HARVARD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OF THE Museum of Comparative Zoology BULLETIN MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY HARVARD COLLEGE, IN CAMBRIDGE. VOL. III. Nos. 1-16. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. 1871-1876. Reprinted with the permission of the original publisher KRAUS REPRINT CORPORATION New York 1967 ~> Printed in U.S.A. CONTENTS. Page No. 1. — Report on the Brachiopoda obtained by the United States Coast Survey Expedition in charge of L. F. de Poortales. With a Revision of the Craniidaa and Discinidae. By W. H. Dall. (2 Plates) . . 1 No. 2. — Application of Photography to Illustrations of Natural History. With two Figures printed by the Albert and Woodbury Processes. By Alexander Agassiz .47 No. 3. — A Letter concerning Deep-Sea Dredging, addressed to Professor Benjamin Peirce, Superintendent United States Coast Survey. By Louis Agassiz 49 No. 4. — Preliminary Notice of a few Echini. By Alexander Agassiz . 55 No. 5. — Fossil Cephalopods of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. — Embryology by Alpheus Hyatt. (4 Plates) 59 Embryology, 66 ; Umbilicus, 76 ; Whorls, 76 ; Septa, 81 ; The Shell, 103. No. 6. — Notes of an Ornithological Reconnaissance of Portions of Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah. By J. A. Allen . . . .113 I. List of Birds observed at Leavenworth, Kansas, from May 2 to May 11, and at Topeka, Kansas, from May 11 to May 24, 1871. With Annotations 122 II. List of Birds observed in the Vicinity of Fort Hays, Kansas, from May 26 to July 3, 1871. With Annotations .... 131 III. List of Birds observed in Northwestern Kansas, December 25, 1871, to January 12, 1872. With Annotations . . . .142 IV. List of Birds observed at Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, from August 16 to August 28, 1871. With Annotations . . .144 V. List of Birds observed at the Eastern Base of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado Territory, between Colorado City and Denver, in July and August, 1871. With Annotations . . . .146 VI. List of Birds observed in South Park, Park County, Colorado Ter- ritory, in July, 1871. With Annotations 153 VII. List of Birds observed in the Vicinity of Mount Lincoln, Park County, Colorado, from July 19 to July 26, 1871. With Anno- tations 159 iv CONTENTS. VIII. List of Birds collected in the Vicinity of Ogden, Utah Territory, "from September 1 to October 8, 1871. With Annotations . . 164 IX. Summary List of Birds observed in Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah, in 1871 173 No. 7. — Interim Report of the Hydroids collected by L. F. de Pourtales, during the^Gulf Stream Exploration of the United States Survey. By George J. Allman 185 No. 8. — The Echini collected in the Hassler Expedition. By Alexander Agassiz . . . 187 No. 9. — Catalogue of the Terrestrial Air- breathing Mollusks of North Amer- ica, with Notes on their Geographical Range. By W. G. Binney. (1 Plate) 191 No. 10. — Ophiuridae and Astrophytidse, new and old. By Theodore Lyman. (7 Plates) 221 On the Species of Ophiothrix from the Waters of Western Europe and of the Mediterranean .... 240 Catalogue of the Ophiuridae and Astrophytidse collected by Prof. C. Semper, and now belonging to the Museum of Comparative Zoology 252 Homologies of Chewing Apparatus in Ophiuridte 254 Explanation of Plates 260 No. 11. — Exploration of Lake Titicaca. By Alexander Agassiz and S. W. Garman. (1 Plate) 274 I. Fishes and Reptiles. By S. W. Garman 274 Fishes, 274 ; Batrachians, 276 ; Reptiles, 278. No. 12. —Exploration of Lake Titicaca. By Alexander Agassiz and S. W. Garman 279 II. Notice of the Palaeozoic Fossils. By Orville A. Derby, M. S., with Notes by Alexander Agassiz 279 No. 13. — Recent Corals from Tilibiche, Peru. By Alexander Agassiz and L. F. de Pourtales. (1 Plate) 287 No. 14. — The Development of Salpa. By Wm. K. Brooks, Ph. D. (34 cuts) 291 Embryology of Solitary Salpa (Female) 306 Development of the Salpa Chain 326 Summary and General Conclusions ....... 337 No. 15. — Exploration of Lake Titicaca. By Alexander Agassiz and S. W. Garman 350 III. List of Mammals and Birds. By J. A. Allen, with Field Notes by Mr. Garman. Mammals, 350 ; Birds 353 No. 16. — Exploration of Lake Titicaca. By Alexander Agassiz and S. W. Garman 361 IV. Crustacea. By Walter Faxon. (With 37 cuts) ... 361 No. 1. — Report on the Brachiopoda obtained by the United States Coast Survey Expedition, in Charge of L. F. de Pour- tales, with a Revision of the Craniidye and Discinid.e by W. H. Dall. (Communicated by Professor Benj. Peikce, Superintendent U. S. Coast Survey.) In the preparation of this paper I have been indebted to the Smith- sonian Institution, under the direction of Professor Joseph Henry, for the use of their library and collection of recent brachiopods ; to J. Gwyn Jeffreys, Esq., F. R. S., for kindly lending specimens of the brachiopods obtained by the English Deep-Sea Dredging Expedition, for comparison ; and to Thomas Davidson, Esq., F. G. S., for many favors. The animals which compose this class are of peculiar interest to the naturalist and geologist, as being represented in rocks of very early ages, and continuously through the various formations up to the present period. Their position in the natural system of classification being stil1 a matter of discussion, all facts bearing on their anatomy and embryology are of the highest interest. I have endeavored, therefore, instead of compiling a mere list of species and descriptions, to enter as thoroughly into the details of anatomy as the means at hand would allow, and have considered the present a fit opportunity for rectifying the synonymy of some groups which, from the confusion in which they have been involved, have long been avoided by naturalists as stumbling-blocks. It is hardly necessary to add, that I am indebted for the opportunity of doing this work to the kindness of Professor Agassiz, who placed the materials in my hands for examination, with the kind concurrence of M. de Pourtales and Dr. William Stimpson Class BRACHIOPODA Cuvier. Animals provided with two shelly valves, each of which, normally, is bilaterally symmetrical. Valves united by three or more pairs of muscles, which, with all the other soft parts (except occasionally the intestine) are arranged in bilateral symmetry with relation to the longitudinal axis of the valves, respectively. Organs consisting essentially of a mantle com- VOL. III. 1 BULLETIN OF THE posed of two lobes, which have their anterior edges always disconnected, and which correspond to the valves of the shell ; a disk of membrane, variously modified, with its edges fringed with a series of tubular brachia ; a mouth situated within the posterior edge of this disk ; a stomach with a more or less differentiated and anteriorly recurved intestine ; a circulatory system more or less contained within a series of vessels and an atrial system of sinuses or lacunes; with a unilocular heart and usually one or two pairs of accessory pulsatile vesicles ; with the genitalia usually sus- pended in the vascular sinuses and expelling their products through one or two pairs of oviducts opening externally ; nervous ganglia in a ring sur- rounding the oesophagus ; respiring oxygen by absorption through contact of the sea water with the surface of the tissues of the mantle and brachia; dioecious, and exclusively marine. This diagnosis comprises all the characters which, after careful consid- eration, I find to be common to all the members of the class. There are other characters which are more or less characteristic of the more familiar forms of recent brachiopods, but which are not characteristic of the group as a whole. Thus, many of the recent forms are attached by a pedicel, while others in the same family are attached by the substance of the valves, and others of nearly allied groups are without an attachment of any kind. The shells of many brachiopods are perforated by minute tubuli lined by ca^cal prolongations of the outer laminae of the mantle lobes, while others in the same family, and perhaps, in some cases, in the same genus, are without these perforations. The mantle edge of many genera is jiro- vided with a more or less closely set border of seta?, while others in the same family are entirely without seta;, and even the same individual, in the earlier stages of its growth (but after the other organs are nearly complete) may be devoid of them. In some brachiopods the setae are stated to be movable, while in others no muscles exist by which they might be moved. In some the blood is colored and in others colorless. The chemical composition of the shell differs in different genera, though in the gi-eat majority it is principally composed of carbonate of lime. The embryonic forms differ widely among themselves, some being segmented and possessing eye-spots like the fry of Pneumodermon and Dentalium, while others are unsegmented. In one genus the pedicel is developed out of the middle of the dorsal area of the embryo, so that the valves both bear a dorsal relation to the animal, while in others it would appear to extend from one extremity of the embryo, when the valves would bear a dorsal and ventral relation respectively. It is evident that characters such as these, which are few of family, and none of ordinal value, can have no important bearing upon the classifica- tion of the group and its systematic position as a whole. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 3 Order ARTHROPOMATA Owen. ** Syn. = Arthropomata Owen, Enc. Brit. Ed., VIII, XV, Art. Mollusca, p. 336, 1858. = Brachiopodes, valves articule'es Deshayes, An. s. Vert. Ed , II, VII, p. 309, 1836. = PaUiobranchiata, testa cardine inslructa Van der Hceven, Handb. der Zool., p. 092, 1850 * = Apygia Bronx, Klass. Ordn. Thierr., Ill, 1 Abth. p. 301, 1862. = Articulata Huxley, Lect. Class. 1864. Intr. Class. Anim., p. 116, 1869. >- -< Ancylobrachia ■+■ Cryptobrachia + Sclerobrachia + Sarcicobrachia Gray, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, pp. 435-438, 1848. =~ -= Brachiopodes brachide's + B. cirride's D'Orbigny, Cours Ele'm. Pal., II, p. 82, 1849. >- Pedunculata Latreille, Fam. Nat. Reg. An., p. 196, 1825. Characters. Intestine ending in a closed sac. Lobes of the mantle united posteriorly. Valves articulated by teeth and sockets. Family TEREBRATULIDiE. Tcrebratulidce Dall, Am. Journ. Conch., VI, p. 101, 1870. ( Thecid'ddoz exclus. ) Subfamily TEREBRATULINiE Dall. Terebratulinai Dall, 1. c. p. 101, 1870. Genus TEREBRATULA Auct. ex Llhwyd. Terebratula Lliiwyd, Litli. Britt. Ichn., 1699. Lam. Prodrome, 1799. Dall Am. Jour. Conch., VI, p. 101, 1870. Type T. perovalis Sowekby, Lamarck. T. maxillata, Sowerby. Terebratula cubensis Pourtales. Terebratula cubensis Pourtales, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., I, No. 7, p. 109, 1867. Dall, Am. Jour. Conch., Vol. VI, pp. 105, 166, 1870. Terebratula vitrea, var. Davidson, Mon. Ital. Tert. Brach., I, p. 9, 1870 ; also Jeffreys, in litt. (not of Born). Florida reefs, May, 1868, in 100 - 200 fathoms, rarer toward the east end of the reefs. Coast of Cuba near Havana, in 270 fathoms. Pourtales, U. S. Coast Survey. In upholding the specific distinctness of this species, which is withou; doubt closely allied to T. vitrea, I regret that I am obliged to differ from * I have adopted in the synonymy the very excellent system of notation proposed by Bronn and Strickland. This, or some similar system, is absolutely necessary for the comprehension of intricate synonymy. It is a matter of surprise that it has not been more generally adopted and made use of. The single asterisks denote references which I have not been able to verify by actual examination in person. I BULLETIN OF THE the distinguished naturalists whose names are quoted above. It must bo admitted that honest differences of opinion may exist in regard to the specific limits of almost any species of animal ; in this, as in other cases, . I can only give utterance to my own personal opinion, based upon the material at my command. I have, in another publication, stated that I have found constant, though not extreme, differences between this species and T. vilrea, and, as no transition from the one to the other has yet been shown, I feel justified in considering these differences as of specific value. They were partly pointed out by M. de Pourtales in his original descrip- tion ; and after a careful examination of many hundred specimens, and a critical comparison of them with a large series of T. vilrea, I have not been able to detect any inconstancy in the form of the loop in each species. While the other characters arc more variable, yet even those show no more approach to each other than may usually be observed in two closely allied species. The following comparative diagnoses will serve to point out these differ- ences : — T. cubensis has the. margin of the valves laterally flexuous, varying to some extent in degree of flexuosity, with age. This diagnosis, however, refers to adult shells, in which a certain amount of flexuosity is always present. The convexity being in a homial direction, the margin of the hamuli valve is excavated on each side, giving the valve a subquadrangular aspect. The valves are usually rather inflated, giving the shell a tumid aspect. The hinge teeth are stout and thick, the deltidium moderate ; foramen rather large. The shell is widest near the anterior margin of the valves, the cardinal border is strongly arched ; the cardinal process is stout, blunt, broad, rounded and much recurved. The cardinal plate is divided ; no shelly matter extending between the apophysal ridges. The shelly plates on each side of these ridges, extending to the dental ridges, are deeply concave, with the anterior border somewhat produced ami rounded. The crura are short and blunt. The anterior part of the loop is characteristic and peculiar. It is strongly squarely convex in the mid- dle, and a deep narrow gutter extends on each side of this convexity and is produced at each side into a point. Between these points and the median convexity on each side is a deep slit or fissure. The anterior end of the convexity is much produced, blunt, and square. It terminates be- hind in a slight sinus or indentation. The apex of the haemal valve is much incurved. T.vitrea has the lateral margins of the valves almost rectilinear, if there be any flexuosity the direction of the convexity is neural. Hence the outline of the hannal valve is rounded ovate. The valves are more or less compressed, and there are frequently indications of a broad median ridge, MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 5 flattened and bounded by two obscure carina?, which is never present in T. cubensis. The hinge teeth are slender and delicate, the deltidium much narrower, and the foramen usually smaller than in T. cubensis. The shell is widest behind the middle of the valves, giving a slight coffin-shaped aspect to the valves ; the cardinal border is nearly straight, the cardinal process is slender, produced, and square at the end. The cardinal plate is divided, as in the last, the shelly plates on each side are nearly flat and anteriorly emarginated. The crura are sharply pointed. The anterior portion of the loop is but slightly convex in the middle, the gutters on each side are broad and shallow, there are no lateral slits, and instead of a median prolongation there is a deep, broad emargination or concavity in the anterior edge of this part of this loop. Instead of a sinus behind, there is a sharp point, which is, however, often broken off* in dry speci- mens. The apex of the haemal valve is not incurved. In fact, the shell of this species is flat where T. cubensis is concave, emarginated where cubensis is produced, entire where cubensis is fissured, broadest where cubensis is narrowest, narrowest where cubensis is widest, subcarinate where cubensis is smoothly rounded, etc., etc. In both obscure fine radiat- ing lines may be often seen. That these characters are constant through- out hundreds of specimens of T. cubensis I can testify from actual exami- nation. I have found those here recorded of T. vitrea constant in some twenty specimens, and in all the figures of this species extant. Hence I have not the slightest hesitation in considering them as distinct species. The differences of the loops, solely, would distinguish them anywhere, and no more satisfactory specific character could be advanced. In its general anatomy this species presents some similarity to Wahllu imia Jiorblana. I shall r<"=erve a more explicit account of the structure for that species, and only mention here the anatomical points which appear more striking, and which are more or less peculiar to this species. Most of the. soft parts are of a translucent yellowish white color. The mantle is of stouter consistency than in W. fioridana, and may often be removed from the shell with but little injury if care be exercised. The muscles are. similar in disposition to those of the other members of the Terebratulidee, and present no new features. The peduncle is solid, cup-shaped at its extremity, and has the edge produced in cylindrical horny rootlets, which are attached to foreign bodies. The regular arrangement in layers of the muscles and corium, as well as the axial tube of the peduncle, found in Lingula, is less evident or absent in these forms. In this species the peduncle is very short and stout, broadly cordiform at its inner extremity when enveloped by its various tunics. The brachia are arranged as in T. vitrea, as figured by Woodward; the central coil makes about four turns. The cirrhi are very short behind the G BULLETIN OF THE mouth, in front of the supra-oesophageal body. A striking feature in its anatomy, which I believe has not yet been noted in any publication on Brachiopods, is the absence of that great series of sinuses in the ante- rior part of mantle, 'which was termed by Hancock the "great pallial sinuses." So extraordinary did this appear to me, that I could not be- lieve, at first, that I was not deceived by the translucency of the mem- branes, and it was only after an examination of many specimens that I be- came convinced that they did not exist in this species. There is in the free lobes of the mantle an extensive and extremely close and fine network of minute channels ; or perhaps it might be said that the whole of the mantle lobes form one great lacune, the upper and lower walls of which are held apart by a profuse number of pillars of tissue, which appear like dark spots under the microscope, and which are situated so close together that the spaces about them are reduced to minute channels. This system occu- pies the anterior lobes of the mantle, which in some species also contain large branching sinuses, here absent. On the outer surface of the perivisceral chamber, above and below, on each side of the attachments of the principal muscles, a small system of sinuses exists, and here are situated the genitalia which necessarily assume a reticulated aspect quite different from the loops and branches seen in Waldheimia and Terebratella. In the inner lining of the mantle are scattered, everywhere, delicate branching spiculae, looking like briers more than like deer-horns, and, while more or less interlocked, and here and there stout and thick, are still much more delicate and slen- der than those of Tcrebratidina caput-serpeiitis and Megerlia truncata, and do not often exhibit a stellar arrangement. They are much more numer- ous in some individuals than in others, and when present in abundance are found in almost every part of the epithelium, even to the brachial cirrhi, where the spicules are slender and not branched. They are especially numerous over the perivisceral chamber and in the supra-cesophageal tissue. The oral aperture presents no special peculiarities. The oesophagus is wide and funnel-shaped, narrowest at its junction with the stomach, which it enters at an acute angle. The stomach is small and oval, tapering to- ward the intestine, which is nearly twice as long as the oesophagus. In the stomach was a dark mass of calcareous granules, fragments of Foraminifera, etc., filling it quite full ; among the debris was, in one specimen, the re- mains of a small red crustacean with a large carapax and ( ? six) legs, somewhat resembling a young Limulus, but much smaller. Other unrecog- nizable crustacean fragments were noticed in other cases. Notwith- standing the crowded state of the stomach, the intestine was always empty. Its caecal end was somewhat blunt and rounded, and several fold- like thickenings of the mesentery recalled Hancock's figures of the termi- nation of the intestine in W. cranium. The pointed lower ends of the MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 7 plicated openings of the oviducts were free from the body wall and attached to the parietal band on the anterior edge of the intestine a little way above the heart : first, by a tendinous process of considerable toughness ; and, secondly, by the end of the plicated membrane itself. Between the two attachments a small foramen appeared, which seemed to be normal, but may possibly have been due to a lesion of the tissues. The heart in most specimens was pyriform and of moderately large size ; in one or two it appeared of an hourglass shape, probably due to contraction. The dis- position of the vessels was similar to that described by Hancock in Tere- bratulina caput-serpentis, as far as I was able to determine. A very careful search was made for accessory pulsatile vesicles, but none were discovered, though I do not feel positive that they may not ex- ist. The vessels which supply the genitalia are much looped and reticu- lated. The genitalia, as before mentioned, are situated in a reticulated series of sinuses, on the surfaces of the sides of the perivisceral tissues ; this series does not pass in front of the muscular attachments, as far as I have been able to discover by repeated and careful examinations. It would seem as if this portion represented the pallial sinuses of Hancock, which exist in other genera, but which, in this species at least, seem to be suppressed anteriorly. The lacunes of the anterior portion of the mantle- lobe are homologous with the inner and outer pallial lacunes of Hancock. The genitalia agree in general features in all the specimens examined. They are of a yellowish color, and all appeared destitute of the reddish granular substance noticed in other species. On the other hand, a similar accumulation of reddish-yellow granules appears in the glandular funnels of the oviducts, which open by an oval and rather large aperture on each side, behind, and a short distance above the mouth. Above and behind the mouth, and directly in front of the anterior occlusor (retractor) muscles, the external tissues of the perivisceral mem- brane are thickened, or a mass of cellular tissue is interposed between the laminae of the membrane. This causes a protuberance almost exactly resembling in shape and appearance a human nose. Below the inferior and most prominent portion of this protuberance is a deep groove or incised line, under which is another protuberance, short, wide, and trans- verse, shaped like a roll of parchment. For want of a better name I pro- pose to call the lower protuberance the supra-ccsophageal body; the fissure, the inter-corporeal groove; and the upper protuberance, the nasi- form body. These organs do not exist in any of the species of Brachiopods (except T. cubetisis) with which I am acquainted. Nothing of the kind is to be seen in W. floridana, Terebratella coreanica, T. caurina, Waldheimia Jlavescens, etc., etc. I am unable to say whether it occurs in T. vilrea, BULLETIN OF THE but it is very likely that it does. What may be the office of these forma- tions I cannot imagine, unless it may be to protect the muscles. In many specimens the nasiform body was crammed with spiculae in one heterogeneous mass, forming an excellent shield for the muscles. The brachial cirrhi before these prominences were very much shorter than the others. I am not aware that these peculiar features have been noticed in any publication on this group. The hepatic digitations enter the stomach by two ducts on each side as in W. Jloridana, but are longer and more slender than in that species. The seta? are longer and more closely set in front than at the sides ; they rarely are double in the same follicle ; and in no case were more than two so noticed. They seemed to be almost uni- formly broken off just beyond the edge of the mantle, but in those which remained unbroken no transverse markings were seen. A few dark pigment granules were noticed around the bases of the follicles, and a line of similar granules was seen between each two seta?, passing round the bases- of the follicles and joining the next line, and so on continuously. The eircumpallial muscle was narrow and slender. No peculiarities of note were observed in the shell structure. The per- forations appeared to be slightly further apart than in T. vitrea, but the difference was not much greater than that which may be observed in the shells of different individuals of the same species. The external layer, mentioned by Hancock as occurring at the edges of the shells of other species, was well marked in perfect examples, and extended over a large part of the shells. Attached to a piece of rock, dredged off the Samboes on the Florida coast, was a minute polished hyaline shell 4-100 of an inch in length, which, from its general appearance and the locality in which it was found, I believe to be the young of T. cubensis. That species is abundant in that locality, and the only other known species to which it might be referred is TT. Jloridana. The latter, even in very small specimens, has quite a different aspect. The shell in question was ovate,*with the beak of the neural valve quite prominent, and with a small but sharply defined area. There was no deltidium, and the apex of the haemal valve Avas somewhat prominent, recalling that of an embryonic (?) Brachiopod described by Mr. Jeffreys, under the name of Terebratula capsula. The punctures were very small and widely separated, arranged in quincunx order. The ends of the prisms of which the shelly matter is composed, by impinging upon the surface, gave it a beautifully reticulated or lacelike aspect. By gumming the lower valve to a piece of card, and allowing the end of a thread moist- ened with gum to dry fast upon the upper valve, I was fortunately able to separate the two without breaking them or injuring the remains of the an- imal within. These afforded some interesting notes. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 9 Muscular System. — The muscles were of a dark reddish-brown, and consisted of a pair of cardinal muscles attached on each side of the notch in the haamal valve, two pair of adductors in the usual position, and the pedicel muscle. No others could be distinguished. Brachia. — There were no apophyses, and the brachia were supported by membranes of a horseshoe shape attaching them to the adductor mus- cles. They consisted of a single row of distant cirrhi attached to the edge of a horseshoe-shaped membrane, which passed behind the mouth and was broadest on each side of the mouth, and prolonged anteriorly about half the length of the valves, diminishing in breadth until it terminated in a point on each side. There was no loop in the literal sense of the word. On the outer edge of the membrane were long, slender, distant cirrhi, about ten on each side. On the inner side of the membrane were a few very short cirrhi, and the series was discontinued before passing below the mouth. The external cirrhi were continuous above or behind the mouth. They were tubular, hyaline, and presented transverse markings at short intervals, somewhat as if they were annulated. They were about .018 of an inch in length. The mantle was exceedingly thin, hyaline, with a plain edge, not furnished with seta?. Organs of Digestion. — The mouth was transverse and small, the upper " lip " somewhat produced in the median line ; the stomach was straight, short, bag-shaped, and a little constricted behind the mouth. Its termina- tion was csecal. Around the stomach a few yellowish hepatic digitations were observed. There were no other organs ; intestine, ovaries, etc., being absent. The peduncle was short and slender. The apex of the larger valve presented a curious appearance. It was not pointed, but kidney-shaped, and its consistency appeared to be some- what granulated, differing from the rest of the shell in texture. The in- dentation lay in the median line just above the foramen. In the middle of the nucleus two well-marked pores or hyaline points, apparently perfo- rations, were clearly visible. Around the edges of the nucleus the growth of the shell appeared to have been rather toward a bag-shape, and this gave an appearance of constriction around the edges of the nucleus. The upper margin of the arch of the foramen was a short distance below this. The upper part of the arch was closed by a very thin, transparent septum of shelly matter. The edge of the apex of the smaller valve appeared to be of the same granular texture as the nucleus, but this merged impercepti- bly into the rest. There was no cardinal process, and a shallow emargina- tion or notch of rounded shape completed the opening of the foramen when the valves were together. The cardinal muscles were attached on each side of this notch to the interior of the shell. The teeth of the hinge were already well marked. 10 BULLETIN OF THE Terebratulina D'Orb. Terebratulina D'Orbigny, Comptes Rendus, XXV, p. 268, 1847. Type T. caput-serpentis Lin. sp. Syst. Nat. Ed., XII, 1153, 1767. Terebratulina Cailleti Crosse. Terebratulina Cailleti Crosse, Journ. de Conchyl., XIII. (3d Series, V), p. 27, pi. i, figs. 1 -3, 1865. Pourtai.es, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., I, No. 6, p. 109, 1867. Dall, Am. Journ. Conch., VI, p. 106, 1870. This very distinct species was obtained by M. de Pourtales off Chorrera, Cuba, in 270 fathoms; near Cojima, in 450 fathoms; off Double-headed- Shot Key, in 471 fathoms; and near Tennessee Reef, in 115 fathoms. Two specimens, from which the diagnosis of M. Crosse was drawn up, were obtained at the island of Guadaloupe in two hundred fathoms, by an Italian party who were searching for beds of coral. Although obtained in several localities, it does not appear to be an abundant species, as the num- ber of specimens obtained by the United States Coast Survey Expedition was quite limited. It is well distinguished from other species by its granu- lated ribs, but varies so much in form and other characters, that I doubted whether all the specimens could be referred to Crosse's species, upon my first examination. They all differ from his figures in a remarkable auricu- lation of the valves and in the straightness of the hinge-line. These char- acters, though present, vary so much in the different specimens that I have come to the conclusion that the species is identical with his, and that his specimens were merely an extreme variety. The normal specimens, though varying in amount of inflation, almost exactly resemble Terebratu- lina Miclielottina Davidson, described by that eminent palaeontologist, in his monograph of the Italian Tertiary Brachiopoda (Geol. Mag., VII, No. 9), p. 14, September, 1870, pi. xix, figs. 22, a, b, c, from the Eocene (stage E) at Mossano, Italy. Were the two found living in the same seas, no one, I think, would hesitate to consider them identical. The median fiex- uosity is very variable, and often entirely absent. The nodulation of the ribs is more evident in young shells. They also vary from quite broad and flat to elongated and much inflated. The smallest specimens of this species which I was able to find among those sent by M. de Pourtales were nearly .1 of an inch in length. The characteristic sculpture was developed upon them to the very apex of the shell. The nucleus was already gone, being probably deciduous or soon lost by attrition upon the rocks to which the young shells attach them- selves. The various muscles were already well developed. The mouth was as described in the young of the T. cubensis. The intestine was short, cylindrical, and straight. The lower portion was embraced by a few hepatic digitations. These lobes wei*e very dark brown, the muscles of a MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 11 deep reddish-brown, and the brachia of a flesh-color. The latter were in the shape of a horseshoe, with no trace of a median lobe. They were close set and marked with transverse lines, as in T. cubensis. The mem- brane which covered the viscera was covered internally with irregular hyaline spots with well-marked boundaries, which no doubt are the limits of the lacunar channels of circulation. The mantle was quite transparent, with a brownish edge, and in each of the internal channels, corresponding to the ribs of the outside of the shell, was a single bristle, composed of longitudinal fibres of chitine, without any of the transverse markings which are seen in the seta? of the adult. The extreme tip of the bristle alone protruded from the mantle, and its inner extremity was slightly bul- bous. It was of a glistening yellow color throughout. In those adults which I examined there were only five or six of these setae in each mantle lobe. These specimens were obtained off Havana, in two hundred and seventy fathoms water. The very extraordinary manner in which all the soft parts were crowded and crammed with masses of calcareous spicula? defied my best efforts to obtain any very satisfactory results from the two or three alcoholic speci- mens at my command. A flocculent mass of white matter resisted the action of acid, and filled all the interstices of the membranes, so as to ren- der them quite opaque. The genitalia were in such a condition that they were quite invisible, and the animals appeared to be out of season. The intestine was cylindrical, and ended much as it does in T. ccqiut-scrpcntis. The mouth was surrounded by a dark-brown line. There were no struc- tures above and behind the mouth, such as are described as existing in T. cubensis. The attached extremities of the muscles were of a very bright red-brown. Most of the specimens were overgrown with a tough, spongy organism, like velvet. The peduncle is white, slender, and exceedingly long, the exposed portion sometimes equalling in length one third of the shell. A brownish tinge pervaded all the tissues of the adult. Transverse markings were noticed on the brachia, as described in other species by Hancock. One specimen growing on a rock which had become covered with sponge afforded an interesting observation. The peduncle was exceed- ingly long, and, on cleaning off the sponge, it was seen that the creature, on the growth of the sponge toward it, had apparently lengthened its peduncle to get out of the way ; and while the original attachment still remained (and the glossy opalescent color of that part of the peduncle testified to its healthy condition), somewhat farther on, nearer the shell, a second at- tachment of the peduncle had taken place by the outgrowth, from the underside, of a bunch of cylindrical rootlets, exactly resembling the attach- ment of an ivy to a stone. The under side of the peduncle and the root- 12 BULLETIN OF THE lets were brown ; the rest, opalescent white. It is true that there is no absolute proof that the peduncle had been lengthened, but 1 know not how else to explain the extraordinary length and second attachment, and I see nothing intrinsically improbable in the supposition. Genus WALDHEIMIA King. Waldheimia Kixg, Permian Fossils, p. 81, 1850. + Eudesia + Macandrevia Kixg. Type Waldheimia flavescens Lam. sp. Hist., VII, p. 3,30, 1836. Waldheimia floridana Pourtales. Waldheimia floridana Pourtales, Bull. Mas. Comp. Zoul., I, No. 7, p. 127, 1868. — Dale, Am. Journ. Conch., VI, p. 112, 1870. Tcrebratula septata Jeffreys, Proc. Royal Soc, 121, p. 446, f 79, 1870. Terebratulei septigera Jeffreys, 1. c. Not T. (TerebrateUa) septata Philitpi, Moll. Sicil., II, p. 68, t. 18, f. 7, 1844. Not T. ( Waldheimia) septigera Loven, Ind. Moll. Scand., p. 29, 1846. T. ( Waldheimia) peloritana, var. Jeffreys, 1. c, not Seguenza Sicil. Brach., pi. vi, figs. 1-10, 18C5. Florida reefs, between 110 and 200 fathoms, rocky bottom, Pourtales. This species belongs to a peculiar group of the subgenus Waldheimia (sensu stricto), containing several recent and some fossil species. Tcrebra- tula septata Philippi, to which species peloritana, septigera, and floridana have been referred, proves to belong to a different genus (see Davidson, Mon. Ital. Tert. Brach.) from any of them. T. peloritana is referred by .Mr. Davidson to T. septigera, in which Signor Seguenza concurs. We have, then, three allied but sufficiently distinct forms, as follows : Wald- heimia floridana Pourt., W. septigera Loven, and W. Iiaphaelis Dall.* The first is from the Florida coast, the second from the seas of Northern Europe, and the third from Japan. The following table of measurements of large adult specimens will give an approximate idea of their respective forms : — Length, inch. Width. Diameter. W. floridana 0.90 O.90 0.70 W. septigera 1.20 1.10 0.80 W. Raphaelis 1.75 1.30 1.00 Thus it is seen that the smallest species is by far the widest and most in- flated, proportionately; the second species is the flattest, in proportion to its length ; and the third is the most elongated. I have taken the largest adult specimens of each species for comparison ; that of the septigera being far larger than the ordinary form of that species, as it is one collected by * Am. Journ. Conch., VI, p. Ill, pi. vii, figs, a, b, c, d, 1870. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 13 Mr. Jeffreys, F. Ii. S., on the British Deep-Sea Dredging Expedition, which was presented by him to M. de Pourtales.* The W.Jlorblana j)re- sents very little variation among specimens of similar ages. A compar- ative diagnosis is here given. W.floridana. — Color grayish or brownish white. Form nearly an equi- lateral triangle, widest near the anterior edge ; much inflated. Anterior margin very strongly flexuous, the concavity being in the haemal (dorsal) valve. The anterior corners of the haemal valve sharply pointed. Area very narrow and short, deltidia just completing the foramen. Sides almost flat, neural (ventral) valve broadly channelled in the middle. Apex but slightly produced, short, rather acute. Cardinal process minute, pointed, not recurved. Hinge plate wider than long ; anterior point over the septum, behind the crura of the apophyses. Hinge teeth very short and slender. Anterior ends of the lateral loops of the apophyses broadly flaring, the shelly portion of these loops broadest near their ends ; hamial arms of the apophyses close together and parallel for half the length of the shell. Narrowest part of the recurved loop near its posterior end. Visceral area small, muscular impressions within the posterior third of the dorsal valve. Stomach spherical with a long cylindrical intestine. W. septigera. — Color as in the last. Form roundly ovate, somewhat truncated and wider in front. Anterior margin more or less flexuous. Anterior corners of the haemal valve obtusely rounded. Area much wider and longer, solid, with no median line indicating a separation or division into deltidial plates. Sides rounded, inflated. • Neural valve not chan- nelled, slightly concave near the exuosity flat the anterior margin. Apex somewhat produced, blunt. Cardinal process broad, blunt, short, hardly differentiated from the hinge plate. Hinge plate longer than wide, ante- rior point passing forward between the crura. Hinge teeth very stout and strong. Anterior ends of the lateral loops incurved, their laminae widest near their posterior portion. Haemal arms of the apophyses diverging in a wide curve from the hinge plate. Recurved part of the loop short, sides nearly parallel. Visceral area very small, muscular attachments even more posterior than in the last. Stomach posteriorly produced into a point, without differentiation of the intestine, and very much shorter than in the last. W. liaphaelis. — Color deep brown. Form rather elongate, squarish, widest near the middle. Anterior margin sharply, shortly flexed. The * I have since had the opportunity, through the kindness of Mr. Jeffreys, of examin- ing other and more normal forms of this and several other species obtained by him. These included one specimen of the septigera, which he regarded as a transition toward W. fioridana, which has been figured for the Zoological Society, and which he very politely lent for comparison. It is elsewhere referred to. 14 BULLETIN OF THE convex flexuosities of the haemal valve pointed, not at the outer corners, but nearer the median line. Area moderate, without any median line. Sides not inflated. Neural valve channelled for two thirds of its length, with two prominent rounded carina? corresponding to the flexuosities of the margin. Apex very short and blunt. Cardinal process quadrate, long, abruptly re- curved, like the blade of a hoe. Hinge plate longer than wide, anterior point passing between and almost beyond the crura. The latter are longer and more slender than in the previous species. Anterior ends of the lateral loops nearly parallel, the widest part of the shelly lamina; being near their posterior terminations, but the width of this part of the apophyses is nearly uniform from one end to the other. Hamial arms of the apophyses diverging, in nearly straight lines, from the hinge plate. Recurved part of the loop proportionately much longer than in the two previous species ; neural portion forming a regular ovoid. Visceral area very large, muscular im- pressions reaching the middle of the shell. Soft parts mostly unknown. I have been thus explicit, perhaps more so than the subject requires, be- cause the first two of our species have been united by Mr. Jeffreys, whose opinion is justly entitled to weight, though I am forced to disagree with him upon the present occasion. I consider septigera and Jioridana as two well-marked and distinct species, in which opinion I have reason to believe Mr. Davidson concurs. W. septigera and Raphaelis are more nearly allied but the points of difference already noted are quite sufficient to distinguish them, aside from the habitat and the fact that the adult Raphaelis is twice the size of the largest septigera hitherto collected.* The greater portion of the mantle of W. jioridana is of the most ex- treme tenuity and perfect transparency. It is furthermore so closely attached to the shell as to render its removal intact — even with the aid of acid — a matter of great difficulty. With this exception, the examination * In the specimen already alluded to, and regarded by Mr. Jeffreys as a transitional form between septigera and jioridana, all the characters of septigera as above given are well marked. It differs from the ordinary forms of septigera in being proportionately wider than many of them, and in the sharper angles of the marginal flexuosities. But it is noticeable that these last are not at the anterior corners, as is always the case in jiori- dana, but are strictly within the anterior margin at some little distance from the anterior corners, as is always the case in septigera. Hence I cannot admit that there is any tran- sition exhibited in this specimen, but merely an exaggeration of the usual characters of the species. The apophyses are missing. One of the other specimens of septigera, in the same lot. fortunately preserved the ovaria, and I am glad to be able to state that they differ entirely in form and extent from the same organs in W. Raphaelis. This is a good character, though it varies somewhat, within certain limits. I must again thank Mr. Jeffreys for the kindness which he has shown in forwarding specimens for examination, — an example worthy of imitation by other naturalists, and well calculated to assist in dispelling false impressions, and in adding to the accuracy of scientific work. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 15 of its anatomy is easy. The following notes are the result of a careful dissection of several specimens. The soft parts are mostly of a translucent whitish color. The number and disposition of the muscles are similar to those of W. australis, already described by various authors. The muscles themselves are of a glistening tendinous appearance, except at their points of attachment, where they are of a more or less dark yellowish-brown. The peduncle is moderately long, and the portion which is external or contained in the foramen is covered with a dark, horny reddish-brown membrane or skin, and the attached extremity is trumpet-shaped. Upon opening the shell in its normal position, the median spires of the brachia are seen to be somewhat widely separated, and between them is stretched a fine translucent membrane extending forward from the under lip of the mouth and following the downward curve of the median lobes. In this great extension.of this membrane this species differs from T. caput-serpenlis and W. australis, in which species the cirrhi of the median lobes touch at their extremities, and are separated by only a very narrow strip of mem- brane between their bases, so that the appearance is almost as if there was but a single broad band of cirrhi in the median line. This intervening membrane in ordinary specimens of W. floridana is about .24 of an inch in width at its narrowest visible portion. The upper and lower bands of cirrhi in the lateral loops are also much more widely separated by a similar membrane, than in W. australis. The reason of this appears in the fact that the brachial band follows the outer edge of the apophyses in both species until it curves downward in the middle, and the shelly portions of the apophyses in W. floridana are very much wider than in W. australis ; hence the greater separation. The longest of the brachial cirrhi, in front, measure about .14 inch in length ; those of that part of the band which passes behind the mouth are about the same length. Th6y are, as in other species, disposed in a double row, the cirrhi of one row being opposite the spaces of the other. The spiral portion in the middle lobe makes about two complete turns. With regard to their disposition and the manner in which the cirrhi are set upon the brachial band, I can add nothing to the observations of Mr. Hancock, with which my own agree in every particular. A series of transverse lines at regular intervals was observed on the individual cirrhi, somewhat resembling in appearance the trans- verse markings on the setae. The mouth is, as usual, just in front of the posterior junction of the brachial bands, and is in a rather long flexuous groove, the edges of which are of a dark brown color, and somewhat thickened. The upper or posterior lip, if such it may be called, has a for- ward prolongation or convexity in the median line, to which a slight con- cavity or indentation in the lower lip corresponds. The oesophagus is about half as long as the intestine, and has a slight curve, of which the 10 BULLETIN OF THE convexity is anterior ; it is transversely flattened close to the mouth, and is a little compressed laterally, behind that portion. It is of a nearly uni- form calibre throughout. It has quite a thin lining membrane, which be- comes thicker, though still smooth, in the stomach, and quite thick and longitudinally plicated in the intestine. The stomach is well differentiated from the alimentary canal and intestine, and is of an oval shape. It is embraced by the hepatic digitations, which are of a greenish-yellow color, and empty into the stomach by four ducts. The orifices of these ducts are of a compressed oval shape, obliquely inclined, and the anterior pair, which correspond to the right and left anterior congeries of hepatic digitations, are twice as large as the posterior pair, which similarly corre- spond to the anterior lobes or bunches of digitations. The individual digitations appear to be longer, larger, and less numerous than those of W. australis, etc., as described by Hancock. They are traversed by numerous ducts and bloodvessels, and the hepatic matter, when separated, appeared to be of a granular consistency. Among the yellowish granules in the hepatic matter, both before breaking it down and afterward, were noticed certain darker granules, similar in general appearance to those found in the ovary. The digitations are distinctly arranged in four groups, of which the anterior pair are the larger. The upper and posterior sur- face of the stomach is bare, and the arrangement of the mesentery and the gastro- and ileo-parietal bands essentially agrees with the description of the , same parts in other species of this group, as given by Hancock. The intestine is twice as long as the oesophagus, of uniform calibre, and perfectly straight. It leaves the stomach abruptly without any dilatation of the portion adjacent to the latter organ, and reaches about half-way to the dorsal valve. The heart is situated behind the junction of the stom- ach and intestine. The termination of the intestine is abruptly rounded off and not at all pointed. It is entirely closed, and is upheld by the mesentery. It is also of a much darker color than the rest of the alimen- tary canal, beiDg of a deep chestnut-brown hue. The great pallial sinuses and their ramifications in W. floridana are of much less extent and disposed in quite a different manner from that which obtains in W. australis. The haemal pallial system consists essentially of four branches which are remarkable for their straight course and the pau- city of their ramifications. The neural pallial system is very similar, with a greater number of small sinuses about the perivisceral cavity, but in both lobes the narrowness and small extent of the sinuses, as compared with those of other species, is very marked, and the same is true with regard to the ovaries. But a very few exceedingly delicate spiculce were observed in the floor of the greater sinuses. The heart consists of a very minute pyriform vesicle situated behind the intestine at its junction with MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 17 the stomach, and sending one vessel in the haemal direction along the median line of the stomach, and another on each side laterally. It is attached by its lesser extremity, and, contracted by the alcohol, appears exceedingly minute. A very careful search failed to reveal any accessory pulsatile vesicles, yet it is possible that, from their extremely small size, they may have been overlooked. The ovaries are very limited in extent and principally confined to that portion of the sinuses which surrounds the visceral cavity, only their ultimate extremities entering the larger branches of the great sinuses. Those in the haemal valve are vermiform, slightly hooked at their posterior extremity. Those in the neural valve form open loops, with the " bight " posterior, and the two anterior extrem- ities just entering the two outer sinuses. Their manner of suspension is the same as in the other species of the genus. The ova were visible in all stages of growth. Those floating free in the lacunes were nearly spherical, and of a flesh color ; their substance seemed of a granular consistency, due perhaps to the action of the spirit in which they were preserved. The immature ova were pyriform, attached to the ovary by their pointed ends. With the yellowish matter of the ovary were interspersed specks of a brownish granular matter, which appeared dark yellowish under a high power and intermixed with what seemed to be fat-globules; Somewhat similar specks were observed in the hepatic matter. This was more abundant toward the middle line of the ovary, but was irregularly distrib- uted. No spermatophorae or spermatozoa were observed in any of the specimens examined. The oviducts were situated as in W. australis. The lining membrane of their trumpet-shaped portion was .drawn into thin plicae. Their apices were teat-shaped, with very small orifices. The mantle margin is folded as in other species ; the fold is deeper in the sides than'in front, and not wide anywhere. The setae are very slender and fine, irregularly marked with transverse lines, but smoother toward their outer ends. They protrude from their follicles, hardly more than one third of their length. In no instance was more than one seen to issue from a single follicle. The circumpallial muscular band is very slender and narrow. No coloring matter was observed in or about the follicles. The mantle edge was brownish, and seemed to have a slightly villous epi- thelium. No setellae, such as I have elsewhere described as existing on the setae of Discina and Lingula, were to be found. I did not observe any noticeable peculiarity in the perforations of the shell-structure. The " suture " or breaking point, described by Messrs. Jeffreys and Carpenter in W. cranium, exists in all the species with a reflected loop, and is due to the deposition of the shelly matter of the loop in laminae parallel with the longer axis of the shell, which makes the loop weaker at the point of reflection than elsewhere. VOL. II. 2 18 BULLETIN OF THE Subfamily PLATIDIIN^E. Platidiinm Dall, Am. Journ. Conch., VI, p. 142, 1870, Genus PLATIDIA Costa. Platidia 0. G. Costa, Faun, del Reg. Napoli, p. 47, January, 1852. — Dall, Am. Journ. Conch., VI, p. 142, 1870. Morrisia Davidson, An. Mag. Nat. Hist., p. 371, May, 1852, and the gener- ality of authors. Platidia anomioides Scacchi sp. Terebratula anomioides Scacchi ; Phil. Moll. Sicil., II, p. 69, pi. xviii, fig. 9, 1844. Platidia anomioides Costa, 1. c. ; Dall, Am. Journ. Conch., VI, p. 143, figs. 20, 21, 1870. This species was dredged off the Samboes on the Florida coast in two hundred and thirty-seven fathoms. This is the second genus (Crania being the other) of Brachiopoda which has been added to our fauna by the researches of the United States Coast Survey Expedition. It has since been obtained by Mr. J. Gwyn Jeffreys, F. R. S., of the English Deep-Sea Dredging Expedition on the Porcupine, in 1869, in the Shetland Channel, at a depth of three' hundred and forty-five fathoms. Previously this species had only been known as an inhabitant of the Mediterranean in deep water. The specimen from the Florida coast presents no differences in size or general appearance from the Mediterranean form. The calcareous prisms of which the shell is composed, and the perforations, are remarkably large and conspicuous. Subfamily MEGATHYRINyE Dall. Megathyrinaz Dall, Am. Journ. Conch., VI, p. 143, 1870. Argiopidcv King, Perm. Foss., p. 142, 1850. Shell with a straight wide hinge line ; apophyses consisting of a sub- marginal loop, attached to the hinge margin, provided with crura and intersected by one or more submarginal elevations or septa. Brachia in a single series, following the loop, surrounding a smooth disk or membrane, in the posterior median portion of which the mouth is situated. Setae absent from the mantle edge. Pedunculated. Genus MEGATHYRIS D'Orb. Megathyris D'Orbigny, Pal. Fran. Ter. Cret., p. 147, 1847. — Dall, Am. Journ. Conch., VI, p. 144, 1870. Argiope Deslongchamps, Mem. Soc. Lin. Norm., VII, p. 9, 1842. Not Argiope Savigny, Desc. de l'F^gypte, XXII, p. 334, 1827. — Thorell, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., p. 190, 1868; a genus of spiders. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 19 It has been stated by some authors that Savigny's name was j^rgyope or Argyopes, and hence not synonymous with Argiope, Desl. ; but this is an error, which a reference to Thorell's paper, or to the original work of Savigny, will enable any one to correct. Subgenus CISTELLA Gray. Cisiella Gray, B. M. Cat., p. 114, January, 1853. — Dall, 1. c. p. 145. Zellania Moore, Proc. Som. Arch. Nat. Hist. Soc, 1854. Shell with a single submarginal septum and bilobed loop. Surface smooth or radiately ribbed. Brachia deeply emarginated by the septum. Cardinal process absent or inconspicuous. Type Cistella cuneuta Eisso sp., 1826. Habitat : living in the Mediterranean. Cistella {1 Schrammi var.) rubrotincta. ?? Argiope Schrammi (var.) Crosse and Fischer, Journ. de Conchyl., XIV (3me Ser. VI), p. 269, pi. viii, fig. 6, 1866.= Cistella Schrammi Dall, Am. Journ. Conch., VI, p. 146, 1870. West of Tortugas, 30 to 43 fathoms, January 14, 1869, Pourtales. Guadaloupe, W. I., 200 to 250 fathoms, Crosse and Fischer. Shell small, semicircular, with the area at right angles to the plane of the ha?mal (dorsal) valve. Hamial valve rather flat, with about ten pale yellow rather strong ribs with brilliant scarlet interspaces ; a slight depres- sion externally may be noticed on the surface of the valve, and occasionally an attempt at a median rib, near the margin. Interior whitish, marked by the punctations which are clearly visible to the naked eye in a good light. Margin smooth, except for the fimbriated appearance caused by the incomplete marginal perforations which are visible as grooves under a lens. Hinge line straight, without area, hinge plate, or distinct cardinal process. Septum triangular, extending from the hinge margin to the ante- rior border of the shell. Most elevated point, forming the apex of the triangle in the middle of the valve, rather bulbous and of a red color. Anterior slope of the septum to the border of the shell, straight without nodules ; this part of the septum is thin and even. Posterior slope of the septum irregularly concave, thick, and nodulous, tapering to a point at the hinge margin. On either side of the septum below its apex, is a transverse wing or plate at right angles to the septum, of a thick nodulous form, the two wings, taken together, presenting a heart-shaped plate with the broad end downward. These extensions, however, are not confluent with the valve, except close in by the base of the septum. Apophyses attached to the hinge margin, provided with rather broad crura pointing toward each other horizontally ; the lower edges of the laeunae of the apophyses con- 20 BULLETIN OF THE fluent -with the shell throughout its entire length, and attached to the sep- tum a short distance in front of the transverse plate, and running up on the sides of the thin part of the septum for a short distance. Area behind the lamina; much thickened for the muscular impressions, excavated be- neath the lower edges of the transverse septal plate. Hinge margin as wide as the shell, deeply grooved for the reception of the teeth of the neural valve. Neural valve convex, with a straight hinge margin and broad area. Foramen usually much eroded ; deltidia rudimentary, widely separated ; hinge teeth strong. Interior of the valve with a low well-marked septum, rounded, broadest near the middle of the valve, where its upper edge is somewhat excavated ; extending from the edge of the foramen to the an- terior border of the shell, where there is a slight indentation. Length of the shell .15 inch, width .18 inch. This shell, of which a moderately large series was obtained, has a gen- eral resemblance in form to C. Schrammi, but has a greater number of ribs, wants the smooth mesial area, and is of a totally different coloration, being scarlet with pale yellow ribs, while Schrammi is figured of a rufous brown, paler on the beaks. There are some discrepancies between the figure and the description of C. Schrammi, and, in spite of the apparent differ- ences, I do not feel confident that the shells before me, and those described by Crosse and Fischer, are more than varieties of one species. The form of the septum and the transverse lamina at once separate the Coast Sur- vey shells from any other species, but of C. Schrammi, unfortunately, the apophyses are not figured. I have, therefore, indicated the present form under a provisional varietal name, which will serve to distinguish it until more exact knowledge is attained. I should add that the scarlet color is not distributed in solid rays, but, under a lens, appears in concentric lines transverse to the ribs and broadest in the interspaces. The examination of the soft parts of this species added nothing new. It appeared to resemble the next species in" every particular. The ovaria were three-branched in the neural valve. The size and extent of the transverse plate of the septum varied in different specimens. Cistella (l Barrettiana var.) lutea. 11 Arc/iope Barrettiana Dav., P. Z. S., February, 1866, p. 103, pi. xii, fig. 3. = Cistella Barrettiana Dall, Am. Journ. Conch., VI, p. 146, 1870. ? 1 Arm'ope Antillarum Crosse and Fiscuer, Journ. de Conchyl., XIV (3mo Se'r. VI), March, 1866, p. 270, pi. viii, fig. 7. = Cistella Antillarum Dall, Am. Journ. Conch., VI, p. 146, 1870. Tortugas, 30-43 fathoms, Pourtales. Northeast coast of Jamaica, 150 fathoms, Barrett, Dav. Guadaloupe, W. I., 200 - 250 fathoms, Crosse and Fischer. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 21 Shell uniform light brownish-white; with twelve principal radiating ribs on each A'alve, and secondary riblets between them, toward the margin. Neural valve with a more or less marked depression extending from the beak to the anterior margin, where it forms a slight convexity. Corre- sponding to this internally is a slight rounded ridge. Hinge line straight, sides and anterior margin slightly rounded. Area flat, smooth, as wide as the shell. Pscudo-deltidia large, triangular, widely separated. Foramen very large and usually much eroded. Hinge teeth moderately large and strong. Muscular impressions very posterior, hidden beneath the area when viewed from above. Margin slightly crenulated. A few faint stria? discernible upon the surface of the ribs. Haemal valve smaller, flatter, with a straight hinge line slightly emarginated in the middle, no area or cardinal process ; teeth and sockets large and strong. Septum large and stout, composed of three or four radiating ribs, with thin shelly matter be- tween them, forming nodules and notches on the upper edge ; the whole of a subtriangular form somewhat resembling a half-opened fan. Pos- terior edge slightly concave, reaching a little behind the middle of the shell ; anterior edge reaching the anterior margin of the shell, which is here slightly concave or emarginated, giving the valve a somewhat bilobed appearance. Muscular impressions much thickened, forming two rather concave disks. Apophyses consisting of two haemal bands attached to the hinge margin, first with two broad crura pointing toward the median line, the arms of the apophyses extending in a rounded curve within the middle third of the shell, and attached by their lower edges to the thick disk-like muscular scars, and, lastly, to the septum on each side about its middle, close to the shell. Cardinal plate, or hinge plate, absent. Area behind the muscular disks somewhat excavated. The anterior portion of the apophyses is more posterior than in C. Neapolitana, and the margin is not granulated as in that species. It would seem from Mr. Davidson's figures that the loop of Cistclla Barretliana Dav., is more anterior than in this species ; the latter being also unprovided with the posterior extension of the septum seen in the figures of the for- mer, and being, moreover, entirely destitute of the red markings between the ribs. It agrees with C. Antillarum Crosse and Fischer, as figured in gen- eral appearance, but wants the red markings attributed, in the description, to that species, and the ribs are also carried over the apex, while that por- tion of C. Antillarum is described as smooth. No comparisons can be drawn in regard to the apophyses, as Crosse and Fischer did not figure those of their species. It is possible that the present species, C. Antillarum and C. Barretliana are forms of one species, in which case the last name has pri- ority, or it may be that the two latter are distinct from the present species, 2 BULLETIN OF THE though synonymous with each other ; but they should not, as M. Cross© observes in a letter on the subject, be united until clear proofs are shown of identity, and therefore I have proposed for the present form a pro- visional varietal name,"which may serve to distinguish it until the question is settled by the comparison of specimens. My largest specimen meas- ured .26 inches wide by .18 long. Small as is this species, it is considerably larger than those of the Mediterranean, and it was with much interest that I submitted it to an anatomical examination. I have not met with much success among these small species in the use of acid in dissolving away the shell from the animal, and have been prin- cipally obliged to work with specimens forcibly removed from their shells, — a process which is not calculated to present the parts in the best con- dition. Nevertheless, I have been able to determine some points of interest in a satisfactory manner. The brachia in this and the other species of the genus are arranged around the edge of a broad membrane, which covers the concavity of the shell, like a drumhead. The hoop of the drum is represented by the apophyses. The brachia differ from the same organs in the Terebratulince in being arranged in a single series instead of a double one. Of this there can be no doubt, it is very evident upon a casual inspection, and is entirely confirmed by careful dissections. In this species the drumhead membrane is divided into two lobes by the septum. The edges of these lobes are fringed with the brachia. The latter, in the alcoholic specimens, show distinct transverse markings. They are usually curled up in front and on each side, while those which are situated behind the mouth are longer than the others, and usually lie smoothly over them, extending forward without any marked curve, pointing toward the anterior margin of the shell, and extending clear over the central membrane, even beyond the posterior edge of the septum. The brachia are covered with an epithelium fur- nished with cilia, are tubular, and communicate with a series of brachial channels, which did not appear to differ from those of Waldheimia as de- scribed by Hancock, as far as I was able to discover. The great brachial canal was rendered conspicuous by a band of cartilaginous substance which seemed to form its external covering, or rather beneath Avhich it was situated, and which was longitudinally striated. The external edge of the membranes, between which the apophyses were formed, was directly at- tached to the pallial lobes at the points where the apophyses are attached to the muscular disks of attachment already described. On either side of this attachment, however, was a kind of pocket, opening externally, where the brachial and pallial membranes did not coalesce ; and, there being one on each side of the point of union, there were consequently four in all, MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 23 two on each side of the septum.* The drumhead membrane, covering the space inside of the brachia, was translucent white or opalescent, and quite thick and tough toward the middle of each lobe. I am inclined to think that an error has been perpetuated in regard to the position of the mouth of Megathyris decollata. It has been figured and described by Woodward as being of a circular form, and situated in the midst of the drumhead membrane. It is certainly not so situated in Cistella ; and I do not believe that it is in Megatliyris, though I have only seen dry specimens. In the present species it is placed, as in all the Tere- bratulkhe, at the back of this membrane, just in front of the posterior junction of the brachia, and at the bottom of a deep transverse groove which is of a stout membranous consistency, and the two sides of which, for convenience' sake, I have called the lips {labia). In the present species the oral groove is situated far back and close to the brachia, which are ex- ceptionally long behind it, as already described. It is, in fact, entirely hidden by them until they are laid back. The groove is very long and quite deep, the entrance to the oesophagus being trumpet-shaped and flat- tened transversely. Were the brachia disjwsed as in Woodward's figure, the oral groove would be hidden. I am disposed to think that this was really the case in the specimen figured, and that the extraordinary circular mouth there figured was an accidental lesion of the dry tissues, which might easily be taken for a mouth in so small an animal. The labia, in all the Brachiopods I have examined so far, have invariably exhibited a tinge of darker color than the surrounding tissues. The present case forms no ex- ception. The posterior lip presents a small prominence in the median line, and the anterior lip a small emargination or concavity below this prominence. This structure is also common to all the Brachiojwds I have examined. The oesophagus is wide, transversely flattened, with thin walls, and of an orange color. It enters the stomach nearly at a right angle, without much dilation. The stomach is oval with thicker and firmer walls ; the inner lining appearing slightly villous and rugose. The intestine is not differentiated from the stomach on the lower side, but on the upper side a deep groove occurs at the juncture. The canal is stout and thick at its lower extremity, tapers slightly, and terminates in a somewhat bulbous, but pointed cascal extremity, attached to the perivisceral membrane. The various membranous bands which support the alimentary system present no differences from the homologous structures in other species of the Tere- bratuliike. The stomach was filled in each case with a yellowish flocculent matter. The hepatic lobules resembled those of other species, entering * There is but one on each side, close to the hinge margin, in the last species. 24 BULLETIN OF THE the stomach by two ducts on each side, of which the anterior were the larger. They did not extend over or cover the sides of the intestine. The heart is extremely small and difficult to find. It is situated lower down than in most species and between and hidden by the hepatic lobules. It is nearly spherical. No accessory pulsatile vesicles were found after close scrutiny. The ovaries differ in appearance from those of Waldhehnia and Tercbra- tulina. They hang like a frill or puckered ribbon-like lamina from the pallial membranes, and form a simple loop on each side of each valve. Those of the haemal (dorsal) valve were most developed. The ends of the loops extended into the great pallial sinuses. The rounded granules which studded the frills were of two kinds. Those at or near the extreme edge were of a pellucid deep brown hue, while those closer to the pallial mem- branes were mostly of a pale yellowish color and quite opaque. The ovi- ducts are very inconspicuous and not easily found. They are situated in the usual position, but exhibit only a very few short folds, and the exter- nal opening directly in the midst of them, instead of being at the end of a rather long duct, as in other forms. There are only two of them. They do not appear to be attached to the intestine or mesenteries, but lie flatly upon the parietes. The pallial sinuses are comparatively insignificant in this species, being very narrow, almost linear, channels with few branches. A few spicule were observed in some of them. The margin of the mantle is perfectly plain, without seta?, and adhering closely to the shell. Yet the circumpal- lial muscular band is much broader than usual and strongly marked. W lien torn from the shell, the ca?cal prolongations of the mantle were beautifully shown. They were often bifurcate and occasionally had three or even four branches. The punctate structure of the shell was very coarse. Even the crura and laminae of the apophyses were punctate. The nervous system was not traced out, but the oesophageal ganglia presented no special peculiarities. The border of the mantle appeared to be ciliated. The peduncle, so wide and short as to resemble a mere muscular disk, was strongly at- tached to the shell by the peduncular muscle, beside which a broad tendi- nous band appeared to pass entirely across, in front of the dorsal adjusters (posterior retractors of Owen), giving an additional solidity and firmness to the attachments of the peduncle. The extremities of all the muscles were very much enlarged and thickened, while their median portions were slender and 'tendinous. No striated fibres were observed. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 25 Order LYOPOMATA Owen. Syn. = Lyopomata Owen, Enc. Brit., Ed. VIII, XV, Article Mollusca, p. 339, 1858. = Drachiopodes, valves libres Deshayes, Lamk., An. s. Vert., 2'1" Ed., VII, p. 309, 1836. = PaUiobranchiata, testa acardis Van der Hceven, Handb. der Zool., p. 692, 1850. = Pleuropygia Bronn, Klass. Ordn. Thicrr., Ill, 1 Abth., p. 301, 1862. = Inarticulata Huxley, Lcct. Class., 1864. Intr. Class. Anim., p. 116, 1869. x Pedimculata + Sessilia Latreille, Fam. Nat. Reg. Anim., p. 204, 1825. -=: Brachiopodes brachide's D'Orbigny, Cours. Ele'm. Pal.,. II, p. 82, 1849. -= Sarcicobrachia Gray, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2d Ser. II, p. 438, 1848. Characters. Arms free, unsupported by shelly apophyses. Intestine opening by a lateral anus. Lobes of the mantle disunited all around their borders. Brachia without a distinct median lobe. Shell, in most cases, without hinge teeth, articulation, or cardinal process. Family CRANILD.E. Syn. = Craniidce H. and A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll., II, p. 583, 1858. — Jef- freys, Brit. Conch., II, p. 24, 1863. = Cranidce Owen, Anat. Inv. Index, p. 683, 1855. — D'Orbigny, Cours Ele'm. Pal., II, p. 90, 1849. = Cranidees D'Orbigny, Pal. Fran. Ter. Cre't., IV, 1844* Comptes Rendus, XXV, p. 269, 1847. An. Sci. Nat. c. xiii, p. 350, 1850* (fide Gray, B. M. Cat). = Craniadce Gray, Syn. Brit. Mus., p. 155, 1840* — Ibid.,1. c, p. 88, 1842. P. Z. S., p. 202, 1847. Ann. Nat. Hist., 2d Ser., II, p. 438, 1848. — Davidson, Int. Class. Brach., p. 51, 1851. — Woodward, Man. Rec. and Foss. Shells, p. 235, 1854. — Owen, Anat. Inv., p. 503,1855.— Clark, Brit. Test. Moll., p. 37, 1855. — Gosse, Mar. Zool., II, p. 80, 1856. — Davidson, Mem. Lin. Soc. Norm., X, p. 84, 1856. — Suess, Wohns. der Brach., p. 38 (220), 1859. — Mrs. Gray's Moll., IV, p. 202, 1859. — Carpenter, Lect. Moll. Smithsonian Rep., p. 276, 1860. — Chenu, Man. de Conchyl., II, p. 230, 1862. —Bronn, Klass. Ordn. Thierr., Ill, 1 Abth., p. 301, 1862. = Craniade'es Davidson, Mem. Soc. Lin. Norm., X, p. 226, 1856. ~=cLes Cranies Ferussac, Tabl. Syst, folio 38, 1819. — Rang, Man. Moll., p. 262, 1829. — Deshayes, Enc. Me'th., II, Table, 1830. Hist. An. s. Vert., 2de Ed., VII, p. 309, 1836. -=: Cranio Hkrrmannsen, Ind. Gen. Mai., I, p. 315, 1846 (as of Fer. Rang, and Desii). 26 BULLETIN OF THE -c Craniacece Menke, Syn., p. 56, 1828,* olim. -c Craniacea Menke, Syn., Ed. II, p. 96, 1830. — ANTOTT Verz., p. xii, 1839. — Agassiz, Nomencl. Fasc. IX, p. 31, 1846. — Mcerch, Cat. Yoldi, p. 64, 1852. ^zCraniidce Forbes, Mai. Mon., p. 38, 1838* — King, Ann. Nat. Hist., XVIII, p. 28, 1846. Perm. Fos., p. 78, 1850. -=: Craniadai Forbes and Hanley, Brit. Moll., II, p. 364, 1853. ^cLes Orbicules Cuvier, Lecons d'Anat. Comp. An. VII, I, t. 5, 1798* (fide Gray). Regne An., II, p. 504, 1817 ; Tabl. El. Hist. Nat., p. 435, 1799. ^cAthjridw McCoy, Carb. foss. Irel., p. 104, 1844. -=cOrbieuke Herrmannsen, Index Gen. Mai., II, p. 156, 1847 (as of Desha yes). -c Les Oslrace'es Lam., Phil. Zool., 1809* (Ed. 1830, p. 31 7.) ~^Plaeunea Rafinesque, Anal. Nat., p. 148, 1815. ■^ Fixivalvia Latreille, Fam. Nat. Regn. An., p. 205, 1825. (Ed. Berth, p. 196.) -= Palliobranches a coquilles non symmetriques Blainville, Man. Mai., p. 515, 1825. -=: Terebratulidea G. B. Sowerby, Trans. Lin. Soc., XIII, p. 469, 1822. Shell calcareous ; hingeless ; without perforation for a pedicel ; attached by the umbones of or the entire lower valve, or rarely free. Upper valve suborbicular, with a subcentral apex. Lower valve subcircular or pyri- form. Four principal muscular impressions in each valve. Shell struc- ture punctate. Animal with free spiral arms, the direction of the apex of the spires toward the concavity of the upper or ha?mal valve. Mantle extending to the edge of the valves, closely adhering, without seta? upon its external edge. Animal holding the same relation to the attached valve which obtains in the Terebratulidcc, but actually reversed in relation to surrounding objects, on account of the attachment being by the surface, instead of by the recurved apex, of the neural valve. Synopsis of the Family. Genus Crania Retz: Shell attached ; upper valve with the muscular impres- sions usually excavated, but occasionally convex, without apophyses of any kind, inner surface vaulted, without septa; impressions of the pallial sinuses flabclliform, separated in front. Margin of the valves tubercu- lose or papillose. Type Crania craniolaris, Lin. sp. Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, p. 1150, 1767. ?1 Subgenus Pseudocrania McCoy. Shell free, with the impressions of the pallial sinuses fimbriated and confluent in front. Margins smooth. Ante- rior muscular impressions larger than the posterior ones. Type Crania MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 27 antiquissima Eichwald, sp. McCoy, Annals Nat. Hist., VIII, p. 388, 1851. The value of this section is doubtful. Subgenus Cranopsis Dall. Attached; upper valve with two. pointed slender apophyses divaricating from the internal apex, where the muscular im- pressions of the anterior pair are situated in the typical Cranice. Type Crania Parisiensis, Defrance, Davidson, Me'm. Soc. Lin. Norm., X, pi. xiii, fig. 23 a, b, 1856. Genus Craniscus Dall. Fixed valve divided by a transverse and a longitudi- nal septum into three cells, the posterior of which contains the muscular impressions and the rostrellum. Type Crania tripartita Munster, sp. Davidson, 1. c fig. 21. It is extraordinary that the two sections here indicated have not been separated previously, and indicates that this group has received little attention from modern authors. The differences between the genera Crania and Craniscus are hilly as great as any existing between the acknowledged genera of the Terebralulidce ; and the characters of Cra- nopsis, as separated from Crania, are well marked. The genus Spondylo- bolus of McCoy appears to have rather more affinity with the Lingulidoz than with this group, as I have elsewhere observed, and it is not in- cluded here for that reason. The genus Pholidops Hall appears congeneric with PseudocraniaM.cCoy. It is known principally from casts, however, and further researches may establish its validity. Genus CRANIA Retz. Non binomial syn. Ostracitrs minimus . . . numulus Braltensburgcnsis diclus Sto- b^eus, Act. Lit. Sci. Svec, pp. 14 and 21, 1731 * (fide Retz.), and Opuscl. I, p. 31, Tab. l.figs. 1-3, 1752. Helmintholithus craniolaris Linne, Syst. Nat., XII, III, p. 162, 1768. Anomilcs craniolaris Drattensburgenscs et Ignaburgensis Wahlenberg, Act. Upsala, 1821 * (fide Bronn). Nummuli Drattenburgencs Waller, Syst. Min., II, p. 500, 1775. Criopus Jimbriatus + Criopoderma (turbinatum) [taken collectively^ pars, Poli, Test, utriusq. Sicil., I, p. 34, 1791 ; II, pp. 189, 255, 261, 1795 (fide G. W. Tryon, Jr. Ostracites ?7iinimus, &c. Beuth, Jul. et Mont, subt, p. 130, 1776. Actual syn. = Crania Retzius, Schrift., Berl. Ges. Naturf. Freunde, Bd. II, p. 72, 1781. — Philippson (?), Diss. Hist. Nat., p. 11, § v, No. 1, 1788.— Schroter, Lith. Lex., IV, p. 265, 1785. — Bruguiere, Enc. Me'th. Vers., I, tabl. p. xiii, 1789. — Defrance, Diet. Sci. Nat., XI, p. 312, 1818.— G. B. Sowerby, Gen. Shells, fasc. XII, n. d., 1821 (?). Trans. Lin. Soc, XIII, p. 431, 1822. — Hceninciiaus, Isis, p. 108, 1822* (fide Engelman).— Nilsson, Kong. Vet. Ak. Handl., p. 378, 1824. Act. Holm., p. 326, 1825* 28 BULLETIN OF HIE Petref. Suec, p. 37, 1827. —Gray, Ann. Phil., XXVI (N. Ser. X), p. 244, 1825. — Menke, Syn. Ed. II, p. 96, 1830. — Philippi, Moll. Sicil.,p. 100, 1836.* — Grateloup, Cat. Zool., p. 55, 1838.*— Morris, Cat. Brit, foss., p. 121, 1843. — Loven, Index Moll. Scand., p. 29, 1846. — King, Ann. Nat. Hist., XVIII, p. 28, 1846. Ibid., Perm. Foss., p. 84, 1850.— Sowerby, Thes. I, p. 366, 1 847. — Jay, Cat. Shells, Ed. IV, p. 94, 1 850. — Davidson, Int. Class, Brach., p. 122, 1853. — Forbes and Hanley, Brit. Moll., II, p. 365, 1853. — Owen, Anat. Invert., p. 503, 1855. — Clark, Brit. Test. Moll., p. 27, 1855. — Davidson, Mem. Soc. Lin. Norm., X, pp. 24, 226, 1856. — Gosse, Mar. Zool., II, p. 30, 1856. — H. and A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll., II, p. 583, 1858. — Bronn, Klass. Ordn. Thierr., Ill, 1st Abth. p. 302, 1862. — Chenu, Man. de Conchyl., p. 230, 1862.— Davidson, Mon. Sil. Brach., p. 78, 1866. —Jeffreys, Brit. Conch., II, p. 24, 1863 ; V, p. 165, 1869 (Retz. non Piiilippson, as asserted by Jeffreys). — Hall, Pal. New York, IV, p. 26, 1870. = Crank Lamarck, Phil. Zool., Ed. 1830, p. 317 ; Ed. I, 1809* >- Crania Lamarck, Prodr., p. 83, 1799.* — Megerle v. Muhlfeldt, Entw. Syst. Schaalh., 1811* (fide Schum.). — Lamarck, Hist. An. s. Vert., lm Ed. VI, p. 237, 1819. —Ferussac, Tabl. Syst., p. xxxviii, 1821. — Gray, Lond. Med. Repos., 1821 * (fide Herrm.). — Blainville, Man. Mai., p. 515, 1825. —Rang, Man. Moll., p. 262, 1829. — Deshayes, Enc". Me'th. Vers, II, C, p. 15, p. 553, Tab. ace'ph., 1830. — Lamarck, Hist. An. s. Vert., 2de Ed. VII, p. 297, 1836. — Thomas Brown, Conch. Textb., Ed. V, p. 108, 1839. — Macgillivray, Ibid., Ed. IX, p. 123, n. d. — Thorpe, Brit. Mar. Conch., p. 125, 1844. — Cuvier, Regne An. Moll. Ed. Deshayes, p. 251, 1845. — Quexstedt, Handb. Petref., p. 494, 1852. — Woodward, Man., p. 236, 1854. >■ -< Crania Schumacher, Essai, p. 37, 1817. :=- Crania a, Schumacher, Essai, p. 101, 1817. Not Crania /3, Schumacher, Essai, p. 102, 1817. = Discina. Not Crania Gould, Moll. P. S. Expl. Expcd., p. 465, 1852. = Discina, sp. = Craniolites Schlotheim, Petref., p. 247, 1820. = Cranicella Rafinesque, Analys. Nat., p. 148, 1815. = Orbicula Cuvier, Tabl. Ele'm. Hist. Nat. p. 435, 1798 ; and Regne An., l"« Ed., p. 504, 1817. Regno, An. Moll., Ed. Deshayes, p. 250, 1S45. — La- marck, Hist. An. s. Vert. I, VI, p. 242,1819. >- -< Orbicula Lamarck, Hist. An. s. Vert., Ed. II, VII, p. 313, 1836. >- Orbicula Lamarck, Prodr., 1799.* — Bosc, Hist. Nat. Coq., II, p. 243, 1801. — Lamarck, Syst. An. s. Vert., p. 140, 1801. — Cuvier, An. Mus., I; Me'm. sur laLingule, p. 9, 1802. — Schumacher, Essai, pp. 55, 176, 1817. — Deshayes, Enc. Me'th. Vers., Ill, p. 668, 1832 (not tabl. 2, p. 553, 1830). = Orbicula sp. Eichwald, Sil. Schicht. Syst., p. 169, 1840; Urwelt, Russl., I, p. 98, 1840; II, p. 75, 1842. — Orbiculoidea sp. Ryckuolt, Melanges Pal., pi. iv, fig. 3* (fide Davidson, Intr., p. 128). MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 29 >~ Orbicularius Dumeril, Zool. Analyt., p. 1G8, 1806. = Distinct sp. Turton, Dith. Brit., p. 238, 1822 (Gen. diag. exclus.). = Anomia sp. Linne, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, I, p. 700, 1760 ; Ed. XII, p. 1150, No. 216, 1767. — Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 3340, 1792. — Chemnitz, Conchyl. Cab., VIII, p. 72, 1785. — SchrGter, Einl., Ill, p. 381, 1778.* — Poli, Test, utriusq. Sicil., II, p. 189, 1795. — Dillwyn, Cat. Shells, I, pp. 285, 286, 1817. = Anomites sp. Davidson, Me'm. Soc. Lin. Norm., X, p. 226, 1856, in syn. (not of Linne, Syst. Nat., 1768). = Patella sp. O. F. Muller, Prodr. Zool. Danica, p. 237, No. 2870, 1776 ; Zool. Danica, I, p. 4, 1788. — Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 3721, 1792. — Mon- tague, Trans. Lin. Soc., XI, p. 195, 1808. — Humphrey (ubi ? fide Sby. and Rve). — Koch and Dunker, Beitr. Ool.-Geb., p. 51, 1837. — Puemer, Verst. Ool.-Geb., p. 135, 1840. = Terebratula (part) Schweigger, Naturgesch., p. 690, 1820* (fide Gray, An. Phil., 1-825). = Producta 1 sp. Klipstein, Beitr. Ost. Alp., VIII, pp. 60, 239, 1843. = Siphonaria sp. Quenstedt, Handb. Petref., I, p. 442, 1852! = Numulus Agassiz, Nomencl. fasc, IX, p. 60, 1846. = Siphonotreta sp. Eichwald, Zool., I, p. 274, 1829 * (fide Bronn 1. c.) = Criopododerma Agassiz, Nomencl. Ind., p. 301, 1848 (corr. Poli). = Criopus Gray, Lond. Med. Repos., 1821 * (fide Herrm., Agassiz) —Flem- ing, Phil. Zool., II, p. 499, 1822, and Brit. An., pp. 367, 377, 1828. — King, Perm. Foss., p. 84, 1849.— Leach (Gray), Moll. Gt. Brit., p. 358, Dec. 1852. = Cryopus Deshayes, Hist. An. s.Vert., VII, p. 314, 1836. Shell with or without a more or less produced beak and false area in the lower valve. The two posterior muscular impressions are near the cardinal border, and usually larger and more widely separated than the two anterior scars. The latter are near the centre of the valves, and in the lower valve are confluent in front, or barely separated by a small nose- like prominence, or rostellum, which is usually excavated at its most ele- vated extremity for the attachment of a muscle, which at its other end is attached near the cardinal border of the upper valve between the post- adductor scars ; the shelly matter being slightly produced on each side of this attachment in some species, forming two slight tooth-like prominences. Margin of the shell more or less tuberculous or papillose. Lower valve differing in position and extent of attachment to extraneous objects. Upper valve conical, with the apex subcentral ; internally vaulted, simple, without apophyses or septa. Lower valve without septa or apophyses, unless the rostellum be so considered. Exterior foliated, concentrically or radiately striate, or smooth. Great pallial sinuses leaving more or less flabeliiform or paucidigitated impressions on the shelly matter, which im- pressions are not confluent anteriorly. 30 BULLETIN OF THE Soft parts with two spiral arms in the horizontal plane, with the apices of the spires directed toward the concavity of the lower valve. Intestine terminating between the lobes of the mantle on the ( ? right) side. The genus as described bv Retzius, was founded on several species which he confounded together under the name of Crania Brattensburgensis. Under this name he included the " Ostracites minimus . . . Numulus Brattensburgensis dictus " of Stobaeus, the Anomia craniolaris of Linne, and a recent species said to be from the Philippines, but probably the same previously described by Miiller under the name of Patella anomala, from the Scandinavian seas. The question now arises as to which of these shall be taken as the type of the genus, and shall therefore retain the specific name given by Retzius. With regard to this authors have differed, and the result has been a con- fusion only equalled in the generic synonymy of this unfortunate group. Most of them have transferred the C. Brattensburgensis of Retzius to the synonymy of the recent species (C. personata Lam.), overlooking the fact that Lamarck's name has not priority, and ignoring Midler's name en- tirely, though it preceded that of Retzius. On the other hand, they have, placed the JVumulus Brattensburgensis of Stobaeus in the synonymy of C. nummulus Lam., with the Anomia craniolaris of Linne, which in its turn is long pi'ior to that of Lamarck. This disregard of priority by the earlier authors has always been a fruitful cause of confusion and annoyance to subsequent students. As Retzius evidently had the species described by Stobaeus in his mind as the species of which he supposed he was describ- ing the recent form, I think that the only course left for us is to accept Stobseus' species as the type. Schumacher, in his Essai (p. 102),"says that Retzius had sent him specimens of the two species which he had described, and that the C. Brattensburgensis Retz. was a fossil. Now most, if not all, authors agree that Stobaeus' species was identical with Anomia craniolaris of Linne, which is identified by Hanley and others with the Crania nummulus of Lam., which of course becomes a synonyme. Stobaeus was not a binomial author, and Linne's name being the first binomial appellation, his specific name must stand. Lamarck, also, in adopting the genus Crania (Prodrome, p. 83, 1799), took Anomia cranio- laris as the type.* Schrbter, Gmelin, and Dillwyn, as well as Chemnitz, continued to confound the recent and fossil species under the name of craniolaris. Miiller, in 1776, was the first author to describe the European form, under the name of Patella anomala, with a correct habitat, and it afterwards received from Poli the specific name ofiurbinata, though not in a binomial sense. * Woodward also adopts it as the type, and Davidson, under the specific name of Brattensburgensis MUSEUM OF COMPAPwATIVE ZOOLOGY. 31 The synonymy of the type, according to these views, will stand as fol- lows : — Crania craniolaris Lin. sp. Non-binomial synonymy. Ostracites 7ninimi(S parasiticus calvarium hominis utcun- que referens, numuhis Brattensburgensis dictus K. Stobjeus, Diss, epist. Act. Litt. et Sci. Svec. pp. 14-21, figs. 1, 2, 1731* (Retz., 1. c. p. 74, 1781). Opuscl., p. 31, t. 1, figs. 1, 2, 1752. Anomites craniolaris Brattensburgensis Wahlb., Act. Ups., VIII, p. 60, 1821* (fide Bronx, Ind. Pal.). Concha testa planiore orbiculata cranium humanum referente Linne, Fauna Svecica, p. 384, No. 1347, t. 2, fig. 1347, 1746 (a later edition is probably referred to in the Syst. Nat. 1. c.) Ilelmintholithus (anomiie) craniolaris Linne, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, III, p. 164, 1768. Ostracites minimus sive ostracites nwnismalis Becth, Jul. et Mont, subt., p. 130, t. 7, No. 46, 1776. Actual synonymy. Anomia craniolaris Linne, Fauna Svecica, 2150, fig. 2150, Ed. II, 1761. Syst. Nat., Ed. X, t. 1, p. 700, No. 183, 1760. Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, t. l,pt.II,p. 1150, No. 216, 1767. — Gmelin, Syst. Nat., t. 1, pt. VI, p. 3340, No. 1, 1792, partly (+ C. anomala + turbinata part).— Chemnitz, Conchyl. Cab., VIII, p. 72, t. 76, pars, 1785. — Dillwyn, Cat., I, p. 285, No. 1, 1817. — Hanley's Conchyl. Lin., p. 119, 1855. Crania Brattensburgensis (pars) Retzius, Schrift. Berl. Ges. Naturf. Freunde, Band II, p. 73, 1781 (fig. excl?) (-f C. anomala part?). — Schumacher, Essai, p. 101, 1817. Crania nummulus Lamarck, Hist. An. s. Vert., Ed. I, t. 6, p. 238, No. 2, 1819. — Lamarck, Hist. An. s. Vert, Ed. II, t. 7, p. 299, No. 2, 1836. — ILeninghaus, Mon. Crania, p. 5, No. 5, figs. 5 a, b, c, 1828. — Deshayes, Enc. Meth. vers, II, C, p. 17, 1830, &c, &c. Crania personata part, Lamarck, Hist. An. s. Vert., Ed. I, VI, p. 238, 1819. Not C. personata of Lamarck, Ed. II, VII, p. 299, 1836. This species is found fossil in Sweden, where Stobaeus and Linne obtained their specimens, and the lower valves, furnishing a rude imita- tion of a face stamped on a coin, were sufficiently common to obtain the popular designation of Brattensburg money, or pennies. According to Deshayes and Sowerby, it presents the peculiarity of being attached by only a small portion of its lower valve. This, however, is a character of slight importance. I have omitted all the other ostensible synonymes of craniolaris Lin. and nummulus Lam., because I have not had the opportu- nity of certainly identifying them, and therefore have preferred to retain only those of which there was no doubt whatever. In order to render the matter more clear and throw as much light as possible upon the subject, I subjoin the synonymy of the second species described by Retzius. 32 BULLETIN OF THE Crania Egnabergensis Retz. Non-binomial syn. Numtdus minor rarissimus ocali et r.aso prominent ibus e lapi- cidina Egnabergensi in Gothungia K. Stob.eus, 1. c. figs. 3, 4* (fide Retz., 1. c). Opusc, p. 31, t. 1, figs. 3, 4. Anomites cranioluris Ignabergensis Wahlb., Act. LTps., VIII, p. 60, 1821 * (fide Bronn, Ind. Pal.). Actual syn. Crania Egnabergensis Retz., 1. c. p. 75, t. 1, figs. 4-7, 1781. Crania striata Defrance, Diet. Sci. Nat., Vol. XI, p. 315, 1818. — La- marck, Hist. An. s. Vert., VI, p. 239, 1819 ; Ed. II, VII, p. 301, No. 5, 1836. — Desiiayes, Eneyc. Me'th., II, C, p. 19, No. 9, 1830 (not C. striata Schum.). Found fossil at Balsberg and Charlottenlund in Scania. It is well dis- tinguished from the preceding species by its radiating ribs. The recent species, which may be referred to the genus Crania, are as follows : — Crania Suessii Rve., Mon. Crania, pi. i, fig. 2, 1862. Sydney, Australia. Crania rostrata ILeningiiaus, Mon. Crania, p. 3, No. 3, fig. 3, 1828. — Rve., Coneh. Icon., pi. i, fig. 3, 1862. — Desiiayes, An. s. Vert, Ed. II, Vol. VII, p. 302, 1836. (Syn. exclus.) Mediterranean, W. Africa? I have received a Mediterranean specimen of this species from Mr. Davidson ; it may also extend along the northwest coast of Africa, as stated by Reeve. Deshayes' synonymy is very erroneous, and includes both turbinata and anomala. Crania (?? Cranopsis) japonica A. Adams, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3d Series, XI, p. 100, 1863. Gotto Island, Japan, 71 fms. And the following : ** — Crania anomala Mull. sp. A. Typical. Syn. Patella anomala Mull., Prodr. Zool. Dan., p. 237, 2S70, 1776. Zool. Dan., I, p. 4, t. 5, figs. 1-8, 1783. — Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 3721, No. 151, 1792. Patella dislorta Mont., Trans. Lin. Soc, XI, p. 195, pi. xiii, fig. 5, 1808. — Flem., Edin. Encyc, VII, 65, t. 204, fig. 4. Patella Kermes Humphrey* (ubi?) fide Sby., Tr. Lin. Soc. — Rve., Couch. Icon. Mon. Crania, sp. 4, 1 862. Anomia cranioluris (pars) Chemn., VIII, p. 72, t. 76. — Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 3340, No. 1, 1792. — Dillwyn, Cat, I, p.285, 1817 (not of Linne). Anomia turbinata Dillwyn, Cat., I, p. 286, 1817. Polii syn. exclus. Criopus anomalies Fleming, Phil. Zool., II, p. 499, IS22, and Brit. An. p. 377, 1828. ** I have separated the synonymy of the var. ( ? ) turbinata, in order that those who consider it a good species may make use of the synonymy, but I myself consider it as a strict synonyme of anomala. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 33 Criopus orcadensis Leach (Gray), Moll. Gt. Brit., p. 358, pi. xiii, figs. 6- 8, December,- 1852. Orbiculu norvegica Lamarck, Syst, p- 140, 1801 (not Sby., Lin. Tr. and Gen. Sh., Rang, Man., nor Blainville, Man., p. 515). — Lamarck, Hist. An. s. Vert., Ed. I, Vol. VI, p. 242, 1819. Ibid., Ed. II, Vol. VII, p. 316, No. 1, 1836. — Deshayes, Enc. Meth., Ill, p. 668, 1832, partly ( + turbinata, part). — Schumacher, Essai, p. 176, pi. xxi, fig. 2, 1817. — Thomas Brown, Conchol. Textb., Ed. V, p. 107, pi. xiv, fig. 32 (no such figure there), 1839. — Macgillivray, Ibid., Ed. IX, p. 123, pi. xiv, fig. 32 (same remark applies), n. d. — De Blainville, Diet. Sci. Nat., XXXVI, p. 292, 1825, partly (-(- Discina ostreoides, part). Orbicula anomala Cuvier, Tabl. Ele'm. de l'Hist. Nat., p. 435, 1799, and Regno An., II, p. 504, 1817; Ed. Desh. Moll., p. 251, 1845, partly (+ turbinata, part). Discina ostreoides Turton, Dith. Brit., p. 238, 1822 (not of Lam.). ? Crania Brattensburgensis, part, Retz., Sclirift. Berl., Ges. Naturf. Fr., Band II, p. 73, 1781 (+ craniolaris, part). Crania turbinata Wood's Ind. Test., Ed. Hanley, pi. xi, fig. 2, 1856 (not turbinata Poli). Crania personata, part, Defrance, Diet. Sci. Nat., XI, p. 312 (+ turbinata, part), 1818. Crania personata Lamarck, Hist. An. s. Vert., Ed. I, VI, p. 238 (syn. exclus.), 1819. Ibid., Ed. II, VII, p. 298 (syn. excl.), 1836 (not personata Blainv., Diet. Sci. Nat. Cah. V, figs. 2-9, fide Deshayes, 1. c. pr.). — Sowerby, Trans. Lin. Soc, XIII, p. 431, 1822. Gen. Sh. Fasc, XII, figs. 1 and 2, n. d. (1821 ?). — Blainville, Diet. Sci. Nat, XXXII, p. 304, 1824. Ibid., Man. Mai., p. 515, 1825.** — Nilsson, Kong. Vet. Ak. Handl., Part II, p. 324, partly, 1825* (fide Fe'r. Bull. Sci. Nat. + crani- olaris part). — Thomas Brown, Conch. Textb., Ed. V, p. 108, pi. xiv, fig. 5, 1839. —Macgillivray, Ibid., Ed. IX, p. 123, pi. xiv, fig. 5, n. d. — Suess, Wohns., I, p. 41 (223), 1859. Crania norvegica Sowerby, Thes. Con., I, p. 368, pi. 73, figs. 15 and 17, 1847. — Forbes and Hanley, Brit. Moll., I, pi. U, fig. 2, 1853. Crania rostrata Thorpe, Brit. Mar. Conch., p. 125, 1844 (not of Hiening- haus). Crania anomala Sowerby, Conch. Man., Ed. II, p. 125, fig. 197 a, 1842. — Loven, Index Moll. Scand., p. 29, 1846. — Forbes and Hanley, Brit. Moll., II, p. 366, pi. lvi, figs. 7 and 8, 1853. — Davidson, Int. Class. Brach, p. 123, figs. 44-46, pi. ix, figs. 237, 238. — Woodward, Man. Moll., p. 235, figs. 157-159, 1854. — Clark, Brit. Test. Moll., p. 37, ** I do not know whether Deshayes refers in his cited remarks to these two refer- ences also, but there is nothing in the context to indicate the Mediterranean form (turbinata), and the reference of Blainville is to C perso?iata Sowerby, which is un- doubtedly anomala. VOL. HI. 3 34 BULLETIN OF THE 1855. — Gosse, Marine Zool., II, p. 80, fig. 120, 1856. — Davidson, Mem. Lin. Soc. Norm., X, p. 229, pi. xiii, figs. 14 - 1G, 24, 32, 33, 35, 3G, 1856. — H. and A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll., II, p. 583; III, pi. exxxii, figs. 3, 3 a, 3 b, 1858. — Suess, Wohns., I, p. 39 (221), 1859. — Chenu, Man. Conchyl., II, p. 230, figs. 1178, 1862. — Reeve, Conch. Icon. Mon. Crania, pi. i, fig. 4, 1862. — Jeffreys, Brit. Conch., II, p. 24, pi. i, fig. 3, 1863 ; V, p. 165, pi. xix, fig. 6, 1869 Hah. North European seas. B. var. turbinuta Poll Anomia turbinuta Poli, Test. Utrius. Siciliae, II, p. 189, 261, t. 30, fig. 15, 1795, in synonymy. — Dillwyn, Cat., I, p. 286, No. 2, 1817, in part (+ anomala, part). Anomia craniolar is (part) Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 3340, 1792. — Dillwyn, Cat , I, p. 285, No. 1, 1817 (-f- craniolaris part). Criopus fimbriatus (part) Poli, Test. Utrius. Sic., II, p. 189, 1795. "Hab. in Anomia turbinuta" Poli, 1. c. (animal). Criopodermu turbinatum Poli, II, p. 261, No. 1, 1795 (shell). Patella anomala Dillwyn, Cat., I, p. 286, in syn. Orbicula turbinuta Lamarck, Hist. An. s. Vert., Ed. II, VII, p. 317, 1836. Crania persona ta Blainville, Diet. Set. Nat., XI, p. 312 ; XXXII, p. 304, pi. lxxxiv, fig. 2, Cah. xv, 1818 (not of Lam., Hist., Ed. II, VII, p. 299, note, fide Deshayes (?). Cf. previous note, p. 33). Crania personata Deshayes, Encyc. Method., II, C, p. 16, 1830; partly; (-4- anomala part, per citation of Retz.). Crania rinrjens Hceninghaus, Mon. Crania, p. 3, No. 2, fig. 2. — Deshayes, Encyc. Me'th., II, p. 16,No. 3, 1830. — Lamarck, Hist. An. s. Vert., Ed. II, VII, p. 302, 1836.— Sby., Thes., I, p. 367, pi. lxxiii, figs. 10, 11,1847.— Suess, Wohns., I, p. 41 (223), 1859. Crania rostrata Deshayes, Hist. An. s. Vert., Ed. II, VII, p. 302, No. 7, 1836 ; partly (+ anomala and rostrata part). Not Crania rostrata ILexinghaus, Mon. Cram, p. 3, No. 3, fig. 3, 1828. — Rve., Icon., pi. 1, fig. 3, 1862. Hab. Mediterranean. C. var. alba Jeffreys. Crania anomala var. alba Jeffreys, Brit. Conch., V, p. 165, 1869. Hab. Shetland, Hebrides. The shell of Crania anomala is rounded, with a slight tendency toward a squarish form. The posterior border of the valves is nearly straight, and Barrett, who examined living specimens, asserts that the two valves open and shut on this edge, like the sides of a hinge. Upper valve sub- conical or depressed, with the apex not prominent and rather posterior. External surface smooth in normal specimens, or slightly marked with concentric lines of growth. Internally rather smooth, with coarse and conspicuous punctation. The margin of the valves is rough, and pre- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 35 scnts under a glass conspicuous calcareous prisms, radiating from the centre of the shell. The muscular impressions are very variable in shape and position as well as prominence. Ihe color is usually a livid reddish- brown, with occasional white rays. The extreme nucleus of the shell is mammillated. The lower valve varies in thickness according to the object upon which it rests. If the latter be smooth and level, it is often very thin and almost imperceptible, so that Miiller was not without justification in overlooking it. The margin is usually rough or tuberculose, and the muscular impressions vary as 'in the upper valve. The variety alba of Jeffreys is pure white, or occasionally with a few radiating brown lines, but does not differ otherwise from the normal form. From specimen figures and descriptions of C. turbinala, I have been unable to discover any characters which are not common to varieties of C. anomala. I agree with Mr. Jeffreys in thinking C. ringens Hoeninghaus, to be synonymous with anomala on general considerations, but I have seen no typical specimens of ringens. The few specimens of Crania dredged by the United States Coast Survey Expedition (off the Sambos, Florida, in 116 fathoms, and off the Sand Key in 105 fathoms) offer some apparently constant differ- ences from C. anomala. They are somewhat distorted, very transverse, and have pbscure indications of radiating i-ugosities. The shells are smaller than C. anomala, have a strong concentric foliation caused by the imbri- cation of the lines of growth. The color is much the same as in anomala ; one white specimen with a few radiating brown lines was dredged on a stone in 126 fathoms, off Sand Key, by M. de Pourtales. The interior of the lower valves was of a green color. The posterior muscular impres- sions are smaller and closer together than in C. anomala. It is very pos- sibly, however, a strongly marked variety of that species ; but in case the collection of a larger number of specimens should prove its distinctness, I would propose for it the name of C. Pourtalesii. Note. — Not having personally been able to examine Poli's Test. Utriusq. Sicilian, I have been indebted to the kindness of Mr. George W. Tryon, Jr., for examining the work for me. It is evident to any one who appreciates the binomial system of nomenclature, that Poli was in no sense binomial. He named the animal generically and specifically, while the shell received two additional names, making four in all, if we take them together, involv- ing the absurdity of the animal being a different genus and species from its shell. The references of Poli given below, from Mr. Tryon's notes, are as fol- lows : — Vol. I, p. 34. " Genus 15, Criopus," description of animal as follows : " Habitat in Anomia imperforata." 36 BULLETIN OF THE Vol. II, p. 189. " Anomia turbinata," description of shell follows, and to it is added a description of the animal as " Criopus firribriatus" Vol. II, p. 255, a Table of Genera contains : — Genus 18. Criopus (animal). Genus 18. Crwpoderma (shell). Species 1. Criopus jimbriatus, " Habitat m Anomia truncata et capite ser- pentis Lin. ; in Anomia turbinata." Vol. II, p. 261. List of species : — 1. Crwpoderma turbinatum. Anomia turbinata. 2. Criopoderma truncation. Anomia Iruncata. 3. Criopoderma caput serpentis. Anomia caput serpentis. Plate 30, fig. 15, Anomia turbinata. Poli evidently considers Anomia as a synonyme, and only uses it by way of explanation. It is evident that such a system of nomenclature as the above can never be fairly squared with the binomial system. Family DISCINdTLE. Syn. = Discinidce Gray, Syn. Brit. Mus., I, p. 155, 1840* Ibid., p. 88, 1842. P. Z. S., p. 202, 1847. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, p. 439, 1848. — Da- vidson, Int. Class. Brach., pp. 51, 125, 1853. — Woodward, Man. Rec. and Fos. Sh., p. 237, 1854. — Davidson, Me'm. Lin. Soc. Norm., X, p. 84, 1856. — H. and A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll., II, p. 584, 1858.— Mas. Gray's Moll., IV, p. 202, 1859. — Suess, Wohns.,X p. 42 (224), 1859. — Carpenter, Lect. Moll., Smithsonian Rep., p. 276, 1860. — Bronn, Klass. Ord. Thierr., Ill, I Abth. p. 301, 1862. = Discinide'es Davidson, Me'm. Lin. Soc. Norm., X, p. 231, 1856. = Orbiculacea Anton, Verzeichn., p. 21, 1839 * (fide Herrm.). = Orbicul idee King, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XVIII, p. 28, 1846. — Owen, Anat. Inv., p. 503, 1855. — Chenu, Man. de Conchyl., II, p. 231, 1862. «=: Orbicidina Agassiz, Nomend. Index, p. 757, corr. praec. 1848 (not Lam., gen. Rhizop.). -< Orbiculidce D'Orbigny, Cours Ele'm. Pal., II, p. 89, 1849. ~