides to a northeast dip of a1>out 45° degrees at the northeast end of the section. The actual contact can be located within a foot or two ; and along this line both the granite and sedimentary rock are much crushed, the bedding of the sandstone is almost obliterated, and all the indications suggest a fault. Within two hundred feet southwest of the fault the granite incloses several sandstone dikes. One of these is exposed in the railroad cutting a])Out forty feet from the fault and the l)ase of the Potsdam. It is fifteen feet SANDSTONE DIKES OF UTE PASS. 117 thick and hades southwest. An uncertain thickness of granite separates this from a dike fifty and possibly one hundred feet wide of undetermined hade. Both dikes are entirely typical in lithological character, 1)ut in con- sequence of the deep disintegration of the granite they are not well exposed. The sandstone is the usual dull red, blotched and spotted with white where the iron oxide has been reduced and leached out ; and it seems to be somewhat glauconitic. From this point a gulch extends northwesterly along the line of the old South Park trail, l)etween the long slope of disintegrated granite and the al^rupt, sharp- crested hill of the Potsdam sandstone and Manitou limestone, which still maintain a high northeast dip. The indications are that the first dike mentioned follows the bottom of the gulch and the fault-line closely. On the col at the head of the gulch several irregular dikes of sandstone, with a maximum width of at least forty feet, outcrop obscurely in the granite ; and immediately above on the northeast are the highly inclined Potsdam sand- stone and red and gray cheily limestones, the lines of snow-white chert in the lower limestone contrasting strongly with the deep red matrix. The northwest-southeast ridge of sedimentary rocks, which the fault-depression places vis a vis with the abrupt border of the granite, is, within a distance of about one and a half miles from Iron Spring Station, divided by transverse gulches into four hills (1, 2, 3, 4). On pass- ing down either of these gulches we see that the high northeast dip due to the fault quickly gives way to the normal dip of the region (S. E. 10°-15*^), and this rising of the formations to the northwest brings the i)asal beds above the present surface at the northwest end of the fourth hill. ESSKX INST. BUI.LEriX, VOL. XXN'II 12 118 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. Opposite the middle of the second hill, a few feet southwest of the trail (6), is a small prospect shaft about fifteen feet deep on a sandstone dike three to four feet wide. It trends northwest-southeast, approximately, and hades southwest about 5°. The rock is much crushed, with evidences of shearing along the walls. On the trail, opposite the northwest end of the second hill, a dike at least six or eight feet wide is exposed between disintegrated granite walls. The sandstone of the dike is white on the northeast side and red (highly ferruginous) on the southwest. These two outcrops make the sand- stone dikes unquestionable for this locality ; and the appearances suggest their origin in the sheeting of the formations along the great fault-line. On the second spur of granite opposite the third hill, and several hundred feet southwest of the probable line of the fault, are two large sandstone dikes ( 7 ) . The southwest dike is fifty to one hundred feet wide and separated by about twenty feet of granite from the nar- rower northeast dike. The larger dike gives ofl' a branch one to two feet wide on the southwest side. Toward the northwest end of the third hill the granite appears beneath the Potsdam beds, the downthrow being no longer sufficient to conceal the base of the Potsdam ; and it is clear that from this point northwest the fault now lies wholly in the granite. The Potsdam sandstone is non-glauconitic here and not unlike that of the dikes, except that it is, in the main, rather coarser. Some of it is blotched and spotted with white in the manner so characteristic of the dike rock. From this point and the last sedimentary outcrops northwestward an occasional small fragment of sand- stone in the disintegrated granite shows that the dikes are not wholly wanting. About half way to Cascade (8) SANDSTONE DIKES OF UTE PASS. 119 and about three hundred feet west of the trail, a dike of sandstone, which may be ten or fifteen feet wide, out- crops quite plainly for a few rods. Beyond this is the front of the great moraine which stretches quite across the valley — an immense accumulation of granite bowl- ders and debris, and beyond this, as far as Cascade, no farther traces of the sandstone dikes were observed. Between Cascade and Green Mountain Falls I have not searched for dikes, assuming that Cross had covered this ground. Although it appears probable that thorough search would reveal traces of the sandstone dikes along the entire distance from Manitou to Green Mountain Falls, it is a very significant fact that they are practically coterminous with the sedimentary rocks, alike of the Manitou and the Manitou Park basins. SANDSTONE DIKES SOUTHEAST OF MANITOU, BETWEEN RUXTON CREEK AND BEAR CREEK. Having demonstrated that northwest of Manitou the great fault is bordered by sandstone dikes on the south- west as far as it is by the sedimentary rocks on the north- east, and somewhat farther, I naturally anticipated that the same relation would l^e found to hold southeast of Manitou ; but I was not prepared for the great develop- ment of sandstone dikes in that direction which my observations disclose. Immediately south of Ruxton Creek the structure is rather complicated ; and it appears to me that the best explanation of this complexity is found in a transverse fault in the valley of Ruxton Creek, as shown on the map (9) and more in detail in Fig. 1. This transverse displacement, which may be called the Ruxton fault, evidently breaks the great Ute fault ; and it affords the simplest and most natural explanation of the fact that the 120 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. Potsdam sandstone and Manitou limestone, which have such a prominent development north of Ruxton Creek, are wholly wanting south of this line, the throw of the Ute fault south of the Ruxton fault being great enough to conceal all the sedimentary formations below the Fountain series. The Ruxton fault not only breaks and displaces the Ute fault, but south of the former the latter has a greatly increased southwest hade (inclination to the vertical). Immediately east of the bridge over Ruxton Creek and Granit \ Hade \ \ Avenue the railroad passes through a tunnel about one hundred feet long, which with the open cuts at either end gives a continuous section of nearly four hundred feet. The western end of this section shows a red and gray mottled and banded sandstone, which, although non- glauconitic or nearly so and closely resembling the sand- stones of the dikes, must be correlated with the Potsdam. The prevailing dip of this sandstone is southwest 60°- 80° ; but it is highly disturbed, crushed, and mineralized SANDSTONE DIKES OF UTE PASS. 121 in consequence of its proximity to the faults. Above the tunnel is a craggy and highly brecciated mass of quartz- ite, which extends down through the tunnel. On either side of this, and extending twenty to fifty feet beyond the ends of the tunnel are soft, decomposed, ochrey rocks, apparently ferruginous and manganiferous clays occurring as residuary impurities of a crushed limestone (base of the Manitou limestone). East of the tunnel, sandstone like that of the west end of the section dips northeast 60° at first and then changes abruptly to dips, away from the railroad on either side, of 10° to 30°. East of this tunnel (Fig. 1) is another about two hundred feet long with open cuts giving again a continuous section of about four hundred feet, the distance between the two sections being about four hundred and fifty feet, following the railroad. The second section shows in the cut west of the tunnel, or for about one hundred feet, the varie- gated and structureless dike sandstone. The tunnel and first fifty feet of the eastern cut are in coarse granite with numerous small (one to four feet) dikes of sand- stone. A very regular dike cuts the tunnel at the east portal, widening downward from one to three feet, with a westerly hade of 10° to 20°. Most of the dikes are transverse to the tunnel, but they run in all directions and are extremely irregular. Midway of the eastern cut the granite overlies the soft, red and white sandstones of the Fountain series, the contact hading southwest about 45°, while the sandstone dips northeast 70°, approx- imately (Fig. 2). Both rocks, and especially the granite, show much crushing near the contact. This is very obviously the continuation of the Ute fault, crossing the railroad obliquely and trending in a southeasterly direc- tion, with the Fountain series on one side and the coarse granite with sandstone dikes on the other. 122 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. Higher up on the spur intersected by the western tunnel sandstone dikes outcrop obscurely ; and the south wall of what appears to be the most southerly dike is exposed in two prospect holes, showing, like the greut fault, a strong hade to the southwest. All along this line of contact the granite has a finel}'^ brecciatedor semi- crushed appearance, with much slickensiding along the joints. On the spur above the second tunnel this contact, not well exposed, is found again in the same direct line. Between this contact and the tunnel eight hundred feet to the north is granite with occasional inclosed masses of foliated diorite and numerous dikes of sandstone. About three of the dikes are large (10 to 50 feet) and Granite W ■\ + + -^'^ + + 4- + + Saiidstone these are clearly parallel with the Ute fault. In several of the dikes the sandstone is much coarser than usual and practically indistinguishable from the ordinary brown sandstone of the Potsdam. The next spur, which terminates below near the junc- tion of Ruxton and Manitou Avenues (10), is all drift in the first bench south of the railroad, but at the head of this bench, about eight hundred feet from the railroad, the Fountain beds can be seen dipping gently to the east ; and on the steep front of the next bench a large sandstone dike outcrops obscurely. The same conditions were noted SANDSTONE DIKES OF UTE PASS. 123 on the next spur (11), which rises directly above the Barker House. A small prospect hole at the head of the first bench shows the coarse, soft Fountain beds in slti'i. The sandstone dike, one hundred feet or more in width and coarser than the normal, outcrops more prominently here, giving the second bench an almost precipitous front. These breaks in the profiles of the spurs are directljMn the course of the Ute fault as followed from the second tunnel ; the topography and geologic structure are evidently in agree- ment ; and the sandstone dikes closely accompany the fault. The spur running southwest from the Midland Depot (12) is drift underlaid by Fountain beds to the head of the first main bench, about one thousand feet (estimated) from the railroad. Here, on the steep slope or front of the seccmd bench the great sandstone dike has a width of fully one hundred and fifty feet. Both the north and «outh granite walls are obscurely exposed, fifty to one hundred feet of granite separating the dike from the great fault. Some of the dike rock is quite coarse and indistinguishable from the normal Potsdam ; and the dike is divided by some very prominent slickensided shear planes. As usual, the prospect openings afl^ord valuat)le exposures of the geologic structure. The first important gulch east of Ruxton Creek is that running south-southwest from the Midland Depot. On the western slopes of this gulch,* above the main detrital cones, the dike saudstone outcrops very strongly on several spurs, extending about one-fourth mile up the gorge from its mouth, or approximately one half mile from the railroad. Good exposures are aftbrded by road-cuttinsfs ; and the indications are tavorable to the view that the great dike turns slightly on reaching the ffulch and extends with a breadth of one hundred to two 124 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. hundred feet obliquely along the side of the gulch. On the uphill side, at least, the dike is very much branched, surrounding and enclosing many large masses of granite ; and there appear also to be large dikes of sandstone extending southwest into the granite. The sandstone is mostly fine, but some of it is decidedly coarse ; and in general it is much mottled. Traces of a true bedding are indicated at various points in alternating layers of coarse and fine material. The numerous shear planes show a strong southwest hade. On the east side of the gulch the sandstone outcrops strongly about one hundred yards below its southern limit on the west side ; and extends thence eastward along the steep slope (13) above the more gently sloping bench of the Fountain series. The dike sandstone seems to extend to the bottom of the slope, and its lower edge is concealeil by drift ; but on the uphill side the boundary can be traced at intervals, although the fine grained dark brown sranite occurring here is easily mistaken for the sandstone. If all the sandstone on this slope is to be referred to one dike, it must be from two hundred to three hundred feet wide. A quarry-like excavation afibrds a good exposure of the sandstone, whicn is of entirely normal character. The distribution of sandstone in the slide material indi- cates branching along the upper edge of the dike ; and one dike four feet thick is clearly exposed, hading south- west about 45°. Near this is a dikelet two to four inches wide of a very dark brown sandstone which is not easily distinguished from the inclosing granite ; and this is but one of many instances where the brown color of the sandstone is most marked next the granite ; suggesting the biotite of the granite as a source of a part at least of the cementing and coloring iron oxide of the sandstone. In its eastern extension this great dike appears to split SANDSTONE DIKES OF UTE PASS. 125 up. Thus, on the high, steep and smooth hill (14) directly south of the Denver and Rio Grande Depot I found that a broad sandstone dike crosses the lower northern slope of the hill ; all the upper and main part of the hill, including the crest, is granite; the col leading from this hill to the higher summit on the southwest shows two sandstone dikes, probably fifteen to twenty feet wide and separated by twenty to thirty feet of granite, the more southern dike, especially, showing a strong southerly hade; and, finally, several hundred feet farther southwest up the ridge is a small dike (10 feet?). Below the sandstone dikes and the fault-line the Foun- tain beds form as usual a gently sloping plain or terrace and exhibit near the mountains low east to southeast dips (5° to 10°). But farther down the slope toward the railroad, in the numerous excellent outcrops and monu- ments, the beds dip due south 20° to 25°, seeming thus to show in the diminished dips toward the fault-line the lifting eflfect or upward drag of this great displacement. In the long deep cut on the railroad, however, the dip is east-southeast as usual and not exceeding 10° or possibly 15°. The Ute fault is clearly, in all this part of its course, a thrust fault ; and hence this pronounced roll of the Fountain beds, and the general disturbance of the stratification, may be regarded as normal features. Returning toward the mountains by the spur or mesa that slopes up in a southwest direction from the limekiln (15) east of Manitou, and leaving the gulch containing the little cemetery on the west, the following dips were observed. Near the railroad the Fountain beds dip E. by S. about 10°. Farther south this changes to S. or S. by E. about 20°. Quite clearly a low anticline runs about southeast and pitches in that direction one-third to one-half mile from the fault and the base of the moun- ESSEX INST. BULLETIN, VOL. XXVII 12* 126 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. tains. Nearer, the beds change gradually to a north dip 3° to possibly 5° ; and this very gentle dip continues to within about two hundred feet of the fault, when the beds are suddenly flexed up to a nearly vertical northeast dip. At the fault, which is quite clearly exposed in the bottom of the gulch on the east side of the mesa, the vertical or overturned Fountain beds are in direct con- tact with a large dike of sandstone. The north edge of the dike shows a trend N. W. -S. E. and a southwest hade of at least 30° and possibly 45°. The dike is mainly fine white sandstone, but abundantly mottled with red. It is exposed almost continuously in the bottom of the gulch for a breadth of about seventy-five feet. On the west side of the gulch the upper or south contact may be easily traced, showing the same southwest hade as the lower contact. The dike is here, however, much branched, inclosing large masses of granite and penetrating the granite in numerous sharply defined dikelets one-fourth inch to one foot thick. In some parts of the sandstone numerous small angular fragments of granite are inclosed. About one hundred yards above this sandstone dike is another with the same southwest hade, and a surface breadth of twenty to thirty feet. These two sandstone dikes cross the ridge or spur on the east side of this little gulch to the next gulch beyond, in which the fault is not clearly exposed ; but the Fountain beds are seen within forty feet of the north dike dipping north about 10°. The north or fault dike is here nearly if not quite one hundred and fifty feet wide, and seems to be nearly ver- tical. The sandstone is light gray blotched with red, as usual, with many highly polished and striated slicken- sides or shear planes. There are also some indica- tions of faulting along the south side of this dike. Two to three hundred feet south of this dike is the other, SANDSTONE DIKES OF UTE PASS. 127 which is probably not more than ten to fifteen feet thick and seems to retain its strong southwest hade. The south dike does not seem to cross the next spur, but across its steep north end is some float that may be referred to the great north dike ; and on passing around to the northeast corner of this spur, where it slopes down to the next little gulch, there is a great development of sandstone. It meets the sfranite alons^ a northeast-south- west line and quite certainly extends under the granite at a low angle. In part the sandstone is quite distinctly stratified, in beds one to two feet thick, and these are sometimes minutely laminated. On the south side of the outcrop and near the granite, the dip is toward the granite, indicating that the sandstone underlies the gran- ite ; but toward the north side of the dike the beds dip slightly in that direction. In all cases the dip is low — 5° to 15°. Apparently we have here the original stratifica- tion of the sandstone. The granite has been thrust -obliquely over it, crushing nid disturbing the (then) halt consolidated sandstone, but not wholly obliterating its bedding. The sandstone is traversed in all directions, but especially parallel to the bedding planes, by highly perfect slickensides. In the bottom of the gulch, below the dike sandstone, the Fountain beds are seen tilted 90° or more. Farther down, both in this gulch and the next one, the Fountain beds quickly subside to a northerly dip of 10° to 15°. Tlie great fault evidently hades southwest at a very low angle, so far as the southwest wall of the dike is con- cerned, but in the bottom of the gulch the dike sand- stone, where it comes nearest to the Fountain beds (the nearest outcrops being thirty to forty feet distant), is inclined at the same angle (S. W. 85°). The stratifica- tion is very distinct, and the sandstone beds are evidently 128 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. beat sharply down along the fault plane, which presum- ably hades southwest 5° (from vertical) at this point. Crossing the next spur brings us to the valley of Sutherland Creek (16), a living stream which] supplies the reservoir near the limekiln. On the west of the valley where it issues from the mountains, the Fountain beds, as before, are tilted to a S. W. 85° dip. This out- a?, a \M . crop must be near the fault, for within a few yards south of it the dike sandstone is seen also dipping S. W. 85°, while higher up the dike sandstone dips S. W. only 5° to 10°. These outcrops are thus in perfect harmony with those of the preceding gulch, and the accompanying section (Fig. 3) may be regarded as expressing the SANDSTONE DIKES OF UTE PASS. 129 general relations of the formations for both localities. It will be observed that the flexing of the beds is entirely normal — upward on the downthrow side of the fault and downward on the upthrow side. From the top of the curve the dike sandstone dips gently (5° to 10°) into the hill. The outcrop, in part nearly horizontal, can be followed right around the hill to the extreme south side. The sandstone seems to become gradually thinner and to die out finally in the bottom of the lateral gulch. The upper contact is well exposed in a prospect hole and is seen to be much broken by minor transverse faults, and both sandstone and granite are much crushed and slicken- sided along the contact. Below the main body of sand- stone the granite is a complete network of sandstone dikes from three inches to several feet wide running in all directions. Apparently, the granite has overridden the sandstone bed, and the unconsolidated portions were forced down into the cracks in the granite below. Some of the sandstone is quite coarse and gritt}', with many feldspar grains ; and there are slickensided surfaces all through it. In this hill and the preceding, the sandstone is mainly brown. Gray sandstone is most characteristic of vertical or highl}' inclined strata, probably because that position is most favorable to the circulation of the meteoric waters which have bleached the strata. The stratification is in part as perfect as in any of the sand- stones of the region — a fine and even lamination. This dike is exposed again, with essentially the same char- acters, on the east side of the creek ; but before gaining the crest of the first main ridge it ends abruptly, appar- ently cut ofi" by a transverse fault. Going up the west side of the valley, we find south of the lateral gulch, first granite and then at least two hun- dred feet of sandstone of the usual dike character. Its 130 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. southern contact with the granite is exposed and hades steeply to the southwest ; and some small branches pene- trate the granite. The dike trends about E. S. E. and re-appears in force on the east side of the valley, at the base of a dark cliff of granite (17). This dike has here a maximum width, though possibly enclosing some granite, of about four hundred feet. On the crest of the spur it is narrowed down to about two hundred feet ; and six hundred feet of granite separate it from the fault,, beyond the abrupt eastern termination of the fault dike. All the indications favor a strong southwest hade ; and on the east slope of this spur it is seen very clearly that the fault hades southwest at a very flat angle (45° or more). The granite passes obliquely up over the edges of the Fountain beds, which for a breadth of several hundred feet are overturned about 10°. On the first branch of the next main spur, we cross, from the fault southward, nearly eight hundred feet of granite, and then, high up on the united spur, come to about one hundred feet of sandstone. A few yards farther east, on the second branch of the spur, this sand- stone seems to broaden out to four or five hundred feet. The next spur (18) is a short one which the fault cuts low down on its end slope ; and, immediately south of the fault and the outcrops of the Fountain beds, are four hundred, and possibly five or six hundred, feet of sand- stone. The south Avail is cut by a prospecting tunnel ; and it can be clearly seen, both in the tunnel and in the ledge above it, that four feet of granite separate the main body of sandstone from a parallel two-feet dike of sand- stone. The hade is S. W. about 45°. This tunnel spur is directly at the head of the little or western Ked Rock valley. All the way down the west side of the valley the Fountain beds dip E. S. E. about 30°; while on SANDSTONE DIKES OF UTE PASS. 131 the opposite (east) side the Red Beds (Triassic) dip in the same direction 40° to 60°, the dip increasing rapidly eastward. On the next main spur east of the tunnel the southern boundary of the dike sandstone is found in the same direct line and evidently hades southwest. Northward from this contact the sandstone is exposed continuously for a breadth of nearly if not quite five hundred feet, or to the extreme end of the spur, with no distinct appearance of bedding. The Ute fault clearly forms the northern boundary of this great dike, every exposure on this line showing the dike sandstone in contact with either the Fountain series or the Red Beds. In following this boundary eastward it is found, on the west side of the last spur referred to, to be shifted to the northward about three hundred feet by an obliquely transverse fault, the course of which is readily traced by a superb zone of crush breccia. This zone, fifteen to twenty feet wide and vertical, is a complete breccia of the dike sandstone in angular fragments of all sizes, mingled with the quartz pebbles and cobbles of the Fountain conglom- erate, and with the finer part of the Fountain series as a paste. Near the re-entrant angle where the fault should enter the dike, the crush breccia terminates abruptly against a transverse fissure hading S. E. about 20° and containing a thin seam of reddish brown clay and sand- stone. It is probable, however, that the fault continues obliquely across the spur along some offset parallel line not now clearly exposed. On the next spur to the eastward the dike sandstone seems to form a comparatively narrow bund, possibly one hundred feet wide, across its steep north end. North of it are the Red Beds, and south of it all is granite. Beyond this spur is the main west branch of Red Rock Caiion. Along the west side of this gulch is another very 132 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. plain transverse fault, the Red Beds on the east side being jogged to the south or up the gulch fully one thousand feet and terminating just north of two mining tunnels. On meeting the transverse fault the sandstone dike appears to turn and border it on the west side, a very plain indi- cation that these transverse faults are contemporaneous with the Ute fault. The mesa east of this gulch is probably underlain by Red Beds right up to the steep granite slope, with only sljorht indications of dike sandstone alons^ the fault line. In fact, the slide of disintegrated granite hides all contact phenomena for the next half mile, or to where the main or quarry ridge of red sandstone meets the granite slope (20) with a nearly vertical dip (E. 85°). The next and last red ridge, about six hundred feet farther east, is swerved to the east as it nears the granite, approaching the granite at the last very obliquely. Between Red Rock Gallon and Bear Creek no satisfactory evidence of sand- stone dikes has been observed ; but the Ute fault appears to cross Bear Creek without deflection or offset, and the Jurassic and Cretaceous beds meet it in the same manner as the last of the Red Beds, each formation in turn expe- riencing a sharp flexure parallel with the fault and conse- quent eastward deflection of its outcrop. East of the Cretaceous (Dakota) hogback, forming the gateway ot Bear Creek, the Cretaceous beds form first a sharp and unsymmetrical syncline followed by a gentle anticline. SANDSTONE DIKES IN THE VICINITY OF CHEYENNE CREEK. From Bear Creek southeast for one and a half miles I was unable, for lack of time, to follow the fault line ; but my observations were resumed at South Cheyenne Creek, working first northwest and then southeast. SANDSTONE DIKES OF UTE PASS. 133 Exactly at the mouth of South Cheyenne Canon, where the carriage road crosses the creek and the burro trail from the terminus of the electric railroad joins it (21), a large and entirely typical sandstone dike outcrops on both sides of the creek. On the west side it is sixty, if not seventy- five feet wide and both walls can be located. The north wall is clearly exposed by the roadside and shows sand- stone penetrating and enclosing the coarse red granite ; while on the south side the sandstone is involved with a dark green, fine grained, crushed igneous rock. Crossing the end of the mountain toward North Cheyenne Creek, I found a good outcrop in a prospect hole seventy-five to one hundred feet above the creek. This excavation does not expose either wall ; but it does show an inclosed mass of the compact greenish igneous rock. It is dike-like in form, eighteen to twenty-four inches thick, and hades southwest 45^^ ; but it is also clearly traversed by dikelets of the sandstone one-fourth inch to two inches in diame- ter. Hence the altered trap must be older than the sand- stone dike. The dike sandstone is quite friable in part, and some of it rather coarse, even containing pebbles of quartz and granite. Appearances indicate a wide dike here, and it is readily traced down the slope to North Cheyenne Creek and up the west slope of the valley. Inunediately north of the dike is a large but ol)scure out- crop of a soft or friable white sandstone which weathers bufi", yellow, red and purple (mainly yellow). It agrees very well with the Dakota sandstone of Bear Creek, while it is entirely difterent from the adjacent dike sandstone. The great shear plane so conspicuously exposed on the west side of South Cheyenne Canon (22) demands atten- tion here. It rises from the creek level near the toll gate, passes around the end of the mountain at a height of about two hundred feet, and appears to be traceable east ESSEX INST. BULLETIN, VOL. XXVII 13 134 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. and west across both branches of Cheyenne Creek, being indicated in the topography and also in the contrast pre- sented by the granite — dark red and brown to gray and variable above, and a lighter, brighter red and coarser texture below. The really striking exposure is on the northwest side of South Cheyenne Canon, where it appears as a perfectly straight, sloping and open crack or fissure, with a southwest hade of 60° to 70° (from vertical). The shear faces are plane, smooth or even polished, and slickensided in the line of hade (southwest). The fissure is six to fifteen inches wide and occupied by some broken granite, but mainly by what appears to be the dike sand- stone, though some of it might be comminuted granite. Examination with a lens leaves no doubt that the filling is chiefly the dike sandstone. This prominent shear plane is clearly a feature or part of the Ute fault ; and was probably once connected with the sandstone dike already described which crosses the ridge between the two creeks only a short distance below the fissure. On the northwest bank of North Cheyenne Creek the sandstone dike crops with a breadth of certainly one hundred feet. On the slope above is a very large and prominent outcrop, showing a width of fully two hundred and fifty feet (23). Neither wall is clearly exposed, but the boundary on the southwest or granite side can be readily traced by the float and also by the prospect holes. The lower hole is in the sandstone only a foot or two from the granite and shows an irregular streak of granite six to twelve inches wide running vertically through the sandstone and parallel with the wall. In the same hole some of the sandstone appears to be glauconitic. Toward the middle of the dike are some masses and layers of conglomerate with water-worn quartz pebbles up to au inch in diameter, exactly like what may be observed iu SANDSTONE DIKES OF UTE PASS. 135 different parts of the Manitou l)iisiii at the base of the Potsdam, and much of the sandstone is rather coarse. Farther northwest the dike passes beneath a broad, steep slope of talus from the granite cliffs above. It can be traced, however, in an occasional prospect hole and in float. Abont half a mile or so from the creek is a quite conspicuous outcrop of white Cretaceous (Niobrara) limestone in beds nine to fifteen inches thick with thinner shaly partings. It has been quarried somewhat and shows a dip to the southwest 45°. Overlying it is a brown and highly fossiliferous limestone with a bitumin- ous odor when freshly broken. Between this limestone and the granite cliff is about two hundred feet concealed by talus, but with indications that the limestone is bor- dered by the sandstone dike with a breadth of one hun- dred feet more or less, the Benton shales and Dakota sandstone being concealed by the fault at this point. In the next one-fourth mile, going west, the dike seems to die out completely, no float showing in the slide ; but the white limestone is exposed in several prospect holes and ledges almost to the head of this valley, which extends nearly a mile northwest from the creek to the summit of the mesa. The dip is constantly southwest, 45° approxi- mately. Probably these Cretaceous strata, like the Foun- tain beds farther west, have been overturned by the oblique upward thrust of the granite. On tracing the great sandstone dike southeast from South Cheyenne Creek it is found well exposed on the first spur with a breadth of one hundred to possibly two hundred feet. Neither contact is exposed, but the granite contact can be located within a foot or two at several points. On the north are extensive but obscure expo- sures of the gray fossiliferous limestone and the compact white limestone. The bedding is not clearly exposed, 136 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. but the gray limestone is south of the white, as before. The sandstone dike can be traced by float across the lower slope of the next spur toward the mountain road. Be- yond the Cheyenne Mountain road my observations have not extended, and 1 have no information as to whether or not the Ute fault, with or without the accompanying sand- stone dikes, can be traced farther in that direction. The topographic indications are certainly very favorable to their occurrence, at least as far as Deadman's Caiion ; but probably the extensive mesa and slide deposits make satisfactory outcrops few and far between. The Ute fault series of sandstone dikes has been proved for a distance of over twenty miles, and an extreme length of thirty miles or more is certainly by no means impossible. Professor Stone's observation, cited by Cross, demonstrates the existence of another extended system of dikes in the Pike's Peak region. This occurs in the valley of Turkey Creek, south of Cheyenne Mountain, and is quite certainly not connected with the Ute fault. Ac- cording to Stone, the Turkey Creek system has been located for about twelve miles, and through his courtesy I am able to cite a third system, since he writes me that a short sandstone dike occurs about half a mile east of Nipple Mountain, near Wilbur Station, southeast of Crip- ple Creek. These facts indicate the probable discovery of other systems, as the region is more thoroughly studied. ORIGIN OF THE SANDSTONE DIKES. Mr. Cross has briefly discussed this topic, without arriving at a definite conclusion. He recognizes that these sandstone dikes are radically distinct in character and origin from those described by Diller in California, and asserts that the known facts do not indicate the source SANDSTONE DIKES OF UTE PASS. 137 of the sand ; that the facts do show that the fissures of this dike complex were filled b}' fine quicksand injected from a source containing a large amount of homogeneous material ; that such a system of fissures, large or small, with their many intersections, could not remain open to be filled by any slow process ; that the uniformity and purity of the material filling fissures, varying from mere films on cleavage planes of orthoclase grains in the granite to dikes several hundred yards in width, could not have resulted from infiltration ; and, finally, that none of the sedimentary formations of the region can be regarded as prol^able sources of the material. My study enables me to accept all of these gejieraliza- tions, except the last one. The main purpose of the pre- ceding detailed descriptions of the dikes which have come under my special notice is to set forth the facts which the true theory of the dikes must explain. The most im- portant of these are : first, their very evident close rela- tionship to an important zone of displacement; second, the homogeneity of the materials and the general absence of stratification in the dikes; third, the great maximum and average widths of the dikes. The relations of the dikes to the great Ute fault are indisputable. Not only is the fault at most points closely accompanied by one or more dikes ; but nowhere have I been able to find any trace of the dikes more than a few hundred feet (500 to 1000 feet) distant from the princi- pal line of displacement. Of course it can not be pos- itively asserted now, in the absence of sedimentary deposits in those districts, that the dikes of the Turkey Creek and Nipple Mountain areas accompany lines or zones of displacement ; bnt it is certainly a fair presump- tion that they do, in view of the fact that they are, apparently, in every other respect, identical in character 138 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. with the Ute fault series. That these fissures, unlike the relatively narrow ones described by Diller in California, have not been filled from below becomes perfectly obvi- ous when we reflect that the inclosing rock formation is a deep-seated phitonic. The homogeneity and purity of the sandstone, and especially the absence of feldspathic or argillaceous material, make it impossible to regard the dike rock as a fault breccia or as due in any way to the comminution of the wall rock. Ruling out this theory, and infiltration, we are forced to the conclusion that the fissures have been filled from above. But of this theory two principal forms naturally suggest themselves. First, the fissures antedate the deposition of the sand, existing as cracks in the sea-bottom which were filled by the slow process of sedimentation. Second, the cracks post-date the deposition of the sand, but antedate its lithifaction to form a firm sandstone ; and the unconsolidated sand sub- sided and flowed down into and filled the fissures. As Cross has pointed out, the necessary slowness of the process is a valid if not a fatal ol)jecti()n to the first view ; and it also fails to account for the very general absence of stratification in the dikes and of more or less water- worn fragments of the wall-rock. Furthermore, if these traps for sediments opened on the marginal portion of the sea-floor, coarse material washed into them would be protected from further attrition, and the observed fineness and homogeneity of the dikes could not exist. By this process of elimination we are forced to the consideration of the view that the fissures were formed after the granite had been covered by the sedimentary deposits and before their complete consolidation, the un- consolidated portions naturally contributing to the filling of the fissures and the formation of the dikes. In the opinion of the writer this view is not, a priori, improb- SANJDSTONE DIKES OF UTE PASS. 139 able. On the contrary, it postulates conditions which must be realized now and then — a normal type of geo- logical accident. The next step, therefore, is to test its applicability to the actual conditions of the present prob- lems. There are two questions especially Avhich the acceptance of this explanation would require to be answered in the afQrmative. First, are there, among the sediments of the Manitou and Manitou Park basins, any that, aside from structural features like stratification, which would of course be obliterated during the filling of the fissures, present a reasonably close agreement in character (composition and texture) with the sandstone of the dikes? Second, may we reasonably assume that these sediments were, in part at least, unconsolidated, or imperfectly consolidated, at the time when the fissures were formed ? The only sandstone formations that need be considered in this connection are the Potsdam, Car- boniferous, Triassic and Dakota. The Laramie and Monument Creek beds are so far removed in every sense — lithologically, stratigraphically and topographically — as to place them quite beyond the possible purview of the problem. Of the four sandstone horizons first named, the last three bear no special resemblance to the material of the sandstone dikes. Cross insists upon this lack of agreement for the Carboniferous or Fountain beds, which are ruled out especially by their prevailing coarseness and arkose character. It is almost as difficult to find in the bright red Triassic sandstones an equivalent of the reddish-brown and gray sandstones of the dikes ; and similarly with the white or butt' Dakota sandstone, weathering to bright yellow, orange and red tints. Fur- thermore, the derivation of the dike rock from any of these higher sandstone horizons would imply the exist- ence of sandstone dikes in the lower sedimentary forma- 140 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. tious ; but that the dikes are strictly limited to the granite no student of this area will question. The Potsdam beds, on the other hand, resting as they do directly upon the granite, are in an extremely ffivorable position, strati- graphic and otherwise, for filling fissures in the granite. In the foregoing descriptions of the dikes I have several times stated that the rock resembles the Potsdam sand- stone, and this resemblance is frequently indicated in my note-book. In fact, I became convinced before the field work was finished that the two formations are lithologi- cally identical, except that the dike rock is usually unstratified and rarely glauconitic. The glauconite, how- ever, characterizes only a small part of the Potsdam strata, and is often wanting altogether. This agreement holds for both the Manitou and Manitou Park basins. From the sandstone dikes north of Green Mountain Falls I crossed the Manitou Park Basin to the highly inclined Silurian and Potsdam outcrops along its eastern edge, and found that a part of the latter formation is practically indistinguishable from the dike rock. Cross describes the sandstone of the dikes as of fine and uniform texture ; but this is also the prevailing character of the Potsdam beds, and my observations show that the dikes, as a whole, embrace much coarse sandstone and some con- glomerate, and that their range in texture is fully equal to that of the Potsdam. Furthermore, the structural contrast does not hold universally, for at several points, as I have noted, and including also a part of the great dike north of Green Mountain Falls, the dike sand- stone is plainly stratified. The fticts that no sandstone dikes have been observed in the Potsdam beds, and that, so far as known, the dike rock is iiever calcareous and rarely glauconitic, suggests its derivation from the lower rather than the calcareous and glauconitic upper layers of SANDSTONE DIKES OF UTE PASS. 141 the Potsdam. The basal member of the Potsdam, it will be remembered, is a white to gray sandstone more or less interstratified or blended with the prevailing reddish brown variety. It is not only calcareous or argillaceous, but it contains insufficient iron oxide for its thorough cementation, and has very clearly never been exposed to volcanic influences. We can, therefore, readily conceive that it remained unconsolidated for a Ions: time after the lithifaction of the overlying beds. The dike rock is abso- lutely indifferent to the changes in the character of the neighboring sedimentary formations, showing no appre- ciable variation as, in succession, from Manitou southeast to Cheyenne Canon, the Potsdam, Silurian, Carbonifer- ous, Triassic and Dakota beds abut against or border the great fault. The close association of the dikes, throughout the en- tire belt, with the great displacement, and their unvary- ing lithological similarity to the Potsdam sandstone, have suggested to me that the dikes probably date from the formation of the Ute fault ; that the fault probably dates from the time when the Potsdam beds, which are still at the base in part of a more or less friable character, were imperfectly consolidated and covered the entire region ; that the fault, as is likely to be the case with a great dis- placement, was not simple, but that a moderate breadth of the granite and overlying formations was traversed by a series of parallel fissures ; and that the dikes resulted from the sinking of the Potsdam sandstone and sand into the fault-fissures. Such local subsidences of the friable sandstone would naturally be attended by a more or less complete obliteration of the bedding. That the structure of the Potsdam beds has been locally effiiced under shear- ing and compressive or plicating movements can be seen at a point on the east side of Ute Pass a few rods below KSSEX INST. BULLETIN, VOL. XXVn 13* 142 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. Rainbow Fall. On the south side of a small lateral gulch a sharp, inverted flexure of the basal Potsdam beds can be seen (Fig. 4). Throughout the flexure the sandstone is beautifully slickensided in various directions precisely as in the sandstone dikes. The extremity of the sharp lower curve is not clearly exposed, but on both this and the main curve above it the bedding is much obscured or completely effkced, and the sandstone closely resembles the dike rock. Many of the sandstone dikes are one hundred feet or - Red. Hg.^- 4.+X .4-+, +-.-U-L^ + + + ■*",--' ••••■.••••..■ •>: / "- " / — -^^^' mor in oreadth, and the largest, as described by Cross, five hundred to one thousand feet ; and certainly no single featdre of the dikes is more sio^nificant than the 2XQsX breadth of individual examples. Although presenting, apparently, an insuperable obstacle to all the other sug- gested explanations of the sandstone dikes, it offers no difficulty whatever to the theory proposed here, for we have only to make the extremely prol)able supposition that sheets of granite of varying width and bordered by SANDSTONE DIKES OF UTE PASS. 143 complementary faults have settled down relatively to the bordering masses, bearing with them their loads of Pots- dam sediment. The very moderate thickness of the Potsdam beds (40 to 50 feet) would seem to set a corre- spondingly narrow limit to the depth of these wide dikes ; and yet some of them actually outcrop in such strong relief as to prove a depth of several hundred feet at least. Escape from this dilemma is aftbrded, however, by the reasonable supposition that the sandstone was sufficiently unconsolidated to flow under the great pressure to which it was exposed ; and also by the facts noted in the great dike on Sutherland Creek, where the sandstone, still distinctly bedded, has been strongly folded and tilted to a vertical or overturned position (Fig. 3). Compression between converging walls of granite might, obviously, increase the vertical thickness of the sandstone to almost any extent. An actual flowing of the sand into the chasms opened beneath it is plainly indicated in the case of all the narrower dikes and dikelets and their intricate branches. Of course it is a logical though by no means a neces- sary deduction from this theory that some of the sand- stone dikes should break the granite-Potsdam contact, disturbing: or obliteratinij the bedding of the sandstone. No undoubted instances of this have been observed in a somewhat thorough examination of this contact throughout the Manitou area, Imt it is not impossible that they exist. Concerning the geolosrical age of the sandstone dikes no positive statements are warranted by the facts now at our conmiand, although the explanation of the dikes here proposed aflbrds us a clue, since they must be coeval with the Ute fault. This displacement was certainly not com- pleted until Post-Cretaceous times, but it may well have begun at a nmch earlier period, since, as Cross has stated, 144 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. orographic movements have affected this region many times since the early Paleozoic epoch. It is certainly im- probable that the Potsdam sandstone was, in any Post- Cretaceous epoch, so imperfectly consolidated as the formation of the minor sandstone dikes in the manner here proposed, at so late a date, would require. I sug- gest therefore that they probably date from some compara- tively early movement along this line. In this connection it may be noted that the numerous slickensides in the dikes show movement after the lithifaction of the sand, and therefore long subsequent to the first formation of the dikes. It is a necessary corollary of the view developed here that the sandstone dikes of Turkey Creek, Nipple Moun- tain, and possibly other localities in this region, indicate formerly overlying Potsdam strata, and thus throw light upon the former distribution of that formation. They are narrow linear Grdhen formed along sheeted zones, or more literally trenches in which portions of the Potsdam sedi- ments have been buried below the present plane of erosion, and thus preserved. As erosion cuts more deeply, all the sandstone dikes will disappear, as they practically have done already between Cascade and Green Mountain Falls, or where the Potsdam beds are wantino-. The sheeting of the granite which this theory demands is by no means a purely theoretical feature. On the con- trary, this type of jointing may be regarded as more or less characteristic of the granite of Ute Pass, as may be so well seen at Rainbow Fall. And two striking illustra- tions of sheeted zones in a distant part of the Pike's Peak Massif accompany the recent monograph by Penrose on the Mining Geology of Cripple Creek. ^ •^^ lotli Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Survey, part 2, plates ill and iv. SANDSTONE DIKES OF UTE PASS, 145 Two other modes of occurrence of sandstone are, in the opinion of the writer, suflSciently dike-like to demand recognition here. One of these is that described by Prof. J. D. Dana,'* in the quartzite of Dutchess Co., N. Y., where the rock between vertical joint or shear planes has, perhaps before its complete induration, been reduced by compressive and shearing movements to a structureless mass of sandstone — a dike of sandstone in walls of sand- stone, a species of crushed zone, dike-like structurally but not dj^namically or in the sense of being intrusive. Professor Dana says, "The obliteration of the bedding by impulses of lateral pressure is well illustrated in the quartzite near Poughquag, where the bedding is beauti- fully distinct and nearly horizontal. In two or three places, in the course of a long section of the well strati- fied beds, there are narrow vertical portions of the whole height of the section exposed, which have lost entirely the bedding, and are divided only by vertical joints." Such a vertical strip "looks a little way off like a dike of igneous rock, yet it is only a narrow vertical section of the stratified quartzite, in which, under the lateral pres- sure, fractures were produced, and where, consequently, the successive movements shook down and re-arranged the sands adjoining, so as to obliterate the planes of bed- ding and substitute vertical planes." The other mode of occurrence of sandstone in dike form is really one phase of unconformity, where sedi- ments deposited over an eroded surface fill fissures and chasms of various forms. Later erosion may remove the sedimentary deposit and leave the ancient floor intact, with the dike-like roots of the sediments remaining in it. Irving^ has described and fio^ured sandstone dikes of this « Am. J. Sci. (3) :), 181-18-2. 6 Mouographs U. S. Ueol. Survey, v, -292-3. 146 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. type in amygdaloid on the siiore of Lake Superior, near Duluth, and I have described and figured equally striking "root " dikes of sandstone and conglomerate in the granite of the Boston Basin'^, which have been exposed by the erosion of the Carboniferous conglomerate of the Nan- tasket area. No student of onr coastal geology can doubt that other fine examples are now forming where the numerous deep and narrow chasms due to the erosion of trap dikes or of the rock between contiguous joint planes, as in the case of the chasm called Purgatory at Newport, R. I., are being filled with sand and gravel, during the gradual subsidence of the land ; and unquestionably dikes of this type were developed on a grand scale when the rugged topography due to pre-glacial and early glacial erosion was wiped out by the drift deposits. It appears, then, that although the term sandstone dike is a comparatively recent coinage, four distinct types now claim recognition, and may be classified as follows : — 1. Dikes formed in antecedent or original fissures (erosion crevices and gorges) by sedimentation. The "root" dikes of Duluth, Boston Basin, and doubtless, many other localities, belong here. 2. Dikes formed in subsequent or secondary fissures : (a) By earthquake movements forcing quicksand upward from a bed below the horizon of the dikes. This type includes the dikes described by Diller^ in California and Hay^ in Nebraska ; and the fact that the ejection of quicksand from fissures is a common accompaniment of earthquakes indicates that many other examples must await discovery. (6) By the settling down of sand from overlying • Occas. Papers, Boston Soc. Nnt. History, iv, pt. 1, 76-77. ' Bull. Geol. Soc. Aiiicrica, J, 411. • Bull. Geol. Soc. America, 3, SO-S."). SANDSTONE DIKES OF UTE PASS. 147 deposits into earthquake and fault fissures and chasms. The only examples so far recognized are those of Ute Pass and the Pike's Peak massif; but according to the explana- tion which I have proposed this is probably not a rare type, especially in the Rocky Mountain region. (c) In situ, by compressive and shearing movements. The examples described by Dana belong here, and practi- cally all sharply defined crushed zones accompanying faults and joints. This type is the commonest of all ; but, as noted, the material is not intrusive, and hence they are dike-like in their structural but not in their genetic rela- tions. BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE VOLUME XXVIU. 1896. SALEM, MASS. PRINTED BY THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. 1898. Salem IPrese: The Salem Press Co., Salem, Mass. 1898. CONTENTS. HAUK. The Retrospect of the Year 1 The Photograph and Skeleton of a Native Australian, by (tKokgk A. DORSEY, 57 The Inundation in Coventry in 1607, 70 Some Resources (or Protection Aniona: Rei>tiles, bv \V.m. V Alcoti 71 Roger Williams in Salem, by Mrs. Hknhy M. Brooks, . . 77 Chondrocranium in the Ichthyopsida, by Guy Monroe Winslow, 87 v. ; BULLETIN OF THE esses: IlsrSTITTJTE. Vol. 28. Salem: January, — June, 1896. Nos. 1-6. ANNUAL MEETING, MAY 18, 1896. The annual meeting was held in Plummer Hall, this evening, at 7.45 o'clock ; Vice President A. C. Goodell, jr., in the chair. The record of the last annual meeting was read by the Secretary. The reports of the Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, and Librarian were read, accepted and ordered to l)e placed on file. Vice President Edward S. Morse spoke in approval of portions of the Secretary's report, particularly of that part in reference to the method pursued in electing new members and also what was said about interesting young members to aid in arrannrinj; our collections. The report of the committee on nominations was pre- sented by the Chairman, Richard C. Manning, and it was Voted, To proceed to the election of officers for the (1) 2 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. ensuing year. Messrs. William L. Welch, John H. Sears and Frank Cousins were appointed by the chair to distribute, collect, assort and count votes. This com- mittee reported that the whole number of ballots cast was 92. The ticket presented by the committee on nominations was as follows : PRESIDENT: ROBERT S. RANTOUL. VICE-PRESIDENTS : Abneh C. Goodell, Jk., Edward S. Morse, Daniel B. Hag ah, Aldbn P. White. SECRETARY : TREASURER • Henry M. Brooks. William 0. Chapman. AUDITOR: LIBRARIAN : Henry M. Batchelder. Charles S. Osgood. COUNCIL : George H. Allen, s. Endicott Pkabody, William H. Goat:, David Pingrke, Thomas F. Hunt, Frederic W. Putnam, Francis H. Lee, Charles S. Rea, Richard C. Manning, George M. Whipple. Of the ninety-two ballots cast for President 62 were for Roijert S. Rantoul, 15 " " Alden P. White, 13 " " AbnerC. Goodell, jr., 2 " " DeWitt S. Clark. Mr. Rantoul was therefore declared to be elected. The others nominated were nnunimously elected with the exception of a few scattering votes among one or two of the Vice-Presidents and one or two members of the Council. the retrospect of the year. 3 Report of the Secretary, May 18, 1896. In looking at the recortl of the past year we must all feel the great loss the Society sustained in the death of its honored President, the Rev. Edmund B. Willson. It will be remembered that at our last annual meeting Mr. Willson presided and, to all appearance, was in his usual health, having come from Petersham that very day, in order to be with us in the evening. He made, as you know, upon that occasion, a brief but excellent address in accepting the Presidency tor another year. We little thought then that we were so soon to lose him. Within a fortnight from that time he was stricken down in his pulpit in the North Church, having just finished deliver- ing his thirty-sixth anniversary discourse, and in the course of a few days passed away. After the able and appreciative address of Vice-Presi- dent Rantoul in Academy Hall, I do not feel that it is desirable for me to add another word ; but perhaps I may he permitted to say that my personal relations with Mr. Willson extended over the whole time he lived among us, for I was a member of the North Society when he first came to Salem, and in fact proposed his name to the Committee of the Society, as the man for pastor, which circumstance led to his settlement over the North Church. The name of another valued member of the Institute comes to my mind, Mr. George 1). Phippen, who died on the 2Gth of last December. He was one of the original members of this Society and served in various ofhces from time to time. He was the faithful Treasurer for man}' years, and afterwards Auditor. He was always greath' interested in the success of the Society. He wrote many interesting historical articles in the early volumes of our Collections. He was not only a well-read historical and 4 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. genealogical writer, bat an accomplished botanist and well acquainted with various branches of Natural History. Many who listen to me will call to mind his fine garden in Bridge street, which for years afforded so much pleas- ure to his numerous friends. Whatever he undertook he did well. We all remember him as a quiet, unassuming and genial man. I feel that I knew him well, for I served two years with him in the Salem Bank, and in those two years, he taught me more than I had learned in all the years I had been at school, so that I have felt that I was under great obligations to him, and I am glad of the op- portunity now ofiered, to pay my feeble tribute to his worth. It is a singular fact that the*e two good men, although differing somewhat theologically, had much in common, and often conferred with each other on religious matters and duties. This I know to be a fact, for Mr. Phippen himself so informed me, and it shows that truly religious people can differ in such matters, without being offensively partisan. I trust I shall be pardoned for these few personal allu- sions, for I could not otherwise do even imperfect justice to those of whom I have been speaking. Since the last meeting one hundred and thirty persons have become members of our Society, while eighteen have died, and fourteen have withdrawn, leaving the member- ship at the present time nine hundred and four. The additional members include, as life members, Mrs. John L. Gardner of Boston, Wm. D. Sohier of Boston, Amory A. Lawrence of Boston. These are the members who have died during the year : Henry Blaney, Theodore Brown, Hubbard Breed, Thos. J. Hutchinson, Wm. Mack, Amos H. Johnson, Edward H. Payson, Geo. 1). Phippen, Wm. A. Bowditch, William G. Webb and Edmund B. Willson of Salem, Mrs. Eliza THE RETROSPECT OF THE TEAR. D D. Clement of Peabody, Mrs. Frederic Fry of Bridge- port, Conn., Octavius Howe of Beverl^s Eustace C. Fitz, Alexander H. Rice, Henry W. Williams, Edward Wigglesworth of Boston (life member). One honorary member has died, William Wetmore Story of Rome, Italy. It will be noticed that, in spite of losses, our member- ship has increased. There is no reason why we should not have a still larger increase, if some of our members would interest themselves to help us in this way. There are doubtless many men and women who would ])e glad to join us, if they understood they would be welcomed. As a general rule, people will not, of their own accord, come forward and ask to he admitted. That question was settled long ago, and our membership was declining be- fore we adopted the new process of inviting people to become members, ]\y electing them. If we had kept on in the old way, instead of having nine hundred members to-day we should have had but two hundred. As I have often remarked, I think it is very important to enroll as many young people as possible, as meml)ers. Eleven of our members, who have died this last year, were upwards of seventy years of age. There is another matter, in this connection, which I might as well speak of now. Have we not, among our members, some young men or women who would devote a little time occasionally, in assisting us in the arrange- ment of our Library and other departments of the Insti- tute? We have, for instance, an immense collection of manuscripts of all kinds, and many of great value : let- ters, deeds and other legal documents, mercantile papers, genealogical minutes, etc., etc. Some have been inserted in books, but require to be indexed : many have not been arranged at all, and many have never been read, to ascer- 6 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. tain their value. Now, with our present force and means, it would take perhaps twenty years to render these manu- scripts available. Perhaps this is asking too much in these bicycle days, and some may think, we are always begging for some- thing, either donations or money or members. But let such consider the fact that, in the last report of the great British Museum of London, that institution was begging for more room. Indeed all similar institutions are always in want of more room or more money and, with the ex- ception of the Essex Institute, seem to get it. The free course of lectures in Plummer Hall the ,past winter has been as popular as ever. The lecturers have been, Gamaliel Bradford, Thomas H. Mullen, Samuel Cabot and Arlo Bates, of Boston, Prof. T. C. Mendenhall of Worcester, Edwin Reed of Cambridge, Edward Atkinson of Brookline, and Hev. D. S. Clark of Salem. The Women's Local History Class have continued their meetings weekly since the summer vacation, and are as much interested in their work as ever. Those who desire further information about this class can receive it l^y ap- plication to the Secretary, Miss Helen D. Lander. There have been twenty-five regular meetings of the Society, three meetings of Committees and two of Direc- tors, one special meeting, December 28, to take action on the death of Mr. G. D. Phippen, and another, June 16, on account of the death of President Willson. A memorial meeting in honor of Mr. Willson was held November 7, in Academy Hall, when an interesting and eloquent address was given by Vice-President Rantoul upon the life and character of the President. Vice-Presi- dent Morse presided at this meeting and made remarks appro[)riate to the occasion. The evening meetings of members in the lihrarv room THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 7 the past season have been well attended. Papers have been read by the following persons : Miss Mary Ropes on "John Horn or Orne." Miss Rosamond Symonds on " Salem Common," ''Win- ter Island " and " The Neck." Gardner M. Jones on "Public Libraries." Miss Annie L. Warner on "Birds of Winter." Gilbert L. Streeter, two papers on " Salem before the Revolution." J. H. Choate, J. H, Sears, Harry R. Peach and John Robinson exhibited specimens under the microscope one evening, but owing to a severe storm, but few persons were jiresent. The papers read were discussed by some of the members interested, and valuable facts brought out. We have had a larger numl)er of visitors during the past year than at any former period. The officers and assist- ants had al)out as much as they could do the last summer and fall to attend to callers : various large organizations, such as the Society of Christian Endeavor, the Universa- list Christian Union, and the Masonic Society of Knights Temjilars, — each of these numbering thousands. Then there were the Auburndale Review Club, the Dorchester Woman's Club, the Randolph Literar}' Club, the New York Literary Ckib, besides several schools and classes. This will account for the great increase in the numlier of those who have visited the old first meeting house, — nearly is, 000, double the number who have ever visited it in the same time before. It is a curious fact that many people call for the key to this church, who have not time to examine our collections. They have to go to ISIarblehead or the Willows. Some of the schools and classes, before mentioned, have been addressed by Vice Presidents Morse or Rantoul, in Academy Hall, and other members of the Institute have conducted the strangers to places of his- torical interest about the city. 8 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. The inquiries of visitors to our rooms are sometimes quite amusing. This very season, at least two persons have asked to see the " Scarlet Letter," Hawthorne found in the Custom House. They had been told we had it. Once before, a lady said she had seen it some years ago in our rooms — she felt pretty sure about it, but it might have been at the Court House she saw it. Another per- son asked to see the instruments of torture which were used upon the witches. One lady Jisked if we could give information about an ancestor who came over with the early settlers ; but did not know his name. She was anx- ious to be a Colonial Dame. Another wanted informa- tion to establish her right to be a " Daughter of the Revo- lution" or a "Daughter of the American Revolution," I have forgotten which. She knew she had a great grand- father in some Regiment, but could tell nothing farther. The donations to the Cabinets the past year have lieen four hundred and twenty-nine from one hundred and seven donors. Among the more important donations was a tine copy in oil, from the original portrait of the Hon. Benjamin Goodhue, the first member of Congress from this District. This was the gift of his great granddaughter, our associate, Mrs. Sarah Goodhue King of New York City. Francis H. Lee, Esq., donated a rare old Dutch water-color view of Salem, at an early period. This picture was bought at a shop in Holland. From the estate of Esther C. and William Mack we received a min- iature and a portrait of the Rev. John Clark, D.D., a former minister of the First Church in Boston, who was a native of Salem. We already had Dr. Clark's gold watch in our collection. From the same source we also received portraits of Judge Elisha Mack and wife, painted by Charles Osgood. From John S. Williams, Esq., a large and valuable collection of manuscript papers, among them an original THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. » letter of Dr. Doddridge of England. There were also, in this lot, forty-eight old MSS. sermons, of the last cen- tury. At the last annual meeting, Mr. Ross Turner referred to the condition of many of the old portraits in the Socie- ty's rooms, as requiring rebacking and restoring, to put them in a proper condition for preservation. The matter was referred to the Fine Arts Committee. This Commit- tee has since had the work thoroughly done, and now all the portraits and other paintings belonging to the Society are in first class order. The Publications of the Society have progressed favor- al)ly this year. The first part of Vol. ol of the Historical Collections has been issued, and the second part, con- cluding the volume is now in press and nearly ready for issue. The first part of Vol. 27 of the Bulletin has been published, which includes the Annual Report for 1895. There does not appear to be much of a supply of good material fitted for publication in the Bulletin. The Visit- or's Guide was issued under the imprint of the Essex In- stitute. The first of the special catalogues of the Institute Library w^as issued early in the year and w\as devoted to the Special Library on China. Among the leading arti- cles in the Collections were : A Historic Ball Room, by Robert S. Rantoul ; List of Salem Vessels issued by Timo. Orne, John Nutting, Jr., and John Higginson, 17.57, 1758, compiled by Geo. H. Allen ; Lady Deborah Moody, by Mrs. Henry W. Ed- wards ; Some Localities about Salem, by Henry M. Brooks; Memoir of Edmund B. Willson by Robert S. Rantoul. Which is respectfully submitted, Henry M. Brooks, ESSKX INST. BULLKTIN, VOI, XXVIII 1* 10 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. Report of the Librarian. The additions to the library for the year (May 1895 to May 1896) have been as follows : By Donation. Folios, 38 Quartos, 204 O.tavos 1,412 Twelvemos, 308 Sixteenmos, 181 Twenty-fourmos, 101 Total of bound volumes, 2,244 Pamphlets and serials 4,510 Total of donations . 6,754 By Exchange. Folios, , 3 Quartos, 8 Octavos 263 Twelvemos, 5 Sixteenmos, 5 Total of bound volumes, 284 Pamphlets and serials, 1,646 Total of exchanges, 1,930 By Purchase. Folios, . . . . • 3 Quartos, 5 Octavos, 16 Twelvemos, 1 Total of bound volumes, 26 Pamphlets and serials, 433 Total of purchases, 458 Total of donations, 6,754 Total of exchanges, 1,930 Total of additions, 9,142 Of the total number of pamphlets and serials 2,116 were pamphlets and 4,462 were serials. The donations to the library for the year have been received from two hundred and four individuals and ninety- two societies and governmental departments. The ex- changes, from fifteen individuals and two hundred and forty-nine societies and incorporated institutions, of which one hundred and twenty-four are foreign ; al?o from editors THE KETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 11 and publisher.^. The largest single donation was from the estate of the late General Cogswell. The library now contains about 70,000 bound volumes and something more than 200,000 i)amphlets. There is little for the librarian to say in his rei)ort this year except to reiterate and emphasize what he has said for the past live or six years. The library is greatly in need of funds to make it more available and useful to the public. It needs a fire-proof stack room for the storage of books' and it needs a catalogue. These needs appeal to the generously disposed as a most excellent method of benefiting the large number of persons who annually visit the rooms of the Institute, and the still greater number that would be attracted thither by increased accommoda- tions and facilities. We are confident the aid will come in time, we ho})e in a comparatively short time, and when it comes the Institute will be able to be of greater service to the public in many ways. Until that time we must be content to go along as at present doing a little work each year and preparing the way for the future changes. The interest in the library is fully maintained. It is frequently consulted and is of great use to students who are pursuing special lines of study and research. It does not aim to be a popular library, but pursues its work on dirterent lines from the Public Libiary and Salem Ath- a-neum, and by so doing avoids duplication, and relieves the libraries named from making any attempt to supply those books which are within the special line of work marked out by the Institute. The (juickened interest in the Institute is shown in its largely increased membership. Let us see to it that this interest is not allowed to flag, or grow cool, from any want of efibit on our part. Chas. S. Osgood, Lihvarktn. 12 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. Treasurer's Report. RECEIPTS. Balance from last report, $804 75 Received from Invested Funds $3,246 26 " " assessment of memberK, 2,382 00 " " life membership fees, 150 00 " " publications, . . . . . . . 400 51 " " Almy,Bigelow & Washburn, for reception fund, 25 §0 " " contributions for restoring pictures, . . 150 00 •• other sources 241 64 6,595 41 $7,400 16 EXPENDITURES. Salaries of secretary, assistant librarian and janitor, $2,598 15 Fuel, 205 50 Lighting and water, 129 12 Shrubs and labor, 62 80 Postage and express, 167 37 Supplies, 103 81 Storage 37 80 Furniture and fixtures 65 09 Repairs and new furnace, 288 60 Restoring pictures and frames, 689 25 Lecture expenses 25 61 Books 449 42 Publications and printing, 620 26 AtheuKum expenses 168 36 Miscellaneous, 35 21 Annuities, 610 00 Interest on loan, 218 66 Atchison assessment, 80 00 $6,555 01 Paid on loan account, 500 00 Cash on hand, 345 15 $7,400 16 Respectfully submitted, W. O. Chapman, Treasurer. the retrospect of the year. 13 Auditor's Report. [Indorsed on the above.] Salem, May 16, 1896. Your auditor respectfully reports that he has examined this day the securities herein listed and finds them to aaree with the treasurer's schedule. The treasurer's books and accounts have i)een exam- ined from the date of the last annua! meeting. The re- ceipts and expenditures appear to be properly entered and the books correctly kept. H. M. Batchelder, A uditor. The Local History Class. The Local History Class, — a spontaneous organization of ladies anxious to inform themselves more exactly on many of the interesting topics in the History of the County, is now well estal)lished and enters upon its fourth year. Its system is unique and might be adopted with advantage in other bodies. Subjects are assigned to indi- viduals or to small committees, and a written report is made, which puts the whole class in possession of all the information gathered by the investigating party. This is at once a labor-saving and an inspiring system. The work of research, which calls for time and patience, may be done by a few for the benefit of the whole. The spirit of emulation prompts each investigator to do her best in unearthing something as worthy of attention as has yet been found. So the whole field of local history isgleaned afresh. And the results have already shown how much lies undiscovered, waiting to be disclosed to the descendants of some forgotten worthy, whose kin never until now had 14 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. the leisure or inclination to look it up — and often of a quality and importance which compares well with what the livelier curiosity or superior opportunities of some other delver has long ago dug up. The Local History Class numbers about sixty, and consists of ladies, although gentlemen are often honored with an invitation either to attend or to address its gath- erings. Its organization is of the simplest. Once a year it elects a president and secretary. Its meetings occur weekly throughout the winter, and in summer include visits to different portions of the County and even exchange visits with kindred sisterhoods in other portions of the State. Twenty-five or more of these meetings have been held within the last year. Some of the papers read have shown a commendable amount of original thought and research, while others, which were mainly made up of matters already put on record, have presented familiar facts with so much novelty in method, and so contagious an enthusiasm as to o;ive them the charm of thintys unknown. The members of the Local History Class feel that they must, with the report of 1895 and '96, express their sense of the great loss sustained by them in the death of their founder and first leader, Mrs, M. M. Brooks, one of the most vitally interested members of the Essex Insti- tute ; the growth and welfare of which were very near her heart. During her many weeks of illness she was constantly remembering her History Class, and the work they have accomplished this year is largely of her planning ; as the class believed that, in fulfilling her plans, they could best show their regard for her. Her good judgment was felt and known in many walks of life and her gracious presence was always a benediction to her friends, to whom her loss is irreparable. THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 15 Two Hundred and Seventy-fifth Anniversary of THE Landing at Plymouth. Regular meeting, Monday, December 16, 1895. The Secretary called the attention of the members present to a notice received from the Plymouth Pilgrim Society, with an invitation to this Society to be present at its celebration, December 21, 1895. It was voted that Hon. Robert S. Rantoul and Francis H. Lee, Esq., be requested to represent the Institute at the meeting of the Pilgrim Society, December 21, 1895, and those gentlemen attended. The President of the Pilgrim Society, at the dinner, spoke as follows : The Essex Institute of Salem responds to our invitation, not by letter, but by its representatives in person. That Institute has done a great service in preserving the history and traditions of the Puritan found- ers of Salem ; and I have the pleasure of introducing to you its representative, Hon. Robert S. Rantoul. Mr. Rantoul's remarks were reported as follows : Let me thank you, sir, that in the presence of this array of older bodies, you have not omitted to extend a hand to the Essex Institute. We are a young society, — pain- fully young, — much younger than you, not yet count- ing our tiist half century of life ; — but we are vigorous and sprightly and active and growing. We are doing good work and, like all jn-omising children, we like to be noticed. One may well stand abashed, Mr. President, in the presence of such a scene as this. When I recall the mighty voices to which this spot has echoed — for what great ora- tor has our continent produced who has not, first or last, planted his feet and lifted up his voice on Plymouth Rock, — who has not found here, first or last, the Mecca 16 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. of his ambition, — the shrine of his patriotic and ancestral devotion? — when I listen, amidst the rolling of these waters, for one more trumpet tone from that matchless orsan that is now silent but not forsrotten in the wave- washed tomb at Marshfield, — when I recall the wonderful address made at the very outset of his career, standing on this very spot, invited by this very Society in the natal year of its existence, when, standing on the Rock of Ply- mouth, in 1820, two centuries complete, he uttered here that terrible denunciation of the barter in human flesh which goes ringing down the ages, now that personal weaknesses and party asperities have been long forgot- ten,— when I remember that unapproachable statement he made, of the interlocking, interacting relations and functions of the two sovereignties under which we Ameri- cans of to-day live and move and have our being, — a statement made in December, 1843, before the New Eng- land Society of the City of New York, and never to this hour improved upon — it is hard to believe it ever can be improved upon — I cannot but pause and hold my breath and utter a silent prayer for one more diapason-note from that most miraculous organ. But, sir, you ask me for a word in behalf of the Essex Institute which sends me here charged with its greetings and good wishes. The relations of North and South Shore, — of Cape Cod and Cape Ann, have always been friendly and fraternal as they always should be, — never more so than in this present year of grace. We acknowl- edge with satisfaction, — we take pleasure to-day in re- minding you of the debt, — the obligation incurred by the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the visit from your skilled and Godly practitioner, Deacon Fuller, when Gov- ernor Endecott, bitterly bereft in the loss of his courageous wife, found himself burdened with more than he could bear THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 17 in the raging epidemic of 8hip-fever, which scourged us^ during the tirst desolate winter of our plantation. Saya Nathaniel Morton, in his Brief Relation or Xew England's Memorial : " This year sundry ships came out of England, and arrived at yeumskak, (now called Salem"), where Mr. John Endecot had chief command, and by infection that grew amongst the Passengers at Sea, it spread alsa among them on shore, of which many died, some of the Scurvey, and others of infectious Feavers. Mr. Endecot^ understanding that there was one at Plimouth that had skill in such Diseases, sent thither for him ; at whose request he was sent unto them. And afterwards, ac- (luaintance and Christian Love and Correspondency came on betwixt the Governour, and the said Mr. Endecot; which was furthered by Congratulatory Letters that passed betwixt each other ; one whereof, because it shews the beginning of their Christian Fellowship, I shall here insert." Now it is not my purpose to tax your patience with long-drawn recitals. This is the Pilgrims' day and theirs is the honor and glory of it. They deserve it all. No- body— certainly no Massachusetts Bay Puritan, — would withhold a tittle of the praise they are enjoying. But may it not be, in the exuberance of joy, that the merits of old Governor Endecott and his little band of rigid old Puritans may have been permitted, for the moment, to pass a little into the shade ? Let us read this letter, if you will bear with me for a moment, slowly and lovinoflv tosether. It is not lonir. It is Governor Endecott's letter to Governor Bradford in recognition of the great kindness described by Morton in the passage I have read. It will do us good to hear it. It will be worth the time if it do no more than call to mind the lofty strain of courtesy, — the stately, otiicial dignity K6SEX INST. BlI-I-ETIN, VOL. XX VIII 2 18 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. which prevailed amongst these old-time magnates. But it will do more, unless language has lost its meaning, — unless words possess no longer a current value as the coinaofe of the heart. Let me read this letter of Governor Endecott's, and let us see if any better-conceived message of grateful acknowledgment, official or personal, has ever passed between these two communities before or since. It may be true, far be it from me to deny — that our fine old Governor may have been a little hasty at times, with the emblem of popery in the King's colors, for in- stance ; with the Anabaptists and Quakers and other schis- matics and heretics ; somewhat rough and rigorous at times, in correcting some little eccentricities in this neigh- borhood, in connection with certain May-pole proceedings, for instance ; and your too practical free-trade views, in dealins: in fire-arms and fire-water with that red-skinned fraternity, the Unimproved Order of Red Men. Allowing for all this I wish you would listen kindly to the old Puri- tan's letter, and see if you have any doubt , when you have heard it, about its being written by a gentleman. Here it is : " To the worshipful and my right worthy friend, William Bradford, Esqr., Governor of New Plymouth, these, — Right Worthy Sir : It is a thing not usual, that servants to one master and of the same household should be strangers ; I assure you I desire it not ; nay to speak more plainly, I cannot be so to you : God's people are all marked with one and the same mark, and sealed with one and the same seal, and have for the main, one and the same heart, guided l)y one and the same spirit of truth ; and where this is there can be no discord, nay, here must needs be sweet harmony ; and the same request (with you) I make unto the Lord that we may, as Christian brethren, be united by an heavenly and THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 19 unfeigned love, bending all our hearts and forces in fur- thering a work beyond our strength, with reverence and fear, fastening our eyes always on Him that only is able to direct and prosper all our ways. I acknowledge my- self much bound to you, for your kind love and care, in sending Mr, Fuller amongst us, and rejoice much that I am by him satisfied, touching your judgment of the out- ward form of God's worship ; it is (as far as I can yet gather) no other than is warranted by the evidence of truth, and the same which I have professed and maintained, ever since the Lord in mercy revealed himself unto me, being far different from the common report that hath been spread of you touching that particular ; but God's children must not look for less here below, and it is the great mercy of God that he strengthens them to go through with it. I shall not need at this time to be tedious unto you, for, God willing, I purpose to see your face shortly : In the mean- time I humbly take my leave of you, committing you to the Lord's blessed protection, and rest. Your assured loving friend and servant, John Endecot. ITaumTceak, May 11, A.nno 1G29." So you see, gentlemen, that Dr. Fuller's mission bore double fruit ; he relieved the North Shore colonists of a plethora of the vital fluid, but he also relieved the mind of Governor Endecott of some qualms about the hetero- doxy of his Plymouth neighbors. Perhaps this last was as great a service as the other. Perhaps the deacon was no less welcome than the doctor, for our excellent Gov- ernor was no bungler in the art of physic. He could administer law, medicine or theology upon occasion. He had brought with him, as every navigator does on a voy- age, a well-filled medicine chest, with its recipes and ban- 20 BULLETIN or THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. dages, and cataplasms, and with hand-books — books, says the inventory of the estate, " both of physic and chyrur- gery, with one saw and six other instruments for a chyrurgeon." But when he found his outfit of science and materia medica unequal to the exigency, he did what any sensible professional man would have done — called in a consulting physician. If there were time, I should like to read to you from the report of the case made to Gov- ernor Bradford by that estimable " chyrurgeon and physi- tian," Deacon Samuel Fuller, because it shows how blood- letting and catechising travelled hand in hand, and it also shows a wholesome belief in a personal devil prevailing in this section. If you have, by any means, been led to re- gard the " ould deluder, Satan," as a perquisite of the Bay Colony, as a product or appanage exclusively of the North Shore, I beg you to observe that your own saintly Dr. Fuller, in his letter, from which I shall read a line, not only recognizes our old friend, the father of mischief, at sight, but even regards the North Shore potentate as a pretty fair match for the beneficent powers of the universe. Here is one of Dr. Fuller's despatches to his home gov- ernment, if you will allow me to read from it, showing that theological contention at that time came as easy as blood-letting. He writes : . . . " I have been at Mat- apan, at the request of Mr. Warham, and let some twenty of these people blood ; I had conference with them 'til I was weary. Mr. Warham holds that the visible church may consist of a mixed people, godly, and openly ungod- ly ; upon which point we had all our conference, to which, I trust, the Lord will give a blessing. . . . We have some privy enemies in the bay, but (blessed be God) more friends ; . '. . oppressors there is not wanting, and Satan is busy ; but, if the Lord be on our side, who can be against us? . . . Captain Endecott (my dear I THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 2l friend, and a friend to us all), is a second Burrow. The Lord established him, and us all, in every good way of truth I . . . Yours in the Lord Christ, Samuel Fuller. Massachusetts, June 28, Anno 1630." I fear Governor Endecott was not able during his life- time to make to Plymouth any return of a favor of this magnitude, but he was only ten years in his grave when King Philip's war broke out ; when that dusky strategist and statesman, — the first expounder, as I take it, of the Monroe Doctrine on this continent, began swinging the tomahawk, without discrimination, over fighters and skulk- ers, babes and mothers, patriarchs and preachers ; letting his bludgeon tall, like the rains of heaven, alike on the just and on the unjust in this Plj^mouth Colon}'. Blazing Medfield was rolled up like a scroll, and pillage and mas- sacre seemed to wait on what was spared by fire. If ever a struggling colony wanted help, Plymouth wanted help at that hour. Providence had favored us at that hour with a doughty champion in the person of Captain Joseph Gard- ner— the " Fighting Joe " of the period — who buckled on his harness, and mustered his musketeers, and marched out at the head of a gallant train-band from his home in Salem, — that home not three doors off from the present quarters of the Essex Institute, — to do and to die in effec- tive battle for the safety of the Plymouth Colony, and there, in Xarragansett Swamj), to render up a dearly valued lite inside the palisado breastworks of the savage chief- tain. I thank you, sir, for the opportunity of a word ; and you, gentlemen, my listeners, for your courtesy and patience in permitting me to refresh your recollections on two events which should forever bind together the desti- nies of Eastern Massachusetts. 22 bulletin of the essex institute. Lectures. Monday Evening, January 6, 1896. — Regular Meet- ing in the Library room. — Three interesting papers were read by members of the Local History Class, — one by Miss Mary Ropes, on "John Horn or Orne," which called out a discussion on the Orne Family, and the other two by Miss Rosamond Symonds, on "Salem Neck and Winter Island," and on "Salem Common." It was further Ordered, that this memorial of the last survivor of the original board of government of the Essex Institute be spread at large upon our records, and that a copy thereof be transmitted to the family of the deceased. George Dean Phippen was born at Salem, April 13, 1815, in a homestead now numbered 20 on Hardy street. The Phippens were domiciled in Salem before Charles I made way for Cromwell to govern England and her de- pendencies. For the more than fourscore years of his life, Mr. Phippen has had no other residence than Salem. He died at his home on Bridge street, December 26, 1895. He was the son of Captain Hardy Phippen and of L^rsula Symonds Phippen, his wife. Captain Hardy Phippen was a clerk under our first Collector Hiller at the close of the last century, and later an Inspector of Customs in the Salem Custom House. He navigated the craft used by Dr. Bowditch in sounding and surveying Salem harbor for his famous charts, and was with the great astronomer on his early voyages while his monumental life-work, Bowditch's Navigator, was shaping itself in his mind. Captain Phippen's first voy- age was sailed, 1795, in Elias Hasket Derby's famous ship " Astrea." He followed the sea for upwards of twenty years, sailing far and near for the Pickmans, Crownin- shields, Derbys and Pickering Dodge. In 1808, he was mate of the brig "Nabby," when Captain Nathaniel THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 23 Hathorne, the romancer's father, in command of her on a voyage to Surinam, died in that port. Captain Phippen came home in command, and brought from Frenchman's Bay, on her next voyage, the exceptional cargo of selected lumber used in building and finishing the Woodbridge mansion at the corner of March and Bridge streets. In our second war with England Captain Phippen did service in the building of Fort Lee, and at its close, in 1815, took the news of peace to Calcutta in the Salem ship " Favor- ite." A sketch of him from the pen of Hon. Charles W. Upham appeared on the occasion of his death at the age of ninety in 1868. From such a father George Dean Phippen derived many of his most endearing qualities. Mr. Phippen, after enjoying the excellent opportunities afforded by the Salem teaching of that day, took his place, on leaving school, first in the counting room of John Fiske Allen, and then, in 1838, at the age of twenty-three, con- nected himself as bookkeeper with the Salem Bank, then occupying rooms in Pickman Place. Twenty years later he became its cashier and remained in that position until his death, thus completing a service in a single monetary institution of fifty-seven years. Four years before en- tering on his life-work at the Bank, and while yet in his teens, he had taken part in an incipient movement to establish a society for the study of natural history in this county. The effort bore fruit in such an organization, formed at Topsfield in April, 1834, and Mr. Phippen was an original meml)er of it. In 1843 he became a member of the Essex Historical Society, so that when these bodies were united in 1848 to form the present county organiza- tion, Mr. Phippen, belonging to both, was doubly a charter member of the Essex Institute. He was chosen and served for years as its first librarian ; later, he was for twelve years its treasurer, and for more than twice that period 24 BULLETIN or THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. its financial guide, and lived to be the last survivor of its first board of government as well as of the original mem- bership of the Essex County Natural History Society. During Mr. Phippen's early years at the Salem Bank in Pickman Place, the second floor of the old banking house was variously occupied by societies in which he took an active part : the Essex Historical Society, the Salem Athenaeum, the Natural History Society, the Essex Institute, in turn had chambers overhead. And besides his contributions of service to these last he acted as super- intendent of the East India Marine Museum, not a stone's throw away, for the seven years succeeding 1848, at which date the activity of Dr. Wheatland, in that sphere, seems to have been transferred from the Museum to the Essex Institute just formed. He succeeded Dr. Wheatland as superintendent of the Museum in November, 1848, and received a vote of thanks from the Marine Society on retiring in November, 1855. Mr. Phippen was through life an ardent lover of flow- ers, and this passion manifested itself in many ways. Broad in his denominational views, his interest in the Ta])ernacle Church led him to furnish the most fitting floral decorations for his place of worship. His beautiful garden, looking out on Collins Cove, made famous through the water-colors of our artist-townsman. Turner, absorbed for years a generous portion of his time and thought. He soon came to be recognized as an authority on floriculture as he had long been on local history. The fruit and flower shows of the Institute, which were sustained with great acceptance in various halls of the city, but especially in that of the Chase Block, now superseded l)y the Holyoke Building, were greatly helped })y Mr. Phippen's zeal, liberality and good taste. THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 25 Rarely, during the flourishing period ot our field-meet- ings, was Mr. Phippen absent from one of these gath- erings and, when present, rarely silent — being almost uniformly called on to discourse on the typical botany of the region visited. At a great tield-meeting in Manchester, held August 2, 18G6, at which Chief Justice Chase was present and took part, Deacon Fowler of Dan vers was called on to describe the trees and Mr. Phippen the flowers of that seaside region. So admirably did they discharge this task that the Chief Justice, — himself a varied scholar of no mean attainments, — more than once expressed his w^onder and delight that gentlemen so preoccupied with responsible business aflfairs should have reached such a mastery of these beautiful sciences as well. In this department Mr. Phippen very liberally enriched our pub- lications with the products of his })en, contributing to the second volume of the Bulletin articles entitled, "The Plants of Scripture," — " Dark Lane and the Wild Flowers of Sa- lem,"— and " The Flora of Bradford." But his interest in the Institute was not limited to the scientific side. In volumes I and IV of our Historical Collections are found papers of his, of the highest author- ity and value, on the original settlers of Massachusetts Bay, — the Old Planters of Cape Ann. So strongly in- grained in his nature was this fondness for the archaic that, when he had need to name a street just opened near his famous garden, and in the line of a possible development of Collins Cove as a tidal basin or water-park, — a scheme which has more than once had the endorsement of past IMayors of Salem, who have sought to remove the Alms- house with its repulsive adjuncts to another section and to throw open the Neck lands to improvement for residen- tial uses, — Mr. Phippen selected '' Planters' Street " as a ESSEX IN3T. BULLETIN, VOL. XXVIII 2* 26 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. name well fitted to keep alive the memory of the pioneers and to mark the locality of Planters' Marsh where, in the day of small things, the early denizens of this historic re- gion cut their thatch and flagging. The touching tribute paid by Mr. Phippen to his early associate and life-long coadjutor, Doctor Wheatland, at the memorial exercises reported in volume XXX of the Historical Collections, was marked by a delicacy of tone, a discrimination and in- sight, a fineness of phrase and a genuineness of sentiment which give it rank as a model characterization. On the twenty-fifth anniversary of his birth, Mr. Phip- pen was united in marriage with Margaret, a daughter of Captain John Barton, of Salem, and she, with three sons, survives him. His seventy-fifth birthday brought with it the golden anniversary, closing a half-century of cherished companionship, and this was very generally re- membered by his friends and neighbors. At the joint parade of the Second Corps of Cadets and the Salem Light Infantry, a few years since, — that auspicious hour in which the jealousies and rivalries of a century were buried out of sight, Mr. Phippen marched with three sons, shoulder to shoulder, in the Veteran Light Infantry. He joined the active corps in 1832. With no lack of manly quality, there was a fineness of fibre in ]Mr. Phippen's nature which no one who was brought into close relations with him could fail to recognize. His was one of those rare spirits that rise so far above the grossness of the world that to praise them seems almost an impertinence. He seemed to keep to the last all the native freshness of his early days and to refine away, as time went on, whatever dross alloys this mortal part. In his death one more link is parted, and that a bright one, which bound together the present and the past. THE RETROSrECT OF THE YEAR. 27 Monday^ Jan. 13, 1896. — The first lecture in the " free course " was delivered this evening, in Plummer Hall, by Gamaliel Bradford, Esq., of Boston, on the "Monroe Doctrine." Mr. Bradford's views seemed to be somewhat in oppo- sition to those of the President and a majority of the mem- bers of Congress. He was opposed to war with England under any circumstances and especially in the condition in which the country now is, although he said he was a thorough American in his feelings. But he did not be- lieve there was anything to be gained by a war even if the " Monroe Doctrine " should be affected by British move- ments in Venezuela. Monday, Jan. 20, 1896. — Regular meeting in the Library room. Mr. Gardner M. Jones, Librarian of the Salem Public Library, read a very interesting and in- structive paper on " Public Libraries," describing in detail their management, their great value and their remarkable increase in number within a comparatively short period. He gave a description of the Boston Public Library, with some criticisms on its general character. Monday, Jan. 27, 1896. — Thomas A. Mullen, Esq., of Boston, lectured this evening in Plummer Hall, on " Impressions of Europe." He gave a very interesting account of a rambling visit to various European countries, during the last summer, with many humorous observations on men and things abroad. Monday, Feh. 3, 1896. — Regular meeting in the Li- brary room. Miss Annie L. Warner, of Salem, gave an interesting lecture on the "Birds of Winter." She spoke of the birds noticed as coming every winter, and those that come occasionally, and of those that are with us every 28 BULLETIN OF THE * ESSEX INSTITUTE. month of the year. She illustrated her subject by speci- mens from the Peabody Academy of Science. Monday, Feb. 10, 1896.— Frof. T. C. Mendenhall, of Worcester, lectured in Plummer Hall this evening. The subject was "Chance and the Long Run," illustrated with the blackboard and with lantern views. He spoke of what is commonly known as chance and showed how little chance there really is in it. By diagrams and figures he showed how little the accidents on railroads vary from year to year. He explained clearly how even the common events of life may seem like chance but they simply follow out a natural order of things. Monday, Feb. 17, 1896. — Regular meeting in the Li- brary room. Monday, Feb. 24, 1896. — Messrs. Samuel Cabot of Boston, and Edwin Reed of Cambridge, lectured in Plum- mer Hall this evening. Mr. Cabot explained the cypher which it is claimed Bacon used to show that he wrote the Shakespeare plays. Mr. Reed demonstrated that the edu- cation and early training of Shakespeare and his associa- tions and surroundings at Stratford were all against the possibility of his authorship of the works attributed to him. He believed they were written by Francis Bacon who, for political reasons, did not wish, in his time, to be known as the author. Monday, March 2, 1896. — Regular meeting in the Library room. Monday, March 9, 1896.— Frot Arlo Bates, of the Institute of Technology, Boston, lectured this evening in Plummer Hall, on "Dr. Johnson and his Dictionary." THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 29 The lecturer gave a brief history of the several attempts at dictionary making before Dr. Johnson's day and then gave an account of the arrangements made by some Lon- don booksellers for the publication of Dr. Johnson's dic- tionary, which was ])egun in 1747 and tinished in 1755. The work cost the Doctor £100 more than he received from the publishers so he only made a reputation by the work. Professor Bates gave a number of the amusing definitions from the first edition of the dictionary and spoke of the peculiar characteristics of Dr. Johnson in connec- tion with this work. Monday, March 16, 1896. — Regular meeting this eve- ning in the Library room. On motion of Mr. Richard C. Manning, the following resolves were passed : Resolved, that no more fitting or more lasting memorial of the virtues of the fathers can be desired than the pub- lishing and distribution of the Records of the Continental Congress by the Government of the United States. Resolved, that the Essex Institute earnestly desires and recommends the execution of this proposed work and re- spectfully urges upon our representatives in Congress the support of all proper measures looking to that end. Mr. Gilbert L. Streeter read a portion of his paper on " Salem before the Revolution," which will appear in the Historical Collections. Mondai/, March 23, 1896. — Edward Atkinson, Estj., of Boston, lectured this evening in Plummer Hall, on "The Altruistic Motive of Self Interest." The lecturer said he knew of no other word than altruism which so completely embodies the idea of that mutual service, which is the law of progress by which men are governed whether 30 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. they will or no. Resistance to the natural law of altruism is the chief cause of war and want. Monday, March 30, 1896. — The last lecture in the course was given this evening in Plummer Hall by Rev. D. S. Clark. He gave an interesting account of his trav- els in Constantinople and on the Bosphorus. Illustrated with lantern views^shown by Rev. J. F. Brodie. Monday, April 6, 1896. — Regular meeting in the Li- brary room. Mr. Gilbert L. Streeter read the second part of his paper on ''Salem before the Revolution." On Wednesday afternoon, May 6, 1896, an address was delivered by Miss Kingsley, at Academy Hall, under the auspices of the Institute, upon Warwickshire, and the Personality and Surroundings of Shakespeare. Vice- President Rantoul filled the chair and, in presenting the distinguished lecturer, spoke substantially as follows : On the 16th of February, 1874, the Reverend Charles Kingsley, accompanied by Miss Kingsley, his daughter, paid us the honor of a visit and began here his lecture- tour of the United States. I shall attempt no character- ization of Mr. Kingsley. There is no need of that. The American Cyclopedias of Biography and the Encyclopedia Britannica unite in assigning him to the front rank in the literature of our common tongue. He was a Devonshire man, born in that beautiful southern county of England from which this Colony drew so many of its sturdy pio- neers. And his ancestors bore their honorable part with the Ironsides of the south of England amongst the Puritan patriots of Cromwell's day. His mother was half Ameri- can, a native of Barbadoes. If I presume to postpone for a moment the pleasure you are anticipating, it is to say that Mr. Kingsley was THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 31 one of those visitors who come here in a friendly mood, and whose broad culture opened his mind to favorable impressions of the best this country had to offer him. Naturally we feel kindly towards those who accept us at something near our estimate of ourselves. Mr. Kingsley had for years perceived, what some of his compatriots had been unable to perceive, — that there was in America a social condition which would well reward the study of Englishmen of understanding ; that this nation was not engaged in trying to make of itself a cheap and feeble copy of Great Britain, but had a conscious destiny of its own, fresh and high and admirable and noble, which for better or for worse we have been placed here, in the best part of this western continent, to work out. During the period of our Civil War and of the Reconstruction Era, Mr. Kingsley filled the important Chair of Professor of Modern History at Cambridge University, of which he had been an alumnus. He made American History the topic of his lecture course for 1862, and in announcino" his purpose to do this to a friend in Deceml)er, 1861, he used these words : " As for the American question ... I have thought of nothing else for some time. For I cannot see how I can be a Professor of past modern history without the most careful study of the history which is enacting itself around me . . . So strongly do I feel the impor- tance of this crisis, that I mean to give, as my public lectures next October term, the History of the American States." In 1866 he was seconding the movement of a Liverpool gentleman of large views and means for the endowment at Cambridge of a Professorship of Ameri- can History — a distinctly American Lectureship which was to be filled by an American selected and endorsed l)y the authorities of Harvard. 32 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. This extremely radical proposal, addressed to the con- servatism of the mother country, naturally came to nought. But the language used by Mr. Kingsley, — still filling with distinction the Chair of Modern History at Cambridge — shows the feeling which he, in common with too few other leaders of English thought, entertained towards us at the close of our war, and I ask your in- dulgence in quoting from a letter of Mr. Kingsley to his friend, Sir Charles Lyell, who also knew something of us here in Salem from personal contact and observation. These are am.ong Mr. Kingsley's words : — " When I did myself the honor of lecturing in this University on the History of the United States, I became painfully aware how little was known and how little there could be known on the subject. This great want has been since supplied by a large addition to the University Library of Ameri- can literature. I think it most important that it should be still further removed by the residence among us of an American gentleman." " Harvard University is a body so distinguished that an offer of this kind is to be looked on as a very graceful' compliment." "Of the general importance of the scheme, — of the great necessity that our young men should know as much as possible of a country destined to be the greatest in the world, I shall say little. I shall only ask. If, in the second century before the Christian era, the Romans had offered to send a lecturer to Athens that he might tell Greek gentlemen of what manner of men this new Ital- ian power was composed, — what were their laws and customs, their intentions, their notion of their own duty and destiny, — would Athens have been wise or foolish in accepting the offer?" These and other arguments in favor of an Americai> THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 33 Professorship — of establishing a sort of Ambassador Ex- traordinary of Letters at the Court of St. James — were embodied by Mr. Kingsley in an extended address issued at Cambridge, which it was hoped might influence the authorities of the University to accept the proposal. But the movement bore no fruit. To-day we have the great pleasure to welcome again the daughter who visited Salem with Mr. Kingsley and made the notes, since published, of his American jour- ney. She has recorded in those notes the fact that the Old World, South of England names of places and per- sons which he found surviving here about Salem were to him a never failing source of interest and pleasure. She will address us to-day on Warkwickshire with something of the personality and social surroundings of Shakes- peare, a timely topic, since our Baconian friends have done what they could of late, to persuade us that Shakes- peare had little or no personality and no social surround- ings worthy of mention. Miss Kingsley has lived in that delightful midland county — the heart of England — to which many of us are no strangers, and where the name " Shakespeare " may still be read in the simple an- nals on church-yard gravestones and in one instance, at least, on the door-plate of a dressmaker pursuing her art to-day. I have the honor and very great pleasure to i)resent Miss Kingsley. [Miss Kingsley's address was listened to with much in- terest l)y a large and critical audience.] An adjourned meeting of the Institute was held June 18, Vice President Kantoul in the chair. The death of our late President, the Rev. Edmund B. Willson, was referred to. ICS.SEX INST. IIULLKTIN, \Or,. XXVIII 3 34 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. [The funeral was at the North Church on Saturday, June 16th. George H. Allen, Ezra D. Hines, Ross Turner, George M. Whipple and Alden P. White, were requested by the Executive Committee of the Institute to attend and represent the Society.] On motion of Mr. Thomas F. Hunt it was Voted: That a Committee of three be appointed by the Chair, of which the Chairman shall be one, — with full powers, — to take some action in regard to the death of the late President, the Rev. Edmund B. Willson. Voted: That the thanks of the Essex Institute are due and are hereby tendered to Mrs. Sarah Goodhue King of New York City, the great granddaughter and last lineal de- scendant of Benjamin Goodhue of Salem, for an admirable portrait in oil, just received, of her distinguished ancestor. A native and life-long citizen of Salem, born September 20, 1748, at the Goodhue homestead, now standing near Goodhue street and numbered 70 on Bostorf street, Ben- jamin Goodhue took his degree at Harvard at the early age of eighteen and also received an honorary degree from Yale in 1804. He embarked in commerce, and at the out- break of the Revolution became engaged in public afiairs. He represented Essex County in the Senate of Massachu- setts for 1784-9, when, under the new Federal constitu- tion, he filled for three terms the seat of Congressman for this district, and with the aid ol a single colleague, framed the system of revenue laws, which has proved a monu- ment to his skill, assiduity and foresight. He became a United States senator for Massachusetts in 1796, upon the resignation of George Cabot, and acted as chairman of the Senate committee on commerce, but retired to pri- vate life four years later, and died July 28, 1814, at the mansion on Essex street now numbered 403, which he erected and occupied most of his years. The portrait, so THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 35 kindly presented to the Essex Institute, is " an excellent copy " made in New York City by William Southworth in 1895, from a likeness painted from life by J. Wright in 1790, and regarded by Mr. Goodhue and his family at that time, as a orood likeness. Such a gift is an invaluable accession to the historical storehouse of Essex County, and finds its natural resting-place on the walls of the Institute. Voted : That the above be spread at large on the records and a copy forwarded to the generous donor of the paint- ing. Tuesday, June 25, 1895. — A meeting of the committee to report what action should be taken on the death of the President, Rev. Edmund B. Willson, was held this day. On motion of Mr. Charles S. Osgood, it was voted that a series of resolutions be reported to the Institute at its next meeting. On motion of Mr. T. F. Hunt, it was voted that Mr. R^-.toul be requested to prepare a memoir of Mr. Willson to be presented to the Institute in October next. Regidar Meeting, Monday, Jidy 1, 1895. — The Com- mittee chosen at a meeting of the Essex Institute held June 18, 1895, to consider and report what action it would be proper to take on the recent lamented death of Presi- dent Willson, beg leave to report : — That with the excep- tion of the case of Dr. Wheatland, which was unique, the action of the Institute upon the death of its Presidents has been substantially uniform. Judge White died in office, April 1, 18(U, after a long term of service. Resolves were passed, and Rev. Dr. G. W. Briggs was requested to prepare a memoir which was read before the Institute, January 4, 18(54. Colonel Peabody died in office after a brief service, October 31, I8()7. Resolves were passed, and Hon. Charles W. Upham was requested to prepare a memoir which was read, July 18, 1868. 36 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. Ex-Mayor Huntington, an ex-President who had served four years, died September 5, 1870. Kesolves were passed, and Judge Lord was invited to prepare a memoir, which he read before a meeting of the Institute, Septem- ber 5, 1871. Your committee believe that the Institute can not do better than to continue the precedent so wisely established, and they recommend that the testimonial of regret here- with submitted, be spread upon the records and trans- mitted to the family of the late President Willson, and that a memorial be prepared, to be presented to the Essex Institute at a meeting to be held in October next. By the committee, Robert S. Rantoul. Thomas F. Hunt. Charles S. Osgood. Resolves. Edmund B. Willson, the fifth President of the Essex Institute, died after a brief illness at his home in Salem, June 13, 1895. He was born at Petersham, August 15, 1820. He was the son of a clergyman and teacher of youth. He was a student at Yale College and at the Harvard Divinity School and received from Harvard, in 1853, the honorary degree of Master of Arts. He began his ministry at Grafton, January 3, 1844, and, after preaching there with acceptance, was called to West Rox- bury as the successor of Theodore Parker, July 18, 1852. He became pastor of the North Church in Salem, June 5, 1859, and was stricken down in that pulpit at the close of his thirty-sixth anniversary service, on Sunday, June 2, 1895. In addition to the pastoral duties to which his life was given, Mr. Willson assumed others imposed upon him by THE RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. 37 his ardent synipiithy with all worthy endeavor. Twice he yielded to the promptings of patriotism. He served as Chaplain of the 24th Regiment of Massachusetts Volun- teers in its Florida and Virginia campaigns from October 1863 to July 1864. He sat in the General Court as a Representative from Salem in 1883 and 1884 and there became the champion of the broadest educational policies known to the Commonwealth, — objects as these had been of his life-long devotion, — serving the State as chairman, in his branch, of the Committee on Education. From the days of Horace Mann he has labored on the school boards of Grafton and of West Rox1)ury and for eight years on that of Salem, and no man knew and loved the schools of Massachusetts more thoroughly than he. Few of the charitable and correctional establishments of Salem have failed of encouraijement in some form from him. A num- ber — too many to enumerate — have recognized his apt- itude and their indebtedness, by choosing him to office. Everywhere he was the welcome (!oadjutor in all good works. Creeds had no terrors, sectarian and party lines no restrictive potency for him. The friend of all men, he could cooperate with all. Fearless and without guile, he was a man to Avhom all hearts were drawn, for his words even in the most sacred experiences of life were wise and tit — a spirit tine enough for any sphere — a man whose simple presence was a benedicti:ins of its walls. A laro;e fenestra ovalis, with no stapes, and a large foramen for the exit of branches of the seventh nerve constitute the only well defined apertures which are found in later stages. The trabecule extend forwards from the anterior ends of the parachordals as long slender rods running parallel for the posterior three-fourths of their length and then bending inward at an angle of about thirty degrees towards the median line, which they do not reach. There are, as yet, no foramina for the second and third nerves and only a slight trace of a trabecular crest to which the ascending process of the quadrate is attached. The quadrate is wedge-shaped as seen either from the side or in front, the point being directed ventrally. A short otic process extends upward and backward from the dorso-lateral angle of the wedge and fuses with the otic capsule, while a longer ascending process extends up- ward and forward from the dorso-median angle and fuses with the dorsal end of the slightly developed trabecular crest. Second stage. — Our second model is that of an em- bryo twenty-four mm. in length. The occi})ital processes are fused distally with the walls of the otic capsules and continue along the dorso-median angles of the capsules as the beginnings of the synotic tectum. The jugular foramen is at this staize a dorso-ventrally elongated slit. In place of the distinctly outlined parachordals of the previous stage we now have a continuous basilar plate THE CHONDROCRANIUM IN THE ICHTHYOPSIDA. 103 lying beneath that portion of the cranial cavity included between the posterior halves of the otic capsules. As before, the notochord projects freely forward in the me- dian line. Laterally and in front the basilar plate merges into the capsular floors and the trabeculfe. The otic capsules present essentially the same condi- tions found in stage three of Ambly stoma (Figs. 4-7) except that the otic process of the quadrate is fused with the antero-ventral surface of the capsule. A trabecular crest just large enough to enclose the optic and oculo- motor foramina and to form a point of attachment for the ascending process is now developed. The appearance of simple aiitorbital processes upon the sides of the trabecu- lae is the only further change which needs mention here. Third stage. — Larva forty-five mm. long (Fig. 16). A continued fusion of the margin of the occipital process with the wall of the otic capsule, resulting in a reduction of the size of the jugular foramen is the most noticeable change in this region. The synotic tectum is now fully developed and presents the usual form. The basilar plate remains the same as in the previous stage. The otic capsules have reached their highest state of de- velopment. The median wall is perforated by four foram- ina which correspond almost exactly to those described for the otic capsule of the fourth stage of Amblystoma (Fig. 11). In iiict the onl}^ differences of any importance between the otic regions of this skull and that described as the fourth stage for Amblystoma are in the absence of the parachordals at the anterior end of the notochord, and the more median position of the foramen for the palatine nerve iiml). A small crest is now developed along the posterior half of the trabecula. A slender connecting rod unites the posterior end of the crest with the opposite wall of the otic capsule. Antorbital processes project outward and forward from the sides of the trabecular. 104 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. By a fusion of the anterior ends of the trabecule in the median lines a small ethmoid plate is formed, upon the anterior end of which is a slight prominence, the only in- dication we have of a nasal septum. Upon each side a short forward-projecting process terminates the ethmoid plate anteriorly. Entirely separated from the rest of the cartilaginous parts of the head there is now a delicate nasal capsule (Fig. 16, nc). It consists of a curved rod, which runs along the dorso-median surface of the olfactory organ, fol- lowing more or less closely the direction of the anterior end of the trabecula and the ethmoid plate, and a number of shorter processes projecting laterally from this main rod over the top of the olfactory organ. As Piukus ('94) has pointed out, there is some resemblance between this nasal capsule and that of Protopterus, but it seems to me hardly necessary, for reasons which will appear more fully later, to attach any importance to this similarity other than that of a coincidence. One would seem justified in expecting that, if Necturus occupy a position intermediate between the Stegocephali and the Urodela, the chondrocranium of Necturus would show more or greater differences from the typical Urodele chondrocranium than are found in higher Urodeles, the Urodela of Cope. But I am unable to discover that this is the case. It would be difficult, rather, to point out a form in which the chondrocranium is more typically Uro- delan. Amphiuma means. The first of the two models of the chondrocranium of Amphiuma means here described is the one which formed the basis of the description of the chondrocranium in Dr. Kingsley's preliminary paper upon "The Head of an Embryo Amphiuma" ('92). The chondrocranium of THE CHONDROCRANIUM IN THE ICHTHYOP8IDA. 105 another specimen from the same lot of embryos was also described and figured by Professor O. P. Hay in his paper of '90. First STAGE. — (Figs. 17-18) . — The occipital processes have fused with the otic capsules and their distal ends project inward over the sides of the cranial cavity as the first steps in the formation of the synotic tectum. The parachordals (Fig. 18, jp) extend forward from the bases of the oc- cipital processes, and, after curving inward to the sides of the notochord and fusing beneath it, they each divide into a median and a lateral band. The lateral bands of the two sides curve outward and, fusing with the capsular floors, pass forward to the posterior ends of the trabeculae. The median bands separate in front of the apex of the notochord, bend laterally and join the lateral bands again at their junction with the trabeculae. Between these two parts of each parachordal a fontanelle is enclosed. The otic capsules present nearly the same condition as that found in the fourth stage of the skull of Amblystoma. But here, as was also noted in Necturus, the foramen for the palatine branch of the seventh nerve {pal) is on the median side of the median capsular wall. The trabeculae extend from their union with the para- chordals forward to the nasal region , where they fuse in a small ethmoid plate which is terminated anteriorly by two broad triangular cornua. Along the middle and posterior end of each trabecula is a well-developed crest covering in the optic and oculomotor foramina as usual. It is con- nected postero-dorsally with the anterior end of the otic capsule, and it is also connected with the median angle of the quadrate by means of the ascending process («/>). The point at which the ascending process joins the trabecula is relatively farther anterior in Amphiuma than in Amblys- toma, thus producing more elongate foramina for the exit ESSEX INST. BULLETIN, VOL. XXVm 7* 106 BULLETIN or THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. of the nerves coming from the Gasserian ganglion (Fig. 18, v). Antero-dorsally the crest gives rise to a rod of irregular shape, which projects forward, outward and downward. This is the lamina cribrosa (e). Below and a little behind this the antorbital process is just beginning to appear upon the side of the trabecula. The quadrate is rhomboidal in outline when viewed from the side. It is connected with the trabecular crest by the ascending process, as mentioned above, but as yet it has not fused with the otic capsule. From its posterior angle a slender stapedial process (Fig. 17, sp) extends back- ward into the anterior end of the fenestra ovalis where it joins the small stapes. No pterygoid process is yet developed. Meckel's cartilage articulates with the antero- ventral surface of the quadrate. Second STAGE. — (Fig. 19). — In the second stage of the chondrocranium of Amphiuma, ossification is far ad- vanced. The most important additions to the cartilages are seen in the completed nasal capsule and the pterygoid process (pt) of the quadrate which is now developed. The distal ends of the occipital processes have devel- oped into a narrow synotic tectum, while the notochord and median portions of the parachordals have disappeared except in the occipital region, where they form a ventral band (p) connecting the two capsules. No changes worthy of notice have taken place in the otic capsules aside from the results of ossification. The trabeculse are divided into anterior and posterior portions by ossification in the orbital region. The pos- terior portion remains essentially the same as in the first stage, but the anterior portion is changed by the forma- tion of the nasal capsule. The base of the antorbital process (Fig. 19, anp) marks the posterior end of that portion of the trabecula remaining unossified in front of THE CHONDROCRANIUM IN THE ICHTHYOPSIDA. 107 the optic foramen. A narrow column of the trabecular crest projects upwards from just in front of the base of the antorbital process, and upon the anterior end of the eth- moid plate a thin nasal septum is developed. Two carti- lages upon each side arise from the dorsal end of the septum. From its posterior end a cylindrical rod, the tectal cartilage ((e) extends backward and outward to the dorsal point of the remnant of the trabecular crest. From the posterior end of the septum a band of cartilage extends forward and expands into a broad sheet, the nasal tectum, roofing over the whole anterior portion of the olfactory organ. Where the nasal duct passes out to the exterior (nl) at the anterior end of the tectum, a complete ring of cartilage encircles it. Laterally the nasal roof is con- nected by a band curved ventrally with the cornu (c) of the trabecula. And from the postero-lateral margin of the tectum a flattened rod (?) passes backward to the tec- tal cartilage, fusing with it at a point just above the an- terior end of the antorbital process. While it is impossible to homologize all the parts of the nasal capsule of Amphiuma with those in Amblystoma there are some points in which the similarity between them is very close. The septa, ethmoid plates, and tectal car- tilages are essentially alike in both. The lamina cribrosa and dorsal process of Amblystoma are represented in Am- phiuma by the rod connecting the tectal cartilage with the nasal tectum. The open anterior end of the capsule of Am- phiuma is quite different from the cup-like end of Ambly- stoma to which it must be compared. This difference in the capsules is, of course, correlated with the relative change of position of the nostrils, which are at the ante- rior end of the capsules in Amphiuma and in the middle of the sides of the capsules in Amblystoma. In Amphi- 108 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. uma the antorbital process does not become fused with the lamina cribrosa. The quadrate is now supplied with a pterygoid process {pt) which runs forward from the ventral surface of the ascending process in close proximity with the ventral mar- gin of the trabecula. Towards its anterior end it curves laterally and broadens out into an oval plate. Its anterior end lies a short distance postero-laterally from the base of the antorbital process. Otic and palato-basal processes unite the quadrate with the otic capsule. The stapes has expanded into a broad plate nearly filling the fenestra ovalis. It is still connected with the quadrate by a strong stapedial process {sp). Characteristics of the Urodele Chondrocranium. From the preceding descriptions of the chondrocrania of various Urodeles, we may briefly enumerate the more important characteristics of the cartilaginous skull as found in this group. Two occipital processes, the early history and relation- ships of which have been more fully treated by Ph. Stohr ('79), arise independently at the sides of the noto- chord in front of the first permanent vertebra. The sim- ilarity between these processes and those of which the vertebrae are formed clearly indicates the vertebral nature and origin of the occipital arch. From the sides of the notochord the occipital processes pass upward, fuse with the walls of the otic capsules and bend over medially to form the synotic tectum (Fig. 18, ocp). Two large jugular foramina are enclosed between the bases of the occipital processes and the posterior ends of the otic capsules. Parachordals, varying in size and extent from the narrow bands of Desmognathus (Fig. 14, p) to the complete THE CHONDROCRANIUM IN THE ICHTHYOPSIDA. 109 basilar plate of Amblystoma (Figs. 9 and 10 p), form a more or less complete floor beneath the otic portion of the brain cavity. The otic capsules are approximately oval in shape and in all cases have a median wall distinctly separating the cavity of the capsule from that of the brain. There are generally four foramina in this wall through which pass the seventh and eighth nerves and the endo- lymphatic and perilymphatic ducts. In the ventro-lateral wall of the capsule there is a large fenestra ovalis which may or may not be occupied by a stapes. When present the stapes appears first at the anterior end of the fenestra and only later, if at all, does it reach back to the posterior wall of this aperture. The stapes may be connected with the quadrate by a stapedial process. Trabeculse, either slender rods with barely enough crest to cover in the optic and oculomotor foramina as in Des- mognathus, or solid beams as in Amblystoma, connect the parachordals and otic capsules with the nasal capsules. At its posterior end there are two places at which each trabecula joins the cartilages of the otic region. Of these points of fusion, the ventral, joining the hixae of the tra- becula with the parachordal, is formed early, while the dorsal, joining the trabecular crest with the otic capsule, is a later occurrence. Anteriorly the trabeculte usually bend inward, and, fusing in the median line into an ethmoid plate, take part in the formation of somewhat complex nasal capsules. But here, again, Desmognathus, with nothing more complex than cornua trabecula3 (Fig. 14, c), proves an exception to the general rule. An antorbital process projects outward and forward from the side of the ventral margin of the trabecula be- hind the olfactory organ. In some forms it later fuses with the other parts of the nasal capsule. The variety of forms .shown by the nasal capsules of the different 110 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. species described renders it difficult to make any accurate statements in regard to these organs which shall apply to the group as a whole. More extended study may show the prevalence of a limited number of these types as is suggested by the similarity between Amblystoma and Plethodon. Quadrates, arising independently near the anterior end of the otic capsules, later become attached to the rest of the skull by three or four processes. The ascending process unites it with the trabecular crest ; the palato- basal with the parachordal ; the otic with the otic capsule ; and the stapedial process, when present, unites it with the stapes. The palato-basal and otic processes become so intimately related that the blood vessel running between them is the only line of demarcation. A pterygoid process running forward from the body of the quadrate may or may not be present. When present it ends freely in front, not coming in contact with the anterior end of the trabec- ula and nasal capsule as occurs regularly in the Anura. Ranodon forms the only known exception among the Uro- deles to this last statement. PlPA AMERICANA (FlgS. 20-21). In the single stage of the chondrocranium of Pipa which I have modelled, ossification has proceeded so far that many of the cartilages appear only as remnants of what they were earlier. A brief outline of this skull, however, may serve as a basis from which, with the aid of other studies upon the Anura, especially Gaupp's exhaus- tive work upon Rana fusca, we may contrast the chondro- cranium of this group with that of the Urodela. The occipital processes have fused with the otic cap- sules and their distal ends have developed into the synotic THE CHONDROCKANIUM IN THE ICHTHYOPSIDA. Ill tectum. The parachordals are reduced to a narrow trans- verse band immediately in front of the base of the occip- ital arch, and short lateral bands fused with the floors of the otic capsules. The greater part of the wall of the otic capsule is ossified, but enough of the lateral wall remains to show the most important relationships. In this lateral wall of the capsule, further dorsally than in the Urodele skull described, is the fenestra ovalis and in it a small stapes (Fig. 20, s) which is connected b}' a rod running forward and downward with the lateral border of the tympanic annulus (ta). The trabeculoe are small, cylindrical rods extending forward from the ventro-median angles of the anterior ends of the otic capsules and fusing in the broadly ex- panded ethmoid phite. In the median line the ethmoid plate is continued forward into the nasal septum. At the sides of the posterior end of the septum the ethmoid plate is perforated by the olfactory foramina {ol). A triangular lamina cribrosa (I) projects outward, down- ward and forward from each antero-lateral margin of the ethmoid plate. This and the septum with the connecting rods compose the nasal capsules. From the ventro-lateral margin of the lamina cribrosa (Fig. 21) a slender cartilage projects horizontally inward to beneath the inner border of the lamina where it splits into two cylindrical rods, a dorsal and a ventral. The dorsal rod {d) extends forward inward and upward to the antero-dorsal point of the septum, while the ventral rod (vjp) curves sharply inward, touches the ventral margin of the septum and then, slightly expanding in width, ter- minates in a process projecting freely forward. A small foramen for the orbito-nasalis, seen only when the skull is viewed from below (oji), passes beneath the posterior end of the lamina-cribrosa just outside the anterior end of the 112 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. trabecula. The short so-called ' palatine cartilage ' is, as has been shown by Gaupp, the homologue of the ant- orbital process of the Urodela. The quadrate is situated much nearer the posterior end of the skull than that of the Urodela described. It lies about under the middle of the lateral wall of the otic cap- sule, to which it is connected by means of a dorsal otic and a ventral palato-basal process. There is no stapedial process connecting the quadrate directly with the stapes, but, as was mentioned above, the stapes is connected with the tympanic annulus which is earlier derived from the quadrate. A slender palato-pterygoid process {ppt) projects forward from the body of the quadrate and fuses with the lateral margin of the lamina cribrosa. The rela- tively posterior position of the quadrate adds proportion- ately to the length of Meckel's cartilage. Anura and Urodela contrasted. From a general view of the chondrocrania of these two groups it is seen that, on the whole, in the Anura the width is greater in proportion to its length than in the Urodela. But since there are many very short and broad skulls among the Urodela this distinction is of little value. The closure of the cranial cavity is more complete in the An- ura, especially in the ventral region whore the basicranial fontanelle, as shown by Gaupp ('93), becomes greatly re- duced. Here, too, instead of ending freely, the pterygoid process of the quadrate is attached anteriorly to the eth- moid plate. In these two last mentioned points the Anura show more resemblance to the Selachians than do the Urodela. We may here insert a few words in regard to the ho- mologies and terminology of the cartilages which have THE CHONDROCRANIUM IN THE ICHTHTOPSIDA. 113 been variously called the ' antorbital process ' and the 'palatine cartilage.' Gaiipp ('91) maintained the homol- ogy of the ' antorbital ' of the Urodela with the palatine of the Anura. Speaking of this cartilage in Amphiuma, Kingsley ('92) said, "the lower process may retain the name, antorbital, usually applied to it, for Amphiuma presents no evidence that it is the palatine cartilage as Gaupp interprets it." In his final paper on the chondro- cranium of Rana, Gaupp ('93) repeats his former position and, stating that he uses the two terms interchangeably, comments upon the above quotation as follows : " Kings- ley scheint unter 'Palatine Cartilage ' hier etwas Besond- eres zu verstehen ; was das ist, kann ich aus seinen Angaben nicht ersehen." There seems to be no doubt as to the correctness of the homology of the cartilages as pointed out by Gaupp. The question here, however, is one of terminology and it is not to be settled by the fact that certain authors have called this cartilage the palatine, but upon the broader grounds of comparative anatomy, and here the question of priority must also be taken into account. The term palatine bone in some of its various modifications was first applied to a bone occurring in the palatal region of the Mammalia, and, in transferring the name to other classes of vertebrates, it is obligatory that it should be given only to those structures which are homologous with the palatine of mammals. That the palatine bone of the Amphibia is homologous with the palatine bone in the mammals I do not deny, but I maintain that this cartilaginous process is in no Avay a palatine process but that rather its relations are with the nasal capsule, and for the following reasons : In the mammals the palatine bone is regularly enum- erated among the membrane bones (Minot '92, inter alia) and, so far as I am aware, it has no connection with any ESSEX IN8T. BULLETIN, VOL. XXVIII 8 114 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. cartilage. To attempt to homologize a membrane bone with a cartilage is a difficult task. If, however, it be maintained that we have here a case of substitution such as exists in the roofing bones (parietals, frontals, etc.) of the cranium, in which the cartilaginous roof of the brain cavity becomes replaced by the immigration ot dermal bones, Ichthyophis throws considerable light upon the question. In this form the palatine bone (part of the maxillopalatine process of the Sarasins), which is distinct in early stages, arises, not in connection with the cartilag- inous process in question, but with the nodule of carti- lage shown in Figs. 22, 23, and 24, j9c. In Ichthyophis not only is this true cartilaginous ' palatine ' present but the antorbital process occurs as well. If we adopt the usually accepted homologies (which, however, are not beyond question) the palatine of tbe higher vertebrates is to be sought in the anterior portion of the upper jaw of the Elasmobranchs, which is accord- ingly called the palato-pterygo-quadrate or some similar terra, implying homologies with the palatine of higher forms. In these very Elasmobranchs, however, the exact homologue of this antorbital process exists, in no way connected with the upper jaw but rather as forming a part of the nasal capsule. The transformation during metamorphosis from a con- dition in which the jaw of a small suctorial mouth articu- lates with the anterior end of the pterygoid cartilage to one in which it reaches back to the body of the quadrate beneath the middle of the otic capsule is one of the most striking characteristics of the Anuran chondrocranium. Another of its distinctive features is found in the auditory apparatus. While in the Urodela the fenestra ovalis may be occupied by a cartilaginous stapes which may or may not be connected with the quadrate by a stapedial process, THE CHONDROCRANIUM IN THE ICHTHYOPSIDA. 115 in the Anura we find a much more complicated condition. The fenestra ovalis passes through important changes of form and the stapes comes into connection with a tym- panic annulus. But if the tympanic annulus was "orig- inally a postero-superior leaf cut off from the mandibular suspensorium," as stated by Parker and Bettany ('77), the fundamental similarity of the conditions in the two groups is apparent. In connection with this point Gaupp says, "Der vom Quadratum losgeloste knorpelige Annulus tympanicus scheint eine dem Anuren allein zukommende Bildung zu sein." Here, as with the Urodela, the nasal capsule offers little that is of classificatory value. The chief" points of difference between the chondrocra- nium in the two groups may be tabulated as follows : Urodela. Anura. 1. Both broad and narrow types. 1. Generally, if notalways, broad. 2. Pterygoid free in front (ex- 2. Pterygoid attached to ethmoid cept in Ranodon). plate. 3. Basi- and supra-cranial fonta- 3. Basi- and supra-cranial fonta- nelles large. nelles smaller. 4. No metamorphosis. 4. Very striking metamorphosis. 6. Auditory apparatus compara- 5. Auditory apparatus, including tively simple. the tympanic annulus, com- plex. ICHTHYOPHIS GLUTIN08US. First stage. — (Figs. 22 and 23). — The specimen from which the model for this stage was made was a young embryo still spirally coiled within its membranes. While in some places, more particularly toward the anterior end of the head, the tissue modelled is not true cartilage, the differentiation of all the parts is sufficient to cause little difficulty in distinguishing them. 116 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. The notochord occupies its usual position at the poste- rior end of the cranium ; but, as it passes forward, it bends downward so that its anterior end lies considerably be- low the general level of the cranial floor. The para- chordals are represented only by a narrow band of cartilage connecting the posterior ends of the otic capsules. In the median line the notochord is embedded in this band. At its lateral margin the parachordal band fuses with the occipital process behind and with the otic capsule in front. The dorsal end of the occipital process is fused with the otic capsule. Between these three cartilages is the jugu- lar foramen {j) . The otic capsules are longer, narrower and deeper than those of Ambly stoma, and, as is usual in the younger stages, they are comparatively widely separated. In the median wall of each capsule are two foramina, a larger anterior and a smaller posterior foramen. The ventro- lateral wall of the capsule is largely taken up by the fen- estra ovalis along the dorsal part of which lies the stapes. The stapes is continued forward into a process which reaches the posterior surface of the quadrate. This pro- cess may retain the name ' stapedial process,' although in this case it is continuous with the stapes rather than with the quadrate. The stapes is perforated in a dorso-ventral direction for the arteria perforans stapedia (Fig. 23, as). Three processes arise from the anterior end of the otic capsule. Two of these, which I shall call the dorsal {dr) and ventral {vr) trabecular rods, extend forward in the usual positions of the dorsal and ventral margins of the trabecula. The third, and relatively much shorter process is attached posteriorly to the otic capsule just below the end of the dorsal trabecular rod. Curving downward and forward it fuses with the ventral trabecular rod. In the posterior end of the ventral trabecular rod there is a small THE CHONDROCRANIUM IN THE ICHTHTOP8IDA. 117 foramen traversed by a nerve (apparently the palatine). This foramen does not appear in the later stages modelled but I am unable to give the details of the disappearance. After passing forward separately to the orbital region, the dorsal and ventral trabecular rods of each side are connected by two narrow bands of cartilage, a post- orbital {pob) and a pre-orbital {prb) between which the elongated optic foramen {of) is enclosed. Beginning in the region of the post-orbital band the dorsal and ventral trabecular rods of each side, which have thus far been approximately parallel, diverge in a horizontal direction. The dorsal rod curves first outward and then inward, giving off ventrally a plate-like lamina cribrosa near its anterior end. The two ventral rods bend inward to the median line where they unite to form a small ethmoid plate. Just behind their point of fusion each ventral rod gives off a ventro-lateral process which underlies the posterior end of the olfactory vesicle. From the anterior margin of the pre-orbital band of cartilage an antorbital process (Fig. 23, anj)) extends outward and forward to- wards the ventral portion of the lamina cribrosa. The quadrate is composed of a l)ody, and ascending and pterygoid processes. The ])ouy is small and stands out from the side of the ventral trabecular rod below the an- terior end of the ear capsule, with which it is not directly connected. The ascending process passes upward and forward and unites with the dorsal trabecular rod a little in front of the ear capsule. The pterygoid process {pt) is composed of two parts, a short proximal portion which projects forward from the body, and an isolated portion which later becomes the distal end of the process. This method of development of the pterygoid is the same as that mentioned by Gaupp ('91) for Siredon. A short dis- 118 BULLETIN or THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. tance in front of the distal portion of the pterygoid is another isolated rod of cartilage which runs in a direction diagonal to tbat of tiie pterygoid process. This is the palatine cartilage (pc). Meckel's cartilage articulates with the ventral surface of the body of the quadrate. Anteriorly the cartilages of the two sides are still separated. They project backward behind the point of articulation with the quadrate nearly as far as the posterior end of the stapes (a). Second stage. — (Figs. 24-26). — The parachordals and occipital processes are in the same condition as before, there being no trace of the formation of a synotic tectum. The notochord has entirely disappeared from the head region. The median wall of the otic capsule is more com- plete than it was in the first stage (Fig. 25). What was then the large anterior foramen is now divided into a dorsal foramen for the endolymphatic duct (ef) and a large ventral foramen for the auditory and facial nerves. The floor of the capsule is now composed of a median and a more lateral rod between which a fontanelle is enclosed. The stapes and fenestra ovalis are in the same condition as in the preceding stage. The rod described in the first stage as connecting the anterior end of the otic capsule with the ventral trabecular rod now has a nearly vertical direction, the ventral end being relatively more posterior in position than before. As far forward as the orbital region there are no other noteworthy changes. In the nasal region, howevei', im- portant changes have occurred. Instead of the trans- versely expanded nasal region of the earlier stage, we now find the anterior ends of the dorsal trabecular rods folded inward toward the nasal septum and forming a roof over the sides of the olfactory organs. By this movement the THE CHONDROCKANIUM IN THE ICHTHY0P8IDA. 119 lamina cribrosa is brought into its usual position. Its distal end is fused with that of the antorbital process thus enclosing the orbito-nasal foramen (Figs. 24 and 26, ofi). The ethmoid plate is larger in both directions than in the first stage, and in the median line upon its anterior half arises the nasal septum (ns) . In front, upon the sides of the base of the septum, the ethmoid plate terminates in short free processes. The nasal septum is divided anteriorly into three parts, a short median process which projects freely forward, and two lateral bands which curve forward and outward. At its most anterior point each of these bands divides into a dorsal and a ventral process. These extend backvvard along the lateral surface of the olfactory organ and fuse with the outer end of the cartilage men- tioned in the first stage as arising from near the anterior end of the ventral trabecular rod. Where these three processes meet a plate of cartilage is formed which lies below the lamina cribrosa and is connected with it l)y a short narrow band. No tectal cartilage is formed in the chondrocranium of Ichthyophis. As a result of ossification the ascending process of the quadrate has lost its cartilaginous connection with the dor- sal trabecular rod (Fig. 24), and the parts of the ptery- goid process are now united into one continuous rod. The body of the quadrate remains essentially unchanged, it having neither otic nor palato-basal process. The two cartilages of Meckel are now confluent in front, and the palatine cartilage still remains isolated from the rest of the chondrocranium. It appears that the ancestors of the Batrachia had a palato-pterygo-quadrate cartilage similar to that found in sharks. Of these cartilages the Urodeles as a rule retain only the pterygoid and quadrate portions. The Cfecilians have these two parts and an isolated pala- tine portion, while in the Anura all three parts are united 120 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. in one rod which is joined in front to the antorbital process. The C^cilian Chondrocranium. There are two views according to which the Ceecilians are related to Amphiuma. According to one — the theory of Cope ('89*) — the Caeciliaus are the extreme of a line of degeneration from the typical Urodele stock and Am- phiuma is one of the intermediates of the series nearest to the Gymnophiona. Indeed, Cope goes so far as to make the Csecilians merely a family of the Urodeles. The other view is that of the cousins Sarasin who hold that Am- phiuma is a neotenic Caicilian, a larval Csecilian become sexually mature while retaining their branchial respiration. According to the first view Amphiuma, and to a less extent the rest of the Urodeles, must be ). A small isolated plate of cartilage (tc) occupies the middle of the supracranial fontanelle, a remnant, as Pollard suggests, of a primitively complete tegmen cranii. The nasal capsule consists of a large cavity enclosed by simple, broad plates of cartilage. Its floor and roof are con- nected by a tall septum medially and two bands laterally. The posterior of these two bands marks the boundary be- tween nasal capsule and cranial cavity. There are three large apertures in the capsule walls : behind, the olfactory foramen ; in front, the foramen for the nasal duct (nl) ; and between them a third in the lateral wall. Besides these there are two small foramina in the border of the nasal roof, the 'canalis ethmoidalis' (ec) and the 'canalis pre- orbitalis ' {pre). Dorsally these two are connected by a deep groove. The anterior end of the palato-pterygo-quadrate car- tilage {ppt) is applied to the ventro-lateral surface of the nasal capsule. From here it passes backward as a broad- ening band to a point beneath the outer wall of the otic capsule and the hyomandibular cartilage. In passing from in front backward it twists from an approximately hori- zontal to a nearly vertical plane. The Trout {8ahno fontinalis) , (Figs. 28-29). For a representative of the Teleostean skull I have modelled the chondrocranium of a trout embryo twenty- two mm. in length. The occipital arch is fused with the THE CHONDROCRANIUM IN THE ICHTHYOPSIDA. 125 otic capsules leaving no suggestion of their former sepa- ration, except in the jugular foramina (Fig. 29 j). The notochord extends forward beyond the middle of the otic region. Its sides are embraced by the two halves of the basilar plate. At its apex it projects freely forward for a short distance. Except for a small fontanelle (/} , the bas- ilar plate is continuous with the walls of the otic capsules which are united above by a broad, arched synotic tec- tum. The positions of the semicircular canals are clearly indicated in the external surface of the otic capsules. No median wall separates the cavity of the ear from that of the brain. In front and a little below the jugular fora- men there is another smaller foramen through which the ninth nerve {ix) passes out of the cranium. Farther for- ward there are three more apertures in the ventral wall of the capsule. The posterior of these is the fontanelle men- tioned above. The middle one of the three is small and is traversed by the hyomandibular branch of the facial nerve {hy) . The anterior foramen is for the exit of a branch of the jugular vein (jv). The basilar plate is continued forward into a trabecula upon either side. These extend separately to a point in front of the hypophysis and then unite along the median line in a narrow tral)ecular band. This baud has the shape of an inverted trough and reaches to the anterior end of the skull, expanding in the nasal region into the ethmoid plate which forms the floor of the nasal capsules. The palatine branch of the seventh nerve (Fig. 28,paZ) passes downward through a foramen in the posterior end of the trabecula. Two slender supraorbital bands {sh) arise from the anterior ends of the otic capsules and curve forward and inward, until about half way from the otic to the nasal region, where they enter the margins of the arched tegmen cranii which covers the anterior end of the 126 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. cranial cavity. This cranial roof is fused anteriorly with the dorsal end of the nasal septum (Fig. 28, ns.) In its anterior end there are three apertures, a median fontanelle and two small lateral foramina, through each of which passes a branch of the ophthalmicus superficialis (rs). A band of cartilage connecting the tegmen cranii and the dorsal end of the septum with the lateral border of the ethmoid plate separates the nasal region from the cranial cavity. There is no cartilaginous roof or lateral wall to the nasal capsule. The septum is thick and slightly ex- panded dorsally and in front where it ends bluntly. The anterior end of the pterygo-quadrate cartilage is applied to the ventro-lateral margin of the ethmoid plate. From here it extends backward as a slender rod to be- neath the anterior end of the otic capsule where it broad- ens into an irregular plate with an articular process ventrally for the attachment of Meckel's cartilage. Its posterior end is connected with the otic capsule by means of the plate-like hyomandibular cartilage (h). The dor- sal margin of this cartilage, the hyomandibular, lies closely pressed against the external surface of the otic capsule just beneath the horizontal canal. It is broad and thin above and narrower and thicker below. From its ventral end a long rod-like process runs forward be- neath the posterior end of the pterygo-quadrate, reaching almost to the point of articulation with Meckel's cartilage. The hyomandibular branch of the seventh nerve passes through a foramen just above the middle of this cartilage The Chondrocranium in the Fishes. The chondrocrania of the two types of this group which have been described have many features in com- mon, and it seems probable that a comparison of corres- THE CHONDKOCRANIUM IN THE ICHTHYOPSIDA. 127 ponding stages in the development of the two forms would show a still more marked similarity. The otic capsules are connected dorsally by a solid synotic tectum and ven- trally by an unbroken basilar plate formed by the fusion of the parachordals aroiind the anterior end of the uoto- chord. The median wall of the otic capsule is either ab- sent or but slightly developed. Neither fenestra ovalis nor stapes occurs. The trabecule unite ventrally into a median band in front of the hypophysis and continue forward to the end of the skull. At its anterior end the trabecular band broadens out into the ethmoid plate which forms the floor of the nasal capsules. Supraorbital bands extend for- ward from the anterior ends of the otic capsules to the lateral margins of the tegmen cranii which roofs over the anterior portion of the brain cavity. The palato-pterygo-quadrate cartilage extends from the lateral margin of the ethmoid plate backward to beneath the anterior end of the otic capsule. Its posterior end is supported to a greater or less degree by the ventral end of the hyomandibular cartilage which has its dorsal end closely applied against the outer wall of the otic capsule. Meckel's cartilage articulates with the ventral surface of the quadrate portion of the palato-pterygo-quadrate car- tilage. In discussing the relations of Polypterus to the Batra- chia, Pollard said, "On comparing the primordial cranium of a young Polypterus with that of Urodeles, the general resemblance is seen to be so ofreat that an anatomist see- ing it alone for the first time would certainly place it among the latter." Considering the features which dis- tinguish the chondrocranium of Polypterus in common with the rest of the Fishes from that of the Batrachia, as outlined in the preceding pages, so great a similarity can 128 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. hardly be admitted to exist. The great similarity pointed out above between the skulls of Polypterus and the trout and the many points in which they differ from the typical skull of the Batrachia cause me to feel considerable hesi- tancy about accepting the theory of the Crossopterygian ancestry of the Batrachia. But, while the presence in Polypterus of a large hyomandibular cartilage, a quadrate well removed from the otic capsule and a strong supraor- bital band, as well as the absence of any fenestra ovalis or stapes, will remain important obstacles to this view until transitional stages are found, perhaps these difficul- ties are less than those attending the Dipnoan theory. Attention may also be called to the fact that in Polypterus there is a limited median capsular wall, which is not found in either the trout or Protopterus but which regularly occurs in the Batrachia. Protopterus annectens (Figs. 30-32). A model of the chondrocranium of Protopterus gives us a basis from which to compare the Dipnoi on the one hand with the Batrachia, to which they have been consid- ered to be closely related, and on the other to the Teleosts and Ganoids. Viewed as a whole the massive character of many of the cartilages of this skull is a most striking feature. Ossification in the occipital region somewhat obscures the relations between the skull and the first vertebra. The occipital processes are fused with the otic capsules leaving large jugular foramina in the usual position. The remnant of the notochord is imbedded in a solid parachordal plate extending from the posterior end of the skull forward to the middle of the otic region. On each side of the me- dian line at the anterior end of the parachordal plate is an THE CHONUKOCRANIUM IN THE ICHTHYOPSIIM. 129 elongate fontanelle (Fig. 32,/). The walls of the otic cap- sules are continuous ventrally with the parachordal plate and dorsally with a strong synotic tectum. From the ex- ternal margin of the otic capsule a broad ledge of cartilage projects horizontally outward, widening as it passes from behind forward where it terminates abruptly. There is no median capsular wall. Band-like trabeculse extend forward along the sides of the brain from the dorsal anterior end of the otic capsules to the optic region where they bend around ventrally to form a large ethmoid plate. From the dorsal margin of the anterior end of each trabecula a peculiarly bent antorbital process (^anp) arises. It projects forward and outward, coming into close proximity to, but not fusing with the posterior end of the nasal capsule, and then it bends back- ward, running along the margin of the upper lip. The ethmoid plate narrows down in passing from behind for- ward, and terminates in two processes which bend sharply upward and fuse with the posterior end of the nasal septum. Between these two terminal processes there is an oval fontanelle. The nasal capsule is a very peculiar one. The septum is a thin dorsal plate behind, l)ut in front it becomes a solid cylindrical mass of cartilage projecting ventrally between the olfactory organs. The transition from one condition to the oti)er is very abrupt. In front the septum ends in two short laterally directed processes. Six bands of cartilage extend outward and downward from the me- dian septum to a curved marginal band (?«r). Between these bands five apertures of various shapes and sizes are enclosed. The anterior of the six transverse bands pro- jects somewhat beyond its point of fusion with the mar- ginal band. As is seen in the ventral view (Fiii;. 32) a curved process extends inward and upward from the inner ESSEX INST. BULLETIN, VOL. XXVIII 9 130 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. border of the marginal band. Its dorsal end is free. Just in front of the bend of the antorbital process is an isolated strip of cartilage occupying a diagonal position, one end being dorso-medial and the other ventro-lateral. A small cylindrical rod (tc) extends backward in the median line from the posterior end of the nasal septum and ends freely above the brain, a remnant of the ancestrally complete tegmen cranii. The quadrate has its base firmly fused with the otic capsule and trabecula. It is a solid mass projecting down- ward and forward, and presents upon its anterior end a large articular surface for the enormous posterior end of Meckel's cartilage (Fig. 30). Except for a short distance in front of its point of articulation, Meckel's cartilage is of only ordinary size. There are upon each side of the lower jaw three labial cartilages (Ic). As shown in the figure the posterior of these is separated from the jaw and divided into two parts, but this occurred upon the right side only. By mistake the anterior end of the lower jaw was drawn nearly straight instead of curved sharply upward as it should have been. The ninth nerve {ix) passes out through a small fora- men a short distance in front of the jugular foramen. Five foramina grouped about the anterior end of the otic capsule open upon the dorso-lateral surface of the skull. I have designated the nerves passing through these fo- ramina in accordance with the work of Pinkus ('94). The third nerve passes through a small foramen (Fig. 30, oc) near the dorsal margin of the trabecula. Just below the foramen for the third is a larofer one for the ramus ophthalmicus profundus of the fifth (77;), and still lower is another for the ramus maxillaris of the fifth {rm). A short distance behind this foramen are the openings of the other two lying close together, one above the other. The THE CHONDKOCRANIUM IN THE ICHTHYOPSIDA. 131 more dorsal of the two is tniversed by two nerves, the ramus lateralis facialis of the seventh (rl) and the ramus ophthalmicus superticialis of the fifth (rs). The more ventral foramen is for a blood vessel (b) . Three foramina open upon the ventral surface of the skull in this same region (Fig. 32). Of these the anterior and smallest is for the ramus palatinus superior (I'ps). Tiie other two openings are close together. The more median is for the main trunk of the seventh (v^'^) and the ramus palatinus inferior (lyi). The more lateral open- ing is the ventral end of the foramen for the blood vessel mentioned above. The Chondrocranium in the Dipnoi. A comparison of the chondrocranium of Protopterus with those of the Batrachia and Fishes at once reveals its unique character. While resembling the typical chondro- cranium of each of these groups in some respects, taken as a whole it is very diflerent from either. The large otic capsule, with thick walls and separate foramen for the ninth nerve, and without a median wall or fenestra ovalis, greatly reseml)les the capsule of Fishes. But the sus- pensorial apparatus is entirely diflerent from that of most Fishes and very similar to that of the Batrachia, that is to say, it is autostylic. According to Huxley ('76) this condition is also found in the Chimasroids and Marsipo- branchii, but in none of the other Fishes. This is un- doubtedly the strongest point of resemblance between the chondrocrania of the Dipnoi and Batrachia. And here the theory of the Dipnoan ancestry of the Batrachia is decidedly at an advantage over the Crossopterygian theory. But this similarity of the otic relations of the quadrate in these two forms is counterbalanced by difler- 132 BULLETIN or THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. ences in other respects. The absence of a palato-ptery- goid cartilage is an especially noteworthy feature in this connection which indicates the highly specialized nature of this skull and renders it impossible to consider it a very near approach to the ancestral Batrachian skull. The trabeculse are unlike both those of the Fishes and those of the Batrachia. When their posterior ends are compared with the chondrocranium of the former group they seem rather to represent the supraorbital bands, arising as they do from the antero-dorsal surface of the otic capsules. But in passing forward, instead of curv- ing up over the eye as supraorbital bands should do, they curve downward and fuse at their anterior ends into an ethmoid plate very much as occurs in the Batrachia. The antorbital process arises from the dorsal margin of the trabecula, a condition found in none of the other forms studied ; and the ethmoid plate, instead of continuing forward to form a floor beneath the nasal capsules, as is the general method in both Fishes and Batrachia, curves sharply upward at its anterior end and fuses with the dor- sally situated posterior end of the nasal septum. The possession of a remnant of the tegmen cranii is another fish-like character. As was mentioned in the discussion of the chondro- cranium of Necturus, there is some resemblance between the nasal capsules of that form and those of Protopterus. But, in view of the differences between the nasal capsules of the various forms of Urodeles themselves and consid- ering the many important points of difference in other parts of the skull, it seems to me an entirely unwarrant- able conclusion to assume any phyletic relationship be- tween these two forms upon this account. Giinther has described the skull of Ceratodus as consisting " of a completely closed inner cartilaginous THE CHONDROCRANIUM IN THE ICHTHYOPSIDA. 133 capsule and an outer incomplete osseous case, to which, again, some other cartilaginous elements are appended." From this description and from the fact that a cartilage considered to be a remnant of the hyomandihular has been found in Ceratodus it seems prol^able that the chon- drocranium of this form resembles that of the Fishes more than does that of Protopterus. But the evidence from the chondrocranium of Protopterus, in so far as it may be con- sidered to have value in determining the position of the Dipnoi as a whole, appears to me to be entirely in agree- ment with the conclusion of W. N. Parker that, " it is certainly inadvisable to retain the Dipnoi among the Fishes, as is still done by some zoologists, and it would be still more undesirable to place them with the Amphi- bia." It is to be remembered, however, that Protopterus is one of the more specialized forms of the group. Postscript. Since the foregoing article passed into the hands of the printer a paper by Miss Platt^ has appeared which deals with the development of the cartilaginous skull of Nectu- rus, giving special attention to the origin of the procar- tilage cells. In the main our results in regard to the fully chondritied parts entirely agree. Miss Piatt finds, how- ever, that in Necturus the number of cartilages arising independently is considerably larger than that desonl)ed above for Amblystoma. Of these the synotic tectum ('tectum interoccipitale'), the trabecular crest, and the ethmoid ('internasal ') plate are of particular interest ■ Piatt, J. B. The development of the cartilaginous skull and of the brauchlal and hypoglossal musculature In Necturus. Morph. Jahrbuch. xxv, p. :fJT. 1897. 134 BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. from the fact that I have not found them to appear as in- dependent cartilages in any of the forms studied. This may, in some cases, be due to the fact that the inde- pendent condition is limited to the pro-cartilage stages or to the incompleteness of my series of embryos. But I feel confident that the parts mentioned do not appear as independent cartilages in Amblystoma. The existence of such a condition as that shown in Fig. 18, where there is no sign of cartilage near the median line, and the appear- ance of a complete tectum in an embryo but little older form the basis of my conclusions in regard to the synotic tectum. My evidence as to the formation of the trabecu- lar crests and the ethmoid plate is of the same nature and shows them to be outgrowths from the primitive trabeculse. BIBLIOGRAPHY. '40 Bischoff, Th. Lepidosiren paradoxa. Ann. Sci. Nat. 1840. '86 Cope, E. D. On the structure and affinities of the Amphiu- midse. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. XXIII, 1886. '89 Cope, E. D. On the relations of the hyoid and otic elements of the skeleton in the Batrachia. Jour. Morphol. II. 1889. 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II. Phil. Trans. Vol. 166, f. 1876. '81 Parker, W. K. On the structure and development of the skull in the Batrachia. Pt. III. Phil. Trans. Vol. 172 f. 1881. London 1882. '82 Parker, W. K. On the structure and development of the skull in sturgeons. Phil. Trans. 173. 1882. '82» Parker, W. K. On the development of the skull inLepidos- teusosseus. Phil. Trans. Vol. 173. 1882. '78 Parker, "W. K. On the structure and development of the skull in sharks and skates. Trans. Zool. Soc. X. 1878. '77 Parker, W. K. and Bettany, G. T. The morphology of the skull. London 1877. '92 Parker, W. N. On the anatomy and physiology of Protop- terus annectens. Trans. Roy. Irish Acad. XXX. 1892. '94 Pinkus, F. Die Hirnnerven des Protopterus annectens. Morphol. Arbeiten v. G. Schwalbe. IV. 1894. '93 Piatt, J. B. Ectodermic origin of the cartilages of the head. Anat. Anz. VIII. 1893. Also in Tufts College Studies No. I. 1898. '94 Piatt, J. B. Ontogenetische Differenzirung des Ektoderms in Necturus. Arch, f . mikr. Anat. XLIII. 1894. THE OHONDROCRANIUM IN THK ICHTHYOPSIDA . 137 *ni Polliiril, H. B. Oil the anatomy and phylogenetic jiositirm of Polypterus. Zool. Jahrb. V. 1891. '94 Pollard, H. B. The suspeusioii of the ja\vs in Hsh. Annt. Adz. X. 1894. '95 Pollard, H. B. Ueber Labialknorpcl. VerlKuifll. Anat. G. ^ell. 9 Vers, in Basel. 1895. "39 Fiathke, H. Bemerkiincen iibcli:i- dels. Zeits. wiss. Zool. XXXVI. 18H1. *'8l' Stohr, Ph. Zur Entwicklungsgeschiclite des Teleosticr- Schadels. Festschrift zur Feier des .300 jiihrigen Beste- hens der Universitiit \V^»rzburg. Leipzig !«?<-'. '71 Traquair. On the cranial osteology of Polypterus. .lour. Anat. and Phys. V. 1871. B88EX INST. BULLKTIN, VOL. XXVIll 1<> 138 BULLEIIN OF THE FiSSEX INSTITUTE, '90 Villy, F. The development of the ear and accessory organs in the common frog. Quar. Jour. Mic. Sci. XXX 1^90. *'73 Violik, ,T. A. Stndien uber die Verknocherung iind ilie Knochen des Schadels der Teleostier. Niederl. Archiv f. Zool. I. 1873. '77 Wiederslieim, K. Das Kopfskelet der Urodelen. Morph. Jahrl). III. 1877. "79 Wiedersheim, R. Die Anatomic der Gymnophionen. Jena 1879. '80 Wiedersheim, R. Das Skelet von Pleurodeles watlii. Je- naische Zeits. XIY. 1880. '80 Wiederslieim, R. Das Skelet and Nerveusystem von Lepi- dosiren annectens. Jena. Zeits. XIV. 1880. '93 Wiedersheim, R. Lehrbnch der vergleichenden Anatomic. 3 Aufl. Jena 1893. '92 Wilder, H. H. Die Nasengegend von Menopoma allegha- niense uiid Amphiuma tridactylmn. Zool. Jalirb. V. 1892. '91 Wilder, H. H. A contribntion to the anatomy of Siren laccr- tina. Zool. Jahrh. IV. 1891. '93 White, V. J. The skull and visceral skeleton of the Green- land shark, Laemargus niicrocephalus. Trans. Koy. Soc. Edinbnrg. XXXVII. 1893. EXPLANATION OF THE FIGURES. REFERENCE LEFTERS. a. Angular process. a n p. Antorbital process. a p. Ascending process. a s. Arteria perforans stapcdia. 6 Foramen for blood vessel. /) 0. Basi-occipital cartilage. h q. Body of quadrate. c. ("oi iHi irabecula). d. Dorsal nasal process. dp. Descending process of <)uadrate. d r. Dorsal trabecular rod. * Not Bi'cn. THE CHONDROOKANIIJM IN THK ICH IHYOI'.-I DA. W.) p. Ethmoid plate, e f. Ethmoid canal. e f. Endolymphiitic foiaineii. /". Foutanelle. f I). FeiK'Stra ovali.«. //. Hyomandibiilar cartilaire. // //. Foramen tor hyoniandibiilMi liram-li of srvcnlh hfive. / .'•. Foramen for ninth nerve. ./• .higular foramen. ./' '■• Foramen for branch of jntrnlar vein. 1. I,aniin;i cril)rosa. Jr. Labial cartilage. J a r. Lateral occipital crest. m. Meckel's cartilaiie. m r. Marginal rod. n. Notochord. n c. Na.sal capsule. n i. Foramen for branch of nasalis internus n 1. Nostril. II s. Nasal septum. (>. Otic capsule. f> c. Oculomotor foramen. n r, J). Occipital process. n f. Optic foramen. o I. Olfactory foramen. 0 n. Orbito-nasal foramen. 0 p. Otic process. P- Parachordal. p a I. Palatine foramen. ph. Palato-basal process. I> '■• Palatine cartilage. Pf- Perilympliatic foramen. p (1 b Postorbital band. ppt. Palato-pterygo-fiuadrate cartilage. p r h. Preorbital band. I> r r. Preorbital canal. pt. Pterygoid process. Quadrate. 140 BULLETIN OF THK ESSEX IN8TITUTK. r. liostrum. r I. Foramen for ramus lateralis facialis of the seventh nerve. /• m. Foramen for ramus maxillaris of fifth nerve. r n. Foramen for ramus mandibularis of fifth nerve. r p. Foramen for ramus ophthalmicus profundus of fifth nerve, r p i. Foramen for ramus palatinns inferior. r p a. Foramen for ramus palatinus superior. /• H. Foramen for ramus ophthalmicus superficialis of fifth. s. Stapes. s h. Supraorbital band. sp. Stapedial process. s t. Synotic tectum. s u. Support of balancer. t. Trabecula. t a. Tympanic annul us. * c. TegMien cranii. t e. Tectal cartilage. t, m. Taenia tecti medialis. tr c. Trabecular crest. V. Foramen for branch of fifth nerve. vii. Foramen for branch of seventh nerve. viii. Foramen for branch of eighth nerve. V 2). Ventral nasal process. 0 r. Ventral trabecular rod. EXPLANATION OF PLATP^. Fig. 1. Side view of model from Amblyntoma punctata, ten ram. long. Fig. 2. Dorsal view of same. Fig. 3. Dorsal view of modeMromAmblystotna punctata, eleven mm. long. Fig. 4. Side view of model from Amblystoma punctata, twelve mm. long. Fig. 5. Dorsal view of same. Fig. (J. Ventral view of same. Fig. 7. Dorso-median view of otic capsule of same. Fig. S. Side view of model from Amhlystoina je.ffersoniaaa, thirty- nine mm. long. Fiii. y. Dorsal view of same. 140 BULLETIN OF THK ESSEX INSTITUTK. r. Uostrmn. r I. Foramen foi* ramus lateralis facialis iif the seventh nerve. r m. Foramen for ramns maxillaris of fifth nerve. r n. Foramen for ramus mandibularis of fifth nerve. r p. Foramen for ramus ophthalmicus profundus of fifth nerve. 7' p i. Foramen for ramus palatinns inferior. r p s. Foramen for ramus palatinus superior. r s. Foramen for ramus ophthalmicus superficial! s of fifth. s. Stapes. s b. Supraorbital hand. sp. Stapedial process. s t. Synotic tectum. s n. Support of balancer. t. Trabecula. t a. Tympanic annuUis. t c. Tegmeu cranii. t e. Tectal cartilage. t in. Taenia tecti medialis. tr c. Trabecular crest. V. Foramen for branch of fifth nerve. vii. Foramen for branch of seventh nerve. viii. Foramen for branch of eighth nerve. V p. Ventral na.sal process. V r. Ventral trabecular rod. EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Fig. 1. Side view of model from Amblystoma punctata, ten mm. long. Fig. 2. Dorsal view of same. Fig. 3. Dorsal view of •inoAel fromAmblyatoniapunctata, eleven mm. long. Fig. 4. Side view of model from Amblyatoma punctata, twelve mm. long. Fig. 5. Dorsal view of same. Fig. (). Ventral view of same. Fig. 7. Dorso-midian view of otic capsule of same. Fig. 8. Side view of model from Amhlyntoma jeffersoniaiia, thirty- nine mm. long. Fiii. 9. Dorsal view of same. SIX INSTITITI !•■. ISUl, I, F.TIN, \0r,. XXVIII. ESSEX INSTITIITE BtlLLETIX, \f>L. XWIII. I I S*K\ IXSTITl'TR liULI.KTIX, V(ll.. XXVIII. 7i FiG 26 THK CHONDKOCKANIUM IN PIIK K^HTIl VOFSIDA. 141 Fis;. 10. Vfiitral view of same. Fig. 11. Median view of otic capsule of same. Fii;-. 12. Dorsal view of model from Amhlyittotaa punctata, sixty-nine mm. louK- Fig. i;^. Ventral view of same. Fig. 14. Dorsal view of model from Desiaognathus fimra. twenty mm. long. Fig. 15. Dorsal view of model of nasal capsules from Plellnxlou glutinosum, twenty mm. long. Fig. Kj. Dorsal view of model from yprturus maculatus, forty-live mm. long. Fig. 17. Side view of model from young Amphinma nxenns. Fig. 18. Dorsal view of same. Fig. 19. Ventral view of model from older Amphinma. Fig. 20. Dorsal view of model from Pipa americana. Fig. 21. Ventral view of nasal region of same. Fig. 22. Dor.sal view of model from young Ichthijapldx gUttinosus. Fig. 23. Ventral view of same. Fig. 24. Side view of model from older Irhthyophis glutiuosus. Fig. 25. .Median view of otic region of same. Fig. 2(;. Dorsal view of nasal capsules of same. Fig. 27. Side view of model from young Poli/ptcrus bichir. Fig. 28. Side view of model from trout twenty-two mm. long. Fig. 29. Ventral view of same. Fig. 30. Side view of model from young Protupltrus anntcttns. (See text, p. 130, for error in shape of Meckel's cartilage.) Fig. 31. Dorsal view of same. Fig. 32. Ventral view of same. I