HARVARD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OF THE Museum of Comparative Zoology BULLETIN MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY HARVARD COLLEGE, IN CAMBRIDGE. VOL. II. Nos. 1-5. CAMBRIDGE, MAS?., U. S. A. 1870-1871. Reprinted with the permission of the original publisher KRAUS REPRINT CORPORATION New York 1967 Printed in U.S.A. CONTENTS. Pace No. 1. — On the Eared Seals (Otariadae), with detailed Descriptions of the North Pacific Species. By J. A. Allen. Together with an Account of the Habits of the Northern Fur Seal (Callorhinus ursinus). By Charles Bryant. (3 Plates) I I. Introduction ........... 1 1. Re'sume of recent Contributions to the Natural History of the Otariadae .4 2. On the Affinities, distinctive Characters, and Synonymy of the Family Otariadffi, with Remarks on sexual, age, and individual Variation, and a Conspectus of the Genera and Species, etc. 19 Habits 36 On the Genera and Species ....... 37 Geographical Distribution ...... 42 3. On the North Pacific Species of Otariadse .... 45 II. On the Habits of the Northern Fur Seal (Callorhinus ursinus Gray), with a Description of the Pribyloff Group of Islands. By Captain Charles Bryant. "With Notes by J. A. Allen ... 89 No. 2. — Preliminary Report on the Crustacea, dredged in the Gulf Stream in the Straits of Florida. By L. F. de Pourtai.es, Assist. U. S. Coast Survey. Part I. Brachyura, prepared by Dr. William Stimpson . 109 No. 3. — On the Mammals and Winter Birds of Fast Florida, with an Ex- amination of certain assumed specific Characters in Birds, and a Sketch of the Bird Faunce of Eastern North America. By J. A. Allen. (5 Plates) 161 Introduction . . . . , 161 I. The topographical, climatic, and faunal Characteristics of East Florida 163 II. List of the Mammals of East Florida, with Annotations . . . 16S III. On Individual and Geographical Variation among Birds, considered in Respect to its bearing upon the Value of certain assumed specific Characters 186 IV CONTENTS. 1. [ndividnal Variation ........ 187 Individual Variation in general Size and in the relative Size of different Parts 197 Variations in the Size and Form of the Bill, Wing, etc. re- sulting from Age 226 General Remarks on Individual Variation . . . 228 Climatic Variation 229 Species, Varieties, and Geographical Races . . . 243 IV. List of the Winter Birds of East Florida, with Annotations . . 250 The Origin of the Domestic Turkey ...... 343 V. On the Geographical Distribution of the Birds of Eastern North America, with special Reference to the Numbcrand Circumscription of the Ornithological Faunae . ....... 375 1. Introductory Remarks ........ 375 2. The Natural Provinces of the North American Temperate Ecu ion . 384 3. The Ornithological Faunre of the Eastern Province of the North American Temperate Region ..... 3S7 The Faunas of the Eastern province considered in Reference to the Distribution of Mammals and Reptiles . . . 404 4. The Ornithological Districts of the North American Temperate Region 406 5. On the Ornithological Range of the Species . . . 407 General Remarks on the Distribution and Migration of the Birds of the Eastern Province ...... 418 Appendix to Part V. List of Authorities . . . 426 No. 4. — Directions for Dredging. Drawn up by L. F. de Pourtales, Assist. ET. S. Coast Survey ........ 451 No 5. — Appendix to the Preliminary Report (Bulletin No. 9, Vol. I) on the Echini collected by L. F. de Pourtales. By Alexander Agassiz 455 No. 1. — On the Eared Seals (Otariad.e), with detailed Descrip- tions of the North Pacific Species, by J. A. Allen. Together with an Account of the Habits of the Northern Fur Seal (Cal- lorhinus ursinus), by Charles Bryant. I. Introduction. The specimens on which the present essay is mainly based were collected by Captain Charles Bryant, at St. Paul's Island, one of the Pribyloff Group, situated near the coast of Alaska, and by him kindly presented to the Museum of Comparative Zoology. They consist of two perfect skins and two complete ligamentary skeletons of the Eumetopias Stelleri Peters, and six perfect skins, four complete ligamentary ski de- tons and two partial skeletons of Callorhinus ursinus Gray. The skins were sent preserved in salt, and arrived in excellent condition. The specimens of Callorhinus ursinus represent both sexes of this species and the young, both in skins and skeletons ; while the notes kindly fur- nished by Captain Bryant give a minute account of its habits. A summer's residence at the Pribyloff Islands, as government supervisor of the seal fisheries, has given Captain Bryant an opportunity of be- coming thoroughly familiar with the habits of these interesting animals, and the description lie has given of them shows that he made a good use of his opportunites. His notes, given in full, form part second of the present paper. In addition to the specimens collected by Captain Bryant, I am indebted to the Smithsonian Institution and the Chicago Academy of Sciences for the opportunity of examining skulls of Zalo- phus Gillespii and Otaria jubata. I have also in this connection to make acknowledgments to Dr. Theodore Gill of Washington for various suggestions and other acts of kindness. The only previous account of tiie Northern fur seal which lias any great importance is that given by Steller, nearly a century and a quar- ter ago, and the observations of Krasheninikoff, published a few years later in his History of Kamtcliatka. Krasheninikoff's account, how- ever, was doubtless wholly or mainly derived from Steller's note-. The remarkable accuracy of Steller's account, considering the time when it VOL. II. 1 Z BULLETIN OF THE was written, is fully confirmed by Captain Bryant, who seems to have been the first naturalist who lias bad an opportunity of verifying Steller's observations. Tbe history of this species is now far more fully known than that of any of its congeners, and better in fact than the majority of our hest known mammals. A remarkable similarity of habits, how- ever, so far as known, seems to pervade the whole group of eared seals. — a similarity which in many respects extends also to the wal- rus and tbe sea elephant (Mixcrorhinus elephantinus). As matter of collateral interest, for comparison with the account given by Captain Bryant of the species so fully described by him, the principal notices of the habits of the other species of the family have been cited as foot- notes to Captain Bryant's article, and occasional abstracts are given of those most pertinent to the subject. Through the important labors of Messrs. Gray, Gill, and Peters our knowledge of the Otariadce has recently been greatly increased ; yet not a single species of the family has been hitherto very satisfac- torily known. Regarding the able essays of these gentlemen published in 1866 as representing the state of our knowledge of these animals five years since, their somewhat discrepant opinions respecting the number of known species, their distinctive characters, and their mutual affinities sufficiently indicate how imperfectly they were then known. A comparatively large number of specimens of the Olaria jubata has since been received at different scientific museums, which, with the facts obtained from persons who have recently been able to observe this species in its natural haunts, have served to render it, up to the present writing, the best known of any of the family. The number of specimens formerly possessed by naturalists having been very small, and the sex, age, and habitat of the individuals they repre- sented being generally but vaguely known, the unusually great differ- ences resulting from individual variation, as well as from sex and age, which recent developments prove to exist in these animals, remained for a long time unsuspected, and are even now, it would seem, not fully appreciated by the few naturalists who alone have given them special attention. Hence there has arisen in many cases an almost unparalleled complication of synonomy and an unusually large number of nominal species.* * The synonomy of Olaria jubata, for example, embraces no less than fifteen distinct speeiii • hi: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 3 The collection of skins and skeletons above mentioned of two of the North Pacific species which has recently been received at the Museum of Comparative Zoology throws much light not only upon these species but also upon several of the others. The investigation of this material has led the writer to an examination of the whole group, the results of which are herewith presented. Dr. J. E. Gray and others have recently made known the fact that great differences in the form of the skull in Otaria jitbata result from differences in age. Also the existence of remarkably great sexual difference in size has been long established ; whilst Professor Peters, of Berlin, has recently pointed out extraordinary variations in the den- tition of Zalophus Gillespil. The specimens of Callorhinus ursinm and Eumctopias SteUeri in the Museum of Comparative Zoology show that greater and more radical differences even in the osteological char- acters than those previously known are to be expected in all the species. The two adult male skulls of the Eumctopias SteUeri, for instance, dif- fer from each other so much in form that, if their habitat was not pre- cisely known and the evidence of their co-specific relationship unques- tionable, one might well be excused for regarding them as belonging to distinct species ; and the same is true of the two adult male skulls of Cal- lorhinus ursinus. These specimens also show that some of the characters that have been relied on most frequently as affording generic distinc- tion?,— as the form of the palatal surface of the intermaxillaries and of the hinder edge of the palatal bones, — vary so much, not only with age, but in specimens of the same age, that no given form of these parts can be regarded as affording even reliable specific characters. The great degree of asymmetry, especially in the skull, seen in these animals is sufficient to indicate clearly that an unusually great tendency to indi- vidual variation in these animals is to be naturally expected. Professor Peters has already referred to the presence of a supernumerary molar in one side of the upper jaw in two skulls of cared seals in the Leyden Museum, and another instance of the same abnormality is exhibited by one of the skulls of CaUorhinus ursinus previously referred to. Taken in connection with this tendency to variation, the interesting fact that the number of synonymes pertaining to the several species is in almost exact ratio to the number of specimens that naturalists have had for examination is readily explained. The incidental revision of the genera and species embraced in the present paper is based on these recent developments. 4 BULLETIN OF THE The greatest number of species recognized by any writer during the last live years is fifteen ; but they have now been reduced, by general consent, to ten or eleven. These have been placed by Dr. Gray, in his later papers, in ten genera. In the present enumeration six species * are regarded as fully established, and two or three other species f are given as doubtful. All are referred to five genera. \ One of the most singular facts connected with the history of these animals is that they should have so long remained among the species least known to naturalists, when their commercial importance is such that their capture has given employment to thousauds of men and mil- lions of capital for more than a century. For many years, as is well known, hundreds of thousands of the skins of the Falkland Island fur seal, and hundreds of tons of the oil of other species, annually reached England ; yet specimens of either the fur seals, or of any of the other species that naturalists were able to obtain, were exceedingly few and imperfect. Add to this the fact that, in many cases, the localities whence these fragmentary and iso- lated specimens were received were frequently wholly unknown or but vaguely surmised, and we can well understand how it happened that only till within the last decade have naturalists been able to decide with certainty as to which of the species on their catalogues were to be refer- red the various fur seals of commerce. I. Resume of Recent Contribute 'ons to the Natural History of the Otariad^e. A brief statement of the present state of our knowledge of the Ota- riadce seems to be demanded in the present connection, inasmuch as since the publication of the last general synopsis of the subject our knowledge of the group has greatly increased, without the new facts having been given in a single summary. As a resume of the contri- butions to the literature concerning this group of animals which have appeared during the last two decades would necessarily give such a statement, and also at the same time a connected history of the recent changes in their nomenclature and classification, a synopsis of the * Eumeiopias Stelleri, Zahphus GiUespii, Z. cinereus (= lobaluo, Auct.), Otctria jubata, CM » himis ursii}us, Anii-< ephalus falklandicus. t Phvcarctos Hookeri, Arctocephalm au&tralis, A, antarcticus. I Eumetopias, Zahphus, Otaria, Cnllorhinvs, Arctocejihalus. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 5 principal recent papers relating to the subject is accordingly here in- troduced. For references to earlier papers the reader is referred to the works cited in Dr. J. E. Gray's British Museum Catalogues of the Seals and Professor W. Peters's elaborate essay on these animals pub- lished in the Monatsberichte of the Berlin Academy for 18GG. The present notice of the literature of the Otariadce begins with Dr. Gray's " Catalogue of the Seals in the British Museum," pub- lished in '1850, in which valuable work two genera (Arctocephalus and Otaria) and eight species* are recognized. The next paper requiring mention is that of Dr. McBain.f describing, in 1858, a new species {Otaria Gillespii) from a skull from the Gulf of California. A fe^ months later Dr. Gray published some important notes relative to the Northern sea bear (Arctocephalus ursinus Auct.).:j: based on a skin and skull of an adult male from Behring's Straits, received at the British Museum by way of Amsterdam and St. Petersburg, under the name of Otaria leonina. This paper is accompanied by an excellent profile figure of the skull, which seems to be the only figure of the skull of this species that has been hitherto published. Two weeks later Dr. Gray communicated to the Zoological Society another paper on the Eared Seals, § in which the fur seal of the Cape of Good Hope was described anew from a specimen received by him from Paris, and of which he published a view in profile of the skull. He appends to this paper a synopsis of the genus Arctocephalus, in which he divides it into three unnamed sections, based on characters drawn from the skull. Short diagnoses are also given of the species, which he groups as follows : — "I. Arctocephalus ursinus; TT. A. Hookcri ; HI. A. Delalandii, A. nigrescens, A. lobatus, A. Gillespii." He also gives a profile fig- ure || of a ca^t of the skull described by Dr. McBain as Otaria Gil- lespii. Some months later the same indefatigable author published a paper * Then the Eared Seal of the Cape of Good Hope ( Otaria Delalandii)," Ibid , pp. 107-110, PI. lxix. II Ibid., PI. lxx. 6 BULLETIN OF THE on the Sea Lion? of the Coast of California,* with a profile figure of an adult male skull of what he supposed to he a new species {Arctocepha- lus monteriensis), hut which proved to he identical with the Otaria Stefan of authors, as first suggested hy Dr. Gill. Another young skull was described and doubtfully referred to the same species, as was also the skin of a fur seal. The latter, however, is undoubtedly identical with the Northern fur seal (CaUorhinus ursiuus). In this paper he gives a new classification of the eared seals, in which he properly raised the first of the sections of his genus Arctocephalus, which he had previously in- stituted, to the rank of a genus {Callorhinus) . The second and third sections he seems to have reunited, for which he retained the name of Arctocephalus. His genus Arctocephalus, as now restricted, he again divided into four unnamed .sections. A valuable table of comparative measurements of the skulls of eight species is appended. Seven years from the date last given (1859) carries us to the ap- pearance of Dr. Gray's " Catalogue of the Seals and Whales," f pub- lished in 18GG, during which interval little or nothing of importance was published relating to the group in question. In this Catalogue all the species of his "Catalogue of Seals" of 1850 are retained; the synonymy is brought up to date, and the species he and others had described since the appearance of that Catalogue are added. These are the Otaria GlUespii McBain (= Zalophus Gillespii Gill, the Arcfo- cepkalus monteriensis Gray (= Eumetopias Stelleri Peters), and the Arctocephalus Californianus Gray (= CaUorkinus ursiuus, in part or wholly), making the whole number of species thirteen. Only one of the three species supposed to he new, however, proved to be so. The specific nomenclature is not changed from that adopted in his previous paper, so far as the species mentioned in that paper are con- cerned, and the introduction of one generic name is the only change from the generic nomenclature employed by him in 1850. Another new classification of the species of the genus Arctocephalus is given, in which the species are grouped in two primary sections and seven sub- sections, upon the* arbitrary basis of the differences in the form of the bony palate. No new material is described, and lint little new matter added, the Catalogue being essentially a compilation from his previously * " On the Sea Lions, or Lobos Marinos of the Spaniards, <>n the Coast of California," Ibid., p. 557. f " Catalogue of the Seals and Whales in the British Museum," 1866, pp. 44 -CO. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 7 published papers, generally without any change in the language, and often embracing important typographical errors. In the Appendix, however, some interesting notes are added in respect to the manner in which the eared seals walk, and their attitudes when in a state of re- pose, he having had the opportunity of observing a living sea lion in the Cremorne Garden. Nearly coincident with the appearance of Gray's Catalogue of Seals and Whales was the publication of a " Prodrome of a Monograph of the Pinnipeds," by Dr. Theodore Gill,* of Washington. Tins im- portant paper presents to a great extent a new classification of the Pin- nipeds, and introduces numerous changes of nomenclature. The wal- rus, the eared seals, and the earless seals, for the first time for many years,! are again regarded as forming distinct families, as by Brookes, to which are applied respectively the names Rosmaridce, Otariadce, and Phocidce.% The name Otaria, of Peron, is restricted to the South- ern sea lion (Phoca jubata Schreber) ; Eumetopais is proposed as a generic name for the Northern sea lion (Leo marinus Steller, = Otaria califurniana Lesson, — Arctocephalus monteriensis Gray); Zalophus is proposed as a generic name for the Otaria Gillespii McBain, and Halarclus for a group for which the Arctocephalus Delalandii is named as the type ; Arctocephalus F. Cuvier is substituted for the generic name of Callorhinus, proposed by Gray for the Phoca ursina Linne. Brief diagnoses of these genera are given, and a species is indicated as the type of each. A list of the North American species is also added. While most of the changes introduced by Dr. Gill in his Prodrome are judicious ones, errors occur in respect to the names of the genera of the Otariadce. These were speedily pointed out by Dr.Gray§ in a short critique upon Dr. Gill's paper, in which Dr. Gray calls attention to the fact that the type of Arctocephalus F. Cuvier was not. as Gill assumed, Steller's sea bear, as is clearly shown by Cuvier's figure of the ?kull of his type of Arctocephalus. Hence Gray properly reinstated his name Callorhinus for the generic name of Steller's Ursus marinus. He does not state, however, to what F. Cuvier's figure refers, this, * Proc. Essex Institute. Vol. V, pp. 1-13. March, 1866. t See my remarks on the synonomy of Otariadce below. \ Catalogue of Brookes's Anat. and Zool. Museum, p. 36, 1828. § " Observations on the ' Prodrome of a Monograph of the Pinnipedes,' by Theodore Gill," Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, 3d Series, Vol. XVII, pp. 444-447, June, 1866. 8 BULLETIN OF TUE as suggested to me by Dr. Gill, being first pointed out by Professor Peters.* The type of Cuvier's genus Arctoceplmlus being in all prob- ability the Arctocephalus Delalaudii Gray, Halarctus of Gill, based on the same type, became, as Gray points out, a synonyme of Arcto- cephalus. jSYarly contemporaneously with Gray's above-mentioned critique appeared an able paper on the Otariadce by Professor W. Peters of Berlin.f In this essay Professor Peters reviews the whole family, and describes two species erroneously supposed by him to be new,$ and gave figures of their skulls. The species are all described as Olarice, but are arranged under seven named subgenera or sections.|| which appear in the main to be natural groups. The characters on which these divisions are based are drawn, not from the skull alone, but from all the available sources, the length of the ears, and the presence or absence of under- fur (" Unterwolle ") being for the first time made use of as distinctive characters in determining the lesser groups ; Gray and Gill in their classifications having, with slight exceptions, made use of only the characters furnished by the skull. The specimens of eared seals con- tained in the Berlin Museum are described with considerable minute- ness, and the synonymy of all the species quite fully and carefully presented. Professor Peters agrees with Gray (though at the time of writing he could not have seen his [Gray's] paper) in referring Hul- arctos to ArclocepJ«dns and in reinstating CaUorhinus. The names of all the other genera recognized by both Gill and Gray were adopted by him for the names of his sections, and to which he added two others (A)-cfo/j/toca and Pliocarctos). The arrangement of Professor Peters for the first time separated the hair seals from the fur seals, and to this extent at least an advancement was made towards a natural classi- fication. The fur and hair seals differ markedly from each other in * Monatb. d. k. P. Akad. z. Berlin, 1866, p. 271. t " [Jber die Ohrenrobben (Seelowen und Seebaren), Otarice, insbesondcre iibcr die in den Sammlungen zu Berlin befindlichen Arten," Monatsberichte der k. P. Akadamic y.n Berlin, 1866, pp. 2(51 -281, with three plates. J Olaria Godeffroyi and 0. Pkilippii. || (1.) Otaria, containing 0. jubata. 0. leoninct, 0. Godeffroyi, and O. Byronia; (2.) Phocarcios, containing 0. Hbokeri and 0 Ulloce ; (3.) Arctocephalus, containing O pusilla, 0. cinerea, and 0. fnUdaitdica ; (A.) CaUorhinus, containing 0 ursina; (5 ) Eumetopins, containing 0. SlelU ri ; > 6.) Zalophus, containing 0. Gillespii, and 0. lobala ; {'.) Avcto- phoat, containing 0. Philippii. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 9 numerous other general features, as well as in the pelage, as will be more fully noticed hereafter. Fourteen species have been recognized, but three of them (0. leoriina, 0. Byronia, 0. falklandicd) he seems to have regarded as doubtfully distinct from others. He refers Gray's Arctocephalus Delalandii to the Phoca pusilla of Schreber, and (with a query, however) Gray's Arctocephalus nigrescens to the Otaria falk- landica of Shaw. In consequence of the publication of these papers of Dr. Gill and Professor Peters, Dr. Gray was led to a re-examination of the speci- mens of the Otariadce in the British Museum, and in September of the same year he published the results of his investigations.* In this paper he for the first time regards the Otarice as a family (though several other writers had done so previously), and speaks of certain features that indicate their superiority to the Phocidce. He adopts an entirely different generic class'ieatiou from that given by him a few months before, f both as to the number of genera and their mutual relations. The seven named sections of Otaria of Peters he admits to the rank of genera, with the limits ascribed to them by Peters. He adds also one " new genus " (DFeophoca), based on his Arctocephalus lobatus, which species Peters had referred to Gill's genus Zalophus. Gray had now eight genera and three subgenera.! Only ten species being recognized by him as valid, he has now but a single species to each of his generic and subgeneric subdivisions. Although the paper is a somewhat important one, containing as it does many valuable sug- gestions, no really new matter is described in it. Another paper on the Eared Seals by Peters § immediately followed this one of Gray. In the few months intervening since the publication of his previous e-say on this subject, Professor Peters had visited Eng- land and Holland, and examined the specimens contained in the prin- cipal museums of these countries, including among them the specimens in the Leyden Museum described and figured in the Fauna Japonica, * " Notes on the Skulls of the Sea Bears and Sea Lions (Otnrindce) in the British Museum," Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 3d Series, Vol. XVIII. pp. 228 -237, September 1866. f In his Catalogue of Seals and Whales. \ Arctocephalus is divided into Arctocephalus, containing A. Delalandii; Euotaria, con. taining A. nigrescens ; and Gypsopkoca, containing A. cinereus. § A supplement to his previous " Abhandlungen iiber die Ohrenrobben, Olariiv.^ Monatsb. d. k. I'. Akad. z. Berlin, 1866, pp. 665-672, November, 1866. VOL. II. 2 10 BULLETIN OF THE and those in the British Museum described and figured by Dr. Gray. A skull of Tschudi's Otaria Ullvce is figured, and many interesting facts are given respecting several of the species described by him in his pre- vious paper. A list of the species is added, and while all of those given by him a few months before are included in the enumeration, they are numbered in such a way as to indicate that his estimate of them had somewhat changed. The whole number is ten, but under No. 1 he has " Nos. 1 a," " 1 b," and " 1 c," and under Xo. 9, " No. 9 a."* One is left somewhat in doubt, however, as to whether he regarded these species as synonymous respectively with Nos. 1 and 9, or as sub- species. Gray's Arctocephalus uigrcscens is now positively (previously with a query) referred to 0. falklandica Shaw, to which species also his own 0. Philippii is seemingly referred. Instead of dropping altogether his subgenus Arctophoca, based at first solely on his 0. Philippii, which he now appears to regard as a nominal species, he transfers his 0. falklandica from Arctocephalus to Arctophoca. The Otaria Stellcri of Schlegel is in this paper referred to 0. Gillcspii of McBain, instead of in part to the 0. cinerea of Peron, and in part to the Arctocephalus hiatus of Gray, as both he and Gray had previously re- ferred it. In addition to the determination of the character of Schlegel's 0. Stelleri, the most important thing decided by this paper is the exact character of Tschudi's 0. Ulloce, of which Peters was able to figure and describe original specimens. In addition to the above-mentioned five papers published in 1866, — an important year in the history of the literature of the Otariadee, — Dr. Sclater states, in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of the same year,f that a "young living male sea bear (Otaria Hookeri), captured mar Cape Horn, in June, 1862, by a French sailor named Lecomte, had been added to the society's menagerie. This animal had been exhibited by its captor in Buenos Ayres, and in various parts of France and England, and is the one doubtless referred to by Cray in the Appendix to his Catalogue of Seals and Whales. At about the same time Dr. Burmeister t also gives a description * 0. jubata ox Forster and Blainville is given as " Xo. 1 " ; 0. Byronia Blainv., as •■ No. la"; 0. leonina F. Cuv. as " No 1 b," and 0. Godeffroyi Peters, as " No. 1 c"j " No. 9 " is 0. falklandica Shaw, while his 0. Philipjni forms his " No. 9 a." t Proceedings London Zool. Society, 1866, p. 80, January, 1S66. t Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 3d Series, Vol. XVIII, p. 99, PI. ix, February, 1866. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 11 and figure of a young skull of Arctocephalus falklandicus, and some interesting facts in respect to the distribution of the eared seals on the east coast of South America, where he says but two species exist. Under the improper name of A. falklandicus, he also refers to the specimen captured and exhibited by Lecomte. One is led by Burmeister's remarks to infer that he believed this specimen (and an- other which did not live to reach Europe) was captured in the Rio de la Plata. Later the death of this " sea bear " is announced in the Pro- ceedings of the Zoological Society, and Dr. James Murie * reports the results of his investigations as to the cause of its decease. The next paper of moment on the Eared Seals appeared in February, 1868, and is entitled '"Observations on Sea Bears (Otariadce), and especially on the Fur Seals and Hair Seals of the Falkland Islands and South America."! In this paper Dr. Gray refers briefly to the two papers of Professor Peters, and very properly remarks, as it seems to me, that Peters in his first essay "formed no less than five species from the skulls of the Southern sea lion (Otaria jubata), — 0. jubata, 0. Byronia, 0. leonina, 0. Godeffroyi, and 0. Ulloa" lie reviews at some length the complicated synonomy of the Falkland Island eared seals, and raises his subgenera of Euotaria and Arctocephalus (pre- viously mentioned) to the rank of genera, and redescribes the Falkland Island and South American species. These are, (1) the Arctocephalus falklandicus Gray ex Shaw, (2) the Euotaria nigresceus Gray, and (3) P/tocarctos Hookeri Gray. Dr. Gray contends that Peters's O.falk- landica is not the O.falklandica of Shaw, but that it is the same as his Arctocephalus (or Euotaria) nigrescens. The Arctocephalus falk- landicus of BurmeisterJ he, as it seems to me, erroneously referred to his Phocarcfos Hookeri, doubtless from Dr. Burmei>ter having re- ferred Lecomte's specimen of the ;' sea bear " already mentioned, which was really the 0. jubata, to the " 0. faUclandica." The de- scription of the ^kin by Dr. Burmeister, in Profes-or Peters's second essay,§ shows the animal to have been a. fur seal, the P. Hookeri being a hair seal. The young male sea lion (or sea bear, as it was also called), which * Proceedings London Zool. Society, 1S67, p. 213. t Ann. and Mag. Nut Hi-t., 4th Series, Vol. I pp. 99-110, February, 1 56 , J Ibid., 3d Series. Vol. XVIII, p. 99, February, | - § Monatsb. d. k. P. Akad. d. Wi;senseh, z. Berlin, 1866, p. 670. 12 BULLETIN OF THE lived for a time in the Zoological Garden, and which was figured by Dr. Sclater as O. Hoolceri* he says is identical with the O.jubuta, — an opinion subsequently shared by Dr. Sclater himself, t A few weeks later Dr. Gray published another p«per, on the Ota- riadce, entitled "Observations on the Fur Seals of the Antarctic Seas and the Cape of Good Hope, with Description of a ne\f Species"; J he having in the mean time received additional material. In this paper he remarks still further concerning the complicated synonomy of the Falkland Island fur seals, and respecting the habitat of the specimens of Weddell, described by Mr. R. Hamilton, § and the dif- ferences between these species and his A. cinereus of Australia and the fur seals of the Cape of Good Hope. He also describes what he regards as a new species, from two skins from the Cape of Good Hope, which species he calls Arctocephalus nivosus. These skins differ from those of his A. Delalandii, he says, in being so nearly destitute of under-fur, except just on the crown of the head, that he was convinced they could not be dressed as fur seals. || In "The [Cambridge, Eng.] Journal of Anatomy and Physiology " for November, 1868,1" Dr. McBain describes an imperfect skull of a female Otaria jubata from the Chincha Islands, which he calls "(9. Ul- loce?" suggesting for it, however, the name 0. Graii, in case it should prove to be new. In the same number of this journal Professor Turner** describes, as that of a new species (Arctocephalus schisthy- joeroes ft )< a skull with a peculiar conformation of the palatine bones, from Desolation Island, which Dr. Gray examined later and referred to his Euotaria nigrescens. In the Monatsbericht of the Berlin Academy for March of the same * Proc. Loud. Zobl Soc, 1866, p. 80. t Ibid., 1868, p. 190, loot-note, March, 1868. J Ann and Mag. Nat, Hist, 4th Series, Vol. I, pp. 215-210, March, 1868. 4 Ibid., Vol II, p. 81, PI. iv. 1838. || In this paper Gray repeat- a misstatement made by him in his last paper preceding this, viz. that the Eumetopias Stelleri, a true hair seal, is one of the few eared seals that "have a close, soft, elastic fur." See further remarks on this point beyond under E. Stelleri. \ Vol. Ill, p. 109-112. i ■• [bid., p. 113-117. ft In the •• Zoological Record" for 1863 Dr. Gunfher changes this name to scMsluperus. McBain's "0. Ulloce'i" he regards us a new species, for which he proposes the name of Arctocephalus Graii. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 13 year a letter from Dr. Burmeister to Professor Peters * is published concerning the eared seals of the coast of the La Plata States. In this letter Dr. Burmeister restates his opinion | that only two species of these animals exist on the east coast of South America, one of which he regards as the Olaria leonina, and the other as the Otaria falklandica of Peters's first essay. Of the first of these he had examined a number of specimens, which he describes somewhat in detail, and remarks espe- cially upon the great variations presented by different specimens in con- sequence of differences in age, and also upon the great amount of purely individual variation they present.. He is consequently led to believe that the species described by Professor Peters in his first essay as 0. jubata, 0. Byronia, 0. leonina, and 0. Godeffroyi, form but a single spe- cies. These several nominal species he regards as based merely upon individual differences, and liot constituting even " permanent races or varieties." In the statement of this opinion he was anticipated by Dr. Gray, who, as previously stated, one month earlier referred not only these, but also the 0. Ulloce of Peters, to the 0. jubata. To the Otaria falklandica of Shaw Dr. Burmeister also refers the 0. nigre- scens Gray and the 0. Philippii Peters, as it seems to me with evident propriety. This short article contains highly important information respecting the South American eared seals. $ In the following month Captain C. C. Abbott § communicated to the London Zoological Society some interesting notes on the haunts, habits, and external features of Otaria jubata and Arctocephalus falklandicus, Among other things, he remarks that, in the hundreds of skins of the former (0. jubata) lie had seen, he " never saw on any of them any- thing approaching fur." Captain Abbott's notes are the more valuable from the fact that he has deposited skulls of both these species in the * Monatsb. d. k. P. Akad. Wissensch. z Berlin, 1S68, pp. 180-1S2. The same ac- count is substantially given in the Anal. Mus. Buen. Ayr. 1S68, p. 303; Act. Soc. Paleont., p. xxxix, and Zeitschr. ges. Naturw., XXXI, pp. 294-301. t See Ann. and Mag. Nut. Ili-t., 3d Series, Vol. XVIH, p. 99, 1866. I It is perhaps but proper to state in this connection that the specimens referred to by Dr. Burmeister in the above-mentioned paper were collected by Dr. G. A. Maack at Cabo Corricntes, near the southern extremity of Buenos Ayres (lat. 38° S.) They are the specimens referred to by Dr. Maack in his paper in " Der Zoologische Garten" (Jan. 1870), and in his notes to the present paper. § " On the Seals of the Falkland Islands," by Captain C. C. Abbott. Communicated, with notes by P. L. Sclater, M. D., etc., Proc. Lond. Zobl. Soc. 1868, pp. 189-182, March, 1868. 14 BULLETIN OF THE British Museum, so that it is well known to which species his re- marks refer. In a note to this paper Dr. Sclater observes : " I agree with Dr. Peters * in thinking it best to retain the name jubata for the Southern species, and to call the Northern one Stelleri. I con- sider O. leonina Cuv. to be probably the same as 0. jubata, as appears to be admitted by Dr. Peters in his last paper." f Dr. Sclater states that he was mistaken in referring the living specimen brought by Le- comte to the 0. Hookeri, and agrees with Peters \ and Gray in re- garding it as 0. jubata. At the first session of the Zoological Society of London, held in No- vember, 18G. Fore limbs fin- like, situated very far back. Hind limbs comparatively free ; hind feet directed forward when the animal is at rest, and serviceable for terres- trial locomotion. The digits terminate in long cartilaginous flaps, con- nected at the base by membranes. Bones of the upper and fore-arm and corresponding bones of the leg very short, exceedingly stout and heavy. The digits of the hand successively decrease in length from the first ; without nails, or with extremely rudimentary ones, situated at a distance from the edge of the hand. Outer digits of the hind limbs longer than the middle ones ; the latter sub-equal, and provided with well- developed nails ; the outer digits without nails or with very rudimentary ones, and much shorter and thicker than the inner digits. Pubic bones * Proc. Essex Institute, Vol. V, pp. 7, 10, 11. t Monatsb. d. k. P. Akad. z. Berlin, 1866, p. 670. t Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 4th Series, Vol. IV, p. 269. 20 BULLETIN OF THE not anchylosed, and in the female considerably separated. Acetabula opposite the posterior end of the second sacral vertebra. Ears provided with a sub-cylindrical external conch. The skull has a well-developed orbital process and an alisphcnoid canal ; the mastoid process is strong and salient, distinct from the auditory bulla, -which is much smaller than in the Phocidce. Molars either | ~ § or f ~ f ; canines, ^ ^; incisors, f = | 5 whole number of teeth, fzzf = i|=:34, or J^ — J^=fg==36. Testes scrotal, situated as in the Suidce. Rank and Affinities. ■*- The seals were all referred by the earlier writers to the Linnasan genus Phoca. Buffon was the first naturalist who recognized the division of the seals made by seamen into eared seals and earless seals, accordingly as they possessed or were devoid of external ears. Later Peron,* in 1816, regarded these two groups as genera, and gave to the eared seals the name of Otaria, leaving the earless seals in Phoca. Finally these two groups were regarded by Brookes,f in 1828, as constituting two families, the walrus, in his system, forming a third. These groups have been generally recognized as natural, but their rank has been variously estimated by different authors. Turner { regarded the eared seals, the earless seals, and the walrus as to- gether constituting a single family, which he divided into three sub- families, — Arctocephalina, embracing Otaria and Arctocephalus ; Trichecina, embracing only the walrus; and Phocina, embracing all the earless seals. Pie observes, however, in referring to the classifica- tion of the Pinnipedia made by Gray in 1837, § that if the sub-families of the Phocina, proposed by that author, be entitled to that rank, " the walrus and the Arctocephaline group, which differ so decidedly from the other seals, would almost seem entitled to the rank of families." All writers, except Brookes and Gervais, previous to 18GG, seem to have regarded these three groups as constituting a single family. Gill, however, in his Prodrome, || considered them as distinct families, which view has since been adopted by Gray.H * Voy. Terr, aust., Vol. II, p. 37, 1816 t Cat. of his Anatom. and Zoiil. Mas., p 36, 1828. J Proc. London Zool. Soc, p. 88, 1848. § Charlesworth's Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. I, p. 583. || " Prodrome of a Monograph of the Pinnipedes," Proc. Essex Institute, Vol. V, p. 7, .Inly, 1866. T Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 3d Ser., Vol. XVIII, p. 229, 1866. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 21 Believing that they have a higher than a sub-family value, I adopt for the present the classification elaborated by Dr. Gill in his Pro- drome, which is, it seems to me, the most natural arrangement of the Pinnipedes that has been proposed. Gill's arrangement places the Otariadce between the Phocidce and the Rosmaridce. No serial ar- rangement of these groups can, I think, fully express their relative rank and mutual affinities. The Otariadce are evidently the highest, though they seem intermediate in general features between the earless seals and the walruses. Their affinities, as they appear to me, may be indicated as follows : — Otariadce. Rosmaridce. Phocidce. While the Rosmaridce are lower than the Otariadce, and the Phocidce are still lower than the Rosmaridce, the latter evidently do not con- nect the other two groups. The evidence of the superiority of the Otariadce over the Phocidce consists mainly in that modification of their general structure, and es- pecially of the pelvis and posterior extremities, by means of which they have freer use of their limbs, and are able to move on land witli considerable rapidity; the Phocidce, on the other hand, move with great difficulty when out of the water. But the higher rank of the former is also indicated by their semi-terrestrial habits, the scrotal po- sition of the testes, and in the nearer approach in general features to the terrestrial Carnivores, especially in the more posterior position of the acetabula. Most of these modifications are, however, nearly equally shared by the Rosmaridce, indicating likewise that their true station is above that of the majority of the Phocidce. Primary Subdivisions. — The members of the Otariadce form among themselves a closely connected group, as well as a well-defined one. But in general form, in size, in color and in the character of the pelage, two tolerably distinct divisions of the Otariadce may be recognized, which in a general way correspond with the sea bears* and sea lions of seamen, and the fur seals and hair seals of commerce. F. Cu- vierj was the first naturalist who recognized these divisions, he regard- * The term sea bear, however, has been sometimes applied indiscriminately to fur and hair seals, and even to the same animal by the same person, as in the case of the first living specimen of Otarla jabata, exhibited in England. t Mem. du Mus., Tome XI, p. 205 tt seq., 1824. 22 BULLETIN OF THE ing them as constituting two genera. To the first of these genera, em- bracing the sea bears, founded in fact on one of the Southern ?ea bears, (? Ar otocephalus Delalandi Gray), he gave the name of Arctocephulus, and to the other, founded on the Southern sea lion (Otaria jubata Blainville), that of Platyrhynchus. These names indicate to some ex- tent the differences seen in the general form of the head, in the two groups. In the first, or sea bears, the muzzle is narrow and pointed ; in the other it is broad, and the aspect is more leonine. The name Platyrhynchus, however, is antedated by that of Otaria of Peron. Besides these differences in the shape of the head, the form of the body in the Arctocephaline species is more slender than in those of the other group. The hind feet, especially, are longer and slenderer, with relatively longer swimming-flaps at the end of the toes. Their size is smaller, and they differ in general color. The Arctocephaline species are also all provided with a dense, soft, thick under-fur, while the others are either entirely without under-fur, or possess it in too small a quantity to render the skins of any commercial value as furs.* These two groups are as well defined as the several sub-families of the Phocidce, and are co-ordinate with them. If the Otariadce constitute a group entitled to family rank, — and the so-called sub-families of the Phocidce have truly a sub-family value, — the Otariadce must be con- sidered as divisible into two sub-family groups, of which the hair seals constitute one and the fur seals the other. In respect to what names should be used for their designation, none seem in themselves more appropriate than those derived from the names of the leading genera of these groups, Otariince for the hair seals and Arctocephalince for the fur seals. These names, however, in a slightly altered form (Otariina and Arctocephalina), have been used on different occasions in widely different senses, especially by Gray ; the first for the whole group of eared seals, and afterwards the other in precisely the same sense. Later, both were again used simul- * I am aware of the alleged exceptions in the Otarys of Australia : the Zalqphtu lobatus Peters, a true hair seal, having, it is said, considerable under-fur when young. This is probably the case, to a greater or less extent, with the young of all the hair seals prior to the first moult. I feel sure, however, that it is quite different in char- acter from the soft, long, dense fur of the true fur seals. It may be added that the genus Zalrphus is in other respects, as in size and the general shape of the head, somewhat intermediate between the fur and hair seals, though its affinities are decid- edly with the latter. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 23 taneously, as the names of different sub-divisions of the group, but Arc- tocephalina still embraced both hair and fur seals. Later still, the same author restricted Otariina, so that it embraced but a single species, while the other, also greatly restricted in its scope, embraced still both hair and fur seals. In view of this confusion, the name Trichophocince* is proposed for the hair seals, and Oulophocince | for the fur seals, in allusion to the different character of the pelage in the two groups. Hitherto, owing to the fact that our beat classifications of them have been based mainly on the number and position of the molar teeth, the hair and fur seals have been associated pell-mell and in almost every possible mode of combination. Formerly Arctocephulus was a hetero- geneous association of members of two widely different natural groups. Although of late the hair and fur seals have been usually placed in different genera, the genera of the one set have variously alternated in the systems of different authors, and in the different systems of the same author, with those of the other set. Comparison of the Skeleton of the Otariad^e with those of the Principal Types of the Phocid.e. The chief osteological differences which serve to distinguish the eared seals from the other types of the Pinnipedes, as the common Phoca, \ Cystophora, Monachus, Mucrorkinus, and Posmarus, § may be indicated as follows : — Comparison of the Otariad.e (Eumetopias) with Rosmarus. — The eared seals (of which Eumetopias is here taken as the type) differ * 0pu>xv = Phoca. •f ouAos = soft, "\v = rhoca. t The materials mainly used in the following comparisons consist as follows: (1.) Of the eared seals, two complete ligamentary adult male skeletons cf Eumelopias Stelleri, and two adult male and two adult female complete ligamentary skeletons of Grflorkinus ursinta. (2.) Of the earless seals, a complete adult male ligamentary skeleton of Phoca vitvlina, and other partial skeletons of the same species; three complete ligamentary skeletons of Cystophora cristata, and two nearly complete disarticulated male skeletons of Macrorhinus elephantinus, besides partial skeletons of other species. (3.) Of the walrus, two complete ligamentary skeletons. Cuvier's figures of the skeleton of the "Phoque a ventre Wane " (Moimchus albiventer), Pander and D' Alton's of that of the Otaria jubata, and Schelgel's of that of Zahphus Gilleepii, have also been examined. § Trichechtts, as has been pointed out by Petersl4md Gill, was originally based by Linne" (Syst. Nat., 10th Ed., 1758, I, 34) solely on the Manati ( T. Manatus), and must hence be retained for that animal. 24 BULLETIN OF THE from liosmarus in the form of the skull, in the relative length of the cervical vertebrae, in the form of the scapula?, and in general propor- tions. In respect to the limbs, the principal difference consists in the relatively greater shortness of the foot in the walrus as compared with the other extremital segments (the femur and tibia posteriorly and the humerus and radius anteriorly), and the great divergence of the digits of the hind feet. A skeleton of an aged male Alaska walrus I find varies in length but a few centimetres from that of an aged male of E. Stdleri. The dorsal and lumbar vertebrae have the same length in both, but the cervical vertebne in the walrus are considerably shorter, and the caudal some- what longer, than they are in the other. A vast difference, however, is seen in the general form, the E. Stdleri being slender and the walrus exceedingly robust, the bulk of the body in the latter being nearly twice that of the former. This gives a greater length to the ribs of the walrus, and much larger centrums to its vertebrae ; but the develop- ment of most of the vertebral apophyses is nearly the same in both. The great thickness of the body also serves to increase the dispropor- tionate shortness of the neck, as well as to increase the relative size of the pelvis and the divergence of the ilia. The limbs also are hence necessarily longer in proportion to the length of "the body. The feet, however, are proportionally less developed than in the eared seals, and the whole form of the body indicates an animal of slow movements, especially in the water, and of rather sluggish habits. The scapula in the walrus is long and narrow, with its greatest breadth near the middle, and its spine or crest situated but little behind the median line. In Eumetopias the scapula is short and broad, with its greatest breadth at the upper border, and its spine quite near the posterior edge. These considerable differences seem to result neces- sarily from the correlation of the form of the scapula with the great depth of the body. The great differences which obtain in the skulls of these types, through the enormous development of the canines in the walrus, are too well known to require a detailed description. In the latter the skull is exceedingly massive throughout, but is especially developed anteriorly, to afford support to the immense tusks, while in Eumetopias it has the normal carnivore form. The bones of the walrus, it may be added, are lighter and softer than MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 25 those of the eared seals, hut the}- are far less so than those of some of the earless seals, especially Macrorhinus, in which they are more porous than in some of the cetaceans. All the sternal segments in the walrus are much less ossified than in the Otariadce ; in the former the first and ninth are almost wholly cartilaginous, leaving but eight ossified. In Eumelopias all are ossified, the first being also developed anteriorly into a long bony point, and the ninth similarly developed posteriorly.* Hence the Olariadce differ from the walrus type not only in many de- tails of structure, but radically in the general form and proportions of the whole skeleton. Comparison with the Phoca vitulina. — The eared seals differ vastly from the earless seals, as represented by Phoca vitulina, in almost every feature. In addition to the well-marked differences of form ex- isting between nearly all the principal bones, there are remarkable regional variations which indicate a wide difference in the zoological rank of the two types. In the eared seals the length of the cervical and thoracic regions of the body, as compared with its whole length, is much greater than in Phoca, but in respect to the lumbar and pelvic regions the reverse of this obtains, these regions being most developed in the Phocidoe.\ In the eared seals (Eumetopias and Callurhinus, which represent the two leading types of the eared seals) the ratio of the length of the cervical vertebra? to the whole length of the spinal column is as 19 to 100 ; in Phoca vitulina as 18 to 100. In the former, the ratio of the length of the dorsal vertebra to the whole length of the spinal column is as 44 to 100 ; in Phoca vitulina as 37 to 100. That of the lumbar to * See the detailed measurements of the skeletons of E. Slelleri and Cdlurhinus ursinus given beyond. f The following table gives the dimensions (in mm.) and the proportions of the differ- ent regions in E. Sttlleri, C. ursinus, P. vitulina, and the Alaska walrus. E Stel- C. ur- Ph. vitu- Rosma- leri. $ sinus. $ lina. $ rus. $ Length of the cervical vertebrae .... 480 400 235 330 " dorsal " .... 1.130 V80 4^0 1,130 " " lumbar " .... 370 270 220 370 " " cau lal " .... 520 310 370 580 " " spinal column .... 2,500 1,700 1.305 2,410 " sternum .... 840 6.30 270 590 Ratio of length of cervical vert, to spinal column, 15-100 23-H'O lS-100 14-100 " " dorsal " " " 4-3-100 44-100 37-100 47-lnO " " " lumbar '' " " 15-100 15.1-100 17-100 15.4-100 " " " caudal " " 21-100 20-100 2S-1O0 24-100 " " " sternum " " 34-100 36-100 20.7-100 24.5-100 26 BULLETIN OF THE the whole length is in the former as 15 to 100; in P. vitulina as 17 to 100. The same proportion in respect to the caudal vertebrae is in the former as 20 to 100 ; in the latter as 28 to 100.* The relative length of the sternum to the spinal column is as 35 to 100 in the eared seals, and as 28 to 100 iu Phoca vitulina, indicating in the latter the relative shortness of the thorax as compared with the whole length of the animal, and hence its eminently cetacean form. In regard to the skull, Turner t showed many years since that the eared seals are distinguished from the others by important cranial differences. He compares them as follows : In the earless seals " there is no trace of a postorbital process, nor of an ali-sphenoid canal; the mastoid can scarcely be said to constitute a process ; it is swollen, and appears to form a por- tion of the auditory bulla, more or less connected with the tympanic por- tion, from which it is separated by a depressed groove running from the stylo-mastoid foramen backwards and a little inwards. The paroceipital process is never large in any of the family, but it is always distinctly de- veloped and salient backwards. The Arctocephaline group are distin- guished at once by their having a distinct postorbital process and an ali- sphenoid canal ; the mastoid projects as a strong process, and seems, as it were, to stand aloof from the auditory bulla." In Phoca and in other types of the Phocidce, the bulla is many times greater than in the Otari- adce, its increa.^ed size being doubtless compensatory for the absence of an external conch. In the latter the occipital and sagittal crests in old age attain an enormous development, which only a few of the higher forms of the Phocidce at all approach. Considerable differences are also found in the form of the different bones of the extremities of the two types. In the anterior extremities, these consist in the reduced size and structurally low form of the scapula in Phoca, *as compared with Eumetopias and CaUorhinus t (Figs. 12, 13, * In E. Slelleri as 15 to 100; in C. ursinus as 23 to 100; in the latter there being a greater development of the post sacral vertebra;. t Proc. Lond. Zoul. Soc., 1848, p. 84. J The general form of the scapula in these groups (including Rogmnrus and Macro- rhinus) is indicated by the following table: — Rosmarus. Eumetopias. CaUorhinus Phoca. Macrorhinus. Breadth Katio of breadth to length . 420 260 6-10 370 405 11-10 215 2SO 13-10 125 110 9-10 S25 215 6.6-10 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 27 and 16, Plate III). In the latter the acromion is developed almost as much as in the terrestrial carnivores, the crests are high, and the expan- sion of the blade very great. In Phoca the blade is small, expanded about equally anteriorly and posteriorly, the crest moderate, and the acromion process slightly developed. The greater tuberosity of the humerus, though large, does not rise above the base of the head of the humerus, whilst the lesser tuberosity rises as a sharp point to a greater height than the head of the humerus. In Eumetopias and Callorhinus these conditions are reversed, the lesser tuberosity being but slightly developed, whilst the greater is excessively so, rising to a greater height than the head of the humerus, aud extending downwards more than half the length of this bone, — much farther than in Phoca. Differences are also traceable in the form of the bones of the forearm, carpus, and metacarpus. In respect to the digits of the hand, they differ less in size and length in Phoca than they do in the Otariadce and in Posmarus. By far the most important differences, however, are found in the posterior organs of locomotion, — the pelvis and the hind limbs. The latter are relatively smaller in the Phocidce than in the Otariadce, and are very differently constructed and adapted to widely different uses, as indicated in the following comparison. In the Phocidce the hind limbs are In the Olariadoe the hind limbs are extended backwards in a line parallel somewhat free, and when in a natural with the body ; the legs are so en- position (on land) the feet are turned closed within the integuments of the forward, and serve to raise the body body that they have little or no mo- from the ground.* tion, and the feet are movable only in a relatively small degree, in an obliquely lateral direction. * It may be added that the foot is also relatively longer, as compared with the length of the leg, than in Phoca, as shown by the following table, whilst the differences in the size of the outer toes as compared with the middle ones is also greater. Eumetopias. Callorhinus. Romarus. Phoca. " " humerus .... " " hand Ratio of length of hand to that of radius Length of hind limb .... Ratio of length of foot to tibia 1,045 320 275 450 16-10 1,000 200 350 450 13-10 705 200 205 300 15-10 705 135 220 &50 16-10 1,010 3S0 270 3i0 13-10 1,040 250 370 420 11-10 360 120 110 130 12-10 600 100 210 290 14-10 28 BULLETIN OF THE In consequence of this peculiar They also (imperfectly) serve the structure the only purpose which purpose of walking; these animals these organs can subserve is that of being able to progress when out of swimming. On land progression is the water several miles an hour, and mainly accomplished by a wriggling to run for a short distance with nearly serpentine motion of the body, slight- the rapidity of a man.* ly assisted by the extremities. In the Phocidce the tarsal articula- In the Otariadce the foot when tion allows but a small amount of similarly at rest forms with the leg movement of the foot, which when an angle of at least 90°. naturally at rest forms but a slight angle with the leg. In the Phocidce no unusual sexual In the Otariadce (in Callorliinus and difference in the form of the pelvis is Eumetopias^ at least) there is an known to exist ; the principal differ- exceedingly great sexual variation in ence being that the pubic bones are the form of the pelvis. In the males united for a shorter distance in the it is narrow throughout, and seen from females than in the males. In the the front the sides are nearly paral- Phoca vitulina the pelvis, seen from lei for the greater part of its length, the front, presents a pyramidal out- the pubic bones abruptly converging line, with the apex pointing back- posteriorly, and the ilia diverging ward. Laterally and ventrally its moderately at their anterior ends, outlines are straight. The front outline is gently hollowed. The ilia are short and broad The ilia are elongated (twice as (length and breadth about equal), ex- long as broad), flattened posteriorly, panding anteriorly in a transverse with their dorsal and ventral borders line. Their crests are turned abrupt- parallel, and no lateral expansion or ly outward and recurved, their pos- recurvation of the crest, terior surfaces being concave. The pubic bones are straight, slen- The pubic bones are stout and sub- der, and subcylindrical ; posteriorly cylindrical, a little broader and thin- they become flattened and somewhat ner behind, approximating both an- expanded dorso-ventrally. In the teriorly and posteriorly. Barelymeefc- male they are appressed posteriorly ing (in the males) at the latter point, for one third their length, their point they form with each other a more or of widest divergence being at their less broad ellipse, which is only slight- anterior ends. In the females, how- ly open anteriorly in Callorkinus, but ever, they merely meet at the end, more widely in Eumetopias. They * See Captain Rryant's account, given below, of the habits of Callorkinus ursinus. t The pelvis of Callorliinus differs from that of Eumetopias somewhat in certain de- tails of its structure, as will be shown later in the comparison of these two species under C. ursinus. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 29 much as in the males of the eared are not partially united as in Phoca, seals. but merely touch each other at their extremities, and arc most widely sep- arated at the middle. The ischia are dorsally arched, es- The ischia are considerably arched pecially their dorsal margins, which above, but otherwise have nearly the rise in a high angular point opposite same form and size as the pubic the posterior third of the thyroid bones. Their dorsal margins have foramen. Anteriorly they are sub- not the high angular prominence cylindrical, but posteriorly are flat- seen in Phoca. tened into broad thin blades, and unite with the corresponding parts of the pubic bones. The thyroid foramen is an irregular The form of the thyroid foramen is elongated ellipse, its pubic outline be- nearly the same as in Phoca. ing nearly straight. The ilio-pubic spine is prominent, The ilio-pubic spine is very large, but the iliac tuberosity is wholly ab- and the iliac tuberosity is not only sent. present, but is enormously developed. The middle of the acetabulum is The middle of the acetabulum is situated a little in front of the pos- situated but a little in front of the terior end of thejirst sacral vertebra, posterior end of the second sacral which is considerably anterior to its vertebra, — the length of the second position in the eared seals. sacral vertebra posterior to its posi- tion in Phoca. Four fifths of the length of the Only slightly more than one half innominate bone is posterior to the of the length of the innominate bone acetabulum, — in other words, the is behind the acetabulum. Hence proportion of the length of the ischio- the proportional length of the ischio- pubic part to the length of the ilia pubic portion to the ilium is nearly as is as three to one. one to one. The bones of the pelvis are all thin The bones of the pelvis are all and slender. thick and stout, especially the walls of the acetabula. The acetabula are themselves very much larger than in Phoca. In recapitulation it may be stated that the essential or most striking pelvic differences in the males between Phoca and Eumetopias and Cal- lorhinus consist in the abbreviated ilia, with their outwardly produced crests, the greater elongation of the pubic and ischiac bones, and the more anterior situation of the acetabula in Phoca as compared with the others. 30 BULLETIN OF THE In Phoca and the earless seals generally no great sexual differences in the structure of the pelvis appears to be known. From the great breadth of the pelvis between the pubic bones in the male, no modifica- tion of the male form of the pelvis would seem requisite in the female. In the eared sen Is, however, especially in Callorhinus, the pelvis is exceedingly narrow, especially anteriorly, in the males, and of small capacity. In the females it is hence necessarily entirely open in front, and the pubic bones and the ischia are reduced to a mere bony rim enclosing the very large thyroid foramen. The ventral borders of the innominate hones are also less produced. The more posterior position of the acetabula in the eared seals places the hind limbs in a position better fitting them to support the body, and hence for terrestrial locomo- tion. They are, in fact, placed but little anterior to their position in many of the true walking mammalia. The following table of comparative measurements indicates the differ- ence in proportions and form of the pelvic bones in Phoca, Macrorhinus, JSumetopias, Callorhinus, and Rosmarus : — Rosma- Eume- Callo- Callo- Phoca. Macro- rus. topias. rhinus. rhinus. rhinus. 330 350 235 ? 140 $ 190 380 Length of the os innominatum . . Breadth (externally) at iliac crests 330 160 110 975 135 " " at acetabula . 195 120 55 40 67 Length of ilium .... 180 150 100, 60 50 130 Breadth (antero-posterior) of do. . 90 80 45 23 57 Length of ischium and os pubis . 250 200 135 70 140 260 < Ircatest breadih of ischio-pubic bones 160 110 70 35 73 180 Length of thyroid foramen 150 125 65 45 87 1 50 Breadth " " 65 50 28 20 25 73 Transverse diameter of the brim 40 15 25 40 " " of the inferior outlet To 28 35 25 Ratio of length of ilium to ischium 72-100 75-100 71.5-100 86-100 28-100 50-100 Owing mainly to the great elongation of the very thick neck in the Otariada, the fore limbs, as long since mentioned by Cuvier,* are ap- parently placed much farther back than in the Phocid as a group distinct from the earless seals, for which the name P/i oca was retained. But naturalists have found it necessary, as our knowledge of these animals has incre ised, to • S< - Part IF, beyond. 38 BULLETIN OF THE greatly subdivide each of these groups. Olaria is now restricted to a single species; while the original Otaria (=Otariadce), as defined by IYron, has been separated into ten groups to which generic rank has been accorded ; none of them containing more than a single species. The first division of the Otarice was made by F. Cuvier* in 1825, who separated them into two genera, Platyrhynchus and At 'otocephalus, with the 0. jubata of recent systcmatists as the type of the former, and Arctocephulus Delalandii ' (antarctic us) as the type of the latter. Dr. Gray,t in 185 9, separated generically the Northern fur seal from Arc- tocephalus, under the name of Callorkinus. The next subdivision of the group was made by Dr. Gill, + in 18GG, who in his " Prodrome of a Monograph of the Pinnipedes," separated them into five genera. § These appear to be natural groups, of true generic rank, and properly restricted ; and, after a careful examination of the subject, and specimens of four of these five types, they appear to me to include all the natural genera of the family. As has been previously pointed out by Gray and Peters, || Dr. Gill, as he himself now freely admits, wrongly retained the name Arctocephulus for Gray's genus Callorkinus, and consequently substituted Ilalarctus for what had previously been regarded as Arctocephalus. Two of these genera (Eumetopias and Callorkinus) iuclude but a single known species each ; Otaria has possibly two, Zalophus two, and Arctocephalus, according to the views of different writers, three or four. Professor Peters, ^[ in 18GG, divided Olaria into seven sections or subgenera, he adding two (Phocarctos, type Otaria Hooheri, and Arcto- pkoca, type Otaria Philippii, a nominal species-, = Arctocephalus falh- landicus) to the number of divisions recognized by Gill. The principal character on which the latter (Arctophoca) was first founded proved to be an invalid one,** yet it was subsequently transferred by Peters, with a slight modification of its diagnosis, to the Arctocephalus falhlandicus. * Mem. dii Mus., Vol. XI, p. 205. f Proc. Lond. ZooL Soc, 1859, p. 359. | Proc. Essex Institute, Vol. V, p. 7. § Otaria, type Phoca jubata Schreber; Arctocephalus, type Phnca ursina Linne; Eume- topias, type Otaria calijorniana Lesson, ■■ Arctocephalus monteriensis Gray; Zalophus, type Otaria GiUespii McBain; Halarctus, type Arctocephalus Delalandi Gray. || See above, p. 7 of the " Resume." \\ Monatsb. Akad. Berlin, 1866, pp. 261, 665. ** The number of molars of A. Philippii was supposed to be | ~| instead of f — £> u- in the other fur seals, but the skull figured and described by Peters as that of this species bad evidently lost the fifth (last but one) pair of molars, as shown by his figure of the skull. 1'eters himself afterwards referred his A. Philippii to the A. falhlandicus. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 39 Dr. Gray, in his various papers published since the appearance of Pro- fessor Peters 's papers, has not only recognized as genera all the genera and subgenera previously proposed by Gill and Peters, including Arcto- phoca, with essentially Professor Peters's first diagnosis of it (including the dental formula !), but has added three others {Euolaria, Gypsopkoca, and Neophoca). Taking into account the nature of the diagnostic characters of his pseudo-genera given in his last synopsis of the family * his classification is too palpably arbitrary to require a detailed review. Of the Species. — For a long period the northern sea lions were by most writers regarded as specifically identical with the southern sea lions, and the northern sea bears with the southern sea bears. Peron in 1816 first called attention to the fact that the northern and southern sea lions and sea bears were distinct species. During the following twenty-five years many naturalists of high authority still regarded them as identical, whilst others considered them as distinct. In 1840 they were for the last time seriously confounded ; but until within the last four years the two species of Zalophus, the one northern and the other southern, have been regarded as one. It is now generally be- lieved, however, that in no case is the same species found on both sides of the equator.! In Peron's time there were commonly believed to be but a single species of sea lion and a single species of sea bear. He however -affirmed that as many as twenty species of sea bears alone were confounded under that name. Since that time many nominal species have been described, — doubtless partly in consequence of Peron's remark, — until the number of distinct names applied to the different sea lions and sea bears exceeds fifty, while probably the num- ber of veritable species is not more than ten. This, in fact, is the num- ber now most commonly recognized. In consequence of the early con- founding of the northern with the southern species, an extraordinary complication of synonymy has resulted, several of the earlier names having been applied by different writers to several different species. The synonomy of some of these species hence embraces a list of ten to fifteen different and variously applied names. Of the hair seals, four apparently unquestionable species are now well * Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 4U) Series, Vol. IV, p. 269. This synopsis has already been quoted in full on p. 35. t See further remarks on this point below, under the head of " Geographical Distri- bution." 40 BULLETIN OF THE known, two of which (Enmetopias Stelleri and Zalophus Gillespii) are northern, and two {Otaria jubata and Zalophus lubatus*) are southern. A fifth species {Otaria Hbokeri), also southern, is likewise commonly recognized. But it appears to be known only from specimens in the British Museuimf collected many years since at the Falkland Islands, and does not seem to have been met with by recent collectors, either at the Falklands or elsewhere. It differs from the O.jubata, judging from the figures and the not wholly satisfactory descriptions we have of it, mainly in having the palatal bones less produced posteriorly; at least this is the difference that has been chiefly dwelt on as distinguishing the two, although certain differences in the color of the under-side of the body have also been mentioned. The skull figured by Gray is evidently that of a middle-aged or rather young animal. The form of the bony palate corresponds also with what is seen in middle-aged and young spe- cimens of other hair seals. Having seen apparently as great differ- ences in specimens of the northern species, unquestionably specifically identical, as exists between O.jubata and 0. Huoleri, I am led to ques- tion whether the specimens described as Otaria \_Phocarctos~] Ilooheri may not be an unusual state of Otaria jubata, the only hair seal now known to exist in the Falkland Islands; the difference resulting partly from age and partly from abnormal development. Not having seen spe- cimens of the 0. Hbokeri, I do not presume to assume it to be-referable to O.jubata ; my design by this reference is mainly to call attention to its somewhat doubtful character. Two genera of fur seals are also commonly recognized. One of these genera consists of the Callor//inus ursinus, or the fur seal of the North. The other genus embraces numerous nominal species, all but one of which have been referred by Peters, and also by Gray in his later papers, to three species, all of which have a southern distribution. * Peron, under the name Otaria cinerea (Voy. mix Terr, austr., Tome II, pp. 54, 77), undoubtedly referred to the so-called Zalophus lubatus of recent writers. Although his description is rather meagre, the size given, as well as the character of the hair, ami •• pei i'u'. the context (at p. 77), render it clear that he must have intended to indicate by this name the species mure fully described later by other writers. Pe'ron's name was at first used by Gray to designate what he has since called lob tins. Although there i> little reason to doubt that PeYon's earlier name of cinerea refers to this species, it is perhaps not advisable to substitute for a well-established name one of possibly doubtful application. t See Catalogues of the British Museum (Seals, 1850, p. 45; Seals and Whales, 1S66, p. 54; B !S of Mammalia, p. 110, etc.)- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOULOGY. 41 These are, Arctocephalus falldandicus, — one of the earliest described species of the family, — A. cinereus and A. antarcticus {= A. Dela- landi). A. falldandicus inhabits the shores and islands of Southern South America ; A. cinereus, the Australasian Seas ; and A. antarcticus, the southern coasts of Africa. These species hence have quite widely separated habitats, yet the alleged differences between them are slight, while in size, color, character of the pelage, and general conforma- tion, they possess many features in common. Their distinctness has at times been doubted, and it seems still to remain an open question wheth- er they form a single species or three. That the A. falldandicus and A. antarcticus hold a close relationship is generally admitted. The A. cinereus, or the Australian species, was believed, through certain dif- ferences in the fangs of the hinder molars, and the supposed less abund- ance of the under-fur, to be quite distinct from the others. Professor Peters, in his second paper, placed the A. cinereus and A. antarcticus in different subsections of his section Arctocephalus, characterizing them as follows: "a. mit sehr sparsamer Unterwolle " (referring to A. antarcticus = Olaria pusilla Peters), and "/3. mit reichlicherer Unter- wolle" (referring to A. cinereus). It is found, however, that the fur of the latter is equally rich with that of the other species.* The distribution of these alleged species presents nothing incompati- ble with the supposition of their identity. They inhabit islands one third as distant from the shores of the South American, African, and Australian continents as these islands are from each other. Other Pinuipedes, as the sea elephant, range over nearly the same area. Moreover, the distance is one of longitude merely, and the physical conditions of this wide area are hence nearly uniform. Until favored with the opportunity of comparing specimens from these several distant points, my opinion as to the identity or diversity of these species must remain unsettled. In respect to the synonomy of the eared seals, that of the northern species will be presently given in full, in connection with the descriptions of these species. To that of Otaria j ubata, given so fully by Dr. Gray in his first memoir on these animals, may be added, as clearly shown already by other writers, f the following recently recognized names: * Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 3d Scries, Vol. XVIII, p. 257, 1SGG. t For references to the papers wherein the following-named synonymes occur, see the "Resume of the recent Contributions to the Natural History of the OUtl^tadt on the shores of the North Atlantic. South of the equator they occupy a broad cir- cumpolar belt, extending from near the tropics to the region of antarctic ice. Here also they reach their greatest numerical development in respect to the number of species; for while three species only are known from the northern waters, at least seven are commonly reckoned as inhabiting the southern waters. As previously remarked, however, this number is probably much too large. * There is a skull of Olariujvbata in the Anatomical Museum of Harvard University, labelled as having come from " Arica, Peru," but 1 thiuk it doubtful if it was collected at that point. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 43 In respect to genera, the number existing in the northern and south- ern waters is equal ; there being two of hair seals and one of fur seals at the north, and the same number at the south. One genus, Zcdophus, is found both at the North and South. Eumetopias of the North may be regarded as represented at the South by Otaria; and Callorhinus of the North by Arctocephalus at the South. Callorhinus and Arctocephalus are undoubtedly representative groups ; but if we regard the latter as composed of three intimately related species instead of one, we shall have three species of fur seals at the South against one at the North. Za- lopkus is the most southern genus, its single species on each side of the equator nearly reaching the tropics, if not actually existing within them at Moluccas, as represented by Mr. Murray* in his map of the distri- bution of these animals. Another interesting fact is that on the coast of Asia the northern species of Zcdophus (Z. Gillespii) is well known to inhabit Japan, whilst the home of the southern species (Z. lobatus) in- cludes the shores of Australia and the neighboring islands ; so that the only two congeneric species of the eared seals distributed on opposite sides of the equator are those whose habitats most nearly approach each other. The distribution of the species is further indicated in the follow- ing conspectus, which is designed to give a concise view of the different groups of the eared seals, with their principal distinctive characters, affinities, and the geographical distribution of the species.f * Geographical Distribution of Mammals, Map XXVIII, 1S66. t The following observations respecting the distribution of the eared seals of the eastern coast of South America have been kindly communicated to me bv Dr. G. A. Maack, who in November and December, 1867, visited the coast of Buenos Ayres for the purpose of obtaining specimens of these animals: " The eared seals, of the eastern coast of South America, exist especially between the 34th and 40th degrees of south latitude. North of the Rio de la Plata they occur at the Islas de los Lobos, near Maldonado. South of this river they occur in great numbers at the Cabo Corrientes, where they frequent the rocks at the base of the vertical and even overhanging cliffs (160 to 170 feet high) of these shores. I visited the latter locality during the months of November and December, 1867, where I had the opportunity of observing these animals alive. But as Professor Burmeister and myself have already published the scientific results of this excursions [see above pp. 13 and 18], but little requires to be added here. "As stated in my paper in ' Der Zoologische Garten ' (Jan., lS70),only two species of these animals exist on the eastern coast of South America: one, the Otaria jubata, from its having but a single kind of hair, is known to the natives as the Lobo marino con unopelo; and the other, Arctocephalus faMmdicus, from having both external hair and under-fur, is called the Lobo marino con dos pelos. Of both I obtained specimens. The 44 BULLETIN OF THE Conspectus op the Genera and Species. Subfamily I. — TRICII0PII0CIN7E. Without under-fur. Size large and form robust. Ears short and broad. Molars either f = f = If or f = \ — \%. I. Genus Otabia Gill ex Per on. Palatines usually extending nearly to the pterygoid processes (sometimes reaching them and sometimes terminating considerably anterior to them) ; their posterior margin generally nearly straight. Molars £ ~ | = *§• 1. Olaria jubata Blainv.* Habitat: Coasts and islands of South Amer- ica, from Chili, (Arica, Peru ?) on the west, and the Rio de la Plata southward to the Antarctic Islands. II. Genus Eumetopias Gill. Palatines much less produced posteriorly than in Otaria. Molars 6 — 5 — 1 '1 5 5 10" 2. Eumetopias Slelleri Peters. Habitat : Coasts and islands of the North Pacific, from California and Southern Kamtchatka northward. III. Genus Zalopiius Gill. 3.< Zalophus Gillespii Gill. Habitat : Coasts and islands of the North Pacific, from Lower California and Southern Japan northward. 4. Zulophus lobalus Peters. Habitat: Australasian Seas, especially the shores of Australia and New Holland. Subfamily II. — OULOPIIOCIN.E. With thick under-fur. Size smaller; form more slender, and the ears, and the toe-flaps of the hinder limbs, much longer than in Trichophocince. Molars f-f=i|. IV. Genus Callorhinus Gray. 5. CaUorhinus ursinus Gray. Habitat : The continental coasts and islands of the North Pacific, from California and Southern (V) Kamtchatka northward. male* anil females of Otaria jubata arc both abundant at the Cabo Corrientes, where in the month of I ember they bring forth their young; but of tin- Arctocepkalus I ob- served only in ili'-- The females of the latter are entirely unknown at this point, this species probably repairing to other localities to breed. One of the native gauchos in- formed me that, during the fifteen years he had been accustomed to kill them here, he had never met with a female." * Including Olaria Hvohcri Gray et auct. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 45 V. Genus Arctocephalus F. Cuvier. 6. Arctocephalus falklandicus Gray. Habitat: Coasts and islands of South America, from Chili on the west and the Rio de la Plata southward to the Antarctic Islands. ? 7. Arctocephalus cinereus* Gray. Habitat: Southern shores of Aus- tralia and New Zealand and the islands to the southward. ? 8. Arctocephalus antarcticus* Gray. Habitat: Southern coast of Africa and the adjoining islands. 3. On the North Pacific Species of Otartad^e. Subfamily I. — TRICHOPHOCIX.E. Without under-fur. Size large and form robust. Ears short. Molars either | = | = if, or -|-|=i°- Genus Eumetopias Gill. Eumetopias Gill, Proc. Essex Institute, V, 7, 11. July, 1866. Type "Otaria californiana Lesson, = Arctocephalus monteriensis Gray." Molars |- ~ f = \% ; the upper hinder pair separated from the others by a considerable interval ; the last only double rooted. Postorbital processes quadrate. Palatine surface of the intermaxillaries flat, only slightly depressed, and greatly contracted posteriorly ; the palatals mod- erately produced, extending about three fourths of the distance from the anterior end of the zygomatic arch to the pterygoid process ; their pos- terior margin straight, or slightly or deeply emarginate ; rarely deeply so in old age. Eumetopias hence differs from Otaria, ns restricted by Gill, in hav- ing one pair less of upper molars,f a much less posterior extension of the palatine bones, and in having the posterior portion of the surface of the intermaxillaries less than one third, instead of more than one half, the width of the anterior portion, and but slightly instead of deeply depressed ; also in the form of the postorbital processes, which in Eumetopias are quadrate, while in Otaria they form an obtuse, nearly equilateral triangle, the apex of which points outward. In Otaria they are also more produced. In the general character of the pelage, in color, in proportions and size, there seems to be a close resemblance * Perhaps the A. cine7-etis and the A. antarcticus are to be referred to the A. falkland- icus, in which case the habitat of this species is the southern seas generally, t See the characters of Otaria given in the preceding " Conspectus," p. 43. 46 BULLETIN OF THE between the single known species of Eumetopias (E. Stelleri) and the single known species of Otaria (0. jubata). Eumetopias differs from Zalophus through the presence of a wide space between the fourth and fifth pairs of upper molars, the less emargination of the posterior border of the palatine bones, the quad- rate instead of the triangular and posteriorly pointed form of the post- orbital processes, the less relative breadth of the posterior nares, and the larger size of the facial angle ; also through its much broader muz- zle, the less degree of the postorbital constriction of the skull, and its much less developed sagittal crest. It differs from Neophoca Gray, as nearly as can be determined from the published figures and defective descriptions, in nearly the same manner. Eumetopias Stelleri Peters. Steller's Sea Lion. Leo marinus Steller, Nov. Coram. Petrop., XI, 360, 1751. " Phoca jubata Schreber, Saugeth., 300, lxxxiii, 1775 (in part only; not P. jubata Forster)." Phoca jubata Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 63, 1788 (in part). " " Pander and D'Alton, Skelete der Robben und Lamant., PI. Ill, Figs, d, e, f, 1826. Otaria jubata P£ron, Voyage Terr, austr., II, 40, 1816. " " Nilsson, Arch. f. Naturgesch., 1841, 329 (in part only}. Otaria Stelleri Lesson, Diet. Class. Hist. Nat., XIII, 420, 1828. Phoca Stelleri Fischer, Synop. Mam., 231, 1829. Otaria Stelleri J. Muller, Arch. f. Naturgesch., 1841, 330, 333. " " Gray, Cat Seals in Brit. Mus., 47, 1850. " " Sclater, Proc. ZooL.Soc, 1868, 190. " " Gray, Cat. Seals and Whales in Brit. Mus., 60, 1866. Otaria (Eumetopias) Stelleri Peters, Monatasb. Akad. Berlin, 1866, 274, 671. Eumetopias Stelleri Gray, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 3d Ser., XVIII, 233. Otaria cali forniana Lesson, Diet. Class. Hist. Nat., XIII, 420, 1828. Phoca califurniana Fischer, Synop. Mam., 231, 1829. Eumetopias californianus Gill, Proc. Essex Inst., V, 13, July, 1866. Arctocephalus monteriensis Gray, Proc. Zoiil. Soc., 1859, 360, PI. lxxii (in part).* Le Lion marin Buffon, Hist. Nat, Suppl., VI, 337, 1782 (in part). Leonine Seal Pennant, Arctic Zoology, I, 200 (in part). Color. — General color of the upper side of the body varying from pale yellowish brown to reddish brown ; much darker towards the tail, and not * Excluding the skin (and young skull?), here doubtfully referred to A. monteriensis, and afterwards described by the same author as A. californianus, in Cat. Seals and Whales, p. 51 (1866). MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 47 unfrequently marked on the back and sides with irregular-shaped dark brown patches. The sides below the median line are reddish, shading above into the lighter color of the back, and below into the darker color of the lower surface. Lower side of the body dusky reddish-brown, darkest on the hinder portion of the abdomen. Limbs dark reddish-brown, ap- proaching black, especially externally. "While the general aspect of the color is as above indicated, the hairs individually greatly vary in color. While some are entirely pale yellow- ish, others are yellowish only at the tip, and dark below, and others are dark reddish-brown or nearly black throughout. The mixture of these two colors gives a brindled appearance on some parts of the body, and to a much greater extent in some specimens than in others. The relative proportion of the light and dark hairs determine the general color of the different regions of the body. The color appears to vary much in different individuals, not only with age and sex, but irrespective of sex and age. Hair. — The hair is of two kinds, the outer of which is straight, coarse, stiff, and flattened. Beneath this is an exceedingly sparse, very short, finer under-coat, so short and in such small quantity as to be detected only with difficulty. The hair is longest on the anterior half of the body, where it has an average length of 40 mm. ; it decreases in length pos- teriorly, and towards the tail has an average length of only 15 mm. It is still shorter on the abdomen, whilst on the limbs it is much more reduced, and disappears entirely towards the ends of the digits. The end of the nose, the soles and palms, the anal region, and the extra-digital cartilagi- nous flaps are naked and black. The whiskers are long, slender, and cylin- drical, white or brownish-white, and set in four or five rather indistinct rows. Some of the longest sometimes reach a length of 50 cent., or about twenty inches, with a maximum thickness of 2 mm. Size. — The length of full-grown males is about twelve or thirteen feet. According to Captain Bryant they frequently reach the latter size, and a weight of from fifteen to eighteen hundred pounds. The females, he ob- serves, are much more slender than the males, and do not attain to more than one fourth the weight of the latter. Ears. — The ears (Fig. 8, PI. I) are short and pointed, but much broader than those of the Northern fur seal (Fig. 13, PI. II), though of only half their length. Hind Limbs. — The hind feet (Fig. 7, PI. I, -^ nat. size) are broad and, gradually widening from the tarsus, reach their greatest breadth at the end of the toes. Their length is short as compared to their breadth, the distance between the ends of the outer toes when spread nearly equal- ling the whole length of the foot. The toes are terminated with strong 48 BULLETIN OF THE cartilaginous flaps, covered with a thick leathery naked membrane, which is deeply indented opposite the intervals between the toes, and serves to connect the rather diverging digits. The three middle toes are provided with long, well-developed nails ; the outer toes are without true nails, but in place of them are thickened, horny disks, which may be regarded as rudimentary nails, which an examination of the skeleton shows them to be. The outer toes are slightly shorter than the three middle ones, which are sub-equal. Fore Limbs. — The fore feet (Fig. 6, PI. I, fa nat. size) are large, tri- angular, and situated but a little in front of the middle of the body. They terminate in a thick, hard, membranous flap, which is slightly and somewhat irregularly indented on the inner side. The terminations of the digits are indicated by small circular horny disks or rudimentary nails. Measurements. — The following table of external measurements of two males, one very aged and the other mature, indicates the general propor- tions of the body. A part were taken from the moist skins before stuffing, and the others from the same skins mounted. Measurements of Two Skins of Eumetopias Stelleri. No. 2920. No. 23 21. £ 10 years old. J 1 5 years old. Unmounted. Mounted. Unmounted. Mounted. Length of body 2,750 2,790 2,896 3,010 " " tail . ... 100 100 110 Extent of outstretched fore limbs . . " 2,362 Length of hand ..... 57.'. 560 C35 620 Breadth" " 3.37 335 360 Length " foot ..... 559 540 610 Breadth " " at tarsus 2 Hi 210 230 " " " " ends of the toe-flaps 4^3 4 15 440 Length of flaps of outer toe . 200 200 220 " " " " 'id toe . 171) 156 210 " " " " .'id toe 152 147 190 " " " " 4th toe . 164 150 190 " " " " inner toe . 164 150 165 Distance from end of nose to eye 215 190 170 " '" " " ear . 368 365 380 " between the eyes . 190 195 210 " " ears 372 370 420 Length of the ear .... 37 35 35 " " longest harhulc 342 342 I)i-t between points of longest barbulcs SOU 800 Circumference of the body at fore limbs 2, -.'5(1 2,600 " " " near the tail 1,000 1,020 " " head at the cars 1 000 (ISO Length of body to end of hind limbs . . 3,450 3,790 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 49 Skull — The skull (Figs. 3 and 4, woodcuts, pp. 57-58, and Figs. 1 -4, PL I) varies greatly in different individuals, not only in its general form, but in the shape of its different bones. The occipital and median crests are doubtless not much developed before the fifth or sixth year. The bones thicken greatly after the animal attains maturity, and the palate becomes more flattened. In the adult male the brain-box may be described as subquadrate, narrower anteriorly, where the skull is abruptly contracted. The greatest diameter of the skull is at the posterior end of the zygoma, and is equal to three fifths of its length. The post-orbital processes are strongly developed and quadrate ; the forehead is flat, and the facial pro- file is either abruptly or gradually declined ; the muzzle is broad, equal in breadth in front to the distance between the orbits. The palatal sur- face of the intermaxillaries is flat, or slightly depressed anteriorly, and very slightly contracted posteriorly. Laterally the intermaxillaries reach nearly to the end of the palatals. The latter are much contracted posteriorly, and terminate quite far in front of the hamuli pterygoidii. Both the anterior and posterior nares are a little narrower than high. The nasals are widest anteriorly. The last (fifth) pair of upper molars is placed far behind the fourth pair, the space between them being about equal to that occupied by two molars. The males in old age have exceed- ingly high occipital and sagittal crests, most developed posteriorly ; an teriorly they diverge and terminate in the hinder edge of the postorbital processes. The lower jaw is massive and strong. Its coronoid processes are greatly developed, as are the tuberosities at the angles of the rami, and a second tuberosity on the lower inner edge of each ramus (see Figs. 9-11, PI. III). It should be added that the above description of the skull refers ex- clusively to the male. Having no skulls of the female, I am unable to state definitely how the sexes differ in respect to the form of the skull. Judging, however, from the sexual variations seen in Callorhinus ur sinus, Otaria jubata, and other species of the Olariadce, the skull of the female would be not only very much smaller, but it would lack almost totally the high occipital and sagittal crests exhibited by the male, and have all the processes for the attachment of muscles less developed. The teeth, es- pecially the canines, are relatively much smaller, as is also the lower jaw. In other words, the female skull would doubtless closely resemble the skull of a yearling male. The annexed table of measurements indicates still further the general form of the male skull and the relative proportions of its different regions. 50 BULLETIN OF THE Measurements of the Skull. Length Breadth Dist. from ant edge of intermaxillary to hamuli pterygoids " " " " to last molar (left side) " " " " " (right side) " " " " to ant. edge of zygm. arch " "- " " post. " " " " " " to auditory orifice Length of left palatine bone (inner edge) " " " " " (outer edge) " " right " " (inner edge) " " " " " (outer edge) Breadth of right palatine anteriorly .... left " " .... " right " posteriorly .... left " " .... Distance from edge of palatals to ptyg. process " " " last molar to post, edge of palatals (left side) Depression of palate below alveoli of canines " " " " 2d and 3d molars . " " " " 4th molar . Length of the nasals (outer edge) " " " (inner edge) .... Breadth of nasals (anteriorly) " " " (posteriorly) " of the skull at the canines " " " postorbital processes . " " " paroccipital " " " anterior nares (vertical) " " " (transverse) . •?. " " posterior nares (vertical) " (transverse) Length of zygomatic foramen Breadth " ...... Diameter of foramen magnum (transverse) " " " " (anteroposterior) Greatest height of skull (paroc. proc. to top of occip. crest) Distance from lower edge of condyles " Height of skull from hamuli pteryg. to top of sagittal crest Length of sagittal crest Greatest height of skull Length of lower jaw ....... Breadth of the lower jaw at the condyles " " " last molar " " " in front .... " • " condyle Height of lower jaw at the coronoid process " at symphysis No. 2920. No. 2921. Middle aged. Very old. $ 8 374 385 220 246 243 247 160 160 160 150 140 140 246 250 290 300 50 64 55 68 45 63 49 63 16 19 19 21 12 16 13 18 48 46 32 42 19 17 41 38 18 20 60 64 47 48 32 38 45 44 95 110 120 130 200 235 54 54 48 55 32 42 30 36 116 120 80 80 30 33 33 36 145 165 132 140 150 160 80 180 38 35 270 280 185 210 100 110 65 65 60 60 85 95 65 75 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, 51 Teeth. — Last upper molar is double-rooted, and its crown directed back- wards. All the other molars are single-rooted, with a slight median longi- tudinal groove on the outside. Their crowns are irregularly conical, pointed, and jut out over their contracted necks ; inner side of the crowns hollowed. Surface of the crowns roughened with minute, longitudinal grooves and ridges. The upper molars have no trace of the supplemental points to the crowns seen in many species of this family. The lower molars, particularly the third and fourth, have very slight accessory cusps. Necks of the molars uniform in size with the upper part of the fangs. Fangs of the molars gradually tapering, those of the first and second upper much curved inwards ; that of the third less so ; that of the fourth straight ; the two fangs of the fifth are directed abruptly forward, the posterior one much the smaller. Canines of both jaws very large, the upper, however, much the larger; the lower more curved. Of the six incisors- of the upper jaw, those of the outer pair are much larger than the middle ones, two thirds as long as the canines, and much like them in form. The middle ones have their antero-posterior diameter nearly twiee their lateral diameter, and their crowns are divided transversely. The fangs of the inner pair are slightly bifid. Of the four lower incisors the outer are much the longer. Figures 5-5 e (one half natural size), Plate I, shows the form of the teeth, and the subjoined table their size.* Measurements of the Teeth. A. — Teeth of the Upper Jaw. a Molars. 1) a i o Incisors. 5th. 4th. 3d. 2d. 1st. Outer. Middle. Inner. Total length . Length of the crown " " neck f " " root X Antero posterior diameter $ Lateral diameter § 27 9 6 12 11.5 6.5 33 13 6 14 13 9 36 13 6 15 13 10 37 13 6 18 13 10 40 11 6 23 11.5 8.5 84 34 6 24 20 63 23 7 15 12 29 5 7 7 5 25 4 7 6 4 * These figures and dimensions (the latter given in millimetres) are taken from the younger or middle-aged specimen, in which the dentition was perfect and normal. In old age many of the teeth are usually broken, and a portion of them often entirely wanting, through loss from accident. As the lower canines could not be removed with- out removing a portion of the jaw, they have not been figured nor fully measured. t The distance from the crown to the alveolus^ _ \ The portion of the tooth inserted in the jaw.- § At the base of the crown. 52 BULLETIN OF THE B — Teeth of the Lower Jaw, Molars. o c '3 Incisors. 6th. 4th. 42 12 5 25 13 9 3d. 42 14 5 23 15 10 2d. 1st. 30 10 5 15 10.5 8.5 Outer. Iuner. Total length .... Length of the crown " " neck* . " " roott . Anteroposterior diameter t • Lateral diameter \ 28 10 5 13 9 G 39 12 5 22 12.5 9 35 7 26 17 31 8 4 9 25 5 4 16 6 5 Skeleton. — Vertebral formula: Cervical vertebra?, 7; dorsal, 15; lum- bar, 5; caudal (including the four sacral), variable; probable average, 16. Ten of the fifteen ribs articulate with the sternum ; their sternal por- tions are entirely cartilaginous. Their osseous portions evidently increase much in length after middle age. The apophyses of the vertebra} are well developed. Of the neural spines of the dorsal vertebras, the first, secondhand third are sub-equal, 130 mm. long; they gradually shorten posteriorly, the last having a length of only 75 mm. The sternum is normally composed of nine osseous thick and broad segments, the first and last very long, the eighth shortest. Between the eighth and ninth a shorter cartilaginous one is sometimes intercalated (as in specimen No. 2920). The pelvis (already fully described on pages 27- 29) is well developed. The ilia are very long and narrow antero-posteriorly. The pubic bones are unanchylosed, they being merely approximate at their posterior ex- tremities. Probably in the females (as in Callorhinus ursinus), they are widely separated, and the whole pelvis much smaller than in the males and differently shaped. The humeri, as in the other Pinnipedes, are short and thick, with the greater tuberosity enormously developed. The bones of the fore-arm are also very -large and strong, with all their processes greatly developed; in length they but slightly exceed the humerus. The length of neither of the segments of the arm quite equals the length of the bones of the first digit (including its metacarpal bone) of the hand. The first digit of the hand is the longest, twice as long as the fifth, and very thick anil strong. The bones of the hinder limbs are also short and thick, especially the femur, which is scarcely more than one third as long as the tibia. The latter in length about equals the foot. The relative length of the digits * The distance from the crown to the alveolus, t The portion inserted in the jaw. J At the base of the crown. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 53 is as follows, the longest being mentioned first: 5th, 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th. The third and fourth are of equal length, and but little shorter than the second. In fespect to size, the tarsal and phalangeal bones of the fifth digit are nearly twice as large as those of the first, whilst those of the first are about twice the size of those of either of the other three. As pre- viously noticed, the three middle digits of the foot are supplied with long narrow nails ; the first and fifth with rudimentary ones, scarcely visible in the skin but quite distinct in the skeleton. Measurements of the Bones of the Hand (metacarpal and phalangeal). Middle-aged Specimen. Very old Specimen. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th digit, digit. digit. digit. digit. digit. digit. digit. digit. digit. Length of metacarpal and phalanges . 352 310 240 200 177 357 320 250 205 185 Length of metacarpal bone 152 110 85 80 80 160 110 90 80 85 " " 1st phalanx . 140 95 70 55 65 140 95 70 60 65 " " 2d " . 60 ' 80 60 45 20 57 80 65 45 18 " " 3d 25 25 20 12 35 25 20 17 Measurements of the Bones of the Foot {metatarsal and phalangeal). Middle-aged Specimen. Very old Specimen. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th digit. digit. digit. digit. digit. digit. digit digit. digit. digit. Length of metatarsal and phalanges . 310 290 290 305 328 320 317 327 350 350 Length of metatnrsal bone 120 95 95 110 130 145 110 110 120 130 " " 1st phalanx . 140 90 90 90 93 130 100 105 105 110 " " 2d " . 50 75 75 80 70 45 80 85 95 75 " "3d 30 30 25 35 27 27 30 35 " " nail 40 40 37 50 55 50 The hyoid bone is greatly developed. Each ramus consists of five segments, its two rami being connected together by a transverse segment articulating with the juncture of the fourth and fifth segments. All the parts of the hyoid bone are very thick, especially the transverse and an- terior . segments ; relatively much more so than in Callnrhinm. In the common Phoca the hyoid bone is reduced almost to a bony filament. The length of the hyoid bone in the present species is 270 mm.; of the transverse segment, G5 mm. ; circumference of the transverse segment, 45 mm. ; of the segment at the thickest part, 95. 54 BULLETIN OF THE Measurements of the Skeleton. -6 2 © o — o M U o >-. CM ". CM ". J? <=> 6 o ^~ ^ - 2,750 2,935 Whole length of skeleton (including skull) . Length of skull 374 385 " " cervical vertebrae 500 540 " " dorsal " 1,051) 1,090 " " lumbar " ...... 340 400 " " caudal " ...... 440 520 " " first rib ........ 260 224 " " " osseous portion ..... 130 140 " " " cartilaginous portion .... 130 100 " " second rib 345 295 " osseous portion ..... 175 185 " " " cartilaginous portion 170 120 " " third rib ....... . 410 410 " " " osseous portion ..... 231) 270 " cartilaginous portion .... 180 140 " " fourth rib 470 470 " " " osseous portion ..... 280 330 " cartilaginous portion 190 140 " fifth rib 535 5 50 " " " osseous portion ..... 320 370 " " " cartilaginous portion .... 215 160 " " sixth rib . 580 590 " " " osseous portion ..... 360 420 " " " cartilaginous portion 220 170 " " seventh rib ....... 640 620 " osseous portion .... 400 440 " " " cartilaginous portion 240 ISO " " eighth rib ...... . 670 670 " " " osseous portion 420 480 " " " cartilaginous portion 250 190 " " ninth rib 710 685 " " osseous portion .... 420 485 " " " cartilaginous portion .... 290 200 " " tenth rib 750 745 " " " osseous portion ..... 420 4^5 " " " cartilaginous portion 330 260 " " eleventh rib, osseous portion only 430 510 " " twelfth rib " " " . . . 490 500 " " thirteenth rib " " " ... 450 470 " " fourteenth rib " " " 410 460 " " fifteenth rib " " " ... 340 350 " " sternum (ossified portion) .... 7(10 840 " " " 1st segment ..... 130 1st) 2d 70 90 " " 3d 70 85 " 4th 65 so " " " 5th " 63 85 " 6th 60 75 7th 60 73 8th 55 65 9th " 70 77 " " " supernum. cartilag. seg.(bet. 8th and 9th) 30 — MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 55 Length of scapula . Breadth of " .... Greatest height of its spine . Length of humerus .... Circumference of its head . Least circumference of the humerus Length of radius . " " ulna .... Longest diameter of upper end of ulna Length of carpus .... " " metacarpus and 1st digit " 2d " " " " " 3d " « « « 4th '• " 5[h « " " femur Circumference of neck Length of tibia " " fibula " " tarsus " " metatarsus and 1st iiigit " 2d " " " " " 3d " << 4th " " 5th " " " innominate bone Greatest width of the pelvis anteriorly Length of ilium .... " " ischio-pubic bones " " thyroid foramen " " os penis . Width of hand at base of digits " " foot " " . £2 830 350 45 300 300 170 260 510 100 80 350 310 240 200 170 170 125 320 310 140 310 290 290 305 227 320 140 140 140 170 160 130 © m 370 380 52 285 290 180 SCO 310 130 80 360 320 250 2,050 1 ,850 220 ISO 340 330 160 270 290 270 285 310 360 160 160 200 200 170 140 The os penis (Fig. 13, Plate III) is 170 mm. long, slightly arched, somewhat flattened above, especially posteriorly, sharply convex below, and abruptly expanded and squarely truncate at the end. Its circumfer- ence at the base is 72 mm.; just behind the terminal expansion, 32 mm.; and the terminal expansion itself, G5 mm. The above table gives the principal measurements of the bones of the skeleton. Measurements of both specimens are given, as in previous tables, for the purpose of illustrating the variations that occur in the rela- tive size of different parts after maturity is attained, and also for the pur- pose of illustrating individual variation, which in some particulars these specimens exhibit in a marked degree. The ribs, it will be observed, dif- fer but slightly in total length in the two; not nearly so much as would be expected from the much greater bulk of the body of the older specimen. It will be noticed that the principal differences in the ribs consist in the 56 BULLETIN OF THE relative length of the bony to the. cartilaginous portions, in the older the ossified portion being much longei and the cartilaginous much shorter than in the other. An irregularity will be also observed in respect to the ster- nal segments, the younger specimen having a supernumerary cartilagi- nous one between the 8th and 9th normal ones. Age and Sexual Variations. — In regard to the present species my ma- terial does not furnish many facts in respect to these points, since the two males contained in Captain Bryant's collection constitute at present my only resources. These examples, he writes me, were selected " as average specimens of full-grown males, but in the selection," he says, " we were governed somewhat by the desire to have skins perfectly haired, many of the animals being chafed by the rocks, even to having sores." " I should estimate," he further adds, "the age of one of them to be nine or ten years, that of the other fifteen." These specimens, however, differ consid- erably from each other in color, size, and proportions. Some of these dif- ferences are clearly due to age, but others equally great cannot be thus explained. These specimens show that the body increases greatly in bulk, and the bones in size and density, after the animal has reached its adult length. The crests of the skull are almost wholly developed after this period, and in great measure also the spines or ridges of the scapulae. The processes for the attachment of the muscles also increase, as do the vertebral or osseous portions of the ribs. The teeth also change greatly in size and form after maturity is attained. They not only increase in size, especially the canines, but become much worn and misshapen by long use. In old specimens a greater or less proportion of the teeth are said to be either entirely wanting or broken, as is the case in the older of the two specimens before me.* Respecting the younger stages I am without data, as well as in respect to sexual variation. In these points the present species dot's not probably differ much from Callorhinus ursinus, adult females and the young of which are described further on. It is well known, however, that the females are much smaller than the males ; as already suggested, they doubtless" also lack the greatly developed sagittal and occipital crests of the males, as do the females of C. ursinus and Otaria jubata. Individual Variation. — The present specimens, though only two in number and of different ages, indicate that the species under consideration is subject to a great amount of individual variation. This variation is strik- ingly shown in the skull, as seen in tin' following woodcuts (pp. 57-58). After allowing for the differences age would make, as in the smaller size of the sagittal crest, the rounded outline of the front edges of the inter- maxillaries, the smaller size of the postorbital processes, the greater dis- tinctness of the sutures, and perhaps the more sloping outline of the fore- * See Eig. 3, Plate I. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Fig. 1.* Fig. 2.t 57 head in the younger (Figs. 1 and 4), there is left a radical difference in the general form of the two skulls, which must have increased as the younger animal advanced in years. In length the two skulls vary only about a tenth of an inch; the younger, however, is considerably the narrower and much deeper, especially posteriorly, while its facial angle is much less. The direction of the latero-occipital crests, the form and projection of the occipital condyles, and especially their situation relative to the par- occipital processes, are exceedingly different in the two skulls, as clearly shown in Figs. 3 and 4, — as different as might be expected to occur in Fig. 3.J * Fig. 1, anterior portion of trie skull of No. 2920 (left side), showing the form of tho nasals the zygomatic and postorbital processes, and the posterior outline of the inter- maxillaries, soon from above. t Fig. 2, same of No. 2921. t Fig. 3, skull of No. 2921, seen in profile. 58 BULLETIN OF THE quite distinct species. In the anterior portion of the skull the differences are nearly as great as in the posterior portion. In the older skull the ratio of the height of the skull at the base of the second molar to its height at the base of the fourth is as 81 to 100; the corresponding ratio Fig. 4.* in the younger skull is as 74 to 100. It may be added that the same ratio in Dr. Gray's figure of the skull of Zalophus Gillespii\ is as 70 to 100, showing that the younger skull in this character more resembles the Z. Gil- lespii, — which different writers have spoken of as remarkable for the great declination of the face, — than it does the older skull of the same species. There are also great differences in the relative length and shape of the nasal bones, and in the form of the posterior outline of the intermaxillaries (Figs. 1 and 2). In the younger specimen they extend further back than in the older, further even than the end of the nasals, while in the older the nasals extend beyond the intermaxillaries. In respect, to the posterior aspect of the skull (Figs. 2 and 4, Plate I), the differences are no less great. The height of the occipital bone is about fifteen per cent greater in the young skull (Fig. 2, PL I), which would be much increased by age through the further development of the supraoc- cipital crest. The breadth of the occiput above is equal in the two; below it is fifteen per cent greater in the older (Fig. 4, PI. I). In the lower surface of the skull (Figs. 1 and 3, Plate I) other consider- able differences are observable, and of such a nature that they cannot be dec! as resulting from age. In the older skull, as previously remarked, the bones are in general much thicker than in the younger; but in re- * Fig. 4, skull of No. 2920, same view. t l'i'oc. London Zoi 1. Society, lbu'J, PI. LXX. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 59 spect to the hamuli pterygoidei, the younger skull has these processes longer and stouter than they are in the older. The posterior nares are narrower and higher in the younger, — a difference correlating with the general differences in form of the skull in the two specimens, the nares in the younger being relatively narrow and high as compared with those of the other. The comparative measurements of these skulls already given (p. 49) show definitely the amount of these differences. The palatine surface of the intermaxillaries is less depressed in the older skull. In respect to other portions of the skeleton, considerable differences other than those obviously resulting from age are met with. The smaller and younger specimen, which has a girth in the mounted skin (as it doubtless had in life) one fourth greater than the other, has ribs as long as the other. The number of segments in the sternum varies in the two, through the intercalation in the younger specimen of a short cartilaginous one between the eighth and ninth, to which the ninth pair of ribs is at- tached, instead of both the eighth and ninth pairs being attached to the eighth segment, as is usually the case. In color, contrary to what would result from age, the younger specimen is much the lighter. Asymmetry. — A small amount of asymmetry has now come to be recog- nized as normally occurring in many groups of mammals, from which even the highest are not free. It is most marked, however, in the lower types, and especially in the cetaceans, where it is usually too great to escape the notice of the mo;t cursory observer. The eared seals also exhibit an un- usually great degree of asymmetry. This absence of symmetry doubtless indicates a tendency to a greater than the ordinary degree of individual vari- ation. In the skull of the older specimen of Eumetopias now before me, the asymmetry is very striking, the preponderance of size being on the left side of the skull, which is not only broader, but appreciably longer. Be- sides the asymmetry of size, there is an asymmetry in the position of the different parts, those on one side being in advance of their homologues on the other side.* The following measurements indicate the extent of the asymmetry in size, the measurements being taken from the (homologically) median line outwards at four different points : — Right side, .... Lett side 48 53 57 63 34 39 111 113 * This one-sidedness is still more strikingly seen in the above-mentioned female skull of Otariajubnta, especially in regard to the size and position of the postorbital processes. Dr. G. A. Maack informs me that in the specimens of the 0. jubeda collected by him on the coast of Buenos Ayres the asymmetry was astonishingly great. On the contrary, he found no asymmetry in the skull of the ArctocejAalus falklandicus. 60 BULLETIN OF THE The palatine bones seem to be particularly liable to vary in length and form on the two sides of the same skull, as does also the position of the last molar tooth. On the left side the distance between the fourth and fifth molars in the older skull is 3."> mm., on the right side 26 mm. In the younger skull the left side is also just appreciably more devel- oped than the right. In the older individual the asymmetry is readily traceable throughout the skeleton, in the hind feet especially, the one being much larger than the other. General Remarks. — The northern sea lion was first described by Steller in 1751, who, under the name of Leo marinas, gave a somewhat detailed account of its habits and its geographical range, so far as known to him. His description of the animal, however, is quite unsatisfactory. Steller's Leo marinus, in size, general form and color, closely resembles the southern sea lion (Otariajubata), with which Steller's animal was confounded by Pennant, Buffon and nearly all subsequent writers for nearly a century. Peron, in 1816, first distinctly affirmed the northern and southern sea lions to be specifically distinct. Lesson, in 1828, gave it the specific name it now bears, in hpnor of Steller, its first describer. The following year Fischer, on the authority of Lesson, also recognized its distinctness from the southern species. Nilsson, in 1840, in his cel- ebrated monograph of the seals, reunited them. Midler, however, in an appendix to Dr. W. Peters's transition of Nilsson's essay, published in the Archiv fur Naturgeschichte for 1841, separated it again, and pointed out some of the differences in the skulls that serve to distinguish the two species. Gray, in his Catalogue of the Seals published in 1850, also regarded it as distinct. But one is led to infer that he had not yet seen specimens of it, and that he rested his belief in the existence of such a species mainly on Steller's account of it, as he himself expressly states in his later papers. The ^kull received subsequently at the Brit- ish Museum from Monterey, California, and figured and described by Gray as a new species, under the name of Arctocephalus monteriensis, proved, however, to be of this species, as first affirmed by Dr. Gill, and later by Professor Peters and Gray himself. With the exception of the figures of an imperfect skull of Steller's sea lion from Kamtchatka, given by Pander and D' Alton in 1826, Dr. Gray's excellent figure (a view in profile) is the only one of its skull hitherto published. The only specimens of the animal extant, up to a recent date, in the European museums, seem to have consisted of the two skulls and a stuffed skin in MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 61 the Berlin Museum mentioned by Peters, and the skull in the British Museum figured and described by Gray. With the Monterey skull above mentioned, Dr. Gray received another very young skull, and the skin of a fur seal, both of which were said to have belonged to one animal, and which he hesitatingly referred to his Arctocephalus monteriensis.* Later, however, he regarded them as representing a new species,! which he called Arctocephalus califor- nianus. Still later he again seems to refer them to his Eumetopias Stelleri \ (=. Arctocephalus monteriensis Gray, of earlier date). Con- cerning this skin he remarked at one time as follows: "If the skin sent last year by Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gurney, and by that gentleman presented to the Museum, is the young of this species \_A. monteriensis'], the young animal is blackish, silvered by the short white tips to the short black hairs ; those on the nape and hinder parts of the body with longer white tips, making those parts whiter and more silvery. The under-fur is very abundant, reaching nearly to the end of the hair. The end of the nose and sides of the face are whitish. The whiskers are elongated, rigid, smooth, and white. The hind feet are elongate, with rather long flaps to the toes. The skull is small for the size of the skin, and I should have doubted its belonging to the skin if it were not accompanied by the following label : ' Skull of the fur seal I sent last year. It is very imperfect, from my forgetting where I had put it; but it must do until accident throws another in the way; the other bones were lo~t. — A. S. T.' " § As Dr. Gray seems to have finally become settled in his opinion that this skin is identical with his A. monteriensis, afterwards called by him Eumetopias Stelleri, this may account for the statement (already referred to in my " Resume,") recently made by him || and subse- quently reiterated,^" that the Eumetopias Stelleri is a species in which " the fur is very dense, standing nearly erect from the skin, forming a very soft, elastic coat, as in 0. falklandica and 0. Stelleri, which," he erroneously says, "are the only seals that have a close, soft, elastic fur." From his description of this young skull it is apparently reler- * Proc. Loud. Zool. Soc, 1S59, p. 358. t Cat. Seals and Whales, 1866. p. 49. J Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 3d Series, 1866, Vol. XVilI, p. 233. § Proc. Lond. Zool. Soc, 1859, p. 358. I! Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 4th Series, 1866, Vol. I, p. 101. 1 Ibid., p. 215. G2 BULLETIN OF THE able to E. Stelleri ; but the skin is unquestionably that of the Callor- hinus ursinus. Nothing can be more sure than that it cannot belong to the E. Stelleri, which is completely destitute of soft fur, as proved by the specimens before me, and the description given by Professor Peters of the one in the Berlin Museum. Lesson gave the name Otaria californiana to a supposed species of eared seal based solely on the " Jeune lion marin de la Californie " of Choris.* The figure given by Choris is too poorly drawn to be recog- nizable as that of one species of eared seal rather than of another. The following is the only allusion Choris makes to this animal in his text : " Les rochers, dans le voisinage de la baie San-Francisco sont ordinairement couverts de lions marins. PI. XI." From the locality, which is the only possible guide, it was doubtless the E. Stelleri, but it may have been the Zalophus Gillespii. Dr. Gill in his " Prodrome," adopted provisionally Lesson's name {californiana) for the present spe- cies, but at the same time suggested its probable identity with the so- called Otaria Stelleri of Miiller. Peters, a few months later, confirmed Gill's suggestion, since which time the name Stelleri has been univer- sally adopted for the larger northern hair seal. The Otaria Stelleri of Schlegel, f formerly supposed by Gray % and also by Peters § to in- clude both the Australian eared seals (viz. Arctocephalus cinereus and Zalophus lobatus), has finally been referred by the latter, after an ex- amination of the original specimens in the Leyden Museum, to the Zalophus Gillespii.\\ I am now convinced of the correctness of this determination, though for a time I suspected the skull of the young female figured in Fauna Japonica (PI. XXII, Figs. 5 and 6) to belong to some species of fur seal. It certainly differs greatly in proportions, as well as in dentition, from the other skulls figured in this work (same plate), and called 0. Stelleri. The northern sea lion having become generally recognized as specifi- cally distinct from the sea lion of the southern seas, Dr. Gill, in 1866, separated the two generically. This had indeed already been done prac- tically by Dr. Gray, inasmuch as he placed his A. monteriensis (=0. * Voyage Pittoresque, PI. XI, of the chapter entitled " Port San-Francisco et se9 habitants." (The date of this work is 1822.) t Fauna Japonica, Mam. marine, p. 10. \ Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 3d Series, 1866, Vol. XVni, p. 229. § Monatsberichte Akad. Berlin, 1866, pp. 272, 276. || Ibid., p. 669. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 63 Stelleri auct.) in the genus Arctocephalus, and the southern sea lion in Otaria, with which he nominally associated the 0. Stelleri. He failed, however, to recognize the identity of his A. monteriensis with the 0. Stelleri, and hence the entire generic diversity of the northern and southern sea lions seems to have escaped his observation. The latter fact was first pointed out by Dr. Gill in his " Prodrome," as above stated. Comparison with Otaria jubata. — Having only male specimens of the Eumetopias Stelleri, and only skulls of the female of Otaria jubata, I am unable to make a detailed comparison of these two strictly geo- graphically representative species. The following measurements of a female 0. jubata, taken from the animal itself (at Cabo Corrientes, Buenos Ayres), by Dr. G. A. Maack, are here introduced for future reference, since they are more detailed than any hitherto published : — " Measurements of Otaria jubata (adult). " Total length to end of tail 1,750 mm. " " « " " outstretched hind limbs . . 2,070 " Greatest circumference of the body .... 1,050 " Circumference of the body in front of fore limbs . 970 " " " " hind limbs . . 860 " " of the neck 620 " Length of left fore fin 700 " " « palm 500 " " " hind fin (sole) 430 " " The general color is brown ; iris, coffee-brown ; barbules, dark yellow." Of the large collection of skins and skeletons of the Otaria jubata received by the London Zoological Society in 1868, we as yet have no very detailed account. The measurements of one of the adult females given by Dr. Murie * are as follows : " Greatest length of skin, includ- ing hind extremities, 80 1 inches [2,045 mm.] ; from muzzle to end of tail, 66| inches [1,702 mm.]; tip to tip of fore limbs outspread, 58 inches [1,473 mm.]" It hence agrees very nearly in size with that measured by Dr. Maack. The measurements of a male specimen of O. jubata — belonging to the same collection as the female — given by Dr. Murie, indicate that it was not nearly full grown. The few reliable facts we have in * Proc. Zool. Soc. 1869, p. 102. G4 BULLETIN OF THE respect to the size of the male are sufficient to show that in this respect, as well as in general external features, the O.jubata differs markedly in no way from the Eumetopias Stelleri, although they differ widely in the form of the skull and in dentition. Geographical Distribution. — According to Steller, this species ex- isted in his time along nearly the whole eastern coast of Kamtchatka and southwards to the Kurile Islands. He also met with it on Behring's Island and on the American coast. Both Captain Bryant and Mr. Dall report it as abundant at the Pribyloff Islands, and it has been received by Dr. Gray, and also, as Dr. Gill informs me, at the Smithsonian In- stitution, from California. The sea lions of the Farallone Islands and other parts of the California coast, especially those that have of late attracted so much attention in the harbor of San Francisco, are proba- bly the present species. The E. Stel/eri hence doubtless ranges along the American coast, in greater or less abundance, from California to Behring's Strait, and down the Asiatic coast to the Kurile Islands. Habits. — The habits of this species have not yet been minutely described. Steller gave a very full account of those of the sea bear (Cattorkinus ursinus), and remarked that, with some few exceptions (which lie specifies), those of the sea lion closely resemble those of that animal. Captain Bryant has also been far more minute in his account of the sea bear; but in the subjoined notes respecting the sea lion he presents interesting information regarding the latter species. The Plates of Choris (Nos. XI Vr and XV of the chapter on the Aleutian Islands) doubtless give a very good idea of the appearance of these animals and the sea bears when assembled on the land. lb' has also contributed a few interesting facts concerning their habits. The follow- ing are tin' remarks of Captain Bryant: — "The sea lion visits St. Paul's Island in considerable numbers to rear its young. It is one of the largest of the seal family, the male frequently measuring thirteen feet in length, ami weighing from fifteen to eighteen hundred pounds. It- habits are the same as those of the fur seal. When roused to anger it has a very- marked resemblance, through the form of its bead and neck, to the animal from which it is named, and its voice, when roaring, can be heard to a great distance. Its body is thickly covered with fine, short, dark [?] In-own hair, without any fur. It- skin is of considerable value as an article of commerce in the territory, it being used in making all kinds of boats, from a one-man MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 65 canoe to a lighter of twenty tons' burden. The natives of all the Aleu- tian Islands and of the coast as far east as Sitka, beside those of many ports on the mainland to the north, rely on this island for a supply of the skins of this animal. The rookery is on the northeast end of the island, and the animals have to be driven ten or eleven miles to the vil- lage to bring their skins to the drying-frames. It sometimes requires five days to make the journey, as at frequent intervals they have to be allowed to rest. It is a somewhat dangerous animal, and the men fre- quently get seriously hurt by it in driving and killing it. They are driven together in the same manner as the fur seals are ; and while impeding each other by treading upon each other's flippers the small ones are killed with lances, but the larger ones have to be shot. " This animal is the most completely consumed of any on the island. Their flesh is preferred to that of the seal for drying for winter use. After the skins are taken off (two thousand of which are required annually to supply the trading-po.«ts of the territory), they are spread in piles of twenty-five each, with the flesh side down, and left to heat until the hair is loo-ened ; it is then scraped off, and the skins are stretched on frames to dry. The blubber is removed from the carcass for fuel or oil, and the flesh is cut in strips and dried for winter use. The linings of their throats are saved and tanned for making the legs of boots and shoes, and the skin of the flippers is u>ed for the soles. Their stomachs are turned, cleaned, and dried, and are used to put the oil in when boiled out. The intestines are dressed and sewed together into water-proof frocks, which are worn while hunting and fishing in the boats. The sinews of the back are dried and stripped to make the thread with which to sew together the intes- tines, and to fasten the skins to the canoe-frames. The natives receive thirty-five cents apiece for the .-kins when ready for shipment. But these skins are not so much valued by the trader for the profit he makes on their sale, as for the advantage it gives him in bargaining with the hunters, since by buying these they are able to secure a right to the purchase of the hunter's furs on his return, the natives always considering such contracts binding." Choris, in his description of the '"lies S. -Georges et S.-PauFs," thus speaks of the sea lions that he met with on these islands fifty years ago: — " Le rivage etait couvert de troupes innombrables de lions marins. VOL. II. 5 G6 BULLETIN OF THE L'odeur qu'ils repandent est insupportable. Ces animaux etaient alors dans lc temps du rut. L'on voyait de tous cotes les males se battre entre eux pour s'enlever les uns aux autres les femelles. Chaque male en rassemble de dix a vingt, se montre jaloux, ne soutfre aucun autre male, et attaque ceux qui tentent de s'approcher ; il les tue par ses morsurea ou s'en fait tuer. Dans le premier cas, il s'empare des femelles da vaincu. Nous avons trouve plusieurs males etendus morts sur la plage, des seules blessures qu'ils avaient reeues dans les combats. Quelques femelles avaient deja des petits. Les Aleoutes en prirent plu- sieurs douzaines pour nous. L'animal n'est pas dangereux ; il fuit a l'approcbe de l'homme, excepte depuis la mi-mai jusqu'a la mi-juin, qui est le plus fort temps du rut, et oil les femelles mettent bas leur petits ; alors il ne se laisse pas approcber et il attaque meme." " Ces animaux sont aussi tres-conmums au port de San-Francisco, sur la tote de Californie, oil on les voit en nombre prodigieux sur les rochers de la baie. Cette espece m'a paru sedistinguer de ceux qui fre- quentent les iles Aleoutiennes; elle a le corps plus fluet et plus allonge, et la tete plus fine: quant a la couleur, elle passe fortement au brun, tandis que ceux des iles Aleoutiennes sont d'une couleur plus grise, ont le corps plus rond, les mouvements plus diffieiles, la tete plus grosse et plus epaisse ; la couleur du poil des moustaches plus noiratre que celui des iles Aleoutiennes. " On trouve les lions marins depuis L 3(V'mc jusqu'au GO0"16 parallele nord, dans les iles et sur le continent d'Amerique." "On v [l'ile Saint-Georges] tue une grande quantite de lions marins; mais seulement des males, a cause de leur grandeur; on se sert de leur peau pour recouvrir les canots, et des intestins pour faire le kamleyki, especes de blouses que Ton endosse par dessus les autrs veteinents lorsqu'il pleut pour ne pas se mouiller. La chair, que Ton fait secher, est dure ; c'est une bonne nourriture pour l'hiver Les jeunes sont tres-tendres et ont le gout de poisson." * The following careful description of their movements on land has been communicated to me by Mr. Theodore Lyman, who has recently observed the sea lions on the " Seal Rocks" near San Francisco: — " These rocks," he says, " are beset with hundreds of these animals, — some still, some moving, some on the land, and some in the water. As * Voyage Pittorcsque autour du Monde, Chapter " lies Aleoutiennes," p. 12 - 14. BULLETIN OF THE 67 they approach to effect a landing, the head only appears decid< <\\y above water. This is their familiar element, and they swim with great speed and ease, quite unmindful of the heavy surf and of the breakers on the ledges. In landing, they are apt to take advantage of a heavy wave, which helps them to get the forward flippers on terra jirma. As the wave retreats, they begin to struggle up the steep rocks, twisting the body from side to side, with a clumsy worm-like motion, and thus alternately work their flippers into positions where they may force the body a little onward. At such times they have a general appearance of sprawling over the ground. It is quite astonish- ing to see how they will go up surfaces having even a greater inclina- tion than 45°, and where a man would have to creep with much exer- tion. When the surface is nearly horizontal, they go faster, and often proceed by gathering their hind-quarters under them, raising themselves on the edges of their fore-limbs and then giving a push, whereby they make a sort of tumble forwards. In their onward path they are ac- companied by the loud barking of all the seals they pass; and these cries may be heard a great distance. Having arrived at a good bask- ng-place, they stretch themselves out in various attitudes, — often on the side, sometimes nearly on the back, but commonly on the belly, with the flippers somewhat extended. They seem much oppressed with their own weight (which is usually supported by the water), and it seemed an. exertion for them even to raise the head, though it is often kept up for a long time. They play among themselves contin- ually by rolling on each other and feigning to bite. Often, too, they will amuse themselves by pushing off those that are trying to land. All this is done in a very cumbrous manner, and is accompanied by incessant barking. As they issue from the water, their fur is dark and shining ; but, as it dries, it becomes of a yellowish brown. Then they appear to feel either too dry or too hot, for they move to the nearest point from which they may tumble into the sea. I saw many roll off a ledge at lea-t twenty feet high, and fall, like so many huge brown sacks, into the water, dashing up showers of spray." From the accounts given by various observers, the sea lions evi- dently move with much less facility on land than do the fur seals. Captain Bryant states that the fur seals may be driven at the rate of a mile and a half per hour, whde he asserts that the sea lions can be driven with safety only about two miles a day. 68 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Genus Zalopiius Gill. Zulophus Gill, Proc. Essex Institute, 18GG, V, 7, 11. Type Otaria GiL lespii McBain. Zulophus Peters, Monatsb. Akad. Berlin, 18G6, 275, 671. Neophoca Gray, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 3d Series, 18GG, XVIII, 231. Type Arctocephalus lobutus Gray. Size medium. Molars approximated, last under the hinder edge of the zygomatic process. Muzzle narrow. Superior profile, from the postor- bital process anteriorly, gently declined. Bony palate moderately con- tracted posteriorly, and but slightly depressed. Hinder edge of the palatals deeply concave. Pterygoid hooks slender. Posterior nares broader than high ; anterior higher than broad. Postorbital cylinder narrow and elongate. The postorbital constriction of the skull is deep and abrupt, giving a quadrate or subquadrate form to the brain-box, which varies to triangular through the varying degree of prominence of its latero- anterior angles. The postorbital processes arc triangular, developed latero-posteriorly into a rather slender point. The sagittal crest forms a remarkably high, thin bony plate, unparalleled in its great development in any other genus of the family. The general form of the skull is rather narrow, much more so than in Eumetopias, and nearly as much so as in Arctocephalus ; the breadth to length being as GO to 100. Zulophus, so far as the skull is concerned, is the most distinct generic form of the family Otariadce, it being thoroughly distinct from all the others. It differs from Otaria in having one less pair of upper molars, in the less depression of the bony palate, the less extension posteriorly of the palatines, the much narrower muzzle, the much less abrupt declination of the facial profile, its much higher sagittal crest, and in its narrower and more elongated form. Zalophus differs from Eumetopias, as already pointed out, in hav- ing all the upper molars closely approximated, in the concave out- line of the posterior border of the palatines, and otherwise much as it differs from Otaria. Zulophus differs from Callorhinus in its less number of upper molars, its high sagittal crest, and in the more declined profile of the face. It differs in a nearly similar manner from Arctocephalus, but more resembles this genus in the general form and proportions of the skull than any other. But in the nature of its pelage, and in other ex- ternal features, it is radically distinct from the whole group of fur seals, as it is also in its high sagittal crest. BULLETIN OF THE 69 Zalophus Gillespii Gill. Gillkspik's IIaik Seal. Otarta Gillespii McBain, Proc. Edinb. Roy. Phys. Soc, I, 422, 1858. Arctocep/utlus Gillespii Gray, Proc. Loud. ZooT. Soc, 1859, 110,360, PI. lxx ; Cat. Seals and Whales, 1866, p. 55. Zalophus Gillespii Gill, Proc. Essex Inst., V, 13, 1866. Otarin (Zdloplius) Gillespu Peters, Monatsb. Akad. Berlin, 1866,275, 671. Zalophus Gillespii Gray, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 3d Series, 1866, XVI II, 231. Otana Stelleri Schlegel, Fauna Japonica, Mam. marin, 10, PI. xxi, (animal), PI. xxil,Figs. 1-4, and 5-6 (skulls), PI. xxin, Figs. 1 -9 (skeleton and teeth), 1842. " Olaria japonica Schlegel, MS." Peters. Color. — In color, as well as in general form, this species is similar to E. Stelleri, but in size it is much smaller. Being without skins of this species, I borrow the following from Schlegel's description in the Fauna Japonica. In describing Japan specimens (under the name Otarin Stelleri) he says the tints of the upper parts are "d'un gris jaunatre, un pen nuance de noir sur le dos et sur la tete. Sur les parties inferieures et sur les ex- tremites, la teinte generale dont nous parlons, passe insensiblement au brun-roux ; mais cette couleur est tres-peu marquee sur le dessous du cou, tandis qu'elle devient tres-foneee vers l'extremite des pieds, qui sont d'un brun-roux noir assez profond." " Les poils," he adds, " sont en general courts, puisqu'ils nc portent guere que trois a quatre lignes en longueur sur le cou ou sur le dos, un peu raides et assez touffus. lis sont, sur les parties superieures, bruns a la base et noirs au milieu, mais leur pointe offre toujours des couleurs plus claires, qui fbrment les teintes generates de 1'animal." The specimen above described he states is a female, and re- marks that another female he possessed differs from it in color only in being generally darker or more deeply colored. Size. — The mounted skin of an adult male preserved in the Museum of the Pays-Bas, he says, is "six pieds et deux ponces en longueur totale, mesure depuis le nez jusqu'a 1'extremite de la queue." It differs from a female specimen, he says, only in being larger and darker colored and in having the hairs longer. The only specimens of this species I have been ab'e to examine are two skulls, one of which was kindly loaned me by (he Chicago Academy of Sciences, and the other by the Smithsonian Institution. The former belongs to a mounted skeleton, collected, as Dr. Stimpson informs me, In Professor W. P. Trowbridge, formerly Lieutenant of United States Engineers some- where between Puget Sound and San Francisco. The skeleton, without the atlas and skull, Dr. Stimpson writes me, measures six fee.1 ; adding the length of the latter gives a little less than seven feet as the whole length of 70 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. tin- skeleton. Tin- sex of neither of* these specimens was recorded, but there seems to be little doubt of their being both males. Both axe very old indi- viduals. They differ considerably in size, however, as will be seen by the accompanying table of measurements, the Chicago Academy specimen being the larger. Measurements of the Skull. 330 (Jt 290 180 170 Dist. from ant. edge of intermaxillaries to hamuli pterygoidei 1!)0 180 " " " " '• last molar 100 97 «• ■« " " " front edge of orbit 95 90 " << " " " post. " " 160 150 " " " " " auditory orifice . 245 220 Length of left palatine bone (inner edge) 35 34 " " right " " " .... 36 Breadth of left " " (anteriorly) 21 19 " right " " " . 18 Dist. from post, edge of palatals to end of hamuli pteryg. 55 48 " " last molar to end of hamuli pteryg. 90 80 Depression of palate below alveoli of canines . 10 07 " " " " 3d molar 09 08 " " " " last molar . 10 Length of the nasals (outer edge) 61 56 " (inner edge) ..... 49 38 Breadth of both nasals together (anteriorly) 30 27 " " " " (posteriorly) . 2S 20 " of the skull at the canines ..... 70 60 " " " " postoibital process 83 66 " " " middle of the orbits . 145 130 " " " maxillary condyles 190 170 " " " paroccipital process . 165 163 Diameter " anterior narcs (vertical) .... 32 30 " " " " (transverse) .... 34 29 " posterior nares (vertical) .... 30 23 " " (transverse) .... 2H 26 Length of the zygomatic foramen ..... 117 82 Breadth " " " 65 55 Diameter of foramen magnum (antcro-postcrior) 24 25 (laterally) . . . . . 25 23 Height of the skull (end of parae. proc. to top of occip. crest) 150 120 " " (occip. condyle to top of occip. crest) . 130 97 " (end of ham. pteryg. to top of sag. crest) 140 125 Length of sagittal crest . 157 145 Greatest height of crest ....... 38 29 Length of the lower jaw ....... 240 200 Breadth posteriorly 170 155 " at last moiar 75 75 " posterior ('dire of symphysis .... 53 64 " of each condyle 55 47 Height of lower jaw at coronoid process .... 90 75 " " " symphysis 45 37 * Received from the Chicago Academy of Sciences. t Received from the Smithsonian Institution (S. I. No. 261). BULLETIN OF THE 71 According to Peters, the length of the skull of 0. Gillespii is 295 mm. ; of one of the skulls of 0. japonica (Schlegel MS. = 0. Stelleri of the Fauna Japonica) is 270 mm. and of the other 310 mm., which would indicate an animal f about three fourths the size of E. Stelleri. If we can assume that the California " lion marin " of Choris * is this species, which we can hardly do with certainty, it differs from the E. Slelleri in being browner and smaller, with a more delicately shaped head and uarker mustaches. The latter, however, are variable in color, in other species, in specimens specifically the same. Individual Variation. — The two male skulls of Zalo/ihus Gillespii before me differ from each other very remarkably in various points. Besides the general difference in size indicated in the above table of measure- ments, there are other and more radical differences in proportions and form. In the specimen received from the Chicago Academy, the general form is much more elongated than in the other, especially the facial portion of the skull and the postorbital cylinder. The nasals are especially longer, and the expanded interorbital space shorter, with the postorbital processes much more heavily developed. The brain-box, seen from above, through the gradually sloping postorbital constriction, is triangular, whilst in the other, through the abruptness of the postorbital constriction, it is quadrate. Hence in the latter the brain-box has distinct latero- anterior angles, whilst in the other the lateral walls of the brain-box gradually and regularly con- verge anteriorly. The differences in these respects are far greater than exist between the two male skulls of Callorhinus ursinus represented in Plate II. The following proportions indicate the extent of the difl'eiences seen in the form of the postorbital cylinder. The diameter of this part, at its point of greatest constriction, in the specimen received from the Smithsonian Institution is 23 mm. ; do. of the specimen received from the Chicago Academy of Sciences, 35 mm. The length of the postorbital cylinder in the first is 43 mm. ; in the lat- ter, 69 mm., or nearh/ one and a half times longer than in the other; whilst the difference in the whole length of the skull in the two speci- mens is less than one seventh of the length of the smaller specimen. Species, and even genera, have been based on differences of less impor- tance than these. General Remarks. — Schlegel, in the work above cited, gave the first and thus far the fullest account we possess of this species. lie also gave figures of several skulls, of a skeleton, and of a middle-aged female. He failed, however, to distinguish this species from the Z. hbatus and the Eumetopias Stelleri, but confounded the three under the name Otana * Voyage Pittoresque (lies Ale"ontiennes, p. 13). 72 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Stelleri. He also omitted to state distinctly the localities at which the specimens figured were obtained, though they were doubtless from Japan. As already remarked under Eumelopias Stelleri, naturalists for a long time referred the specimens figured by Schlegel under the name Otaria Stelleri to two widely distinct species, namely, 0. lobata {Zalophus lobatus) and 0. cinerea (Arctocephalus cinereus). It was only four years since that Professor Peters, after examining the specimens fig- ured in the Fauna Japonica, was able to determine the real character of Schlegel's 0. Stelleri, which he found referable to the 0. Gillespii McBain. As previously stated, I see no reason to question the correct- ness of this identification. The skull represented in Figures 5 and G, Plate XXII, is said to be that of a young female ; the great propor- tional differences apparent between this and the other specimens figured are only such as might result from age. The references to this species are very few. The first, aside from Schlegel's above-cited work, is the description of a skull from Cal- ifornia by McBain, in which the animal in question was first indi- dicated as a distinct species. This skull was described in 1858, and was the basis of McBain's species 0. Gillespii. In the following year Dr. Gray published a figure of a cast of this skull, and re-described the species from the cast, under the generic name of Arctocephalus. Dr. Gill having seen other skulls, and noticing the striking differences ex- isting between this and the other forms, in his " Prodrome" he proposed for this species the generic name of Zalophus. The only species with which Zalophus Gillespii seems to be at all closely related is its congener the Z. lobatus, with which, as stated above, it was supposed by Schlegel to be identical, and to which it was in part or wholly referred by later writers. The two are of nearly the same size, and seem to have, in general, similar external features. Ac- cording to Peters and Gray they differ, however, in the form of the teeth and in respect to some of the features of the skull. Distribution and Habits. — The only localities from which this species is at present certainly known, are California and Japan, but it doubtless inhabits the intermediate shores of the Pacific. Mr. W. II. Dall informs me, however, that lie is confident that there is only one species of " eared sea lion in Behring's Sea." He affirms most posi- tively that " there is no Zalophus there, or at San Francisco," the spe- cies frequenting the rocks in the harbor of that name being the Eu- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. T3 metopias Stelleri. Captain Bryant writes me that he feels quite sure two species of sea lions inhabit the coast of California and the other Pacific States, but he has not yet had an opportunity of carefully ex- amining them. The three specimens from the west coast of the United States alreaily in collections, — that described by Dr. McBain, the one in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution, and that in the Museum of the Chicago Academy, — sufficiently establish its occurrence on the California coast. There seems to be nothing known, or at least on record, concerning its habits. Subfamily II. — OULOPHOCTN^E. AVith thick under-fur ; size smaller, form slenderer, and the ears rela- tively much longer than in Trichophocinat. Digital swimming flaps of the hind feet very long. Molars § ~ § = \%.* Genus Callorhinus Gray. Callorhinus Gray, Proc. Lond. Zool. Soc, 1859, 359. Type " Arctocephalus ursinus Gray," = Phoca ursina Linne. Arctocephalus Gill, Proc. Essex Inst., V, 7, 1866. Same type; not Arctoceph- alus F. Cuvier. Facial portion of the skull broad and greatly produced. Otherwise essen- tially the same as in Arctocephalus. Callorhinus and Arctocephalus are sufficiently distinguished from the hair seals by the character of the pelage, as well as by the other char- acters given above in the diagnoses of the two groups of hair and fur seals. Callorhinus differs apparently from Arctocephalus mainly, if not almost solely, in the greater prominence of the facial portion of the skull. Between these two groups there are not such radical differ- ences in the form of the skull as are met with in the several genera of the hair seals, by means of which Otaria, Eumetopias, and Zalophus are so trenchantly separated from each other. Callorhinus and Arctoceph- alus, though closely allied forms, are probably generically separable. Callorhinus ursinus Gray. Northern Sea Bear. Ursus mannus Steller, Nov. Comm. Academ. Petrop., 11,331, PI. XV, 1751. Phoca ursina Linne, Syst. Nat., I, 37, 1758. (From Steller.) "Phoca ursina Schreher, Saugeth., Ill, 289, 1758. (From Steller.)" Phoca ursina Shaw, Gen. Zool., I, 265, PI. LXII, 1800. Fischer, Synop. Mam., 231, 1829. " " Pallas, Zoog. Posso-Asiat, I, 102, 1831. * For a more extended comparison of Oulophociiue with TrichophocincB, see above, pp. 21-23. ■i BULLETIN OF THE Phoca nigra Pallas, Zoog. Rosso-Asiat., I, 107. (Young.) Otaria ursina Peuox, Voy. Terr. Austr., II, 41, 1816. " " Desmarest, Nouv. Diet. Hist. Nat., XXV, 595, 1817. " " Desmarest, Mam., I, 249, 1820. " " Gray, Griffith's An. Kingd., V, 182, 1827. " Nilsson, Archiv f. Naturgesch. 1841 (in part). " " J. Muller, Ibid., 333. " " A. Wagner, Ibid, 1849, 39. Otaria Kraschenninikowii Lesson, Diet. Class. Hist. Nat., XIII, 419, 1826. Otaria Fubricii Lesson, Ibid , 420. Otaria (Callorhinus) ursinus Peters, Monatsb. Akad. Berlin, I860, 373, G72. Arctocephalus ursinus Gray, Cat. Phoeidrc, 41, 1850; not A. ursinus F. Cuv., or only in part. " " Gray, Proc. Lond. Zool. Soc., 1859, 103, 107, PL lxxiii, skull. " Gill, Proe. Essex Inst., V, 13, 1866. Callorhinus ursinus Gray, Proc. Lond. Zool. Soc., 1859, 359. " Gray, Cat. Seals and Whales, 44, 1866. " " Gray, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 3d Ser., XVIII, 234, 1866. Arctocephalus monteriensis Gray', Proe. Lond. Zool. Soc, 1857, 360 (in part). Arctocephalus californianus Gray, Cat. Seals and Whales, 51, 18C6 (in part). Sea Cat, Kraschenninikow, Hist. Karnt, 306, 1704. Ours Marin, Buffon, Hist. Nat., Suppl., VI, 336, PI. xlvii, 1782 (in part). Ursine Seal, Pennant, Hist. Quad., I, 526, 531, 1792 (in part). Color — (Male.) General color above, except over the shoulder nearly black, varying in different individuals of equal age from nearly pure black to rufo-grayish black. Over the shoulders the color is quite gray. The sides of the nose and the lips are brownish, as is a consid- erable space behind the angle of the mouth, and a small spot behind the ear. The neck in front is more or less gray. The breast and the axilla; are brownish-orange. The limbs are reddish-brown, especially near their junction with the body, as is also the abdomen. The hairs individually vary considerably in color, some being entirely black nearly to their base, and others entirely light yellowish-brown; others are dark in the middle and lighter at each end. The naked skin of the hind limbs, the nose, ami the anal region is black. (Female.) The general color of the female is much lighter than that of the male. Above it is nearly uniformly gray, varying to darker or lighter in different individuals and with age. The color about the mouth is brownish, varying to rufous, of which color are the axilhe, the breast, and the abdomen. The sides an' brownish-gray. At the base all the hairs are usually brownish, like the under-fur, with a broad subter- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 75 minal bar of black, and tipped for a greater or less distance with gray. The variation in different individuals in the general color results from the varying extent of the gray at the ends of the hairs. {Young.) The general color of the upper surface of the body in the young, previous to the first moult, is uniformly glossy black. The region around the mouth is yellowish-brown. The neck in front is grayish-black. The axilla? are pale yellowish-brown; a somewhat darker .-hade of the same color extends posteriorly and inward towards the median line of the belly, uniting on the anterior portion of the abdomen. The greater part of the lower surface, however, is dusky brownish-gray, the rest being black, but less intensely so than the back. Specimens of equal age vary much in color, one of the young specimens corresponding nearly with the above description, while the other is much darker. On the head and sides of the neck a portion of the hairs are found, on close inspection, to be obscurely tipped with gray. After the first moult the pelage becomes gradually lighter, through the extension of the gray at the tips of the hairs, especially in the females, the two sexes 1 cing at first alike. Contrary to what has been asserted, the young are provided from birth with a long thick coat of silky under-fur, of a lighter color than the under fur of the adults The Hair. — The double pelage consists of an outer covering of long, flattened, moderately coarse hair, beneath which is a dense coat of long fine silky fur, which reaches on most parts of the body nearly to the ends of the hairs. The hairs are thicker towards the ends than at the base, but their clavate form is most distinctly seen in the first pelage of the young. In length the hair varies greatly on the different parts of the body. It is longest on the top of the head, especially in the males, which have a well-marked crest. The hair is much longer on the anterior half of the body than on the posterior half, it being longest on the hinder part of the neck, where in the males it is very coarse. On the crown the hair has a length of 42 mm.; on the hinder part of the neck it reaches a length of 50 to CO mm. From this point posteriorly it gradually shortens, and near the tail has a length of only 20 mm. It is still shorter on the limbs, the upper side of the digits of the hind limbs being but slightly covered, while the anterior limbs are quite naked as far as the carpus. The males have, much longer hair than the females, in which it is much longer than in Eumetojiias StellerL* * From the descriptions of most writers it would seem that the Utaria jubala is pro- vided with a conspicuous mane, but in the few accurate descriptions in which the length of the longest hairs is given, the so-called "flowing mane," — which refers only to the greater length of the hairs on the neck and shoulders as compared with the other regions of the body, — does not appear to be any more truly a mane than in Lumetu- 7G BULLETIN OF THE The whiskers arc cylindrical, long, slender, and tapering, and vary with age in length and color. In the young they arc black; later they are li the mane of the lion, with which in several species this longer hair has been compared, is doubtless partly imaginary and partly due to the loose skin on the neck and shoulders being thrown into thick folds when these animals erect the head. I have not, however, seen the distinct crest formed by the long hairs on the crown of the male of C ursinm mentioned as occurring in the other species, unless it is alluded to in the specific name coromtta, given by Blainville to a South American specimen of fur seal. It is certainly not posse 1 by the E. SttUeri. * See beyond, p. 95. t They are accidentally represented too broad in the figure. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 77 g g re Or1 tsra f »-• re *-: re ~* re re O1 5 re : 3 » a re 3 re ; r;3 J 3 re 3" Q c n O _0_0 ft ;5 re — re re . o " cr o . Q. << < re re 0 0 re O 2 3 -I fbody . 1 tail rom nose to hind limbs f fore limb . t)f hand f hind limb . of foot at tars " end f toe-flaps of from end of i between the P 3' _ re 3 p re re s rr j. — _ zz ^ - o 3. -* re 5 re ~S 3 P " . . 3 . 3- - 3 & d of f toes d feet e to e e s . re re 3 o » P c — s o • -s re "T- • • • " US 5"! C" p c < St f^n' re re • • • „ • • • i ■ ■ ■ 3 • 0Q sj- 5" 2 re re . _ . &. re re P< JO J* J° r 1 1 I o ^ IO — to | I I I IC 4-V | "co 2 | 1 1 X (X in *■ k w » 1 1 1 1 icni 1 — >^ O © © -J *- cs w: to to i-1 p. — o c • " to CS_io _ to to o -4 Cs"-l 1 M CO — tO tO to •— en to *» "»i "co z ~l 00 tO I 00 ** OS CO in to IO in *- — IO -J 4- in to o o o © IP- O^wyyc^wT^OC u c ?• > Z to JO c. o 00 cs"cs 1 _ co — to to to — y to *-"oo "-U = £ w to S3 ' 00 U» — C ~ 00 © — CO C IO C. CS 4 1 c» co c u< © cninoy©©ino©©© -j © p- CX, oo i > 5Z o p. o ■u *. to 1 — to — — — ■ *.n-co"-i "co e £w o — CO 1 -1 CO to *o oo ~i to en ~s © •*- to to u» eti " to C © o Cjt in inoo©in©©oo©0©0 rf- © C +cK ■— ' 2 | 1 1 1 I | 1 1 1 1 II 1 t 1 2 I | = o B >2 to -j oo P" c- o c ?; to " to Kg - O* in ■U O I CS O 1 •U CO ©~ito-icsooootoco — in in o> d c o O « in in © © © © © © © in © O© c. 5" — -1 Z CO tO -T 1 — ►- — — ►-© 00 O o En2 ? cs in 1 OS CO u»yito--'0e — w-^i-i-i"— ■ "" *■ — ^ it, to • J J' to i - pa «1 yi *- © Co C © © © tn in in © in in C r- CO tO ut I ^ ^ — to — "© 00 o „&oo o -■- ■ c — s to OS o 1 OS CO in u< Co us -I to in O oo to IO — os © ^ ]^ to C c © in Co Osin©iOinO~i©in©0 0CC c. 03 *C~' __ > ►< 1 Co to | 1 — 1 ~ 1 " 4. — CO I K) r o^g i a, — | 1 CO in 1 -I -I 1 tO -> © 00 in | tO -l = 3 -j *- oo to (X CS vj yi oi y v) CS© •- (T? _ > o - p. 1 10 - I 1 | — 1 — . | — CO — CO 1 "© 3 £o =_ 1 1 CO in | in OS | © -1 in © it | in -_o. .>-< JT ~ " oo IO to to — OS ~l — ^J c to - ■^3 40 _ > Arcto- ^ 1 1 || 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 £ 1 S 1 IS = cephnht.i -^ o fnlklan- 5 tftCKS. W © © © ?L ^ H 78 BULLETIN OF THE Measurements. — The preceding table of external measurements indi- cates the general size of the adult males and females, and the young at thirty-five days old. In some respects the dimensions are only approxi- mately correct, being taken from mounted specimens ; in the main, how- ever, they are sufficiently accurate. A few measurements taken from the soft skin are also given ; the making of a complete series of measurements of the skins before t£3fey were mounted was accidentally omitted. In ad- dition to the six specimens of Captain Bryant's collection, I am indebted to Mr. W. II. Dall for measurements of a male and a female, taken by him * from the animals immediately after they were killed. The female (said by Mr. Dall to be six years old) is evidently adult, but the male, from its but little larger size, seems not to have been fully grown. In the last column of the table a few measurements are given of a male specimen of the A rctocephalus falklandicus, taken by Dr. G. A. Maack, from a fresh specimen collected by him at Cabo Corrientes, Buenos Ayres. This speci- men appears also to have not been fully grown. Skull.] — In adult specimens the breadth of the skull is a little more than half its length, the point of greatest breadth being at the posterior end of the zygomatic arch. The muzzle or facial portion is broad and high, or greatly produced, much more so even than in Eumelopias. The postorbital processes vary from sub-quadrate to sub-triangular, sometimes produced posteriorly into a latero-posteriorly diverging point, as in Zalo- phtis. The postorbital cylinder is broad and moderately elongated. The postorbital constriction is well marked, giving a prominently quadrate form to the brain-case, the latero-anterior angles of which vary somewhat in their sharpness in different specimens. The sagittal and occipital crests are well developed in the old males, nearly as much as in Eumeto- pias, as are also the mastoid processes. The palatine bones terminate midway between the last molar teeth and the pterygoid hamuli ; their posterior outline is either slightly concave, or deeply and abruptly so. The palatal surface is flat, but slightly depressed posteriorly, and but moderately so anteriorly. The zygomatic foramens are broad, nearly triangular, and truncate posteriorly. The posterior and anterior nares are of nearly equal size in the males, with their transverse and vertical diameters equal ; in the females the posterior nares are depressed, their transverse diameter being greater than the vertical. The nasal bones are much broader in front than behind. The lower jaw is strongly developed, but relatively less massive than * At St. George's Island, Alaska, August, 1868. t See Figs. 1-4, PI. II (males); Figs. 1-4, PL HI (females); and Figs. 5, 6, 7, PI. II, and Fig. 9, PL 111 (young). MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 79 in Eume/opias. The coronoid processes are high and pointed, but much more developed in the males than in the females. The rainial tuberosities are greatly produced, especially the hinder one (see Figs. 8-10, PI. II). Measurements of the Skull. Length Breadth Dist. from ant. edge of intermax. to end of ham. pteryg " " " last molar " " auditory opening " " edge of max. condyle " palato-max suture to end of ham. pteryg. Length of left palatine bone Breadth of left palatine bone opposite last molar Length of left nasal bone .... Breadth of lefc nasal bone (anteriorly) " " " (posteriorly) Breadth of skull at canines .... " " " postorbital processes " " " paroccipital " " posterior nares (vertical) " " " (transverse) " anterior nares (vertical) " " " (transverse) Length of zygomatic foramen Breadth of " " Greatest height of skull ( mast. proc. to top of occip. crest) Height of skull at hamulus ptcrygoideus . Length of postorbital cylinder " brain-case ..... " the lower jaw .... Breadth of lower jaw at its condvles " " " last molar " " " symphysis Height " " coronoid process " " " symphysis *c 245 275 145 155 140 165 88 97 180,205 153 165 o a &J e-4 Gi o O 85 55 f> Ot s 3 •a r) < < 185 200 115 117 120 124 63 75 135 145 120 135 58| 58 25 25 10 10 33 11 6 34 33 42 40 91 95 15 13 20! 21 1 — 23 — 23| 64 68 40 41 75 76 — 75! 29 30 80 76| 120 1261 90| 93 33 1 35 24 24| 35 37 23| 21 O* 137 20 Teeth. — The molars are closely set in a continuous row. The ca- nines (Fig. 7 c and 7 c', PI. II, upper canines) are large and sharply pointed, the lower slightly curved. The outer upper incisors (Figs. 6 a and 7 a, PI. II) are much larger than the others, but relatively smaller than in Eumetopias. The middle incisors are flattened antero-posteriorly, and in youth and middle age have their crowns transversely divided (Figs. 6 a and 7 a, PI II, upper incisors seen from the side). The lower incisors (Fig. 6 d, PL II) are similarly divided and are quite small. The crowns of the mo- 80 BULLETIN OF THE lars are sharply conical, with no accessory cusp, or occasional)- exceedingly slight ones. All the molars are simple rooted in the specimens I have heen able to examine. Some of them have deep median grooves either on the inside or outside of the fangs, or on both sides, which seem to indicate that the fangs are made up of two connate roots. The distinctness of these grooves varies in different specimens (compare Figs. 6 b with 7 c, PI. II) and in the corresponding teeth of the two sides of the mouth in the same specimen. Hence it is not improbable that specimens may be found in which the grooves of the fangs may be entirely obsolete, or so deep as to nearly or quite divide the fang into two distinct roots. The roots of the molars are very short, and but partially fill their alveoli ; hence when the periosteum is removed they fit so loosely that they require to be cemented in with wax or other substance to prevent their constantly falling out whenever the skull is handled. The canines and the incisors have much longer roots, which more nearly fill their sockets. The roots of the molars' are comparatively much shorter and thicker than in Eumetopias, and club-shaped, whereas in the latter they are slender and tapering. They are a little shorter than in Zalophus Gillespii, which has also short-rooted, loosely fitting teeth.* Skeleton. — Vertebral formula : Cervical vertebrae, 7; dorsal, 15; lumbar, 5; caudal (including the 4 sacral), 13 to 14 in the males, and 14 to 15 in the females. The skeleton in its general features resembles that of Eumetopias Stel- leri, already described. The bones of C ursinus are, however, all slen- derer, or smaller in proportion to their length, than in that species, the general form of the body being more elongated. The scapulas are shorter and broader than in E. Slelleri, the proportion of breadth to length being in the one as 11 to 10 and in the other as 13 tu 10. The pelvis is more contracted opposite the acetabula in C. ursinus tha i in E. Stelleri, and the last segment of the sternum is also longer and narrower. The differ- ences in the «kull of the two forms have already K'en pointed out in the generic comparisons. In proportions, the principal difference, aside from that already mentioned as existing in the form of the scapula, consists in the longer neck and longer hind feet in the C. ursinus ; the ratio of the length of the cervical vertebras to the whole length of the skeleton being as 15 to 100 in E. Stelleri, and as 23 to 100 in C. ursinus; and the ratio of the length of the foot to the tibia being in the former as 13 to 10, and in the other as 10 to 10. The following measurements indicate the length of the principal bones, and of the different vertebral regions. * Figures of the teeth of this species are given in the Fauna Japonica, Mammals, PI. XXIII, Figs. 4-9. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Measurements of the Skeleton. 81 Adult $ Adult cT Adult 9 Adult 9 No. 2922. No. 2923. No. 2925 No. 2924. Whole length of skeleton (including skull) . 2,040 1,840 1,370 1,215 Length of skull 275 245 200 185 " " cervical vertebrae .... 430 360 200 172 " " dorsal " ... 770 680 520 470 " " lumbar " ... 270 245 185 173 '• " sacral " ... 160 145 105 95 " " caudal " .... 140 145 160 120 " " first rib 212 178 120 110 " " " osseous portion 112 105 55 55 " " " cartilaginous portion . 100 73 65 55 " " third rib ..... 395 370 205 175 " " " osseous portion . 265 210 140 115 " " " cartilaginous portion 130 90 65 60 " " sixth rib 465 400 323 265 " " " osseous portion 350 295 230 190 " " " cartilaginous portion . 115 105 93 75 " " tenth rib 590 — 405 335 " " " osseous portion . 360 340 265 215 " " " cartilaginous portion 230 — 140 120 " " twelfth rib, osseous portion only 345 320 210 200 " " fifteenth rib " " " 210 205 150 130 " " sternum 640 590 385 370 " " " 1st segment 135 127 76 73 " " " 2d " 68 54 37 34 " 3d . ' . 65 57 39 36 " " " 4th " 65 55 40 36 " " " 5th " 60 57 40 37 6th 58 55 40 36 " " " 7th 63 57 43 40 8th " 115 110 70 70 " " scapula 250 217 140 120 Breadth of " 295 285 170 160 Greatest height of its spine . 35 27 14 12 Length of humerus ..... 220 220 130 130 " " radius 205 195 128 128 " " ulna ..... 243 223 160 157 " " carpus 55 55 35 35 Breadth" " 100 80 60 55 Length of 1st digit* and its metacarpal bone 250 250 180 177 " 2d " 245 235 178 — «3d " 215 195 155 — " 4th " 170 150 125 — " 5th " 127 115 100 — " " femur 150 135 82 85 " " tibia 250 225 167 157 " " fibula 230 210 145 150 " " tarsus 87 84 57 60 Breadth" " . . . . 67 65 40 37 Length of 1st digit! and its metatarsal bone 270 260 200 — " 2d " 265 260 — — " 3d " 265 260 — — " 4tn " " « « 264 255 — — " 5th " " " " 290 280 — — Fore limb. t Hind limb. 82 BULLETIN OF THE Adult $ Adult $ No. 2923 Adult 9 Adult 9 No. 2922. No. 2925. No. 2924. Length of innominate bone 234 210 145 140 Greatest (external) width of pelvis anteriorly 115 110 70 75 Width of posterior end of pubie bones 17 14 30 25 Length of ilium ..... 100 95 60 60 " " ischio pubic bones 134 110 75 73 " " thyroid foramen 67 63 45 45 Breadth" " ... 34 25 20 20 Sexual Differences. — The sexes differ in color, as already stated, in the females being much lighter than the males, or grayer. In respect to the skeleton they differ extraordinarily in the form of the pelvis, as already described,* all the parts of which in the female are greatly reduced in size, and instead of the pubic bones meeting each other posteriorly, as they do in the males, they are widely separated. The innominate bones are also much further apart in the females, and the bones forming the front edge of the pelvis are less developed, so that the pelvis in the female is entirely open in front. In consequence of the remarkable nar- rowness of the pelvis in the male, the form of this portion of the skeleton is necessarily varied in the female, to permit of the passage of the fetus in parturition. As already remarked, no such sexual differences are seen in the Phocidce. In respect to other parts of the skeleton, the absence of the great de- velopment of the sagittal and occipital crests seen in the males has already been noticed. The bones of all parts of the skull are much smaller and weaker, especially the lower jaw and the teeth. The attachments for the muscles are correspondingly less developed throughout the skeleton. The most striking sexual difference, however, is that of size; the weight of the full-grown females, according to Captain Bryant, being less than ONK sixth that of the full-grown males. Differences resulting from Age. — The differences in color between the young and the adult consist, as already stated, in the young of both sexes during the first three or four months of their lives being glossy black, and gradually afterwards acquiring the color characteristic respectively of the adult males and females. In respect to the differences in the skeleton that distinguish the young, I can only speak of the skull. In regard to this a most striking difference is seen in the relative' development of its different regions, as compared with the adult of either sex. The two young skulls before me, said to be from specimens thirty-five days * In the comparison of the skeleton of the eared seals with that of Phoca ritulma (above, p. 25 et seq.). MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 83 old, arc both females, but at this age the sexes probably differ but little in osteological features, especially in those of the skull. In thcso specimens the anterior or facial portion of the skull is but little developed in comparison with the size of the brain-case. The muzzle is not only excessively short (see Figs. 5-7, PI. II), but the orbital space is small, and the postorbital cylinder is reduced almost to zero, the postorbital processes being close to the brain-case. The zygomatic arch is hence very short ; the zygomatic foramen is as broad as long, instead of being nearly twice as long as broad, as in the adult. On the other hand, the brain-case is exceedingly large, the greatest breadth of the skull being at the middle of the brain-case instead of at the posterior end of the zygomatic arch. As will be seen by the table of measurements of the skull already given, the brain-case is nearly as large as in the adults, and the bones being thinner, it must have a capacity about as great as that of the skulls of the adult males and females, there being, in respect to this point, but slight difference in the sexes. As the young advance in age, the anterior portion of the skull, or that part in advance of the brain-case, greatly elongates, especially the postorbital cylinder, and increases also in breadth, the skull in a great measure losing the triangular form and the narrow peaked muzzle characteristic of the young. The postorbital pro- cesses also greatly change their form as they further develop, as shown in the figures of Plate II. The limbs are also relatively much larger than in the adult, as men- tioned by Quoy and Gaimard in respect to the Arctocephalus cinereus of Australia,* which enables them to move on land with greater facility than the adult, as the above-mentioned authors have stated to be the case in the Australian species. It is not true, however, that the young of C. ursinus are devoid of under- fill", as has been by some writers incorrectly stated.f Individual Variation. — The two males were both not only full-grown, but quite advanced in age, though in all probability the crests of even the older skull (Xo. 2922) would have been still further developed. The other male (No. 2923) was somewhat younger, but already had the sagittal crest * Voyage de 1' Astrolabe, Zoologie, Tom. I, p. 89. f It may be added that .the young specimens above described had not fully shed their milk teeth. The incisors appear to have been renewed, but both the first and second sets of canines were still present (as shown in Fig. 5, PI. Ill, natural size), the permanent ones being in front of the others. The three pre-molars of the first set have been re- placed by the permanent ones, the first and second of which are already quite large. The hinder or true molars are in one of the specimens but just in sight, and doubtless- had not cut through the gum. In the other specimen they are a little more advanced. The middle one is quite prominent; the first is much smaller, while the last or third true molar is far behind either of the others in development. 84 BULLETIN OF THE considerably produced ; tlie teeth, however, -were but moderately worn, the incisors still retaining the groove dividing the surface of the crowns. In the younger male skull the posterior outline of the palatines is but slightly concave, whereas in the other it is deeply and abruptly emarginate in the middle, — as deeply so as in the young (one month old) skulls ; — showing that differences in this respect do not necessarily depend upon differences in age. They also differ in the form of the postorbital processes, in the younger they having nearly the same form as in Eumeiopias, whereas in the older nearly that seen in Zulophus. The postorbital cylinder is also much shorter in the younger, though these two skulls do not present nearly the great difference in this respect exhibited by the two very old male skulls of Zalophus already described. Another difference is seen in the parieto-maxillary suture. In the younger specimen it is nearly straight and directed forwards, the nasals extending considerably beyond it. In the other it curves at first moderately backwards, and then ab- ruptly in the same direction ; the mamillaries extending in this case slightly beyond the nasals, instead of ending considerably in front of the end of the latter. The nasals themselves are much narrower in the younger specimen, especially anteriorly, and hence have very different forms in the two specimens. In respect to the teeth, it may be added that the older skull has seven upper molars on one side and six on the other, the normal number being six on each side. The form of the molar teeth, especially of the fangs, differ markedly in the two skulls; those of the younger having the longi- tudinal grooves of the fangs of nearly all the teeth almost wholly obsolete, while in the other specimen the roots of nearly all the molars are more or less strongly grooved. Of the two female skulls one is very aged,* as shown by the closed su- tures and the greatly worn and defective teeth. The younger, however, is also quite advanced in years. Differences of a similar character to those seen in the males also occur between these, but they are less marked. There are also considerable variations in color. Not only is one of the young females much darker below and about the face than the other, but one * Respecting the ag;e of these specimens of fur seals, Captain Bryant has responded to my inquiries as follows: "The grown females (the mothers of the pups) were aver- age specimens. The only means I had of determining their age was by the evidences afforded by dissection. These were that the oiler female had given birth to -even young, and the other to five, which would make their ages respectively ten and eight years. The two grown males were also selected as average specimens in size and color. Judging from their general appearance and color, 1 estimated them to be ten years old. The two pups were thirty-five days old, and in that time had doubled their size from birth. They were both females." MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 85 of the old females is much darker than the other, while similar variations are seen in the males. General Remarks. — The northern sea bear ( Callorhinus ursinus) was first made known by Steller in 1751, under the name of Ursus marinus. On his visit to Kamtchatka and its neighboring islands, in 1742, he met with these animals in great numbers at Behring's Island, where he spent several weeks among them, and carefully studied their habits and anatomy. On his return to St. Petersburg he published a detailed and accurate description of them in his valuable essay entitled De Bestiis Marinis, in the Transactions of the St. Petersburg Academy for the year 1749.* This valuable memoir has furnished nearly all the information concerning the northern sea bears we have hitherto had. Steller's account, occupying twenty-eight quarto pages, gave not only a detailed description of its anatomy, with an extensive table of meas- urements, but also of its remarkable habits, and figures of the animals. His description of its habits has been largely quoted by Buffon and Pennant, and by Hamilton, in his history of the "Marine Amphibia." f Kraschenninikow, in his History of Kamtchatka, \ under the name of the "sea cat," also gave a lengthy account of its habits, apparently mainly from Steller's notes ; but it embraces a few particulars not given in the De Bestiis 3farinis. Buffon, followed by Pennant, and most general writers for half a century, confounded the northern sea bear with the southern sea bear, they combining the history of the two as that of one species. When specimens of both the northern and south- ern fur seals had been compared in Europe, their specific distinctness became fully recognized, and in 1859 they were even genetically sepa- rated by Dr. J. E. Gray, since which time they have been generally recognized as belonging to different genera. In color, size, and the character of the pelage they are undoubtedly closely related, as they seem to be also in habits, but they differ greatly in the form of the facial portion of the skull, and hence in physiognomy, through the much greater breadth of the muzzle in the northern species, and its abruptly rising and convex nose. * Novi Commcntaria2 Acidemias Petropolitanre, Vol. XI, pp 331-359, pi. xv. 1751. t Naturalist's Library, Mammalia, Vol. Vlh, 1839. | History of Kamtchatka (English edition), translated from the Russian by James Grieve, M. D., pp. 120- 130, 1764. 80 BULLETIN OF THE Steller's figures were the only original ones of this species that had been published up to a recent date, which, with modifications, have been frequently copied. Those given by Hamilton (Plate XXI of his work above cited) are among the best, and are quite accurate in general form, hut erroneous in details, especially in respect to the feet. Choris, in 1822, gave a plate purporting to represent a group of sea bears, as they appear when assembled on the rocks at their breed- ing-places. Though douhtless giving a good idea of their attitudes at such times, as the other plate in his chapter on the Aleutian Islands, purporting to represent the sea lions, does of those animals ; but they are not sufficiently detailed to be of further value. Mr. Dall, in his book on "Alaska and its Resources" (previously cited), has published a figure from nature of this species, which, while doubtless generally correct, gives a somewhat erroneous impression in regard to the charac- ter of the hind feet, since the upper surface is represented as being strongly ridged and furrowed, the ridges extending to the ends of the flaps, which are really flat.* The first and only specimen of the skull hitherto figured is that of a male, represented in profile, published by Dr. Gray in the Proceed- ings of the Zoological Society for 1859 (Plate LXVIII). As already remarked, the sea bears of the North were for a long time confounded with the southern sea bears, they collectively bearing the name of either Phoca or Olaria vrsina. This name was originally, however, applied by Schreber and Linne to the Ursus marinus of Steller, to which animal the name nrsina is hence exclusively applicable. Forster and Cook, and other voyagers, subsequently described the southern sea bears, so far as respects their general habits, size, and abundance. Most of these writers seem to have regarded these ani- mals as the same as the northern sea bear, and, as already stated, * It is remarkable how few correct figures have been published of the eared seals, even those in scientific works being palpably erroneous, and contradictory of the char- acters given in the descriptions accompanying them. In nearly all cases the feet are- represented as covered with hair, as in the common seals, and similarly provided with well-developed nails on both the fore and hind limbs. In this respect even the figures given by Quoy and Gaimard, in the Zoology of the Voyage de VAstrolabe, are faulty, not corresponding at all in this regard with the accompanying descriptions of the ani- mals. The figures of the Otnria jitbnta, published in the Proceedings of the London ;ical Society (1666, p. 80, woodcut; 1869, PI. VII) seem to be those most nearly approaching accuracy. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 87 naturalists for a long time generally confounded them. Peron, in 1816, first claimed that they were distinct, but no specimens seem to have readied European museums till some years later. Dr. Gray, writing in 1859, remarks as follows: " I had not been able to see a specimen of this species in any of the museums which I examined on the Con- tinent or in England, or to find a skull of the genus [Arctocephalus] from the North Pacific Ocean, yet I felt so assured, from Steller's description and the geographical position, that it must be distinct from the eared fur seals from the Antarctic Ocean and Australia, with which it had usually been confounded, that in my ' Catalogue of Seals in the Collection of the British Museum' [1850] I regarded it as a distinct species, under the name of Arctocephalus ursinus, giving an abridgment of Steller's description as its specific character." "The British Mu- seum," he adds, " has just received, under the name Otaria leonina, from Amsterdam, a specimen [skull and skin] of the sea bear from Behring's Straits, which was obtained from St. Petersburg" * ; which is the specimen already spoken of as figured by Dr. Gray. From the great differences existing between this skull and those of the southern sea bears, Dr. Gray separated the northern species from the genus Arctocephalus, under the name Callorhinus.^ Although there were two skulls of Steller's sea bear in the Berlin Museum as early as 1841,+ and three skeletons of the same species in the Museum of Munich in 18-19, § Dr. Gray seems to have been the first naturalist who was able to compare this animal with its southern relatives, and hence to positively decide its affinities. Misled by a label accompanying specimens of eared seals received at the British Museum from California, a skin of the Callorhinus ursi- nus was doubtfully described by this author, in the paper in which the name Callorhinus was proposed, as that of his Arctocephalus monterien- sis, which is a hair seal. This skin was accompanied by a young skull, purporting, by the label it bore, to belong to it, but Dr. Gray observes that otherwise he should have thought it too small to have belonged to the same animal. Seven years later, || however, he described the * Proc. London Zool. Soc, 1859, p. 102. t Ibid., p. 359. X Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, etc , 1841, p. 334. § Ibid., 1849, p. 39. || Cat. Seals and Whales, 1S66, p. 51. 88 BULLETIN OF THE skull as that of a new species (Arctocephalus calif ornianus), still asso- ciating with it, however, the skiu of the Gallorhinus ursinus. The skull lie subsequently considered as that of a young A. monteriensis (= Eametupias Stelleri); and referring his A. californianus to that species, he was consequently led into the double error of regarding the Eumetopias Stelleri as a fur seal (as already explained under that species and elsewhere in the present paper), and of excluding the CaUor/n'uus ursinus from the list of fur seals. Geographical Distribution. — The northern fur seal seems to be nowhere so numerous at present as at the St. Paul's and St. George's Islands, off the coast of Alaska. They seem to still occur, however, in considerable numbers at a few of the islands to the northward and westward, especially at St. Matthew's and Behring's Islands. They appear never to have landed on the Asiatic shores to any great extent, and I have found no report of their occurrence to the southward of the Kuriles on that coast. On the American side they were formerly numerous from Sitka to the southern coast of California. At Point Conception, Captain Bryant informs me, large numbers were formerly taken, but that they are now rare on the California coast, and are only seen there in the winter season. " The present year,'' he writes me,* " unusually large numbers have been seen off the coasts of Oregon, Washington Territory, and British Columbia, and many .skins have been taken and brought to San Francisco. They were mostly of very young seals, none appearing to be over a year old. Formerly in March and April the natives of Puget Sound took large numbers of pregnant females, but no place- where they have resorted to lured seem to he known off this coast. Neither can I ascertain that any rookeries of the hair seals, or sea lions, are known to exist here ; but I think it probable that both species occupy the rocky ledges off the shore, which are rarely visited by boats." The northern fur seals seem to require a moderately cool and hu- mid climate, since they do not readily bear the heat of the sun. These condition- apparently existing in an eminent degree at the Pribyloff Islands, these islands, as Captain Bryant remarks beyond, are eminently suited to the wants of these animal-, which, according to his computa- tion, resort there in summer to the number of more than a million. * Under date of Jum i i. 1870, from the United States revenue cutter " Lincoln," en route fur the Seal Islands of Alaska. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 89 At Behring's and the Pribyloff Islands the fur seals are reported to make their appearance from the southward late in spring, and that they only resort to these islands for the purposes of reproduction, and leave them early in the autumn. Their haunts at other seasons seem not to be well known, but it is evident that their winter quarters must be to the southward of these islands. That there is a southward migration of these animals in winter is evident from their reported greater fre- quency at that season on the Pacific coast of the United States. Habits. — The very full account of the habits of this species, con- tained in the following communication of Captain Bryant, together with the accompanying notes, require nothing to be added on this point in the present connection. II. On the Habits of the Northern Fur Seal (Callorhtnus ursinus Gray~), with a Description of the Pribyloff Group of Islands. By Captain Charles Bryant, with Notes by J. A. Allen. Description of the Pribyloff Group of Islands. Discovery. — The group of several small islands, known as the Pribyloff Group, were discovered under the following circumstances. Captain Pribyloff, who in 1781 took charge of the Russian trading factory at Ounalaska, observed during his voyages among the islands to the westward of Ounalaska numbers of fur seals going north in spring and returning in autumn. Believing that there must be un- known land to the northward to which these animals resorted, he fitted out an expedition for the purpose of discovering it, and in June, 1785, while cruising for that purpose, discovered an island. He took pos- session of this island, colonized it, and called it St. George's, from the vessel in which the discovery was made. On a clear day, during the following year, these colonists saw another island to the northward ot the first, and visiting it in their canoes, proceeded to occupy it. The island was called St. Paul's, from its discovery being made on St. Paul's day. St. Pauls Island. — St. Paul's Island, of which I append an outline sketch (Fig. 5) is nearly triangular, and sixteen miles in length. Its northern side is a little concave. Its greatest breadth is four miles, at 90 BULLETIN OF THE Fig. 6. Diagram of St. Paul's Island : a, harbor and native village ; b, sea-lion rookery a point one third its length from the west end. From this point a nar- row peninsula, half a mile wide and two and a half miles long, extends in a southwest direction from the main island. The island is of vol- canic origin, and consists of a cluster of flattened cones. The central cones of the island have an elevation of from two to three hundred feet, and a diameter of from half a mile to one mile and a half. Those on the outside, which form the shore line, are much smaller, they being only from one eighth to half a mile in diameter, and from fifty to sixty feet in height. Their bases touch those of the central higher cones. Between the chains of cones are narrow valleys, raised but little above the sea level. The border cones are composed entirely of clinkstone, and their surfaces appear to have undergone no change other than that resulting from the original Assuring, and the subsequent action of frost. Where these cones extend into the water they form rounded points with gently sloping shores. There is a belt of loose rocks, varying from five to forty rods in width, between the base of the outer cones and the water. The coves formed between these points have shores of loose lava sand. The peninsula is formed by two of these cones, one of which is one half and the other two and a half miles distant from the main island, with which they have been recently connected by the deposition of loose sand thrown up by the action of the waves. The connecting MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 91 necks of land thus formed have a height of only six or eight feet above the tide level. The cones of the peninsula differ from those of the main island in being elongated instead of circular, and in having their surfaces covered with a layer of pitchstones, several inches in thickness, above the clinkstones. On the cone in the centre of the peninsula there is a bed of vol- canic ashes and cinders, which shows by its loose mixed condition that it fell there after the elevation and cooling of the rock above water. Opposite the junction of the peninsula with the main island is a cliff, facing the southeast, sixty feet high. Its composition of alternate layers of cinders and ashes indicates that it was deposited under water, and subsequently elevated to its present positiop. This cliff has been worn into by the waves, and portions of it continually falling down furnish material for the increase of the sand belt, along the southeast shore of the island. A seam or stratum two feet in thickness, com- posed mainly of volcanic ashes, and containing lumps of calcined sea mud and petrified shells, extends the whole length of the cliff, parallel with its surface curves, and situated at about midway its height. These shells differ from any now found on the island. The distance from the point where the peninsula joins the island to the west end of the island is about eight miles, and the general trend of the shore is northwest. The peninsula itself extends two miles and a half in a southwesterly direction, with a reef continuing to the west- ward a mile farther. Within the angle formed by these two shores is an open harbor, with anchorage of from nine to thirteen fathoms of water, half a mile to three miles off shore. A vessel lying here is sheltered from winds blowing from any xiortherly point between northwest and east ; with the wind more to the southward, a heavy swell rolls over the reef, making it very rough. At the head of the cove is located the trading-post of the former Rus- sian company and the native village. This portion of the island is undergoing great changes, from the filling in of sand from deep water. At no very remote period there existed a spacious harbor within the -ove now filled with sand ; and there are people living on the island who remember when the peninsula itself was an island. In this cove last year a vessel drawing six feet of water lay and swung at her anchor where it is now dry at low tide. The sand is brought up by the action of 92 BULLETIN OF THE the tides from deep water, and being thrown on the shores soon becomes dry and light, and is blown by the high winds into the valleys and over the slopes of the hills, tilling up the cracks in the rocks. The climate being moist, the soil thus thrown up is rapidly overspread with a luxu- riant growth of grass, conspicuous among which is the redtop and other common grasses of the New England States ; at a lower level on the made land a grass grows which, when young, resembles oats, but later it heads out like rye, and bears a small black seed which resembles the latter grain when shrunken in ripening. These grass-heads in winter furnish rich forage for the cattle and other stock living on the island. Among the profusion of wild flowers are the dandelion, buttercup, wild pea and bean, yarrow, wormwood, and other weeds ; also the cow-pars- nip or wild celery. The latter the natives consider a great luxury, they eating the seed stalks when green and tender with great relish. The northeast point of the island is formed by a cone two miles in diameter and a hundred feet in height. It was once two and a half miles distant from the main island, but is now connected with it. The action of the tide ebbing and flowing has formed bars of sand on the two outer sides ; they thus have extended until they have united the two islands, enclosing between them a long narrow lake. This lake is now rapidly filling with sand, and being only a mile loug it has become quite fresh by the annual melting of snow in it. The southeast shore of the island has also a belt of sand, which is in many places half a mile wide, and is constantly increasing. In many places the sand is drifted to the height of fifty feet, which shows that at some period of the year the island is subject to very high winds. On one of the largest cones near the centre of the island is the rim of an extinct volcano, with a crater thirty rods in diameter. This rises to a height of two hundred feet above the surrounding plain of clinkstones. Its walls are of red tufa, much crumbled and broken, the debris of which fills the opening in the centre. Around its base an; several fissures communicating with dark caves. Three fourths of a mile west i> a still larger crater, but of less eleva- tion. The surface of this portion of the island is covered with broken clink-tones, and is either entirely bare of vegetation or only covered with mov. Otter Island. — Four miles southwest, and in line with the peninsula, is a small rocky island, half a mile in its longest diameter, one fourth of MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 93 a mile wide, and about forty feet high, with a sloping shore on one side. It is a part of a cone which has been broken off on three sides, and the other part submerged. This is called Otter Island, and has on it a small fur seal rookery, yielding three thousand skins annually. Mosrovia, or Walrus Island. — East-southeast from the east end of St. Paul's Island, eight miles distant, is a rock rising on all sides to a height of thirty-five feet, half a mile long by one eighth wide. It has around its base at the water line several ledges or shelves, on which the walruses come to lie after feeding on the banks east of the island. These animals frequent the island during the summer in large num- bers, and are killed by the natives for their ivory. On the island is also a small sea lion rookery. It is also the breeding-place of immense flocks of sea-fowl, and the natives of St. Paul hence visit it in the lay- ing season for the purpose of obtaining eggs. St. George's Island. — This island lies forty miles to the southeast of St. Paul's, and is nearly triangular in form (Fig. 6) ; its greatest Fig. 6. Diagram of St. George's Island : a, principal seal rookery ; 6, harbor and settlement. length is twelve miles in an east and west direction. The greatest width of the island, which is near its centre, is four miles. Its north- ern shore has an indentation near its centre of three fourths of a mile in depth, with a bank in front. Within this cove vessels may anchor in ten fathoms of water, one half a mile off shore. It is at this point that the settlement is situated. The southeast and southwest sides are very irregular, with indentations on each side where vessels may anchor in from ten to sixteen fathoms, one fourth of a mile from 94 BULLETIN OF THE shore, but with poor holding-ground, and no shelter except when the wind is from the land. This island is of similar origin to St. Paul's, but differs from it in outline. A mountain ridge nearly one thousand feet high traverses the southeast part of the island parallel to the shore, and forms a per- pendicular sea front, from two to six hundred feet high. West of the ridge the island is intersected by a valley three miles wide, descending gradually on either side to the shores, where it terminates in low broken cliffs. To the westward of the valley the surface rises again rapidly, and ends in a narrow perpendicular headland six or seven hundred feet high. The whole appearance of the island indicates that it was originally much larger than it is at present, and that the outer portion has been broken off and submerged, leaving the sides perpendicular. It is only on the sloping shores near the middle of the island that the seals can obtain a footing. On all the other sides the surf breaks against the base of the cliffs. Broken clinkstones cover most of the surface of the island, upon the lower parts of which a thin soil of decayed vegetable matter has accumulated. Owing to the springy, oozy nature of the ground, the houses are all built above-ground, and not partially below the surface as on St. Paul's. The island has one hundred and sixty Aleutian inhabitants, similar to those of St. Paul's. The island of St. George is estimated to yield one half as many seals as St. Paul's, but owing to the poor anchorage and the difficulty of loading the vessels with the skins, the seals have been less disturbed. The Climate. — No record of the temperature at these islands had been kept previous to my arrival. My observations at St. Paul's give the mean temperature of June as 48° F. ; of July, 51°; a part of August, 60° These are the three warmest months of1 the year. I was told that the mercury froze twice during the previous winter. Snow falls on these islands from October to April, but except in sheltered spots it does not attain any great depth, blowing off as fast as it falls. From the middle of March to the latter part of May the great body of floating ice comes down from the north, and passes by the east end of the island to the southwest. At this time the weather is very severe, this being the most stormy period of the year. This body of ice seldom extends as far south as .St. George's, forty miles distant. During my MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 95 residence at St. Paul's there was very little fog on the island, though it could be seen resting on the water ten or fifteen miles off shore, form- ing clouds which obscured the sun during the greater part of the time. The climate is not favorable to agriculture, but there is at least a thou- sand acres of first-class grazing land along the southeast shore and in the vicinity of the village. Last year a horse and four neat cattle were brought to the island. Directions had been given to prepare hay for them, but owing to the dampness of the atmosphere it was not done, so that when the cattle were landed there were only such supplies of food for them as the island naturally afforded. They therefore had to subsist on the dry grass of the flats, on which they wintered in good condition, the cows giving a good supply of milk. The wild rye-heads proved nutritious food, of which the supply was abundant. The horse also came through in excellent condition, though having no grain. Goats and sheep have been added to the stock on the island during the past season. They have all bred and are doing well. I have been thus minute in these details, because I have often heard it asserted that these islands are bar- ren rocks, without vegetation. The Habits of the Fur Seal. The fur seals resort to the Pribyloff Islands during the summer months for the sole purpose of reproduction. Those sharing in these duties necessarily remain on or near the shore until the joung are able to take to the water. During this considerable period the old seals are not known to take any food. In order to speak intelligibly of the duties of the several classes of seals at this important season, it is necessary at this point to describe the animals. The male fur seal does not attain mature size until about the sixth year. He then measures in total length from seven to eight feet, and six to seven in girth. His color is then dark brown, with gray over- hair on the neck and shoulders. When in full flesh his weight varies from five to seven hundred pounds. These and no others occupy the rookeries (or breeding-grounds) with the females. A full-grown female measures four feet in length and two and a half around the body, and differs from the male in form by having a some- what longer head, shorter neck, and a greater fulness of body poste- riorly. She usually weighs from eighty to a hundred pounds. Her 96 BULLETIN OF THE color when she first leaves the water is a dark steel-mixed on the hack, the sides and breast being white ; but she gradually changes somewhat, and in eight or ten days after landing becomes dark brown on the back, and bright orange on the breast, sides, and throat. Hence it is easy to distinguish those that have just arrived from those that have been sev- eral days on the shore. The female breeds the third year, and is full- grown at four years. The yearlings weigh from forty to fifty pounds, and are dark brown with a lighter shade on the throat and breast. The ages of those between one and six years old are easily distinguished by the differ- ences in size and state of development of the animal-. The repro- ductive organs of the male are fully developed the fourth year, and it is mainly by males of this age that the fertilization of the females is effected. Copulation, described more fully later, usually takes place in the water. The breeding-rookeries, which are frequented exclusively by the old males and females with their pups, occupy the belt of loose rocks along the shores between the high-water line and the base of the cliffs or uplands, and vary in width from five to forty rods. The sand beaches are used only as temporary resting-places, and for play-grounds by the younger seals ; these beaches being neutral ground, where the old and infirm or the wounded may lay undisturbed. The old male appears to return each year to the same rock so long as he is able to maintain his position. The native chiefs affirm that one seal, known by his having lost one of his flippers, came seventeen successive years to the same rock.* Those under six years are never allowed by the old ones on these places. They usually swim in the water along shore all day, and at night go on the upland above the rookeries and spread themselves out, like flocks of sheep, to re.-t. * Dr. Newberry states (United States Pnrifie, Railroad Surveys and Explorations, Vol. VI, Zoology, p. 50, 1857) that Dr. William 0. Ayres of San Francisco presented a skull of a " sea lion" to the California Academy of Science, obtained by him during a visit to the Farallone Islands in June, is.",:., concerning which he mad.' the following remarks, which tend to corroborate Captain Bryant's opinion that the seals return year after year to the snnc breeding-grounds. Dr. Ayres observes: " The specimen is of in- terest as illustrating, in one particular, the habits of these animals. The left zygomatic arch has been perforated by a bullet, and the lower part of the left inferior maxillary bone by another; both these injuries having been received so long since that the action MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 07 Wherever a long continuous shore line is occupied as a breeding- rookery, neutral passages are set apart at convenient distances through which the younger seals may pass from the water to the Lip'uiiil and return unmolested. Often a continuous line moving in single file may be seen for hours together going from the water to the upland, or the reverse, as the case may he. When suddenly disturbed while sleeping on the upland by an attempt of an animal to cross the rookery at any other place, a general engagement ensues, which often results in the death or serious crippling of the combatants. After the females have arrived at the rookeries, many of them, as well as their pups, are tram- pled to death in these struggles. Constant care is also necessary lest thoughtless persons incautiously approach the breeding-grounds, as the stampede of the. seals that would result therefrom always destroys many of the young. The old males are denominated by the natives Seacutch (married seals). These welcome the females on their arrival, and watch over and protect them and their }'Oung until the latter are large enough to be left to the care of their mothers and the younger males. Those under six years old are not able to maintain a place on the rookery, or to keep a harem, and these are denominated HoUuschuck (bachelors). These two classes of males, with the full-grown females termed Mothu (mothers), form the three classes that participate in the duties of reproduction. By the first to the middle of April the snow has melted from the shore and the drift ice from the north has all passed. Soon after this period, a few old veteran male seals make their appearance in the water near the island, and after two or three days' reconnoissance venture on to the shore and examine the rookeries, carefully smelling them. If the examination is satisfactory, after a day or two a few climb the slopes and lay with their heads erect listening. At this time, if the wind blows from the village towards the rookeries, all fires are extinguished and of the absorbents lias almost smoothed the splintered edges of the bones. Inside of the wound of the zygoma was found the piece of lead which had caused it, and which was at once recognized, from certain peculiarities of form, as one which had been fired, without fatal effect, at a sea lion, on the same rocks, in the summer of 1854. We have thus a demonstration," Dr Ayres continues. " that these huge seals return, in some instances at least, year after year, to the same localities. They leave the Farallones in November and return in May, being absent about six months. How far they migrate during that interval we have at present no means of determining." — j. a. a. VOL. II. 7 98 BULLETIN OF THE all unnecessary noises avoided. These scouts then depart and in a few days after small numbers of male seals of all ages begin to arrive. The old patriarchs soon take their places on the rookeries and prevent the younger males from landing. They thus compel them to either stay in the water or go to the upland above. In locating, each old male reserves a little more than a square rod of space to himself. For this proceeding they evidently have two reasons. First, from the constant liability to surprise from their rear, which is their weakest point, they require room enough to make one leap in turnin"- before being able to defend themselves or to attack their ene- mies. Their eyes being adapted to seeing in the water, their vision is feeble when they are out of that element. Consequently they have to rely mainly on the senses of hearing and smell for warning of danger ; hence while dozing on the rocks every movement or sound in their vicinity keeps them constantly turning towards the direction from which it proceeds. A second reason is that each requires that amount of space for the reception of his ten or fifteen wives.* Male seals continue to arrive in small numbers daily, a few of which are yearlings ; those two, three, four, and five years old arrive in about equal proportions. Those older than this are more numerous than the younger, each one of which fights his way to his old place on the rook- ery,! or, taking a new one, prepares to contend for it in case the owner comes to take it. As they acknowledge no right but that of might, the later comer has to select again. The growling and fighting are con- stant, so that day and night the aggregated sound is like that of an approaching railway train. About the 15th of June the males have all assembled, the ground being then fully occupied by them, as they lay waiting for the females to come. These appear in small numbers at first, but increase as the season advances till the middle of July, when the rookeries are all full, the females often overlapping each other. * Steller gives the number of females to each male as eight to fifteen or even fifty. (" Mares polygami sunt, unus ssepi 8, 15, ad 50 fcemollas habet, quas anxie semula- bundus custodit, et vel alio tantillium appropinquante, in furorem agitur.") Several of the carle" losing is like that of a cow ; when he fights he growls like a bear ; when he has conquered his enemy he chirps like a cricket." — Hist, of Kamtsck., p. 228. Mr. Dall observes that they have "a kind of piping whistle which they use when tired or hot." — j. A. a. * Other accounts somewhat vary from this. Steller's remarks on this point areas follows: " Concubitum exercent more hominum ita ut mas incubus foemella succuba sit. prseeipue autem circa vesperam veneris exercitiis inhiant: horam antea tarn mas quam foemella in mare se recipiunt, una placide natant, dein una reuertunter, fcemella supina in dorso jacet, mas vero e mari superueuit, anterioribus pedibus innixus, maximo feruore libidinem exercet, et sub hoe lusu fcemellamita premitet pondere su'oin arenam demergit, ut nihil nisi caput cmineat, ipse vero pedibus anterioribus adeo in arenam endit, ut tandem toto ventre fcemellam premat et contingat. Locum eligunt ipsum litns arenosum, qua undis huncdum alluitur, adeo intentiet obliuiosisui ipsius sunt, ut plusquam per quadrantem horau scortanti abstarem, antequam me obsernai'et, nee obse- ruasset, nisi mum colapham impegissem, ex quo adeo iratus maximo fremiti! me laces- siuit, ut aegre me surriperem, ille vero nihilominus me eminus vidente, quod cceperat, absoluit opus per integrm quadrantem horse." Mi-. W. II. Dall. in August, 1S68, spent some time at St. George's Island, and in some valuable notes on the natural history of this island, which he has kindly placed at my disposal, 1 find tin' following remarks, which, it will be seen, are quite confirmatory of : "They [the females] sleep in the water, lying on their sides, with the two flippers [of the upper side] out of the water, and receive tin- male ill the same times nanain in copula for upwards of an hour." While these statements arc doubtless quite true, at least in numerous instances, the more favorable unit! for observation Captain Bryant has had, leave little reason to suppose he ition, been deceived in the matter. I have been thus lengthy in these comments from the fact that tlii- mode of coitus ■ Ijccii no,- r among the lower mammalia. — j. a. \. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 101 difference by all the males. She now roams at will about the rookery, whereas before she was not allowed to go to the relief of her young when in distress and crying for her. By the middle of August the young are all born, and the females are again pregnant. The old males having occupied their stations constantly for four months, without food, now resign their charge to the younger males, and go to some distance from shore to feed. The fact of their remaining without food seems so contrary to nature, that it seems to me proper to state some of the evidences of it. Having been assured by the natives that such was the fact, I deemed it of suffi- cient importance to test it by all the means available. Accordingly I took special pains to examine daily a large extent of the rookery and note carefully the results of my observations. The rocks on the rookery are worn smooth and washed clean by the spring tides, and any discharge of excrement could not fail to be detected. I found, in a few instances, where newly arrived seals had made a single discharge of red-colored excrement, but nothing was seen afterwards to show that such discharges were continued, or any evidence that the animals had partaken of food. They never left the rocks, except when compelled by the heat of the sun to seek the water to cool themselves. They are then absent from the land for but a short time. I also examined the stomachs of sever- al hundred young ones, killed by the natives for eating, and always without finding any traces of food in them. The same was true of the few nursing females killed for dissection.* On their arrival in the * Steller states that, in the numerous specimens he dissected, he always found the stomachs empty, and remarks that they take no food during the several weeks they remain on land. Mr. Dall confirms the same statement in respect to the present species, and Captains Cook, Weddel, and others, who have had opportunities of observing the different southern species, affirm the same fact in respect to the latter. Lord Shuldham long since stated that the walrus had the same habit, though its annual fast seems some- what shorter than those of the eared seals. In the London Philosophical Transactions for the year 1775 (p. 249), in briefly describing the droves of walruses that at that time frequented the Magdalen and other islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, he says that they crawl upon the land in great numbers, at convenient landing-places, " and some- times remain for fourteen days together without food, when the weather is fair; but on the approach of rain they immediately retreat to the water with great precipitation." This singular phenomenon of a protracted annual fast during the period of parturition and the nursing of the young — the season when most mammals require the most ample sustenance — seems not wholly confined to the walruses and the eared seals. So far as known, however, it is limited to the Pinnipedes; and, excepting in the case of a single 102 BULLETIN OF THE spring they are very fat and unwieldy, but when they leave, after their four months' fast, they are very thin, being reduced to one half their former weight. The female has four teats, two on each side, equidistant, and in line between the fore and hind flippers. Their milk is of a yellowish color, composed of water and caseine, very insipid, and containing no sugar. The pups nurse but seldom, and when separated from the mother for thirty-six hours and returned to her again, they seem in no haste to do so, and in some cases did not for several hours afterwards. About the 20th of July the great body of the previous year's pups arrive and occupy the slopes with the younger class of males, and they continue to be mixed together during the remainder of the season. The two-years-old females, which pair with the young males in the water near the island, also now associate with the other females. The pups are five weeks old when the old females go off to feed; they go with the mothers to the upland, but keep by themselves. The pups born on the lower edge of the rookery, where the surf breaks over them occasionally, learn to swim early, but the larger portion of them do not take to the water until later, and many have to be forced in by the parent.* Once in, however, they soon love to sport in it. The young are taught to swim by the old males on their return from feeding. By the last of October the seals begin to leave the islands in small companies, the males going last and by themselves. In November the member, the sea elephant ( Macrorhinus elephantinus ), to the two above-named fami- lies. By some of the old writers the sea elephant was said to feed sparingly, at this time, on the grasses and sea-weeds that grew in the vicinity of its breeding-places, out the weight of the evidence in respect to this point seems to indicate that this species fasts similarly to the eared seals and walruses, during the period it resorts to the land to bring forth its young. Regarding the period of abstinence of the sea elephants and its effect upon the animals, Weddel observes as follows: "The circumstance of these animals living on shore for a period not less than two months, apparently without taking food of any description, may certainly be considered a remarkable phenomenon in natural economy. That they live by absorption is evident; that is, by consuming the substance of their own bodies; because, when they come first on shore they are ex- cessively fat, and when they return to the sea they are very lean" ( Voyage toicards the South Pole, p. 136). It may be that other species of the earless seals undergo similar fasts, but if so I have ■ en ii rd of the fact. — j. a. a. * A dislik ' fear of the water on the part of the young of other species of fur and hair seals has been reported by other observers. — J. a. a. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 103 young seals (as I was informed by the natives, my own observations ending in August) stop to rest a few days on the Aleutian Islands, and at Ounalaska the natives obtain several hundred skins annually.* * The following remark?, quoted from Captain Weddel's " Voyage towards the South Pole" (p. 137, August, 1827), show how closely the southern fur seal (Ar otocephalus falklandicus) resembles the northern fur seal in habits and general economy: — " Nothing in this class of animals [the seals], and more particularly in the fur seal of Shetland, is more astonishing than the disproportion in the size of the male and female. A large grown male, from the tip of the nose to the extremity of the tail, is six feet nine inches, whilst the female is not more than three feet and a half. This class of males is not, however, the most numerous; but being physically the most powerful, they keep possession of the females, to the exclusion of the younger branches; hence, at the time of parturition, the males may be computed to be as one to twenty [females], which shows this to be, perhaps, the most polygamous of large animals. " They are in their nature completely gregarious; but they flock together and assem- ble on the coast at different periods and in distinct classes. The males of the largest size go on shore about the middle of November to wait the arrival of the females, which of necessity must soon follow, for the purpose of bringing forth their young. These, in the early part of December, begin to land ; and they are no sooner out of the water than they are taken possession of by the males, who have many serious battles with each other in procuring their respective seraglios; and by a peculiar instinct they carefully protect the females under their charge during the whole period of gestation. " By the end of December, all the female seals have accomplished the purpose of their landing. The time of gestation may be considered twelve months, and they seldom have more than one at a time, which they suckle and rear apparently with great affec- tion. Ey the middle of February the young are able to take to the water; and after being taught to sicim by the mother, they abandon them on shore, where they remain till their coats of fur and hair ai-e completed. During the latter end of February, what are called the dog-seals go on shore: these are the young seals of the two preceding years, and such males as, from their want of age and strength, are not allowed to attend the pregnant females. These young seals come on shore for the purpose of renewing their annual coats, which being done by the end of April, they take to the water, and scarcely any are seen on shore again till the end of June, when some young males come up and go off alternately. They continue to do this for six or seven week«, and the shores are then abandoned till the end of August, when a herd of small, young seals of both sexes come on shore for about five or six weeks; soon after they retire to the water. The large male seals take up their places on shore, as has been before described, which completes the intercourse all classes have with the shore during the whole year. " The young are at first black ; in a few weeks they become gray, and soon after obtain their coat of hair and fur I have estimated the female seal to be. in general, at its full growth-wifhin four years, but possibly the male seal is much lo very likely five or six years; and some which I have contrasted with others of the same size could not, from their very old appearance, be less than thirty year- " [For further information in respect to the habits of the Pinnipedes in general, the reader is referred to Dr. Robert Hamilton's " Natural History of the Amphibious Car- nivora," etc. (1839), which forms the eighth volume of the Mammalia of Jardine's " Nat- 104 BULLETIN OF THE Manner of Killing the Seals. — It will be recollected that I have de- scribed the younger seals as spreading out on the slopes above the rookeries to rest at night. A party of men approach these places armed with clubs of hard wood, and quietly creep between the seals and the shore. "When ready the men start up with a shout at a given signal, and drive the seals inland in a body. When at a sufficient distance from the rookery, they halt to screen the flock of as many as possible that are too old for killing, only those that are two and three years old yield- ing prime skins ; the fur of those older is too coarse to be market- able. The screening is done by driving the seals slowly forward in a curve ; the older, sullenly holding back, force the more timid forward, when the men opening their ranks let them pass through and return to the shore. The remainder of the flock is then driven to the killing- ground, though still containing many too old to be of value. It is necessary to drive the flock some distance from the breeding- ground, as the. smell of the blood and the carcasses disturbs the seals. Another object is to make the seal carry his own skin to the salt-house, and it is hence sometimes necessary to drive them six or seven miles. The driving has to be conducted with great care, as the violent exer- tion causes the* seals to heat rapidly, and if heated beyond a certain degree the fur is loosened and the skin becomes valueless. In a cool day they may be driven one mile and a half per hour with safety. They travel by lifting themselves from the ground on their fore legs, and hitching their body after them with a kind of sideways, loping gal- lop. When arrived at the killing-ground a few boys are employed to keep them from straggling, and they are thus left to rest and cool. Then a small number, from seventy to one hundred, are separated from the flock, surrounded and driven on each other, so that they confine themselves by treading on each other's flippers. Those desired for killing are then easily selected and quickly killed by a light blow on the nose from a hard wooden club. When these are killed, those left as unfit are allowed to go to the nearest water, whence they imme- diately return to the place from which they were driven. This operation is repeated until the whole flock is disposed of, providing there is time to skin and take care of them all before putrefaction uralist's Library," — an excellent compilation from previous authors. The more impor- tant of the recent papers treating of the habits and other characters of the cared seals have already been cited in the historical " Resume" of the present paper. — J. A. A.] MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 105 would begin. The work of skinning is performed by all the men on the island, and every one participating in it is allowed to .share in the proceeds. As the seals are not wholly at rest until the females arrive, great care is necessary in selecting the time and place from which to drive. These points are determined by a head man, who assumes the whole control of this part of the business. In the month of May only the small number required by the natives for food are driven. In June, when the seals are more numerous, they are driven and killed for their skins, although the percentage of prime skins is at this time very small, often not twenty per cent of the whole flock driven. About the middle of July the females go off into the water, and there is a period of general rest among all the seals, during which time the natives desist entirely from killing for from ten to fourteen days. At the close of this period the great body of yearling seals arrive. These, mixing with the younger class of males, spread over the uplands and greatly increase the pro- portion of prime skins, but also greatly increase the difficulty of killing properly. Up to this time, there having been no females with the seals driven up for killing, it was only necessary to distinguish ages; this the difference in size enables them to do very easily. Now, how- ever, nearly one half are females, and the slight difference between these and the younger males renders it necessary for the head man to see every seal killed, and only a strong interest in the preservation of the stock can insure the proper care. September and October are consid- ered the best months for taking the seals. Besides the skin, each seal will yield one gallon and a half of oil, and the linings of all the, throats are saved and salted as an article of trade to other ports in the Territory, these being used by the natives for mak- ing water-proof frocks to wear in their skin canoes when hunting the sea otter or fishing. These parts have no very great commercial value, though they are considered by the natives as indispensable to them. It will be seen by the foregoing description of the habits of the fur seal, that the conditions necessary for their preservation and increase are very simple. The first is that they be not unnecessarily disturbed during the period of their arrival on the island. Second, that care be taken in killing to kill only males, and to reserve enough of these for breeding purposes. If these precautions are taken, they increase faster 106 BULLETIN OF THE than if left to themselves ; for when the number of males is in excess, the continual fighting on the rookeries destroys many of both females and young, which get trampled to death.* Mode of Curing the Skins. — The skins are all taken to the salt- houses and are salted in kenches or square bins, the skins being spread down flesh side up, and a quantity of loose salt profusely scattered over them. They remain thus packed for thirty or forty days, when they are taken from the bins ; the loose salt is removed, and the skins are folded together, the flesh side in, and sprinkled as they are folded with a small quantity of clean salt. They are then ready for shipment, only requiring a small additional quantity of salt whenever removed. Number of Seals frequenting the Island. — There are at least twelve miles of shore lme on the island of St. Paul's occupied by the seals as breeding-grounds, with an average width of fifteen rods. There be- ing about twenty seals to the square rod, gives one million one hundred and fifty-two thousand as the whole number' of breeding males and fe- males. Deducting one tenth for males leaves one million thirty-seven thousand and eight hundred breeding females. Allowing one half of the present year's pups to be females, this will add half a million of breeding females to the rookeries of 1872, in addition to those now there, while the young of last year and the year before are also to be added. This estimate does not include the males under six years of age, these not * The almost total extermination at some points of some of the various seals formerly extensively hunted for their skins or their oil on the islands and coast of Southern South America is well known. Weddel states (in his "Voyage," already cited) that the number of fur seals taken off the Shetland Islands, during the years 1821 and 1822, may be computed at 320,000. li This valuable animal," he adds, " might, by a law similar to that which restrains fishermen in the size of the mesh of their net, have been spared to render annually 100,000 furs for many years to come. This would have followed from not killing the mothers till the young were able to take to the water; and even then only those which appeared to be old, together with a proportion of the males, thereby dimin- ishing their total number, but in slow progression. ' This system is [183fl] practised at the river of Plata. The island of Lobos, in the mouth of that river, contains a quantity of seals, and is farmed by the Governor of Monte Video, under certain restrictions, that the hunters shall not take them but at stated periods, in order to prevent the animals from being exterminated. The system of extermination was practised, however, at Shetland; for whenever a seal reached the beach, of whatever denomination, he was immediately killed and his skin taken, and by this means, at the end of the second year the animals became nearly extinct ; the young losing their mothers when only three or four days old, of course all died, which, at the lowest calculation, exceeded 100,000." J. A. A. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 107 bein"- allowed on the rookeries by the older males, nor the yearlings. If we now add those frequenting St. George's Island, which number half as many, and make a very liberal discount for those that may be destroyed before reaching maturity, the number is still enormous. It will also be seen that the great importance of the seal fishery is not to be calculated from the basis of its present yield, since each year adds to its extent, as with proper care the number can be increased until both islands are fully occupied by these valuable animals* Peculiar situation of the Pribylqff Island. — These islands are situ- ated immediately between the northern edge of the great warm oceanic current, — which, passing into Behring's Sea west of the Aleutian Islands and flowing east through Ounimak Straits, enters the Gulf of Alaska at that point, — and the edge of the rotary cold current which flows from the Gulf of Anadir east through Norton Sound, returning westward to this point again. These currents furnish the necessary climatic conditions of a cool uniform temperature and hu- mid atmosphere necessary to these animals, while their position is just far enough south to escape being visited by the polar bears floating on the ice, as is not the case with the island of St. Matthew's, the nearest land on the north. There are no other islands possessing these ad- vantages in an equal degree. Behring's and Copper Islands, further westward, in Russian waters, approach it nearest. Prices paid for the Skins at the Islands, and their Value in Eu- rope.— The Russian company allowed the natives the value of ten cents per skin. This was the pay they received for the labor of kill- ing, curing the skins, and delivering them alongside the vessel ready for shipment, the company finding salt and magazines in which to salt them. The parties who took advantage of the interval between the transfer of the Territory and the enacting and enforcement of the law of the 27th of July, 1868, to kill and purchase of the natives, paid twenty- seven cents per skin, and had they been allowed to trade the present * It may be added that the United States government has already taken measures to prevent an undue decrease of the fur seals of the Pribyloff Islands, in the amendment to the bill for the preservation of the fur-bearing animals of Alaska, which was passed by Congress early in July of the present year, and that private parties have interested themselves in the preservation of the sea lions that frequent portions of the California coast. — j. a. a. 108 BULLETIN OF THE year would have bidden forty cents apiece for tliem. To this is to be added the cost of salt, buildings, and the expense of the agency on shore. Their market value was at that time five dollars, so that, after a liberal allowance for incidental expenses, the profit must be very large. Previous to 1 8GG these skins were worth only three dollars each, but owing to recent improvements in their manufacture they have become fashionable for ladies' wear, and soon after the transfer of the Territory to the United States the price rose to seven dollars. At this time the Russians had one hundred thousand on hand, which were for- warded to London, the only market for seal-skins in the raw state, and the only place where they are dressed. The different parties who sealed on the islands in the summer following the purchase took two hundred thousand, which so overstocked the market that they are now worth only three or four dollars. The agents of the Russian Fur Company aimed to control this branch of the fur trade in Europe by regulating the supply. To do this they sent orders a year in advance to have such a number killed as in their judgment the market might need, always keeping at the same time one year's supply on hand. At the time of the sale of the Territory the annual yield was estimated at eighty thousand skins. The opinion of the men who have the special care of the seals is that it has reached one hundred thousand, and that the killing yearly of this number will in no way cheek their increase. As I have elsewhere explained, to kill a proper number of males annually tends to a general increase in the whole number of seals. Use of the Flesh by the Natives. — The flesh of the seal constitutes the principal food of the inhabitants they killing from time to time such numbers as are necessary for that purpose. Before the; seals leave in autumn a number are killed sufficient for their winter's supply. Tie- carcasses are allowed to freeze, and in this state they keep them until the return of the. seals in the spring. The flesh of the yearling seal is somewhat darker than beef; it is juicy and tender, but lacks the sweetness and flavor of beef, and is less firm and nutri- tious. In highly seasoned dishes it is relished by nearly all who partake of it. The soldiers on the island preferred it to salt rations. Alive weeks' old pup roasted is esteemed a great luxury. The sea lion also constitutes a part of the natural food of the natives. Cambridge, August, 1870. Plate I. Eumetopias Stelleki Peters. [The figures are all one third natural size, when not otherwise stated.] Fig. 1. Skull, seen from below, of a middle-aged $ (spec. No. 2920). " 2. Posterior view of the same skull. « 3. Skull, seen from below, of a very old $ (spec. No. 2921). " 4. Posterior view of the same skull. « 5. Teeth (one half nat. sire) of the middle-aged skull; 5a, upper incisors seen from the side; bb, lower incisors, same view; be, upper molars, seen from the side; bd, same view of lower molars. (The canines are not figured.) « 6 View of upper surface of the right anterior extremity. (The more heavily shaded portion indicates the termination of the hair- covered part. One twentieth natural size.) « 7. View of the upper surface of one of the posterior extremities. (one twentieth natural size). " 8. Ear (one half natural siz<*.). Bull.M.CZ.Vol.lI.No.l. Plate I. I'.jiucttri'.cni.sfo/Hr from nature. .// ■'',:', fo Jiosro EUMETOPIAS STELLERl (Pe/ers) Plate II. Callorhinus ursinus Gray. [The figures are all one third natural size, when not otherwise stated.] Fig. 1. Upper view of skull of an old . 10), the description of which applies to it in most respects, for those authors state that the front, rostrum, and orbits are like those of Mithraculus sculptus. Tt occurred at Key West in from 2 to 5 fathoms, and at the Tortugas in 5 to 6 fathoms. There is in the Smithsonian Collection a specimen taken at St. Thomas by A. II. Riise, Esq. Mithrax acuticornis nov. sp. Carapax much longer than broad, and tuberculated, sparsely on the gastric region but more closely posteriorly and at the sides, the tubercles MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 117 becoming spiniform toward the margins, which arc armed with true spines curving forward at their tips. Rostrum half as long as the interorbital width, and consisting of two rather slender, acute horns. Basal joinl of the external antennae armed with two spines, the anterior one of which is slender, curved, and two thirds as long as the rostrum. The margin of the orbit is armed with six spiniform teeth, not including those of the antenna] joint. The feet are strongly spinose above, but the hands are unarmed. The color in wet specimens, and probably in life, is a bright deep red. Dimensions of a male : Length of carapax, o.7;j ; breadth, 0.55 inch ; pro- portion, 1 : <».7o3. This species approaches Sckizophrys in the shape of it- carapax, which is much more oblong than in other species of the genus in which I have placed it: but the rostrum i- simply two-horned, and the orbit- are similar to those of the typical forms of Mithrax. Off the Quicksands, January 23, 1869. Cast No. 1. 34 fathoms. West of the Tortugas, January 16, 1869. Cast No. 8. 37 West of the Tortugas, January 10, 1869. Cast No. 12. 42 " Mithrax Holderi now sp. This species resembles .1/. acuticornis in the characters of the front, but the carapax is broader and more strongly and closely tuberculated, the tubercles occupying nearly the whole upper surface, causing it to resemble that of Tinr'ini1 xxii, fig. 6. Seba's fig. 22 of pi. xix is a better representation of the species under consideration. Littoral on the reef at Eastern Dry Rocks. Reef at Cruz del Padre, Cuba. Key West, in 2 to 5 fathoms Family TYCHIDAE. Subfamily TYCHINAE. Tyche einarginata White. Tyche einarginata White, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, First Series, Vol XX. p. 206. Platyrinchwi Iritnbercuhitus Desbonxe et Schramm, Crust, de la Guadeloupe p. :i ; pi. iii, ligs. T and 8. The curious genus Tyche is so little known that a short description of the crab under consideration may not be out of place here. The carapax is flattened and partly concave above, and has laniinilbnn expansions in front and behind. The frontal region is very broad, the transorbital width nearly equalling that across the branchial regions. The hepatic region is concave. Rostrum rather long, forked from the base ; horns widely diver- pent. Prajorbital spines very long, and somewhat divergent, thus, with the rostrum, giving the entire front a tour-horned form. External antenna' concealed beneath the rostrum. Eyes long but reaching scarcely beyond the edge of the expanded orbit. d margin, which is entire, without nop h or oolll. The external maxillipeds are very remarkable in form, the exognath having a hook-shaped process at the base, which nveTaps the base of the ischiuin-joinl of the endognath. The meros-joint of the endognath has ;l. posterior lobe which projects fir into the anterior extremity of the ischium. This crab was found by the expedition at Key West in 2 to ."> fathoms, and al the Tortugas in 7 fathoms. Family EURYPODIIDAE. Among tin1 general characters of this family, the existence of a distinct orbital arch over the base of the eye, and of a postocular spine, seem to be the most important. Subfamily COLLODIjSTAE. 'I his name is proposed for a group nfgi nera of Eurypodiidae character- ized by the extreme shortness of the rostrum, which group is. as far as known, peculiar to the tropical parts of the American sea-, and occurs on both sides of the continent. 120 BULLETIN OF THE Collodes trispinosus nov. sp. Carapax ovate-triangular, hah-)', and everywhere covered with small granulated tubercles, except on the front and the anterior portion of the gastric region. There is an erect, capitate spine on the gastric, one on the cardiac region, and one of equal size on the basal joint of the abdomen. Rostrum with two minute horns. Four minute spines on the basal joint of the antennae, the anterior one of which is placed nearly on a level with the horns of the rostrum. Ambulatory feet long, and provided with long stiff hairs ; hairs of the penult joint below straight and above hook- like and often serrated on the inner side near the tip. Dactyli of the am- bulatory feet about as long as the penult joint. In the male of this species the carapax is somewhat more elongated and depressed than in the female ; the hands are of moderate size only, and much curved inward ; fingers nearly as long as palm and gaping, with a tooth inside on the middle of the thumb. Abdomen of the male elongate triangular ; intromittent organs nearly straight, simple, reaching nearly to the extremity of the abdomen. All the specimens examined were covered with a thick coating of mud, held by the setae. The dimensions of a female specimen are : Length of the carapax, 0.41 ; breadth, 0.32 inch. The only species hitherto known of this genus is the C. granosus of the west coast of North America, described by me in " Notes on North Ameri- can Crustacea," page 66 (Annals of the New York Lyceum of Natural History, Vol. VII, p. 194), from which the species under consideration differs in its more elongated carapax, which is more completely covered with granulated tubercles, and in the somewhat greater length of (he rostral horns and the spines on the basal joint of the antennae. It is proper to state that of C. granosus only a single (female) specimen is as yet known. The species occurred as follows : — Off the Quicksands, January 23, 1869. Cast No. 1. 34 fathoms. OffCarysfort Reef, March 21, 1869. Cast No. 8. 35 Off Carysfort Reef, March 21, 1860. Cast No. 7. 40 Off French Reef, April 3, 1869. Cast No. 4. 50 Collodes nudus nov. sp Allied to C. granosus and C. trispinosus, having three spines on the back similar in shape and position to those of those species. It differs from them, however, in its naked carapax and feet, and in the less numer- ous and prominent granulated tubercles of the dorsal surface. The carapax is also much broader anteriorly. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 121 The ambulatory feet of the second pair are rather longer than those of the first pair. The dactyli of the ambulatory feet are armed with spines along the inner edge. The dimensions of the single specimen found, a male, are as follows : Length of carapax, 0.24 ; breadth, 0.18 ; length of ambulatory foot of the first pair, 0.45 inch. Off Carysfort Reef, March 21, I860. Cast No. 7. 40 fathoms. Arachnopsis nov. <;en. Carapax oblong, narrow, and somewhat truncated in front. Rostrum short, bifid. Orbital arch high, protuberant. Postocular spine long, and separated from the orbital arch by a dee]), narrow fissure. Eye long, considerably overreaching the tip of the postocular spine, but capable of being drawn back beneath it. Basal joint of the external antenna? with a small, sharp spine at the extremity, pointing obliquely tin-ward and outward, between which and the rostrum the movable part of the antenna is exposed, and with a spinulous crest on the inferior surface extending back to the angle of the buccal area. Meros-joint of the external maxillipeds broader than long, and with sharply prominent external and internal anterior angles. Ambulatory feet long, filiform; those of the second pair longest ; dactyli straight, acute, and nearly as long as the penult joint. This genus differs from Collodes in its filiform ambulatory feet and long eye peduncles. Arachnopsis filipes nov. sp. Body armed above with three erect, slender, blunt spines, one on the gastric re :"n, one on the cardiac region, and one on the basal joint of the abdomen. Abdominal spine, small ; cardiae and gastric spines equal and about as long as the distance between the orbital arches. Carapax convex anteriorly, and flattened posteriorly. Surface of carapax smooth and glossy, naked, except for a few hairs on the anterior part of the bran- chial, the sides of the gastric, and the frontal region. Beneath, the sub- hepatic and pterygostomian regions are armed with spiniform granules. Chelipeds in the male as long as the carapax and much curved ; edges of meros and carpus spinulose; hand nearly smooth ; fingers as long as the palm. Ambulatory feet spinulose along the lower edges of all the joints, except the dactyli; those of the second pair more than twice as long as the carapax. Sternum, abdomen, and external maxillipeds tuberculated. Dimensions of a male : Length of carapax, 0.25 ; breadth, 0.18 ; length of ambulatory foot of first pair. 0.5 inch. Off Conch Reef, May 11, 1869. Cast No. 2. 34 fathoms. Off Carysfort Reef, March 21, 18(59. Cast No. 7. 40 Off French Reef, March 21, 1869. Cast No. 2. 45 " 122 BULLETIN OF THE Batrachonotus nov. gen. Carapax triangular, broadly expanded behind : surface rough with gran- ulations : gastric, cardiac, and branchial regions strongly protuberanl ; cer- vical depressions deep and broad, giving the carapax a superior outline mucb like thai of a frog's back. Rostrum very short, not extending beyond the walls of the antennulary fossa?, rounded in outline, and slightly emargi- nated at the middle. Basal joint of the external antenna? with a small tooth or spine on the (inter margin, but none at the anterior extremity. No spine on the orbital arch. Post-ocular spine minute. Meros-joint of the external maxillipeds broad, with prominent external and internal anterior angles. Ambulatory feet simple; those of the fust pair dispro- portionately long, nearly twice as long as those of the second pair; those of the posterior pairs very short. Dactyli of ambulatory feet rather long. Abdomen very narrow at base. It differs from the other genera of Collodinae, among other characters, in the want of a terminal spine on the basal joint of tin- antenna', and in its very long anterior and short posterior ambulatory feet. Batrachonotus fragosus nov. sp. The following description i> licit of a male. Body and feet naked. On each of the protuberant regions of the carapax there are one or two large and many smaller rounded tubercles or granules. A strong tubercle on the basal joint of the abdomi n. A sharp tubercle on the subhepatic, and one on the pterygostomian region. Sternum regularly granulated. Cheli- peds as long as the carapax. and sparsely granulated within; ischium with an erect spine at the summit; hand unarmed: fingers toothed and slightly gaping. Ambulatory feet of the firsl pair about three times as Ion-- as the carapax. Color of the body in the alcoholic specimen whitish, or pale flesh-color, variegated with purplish. Of this species we find in the collection only one specimen, a male, the dimensions of which are: Length of the carapax, 0.2S; breadth, 0.245; length of ambulatory feel of the first pan-, 0.80 inch. The specimen was taken in X. I. at. 24° 36' 10", \V. Lou-. *:)° 2' 20", on the 22d of January, L868. Cast Xo. 3. Depth 16 fathoms. Euprognatka nov. gen. Carapax pyriform. Rostrum short, trifid, the median horn being the interantennular spine, which point- foi ward and downward at a much lower level than that of the other two horns, which are minute and divergent. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 123 B;isal joint of the external antennae armed at the anterior extremity with a slender spine reaching forward as far as do the rostral horns; movable part nt' tlif antennae exposed from its insertion. An ered spine on the orbital arch. Eye large; peduncle short. Post-ocular spine reaching be- yond the extremity of the eye. Meros-joinl of the external maxillipeds somewhat L-shaped, strongly produced beyond the insertion of the palpus in fronl and at the postero-interior angle. Feet long and slender. Penult joint of the ambulatory feet of the first pair more than twice as long as the dactyli, and three times as long as the antepenult i> >in t . This genus differs from all the other genera of Collodinae in its interan- tenular spine and the spine on the orbital arch, and especiallyin the shape of the meros-joint of the external maxillipeds. Euprognatha rastellifera nov. sp. The following description is that of a male. Carapax naked, with the regions well denned, and minutely and irregularly granulated. There is a single, erect, blunt, almost capitate spine on the gastric, the cardiac, and each branchial region making four in all, and there are a few smaller spines on the sides of the branchial, and on the hepatic and pterygosto- inian regions. There is also a small spine on the basal joint of the abdo- men. The intcrantennular spine projects somewhat beyond the other tbnr spines of the front, which reach to the same vertical plane. The chelipeds are large, nearly twice as long as the carapax: hand swollen: fingers not gaping. Ambulatory feel of the first pair nearly one third longer than the chelipeds. The ambulatory feet are naked (except in bearing a few minute curled seta- above), and rough with minute spines. The sternum is regularly granulated, except on the concave portion be- tween the chelipeds. Dimensions: Length of carapax, 0.32; breadth, 0.23; length of ambula- tory foot of the first pair, 0.7U inch. This crab is an inhabitant of deep water, ranging from 80 to 138 fathoms, and occurred in considerable abundance, as follows: — Off the Samboes, May 9. ' No. 5. 80 fathoms. Off Alligator Reef, May 8, 1869. Cast No. 6. 88 Off Sand Key, May 16, 1868. Cast No. 2. 120 " Off the Samboes, May 9, 1868. Cast No. 12. 123 S. W. of Sand Key, February 17, 1869. Cast No. 2. 125 " Off Boca Grande, February 15, 1869. Cast No. 5. 1l>."> Off Sand Key, May 11, 1868. Cast No. II. 128 " S W. of Sand Kev, February 17. I HG9. Cast No. 3. 138 " 124 BULLETIN OF THE Subfamily AMATHIINAE. The only species of this group hitherto known is the Amatkia Rissoana of the Mediterranean Sea. Two species are now added, as lbllows : — Amathia hystrix nov. sp. This species lias a close resemblance to .1. Rissoana, but differs in having four instead of three spines on the gastric region. The dimensions of a male specimen are as follow? : Length of carapax, including the rostrum, L.23; excluding rostrum, 0.7] ; breadth, including lateral spines, 0.5)5; excluding these .-pines, U 4 BULLETIN OK IIIK This crab, which has hitherto been found in shallow waters, bul never, as far as 1 am aware, above low-water mark, occurred to the expedition at the following points and depths : — South of the Tortugas, January 15, 1869. Cast No. 3. 17 fathoms. Off Conch Reef, May 11, 1869. Cast No. 1. •■!() Santarem Channel, at the edge of Bahama Bank. CastNo-. ;s."> " Off French Reef, March 21, 1869. Cast No. 2. 45 " Subfamily ACHAEINAE. Podoehela maci'odera Stm. Podochela macrodera StiiMpson, Notes on N. American Crust., p. 68. Found at Key West, in from 2 to 5 fathoms Podochela gracilipes nov. sp. Closely allied to P. macrodera, but differs in its narrower body, longer and more acute rostrum, and longer and much more slender feet. The dactylus of the first pair of ambulatory feet is exceedingly slender and longer than in either of the two specie? hitherto known, being more than one third as long as the penult joint. The process of the penult joint in the other ambulatory feet is almost entirely obsolete. Dimensions of a female: Length ofcarapax, 0.35; breadth, 0.24 inch. Only female specimens occur in the collection. West of Tortugas, January 16, 1867. Cast No. 5. 36 fathoms. Off Pacific Reef, May 13, 1869. Cast No. 2. 49 Off Carysfort Reef, March 31, 1869. CastNo I. 52 Off Carysfort Reef, March 21, 1869. Cast No. 5. 60 Podonema nov. gen. The species of this genus I formerly included under Podochela (Notes on X. American Crust., p. 69), but the study of several species which have since become known to me has led me to consider it distinct in the h 1- shaped rostrum, and in the existence of lamelliform ridges on the ptery- gostomian regions, defining the afferent channels, hike Podochela, tins genus has a concave posterior margin of the carapax. Podonema Riisei Sim. /'"- Stimpsox, Notes on N. American Crust., p 69 A female specimen of this species was taken in 13 liithoms, off" the Tor- tugas. Podonema lamelligera nov. sp. The following description is that of a female, the only specimen as yet MUSEUM OK COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY 127 found. Carapax similar to thai of P. Riinei, except that there is a spini- form tubercle, curving backward at tin- tip, on the gastric region, and that the rostrum is smaller and more pointed. The two marginal lamellae of the basal joint of the external antenna' are strongly prominent, joining each other in Iron t, and curving outward at the posterior extremity On the ischiiun-joint of the external maxillipeds there is a smooth longitu- dinal channel, defined exteriorly by a ciliated r i < I l^ < ■ . On either side of the buccai area there ace four laminiform crests ; one at the antero-exterior angle of the area, one on the hepatic, ami two on the pterygostomian region. The sternum, where not covered by the abdomen, ami the bases ot'all the feet, are ornamented with cavities, the surface of each joint being concave and surrounded l>\ a raminiform expansion. Dimensions of the female specimen: Length of carapax, 0.44 ; breadth, o.:;r inch. It was taken at the depth of 21 fathoms, oil Tennessee Reef, on the 7th of May, 1869. Podonema hypoglypha now sp. The following description is that of a male. Gastric, cardiac, and branchial protuberances low and rounded. Rostrum slightly curved up- ward, and triangular in outline when seen from in front and below, but with the lateral expansions well developed The basal joint of the ex- ternal antenna> is greatly elongated, and the laminiform expansions of the margins slight. Hepatic tooth and pterygostomian ridges moderately developed. Sternum with deep and broad channels separating the seg- ments, which have each a corresponding flattened ridge as broad as the channel. Dimensions of a male specimen : Length of carapax, 0.63 : breadth, 0.48 inch. It differs from P. Riisei in the shape of the rostrum, and from both Riitei and lamelligera in the elongated basal joint of the external an- tennae. No female specimen occurs in the collection. Key Wot, in 4 to 5 fathoms. 8. W. of Loggerhead Key, in 9 fathoms. Family AC'AXTIIOXYCIIIDAE. In this group the eye i< short, in some genera scarcely movable, and in others somewhat retractile, or rather capable of being moved in a horizonT tal plane. There are no true orbits, but in many genera the eye lies beneath the expanded orbital margin of the carapax. which has frequently two teeth, one before and one behind the position of the eye. The eye l'J8 BULLETIN OF THE is, however, never concealed by these expansions. The carapax is gen erally flattened, angular, and naked, instead of subpyriform and spinous as in tlic majority of Maioids The feel arc usually short. It is necessary to reject the name Periceridae, which was applied to this group by Dana, forin the genus Pericera the eyes are completely retractile, as stated on a previous page. The genus Acanthonyx seems tin' most typical of the group, and from this is taken the name adopted above. Si bfamily EPIALTINAE. Epialtus longirostris Stm. Epialtus longirostris Stimpson, Notes on \. American Crust., p. 71. Found at Key West in from 2 to ."> fathoms. Epialtus affinis Stm. Epialtus affinis Stimcson, Notes on N American Crust., ]>. 3. Found on the Reef at Cruz del Padre, Cuba. Mocosoa nov. gen. Carapax subpentagonal, tumid: rostrum subtriangular, entire, obtuse, excavated below ; eyes large, immovable. External antennae concealed beneath the rostrum and not reaching to its tip; basal joint triangular, unarmed in front. External maxillipeds very broad : meros-joint particu- larly short ami broad, with the outer angle much projecting outward, and the inner one a right angle, not at all notched lor the reception of the palpus. This genus differs from Epialtus m its immovable eyes, which resemble those of Hue.nia. From Huenia it differs in the character of the rostrum. The name adopted for the genus is that of one of the Florida Caciques encountered by I V SotO in his inarch. Mocosoa erebripunctata nov. sp. Upper surface of carapax everywhere uniformly punctate, the minute pits being equal in size and wider than the interspaces. Carapax naked and protuberant, there being two prominences between the eyes three on the gastric region, one large one on the cardiac, and three on each bran- chial region. Of the three branchial protuberances one is situated at the middle of the region, and two on the outer margin, the posterior one being smallest and bearing a minute blunt -pine. Feel short and armed with a few short, hliuit spines chiefly on the meros-joint. Body <>f a strawberry color: upper surface of carapax iridescent. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 129 Of this species there is but one specimen in the collection, an immature female, the dimensions of which are: Length of carapax, 0.20 ; breadth, 0.17 inch. It was taken in 15 fathoms, off French Reef, April 3, 1869. Family PARTHENOPIDAE. Subfamily PARTHEN< >PINAE. Lambrus crenulatus Sauss. Lambrus crenulatus Dr. Saossure, Crust. Nouv. du Mexique et des Antilles, p. 13 ; pi. i, fig 4. Stimpson, Notes on N. American Crust., p. 73. Des- boxxe et Schramm, Crust, de la Guadeloupe, p. 21. This species is remarkable for its depressed torm and the excavation of the pSerygostomian and subhepatic regions, which excavation extends to the infero-exterior margin of the orbit, forming, when the chelipeds are retracted, covered afferent passages, the external apertures of which are seen between the base of the finger of the cheliped and the margin of the orbit. Tins arrangement would indicate that the crab habitually conceals itself in the sand, with the rostrum, eyes, and afferent apertures only ex- posed. Lambrus laciniatus De Ilaan exhibits the same features in a less marked degree, and the two species, with three or four similar forms, comprise a group which future studies may prove to he distinct from the triangular Lambri, and for which the name Platylambrus would be appropriate. Lambrus crenulatus was taken near the Tortugas in from 5 to 7 fathoms, and off Loggerhead Key in 13 fathoms. Lambrus Pourtalesii now sp. Carapax considerably broader than long, with a median row of four spiniform tubercles, of which one is placed upon the gastric and three on the cardiac region. In front of the tubercle on the gastric region there are two much smaller ones in a transverse line. The oblique ridge on the branchial region is armed with three unequal tubercles, and a strong, spiniform, laciniated tooth, with a smaller tooth at its base, at the margin of the carapax. There are a few small, scattering tubercles on the other parts the carapax, particularly in the hollows between the branchial and cardiac regions. The depressions between the branchial, hepatic, and gastric re- gions are moderately deep The general surface is pitted and granulated, having a carious appearance. There is a small prominent tooth on the hepatic region. Antero-lateral margin, behind the cervical sulcus, with VOL. II. 9 loO BULLETIN OF THE nine small, slender, laciniated teeth, progressively diminishing in size for wards; posterior tooth only one third the size of the large branchial spine or tooth, which is the largest on the margin of the carapax. There is a prominent tubercle at the summit of the branchial region. Rostrum of moderate size, pointing obliquely downward and forward, and bearing a tooth on each side near the base, and a smaller one near the tip. At the basal tooth tin- rostrum is abruptly contracted more than one half in width. Chelipeds rather Ion:;: margins armed with laciniated teeth; meros convex, with the upper surface granulated and tuberculated, the largest tubercles, those along the middle, being subspiniform ; carpus with live large and several small spiniform tubei'cles above and on the outer side. Upper surface of hand with only two or three tubercles about the middle; teeth of the margins larger and more triangular than those of tin- margins of the meros; those of the inner broader than those of the outer margin, particularly those toward the fingers, which are not, like those toward the carpus, separated by intervals; inner margin with eight large and three small teeth; outer one with four large and six small teeth. Lower surface of hand punctate, with a regular median row of tubercles. Ambulatory feet somewhat compressed ; meros-joint spinulose on both upper and lower edge. The ridges of the abdomen, sternum, and outer maxillipeds are tuberculated. Dimensions of a male : Length of carapax, <->.47; breadth, lateral teeth included, 0.52 inch ; proportion of length to breadth, 1 : 1.106; length of meros-joint of chelipeds, 0.37 inch. Off Conch Reef, March 21, 1869. Cast No. 1. 40 fathoms. Off French Reef, March 21, 1869. CastNo. 2. 45 Off American Shoal, May 6, 1868. Cast No. 9. too Off Conch Reef, May 11, 1869. Cast No. 6. 117 " Lambrus fraterculus nov. sp. Nearly allied to L. Pourtalesii, but differing as follows: The carapax is narrower, the proportion of length to breadth being 1 : 1.04 even in the female, while in the male it is longer than broad. The depressions between the branchial and the gastric and hepatic regions are much deeper. In the female the tubercles of the carapax and the teeth of the margins are less spiniform and generally smaller; the tubercles of the branchial and gastric region? are indeed sometimes obsolete or nearly so. In the only male specimen at hand the median tubercle of the gastric and that of the cardiac region are much taller than in L. Pourtalesii. The rostrum is also longer than in that species, with the narrowed extremity much more slender, and the basal teeth more prominent : there is also a small slender MUSEUM 'OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 131 spine placed beneath and outside <>f this basal tooth. The chelipeds are shorter, and the lower surface of the hand is always ornamented with several rows of granulated tubercles. The daetyli <>t' the ambulatory feel arc covered with a dense velvet-like pubescence, except at the tips. Dimensions of a male: Length of earapax, 0.47 ; breadth, 0.45 inch. Of a female, length of earapax, 0.5 1 ; breadth, 0.5G ; length of meros-joinl of cheliped, i».."> 1 inch. Off Sand Key, May 11, 1868. Cast No. 2. 26 fathoms. Off Carysfort Reef, March 21, 1869. Cast No. 8 •">:> West of Tcrtugas, January 16. 1869. Cast No. 4. .'if. Off Conch Reef, March 21, 1869. Cast No. 1 40 Off Carysfort Reef, March 21, 1869. Cast No. :>. 60 West of Tortugas, January 16, 1869. Cast No. 13. 68 Lambrus agonus nov. sp. Carapax broader than long, of rounded form, without angles at the sides. Depressions between the regions rather shallow. Surface above every- where minutely tuberculated and granulated. The larger tubercles are somewhat spiniform, and are arranged as follows : Five on the gastric region, of which four arc placed in a transverse line across the middle, and one, larger than the others, on the median line behind them; three in a longitudinal row on the cardiac region ; one each side of the intes- tinal, far apart ; five on each branchial, and one on the hepatic region. From the central cardiac, and from each hepatic tubercle, proceeds on each side a row of granules, forming a V. Antero-lateral margin behind the hepatic region armed with six very small teeth, beneath and behind the posterior one of which there i- a short tooth-like crest. The rostrum, though smaller in size, resembles that of L. Pourtah ni in having a slender extremity, but instead of two denticles near the tiji.it has two or three denticles near the basal teeth. There arc two prominent teeth on the outer side of the orbit, and a minute spine at the summit of the eve. On the sternum, near the base of the chelipeds, there is a conical tubercle on each side. Tooth of tin- basal joint of the cheliped acutely triangular. On the second joint of the abdomen there is a sharply prominent, bluntly triangular transverse crest, and a tooth on each side ; and on the penult joint there is a crest like that of the second joint, hut smaller. The chelipeds are very long and slender; upper surface minutely sca- brous, and with an irregular row of tooth-like tubercles which is median on the ineros and carpus, bnl approaches the outer margin in the hand. Edges of the meros and carpus with numerous small irregular teeth. On the inner (superior) edge of the haul there are nineteen teeth, increasing 132 BULLETIN OF THE somewhat regularly in size to a point near the anterior extremity, where they gradually diminish again. < >n the outer edge of the hand there are four or five large and about eleven small teeth alternating by threes with the larger ones. The fingers are white in color, and not so much bent downwards as is usual in the genus. Ambulatory feet long, slender, naked, and unarmed, or will ly obscure indications of teeth on the ineros-joint. Dimensions of a male: Length of carapax, 0.45 ; breadth, 0.50 ; propor- tion, 1 : 1.11 ; length of ineros-joint of cheliped, 0.55 inch. In a male specimen of what is probably a variety of this species, dredged off Conch Reef, the hands arc shorter than in the typical form, and the rostrum is not narrowed toward the extremity, and is devoid of marginal teeth. These differences are certainly important ones, but the specimen accords so well with the type in all other characters that I can scarcely believe it to he distinct. The species lias some resemblance to /.. mediterraneus Roux, hut differs in the smaller and less numerous marginal teeth of the carapax, and in the unarmed ambulatory feet. Off the Marquesas, February 10, 1869. Cast No. 3. 40 fathoms. Off Carysfort Reef, March 21, 1869. Cast No. 7. 40 Off Conch Reef, March 21, 1869. Cast No. 1. 40 Off Conch Reef, May 11, 1869. Cast No. 3. 49 Solenolambrus nov. gen. This name is proposed for a well-defined group of Parthenopidae, allied to Lambrus, of which I have before me three species, the only ones as yet known, all of which ate new to science. The carapax is pentagonal, and more or less broader than long. The posterior side of the pentagon is much the shortest, and the other four sides are about equal. The margin is acute on all sides, forming a slight crest. The upper surface is naked, -lossy, strongly convex, and bears four protuberances, one gastric, one cardiac, and two branchial. The gas- tric and cardiac protuberances are more or less triangularly pyramidal, and the branchial protuberance i^ armed with an acute ridge, running obliquely to the postero-lateral margin of the carapax. The frontal region is slightly convex, and there is no protuberance on the orbital region. 'I he rostrum is short and blunt, or faintly tridentate. The orbits are round, with the upper margin entire and smooth. The basal joint of the external antenna' is about as long a- the next joint ; it may he either longer or shorter. The epistome is concave. From the antero-external angle of the buccal area a sharp, elevated, crenulated ridge extends to the outer base of the cheliped, separating the concave pterygostomian from the subhepatic MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 133 region, which is also concave and channel like. When retracted, the extremity of tluj hand of the cheliped covers the pterygostomian region, forming the afferenl passage. The external maxillipeds fit accurately the buccal area, and closely against each other within, and the exognath is concave, forming part of the wall of the afferent channel, which is denned within l>v a slight elevated ridge on the outer side of the ischium of the endognath; the meros-joint has a prominent antero-external angle, and its surface is concave toward the antero-interior angle, and there is no notch for the insertion of the palpus, which, except at its origin, is concealed be- neath the other joints of the endognath. The chelipeds resemble those of Lambrus, except that the fingers are very small, and the dactylus is gener- ally at right angles with the palm when retracted. The terminal joints of the ambulatory feet are acuminate. The third, fourth, and fifth joints of tin' male abdomen are soldered together. This genus differs from Parthenope and Lambrus in its naked, polished carapax, in the distinct definition of the afferent channels, and in the want of a notch in the meros-joint of the external maxillipeds tor the reception of the palpus. As far as known, it is peculiar to the tropical portions of the American seas, species being found on both the east and the wesl coasts of the continent. Solenolambrus typicus nov. sp. Carapax one eighth broader than long; posterior side considerably pro- duced. Surface punctate. Protuberances of the gastric and cardiac regions triangularly pyramidal, and acute, with the ridges forming the angles crenulated; one of the ridges, the posterior. i> in the median line of the carapax, and the other two diverge from each other in front. The cardiac pyramid is symmetrical, each of its triangular sides being equal; while the gastric protuberance is not symmetical, the posterior ridge being a short, steep slope, and the two anterior ridges being long, and enclosing a gradual, somewhat convex slope toward the trout. The ridge of the branchial region is also crenulated, and is bent at the middle at an obtuse angle, almost a right angle. In the male each of the protuberances of the carapax is surmounted by an acute spine, while in the female the apical angles are not thus acute. The margin of the carapax is more or less dis- tinctly crenulated, especially the antero-lateral margin, at the outer or posterior end of which there are three small out distinct teeth. The antero-lateral margin is concave anteriorly and convex posteriorly. The posterior margin is straight, with the lateral angles sharply defined, and even spinifbrm in the male. Eyes rather large, with a minute tubercle on the anterior side of the extremity. Basal joint of the external antennae somewhat longer than the next joint. 134 BULLETIN OF THE Epistome of moderate Length. On t lie subhepatic region, near tne afferent ridge, and parallel to it. there is a slighl supplementary ridge. External maxillipeds naked : ischium with the outer ridge tuberculated, and a few tubercles on the surface near the extremity ; external angle of meros very strongly prominent. On the sternum between the bases of the chelipeds there arc two small tubercles, one on either side of the median line. Chelipeds long, naked, with the exception of some inconspicuous setae on the crest nt' the hand ; meros with denticulated margins, and with the surface smooth and glossy above, except at the inner or posterior extremity, where there are three or four small tubercles, and at the outer extremity, where there is a granulated protuberance; carpus with five denticulated crests ; hand trigonous, with ten strong, regular, equal teeth on the superior crest, twelve small, granulated teeth on the outer margin, and fifteen teeth, increasing regularly in size toward the extremity, on the lower margin; upper surface of the hand with two rows of tubercles and two or three scattered ones between the rows : lower surface with three rows of tuber- cles, those of the middle row minute and obsolescent toward the extremity : inner surface glabrous at the middle, and with a row of tubercles close to cither margin, and a few scattered ones near the fingers. All the tubercles of the surfaces of the hand are ornamented with granules, from two to live in number. Fingers very small and slender, one fifth as long as the palm; dactylus when retracted placed almost at a right angle with the palm. Ambulatory feet compressed, naked, polished, with a lamini- form crest above; the meros of the posterior pair having a crest below also, which has a lobe-like expansion at the inner extremity. Abdomen tuberculated on the sides; that of tin- male not narrowed at the third joint and very little tapering. Dimensions of a female specimen : Length of carapax, 0.45 : breadth, 0.50 inch: proportion, 1 : 1.1 I: length of meros-joint of cheliped, 0.41; length of hand, 0.50 inch. Off the Samboes, May '.), 1868. Cast No. 5. BO fathoms. Off Alligator Reef, May 8, 1869. Cast No. 6. 88 Off Alligator Reef, May 8, 1869. Cast No B. IK) Solenolamb us tencllus nov. sp. This species i- much smaller than the preceding, and more delicate and fragile in appearance. The carapax i- but little shorter than broad, and about equally produced in front ami behind beyond the line of the lateral angles. Surface rather c 'sch punctate. Protuberances of the carapax much less prominent than in the other species : those of the gas- tric and cardiac regions obtusely rounded, without angular ridges ; ridge of branchial region sufficiently well marked near the postero-lateral margin, MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 135 but almost obsolete anteriorly. Margins of carapax crenulated, the teeth being most distinct on the flattened, expanded, and broadly rounded lateral angle, where they are about six in number, not crenulated, and but little projecting, being denned chiefly by the impressed lines on the marginal limb. On the hepatic region there are two or three denticulated teeth. Posterolateral margin slightly concave. Posterior margin convex; its lateral angles obtuse. Rostrum rather prominent and faintly tridentate at the extremity ; median tooth smallest and most prominent. External angle of orbit not prominent. Eye large, with a very minute tubercle at the summit. In the external antennae the basal joint is about equal to the next in length. Subhepatic region less eoncave than in >'. typicus, and without any supplementary ridge. External maxillipeds and afferent channels nearly as in S. typicus, but with the ridges less strongly tubercu- lated, and with the outer angle of the meros-joint less acutely prominent. Sternum between the bases of the chelipeds convex on either side, but not tuKerculated. Chelipeds very long and slender; edges denticulated. hut with the surface between them smooth and polished: meros with about thirteen denticles on either edge, the third denticle from the outer extremity being larger than the others; hand with twelve sharp, forward- curving teeth on the superior edge, the terminal tooth above the finger being spiniform and considerably longer than the others; outer edge of hand with about eleven obtuse, equal, less prominent, minutely crenulated teeth; inner edge with nineteen or twenty very minute teeth Ambula- tory feet naked and compressed, but without laminiform crests; meros- joint of the posterior pair slightly expanded below near the base. In the male the sternum and abdomen are smooth and glabrous; abdomen broad at the base and narrower at the third joint. Dimensions of a male ; Length of the carapax, 0.25 ; breadth, 0.27 inch; proportion, 1:1.08; length of meros-joint of cheliped, 0.29; length of hand, 0.32 inch. Off Carysfort Reef, March 21, 1869. Cast No. 8. 35 fathoms Off Carysfort Reef, March 21, 1869. Cast No. 7. 40 Off Conch Reef, March 21, 1869. fast No. I. 40 Off French Reef, March 21, 1869. Ca-t No. 2. 45 Off Carysfort Reef, March 21, 1869. Cast No. 6. 48 Off Conch Reef, May 11, 1869. Cast No. 3. 49 Mesorhoea nov. gen. Tins genus bears an almost exact resemblance to Solenolambnt? in the form and armature of the carapax, the character of the feet, and that of the pterygostomian and hepatic channels, except that the latter are deeper. It differs, however, in the very important point that the affe- 136 BULLETIN OF THE rent channels meet at the middle of the endostome, which has there a triangular projection, and a deep notch in its vertical, laminiform wall. The meros-joint of the external maxillipeds is acutely produced forward at its internal angle, and behind it the palpus is entirely concealed. The epistome is very short. The eyes are small, and may be retracted into their deep sockets so as to be almost entirely concealed The basal joint of the external antennae is somewhat shorter than the next joint. The remarkable form of the endostome and external maxillipeds in this genus indicates an approach to the oxystomatous crabs, to which the Par- thenopidae show, indeed, considerable resemblance in other respects. Mesorhoea sexpinosa nov. sp. Carapax one fifth broader than long, and about equally produced in front and behind beyond the line of the lateral angles. Surface punc- tate and inconspicuously pubescent. Protuberances of the gastric, car- diac, and branchial regions strongly angular, each surmounted by a three-sided spihe, the spine of the branchial region being situated on the posterolateral margin, of which it forms a projection. The angles or ridges are more or less crenulated. The lateral edges of the gastric protuberance are continued forward nearly to the front, becoming parallel shortly after diverging from the spine. The cardiac spine is more slender than the others, and its posterior edge is nearly vertical. The branchial ridge is nearly straight. Between the protuberances and ridges the sur- face is more or less regularly concave, the sides of the protuberances being not swollen. The rostrum is short. The margins of the carapax are sub laminiform and almost entire, the normal crenulation being indicated only by faint impressed lines on the limb. Microscopic n tches may, however, be detected on the antero-lateral margin, which is slightly convex toward the lateral angle. Postero-lateral margin concave. Posterior margin about half as long as the postero-lateral, convex at the middle, and terminating on either side in a slight tooth. Afferent channels deep, separated from the subhepatic channels by a very thin and sharp, prominent, ciliated lamina, and defined on the inner side by tin' ciliated outer edge of the ischium of the external maxillipeds. From the anterior angle of the buccal area ;i short ridge extends to the middle of the inner tooth of the orbit, which ridge separates the concavity of the epistome from that of the subhepatic region. Meros-joint of the external maxillipeds with two tubercles on the surface, one towards the postero-exterior angle, the other close to the antero-exterior angle; anterior margin of the joint, deeply concave or notched. Chelipeds short, pubescent, especially on the toothed edges; surface between the edges smooth; on the basal joint MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. loT below there is a strong, triangular, pyramidal spine, nearly as large as the dorsal spines of the carapax ; margins of the meros crenulated with six or seven small teeth on either edge; carpus flattened above, with two strong, crenulated crests, the outer one of which bears a larger, spini- form tooth at the middle : hand with an elevated, nine-toothed superior crest and eleven-toothed outer margin; fingers very small; dactylus at right angles with palm Ambulatory feet much compressed ; antepenult and penult joints with a laminiform crest above; meros-joint of the posterior pair with a slight crest below. Abdomen glabrous. Of this species there is but one specimen — a female — in the collec- tion; in which the length of the carapax is 0.32 ; the breadth, 0.39 inch. The length of the hand is 0.28 inch. The specimen was taken in 11 fathoms, lour miles southwest of Logger- head Key. Subfamily CRYPTOPODILNAE. Cryptopodia concava now sp. Carapax subpentagonal, greatly expanded posteriorly, the posterior margin, which is nearly straight, equalling the entire width : lateral margins short ; antero-lateral margins slightly convex. Rostrum trian- gular. Tlie gastric region is protuberant, and from its summit a sharp, crenulated ridge or raised line passes on either side to the postero-lateral angle, enclosing a concave, triangular space. The surface between this ridge and the antero-lateral margin is also concave. The entire upper surface of the carapax, the ridges excepted, is smooth and shining. The margins are crenulated with small teeth, the furrows separating which extend for some little distance inward, giving the indentations the appear- ance of being much deeper than they really are. The teeth themselves are minutely granulated. External maxillipeds smooth, glabrous ; meros- joint triangular, with the external angle very acutely projecting, and the internal angle without a notch for the insertion of the palpus, the first joint of which is indurated, with a projecting tooth at its extremity. Chelipeds flattened as in C. fornicata, but with the meros-joint nar- rower, the carpus smaller, and the hand convex below ; fingers slender. curved. Ambulatory feet crested; crest of meros spinulosc above and below. Transverse crest of sternum bilobed, each lobe beino- three- toothed, and in the same line with a tooth on the basal joint of the cheliped, which belongs also to this crest, which forms the margin of the concave and perpendicular front of the sternum. The dimensions of the only specimen found — a young female — arc as follows: Length of carapax, 0.32; breadth, 0.43; proportion, 1 ; 1.34; 138 BULLETIN OF THE length of meros-joint of cheliped, 0.22 ; length of hand, 0.26 ; breadth of hand, 0.12 inch. The specimen was taken off Conch Reef in 34 fathoms. CANCROIDEA. Family CANCRIDAE. Subfamily XAXTIIINAE. Actaea nodosa Stm. Actaea nodosa Stimpson, Notes on N. American Crust., p. 75. Desbonne et Schramm, Crust, de la Guadeloupe, p. 25. Dredged January 16, 1869, west of the Tortugas, in 35 and 3 7 fathoms. Actaea setigera Stm. Xantho setiger II. Milne-Edwards, Hist. Nat. des Crust., I, 390. Actaea setigera Stimpson, Notes on N.American Crust., p. 51. A.Milne- Edwards, Nouv. Arch, du Museum d'llist. Nat., 1, 271 ; pi. xviii, tig. 2. Found on the Reef at Cruz del Padre, Cuba. Carpoporus nov. gen. Carapax subhexagonal, nearly as long as broad; antero-lateral margin armed with three small teeth (in a line which conducts beneath the orbit anteriorly), and drawn in posteriorly, the greatest breadth of the carapax being at the middle tooth; postero-lateral shorter than the posterior mar- gin; facial region very broad; front prominent. Orbit circular, without teeth below, except two or three minute spinitbrm denticles on the margin ; fissures of outer and inferior margins obsolete. Basal joint of the external antenna' narrowing forwards, reaching the front, ami passing well into the hiatus of the orbit, nearly as in Euxanthus , movable part of the antennae very small. . Chelipeds, when retracted, having a large hole between the carpus and hand above for the passage of water to the afferent branchial apertures. Third, fourth, and fifth joints of the abdomen in tin- male soldered together; terminal joint as broad as long. This genus differs from Xantho in its external antenna' ; front Euxan- thus in the narrowness of the carapax ; from Polycremnus in its five- jointed male abdomen; and from Halitnede and Merfaeus in the want of conspicuous fissures and teeth on the margin of the orbit. It is very peculiar in the perforation of the retracted chelipeds, recall- ing a similar perforation of the chelipeds of Echinocerus foraminatus, in which, however, it occurs between the carpus and meros. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 139 Carpoporus papulosus nov. sp. Carapax naked above, areolated; areolets protuberant, somewhat wart- like, and granulated ; gastric and fiontal regions very prominent. Lateral teeth small, spiniform ; their interstices armed with denticles, two or three in number. Front strongly projecting at the middle, ami bilobed; margin of lobe concave. Peduncle of the eye granulated, and with a few minute spines at the summit. Orbit with tin- margin minutely crenulated with granules, with a slight fissure near the middle of the superior margin, ami with two spiniform teeth below neat- the outer side. Quter maxilli- peds armed in front ami along the inner edges with small hut strongly prominent tubercles. Tin- carpus ami hand of the chelipeds are sculp- tured externally with granulated protuberances, which on the hand are arranged in four or five longitudinal rows; hand serrated above with four teeth ; fingers short, less than halt the length of the palm. Ambu- latory feet hairy below : penult and antepenult joints armed above with two rows of short, stout spines. Dimensions of n male: Length of carapax, 0.25 ; breadth, 0.31 inch; proportion, 1 : 1.21. S. XV. ot the Tortugas, January 18, 1869. Cast Xo. 1. 25 fathoms. Off Carysfort Reef, "March 31, 1869. Cast No. 1. 52 Micropanope nov. pen. The generic group now for the first time described is nearly allied to Panopi us, and also shows some resemblance to Pilumnus. As in the latter genus, the species are among the smallest fit' Cancroid forms, and live in deep or moderately deep water. A< far as I am aware they are never truly littoral like the Panopei. Species of the genus occur in the warmer seas of both sides of the American continent. The carapax is rather narrow, with the antero-lateral margin short and the front broad. As in Panopt us, there are five teeth on the antero-lateral margin, but the second tooth i- coalesced with the scarcely prominent angle of the orbit, and the posterior tooth i- minute; so that only two of the teeth are prominent, arming the carapax at its antero-lateral angle. The external hiatus of the orbit is reduced t i a simple emargination. The basal joint of the external antenna* is short, hut meets a process from the front. The endostome is usually marked on either side by a slight ridge, which does not, however, extend to the anterior margin. The hind in the chelipeds is larjrc. with rather long fingers, bent to an angle with the palm, so that the lower margin of the hand is rather deeply con- cave. 140 BULLETIN OF THE Micropanope sculptipes nov. sp. Carapax naked, distinctly areolated ; anterior and antero-lateral areolets somewhat roughened infront with small, sharp, tooth-like tubercles. An- tero-lateral teeth sharp and denticulated ; the posterior one nearly obsolete. Frontal lobes little projecting, but with a convex outline; margin minutely crenulated, and defined by a slight furrow following it above. A small tubercle on the subhepatic region beneath the second antero-lateral tooth. Chelipeds granulated above ; carpus with a sharp tooth and denticulated margin within, and with the granules arranged in reticulating lines; hand with a double denticulated crest, and with tin' minute granules of the outei surface showing a tendency to arrangement in rows ; these granules become obsolete toward the base of the thumb or propodal finger. Ambulatory feet armed with minute spines above, which form two rows on the carpal joint. Dimensions of a male: Length of carapax, 0.13 ; breadth, 0.17 inch; proportion, 1 : 1.30. It was taken at the following localities and depths : — Off the Marquesas, February 10, 1869. Cast No. — . L 5 fathoms. Off Carysfort Reef, March 21, 1869. Cast No. 8.35 West of the Tortugas, January 16, 1869. Cast No. 6.35 West of the Tortugas, January Hi, 1869. Cast No. 12. 42 OffFrenchReef, March 21, 1869. Cast No. 2.45 Off Carysfort Reef, March 21, 1869. Cast No. 5.60 West of the Tortugas, January 10, 1869. Cast No. 13. 68 Chlorodius dispar nov. >\>. Carapax transversely oval, very broad, convex, smooth, polished, sparsely punctate in front, and scarcely at all areolated, the only depressions at all conspicuous being those at the antero-lateral corners of the gastric region, partly defining the protogastric lobes. Antero-lateral margin almost entire, the posterior two of the live normal teeth only being distinguisha- ble. Orbits entire, above and below. Front straight, slightly notched, hut not at all prominent at the middle; margin furrowed. Chelipeds very unequal, tin- right one in both specimens under observation being much larger than the other: they are naked, smooth, and polished; fingers a little more than half as Ion- a- the palm, scarcely gaping, and but little excavated at the tips. Ambulatory feet compressed, hairj above. Colors: Caranax, dark brown: chelipeds, dark reddish; fingers, black; greater hand with one or two white .-pot- on the outer side between the bases of the fingers. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 141 Dimensions of a male: Length of carapax, 0.18 ; breadth, 0.26 inch; proportion, 1 : 1.44. This species approaches somewhat C. levissimus Dana, of the Sandwich Islands, but differs from that and all other known species in its smooth, oval, convex carapax and the obsolescence of the anterolateral teeth. Found on the reef at Cruz del Padre, Cuba; two specimens, a male and a female. Family ERIPHIIDAE. Subfamily OZINAE. Pilumnus aeuleatus II. M.-Edw. Cancer acuh at us Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Son, Philad., I, 449. Pilumnus aeuleatus II. Milne-Edwards, in Gueein, Iconog. du R'egne Anim., Crust., pi. iii, tig. 2; and Ilist. Nat. ties Crust., I, 420. Gibbes, Proc. Am. Assoc Adv. Sci., 1850, p. 177. A young specimen of this species was collected at the Tortugas. I find no note of the depth of water at which it was taken. Pilumnus caribaeus Desb. et Schr. Pilumnus caribaeus Desbonne et Schramm, Crust, de la Guadaloupe, p. 32. The specimens which I have referred to the above species differ from P. aeuleatus in having the anterior spine of the three principal ones of the anterolateral margin bifid, and in the shorter and more numerous spines of the frontal margin. Found on the reef at Cruz del Padre, Cuba, and at Key West in from 2 to 5 fathoms. Pilumnus noridanus nov. sp. This species belongs to the same group with P. arvhatus, and bears a close resemblance to it. It differs in its narrower carapax, which is covered with a dense, short pubescence, with a few longer hairs, a trans- verse series of which, across the frontal region, forms a somewdiat con- spicuous feature. Below the ciliated line, the frontal region is naked, and its margin is unarmed : its lobes are not strongly and evenly project- ing as in aeuleatus, hut are most prominent within, near the median sinus. The orbits are unarmed above, but have eight or ten spiniform teeth on the margin below, which teeth are far shorter than in aeuleatus. The subhepatic tooth or tubercle is small and inconspicuous, and the surface of the subhepatic region is not perceptibly granulated. There are no spines on the hepatic region above. In the chelipeds the entire outer surface of the greater hand is tuberculated. The ambulatory feet are armed with spines as in acuh at us. l-i'2 BULLETIN OF THE Dimensions of a female specimen: Length of carapax, 0.22 ; breadth, 0.30 inch ; proportion, 1 : 1.3&. Found at tlic Tortugas. Pilumnus lacteus nov. sp. Closely allied to /'. gemmaius Stm. (Notes on North American Crus- tacea, p. 86), and like that specie- covered with a whitish or cream-colored, velvet-like pubescence. It differs in the mure spiniform shape of the antero-lateral teeth of the carapax, in the less numerous tubercles on the carapax and chelipeds, in the want of tubercles on the superior margin oi the orbit, and in the smooth, glabrous outer surface of the hands, which i< li'iht red in color. The lobes of the front also are more triangular and pointed. Dimensions of a male: Length of carapax, 0.31; breadth, 0.44 inch; proportion, 1 : 1.42. Found on the reef at Cruz del Padre, Cuba, and at Key West in from ■_' to 5 tii thorns. Pilumnus Agassizii nov. sp. Carapax convex, and with the anterior two thirds deeply areolatcd; areolets protuberant. Surface pubescent everywhere, except on the anterior and antero-lateral areolets, which are naked and thickly granu- lated. The depressions between the protuberant areolets are broad, occupying fully as much space as the areolets themselves. Tun of the areolets form the lobes of the front, which are as large and prominent as the epigastric lobes, or even larger. The frontal surface i> vertical, and not much projecting, hut the lobes are deeply separated from each other and from the orbits. Orbital region protuberant and granulated : margin not toothed, but crenulated with granules, and marked by two fissures above and two less conspicuous ones below. The antero lateral margin behind the orbit is armed with three triangular, acute, equal teeth of mod- erate size. Subhepatic tooth distinct. Chelipeds stout, short, and thick : carpus covered above with granulated tubercles which are confluent ex- teriorly, forming transverse ridges; hand covered above and on the outer side with small but prominent maminillary tubercles, having their apices pointing forwards. Ambulatory feel pubescent and hairy; penult and antepenult joint- armed with minute spine- above. Dimensions of a male: Length of carapax, 0.65 ; breadth, 0.83 inch; proportion, 1 : 1.28. This species has some little resemblance to P. gemrnatus, bul the pro- tuberances of the carapax are densel) granulated instead of sparsely tuberculated. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 14o It was taken in from 5 to 7 fatTioms between East and Middle Keys, Tortugas, and East of die Tortugas in 13 fathoms. Pilumnus nudifrons nov. sp. Body and feet everywhere puhescenl above, except on the frontal and orbital regions. Carapax about seven eighths as Long as broad, much narrowed posteriorly, convex ; regions slightly defined and not protuber- ant; surface beneath the pubescence punctate and sparsely roughened with scattered tubercles variable in size, and most numerous on the gastric and hepatic regions. Frontal and orbital regions continuous, without any teeth or spines, forming a prominent, wide, naked, minutely granulated anterior border to the carapax, made more distinct by a channel-like depression which separates it from the rest of the surface. On this border there are no sinuses at the junction of the front and orbits, and tlie median emargination of the straight or slightly convex frontal outline is very slight. At the outer angle of the orbit the border i~ continued tor a short distance posteriorly, on the antero-lateral margin. Bej'ond this the antero-lateral margin is nearly parallel to the axis of the body, and armed with three small triangular teeth. Orbital margin below entire, and smooth, without fissures or teeth, with the exception of the usual large tooth forming the inner angle. The subhepatic tooth is distinct. forming part of an irregularly denticulated or granulated ridge, which extends from the posterior extremity of the anterior border of the cara- pax to the anterior angle of the buccal area. The basal joint of the external antennas is small, and the space between it and the frontal pro- jection is almost equal to its own length. Chelipeds very short and stout, armed above and on the outer side with roughened tubercles like those of the carapax. On the superior margin of the hand there are three strongly projecting teeth. Dimensions of a female specimen: Leilgth of the carapax. 0.41; breadth, 0.49 inch; proportion, 1 : 1.1!'."). Only two specimens of this species were taken, both females. They occurred at the depth- of 111 and 125 fathoms, oif Sombrero Key. Pilumnus granulimanus nov sp. This is a small species, in which the carapax i> rather short and broad, naked, areolated and granulated in trout, and smooth posteriorly. The granulation is especially conspicuous on the hepatic regions. Antero- lateral niacin minutely denticulated, and armed with four small, equal, acute, triangular teeth, besi les the angle of the orbit At the penult tooth a short granulated ridge extends inwards on the surface of the 144 BULLETIN OF THE carapax. The antero-latcral margin in these characters resembles that of Xantho and Panopeus rather than that of the ordinary Pilumni. The subhepatic region is granulated, and bears a minute tooth beneath tht' interval between the angle of the orbit and the next marginal tooth. Orbit with a distinct notch beneath the outer angle ; margins otherwise entire, above and below. Front somewhat detlexed, very little projecting; margin unarmed and profoundly notched at the middle. The basal joint of the external antenna' talis considerably short of reaching the front. There is no ridge on the endostome. Feet setose ; greater ebeliped less setose than the rest; carpus and hand covered externally and above with small, subequal granules, regularly crowded, and diminishing in size below ■ carpus with two minute, sharp teeth at the inner angle. Ambulatory feet with a few minute, short spines along the superior edge. Color yellowish, marbled with red. Dimensions of a male: Length of carapax, 0.18 inch; breadth, 0.25 inch; proportion, 1 : 1.38. A male and a female of this species were found on the reef at Cruz del Padre, Cuba. Melybia nov. gen. Carapax broad, subquadrate ; front rather depressed, very broad ; anterolateral margin short, only one third as long as the postero-lateral, and armed with three or four teeth. Basal joint of the external antenna? occupying the hiatus of the orbit, firmly soldered, and reaching a process of the front. External maxillipeds very narrow, widely gaping ; exognath half the width of the endognath. Feet all spinulose ; chelipeds rather large, even in the female ; ambulatory feet long, slender, and compressed. This genus is closely allied to Melia, but differs therefrom in its broader carapax, three-toothed antero-lateral margin, firmly soldered basal-joint of the external anteiiu:e, broader exognath of the external maxillipeds, and spinulose feet. It has somewhat the appearance of a Thalamita. Melybia thalamita nov. sp. Carapax somewhat convex, slightly pubescent; surface nearly smooth and even; regions faintly defined. Antero-lateral margin three-toothed (the little-prominent angle of the orbit not included) ; teeth spiniform, pointing tin-ward, the anterior one longest, the posterior one minute. Front bilobed; margin of the lobes nearly straight. Orbit with two fissures above, and one below near the outer side; margins smooth or minutely crenulated. Subhepatic region minutely granulated. In the chelipeds the meros-joint is spinulose along the upper 'edge, and armed with two slender spines on the inner edge; carpus with tour or five spines MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 1-15 on the upper side, the spine at itB summit being the longest one on the chelipeds; hand oblong, with two longitudinal rows of spines on the upper edge ; fingers two thirds as long as the palm. Ambulatory feet sparsely hairy ; meros armed with spines along the upper edge, and with one spine below near the extremity ; dactyli nearly as long as the penult joint. Dimensions of a female specimen : Length of carapax, 0.25 ; breadth, 0.36 inch ; proportion, 1 : 1.44. In a variety (?) of the species, dredged, as stated below, in 42 fathoms, the carapax and feet are naked. Off French Reef, April 3, 1869. Cast No. 1. 15 fathoms. West of the Tortugas, January 16, 1869. Cast No. 7. 35 West of the Tortugas, January 16, 1869. Cast No. 8. 37 West of the Tortugas, January 16, 1869. Cast No. 12. 42 " Subfamily ERIPHILNAE. Eriphia gonagra H. M.-Edw. Cancer gonagra Fabr., Ent. Syst., II, p. 460. Suppl. Ent. Syst., p. 337. Eriphia gonagra H. Milne-Edwards, Hist. Nat. des Crust., I, 426, pi. xvi, figs. 16 and 17. Gibbes, Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1850, p. 177. Dana, U. S. Expl. Exped., Crust., I, 250. Stimpson, Notes on North American Crust., p. 89. Smith, Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts and Sciences, II, 7. Dredged at Key West, in from two to five fathoms. Domeeia hispida Soul. Domecia hispida Souletet, Voyage au Pole Sud., pi. vi, figs. 3, 7. Stimpson, Notes on N. American Crust., p. 90. Of this species I find three lots of specimens, labelled as follows : — Florida Reefs, in shallow water. Reef at Eastern Dry Rocks, littoral. Reef at Cruz del Padre, Cuba. Family PORTUNIDAE. Subfamily PORTUNINAE. Bathynectee nov. gen. Very near Portunus,* but differing in its antero-lateral teeth, which are not like those of a saw, but are somewhat spiniform, and separated by * By Portunus the typical forms are meant, P. puber, corrugatug, etc. P. holsatu* (mai-moreus) should be separated genencally; it is quite distinct in its external max- VOL. II. 10 146 BULLETIN OF THE considerable intervals. The front, also, has no median tooth, and the hiatus of the orbit is widely open, not being filled by the basal-joint of the external antennae, •which is narrow, and firmly soldered anteriorly to the process of the front. The meros-joinl of the external maxillipeds is as broad as long, and does not projed anteriorly, but fits accurately to the anterior edge of the buccal area. The ambulatory feet are very slender; those of the first pair much shorter than those oi the second ; second and third pairs very long, the third longest; fourth pair two thirds as long as third. Bathynectes longispina nov. sp. The following description is that of a male : Body naked : feet also naked, except the posterior ones, which are ciliated, as usual. Carapax subhexagonal, with a granulated and uneven surface. A well-defined ridge crosses the middle, connecting the lateral spines: while a shorter ridge crosses the cardiac, and another, interrupted at the middle, the gastric region. Antero-lateral margin armed with five sharp, spinifonn teeth, including the angle of the orbit : the posterior tooth or spine being three time- a- long as tl tilers, ami more than one third as long as the width of the carapax, excluding the spines; first (anterior) two teeth broader and less spiniform than the others; third and fourth teeth very acute and a little longer than the distance between their bases. Front prominent, four-toothed; the middle two teeth being smaller than, and projecting a little beyond, the two lateral ones. Or! it with two open fissures above and one below; besides which, below, there is a Minis beneath the outer angle, and a broader one, with a denticulated margin, next the inner tooth. From the base of this inner tooth of the orbit a small projecting lobe crosses the bottom of the hiatus of the orbit and reaches the basal joint of the antenna. This joint is oblong in form, and bear-; a crest or carina along the outer side, terminating anteriorly in a slight tooth. Flagellum of the outer antennas re than half as long as the carapax. Chelipcds one half longer than the carapax ; meros with a long -pine on the inner edge, and a short one on the -uperior edge, both distant from the anterior extremity of the joint about one third its length ; carpus with a very long spine at the inner angle, which spine is itself armed with two or three small teeth on the anterior edge, and with three illipeds, the meros-joinf of which is elongated, projecting considerably beyond the buccal margin; and the basal joint of the external nntennoe i- slightly movable; tlio carapax 1- naked; there is no elevated lit n the surface of the terminal and penult joints of the posterior pair of ambulatory feet, and tlio first joint of the abdo- men is almost entii led beneath the carapax. For P. hulsulus ami it.- allies the name Liocarcinus i- proposed. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 147 other spines, and several spinuliform tubercles on the supero-exterior sur- face. Hand costate, there being three ridges on the outer, two on the upper, and one on the inner side; of the superior ridges, the outer one is armed with five spines, and the inner one is denticulated, with a long spine at the summit anteriorly : fingers nearly as long as the palm, and strongly toothed within, the teeth being four or five in number on each Ambulatory feet of the third pair two and a half times as long as the carapax. Colors: Body greenish ; ambulatory feet white. Dimensions: Length of carapax, 0.58; breadth, including the lateral spines, 1. 10; excluding the spines, 0.68 inch; proportion of length to latter breadth, 1 : 1.17; length of third pair of ambulatory lie:, 1.45 inch. Oft' Sand Key, May 1.'). 1868. Cast No. -. 100 fathoms. Off Key West, April 21, 1869. Cast No. 5. 120 Off American Shoal, May 8, 1808. Cast No. 3. 150 Bathynectes brevispina nov. sp. This species greatly resembles the typical form in color and most other characters, but differs in the following important particulars : The carapax is more convex, and the transverse ridges are less prominent The antero- lateral teeth are much smaller and shorter, the second, third, and fourth teeth being only half as long as the distance between their bases, and the posterior tooth (lateral spine) equalling in length only one seventh the wi Ith of the carapax, excluding the spines. The dimensions of the only specimen in the collection — a female — are: Length of carapax, 1.96; breadth, including the lateral spines, 2.95; excluding the spines, 2.-lo ; proportion of length to latter breadth, 1 : 1.22. The specimen was taken in 107 fathoms, off the Marquesas, February 11. 18G9. It was at first regarded as a large female of B. longispina, but the differ- ences between the two firms are so much greater than is usual between the sexes in Portunidae, that I have preferred to consider them dis- tinct, until the question can be decided by the acquisition of additional materials. Subfamily LUPIN AE. Neptunus Sayi Stm. I.iijm pelagica Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., I, 97 (1817). Lupa Sayi Gibbes, Pioc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1850, p. 178. Dana, U. S. Expl. Exped., Crust., I, 273, pi. xvi, fig. 8. V Sayi Stimpson, Notes on N. American Crustacea (18G0), p. 92. A. Milne-Edwards, Arch, du Mas, N, 317, pi. xxix, fig. 2. Found on Gulf weed, January 1'■'> This genus differs from Calappa in the want of lateral expansions of the carapax, and from Mursia in the want of lateral spines. From all the genera of the family hitherto described it differs in its ureal facial width. Acanthocarpus Alexandri nov. sp Carapax regularly convex, with uneven surface, the protuberances being arranged obscurely in five longitudinal rows anteriorly, the middle ones of which form centrally and posteriorly three conspicuous ridges, the lateral ridges terminating in the teeth of the postero-lateral margin. The surface is uniformly, but not thickly, covered with minute, equal granules, the interspaces between which are wider than the granules themselves. The posterior margin is regularly arcuate, and hears a slight- ly prominent tooth at the middle, and a slight wave in the outline on either side. The lateral margin is unarmed, except by two or three slight tuberculiform teeth near the orbit. The' orbits are large, without fissures, except the inner superior one. which is itself nearly obsolete ; orbital mar- gin ciliated. The front, is of moderate width, a little convex, lint not toothed, and is separated from the orbit by irs lateral angle -imply, and not by any notch. The spine on the carpus of the cheliped is nearly half as long as the carapax; and above it, on the same joint, there is another spine, stouter, but only one fourth as long as the first. Both these spines are granulated. The hand is provided with a seven-toothed crest above, and another, oblique, six-toothed crest on the outer surface, extending from the base of the daetylus to the postero-inferior angle. On the latter crest the posterior tooth i> largest, and firms by itself a short crest, separated from the other teeth by a, considerable interval. Between the upper and lower crests of the hand there are four or live tubercles scattered upon the surface. Ambulatory feet naked, unarmed, with smooth polished surface. Dimensions of a male: Length of carapax, 0.31 inch; breadth the same. (Jti'the Quicksands, January -j:i, 1869. Cast No. i'. 74 fathoms. Calappa marmorata Faisr. Cancer marmoratusFwRicivs, Ent. Syst., II, 450 (17;n). <'mtr<_r flammeus Herust, Nattirg. d. Krabben unci Krcbse, II, 161; pi. \I, tig. 2. Calappa marmorata Farricus, Suppl. fait. Syst., p. 346. II. Milne-Edwakos, Ili-t. Xat. des Crust., II, 104. Dkshonxe et Schramm, Crust. de la Guadeloupe, p. 51. Found at Key West, in from 2 to 5 fathoms. Calappa galloides Stm. Calappa galloides Stimpson, Notes on V American Crustacea, p. 25. Found at Key West, in 1 to 5 ['alliums. 154 BULLETIN OF THE Family MATUTIDAE. Tin' Matutidae may conveniently be dividefl into two subfamilies, Ma- tutinae and Hepatinae. Tlie latter gi p differs from the former in hav- ing a broader carapax, a narrow facial region, and short orbits and eyes. Subfamily HEPATINAE. Osachila nov. gen. This genus is allied to Hepatus in all essential characters, but differs considerably in the shape of the carapax, which is nearly as long as broad, and lias the front much produced, so much so as to form a true rostrum in one species. The carapax i- also more or less depressed and expanded at i he -ides, and its surface is verj une\ en, Inn ing six chief protuberances. Species of this genus are found in the seas of both sides of Tropical America. The name is that of a Florida. Cacique. Osachila tuberosa nov. sp. Carapax somewhat octagonal, very slightly broader than long; surface very uneven, deeply pitted on the protuberances, and finely, densely punc- tate on tin' depressed parts. Three of the protuberances are on the gastric region and correspond to the metagastric and nrogastric lobes, the protuberance of the latter being much the smallest, and continued an- teriorly in the form of a slight ridge in the furrow between the metagastric lobes, reach in-, with the furrow.-, nearly to the frontal region. The cardiac protuberance is rounded and smaller than tin- metagastric ones. Themeso- branchial lobes are strongly protuberant and larger than the metagastric, and there is a small, elongated, longitudinal protuberance between them and the. cardiac protuberance. The front is projecting, and bilobed, with the lobes verv obtuse and separated h\ a deep tin row. No protuberance on the concave hepatic region. Antero-lateral margin straight or slightly con cave anterior!} , but quickly curving backward and bee ing parallel to the axis of the body in the greater, posterior part oi its length; it is armed with numerous small irregular teeth, and i> pitted above like the protuber- ant parts of the carapax ; and the posterior tooth, which forms part of the branchial protuberance, is larger than the others. Postero-lateral margin nearly straight, obtuse, rugose, and armed with two or three tuberculi- torm teeth, of which one. separated fr the post* rior extremity of the carapax by a concavity, is the largest. Posterior extremity of the carapax narrow, with a rugose and much-thickened margin concealing the base of the alrdomen. Beneath, the entire surface of the carapax, maxillipeds, sternum, abdomen, and of the base? of (he feet, is densely covered with rather large pits, giving it a vcrmiculated or reticulated appearance. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 155 Ohelipeds father stout; outer surface strongly rugose with punctate tubercles and juts; hand with four teeth on the superior crest. Ambula- tory feet (except dactyli) naked, compressed, and crested above and lie- low; crest ofmeros-joint with a row of pits along the posterior side, giving it a plicated appearance; last three joints with another crest on the pos- tero-superior surface; dactyli stout, densely pubescent below. Dimensions of a male: Length of carapax, 0.56; breadth, 0.59 inch; proport ion, 1 : 1.05 !. West of Tortillas, January 16, 1869. Cast No. 4. 36 fathoms. Off Conch Reef, March 21, 1869. Cast No. 1. 40 Off French Reef, March 21, L869. Cast No. 2. 45 Off Carysfort Reef, .March 21, 1869. Cast No. 5. 60 West of Tortugas, -January 16, 1869. Cast No. 13. 68 Family LKUCOSIDAE. Subfamily ILLIINAE. Xo attempt has yet, 1 believe, been made to separate the Leucosidae into subfamilies. The existence of the group which I have here named Iliinae seem- to be sufficiently well indicated by tangible characters, such as the long, slender chelipeds, and the two-notched extremity of the pterygostomian channel. Iliacantha nov. gen. Closely allied to Ilia, but having three -pines (one median) at the pos- terior extremity of the carapax, instead of tour tuberculiform teeth. From Persephona, Myra, and other allied genera of Leucosidae, it differs in the peculiar conformation of the hands, which are twisted, so that the fingers open in a vertical instead of a horizontal plane. The pterygostomian channels at their anterior extremities project con- siderably beyond the orbits. The abdomen in a young male, the only specimen of that sex 1 have seen, is seven-jointed, none ^\' the joints be- ing soldered together. The species of Ilia, the nearest ally of this new Lreuu<. are confined t< the Mediterranean Sea. Iliacantha subglobosa nov. sp. Carapax subglobose, smoothly and evenly convex, and unarmed, except a' the posterior extremity, where there are three spines, similar in position to those of the species of Myra ami Persephona, the middle one being long (equalling in length one seventh that of the carapax) and curved upward, and the lateral ones flattened, triangular. The hepatic region is consider- ably swollen, hut entirely unarmed, and is hounded posteriorly byadepres- 15G BULLETIN OF THE sion indicating the outer extremity of the cervical sulcus, which is entirely obsolete in its median portion. The margin of the carapax is distinct ami somewhat acute on the hepatic region, and on the anterior part of the branchial, as far as a slight angular projection, posterior to which it ceases to be denned. Surface of the carapax minutel) granulated. Chel- ipeils in the female two and a hah' times as long as the carapax, excluding the spine, ami minutely granulated ; meros more sharply granulated than carpus ami hand; fingers very slender, much longer than the palm, ami armed within with needle-like teeth. Ambulatory feet very slender ami smooth, those of the first pair reaching to the middle of the palm of the chelipeds ; meros-joint as long as the terminal three joints taken together. The above description is that, of a female. In the male the carapax is less smoothly rounded above, the regions being faintly indicated, and the intestinal region protuberant above the base of the posterior spine. Dimensions of a sterile female: Length of carapax, including the poste- rior spine, 0.63 ; breadth, 0.52; length ofcheliped, 1.38 inch. Off Carysfort Iteef, March 21, 18(59. Cast No. 7. 40 fathoms. Off French licet', March 21, 18(59. Cast No. 2. 45 Oil' Pacific beef, May 13, 1869. Cast No. :i. do Iliacantha sparsa nov ^]>. Carapax oval; intestinal and hepatic regions only defined; surface sparsely granulated; granules scattered, sharply projecting, almost like short capitate spines; surface between the granules punctate, or, as near the margins, covered with smaller granules. Postero-lateral margin less con- vex than in /. subglobosa. Posterior spines large; lateral ones similar in shape to and more than one half as large as the middle .-pine. A spine on the hepatic region half as large as the lateral posterior ones. Depression between the frontal and gastric region very deep, giving great prominence to the facial projection; median sinus of front very deep: frontal tee.h much projecting. External maxillipeds larger, more produced in front, ami more coarsely granulated than in the preceding specie-: granules prominent, like those of the back of the carapax. Dimensions of a sterile female: Length of carapax, posterior spine included, 0.30 ; breadth, 0.25 inch. It is easily distinguished from /. subr/lobosa by it- hepatic spine. \V. i ,,f the Tortu»as, January !»'>, 1869. Cast No. 1. 30 fathoms. Myropsis nov. gen. This rronus differs from Mijra, to which it is nearly allied, in its more globular form, in having five instead of three posterior spines, in the want of the median and hepatic ridges, and in having the outer margin of the MUSKUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. L57 exognath of the outer maxillipcds straight instead of curved. From Ilia and Iliacantha ii differs in its chelipeds, the fingers of which open in a horizontal plane. From Persephona it differs, among other characters, in the basal joint of the antcnnulas, which is indurated and crested. The anterior extremity of the pterygostomian channel does not reach beyond the orbits. All the joints of the male abdomen are soldered together, ex- cept the terminal one. The species of Myra, the nearest ally of the new genus, are all, as far as known, inhabitants of the Kasl Indian and Australian seas. Myropsis quinquespinosa nov. sp. Body and chelipeds everywhere granulated, above and below. Carapax subglobular, regularly and evenly convex, as in Iliacantha subglobosa ; in- testinal and cardiac regions only defined, and defined by rather deep furrows on either side ; hepatic region not swollen ; cervical sulcus obso- lete; granules of the surface equal in size and distributed with great regularity, being distant from each other by a space equal in width to two or three times their diameter. Lateral margins of carapax regularly arched. Of the five posterior spines, the median one is situated on the intestinal region; the intermediate ones are but little smaller than the median one, and are placed at a lower level, occupying the postero-1 angles of the carapax : the outer ones, placed on the branchial region over the insertion of the posterior feet, are small, only one third as long as the median spine. There is also a small spine at the middle of the lateral margin, and one on the hepatic region. The frontal teeth are obtuse, and not very prominent. Chelipeds cylindrical ; meros more than two thirds as long as the carapax, and covered with granules as large as those of the carapax, but densely crowded : granules of hand smaller, but also densely crowded : fingers longer than the palm, and armed within with very minute and acute teeth varying in size. Ambulatory feel naked (except the dactyli), cylindrical, and parth microscopically granulated; those of the first pair one sixth longer than the carapax. Dimensions of a male: Length of carapax, spines included, 0.72; breadth, 0.5.S ; length ofcheliped, 1.2.") inch. Off Tennessee Reef, May 7, ISG'J. Cast No. I. 21 fathoms. May 11, 1SH8. Cast No. 5. 82 Callidaetylus nov. -m. Carapax rounded, ncarl\ as broad as long, regularly convex, except if. i: I he anterior margins: hepalie i rell defined, protuberant, and toothed: posterior extremity armed with threi spines, as in Pcrsej etc. Fi\ nt short : basal joint of (be ante inula1 not indurated. Orbit 158 BULLETIN OF THE longitudinal, with three very distinel fissures on the outer side, which ex- tend to the base of the orbital tube. Pterygostomian channel much nar- rower than in Myra, strongly tridentate in front, and extending beyond the orbit. External maxillipeds sharply granulated ; exognath with a con- vex outer margin, bul much less dilated than in Myra; meros-joint of endognath with a concave outer surface. Chelipeds of moderate length ; hand much longer than the meros ; palm short, pyriform, much swollen within toward the base, and somewhat twisted, though less so than in Ilia, so that the fingers move in an oblique plane ; fingers much longer than the palm, very thin and delicate, laminate, curving upward and inward toward the tips, serrated on the outer edge, and armed within with numerous needle-shaped teeth. Ambulatory feel naked (except the dactyli of the posterior pair, which are sparsely pilose) ; penult joint compressed, with a laminiform crest above and below; dactyli lanceolate, those of the first three pairs three-edged, those of the posterior pair two-edged and shorter and broader than the others. in the female there is a deep, smooth channel on the outer maxillipeds, in the median line, between and on the ischium joints, defined on cither siik' by a strong ciliated ridge. This channel does not exist in the male, and has doubtless something to do with the flow of the water which bathes the eggs or young in the abdominal cavity. In the male, all the joints of the abdomen, except the terminal one, are soldered together. The genus resembles Myrodes somewhat in the character of the fingers, but differs from it as well as from Myra and the allied genera in the want of an indurated crest on the basal joint of the antennuhe, and in the char- acter of the dactyli of the ambulatory feet, from Peisephona, etc. it (lif- ters in the convex outer margin of the exognath of the outer maxillipeds. Oallidactylus asper nov. sp. The following is a description of an adult female. Carapax con- vex in the middle and posteriorly, hut somewhat depressed toward the anterior margins. The sulci separating the gastric, cardiac, and intesti- nal from the branchial regions are easily traceable, as well as that between the cardiac and the gastric; but there is none between the cardiac and the intestinal regions. The hepatic region is surrounded by rather pro- found depressions, and on its posterior pari there is a strong tooth-like pro- tuberance, occupying about one third its area. The upper surface of the carapax i ornamented with scattered, prominent granules, or short, capi- tate spiimles. which become less prominent posteriorly and disappear alto- gether near the posterior extremity, where the surface i> covered, with smaller and more, crowded and depressed granules. On the lateral parts MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. L59 of the branchial region the two kinds of granules arc found together. In the median line there arc three or four shorl blunl spines on the posterior part of the gastric and the cardiac regions, the posterior one of which is rather remote from the others, and much larger than they, nearly as large as the median posterior spine. There is a strong, triangular tooth, pointing forward, on the subhepatic region, and a smaller tooth at the an- terior extremity of the branchial region on the antero-latera! margin. On the postero-lateral margin there is also a small tooth, or short spine. The three posterior spines occupy the usual position (as in PersepJiona, Myra, etc.), and are short. The outer maxillipeds arc granulated, like the upper surface of the carapax, and somewhat setose, the setae arising between the granules. The fourth, fifth, and sixth joints of the abdomen are soldered together; the surface is smooth and glossy about the middle, hut there is a transverse tuberculated ridge on the fourth joint, and the sixth joint is sparsely granulated. Of the male sex I have lmt one half-grown example. The carapax is rather broader and more depressed than in the female, and the granules are smaller, less numerous, and more scattered. The posterior spines are longer. The. sternum and abdomen are evenly covered with minute, de- pressed, crowded granules. Dimensions of a female specimen: Length of carapax, spine included, o.7!>: breadth. 0.61; length of meros-joint of cheliped, 0.42; length of hand, 0.65 inch. In the young male the length of the carapax is 0.311 ; breadth. 0.65 inch. Lat. 24° X. Long., S3° W., January 22, 1868. Cast No. 3. 16 fathoms. Off Carysfort Reef, March 21, 1869. Cast No. 8. 35 West of Tortugas3 January 16, 1869. Cast No S. 37 " Subfamily EBALIINAE. The genera Ebalia, Nursia, Lithartia, Oreophorim, Spelaeophorus, etc., appear to form a natural group, to which the name Ebaliinae may be applied. Lithadia cadaverosa no v. sp. The following description is that of a female, no males having occurred : Carapax broad, somewhat octagonal in shape, very little produced poste- riorly, and very strongly convex ; the branchial regions being more swollen than in any of the Other known species of the genus, am) occupying by far the greater portion of the carapax These regions and the other protu- berant parts of the carapax are more or less covered with depressed, often confluent granules, arranged in lines or groups with depressed spaces in- tervening, giving to the surface an eroded or vermiculated appearance. 160 BULLETIN OF THE Tl xcavations between the regions are very deep, but those surround- ing the cardiac region are broader and less abrupt than in other species of the genus; those surrounding the hepatic region and lying in fronl of the branchial arc very narrow. In one of the two specimens then' are several small, round, isolated tubercles in the depression between the cardiac and gastric regions; while in the other this space, as well as the entire gastric and part of the branchial region, is evenly covered with flat, translucent granules, giving the surface a finely reticulated appearance. The hepatic region is narrow, with a granulated ridge extending inward a slmrt distance from the antero-lateral margin, which is here defined by a similar ridge. Behind the hepatic region, and separated from it l>y a deep transverse sinus below, there are on the margin two strong, triangular teeth pointing downward mi the antero-lateral part of the branchial region. The posterior of these two teeth corresponds to the anterior lateral tooth of other species of the genus, but the tooth in fronl of it is the larger; the surface of both is flattened. The posterior lateral tooth of the branchial region is blunt. The intestinal region is broad, and the two marginal lobes are thickened, but very little projecting, and not at all dentiform. On the inferior surface of the branchial region there are one or two rows of -mall tubercles. The front is thick, the epistome and suborbital region ample, and the external maxillipeds bent nearly to a right angle in front, so that the anterior portion of the facial region is large and lies in a verti- cal plane. The frontal mar-in is slightly concave, hut not notched. The chelipeds are rugose, with angular, granulated protuberances; meros not at all flattened, hut nearly as thick as it is broad. Ambulatory feet armed above with short, thick spines, as in L. Cumingii ; dactyli and penult joints somewhat setose. Color, bluish-white, with flake-white ridges and tubercle-: frontal portion ami feet, flesh-colored; a tew blood-red spots on the abdomen and about the bases of the feet, particularly of the chelipeds. Dimensions of the larger female: Length of carapax, 0.26; breadth, 0.30 inch This crab is well protected by its general appearance, and with its feet retracted would scarcely be taken for a living object- It differs from L. cariosa in it- broader and more convex carapax, and in the much less prominent lobes of the intestinal region. West of Tortujras, January 16, I860 Cast No. 7. •'?:> fathoms. Off Concli Reef, March 21, I860. Cast No. 1. 40 A. AM M \ Ol SCIKNCES, ('no VGO, 111.., December 1st, 1870. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 1G1 No. 3. — On the Mammals and Winter Birds of East Florida, with an Examination of certain assumed Specific Characters in Birds, and a Sketch of the Bird-Fauna; of Eastern North America. By J. A. Allen. Introduction. The present paper embraces five more or less distinct parts. The first consists of introductory remarks respecting the topographical, climatic, and faunal features of that part of the peninsula of Florida usually known as East Florida. The second is an annotated li.~t of the mammals of this region. The third is devoted to a consideration of individual, seasonal, age and geographical variation among birds, with reference to certain characters commonly assumed to be specific. The fourth contains a list of the winter birds of East Florida, with field and revisionary notes. The fifth is given to an examination of the geographical distribution of the birds and mammals (more particu- larly of the birds) of Eastern North America, in which is considered the number of the natural faunae of this region, their distinctive fea- tures and their boundaries. The enumeration of the mammals and birds, forming Parts II and IV, is based partly on my own observations and' partly on notes kindly furnished me by Messrs. C. J. Maynard and G. A. Boardman. These observations may be considered as equivalent collectively to the labors of a single observer constantly in the field for at least four or five winters. My own observations were made during a three months' exploration of the country bordering the St. John's River, between Jacksonville and Enterprise, in the winter of 1868 and I860, under the auspices of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. The greater part of January was passed at Jacksonville, where I also spent the last week of March. Five weeks were also passed in the vicinity of Enterprise, and the bal- ance of the time at various intermediate points. Mr. Maynard's explorations were made during the same winter, mainly in portions of the country unvisitcd by myself, a large part of his collection coming from the Upper St. John's and Indian Rivers. lie also spent several weeks at Dummitt's, twenty miles south of New Smyrna. During most of December and January he collected VOL. II. 11 162 BULLETIN OF THE in the vicinity of Jacksonville, at which point one of his assistants, Mr. Charles Thurston, remained during April and a portion of May, collecting, among other tilings, the later arriving birds. Nearly all the birds ami mammals collected by these gentlemen, and by Mr. J. F. Le- Baron, a third member of Mr. Maynard's party, have been added to the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, and are accom- panied by measurements carefully taken before skinning. Mr. Boardman's observations were continued through three suc- cessive winters, during which he spent considerable lime at the follow- ing points : St. Augustine and Fernandina on the coast, Jacksonville, Green-Cove-Springs and Enterprise on the St. John's River. Al- though the numerous specimens he collected at these and intermediate points were presented by him to the Smithsonian Institution, I am indebted to him for an annotated manuscript list of the species he met with. I am also indebted to the Rev. Thomas Marcy, who accompa- nied me on my Florida trip, for valuable assistance in collecting, and to Mr. J. E. Brundage for similar aid. Having made use of the reports of previous visitors on the faunae of this region, the following lists are believed to embrace all the species of mammals thus far known from East Florida, and all the birds regu- larly present in winter, of nearly all of which I have examined speci- mens from Florida. A few other birds not included in my list doubt- less occasionally visit this region from the North, and others may lin- ger here which usually pass the winter further south. In order to increase the value of the bird li>t as a fatinal record, those species known to be resident throughout the year have been indicated by an asterisk (*), and those known only as winter visitors by an obelisk (f). The date of the first appearance of the strictly spring visitors is also noted, so far as such arrivals were observed. The specimens on which the investigations detailed in Part III are based, as well as tin' revisionary notes of Parts II and IV, are mainly those of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, which embrace, among Others, nearly a thousand specimens of birds from Florida.* The topics discussed in Part III, namely, individual and climatic variation, necessarily involve the question of the nature of species, as well as the validity of various diagnostic characters. Many details * I have also made use of measurements, taken by Mr. Wm. Brewster and Mr. C. J. M;iyiiurd, of hundreds of specimens not in the collection of the Museum. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 163 in reference to these variations arc given in this part, but a lame pro- portion are recorded in the general and revisionary notes of Part IV. The conclusions arrived at, it may be here premised, are mainly the fol- lowing: (i.) That the majority of nominal species originate in two principal sources of error; namely, (a) an imperfect knowledge of the extent and character of individual variation, and (b) of geographical variation. ('-.) That this imperfect knowledge is mainly due to the neglect of zoologists to study with sufficient care the common species of their respective countries, whence has arisen a faulty method of in- vestigation and erroneous ideas respecting species and specific charac- ter-. (3.) Instead of the method at present pursued by a large school of descriptive naturalists — the analytic, or the search for differences — being the proper one, that synthesis should be duly combined with analy- sis, and that general principles should be sought as well as new forms, or so-called "new species" and '-new genera." (4.) It is claimed that nothing is to be gained by giving binomial names to climatic or other form-, in cases where, however considerable the differences between them may be, a complete transition from the one to the other can be traced in specimens from intermediate localities, notwithstanding the plea sometimes urged that their use affords " convenient handles to facts." In accordance with such views a partial revision of the species of certain groups is incidentally attempted in Part IV, more especially of the Icteridcc, the raptorial birds, and the genera Pants, Tardus, Pas- serculus, etc. Part I. The Topographical, Climatic, and Faunal Characteristics of East Florida. No part of the Florida Peninsula, as is well known, is much ele- vated above the level of the sea, the greater, port ion being extremely low and lame areas swampy. The surface is slightly undulating, but tin; higher ridges randy attain a height of more than lifiy or seventy- five feet, and the highest eminence is less than two hundred. A large part of Northern Florida, including what is usually termed Fa-t and West Florida, is covered with open pine forests, constituting the so- called " pine barrens." These barrens frequently rise into dry knolls, but they likewise embrace considerable tract- that are so low as to be more or less submerged during a portion of the year, especially in wet 1G4 BULLETIN OF THE seasons; they are nlso interspersed with cypress swamps of varying extent. Such swamps usually bonier the St. John's on its upper course, sometimes extending back from the river for several miles. Other portions of the low grounds support ;i mixed foresl of live-oak, water-oak, elm, bitter-nut hickory, maple, laurel, sweet gum, etc., with a more or less dense undergrowth, Mich forests forming the so-called " hummocks." Some portions of these forests are swampy ; others are dry, and slightly elevated. The saw and dwarf palmettos (Subal serru- lata R. & S. and S. Adansonii Guerns.) frequently render the former difficult to penetrate, and extensive groves of the cabbage palm (Cha- mcerops palmetto Michx. ; Sabal palmetto R. & S.) here and there oc- cupy the banks of the streams. At intervals in the pine barrens exten- sive thickets of low trees and thickly growing shrubs are met with, which are exceedingly difficult to enter, and are appropriately termed " scrubs." Each of these kinds of country, as would be naturally ex- pected, forms the favorite haunt of certain species of birds and mam- mals, the grassy or open pineries being frequented by some that rarely v i-i t the swamps and hummocks, and the hitler by others that rarely visit the open pineries. The extensive savannas which occur along the upper portion of the St. John's River and elsewhere form the favorite haunts of numerous wading birds ; and the numerous lakes are congenial to the swimming bird-. East Florida hence differs but little in its general character from the lower portions of Georgia and the low land- ol the coast ol South Carolina. The tree-, especially of the hummock- and swampy forests, arc usually covered with the pendant Tillandsia vsnoides, or " Spanish moss," and the abundance of epiphytic orchids and other plant.-, as well as the palms, clearly indicates the subtropical and peculiar character of the climate. From the great extent in latitude of the Florida peninsula — from 2.3° to 3F, or about four hundred miles — considerable differences necessarily exist between the fauna and flora of the northern and south- ern portions. Although the change in these features from the north southward i- more or less gradual, it seems to be appreciably greater near Lake George than elsewhere. At this point so well-marked a change occurs in the vegetation as to attract the attention ol unscien- tific observers, and a corresponding change in the fauna is readily traced. Above bake George the general aspect of both the flora and fauna is decidedly more southern than it is below the lake. The MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 165 boundary between the Floridian and Louisianian fauna? and florae, it would hence seem, may be properly regarded as passing near this point, the portion of the State to the southward being alone properly Floridian, the northern resembling more the Louisianian type.* As already observed, Florida, from its excessively marshy charac- ter, is pre-eminently suited to the wants of the grallatorial birds. Im- mense numbers of the heron tribe hence make it their permanent home, while it is the favorite winter resort of numerous species of Gral- he that pass the breeding season far to the northward. Ibises and egretts abound in its swamps and savannas, forming at all times, by their numbers and showy plumage, a characteristic feature of the fauna. In winter the abundance of snipe and other species of Grallce and ducks render it at that season a sportsman's paradise. Florida hence attracts great numbers of sportsmen in winter, through whose reckless and often wanton waste of life the water-fowl, especially of late years, are annually decimated. The summer bird fauna of Florida is probably not better represented in species than that of the temperate parts of the continent generally ; but this State being the winter resort of numerous species of spar- rows and warblers, and of those smaller land birds generally that pass the summer in much higher latitudes, its winter bird fauna, as compared with that of the Northern States, is extremely rich. In New England the number of species of birds that can be regarded as " common " in winter does not exceed fifteen,! but in Florida at that season at least five times that number can be so regarded. This, however, accords with a general law of distribution in respect to the relative number of species found at different points in latitude from the arctic zone south- ward, the number increasing in proportion to the decrease of the lati- tude, or with the increa-e of the mean temperature. In winter, through the southward migration of many species, the minimum number of species which in summer is characteristic of the arctic zone is carried down nearly to the Northern States, there being a marked decrease from summer to winter as far south as the warm temperate or sub- tropic belt ; within the tropics, on the contrary, the number of species is far greater in winter than in summer, through the temporary influx of species from colder regions. * For a further definition of the Floridian bird fauna, as distinguished from the Louis- ianian, see beyond, Part V. t See American Naturalist, Vol. I, p. 47, March, 1867. 1G6 BULLETIN OF THE In consequence ot the subtropical character of the climate of Florida certain peculiarities occur in respect to the development of vegetation at the vernal period, and in the time of breeding of the resident birds, that seem in this connection worthy of record. The mildness of the winter climate is such that the verdure of the forests is to a greater or less degree perennial, severe frosts being of rare occurrence. Some of the early flowering trees, such as the maples, ashes, and elms, begin to bloom and to gradually unfold their leaves early in January. Although the forest trees in general put forth their leaves in February, and a few have acquired their full summer dress by the 1st of March, their de- velopment is slow and irregular. I observed peach-trees in flower at the same locality (Jacksonville) in January and in April ; and the flow- ering period of some of the forest trees is nearly as protracted. The development of vegetation is hence as great during a single week in May, in New England, as during any four weeks in February and March, in Florida. A similar irregularity is observed in respect to the pairing and breed- ing of the resident birds. Some of the rapacious species, as the fish- hawk and the white-headed eagle, commence incubation in January, and, as I have been informed, occasionally in December ; other members of the same species delay breeding till February or March. The great blue heron and the egretts nest in February, as do also the courlans, several of die hawks, the sandhill crane, the wood-duck and the blue- bird ; the mocking-bird and other resident soug-birds, in March and April. In the Northern States the vivacity of the birds during the pairing season is as much greater than it is in Florida as is the rapidity of the development in vegetation. In spring at the North the woods, the fields, and the hedgerows are ever vocal with bird music ; but in Flor- ida no such outburst of song marks the arrival of the vernal season. The brown thrush, the blue-bird, the cat-bird, the towhee, and the various kinds of sparrows that are common in the breeding season to both New England and Florida, seem to lose at the latter locality the vivacity which characterizes them at the North, their attempts at song being listless and feeble. The songs of some are also much abbre- viated, and so differen! from what they are at the North as to be some- times scarcely recognizable as proceeding from the same species. Even the mocking-bird sings far less than in the Middle States, and MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 167 with much less power. Such at least is the general fact as indicated by my own limited experience in Florida, which accords, I find, with that of various other observers. In recounting the faunal peculiarities of Florida it is necessary to allude further to a few facts that will be more fully presented in the following chapters, namely, the differences which distinguish the Florida representatives of species that have a wide distribution to the northward from the northern ones. It has for some time been well known that a difference in size in birds and mammals usually accompanies differences of locality in respect to latitude and elevation. Other differences, how- ever, are found to accompany these with considerable uniformity ; namely, a relative increase in the length or general size of the bill, and an in- crease in the intensity of the general color of the plumage.* Florida birds, in short, usually differ considerably in these respects from their New England cospecific representatives ; so much so, indeed, that in many cases the majority of ornithologists would probably regard the two forms as distinct species, though few of them have as yet been specifically separated. Hence not only do birds of the same species living at distant points differ considerably in size, color, and other features, but also in their habits, notes, and songs. With the decrease in size to the southward there seems to be a corresponding decrease in vivacity, — a fact which accords with the general law of the distribution of the higher forms of life in the temperate latitudes. Although a few structurally high types are, from certain peculiarities of their conformation, necessarily tropical, the highest races of men, whether considered physically, intellectually, or morally, are inhabitants of a medium climate, and gradually decline in rank both to the northward and southward from this favored re- gion, animal and vegetable life reaching, as a whole, its highest manifestation in the temperate latitudes. The excessive variety of forms within the tropics mainly results from the addition of those of comparatively low or medium grades, only a few of the exclusively tropical forms being of absolutely high rank. Generally, too, the forms to be properly regarded as temperate are represented in the tropics by only their lower members, while, conversely, many of the higher types of the tropics are really cosmopolitan. * See Annual Report of the Mus. Comp. Zool., 1669, p. 16. 1()8 BULLETIN OF THE Part II. List of the Mammals of East Florida, with Annotations. FELIDJE. 1. Felis concolor Linn€. Panther. Not very unfrequent in the more unsettled parts of the State. I saw several hunter's skins of it at Jaeksonville, said to have been taken up the river. 2. Lynx rufus Rafinesque. Bay Lynx. Abundant. Especially numerous on the Upper St. John's and In- dian Rivers, according to Mr. Maynard and others. CANID^. 3. Canis lupus Linne. Gray Wolf. Canis lupus Linne, Syst. Nat., I, 58, 1767. — Allen, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., I, 154, October, 1869 Canis Iiijiik, occidentalis Rich., Fauna Bor. Amor., I, 60, 1829. Canis occidentalis et var. Bairi>, Mam. X. Anier., 104, 111, 113, 1857. Not numerous. They were described to me as being very dark col- ored, or black.* This account tends to confirm the statement of Au- dubon and Bachman in respect to this point. f After citing the comparative frequency of this form of the common wolf in Kentucky, and in several of the Southern Atlantic and Gulf States, as compared with its occurrence in regions more to the northward and westward, they observe : '" The varieties with more or less of black continue to increase, as we proceed farther to the south ; and in Florida the pre- vailing color of the wolves is black." } 4. Vulpes virginianus Richardson. Gray Fox. Canis virginianus Erxl., Syst. Keg. Aiiiin., 567, 1 777. — " Sciireber, Si'uigcth., Ill, 361, pi. xcii, 1778." Canis cinereo-argentatus Kr.xi.., Syst. Reg. Anim., 567, 1778. — " ScHREBER, Saugeth., 360, pi. xcii." — Godman, Am. Nat. Hist., I, 280, 1826. Canis griseus Bodd., Elcnchus Anim,, I, 77, 1784. * Since writing the above, II ed a letter from Mr. G. A. Boardman, ofMill- town, Me., in which he i of the Florida wolves. t Quad. X. Amer., Vol. II, p. 130. t Respecting tin- distribution of the different color races of the common wolf in North America, see my paper on the Mammals of Massachusetts, Bulletin Mus. Comp. Zool., Vol. I, p. 156, 1869. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 109 Canis [Vulpes] virginianus Rich., Faun. Bor. Am., I, 96, 1S29. Vtdpes virginianus Dekay, New York Fauna, I, 45, pi. vii, fig. 2, 1842. — Am. & Bach., Quad. N. Am., T, 162, pi. xxi, 1849. Vidpes ( Urocyon) virginianus Baird, Mam. X. Am., 138, 1857. Common. MUSTELID^J. 5. Putorius lutreolus Cuvier. Mink. Mustda lutreola Linn., Syst Nat., 66, 1766. Putorius lutreolus Crv., Reg. Anim., I, 14S, 1817. — Allen, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoiil., I, 175, October, 1869. Putorius vison Gapper, Zool. Journ., V, 202, 1830. Putorius nigrescens Aud. & Bach., Quad. N. Am., Ill, 104, pi. cxxiv, 1853. "Not common." — Boardman. I did not meet with it. It is well known to be common, however, in the adjoining States. Audubon and Bachman speak of it as being very numerous in the rice-fields of South Carolina 6. Lutra canadensis Sabine. Otter. Abundant. Its fur, however, is of little value, compared with that of northern specimens, and the animal is hence not much hunted. 7. Mephitis mephitica Baird. Common Skunk. Viverra mephitica Shaw, Mus. Lever., 172, 1792. — Ibid., Gen, Zool., I, 390, 1809. Mephitis chinga Tiedem., Zool., 362, 1S08. Mustela (Mephitis) americana Desm., Marnm., I, 1S6, 1820. Mustela varians Gray, Charlesw. Mag. Nat Hist., I, 581, 1837. " Mustela mesomelas Licht., Darst. Saugeth., I, fig. 2." — Geoff. St. Hil., Vov. de la Venus, Zool., I, 133, 1855. — Max. zu Wied, Archiv fur Natorgesch., XXVII, 218, 1861. — Baird, Mam. X. Am., 199, 1S57. Mephitis macroura Aud. & Bach., Quad. N. Am., Ill, 11, 1853. Mephitis mephitica Baird, Mam. X. Amer., 195, 1857. — Allen, Bull. Mus. Com. Zool., I, 178, October, 1869. Mephitis occidentalis Baird, Mam. N. Amer., 194, 1857. Common on the Lower St. John's, but, according to Mr. Maynard, quite unknown on the Indian River. 8. Mephitis bieolor Gray. Little Striped Skunk. Mephitis bieolor Gray, Charlesw. Mag. Xat. Hist., I, 5S1, 1837. — Baird, Mam. X. Amer., 196, 1857. Mephitis zorilla Liciit., Abhand. Ak.id. Wiss. Berlin, for 1836, 281, 1838. — Aud. & Bach., Quad. X. Amer., Ill, 276, 1854. Mephitis interrupta Licht., Abhand. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, for 1836, 283, 1833. 170 BULLETIN OF THE This beautiful little animal was obtained by Mr. C. J. Maynard at Captain Dummitt's, where it was said to be common in the scrub. Mr. May n aid says they arc domesticated and used there as cats, the odor glands being removed when the animals are young; they become very tame and are quite efficient in destroying the mice {Hvsperomys sp.) that infest the houses. I am not aware that this animal has been reported before from any point east of tin: Mississippi River. It has been recently ascertained to extend northward in the interior as far as Central Iowa.* (JRSIDJE. 9. Procyon lotor Storr. Raccoon. Ursus Jolor Linne, Syst. Nat., 48, 1758. Procyon lotor Baird, Mam. N. Amer., 209, 1857. — Allen, Bull. Mus. Comp. ZooL, I, 181, October, 1869. Procyon Hernandezii Wagler, Isis, XXIV, 514, 1831. — Baird, Mam. N. Amer., 212, 1857. — Ibid., U. S. and Mex. Bound. Surv., II, Mam., 22, 1859. Exceedingly numerous. 10. UrSUS arctOS Linne. Common Bear. Ursn!. arcfos Linne, Syst. Nat, CO, 1706. — Cuvier, Reg. Anim., I. 142, 1817. Blainvii.t.e. — Middendorff, Sibirische Reise, II, ii. 1854. — Gray, Proo. London Zool. Sue, 1864, 682. — Allen, Bull. Mus. Comp. ZooL, I, 184. October, 186'.). Ursus americnmis Pallas, Spicelcgia ZooL, XIV, 6, 1780. — Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, lni, 1788. — Richardson, Faun. Bor. Amer., I, 14, 1829. — Aud. & Ba< h., Quad. X. Amer., III. 187, 1853. — Max. zu Wild & Mayer, Verhandl. Akad. der Naturf., XXVI, i, 33, 1857. — Baird, Mam. X. Amer., 225, 1857. Ursus [Euarctos) americanus Cray, l'roe. Lond. Zool. Soc. 1864, 602. Ursus horribilis Ord, "Guthrie's Geo-., 2d Amer. ed.. II, 201, 200, 1815." — Say, Long's Exped., II, 53, 1823.— Baird, Mam. X. Amer. 210. Ursus horribilis, var. horriaceus, Baird, U. S. & Mex. Bound. Survey, Rep., II, Mam., 24, 1859. Ursus cinereus Desm., Mam., I, 164, 1820. Ursus (Dam's) cinereus Gray, Proc. Loud Zool. Soc, 1864. 690. Ursus ferox Rn hardson, Faun. Bor. Amer.. I, 24, 1S20. — Max. zu Wied, Reise in das innerc Nord Amer.. I, 4SS, is:;'.).— M w. /r Wild & Mayer, Verliandl. Akad. der Natnrforsch., XXVI, 30. Ursus cinnamomeus Baird, U. S. & Mex. Bound. Survey Rep., II, Mam., 29. * See H. \V. Parker, in Amor. Nat , Vol. IV, 370, August, 1870. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 171 Numerous and often troublesome, occasionally destroying swine, of which they are exceedingly fond. Judging from their tracks in the swamps, they must not only be exceedingly numerous, but some of them of enormous size. The several .--kins seen by me were all in- tensely black.* CERVIDJE. 11. Cariacus virginianus Gray. Virginia Deer. Cervus virginianus Bodd.ert, Elcnch. Animal., I, 136, 1784. — Gmelin. SCHREBER, DESMEREST, Al'D. & BaCII., BaIRD, &C. Cariacus virginianus Gray, Cat. of Bones in Brit. Mus., 266, 1862. Abundant almost everywhere. Not so numerous along the Lower St. John's as in the more unsettled districts further south. As re- marked by Professor Baird, the Florida deer are considerably smaller than those of the Northern States ; so much so that it is a fact of common observation. MANATIDJ3. 12. Triekechus manatus Limit?. Manatee. Trichechus manatus Lixxe, Syst. Nat., I, 34, 1758. "Manatus australis Tilesius, Jahrb. der Naturg., I, 23." — Gtat, Cat. Seals and Whales, 358, 1866. — Murray, Geo-. Distr. Mam., 202, 1SC6. Manatus amer' anus Desm., Mam., 507, 1822. Manatus lalirostris JIari.ax, Journ. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., Ill, 390, pi. xii, fig. 1-3, 1824. — Ibid., Faun. Anier., 277, 1825. I learn from Mr. Maynard that the manatee is still quite common.in Indian River, where they are often caught in nets. They come into the river at niglit to feed on the mangrove bushes. Mr. Maynard did not meet with them in Mosquito Lagoon, which he traversed nearly its whole length, and he thinks they do not occur there. The manatees of America and Africa seem to be very closely allied, and to number at most but two species. Those of the same species also appear to be exceedingly variable in their osteological characters. Dr. J. E. Gray, * In my recent paper in this Bulletin, cited above, I have discussed the mutual re- lationship of the numerous supposed species of lan.l bears <>f the northern hemisphere. The close affinity between the hears of Northwestern America and Northeastern Asia is especially noticed; but at that time I was nut aware that Temminck, in the Fauna Japonica, had referred the large land bear of Japan to the U. fa-ox of authors, or to the so-called "grizzly bear" of Western America. Tliis indicates the very close affinity, in this author's opinion, of the Japan and American bears. 172 BULLETIN OF THE in a valuable paper entitled " On the Species of Manatee? (Manatus), and on the Difficulty of distinguishing such Species by Osteological Characters,"* states thai he finds the African and American species are distinguished by only a single character, — the absence of the nasal bones in the African species. Concerning the individual variation in the skulls of the two species, lie oh crves as follows : " When Cuvier had a skull of the American and one of the African Manatee, he gaveeighl characters by which the African skull could be known from the American. Now we have a series of skulls of each kind, we find that not one of these characters will separate the skulls of the two countries from one another. Indeed, the skulls of each kind are so variable that, after having them laid out before me for two or three days, studying them every now and then, and inducing two proficients in the study of bones, and in observing minute characters, to give me their assistance, we came to the conclusion that we believed there was no character, common to all the skulls of each kind, which could he used to separate them. As a proof of the difficulty of so doing, I may state that there was one skull in the series which had been long in the collection, and had been received without any habitat, and neither of the three could decide to which of the series this skull should he referred; and it was not until I accidentally observed the character, derived from the absence of the nasal bones in the African kind, that this question could be settled." Having myself been struck with the variability of osteological as well as external characters in individuals of the same species, in both birds and mammals, — a matter to which I have already often called attention, and the consideration of which occupies a considerable portion of Part III of the lire-cut paper, ■ — I can hardly refrain, in this connection, from citing further the judicious remarks of Dr. Gray on this point. "The examination," he savs, '• of a lame series of skulls of the hears (I'rsus) and Paradoxuri, shows how difficult it is to distinguish species by the study of the >kulls alone. Thus, when we have, a series of skulls of hears from different localities, which, from their external form and habits, are known to be distinct species, it is easy to shy which is the skull of U. thibetanus, U. syriacus, U. arctos, U. us, and / '. ami ricanus, when we have the habitat marked on each ; but the true test of the power of distinguishing the one from the other is to determine to what species a skull belongs, of which we have no information as to its origin ; and we have several skulls in the British Museum under then- circumstances, and I cannot, with the best assistance at my command, determine to which species they ought to be referred. And it is the same with the Pciradoxuri." " If this is the case with the skulls," he continues, " bow must the difficulty of distinguishing species with certainty be increased when we have only fossil bones, which are generally more or less imperfect, * Anc and Mag. Xat. Hist., 3d Ser., Vol. XV, pp. 130- 139, 1865. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 173 to examine and compare, or of which only a limited number of example? are to be obtained and compared ? They [tin* skullsjvary in most genera much more than was expected, before series of the skulls of each species were collected and compared." These observation- by Dr. Gray arc fully confirmed by my own studies; and I hence believe that, as the number of specimens of different species increases in our museums, many species now believed to be valid will be found to rest merely on individual characters. VESPERTILIONID^. 13. Lasiurus noveboracensis Gray. Red Bat. I i no horacensis Erxl., Syst. Reg. Anim., 135, 1717. Vespertilio lasiurus Gmel., Syst. Nat., 1788. Vespertilio rubellus Pal. de Beaut., Cat. Peale's Mus., 1796. ? Vespertilio cinereus Pal.de Beauv., Ibid. ? Vespertilio pruinosus Say, Long's Exped., G7, 1S23. — Rich., Faun. Bor. Am., I, 1, 1829. Taphozous rufus Harlan, Faun. Amcr.. 23, 1S25. Lasiurus* ruf us Gray, List Mam. Brit. Mus., 32, 1842. Lasiurus noveboracensis Tomes, Proc. Lond. Zoiil. Soc, 1837, 34. ? Lasiurus pruinosus Tomes, Ibid, 37. Lasiurus noveboracensis II. Allen, Mon. N. Am. Bats, 15, 1SG4. — J. A. Allen, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoiil., I, 207, 1SG9. ? Lasiurus cinereus II. Allen, Mon. N. Am. Bats, 21. Common. All of the several specimens obtained, both by myself and Mr. Maynard, are of a deep cherry red, with but a slight skirting of ash, and are uniformly much darker or deeper colored than any I have seen from the Northern States. All examined (nine specimens) were males. 14. Scotophilus fuscus II. Allen. Carolina Bat. Vespertilio fuscus Pal. de Beauv , Car. Peale's Mus., 14, 179G. — LeConte, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., VII, 437, Is.")."). Vespertilio carolinensis Geoff St. IIil., Ann. du Mus., VIII, 193, 1806, pi. xlvii, rig. 7.— Harlan, North Am. Jour. Geol. & Nat. Sci., I, 218, 1831 — LeConte, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., VII, 437. I rtibo arcuatus Say, Long's Expcd., 167, 1823. I is Raf., Amcr. Month. Mag., 445, 1S18. Vespertilio ursinus Temm., Mam., II, 234, 1835. - iophilus fuscus II. Allen, Mon. N. Am. Bats, 31, 1SG4. Scotophilus carolinensis II. Allen, Ibid., 28. Common. Several specimens taken. 174 BULLETIN OF THE 1") Scotophilus georgianus II Allen. Georgia Bat. Scotophilia georgianus H.Allen, Mon. N. Am. Bats, 33, 1864, nee. si/n. — J. A. Allen, Bull. Mus. Com]). Zool., No. 8, 1809. This species doubtless occurs in Florida, at least in the northern part, since the capture of specimens at different localities in Georgia and at New Orleans is on record.* 16. TsTycticejus crepuseularis H. Allen. Vespertilio crepuseularis LeConte, McMurtrie's Cuv. An. King., I, 432, 1831. Ibid., Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., VII, 438, 1855. Nycticejus crepuseularis 11. Allen, Mon. N. Am. Bats, 12, 1864. A specimen collected by Mr. Maynard at Jacksonville, in January, but afterwards lost, I refer from his measurements and description of it to this species. There is also a specimen (Xo. 7-il) in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, collected in Florida by Mr. Chas. Belknap. 17. Corynorhinus inacrotis H.Allen. Big-eared Bat. Phcotm macrotis LeConte, McMurtrie's Cuv. An. King., I, 431, 1831. Plecotis 1 1 I v< ( Iooper, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., IV, 12, 1837. Synotus macrotis II. Allen, Mon. N. Am. Bats, G3, 1864. Corynorhinus macrotis II. Allen, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., XVII, 173, Aug. A specimen of this species from Micanopy, Florida, collected by Dr. Bean, is cited by Dr. Allen | This Southern species ranges northward along the coast nearly or quite to the Middle States, it being compara- tively common, according to authors, in South Carolina. NOCTILIONID^. 18. Nyctinomus nasutus Tomes. Molossus nasutus Spix, Sim. ct Vesp. Bras., 60, pi. xxxv, fig. 7, 1823. Nyctinomus nasutus Tomes, Proc. Lond. Zool. Soc, 1861, 68. — II. Allen, Mon. N Am Bats, 7, 1867. This widely distributed southern species should unquestionably he included among the mammals of Florida. Tt has been reported from Texas, Louisiana, South Carolina, and the West Indie-. $ as well as from South America, as far south even as Buenos Ayres.§ Specimens in * Dr. II. Allen, Monograph of North American Bats, p. 38. t Ibid., p. 55. t Ibid., p. 10. § Tomes, Proc. Lond. Zool. Soc, 1861, p. 68. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. ' 175 the Museum of Comparative Zoology from ITayti, collected by Mr. P. R, 1'lik-r. have been identified by Dr. Harrison Allen as of this species. 19. Megadermatidse Sp. ? A large species of bat was noticed by both Mr. Maynard and my- self, but as it always flew very high, neither of us obtained it. It was very much larger than any other species yet described from the United States, and is doubtless a AVest Indian form ; probably a spe- cies of Mefjadermatidee. SORECID.E. 20. Blarina brevicauda Baird. Mole SnfcE-w. Sori '■ brevicaudus Say, Long's Expcd , I, 164, 1862-63. Soi;ex parvus Say, Ibid., 164. Sfirex taipoides Gapper, Zool Journ., V, 20S, pi. viii, 1830. Sorex car.olinensis Bach., Journ. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., VII, 366, pi. x.wi, tig. 3, 1837. Sorex cinereits Bach., Ibid., 373, fig. 3. Surex Dekoyi Bach., Ibid., 377, fig. 4. rira (Blarina) talpoides Gray, Proc Lend. Zool. Soc, V, 124, 1837. Blarina brevicauda Baird, Mam. N. Am., 42, pi. xxx, fig 6, 1 S 3 " . — Allex, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., I, 212. October, 1 -< l. Blarina taljmides Baird, Mam. X. Am., 37. pi. xxx, fig 5. Blarina carolinensis Baird, Ibid., 45, pi. xxx, fig. 8. Blarina cinerea Baird, Ibid., 4S, pi. xxx, tigs. 9 and 10, young. Blarina erilipes Baird, Ibid., 51, pi. xxviii, young. Blarina Berlandieri Baird, Ibid., 53, pi. xxviii, young. A single specimen of Blarina from Indian River, Florida, collected by Mr. G. Wurdemann, is mentioned under '•Blarina cinerea" by Pro- fessor Baird, as having been received at the Smithsonian Institution.* While it may be of a species distinct from B. brevicauda, it seems more probable that it is the young of that species, as 1 have elsewhere stated. t Sorex cinereus of Bachman,J which Professor Baird cites as a synonyme of his Blarina cinerea, Dr. Baehman subsequently regarded as the young of his S. carolinensis,^ which is the same as B. talpoides et bre- vicauda of* recent writers. * North American Mammals, p. 50 t Bull. Mus. Com. Zool., Vol. I. No. 8, p. 212. I Journ. Phil Acad. Nat. Sri.. Vol. VII. 1837, p 373, nl. xxiii, fig. 3. ^'Quadrupeds vf North America, Vol. Ill, p. 344. 170 BULLETIN OF THE TALPID.E. 21. Scalops aquaticus Fischer. Shrew Mole. Several specimens of this species from Indian River and Jacksonville, Florida, are mentioned by Professor Baird in his list of the specimens of this species in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution, in his Report on North American Mammals. Mr. Boardman has also informed me that it is not uncommon there. SCIURIDJE. 22. Sciurus niger Linne. Southern Fox Squirrel. Sciurus niger JjINNE, Syst. Nat., I, 64, 1758. Sciurus vulpinus Gmel., Syst. Nat., I, 147, 1788 Sciurus vulpinus G, \>\. xxi, 1830. Exceedingly abundant, and generally very tame. Two of my party shut a dozen one evening in less than half an hour at Ilawkinsville. Tiny are considerably smaller than at the North, and also diner some- what in color from northern specimens, the gray being more suffused with brownish than in the gray northern type. The fifty or sixty specimens carefully examined were quite uniform in color and generally so in size. The yellowish-brown patch on the back usually presenl in the gray type of this species was of greater extent and Less distinctly defined than in northern examples. No * See Baird, W.rtli American Mammals, p. 218. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 177 dusky or black varieties were noticed, nor could I learn that they ex- isted here. Their voice is not so heavy as that of the northern animal, hut in no other respects than in those above mentioned do they differ from it. Professor Baird has quite fully described the gradual transi- tion from the common gray to the glossy black type of coloration seen at the North, where the dark varieties are most common.* Measurements of Florida Specimens. 245.". 2454 •j 4.').-; 2040 2041 ,2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 20(56 206" 206S 203 ' JIM, J 24J7 * 351 i 352 ■ 221 , 222 / 365 " 366 . 367 i 368 ? 369 J 37() / 377 f 378 379 • 380 . 381 I 3S2 f 384 ' 385 -• 386 . 387 ' 388 ' 389 -' 390 ' 391 ■ 392 " 393 ' 394 • 395 ' 396 ' 397 ' 398 ' 3 . i 4HU ' - z o "a Hi »0 Jacksonv'l Jan. 12 CJ.Maynard 20. Ki " 18 12 " 17. 25 J. A. Allen 19 25 " 20 Dummitt's Mar. 16 CJ.Maynard 20. '• 18 " lis Welaka Feb. 6 J.A.Allen 21. Ilawl.iiisv'I Mar. 12 2.50 2.40 .45 2.4H 2 42 2 33 2 50 2.45 2.35 2.45 2.30 2 35 2.45 2 50 2.35 2.40 2 35 2.40 2.40 2.38 2 40 2.50 2.40 2.40 2.50 2 411 9.00 8.00 9.00 7.75 8.45 7.50 9.50 7.:o 10 50 7.50 9 50 8 15 10.20 8 00 in no 8 25 10.00 S 75 lo.i 0 8.40 9.1 'i 7.50 9.15 7 60 10.15 9.60 9.50 8 00 9 25 8.00 s 25 !».75 9.25 - 0 8.75 7.60 8.90 7. so 9 00 7.60 9.50 6.75 8.50 8.0U 9 ii' 3.50 10 00 8.00 8.75 8.00 9.00 8.00 9.25 7.65 9 on 7 50 9.15 7.85 9.25 8.1 9.00 7.90 9. 75 -.15 9.00 7.7.". 8.75 7.95 10.15 7.S5 8.90 7.35 I LOO 2.00 1 .35 1.45 1.60 1.35 10.45 10.25 [0.00 10.00 10.50 10.56 11.00 - 11.50 — 9.00 — in on — 9.85 — 11.35 — in '(■ 1 ;,n 9.25 l.to 11 on 1.35 9.75 1.40 lo.oo 1.50 10.60 1.50 10.00 1.50 9.00 1.40 10.00 1.40 10 75 1.45 10 50 1.45 11.00 1.42 10 25 1.45 9.75 1.40 9.50 1.45 10. 1011.45 10.75 1.45 10.50 1.50 10.25 1.55 lo.: :. i 40 9.60 155 lo.Ti 1.65 10.10 1.60 2.45 2.35 2 45 2.56 2.40 2.15 2 23 2. 'J 2 2.20 2.25 2 05 2.25 ■i 20 2.15 2 jo 2.:; 7 2.25 2.22 2.30 2.32 2.22 2 LO 2.40 2 3( ' 1 LO 2.45 2 15 * N. Am. Main., p. 259. See further on this point my remarks on this species in No. " of the first volume of this Bulletin, already cited. VOL. II. 12 178 BULLETIN OF THE 24. Geomys pineti Rqfinesque. " Salamander." Geomys pinelis Raf., Amer. Month. Mag., II, 45, 1817. Pseudosloma Jloriduna Acd. & Bach., Quad. N. Am., Ill, 242, pi. cl, fig. 1, 1853. Common, but mainly confined to the drier portions of the pine woods. The five specimens collected by me differ very much in size, and considerably in color, some of them being plumbeous and others brown- ish-plumbeous ; in other words, some are much darker than others. The difference in size appears to be mainly due to age. This species extends southwards at least as far as Lake Harney, and at some locali- ties is particularly numerous, the little hillocks of earth it throws up sometimes nearly covering the ground. MURIDiE. 25. Mus decumanus Pallas. Brown Rat. Abundant at Jacksonville, but not observed by any of my party on the Upper St. John's, nor by Mr. Maynard on Indian River. Although no other species of Mus was observed, it is not improba- ble that the common mou>e (M. musculus) occurs in the vicinity of the towns. It was not found on the Upper St. John's (to which locality it probably has not yet extended), where the common house mice are a species of Hesperomys, as are also the house mice on Indian River, according to Mr. Maynard. Neither was any species of Reithrodon obtained. The R. humilis, which occurs in Georgia and South Caro- lina, is certainly to be expected in Northern Horida; but it has not yet to my knowledge been reported from there. 26. Hesperomys leucopus Wagner. White-footed Mouse. Mus sylvaticus, var. Erxl., Syst. Re?. An., I, 300, 1775. Mus leucopus Desm., Mam., II, 307, 1822. — Aud. & Bach., Quad. N. Am., I, 300, pi. xlvi, 1849. Mus agrarius Godman, Am. Nat. Hist., II, 18:20. Mus noveboracensis Selys-Longcii., Etude Micromam., G7, 1839. Mus Emmonsii Dekay, Emmon's Rep. Quad. Mass., 01, 1840. Cricdus myoides Gapper, Zool. Journ., 1830, 204. Hesperomys polionotus Wagner, Wicgm, Arch., 1843, ii, 52. f Hesperomys cognatus I.i < 'onte, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., VI, 442, 1852. Hesperomys leucopus LeConte, Ibid., 413. — Baird, .Mam. N.Am., 459, 1857. — Allen, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 1, 227, October, 18G9. Hesperomys myoides I5.vir.ii, Main. N. Am., 472. Hesperomys indianus Max. zl Wild., Arch, fiir Naturg., XXVIII, i, 1 1 1, 1862. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 179 A mouse provisionally referred to this species was abundant, espe- cially at certain localities. At my first camp, about twenty-five miles above Jacksonville (near Hibernia), an Hcsperomys and the wood rat (Neotoma fioridand) were excessively numerous. At eveuing they began scampering over the leaves, their little footsteps being •heard in every direction ; at times they approached so near the camp-fire as to be distinctly seen. They ascended the bushes, and could be heard on the lower branches of the trees. Some of my party being unac- customed to such manifestations of nocturnal life, were at first filled with app:"ehension as to the character of their visitors, and could scarcely be convinced that the place was not infested with poisonous snakes or other dangerous animals. Depending upon my traps for specimens, which unfortunately for me the mice avoided, I secured but two or three examples of the Hesperomys so abundant here. These, with several others obtained by me elsewhere, as also others obtained on Indian River by Mr. Maynard, including both young and adult, are undistinguishable from the common II. leucopus of the North, the young being deep plumbeous. I observed at this place a fact in respect to the habits of the Hes- peromys I had not previously noticed nor seen pointed out, though it was noticed in all the parts of Florida I visited. I refer to its habit of cutting off the branches and main stems of the young saplings. I at first supposed this work to be that of the wood-boring larvae of some coleopterous insect, so nearly did the "pruning" resemble that of the so-called " oak-pruners " (Cerambycidoe sp.). A closer examination, however, showed that, instead of the twigs being smoothly cut, as by a boring insect working from within outwards and severing the bark last, the cutting was begun from without, and that a considerable por- tion of wood had been gnawed away, both the cut surfaces being highest at the middle. Marks of the teeth of these little gnawers were also generally clearly distinguishable. No traces of boring by insect larvae could be detected near the severed point. The branches thus cut are generally of about the size of one's finger, and are usually the main stem of a young sapling. Various species of trees are thus- mutilated ; but as they are usually destitute of fruit, the purpose of these animals in this work is not apparent. It is a habit that may be common to the Hespi >mys of the North, but I have never seen it referred to. These little animals being a hundred-fold more numerous 180 BULLETIN OF THE in East Florida than they generally are in the Northern States, their work would here be of course much more noticeable. 27. Hesperomys auroolus Wagner. Golden Mouse. Afcieola Nutta/li Harlan, Month. Amer. Journ. Gcol &. Nat. Sri., I, 440, 1342. — Iisid., Med. & Plus. Researches, 55, pi. , 1835. Mus (Calomys) aareolus Aud. & Bach., Jouin. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., VIII, 302, 1842. — Aud. & Bach., Quad. N. Am., II, 305, pi. xcv, 1851. Hesperomys aureolas Wagner, Wieg. Archiv, 1 S43, ii, 51. Hesperomys Nuttalli Baird, .Mam. N. Am., 467, 1857. A single specimen which I refer to this so-called species was obtained by Mr. Maynard at Dummitt's. While this example is of the size and gen- eral proportions of H. It ucopus, it is markedly different in color, being of a bright golden yellow above, which color reaches on the outside of the legs to the feet : the under surface has also a yellowish wash. It also differs in the texture of its fur, which is remarkably soft and fine. It is a little lighter colored than Audubon and Bachman's description and figure of //. am i olus represent that animal to be, but the distribution of the colors is the same, the specimen in question being not orange, but bright yellowish-cinnamon. It is, however, much nearer this than to Dr. Harlan's Arvicola Nuttalli. The latter does not differ very appreciably, judging from Dv. Harlan's very unsatisfactory description and his wretched figure of it, which was evidently made from a badly stuffed skin. Mr. Maynard believes the specimen referred to above to be a young animal, and states that it was so regarded by the people in whose house it was caught. He further informs me that he captured another of the same color, but very much larger, which was lost. This he regards as merely the adult of the same species. His measurements show the latter to have agreed in size and proportions with the so-called H. gassy pinus. The texture of the fur <4' the small specimen above referred to agrees with that of the plumbeous, immature stage of //. leucopus. This form, whether a valid species or not,* is now known to occur in Southeastern Pennsylvania, Southern Illinois, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Missouri, and at several intermediate points. 28. Hesperomys gossypinus LeConte. Cotton Mouse. Hesperomys gossypinus LeConte, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sei., VI, 411, 1853, — Baird, Mam. N. Am., 469, 1857. * This and the following species arc only provisionally adopt See a previous number of this Bulletin (Vol. I., No. 8, p. 227) for a fuller expression of my \ to the number of North American species of this group, and their mutual affinities. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 181 Several specimens were obtained, corresponding in size and color with what LeConte and Baird have described under this name. It is apparently common. As I have previously stated elsewhere,* these Flor- ida specimens have well-developed cheek-pouches. The specimens in question arc rather larger than any examples of 77. leucopus I have seen from the Northern States, they agreeing very well in measurements with the two specimens cited by Professor Baird. j The large size of these specimens, conjoined -with their southern habitat, would seem at first to clearly indicate their being distinct from II. leucopus, as they are at least one third larger than the average size of the latter at the North. Professor Baird in speaking of this species observes : " There is every reason to consider this mouse as specifically distinct from II. leuco- pus of the North; although skins, when much stretched (as Nos. 1105, 1112. from Middleboro', Massachusetts), of the latter, may measure as much as those recorded here, yet they are certainly actually smaller, as shown by the feet, which never attain anything of the length of .45 for the anterior and .90 for the posterior." But he is " hardly satisfied," he adds, " that this animal is different from the smaller 27. leucopus, as the differ- ence in size is no greater than is to be seen in a series of Hesperomys from more northern localities. The tail is duskier beneath than in 77. cognatus, and the sides more rusty ; otherwise I can realize only the larger size. Should both [77. cognatus and II. gossypinus'] prove to be the same, the name 77. gossypinus must of course take precedence."' As already observed, the prevailing form of the Hesperomys of East Florida is not essentially different from a large proportion of the 77. leucopus of the North, either in measurements, proportions, or color, although it is unmistakably referable to the so-called 77. cognatus, which has been supposed to replace in the Southern Atlantic and Gulf States the 77. leucopus of the nmre northern ones. If, as I have elsewhere suggested (Joe. cit.), as Professor Baird admits may be, and as the facts seem to indi- cate, 77. gossypinus is inseparable from 77. cognatus, and the latter being most unquestionably referable to II. leucopus, it would seem that 77. gos- sypinus must also be referred to the II. leucopus. Respecting the variations in this species and the affinities of the 77. gossypinus, Audubon and Bachman observe as follows: " That a species so widely distributed and subject to so many variations in size, length of tail, and color, should have been often described under different names is not surprising. We have ourselves often been in a state of doubt on obtaining some striking variety. The name Hypudccus gossypinus of our * Bulletin Mus. Comp. Zobl., Vol. I, No. 8, p. 229, 1869. t Mam. X. Am., p. 469. 182 BULLETIN OF THE friend Major LeConte (sec Appendix to McMurtrie's translation of Cuv. An. Kingd., Vol. I, p. 431) was intended for this species, as it is found in the Southern States. We were for several years disposed to regard it as distinct, and have, not without much hesitation, and after an examination of many hundred specimens, been induced to set it down as a variety only." These authors also remark that they are considerably larger in the Carolines than in the Eastern States.* 29. Hesperomys palustris Wagner. Rice-field Mouse. Mvspalustris Harlan, Am. Journ. Sci., XXXI, 386, 1837. " Hesperomys palustris Wagner, Supplem. Schreb. Saugeth., Ill, 543, 1843." Hesperomys {Oryzomys) palustris Baird, Mam N Am:, 482, 1857. Arvicola oryzvtora Aud. & Bach., Quad. N. Am., Ill, 214, pi. cxliv, fig. 3, 1857. No specimens of this species were obtained by either Mr. Maynard or myself. Its habitat is usually given as South Carolina and Georgia, but Audubon and Bach man state : " The late Dr. Leitner brought us a specimen obtained in the Everglades of Florida." | It in all probabil- ity occurs also in East Florida. The above-mentioned authors give it as somewhat common in the salt-marshes near Savannah and Charleston. Professor Baird has received it from Columbus and St. Simon's Island, Georgia, and Society Hill, South Carolina. "0. Neotoma floridana Say d. Wood Rat. Mas floridanus Ord, Lull. Soc. Plnlom., 1818, 181. — Say, Long's Exped., I, 54, 1823. Arvicola Jlondana Harlan, Faun. Amer., 141, 1825. Neotoma floridana Say & Ord, Journ. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., IV, ii, 352, 1825.— Baird, Mam. N. Am., 487, 1857. I found this species very abundant on the Lower St. John's, espe- cially around Jacksonville and Hihernia, but I did not meet with it above Lake George. The old residents about Ilawkinsville seemed •wholly unacquainted with it. Mr. Maynard also failed to meet with it on Indian River. It hence appears probable that it may not occur very frequently in the southern part of the peninsula. Professor Baird, however, lias recorded a specimen from "Indian River, Fla.," collected by Dr. Wurdemann. The present usual northward range of this species does not appear to extend beyond North Carolina ; but Professor Baird, writing in 1837, X * Quad. N. Amer., Vol. I, pp. 301, 305. \ Mum. X. Am., p. 489. t Ibid., Vol. Ill, p. 216. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 183 remarks : " A few specimens of unusually large size were captured some years ago by J. G. Bell, near Piermont, on the Hudson River, but I have not heard of any in intermediate localities [New York and Society Hill, South Carolina]." Mi-. George Gibbes states that he "caught a specimen, many years ago, in Massachusetts."* Audu- bon ami Bachman remark that specimens of it have been obtained in North Carolina, and that they had "observed a few nests in the valleys of the Virginia mountains," and that they had " somewhere heard it stated that one or two had been captured as far to the north as Mary- land." f 31. Sigmodon hispidus Say $• Ord. Cotton Eat. Arvicola hispidus Godman, Am. Nat. Hist., II, 68, 1826. Arvicola hortensts Harlan, Faun. Am., 138, 1825. Arvicola ferrugineus Harlan*, Am. Journ. Sci., X, 285, 1826. Sigmodon hispidum Say & Ord, Journ. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., IV, ii, 354, pi. x, figs. 5-8, 1825. — Baird, N. Am. Mam., 503, 1857. Sigmodon Berlandien Baird, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., VII, 333, 1855. Ibid., N. Am. Mam., 50-1. Abundant throughout the country along the St. John's River, and also on Indian River, whence Mr. Maynard brought fifteen speci- mens. They are quite a pest to the farmers, who often successfully resort to poison to reduce their numbers. By scattering grain poi- soned with strychnine about their fields they are able to destroy hun- dreds with slight trouble. Different specimens vary considerably in color, from gray through yellowish-brown to rufous. The so-called Sigmodon Berlandieri, from Texas and New Mexico, seems undistin- guishable from S. hispidus. In its general economy, the cotton rat represents the Arvicola? of the North, especially A. riparius. Concerning .S\ Berlandieri, Professor Baird remarks : " This species is readily distinguishable from .S'. Imp'ulus by the much lighter color above, where it is grayish-yellow brown instead of distinct reddish-brown ; the tail is considerably longer and covered by finer annuli. The toes are shorter, and the metatarsus shorter, while the feet are nearly the same length. The claws, however, are much weaker." The tail in this species is said to be " equal to or longer than the trunk " ; the " color above gray- ish-yellow brown, lined with black "; while 5. hispidus is said to have the * Xat. Hist. Wash. Terr., Zool., p. 12S, 1SG0. t Quad. X. Am., Vol. I, p. 36. 1S4 BULLETIN OF THE tail " less than the trunk," and "the color above reddish brown, lined with very dark brown." The specimens from Florida examined by me are mainly of the gray type, and hence like S. Berlandieri, but some were de- cidedly rufous, or like S. hispidus. In "Mammals of North America,' measurements of specimens of the so-called X. Berlandieri are given, and of" twelve of S. hispidus. In the latter the length of the tail to the length of the trunk is as 69 to 100 ; in the former (.S'. Berlandieri) as G3 to 100 ! It hence appears from Professor Baird's own measurements that the X. Berlandieri is far from having the tail relatively the longer. The other distinctions are based on too few specimens to have much value, since indi- vidual variations of the same character are common. 32. Arvicola pinetorum LeConte. Pine Mouse. Psammomys pinetorum. LeCoxte, Ann. N. Y. Lyceum Nat. Hist., Ill, 132, pi. ii, 1820. Arvicola scalopsoides Add. & Bach., Journ. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., VIII, 299, 1 842. Arvicola pinetorum. Aud. & Bach., Quad. N. Am., II, 216, pi. lxxx, 1851. Arvicola [Pitymys) pinetorum Baird, N. Am. Mam., 544, 1857. Included on the authority of Audubon and Bachman, who state that they had received it from Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia. Professor Baird also cites specimens from Georgia and Louisiana. This is the most southern of the Arvicolce, and the only one, except A. austerus, whose habitat includes the Gulf States. LEPORIDJE. 33. Lepus sylvaticus Bach. Gray Rabbit. Lepus amcricanus Desm., Mam., II, 351, 1822. — ILuilan, Faun. Amer., 193, L825. Lcjhi* sylvaticus Bach., Journ. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., VII, 1837. — Waterh., Nat. Hist. Mam., II, 116, 1S48.— Aun. & Bach., Quad. N. Am., I, 173, pi. xxii, 1849. — Baird, Mam. N. Am., 597, 1857. Abundant. Mr. Maynard obtained a specimen but a few weeks old, at Dummitt's, as early as the lGth of February 34. Lepus palustris Bachman. Marsh Rabbit. Lepus palustris Ba< ii , Journ. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., VII, 194, 336, pi. xv, xvi, 1837; Ibid., VIII, 79, 1 8 39. — Aun. & Bach., Quad. N. Am., I, 151, pi. xviii, 1849. — I5.\iki>, Mam. X. Am., 615, ls.">7. — Coues, Proc. Bust. Sue. Nat. [list., XIII, 86, 1869. Common, especially on the Lower St. John's.* my <>f this species a paper by Dr. Elliott Coues, Proceed. Bost. Soc. Nat. lli^t., Vol. XIII, pp. tO - 101, June, 1669. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 185 DIDELPHIDJE. 35. Didelphys virginiana Shaw. Opossum. Didelphys viryiniana Shaw, Gen.Zo.il., I, 473, pi. cvii, 1800. — Desmar est, Harlan, Temjiinck, Waterhouse, Baird, and most other authors. ? " Didelphys marsupialis Schreb., Saugeth., Ill, pi. cxlv, 1778." Didelphys califomica Bennett, Proc. Lond. Zool. Soc, I, 40, 1833. — Also Wagxer, Waterhouse, Aid. & Bach, (from Bennett). — Baird, Mam. N. Am., 233, 1857. — Baird, U. S. & Mex. Bound. Surv. Rep., II, Zool., 32, 1859. Didelphys breviceps Bennett, Proc. Lond. Zool. Soc, I, 40, 1833. — Water- house, Nat. Hist. .Mam , I, 477, 1846 (from Bennett '<.). — Aid. & Bai ii., Quad. X. Am.; Ill, 330, 1S51 (from Bennett). Didelphys pruinosus Wagner, Wiegmann's Archiv, 1842, 358. — Water- house, Nat. Hist. Mam., I, 477, 1846, (from Wagner). Abundant. This species is quite variable in its color-markings, and remarkably so in many other features, especially in the length and size of the nose, and in the size and proportions of the skull, even in specimens from the same locality.* Slight and quite inconstant differences also occur between ex- amples from the Southern States, Texas, Mexico, and California. It would, in fact, be quite unusual if specimens of any species ranging so widely should not be found to differ somewhat at localities so widely sepa- rated. Two supposed species of North American Didelphys described by Mr. Bennett, as cited above, have been quoted by numerous other authors, and by them currently adopted, without apparently an exam- ination of their merits. Professor Baird. rejecting one of them, has en- deavored to separate the opossums occurring west of the Mississippi valley from those living farther eastward, designating the western one as D. cali- fomica. The distinctions claimed are somewhat similar to those urged as distinguishing the so-called Procyon Hernandezii of the western half of the continent from the /'. hilar of the Atlantic States. They are equally slight and unsatisfactory, and at most mark but a geographical race, so intimately allied to and intergrading with the better-known eastern form that the point at which the one supplants the other is thus far undeter- mined. The Didelphys breviceps of Bennett was founded on a single specimen from California, which differed from the so-called D. califomica only in having a relatively shorter head. * Since writing the above I have been incidentally informed by Dr. Cones that, in preparing his memoir on the anatomy of Didelphys viryiniana (now publishing in the Mem. of the Bost. Sue. Nat. Ili-t., Vol. 11, l't. I), he had occasion to examine a large number of specimen-, ami that he found the variation in size and proportions to amount to nearly twenty per cent. 186 BULLETIN OF THE Part III. On Individual and Geographical Variation among Birds, considered in respect to its bearing upon the J'alue of certain assumed Specific Ch evaders. A systematic investigation of the extent and character of individual variation in birds seems not to have hitherto been attempted; in fact, few collections exist that furnish the material necessary to such a work. In occasional instances considerable differences between indi- viduals of the same species, other than those that result from age and sex, have, however, already been pointed out, but these instances seem to have been generally, but improperly, regarded as exceptional cases. The collection of birds in the Museum of Comparative Zoology now offers unusual facilities for a general investigation of this subject, most of the common species of Eastern North America being each repre- sented by fifty to one hundred and fifty or more specimens. The greater part of them having been collected in Southern New England, and a large proportion in Eastern Massachusetts, they are the more valuable for this purpose, from their having been collected essentially from the same locality. The examination of this material has disclosed a hitherto unsuspected range of purely individual differentiation in every species thus far studied. At the same time regard has been had to the more obscure seasonal variations in color, and to the gen- eral differences that dfpend upon age, including such as result from senility as well as from immaturity. Local or geographical variations have likewise been carefully considered, with results that a short time since were unsuspected. These several lines of investigation have shown that in many instances what have been regarded as reliable char- acteristics of species have in not a few eases really little or no value; that the importance of many diagnostic features has been too highly estimated, and that consequently a careful revision of our published fauna' will be necessary for the elimination of the merely nominal species. In the following pages many of the data which have led to these conclusions will be presented. Individual variation not only affects color and size, but the propor- tions of different part-, as the relative size ami form of the wings, tail, bill, toes, and tarsi, including the skeleton as well as the external organs; MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 187 of the soft parts no account can as yet be given. Geographical varia- tion has an equally universal range, but is most strikingly exhibited in the color, in size, and in the form of the bill. Individual variation will be first considered, and subsequently geographical variation. In each case each prominent phase of variation will be more or less fully de- scribed. 1. Individual Variation. Individual Variation in Color. — In birds of whatever age, two lines of variation from the average or medium type of coloration are readily distinguishable, the variation depending essentially on differences in the depth or intensity of the general tint. On the one hand, individual variation in color results from a greater than the average amount of coloring matter in the integuments ; on the other hand, from an amount less thau the average amount. The difference in this respect between the extremes of a series of fifty or one hundred specimens of any spe- cies, collected in course at a single locality, and nearly at the same season of the year, is often as great as occurs between truly distinct species. But the difference is here solely one of intensity of color, while in allied species there is almost always an appreciable variation in the style of coloration. In individual variation the differences usually extend alike to all parts of the integuments ; that is, if the plumage of the upper surface of the body is brighter or paler than usual, the same difference extends to the plumage of the lower surface of the body, and also to the bill and the feet. This is noticeable not only in species that have the color in uniform masses, differing in tint on differ- ent regions of the body, as in the robin (Tardus migratoriw), the blue- bird (Sialiasialis), the Maryland yellow-throat (Geotlth/pis trichas), the mocking-bird (Mimus polyglotti/s), and species generally of that type of coloration, but also in spotted bird*, as in the various spotted species of Fringillidce, Tardus, Dendrozca, etc., where the plumage on certain regions of the body is marked with numerous streaks and .-pots differing from the ground color, in which case the intensity of the color of the markings correllates in its variations with that of the ground color. Closely allied species, on the contrary, usually vary more or less, not only in respect to the ground color, but also to a greater or less degree in the style of the markings. In illustration of this point the familiar group of the small, spotted-breasted wood-thru -lies of Eastern 188 BULLETIN OF THE North America — the group Hylocichla of Professor Baird — may be taken. Three of these species {Tardus fuscescens, T. Swainsoni, and T. Pallasi) are so closely related that for many years they were vari- ously confounded with each other by almost all who wrote of them, one of them not being clearly recognized as distinct from the others till thus established by Dr. T. M. Brewer,* in 184 1, and also at about the same time by Mr. J. P. Giraud.f each apparently independently of the other. Yet they are so distinct that there seems to be not the slightest excuse for again confounding them. While they all agree so closely in general size, in form, and in proportions, that a series of detailed meas- urements of many specimens of each species gives in the average no constant differences in any of these particulars, each differs from the other radically and constantly in style of coloration, and somewhat in general tints, in habitat, nidification, habits and song. Two of these species (T. fuscescens and T. Swainsoni) agree in the style of the colora- tion of the dorsal surface, but differ so much in the color of this part, that this character alone is always sufficient to separate them, while a still wider difference is seen in the color and markings of the ventral surface, a glance at this part of T. fuscescens being sufficient to invariably dis- tinguish it from either of its above-named allies. The third species (T. Pallasi) differs markedly from both the other two in the style of color- ation of the dorsal surface, the rump and tail being conspicuously dif- ferent in color from the anterior part of the body, whilst the others exhibit no contrast of color between these regions. But the under sur- face of T. Swainsoni is so like that of T. Pallasi that frequently speci- mens cannot readily be referred to the one species rather than to the other from a view of this surface alone. This group serves as a fair general illustration of the kind of variation in color usually seen in closely allied species, but there occur occasional exceptions, where a difference in the relative proportions of different parts, or a wide differ- ence in size, is the prominent specific distinction, the smaller species, so far as color is concerned, being a diminutive representative of the larger. Taking the present group of Hylocichla (for reasons that will appear hereafter]) as a group illustrative also of individual variation, it is found that the differences in color in different individuals of either species * Proc. Boston Soc. Nat Hist, Vol. I, p. 191, July, 1844. t Bird of Long 1 land, p. 91, 1843-44. X See the remarks on these species in Tart IV. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 189 results from the amount of rufous pervading the plumage. Individuals of Tardus Swainsoni of the rufous or bright-colored type have the dorsal surface of a uniform brownish-olivaceous tint, and the sides of the head and breast strongly suffused with yellowish-brown, which tint is also traceable throughout the lower plumage, in the brighter color of the basal brownish band on the inside of the wing-, and in the color of the mouth and base of the bill. In other individuals the upper plumage is of a dark olivaceous tint, without any trace of brownish, the sides of the head, neck, and breast being ashen, with often no appreciable tinge of ferruginous ; specimens of this type thus differing widely in general aspect from those of the other. Between these extremes, of which examples are not unfrequent, nor confined to any particular locality or season of the year, there is every degree of intergradation, specimens intermediate between the two being by far the most fre- quent, and constituting the average or common form. Turdus Pallasi and Tv.rdus fuscescens present precisely similar vari- ations. They are also seen in Turdus mustelinus, in Turdus migrato- rius, in Siulia sialis, in Seiurus noveboracensi's, in many species of Dcn- drceca, sparrows, and other species which I have especially investigated in reference to this point, embracing examples of all the leading families of birds. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus), as is well known, varies in the color of the upper parts from reddish-brown to gray ; the great horned owl (Bubo rirginianus) from dusky through numerous shades of rufous and fulvous to nearly white, the fulvous suffusion so commonly present in this species varying from ferruginous on the one extreme to its complete obsolescence on the other. In such common and thoroughly known species as the robin, blue-bird, etc., the true character of these variations is recognized, but in groups where the species are not well known, and especially in specimens from partially explored regions, they are frequently regarded as of specific value, and the addition of numerous nominal species is the result. Besides the variation in the depth of color already noticed, birds hav- ing the plumage varied with streaks and spots differ exceedingly in different individuals of the same species in respect to the size, shape, and number of these marks, and in the general aspect of the plumage result- ing from such variations. Generally, as already stated, such differences correllate with the variations in the intensity of the ground color, the darker or more deeply colored birds being usually those with the mark- 100 BULLETIN OF THE ings largest and brightest. A wide range of variation in this respect is seen in all birds which have the breast and lower plumage marked with dark streaks and spots on a lighter ground, or that have the whole plu- mage streaked. In the common song sparrow (Mcluspiza melodia), the fox-colored sparrow (Passerella iliaca), the swamp sparrow {Mclospiza palustris), the black and white creeper (Mniotilta varia), the water wag- tail (Seiurus noveboracensis), in Tardus fuscescens and its allies, etc., the difference in the size of the streaks is often very considerable. In the song sparrow they vary to such an extent that in some cases* they are reduced to narrow lines ; in others so enlarged as to cover the greater part of the breast and sides of the body, sometimes uniting on the middle of the breast into a nearly continuous patch. Variation in this respect is equally great in the fox-colored sparrow and in the grass finch (Pooccetes gramineus). Massachusetts specimens of the savanna sparrow {Passerculus savanna auct.) also present variations exactly par- allel with those of the song sparrow. Yet these differences, with other variations to be hereafter mentioned,! have been regarded, as in the case of Passerculus savanna, as of specific value. Similar variations in the Ilijlocichla group are very marked, as in Turdus (Hylociclda) fus- cescens especially. In some specimens of this species the colors are on all parts not only very pale, but the markings on the breast are reduced to indistinct narrow lines ; in others, in which the general color of the plumage is darker, the markings on the breast are dark, broad, and triangular. Two specimens taken in Cambridge the same day (early in May), both of which are males, exhibit these extremes. Average male specimens of the black and white creeper (Mniotilta varia), in which the plumage is varied with longitudinal black and white streaks, have the black streaks about a third broader than the white ones ; but other specimens occur in which the white ones are equal to and even broader than the black ones ; others have the black streaks so much broader than they usually are, — the white ones of course being proportionally reduced, — that the general aspect of the plumage at a short distance is nearly black. The difference between these two extremes is strikingly great. Yet similar variations, scarcely less in degree, occur in nearly all of the striped-breasted warblers. In birds which have 'lie ground color of certain areas of the body * Perfectly mature specimens only are here referred to. | See the remarks on the genus Passerculus in Part IV. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 191 black spotted with white, as in some of the woodpeckers (Picus villosus and P. pubescens, for example), the white markings vary in size most notably, and sometimes in number. The wliite markings so common on the wings and tails of birds, as the bars formed by the white tips of the greater wing coverts, the wliite patch occasionally present at the base of the primary quills, or the white band crossing them, and the white patch near the end of the outer tail feathers, are also extremely liable to variation in respect to their extent and the number of feathers to which, in the same species, these markings extend. Variation in the tail markings is particularly common, as may be seen by comparing numerous specimens of almost any species of Dendrceca, Junco, Pipilo, of Mimus polyglottus, Chordeiles popetue, etc. In the latter species the white patch on the wing does not ordinarily encroach upon the outer vane of the first primary, and rarely upon its shaft, but in several spe- cimens before me it covers not only the shaft of the first primary, but extends completely across its outer vane ! The black subterminal bar on the upper surface of the tail of the ruflfed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) ordinarily crosses all but the middle pair of feathers, on which there is usually no trace of this bar; in many specimens, however, it is barely traceable on them, and in others it is as distinct and perfect on the middle pair as on the others.* The Parula americana presents also remarkable examples of indi- vidual color variation. The colors of the males are usually much brighter than those of the females, but cases are frequent where the sex cannot" be determined by the color of the plumage. Adult males also vary greatly in the style of coloration. They are generally bright yellow anteriorly below, with a broad band of dusky reddish-brown across the breast, varying in tint from nearly pure chestnut to dusky reddish-brown, and even black, and also greatly in extent. In some, however, this band is partially obsolete, in which case the whole plu- mage is generally paler than in average specimens. More rarely large, brightly colored males are taken, even in New England, with the whole breast bright yellow, the brownish pectoral band being entirely absent. This condition, however, seems to be more frequent in specimens of Parula collected in Mexico, and Central and Northern South America, which on this account have been regarded as distinct from the Parula of the North ; yet all the conditions of color seen in specimens from * See remarks on color variations in other species in Part IV. 192 BULLETIN OF THE the North are also common to those from the South, and vice versa. In species in which the (Vmale usually differs from the male in being paler colored, the' pattern of coloration being the same in both sexes, females occur more or less frequently which arc as brightly colored as the brightest males, and males that are paler than the generality of the females. Variation in Color depending on Season. — A word in this connection seems necessary concerning some of the more obscure variations de- pending upon season and age, since it is sometimes difficult to avoid confounding these differences with those resulting from individual vari- ation. In many species there is a marked change in the color of the plumage without a change of the plumage itself. No experienced col- lector can have failed to notice the much brighter and livelier tints the plumage of mo?t song birds presents immediately after the autum- nal moult, in species in which there is no marked seasonal change of color, in comparison with the faded appearance they exhibit to- wards the close of the breeding season. This brighter autumnal tint is particularly marked in the Vireos, the different species of Em- pidonax, Sayomis, Contopus, and in some of the Sylvicolidee, and is clearly traceable in hundreds of other species. But almost as great a difference is seen when specimens of any species taken in spring, on its first arrival at its breeding station, are compared with those collected several weeks later, or just before the autumnal renewal of the plumage. In this case the variation results in part from an ac- tual lading of the color, and in part from the wearing of the edges of the feathers. Seasonal differences of this character are often only read- ily appreciable to the experienced eye, and the failure to recognize the cause of these differences has led in many instances to their being regarded as of specific value. Especially noteworthy instances of such mistakes will be noticed later. Collectors, and even naturalists, gen- erally place little value on failed or dull-colored specimens, so that or- dinarily in collections of our native birds only fine-looking specimens are preserved. But travellers and explorer- of new localities are often compelled to content themselves with any representative they may be able to get, so that the " closet " or exclusively "museum naturalist" has not usually the material necessary to furnish him with a clew to the cause of these variations. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 193 Generally, aside from the paler tints of late-collected birds, as com- pared with those taken early in the season, there is a total absence of the grayish, yellowish, brownish, or rufous suffusions (the particular tint varying of course in different species) that tinges the feathers early in the season. The general aspect of the plumage at the two pe- riods in question is thus essentially different. The common chickadee (Parus atricapillus) will illustrate this point, in which the brownish tint so conspicuous on the lateral portions of the ventral plumage in au- tumn and winter is gradually lost as spring approaches, and in summer is almost entirely wanting, especially in nesting females, which at this season have the plumage generally much more worn than the males. The savanna sparrow will also illustrate the differences resulting simply from the fading of the color during the breeding season. In spring both sexes have a greenish-yellow, superciliary stripe, varying more or less in intensity in different specimens, but rarely or never of the pale soiled-whitish so frequently met with late in the breeding season. In the large series of specimens before me collected at that season in Mas- sachusetts, few if any have this stripe so bright as average spring spe- cimens have it, in many it having faded to soiled white. Scores of sim- ilar cases might be cited, but the above are sufficient for illustration. Variations in Color depending upon Age. — So well known are many of the variations depending upon age, that it seems necessary to advert to only a few of the lesser known phases. In many species there is no marked difference between old and young birds, after the moulting of the first or nestling plumage, which usually occurs in the oscine groups in a few weeks after they leave the nest. But even in these, in many cases, sufficient marks of immaturity remain for a time to enable any one acquainted with such features to recognize birds of one or two years of age from those that are older. Yearling birds of this group are often recognizable by their having more or less well-defined bars across the wings, formed of light-colored, hastate, or drop-shaped spots on the ends of the greater wing-coverts and inner secondaries, which in many genera are peculiar to yearling birds, though in other respects, so far as the plumage is concerned, they are not distinguishable from adults, — a difference which in some instances has been considered specific. Similar marks are also seen in older birds, in species that do not obtain their adult colors till later in life. 194 BULLETIN OF THE Yearling and two-year-old birds are also often distinguishable from older ones by the presence, after the spring moult, of a greater than the ordinary amount of ferruginous, ashy, or yellowish edging to t lie feath- ers, such as is often seen in the winter plumage of adult birds. In some eases such a bordering to the clothing feathers, especially those of the back, is often strictly distinctive of young birds, and is, more- over, a feature of common occurrence. Generally speaking, several years elapse before the purity of the colors and the definiteness of outline of the markings characteristic of maturity is fully obtained, especially in highly colored species. In birds of variegated colors the contrasts of color become for a time more and more decided with each moult, and the markings better and better defined, especially in respect to the white bars of the wings and the spots on the tail common to a large number of species. The latter markings usually gradually increase in extent for a considerable period. A good illustration of this is seen in many of the gulls, particularly in the genus Larus. In L. argentatus the following gradual change with age occurs in the white markings on the tips of the primaries. At first, as ornithologists are aware, the plumage of this species is uniformly dusky, the adult colors not being acquired before the second year, and apparently frequently not before the third, there being in the breeding season usually a large proportion of individuals in the brown plumage.* But there are wide ditferences in the intensity of the color in different individuals in this stage of plumage, some being but slightly du>ky and others extremely dark, — differences that probably result mainly from differences in age, the darker birds being probably yearling birds and the lighter ones two years old, though part of the difference is doubtless due to individual differentiation. In this stage the wings and tail are of nearly the same uniform dusky tint as the general plumage. In what may be considered as the second stage, the general color is somewhat lighter, the tail much lighter, and the primaries much darker, with a distinct paler apical margin. At a third stage the tail becomes white, the dorsal plumage begins to assume the blue tint characteristic of ma- turity, the primaries change from dull blackish brown to black, and a small white spot appears near the end of the inner vane of the first * Generally the largo parties that spend the summer on the coast of Massachusetts, where none of these birds now breed, consist almost wholly of birds in the brown stage of plumage. See American Naturalist, Vol. Ill, p. 640, 1870. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 195 primary, separated from the -white at the extreme tip by a broad space of black. A subsequent gradual increase occurs in the purity of the colors and in the extent and form of the wing markings. The complete series of the changes in the latter is as fullows : At first, as previously remarked, the primaries are dull brownish black, a little darker than the general plumage, with their extreme apical margins lighter. At the next stage the three inner primaries have become much lighter, and the light border to all broader and whiter. Later the three inner pri- maries and the distal portions of most of the others become wholly ashy white, and the outer portion of the other primaries much blacker. The subapical dark portion of the wing now embraces only the seven outer primaries, and is of a triangular form, the first primary forming the base of the triangle. The black on the outer vane of the first primary reaches nearly to the base of the outer vane of the second, and is more and more restricted on the others, till on the sixth (or, more rarely, on the seventh) it forms only a narrow bar near the tip. In other words, the black, if present on the seventh primary, exists as a narrow transverse subapical bar, which bar increases in distal extension on the sixth, fifth, fourth, third, and second, to the first, and embraces the whole outer vane of the first primary. The basal outline of the black area being an oblique one, a much larger portion of the outer than of the inner vane of each feather is embraced in the black space. All the primaries are now terminated with a narrow white border, the first pri- mary having also an oval white spot on the inner vane, near the end of the feather. Subsequently this spot enlarges so as to embrace a part of both vanes, the white at the tip of the feather also meantime increasing somewhat in extent, and the two being separated by a broad bar of black. Coincident with this increase in the amount of white on the first primary, a small white spot appears on the inner vane of the second primary. Subsequent increase in the extent of these white markings goes on until the white area on the second primary extends to both vanes, and the two white spots on the first primary are separated by only a narrow bar of black. Later still this bar becomes broken, through the partial union of the two white' spots, and finally becomes entirely obsolete, leaving the first primary with a single continuous white apical area, an inch and a half to two inches in length. It is probable that not all individuals reach this final stage, though most doubtless do in old age. A large series of specimens of mature birds usually exhibit the gradual 196 BULLETIN OF THE change above described, and indicate the inconstancy of these markings and their unreliability as specific characters. Often, as is well known, these markings in the gulls differ considerably in the two wings of the same bird. Although the L. argenlatus has been taken as a general illustra- tion, the same variations with age, or in different individuals, are exhibited by most species of the genus Larus. Generally they are admitted to have no value as specific characters, even by those who in the case of L. argentatus have accorded to them this impor- tance. In some of the species of Janco and Pipilo, in Mimus, in numerous species of Dendrceca, in Panda, Mniutilta, etc., there is a similar in- crease with age in the extent of the white markings on the tail, some- times three and sometimes four pairs of feathers being spotted or terminated with white in different specimens of the same species. In short, these variations occur in so many species that they may be looked upon as indicating a general law of variation in color depending upon age, namely, an increase in the purity or intensity of the general color, and an increase in the size of the wing and tail markings, for a time, witl i age. After complete maturity is attained there is, however, unquestionable evidence of a decline in color, which in many cases, and especially in bright-colored species, is quite marked. So general is such a decline in other groups of the animal kingdom that a citation of evidence on this point seems wholly needless. Yet in birds, in numerous instances, it is scarcely appreciable, and doubtless is in most species too slight to be readily traced. This obscurity may result, however, more from an absence of favorable conditions for such a decline to be recognized than from its real absence. It can hardly be doubted, in fact, that a share of the color variation seen in mature birds is attributable to this cause. It is well known that young mammals in their first pelage are, as a general rule, much darker colored than the adults of the same spe- cies. At a later period the color fades more slowly, but in old age the hair often beconi"- more or less gray, the blanching being in some cases very marked. Nearly all birds are also darker in their nest- ling and immature stages of plumage than alter they arrive at maturity, especially if in the adult stage the plumage is light colored ; and it is more than probable, and in some cases certain, that the decline in color MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 197 continues in a slight degree through life. The change of Falco candi- cans from du-ky when young to nearly white when fully mature may be hardly referable wholly to the blanching of age ; but the gradual obsolescence of the dusky mottliugsof the snowy owl {Nyctea m'rea), a3 it advances in age, seems strictly parallel to the blanching of the gray colt to a white horse. Hence a second law of variation in color in old age, namely, that of smile decline. Individual Variation in General Size and in the Relative Size of Different Parts. Individual Variation in General Size and Form. — Measurements of scores of specimens of birds of the same species and sex, collected at the same locality and season, show the existence of a large range of individual variation, both in size and in general proportions; the varia- tion extending to every external part of the body, and implying a corresponding variation in the internal anatomy. In birds size has usually been regarded, from its comparative constancy in the same species, as an important specific character. But from the fact that specimens of closely allied species often differ but little from each other in this respect, it has been justly looked upon as being in some cases more or less unreliable ; but from the great importance commonly attached to it, it is evident that such instances are usually regarded as exceptional. Individual variation in this respect having been formerly regarded as too slight to have any significance, the size of a single speci- men has usually been given as that of the species to which it belonged ; hence subsequent variations from it discovered in other specimens of the same species has sometimes led to the recognition of the latter as specifically distinct. E-pecially has this .been the case when a differ- ence in size has been associated with a wide difference of locality. The facts in the case, however, show that a variation of fifteen to twenty per cent in general size, and an equal degree of variation in the relative size of different parts, may be ordinarily expected among specimens of the same species and sex, taken at the same locality, while in some cases the variation is even greater than this. Table A (p. 198) shows to some extent the general variation in size, but it does not always give, nor even generally, the extreme differences in the size of similar parts, as the wing, tail, etc., since those averaging the largest or 198 BULLETIN OF THE smallest for the four measurements given are orten not those having the longest or the shortest wing, tail, or tarsus, or which measure the most or the least in length or alar extent. The extremes of variation in the size of the wing and tail is given in Tables B, C, and D. * Table A. — Variation in General Size. A' ■'- . O >, S J5 »» »S . w — — = = '§ ~ '*• gN ° _ SS44 G9i •• 1520 — 250 r t; ig i 8330 337 •■ 8634 5 621 ■ 641 ' 5 1 i ■" 451 C 4J74 Mil f 43:3 - f 19J0 1411 o" 164 I 4819 5 f 4701 317 f 5093 - 89 5088 8 711 ' 713 J 46241407 ' 4926 L50 • 106 - 55 • 1456 — ( 2378 - i* 4371 437*3 372 f 8S7 ■ 5111 -- 1 (32 ' _ / 78 i ' 4852 653 ' 94 i 10485 91 i ' 10461 932 ' 992 4009 — id 10151 - d Turdus S.vainsoni Tardus Swainsoni Turdus Pall isi Turdus I'.illasi Tardus fuscescens Turdus fuscescens Dendroe a striata Dondroaca striata Da id penns) Ivanica I) i 1 penusy Ivanica Spizella pusilla Spizi Hi pusilla S lyornis fuscus S i) ornis fuscus Sayornis fuscus Pas: erculus savanna Passcrculus savanna Passcrculus savanna 1' isserculus savanna Vireo oiivaceus Vireo oiivaceus Uhrysomitris tristis Chrysomitris tristis Melospiz i melodia Melospizi melodia Sialia sialis Si ilia sialis M niotilla v iria Mniotiila varia Cot) le riparia ( lot) le rip iria Passerellu ili ica Passerclla iii ica [ctei us Baltimore Icterus Baltimore Sterna liirundo Sterna liirundo Sterna arctica Sterna arctica [thus Pipiloerythrophthal- l'i pilo erythropli thai. Locality. Belmont, Mass. Springfield, " Newton, " Newton, " Newton, " Watertown, " Newton, " Newton, " Newton, " Newton, " New ton, " Walt ham, " Newton, " Waltham, " Newton, " Newton, " Ipswich, " Ipswich, " Ipswich, " Waltham, " Waltham, " Newton, " Newton, " Newton, " Newton, " Worthingt'n," Watervide, Me. Newton, Mass. Waltham, " [pswich, " Ipswich, " Springfield, " Newton, " Newton, " Newton, " Muskeget Isl Muskegetlsl Muskegel 1-1. Muskegetlsl. Milton. Mass Cambridge, " Mav 27, May 11, Apr. 25, May 25, May 5, Ma) 20, Mav 27, May 27, \I ly 20, Mav 20, Jul) 22, Sept.19, Sept 30, Mar. 28, Oct. 9, Apr. 5, June] f, JunelT, JunclT, Maj 30, Mav 30, Sept.28, Mar 2 i, Mar 12, Nov. -11, Inly-, Apr 15, Apr 20, Mav 6, .Ilinel7. ,lunel7. Mar. 22, Mar 27, June 6, May 27, June29, June2 i. July 2, Julv 2, Collected by '68 C .1 Mavnard •62 J. A Allen >,- C J Maynard 68 C.J. Maynard 68 C.J Maynard 68 C J.Maj nard 68|C .I.May nard '68 < '..I.May nard 68 C .1 Maynard 63 C .1 Maynard '68 C . I. Maynard :67 C J Maynard .st' J .Maynard '68 C J Mavnard '69 C .1. Maynard UN U .1 Mavnard '68 .1. A Allen '68 J. A. Allen 68 .1. A Allen 68 C J. Maynard '68 CJ M iv nard 68 0 .1 Maynard '63 C .1 Maynard 68 C .1 M lynard '67 C.J .M lynard '63 C.II Hamlin '64 W. II Niles us c .1 Maynard 18'C.J Mavnard '68 J. \ Allen ■67 d A Allen US .1. A Allen Ms C .1 Mavnard US C .1 Mavnard '68 C.J Mavnard '68 .1. A Allen T,S ,1 A Allen '68 .1. A A Ten lis .1 A. Allen - II C Daring - L. Agassiz 7.70 12.65 6.62 U.4U 7 3i 12.83 7."" 10 64 7.81 13.70 7.IIU 11.115 5 17 s 75 5.71 9 3 5.40 825 5 00 7 51 on. i - ;;_ 5.06 7.62 7 50 11.40 7 25 L2.6 6.51 10.32 5 85 o 73 5.83 7.75 5.35 7.75 5.75 it. 75 6.55 lo or, 6.25 0 ss 5 35 0.40 5.00 8.60 0 75 Hi:, tin. i 8.25 6 50 11.10 7on L2.25 540 9.00 5.3D 3.25 5.45 11 oo 5 ■-'. 1 ' 5? 7.50 11.65 6.80 lo so son 12.25 7 3-11 15 15 50 31.S5 14 90 29 30 16 1- 32 15 14.40 29.00 s 55 12.25 7.50 l" -J" 4 20 3 80 3 8 i 3.00 4 16 3.58 •j 8 ' 310 2.01 2 35 2 02 •2 00 360 3 82 3 20 3oo 2.83 3 33 2 1.7 10,1 355 1.70 2 00 2.07 1 75 2.. ,o - '12 3.00 2.20 2.85 3.00 2 26 2 so 2 lo 2 51 L.95 2 78 2.0.7 3 1-2 16 3 22 2.10 3.002.00 2.65 1 85 2.652.80 2.35 2.68 3 75 2.45 4 102.60 3 00J2 17 2.-; 2.05 IT, 2.1o 3.75 1 86 3-65 2 3 40 2 50 1 on:; lo 3.56 2.55 11.30 7.00 10 io 5 50 ll.iio 7.50 L0.70 ''.30 3.57 3.85 3.34 3.60 I As a large proportion of the specimens mentioned in some of the fol- lowing tallies (most of Tables A to G) were taken during the season of their migration, they may have originated at widely different locali- ties, and thus the differences indicated may lie in some measure due to geographical causes. In other cases, however, all the specimens * The measurements pven jn this pnper were all taken eiihcr from fresh specimens by the collector, or by myself from specimens preserved in spirits. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 199 were taken in the breeding season ; while in still other instances (Tables II to P) the species were purposely chosen from among such as find their northern limit of distribution near the locality where all were taken. Of ten species of the latter class, twenty perfect male specimens have been carefully measured,* the measurements embra- cing a series of eighteen to twenty distinct parts; uuder such circum- stances the variation in general size, in length, in alar extent, in the length of the folded wing, the tail, the tarsus, the head, the bill, etc., etc., commonly ranged from twelve to eighteen per cent. In respect to the differences in the general form of the body, two leading styles of variation from the average form may be recognized in nearly all species, namely, a relatively robust form, in which the stout- ness extends to all parts, and a relatively slender form, in which the slenderness is equally general. Variations of this general and sym- metrical character are remarkable only for their extent, since in such cases there are no marked discrepancies between the relative size of different parts. Contrary, however, to our usual notions of exact sym- metry in animals, the unsymmetrical variations are by far the most frequent and important. Variation in the Relative Size of Different Parts. — In specimens of average size of any given species, considerable differences exist in the relative size of different parts. In individuals of the aver- age alar extent of their species, for example, the length of the folded wing may vary very considerably, in consequence of a difference in the length of the primary quills as compared to the length of the bones of the wing. The length of the folded wing or the alar extent may vary with reference to the whole length of the specimen, in consequence of differences in the relative length of the tail, the neck, or the body. The tarsus also varies independently of variation in the general size, as do also the toes to the tarsi, relatively short toes being found to accom- pany tarsi of ordinary length, and, conversely, long toes short tarsi.f The wing varies in its form in consequence of the different relative development of the primary and secondary quills. \ The tail varies in respect to its form, especially in regard to the degree of its emargination or graduation, and, in some groups, in respect to the number of its feathers. The bill also varies greatly in size and form. The variations in these various parts will be considered separately and in detail. * See below, Tables H to P, pp. 210-219. J See Table E, p. 204. f Seo Table F, p. 205. 200 BULLETIN Of iHE Variation in the Length of the Folded Wing and the Tail. — The measurements given in the following table (Table B) sufficiently illus- trate the variation in the length of the folded wing in fully mature speci- mens of the same sex and species, while Table C indicates the variation in the length of the tail, in specimens of a similar char- acter. All the specimens, with a few exceptions, were taken within a few miles of Cambridge ; the others are mainly also from Eastern Massachusetts, a few * being from a single locality in Florida. The series from which these extremes are taken embrace ordinarily not more than twenty-five or thirty specimens ; with larger suites the differences would in many cases doubtless be much increased. The largest and smallest only are taken, between which, however, there is every gradation. The difference between these extremes is indicated, and also the percentage of the variation, based on the average of the two extremes. The amount of the variation in the length of the folded wing ranges, as will be seen from the table, from twelve to twenty-one per cent of the average length. In the tail the amount of variation in respect to length ranges from fourteen to twenty-three per cent. The different species vary considerably in respect to the amount of variation each presents, some being much more variable than others. It should be stated, however, that as a general rule the widest extremes, or the highest percentages of variation, occur in those species of which the greatest number of specimens has been examined. It will also be noticed that the tail usually varies more than the wings. In species with a relatively long tail the percentage of variation in the length of this member is found to be greater than in those species in which it is of medium length or short, as would have been naturally expected. In several cases the greater differences occur between females, but this may be a mere coincidence. In this connection it may be added that the variation proves to be much less between specimens of the same species and sex when taken at a single locality in the breeding season than when taken during the period of migration. In many instances specimens of the same species may be obtained at one locality which shall represent the whole range of its geographical variation, as well as- its individual variation, as in the case of those species which breed far to the North, but migrate in winter to the tropics, being thus but transient visitors to the temperate portions of the United States. * Those of Mimus pc'iyglottus, Cardinalis virdnianus, Picus borealis. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 201 Table B. — Individual Variation in the Length of the Folded Wing. JM C. 7. No. 10596 Orig No. Sex folded Wing Difference. I'd' ..-lit of Variation. 25 1 0 9 .Minius polvglottus 4.75 i 17.0 2-185 9 Minius polyglottus 4.00 ( 10710 1987 1993 d d Card in al is virginianus Cardinalis virginianus 3.85 / 3.30 \ .55 14.6 316 d Passerculus savanna 2.95 I .40 14.5 820 d Passerculus savanna 2.55 j 8830 367 d Turtlus fuseescens 4.16 ) .61 15.S 883-1 556 d Turdus fuscesceus 3.55 J 4821 148 d Savornis fuscus 3.87 | .67 19.0 4819 5 d Sayornis fuscus 3.20 j DO.") 7 618 d Geothlypis trichas 2.56 I .50 21.0 5020 703 d Geothlypis trichas 2 06 j 4648 1389 d ( Carpodacus purpureus 3.70 / .GO 17.6 4655 751 d Carpodacus purpureus 3 10 S 9G96 1421 d d Pipilo erythrojdithalmus Pipilo ervthrophthalinus 3.68 / 3 1'7 j .51 14.6 ■ 170 d Junco hvcmahs 3.20 | .45 180 4910 140 d Junco hyemalis 2 75 } 1563 i Tvrannus carol inensis 4.85 j .68 15.0 1 0025 1 Tv ran mis carolinensis 4 17 \ 10014 i Galeoscoptes carolinensis 3 85 ^ .60 17.0 2734 1 Galcosco]»tcs carolinensis 3.25 \ 786 1334 d d Icterus Baltimore Icterus Baltimore 4.00 ) 3 42 \ .58 16.0 Table C. — Individual Variation in the Length of the Tail. M C. Z No Orig No Sex Tail Difference. Percent of Vai i:itinn. 10592 2474 2372 Minius polycrlottus Mimas polyglottus 5.15 ) 4 20 i ,95 20.5 1955 .f Cardinalis virginianus 4 30 ) .90 23.4 24H0 d Cardinalis virjjnianus 3 40 j 317 d Passereulus savanna 2.26 ) .41 19.5 5086 846 d Passcrculus savanna 1.85 [ 8830 528 d Turdus f'uscescens 3 00 I .45 14.4 8835 556 d Turdus fuscescens 2 55 j V Parus atiicapillus Parus atricapillus 2.63 1 2 15 j .48 20.0 9056 454 d Geothlypis trichas 2.L5 / .45 23.4 5020 703 d Geothlvpis trichas 1 ,70 J 4651 1071 9 Carpodacus purpureus 2.57 I 59 22.5 4653 1371 V Carpodacus purpureus 2.05 J 4614 4727 1330 415 d d Pipilo ervthrophthalmus Pipilo ervthrophthalinus 4 00 / 3.29 [ .71 19.5 160 d Junco hvenialis 2.78 / .38 15.0 4 017 201 * Junco hyemalis 2.40 \ 10646 1972 y Picns horealis 3.75 ( .50 14.0 10633 41 V Pious borealis 3.25 ( 1317 / Tyrannus carolinensis 2.93 ) .61 19.0 1568 ? Tyrannus carolinensis 3.54 S 2734 10014 i ( raleoscoptes carolinensis Galeoscoptes carolinensis 3.35 ) 410 ) .75 20.0 1334 d Icterus Baltimore 2.70 ) .40 13.8 2289 :' Icterus Baltimore 3.10 j 202 BULLETIN OF THE Variation in the Relative Length of the Wings and Tail. — Table D illustrates the irregularity of the variation in the wings and the tail. The first column of measurements gives the length of the folded wing, and Table D. — Individual Variation in the relative Length of the Folded Wing and Tail. DifF. betw'n Amount M. C. Z. No. Original No. Sex. Wing. 4.35 Tail. Wing and Tail. of Variation. 2429 c? Mimus polyglottus 4.35 .00' 105'JO 2342 9 Mimus polyglottus 3.25 4.35 + 1.00 2560 9 Mimus polyglottus 4 15 4.35 + .25 2614 d Mimus polyglottus 4.40 4 90 4- .50 1.20 2340 i Mimus polyglottus 4.40 4. 50 -4- .10 2478 9 Mimus polyglottus 4.40 4.20 — .20 2374 d Mimus polyglottus 4 30 4.16 — .14 8881 441 d Gateoscoptes carolinensis 3 60 3.60 .00 , 1376 9 Galcoscoptes carolinensis 3.70 3 60 — .10 ! .45 8879 412 " Gateoscoptes carolinensis 3.75 4.10 + .35 ) 8841 495 d Turdus fuscescens 4.00 3.00 1.00 . 8832 332 d Turdus fuscescens 4.10 4.00 .10 1.15 8835 581 •" Turdus fuscescens 4. 1 5 2 90 1.25 ) 8821 374 d Seiurus aurocapillus 3.0O 2.00 1.00 .66 423 d Seiurus aurocapillus 3.00 2 66 1.66 8851 322 9 Turdus Pall as i 3.50 2 60 .90 .67 301 d Turdus Pallasi 3.43 3 17 .23 4301 514 d Dendrceca aestiva 2.85 1.80 1.05 .58 362 d Dendroeca asstiva 2 45 1.98 .47 5053 707 d Dendroeca striata 2.85 2.00 .85 1341 d Dendrceca striata 3.00 1.75 1.25 .79 5062 734 f Dendroeca striata 2.45 1.93 .46 741 9 Dendroeca striata 2.80 1.80 1 00 5041 665 d Setophaga ruticilla 2.60 2.10 — .50 .57 698 d Setophaga ruticilla 2.43 2.50 -+- .07 693 9 Regulus satrapa 2.20 1.52 .68 .49 50 9 Regulus satrapa 1.94 1.75 .19 4808 711 d Contopus virens 3 35 2.36 .99 .54 4994 1116 d Contopus virens 3.15 2.70 .45 10645 1924 d Picus l)ore;ilis 4.80 3.32 1.48 .48 10616 1972 9 Picus borealis 4.75 3.75 1.00 4587 323 d Agelafus phceniceus 4.85 340 1 .45 .67 4589 214 d Agelseus phceniceus 4.60 3.82 .78 4654 1069 d ( Jnrpodacus purpureus 3 85 2 00 1.35 .64 4655 286 d Carpodacus purpureus 3.03 2.32 .71 - 288 d Poocaetes gramineus 3 55 2.41 1.14 .54 846 9 Poocaetes gramineus 3.10 2.50 .60 881 d Passerculus savanna 2.75 1 85 .90 .41 127 d Passerculus savanna 2.74 2.25 .49 115 d Passerella iliaca 3 75 2.65 1.10 .78 55 9 Passer lia iliaca 332 3.00 .32 177 d Melospiza melodia 235 2.68 + .33 .53 2363 ' Mclospiz i melodia 2 60 2.40 — .20 2369 d Cardinalis virginianus 3 60 3 40 — .20 .70 d d d d d Cardioalis virginianus Dolichonyx oryzivora Dolichonyx oryzivora Ilodvuicles ludoviciana Hedymcles ludoviciana 3.60 3.75 4.10 2.78 2.72 2.93 2.95 -H .50 .96 1.28 1.27 .88 2293 5711 10107 1 9787 4 (III .32 4.20 3.83 .39 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 203 the second the length of the tail, of the same specimens ; the third column shows the difference in length between the tail and the win", and the fourth column the amount of the difference between the two extremes. In Mimus polyglottus the tail is usually one fourth to one half an inch longer than the wing; but in many specimens the wings and tail are equal, and in a small proportion the tail is shorter than the wing. In the seven specimens of this species cited in the table, the variation ranges from the tail being one fifth of an inch shorter than the folded wing to one inch longer. In the three specimens which agree in the length of the tail (4.35 in.), the variation in the length of the folded wing ranges from 3.25 in. to 4.25 in., or is nearly twenty-seven (2G.85) per cent. The larger specimen, however, is a male, while the others are females ; but between the two females the difference is over twenty-four (24.3) per cent. Similar differences have been met with in various other species, but it has not been deemed necessary to cite a larger list of examples. Variation in the Form of the Wing. — By the form of the wing is meant its general outline when expanded, which is mainly deter- mined by the relative length of the remiges. The form of the wing, and especially the relative length of the different primary remiges, has direct relation to the power of flight. In strong, swift-flying birds, the outer primaries are the longest, giving a narrow pointed form to the expanded wing, as in the swifts, the swallows, in Chordeiles, in the Slernince and in most of the Procellaridce. In birds of medium powers of flight, as in most of the true finches (Coccothranstince) and Tardince, the Tyrannidce, the Sylvicolidce, etc., etc., the third, fourth, and fifth primaries are the longest, the wing being less pointed and broader. In species with low power of flight, as the Troglodytidce, several genera of sparrows, the grouse, etc., the outer primaries are still more reduced, the wing is much more rounded and shorter, and the power of flight is in each case correspondingly less. In birds of the first class, which live almost wholly on the wing, little variation is seen in the relative length of the primaries. In those of the second and third classes, slight variations affect in less degree the particular habits of life, so that among the latter would be naturally expected the greatest range of individual variation. Correlating with the variation in the form of the wing, as determined by the relative length of the outer primaries to the length of the inner 204 BULLETIN OF THE primaries are similar variations in the relative length of the inner secon- daries as compared with the outer secondaries. Relatively short inner secondaries (generally improperly called " tertiaries ") hence ac- company long primaries, and, conversely, long inner secondaries, short outer primaries. The particular form of the wing in any group depending upon the relative development of these several elements, they hence afford excellent generic characters ; but while thus impor- tant, they are subject to a considerable range of individual variation. The form of the wing being readily determined by measurements, and easily expressed mathematically, the amount of the variation i3 easily measured and tabulated. In the following table (Table E) the extent and character of this variation is to some degree illustrated. In the first column of measurements is given the length of the folded wing; in the second the extent of the longest primary beyond the outer (or shortest) secondary, and in the third the extent of the longest pri- mary beyond the inner (or longest) secondary. The fourth column gives the amount of variation in each specimen cited. Table E. — Variation in the Form of the Wing. M. C. Z No. Sex. d Species. Length of the Wing Ext. ofPr. beyond Onicr Sec Ext. of Pr. beyond Inner Sec. Amount of Variation. 2119 Icterus Baltimore 3.75 .77 .90 .13 2290 d Icterus Baltimore 3 83 .67 .81 .14 1333 d Icterus Baltimore 3.64 .57 1.06 .49 1567 • Icterus Baltimore 3. SO .56 .92 .36 2964 t Icterus Baltimore 3.85 .77 1.07 .30 2299 d Icterus Baltimore 3 85 .87 1.12 .25 2296 d Dolichonyx oryzivora 3.80 .98 1.42 .44 5741 d Dolichonyx oryzivora 4.00 1.20 1.40 .20 119 d Dolichonyx oryzivora 3.82 .78 1 .23 .45 9854 d Dolichonyx oryzivora 3 53 .98 1.14 .16 284 7 Tyrannus carolincnsis 4.30 .85 1.15 .30 113 i Tyrannus carolincnsis 4. GO .90 1.45 .55 1317 ■2 Tyrannus carolinensis 4.25 .76 1.10 .34 4008 1 Tyrannus carolincnsis 4 60 1 .35 1 62 .27 10107 d Heclymelcs ludoviciana 4.20 .90 1 .05 .15 590 d Hedymelcs ludoviciana ■leu .'.10 1.25 .35 99 ;:> ■ Hedymelcs ludoviciana 4.00 .60 1.06 .40 1 156 d Sialia sialis 3.75 1.00 1.10 .10 1945 d Sialia sialis 3.90 1.03 1.10 .07 338 d Si ilia sialis 4 n m is in -f n | ti rf oo o m ifi t— enenenencoencneneneneneo 1 K O ^ ■* f; c: M •s.Cuoo r^t^-C71:r»a0~e-cen71— ' 1 O'S-tOOt^O •t -t l1; c -t -t t ^ -t lt o li I m * * in m * o •3jn-i>unuio3 r- r t» x n « C t- 7i X n 1 oeo-ff 1 71 no 1- M l> T * 1- » l> X N N I 1 - «^ 1^ 00 I 00 1- •naming icoxmwONt-iftwxx 1 o i— *m "M | o m ti x ti s c o : !" >n i x ji : ?i : m ^i so o i o O x c » x si i« « o x o O aoooaocoioaocitccioo*xi0[/oooo3)0!0) .£ § NOi^-omooooeooooo'No: c m © o o\ 3 H c m » - i> t- c i> o o - o k o « -t in in o x M puoAaq jibx jo luajxji C « O in m x x c o C : i- m : fl i ssfl 1 -rcOTtvD en t ;i - ^ ji ffi in o 1 n f io 1 •S1J3A03 jaddfi puo^aq [ibx jo jujjxa o i» 71 ^ h. m en en in in en Xj O i- i- 1 r ~t t— | m ^ in r~ en oo o in ■* m »t m en in .d 1 m m ao 1 •sau-epuoaag jajno pno.faq -auuuiu,} jo jusjxg n md 71 en en in ?i -t i o I in i- m e- - ; in | eiio-occ oix Isioacxoxoo 1 •gau-epnoaag jaunj pno.foq sauiiuiuj jo }ua-)xjji cot- e»ocixtoo | x in t- t- m ; i- n oo i m- in x x x a in io | c * i- il » o> c n t» 1 '3 o >n is c m c ; a o O i- x in c in ; in m o o moico-Hcoooo^csciii^t-ooKjiaicooo cn on im n 7i en en en ci 7i 71 71 7) en 71 71 71 7< en en ! O en; -t in ■•+ m 71 0 m 0 m nr c in ift 00 en m in en 1. 1. 0 x * 1- 1- x t c i« » 0 x m» x Mn x eneneneneneneneneneneneneneneneoencnenen u a < * m 0 0 0 0 0 O in s 0 0 0 c 0 m m m m 0 0 t» 10 71 si t en in 1. c 0 n 0 in er. 1- r- 1- r- 1-; O a .3 >! T. iftOOOOinOOOOOOO«ftO«tf5>ftOfS -t in 71 0 s m in ■- 71 f e; t en i> x c- m ec in ec- *T5«D^^*D'o^^'o^o"D•D^^^^*o'^^*D"o*D•o,b*D M. C. Z. Number. 71 en en en. -t en 71 1 HoeOtOO^OOlOOliflO CO ej) en oc ot en — -r en to er. oc 71 er er. en er. — co 3 en n en 71 e> 1 - - .-. en 0 71 en en m m ^ 71 en x m — O — 7ier>CNCN~ — r-iCN CN7<7l7)CNCNC7-ieN MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 211 o n s £ •W'Ai. woeoweoro^rocoeoeoweococoeoeoeoweo •iqSian co co co co « co co co cq o co cq cq cq co co w m w w 8.(009 nwcowwwnweoeo^owwWBWWww •ainssunuioa •aonqn;) 5 r= .S o EH cn in I ci ti C « O ffl Jl "t O « rt fi -J C -t C •N go | o &S Jo n «» «J «• «0 » wwmwSeoeow^cowcoeoweoeoeoeo.ww S £ £!»££§£ S oo oo as oo ao oo oc «- co r- oo r~ co t~ co in o c© c in c>i c*i co in in cn cc co — to oi £ " £ 5 co r- r~ i~ ^ ao cc c© ao oq oo oo «~ ao «~ oq 2SS£;2S2S2S2?2gSia8^8S2 £e»omosoco«oooocjaooo«coooocccsoj msdmocooiBooin | "JOTjiCtSC0 CO— — OO — CCC5© I O — O O w c c_ — •85J3AO0 J3AS01 puo.Caq iibx jo 1034x3 •S4J3AOf) jsddfi pao.Csq i;ex jo 4034x3 1 ©c-occot^ 01 m cno ao a» 00 00 c-- 00 00 cn 00 © cs c; cr. a> o 0_ o •ssixepnoosc; aajno pao.Csq sauBinu j jo 4034x3 •s3UBpao33g asani puoisq ssuEUiu,! jo 4034x3 t-ooocococo>nOTcmoiMt-inino£>coco cowct^moocofrimaocoocceor-.oinineoco o»5io>ot-o»«oiqfio;e>o>occioo 00 in o to co t- cc co C >- 00 1 „< * N o - f u» 1^ "S o o O o in o o n 16 t;Sco»N» in -# t^t-^t^i~i-»r--r"-tot^tor-^i^r»t-»r-*~t--tOt^t» nfi-oiion-cstM-ionjijiiojo-t ci co ? m -M — r- 01 co =0 fi 0 c 0 ^ ^ in 1.1 c 0 ifi to 0 tn ^ c l" c * ■3 i a M-oscoisoacoc r = •- ~ m c li 0 0 d -t li li -t -t -t -t li -t -t 0 ••- -r *r. -r li t '.i -t h M 0 00 n s ^ i> n 0 « 00 a) « r; ?; i": 11 11 « O 00 co 00 i- (^ t^ r* 1^ 30 t- t^ to t^ i-- 1- i^ i> i« x qo u s ° T|iiftG000PIC0C000CnC3t0i!?O00O9IN69ei3 00 x 00 r~ 00 i- 1- i- ac x oc i~ t-- x i^ 00 x <- x ao Middle Toe. ci c» x « c 0 O >o O x ■* -t O li x -t n 01 t- 0 ^OOO — OOCOOOOi-tOCCC — OO •6 • s s EH OXr-ilOOOCLl — r-COCCOXCCLlXil 1- 1- 1- t- x x x x t- x 1— x x 1- t» cc x r- 1- t— 3 il CO il O CI r— X il CO O l~ Li O X C X O X C CI 0 © c cc© — ccc — c-. — c©c — © puo.Caq iibx jo }f3}xa in fi t> 50 r l* oh': c © O ui c li r- O x co li 0 CI — Cl — — » a- — © -t CI — Li X — CO — ~ c © CI CI CI CI CI — — CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CN CI CI 1— CI CI •sjjSAOf) jaddfl pno.foq ijbx jo juajxg; i.1 .1 li cr © | I I CO C X O © '1 O CO CI X Li I CI CI CI CI CI CN CN CN CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI •sauBpuooag J3>n() paoiaq ssauBinuj jo }aa}x;j co © X ul x © 0 I ci Li r^ co — c r- li co 1.1 © r- •>t Li -* •* ifi d Ul 1 41 Li Tt Li -^ Li Li t 11 Li Li -f •BauBpuoosg j.iuii; pno.Caq sjijbiuijj jo ^uajxa CO O co ul CO O CO I li ul r- li © 11 © C Ci to © X CO ■» Tf ■* O CO ■* IcOt-t-tCOCCtt-t-t-tLlCO '3 LI 0 O O O X Li r- >i 0 Li X Li 0 ci ~ 1.1 0 co O e; 1^ ci i1 r> -t i' c c n x w -t t» * x 1- '- r. i- cocicococicococococccocccccicocicccccieo a ©C0©Oinr-©Llcl©i~**OIXC1-t MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 213 4 ■J £ "WLH •?qSion SCO — OCOCCOOCCOCCOO I t- r^ — oo to X -jiri--r((Mri'Dji-jt- I — — n — — — . •s.Cnoo N i> t> i» x oo i- a t- x t» x i- I x x i^ i- t- i- •naming oo o c to eo c o to m -m oo in t~- i n « m ir. t ^ c -,i -,s ci •n ^N ri ?i i>i ^i ci ci ri ci -m ~i to >n -t m ?i c>i i-i ?i o< Tl ^«^f!ft«n X O o O O x x c-. •<* co co co *t co' -■* •*' co : co' co' C O m m o m lo m co c c C O lo o »-o O >c c o ^ Jl '! " " ° '■; '-; - ^ ™ ~ : ?l x » ■* " - '' oi oi -m — oi oi — — ' oi oi oi — oi oi -^ — — oi oi — 5 O m o o « m LO o C in m o O x 1- _ - 0 _ — I - x r- i - lO l^ to to in t c X t> 3 t~- to r- •x to to •X to to to CO •-T to to tc to •X r» to to X *O*0"0*0"o"0"O,1D'0"0 *Q *O"OfO*O«O«O*0«O*0 w 3 C ID » O C N C3toeoo»«oot- ■ - to co t- i~ 214 BULLETIN OF THE « ■qroiM n n co oo n r^ r^ Oi 1 otosotCN^i^WNh- «nKtonono 1 nonnnnnonon I^SwH o t("t in in •* -t •* i nnin'O't'tun'" n « CI CN CM CI CI CN CI CI 1 CN CM IM CN (M CN W CN CN (N CI •ba"uoq K!»cmiflnifti-nMmoin!fiMO't**is •aansstmraoo ooociooot©incii.oco»^i^oaoot©-ti--co OCTsC75OOOC75C7iC7^C^C750^C7^OC7sO0^C7>C7iCX> _ — — . — — i — •nauung ©comoo-tmcooocicooocinmtocooi-^co oc t^ id i^ i^- t~ r^ oo r— i~ t~ «- oo t- i~ i- t— oo to to 1 a r- cr. to X t^ i~ t^ i^ to to t- i- t— r- t- t^. t- t— r- to u s * n « m -t c | ©-tic© — c ron'- ch o oi s o i- i- i - i- t^ I i» to i~. i- i^ i- i^ i- t^ t» r~ t- *3 6 'f(ono»!enf)icoiNONO'Hi»Mi)0« OOO — CT>0>CC5000000000©CO •2I inonHootiooocoioooo-O'M-eio i— r- r- »— t~ J- t- o i- t- to t- t© r» i~ t- t- i^ t© to 3 oooocimooi^mooociotocooincoom o — — — — O — O O — — C — — O — • — © pno.foq iibx jo o,uajxa in m | m ic r- in o I I m o O I 1 ci i © l 1 o» 1 ooooooo 1 li-oNtol loqlpl 1 CN — — — — CN CI -< — .- — CN CN O 1 CM | | — ; -t CO 1 1 -* ■<* 1 1 1 1 iO 1 1 ci oi ci ci oi ci ci ci ci pno.Coq sauuinuj jo ^uajxjj i- o in n is w n (m 1 o o o o o | ci i in «o int^ot-totototo I to i- i- m t© | in 1 *m » •saiiBpaoD33 jonnj pno.Caq sdjautuuj jo juojij m m ci © oc in x © 1 co in r~ m t- | to | co © m co in t* i^ ■■* Tt in m I in to t© in ■* | -t | m - o e> to i1 COCOCO-tCOCO-i'COCOCOCO-'tCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO bO a in in m m 3 o m in ir: m ci m r— m m ci © co o o ini^cocD'rttoi^tocicotot^coinr^Tj'intO'^'Tt cocococococococococococococococococococo < * in in o in in c in in o O in in in o o in O in o in co i- in ci ci oo t— t~ m o •* oo ci ■** m t~- ci ci cj> t— _ — o'^^d — oo — — — — — — 'd — — do to c 3 m m o m O o o m o m o O m o m m ci o o O i- n x Mn >* o 'o o n oo o cn x x i- to * » in ooooi^ooooccoiaoooooooooooooooooooooooo J! ..Q o a • 3 oooci-^co-ti^cTJ-ftO't'-ttoGO — i^-in^-'tto m cj> co — i~ co in ci co in o i - in co oo in co oo >ft oo Ofj 1 O CI CI CN CI 1^ CO 1^ CI CI to CI 00 CI Tji CI 3> •n — < c o ci cn ci o — • ci — ci in — cn MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 215 < N £ ■?q3pH •s.fuoo t: 0 5H •sjj'iAo-) joddfl pno.foq [jbx jo juoixg; ■saunpnooag Mjno pno.Caq saiaBinuj jo jaajxa c? *** i.*? r~ c? o t~ *+ r^ f~ :o i.^ o C} o 7** tc o x in "ft "-" -f W -r m -t -r -*■ | -r -j ■ -r -t -f o -t -r -* -t -t .0©ooi~i— ooi^oocir-.aooi.nao w :•: c; 7< .-; ro cr 7; 71 7t 7; 71 w 7; 71 71 im « 7, 71 ~ "*. t T L" "• t "* u~ "• "* t " "* *T ~ S ■* -r ■* qqoioioqoiaoqqooiqcftocqffl oc x 1- i- x 00 1- 1- x t~ «j x so x x t- oc x x i- t~t^ox — ?ooxx ii ^~ l" l~_ in m in to m vc c~ o ■» m o a c o ?1 — 2 rr — « c «* o -m - o ~i 1.1 -c o 00 to r- -m t—. -o o in to o to m to to to 1- to to to cs m to »n to O in i, r~ c r- r~ 77 r~ ifl ir. 1- x r-. r- x t» m 71 r- 00 00 t-- 00 00 I- t- I-- 1-- 00 I-- DO t-. OC 1, r- «~ X X 1^ O o rt c; 2 ^ n r; « ji n 00 m ■■ -f l- 71 x o in l-5 o u-; so o m_ in in 1- .r in t- m m in in to in o jnOppOOor^oOWOOe-5 — «iftOOO« . . '~ '"". r~ °°. '"; * *■; *- o f- <- 1- 1- 1- 1- i~ <- «~ ~ ~ ^ '" ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' : -r -N -N -t -r - - ~ ~ -r L: l~ * '■: -q '- t^ x i-- i~ t- in in i~ i~ to 1- x 1- ct> 22SS2'S23.^ m x o aoaioso rt C t Nfi ?; cc •-: -r -t rt cc ?T r? rj C ~ i~ X o ri ir. -x. i_- to *i* *^* ^ *^ '•^, ■n 0000 71 -y x ?i in » TO >* ■* ci s r, -7 - ■" = r- 2 ■" 2 ~ '" ~ ~ - '"■ - - ■" ~ ~ •! ■*- — — — . ~| — ' 7 - — ?i -r ?i x x c to w X X I- X X X 00 t-.' I- 00 x x 1--; X r- I- X X X X f*. o. ^.. p.. ^. ^. ,.. ^. ^,. ^_ ^ ^ ^ ^ _^_ ^^ ^_ ^_ ^ ^_ ."" £; «5 T, '~ -* ?' "« - ~ - ^ '- x ,- r 00 00 « M 2 2 £ 2 '2 5 2 2«-"»o«nso8>io ~ — — — « coo — -* — — _ -* -sauepnoaag asuaj pno.Caq soiiciuuj jo jaa^xg S Ir 'J- •£ J " '" — c - L" O to >n ec i- ■- ,- x. 0 — x ■ — 0 0 - c-. c-. 0 C". X c-. «~ CT x x c. — ~ 0 •3 S29° B««ceniftcnoiftcO'*Mf! .1 . 1 1 . 1-; -)■ -m c-r — ti ?l — (M cs CO t. 71 r; i- -r t roeoeosoeoeoeoweoweoed ci m ro rt n'n'nn' a ^- f? I-. .~ r- .•- r, t^. -m i~ 0 0 m O x 0 0 >- x 0 ■-. — : '-q '- '-^ "t -t — -t t r? -x 71 to r? ri u- x l" to S !2 ?. '-C; '~ = - ~ '~ ° - '~ - '* — '" O 0 ir> 0 m 71 71 7i — _ in ONoon- in — c 71 x x 71 in 216 BULLETIN OF THE < M pq U o K WLii. •iqSian •siuoQ 'oinssiimno^) •81J3A03 issso'j pno.(o i [rex J° }uoixji puo.faq ijex jo }u<>}xg; •sou-cpnooog Jajno puo.Caq sbubiuijj jo jus^xj pnoXaq souTJUiuj jo 4110^x3 _; 3 (S I- (D S C O O I 1SMOOON nno-t Ti;n I co -* co -t co k co o k on n I n o n n n ■c 16 m o «i mo I o «: ci r: rt * t "t *t •* "t >» ''*'*. "t "t "* co m. m co co co m- i cc n o t- n 't '~. l^ •"* '": '": *"* ' rT '": '": 'I '": on * 01 -t uo n n I t- oi -t in o in o o id to o to I >n £0^0 1 co 00 o 00 cm cm 1 00 co 00 o o [ in -t lo i< tn in | -t -i- w in o inONNnsi-cn-teiMoo -t m Tf m m m m m in in in m. •(> n f» c? n m» « m m » o 1- ift in o in m in in in in in in in in in inCNOOin'DQiflWCO'^ I» r- C CO tt l- t^- l~ t- <~ t- 1- t-> ti o o o n m» w tc o m in n m co m co m m m m in co m m m N ?l CO 5P 00 (M O N CO O r^ CO o t~ 00 r- 00 c£) t~ t~ r- t- t>. cc t~ f~ I m m co Q c I oo 00 cm c in o I o 00 — co I cox-o 3- loco — mm 1 m in cm O co O I in 01 -t oi n I cm ■* — m co in co m cm cm m o I o o 1^ O m co -Ol CM CO I CM O —> CM © CN 0 m m cm m r-- o m m m © m r- ooooi^cr>C5000ioqoooooo cm m cm m co co m m r~ o -* m m co i~ co m i~ r- 00 r~ (^ m co m r~ ci cn ci cm oi cm" cm ci cm' cm cm cm cm t— m m © © © m 1-- r— o © © »ft in 1-01-00 o oooot-ojii-oq co'cocococo-tcocococo'co'coco m o O © O m m o O © m m >n I- CO CO CO - I- '" * - co 1^ 71 CO ^ _•_;_: — _:_: — — _: o' — d moo r-mq CD co 1-^ "to *o *D * *. iO O^ Cl CD CO CO "t O CO 01 O OM CT. — X CO K CO CO C75 CO -f co cc r - — ■ m co co — > 00 — 00 co OMOIO COO— -> — ' .£3 to a m c m m m c O c 0 m m 0 O 1^ * 01 01 01 co co 01 ; i' 1- cn 0 CD CD l> 1- l~ l~ I^ t- l» CD CD CD 1-- CO ^*O'O*C*0''O*O*0*0"o'O*O*O MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 217 s •wui »nt--cooinCi-ncoinmcN-*coor^ 15 iqSian -* w c — ■ o o- in m — co co -»■ •+ m 01 in ^ ifi o ^ o "C »fi tfi in o in o c o s •s.iaoQ co oo m m 50 © o o i> ic co in in m ec 3 •aanssuninoo OJ O iC r. oc J) >M « C 1- O f I r- 71 s I^ CO 1^ N N X 0C( CC I- r- 1- 00 1-- t» 1- 5 'tmxqttg t~ t~- r- 1^ I- t-- f- t~ «£ t^ tO t— 1- tc l~ * •S1J3A03 J3M07 puoAoq itwj, jo jaa^xa; M x ic ; :i c puo.Cdq ip;x }o ju'ajxg; •sotiEpnooa^ jajno pno^q souBmu j jo ^usjxg; •s.iuBpuo.53g jannj pno.Caq ssiaBinuj jo jua^xjj lAOlAlfl Ol A lA 00 O N 9) a Or* c in CO OCaoOOhXNNKC c ~ r /. ri co co' 5>i co' co co c>i ci oi oi oi co co ?i co oi oi in r- c CO-*CO-t-l--fC0C0COC0C0'T-tC0-t-1;-f CM OI — Ol — Ol ~- Ol Ol — Ol •— Ol IN 01 SH — • N N r^ O) N 30 N N 1^ 1^ r^ 1- X N X I' t- 'oso'io,b*o''D"o,o'to*>i,"o'o*o"D"o-ot> «--z co o n ?i in c x l* n n — — oi oi -t ~~ t^ cooi*oo«co-33jeoeo!oeoeoeoeo»j NrtciNinoosNOO^^ooxNNOisto Ift ift tntdiOAlALOOtOtfOtOtfiAiftlOifl W O in t— or irs co oo m r— © © ci ic x cc cc go co o oo -+ ■^'tTfi^-ftt-tCOiKrC-tTrif-tTt-f-t'l' O © t— O W 00 CI CI X CI vc CO CI 00 if! ci in © cc in CI CI — CI — CI CI CI — CI CI — CI — « CI — CI CI — • — cc x ci cc — cc cc — or : cc -f ci ci in — © — ** © o »c: rf lc *.c o in i-C ».c -i-o-ri-c.i-c.-r o l.c in in o ci -r © in -r — m ic cc oo ic -o ct ci i- cc ci re m ci ir; o ic ifi »s o r. o ^ ^t lc -t in in ^r i-C in ift in in CO O 00 «C CC CI CC CI CI 00 i-C CI CC C to CC O © CC I— CO l~ to l~ t- *"■ I- I- I- to t- Cl^l»OI^C I- t- to W cc CC iC ci ci cc ci © t- ci — -t -r s oo — © oo ci CI © l C X N » I- -t CI N IS X Cl Ci c c o » ■* CO 00 1^ I- I- I- I- I- I- I-. I-- 1- I- XI-XI-I- I- I- I I S 3 I § ,= x' I I I I R I I I I I I I Si » C: o 5H c - - H O K a £ ■suw>/) a.n\o'[ pnoA"j.| |U'j, jo ju >jx-j ■-ii.>ao-) iaddi~) pno.Ca ( [lux jo jaajxrj 3 I I & I S I I I ■saimpno )33 J.i)n() pno Ca i - -lUHiuu,] jo (ujjxg Tj« I eo co eo co co I I cc ^ I cc I I I I I I ■souBpnoasg laaai puo.Ceq souuimij jo juajxg >.c I to .c in co I cc cc ci u s I n i i i i i i i ~ i- m x i~ c ic c © © t- x x ci x ic ic ~ ■- m © © © 00 © © CR f-©coaoOao©©35 EH CI CI CI — CI CI — CI CI .c -n in o '- = J 3 'o^^^^'x5'o'o^D^o^3'D^^'t3^3"D ^o*o*o^^^oto to oo x -t 'C r-. i - x m © -f — tr — i - ic c c" ' - C ~ ic — :? -r t - — ■^, en cc x i*. i - y - / m cc t c. — . cc o — ci ~. — ci ~ i- — — ci ci MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 219 C o» £ •qipjjiv ?q3ian •s.Cuoq •ojnsjuninog •nsrajng .2 8 ton •S1J3A03 jailor puoiaq HK.L jo juojx^ •s^isAOf) jaddfi pno.Caq [iex J° jndjxj puoisq sauBinuj jo ^uajxa •ssuBpnoasg aanai pno-faq souBiniid jo }iw}xa in — oc w »t c c? ift IO | c r~ 00 oo to © -*■*«■*■*•*■*■>* I -* I ••* « « «0 « "* rtooMSM»i^soi- I t: t~ iff t- oo «« CO Ol 7-1 Oi C! 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H CO I CM I CO Ol I c: - n ri - !M ri rr !N - ji I f] I l CN !N (01 CN CN On CN CN en oi ci on ON2NOCIS5CWWTK10M1I/O1.1 a. t- x i^ oc i- oo n t> i> oc x t— t^ i- «- t> li *■*■ to 00 in © © O »-n o> li O i~ i^» to CO c*5 ooooxNXxais i-xocoxxx-xoo fi e n 7i m noo « ic n n if o •♦ is o i- d n - n ?i - n ?i ci ci en CM CO Ol Ol CO ?i n O ■* n « n M ic o is 1 1 x li ir; Mf o CiC«aoaoCT>ooaiooi^ccaoi-aoocccoooq CI »--. co ?i to m «VCN in c © C oi r— ift -t li TtOJco-i-coeucococicococNCNcicooico COCNCNCNCOOnOncO IS2SS I^S I I I I I II I I CO CO CO CO CO CO aoooooctois I I | I I I I I I to to m to to to u- w I I I I I I I I II I II I I ii©oomootoco©©C3©c©©©©© O ffl N 31 - X I: C C tf c - ; C ~ CO CN IS I' < t' O I' * iK ^ * iS ^ 1-1 i-l "-1 1 l1 Li © O i-1 i-l Li © Li © r~ to © — i-1 3 oi m C-lClXCi-ClO-'MI-C-:!-"- ■^COCOCO-TCO'*-*-*'*^" Li -# -* -i< -Jcocor0COCOCOr0CO .s 11 11 © Li © .1 © Li — — — C Li © C Li O oo n o on m oo — oo oi -t ro co co — li i~ to c ^-©_„„~_©______ — J * OT C-- o- f ■ p" *o «"■ "O "" *D *0 O* O *D "O *D t> "D Sz 220 BULLETIN OF THE Individual Variation in the Size and Form of the Bill. — That con- siderable variation occurs in the size and shape of the bill, in specimens of the same sex and species living together at the same locality, is evident from a glance at some of the preceding tables of measurements. The variation in this organ is further illustrated in the accompanying plates (Plates IV- VIII), in which are given figures of the bills of several specimens of each of a number of species. Much greater differences are here shown to exist in cospecific specimens of the same sex and from the same locality than occur between those supposed to be distinct, of which comparative figures of the bills have been pub- lished with a view of demonstrating their specific diversity. In only a few groups in fact, and mainly in the long-billed Grallce, is the bill generally admitted to be too variable to afford an important basis for the discrimination of species. The principal points of variation in the form of the bill eonsi.-t in variations in its general size, without corresponding variations in the general size of the individual, and in the details of its form in regard to thickness and length. There are also other variations in respect to the emargination or dentation of the terminal portion, especially in the vast group of the insectivorous species, and in the "festooning" of the bill in many of the hawks.* In respect to the size of the bill, it is a note- worthy fact that birds specifically and sexually identical vary in such a way that specimens much below the average size possess bills above the average size for their respective species, and, conversely, that specimens above the average size have bills much smaller than the average for their respective species, the general proportions of the bill in each case being essentially the same. In such cases, with the increase or decrease in length, there are corresponding differ- ences in the thickness of the bill, both in the vertical and trans- verse directions. In other cases with the increase in length there is no corresponding increase in thickness, such a differentiation thus resulting in a relatively attenuated form of the bill. In other cases the bill is shortened without a corresponding decrease in its thick- ness, from which results a short, thick, or robust bill. The variation in thickness is again sometimes relatively greater in the vertical * In respect to this point, see. Dr. Henry Bryant's paper on " Variations in the Plu- mage in Buleo borealis auct. and B. Hwlani Aud.V" (Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. VIII, p. 107 et $eq., Ifc6l, where the variation in this feature is especially noticed. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 221 than in the transverse direction, and sometimes the reverse, thus giving in some cases a deep, narrow bill, and in others a broad, de- pressed bill. In the latter case the differences are especially important, as will be more fully shown later. In regard to the tooth-like inden- tation near the tip of the bill in so many of the insectivorous birds, it is found that in some species which usually have it strongly developed, specimens occasionally occur with the indentation nearly or quite obso- lete. Again in other cases where this feature is usually but slightly developed, some specimens have the notch at the tip of the bill exceed- ingly prominent. Similar variations occur in regard to the develop- ment of the so-called " festoon " of the upper mandible in the hawks, as Dr. Bryant has already sufficiently shown. The greatest range of individual differentiation in any given organ occurs, as would be naturally expected, in those species which have that organ more than ordinarily developed, and also in species of a low grade of structure. In the long-billed Grallce both these conditions exist, and it is in such genera as Numenius, Gambetta, Limosa, Scolo- pax, Philohela, and Gallinago, that the maximum of bill variation is seen. It is less marked in the song-birds, though in many members of this group the variation is by no means small. In the typical wood- peckers, on the other hand, which have the bill especially adapted to a peculiar function, that of digging into wood, the variation is scarcely appreciable, since any considerable variation from its usual form would seriou-dy impair its efficiency. In the semi-frugivorous and terrestrial Picidcc, however, we again meet with the usual range of variation. In the accompanying plates illustrative of variation in the bill, representatives from the higher types of the Oscines have mainly been chosen, several representatives from widely different families having been selected. Plate IV, figures 1 and la, 2 and 2a, give a view of the bills of two specimens of the common king-bird [Tyrannus caro- linensis), from Eastern Massachusetts, which differ from each other as much as the bills of different genera sometimes do. One of them, as will be seen, is so much narrower and deeper than the other as to give very different proportions and outlines. The skulls of these two speci- mens vary in the same manner as do the bills, the one having ;i broad, flat skull, and the other a narrow, high one. Two specimens of M>/iar- chus crinitus, one of which is from South Carolina and the other from Western New York, differ as much from each other, and in nearly the 222 BULLETIN OF THE same way, as do those of (he king-bird. Similar and nearly as great variations occur also between different specimens of Contopus borealis, C. virens, Empidonax minimus, E. jiaviventris, Sayorius fuscus, and in several species of (he South American Tyrannida. But between these (wo extremes are found in other specimens nearly every possible degree of gradation. Figures 3 and oa to figures 7 and la (same plate) represent different forms of the bill in Troglodytesaedon. Between these specimens there are great differences both in respect to absolute size and to general form, greater than would be deemed necessary by most ornithologists for the differentiation of species. These examples are all from Florida, and essentially from the same locality. Other specimens in the Muse- um come between these extremes in such a way as to show the incon- stancy of all these forms. The variation in color, which is considerable in this species, does not accord with the variation in the bill, specimens exhibiting the extremes of color as often having the bills alike as other- wise, and, conversely, those with bills alike differ widely in color. Figures 8 and 8a to 11 and 11a (same plate) indicate the varia- bility of the bill, especially in respect to length, in Massachusetts specimens of Seiurus noveboracensis. The first corresponds essentially with, and unquestionably is, an example of the so-called Seiurus ludo- vicianus, which, in all probability, is but the darker colored, longer- billed southern form of S. noveboracensis. This species varies also remarkably in color, but the variation in color, as in the case of Tro- glodytes aedon, and as is commonly the case in other species, does not accord with the variation in the bill, some of the long-billed specimens being in color almost undi-tinguishable from some of the short-billed ones, while some of those with medium bills present the extreme degrees of variation in respect to color. Figures 12 and 12a to14 and 14a (same plate) represent the bills of three, male specimens of Mniotilta varia from the vicinity of Cam- bridge, which present as great differences as modern ornithologists would ordinarily deem sufficient, if the specimens had come from Mexico instead of from Massachusetts, to warrant their recognition as types of three distinct species. The correspondingly great variations in color in this species have already been adverted to (p. 190). The bill, however, in specimens presenting extreme forms of color variation, unfortunately for ultra-divisionists, may be either of the ordinary form MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 223 or of either of the forms figured, or of any intermediate form, as exem- plified by the specimens of this species in the collection of the Museum. Figure 15 and 15a and 16 and IGa (same plate) are accurate repre- sentations of the bills of two Massachusetts males of Dendrceca striata. The differences between these specimens, though so great, are not greater than occur in different cospecific examples of several other species of this genus contained in the Museum. Massachusetts specimens of Certhi a familiar is differ even more in the form of the bill than do the specimens above figured of either Troglody- tes a'edon or Mniotilta varia. They also present a similar range of color variation in the plumage, and one equally at variance with the variation in the bill. Figures 19 and 19a, 20 and 20a (same plate), show how widely two Florida specimens (both males) of Pyranga cestiva vary in respect to the size of the bill, the specimens in question differing but little in general size. If these figures are compared with the figures recently published of the bills of certain supposed species of Pyranga'* they will be found to vary more than some of the latter do, and indicate how un- satisfactory the nature of species must be when based mainly upon dif- ferences in the bill. Other cospe'cific specimens of Pyranga in the Museum exhibit great difference in the size, form, and position of the tooth-like processes of the upper mandible, and in the color of the bill, — differences that have been regarded as specific characters. The color of the bill in many species of birds, in fact, varies greatly in speci- mens of the same species taken at the same season, and generally in those taken at different seasons ; yet it is a character that has been re- lied upon for the distinction of species. Figures 1 and la, 2 and 2a, 4 and 4a, and 5 and 5a, Plate V, illus- trate variations in the bill in Massachusetts representatives of .2EgiotJtns linarius. Figures 3 and 3a, and 5 and oa, are drawn from specimens from Arctic America, the first being an original specimen of the jE. fuscescens Coues ex auct., and the other a similar specimen of the JE. exilipes Coues. Figures 7 and la to 10 and 10a, inclusive (same plate), represent varia- tions of the bill in male specimens of Chrysomitris tristis, a species allied to JE. linarius. It will be seen that the two series are nearly parallel in respect to the amount and character of the variations in the bill. Figures 11 and 11a and 12 and 12a indicate similar variations in an- * Proceed. Phil. Acad. Xat. Sci., June, 1869, pp. 130-133. 224 BULLETIN OF THE other allied species, the Chrysomitris pinus, and figures 13 and 13a to 1j and 15a, inclusive (same plate) similar variations in another species (Curviroslra americana), of the same sub-family. In the latter case the specimens are also all males, and all from the vicinity of Cam- bridge, they having been killed in fact from the same flock. In the jEgiotkus group numerous so-called " species " have been described by different writers, six or seven of which were recognized by Dr. Coues a few years since in his monograph of that genus.* A consid- erable number of these species have been generally looked upon as equivocal, and the exact number in the group and their distinctive characteristics have been a matter of much uncertainty. Recently the writer above referred to has again revised the group,f and arrives at the conclusion that if more than one species exists, all the forms pre- viously recognized by him as species are valid species. I can readily grant this alternative, being fully convinced that the genus consists of but a single known species, which has a circumpolar distribution. The alleged specific distinctions have consisted in differences in general size, in the relative size of the bill, the length of the tarsus, wing, and tail, and in color. Some of these differences are doubtless climatic and local, while others may be due to age, but the greater part I believe to be to a great degree purely individual, inasmuch as they are paralleled in allied species, whose standing has not been and cannot reasonably be questioned. But the special consideration of the variations presented by the JEtjiotla and similar groups will be reserved till after the facts relating to geographical variation have been presented, since they can then be move appropriately discussed. Figures 1G and IGa to 18 and 18<7, inclusive (Flate V), represent the bills of three male specimens of Pusserculus savanna, from different localities on the Atlantic coast. The specimen represented in figures 18 and 18c?, has the bill of minimum size, being in bulk less than half that of the one represented in figures 17 and 17a. \ Figure 17, it will be observed, corresponds nearly with the so-called P. sandwichensis § of * A Monograph of the genus JEgiolhus, etc., Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. XII, p. 1. Vol. XV, p. 4", 1SG3. j On variations in the plumage of the jEgiotki, Ibid., Vol. XXI, p. — , 1869. J Other specimens received from Grinnell, Iowa, from Professor II. \V. Parker, since the above was written, have lulls still smaller than any of those here figured. § ISaird's Birds of N. Amer., p. 444, 1858. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 225 the Pacific coast, and figure 17 with the so-called Passerculus alaudi- nus* also of the Pacific coast. Plate VI, although designed more especially to illustrate local varia- tion, indicates to some extent the individual variation existing in Age- Iceus phoenkeus. Figures 1 and la represent the average type of the hill in this species in Massachusetts, and figures 3 and 3a, and 4 and 4a, unusually long and unusually short forms of the bill found at the same locality. Figures 2 and 2a, 5 and 5a, and 6 and Ga, represent a similar series from the St. John's River, Florida. All the specimens of the two series are adult males. Plate VII represents similar variations of the bill in Quiscahi* purpureus. Figures 1 and la, 3 and 3a, 4 and 4a, and G andfGa, represent the average and the extreme types of the bill met with in Massachusetts males. The latter also represents an inflexed type of bill, a modification seen in many species, it being especially common in the Quiscali and other genera having the bill of a similar form. It is unmistakably an individual peculiarity, evidently depending mainly upon age, and resulting from the upper mandible outgrowing and over- hanging the lower. In Quiscalus purpureus such specimens are more or less frequent at probably all localities, they having been received at the Museum from Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Florida, and Illinois, and I have seen them from the "West Indies. It often gives rise to the name inflexirostris, which is found so frequently a synonyme.f The figures of the bills of four females of Sturnella ludoviciana (Plate VIII), from Florida, indicate the character of the bill variation ex- hibited by different individuals of this species at the same locality, independently of any variation attributable to sex. Figures o and oa, and G and Go (same plate) show that like variations occur in Colaptes auratus, the figures being drawn from two Massachusetts females. Similar comparisons, with similar results, might be made with scores of other species, but the above illustrations will doubtless suffice to show that individual variation in the form of the bill is not only great, but that it exists in groups having a high grade of structure. Other groups might have been chosen in which the individual variation in the form of the bill, as already stated, is far greater than in the instances above * Bonaparte, Comptes Rendu?, Vol. XXXVII, p. 918, 1853. t Concerning Quiscalus i/ijltxirostris Swuiuson, see below (Part IV), under Q. pur- pureus. VOL. II. 15 226 BULLETIN OF THE cited. The Grallce have already been referred to as presenting re- markable examples of bill variation. In some of the Anatidce, how- ever, it is scarcely less, whilst it is especially great among many of the Longipennes. Hence some authors evidently attach too high impor- tance to the exact form of the bill in these groups. All the illustrations referred to above have been drawn, with one or two exceptions, from fully adult specimens. One of these is a speci- men of Passerculus savanna (Plate V, fig. 18), which is a bird of the year, killed in Labrador in Augu.-t, before it had quite completed its first moult. Another is the smallest billed specimen of Chrysomitris trisfis (Plate V, fig. 10), which is also evidently a bird of the year. The other is an autumnal specimen of Dendrceca striata (Plate IV, fig. 15). They all, however, would be ordinarily considered as adult in size. Variations in the Size and Form of the Bill, Wing, etc., resulting from age. In the foregoing remarks on the variations in general size, in propor- tions, and in the form of different parts, exclusive reference has been had to adult specimens. It is easy, however, to confound difference depending upon age with those strictly resulting from individual differ- entiation. The form of the bill is especially subject to variation by age in specimens that upon casual inspection would seem to be full-grown In long-billed birds the bill increases in length for several months after the bird is full-fledged, and even after it has once moulted. In short- and thick-billed birds, the bill increases considerably in thickness as well as in length after the individual seems to have acquired its adult size and proportions. As a general rule, then, " birds of the year " possess a relatively shorter and thicker bill than those fully adult, or three or four years of age. In old age an abnormal elongation of the upper mandible occasionally occurs, especially in species in which the tip of the upper mandible is decurved and projects slightly beyond the lower, as in Corvus, Quiscahts, Vireo, Tta-dus, Larus, etc. Since, however, great differences occur in the form of the bill in specimens of the same age, in birds of the year as well as in those unquestionably adult, it is sometimes difficult to determine how much of the difference in certain cases is to be considered as due to age and how much to individual variation. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 227 The wing also varies considerably in form with age. In many of the song-birds, at least, and also in the raptorial birds, the wing becomes more pointed with the second and third moultings of the remiges. Birds of the first year hence have, even after the flight feathers are fully grown, a shorter and more rounded fore-wing, as a general rule, than birds of two or three years of age. These differences of course result from variations in the relative length of the primaries, the outer primaries being the last to acquire their ultimate proportions, as they are also the last primaries to be renewed in the annual moult. A similar change with age occurs in the form of the inner point of the wing, or that formed by the inner secondaries. These, like the pri- maries, are subject to a gradual increase in length for a time with each moult, they likewise being the latest of the secondaries to acquire their mature size, as they are also the last of the secondaries changed in each normal moult. Thus, through the gradual elongation of the outer primaries and the inner secondaries, a slight change is produced in the general form of the wing. It is, however, only slight, and since some young birds have as pointed wings as any of the same species which are fully adult, and some adult birds have wings as much rounded as the full-grown young, the rule is subject to many exceptions. The sexes of the same species also often differ similarly with the young and old in respect to the form of the wing. This is more especially the case in those species in which the female is much smaller and much duller colored than the male, the structural inferiority of the female to the male being thus evident in various features. "While the wing may be regarded, as already stated, as generally smaller and more rounded in the younger individuals, it not unfre- quently happens that the specimens having the greatest alar extent are immature birds. This has been particularly noticed in the eagles and hawks, as well as in some of the gulls, in which it is so frequent as to have attracted the attention of numerous observers.* The feathers of the wings and tail are not only longer, but they are also broader, and hence in the expanded wing present a greater resisting surface to the air. Two explanations of this fact present themselves. First, in the cases referx-ed to, the birds may have been born at a very northern locality, whence only the younger birds ever descend so far south. Second, the greater lack of power in the muscles of flight in the young birds, as * See American Naturalist, Vol. Ill, 1S69, p. 617. 228 BULLETIN OF THE compared with those fully mature, may he counterbalanced by a rela- tively larger supporting surface in the wings and tail. Whatever the explanation may be, the facts seem to be unquestionably as above stated. Other variations in the plumage and in other characters depending upon age, but which are liable to be confounded with individual differ- entiation, might be cited, but none seem to be of sufficient importance to require a special description. General Remarks on Individual Variation. After the preceding remarks on this* subject, I should perhaps state expressly what I regard to be the bearing of the facts above discussed, otherwise I might be understood as in a great measure discarding the majority of the characters used in the diagnoses of species and genera. Nothing, however, is further from my purpose. What I urge is simply this : that the extent of purely individual variation is far greater than has usually been recognized, and that as a result numerous strictly nominal species have found their place in our systems, from naturalists having mistaken these differences for true specific characters. Individual variation, however, is so complicated with geographical variation, that the general bearings of the whole subject will be deferred till the end of the discussion of the latter topic. As regards the general cause of individual differences in animals, it is too evidently constitutional to allow of any other hypothesis, and akin to that seen in domestic animals, and which in man gives to each indi- vidual his unlikeness in temperament and physical structure to all other men. While individuality is so patent and so universal in the human species, and scarcely less so in domesticated animals, it is one of the most surprising facts in zoology that so many naturalists should have entertained the idea that there is an almost total absence of it in feral animals, and that the description of a single specimen will suffice for that of its species. Practically, however, this has been the fact, and eminently so with that large class of " species hunters," who have not inaptly been characterized as "closet naturalists"; for to this class and not to the field naturalists are we mainly indebted for the long lists of synonymes that form so vexatious a burden to zoological science. Certain secondary causes that share in producing individual variation MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 229 are doubtless more or less obscurely traceable. Among these are cer- tain circumstances attending the time of hatching, as well as, of course, the vigor of the parent. Not unfrequently the first attempts of birds to rear their brood, are unsuccessful, from their eggs or young bein<* de- stroyed by their enemies. Persisting, however, in their efforts, it is late in the season before their brood is fledged, several sets of eggs or young having been previously destroyed. The birds of such broods are found to be smaller and paler colored than those hatched earlier in the season. In cases where several broods are reared each year, as a general rule the birds of the earlier brood seem in all respects the most perfect and vigorous. Various other causes operating during their infancy doubtless more or less affect their general size, their propor- tions, and colors when mature. Food has doubtless much to do with variation in color, though but few facts bearing upon this point have been yet recorded. Professor Agassiz informs me, however, that many years since, in Switzerland, he raised many Pyrrhula vulgaris, and found that by feeding them on the seeds of hemp the red on the breast changed to black. The well-known fact that certain brightly colored birds, as the purple finch (Carpodacus purpureus) and the crossbills (Curvirostra), change, when kept in cages, from bright red to dull olive with their first moult, and never again, or at least so long as kept in confinement, regain their original color, shows how susceptible the color of birds is to the influences of food and artificial conditions of life. Climatic Variation. Climatic variation involves as completely all parts of the animal as does individual variation. It is more marked, however, in some features than in others. The three most prominent phases of climatic variation in birds are the following : variation in general size, variation in the size ;md form of the bill, variation in color. Climatic Variation in Size. — Variation in the size of individuals of the same species with differences in the latitude and altitude of their respective places of birth is a fact already so well known as to be quite generally recognized ; hence any demonstration of such a variation is in the present connection unnecessary. A few tables of comparative measurements of New England and Florida specimens given in Part IV serve to illustrate its general character and extent. Similiar illustrations are abundantly afforded by the tables of measurements published in Pro- 230 BULLETIN OF THE fessor Baird's Birds of North America,* in the text of which work fre- quent reference is made to the differences in size between northern and southern specimens of the same species. The same author also subse- quently called attention to the subject, and explicitly announced a general law of geographical variation in size ; namely, a gradual decrease in size in individuals of the same species with the decrease in the latitude and altitude of their birth-places.t In some species, and throughout some entire families, climatic varia- tion is more marked than in others ; generally, however, it is very appreciable, and amounts, in respect to size, not unfrequently to from twelve to twenty per cent J of the average dimensions of the species. Climatic Variation in the Bill. — The climatic variation in the size of the bill is, in general, inverse to that of the general size of the individual. In some species, as in the Sittce and the typical members of the Picidce, I have as yet been unable to trace an independent variation in the size of the bill to that of the body ; but in many species there is not only a marked relative increase in the size of the bill to the southward, but, in some, an absolute increase, especially in its length. * Pacific Railroad Explorations and Surveys, Vol. IX, Birds. By Professor S. F. Baird, with the co-operation of Mr. John Cassin and Mr. George N. Lawrence. 1858. Sub- sequently republished under the title of " The Birds of North America," with an Atlas of one. hundred plates. t Proc. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. XI, p. 300, November, 1859. Also in Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 2d Ser., Vol. XLT, p. 190, March, 1866. \ Variation in size with differences in habitat is by no means confined to birds. In mammals it .is well known to be as great, if not greater, than among birds. In some wide-ranging species of mammals there appears to be a double decadence in size, — a diminution to the northward, in those non-migratory species whose habitats extend into the arctic regions, as well as a diminution to the southwards of the point where in gen-, eral the maximum of size is attained, — as I have elsewhere had occasion to remark. (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zotil., Vol. I, p. 199.) But in these exceptional cases of a decline in size to the northward, the cause of such a decline must result from climatic conditions the i-everse of those producing the decline at the southward, — from the excessive rigor of the arctic climate instead of from the enervating influence of warm temperate and sub-tropical latitudes. In the case of reptiles, the larger representatives of a given species are generally found at the North, as has also been observed to be the case with the edible marine and fluviatile fishes. (I am credibly informed that this is markedly the case with the codfish and the halibut.) In some groups of Crustacea and mollusca-the same fact has been repeatedly observed;' but in insects, as in plants, the increase in size is generally to the southward, as is especially noticeable in the diurnal Lepidoptera. In plants, however, the increase is a purely vegetative one, the northern representatives of a given species being gener- ally far the most prolific, in proportion to the size of the plant, utar the northern limit of their respective habitats. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOULOGY-. 231 An increase in the length of the bill is most frequent in long-billed species, while in short-billed ones the increase is in general size, without material change in its proportions. With the increased length and slenderness of the bill there is in many cases also a tendency to greater curvature. An increase in the length of the bill is quite marked in the genera Quiscalus, Agelceus, Geothlypis, Troglodytes, Seiurus, Harporhynchus, Galeoscoptes, etc. Quiscalus purpureus and Agelceus phamiceus afford good illustrations of geographical variation in the size and shape of the bill. Notwithstanding that the northern specimens are the larger, the southern ones have, in the average, bills as long, though slenderer, than the northern, and occasionally even longer. These differences are shown to some extent in Plates VI and VII, where the figures of the bills of Massachusetts and Florida specimens of these species are given side by side. In Plate VI, figures 1 and la represent the bill of an average Massachusetts male A. phozniceus, and figures 2 and 2a the bill of an average Florida male of the same species. The latter, while much less thick, is fully as long as the former. Figures 4 and 4a represent the shortest bill of a considerable series of Massachusetts specimens, and figures 6 and Go the shortest or thickest bill of a similar series of Florida specimens. Figures 3 and 3a give the longest bill of the Massachusetts series, and figures 5 and ba the longest of the Florida series, the speci- mens being in each case adult males. Plate VII, figures 3 and 3a rep- resent the bill in average Massachusetts males of Quiscalus purpureus, and figures 2 and 2a that of average Florida specimens, while figures 1 and la, and I and 4a, show respectively the longest and the shortest bills of a considerable series of Massachusetts specimens. Figures 5 and ba are from a New Jersey specimen, and figures 6 and 6a from a Florida specimen, the latter showing an inflection of the upper mandible more or less frequent in the various species of Quiscalus. The figures, as in the previous plate, were all drawn from adult males. Jn each of these species the average difference in the bills of Florida and Massachusetts birds is as great as is frequently considered to be sufficient to constitute specific differentiation, and between the extremes, especially of A. phoz- niceus, even subgeneric. Yet specimens from intermediate localities resent such a gradual and complete transition between the two forms as to render their specific identity unquestionable. A similar difference between Massachusetts and Florida examples, 232 BULLETIN OF THE with a gradual transition from the one to the other, through specimens from intermediate localities, is seen in Troglodytes aedon, Geotklypis triclias, and Seiurus noveboracensis. In Pipilo erythrophthalmus, Orlyx virginianus, Corvus americamts, and Cyunura cristata the bill is appre- ciably larger in the Florida than in the northern form. In Corvus americanus this difference was long since noticed by Professor Baird, the larger bill of South Florida specimens having led him to recog- nize a variety floridanus of this species, based chiefly on this difference.* The same author has also referred to the larger size of the bill in Florida specimens of Ortyx virginianus.^ In some species individual variation is so great that it is unsafe to draw conclusions respecting geographical variation from the examina- tion of a small number of specimens. This is notably the case in Sturnella ludoviciana, in which the bill varies greatly in size and form, as does the bird in general bulk, at all localities. In the average, how- ever, Florida specimens of this species seem to have a relatively longer and slenderer bill than those from the Northern States. As already noticed, variation in the bill is not equally marked in all species, but it occurs in too many to admit of the supposition that the numerous cases wherein it is clearly marked are exceptional, or that it does not follow a general law of geographical variation. The observa- tions above detailed are based on specimens collected on the Atlantic coast, from New England southward to Florida, and refer exclusively to species breeding within that range. But specimens of species which breed entirely to the northward of this range, collected during their semi-annual migrations, corroborate the law already staled, namely, an increase in the size of the bill to the southward in specimens of the same species from different breeding stations. In the Anatidce and TringcE, which breed far to the northward and pass the winter in lower latitudes, it is noticeable that, while those which arrive first in the fall, and those which return north latest in the spring, are smaller than those that arrive later and depart earlier, they have, nevertheless, relatively larger bills. This has been especially noticed in species of Fulix, Bernicla, Actodromas, and Macrorhamphus. Professor Baird has also referred to the larger size of the bill of the southern repre- sentatives of Lagopus ulbus as compared with those from further north, * Birds of North America, p. 568, 1858, t Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 2d Ser., Vol. XLI, p. 191, 1866. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 233 " those from Eastern Labrador and Newfoundland," he says, appear- in^ " to have decidedly broader, stouter, and more convex bills than those from the Hudson's Bay and more northern countries."* In the writings of various authors on the birds of Southern Mexico, Central America, Southern Asia, and Northern Africa, frequent mention is incidentally made of the larger size of the bills of southern representatives of north- ward ranging species. Although such statements record what have been apparently regarded as only isolated facts, their frequency indicates that the increase in the size of the bill to the southward is not confined to the birds of Eastern North America, nor exclusively to those of temperate and sub-tropical countries, but that it is a general geograph- ical law, similar to that of the variation with locality in the general bulk of the individual. Geographical Variation in Color. — Geographical variation in color in birds may be regarded as of two kinds, which may be termed, from their different geographical relations, latitudinal variation and longi- tudinal variation. The first is coincident with differences in latitude, and the second with differences in longitude. Both are due, however, to climatic peculiarities, and are hence, strictly speaking, climatic. The latitudinal is perhaps at present the best known, and will be first con- sidered. (a) Latitudinal Variation. — ■ In those species of North American birds whose breeding range extends over a wide range of latitude, the southern-born specimens are, as a general rule, appreciably darker or brighter, or more intensely colored, than northern-born ones of the same species ; in many instances the difference being so great as to im- press even the casual observer. Dark colored birds, like the Quiscali, Agelceus phceniceus, etc., become blacker towards the southern limit of their respective habitats, where tho.-e with metalic reflections have the iridescence more intense and of a darker hue, greenish and bronzy re- flections changing to purple. The slaty, ferruginous, and olive tints, and the various shades of red and yellow of others, become also far more intense. In species barred transversely with dark and light colors, the dark bands, as a general rule, become broader, and the light ones narrower. Those with white spots on a black ground have the spots reduced in size and number, the smaller ones becoming ob-olete. White bars on the wings and terminal white spots on the tail feathers * Birds of X. Amer., p. 634. 234 BULLETIN OF THE are also of less extent in southern specimens. There hence results, as already observed, a generally darker aspect in the plumage of the southern representatives of wide-ranging species ; the bill and the feet also usually sharing in the general accession of coloring matter in the integuments. The difference in color between the extremely northern and the extremely southern representatives of a given species is often so great that, taken in connection with other differences, as in general size and in the size and form of the bill, the two extremes might be excusably taken for distinct species, especially if viewed aside from the connecting series between the two types formed by specimens from suc- cessively intermediate- points, which beyond question show their specific identity. As in the case of climatic variation in the bill and in general size, the variation in color differs greatly in degree in different species. Climatic difference in color is particularly striking in Agelceas pharni- ceus. In the males the black is greatly intensified and more lustrous at the South, and the red on the shoulders becomes equally heightened. Instead of the light red shoulder-patch, bordered externally with whitish or pale yellowish-whitish, seen in Massachusetts specimens, the shoulder-patch in the Florida males is of a brilliant dark red, with a rich cream-colored or orange-yellow border. "While the differences in the bills of the two types might in extreme cases be taken as indicative of different sub-genera, the difference in color is as great as occurs between the northeastern type of A. phce?iiceus, and either the so-called A. tricolor or A. gubernator of the Pacific slope, or between any of these ititer se. Quiscalus purpureus also affords a similar example of climatic variation, as well in color as in the bill and general size. In the males the change in general tint is in the black becoming more intense at the South, and the iridescence being dark purple or bluish instead of bronzy or greenish. The change in the females is as great as that in the males. At the North their plumage is nearly lustreless brownish-black, but at the South it becomes nearly as black as that of the northern males, and has considerable iridescence, so that the northern collector, judging from color alone, would at first be likely to mistake the south- ern females for males. In Ortgx virginianus, through the increased breadth of the transverse bars of hlack at the South, on the dorsal as well as on the ventral sur- face, the general aspect of the plumage is very much darker in Florid? MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 235 specimens than in New England ones. In Sturnella ludoviciana the yellow of the ventral surface in Florida specimens is far more intense than it is in northern ones ; the slate color of Guleoscopies carulinensis is correspondingly darker, and the ferruginous of Harporhynchus ruf us is much redder. In Centurus carolinus not only are the black transverse bars on the back broader and darker, but the red on the head and abdomen becomes more extended and lustrous. In Picus pubescens the white spots on the wings become smaller and fewer, with a greater tendency to black streaks on the sides of the breast, a variation in the direction of P. Gairdneri and P. Harrisi, as will be noticed at length in the remarks on P. pubescens and P. villosus in Part IV. Similar differences occur between northern and southern specimens of Picus borealis, which are so great as to have led Mr. Cassin to regard the southern type as specifically distinct from the northern. Similar differ- ences to those above described occur between northern and southern specimens of Thryothorus ludovicianus, Troglodytes a'edon, Geotldypis trichas, Colaptes auraius, Buteo lineatus, and various other species, as will be described more in detail in Part IV. The climatic variation in respect to the relative size of the white spaces on the rectrices and primary remiges may be illustrated by a single example. In northern specimens of Pipilo erythrophihalmus the terminal white spots of the tail feathers are found on the four outer feathers of each side ; but in Florida-born ones they occur on only the three outer feathers on each side ; and are correspondingly reduced in length. The white area on the tail of Florida specimens hence has only about the extent that would be presented in northern specimens if the outer pair of feathers were removed. The extent of the white space at the base of the primaries is correspondingly reduced in size in the southern type. Extending the examination to northern species, it is found that simi- lar color differences with the latitude of the birthplace are of frequent occurrence. In Bernicla brenta and Bernicla canadensis the smaller southern-born birds are, as a general rule, considerably darker than the larger northern-born ones. The same is true of Fulix marila and Bucephala americana, the so-called Bucephala ulandica being the larger northern type of B. americana, in which the white markings on the wings and head occupy a somewhat larger area. It is altogether probable also that the so-called Anser frontalis holds a similar relation 236 BULLETIN OF THE to A. Gambeli (= A albifrons ?), and the Anser cceruhscens to the A. hyperboreus, though by some the former has been regarded as the young of the later. In Larus argentatus the southern specimens are not only smaller, with the " mantle " somewhat darker, but as a general rule the white spots at the tips of the first and second primary quills are more restricted. The changing of the pelage to white in winter in certain northern mammals, and of the plumage in certain birds, as the ptarmigans, cor- relates perfectly with these geographical differences in color; and since in some species of mammals only the northern representatives change to white in winter, while the southern ones are of the same color throughout the year, this seasonal change seems evidently to come under the above-stated general law of geographical or climatic color variation, namely, a gradual increase in color to the southward in individuals of the same species. A comparison of Florida birds with "West India specimens of the same species shows that the difference between them in color (and, it may be added, in size and other general features) are generally not greater, and in some cases jfar less, especially between Cape Florida and Cuba specimens, than obtains between Florida and Massachusetts examples, and that it is of precisely the same character. West Indian specimens of course differ more from Massachusetts examples of the same species than the latter do from others from East Florida, yet by means of the South Florida specimens, which differ but slightly from the Cuba type, a gradual transition is evident from the extreme northern to the extreme southern forms. Of late many Jamaican, Porto Rican, and Cuban forms have been regarded, by many writers, as specifically distinct from their representatives in the Northern States, and in many cases they might well be so regarded, were there not a succession of intermediate forms connecting them, — a fact which seems to have been hitherto overlooked. The earlier writers considered the Ortyx, the Slurnella, the Strix, the Circus, several of the Buteos, etc., of the West Indies as specifically identical with the Ortyx virginianus, Sturnella ludoviciana, Strix Jlammea, Circus hudsoniiis, Bntco bore- alis, etc., of the United States, and doubtless justly, notwithstanding that the comparison of specimens reveals certain relatively slight but constant differences in color and size, and to some extent in other features. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 237 (b) Longitudinal Variation. — In comparing the birds of the Atlantic States with specimens specifically identical from the interior of the continent, one is soon struck with the brighter colors of the latter, and especially with a tendency, in many species, to more ferruginous tints, and to melanism in others. In comparing again the birds of the Mis- sissippi valley with those of the Pacific slope, especially that portion north of the fortieth parallel, a similar difference is also noticeable, the extremes of color variation in truly continental species being met with (especially to the northward of this parallel) at the Atlantic seaboard on the one hand, and the Pacific on the other, between which there is a gradual and, with an exception soon to be noticed, a uniform increase in intensity of color to the westward. This tendency to more ferruginous and melanic colors to the westward is especially marked in Falco pere- grinus* Accipiter fuscus, Circus hudsonius, Buteo lineatus, Buteo borealis, Archibuteo lagopus, Hypotriorchis columbarius, Olus vulgaris, and other species of Strigidce, Tetrao canadensis, Bonasa umbellus, Bernicla canadensis, Bernicla brenta, Larus argentalus, Par us atrt- capillus, Carpodacus purpureus, etc., etc. The western representatives of Melospiza melodia, Passerella iliaca, Jlvico hyemalis, Pipilo ery- throphtkalmus, Parus hudsonicus, etc., differ mainly from their Eastern congeners in their more ferruginous or darker colors, according to the species. While the general tendency from the East westward is thus to darker or deeper colors in specimens of the same species, and in representative species of the same genus, the rule is not without exceptions, nor is the transition quite uninterrupted. On the arid sterile plains the repre- sentatives of not a few, and probably of most, species are much lighter colored than their relatives either to the eastward or to the westward. Also at the southward on the Pacific slope there is not the tendency to deeper colors seen farther to the northward, specimens from North- western Texas, New Mexico, much of the Colorado basin and Lower California, being lighter than others of the same species from Northern California, Oregon, and Washington, an explanation of which will be suggested later.f In comparing again the European representatives of cireumpolar species with their representatives in Eastern North America, a difference * For the synonymy and other remarks on these species, see Part IV. f See below, p. 239 et seq. 238 BULLETIN OF THE similar to, but hardly so great as, that between the Atlantic and Pacific coast examples of indentical species is likewise seen, the American being in general several shades darker than the European. In certain cases there is also a difference in the markings, as in some of the hawks, in which in the European the transverse bars are broader and better defined, and the longitudinal ones less so than in the American. This is illustrated in Astur palumbarius and A, alricapiUus, in Acci'piter nisits and Ac. fuscus, etc. In many instances the only tangible differ- ences between so-called representative American and European species consists in the darker, brighter, or intenser color of the American, the differences being oftentimes less than that between specimens of the same species from the Atlantic States and the Mississippi valley, or between those from the Mississippi valley and the Pacific coast. Not unfre- quently, however, are American and European specimens so nearly alike, even of species that have rarely been considered as identical, that without a knowledge of the locality whence they came it would be impossible to confidently refer them to the one species rather than to the other. There are also indications of various local differences in color in speci- mens specifically identical within the larger areas above considered, and which are in a measure exceptional to the general law of a west- ward increase in color. The data at hand are at present too few either to limit these exceptional areas or to indicate to what extent they are exceptional. They appear, however, to be coincident with peculiar climatic conditions, the exact nature and extent of which are likewise imperfectly known.* Variation in the Length of the Tail and in other Characters. — At certain localities, and more especially to the southward, there are well- known instances of an increase in the length of the tail, without an ap- preciable modification of other parts. Marked examples of this are seen in Icteria virens, Harporhynchus rufus, and Mi/nus polyglottus, as has h^en pointed out by Professor Baird and other writers,! each of which species has a western long-tailed variety. The Quiscalus macrura is also little else than a long-tailed variety of Q. major. A tendency is seen to this variation in Geothlypis trichas at the southward, * See on this point below, p. 239 et seq. t See especially Prof. Baird in Amer. Joum. of Science and Arts, 2d Series, VoL XLI, p. 191. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 239 while it seems to be a marked characteristic of many of the birds of Lower California. The tendency in southern forms to an elongation of the tail seems, however, less general than the southward decrease iu size and the increase in color, or the tendency to an elongation of the bill. Among other local variations may be mentioned the white instead of a red iris in the South Florida representatives of Pipilo erythroph- thalmus ; the yellow instead of a black bill in the magpies of the coast of California ; the white basal half of the feathers of the neck of the raven of Southwestern Texas and Mexico, by which it is chiefly distinguished from the common species ; the greater continuation anteriorly of the superciliary stripe in the western forms of Zonotriclda leucophrys, by which alone it is distinguishable from the eastern form ; the white frontlet of one of the western forms of the Parus atricapillus group, etc. There appears frequently to be also a locally greater development of the foot in western and southern forms of wide-ranging species, and occasionally an exceptional increase in general size under identical isothermes. Causes of Climatic Variation. — The facts respecting climatic varia- tion are at present too imperfectly known to be fully explained. There are, however, certain peculiarities of climatic variation, especially in color, coincident with certain meteorological peculiarities of the regions where they occur, that demand attention. The increase in color to the southward, especially the tendency to darker tints above shown to be so general, coincides with the increase in the intensity of the solar rays to the southward, and in the humidity of the climate. The southward increase in depth of color and in iridescence in birds specifically identi- cal coincides also with the general increase in brilliancy of color in birds, taken as a whole, in the lower latitudes (as well as in insects and animals generally), the maximum being reached in the tropics. The longitudinal variation, or the westward increase in color, seems to be also coincident with the increased humidity to the westward, the darker representatives of any species occurring where the annual rain- fall is greatest, and the palest where it is least. This coincidence is clearly illustrated in the birds of the United States, where the darkest representatives of a species, as a general rule, (indeed without exception so far as known to me,) come from regions of maximum annual rain- fall, and the palest from those of minimum annual rain-fall. In the Northeastern States the amount of rain is only one half to two thirds 240 BULLETIN OF THE what it is in the Northwestern States, while on the Great Plains it is less than one half what it is in the Northeastern States. In the lower part of the Mississippi basin and in the Southeastern States it is much greater than to the northward under the same meridians. Within the tropics, in America and Asia at least, the humidity, as well as the intensity of the solar rays, reaches the maximum, as does the in- tensity of color in both birds and other animals. In Europe, as is well known, the birds from near the Scandinavian coast, where the annual rain-fall reaches forty inches, are darker than in Central Europe, where the yearly rain-fall is only half this amount. So much darker, in fact, are the Scandinavian forms, that by some writers they have been regarded as specifically distinct from their representatives in Southern Germany, the Scandinavian forms of circumpolar species being as dark as their Eastern North American allies. There is again a striking parallelism between the relative humidity of Western Europe and Eastern North America, and the relative depth of color in the representatives of circumpolar species living in these two countries, the rain-fall of the latter region being double that of the former, and the birds of darker and livelier colors. As already intimated, this coincidence is not confined to the birds of these different regions, the same correlation of livelier, brighter, deeper tints with increased humidity being also exhibited by the mammals of these various districts, the Europeo-North American species being higher colored, as a general rule, in Eastern North America than in Europe, as the western forms of the continentally distributed Ameri- can species are often higher colored than the eastern. It is a most striking fact that the birds, and even the mammals and reptiles, of the almost rainless districts of Lower California, the Gila and Colorado deserts, are almost all so much paler in color than their relatives of the better-watered neighboring districts, that many of them have been described as distinct species, and the others referred to as strongly marked varieties, they all being characterfzed to a greater or less degree by a faded or bleached aspect. The birds and mammals of the arid plains of the middle region of the continent exhibit also the Same bleached appearance, but in a somewhat less degree. I had long suspected that hygrometric conditions had much to do with local variations in color in individuals of the same species, but I was not a little surprised when I came to compare the known areas MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 241 most prolific of dark and light local forms witl rain-fall charts, — which may be assumed as indicating relatively the liygrometric conditions of different regions, — to find the distribution of the light-colored races so strictly coincident with the regions of minimum mean annual rail-fall, and the dark forms with those of maximum mean annual rain-fall, as seems to be the case.» Humidity has hence apparently far more to do with climatic varia- tion in color than solar intensity, though the latter has undoubtedly an influence upon color. The occurrence of a light-colored race of Arvicola riparius on Muskeget Island and the sandy sea-beaches of the coast of Massachusetts shows clearly that the intense light caused by reflection from a sandy surface tends to the diminution rather than to an increase of color in animals, and even plants, since the foliage of the latter in arid districts so commonly assumes a dull grayish tint. The capture on Muskeget Island last season (July, 1870), by Messrs. Maynard and Brewster, of two pairs of the short-eared owl (Olus brachyotus) with the color of the plu- mage so pale as at first to suggest their being albinos, is additional evidence of the bleaching effect of strong light upon the colors of ani- mals. Such facts render it doubtful whether the increased intensity of the light in the tropics has really much to do with the brighter colors of tropical birds and insects, and suggest that humidity alone may be the principal agent in producing this accession of color. In regard to the cause of other climatic variations, certain other facts are naturally recalled. In the remarks on. the climatic and faunal peculiarities of East Florida,* attention was called to the less degree of vivacity and energy exhibited by the southern as compared with the northern members of the same species, and the general higher physio- logical development of essentially extra-tropical species in the temperate portions of their habitats. Is it hence improbable that the southward deterioration in size seen in such species is directly related to the ener- vating influence of increased heat ? And why is it that so large a pro- portion of the birds pre-eminently singing-birds are found in temperate latitudes ? In the increased size of the bill and tail to the southward, especially of the former, we have a fact somewhat parallel to what is not unfre- quently seen in mammals. The ears, for example, of the arctic repre- * See above, p. 166. VOL. II. 16 242 BULLETIN OF THE sentatives of species ranging to warm-temperate latitudes are smaller at the northward than at the southward, as is seen in the native dogs, the foxes, and the wolves, and in the arctic races of man. The ex- planation generally given of this seems possibly applicable to the beaks of birds, namely, a greater activity in the circulation of the blood in the peripheral parts of the body in the temperate latitudes. Species, Varieties, and Geographical Races. The foregoing remarks on individual and geographical or climatic variation necessitates a brief consideration of the character of species, varieties, and races, and the propriety of appl \ ing binomials to such forms as can be clearly shown to be connected by intergrading links with others previously known. As preparatory to what follows, it seems proper to refer briefly to the origin of the excessive synonymy with which our descriptive ornithological works are burdened. Ornithological synonymes may be arranged, as regards their origin, under four primary heads, namely: (1) Those arising from the de- scription of immature and adult birds of the same species for different species, (2) from authors mistaking sexual for specific differences, (3) individual variation for specific differentiation, and (4) climatic differ- entiation for specific. A fifth source of error, and one which has given rise to a large class of synonymes, results from a combination of the causes indicated under (3) and (4). Synonymes arising from the first two causes mainly preceded the others in regard to the relative frequency of their occurrence, especially so far as regards the birds of this continent. During the previous century, and the first two decades of the present, our birds were mainly described by European naturalists, who had no acquaintance with them in life, and whose resources often consisted of single and imperfect specimens received from chance travellers, without any indication of their sex or age. Later they were studied by resident naturalists, by whom the mistakes of their predecessors in this respect were to a great extent corrected. The laws of sexual and age variation becoming grad- ually known, errors from this source were soon far less frequent than in earlier times. When at a comparatively recent date critical compari- sons were made of specimens from distant localities before regarded as specifically identical, it was found that occasionally distinct species had been confounded. Such results led in the end to undue importance MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 243 being attached to trivial differences, so that assumed species were fre- quently based solely on either individual or climatic variation, but oftener on both combined. As the rage for describing new species increased, differences seemed alone to be sought ; and so long as a given species was usually deemed sufficiently represented, even by the best ornithologists of the day, by a single pair,* the subject of individual and climatic variation was neces- sarily almost wholly neglected, the custom of many naturalists being to describe species from single specimens, as though all the representatives of a species were cast after an unvarying pattern. As the number of specimens of well-known species increased in our large museums, it was soon seen that some of the supposed most reliable diagnostic features were subject to considerable variation. The collections brought together from various parts of the continent by the Pacific Railroad surveying parties and from other sources, and the reports published thereon, formed the beginning of a new era in the history of the orni- thology of North America, and in ornithological science. The facts thus disclosed in respect to geographical range, and individual and climatic variation, opened new fields of inquiry. Old theories and blind adher- ence to authorities, however, still impeded progress and led to frequent inconsistencies, which only time and further investigations could correct. Hence has gradually dawned the fact of the existence of a range of individual variation previously unsuspected, and of general laws of climatic variation, the full scope of which, as bearing upon the character of species, is yet to be determined. Nearly half a century since it was discovered that the North American representatives of what were then commonly regarded as circumpolar species could not in all cases longer be regarded as identical with the European. Further comparisons showed that in most cases of the supposed circumpolar distribution of species, specimens from the Old "World and the New could be more or less readily distinguished, yet the differences were in most cases slight, more or less inconstant, and not unfrequently due more to differences in the latitude whence the specimens came than to other causes. Yet a precedent for specific * Not many years since amateur ornithologists were kindly informed, by ono of the leaders in the science of ornithology, that his collection of the birds of a certain country, numbering over two thousand species, required for their convenient storage a space equal to only about one hundred cubic feet, the specimens averaging less than two to a species 1 244 BULLETIN OF THE separation in such cases having been established by recognized author- ities, it was followed till all the land-birds and a large proportion of the water-birds of the two continents were separated, in many cases, it would appear, on purely theoretical or geographical grounds.* When the comparison was carried to specimens of continentally di-tributed species from distant localities, differences between these were also de- tected, and the theory of specific diversity assumed, till the Pacific representatives of such species were separated from the Atlantic ones, and in like manner the southern from the northern, and those of particular areas, as insular, peninsular, and interior basins, from the others. In some cases such separations were of course properly made, but a high percentage of such forms are now found to intergrade through specimens from the intermediate localities. Not a few of the species of our faunal lists have been based on, and are still only known from, single specimens, and often on differences manifestly within the range of individual variation ; others represent local races, which only appear distinct when extremes alone are consid- ered, the intermediate stages being unknown or ignored. The increase of synonymes from this fruitful source appears to have not yet culminated, a large proportion of the "new species" now annually described being but slight local differentiations of previously known specific forms, from which they often differ only in being a little smaller, a little darker or brighter colored, and in the individual peculiarities of the single specimens on which some of them are based. In many cases this process of ultra subdivision has furnished stepping-stones to later generalizations ; in too many other cases it has been in its results only unmitigatedly injurious. So large a proportion of the commonly recognized species are virtu- ally nominal, or rest on a false basis, it is not surprising that in the reaction consequent upon, a fuller knowledge of the birds of this conti- nent, which has already commenced, the reality of species should be to some extent ignored. Whether, however, species are considered as entities or only as arbitrary inventions, convenience demands some established definition of them. * Audubon, writing in 1838 (Orn. Biog., Vol. IV, p. 608), refers to the Prince of Musignano (by whom a large part of the circumpolar and cosmopolitan specie* were separated into numerous assumed species) as *' having altered his notions so far as to seem desirous of proving that the same species of birds cannot exisfc on both the con- tinents"; and there seems to have, been good reason for the remark, only instead of proving them distinct, he in most cases merely assumed them to bo so. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 245 Not a few naturalists have hence adopted the test of intergradation, which seems a reasonable and an unobjectionable one. The question of species and of specific synonymy is thus simplified to this: that when- ever two forms which have both received names are found to intergrade, the more recent name shall become a synonyme of the older. Some, however, still urge that every recognizable form, however closely allied to others, and even intergrading, should be recognized by a binomial epithet, and that whether we call them species, or varieties, or races, or simply forms, that such names are none the less convenient expressions for certain facts. It seems to me, however, that there are insuperable objections to this course ; for however distinct the extreme geographical forms of a species may be, a vast proportion of its repre- sentatives are intermediate to them, and could never be but doubt- fully referred to the one rather than to the other. Ordinarily, for instance, in the birds of the Atlantic slope, the representatives of a given species at the extreme north of its breeding range almost always differ very tangibly from its representatives at the extreme southern limit, sometimes more, sometimes less, according to the species. Those living only a little to the northward of the middle region differ less from the extreme southern type than the extreme northern type does, and those a little to the southward of the middle region differ still less from the southern type, and are qviite distinguishable from the extreme northern form. In other words, in species ranging from Southern Labrador or Northern New England to Florida, of which there are numerous un- questioned instances, specimens from Southern New England differ somewhat from the more northern ones ; those from Southern New Eng- land from those of Southern New Jersey and Eastern Maryland, and these latter from those of Georgia and Florida. It hence depends en- tirely upon individual predilection whether two, three, or four " species " or " binomial forms " shall be recognized ; and in either case there is the same difficulty in disposing of the intermediate types. Again, speci- mens from the Mississippi valley differ more or less from their relatives from the Atlantic coast, the central plains, and the Pacific slope. Here again similar difficulties are encountered. Hence it is necessary to decide between recognizing a single binomial form, with a considerable but definite range of climatic variation, or three, or six, or nine, or even more, which cannot be rigidly defined, and between each of which will always be found a greater or less proportion of intermediate types, 246 BULLETIN OF THE doubtfully referable to one of the binomial forms rather than to another. Another important objection may be urged against giving binomial names to intergrading forms. In faunal and nominal lists of the species of a large or continental area, scarcely distinguishable forms take equal rank with the most distinct congeneric species. For in- stance, in a list of the birds of North America, Tardus Alicia and Tardus Swainsoni, Tardus Auduboni and Tardus Pullasi, stand side by side with Tardus mustelinas and Tardus fascescens, though in the former cases Tardus Alicice and T. Auduboni are founded at best on slight, and in the one case on inconstant individual or local differences, while in the latter no two congeneric species need be more distinct. In the one case only experts can distinguish the forms, and frequently they only by an actual comparison of specimens, and then too frequently but doubtfully, while in the other case a casual observer need not mistake them. The names alone give no clew to their real character, and are hence in a great measure meaningless when separated from the most ex- plicit diagnoses, and whose affinities can frequently only be settled by the arbitrary criterion of locality. But it is urged that cognizance should in some way be taken of these differences ; and " How can they be better recognized," it may be asked, " than in the way proposed ?" As already shown, and as I trust a large proportion of ornithologists are willing to admit, these local forms occur in accordance with recog- nizable laws of climatic variation, similar variations with locality occur- ring, to a greater or less extent, in all species having nearly the same geographical range. Eventually, then, will not the recognition of these laws be sufficient, and should not a statement of the tendencies to varia- tion with locality, and the degree to which it is developed, be embraced in the specific diagnosis of each species as a part of its specific description ? Is not this, in fact, actually essential to the proper characterization of a species ? The average characters being give*n, a line or two would suffice for a statement of its variations, both geographical and individual. Then only in one case where now there are hundreds would there be instances of doubtful identification. Till within a very recent period, perhaps, no other course could have been pursued than that of giving binomial names to each apparently distinct form, however slightly it may have differed from others previously known. In many cases, indeed, the differences between strictly intergrading geographical forms are very great, — greater, indeed, if they were not thus serially con- MUSEUM GF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 2-17 neet'ed, (han would be deemed necessary for specific separation ; and so long as the extr raes only were known, no one could have regarded them otherwise than as well-defined species. But the time has already come, it seems to me, for a different and a more philosophic method, and that to furl her increase synonymy by giving new names to slightly different local forms of the same species is worse than useless. It is important, in this connection, to observe that the species occur- ring at any point on the Atlantic coast, or on the Pacific coast, or in the Mississippi valley, or on the Great Plains, in short, at any re- stricted locality, have, as compared with each other, with scarcely an exception, an unequivocal character ; they are based on differences that place them beyond controversy. It is not so, however, when we com- pare the species of distant localities with each other, whether the localities differ in latitude or longitude. In such cases we constantly meet with controverted species. At the South are species admitted as doubtfully di.-tmct from others found farther north; at the West, those holding the same relation to others of the East ; while at in- termediate points either both the disputed forms occur with greater or less frequency, or there is a gradual transition of the one into the other, neither form being typically represented. This is evi- dently what should be expected to occur, if what has been said above in respect to climatic variation be correct, and is evident^ a suggestive and important fact. Is the theory of hybridization, so often appealed to in such cases, necessary to explain these facts ? and is it, in fact, true ? By uniting the intergrading forms, the number of species occurrin"- at any >ingle locality is not essentially reduced, but such a union would considerably reduce the total number recognized, as well as the num- ber usually assigned to the several continents, as at present not a few fire repeatedly counted. The many facts bearing upon individual and geographical variation, presented in the foregoing pages form but an imperfect exposition of the subject. They are, nevertheless, eminently suggestive of interesting results, and the conclusions above deduced I can but believe will be only the more fully confirmed by further research. Additional details are given in the general remarks embraced in Part IV, where various fact- merely hinted at above are more fully presented, and an appli- cation is made in many cases of the pinciples deducible from them. As previously stated, individual and geographical variations are in 248 BULLETIN OF TOE some cases difficult to distinguish. They can he satisfactorily investigated only from extensive suites of specimens taken from the same locality in the breeding season, and sufficiently extensive suites of this character arc, with rare exception-, still wanting. In specimens taken during migration it is difficult to determine what share of the variation is due to birthplace and what to individuality. Whilst, however, the varia- tions noticed cannot be always traced with certainty to their origin, their bearing upon the general subject of variation within specific limits is in no way vitiated. In considering hypothetical species, it is fre- quently clearly evident that they are based in part upon slight and tolerably constant climatic differences, and in part and sometimes wholly upon the individual peculiarities of the single specimen upon which the original description of the species was based ; in part, too, upon seasonal differences, and upon characters of immaturity. It seems to me that in the numerous clo-ely allied species of the ^.Egiutltus group, to cite a case in point, some are based in part upon one and in part upon other of these differences of a single circumpolar species. As already shown, the bill in different specimens oF ^E. Unarms varies greatly in size, yet an examination of a considerable series of specimens of several of its allies shows an amount of variation in the bill closely approximate to that seen in the specimens of the various assumed species of uEgiothus. Much of the variation in color seen in the flocks of JEgiothi that visit the Northern States in winter is due to age, yet it has been taken as characteristic of different species. These birds only visiting us in winter, those inhabiting widely distant localities in the breeding season are probably then more or less associated. The light-colored specimens are doubtless in part old or fully mature birds, or inhabitants in summer of more northern districts than the browner or more fulvous ones, a large portion of which, however, an; unquestionably young birds. The short-hilled ones have also relatively longer seta; at the base of the bill, which, by concealing a large portion of it, give it the appearance of being shorter than it really is. Analogy would lead us to infer that those with the shorter and more heavily clothed bills have a more northern habitat than the others. The persistency with which nominal species when characterized by " authorities " are retained in our literature is not a little remarkable. If specimens from the original localities cannot lie found to exactly tit the descriptions, the diagnosis is slightly amended to suit examples that MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 249 somewhat approach them, and the name retained. In other cases the species i- retained without its character being questioned, the name and the original description being copied by succeeding writers, till the species becomes traditionally accepted without its claims to recognition having been critically examined. Another noteworthy coincidence in regard to nominal species is the fact of their most frequent occurrence in obscurely known groups, which obscurity usually results from the difficulty of obtaining specimens of the forms in question, — either from the remoteness of their habitat, their scarcity, or the peculiarities of their habits, — or from preconceived notions of the intimate relationship of the species of such groups. Since the above was put in type. I have for the first time met with some important and timely remarks by an eminent English botanist concerning variation within specific limits in plants, which are so apropos to what has been said above in regard to individual and climatic variation in birds, and contains, moreover, such judicious strictures on various practices indulged in by botanist-, and of which zoologists are equally guilty, that a short abstract of them forms a fit- ting conclusion to the present paper. Says Dr. J. D. Hooker, in the introductory essay to his " Flora Nova>Zelandia3 " (Part I, pp. xii, xiii, xv, 1853) : — - " Some naturalists consider every minute character, if only tolerably constant or even prevalent, as of specific value ; they consider two or more doubtful species to be distinct till they have been proved to be one ; they limit the ranges of distribution, and regard plants from widely severed localities as almost necessarily distinct ; they do not allow for the effects of local peculiarities in temperature, humidity, soil, or exposure, except they can absolutely trace the cause to the effect ; and they hence attach great importance to habit, stature, color, hairiness, period of flowering, etc. These views, whether acknowledged or not, are practically carried out in many of the local floras of Europe, and by some of the most acute ami ob- servant botanists of the day; and it is difficult to overestimate the amount of synonomy and confusion which they have introduced into some of the commonest and most variable of plants Jn working up incom- plete floras especially,! believe it to be of the utmost importance to regard dubious species as varieties, to take enlarged views of the range i f variation in species, and to weigh characters not only per sc\ but with 250 BULLETIN OF TILE reference to those which prevail in the order to which the species under consideration belong; and to resist steadily the temptation to multiply names ; for it is practically very difficult to expunge a species founded on an error of judgment or observation. The state of the British flora proves not only this, but further, that one such error leads to many more of the like kind; students are led to overestimate inconstant characters, to take a narrow view of the importance and end of botany, and to throw away time upon profitless discussions about the differences between infinitely variable firms of plants, of whose identity really learned botanists have no doubt whatever. There is, further, an inherent tendency in every one occupied with specialties to exaggerate the value of his materials and labors " To the amateur these questions are perhaps of very trilling impor- tance, but they are of great moment to the naturalist who regards accu- rately defined floras as the means of investigating the great phenomena of vegetation ; he has to seek the truth amid errors of observation and judgment, and the resulting chaos of synonomy which has been accumu- lated by thoughtless aspirants to the questionable honor of being the first to name a species. The time, however, has happily passed when it was considered to be an honor to be the namcr of a plant ; the botanist who has the true interests of science at heart not only feels that the thrusting of an uncalled-for synonvme into the nomenclature of science is an ex- posure of his own ignorance and deserves censure, but that a wider range of knowledge and a greater depth of study are required to prove those dissimilar forms to be identical, which any superficial observer can sep- arate by words an 1 a name." The above remarks are as strictly applicable to zoology and zoologists as they have ever been to botany and to botanists. The present state of ornithology, and the tendency the majority of ornithologists have to multiply species on improper grounds, find here a fitting rebuke. Part IV. List of the Winter Birds of East Florida, with Annotations.* TURDID.S3. it Turdus migratorius Linn€. "Romx. Seen daily, sometimes in considerable flocks, till about the first of March, after which time few were observed. It was shot by me at * An asterisk (*) prefixed to the name of a species indicates that it is a constant resident; an obelisk (t), that it is a winter visitor. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 251 Jacksonville, April 1st, but according to general report it does not breed in the State. In this species the females are commonly supposed to be paler colored than the males, which is undoubtedly usually the case, but specimens as brightly colored as any I ever saw proved on dissection to be fannies, and other specimens as palely colored as any I ever met with have like- wise proved on dissection to be males. This shows the importance of determining the sex in all cases by dissection, and not from external appearances. It also indicates a wide range of variation in color in the present species, as great as is seen between typical representatives of the so-called Turdus Swainsoni and T. Alicice, and which is, moreover, of the same character, namely, simply a variation in intensity. 2.1 Turdus Swainsoni Cubanis. Olive backed Thrush. Turdus minor Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, S17, 1788; in part only. — Vieillot, Ois. Am. Sept, II, 7, pi. lxiii, 1807; in part only. — Bonaparte, Geog. and Comp. List, 1838. Turdus solitarius Wilson, Am. Orn., V, pi- xiii, fig. 2 : not the text. Turdus nanus Audubon, Birds of Amer., Ill, pi. cxlvii,* not the text. — » Samuels, Am. Nat., II, 218, 1868 Turdus olicaceus Giraud, Birds of Long Island, 92, 1843-44. Not the T. olicaceus of Linne' Turdus Swainsonil Cabanis, " in Tschudi's Fauna Peruana, 188, 1844 - 46." — Baird, Birds >»T Am., 216, 1858. — Sclater, Cat. Am. Birds, 2, 1862.— Allen, Proc. Essex Inst., IV, 56 864. —Baird, Rev. Am. Birds, I, 19, 1864. — Allen, Mem. Post. Soc. Nat. Hist, I, 514, 1868. — Ridgway, Proc. Phil Acad. Nat. Sci., XXI, 128, 1869. Turdus Alicia Baird, Birds N. Am., 217, 1858. — Coues and Prentiss, Smithsonian Pep., 1861, 405. — Coues, Proc Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., XIV, 217, 1861— Baird, Rev. Am. Birds, I, 21, 1864. —Ridgway, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., XXI, 128, 1869. Merula Wi/sonh Swainson, Faun. Bor. Am., I, 182, 1831. Merula olivacea Brewer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., I, 191, 1844. Rare. Given on the authority of Mr. Boardman, who writes me he obtained one specimen at Enterprise, February 18th, and another at St. Augustine, in the same month. The greater part pass the winter farther south. * The plates in :l Birds of America" are. too poorly colored, as is well known, to be recognizable representations of the species whose names they bear, including all those representing wood-thrushes, they having but little resemblance to those of the folio edition. The figures of " Tun/us nanus,'' Turdus solitarius. and Turc/ns mustelinus, might all pass for the Turdus Swainsoni, so far as the color of the dorsal surface is con- cerned. 252 BULLETIN OF THE In my " Catalogue of the Birds of Massachusetts,"* published in 1864, I first advanced the opinion that the so-called Tun/us Alicia- Baird was the paler form of T. Swainsoni. To this view other writers have taken exception. Professor Baird, in his " Review of American Birds " (p. 21), summarily disposes of the matter by presuming that I had not seen what he called T. Alicice. In 18G8, in my " Notes on the Birds of Iowa, Illinois," etc.,t I again reviewed the subject, having in the mean time examined some twenty specimens sent out by the Smithsonian Institution to different scientific institutions, labelled respectively, " Turdus Alicia," " Tardus Ahem?" "Turdus Alicice? hybrid?" "Turdus Swainsoni" "Turdus Swainsoni ?" " Tardus Swainsoni f hybrid ? " Alter having examined these authentic specimens of the bird in question, and also large numbers of Mas- sachusetts examples of what I called Turdus Swainsoni, — among which are a considerable number that correspond in every particular respectively with the typical, authentic specimens of" Turdus Swainsoni" and " Turdus Alicice " of Baird, the larger number, however, being intermediate in char- acter between them, and agreeing with specimens sent out from the Smith- sonian Institution as "T. Swainsoni f" "Turdus Alicice ? " "Tardus Alicia; ? hybrid?" etc, — I state in this paper that the opinion I had previously expressed in respect to Turdus Swainsoni and Turdus Alicice was fully confirmed. In this paper I discussed at some length the variations pre- sented, not only by this species, but by Turdus Pullasi and Turdus fus- cescens, and the character of their supposed allies, T. Auduboni, T. nanus, and T. uslulatus, and their supposed respective habitats. I gave also some details in respect to the variations in general size, form of the bill, propor- tions of the primary quills of the wing, etc., as well as in color, and con- cluded that Turdus Alicia was based on simply individual variation in color, the other differences, as of size, form of bill, etc., supposed at first to characterize it, being rarely coincident with the variations in color, they occurring as frequently in the one type of coloration as in the other. Turdus nanus and Tardus uslldatus I also deemed to hold the same relation-hip to 7'. Pullasi and 7'. fuscescens that 7'. Alicia dues to T. Swainsoni. Though described as exclusively western, I stated I had found specimens in .Massachusetts that accorded with them in every particular. After having given the subject still further attention, I am but the more fully confirmed in these opinions. Dr. Coues, thus far one of the most strenuous advocates of the validity of these nominal species, in a somewhat recent paper of his, X after stating * Proceedings of the Essex Institute, Vol. IV, p. r>G. tnoirs of the Bost. Soc. Nat. l!i-t., Vol. I, p. 507. J "A List of the Buds of New England," Proceedings Essex Institute, Vol. V, p. 267, 1868. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 253 that he had shown the T. Alicia; to he " a very common eastern bird, hav- ing a range of habitat as extensive as, and nearly identical with, that of T. Swainsoni," says, in referring to my earlier remarks on this subject, that they " illustrate very fully the well-known seasonal and other varia- tions to which T. Sicainsoni and T. fuscescens are subject," and adds that I appear to have been " autoptically unacquainted " with T. Alicia: at the time of writing them. In respect to this supposition of Dr. Cones, I will merely add that one of the numerous specimens considered by me to typi- cally represent the supposed T. Alicice has been sent to the Smithsonian Institution, and pronounced by Professor Baird himself to "typically represent the T. Alicice." The measurements given below of this species and the two following indicate the average size and the usual range of variation in this respect in these species as represented in the Atlantic States. These measure- ments embrace twenty-four specimens of Tun/us Sicainsoni, nearly fifty of T. Pallasi, and about forty of T. fuscescens, nearly all of which are from New England, and by far the greater part from Eastern Massachusetts. The following is the range of variation in the series of twenty-four specimens of T. Sicainsoni: Length, C.C2 to 7.75; alar extent, 10.75 to 12.C5 ; wing, 3.47 to 4.30 ; tail, 2.40 to 3.40 (4.00 ?) ; tarsus, 1.02 to 1.27. The average dimensions are as follows: Length, 7.17 ; alar extent, 11.65; wing, 3. 80; tail, 2.88; tarsus, 1.15. Measurements of Neiv England Specimens of Turdus Swainsoni. 6 si Z £ Locality. Date. Collector. "P. ti j 1 o 2£ § . w ? £• H (*=; ~ < 2S77 Ppringfiel 1, Mass. May 11. '63 J. A. Allen 6.75 11 |.n 3 1'.' 2.78 1 12 __ — ' — " May 14, -63 " 6 62 11 4n 3 80 2.83 1.11 is _ 11 l! May 2,, '''I " 6.75 :: 92 2.78 1 in 19 d " " May 27, v.l " t; 98 4.30 3.40 1 ' 2 2930 " ■< Ma\ 25, 63 " 7 60 12 :.n 4 12 ! 1 20 37 — " " May 25, '63 " 7 ii.; 1140 • •' 2 86 1.13 2940 — " " .May 29 " 7 L0 12.00 4.00 1.13 44 cf " " May 29, '63 " 7.25 L2.00 too 2.9:. I In — " " May 14, '63 ii 7.15 11.10 2 71' 1. 5 1829 29 — " " May 3d, "62 " 6 90 11.20 1 2 1830 23 — U II May 30, '62 " 7.75 12.20 3.95 1 17 1831 1 — II 11 May 30, '62 " 7.35 11.50 2.73 1.10 2! ■■ II — 11 U May 25, '63 " 7 7"> 12.20 :: >7 1.17 2940 — 11 11 May 29, '63 " : ■■> 11.37 2-7 1.11 — Concord, " II Mann 7 2-'. 12 15 1.10 2.95 1.10 8844 64fi d Belmont, " May 27, '68 C. .1 . Maynard 7.76 12.65 1.2.i 4.00 — 1999 1326 - ii ii Sept. 21, '68 •■ 7.7" 1 1 3 07 1 20 17 9 Watertown, " Oct. _', !69 Win. Brewster 7.12 12.00 3.94 1 l 1 _ — 213 V " •' May 'J I '69 " 7.12 i i 2 K7 1.27 282 — Maiden, " D. IIi<:'_'iiis 7 1" lUii 2 1- LOS 307 — Norway, Maine A. E. Verrill 7 24 11 i ii 3.47 2.73 1.14 308 5963 7 llll lu.7.-, 11 lo .: 18 :; ;i 2 10 1 12 2 08 I 3 Upton, " J. G Rich 7:;i 1520 — GlenHou?e,W. Mts. S. 11. Scudder 7.00 1 1 ;,• i 3.84 254 BULLETIN OF THE 3.t Turdus Pallasi Cabanis. Hermit Thrush. Tardus solitarius Wilson, Am. Orn., V, 95, 1812. Not the figure (pi. xliii, 2), which is of T. Stvainsoni. Not T. solitarius Linne. — Bonaparte, Geog. and Comp. List, 17, 1838. — Audubon, Synop., 91, 1839 — Ibid., Birds of Amcr., Ill, 29, pi. cxlvi, 1841. Turdus minor Bonaparte, Obs. on Wilson's Nomenclature, Journ. Phil. Acad., IV, 33, 1S24. — Nuttall, Man. Am. Orn.. I, 346, 1830. — Audubon, Orn. Biog., I, 303, pi. lviii, 1831. — Ibid., V, 445, 1839. — Gambel, Proe, Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., Ill, 113, 1846. — Giraud, Birds of Long Island, 90, 1843-44. Turdus Pallasi Cabanis, Wiegm. Archiv, I, 205, 1847. — Baird, Birds N. Am., 212, 1858. — Sclater, Cat. Am. Birds, 2, 1862. — Baird, Review Am. Birds, Part I, 14, 1864. —Allen, Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., I, 514, 1868.— Ridgway, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., XXI, 128, 1869. Turdus nanus Audubon, Orn. Biog., V, 201, pi. ccccxix, 1839 (T. minor on the plate). — Ibid., Birds of Am., Ill, 32, 1841. — Baird, Birds N. Am., 213, 1858. — Sclater, Cat. Am. Birds, 2, 1862. — Baird, Rev. Am. Birds, I, 15, 1864.— Ridgway, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., XXI, 129, 1869. — Cooper and Baird, Orn. Cal., I, 4, 1870. Turdus Audubunii Baird, Rev. Am. Birds, I, 16, 1864. — Ridgway, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., XXI, 129, 1869. Merula solitaria Swainson, Faun. Bor. Amcr., II, 184, pi. xxxvii, 1831. — Brewer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., I, 191, 1844. Merula silens Swainson, Faun. Bor. Amcr., II, 186, 1831. — Sclater, Cat. Am. Birds, 2, 1862. Common. Last seen about March 25th. As already observed in the remarks under Turdus Sicainsoni, I regard the Turdus yianus of authors as identical with T. Pallasi. The assumed differences arc slight and inconstant, and seem to be principally individual variation ill color. Although of late supposed to be exclusively western, representing 0I1 the Pacific slope the T. Pallasi of the Atlantic and Central States, Audubon's original specimen came from Pennsylvania, though lie subsequently received it from the valley of the Columbia River. In his "Synopsis" he gives its habitat as "Columbia River. Accidental in the United States." His description of its color is identical with that he gives of T. Pallasi (T. solitarius And.), even the words used being almost entirely tin; same throughout each description. In size, however, he gives T. nan its as being one inch less in length and one inch less in extent than 7'. Pallasi. Since Professor Baird, in 1858, recognized the T. nanus as a valid species and its habitat as " Pacific coast of North America to the Rocky Mountains," and restricted the 7'. Pallasi to "Eastern North Am- erica to the Mississippi River," the validity of T. nanus has been gener- ally accepted. Professor Baird himself, however, speaks of it in this work MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 255 as though it was in his opinion doubtfully distinct, and observes that, " if really distinct, is so closely allied to T. Pallasi as to render a separa- tion of the two exceedingly difficult." The T. Pallasi was formerly recognized as inhabiting California by good authorities. Dr. Ganibel, in his " Remarks on the Birds of Upper California," etc.,* after stating that '•the dwarf thrush of Audubon was founded upon specimens from the Atlantic States, and no doubt upon the true hermit thrush," remarks : "An examination of specimens of the T. minor [=T. Pallasi] from the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of North America shows no difference in any way, except that perhaps the western one is somewhat smaller, yet the difference is scarcely appreciable. From the measurement of many western specimens I found its length to be 6^ inches, and the extent of wings 10^ inches; the tail, wings, and relative length of quills the same as in our eastern one, and, in fact, I think it can in no possible way be dis- tinguished as specifically different." California specimens, however, seem to average a little smaller than New England ones, so that the T. nanus seems best entitled to recognition of any of the several disputed forms of this group. The habits of T. nanus, as described by Dr. Cooper, are exactly like those of the T. Pallasi of the East, except in regard to the situation of its nest, Jus account of its nest and eggs according exactly icith those of T. Swainsoni, and not at all with those of T. Pallasi, its nearest ally.f The Tardus Auduboni of Baird, of the Rocky Mountains, I have already also referred to T. Pallasi, from average specimens of which it differs only in being slightly larger. My reasons for this opinion have been given with sufficient detail elsewhere. % It is difficult to reconcile the account given by Wilson, § and corrobo- rated by Audubon, || of the breeding habits of this species with what is now known of the distribution in the breeding season of this group (sub- genus Hylociclda) of thrushes. The account given by these authors of the situation and structure of the nest is applicable to only T. Swainsoni, which, as well as the T. Pallasi, is not known to breed so far south by several hundred miles as the localities they give. The only species which may probably breed there is the T. fuscescens ; but this species does not nest on trees. To determine to which species of thrush these authors refer * Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. Ill, p. 14, October, 1844. Also Journal Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 2d Series, Vol. I, p. 41, 1847. t According to Professor A. E. Verrill, the T. PaUasi nests on the ground, and lays " bright-blue " eggs. Proc. Essex Inst, Vol. Ill, p. 145. J Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, Vol. I, p. 012. $ Am. Orn., Vol. V, p. 91. || Orn. Biog., Vol. I, p. 303: Bird; of America, Vol. Ill, p. 30 25G BULLETIN OF THE as breeding in this manner on the Lower Mississippi would solve an in- teresting problem. The following table will indicate tin' average size of Turdus Pallasi in the Atlantic States. The extremes in size of forty-six specimens are as follows : Length, G.50 and 7.G5 ; alar extent, 10.00 and 12.25 ; wing, 3.30 and 3.90 ; tail, 2.-17 and 3.17 ; tarsus, 1.12 and 1.33. The average dimen- sions of these specimens are as follows : Length, 7.04 ; alar extent, 11.17 ; wing, 3.7D; tail, 2.72; tarsus, 1.15. Measurements of Specimens o/ Turdus Pallast. M. C. Z. No. Collectors Number. Locality. Date. Collector. J3 "to c >3 a H 03 < ti 'rt H 3 u H 9835 — Milltown, Maine June — , '64 O. A. Boardman 6.98 3.50 2 68 1.17 4071 — " June — , '65 J. G. Rich 6.88 10.00 3.48 2.67 116 1990 — 1991 — Norway, " A. E. Verrill 6.90 10.50 3 3 i 2.51 1 is 7 00 10.60 " 65 1 17 << i< S. I. Smith 725 11.55 y.7U 2.93 120 5311 - 312 — ■■ill — 6.S0 In 95 3.45 ■_• 7- 1 12 ii ii ii 7 15 11 50 :; 70 2 02 1.15 ii i( " 7. -'52 11.00 ;; 59 2.98 1 17 1897 — Waterville, " Apr. 20, '62 C. E. Hamlin 7.20 10.77 2.93 1.07 mi:; — Apr. 14, "62 " 6.80 10.75 3.49 2.65i 1 18 4-j;j") — 1C tt Oct. 21, "63 " 6 90 10.25 3.37 2.60! 1.18 42;, l _ ii n Oct. 24, :63 " 6 80 10.75 3.57 2.93 - 575 1 — ;, , 55 — 1060 2584 — Concord, M I i. II Mann 7 50 7.15 7.25 .; s i 11.82 3.83 2.95 1-93 10.15 3.45 2.57 2 ''i 1.14 ti ii (( 11 02 3 77 1 18 Woburn, " . J. G. Shut" 10.25 2 57 1.17 2832 — Springfield, " May s, '>;■; J. A. Allen 7.25 10.70 3.52 2.83 1 20 9690 1002 - Oct. 17, '63 " 7.10 11.20 357 2.70 1.13 9391 L021! — u ii Oct. 29,63 " 7.00 Li :;47 2 71 1 18 4.1 • Watertown, " Dec. 1 i, 39 ffm. Brewster 700 11.63 3 63 2 63 133 .1 ii Nov. 6, '69 " 6 -7 11.19 301 2 52 1 .20 a ti .Nov. 1 a 7.12 11 12 3.74 2 5S 1.27 Belmont, " Nov. 22, -69 " 7.12 11.50 3 30 2 71 1 20 3tt d Cambridge, " Apr. 16, 70 " 7.23 11.94 3 71 2.S5 129 Waltham, " 0 • u 7.20 11.12 3 74 2 58 1.27 '.1 . ii ii X IV. 1, '69 '• 7.06 1137 3 72 1.25 62 i Watertown " Oct. 26, !69 • ' 10.50 3 50 237 115 283 , .i ii Nov. 22, '69 « 6.56 11.00 3.50 2 ;,s 1.16 — :r, ; , ii ii Apr, li I, '70 •• 6.75 L1.30 3 45 2 50 1.17 8845 Newton, " Oct. 12, '67 C. J. Maynard 6.83 11.00 332 2.65 — — - 13 i ii ii Oct. 12, '67 'I 7.00 1" 77 3.37 2.47 — 8848 250 i ii ii Apr. IS, '68 ■| 7 21 11 32 2 80 — 8852 322 i ii a Apr. 2.",, -6S «« 11.00 2.60 — 8847 338 ? • I n May 5, '68 " fn'i 11 30 3.50 2.73 — 21 ■• ii ii Oct. 19 '68 • • 7.0U 11 17 2.75 — 14 { ii ii Oct. 16, '68 •' 7.00 1 1 43 3.50 2.71 — n i; Oct. 16, '63 ii 6.80 11.28 3 57 2 75 — 38-J 1 ii ic Apr. 25, '70 ■' 7.60 1 1 75 317 ■ — ; ii .1 Apr. 25, '70 ,; 7 38 2. S3 — • i a Apr. 28, '70 " 7.45 11.83 2.90 — 5120 — i Jacksonville, Fla. Jan. 21, 'OS J. A. Allen 7.40 12.25 3 85 — — 51 15 - Jan. 25. 'tis " 7.UO 11 60 3 60 — — 5143 - ii ii Jan. 25, 'OS " 6.75 11 lo 3 15 — — 5147 - ■> ii ii Jan. 25, '68 " 7.oo 1 1 51 1 3.60 — — 51 <; Hibemia, " Feb. :;. '68 " 7 65 11 S7 ;; 85 — — 532 I - ? Enterprise, " Mar. l. '68 6.75 10.90 3 40 4.t Turdus fuscescens Stephens. Wilson's Thrush. mustelinus Wilson, Am. Orn., V, 98, pi. xliii, 1812. (Not T.muste- Units Gmelin.) MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 257 Turdus fuscescens Stephens, Shaw's Gen. Zoo]., X, i, 182, 1817. — G. R. Gray, Gen. Birds, 1S49. — Baiud, Birds X. Am., 2U, 1858. — Sclater, Cat. Am. Binls, 2, 1862. — Bated, Rev. Am. Birds, I, 17, 1864. — Allen, Mem. Bost. Soc*. Nat. Hist., 1,514, 1S68. — Ridgway, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., XXI, 127, 1869. Tualas Wilsonii Bonaparte, (>bs. on Wilson's Nomenclature. — Ndttall, Man. Am. Orn., I, 349, 1832. —Audubon, Urn. Biog., II, 362, pi. clxvi, 1834. Ibid., V, 446. — Giracd, Birds L. Island, 89, 1843-44. Turdus usiulatus Nuttall, Man. Am. Orn., I, (2d ed.) 400, 1840. — Baird, Birds N. Am., 215, 1858. — Ibid., Rev. Am. Birds, I, 18, 1804. —Ridg- way, Proc. Phil. Aead. Nat. !Sci., XXI, 127, 1S69. — Cooper &. Baird, Orn Cal., I, 5, 1870. Mervla minor Swainson, Faun. Bor. Am.. II, 179, pi. xxxvi, 1831. Morula Wilsonii Brewer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Xat. Hist., I, 191, 1844. Not common, the greater part passing the winter in the tropics. A few specimens were taken by Mr. Boardman at Green Cove Springs, February 20th and 22d. I did not meet with it. The considerable variation in color exhibited by different specimens of this species have perhaps been already sufficiently adverted to. It may be added that some of the brightest colored specimens of this species proved on tlissection to be females, as well, also, as some of the palest. As in T. migratorius, T. Swainsoni, etc., these variations in color do not depend entirely upon sex, age, nor season. The latter, however, doubtless has much to do with it, as has also age, as already explained; * but the varia- tion is in the main strictly the result of individual differentiation. Dr. Cooper says f that in habits this species is the " exact counterpart of T. nanus," the resemblance extending to the situation and structure of the nest, and also to the color of the eggs. In this connection it may be remarked that it is not a little remarkable that the eggs and nests of both the so-called T. ustulatus and T. nanus should so exactly coincide with those of T. Swainsoni (which breeds where the other species are said to), when the birds themselves are scarcely distinguishable respectively from T. fuscescens and T. Pallasi, both of which nest on the ground and lay unspotted eggs, while T. Swainsoni nests in trees and lays spotted eggs. The nests and eggs I have seen purporting to be those of T. ustulatus and T. nanus (and also of T. Alicia;) were so closely like those of T. Swainsoni, — not differing more from those of this species than those of the same species usually differ, — as to at once raise the suspicion in my mind that they might all be really those of T. Swainsoni, and that they may have been in some accidental way wrongly identified by the collector. * In Part III, pp. 193 et seq. t Ornithology of California, Vol. I, p. 5. vol. ir. 17 258 BULLETIN OF THE In the following table are given the measurements of forty specimens, some twenty-five of which were taken in Massachusetts during the breed- ing season. The extremes of the series arc as follows : Length, 6.95 and 7.87; alar extent, 11.05 and 12.70; wing, 3.55 and 4.16; tail, 2.63 and 3.02; tarsus, 1.06 and 1.18. The average dimensions are as follows: Length, 7.38; alar extent, 11.83; wing, 3.82; tail, 2.88; tarsus, 1.13. Measurements of Specimens of Turdus fuscesckn'S. 6 +, S5 2.2 5 = x Locality. Date. Collector. to a X i 3 O — 3 co S a! << 2272 - s. J 1125 3 90 2 87 H 1.10 Wateryille, Maine June 2, '02 C. E. Hamlin 7.12 2275 — " " June 5, ;62 7 39 11'.- 1 3 79 2 84 1.18 2270 — " " June 2, 02 " 7.53 11 73 3.86 2.ss 1.06 2277 — " " June 2, '62 " 7.40 12.(10 3 83 2 s7 1.13 9607 - - Canton, St. Law- 1 renee Co , N. Y. J June — , "60 J. S Foley 7.3i> 1140 3.72 292 1.12 9608 — " June—, "60 « 7.50 1175 3 93 3 00 1.10 9609 — " June—, "60 ti 7 50 3 92: 2 93 1.18 10382 — " June—, "60 it 7.30 1143 3.77 2 97 1.13 10383 — " June—, "60 " 6 95 11.05 3 55 2 63 1.09 10384 " June-, '60 " 7,4.-, 1175 3 69| 2.80 1 12 10385 — " June—, "Bit ii 7.12 11.75 3.68 2.67 111 883 I 367 r Newton, Mass. May 5, "68 C. J. Maynard 7.81 12.7(1 4.16! 3.00 B831 382 d " " May 6, "68 " 7.75 12.55 4 10 1 3.00 — 8841 495 • " " May 15, :68 " 7.87 1191 400 3.00 s.s32 528 r " " May 10, "68 " 7 7ii 12.45 4.00 3.00 — ■--::.: 538 ' Way land, " May is, 'lis i< 735 11.91 3 91 2 73 — 8834 550 ■• Weston, " May 20, '68 '' 7. mi 11.95 3 55 2 55 8835 581 ' Newton, " May 22, "68 " 741 12 5(1 4 15 2 90 8337 611 t a i< May 2f,. "68 " 7.50 12 45 3.80; 2.90 8838 683 / " " May 28. "68 " 7.5H 12.30 4.15| 317 8839 692 ■ " " May 28, 68 " 7.45 12.16 3 76 2.85 8338 610 -J " " May 2;-,, '68 " 7 30 11 33 3.55 2 60 8840 768 5 " " June 5, '68 " 7.51) 12 15 3 mi 2.89 _ 2876,2876 - Springfield, " June 11, '02 J. A. Allen 7.0(i 11 7(1 3 75 '1 so 1.17 1740 174!» — " " June 14, '62 " 7 mi 1 1 35 3 63 2.65 1.10 1828 1828 2 " " May 29, "62 " 7 5' i 11.50 3 99 2.86 1.08 1832 1832 3 " " May 29, "62 " 7.50 11.55 3 7:i 2.80 1.12 -ins — Newton, " May 18, "70 Wm. Brewster 7.50 12ii(i 3 74 2 74 1.14 2873 2873 — Springfield " May 12, '63 J. A. Alien 7 75 12.40 3.98 3.02 1.08 2876 2876 — i. ti May 14, '63 " 7.12 11.30 ;: ,:: 29] 1.12 2937 2937 — " " May 29, '63 " 7.45 11 so 3.65 2.7s 1.12 2938 2938 — " " \i..\ 29, '63 " 7 65 11 511 3.86 "00 1 15 1131 — — Maiden, " May 22, '62 " 7.15 11.87 3 75 2 93 1.14 1432 — — " " May 22, "62 " 7 52 11 80 393 300 1 15 281 i — D. Higgius 7.35 7.25 11.75 11 90 3 70 2.89 :; 18 2 73 1.10 1.15 281 — ii 143 — — " " June — , T,l " 7.30 11 72 3.72 2.83 112 1H — — " " JllIH , 1)1 " 7.25 11.75 3.78 2.70 l 15 I!:", — — " " June — , 'Hi " 7.IKI 11 40 3.03 2 68 1 11 146 - 1 June — , '61 7-45 1175 3 oo 2.80 1.12 5.* Harporhynchus rufus Calianis. Brown Thrush. Very abundant. The specimens examined were smaller and much brighter colored than any I have seen from the Northern States. Commences nesting the last week in March. 6.* Galeoseoptes carolinensis Cabanis. Cat-Bird. Abundant. Smaller and darker colored than at the North. Some MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 259 evidently remain and breed. Audubon states that none breed so far south as South Carolina, and that few remain so far north as Florida in winter; but Dr. Coues, in his ''Synopsis of the Birds of South Caro- lina,"* gives it as abundant and resident in that State. 7* Mimus polyglottus Boie. Mockixg-Bird. Common. Contrary to my anticipations, I failed to hear this bird sing during my three months' stay in Florida, except in a few' instances near Jacksonville early in April, at which time they were nesting, although everywhere more or less common. It was more frequent along the borders of the forest and about clumps of bushes in the pine barrens than in the hummocks. It differed from its relatives, the brown thrush and cat-bird, in avoiding the denser thickets, which are the favorite resorts of the latter. The resemblance of the mocking-bird to the loggerhead shrike, in mode of flight and general appearance, which must strike every observer, has been properly referred to by Dr. Coues. f Different specimens of the mocking-bird from Florida differ consider- ably from each other in intensity of color, some being much darker than others, and in the extent of the white on the outer tail feathers, and also in the length, thickness, and curvature of the bill. Some have the commissure but slightly curved and the tip of the bill moderately de- pressed ; others have the commissure much arched and the tip much decurved. Several specimens before me from Cape Florida are smaller than those from the St. John's River, with longer, slenderer, and more curved bills. There seems to be as much difference between specimens from South Florida and the Middle States, as between the numerous so- called species of the West Indies, which, many of them at least, are scarcely more than local forms of the original or first-described M. poly- glottus. The following measurements of forty-four Florida specimens of this species indicates its usual range of variation in size and proportions. The extremes of this series are as follows : Length, 9.25 and 11.00 ; alar ex- tent, 13.00 and 14.75; wing, 4.00 and 4.75; tail, 4.10 and 5.15. The average dimensions are as follows : Length, 9.01 ; alar extent, 13.69 ; wing, 4.28; tail, 4.87. * Proc. Bost. Soc. Xat. Hist., Vol. XII, p. 113. t " Synopsis of the Birds of South Carolina," Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XII, p. 113, October, 1868. 260 BULLETIN OF THE Measurements of Florida Specimens of Mimtts POLYGLOTTTJS. 1 o 6 • a N 13 a M Locality Date. Collector. 1j w '3 6 !§P DQ ►3 P H a o < 5118 ^ Jacksonville, Fla Jan. 19, '68 J. A. Alleu 9 75 14 00 4.60 5124 j< " " Jan 21, '68 " 14 35 4 50 5350 cf Enterprise, " Nov. 4, '69 " 1 ) 14 15 4 25 Hawkinsville, " Mar 15, '69 10.60 14 75 4 50 5415 • " " Mar. 15, :6i " 9 85 1400 4 40 ii ii Mar 14, '69 '' 9.85 14-00 1 in 5355 9 1955 9 2407 r 2614 ,■ 2341 d " " Mar 10, '6S " 10.12 1300 4 26 5185 Ilibernia, " Jan. 30, '69 " 10.30 14.15 i 30 UioSH Jacksonville, " Dec. 31, '68 C. J. Maynard 10.00 13 00 4(15 4.65 " " Jan. HI, '69 " 10.20 14.00 i 50 4.70 Dummitt's, " Mar. 2, '69 " 11.00 11 65 4 50 4.60 " " Mar 13, '69 " 10. 15 11 00 1 to 4.90 10589 " " Feb. 16, '69 " 9.75 13.50 4.25 4.75 " " Feb. 24, ''lit " 9 25 11 00 I 35 4.35 " " Mar, 13, '09 " 10 20 14-00 4 4D 4.75 2374 ■ 2370 ■; " " Mar 13, '69 " ll.SII 14 00 i 30 4.10 " " Feb. 17, '69 " 9.50 13 25 4.25 4.40 10592 2372 r " " Feb. IT, '69 " 9.75 13.75 4.20 4.50 2528 •■ " " Mar. 5, '69 " 10 30 14. no 4 45 4.95 2171 • " " Feb. 16, '69 " 10.15 11 :n 4 60 5.15 10595 2486 -- " " Feb. 16, '69 " 10.00 13.00 4.00 1 38 10596 2518 9 " " Mar. 2, '69 " 9 75 13 50 4.75 4 50 2428 9 " " Mar. 2, '69 " 10.00 13 50 4 ."i1 1 4.45 242!) 1 Mar. 2, '69 L0.00 13 50 4 35 4 35 2478 j " Mar. 11, 69 " 1050 13.50 1 L8 4. 75 2419 ,• Mar. 11, 69 " 10.00 13 35 4.25 4.75 10590 2340 9 " " Mar. 13, '69 " i 1 1 35 4.40 4.50 10594 234 I (' " " Mar. 16, '69 " 9 75 13 60 4.25 4 35 10597 25 19 9 " " Mar. 11, 69 " 10 13.00 400 4. 17 2507 Mar 11, '6S " 9.60 1 : 4 10 4.60 10587 2339 5 " " Feb. L0, '69 " 9.40 13.50 1 05 4.20 2 ,: " Feb. 17, '69 " 9.75 13.50 3 1" 1 50 s Mar. 13, '69 " 9.50 13.25 4 2( i i a 2560 2 Mar. 8, "69 " 9 50 13.20 4.15 10593 2375 ,' Feb. 17, '69 " 9 so 13.00 4 10 4.60 247S ? " " Feb. 16, '69 " 9.50 13 50 1 10 4.20 24S5 V Feb. 16, VJ 10.00 13.00 4.00 SAXICOLIDJE. 8* Sialia sialis Haldemann.* Blue-Bird. Common. In this species the smaller size of the Florida specimens, as compared with those from Massachusetts, is very marked, as is also the greater intensity of color. SYLVIADJE. 9.1 Regulus calendula Lichtenstein. Rcbt-crowned Kinglet. Abundant. One of the most numerous of the winter birds. Chiefly confined to the swamps and hummocks. lO.t Regulus satrapa Lichtenstein. Golden-crested Kinglet. Not common. A single pair was collected by Mr. Maynard at Jacksonville in January. * Sialia sialis Haldemann, Trego's Geography of Pennsylvania, p. 77. 1843. -Baird, Birds of X. Am., 222, 1S58. Sec American Naturalist, Vol. Ill, p. 159, 1869. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 261 11.* Polioptila cserulea Sclaler. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. Common. Generally seen in the same situations as It. calendula. VKRTDM. 12.* Lophophanes bicolor Bonaparte. Crested Titmouse. Common. 13.* Parus atricapillus Linne. Black-capped Titmouse. Chickadee. Parus atricapillus Linne, Syst. Nat., I, 341, 1766. — Wilson, Am. Orn., I, 137, 1808. — Bonaparte, Obs. Nom. Wils. Orn., Journ. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., IV, 254, 1825.— Rich. & Swain., Faun. Bor. Am., II, 226, 1831.— Audubon, Birds Am., II, 146, pi. cxxvi, 1841. — Cassin, 111. Birds Cal. I, 17, 1853. — Baird, Birds N. Am., 390, 1858. — Sclatek, Cat. Am. Birds, 13, 1862. —Baird, Rev. Am. Birds, I, 80, 1864. Parus palustris Nuttall, Man. Orn., 241, 1832. Parus carolinensis Audubon, Orn. Biog., II, 341, 1837 ; V, 474, pi. clx, 1839. — Audubon, Birds Am., II, 152, pi. cxxvii, 1841. — Cassin, 111. Birds Cal., I, 17, 1853. — Baird, Birds N. Am., 392, 1858. — Sclater, Cat. Am. Birds, 14, 1862. — Baird, Rev. Am. Birds, I, 81, 1864. Parus septentrionalis Harris, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 300, 1845. — Cassin, 111. Birds Cal., I, 17, 80, pi. xiv, 18"53. — Baird, Birds N. Am., 389. — Sclater, Cat. Am. Birds, 14. — Baird, Rev. Am. Birds, I, 82. Parus meridionalis Sclater, Proc. Lond. Zool. Soc, 1856, 293. — Baird, Birds N. Am., 392. — Sclater, Cat. Am. Birds, 14. — Baird, Rev. Am. Birds, 1,81. Parus occidental^ Baird, Birds N. Am., 391, 1858. — Sclater, Cat. Am. Birds, 14, 1862. — Baird, Rev. Am. Birds, I, 81, 1864. Po:cila atricapilla Bonap., Consp. Av., 230, 1850. Pacila carolinensis Bonap., Ibid. Seen by Mr. Marcy at Jacksonville, where also specimens of it were collected by Mr. Maynard. Not observed by any of us up the river. Audubon speaks of having found it abundant in the Floridas in the winter of 1831 and 1832, and "breeding in the swamps as early as the middle of February." * The common titmouse (P. atricapillus), although not more subject to geographical variation than many other birds, is one of the species in which such differences were first detected, though not recognized at the time as such. Audubon, in 1833, upon returning to Charleston, South Carolina, from a visit to the Eastern States, the British Provinces, and Labrador, noticed a considerable difference in size between the examples of this bird he met with at the North, and those of the lowlands of the * Birds of America, Vol. II, p. 153. 202 BULLETIN OF THE Carolinas. Though no other difference was appreciable, he and his friend Bachinan thought this was sufficient to warrant the description of the southern form as specifically distinct from the northern. He accordingly thus separated them in the second volume of his " Ornithological Biog- raphy." But if the black-capped titmice of the Carolinas, the lower parts of Virginia, Maryland, and Southern New Jersey are distinct from those of Massachusetts, on precisely the same grounds are those of Mas- sachusetts distinct from those of Northern Maine. Even the titmice of Massachusetts are not just the same in winter that they are in summer, those which breed here doubtless mainly going south in winter, while their place is filled by others that spend the summer more to the northward. This at least is what the slight average difference in size between summer and winter specimens seems to indicate. But the Caro- lina titmouse (P. carolinensis) has been recognized as valid by most subsequent writers, and in accordance with the principle upon which this supposed species was admitted, several others have been added by other authors. The titmice from the middle, elevated regions of the continent, in accordance with a general law of geographical variation among both birds and mammals, are a little larger than those of either the Mississippi valley or the Pacific coast, and have also, apparently, a relatively slightly longer tail and paler colors, — variations which occur in a number of other birds that have a similar distribution. The titmice of this region form the Parus septentrionalis of authors. Specimens labelled " Parus septen- trionalis," collected near Chicago, have been received at the Museum of Comparative Zoology from the Chicago Academy. They do not differ, however, from numerous others collected in Massachusetts, though the true P. septentrionalis, or the black-capped titmice of the Rocky Moun- tains, does have a slightly longer tail than those from the other parts of the continent. Those which occur on the Pacific slope of the continent, though forming the P. occidentulis of authors, are admittedly the same in size and general appearance as the P. atricapillus of the Atlantic States, Ibis species having been introduced to the world with the following suggestive remarks: "It is rather a hazardous undertaking to add another to the list of North American black-capped and throated titmice; but if we have three good species now, instead of one, then the present is equally entitled to specific distinction with carolinensis and septentrionalis." The P. meridionalis was first made known from a single specimen from Mexico, and of which very tew specimens seem to have been recognized as belonging to it. The original type certainly recalls only a worn summer specimen of the common titmouse, though its darker color may be due to MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 263 its southern habitat. Towards the end of the breeding season specimens of P. atricapillus, more especially females, have the plumage, particularly that of the lower surface of the body, much darker than in fall and winter, simply from the wearing off of the rufous and ashy extremities of the leathers, July specimens generally differing much in color from winter ones. In respect to P. carolinensis, as already observed, the only difference urged as distinguishing it from P. atricapillus is that of its smaller size. Yet this difference is so slight that it is admitted that if P. carolinensis and P. atricapillus were " separated by a wide interval of locality, it might be a question whether it [P. carolinensis'] might not be a variety. As, how- ever," it is urged, " both are found together in the Middle States, and pre- serving together their characteristics, there will be little risk in considering them distinct." Since the larger birds are, in the main, either northern or occupy the elevated regions of the Alleghanies, the two forms must necessarily be found associated together, especially in winter, through their migrations. Unfortunately, in the work where this group has been most elaborately considered,* but two examples of each are cited, with a state- ment of their measurements ; the two of P. atricapillus being from Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and the two of P. carolinensis from Washington, D. C. From the annexed table of measurements of P. atricapillus from Massachu- setts and Maine, it will be seen that a few are small enough to be regarded as belonging to the P. carolinensis. There is, also, a larger amount of seasonal difference in the color and general character of the plumage than has been either admitted or suspected, as well as in size. No one who has previously written on this group appears yet to have compared many specimens of these supposed two species, or to have examined a sufficiently large number of either to become aware of the wide differences that exist between specimens from the same locality. Variations similar to those assumed to specifically distinguish P. caro- linensis from P. atricapillus occur in P. hudsonicus between sj:>eeimens from localities quite distant in latitude. Dr. Bryant has already called attention to such differences in the P. hudsonicus, and at the same time proposed for the southern "variety" the name of "P. hudsonicus var. littoralis." Concerning this variety and the general subject in question, he remarks as follows : " The specimens of Paras hudsonicus from Yarmouth [Nova Scotia] and those from the Hudson Bay territory present as great, if not greater, differences in size than exist between P. carolinensis and P. atri- capillus, and in color, between P. septentrionalis and P. atricapillus. I am inclined myself to consider P. atricapillus, septentrionalis, meridionalis, and occidentalis as varieties of on" species; but, if they are considered as specifically distinct, there can be little question of the propriety of * Baird's Birds of North America. 264 BULLETIN OF THE separating the Yarmouth bird from those found in the Hudson Bay ter- ritory." * In the following table of measurement-! of twenty-seven specimens, all taken within ten miles of Cambridge, and all but two in December and January, the extremes of size are as follows : Length, 4.70 and 5.75, both specimens being females ; alar extent, 7.50 and 8.60, both specimens being also females; wing, 2.33 and 2.63, also both females; tail, 2.15 (female) and 2.G7 (male) ; tarsus, .G2 (male) and 7 7 (female). The average size of these specimens is as follows: Length, 5.38 ; alar extent, 8.3 7 ; wing, 2.4 7; tail, 2 50; tarsus, .70. The females average a little smaller than the males, but the difference is only slight. The largest specimen of the group of black-capped and black-throated titmice cited by Professor Bairdf measures as follows: Length, 5.75; alar extent, 8.37; wing, 2.75; tail, 2.86 (Parus septentrionalis, from the Black Hills, Neb., Sm. Inst. No. 8827). A specimen of the P. carolinensis, cited by the same author, measures as follows : Length, 4.62 ; alar extent, 7.00 ; wing, 2.50 ; tarsus, .60 (Sm. Inst. No. 706, from Washington, D. C). So far as the length of the wing and tail are concerned, specimens are fre- Measurements of Massachusetts Specimens of Parus atricapillus. Z. No. jetor's mber. a! Locality. Date. Collector. if a X W si a '5 3 O =3 OZ S » 11703 52 Ji hH < 8.12 2_62 Eh 2.07 e3 EH .75 -' Cambridge, Mass. Dec. 10, '69 AVm. Brewster 5.38 L1704 86 1 " " Dec. 14, '69 " 5.25 812 2.55 2.37 .75 11705 87 - " " Dec. 14, "69 " 5.00 7.88 2.02 2 50 .02 11708 96 i " " Dec. 14, '69 " 5.00 7.50 2.44 2 311 .75 11707 'M ..< " " Deo. 17, V.I " 5.06 7.S7 2.50 2.50 _ 99 d " " Dec. 17, '69 " 5.12 8.12 2.55 2 13 .72 104 f " " Dec. 20, '69 " 5.25 8.00 2.55 2.50 .70 11711 103 --" " " Dec. 20, '69 " 5.06 8.00 2.02 2 43 .75 11710 1"1 •• " " Dec. 20, "69 " 512 8.06 2.55 2.43 .75 153 • " " Jan. 7, '70 " 4 94 7.80 2.43 2 25 .69 112 • " " Dec. 24, '09 " 5 50 8 12 2.62 .69 206 5 " " Jan. 20, '70 " 5 10 8.21 2.58 2.55 .70 11706 88 " " Dec. L4, '69 " 1 94 7 50 2.43 2.31 — 95 5 " " Dec. 17, "69 " 5.1 ii i 8.00 2.50 2 37 .75 11709 97 5 " ' Dec. 17, '69 " 5.06 7 83 ' 2 13 2 12 . — 11712 105 5 " " !).■<■. 20, '69 " 5.19 7-75 2.5ii 2-25 .07 100 5 " " Dec. 20, '69 " 8.12 2.56 2.50 .75 11713 114 5 " " Dec. 24, '69 " 5.75 7.88 2:," 2 3:: .63 101 , Watertown, " Jan. 7. '70 " 5.45 8.00 2 .'3 264 .69 163 5 " " Jan. 7, 70 " 4.94 7-5n .69 179 5 Belmont, " Jan. 13, '70 " 1 84 7.55 2.35 2.15 • 77 205 5 " " Jan. 20, '70 " 5 11 8.17 2.54 2.42 .70 239 ii ii Jan 20, '70 " 7.52 2.35 2.30 .67 203 5 Arlington, " Jan. 20, '70 4 70 7 75 2 15 2.40 .68 4946 268 5 Newton, " Apr. 21, '68 C. J. Maynard 5.00 8.60 2.58 2.30 — 5011 1216 ,' u it Sept. S, '68 " 7 85 .65 4945 209 ■ Apr. 21, -09 5.00 8.00 2.41 2.35 * Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist.. Vol. IX, p. 368, April, 1865. t Birds of North America, p. 39u. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 2G5 quently taken in Massachusetts (and of which I have measurements before me) that are considerably smaller than this one from Washington, or than any given in the above table. SITTIDJE. 14.* Sitta carolinensis Gmdin. White-breasted Nuthatch. Common ; especially in the pineries. 15.* Sitta pusilla Latham. Brown-headed Nuthatch. Common in the pineries ; rarely seen elsewhere. TROGLODYTID^. 16* Troglodytes aedon VieSlot. Common "Wren. Tng'odyies aedon Vieillot, Ois. Am. Sept., II, 52, pi. cvii, 1807. — Bona- parte, Richardson & Swainson, Audubon. — Baird, Birds N. Am., 367, 1858. — Ibid., Rev. Am. Birds, I, 138, 1864. — Maynard, Naturalist's Guide, Part II, p. 95, 1870. Troglodytes fulvus, Nuttall, Man. Am. Orn., I, 422, 1832. Troglodytes amerieanus Audubon, Orn. Biog., II, 452, pi. elxxix, 1834. — Baird, Birds N. Am., 368. —Ibid., Rev. Am. Birds, I, 141. Troglodytes Parkmani Audubon, Orn. Biog., V, 310, 1839. — P t;d, Birds N. Am., 367. — Ibid., Rev. Am. Birds, I, 140. Troglodytes sylvestris Gambel, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., Ill, 113, 1864. Sylvia domestica Wilson, Am. Orn., I, 129, pi. viii, fig. 3, 1808. Abundant, occurring everywhere. It keeps so closely concealed that it is difficult to shoot, except when on the wing. Both this and the Carolina wren are exceedingly quick in their movements, and if they are watching the collector when he is about to shoot at them, they are pretty sure to dodge the charge ; although he finds the bushes and foliage where the bird sat riddled by the shot, he usually searches in vain for the specimen he is sure he ought to have killed. When ap- proached in old grassy fields or pine openings, they will allow one to almost tread on them before attempting to get away, and then, instead of taking to wing, often seek to escape by running off like a mouse beneath the grass. The term " house " wren, usually applied to this bird, is decidedly a misnomer, since it frequents the fields the thickets, and even the forest, as much as the vicinity of houses. In the wilds of Florida, where human habitations are few, there is nothing whatever in 266 BULLETIN OF THE The " wood wren," Troglodytes americanus of Audubon, I am sure is only the brighter colored ibrm of T. aedon ; in size or proportions there is nothing, though the contrary has been claimed, to distinguish them. Specimens equally large and equally small occur in each state of plu- mage, in which the same general range of variation in proportions is pre- sented. There is also an intergradation in color, and no observable difference in habits. Both forms were common in Florida ; both also occur in New England, whence Audubon obtained the first specimen of his supposed new species. Audubon admits that it " can hardly be dis- tinguished in description " from the house wren. The large size assumed by him as characterizing it maybe readily accounted lor by the fact of his obtaining his first specimens at Eastport in Maine, which is the extreme northern limit of the habitat of this species. The. following measurements of fifteen Florida specimens indicates the usual range of variation in respect to size and proportions found in speci- mens from the same locality. The extremes of this series are as follows : Length, 4.30 and 5.10, both specimens being females ; alar extent, G.10 and 6.95, both specimens being males ; wing, 1.90 and 2.44 ; tail, 1.30 and 2.40 ; tarsus, .50 and .G8 ; bill, .4 7 and .GO (.80?). The differences between these extremes, it will be noticed, are very great, considering the small size of the bird. The average dimensions are as follows : Length, 4.89 ; alar extent, G.G1 ; wing, 2.05 ; tail, 1.80; tarsus, .52. Measurements of Florida Specimens of Troglodytes aedon. 6 ^i a ■u u ■ a N o 0> - 3 & Locality. Date. Collector. "S * W 3 s a O — 3 Vl H C3 S S3 5* »3 6.60 2 44 2.40 .50 .47 10681 1900 6 Jacksonville Jan. 1/69 C. J. Maynard 4.70 1942 i" *' Jan. 1, '69 " 5.00 6 50 2.00 1.70 .57 .50 19 Hi :•' 11 Jan. 3, '69 " 5.00 6.75 2.05 1.75 .65 .50 10682 1967 <$ " Jan. 3, '69 " 4.75 6 75 2.05 1 95 .55 .52 L968 ■ " Jan. 3, :69 " 4.50 6.50 2.05 1.65 .61 50 2790 ■- •' Mar. 20, '69 " 5.65 6.95 2.00 1.64 .54 .51 2576 d r"iniiM',t's Mar. In, '69 " 5. mi 6. nil 2.10 2.00 .62 .50 4 ■■ Jacksonville Mar. 29, '69 " 4.60 6.10 2 00 1 so .61 .60 2033 " Jan. 5, '69 " 5.70 6.75 2.1(1 1.75 .tin .80 1979 y " " 4.3d 6 50 2 0(1 1.3H .60 .56 2588 ,' Dnmmitt's Mar. 11. '69 " 6.00 6.7(1 L.90 1.70 .65 .50 5178 — Hibernia Jan. 20, "''.'.i J. A. Allen 5.20 6.75 2.03 1.70 ,65 .60 5179 — " Jan. 2ii, '69 " 4.75 6.50 2. mi 1.65 .67 .55 — Hawkinsville Mar. in, '69 " 5.00 6.50 2.00 6361 ~~ Mar. In, '69 4.87 6.75 •J Oil — .68 — 17* Thryothorus ludovicianus Bonaparte. Carolina Wren. Common. Rarely seen outside of thickets. In few species is the difference in color between northern and southern specimens greater than in this. Florida specimens have the reddish-brown MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 267 of the dorsal surface many shades deeper than Maryland ones, and the under surface strongly rufous. The tail and wings, besides bein<>- much darker, have the dark bars black, they being deep black on the tail, and consequently far more conspicuous. The crissum, however, is lighter than in the Maryland specimens, with the black bars broader. The Florida specimens have also a much longer bill, they closely agreeing in every par- ticular with the so-called Thryothorus Berlandieri of Northeastern Mexico the Florida specimens even possessing the interrupted black bars on the sides of the body said to occasionally characterize that species as distin- guished from the T. ludovicianus. The differences between Florida and Maryland specimens of T. ludovicianus in the length of the bilL as well as in color, are very striking. They are paralleled, however, in Harpo- rhynchus rufus and in other species. The T. Berlandieri hence appears to be only the smaller, darker form of T. ludovicianus, — the Mexican homo- logue of the Florida representatives of this species. The Thryothorus Bewickii, from what is known of its range, doubt- less occurs as a resident bird in Florida, but is probably rare there, as it generally is elsewhere. lS.t Anorthoura hy emails Rennie. Winter Wren. Rare. — Board/nan. 19-t Cistothorus stellaris Cabanis. Short-billed Marsh Wren. Rare. Enterprise, February. — Boardman. The Telmatodytes palustris doubtless also occurs as a winter resident. MOTACILLID^I. 20.t Anthus ludovicianus Lichtenstein. Titlark. Common. Several were usually seen in company, but along the river I saw no large flocks. According to Mr. Maynard, however, they occurred in large flocks in the " old fields " away from the river. SYLVICOLID^J. 21. t Mniotilta varia Vieillot. Black and White Creeper. Not uncommon throughout the winter, but much more numerous in March. 22.t Parula americana Bonaparte. Blue Yellow-backed Warbler. Occasional during the winter months, but very numerous after the 1st of March, soon after which time they were in full song. 268 BULLETIN OF THE 23.t Helminthophaga celata Baird. Orange-crowned Warbler. " Enterprise, loth of February. Rare." — Boardman. 24.* Dendrceca pinus Baird. Pine Warbler. Abundant. Is much on the ground at this season, as it sometimes is at the north in spring ; on the whole, however, it is much less ter- restrial in its habits than is D. palmarum. In full song in February. 25.t Dendrceca palmarum Baird. Yellow Redpoll Warbler. Extremely abundant. Probably the most numerous of the winter birds in East Florida, where it is more or less common in all situations. Exceedingly terrestrial in its habits, being generally seen hopping along the ground or fallen timber. At the 1st of April they had con- siderably decreased in numbers, but many were at that time observed at Jacksonville. There is some indication that the males and females, and possibly the adult and young-, frequent separate districts at this season. When at Jacksonville in January I saw only males ; on the Upper St. John's, in February and March, only females or immature males ; but these were in excessive abundance, as were also the males at the earlier date around Jacksonville. Is it not probable that the old males either do not go quite so for south as the females and immature males, or that the species was already on its way north ? As is well known, the males in the species of this family, as probably in most other birds, precede the females in their journey northward. 26. t Dendrceca coronata Gray. Yellow-crowned Warbler. More or less common till the 1st of April, and probably some re- mained still later. During the last half of March they began to moult, but at the end of the month a large part were still in winter dress. The same remarks in respect to moulting apply also to D. palmarum. 27.* Dendrceca dominica Baird. Yellow-throated Warbler. Seen at Jacksonville in January, but much more abundantly up the river in February and March. March 5th I found them in great numbers in the cypress and maple swamps near Lake Munroe, at which time the spring migration had commenced. 28.* Dendrceca discolor Baird. Prairie Warbler. Abundant at Jacksonville, April 1st, and occasionally seen at earlier dates. This specie- is undoubtedly resident in Florida the whole year. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 269 29.t Seiurus aurocapillus Swainson. Golden-crowned "Wagtail. Not common. A few were seen in February, as well as later. 30. t Seiurus noveboracensis NuttaU. "Water Wagtail. Rare. Found at Dummitt's by Mr. Maynard in Februrary. 31.* Geothlypis triehas Cabanis. Maryland Yellow-throat. Abundant. Though somewhat brighter colored throughout, they dif- fer mainly from the northern type in the greater breadth of the black facial band. There is but little difference in general size, that is, so far as I have had an opportunity of observing ; occasionally a Florida example has a bill considerably longer than the average in northern examples, but this does not appear to be a very constant difference between the southern and northern specimens. It would probably be more marked in specimens from South Florida. Other species of this family were seen in March that are not to be reckoned as winter residents. Amonsr them are the following : Den- drceca maculosa, D. virens, and D. pennsylvanica, Euthhjpis cana- densis, Setophaga ruticilla, and Hehninthophagg. ruJicapiUa, all of which began to appear on the Upper St. John's, near Enterprise, about the middle of March, and most of them were also seen later at lower points on the river. Helmitherus vermivorus and H. Swainsoni were taken at St. Augustine, by Mr. L. L. Thaxter, in April. HIRUNDINID.E. 32.t Tachycineta bicolor Cabanis. "White-bellied Swallow. More or less numerous, but observed at irregular intervals. Large flocks were seen near the St. John's River in January. It probably does not breed in Florida. 33.t Cotyle riparia Boie. Bank Swallow. Not observed by either Boardman, Maynard, or myself prior to the last of March, but Mr. Audubon saw it in immense flocks " in winter," first at St. Augustine, and afterwards in other parts of the State.* The Stelgidopteryx, serripennis was seen about Jacksonville the first week in April, and specimens of it were obtained. Several pairs were seen flying about some bluffs a few miles below the town, apparently with the intention of selecting breeding-places. * Birds of America, Vol. I, p. 187. 270 BULLETIN OF THE VIREONID^l. 34.t Lanivireo solitarius Baird. Solitary Vireo. Rather common. In full song early in March. 35.* Vireo noveboracensis Bonaparte. White-eyed Vireo. Common. In full sons in March. 36.t Vireosylvia olivacea Bonaparte. Red-eted Vireo. u A few all winter." — Boardman. Common after the 1st of March, on the Middle St. John's. The Yellow-throated Vireo, Lanivireo Jiavifrons, was quite common early in March, and is undoubtedly a winter resident in South Florida. AMPELID-EJ. 37.t Ampelis cedrorum Baird. Cedar Bird. Common. Perhaps resident. LANIID-B3. 38.* Collurio ludovicianus Baird. Loggerhead Shrike. Lanius ludovicianus Linne, Syst. Nat., I, 184, 1766. — Bonaparte, Nuttall, Audubon. — Gambel, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., Ill, 200, 1847. Lanius garrulus Bartram, Travels, 289, 1791 (no description). ? Lanius ardosiaceus Vieillot, Ois. Am. Sept., I, 81, pi. li, 1807. — Bonaparte, Obs. on Wils. Nomenc, Journ. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., III. 358, 1824. Lanius carolinensis Wilson, Am. Orn., Ill, 57, pi. xxii, fig. 5, 1811. Lanius excubitoroides Swainson, Faun. Bor. Am., II, pi. xxxiv, 1831. Lanius elegans Swainson, Ibid., 122. — Nuttall, Man. Am. Orn., I, 2d ed., 287, 1840. — Gambel, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 261, 1843. Lanius mexicanus Brehm, Cab. Journ. fur Orn., II, 145, 1854. — Sclater, Catal. Am. Birds, 46, 1861. Collurio ludovicianus Baird, Birds of N. Am., 325, 1858. — Allen, Amer. Nat., III. 579, 1869. —Baird, Rev. Am. Birds, I, 443, 1866. Collurio excubitoroides Baird, Birds N. Am., 337. — Baird, Rev. Am. Birds, I, 445. — Cooper & Baird, Orn. Cal., I, 138, 1870. Collurio elegans Baird, Birds N. Am., 328. — Baird, Rev. Am. Birds, I, 444. Cooper & Baird, Orn. Cal., I, 140, 1870. Not very numerous. I have already referred to the questionable distinctness of the so-called C. excubitoroides from the present species.* Further examination of the * See a series of articles in the ''American Naturalist," entitled " Notes on some of the Rarer Birds of Massachusetts," Vol. Ill, 1869. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 271 subject has only confirmed me in the opinion that they are not distinct, and that in all probability the C. elegans of California should also be re- ferred to the C. ludovicianus.* TANAGRID-2E. The Pyranga (estiva became common on the Lower St. John's April 1st to 5th, but was not observed previously. P. rubra was not seen at all. A considerable number of specimens of this species (P. cestiua) in the Museum, from the Atlantic States, present great differences in the size of the bill in respect to vertical and lateral thickness, as well as in the posi- tion and distinctness of the " tooth " of the bill, and in the curvature of the commissure, as indicated by the accompanying figures (Plata IV, figs. 19, 20). They also vary greatly in intensity of color, both of the bill and plumage, as do different specimens of P. rubra from Massachusetts. Hence species based solely on such distinctions should be accepted, if at all, with great hesitancy, f FRINGILLID^l. 39.t Chrysomitris tristis Bonaparte. Yellow Bird. Common throughout the winter, and as numerous the first week in April as earlier. I am sure I heard the notes of the Pine Finch {Chrysomitris pinus), but as I obtained no specimens of it and do not find it reported by others, I do not include it in the present list. It is not improbable that this species and the Purple Finch (Carpodacus purpureas) are occasional winter visitors. * Since writing the above I have met with the following observations on this group, made by Dr. Gambel, in his " Remarks on the Birds observed in Upper California " (Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. Ill, p. 200, 1S47): "In the shrikes we are presented with a group of birds closely allied to each other, and undergoing such changes in plumage as renders them difficult to discriminate. Although examined with great care by Swainson in the Fauna Boreali-Americana, yet he appears to have laid too much Stress upon characters subject to great variation, as sue, relative length of quills, and color The relative length of quills in the snrikes i» an uncertain character, and differs very much according to age. In the young of this species the second quill is generally much shorter than the sixth, but in the adult equals and may even exceed the sixth in length; the proportion of 'he third, fourth and fifth to each other is also exceed- ingly various, and indeed m each wing of the same bird it is very common to find the proportions of the quills differing very materially. This I have found to be the case in the European and botb American ,veeies [iniluno ludovicianus and C. borealis)." t See some remarks on the" Uniformly red >pecies of Pyranga," m Proceed. Phil. Aead. Nat. Sciences, p. 127. June, l&G'J. 272 BULLETIN OF THE 40.t PasserculllS savanna Bonaparte. Savanna Sparrow. Emheriza sandwichensis Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 875, 1788. Emberiza arctica Latham, Ind. Orn., I, 414, 1790. Emheriza chrysops Pallas, Zool. Rosso-Asiat., II, 45, pi. xlviii, fig. 2, 1811. Fringilla savanna Wilson, Am. Urn., Ill, 55, pi. xxii, fig. 2, 1811. Passerculus savanna Bonaparte, Geog. ami Comp. List., 3.3, 1838. — Baird, Birds N. Am., 442, 1858. — Sclater, Cat. Am. Birds, 112, 1862. Passerculus alaudinus Bonaparte, Compte Rendu, XXXVII, 918, 1853. — Baird, Birds X Am., 446, 1858. — Sclatek, Cat. Am. Birds, 112, 1862. — Coues, Proc Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., XVIII, 84, 1866. — CouES,Proc. Essex Inst., V, 281, 1868.— Cooper & Baird, Orn. Cal., I, 181, 1870. Passerculus ant/unus Bonaparte, Compte Rendu, XXXVII, 919, 1853. — Baird, Birds N. Am., 445, 1858. — Sclater, Cat. Am. Birds, 112, 1862. — Cooper & Baird, I, 18.3. Passerculus sandwichensis Baird, Birds N. Am., 444, 1858. — Sclater, Cat. Am. Birds, 112, 1862. — Cooper & Baird, Orn. Cal., I, 180. Abundant, especially on the savannas, where it was the principal sparrow seen. This species, like all the sparrows, varies considerably in color with the season of the year. Fall specimens, and especially the young of the year, have the yellow superciliary stripe very indistinctly defined, it being in numerous cases entirely obsolete. The general plumage is also much browner, with the streaks on the dorsal surface suffused and obscured with ferruginous, and those below, as in fall specimens of Melospiza melodia, bordered with the same tint. Different individuals also vary considerably in the breeding season, some being much grayer above than others ; the superciliary line varies from bright yellow to grayish white, with the yellow either entirely wanting or limited to a slight wash on the part anterior to the eve. This graver plumage and faded condition of the superciliary stripe is more especially seen towards the end of the breeding season. The spots below also vary so much in size as to give very different aspects to the plumage of the lower surface of the body in different specimens. In some they form little more than a narrow line along the middle of the feathers of the breast and sides of the body ; ill others they are quite broad, occupying relatively a much larger surface ; occasionally, also, they are aggregated on the lower part of the breast, forming a large conspicuous patch, as distinct as is ever seen in Melospiza melodia. The general size. of the bird also varies considerably, as is indicated in the accompanying table of measurements, and the bill i- subjeel to very marked variations in respect to length, size, thickness, and slenderness, as substantiated by a series of nearly one hundred specimens now before me, including some thirty specimens taken at Ipswich, Massachusetts, in the breeding season. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 273 These specimens are separable to some extent into several series, which may be based either upon difference in general size, the character of the bill, or upon coloration; but these several kinds of variation fail to cor- roborate each other. If separated upon differences in size, the two or more series thus separated embrace every combination of the other dif- ferences ; and similar incongruities result when the separation is made upon differences in coloration or other characters. Yet the Massachusetts specimens present among themselves differences as well marked and of the same character as is assumed to distinguish several of the so-called species from the Pacific coast, that have been proposed and adopted by different authors. Alexander Wilson was the first naturalist who gave any adequate de- scription of the species in question, though the Emberiza sandwichensis of Gnielin unmistakably refers to this bird, and this name having been given long before that of Wilson, should, in accordance with the rule of priority, supplant Wilson's more euphonious and familiar one of savanna. The first supposed species recognized by modern writers after the well-known one of Wilson was the P. alaudinus, described by Bonaparte in 1853, in his notes on the Delattre collection,* from a specimen from California. He says it is not easily distinguished from P. savanna, but differs from it in being smaller, with the bill shorter and slenderer, and in wanting the yellow superciliary line.f Professor Baird redescribed it in his Birds of North America in similar language, and cites under it five specimens, which came respectively from Brownsville, Texas; Tamaulipas. Mexico; Petaluma, Cal.. and Shoalwater Bay. AY. T. lie remarks respecting it as follows: "This species, if really distinct from P. sacanna, differs in the rather smaller size, although the difference is not great, and in the considerably paler colors. The superciliary stripe shows a very faint trace of yellow, especially anteriorly near the bill. In some specimens, as 4342, there is none at all." Bonaparte, in his paper just cited, added another " new species" from Kodiak, Alaska, which he called Passercidus anthinus, and described as follows: " Passercidus anthinus, Bp., ex Kadiak, Am. Ross. Simillimus pr&cedenli, sed rostro eliam graciliore et capite jlavo induto ; subtus alho-rufttcens matjis maculatus." He says it is still smaller and has the bill slenderer even than the other, and that it appears to live farther noi-th. Professor Baird al~<> redescribes this species, and is much more explicit in his account of it. He says : " Similar to P. savanna, but smaller Breast and upper part of belly thickly spotted with sharply defined sagittate brown spots, exhibiting a tendency to aggregation on the * Compte Rendu, Tome XXXVII, p. 918. t " Passerculus alaudinus, Bp., ex Wils., mais plus petite sans jaune aux sourcils et a bee plus court et plus effileV' VOL. II. 18 274 BULLETIN OF THE middle of the belly," etc. He adds : " This species is the smallest of its group, and differs from all in the much greater amount of spotting on the under parts. The streaks, indeed, extend over the whole breast and upper part of the abdomen, instead of being mainly confined to the jugulum." It differs, he says, from P. alaudinus "in the strong shade of yellow on the head, the much darker tints above, and the thick crowding of larger and better defined spots beneath, with a faint tinge of reddish." lie refers to it three specimens from San Francisco, Benicia, and Petaluma, California. In 1858 Professor Baird added still another species of Passerculus to those previously recognized, through the redescription of the original type of this group, the Emberiza sandwichensis of Gmelin, based upon La- tham's Sandwich Bunting * and Pennant's Unalaska Bunting.f The name Sandwich, as Professor Baird has remarked, refers not to the Sandwich Islands, but to Sandwich Sound, on the northern coast. To this species Baird judiciously refers the Emberiza arctica of Latham J and Vigors, § and the E. chrysops of Pallas. || Professor Baird's description of it is as follows : " Almost exactly like P. savanna, but half an inch larger, with much larger bill. Length, 6.12 ; wing, 3.00 ; tail, 2.55. Habitat, north- western coast, from the Columbia River to Kussian America." He also further observes : " This species is extremely similar to the P. savanna, and is only distinguishable by its greater size and more western locality. The tail feathers also are rather more acutely pointed. There is also a greenish- yellow shade on the top and sides of the head, brighter than is seen in P. savanna. The bill is considerably larger and longer, measuring .51 of an inch above instead of .44." To this is referred one specimen from " Rus- sian America," one from Fort Steilacoom, W. T., and three from Shoal- water Bay, W. T., three of which measure as is indicated in the above- quoted description, and the other nearly three fourths of an inch less. In respect to size, then, it appears that the so-called P. sandwichensis is the larger, the P. savanna the next in size, P. alaudinus the third, ami /'. anthinus the smallest. So, at least, it is claimed ; but from the measure- ments published in Birds of North America, a female of P. savanna from Carlisle, Pa. (No. 780), is, with one exception (No. 4340, from Browns- ville, Texas), the smallest of the specimens of this genus of which meas- urements are there given ; two others from Pennsylvania are below the average of A alaudinus. No. 10,203, from Russian America, referred to P. sandwichensis, is scarcely larger than an average P. sava?ina. The * Latham's Synopsis, Vol. II, p. 202, 1783. t Pennant's Arctic Zoology, Vol. II, Species No. 229, pp. 320, 368. X Indian Ornithology, Vol. I, p. 414, 1790. § Zoology of the Blossom, p. 20, 1839. || Zoographia Rosso-Asiatica, Vol. II, p. 45, pi. xlviii, fig. 1, 1811. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 275 accompanying series of measurements shows that specimens occur in Massachusetts as large and as small as any specimens of the genus of which measurements are given by Professor Baird. In respect to the geographical distribution of these different supposed species, it will be observed that of the three West Coast species, the larger, P. sandwichensis, is northern, and the others, P. alaudinus and P. anthi- nus, southern, which perfectly explains the difference in size that occurs between them.* In respect to P. alaudinus and P. anthinus, one is only the paler colored and the other the brighter colored form of the common savanna sparrow as represented in the Pacific States ; the three supposed species together forming a series similar to what is seen when a large number of specimens of this bird from the Atlantic States are compared. In other words, the characters whereon these species are based are evi- dently only individual differences. The P. alaudinus is the form with narrow streaks and generally paler tints, or that having a minimum inten- sity of color ; the P. anthinus is that with the brighter tints, or with the maximum intensity of color, the greater breadth of the streaks, and the rufous suffusion below correlating with the generally brighter tints. Aside from this normal range of variation referred to at length in Part III as obtaining in all species, there i« that of season to be taken into account, as the fading of the superciliary stripe and the grayer aspect of the plumage above towards the end of the breeding season, through the natural wearing and bleaching of the plumage, f and also the rufous suf- fusion and greater amount of color characteristic of the renewed plumage in fall. It will be noticed that authors report the occurrence of all the western species either actually at or near the -same points^ while P. savanna was not until recently supposed to occur on the Pacific slope of the continent. § But one of the others have been announced from the plains as far east as Nebraska, || and from Brownsville, Texas.^f In respect to the habits of these supposed species, there is nothing attributed to the western one that is not equally applicable to the eastern bird. Dr. Coues, it is true, says that in Southern California P. anthinus seemed confined to the moist salt grass and sedgy weeds of the sea-shore * Since the above was written, Mr. Dall has given, not only P. savanna and P. sand- mchensis, but also P. alaudinus and P. anthinus in his list of the birds of Alaska. (See Trans. Chicago Acad. Sciences, Vol. I, pp. 283, '284.) t See Part III, p. 193. J See Professor Baird, " Birds of North America," Dr. Coues, " Notes on the Birds of Arizona Territory," and Cooper's Ornithology of California. § It has recently been reported by Mr. Dall as common in Alaska. || P. alaudinus, Sclater's Catalogue of American Birds, p. 112. ^ P. alaudinus, Baird, in Birds of North America, p. 446. 276 BULLETIN OF THE itself. " When with difficulty it was flushed, its flight was," he remarks, " very rapid and irregular ; and it would alight again almost immediately, and run with great celerity among the roots of the thick grasses. It was then exceedingly difficult to procure." * All of which is quite true of P. savanna when frequenting the salt marshes, which form its most favor- ite resort in Massachusetts. " I', alaudinus" he says, "was common two or three miles away from the coast, but on the sea-shore itself I never found one mixing with P. ant/anus ; it is a bush-and-weed rather than a grass species." P. saccuuia also frequents similar localities. Mr. Dall, under P. antJiinus, has also accurately indicated the habits of the eastern Passerculus. Under P. savanna, however, he mentions a fact in respect to the breeding habits of this species I have never before seen mentioned as characterizing any of the Passerculi, namely, its nesting in bushes. I have met with many nests of the eastern savanna sparrow, and have always found them placed on the ground, usually in a tuft of grass. To recur again to the series in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, I may add that while some of the Ipswich specimens, taken late in June, have a decidedly yellow superciliary stripe, none have it so bright as it is usually in spring specimens ; in a considerable proportion it is very pale, and in Nos. 4700, 10GC8, etc., it is grayish-white, with no perceptible trace of yellow. No. 5099, and some others, have the spots on the breast and sides very narrow, occupying but a small share of the surface ; on the other hand, in No. 5088, as also in several others of the series, the spots are so broad as to occupy more space than the enclosing white portion. In other specimens, taken at a different season of the year, the "rufous tinge" surrounding the spots referred to in the above-quoted description of P. anthinus is very marked. There is likewise great difference in the color of the upper surface, in different specimens. In some the black cen- tral spots of the interscapularies are so broad as to give to the dorsal aspect a very dark tint; in others, taken the same day at the same locality, they are so restricted that the general aspect of this surface is gray. The bills of the different specimens vary as much in length and robustness as they are represented to do in the two extremes in this respect in the western bird. Some of the long-billed ones have the bill slender: others have it thick and stout. Occasionally one has the upper mandible projecting considerably beyond the lower, but only in cases where it is abnormally developed. A specimen from Fort Bridger, Utah (No. 11115 of the Smithsonian Catalogue), in the Museum, labelled Passerculus alaudinus at the Smithsonian Institution, is of this character, the upper mandible being very much abnormally developed and decurved, and projecting much beyond the lower. * Ibis, July, 1S66, 268. MUSEUM <">F COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 277 In short, while not denying that there maybe a slight average difference between eastern and western specimens, as I know there is between those of the Central Plains and those of the Atlantic States, I cannot allow that it is at all sufficient to substantiate a specific difference. On the contrary, I am confident that the above-named supposed species of the Pacific States are based chiefly on individual variation perfectly parallel with that seen in a large series of specimens from the Atlantic. States. No one, in fact, seems to have felt very confident that any of them were distinct from the eastern P. savanna. Dr. Coues has even repeatedly expressed his belief that Passeixulus alaudinus is not permanently dis- tinct from that species. " In a large series of the latter," he says, '• shot about Washington, I have found fully as great differences as I have ever detected in comparing the eastern with the western forms." * Dr. Cooper also refers as follows to the close resemblance of the P. alaudinus to the P. sayulwichensis. He says, " I think it very doubt- ful whether these specimens (which measure larger than the dimensions given by Baird, though otherwise agreeing) are anything more than a southern form of P. sandwichensis, though collected near San Diego. .... Baird considers it almost identical with P. sacanna of the east, and says that P. sand/vichensis differs from that species in its larger size. Spring specimens have the superciliary stripe more decidedly yel- low, so that there only remains a more slender bill to distinguish this from P. savanna, and the larger size (characteristic of northern speci- mens generally), with darker hues, from P. sandwichensis." f Respecting P. anthinus Dr. Cooper remarks, " This species appears better marked, as compared with P. savanna, than the preceding [P. alaudinus and P. sand- wichensis], although I am not entirely satisfied that it is different." J The following measurements of twenty-six specimens (fourteen males and twelve females), all taken at Ipswich during June and July, 1868, and measured before skinning, indicates the range of individual variation pre- sented by this species. The extremes are as follows : Length, 5.20 and 6.00, both males; alar extent, 7.61 and 9.75, both females; wing, 2.44 and 2.95 ; tail, 1 .64 and 2.25 ; tarsus, .75 and .88. The average dimensions are : Length, 5.20 ; alar extent, 8.79 ; wing, 2.70; tail, 1.96 ; tarsus, .84. The following are the extremes of the series of measurements of the western Passerculi, given in Birds of North America : Length, 5.00 (P. alaudinus Tamaulipas, Mex.) and 6.12 (P. sandicichensis, Fort Steilacoom, \V. T.) ; alar extent, 8.50 and 9.37 (same specimens) ; wing, 2.50 and 2.95 (same specimens) ; tail, 2.00 and 2.57 (same specimens). It thus appears that * Ibis, July, 1866, p. 289. t Ornithology of California, Vol. I, p. 182. J Ibid., p. 183. 278 BULLETIN OF THE specimens taken in the breeding season in Massachusetts, overlap in two out of the four measurements given, all the so-called western species, while specimens taken in Massachusetts at other seasons, vary still more than the specimens cited in the following table. Measurements of Massachusetts Specimens of Passerctjlus savanna, taken in the Breeding Season. 6 m ^ X o Locality. Date. Collector. a a w to c "3 9 6 8 s 5 oz C/J ►2 < £ E-i 03 5083 811 ft Ipswich June 12, '68 Allen & Maynard 5.70 8.32 2 72 2.07 821 ' d June 13, :68 5.76 9.25 255 2.00 .85 5086 S40 d June 14, •68 5.65 9.15 2.75 1.85 .85 5087 848 d June 14, 68 5.50 9.13 2.75 2.07 84 5089 852 d June 15, •68 5.40 9.10 2 65 2.00 .85 5090 853 d June 15, '68 5.70 9.20 2.08 2.10 .87 5094 854 ■' June 15, v,s 5.70 9.25 2 04 1.95 .88 855 d June 15, '68 9.15 2.75 185 84 5901 S56 d June 15, -68 1.40 9.25 2 60 193 .80 5092 857 d June 15, '68 5.20 9.37 2 95 2.00 — 5092 858 d June 15, '68 5.40 9 25 2.63 2 06 .83 5096 832 d Juiih 17, '68 6.76 8 00 2 90 2 00 — 5098 873 j June 17, os 5.83 7 75 2.* 2.10 881 c r June 17, •68 6.00 827 2.74 2.25 5082 810 : > June 12, 68 5.42 8.81 271 1.81 5084 819 \ June 13, •63 5.75 S-85 2.57 1.83 .83 5084 847 ^ June 14, •68 5.54 8.55 2.70 1.90 .80 r.uss 851 f, June 15, '68 5.75 9.75 2.70 2.05 .75 5094 859' (, June 17, •68 5.45 8.90 2-65 2.05 .85 5095 860 $ > June 17, ■68 5 25 8.50 2-44 1.85 5096 862 June 17, •68 5,70 8.90 2.7i 1.90 6097 878; ? June 17, '68 5.75 « 7.01 2.60 1.80 5099 877: { June 17, '68 5-75 8.05 2.75 2.00 890 ! <, June 17, '68 5.35 9.75 2. 77 1.95 5100 1006 5 July 15, '68 C. J. Maynard 5.65 795 2^72 2.00 .87 1158: $ > Aug 19, •68 5.30 8.50 2.70 1.64 .85 41.t Poocsetes gramineus Baird. Grass Finch. Abundant, especially in and about the old fields. The most numer- ous sparrow in East Florida in winter. 42.t Junco hyemalis Sclater. Snow Bird. " Common in January." — Boardman. Not seen by either Mr. Maynard or myself. Probably of somewhat irregular occurrence so far south. 43.t Spizella SOCialis Bonaparte. Chipping Sparrow. Common. A large proportion of those seen were young birds. 44* Spizella pusilla Bonaparte. Field Sparrow. Common. More numerous than the preceding species (S. socialis). They appeared to be breeding at Jacksonville the first week in April. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 279 The songs of the males were so different from those of the northern binl that the species was almost unrecognizable by me from its notes. 45.t Zonotrichia albicollis Swainson. White-throated Sparrow. Generally more or less common. 46. t Melospiza melodia Baird. Song Sparrow. Not numerous. At least comparatively few were seen. 47.t Melospiza palustris Baird. Swamp Sparrow. Common, frequenting the hummocks and swamps. 48.t Passerella iliaca Swainson. Fox-colored Sparrow. A single specimen was seen by Mr. G. A. Boardman at Enterprise. None were seen by Mr. Maynard or myself. 49.t Ammodromus maritimus Swainson. Seaside Finch. " Abundant at Fernandina." — Boardman. 50.t Ammodromus caudacutus Swainson. Sharp-tailed Finch. " Abundant, with the preceding." — Boardman. Although I have marked as winter visitors both these species of Ammodromus, they may be resident. 51. t Coturniculus Henslowi Bonaparte. Henslow's Sparrow. Stated by Audubon to be abundant in winter on the grassy pine barrens of Florida.* 52.* Peucsea aestivalis Baird. Pine-wood Sparrow. Fringilla aestivalis Lichtenstein, Verzeich. Doubleder Zool. Mus. der konigl. Univ. zu Berlin, 25, 1823. Fringilla Bachmani Audubon, Orn. Biog., II, 366, pi. clxv, 1834. Fringilla astiva Nuttall, Man. Orn., I, 2d ed., 568, 1846. Peucau Bachmani Audubon, Syn. Am. Birds, 112, 1839. Peuccea ccsti calls Cabanis, Mus. Hein., 132, 1850. Zonotrichia Cussinii Woodiiouse, Proe. Phil. Arad. Xat. Sci., 1852, 60. Peucoca Cussinii Baird, Birds N. Am., 485, 1858. Common, but confined to the pine woods. The twenty-two specimens, collected by Mr. Maynard's party and myself, now in the Museum, present considerable differences. Several are so different in color from most of the others as to almost have the appearance of being a different species, the general color of the upper * Birds of America, Vol. Ill, p. 76. 280 BULLETIN OF THE parts being rufous instead of gray. These are all females, the others being males. But the males differ greatly in color, few of our sparrows being more variable in this respect than the present species. The following measurements of twenty-two Florida specimens indicate quite a constancy in size, much greater than in color. The extremes of this scries are as follows: Length, 5.75 and 6.20; alar extent, 7. GO and 8.30 ; wing, 2.17 and 2.55 ; tail, 2.25 and 2.G8. Average : Length, 5.88; alar extent, 8.99 ; wing, 2.40; tail, 2.49. Measurements of Florida Specimens of Peucjea aestivalis. 6 ' •n ^ 55 S3 Sii ■r a y. Locality. Date. Collector. A a m '3 3 d 5377 = 3 oz d iS d d> ° z i. >3 u P h-i g y^ < 5164 5164 9 Hibernia Jan. 30, '69 J. A Allen 8.60 11.45 :; 35 4.10 5165 5165 cf " Jan. 30 »69 " 8 45 11 7d 3.65 3 83 5163 5166 -• " Jan. 30 "69 " 8.45 1 1 :,i i 3.60 4 10 5167 5167 7 " Jan. 30 '69 " 8.75 1 1 :,i ' 3 55 3 95 51S9 5 ISt 9 " Feb. 3 •69 " 1 1 .25 3 50 :; :<5 5192 5192 cf " Feb. 3 '69 " 8 75 1 1 . 75 ;: 5 i 4 Id 5193 5193 9 " Feb. 3 '69 " 8.45 11.35 3.60 3 83 5230 5230 Volusia Feb. 12 '69 " 815 11.00 3.30 3.78 5311 5311 cf Enterprise Mar, 1 69 " 8.75 11.60 :; mi 3 90 5312 5312 ? " Mar. 1 •69 " 8.50 11 35 :; m 3.78 5347 5347 cf " Mar. 4 '69 •' 9.10 11.50 :; 58 4.15 ? Ilawkinsville Mar. 13 '69 " 7-75 10.70 3 •_.-, — cf Jacksonville Mar 31 '69 " 7. 75 11.15 3.55 — 5424 5424 cf " Apr. 2 '69 " 8 50 115H 3.65 3.90 9 " Apr. 2 •69 " S.55 11.10 :;i,r, — 1955 •' " Jan. 2 '69 C. J. Maynard 9.00 11.50 3.65 4 30 1987 cf " Jan. 5 ■on " 9.00 11.50 3 85 4.K5 10706 1988 r " Jan. 5 '69 " S.50 1151 3 75 4.20 10707 1989 f " Jan. 5 '69 " 8 50 11.45 3.75 3 SO 2003 • " Jan. 10 '69 " 8 05 11.60 3 75 4.15 2i)U 1 " Jan 7 '69 " 8.00 11.00 3 75 4.00 24 >0 i D urn mitt's Feb 24 '69 " S HI 1 11.25 3.50 3.40 241S cC " Feb. 22 '69 " 8 75 11 lu 3.80 3.90 2531 g " Feb 7 ■69 " S 0(1 11.00 :; >;.", 410 2537 -7 " Feb. 9 '69 " S.70 11.50 :; 65 4.00 2447 cf " Feb. 24 •69 " Mil) 11.56 3.60 3 0(1 10709 2337 cf " Feb 16 -69 " 8 50 11 5H 360 3.80 2328 cf " Feb. 25 •69 " 8 25 1150 3 50 3.80 10710 233S cf " Feb. 16 •69 " 8.50 11.5(1 3 60 3.80 10713 2393 69 " 8.00 11 5(1 Mill 3.90 2384 -" " Feb. 17 •69 " 8.50 11.50 3i;o :j 60 2363 (f " Feb. 17 •69 " 8.50 11 5m 3 60 4(1(1 2538 cf " Mar. 10 •69 " 8 15 11. IS 3.60 3 4(1 2535 cf " Mar. 4 •69 " S40 11 00 3 57 3 95 2459 cf " Feb. 25 '69 " 8 50 11.50 3. 75 ;; 95 2008 9 Jacksonville Jan. 9 •69 " 8.25 1 1 25 ;; 35 3S5 2(142 V '• Jan. 6 "69 " 8 75 11 21 3 50 :: 70 — — 23 1 , " .Ian. 11 '69 " 3 00 11 hi' :; in 3 K) 2579 9 Dummitt's Mar. 10 '69 " 7 75 10.75 3 in 3 Ii.", 2317 s " Feb 24 ■611 " 7.5U 11 ("i 10 :; 30 - — 2594 9 " Feb 11 •69 " 8.50 11 Id 3.50 3.9J 2593 9 " Fell 11 •on " 3.50 11.05 ;; 50 2334 9 " Feb 21 •60 " 8.75 11 t^> 3 67 4iKI 2415 V " Feb. 20 ■69 " SHU 11.10 3.50 :; so 2394 9 " Feb 16 •69 " 8.00 11 .75 1(1716 2324 9 " Feb 15 '69 '• 8.50 1 1 0 3TH 4 In ___ 2458 9 " Feb 25 69 " 3 in 11 15 3 75 3 or, 23 ! I , " Feb. 17 '69 " S Tii i 1 1 5' I 3.60 3 70 2474 , " Feb. 16 '69 " 3.00 1 1 25 ■i 15 3 55 2475 9 " Feb. 26 '69 " S.i HI 1 1 i ii i 3 i" 3 75 10117 2489 9 " Mar 1 '69 " Ml", 11 15 3.64 ;; W 10715 21SS , " Mar 1 ■69 " 8.50 11 20 3.60 ■l.i m 10714 2427 9 " Mar 4 '69 '■ 8 20 1 1 25 3 35 360 2043 9 Feb 11 •09 " 850 11 50 3 75 3.90 282 BULLETIN OF THE 54* Pipilo erythrophthalmus Vieillot. Chewix-k. Exceedingly numerous. Mr. C. J. Maynard detected an interesting local race or variety of this bird at Dummitt's. Besides having the irides yellowish-white instead of red, there is less white at the base of the primaries, less skirting the secondaries, and much less on the tail. The whole bird is also smaller. The white on the tail generally extends only to the three outer pairs of feathers ; in the common northern form it extends over the four outer pairs, and on the first is much more extended than in the Florida one. The tail of the common form, with the outer pair of feathers removed, would resemble, in respect to the distribution and extent of the white, that of the Florida bird. The song of this bird, as I heard it at Jacksonville in April, is quite different from that of the northern bird, it being ordinarily only about half as long, and uttered with much less spirit. As is well known, the song of the towhe, or chewink, at the north consists of two parts, nearly equal in length but otherwise quite different. In the Florida bird the last half is almost entirely omitted. According to Mr. Maynard, this variety is almost the only one occurring on Indian River, and of which he brought home some forty or more specimens. I found also one among half a dozen I shot at Jacksonville in January. In April, among a few towhes exposed in cages for sale in the market, were several of this kind. There is probably a large proportion of northern birds among the Pipilones of Northern Florida in winter, while probably in summer the majority are of the southern type above described, as are those of Middle and Southern Florida, doubtless, :it all seasons. Had this form been discovered ten, or even five years since, it would probably have been regarded by most ornithologists as entitled to specific rank, and not as a local race of P. erythrophthalmus, as it evidently is. Indeed, there are many species still on our lists that are far less entitled to rank as species than this, but which, though at first only provisionally adopted, have become traditionally established as valid species. The two tables of measurements of specimens of this species given below, with Table J (p. 212), show the difference in size that obtains be- tween Massachusetts and Florida specimens. The first table embraces twenty-nine specimens (nineteen males and ten females) of the white- eyed Florida type ; the second table embraces sixteen specimens (ten males and six females) of the common northern type from Eastern Massa- chusetts ; the measurements of twenty other Massachusetts males having been also already given in Table J, on p. 212. The following are the extremes of the two series. Northern type, males : Length, 7. .00 and 8.80; alar extent, 10.00 and 12.25; wing, 3.17 and 3.90; tail, 3.30 and 3.93; MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 283 Measurements of Specimens of Pipilo erythrophthalmus from Indian River, Florida. 6 N <-> 3 — 3 °z 1) ce Locality. Date. Collector.- to □ a o "3 w u 3 bio '3 H 3 u a Eh 10722 2477 cf Dummitt's Feb. 26, '69 C.J. Maynard 8.10 10.25 3.25 360 1.00 2476 cf " Feb. 26, '69 " 8.00 10.50 3.20 3.65 .95 2531 cf " Mar. 5, '69 " 8.00 10.00 3 60 100 2530 ' " Mar. 5, '69 " 7.20 10.10 3.00 3.65 .90 2529 rf " Mar. 6, '69 " 8.30 10.20 3.25 3.70 1.00 2559 g " Mar 7, '69 " 7.90 9.85 3.42 3.50 1.02 10729 2669 cf " Mar. 12, '69 " 8.20 11.00 3.45 3.57 1.01 2592 cf " Mar. 11, '69 " 8.50 11.00 3.50 3.60 .87 2417 cf Locality. Date. Collector. J3 to c w -j 3 ^5 ~ 3 1-3 u a < 12 35 3.30 3^4 rf Newton May 6, '68 C. J . Maynard 8.30 3.60 _ 414 rf Weston May 9. '68 " 8.25 11.00 3 35 3 64 — 415 ,-f ■' May 9, '68 " 8 20 11.30 3 45 3 49 — 430 -f Newton May 11, '68 " 825 11.00 365 3.76 — 439 rf Walt ham May 13, '68 •' 8 45 11 30 3.51 3 Bo — 639 rf •' May 18, '68 " 8. as 11.23 .•', 46 3.55 — 1008 cf Weston July 10, '68 " 8.50 11.00 341 3 46 — 4616 1329; 15.00 4 75 3.60 — — — 214 - " Apr. Ll,'68 SOI 14 85 4.60 3.52 — — — — 251 Weston, Apr. 18/68 9.52 1500 4.82 3 80 — — — 302 f Newton, Apr. 23/68 9.00 15.00 4.66 3.65 — — — — 323 •• Apr. 25, '68 " 9 00 15.0014 85 8 40 — — — — 352 ■• Weston, '■ May 1/68 " 9 16 15 lo 1 hi:;. 70 — — — — .'J71 d Newton'. " May 5/68 ;; 9.00 15.00 5.00 3.S0 — — — — 1 351c?1 " May 1/68 9.50 15 25 4 92 3.85 — — — — ! 417icf;Weston, " May 9/68 " 9 50 15 15 4.90 3.77 — — — — 3047 •' Newton, " Mar. 23/70 " 9.50 15.00 I 60 3 56 — — — — 9843 — f Milltown, Me. G.A.Boardman 8.00 12.50 3.95 3.05 157 73 .38 32 9844 — « 800 12 50 I 08 :; 10 1 54 .79 .40 .30 399 - J Maiden, Mass. 1853 D. Higgins 7 50 11.75 3.60 2.70 1 48 .72 .42 33 396 V u ii •' " 7.75 12 30 3 90 3.06 1 60 .82 .43 35 97 - * u ii ' " 7:::, 11.75 3 63 2 so 155 • 70 .40 .37 402! — 9 ii ti ' " 8 55 13 55 4.26 3.15 It;.; .75 M .41 398 - t ii ii ' " 8 05 L3.50 4.16 3 10 [.67 77 .43 36 98 - . ii ii ' " 7 75 L2.10 :: 71 2.97 158 72 .37 33 I it it « " 7.42 11 55 :;s7 2 7:; 1 02 .73 .37 35 397 — 5 it ii ' " 7 51 1 1 1 25 3.70 2.98 1 58 76 84 33 395 - V " " ' " 7 40 12.50 1.11 2 68 150 70 .38 .38 99 - 9 ii ti 1 " 7 45 11.50 3.75 2.90 1.55 75 .42 43 5730 - $! Concord, " 11 Mann 7.75 12-50 3 80 3.02 1 .54 .70 .40 .33 1 ..ii 9 Springfield, " July 15/62 J. A. Allen 7 50 12.00 3.73 2.90 1.68 79 .40 ;;t ( it ii June 26/62 " 7.65 11.75 3.07 2.82 1 54 .70 :;s .37 1672 - 2 ii ii June 26/62 " 7.85 11 82|3.75 2.89 l 60 .75 .40 .38 1673 - i u ii June 26, '62 " 7.75 12 003.77 2.85 157 .78 .38 37 1679 - 1 " June26.'62 " 8.00 12 25:: 79 3.00 1 :,:, 74 .39 36 ? it ii June26,?62 " soo 12 10 ■". 85 2.93 1 53 .78 38 — — 5 Weston, " C. J. Maynard 7 7:; 12.61 3.95 2 05 — — — — E [pswich, " June 15/68 " 7.45 13.60 A 00 3 05 — — — — sol * Essex. June 17/68 " 8.00 1235 1.00! — — -- — 893 i " June 17/68 " 7.75 12 51 3.90 2-90 — — — — loo:i > Walt ham, " Aug. —,'68 " 7 15 12.37 380 2 75 — — — — — M7r, y; Aug. —,'68 " 7.67 12 30 3.85 2.85 — — — ,10961$' " Aug. —,'68 " 7.5o 12403.95 2.72 — — — — . Newton, " Aug. —,'68 ii 7 7', 1280 3.71 2 so — — — — vw W althain, " Aug. —,'68 " 7 50 12.00 3.85 2.65 — — — — 1099 Weston, " Aug. —,"68 " 7 50 12.10367 2 so — — — — 2830 V Newton, June 8/69 " 7.50 12.00 4.00 2.90 - — — — MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 287 Measurements of Southern Specimens Oj f Ageljeus phceniceus. 6 4 o S5 >< Locality. Date.. Collector. i i i ■6 s Bill. j j E 4126 o •' ►3 =5 \* '- a o .45 37 Charleston, S. 0. L. Agassiz 9.55 14 75 4 75 3.65 190 1.00 4127 — •' " " *' B 80 14.30 4 50 3.551.74 .87 .47 .40 412* — •' " " " 9.45 14.50 4.60 3 72 1.80 .90 .50 .40 4129 — • " " '• 9.05 13.50 4.37 3.45 1.73 .85 .43 .42 4125 — -• " " " 9.05 14.12 4.42 3 35 1.94 .95 .46 .35 -? HiwkinsviHe.Fla. Jacksonville, " Mar. 15, '69 J. A Allen 825 13 60 4.34 — 1928 d" Dec. 31, "69 C. J. May nard 9 10 14 90 4 75 3. 58 1056 i 1929 cC " " Dec. 31, '69 " 9.20 14 ^o 4.80 390 — — — 10561 2018 rt" " " Dec. Sl,'69 " 8.80 14 15 4.55 3 58 — — 10574 2552 rf Dummitt's, " Mar. 8,'69 " 950 14.20 4.75 3.90 — 10573 2450 < CO Locality. Date. Collector. A c W ho a '3 3 u ta TT Winter '59 -'60 |J < fr* 5S*5 San Francisco, Cal. A. Agassiz 8.50 14.93 4.83 3.50 1.63 5884 <-r " " Winter '59 -'60 8.75 15 05 4 95 335 1.74 666 ■• " " Winter '59 -'60 860 14 55 4.47 3o9 1.90 2188 rT GulfofGeorgia,W.T. Sept. — , '60 8.71 13.50 4.45 3.26 1.75 9 Sau Francisco, Cal. Winter '59 -'60 758 12 80 4.03 2 73 1.63 5893 i " " Winter '59- '60 7.55 12.35 3.05 247 1.46 5887 i " " Winter '59 -'60 7.81 12 30 4.25 3.86 154 V " " Winter '59 - '6 ) 7 50 12.75 3 04 2.47 1.56 58S6 i " " Winter '59 -'60 T. G. Cary 7.82 12.77 4o4 2.62 1.56 20,o ? " " Winter '59 - '60 8.29 1327 4 32 3.00 1.62 20.4 y " " Winter '59 - '60 8.18 13.25 3.85 2.95 167 2078 i " " Winter '59 -'6') 8.50 13.00 4.15 310 165 5888 I " Winter '59 -'60 A. Agassiz 7.25 12.25 390 3.71 1.50 Summary of the above Measurements of Specimens of Ageljeus phceniceus. Locality. "S| to to c c 2 co < £ H ~T79* 3 rj J38* £ ' 40 Aver. 9.16 14.71 4 69 3.63 .46* .39* 9 28 Aver. 7-53 1224 3.86 2 93 1.571 .75t .395t .357+ South Carolina | li 11 Aver. 9.02 14.41 4.62 361 1.83 .91* .46+ .391 and Florida | 9 i Aver. 773 12 44 3.83 2.99 — California I d 7 Aver. 864 14.52 4.67 3.30 1.75 9 9 Aver. 7.83 12.70 4.00 2.99 157 — [ rf 40 Max. 9.&5 15 35 5.00 3 90 1.94* ,97* .50* .45* Massachusetts -j 40 Min. 8.40 13 95 4.43 3.12 1.60* .75* .43* .33* 9 '28 Max. 8 55 13 55 4.26 3 15 1.681 .82t lit I 9 28 Min. 7.35 11.25 3.63 265 1.48t .70t 37t .301 1 ft 11 Mux. 9.55 14 90 4 B0 390 1.94 J 1.00J 50J South Carolina ! '• 11 Min. 8.25 13.60 4 34 335 1.74J .85+ .43; .35; and Florida 1 7 Max. 8.00 12.85 390 3 20 1 § i Min. 7 50 11.85 3.63 2.75 rf t Max. 875 15.05 4.95 3.50 190 California < f 7 Min. 8.50 13 50 4.45 309 1.63 _ 9 Max. 8.50 13.27 4 32 3.86 1.67 I * 9 Min. 7 25 12 25 3.85 2 17 146 — - - 29 specimens. t 19 specimens. t 5 specimens. 288 BULLETIN OF THE 57* Sturnella ludoviciana Svoainson. Meadow Lark. Alauda magna Linne, Syst. Nat., I, 167, 1758. — Wilson, Am. Orn., Ill, 20, p!. xix, 1811. Slurnus ludovicianus Linne, Syst. Nat., I, 290, 1766. — Bonap., Joum. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sri., IV, 180, 1824. — Nuttall, Man. Orn., I, 147, 1832. — Audcison, Orn. Biog., II, 216, 1834. Sturnus collaris Wagleh, Syst. Avium, I, 1827. Sturnella ludoviciana Swainson, Faun. Bor. Am., II, 282, 1831. — Bonap., Geog. and Comp. List, 1838. — Audubon, Synop. Am. Birds, 148, 1839. — Cabanis, Mus. Hein., 192, 1851. — Sclater, Cat. Am. Birds, 139, 1862.— Cassin, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1866, 23. Sturnella magna Swainson, Phil. Mag., I, 436, 1827. — Baird, Birds N. Am., 535, 1858. —Allen, Mem. JBost. Soc. Nat. Hist., I, 496, 1868. Sturnella collaris Vieillot, Analyse, 1816. Sturnd/a hippocrcpis Wagler, Isis, 1832, 281. — Lawrence, Ann. N. York Lyceum N. Hist., VII, 266, 1860. — Sclater, Ibis, 1861, 79. — Cassin, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1866, 24. Sturnella neglecta Audubon, Birds of Am., VII, 339, pi. cccclxxxvii, 1843. — Baird, Birds of N. Am., 537, 1858. — Cassin, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1866, 23. Sturnella mexicana Sclater, Ibis, 1861, 79. — Cassin, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1866, 24. Sturnella meridionalis Sclater, Ibis, 1861, 79. — Cassin, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1866, 24. Abundant. Found chiefly in the moister parts of the pineries. Somewhat smaller than in the Northern States, but in most eases with longer and larger bills, brighter colors, and a quite different song. The latter somewhat resembles that of the western meadow lark, but is still as distinct from it in its general character as it is from that of the New Eng- land bird. The present species has a wide geographical range, throughout the greater part of which it is resident. The Alleghanian fauna forms its northern limit, from which it mostly retires during winter. To the south- ward it extends to Cuba and the other larger West India Islands, through- out most of Central America, and to the elevated parts of Northern South America. It ranges westward over the elevated arid plains of the middle of the continent to the Pacific As might be expected, it is not quite uni- form in its characters at all points. The main differences, however, consist merely in the lighter color of those from the plains, and the smaller size of those from the south. The former constitute the S!itni in c "5 o o oa 1 — < 4 50 H 203* d d f Jacksonville Jan. 20, '69 C.J. Maynard 9.55 15.60 2.85 2817 Duminitt's May 15, '69 " 10 20 1510 4.50 3 20 2816 " May 15, '69 " 1 1515 4 60 295 6335 ■f Enterprise Mar. 4, -69 J. A. Allen 9.75 14 75 4.50 — 633(5 3 d " Mar. 4, '69 " 9.85 15.20 4 10 2.89 5337 " Mar. 4/69 " 9 70 14.80 4 45 - Hawkins ville Mar. 12, '69 " 9 75 15.00 450 3.05 5369 f " Mar. 12, '69 " 9.50 14 75 4.25 537 1 J " Mar. 12, '69 " 10.00 15 75 4.50 3.07 Volusia Mar 17, '69 " 8.75 13 75 4.05 — 5370 i Hawkinsville Mar. 12, '69 " 8.90 14 15 4.10 2.65 5372 " Mar. 12, '69 " 950 14 65 4.20 2.90 6125 Q Jacksonville Jan. " 8.75 14.25 4.20 2 70 2072 ? " Jan 20, '69 G. J. Maynard 8.75 14.00 4.40 2 51 1 2070 ? " Jan. 20, '69 " 8.50 13 55 3.90 2.55 2070 ? " Jan. 20, '69 " 8.75 13 00 4.00 2.55 2068 " Jan. 20, '69 it 9.25 14 75 4.50 2 BO 2069 " Jan. 20, "69 " 8.76 14 25 4 20 2 40 2071 o " Jan. 20, '69 " 9.00 14.00 430 2 80 2051 ? " Jan. 20/69 " 9.50 14.75 4.66 2.50 2791 9 " Apr. 15, '69 " 905 14 00 4 10 2.S8 The following is a tabulated summary of the two preceding tables : — No. of Speci- Locality. Length. Alar Extent. Wing. Tail. mens. 15 d" Northern States Average 10.43 16.30 4.91 3 16 8 s " Average 9.55 14 43 4 29 2.82 15 d " Maximum 11.00 17.00 5.15 350 15 d " Minimum 10.00 15.05 4 74 2.83 8 V " Maximum 9.75 15-65 4.55 3.10 8 9 " Minimum 8.90 1350 4.15 2.50 9 d Florida Average 9.81 15 70 4.47 2.85 12 ? " Average 8.93 14 09 4 22 257 9 d " Maximum 10.20 15.75 4.60 3.20 9 d " Minimum 9 50 14.75 4.25 2.82 12 2 " Maximum 9.50 14.75 4 65 2.90 12 ¥ " Minimum 8.50 13.00 3.90 2.40 58.t Scolecophagus ferrugineus Swainson. Rusty Grackle. Abundant. Occasionally met with in large flocks. 59.* Quiscalus purpureus Cassin. Purple Grackle. Gracula quiscula Linne, Syst. Nat., I, 165, 1766. — Wilson-, Am. Orn., Ill, 44, pi. xxi, fig. 4, 1811. Gracula barita Linne, Syst. Nat., 165, 1766. — Ord, Journ. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 253, 1818. Gracula purpurea Bartram, Travels, 289, 1791. (No description.) ? 0 riot us ludovicianus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 387, 1788. Quisaitus baritus Vieillot, Nouv. Diet., XXVIII, 487, 1819. — Baird, Birds North Amer., 556, pi. xxvii, 1858. — Cassin, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1866, 405. Quiscaius versicolor Vieillot, Nouv. Diet., XXVIII 488, 1819. — Bonaparte, Swainson, Nuttall, Audubon, Baird. 292 BULLETIN OF THE Quiscalus purpureus Cassin, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1866, 403. — Ridg- way, Ibid., 1869, 133. Quiscalus purpuratus Swain., Lardner's Cab. Cyclop., 299, 1838 (female). ? Quiscalus Iwjubris Swain., Lardner's Cab. Cyclop., 299, 1838. — ? Cassin, Proc. Phil. Acad Nat. Sci., 1866, 408. Quiscalus inflexirostris Swain., Lardner's Cab. Cyclop., 300, 1838. — Cassin, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1866, 407. Quiscalus crassirostris Swain., Lardner's Cab. Cyclop., 355, 1838. — Gosse, Birds of Jamaica, 217, 1847. Quiscalus aghtus Baird, Amcr. Journ. Sci. and Arts, XLI, 87, 1866. — Cassin, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1866, 404. — Ridgway, Ibid., 1869, 135. Quiscalus aneus Ridgway, Ibid., 134. Quiscalus mexicanus Cassin, Ibid., 1866, 408. Quiscalus Gundlachii Cassin, Ibid., 406. Quiscalus brachypterus Cassin, Ibid., 406. Quiscalus niger Cassin, Ibid., 407. ? Quiscalus rectirostns Cassin, Ibid., 409. Chalcophanes quiscalus Wagler, Syst. Avium, 1827. — Cabanis, Mus. Hein., 197, 1851. Chalcophanes baritus Wagler, Syst. Avium, 1827. — Cabanis, Mus. Hein.,. 197, 1851 Very abundant everywhere. Flocks containing many hundreds were frequently met with. As already remarked in Part III, few species present such marked climatic variations as the present, or better illustrate the three prin- cipal laws of geographical variation already enumerated ; namely, a de- crease in general size from the north southward, and at the same time an increase in the length and slenderness of the 'bill, and an increase in the intensity and brilliancy of the color of the plumage. Far to the north, as in Labrador, the colder parts of Canada, and Northern New Eng- land, the bill is shortest and thickest, the size of the bird at its maximum, and the colors of the plumage least brilliant, with the metallic reflections of a light tint, tending to green rather than to blue. In Southern New Jersey the change from the northern type is already considerable ; even between summer specimens from Calais (Maine) and Eastern Massachu- setts there is an appreciable difference. In the lowlands of South Caro- lina and Georgia the divergence from the northern type is still greater, and it goes on rapidly increasing in Florida, especially in South Florida, the maximum of divergence from the northern type being attained in the West Indies. In East Florida, while the general size of the bird is less than in New England, the bill is considerably longer, much slenderer and much more decurved, as is shown by the accompanying figures (Plate VII). The MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 298 change in color is equally marked. Not only do the reflections become much darker at the south, but form prismatic bars across the interscapularies and the feathers of the rump, especially in the South Atlantic States. In South Florida and the West Indies these prismatic bars, in some specimens at least, seem to lose their distinctness, evidently through the continued dark- ening or increased intensity of the general color. The difference in size between Florida and Massachusetts specimens is considerable, especi- ally between those from South Florida and Massachusetts. Those from the West Indies are still smaller ; and in comparing specimens of these with others from Northern New England, the* difference is so striking that it seems impossible at first to believe that both can belong to the same species, yet a gradual transition between the two, through the indi- viduals inhabiting the intermediate region, fully proves it. Even between- Florida and New England specimens the difference is so great that, were there no transition from one to the other, the two extremes might well be regarded as not only valid species, but as well-marked ones. Being fa- miliar with the so-called Quiscalus aglceus before visiting Florida, through specimens in the Museum of Comparative Zoology from Cape Florida, I had no doubt that it was a species distinct from the Q. purpureus. But a subsequent study of these birds in Florida, and an examination of speci- mens from various points between Florida and Northern Maine, and also from the West Indies, has forced me to the conclusions indicated in the above table of synonymes. The purple grackles of the Mississippi Valley have recently been- sep- arated as specifically distinct from those of the Atlantic States, under the name Q. ceneus, Q. purpureus being retained for the latter. The range of Q. purpureus is given as " Atlantic and Gulf? States, north to Nova Scotia, west to the Alleghanies." The New England type, however, is entirely referable to the Q. ceneus, as defined by its describer. The same writer also follows some of his predecessors in separating those of South Florida from the Q. purpureus, under the name of Q. aglceus. But Cape Florida specimens differ but little — being, in fact, scarcely distinguishable except in size — from those from the St. John's River. Mr. Cassin, in one of his latest papers,* took fhe ground that each of the larger West India Islands has a distinct species of this group, peculiar to itself. That these forms, many of them evidently difficult of recognition, should be distinct species is quite contrary to general principles. These islands are generally separated by a distance of rarely more than a hun- dred miles ; yet a near ally of these " species," the Q. purpureus (or Q. ceneus as recently restricted), is admitted to range from the Gulf of Mexico * " A Second Study of the Icteridae," Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat Sci., 1866, pp. 403 - 417. 294 BULLETIN OF THE to the arctic regions, so that those that breed farthest north make annu- ally a journey of fully a thousand miles to reach their breeding-grounds. As I have already observed, individuals of species possessing a very north- ern habitat usually present a great uniformity of character, while those of species ranging farther to the southward are more variable ; also that with- in the warm-temperate and tropical latitudes, islands but slightly separated from each other or the mainland, and peninsulas which, like Florida, are almost insular in their geographical relations, present each peculiar modi- fications of species ranging throughout not only all of them, but portions of the adjoining continents, which render the individuals from these differ- ent localities more or less readily distinguishable. This results partly, doubtless, from the isolation of these different districts, partly from the more sedentary habits of birds in warm countries, as compared with those of cold latitudes, and partly from the greater tendency to variation in species inhabiting tropical and sub-tropical countries. In the subjoined tables measurements are given of thirteen males and eight females from the Northern States, and of twenty-three males and seven females from Florida, of which the following is a tabulated summary : — No. of Speci- Sex. Locality. Length. Alar Wing. Tail. mens. 17.73 13 d Northern States Average 12.63 5.66 5.30 S 9 " Average 11.45 15.76 4.94 4.49 13 <$ " Maximum 13.50 18.43 6.05 6.00 13 cj " Minimum 12.00 17.00 5.20 4.58 8 9 " Maximum 12.05 16.30 5.20 4.85 8 9 " Minimum 10.90 15.38 4.60 4.10 23 d" Florida Average 12.19 16.64 5.42 5.22 7 9 " Average 11.12 14 si; 4.75 455 23 cT " Maximum 13 00 17.80 5.75 6.50 23 " Minimum 11.00 15.25 5.00 4.55 7 p " Maximum 11.75 1675 6.00 4.77 7 9 " Minimum 10.25 13.75 4.50 4.45 Measurements of Northern Specimens of QuisCALUS purpureus. 1234 9770 2643 1401 1871 1874 2574 L602 1873 9769 07., 7 9598 2284 2271 2501 187 L86 185 3097 Locality. Rod River, B. A. Water town, Mass. Ipswich, " Evanston, 111. Lawn Ridge, " Springfield, Mass Evanston, 111. Waterville, Me. Lynn, Ma.«s Date. Apr. 3, '68 Apr. 3, 68 Apr. 3, '68 Mar. 28, i;k Aug. 28, •69 July 29, '62 July 29, '62 July 29, »62 July 12, !62 July 29, 62 May 3, "62 June ». '62 Collector. S. H. Scudder C. J. Maynard 0. Marcy K. Butler O. Marcy C. E. Hamlin 12.50 12.50 12.45 12 80 12.80 13.10 12.40 12.25 12.50 13.50 12.48 12.12 12.77 11 17 10.90 11 30 11.48 II 50 11.40 12.05 1 1 50 w 17.50 17.80 18 25 17.53 18.10 1800 1775 17.05 17.25 1843 17. 25 17.00 17.50 15. 7 5 15 15 15 38 15 67 16.00 16.00 16.30 15.50 5.65 5.77 5.85 557 5-86 5.85 5.62 5.42 560 6.05 550 5.20 5.68 5.1 in 4.75 4.60 4.95 5.00 4.98 5.20 6 05 5.68 5.20 5 30 6.43 5.50 560 5.07 4.87 6.20 6.00 5.00 4.58 560 4.37 4.10 4.25 4 40 4.65 4.46 4.85 4.86 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 295 Measurements of Florida Specimens of Quiscalus purpureus. "I Coll. No. X 02 Locality. Date. Collector. ti a A 12.75 si Mar. 23, '69 " n io 17 25 5.25 5.00 5414 5 " Mar. 23, '69 12 50 17 60 5.45 — * For a very full biography of this species, see an article by Dr. Elliott Coues in the Ibis. Vol. VI, pp. 367-378, 1870. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 297 The present species is hence not only remarkable for variation in size between specimens of the same sex, but espeeiallj' so for its sexual varia- tion in size, the sexual difference in this respect being greater than in any other species of insessorial bird with which I am acquainted, and it is rarely, if ever, exceeded in any group. CORVID^E. 61.* Corvus americanus Audubon. Common Crow. Corvus corone Wilson, Am. Orn., IV, 79, pi. xxv, fig. 3, 1811. — Nuttall, Man. Orn., I, 209, 1832. Corvus americanus Audubon, Orn. Biog., II, 317, 1834. — Baikd, Birds N. Am., 566, 1858. Corvus americanus var. floridanus Baird, Ibid., 568, 1858. Corvus minimus Gundlach, Cabanis's Journal fur Ornithologie, IV, 97, 1856. Everywhere abundant. In the average, while the general size of Florida specimens is smaller than New England ones, the bill is somewhat larger. As is well known, the crow is exceedingly variable in the size and shape of its bill even in specimens collected from the same flock. There is, however, an ap- preciable average difference in the size of the bill, as in general size, between northern and southern examples. This was some time since observed by Professor Baird in comparing a single specimen from the southern point of the Florida peninsula with others from the Northern States, and so strongly was he impressed by it that he thought if his Florida specimen did not represent a distinct species, it did at least a dis- tinct variety, and as such he characterized it, calling it Corvus ameri- canus var. Jloridanus. He at the same time referred to the little crow of Cuba, described by Dr. Gundlach as Corvus minutus, to which he said.it was more nearly allied than either are to C. americanus. I have no examples of the latter, but from descriptions of it see no reason why it should be regarded as other than the extreme southern form of C. ameri- canus. 62* Corvus OSSifragUS Wilson. Fish Crow. Abundant. Perhaps rather more numerous than the common crow. 63* Cyanurus cristatus Stoainson. Blue Jay. Very abundant and unsuspicious. It frequents the towns, where it seems half domestic. The same difference occurs in this species between Florida and northern specimens in size and shape of bill as has been already pointed out in 298 BULLETIN OF THE respect to Corvus americanus, hut it is far less marked than in Agelceus phccniceus, Quiscalus purpureus, and Sturnella ludoviciana. The brilliancy of its colors seems not much greater than in New England specimens. The difference in size between northern and southern specimens is as follows : Average of eighteen Massachusetts specimens (eleven males and seven females): Length, 11.71; alar extent, 1G.87 ; wing, 5.13; tail, 4.89. Average of eleven Florida specimens (proportion of males and females nearly the same as in the previous case): Length, 10.98; alar extent, 15.11; wing, 4.75; tail, 5.00. The maxima and minima of the eleven males from Massachusetts are as follows : Length, 12.25 and 11.35 ; alar extent, 17 50 and 16.30; wing, 5.50 and 5.00; tail, 5.65 and 4.25. Measuretnents of Specimens of Cyanura cristata. M.C.Z. No. Coll. No. to Locality. Date. Collector. to a 3 si ■< * a a 3 H 34" d Newton, Mass. Oct. 25, '67 C. J Maynard 1162 T.6\30~ "ET32 5 06 90 d " " Feb. 5, '68 " 11.35 17.00 5.00 4.78 94 ' " " Feb. 8, -68 " 12 00 17.00 500 5.00 93 d " " Feb. 8, '68 " 11.55 17.20 5.25 4.80 — d " " Feb. 21, '68 " 12.00 16.80 5-00 5.00 687 • " '• May 28, '08 " 12 16 17 00 5.45 6.40 1667 •• " '• " 12.25 1725 5.65 565 12393 — d Springfield, " Feb 25, '70 Irving Allen 12.00 17.20 5.15 5.15 12392 — ■ " " Feb 25, "70 " 11.50 17 00 530 5.10 12338 — d i. ii Feb. 25. "70 " 12.00 17.00 6.00 4 25 12385 ■ ii i< Feb. 25. "70 " 1200 17.50 5.50 5.40 12389 ? " " Feb. 25, '70 " 12.00 17 00 4.40 4.45 12392 ii ii Feb. 25, 'TO " 1100 16 50 4.33 4 80 12391 p u ii Feb. 25, '70 " 1100 17.00 5 25 4 75 12386 y ii ii Feb. 25, "70 " 11.50 17 00 5.50 5-15 33 0 Newton, " Oct. 25, (17 C J. Maynard 11.40 16.32 530 5 30 4875 688 Q ii ii May 28, '68 " 11.62 1653 4 75 4.77 1685 y ii ii Nov. 4, '68 " 11.75 16 00 5.20 435 10733 1951 ■■ Jacksonville, Fla. Jan. 2, '69 " 11.15 16.00 5.00 5.00 10734 1973 " " Jan. 3, '69 " 11.00 15 50 4.80 4 80 10731 1974 § i' u Jan. S, '69 " 1100 14.75 4.00 4.80 5522 — ■> Blue Springs, " Feb. 21, '69 J A. Allen 10.75 1575 4 20 — 5128 — ? Jacksonville, " Jan 21, '69 " 10 75 15 50 4 70 5.12 5190 d Welaka, " Feb M, '69 " 10.70 15(10 510 610 — d Enterprise, " Mar 1, '69 " 1100 15 75 500 — ? ii ii Mar. 4, '69 " 10 70 15.15 •1 50 — 6348 ? " " Mar 4, '69 " 11.00 16.00 5.00 5.05 5162 Hibernia, " Jan 30 "69 " 11.25 15 75 5.00 5.15 61113 — i " " Jan. 3D, 'fVJ " 11 50 15 50 5.00 — 64.* Cyanocitta floridana Bonaparte. Florida Jay. Corvus Jloridanus Bartram, Travels, 291, 1791. — Audubon, Orn. Biog., I, 444, pi. lxxxvii, 1831. Garruhis Jloridanus Boxap., Am. Orn., II, 11, pi. ix, 1828. Garrulus cceruiescens Okd, Journ. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 347, 1818. Garrulus californicus Vigors, Zool. Beechey's Voyage, 21, pi. v, 1839. Cyanocitta floridana Bon ap., Consp Gen. Avium, 377, 1850. Cyanocitta superciliosa Strickland, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., XV, 260, 1845. Cyanocitta californica Strickland, Ibid., 342. Cyanocitta Woodliousei Baird, Birds N. Am., 585, 1858. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 299 Numerous in the scrub, but does not appear to frequent the pine woods the hummocks or swamps. I saw none along the St. John's, except at Blue Springs, but they occur in numbers a few miles back from the river. On comparing a number of specimens of the so-called Cyanncilla cali- fornlca with numerous others from Florida, I find, as previous writers have observed, that the differences between them are very slight, and not so great as obtain between Florida and New England specimens of Pipilo erythrophthalmus, Agelceus phceniceus, and other species where there is no reason to question their specific identity. The so-called C. Wood- housei is described as, and is, intermediate in character between C. fiori- dana and C. californica. The habitat of C. Woodhousei is also interme- diate between those of the other two, but adjoins that of C. californica, to which it is most nearly allied. How great the interval is between the habitats of C. floridana and C. Woodhousei I have not been able to accu- rately determine. Bonaparte * reported the former as being found in Louis- iana and northward to Kentucky, and the latter occurs in Western Texas. In the following measurements of twelve specimens of this species (six males and six females) the extremes are as follows: Length, 11.00 and 12.50 (both specimens being females) ; alar extent, 13.50 (female) and 15.00 (male); wing, 4.00 and 4.75 (both specimens females); tail, 4.25 and 5.35 (both specimens females). The average dimensions of these specimens are as follows: Length, 11.74; alar extent, 14.44; wing, 4.42; tail, 4.80. The females average slightly smaller than the males. Measurements of Florida Specimens of Cyanocitta floridana. M.C Z No. Coll. No. ""2480 02 Locality. Date. Collector. Length Alar Extent. ~14.50 Wing. Tail. 10739 ^- Dummitt's Feb. 22, '69 C.J. Maynard 1150 4.30 435 2377 rf " Feb. 22, '69 •' 12.00 15.00 4.45 4.75 2421 rf " Feb. 15, '69 " 12 00 15.00 4.75 5.00 10738 2326 rC " Feb. 15, '69 " 12.00 14 50 4.50 4.60 2329 7 " Feb. 15, '69 " 11.50 14.25 4 50 4.25 2379 r! " Feb. 22, -69 " 11.50 14.25 4.50 5.35 10737 2328 " Feb. 15, -69 " 12.50 14.50 4 75 4.90 2378 § " Feb. 16, '69 " 1150 14.10 4.30 5.15 2375 V " Feb. 15, '69 " 1160 14 40 4.60 4.25 5271 V " Feb. 21, "69 J. A. Allen 1100 1350 4.00 5.35 5272 rf " Feb. 21, "69 " 12.00 14.50 4.30 4.75 5523 " Feb. 21, '69 " 11.75 14.80 4.20 — TYRANID.E. 65.t Sayornis fuscus Baird. Pewee. Abundant all winter, and a few remain till into April. The king-bird (Tyrannus carolinensis), the great-crested flycatcher (Myiarchus crinitus), and the wood pewee (Contopus virens) became • Am. Orn., Vol. II, p. 60, 1828. 300 BULLETIN OF THE common the last week in March, as also, according to Mr. Boardman, the least flycatcher (Empidonax minimus). Several specimens of the gray king-bird (Tyrannus dominicensis) were obtained by Mr. L. L. Thaxter at St. Augustine, about the first of May. ALCEDINID^I. 66.* Ceryle alcyon Boie. Kingfisher. Abundant. As shy and distrustful here as in the more thickly settled parts of the country. Begins to breed very early. Mr. May- nard saw them forming their holes in the coquina rock, in the banks of the canal connecting Indian River with Mosquito Lagoon, the first week in February. CAPRIMULGID^I. 67.* Antrostomus carolinensis Gould. Chuokwill's Widow. Abundant. Not observed till about the first of March, when its notes are usually first heard. Said by Audubon to be resident ; which statement is confirmed by the testimony of old residents of the State. 68* AntrostOmUS VOCiferuS Bonaparte. Whippoorwill. Apparentlv not numerous in winter. I heard it once in February, and Mr. Maynard took it at Dummitt's in the same month. The in- habitants along the St. John's agree with Audubon that this species is also a winter resident. The night hawk ( Chordeiles popetue * Baird) was collected at Jack- sonville by Mr. Thurston as early as April 20th * C'iprimulgus virgininnus Brisson, Orn., II, 477 (in part). Caprimulgus popetue Vieillot, Ois. Am. Sept., I, 56, pi. Hv, 1807. Qtprimuhjus americanus Wilson, Am. Orn., V, 65, pi. cxl, 1812. Caprimulgus ( Cliordeiles) virgininnus .Swain., Faun. Ror. Am., II, 62, 1831. Chordeiles virginianus Bon., Geog. & Comp. List, 8, 1838. — Gosse, Birds of Ja- maica, 33, 1847. Chordeiles snpiti Bonap., Consp. Gen. Avium, I, 63, 1849. — Cassin, 111. N. Am. Birds, 238, 1855. Chordeiles brasilinnus Lawr., Ann. X. Y. Lyceum Nat. Hist., V, 114, 1851. Oiordeiles Henryi Cassin, 111. N. Am. Birds, 239. — Baihd, Birds N. Am., 153. Chordeiles Gundlachii Lawr.. Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., VI, 167, 1856. Chord, H, s texerisis Lawk., Ibid., 165. — Baird, Birds N. Am.. 154. Chordeiles minor Caranis. Journ. fur Orn., 5, 1856. Chordeiles popetue Baihd, Birds X. Am., 151. This widely distributed species presents only the usual variations in size and color MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 801 CYPSELID^I. The chimney swift ( Chcetura pelasgia) arrives about the last week in March. It was common at Jacksonville, April 1st. TROCHILID^I. The ruby-throated humming-bird (Trochilus colubris) became com- mon about March 1st. Some probably spend the. winter in South Florida. V1C1DM. 69* Campephilus principalis Gray. Ivory-bjt.led Woodpecker. Picus principalis Linne, Syst. Nat., I, 173, 1767. Campephilus principalis Gray, Genera of Birds, 1840. Campephilus Bairdii Cassin, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1863, 322. (West Indian form.) Rather rare ; at least far less numerous than most of the other species of woodpecker. With only Florida specimens of this species before me, I am unable to give comparisons between them and specimens from other localities. Ac- cording to the late Mr. Cassin, those found in Cuba differ from those of the Southern States, in being smaller, as would be expected, with very slight deviations in color-markings. He has, however, given to the Cuba race the name of Campephilus Bairdii, remarking that it appears to be " one of those singular insular species which have become well known to naturalists." Measurements of Florida Specimens of Campephilus principalis. M. C. Z. No. Sex. Locality. Date. Collector. Length. Alar Extent. Wing. Tail. 5221 5222 5229 6354 5399 (J Volusia. d ? cf ! Enterprise 9 Hawkinsville Feb. 12, '69 Feb. 12, '69 Feb. 12, '69 Mar 5, '69 Mar. 15, '69 J. A. Allen 20.00 19.50 19.30 19.25 19.50 32.25 32 50 31.50 30.50 31.50 10.40 10.25 10.60 9.70 10.25 690 690 6.85 6.40 6.75 seen in other species of our birds. Yet these variations have in the present case been mistaken as indicating numerous species. The southern representatives of it are ap- preciably smaller than the northern, and have the white markings on the wings more restricted, — variations that have already been pointed out in this paper as occurring in numerous others similarly distributed. Those from the central arid region of the con- tinent are also Ughter in general color than those from the eastern or western portions; also a common color variation in other species. The latter type forms the so-called Chordeiles Henryi ; the southern ones have been variously characterized as C. sapid, C texensis, C. Gundlachii, etc., as indicated in the above-cited syuonymes. 302 BULLETIN OF THE 70.* Hylotomus pileatus Buird. Pileated Woodpecker. Abundant. Much smaller than at the north, but not otherwise appreciably different. The average dimensions of fourteen Florida specimens (seven males and seven females) are as follows : — Males, length, 17.48 ; alar extent, 28.07 ; .wing, 9.21 ; tail, 6.82. Females, length, 16.44 ; alar extent, 26.80; wing, 8.98 ; tail, 6.54. The individual variation is as follows : — Males, length, 17.25 to 17.75; alar extent, 27.50 to 28.50; wing, 9.00 to 9.50 ; tail, 6.20 to 6.75. Females, length, 15.50 to 16.80 ; alar extent, 26.00 to 27.75 ; wing, 8.50 to 9.50 ; tail, 5.85 to 6.80. Measurements of Florida Specimens of Hylotomus pileatus. M.C.Z. No. — 5118 Coll. No. Sex. Locality. Date. Collector. Length. Alar Extent. Wing. Tail. d Hibernia Jan. 30T'69 J. A. Allen 17.75 28.25 9.2o 6.65 6203 d Welaka Feb. 7, '69 " 17.25 28.00 900 650 5215 d " Feb. 10, '69 " 1750 28.50 9.25 6.75 d Hawkinsville Mar. 10, '69 " 17.25 27.50 9.50 1937 d Jacksonville Dec. 31, '69 C. J. Maynard 17-75 28.50 9.50 6.40 2076 d " Jan. — , '69 " 17.25 27.75 9.00 6.20 2543 d Dummitt's Feb. 15, '69 " 17.60 28.00 9.00 6.45 2334 2 " Mar. 11, '69 " 15 50 26 40 8.70 5.85 2602 2 " Mar. 5, '69 " 16.60 27.75 9 00 6.75 5204 Welaka Feb. 7. '69 J. A. Allen 16.75 26 25 8.50 6 75 5214 § " Feb. 10, '69 " 16.35 26.75 9.15 6.60 6216 0 " Feb. 10, '69 " 16.30 27.25 9.00 6 80 6274 § Blue Springs Feb. 21, '69 " 16 75 27 20 9 50 6.50 2 Hawkinsville! Mar. 10, '69 " 16.80 26 00 9.00 — 71.* Picus vill0SU8 Limit. Hairy Woodpecker. Picus villosus Linne, Syst. Nat., I, 175, 1767. — Forster, Philosoph. Transact., LXII, 383, 1772. — Wilson, Am. Orn., I, 150, pi. ix, fig. 3, 1808. — Audubon, Orn. Biog., V, 164, pi. ccccxvii, 1837. (Northern form.) Picus leucomelanus Wagler, Syst. Av., No. 18, 1827. (Immature male.) Picus Auduboni Swainson, Faun. Bor. Am., II, 306, 1831. (Immature male.) — Trudeau, Journ. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 404, 1837. (Immature male). — Audubon, Orn. Biog., V, 194, 1839. (Same as the last.) Picus Martince Audubon, Ibid., 181, pi. ccccxvii. (Very immature.) Picus Phillpsii Audubon, Ibid., 186, pi. ccccxvii. (Immature.) Picus Harrisii Audubon, Ibid., 191, same plate. (Northwestern form.) — Baird, Birds N. Am., 87. Picus septentrionalis Nuttall, Man. Orn., I (2d Ed.), 685, 1840. Picus rubricapillus Nuttall, Ibid., G84. (Immature male.) Picus Cuvieri Malherue, Mon. 1'icida;/ I, 85, pi. xxii, fig. 3. (Young fe- male.) Picus Jardinei Malherbe, Ibid., I, 85, pi. xxv, fig. 4, 5. — Cassin, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1863", 201. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 303 Not numerous in Florida in comparison with the other species of Picidce. The difference in size between northern and southern specimens of all the species of the Picidce is greater than obtains in most other families of birds. So great is it in Picus villosus and Picus pubescens that it was in these species that such variations were first noticed. This difference is well pointed out by Professor Baird in his work on the North American Birds, and fully de- monstrated in his table of measurements. On this ground he distinguished three varieties of P. villosus, — P. villosus major, occupying the northern and western portions of the continent; P. villosus medius, occupying the Middle States ; and P. villosus minor, occupying the Southern States. Audubon regarded the two former as distinct species. In addition to these variations in size, my Florida specimens indicate a well-marked variation in color between the northern and extreme southern races, the Florida specimens differing from New England ones in having the white mark- ings of relatively less extent, which gives to the plumage a considerably darker aspect. Through this variation there is an approach in the Florida examples of P. villosus to the so-called P. Harrisii of the Pacific coast and Rocky Mountain regions of the continent, and in the Florida examples of P. pubescens to the so-called P. Gairdneri, also of the middle and western regions of the continent. These, as is well known, differ respectively from P. villosus and P. pubescens almost solely in a general darker aspect, re- sulting simply from the relatively greater predominance of the black color of the plumage over the white markings in the western type ; there being no change whatever in the general style of coloration, though some of the smaller white spots seen in the eastern are entirely obsolete in the western type. Under Picus Gairdneri Professor Baird thus describes these varia- tions. " There is," he says, " the same series in specimens of Picus Gaird- neri that were indicated under P. Harrisii. Thus the most northern from Washington Territory and Oregon have the under parts more brown, with faint black streaks, the white spots above smaller and less numerous. In specimens from California and farther east the white is purer, the spots more conspicuous." " The almost perfect parallelism," he further observes, " with appreciable differences between the markings of the northwestern and southeastern varieties of Picus Harrisii and Gairdneri, and their relationship to P. villosus and pubescens, is a remarkable fact in American ornithology, and may possibly indicate the necessity either of dividing the dark ones into a Pacific and Rocky Mountain series, or of con- sidering all as variations of two species, a larger [P. villosus] and a smaller [P. pubescens], changing their character with longitudinal distribution." And he aptly adds, " Many other supposed species are involved in the 30-1 BULLETIN OF THE same consideration." * Professor Bairri in his account of these species, ex- pressly refers to •California specimens that have less white on the wings than the one form and more white than the other, f This with the color differences existing between Florida specimens and New England ones, similar in character to these, though less in degree, seems to confirm the necessity alluded to by Professor Baird of regarding the small spotted woodpeckers in question as forming only two species, — the Picus villosus and Picus pubescens, — with parallel and remarkable geographical varia- tions. So great is the difference, however, between typical representatives of the two leading forms of each, that their discoverers, with too few speci- mens of each to enable them to detect the gradual passage of the one into the other, — a fact which now seems well substantiated, — were quite excusable in regarding them as distinct species. Several other sup- posed species, as indicated by the synonymes given above, and previously by other authors, have been based on phases of immaturity. The young of either sex often have the crown spotted with red or yellow, while the mature male alone has red on the head, and in which it is usually confined to a narrow occipital transverse band. In respect to the number, shape, position, and size of the white spots on the wings, however, there is al- ways considerable variation in specimens from the same locality, these variations being dependent upon neither sex nor age. Florida specimens of not only Picus pubescens and P. villosus, but of Centurus carolinus, Sitla carolinensis, and Si/la pusilla, often have the plumage of the lower surface of the body so much soiled and darkened by running over the blackened trees in recently burnt districts as to ma- terially alter their appearance, so that they might almost be taken for distinct species, as previously noted by Audubon. J 72.* Picus pubescens Linne. Downy "Woodpecker. Picas pubescens Linne, Syst. Nat., I, 175, 1766. — Wilson, Audubon, Box a- PARTE, NoTTALL, BaIKD, CaSSIN, CtC Pints (Dendrocopus) pubescens Swainson, Faun. Bor. Am., II, 307, 1831. Picus (Dendroco/ms) mcdianus Swainson, Ibid., 308. (Described from New Jersey specimens). * Birds of North America, p. 91. t In accounting for these intermediate forms, Mr. Cassin adopts the very convenient but, as it seems to me, uncalled-for and incorrect theory of hybridity, so often resorted to in similar cases. Under Picus villosus, he says that J', villosus and P. Harrisii prob- ably associate in a region intermediate between the proper ranges of the two species, "and produce hybrids, which present difficulties to naturalists." Under Picus pu- bescens lie makes similar remarks in respect to P. pubescens and P. Liairdneri. Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sri., 1863, pp. 200, 201. J Orn. Biog., Vol. II, p. 82. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 305 Picus (Dendrocopus) meridionalis Swaixson, Ibid. (Southern race.) Picus Gairdneri Audubon, Orn. Biog., V, 317, 1839. (Northwestern form.) — Baird, Birds N. Am., 91, 1858. Picus meridionalis Nuttall, Man. Orn., I,(2d Ed.) 690, 1840. (Not of Swainson). Picus Lecontei Jones, Ann. N. York Lye. Nat. Hist., IV, 489, pi. xviii, 1848. (Three-toed specimen.) Picus Turati Maliierbe, Mon. Pic., I, 125, pi. xxix, fig. 5, 6. — Cassin, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1863, 202. Common. Much more numerous than Picus villosus. The difference in size and color between northern and southern speci- mens has been sufficiently detailed under the previous species. 73.* Picus borealis Vieillot. Red-cockaded Woodpecker. Picus borealis Vieillot, Ois. Am. Sept., II, 66, pi. exxii, 1807. — Cassin, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1863, 203. Picus querulus Wilson, Am. Orn., II, 103, pi. xv, fig. 1, 1810. — Cassin, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1863, 203. Common in the pineries. Mr. Cassin regards the Carolina and Georgia representatives of this species as specifically distinct from the Pennsylvania ones. He says that they are as distinct and as easily recognized as are Picks villosus and P. Harrisii, which he of course regards as valid species. He assigns Yieillot's Measurements of Florida Specimens of Picus BOREALIS. M. C. Z. No. Coll. No. y. CO Locality. Date. Collector. c (3 < X '3 10641 1919 9 Jacksonville Dec. 31, '68 C. J. Maynard ~ fT40 14.20 4.75 3.52 10642 1920 d " Dec. 31, '68 " 8.30 14.20 4.76 362 10043 1921 2 " Dec. 31, "68 " 8.30 14.80 480 3 56 1922 d " Dec. 31, "68 " 8.50 14.50 4.75 3 69 10644 1923 d " Dec. 31, '68 " 8.20 14 45 4.75 3.39 1924 d " Dec. 31, '68 " 8.50 15.00 4 80 3.32 10645 1925 d " Dec. 31, '66 " 8 50 14.75 4.85 3.60 1971 8 " Jan. 3, '69 " 8.50 15 00 4.85 3.50 10646 1972 • " Jan. 3, '69 " 8.50 14 30 4.75 3.75 10631 29 ■ " Apr. 11, '69 " 8.00 14.75 4.90 3.45 10632 30 " Apr. 6, '69 " 8.50 15.00 4.90 335 10633 31 , " Apr. 6, '69 " 8.30 14 90 4.85 335 10634 41 .•" " Apr. 7, '69 " 8.15 1450 4.70 3-25 10637 47 ' " Apr. 8, '69 " 8.60 15.15 4.87 3.40 10638 48 -■ " Apr. 8, '69 " 8.50 15.00 4.95 3.46 1063y 58 i " Apr. 13, '69 " 8.50 1410 4.75 3.59 49 " Apr. 8, '69 " 8,50 14.15 4.85 3.49 10640 59 0 " Apr. 12, '69 •« 8.50 15.00 4.80 3.50 10636 44 — " Apr. 7, '69 ic 8.30 15.00 4.80 3.60 10635 43 ? " Apr. 7, '69 " 8.35 14.60 460 3.60 32 d " Apr. 3, '69 '« 830 14.90 4.85 3.50 42 d " Apr. 7, '69 " 8.20 14.70 475 329 5116 — " Jan. 19, '69 J. A. Allen 8.50 15 20 4 40 330 5137 — d " Jan. 25, '69 " 8.33 14.75 4.57 3.42 6375 — d Hawkinsville Mar. 12, '69 " 8.55 14.55 4.50 3.40 5393 — d " Mar. 15, '69 " 8.50 14.50 4 45 320 5394 — d " Mur. 15, '69 " 8.25 14.50 4.40 315 5414 — i Volusia Mar. 25, '69 " 7.90 14.60 4.45 3.25 20 306 BULLETIN OF THE name borealis to the Pennsylvania type, and Wilson's name querulus to the more southern form. In recognizing two species of red-eockaded wood- pecker in. the Atlantic States, Mr. Cassin differs from all previous writers. Having only Florida specimens, a series of twenty-two, before me, I cannot state from personal observation as to how they differ from northern ones. They appear, however, to be merely a little smaller and darker. The average size of the twenty-eight Florida specimens of which meas- urements are given in the foregoing table is as follows : Length, 8.34 ; alar extent, 14.46; wing, 4.71; tail, 3.41. 74.t Sphyrapicus varius Baird. Yellow-bellied Woodpecker. Common. 75* Centurus carolinus Bonaparte. Red-bellied Woodpecker. Picus carolinas Linne, Syst. Nat., I, 174, 1767. Picus griseus Vieillot, Ois. Am. Sept., II, 52, pi. cxvi, 1807. Centums carolinus Bonap., Geog. & Comp. List, 40, 1838. Abundant. The most numerous species of its family in Florida. Specimens in the Museum from Cape Florida, taken the 8th of May by Mr. G. Wurdemann, indicate it as resident throughout Florida, though considered by Audubon and others as only a winter visitant to this and the other Gulf States. The Florida specimens are all very much brighter colored than others before me from Maryland, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan, the Michigan specimens being the palest. Professor Baird has remarked, in regard to a specimen from Amelia Island, Florida,* that it was not only very much smaller than northern ones, but had the white transverse bands on the back much narrower, the black ones being three times the breadth of the white ones, instead of twice, as in the northern specimens. These differ- ences my large series from the St. John's River indicate as constant. A simi- lar increase, in the breadth of the black bands over the white ones in southern specimens as compared with northern ones, in species banded transversely, i< seen in numerous other species. It is well marked in Colaptes auratus (where the bands are dark and light brown), in Sphyrapicus i-nriu.<, and, as I shall show more fully subsequently, in Ortyx virginianus. The extent and intensity of the red on the abdomen and head, and especially its brilliancy on the head, is much greater in the Florida specimens of C. carolinus. In this respect there is also a well-marked difference between Cape Florida specimens and those from the St. John's River, the Cape Florida ones being much the brighter. These seem to accord in every particular with * Birds of North Amer., p. 109. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 307 the so-called Cenlurus subelcgans of Lower California and Mexico. It is interesting to note that variations in color occur between the northern and southern representatives of Centurus Jlaviventris similar to tl\ose exhibited by northern and southern examples of C. carolinus. The southern forms of C. Jlaviventris were long since characterized by Wagler, Swainson, and Bonaparte as specifically distinct from the northern, under the names of C. elegans, C. santacruzi, etc., etc., which many authors still rank as species. 76.* Melanerpes erythrocephalus, Swainson. Red-headed Wood- pecker. Rare in winter ; said to be common in summer. I saw two only, about March loth. Mr. Boardman also gives it as rare, while Mr. Maynard did not meet with it at all. Audubon speaks of its being very abundant in winter in Louisiana, and Dr. Coues gives it as resi- dent in South Carolina ; but it is certainly not common in winter in East Florida. 77.* Colaptes auratus Swainson. Golden-winged Woodpecker. Abundant. Considerably smaller than at the north, with the colors much more in- tense, and the transverse black bars on the back relatively broader. The individual variations in this species, even at the same locality, are very considerable, especially in respect to the bill. Figures 5 and 6, Plate VIII, illustrate the variation in the form and size of the bill of two specimens from Massachusetts, both of which are females. The following summary of the subjoined tables indicates the difference in size between Massachusetts and Florida specimens, and the individual differentiation in the same respect at each locality. The sexes seem not to differ essentially in size. No. of Speci- mens. Sex. Locality. Length. Alar Extent. Wing. Tail. 18 11 18 18 11 11 — Massachusetts. Florida Massachusetts. Florida. Average Average Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum 12.45 11.66 13.00 12.00 12.75 10.60 19.94 18.82 20.75 19.00 19.75 - 17.60 6 24 6.84 660 6.00 6.25 6.60 4.35 4.40 4.70 4.00 4.85 4.10 "While the Florida specimens are considerably smaller than the northern in three of the measurements, the tail is actually longer in the Florida birds, and hence relatively much longer. In most of the species of which comparative tables of measurements are given in the present paper, there is a decided tendency to an elongation of the tail at the southward, the tail decreasing less in length than the wing or the general size. 308 BULLETIN OF THE Measurements of Massachusetts Specimens of Colaptes auratus. M.CZ No. Coll. No. CO Locality. Date. Collector. Length. c '3 E-t 2075 ? Jacksonville Jan. 20, '69 C. J.Maynard 10.75 18.50 5.75 4.55 2074 v " Jan. 20, '69 " 11.00 17.60 550 4.50 10612 2346 Dummitt's Feb. 16, '69 " 11.75 19.50 6.25 4.10 10014 2601 g " Mar. 11, '69 " 12.00 19 00 5.90 4 60 10611 10613 2584 o " Mar. 9, '69 " 10.60 1775 5.70 4.30 2542 V " Mar. 6,'69 " 12 75 19.10 6.00 4.85 10610 23S5 rf " Mar. 6, "69 " 12 00 19.20 6.00 4.26 5196 i Welaka Keb. 5, -69 J. A. Allen 12 20 19.10 5.85 4.30 6321 Enterprise Mar. 1,"69 " 11.50 18.75 5.60 4.15 v Volusia Mar. 25, "69 " 12.25 19.75 6.00 — a " Mar. 25, '69 " 11.50 18.75 5.65 — Of the eight species of woodpecker mentioned above as occurring in Florida in winter, all but one or two {Melanerpes erythrocephalus and Campepkilus principalis) are numerously represented. Most of them are exceedingly abundant, the woodpeckers hence forming a con- spicuous element in the bird-fauna of East Florida. All of them are resident, according to Dr. Coues, in South Carolina. Audubon, how- ever, states that two of them ( Sphyrapicus varius, Centurus carolinus) do not breed south of Maryland, but Dr. Coues gives them as resident the whole year in South Carolina. PSITTACID-S3. 78. Conuru8 carolinensis Bonaparte. Caiolina Parokeei-. Common. Hundreds are captured every winter on the Lower St. John's by professional bird-catchers and sent to the northern cities. Thousands of others are destroyed wantonly by sportsmen. Concerning MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 309 this needless slaughter Mr. Boardman i„us writes : " The little parokeet must soon be exterminated. Some of our Enterprise party would sometimes shoot forty or fifty at a few discharges, for sport, as they hover about when any are shot until the whole flock is destroyed." From its habit of feeding upon the tender maize in autumn, it is some- times somewhat injurious to the farmer, and for this cause many are also killed. It is also more or less hunted as a game-bird. It is well known that the parokeet formerly inhabited large portions of the United States where it is now never seen, and the cause of its disappearance has been deemed a mystery. Such facts as these, however, seem to render clear what its ultimate fate must be in the United States, — ex- termination. I could learn nothing from the inhabitants in regard to the time, manner, or place of breeding of this species, even old residents pro- fessing total ignorance in regard to these points. The following table of measurements of specimens of this species serves to indicate its average size and proportions in Florida. In mature speci- mens the sexual difference in color and size is very slight. Neither sex acquires its adult colors before the second or third year. The average size of the nineteen specimens (six males and thirteen females) cited below is as follows: Length, 13.10; alar extent, 21.76; wing, 7.59. The extremes are as follows : — Length, 12.50 and 13.60 (both specimens females); alar extent, 21.10 (female) and 22.50 (male) ; wing 7.00 and 7.85. These specimens seem to indicate a tolerable constancy in general size and proportions. Measurements of Florida Specimens of Conurus carolinensis. M. C Z. No. Sex. ~d~ Locality. Welaka Date. Collector. Length. ~TsW Alar Extent. Wing. Tail. 5205 Feb. 8, '69 J. A. Allen ~22~0(T 7 70 6.05 5206 d " Feb. 8, '69 " 1355 2230 7.85 6.75 5207 ? '< Feb. 8, "69 " 12.90 2150 7.45 6.10 5225 9 Volusia Feb. 12, '69 " 13.00 21.75 7.00 5.80 5226 2 " Feb. 12, "69 " 13 00 21.60 7.35 5.80 5227 2 " Feb 12, "69 " 13.00 21.75 7 30 6.00 5228 9 " Feb 12, "69 " 13 00 21.50 7 50 6.00 5291 d Enterprise Feb 25, "69 " 1325 21.50 740 — 5295 2 " Feb. 25, '69 " 13 00 22.45 7-60 6.00 5293 ? " Feb. 25, '69 " 13.60 22 00 7.34 6.60 5297 d " Feb. 25, '69 " 13.45 22.00 7.50 — d Hawkinsville Mar. 13, '69 " 1325 22.50 7.75 — d " Mar 13, '69 " 13.15 21 25 7.50 — 9 " Mar 13, '69 " 12.50 21 35 7.30 — ? Orange Bluffs Mar. 24, "69 " 12.S5 21 75 7.40 — ? " Mar. 24, -69 " 13.60 22.30 7.75 — ? " Mar 24, '69 " 1305 21.10 7.50 — ? " Mar. 24, '69 " 13.25 21.30 7 50 — 9 Mar 2t, '69 13.25 21.50 7.55 — 310 BULLETIN OF THE VULTUEID^J. 79 * Cathartes aura Ittiger. Turkey Vulture. Vultur brasiliensis Brisson, Orn., I, 468, 17G0. Vultur aura Linne, Syst. Nat., I. 122, 1767. — Vieillot, Ois. Am. Sept., I, 25, pi. 2 bis, 1807. —Wilson, Am. Orn., IX, pi. lxiv, fig. 1, 1814. Cathartes aura Illiger, Prodromus, 283, 1811. — Bonaparte, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., II, 23, 1828. — Audubon, Orn. Biog., II, 296, pl.clii, 1835. — Bonaparte, Gcog. and Comp. List, I, 1838. — D'Orbigny, Voy. dans l'Amer. Merid., IV, ill, 38, 1844. — Cassis, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nut. Sci., 1849, 159. —Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., I, 9, 1850. Vultur jot a Molina, Saggio sul stor. nat. del Chile, 1782. Cathartes nificolUs Spix, Av. Spec. Nova:, 2, 1824. Vultur jota Molina, Sagg. sul stor. nat. del Chile, 235, 1782. — Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 347, 1788. Cathartes jota Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., I, 9, 1850. — Cassin, U. S. Nav. Astr. Exp., II. 172, 1855. Cathartes septentrionalis Pr. Maximilian, Rcise in das Nord-Amer., 1, 162, 1839. ? Cathartes Burrovianus Cassin, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sciences, 1843, 212. — ? Cassin, Baud's Birds of N. Am., 6, 1858. Abundant. Collect in large companies about the dead alligators so numerous in the St. John's River. Both this species and the following ( Carthartes atratus) paid us fre- quent visits at our camps at Enterprise and Hawkinsville, and whenever we left them they did not fail to gather up and devour the carcasses of the birds and mammals thrown away by us after skinning. We found them, in fact, rather troublesome neighbors, since on more than one occasion they proceeded, in our absence, to investigate the character of the specimens we had left in the sun to dry, and in a manner so unsat- isfactory to ourselves that one of the party was frequently obliged to stay in camp to protect them while the others were away collecting. Both this and the following species were represented as breeding late in the season, and as frequenting the palmetto swamps as well as some of the islands above Enterprise for this purpose. The synonymy hero given of the present and following species indicates clearly tin- confusion which several continental European authors have in- troduced through their descriptions of these species, to which attention has been previously called by Mr. Cassin.* While a Vultur (or Cathartes) aura has been described by most authors who have written of the two species in question, the name aura has been applied sometimes to the one and • Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat Sci., 1849, 159. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 311 sometimes to the other, but when given to the true aura of Linne", Vieillot, and Wilson, the atratus of Bartram and Wilson has been cited as a syno- nyme, and the true atratus described under a new name. The name jota has likewise been repeatedly applied to both species by different authors, and in some cases even by the same author, as has been also the name bra&iliensis. The description given by Linne in the twelfth edition of his Systema Naturae, under V. aura, clearly refers to the V. aura of Wilson, of which the V. jota of Molina and Gmelin are synonymes ; although some of Linne's synonymes may refer to the C. atratus of modern writers. Bona- parte, however, in both his Synopsis of the Birds of the United States and in his Geographical and Comparative List, strangely applied the name jota to the atratus of Wilson, in which he was for a time followed by other writers. By those who have regarded the South American representatives of C. aura as distinct from its North American ones, the name jota has latterly been applied to the supposed distinct South American representa- tive of the supposed true or northern C. aura. The distinctions between the so-called C. jota and C. aura seem, judg- ing from the published accounts, to be by no means clear. Mr. Cassin, in his report on the birds of Lieutenant Gilliss's Expedition, says the C jota " is apparently, or so far as can be ascertained from prepared specimens, a more slender bird, and loncjer in all its measurements. The last character is particularly applicable to its wings."* In his Illustrations of the birds of California and Texas, published the following year, he reverses this statement, and says : " The South American species [C.jota] is the smaller," and " is the more slender in all its members " ; and adds : " All the spe- cimens that we have seen have been of a more uniform clear black color." Having myself examined numerous specimens, both in Brazil and in Florida, I find the difference in the average exceedingly slight, and nearly as stated by Mr. Cassin in his later work ; that is, the Brazilian are slightly smaller, and have the plumage appreciably darker. Bonaparte, in his Conspectus, gives the jota of Molina as being simply smaller and with a shorter tail than aura of Linne. The differences are in- deed very slight; they are, moreover, strictly in accordance with the well- known general laws of variation between specimens of the same species from northern and southern localities, and by no means indicate a diversity of species. Because formerly not known to occur in some of the West India Islands, it was at one time supposed by some that the habitats of the two supposed species did not meet, or that there was a region in Central and Northern South America where neither existed. As I have elsewhere stated,f this is a mistake, both this species and the C. atratus ranging from * U. S Naval Astronomical Expedition, Vol. II, p. 173, 1855. t Memoirs Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. I, p. 500, 1S68. 312 BULLETIN OF THE the middle and northern portions of the United States nearly to the south- ern extremity of South America ; the C. aura also extending as much be- yond the southern limit of the C. alratus in South America as it does to the north of it in North America. The Cathartes Burrovianus of Cassin, described in 1843, from a single spe- cimen from Mexico, is referred by Bonaparte, in his Conspectus, to C. jota, or to what I regard as the typical form of C. aura, and evidently with good reason. It differs from C. aura only in being smaller. I am therefore disposed to regard it as based on an unusually small specimen of that spe- cies. Though Dr. Gambel supposed he had seen it with the other species in Lower California, but two specimens seem to have been known to Mr. Cassin, one of which was from an unknown locality. Measurements of Florida Specimens of Cartiiartes aura. M.CZ. No. Coll. No. a* C/J Locality. Date. Collector. to □ ti> .2 22.50 '5 H 5143 ■• Jacksonville Jan. 25, '69 J. A. Allen '11 'ill 7 'J -Mi 11.10 5 ISO ,-r Hibernia Feb. 1, '69 " 27.50 72.U0 22.no 11.75 51S7 rl " " 21.00 12.00 10746 2541 ? Dummitt's. Mar. 11, '69 C.J. MayuarU 26.50 6S.O0 21 mi 11.00 2603 ? " War. 11, •6!) " 68.00 20.00 10.50 1 2433 5 " Mar. in '69 " 27.50 72.00 21.75 11.25 80.* Cathartes atratUS Swainson. Black Vulture. ? Vultur brasiliensis aut mexicanus Ray, Synop. Meth. Avium, 10, 1713. Vultur atratus Bartram, Travels, 289, 17'Jl. Cathartes atratus Swainson, Faun. Bor. Am., II, 6, 1831. — Audubon, Synop- sis, 3, 1839. — Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., I, 9, 1850. — Cassin, Illust. Birds Cal., Texas, etc., 58, 1854. — Cassin, Gilliss's U. S. Nav. Astr. Exp., II, 173, 1855. Vultur jota Wilson, Am. Orn.,IX, 104, pi. lxxv, fig. 2, 1814. (Not of Molina; not of Gmclin.) Cathartes jota Bonaparte, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., II. — Audubon, Orn. Bio?., II, 33, 1835.— Bonaparte, Gcog. and Comp. List, I, 1838. Vultur urubu Vikillot, Ois. Am. Sept., I, 53, pi. ii, 1807. CdHiartes urubu Lesson, Voy. autourdu Monde, 014. — D'Orbigny, Voy. dans 1'Amer. Merit!., 1844. Cathartes evidently ruTord rather unsatisfactory data for the determination of the relative muscularity of the body. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 327 tail, in specimens of the same variety, was much . greater than I had ex- pected to find"; a result* which indicates how unreliable such fea- tures are as specific distinctions, as I have already repeatedly remarked, and also, of course, the fallacy of the belief, so generally held, that they are really among the most trustworthy.* After detailing some of the in- stances of variation in this respect in the specimens in que.-tion, he makes the following remarks on variations in other characters : " The variation in the number and shape of the tarsal scales is considerable, as is usual in birds of this order. The development of the festoon of the lower edge of the upper mandible, one of the principal generic characters, f varies par- ticularly in B. montanus, the series of which is the largest, from a sharp, almost tooth-like process to an entire absence ofit."% Dr. Bryant described each of the so-called species of the later authors, and generally several authentic specimens of each, showing the variations of color they present. B. montanus is the so-called " western red-tail," replacing, it is supposed, B. borealis in the western half of the continent, and differing from it in the main only in being more rufous or brighter colored. Some specimens, however, from California and Oregon are not appreciably different from others from the Atlantic States, and among them is one received at the Museum from the Smithsonian Institution labelled " B. borealis." B. calurus differs from these in being much darker throughout, and especially below. It has, however, according to Dr. Bryant, two varieties, one of which is much darker than the other. The B. Harlani of Cassin, Dr. Bryant says, "resembles very closely the dark variety of calurus, with the exception of its tail, which resembles mon- tanus." Respecting the single known specimen of B. Coope.ri, he says there is nothing in its coloration M that would make the supposition of its being a variety of montanus improbable." The tail presents the greatest dissimilarity and "has very much the appearance it would have in a semi- adult of this species, if the color were partially washed out.' The tarsus, though long, he says is not longer than in some specimens of montanus ; but observes that the scutellation of the tarsus presents certain peculiar- ities not seen in the others, there being but two rows of lateral scales in- stead of three or four, and two more than the usual number of transverse scales. § In respect to these supposed species he then observes : " After * See the remarks on this point in Part III. t The italicizing is my own. \ On differences of this kind the several supposed species of the B. borealis group have been arranged in different subgenera .' § Since writing the above I have learned from Professor Baird that he is inclined to regard this specimen as " only an Archibuteo ferrugineus without feathers on the tarsus; at any rate, hardly a species." It is hence omitted in Cooper and Bairds " Orni- thology of California," which has just appeared. 328 BULLETIN OF THE carefully examining the birds described above, I do not see, if Buteo bo- rea/is, monlanus, and calurus are to be considered distinct species, that we can avoid increasing the number by separating from montanus two species, — one the dark Stcilacoom variety, and the other that from Cape St. Lucas (which, by the way, is the most distinct variety that I have seen) ; from calurus, one species, the ferruginous variety from Fort Tejon; and adding to this group one species based on the adult Harlani of the Acad- emy \_Harlani of Cassin, not of Audubon], making in all seven species of this group. I have not included in this list the youiig Harlani of the Academy, which differs as much from the adult as from any other speci- men of this group ; or Cooperi" etc. After next describing in detail Buteo Harlani (B. Harlani of Bryant, not B. Harlani of Cassin, nor of Audubon), and its several varieties, which form the " species" B. insigna- tus, Sioainsoni, and oxypterus of Cassin and the B. Bairdii of Hoy and Cassin, with several varieties under each, some of which lie clearly shows are connecting links to others, Dr. Bryant concludes his paper with the following summary : " Taking color, therefore as a sufficient ground for specific distinction, we find that we have in the red-tailed group seven species, and in the other nine, which, with the young Harlani of the Academy, Cooperi, fuliijinosus, albonolatus, lineatus, elegans, and pennsyl- vanicus, give a total of twenty-three species of this genus which are found in the United States." But Dr. Bryant by no means admits color in this group to be a specific characteristic, and, as I have already remarked, in reducing the number of species of the red-tailed hawks to two, he takes general size and the proportions of the primary quills of the wing as the basis of distinction. He has accordingly given a table of comparative measurements and pro- portions of the two species, in which he has arranged, as he says and doubtless supposed, the larger specimens under B. borealis, and the smaller under B. Harlani. Size and the proportions of the quills, however, it seems to me, arc equally ai-bitrary grounds for their separation, as an examination of his tables and descriptions evidently proves. It hap- pens that in the first, or B. borealis series, marly all the specimens are fully adult, as indicated by the tail being uniformly red, with a subter- minal black band, — a stage of plumage which characterizes only adult individuals. In the second, or B. Harlani series, but one specimen (which does not appear in the table of measurements), is described that is not evidently somewhat immature, while the greater part of them are quite so.* Respecting the so-called Buteo Bairdii, of which numerous speci- mens have been reported, some from quite eastern localities, Dr. Bryant * They have at least the tail numerously banded, a6 all immature B. borealis do have, and their general diagnosis is that of immature birds. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 329 remarks that a single specimen in the Museum of the Philadelphia Acad- emy is the only one he had seen "presenting the least appearance of adult plumage." In regard to the size of the specimens of the two scries, adopting the length of the folded wing as the basis of comparison, — the besl clement in the tables available for comparison, in this respect, — the smallest and the largest specimens, measuring 370 and 438 millimetres re- spectively, occur in the B. borealis series. The average length of wing in twenty specimens of B. borealis is 409 millimetres, and in fourteen * speci- mens of B. Harlani Bryant, 405. The difference of 4 millimetres is an amount too trivial to be of account, as the addition of a single specimen to cither series might reverse the difference. Hence the impression possessed by Dr. Bryant of an average difference in size between the two series was evidently an erroneous one. There, hence remains but a single difference, that in respect to the form of the wing, or the relative length of the primaries, by which to distinguish the two series, which is at best one of doubtful value. My present opinion is that all the so-called species of these two groups may be safely referred to the original Buleo borealis, except the B. oxypterus, which should be un- doubtedly referred to the B. pennsylvanicus, 87.* Buteo lineatus Jardine. Red-shocldered Hawk. Falco lineatus Gmelin, Syst. Nat, I, 268, 1788. — Wilson, Am. Orn., VI, 86, pi. liii, fig. 3, 1812. — Audubon, Orn. Biog., I, 296, pi. lvi, 1832. Buteo lineatus Jardine, Am. Orn., I, 1832. — Audubon, Svn., 7, 1839. — Cassin, Baiid's Birds N. Am., 28, 1858. — Verrill, Proc. Essex Institute, III, 141, 1862. Falco hyemalis Gmelix, Syst. Nat., I, 274, 1788. — Wilson, Am. Orn., IV, 73, 1812. — Nuttall, Man. Orn., I, 106, 1832. — Audubon, Orn. Biog., V, pi. lxxi, 1832 (young). Buteo Cooperi Allen, Amer. Nat., Ill, 518, 1869. Circus hyemalis Bonap., Journ. Phil. Acad. Nat Sci., 1st Ser , III, 305, It Butto elegans Cassin, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1855,281. — Cassin, Baird's Birds of N. Am 28, 1858. Very abundant. By far the most numerous species of the family. Generally smaller and much brighter colored than New England speci- mens. The dark line along the shaft of the feathers below, especially on the throat and breast, is very distinct, in this respect and in the bright colors greatly resembling the so-called Buleo elegans of Cassin. B. elegans, * The B oxypterus, referred to the B. Harlani by Bryant, is very much smaller than any other specimen in either series, and it seems to me has decided affinities, in its small size as in other features, with the B. pennsylvaniais, as stated by Mr. Cassin, and it is hence excluded in my computation of the average length of the folded wing. 380 BULLETIN OF THE however, has been generally considered as the western representative of B. linealus, but it differs from the latter only in being brighter colored, or in having the ferruginous of the under parts more intense. In this it resembles the western representatives of the B. borealis, Archibuleo lago- pus, Accipiter fuscus, Circus cyaneus, Falco peregrinus, and other species of this family, the western specimens of which are ordinarily more rufous than the eastern, though in only a part of them have the eastern and western races as yet been separated as distinct species. The considerable difference in size between specimens of this species from New England and Florida has led to the supposition that the former may be specifically distinct from the latter, or at least that they form well- marked varieties.* The following measurements, however, show that specimens occur in Florida, in winter at least, nearly as large as average- sized New England specimens. But these may have been merely winter visitors, since two of the, three specimens taken in February on the St. John's River are larger than any of the others, all of which were taken later in the season. Those taken by Dr. Wiirdemann at Cape Florida and Indian Key are also smaller than those from the St. John's River. Measurements of Florida Specimens of Buteo lineatus. M C.Z. No Locality. Date. Collector. .d to i- a to a '3 til £ H 5223 ~d Volusia Feb. 12, '69 J. A. Allen 22 25 ^JL50~ 13.00 7.75 £224 Ti276 d " Feb. 12, '69 " 20.00 39 50 12 25 7 50 d Blue Springs Feb. 21 ,''69 " 211.00 42.00 13.00 8.40 6310 d Enterprise Mar. V69 " 17 65 39.15 12.25 8.00 6331 d " Mar 1,'69 " 17.75 40.25 12.30 7.50 5398 d H.nvkinsville Mar. 15, '69 " 18.00 40 50 12 85 7.75 10744 Jacksonville Dec. 31, '68 C. J. Maynard 19 20 4150 12.60 8.50 10743 6 " Jan. 11/69 " 19.20 40.05 12.60 8.50 6899 $ Cape Florida Apr. 6, '58 G. Wiirdemann 15.75 35.75 1100 6 75 8fi30t d Indian Key Aug 31, '57 " 17 50 3700 1120 — 6898 " Aug. 1,'58 " 15.50 34.50 10.50 7.15 8629t " Nov. 10, '57 " 1775 40.00 12 00 — 8631t r " Aug. 31, '57 " 17.50 37 no 11.10 — 88.t Buteo pennsylvanicus Bonaparte. Broad-winged Hawk. Falco pennsylvanicus Wilson, Am. Orn., VI, 22, 1812. Buteo pennsylvanicus Bonap., Geog. and Comp. List, 3, 1838. — Audubon, Syn., 6, 1839. — Cassin, Illust. Birds Cal., Texas, etc., 100, 1854. — Cassin, Baird's Birds N. Am., 29, 1858. Falco latissimus Wilson, Am. Orn., VII, 22, 1812. (Later published copies.)! * See Prof. A. E. Verrill in Proc. Essex Institute, Vol. Ill, p. 141.1S62. t Smithson. Inst., No. (Copied from f!t.o«>;n |n Baird's Birds of North America, p. 28.) J Concerning the names F. pennsylvanicus and F. latissimus given by Wilson to this 6pecies, sec Air. Cassin's remarks, Illust. Birds of Cal., Texas, etc., p. 101. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 831 Falco Wilsoni Bonap., Journ. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., Ill, 348, 1824. Sparvius platypterus Vieillot, Encyc. Meth., Ill, 1273, 1823. Buteo orypterus Cassin, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 282, 1855. — Cassin, Baud's Birds of N. Am., 31, 1858. " Common." — Boardman. Audubon, however, gives it as rare south of the Middle States, and it is uot mentioned by Dr. Coues in his list of the birds of South Carolina. There is, however, a specimen in the Museun of Comparative Zoology labelled as having been taken in Florida. As previously observed, it appears to me that the Buteo oxypterus of Cassin, described from a single specimen taken at Fort Filmore, New Mexico, corresponds more nearly with the young of this species than with any known stage or form of B. borealis. 89* Circus cyaneus Bote. Marsh Hawk. Falco cyaneus Linn., Syst. Nat. I, 126, 1766. — Bonap., Am. Orn., II, 30. — Audubon, Orn. Biog., IV, 396, pi. ccclvi, 1838. Circus cyaneus Boie, Isis, 1822, 549. — Audubon, Synop., 19, 1839. — G. R. Gray, Gen. of Birds, I, p. 32. — Ibid., Cat. Brit. Birds, 17, 1863. Falco hudsonius Linn., Syst. Nat., I, 128, 1766. Falco uliginosus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 278, 1788. Circus uliyinosus Vieillot, Ois. Am. Sept., I, 37, 1807. Falco uliginosus Wilson, Am. Orn., VI, 67, pi. li, fig. 2, 1812. Buteo ( Circus) cyaneus ? var. ? americanus, Rich, and Swain., Faun. Bor. Am., II, 55, pi. xxix, 1831. Circus hudsonius Vieillot, Ois. Am. Sept., I, 36, 1 807. — Cassin, 111. Birds Cal., Texas, etc., 108, 1854 —Brewer, N. Am. Ool., 42, 1857. — Cassin, Baird's Birds N. Am, 38, 1858. Circus variegatns Vieillot, Ois. Am. Sept., I, 37, 1807. Strigiceps uliginosus Bonap., Geog. and Comp. List, 5, 1838. Strigiceps pygargus Bonap., Ibid. Common about the savannas. The present species has been considered by most writers as identical with the C. cyaneus of the Old World. It was first separated as a dis- tinct species by Bonaparte in 1838, in his Geographical and Comparative List. Mr. Cassin also regarding it as distinct, this opinion has been generally adopted by recent American ornithologists. They seem to be, however, quite identical. The same variation in color between eastern and western specimens is seen in this species that has been noted in others of this family, the young western ones especially being much brighter colored than the eastern. 332 BULLETIN OF THE The great variation in plumage attending differences of age and sex in this species have given rise to numerous synonymes, of which twenty arc cited by Mr. G. R. Gray in his Catalogue of British Birds. 90.* Pandion haliaetus Cuvier. Fish Hawk. Ospret. Falco haliaetus Linne, Faun. Suec, 22, 1735.— Wilson, Am. Orn., V. 13, pi. xxxvii, 1812. — Bonap., Ann. N. Y. Lye. N. Hist., II, 26, 1828. — Audubon, Orn. Biog.,1,415, pi. lxxxi, 1832. — Nuttall, Man. Am. Orn., I, 78, 1832. Pandion haliaetus Cov., Reg. An., 1,316, 1817. — Audubon, Synopsis, 12, 1839. — G. It. Gray, Cat. Brit. Birds, 5, 1863. — Pelzeln, Ornithol. Brasiliens, 4, 1868.— Heuglin, Ornithol. Nordost-Afrika's, 54, 1869. Falco arundinaceus Gmelin, Syst. Nat. I, 263, 1788. Falco carolinensis Gmelin, Ibid. Pandion carolinensis Bonap., Geog. and Comp. List, 3, 1838. — Cassin, Illust. Birds Cal, Texas, etc., 112, 1854. — Brewer, N. Am. Ool., 53, 1857. — Cassin, Baird's Birds N. Am., 44, 1858. Falco cayanensis Gmelin, Syst. Nat. I, 268, 1788. Anuila piscatrix Vieillot, Ois. Am. Sept., I, 29, 1807. Pandion flucialilis Savig., Descr. de l'Egypte, Hist. Nat., I, 96, 1809. Pandion americamis Vieillot, Gal. des Ois., I, 33, 1828. Pandion indicus Hodgson, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 366, 1837. Abundant everywhere ; especially so around the lakes of the Upper St. John's. Commences nesting in January. At Lake Monroe I counted six iic:sts from a single point of view. Their nests were also frequent all along the river. They generally selecting a dead tree in which to build, and often those situated in cleared fields, their nests were conspicuous objects, and could usually be seen from a long dis- tance. Even these harmless birds do not fail to attract the fire of the numerous sportsmen who visit this region in winter, some of whom are ignorant enough to believe that when shooting them they are killing "bald eagles." Gmelin, in his " Systema Naturae," described the present species not only as Falco haliaetus, but he gave to it also the names F. carolinensis, F. arun- dinaceus, and F. cayanensis, apparently indicating under them, however, what he regarded as varieties rather than as distinct species. For many years, however, the common fish-hawk was generally regarded as having an almost cosmopolitan distribution. Bonaparte spoke of it in 182C, in his Synopsis of the Birds of the United States,* as follows : " Inhabits almost every part of the globe near waters; much more common in North Amer- ica than in Europe." Ten or twelve years later, however, he seems to * Annals of tho N. Y. Lyceum of Nat History, Vol. II, p. 26. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 333 have changed this opinion, since in his Geographical and Comparative List of the Birds of Europe and the United States (to which paper, by the way, we are indebted for the separation of eight of the American species of raptorial birds previously considered identical with the Euro- pean,* embracing all thus separated up to the present time, except two t) he calls the American fish-hawk Pandion carolinensis, and gives its habitat as " America generally." Other authors have since separated the West Indian and South American as a tbird, the Asiatic as a fourth, and the Australian as still another. The numerous specimens in the Museum show that considerable variation obtains in color, size, and pro- portions among those recognized by authors as belonging to the P. caro- linensis, much greater differences in color — the main ground on which they have been separated from the European — being presented among the Florida specimens alone than obtains in the average between Bra- zilian and New England specimens, or American and European. Gen- erally the feathers of the breast are each centred with a broad longi- tudinal spot or stripe of brown, which spots sometimes cover the greater part of the breast ; but they are often simply narrow lines, and are not unfrequently entirely wanting. Sometimes these spots are uniform dark- brown, at others suffused or broadly margined with ferruginous, and are occasionally altogether of the latter color. In reuniting the American fish- hawk with the osprey of the Old World, I but adopt the view always held by a large number of ornithologists, though by all American authors they have for the last fifteen years been commonly considered as distinct. Measurements of Florida Specimens of Pandion haliaetus. M.C.Z. No. Locality. Date. Collector. Length Alar Extent. Wing. Tail. 5268 rf Blue Springs Feb. 21, '69 J. A. Allen 21.75 64.00 19.50 8.75 5298 rT Enterprise Feb. 25, '69 " 24.25 68 75 20.25 10.00 5331 1 rT " Mar. 4, '69 •' 22.00 63 50 19.25 9.00 5356 rf Hawkinsville Mar. 10, '69 " 20 75 63.00 18.75 8.60 5355 9 " Mar. 10, •69 " '- 20.25 7.80 9 " Mar. 15, •69 " 24.25 66.25 19.00 * " Mar. 15, '69 " 23.50 68 50 20.25 91. Haliaetus leucocephalus Savigny. White-headed Eagle. Falco leucocephalus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 255, 1788. — Wilson, Am. Orn., IV, 89, pi. xxxvi, 1811. — Audubon, Orn. Biog., I, 58, pi. xxi, 1832; II, 160; V, 354, pi. exxvi. * Pandion carolinensis from P. haliaetus, Butceles (or Archlbuteo ns now called) Sancti- Johannis from B. lagopus; Buteo Swainsoni from B. vulgaris; Falco anatumfrom F. pere- grinus ; Astur atricapillus from A. palumbarius ,- Strigiceps (Circus as now called) w/i- ginosus from S pygargus (cyaneus auct.); Otus americanvs (or " Wilsonianus ") from 0. vulgaris; Nyctale Richardsoni from N. Tengmalmi ; Strix pratincola from S. jlammea. f Aquila chrysaetos, Brachyotus paluslris. 334 BULLETIN OF THE Haliaetus leucocephalus Savigny. — Bonaparte, Geog. and Comp. List, 3, 1838. — Audubon, Synop., 10, 1839. — Cassin, Illust. Birds Cal., Texas, etc., Ill, 1854. — Cassin, Baird's Birds N. Am., 43, 1858 Faico ossifiagus Wilson, Am. Orn., VII, 16, pi. lv, 1813. Aquila (Haliaetus) leucocephalus Kich. & Swain., Faun. Bor. Am., II, 15, 1832. Faico Washingtom Audubon, Orn. Biog., I, 58, pi. xi, 1831 (plate published 1827). Faico Washingtomana Audubon, Loudon's Mag. N. Hist., I, 115, 1828. Haliaetus ]\ \ishingtoni Audubon, Synop., 10. 1839. — Cassin, Baird's Birds N. Am., 42, 1859. Common. Breeds in January and later. Very abundant on the Upper St. John's, and especially at Lake Monroe. Saw them repeat- edly dive and catch their own fish, though usually depending upon rob- bing the fish-hawks for them. The same fact has been reported by other observers,* although it was formerly supposed they never caught any fish themselves. The large specimen of an eagle taken by Audubon in Kentucky, and figured and described by him as Faico Washingtoni, seems not to have been preserved ; it is at least not known to be extant, and appears to have never been examined by any other naturalist. Audubon states that he altogether saw not " more than eight or nine " specimens, f and deemed it very rare. He does not appear, however, to have really examined but the one figured. Numerous local observers have reported it as occasional at different localities, and Mr. Cassin has doubtfully referred specimens to it taken in New Jersey. Nuttall believed the young were more or less common near Boston every winter, and considered it as " probably also indigenous to northern Europe, but confounded with the ordinary sea eagle." J But, as remarked by Mr. Cassin, " No specimen precisely corresponding to Mr. Audubon's bird has been obtained since its dis- covery, and it has latterly been looked upon by naturalists, especially in Europe, as an unusually large specimen of the white-headed eagle." § The important point of difference between Audubon's bird and other rep- resentatives of this genus consists in the scutellation of the tarsi, which are covered in front with broad transverse scales, instead of with a great number of small irregular ones, as in other sea eagles. This, Mr. Cassin * William Couper, Massachusetts Ploughman, August 26, 1S70. Charles H. Nau- man, on his own authority and that of Professor S. S. Hakleman, Ibid., September 24, 1870. Henry Reeks, Can. Nat., Vol. V, No. 1, p. 43, 1870. t Loudon's Mag. of Nat. Hist., Vol. I, p. 116, April, 1828. I Mem. Am. Acad., 1st Ser., Vol. I, p. 92, 1831. § Illustrations of Birds of California, Texas, etc., p. Ill, 1854. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 335 has observed, is " a character quite unusual in any rapacious bird," * though I do not see that in this respect it differs essentially from Buteo linealus, B. pennsylcanicus, or Circus cj/aneus, etc. Its other main point of differ- ence from the H. leucocephalus is its greater size. Audubon described his bird as measuring " 3 feet 7 inches in length," "10 feet 2 inches " in extent of wings, and the folded wing "32 inches." In this series of measurements there is no discrepancy between the different dimensions given — the proportions being exactly the same as in H. leucocephalus — that might lead to the suspicion of a typographical or other accidental er- ror, as some writers, have suggested there maybe in respect to the alar extent. It is, then, either a valid species or a large individual of //. leu- cocephalus, or a large immature H. albicilla. Since known specimens of H. leucocephalus sometimes nearly approach the supposed //. Washing' toni in size, it seems not unreasonable, on the whole, to regard it as reallv a remarkably large example of //. leucocephalus in immature plumage. Audubon describes his bird as breeding within the United States, and hence it is hardly probable it coidd have been the arctic H. albicilla, which has never, so far as known to me, been observed 60 far south at any season of the year. In reference to its fishing habits, supposed by Audubon to distinctively characterize it, it is now well known that the //. leucocephalus will occasionally capture its own fish, instead of depending wholly upon robbing the fish-hawk for them. Mr. Cassin further observes, f respecting the H. Washingioni, that he believes it to be more nearly related to his //. pelagica, which he describes as " the largest of eagles," than to any other. In the same connection he judiciously remarks respecting the numerous apocryphal species of eagles on record as follows : " But there is no end to the accounts of strange eagles given by travellers and naturalists. Some of them may have refer- ence to peculiar species which have in later times escaped attention, but the probability is they more frequently allude to accidental varieties, or that the authors describe from such reports as they had heard at second hand, or fell into error from insufficient personal observation." Many of these reports he alludes to in detail, including the reference by Captain Cook % to a " black eagle " with a " white breast " seen by.him at Kay's Island, on the northwest coast of America. A specimen of the //. leu- cocephalus in peculiar (probably albinic) plumage in the Museum of Com- parative Zoology, taken in Eastern Massachusetts, seems to indicate that the eagle of Captain Cook may have been but an unusual stage of colora- tion of the common white-hea'ed eagle. The Massachusetts specimen * Baird's Birds of X. America, p. 42. t Illust. Birds of Cal. and Texas, p. 36. *J Cook's Voyages, II, 352, 1784. 336 BULLETIN OF THE above referred to has the general color of the under parts white, with most of the feathers centred with spots of dusky brown of varying size, but with a nearly uniform dusky brown patch on the middle of the breast. The interscapulars are also mainly white, and the general plumage above, except the wings, more or less varied with the same color. The tail below is mottled with irregularly shaped specks and spots of dusky or black on a white ground, and above with white on a nearly black ground, and tipped with dusky. The appearance of the under side of the bird at a distance vould be nearly uniform whitish. Mr. Cassin having stated repeatedly that his HaliaL'tus pelagicus (the Anuila pelagica Pallas*) is the largest and most powerful of all known >agles,f I was greatly surpised, in critically studying his description, to ind it in every respect evidently far inferior in size to Audubon's bird of Washington, and scarcely equalling the //. albicilla, as described by him- self; the folded wing, in fact, of his H. pelagicus is one inch shorter than the folded wing of his H. albicilla, four inches shorter than the wing of the //. Washingtoni, as measured by Audubon, and two inches shorter than the folded wing of several different Massachusetts specimens of //. leucocepha- lus! The length he gives of "a skin from Behring's Strait " — the only specimen, he says, at that time in America — is " about 3 feet 8 inches," which exceeds by one inch only the length of Audubon's II. Washingtoni, as given by Audubon, doubtless from the fresh bird. But the length given y Mr. Cassin for his i/. pelagicus is evidently too great, as, taken in eon- ■ection with the other measurements of the same specimen given by Cas- in, if correct, it would indicate a bird of the most anomalous and im- probable proportions. Mr. Casein's erroneous conception of the gigantic size of his bird was doubtless formed from the length of his specimen, which if a flat or unfilled skin, as it probably was, must have measured several inches more than the natural length of the bird.J While I do not 'n the least question the sincerity of Mr. Cassin's belief in the large size jf his bird, I have felt it proper to call the attention of future investiga- * Zoographia Rosso-Asiatica, I, p. 343. t " The bird which is the subject of our present article is the largest and most power- ful of the eagles." — Illust. Birds Cat. and Texas, p. 32, first paragraph. "Even the famous condor of the Andes, the largest of vultures, scarcely exceeds him in size," etc. Ibid., p. 32, third paragraph. " The largest of all known eagles, and nearly re- lated to IJ. Washingtoni (Aud.). It differs from the hitter as described by Audubon in being generally larger," etc. Ibid., p. 38. "It is the largest of the eagles and ap- pears to be related to the species immediately succeeding" (77. Washingtoni). Ibid., p. 110. } Pallas says of his Aquila pehgica, which Cassin makes identical with his II. pela- gicus: •' Caudse 1' 1", lohgitudo alae composite 1", 11", 2'" "; which dimensions do not indicate a bird larger than avarage examples of B. leucocephalus or U. albialfa. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 337 tors of this group to tins evident discrepancy of proportions in Mr. Cas- sin's description. An error in Mr. Cassin's figure also demands attention, which is doubtless due to an inadvertency of the artist. This consists in the scales on the front of the tarsus being arranged as Mr. Cassin says he never saw in any rapacious bird, namely, continued to the toes in broad, unbroken transverse plates, nearly as in Audubon's figure of the //. Washingtoni ! 92.* Polyborus brasiliensis Audubon. Caracara Eagle. " King Buz- zard." Milvus brasiliensis Pay, Synop. Method. Av. et Pise, 17, No. 6, 1713. Circus brasiliensis Brisson, Ornithologie, I, 116, No. 31, 1760. Falco brasiliensis Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 262, 1788. Falco tharus Molina, Sagg. sul. Storni Nat. del Chile, 17S2. Polyborus tharus Cassin, Illust. Birds of Cal. and Texas, 113, 1856. — Cassin, Baird's Birds N. Am., 45, 1858. Polyborus vulgaris Vieillot, Nouv. Diet., V, 257, 1816. — Audubon, Orn. Biog., II, 350, pi. clxi (young). Polyborus brasiliensis Audubon, Synop., 4, 1839. — Bonap., Consp. Gen. Av., 13, 1850. " Frequent at Enterprise, associating with the vultures." — Boardman. The swallow-tailed hawk (Nauclerus furcatus) became more or less common early in March. I also saw a specimen of the Mississippi kite (Ictinia ?nississippiensis) at Hawkinsville, March loth. STRIGID^J. 93. Bubo virginianus Sivainson. Great-horned Owl. Strix virginiana Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 287, 1788. — Wilson, Nuttall, Au- dubon. Strix (Bubo) virginiana Swainson, Faun. Bor. Am., II, 82, 183i. Bubo virginianus Bonaparte, Geog. and Comp. List, 6, 1838. — Audubon, Synop., 29, 1839 —Cassin, Illust. Birds Cal. and Texas, 177, 1854.— Cassin, Baird's Birds of N. Am., 1858. Strix bubo, var. magellanicus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 286, 1788 Slrix pythaules Bartram, Travels, 289, 1791. Bubo ludovicianus Daudin, Traite' d'Orn., II, p. 210, 1800. Bubo pinicola Vieillot, Ois. Am. Sept., I, 51, 1807. Strix (Bubo) arctica Swainson, Faun. Bor. Am., II, 86, pi. xxx, 1831. Bubo sub-aixticus Hov, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., VI, 211, 1852. Not apparently numerous. Mr. Boardman states that he saw only a =ingle specimen, which was killed at Enterprise. I did not observe it VOL. it. 20 338 BULLETIN OF THE above Lake George, and only heard its notes a few times below. Mr. Maynard gives it as rather common about Jacksonville, and says he frequently observed it elsewhere. Mr. Cassin has very properly remarked that different specimens of this widely distributed species vary materially in size and color, and states that after having examined a large number of specimens from many localities he believed that they were all of one species. lie thought, however, that four leading varieties, which he called allanticus, pacijicus, arclicus, and magellanicus, could be distinguished. I am not disposed to regard them, however, as by any means strictly geographical, since specimens have been taken recently in Massachusetts that typically represent each of them.* While there are doubtless more or less well-marked local forms of this species, as of all other widely distributed species, many of the differences on which the different varieties have been based are probably only indi- vidual. 94.* Scops asio Bonaparte. Mottled Owl. Strix asio Linne, Syst. Nat, I, 132, 17G7. — Wilson, Am. Orn., V, 83, pi. xliii, fig. 1, 1812. — Audubon, Nuttall, etc. Scops asio Boxaparte, Geog. and Comp. List, 6, 1838. — Cassin, Illust. Birds Cal. and Texas, 179, 1854. —Cassin, Baird's Birds N. Am., 51, 1858. — Allen, Amcr. Nat., IF, 327, 18G8. Strix no?via Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 289, 1788. — Wilson, Am. Orn., Ill, 16, pi. xix, fig. 1, 1812. Bul>o striatus Vieii.lot, Ois. Am. Sept., I, 54, pi. xxi, 1807. Ephialles choliba Lawrence, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., VI, 4, 1854. Scops McCalli Cassin, Illust. Birds Cal. and Texas, 180, 1854. — Cassin, Baird's Birds N. Am., 52, 1858. Scops Kennicotti Elliot, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1867, 69. — Ibid., Illust. Birds N. Am., pi. xi. — Baird, Trans. Chicago Acad. Sci., I, 311, pi. xxvii, 1869. Specimens were procured by Mr. Maynard, by whom, and also by Mr. Boardman, it is reported as not unfrequent. The remarkable differences in the color of the plumage this species presents has led many to suppose it embraced two well-marked species, the reil stage being recognized as one and the gray or mottled as another. Gmelin described the red stage as Strix asio (which is the same as the Strix asio of Linne", and the Scops caro'inensis of Brisson) and the gray 6tage as Strix nmvia. Wilson redescribed these different stages as distinct species. Bonaparte was the first to regard them as identical, he believing ♦ See Part III, p. 189. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 339 the differences in plumage to be the result of age.* The red he believed to be the young bird, and the mottled the adult, which opinion was also entertained by Audubon. During the last thirty years, however, they have been by some authors again regarded as distinct species ; ■(• by others % the gray were regarded as the adult and the red as the young, while some have held the opinion that the difference in color was sexual. A general survey of the facts, either on record or known to me, show that the young birds are sometimes gray and sometimes red ; that red young have some- times red parents and sometimes gray ; that the female is sometimes red and sometimes gray ; and also that both sexes of a mated breeding pair of old birds are sometimes alike in color and sometimes different. Hence the opinion already advanced, § that this variation is dependent upon neither age nor sex, but is simply a case of irregular and somewhat remarkable individ- ual variation of a single species, seems a well-founded one. But these dif- ferent stages, though usually so different, are not always well marked, so that one is often at a loss to know whether to refer certain specimens to the red series or to the gray. In other words, specimens occur of every intermediate grade between the typically bright red stage and the typically gray stage. I have already given my reasons for referring the Scops McCalli of Cassin to the common S.asio, of which it is merely the somewhat smaller southern type. § It is also difficult to perceive wherein the Scops Kennicotti Elliot, known thus far from a single specimen, differs essentially from a common phase of S. asio.\\ * " Observations on the Nomenclature of Wilson's Ornithology," Journ. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1st Ser., Vol. Ill, p. 357, 1824. — " Synopsis of the Birds of the United States," Annals N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., Vol. II, p. 36, 1828. t Michner, Dr. Ezra, "A few Facts in Relation to the Identity of the Red and Mottled Owls," Journ. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1st Ser., Vol. VII, p. 53, 1834. — Hoy, Dr. P. R., "Notes on the Ornithology of Wisconsin," Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. VI, p. 306, 1853; Ibid., Transact. Wisconsin Agr. Soc, Vol. II (1852), p. 344, 1853. J Cabot, Dr. S., Jr., " Observations on the Plumage of the Red and Mottled Owls," Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. II, p. 126, 1838. § Allex, J. A., " Notes on the Red and Mottled Owls," American Naturalist, Vol. II, p. 327, 1868. || Since the above was written two adult specimens of this species have been received at the Museum from Dallas, Texas, one of which is of the mottled and the other of the red type of plumage. The specimen in mottled plumage, besides being generally darker throughout than northern specimens, has also the dark markings broader and blacker. The specimen in red plumage has the red more intense than it is in specimens of the northern red type. Both the Texas specimens are a little smaller than average New England specimens. 1 have seen no specimens as yet from Florida, but from Mr. Cassin having referred a specimen from Indian River, (Fla.,) provisionally to his Scops McCalli, they would seem to differ but little from Texas specimens, resembling them, as would be naturally ex- pected, more than northern ones. 340 BULLETIN OF THE 95.* Syrnium nebulosum Gray. Barked Owl. Strix helmlosa Forster, Trans. London Philos. Soc, LXII, 386, 424, 1772. — Wilson, Am. On., IV, 61, pi. xxxiii, fig. 2, 1812. — Audubon, Orn. Biog., I, 242, pi. xlvi, 1832. Syrnium nabulosum Gould, Birds of Europe, I, pi. xlvi, 1832. — Audubon, Synop., 27, 1839. — Cassin, Illustr. Birds of Cal. and Texas, 184, 1654.— Brewer, N. Am. 061., I, 72, 1857. — Cassin, Band's Birds N. Am., 56, 1858. Ulula nebulosa Bonap., Geog. and Comp. List, 1, 1838. — .donap., conspect. Gen. Av., I, 53, 1851. Strix chichictli Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 296, 1788. Strix acclamator Bartram, Travels, 289, 1791. Strix fernandica ShaW, Gen. Zoiil., VII, 263, 1809. Very abundant. The only species of owl at all common. Their ludicrous notes are heard at night everywhere, and not unfrequently during the day. At night they often startle the traveller by their Strange utterances from the trees over his head. The four Florida specimens of this species before me are several shades darker than New England specimens, one only of a considerable series of the latter being as dark as the lightest-colored Florida example. The Florida specimens are also a little smaller than the northern ones. Measurements of Florida Specimens of Syrnilm: nebulosum. M.C. Z. No. Sex. Locality. Date. Collector. ~~T. Marcy J. A. Allen Length. Alar Extent. Wing. Tail. 6241 5242 6299 Lake Dexter Enterprise Hawkin«ville Feb. 14, '69 Feb. 14, '69 F-b. 25, '69 Mar. 15, "69 20.00 20.00 19.50 19.75 45.75 46.25 45.75 46.00 14 00 14.00 13.00 1325 8 75 8.75 9.00 96.* OtUS brachyotUS Boie. Short-eared Owl. Strix hrachyotus Gmelin, Syst. Nat, I, 2b3, 1788. — Forster, Trans. Lond. Phil. Soc., LXII, 384, 1772. — Wilson, Am. Orn., IV, 64, pi. xxxiii, fig. 3, 1812. —Bonap., Ann. N. Y. Lye. N. Hist., II, 37, 1828. — Audubon, Orn. Biog., V, 373, pi. ccccxxxii, 1835. — Rich. & Swain., Faun. Bor. Am., I, 75, 1831. Otus hrachyotus Boie, Isis, 1822, 549. —Audubon, Syn., 28, 1839. — Cassin, Illust. Birds Cal. and Texas, 182, 1854. — G. R. Gray, Gen. of Birds, I, 40. — Ibid., Cat. Brit Birds, 27, 1863. Otus palustris Brehm, Viig. Dcutschl., I, 124. Brachyotus palustris Bonap., Geog. and Comp. List, 7, 1838. Brachyotus Cassmi Brewer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., V, 321, 1856. — Brewer, N. Am. 061., 1, 68, 1857. — Casbin, Baird's Birds N. Am., 54, 1858. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE. ZOOLOGY. 341 " Quite common about marshes." — Boardman. Specimens of this bird from Europe, in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, are not appreciably different from others from various parts of the United States. Neither do the habits of the European bird appear to differ from those of the American, as some have supposed. Dr. Richard- son described its principal haunts in the Fur Countries as being " dense thickets of young pine-trees or dark entangled willow clumps, where it sits on a low branch, watching assiduously for mice." But it is now well known to more commonly frequent open fields and savannas, situations similar to those the European frequents. An interesting state of plumage of this owl is exhibited by two pairs taken on Muskeget Island, Massachusetts, about July 1, 1870, by Messrs. C. J. Maynard and William Brewster, in which the color is so light as to almost suggest their being albinos. They are many shades lighter than the specimens of this species are from the interior, and show clearly, when taken in connection with the light race of Arvicola riparius (Arvicola Breweri Baird), also occurring on this small sandy island, the effect of the combined influence of an absence of shade and the increased light caused by reflection from the light-colored sand. The influence of similar circumstances is seen on a large scale in the birds and mammals of the Colorado desert and the arid peninsula of Lower California, and in less degree on the open arid plains of the middle region of the continent. The long-eared owl, Otus vulgaris Fleming,* may be expected, from its known distribution, to also occur in Florida. 97 * Strix flammea Limit. Barn Owl. Strix flummea Linne, Syst. Nat., I, 133, 1767. — "Wilson*, Nuttall, Audu- bon (Orn. Biog.), Bonaparte (Synop.). Strix pratincola Bonap., Geog. and Comp. List, 7, 1838. — Cassin, Brewer, and recent American authors. Strix americana Audubon, Synop., 25, 1839. Strix perlata Bonap., Consp. Gen. Av., I, 55, 1850. Strix /areata Temm., PI. Col., I, 432. A specimen was taken by Mr. Thaxter at St. Augustine. Mr. * Strix otus Linne, Faun. Suec, 24, 1761. Strix otus americana ct mexicana Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 288, 1788 Strix otus Wilson, Bonap. (Synop.), Nuttaix, Audubon (Orn. Biog.). Olus vulgaris Fleming, Brl ish Animals, 60, 1828. — Audubon, Synop., 28, 1839. G. R. Gray, Gen Birds, T, 40; Cat- Brit. Birds, 26, 1863. Otus Wilsonianui Lesson, Traite d'Orn., I, 110, 1831. — Cassin, Brewer, and re- cent American authors. Otus americanus Bonap., Geog and Cooip. List, 7, 1835. S42 BULLETIN OF THE Maynard informs me it was said to be common, and that at Dummitt's a hollow tree was shown him in which a pair of these birds had bred for several years. Audubon also speaks of it as being common in Florida. Respecting the numerous species of late recognized in the Slrix flam- mea group of owls, Mr. Cassin has, with great propriety, remarked that naturalists have " established species on very slender characters." As is well known, different specimens from near the same locality vary considerably in color and size, while specimens from different continents are frequently almost undistinguishable. From the considerable number of specimens I have seen from distant points, as Europe, the United States, South America, Southern Asia, the West Indies, Australia, and South Africa, I see no reason why the Slrix JIammea may not be regarded as having a nearly cosmopolitan distribution, which indeed seems to be the present opinion of several European ornithologists. Nearly the same variations in color appear to occur on each continent, the general color in specimens from near the same locality varying from yellowish rufous to pale fulvous, and the dusky spots from being large and conspicuous to nearly obsolete or entirely wanting. COLUMBJJXai. 98.* Chamsepelia passerina Swainson. Ground Dove. Common, especially about cultivated grounds. 99* Zensedura carolinensis Bonaparte. Mourning Dove. Columlm. carolinensis Linne, Syst. Nat., I, 286, 1766.— Gmelin, Wilson, Nut- tall, Audubon (Orn. Biog.). Columba marginata Linne, Syst. Nat., I, 286, 1766. Ectopistes margincllus Woodhouse, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. VI, 104, 1852. Zenrcdura carolinensis Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Avium, II, 84, 1854. Zenccdura marginellus Bonapakte, Ibid., 85. Abundant. Among its favorite resorts are the wild orange-groves, where it feeds on the seeds of the decaying fruit. Smaller than at the north, with the metallic tints much brighter and more bronzy. MELEAGRIDJE. 100* Meleagris gallopavo Linne. Wild Turret. Meleagris galloparo Linne, Syst. Nat., 268, 1766. —Gmelin, Wilson, Bona- parte, Audubon, Nuttall, Baird, etc. Meleagris americana Bartram, Travels, 290, 1791. Meleagris syluestris Vieill , Nouv. Diet., IX, 447. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 343 Mflcngris /era Vieiix., Gale'rie des Ois., II, 10, pi. x, 1324. Meleagris mexicana Gould, Proc. Lond. Zool. Soc, 1856, 61. — Baird, Birds N. Am., 618, 1858. — Coopkr & Baird, Orn. Cab, I, 523, 1870. Oafhpnvo sjjlvestris, Nora Anc/liie Bay, Synopsis, 51, 1713. — LeConte, Proc Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., IX, 179, 1857. Common and even quite numerous in those sections where it is not too much hunted. Mr. Boardman informs me that very fat male birds often weigh twenty-five to twenty-eight pounds, but that the average weight of the males is eighteen to twenty pounds, and of the females 6ix to ten pounds. The Origin of the Domestic Turkey. Although it had been for a long time previously vaguely conjectured that the domestic turkey did not originate from the common wild turkey of North America, it was not until about 1856 that it was fully asserted that such was not its origin. In a paper road before the Zoological So- ciety of London, in April, 185G, Mr. John Gould, the well-known English ornithologist, assigned this bird to the list of those domesticated animals whose origin had become involved in obscurity. He refers, however, to the fact of its known introduction into Europe from Mexico about 1524, and to the belief, shared by all naturalists from Linne up to that time, that the domesticated turkeyr was derived from the wild turkey of North America. He also states that, " on account of the great differences which are met with among our domestic turkeys, and the circumstance that the wild turkeys recently imported from North America not readily associating or pairing with them," he had for some years entertained the opinion that the wild turkey of the United States was not the original of the domestic turkey. He also at this time described a single specimen of a turkey from Mexico as belonging to a species distinct from the wild turkey of the United States, to which he gave the name of Meleagris mexicana. It differed, however, but slightly from the northern bird, mainly in having more white on the upper tail coverts. Although he claimed that it was of larger size, his measurements indicate it to be only barely above the average, and considerably smaller than the larger speci- mens from the Northern States. In considering it as distinct from the common wild turkey, he seems to have been greatly influenced by the lo- cality whence his specimen came ; as he states that he hardly thinks it prob- able that the common turkey, " authors to the contrary, notwithstanding," ranges very far into Mexico, since it is found, he says, along the southern boundary of Canada, which is nearly two thousand miles from Mexico. He deems it unlikely that a bird inhabiting " the cold regions of Canada 344 BULLETIN OF THE should also be indigenous to the hotter country of Mexico, ■whence," he adds, " and not from North America, the turkey was originally introduced into Europe " ; thus leaving it to be inferred that, in his opinion, the Mexi- can bird — bis new species — was the ancestor of the domestic turkey. The facts in respect to the distribution of the wild turkey are briefly these : It exists in Canada only in the warmer portions of that country, and thence southward uninterruptedly throughout the table-lands of Mexico. Dr. Henry Bryant, of Boston, in reviewing Mr. Gould's paper, a few months after its appearance, took exceptions to the views of that gentle- man, and in referring to the two principal statements made by Mr. Gould, namely, that the wild and domestic turkeys were structurally different, and refused to breed together, Dr. Bryant thus observes : " How far climate and other influences may have affected the domestic variety in England I do not yet know, but with us neither of these two statements is correct. If it were not for the difference in the plumage it would be impossible in many cases to distinguish the two birds ; and even with this aid it is some- times very difficult to decide with certainty when the specimen is a female The wild turkey breeds here with the tame variety quite as readily as could be expected ; wherever the wild turkeys are numerous, it is an ordinary occurrence for the tame hen to prefer the wild gobbler to the domestic ones. I have had in my own possession wild hens that bred with the tame gobblers, — a fact much stranger than that of the wild gob- bler breeding with the tame ben. But the most satisfactory proof of their specific identity is that the offspring of mixed blood is known to be har- dier and more prolific than the domestic variety, — a fact which cannot be reconciled with their specific diversity."* Dr. Bryant's facts, with those of previous writers, seem amply sufficient to settle the question as to the origin of the domestic turkey ; yet a few months later Major John EeConte, who probably at that time had not seen Dr. Bryant's remarks, published a paper entitled " Observa- tions on the Wild Turkey, or GaUopavo syloestris of Ilay."f In this paper he took the ground that the tame turkey could not possibly have been derived from the wild turkey of the United States. And, if what he states in support of his opinion as facts were such, they would go far towards rendering his position a tenable one, but in reality they are but baseless, dogmatic assumptions, which not only ran counter to the then generally received opinion, but were squarely opposed to unquestionable evidence already on record. Major LeConte's opinions, notwithstanding * Proc. Bost Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. VI, p. 158, March, 1857. t Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. IX, p. 179, September, 1857. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 345 that they were based on groundless assumptions, as an investigation of the subject fully proves, have been so generally entertained by subsequent authors, who have accepted his statements without investigating the facts for themselves, that a careful revision of the subject is now required. Major LeConte observes : " Whoever has compared the wild turkey of the United States with the domestic animal of the same genus must have observed that there existed very striking differences between them." While asserting that "'these differences do not consist of slight and unimportant particularities, but in radical disagreements, which ought to remain unchangeable under all circumstances, and which form good spe- cific characteristics," his sole point of distinction consists "in the posses- sion by the tame bird of an enormous palear or dewlap," which he affirms, contrary to fact, is not possessed by the wild bird. * He refers also to the conviction that had long existed in his mind, that the two birds — the wild and domestic — "were really distinct species." "More than fifty years ago," he says, " when I first saw a wild turkey, I was led to con- clude that one never could have been produced from the other. I have mentioned this to many ornithologists, but no one would take the trouble to investigate the matter [!]," etc. It does not appear, however, that even with him this long-standing conviction had resulted from a thorough investigation of the subject, for he gives no detailed comparison of the two, and many of his statements are not simply erroneous, but diametrically opposed to facts previoudy well substantiated. He refers to the early in- troduction of the turkey into Europe, and to the fact that it was found by the first explorers of America in both the wild and domesticated state. He alludes also to Mr. Gould's above-cited paper, remarking respecting it that he was unable to determine whether Mr. Gould's supposed new Mexi- can species was the same as the M. gallopavo, or was the original of the domestic bird. He thought, however, that the Mexican was identical with the common wild bird. He then remarks : " I have before observed that the turkey was found domesticated among the nations of Central America. Now the bird which ice hare native among us has never been domesticated. All attempts to conquer its peculiar habits have failed, nolwi'hslanding what has been said and written on the subject to the contrary. I defy axy oxe TO SHOW A TURKEY, EVEN OF THE FIRST GEXERATIOX, PRODUCED from A pair hatched from A wild HEX.f We have every year in our market offered for sale birds of a very dark color, and in some degree resembling the wild species ; but in every instance, by the presence of the palear, the imposition can be detected at * It is usually, however, either entirely absent in the wild bird, or present only in a rudimentary state. t The italicizing in this extract is of course my own. 346 BULLETIN OF THE first sight, and the cheat exposed. I have known the eggs found in the woods hatched hy a domestic hen, the chickens brought up carefully, and rendered so tame and familiar as to eat out of the hand, and to show considerable pleasure whenever persons with whom they were ac- quainted approached them. Yet they never would associate icith the domes- tic turkeys, studiously avoiding their company, and in little more than a year running oil' to the woods, and never again returning to the haunts of their infancy. / knoiv," he continues, "that I shall be contradicted in this statement, and many quotations from authors brought forward against me. I repeat, contrary to the assertions of many others, that no one has ever SUCCEEDED IX DOMESTICATING OUR WILD TURKEY. I Speak not Only from my own personal observations, but from the undivided testimony of many southern gentlemen. The turkey of our own poultry-yards, which, when young, is difficult to bring forward, it was thought might be obtained of a hardier race by a new domestication ; but every attempt has failed, nor can I find a single well-authenticated case of a mixed breed being obtained." One is certainly at a loss to know what the self-confident Major would call a well-authenticated case of a mixed breed of wild and tame turkeys, since he must have been familiar with Bonaparte's excellent account, derived mainly from notes furnished him by Mr. Audubon, of this bird given in the first volume of his continuation of Wilson's " Ameri- can Ornithology." In sneaking of the mixing of the wild and tame tur- keys, this author remarks as follows : " This crossing often occurs in coun- *ies where wild and tame turkeys are frequent ; it is well known that they ,vill readily approach each other ; and such is the influence of slavery upon even the turkey, that the robust inhabitant of the forest will drive his degenerate kinsfolk from their own food and from their females, being generally welcomed by the latter and by their owners, who well know the advantage of such a connection Eggs of the wild turkey have been frequently taken from their nests and hatched under the tame hen ; the young preserve a portion of their uncivilized nature, and exhibit some knowledge of the difference between themselves and their foster-mother, roosting apart from the tame ones, and in other respects showing the force of hereditary disposition. The domesticated young, reared from the eggs of the wild turkey, are often employed as decoy birds to those in a state of nature." * Audubon, in his account of the Canada goose, also incidentally refers to the crossing of the wild and tame turkeys, in a manner tint leads US to suppose that it was to bis knowledge a matter of common oc- currence, lie says : " The crossing of the Canada goose with the com- * Nearly the same words are used by Audubon in his Ornithological Biography and in his Birds of America. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOULOGY. S47 men domestic species has proved as advantageous as that of the wild with the tame turkey."* He also states, " My friend, Dr. Bachman, assures me that in a state of domestication the wild turkeys, though kept separate from tame individuals, lose the brilliancy of their plumage in the third generation, becoming plain brown, and having here and there white feathers intermixed " f The assertions of Major LeConte are so fully controverted by pre- viously recorded testimony that they might have been justly ignored, had they not received, as already observed, the sanction of eminent authorities, and thus have come to be more or less currently adopted. Among the first to give them support was Professor Baird, of the Smith- sonian Institution. This gentleman, in his work on the " Birds of North America," published less than two years subsequently to Major LeConte's paper, cites LeConte's opinions and statements, and partially indorses them, though he had not, he says, specimens at hand of the domestic bird for comparison with the wild one. To the data for their distinction adduced by Major LeConte, he adds a statement from Bonaparte in respect to the difference in color between the domestic and wild bird ; Bonaparte ob- serving that the wild bird never has the whitish tip to the tail which dis- tinguishes the domestic ones. Professor Baird also adds that the flesh of the two differs in color, that of the wild bird being " much dai-ker." He adds that, upon the whole, it is exceedingly probable that they are specifically distinct. " If the dewlap," he says, " be characteristic of a species at present only known in captivity, then, as Major LeConte remarks, it should bear the name of M. gallopavo, as based by Linnams essentially upon the description by Brisson of Gallopavo sylvestris, in which this dewlap is particularly mentioned. In this event our wild bird will be entitled to a new name," etc. Professor Baird concludes his remarks on this subject with the following ingenious theory, which has been to some extent accepted as a probably correct one. " In conclusion," he says, " I venture to suggest the following hypothesis, which, however, is not original with myself: That there are really three species of turkey, besides the M. ocellata, a fourth species from Central America, entirely different from the rest. That one of them, M. americana, is probably peculiar to the eastern half of North America ; another, HI. mexicana, belongs to Mexico, and extends along the table-lands to the Rocky Mountains, the Gila, and the Llano Estacado; and a third is the M. gallopavo, or domesticated bird. That it is not at all improbable that the last was originally indigenous to some one or more of the West Indian Islands, whence it was transplanted as tamed to Mexico, and from Mexico taken to Europe about a. d. 1520. * Birds of America, Vol. VI, p. 190. t Ibid., Vol. V, p. 55. 348 BULLETIN OF THE Finally, that the wild turkeys were probably completely exterminated by the native?, as has been the case with equally large birds in other islands, as the dodo and solitaire.* Tins hypothesis," he continues, " will ex- plain the fact of our meeting nowhere at the present day any wild turkeys resembling the domestic one. f .... The entire subject is one of much interest, and deserves to be investigated thoroughly. It is quite possible that a careful examination of the external form and habits of the New Mexican bird may do much to throw full light on the whole question." It is not surprising that a theory presenting to the imagination so many attractive features, and indorsed by authority so eminent, should have been currently received, as has this, by those who have not had the oppor- tunity, nor perhaps the desire, to examine the subject for themselves. But, if I mistake not, it has also been accepted as at least a probably correct hypothesis by many ornithologists.^ I have, however, already adduced evidence from Bonaparte, Bachman, Audubon, and Bryant sufficient to show, not only the erroneous character of Major LeConte's fundamental proposition, to wit, that the wild turkey of the United States has never been and never can be .domesticated, but that such an hypothesis as the one above quoted is wholly uncalled for. As the whole question of the origin of the domestic turkey and its relationship to the wild turkey of the United States turns, however, upon the fact of the domesticability or non- domesticability of the common wild turkey, it may perhaps be proper to bring forward some recent testimony respecting this disputed point. I have myself always been more or less familiar with the domestic bird, and with the fact that breeds exist which closely resemble the wild bird, and which their owners claimed were one fourth, one half, or one eighth * Mr. Darwin, in referring to this gratuitous theory, refers to the fact of the de- terioration of the turkey within the tropics, and very properly to the " improbability of a bird having long ago become extinct in these large and luxuriant islands, or of its ever having been aboriginally an inhabitant of the lowlands of the tropics." (Animals and Plants under Domestication, Am. ed., Vol. I, p. 303, note.) t But does it explain the frequent occurrence of domestic ones so closely resembling the wild ones as to be quite undistinguishable from them? t Dr. Cooper, who considers the western wild turkey specifically distinct from the wild turkey of the cast, appears to believe that the domestic turkey originated from the wild turk,ey of Mexico. He says: " It is well known that at the period of the Spanish discovery the. native turkey was widely domesticated in Mexico, and was introduced thence first into Europe, and thence into North America. Furthermore, the native bird of Eastern North America does not occur in Mexico at all. The markings of the do- mestic turkey are sometimes exactly like those of the wild bird of Mexico, while they never assume the plumage of the wild Meleagris gallopavo of the north." (Orn. Cab, Vol. I, p. 523, 1870.) Dr. Cooper's last remark is unfortunately erroneous, since domestic birds do often occur, especially females, that cannot well be distinguished from wild northern birds. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 349 wild blood, as the case might be, and which differed in habits in some re- spects from the common breeds. I have also been long conversant with the fact that in the Western States, and in those other parts of the coun- try where the turkey exists in its native state, that fhe eggs of the wild bird are frequently taken and hatched under the domesticated turkey, the young carefully raised and held at high prices, they being considered as highly valuable for the purpose of improving the domestic breeds. In a recent correspondence with Mr. D. Darwin Hughes, an able ornitholo- gist of Marshall, Michigan, I alluded to the fact that the domestication of the wild bird had been disputed, and requested him to give me any facts he might possess in reference to the subject. The facts given in the following extracts from his letters are fully co-roborated by other private testimony in my possession. Under date of October 25, 1869, he wrote me respecting the domes- tication of the wild bird as follows : " Here [Calhoun County, Michigan], where the wild bird is abundant, they mix freely with the tame ones, and it is a common thing to see large flocks of half-breeds ; I have owned them myself. They are fond of roaming and are apt to stray ; not to the woods exclusively, but also to other farms. I have known the pure wild bird, hatched from wild eggs and raised in the poultry-yard, to remain for years in the yard without being confined ; but this is not usual. One fine gob- bler, as beautiful a bird as I ever saw, was hatched from a wild eg£ and headed a flock of mixed turkeys in a barn-yard. He was tame, like the others, but easily distinguished by his wild plumage ; at night the flock roosted in the yard, but this bird could not brook so low a perch, and when the flock went to roost he invariably took wing and perched on an immense forest-tree one fourth of a mile away, where he spent the night ; but in the morning he always returned to the barn-yard. Such instances are not uncommon. The eggs are eagerly sought for for hatching, and in this manner, as I have belbre said, there is a liberal sprinkling of wild blood in domestic birds, where the wild birds are abundant. The eggs of the wild bird are found every year, and although I have offered at the rate of six to eight dollars per dozen for them, there is not one in my col- lection of eggs, which numbers over two hundred species, so eager are the finders of them to hatch them, the chicks selling for a large price." In another letter, dated November 5, 1869, Mr. Hughes wrote me further concerning this subject, in which he remarks as follows : " I have already said that the wild bird has been so domesticated as to reproduce its kind in the poultry-yard, and inquiries made since my last letter show that in the more northern counties of the State such cases are quite com- mon. I cannot agree with what is said in the ninth volume of the Pacific Railroad Reports (p. 617), that there is an appreciable difference in the 350 BULLETIN OF THE color of the flesh of the wild and tame birds when cooked. There prob- ably is some difference in color, but so little that one must have very acute powers of observation to tell the difference when brought to the table roasted. There 'is a difference in the color of the head, caruncles, and dewlaps, as stated by Professor Baird, but with my present means of knowledge, having no fresh specimens before me, I will not undertake to describe the differences. One thing, however, should not be forgotten ; that we see the tame bird under all circumstances of passion, — in fear and when proudly strutting ; in short, under all the different emotions that turkeys are heirs to, while we rarely or never see the wild turkey under such varied circumstances, but only when they are terror-stricken or dead. The head and neck in the tame bird makes rapid and surprising changes in sympathy with its emotions, and it may be so, and probably is, with the wild." From the evidence that has now been given, it is sufficiently apparent that Major LeConte's two fundamental assumptions, — first, that the wild bird will not mix or breed with the domesticated ; and, second, that the wild bird never has been and cannot be domesticated, — upon which was erected an hypothesis to explain the origin of the domesticated bird by referring it to an extinct ancestor that probably inhabited some of the "West Indian Islands, are entirely groundless, and never had for their sup- port only the negative evidence afforded by the limited experience of Major LeConte and a few of his friends. Inasmuch as the domestic turkey was first introduced into Europe from Mexico, it may be well in this connection to inquire further into the rela- tionship of the so-called M. mexicana, or Mexican turkey, to the wild turkey of the eastern part of the United States. As already stated, the M. mexicana was originally described by Mr. Gould from a single specimen from Mexico. This specimen differs but slightly from the common wild turkey of the eastern part of the continent. But like many other merely nominal species, this " Mexican turkey" has been since generally recognized by writers on American ornithology, doubtless mainly because its describer was deemed too eminent a naturalist to be mistaken on such a point. Its habitat has been since extended to embrace half of that portion of the continent over which the wild turkey ranges, — the entire western half of the United States: yet the point at which the habitat of the eastern species ceases and that of the western begins, no one has yet ventured to attempt to definitely indicate. It is universally conceded to be exceed- ingly closely allied to the .1/. gallopavo, as the latter is now defined. Though admitted provisionally as a valid species by Professor Baird in his work already cited, he says that " whether these differences can be considered as establishing a second species for the United States is a MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 351 question yet to be decided." Dr. Coues, however, in his " List of the Birds of Fort Whipple, Arizona," * says he thinks there can be no doubt respecting the propriety of separating the " western turkey from the com- mon species of the Eastern United States"; but he has given us no infor- mation as to how great the differences between them are, or in what they consist. As mentioned by Gould and by Baird, the Mexican bird differs from the eastern one only in being lighter colored, and in having, in correlation with the generally lighter color of the plumage, the terminal band of the tail, as also the tips of the tail coverts, whitish instead of pale brown, as the eastern bird usually has them. This, however, seems by no means necessarily a specific difference, it being only a slight geographical variation, not restricted to the turkey, but which runs through most spe- cies of both birds and mammals that have the same distribution ; the probable cause of which variation I have already adverted to in Part III. The common eastern turkey occasionally approaches much nearer to the so-called Mexican bird than appears to be generally supposed. According to some authors, the tip of the tail in M. gallopavo is never whitish, but " plain chestnut, lighter than the ground color " of the tail. Yet of five specimens in the Museum of Comparative Zoology from one of the West- ern States, probably either Ohio or Michigan, two correspond with the description of the assumed typical M. gallopavo, two very nearly as well with that of the so-called M. mexlcana, and one is intermediate between them. Three of them are decidedly lighter colored, and possess a lighter terminal band to the tail than they should to correspond with the true M. gallopavo as recently defined. I have, on the whole, no hesitancy in refer- ring the .1/. mexicana Gould to the M. gallopavo Linne. The unquestionable specific identity of the domestic turkey with the wild one of the Eastern United States, though originally derived from the Mexican bird, seems further to support this view. From the great constancy of the white on the tail and its coverts in the domestic turkey, it has been thought to more resemble the western bird, or the M. mexicana, than the eastern. I need, however, only to recall the testimony of Dr. Bachman, already given in discussing another point, to show that it has necessarily no such signifi- cance. It will be remembered that Dr. Bachman states that he had known the wild birds of the Atlantic States, when kept entirely by them- selves, to become more or less white under confinement in three genera- tions.f Instead of this being either a " reversion " or a distinctive specific feature, it can be regarded only as the result of a diminution of the color- ing matter through degeneracy, under the influences of domestication. * Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. XVIII, p. 93, 1866. Republished under the title of " Prodrome of a Work on the Ornithology of Arizona Territory." t Mr. Darwin mentions a similar fact as having happened iu England. (Animals and Plants under Domestication, Vol. I, p. 354). 352 BULLETIN OF THE As the whole plumage becomes lighter, those portions that are naturally lightest are those we should expecl would soonest become white; and such is actually the case. Under domestication the turkey not only de- generates in size and hardiness, but is well known to soon lose much of the brilliancy of plumage that characterizes it in a state of nature. In a few generations it loses to a great extent its metallic tints, and becomes much lighter colored ; the terminal band of the tail, as well as its coverts, changes to white, and in succeeding generations the cream-colored and pure white birds often seen in our poultry-yards are gradually developed. The fact of the domestic turkey having been first introduced into Europe from Mexico, and into the United States from Europe, admits of easy explanation ; since the advanced state of civilization enjoyed by the native Mexicans had enabled them to domesticate the turkey, while their more degraded neighbors of the north had accomplished nothing of the kind. The turkey having been introduced into Europe nearly a century before the establishment of permanent settlements in the northern portions of the continent, it was, of course, as naturally introduced thence into this country as were our other domesticated animals. PERDICID^E. 101* Ortyx virginianus Bonaparte. Qdail. Tetrao virginianus Linne, Syst. Nat., I, 277, 1766. Titrao marilandicus Linne, Syst. Nat., I, 277, 1766. Ortyx borealis STEPHENS, Shaw's Zoul., XI, 377, 1819. Perdix [Ortyx) virginiana Bonap., Obs. on Wils. Nomcn., Journ. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sri., 1st Scr., IV, 268, 1825. Ortyx virginianus Baird, Birds N. Am., 640, 1838. — March, "Notes on Birds of Jamaica," Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., XV, 303, 1863. Ortyx texanus Lawrence, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., VI, 1, 1853. — Baird, Birds N. Amcr., 641, 1858. Abundant. The quails of Florida differ from those of the Northern States in being smaller, larger billed, and darker colored. While the difference in size is very appreciable, as is also that in respect to the size of the bill, — the bill being actually larger while there is a general decrease in the size of the individual, — the most marked dissimilarity is in the coloration, through tin' darker color of the Florida birds. In the latter the ground color above i- nitons instead of ashen, as in northern specimens, and the trans- verse black markings are broader. In average northern specimens the transverse black bars on the lower surface of (he body are scarcely half the breadth of the intervening white spaces; in the Florida specimens they are much mure than half, and in some cases nearly equal them. In MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 353 general the proportion of black in the Florida fernales is the same as that in the northern males. There is a similar relative increase in the extent of the black markings on the wing coverts, scapulars, and interscapulars, and on the dorsal surface generally. The black bonier to the white throat- patch is also broader, and extends back on the sides of the head so as usu- ally to cover the auriculars, which in average northern specimens are dark rufous. The bill is also much darker, being generally jet black ; in Massachusetts specimens it is brownish black, with the tip decidedly lighter than the other parts. The so-called Texas quail (Ortyx texanus Lawr.) does not differ very greatly from either the Florida or the northern ones, it combining some of the essential characters of each, but more resembling Florida speci- mens than northern ones. Lawrence and Baird mention the ashen or decided gray hue on portions of the dorsal surface as distinguishing it from the 0. virginianus, which has these parts of a "dull pinkish red." " A dull pinkish red," however, is just the color of these parts in my Florida specimens ; but the Massachusetts specimens, on the contrary, are ashen, as already stated, and in this respect agree with the descriptions of the Texas form, and differ from the Florida ones in the same way that the Texas ones are said to do from those of the Atlantic coast of the Middle and Southern States. In both the Florida and Texas specimens there is a similar increase in the breadth of the black transverse mark- ings, Lawrence describing them as being twice as broad in the Texas specimens as in the northern ones. The Ortyx cubanensis of Cabanis appears scarcely to differ from the quails of Florida and Texas. D'Orbigny and Lembeye were hence doubt- less correct in believing the so-called Ortyx cubanensis to be identical with the 0. virginianus. The following summary of the subjoined tables shows the difference in size that obtains between northern and southern specimens, and also in the sexes. The largest Florida specimen, it will be seen, scarcely equals the smallest northern one, when those of the same sex are compared. No. of Speci- mens. ax Locality. Length. Alar Extent. " 15.44 Wing. Tail. 7 d Illinois Average 10.18 4.47 2.82 16 d Florida Average 9.4*3 14 16 4.22 2.52 6 ? Illinois Average 9.83 15.10 4.36 2 67 10 ? Florida Average 9.37 14.02 4 17 2.54 10 ? " Maximum 10.00 1450 4.40 2.77 10 s " Minimum 9 00 13 10 3.35 250 16 d " Maximum 1000 14 75 4.50 3.00 16 d " Minimum 9.00 13.80 4.00 2 30 7 d Illinois Maximum 1050 15.60 4.60 3 00 7 d " Minimum 10.00 15.00 4.37 2.55 6 9 '< Maximum 10.25 15.50 4 50 2.85 6 ? " Minimum 9.50 14.50 4.25 2.45 23 854 BULLETIN OF TIIE Measurements of Florida Specimens of Ortyx virginianus. M.C.Z. No. Coll. No Sex. Locality. Date 1 "B Collector. g> 1 ^ sg •< x w bo '3 5151 rf Ilibernia Jan. 30, '69 J A. Alien 9.25 14 75 4.15 •2 40 6152 rf " Jan 30, "09 " 9 25 14.10 4.00 2.i;o 5183 rf " Jau. 30, '69 " 9.00 14 00 4 00 2.30 5184 rf " Jan. 30, '69 " 9 25 14.25 4.10 260 6337 rf Enterprise Mar 4. "69 " 9 05 14 50 4.40 240 5336 rf " Mar. 4, '69 " 9.C0 1425 4.15 250 10578 1990 rf Jacksonville Jan. 9, "69 C. J. Maynard 9.50 13.80 4.30 2 80 10579 1990 rf " Jan 9, '69 " 9 33 14.15 4.45 2 53 10580 1991 rf " Jan. 9, '09 " 9.30 14.30 4.00 2 30 2547 rf Dummitt's Mar. 8, '69 " 10 00 1408 4.10 2 65 2546 rf " Mar. 7, '09 " 9.30 14.05 4 25 3.00 2562 rf " Mar. 9, '69 " 9.85 13.80 4.45 2S4 10583 2472 rf " Feb. 24, '69 " 9.50 14 00 4 25 250 2517 rf " Mar. 4, '69 " 9 25 14 00 4 40 2.70 •.T.iil rf " Mar. 9, '69 " 9 70 14.08 4 25 265 10581 2356 rf " Feb. 16, '69 " 9 70 14.50 4 50 270 10582 2456 9 " Feb. 24, '69 " 10 00 14 50 4.25 2 55 2795 * " Feb. 16, '69 " 9.00 13.75 3 35 2.70 2G15 r\ " Mar. S. '69 " 950 14 20 4 10 2 57 1993 * Jacksonville Jan 9, '69 " 935 14.10 4 35 2.70 1994 A " Jan. 9, '69 " 9.40 13 10 4 35 2.65 1995 fS " Jan. 9, '69 " 9 50 13.60 4.40 2.77 61S2 5 Hibernia Jan. 30, '69 J. A. Allen 9.35 14 25 4.10 2.30 6338 ? Enterprise Mar. 4, '69 " 9 00 14 00 4 05 2.33 6351 ? " Mar. 5, '69 " 9.40 14 50 4.30 2.45 5352 8 " Mar. 5, '69 " 9.25 14^5 4.15 2.47 Measurements of Northern Specimens of Orttx virginianus. m. c z No. 13096 10410 10408 10411 13099 i:;n'.3 w ^* 6.90 i.a: .73 Ipswich 1 June 16, '68 Allen & Maynard 14 00 "30 50 10.65 8071 d June 16, '68 " 14.36 29.60 10.11 6 56 1.3S .70 I047i 905 \d Wellfleet June 26, '68 " 14 75 31.90 10.5C 6.50 1 3£ .80 1047- 906! d June 26, '68 " 1430' 31.70 10.4f 6.00: 1.41 .76 1047: 907k " June 26, '68 " 14 nil 31 « 10. 6C 5.50; 1 3£ .74 10481 908: d June 26, '68 " 13 75; 31. oO 10. 7E 5.40 1.28 .76 911, d" Muskeget Isl. June 29, '68 " 14.75 30.50 1051 6 00, 1.3C .87 10431 913 d " June 29, '08 " 14.40 ! 293' 10.1a 0.0(1 l.r,l .80 1048.3 913; d " June 29, '68 " 14 801 29.30 1040 5.50 1 1 45 1048b 917 d" " June 29, '68 " 14 901 29.60 10.40 5.55i 1.36 .85 920 ? " June 29, '08 " 14 001 30.00 11.00 5.75 1.35 .76 923'd" " June 20, '68 " 14.001 30.50 10 40 5.55 140 .77 10480 " June 29, '08 " 14.40; 29.80 10.25 5 45! 137 .81 10490 926 d" " June 29, '68 " 14.501 30:25 10.30 5.40 1.35 .80 927 d " June 29, '68 " 14.00 ai.iM 10.50 600 14' .75 10491 928 ? " June 29, '68 " 14 50! 30.80 10.15 5.60 1.52 .74 910l d " June 29, '68 " 13 601 31.15 10.25 560 94lj d " June 30, '68 " 14.50 31 65 10.15 6.10 . 942'cT " June 30, '68 " 14.50: 3150 9.65 690 943, d " June 30, '68 " 14. 25; 30.25 9.75 5-00 944!cf " June 30, '68 " 14.60 30.20 10 80 6.00 10492 945 -• " June 30, '68 " 14.10 30.50 lo2_, 5.50 941 d " June 30, '63 " 15.50; 31.85 11.30 7.00 80 947 •• " June 31. '68 " 15.75! 31.50 10.75 6.00 .v.. 949 d " July 2, '68 " 13.75; 29.90 10 45 5.85 .79 957 cf " July 2, ~m " 15.65 32.00 11 50 5.95 150 .75 10198 935 ' " July 2, '68 " 14.00 30.25 1170 5.00 1.45 •77 10500 963 ' " July 2, '68 " 14.30; 31.27 10.70 5.01 1.33 •77 10501 " July 2, :68 " 14.26 31.00 10.65 5.61 1.30 • 76 939 d " July 2, '68 " L5.60 31 60 lu 85 6.7o 1.30 .75 970' d " July 2, '68 " 14.281 30.80 10.50 5.40 135 •81 971; cf " July 2, '63 " 14 40: 31.60 10.30 5.70 1.40 •75 972; d July 2, '68 " 14.00 j 30.00 9.80 5.15 140 .78 973 d " July 2, '68 " 15.00 31.00 9.90 5.80 1.50 ■75 10503 975! d" " July 2, '68 " 15-20 30.50 10.56 5.S51 143 • 85 " July 2, '68 " 14.25 31.20 10.25 5-70 1.51 •80 10504 979 d " July 2, '68 " 15 25 31.00 10.00 6 27 145 •81 930! d " July 2, '68 »' 14.70 : 30.55 10.40 5.45 1.51 •85 981 d " July 2, '68 " 14 55| 3100 10.55 5 55 1.41 • 75 " July 2, '68 " 13.00; 29.00 10.30 4 81 135 •76 " July 2, '08 " 15.00, 31 43 10.80 6 11 •75 99 ' " July 2, '68 " 14 50' 31.50 In;,. 1 45 .85 " July 2, '68 " 15.77 30.00 1050 1 55 •77 " July 2, '68 " L4.25 31 00 10.65 ,". 75 •70 " July 2, '68 " 14.00 30.30 10 35 1.41 •70 10476 904 i Wcllfleet June 20. '68 " 9.90 • 7o 10481 912 V Muskeget Isl June 29. '68 " 14.20 :; 10.00 6.00 1.40 • 70 1 1484 915 . l( June 29, '68 " li;:, 30.75 10.55 6.07 1 42 •75 1 1483 914 i " Juue'io, 68 " 13.90 29.80 L0.05 5.75 1.30 •75 " June 29, '68 " 13.60, 28. 50 lorn 5.50 1 36 • 74 919 . " June 29. '68 " 13.50 28.20 10.30 5 85 1 .25 •75 0-1 1 " June 20, »68 " 25 10.25 5.65 1.26 • 71 10487 922 " June 29, '68 " 13.55 30.55 10.63 5.70 1 26 •80 10488 924 I " June 29. '68 " . 1.50 10.50 •". • 73 948 . '■ June 30, '6S " 14.50 31 7.'. 10.80 5.90 — .80 10491 " July 2, '68 " .1 ,.80 128 .80 10495 " July 2, '68 ■' 13.60 32-00 11 50 5 75 130 .80 " July 2, '68 " 1550 31.75 U.25 5.41 1 43 •71 10498 985 9 " July 2 '68 " 13.56, 30.00 1030 5.14 1.30 •74 oTt , " July 2, '68 " 15 25 32 00 1125 6 11 134 976 9 " July 2, '68 " i.20 J" 26 5.55 1 31 • 75 97S!9 " July 2, '68 " 14.™ 31.80 10.70 5.45 1.55 •80 10504 99719 " July 2, '68 " 14.45' 31.70 10.45 6.46 141 .80 10505: 999: 9 " July 2, SS " 14.35 30.50, 10.45, 560i 1.491 .80 1001 V July 2, '63 14.40, 31.00! 10.65 5.85 1.401 .85 368 BULLETIN OF THE 179. Sterna macrura Neumann, Arctic Tern. "Common at Dummitt's." — Maynard. As already remarked under Sterna hirundo the individual variation in the present species is very great. The largest and smallest specimens in a series of twenty-five, taken at Muskeget Island in the breeding season measured as follows : — Largest {$) : Length, 16.00; alar extent, 32.75; wing, 11.75; tail, 6.00. Smallest ( Antrostomus cubanensis, Xanthornus affinis, Sturnella hippocrepis et | mexicana, ) Quiscalus baritus, Corvus minuttts, Ortyx cubanensis et texanus, Campephilus Bairdii, Colaptes chrysocaulosus, Butorides brunnescens, Actiturus longicaudus, Macrorhamphus scolopaceus Charadrius tenuirostris, Larus argentatoides et *> Smithsonianus, ) In other cases the arctic forms, or the northern types, having been discovered subsequently to the southern ones, these have been described a3 specifically distinct from the latter. The Bucephala islandica, sep- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 375 arated from the B. americana et clangula, and the Collurio excubitoroides from the G. ludoricianus, will serve to indicate the class of so-called species here referred to. The Pacific Slope of North America furnishes a similar list of spe- cies, based on either southern or northern forms of others previously known ; and the middle region of the continent its list of similar nominal species, mainly based on the desert forms of widely ranging species. In the northern half of the Old World, also, have the northern and south- ern geographical forms of the same species been specifically separated ; but it is not my intention to call farther attention to them at present. As already remarked, the American representatives of circumpolar species differ from the European and Asiatic principally in two ways, namely, in the apparently slightly larger size of the American, and in their somewhat brighter colors ; but specific separations seem to have been based almost as frequently upon some theory of geographical distri- bution, or upon the individual variation of single specimens, as upon the real though slight differences that frequently obtain in such cases. PART V. On the Geographical Distribution of the Birds of Eastern North Amer- ica, with special reference to the Number and Circumscription of the Ornithological Fauna. 1. Introductory Remarks. The distribution of plants and animals in circumpolar zones over the earth's surface has been long recognized; Humboldt* first making known the fact of such a natural distribution of the plants, and Agassiz,f * Humboldt, A. vox, et Boxpland, Ai.me. " Essai sur la G^ographie des Plantes," etc. 4to. Paris. 1805. t Acassiz, Louis. " Essai sur la G(?ographie des Animaux," Pevue Suisse et Chro- nique LitteYaire, Tome VIII, pp. 441-452, 538-585, 1845. •' Note sur la Distribution Geographique des Animaux et de l'Homme," Bulletin de la Societe" des Sciences Natu- relles de Xeuchatel, Tome I, pp. 162-166, 357-361, 366-369, 1845. "Sur la Distribu- tion Geographique actuelle et le mode de l'apparition actuelle des Animaux a la surface du Globe." Ibid., Tom. 2, pp. 347-351, 1847. "Geographical Distribution of Animals," Edinburgh New Philosophical Magazine, Vol. XLVI, pp. 1-25, 1850. Ibid., Christian Examiner, Vol. XL VIII, pp. 184-204, 1850. '-Sketch of tiie Natural Provinces of the Animal World and their Relation to the different Types of Man," Nott and Gliddon's Types of Mankind, pp. lviii- Ixxxii, 1854. Also especially insisted upon in a course of unpublished Lectures delivered before the Lowell Institute, Boston, December, 1869. 376 BULLETIN OF THE "Wagner,* Dana,f and other?, subsequently establishing the same in re- gard to animals ; the distribution of both plants and animals being prima- rily determined by the same influences. It has been further shown that these influences are mainly climatic, temperature having been justly recognized as governing the limitation, especially in latitude, of not only the species, but of faunae and flora;. Their limitation in longitude is likewise as directly determined by climatic influences,]: though indirectly by physical barriers, as oceans, mountain chains, and deserts. Humidity, in many instances, is scarcely a less, and in some cases a more, power- ful limiting agent than temperature, plants being highly sensitive to hygrometric conditions, and their distribution intimately affects that of animals, since the existence of the latter is dependent upon the presence of the former, and their variety and numbers upon the degree of luxu- riance of the vegetation. The faunal and floral zones hence coincide in their limitation in latitude with the climatic zones, but by no means necessarily with the geographical circles ; isothermal lines, and not paral- lels of latitude, forming their boundaries. Their limits in longitude are determined by the influence geographical barriers, especially long chains of high mountains, exert upon climate. * Wagneb, Andreas. " Die geographische Verbreitung der Siiugethiere," Abhand- lungen de: baierischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Math. Phys. Classe, Band IV, Abth. I, pp. 1-146, 2d Abth., pp. 1-108, 3d Abth., pp. 3-114. Mit 9 Karten, 1844- 1846. t U. S. Exploring Expedition Report, Crustacea, Vol. II, pp. 1451-1500, 1852. J I am aware of the diversity of opinions still prevalent among naturalists in regard to the influence climate exerts in determining the geographical distribution of species, and that many writers on this subject attribute to it only a slight importance, or alto- gether ignore it. The limits of these preliminary remarks will not allow of an extended comparison of the views of different authors on this point, nor a detailed consideration of the supposed objections that have been raised against the proposition above expressed. I agree with Mr. Andrew Murray in his remark, that, although "various authors have endeavored to embody the differences between the faunas and floras of the different re- gions of the globe into some kind of system, .... they, with one or two exceptions, have worked upon no definite principle, and the result has been a mere catalogue of re- gions which possessed peculiarities without distinguishing their relative importance, or their relation to each other" (Geographical Distribution of Mammals, p. 296, 4to, London, 1866),— a remark which unfortunately semis in some degree applicable to Mr. Murray's own generalizations. That temperature is n powerful limiting influence affecting the range of species, especially in respect to their northward and southward extension, is so easily demonstrable that I am surprised to see it -till questioned. I have myself subjected this principle to a rigid examination in studying the distribution of the animals and plant- of Eastern North America, and have been surprised at the exact coincidence I have almost constantly met with between their northern and southern MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 377 The uniform character of both the flora and the fauna throughout tlie arctic zone is one of the most striking onto-geographical features thus far known, and one of primary importance, especially when taken in connection with its relation to the fauna? and flora? of more southern latitudes. Not less significant is the fact that in the temperate zone there is still a prevalence of identical forms in each of the three north- ern continents, where the resemblance of the animals and plants of either continent to those of the others is far greater than is the resem- blance of those of the temperate regions of either continent to those of the tropical portions of the same continent. Different animals and plants, as every one recognizes, are differently limited in respect to their geographical range. A small proportion of the species are almost or quite cosmopolitan ; others range over the greater part of the northern hemisphere, finding their southern limit of Mstribution near the tropics. A few are exclusively arctic, or range only over the arctic and cold-temperate zones. Many are limited to the temperate zone, throughout nearly the whole of which they find a con- genial home. A large number can only exist within the tropics, often limits of distribution and isothermal lines, they following them in all their numerous undulations, sweeping northward in the valleys and southward along the sides of mountain ranges. The occurrence on isolated alpine summits of species existing at a lower level only far to the northward, is of itself suggestive of the powerful influence temperature has on the distribution of animals and plants. In the northern hemisphere a northern fauna and flora everywhere extends along the mountains hundreds of miles to the southward of their respective limits in the adjoining plains and valleys. Various other causes have, of course, a greater or less influence in determining the range of spe- cies, but none other, on the land areas, humidity perhaps alone excepted, is nearly so potent. The want of conformity of isothermal lines with parallels of latitude has doubt- less led to confusion in regard to this subject, since vain attempts have often been made to circumscribe the botanical and zoological zones by the latter. Differences of temperature evidently explain many of the otherwise seeminglv inex- plicable sudden transitions in the faunae and florae of adjoining regions, especially in re- gard to the marine animals and plants, temperature forming a strong barrier to the com- mingling of species inhabiting the waters of opposite sides of peninsulas having a north and south trend, or such long narrow points of land as terminate the South American ami African continents. Those of the one side cannot pass to the other without passing through a zone of colder water than their organization will allow them to sustain. The isotherms of the continents are widely deflected by the irregularities of the surface of the land, running nearly straight and parallel across level areas; but in mountainous districts they bend abruptly northward or southward, following along the sides of mountains in- stead of crossing them. In the same manner are species, and fauna? and florae, limited, — a coincidence clearly indicative of th« strong influence climates exert in determining their geographical limits. 378 BULLETIN OF THE embracing whole families, none of whose representatives are found oui- side of the torrid zone of a single continent. Others are again equally at home in the torrid and warm temperate zones, but which do not exist either in the arctic or cold temperate zones ; others range throughout the temperate and subtorrid. Nearly an equal number, some tropical, but the greater part temperate species, range across continental areas, within which, however, they are restricted. A great number of others find their range limited in longitude to the half or the third of a conti- nent, and others within still more circumscribed boundaries, fluviatile species being frequently confined to single river basins. Through this diversity of geographical range we have what may be termed cosmopoli- tan, semi-cosmopolitan, circumpolar, continental, semi-continental, and (relatively speaking) restricted species. The circumpolar and the conti- nental are again realm species, the semi-continental and restricted, prov- ince species. Rarely is any species limited to a narrower area than that of two or three fauna; or flora;. Hence fauna; and flora; — which terms, in their restricted sense, are properly applied only to the smallest of the onto-geographical divisions — are determined by the peculiar associa- tion of species, and not by the range of a single or of a few " restricted " species ; hence by their general facies. Provinces, and realms, on the other hand, may have species, and even genera and families, exclusively distinctive of them. As there are cosmopolitan, circumpolar, continental, and other kinds of species, so there must be cosmopolitan, circumpolar, continental, and other kinds of genera and families ; the latter, as well as species, having each a definite or specific geographical range as dis- tinctive of them as any biological or anatomical character may be. They are each circumscribed within definite areas, beyond which their special adaptation to their natural surroundings forbids their extension, unless aided by extraneous and unusual circumstances. The three divisions of zones, realms (or " regions"), provinces, and fauna' and flora-,* comprise the phyto-zoblogic divisions usually recog- * Z>me, realm, region, kingdom, and province, are forms which have been used by dif- ferent authors to designate the primary natural-history divisions of the earth's surface. In deciding as to which of those terms should be exclusively applied to these divisions, not only priority of use, but appropriateness, should of course be considered, and also the sense in which they are at present currently employed, in order to avoid, as far as pos- sible, the confusion necessarily attending changes of nomenclature. So far as priority is concerned, zone undoubtedly has the precedence, it having boon u-ed for animals by Wagner in 1844, by Agassiz in 1845, and much earlier than this by Humboldt and ot in relation to the distribution of plants. It is, however, not always a strictly convenient MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 379 nized. The boundaries of realms and provinces have often been arbi- trarily fixed, inasmuch as they have been frequently limited and named in conformity to the continental areas, regardless of the fundamental law of the distribution of life in circumpolar zones.* In addition to the law of the circumpolar distribution of life in zones, another may be recognized, namely, that of a differentiation from the north southward, since in passing from the northern pole to the. equator we meet with a constant and accelerated divergence in the character of the animals and plants of successive regions of the continent. More or less related to the last is a third law of differentiation, namely, a divergence of the life of given portions of continental areas from that of the corresponding portions of other continents, in proportion to the oceanic space separating such corresponding regions. As evidence of this fact we have but to compare successively the life of the north temperate, tropical, and south temperate zones of the Western hemi- sphere with the life of the corresponding zones of the Eastern hemi- sphere ; or that of Australia with the life of the other continents, as a whole ; or that of tropical Asia with Africa or South America. A comparison of Africa with South America, and the fauna? and florae of islands with those of the different continents, further corroborates this law. There is, furthermore, a correlation between the diversity term. Realm, region, fauna and flora, and province, have been also successively used in the same sense, and also for divisions of subordinate rank, and in different ways by even the same writers. In regard to the names of the divisions of the second, third, and fourth rank, there is an equal want of uniformity in the use of the terms by which they have been designated. As being most convenient and least opposed to current usage, the following schedule of -names for *'ie primary and subordinate divisions has been °dopted in the present paper: — Realms for divisions of tlie first rank. Regions for divisions of the second rank. Provinces for divisions of the third rank. Districts for divisions of the fourth rank. Fauna and flora for the smallest or ultimate divisions, like the bird faunae of Eastern North America, presently to be characterized. Intermediate divisions to some of those above mentioned may in special cases be re- quired; but until the necessity for them is made apparent, no names for such need be proposed. * Sclater, P. L. " On the general Geographical Distribution of the Members of the Class Aves," Jour, of the Proc. of the Linnsean Society, Vol. II, Zoology, pp. 130- 149, 1858. The divisions proposed by this author have been quite generally adopted, but without corroboration, or apparently a critical examination of their merits 380 BULLETIN OF THE of life in a given area and the relative temperature of that area, the number of distinct forms increasing directly with the increase in the temperature, other conditions remaining essentially unchanged. The number of distinct species and geographical races also increases directly with the increase in the diversity of the conditions of life resulting from differences of geographical configuration. Hence fauna? and flora? cover a smaller area in the warm temperate and tropical latitudes than at the northward, and in a mountainous region than in a level region. Hence within the torrid zone, where a maximum temperature is generally associated with a highly diversified surface, species, genera, and families are the most numerous, and faunae and flora?, as well as species, are ordinarily the most narrowly circumscribed. In accordance with the facts stated above respecting the mode of the distribution of animals and plants over the earth's surface, and the zoological and botanical laws of the differentiation and mutual relations of the different regions, the following primary natural-history divisions may be recognized : I, an Arctic Realm ; II, a North Temperate Realm ; III, an American * Tropical Realm ; IV, an Indo-African Tropical Realm; V, a South American Temperate Realm; VI, an African Temperate Realm ; VII, an Antarctic Realm ; VIII, an Aus- tralian Realm. The Arctic Realm presents a nearly uniform character throughout its extent, and, though embracing several faunae, is not divisible into * The terms " Palir-ogean " and " Neogean," " Pala?arctic " and ' Nearctie " etc., like those of " Old World " and " New World," have been given with reference solely to the length of time the different land areas of the earth's surface have been known to the dominant race of mankind, and hence regardless of the zoological history of these different land areas. Modem science has taught us that the latent discovered continent (Australia) is peopled with the most ancient types of animals and plants now in exist- ence, and that it is, zoologically considered, the ancient continent. Also that North and South America are behind Europe, Asia, and Africa in their zoological and geological development, while they are far in advance of Australia. To apply the term "ancient" to what is really the most recent, and "modern" to what is mediaeval, is evidently too great a misuse of language to be allowable in scientific nomenclature. The sciences of geographical zoology and geographical botany concern not merely the geographical distribution of the animals and plants now living, hut also those of the pa t. If such descriptive terms as the a hove are to be employed, it is evidently im- portant that they should he used in their legitimate sen. Columbia (= Neotropical Region of Sclater), Australasia, and New Zealand. I Rep. on Crust, of U. S. Expl. Exped (Vol II), under Capt. Wilkes. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 383 ate zone into five subzones, — a Temperate proper,, a Subtemperate, a Warm Temperate, a Cold Temperate, and a Subfrigid. These zones are equally recognizable in the distribution of terrestrial life ; but, owing to inequalities of its surface, they are of course less regular on the land than on the oceans. The zones and subzones, or the Provinces and the minor phytological and zoological divisions of the globe, are usually not trenchantly de- fined. Their boundaries being determined by climatic conditions, the transition between adjacent zones, or between ontological divisions of •whatever rank, is rarely abrupt ; like the climatic zones, they blend more or less at their edges, their boundaries being strongly marked only in regions possessing a highly varied surface, as in mountainous dis- tricts. They are, nevertheless, easily recognizable, and can be ap- proximately defined. Generally the dividing lines are more or less undulating, and, being determined indirectly by chains of mountains and other physical barriers, adjoining faunae and florae, and even adjoin- ing provinces and realms, almost always interdigitate, and frequently enclose isolated areas of others, as will be presently shown in describ- ing the ornithological fauna? of Eastern North America. The boundaries of faunae and florae, like the range of species, are determined indirectly by elevations and depressions of the earth's sur- face, these variations in the altitude of the land producing varying conditions of temperature and humidity, which latter, as already stated, are the direct limiting influences of species, and of tn*e botanical and zoological divisions of the globe. The permanency of their boundaries hence depends upon the constancy of the physiographic conditions of these areas, a migration of species, and of faunae and florae, necessarily following changes in these conditions. That such migrations have taken place is evident from the occurrence in the post-tertiary deposits of the warm temperate latitudes of the fossil remains of species found now only in the cold temperate and arctic regions, and in the tertiary strata of high latitudes of the remains of other species whose nearest allies are now found in the warm tempeiatu and sub- tropical zones. These facts indicate clearly the great changes in temperature that have repeatedly occurred at given localities during the earth's history. In respect to existing animals, however, it is dif- ficult to determine how much their known recession northward, as of the reindeer, for example, is due to climatic changes, and how much to 38-i BULLETIN OF- THE human agency, or whether it may not be due exclusively to the latter cause. 2. The Natural Provinces of the North American Tem- perate Region * Before passing to the special subject of the present article, it will be necessary to consider briefly the North American continent as a whole. As already shown, North America embraces portions of three realms, the Arctic, the North Temperate, and the Tropical. It belongs mainly, however, to the North Temperate Realm, of which the temperate por- tions of North America form the Western Region. Within this Region may be recognized two Provinces, — an Eastern and a Western, — quite distinct from each other in their general features as well as in man; special characteristics. The Eastern Province is characterized by the uniformity of its geographical and climatic features and by a com sponding uniformity in its faunal and floral aspects. The Wester^ Province, on the other hand, is characterized by the diversity of ito geographical and climatic features, — different areas situated under the same parallels differing greatly «n these respects, — and by the number and small extent of its zoological and botanical areas, and its compara- tively numerous restricted flora1, and fauna?. The Eastern Province f extends in the United States from the Atlantic seaboard to the vicinity of the 100th meridian, but to the northward its western boundary sweeps rapidly westward, and extends to the Rocky Mountains, whilst farther northward, where it approaches the Arctic Realm, it occupies the whole breadth of the continent. Its ■western border is not generally abruptly defined, and is, moreover, quite irregular, through its extension up the valleys of the numerous rivers which enter it from the westward. According to Professor Baird, its western boundary "starts on the Gulf of Mexico near the eastern bor- der of Texas, perhaps between the Brazos and the Sabine, and follow- * The " Districts" of the North American Region, or the ontological divisions of this region of the fourth rank, can be more conveniently characterized after the seve fauna' have been defined, to which point in the paper their consideration i^ accordingly deferred. t The boundaries of these two regions have been sketched with apparent accuracy by Professor Baird. See American Journal of Science and Arts, 2d Series, Vol. XLI, pp. 82-85,.Tan., 1666. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 385 ing up the direction of the former river to the approaches of the Great Desert, nearly on the meridian mentioned [the 100th], proceeds north- ward, forced sometimes more or less westward, especially along the Platte, sometimes eastward. It crosses the Platte between Forts Kearney and Laramie and intersects the Missouri between Fort Ran- dall and Fort Pierre, perhaps near Fort Lookout, as it is between the first mentioned two points that in ascending the river we find the change to take place in the ornithology of the country. Soon after crossing the northern boundary of the United States the line rapidly inclines westward and extends to the Rocky Mountains." To the southeastward this region embraces the whole of the United States, except perhaps the southern portion of Florida, which is decidedly "West Indian and tropical in its affinities. To the northward it em- braces the whole northern and eastern portions of the continent up to the Arctic Realm. The "Western Region commences at the western border of the East- ern, and extends thence to the Pacific coast. In the United States its area is about two thirds that of the Eastern Province, but a little farther to the northward it narrows rapidly, and is finally bounded in this direc- tion by the Alaskan mountains.* To the southward it of course merges in Mexico into the Tropical Realm, but its southern limit is not as yet well known. While its varied character renders it subdivisible into several more or less distinct longitudinal areas, each of which may be again divided transversely into numerous fauna? and florae, many species range throughout its whole extent and give to it a certain degree of homogeneousness. This portion of North America is, however, as yet too indefinitely known, geographically and meteorologically, as well as ontologically, to admit of the exact definition of its primary and ultimate life regions. The Eastern Province, notwithstanding its larger area, has not only a less number of ornithological faunae than the Western, but has also a smaller number of species represented in it, as well as a smaller number exclusively restricted to it. The following list of one hundred and eight species embraces most of the birds that are exclusively restricted to the Eastern Province, and hence those that distinctively characterize this Province. * According to Mr. W. H. Dall. See Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XII, p. 144, Dec, 1868*. vol. ii. 25 386 BULLETIN OF THE List of Species limited in their Longitudinal Distribution to the Eastern Prov~ ince of the North American Temperate Region. 40. Galeoscoptes carolinensis. 41. Harporhynchus rui'us. 42. Thryothorus ludovicianus. 43. Cistothorus stellaris. 44. Lophophanes bicolor. 45. Parus hudsonicus. 46. Cotumiculus passerinus. 47. Cotumiculus Henslowi. 1. Turdus mustelinus. 2. Sialia sialis. 3. Mniotilta varia. 4. Parula americana. 5. Prothonotaria citrea. 6. Geothlypis {Philadelphia. 7. Oporornis agilis. 8. Oporornis ibrmosa. 9. Helmitherus vermivorus. 10. Helminthophaga Swainsoni 11. Helminthophaga pinus. 12. Helminthophaga ehrysoptera, 13. Helminthophaga Bachmani. 14. Helminthophaga ruficapilla. 15. Helminthophaga peregrina. 16. Seiurus auroeaj)illus. 17. Seiurus noveboraeensis. 18. Dendrceca virens. 19 Dendrceca ea'iulescens. 20. Dendrceca coronata. 21. Dendroeca blaekburnhe. 22. Dendroeca castanea. 23. Dendroeca pennsylvanica. 24 Dendrceca caerulea. 25 Dendroeca striata. 26. Dendroeca maculosa. 27. Dendroeca palmarum. 28. Dendroeca dominica. 29. Dendroeca discolor. 30. Perisoglossa tigrina. 31. Wilsonia mitrata. 32. Euthlypis canadensis. 33. Setophaga ruticilla. 34. Pyranga rubra. 35. Pyranga aestiva. 36. Vireosylvia olivacea. 37. Vireosylvia philadelphica. 38. Lanivireo flavifrons. 39. Yireo noveboraeensis. 48. Ammodromus eaudacutus. 49. Ammodromus maritimus. 50. Zonotrichia albicollis. 51. Junco hyemalis. 52. Spizella monticola. 53. Spizella pusilla. 54. Peucaea aestivalis. 55. Passerella iliaca. 56. Euspiza americana. 57. Hedymele* ludoviciana. 58. Cyanospiza eiris. 59. Cyanospiza cyanea. 60. Cardinalis virginianus. 61. Pipilo erythrophthalmus. 62. Dolichonyx oryzivorus. 63. Icterus spurius. 64. Icterus baltimore. 65. Quiscalus purpureus. 66. Corvus ossifragus. 67. Cyanura cristata. 68. Sayornis fuscus. 69. Campephilus principalis. 70 Pic us borealis. 71. Sphyrapicus varius. 72. Centurus carolinus. 73. !Melanerpes erythrocephalus. 74. Colaptes auratus. 75. Coccy^us americanus. 76. Coccygus crythro[)htbalmus. 77. Conurus carolinensis. 78. Trochilus eolubris. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 387 79. ?Chsetura pelasgia. 80. Antrostomus vociferus. 81. Antrostomus carolinensis. 82. Nauclerus furcatus. 83. Ictinia mississippiensis. 84. Rosthramus sociabilis. 85. ?Tetrao canadensis. 86. Cupidonia cupido. 87. Ortyx virginianus. 88. Grus americanus. 89. Florida cserulea. 90. Ibis alba. 91. Platalea ajaja. 92. JEgialitis Wilsonius. 93. iEgialitis melodus. 94. ?Actiturus Bartramius. 95. Limosa hudsonica. 96. ?Numenius borealis. 97. Rallus crepitans. 98. Porzana jamaicensis. 99. Porzana noveboracensia. 100. Gallinula galeata. 101. Gallinula inartinica. 102. Anas obscura. 103. Querquedula discors. 104. Camptolasmus labradorius. 105. Sula fiber. 106. Graculus floridanus. 107. Plotus anhinga. 108. Chroecocephalus atricilla. 3. The Ornithological Faunae of the Eastern Province op the North American Temperate Region. Passing to the Eastern Province of the North American Region, the distribution of the birds will be now mainly considered. But a somewhat detailed comparison of the distribution of the represent- atives of this class with the distribution of the mammals and reptiles, and to some extent with the insects, mollusks, and plants, shows that the same divisions apply almost equally well to all. The distribution of plants, however, is everywhere greatly affected by the nature of the soil, as well as by humidity and temperature; and the character of the veg- etation is also intimately connected with the distribution of the insects. The character of the soil, and especially the nature and amount of the mineral matter held in solution in the waters of the streams and lakes, has much to do with the relative abundance and distribution of the ter- restrial and fluviatile mollusca, neither of which influences materially affects the distribution of the birds and mammals. The presence or absence of forests only, in respect to vegetation* and the soil, has much * At the junction of the prairies with the eastern wooded districts there is quite an appreciable change in the fauna, especially in respect to the birds and mammals. Tho faunal differences between these regions, in respect to these two classes, result mainly through the addition of a relatively small number of strictly prairie species, the west- ward extension of none of the species of the Eastern Province wholly terminating at this point. The number of their representatives, however, becomes greatly reduced, and their distribution from being general and uniform is restricted to the belU of 388 BULLETIN OF THE influence on the. distribution of the terrestrial vertebrates. The distri- bution of the fishes, the aquatic reptiles and certain groups of batrachians is, however, in great measure determined by the hydrographic basins. Hence we meet with relatively more restricted forms among the latter, as well as in insects, moll usks,. and plants, than we find in either mam- mals or birds, the latter class being the most independent of all animals of geographical barriers. It has been remarked that the great extent of the Eastern Province, as compared with the Western, is due to the great extent of the low- lands of Eastern North America, or of that area which has an elevation not exceeding eight hundred feet above the sea.* This is unquestion- ably the true reason, there being no highlands of sufficient altitude to interpose serious obstacles to the range of species. Some portions of this area, however, as the Arctic lowlands, do not belong to this region, while large portions of the country included in the Eastern Province more or less exceed that altitude. These differences of elevation are sufficient to cause the marked interdigitation of the fauna? of contiguous regions lying under the same parallels, as in the Eastern United States, where the upper portions of the Appalachian system support a Cana- dian or subalpine fauna and flora as far south as Georgia. Yet this elevation, in consequence of its nearly meridional trend and its lack of perfect continuity, forms a barrier to but few vertebrates except the strict- ly aquatic ones. If, however, the trend of the Appalachian range had been an easterly and westerly one, the influence of these highlands as a geographical barrier would have been most marked. Without the dif- ferences in altitude it affords, the faunas and floras of Eastern North forest skirting the streams. At the eastern limit of the prairies, in fact, the distinctively western species begin to appear, thence westward few additional western species being met. with till the edge of the great central plateau of the continent is reached, where the differentiation is further increased not only by the addition of many new forms, hut by the gradual disappearance of eastern types. Whether the addition of a few prairie species be sufficient reason for recognizing a western subdivision of each of the fauna? of the Eastern Province may perhaps be thought questionable. The forested portion of the Eastern Province also presents a lack of total uniformity between its eastern and western portions, a few species of birds occurring east of the Appalachians in the Eastern States only a- stragglers, whilst they are quite common west of these highlands. About half a dozen species avoid the region circumscribed by the valleys of the St. Lawrence, Lake Champlain, the Hudson River, and the Atlantic Coast, that are found west of this area. * See Baird, Am. Journ. of Science and Arts, 2d Series, Vol. XLI, p. 86. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 389 America would have extended in regular and parallel zones from the Atlantic seaboard to the central plateau of the continent, whereas they now sweep far southward near the coast, and passing around the Appa- lachian highlands extend northward again along their western base. In attempting to determine the number and limits of the ornitho- logical faunoe of a large area, it is evident that the distribution of the birds in the breeding season should be taken as the basis for the inves- tigation rather than their entire range, since during no other portion of the year can the migratory species be regarded as being at their true homes. The species numerously represented are also of far greater importance than those having but few representatives, as it is the common species which are not only the most characteristic, but those whose distribution is at present best known. Applying the term fauna, when used in a special sense, to the smallest of the natural divisions in zoological geography, and considering faunas to be characterized by their general facies, as determined by a peculiar assemblage of species, rather than by the restriction of a certain number of specific forms within their areas, Eastern North America may be considered as embracing seven ornithological fauna?, which occupy narrow, somewhat parallel zones or belts of varying breadth, extending from the Atlantic coast westward to the great middle plateau of the continent. The extent of each in an east and west direction is generally many times greater than what may be considered as its meridional extent. Their breadth, however, is quite unequal, not only as compared with each other, but that of the same fauna varies greatly at different points. They have their minimum breadth on the slopes of the mountains, and attain their maximum breadth on the plains. Each species having its own peculiar limits, which may or may not coincide with those of other species, it usually happens that at somewhat regular intervals, in passing either northward or southward from a given point, a greater number of species disappear at some points than at others, at which point also other species first appear. These divisional lines usually coincide with some marked physical change in the general character of the country, more especially in respect to its elevation, and form the boundaries between adjoining faunas.* These faunal boundaries, as has been before remarked, coin- * The first terrace of the Atlantic slope, which marks not only the transition from the tertiary deposits of the coa<=t of the Middle and South Atlantic States to theolder forma- 390 BULLETIN OF THE cide with isothermal lines. These isothermal lines, however, are not so often the yearly isotherms as those of particular seasons. While some writers have considered isocrymal lines as those having the greatest amount of limiting influence, as Dana has supposed to be the case with marine animals,* and as may be true in the case of plants, and possibly also of some terrestrial animals, f the mean temperature of the breeding season must necessarily more affect birds, especially the migratory species, than that of any other part of the year, or than the mean annual temperature. Isotherals hence most nearly coincide with the lines limiting the distribution of birds in the breeding season, and also the ornithological faunae, since the majority of the species in the region now under consideration breed almost exclusively during the summer months, .and mainly in June and July. Some breed in May, and a few of the rapacious birds in April, and even in March, but they are the exceptions to the general rule. The isotheral lines are hence adopted in the present essay in giving the boundaries of the ornitho- logical faun se. t Owing to the imperfect state of our knowledge of the summer dis- tribution of the birds of North America, the present attempt at a defini- tions of the interior, as well as forming the limit of steam navigation on the rivers of the lower Atlantic States, forms also the dividing line between the fauna? of the coast and thoso situated next to them in the interior, although having an altitude of generally- less than three hundred feet. The rise from the succeeding plateau to the more abrupt slope of the Appalachians forms likewise the boundary between the second and third tiers of faunae in the Atlantic States. The terrace forming the northern boundary of the tertiary deposits of the Gulf States, and of the lower Mississippi Valley generally, coincides likewise with faunal boundaries, as do similar slight changes in elevation elsewhere. * See Report on the Crustacea collected by the U. S. Expl. Expd. under the com- mand of Captain Wilkes, Vol. II, p. 1452. t There must; however, be many exceptions, since in cold climates many mammals and all reptiles, as well as a large proportion of the molhisca and insects, hibernate, and thus are to a great degree (especially the reptiles) beyond the influence of excessive cold. In regard to plants, also, their northward range seems to be limited more by the amount of heat in summer than by the cold of winter, particularly in the case of annuals. As soon as the sum of the heat ot summer is diminished to such a degree as to be insufficient to mature the plant, or to allow it to ripen its fruit, whether an annual, a shrub or tree, it must at that point cease to propagate, and there find its polar limit. } Professor A. E. Verrill states that he has found the "boundaries between the Canadian and Alleghanian Faunas" to be " coincident with a line which shall indicate a mean temperature of 50° Fahrenheit during the months of April, May, and June." Proc. Dost. S"c. Nat. Hiti., Vol. XII, p. 260, May, 1S66. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 391 tion of the faunas of this region is to be regarded as merely a pro- visional one, to be perfected as the required data become known. The distribution in summer of the birds of the United States, even of that portion situated east of the Mississippi River, is still too little known to afford even there entirely satisfactory data. The data are tolerahly full only for the region embraced between the St. Lawrence and the Upper Lakes on the north, and the Ohio River and Virginia on 'the south. Much is also known, however, in regard to the summer distribution of the birds in the other Atlantic States ; but in respect to the whole region of the lower Mississippi and the Gulf States, the re- corded facts bearing on this subject are lamentably few.* The iso- thermal lines of even our best climatological charts are also obviously more or less erroneous, and are nowhere laid down with sufficient detail to meet the wants of the student of zoological geography. The follow- ing lists of those species which by their presence or absence determine the facies of the several faunae of the Eastern Province are hence not only often incomplete, but will in some cases, doubtless, require more or less modification as our knowledge of the subject increases.! The facts at hand for the work herein attempted are, however, far more nu- merous than would at first seem probable ; J and doubtless the general conclusions reached in the following pages will be in the main substanti- ated by future investigations. Beginning with Florida and passing northward, we meet with the following ornithological Faunae : — I. Floridian Fauna. As stated in Part I (p. 164), that part of Florida south of Lake George in the interior, and of Cape Canaveral * The importance of complete and carefully annotated lists of the birds of many- localities in the South Atlantic and Gulf States, and in the Mississippi Valley, is hence clearly manifest. Now that the necessity of a precise knowledge of the habitats of animals is so generally recognized, it is to be hoped that every year will add something to our knowledge in regard to these regions. t This is especially true in respect to the Floridian, Louisianian, and Carolinian Faunae. Over this large area I have been unable to determine satisfactorily the exact southern limit of the breeding range of any species. Their northern limit, however, is readily approximately determined. J See the Appendix to Part V for a list of the special papers that have been con- sulted in the present connection. In addition to these papers the specimens of birds in the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology have been of great use, whilst many additional facts have been gathered from correspondents and from other sources not there indicated. 392 BULLETIN OF THE on the coast, differs quite sensibly in its general faunal and floral characteristics from that part of the State situated farther to the north- ward, its fauna, especially the ornithological portion, having a decidedly West Indian or tropical aspect, as has also its flora. Dr. Stimpson has recently shown that on the Gulf coast of the State the southern forms, among the marine animals, extend considerably farther north than they do on the Atlantic coast; * but whether the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico sensibly modify the land fauna of the northern coast of the Gulf sufficiently to atfect the distribution of the birds is a point I have been as yet unable to determine. As it seems probable, however, that it does not to any great degree, the Floridian Fauna may accord- ingly be provisionally regarded as terminating near the latitude of Lake George. The peculiarities of the bird fauna of Southern Florida in summer is still too imperfectly known to admit of the Floridian ornithological fauna being fully characterized. The occurrence within it of the following species which do not appear to extend much, if any, to the north of it, may serve for the present to distinguish this fauna from the Louisianian. Species limited in their Northward Range by the Floridian Fauna. 1. Vireosylvia barbatula. 12. Starnaenus cyanocephalus. 2. Certhiola flaveola. 13. Rostrhamus sociabilis. 3. Icterus vulgaris. 14. Polyborus tharus. 4. Cyanocitta floridana. 15. Aramus giganteus. 5. Tyrannus dominiccnsis. 16. Demiegretta Pealei. 6. Coccygus minor. 17. Demiegretta rufa. 7. Crotophaga ani. 18. Audubonia occidentalis. 8. " Crotophaga rugirostris." 19. Ibis rubra. 9. Columba leucocephala. 20. Phoenicopterus ruber. 10. Zenaeda amabilis. 21. Ilaliplana fuHginosa. 11. Oreopelia martinica. 22. Anoiis stolidus. II. Louisianian Fauna. The Louisianian Fauna may be pro- visionally considered as limited at the northward by the isothcral line of 77° F., it embracing all thpt part of the United States south of this line east of the Great Plains, except the Floridian Fauna. Beginning on the Atlantic coast apparently as far north as Norfolk, Virginia, it oc- • See American Naturalist, Vol. IV, p. 636, December, 1870. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 393 cupies a narrow belt thence southward along the coast, and in the lati- tude of Columbia, South Carolina, begins to expand to the westward. Farther southward its northern boundary passes to the southward of the mountains in Georgia, west of which it rises obliquely northward, and extends in a narrow point up the valley of the Mississippi as far as the mouth of the Ohio. West of the Mississippi it bends again somewhat to the southward. The Louisianian Fauna hence embraces the coast of North Carolina, the lowlands of South Carolina and Georgia, nearly all of Alabama, all of Mississippi and Louisiana, nearly all of Arkansas, Western Tennessee, the extreme western part of Kentucky, Southern Missouri, the extreme southern part of Illinois, and a small portion of Eastern Texas. Most of the following species range throughout its entire extent, but appear farther to the northward only as stragglers. The presence of these species, and the absence of those given in the preceding list, will serve to distinguish it from the Floridian Fauna. It is similarly distinguished from the Carolinian Faun* »° will be presently shown. Species limited in their Northward Range hij the Louisianian Fauna. 1. Peucaea aestivalis. 13. Chamsepelia passer' ia. 2. Cyanospiza ciris. 14. Cathartes atratus. 3. Quiscalus major. 15. Ictinia mississippiensis. 4. Heliuinthophaga Swainsoni. 16. Elanus leucurus. 5. Helminthophaga Bachmani. 1 7. Demiegretta ludoviciana. 6. ?Prothonotaria citrea. 18. Platalea ajaja. 7. Dendrceca dominica. 19. Ibis alba. 8. Sitta pusilla. 20. Tantalus loculator. 9. Antrostomus carolinensis. 21. Porzana jamaicensis. 10. Campephilus principalis. 22. Plotus anhinga. 11. Picus boreaiis. 23. Graculus floridanus. 1 2. Conurus carolinensis. 24. Puffinus obscurus. III. Carolinian Fauna. The Carolinian Fauna extends from the northern boundary of the Louisianian Fauna northward to about the isotheral line of 71° F. On the Atlantic coast this fauna includes Long Island and a small portion of Southeastern New York, which form its northern limit. In New Jersey it is restricted to the low- lands, extending westward in Southern Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia to the Appalachian highlands. It embraces the middle por- 394 BULLETIN OF THE tion of the Carolinas, and a narrow belt in Northern Georgia. West of the Appalachian highlands its northern boundary sweeps to the northeastward as far as Northern Ohio, and thence runs westward, pro- bably along the water-shed of that State ; rising somewhat to the north- ward in passing farther west, it crosses Michigan near the southern border of that State, and embraces a portion of Southern Wisconsin and Southern Minnesota. The Carolinian Fauna hence embraces Long Island and Southeastern New York, the greater part of New Jersey, all of Delaware, a small portion of Southeastern Pennsylvania, the greater part of Maryland and East Virginia, all of North Carolina, except the extreme eastern and western portions, the northwestern half of South Carolina, a narrow belt of Northern Georgia south of the mountains, the eastern part of Tennessee, the larger part of West Virginia, nearly all of Ohio and Kentucky, all of Indiana, nearly all of Illinois, a narrow strip of Michigan and Wisconsin, nearly all of Iowa and the greater part of Missouri, and the eastern portions of Nebraska and Kansas. It also occupies the lower Appalachian valleys. It is distinguished from the Louisianian Fauna by the absence of the species mentioned in the preceding list, and by the presence of those given in the list next following. The features distinguishing it from the Alleghanian will be presently given in the diagnosis of that fauna. Species limited in their Northward Range by the Carolinian Fauna* 1. Cardinalis virginianus. 14. Corvus ossifragus. 2. Euspiza amerieana. 15. Centurus carolinus. 3. Guiraca casrulea. 16. Stelgidopteryx serripennis. 4. Helmitherus vermivorus. 1 7. Nauelerus furcatus. 5. Icteria virens. 18. Strix flammea. 6. ?Prothonotaria citrea. 19. Cathartes aura. 7. Wilsonia mitrata. 20. JEgialitis Wilsonius. 8. ?I)endrocca cacrulea. 21. Gallinula galeata. 9. Pyranga aestiva, 22. Gallinula martinica. 10. Mimus polyglottus. 23. Garzetta candidissima. 11. Thryothorus ludovicianufl. 24. Herodias egretta. 12. Polioptila ca:rulea. 25. Florida ca?rulea. 13. Lophophanes bicolor. 26. Nyctherodius violaceus. * A few of these species occur as stragglers in the Alleghanian Fauna. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY.- 395 27. Rallus ciegans. 31. Himantopus nigricollis. 28. Rallus crepitans. 32. Sterna aranea. 29. ?IL-ematopus palliatus 33. Rhynchops nigra. 30. Recurvirostra amerieana. IV. Alleghanian Fauna. The Alleghanian Fauna has the Car- olinian for its southern boundary. Its northern boundary, from the ample data for its determination at the eastward, appears to nearly coin- cide with the isotheral line of 65° F. It is, however, an extremely irreg- ular line, with abrupt and deep sinuosities. Beginning on the coast to the eastward of the Penobscot Bay, it sweeps first somewhat to the northeast, nearly or quite reaching Bangor ; thence passing westward and southward, it follows the northern boundary of the lowlands through Southern Maine and Southern New Hampshire. In the Connecticut valley it Vises farther to the northward, and in its southern descent skirts the eastern base of the Green Mountains, passing to the south- ward and westward of these highlands in Connecticut, and thence abruptly to the northward. Skirting the eastern boarder of the Cham- plain valley, it continues still northward to the valley of the St. Law- rence as far as Quebec ; thence turning again southwestward, it passes along the northern border of the lowlands east of the Lawrentian Hills (including the valley of the Ottawa), and crosses the southern peninsula of Michigan near the forty-fifth parallel ; continuing thence northwest- ward it passes near Fort Ripley. Reaching the valley of the Red River of the North, it turns abruptly to the northward, enclosing the lowlands around Lake Winnipeg and embracing the valley of the Saskatchewan and those of its northern and southern branches, passing westward till it meets the higher plateau forming the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains. This may be considered as approximately the northern boundary of the Alleghanian Fauna; the physical, climatic, and phyto- zoological- character of the interior of British North America being at present too imperfectly known to render it easy to determine definitely the northwestern limit of the Alleghanian Fauna.* * As already stated, the mean temperature of the breeding season (May, June, and July) has been taken as limiting the breeding range of the species. But this criterion associates regions which have very different climatic peculiarities, "when the temperature of the whole year is considered, the isotheral lines diverging more widely from the isothermal or yearly lines in the interior than on the Atlantic coast. While in the Winnipeg basin the summer heat is sufficient to ripen corn and to permit of the cultiva- 396 BULLETIN OF THE The Alleghanian Fauna hence includes all of Southern New Englanu, except the higher parts of the Green Mountain ranges, including even the southern third of Maine and a considerable part of New Hamp- shire and Vermont ; all of New York, except the higher portions of the Adirondacks and the southeastern extremity of that State (which be- longs to the Carolinian Fauna), all the lowlands of the Canadas, as far east at least as the vicinity of Quebec ; the northern border of Ohio, the greater part of Wisconsin and Minnesota (in fact, very nearly all of these two States), and the valleys of the Red River of the North, the Assinniboine, and large portions of the valleys of the Saskatchewan and its two main branches, including also the extensive lowlands sur- rounding Lake Winnipeg. It also embraces all the Appalachian high- lands southward to Georgia, except the higher parts (which belong to the Canadian Fauna), and hence includes a large part of Pennsylvania, the greater part of the highlands of Maryland, Virginia, and the Caroli- nas. The isolated areas within this region belonging to the Canadian Fauna are the highlands of Northeastern New York, and the most elevated parts of Pennsylvania, the Virginias, North Carolina, and Georgia. The northwestern part of New Jersey seems also to belong to the Canadian Fauna. The Alleghanian Fauna is characterized by the absence of those species already mentioned as finding their northern limit within the Carolinian Fauna, by the presence of those mentioned below as limited in their northward range by the Alleghanian Fauna, and by the absence of a considerable number which occur abundantly in the Cana- dian Fauna. It is further distinguished from the Carolinian Fauna by the occurrence within it in the breeding season of the species enumer- tion of tobacco, .the winter climate is almost arctic, ice remaining in the lakes in shel- tered places till late in May. Yet in summer the Winnipeg district is frequented by birds that find their northern range limited on the Atlantic coast to Southern Maine, ■where the winters are much shorter and the cold far less severe than en the prairies of the Saskatchewan. The same continental character of the climate of the interior is similarly seen as far south as the prairies of the Upper Mississippi, to which the northern birds descend in winter in greater numbers and with greater regularity than in the corresponding latitudes near the Atlantic coast. A limitation of the ornithologi- cal fauna; by the distribution of the birds in winter, — in other words, by their maxi- mum range, — would hence differ considerably from the circumscription of these faunae based on the breeding range of the species. This remark applies, of course, not only to the present fauna ( Alleghanian), but to Eastern North America as a whole, especially to that portion north of the Louisiauian Fauna. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 39T ated in the second list next subjoined, to which the present fauna forms the southern limit of their breeding range. 1 Species limited in their Northward Range by the Alleghanian Fauna.* 1. Turdus mr~folinus. 2. Sialia sialis. 3 Pyranga rubra. 4. Dendroeca discolor. 5. Lanivireo flavifrons. 6. Vireo noveboracensis. 7. Troglodytes aedon. 8. Harporhynchus rufus. 9. Cyanospiza cyanea. 10. Pinilo erytbrophthalmus. 11. Spizella pusilla. 12 Coturniculus passerinus. 13 Ammodromus caudacutus 14. Ammodromus inaritimus. 15. Icterus Baltimore. 16. Icterus spurius. 1 7. Sturnella ludoviciana. 18. ?Antrostomus vociferus. 19. Zenaedura carolinensis. 20. Cupidonia cupido. 21. Ortyx virginianus. 22. Meleagris gallopavo. 23. Ardetta exilis. 24. Rallus virginianus. 25. Chrcecocephalus atricilla. 26. Sterna paradisea. 27. Hydrochelidon fissipes. 2. Species junited by the Alleghanian Fauna in their Southward Range in the Breeding Season. 1. Turdus fuscescens. 9,. Dendroeca pennsylvanica. 3 Parula americana. 4. Helminthophaga ruficapilla. 5. Helminthophaga chrysoptera. 6. Hirundo bicolor. 7. Lanivireo solitarius. 8. Carpodacus purpureus. 9. IVrelospiza palustris. 10. Passerculus savanna. 11. Dolichonyx oryzivorus. 12. Contopus borealis. 13. Empidonax minimus. 14. Empidonax flaviventris. 15. Pedia?cetes phasi nellus. 16. Rallus virginianus. 1 7. Porzana Carolina. 8. iEgialitis melodus. 19. Nettion carolinensis. 20. Querquedula discors. 21. Mareca americana. 22. Anas boschas. 23. Anas obscura. 24. Mergus merganser. 25. Lophodytes cucullatus. 26. Bernicla canadensis. 27. Colymbus torquatus. 28. Podilymbus podiceps. 29. Larus argentatus. 30. Sterna macrura. * A few of the species mentioned in this list are more or less frequent stragglers into the Canadian Fauna, but none of them seem to occur there except a? irregular and infrequent visitors. 398 BULLETIN OF THE V. Canadian Fauna. The next fauna to the northward of the Alleghanian is the Canadian. The southern boundary of the Canadian is hence, of course, the northern limit of the Alleghanian, which bound- ary has been already defined. Its northern limit coincides very nearly with the isotheral line of 57° F. The region to the northward of the Alleghanian Fauna is unfortunately too little known to permit of a very satisfactory determination of the northern boundary of either the Canadian Fauna or of the faunas to the northward of the Canadian. On the Atlantic coast the Canadian Fauna appears to embrace the greater part of Newfoundland, nearly or quite all of Nova Scotia* and New Brunswick, Northern New England, including the crests of the Green Mountain ranges southward to Connecticut, the greater part of the province of Quebec, including the Lower St. Lawrence valley as far up as the city of Quebec, the southern slope of the Height of Land in Northern Ontario, and the highlands on both sides of Lake Superior. To the southward it also embraces as outlying islands the Adirondacks of Northern New York, and the higher crests of the Appalachians southward to Georgia. To the northward it probably extends nearly to the summit of the Height of Land, and may embrace part of the low- lands bordering the southwestern shore of Hudson's Bay. Its northern boundary hence sweeps northwestward in the interior nearly or quite to Fort Resolution, on the southern shore of Great Bear Lake. The Canadian Fauna, as above limited, may be characterized as fol- lows. It is distinguished from the Alleghanian Fauna by the absence of the species mentioned above as limited in their northward range by that fauna, and by the presence in the breeding season of those men- tioned in the first subjoined list ; from the Hudsonian Fauna by the presence of those given in the second subjoined list, and by the absence of those given in the first list under the Hudsonian Fauna. * It is further distinguished by its forming the breeding haunts of a large pro- portion of the Sylvicolidce, especially of the species of Dendrceca, several of which are in summer mainly restricted to it. * Nova Scotia, zoologically considered, presents somewhat anomalous characters. In summer a number of birds which are reported as either rare or accidental at Calais, Me., are represented as common summer residents in Nova Scotia, while other northern species breed there in numbers which do not usually breed at localities where the other species referred to are summer residents. The half-insular position of Nova Scotia is doubtless the explanation of the faunal peculiarities above mentioned. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 399 Species limited by the Canadian Fauna in their Southward Range in the Breeding Season. 1. Turdus Pallasi. 2. Turdus Swainsoni. 3. Regulus satrapa. 4. Regulus calendula. 5. Dendrceca castanea. 6. Dendrceca Blackburnia?. 7. Dendrceca coronata. 8. Dendrceca ca^rulescen 9. Dendrceca striata. 10. Dendrceca palmarum. 11. Dendrceca maculosa. 12. Euthlypis canadensis. 13. Troglodytes hyemalis. 14. Parus hudsonicus. 15. Pinicola enucleator. 16. Curvirostra americana. 1 7. Curvirostra leucoptera. 18. Chrysomitris pinus. 19. Zonotrichia leucophrys. 20. Zonotrichia albicollis. 21. Junco hyemalis. 22. Spizella monticola. 23. Passerella iliaca. 24. Scolecophagus ferrugineus. 25. Perisoreus canadensis. 26. Picoides hirsutus. 27. Picoides arcticus. 28. Falco columbarius. •j:'. Astur atricapillus. 30. Surnia ulula. .31. Nyctale Tcntrmalmi. 32. Tetrao canadensis. 33. Calidris arenaria. 34. Macrorhamphus griseus. 35. Phalaropus Wilsoni. 36. Aytliya vallisneria. 37. Aytliya americana. 38. Fulix marila. 39. Fulix collaris. 40. Erismatura rubida. 41. Bucephala clangula. 42. Bucephala albeola. 43. Mergus serrator. 44. Somateria mollissima. 45. Cymochorea leucorrhea. 46. Puffinus anglorum. 47. Larus marinus. 48. Rissa tridactylus. 49. ?Chroecocephalus Philadelphia. 50. Pelecanus erythrorhynchus. 51. Sula bassana. 52. Graculus carbo. 53. Graculus dilophus. 54. Podiceps cristatus. 55. Podiceps cornutus. 56. Podiceps Holbolli. 57. Fratercula arctica. 58. Utamania torda. 59. Uria grylle. 60. Lomvia ringvia. 61. Lomvia svarbag. 2. Species limited by the Canadian Fauna in their Northviard Range. 1. ?Turdus Pallasi. 7. Euthlypis canadensis. 2. Mimus carolinensis. 8. Parus atricapillus. 3. Dendrceca virens. 9. Chrysomitris tristis. 4. Dendrceca ca?rulescens. 10. Chrysomitris pinus. 5. Dendrceca castanea. 11. Curvirostra americana. 6. Dendrceca Blackburniae. 12. Poocstes irramineus. 400 BULLETIN OF THE 13. Melospiza melodia. 14. Melospiza palustris. 15. Dolichonyx oryzivorus. 16. Tyrannus carolinensis. 1 7. Myiarchua crinitus. 18. Contopus virens. 19. Trochilus colubris. 20. Ant- stomus vociferus. 21. Sayornis fuscu° 22. Cyanura cnstata. 23. Buteo lineatus. 24. Buteo pennsylvanicus. 25. Accipiter Cooperi. 26. ?Syrnium ncbulosum. 27. Butorides virescens. 28. Porzana Carolina. 29. iE^ialitis vociferus. 30. iEgialitis melodus. 31. Philohela minor. 32. Actiturus Bartramius. 33. Aix sponsa. 34. Chaulelasmus streperus. 35. Aythya vallisneria. 36. Hydrocbelidon fissipes. VI. Hudsonian Fauna. The next ornithological fauna north of the Canadian may well be termed the Hudsonian Fauna. Its northern limit seems to nearly coincide with the isotheral line of 50° Fahrenheit, its southern limit being the isotheral of 57°, or the northern boundary of the Canadian Fauna. It will include at least the southern third of Labrador, the northern peninsula of Newfoundland, Anticosti Island, the more elevated parts of the Height of Land separating the low- lands bordering Hudson's Bay from the lowlands of the St. Lawrence and the Winnipeg district, and the basin of the Mackenzie's from Lake Athabasca to a point considerably north of Fort Simpson, extending in the Mackenzie's River valley some distance within the Arctic Circle, probably to the Arctic coast. Extending still westward, it embraces the valleys of Liard's and Peel's Rivers, and probably the valley and adjoining lowlands of the Youkon, including the greater part of that portion of the Territory of Alaska situated to the southward of the Arctic Circle. In other words, that portion of boreal America situ- ated between the Canadian Fauna and the Barren Grounds. It is far from certain that a western or Alaskan Fauna will not have to be separated, embracing all the more temperate portions of Alaska. Although strictly western species occur here, they appear to be con- fined mainly to the western coast and the lower part of the Youkon valley. The faunal differences between the western shore of Alaska and the valley of Mackenzie's River become far greater when the marine species are taken into account, even if only the birds and mammalia are considered. The Pacific coasts of Alaska and Si- beria have many species peculiar to the shores of those countries MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 401 and to the intervening islands, constituting a distinct fauna, which may well be called the Aleutian Fauna. Tlie mingling of Asiatic and American species forms its distinctive feature. There is also a slight commingling of western species in the valley of the Mac- kenzie's River, as there is also in the valley of the Saskatchewan. The Hudson ian Fauna doubtless embraces outlying islands in the Canadian Fauna, as the upper part of the White Mountains, and the summits of some of the higher peaks of the Adirondacks. The southern point of Greenland embraces many species common to the Hudsonian Fauna, and though Greenland belongs almost wholly to the Arctic Realm, its extreme southern portion is doubtless Hudsonian.* The Hudsonian Fauna being coextensive northward with the limit of forest-trees, it forms the northern limit of distribution of all the species of birds whose mode of life renders them dependent upon a forest vegetation. The distinction between the Hudsonian Fauna and the Arctic Realm, as well as between the Temperate Realm and the Arctic Realm, is hence a strongly marked one, nearly one hundred species, nearly all of them land birds, finding their northern limit of distribution near the polar limit of forests, or at least within the Hud- sonian Fauna. The Huds.cnian Fauna may be distinguished from the Canadian by the absence of the species given in the preceding lists and by the presence of those enumerated in the first of the lists next subjoined, and from the Arctic Realm by the presence of those given in the second list below. 1. Species limited by the Hudsonian Fauna in their Southward Range in the Breeding Season. 1. Anthus ludovicianus. 9. . ?Picoides arcticus. 2. Saxicola oenanthe. 10. ?Picoides hirsutus. 3. Ampelis garrula. 11. Faleo candicana. 4. JEgiothus linaria. 12. Archibuteo lagopus. 5. Plectrophanes lapponicus. 13. Syrnium cinereum. 6. Plectrophanes nivalis. 14. Nyctea nivea. 7. Plectrophanes pictus. 15. Lagopus albus. 8. Leucosticte tephrocotis. 16. Lagopus rupestris. * For remarks respecting the similarity of the Fauna of Northern Labrador and Southern Greenland, see Dr. A. S. Packard, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. X, p. 255, 1866. VOL. II. 26 402 BULLETIN OF THE 1 7. Charadrius virginicus. 18. iEgialitis semipalmatus. 19. Squartarola helvetica. 20. Strepsilas interpres. 21. Actodromas maculata. 22. Actodromas Bonapartei. 23. Actodromas minutilla. 24. Ereunetes pusillus. 25. Anser Gambeli. 26. Anser hyperboreus. 27. Bernicla brenta. 28. Dafila acuta. 20. Harelda glacialis. 30. Somateria spectabilis. 31. Pelionetta perspicillata. 32. Procellaria glacialis. 33. Sterna caspia. 34. Larus glaucus. 35. Colymbus septentrionalis. 36. Stercorarius parasiticus. 2. Species limited in their Northward Range by the Hudsonian Fauna 1. Turdus migratorius. 2. Turdus Swainsoni. 3. Regulus calendula 4. Regulus satrapa. 5. Helminthopliaga ruficapilla. 6. Helminthopliaga peregrina. 7. Helminthopliaga celata. 8. Seiurus aurocapillus. 9. Seiurus noveboracensis. 10. Dendroeca coronata. 11. Dendroeca striata. 12. Dendroeca aestiva. 13. Dendroeca maculosa. 14. Dendroeca palmarum. 15. Wilsonia pusilla. 16. Setophaga ruticilla. 1 7. Hirundo horreorum. 18. Hirundo lunifrons. 19. Hirundo bicolor. 20. Ampelis garrula. 21. Collurio borealis. 22. Yireo olivaceus. 23. Yireo gilvus. 24. Parus hudsonicus. 25. Pinicola enucleator. 26. Curvirostra leucoptera. 27. >Egiothus linaria. 28. Plectrophanes nivalis. 29. Plectrophanes lapponicus. 30. Plectrophanes pictus. 31. Passerculus savanna. 32. Zonotrichia leucophrys. 33. Zonotrichia albicollis. 34. Junco hycmalis. 35. Spizella monticola. 36. Sj)izella socialis. 37. Melospiza Lincolnii. 38. Passerella iliaca. 39. Molothrus pecoris. 40. Agelanis phoeniceus. 41. Scolecophagus ferrugineus. 42. Quiscalus purpureus. 43. Corvus corax. 44. Corvus americanus. 45 Pica caudata. 46. Perisoreus canadensis. 47. Contopus borealis. 48. Empidonax minimus. 49. Empidonax Traillii. 50. Picus villosus. 51. Picus ])ubescens. 52. Picbides hirsutus. 53. Picoides arcticus. 51. Sphyrapicus varius. 55. Hylotomus pileatus. 56. Colaptes auratus. 57. Chordeiles popetue. 58. Ceryle alcyon. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 403 59. Falco candicans. 60. Falco peregrinus. 61. Falco columbarius. 62. Falco sparverius. 63. Astur atricapillus. 64. Archibuteo lagopur 65. Buteo borealis. 66. Accipiter fuscus. 67. Circus cyaneus. 68. Bubo virginianuf 69. Otus vulgaris. 70. Otus bracbyotus. 71. Ectopistes migratori 72. Tetrao canadensis. 73. PeJioecetes phasianellus. 74. Bonasa umbellus. 75. Lagopus leucurus. 76. ?Grus aiuericanus. 77. Gallinago Wilsoni. 78. Macrorhamphus griseus. 79. Ereunetes pusillus. 80. Gambetta mclanoleuca. 81. Gambetta flavipes. 82. Tringoides niacularius. 83. Limosa budsonica. 84. Porzana Carolina. 35. Fulica americana. 86. ?Dafila acuta. 87. Nettiou carolinensis. 88. Querquedula discors. 89. Spatula clypeata. 90. Mareca americana. 91. Fulix marila. 92. Fulix collaris. 93. Erismatura rubida. 94. Lopbodytes cucullatus. 95. Graculus dilopbus. 96. Pelecanus erythrorhyncbus. VII. American Arctic Fauna. The Arctic Realm may be considered as occupying that portion of the northern hemisphere north of the isotheral of 50° F. Though presenting a great uniformity of character througbout its extent, it seems to be divisible into four faunas, — an American Arctic Fauna, an Americo-Asiatic Fauna, an Europeo-Asiatic .Arctic Fauna, and an Europeo-American Arctic Fauna, the second and fourth being essentially marine. While a few species of mammals seem to be almost wholly restricted within the Arctic Realm, it contains but few resident birds, and no species of birds seem to be wholly confined to it, even in the breeding season. The following species are reported to range to the Arctic coast of North America, the most of which have been observed at Melville Island and in Greenland. The greater part are Natatores and Grallce, the only commonly so-called land birds being two or three species of grouse, a sparrow or two, and a few hawks and owls. Species found in the American Arctic Fauna in the Breeding Seas' 1. Cotyle riparia. 4. Haliaetus leucocephalus. 5. Pandion haliaetus. 2. Corvus corax. S. Aquila chrysaetos. 6. Nyctea nivea. 404 BULLETIN OF THE 7. ?Surnia ulula. 8. Tetrao canadensis. 9. Lagopus albus. 10. Lagopus rupestris. 11. Grus canadensis. 12. Botaurus lentiginosus. 13. Charadrius virginicus. 14. JEgialitis semipalmatus. 15. Strepsilas interpres. 16. Phalaropus fulicarius. 17. Calitlris arenaria. 18. Tringa canutus. 1 9. Pelidna " americana." 20. Arquatella maritima. 21. Cygnus "americanus." 22. Anser hyperboreus. 23. Anser Gambeli. 24. Bernicla canadensis. 25. Anas boschas. 26. Bucephala albeola. 27. Bucephala clangula. 28. Histrionicus torquatus. 29. Harelda glacialis. 30. Melanetta velvetina. 31. Pelionetta perspicillata. 32. G^demia " americana." 33. Somateria spectabilis. 34. Somateria mollissima. 35. Bupbagus skau Cones. 36. Stercorarius pomarinus. 37. Stercorarius parasiticus. 38. Stercorarius Buffoni Coues. 39. Fulmarus glacialis. 40. Larus argentatus. 41. Larus glaucus. 42. Larus leucopterus. 43. Rissa tridactyla. 44. Pagophila eburnea. 45. Xema Sabini. 46. Sterna arctica. 47. ?Sula bassana. 48. Colymbus septentrionalis. 49. Colymbus arcticus. 50. Colymbus torquatus. 51. Utamania torda. 52. Fratercula glacialis. 53. Lunda cirrhata. 54. Mergulus alle. 55. Uria grylle. 56. Lomvia troile. 57. Lomvia ringvia. 58. Lomvia svarbag. The Faunce of the Eastern Province considered in Reference to the Distribution of the Mammals and Reptiles. The faunae of the Eastern Province of the North American Region above characterized from the distribution of the birds seem to be equally well marked as natural zoological districts by the distribution of the mammals and reptiles. About the same proportionate number of mammals are limited similarly with the birds in regard to their northward and southward distribution. The correspondence in the geographical limitation of the species of the two groups will be briefly shown by the following remarks respecting the range of the mammals. The Arctic Realm is well known to be characterized by a few species nearly or quite restricted to it, as the polar beat ( Ursus maritimus), MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 405 the artic fox (Vulpes lagopits), the musk ox (Ovibos moschatus), the lemmings {Myodes), the small northern race of the caribou or reindeer, the Eskimos, etc. The Hudsonian Fauna forms the southern limit of the polar hare {Lepus glacialis) and the northern limit (at least in wiuter) of the Lynx canadensis, Mustela " americana," Mustela Pennantii, Pulorius vulgaris, Putorius ermineus, Ursus " americanus" Ursus " horribilis" Sciurus hudsonius, Arctomys monax, Vespertilio subidatus, and others. The Canadian Fauna forms, at present,* the southern limit of Mustela Pennatii, Mustela " americana" Gulo luscus, Arvicola xanthognathus, Erethizon dorsatus, Alces malchis, Rangifer tarandus, etc., and the northern limit of Felis concolor, Lynx rufus, Mephitis mephitica, Pro- cyon lotor, Bos americanus, Condylura cristata, Blarina brevicauda, and others. The Alleghanian Fauna forms the southern limit of Lynx cana- densis, Sciurus hudsonius, Arvicola Gapperi, Jaculus hudsonius, Lepus americanus, Cervus canadensis, Sorex platyrhinus, Condylura cristata, and doubtless of several other species ; and the northern limit of Sciu- rus cai'olincnsis, Lepus sylvaticus, Arvicola pinetorum, Cervus virgini- anus, Scalops aquaticus, etc. The Carolinian Fauna forms the southern limit of Mustela vulgaris, Tamias striatus, Arctomys monax, and Fiber zibethicus ; and the north- ern limit of Vulpes virginianus, Nycticejus crepuscularis, Didelphys virginiana, etc. The Louisianian Fauna seems to form the southern limit of Putorius vison, Blarina brevicauda, Scalops aquaticus, and doubtless thus limits several other species, though not a small proportion of those which occur in this fauna range also into South Florida, or into the Floridian Fauna. The Louisianian Fauna limits the northward range of Neo- toma fioridana, Reithrodon humilis, Sigmodon hispidus Hesperomys palustris, Geomys pineti, and Lepus palustris. In respect to reptiles, a similar proportion of species are limited in either their northward or southward range b)r each fauna. Several species of batrachians range into the Hudsonian Fauna, but apparently this fauna must be the northern limit of their distribution. The Cana- * It is probable that some of the fur-bearing species, as well as Hystrix dorsatus, the moose and the caribou, once ranged southward throughout the Alleghanian Fauna, and have been exterminated there by man. 406 BULLETIN OF THE dian Fauna forms the northern limit of the reptiles proper, where this class is represented by two orders only, the Tesludinata and the Ophi- dia The Testudinuta are there represented by only three species (C/ielydra serpentina, Glyptemys inscidpta, Chrysemys picta), and the Op/tidin by five (Baseanion constrictor, Tropidonotus sirtalis, Diadophis punctatus, Storeria occipito-maeidata). In the Alleghanian Fauna the number of species in each of these groups is more than doubled. The Carolinian Fauna forms the northern limit of the Sauria, of which two species {Plesliodon fasciatus, Tropidolepis undulalus) here first make their appearance, and the number of species of the other groups is still further increased, several additional generic types being added. In the Louisianian Fauna the number of species of Sauria becomes considerably greater, and while few of the northern species of either the true reptiles or the batrachians have disappeared, other more southern forms have been added in almost every family. These several faunae, it may be added, seem in general to coincide in their number and limits with the florae of the same region. These several flora?, as thus circumscribed, form successively the northern limit of the successful cultivation of some more or less important cul- tivated plant. But a detailed consideration of the distribution of the vegetation of the region under consideration, in respect to the number and circumscription of the flora?, and their correspondence with the fauna?., cannot of course well be here introduced. 4. The Ornithological Districts of the North American Temperate Region. The subdivision by Professor Dana of the tropical and temperate climatic zones of the oceanic areas into several zoological zones has been already alluded to as being equally applicable to the land areas. To these life zones I propose to apply the term "districts." Dana's divisions of the north temperate climatic zone correspond respectively in latitudinal extent with the several ornithological faunae of the Fastern Province, as defined in the preceding pages. Unlike tie fauna?, however, the districts extend in an east and west direction across the North American Region, each district embracing not only one oi the fauna? of the Fastern Province, but also its representative fauna (or fauna?) in the Western Province. The Hudeonian Fauna corresponds in latitudinal extent with Dana's subfri"id division of the north tern- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 407 perate zone, and the term Sub/rigid District may be very properly applied to that district of which this fauna forms the eastern portion. The zone corresponding with the Canadian Fauna may in like manner be termed the Cold-temperate District; that corresponding with the Alle^hanian Fanua the Subtemperate District; that corresponding with the Carolinian Fauna the Temperate District; and that corre- sponding with the Louisianian Fauna the Warm-temperate District; the Floridian Fauna in like manner corresponding with the Subtorrid District, or with Dana's subtorrid zone. Each of these districts is distinguished, in contradistinction from the faunae, by species which range across the continent, while the districts are distinguished from each other by the same kind of difference as has been shown above to characterize the several fauna3 among themselves. 5. Ox the Geographical Range of the Species. The preceding tables, while serving to characterize the ornithological faunae of Eastern North America, indicate only very obscurely the range of the species. The following tables have hence been prepared in order to show more clearly the hreeding range, and also the winter quarters, of those species whose distribution in the breeding season is tolerably known. For this purpose the birds occurring iu the Eastern Province of the North American region have been grouped, according to their geographical distribution, into the following classes, beginning with those which have the widest breeding range : I. Cosmopolitan Species. II. Circitmpolar Species. III. Species which range across the whole breadth of the North American Temperate Region. IV. Species limited in longitude to the Eastern Province of this region. The birds of the Eastern Province are further subdivided according to the range of the species in the breeding season in latitude.* * In a preliminary notice like the present it has been found impracticable to give the authorities in detail on which the generalizations given in the following synopsis have been based. The list of papers given in the Appendix serve in a general way to indicate the principal sources from which information has been derived. It is believed, however, that the limits assigned each species will be found in the main correct, though in many cases the accessible data have been quite too few to be satisfactory. The generalizations are given, of course, as a representation of our present knowledge of the subject rather than as final. The polar and equatorial limits of the migratory range of the species varies, as is well known, more or less in different years, according to the season. It is also somewhat different on the coast from what it is in 408 BULLETIN OF THE I. Cosmopolitan Species. A large proportion of ornithologists have of late been unwilling to admit that any bird has what is usually termed a " cosmopolitan " range, while others recognize only about twenty such species, taking into account, of course, their total range. These embrace two or three species each of hawks and owls, the rest being either Grallce or Natatores. Very few of them, however, breed within both the tropic and the polar zones ; many of those which visit the shores of all lands in their migratory journeys being restricted in the breeding season to comparatively limited areas. Pandion haliaetus and Otus brachyotus are the only examples of commonly so- cahed cosmopolitan species which appear to breed from the Arctic Circle southward through the tropics to the southern extremity of the southern continents. Falco peregrinus may form a third, but its peculiar breed- ing habits give it a very irregular dispersion at that season. Slrix flammed appears to be also everywhere resident, except in the arctic and cold-temperate zones. Colyle riparia and Hirundo rufa (including under the latter name the several slightly differing geographical races of this group, which have of late been regarded as species), seem also to be nearly cosmopolite. The list of species which are permanently cos- mopolitan will hence not exceed half a dozen, and are those above enumerated. II. Circumpolar Species. Regarding as circumpolar species only those numerously represented in both the eastern and western hemi- spheres, nearly one hundred species* can be included in the list of the interior, as has been previously explained; so that an indication of only the average boreal and austral limits of the species at this season has been aimed at, and only so far is their winter range is circumscribed within the region under special consideration. The blanks in the third column of the tables hence indicate that the species winter entirely within the American Tropical Realm; those in the fourth, that the austral limit is within that realm. The few occurring in the second column of the tables indicate that the species in question also ranges southward in the breeding sea>on into the Tropi- cal Realm. A [?] in place of a blank indicates that the southward range of the species is supposed to be limited to the Eastern Province, but as being too vaguely known to warrant a specification of its limit in the direction indicated by the column in which the query stands. * Dr. Richardson, in 1831 (in the " Fauna Boreali-Americana," p. xxxix), gave thirty- two species of land birds and "upwards of sixty-two species of water birds" (ninety- four in all) as "common to the Old World and the Vm- Countries." A few truly cir- cumpolar species were not included in this list, and others were included which were merely accidental vi-itors from one continent to the other. Since the date of that list the identity of the greater part of the species therein mentioned has been questioned by MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 409 circumpolar species. A small number of others that are properly either exclusively American or Europeo-Asiatic species occur more or less frequently as accidental visitors to the continents not embraced within their usual habitats. one or another writer, and their representatives on the two hemispheres separated under different names. But a considerable proportion of those mentioned in the next sub- joined table are still regarded as truly circumpolar by a number of leading European onithologists. Dr. Von Middehdorff (" Uebersicht der Natur Nord- und Ost-Sibiriens, Theil 2, Erste Lieferung," etc.; see Newton's Ibis, April, 1870, p. 275), in 1867, gave lists of eighty-seven circumpolar species, a part of which (called " Hyperboreal Birds ") are distinctive of what has been termed above the Arctic Realm, whilst many of the others range quite far southward even in summer. These lists, however, do not era- brace a number of circumpolar species whose boreal limit does not extend to the districts named. A dozen or more Europeo-Asiatic species, in addition to those given below, have representatives in America so closely resembling them in habits and in geographical distribution, as well as structurally, that they have often been confounded, specimens frequently occurring on the one continent that are undistinguishable from those from the other continent. In 1846 Professor Edm. de Selys-Longchamps, in his excellent paper entitled " Sur les Oiseaux americains admis dans la Faune europeenne " (Mem. de la Soc. R. de Liege, Vol. IV, pp. 35-50, 1849), included thirteen species in his list of " Oiseaux terrestres communs a 1'Europe et a l'Amerique," and mentions nine other terrestrial American species which he regards as "ne semblent etre en realite que des modifications clima- tiques de nos oiseaux europeens." All but two of these, and also one or two in addi- tion to them, have been regarded in the present paper as specifically identical. In his list of" Oiseaux aquatiques communs a. 1'Europe etal'Amerique " he includes fifty-five species, and mentions thirteen others, " decrits comme especes distinctes, ne semblent etre que des races locales," three or four of which I have regarded as specifically iden- tical. The whole number mentioned by Selys-Longchamps as common to Europe and boreal America is seventy-six, plus twenty -four " autres qui semblent n'etre que des races legerement modifiees par le climat." (See 1. c, p. 48.) In the same paper he gives a list of twenty-eight American species as of accidental occurrence in Europe, eight of which are land birds, eight echassiers or waders, and twelve palmipedes or swimmers, and also a list of twenty American species which he considers to have been improperly included among the birds of Europe, among which are HaUaetus leucocephalus, Slrix nebulosn (= Syrnium nebitlosum), Loxia{= CurvirOstra) leucoptera, Struihus (= Junco) hyemalis, and Parus (= Lophophanes) bicolor. 410 BULLETIN OF THE II. List of Circumpolar Species, with Indications of their Boreal and Austral Limits. Species. Certhia familiaris Saxicola cenanthe Ampelis g.irrula Cotyle riparia . Plectrophanes nivalis Plectrophanes lapponica .Fgiotlms linaria Pinieola enucieator i'ur\ [rostra leucopter Eremophila alpestris i Ion 11- corax . . Pica caudata . . Aquila chrysaetos Archibuteo lagopus PandioD haliaetus Falco candicans Falco peregrinus . Circus cyaneus Strix flammea . Nyctale Tengmalmi Sj rnium cinereum Otus vulgaris . . Otus brachyotus . Surnia ulula . . Nyctea aivea Lagopus albus . . Lagopus rupestris X) cticorax griseus Strepsilas interpres Charadrius pluvialis Squartarola helvetica Hsematopus palliatus Arquatella maritima ( lalidri j arenaria . . Tringa canutus . . Ancy locheilus subarquatus Pelidna alpina . ictodromas maculata Actodromas Bonapartei Tringites rufescens . Lobipes h\ perboreus Phalaropus fulicarius Anser hyperboreus . Anser albifrons . . Bernicla brenta . . A nas boschas . . . Dan la acuta . . . Spatula cly peata . . Chaulelasmus streperus Soma teria mollissima Somateria spectabilis Buccphala claugula . Histrionicus torquatus Him i i facialis . . Fulix marila Pelionettaper spicillata Melanetta fusca . Mergus merganser . Mergus serrator . . Graculus carbo . . Sula b issana . . . Gelochelidon anglica Thalasseus caspius . Thai i -liH cantiacus Sterna birundo . . Sterna inacrnra . . Sterna paradisea . . Hydrocbelidon flssipes Boreal Limit Austral Limit iu the Breeding in the Breeding Season. Season. Allegh. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Canad fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Arctic Coast Arctic Coa I Hudson. Fauna Arctic Coast Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Arctic Coast Hudson Fauna Hudson. Fauna Arctic Coast Arctic Coa -i Arctic Coast? Hudson. Fauna Arctic Coast ? Carolin. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauua Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Hudson. Fauua Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast? Arctic Coast Arctic C Arctic < loast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Co ust Hudson. Fauna Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic ( 'hi -i Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Hudson. Fauna Arctic Coast Arctic ( loast Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Carolin Fauna Arctic Coast Louis Finn i Arctic < loasl ' Arctic Coast Allegh. Fauna Carolin. Fauna Hudson. Fauna, Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Carolin. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Canad. Fauna Hudson Fauna Hudson. Fauna Louis. Fauua ? Canad. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Canad. Fauna Hudson. Fauna' Hudson. Fauna Hudson Fauna Carolin. Fauna? Hudson. Fauna Arctic Realm Hudson. Fauna Arctic Realm Canad. Fauna irctic Realm A rctic Realm ? II ml mi. Fauna? Arctic Realm Arctic Realm Hudson. Fauna Canad. Fauna Hudson. Fauna7 Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Canad Fauna Hudson. Fauna Canad Fauna Canad. Fauna Hudson Fauna Canad. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Canad. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Carolin. Fauna Allegh Fauna Boreal Limit in Winter. Allegh. Fauna Hudson. F'auna Louis. F'auna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. F'auna Hudson F'auna Hudson. Fauna' Canad. Fauna ' Arctic Realm Canad. Fauna Hudson. Fauna1 Hudson. Fauna Carolin. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad Fauna Carolin. Fauna Hudson F'auna Hudson. F'auna Canad. F'auna Hudson F'auna? Arctic Realm Arctic Reaim Arctic Realm Arctic Realm Carolin F'auna Tropical Amer. Carolin. Fauna Canad Fauna Allegh Fauna Carolin. Fauna Carolin. Fauna: Allegh. Fauna Carolin. Fauna Carolin. Fauua Louis F'auna Carolin Fauna Carolin. Fauna! Canad. Fauna '. Allegh. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Canad. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Canad Fauna Hudson. Fauna Canad. Fauna ? Canad. Fauna ' Canad Fauna ' Canad. Fauua Austral Limit in Winter. Carolin. Fauna Canad. Fauna Allegh Fauna Allegh. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Allegh. Fauua Canad. F'auna Louis. Fauna Carolin Fauna' Allegh. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Allegh Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna Carolin. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Louis. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Louis. Fauna Florid Fauna Florid. Fauna Florid. Fauna Louis. Fauna Funis. Fauna Louis Fauna Louis Fauna Allegh. Fauna Louis. F'auna Carolin. Fauna MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 411 List of Circumpolar Species. (Continued.) Species. '^ Pagophila eburnea . . X.-in.'i S iliini .... Ki.-s.i tridactyla . . . Khodostethia rosea . . Larue glaueus .... Larus inariiius Larue leucopterus . . Larus argentatus . . Buphagus skau . . . , .>tercorarius pomarinus 'Sterrorarius parasiticus Stt'tyorarfus " Buffoni" Ttfalassidroma Leachii . gowceps grWigena . . l'ni'licr-|is cetnutus . . . I'nclici j.s -cristatus . . Podict'ps.auritus . . . Colymbus torquatus Colymbus arcticus . . , Colymbus septentrionalis Fratercula arctica . . Uria grylle Lomvia svarbag . . Lomvia troile . . . . , Mergulus alle Boreal Limit Austral Limit in the Breeding in the Breeding Season. Season. Arctic Realm Hudson. Fauna Canad. Fauna Arctic Realm Hudson. Fauna Canad Fauna Hudson Fauna Canad. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna? Hudson. Fauna? Hudson. Fauna? Canad. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Allegh. Fauna? Allegh. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad Fauna Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast ■> Hudson. Fauna Hudson Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Boreal Limit in Winter. Austral Limit in Winter. Huds. Fauna Canad. Fauna Allegh Fauna ? Canad Fauna Louis. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Trop Realm Canad. Fauna Canad Fauna Allegh. Fauna Allegh. Fauna. Allegh Fauna? Louis Fauna Louis Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna Florid. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Carol. Fauna Carol Fauna? Allegh. Fauna Allegh Fauna Summary of the Preceding Table. — The whole number of species in the preceding list is 93. Its most striking feature is the great pre- dominance of the water birds, less than one third of the whole being land birds. Of the 27 land birds, 7 are owls, 6 are hawks, and 5 belong to the family Fringillidce ; 9 species embracing all the representatives of other families. The water birds include 1 heron, 14 Grallce, 17 Anatidce, 19 Laridce, 5 Alcidce, 3 species of Colymbus, and 4 of Podiceps. In summer 65 species are inhabitants of the Arctic coast and adjacent seas ; 22 have their boreal limit near the northern border of the Hua- sonian Fauna; 2 are similarly limited by the Canadian Fauna, 5 by the Alleghanian, 3 by the Carolinian, and 1 by the Louisi'anian ; 3 are essen- tially tropical aquatic species. Seven seem to be altogether restricted in the breeding season to the Arctic Realm ; 36 find their austral limit during the same season near the southern border of the Hudsonian Fauna; 23 are similarly limited by the Canadian, 9 by the Alleghanian, and 3 by the Carolinian, while 10 extend nearly to or within the Tropical Realms, 4 being also inhab- itants of the greater part of the southern hemisphere. The winter quarters of the land birds of this list are the cold-temper- ate and middle-temperate districts of the northern hemisphere. Most of the water birds visit the warm-temperate parts of the same hemi- sphere ; a considerable number also visit the tropics, and a few wander, at this season, over the greater part of the warmer regions of the globe. 412 BULLETIN OF THE TIL Stecies mainly restricted in the Breeding Season to the North American Temperate Region. 1. List of Species ivhich breed throughout the greater Part of Temperate North America, with Indications of their Boreal and Austral Limits Distribution in the Eastern Province. Species Turdus migratorius Turdus fuscescens Geothlypis trichas Hirundo horreorum Petrochelidon lunifrons Tachycineta bicolor . Cotyle riparia . . . Progne subis . . . Ampelis cedrorum Oolluno ludovicianus Vireosylvia gilva . . Lanivireo solitarius •. Cistothorus palustria Troglodytes aedon ? Sitta carolinensis . Sicta canadensis . . Parus atricapillus Carpo Lacua purpureus Chrysoinitris tristia . Passerculus savanna Poocajtes gramineus Spizella socialis . . ' Melospiza melodia . Melospiza Lincolnii . Molothrus pecoris igelaeua phoeniceus . Sturnella ludoviciana Corvus americanu8 . Tyrannua carolinensis ' \I\ i minis crinftus . ' Sayomis fuscus . . Contopus borealis ' Contopus virens ? Empidonax minimus ' Empidonax acadicus Empidonax tlaviventris Picua villosus . . . Picas pubescens . . Ilylotomus pileatus . Chordeiles popetue . dcyon . . . Accipiter Cooperi Accipiter fuscus . . Buteo borealis Buteo lineatus . . Buteo pennsj Ivanicus II. ili i i us leucocephalus .!> . . . . Zensedura carolinensis Meleagris gallopavo . Bonasa umbellua . . Boi lurus lentiginosus Ardetta <-xiIi < . . . tgo Wilsoni K i . ai ophilus solitarius Tringoides mocularius Limosa fedoa . . Rallus virginianus Porzana Carolina . . Fulica americana . Nettion carolim Boreal Limit Austral Limit iu the Breeding in the Breeding Season. Season. Hudson. Fauna Canad Fauna Hudson Fauna Hudson Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Arctic Coast Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Canad. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. F'auna Allegh. F'auna Canad F'auna Canad. F'auna Hudson. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Hudson. F'auna i lanad. F'auna Hudson. F'auna Hudson. Fauria Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Canad. F'auna Canad. F'auna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna I !anad. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Canad. F'auna Canad. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudspn. Fauna Arctic Coast Canad. Fauna Canad Fauna Hudson. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Arctic Coast Canad. F'auna Allegh F'auna Allegh. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Canad. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Arctic Coast ' Allegh. Fauna Canad F'auna Canad. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Carol Fauna Carol. Fauna Florid. Fauna iLouis. Fauna Carol. Fauna ? Carol. Fauna Carol. F'auna Florid. Fauna Florid. F'auna Carol. F'auna Allegh. F'auna Louis. F'auna Florid. F'auna Louis. F'auna Carol. F'auna Florid. F'auna Allegh. Fauna Louis. F'auna Allegh. F'auna Carol. Fauna Louis. F'auna Louis. F'auna Allegh. F'auna Louis. F'auna Florid. F'auna Florid. Fauna Florid. Fauna ' Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Louis. F'auna Allegh. Fauna Carol. Fauna Carol. Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna Florid. Fauna Florid. Fauna F'lorid. Fauna Florid Fauna Florid. Fauna F'lorid. Fauna Carol. Fauna Carol. Fauna Florid. Fauna Allegh F'auna Allegh. Fauna Louis. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Louis Fauna Carol. Fauna Carol. Fauna Canad. F'auna Boreal Limit in Winter Florid Louis. Louis Canad Canad Canad Allegh Allegh Carol. Carol. ( larol. Carol. Carol. Carol. Carol. Carol Canad. Louis. F'auna Carol. Fauna F'lorid. F'auna Louis. Fauna Florid. Fauna Louis. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Louis. Fauna . Fauna F'auna F'auna F'auna Fauna F'auna . Fauna . Fauna F'auna F'auna F'auna F'auna F'auna F'auna Fauna F'auna F'auua Austral Limit in Winter. Canad. Fauna? Canad Fauna? Canad Fauna? ('and Fauna Carol. Fauna Carol. Fauna Canad. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Hudson. Fauna: Canad. Fauna Carol F'auna Allegh Fauna Hudson. Fauna1 Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna Caml Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna i Louis. Fauna ('and. F'auna Florid. F'auna Louis. F'auna? F'lorid. F'auna Louis. Fauna Florid. F'auna Florid. Fauna Florid. Fauna Florid. F'auna Florid. F'auna Florid. F'auna Florid. F'auna Florid. Fauna Carol. Fauna * Blanks in the third column indicate that the species ranges southward in the breeding season into the Tropical Realm. Blanks in the fourth column that the species retires wholly within the Tropical Realm in winter ; in the fifth column, that the southern limit in winter is within the Tropical Realm. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 413 2. List of Species which breed throughout the greater Part of the Cold- temperate Portions of the North American Region, with Indications of their Boreal and Austral Limits of Distribution in the Eastern Province. Species. Turdus Pallasi . , Turdus Swainsoni Regulus calendula . Regulus satrapa . . Anthus ludovicianus Helminthophaga celata Wilsonia pusilla . Collurio borealis . . Troglodytes hyemalis Chrysomitris pir/us . Curvirostra americana Zonotrichia leucophrys Scolecophagus ferrugiueus Perisoreus canadensis Picoides arcticus . . Picoides hirsutus . . Fair., columbarius . Astur atricapillus JEgialitis seuiipalmatus Phalaropus VVilsoni . Ereunetes pusillus . Gambetta nielanoleuca Gambetta rlavipes Numenius longirostris Numenius hudsonius Cygnus americanus . Bernicla canadensis . Mareca americana F'ulix eollaris . . . Aythya americana . Aythya vallisneria . Bueephala albeola Ei'ismatura rubida . Lophodytes cucullatus Pelecanus erythrorhynchus Graculus dilophus Larus delawarensis Chroeeoccphalus philadepbia Boreal Limit in Breeding Season. Hudson. Fauna Hudson Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson Fauna Arctic Coast Hudson. Fauna Hudson. F'auna Hudson. F'auna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. F'auna Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Hudson. F'auna Hudson. F'auna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. F'auna Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Antic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coast Arctic. Coast Arctic Coast Arctic Coasc Austral Limit in Breeding Season. Canad Fauna Canad F'auna < '.mad. Fauna Canad. F'auna Hudson. Fauna Canad. F'auna Allegh. F'auna Canad Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad Fauna Canad. F'auna Canad. Fauna Canad. F'auna j Canad. F'auna .Carol. Fauna Carol. F'auna Canad. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna ICarol. Fauna Canad. F'auna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. F'auna ;Cauad. Fauna Canad. F'auna Canad. F'auna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. F'auna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. F'auna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Hudson. F'auna Hudson. F'auna Boreal Limit in Winter. Carol. Fauna Florid. Fauna Carol. Fauna Allegh Fauna Carol. Fauna Carol. Fauna Canad. F'auna Allegh. Fauna Canad. Fauna Hudson. F'auna Carol. Fauna Carol. F'auna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. F'auna Hudson. Fauna Canad. F'auna Hudson. Fauna Louis F'auna Louis. Fauna Carol. F'auna Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. F'auna Louis. F'auna Allegh. Fauna Allegh. F'auna Allegh. Fauna Canad. F'auna Carol. F'auna Carol. Fauna Allegh. F'auna Allegh. F'auna Allegh. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Canad. Fauna Allegh. Fauna Canad. F'auna Austral Limit in Winter. Carol. F'auna Florid. F'auna Allegh. F'auna Louis. F'auna Canad. F'auna Canad. F'auna Canad. Fauna Louis. Fauna Allegh. F'auna 3. List of Species which breed only in the Warm-temperate Portions of the North American Temperate Region, and range Southward in the Breeding Season into the Tropical American Realm. _ Boreal Limit in Speaes. Breeding Season. Austral Limit in Breeding Season. Boreal Limit in Winter. Austral Limit in Winter. Mimus polyglottus . . Polioptila caerulea . . Icteria virens Stelgidopteryx serripennis Tim othorus Bewicki . Guiraca caerulea .... ' Quiscalus major . . . _ I larolin. Fauna Carolin. Fauna Carolin. Fauna Carolin. Fauna Carolin. F'auna Louis. Fauna Carolin. Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. F'auna Florid. F'auna Louis. F'auna Louis. Fauna Louis. F'auna Carolin. F'auna Carolin. Fauna Carolin. Fauna ' Carolin. F'auna FTorid. Fauna ? Carolin Fauna Florid Fauna Louis. Fauna # Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna. Louis. Fauna ? Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna l'oh borus tharus . . . Craxirex unicinctus . . Chauiapselia passerina . Tantalus loculator . . Garzetta candidissima . Herodias egretta . . . Himantopus nigricollis. Florid. Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. F'auna Louis. F'auna Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna Florid. Fauna ? Phoenicopterus ruber . Que rq uedu la c vanop tera Pelecanus fuscus . . . Tachypetes aquila . . • Louis. Fauna Florid. Fauna Within the Tropical Realm 41-4 BULLETIN OF THE 4. List of Species whose Breeding Range extends throughout the greater Part of the North American Realm, and Southivard into the Tropical Realm, with Indications of their Boreal and Austral Limits in the Eastern Province. Species. Boreal Limit | Austral Limit j in the Breeding in the Breeding Season. Season. Dendiueca .Estiva . . . Grua canadensis . Butoii les virescens . . Ardea berodias . . Hoeuiatopus palliitua . .I'.ui tlitis vociferus . Recurvirostra americana Sj mphemia semipalmata Aix sponsa Podilymbus podiceps Hudson. Fauna Arctic Coast Allegh. Kauua Hudson. Fauna Arctic Coast Allegh. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Hudson Fauna Boreal Limit in Winter. Austral Limit in Winter. Louis. Fauna ? Carolin. F'auna Louis. Fauna Carolin Fauna Louis. F'auna Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna Carolin. Fauna Carolin. Fauna * Within the Tropical Realm. 5. List of Species whose Breeding Habitat includes the greater Part of both North and South America, with Indications of their Boreal Limit, both in the Breeding Season and in Winter. Species. Boreal Limit in the Breeding Season. Austral Limit in the Breeding Season. Boreal Limit iu Winter. Austral Limit in Winter. * Pandion haliaetus . . . . Falco sparverius * Falco peregrinus . . . . Bubo virginianus k Strix flammea * Otus vulgaris * Otus brachyotua . . . . Allegli Fauna Arctic Coast Hudson. Fauna Hudson. F'auna Hudson. Fauna Carolin. F'auna Hudson. F'auna Arctic Coast Carolin. Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna Hudson Fauna Canad. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Carolin. Fauna Canad. Fauna? Hudson. Fauna? • * Also circumpolar species. Summary of the Preceding Five Tables. — The total number of species given in the above lists of the species characteristic (mainly exclusively so) of the North American Temperate Region is 135. Of these 38 are restricted in the breeding season in their austral range to the Cold-temperate District; about one third of them, chiefly natatorial species, reach the Arctic coast ; 61 are similarly mainly limited to the Middle-temperate District, but two or three reach the Arctic coast, and nearly one third range into the Hudsonian Fauna ; 21 are limited in their boreal range to the Warm-temperate District, the greater part of which, even in the breeding season, range southward into the tropics. Of the whole number, 90 are land birds, 23 being raptorial species. Of the remaining 45 water birds, 7 are herons, 20 are Grallce, and 18 are Natatores, 12 of the latter being Anatidce. In the li-t of those whose breeding habitat is the cold-temperate portions of the continent (Table 1), 20 of the species are aquatic and MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 415 18 terrestrial ; of those breeding throughout the greater part of the continent, 10 only are aquatic and 51 are terrestrial ; of those breeding in the warm-temperate portions of the continent, 9 are aquatic and 9 terrestrial; of the 10 wide-ranging species, whose breeding habitats embrace not only nearly the whole of temperate North America, but extend also into the tropics, 1 only is a land bird, 3 being Herodiones, 4 Grallce, and 2 Natatores. Of the 9 species given in the Fifth Table, which range in the breeding season throughout both the North American and South American continents, none are aquatic ; 4 are owls, 3 hawks, and 2 vultures. The most numerously represented family, and one of those almost exclusively characteristic of the North American Temper- ate Region (the Sylvicolidce), has but three species which range across the continent, and only one of these is a typical representative of the family. IV. Species limited in Longitude to the Eastern Province of the North American Temperate Region. 1. List of Species restricted in the breeding Season to the Cold-temper- ate Portion of the Eastern Province, with Indications of their Boreal and Austral Limits. Species. Mniotilta varia Parula americana . . . • Geothlypis Philadelphia . . Oporornis agilis Helminthophaga chrysoptera ? Helminthophaga peregrina . Helminthophaga ruficapilla Dendroeca coronata . . . , Dendroeca castanea . . . . Dendroeca striata Dendroeca Blackhurniae . . Dendroeca ca?mlescens . . . Dendroeca maculosa . . . . Dendroeca virena Dendroeca palmarum . . . Perissog'.ossa tigrina . . . . Euthlypis canadensis . . . Setophaga ruticilla . . . . Vireosylvia olivacea . . . Vireosylvia philadelphica . . Cistothorus stellaris . . . . Parus hudsonicus . . . . Zonotrichia albicollis . . . Junco hyemalis Spiztlla montieola . . , . Passerella iliaca Dolichonyx oryzivora . . . Tetrao canadensis' . . . . iEgialitia melodus . . . . Limosa hudsonica . . . . Numenius borealis . . . . Porzafla noveboracensis . . Anas obscura Querquedula discors . . . Camptolwmus labradorius Boreal Limit in Breeding Season. Hudson. Fauna Canad. Fauna Ailegh. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna: Hudson. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna ? Canad. Fauna ? Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Canad Fauna? Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. F'auna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. F'auna Hudson. F'auna Hudson. Fauna Ailegh. Fauna Arctic Coast Canad. Fauna Arctic Coast ? Arctic Coast ? Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Arctic Coast Austral Limit in Breeding Season. Carolin. Fauna Carolin Fauna ? Ailegh. Fauna ? Carolin. Fauna Carolin. Fauna Carolin. Fauna Canad Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Ailegh. Fauna Canad- Fauna Canad. Fauna Ailegh. Fauna Canad. Fauna Ailegh. F'auna Canad. Fauna Ailegh. F'auna Louis. F'auna Ailegh. Fauna Carolin. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Ailegh. Fauna Canad. Fauna Carolin. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Carolin. Fauna Ailegh. Fauna Canad. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Boreal Limit in Winter. Austral Limit in Winter. Florid. Fauna Carolin. Fauna Louis. Fauna Florid. Fauna Louis Fauna Hudson. Fauna Louis. Fauna Ailegh. Fauna Ailegh. F'auna Caroiin Fauna Canad. Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna Hudson. Fauna? Canad Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis Fauna Louis Fauna Louis. F'auna Ailegh. Fauna Florid. Fauna Ailegh Fauna ' Canad Fauna * The blanks in the fourth and fifth columns indicate that the limit in question is within the Tropical Realm. 41G BULLETIN OF THE 2. List of Species which breed throughout the 3Iiddle-temperate Por- tions of the Eastern Province, toith Indications of their Boreal and Austral Limits in the Eastern Province* Species. Turdus mustelinus . . . Galeoscoptes earolinensis . Harporhynchus ruf'us . . Sialia sialis Dendroeca peansylvanica . Dendroeca discolor . . . Dendrceca cacrulea . . . (Vilsonia mitr.it. i .... Pyranga rubra .... Vireo noveboracensis . . Lanivireo fiavifrons . . . Lophophanes bicolor . . Coturniculus passerinus . Coturniculus Henslowi . . Ammodromus caudacutus . Ammodromua maritimus . Spizella pusilla .... Euspiza americana . . . Hedymeles ludovicianus . Cyanospiza cyanea . . . Cardinalis virginianus . . Pipilo erythrophthalmus . Icterus spurius .... Icterus baltimore .... Corvus ossifragus .... Ceuturus earolinus . . . Melanerpes erythrocephalus Antrostoinus voeiferus . . Coccygus americanus . . Coccygus erytlirophthalmus Ortyx virginianus . . . Cupilouia cupido . . . . Boreal Limit | Austral Limit in the Breeding in the Breeding Season. Season. Allegh. Allegh. Allegh. Allegh. i lanad. Allegh. Allegh. Allegh. Allegh. Allegh. Allegh. Carolin Allegh. Allegh. Allegh Carolin Allegh. Carolin Allegh. Allegh. Carolin Allegh. Allegh. Allegh. Carolin Carolin Allegh. Allegh. Allegh. Allegh. Allegh. Allegh. Fauna Fauna Fauna Fauna Fauna Fauna Fauua Fauna Fauua Fauna Fauna . Fauna Fauna Fauna Fauna . Fauna Fauua . Fauua Fauua Fauna Fauna Fauna Fauna Fauna Fauna Fauua Fauna F'auna F'auna Fauna F'auna Fauna Louis. Fauna ! F'lorid. Fauna ' Florid. Fauna ' Louis. Fauna Allegh. Fauua Carolin. F'auna Louis. Fauna Louis. F'auna Florid. Fauna? Louis F'auna? Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. F'auna Louis. F'auua Louis. Fauna ? Caroliu Fa.una Florid. F'auna Louis. Fauna Louis. F'auna Florid. Fauna' Florid. Fauna' Florid. Fauua Allegh. Fauna Carolin. Fauna? Allegh. Fauua Boreal Limit iu Winter. Louis. Fauna Louis. F'auna Carolin. F'auna Austral Limit in Winter. Louis. Fauna Carolin. F'auna Florid Fauna Carolin F'auna' Carolin F'auna? Louis. Fauna j Louis. Fauna Carolin. F'auna ! Carolin. Fauna Louis. F'-auna Louis. Fauna Carolin. Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. F'auna Louis. Fauna * The blanks in this and the following tables have the same significance as in the last preceding table. 3. List of Species ivhich breed throughout the Temperate Portions of the Eastern Province, with Indications of their Boreal and Austral Limits. Species. Seiurus aurocapillus Seiurus noveboracensis Cyanura cristata . Sphyrapicua varius . Colaptes auratus . . Trochilus colubris . Chaetura pelasgia . . Grus americanus . Actiturus Bartramius mtillarum Dendroeca pin us . . Quiscalus purpureus Boreal Limit | Austral Limit in the Breeding in the Breeding Reason. Season. Canad. Fauna Hudson. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna ? Hudson. Fauna i lanad. Fauna Canad. Fauna Canad. Fauna I 'ana I Fauna C mad Fauna Hudson. Fauna' Hudson. Fauna Carolin Fauna Louis F'auna Florid. Fauna F'lorid Fauua? Louis Fauna ? Florid Fauna Louis. F'auna ' Boreal Limit in Winter. Florid Fauna Allegh. F'auna I 'arc in. F'auna Carolin. Fauna Florid. Fauna.' Louis Fauna Louis. Fauna Caroliu Fauna Carolin. F'auna Austral Limit in Winter. Florid. Fauna MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 417 4. List of Species which hrced in the Eastern Province only within the Warm-temperate and Subtropical Districts. Boreal Limit Austral Limit in the Breeding in the Bn eding Season. Season. Prothonotaria citrea . . . JCarolin. Fauna Oporomis formosus . . . .]Allegh Fauna Louis. Fauna? Helmitherus vermivorus . JCarolin. Fauna florid. Fauna? Helmitherus Swainsoni . . Louis. Fauna Helminthophaga pinus . . Carolin. Fauna.' Ilelminthophaga Bachmani . Louis. Fauna Dendroeea dominica . . . . Louis. Fauna i i liarliatula . . . Florid. Fauna Pyranga aestiva Carolin Fauna I irus ludovicianua . . Carolin. Fauna Peucaea aestivalis Louis Fauna Cyanospiza ciris Louis. Fauna Tyrannus doniinicensis . . Florid. Fauna Campephilus principalis . ".Carolin. Fauna Picus borealis Louis. Fauna Oonurus carolinensis . . . Louis. Fauna Crotpphaga ani florid. Fauna Antrostomus carolinensis . . Louis. Fauna Nauclerus furcatus .... Carolin. Fauna I (tin it mississippiensis . . . Louis Fauna Rosthramus sociabilis . . .Florid. Fauna Florida caerulea Carolin. Fauna Nyctherodius violaceus . . .Carolin. Fauna Demiegretta Pealei . . . .Florid Fauna Demiegretta luduvkiana . .JCarolin Fauna Ibis alba Icaroiin Fauna Platalen ajaja Louis. Fauna iEgialitis VVilsonius .... Carolin. Fauna Aramus giganteus .... Florid Fauna Rallus crepitans Carolin Fauna Porzana jamaicensis . . . . Carolin. Fauna Gallinula galeata Carolin. Fauna Gallinula martinica .... Carolin. Fauna Sula fiber Louis. Fauna Graculus froridanus . . . .Louis. Fauna Plotus anhinga iCarolin Fauna Chroecocephalus atricilla . . Allegh. Fauna Tliala.-.-ous acuflavidus . . . Louis. Fauna Anoiis stolidus Florid. Fauna Ualiplana fuliginosa . . . J Florid. Fauna Rhynckops nigra I Carolin. Fauna Boreal Limit in Winter. Austral Limit m Winter. Louis. Fauna Florid. F'auna Louis Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. Fauna Florid Fauna Louis Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis. F'auna Florid. Fauna Louis Fauna Florid Fauna Louis. Fauna Louis Fauna Florid Fauna Florid. F'auna Florid. F'auna Florid. F'auna Florid Fauna Summary of the Four Preceding Tables. — About one hundred and twenty species occur in the Eastern Province of the North American Temperate Region that do not appear as regular residents in the West- ern Province of the same region, of which a small proportion are in part tropical. Of these one hundred and twenty, thirty-five are northern, or range in the breeding season only over the cold-temperate portions of the Eastern Province ; twenty-eight of the latter being land birds, and only seven aquatic. Eighteen species of the land birds belong to the single family of the Sylvicolidce. About one fourth of the Eastern Province species (thirty-two), all land birds, range in the breeding sea- son over only the middle-temperate part of the province. Of these only three belong to the family Sylvicolidce, and only one is a typical representative of that group ; ten belong to the family Fringillidce, three VOL. ir. 27 418 BULLETIN OF THE to the Turdidce, and two each to the Icteridce, Picidce, Cucididce, and Tetraonidce ; several other families have one representative each. The total absence of any species of Falconida, Strigidee, Herodiones, Gralla, and Natatores is one of the most striking features in the list of the species restricted to the Eastern Province. Twelve of the Eastern Province species breed throughout the greater part of the province, three of which are Sylvicolidce, two are Picidce, one is a humming-bird, one a wader, and one a tern. Forty-one of the one hundred and twenty species restricted in longi- tudinal range to the Eastern Province extend so far into the Tropical American Realm in the breeding season as to be essentially tropical species, exclusive of a considerable number that appear only in the Floridian Fauna. Twenty-one of these are land birds and twenty aquatic ; the latter embracing six Herodiones, six Grallce, and eight Natatores, five of which are terns. The land species embrace three hawks, two species of Fringillidce, seven of Sylvicolidce, two of Picidce, and one each of seven other families. General Remarks on the Distribution and Migration of the Birds of the Eastern Province. The preceding tables, illustrative of the geographical distribution of the birds of the Eastern Province of the North American Temperate Region, and the summary remarks already given respecting them, indicate a number of interesting general facts. I. The species which have the greatest longitudinal range in the breeding season are the hawks, owls, and vultures, the swallows, the Turdince or typical thrushes, the woodpeckers and flycatchers, and the water birds ; among the latter, especially the Scolopacidce, the C/iara- driidce and their allies, the Anatidoe, and the Laridce ; in fact, nearly all the Natatores. All the land birds ranging widely in longitude are hence species which possess highly developed powers of flight, and have also a wide latitudinal range. The few circumboreal Natatores, which have only moderate or greatly reduced powers of flight, possess great power of locomotion in the water. Their habitat is, moreover, not only generally the sea-shores, but the boreal shores of the converging continents of the northern hemisphere. Hence all the species having a wide geographical range — as the circumpolar and continental — are either pre-eminently strong fliers or powerful swimmers. It also ex- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 419 plains the occurrence of the large proportion of long-winged birds, and especially of the preponderance of the water birds, in the three first primary divisions given above of the birds of the Eastern Province, namely, the cosmopolitan, the circumpolar, and the continental, and the small proportion of such species among those restricted in their longi- tudinal range to the Eastern Province. Most of the circumpolar species are also boreal ones. II. The aquatic species, while forming only about four tenths of the birds found in the Eastern Province, greatly predominate over the land species in the boreal regions, in the Arctic Realm they outnum- bering the land birds in the proportion of five to one, or form eight tenths of the whole. In the Cold-temperate District of the North American Region the water-birds form about six tenths of the whole ; in the Middle-temperate Districts, between four and five tenths ; in the Warm-temperate District, rather less than four tenths. Farther southward, although a few groups (as the Rallidce, Herodiones, and Sternince) are more numerously represented, the relative proportion of water birds to the terrestrial seems scarcely to increase. In the breed- ing season, however, a numerical comparison of the land and water birds yields very different results, in respect to the proportion char- acteristic of localities situated under different parallels of latitude. Passing from the extreme boreal regions southward, the number of Grcdlce (exclusive of the Paludicolce), Anatidce, Larince, and Lestrid- ince decreases rapidly, so that the number of the Grallce (exclusive of the rails and their allies) is reduced in the breeding season, in the warm-temperate parts of the Eastern Province, to only seven or eight species, the Anatidce to one (Aix sponsa), the Larince to one (C/irceco- cephalus atriciUa), and the Lestridince disappear entirely. III. A large proportion of the accessions to the land birds near the tropics being species of a comparatively low grade of structure, the prevalence of the water birds in the arctic and subarctic fauna;, the comparative absence of water birds in the temperate latitudes, and the great development here of the higher groups of the land birds, give to the temperate regions the maximum proportion of high forms of avine life, — a fact as true in respect to mammalian life as it is of birds. IV. In respect to the distribution and relative development of par- ticular families, the Sittidce (Sittce), the Paridce, and the Alcidce are alone restricted to the North Temperate Realm. The species of these groups 420 BULLETIN OF THE (except the Alcidce) are also sedentary throughout nearly their whole range. In the Eastern Province, Larus, Stercorarius, and their allies, as well as Columbus, are restricted in the breeding season to its north- ern half, as are also, as already remarked, most of the water birds, except the Rallidce and the Herodiones, which are chiefly southern. The representatives of the Troglodytidce and Icteridce increase rapidly in number towards the tropics, while the Mi mi ace and several genera of the more brightly colored Fringillidn the Distribution of Tetrao cupido, and of other Grouse in New Eng'and. Proc. Bo:t. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. V, p. 154, 1855. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 429 Cassin JOHN. Illustrations of the B'rds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America, etc. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1853-1856. (Contains al.so Synopses of the Parince, Raptures, and Fissirostres of North America). Cassin, John. Notes on North American Falconidce, etc. Proc. Acad. ,vit. Sri. Philad , 1855, pp. 277-284. (25 species.) Cassin, Joiiy. Ornithology of the United States and British and Russian America. United States Mag-, Vol. Ill, pp. 18, 109, 205, 181, 1856 ; Vol. IV, p. 10, 185 7. (Raptores only.) Cassin, John. Studies of the Tcteridcs. Proc. Acad. N:t. Sci. Philad., 1866, pp. 10-25, 10.? -417; 1867, pp. 45-74. Cassin, John. Notes on the Picidce, etc. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1863, pp. 194-204, 322-328. Cassin, John. Notes of an Examination of the Birds of the Suhfamily Ccerebince. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1864, pp. 265-275. Cope, E. D. The Birds of Palestine and Panama compared. Am. Nat., Vol. II. pp. 351-359, 1868. Coues, Elliott. A Monograph of the Alcidce. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1868, pp. 2 - 81. (33 species.) Coles, Elliott. A Critical Review of the Family Procellariidce. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1S64, pp. 72-91,116-144; 1866, pp. 25 - 33, 134-197. (92 species.) Coues, Elliott. A Critical Review of the Suh-family Lcsiridhtce. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1863, pp. 121 - 138. (7 species.) Coues, Elliott. Review of die Gulls of North America, etc. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1862, pp. 291-312. (25 species.) Coues, Elliott. Synopsis of the North American Forms of Co'ymbidce and PoJicipidre. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phihad., 1862, pp. 226-233. Coues, Elliott. A Revision of the Terns of North -America, etc. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phi'ad., 1862, pp. 535-559. (14 species.) Coues, Elliott. A Monograph of the Tringece of North America. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1861, pp. 170-205. (12 species.) Coues, Elliott. On Variation in the Genus ^■Egiothui. Proc. Acad. Nat, Sc. Philad., 1869, pp. 180-189. (Special reference to the geo- graphical races.) [Coues, Elliott. Key to North American Birds (in press). 1 vol. imp. 8vo. Salem.] Dresser, H. E., and Sharpe, R. B. Notes on Lanius excuhitor and its Allies. Proc. Zobl. Soc. Bond., 1870, pp. 590-600. (9 species.) Elliot, D. G. Remarks on the Species composing the Genus Pedioscetes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1862, pp. 402-401. Elliot, D. G. Morograph of the Tetraonidce. Folio. 430 BULLETIN OF THE Elliot, D. G. The New and heretofore Unfigured Birds of North Amer- ica. 2 vols, folio. New York, 1869. Elliot, D. G. A Monograph of the Genus Pelecanus. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1869, pp. 571-591. (9 species.) [Finsch, Otto. Die Papageien, monographische bearbeitet. 2 vols* royal 8vo. Leiden, 1867 - 1868.] Gambel, Wm. Contributions to American Ornithology. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., Vol. IV, pp. 126 - 129, 1848. (Remarks on 6 species.) Gould, John. Monograph of the Troc/ulidcc, or Humming-Birds. Folio, 1850, et se.q. Heermann, A. L. Additions to North American Ornithology. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., Vol. VII, pp. 1 77 - 180, 1854. (5 species.) Herbert, William Henry. Frank Forester's Field Sports of the United States and British Provinces of North America. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1848. (Contains many valuable observations on the game birds of North America.) Huxley, T. II. On the Classification and Distribution of the Alectoro- rnorphce and Heteromorphce. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1868, pp. 294-319. With a map. Lawrence, G. N. Additions to the Ornithology of the United States. Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., Vol. V, pp. 112-124, 1851. (22 species.) Lesson, R. P. Distribution geographicpie de quelques Oiseaux maiins. Ann. Sci. Nat, Tome VI, pp. 88- 102, 1825. Lesson, R. P. Essai sur la dispersion des Oiseaux sur la surface du globe. Ferrus. Bull. Sc. Nat., Tome XXVII, pp. 92 - 100, 1831 Lewis, E. J. American Sportsman. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1863. (Contains valuable information respecting the Rasores, Gralhr. and Analidce.} Malherbe, A. Monographic des Picidees. 2 vols, folio, avec 125 pi. eoloriecs, Metz, 1859-1862. [Muller, J. W. von. Reisen in den Vereinigten Staaten, Canada und Mexico. 3 vols, royal 8vo. Leipzic, 1864-1865. Vol. Ill, pp. 551- 594. (Gives a list of 611 species of North American birds.)] Nuttall, Thomas. A Manual of the Ornithology of the United States and Canada, 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. Vol. I, Land Birds, 1832 ; 2d ed., with additions, 1840; Vol. II, Water Birds, 1834. Ord, GEORGE. List of North American Birds, Guthrie's Geog., 2d Am. ed., 2 vols. 8vo. Philad., 1815. Pennant, Thomas. Arctic Zoology. 3 vols. 4to, 1784 - 1787; 2d ed, 2 vols. 4to, 1792. RlDGWAY, Robert. Notices of certain obscurely known Species of Amer- ican Birds [of the Genera Tardus (Hylocickla), I'yranga and Quiscalus.] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1869, pp. 125-135. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 431 Ridgway, Robert. A New Classification of the North American Falconidce. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1870, pp. 138-150. Roosevelt, R. B. The Game Birds of the Northern States of America. 12mo. New York, 1866, pp. 338. Salvin, O. On the Genus C Indus. Ibis, 2d Ser., Vol. Ill, pp. 109-122, 186 7. (Contains remarks on the geographical distribution of 13 species.) Schmarda, L. K. Die geographische Verbreitung der Thiere, 3 Bd. Wien, 1853. Sclater, P. L. Catalogue of a Collection of American Birds, belong- ing to Philip Lutley Sclater, M. A., etc., etc. 8vo. London, 1862. Sclater, P. L. On the general Geographical Distribution of the Mem- bers of the Class Aves. Journ. of Proc. of Linnsean Society of London. Vol. II, Zoology, pp. 130- 145, 1858. Sclater, P. L. Notes on Krueper's Nuthatch and on the other known Species of the Genus Sitta. Ibis, 1865. Sclater, P. L. Notes on the Genera and Species of Cypselidce. Proc. Zobl. Soc. Lond., 1865, pp. 593-617. Sclater, P. L. Notes upon the American Caprimulgidce. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, pp. 123-145. Sclater, P. L., and Salvin, O. Notes on the Species of the Genus Asturina. Proc. Zobl. Soc. Lond., 1869, pp. 129-134. (7 species.) Sclater, P. L., and Salvin, O. Synopsis of the American Rails (Pallida.) Proc. Zobl. Soc. Lond., 1868, pp. 442- 470. (48 species.) Sclater, P. L., and Salvin, O. Exotic Ornithology. 4to. London, 1866 el seq. (Publishing in parts.) Selys-Longchamps, Edm. de. Sur les Oiseaux americains admis dans la Faune europe'enne. Mem. de la Soc. R. de Liege, Vol. IV, pp. 35-50, 1849. [Sharpe, R. B. A Monograph of the Alcedinidce, or Family of Kingfishers. Imp. 8vo. London, 1870. Introduction published senarately. (4to, Lon- don, 1871.)] Slxdevall, C. J. Conspectus Avium Picinarum. 1 vol. 8vo. pp. 116. Stockholm, 1866. (254 species.) Sun devall, C. J. Conspectus Generis Dendrcecce. Ofvers. Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Forhandl., 1869, pp. 605-618. (30 species.) Taylor, G. C. Birds observed during two Voyages across the North Atlantic. Ibis, 1869, p. 388. Verrill, A. E. On the supposed Eastward Migration of the Cliff Swal- low (Hirundo lunifrons Say). Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. IX, pp. 276-278, 1863. Verrill, A. E. Report of some Investigations upon the Geographical Distribution of North American Birds, made with Reference to the Physical Causes that determine their Limit in Latitude. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. X, pp. 259-262, 1866. 432 BULLETIN OF THE Wallace, A. R. Letter concerning the Geographical Distribution of Birds. Ibis, Vol. I, pp. 449-454, 1859. Wied, Max Prinz vox. Verzeichniss der Vbgel welche auf seiner Reise in Nord-Amerika beobaehtet wurden. Cabanis's Journ. tur Ornithol., VI Jahrgang, pp. 1-29, 97-124, 1.77-204, 257-284, 337-354,417-444, 1858 ; VII Jahrgang, pp. 81 - 9(3, 1C1 - 180, 241 - 260, 1859. "Wilson, Alexander. American Ornithology, or the Natural History of the Birds of the United States. 9 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1808-1814. (283 species/) GREENLAND. Fabricius, O. Fauna Grcenlandia?, etc. 8vo. Hafhise et Lipsiae, 1780. (54 species.) IIolrull, Carl. Ornithologiske Bidrag til den gronlandske Fauna. Kroyer's naturhist. Tidskr., Bd. IV, pp. 361-457, 1843; Isis, 1845, pp. 739- 792. (88 species.) Reinhardt, J. List of Birds hitherto observed in Greenland. Ibis, 1st Ser., Vol. Ill, pp. 1 - 19, 1861. (118 species.) [Richardson, J. Birds and Mammalia collected during the last Arctic Land Expedition under Sir John Franklin. Proc. of the Com. of Sci. and Carres, of ZooL Soc. Loud., Vol. I, p- 132, 1831.] Sabine, Edward. A Memoir on the Birds of Greenland; with Descrip- tions and Notes on the Species observed in the late Voyage of Discovery in Davis's Straits and Baffin's Bay. Transact. Linn. Soc. of London, Vol. XII, pp. 527-559, 1819. (54 species.) BRITISH NORTH AMERICA EAST OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. Labrador and Anticostl. COUES, Elliott. Notes on the Ornithology of Labrador. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1861, pp. 215-257. (83 species ) Verreaux, Jules. Der in Labrador befindlichen Lands'augethiere und Vbgel. Bull. Akad. Munchen, 1844, pp. 122-126, 129- 133. VERRILL, A. E. Notes on the Natural History of Anticosti. Proc. Bost. Soc: Nat. Hist, Vol. IN, pp. 137-145. (Contains a list of 62 species of birds.) Weis, Samuel. List of Vertebrates observed at Okak, Labrador, by Rev. Samuel Weis, with Annotations by Dr. A. S. Packard, Jr. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, Vol. X,pp. 264-277,1866. (Birds, pp. 267 - 269 ; 85 species.) Interior of British North America. [Armstrong, A. A personal Narrative of the Discovery of the Northwest Passage, etc. 8vo. London, 185 7. (31 species from the Arctic Coast.)] MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 433 Barxstox, George. Recollections of the Swans and Geese of Hudson's Bay. Can. Nat and Geol., Vol. VI, pp. 33 7 - 344, 1861. [Bi.akistox, Thomas. [Ornithological] Scraps from the Far West. Zoolo- gist, 1859, pp. 0318-6325, 6373-6376:] Bjlakistox, Capt. On Birds collected and observed in the Interior of BritUi North America. Part I, Ibis, 1st Ser., Vol. Ill, pp. 314-320, 1861 ; Part II, Ibid., Vol. IV, pp. 3 - 10, 1862. Blakistox, Capt. Notes on the Interior of British North America. Ibis, 1st Ser., Vol. V, pp. ul»-8 7, 1863. (Devoted principally to remarks on the birds.) Cassix. -Tohx. Remarks on Birds from the Arctic Regions, presented by Dr. Kane. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1852, p. 107. Edwards, Geoi:<;e. Natural History of Bird* etc. 4 vols. 4 to. London, 1743-1751. (Contains the first descriptions of 38 species of birds from Hudson's Bay.) Guxx, Doxald. Notes of an Egging Expedition to Shoal Lake, west of Lake Winnipeg. Smithsonian Report, 1867, pp. 427 -432. Forster, J. R. An Account of the Birds sent from Hudson's Bay, etc. Phil. Trans., Vol. LXII, pp. 382-422, 1772. (58 species.) Leach, W. E. Zoological Appendix to' Ross's Voyage to Baffin's Bay. Birds, App. No. 2, pp. xlviii-lx, 1819. (20 species.) Lord, J. K. List of Birds collected and presented by the British North American Boundary Commission to the Royal Artillery Institution. Proc. Roy. Artill. Instit., 1864, pp. 110-126. (87 species.) Lord, J. K. Catalogue of the Birds, Nests, and Eggs cpllected by him when Natural'st to the North American Boundary Conmifssion. Proc. Roy. Art. Inst., 1865, pp. 33 7-339. Murray, Andrew. Contributions to the Natural History of the Hudson's Bay Company's Territory. Part III, Birds. Edinburgh New Phil. Journ., 2d Ser., Vol. IX, pp. 221 - 231, 1857. (82 species.) Richardsox, J., and Swaixsox, W. Fauna Boreali-Americana. Vol. II, Birds. 4to, 1831. (238 species.) Richardsox, John. Geographical Distribution of some American Birds. Ann. Nat. Hist, Vol. XI, pp. 484, 1843. (A list of 12 species collected at Fort Simpson, Mackenzie's River.") Ross. Berxard R. Mammals and Birds of the Arctic Regions. Edinb. Phil. Journ., 2d Ser., Vol. XIII, 1861, pp. 161-164. (A nominal list of 94 species.) Ross, Berxard R. List of Species of Mammals and Birds collected in Mackenzie's River District during 1860-1861 (June, i860, to April, 1861). Can. Nat. and Geol., Vol. VI, pp. 441-444, 1862. (80 species of birds mentioned.) vol. ii. 28 434 BULLETIN OF THE Ross, Bernard R. List of Mammals, Birds and Eggs, observed in the Mackenzie's River District, with Notices. Nat. Hist. Rev., Vol. II, pp. 276-290,1862. (192 species.) Sabine, Edward. Supplement to the Appendix to Captain Parry's First Voyage. London, 4to, 1824. (73 species.) Sabine, Joseph. Birds of Sir John Franklin's [First] Journey. Frank- lin's Journey to the Shore, of the Polar Sea. 4to. London, 1823. Ap- pend., pp. 669 - 703. (94 species.) Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland. Ambrose," John. Observations on the Sea-Birds frequenting St. Mar- garet's Bay, N. S. Proc. Nov. Scot. Inst. Nat. Sci., Vol. II, Part II, pp. 51-59. (19 species) Brewer, Thomas M. A few Ornithological Facts gathered in a hasty Trip through Portions of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, in June, 1850. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. VI, pp. 297-308, 1852. (7 species.) Bryant, Henry. List of Birds observed at Grand Menan and at Yar- mouth, N. S., from June 16 to July 8, 1856. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. VI, pp. 114 - 123, 1857. (55 species.) Bryant, Henry. Remarks on some Birds that breed in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. VIII, pp. 65-75, 1860; Can. Nat. and Geol., Vol. VI, 1861, pp. 255 - 267. (14 species.) Downs, A. On the Land Birds of Nova Scotia. Proc. Nov. Scot. Inst. Nat. Sci, Vol. II, pp. 38-51, 1865. (61 species.) Jones, J. M. On some of the Rarer Birds of Nova Scotia. Proc. Nov. Scot. Inst. Nat. Sci., Vol. II, Part II, pp. 70 - 73, 1868. Reeks, Henry. Notes on the Birds of Newfoundland. Can. Nat., Voh V, pp. 38-47, 151 -159, 1860. Willis, J. R. List of the Birds of Nova Scotia, compiled from Notes by Lieut. Blakiston and Lieut. Bland. Smithsonian Report, 1858, pp. 280 ~ 286. (207 species.) The Canadas. Bell, Robert. Catalogue of Birds collected around Lakes Superior and Huron in 1860. Can. Nat. and Geol., Vol. VI, pp. 270-275, 1861. (77 species.) Cabot, J. E. Report of the Birds collected and observed at Lake Supe- rior. Agassiz's Lake Superior, pp. 383-385, 1850. (69 species.) Couper, Wm. List of the Birds found in the Vicinity of Quebec, Lower Canada. Samuels's Birds of New England, pp. 80, 81, 368-372) 396, 477-478, 571-573, 1868. (154 species.) D'Urban, W. S. M. Notes on the Land Birds observed around Mon- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 435 treal during the Winter of 1856-57. Can. Nat. and Geol., Vol. II, pp. 138-145,1857. (18 species.) [Hadfield, Henry. Birds of Canada observed near Kingston during the Spring of 1858. Zoologist, 1859, pp. 6701 - 6709, 6744- G752, G751 -G787.] Hall, Archibald. On the Mammals and Birds of the District of Mon- treal. Part II, Birds. Canadian Nat. and Geol., Vol. VII, pp. 44-54, 1862. (199 species.) King, W. Ross. The Sportsman and Naturalist in Canada; or, Notes on the Natural History of the Game, Game Birds, and Fish of that Country. Imp. 8vo, London, 1866. Le Moine, J. M. Notes on Land and Sea Birds observed around Quebec. Can. Nat. and Geol., Vol. IV, pp. 411-414, 1859. Le Moine, J. M. Ornithologie du Canada. Oiseaux de Proie et Palmi- pedes. 8vo, pp. 96, Quebec, 1860. McIlvv'raitii, Thomas. List of Birds observed near Hamilton, Canada West. Proc. Essex Institute, Vol. V, pp. 79 - 96, 1866. (241 species.) Vennor, II. G. A short Review of the Sylviadce, or Wood- Warblers, found in the Vicinity of Montreal. Can. Nat. and Geol., VI, pp. 349-362, 1861. Vennor, H. G., Jr. Notes on Birds wintering in and around Montreal. Can. Nat. and Geol., Vol. V, pp. 425-430, 1860. (27 species.) W., J. F. Notes on Canadian Birds. Can. Nat. and Geol., Vol. V, pp. 230, 231, 1870. (The capture of 9 rare species near Quebec mentioned.) NEW ENGLAND STATES. General. Brewer, T. M. Seaside Ornithology. Am. Nat., Vol. Ill, pp. 225-235. 1869. Coues, Elliott. A List of the Birds of New England. Proc. Essex Insti- tute, Vol. V, pp. 249-314, 1868. (335 species.) Samuels, E. A. Birds of New England and Adjacent States, 5th ed. (of " Ornithology and Oology of New England"). Boston, 1870. Maine. Boardman, G. A. Catalogue of the Birds found in the Vicinity of Calais, Maine, and about the Islands at the Mouth of the Bay of Fundy. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. IX, pp. 122-132, 1862. (231 species.) Cabot, S., Jr. Notes of the Breeding of Mergus serrator, M. cucullatus, Anns sponsa, A. obscura, and Fuligida clangula, on the Sources of the Androscoggin River, Maine. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nai. Hist., Vol. II, p. 55. Hamlin, C. E. Catalogue of Birds found in the Vicinity of Waterville, Kennebec County, Maine. Rep. of Sec'y Maine Board of Agric, 1865, pp. 168-173. (135 species.) 436 BULLETIN OF THE Holmes, Ezekiel. Birds of Maine. Agr. Maine, 6th Ann. Rep., 1§61. pp. 113-122. (A nominal list of 193 species.) Addenda to the same. 2d Ann. Rep. Nat. Hist, and Geol. of Maine, 18G2, p. 118. (13 species.) Verrill, A. E. Catalogue of Birds found at Norway, Oxford County, Maine. Proc. Essex Institute, Vol. Ill, pp. 13G - 158, 1863. (159 species.) Verrill, A. E. Additions to the Catalogue of Birds found in the Vicinity of Calais, Maine, and about the Bay of Fundy. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. IX, pp. 233, 234, 1863. (12 species.) Vermont. Thompson, Zadoc. Birds of Vermont. History of Vermont, Natural, Civil, and Statistical, 8vo. Burlington, 1842. Birds, pp. 56 -112. Massachusetts. Allen, J. A. Catalogue of the Birds found at Springfield, Massachusetts, ■with a List of those found in the State not yet observed at Springfield, etc. Proc. Essex Institute, Vol. IV, pp. 48-98, 1864. (296 species.) Allen, J. A. Winter Notes of an Ornithologist. Amer. Nat., Vol. I, pp. 38-48, 1867. (On the Winter Birds of Massachusetts.) Allen, J. A. The Birds of Spring. Amer. Nat., Vol. I, pp. 141-144, 1867. Allen, J. A. Notes on some of the Rarer Birds of Massachusetts. Amer. Nat, Vol. Ill, pp. 505-519, 568-585, 631-648, 1869-70. (92 species.) Anonymous. Notes on the Ducks found on the Coast of Massachusetts in Winter. Amer. Nai., Vol., IV, p. 49. (8 species.) Brewer, Thomas M. Some Additions to the Catalogue of the Birds of Massachusetts in Prof. Hitchcock's Report, etc. Jour. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, Vol. I, pp. 435-439, 1837. (45 species.) Brewer, T. M. Observations on the Appearance of the Cliff Swallow (Htrundo lunifrons), giving Data of its Appearance in New England. Puoc. Bost. Soc. Nat. 1 1 i - 1 . , Vol. IV, p. 270, 1852. Bryant, II. Notice of Mareca Penelope and Querquedula crecca taken in Eastern Massachusetts. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. V, p. 195, 1855. Emmons, E. Catalogue of the Birds of Massachusetts. Hitchcock's Report on the Geology of Mass., Amherst, 1833. (165 species.) Maynard, C.J. Catalogue of the Birds of Eastern Massachusetts. Nat- uralist's Guide, Part II, Boston, 1870. (299 species.) Nuttall, Thomas. Remarks and Inquiries concerning the Birds of Massachusetts. Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sciences, 2d Ser., Vol. I, pp. 91 - 106, 1833. (45 species remarked upon.) Peabody, W. B. O. A Report on the Ornithology of Massachusetts. Rep on the Fishes, Reptiles, and Birds oi Mass., 8vo, 1839, pp. 256-404 ; MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 43T Ibid., Jour. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. Ill, pp. 65-246,1840. (284 species). Putnam, Fred. W. Catalogue of the Birds of Essex County, Mass. Proc. Essex Institute, Vol. I, pp. 201 - 231, 1856. (245 species.) Samuels, E. A. Descriptive Catalogue of the Birds of Massachusetts. Agr. of Mass., Sec'y's Rep., 18G3, App. pp. xvii-xxix, 1864. (267 species.) Connecticut. Linsley, J. H. A Catalogue of the Birds of Connecticut, etc. Am. Jour. of Sci. and Arts, 1st Ser., Vol. XLIV, pp. 249 - 273, 1843. (302 species.) "Wood, Wm. Rapacious Birds of Connecticut. Hartford Times, March 14 to August 8, 1861. MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES. New York. De Kay, James E. Zoology of New York, or the New York Fauna. 4to. Albany, 1844. Part II, Birds. (317 species.) GiraoD, J. P. The Birds of Long Island, 8vo. New York, 1843-1844. (276 species.) Hopkins, Wm. List, of Sea-Birds obtained at Auburn, New York. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, Vol. V, p. 13, 1854. (8 species.) Lawrence, Geo. N. Catalogue of Birds observed on New York, Long and Staten Islands. Ann. New York Lye. Nat. Hist, Vol. VHI. pp. 279- 300, 1867. (327 species.) New Jersey. Abbott, C. C. Catalogue of the Birds of New Jersey. Geol. of New Jersey, Appendix, pp. 761 - 798, 1868. (301 species.) Abbott, C. C. Notes on certain Inland Birds of New Jersey. Amer. Nat, Vol. IV, pp. 536 - 550, 1870. (26 species.) Turnbull, "Wm. P. The Birds of East Pennsylvania and New Jersey. 8vo pamphlet Philadelphia, 1869. (343 species.) Pennsylvania. Baird, Wm. M. and S. F. List of the Birds found in the Vicinity of Carlisle, Cumberland County, Penn. Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 1st Ser., Vol. XLVI, pp. 261 - 273, 1844. (201 species.) Baird, S. F. Catalogue of the Birds found in the Neighborhood of Car- lisle, Cumberland County, Penn. Literary Rec and Journ. Linn. Ass. Pennsyl. College, Vol. I, p. 249, 1845. Barnard, Vincent. A Catalogue of the Birds of Chester County, Pennsylvania, etc. Smiths. Rep., 1860, pp. 434 - 438. (191 species.) Barton, Benj. S. Fragments of the Natural History of Pennsylvania. 438 BULLETIN OF THE Folio. Philadelphia, 1799. (Contains a list of the birds of Pennsylvania, with dates of migration.) Halpemanx, S. S. Facts in Ornithology. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., Vol. I, p. 54, 1841. (Falco peregrinus stated to breed " on the cliffs along the Susquehanna.") Taylor, It. C. On the Geology and Natural History of the Northeastern Extremity of the Alleghany Mountain Range in Pennsylvania, U. S. Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. VIII, pp. 539-540. (Contains a nomi- nal list of 5G species of birds.) Taylor, R. C. A Supplement to the List of Species of Birds occurring at the Northeastern Extremity of the Alleghany Mountains. Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. IX, pp. 72-74, 1836. (36 species.) See also Turnbull, under New Jersey. SOUTH ATLANTIC STATES. General. Bartram, John. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, etc., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1791. Contains a list o: the birds of the United States, pp. 289 - 296. (216 species.) Catesby, Mark. The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands. 2 vols, folio, 3d ed. London, 1771. Virginia and the District of Columbia. [Clayton, John. On the Birds of Virginia. Phil. Trans., Vol. XVII, p. 988, 1693.] Couks, Elliott, and Prentiss, D. Webster, List of the Birds ascer- tained to inhabit the District of Columbia, with the Times of Arrival and Departure of such as are Non-residents, etc. Smithsonian Report, 1861, pp. 399-421. (226 species.) North Carolina. Cope, E. D. Observations on the Fauna of the Southern Alleghanies. Amer. Nat., Vol. IV, pp. 392-401, 1870. (Madison County, North Carolina, and Giles County, East Virginia.) [Coues, Elliott. Notes on the Natural History of Fort Macon, N. C. Birds, Part I. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1871 (in press).] South Carolina. Bachman, Jonx. On the Migration of the Birds of North America. Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 1st Ser., Vol. XXX, pp. 81 - 100, 1836. (Con- tains numerous observations on the birds of South Carolina.) Burnett, AV. I. Notes on the Fauna of the Pine Barrens of Upper South Carolina. Proc Bost Soc. Nat Hist, Vol. IV, pp. 115-118, 1851. (69 species of birds mentioned.) MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 439 Coues, Elliott. Synopsis of the Birds of South Carolina. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, Vol. XII, pp. 104 - 127, 1868. (294 species.) Gibbs, Lewis R. Catalogue of the Birds of South Carolina. Tuomey's Ge- ology of South Carolina, Appendix, pp. iii - viii, 1848. (271 species.) Georgia. Gerhardt, Alex. Uber die Lebensweise der Vdgel Nord-Amerikas (Georgia). Naumannia, 1855, pp. 380-397, 458-469 ; 1856,. pp. 1 - 18. Gerhardt, Alex. Verzeichniss der Vbgel des Staats Georgia, nach White. Naumannia, 1855, pp. 382-383. (A nominal list of 270 species.) Florida. Allen, J. A. List of the Winter Birds of East Florida, -with Annotations. Bulletin Mus. Comp. Zodl., Vol. II, pp. 250 - 368, 1871. (183 species.) Bryant, H. Observations on some of the Birds of East Florida. Proc. Bosc. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. VII, pp. 5-21, 1859. (26 species.) Taylor, George Cavendish. Five Weeks in the Peninsula of Florida during the Spring of 1861, with Notes on the Birds observed there. Ibis, 1st Ser., Vol. IV,"pp. 127, 197, 1862. GULF STATES. Mississippi. Wailes, B. L. C Birds of Mississippi. Rep. on Agr. and Geol. of Mis- sissippi, pp. 317-327, 1854. (91 species; mainly a nominal list.) CENTRAL STATES Ohio. Kirkpatrick, John. The Rapacious Birds of Ohio. Ohio Farmer for 1858-59; Ohio Agricult. Rep., 1858, pp. 340-383, 1859. Kirtland, J. P. Fragments of Natural History. II, Ornithology. Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 1st Ser., Vol. XL, pp. 19-24, 1841. (Contains notes on 16 species observed near Cleveland.) Kirtland, J. P. Catalogue of the Birds of Ohio. Secona Ann. Re- port of the Geol. Survey of Ohio, pp. 1 77 - 187, 1838. (223 species.) Read, M C. Catalogue of the Birds of Northern Ohio. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1853, pp. 395-402. (145 species.) Wheaton, J. M. Catalogue of the Birds of Ohio. Ohio Agri. Rep., 1860, pp. 359-380, 480. (285 species.) Indiana. Allen, J. A. List of Birds observed in Richmond, Wayne Co., Indiana. in June, 1867. Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. I, pp. 522-526, 1868. (72 species.) 440 BULLETIN OF THE Haymoxd, Rufus. Birds of Southeastern Indiana. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci Thilad., 1856, pp. 286-299. (147 species.) Haymoxd, Rufus. Birds of Franklin County Indiana. Cox's Geol. Sur- vey of Ind., 1869, pp. 209-235. (164 species.) Illinois. Allen, J. A. Notes on Birds observed in Northern Illinois, in June, 1867. Mem. Bost. Soc*. Nat. Hist, Vol. I, pp. 502-522, 1868. (94 species.) Brendel, F. Vbgel der Cmgegend Peoria's in Illinois. Giebel's Zeitsch. fur Naturk., 1857, p. 420. Kenxicott, Robert. Catalogue of the Animals of Cook County, Illinois. [Birds.] Transact. 111. State Agric. Soc, I, 1853 - 54, pp. 580 - 591. (187 species.) Kenxicott, R. Notes of the Occurrence of Plolus anhinga and Tantalus loculalor in Southern Illinois. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. V, p. 391, 1856. Prattex, Henry. Catalogue of the Birds of Southern Illinois (Wayne and Edwards Counties). Transact. 111. State Agric. Soc, I, pp. 596-609, 1853 - 54. (184 species.) Michigan. Hughes, D. Darwin. The Game Birds of Michigan. Detroit Free Press, 1870. Kneeland, S., Jr. On the Birds of Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, Vol. VI, pp. 231-240, 1858. (147 species.) Minnesota* Head, J. F. Some Remarks on the Natural History of the Country about Fort Ripley, Minnesota. Smithsonian Report, 1854, pp. 29i - 293. (60 species of birds mentioned.) [Trippe, T. Martin. Notes on the Birds of Minnesota (in press). Proc. Essex Institute, Vol. VI. (138 species.)] "Wisconsin. Barry, A. Constantixe. Ornithological Fauna of Wisconsin. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, Vol. V, pp. 1-13, 1851. (193 species.) Hoy, P. R. Notes on the Ornithology of Wisconsin. Proc Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1853, pp. 304-313, 381-385, 425-429. Ibid., Transact. Wis- consin Agric Soc, 1852, pp. 341-364. (283 species.) Iowa. Allex, J. A. Notes on Birds observed in Western Iowa, July 1 to Sept. 20, 1867. Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, I, pp. 491 -502, 1868. (108 species.) Allex. J. A. Catalogue of the Birds of Iowa. White's Geol. of Iowa, Voi. II, Appendix, pp. 419-427, 1870. (283 species.) MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 441 Missouri. Hoy, P. K. Journal of an Exploration of Western Missouri in 1854, etc. Smithsonian Rep., 18G4, pp. 431-438. (Includes. a nominal list of the birds observed, — ■ 153 species.) Texas. Butcher, II. B. List of Birds collected at Laredo, Texas, in 186G and ■1867. Proc Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1868, pp. 148-150. (89 species.) Dresser, H. E. Notes on the Birds of Southern Texas. Ibis, 2d Ser., Vol. I, pp. 312-330, 466-495; Vol. II, pp. 23-46, 1866. McCall, Geo. A. Remarks on the Habits, etc., of Birds met with in Western Texas, between San Antonio and the Rio Grande, and in New Mexico, with Descriptions of several Species believed to have been hitherto undescribed. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1850-51, pp. 213-224. (^GS species.) McCall, Geo. A. [Ornithological] Facts and Observations from Notes when in Texas. Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., Vol. VI, pp. 9-14. (18 species.) Roemek, Ferdinand. Texas : mit besonderer Rlicksicht auf deutsche Auswanderun"- und die physichen Verhaltnisse des Landes, nach eigener Beobachtung geschildert. 8vo. Bonn, 1849. (Contains a list of birds, — 40 species.) KOCKY MOUNTAINS AND ADJACENT PLAINS. General. Baird, S. F. ["Nominal] List of Birds inhabiting America, west of the Mississippi, not described in Audubon's Ornithology. Stansbury's Expl. and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake, pp. 327-335, 1852. (153 species.) Baird, S. F. Descriptions of New Birds, collected between Abuquerque, New Mexico, and San Francisco, during the Winter of 1853-54, by Dr. C. B. R. Kennerly and H. B. Mbllhausen, etc. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., Vol. VII, p. 118-120, 1854. (8 species.) Baird, S. F. Report on the Birds collected by the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey, with Notes by J. H. Clark, D. N. Couch, and C. B. R. Kennerly. U. S. and Mex. Bound. Sur., Vol. II, Part II, No. 2, pp. 1-32, 1859. (236 species.) Baird, S. F. Report on the Birds collected on the Route near the 3§th and 39th Parallels, explored by Capt. J. W. Gunnison, and near the 41st Parallel, explored by Lieut. E. G. Beckwith. Pacific R. R. Rep. of Expl. and Surv., Vol. X, Part IV, No. 2, pp. 11 - 16, 1S59. (25 species.) 442 BULLETIN OF THE Cooper, J. G., and Suckley, G. Report on the Birds collected on the Route near the 47th and 49th Parallels, explored by I. I. Stevens, Gov- ernor of Washington Territory. Pacific R. R. Rep. of Expl. and Surveys, Vol. XII, Part II, No. 3, pp. 140-291, 1859. (Republished, "with ad- ditions and corrections," in 1860, forming the work entitled "Natural History of Washington Territory.") (212 species.") Cooper, J. G., and Suckley, G. List of Birds heretofore reported as found in the Northwestern Part of America, but of which no Specimens have been reported by recent Explorers. Pacific R. R. Rep. of Expl. and Surv., Vol. XII, Part II, Zoology, pp. 288-290, 1859. (120 species.) Coues, Elliott. Ornithology of a Prairie Journey, and Notes on the Birds of Arizona. Ibis, 1st Ser., Vol. V, April, 1865. Haydex, F. V. List of the Birds of the Upper Missouri. Geol. and Nat. Hist, of the Upper Missouri, pp. 157-176, 4to. Philadelphia, 1862. (191 species.) Heermanx, A. L. Report on the Birds collected on the Route near the 32d Parallel, from the Rio Grande to the Pimas Villages, explored by Lieut. J. G. Parke. Pacific R. R. Rep. of Expl. and Surveys, Vol. X, Part — , No. 1, pp. 5 - 20, 1859. (25 species.) Kexxerly, C. B. R. Report upon the Birds of the Route near the 35th Parallel, explored by Lieut. A. W. Whipple. Pacific R. R. Rep. of Expl. and Surveys, Vol. X, Part VI, No. 3, pp. 19-35, 1859. (88 species.) Newberry, J. S. Report upon the Zoology of Lieut. R. S. Williamson's Explorations in Oregon and California. Pacific R. R. Expl. and Surveys, Vol. VI, Part IV, No. 2, chap, ii, Birds, pp. 73 - 110, 1857. (175 species.) Say, Thomas. The Ornithological Articles in Long's Expedition (from Pittsburg to the Rocky Mountains). 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1823. Towxsexd, Johx K. List of the Birds inhabiting the Regions of th Rocky Mountains, the Territory of Oregon, and the Northwest Coast of North America. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1st Ser., Vol. VIII, pp. 151-158, 1839. (231 species.) Towxsexd, Johx K. Description of twelve new Species of Birds, chiefly from the Vicinity of the Columbia River, with an Appendix containing a [nominal] List of the Birds of the Columbia River. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1st Ser., Vol. VII, pp. 187 - 193, 1837. (72 species.) Woodiiouse, S. W. Report on the Birds of Capt. L. Sitgreaves's Expedi- tion down the Zuiii and Colorado Rivers. Sitgreaves's Report, pp. 58 - 105, 1853. (247 species.) Montana. Cooper, J. G. The Fauna of Montana Territory. Part II, Birds. Amer. Nat., Vol. II, pp. 596 -GUU; Vol. Ill, pp. 31-35, 73-84,1869. (107 species.) MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 443 Utah. Baird, S. F. Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake, etc., by H. Stansbury, T. E., U. S. A. 8vo. Philad., 1852, Appen- dix C, Birds, pp. 314-324. (31 species.) Baihd, S. F. Birds found at Fort Bridger. Gen. Rep. on Birds of N. Amer., Append., pp. 926, 927; P. R. K. Rep. of Expl. and Surv., Vol' IX, 1858. (104 species.) Arizona. Coues, Elliott. List of Birds collected in Southern Arizona by Dr. E. Palmer, with Remarks. Proe. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1868, pp. 81-85 (53 species.) Coues, Elliott. List of the Birds of Fort Whipple, Arizona, with which are incorporated all other Species ascertained to inhabit the Ter- ritory, etc. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1866, pp. 39-100. (245 species.) — Republished under the title, " Prodrome of a Work on the Ornithology of Arizona Territory." * New Mexico Baird, S. F. On Birds collected in New Mexico by Lieut. Abert. Stans- bury's Exped., pp. 325-327. (9 species.) Henry, T. Charlton. Notes derived from Observations made on the Birds of New Mexico, during the Years 1853 and 1854. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1855, pp. 306 - 317. (170 species.) Henry, T. Charlton. Catalogue of the Birds of New Mexico, as com- piled from Notes and Observations made while in that Territory, during a Residence of six Years. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1859, pp. 104- 109. (198 species.) PACIFIC COAST. General. Cassin, John. Catalogue of Birds collected by the North Pacific Survey- ing and Exploring Expedition, in Command of Capt. Rogers, U. S. N., etc. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1862, pp. 312-328. (Contains many species from the West Coast of North America.) Peale, Titian R. Report on the Mammalia and Birds of the U. S. Ex- ploring Expedition under Capt. Wilkes. 4to. Philadelphia, 1848. (In- cludes many species from the West Coast of North America.) Vigors, N. A. Ornithology of Captain Beechey's Voyage. Zool. of Beechey's Voyage, pp. 13-40, 1839. * I regret to learn from Dr. Coues that this work will not be published. 444 BULLETIN OF THE Alaska. Baird, S. F. On Additions to the Bird-Fauna of North America, made by the Scientific Corps of the Russo-American Telegraph Expedition. Transact. Chicago Acad. Sci., Vol. I, pp. 311-337, 1870. (16 species.) Dai.l, W. II., and Bannister, II. M. List of the Birds of Alaska, with Biographical Notes. Transact. Chicago Acad. Science, Vol. I, pp. 267 — 310, 1870. (212 species.) Dall, W. H. Alaska and its Resources. 8vo. Boston, 1870, pp. 580-586. (Contains a nominal list of 212 species.) Vancouver's Island. Brown, Robert. Synopsis of the Birds of Vancouver's Island. Rois, 1868, pp. 414-428. (153 species.) [Lord, Joiix K. The Naturalist in Vancouver's Island and British Co- lumbia. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1866. Vol. II, pp. 291-301, contains a list of 226 species of birds collected by Mr. Lord.] Sclater, P. L. On a Collection of Birds from Vancouver's Island. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1859, pp. 235-237. (35 species.) California. Brewer, T. M. List and Descriptions of Eggs obtained in California by Mr. E. Samuels. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. VI, pp. 145 - 149, 1857 (16 species.) Bridges, Thomas. Notes on California Birds, with Remarks by P. L Sclater. Proc. Zobl. Soc. Lond., 1858, pp. 1 -31, 1858. (11 species.) Cooper, J. G. The Fauna of California and its Geographical Distribution Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. IV, pp. 61 -81, 1869. Cooper, J. G. Species of Animals new to the State of California. Proc Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. II, pp. 118-123, 1861. (18 species of birds.) COOPER, J. G. Some recent Additions to the Fauna of California. Proc Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. IV, pp. 3-13, 1868. (33 speciesof birds added.) Cooper, J. G. The Naturalist in California. Amer. Nat, Vol. Ill, pp 182- 189, 470-481, 1869. Cooper, .1. G. Monterey in the dry Season. Amer. Nat., Vol. IV, pp 756-758, 1871. (About 30 species of birds mentioned as summer resi- dents.) Cooper, J. G, and Baird, S. F. Ornithology of California. Vol. I, [Land Birds,] royal 8vo, 1870. Coi i S, Elliott. From Arizona to the Pacific. Ibis, 2d Ser., Vol. I. pp. 260-275, 1866. Feilner, Joiix. [Ornithological] Explorations in Upper California in 1860 Smith. Rep., 1864, pp. 421-430. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 445 Gam bel, Wm. Remarks on the Birds observed in Upper California, with Descriptions of New Species. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 184G-47, pp. 44-48, 110-115, 154-158, 200-205. (84 species.) Ibid., Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 2d Ser., Vol. I, pp. 25-56, 215 - 229, 1847 - 1849. (176 species.) Heermann, A. L. Notes on the Birds of California observed during a Res- idence of three Years in that Country. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 2d Ser., Vol. II, pp. 259-272, 1853. (103 species.) Heermann, A. L. Report on the Birds collected during Explorations in California for Railroad Routes to connect with the Routes near the 35th and 3 2d Parallels of North Latitude, made by Lieut. R. G. William- son. Pacific R. R. Rep. of Expl. and Surveys, Vol. X, Part IV, No. 2, pp. 29 - 80. (221 species.) Lichtexsteix, H. Beitriige zur ornithologischen Fauna von Californien, etc. Abhandl. der Berlin Akad., Phys. Kl., 1838, pp. 417-451. Sclater, P. L. List of Birds collected by Mr. Thomas Bridges, in the Valley of San Jose, California. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1857, pp. 125- 127. (33 species.) Vigors, N A. On a Collection of Skins of Birds from California. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., Vol. I, p. 65, 1833. (Only a paragraph often lines.) Xantus, Johx. List of Birds collected at Fort Tejon, California. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1859, pp. 189 -193. (144 species.) MEXICO. Baird, S. F. Notes on a Collection of Birds made by Joan Xantus, Esq., at Cape St. Lucas, Lower California. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1859, pp. 299 - 306. (42 species.) Boxaparte, C. L. Catalogue d'Oiseaux du Mexique et du Perou. Rev. Zool., 1840, p. 19. Cabot, Samuel. Descriptions and Habits of some of the Birds of Yucatan. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. IV, pp. 460-467, 1843' (4 species.) Cassin, Joiix. Catalogue of Birds collected by Mr. Wm. S. [H.] Pease during the March of the Army of the United States from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1848-49, pp. 87-91. (45 species.) Lawrence, G. N. List of a Collection of Birds from Northern Yucatan. Ann. N. Yr. Lye. Nat. Hist., Vol. IX, pp. 198 - 210, 1869. (103 species.) Montes-de-Oca, Rafael. The Mexican Humming-Birds. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1860, pp. 47, 48, 80, 81, 551 - 553. (4 species.) [Parzudaki, E. Catalogue des Oiseaux du Mexique qui composent les collections de M. Salle. (432 species.)] 446 BULLETIN OF THE Sclater, P. L. On a Collection of Birds made by Mr. H. S. le Strange, near the City of Mexico. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1869, pp. 3G1-364. (Of the 262 species said to have been contained in the collection only 15 are particularly mentioned.) Sclater, P. L. List of a Collection of Birds procured by Mr. G. H. "White in the Vicinity of the City of Mexico. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, pp. 172 - 179. (156 species.) Sclater, P. L. Notes on some Birds from Southern Mexico. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1858, pp. 95-99. (14 species.) Sclater, P. L. On a Collection of Birds received by Mr. Salle from South- ern Mexico. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1857, pp. 226-230. (29 species.) Sclater, P. L. Catalogue of the Birds collected by M. Aug. Salle in South- ern Mexico, etc. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1856, pp. 283-311. (233 species.) Sclater, P. L. On a Collection of Birds made by Sign. Matteo Botteri in the Vicinity of Orizaba, Southern Mexico. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1857, pp. 210-215. (38 species.) Sclater, P. L. Notes on a Collection of Birds from the Vicinity of Orizaba and neighboring Parts of Southern Mexico. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, pp. 250 - 254. (44 species.) Sclater, P. L. List of Birds collected by Mr. A. Boucard in the State of Oaxaca in Southern Mexico. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1859, pp. 369 — 393. (236 species.) Sclater, P. L. List of Additional Species of Mexican Birds obtained by M. Salle, from the Environs of Jalapa and San Andres Tuxtla. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., pp. 201-207, 1857. (62 species) Sclater, P. L. On a Series of Birds collected in the Vicinity of Jalapa, Mexico. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1859, pp. 362- 369. (226 species.) Sclater, P. L. On some Birds to be added to the Avifauna of Mexico. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1862, pp. 368, 369. (8 species N, Sumiciirast, F. The Geographical Distribution of the Native Birds of the Department of Vera Cruz, with a List of the Migratory Species, translated from the French, by Dr. T. M. Brewer. Mem. Bost Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. I, pp. 542-563, 1869. (225 species.) Sw.uxso.v, Wm, A Synopsis of the Birds discovered in Mexico by W. Bullock, Sen. and Jun. Phil. Mag., 2d Ser., Vol. I, pp. 364-369, 433- 442, 1827. (101 species.) CENTRAL AMERICA. General. BONAPARTE, C L. Notes sur les collections rapporte'es en 1853, par M. A. Delattre de son voyage en California et dans ie Nicaragua. Comptes MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 447 Rendus, Tome XXXVIII, pp. 827-835, 913-927, 1853; Tome XXXVIII, pp. 1-11, 53-66; 258-266, 365-389, 533-542, 650-665, 1854. Coues, Elliott. Notes on Certain Central American Laridce. Ibis, 1864. Moore, T. J. List of Mammals and Birds collected by Mr. Jos. Leland in Honduras, Belize, and Guatemala. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1859, pp. 50-65. (129 species.) Lawrence, Geo. N. Descriptions of New Species of Birds of the Families Zanagradce,'etc, etc. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., Vol. VIII, pp. 126- 135. (12 species.) Lawrence, Geo. N. Descriptions of Six New Species of Birds from Central America. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., Vol. VIII, pp. 170-173. Salvin, Osbert. A List of Species to be added to the Ornithology of Central America. Ibis, 1861. Salvin, O., and Sclater, P. L. Descriptions of New Species of Birds of the Families Dendrocolaplidce, Slrigidce, and Columbidce. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1868, pp. 53-60. Salvin, Osbert. On the PsiUacidce of Central America. Ibis, 1871, pp. 86-100. (27 species.) Sclater, P. L., and Salvin, O. On the Ornithology of Central America. Ibis, I, pp. 1 - 22, 1 1 7 - 138, 213 - 234, 1859. (382 species.) Sclater, P. L„ and Salvin, O. Descriptions, of New and Little-known American Birds, etc. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1868, pp. 322-329. Sclater, P. L., and Salvin, O. Descriptions of Six New Species of American Birds, etc. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1869, pp. 416-420. Sundevall, C. J. Conspectus genris Certhiolce. Ofvers. Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Forhand., 1869, pp. 619-625. (20 species.) Guatemala. Salvin, Osbert, and Sclater, P. L. Contributions to the Ornithology of Guatemala. Ibis, 1860, pp. 28-45, 272-278. (119 species.) Salvin, Osbert. Notes on the Humming-Birds of Guatemala. Ibis, 1860, pp. 259-272. (23 species.) Salvin, Osbert The Sea-Birds and Waders of the Pacific Coast of Guatemala. Ibis, 1865, pp. 187- 199. Salvin, Osbert. A further Contribution to the Ornithology of Guate- mala. Ibis, 1866, pp. 188-206. (81 species.) Salvin, Osbert. On some Collections of Birds from Veragua. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1867, pp. 129 - 161. (220 species.) Salvin, Osbert. Descriptions of Eight New Species of Birds from Vera- gua. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, pp. 67-76. Sclater, P. L., and Salvin, O. Descriptions of Four New Species of Birds from Veragua. Proc Zool. Soc. Lond., 1868, pp 387-390. 44S BULLETIN OF TIIE Sclater, P. L., and Salvin, O. Descriptions of Three New Species of Tanagers from Veragua. Proc. Zobl. Soc. Lond., 18G9, pp. 439-440. Honduras. Lawrence, G. N. Catalogue of a Collection of Birds in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution, made by Mr. II. E. Holland at Greytown, Nicaragua, etc. Ann. Lye. Nat Hist. N. York, 1865, pp. 179 - 185. (61 species.) Salvin, Osbert. A Fortnight amongst the Sea-Birds of British Honduras. Ibis, 1864, pp. 372-387. Sclater, P. L. List of Birds collected by Geo. Cavendish Taylor in the Republic of Honduras. Proc. Zobl. Soc, 1858, pp. 356-360. (39 species.) Sclater, P. L., and Salvin, Osbert. List of Birds collected on the Bluefields River, Mosquito Coast, by Mr. Henry Wickham. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1867, pp. 278-280. (39 species.) Taylor, Geo. Cavendish. On Birds collected in the Republic of Hon- duras, etc. Ibis, 1860, pp. 10-24, 110-122, 222-228, 311-317. (96 species.) Costa Rica. Cabanis, J. Uebersicht der im Berliner Museum befindlichen Vbgel von Costa Rica. Journ. fur Orn., VIII Jahrgang, pp. 321-336, 401-416, 1860; IX Jahrgang, pp. 1-14, 96, 241-256, 1861. (113 species.) Cassin, John. On some Conirostral Birds from Costa Rica, etc. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1865, pp. 169 - 172. (22 species.) [Fran zi us, V. Ueber die geographische Verbreitung der Vbgel Costa- Rica's. Caban. Journ. fur Ornith., 1869, pp. 195, 290.] Lawrence, G. N. A Catalogue of the Birds of Costa Rica. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, 1868, pp. 86 - 149. (511 species.) Salvadori, Tommaso. Intorno ad alcuni Uccelli di Costa Rica. Atti della R. Accad. Sc di Torino, 1868, pp. 170 - 185. (23 species.) Salvin, Osbert. Descriptions of Seventeen New Species of Birds from Costa Rica. Proc. Zobl. Soc. Lond., 1864, pp. 5 79-586. Salvin, Osbert. Notes on Mr. Lawrence's List of Costa Rica Birds. Ibis, 1869, pp. 310-319 ; 1870, pp. 107-116. (29 species added to Mr. Lawrence's List.) New Granada. La whence, Geo. N. Catalogue of a collection of Birds made in New Granada, etc. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, Vol. VII, pp. 288-302, 315-334; 461-479, 1861; Vol. VIII, pp. 1-13, 1862. (415 species.) LAWRENCE, Geo. N. List of Birds from near David, Chiriqui, New Gra- nada, etc. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, 1865, pp. 175-179. (39 species.) MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 449 THE BERMUDA AND WEST INDIA ISLANDS. Bermudas. Bland, Lieut. List of the Birds of Bermuda. Smithsonian Report, 1858, pp. 286-289. (114 species.) Wedderburn, J. W., and Hurdis, J. L. Notes and Observations on the Birds of Bermuda, etc. Jones's The Naturalist in Bermuda. London, 1859, pp. 23-97. Bahamas. Bryant, Henry. A List of Birds seen at the Bahamas, from January 20 to May 14, 1859, etc. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. VII, pp. 102-134, 18G0. (87 species.) Bryant, Henry. Additions to a List of the Birds seen at the Bahamas. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, Vol. XI, pp. 63 - 70, 1866. (31 species.) Cuba. Brever, T. M. [Nominal] List of the Birds of Cuba, compiled from two Lists furnished by Dr. John Gundlach. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. VII, pp. 305-308, 1860. (251 species.) Gundlach, John. Description of Five new Species of Birds, and other Ornithological Notes of Cuban Species. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. VI, pp. 313-319, 1852. (18 species in all.) Gundlach, J. Beitrage zur Ornithologie Cuba's. Journ. fiir Orn., II Jahrgang, pp. — , 1854; III Jahrgang, 465, 1855; IV Jahrgang, pp. 1, 97, 337, 417, 1856 ; V Jahrgang, pp. 225-242, 1857. (251 species.) Gundlach, J. Tabellarische Uebersicht aller bisher auf Cuba beobach- teten Vbgel. Journ. fur Orn., IX Jahrgang, pp. 321-349, 1861. (249 species.) Gundlach, J. Zus'atze und Berichtigungen zu den " Beitr'agen zur Or- nithologie Cuba's." Journ. fiir Orn., IX Jahrgang, pp. 401-416; X Jahrgang, pp. 81-96. (249 species.) Gundlach, Juan. Revista y Catalogo de las Aves cubauas. Repert. fisico-nat. de Cuba, Vol. I, pp. 165-180, 221-242, 2S1 -302, 347-363, 386-403, 1865, 1866. (257 species.) Gundlach, J. Briefliches von Cuba. Cab. Journ. fur Orn., 1866, pp. 352-353. Lawrence, Geo. N. Notes on some Cuban Birds, etc. Ann. Lye Nat. Hist. New York, Vol. VII, p. 247, 1860. (27 species.) Lembeye, J. Aves de la Isle de Cuba, 8vo. Habana, 1850. (222 species.) Ramon de la Sagra. Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de File de Cuba, etc. Ornithologie par A. d'Orbigny. 8vo, 1839. (129 species.). Vigors, N. A. On some Birds from Cuba. Zool. Journ., Vol. Ill, pp. 432-448, 1828. (45 species., 450 BULLETIN OF THE Jamaica. Gosse, P. H. The Birds of Jamaica. 8vo. London, 1847. Makch, W. T. Notes on the Birds of Jamaica, with Remarks by S. F. Baird. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1863, pp. 150-154, 283-304; 1864, pp. 62- 72. (109 species.) [Osuurn, W. Notes on the Mountain Birds of Jamaica. Zoologist, pp. 6709, 6761.] Sclater, P. L. A List of a Collection of Birds made by the late Mr. W. Osburn in Jamaica, with Notes. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1861, pp. 69- 82. (92 species.) St. Domingo, St. Thomas, Porto Rico, etc. Bryant, Henry. A List of the Birds of St. Domingo, etc. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XI, pp. 89 - 98, 1866. (78 species.) Bryant, II. A List of Birds from Porto Rico, etc. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. X, pp. 248 - 257, 1866. (41 species.) Cassin, John. Catalogue of Birds from the Island of St. Thomas, West Indies, collected and presented to the Academy of Natural Science by Mr. Robert Swift. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1860, pp. 374-379. (27 species.) Lawrence, G. N., and Julien, A. A. Catalogue of Birds collected at the Island of Sombrero, AV. I. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York., VIII, pp. 93-107, 1864. (34 species.) Newton, A. and E. Observations on the Birds of St. Croix, West Indies, made between February 20 and August 6, 1857, and March 4 and Sep- tember 28, 1858. Ibis, I, pp. 59-69, 138-150, 253-264, 365-379, 1859. (64 species.) Salle\ Aug. Liste des Oiseaux rapportes et observes dans la Repub- lique Dominicaine, pendant son voyage de 1849 - 1851. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1857, pp. 230-237. (61 species.) Sundevai.l, C. J. Aves Insula? Portorico. Ofvers. Kongl. Vetensk. Akad. Forhand., 1869, pp. 593-603. (90 species.) Sundevall, C. J. Aves Insulae Sancti Barthelemy. Ofvers. Kongl. Vetensk. Akad. Forhand., 1869, pp. 579-592. (47 species.) Cambridge, April, 1871. N. B. — The Museum of Comparative Zoology would gladly accept books not yet upon the shelves of its library in exchange for its publications or zoological specimens. :: — — ■ -'• -• ; i Plate IV.* Fig. 1 - la. Tyrannus carolinensis, specimen No. 6942, from Eastern Massa- chusetts. " 2 - 2a. Tyrannus carolinensis, specimen No. 6945, from Eastern Massa- chusetts. " 3 - 3a. Troglodytes aedon, specimen No. 10931,9, from Jacksonville, Fla. " 4 - 4a. Troglodytes addon, specimen No. 10684, 9 , from Dummitt's, Fla. " 5 -5a. Troglodytes aedon, specimen No. 10683, from Dummitt's, Fla. " 6 - 6a. Troglodytes aedon, specimen No. 5212, from Welaka, St. John's River, Fla. " 7 -7a. Troglodytes aedon, specimen No. 10930, from Jacksonville, Fla. " 8 -8a. Seiurus noveboracensis, specimen No. 5447, from Mount Tom, Mass. " 9 -9a. Seiurus noveboracensis, specimen No. 1442, from Weston, Mass. " i0-10a. ^Seiurus noveboracensis, specimen No. 6794, from Brookline, Mass. " 11 - 11a. Seiurus noveboracensis, specimen No. 4246, from Waterville, Maine. " 12- 12a. Mniotilla varia, specimen No. 5148, £, from Jacksonville, Fla. " 13 -13a. Mniotilla varia, specimen No. 6806, £, from Brookline, Mass. " 14 -14a. Mniotilla varia, specimen No. 8216, £, from Hudson, Mass. " 15 - 15a. Dendrozca striata, specimen No. 5052, £, from Watertown, Mass. u 16- 16a. Dendrozca striata, specimen No. 4367, £, from Newtonville, Mass. " 17- 17a. Pipilo crythrophthalmus, specimen No. 4727, £, from "Wes- ton, Mass. " 18- 18a. Pipilo erythrophthahnus, specimen No. 10721, £, from Dum- mitt's, Fla. " 19 -19a. Pyranga cestiva, specimen No. 10629, £, from Jacksonville, Fla. " 20 -20a. Pyranga astiva, specimen No. 5431, £, from Jacksonville, Fla. * At bottom of Plata IV, last line, for " Pyranga rubra " read " Pyranga cestiva." ' I jg ■- ' JB m I Plate V. Fig. 1 - la. Mgioihw linaria, specimen No. 10859, £, from Newton, Mass. " -2a. jEgiothus linaria, specimen No. 10860, from Fort Simpson, British America. (An original specimen of JE. exilipes Coues. — Smith. Inst., No. 27431.) " 7 - 7a. Chrysomitris tristis, specimen No. 6453, £, from Rocky Moun- tains, west of Denver, Colorado. " 8 -8a. Chrysomilris tristis, specimen No. 8125, £, from Springfield, Mass. u 9 -9a. Chrysomitris tristis, specimen No. 4925, from Newtonville, Mass. " 10 -10a. Chrysomitris tristis, specimen No. 4631, from Newtonville, Mass. 11 11 -11a. Chrysomitris pinus, specimen No. 9556, from "Waterville, Maine. " 12 -12a. Chrysomitris pinus, specimen No. 10875, from Gorham, New Hampsliire. " 13 - 13a. Curvirostra americana, specimen No. 4639, £, from Newton, Mass. " 14 -14a. Curvirostra americana, specimen No. 4638, ^, from Newton, Mass. " 15- 15a. Curvirostra americana, specimen No. 4637, from Hawkins- ville, Fla. " 2 - 2a. Siurnella ludoviciana, specimen No. 5372, 9> from Hawkins- ville, Fla. u 3 - 3a. Siurnella ludoviciana, specimen No. 5339, £ , from Enterprise, Fla. " 4 - 4a. Siurnella ludoviciana, specimen No. 5340, g, from Enterprise, Fla. " 5 -5a. Colapfex auratus, specimen No. 4881, 9» from Newton, Mass.