<=, -Hh -c Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, AT HARVARD COLLEGE. Vol. XVIII. REPORTS ON THE RESULTS OF DREDGING, UNDER THE SUPER- VISION OF ALEXANDER AGASSIZ, IN THE GULF OF MEXICO (1877-78) AND IN THE CARIBBEAN SEA (1879-80), BY THE U. S. COAST SURVEY STEAMER "BLAKE," LIEUT.-COMMANDER C. D. SIGSBEE, U. S. N., AND COMMANDER J. R. BARTLETT, U. S. N., COMMANDING. [Published by Permission of Carlile P Patterson and J. E. Hilgard, Superintendents of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.] XXIX. — REPORT ON THE MOLLUSCA. By W. IT. DALL. PART II— GASTROPODA AND SCAPHOPODA. With Thirty-onb Plates. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. Jcne, 1889. Reprinted with the permission of the original publisher KRAUS REPRINT CORPORATION New York 1967 5 -flA -c Printed in U.S.A. Reports on the Results of Dredging, under the Supervision of Alex- ander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico (1877-78) and in the Caribbean Sea (1879-80), by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer "Blake" Lieut.-Commander C. D. Sigsbee, U. S. N., and Com- mander J. E. Bartlett, U. S. N., Commanding. [Published by Permission of Caelile P. Patterson and J. E. Hilgard, Super- intendents of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.] XXIX. Report on the Mollusca, by W. H. Dall. — Part II. Gastropoda and Scaphopoda. The reader of this Report, for various details as to its origin, progress, and results, is referred to the introductory remarks prefixed to Part I. (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool, Vol. XII. No. 6, pp. 171-186.) His attention is especially called to the remarks upon nomenclature (p. 175), and the acknowledgments for indebtedness to other scientific men and their publications. In the present portion of the Report, the material offered by the Blake Collection has been materially supplemented by the southern dredgings of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," and other material collected in the region and now in the National Museum. It was the original intention of the writer to make this Report a summary to date of deep-sea research and fannal exploration of the geographical province extending from Brazil to Cape Hatteras. But the material has been collected so rapidly, and the study of it leads to such unex- pected conclusions, in many cases, that it has been impracticable to do this for all the families. A general bathymetrical review may be at- tempted later ; the present paper contains data for any one ambitious to make the attempt at once, but the writer prefers to defer it until the results of the later dredgings of the Fish Commission and of the French expeditions are at hand, to be combined into a paper which shall represent the latest information on the subject. However, in the following Report will be found in several instances a complete though brief review of all the species of a group known to VOL. xviii. 1 Z BULLETIN OF THE inhabit the region above defined, at any depth. Especial attention has been paid to an enumeration of the valid species of our southern coasts, so neglected for the last quarter of a century. But in families or gen- era comprising a large multitude of species, such as the Pleurotomidae, this has been impracticable, and has not been attempted. The Systematic List which precedes the text, while it enumerates those species which are new, newly named, or treated of at length, whether of the Blake Collection or merely illustrative of it, does not include the numerous other species which are only incidentally referred to or enumerated in generic summaries of the southern fauna. The present paper includes a systematic description and account of the Gastropods* and Scaphopods comprised in the Blake Collection, (excepting pelagic species which float on the surface,) illustrated by data drawn from the collections of the U. S. Fish Commission made south of Cape Hatteras. In the course of this account the nomencla- ture has been discussed and rectified in several cases. In other cases the generic names and arrangements commonly in use have been adopted as they are found in the text-books, for want of time and mate- rial to revise the ordinary classification if necessary. Anatomical de- tails have been supplied whenever the material was available and the interest of the subject seemed to warrant it. These details will be found, as in Part I, under the heads of the respective genera and spe- cies. They are too numerous to particularize. Perhaps those of most general interest relate to the soft parts of Pleurotomaria, of the Volutidce of the Gulf of Mexico, of Pedicularia, of certain forms connected with Cerithiopsis, and of the various Limpets. The writer has been handi- capped by the impossibility of getting an artist competent to make suitable drawings from the magnified camera lucida sketches of anat- omy, dentition, etc., and has been obliged to leave unillustrated many of the points which he has described at length in the text. It has been impossible, with his official engagements, for him personally to elabo- rate these drawings. To Dr. J. C. McConnell he has been indebted for admirable renderings of the shells, as heretofore. In addition to the acknowledgments made in Part T, the writer de- sires to .express his indebtedness to the great quarto report on the Gastropoda of the Challenger Expedition, by the Rev. Robert Boog- Watson ; to the admirable Manual by Dr. Paul Fischer, recently con- cluded ; and to the Manual which Mr. George W. Tryon, of Philadelphia, * The few Nudibranchs collected have been referred to Dr. R. Bergh, who will report upon them separately. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 3 projected, and had largely carried out at the time of his premature decease. In the course of this Report the writer has freely criticised the litera- ture which he was required to consult, not with any desire of fault- finding, but because frank and free criticism is, it seems to him, the most desirable way of getting at the truth. During Mr. Tryon's life- time the writer felt obliged on several occasions rather sharply to criticise ' the execution of some parts of that gentleman's Manual, and it gives him pleasure to say, now that Death has intervened, that this criticism never interrupted the friendly relations which mutually ex- isted and continued to exist. Mr. Tryon, without entering into contro- versy, took steps to remedy such of the faults as he felt to be justly criticised, and a comparison of the later volumes of the Manual with the earlier ones will sufficiently illustrate the result. The work is important, and almost indispensable, while from its very nature it is especially liable to minor inaccuracies. For this reason the writer has not eliminated any of the criticisms or corrections from his manuscript prepared during Mr. Tryon's lifetime, and which now is printed. He believes that his friend would prefer that all just and fair corrections should be made, and that the science to which he was thoroughly de- voted should thus be advanced. Well aware that he himself may in turn offer a fair target for the critic, the writer invites corrections which may suggest themselves to other malacologists. A summary of the numerical results of this investigation into the Antillean and Gulf fauna will be found at the end of this paper, where it is placed in order that it may express the latest and most accurate figures. These data are, as every one knows, liable to be slightly modified in the course of printing and proof-reading. In this Report all dimensions are given in millimeters ; all tempera- tures are bottom temperatures, and expressed in degrees Fahrenheit. The measurements of a shell are made parallel with the axis, the curve of the profile not being taken into account. The term longitudinal in description is equivalent to spiral, and indicates a direction parallel with the coil of the whorl. The term transverse refers to sculpture crossing the whorls in general parallelism with the longitudinal central axis of the whole shell. The nucleus is the larval shell, be the same large or small. The apex of the spire is considered to be the posterior, the end of the canal to be the anterior end of the shell, and all terms indicating direction are to be understood in harmony with this defini- tion. Right and left, when used, are used as if the animal were crawl- 4 BULLETIN OF THE ing, with his head away from the observer, on a plane at right angles to the line of sight. The figures after the references to the plates indicate the longest diameter of the shell in the position in which it is figured, whether this be height or diameter actually, unless it be otherwise stated. As a rule " alt." is prefixed to statements of dimension which refer to height of the spire, and " lat." or " diam." to the measurements taken at right angles to the axis of the spire. The nomenclature adopted is based on the rules of the British Associa- tion, as illustrated by the Report of the American Association in 1877, and the subsequent contributions of De Candolle and the American Ornithologist's Union. I have not seen any more recent discussions of the subject which go far enough into it to be of much importance. Such a report as that of the Bologna Geological Congress is so inade- quate as to carry no weight ; the so-called rules being essentially su- perficial and insufficient to meet the needs of the conscientious student of nomenclature. The relation of the deep-sea fauna to the fauna of the Tertiaries is more intimate in some respects than that of the Tertiaries to the recent fauna of the litorale. A number of genera and subordi- nate groups hitherto known only from the Tertiary deposits will be found enumerated among the forms collected by the " Blake " and " Albatross." The Index will contain references to the species mentioned in both Part I and Part II, and the plates are continuously numbered in the two papers. The preliminary descriptions of Bulletin M. C. Z., Vol. IX, No. 2, 1881, which are not reprinted, were provided with an index of their own. For the student interested in the fauna of the southern coasts of the United States, this report will contain more new information than has appeared in any single publication for many years. The writer hopes that it may stimulate in some measure the interest in that fauna which its richness, its possibility of novelties to come, and its relations with the fauna of the Antilles, may reasonably lead us to expect. There is no department of biology where more remains to be done than among the Mollusca, and it is in the power of any good observer, whether scientifi- cally trained or not, to add to the sum of our knowledge, and materially aid in the reformation of the present unsatisfactory systems. Washington, D. C, June, 1888. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. SYSTEMATIC LIST OF SPECIES. [Species marked with an asterisk were not contained in the Blake Collection, or are referred to for purposes of illustration, etc.] Class GASTROPODA. Subclass ANISOPLEURA. Order OPISTHOBRANCHIATA. Suborder TECTIBRANCHIATA. Family ACT^ONIDJE. Genus ACTION Montfoet. Actaeon exilis Jeffreys.* Actaeon pusillus Jeffreys. Actaeon punctostriatus Adams.* Actaeon Cumingii A. Adams.* Actaeon delicatus Dall. Actaeon melampoides Dall. Actaeon perforatus Dall. Actaeon Danaida Dall. Actaeon incisus Dall. Genus OVULACTJEON Dall. Ovulactaeon Meekii Dall. Family RINGICULID^. Genus RINGICULA Deshates. Section RINGICULINA Monterosato. Ringicula nitida Verrill. Ringicula floiidana Dall.* Ringicula floridana var. Guppyi Dall.* BULLETIN OF THE Family TORNATINID^E. Genus TORNATINA A. Adams. Subgenus COLEOPHYSIS Fischer. Coleophysis perplicatus Dall. Subgenus CYLICHNELLA Gabb. Cylichnella bidentata Orbigny. Genus UTRICULUS Brown. Utriculus Mayoi Dall.* Utriculus Frielei Dall. Utriculus vortex Dall. Utriculus (vortex var. ?) domitus Dall. Utriculus pervius Dall.* Subgenus RETUSA (Brown) Morch. Retusa ovata Jeffreys.* Retusa obesiuscula Brugnone.* Genus VOLVULA A. Adams. Volvula acuta Orbigny. Volvula oxytata Busb.* Volvula Bushii Dall* Volvula aspinosa Dall.* Family SCAPHANDRID^E. Genus SCAPHANDER Montfort. Scaphander punctostriatus Migbels, var. clavus Dall. Scaphander Watsoni Dall. Subgenus SABATIA Bellardi. Sabatia bathymophila Dall. Genus ATYS Montfort. Atys Sandersoni Dall. Genus CYLICHNA Loven. Cylichna Verrillii Dall.* MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 7 Family BULLID^E. Genus BULLA Linne. Bulla? eburnea Dall. Bulla occidentalis A. Adams. Bulla abyssicola Dall. Bulla Krebsii Dall. Bulla clausa Dall.* Genus HAMINEA Leach. Haminea succinea Conrad. Family PHILLNID^E. Genus PHILINE Ascanias. Philine infundibulum Dall. Philine planata Dall. Philine flexuosa M. Sars. Family GASTROPTERIDtE. Genus GASTROPTERON Meckel. Gastropteron sp. indet. Family UMBRACULID^. Genus UMBRACULUM Schumacher. Umbraculum bermudense Morch ? Subgenus HYALOPATINA Dall. Hyalopatina Rushii Dall.* Super-Order PROSOBRANCHIATA. Order PECTINIBRANCHIATA. Super-Family TOXOGLOSSA- Family TEREBRID^E. Genus TEREBRA Lamarck. Section EURYTA. Terebra aciculata Lamarck.* 8 BULLETIN OF THE Section HASTULA. Terebra hastata Gmelin.* Terebra cinerea Gmelin.* Section SUBULA. Terebra floridana Dall.* Section ACUS. Terebra dislocata Say.* Terebra concava Say.* Terebra concava var. vinosa Dall.* Terebra protexta Conrad.* Terebra protexta var. lutescens (Smith ?) Dall.* Terebra nassuia Dall. Terebra limatula Dall.* Terebra limatula var. acrior Dall. Terebra benthalis Dall. Terebra Rushii Dall.* Family CONINE. Genus CONUS Linne. Conus Mazei Deshayes. Conus cedonulli Lamarck. Conus proteus Hwass. Conus Pealei Green.* Conus Agassizii Dall. Conus Villepini F. & B. Conus daucus Hwass. Conus centurio Born. Conus flavescens Gray. Conus amphiurgus Dall.* Family PLEUROTOMID^E. Genus PLEUROTOMA Lamarck. Subgenus PLEUROTOMA s. s. Pleurotoma albida Perry. Pleurotoma albida var. tellea Dall.* Pleurotoma albida var. vibex Dall. Pleurotoma periscelida Dall.* Subgenus LEUCOSYRINX Dall. Leucosyrinx Verrillii Dall. Leucosyrinx Sigsbeei Dall. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Leucosyrinx tenoceraa Dall. Leucosyrinx subgrundifera Dall. Subgenus ANCISTROSYRINX Dall. Ancistrosyrinx elegans Dall. Ancistrosyrinx radiata Dall. Subgenus GENOTA Adams. Genota mitrella Dall. Section DOLICHOTOMA Bellardi. Genota viabrunnea Dall. Genus DRILLIA Gray. Drillia ostrearum Stearns. Drillia Tryonii Dall. Drillia albicoma Dall. Drillia detecta Dall. Drillia alesidota Dall.* Drillia alesidota var. macilenta Dall. Drillia polytorta Dall. Drillia eucosmia Dall. Drillia eucosmia var. canna Dall. Drillia haliostrephis Dall. Drillia acestra Dall. Drillia pharcida Dall.* Drillia acrybia Dall. Drillia tristicha Dall.* Drillia ebur Reeve. Drillia fucata Reeve.* Drillia pagodula Dall. Drillia pagodula var. pentagonalis Dall. Drillia coccinata Reeve. Drillia thea var. carminura Dall. Drillia Simpsoni Dall.* Drillia lissotropis Dall. Drillia Dalli Verrill. Drillia Dalli var. acloneta Dall. Drillia Dalli var. cestrota Dall. Drillia nucleata Dall. Drillia Verrillii Dall. Drillia havanensis Dall. Drillia premorra Dall. Drillia oleacina Dall. Drillia smirna Dall. Drillia lithocolleta Watson. 10 BULLETIN OF THE Section CYMATOSYRINX Dall. Drillia centimata Dall. Drillia eepynota Dall.* Drillia Moseri Dall. Genus BORSONIA Bellardi. Subgenus BORSONIA s. s. Borsonia ceroplasta Watson. Subgenus CORDIERIA Rouault. Cordieria Rouaultii Dall. Genus MANGILIA Risso. Subgenus AFORIA Dall. Aforia circinata Dall.* ? Aforia hypomela Dall.* Subgenus CYTHARA Schumacher. Cythara Bartlettii Dall. Cythara cymella Dall. Subgenus DAPHNELLA Hinds. Section DAPHNELLA s. s. Daphnella leucophlegma Dall. Daphnella corbicula Dall. Daphnella reticulosa Dall. Daphnella pompholyx Dall. Daphnella retifera Dall.* Daphnella morra Dall. Daphnella elata Dall* Section EUBELA Dall. Daphnella limacina, Dall. Daphnella calyx Dall.* Daphnella sofia Dall. Daphnella sofia var. hyperlissa Dall.* Subgenus GLYPHOSTOMA Gabb. Glyphostoma dentifera Gabb. Glyphostoma Gabbii Dall. Glyphostoma gratula Dall. Glyphostoma phalera Dall.* Subgenus MANGILIA Risso s. s. Mangilia caribaea Orbigny. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 11 Mangilia Lavalleana Orbigny. Mangilia atrostyla Dall. Mangilia quadrata Reeve.* Mangilia quadrata var. diminuta Adams.* Mangilia quadrata var. rugirima Dall.* Mangilia quadrata var. monocingulata Dall. Mangilia serga Dall. ? Mangilia halitropis Dall. ? Mangilia ipara Dall. ? Mangilia peripla Dall. ? Mangilia elusiva Dall. Mangilia bandella Dall. Mangilia antonia Dall. Mangilia comatotropis Dall. Mangilia scipio Dall. Mangilia pelagia Dall. ? Mangilia exaculpta Watson. ? Mangilia Pourtalesii Dall. ? Mangilia subsida Dall. Mangilia toreumata Dall. Subgenus PLEUROTOMELLA Verrill. Pleurotomella Packardi Verrill.* Pleurotomella Packardi var. formosa Jeffreys. Pleurotomella Packardi var. Benedicti V. & S. Pleurotomella leucomata Dall. Pleurotomella Agassizii V. & S. var. mexicana Dall.* Pleurotomella Edgariana Dall.* Pleurotomella Emertonii V. & S. Pleurotomella chariessa Watson. Pleurotomella chariessa var. spica Dall.* Pleurotomella chariessa var. phalera Dall.* Pleurotomella chariessa var. tellea Dall.* Pleurotomella chariessa var. aresta Dall* Pleurotomella filifera Dall. Pleurotomella catasarca Dall. Pleurotomella hadria Dall.* Section? GYMNOBELA Verrill. Pleurotomella extensa Dall. Pleurotomella Blakeana Dall. Pleurotomella Blakeana var. agria Dall. Pleurotomella tornata Verrill var. Malmii Dall. Subgenus TARANIS Jeffreys. Taranis cirrata Brugnone.* 12 BULLETIN OF THE Family CANCELLARIID.E. Genus CANCELLARIA Lamarck. Subgenus CANCELLARIA s. s. Cancellaria reticulata Linne. Cancellaria venusta Tuomey & Holmes.* Subgenus TRIGONOSTOMA Blainville. Trigonostoma tenera Pbilippi.* Trigonostoma Smithii DalL* Trigonostoma Agassizii Dall.* Trigonostoma? microscopica Dall.* Genus BENTHOBIA Dall. Benthobia Tryoni Dall.* Super-Family RHACHIGLOSSA. Family OLIVINE. Genus OLIVA Brugi£re. Oliva reticularis Lamarck. Oliva literata Lamarck. Genus OLIVELLA Swainson. Olivella mutica Say. Olivella fuscocincta Dall. Olivella jaspidea Gmelin. Olivella jaspidea var. rotunda Dall. Olivella bullula Reeve. Olivella (bullula var. ?) tubulata Dall. Family MARGINELLID^E. Genus MARGINELLA Lamarck. Marginella apicina Menke. Marginella Watsoni Dall. Marginella amabilis Red field. Marginella rostrata Redfield. Marginella cassis Dall. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 13 Marginella haematita Kiener. Marginella fusina Dall. Marginella yucatecana Dall. Marginella opalina Stearns. Marginella s em inula Dall. Marginella Redfieldii Tryon. Marginella fusca Sowerby. Marginella succinea Conrad. Marginella styria Dall. Marginella torticula Dall. Subgenus VOLVARINA Hinds. Volvarina avena Val. Volvarina avena var. guttula Reeve. Volvarina albolineata Orbigny. Volvarina subtriplicata Orbigny. Volvarina pallida Donovan. Subgenus VOLUTELLA Swainson. Volutella lacrimula Gould. Volutella hadria Dall* Volutella amianta Dall.* Genus PERSICULA Schumacher. Persicula catenata Montagu. Subgenus GIBBERULA Swainson. Gibberula minuta Pfr. Family VOLUTIDJE. Genus VOLUTA Linne. Voluta musica Linne.* Voluta virescens Solander.* Genus SCAPHELLA Swainson (em.). Scaphella junonia Hwass. Subgenus AURINIA Adams. Aurinia dubia Broderip. Aurinia robusta Dall.* Aurinia Gouldiana Dall.* 14 BULLETIN OF THE Family MITRIDjE. Genus MITRA Lamarck. Mitra Swainsoni Broderip. Mitra fulgurita Reeve. Mitra straminea A. Adams. Mitra styria Dull. Mitra Deshayesii Reeve ? Mitra Rushii Dall. Mitra trophonia Dall. Mitra Bairdii Dall* Mitra torticula Dall. Subgenus CONOMITRA Conrad. Conomitra Blakeana Dall. Conomitra Blakeana var. Imvior Dall. Genus MITROMORPHA Adams. Mitromorpha biplicata Dall. Family FASCIOLARIID.E. Subfamily FUSING. Genus FUSUS Lamarck. Fusus timessus Dall.* Fusus eucosmius Dall. Fusus Couei Petit.* Fusus distans var. closter Philippi.* Fusus halistreptus Dall.* Fusus benthalis Dall. Fusus amiantus Dall. Fusus aepynotus Dall. Fusus alcimus Dall. Fusus alcimus var. Rushii Dall.* Fusus ceramidus Dall. Fusus amphiurgus Dall. Subfamily FASCIOLARIIN^. Genus FASCIOLARIA Lamarck. Fasciolaria distans Lamarck. Subgenus MESORHYTIS Meek. Mesorhytis Meekiana Dall. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 15 Genus MAZZALINA Conrad, Mazzalina pyrula Conrad.* Genus LIOCHLAMYS Dall. Liochlamys bulbosa Heilprin.* Genus LATIKUS Montfort. Latirus cingulifera Lamarck.* Family BUCCINID^E. Subfamily CHRYSODOMIN.E. Genus CHRYSOD03IUS Swainson. Subgenus SIPHO Morch. Sipho Rushii Dall.* Sipho globulus Dall.* Genus LIOMESUS Stimpson. Liomesus Stimpsoni Dall.* Subfamily BUCCININ.E. Genus PISANIA Bivona. Subgenus TRITONIDEA Swainson. Tritonidea limbata Philippi.* Genus PHOS Montfort. Phos unicinctus Say.* Phos Beaui F. & B. Phos Candei Orbigny. Phos parvus C. B. Adams* Phos parvus var. intricatus Dall.* Genus NASSARIA Link. Subgenus NASSARINA Dall. Nassarina glypta Bush.* Nassarina Bushii Dall. Nassarina columbellata Dall.* Nassarina Grayi Dall. 16 BULLETIN OF THE Family NASSID^E. Genus NASSA Lamabck. Nassa ambigua Montagu. Nassa consensa Ravenel. Nassa Hotessieri Orbigny. Nassa scissurata Dall. Nassa scissurata var. jpernitida Dall. Family COLUMBELLIDtE. Genus COLUMBELLA Lamarck. Columbella rusticoides Heilprin.* Columbella mercatoria Lamarck. Subgenus EUPLICA Dall. Euplica turturina Duclos.* Subgenus ANACHIS H. & A. Adams. Anachis avara Say.* Anachis avara var. semiplicata Stearns.* Anachis avara var. translirata Ravenel* Anachis avara var. siviilis Ravenel.* Anachis catenata Sowerby. Anachis haliaeti Jeffreys.* Anachis albella C. B. Adams.* Anachis albella var. samanensis Dall.* Anachis pulchella Kiener* Anachis obesa C. B. Adams. Anachis obesa var. ostreicola Melvill.* Anachis Hotessieriana Orbigny.* Anachis amphissella Dall. Subgenus NITIDELLA Swainson. Nitidella nitidula Sowerby .* Nitidella moleculina Duclos var. dicomata Dall.* Subgenus ASTYRIS Adams. Astyris lunata Say.* Astyris Raveneli Dall.* Astyris multilineata Dall * Astyris rosacea Gould.* Astyris fusiformis Orbigny.* January 2, 1889. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 17 Astyris diaphana Verrill. Astyris profundi Dall. Astyris Verrillii Dall. Astyris Verrillii var. strix Watson.* Astyris Saintpairiana Caillet. Astyris Duclosiana Orbigny. Subgenus iESOPUS GOULD. JEsopus Stearnsii Tryon.* JEsopus Metcalfei Reeve.* Family MURICID^E. Subfamily MURICIN^. Genus MUREX Linne. Subgenus MUREX s. S. Murex Beaui F. & B. Murex Cabritii Bernardi. Murex elegans Beck. Murex messorius Sowerby. Murex nodatus Reeve. Murex Cailleti Petit. Subgenus CHICOREUS Montfort. Chicoreus Hidalgoi Crosse. Subgenus PHYLLONOTUS Swainson. Phyllonotus fulvescens Sowerby.* Phyllonotus pomum Gmelin. Phyllonotus interserratus Sowerby. Phyllonotus Pazi Crosse. Phyllonotus hystricinus Dall. Subgenus PTERONOTUS Swainson. Pteronotus macropterus Deshayes.* Pteronotus phaneus Dall.* Pteronotus tristichus Dall. Genus EUPLEURA H. & A. Adams. Eupleura caudata Say.* Eupleura Stimpsonii Dall. VOL. xviii. 2 18 BULLETIN OF THE Genus TROPHON Montfort. Subgenus BOREOTROPHON Fischer. Boreotrophon Dalli Kobelt.* Boreotrophon (aculeatua Watson var.?) lacunella Dall. Boreotrophon ? actinophorus Dall. Subgenus ASPELLA Morch. Aspella anceps Lamarck.* Aspella has tula Reeve.* Aspella scalarioides Blainville.* Aspella scalarioides var. obeliscus A. Adams.* Aspella scalarioides var. patiperculus C. B. Adams.* Genus OCINEBKA Leach. Subgenus FAVARTIA Fischer. Favartia cellulosa Conrad. Favartia levicula Dall.* Favartia intermedia C. B. Adams.* Genus MURICIDEA (Swainson) Morch. Muricidea hexagona Lamarck. Muricidea floridana Conrad.* Muricidea multangula Philippi.* Muricidea Philippiana Dall.* Genus UROSALPINX Stimpson. TJrosalpinx cinereus Say.* TJrosalpinx tampaensis Conrad.* TJrosalpinx perrugatus Conrad.* TJrosalpinx ? carolinensis Verrill.* TJrosalpinx ? macra Verrill.* Genus TYPHIS Montfort. Section TYPHIS s. s. Typhis floridanus Dall.* Section TRUBATSA Dall. Typhis longicornis Dall. Subfamily PURPURI1SM3. Genus SISTRUM Montfort. Subgenus SISTRUM s. s. Siatrum ferrugineum Reeve var. rubidum Dall.* MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 19 Subfamily CORALLIOPHILIN.E. Genus CORALLIOPHILA H. & A. Adams. Coralliophila Deburghiee Reeve. Coralliophila bracteata Brocchi.* Coralliophila galea Chemnitz.* Coralliophila lactuca Dall. Super-Family T^SNIOGLOSSA. Family TRITONIID^E. Genus DISTORTRIX Link. Distortrix reticulata Link. Distortrix reticulata var. clathrata Bolten. Distortrix reticulata var. reticulata Link. Genus GYRINEUM Link. Gyrineum affine Broderip. Gyrineum affine var. cubanianum Orbigny. Genus TRITONIUM Link. Subgenus COLUBRARIA Schumacher. Colubraria lanceolata Menke. Colubraria Swiftii Tryon. Subgenus RANULARIA Schumacher. Ranularia tuberosa Lamarck.* Subgenus LAMPUSIA Schumacher. Lampusia chlorostoma Lamarck. Lampusia pileare Lamarck.* Lampusia gracile Reeve. Lampusia pharcida Dall. Family OOCORITID^E. Genus OOCORYS Fischer. Section OOCORYS s. s. Oocorys sulcata Fischer. Section? BENTHODOLIUM Dall. Oocorys abyssorum (V. & S.) DalL* 20 BULLETIN OF THE Family Genus DALIUM Dall. Daiium solidum Dull. Family CASSIDID^E. Genus CASSIS Lamarck. Cassis inflata Shaw. Genus GALEODEA Link. Galeodea Coronadoi Crosse.* Genus LAMBIDIUM Link. Lambidium oniscus Linne.* Genus ONISCIDIA Swainson. Oniscidia Dennisoni Reeve.* Genus SCONSIA Gray. Sconsia striata Lamarck.* Family DOLIIMI. Genus DOLIUM Lamarck. Subgenus EUDOLIUM Dall. Eudolium Crosseanum Monterosato. Eudolium Verrillii Dall.* Family AMPHIPERASIDjE. Genus AMPHIPERAS Gronovics. Subgenus SIMNIA Rrsso. Simnia acicularis Lamarck. Simnia piragua Dall.* Section NEOSIMNIA Fischer. Simnia intermedia Sowerby. Simnia uniplicata Sowerby. Simnia aureocincta Dall. Genus PEDICULARIA Swainson. Pedicularia decussata Gould. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 21 Family CYPRJEID^. Genus CYPR^EA Linne. Cyprsea cinerea Gmelin. Genus TRIVIA Gray. Trivia pediculus Linne.* Trivia suffusa Gray. Trivia subrostrata Gray. Trivia nivea Gray. Trivia candidula Gaskoin. Trivia globosa Gray. Trivia quadripunctata Gray var. rotunda Kiener. Genus ERATO Risso. Erato Maugeriae Gray.* Family TRIFORIDjE. Genus TRIFORIS Deshayes. Section TRIFORIS 8. s. Triforia lilacina Dall.* Section MASTONIA Hinds. (Subsection A, apex acute.) Triforis perversa Linne var. nigrocindum Adams. Triforis decorata Adams var. olivacea Dall.* (Subsection B, apex mammillary.) Triforis turristhomae Orbigny. Section INELLA Bayle. Triforis longissima Dall. Triforis triserialis Dall. Triforis triserialis var. aspera Jeffreys.* Triforis triserialis var. intermedia Dall. Triforis sarissa Dall. Triforis colon Dall. Triforis Rushii Dall* Section SYCHAR Hinds. Triforis samanae Dall.* Triforis bigemma Watson. 22 BULLETIN OF THE Triforis (bigemma var. 1) hircus Dall. Triforis abrupta Dall. Triforis torticula Dall. Triforis inflata Watson. Triforis inflata var. ibex Dall. Triforis inflata var. filata Dall. Triforis cylindrella Dall. Family CERITHIOPSID.&. Genus SEILA A. Adams. Seila terebralis C. B. Adams.* Genus CERITHIOPSIS Forbes & Hanley. Section EUMETA Morch. Cerithiopsis subulata Montagu. Section CERITHIOPSIS s. s. Cerithiopsis crystallina Dall. Cerithiopsis Sigsbeana Dall. Cerithiopsis ma tar a Dall. Cerithiopsis Martensii Dall. Cerithiopsis acontium Dall. Section METAXIA Monterosato. Cerithiopsis metaxee Delia Chiaje. Cerithiopsis metaxce var. tceniolata Dall.* Cerithiopsis abrupta Watson. Family CERITHIID^E. Genus BITTIUM Leach. Bittium alternatum Say. Section DIASTOMA Deshayes. Bittium varium Pfeiffer.* Genus ALABA A. Adams. Alaba tervaricosa C. B. Adams.* Alaba Adamsii Dall.* Alaba cerithidioides Dall.* MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 23 Family VERMETID^. Genus SILIQUARIA Lamarck. Siliquaria squamata Blainville. Siliquaria modesta Dull. Genus VERMICULARIA Lamarck. Vermicularia lumbricalis Linne. Vermicularia ? nigricans Dall. Genus VERMETUS (Adanson) Morch. Section PETALOCONCHUS Lea. Vermetus erectus Dall. Genus BIVONIA Gray. Bivonia? exserta Dall. Family TURRITELLID^. Genus TURRITELLA Lamarck. Section TORCULA Gray. Turritella exoleta Linne. Turritella acropora Dall. Section HAUSTATOR Montfort. Turritella imbricata Linne.* Family MATHILDIID^E. Genus MATHILDA Semper. Mathilda yucatecana Dall. Mathilda (elegantissima var. ?) barbadense Dall. Mathilda Rushii Dall.* Mathilda scitula Dall.* Subgenus GEGANIA Jeffreys. Qegania Jeffrey si Dall.* Family SEGUENZIIM:. Genus SEGUENZIA Jeffreys. Seguenzia ionica Watson. Seguenzia monocingulata Seguenza. 24 BULLETIN OF THE Family TRICHOTROPIDJE. Genus TRICHOTROPIS Sowerby. Subgenus MESOSTOMA Deshayes. Mesostoma migrans Dall. Genus? DOLOPHANES Gabb. Dolophanes Gabbi Dall. Dolophanes columbella Dall. Family FOSSARID^E. Genus FOSSARUS Philippi. Subgenus GOTTOINA A. Adams. Gottoina bella Dall. Gottoina compacta Dall. Family SOLARIIDjE. Genus FLUXINA Dall. Fluxina brunnea Dall. Fluxina discula Dall. Genus SOLARIUM Lamarck. Solarium granulatum Lamarck. Solarium peracutum Dall. Solarium Sigsbeei Dall. Genus OMALAXIS Deshayes. Omalaxis nobilis Verrill. Family? ADEORBID^E. Genus SEPARATISTA Gray. Section HALOCERAS Dall. Separatista cingulata Verrill.* Genus ADEORBIS Wood. Adeorbis supranitidua Wood. Adeorbis supranitidua var. Orbignyi Fischer. Subgenus CLATHRELLA Recluz. Clathrella naticoidea Dall.* MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 25 Family RISSOID^. Genus RISSOA Freminville. Rissoa precipitata Dall. Risaoa acuticostata Dall. Genus RISSOINA Orbignt. Rissoina laevigata C. B. Adams. Rissoina albida C. B. Adams. Rissoina decussata Montagu.* Rissoina Chesnelii Michaud. Genus BENTHONELLA Dall. Benthonella gaza Dall.* Benthonella Fischeri Dall* Benthonella nisonis Dall.* Family CALYPTR^EID^E. Genus MITRULARIA Schumacher. Mitrularia equestris Linne. Genus CRUCIBULUM Schumacher. Crucibulum auricula Gmelin. Section DISPOT^EA Say. Crucibulum striatum Say. Genus CALYPTR^EA Lamarck. Calyptraea Candeana Orbigny. Genus CREPIDULA Lamarck. Section J AN AC US Morch. Crepidula protea Orbigny. Section SANDALIUM Schumacher. Crepidula aculeata Gmelin. Family CAPULID^. Genus CAPULUS Montfort. Section KREBSIA Morch. Capulus intortus Lamarck. Section HYALORISIA Dall. Capulus galea Dall. 26 BULLETIN OF THE Family AMALTHEID^. Genus AMALTHEA Schumacher. Amalthea benthophila Dall. Family XENOPHORID^. Genus XENOPHORA G. Fischeb. Section XENOPHORA s. 8. Xenophora conchyliophora Born. Section TUGURIUM P. Fischer. Xenophora caribaea Petit. Family NATICID^E. Genus NATICA Lamarck. Section COCHLIS Morch. Natica maroccana Dillwyn.* Natica livida Pfr. Section NATICA s. s. Natica canrena Lamarck.* Natica castrensis Dall. Natica perlineata Dall. Subgenus NEVEMTA Risso. Section PAYRAUDEAUTIA B. D. & D. Neverita nubila Dall. Subgenus LUNATIA Gray. Lunatia tenuis Recluz. Lunatia leptalea Watson. Lunatia fringilla Dall. Lunatia fringilla var. perla Dall. Subgenus POLYNICES Montfort. Polynices uberina Orbigny. Genus SIGARETUS Lamarck. Sigaretus minor Dall. Subgenus EUNATICINA Fischer. Eunaticina carolinensis Dall.* Genus GYRODES Conrad. Gyrodes depressa Seguenza.* MUSEUM OF COMPAKATIVE ZOOLOGY. 27 Family LAMELLARIIDvE. Genus LAMELL.ARIA Montagu. Lamellaria Rangii Bergh.* Super-Family PTENOGLOSSA. Family SCALID^E. Genus SCALA (Humphrey) Auctoeum. Scala lineata Say.* Scala Sayana Dall.* Scala costulata Mighels.* Scala multistriata Say.* Scala scipio Dall.* Scala apiculata Dall.* Scala modesta C. B. Adams.* Scala permodesta Dall.* Scala clathrua Linne.* Scala babylonia Dall.* Scala retifera Dall.* Scala Frielei Dall.* Scala Rushii Dall.* Scala Rushii var. stylina Dall.* Scala sericifila Dall.* Scala nitidella Dall.* Scala muscapedia Dall.* Scala eburnea Potiez & Michaud.* Scala Dalliana Verrill & Smith.* Scala Dunkeriana Dall.* Scala pernobilis Fischer & Bernardi. Scala belaurita Dall. Scala centiquadra Morch. Scala Pourtalesii Verrill & Smith. Scala Krebsii Morch. Scala contorquata Dall. Scala uncinaticosta Orbigny. Scala polacia Dall. Scala formosissima Jeffreys. Scala hellenica Jeffreys. Scala hellenica var. pumilio Morch. Scala hellenica var. scceva Morch. Scala hellenica var. nodosocarinata Dall. Scala hellenica var. Leeana Verrill. 28 BULLETIN OF THE Scala hellenica var. Morchiana Dall. Scala hellenica var. bicarinata Sowerby. Scala aurifila Dall. Scala concava Dall. Scala discobolaria Dall. Genus ACLIS Lov£n. Aclis lata Dall. Aclis egregia Dall. Aclis nucleata Dall. Super-Family GYMNOGLOSSA, Family EULIMID^E. Genus EULIMA Risso. Section EULIMA s. s. Bulima intermedia Cantraine. Eulima jamaicensis C. B. Adams. Section MELANELLA Bowdich. Eulima arcuata C. B. Adams. Eulima elongata Dautzenberg. Subgenus LEIOSTRACA H. & A. Adams. Leiostraca acuta Sowerby. Leiostraca fusus Dall. Genus NISO Risso. Niso splendidula Sowerby.* Niso interrupta Sowerby.* Niso interrupta var. albida Dall. Niso interrupta var. tricolor Dall. Niso interrupta var. ceglees Bush.* Niso interrupta var. circinata Dall. Niso Willcoxiana Dall.* Family PYRAMIDELLIDjE. Genus PYRAMIDELLA Lamarck. Section LONCH^EUS Morch. Pyramidella crenulata Holmes.* Pyramidella Candida Morch. Pyramidella auricoma Dall.* MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 29 Section PHARCIDELLA Dall. Pyramidella Folinii Dall. Section TIBERIA Jeffreys. Pyramidella nitidula A. Adams. Section PYRAMIDELLA 8. 8. Pyramidella dolabrata Linne. Genus TURBONILLA Risso. Turbonilla belotheca Dall. Turbonilla flavocincta C. B. Adams. Turbonilla interrupta Totten var. fulvocincta Jeffreys. Turbonilla curta Dall. Turbonilla pusilla C. B. Adams. Subgenus EULIMELLA Forbes. Eulimella unifasciata Forbes. Section STYLOPSIS A. Adams. Eulimella resticula Dall.* Subgenus CARELIOPSIS Morch. Careliopsis styliformis Morch.* Genus SYRNOLA A. Adams. Subgenus OSCILLA A. Adams. Oscilla nivea Morch.* ? Genus PERISTICHIA Dall. Peristichia toreta Dall.* Peristichia agria Dall.* Order SCUTLT3RANCHIATA. Sub-Order RHIPHIDOGLOSSA. Super-Family SCHISMATOBRANCHIA. Family SCUTELLINID^E. Genus SCUTELLINA Gray. Scutellina antillarum Shuttleworth.* 30 BULLETIN OF THE Family ADDISONIID^E. Genus ADDISONIA Dall. Addisonia lateralis Requien var. paradom Dall.* Family COCCULINIM:. Genus COCCULINA Dall. Section COCCULINA Dall s. b. Cocculina Rathbuni Dall. Cocculina Beanii Dall. Section COCCOPYGIA Dall. Cocculina spinigera Jeffreys.* Family PHASIANELLID^E. Genus PHASIANELLA Lamarck. Section EUCOSMIA Carpenter. Phasianella brevis Orbigny. Family TURBINIDtE. Genus LEPTOTHYRA Carpenter. Leptothyra induta Watson. Leptothyra induta var. tincta Dall. Leptothyra induta var. insculpta Dall. Leptothyra induta var. albida Dall. Leptothyra Philipiana Dall. Leptothyra Linnei Dall. Leptothyra Linnei var. limata Dall. Family TROCHID^. Genus GAZA Watson. Gaza superba Dall. Gaza Fischeri Dall. Subgenus CALLOGAZA Dall. Callogaza Watsoni Dall. Subgenus MICROGAZA Dall. Microgaza rotella Dall. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 31 Genus UMBONIUM Link. Umbonium Bairdii Dull. Genus TEINOSTOMA Adams. Subgenus ETHALIA H. & A. Adams. Ethalia reclusa Dall. Ethalia suppressa Dall.* Ethalia solida Dall. Subgenus DILLWYNELLA Dall. Dillwynella modesta Dall. ? Subgenus COCHLIOLEPIS Stimpson. Cochliolepis parasitica Stimpson.* Cochliolepis striata Dall.* Genus CALLIOSTOMA Swainson. Section CALLIOSTOMA s. s. Calliostoma euglyptum Adams. Calliostoma Bairdii Verrill & Smith. Calliostoma Bairdii var. Psyche Dall. Calliostoma circumcinctum Dall. Calliostoma echinatum Dall. Calliostoma sapidum Dall. Calliostoma tiara Watson. Calliostoma corbis Dall. Calliostoma roseolum Dall. Calliostoma apicinum Dall. Calliostoma aurora Dall. Calliostoma orion Dall. Section EUCASTA Dall. Calliostoma indiana Dall. Section EUTROCHUS A. Adams. Calliostoma jujubinum Gmelin. Calliostoma jujubinum var. tampaensis Conrad. Calliostoma jujubinum var. Rawsoni Dall.* Calliostoma yucatecanum Dall. Calliostoma Sayanum Dall.* Calliostoma Benedicti Dall.* Calliostoma cinctellum Dall. Calliostoma asperrimum Dall. Calliostoma asperrimum var. dentiferum Dall. Calliostoma asperrimum var. serifilatum Dall. 32 BULLETIN OF THE Genus MARGARITA Leach. Section MARGARITA s. s. Margarita erythrocoma Dall. Margarita erythrocoma var. samance Dall.* Section TURCICULA Dall. Margarita imperialis Dall. Section BAtTIYMOPHILA Dall. Margarita euspira Dall. Subgenus SOLARIELLA A. Adams. Solariella amabilis Jeffreys. Solariella lamellosa Verrill & Smith. Solariella scabriuscula Dall. Solariella aegleis Watson. Solariella aegleis var. lata Dall. Solariella aegleis var. rhina Watson. Solariella aegleis var. clavata Watson. Solariella infundibulum Watson. Solariella Ottoi Philippi. Solariella lissocona Dall. Solariella lacunella Dall. Solariella lacunella var. depressa Dall. Solariella iris Dall. Solariella lubrica Dall. Solariella lubrica var. iridea Dall.* Genus EUCHELUS Philippi. Euchelus guttarosea Dall. Genus BASILISSA Watson. Section BASILISSA s. s. Basilissa alta Watson. Basilissa alta var, delicahda Dall. ? Section ANCISTROBASIS Dall. Basilissa costulata Watson. Family DELPHINULIDiE. Genus LIOTIA Gray. Section ARENE H. & A. Adams. Liotia Briareus Dall. Liotia Briareus var. perforata Dall. January 6, 1889. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 33 Liotia Briareus var. aspina Dall. Liotia Bairdii Dall. Liotia Bairdii var. trullata Dall. Liotia tricarinata Steams. Liotia miniata Dall. Liotia variabilis Dall. Subgenus LIPPISTES Montfort. Lippistes acrilla Dall.* Lippistes amabilis Dall. Family CYCLOSTREMATLLXE. Genus VITRINELLA C. B. Adams. Vitrinella Holmesii Dall* Vitrinella multicarinata Dall * Genus CYCLOSTREMA Marryat. Cyclostrema turbinum Dall. Cyclostrema pompholyx Dall. Cyclostrema cistronium Dall* Cyclostrema granulum Dall* Section GRANIGYRA Dall. Cyclostrema limatum Dall. Super-Family DICRANOBRANCHIA. Family HALIOTID^. Genus HALIOTIS Linne. Haliotis Pourtalesii Dall. Family SCISSURELLID^. Genus SCISSURELLA Orbigny. Section SCHIZOTROCHUS Monterosato. Scissurella crispata Fleming.* Section SCISSURELLA s. s. Scissurella alta Watson. vol. xviii. 3 34 BULLETIN OF THE Family PLEUROTOMARIID^. Genus PLEUROTOMARIA J. Sowerby. Section PEROTROCHUS Fischeb. Pleurotomaria Quoyana Fischer & Bernardi. Section ENTEMNOTROCHUS Fischeb. Pleurotomaria Adansouiana Crosse & Fischer. Family FISSURELLID^. Genus PUNCTURELLA Lowe. Subgenus PUNCTURELLA s. s. Puncturella circularis Dall. Puncturella trifolium Dall. Puncturella Watsoni Dall. Subgenus FISSUEISEPTA Sequenza. Fissurisepta triangulata Dall.* Subgenus CRANOPSIS A. Adams. Cranopsis asturiana Fischer. Cranopsia? erecta Dall.* Genus EMARGINULA Lamabck. Subgenus RIMULA Defrance. Rimula frenulata Dall.* Subgenus EMARGINULA s. 8. Emarginula cancellata Philippi. Emarginula compressa Cantraine. Subgenus SUBEMARGINULA Blainville. Subemarginula octoradiata Gmelin. Genus FISSURELLA Brugiere. Section CRKMIDES H. & A. Adams. Fissurella alternata Say. Subgenus GLYPHIS Carpenter. Glyphis fluviana Dall. Genus FISSURELLIDEA Orbignt. Fissurellid. . ','u atula Reeve. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 35 Suborder DOCOGLOSSA. Super-Family PROTEOBRANCHIA. Family ACMtEID^E. Genus PECTINODONTA Dall. Pectinodouta arcuata Dall. Super-Family ABRANCHIA. Family ? Genus PROPILIDIUM Forbes & Hanley. Propilidium ancyloide Forbes & Hanley.* Genus LEPETELLA Verrill. Lepetella tubicola Verrill.* Subclass ISOPLEURA. Super-Order POLYCONCH^E. Order POLYPLACOPHORA. Suborder CHITONACEA. Super-Family EOCHITONIA. Family LEPTOCHITONID^E. Genus LEPTOCHITON Gray. Leptochiton pergranatus Dall. Genus HANLEYIA Gray. Hanleyia tropicalia Dall. Family ISCHNOCHITONID^E. Genus ISCHNOCHITON (Gray) Carpenter. Section STENOPLAX Carpenter. Ischnochiton limaciformia Sowerby. 36 BULLETIN OF THE Super-Family OPSICHITONIA. Family MOPALIID^. Genus NOTOPLAX H. Adams. Notoplax floridanus Dall. Class SCAPHOPODA. Order SOLENOCONCHA. Family DENTALIID^. Genus DENTALIUM Linne. Dentalium agile M. Sars. Dentalium perlongum Dall. Dentalium filum Sowerby.* Dentalium callipeplum Dall. Dentalium matara Dall.* Dentalium leptum Bush.* Dentalium antillarum Orbigny. Dentalium calamus Dall.* Dentalium taphrium Dall.* Dentalium candidum Jeffreys.* Dentalium sericatum Dall. Dentalium carduus Dall. Dentalium disparile Orbigny. Dentalium ceratum Dall. Dentalium Gouldii Dall. Dentalium ceras Watson. Dentalium capillosum Jeffreys. Dentalium laqueatum Yerrill. Dentalium compressum Watson. Dentalium ophiodon Dall. Dentalium callithrix Dall. Dentalium ensiculus Jeffreys. Genus CADULUS Philippi. Cadulus quadridentatus Dall. Cadulus gequalis Dall. Cadulus spectabilis Verrill. Cadulus Watsoni Dall. Cadulus poculum Dall. Cadulus Jeffreysi Monterosato. MUSEUM OF COMPAKATIVE ZOOLOGY. 37 Cadulus carolinensis Bush. Cadulus Bushii Dall. Cadulus Agassizii Dall. Cadulus lunula Dall. Cadulus obesus Watson. Cadulus amiantus Dall. Cadulus cucurbita Dall. Cadulus acus Dall.* Cadulus minusculus Dall.* This list contains about four hundred and seventy species and varieties col- lected by the " Blake," to which may be added those enumerated in Part I, making a total of about seven hundred species, with which, in both papers, between two and three hundred related forms are compared or differentiated, making a total of nearly one thousand species, more or less fully discussed in this Report. Of those in Part I, eighty-one species, seven varieties, and twelve groups of higher value were regarded as new. In the present paper three hundred and eighty-five species and varieties, and thirty higher divisions, are treated as new, making a total for this Report of four hundred and seventy- three species and varieties, and forty -two genera, subgenera, or sections dis- criminated for the first time among the Brachiopods, Pelecypods, Gastropods, and Scaphopods collected by the Blake, or illustrating the fauna investigated in the work of the Blake. In addition to these, there are about twenty species of Nudibranchs in the hands of Dr. R. Bergh, of Copenhagen, to be reported upon ; the Pteropods and other floating pelagic forms have not been studied, while the report by Professor Verrill on the Cephalopods has been some time published, and includes some ten or twelve species. The magnitude of this contribution to our knowledge of the Mollusks of the region, due to the exertions of Professor Agassiz, Pourtales, Sigsbee, Bartlett, and their co-workers, is very evident. But the writer may fairly add that the value of the work consists not merely in having added nearly five hundred new forms to the known fauna, and materially enlarging our list of genera ; but, to an equal or greater extent, in the knowledge gained of the organization and structure of some of the most interesting Mollusks known. There is in this Report material enough to reward the attention of naturalists, both of the systematic and the purely morphologic schools, to whose appreciative and impartial criticism it is respectfully offered by the writer. Class GASTROPODA. Subclass ANISOPLEUEA. Order OPISTHOBRANCHIATA. Suborder TECTIBRANCHIATA. Family ACT^EONID^. Genus ACTiEON Montfort. Subgenus ACTiEON 3. s. Shells rather thin, with a single plait on the columella, which passes continuously into the anterior margin of the peristome. Type A. tornatilis Linne. Actaeon exilis Jeffreys. Actceon exilis Jeffreys, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4th ser., VI. p. 85, 1870. Watson, Chall. Rep. Gastr., p. 024, 1886. Auriculina insculpta Verr., Proe. U. S. Nat. Mus., III. p. 381, 1880. Actceon nitidus Verrill, Trans. Conn. Acad., V. p. 540, pi. lviii. fig. 21, July, 1882. 1 Actceon exilis Seguenza, Form. Terz. Calabria, p. 251. Habitat. Off east coast of Florida, 150-200 fms., Dr. Rush ; Campechc Bank, Gulf of Mexico, in 200 fms., Dr. Rush ; off Martha's Vineyard in 312- 487 fms., U. S. Fish Commission ; North Atlantic, Jeffreys, 227-1456 fms. The Calabrian fossils in the Jeffreys collection seem to be more inflated anteriorly than the recent shells. Actseon pusillus (Forbes) Jeffreys. Tornatella pusilla Forbes, iEgean Rep., p. 191, 1843. Actaeon pusillus Jeffreys, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4th ser., VI. p. 84, 1870. Watson, Chall. Gastr., p. 627, 1880. Habitat. Off Havana, Sigsbee, in 450 fms. Off Sand Key at Station 9, in 111 fms., bottom temperature 55°. 5 F. The description of Forbes is too vague, and being without a figure the spe- cies may be regarded as rehabilitated by Jeffreys. The latter considers it 40 BULLETIN OF THE identical with the A. depressus of Libassi, which is unknown to me, and with the A. noce J. Sowerby, from the Red Crag of Britain, an opinion which I cannot confirm after careful comparison of specimens. The A. noce is a very ponderous and much larger species, with a much more prominent and hori- zontal fold on the columella, as well as a thickened and striated outer lip. Actaeon punctostriatus Adams. Tornatella punctostriata C. B. Adams, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., III. p. 323, pi. iii. fig. 9, 1840. Gould, Inv. Mass., p. 245, fig. 188, 1841. Actceon punctostriatus Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 51, 1851. Actceon cubensis Gabb, Top. Geol. San. Domingo, p. 245, 1873. MSrch, Malak. Blatt., XXII. p. 170, 1875. Tornatella punctata Orbigny, Moll. Cuba, I. p. 230, pi. xvii. figs. 10-12, 1842. (Not of Lea or Pie'tte. ) Habitat. Buzzard's Bay, Mass., to Florida, Cuba, and Santo Domingo, in 2-63 fms. Pliocene of Florida. Orbigny's name is preoccupied by Lea for a fossil species (1833), but there is practically no doubt that his shell and Adams's are identical. They vary from pure white to trifasciate with rose or livid brown, usually faint and nebulous. The height of the spire, elevation of the nucleus, and extent of shell covered by the punctate lines, vary in the different specimens. Usually the spire is rather elevated, the nucleus some- what depressed, and the punctate grooves cover about half of the last whorl. There may be one or several subsutural lines, the middle of the whorl is gen- erally smooth and free from lines, and the anterior part crowded. The northern ones are variegated like those from the Antilles, but the latter are more frequently bright colored. The very young, like those figured by Adams and Orbigny, are usually white or translucent. The colors, when banded, are nearly always rather nebulous, and the number of bands never exceeds three, the anterior one most often absent. The shell is always thin, and often nearly translucent. Actceon turritus Watson (Chall. Gastr., p. 628, pi. xlvii. fig. 1) should be compared with this species, though the figures are not very similar ; the locality, Culebra Island, W. I., is suspicious. Actseon Cumingii A. Adams. Actaon Cumingii A. Adams, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 58. Morch, Malak. Blatt., XXII. p. 169, 1875. Tornatella Cumingii Reeve, Conch. Icon. Tornatella, fig. 12, 1865. Tornatella textilis Guppy, Geol. Mag., 1874, p. 407, pi. xvi. fig. 4. Habitat. Rio Janeiro, Capt. Martin ; Porto Rico, Krebs ; five miles off Cape Florida in eight fathoms, Dr. Rush. This differs from A. delicatus by its stumpier form, coarser and ruder sub- vancellate striation, more prominent fold on the columella, and particularly by MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 41 its nucleus which, though small, is swollen and set on the peak of a very acute spire like a swollen terminal bud on a twig. In delicatus the nucleus, instead of appearing larger, is considerably smaller than the whorl in front of it, in which it is also partially immersed. Actaeon delicatus n. s. Plate XVII. Fig. 5. Actceonfasciatus? Dall, Bulletin M. C. Z., IX. p. 94, 1881, not of Lamarck. Shell ovate, white, or suffused with rose pink, not in bands but generally, or in longitudinal flammules, with usually a white margin in front of the suture ; there are six or seven whorls, the last more than half the length of the shell, regularly rounded and grooved by, on the last whorl, 20-30 strong, rather deep, coarsely punctate grooves between rounded interspaces ; lines of growth quite perceptible, suture somewhat appressed, not channelled ; aperture more than half as long as the shell; outer lip thin, inner lip hardly callous, colu- mella straight, without any chink behind it, and bearing a single moderate fold. Nucleus small, mostly immersed in the succeeding whorl, apex not acute, surface usually not polished but a little less coarsely sculptured than that of A. Cumincjii Adams. Lon. of the largest specimen, 10.0; max. lat. 5.6; Ion. of aperture, 6.0 mm. Habitat. Station 19, 310 fms. ; by Sigsbee, Station 50 (Lat. 26° 31' and Lon. 85° 53' W.), in 119 fms.; Station 290, off Barbados, in 73 fms., coral, bottom temperature 70°.75 F. ; and Station 100, off Morro Light, Havana, in 250- 400 fms. The difference between the nucleus of this species and that of A. Cumingii is noted under the latter species. It is just possible that it is to the present species that is to be referred the single specimen obtained by Gabb, and which he referred to A. tornatilis. The latter is not known from this region. Acteeon melampoides Dall. Plate XVII. Fig. 2. Actceon melampoides Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 95, 1881. ? Actceon hebes Verrill, Trans. Conn. Acad., VI. p. 428, pi. xliv. fig. 15, 1885. Habitat. Station 19, 310 fms., off Bahia Honda, Cuba, bottom temperature 52°. 5 F. Station 2224 of the U. S. Fish Commission, in 2574 fms., off the east coast of the United States (Verrill). I have not seen the typical specimen of A. hebes, but the figure and description agree so closely with A. melampoides that I have little doubt of their identity. Only one specimen was obtained by the Blake. Among Antillean shells I have seen nothing which I could identify with the A. splendidulus of Morch from St. Thomas, or the biplicate Cuban A. ovulum Pfr. The last is only 1.6 mm. long, and may be an immature Marginella. 42 BULLETIN OF THE Actaeon perforatus Dall. Plate XVIII. Fig. 3. Actceon perforatus Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 96, 1881. Habitat. Station 2, 805 fms. Only one specimen of this species has been received. It differs from A. exiguus Dkr. of the same region in its very much shorter spire and globular proportions, in its obsolete columellar fold, and the strength and uniformity of its punctate sulci. Actaeon Danaida Dall. Plate XVII. Fig. 13. Actceon Danaida Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 96, 1881. Habitat. Station 43, 339 fms., off Tortugas, bottom temperature 45°.0 F. Only one specimen and a fragment were obtained. Actaeon incisus Dall. Plate XVII. Figs. 1, 1 b. Actceon incisus Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 95, 1881. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, off Cape San Antonio, 640 fms. In this, as in the preceding deep-water species, the fold or ridge on the colu- mella is faint, though not entirely absent, and is best seen from the side ; in fact, it is almost invisible in all, except A. melampoides, from in front as the fig- ures on Plate XVII. are viewed. The columella in these figures, however, is drawn as straighter and broader than it really appears ; but in these particu- lars it is very difficult to get a draughtsman who knows nothing of shells to catch the characteristic curves in every instance. Genus OVULACT^ON Dall. Shell cyprseiform, involute; with an apical perforation, as in Bulla; colu- mella simple, without plaits ; margin of the aperture continuous, simple, thick- ened, the callus on the body elevated, parallel with the outer lip ; aperture narrow, almost linear, slightly effuse at the extremities, as long as the shell. Type 0. Meekii Dall. This interesting form resembles an involute Globiconcha * with perforate apex and thickened aperture, or a rounded Actmonella without plaits. In the im- plicate series of the Acheonidm it holds a place analogous to that of Cyprceartceon White among the plicate forms. * The G. ovula Orbigny, which I have not seen, but which has been referred to as an immature Cyprcea, may perhaps belong here. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 43 Ovulactseon Meekii n. s. Plate XXXIII. Figs. 3, 4. Shell with the outline of a small Cyprcea like C. edentula, widest in its pos- terior third, white, polished with fine, distinct, impressed incremental lines, and the faintest trace of spiral linear markings ; a depressed line or sulcus indicates a previous resting stage half a whorl behind the present thickened aperture in the older specimen ; in the younger, the varical sulcus is three quarters of a whorl behind the aperture. The apex in the older shell is per- forate, the whorl rounding over to the perforation, and the spire invisible ; in the younger specimen the perforation is proportionally wider, and about half a turn can be seen. The lines of growth become stronger and more regularly grooved as they pass over the summit into the pit. The aperture is very narrow, curved with the profile of the shell, and extending beyond the sum- mit. Unlike Cyprcea, the thickening of the outer lip is altogether internal, simple, and smooth ; the callus opposite is narrow, with a sharply defined abrupt outer margin, and the inner margin raised sharply up parallel with the outer lip, with which it is continuous at the extremities ; the flat part of the callus is widest anteriorly, polished but not smooth, but the raised edge is without teeth or transverse striation of any sort. The extremities of the aper- ture are elevated to follow the profile of the body of the shell. Lon. of largest specimen, 5.5 ; max. lat. 3.0 mm. Habitat. Off Havana, Sigsbee, in 450 fms. West of North Bernini, Baha- mas, in 200 fms., sand, Dr. Rush (U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 61228). This extremely interesting shell is well shown by the figure. There can be little question as to its probable relations. The characters of the aperture are essentially different from anything among the Cyprceidce, and it has not the polished lacquer which species of that family owe to the expanded mantle- margin. Only one specimen was obtained at either locality. Family RINGICULID^E. Genus RINGICULA Deshates. SectioD KINGICULINA Monterosato. Ringicula nitida Vekrill. Ringicula nitida Verrill, Am. Journ. Sci., 3d series, Vol. V. p. 16, Jan., 1873. (Extra copies sent out Dec. 13, 1872.) Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 97, 1881. Ringicula leptocheila Brugnone, Misc. Malac, p. 18, fig. 11, 1873. Agassiz, Three Cruises of the Blake, II. p. 70, fig. 291, 1888. ''.Ringicula peracuta Watson, Journ. T.inn. Soc, XVII. p. 292, 1883. Chall. Gastr., p. 636, pi. xlvii. fig. 11, 188B Habitat. Fossil, Pliocene of Italy, Brugnone, and recent in the Mediterra- nean. Bed of the Gulf Stream, Pourtales, in 447 fms. Yucatan Strait, 640 fms. 44 BULLETIN OF THE Station 43, off Tortugas, in 339 fins., bottom temperature 45°.0 F. Station 211, off Martinique, in 357 fms., sand. Station 264, off Grenada, in 416 fms., gray- ooze, bottom temperature 42°. 5 F. Atlantic sea-bed, Jeffreys. Off Bermuda, Culebra Island, West Indies, and Pernambuco, in 350 to 1075 fms., mud and ooze, bottom temperature 38°. 2 F., Challenger Expedition. I have satisfied myself by a comparison of authentic specimens that the species of Verrill and Brugnone are the same, the former name having pri- ority. The locality, description, and figure of R. peracuta agree well with some varieties of R. nitida, with which it does not seem to have been com- pared. The elevation and the extent of the spiral grooving differ in different individuals, as observed with species of Actceon. Although fossil in the Italian Pliocene, this species has not yet been recorded from the so-called Pliocene of America. The other species of this interesting group from this region are the recent Ringicula semistriata Orb., R. tridentata Guppy from the Miocene of Jamaica, and two forms from the Florida Pliocene. R. tridentata resembles R. semistri- ata, but wants the striations. The larger Florida species (R. floridana n. s.) is about 1.5 mm. wide and 2.5 mm. long, with five whorls. Its aperture is like that of R. semistriata, but the whole shell is covered with strong spiral grooving with rounded interspaces. There are 12-14 grooves on the last whorl. The Miocene tridentata is smooth and widest ; the Pliocene floridana is narrower, and wholly striate ; the recent semistriata is intermediate in width and half striate. The other form from the Caloosahatchie Pliocene is like R. floridana, except that it has a larger nucleus, four whorls, and is about 1.6 mm. long and 1.0 mm. wide. It may be a dwarf race of the other, and for the present will be referred to as R. floridana var. Guppyi. Family TORNATINID^. Genus TORNATINA A. Adams. This group is credited by Fischer with three subgenera beside the typical one, for the first of which he adopts Utriculus Brown (non Schumacher) for species with an elevated spire, an unchannelled suture, and no plication on the col- umella ; for the second, Coleophysis Fischer, with a truncate and concave apex, the shell attenuated behind with the columella plicate ; lastly, Sao H. & A. Adams, with the shell pyriform, greatly dilated in front, and the columella simple. It is not clear to my mind that it would not be better to follow Adams in his original arrangement of the genus, and separate Utriculus, Brown, alto- gether from Tornatina, thus associating with the latter all the Tornatinidcs with a plicate columella, and with the former all those with a simple columella. Thus, for the region under consideration we should have the species arranged as follows : — MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 45 Genus TORNATINA A. Adams. Spire elevated. Columella uniplicate. T. bullata Kiener (= canaliculata Orb. non Say). T. recta Orb. (+ T. coix-lacryma Guppy, Geol. Mag. 1867, p. 500). T. canaliculata Say (non Orbigny). T. Candei Orb. (? = canaliculata Say, var.). T. spatha Watson. Subgenus COLEOPHYSIS Fischer. Spire depressed. Columella uniplicate. C. perplicatus Pall. Subgenus CYLICHNELLA Gabb. Spire depressed. Columella biplicate. C. bidentata Orb. (+ biplicata Lea). G. oryza Totten. C. ovum-lacerti Guppy (Trinidad Eocene). Genus UTRICULUS. Spire elevated or involute ; shell subcylindrical ; columella simple, uni- plicate. U. Gouldii Couthouy. U. pertenuis Migbels. U. Mayoi Bull. U. Frielei DalL U. vortex Dall. U. (vortex var. ?) domitus Dall. U. pervius Dall. Subgenus KETUSA (Brown) Morch. Shell pyriform, transversely sulcate, spire depressed, concave. B. sulcata Orbigny. R. cmlata Bush. i2. omphalis Morch. B. t ovata Jeffreys. Subgenus COLEOPHYSIS Fischer. Coleophysis perplicatus Dall. Shell ivory white with a very thin translucent epidermis, marked only with delicate lines of growth and a few faint incised spirals near the columella ; anterior half of the shell wide and rounded, posterior half narrowing toward the apex with the sides somewhat compressed or flattened ; outer lip thin, straight except in front where it expands a little before rounding to the rather thick twisted pillar; behind deeply notched and behind the notch arching 46 BULLETIN OF THE over and turning forward to meet a carina which revolves about the apex ; apex truncate, carinated by a line which forms the outer boundary of the path of the notch, within vorticiform, about one and a half whorls visible around the central perforation and descending into it; body with hardly any wash of callus; pillar strong, with a large horizontal fold and a minute chink behind it; aperture as long as the shell, straight and narrow behind, wide and some- what oblique in front ; max. Ion. of shell, 5.0 ; max. lat. 3.0 ; lat. of apex, 1.75 mm. Habitat. Station 20, off Bahia Honda, Cuba, in 220 fms., bottom tempera- ture 62°.0. Barbados, 100 fms. It is difficult, or rather impossible, to determine the generic place of these small Tectibranchs without a knowledge of the soft parts. They are referable to Coleophysis, Cylichna, or Diaphana, or even Sao, at the option of the de- scribe^ guided only by the characters of the shell. The presence of the plait would indicate the first-mentioned section for the present species. It is per- haps nearest in general form to the Cylichna ovata of Jeffreys, or Diaphana gemma of Verrill, which has no plait and is much more attenuated behind. Subgenus CYLICHNELLA Gabb. Cylichnella bidentata Orbignt. Bulla bidentata Orbigny, Moll. Cuba, I. p. 125, pi. iv. figs. 13-16, 1841. Bulla biplicata Lea, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., I. p. 204, 1844 ; Journ. Nat. Hist, V. p. 286, pi. xxvi. fig. 2, 1847. Utriculus biplicatus Tryon, Am. Mar. Conch., p. 104, pi. xiii. fig. 213, 1873. Cylichnella bidentata Gabb, Proc. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 273, pi. x. fig. 2, 1872. Geol. San. Domingo, p. 246, 1873. Morel), Malak. Blatt , XXII. p. 171, 1875. Cylichna biplicata Busb, Hatteras Moll., Trans. Conn. Acad., VI. p. 467, pi. xlv. fig. 14, 1885. Habitat. From Hatteras to Santo Domingo in 7-168 fms., and from Florida to Texas near low- water mark. Barbados, 100 fms. Miss Bush may have been right in referring this to Cylichna, which it much resembles, but I cannot help thinking it should be placed in this family. Cylichna oryza Totten belongs in the same subgenus, but is more inflated and larger. This is not the Cylichna biplicata Adams described in 1850 from the Chinese Seas. Genus UTRICULUS (Brown) Adams. Utriculus Mayoi Dall. Shell solid, white, with a yellowish polished epidermis and well marked lines of growth, spiral striae very faint and few, or none ; whorls 3&-4, spire distinct, little elevated, nucleus small, rounded, not prominent ; aperture MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 47 long, rather wide and straight, the posterior commissure rounded, the anterior wide, the margin spirally curved showing the axis (though this is not per- vious) ; umbilical chink none, pillar broad, white, oblique without any trace of a plication ; outer lip thin, arched forward in the middle; suture very deep-, inner lip with a wash of callus. Lon. of shell, 8.3; of aperture, 7.0 ; max. lat. 4.6 mm. Habitat. Fish stomach, at Portland, Maine, from which it was collected by Mr. Mayo and sent to Dr. Jeffreys. This shell recalls Bulla turrita Mbller (Adams, Thesaurus Conch., pi. cxxi. fig. 28, but is much larger, with propor- tionately shorter spire, straighter sides, and more width anteriorly). Utriculus ? Frielei Dall. Plate XVII. fig. 4. Utriculus ? Frielei Dall, Bulletin M. C. Z., IX. p. 101, 1881. Habitat. Off Cape San Antonio, Yucatan Strait, 640 fms. Utriculus leucus Watson seems to approach this species as nearly as any known form, but has sundry distinctive characters. There is no doubt, how- ever, that there are differences of form and development of the tip of the spire, in these enrolled forms, in adult individuals, as well as during the stages of one individual. It will not do, therefore, to draw the specific lines too taut on this sort of character. Utriculus ? vortex Dall. Plate XVII. fig. 3. Utriculus ? vortex Dall, Bulletin M. C. Z., IX. p. 100, 1881. Cylichna Dalli Verrill, Trans. Conn. Acad., V. p. 542, 1882 ; VI. p. 274, pi. xxix. fig. 15, 1884. Habitat. Station 43, 339 fms. ; Station 44, 539 fms. This species differs remarkably from the form about to be described. With the material I have to study, I am obliged to separate them. But in the few specimens I have seen there is a good deal of variability indicated. lylichna Dalli, I am sorry to say, agrees perfectly with U. ? vortex and I feel there are no grounds upon which I could attempt a rescue of its specific valid- ity. I have compared authentic specimens. Utriculus (vortex var. ?) domitus n. 8. Plate XVII. Fig. 8. Shell solid, yellowish white, short, broad and squarely truncate in front with a rather blunt mammiform spire exhibiting about three turns; surface transversely marked with faint lines of growth, and near the suture with fine well-marked wrinkles as if too large for the spire around which the posterior 48 BULLETIN OF THE fourth of the whorl is closely wound and very strongly appressed, giving the posterior edge of the last whorl especially a bevelled appearance ; spiral sculp- ture, extremely fine grooves, not puncticulate, strong on the posterior aspect, obsolete on the body (which appears polished), and, except in the young, on the anterior extreme ; the sutural wrinkles are prettily shagreened by the in- tersection of these fine close grooves ; spire very obliquely wound, the margin of the volutions rounded (notwithstanding its being closely appressed), and the rounded edge often eroded showing the inner porcellanous under the outer more cretaceous layer, the extreme apex eroded in all the specimens obtained ; aperture very wide in front, extremely narrow behind ; the margin retreating from the columella to half-way between axis and exterior, almost straight in front, then rising and continuing backward nearly parallel to the axis, and fall- ing away again obliquely to the suture, forming an extremely narrow and deep notch ; body with a thin deposit of white, callus, columella hardly thickened, spiral, passing without noticeable interruption into the anterior margin ; outer lip sharp, thin. Lon. of shell, 9.0 ; of aperture, 7.5 ; max. lat. of shell, 5.25 ; of aperture, 3.37 mm. Station 236, off Bequia, in 1591 fms., ooze, bottom temperature, 39°.0 ; Sta- tion 162, off Guadelupe, in 734 fms., ooze, bottom temperature 40°.0 F. This shell has a distant resemblance to an Acteeon, which it is not, as is evi- dent on inspection. It may prove a Cylichna when the soft parts are known, reference until then being necessarily provisional. It is peculiarly bevelled off behind and abrupt in front, and is stouter than most shells of this group. It is posssble that in the young at some stage the nucleus may be entirely en- rolled. It is quite distinct from anything recent or fossil which I find figured. It is most nearly allied to U. ? vortex Dall, which is a smaller, proportionally more slender, cylindrical shell, with somewhat different sculpture and a blunter spire. In the figure of U. ? domitus the wrinkles on the spire are not suffi- ciently emphasized as compared with the lines of growth, nor is the difference in sculpture between the body and the posterior aspect as sharply defined as it appears under a good lens. This species differs from Utriculus spatha Watson in form and in the absence of folds on the columella. It differs from U. olivi- formis Watson in the proportion of the spire to the whole length, in the un- equal distribution and different character of the sculpture. But I doubt if these species do not vary greatly, and the discovery of intermediate links be- tween them and U. vortex would not surprise me in the least. Utriculus pervius Dall. Shell short, stout, truncate apically, white, polished, sculptured only with faint incremental lines ; form subcylindrical, larger anteriorly, a little com- pressed just behind the middle; aperture long, narrow behind and rounded at the posterior commissure, where it has a shallow rounded notch, the outer boundary of whose path is marked on the summit by a raised line ; anterior part of aperture wider, not very oblique, rounded in front ; outer lip straight, January 6, 1889. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 49 thin, arched forward in the middle ; pillar thin, simple, with no trace of a plait; body without perceptible callus; behind the pillar a small, very deep umbilical perforation ; apex nearly fiat, bounded by the above-mentioned raised line, within which the fasciole of the notch is rounded over but does not reach the level of the line referred to ; nucleus somewhat depressed, but not deeply ; about three and a half whorls are visible on the apex. Max. Ion. of shell, 4.0 ; max. lat. of do., 2.5 ; lat. of apex, 1.5 mm. Habitat. West Indies, U. S. Fish Commission, probably from near Barba- dos, in about 80 fms., sand. This species is remarkable for its deep though minute umbilicus and it- dish-like apex. Its general form is not unlike U. perplicatus, but the sides are straighter and the other characters quite different. The locality is unfor- tunately doubtful, though it was somewhere in the Antilles. Subgenus RETUSA (Brown) Morch. Retusa ? OVata Jeffreys. Cylickna ovata Jeffreys, Rep. Brit. Assoc, 1870, Pore. Exp., p. 156. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5th ser., X. p. 34, 1882. Watson, Chall. Rep., p. 664, pi. xlix. fig. 9, 1885. Utriculus conulus G. 0. Sars, Moll. Reg. Arct. Norv., p. 287, pi. 17, fig. 17, 1878. Cylichna umbilicata var. conulus Jeffr., Brit. Condi., IV. p. 414 ; V. p. 223. Not Bulla conulus Deshayes, Cylichna conulus of Weinkauff, or Bulla conulus of Searles Wood. Habitat. North Atlantic, Porcupine and Triton Expeditions; Bay of Bis- cay, Travailleur Expedition; Azores, Josephine, Porcupine, and Challenger Expeditions ; West Indies, off Culebra Island, Challenger Expedition ; off Per- nambuco, Challenger Expedition; Straits of Florida, 150-465 fms., Dr. Rush; east coast of North America, 124-400 fms., U. S. Fish Commission. Range 100-1000 fms. over a muddy bottom in all parts of the North Atlantic, with temperatures from 40°.0 to 62°.0 F. Retusa ? obesiuscula Brcgnone. Cylichna obesiuscula Brugnone, Bull. Soc. Mai. Ital., III. p. 39, pi. i. fig. 7, 1877. Diaphana conulus Verrill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., HI. p. 382, 1880 ; Trans. Conn Acad., V. p. 543, pi. lviii. fig. 25, 1882; VI. p. 273, 1884. Habitat. Pliocene of Messina, Seguenza ; of Palermo, Brugnone. U. S Fish Commission Stations 870, 949, 2595, 2602, and 2614, in 63-168 fms living in about 100 fms., temperature 61° F., over a sandy bottom. This species is quite distinct from Bulla conica or conulus of Deshayes, Wood, Sars, etc., from C. Hcernesi and C. ovata, with all of which it has been con- founded by various authors, especially Jeffreys. Professor Verrill in referring to it noted the discrepancies. VOL. xviii. 4 50 BULLETIN OF THE In the absence of the soft parts, which have not been preserved, it is impos- sible to fix the place of this and the preceding species. If they belong to the Tornatinidce, they would be included with Retusa as I have used it. If to the Scaphandridce, they would find a place in Monterosato's section Cylichnina. Further knowledge is required before a satisfactory answer can be given to this and many other doubtful questions. The specimens have been compared with Brugnone's types in the Jeffreys collection, and with authentic specimens of the other forms mentioned. The genuine C. conulus seems to have a very wide range, and was dredged by Cap- tain St. Johnr R. N., in Korea. The specimens in the Jeffreys collection from the Italian Pliocene collected by Seguenza, and named conulus or ovata, were of this species. The other conulus appeared from the Tertiaries of France, Bel- gium, and Great Britain. Genus VOLVULA A. Adams. Volvula acuta Orbignt. Volvula recta Morch, non Orbigny, Malak. Blatt., XXII. p. 179. Bulla acuta Orbigny, Moll. Cuba. I. p. 126, pi. iv. figs. 17-20, 1841. iVolvula minuta Bush, Trans. Conn. Acad., VI. p. 469, pi. xlv. fig. 11, 1885. Habitat. Barbados, 100 fms. Off Hatteras, 15-124 fms., U. S. Fish Com- mission. This species, when young, seems to me indistinguishable from V. minuta Bush, so far as the shells are concerned. I hare not seen the soft parts. Northern specimens are a little yellower and more earthy than those from the Antilles, as in the case of many other species having a wide geographical range. Miss Bush's figure is more ovate than that of Orbigny, and I find specimens agreeing with both figures in form, with others which appear more or less intermediate. This species differs from V. acuminata Brug. in being one quarter shorter with the same width, in having a well-marked umbilical chink, and an apical process averaging shorter in specimens of the same size. Volvula oxytata Bush. Volvula oxytata Bush, Trans. Conn. Acad., VI. p. 468, pi. xlv. fig. 12, 1885. 1 Volvula persimilis Morch, Malak. Blatt., XXII. p. 179, 1875. 1 Bulla fucicola (Chiereghini) fide Nardo, Sinon., Veneto, 1847; Brusina, Contr. p. Fauna Dalm., p. 83, 1866. Volvula acuminata (Brug.) Auct. ex parte. Habitat. Mediterranean, Jeffr. Coll. East coast of the United States, be- tween Hatteras and Cuba, 5-63 fms., U. S. Fish Commission. Antilles, Krebs. In examining the Jeffreys collection I find this species represented from the Mediterranean from various collectors, and from Adventure Bank, Porcupine MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 51 Expedition. The British and all the northern specimens, and one Mediterra- nean lot, are of another species, shorter and stouter, which I take to be the gen- uine acuminata of Brugiere. It in its turn differs somewhat from the Crag fossil which has been called by the same name, but perhaps not specifically. I have not had access to the work of Nardo or Chiereghini ; but if the name given by the latter, as is probable, was applied to the Adriatic form, it is probably this species, as I have not seen any genuine acuminata from the Adriatic. In that case it would take precedence of the names given by Miss Bush and Morch. I have not seen any specimen of Morch's shell authentically identified, but his comparative remarks render it highly probable that he had the V. oxytata in view. The genus Rhizorus of Montfort has been referred to this group, but it seems to be too uncertain to be adopted, and in some particulars would rather recall the Cylichna marmorata of Adams. Volvula Bushii n. s. This species is stouter, and its posterior process more acutely pointed than in V. acuta ; its posterior end is more inflated and blunt than in V. acuta or acuminata, and the little sharp spine rises more abruptly from this dome. The anterior part of the shell is somewhat narrower than the posterior part, with very straight sides and columella, toward which it is evenly rounded in front. There is a long chink behind the pillar, a faint wash of callus on the body, and fine microscopic spiral striae over the polished surface. The color is greenish white of a cretaceous quality. The columella is slightly reflected, but not twisted. Lon. 4.6 ; lat. 2.3 mm. Habitat. Station 2602, 36 miles S. % W. from Cape Hatteras, N. C, in 124 fins., sand, bottom temperature 61°.0 F., U. S. Fish Commission. Six specimens were obtained. Volvula aspinosa n. s. Shell white or yellowish, opaque, the young translucent, rather stout, ovate, the aperture as long as the shell, very narrow behind, wider in front, the outer lip sharp-edged, thickened inside, evenly rounded to both extremities, its mid- dle part nearly straight ; the left or opposite side of the shell much more arched than the right side ; surface with well-marked incremental lines, numerous spiral microscopic striae a little stronger toward the extremities ; columella thick, short, straight, with a very minute chink behind it covered mostly by callus ; apex dome-like, with a small rising in the centre, which in the most perfect and especially young specimens is pointed ; callus on the body narrow, but well marked. Lon. 4.0 ; lit. 2.0 mm. Habitat. Off the North Carolina coast, in 18 to 168 fms., sand, bottom temperature 61°-75° F., U. S. Fish Commission. Straits of Florida, 150- 200 fms., Dr. Rush. 52 BULLETIN OF THE This very interesting species nearly bridges the gap between typical Volvula and Cylichna. Many of the worn or unfinished specimens show hardly a trace of an apical process ; with the best developed ones it is only a raised point barely as high as the elevation of the outer lip beyond the apex, and never a spine as in the other species. There is something about its form and facies, however, which indicates its relationship even when the point is absent. Apart from the spine it is perhaps nearer V. Bushii than any of the others, but is more cylindrical, smaller, and has a narrower aperture. The shell seems unusually heavy for its small size when a perfectly mature specimen is examined. Family SCAPHANDRID^. Genus SCAPHANDER Montfort. Scaphander punctostriatus Mighels. Bulla punctostriatus Mighels, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., I. p. 49, 1841 Scaphander librarius Loven, Index Moll. Scand., p. 10, 1846. Scaphander punctostriatus Verrill, Trans. Conn. Acad., VI. p. 273. Habitat. Station 48, Gulf of Mexico, Lat. 28° 47'.5 N. and Lon. 88° 41'.5 W., in 533 fms.; bottom temperature 41°. 7 F., and Station 281, near Barbados, in 288 fms., ooze, bottom temperature 46°.5 F. A single specimen was collected at each of the above stations. These specimens exhibit a bluntness at the apex and a more Bulla-like form than the typical ones, and may form a variety clavus, distinguished from the type by the above features and by the simple apex, where the axis is prolonged into the outer lip directly without being twisted so as to form a sort of cup, as in the type of the species. Scaphander Watsoni Dall. Plate XVII. Fig. 10. Scaphander? Watsoni Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 99, 1881. Habitat. Off Sombrero Island, in 54-72 fms. : Barbados, 100 fms. ; Station 20, in 220 fms., off Bahia Honda, bottom temperature 62°.0 F. ; Station 36, in 84 fms., bottom temperature 60°.0 F. ; Station 45, in 101 fms., bottom temper- ature 61°. 7 F. ; and Station 290, in 73 fms., Barbados, bottom coral and shell, temperature 70°.7 F. Also off Hatteras, in 63-124 fms., sand, and 324 fms., sand, in the Gulf of Mexico, bottom temperature 46° 5, by the IT. S. Fish Commission. Adults of this species were taken at Station 2376 by the U. S. Fish Com- mission in 324 fms. The shells alone were received. They are the American analogue of the European Scaphander lignarius, which they resemble more closely than any other species, ^"t from which they can be distinguished by MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 53 their uniformly more slender and cylindrical form and greater posterior attenu- ation. These differences hold good for the young as well as the adults. The outer lip generally rises higher, and the space on the posterior end of the spire is less wide and excavated in S. Watsoni than in the other species, but these characters vary somewhat in both species. I doubt if S. Watsoni ever reaches the size of the Mediterranean form ; the largest I have seen measured 38.0 mm. long by 19.0 mm. in greatest diameter. S. lignarius of the same length gen- erally measures about 24.5 mm. in diameter. The magnificent S. nobilis Verrill, first dredged in 1209 fms., off Delaware Bay, was also found in the Gulf of Mexico by the U. S. Fish Commission in 1639 fms., at Station 2127. Subgenus SABATIA Bellardi. Sabatia Bellardi, Bull, della Soc. Malacol. Italiana, II. fas. iii. p. 209, 1876. Sabalia Bellardi, 1. c. sopra tavola C. figs. 5-8. Type Sabatia Isseh Bellardi, 1. c, p. 210. Bulla plicata Bellardi, in Sismonda, Syn. Meth. Inv. Pedemont. Fos., 1842 (non B. plicata Deshayes). Bulla uniplicata Bell., in Sismonda, ed. ii. 1847. (Nom. inapp.) Sabatia bathymophila Dau. Plate XVII. Figs 9, 9 b. Atys ? bathymophila Dall , Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 98, 1881. Habitat. Station 33, 1,568 fms.; Station 2, 805 fms.; Yucatan Strait, in 640 fms. ; Station 162, in 734 fms. The exterior of this species has the general form of Scaphander nobilis, but the minute, sculpture and the characteristics in detail are alike distinct. Additional and mature specimens of this species appear in the collections of 1878-79, from Station 162, off Guadelupe, in 734 fms., fine gray mud ; bot- tom temperature 40°.0. These specimens show that the truncation of the axis is a character of the immature shell, and that the adult shows nothing of it, but has the body from one end to the other supplied with a broad solid flat- tened callus, which is especially protuberant (into the aperture) at the begin- ning of the posterior third. The outer margin of the callus has a sigmoid curve parallel with the inner outline of the columella and body; the inner margin is, however, somewhat irregularly transversely wrinkled, the mass of callus is much thicker in the middle third, and its surface is ornamented with flattened pustulae irregularly disposed. This gives to the shell an abnormal appearance, which I took, in the single large (but, as we now know, immature) specimen referred to in the description, as an indication of disease in the indi- vidual. More material shows these characters to be normal and constant in their general features in the adult shells. The form of the aperture is well 54 BULLETIN OF THE shown in the figures ; its anterior portion is very oblique, — a feature only- visible in a side view. The type species, Sabatia Isseli Bellardi, bears no special resemblance to this shell ; it is of quite different shape, sculpture, and proportions, with a callus more simple and proportionately less developed. A species with a differently shaped aperture and more general regularity of form both in shell and callus, yet closely allied to the present species, is Bulla grandis Seguenza (Form. Terz. di Reggio, p. 250, pi. xvi. fig. 4, 1880), from the Astiano division of the Calabrian Pliocene, collected at Reggio and Gallina. It is even larger than our species, measuring 33 X 26 mm., while the largest specimen of baihymophUa is only 31 X 24 mm. In the latter a minute dimple indicates the position of the wholly immersed apex in the adult, while in the young the rough callus, though thin, is distinctly apparent in a specimen only 4.0 mm. long, and which has the nucleus and about three turns visible on the apex. The nucleus is reversed and half immersed, smooth and translucent. It is not wholly cov- ered by callus until the shell is more than 7.0 mm. in length. When half covered it resembles the genus Cryptaxis of Jeffreys. The sculpture in the very young is the same as in the adult. Scaphander niveus and gracilis of Watson probably belong to this group. Genus ATYS Montfort. Atys ? Sandersoni Dall. Plate XVII. Fig. 7. Atys? Sandersoni Dall, Bulletin M. C. Z., IX. p. 99, 1881. Habitat. Station 2, 805 fms. Off Havana (?), Sigsbee, a fragment in 450 fms. Station 20, off Bahia Honda, Cuba, in 220 fms., and at Station 127, near Santa Cruz, in 38 fms., sand, bottom temperature 76°. 7 F. Since describing this species I have found it in collections named Atys caribaza Orbigny, but the real A. caribcea which I have from Barbados in 100 fms. is a more pyriform, less cylindrical, and shorter species. I have seen no authentic specimen of Orbigny's shell, but the Barbados form agrees very well with his figure, and is doubtless the same as he described. It would if adult probably closely resemble A. naucum. Genus CYLICHNA LoviN. Cylichna VerriUii n. s. Shell similar to C. alba Brown in size and form with the exceptions follow- ing. It is bluish white and never has the brown outer coat of C. alba, though the extremely thin epidermis sometimes shows a light brown line marginating the apex. It is covered all over with fine spiral striae. The columella is thickened and twisted more than occurs in C. alba, and in C. VerriUii has the MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 55 effect of an incipient plait. Lastly the aperture extends farther behind the spire than in C. alba, and, instead of the margin being curved over to a slight callus sealing the apex, there is a well marked perforation, most marked in the adult shells. Largest specimen 7.5 long by 3.0 mm. wide. Habitat. Off the coast of North Carolina, at Stations 2592, 2595, 2596, 2602, and 2612 of the U S. Fish Commission, in from 5U to 124 fins., sand, bottom temperature 58-75° F. This species is larger and more cylindrical than C. umbilicata of Europe. It is nearer C. cylindracea var lineata, but is shorter in proportion to its width, and its body is also shorter in proportion to the whole length and more obliquely attenuated to the columella. It has a striking similarity to C. alba, when decorticated, until closely examined. The other species common to the region are C. Auberi Orbigny, C. occulta Mighels, and perhaps C. cylindracea Pennant, specimens of which were re- ceived from Cuming as from the Antilles (?). C. Krebsii Morch would seem to be suspiciously near C. alba, but I have seen no specimens, and the locality (Anguilla, etc.) seems very far south for that species. The suspicion arises that the specimens may have been derived from ballast thrown overboard by New England trading craft or New York fruit-carriers. Family BULLID^E. Genus BULLA Linne. Bulla ? eburnea Dall. Plate XVII. Fig. 6. Bulla ? eburnea Dall, Bulletin M. C. Z., IX. p. 98, 1881. 1 Diaphana gemma Verrill, variety. Habitat. Station 43, 339 fms. I have seen only one specimen of each of the above species, and they certainly appear very different in some respects; but the range of variation in these forms is little understood, and I do not feel confident that it may not be larger than generally supposed. In that case it is possible that the two forms may repre- sent the extremes of one species. This should not be confounded with the Bulla eburnea of A. Adams, which is a member of the genus Volvula. Not pos- sessing the soft parts, I have preferred to refer this species to the genus Bulla, though it may belong in the preceding family. Bulla occidentalis A. Adams. Bulla occidentalis A. Adams, Thes. Conch., Part ix. Bulla, p. 577, No. 49, pi. cxxiii. figs. 72, 73, 1850. Bulla alba Turton, Zool. Journ., II. p. 364, pi. xiii. fig. 6. Habitat. Antilles, in moderate depths, Adams and many others. Station 10, in 37 fms., Blake expedition. 56 BULLETIN OF THE This extremely common shell, under the influence of the sun and weather, bleaches white or nearly so. Two specimens of this kind were described by Turton, many years ago, under the above mentioned name, as British. They were of course exotic, and West Indian. But they have been referred to B. striata of the Mediterranean and West Indian faunas. Turton's types in the Jeffreys collection enable me to correct this error. Bulla abyssicola Dall. Plate XVII. Fig. 11. Bulla abyssicola Dall, Bulletin M. C. Z., IX. p. 97, 1881. Bulla pinguicula Jeffreys MS., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Oct. 1880, p. 318, No. 140 (name only). Watson, Chall. Rep., p. 638, 1886. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, 640 fms. Station 43, 339 fms. (young). Station 136, off Frederikstadt, Santa Cruz, in 508 fms., ooze, bottom temperature 42°.5 F. The nearest relative of this species appears to be the Bulla utriculus of Europe, which is longer, less cylindrical, and has a deep pit at the apex. I have been enabled from an inspection of his type to determine that the manuscript name of Dr. Jeffreys applies to this species. It was obtained by the Travailleur in the Bay of Biscay, and also by the Challenger in 450 fms., mud, off Fayal, Azores, at (Challenger) Station No. 75. As no descrip- tion has ever been attached to Dr. Jeffreys's name, it necessarily falls into synonymy. It is possible that this species also is more nearly related to the preceding family, but the soft parts are as yet unknown. Bulla Krebsii n. s. Shell nearly the form of B. occidentalis A. Adams,* but more cylindrical and of an ivory porcellanous white. The posterior angle of the aperture is more sharp and the aperture near it narrower, while on the columella there is a faint revolving ridge which suggests a plait, though too obscure to be so named. The surface is brilliantly polished, with perceptible incremental lines. Callus on the body, thin with a very minute chink behind that on the pillar. Apex deeply sunken, pervious, scalate, showing nearly four volutions, the margin of the vortex rcmnded, with faint indications of a carinal line. Max. Ion. 8.0; max. lat. 5.0 mm. Habitat. Station 163, near Guadelupe, in 769 fms., sand, bottom temper- ature 39°.75 F I cannot make this fit in with any previously known species. It may prove not to be a typical Bulla. * Thes. Conch., Bulla, pi. cxxiii. fig. 73. MUSEUM OF COMPAKATIVE ZOOLOGY 57 Bulla clausa n. s. Shell small, subtranslucent, solid, of the form of B. solida (Gmelin, non Brugiere), pale yellowish brown verging toward salmon color in the darkest parts; surface polished, with well marked incremental lines and extremely fine microscopic wavy spiral striae over the whole surface. Aperture as long as the shell; wide anteriorly with a strongly arched callous white columella having a groove behind it and a thin callus on the body. Apex imperforate, meeting the descending outer lip with hardly a dimple. Max. Ion. 11.5; max. lat. 7.75 mm. Habitat. Florida, collector unknown, U. S. Nat. Museum, No. 55188. This is the only shell, except the abyssal species like eburnea and abyssicola, having the solidity and characteristic form of typical Bulla which I have found without an apical perforation or distinct pattern of coloration, yet it seems too heavy and porcellanous to be referred to Haminea. It was probably collected by Stimpson. Genus HAMINEA Leach. Haminea succinea Conrad. Bulla succinea Conrad, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., III. p. 26, pi. i. fig. 5, 1845 ; Dall, Hemphill's Shells, p. 324, 1883. This species resembles Haminea Guildingi Sowerby, but is smaller, much more slender, and whiter. It is common in shallow water on the coast of Florida. A single specimen was dredged by the Blake at Station 247, off Grenada, in 170 fms., ooze, bottom temperature 53°. 5 F. This form is quite distinct from Haminea solitaria Say. The other species belonging to the region are H. antillarum Orb. (4- H. cerina Mke. 1853, and H. guadelupensis Sby. in Reeve, Conch. Iconica) ; H. Guildingi Swains. (? = elegans. Gray in Suppl. Wood, Index Testae); and H. Pelitii Orb. (+ H. glabra A. Ad. in Thes. Conch.). Family PHILINID^E. Genus PHILINE Ascanius. Philine infundibulum n. s. In the multiplicity of species of Philine this one is best described by a com- parative diagnosis. The soft parts externally are whitish, and resemble P. quad- rata and P. finmarchica as figured by G. O. Sars.* It is nearest P. quadrata so far as shell characters go, and belongs to the group of species which have * Moll. Reg. Arct. Nov., pi. 18, figs. 9 d, 10 d. 58 BULLETIN OF THE the spire entirely immersed and the posterior junction of the outer lip descend- ing upon it in a sort of spiral. The shell is thin, pellucid, and finely closely spirally striate. It differs from that of P. quadrata chiefly by its larger size and the much smaller proportion wrapped in the body whorl. The soft parts, though larger, are remarkably like those of P. quadrata, but in that species the ventricular plates are wanting. In the present species they are present and of large size, the large (right) plate being lozenge-shaped, whitish and slightly concave on the side of insertion, covered with a convex polished nearly smooth brown coating on the interior, which is generally worn away by friction toward the center. The small plates are nearly the shape of half the large one, partly hollow and without granules. They resemble on the whole the plates of P. angulata Jeffreys as figured by Sars (loc. cit., t. xii. fig. 10 d), but are larger, longer, and more pointed at the extremities. The adult shell comprises about two whorls, maximum length 12.0, max. breadth 9.0 mm. The large plate measures about 4.0 X 8.0 mm. The axis of the shell is wound in a wide per- vious spiral, and the body whorl viewed from below extends about half-way across the base from side to side and two thirds the distance from the apex to the front edge. Habitat. Station 20, in 220 fms., off Bahia Honda, Cuba; Station 146, in 245 fms., sand, near St. Kitts; Station 167, off Guadelupe, in 175 fms., sand; Station 188, off Dominica in 372 fms., sand; Station 192, off Dominica, in 138 fms.; Stations 274, 279, 291, and 299, near Barbados, in 118 to 209 fms. Bottom temperatures ranging from 43° to 64° F. This seems to be a rather common species from the frequency with which it was taken. It differs entirely from P. sagra Orbigny, and is wider and squarer than P. Candeana Orb. in which moreover the spire is represented as visible for two turns at the apex. Philine planata n. s. Shell resembling that of P. aperta Linne, but flatter, smaller, more quad- rangular, with a shorter and smaller body whorl, more polished surface, and with an impressed spiral line near the apex which extends to the margin where it marks a slight sinus, behind which the posterior margin is prolonged into a rounded prominent point. The shell is brilliantly polished and smooth except for lines of growth, but near the apex are a few microscopic faint spirals invis- ible without a lens. Ths spire is wholly immersed and makes in all about one and a half turns. The ventricular plates are formed like those of P. infandibu- lum, and not like those of P. aperta. The outer surface of the right plate has two longitudinal blackish lines. The two small plates are somewhat more arched than in P. infundibulum. The inner or triturating surface is similar in both. The length of the largest shell observed is 11.5 and its breadth 9.0 mm. The soft parts are in general much the same as in P. aperta, but the cephalic lobe extends farther back and the foot is rounder, flatter, and less rolled up at MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 59 the sides. As seen from below the body whorl of the shell equals only about one sixth of the total width. Habitat. Station 192, off Dominica, in 138 fms. ; Stations 274, 291, and 299, off Barbados, in 140 to 209 fms., bottom temperature 50° to 56°. 5 F. This species is readily distinguished from any other of the group by the pos- terior point, which, though smaller, recalls that of Clielidonura Adams. The soft parts, however, have no resemblance to the very peculiar, and perhaps partly hypothetical, figure of Quoy and Gaimard. P. amabilis Verrill is much nearer P. aperta, from which, as far as the shell is concerned, it chiefly differs by being a little narrower than the average aperta. The species are, however, quite variable in this respect. Philine flexuosa M. Sars. Philine sp. ind. Ball, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 99, 1881. Philine flexuosa (M. Sars) G. 0. Sars, Moll. Reg. Arct. Norv., p. 302, 1878. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, 640 fms. The fragment above referred to was identified by comparison with an au- thentic specimen received by Jeffreys from Sars, and contained in the Jeffreys collection. Family GASTROPTERID^. Genus GASTROPTERON Meckel. Gastropteron sp. ind. A species of Gastropteron, which to a casual inspection did not differ from the Mediterranean G. Meckelii Kosse, was obtained at Station 167, near Guade- lupe, in 175 fms., sand, the bottom temperature being 55° F. Unfortunately, before the specimens could be studied, the alcohol in which they were pre- served evaporated by reason of a defective stopper, and it only remains to chronicle the occurrence of the genus at the locality mentioned. Family UMBRACULID^E. Genus UMBRACULU31 Schumacher. L'ombrelle, Lam., Extrait d'un Cours, 1812. Gray, List of Gen. P. Z. S. 1847, p. 163. Umbruculum, Schumacher, Essai, p. 177, 1817. Gastroplax, Blainville, Diet. Sci. Nat., XVIII. p. 176. Bull. Soc. Philom., p. 178, 1819. Umbrella, Lam., An. s. Vert., VI. p. 339, 1819; ed. ii., VII. p. 569. Blainville, Bull. Soc. Phil , p. 178, 1819. Fe'russac, Tab. Syst., p. xxix. Gray, Lond. Med. 60 BULLETIN OF THE Rep., p. 232, 1821. Cuvier, Regne An., ed. ii., 1830. Swains., Mai., pp. 252, 301, 1840. Carpenter, Lect, ed. ii., p. 86. Chenu, Man. de Conchyliogie, I. p 398. Gray, Guide, p. 204. Ombrella, Blainville, Diet. Sci. Nat., XXXII. p. 267, 1824. Mai., p. 174, 1825. Umbella, Orb., Moll. Cub., I. p. 115, 1841. Pal. Franc. Ter. Cret, II., 1842. (Not of Griffith and Pidgeon.) Acardo, Menke, Syn. olim, 1828. Operculatum, H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll., II. p. 41, 1854. (Linne', Mus. Tess., 1753, not binomial.) Patella, sp. of the older authors. Not Acardo, Lam., 1801 (= whale's vertebra) ; nor of Commercon, Brugiere, Cuvier, Muhlfeldt, or Swainson; (= genera of bivalves.) Type, U. umbrella Gmelin, East Indies. The name Operculatum, applied by the brothers Adams to this genus, was not used by Linne in a binomial sense, and is barred by the rules of nomen- clature now almost universally adopted. The trivial French name applied by Lamarck was first Latinized by Schu- macher in the form Umbraculum, with a proper diagnosis. The French trivial name, which had been many years employed among collectors, never had any scientific standing until Latinized by Schumacher. Subsequently, Lamarck, in 1819, Latinized the word in the form Umbrella, and Blainville in the same year used the form Ombrella, but neither of these has any just claim to super- sede the name proposed by Schumacher, which is the first Latin binomial appellation, accompanied by the requisite diagnosis, which appeared in scientific literature. Jmbraculum bermudense (Mokch?). Plate XIV. Figs. 9, 10. Shell rounded in front, subtruncate behind ; thin, translucent yellowish, with a tint of orange near its apex ; surface polished but irregularly malleated as if from irregularities of station ; apex disproportionately pointed compared with the rest of the shell, erect, dwindling rapidly to a blunted point with a slight posterior tendency ; on the back of this is apparently an obscure scar as of a dehiscent embryonal tip or nucleus ; apex about the beginning of the posterior third ; interior polished, anterior horns of the pedal muscles reaching about the anterior third'united by a delicate arched line marking the attach- ment of the mantle ; Ion. 10.00 ; lat. 8.00 ; alt. 4.00 mm. A single dead specimen was obtained by Lieut. -Com. C. D. Sigsbee at Station 62, off Havana, in 80 fms., while in search of Pentacrinus. While, in the absence of the soft parts, its position must remain a little uncertain, yet the correspondence of the shell with the young of Umbraculum mediterraneum is so close that I cannot doubt that this specimen is the young of a species of Um- braculum or Tylodina. Since in this state the specific relations seem indetermi- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 61 nable, it is probable that the species is that referred to by Dr. George Forbes of Bermuda, in a letter to John Eaton Dodsworth, published in the Philosophi- cal Transactions in 1758, and figured there.* As to the question whether this shell (named from the above figures by Morch Operculatum bermudense, Mai. Blatt., XXII. p. 179, 1875) is distinct from the Mediterranean species, this still remains to be investigated. Subgenus HYALOPATINA Dall. Shell dextral, flattened, sculptured, ovate. Nucleus sinistral, immersed. Hyalopatina Rushii n. s. Shell oval, translucent bluish white, almost perfectly fiat, extremely thin. Nucleus of less than one whorl, half immersed, the remainder rising above the surface, smooth, not polished. Upper surface nearly fiat, except near the nucleus which is situated nearly in the median line and close to the posterior margin ; concentrically faintly undulated ; with faint concentric growth lines, and with very numerous radiating lines of extremely minute slightly elevated points, recalling the granules of Poromya on a much finer and more minute scale. They are so small as to hardly appear elevated, but more like radiating lines of opaque dots on the generally translucent surface. Margin regularly ovate, entire, extremely thin. Under surface of shell mostly polished, a little domed under the part in front of the nucleus ; there are faint markings (in- terrupted on the right side about the middle) which appear as if they might represent the area of muscular insertion, but the polish of the shell is such that this is not definitely ascertained. The sides of the shell are a little ele- vated, as if it had grown on a slightly concave surface, but the ends are de- pressed about to the same extent. Max. long. 9.3; max. lat. 7.5; posterior margin to nucleus, 1.8 mm. Habitat. Off Great Isaac Light, Bahamas, in 30 fms., Dr. W. H. Kush. U. S. Nat. Mus. Coll. 61222. This remarkable shell has been some time in the National Museum and has been submitted to several conchologists, and studied with much care. In the absence of any further information, I have come to the conclusion that it may be related to Umbraculum, from which, conch ologically, it is separated by its oval form, posterior nucleus, and granulated surface. The discovery of a living specimen, however, may show the true relations of the creature to be elsewhere. It has a little the general appearance of an extremely thin, flat Crepidula unguiformis without a deck, and with the nucleus within the margin. * Plate XXXV. ngs, 1, 2. 62 BULLETIN OF THE Super-Order PROSOBRANCHIATA. Order PECTINIBRANCHIATA. I have, in sum, followed Dr. Fischer in the arrangement of this group, mod- ifying slightly the values and some details. I heartily concur in his expression of opinion, that a final arrangement of the groups included in this order awaits much fuller knowledge of the animals than we now possess. The groups, hardly suborders, based on the dentition, are not of equal value. Toxoglossa and Rhachighssa are certainly more closely linked than either or both with Tceuiogbssa. The latter leads the way toward Rhiphidoglossa. The place of Gymnoglossa is doubtful. Super-Family TOXOGLOSSA. The facts now known warrant us in believing that the teeth in this group represent the uncini of other groups, while the middle part of the radula is only known, so far, to occur in Spirotropis. On the other hand, the losses in Rhachiglossa have been at the edges instead of the middle, and the uncini and sometimes the true laterals or admedian teeth are the ones which are absent. Probably a fuller knowledge of the dentition will completely bridge the gap now existing between the two groups, and afford us examples of every degree of modification. In separating this group into families I have adopted the groups rated as subfamilies by Dr. Fischer, merely assigning them a somewhat higher value. Family TEREBRID^E. Genus TEREBRA (Adanson) Lamarck. Of this genus the type is T. subulata Linne", and no species known to belong to the typical section are so far reported from the region we are discussing. The subdivisions of the genus which are represented are Euryta H. & A. Adams, Subula Schumacher, Hastula (Adams) Troschel, and Acus (Humphrey) Tro- schel. As until the dentition of all our species is examined the place they should occupy will be uncertain, the reference here to the subgenus in some cases is only provisional. Euryta aciculata Lamarck is well known, and has been received from Venezuela and the Bahamas by the National Museum, as well as from the Antilles. Hastula hastata Gmelin (+ casta Hinds and obesa Poulsen) has been re- ceived from Florida, Aspinwall, and the Bahamas, beside the Antilles. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 63 Hastula cinerea Born (+ salleana Deshayes and jamaicensis C. B. Adams), is in the Museum from Corpus Christi, Texas, from Vera Cruz, Carthagena, and the West Indies. Subula floridana Dall, has been dredged by the U. S. Fish Commmission near Key West in 45 fms., and in the Straits of Florida in 56 tins., sand. It differs from S. triseriata Gray (Indo-Pacific), which is its nearest relative, in the absence of the peripheral nodules forming the post-sutural series, and of the decussation, beside being less acutely elongated. It reaches a length of 70.0 mm. with a width of 10.25 mm. in twenty-six whorls of a pale straw color. The species of Acus may be discriminated as follows : — A. Whorls concave. Both sides of the suture nodulous ; no costae ; spirally grooved ; white. Lon. 19.0, lat. 4.0 mm., whorls 13. Acus concavus Say. Post-sutural nodules obsolete ; the grooves replaced by channels separating raised threads ; flexuous obscure costae crossing the less concave whorl ; wine- colored or variegated. Lon. 18.0, lat. 3.5 mm., whorls 12. A. concavus var. vinosus Dall. B. Whorls flat or convex. a. Shell large, columella keeled. Shell coarse, white to dark ash-colored ; strong, straight or slightly flexed, smooth, numerous costae, with their interspaces coarsely threaded or grooved. Lon. 57.0, lat. 11.0 mm., whorls 20. Acus dislocatus Say. b. Shell small, acute, elongate, columella not heeled. Whorls convex, periphery destitute of nodules, whorls crossed by sharp- edged very flexuous waves ; interspaces with crowded spirals and sharp grooves, which last do not cut the crests of the waves. Ashy to dark purple ; band distinct. Lon. 21.2, lat. 4.7 mm., whorls 15. Acus protextus Conrad. Waves etraighter, flatter, fine and numerous, their edges cut by the spiral grooves, sometimes slightly nodulous at the intersections ; band distinct ; color pale brown to dark ashy. Lon. 15.5, lat. 4.0 mm., whorls 13. Acus -protextus var. lutescens Dall. Larger; pale yellow with a white pre-sutural area ; the young sculptured like the preceding, the adults with the sutural band nearly obsolete ; costse fine, flexuous, rounded, numerous (26-28), with six to ten prominent primary spirals overriding the costae and with the interspaces finely striate by a secon- dary series of spirals. Lon. 55.0, lat. 10.0 mm., whorls IS. Acus nassulus Dall. Smaller; strongly cancellated and nodulous at the intersections; costae about 18-20, straight; one faint anterior and three strong spirals between the sutural band and the suture in front; the interstices deep ; band obscure; base more finely reticulated, the spirals stronger than the costse ; color white to pale buff. Lon. 18.0, lat. 3.5 mm., whorls 14. Acus limatidus Dall. Larger; early whorls with one row of pointed nodules, later whorls with a 64 BULLETIN OF THE double row of crowded narrower ones in front of the suture separated by a depression; surface wholly finely spirally striate with (30-32) crowded narrow straight costae passing clear over the whorls on to the base ; pale brown. Lon. 21.0, lat. 4.5 mm., whorls 12. Acus benthalis Dall. Whorls flat ; band smooth, convex ; sides with four flat spirals decreasing forward from the band to the suture, and others still finer on the base; trans- verse sculpture obsolete except on the earliest whorls except faint incremental lines ; shell porcelain-white, polished. Lon. 15.0, lat. 3.3 mm., whorls 13. Acus Rushii Ball. This tabulation is the result of a study of a large collection of material l'rom all points of the region. The number of forms is larger than was anticipated, knowing the variability of the species of this group. Before proceeding to enumerate and describe the species obtained by the Blake, a few words on the other species may be of interest. The typical Acus concavus has been received only from the coast of the two Carolinas. The variety vinosa hays been obtained in from two to thirty fathoms along the coast from Hatteras to Florida. It is abundant in Sarasota Bay and Charlotte Har- bor, West Florida, frequenting the fucoids with finely divided fronds, the color of which it mimics. The operculum is somewhat lozenge-shaped, with an apical nucleus. The tentacles are mere eye-pedicels, and when not especially active the animal looks as if the eyes were sessile on the front of the head. The siphon is more than half as long as the foot, which is squarely truncate in front and extends far in advance of the eyes. The front margin appeared to be double and the tail was bluntly rounded. The soft parts were entirely white in the white variety. The proboscis is extremely large and internally corrugated. There is no radula, and there are no mandibles, according to Stimpson's notes. The common Terebra of our coast is the well-known Acus dislocatus of Say. It extends from Maryland to Florida, Texas, Venezuela, the Bahamas, and the Antilles. It has a number of synonyms, of which the most common are T. rudis Gray and T. Petitii Kiener. It is found fossil in the Miocene and Plio- cene of the Southeastern United States. Stimpson states in his unpublished notes that there are no jaws nor radula, but in the constriction of the pro- boscis (which is hourglass-shaped when half withdrawn) he found a series of grooved prickles. I suspect these were the poison fangs of the animal, which, as in some other Toxoglossa, are not set upon a radular band. If this suspicion be confirmed, this species will probably have to be removed from Acus (charac- terized by absence of teeth) and referred to Hastula. The proboscis of this species when extended is of portentous magnitude. It is extruded base first like the rostrum of Cyprcea. It is very muscular and internally corrugated, funnel-shaped, and biggest at the distal end, which encloses the victim, who is squeezed, smothered, and sucked to death simultaneously. The stomach is considerably smaller than the cavity of the proboscis, and is connected with it by a narrow oesophagus. From the posterior end of the January 18, 1889. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 65 stomach the intestine bends downward and forward, then takes a sudden turn backward. The eyes are seated on two small projections of the front margin of the head, not even by courtesy to be called tentacles. The foot is protruded as on a sort of peduncle, the connection with the body being constricted. The soft parts are white with traces of purple and yellow. The penis is recurved, sickle-shaped, rounded, with a small conical projection at the side of the tip. It is very large for the size of the animal. The other characters are much as in A. concavus. The animal is very sluggish and in captivity will remain partly protruded for forty-eight hours, apparently without stirring, though perfectly healthy. On the shells are found in May small circular ovicapsules adhering by the whole base and with a flat circular top like a lid a little set in. They are about one mm. in diameter, and are probably the ovicapsules of this species. Acus protextus Conrad extends from Hatteras to Texas in 2-50 fms. I have not received it from the Antilles. The more distinctly reticulated variety I suppose from the figures to be T. lutescens E. A. Smith. It has been obtained in 2-20 fms., from Cape Fear, North Carolina, to the Gulf of Mexico. Acus Rushii Dall was dredged in 8 fms. by Dr. W. H. Rush, TJ. S. N., five miles off Cape Florida, at the southwestern extreme of the peninsula. With its strongly marked flat spiral sculpture and brilliant whiteness, it is one of the most marked of our small species. Three species only were collected by the Blake, but all of these appear to be undescribed. Terebra (Acus ?) benthalis Dall. Plate XXIX. Fig. 6. Shell pale brown, fading to white near the apex, slender, acute, twelve- whorled ; nucleus swollen, glassy, white, smooth, of a whorl and a half; suc- ceeding whorls with a peripheral row of pointed tubercles, behind which the whorl is smoothed off to the suture, while in front a rib proceeds from each tubercle to the next suture. These are gradually modified from whorl to whorl, by the increase in the number of ribs and their being crowded, and their prolongation backward to the suture where they end in a second fainter tubercle ; on the last whorl the tubercles have become little more than faint swellings on parallel crowded riblets, which seem to have been ligatured be- tween the two rows. The whole surface is finely spirally striate, the base is rounded ; the canal short and much twisted, the mouth narrow, elongated, and without callus. Max. Ion. of shell, 21.0; of last whorl, 8.2 ; max. lat. of shell, 4.5 mm. Habitat. Off Morro Light, Havana, in 100 to 400 fms. This shell has a deep-water aspect, and though the soft parts were not ob- tained I have no doubt it lived at the depth from which it was dredged. VOL. XVIII. 5 66 BULLETIN OF THE Terebra (Acus ?) nassula Dall. Plate XXXVI. Fig. 8. Shell slender, acute ; yellowish white, or pale buff with the color passing into yellowish white in the region of the sutural band ; whorls eighteen, nucleus inflated, glassy, smooth, few whorled ; remainder of the shell not polished finely, uniformly sculptured ; in the early whorls the band is defined by a constriction in front of the suture, which does not interrupt the sculpture ; as the shell grows this becomes less pronounced and in the later whorls the band is often very feebly defined. The spiral sculpture consists of primary threads and secondary striae ; there are two or three primaries on the band and four to eight on the rest of the whorl, the base being more feebly though similarly sculptured; the spirals override the very numerous close, fine, flexuous trans- verse ribs, there being in these characters the usual tendency to variability in strength, etc. ; the aperture is narrow and elongated with a faint wash of callus on the pillar ; canal short, twisted ; the siphonal fasciole very pronounced, its hinder edge marked with a sharp keel which does not enter the aperture nor appear on the columella. Lon. of shell, 55.0; of last whorl, 16.0; of aperture, 10.0 ; max. lat. of shell, 10.0 mm. Habitat. Station 32, in 95 fms., Lat. 23° 32' and Lon. 88° 5' W., north of Yucatan in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico ; Station 36, in 84 fms., west- ward of the last, bottom temperature 60° ; Station 206, off Martinique, in 170 fms., sand, bottom temperature 49° ; Yucatan Strait, 640 fms. (ad- ventitious?). The only described species which seems at all to resemble this is T. flava Gray, which is an immature shell (referred to the Indo-Pacific T. cancellata Quoy by Tryon) and might be the young of this or a good many other species. T. protexta var. lutescens presents similar characters on a minor scale. Terebra (Acus) limatula Dall. Habitat. Barbados, 100 fms.; Gulf of Mexico at Station 36, in 84 fms.; Bahamas, west of North Bernini, in 200 fms. (Dr. Rush); U. S. Fish Commis- sion Station 2402, in the Gulf of Mexico, between the delta of the Mississippi and Cedar Keys, Fla., in 111 fms., mud; and Station 2610, 24 miles S. E. from Cape Lookout on the Carolina coast, in 22 fms., sand, bottom temperature 79°.0 F. The sculpture of Antillean specimens tends to be stronger, the alveoli be- tween the ridges deeper, and the spirals fewer than in the northern specimens. The latter usually have three or four above the suture, the Antilleans two or three. If these differences are worth naming, the variety may be called T. limatula var. acrior. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 67 Family CONID^. This family, being chiefly composed of littoral or comparatively shallow water forms, is hardly represented in the Blake collections. A clean-up of a number of dead shells obtained in various places affords some notes of interest. Genus CONUS Linne. Conus Mazei Deshates. C. Mazei Deshayes, Journ. de Conchyl., XXII. p. 64, pi. i. fig. 1, 1874. Tryon, Man., Conus, p. 39, pi. ii. fig. 10 (bad), 1884. 1 C. gracilis Sowerby, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 125, pi. xxiv. fig. 6. Station 262, 92 fms., Grenada, bottom of coral and shells; Barbados, 100 fms. ; Station 132, 115 fms., Santa Cruz, bottom rock and broken shells, bottom temperature 65° F. This remarkable cone, recalling in its normal painting Scaphella Junonia, as observed by Deshayes, was not obtained by the Blake in perfect condition except for a few young specimens; broken specimens, however, nearly as large as the figured type, are included in the collection, and afford the following observations. The middle surface of the species is not always, nor it would seem gener- ally, smooth as in the type. None of the Blake specimens are smooth. All are strongly and rather uniformly sulcate all over ; the revolving ribs flat and smooth, broadest in the middle of the whorl, while the narrower sulcations are prettily reticulated by raised, close transverse threads. The nucleus is small, smooth, glassy, and rather loosely coiled, in three turns. The nine revolving series of squarish brown spots may be faint, or even ab- sent. There may exist with them a series of three obscure pale bands begin- ning at the carina, and alternating with cloudy brownish bands with the color more or less distributed in the shape of ill-defined transverse narrow flam- mules. The spots may be superposed on this, or absent. It may also be nearly uniform brown with whitish spots. The anterior end of the columella may also be of a darkish brown. The width varies in proportion to the length. The young shells are proportionately wider. The nearest relative of G. Mazei appears to be C. Orbignyi Audouin (planicostatus Sowerby), which apparently differs from the above mentioned banded variety, chiefly in being wider. Sowerby's C. gracilis may perhaps be an unusually brown specimen, though of this I am not confident. Conus cedonulli Lamarck. C. cedonulli Lamarck, Reeve, Conch. Icon. Conus, pi. ix. fig. 46 f. Two small specimens from Barbados; Station 290, in 73 fms., coarse coral bottom, temperature at the bottom 71° F. 68 BULLETIN OF THE Conus proteus Hwass. C. proteus Hwass (1791), Tryon, Man. Conus, p. 12. C. spurhis Auct. as of Grnelin. C. leoninus Hwass, 1791. C. ochraceus Lam., + C breviculus Sow., + C. armillatus C. B. Adams, fide Tryon, I. c. One small specimen, painted almost exactly like Scaphella Junonia and hardly to be recognized as identical with the adult, except by comparison with a series, was obtained on the west coast of Florida in 19 frns. Conus Pealii Green. Conus Pealii Green, Trans. Alb. Inst., I. p. 123, pi. iii. fig. 3, 1830; Thes. Conch., figs. 393, 394. Conus Stearnsii Conrad, Am. Journ. Conch., V. p. 104, pi. x. fig. 1, 1869. Conus Candidas Kiener, Coq. Viv., tab. xcvii. fig. l,fide Tryon, I. c. This shell has been confounded with C. floridanus Gabb by Sowerby, and by many collectors. It is not rare on the west coast of Florida and the Keys. It prefers grassy ground in shallow water. Of late years it has been found by Jewett, Stearns, Velie, and others. Mr. Conrad redescribed it in ignorance of Green's paper on American cones. Conus Pealii is generally about three quarters of an inch in length, the breadth, at the sharply keeled shoulder, less than half the length ; smooth be- hind, grooved on the anterior half; with gradate, slightly excavated or chan- nelled spire, marked only by arched lines of growth; livid gray color, with chestnut blotches, the sides articulated with numerous narrow fillets of brown and white, the brown spots always smaller, sometimes obsolete, the wdiite sometimes merely translucent, brightest on the keel; the interior of the mouth white and dark brown; epidermis smooth and extremely thin, the sides nearly right lines, the middle of the outer lip arched forward. C. Pealii was not collected by the Blake, but I have introduced a notice of it here on account of its relation to some of the other species mentioned, and because it has been so generally misunderstood. Conus Agassizii Dall. Plate IX. Figs. 8, 8 a. Conus Afjassizii Dall, Report on Moll. Blake, Part i. pi. ix. figs. 8, 8 a, and expl. to plate, Sept., 1886. This shell was at first thought to be a transitional form, uniting C. pygmceus Reeve and C. Pealii, as the younger specimens first studied lent themselves to Mich a conclusion. The receipt of a large specimen collected at Bermuda (45 X 23 mm.) shows that this idea was incorrect, and that it is distinct from either of them. MUSEUM OF COMPAEATIVE ZOOLOGY. 69 The adult is elegantly spindle-shaped, falling in a little toward the keel which is more or less regularly minutely dotted with reddish brown at rather long intervals. The suture is very distinct, almost channelled. The spire is without revolving sculpture, the sinus deeply concavely arched. There are about seven strong grooves in the adult anteriorly. The very young (tig. 8 a) is deeply grooved all over, as in C. verrucosus. In the adolescent shell the epidermis is thin, and nearly smooth ; it is a little rougher but still thin in the adult. The former has a somewhat waxen translucency, the adult is porcella- nous. The young is waxen white with faint pink cloudy suffusion and yel- lowish ill-defined brown patches. These colors are faint at all ages and form no definite pattern, except the dots on the keel. In the young, by transmitted light, it can be seen that there are articulated lines of opaque and more translucent character, but these have hardly any color and are lost in the adult state. The interior of the aperture is white or nearly so, the mouth is rather wide, the apex of the spire neatly pointed. The adult has about ten whorls, with a total length of 45.0, and a maximum width of 23.0 mm. The spire rises 10.0 mm. behind the aperture. Specimens were dredged by the Blake at Station 132, in 115 fms., near Santa Cruz Island, and in 76 fms. at Station 272, Barbados. It is also found at Bermuda, where Prof. G. Brown Goode obtained a large specimen, and others have since been collected by Prof. A. Heilprin of Philadelphia. Conus Villepinii Fischer & Beenardi. C. Villepinii F. & B., Journ. de Conchyl., V. p. 292, t. ix. fig. 12, 1857. Station 167, 175 fms., sand, Guadalupe, bottom temperature 55° F. Several small specimens apparently of this species, one or two of which were fresh. The type came from the islet of Marie-Galante near Guadalupe. This species has also been dredged by the U. S. Fish Commission on Little Bahama Bank in 338 fms., at Station 2655. It is very close to and possibly identical with C. Cleryi Reeve, which came from the northern shores of Brazil. Conus daucus Hwass. C. daucus Hwass, Encycl. Meth. Vers, I., Part ii. p. 651, 1791. One or two dead specimens of the variety ft Reevei Kiener, from Station 272, 76 fms., coarse sand, Barbados. Conus centurio Born. C. centurio Born, Mus., pi. vii. fig. 10, 1780. A specimen from Station 127, 38 fms., sand, Santa Cruz island, is identified as belonging to this species by Mr. G. W. Tryon, Jr. It is a young shell, and 70 BULLETIN OF THE might perhaps be referred with equal probability to C. fiavescens Gray. Bottom temperature, where found, 77° F. Conus centurio is however found in the Antilles and Gulf of Mexico. A specimen was collected by the U. S. Fish Commission at Station 2373, in 25 fins., between the mouth of the Mississippi and Cedar Keys, Florida. Conus fiavescens Gray. C. fiavescens Gray, Sow., Conch. 111., fig. 68, 1841; Reeve, Conch. Icon. Conus, pi. xxx. fig 168, 1843. Specimens agreeing with the above figures have been received from Governor Rawson and two other sources, from the Bahamas; though Try on in his mono- graph queries Ceylon and Australia for the species. Young specimens are extremely variable in painting, but generally with a central more or less well defined paler band ornamented with a few brown blotches or dots. One is pure white with a faint purplish tinge at the anterior end of the shell. The epider- mis is thin, nearly smooth, translucent. Such young shells were collected by the Blake at Santa Cruz,. Station 132, 115 fms., hard bottom; Grenada, Sta- tion 247, 170 fms. ooze ; and Barbados, Station 290, 73 fins., coral; bottom temperature 54-71° F. Some of them were quite fresh, and though not con- taining the animal when received by me, looked as if they might have been living when collected. Reeve's figure of C. magdlanicus Hwass looks very much like some of these young shells. Among the species which are definitely known to inhabit the Floridian re- gion and Antilles and not previously mentioned here, are the numerous vari- eties of G. pygmceus Reeve, one of which has been named C. Melvilli by the late Mr. Sowerby. C. columba Brug., C. pusio Lam., and C. papillosus Kiener probably belong hereabouts. Conus floridanus Gabb was named floridensis by Mr. Sowerby, who mixed it up with C Pealii. C. verrucosus and C. mus are among the commoner Antillean species, and I have, from various parts of this region, C. nebulosus Sol., which indulges in some extraordinary variations, C. achatinus Lam., and, most interesting of all, Conus Delesserti Recluz, from a variety of stations. This last is a Red Sea species, closely related to C. centurio as is C. daucus to C. fiavescens. A beautiful species with very much the color of roseo-tinctus Sowerby, but with the form and size of suhcarinatus Sowerby (see Thes. Conch. Conus, pi. xxv. figs 604 and 615), the dark streaks longer and darker than in roseo-tinctus and always followed by an equivalent pale area, a thickish epidermis, and the top of the whorls excavated and striated, was dredged in 27 fms., near the coast of Yucatan, by the Fish Commission, and has been named by me Conus amphiurgus. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 71 Family PLEUROTOMIDCE. The species of this family are, as is well known, extremely numerous; and of a majority, the operculum, if present, and the soft parts are unknown. A thorough review of the family, recent and fossil, would be a work of some years, well worth doing, Lut impossible for the writer at the present time. Much has been done toward bringing together the material by Tryon, Bellardi, Weinkauff, and others, while the arrangement of the subordinate groups adopted by Dr. Paul Fischer in his Manual is by far the best we have. It will, practi- cally, be followed here, with some trifling deviations ; but as the shells with which I have to do have for the most part no traces of the soft parts, I shall neglect for the time the subordinate divisions, into which a reference would be a merely tentative character. As in other cases, I shall not adopt names which appear in the works of authors anterior to, or who did not adopt the binominal nomenclature of Linnaeus; and when a name is of reasonably euphonious con- struction and Latinity of form I cannot follow those who, after many years of usage, would modify it into conformity with an arbitrary standard of classical purity. A self-evident misprint or an error of spelling in a proper name which has not become fixed by usage may be corrected, but the essential prin- ciple of nomenclature is to have a fixed name for an object, and this principle should not be violated for slight cause. It is much more important that names should be permanent, than that they should be elegant, of pure Latinity, or of applicable meaning. It is highly probable that, when the eight or nine hundred species of Pleuro- tomidce known from the Tertiaries of Europe are compared, a number of the recent species about to be described will be found represented. But even the best figures are not satisfactory for critical comparison, and the last great work of Bellardi is not accessible to me; so that the final correlation of the recent and fossil forms will not be attempted here, though such comparisons as are practicable, especially with the Antillean Tertiary fauna, have been carefully made. It is somewhat curious that in the until recently three most available manu- als, Woodward, H. & A. Adams, and Chenu, under the head of Pleurotomidce no references are made to the office or function of the " notch," and in each case there is said to be a "slit" in the mantle behind. In AVoodward alone is the anal or excurrent function of the posterior sinus alluded to, and by him oidy in general terms, while the Pleurotomidce are not mentioned in his list of examples. It is now known, that in the Fissur ell idee, the Pleurotomariidce, the Pleurotomidce, and numerous other groups of Gasteropods, the anterior sinus when it exists, aided by an extensile fold of the mantle (siphon), forms the channel of water to the gills, while the secondary or posterior sinus serves as a sluice for the ejection of water (after it has passed over the gills) and the renal and intestinal excretions. In this way pollution of the inward current to the gills is avoided. In very few species of Pleurotomidce is there anything which 72 BULLETIN OF THE can properly be called a "slit" in the mantle. There is a sinuosity of the elastic border of the mantle, which often disappears after death or immersion in alcohol. The long clavate penis of the male lies nearly under the sinus in most species, and the existence of the sinus may facilitate copulation, but this is still somewhat doubtful. The band left on the outer surface by the curves of the lines of growth across the sinus has frequently to be referred to in descriptions, and some term has been needed which shall, without too much circumlocution, serve to in- dicate this feature, which occurs in so many molluscan shells. I have else- where proposed to use for the purpose the term " anal fasciole," which I trust may prove as convenient as the term " siphonal fasciole," introduced some years since by Gill, has been for a similar feature on the outer side of the canal in many Gasteropods. This term " anal fasciole" for the band or trace behind the notch has been approved by Dr. Paul Fischer and other experts, and will be used when necessary throughout this Report. Genus PLEUROTOMA Lamarck. Subgenus PLEUROTOMA s. s. Pleurotoma albida Perry. Pleurotoma albida Perry, Conchology, expl. pi. xxxii. fig. 4, 1811. Pleurotoma virgo Lamarck, An. sans Vert., VII. p. 91, 1822; ed. Deshayes, IX. p. 350, 1843 ; Tryon, Man., VI. p. 168. Buccinum sinuatum Martyn, Univ. Conch., pi. xciv. right-hand figure, 1789 (not of Born). Turris Candida Humphreys, Mus. Calonnianum, p. 34, 1797 {fide Dillwyn). Murex tornalus Dillwyn, Cat. Shells, II. p. 715, 1822, ex parte. Murex virgo Wood, Index Test. Murex, No. 63, pi. xxvi., 1818. Pleurotoma kaitensis Sowerby, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, VI. p. 50, 1849. Pleurotoma virgo Moore, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, IX. pp. 129, 130, 1853. Pleurotoma Barretti Guppy, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, XXII. p. 290, pi. xvii. fig. 6 (bonum), 1866. Pleurotoma antillarum Crosse, Journ. de Conchyl., XIII. p. 34, pi. i. fig. 8, 1865, not of Orbigny (young shell). Pleurotoma Jehlcii Crosse, op. cit., p. 33, pi. i. figs. 6, 7, 1865 (var. young). Turris virgo Gabb, Santo Domingo, p. 205, 1873. Habitat. Off Sombrero, in 54-70 fms. ; off Havana, in 250 fms.; Barbados, 100 fms. ; Station 3G, Gulf of Mexico, in 84 fms. ; Station 132, near Santa Cruz, in 115 fms.; Station 167, in 175 fms., mud, near Santa Cruz; Station 206, off Martinique, in 170 fms.; Station 2G2, near Grenada, in 92 fms. Also at U. S. Fish Commission Station 2120, in 73 fms., mud, off Grenada; Station 2414, living, in 26 fins., sand, between Tampa Bay and Dry Tortugas. P. albida var. tellea at Stations 2402 and 2404, in 60-1 1 1 fms., mud and sand, between the delta of the Mississippi and Cedar Keys, Florida. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 73 This shell was first named by Martyn, but his name under the system then prevailing was preoccupied. Humphreys's name was unidentifiable, except by Dillwyn, who saw the specimens, and he gave neither description, figure, nor reference, but was the first to mention the West Indies as its true habitat. Perry names it, and gives a description and a better figure than that in Reeve's Iconica, but a wrong habitat. His name should be adopted. Wood's specific name of virgo, adopted by Lamarck, is seven years later in date. The best figure, singularly enough, is that of Guppy, who figures it from the Tertiary of Hayti. The species probably lives between the 100 fm. line and the shore. All the specimens above cited from deeper water were dead, and probably disgorged by fishes. The only living ones I have seen were dredged in 2G fms. by the Fish Commission. The operculum is much like that of Conus, long, narrow, strong and thick, rounded behind, pointed in front, with an impressed line running its length parallel with and nearer the right side, which is straighter than the left margin. The nucleus is apical, the area of attachment covers nearly the whole operculum, having a smooth narrow raised border around an impressed space concentrically granosely sculptured. On the right side the raised margin is very narrow. The shell reaches a length of 105 mm. or more, and the typical form has sharp-edged strong spirals, a narrow, flat anal fasciole more prominent than any of the spirals, faint transverse sculpture, and a thick pillar with a ten- dency to become umbilicated. The young shells described by M. Crosse look very different, and only after comparison of many specimens was I able to con- vince myself that Gabb and Try on were right in regarding them as synonyms. The shell is always of a pure yellowish white, without markings, though the apex of the very young is sometimes tinged with reddish brown. The nucleus is inflated, glassy, translucent, of two whorls, which are smooth, then become marked with semilunar riblets which pass into a tubercular keel at the periph- ery which becomes smooth, sharp, and takes the normal character very soon. Pleurotoma albida var. tellea Dall. This form differs from the normal in having the revolving sculpture fainter and more uniform, the transverse sculpture much stronger and more elevated, giving a finely reticulated appearance to the surface. The anal notch is more shallow, the canal more slender, usually without any umbilical chink. The shell reaches a length of over 100 mm. with a maximum diameter of 26.5 mm. Pleurotoma (albida var.?) vibex Dall. Shell resembling in a general way the young of P. albida of the same size ; the nucleus is the same, the spiral sculpture resembles that of P. albida but is flat-topped instead of sharp; the transverse sculpture is less prominent, the spirals somewhat more numerous; the chief character which strikes one on comparing the P. vibex with P. albida is that the shell is surrounded with 74 BULLETIN OF THE bands of olive-green color, polished, narrow and resident in the epidermis, but visible through the translucent shell in the aperture. These bands sometimes fill the spiral channels ; sometimes there are two olive bands separated by a pale one between two of the elevated spirals ; sometimes the fiat tops of the spirals are thus colored; in general there will be about ten of these olive stripes on the last whorl. They extend only over the whorl, the pillar from its junction with the body is destitute of them, and, when fresh, is of a delicate rose color, which is apt to fade. This white or rosy rostrum contrasts vividly with the striped body and spire. Lon. of shell, 19.0; of spire, 8.5; of white rostrum, 8.75; max. lat. of shell, 4.75 mm. Habitat. Off Havana in 80-127 fms., Sigsbee; Station 143, off Saba Bank, in 150 fms., bottom temperature 63°.2 F. This may be, as Mr. Tryon claimed when it was shown him, a variety of P. albida, but I incline to the belief that it is a good species. Pleurotoma periscelida Dall. Plate XXXII. Fig. 2. Shell stout, fusiform; covered with a straw-colored epidermis; elaborately sculptured; ten whorled, exclusive of the nucleus; spiral sculpture consisting of (1) a cord at first rounded and irregularly constricted at short intervals, later flattened with numerous transverse waves and indentations ; this band be- comes gradually wider, has two small grooves along its center, and at the sides, especially the sutural side, it overhangs the channels on each side of it; from the first this band conceals the suture, toward the end of the last whorl it be- comes less prominent and descends slightly; (2) a broad elevated band grooved centrally and covered with twin nodules in pairs one above the other, which on the later whorls are somewhat reniform ; this band represents the fasciole or pathway of the square-cut anal notch; (3) in the channel between the two last are two small, elevated, rounded nodulous cords; (4) in front of the fas- ciole and on the base of the last whorl are four or five strong spirals, and be- tween these and in front of them on the canal are numerous smaller ones, all crossed and roughened by the transverse ridges of growth; one or two of these spirals are visible on the whorl before the last, the earlier ones not showing any of the basal spirals; transverse sculpture of coarse elevated incremental lines more or less visible over the whole shell; aperture rather wide, canal narrow and slightly curved ; outer lip with a deep notch squared at the bottom, then strongly arched forward, later contracted for the canal; margin simple, sharp; inner lip white, smooth, simple, slightly excavated; inside the outer lip are six or eight strong lira falling short of the margin; pillar nearly straight, attenuated and twisted in front, making the end of the canal flare a little; there is no umbilical trace. Lon. of shell, 40.5 ; of last whorl, 27.0; of aperture, 22.5; max. lat. of shell, 15.0 mm. Nucleus defective in the specimens. Habitat. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2143, living in 155 fms., mud, near MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 75 Monosquillo. Station 2601, in 107 fms., sand, off Hatteras, N. Carolina, dead and worn. This species is one of the most remarkable and elegant of any from the deeper waters. It belongs to the group of which P. speciosa Reeve forms a member, by its sculpture, though whether the nucleus would agree with that species is uncertain. At present our judgment on such subdivisions as Gemmula Weinkauff, founded on nuclear characters, must be held suspended; so far as our knowledge goes, nuclear characters have little absolute systematic value in this group, and their relative value remains to be determined. Subgenus LETJCOSYRINX Dall. Shell white or pale without color pattern; thin; the anal notch behind the periphery or at the suture ; sculpture delicate, of spiral keels or threads and often oblique riblets on the shoulder of the whorls; peripheral keel if pres- ent not recurved; operculum thin, nucleus apical, scar of attachment small; larval shell glassy, rounded or keeled ; other shell characters as in Plcurotoma. Type Pleurotomella Verrillii Dall. This group is intended to contain the operculated species of Pleurotomida which are so characteristic of the archibenthal region. They are distinctly contrasted with the coarse, spotted or maculated shallow-water species of Pleu- roma proper, by their thin, white, delicately sculptured shells ; they are apart from Drillia by having no subtubular projection of the anal notch when adult and no thick varix to mark their maturity; they are separable from the archi- benthal Drillias also by their larger shells, longer canal, and more inflated habit. The anal notch is generally wider, more rounded and nearer the suture than in the typical Pleurotoma, and the operculum proportionally wider and more delicate. Leucosyrinx Verrillii Dall. Plate X. Fig. 5. Pleurotoma (Pleurotomella) Verrillii Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 57, August, 1881. Habitat. Station 41, 860 fms. ; Station 173, living in 734 fins., ooze, off Guadalupe, bottom temperature 40° F. ; Station 46, latitude 25° 43' N., longi- tude 84° 47' W., in the Gulf of Mexico, in 888 fms., ooze. Also at U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2623 a, 2626, and 2628, 25 to 100 miles off Cape Fear, North Carolina, in 150 to 528 fms., ooze, temperature 39° to 45° F. ; Stations 2677 and 2678, off Cape Fear, in 478 and 731 fms., ooze, temperature about 39° ; and Station 2384, in 940 fms., mud, Gulf of Mexico, between the Mississippi delta and Cedar Keys. This fine species appears not to have been found by the Challenger, or north of Cape Hatteras. It is distinguished among several allied forms by the dis- tinct fine even threads on the fasciole, the form and number of its riblets, and the absence of any pre-sutural wrinkles or coronating band. 76 BULLETIN OF THE Leucosyrinx Sigsbeei Dall. Plate XI. Fig. 10. Pleurotoma (Pleurotomellal) Sigsbeei Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 57, August, 1881. Habitat. Station 33, 1568 fms., Yucatan Strait, G40 fins, (young). Station 236, off Bequia, living in 1591 tins., ooze, bottom temperature 39°.0 F. The differences between this and the last species were noted in the original description. Both species have moderately small subglobular glassy inflated nuclei, not large enough to give a mamillary look to the apex, but larger than in the average Pleurotoma. In both, the fine spiral threads cover the whole fasciole and there is no coronet in front of the suture. Leucosyrinx tenoceras n. s. Plate XXXVI. Fig. 5. Shell long, very slender, the aperture longer than the spire behind it ; white or ashy, the nucleus yellowish, subglobular, glassy, smooth ; whorls ten, beside the nucleus ; suture appressed, a coronet of short, elevated, backward pointing wrinkles marginating the whorl in front of it; fasciole wide, with obsolete sculpture or smooth, polished, very sloping, subconcave ; shoulder of the whorl angulated, ornamented (on the whorl before the last) with about four- teen nodular riblets ; these riblets on the early whorls are short, stout, and very prominent, later they become more slender and oblique, and on the last whorl tend to become obsolete entirely ; the whole shell except the fasciole is covered with fine flattened threads, not prominent, and often wavy or obliquely directed from irregularities of growth ; aperture long, rather narrow ; canal narrow, long, flaring a little at the end ; outer lip thin, simple, broadly arched forward, with no internal lira ; notch deep, very wide, extending from the suture to the shoulder ; pillar lip slightly excavated, white, smooth ; pillar straight, attenuated in front ; whorls moderately full, having a drawn-out appearance ; operculum thin, pear-shaped, acutely pointed, with a thin mar- ginal rib ; pale horn-color. Lon. of shell, 60.0 ; of last whorl, 40.0 ; of aperture, 33.0; max. lat. of shell, 14.0 mm. Habitat. Station 161, near Guadalupe, in 583 fms., sand, temperature 41°. 0. Station 265, near Grenada, in 576 fms., ooze, temperature about 40°. 0. Also at U. S. Fish Commission Station 2392, in 724 fms., mud, Gulf of Mexico between the Mississippi delta and Cedar Keys, Florida, temperature 40°.7 ; and Station 2677, off Cape Fear, North Carolina, in 478 fms., mud, temperature 39°.3 F. This is more slender than either of the preceding species, and has a smoother and always coronated fasciole, which rarely shows spiral sculpture. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 77 Leucosyrinx subgrundifera Dall. Plate XXXVIII. Fig. 1. Pleurotoma subgrundifera Dall, in Agassiz, Three Cruises of the Blake, II. p. 66, fig. 283, 1888. Shell fusiform with an acute spire, nine whorls, and a globular brownish, shining, smooth nucleus of about two whorls ; shell with a polished surface over a straw-colored very thin outer layer, the only transverse sculpture being due to the faint incremental lines and irregularities of growth ; spiral sculp- ture of an extremely sharp and wide keel nearer to the suture in front than to the one behind, and in some cases having its edge actually curved forward and overhanging ; the margin of the keel is smooth and a little rounded ; it is fainter on the last whorl of the adult ; in front of the keel on the base is a slight angulation or hardly elevated thread on which the suture coils ; in front of this are some faint spiral markings, hardly breaking the smoothness of the surface ; suture distinct ; aperture narrow ; notch deep, wide, extending from the suture nearly to the edge of the keel ; outer lip thin, arched forward, not internally lirate ; pillar lip slightly excavated, white, smooth ; pillar straight, attenuated in front, canal narrow, straight, shallow; base moderately rounded in the adult, flatfish in the young ; operculum as in L. tenoceras. Lon. of shell, 30.0 ; of last whorl, 20.3; of aperture, 17.0; max. lat. of shell, 11.0 mm. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, a fragment in 640 fms. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2384, Gulf of Mexico, in 940 fms., mud, between the delta of the Mis- sissippi and Cedar Keys, Florida ; and Station 2628, in 528 fms., sand, 100 miles S. E. by S. from Cape Fear, North Carolina; temperatures 38°. 7 and 39°.6 F. Some specimens of this singular shell look like a lot of successively smaller umbrellas, one over another. None of the Challenger species approach this one. The Surcula staminea and S. gonioides of Watson are carinated, but the keel is far less pronounced than in the present species, and they do not appear to have that curious chalky outer layer like a coat of whitewash varnished, which is so peculiar in L. sub- grundifera. In the last there is some variation in the strength of the basal spirals, but in none of them do the latter rise much above the surface. Subgenus ANCISTROSYRINX Dall. Ancistrosyrinx Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX p. 53, Aug. 12, 1881. Candelabrum Dall, 1878, non Blainville, 1830. ? Columbarium sp. Tryon, non Von Martens. This very elegant section of the family extends from the Eocene, where it has been found at Jackson, Mississippi, and probably in Europe, to the exist- ing fauna. The only species which may perhaps be referred to it that was known before the writer called attention to it is Pleurotoma cedonulli Reeve, 78 BULLETIN OF THE from Panama. It is impossible to determine with certainty from Reeve's figure whether his species is a true Ancistrosyrinx or not, but it looks like one, and he expressly states that the apex is sharp and the sinus large, which would exclude it from Columbarium, to which Tryon referred it.* The latter even considered it a synonym of the Chinese C. pagoda Lesson, which has a bulbous nucleus and no sinus. A species from the Eocene of Dry Creek, Jackson, Mississippi, was described by Mr. T. H. Aldrich in 1886 ; it is dis- tinct from the recent forms, with which I compared it, having a different sculp- ture about the sinus, and was named Pleurotoma (Ancistrosyrinx) columbaria by Mr. Aldrich. The figures of P. calliope Brocchi and P. controversa Jan from the Italian Tertiaries recall this group, but, if they are strictly to be relied upon, the resemblance is superficial and consists chiefly in the dentate carina. Nothing referable to this group was obtained by the Challenger. Ancistrosyrinx elegans Dall. Plate XXXVIII. Fig. 3. Ancistrosyrinx elegans Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 54, 1881. Agassiz, Three Cruises of the Blake, II. p. 60, fig. 282, 1888. Habitat. Florida Reefs, Pourtales, 1870. Station 2, 805 fms., four mile3 from Havana, Agassiz, 1877-78. In this species the anterior part of the whorls is covered with granulose spirals, one more prominent than the rest in front of which the suture coils. The sinus is comparatively short with a polished flat fasciole bounded outside by an elevated strongly undulate keel, between which and the outer keel is a narrow deep sulcus with a row of faint nodules at the bottom. The spines are very small and curved toward the apex, the nucleus brownish, glassy, and unicarinate. There are indications of very faint axially directed fiammules of pale yellow on the white surface. Ancistrosyrinx radiata n. s Plate XII. Fig. 12. Shell irregularly clouded with pale brown and white, or of a diffuse very pale brown ; nucleus of two whorls, the first very small, rounded, obliquely set and partly immersed, arousing on casual inspection the unfounded suspicion that it is sinistral; apex sharp, the subsequent whorls (nine or ten) at first with a sharp dentate peripheral keel, which afterward becomes spinous and more or less posteriorly directed; spiral sculpture anteriorly of numerous rather widely separated fine threads, not granulose, but passing over rather coarse lines of growth and less crowded near the keel; carina with, on the tenth whorl, * Since the above was written I have examined Reeve's type In the British Museum, and it proves to be a species of Ancistrosyrinx, but different from the East American forms. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 79 about twenty-six sharp short subtriangular spines more or less upturned; half- way between the keel and the carina is an elevated second keel, not undulate or dentate but much higher than in A. elegans ; behind this is the sinus, which is indented about one eighth of a turn; the fasciole is concave; transverse sculpture of rather coarse prominent lines of growth which are often strongly marked; aperture narrow, elongate, notched for the sinus, the canal, and the carina; canal long, narrow, rather open, slightly curved at the tip; base of shell subconic, hardly rounded, whole surface of the shell having a polished appearance like barley-sugar candy. Lon. of shell, 18.0; of last whorl, 12.5; from the carina to the anterior end of the canal, 10.0; max. lat. of shell, 8.0; of aperture, 3.0 mm. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, 640 fms. ; Station 132, in 115 fms., rocky bottom, off Santa Cruz; Station 143, in 150 fms., off Saba Bank; Station 220, in 116 fms., rocky bottom, off Santa Lucia; Station 206, in 170 fms., near Martinique, on a bottom of fine sand; Station 273, in 103 fms., coral, off Barbados; Station 290 (living), in 73 fms., coral, bottom temperature about 71° F. ; Stations 296, 297, and 299, off Barbados, in 84-140 fms., hard or coral bottom. The Fish Commission obtained it in the Gulf of Mexico, between the delta of the Mis- sissippi and Cedar Keys (dead), at Station 2373, in 25 fms., coral; and at Sta- tion 2646 (fresh), in 85 fms., sand, off Cape Florida. The soft parts of this species are whitish or pale straw-color. The tentacles are small, the eyes large and black. The operculum, thin and yellow, resem- bles that of Drillia. The sides of the foot are plain, the gills as usual. The single living specimen, very small, was so far retracted that the shell had to be wholly sacrificed to get him out unlacerated. It was a male with a verge of pro- portionally enormous size set on the right side behind the head, smooth, some- what sigmoid, with an oval tip, without any appendix, and slightly flattened. This shell was at first confounded with A. elegans, but a comparison shows them to be perfectly distinct, the sculpture being entirely different. The pres ent species, though not so slender, is more like A. cedonulli, Reeve, than is the A. elegans, the latter in several respects being nearer to the fossil species from the Mississippi Eocene. Subgenus GENOTA H. & A. Adams. Genota mitrella Dall. Plate XII. Fig. 5. Pleurotoma (Genota) mitrella Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 56, Aug. 12, 1881. Pleurotoma (Genota) didj/ma Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc, XV. p. 404, Sept. 29, 1881 ; Chall. Gastr., p. 299, pi. xxii. fig. 5, 1885. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, 640 fms.; off Sombrero, in 450 fms., ooze, Chal- lenger Expedition. No further specimens of this species have been found. It is referred to Genota on purely conchological grounds. 80 BULLETIN OF THE Section DOLICHOTOMA Bellaedi. Type, Pleurotoma cataphracta Brocchi. The folds with which this species is credited are merely the projecting margin of the pillar, and an obscure thickening, hardly to be compared to a true plait. Genota viabrunnea n. s. Plate XIII. Fig. K. Shell solid, fusiform; with a smooth, brown, two-and-a-half-whorled vitre- ous nucleus, the last whorl of which has semilunar riblets ; and eight slightly turrited whorls; spire short, conical, rather pointed; the early whorls deli- cately sculptured, the last two rather rude ; the aperture longer than half the shell. Transverse sculpture in the earlier whorls (which are pure white) con- sisting of rather crowded flutings depending transversely forward from the sutural margin for a third of the width of the (visible) whorl, which then swells outward, marked by strong growth lines, to a series of peripheral angular nodulations which mark the course of the anal fasciole; on the fourth, fifth, and sixth whorls, counting from the nucleus, the flutings are more regular and elegant than in the earlier or subsequent turns, on the fifth and sixth they as well as the growth lines are elegantly granulose or marked with small round nodes, the resultant of transverse and spiral sculpture; the peripheral nodula- tions also become more transverse and divided into three smaller nodules each, from the same cause; on the seventh and eighth whorls the lines of growth be- come more rude, the flutings and nodulation gradually vanish, and the sculpture is reduced to obscure spiral ridges, finer and more uniform on and behind the fasciole, and coarser, with a certain alternation of larger and smaller in size, be- fore the fasciole ; the last three and a half whorls take on a warm brownish tint, the fasciole being a still darker and somewhat livid madder brown ; the later spiral ridges are also often somewhat darker than their interspaces. Aperture narrow, canal short, broad, slightly recurved ; outer lip pnMuced in advance of the sinus, thin, simple, sharp; body polished, slightly excavated; column slightly twisted, swollen, white, smooth, attenuated in front, with no callus, as long as the canal ; suture distinct, appressed, posterior surface of the whorls behind the fasciole somewhat concave. Lon. of shell, 38.00; of aperture, 22.00; max. lat. of shell, 16.5; of aperture, 6.5 mm. Habitat. Off Martinique, at Station 211, in 357 fms., fine yellow sand, liv- ing; and near Barbados, at Station 295, in 180 fms., hard bottom; bottom temperature 50°.7 F. Also south of Cuba, in 254 fms., coral, at U. S. Fish Commission Station 2134. This fine shell is of unusual solidity and warm coloration for a deep-water species. None of the specimens showed any indications of thickening or striation of the aperture. Like many others, in the present unsettled state of the classification of the Pleurotomidce, its final place is somewhat uncertain, but January 26, 1889. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 81 conchologically it belongs with Genota as defined by Dr. Paul Fischer in hi3 invaluable Manual. The shell is closely allied to Pleurotoma cataphracta Brocchi, of the Miocene of the Paris and Vienna Basins. Though the sculpture differs in detail, and the fossil is more turrited, beside being sharply strongly internally Urate, the G. viabrunnea may be regarded as the descendant of the fossil in a more or less direct line. The several varieties even, so beautifully figured by Hoernes in his monograph of the Vienna Tertiary mollusks, are reproduced in the recent form. Among the five specimens I have seen there is a variation as to the sculpture which would divide them into two groups, just as Brocchi originally divided his Murex cataphracta. One has the spiral sculpture elegantly alter- nated, a stout thread and a slender one, all over the body, and all the threads minutely and prettily granulated. The other has the spiral sculpture ill- defined, sparser, rude, and obsolete, that on the base showing no granulations whatever. Soft parts. The foot is double-edged in front, rounded at the corners and behind. It is nearly smooth, and like all the rest of the integument is yellow- ish white (in alcohol). The tentacles are rather long, cylindrical, stout, and not very pointed. The eyes are small, black, situated one third of the way from the base toward the tips of the tentacles. The verge is very large, re- curved, flattened cylindrical, bluntly pointed; gills two, the lamellae rather short, the organs themselves rather long and of a dark greenish color. The operculum normally is as in Leucosyrinx, thin, horny, elongated, pointed at the anterior end, which is the nucleus. The scar of attachment is large and curiously concentrically engraved, recalling the opercular scar in Purpura, though not rotary-concentric as that is. In the Fish Commission specimens the operculum in each of three specimens was abnormal, being more or less truly concentric and smaller than it should have been. I suppose these specimens had lost the original operculum, and the subsequent product of the gland was deformed, as is known to happen occasionally in Buccinum. One of these specimens has a thickening on the pillar, like a clumsy reminiscence of a plait. I noticed that the upper coils of the soft parts appeared grooved when extracted, and, cutting into the spire of the specimen, found that the outer lip must have been internally lirate when the specimen was young, with some half-dozen obscure lira. One of the specimens has obsolete lirae in the throat. They cannot be seen, but by rub- bing the interior transversely with the point of a pin the invisible elevations can be felt as the pin point crosses them. It is possible that the species may be regularly lirate when perfectly adult, as in G. cataphracta Brocchi. The specimens indicate rather that the character referred to has become obsolete in the species, and only occasionally exists in special individuals. The dentition I am unfortunately unable to describe. The soft parts within the mouth strongly recalled those of Bela as figured by Sars (Moll. Reg. Arct. Norv.) ; but the gland, which in that genus is supposed to secrete venom and VOL. XVI. — NO. 3. 6 82 BULLETIN OF THE which empties close to the radula, here seemed to enter the oesophagus some distance behind the proboscis, and I could not find any radular sac at the right side of the proboscis where it should be. On dissolving the whole buccal apparatus in boiling caustic potash, the residue afforded no trace of any teeth. Still I do not feel entirely confident that the animal is normally edentulous, or, if it is, that the gland in question is more than salivary. It would seem absurd that an edentulous mollusk should have a venom-gland. If it is eden- tulous, probably it is capable, in the fanged species, of producing a modified and poisonous secretion, while in others it is merely salivary. A related species is Genota atractoides Watson, from the Philippines; it is lighter colored and the details of sculpture are different and stronger than in our species. It will be observed that the soft parts are not like those of Conus. The soft parts of Adanson's Genot are not figured by him, nor described except by saying that they resemble those of the Cones. Unless G. mitriformis Wood, and G. papalis Reeve, Adams's types, be different from the present species, it is evident that Genota can rank only as a subdivision of Pleurotoma, and not as a genus by itself. If they do differ, the present forms must be separated as a subgenus of Pleurotoma under Bellardi's name. Genus DttiiXIA Gray. The species of this group are so varied in their characters, and yet so closely connected by intermediate forms, that at present no absolute conclusions as to their arrangement can be drawn. I shall for convenience separate those here treated of into three groups: A, comprising those with rough sculpture, the spiral sculpture being present and usually emphasized ; B, nearly smooth species with strong transverse ribs, and usually colored, the spiral sculpture faint or absent ; and C, white, polished species, without spiral sculpture, and usually with the spire particularly long in comparison with the rest of the shell. These* are deep-water forms, and shine with a peculiar lustre like rock candy. This is a character shared by several other groups of deep-water shells, and undoubtedly appears in response to some unknown factor in the environment. Section A. Roughly sculptured species. Drillia ostrearum Stearns. Drillia ostrearum Stearns, Proc. Boat. Soc. Nat. Hist., XV. p. 22, 1872. Tryon, Man., VI. p. 197, pi. xxxiv. fig. 79, 1884. Habitat. Off Sombrero, in 54-72 fms.; Station 142, Flannagan's Passage, in 27 fms. ; Station 247, near Grenada, in 170 fms. ; Station 272, in 76 fms., off Barbados. Living, in 15 fms. to low- water mark, from Cape Hatteras to Cape MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 83 Florida, and westward to Cape Catoche, Yucatan, U. S. Fish Commission, and other authorities. The deep-water specimens of this species are all dead, and I believe them to be adventitious. Drillia Tryonii n. s. Shell recalling D. ostrearum, but white, more acutely pointed, smaller, with a more gibbous varix in the adult, an umbilical chink on the pillar, and a spirally threaded fasciole instead of a smooth one; shell eight- whorled, with a smooth nucleus; 16-18 long transverse ribs extending across the whorls, fas- ciole and all; crossed by numerous (eleven on the last whorl but one) ele- vated, even, rounded threads, with about equal or wider interspaces ; the threads are not swollen at the intersections ; suture distinct, the fasciole but slightly excavated, whorls moderately rounded ; on the last whorl, a quarter of a turn before the adult aperture is formed, is a prominent swollen rounded varix, or rib ; aperture short ; body callous ; pillar reflected, forming a distinct pseudo-umbilicus; outer lip thin, not lirate, strongly arched; canal short, curved. Lon. of shell, 12.0; of last whorl, 7.0; of aperture, 5.2 ; max. lat. of shell, 4.3 mm. Habitat. Station 231, near St. Vincent, in 95 fms.; Station 262, near Gre- nada, in 92 fms.; Station 272, near Barbados, in 76-100 fms. I regard this as a shallow-water species, adventitious in the above localities. All the specimens are injured, but from the lot a description was practicable. These shells, by some error of observation, were returned to me as a variety of D. ostrearum by Mr. Tryon. They are a well marked and perfectly distinct form, having only the most general resemblance to D. ostrearum. The average dimensions of the latter, from the same region, are, lon. of shell, 17.0 ; of last whorl, 10.0 ; of aperture, 7.5 ; max. lat. of shell, 7.0 mm. The nearest relative among the Blake shells to this form is D. albicoma, from which D. Tryoni will be distinguished by its smaller size, its more numerous and close-set ribs, and by its strongly differentiated fasciole. Drillia albicoma n. s. Plate X. Fig. 8. Shell solid, slender, acute, pure white, with a simple polished nucleus of a whorl and a half, followed by nine normal whorls ; spiral sculpture of ex- tremely fine, close-set, regular threads, uniform over the entire surface, but scarcely visibly developed in the first four whorls, which appear polished to the naked eye ; the threads on the last whorl are about nine in the breadth ol a millimeter; transverse sculpture of rather stout, sharp ribs (on the seventh whorl ten) which extend from suture to suture, with a slight fiexuosity near the suture, but no marked interruption for a fasciole ; on the last whorl there are fourteen of these ribs, beside the large shouldered varix behind the aper- 84 BULLETIN OF THE ture ; they extend well over the periphery of the whorl, and are evanescent on the canal ; other transverse sculpture comprises only fine lines of growth which are not parallel to but more oblique than the aforesaid ribs, and reticu- late prettily the spiral threads ; whorls but little inflated, having a very regular taper, slightly appressed at the distinct but not deep suture ; aperture more than one third as long as the shell, polished within, with a deep broad notch, slightly in advance of the suture, whose edges are produced and considerably reflected ; the fasciole is indistinct and little depressed ; the outer lip smooth, in the middle produced, internally somewhat thickened, not lirate ; canal short, rather broad, somewhat recurved ; a broad, not very thick, continuous band of white callus from the end of the pillar over the body passes iuto the reflected margin of the notch ; pillar slightly curved. Lon. of shell, 25.7 ; of last whorl> 10.6 ; of aperture, 9.0 ; lat. of last whorl, 8.0 mm. Habitat. This shell came to me, labelled Station 36, 84 fms. ; that is, in the Gulf of Mexico, Lat. 23° 13' and Lon. 89° 16' W. ; bottom temperature, 60° F. But the facies of the shell is that of deep, or at least of cooler water, and I sus- pect some error has occurred. Perhaps it might have remained in the dredge from the immediately preceding haul from 804 fms. Fragments have since turned up, in material dredged in 100 fms., at Bar- bados, by the Hassler expedition. This would tend to confirm the correctness of the original label. Another fragment was dredged in 101 fms., at Station 45. The species is very elegant in its slender taper and snowy whiteness. Drillia ? detecta Dall. Plate XII. Fig. 11. Plenrotoma {Drillia) detecta Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 65, August, 1881. Pleurotoma (Defrancia) circumvduta Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc, XV. p. 465, Nov., 1881. Clathurella circumvoluta Watson, Rep. Chall. Gastr., p. 357, pi. xxi. fig. 1, 1885. Habitat. Station 43, in 339 fms., Gulf of Mexico. Off Culebra Island, in 390 fms., mud, Challenger expedition. Mr. Watson's figure represents an immature shell, slightly more slender than my type of detecta. It is quite likely that he may be right in his generic reference, as my specimen does not show the Drillia varix, yet its form and short last whorl seem to me more like that of a Drillia than any other group. The Blake specimen was dead and lustreless. Drillia alesidota n. s. Shell large, slender, ashy brown or light brown, pointed, rudely sculptured, ten-whorled, with a nucleus of about two whorls, round, small, glassy, smooth and inflated ; fasciole slightly concave, nearly smooth, very steep, separated MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 85 from the suture by a smoothish space, marginated by a slightly raised thread ; suture appressed ; spiral sculpture of numerous subequal little elevated re- volving threads with wider interspaces; they are strongest on the summit of the riblets, faint in the interspaces ; there are about five in front of the fasciole and between it and the next suture ; they are fainter on the canal ; transverse sculpture of numerous (on the penultimate whorl 28) narrow, little elevated, slightly oblique riblets, beginning and strongest at the fasciole, and passing over the whorl to fade away on the base ; the thin margin of the suture is sometimes undulated by passing over them ; aperture narrow, long, notch rounded, not deep ; outer lip simple, thin, arched forward, not constricted for the canal ; inner lip simple with a slight callus, thicker at the posterior angle opposite the notcli ; pillar straight, attenuated and somewhat twisted in front, canal wide, slightly recurved. Max. Ion. of shell, 48.0 ; of last whorl, 26.5; of aperture, 21.0 ; lat. of shell, 12.0 mm. Drillia alesidota var. macilenta Dall. Plate XXXVI. Fig. 1. Shell more slender, the sculpture more elegant, the spiral element prppor- tionally stronger, existing on the fasciole and canal, as well as over the rest of the surface. Lon. of shell, 36.5 ; of last whorl, 20.0; of aperture, 15.0 ; lat. of shell, 8.2 mm. Habitat of type form. Off Cape Hatteras, N. C, in 63 to 107 fms., sand, temperature 67°. 0 to 75°.0 F., at Stations 2595 and 2601 of the U. S. Fish Commission. Habitat of var. macilenta. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2417, in 95 fms., sand, 52 miles S. E. of Cape Fear, N. C, temperature 66° F. Station 2402, in the Gulf of Mexico, between the delta of the Mississippi and Cedar Keys, Florida, in 111 fms., mud. Blake expedition, Station 273, in 103 fms , sand, Barbados, temperature 59°. 5 F. This is a very plain, simple-looking species of a dull color. It is quite large, but appears not to have been heretofore described or figured. Drillia polytorta Dall. Plate X. Fig. «. Pleurotoma (Drillia) polytorta Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 61, August, 1881. Habitat. Off Cape San Antonio, 413 fms. This species has much such a sculpture as the last, except that the ribs are larger, rounder, and fewer, the whorls shorter, more numerous, and more inflated. 86 BULLETIN OF THE Drillia eucosmia n. 8. Plate XIII. Fig. 1. Shell pale, with touches of pale brown and a peripheral whitish zone, eight- whorled, with a glossy, rounded nucleus of two whorls ; fasciole rather wide, excavated, undulating in harmony with the ribs, marked by fine revolving threads and marginated at the appressed suture by a stout elevated line ; spiral sculpture on the rest of the shell (1) of (on the whorls preceding the last) two or three prominent white stout threads, somewhat swollen where they ride over the ribs ; on the last whorl there are about fifteen of these primary spirals ; between the fasciole and the end of the canal, in each of the wide interspaces, are (2) three or four much finer hardly elevated flattish threads, similar to those on the fasciole, and on the last whorl the marginating thread behind the fasciole is wider and somewhat crenulated ; transverse sculp- ture of (on the penultimate whorl 9) stout, rounded ribs, beginning at the fas- ciole and obsolete on the canal ; beside these there are only incremental lines ; the brown touches are on these ribs above and below the white zone, which is bounded by the peripheral pair of primary spirals ; final varix stout and rounded ; aperture narrow, notch rounded, strongly marked ; outer lip thin, arched forward, not lirate within; a single internal thread runs parallel with the fasciole deeper in the throat ; inner lip writh a thin callus with elevated margin; pillar straight, canal short, obliquely truncate, rather wide. Max. lat. of shell, 6.4; Ion. of shell, 19.0; of last whorl, 10.3; of aperture, 7.7 mm. Hahitat. Station 2-47, near Grenada, in 170 fms., ooze, temperature 53°.5 F. Drillia eucosmia var. canna Dall. Shell smaller, more slender ; the peripheral primary spirals always three ; the secondary spirals few or obsolete ; ribs six or seven, rather more prominent. Lon. of shell, 15.25; lat. of shell, 6.0 mm. Habitat. With the last. Also west of Florida, in 50 fms., Gulf of Mexico ; and off Cape Lookout, N. C, in 52 fms., sand, at Station 2612, by the U. S. Fish Commission. This very elegant little species belongs to a group of several, which possess characters in common, and which appear to be undescribed. Drillia haliostrephis n. s. Plate XIII. fig. 3. Shell pure white, eight-whorled, with a glossy rounded vitreous nucleus of two whorls ; spiral sculpture much as in D. eucosmia, a line marginating the suture ; two or three strong primaries on the upper whorls, five or six on the body whorl, and eight or ten smaller ones on the canal ; the principal pri- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 87 maries are strongly marked and slightly swollen on the summits of the ribs ; the secondary spirals, very faint or absent behind the periphery but present in the interspaces in front of it, are finer than in the last species, and more nu- merous ; the fasciole is wide, nearly smooth, undulated, and little excavated ; the aperture is narrow and long, the notch shallow, the interior not lirate, the inner lip simple with a thin callus, the canal wide, straight, rather long; the ribs are seven on the penultimate whorl, narrower and less prominent, as is the varix, than in the last species. Lon. of shell, 19.5 ; of last whorl, 11.0 ; of aperture, 8.0 ; max. lat. of shell, 5.5 mm. Habitat. Gulf of Mexico, at Station 36, in 8-4 fms. This shell is more slender, the primary spirals stronger, the other sculpture weaker, than in D. eucosmia. The color is also different. In the variety canna the last whorl is stouter in proportion to the spire than in this species. Drillia acestra n. s. Plate X. fig. 7. Shell long, slender, pale olive-color with a translucent white tip, nine- whorled, with a smooth vitreous rounded two-whorled nucleus ; fasciole wide, steep, excavated, marked with close-set fine even spirals ; it is bounded be- hind by a sharply cut elevated thread, a little space in front of the suture ; the whorl in front of the fasciole is covered with close-set, strong, subequal, flattish spirals, with narrow channelled interspaces ; these spirals, from two on the four apical whorls, increase to seven on the penultimate whorl, and eleven (behind those on the canal) on the last whorl ; here they are a little more widely separated, and have one or two intercalary fine threads in the inter- spaces ; on the canal there are six primary threads alternating with somewhat smaller secondary ones ; transverse sculpture of gently elevated ribs (eight on the penultimate whorl), which vary in different specimens as to elevation and strength ; in the type specimen figured they begin at the fasciole and fade on the base ; the varix is strong and protrudes, there is a touch of livid color in front of it, which is seen nowhere else on the shell ; aperture whitish, throat slightly livid, not lirate ; notch deep and strong, outer lip thin, contracted for the canal; inner lip with a thin elevated callus, pillar straight, canal rather short, recurved. Max. lon. of shell, 19.0; of last whorl, 9.8 ; of aperture, 7.0; max. lat. of shell, 5.5 mm. Habitat. Station 101, off Havana, in 400 fms. Variety (?), Station 248, near Grenada, in 161 fms. The specimen I have referred to as a variety may be distinct ; it has twelve ribs, a narrower and less marked fasciole, and the spiral sculpture is much less elevated and sharp. But the general aspect is so similar that I dare not sepa- rate them without a larger series of specimens. 88 BULLETIN OF THE Drillia pharcida Dall. Plate XII. fig. 2. Pleurotoma (Drillia) exasperata Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 63, August, 1881. Not of Reeve, 1843. Habitat. Off Cape San Antonio, 1002 fms. ; Station 5, in 229 fms., Gulf of Mexico ; Barbados, 100 fms. The specific name having been used by Reeve for a species conchologically related to Drillia, I am obliged to substitute another name for the one at first adopted. This species was dredged by Dr. Rush, in 150-200 fms., off the Fowey rocks, Florida Strait. Drillia acrybia n. s. Shell closely related to D. pharcida with which it may advantageously be compared. The most obvious differences are, that in D. pharcida the ribs and their intersecting sharp spirals are as strong on the last whorl as on the others, in D. acrybia the ribs on the last whorl are obsolete and the spirals fainter ; the spire of D. acrybia is shorter in proportion to the last whorl, the canal is longer, there is one less whorl in the adult shell, the fasciole is less excavated, the suture more appressed, and consequently less evident. In all other re- spects the shells closely resemble one another. Lon. of shell, 10.0; of last whorl, 6.0 ; of aperture, 4.0 ; max. lat. of shell, 4.0 mm. The same measure- ments in D. pharcida, of the same maturity, are, lon. of shell, 11.75 ; of last whorl, 6.25 ; of aperture, 4.5 ; max. lat. of shell, 4.0 mm. Habitat. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2668, in 294 fms., sand, off Fer- nandina, Florida, temperature 46°. 3. Also in 136 fms., off the coast of Florida, Dr. W. H. Rush. It is quite possible that the remarkable variability which I have so often referred to among the deep-sea shells may have been operating here, and that these shells are merely an extreme variety of D. pharcida. I have not mate- rial enough to prove this. But if the two shells were dredged from shallow water, they would not, I think, be questioned as distinct species by any one who carefully studied them. Drillia tristicha n. s. Shell white, elongated, acute, with a rounded vitreous white two-whorled nucleus and nine succeeding whorls ; spiral sculpture of three principal strong threads, enlarged where they pass over the ribs, four more on the base of the last whorl, about eight somewhat weaker ones on the canal, and a single one in front of and marginating the suture ; the interspaces are wide, and upon them and over the fasciole are wound numerous fine, sharp, undulating, secon- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 89 dary spiral threads ; all these cross (on the penultimate whorl) fourteen even, rounded, narrow riblets, with narrower interspaces, which start at the anterior edge of the fasciole, cross the whorl, and fail on the canal ; suture distinct, wavy ; fasciole obscure, not excavated ; whorls rounded ; varix stout, thick, and rounded ; aperture narrow, notch strongly marked, round ; outer lip thin, without lirae ; inner lip with a thin, smooth, elevated callus ; canal distinct, rather long and narrow, not recurved;, pillar straight. Lon. of shell, 23.0; of last whorl, 12.5; of aperture, 9.7; max. lat. of shell, 5.5 mm. Habitat. Gulf of Mexico, between the delta of the Mississippi and Cedar Keys, Florida, at U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2377, 2399, and 2402, in 210, 196, and 111 fms., mud, temperature 52° to 67° F. B. Nearly smooth ribbed species. Drillia ebur Reeve. Pleurotoma ebur Reeve, P. Z. S., 1845, p. 116; Conch. Icon., pi. xxx. fig. 275, Dec, 1845. Clavus ebur Tryon, Man., VI. p. 188, pi. xiii. fig. 56. Habitat. Cape Hatteras to Florida, living, in 14 to 50 fms. Also at Station 10, Gulf of Mexico, in 34 fms. ; Station 22, in 95 fms.; Station 36, in 84 fms.; off Sombrero, in 54 fms. ; all specimens dead. These shells were probably adventitious in the localities where found by the Blake, having perhaps been disgorged by fishes. This species forms a sort of transition to the preceding section. The nucleus is peculiar in being almost entirely sculptured with strong radiating riblets, and a little later with close-set fine spirals. This character varies somewhat in strength, but is sufficiently well marked in all the specimens I have examined to be regarded as characteristic of the species as far as known. Drillia fucata Reeve. Pleurotoma fucata Reeve, P. Z. S. 1845, p. 110; Conch. Icon., fig. 169. Pleurotoma paria Reeve, Conch. Icon., fig. 334, Jan., 1846. Habitat. Coast of North Carolina, off Cape Fear, in 14 fms., sand, to St. Thomas and Haiti. This is the variety with numerous (about 16) ribs, which is the typical form. This species in all its forms is larger than D. ebur Reeve, and has the usual smooth, vitreous Drillia nucleus ; it is proportionally shorter and has the last whorl stouter than any of its near connections. It is covered with fine spiral threading, which in well developed specimens is beautifully reticulated by very close, fine, sharp, elevated incremental lines, visible in the interspaces. The number and stoutness of the ribs varies greatly. There are specimens without any ribs; I have one from Samana Bay, Santo Domingo. The variety paria Reeve has six or eight ribs, is pale colored, and ranges from the West Indies to Cape Fear, North Carolina. 90 BULLETIN OF THE Drillia pagodula n. b. Plate XIII. Fig. 6. Shell resembling D. fucata, but much more slender, the fasciole less im- pressed, the spiral sculpture of fine engraved lines and the aperture smaller and much more narrow. Nucleus glassy, rounded, two-whorled ; shell with eight or nine strongly ribbed whorls; spiral sculpture, sometimes obsolete near the suture, of extremely fine, wavy, close-set, incised lines; transverse sculpture of (on the penultimate whorl 9 to 11) nearly straight stout ribs ex- tending from the suture over the periphery and lost on the base ; fasciole not well marked; suture distinct, somewhat appressed, undulated by passing over the ribs; surface more or less lustrous; color white, spirally banded with rich yellow brown, sometimes on the periphery, sometimes on the base, etc., but the fasciole is usually white and the ribs are apt to show white, wholly or in part on the yellow, when present. Aperture short, narrow, with hardly any canal; notch large and deeper than wide; outer lip thin, not internally lirate; throat white; inner lip a little callous; pillar short, simple; canal very short, not differentiated from the aperture ; varix stout and prominent. Max. Ion. of shell, 18.0; of last whorl, 9.0; of aperture, 6.3; max. lat. of shell, 5.8 mm. Habitat. West of Florida, in 50 fms. ; off Havana, Sigsbee, in 119-175 fms. ; Station 177, in 118 fms., sand, off Dominica, temperature 65°. 0 ; Stations 273, 282, and 290, near Barbados, in 73 to 154 fms., coral and sand, temperature 56° to 71° F. This species may be pure white, banded with yellow brown or spotted be- tween the ribs with pink or brown. A young shell, similar to the above but stouter, with the tip white, the whorls whitish and the summits of the five ribs brownish, was dredged by the Fish Commission in 49 fms., off Cape Hatteras, N. C. The ribs are continuous from base to summit and the cross-section of the shell forms an exact pentagon with rounded angles. The ribs are not continuous, except accidentally, in those previously described; but this may perhaps be an extreme variety (for which the name ■pentagonalis may be used) of D. pagodula. The indications are that it is the young of a distinct species. Ldn. of shell, 7.0 ; of last whorl (there are four beside the nucleus), 5.0 ; max. lat. of shell, 3.0 mm. There are two similar specimens. The Manyilia pentagonalis (Gray) Reeve is a smaller and much more slender shell. Drillia coccinata Reeve. Pleurotoma coccinata Reeve, P. Z. S., 1845, p. 118 ; Conch. Icon. sp. 299, Dec, 1845. Habitat. Station 128, off Santa Cruz, in 180 fms. ; Station 272, in 76 fms., Barbados. Living, in 16 fms., Samana Bay, Santo Domingo, Couthouy. The shell varies from white to brown or rose-pink, and may be stout or slender, with 8 or 10 ribs on the last whorl. The fasciole is always well excavated and smooth. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 91 Drillia thea var. carminura Dall. Drillia thea Dall, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI. p. 328, pi. x. fig. 5, Dec, 1883. Habitat. Barbados, 100 fms. Coasts of Florida, Dall, Hemphill, and Dr. Rush. Since the original dusky type was described, the color of wet tea leaves, Hemphill has sent a paler variety with a narrow peripheral brown band. This was found at Cedar Keys, and by Dr. Rush also at Turtle Harbor. A still paler form without any band was dredged by the U. S. Fish Commission in 111 fms., in the Gulf of Mexico, at Station 2402. In this specimen the nucleus was of a lovely bright carmine color. This form, which is probably peculiar to deep water, may take the varietal name of carminura. It has seven whorls beside the nucleus, of a lemonade color, with nine ribs on the penulti- mate whorl, rather straighter than in the type and less swollen on the periph- ery. Lon. 11.5, lat. 4.0 mm. The Barbados specimens appear to be of the same sort, but are dead and faded. Drillia? Simpsoni Dall. Pleurotoma {Mangilia?) Simpsoni Dall, Proc. Davenport Acad. Sciences, V. p. 54, Nov., 1887. Habitat. U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2607 and 2619, off the coast of North Carolina, in 15 to 18 fms., sand, fifteen to twenty-five miles off shore. Tampa Bay, Florida, Simpson. Fragments of this pretty little species and a nearly adult specimen were obtained as above, thus greatly increasing its known geographical range. Its genus is still uncertain, but I think, in my second specimen, through the translucent shell, I can distinguish an operculum attached to the dried animal. Drillia lissotropis Dall. Plate XI. Figs. 3, 4. Pleurotoma (Mangilia) lissotropis Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 58, August, 1881. ? Pleurotoma (Manyelia) hypsela Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc, XV. p. 433, Oct., 1881. Chall. Gastr., p. 341, pi. xxi. fig. 4, 1885. Habitat. Station 20, 220 fms., Gulf of Mexico; off Havana, in 127 fms. ; Station 273, near Barbados, in 103 fms. ; Stations 282 and 290, off Barbados, in 154 and 73 fms., coral; Station 134, near Santa Cruz, in 248 fms., coarse sand. Range of temperatures, 54°. 5 to 71° F. Mr. Watson's specimen is not sufficiently perfect to decide with certainty, but it looks very much like the present species. The examination of better material since the first description was made shows this species to have the 92 BULLETIN OF THE regular Drillia aperture and nucleus, and it is therefore referred to that genua. The curvature and number of the ribs vary slightly, and the spaces between are indifferently perfectly smooth, or finely spirally striate, especially toward the anterior end of the shell. This species differs from D. Verrillii, with which it has many points in com- mon, in the absence of the angulation of the ribs at the periphery, the longer and more slender form of both shell and riblets, and in D. Verrillii the absence of any spiral sculpture except the fasciole and a few coarse threads on the canal. These shells are so very small and polished that it is extremely diffi- cult for an artist in pure line-work to represent them adequately. Only lithog- raphy with its delicate mutations of shade can do it properly. For this reason our figures of this species and D. Verrillii are less satisfactory than most of these which represent rougher and larger shells. Drillia? Dalli Verriix. Pleurotoma Dalli Verrill, Trans. Conn. Acad.,V p. 451, pi. lvii. figs. 1, la, April, 1882. Habitat. Variety acloneta, Station 206, near Martinique, in 170 fins., fine sand, temperature 49° F. ; U. S. Fish Commission Station 2668, in 294 fms., gray sand, off Fernandina, Fla., temperature 46°.3. Variety cestrota, Station 2399, in 196 fms., mud, in the Gulf of Mexico, between the delta of the Mis- sissippi and Cedar Keys, Fla., temperature 51°. 6. Typical form, off Martha's Vineyard, in 94 to 143 fms., and off Delaware Bay, in 104 fms. This species, recognizable by its large blunt tip and brownish livid streaks or tint, is notably variable. The type is obscurely ribbed; on the upper whorls the ribs are a little stronger. The variety which I have called acloneta is totally without ribs, and for this reason the fasciole is less apparent. The variety cestrota, on the other hand, has the ribs much stronger than in the typical form, and closer set; they even undulate the fasciole a little. The three forms of this species, with their connecting varieties, illustrate in a character- istic manner the mutability of these archibenthal species. Drillia nucleata Dall. Plate XI. Fig. 1. Pleurotoma (Drillia) nucleata Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 62, Aug. 12, 1881. ? Pleurotoma (Drillia) amblia Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc, XVI. p. 249, March, 1882. 1 Clionella amblia Watson, Chall. Gastr., p. 373, pi. xxii. fig. 12, 1885. Habitat. Gulf of Mexico, Station 5, in 229 fms., and Station 43, in 339 fms. Antilles, ^ Ccmbrero, in 54 fms., an1 Station 230, off St. Vincent, in 464 fms., ooze. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2644, off Cape Florida, in 193 fms., sand, temperature 43°.4 F. 1 Challenger expedition, off Culebra Island, in 390 fms., ooze. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 93 It would seem, from the figure of Mr. Watson's imperfect type specimen, as if it must approach very closely to one of the varieties probably of D. nucleata, or possibly of D. Dalli. There are, however, in the Fish Commission dredgings, half a dozen ex- tremely puzzling forms of this general character, which further study and material are needed to elucidate. Drillia Verrillii Dall. Plate XI. Fie. 3. Pleurotoma (Drillia) Verrillii Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 68, August, 1881. Habitat. Station 19, 310 fms.; Station 20, in 220 fms. ; both in the Gulf of Mexico. This small, but very elegant species, is referred to under the head of D. lis- sotropis, to which it is related. It differs in its smaller size, shorter whorls, absence of fine spiral striae, and in the short stout ribs, swollen and angulated at the periphery. Drillia havanensis Dall. Plate XI. Fig. 5. Pleurotoma [Drillia) havanensis Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 67, August, 1881. Habitat. Station 16, 262 fms. ; Station 19, 310 fms. ; Sigsbee, off Havana, 450 fms. ; Yucatan Strait, 640 fms. No more specimens of this species have been found in the collection. Clio- nella aglaophanes Watson should be compared with it. Drillia premorra n. s. Plate XI. Fig. 18. Shell waxen white, with a vitreous white smooth rounded nucleus of nearly two whorls and eight subsequent sculptured whorls. Spiral sculpture of an undulated more or less nodulous narrow band in front of the suture, separated by the fasciole from an angulation, which in the upper whorls is peripheral, and on the last whorl forms a well marked shoulder ; in front of this on the upper whorls are one to three, and on the last whorl between the angle and the anterior end of the canal about a dozen, small sharply elevated threads with much wider interspaces, threads which are, where they intersect the trans- verse ridges, modified by small sharp noduktions. Transverse sculpture of (on the last whorl 14 to 18) sharp-edged low narrow oblique strongly bent ridges rather than ribs, evanescent on the base and fasciole, but corresponding 94 BULLETIN OF THE to the elevations on the presutural band ; these are proportionally stronger and more prominent near the apex, and become obsolete on the last part of the last whorl ; suture distinct ; whorls moderately full ; base subconic, slightly constricted for the short canal ; incremental lines distinct, stronger on the last whorl; fasciole somewhat excavated, smooth except for the curved incremental lines ; surface of the shell rather vitreous ; aperture of the (not adult) shell rather wide ; anal notch wide, rather shallow ; outer lip arched ; canal hardly differentiated, short, narrow; pillar straight, anteriorly attenuated. Max. Ion. of shell, 9.5 ; of last whorl, 5.2 ; of aperture (not quite adult), 3.5 ; max. lat. of shell, 3.5 mm. Habitat. Gulf of Mexico, at Station 100, off Morro Light, in 400 fms. This, after thorough study, seems distinct from any described form, and, though not adult, is without doubt a Drillia. Specimens on which the trans- verse sculpture is exceptionally strong have a somewhat different aspect, and are rougher than the one figured. The sculpture is sharp, and the angle of the bent ridges is peculiarly abrupt. The surface is not shagreened, though the aspect of the shell recalls that of some of the shagreened Mangilias. C. Shells smooth, vitreous. Drillia oleacina Dall. Plate XI. Fie. 8. Pleurotoma (Drillia) oleacina Dall, Bull. M. C. Z , IX. p. 66, August, 1881. Habitat. Gulf of Mexico, at Station 21, in 287 fms., and off Morro Light, Havana, in 292 fms. Antilles, Station 261, riear Grenada, in 340 fms. The most perfect specimens of this form under magnification show fine spiral incised lines over the last whorl, but to the naked eye the vitreous glis- tening surface appears perfectly polished. It is possible that these species would belong to the group of Spirotropis, to which similar shells have been referred, but'it is hardly worth while to put them there until the dentition is known. Drillia smirna Dall. Plate XI. Fig. 7. Pleurotoma {Drillia) smirna Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 66, August, 1881. Habitat. Gulf of Mexico, off Cape San Antonio, 413 fms., and Station 100, off Morro Light, Havana, in 400 fms. Also at U. S. Fish Commission Station 2150, near Old Providence, W. L, in 382 fms., ooze, temperature 46°. 0 F. With the exception of the type, the specimens found so far are all quite young.. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 95 Drillia lithocolleta Watson. Plate XI. Fig. 6. Pleurotoma {'fyphlomangelia) lithocolleta Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc, XV. p. 441, Oct., 1881. Chall. Gastr., p. 320, pi. xxiv. fig. 6, 1885. Habitat. Station 163, near Guadelupe, in 769 fms., sand, temperature 39°.75 F. Also at U. S. Fish Commission Station 2384, in the Gulf of Mexico, between the delta of the Mississippi and Cedar Keys, Florida, in 940 fms., mud ; Stations 2676 and 2677, off Cape Fear. North Carolina, in 407 and 478 fms., mud and sand, temperature 39° to 46° F. Off Sombrero, in 450 fms., ooze, Challenger Expedition. This very beautiful species, of which some specimens reach a length of 27.0 mm., seems to have a wide distribution. The operculum is rather thin and wide, shaped like that of Drillia. The specimen figured, the only one col- lected by the Blake, is immature. Subsequently, the Fish Commission sent in much finer specimens. The larger ones show a tendency to a flesh or salmon tint in the columellar region. Section CYiMATOSYRINX Dall. We now come to a group of Drillias which have a family resemblance to Pleurotoma lunata Lea, of the Miocene of Virginia, and are doubtless derived from the same sto^k. That species, of which the type is before me as I write, is larger, stouter, and finer in development than any of its recent relatives, but there is a singularly uniform facies to them all. D. pallida Sowerby, from the west coast of America at Panama, is apparently to be included in the same group. For these, should a sectional name be required, since they are dis- tinctly not typical species of Crassispira, the name Cymatosyrinx might be applied. The type would be Lea's species above referred to. Drillia? centimata n. s. Plate XXXVI. Fig. 9. Shell pure white, with a pointed turrited spire, a brownish glossy rounded nucleus of two and a half whorls, and nine or ten subsequent whorls ; fasciole wide, sloping, reaching to the somewhat appressed suture, smooth except for the deeply arched incremental lines ; transverse sculpture, aside from lines of growth, of thirteen or fourteen peripheral nodules, well elevated, and on the last whorl somewhat elongated and obliquely set ; there is no spiral sculpture even on the canal ; the fasciole is so wide, and the whorls increase so rapidly, that the shell has a peculiarly conical aspect ; base moderately rounded; aper- ture moderately wide, with a very wide and deep anal notch, and the outer 96 BULLETIN OF THE lip correspondingly curved forward, arched, and thin ; inner lip with a moder- ate callus ; pillar simple, slender, much twisted, the canal short, rather wide, and flaring a little at the end. Max. Ion. of shell, 22.5; of last whorl, 12.5; of aperture, including the canal, 9.5; max. lat. of shell, 9.0 mm. There is no varix behind the aperture. Habitat. Station 31, in the Gulf of Mexico, in 1920 fins., lat. 24° 33', Ion. 84° 23' W., temperature 39°.5. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2383, between the delta of the Mississippi and Cedar Keys, Florida, in 1181 fms., mud; Station 2678, off Cape Fear, North Carolina, in 731 fms., ooze, tem- perature 38°. 7 F. This fine but rather rude-looking species is particularly characterized by the prominence of its nodules, and the long slope back from them to the su- ture, and its pointed spire. The absence of the varix suggests that it may eventually prove not to be a Drillia ; the soft parts in our specimens having contracted so far into the spire as to be inaccessible. Drillia sepynota n. s. Plate XXXVI. Fig. 10. Shell short, stout, with a smooth rounded whitish inflated nucleus of two whorls and eight subsequent whorls; color whitish or pale madder brown ; spiral sculpture of obsolete spiral striae, generally a little wavy, and often absent from a part or the whole of the shell ; they are strongest on the base, but are generally so faint as not to interrupt the apparent smoothness of the surface nor to be perceptible without a lens ; suture appressed, undulated over the ribs ; fasciole narrow, excavated, smooth except for lines of growth and the undulations due to the ribbing ; transverse sculpture of rather faint growth lines and of (on the last whorl 12) strong, stout rounded ribs, strongest in front of the fasciole where they end bluntly, extending across the whorl and disappearing only on the canal ; the interspaces are about equal to the ribs, which are slightly obliquely set; varix large, stout, simple; outer lip in front of it thin, arched,. not internally Urate; aperture rather narrow; notch subcircular ; inner lip and pillar with an elevated rather thick callus ; pillar concave ; canal short, distinct, deep, curved to the right in the adult; siphonal fasciole distinct. Max. Ion. of shell, 15.5 ; of last whorl, 8.75 ; of aperture, 5.5 ; max. lat. of shell, 6.2 mm. Habitat. Off Cape Hatteras, N. C, at U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2592, 2595, 2600, 2601, 2602, and 2606, in from 25 to 120 fms., mud and sand, tem- perature ranging from 58° to 77° F. This strongly marked little species may be readily distinguished from D. ebur Reeve, found with it, and of somewhat similar appearance, by the absence of the spiral threads, the more prominent whorls, the stouter ribs, and the more deeply excavated suture. It is a miniature edition of D. lunata Lea. February 11, 1889. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 97 Drillia Moseri n. 8. Plate XXXVI. Fig 3. Shell varying from a rich rose color, with paler bands on the base, fasciole, etc., to yellowish white ; nucleus as usual in Drillia with two whorls followed by nine or ten subsequent whorls ; spiral sculpture of numerous very shallow grooves with wider flat interspaces ; the grooves are cross-striated by close-set fine elevated incremental lines ; this sculpture is very easily eroded and some- times nearly absent ; transverse sculpture of about eleven strong wave-like ribs with wider interspaces, the crests rounded ; these extend from the suture to the base, -and are narrowed and curved like the top of an interrogation point when they pass over the fasciole ; the fasciole is constricted rather than exca- vated, the grooving is closer and finer than on the rest of the shell, and if the shell is colored the fasciole is paler; the whorl is strongly appressed at the suture and a little undulated by the ribs ; the aperture is rather narrow ; the notch large and rounded; the callus thick and elevated, the pillar nearly straight; the canal short, wide, turned to the right, the siphonal fasciole strong ; the varix large and stout. Max. Ion. of shell, 30.0 ; of last whorl, 15.5 ; of aperture, 11.0 ; max. lat. of shell, 10.0 mm. Habitat. West of Florida, in 15 fms.; St. Martin's Reef, South Florida, in 3 fms., Lieut. J. F. Moser, U. S. N. ; Sarasota Bay, one specimen, H. Hemp- hill ; U. S. Fish Commission Station 2596, 17 miles E. S. E. of Cape Hatteras, N. C, in 49 fms., sand, temperature 75° F. This shell, when pink, is one of the prettiest of the small shells on our southeastern coast. It is respectfully dedicated to Lieut. Moser, whose collec- tions while engaged on surveys in Florida often contributed material of much interest for the study of the Floridian marine fauna. Genus BORSONIA Bellardi. Borsonia Bellardi, Bull. Soc. Ge'ol. de France, X. p. 30, 1838. Mon. Pleurotome del Piemonte, p. 83, tav. iv. fig. 13 (D. prima Bell), 1847. Shell pleurotomoid, with a single plication of the columella near the middle of the inner lip. Subgenus BORSONIA s. s. Borsonia ceroplasta and B. sericea Watson, the former from 390 fms., mud, near Culebra Island, and the other from off Pernambuco, in 350 fms., red mud, belong to the typical section of the genus. vol. xvur. 7 98 BULLETIN OF THE Subgenus CORDIERIA Rouault. Cordieria Rouault, Bull. Soc. Ge'ol. de France, 2me ser., V. p. 207, February, 1848. fAphanitoma Bellardi, Moll. Terz. Piemonte, pt. ii. p. 241, 1877. ? Scobinella Conrad, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 2d ser., I. p. 120, August, 1848. Type, 5. ccelata Conr., /. c, pi. xii. figs. 8, 9. The type of Scobinella has the anal sinus of a Pleurotoma and the plaits of a Mitra (4 or 5) diminishing in size forward. Cordieria has two plaits, which are high up, not anterior, like those of Mitra. In some specimens the second plait is not deposited until a little later than the first, and lags behind it, so that it is not always visible. From this fact has been derived the erroneous assumption that the same species may have, indifferently, one or two plaits. I have not seen Aphanitoma, which Tryon unites with Scobinella ; but, whether this be just or not, it appears to me that Scobinella is different from Cordieria and sufficiently distinct from Borsonia. As far as I can judge, Tryon was right in suspecting that none of the Borsonias in his Manual belong to the genus. They probably belong to Eucheilodon, Glyphostoma, or Clathurella. The pres- ent species, however, is genuine, and typical to a very high degree. The genus remounts to the Cretaceous. Cordieria Rouaultii n. s. Plate XXXVI. Fie. 11. Shell yellowish white with a pink vertex and the interspaces between the ribs of a pink brown, generally rather pale ; whorls seven or eight, two of which belong to the nucleus ; nucleus glassy polished, smooth, swollen, rounded, its second whorl with an obsolete peripheral keel ; remainder of the shell with rather strong sculpture ; spiral sculpture of three or four strong and a few much finer ridges between the sutures and in front of the anal fasciole ; on the last whorl these continue over the base and canal ; the anal fasciole shows only traces of the finer spiral threads; transverse sculpture (1) of nine stout short waves, or rounded ribs, with narrower interspaces, beginning in front of the fasciole and obsolete in front of the whorl toward the canal ; (2) of rather coarse, strong, and somewhat irregular incremental lines ; (3) where the fasci- ole borders on the suture, the arched incremental lines are crowded into a series of not very regular plications, which form a band or series in front of the suture ; the fasciole is slightly excavated ; the surface of the shell carries a yellowish opaque thin epidermis ; whorls moderately rounded ; base sub- conical ; canal short, rather large, slightly recurved and flaring at the tip ; anal sinus rounded, rather shallow ; outer lip convexly arched, sharp-edged, with or without a rib behind it, according to the stage of growth, with no varix; aperture narrow, long Urate in the throat; columell a straight, near its junction with the body having two strong plaits, which continue in- ternally to the apex of the shell ; inner lip with a coat of callus, somewhat MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 99 reflected anteriorly in the adult. Max. Ion. of shell, 13.6; of last whorl, 8.0 ; max. lat. of shell, 5.0 mm. Habitat. Stations 272 and 273, at Barbados, in 76-103 fms., over a bottom of coral and broken shells, bottom temperature 59° to 65° F. This shell, owing to the coarseness of its sculpture, has a somewhat rude appearance, and is very characteristic. Except for the plaits on the pillar, it recalls Pleurotoma (Drillia) pagoda, Reeve. Genus MANGILTA (Leach) Risso. This genus is used in a manner which includes all the Pleurotomidce with- out opercula, as adopted by Dr. Paul Fischer; though this, of course, is a much wider sense than that in which it was originally employed. Cythara Schumacher is an older name, but it was applied to a particularly modified species and will better be retained with its original limits. For the purposes of this paper the following groups have been admitted: — Subgenus Aforia Dall. Shell large, strong, fusiform ; anal notch large, away from the suture. Type, Pleurotoma circinata Dall (insignis Jeffreys), Bering Strait and Aleutian Islands. Subgenus Cythara Schumacher (C. striata Schum.). Subgenus Daphnella Hinds. Section Daphnella s. s. (D. lymnceiformis Kiener). Section Eubela Dall (D. limacina Dall). Subgenus G-lyphostoma Gabb (G. dentifera Gabb). Subgenus Mangilia Risso s. s. (M. costulata Risso). Subgenus Pleurotomella Verrill (P. Packardi Verrill). 1 Section Gxjmnobela Verrill {G. curta Verrill). Subgenus Taranis Jeffreys (T. Mbrchii Malm). Subgenus AFORIA Dall. This group has the shell of a typical Pleurotoma, but has no operculum; the typical species reaches three or four inches in length, is strongly carinated above the periphery, and the wide rather deep anal sulcus is nearer to the carina than to the suture. The following species is only provisionally referred to this group, as the soft parts are unknown. ? Aforia hypomela Dall. Shell thin, white, fusiform, with a very thin straw-colored epidermis ; nu- cleus white, vitreous, of one and a half turns, polished, nearly smooth with faint spiral lines and lines of growth ; subsequent whorls seven, spirally sculp- tured with (1) a moderate angulation just behind the periphery of the last whorl, which becomes sharper and peripheral on the earlier whorls ; in front of this the whorls are ornamented with numerous rounded threads, separated by much 100 BULLETIN OF THE wider somewhat channelled interspaces; on the upper whorls there are 3-6 of these threads, on the last whorl they extend to the anterior end of the canal, becoming more crowded anteriorly; behind the carina the shell is smoother, there are faint spirals, hardly raised, and sparser over the centre of the fasciole than on each side of it; there is no distinct secondary striation; transverse sculpture of faint incremental lines, which rise more or less into little wrin- kles at the suture, and sometimes undulate the peripheral angulation on the apical whorls ; suture distinct ; whorls moderately full ; aperture ovate ; canal nearly straight, not wide; pillar so twisted as to form a pervious coil ex- tending the whole length of the axis, thin, simple ; outer lip thin, modified by the sculpture; notch wide, shallow, half-way between the suture and the carina; outer lip strongly arched forward. Max. Ion. of shell, 47.0 ; of last whorl, 34.0; max. lat. of shell, 15.6 mm. Habitat. South of Cuba at U. S. Fish Commission Station 2127, in 1639 fins., mud. This fine and fragile shell recalls Pleurotoma Catherines Verrill, which has the fasciole at the suture, and probably belongs to a different section. There is nothing like it in the Challenger collection. Subgenus CYTHARA Schumacher. Cythara Schumacher, Essai, p. 245, 1817. Type, Cancel/aria citharella Lamarck (not Cithara Klein). Mangelia Reeve, Conch. Icon , III., 18J6. (Same type.) Not Mangelia Leach and Risso, 1826. Eucithara Fischer, Manual, p. 593, 1883. Cithara Klein, 1753, is not binomial, and is a synonym of Harpa Rumphius, 1705, if pre-Linnean names are to be considered. Whether we consider them or not, Cithara Klein, being itself a synonym, cannot stand in the way of a proper use of the name such as that made by Schumacher. Mangelia Reeve is founded on the same identical type as Cythara Schumacher, and is not the same as the Mangelia of Risso and Leach, properly spelled Mangilia. There are several species known from our southern waters. Of these there is some doubt as to their absolute pertinence to the group of C. striata Schum. (= C. citharella Lam.), which cannot be cleared up until the soft parts of both are known ; but, so far as the shell is concerned, they appear to be closely related. The shells which are known from our coasts and seem to be appropriately re- ferred here are C. astricta Reeve, which has been found by Hemphill in Florida among the Keys. C. balteata Reeve (non Auct.), which extends from North Carolina southward and is far from rare in Florida, is a very variable shell, es- pecially in regard to slenderness and number of ribs. It can usually be deter- mined by the microscopic character of its surface, covered with fine, close, even frosted spirals, and by its general aspect. The brown band present in so many of this group is not invariably present in any species. C. biconica C B. Adams MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 101 has the same distribution, hut is more abundant. It is a good and well-marked species. Of the group having a polygonal cross-section and translucent glassy shells on which the sharp transverse ribs run from canal to nucleus without a break across all the whorls, there are several forms. These perhaps should be referred to a particular section of typical Mangilia rather than to any part of Cythara, but I will mention them here. Mangilia psila Bush, when fresh, is pink-tipped and transparent. It is the northern representative of M. lanceolata Adams, which in the Antilles grows much larger and has spiral color lines. M. muricoides Adams, a species of the same general characters, is larger and stouter. I have seen in only from Barbados. Cythara Bartlettii n. s. Plate XII. Fig. 6. Plate XIV. Figs. 5, 8. Shell oval, spire rather acute ; nucleus glassy, dark Lrovvn, inflated, of a whorl and a half, followed by five normal whorls ; color pale yellowish, with irregular touches of pale brown especially on the varix ; spiral sculpture of numerous fine subequal rounded little-raised threads, with wider interspaces, covering the whole shell and stronger on the canal; transverse sculpture of (1) extremely fine close parallel hardly raised incremental lines, visible only with the glass, and traversing the spiral interspaces with great regularity and perfect uniformity ; (2) on the antepenultimate whorl about twenty narrow, little raised, long rounded riblets, starting from the suture and fading away on the base ; the spirals run smoothly over the ribs ; fasciole only visible in the curve of the incremental lines; notch narrow, rounded, not deep ; outer lip re- inforced in the adult by a rather thick rounded varix from which the thin sharp edge of the lip stands out prominently, arched forward in the middle, and is not contracted for the canal ; inner lip simple, pillar obliquely trimmed off in front, otherwise straight ; canal short, wide, not differentiated from the aper- ture. Max. Ion. of shell, 10.0 ; of last whorl, 7.5 ; lat. of shell, 4.75 mm. Habitat. Off Havana, in 127 to 450 fms.; Barbados, 100 fms. ; Station 132, near Santa Cruz, in 115 fms., rocky bottom, temperature 65° F. ; also at Key West, between tides, on algoe, H. Hemphill. The sculpture of this form, when fresh, is very inconspicuous, and the shell looks almost smooth. It is perhaps the smoothest of the group, and may be distinguished in this way from the others. The young shell has very much the aspect of some of the northern species of Bela. Cythara cymella n. s. Plate XII. Fig. 4. Shell long, slender, subhyaline, polished, having a small subglobular, vitre- ous, tilted nucleus of one and a half whorls, and five and a half subsequent whorls ; color translucent, with a faint yellowish band in front of the suture, 102 BULLETIN OF THE visible between the ribs, and two or three spiral series of faint spots on the ribs in front of the yellow on the last whorl, or all whitish ; spiral sculpture of numerous fine impressed lines, strongest on the ribs of which they faintly crenu- late the crests, and well marked on the canal where the interspaces are slightly raised and rounded ; transverse sculpture of (on the last whorl ten) elevated ribs, not continuous from whorl to whorl, extending from suture to canal, thin and slightly curved behind the periphery, a little swollen on the periphery and in front of it again diminishing; suture somewhat appressed, undulated by the ribs; aperture long, narrow; notch rounded, not deep ; varix behind the outer lip resembling a stronger rib; outer lip strongly arched forward, thin; canal long, rather narrow ; inner lip simple ; columella straight, obliquely trimmed off in front ; whorls moderately rounded under the ribs. Max. Ion. of shell, 12.5 ; of last whorl, 9.0 ; max. lat. of shell, 4.5 mm. Habitat. Gulf of Mexico, at Station 20, in 220 fms. ; Barbados, 100 fms. ; Station 259, near Grenada, in 159 fms., bottom temperature 53°. 5 F. This elegant species recalls the smooth C. funiculata of Reeve, from the Philippines. Like the other species spoken of, when absolutely adult the lips of the aperture are probably finely crenulated, but none of the specimens re- ceived show this stage of growth. Subgenus DAPHNELLA Hinds. Section Daphnella s. s. Shell generally brightly colored, cancellated, or re- ticulated ; the outer lip slightly thickened internally in the adult. Type, Pleu- rotoma lymiveiformis Kiener. West Indies. These forms are, in the main, shallow-water species. I have been unable to find a specimen of the type with the larval shell intact. Most of the other species have the Sinusigera nucleus, but some have a glassy one. The sinus may be shallow or deep. Section Eubela Dall. Shell smooth, glossy, with a sutural band, the outer lip sharp, a shallow anal sinus, and a short angular canal recalling that of Trichotropis. Type, Daphnella limacina Dall. These forms are few, and the type is a deep-water mollusk widely distributed. Section DAPHNELLA s. s. Daphnella leucophlegma Dall. Plate IX. Fig. 9. Pleurotoma (Daphnella?) leucophlegma Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 70, 1881. Habitat. Station 2, 805 fms. This species is the only one of the typical Daphnellas which is white. Its nucleus is small and glassy. The shell has a resemblance to some varieties of Dolophanes Gabbii, but has a different nucleus and canal, while there in no trace of a siphonal fasciole. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 103 Daphnella corbicula n. s. Plate XIV. Fig. 7. Shell yellowish with pale brown flammules, with a brown Sinusigera nucleus of three whorls, high and slender, and five or more subsequent whorls ; sculp- ture on the early whorls of two very strong elevated threads, at a later time there are two intercalary, not quite so strong ; on the last whorl there are about ten strong primaries in all, partly on the back of the canal, about five intercalaries on the body of the whorl, and on all the unoccupied area very fine numerous granulous or frosty spiral threads ; on the fasciole there are no other spirals ; transverse sculpture (1) of fine sharp incremental lines, which produce the shagreening of the tertiary spirals ; (2) of numerous elevated rounded threads, which reticulate the stronger spirals, induce little nodes at the intersections, and extend from the front margin of the fasciole for- ward over the whole whorl, disappearing only on the back of the canal ; the interstices are deep, and nearly square ; whorls rounded, shouldered by the strong posterior primary spiral thread ; canal nearly straight, very wide, hardly differentiable from the aperture ; pillar nearly straight with little callus ; outer lip thin, crenulated by the sculpture ; notch at the suture narrow, and about 1.0 mm. deep ; suture appressed, not very distinct. Max. Ion. of shell, 11.2; of last whorl, 8.0; max. lat. of shell, 4.7 mm. Habitat. Barbados, 100 fms. U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2595 and 2596, in 49-63 fms., sand, 20 miles off Cape Hatteras, N. C, bottom tempera- ture 75°. 0 F. The specimen figured is from Hatteras. The bold sculpture of this species is very recognizable, — even a small fragment can be easily identified, — and it is not very much like any of the other described species. Daphnella reticulosa n. s. Plate X. Fie. 10. Shell small, translucent white or yellowish, of porcellanous texture, with a Sinusigera nucleus, followed by five and a half normal whorls ; general shape elegantly fusiform, but with a rather blunt-ended canal ; spiral sculpture of fine even rounded elevated threads, nearly uniform all over the shell, about half as wide as the interspaces in most of which run an extremely fine inter- calary thread ; the primary threads average about eight in the breadth of a millimeter; transverse sculpture, first, of very fine distinct uniform lines of growth about twice as numerous in the same space as the primary spiral threads, which last are beautifully reticulated and to some extent rendered nodulous, or rather minutely wavy, by the intersections ; secondly, on the earlier whorls, of rather stout distant rounded riblets or waves seven or eight to a whorl, most distinct on the first whorl and entirely evanescent on the last two whorls ; 104 BULLETIN OF THE these are slightly oblique, and extend from the anterior margin of the anal fas- ciole to the suture in front; whorls a little irregular in form; suture strongly appressed; sculpture, as usual, less strong, but still perfectly distinct, on the fasciole; the notch rather deep, semicircular behind. Aperture longer than half the shell, moderately narrow, with the canal well defined and somewhat curved to the right ; outer lip thickened within, slightly dentate at the margin from the spiral sculpture ; a slight callus on the body and pillar, well inside the aperture ; pillar nearly straight. Lon. of shell, 11.5; of last whorl, 9.0; of aperture, 7.0 ; lat. of shell, 5.2 ; of aperture, 2.0 mrn. Habitat. Station 272, in 76 fms., off Barbados, hard bottom, coarse sand and shell ; temperature of bottom water, 65°.0 F. This is an extremely pretty little shell, not properly of the deep-sea fauna, perhaps, but apparently undescribed and (except for its stronger sculpture) bearing a curious resemblance in miniature to Pleurotomella Emerto lii. Daphnella pompholyx n. s. Plate XXXVI. Fig. 4. Shell thin, inflated, polished, with a brown Sinusigera nucleus of three whorls, and five subsequent whorls ; color yellowish white, with faint axially directed streaks and blotches of olive brown, and articulating dots of the same in the region of the canal ; spiral sculpture of faint close-set scratches or half- obsolete minute threads more or less visible over the whole surface, and on the last whorl in front of the fasciole about twenty-five channelled sharply cut grooves separated by considerably wider flat interspaces ; the grooves are nearer together on the canal, and the interspaces there become rounded, almost thread-like ; transverse sculpture of, on the fasciole, numerous little-elevated arched regularly-spaced ripples, with slightly wider interspaces ; these fade away in front of the fasciole, or appear only as irregularities of growth which punctuate the channels but are obsolete on the interspaces ; whorls rounded, fasciole only slightly excavated, the posterior edge appressed at the suture ; aperture large, outer lip rather straight in the middle, contracted suddenly to form the canal, the edge sharp, the sculpture transvisible, the notch shallow and its corners rounded off ; columella straight, simple, rather long, canal distinct, not recurved ; the periphery of the last whorl a little flattened. Max. lon. of shell, 12.5 ; of last whorl, 9.2 ; max. lat. of shell, 6.0 mm. Habitat. Station 273, near Barbados, in 103 fms., coral and shells, bottom temperature 59°. 5 F. Station 299, near Barbados, in 140 fins., coral, temper- ature 56°. 5 F. This shell has somewhat the same outline as I), reticulosa, but its sculpture is entirely different ; it is larger, thinner, and has a different nucleus. The dry animal in one specimen is destitute of an operculum. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 105 Daphnella retifera n. s. Shell small, thin, oval, short-spired, yellowish with pale cloudy markings of brownish ; nucleus of the Sinusigera type to begin with, but not strongly sculp- tured, and the larval shell after 2| turns of the usual sort becomes smooth and continues for 2£ whorls more, quite smooth and rounded, before the normal sculpture begins ; the latter continues in the largest specimen for Z\ turns more. The fasciole is hardly discernible except by following the incremental lines ; it is sculptured like the rest, and not excavated ; the suture is distinct ; the sculpture is composed of numerous fine sharp spiral threads with slightly wider interspaces, crossed by somewhat less prominent transverse threads, making a very regular reticulation over the whole surface; at most of the intersections a small point elevates itself, giving a peculiarly rasp-like appear- ance to the dull unpolished surface of the shell; notch shallow, situated at the suture; aperture pointed behind, outer lip arched well forward, hardly con- tracted for the broad short canal ; edge thin, interior not lirate ; columella not callous, nearly straight, simple, very slightly recurved ac the end of the canal; whorls moderately rounded. Lon. of shell, 6.5; of last whorl, 5.0 ; lat. of shell, 3.0 mm. Obtained by the U. S. Fish Commission at Stations 2595 and 2596, twenty miles E. S. E. from Cape Hatteras, in 49-63 fms., sand, bottom temperature 75°.0. This is a very delicate and elegant little shell, remarkable for the number and size of its larval whorls and the prickly reticulation. In color, though less decided, it recalls D. hjmnceiformis Kiener. Daphnella morra Dall. Plate XII. Fig. 1. Pleurotoma (Drillia) morra Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 69, 1881. Habitat. Sigsbee, off Havana, 450 fms. U. 8. Fish Commission Stations 2595, 2596, 2608, and 2614, in 22 to 168 fms., sand, off the coast of North Carolina, temperature 75°.0 F. The examination of more material has shown that this should be placed in Daphnella. When fresh it is of a glistening translucent rich brown ; the spire is often quite lax, in other cases more compactly coiled, so that at first the specimens would seem unrelated, especially if one was fresh and the other dead and opaque. This little shell has some general resemblance to Lachesis minima, but in details of nucleus and aperture the difference is conclusive. ? Daphnella elata Dall. Shell small, Mangilia-like, elongated, narrow, translucent white with streaks and lines of dark brown or yellow ; nucleus with the first whorl minute, tilted, 106 BULLETIN OF THE glassy, the subsequent turns translucent, smooth, or with oblique transverse sculpture which almost imperceptibly passes into the ribbing of the adult ;' in all there are seven whorls including the nucleus ; the early ones are rounded, and soon take on an angulation just in front of the fasciole ; spiral sculpture of three or four fine threads on the fasciole, and three or four stronger threads between the fasciole and the suture in front ; on the last whorl there are fifteen or twenty of these between the shoulder of the whorl and the front end of the canal ; they are not perfectly uniform in size, and between them are frequently much finer lines ; these cross about (on the last whorl) fifteen transverse rounded riblets, which extend from near the suture forward to the canal ; the last whorl is rather compressed ; the aperture elongated and nar- row ; the outer lip angulated at the shoulder, with a broad shallow rounded anal notch, thin edge, and smooth interior; inner lip nearly straight, anteriorly a little oblique, canal short, hardly differentiated, not recurved. Lon. of shell, 4.75 ; of last whorl, 3.25 ; lat. of shell, 2.0 mm. Habitat. Twelve miles east of Frying Pan Shoals, in 12 fms., Dr. Rush. U. S. Fish Commission, at Stations 2608, 2610, 2616, and 2619, in 15-22 fms., sand, off the coast of North Carolina, bottom temperature 78°. 5 F. This pretty little shell may be a Mangilia, but its form seems more like that of a Daphnella; conch ologically it is intermediate between the two. It is re- lated to the group containing such forms as M. cerina and M. citronella, and to many of the forms from the tropics included by Tryon in Daphnella. Section EUBELA Dall. Daphnella limacina Dall. Plate IX. Fig. 10. Pleurotoma (Bela) limacina Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 55, August 12, 1881. Daphnella limacina Dall, op. cit., p. 102, Oct. 31, 1881. Pleurotoma (Defrancia) hormophora Watson, Linn. Soc. Journ., XV. p. 457, Nov. 3, 1881. Clathurella hormophora Watson, Chall. Gastr., p. 351, pi. xxi. fig. 9, 1885. Daphnella limacina Verrill, Trans. Conn. Acad., V. p. 452, 1882; VI. p. 265, 1884. Habitat. Station 2, 805 fms., Gulf of Mexico ; Yucatan Strait, 640 fms. ; bed of the Gulf Stream, in 447 fms. ; Station 136, near Santa Cruz, in 508 fms., ooze, bottom temperature 42°.5 F. U. S. Fish Commission Station 994, in 368 fms., off Martha's Vineyard ; and Station 2646, in 85 fms., sand, off Cape Florida. Challenger Expedition Stations 23 and 24, off Sombrero and Culebra Islands, West Indies, in 390-450 fms., pteropod ooze; and Station 122, off Pernambuco, Brazil, in 350 fms., red mud. This lovely little shell has a well-marked Sinusigera nucleus, which is figured by Watson, but it is often more depressed than in the specimen he figures, especially at the vertex. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 107 Daphnella calyx n. s. Shell decollate and with the aperture imperfect, having evidently the general form of the preceding, but with a slightly more differentiated canal ; surface smooth, polished, with a distinct suture in front of which the fasciole appears as a narrow raised band, with an incised line in front of it and mark- ing its edge ; the only other sculpture consists of six or seven sharply incised lines on the canal near its anterior end ; whorls and base full and rounded ; incremental lines visible but faint ; color yellowish white with about ten spiral bands of alternate whitish and reddish brown rectangles on the last whorl arranged like the squares on a checkerboard, except that, the white rectangles bein Scaphclla Swainson, Zool. 111., 2d ser., II., No. 19, 1832 ; Malacology, pp. 103, 318, 1840. Caricella sp. Conrad, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 2d ser., I. p. 120. It seems evident that Voluta and Lyria on the one hand and the rest of the Volutes on the other are separated by a greater gap than divides either group above indicated within itself. Some name must be adopted from among those which have been applied to the shells not included in Voluta proper to cover the genus, of which most names in use are indicative of merely sectional di- 143 BULLETIN OF THE visions. Cymbium being eliminated, the next name is Fulgoraria, which has a too evidently limited application to be adopted for the whole group left anony- mous by tbe abstraction of Voluta. The classification of Swainson comes next in order, and by treating his nomenclature according to the accepted rules we find ourselves with three names to select from, Cymbiola, Harpula, and Sca- phella. It would seem at the first glance as if this might be decided by tbe types, but on thorough examination it appears that Swainson was not strict in his vise of the expression " type," and named a number of different species as " types" of a single genus in different parts of tbe same work. His reasoning is so entangled with his peculiar theory of representative groups, as to make his meaning 'frequently obscure. However, of the names above referred to, Harjpula may be eliminated, as he figures V. vexillum as the example of the genus, and moreover this section is, as it were, somewhat intermediate in its characters, and some day may prove to belong in the vicinity of Voluta proper. Of the two remaining names, Cymbiola is more restricted in the forms referred to it. In one place V. aucilla is cited with a query as to whether this is the type or not (p. 317) ; at another place the author queries whether V. ancilla should not form a separate division (p. 106), and on the same page refers to V. vespertilio as the type of the whole genus. Yet we find V. ancitki referred to as the type of Cymbiola by authors of distinction. \^ The " best known type" also figured (p. 107) by Swainson for his genus Scaphella is the S. undulata. This group includes a larger variety of forms than the other, and recommends itself to us as on the whole the better for our purpose, and will be here adopted. Scaphella junonia Hwass. Plate XXXIV. Figs. 5, 5 c, 5d, 5e. Voluta junonia Hwass, Chemnitz, Conchyl. Cab., XI. p. 16, pi. clxxvii. figs. 1703, 1704 ; 1795. Swainson, Exotic Conchology, pi. xxxiii. Scaphella junonja Swainson, Malacology, p. 108, 1840. Habitat. Pass-a-Grille, Florida, on the beach, Hemphill ; Florida Keys, Jewett ; Florida Reefs, Pourtales; Station 2608, U. S. Fish Commission, 17 miles S. E. by E. ^ E. from Cape Lookout, North Carolina, in 22 fms., sand and shell, bottom temperature 78°.2 F. ; Station 2414, in the Gulf of Mexico, between Tampa Bay and Dry Tortugas, lat. 25° 4' N., Ion. 82° 59' W., in 26 %is., sand ; and near Nassau, New Providence, dead in shallow water. The adult shell is well known and has been repeatedly figured. It has no overglaze. The characters of the nucleus and the young have been less pre- cisely stated, except as might be inferred from a study of the adult. Chemnitz pointed out that the early whorls are sculptured, and that a coarse spiral stria- tion is faintly visible toward the anterior end. The anterior plaits are less strong than those behind them, especially in the young, a feature which was the chief character relied upon by Swainson in his division of the Volutidse. A MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 149 young shell of (in all) three and a quarter turns, perfectly fresh, affords the following notes. Color. — The beginning of the nucleus livid purple ; the second whorl (which is post-embryonic) pale waxen white ; the rest of the shell waxen white with five series of rectangular dark purple-brown spots ; two other series begin on the last half-whorl ; the spots, at first angular, become rounded at the corners ; throat, plaits, and siphonal fasciole of varying pale shades of salmon-color; epidermis very thin, smooth, very pale brown. Sculpture. — Embryonic part of the shell finely granulous and with a slightly irregular surface, its initial point rounded and folded in laterally ; next half-turn polished, finely spirally striate; then small narrow longitudinal ribs begin to appear, which are most developed on the third whorl and begin to die out at the end of that whorl. These when most developed extend entirely across the whorl, their centres a little more than a millimeter apart, on the average. There are in this specimen about twenty-four well-developed ribs, and a num- ber more or less incomplete or obsolete. They are, on the body of the whorl, crossed by fine threads, more prominent in the interspaces between the ribs, and on the anterior part by about ten stouter threads, which ride over the ribs and reticulate them ; these threads, however, become obsolete on the siphonal fas- ciole. The pillar has four strong plaits on its posterior half; they increase in size, from in front backward. The length of the shell is 23.0 ; the length of the last whorl, 19.0; the maximum diameter of the shell, 12.0 mm. The form of the nuclear (embryonic) part is globose, with the initial point rounded and slightly inflated, or protruding laterally from the general orb of the nucleus. From the appearance of the nucleus in these forms of the genus I am im- pressed with the idea that the earliest shell substance, under which a shelly nu- cleus is secreted, is soft and cuticular, and that this protoconch is lost, perhaps while still in the ovicapsule. In this respect th6y differ strongly from the true Volutes typified by V. musica, which look as if their regularly coiled nu- cleus was shelly from the outset. Another point is worthy of attention, and that is that the young shells appear to show the plaits much more characteris- tically and normally than do the adults, especially in the section which follows (Aurinia). It should also be noted that the characters of the nucleus cannot be as well studied in the adult shell as in the very young, for the shelly matter of and about the nucleus seems softer than that secreted by the adult, and all the characteristic features are liable to be worn away, leaving a smooth mammil- lary tip which might readily be taken as normal. It would seem that the Volutes, as they grow, rapidly fill the cavity of the nucleus with solid shell, from which the original surface is in adults often entirely worn away, without appearing denuded to the observer. It is perhaps worth mentioning that a very intelligent waterman with whom I cruised on the west coast of Florida, and who had found a living Scaphella junonia on the beach after a heavy storm, insisted that it had an operculum. He cleaned the shell and sold it to a tourist, but did not preserve the oper- culum, which he alleged resembled that of Fulgur, but was proportionally 150 BULLETIN OF THE smaller. I give this information for what it may be worth, and am by no means certain that the memory of my informant is to be wholly trusted ; though I believe the statement was made in entire good faith. Subgenus AURINIA H. & A. Adams. = Aurinia H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll., I. p. 166, 1853. < Aurinia H. & A. Adams, Ibid., II. p. 617, 1858. < Livonia Gray, fide H. & A. Adams, /. c, p. 617, 1858. == Volutifusus Conrad, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 563, 1862; Meek, Check-List Inv. Fos. N. Am. Miocene, p. 19, 1864. Conrad, Am. Journ. Conch., II. p. 66, 1866. Tryon, Struct. & Syst. Conch., II. p. 166, 1883. < Megaptygma Gabb, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1876, p. 292 ; Tryon, Struct, and Syst. Conch., II. p. 166, 1883 (not Megoptygma Conrad, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1862, p. 563, type V. sinuosa Gabb). Aulica sp. Tryon, Man., IV. p. 90, 1882. Shell fusiform, thin, columellar plaits obsolete in the adult, external surface finely sculptured sometimes beneath an overglaze ; permanent nucleus begin- ning with a sharp erect point ; operculum and radula absent. Type, Volula dubia Broderip. The subgenus Aurinia was first proposed by H. & A. Adams for V. dubia. In the supplement to their work they included with it an entirely distinct form with a lateral nucleus, which would seem to have been named Livonia by Gray, and afterward Mamillana by Crosse. Volutifusus Conrad was based on V. mutabilis, V. dubia, and allied forms purely identical with Aurinia. Megaptygma Conrad, which has been united with Volutifusus by Gabb and Tryon, has directly antithetical characters, as the name implies, and, while perhaps not valid, is not a synonym of Aurinia or Volutifusus. All these forms have been referred to Aulica by Tryon, but the nucleus oi Aulica is of an entirely different character. The type is one of the most remarkable shells of the family. It is accom- panied in the Miocene Tertiary by Aurinia mutabilis Conrad, and is itself not uncommon in the Post Pliocene. It may be observed, that the Scaphella (Pseph&a) concinna Broderip,* of which a fairly preserved specimen was dredged by Stimpson in Hakodadi Bay, Japan, is closely related to Aurinia in its conchological characters. The ex- treme tip of the nucleus appears to be lost in all the specimens, but is very likely to resemble that of Aurinia. The Eocene species of the Paris Basin referred to by Dr. Fischer (Man., p. 607, ex. V. muricina), and to which, on account of their Aurinia-like nucleus, he has given the name of Eopsephoza, may be paralleled in the Scaphella demissa of our own Eocene, which has, however, the plaits of normal Scaphella. It is evident that the gaps are bridged by the fossils, and too many names will prove little less than a burden. * Of which 5. lyriforrm's Kiener (not Swainson) and S. Prevostiana Crosse are perhaps varieties, and all possibly referable to 5. megaspira Sby. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 151 It may also be noted that the peculiar thick anterior plait in S. Prevostiana and concinna is almost paralleled in the S. Stearnsii of Alaska, though, if the description given in the Manual by Dr. Fischer of the dentition of S. concinna be correct, the two species are very properly subgenerically, or even generi- cally separated. Still, the free interchange of characters in the known species would lead us to suspect a similar state of things with those species whose soft parts are not yet known, and it will not be until all have been examined that we can feel confident that any present arrangement will not have to be modified. Aurinia dubia Brodebip. Voluta dubia Brod., Zool. Journ., III. p. 81, pi. in. fig. 1, 1828. Fusus tessellatus Sdmbert & Wagner, Suppl. Bd. Mart, und Chemn. Conchyl. Cab., p. 24, pi. ccxix. figs. 3048, 3049, 1829. Kiener, Icon. Kec. Shells, Fusus, p. 39, pi. xxix. fig. 1, copied in Reeve, Conch. Icon., IV. Fusus, pi. xiv. fig. 53, 1847. (Not of Zekeli and Pictet, Fos. Gosaugeb., 1852.) Voluta dubia Sby., Thes. Conchyl., pi. lv. fig. 115, 1847 ; Reeve, Conch. Icon. Voluta, pi. xxii. fig. 59, 1849. Voluta (Aurinia) dubia H. & A. Ad., Gen. Ree. Moll., I. p. 166, 1853. Voluta ( Volutifusus) dubia Conrad, Am. Journ. Conch., II. p. 66, 1866. Voluta mutabilis Tuomey & Holmes, Plioc. Foss. S. Car., p. 128, pi. xxvii. figs. 5, 6, 1856. Not of Conrad, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., VII. p. 135, 1838, and Am. Journ. Sci., XLI. p. 346, pi. xi. fig. 7, 1841. Voluta (Aulica) dubia Tryon. Man., IV. p. 90, pi. xxvii. figs. 77, 81, 1882. Voluta dubia Dohrn, Jahrb. D. Mai. Ges., VI. pp. 150-156, pi. iv. figs. 1-3, 1879. Habitat. Florida Reefs, Pourtales , south and west coast of Florida, Dohrn ; U. S. Fish Commission, at Station 2402, between the mouth of the Mississippi and Cedar Keys, in the Gulf of Mexico, lat. 28° 36' N., Ion. 85° 33' W., in 111 fins., gray mud, two living specimens ; Station 2603, thirty-six miles S. £ W. from Cape Hatteras, N. C, in 124 fms., sand ; Station 2604, thirty-nine miles S. by W. h W. from Cape Hatteras, in 34 fms., yellow sand, bottom tempera- ture 79° F. (dead fragment) ; and Station 2614, thirty-six miles S. E. ^ S. from Cape Lookout, N. C, in 168 fms., gray sand, bottom temperature 48°. 5 F. (fresh young specimen). This is probably the most slender species of the genus, and one of the thin- nest, though the specimens figured by Dohrn seem to have been heavier than any of those I have seen, or than are represented by any of the other figures extant. It is covered all over by fine spiral sculpture, no coarser in front than elsewhere ; it has also the peculiarity noted in some species of Cymba, of sometimes being covered all over by a sort of whitish glaze, which obscures the suture, the sculpture, and the coloration. Dohrn's figures look as if the shells had been artificially cleaned, to the advantage of their appearance but the loss of scientific value. This species has normally only two plaits, which, in the adult, are generally obsolete ; one of Dohrn's, however, had the columellar edge grooved, as if possessing two additional minor plaits. 152 BULLETIN OF THE A young specimen, of the same age as the young S.junonia before described, presented the following characters. Colors. — Nucleus and first turn purplish brown (this fades with wear and exposure to an orange or buff) ; ground color pale salmon, or like the inside of a ripe canteloupe melon ; spots smaller, more angular, and more uniform than in S. junonia, and arranged in six series ; the peripheral series had twelve spots, in S.junonia only nine ; pillar like the basal color. Sculpture. — The nucleus, larger than the next turn, is finely granulous as in junonia, but is shaped like Natica mamilla ; the initial point is a point, dis- tinctly elevated above the rest. When its original surface is worn away, the hard core with which it is filled forms a sharper and more elevated point than there was originally. The spiral striation is uniform ; the whorls are com- pressed in front of the suture ; the ribs therefore, which do not become obsolete as soon as in S. junonia, have their shoulders some distance in front of, instead of at, the suture, as in that species ; there are seventeen of them on the last turn, and they become obsolete immediately in front of the periphery as a rule ; tbe epidermis, smooth in the adult, is distinctly hispid in the young; there are two clear cut but small plaits on the remarkably straight columella at its pos- terior end. The shell is 32.0 mm. long, the last whorl, 27.0 mm., and the maximum diameter, 12.0 mm. In an adult of 90.0 mm. long, the maximum diameter is25.0 mm. A very good figure of this species is that (fig. 5) given by Tuomey and Holmes, above cited. It represents a specimen from the Post Pliocene beds of the Peedee River, S. C. Casts are said to be abundant in the marl of Goose Creek. Neither of the figures on this plate represents the typical S. mutabilis, as they differ remarkably from Conrad's original figure. Two specimens of this species were obtained in a living state at Station 2402, by the U. S. Fish Commission, but were not discovered in the alcoholic col- lection until after the preceding and succeeding remarks on this family had been some time concluded. They were both males, and afforded the following notes. The animal is of a pinkish white color, the anterior parts more orange or reddish, the sides granular, with stellate black markings, and a certain amount of dark pigment aggregated toward the tip of the proboscis, siphonal fold, and margin of the foot. The foot is somewhat auriculated at its anterior corners, double across its front edge, and folded longitudinally. The tentacles are large with acute tips, and their bases, laterally angulated, continuous with the veil and not notched, are separated in the median line by a deep sulcus. The eyes are small and black, on small pretty well differentiated peduncles, outside of and behind the bases of the tentacles. There are two well-developed gills, and, on the opposite side, on the dome of the mantle, a large transversely corrugated slime-gland. The anus is in the nuchal commissure and incon- spicuous. The penis is not sickle-shaped, but small, subrectangular, with an inconspicuous lateral tip, the whole laid back on the neck and pointing caudally. There is a small squarish appendicle to the siphonal fold which MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 153 resembles that of A. Gouldiana. There is no jaw, nor any radula, so this fea- ture may be taken as diagnostic of Aurinia. There are two little cartilaginous pads near the tip of the proboscis. There is no opercular pad or operculum, nor was there any visible color gland. On the whole, the general characters of the soft parts agree well with A. Gouldiana, though differing in some minor details. Aurinia robusta n. s. Plate XXXV. Fig. 2. Shell large, stout, with a chalky external layer under a thin pale yellow epi- dermis, and an internal porcellanous white layer ; a strongly curved and re- curved canal ; four columella plaits, nearly obsolete in the adult; the surface finely spirally striated; earlier whorls with the suture appressed and numerous (on the fourth whorl about 25) small short transverse riblets mounted on the periphery ; outer lip sharp ; throat pure white ; pillar lip merely glazed, ex- terior spotted with squarish brown spots with less regularity of size and posi- tion and more distant than in S. junonia ; whorls six beside the nucleus, fully rounded, somewhat irregularly coiled. Lon. of shell, 119.0; of last whorl, 100.0 ; of aperture, 8S.0 mm. Max. diameter of shell, 52.0 mm. Nucleus small, of , one and a half concave whorls, with the acute initial point central, rising above the margin of the concave, which is formed by the sharp posterior edge of the first post-embryonic whorl ; this whorl is sculptured with very low flat striated transverse riblets with narrower channelled inter- spaces, extending clear across the whorl and both crossed by about eight dis- tinct spiral threads between the two sutures ; after the first turn the transverse bands become narrower, the interspaces about equal to them, and he spiral threads wider and flattened so that a fine and exceedingly elegant trellising is the result. The second whorl begins to be spotted with squarish brown spots with fainter edges, of which seven series appear at the end of the second turn ; interior yellowish white with four sharp plaits on the pillar, very oblique, and growing stronger backward ; epidermis smooth, thin, not polished ; suture very closely appressed. Lon. of this young shell, with nucleus and two whorls 12.0 ; of second whorl, 11.0 ; max. diarn., 5.0 mm. Habitat. Station 55, off Havana, in lat. 22° 9' .5 and lon. 82° 21'.5, in 242 fms.; Station 50, lat. 26° 31' and lon. 85° 53', in 119 fms ; U. S. Fish Com- mission Station 2397, in the Gulf of Mexico, lat. 28° 42', lon. 8G° 36', in 280 fms., gray mud, bottom temperature 40°. 1 F. This fine and remarkable species is peculiarly distinguished by its chalky outer layer, under a pale epidermis, which becomes eroded, like that of a fresh- water shell. The form of the nucleus, if the hypothesis of a membranous em- bryonic first shell be admitted, would be due to a calcification which did not extend to the dome of the membrane, while the acute initial point of the cal- cified part may be supposed to occupy the vicinity of the pillar in the soft 154 BULLETIN OF THE shell. The posterior margin of the first post-embryonic whorl might easily be rounded off by erosion, when the solid nucleus within after a little wear would put on quite a different appearance. The pattern of coloration, resembling S.junuiiia and S. duhia, also resembles that of young Cojius Jioridanus, Co7ius Mazei Deshayes, and other not related archibenthal species. The pillar is more flexuous than in either of the other species. The riblet sculpture resem- bles not only that of S. dubia and S. Gouldiana in a general way, but also that of the fossil 5. mutahilis, perhaps the precursor of all the Gulf species. The Blake dredged only fragments of this shell, the Fish Commission a single adult. Aurinia Gouldiana n. s. Plate XXIX. Fi£. 3. Voluta Gouldiana Dall, Conch. Exchange, II. p. 10, July, 1887. Shell rather small, solid, slender, white, brownish plum-color, or spirally banded with whitish and claret-color, rarely square-spotted in spiral series; whorls moderately full, five and a half beside the nucleus ; sculpture of fine close distinct spiral threads covering the whole surface except the anterior part of the last whorl, where they gradually give way to much stronger and more dis- tant threads, which in some specimens wind into the aperture, as if simulating small plaits ; the nucleus is nearly flat, whitish, consisting of one whorl rising a little above the posterior edge of the first post-embr}-onic whorl, and having a central projecting initial point, hut less prominent than in V. robusta. The suture is appressed and in the early whorls a little marginated ; the first whorl is only strongly spirally striated and convexly rounded; the succeeding whorls have the periphery rippled by a succession of (on the third whorl 22) small waves, with their anterior slope steeper than the other, and which, in some specimens, extend to the last third of the last whorl before becoming obsolete, though ceasing sooner in others ; these waves are generally confined to the periphery and vary in strength and number in different specimens, one speci- men having only eighteen on the third whorl ; the color varies from yellowish white to a ruddy brown with a suggestion of purple in it, which is usually stronger at the suture along the pillar and outer lip, and especially toward the end of the canal. The fresh specimens nearly all show a tendency to spiral banding; one beautiful but half-grown specimen has six narrow pale bands, the second from the suture being on the periphery, with the much wider inter- spaces of a brownish claret color; this fades slightly, but the white ones do not seem faded. The outer lip is sharp with a dark margin, the throat whitish, the pillar callus yellowish white ; there are, in the very young, four plaits, of which the first and third, counting backward, are fainter than the other two; in adult shells rarely are more than two visible and those are quite faint ; there is only a light glaze on the body whorl; in the adults the nucleus and first whorl are generally so worn as to resemble one of the common round MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 155 mammillate tips seen normally in many Volutes. Lon. of shell (largest adult), 69.0; of last whorl, 55.0; of aperture, 45.0; max. diameter of shell, 25.0 mm. Habitat. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2316, off Key West, in 50 fms., coral, a unique spotted fragment ; Station 2415, off Georgia, in 440 fms., sand; Station 2314, off South Carolina, lat. 32° 43', lon. 77° 51', in 159 fms., coarse sand, bottom temperature 47°.4 F. ; Stations 2624 and 2625, seventy-five miles S. by E. ^ E. from Cape Fear, North Carolina, in 258 and 247 fms., gray sand, bottom temperature 46°.0 F. ; also at Stations 2659 and 2661, off Cape Canaveral, Florida, in 509 and 455 fms., bottom temperature 45°.2 and 45°.5 ; Station 2665, off St. Augustine, in 263 fms., sand, temperature 45°.2 ; and Sta- tion 2668, off Fernandina, in 270 fms., sand, temperature 48°.3 F. (living). This species is the only one of the group, except V. vexillum,which. has a normal color pattern of unmodified spiral bands. Out of twelve specimens seen, only one had the bands broken into squarish distant spots. Its surface, in some specimens, shows a very thin chalky layer, but it does not seem to be subject to erosion. Though a comparatively small species, it offers in its color- ation an agreeable variety from the brown spotted pattern presented by the others, and, with the exception of V. Stearnsii which outrivals all others, is one of the most northern species of the genus. It is named in honor of the late Dr. A. A. Gould, author of the Report on the Shells of the Wilkes Ex- ploring Expedition. This species is entirely without trace of an operculum, opercular gland, or pad. To better make comparisons I took the oportunity of examining the corresponding soft parts of Scaphella Stearnsii Dall, from Alaska, in lat. 55° N., lon. 160° W. Gr. In S. Stearnsii there was a small but distinct opercular pad, but with no operculum on it. I should not be surprised if at some future time specimens of this species were found with a small operculum. The surface of the foot in S. Stearnsii is coarsely granulous, whitish with spots and streaks of vermilion. The color gland produced an abundance of a beautifully pure blue secretion. In Aurinia Gouldiana the surface of the foot is velvety, smooth with very fine granulations, white, with shades of olive tipping the stronger granulations. The sole of the foot in Stearnsii (as contracted in alcohol) showed a spongy layer with reticulated structure, evidently very distensible, the front edge of the foot was double, the groove not deep, and the front edge seemed to show no tendency to indentation in the median line, or lobulation at the anterior cor- ners ; Gouldiana seemed to be somewhat indented, otherwise the foot did not differ from Stearnsii except that the spongy sole was of finer texture. In both, in retracting it into the shell, the foot was folded longitudinally. In Gouldiana the secretion of the color gland is pale violet and scanty. There are two gills in both species, the lower or outer (left hand) one the smaller. In Gouldiana the outer gill is a blackish olive-color, the other one whitish like the body. The former doubtless performs the function of an osphradium, but I question whether it has not also something of a respiratory function. In Stearnsii the gills seemed coarser and the lamellae proportionally less numerous. The 156 BULLETIN OF THE penis in Gould iana is stout, long, and twisted back, circularly wrinkled with a small pointed appendage at the tip. In Stearnsii the penis is broader and shorter, folded under and backward, and shaped like the distal end of a flattish bean-pod, transversely striated and thicker on its anterior than on its hinder edge. In Stearnsii there are two appendages like tentacula at the posterior end of the siphonal fold, one on each side, which must project forward when the animal is expanded ; in Gouldiana there is a median ridge in the gutter of the siphonal fold, which projects more and more as one follows it backward, and at its posterior end has a single appendage, shorter and broader than the lateral appendages of Stearnsii. which last has no median ridge in the fold. There is something like this ridge in the siphonal fold of Turbinella pyrum. In Stearnsii the siphonal fold when developed by the animal must resemble that of Cymbiola Irasiliana as figured by H. and A. Adams (Gen. Rec. Moll., pi. xviii. fig. 1), and the rest of that figure would do very well for the soft parts of Scaphella Stearnsii except in two particulars. The first is, that the flap, upon the anterior outer corner of which the eyes are situated, ceases a little distance behind the eye, and its outer edge rounds inward to the body wall. The second is, that between the tentacula and separated from them by a deep notch on each side is a broad flap or veil, very thin and rounded in front with- out indentation. From under this the stout long proboscis is extruded. This flap in a contracted state is as long as the tentacles. The teeth are precisely like those of Scaphella scapha L., as figured by various authorities (Troschel, Gebiss der Schnecken, Bd. II. pi. v. fig. 3). In Aurinia Gouldiana the front of the head is somewhat different. The eye flaps are small and subtriangular, instead of rounded rectangular. The tenta- cles are proportionally flatter, larger, and longer, and are divided from the veil by only a slight notch. The veil itself is divided into two lobes by a deep median fissure, and these lobes have each a sort of blunt point in the middle in front. I was unable to discover any radula after careful search. There cer- tainly was no sign of it in its proper place. It will be seen from these observations, that, so far as the head and foot are concerned, Aurinia is very much like Lyria. The siphonal fold, penis, and operculum differ; the last being wholly absent in Aurinia. From Scaphella proper it is also separated by marked differences of the soft parts. I hope that in time I shall be able to examine the soft parts of- V. junonia. The late Colonel Jewett told a story, which might well make a conchologist shudder, of coming upon a Floridian "Cracker," by the beach, just as he had broken the roasted shell of a fine V. junonia, and was about to swallow the contents ! Genus MITRA Lamarck. The Mitre-shells of the "West Indies have never been revised, though a list of the species known or supposed to belong to the fauna was included by Krebs in his Catalogue, and the species referred to in the general literature were MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 157 indexed by me in the " List of Marine Mollusca." Some species have been wrongly referred to this fauna, such as exilis Reeve, and tiarella Lamarck, through erroneous identifications or labels. Some species have been so poorly described that no identification is possible, such as obliquata Lam. (perhaps a variety of nodulosd) and exigua C. B. Adams. M. interpunctata Carpenter, I find catalogued by Morch in Poulsen's list ; but I can find no other reference to it, or any description anywhere, so I suppose it to be unpublished. There can be no question that the group, generally called by the untenable name of Turricula, Klein, is entitled to be generically separated from the true Mitras ; but being unable to procure the soft parts of the species which I have for study, I prefer for the present to retain them under the general name of Mitra, even when the contour is that of species known to be Turriculate, since the form of the shell in this matter is far from decisive. There are but two common species of Mitra in the West Indies ; namely, M. nodulosa Gmelin (nucleoid Krebs, obliquata Pfr., granulosa Brugiere, La- marck, and the majority of authors) and M. barbadensis Ginel. (striatula La- marck, tessellata Kiener, picta Reeve, and perhaps cozligena (Rve.?) Krebs). Neither of these was obtained by the Blake, and both are usually seen in a more or less worn or rolled condition. There is a close connection between Mitra lens of the western coast of America and M. nodulosa ; the character- istic pits may frequently be seen in undoubted nodulosa. There is a variety, referred to M. lens, by the name of Dupontii Kiener, which is said to come from the Red Sea, a locality which Tryon and others have doubted. It may be erroneous, but there is nothing a priori unlikely in it ; as I have a speci- men half-way from nodulosa to lens which every one would say was an imma- ture lens if it came from Panama ; and it is well known how Red Sea species are constantly turning up about the West Indies, especially those from rather deep water. Other ancient species which are certainly West Indian are M. sulcata Gmelin (microzonias Lam., monilifera C. B. Adams), and its variety cavea Reeve ; M. dermestina Lamarck (of which speciosa. pulchella, and histrio, Reeve, are mere variations) and ebenus Lamarck, which I have also under the names of M. chelonia Reeve and M. nitilina Duclos. M. semicostata Anton, I have not seen, but from the figure it might be a ribbed variety of ebenus. Of more lately described species we have M. albocincta C. B. Adams, a good species (miscalled M. albicostata Ad. in my list of " Hemphill's Shells"), which on a very dwarfish scale recalls M. sulcata, and is a native of the Florida Keys and Cuban waters; M.puella Peeve, Florida and the Antilles (alveolus Reeve is perhaps synonymous) ; M. Candida Reeve (of which straminea A. Adams, may be an elongated variety) ; M. Hanlcyi Dohrn (1862), not of Sowerby (1874) nor Hanleyana Dunker (1877); this is a pale and delicately marbled species, varying from nearly pure white to mottled gray with dark columella, and which has a nearly black variety with white ribs that has received the name of M. gemmata from Sowerby. The difficulty attending the generic determina- tion of these small sheli3 in the absence of the soft parts is illustrated by the 158 BULLETIN OF THE fact that Tryon puts one of these varieties in Mitra proper and the other in Turricula. It abounds in the Florida Keys. Mitra fioridana Dall, a little black (sometimes pale brown) species, is found with it. The Blake collection furnishes several interesting forms, and a new one has recently been obtained from the same region by the U. S. Fish Commission. Mitra Swainsoni Broderip. Plate XXXVIII. Fig. 7. Mitra Swainsoni Broderip, P. Z. S. 1835, p. 193. Reeve, Conch. Icon. Mitra, pi. i. fig. 4, 1844. (Not Sby.l) Agassiz, Three Cruises of the Blake, II. p. 70, fig. 293, 1888. Habitat. " Monti Christi, West Columbia," in 7 fms., sandy mud, Cuming. Variety antillensis Dall, Blake Station 250, in 421 fms., off Grenada, broken shell. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2354, off Arrowsmith Bank, Yucatan, in 130 fms., coral bottom ; Station 2614, thirty-six miles S.E. ^ S. from Cape Lookout, N. C, in 168 fms., gray sand. The shells dredged by the Fish Commission which retain their epidermis and are nearly perfect agree very well with Reeve's figure ; the later figure of Sowerby seems to be taken from a different species, perhaps a variety of M. maura as suggested by Tryon. The shouldered whorls and black epi- dermis are quite different from the regular convex series of whorls and olive- gray epidermis of the specimens before me. I have been able to compare my shells with a specimen of M. Swainsoni in the British Museum, and find them very similar. The color in the Antillean shells is a little more gray, and the shell not quite so rude in its general aspect. The range thus indicated is extraordinary, but not more so than that of Amusium Mortoni or Conus Deles- sertii Recluz. There is an almost identical species in the Miocene of Maryland, of which I have only seen fragments. Mitra fulgurita Reeve. Mitra fulgurita Reeve, Conch. Icon. Mitra, pi. ix. fig. 61, 1844. Habitat. Sigsbee, off Havana, in 119 fms. ; near Barbados, at Stations 282, 290, and 299, 73-154 fms., bottom temperature 56°. 5 to 73°. 5 F., coral bottom ; also at Station 220, near Santa Lucia, in 116 fms-. rocky bottom, bottom tem- perature 58°,5 ; Station 247, off Grenada, in 170 fms., ooze, bottom temper- ature 53°. 5 F. Also by the U. S. Fish Commission at Station 2646, off Cape Florida, in 85 fms., gray sand. The habitat of this species according to Tryon has been hitherto unknown. The specimens were mostly rather young. The longitudinal white fiammules are exceptional, the tendency, at least in the young, seems to be toward a pale zone at the periphery, with darker brown on each side of it, especially in front MUSEUM OF COMPAKATIVE ZOOLOGY. 159 of the sutures. The epidermis is well marked ; the interior of the aperture is white, with one obscure and three well-marked plaits, in the Blake specimens. Mitra straminea A. Adams. Mitra straminea A. Adams, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 132; Sby., Thes. Conch. Mitra, pi. xxv. fig. 561, 1874. ? M. pia (Dohrn MS.) Sby., /. c, fig. 550 (an adult ?). 1 M. Malleti Petit, Journ. de Conchyl., III. p. 58, pi. ii. figs. 1 a-b, 1852. A single specimen of what appears to be this species was dredged off Cuba, at Station 36, in 84 fms. It looks as if it might be a young stage of M. pia, but figures, however good, are to be trusted only with all reserves. Mitra (Costellaria ?) styria n. s. Plate XV. Fig. 6. Shell pale yellowish, white, or pinkish, sometimes with a faint peripheral brownish band, or mottled brown and white; elongated, acute, cancellately sculptured ; nucleus elongated, pointed, glassy, pale brownish, smooth, of about three and a half whorls ; other whorls 10-14, subconvex, with a distinct but not channelled suture; sculpture of about (on the last whorl) 25 slightly flexuous regular narrow even transverse ribs separated by wider interspaces, extending clear over the whorl ; spiral sculpture of (behind the suture about 6-10) even threads, separated by squarely channelled narrower interspaces, crossing the ribs and with a tendency to form a nodule at the intersection ; canal rather slender, with seven or eight strong spiral threads externally, which are crossed only by incremental lines ; the tip of the canal is slightly recurved ; internally the outer lip is thin, unreflected, and smooth; deeper in the throat are 6-10 tine spiral elevated lirge, ending in the adult in as many little knobs. On the body whorl near the angle with the outer lip, at certain stages, is a single small elevated callus ; over the surface and on the column the callosity is thin ; the pillar has three well-defined plaits behind its own margin, the posterior the largest; the completely adult may have two more. Lon. of shell, 19.0 ; of aperture, 7.0 ; max. diam. of shell, 5 0 mm. Habitat. Gulf of Mexico, off Havana, in 1 19 fms. ; at Station 32, in 95 fms. ; Station 36, in 84 fms. ; at Barbados, in 73-100 fms.; off St. Domingo, at Station 185, in 333 fins. ; Station 262, in 92 fms., near Grenada ; and by the U. S. Fish Commission at Station 2646, near Cape Florida, in 85 fms., sand. Bottom temperatures at the above stations, 44°. 0 to 70°. 75 F. Specimens dead, but in most cases fresh, and probably lived at the depth stated. This species varies in the relative strength of the ribs and spiral threads, and the prominence of the intersections ; some specimens are more attenuated than others. The measurements of the description are taken from the most perfect specimen, but, judging from fragments, it attains a size one third larger, and the adult will be proportionally somewhat stouter. 1G0 BULLETIN OF THE This species recalls M. (Turriculal) longispira and nasuta Sby., and casta A. Adams. It has less ilexuous ribs, which are not shouldered against the suture, more rounded whorls and a longer canal than any of the above as far as one can determine by the figures in the Thesaurus. A pale pinkish-white variety has the maximum number (10) of spiral riblets behind the termination of the suture, and in this form the cancellation is less marked than in the majority, which have the spiral about equal to the transverse ribs. Mitra (Costellaria V) Deshayesii Reeve? Mitra Deshayesii Reeve, Conch. Icon., fig. 170, 1844. Mitra rustica Sowerby, non Reeve ; Thes. Conch., fig. 143, 1874. The single imperfect specimen which I refer with much doubt to the above species, while strongly resembling Sowerby's figure, differs from it in having the aperture strongly internally lirate, and between the ribs spiral threads, hardly visible on the ribs ; there is an impressed line before the suture, which indents the ribs, forming a sort of margination to the suture ; there are half a dozen strong spiral threads on the canal; the color is chestnut with a pale band above the periphery, and there are three plaits on the columella. The original Deshayesii is reported from the Eed Sea. Mitra (Costellaria?) Rushii n. a. Mitra Rushii Dall, Conch. Exchange, II. p. 9, July, 1887. Shell small, evenly fusiform, dark brown, bleaching to pale brown or yellow- ish; nucleus smooth, large, obtuse, of one and a half brown glassy whorls; other whorls about six, not convex, the last more than half the length of the shell ; suture well marked but not channelled ; sculpture of narrow even numerous flexuous ribs (about four to 1.0 mm.) extending clear across the whorl and hav- ing about equal interspaces ; spiral sculpture of fine even close-set lines which do not cross or are obsolete on the ribs, and a few impressed lines cutting the ribs near the anterior end of the last whorl ; aperture short and rather wide, the outer lip simple, not thickened or reflected, the throat strongly lirate ; a small callosity near the angle of the outer lip on the body whorl, and three stout plaits on the short columella. Lon. of shell, 8.75 ; max. lat. of shell, 3.0; Ion. of aperture, 3.75 mm. The majority of specimens are about half as long as this one, and proportionately stouter. Habitat. Near Sand Key, Cuba, in about 80 fms. Dredged by the U. S. Fish Commission at Station 2372, in the Gulf of Mexico, in 27 fms., gravel, and off the Carolinas at Stations 2595, 2596, 2607, 2608, 2612, 2616, 2617, and 2619, in from 14 to 63 fms., gravel, bottom temperature from 67°. 0 to 75°.5 F. This little shell resembles no recent species I find figured ; perhaps M. cethi- opica Jickeli, from the Red Sea, comes as near as any. Volutomitra wandoensis February 25, 1889. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 1G1 Holmes, of the Carolina Post Pliocene, would seem to be related to it. The simplicity and elegance of the sculpture are remarkable. It is named in honor of Dr. W. H. Rush, U. S. N., who has made praiseworthy collections of shells in the Antillean region. Mitra (Costellaria?) trophonia n. s. Shell elongated, with a Stilifer-like nucleus of five or more whorls, acute, yellowish brown, polished, glassy, and about eight other normal moderately rounded whorls ; the last whorl forms more than half the shell ; sculpture of about (on the last whorl) fourteen sharp little-elevated ridges, which are rounder on the earliest whorls and obsolete on the last half of the (adult) last whorl ; incremental lines irregularly prominent ; spiral sculpture of fine faint grooves, most visible between the ridges, three or four ill-defined distant re- volving ridges on the anterior part of the last whorl which make a sort of arch in the transverse ridges when the latter cross them, and two to four ridges on the canal corresponding to the plaits ; siphonal fasciole prominent and well marked ; suture distinct, not deep, waved by the ends of the transverse ridges ; color from pale yellow to deep orange, with a narrow opaque white band a little way behind the suture, which swells a little where it crosses the transverse crests, and may in some specimens be represented by a series of spots on the crests; surface rather glossy ; aperture narrow, outer lip thin, sharp, with faint fine lirse in the throat; a small callus at the posterior angle on the body whorl ; plaits four, the first rather small ; canal nearly as wide as the aperture, somewhat recurved. Lon. of adult shell, 20.0; of last whorl, 12.0: of nucleus, 2.0; max. lat. of shell, 6.75 mm. Habitat. Station 132, in 115 fms., broken shell, off Frederickstadt, Santa Cruz, bottom temperature 65°.0 ; Station 247, off Grenada, in 170 fms., ooze, bottom temperature 53°. 5 F. The peculiarly rude aspect resulting from the irregular incremental lines and the sharp-edged transverse ridges is characteristic, and resembles some- what that of certain species of Trophon or Anachis. I have not been able to find in the monographs, or elsewhere, any species which could well be com- pared to this one in sculpture. It is quite possible that its color varies. The nearest species to M. trophonia is M. albocincta C. B. Adams, which is much stouter and stumpier, with wider and rounder transverse ridges, rounder form, and less acute and laterally flattened spire. It is also considerably smaller, with a shorter canal in propoi-tion, and is black in all the specimens I have seen, without exception, and shows no tendency to paler variations. M. trophonia has also a faint distant resemblance to M. Defrancei Payraudeau. Mitra (Turris ?) Bairdii Dall. Shell waxen gray or greenish, elongated, acute, with ten or eleven flattened whorls; nucleus? (wanting); sculpture consisting on the earlier whorls of up VOL. XVIII. 11 162 BULLETIN OF THE to fourteen little raised hardly fiexuous transverse waves extending clear across the whorls, rounded, equal throughout their length, and separated hy shallow slightly wider interspaces; this transverse sculpture becomes gradually fainter, and entirely obsolete on the last whorl, which in the adult seems only marked by the fine and slightly irregular incremental lines which give to the thin smooth pale brown and slightly fibrous epidermis a silky appearance ; spiral sculpture of numerous very fine close half-obsolete grooves or scratches, and six or seven deeper stronger grooves encircling the canal ; whorls mostly flattened, the last slightly rounded ; suture distinct, appressed; aperture white, the outer lip thin, sharp, with no lira? on the typical specimen ; column with three plaits, the anterior one faint; canal short, nearly as wide as the aperture, hardly recurved ; siphonal fasciole distinct ; soft parts whitish, with no oper- culum. Lon. of shell (nuclear whorls lost), 35.0; of last whorl, 17.-0; of aperture, 12.0 ; max. lat. of shell, 9.0 mm. Habitat. 100 miles S. E. by S. i S. from Cape Fear, N. C, in 528 fins., yellow mud, bottom temperature 38°. 7 F. Dredged by U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross, one living specimen, at Station 2628. The soft parts are so contracted that they could not be extracted without breaking the shell. This species looks a good deal like a Terebra in form. None of the described species at all resemble it. Mitra (Thala ?) torticula n. s. Plate XV. Fig. 8. Shell elongated, acute, pale yellowish, paler toward the extremities, with a dehiscent thin fibrous epidermis, its axial line somewhat convex toward the right ; nucleus glassy, white, mammillate, of two whorls ; other whorls about six, of which the last forms more than half the shell ; sculpture of (on the last whorl) 12 rounded straight ribs, widest near the periphery, extending across the whorls and fainter near the suture and on the canal ; these are crossed by about (on the last whorl) 16 rounded even threads, wdiich pass over the ribs and interspaces without any marked nodulation and are separated by wider interspaces; suture not impressed ; aperture narrow ; outer lip thin and simple except for slight crenulation due to the sculpture; columella straight, acute anteriorly ; no callus on the body or pillar ; plaits two, distinct but not strong. Lon. of shell, 12.2; max. lat. of shell, 4.0 mm. Soft parts dried up within the shell, inaccessible, but apparently without an operculum. Habitat. One living specimen from off Havana, Cuba, in 400 fins., bottom and temperature not determined. The form of this shell (apart from its departure from a straight line) recalls Mangilia more than Mitra ; the two plaits are well inside, so that they would seem to be true plaits, and not mere callosities. It is possible that it should he referred to Cordicria, but the aspect is more like Mitra. Its permanent place will depend on the results of the future dismemberment of the doubtless now heterogeneous group named Thala by H. & A. Adams. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 163 Subgenus CONOMITRA Conrad. ? Conomitra Conrad, Am. Journ. Conch., I. p. 25, 1865. Shell stout, short, like a short Beta; spire obtuse with a relatively large shelly mammillate nucleus ; outer lip straight, simple, smooth inside ; colu- mella nearly straight with 3-5 rather strong plaits enlarging backward; no posterior notch ; siphonal notch deep ; surface smooth or axially plicate or reticulated. This group resembles Microvoluta Angas, but in that the siphonal notch is wanting or obsolete, and the general form more elongated ; in Strigatella and Zierliana the outer lip is armed, and the dentition of the columella is quite different. It differs from the type of Conomitra Conrad in its apex, in its simple outer lip, and in the absence of the peculiar anterior attenuation. I have not been able to find any other group into which it would fit in a satisfactory manner, and have decided to use Conrad's undescribed name for it ; I do not feel positive that it really belongs in the Mitrida*, yet its form, plaits, and nucleus seem more allied to such forms as M. Hanleyi Dohrn than to Enceta and the other connections of Voluta. The colors are exactly those of Enceta. It is possible that there may be a caducous nucleus, and that the mammillary tip is merely the consolidated base thereof ; this cannot be deter- mined until quite young specimens have been obtained. My impression is, however, that the apex is naturally mammillate, as in Mitra Hanleyi. The species like M. (?) styria have an elongated rather acute translucent nucleus of three or four whorls, like a little Assiminea, which is usually lost. This may be a character of Turricula. The type of Conomitra Conrad, on which, in default of any diagnosis, the subgenus must rest, is Mitra fusoides Lea (Contr. to Geol., p. 169, t. vi. fig. 176, 1833). C. staminea and C. vicksburgensis Conrad, the latter being unfigurecl, are probably mere varieties of Lea's shell, which was derived from the Clai- borne beds. The differences between them are such as I observe between my specimens of C. Blaheana. The simple unlirate outer lip of the latter may be due to the period of growth; at all events. I prefer to retain the recent form with Conomitra until there is more material available upon which to base a final decision. This is the more desirable since the Miocene C. angulata Heil- prin, from the Tampa silex beds, with the smooth outer lip of the recent form has the small pointed apex of the Eocene type. Conomitra Blakeana n. s. Shell columbelliform, short, stout, the aperture equalling or exceeding half the shell ; apex large for the shell, mammillate ; whorls about six, their pos- terior faces well rounded and somewhat turrited between the sutures ; the elevation of the spire different in different specimens ; sculpture of numerous close stout transverse ribs with very narrow interspaces, incremental lines 1G4 BULLETIN OF THE rather well marked ; spiral sculpture of rather strong threads, strongest on the anterior part of the whorl and obsolete behind the periphery ; aperture nar- row, outer lip thickish, not reflected, smooth inside; body whorl free from callus ; columella with four strong subequal plaits and one or two obscure anterior folds ; color whitish or brownish when faded, plum color and white variegated when fresh. Lon. (of two specimens) of shell, 10.0 and 8.0; of aperture, 6.25 and 5.50; max. lat. of shell, 5.0 and 4.6 mm. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, 640 i'ms., two dead specimens. This form is related to Gonomitra minima Seguenza, Form. Terz. Reggio, p. 101, pi. xi. fig. 4, 1879, but is about twice as large. The latter is from the Tortonian division of the Sicilian Miocene. Conomitra Blakeana var. laevior. Plate XXXV. Fig 10. Shell resembling the preceding in form and size, but smooth or with but few faint plaits on the apical whorls; color orange, or flaked and clouded with opaque white, or marbled like Meta cedomdli; the spiral threads are absent except a few on the canal ; the whorls are more appressed and the appearance of the spire less stumpy. Lon. of shell, 9.75 ; max. lat. 4.6 mm. Habitat. Stations 57, in 177 fms., and 62, in 80 i'ms., off Havana; dredged by Sigsbee while in search of Pentacrinus. Also in 300 fms., mud, off Cape San Antonio, by Dr. Rush. This must be a charming shell when in good order, and apparently must inhabit moderate depths of water. Genus MITROMORPHA Adams. Mitromorpha A. Adams (Cpr.), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3d ser., XV. p. 182, March, 1865. (M.Jilosa Cpr.) This group, though indicated, seems not to have been characterized by either Adams or Carpenter, and it may be well to indicate its chief features. The form of the typical species is biconic with a globose nucleus, a narrow aperture very slightly or not at all notched behind, a nearly straight columella on which (1) the spiral riblets of the sculpture may run into the interior; or (2) may be overlaid with a smooth layer of callus ; or (3), while in either con- dition, may have two faint oblique ridges on the column, which, however, are not continuous within the shell. The outer lip is thickened, but not reflected, and lirate or denticulate a little way within the margin. The nucleus is like that of some of the small Mitras, the shell (as in M. dormitor Shy.) recalls Columbella, Conus, Cithara, etc. The spiral sculpture is usually stronger than the transverse. My own impression, subject to modification with greater knowledge, is that these shells are related to Mitra rather than Daphnella, etc. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 165 The species about to be described is more like Mitra conchologically than are the Californian species. The genus is known from Japan, California, and the Antilles. Mitromorpha biplicata n. s. Plate XXXV. Fig. 1. Shell small, biconic, cancellated, yellowish or whitish or with brown flam- mules; nucleus glassy, white, globose, of one and a half turns; other whorls five or six, hardly rounded; sculpture of about (on the last whorl) sixteen spiral squarish riblets with about equal interspaces, in which near the aper- ture of the adult a fine intercalary thread appears; the spiral sculpture is crossed by incremental lines and numerous faint rounded transverse ribs which go nearly across the whorl, but which are chiefly evident through the rounded waves they form on the spiral riblets, especially behind the periphery of the whorls; suture hardly distinguishable; aperture narrow, outer lip lirate within, a little patulous; inner lip plain, with two strong plications near its middle, the posterior the largest. Lon. of shell, 7.0; of aperture, 3.5; max. lat. of shell, 3.0 mm. Habitat. Barbados, in 100 fms. None of the specimens had completed the thickening of the outer lip and the glazing of the columella which mark the adult state, but several were very near it. The surface of the shell is glossy except for the incremental lines. The colors much resemble in variations those exhibited by Mitra fulgurita Reeve. Family FASCIOLARIID^E. Subfamily FUSING. Genus FUSUS Lamarck. The Fusacea of the West Indies appear to be few in number of species, and rare as individuals. Omitting those already known to belong to other genera though described as Fusus, the following species appear to be known to inhabit the Antillean region: Fusus closter Philippi; F. Couei Petit (very close to tenuiliratus Dunker and probably a variety of it); F. distans Lamarck; F. gra- datus Reeve (+ Hartvigii Shuttlew'orth) ; F. muricoides C. B. Adams; F. nitens C. B. Adams; Fusus Schrammi Crosse; and F. sinistralis Lamarck. F. mult- angulus Philippi is a Muricidea, F. limbatus Dunker a dwarf species of Trito- nidea ; both are good species. The two species of C. B. Adams are in need of more study. They have not been figured, but both were noted by me, when going over the Amherst collection, as rather peculiar. F. muricoides looks as if it might belong to the Purpuracea. It is colored somewhat like Pleuroioma albocincta, and the canal is closed and twisted up as in Tritonium. F. nitens 1G6 BULLETIN OF THE reminded me of a young Phos. Fusus perrugatus Conrad (Florida, 1846) is better classified in the genus Urosalpinx. On the other hand, Urosalpinx caro- linensis Verrill appears much like a Fusus of short and compact form. The species of Fusus described as new by Holmes, in the " Post Pleiocene Fossils of South Carolina," are all young shells of Nassa, Columbella, etc. The Colus exilis of Conrad, figured in the Pliocene part of the same work, is not known to me in a recent state. The species dredged by the U. S. Fish Commission along the eastern coast, with the exception perhaps of Sipho glyptus Verrill, belong to Chrysodomus and its subdivisions, or, at all events, not to Fusus proper. The researches of the Blake and the Albatross in the Gulf and An- tillean region enable me to add several interesting forms to the list of known species, and new localities for some which have been regarded as rare. Fusus tirnessus n. s. Shell solid, waxen white, with nine and a half inflated whorls. Nucleus of two whorls, swollen, polished, the last whorl with sharp transverse riblets. Sculpture of sharply carinate spiral ridges, 6-8 on the earlier whorls, 11-15 on the last whorl, beside about 20 on the canal. On the last whorl, the four or five ridges in front of the suture are smaller than the others ; there is generally a small sharp ridge between the pairs of large ones which becomes a fine thread if we follow it up the spire; on the canal all the ridges become less prominent anteriorly. On the apical whorls there are 10-12 transverse ribs, rounded, and only prominent toward the periphery; the ridges run over these without much change and the transverse riblets become fainter on the later whorls and usually vanish on the last one. The only other transverse sculpture is formed by the lines of growth, which are rather sharp and scalloped between the ridges, cor- responding to serrations of the outer lip; the whorls increase rapidly in diam- eter, and the suture is deep but not channelled. The base of the last whorl is rather suddenly constricted, while the canal tapers rapidly. The aperture is small, surrounded by a continuous sharp lip-lamina which extends to the end of the canal. The outer lip is strongly serrate, corresponding to 12-14 strong internal lirse; the inner lip is also Urate, but the lirse are often broken up irreg- ularly toward their outer ends. In the immature shell the lamina about the mouth and the lirations on the inner lip are of course absent. Max. Ion. of shell, 88.0; of last whorl, 60.0; of aperture, 20.0; of aperture and canal, 55.0; max. lat. of shell, 33.0; of aperture, 15.0 mm. Habitat. U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2134, south of Cuba, in 254 fms., sand; 2316, off Key West, in 50 fms., coral bottom, temperature 74°.0; 2404, in the Gulf of Mexico, between the delta of the Mississippi and Cedar Keys, Florida, in 60 fms., sand; and 2411, between Cedar Keys and the Dry Tortugas, in 27 fms., sand. This is a very remarkable species; in the short and rapidly increasing spire, MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 167 large body whorl, and rapidly tapering canal, it has no parallel among recent species. Its nearest relative, and doubtless ancestor, is the Fusus Caloosaensis Heilprin, from the Pliocene of the Caloosahatchie River, Florida, which has very much such a spire, but the whorls are appressed to the suture and the sculpture is markedly different in detail ; the lira? of the outer lip are double, and the shell is usually smaller than in the present species. In Fusus timcssus the soft parts are white, the operculum thick and solid. Neither appears to differ from those ordinary to the genus. Fusus eucosmius n. s. Plate XXXV. Fig. 5. This shell is close to Fusus turriculus Kiener, from the Chinese coast, and i3 best described by a comparison with it. The nucleus of turriculus is brown and swollen, the first whorl being larger than the one which succeeds it ; in eucosmius it is smaller, white, and the second turn is larger than the first. F. turriculus with eleven whorls measures 110.0 mm. long and 30.0 in diam- eter. F. eucosmius with eleven whorls measures 85.0 by 23.5 mm. It has its mouth relatively as well as actually smaller than the Chinese species; the maximum diameter of the aperture in the latter enters 6.1 times into the total length, while in F. eucosmius it will enter 6.6 times. The average number of transverse ribs in F. turriculus is ten, in F. eucosmia eight, while in the latter they are usually more prominent, especially at the periphery, and the inter- spaces are deeper. The color of the Chinese form is yellowish white, but most of the Antillean specimens tend toward an orange hue like that of a ripe apri- cot. In other features the two species are very similar, except that the inner lip of eucosmius is always smooth, while in adult specimens of the Chinese shell the equivalent surface is strongly irregularly lirate. Habitat. West Florida, in 60 fms. ; Station 11, in 37 fms., near Cuba; Station 290, in 73 fms., sand, off Barbados, bottom temperature 70°. 7. Also at U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2316, 2317, 2318, off Key West, in 45-50 fms., sand, temperature 75°. 0, and 2402, in 111 fms., and 2411 in 27 fms., sand, in the Gulf of Mexico. The specimens obtained by the Blake were all very young and imperfect. The characters of the species could not have been made out without an exam- ination of the Fish Commission specimens, most of which were adult and living. o FUSUS Couei Petit. Fusus Couei Petit, Journ. de Conchyl., IV. p. 249, pi. viii. fig. 1, 1853. Habitat. U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2411 and 2414, in the Gulf of Mexico between Tampa and Dry Tortugas, in 26-27 fms., sand. 168 BULLETIN OF THE This extremely neat little species is closely approached by F. tenuiliratus Dunker, of unknown habitat, which may prove to be a mere variety or abnormal form of our species. Fusus distans Lamarck var. closter Philippi. I can fully corroborate the remarks of Mr. Tryon in regard to this variety. It is absolutely indistinguishable from specimens from the Philippine Islands known to be varieties of F. distans. F. Dupetit-thouarsi of Kiener runs through a parallel series of variations. Fusus halistreptus n. s. Plate XXXV. Fig. 7. Shell pure white, of about ten whorls. Nucleus decollate in the specimen; early whorls with 10-12 faint rounded transverse ribs which become nearly obsolete on the later whorls ; lines of growth elevated, sharp, fluted and retic- ulated by the spiral sculpture, giving the surface a rasplike character; they are also gathered into a frilled band just in front of the suture, which they cut obliquely ; spiral sculpture of numerous fine threads, and on each whorl three to five stronger ones, more prominent and sharp-edged on the ribs; aperture small, surrounded with an elevated border; outer lip delicately lirate within, inner lip perfectly smooth, a distinct notch in the callus on the body at the posterior commissure of the aperture ; canal long, slender, subcylindrical. Max. Ion. of shell, 80.0 ; of last whorl, 51.0 ; of aperture, 15.0 ; of canal in front of the aperture, 28.0; max. lat. of shell, 20.0 mm. Habitat. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2655, living, in 338 fms., Little Bahama Bank, bottom sandy, temperature 47°. 5 F. This species recalls F. Schrammi Crosse, being about the same size and other- wise similar, but it is more drawn out, the whorls are rounded and full, and they are not angulated by the prominent peripheral thread which replaces the carina of F. Schrammi. The gathered oblique lamellae at the suture are also peculiar. The soft parts are white except the eyes, which are remarkably large and black, and some of the internal organs. The tentacles are very short and small. The operculum and other features seem to resemble those of F. colus as figured by H. & A. Adams. Fusus benthalis n. s. Plate XV. Fig. 10. Shell small, yellowish white, eight-whorled. Nucleus milk-white, polished, two-whorled, smooth. Spiral sculpture of (on the last whorl about 12) rather strong rounded threads, of which three appear on the upper whorls about equal and equidistant, riding over and becoming a little swollen upon the transverse MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 1G9 ribs; between tbese are numerous small subequal close-set spiral threads ; transverse sculpture of (on the last whorl about 12) equal even ribs, which fall away toward the sutures and on the canal; these ribs are wider than their interspaces, with a tendency to become nodulous where crossed by the strong spirals ; both margins of the suture are bordered by a thread and appressed to each other in a wavy line ; canal and aperture moderate ; the outer lip lirate within ; inner lip simple, with a light wash of callus ; whorls moderately rounded. Max. Ion. of shell, 15.0; of last whorl, 10.0; of aperture, 4.0; of canal in front of the aperture, 4.0 ; max. lat. of shell, 5.5 mm. Habitat. Off Cape San Antonio, living, in 1002 fins. Station 5, near Cuba, in 152-229 fins., ooze, temperature 49°.5; off Sand Key, 15-128 fms; off Sombrero, in 54 fms. This little shell appeals to be abundant, and to have a very wide bathy- metrical range. Fusus amiantus n. s. Plate XV. Fig. 11. Shell pure white, with a straw-colored nucleus, ten-whorled. Spire rather acute, whorls obliquely smoothed off in front of the sutures. Nucleus four- whorled, above smooth, below sculptured with semilunar transverse ripples and a basal carina; spiral sculpture of very fine spiral threads, lightly decus- sated by wavy lines of growth ; there are also two strong threads near the periphery, one lower which is obscured by the suture, and on the last whorl three, more anterior, beside the usual spiral sculpture of the canal; these strong threads become much more prominent, stronger, and sharply keeled, as they pass over the transverse riblets ; transverse sculpture of eight rounded ribs, which appear near the periphery and extend over it on to the base ; they are crossed by the spiral sculpture ; suture appressed, wavy ; the absence of ribs near the suture and the flattening of the shell there give this species a somewhat Pleurotomoid aspect, but there is no notch ; canal moderate, strongly twisted ; aperture smooth within, edges sharp, simple. Max. Ion. of shell, 17.0; of last whorl, ,10.3 ; of aperture and canal, 8.0; max. lat. of shell, 6.6 mm. Habitat. Gulf of Mexico, at Station 2, off Havana, in 805 fms., bottom tem- perature 39°.75 F. The nucleus of this little shell is peculiar, and the aperture is imperfect, but it is clearly different from any of the known species. There is something in the texture of the shell and the finer sculpture which recalls Sipho ghjptus Verrill. Fusus gepynotus n. s. Shell small, slender, white, eight-whorled ; nucleus milk-white, strongly transversely plicate below, above smooth, rounded ; spiral sculpture of (on the last whorl 18) strong rounded threads, of which four or five are visible on the 170 BULLETIN OF THE upper whorls; these are slightly swollen, but not keeled, where they pass over the ribs ; between these are numerous fine close-set threads slightly marked, by inconspicuous lines of growth. The transverse sculpture consists of (on the last whorl 10) rounded rather close stout ribs which pass clear over the whorl and are straight and slightly larger behind ; suture appressed and wavy, conspicuous ; canal stout, slightly twisted, aperture subovate, marginated ; outer lip internally lirate with two or three strong denticles anteriorly ; inner lip smooth, or slightly granulous. Max. Ion. of shell, 24.0 ; of last whorl, 16.5 ; of aperture and canal, 12.5; max. lat. of shell, 9.0 mm. Habitat. Station 36, in 84 fms., Gulf of Mexico; off Sombrero, in 70 fms. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2648, off Cape Florida, in 84 fms., green mud. This species recalls F. Bocayei Fischer, dredged by the Travailleur in about 500 fms., but that species, from an authentic specimen, is shorter, stouter, with only seven transverse ribs and three principal spiral threads on the spire. The fine spirals in F. Bocagei are also more conspicuous. F. wpijnotus has a little the aspect of Fusus carolinensis Verrill, especially the young ones, while differ- ing in many details, especially the number and straightness of the ribs. Its nearest relative would seem to be a form named by Borson Fusus lamellosus, from the Tertiary of Modena; but this is merely the young of F. rostratus, and the adult has very different characters. Fusus alcimus n. s. Shell resembling the last species, but shorter and more acute at both ends, with only six much more oblique and proportionally stouter ribs, coarser re- volving spirals, and none of the fine spiral striation which exists between the primary threads of F. cepynotus. It has eight whorls; the nucleus is strongly plicate below; the interspaces between the ribs are deep, and in them the spirals are much closer together than they are on the summit of the ribs; on the last whorl there is sometimes an intercalary single fine spiral thread. The color is yellowish with touches of dark brown ; the canal is very short ; the aperture is contracted, the lips much thickened, the outer one strongly inter- nally lirate, the inner one smooth ; the suture is inconspicuous and very much waved. Max. Ion. of shell, 15.0; of last whorl, 9.2; of aperture and canal, 7.0; max. lat. of shell, 7.0 mm. Habitat. Station 32, in 95 fms., 100 miles north of Yucatan, in the Gulf of Mexico. Fusus alcimus var. Rushii Dall. Shell smaller, pure white, nucleus hardly plicate, depressions between the ribs less deep, ribs less prominent and hardly oblique. Lon. of shell, 8.5; lat. 4.0 mm. Habitat. West of North Bernini, Bahamas, in 200 fms., Dr. W. H. Kush, U. S. N. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 171 Fusus ceramidus n. s. Shell of a waxen or brownish yellow color, of a peculiar waxen subtranslu- cency, nine-whorled, strongly transversely ribbed, with obscure spiral sculp- ture and an imbricated band in front of the suture. Nucleus white, smooth, small but swollen. Transverse sculpture of seven or eight rounded ribs, stouter and more prominent on the early whorls, and on most of them not quite reaching the suture; also sharpish lines of growth whicli in front of the 6uture are elevated into flattish somewhat irregular imbricated scales, forming a narrow band in front of the suture. Spiral sculpture of primary and finer secondary threads, one or two of the former, near the periphery, becoming sharper and more prominent as they pass over the ribs ; on the later whorls all the spiral sculpture has a worn or partially obsolete appearance. Aperture large, canal moderate, curved to the left; outer lip not much thickened, inter- nally lirate ; a callous ridge on the body, near the outer lip ; the inner lip smooth, or with a few liree near the canal. Max. Ion. of shell, 46.5; of last whorl, 32.0; of aperture and canal, 26.0; max. lat. of shell, 18.7 mm. Habitat. Stations 272, 273, and 290, at Barbados, in 73-103 fins., sand, bottom temperature 60° to 71°.0 F. This is a peculiar species and easily recognized by the color and imbricated band before the suture. Fusus amphiurgus n. s. Shell small, eight-whorled , yellowish, translucent, with spiral touches of reddish brown; nucleus polished, smooth, brownish, two-whorled; transverse sculpture of fine sharp distinct incremental lines, and 9-10 narrow rounded subequal ribs, with wider interspaces, and somewhat broader anteriorly than near the suture; spiral sculpture of, on the periphery, two primary threads stronger than any of the others, swollen, keeled, and opaque white where they pass over the ribs; between these and the suture behind are three or four smaller threads with touches of brown in the interspaces; in front of the periphery and between it and the canal are about six more smaller primary threads, and others which cover the canal ; between these on the whorl are from one to four extremely fine secondary threads. Owing to the difference in the size of the primaries the upper surface of the whorls slopes, roof-like, to the periphery, and this, with the white noduled peripheral threads, is the most striking feature of the shell; the aperture is rounded, the outer lip internally lirate, the canal slender and well differentiated. Max. Ion. of shell, 14.0; of last whorl, 9.0; of aperture and canal, 7.3; max. lat. of shell, 6.5 mm. Habitat. Gulf of Mexico, at Station 45, in 101 fins., bottom temperature 62° F. This little shell is immature, and is described with some hesitation for that reason, yet it does not show characters like those exhibited by the young of 172 BULLETIN OF THE any of the known species, and it seemed best to put it on record by giving it a name. Its nearest relative is Fusus pulchellus Philippi, of the Mediterranean, from which its most obvious distinction lies in its lighter color, more delicate texture, and the peculiar bevel of the upper surface of the whorls. In F. pul- chellus the whorls are rounded and full, and the spiral sculpture coarser and sharper. Subfamily FASCIOLARIIN^E. Genus FASCIOLARIA Lamarck. Fasciolaria distans Lamarck. Two young shells were dredged off Sombrero, in 54 fms. The more southern specimens of this shell are paler than those from the United States. A specimen received from Balize is almost destitute of re- volving color lines and is of a very pale salmon-color. The species is perfectly distinct from any of the varieties of F. tulipa. Subgenus MESORHYTIS Meek. Mesorhytis Meek, Inv. Pal. Upper Missouri, pp. 356, 364, 1876 ; type, Fasciolaria gracilentis Meek ; Cret. Mesorhytis Meekiana n. s. Plate XXXVI. Fig. 7. Shell elongate-fusiform, thin, pale waxen or brownish, glossy; nucleus blunt, globose, of about one whorl ; other whorls seven or more, little rounded, the second, third, and fourth showing 8-10 sharp high transverse ribs, a little shouldered behind, and crossed by fine spiral threads and grooves most distinct on the posterior side of the whorl; one of the threads is stronger than the others and angulates the ribs in crossing them; the sculpture becomes obsolete or nearly so on succeeding whorls, the fine distant grooves persisting longest ; specimens differ in this respect ; usually the succeeding whorls are smooth except for incremental lines, appressed toward the suture and with a little fine spiral grooving on the canal; aperture elongated, acute behind; outer lip smooth, thin, and sharp; canal about half as wide and nearly as long as the aperture, slightly recurved; columella without callus, somewhat flexuous ; at its middle are three plaits, the largest being posterior, very thin, elevated, and somewhat oblique. Lon. of shell, 15.5; of aperture, 9.0; max. lat. of shell, 5.0 mm. Habitat. Off Morro Light, Cuba, 250-400 fms.; Gulf of Mexico, Station 16, 292 fms., and Station 20, in 220 fms., bottom temperature 62°.0 F. Though not containing the soft parts, the specimens were fresh, and probably lived at these depths. They seem not completely mature. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 173 The very young, owing to its sculpture, might be taken for an immature Mitra, but the shell when older is very characteristic. It is the first living species of the subgenus which has been reported. Genus MAZZALINA Conrad. This group is known only from a single Eocene species, M. pyrula Conrad, which I agree with Messrs. Fischer and Tryon in regarding as nearly related to Lagena, having recently examined the original type. Another shell, which has recently been referred to this group, is of a good deal of interest, and represents without dcubt a new generic type. Genus LIOCHLAMYS Dall. Shell resembling a Fasciolaria of the type of F. distans, but short and glo- bose, with a short curved canal, three plaits on the column, and the usual features of Fasciolaria, but entirely covered over in the adult with a coat of enamel which obscures the sutures, and as it were varnishes the whole shell. The mantle in this form must have been prolonged, as in Dipsaccus or Cyprcea, so as entirely to hide the shell. Type, L. bulbosa Dall = Mazzalina bulbosa Heilprin, Trans. Wagner Free Inst., I. p. 76, plate ii. fig. 7, 1887. Pliocene of the Caloosahatchie beds, Florida. The original specimen of Prof. Heilprin was somewhat decorticated, and the usual spiral sculpture of the canal and anterior part of the shell running into the aperture, where the enamel had been lost, gave somewhat the aspect of the grooving of Lagena or Mazzalina. In perfect specimens nothing of this sort is to be seen. The shell is a short bulbous Fasciolaria, covered with a coat of enamel brilliantly polished. This species is found with many other rather deep-water species, of which several are in the Albatross dredgings. It would not be very extraordinary if future dredgings in the Gulf of Mexico should bring it to light in the recent state. Genus LATIRUS Montfort. The following species, though not obtained by the Blake, form part of the fauna of this region. Leiicozonia cingulifera Lamarck (sometimes 70.0 mm. in length) which extends from the Florida Keys to the Isthmus of Darien. By a typographical error transplanted into Mr. Tryon's Manual (Vol. III. p. 96), it was referred to as L. cingulata by Mr. W. W. Calkins. The latter is a West American species, of which no trace has ever been found in Florida. L. occllata Gmelin also reaches the Keys, though rare ; L. dubia Petit is a variety of it L. triscrialis, to which Tryon refers L. dubia, is confined to the eastern Atlantic. L. multangulus of Tryon (after Philippi), as we have elsewhere shown, is a 174 BULLETIN OF THE Muricidea. In the genus Latirus, L. infundibulum Gmelin, L. brevicaudatus Reeve, and L. cayohuesonicus Sowerby are Antillean, the last named bein" the only one known to reach the Keys. L. maderensis Watson, L. fastigium Reeve and L. contemptus A. Adams are stated to be West Indian, but I have not seen any authentic specimens of them from that region. Family BUCCINID^E. Subfamily CHRYSODOMIN.E. Genus CHRYSODOMUS Swainson. Subgenus SIPHO Morch. The name Chrysodomus is the first which, according to the rules of nomen- clature, can be properly adopted for the group typified by Fusus antiquus of Lamarck, Neptunea and other names in common use never having been de- fined or diagnosed for this group until long after Chrysodomus had been pro- posed by Swainson. This group has been united with the Buccinidce, and there are many points of resemblance, but it is a question whether it would not be more correctly regarded as a subordinate part of a family which shall include the genus Fusus properly so called, with, on the one hand, Chrysodomus and its allies, and, on the other, Fasciolaria and its allies, each group being rated as a subfamily. Numerous characters link these subfamilies together ; and the features of the dentition, which formerly seemed so remarkable, and which were assigned as a sufficient reason for uniting the group with the Buccinidte, now that we begin to know of the dental characters in a much larger number of species, seem less and less distinctive. There are a large number of arctic and archibenthal forms of the Sipho group. None of them are known to inhabit very warm water, where they are replaced by Fusus and Fasciolaria. In the deep water, however, a few mostly small species reach quite far south. A number of interesting forms have been described by Prof. Verrill, while some described from the other side of the Atlantic have turned up here without being at first recognized. Such are Sipho Bocagei Fischer, which has been described by Messrs. Yerrill and Smith as Sipho ccelatulus, and of which a specimen 36 mm. long was dredged in 966 fms., off Jamaica, W. I., by the Fish Commission. The adult operculum shows that it is not a typical Mohnia, though that appendage is less pointed and acute than in most of the genus Sipho. Another species is the Sipho Sarsii of Jeffreys, which has been named Fusus ahyssnrum by Fischer from the Talis- man dreclgings, and Siptho profundicola V. & S., from the Fish Commission dredgings. What seems to be a very slender variety of this species was also obtained at the same station off Jamaica, and very young specimens off the Floridian and Georgian coast. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 175 Sipho Rushii n. s. Shell small, thin, white, elongated, with a furfurescent epidermis and six whorls. Nucleus regular, white, smooth, but becoming gradually spirally striate ; whorls well rounded, suture distinct ; spiral sculpture of (between the sutures 5) primary threads, with a smaller thread in the intervals and finer ones on the anterior part of the last whorl and canal ; these are crossed by fine flexuous lines of growth which decussate the threads, or give them, in strongly sculptured specimens, a somewhat beaded look ; there are also 12-15 faint flexuous ribs crossing the whorl, tending to become obsolete on the last half of the last whorl, and more marked on some specimens than on others ; these are quite concave at and behind the periphery ; canal short, narrow, twisted to the left; columella rather concave ; aperture entirely simple, with no visible cal- lus ; operculum rather wide and short. Max. Ion. of shell, 11.0; of last whorl, 7.5; of aperture and canal, 5.5 ; max. lat. of shell, 4.5; of aperture, 1.25 mm. Habitat. Station 264-4 of the U. S. Fish Commission, off Cape Florida, in 193 fins., sand, bottom temperature 43°.4 F. Also in 205 fms., off Fowey Rocks, in the Straits of Florida, by Dr. W. H. Rush, U. S. N. This is a delicate and pretty little shell, which is, in its general characters, very much like the young state of Tritonidea limbata Philippi ( + Fitsus pul- chellus Pfr. non Phil.) ; but that is more strongly sculptured and hao a different nucleus, beside being clouded with color. Sipho? (Ptychosalpinx?) globulus n. s. Plate XXXV. Fig. 13 a. Shell stout, short, white, spirally channelled, with about six whorls; spire short, whorls moderately rounded, apex rather blunt ; nucleus small, depressed, glassy, smooth ; spiral sculpture of (between the sutures) about a dozen broad flattened cinguli separated by narrower channelled interspaces, and covering very equally the whole shell ; there are also a few faint spiral stria?, especially in the channelled interspaces near the aperture; transverse sculpture only of rather strong lines of growth, most evident in the channels. Suture very dis- tinct; aperture elongate, arched, the outer lip thin, smooth, and hardly thick- ened inside; a little callus in the commissure and on the body and pillar; canal wide, very short, deeply notched, strongly twisted to the left; siphonal fasciole narrow but distinct, sharp-edged, producing false plaits under the columellar enamel ; columella arched, its anterior edge sharply keeled. Oper- culum rather bluntly pointed. Max. Ion. of shell, 31.0; of last whorl, 25.0; of aperture and canal, 21.5; max. lat. of shell, 20.0; of aperture, 9.5 mm. Habitat. Station 2655 of the U. S. Fish Commission, in 338 fms., ooze, on the Little Bahama Bank, the bottom temperature 47°. 5 F. This shell is thin, and recalls Odcorys as well as Liomesus. The nearest rel- atives, conchologically, are Chrysodomus ventricosus Gray, from Newfoundland, which is a much larger shell with a strong epidermis and longer canal, and the 176 BULLETIN OF THE fossil shells named Ptychosalpinx by Gill, in 1867, of which Buccinum Escheri Mayer and B. altile Conrad are types. The animal is pure white, and destitute of eyes. The tentacles are small, the proboscis extremely long ; the verge is long, sigmoid, flattened, and has a small pointed process at the tip. The dentition resembles that of Chrysodomus (Mohnia) Mohni Friele (North Atlantic Exp., Eeport, Part I., plate v. fig. 14, 1882), but the teeth are wider, the laterals more arched, and it is certain that the rhachidian tooth has only one prong or cusp, while the laterals have no small denticles between the two terminal ones. If this specimen had not re- tained the soft parts I should have supposed it to be a Liomesus. The keeled columella is peculiar, though this feature is common to Liomesus, but the faint plait-like ridges above are merely the raised edges of the siphonal fasciole, showing through the enamel, and they disappear in adult specimens and are not present in some young ones. Genus LIOMESUS Stimpson. Buccinopsis Jeffreys, not Conrad. Liomesus was defined before Buccinopsis Jeffreys, and would take precedence of it even if the name Buccinopsis had not been long preoccupied. Liomesus ? Stimpsoni n. s. Plate XXXV. Fig. 11. Shell solid, strong, porcellanous; suffused with flesh color, lighter toward the apex; short-fusiform with the extreme apex a little flattened; six-whorled; nucleus minute, somewhat sunken, with the shell for two and a half whorls smooth polished and white ; after this the sculpture gradually appears, and consists of spiral threads, or cinguli, smaller, rounder, and more distant an- teriorly, wider, flatter, and closer posteriorly, except that in front of the suture there are one or two rather wider interspaces; beside this there are obsolete spiral strise and rather strong lines of growth passing equally over the whole shell; epidermis thin, yellowish; the whorls are slightly flattened behind and squared off to the suture, producing a slightly turrited aspect, but the suture is not channelled; canal short, wide, deepby notched, producing a strongly marked but not swollen fasciole; aperture rather elongated, not wide, thick- ened within; on the pillar a moderate whitish callus, which is microscopically punctate, a thin wash on the body; the outer lip thick from the thickness of the shell, a little lirate by the sculpture close to the sharp edge, but not re- flected; canal short, not recurved; pillar obliquely truncate, arcuate, keeled on the front edge. Max. Ion. of shell, 32.5; of last whorl, 26.5; of aperture, 20.0; max. lat. of shell, 18.7; of aperture, 9.0 mm. Habitat. U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2314 and 2625, off the Carolina coast, in 159 and 247 fms., sand, bottom temperature 46° to 47°. 5 F. February 28, 1889. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 177 The specimens were perfectly fresh, but did not contain the soft parts. The generic place therefore remains a little doubtful. So far as the shell is con- cerned, it does not differ from Liomesus, unless in the somewhat narrowed aper- ture. In some respects the shell recalls Dalium, but wants the prominent band in front of the suture and is of a much more Buccinoid form. It is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Wm. Stimpson, the author of the genus, which was long erroneously included with the Buccinums. Subfamily BUCCININjE. Genus PISANIA Biyona. Subgenus TRITONIDEA Swainson. Pisania pusio Lin. (non Auct.) is widely spread through the Antilles, and was collected at Key West from the hermit crabs by Captain Pickering, U. S. N. It has many synonyms, and when young is strongly striated. These young with the epidermis on resemble P. striata Gmelin very much, and have been so labelled in collections, but the true striata (+ maculosa Lam. Tryon) is a Mediterranean form. To the dark striated variety of pusio are to be referred P. wthiops Phil, and P. janeirense Phil. The transition between Pisania proper (P. pusio) and Tritonidea is easy. Take P. pusio var. cethiops and compare it with a small specimen of T. varie- gata, or a smooth variety of T. iincta, from which there is no difficulty in reach- ing T. auritula via the ribbed varieties of T. tincta. I can only regard Tritonidea as a subgenus of Pisania. Of the group Tritonidea, the region under consideration affords T. cancellaria Conrad (-+- T. floridanus Petit), T. tincta Conrad, T. auritula Link (+ T. coro- mandelianus Lam., + T. ringens Tryon non Reeve, -f- lauta Reeve,), T. vari- egatus Gray (+ T. vivcrratoides Orb.), T. UOrbignyi Payr. (21 fms., off Cape Catoche, Yucatan), and T. limbata Phi]., provided this last, elsewhere referred to in this paper, really belongs to this group. Of this list T. auritula is, so far as we know, Antillean ; T. cancellaria extends from the Caribbean to Texas and Florida; T. tincta extends from Cape Hatteras southward to Mexico and the northern Antilles ; T. variegatus is rare everywhere, but reaches the Florida Keys ; while T. limbata and D"1 Orbignyi are known to me by specimens from only one or two localities. The T. Haneti of (Petit according to) Tryon is not, in my opinion, a Tritonidea. The T. ringens of Calkins and Tryon, from specimens submitted by those gentlemen, is T. tincta, pure and simple, and has no particular resemblance to T. ringens, which is a West American species. Genus PHOS Montfort. Notwithstanding the error of Mr. Tryon's statement that this genus is sepa- rated by good conchological characters from Nassa, I do not doubt its validity, but the differences are to be found in the soft parts and the operculum, not in vol. xvm. 12 178 BULLETIN OF THE the shell. The oblique basal fold of the columella, regarded as characteristic by Mr. Tryon, can be observed in nearly every species of Nassa which one may .examine, and is, in fact, conspicuous. But a very small amount of investigation in this case, as in many others, will show that, apart from the bare shells, there is much yet to be learned about almost all these animals. Phos ? unicinctus Sat. Nassa unicincta Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., V. p. 211, 1826; Tryon, Mar. Conch., p. 35, fig. 55. Nassa guadeloupensis Petit, Journ. de Conchyl., III. p. 56, pi. ii. figs. 3, 4, 1852 Krebs, Cat., p. 32 ; Beau, Cat., p. 11. Nassa textilina Morch, Jide Tryon, Man., p. 220. Phos guadeloupensis Arango, Fauna Mai. Cubana, p. 201, 1878; Tryon, Man., III. p. 219, pi. lxxxiii. figs. 612, 620. Habitat. St. Thomas, C. B. Adams. St. Croix, Rawson. Shore at Curacao, U. S. Fish Commission. The South Carolinian habitat assigned by Say was doubtless accidental or erroneous. This shell has more the aspect of a Nassa than of a Phos, as these go, though considerably resembling the specifically distinct Phos pallidus of the west coast of America. But it has the operculum neither of a Nassa nor of a Phos ! The operculum is lozenge-shaped, pointed in front and behind, with a nearly central nucleus and concentric elements much like those of Buccinum except in outline. In our present ignorance as to the character of the opercu- lum in nearly all the species of Nassa and most of the species of Phos, I do not think it advisable to propose a new sectional name for this form, as it may very probably turn out to be characteristic of some of the sections of Nassa already named on conchological grounds. Phos Beaui Fischer & Berkardi. Phos Beaui F. & B., Journ. de Conchyl., V. p. 358, pi. xii figs. 8, 9, 1860 ; Krebs, Cat., p. 32 ; Fischer, Cat. Beau, p. 10. Habitat. Barbados, in 73-82 fms., at Stations 272, 290, and 293, bottom temperature 65° to 71° F. The soft parts of this species are white, dotted with blackish toward the middle line of the foot above, and with the end of the siphon very dark brown. The eyes are very large in proportion to the size of the animal, are mounted on large long stout peduncles, from the inner side of the distal end of which pro- ceed very slender acute tentacles. The foot is large, thin, with an entire edge and pointed linguiform tail-end. In withdrawing it into the shell it is doubled transversely in the middle. The operculum is like that of Phos as figured by H. & A. Adams. When entirely perfect the point terminates in a little claw- shaped process. The surface of the body is smooth and without accessory flla- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 179 ments or other processes. The specimen was not a male. The tentacles are not " connate at their bases " in this or the next species, any more than in any other Gastropod with retractile proboscis. The tail end of the foot had no fila- ment, but was (in spirits) merely narrow and pointed. Fragments of this fine species, readily recognized by its polished surface, were obtained as above, and one broken but living specimen at Station 293. Phos Candei Orbignt. Cancellaria Candei Orbigny, Atlas to Moll. Cub., pi. xxi. figs. 23-25, 1842 ; text of the same, II. p. 129, 1847. (Not Nassa Candei Orbigny, op. cit.) Phos erectus Guppy, Geol. Mag., 1874, pi. xvi. fig. 1 (extra copies, p. 8). Phos Candei Arango, Fauna Mai. Cub., p. 201, 1878. Phos antillarum Petit, Journ. de Conchyl., IV. pp. 238, 242, 418, pi. viii. fig. 9, 1853. Phos grateloupianus Petit, op. cit., p. 243, pi. viii. fig. 4, 1853. t Phos veraguaensis Hinds, Ann. Nat. Hist., XI. p. 257, 1843; Voy. Sulph, p. 37, pi. x. figs. 13, 14, 1844; Tryon, Man., III. p. 219. ? Buccinum zonale Krebs, Cat., p. 31, 1864, as of Brugiere. Habitat. Off Sombrero, 54-70 fms.; Barbados, 80-100 fms.; Station 36, off Cuba, in 84 fms., bottom temperature 60°. F. ; Station 128, off Santa Cruz, in 180 fms., sand, and Station 132, in 115 fms., rocky bottom, temperature 60° to 65° F.; Station 143, off Saba Bank, in 150 fms., temperature 63°.5; Station 167, off Guadelupe, in 175 fms., sand, temperature 55°. 0; Station 155, off Montserrat, in 88 fms., temperature 69°.0, and Station 247, off Grenada, in 170 fms., ooze, bottom temperature 53°. 5 F. Also at U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2145, near Aspinwall, in 25 fms., mud; 2403, in the Gulf of Mexico, between the delta of the Mississippi and Cedar Keys, Florida, in 88 fms., mud ; and 2601, in 107 fms., sand, 36 miles S. \ W. from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, bottom temperature 67°. 4 F. I doubt the identity of this species with that of Hinds from West America, but in any case the name and excellent figure of Orbigny have precedence, though the text of his description was delayed. I have no doubt that Mr. Tryon was correct in uniting the Phos grateloupianus of Petit with his P. antillarum. . Most of the Antillean specimens are more like the figure of the former, said to be from Senegal, than like the pattern of that from the West Indies. There is probably some error about the figure or the habitat. There is a small variety of this shell which is brighter colored and more finely sculptured than the more common form, but they intergrade. There is much variation in regard to the presence and position of varices, which are often entirely absent on the upper whorls. The operculum is like that of Chrijsodomus or Phos senticosus. The nucleus is glassy, sharply peripherally carinate, and has three to five otherwise nnsculptured whorls. The soft parts and operculum are exactly like those of Phos Beaui, but there is less of the blackish dotting, even the siphon has not much. 180 BULLETIN OF THE Phos parvus C. B. Adams. Triton parvus C. B. Adams, Contr. to Conch., p. 59, Jan., 1850. Triton eximium Rawson, Carpenter in litt. as of Reeve. Phos intricatus Dall, Hemphill's Shells, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull., VI. p. 325, pi. x. fig. 9, 1883. Habitat. West coast of Florida, to Key "West. Vera Cruz, Mexico, Strebel. Progreso, Mexico, Mex. Sci. Commission. Bahamas, Rawson. Jamaica, Rum Cay, and Turk's Island, C. B. Adams. St. Thomas and Anguilla, in two feet of water among stones and corals, Krebs. A visit to Amherst, where I was able to consult Prof. Adams's types, has en- abled me to identify my P. intricatus with his Triton parvus. The eximium of Reeve is subsequent to Adams's name, and was described as from the Indo- Pacific region. They are probably not identical, though similar. The Flo- ridian specimens are short, compact, with very prickly sculpture, and of a white or muddy gray color. The Antillean specimens are more slender and elongated, less prickly, and of a clear white, or banded prettily with light yel- low brown or purplish, in a spiral direction. Perhaps the less attractive Floridian kind may retain the name of intricatus in a varietal sense. I have what is either a distinct species or a very marked variety of P. parvus in the National Collection, from the West Indies, but the specimen is not per- fect enough for description. It has much the appearance and color of Phos Beaut, but is more sharply sculptured and is very little larger than the largest specimens of undoubted P. parvus. The sculpture has nothing of the imbri- cated prickly quality so marked in that of P. })arvus. Genus NASSARIA (Link) H. & A. Adams. < Nassaria Link, Beschr. Rostock Samml., p. 123, May, 1807. = Hindsia A. Adams, P. Z. S., 1853, p. 182; Fischer Man., p. 631. = Nassaria H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll., I. p. 123, 1853. The name Nassaria of Link, like the Nassarius of Dumeril, was originally in- tended as a verbal emendation or improvement of the name Nassa of Lamarck. It was not intended as a new genus, but as an equivalent of one already exist- ing. It was divided into two sections by Link, of which Section A contains as examples, in the order given, Buccinum niveum Gmelin, Nassa papillosa La- marck, N. reticulata Lamarck, N. ornata Kiener, N. exilis Gmelin, Phos sen- ticosus Montfort, and Pleurotoma buccinoides of Lamarck (=P. sinuata Born); Section B contains Pisania tranquebarica, P. coromandeliana, and P. undosa of Lamarck. It will be seen that the larger number of the species were Nassas, and all of them looked like Nassa, as the name was used in those days. But if we regard the name as hiving any right to stand in nomenclature, and MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 181 proceed by a process of elimination, we find very soon that in 1853 the onlj unappropriated unit of this heterogeneous assembly is the first species. Rafi- nesque in 1815 had adopted Nassaria, but he did not define it, merely putting it next to Nassa and among the genera of his subfamily Buccinidia. Pfeiffer does not regard the Buccinum niveum of Gmelin as identifiable, and the figure is certainly far from good, but later the Adams brothers concluded that it rep- resented a shell which one of them had just placed in a new genus, Hindsia A. Adams. It would doubtless have been better to have left Nassaria as an ab- solute synonym of Nassa, and retained Hindsia for the new group. But the brothers Adams were the first to revise it, and the most interested in the later name, and they did not adopt this plan*; so perhaps science will best be served by accepting their decision, though much might be said on both sides. The investigations of the Fish Commission and the Blake in Antillean waters and along the coasts of the United States have brought to light several species of a group nearly related to Nassaria, but which it seems necessary to distin- guish by a subgeneric name. None of the typical Nassarias have so far been found in the region under consideration, but the present group seems to replace the typical genus in East American waters. Subgenus NASSARINA Dall. Shell with the general characters of Nassaria, but more compact, spindle- shaped and small, and with the aperture long and narrowed anteriorly, and the columella margin elevated and prominent, and united in the adult by an ele- vated callus with the outer lip on the body whorl. Soft parts unknown. Type, N. Bushii Dall. To this group belong N. Bushii, N. Grayii, N. columbellata, all new species, and N. glypta Bush, which was described, with doubt, as a Mangilia. The group goes to the Miocene, if Columbella arnbigua Guppy proves to belong to it. N. glypta is fossil in Floridian Pliocene. Nassarina glypta Bush. Mangilia? glypta Bush, Trans. Conn. Acad., VI. p. 461, pi. xlv. figs. 5, 5a, 1885. This is the smallest species of the group, and the figure above referred is un- fortunately not a good one, the specimen being imperfect. In an adult speci- men the aperture is a little more than two thirds as long as the whole of the last whorl. In the figure it is only about half as long as the whorl, and in so far does not well represent the mature shell, nor the peculiar anteriorly pinched aperture. This species has been found at TJ. S. Fish Commission Stations 2276, 2595, 2596, 2597, 2607, 2608, 2610, 2612, 2615, 2616, 2617, and 2619, off the coast of North Carolina, in 14-63 fms., sand, bottom temperature 67° to 803 F. 182 BULLETIN OF THE Nassarina Bushii Dall. Plate XV. Fig. 12. Shell white, strongly sculptured, six-whorled; nucleus shining, large, swol- len, of one and a half whorls, at first smooth, later assuming fine spiral striation ; the remaining whorls with (on the last whorl 8-10) strong sube<|ual equidis- tant spiral threads nodulous on the summit of 9 or 10 strong rounded trans- verse ribs which cross the whorls; on the earlier whorls only three or four of the spirals appear, and the one nearest the suture is fainter than the others; the rib behind the aperture of the mature shell is somewhat swollen; the base of the last whorl is constricted at the beginning of the canal, which is short and sharply recurved; aperture contracted, surrounded with a thin elevated not reflected continuous margin, interrupted in the adult only by the canal; outer lip smooth, inner lip with three or four strong nodulous teeth; whorls rounded; suture distinct but not channelled. Max. Ion. of shell, 9.0; of last whorl, 5.5; of aperture, 4.0; max. lat. of shell, 3.6 mm. Habitat. Barbados, 100 fms.; Sand Key, Florida, 15-128 fms.; Station 5, Gulf of Mexico, near Cuba, in 152-229 fms., ooze, bottom temperature 49°.5 F. This species is extremely like N. glyjita Bush, on a larger scale, and without the pretty brown and white spiral coloration of that species. Nassarina columbellata Dall. Shell pure white, attenuated anteriorly, rather acutely conical behind, with eight whorls. Nucleus two-whorled, polished, smooth, milk-white, rather large; spire flatly conical with a conspicuous suture, upper whorls with about five strong close-set equal threads, most conspicuous in the interspaces between the numerous (on the last whorl 18) flattened transverse ribs, which cross the whorls but stop short before the sutures, giving a grooved aspect to the latter, which is increased by the existence of a peripheral line or space wider than any of the others between the two spirals nearest the periphery; last whorl attenuated toward the long canal, but not constricted as in the last species; aperture long, narrow, contracted, with an elevated continuous margin, inter- rupted only by the canal, which is recurved near its termination; outer lip with four or five internal teeth; inner lip with five or six finer smaller ones; whorls not rounded above. Max. Ion. of shell, 12.2; of last whori, 8.0; of aperture, 6.0; max. lat. of shell, 4.5 mm. Habitat. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2367, off Cape Catoche, Yucatan, in 124 fms., sand. The upper whorls of this shell are flattened and sculptured much like those of Columbella similis or translirata. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 183 Nassarina Grayi Dall. Plate XXXII. Fig. 12 a. Shell solid, strong, yellowish white with darker brown spiral lines and about six whorls. Nucleus smooth brown ; sculpture of numerous close-set spiral threads, of which about every third or fourth is stronger and darker colored than the others; transverse sculpture of stout ribs becoming obsolete behind the periphery, thus giving the whorl a shouldered aspect, there are nine or ten of these on the last whorl, extending well forward; the rib behind the aperture is varicoid and swollen; the spiral sculpture passes over the ribs, which are a little angulate at the periphery ; the whorl is. appressed to the suture, which in the upper whorls is more or less waved by the ends of the ribs behind it; the aperture is long, narrow, and somewhat contracted, the continuous margin less elevated than in the preceding species; the base of the last whorl is somewhat constricted, the canal is twisted, recurved, and with a strong siphonal fasciole; the outer lip has about seven teeth of which the hinder ones are the stronger; there is a rounded callus on the body and also a few denticulations on the anterior part of the columella. Max. Ion. of shell, 12.0; of last whorl, 9.0; of aperture, 6.0; max. lat. of shell, 5.8 mm. A larger but imperfect specimen is 15.5 mm. long. Habitat. Station 152, off St. Kitts in 122 fms., bottom temperature 67°. 5. Stations 272 and 290, off Barbados, in 73-76 fms., coarse sand, bottom tempera- ture 65° to 71° ; and U. S. Fish Commission Station 2354, in 130 fms., coral, off the Arrowsmith Bank, Yucatan. This is a rather short broad species, and has a little the aspect of a Tritoni- dea, but the pinched aperture suggests its reference to this group. Family NASSIML Genus NASSA Lamarck. The species of this genus are well known to be extremely variable, and a large number of names have been applied to the varieties of the genus indige- nous to the Antilles. With a large series of specimens it is less difficult to set specific bounds as the varietal relations rapidly become evident. There may be a larger number of species in the region, but all the specimens I have seen are referable to one of six littoral or two deeper- water species of this genus. Curiously enough, of this small number four have fallen into neglect of late years, and one appears to be undescribed. N. trivittata does not appear to exist in a living state much south of Cape Hatteras, and does not appear in the Antilles. The species which occur are Nassa vibex Say,* N. acuta Say, N. consensu Ravenel, N. Hotessieri * N. unicincta Say will be referred to under Pkos. 184 BULLETIN OF THE Orbigny, and N. ambigua Montagu, llyanassa obsoleta Say, confined to the continental shore and noc reaching the southernmost extreme of Florida, and an undescribed species mentioned later, make up the list. The deep-water Nassa nigrolabra of Verrill has not turned up in these waters yet, and I doubt the propriety of referring it to this genus. Indeed, it has, judging from the figure, the appearance of a larval shell, though without examining a specimen I would lay no stress on this suggestion. Its smooth unsulcate pillar, however, removes it from the genus Nassa, if it is adequately figured. Nassa ambigua Montagu. Buccinum ambiguum Mont., Brit. Test., pi. ix. fig. 7, 1803. Nassa alba Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., V. p. 212, 1826. Nassa antillarum Orbigny (not Philippi), Moll. Cuba, II. p. 141, pi. xxiii. figs. 1-3 1815 (dark variety). Nassa ambigua Orbigny, Moll. Cuba, II. p. 142. Nassa Candei Orbigny, op. cit., p. 142, pi. xxiii. figs. 4-6, 1845 (voung shell). Nassa candidissima C. B. Adams, Krebs, Cat. p. 32. 1 Nassa obtusata Marrat, Argo Exp., pp. 16, 17, 1876 (not of A. Adams, an E. Indian species). 1 Nassa incrassata Guppy, Geol. Mag., p. 447, 1874 (not of Strom, a European species). 1 Nassa pura Marrat, New Forms of Nassa, p. 13, 1877. Nassa annellifera Reeve, Conch. Icon. Nassa, pi. xxv. fig. 168, 1853 ; Marrat, Argo Exp. p. 8. Not N. ambigua Dunker, W. Africa, = N. incrassata Strom. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, 640 fms.; Station 2, 805 fms.; Barbados, 76-103 fms., including Stations 273 and 276; Station 142, Flannegan Passage, in 27 fms.; Station 155, off Montserrat, in 88 fins.; Station 210, near Martinique, in 191 fms.; off Sombrero, in 54 fms.; Sigsbee, off Havana, in 80 and 177 fms.; Bahamas; Bermuda; Dominica; Florida, Lower Matacumba Key, in grass below low-water mark (Hemphill); Key West, Goodland Point, and other localities in Florida from low water to 2 fms. (Hemphill). ■ The shells dredged by the Blake were all dead, and most of them occupied by Paguri ; none of them probably lived below a depth of a few fathoms, above which it would seem that this must be one of the most abundant and widely spread of the Antillean species. This is the commonest littoral species of Nassa, and its varieties have received many names. It has a different nucleus from the very similar N. incrassata of Europe and "West Africa. It varies in the number of its ribs, their angula- tion in front of the suture, in being white or banded or speckled with brown, and in the strength of its spiral threads. The typical ambigua has numerous rounded ribs, not angulated, and evenly reticulated. The variety antillarum has the ribs fewer and stronger, and with a marked angulation which tur- riculates the whorls. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 185 It is entirely different from N. acuta Say, which has been referred to it by Tryon. N. acuta extends on the southern coast from South Carolina to Texas, and I have received it from Barbados; it appears to be rare everywhere. Nassa consensa Ravenel. Nassa consensa Ravenel, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1861, p. 43. Habitat. Off Charlotte Harbor, W. Florida, twenty miles, in 13 fms. (Blake). Off the coast from Florida to North Carolina living at moderate depths, 8-49 fms., and dead in 8-150 fms. (U. S. Fish Commission). This species, as identified by Prof. Verrill, seems to me well defined and worthy of acceptation. Though its general form is very much the same as that of ambigua, its spiral sculpture is of an entirely different character ; and its color painting, though variable in both species, has a distinctive character for each of them. Nassa Hotessieri Orbignt. Nassa Hotessieri Orbigny, Moll. Cuba, II. p. 142, 1845. Nassa Hotessieriana Orbigny, op. cit., Atlas, pi. xxi. figs. 40-42. Nassa Hotessieri Orbigny, Voy. dans l'Am. Mer. Moll., 1840. Habitat. Gulf of Mexico, Station 36, in 84 fms.; off Sombrero, 54-72 fms.; off Sand Key, 80 fms. ; Station 2, in 805 fms. ; U. S. Fish Commission Station 2596, seventeen miles E. S. E. from Cape Hatteras, N. C, in 49 fms.; and Station 2646, off Cape Florida, in 85 fms., gray sand. None of the specimens were living, though nearly all were perfectly fresh. The specimen figured by Orbigny was quite young. The species grows even larger than N. ambigua, and is perfectly distinguishable from it, the chief and most obvious characters being the flattened whorls turrited by the appli- cation of the suture below a peripheral band, the close and uniform transverse riblets prickly nodulated by the revolving sculpture, which is weak or absent between the riblets, and the clean-cut channel behind the siphonal fasciole margined in front by a small sharp keel. On the base of large specimens the spiral sculpture shows as grooves deep on one side and running out on the other, like those on a flat file, instead of the rounded threads characteristic of ambigua. In some specimens the transverse riblets become obsolete or irregular on the last whorl. The aperture is like that of ambigua. Nassa scissurata Dall. Shell short, conical, glistening, white clouded with light brown or buff; whorls stout, well rounded; nucleus of two translucent turns, smooth or transversely slightly wrinkled; remainder comprising five or six turns separated by a deep 186 BULLETIN OF THE but not channelled suture ; sculpture of (on the last whorl about fourteen) stout rounded ribs with wider interspaces, completely crossing the whorls, and fine incremental striae; spiral sculpture of (on the last whorl about ten) re- volving ridges, faint in the interspaces, strongly ovally noduled on the ribs, three rows showing on the upper whorls; ribs interlocking at the sutures; aperture rounded, with its edge continuous and raised, contracted in front of a stout varix, Urate on both sides, a stout tooth on the body and another at the base of the pillar; a deep groove behind the siptional fasciole; canal short, strongly twisted. Operculum serrate at the sides. Lon. of shell, 12.0; of last whorl, 8.0; of aperture, 5.0. ; max. lat. of shell, 7.5 mm. Habitat. Station 272, at Barbados, in 76 fins.; Station 132, near Santa Cruz, in 115 fins., rocky bottom, temperature 65°. 0 F. (living); Station 2, in 805 fms. ; Station 206, near Martinique, in 170 fins.; Station 220, off Santa Lucia, in 116 fms., rocky bottom, bottom temperature 58°.5 F. Nassa scissurata var. pernitida Dall. Shell more slender and elongated, spiral sculpture weaker, hardly nodu- lating the ribs; ribs becoming obsolete on the last whorl. Lon. 16.5; max. lat. 7.5 mm. Habitat. Station 299, near Barbados, in 140 fms. This species is clearly distinguished from N. Hotessieri, which is its nearest relative, by the character of the sutures which are not channelled, by its fewer strongly nodulated ribs, and by the curve of the ribs, which in Hotessieri, as in most ribbed univalves, are convex forward on the periphery and then curve a little backward, while in N. scissurata the curve is in a contrary sense, as is at once evident on comparing two specimens. The total curve is not great, but quite sufficient to form a marked distinction. This species has the bright waxen lustre of a deep-water shell, and probably lives in between 75 and 200 fms. depth. Its sculpture recalls that of N. spi- nulosa Phil. Family COLUMBELLID^. Genus COLU3IBELLA Lamarck. Of the genuine typical Columbellas there are two abundant species in this re- gion, C. mercatoria Lamarck and C. rustica Linne. The Antillean and Floridian specimens of the latter, though probably conspccific, have a markedly different facies from the Mediterranean variety, and have been called rusticoides by Heilprin in a recent paper on the Pliocene of the Caloosahatchie beds of South Florida. C. rustica is found in these beds precisely like the recent Florida form, for which it may be well to retain Heilprin's name in a varietal sense. Most of the other species can be referred to one of five subgenera or sections MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 187 of the genus, as follows: Anachis, Astyris, Nitidella, JEsopus, and Conidea. There is no doubt that the number of subdivisions in this group has been mul- tiplied in excess of the needs of science or the indications of nature, while several subdivisions of importance have not been recognized. Even the above mentioned groups, or at least the first three of them, are connected closely by intermediate species. On the other hand, such a remarkable form as C. turtu- rina Duclos, with internal plaits as pronounced as in Turbinella, has not been separated. For it I propose the sectional name of Euplica. Subgenus ANACHIS H. & A. Adams. Anachis avara Say. Columbella avara Say, Journ. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., II. p. 230, 1822. This abundant and well-known shell extends from Massachusetts Bay to Cape Florida, always in shallow water. It is found in the Miocene of Mary- land and Virginia (Conrad), and the Pliocene and Post Pliocene of the more southern coast. The variety translirata has been collected on the coast of Yucatan, but I have seen no specimens from the Antilles. Notwithstanding the common occurrence of this species, its range and typical form have not been very clearly realized by conchologists, judging from the labels of specimens received from many different sources. The type is rather small, dull-colored, smooth, few (10) ribbed and spindle- shaped. Longer slender greenish specimens with these characters form the Floridian variety semiplicata of Stearns ; many-ribbed acute bright-colored specimens are the (var.) translirata of Eavenel, more commonly regarded as the typical form of the species, as it is the most common, largest, and wide- spread; the dwarf form common to all species of Columbella, especially in this subgenus, is C. similis Ravenel, which is almost distinct enough to rank as a species, but differs only in size from var. translirata. It extends from Cape Fear to Yucatan, the Florida Keys, and probably to Cuba. I have seen no Antillean specimens. Among the absolute synonyms of this species are C. terpsichore Greene, Columbella Gouldii Reeve (Conch. Icon., XXII. fig. 135), not Stimpson, and Fusus minor Holmes (Post Pliocene, S. Carolina). Specimens dredged at New Bedford, Mass., had the foot long and slender, square cut in front, a little indented in the median line, linguiform behind. The tentacles are contractile, not sharp-pointed, but quite slender when extended, the eyes small, black, extending laterally without any peduncle at the outer bases of the tentacles. The siphon is rather large, subcylindric, without ap- pendages, about one third as long as the foot, the proboscis more slender, taper- ing, and about the same length when fully protruded. The verge is sickle- shaped, slender, sharply pointed, flattened, and with its outer edge sharp. It is thrown back above the neck, the point lying at the right of the base under the 188 BULLETIN OF THE dome of the mantle. The dentition is as usual, an edentulous obsolete central plate with a single broadish tridentate sigmoid lateral tooth on each side. The operculum resembles that of Chrysodomus in miniature, but the point is usually defective. It is attached to the surface of the foot by about half its own sur- face, which exhibits an ovate scar. Stimpson found the ovicapsules in 3 fath- oms, on Sertularians, at Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, August 7, 1864. They are about 1.0 mm. long and half as wide, on the ovate base; they are shaped like a compressed volcano or balanus, the crater of which is represented by a fiat subcircular smooth apical disk, from the peripherj7 of which radiate to the base about ten elevated thin, sometimes bifurcating ribs. There were about thirty ova in each capsule, which had already assumed the larval shell. Beside this species, the following are known from the eastern and southern coast of the United States and adjacent waters, though the list is not claimed to be complete. Anachis catenata Sowerby, Antilles, Yucatan, Vera Cruz. Anachis haliceeti Jeffreys (costulata Jeffreys, Verrill, not of Cantraine), New England and northward, in deep water. Anachis albella C. B. Adams (from type described as Pleurotoma, +A. iontha Ravenal and A. acuta Stearns), Cape Hatteras to Florida, low water to 50 fms. There is a variety {A. samanensis Dall) which differs from the commoner form by its fewer ribs, slightly longer canal, larger vanx behind the outer lip, and smoother back to the last whorl. It has been received from Florida and the Keys, and Samana Bay, St. Domingo. The typical albella is smaller than the northern variety called iontha by Ravenel. Anachis pulchella Kiener. (C. costulata C. B. Adams, not Cantraine, from type. This is wrongly referred to catenata Sowerby by Tryon.) Antilles and Florida Keys. Anachis obesa C. B. Adams (C. ornata Ravenel, C. cancellata Gaskoin, C. ostreicola Melvill), North Carolina to Florida, Texas, and Vera Cruz ; also the Antilles generally. The dark brown or black ones are var. ostreicola. Anachis Hotcssieriana Orbigny, has been obtained in 30 fms. near the Ba- hamas, and would appear to be a good species. It is the smallest of all, and has been reported from Cuba and Guadelupe. When one reaches such species as C. Verrillii it is impossible to tell by the shell in which subgenus they should be located. Anachis amphissella Dall. Plate XIX. Fig. 10 c. Columbella (Astyrisl) amphissella Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 91, 1881. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, 413-640 fms. A variety (which may take the name of Rushii) of this species was dredged by Dr. Rush, U. S. N., off Fowey Rocks, Florida Straits, in 465 fms. It is MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 189 distinguished from the type by the absence of the undulations or transverse riblets; the fine sculpture alone is left. Both have a notably large and translu- cent nucleus, much bigger proportionally than is found in any of the shallow- water forms. Its nearest relative seems to be A. obesa. These shells stand about midway between the subgenus Astyris (like A. rosacea) and the small forms of Anachis, and might equally well be referred to either section. Subgenus NITIDELLA Swainson. In the subgenus Nitidella we have in this region N. nitidula Sby., N. cribra. ria, Lamarck, N. laevigata Linne, N. parvula Dunker, and JV. dichroa Sowerby, the last two being somewhat uncertain as to their subgeneric affinities. Most of these species have numerous varieties and synonyms. Columbella idalina Duclos, a beautiful Antillean species, and G. moleculina Duclos, which extends to the Florida Keys where it was abundantly collected by Hemphill, have much the aspect of Nitidella, and perhaps should be referred there. To the last mentioned species I refer, as a variety, dicomata, a very pretty little form collected by Hemphill on the reefs at Key West. It differs from G. moleculina in being smaller, more distinctly spirally grooved all over, and in having the brown color (on a translucent ground) concentrated in two revolving brown bands, one above and the other below the periphery, the upper one alone being visible on the older whorls. Subgenus ASTYRIS (H. & A. Adams) Dall. Astyris (H. & A. Adams, 1853) Dall, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1870, p. 242; Am. Journ. Conch., VII., 1871, p. 115. Out of a number of superfluous names, the present one was selected by me, nineteen years ago, to be used for sundry colored, small, mostly polished little Columbellids which have been scattered through a variety of sections which form phases of a continuous series and cannot be strictly' diagnosed. Of this group there is a goodly number on both coasts of North America and in the Antilles. The species on the east coast of the United States would repay more study than they have received. Astyris lunata Sat. Columbella lunata Say, Journ. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., V. p. 213, 1826 ; Tryon, Am. Mar. Conchology, p. 38, fig. 61, 1873. This very common little shell has several absolute synonyms, among which are C Gouldiana (Agassiz MS.) Stimpson and TVheatleyi DeKay. It has also several marked varieties. G. dissimilis Stimpson, of which the U. S. National Museum possesses typical examples, is a rude purplish brown rather large northern form of lunata. None of the specimens so labelled by Stimpson 190 BULLETIN OF THE have any trace of white on them, or any light coloration. A form in which the hrown coloration of the ordinary lunata coalesces to form two or more dark bands with lighter interspaces is the zonale of Linsley, but the banded specimens from off ftatteras in deep water, which have been referred to zonale by Prof. Verrill and Miss Bush, appear to me to be a distinct species, and have nothing to do with lunata. An unusually dark, stout, and stumpy variety from the Carolina coast has been determined from authentic specimens to be the C. spizantha of Ravenel. The coloration is much like that of the ordinary lunata, but the spots are more disconnected and squarer. A smaller, brighter, more polished, and elegantly colored pale variety is that which, following the general rule of species having a wide distribution, is found toward its southern limit in South Florida, Cuba, etc., northward to the Carolinas, and which has received the name of C. Duclosiana Orbigny. The typical A. lunata is abun- dant in Florida but does not extend south of it, and in South Florida is largely replaced by the variety Duclosiana. The latter farther north, as off the coast of the Carolinas, is found, not along the shore, like the typical form, but in 15-50 fms. water, in a temperature of 65° to 80° F. The genuine deep-water or archibenthal species are distinguished, as far as I have been able to examine them, by a larger and more inflated nucleus than that carried by the littoral species. It is possible that, in the absence of violent struggle characteristic of life in the depths as compared with the shores, a large number of young in each capsule may become less necessary and the size of the individuals more important. Of these speiies we have A. Raveneli Dall (C nivea Ravenel, not Sowerby), larger, more elongated than A. pura, and recalling a minute A. rosacea Gould. Dr. Rush dredged it in 205 fms., off the coast of Florida, and the U. S. Fish Commission at Station 2602, in 124 fms., sand, off Hatteras, the bottom temperature being 61°.0 F. So far as known, A. pura Verrill is more northern in its distribution, having been obtained in the deep water off the southeast coast of New England. Another species is Astyris multUineata Dall, which has been referred to A. lunata var. zonale by some writers. It is longer, and proportionally more slender and acute, than any form of A. lunata. The whorls are less rounded, the spire has a somewhat flattened appearance, and the periphery is obscurely angulated, even in the last whorl of the adult. But the character which most clearly distinguishes it, in its typical form, is the coloration ; which consists of five or six pale brown narrow even spiral lines, alternating with straw-colored interspaces, on the last whorl. From its uniformity in a large number of specimens this character seems to be stable and diagnostic. In dead shells the brown lines fade, and among live ones there is a pure white variety which is distinguishable from A. Raveneli by its form and smaller size (4.5 mm. long by 2.0 mm. wide, while A. Raveneli measures 5.5 by 2.2 mm., and A. pura about 4.0 by 2.5 mm.), and from A. pura, which is still smaller, by its more polished compact appearance and more slender form. A. multUineata has been ob- tained from U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2592, 2595, 2601, 2602, and 2614, in from 63 to 168 fms., sand, with a bottom temperature of 61° to 78° F. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 191 Adult specimens have four or five well-developed denticles inside the outer lip, and a larger one at the beginning of the canal opposite a tooth-like callus on the pillar. The other characters are much like those of A. Raveneli. Among the widely distributed forms which appear in deep water on our eastern coast is the Astyris rosacea of Gould. After examining a very fine geographical series, I have been unable to separate the Greenland shells from those of Norway, New England, or Alaska, all the characters which have been relied upon as diagnostic being mutable and interchangeable. The name Holbbllii of Mdller will therefore fall into synonymy. However, the slender shell called diaphana by Prof. Verrill I regard as entitled to specific rank, although the spiral lines are quite variable, and are distinctly visible on some of the specimens of diaphana received from him. The nucleus, as stated by him, is more compact, but this is a difference which alone could hardly be regarded as of specific value. The shell, however, has other characters, which are enumerated below. Before leaving this topic, I may mention as an addition to our fauna the Astyris fusiformis Orbigny, an Antillean form, which was obtained in 6-10 fms. at Turtle Harbor, Florida, by that zealous collector, Dr. W. H. Rush, U. S. N. Astyris diaphana Verrill. Plate XXXV. Fig. 9. Astyris rosacea (pars) Verrill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III. p. 408 (non Gould). Astyris diaphana Verrill, Trans. Conn..Acad., V. p. 513, pi. lviii. fig. 2, 1882. Shell of the form and general appearance of A. rosacea Gld. (Holbollii Moll.), but more slender, with a prominent swollen varix behind the outer lip, which is slightly thickened and finely lirate within. In front of the varix the suture descends quite sharply, or bends forward. The nucleus is white and like that of A. profundi, and there are five other whorls, which are marked with ob- scure elevated spiral lines, with irregular interspaces, which look as if scratched with a pin on the inside of the shell and showing through. These give the surface, which is polished and lightly marked with lines of growth, a malleated appearance. The anterior half of the last whorl is grooved, the grooves being stronger and wider in proportion as they are anterior; the interstitial eleva- tions on the canal are like rounded threads. The suture is distinct but not channelled; on some of the whorls it is accompanied by a fine groove just in advance of it. The general color of the shell is pale straw-color, and the epi- dermis is not hispid like that of rosacea. Lon. of shell, 9.0; of last whorl, 5.6; of aperture, 4.0; max. lat. of shell, 3.3 mm. Habitat. U. S. Fish Commission Stations 876, off Newport, R. I., in 65 to 487 fms., and 2399, in 196 fms., mud, between the Mississippi delta and Cedar Keys, Florida, bottom temperature 51°.6 F. It recalls A. profundi Dall, but is more elegant, slender, and has more rounded outlines. There are no traces of transverse ribbing. 192 BULLETIN OF THE Astyris profundi n. s. Plate XXXV. Fig. 3. This shell has nearly the same form as Astyris Holbollii or rosacea as figured by Sars (Moll. Reg. Arct. Norv., t. 16, fig 1), but is proportionally a little wider anteriorly, and when immature has a peripheral angulation, not sharp but distinct enough to be readily observed. It differs from that species in (1) being more solid and strong; (2) having no transverse riblets anywhere, but a very fine close spiral striation on the early whorls; (3) having a firm smooth polished epidermis showing no lines of growth ; (4) having a more regular, acute, and smaller apex, and less swollen apical whorls ; (5) having the outer lip thickened, strengthened by a varicoid swelling, internally strongly lirate with six or eight raised lira?, the inner lip with a raised callus and nine or ten deeply incised grooves on the canal. The color of the deep-sea species is a little more pink and its appearance more elegant owing to the polished epider- mis. It averages about the same size as the G. rosacea. The specimen figured is 8.0 mm. long and 3.5 mm. in maximum width. From C. diaphana Verrill, it differs in most of the above characters as well, but especially in being still broader in proportion. From a dwarf specimen of C. Saintpairiana the present form would differ by its less constricted canal, more regularly ovate whorls, less conspicuous varix, and especially by its less acute spire without traces of ribs anywhere. The very oblicpae edge of the columella is extended into a sharp plait, which appears to project like a tooth behind the columellar callus, and, being so far up, would at first sight be taken as unconnected with the pillar margin, which is masked by a false edge, in front, of labial callus. Habitat. Station 2, off Morro Light, Havana in 805 fms., bottom tempera- ture 39°. 7 F. Also by the U. S. Fish Commission at Station 2601, thirty-six miles S. ^ W. from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, in 107 fms., sandy bottom, temperature 67°. 4 F. Astyris Verrillii Dall. Plate XIX. Fig. 8. Columbella, (Astyris) Verrillii Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 91, Sept. 26, 1881. Columbella (Pyrene) strix Watson, Linn. Soc. Journ., XVI. p. 339, June 12, 1882; Challenger Gastr., p. 237, pi. xiii. fig. 2 a-d, 1885. Habitat. Sculptured variety, Station 2, 805 fms.; Station 19, 310 fms.; Station 43, 339 fms. ; Station 47, 331 fms. Figured variety, Station 43, 339 fms. ; Station 47, 331 fms. Challenger Expedition, Stations 23, off Sombrero, in 450 fms., ooze; 24, off Culebra, in 390 fms., ooze; and 122, off Pernambuco, in 350 fms., red mud. No more specimens have turned up. The specimen figured happens to be the smoothest of the lot; the more strongly sculptured specimens, taken by themselves and without the connecting links, would be thought by most natu- March 8, 1889. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 193 ralists to be distinct ; the smooth ones have rounder whorls, a feature result- ing mechanically from the absence of the ribs. For these reasons the name given by my friend Mr. Watson to the sculptured form would better be re- tained in a varietal sense. His variety subacta does not differ from his type more than many of my individuals differ from each other. The outer lip is immature or broken in both of the specimens he figures. Astyris Saintpairiana Caillet. Columbella Saint- Pairiana Caillet, Journ. de Conchyl., XII. p. 279, pi. ii. fig. 4, 186-1. Habitat. Station 247, off Grenada, in 170 fms., ooze; and Station 259, near by, in 159 fms., ooze, bottom temperature 53°.5 F. Marie- Galante, W. I., Caillet. It is possible that this rare and pretty species may be a large, smooth form of C. Lafresnayei F. & B., described from the same locality in 1856. The latter differs chiefly in having the transverse ribbing continued on to the last whorl, and in somewhat smaller size. One of the Blake specimens of C. Saintpairiana in addition to the rosy tint shows pale yellow brown mottlings over the sur- face, strongest near the suture, recalling the coloration in pale specimens of 0. lunata Say. Astyris (lunata var.?) Duclosiana Okbignt. Columbella {Astyris) Duclosiana Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 91, 1881. Columbella Duclosiana Orb., Moll. Cuba, II. 136, pi. xxi. figs. 31-33, 1842. Habitat. Station 20, 220 fms.; Sigsbee, off Havana, in 450 fms. This pretty little species is closely related to Astyris lunata Say, of which it is with little doubt only a southern color-variety. The National Museum has it from Samana Bay, St. Domingo, and Tampa Bay, Florida, where it occurs abundantly. It has also been received from Barbados. Subgenus ^ESOPUS Gould. jEsopus Gould, Otia Conchologica, p. 138, Dec, 1860; type, jE. japonicus Gould. Little attention seems to have been paid to this peculiar and interesting group since it was described by Dr. Gould. Several species have been de- scribed that should be referred to it, beside JE. filosus Angas which according to Tryon should not be referred to it, but this opinion I am not in a position to discuss for want of material. Beside the type which is now under my eyes, and was collected by Dr. Win. Stimpson in Japan, there is a Californian species called Amycla ? chrysalloidca by Dr. P. P. Carpenter, and also the species about to be referred to from the eastern coast of America. VOL. XVIII. 13 194 BULLETIN OF THE ^3E3sopus Stearnsii (Trton) Dall. Plate XXIX. Fig. 5. Nitiddla filosa Steams, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1873, p. 345, figure. Not Alsopus filosus Angas, 1867. ? Columbella peculiaris Guppy, Geol. Mag., 1874, pi. xviii. fig. 20 (extra copies, p. 9). Seminella Stearnsii Tryon, Man. Conch., V. p. 179, 1882. This species was described from bleached specimen-^ collected by Dr. Stearns at Tampa Bay, Florida.. Instead of being white, it is,' when fresh, of a handsome warm brown, with an articulated presutural band of white and darker brown. Occasionally there are faint articulations of the color on the spiral riblets of the body whorl. The operculum is like the Japanese one. Beside those collected by Dr. Stearns in West Florida, it was obtained by the U. S. Fish Commission at Stations 2616, 2617, 2619, and 2622, in 15-17 fms., sand, off the North Carolina coast, and by Dr. Rush, in 12 fms., off Frying Pan Shoals. Beside the above mentioned species, another, in which there is no spiral striation, has been collected at Samana Bay, St. Domingo, many years since, by Capt. J. P. Couthouy. This I have identified as Terebra Metcalfei of Reeve; it is of course not a Terebra at all, but belongs to the subgenus JEsopus of the Columbellidce. In taking leave of this family, I may observe that, though Conidia ovulata has not been taken nearer than the Bahamas, it is highly probable it will eventually be found in South Florida or among the Keys. Family MURICIDiE. Subfamily MURICIN^E. In variety of form and variability within the species-limit, probably no group of Gastropods surpasses the present family. Few have suffered more at the hands of the splitter-up of genera ; the number of names proposed, in most cases without any reference to the rules of nomenclature or any investigation into the history of the species, is astonishing. I do not know a more discredit- able exhibition of pseudo-science and very real mischief of this kind than that which may be found in the recent treatment of Murex and Typhis by certain authors, who, it is almost unnecessary to observe, have not been known to contribute anything of value to real biology, to atone for the unnecessary confusion they have created in biological nomenclature. Fischer, Tryon, and the majority of those who have treated the modern genus Murex, have reduced the number of subgenera to six or seven, leaving the further subdivision into sections optional. The subgenera of Murex, as in MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 195 all "roups when sufficient material is studied, are found to fade into one an- other by moderate degrees. In studying the group it will be found, if the student is possessed of material enough and from a sufficiently wide geograph- ical range, that the number of varices, while generally constant, is not an in- variable character; that the same species has many and long, or few and short, spines within the range of its variation, and that the young of nearly related species, especially of the same faunal region, are often indistinguishable one species from another, while the adults present fairly tangible characters. The Murices of the fauna we are considering may be arranged as follows. Genus MUKEX Linne. Subgenus MUREX s. s. This group has been badly handled in Tryon's Manual, the text of which indicates haste and insufficient material, while, the figures are extremely poor and very badly colored. There is no doubt that Tryon was right in reducing the number of species, but a proper reduction can only be made by the exer- cise of great care and the thorough study of a large multitude of specimens. Without committing myself to the distinctness of all the species here included under this group, I can say that they appear to be distinguishable from the rather full material I have been able to examine. Murex Beaui Fischer & Bernardi. Murex Beaui F. & B., Journ. de Concliyl., V. p. 295, pi. viii. fig. 1, 1856. Habitat. On the Florida Reefs, in 119 fms., Sigsbee; Station 300, at Barba- dos, in 82 fms.; Station 132, in 115 fms., rocky bottom, off Frederikstadt, Santa Cruz; Station 144, on the Saba Bank, in 21 fms.; Station 171, off Guadelupe, in 183 fms., bottom temperatures ranging from 55°.5 to 65°. 0 F. Also at U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2134, south of Cuba, in 254 fms., sand (remarkably fine); and 2402, in 111 fms., mud, between the delta of the Mississippi River and Cedar Keys, Florida. This fine and remarkable species was obtained in large numbers at Station 2402 of the Fish Commission. It is unquestionably a distinct form, though the very young are hardly to be distinguished from those of M. nodatus and M. clcgans. The adult of the frilled or webbed variety in perfection is a mag- nificent shell. It is curious, however, that the webbing which is so remark- able a character is only found in specimens from deep, clean, and quiet waters. Those from muddy bottom, and all the young ones, show only traces of it, and in the adults there is often not even a trace of it, the varices being as rounded and spinous as if it never had a web. The most prominent and con- stant characters are the height of the spire, deep suture, and peculiarly rounded whorls. 196 BULLETIN OF THE Murex Cabritii Bernardi. Murex Cabritii Bernardi, Journ. de Concbyl., VII. p. 301, pi. x. fig. 3, 1858. Habitat. Off Sombrero, 50-72 fms. ; Station 36, Gulf of Mexico, in 84 fms. ; Station 132, off Santa Cruz, in 115 fms., rocky bottom; Station 143, off Saba Bank, in 150 fms.; Station 155, off Montserrat, in 88 fms.; Stations 253, 254, off Grenada, in. 92-164 fms., coral; and Station 272, off Barbados, in 76 fms. Bottom temperatures 57° to 69° F. This is a fine species, of which the adults are a fine uniform pink, or pinkish white, with no dots or other color markings whatever. They may be luxu- riantly spinous, or nearly destitute of spines. Magnificent specimens were dredged in 25 fms., in the Gulf of Mexico, in various places by the Fish Commission, and off shore it was found even as far north as Stations 2595 and 2604, in 34-63 fms., sand, 20-40 miles east and south from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. Murex Tryoni Hidalgo, from the figure and description, seems to be a young specimen of this species. Murex elegans Beck. Murex elegans (Beck) Sowerby, Conch. Illustrations, fig. 84. Habitat. Off Sombrero, in 54 fms.; Station 290, at Barbados, in 73 fms., coral, bottom temperature 71°.0 F. This seems a strictly Antillean species with which trilineatus Reeve is sy- nonymous, but which seems perfectly distinct from the genuine recurvirostris, which name has been made to cover a heterogeneous collection in Tryon's Manual. Murex messorius (Sbt.) Reeve. Murex messorius Reeve, Conch. Icon. Murex, fig. 90, 1845 (not of Tryon). Habitat. Station 142, Flannegan Passage, living in 27 fms., .sand. Dead specimens at Station 220, off St. Lucia, in 116 fms., rocky bottom; Station 247, in 170 fms., ooze, off Grenada; bottom temperature 78° F., at the first station. In shallow water near the shore on the coast of Florida and the mainland round to Aspinwall. This form is almost without spines, has one faint and two strong intervarical ribs, and has no color dots or lineations. It has a hispid epidermis, while that of M. Cabritii, its nearest relative, is smooth. The latter has a perfectly straight and much longer canal, unless it has met with some injury. The Florida specimens are often of a deep rose-pink. They are usually less hooked and spinose than the discolored specimen figured by Reeve, and have been well figured as Murex Gundlacld by Dunker. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 197 Murex nodatus Reeve. Murex nodatus Reeve, Conch. Icon. Murex, fig. 107, 1845. Habitat. Station 132, off Santa Cruz, in 115 fms., rocky bottom; Station 142, Flannegan Passage, in 27 fms., sand; Station 155, off Montserrat, living, in 88 fms., bottom temperature 69°. F. ; Station 272, off Barbados, in 76 fms., sand. This is a solely Antillean species, so far as known. It is distinguished from the preceding as more light and spinose, by the more numerous inter-varical plicae, the inter-nodular brown spiral lines, and a tendency to pale brown spiral zones. It is related to M. elegans, but from the material at hand appears to be distinct. Murex Cailleti Petit. Murex Cailleti Petit, Journ. de Conchyl., V. p. 87, pi. ii. figs. 1, 2, 1856. Habitat. Off Santa Cruz, dead but fresh specimen, in 248 fms., sand, at Station 134. I feel a good deal of doubt as to whether this is distinct from recurvirostris, but have not the material to determine the fact. It seems to differ in its longer canal, lighter texture of shell, more elaborate sculpture, and brown- spotted coloration. It is also rather more spinose. Beside the above mentioned species of this subgenus the National Museum possesses, from the Antillean region, specimens of Murex chrysostoma Gray and M. concinnus Reeve. Subgenus CHICOREUS Montfort. o The species figured to represent this genus, and which must determine its typical form in subdividing the group, is not the true Murex ramosus to which the text makes reference in Montfort's work, but a species related to M. rufus, palmarosce, and adustus. Montfort doubtless would have included all the species like pomum and brassica in his Chicoreus, as would Swainson have done in his group named Phyllonotus ; but as the latter figures a species of the pomum type as his example, if we divide the two series the name of Phyllonotus must be adopted for the latter, while Muricanthus stands only for the few species like M. radix, which possess a tooth or spine on the outer lip at the base of the aperture. Through such species as M. quadrifrons, etc., there is a gradual passage from Chicoreus to Phyllonotus, but for most purposes it will be convenient to retain the distinction. Of the group comprehended under the name Chicoreus, the most prominent species of the region under consideration is Murex rufus of Lamarck, which 198 BULLETIN OF THE has many synonyms, but in regard to which Mr. Tryon's manual is in hopeless confusion. It is, as far as plentiful material permits a judgment, perfectly distinct from M. adustus. It varies greatly in its frondosity. The most pro- fuse, long, and subdivided processes are found in the variety M. florifer Reeve, which is found at Nassau, N. P. The typical form reaches as far north as within 25 miles of Cape Fear, N. C, where it is found in 15 fms., off shore, in the warmer water. It is abundant in Florida, the Keys, and the Bahamas. I have seen no Antillean specimens. M. brevifrons Lamarck has been found as far north as South Carolina, and is firmly established from Florida to Vene- zuela, and in the Antilles. A specimen of M. quadrifrons Lamarck, from the West Indies, is also in the National Museum. To this group, rather than to Phyllonotus, the following species may be also referred. Chicoreus Hidalgoi Crosse. Plate XVI. Fig. 3. Murex Hidalgoi Crosse, Journ. de Conchyl., XVII. p. 408, 1869 ; XIX. p. 68, pi. i. fig. 4, 1871. Habitat. Stations 155 and 158, off Montserrat, in 88 and 148 fms., sand, bottom temperature 64° to 69°.0 F. ; Station 272, in 76 fms., off Barbados. This is an extremely pretty and distinct species which seldom attains much more than an inch in length. It has been found in several places in the Lesser Antilles, and always in deep water. Subgenus PHYLLONOTUS Swainson. The most remarkable American species of this group is also rather north- ern in its distribution. P. fulcescens Sowerby* is in the National Museum from the coast of North Carolina and also from Texas. It grows to a large size and is the largest American species, but probably inhabits shallow water, as none of the off-shore dredgings show any specimens. I have not seen any specimens from the Antilles. The second species of this group found on the shores of the United States is Phyllonotus pomum Gmelin. Plate XVI. Fig. 2. Murex pomum Reeve, Conch. Icon., sp. 85 ; Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 3527, no. 6. Murex oculatus Reeve, op. cit., sp. 36, 1845. * Conch. 111., p. 7, fig. 30, 1840. It was afterward published as M. spinacosta Val. (MS.) in Kiener, Icon. Murex, p. 49, pi. xli. fig. 1, 1843, which has been amended to spinicostata. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 199 Murex mcxicanus Petit, Journ. de Conchyl., III. p. 51, pi. ii. fig. 9, 1852. Murex asperrimus Lam., Orbigny, Moll. Cuba, II. p. 158, 1853. Murex pomiformis (Martini) Auctorurn. ? Murex imperialis Tryon, ex parte. Habitat. Station 152, Flannegan Passage, in 27 fms., sand, temperature 78° F., one very young specimen, which I have figured. This species extends its range from the warm water off the coast of North Carolina to Florida, the mainland round to Venezuela, etc., and the Antilles. One of the brightest-colored specimens I have seen came from near Beaufort, N. C. The colors are variable, and I suspect the Murex imperialis from the island of Margarita, West Indies (if not an error for Margarita in the Gulf of California), referred to by Mr. Tryon, is merely a very large, pale, bright- mouthed M. pomum. The typical color of the mouth is pale salmon-color picked out with dark brown, but in some specimens the brown becomes a tolerably lively yellow, and the salmon-color a pale pink,, while in still others the mouth is white, especially at inter-varical periods. The number of varices is usually three, but this is not invariable; there may be four, or the number may be irregular. The young shell sometimes looks like a little stumpy Fusus, of a vivid pink. Varices are inconspicuous in the early whorls, which are reticulated, while the nucleus is deep pink, or brown, smooth, small, and about two-whorled. The epidermis of the young shell is quite hispid. Phyllonotus interserratus Sowerby. Murex interserratus Sowerby, Tlies. Conch. Murex, p. 39, no. 180, fig. 204, 1879. Murex Pazi Sby., op. cit., fig. 208, not of Crosse. Habitat. Station 273, off Barbados, in 103 fms., coral; and Station 156, off Montserrat, in 88 fms., sand, bottom temperatures 60° to 69° F. This is a very neat and pretty little species, which combines characters re- minding one of Ocinebra, Paziella, Trophon, and Phyllcmotus. No habitat was given for it by the describer, and it is now determined as Antillean for the first time. Phyllonotus Pazi Crosse. Plate XV. Fig. 1. Murex Pazi Crosse, Journ. de Conchyl., XVII. p. 183, 1869; XVIII. p. 99, pi. i. fig. 7, 1870. Not of Sowerby, Thes. Conchyl. Murex, fig. 208, 1879. Habitat. Station 20, off Bahia Honda, Cuba, in 220 fms., bottom tempera- ture 62° F. Also at U. S. Fish Commission Station 2655, on the Little Bahama Bank, in 338 fins., sand, temperature 47°. 5 F. This is a remarkable little shell, which takes a long step toward uniting 200 BULLETIN OF THE Murex with Trophon. It has been called Paziella by one of those gentlemen who employ themselves in inventing superfluous names for these animals. He also called Murex zelandicus (which only differs from M. Pazi in wanting the spines on the canal) Perrieria. I do not know which name is prior, and neither of them are particularly worth retaining. Sowerby has figured what seems to be a specimen of M. interserralus for this shell. No figure of the genuine M. Pazi appears in the Thesaurus. The figure we give is of the young -shell dredged by the Blake. A fine specimen, 32 by 32 mm., was afterward obtained from the Fish Commission. It differs from M. Crosse's figure only in wanting the revolving lines on the base of the last whorl. Phyllonotus hystricinus Dall. Plate XV. Fig. 4. Shell yellowish white, thin, translucent when young, nine-whorled. Spire pointed, turrited; nucleus white, smooth; remainder of the whorls with close- set varices, crimped by the intersection of three principal posterior and several smaller anterior spiral ribs, the largest being the most posterior and angulat- ing the whorls. The ribs are prolonged on the varices into guttered recurved spines, of which the posterior series is much the longest, the next pair smaller and subequal, those in front much smaller and more recurved; there are nine of these varices on the last whorl and more on the earlier whorls ; with each varix a new canal is formed, much recurved, so that the base shows a vortex of four radiating canal spines with a deep chink in their midst. The canal re- mains always open; with this exception the margin of the aperture is con- tinuous; it is elevated, a little thickened and with three or four nodular denticles in the adult within the outer lip. Max. Ion. of shell, 21.0; of last whorl, 15.0; of aperture, 6.3; and of the canal, 8.5; max. lat. of aperture, 5.5; of shell, including spines, 16.5 mm. Habitat. Station 158, in 148 fms., rocky bottom, off Montserrat ; Station 206, off MartinH}ue, living in 170 fins., sand, bottom temperature 49°. 0 F. ; also at U. S. Fish Commission Station 2134, south of Cuba, in 254 fms., sand. This singular shell belongs to the group of M. carduus Broderip and fimbria- tus Hinds (= luculentus Reeve). All of them might be or have been referred to Trophon, where I should have placed them, except that the operculum is tvpically Muricoid and the interior of the lip dentate. Multiply the series of spines and varices on Murex Pazi and you will have a shell of this kind, which is directly connected with Trophon, as far as shell characters go, by such species as T. actinophorus. But no linear arrangement can express the relationship of these groups or species. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 201 Subgenus PTERONOTUS Swainson. This group has been regarded as rather characteristic of the shores of the Southwestern Pacific Ocean, but we now have several species to add to the Atlantic fauna, where a few were already known. Pteronotus macropterus Deshayes. Murex macropterus Deshayes, Mag. tie Zocil., 1841, pi. xxxviii. Pteropurpura macroptera Jousseaume, 1880. Fischer, Man., p. 641, 1884. Habitat. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2595, 22 miles E. S. E. from Cape Hatteras, N. C, in 63 fins., sand, bottom temperature 75° F. Two living specimens of the above species were obtained by the Albatross. The operculum is as figured by Deshayes in his original paper, the nucleus nearly lateral, but also nearly apical, as in M. rufus and M . pomum, though of course on a smaller scale. This species has had a generic or subgeneric name applied to it, but as for differential characters there are none alleged of a permanent and definite character. Pteronotus phaneus n. s. Shell ashy white, elongated, thin, six-whorled. Nucleus translucent, smooth, polished, of about one and a half whorls ; whorls slightly convex, appressed to the suture behind them, connected by three continuous fin-like varices which in descending the spire make about half a revolution around it; these varices on the upper whorls were extended backward into a little wing-like point with dentate edges ; on the last whorl the lines of growth indicate that the thin margin was rounded, parallel with the whorl. Transverse sculpture of fine growth-lines, and on the last two whorls at the periphery three short little narrow pinched-up riblets between the varices; spiral sculpture of fine rather faint striae and wider undulations, hardly visible except on the varices; of these there are nine or ten on the last varix. Aperture elongate-oval, internally white, thickened, smooth; canal rather long, open, bent back. Max. Ion. of shell, 17.0; of last whorl, 13.5; of aperture, 5.0; max. lat. of aperture, 3.0; of shell, 8.0 mm. Habitat. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2662, off St. Augustine, Florida, in 434 fms., sand, temperature 43°. 7 F. This species agrees more nearly with the Indo-Pacific species by having three inter-varical ribs, while the Atlantic species hitherto known have only one. It is, however, more nearly related to the next species than to any hitherto de- scribed, as far as I have been able to ascertain. The body of the shell is not unlike that of P. cordismei Watson, figured in the Challenger Report, but the present species has none of the semitubular spines which give the Australian shell the look of a Typhis. 202 BULLETIN OF THE Pteronotus tristichus n. s. Plate XV. Fig. 3. Shell pure white, thin, polished, delicate, with six rather loosely coiled, rounded whorls ; body more slender than in the last species, sutures much deeper and not appressed. Nucleus large, loosely coiled, glassy, white ; varices making about one quarter of a revolution around the spire, very thin, edges dentate, prolonged on the shoulder of the whorls into a long pinna with a flat central rib; below there are three other less prominent ribs, which project at the edge of the varix on the last whorl; there is no transverse sculpture except incremental lines, nor any inter- varical ribs; the spiral sculpture is obscure and very faint, except the ribs on the varices ; aperture small, pear-shaped ; canal open, rather long, bent to the right, the canal belonging to the preceding varix, behind it, persistent and bent to the left. Max. Ion. of shell, 15.5; of last whorl, 11.0; of aperture, 3.3; max. lat. of aperture, 2.0; of shell, 10.0 mm. Habitat. Station 51, off Havana, in 243-450 fms., Sigsbee. Station 5, 152-229 fms., off Cuba. This is a very elegant little shell, and not like any of the shallow- water species. Genus EUPLEURA H. & A. Adams. This genus, separated from the Tritoniidw by Stimpson, with the type Eupleura caudata Say, is a Pteronotus with irregular and more numerous varices. It has been referred to Trophon as a subgenus by Kobelt, but, while admitting that some of the Trophons are more nearly related to Eupleura than to the type of Trophon, I think the dentate aperture and heavy primary varices, the texture and habits of the shell, the station occupied by the animal on the shores, and its subtropical preferences as to habitat, all point to a distinction wortlry of preservation. I would, therefore, rather remove the muricoid Tro- phons, or rather the muricoid species which have been included with the real Trophons, to the vicinity of Eupleura, than sink the differences by a transfer in the opposite direction. I should not retain among the typical Trophons any of the species with a contracted callus and dentate aperture, or with varices' of which part are distinguished from the others by a heavy deposit of shell substance. Eupleura caudata Sat. Ranella caudata Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II. p. 236, 1822. Eupleura caudata Stimpson, Am. Journ. Conch., I. p. 58, pi. viii. fig. 5, 1865. The range of this species, as exhibited by the specimens of the National Museum, extends from Cape Cod to Charlotte Harbor, Florida. The northern specimens are rather larger, rougher, with the longitudinal sculpture more equal MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 203 to the transverse, and taking on in this way a more reticulated appearance. It has been confounded with a closely related, but quite distinguishable, West American species, Eupleura muriciformis Broderip, or clathrata Gray. The latter (A) is a considerably larger shell when adult, and may be distinguished from E. caudata (B) by the following characters. A. Larger (circa 40.0 mm.); strongly three-noduled on the back of the last whorl, the middle nodule most prominent, giving the shell a trigonal aspect when viewed from the apex of the spire ; a second primary varix frequently found behind this middle nodule, or near it ; line of the nodules represented by a keel on the varix, which terminates in a strong recurved hook, grooved in front, with no teeth behind this groove, or between it and the body whorl, inside the aperture; aperture tapering gradually into the canal, and therefore ovate-pyriform. B. Smaller (max. circa 28.0 mm.), with two strong or several obscure nod- ules on the back, all the varices nearly in the same plane, so that the shell is not trigonal but flattened-ovate viewed from the apex; the keel from the line of the nodules does not materially interrupt the rounding over of the varix to the body, though the young have a small spine here, which is not grooved in front, and the denticulations of the aperture extend quite up to the body, and there is even one on the callus overlaying the body whorl itself; the varices are broader, the mouth shorter and rounder, and more contracted at the begin- ning of the canal. The comparison should be made in all cases with fully adult specimens; the young, and those specimens in which the callosity of the mouth is not fully complete, are very close to one another, especially if Floridian specimens are compared with those from the west coast of America. This is, however, only what we should anticipate with two forms which in all probability are de- scended from the same ancestors, and have become differentiated within a comparatively short geological time. The soft parts of Eupleura caudata are of a yellowish white color with opaque white dots and mottlings. The ten- tacula taper from base to tip, with the eyes about midway, not showing any enlargement. The foot is short, truncate in front, rounded behind. The verge is behind the right tentacle, turned back in a curve like the outline of the concha of the human ear. It is compressed at the base, thick, rounded and blunt at the tip, the transverse diameter subequal throughout. The egg cap- sules, like those of many Muricidaz, are pedunculate on a long slender pedicel, like a three-sided prism, swelling above, one keel rounding off and sending bifurcations to the other two, which are unequally prominent, the right or highest one terminating in a minute circular aperture, the left in an acute point. There are 12 to 20 very minute dark eggs in each capsule. They were taken by Dr. Stimpson at Beaufort, S. C. The wide difference between these and the flattened circular capsules of Trophon (see Jeffreys, Brit. Conch., IV. pi. viii. fig. 2) is apparent. The operculum is chestnut-brown, and like that of Murex or Pteronotus, not like that of Trophon. 204 BULLETIN OF THE Eupleura Stimpsonii n. s. Shell small, thin, whitish, not polished, with four varices to the whorl and five whorls; nucleus smooth, white; spiral sculpture of extremely fine faint striae, and of (on the last whorl) five low keels, most prominent on the back of the varices. The posterior keel is produced at the shoulder as a spine, which on the front side of the varix looks as if it were holding up the webbing of the varix as a tent-pole holds a tent; the other keels are represented on the front of the varix only by shallow grooves. The transverse sculpture is composed of well marked incremental lines; above the spine on the last whorl the web of the varix extends to the fifth preceding varix; below the spine it follows the outline of the aperture, nearly, and terminates midway down the canal; the margin is even except at the spine and the ends of the grooves; aperture rounded, continuously marginate except at the open narrow canal; there are four teeth inside the outer lip in front of the spine, and three near the front of the inner lip ; the canal is slightly recurved, the end of the antecedent canal projecting from it at the left; suture well marked. Max. Ion. of shell, 12.0; of last whorl, 9.0; of aperture, 3.0; of canal, 4.0; max. lat. of aperture, 2.2; of the varix at the spine, 2.8; of the shell, 7.0 mm. Habitat. Barbados in 100 fms. A fragment in 1002 fms., off Cape San Antonio. This is a very short and triangular little species, which was dredged alive ; but the alcohol spoiled, and the soft parts and opercula were lost before I received the jar. Genus TROPHON Montfort. This genus has been very properly divided by Fischer and others into sec- tions, sufficiently well characterized for the most part* * In connection with this genus it may be as well to clear up the synonymy of a West Coast species which has fallen into confusion. Trophon (Boreotrophon) Dalli Kobelt. Trophon muriciformis Dall, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., VIII., extras, p. 4, March 19, 1877 ; Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX. 302, pi. iv fig. 6. Trophon Dalli Kobelt, Mar. & Chemn., ed. Kuster, N. Ausg., t. lxxiv. fig. 1. Trophon Gondridgri Forbes, MS. name on tablet in British Museum. Trophon Gooderichii Sowerby, Thes. Conch., pi. ccccv. figs. 25, 26, 1880, as of Forbes ; in error. Trophon coronatus Sowerby, not of A. Adams. Not Trophon? (" Buccinum") muriciformis King, Zoiil. Journ., V. p. 348, 1831. Not Eupleura (" Ranella ") muriciformis Broderip, P. Z. S. 1832, p. 179. Not Trophon muriciformis Sowerby, Thes., sp. 38, pi. ccccv. fig. 40, 1880, wrongly as of Philippi (= Fusus albidus Phil. = Trophon Gerversianus Pallas, testa jun.). The blunders of Mr. Sowerby in this connection are almost incredible. There is no Trophon Gooderichii Forbes, nor T. muriciformis Philippi. The Buccinum muri- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY 205 The deep-water species off the American coast would all appear to be refer- able to Borcotropkon Fischer, with the exception of one of the species about to be described. This presents in some respects such analogies with species of Murex like M. hyutricina, that I have doubts as to whether the specimens I have seen are fully adult, and whether they might not, when more mature, develop an aperture of the muricoid type. For this reason I forbear to suggest any sectional name for the form in question until more data shall have been obtained. The species known from the eastern coast (excluding the ordinary Arctic forms) are few. They comprise T. vaginatus C. & J. (+ clavatus Sars); T. abyssorum Verrill,* and the following species. All of them are closely related, and the range of variation is not yet well determined. Boreotrophon (aculeatus Watson var.?) lacunellus n. s. Plate XV. Fig. 4. Shell solid, white, turrited, with about eight whorls, carrying each twelve to fourteen slightly vaulted lamellae, which are angulated on the smaller whorls at about the middle of their visible surface; nucleus smooth, white, with about one and a half turns; subsequent coils sculptured only by the stout lamellae, moderately strong lines of growth, and rather numerous irregular scratches or ill-defined ridges directed in a spiral sense here and there on the shell. The angulation of the (aperture and consequently of the) varices, though distinct, is not sufficiently produced to form spines; suture distinct but not deep; posterior surface of the whorls oblique, here and there slightly concave ; anterior surface (or base) rounded, produced and prolonged into a slender canal somewhat curved to the left ; aperture narrow, long, rather sharply angulated at the suture, in front passing without any very marked constriction into the tapering canal ; inner and outer lips reflected and connected over the body by a contin- uous callus; the inner lip has a chink behind it at the beginning of the beak; the outer portion of the reflection of the outer lip is angulated about one third of the way from the suture toward the beak; the lips are polished, white, and slightly thickened within. Max. Ion. of shell, 41.0 (?) ; of last whorl, 29.0 ; of aperture, 24.5; lat. of shell, 15.5; of aperture, 7.5 mm. Habitat. Station 163, off Guadelupe, in 769 fms., sand, bottom tempera- ture 39°. 75 F. I am in some doubt in regard to this shell, which presents several differences from any of a number of closely allied forms, to none of which does it yet seem quite safe to refer it. It is larger and has a longer and more even spire, less angulated whorls, and angles much less produced, than in T. multilamellosus Philippi. It is nearer T. clavatus of Sars, but still with similar differences, ciformis King, which he tried to quote, is probably a variety of T. Gerversianus ; but owing to the confusion and doubt attending the specific name, it is probably better to adopt that of Dr. Kobelt. * Trophon Lintoni Verrill strongly suggests Coralliophila rather than Trophon. 206 BULLETIN OF THE and is three times as large as T. clavatus, with nearly the same number of whorls. It is most closely related to T. aculeatus Watson, from deep water off Pernambuco, and I am disposed to consider them the same, though our shell has fewer whorls in the same length and a proportionally longer canal. But the types of T. aculeatus are evidently quite young. Younger specimens of what I suppose to be the same species have been taken by the U. S. Fish Commission at Stations 2677, 2678, off Cape Fear, N. C, in 478 and 731' fms., mud, bottom temperature 49°. 3 and 3S°. 7. Also in the Gulf of Mexico, at Station 2398, in 227 fms., mud, bottom temperature 48°. 6 F. Boreotrophon actinophorus n. s. Plate XV. Fig. 2. Shell translucent white, very thin, glassy, seven-whorled ; nucleus white, smooth, two-whorled ; spiral sculpture of very fine faint irregular spiral lines; transverse sculpture of the incremental lines and a keel or angulation at the shoulder of the whorl which is produced into long nearly horizontally extended triangular spines, deeply guttered out, and having the upper or posterior side shorter in the direction of rotation than the other, so that looked at from the apex the spines recall the paper whirligigs or wind-wheels used as children's toys. There are six of these spines on the last whorl and thirty-one on the whole shell figured. Spire elevated ; suture distinct, not channelled ; aperture narrow, long, angulated at the spine, continuous with the open canal which is curved to the right; at the left of the canal projects a whorl of three or more tips of antecedent canals (often broken away). Interior of aperture simple, not thickened. Max. Ion. of shell, 17.5; of last whorl, 12.3; of aperture and canal, 10.0; max. lat. of aperture, 3.0; of the shell exclusive of spines, 6.0; of the whole shell, 14.0 mm. Habitat. Station 134, off Santa Cruz, in 248 fms., sand; Station 206, off Martinique, in 170 fms., sand; and Station 299, near Barbados, in 140 fms., coral; temperatures from 49°. 0 to 56°. 5 F. This is a very remarkable shell, and if immature, as I suspect, it is singular that an adult was not taken at one of the three stations. Whether a Murex or a Trophon it is entirely distinct from anything I have been able to find any record of. It has in all respects the appearance of a truly abyssal species. Subgenus ASPELLA Morch. Aspella Morch, Malak. Bliitt, XXIV. p. 24, 1877. (No description.) Poweria Monterosato, Norn. Gen. Conch. Medit, p. 113, 1884. Not Poiveria Bona- parte, Ichthyology, 1841. Murex, Triton, Ranella, etc., Auct. var. The name suggested by Morch for Ranella anceps Lamarck, was not accom- panied by any diagnosis or differential characters. There is, however, no reason MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 207 why it should not be retained, in the absence of any fully established name of other date. It is somewhat uncertain in the absence of definite information as to the nucleus of A. anceps, its operculum, dentition, and soft parts, to know whether it belongs to the group of which Murex scalarioides would form a type. But A. anceps presents so many analogies with A. hastula, especially as to form and quality of surface, while A. hastula has the nucleus and surface identical with and is otherwise so closely like certain forms of A.? scalarioides, that I do not think it judicious to separate them. Aspella anceps Lamarck. Ranella anceps Lamarck, An. s. Vert., VII. p. 154, 1822. Ranella (Aspella) anceps Morch, Malak. Blatt, XXIV. p. 24, 1877. Ranella pyramidalis Broderip, P. Z. S. 1832, p. 194 ; Sowerby, Conch. 111. Ranella, fig. 2. Ranella producta Pease, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 397. Habitat. St. Thomas, Riis and Morch. West Indies, Tryon. This species has been reported several times from the West Indies. It is doubtful, however, whether the shell referred to is really T. anceps or the fol- lowing species. At least there is no reason why it should not be found in the Antilles, since I have seen specimens from Ceylon, Mauritius, Panama, Aca- pulco, and the Sandwich Islands. The identity of Pease's shell with the ordinary anceps is determined from a specimen received from the author. This shell is almost always found in collections dead and worn, with the secondary varices worn down, the calcareous layer which should clothe the surface eroded, and the nucleus lost. I have never been able to examine a perfectly fresh specimen. I have no doubt, however, of its distinctness from the next species. Aspella hastula Reeve. Ranella hastula Reeve, Conch. Icon. Ranella, fig. 42, 1844. Habitat. China Seas, Stimpson. Station 2617, in 14 fms., sand, twenty- five miles S. E. from Cape Fear, North Carolina, U. S. Fish Commission. This curious little species is of a chestnut-brown under the spongy calcareous layer. It has 3-5 varices to the whorl; A. anceps, always six. The revolving lines are less elevated than "is usual with A. anceps, and never nodulated, as is often the case with the latter. The nucleus is exactly that of the following species, and the amount of compression varies very greatly, some specimens showing almost none. 208 BULLETIN OF THE Aspella? scalarioides Blainville (em.). Murex scalaroides Blainville, Fauna Fran9aise, p. 131, pi. 5 a, figs. 5, 6, 1826 ; Monte- rosato, Bull. Soc. Mai. It., V. p. 227, 1879. Murex scalarinus Bivona-Bernardi, Nuovo Gen. Moll., p. 27, pi. iii. fig. 11, 1832. Murex distinotus Cristoforis e Jan, Cat. No. 4, pi. xi. fig. 2, 1833 (or later) ; Phi- lippi, Moll. Sicil., I. p. 209, pi. xi. fig. 32, 1836 ; Reeve, Conch. Icon. Murex, fig. 161, 1845. Murex Itucoderma Scacchi, Cat. Concliyl. Reg. Nap., p. 12, fig. 16, 1836. Ocinebra scalaroides Kobelt, Jahrb. Mai. Ges., IV. p. 244, 1877. Murex (Muricidea) scalarioides Brugnone, Bull. Mai. Ital., III. p. 29, 1877. Poweria scalarina Monterosato, Nom. Gen. Conch. Medit., p. 113, 1884. Habitat. Mediterranean and. Adriatic. Aspella scalarioides var. paupercula C. B. Adams. Murex pauperculus C. B. Adams, Contr. Conch., p. 60, 1850. Triton Cantrainei Recluz, Journ. de Conchyl., IV. pp. 246, 418, pi. viii. fig. 10, 1853; and V. p. 156, 1856. Krebs, Cat., p. 21. Ocinebra Cantrainei Kobelt, Jahrb. Mai. Ges., IV. p. 244, 1877. Habitat. West Coast of Florida, in 50 fms. Aspella scalarioides var. lamellosa Dunker. Ranella lamellosa Dunker, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 240. Habitat. Florida Keys, Bermuda, Antilles. Aspella scalarioides var. obeliscus A. Adams. Murex obeliscus A. Adams, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 269; Sowerby, Thes. Conch. Murex, fig. 233, 1879. Murex alveatus Reeve, Conch. Icon. Murex, figs. 157, 163, 1845. 1 Murex alveatus Kiener, Icon. Murex, p. 24, pi. xlvi. fig. 2. Habitat. St. Thomas, W. I., Adams; Vera Cruz, Mexico, Strebel. The characters which I take to be of more than specific value in this poly- morphic form are as follows: — Nucleus small; at first obliquely and loosely wound, like a "stranded" rope, giving the appearance at first sight of a reversed nucleus ; its material not different from that of which the rest of the early whorls are formed. Shell with a tendency to lateral compression, as in Gyrincum, which may be more or less constant in the same species or vary during the ages of the same specimen. Operculum elongated, acute, with an apical nucleus, resembling the opercu- March 13, 1889. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 209 lum of Sipho or Boreotrophon. Favarlia, which is nearest in form to this among the Murices, has a muricoid operculum with its nucleus not apical. Dentition like that of typical Murex, not resembling Muricidea, Ocinebra, or Trophon. Superficies of the shell with a cellulose or finely vermiculated cretaceous white layer ; beneath this chalky layer a harder shell-substance, sometimes colored. Epidermis seemingly absent. Canal short, recurved, always open; aperture denticulated in the adult. The soft parts of a specimen of A. scalarioides var. paupercula Adams, taken at Key West by Hemphill, were white with very distinct black eyes. The ten- tacles were small and close together, the eyes situated on their outer sides half-way toward the tip. The foot is large for the size of the animal, rounded behind, double-edged in front, and auriculated at the anterior corners. As far as one could judge from the contracted alcoholic specimen, the auriculation must have been very marked and the anterior median indentation deep. The proboscis moderately long, the radula long but very small, its formula 1+^4-1. It much resembled that of M. trunculus and M. brevispina as figured by Tro- schel in his Gebiss der Schnecken. There were the usual two gills on the left side. The oesophagus was rather long, with no post-oral dilatation, and much contorted. There seemed to be a small appendix to the right margin of the siphonal extension of the mantle. The shell of this species when quite young looks like a small inflated Boreo- trophon. As it gets older, a tendency is often exhibited in two of the normal six varices to grow bigger than the others, beside which the intermediate part of the whorl actually becomes somewhat flattened. A specimen of this sort, especially if the flattening is pronounced, as it sometimes is, looks much like a large white Aspella hastula, and one such was described by Dunker as Ranella lamellosa. For this state or stage, sometimes permanent, I reserve the varietal name lamellosa. Generally the second stage passes, later on, into what may be called the nor- mal form, which is not flattened but muricoid or like a small Tritonium. This I call variety paupercula, as it is what was described as Murex pauper cuius by Adams, and later as a Triton by Recluz. This may be stout or slender, and is usually pure white. The slender form is apt to have the spiral lines stronger. When very long and with some touches of light brown on the under layer of the varices it becomes variety obeliscus, described as a species by A. Adams. This may be the same as Murex alceatus Kiener (if that is not a Favartia), and is certainly the shell figured under that name by Reeve. The typical form is that from the Mediterranean, which, in a full series, I find to be generally more elevated, with rounder whdrls, less prominent varices, and obscurer spirals. Still there are some Mediterranean specimens exactly like the Floridian variety paupercula. Blainville's specific name seems to be gen- erally accepted, and I have used it, but have not been able to consult the original work. Monterosato adopts Bivona's specific name and separates the shell under vol. xviii. 14 210 BULLETIN OF THE a generic name which had been used for a fish some time previously by Bona- parte. For reasons already stated, I refer the species provisionally to Aspella. Aspella hastula has exactly such a surface as this shell, and so when perfect does A. anceps. The nucleus of A. hastula is precisely that of A. scalarioides. I have not seen any specimen of anceps which retains the nucleus. But the more perfect the specimens, the nearer their general character agrees with that of hastula and scalarioides, though I admit that the commonly worn and defect- ive beach specimens of anceps would usually convey a different impression. Murex erosus Broderip has been compared with this species, and much re- sembles M. intermedius C. B. Adams. Both belong to the group which follows. It is destitute of an external cretaceous layer, and has a different operculum. In the Jeffreys collection I find a " Murex distinctus var. acanthopterus" labelled by Monterosato. This shell is a young and slender whitish specimen of a Muricidea, like M. hexagona. I have not seen it referred to elsewhere, and the name may be a manuscript one. Genus OCINEBRA Leach. There does not seem to be any good reason why this name should be mis - spelled, as it is so often, and as I find it in the " Mollusques Marins du Roussil- lon," for example ; but it probably arises from the fact that it is easier to look at Dr. Gray's P. Z. S. list of genera of 1847, than it is to correct the numerous errors contained in that list by going to the original authority. There are several species on our coasts which belong to this group if we regard the shell only ; but in 0. erinacea the operculum is that of typical Murex, anterior but not apical, and somewhat laterally situated. In the American species the nucleus is apical, and I suppose them to bear somewhat such a relation to Ocinebra proper as Boreotrophon Fischer does to the typical Trophon. I have not been able to examine the operculum of Murex breviculus Sowerby, to which the name of Favartia was applied in 1880, according to Fischer. But the shell of M. breviculus has so many points in common with that of our little Ocinebras, that I suspect it belongs to the same group, which would, in that case, form a subgenus of Ocinebra rather than of Phyllonotus. For the present T shall adopt the name referred to for the shells in question. Subgenus FAVARTIA Fischer. Favartia cellulosa Conrad, Plate XVI. Fig. 1. Murex cellulosa Conrad, Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci ., III. p. 25, 1846. Murex nuceus Morch, Cat. Kierulf, p. 14, no. 343, pi. i. fig. 9, 1850. Ocenebra nuceus Morch, Cat. Yoldi, p. 95, 1852. Habitat. Coast of the United States from the vicinity of Cape Fear, N. C , MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 211 to Florida, Vera Cruz, Bermuda, and the Antilles. Off Sombrero in 54 fms., Blake Expedition. I found this form together with Urosalpinx tampaensis and varieties of U. cinereus on the oyster-beds in Tampa Bay, exactly as described by Conrad nearly half a century ago. The Tampa specimens have spots of purplish brown inside the mouth, but most of the specimens from other localities have the mouth whitish with a brownish throat. It has been received from the Antilles under the name of M. casta A. Adams; it is probably the same as Sowerby's M. jamaicensis, which appears to be a young shell, and it is without doubt the shell whose varieties are catalogued by Melvill in his list of Florida shells under the names of Murex tetrarjonus and cycloslomus. The very slender and strongly recurved canal is almost always broken off in cabinet specimens. Favartia (cellulosa var. ?) levieula Dall. This form differs from the typical cellulosa in being somewhat smaller and more slender, with one less varix on the average and with the varices thinner, 6omewhat more branched, and each forming a sharp-edged rather than a broad- ish rounded ridge. The revolving ribs are feebler, and in nearly all the speci- mens entirely obsolete over most of the space between the varices on the last whorl. This gives the shell a very different aspect, but a tendency to such a condition is seen in some specimens of cellulosa and other apparently allied species. I regard it as a variety of cellulosa, and Sowerby's figure (Thes. Murex, pi. xxiii. fig. 223) of his jamaicensis would fairly well represent a specimen in which the ribs had not become obsolete. This form was obtained by the U. S. Fish Commission off Cape Lookout, N. C, at Station 2609, and in 25-40 fms. at various stations in the Gulf of Mexico, including Key West. Favartia intermedia C. B. Adams. Murex intermedins C. B. Adams, Contr. Conch, p. 60, 1850; not of Tryon. This species is found from the Florida Keys to Vera Cruz, Mexico, is abun- dant at Bermuda (Hamlin), and has been received from Cuba and St. Thomas. It is entirely distinct from the shell called Triton Cantrainei by Recluz and M. paupcrculus by C. B. Adams. That species may be identical with M. alve- olus Kiener, as claimed by Tryon, but he is wrong in referring the present species to it. It may be distinguished from M. cellulosa Con. by being more slender, elevated, and having in the adult the last varix proportionally larger thon any of the others. M. pauperculus C. B. Adams, which is in the National Museum from Vera Cruz and St. Thomas, is remarkable for having a sort of calcareous whitish outer coating, like that seen on Ranella hastula Reeve, which is easily removed, and under which the shell is often of a darker color. 212 BULLETIN OF THE Genus MURICIDEA (Swainson) Morch. < Muricidea Swainson, Malac, p. 296, 1840. = Muricidea Morch, Cat. Yoldi, p. 95, 1852. = Muricopsis Bucquoy et Dautzenberg, Moll. Marins du Roussillon, p. 19, pi. i. figs. 5, 6, 1882 ; Fischer, Man., p. 642. Swainson's genus contained a heterogeneous assembly After eliminating the forms which had already been separated from Murex by Montfort as Trophon, Phos, etc., there remained M. hexagona Lamarck and allied species to conserve Swainson's name. This revision was indicated by Morch as above cited, who gives M. hexagona and M. Blainvillei Payr. as examples. This revision has been accepted by Carpenter and others without comment, but appears to have been overlooked by the authors of the Marine Mollusca of Roussillon, who in 1882 proposed the subgenus Muricopsis for the same two species. Numerous species which have been referred to Pseudomurex, etc., doubtless belong in this group, which is so intimately related to the genus Murex as to raise grave doubts as to its right to rank higher than a subgenus. The chief characters of the group are the absence of primary varices, or those, so characteristic of Murex, Tritonium, Ranella, etc., which dominate over the ordinary system of ribs; the operculum, like that of Fusus rather than Murex, with its apical or almost apical nucleus; the tallish spire, and the always open canal. Some species have only ribs; in the typical species there are spiny varices instead of ribs; in others again it is difficult to say whether the structure is a rib or a varix. Muricidea hexagona Lamarck. Fragments of this species were found in several of the dredgings. It is not rare on the Mexican coast and among the Antilles. n Muricidea floridana Conrad. Urosalpinx floridanus Conrad, Am. Journ. Conch., V. p. 106, pi. xii. fig. 4, 1869. ? Murex ostrearum Conrad, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., III. p. 25, 1846. Muricidea floridana Dall, Hemphill's Shells, p. 326, 1883. This species is well named, as I have never seen a specimen except from Florida. I have little doubt, from all the circumstances, that this is Murex ostrearum of Conrad. Conrad's description was very short, loose, and insuffi- cient for purposes of identification, so it is just as well to let it alone and re- tain the name about which no doubt exists. This species is very liable to be confounded with Urosalpinx perrugatus Conrad, which is found with it, among the oysters. That species is best distinguished by the longer, more sculptured, and less excavated shoulder to the whorl, the shorter and wider canal, and the purpuroid operculum. M. floridana has a totally different fusoid operculum with apical nucleus, as I showed in 1883. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 213 Muricidea multangula Philippi. Fusus multangulus Philippi, Zeitsclir. fiir Mai., V. p. 25, 1819 ; Abbild. u. Beschr., III. p. 117, t. xxiv. 1, fig. 6, 1850. Muricidea HemphiUii Dall, Hemphill's Shells, p. 327, 1883. This fine species ranges from Cape Fear to Florida, Yucatan, and the West Indies. It varies greatly in color and often has a rich pink mouth. When in its highest state of perfection the epidermis is rendered hispid by little triangular projecting points. In most specimens, even when taken alive, the epidermis is smooth, the points having been rubbed off. There is a raised anterior edge to the pillar in the adult. The operculum is fusoid. I have not examined the dentition, but think it possible that its true place may per- haps be with Fusus, in spite of the short canal. It is one of our most elegant species. Muricidea Philippiana n. s. Shell short, acutely fusiform, solid, with about five whorls; spire acute, suture flexuous, appressed; slope of the spire nearly flat, the turns being flat- tened or even slightly excavated above the periphery; transverse sculpture of lines of growth, and of (on the last whorl nine) peripheral undulations or ribs with about equal interspaces; these are almost confined to the periphery; in one specimen these are crossed by three or four about equidistant spiral ridges, faint, becoming prominent and keeled or nodulous on the ribs; this one has also two strong ridges on the canal, and is pure white ; another specimen has only faint spiral strise on the canal, the periphery is smooth, the ribs lumpy, the color white with spiral brown lines toward the periphery; in still another the posterior row of nodulations becomes short, sharp, and spinous, the revolv- ing threads seem more numerous on the base; canal short, rapidly tapering, open, pointed; a well marked siphonal fasciole is normal, one hardly shows it, another has it funicular; aperture elongate oval, outer lip with 5-7 strong lirae within; margin simple, acute; throat porcelain-white with a tendency to rosy or purple; columella smooth with a dash of rose or purple in some speci- mens, and two or three faint granulations, in the perfectly adult, near its an- terior edge. Max. Ion. of shell, 17.4; of last whorl, 12.4; of aperture, 10.0; max. lat. of aperture, 4.5; of shell, 10.5 mm. Habitat. U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2362, 2363, off Cape Catoche, Yucatan, in 20-25 fms., coral sand ; and by Hemphill at Key West, among coral at low water. This is a singular shell, over which I have puzzled for some time. It has features recalling Latirus, Tritonidca, etc., but seems most fairly placed here. It is almost always overgrown with calcareous algae; one has had this coat gnawed off by some vegetarian mollusk, the result of which is a pretty ver- micular surface sculpture, which looks as if it might be natural. The most characteristic feature of the shell is the peculiar half translucent milk-and-water whiteness of its substance. 214 BULLETIN OF THE Genus UROSALPINX Stimpson. This genus differs from Muricidea by its operculum, which is externally like that of typical Murex and internally shows gyratory Furpura-like scars. The nucleus is within the edge about midway between the ends, not apical or sub- apical as in the preceding group. In other respects they do not greatly differ. The genus is of economic importance, as it destroys millions of young oysters in all our seaboard States, holding the destructive eminence here which Ocinebra erinacea is accorded in Europe. There are three American species known to belong to it; U. cinereus Say, ranging from Massachusetts to Florida; U. tampaensis Conrad, known only from the west coast of Florida, and which has been referred to Eupleura by Tryon ; lastly U. perrugatus Conrad,* a species not included in Tryon's list, and of which the distinctive characters have already been referred to. It is also an inhabitant of West Florida from Cedar Keys to Key West. Beside these shallow-water species, we have two species, described by Prof. Verrill, from 120-938 fins., off Hatteras, U. carolinensis and U. macra Verrill. There is some question as to the generic place of these shells, but, pending an examination of the soft parts, they seem as properly placed here as anywhere. The first mentioned, however, looks much like a Muricidea or short Fusus, closely related to Fusus Pfeifferi Philippi. Genus TYPHIS Montfort. This genus, founded by Montfort on a fossil species, is composed of a very compact little group of shells containing about a dozen recent and a few fossil species. These have accordingly been divided into twelve subdivisions by Jousseaume, to each of which he has applied a name, generic or subgeneric as the reader may prefer. It is perhaps no more than we should expect of a mind capable of laying such a performance before the scientific world, that he has selected invariably the most superficial and trivial specific characters upon which to base his subdivisions, and has missed entirely the only shell character in the whole group upon which a rational subdivision can be founded. The authors: who have monographed this genus have called attention to the fact that the tube which is the chief characteristic is sometimes situated between the varices and is sometimes continuous with them. A careful study of the surface of the shell shows that the fold of the mantle around which the tube is formed is, like the siphon, a fold, and not a continuous cylinder, although its edges are appressed so closely that the shelly secretion forms a perfect cylinder. It would seem that in the typical species of Typhis, as figured by Montfort, the tubes are wholly disengaged from the varices. In the recent species of this sort a continuous sutural line will be found to pass from the anterior side of the tube to the aperture, in the direction of rotation. Sometimes at the point * Fusus perrugatus Conrad, Am. Journ. Science, n. ser.,II. p. 397, 1846. Collected at the Manatee River, West Florida. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 215 where this line crosses the varix there is merely an angle, at others we find a hook or recurved even sigmoid spine, which, however, does not retain its origi- nally excavated character. In species of the other type, like T. arcuatus Hinds, T. duplicatus Sovverby, T. japonicus A. Adams (very probably all varieties of a single species), T. fistulosus Brocchi, and the one about to be described, we find that the varix commences with and at the tube, though mostly developed beyond it, giving the completed shell the appearance of having had its tubes bent backward. Now in the common Mediterranean T. tetrapterus Bronn (+ T. Sowerbyi Auct.) a sinus was observed and is figured by A. Adams, though there are no permanent processes on the mantle-edge. It is absolutely certain, however, that at times when the shell is being secreted there must be a sinus in the mantle-edge analogous to that in Drillia, and the subtubular projection at the bottom of the sinus observable in many Drillias is analogous in its for- mation to the tube of Typhis. Both are doubtless avenues of escape for effete matter voided from the intestine. In Typhis of the typical section (like T. tetrapterus) there must be in the portion of the mantle which secretes this part of the shell an alternation of functions daring the period of growth from one varix to another. In the other section (which may be called Trubatsa) there is only a resting time and a renewal of identical functions. It is of course true, that, in taking a general survey of the genus, certain somewhat intermediate species may be found ; but this is what we must ex- pect everywhere when we know all the species of any genus in their numer- ous variations. The worker who has the interest of science really at heart will in such cases avoid undue subdivision, either specific or generic; and when he finds that a division is advisable, he will give, not merely a few lines of description in more or less canine Latin, but a differential description showing, not only the characters on which he relies, but the way in which they differ from the characters exclusive to other groups, and to groups of less value, such as species. If all the specific characters were eliminated from his consideration, and he had been obliged to give differential diagnoses, it is likely that the author of the eleven unnecessary synonyms of Typhis would have paused, and probably thought better of it. The length of both the tube proper and the tubular canal is greater when it is first formed than later. It seems to be soon dissolved by the water, or broken off. The last tube, until it is broken, is therefore always longer than the others. Specimens from the quiet abyssal waters occasionally preserve the tubes, or part of them, in a way to make this evident. There is only one species of Typhis known in the recent state from the Antillean region. A species of Murex or Eupleura (M. cancellata Sby.) is reported by Krebs, and has been catalogued as a Typhis by Try on. I doubt whether it can properly be referred to this genus. In 1849 Sowerby described a fine species, T. alatus, from the Miocene Tertiary of St. Domingo (Geol. Journal, VI. p. 48, pi. x. fig. 4), which is so much resembled by the Typhis expansus of the junior Sowerby, a recent species described without habitat in 1874, that I cannot help suspecting that they are the same, and that the species 216 BULLETIN OF THE still exists in a living state among the Antilles, like many of the other Tertiary- fossils. Both are very similar to the Mediterranean tetrapterus, and I have another species of the same type from the Pliocene Caloosahatchie beds of South Florida. It differs from the Haitian fossil in its more elongated form and narrower varix, and from the Mediterranean species in being much more acute anteriorly and destitute of the linguiform anterior varical expansion found in T. tetrapterus. In my report on the Caloosahatchie Pliocene it is named T. floridanus. In the Thesaurus, the younger Sowerby describes this genus as trivaricose, and also in his continuation of the Conchologia Iconica. How inaccurate this is may be observed by any one who will examine a specimen. Whether there are any three-varixed species I do not know, as in the specific diagnoses of the monographs the number is not stated, but in all I have ever seen there were four varices in each whorl. Typhis (Trubatsa) longicornis Dall. Plate XV. Fig. 7. Plate XXXVIII. Fig. 5. Typhis longicornis Dall, Agassiz, Three Cruises of the Blake, II. p. 70, fig. 294, 1888. Shell translucent white when young, waxen with areas of pale rosy brown between the varices in the adult ; varices four, ascending the spire nearly in a straight line; tubes tapering, recurved, usually broken off short, but originally long; nucleus subglobular, glassy, followed by seven gradually increasing whorls, obscured by the varices, but somewhat scalar behind; surface with extremely fine spiral striation, stronger lines of growth, and on the tips of the tubes and canals when fresh a glassy polish; varices not fimbriated, with rounded edges, strongly arched forward, subconcave behind; aperture small, subcircular, margin detached from the body, elevated, not sharp; with simple edge and smooth interior; canal long, slender, nearly straight, but bent back as a whole, with three antecedent canals surrounding a sort of umbilical chink. Operculum muricoid. Max. Ion. of shell, 23.0; of last whorl, 19.0; of aper- ture, 4.0; of canal before the aperture, 11.5; max. lat. of aperture, 3.0; of shell, 10.0 mm. Habitat. Off Havana, Sigsbee, in 127-400 fins., mud, bottom temperature 49°.5 to 55°.5 F. This species is allied to T.fistulosus Brocchi, T. arcuatus Hinds, and the related forms above mentioned. It has wider varices than the former, and a proportionally smaller aperture; T. fistulosus appears to be destitute of the fine spiral striation, has a more distorted appearance, and does not reach so large a size. T. longicornis is much more fusiform, attenuated, and has longer tubes and canal than T. arcuatus. By the distribution of the species, the forms belonging to this section of the genus Typhis are found in all the northern oceans, apparently one species each in the Mediterranean, North Atlantic, Antilles, North Pacific, and China Sea. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 217 Subfamily PURPURIN.E. The species of Purpura inhabiting the region under consideration are P. pa- tula Linne, P. deltoidea Lamarck, and P. hcemastoma L., varieties undata Lam., floridana Conrad, and trinidadensis Gupp}r. They are all littoral species. There are, of the Ricinula group, Sistrum nodulosum C. B. Adams, S. ferrugi- neum Reeve, a beautiful variety of which has the spiral nodules small, elon- gated, and scarlet, while the rest of the surface is of a dark vernicose brown. The columella in this form is also of a fine red color, and it seems worthy of separation as a variety rubidum. S. roseum Reeve appears to derive its color from a crimson hydrozoon so common on West Indian shells. I should not refer it, if H. Cuming's identification be correct, to Engina, as Tryon does, though from the shell alone it is impossible to be certain. None of these forms were collected by the Blake. Subfamily CORALLIOPHILINiE. Genus CORALLIOPHILA H. & A. Adams. Coralliophila H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll., I. p. 135, 1853. Pseudomurex Monterosato, Conch. Medit, p. 48, 1872 (name only) ; type, Murex laceratus Deshayes. ? Latiaxis Svvainson, Man., p. 206, 1840. (L. Mawece Gray.) This genus should probably be called Latiaxis, as the type of Swainson is with little doubt only a specimen abnormally loosely coiled. It was regarded as abnormal by Gray, who described it. But I have not examined a specimen of Latiaxis Mawece, and hence refrain from taking a step with regard to which there is still some doubt, though fortified by the opinion of Sowerby, Deshayes, Jeffreys, and Tryon. The name of Coralliophila was illustrated by a large number of examples by the brothers Adams, but they selected no type. However, as the C. madreporarum of Sowerby was not included in this list, and differs somewhat from the genuine typical species, it should not be taken as an example of the genus, as has been done bj' some excellent authorities. From this error probably has arisen the complication that the true Corallio- phila has been renamed Pseudomurex, while a form which probably does not differ from Rhizocheilus except in living upon corals with large stems instead of gorgonians with small stems has been, in the latest manuals, cited as an example of Coralliophora. A good many species which have no natural rela- tion to Coralliophila have been included with it in the monographs. This has added to the confusion. There can be no doubt whatever, in the mind of any one who has examined a proper series of specimens with unprejudiced judgment, of the specific iden- tity of certain typical Pseudomurices with certain typical Coralliophilas. The 2-18 BULLETIN OF THE operculum is identical, the shell characters shade indefinitely into one another from one specimen to another, the soft parts differ in nothing, the texture, character, color, and habitat of the shells are the same. In considering such animals as are given to parasitism or commensalism, it is a truism that we must expect great variations of parts which in non-parasitic species would be of high systematic importance, and, secondly, great variation as between individual specimens of the species. Furthermore, if we have certain individuals of the species which take on a parasitic habit, and others which, whether voluntarily or perforce, do not, we shall find the nearest approach to the perfect norm of the species in the non-parasitic specimens. Now, it is the writer's opinion that such forms as have been figured and described as Latiaxis elegans, cariniferus, and Deburghiie in Sowerby's Thesau- rus are merely the most perfect and luxuriant development of a species which, in its parasitic individuals, presents us with forms superficially very different, stunted, modified, or deteriorated. The operculum of Coralliophila galea of authors is precisely that of Latiaxis Dcburghice, and of Rhizocheilus madrepora- rum of Sowerby. The loss of the operculum and other modifications exhibited by the type species of Rhizocheilus are exactly what we might expect in a species in which degeneration and specialization have proceeded very far from long continued parasitism. Still, I should expect to find an operculum in the free young of R. antipathicus. The form of the Antipathes upon which it lives is so slender that the shell must submit to greater changes in form than a species like Coralliophila madreporarum, which habitually rests upon a broad pillar of coral, or like Coralliophila bracteata (Brocchi) Tryon, which rarely does so, but is genei'ally found free. Owing to these modifications, we may retain Steenstrup's name in a sectional sense, as it cannot (though of earlier date) be fairly applied to typical Coralliophila. In so variable a group, it goes with- out saying that the specific determinations are very difficult to make with confidence, and are here made with all reserves. Coralliophila Deburghise Keeve. Plate XVI. Fig. 5. Latiaxis Deburghia: Reeve, P. Z. S. 1857, pi. xxxviii. figs. 3, 6 ; Sby., Tlies. Conch. Latiaxis, No. 2, fig. 5, 1882. Habitat. Sigsbee, off Havana, in 80-119 fms. ; Barbados, 100 fms.; Stations 164 and 166, off Guadelupe, in 150 fms., hard bottom, temperature 59°. 75; Station 134, off Santa Cruz, in 248 fms., sand, bottom temperature 54°. 5; Sta- tion 174, off Guadelupe (living), in 878 fms., bottom temperature 39°. 75; Station 262, off Grenada, in 92 fms., sand, bottom temperature 62°; Station 292, off Barbados, in 56 fms., sand, bottom temperature 74°. 5 F. Northward to Hatteras, U. S. Fish Commission. The extraordinary range in depth and temperature which this animal sustains will be remarked. The largest and most foliaceous specimens are from the MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 219 greatest depth. The specimen figured (max. Ion. 20.0 mm.) is young, and has the expansions of the periphery much turned up. The older ones, which reach a length twice as great, or more, have the flat spines nearly horizontal. There may he ten or twelve of them on the last whorl. After careful comparisons, I conclude that, though it passes through a series of variations parallel to those of 0. bracteata, it is sufficiently distinct from it to be easily recognized as differ- ent, when in good condition. It has the typical or spiny form, with flat ex- pansions; another (var. spinosa) in which the spines are thorn-like and slender; a form (var. fusiformis) in which there are no spines, yet there are no trans- verse ribs; and finally a form (var. Lintoni Verrill) in which numerous rounded transverse ribs of greater or less strength appear under the limose spiral ridges. The last was very naturally described as a Trophon. There may be between the above-mentioned varieties almost any graduation or interchange of charac- ters, but usually the vigor which in one case expends itself in the formation of flat spines, in their absence is more or less devoted to the formation of trans- verse ribs. Coralliophila bracteata Beocchi. C. bracteata Tryon, Man., II. p. 210, pi. lxvi. figs. 378-380, 384, 386, 1880. A specimen which seems to belong to this species as existing in the Jeffreys collection, and to be distinct from the preceding, was collected by the U. S. Fish Commission, in 17 fms., near Cape Fear, North Carolina; another at Key West, in 45 fms. The first belonged to the variety C. lamellosa Jan, the second to the variety C. lacerata Deshayes. The former was adult, the latter quite young. Coralliophila galea Chemnitz. Coralliophila galea Tryon, Man., p. 207, pi. Ixv. figs. 362, 363, 364, 1880. C. abbieviata ~La.m.,Jide Tryon. Lamarck's name should probably take precedence, but I have not had time to devote to the synonymy. This species has a nearly world-wide distribution in the tropics, and in our region extends throughout the Antilles and northward along the coast from Florida to Cape Hatteras. It is generally white, but specimens with a purple mouth are not rare in the Windward Islands. The young are known under many names, and generally are sharply keeled at the shoulder and shortly acutely conical at both ends, having a very different aspect from the rounded adults. The Fish Commission has dredged this species in 15-100 fms., living among coral. The shore specimens are carried there by Paguri; I do not know of a single specimen ever collected above low- water mark in a living state. 220 BULLETIN OF THE Coralliophila lactuca Dall. Plate XVI. Fig. 6. Shell white or grayish, short conic above, widely fasciolated at the anteriorly pointed base. Nucleus small, white, smooth; whorls eight, rather inflated, transverse sculpture of fine lines of growth, and nine or ten thin sharp-edged varices crisped by the spiral sculpture; the surface is generally shelly like that of Iioreotrophon, but if the shell be absolutely perfect there is an external finely shagreehed thin calcareous layer of an opaque creamy white, which is almost always eroded except in protected spots ; spiral sculpture of six or more strong revolving primary ridges; other secondary ones to an irregular extent are found between the primaries ; the posterior primary spiral forms a sort of shoulder to the whorl; suture undulating with the sculpture, obscure; base subconic, the young with a small, the adult with a large umbilical funnel, bounded by the prominent siphonal fasciole; aperture within white, smooth, rounded and continuous behind, acute in front, the anterior end being more like an angular gutter than a canal; margins irregular, corresponding probably with the asperi- ties of its station on some coral. Max. Ion. of shell, 21.0; of last whorl, 16.3; of aperture, 13.0; max. lat. of shell, 14.6 mm. The figured specimen is young, and measures 11.0 mm. in length. Habitat. Station 5, Gulf of Mexico, off the shore of Cuba, in 152-229 fms., coral ooze, bottom temperature 49°. 5 ; off Fernandina, Florida, at U. S. Fish Commission Station 2669, in 352 fms., sand, bottom temperature 43°.7 F. This species differs by its surface from any of the previously mentioned species, or any others of the genus which I have examined. Its sculpture is more like that of the young Magilus than that of the other species. The fig- ured specimen shows best the fresh sculpture and form of the young; an adult afterward received from the Fish Commission enables me to describe the mature shell. The soft parts were not obtained, but the specimens were per- fectly fresh, and probably lived at the depth from which they were obtained. I may add, on the authority of H. Cuming, that Iihizocheilus madreporarum Sby. is found in the West Indies. Super-Family T^ENIOGLOSSA. Family TRITONIID^E. Genus DISTORTRIX Link. Distortrix Link, Beschr. Rostock Samml., p. 122, May, 1807. Persona Montfort, Conchyl., II. p. 603, 1810; type, P. anus L. Distorta Perry, Conchology, pi. x., and expl. fig. 1, 2, 1811. Distorsio Bolten, Cat. Con., p. 133, 1798, pro parte; ed. 1819, p. 94. (No descrip- tions or figures.) This genus was first eliminated from all the other Linnean Murices by Link. Bolten's Distorsio was a pure catalogue name, and the species cited under it MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 221 comprised Nassas, a Tritonium, etc., neither the genus nor the species being described or figured. Link gives a proper diagnosis for the group, and cites, with references to fig- ures, the two species, and only the two species, of which it is composed, even at the present day. Distortrix reticulata Link. Cassis vera, Distorsio reticulata, alba. Martini, II. p. 85, figs. 405, 406, 1771. Buccinum reticulatum Humphrey, Mus. Calonnianum, p. 34, No. 620, 1797. Murex anus L., Gmelin, Auctorum, pro parte. Distorsio reticulata Bolter), op. cit., p. 133, No. 1674. No description or figure. Ed. ii. p. 94, No. 1689, 1819. Distorsio clatrata Bolten, op. cit., No. 1675. Distorta acuta Perry, Conch. Expl., pi. x. fig. 1, 1811. Distortrix reticulata Link, op. cit., p. 123, 1807. Murex mulus Dillwyn, Cat. Sh., II. p. 704, No. 45, 1817. Triton clathratum Lamarck, Enc. Meth., t. 413, fig. 4; An. s. Vert., IX. p. 186, 1822; ed. Deshayes, IX. p. 637, 1843. Triton cancellinus Deshayes (non Roissy) in Lam., IX. p. 637, note, 1843; Reeve, Conch. Icon. Triton, pi. xii. fig. 45, 1844. Distorsio cancellinus Tryon, Man., p. 35, III., 1881. >Distorsio clathrata (Lam.) Morch, Malak. Blatt, XXIV. p. 34. Cyclostoma Schumacher, Essai, p. 196, 1817. Type Turbo clathrus L. Not Cyclostoma Lam., Syst. des An. s. Vert., p. 87, 1801, = Defphinula Lam., 1804, nor Cyclostoma Lam., 1804 = various Pulmonates and Valvata. = Scalaria Lamarck, Syst. des. An. s. Vert., p. 88, 1801. Type Turbo scalaris L. Fossiles des Env. de Paris, in An. du Museum, IV. p. 212, 1804. Roissy, Hist. Nat, Gen. Moll., V. p. 390, 1805. Froriep, Lam. Neues Syst. Conch., p. 17, 1808. Type T scalaris L. = Scalatarius Dumeril, Zool. Analyt, p. 164, 1806. = Scalaria Link, Beschr. Rostock Samml., III. p. 131, May, 1807; Fischer, Tabl, p. 119, 1808. Blainville, Mai., p. 431, 1825. Type Turbo scalaris L. = Sealants Montfort, Conch. Syst., p. 295, 1810. = Scalaria Perry, Conchology, expl. pi. xxvi., 1810; not Trigona Perry = Cancel- laria sp. > Scalaria Leach, Zool. Miscel., II. p. 79, 1815 (Turbo clathrus L.). Bowdich, Conch., I. p. 33, pi. ix. fig. 6, 1822. > Aciona Leach, /. c, II. p. 79, 1815 (Turbo scalaris L.). Bowdich, Conch., I. p. 33, pi. ix. fig. 5, 1822. Morch, Cat. Yoldi, p. 48, 1852. >< Clathrus Oken, Lehrb. Zool., p. 256, 1815 (Turbo clathrus L.). = Scalaria Lamarck, Hist. An. sans Vert., VI. Pt. II. p. 225, 1817 (S. pretiosa). > Clathrus Agassiz, in German edition Sowerby's Min. Conch., pp. 35, 413, 1840 (Turbo clathrus L.). > Acyonee Blainville, Malac, p. 431, 1825 ; example Scalaria communis (vernacular for Aciona Leach). Acyoncea Deshayes, Encycl. Meth., II. p. 6, 1830 (error for Aciona Leach). 300 BULLETIN OF THE > Clathrus Gray, Syn. Brit. Mus., 1840; type Scalaria australis Lam. (?no descrip- tion). > Cirsotrema Morch, Cat. Yoldi, p. 49, 1852 (S. varicosa Lam.). > Scala H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll., I., Nov., 1853, p. 220 (5. scalaris L.), with subgenera Clathrus, p. 222 (S. clathrus L.) ; Opalia, p. 222 (S. australis Lam.) ; Amaia, p. 223 (S. mngnijica Sby.) ; and > Cirsotrema (Morch) H. & A. Adams, /. c, II. p. 223, Nov., 1853 (S. varicosa Lam.). = Scalaria Woodward, Man. Ree. & Foss. Shells, 1854 (S. petiosa). >Acirsa Morch, -Prodr. Moll. Gronl., 1857; H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll., II. p. 621, Nov., 1858 (S. Eschrichtii Holb.). = Scalaria Chenu, Manual de Conchyl., 1. p. 217, 1859 (S. pretiosa Lam.), with sec- tions Clathrus (S. communis Lam.) ; Opalia, p. 218 (S. australis Lam.) ; A?neea, p. 218 (S. mngnijica Sby.) ; and Cirsotrema, p. 218 (S. i-aricostata Lam.). 1 Constantia A. Adams, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3d ser., VI. p. 120, 1860 ( C. elegans Ad.). > Acrilla H. & A. Adams, P. Z. S. 1800, p. 241 (S. acuminata Sby.). <> Sthenorytis (Conrad) Meek, S. I. Check List Miocene Foss., p. 18, 1864. Conrad, S. I. Check List Eocene Inv. Foss., p. 15, No. 200, 1866; also in Am. Journ. Conch., III. p. 259, pi. xxi. fig. 4, Jan., 1868. (.S-. pachgpleura Conrad, = Scala- ria pachypleura Conr., Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, VIII. p. 565, 1862.) > Opalia H. & A. Adams (emend.), in Carpenter, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3d ser., XIV. p. 31, Jan., 1865 (S. australis Lam.). > Scalina Conrad, Am. Journ. Conch., I. p. 27, 1865; S. I. Check List Eocene Iny. Foss., pp. 14, 29, 1866. (S. triquintinaria Conr. = Scalaria triquintinaria Conr., Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 2d ser., I. p. 114, pi. xi. fig. 14, 1848.) Not Compsopleura Conrad, S. I. Cheek List Eocene Inv. Foss. p. 15, 1866. (C. trino- dusa Conr. = Scalaria trinodosa Conr., Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 2d ser , IV. p. 288, pi. xlvii. fig. 43. This shell belongs to the Melaniidaz probably.) > Cirostrema Tate, App. Woodward, Man., 1870, p. 26, = Cirsotrema Morch- = Scalaria Nyst, Tabl. Synopt, p. 12 (1871), 1873. > Scala Morch, Vidensk. Medd. Nat. Foren. Kjobenhavn, 1874, p. 252 ; with sec- tions Aciona, p. 252 (S. scalaris L.) ; Scala, p. 252 (S. clathrus L.); T'urbona "Browne," p. 259 (S. unifasciata Sby.); Amaa, p. 262; Opalia, p. 266; Cirsotrema, p. 268 (S. cochlea Sby.). Scala Morch, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 2d ser., VIII. p. 192, 1876 ; with sections Aciona, -p. 192; Turbona, p. 198; Amaa, p. 200 ; Ianthoscala, p. 190 (Scalaria inconspicua Sby. = Janthoscala, p. 203) ; Opalia, p. 203 ; Cirsotrema, p. 205. > Psychrosoma Tap. Canefri, Journ. de Conchyl., XXIV. p. 154, April, 1870 (= Opalia H. & A. Adams). XScalidaz Stoliczka, Pal. Indica, Cret. Gastropoda, p. 229, 1868, with the follow- ing "genera": Funis (Seeley), p. 229; Crossea (Adams), p. 229; Amcoia (= lapsus pro Amaia Adams), p. 229 ; Acirsa, p. 229 ; Acrilla, p. 229; Cirsotrema, * Referred in 1862 to the Rissoidaz by Adams, from an examination of the soft parts. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 301 p. 229; Scala, p. 230; Eglisia (Gray, 1840, not of Desliayes whose Eglisias are stated to = Mathilda Semper, while his Pyrgiscus are true Eglisia;), p. 230; Chilocyclus (Bronn), p. 230; Scoliostoma Bronn, p. 230; Constantia (A. Ad.), p. 230; Compsopleura and Sva/ina, p. 230. = Scala De Boury, Monographie des Scalidae, Ft. I., Paris, 1886. Insertce sedis. Scoliostoma Braun, Leonli. & Bronn, Jahrb., p. 291, 1838, Jide Herrmannsen. Constantia A. Adams, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3d ser., VI. p. 120, 1800 ( C. elegans Adams, /. c). Eglisia Gray, Syn. Brit. Mus., 1840: H. & A. Ad., Gen. Rec. Moll., I. p. 354. Pyrgiscus Desliayes, An. s. Vert. Bassin de Paris, II., 2me e'd., p. 330, 1 not of Phi- lippi, Wiegm. Arch., I. p. 50, 1840. Cochleana Minister, Beitr. zur Petr., IV. p. 104, 1841 (C. carinata Braun, I. c, pi. x. fig. 27). Syn. Chilocyclus Bronn, Lethea, c. i. 75, 1851. Crossea A. Adams, Ann. Mag. Nat Hist., XV. p. 323, 1865 ( C. miranda Ad., /. c). Funis Seeley, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3d ser., VII. p. 285, 1861 {F. elongatus Seeley, I. c, pi. xi. fig. 7). Cretaceous. Holopella McCoy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, VII. p. 47, 1851. Brit. Pal. Foss., II. p. 303, 1855. (Type Turritella gregaria, Sil. Syst., pi. iii. fig. 1.) Hoplopteron Fischer, Journ. de Conchyl., XXIV. p. 232, 1876. (H. Terquemi F., p. 234, pi. ix. figs. 1-8.) The determination of the proper name to be adopted for this well known genus is beset with difficulties for the conscientious systematise It is one of the few cases where a faithful adherence to the rules recommended by the British Association would result in several very annoying changes in the names of well known and accepted genera. The precious "ladder shell," " wentle-trap," or "scalata" was known to early English, Dutch, and Italian naturalists chiefly as le scalata, a name attributed to the Italians. It is the Turbo scalaris of Linne, and the Sca- laria pretiosa of authors. The common Mediterranean form (S. clathrus) was, from its abundance, small size, and inferior beauty, known as le fausse sca- lata, or false wentle-trap. Early authors even considered them as varieties of one kind of shell, and as late as 1817 discussed gravely whether the precious sort really came from the Indies, as the Dutch dealers and naturalists had always claimed. Among the authors who antedated binominal nomenclature, Browne named a West Indian species Turbona, in his Natural History of Jamaica, and Klein called the group Scala, or staircase shell, from the vernacular scalata. Some conchological authors, disregarding the usual limitations of nomenclature, have imposed some of Klein's names on modern genera, and this among them. Linne included the wentle-trap among his species of Turbo. The first binominal author to distinguish the group by name was Hvass, a noted con- chologist residing in Paris, from whose manuscripts (by the aid of E. M. Da Costa, an English writer on shells) an anonymous catalogue was compiled for George Humphrey, an auctioneer of London, who was intrusted with the 302 BULLETIN OF THE sale of the magnificent collection of M. de Calonne, The catalogue was printed in May, 1797. A few copies were sent by Hvass to his correspondents,* and others were distributed or sold by Humphrey. It is one of the rarest of con- chological books, among those which have influenced nomenclature.! In the present case there can be no possible doubt whatever as to the group intended. It is placed between Phasianella and Turritella (Eutropia and Terebra of Humphrey), and divided into two sections with three species each. The first species (Scala maculata) is stated to come from Normandy, and Turbo clathrus L. is given as a synonym. The second (S. notha) is the "Bastard Wentle- trap," from the~West Indies (Scalaria lamellosa L.?); the third is not identifia- ble. The second section is stated to be "umbilicated," an approach toward a diagnosis. Two of the species cannot be determined, the last (5. grandis) is the " Great or true Wentle-trap," from " Japan ? " The next discrimination of the group, as such, appears in a posthumous pub- lication, also for an auctioneer's purposes, — a catalogue,^ supposed to be by Dr. J. F. Bolten of Hamburg, of the collection of shells belonging to him which his family desired to dispose of after his death, but which at that time (1798) was not sold. This catalogue, of which only three or four copies are known to exist, was reprinted in 1819,§ when the collection was again offered for sale. * The copy in my possession was sent to Spengler, and given by one of his heirs to Beck, and from him, through other hands, to the late 0. A. L. Morch. By a con- temporary note of Beck, it appears not to have existed in the public libraries of either London or Paris, in 1835-36. The genera are not characterized, nor is any 6pecies mentioned as type, but some Linnean names without references are intro- duced as synonyms of the names of the author. t As a bibliographical curiosity the collation may be of interest : — Museum Calonnianum. | Specification | of the I various articles | which compose the | Magnificent Museum | of | Natural History | collected by | M. De Calonne in Frar.ce, | and lately his property : | consisting of an assemblage | of the most | beautiful and rare subjects' | in | entomology, conchology, ornithology, | min- eralogy, &c. | Among which are | [etc., 10 lines] | all of which are now exhibiting at Saville House on the north side of | Leicester Square, previous to the sale thereof. | London, May 1, 1797. | 8vo, pp. viii, 84. At end of last page, " End of the first part." The generic and specific names in Latin, French, and English ; re- marks in English only. There is a copy with annotations in Humphrey's own writing in the Smithsonian Library, deposited in the Library of Congress. X The first part I have never seen, and it related to the anatomical and alco- holic collection ; the remainder is entitled : Museum Boltenianum | sive | Catalogus cimeliorum | e tribua regnis natura | quae | olim collegerat | Joa. Fried. Bolten, M. D. p. d. | per XL. annos protophysicus Hamburgensis. | Pars secunda | continens | Conchylia sive Testacea univalvia, | bivalvia & multivalvia. | Ham- burg*', | Typis Johan. Christi. Trappii. | Sm. 8vo, n. d., pp. viii, 199. The Preface is dated September, 1798. § Museum Boltenianum. | Verzeichniss | der | von dem verstorbenen | Herrn Joachim Friedrich Bolten | M. D. und physicus in Hamburg | hinterlassenen I vortrefflichen Sammlung | Conchylien, Mineralien | und | Kunstsachen | die | am MUSEUM OF COMPAEATIVE ZOOLOGY. 303 This edition is also extremely rare. Its contents (excepting the prefatory re- marks) are the same in both editions, and have a more scientific appearance than those of the catalogue of Humphrey, as characters corresponding to the divisions adopted, are mentioned in a number of places, though there are no diagnoses, properly speaking, or special types selected. The references for 6ynonyms of the author's species are to page, plate, and figure, in many cases, instead of bare names, as in the Museum Calonnianum. The divisions are often rational and satisfactory, though frequently much the reverse if judged by modern standards. The author seems to have had no hesitation in changing names which he did not like, even when his substitute was in our sense an absolute synonym. In regard to the present genus his course was retrograde compared with Humphrey, for he makes Scdla (Humphrey) merely the first section of his genus Epitonium, which contained Scalaria (Lam., 1801), Turri- tella (Lam.), and Terebra (Lam.). The first species is Turbo scalaris L. By the strict construction of the rules of nomenclature, none of the names yet mentioned should be adopted, for they all fail to meet the requirements of a binominal appellation and a diagnosis or a figure. The epoch-making work for malacology, after Linne", is without doubt the " Prodrome d'une nouvelle Classification des Coquilles" of Lamarck (1799), in which a large number of genera were proposed, appropriately characterized, and a single species in each case mentioned as an example or type. It would seem unquestionable that, for genera first proposed in it, the name should follow the fortune of the particular type mentioned. On page 68 the author states that he has adopted the names cydostoma and pleurotoma, composed by citizen Richard, for two of his genera to which he had intended to give other names. This statement, which had reference merely to the formation of the words, and not of the genera they were intended to denominate, has been mis- understood to indicate Richard as the author of the two genera mentioned. On page 74 the genus Cyclostoma* is proposed, and placed between Monodonta and Turritella. This genus was adopted the following year by Cuvier (Anat. Comp.), and by Bosc in his " Histoire Naturelle des Coquilles," published in 1802.f Bosc remarks: "One of the shells which forms this genus is very celebrated under the name of scalala, on account of its rarity and high price. Naturalists have differed much on the place in the conchological order which it should have (on account of the absence of a columella). . . . Lamarck at last has just made a particular genus of it, into which the question of the presence 26. April d. J., Morgens um 10 Uhr | offentlich verkauft werden sollen | durch den Makler | Johs. Noodt. | Hiixter No. 68 | Cat. XXXIII. | mit vier auf stein gezeich- neten Flatten seltener Conchylien | Hamburgischen Steindrucks. | Hamburg 1819.) Gedruckt bei Conrad Muller, Bolinenstrasse No. 151. | 8vo, 4 1. unp., 156 pp., 4 plates. Preface dated January, 1819. * " 32. Coquille de diverse forme, l'ouverture ronde ou presque ronde : les deux bords reunis circulairement. Turbo scalaris Lin. Le scalata." t Vol. IV. p. 84, 1802. Another identical edition (from unsold sheets?) with a new title page appeared in 1830. 304 BULLETIN OF THE or absence of a columella does not enter. The cyclostoma is a very elegant shell, of seven whorls, elongated, and separated by a distinct interval from one another, with ten or twelve longitudinal elevated costae which unite them- selves to form a reflected margin around the lip. It has no columella, the costse take the place of one externally." Following this is a list, with descrip- tions and references, of four well known species of Scalaria, two species of Turbonilla, and two unidentifiable new species, of which one (probably a Val- vata) is from the warm springs of Pisa. The type, Turbo scalaris L., is figured, pi. xxxii. fig. 3. Had matters stopped here, all would have been well. But in 1801 Draparnaud in his "Tableau des Moll, de la France" (p. 40) assigns a large number of land and fresh-water shells to Cyclostoma, at the instance, according to Cuvier, of Lamarck, who in that year published his " Systeme des Animaux sans Vertebres," in which several arbitrary and unexplained changes are made. The name Cyclostoma is applied (p. 87) to a new genus, of which the sole example offered is the Turbo delphinus of Linne, and a new name, Scaluria, is proposed (p. 88) for the group typified by Turbo scalaris L. As if this were not enough, two years later, in a memoir on the fossil shells of the environs of Paris (An. du Museum, IV. p. 108, 1804), after saying that in the " Systeme" there were still marine and terrestrial shells in his Cyclostoma, La- marck proposes to eliminate the marine ones, and takes the Turbo delphinus L. as the type of a new genus, Delphinida. The Cyclostoma then remaining is a heterogeneous collection of Vicipara, Valvata, Cyclostoma (elegans), Cyclo- phorus, etc., a number of which do not agree with the original diagnosis of 1799. Draparnaud adopted this classification in his " Terrestrial and Fluvia- tile Mollusks of France" (p. 25), in 1805, and Roissy in his "History of Moilusca" (V. p. 300), in the same year. Dumeril also adopted it, changing the orthography and making it masculine in termination, as it was his hobby to do with all generic names. Scalaria for the Turbo scalaris group was adopted by Link in 1807,* Fischer * Beschreibung | der | Naturalien-Sammlung | der | TJniversitat zu Rostock. | Erste Abtheilung. | Von | D. H. F. Link, | Professor der Naturgeschicbte, Chemic und Botanik und verschiedener | Gelehrten-Gesellschaften Mitgliede. | Zugleich | empfiehlt derselbe als jetziger Rector der Universitat | die j wiirdige Feyer des Weihnachtsfesies. | Rostock den 25sten December, 1806. | Gedruekt bey Adlers Erben. | 8vo. 1 pr. 1., pp. 1-50. (Covers Mammals and Birds.) Zweyte Abtheilung : Rostock den 20sten Marz, 1807. 1 pr. 1., pp. 51-100. (Cov- ers Amphibians, Snakes, Fishes, Crustacea, Insects, and part of the Moilusca.) Dritte Abtheilung: Rostock den 17ten May, 1807. 1 pr. 1., pp. 101-165. (Re- mainder of Mollusks, with Echinoderms and Corals.) Vierte Abtheilung: Rostock den 25sten December, 1807. 1 pr. 1., pp. 1-30. (Fossils of all sorts.) Fiinfte Abtheilung : Rostock den 17ten April, 1808. 1 pr. 1., pp. 1-38. (Min- eralogie.) Sechste und letzte Abtheilung : Rostock den 5ten Junius, 1808. 1 pr. ]., pp 1-38. (Metals and Ores, together with Errata, etc.) No apology is needed for giving the collation of this rare work, of which only April 12, 1889. MUSEUM OF COMPAKATIVE ZOOLOGY. 305 in 1808, and Montfort in 1810 (under the masculine form). The last very justly observes (Vol. II. p. 287), that Cyclostoma elegans (which seemed to have become generally accepted as the type of the genus) is always without the re- flected lip called for by the diagnosis; still he preserves the name and separates under the name of Cyclophorus the forms with the broadly reflected border to the aperture. Scientific news did not travel rapidly in those days, and we find the careful Schumacher, evidently puzzled by Lamarck's different values for Cyclostoma, trying to reconcile them by retaining Cyclostoma for the Turbo clathrus sort, and Scalaria for Turbo scalaris, etc. This distinction, more apparent than real, had previously been recognized by Leach, who in 1815 proposed the name Aciona for the umbilicated kinds like T. scalaris, and retained the name Scalaria for the clathrus group. Both sections have since received quite a number of names. It is evident that on the face of the record, and from the action of various naturalists at the time, the name Cyclostoma, if retained at all, should be used for Scalaria Lam., as commonly understood. Pfeiffer, in rejecting it al- together from the nomenclature of Pulmonata, has, it seems to . us, taken the proper course, so far as that group is concerned. We can fairly claim that the record should decide these matters, and that possible mental reservations and traditions must be excluded from consideration. But the old naturalists were very loose in their treatment of nomenclature, as may be inferred from the remarks of Cuvier as late as 1817 (Mem. sur la Vivipare, p. 3): " Dra- parnaud in accordance with the indication of Lamarck ranges it {Vivipara) among the Cyclostomas. . . . Nothing doubtless prevents us from taking the vivipara for the type of the genus cyclostoma, but it is probable that then we should be obliged to exclude several species which have so far remained there, and notably all the terrestrials." The fact that Vivipara does not agree with the original diagnosis and type of Cyclostoma, does not seem to have occurred to him. Deshayes, in his edition of Lamarck's " Histoire des Animaux sans Vertebres " (1836), tries to justify the process by which Cyclostoma has come to represent something quite different from its original type ; but I do not con- sider that his remarks give a fair statement of the history of the case as it ap- pears in the printed record, though they may correctly convey traditions with which those who desire impartially to apply the rules of nomenclature cannot legitimately concern themselves. The question then remains what name to adopt, and it is evident that Sca- laria is out of the question. Klein can by no stretch of courtesy in which the two or three copies are known, most of the edition, according to Herrmannsen, hav- ing been destroyed by fire. The genera proposed in it are often well conceived and properly characterized, with references to the place of description, etc. of the species included under them. If the work is to be considered as published, there is no doubt that the new genera proposed in it, other things being equal, must be admitted to nomenclature. VOL. xviii. 20 306 BULLETIN OF THE truth abides be considered as a binomial author. His names, when adopted by some one who recognizes the Linnean nomenclature, may stand, but not as of Klein, w*ho opposed Linnaeus and all his works. Humphrey is the first to adopt the Kleinian Scala for the genus, and, though he gave no definition, yet in this case there is no doubt as to the species referred to. It would seem, there- fore, as if the interests of science would be better served by adopting the name of Humphrey, than by stickling for the exact letter of the law. This is the course I have decided to follow. The dentition of the Scalidse is little known, only a few species having been examined. It varies from a series of perfectly simple, rather short, arcuate la ,erals, to those in which the tip of the tooth is denticulated, and the shaft is long, slender, and nearly straight, except at the base and tip. These differ- ences do not march with the conchological characters, S. communis Lamarck having simple teeth (Troschel), and S. Sayana Dall (S. clathrus Say pro parte), so similar as to shell that Say united it with communis under the name of clathrus, having denticulate teeth. The foot in some species is bifid and doubly carinate behind the operculum, as in S. Sayana, but this is also the case in species like S. Trevelyana with a widely different shell. On the other hand, S. communis has the foot tapering to a point behind (Jeffreys), and S. lineata Say has it rounded (Stimpson). The operculum may be either stout and black, or pellucid horny. The animal has a gizzard provided with horny plates having a reticulated grinding surface. The Scalidce are carnivorous, and have separate sexes. The soft parts of but few species are known, and the fact that their differ- ences as far as observed do not correspond to differences of the shell as between one species and another, renders the task of assorting the very numerous forms into an orderly and natural arrangement still more difficult. The number of subgenera or sections which have been proposed, in the light of present knowl- edge, seems extraordinary, in so compact a group. Several of them, as those of Conrad, seem to have been offered in the absence of any differential charac- ters, and for that reason without a diagnosis, while on the other hand some minute forms," at first referred to this family, such as Scaliola A. Adams, have proved, on investigation of the soft parts, to belong to a totally different family. In regard to some of the fossil forms, such as Funis Seeley, Holopella McCoy, and Cochlearia Munster, all of which have been referred to this family, the decision in any case must be hypothetical and unsatisfactory. Hoplopteron Fischer, at first sight most extraordinary, seems on further investigation to be related rather to the Eulimidat. Opalia anomala Stearns has, however, a similar lateral arrangement of the varices, which in form are paralleled in sev- eral species of Scala provided with a larger number than is the type of Hoplo- pteron. Other species of Scala have quite as compact a spire. Still it may prove eventually, as Scaliola did, to belong to quite an unexpected group when the soft parts are known, a contingency which is rendered more probable by its minute size (1.15 mm.). This, is also the opinion of Dr. Fischer, who, in his latest work, has referred Hoplopteron to the Eulimidoz. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 307 Since the above was written M. E. de Boury has undertaken the laudable project of monographing the Scalidce on a scale and in a manner which leave nothing but the speedy completion of the work to be desired. I therefore re- sign with pleasure the discussion of the various groups into which the family may be divided, and which I had partially carried out before M. de Boury's project was made known to me. I do this the more readily, as I am convinced the task is one of no little difficulty, and well worthy of special research. The Antillean species of Scala number some forty or fifty, of which, so far as known, but few ascend the eastern coast of the United States northward from the Floridian peninsula except in deep water. In working up the Blake species, notes were made in regard to several points connected with the littoral fauna, some of which seem worthy of record. Scala lineata Sat. Scala lineata, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II. p. 242, 1822. Not of Binney's Gould, p. 312, fig. 580, = S. Sayana Dall. It appears that Kiener has fallen into some confusion in regard to this very characteristic species; but as I have no means of referring to Kiener's work, I am unable to clear it up. A sketch by Lieut. Kurtz, among Stimpson's MSS., shows that the animal has a short foot, rounded, like the small end of an egg, behind; its anterior edge strongly convexly arcuated forward, with the anterior angles projecting in an auriculate manner. The tentacles are two thirds as long as the foot, and very slender, while the median line of the head is not indented. This species is found in the Caloosahatchie Pliocene of Florida. A curious error is contained in Mr. Binney's edition of Dr. Gould's Report on the Inver- tebrata of Massachusetts, p. 312, where what appears to be Say's S. clathrus (= Sayana Dall) is figured for S. lineata Say, a totally .different species with irregular varices, some much larger than others, and a very sharply cut basal disk bordered by a purple line referred to by Say in his description. The description in Binney refers to the genuine S. lineata; it was written by Dr. Gould, but the figure does not represent that species. This error has been copied with the figure into the Fish Commission Report for 1871-72, in Prof. Verrill's article on the Invertebrates of Vineyard Sound (p. 660, pi. xxi. fig. 123). Scala (Acirsa) costulata Migfiels. Turritella costulata Mighels, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., I. p. 50, Nov., 1841. This species has been generally known as Acirsa borealis Beck, but, as Prof. Verrill has already indicated (Proc U. S. Nat. Mus. 1882, p. 332, Sept., 308 BULLETIN OF THE 1882), the earliest name for it is that of Mighels, who not unnaturally de- scribed it as a Turritella. The history of the name borealis for this species is somewhat curious. In 1835 Sir Charles Lyell figured this species in a paper on " The Rising of Sweden," (Phil. Trans., 1835, pi. ii. figs. 11, 12,) but applied no specific name to it, and referred to it as " ? Scalaria." It seems that Dr. Beck, who was in correspondence with Sir Charles at the time, in regard to the stratigraphical classification of the later tertiaries, must have applied a manuscript name to this figure, though there i6 no published evidence of this until long afterward. In the proceedings of the Geological Society of London (Vol. III. p. 120), Lyell mentions, among other shells identified for him by Dr. Beck, from the St. Law- rence tertiaries near Quebec, Scalaria borealis and Erycina labradorica. No author is mentioned foT either, nor is there any reference to a description oi figure, even to Lyell's figure above cited. Upon these circumstances is founded the claim of Beck to be considered the first describer of the species, which has also Been assigned by Bronn (Index Pal., III. p. 1114, 1848) and others to Lyell. All this gave no one any claim to the name as established. In fact, Beck never described or figured the species, and the only means by which his name became connected with it is by the citation of his manuscript name by Lyell, in a paper on Captain Bayfield's fossils from the Gulf and River of St. Lawrence (Geol. Trans., 2d ser., VI. p. 136), and a suggestion of its identity with the figure referred to, as published in the Philosophical Transactions. The part of the Transactions containing the reference was published in the winter of 1841-42, the exact date being inaccessible, but the matter is of little importance. The only description of the species published (with the exception about to be noted) until many years afterward, so far as I have been able to find out, was that of Dr. Mighels, which should therefore take precedence. In 1842, Moller, working at the Copenhagen Museum in cooperation with Beck, a number of whose MS. species he published in his Index to the Mollusca of Greenland, publishes this species as named in MS. by Holboll S. Eschrichtii. But Mighels's specific name antedates that of Holboll, and the S. costnlata of Kiener (according to Nyst a synonym of S. tenuis) only dates from 1842. Consequently, the species must retain the name -given by Mighels. There are some further consequences connected with the establishment of Mighels's name. On the ground that Beck's name was valid, and that Opalia Adams (1853) is synonymous with Acirsa Mbrch (1857), Mbrch in 1874 re- named Opalia borealis Gould 0. Wroblewskyi ; and, in ignorance of this, two years later Tapparone-Canefri gave it the specific name of Gouldii on the same grounds, and even went further and renamed Opalia, the ranking generic or subgeneric name, Psychrosoma, on account of some confusion of ideas on his own part in relation to the revision (in a paper of Carpenter's) by the Messrs. Adams of their subgenus Opalia: a revision which they thought necessary on account of the establishment of the subgenus Acirsa by Mbrch subsequent to the institution of Opalia, which wpuld have included both. As a result, Dr. Gould's subgeneric name will stand, and the others fall into synonymy. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 309 Scala multistriata Sat. Hicularia multistriata Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., V. p. 208, 1826. In regard to this species, also, some confusion has prevailed. An authentic specimen preserved by Stimpson enables us to differentiate the shell. It is especially characterized by the pointed apex, with a pale glassy few-whorled nucleus, followed by a few faintly sculptured turns, the varices becoming close, uniform, small, and flattish over strong spiral sculpture. About the fifth whorl the varices become less crowded, gradually sparser though still regular, and on the last whorl one or two may be distinctly larger than the others. With these changes the spiral sculpture, pari passu, has become finer and fainter, at last nearly obsolete. Kiener, according to Stimpson's notes, has confounded this species with S. clathratula, a specimen of which he may have received under this name. Specimens received from the U. S. Fish Commission under the name of S. leptalea Bush are young specimens of this species. According to Stimpson, who collected it at Beaufort, N. C, the animal is of pure hyaline bluish white, spotted with opaque, white on the front of the head and foot. The tentacles are very slender, the evertible proboscis, which pulls in from the tip, is very large and oval when protruded. The front edge of the foot is double and rectilinear from side to side, not perceptibly auriculate. Scaia Sayana Dall. S. clathrus Say pro parte, non Auct. or Linne. Say described in 1831, supposing it to be the European clathrus (S. communis Lam.), a shell from which he separated as a variety angulata, the well known species afterward named S. Humphreysii by Kiener and S. turbinata by Conrad. The typical clathrus of Say, however, has never been elucidated or named. It is a white shell with nine well marked varices continuous to the apex, which has a smooth translucent pale brown nucleus of about three whorls. It has none of the coloration of S. communis, from pale specimens of which it differs by its greater slenderness and delicacy, by the deeper notch where the varices of one whorl join those of the preceding whorl, by the longer curve which the combined varices describe around the spire in the same length, and by the ab- sence of the prolongation of the anterior margin of the lip, which is so marked a feature of S. communis. In S. Sayana the interstices are polished, smooth, with occasional faint microscopic spiral striae. It never attains the size of S. communis; the largest specimen I have seen has nine whorls, and measures 18 by 7 mm. The National Museum has specimens from Virginia to Key West, and also from Corpus Christi, Texas. In a male specimen there were six slender nearly straight teeth on each side 310 BULLETIN OF THE of the edentate rhachis, the tip of the largest tooth showing two deep notches, separating two very sharp curved denticles from three much smaller denticles below the lower notch. The foot is nearly five times as long as wide, grooved below in its posterior half, bifid behind, double and nearly straight across the front edge, which is a little wider than the sole behind it. The tentacles are long and slender. The crop is armed on each side by a coriaceous plate, opaque white inside, black outside, backed by a thin subovate horny plate, having a minutely cellular or reticulated surface. Scala scipio n. s. Shell livid flesh-color, brilliantly polished, smooth, with nine to fifteen whiter thin low varices, curved and appressed at the suture, where they are slightly expanded; here and there one is of double size. The varices are often but not always continuous; the whorls are rounded, ten or fifteen in number, of which three, hardly distinguishable from the rest except 'by their paleness, are nuclear ; mouth ovate, lip thin, narrow, reflected ; base rounded without a disk or cordon ; suture distinct but partly filled by the expanded tips of the appressed varices. Lon. 16.0, max. lat. 4.0 mm. A specimen of eleven whorls, without the nucleus and with the aperture broken, was collected by Strebel at Vera Cruz, in 1866. A tip with the nucleus from Station 2597, in fifteen fathoms, twenty miles S. W. by S. from Cape Hatteras, N. C, was sent in by the U. S. Fish Commission, and one from 12 fms., near Frying Pan Shoals, by Dr. Rush,'U. S. N., both of which are in the U. S. National Museum. This is the most slender recent species I have seen, and is readily recognized by its livid pink color, glassy polish and thin varices, compactly rolled spire, and absence of umbilicus, fasciole, or disk on the base. It is nearest to S. aciculina Hinds, but still more slender and drawn out. Scala apiculata n. s. Shell white, with three smooth nuclear whorls, then three whorls each with 15-20 close low even varices, then two whorls with about ten strong high hardly reflected varices; interspaces on the early three whorls strongly, after- ward less strongly spirally grooved, the interspaces on the last two whorls quite smooth; shell imperforate, lip broad, not dentate behind, obsolete on the body whorl, and produced and somewhat scooped out anteriorly, the inner angle of this edge making a narrow fasciole around the axis. Lon. 5.0, lat. 2.5 mm. Habitat. Off the coast of North Carolina, Stations 2596 and 2616 of the U. S. Fish Commission, in 17-50 fms., sand. This interesting little shell presents certain analogies with S. multistriata Say. It is much smaller and more turbinate, the spiral sculpture and the numerous varices exist on fewer whorls, the spiral sculpture fails entirely on the later MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 311 whorls, and the varices are more erect and lamellar, and the suture less dis- tinct than in S. multistriata of the same length. The fasciole is quite absent in the last mentioned form, but they both agree in having more varices and stronger striae on the early whorls than on later ones. Scala modesta Adams. Scala modesta C. B. Adams, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., II. p. 7, 1845. The shell described by Morch (Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., VIII. p. 203, 1876) under this name, and serving as the type of his subgenus Ianthoscala, is not the shell described by Prof. Adams, as a comparison of diagnoses shows at once. S. modesta, from the author's types, is solid, white, with eleven continu- ous varices, and is engraved all over with fine sharp spiral striae, which even ascend the varices. Moreh's shell is smooth and has twenty-one varices, and, as I do not find any name for it, may be called S. permodesta. S. modesta is well distinguished from S. centiquadra Morch by the absence of decussation in the fine sculpture, and by its much stouter build and stronger varices of trian- gular rather than lamellar section. It has no resemblance to S. venosa Sby., but S. undecimcostata Morch is very likely a synonym of modesta. Scala clathrus Linne. Scala clathrus Linne', Syst. Nat., ed. xii., p. 1237. (S. lamellosa Lam. pro parte, Morch, Scalida, loc. cit., p. 109.) I am entirely in accord with Morch as to the propriety of separating the West Indian shell from S. lamellosa (= S. commutata Mts.) of the Mediterra- nean. With a fine series of both before me, I can find no approach to the transition spoken of by Mr. Tryon in his Manual. The two forms are as dis- tinguishable as the vast majority of species, and would very likely be put in two " genera " by the so called " new school " conchologists ; not that this, however, would form much of an argument. As the. only clathrus of Linne which can be identified is the present species, it would seem as if his name should be retained for it, otherwise it must have a new one, the available synonyms all referring to the Mediterranean form. Scala babylonia n. s. Shell thin, white, elongate, with fifteen rounded whorls (nucleus lost) each ornamented with about twenty-five thin sharp varices each of which has a small triangular sharp point half-way from the suture to the periphery; behind these the interspaces are smooth to the suture; in front of the varical points the surface is sculptured with raised flat-topped threads with wider intervals between them and numerous still finer spiral strias; the spiral sculpture does 312 BULLETIN OF THE not crenulate the varices; shell imperforate, without basal disk or cordon; aperture small, lip thin, narrow, hardly reflected, tortuous and a little patulous at the anterior end of the axis; suture very deep. Lon. 30.0, max. lat. 6.5 mm. Habitat. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2678, in 731 fms., light gray ooze, bottom temperature 38°.7 F. The specimen procured was fresh, but without the soft parts. This beautiful species somewhat resembles Verrill's figure of S. Dalliana, but is longer, much more cylindrical, and has strong spiral sculpture which is wanting in that species. The upper fourth of S. babylonia, which would about correspond in size to S. Dalliana, has the costa? more sparse, thin and erect, the whorls much rounder, and the suture much deeper than in that species. None of the other species described from deep water are much like it. Scala (Acrilla) retifera n. s. Shell small, thin, yellowish or grayish, with ten ordinary and three pol- ished dark brown smooth nuclear whorls; apex acute, whorls well rounded, suture distinct; whorls closely reticulated by (on the last about twenty-five) little-elevated thin transverse lamella?, and five strong, even, regular revolving or spiral ribs over which the lamella? are fluted and frilled with great regularitj'. The lamella? pass from the suture to the margin of the very large basal disk, over the edge of which they pass as slightly raised lines centring at the axis of the shell, and giving a wheel-like appearance to the disk, which is also sculp- tured by fine radiating and stronger revolving threads; the disk is a little con- cave, and like the rest of the shell tinged with brownish yellow, but the columella or axis is pure white, polished, and shows a single strong spiral fas- ciole; the lip is thin, hardly at all reflected, the margin is angulated by the carina of the disk and at the somewhat projecting columella so that the aper- ture has a squarish appearance. The whole base from the suture down is occupied by the disk. Lon. 12.5, max. lat. 4.3 mm., of the largest specimen. Habitat. "Seventeen to twenty-five miles off the coast of North Carolina, at U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2595 and 2596, in 49 to 63 fms., sand, bottom temperature 75°.0 F. This very pretty species is related to Acrilla decussata of Lamarck as iden- tified by M. de Boury. This differs from S. retifera in its smaller and less emphasized basal disk, its much more numerous and less regular spiral stria?, and raised threads which do not flute the transverse lamella?. S. decussata appears also to reach a much larger size. There is no other recent species which is at all like S. retifera, so far as I have been able to discover. Sowerby's figure of decussata is not unlike S. retifera, but it does not represent the origi- nal decussata of Lamarck, which is a fossil species. MUSEUM OF COMPAKATIVE ZOOLOGY. 313 Scala Frielei n. B. Shell small, thin, whitish, acute at the apex, rapidly enlarging, perforate; spirally sculptured with distinct regularly evenly disposed raised threads without interstitial striae ; these are crossed by close-set fine incremental lines, and by (in the last whorl about twenty-two) hardly raised, sharp, very thin, irregularly disposed lamella?, which are highest near the suture but not ap- pressed or continuous over it, and are weakest on the periphery ; there are three pale smooth polished nuclear, and four ordinary well infiated whorls with a deep but not channelled suture; the base is rounded, the perforation small and oblique ; there is no basal disk or cordon ; the mouth is rounded oval, with a thin sharp edge; the lamella? are not crenulated by the spiral lines. Lon. 4.75, lat. 2.5 mm. Habitat. Off Hatteras, at Station 2595 in 63 fins., sand, U. S. Fish Commission. This pretty species has a good deal the aspect of S. dubia, as figured by Sowerby (Thes., pi. xxxiii. fig. 41), but has a more acute apex and unobstructed suture. It is named in honor of Mr. Herman Friele of Bergen, distinguished for his excellent researches on the Mollusks of the Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition. The varices hardly rise above the surface, and are extremely thin and sharp. Scala Rushii n. s. Shell resembling in details of sculpture the preceding species, but yellowish or livid with a pale peripheral zone; shell much more elongated and slender, with three nuclear and six ordinary well rounded whorls ; the twenty-five lamellae on the last whorl a little more elevated and more regularly dispose-. , and with a tendency to cross the suture; the base is rounded and imperforate, the mouth rounded oval, the columellar part of the lip alone thickened, the rest sharp, hardly reflected; the sutures are deep and the spiral sculpture very regularly disposed. Lon. 6.25, max. lat. 2.5 mm. Habitat. Off Hatteras, U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2595 and 2596, in 49 to 63 fms., sand ; and at Samana Bay, St. Domingo, a white, rather more slender variety, stylina. This elegant little species is not unlike a S. decussata in miniature, with fainter varices or lamella?, smoother surface, and no basal disk. It is dedicated to Dr. W. H. Rush, U. S. N. In the U. S. National Museum there are two species of Scala of this general character, which appear to be undescribed, but which I reserve for more ma- terial if possible, as they are quite small, and represented bjr one or two specimens each. Scala sericifila n. s. Shell slender, solid, pure white, with three translucent apical and six opaque whorls, obtusely angulated at and a little concave behind the periphery. 314 BULLETIN OF THE Nuclear turns glassy, smooth, the others engraved throughout with extremely fine, sharp, well marked spiral striae crossed by about (on the last whorl twenty-five) rounded smooth moderately elevated strong transverse ribs, very obliquely set, appressed a little at the suture, but with no sharp angles, spines, or irregularities. These ribs are separated by interspaces no wider than the ribs themselves, nearly hiding the spiral sculpture ; base handsomely rounded, without disk or cordon, imperforate; aperture subcircular, lip thickened but not varicose. Lon. 5.1, max. lat. 2.0 mm. Habitat. Coast of Honduras, Simpson. The appearance of this little shell is extremely elegant, owing to the com- pact, neat, clean-cut sculpture, and the peculiar manner in which the side of the whorl next the suture is flattened away from the periphery. I have been unable to find any figure resembling it. The upper figure of Jeffreys's S. semi- disjuncta (P. Z. S. 1884, pi. x. fig. V), if the whorls were closer together and the varices solid and smooth instead of lamellar and angulate, would look a little like it. It recalls a piece of " stranded " cable in which the separate twines stand out clearly. Scala nitidella n. s. Shell thin, delicate, with nine well rounded and four nuclear whorls, hav- ing the most brilliant polish; shell white or more generally liberally blotched with cloudy spots of light brown disposed in an irregularly spiral manner along the whorl. Varices nine, frequently continuous, low, narrow, smooth, white, recurved, the tip appressed at the suture on to the preceding whorl. Base rounded, umbilicate, with no spiral sculpture, cordon, or disk; whorls in contact at the suture, which is deep and distinct ; on each whorl, or nearly every one, one of the varices is markedly larger than the others; aperture egg-oval, lip moderately reflected, a little expanded toward the axis anteriorly. Apex acute, whitish, glassy. Lon. 13.5, max. lat. 5.0 mm. Habitat. Fifteen to thirty miles off the North Carolina coast, in about 50 fins., sandy bottom, U. S. Fish Commission. This pretty species recalls S. lineolata Kiener, from which, however, it is more than sufficiently separated by the great difference in the number of ribs, the form of the lip, etc. It is remarkable for the brilliant polish of its surface, and is separated from the whole clathrus group by the absence of any basal cordon. Scala muscapedia n. s. Shell thin, elongated, eight-whorled (without the nucleus) with deep sutures, inflated whorls, and imperforate base; color white with three rows of brown spots, about one spot to a varix, those on the base roundish, those on the periph- ery elongate pyriform, and laid on obliquely frontwise and to the right, the posterior series between the last and the suture resembling a faint band; MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 315 surface spirally sculptured with numerous strong raised lines between which are 2-4 much finer ones, all reticulated by well marked elevated incremental lines, and crossed by (on the last whorl thirteen) solid smooth white recurved varices, mostly continuous over the spire, though descending deeply into the suture and not appressed to the preceding whorl. Close to the suture is a notch in each varix, over which is recurved a very short sharp spine (usually broken off) ; base sculptured like the rest, with no cordon or disk, imperforate with a very narrow axial fasciole; aperture roUnded ovate; lip reflected, rounded, not very wide, slightly anteriorly expanded but not patulous. On the last whorl one or two varices are larger than the rest. Lon. 17.5, max. lat. 5.5 mm. Habitat. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2619, twenty-five miles off Cape Fear, N. C, in 15 fms. This beautiful species is nearest to S. centiquadra Morch, from which it differs by its more numerous, smaller, and differently shaped varices, which are compact and rounded, while in centiquadra they are sharp and blade-like ; by its color, the last mentioned being white ; and lastly by the different char- acter of the reticulation, which is much more even in both directions in centi- quadra than in the present species, resulting in a finer and more square network in the former, which when worn remains in the shape of punctures. Scala eburnea Potiez & Michaud, is among the species dredged south of Hat- teras by the U. S. Fish Commission. It is said to be the S. fragilis of Gray. Scala Dalliana Verrill & Smith. Scalaria Dalliana Verrill & Smith, Am. Journ. Sci., XX. pp. 391, 395, Nov., 1880; Trans. Conn. Acad., V. p. 527, pi. lvii. fig. 33, 1882. Scalaria clathratula Jeffreys, P. Z. S. 1884, p. 136, not of Adams. Off Martha's Vineyard, in 100-200 fms. ; off the coast of North Carolina at Stations 2592, 2595, and 2614, in 63-168 fms., U. S. Fish Commission. This species was referred by Dr. Jeffreys to S. clathratula, from which it is perfectly distinct. In examining the Scalidm of the Jeffreys collection, I came upon the specimen received by Dr. Jeffreys from Prof. Verrill, and still retain- ing his label, upon which the erroneous opinion was based. To my surprise it proved to be a specimen of clathratula, quite as different from the genuine Dalliana as any of the European specimens. I mention this here, because, if no accidental substitution has taken place, it adds one species to our fauna, and explains what would otherwise seem an extraordinary blunder to those who are acquainted with the two species. Scala (Cycloscala) Dunkeriana Dall. Scalaria soluta Dunker, Morch, Malak. Bliitt., XXII , 1874, p. 145; Cat. W. I. Sca- lida, No. 10, p. 195, pi. xxix. fig. 5, 1876. Not S. soluta A. Adams, 1862, nor S. soluta Tiberi, 1863. Habitat. St. Thomas, W. I. Krebs; Garden Key, Tortugas, Simpson; No 316 BULLETIN OF THE Name Key, Florida, in grass below low water, Hemphill; Turtle Harbor, Florida, in 6 fms., Dr. Rush; Samana Bay, Santo Domingo, Couthouy. This remarkable and beautiful little species, now first announced as a mem- ber of the fauna of the Southern United States, requires a new name, as that given to it by Dunker and Mdrch was already preoccupied both by Adams and Tiberi. These cycloid Scalidce, with the later whorls disjoined and the varices scal- loped, like S. hyalina, Dunkeriana, etc., will probably require a section to themselves, which might well be called Cycloscala. Scala (Sthenorhytis) pernobilis Fischer & Bernardi. Scalaria pernobilis Fischer & Bernardi, Journ. de Conchyl., V. p. 293, pi. viii. figs. 2 3, 1856. Scala pernobilis Morch, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., new ser., VIII. p. 196, 1876. Habitat. Islet of Marie Galante, near Guadelupe, with a hermit crab, taken in a fisherman's net, Beau; four miles off Morro Light, Havana, Cuba, at Station No. 2, in 805 fms., Blake Expedition; at Station 2601 of the U. S. Fish Commission, thirty-six miles S. \ W. from Cape Hatteras, in 107 fms., gray sand with pebbles, bottom temperature 67°. 4 F. This is the finest known species of the group. The only specimen taken alive and perfect is that of the U. S. Fish Commission, which measures 28 by 38 mm. The operculum is black, five or six whorled, concave, with a slightly ragged margin, dull outside, polished, with a small central prominence on the inside. The animal exuded a vast quantity of dark purple fluid, and was white in color. Scala (Sthenorhytis) belaurita n s. Plate XVIII. Fig. lib. Shell solid, white, smooth, with a short and sharply pointed spire of ten or eleven rounded whorls and widely expanded pointed varices; the last whorl forming more than half the length of the shell; nucleus glassy, thin, smooth; whorls closely adjacent, axis imperforate; spiral sculpture consisting of a single elevated thread passing from the posterior end of the aperture around the base; whorls smooth and shining, their surface overshadowed by the expanded vari- ces, of which there are thirteen on the last whorl, which seem to be continu- ously joined to those of the preceding whorls; varices thin, broad, oblique, sharp, concave behind, extending directly outward from their attachment lie- hind near the suture to a linguiform point, from which they round to the base of the aperture, and passing that are welded together in a semilunate twisted callus en the axial side of the aperture ; the basal area would be well marked were not the varices continued over it in such a way as to screen it; the aper- ture is entire and almost circular, its margin even with the anterior plane of the varix, which, though polished, is irregularly lightly dimpled or malleated ; MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 317 interior white, polished. Lon. of shell, 8.3; of last whorl, 4.4; of last varix, 3.1; of aperture, 2.5; max. lat. of last whorl, 6.75; of varix, aperture, and callus taken together, 4.75; of aperture, 2.3 mm. Station 290, off Barbados, in 73 fms., sand and shell, bottom temperature 71°.0 F. This very lovely species does not resemble closely any of those described in the monographs. The form of the varices recalls those of Hoplopteron. In its turbiniform shape it resembles S. pernobilis, the young of which, judging from the apex of the beautifully preserved Fish Commission specimen, have much more solid, hardly alate varices. It most resembles S. Diana Hinds, as figured by Reeve, but in this species, which comes from the Philippines, the alee are situated on a different part of the varix, and are of a distinctly different shape. One would think the sharp close-set varices an excellent defence, but the specimen described has been drilled by a carnivorous gastropod. Scala centiquadra Murch. S. centiquadra Morch, Cat. Scalidas, he. cit., p. 195, pi. xxix. fig. 4, 1876 (ref. excl.), non Malak. Blatt, XXII. p. 145, 1874. Habitat. Station 2, in 805 fins., one dead specimen; Bahamas, Rawson; off Hatteras, in 49 fms., U. S. Fish Commission. There is no doubt that the species which Mbrch described in 1876, and fig- ured as Scala (Dentiscala) aurifila n. s. Plate XVIII. Fig. 4. Shell slender, solid, white, evenly tapered, with about thirteen moderately rounded, rather strongly sculptured whorls. Nucleus ? (missing in the type) ; longitudinal sculpture consisting, first, of five or six uniform strong rounded threads having a light yellowish color, which, when the shell is fresh, contrasts distinctly with the opaque whiteness of the rest of the surface; these threads pass over the transverse sculpture without Modulation, and are at a nearly uniform distance from each other, but the space between the posterior thread and the suture behind it is nearly twice as wide as the others; the remaining spiral sculpture is composed of very much finer, even, uniform rounded threads, four to six between each two large ones, and (on the last whorl) ten or eleven between the posterior strong thread and the suture; these are on the later whorls reticulated by similar but transverse threads, which pass over the whole sculpture from suture to suture, but which are obsolete or absent on the smaller whorls; in addition to these there are on each whorl about twelve strong rounded costse or elevated waves, extending backward from the pe- riphery of the base to the suture, which is coronated by their stout rounded terminations with the appearance of pits between them; these ribs have a slightly fiexuous outline, and upon nearly every whorl there is one or more of them stouter, more elevated, and more oblique than the others, having the character of a varix; the base is rounded, the basal area is small, margined by MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 323 a strong rounded elevated thread under which the anterior ends of the trans- verse costae appear to be inserted, forming pits between them and rendering the outline of the basal surface somewhat stellate; within the margin there are one or two strong and numerous fine spiral threads, but the transverse sculpture seems obsolete; the aperture is rounded to the right, slightly flattened on the basal side, and narrowed behind; inside white and polished and with a slightly projecting margin behind which is the broad face of the thickened .varix, over which the sculpture of the whorl is continued to meet the aforesaid margin; the aperture is entire, but the axis is imperforate and the whorls closely adja- cent; the operculum is pale translucent yellow, of about three turns. Lon. of shell, 11.0; of last whorl, 3.6; of aperture, 1.5; max. lat. of last whorl, 2.75; of the basal area, 1.5 mm. Habitat. Station 206. off Martinique, in 270 fins., fine sand and mud, bot- tom temperature 49°.() F. This beautiful little species has quite a different aspect from the S. crcnalata group, to which it is most nearly allied. The yellowish color, which was quite marked when fresh, has in a year faded considerably, though the shell has not been exposed to the light. The operculum differs from that of the northern and extreme southern Opalire in being thin, yellow, and translucent, instead of opaque and black. Scala (Opalia) concava n. s. Shell dead and brown, with the nucleus and basal whorl imperfect ; the color is probably grayish or brownish white when in good condition; whorls 12-14, excluding the nuclear whorls; transverse sculpture of about eleven strong, nar- row, elevated, round-topped ribs extending across the whorls, which last, in the young stages, are somewhat rounded, but near maturity are quite flattened; the ribs are not continuous nor exactly alternate from whorl to whorl, but fall in with some irregularity; beside the ribs there are many close, fine, even, slightly elevated threads covering the whole surface and corresponding appar- ently to the incremental lines; longitudinal sculpture consisting of similar but less uniform revolving threads which cover the whole surface, but which a short distance before the suture are for a little space more distant, coarser, and more prominent than elsewhere; the intersection of these with the transverse threads gives the surface a decayed or porous appearance under strong magni- fication; beside this there is a single strong not much elevated carinal rib which revolves at the periphery of the base, and between the whorls forms a cord-like ridge separating the transverse ribs on one whorl from the same on the next whorl; the anterior margin of the suture is appressed toward this carina very closely; the base of the shell is smooth, and in the type quite con- cave from the carina to the pillar, but in the last adult whorl when perfect it is probably nearly flat; aperture rather small, angulated by the end of the carina, squarish. Lon. of shell, 14.0; max. lat., 4.0 mm. Habitat. Sand Key, 15 fins., with Pagurus. 32-i BULLETIN OF THE This shell had been occupied by a minute hermit crab, and had the aspect of belonging in deeper water than that from which it was dredged. Notwith- standing its imperfect state, its characters are sufficiently distinct from any described species belonging to the region to identify it under any circumstances. Its superficial aspect is not unlike a small slender brown Opalia Wroblewskyi (= 0. borealis Gould, non Beck), though the ribs are more regular and more elevated, but placed under a strong lens the minute sculpture comes out with distinctness, and the resemblance to 0. Wroblewskyi is lost. It is related to 0. longissiina Seguenza, of the Italian Tertiary, but is more cylindrical and slender, with fewer more pronounced and straighter transverse ribs. Scala (Opalia) discobolaria n. a. Plate XVIII. Fig. 3. Shell with six or more stout rounded whorls, rather rapidly enlarging; sculpture, in a transverse sense, consisting of (on the sixth whorl sixteen) stout rounded ribs, with interspaces not channelled, and extending from suture to suture ; surface granulose or porous, with, in the (somewhat worn) type, no indication of distinct spiral or reticulate sculpture; base solid, thickened, flattish or slightly convex, with a distinct margin, diskdike, granulose like the rest; the margin is buried in the suture so that it is invisible except on the last whorl ; aperture rounded, small ; color whitish externally, brownish be- neath the white layer. Lon., 6.5; max. lat., 3.0; Ion. of last whorl, 3.0 mm. Habitat. Station 20, off Bahia Honda, in 220 fms., bottom temperature 62°.0 F. Lat. 23° 2'.5, Lon. 83° 10'.5 W. The type is considerably worn and has lost its nuclear whorls, but is per- fectly distinct from any of the species hitherto described from the region. Its strong numerous rounded costal, disk-like base, rounded whorls, granular sur- face, and unniarginated suture will suffice to distinguish it whenever perfect specimens may be obtained. Genus ACLIS Lov£n. The position of this group does not seem very well established. I have serious doubts as to whether it should be placed in the Seal idee, or referred to the Pyramidellidce, as Jeffreys would have it. The nucleus looks as if it might be in reality sinistral, but turned over so completely and at such an early date as to appear dextral. Observations on the extreme young are necessary to settle tin' question. All that is at present known leaves the matter doubtful. Aclis (supranitida Wood var. ?) lata Dall. Plate XVIII. Fig. 8. Shell like A. supranitida but proportionally wider and with a wider umbili- cus, with the suture less distinct and the whorls less incurved ; color greenish white; whorls, 13. Max. lon. of shell, 5.5; max. lat., 2.25 mm. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 325 Habitat. Barbados, in 100 fms. This shell has a different aspect from the European species, but when the differences are formulated, as above, they do not sound very important. I presume it to be distinct. Aclis egregia n. s. Plate XVIII. Fig. 18. Shell thin, not polished, whitish, rather acute, eleven- whorled ; whorls neatly rounded, with distinct but not open or channelled sutures; nucleus smooth, translucent, a little pinched or turned up; the first three or four whorls nearly smooth, the next two or three with about twenty somewhat irregular costse which are more prominent posteriorly ; the subsequent whorls are nearly smooth, except for rather coarse lines of growth, with occasional faint indica- tions of costse; spiral sculpture none or very little; aperture pointed behind, somewhat produced in front, completed by a thin callus on the body; margins hardly thickened, that of the columella slightly reflected, forming a deep chink but no umbilicus; without teeth, plaits, or folds of any kind. Operculum and soft parts unknown. Lon. of shell, 13.0; of aperture, 4.0; max. hit. of shell, 4.7 mm. Habitat. Station 228, off St. Vincent, in 785 fms., fine gray sand and ooze, bottom temperature 39°. 5 F. Station 163, off Guadeloupe, in 769 fms., fine sand, bottom temperature 39°.75. This species is very large for a true Aclis, and may possibly belong to another group, but agrees in all particulars with the European A. supranitida and others of the group, with which I have compared it. In the absence of the soft parts, some doubt must remain on the subject. Aclis nucleata n. s. Plate XVIII. Fig. 7. Shell white, polished, shining, elongated, with a blunt apex and minutely perforate base; whorls eleven and a half, less inflated and more uniform in size than in A . egregia ; nucleus immersed, oblique, much larger than in the last species ; sculpture indistinct, consisting of irregular indefinite transverse very slightly elevated ridges crossed here and there by obscure spiral lines, the whole only visible under a lens and giving the surface a slightly malleated as- pect; suture slightly appressed, distinct, not deep; aperture much as in the last species but not quite so much produced anteriorly ; pillar thin, lightly re- flected part way over a very minute axial perforation; outer lip thin, sharp, very little callus on the body between the posterior corners of the aperture. Lon. of shell, 9.3; of aperture, 2.25; max. lat. of shell, 3.0 mm. Habitat. Station 230, off St. Vincent, in 464 fms., gray ooze, bottom tem- perature 41°. 5 F. 326 BULLETIN OF THE This little shell has a general resemblance to A. egregia except in the par- ticulars noted, is about one third less in length and two fifths less in maximum diameter. The nucleus is nevertheless about four times larger than that part in A. egregia. In both it is partially turned up, and more or less immersed in the first normal whorl, like the European species, with which I have com- pared it. Super-Family GYMNOGLOSSA. Family EULIMIDJE. Genus EULIMA Kisso. Eulima Risso, Hist. Eur. Merid. Moll., IV. p. 123, 1826. First species, E. polita Limie. The first discrimination of any part of this genus was the separation by Bowdich, in 1822 (Elem. of Conchology, p. 27), of the genus Melania, as then understood, into six groups, one of which, Melanella, was described as " semi- transparent, mouth invaded by the last whorl, white, turrited, spire curved, marine." The type, M. Dufresnei (pi. vi. fig. 17), is fairly well figured, and is probably the shell generally known as Eulima major Sowerby, noted for its distorted spire. The genus is assigned to M. Dufresne, but this is evidently a mere compliment, as Bowdich in his foot-note says, " I have ventured to sepa- rate the marine Melaniee, under the name of Melantho, the Melanella (in the cabinet of M. Dufresne)," etc. In addition to the disagreeableness of doing away with a name so universally adopted and appropriate as Eulima after sixty-two years of almost undisputed use, it is particularly annoying to be called upon to apply to a genus remarka- ble for the snowy whiteness of its species a name which implies that they are black. There is, however, a way out of the difficulty, though not strictly reg- ular, which the circumstances seem to justify. The principal character of Melanella Bowdich is that the spire is curved. Risso's species, on the other hand, are those with straight spires ; the only one he figures is a Liostraca, and his first species is E. polita. We may then retain the objectionable name of Melanella for the humpbacked Eulimas, and Risso's name for the more normal and elegant species. In this way the laws of nomenclature will not be in- fringed, and our feelings will be less outraged.* Melanella was indicated by Blainville in 1825 as Subdivision C of his genus Phasianella, ami, he figures the same species as the type (Manual, pi. xxxv. fig. 5) under the name of Phasianella inflexa. There are many species in the West Indies, but only a few were collected by the Blake. Beside those herein enumerated, the following species are known * Since the above was written, the subject has been discussed by Dr. Paul Fis- cher in the Journal de Conchyliologie, Vol. XXVII. p. 192. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 327 from the southern and eastern coasts of the United States: Eulima conoidea Kurtz & Stimpson (Carolina coast to the Florida Keys and fossil in the Pliocene of South Carolina) ; Eulima gracilis C. B. Adams (Antilles and Yu- catan to Cape Fear, N". C.) ; Eulima subcarinata Orbigny (18-12, + E. oleacea, Tryon, Man., VIII. pi. lxix. fig. 36, non Kurtz & Stimpson, Antilles to Flor- ida and Hatteras); Eulima Varolii Dull (E. affinis C. B. Adams, 1850, non Philippi, 1841, Jamaica, Florida to North Carolina, in 8-63 this., sand); and Eulima (Melanella) gibba De Folin (63 fras., sand, off Cape Hatteras), origi- nally from West America. The " Odostomia" alba of Calkins (Davenport, Iowa, Acad. Sci., p. 239, pi. viii. fig. 3, 1878; non Jeffreys, 1857); described from Florida, on a compari- son of the original type kindly lent me by Mr. T. H. Aldrich of Cincinnati, proves to be Eulima conoidea Kurtz & Stimpson. Both the original figure and Tryon's copy of it look very little like the specimen itself. Section EULIMA s. s. Eulima intermedia Cantraine. Eulima oleacea Kurtz & Stimpson, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., IV. p. 115, 1851. Eulima intermedia Cantraine, Bull. Acad. Bruxelles, p. 14, 1835. Jeffreys, P. Z. S. 1884, p. 366 ; Brit. Conch., IV. p. 503, V. p. 214, pi. lxxvii. fig. 4. Habitat. Barbados, in 100 fms. Northward to New England. Mediterra- nean, British Seas, etc. It is probable that the name of intermedia ought not to stand, as the original description would have applied to any Eulima and many other shells. It would have been impossible to identify Cantraine's shell except with his speci- mens. On the other hand, the name has come into use, and the shell has been identified, while the American name and species are little known. I have compared authentic specimens of both species, and have no doubt of their identity. Eulima jamaicensis C. B. Adams. Eulima jamaicensis C. B. Adams, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., II. p. 6, 1845. Habitat. Gulf of Mexico, Station 20, in 220 fms.; also Barbados, in 100 fms. Florida, Hemphill and Jewett. For some time Mr. Tryon identified this species with Eulima pusilla Sow- erby. In his Manual he does not unite them, but unites two equally dis- similar species under that name (cf. figs. 6, 7, pi. lxviii., Man., Vol. VIII.). He also identified for the Museum Eulima gracilis C. B. Adams as E. pusilla Sby., but gracilis is very easily distinguishable from jamaicensis. These errors are not repeated in the Manual, but are worth mentioning, for the sake of numer- ous collectors, for whom the above identifications were made, and who may not be aware that Mr. Tryon finally came to a different opinion. The speci- mens in the National Museum were received from Prof. Adams, and have lately been compared with his original type. 328 BULLETIN OF THE Section MELANELLA Bowdich. Eulima arcuata C. B. Adams. Plate XIX. Fig. 11. Eulima arcuata C. B. Adams, Contr. Concli., p. 110, 1850. Eulima curva (Jeffr. MS.) Monterosato, Journ. de Concliyl., XXII. p. 269, 1874. Not described. Tryon, Man., VIII. pi. lxix. fig. 49. Habitat. Barbados, 100 fms. Jamaica, C. B. Adams. Mediterranean, Ara- das, Monterosato. The types of Jeffreys and C. B. Adams have been compared, and are iden- tical. E. arcuata Sovverby (in Reeve, 1866) is a synonym of E. major Sow- erby (1834), which in turn is a synonym of Melanella Dufresnei Bowdich (1822) and Phasianella inflexa Blainville (1825). It is a totally distinct and very much larger species. Eulima elongata (Dautzenberg) Dall. Eulima curva var. elongata Bucquoy, Dollfuss, and Dautzenberg, Moll. Mar. de Roussillon, I. p. 21, pi. xxi. fig. 15. Eulima distorla Verrill, Trans. Conn. Acad., V. p. 526, not of Philippi. Habitat. Barbados, 100 fms. Key Largo, Florida, in fine mossy alga? at low water, rare, Hemphill. Off the Carolina coast, 22-63 fms., sand, bottom temperature 73°. 5 to 75°. 0 F., U. S. Fish Commission. Norway (Sars) to the Mediterranean and Canary Islands. This form seems to retain its characters so faithfully, that I can see no reason why it should not be considered as good a species as most others in the genus. Subgenus LEIOSTRACA H. & A. Adams. I can see no reason why Leiostraca and Leiostracus should not exist simul- taneously in nomenclature, any more than Cyprina and Cyprinus. To reject these established names in favor of Subularia and Venilia, as has been pro- posed, is contrary to the spirit of scientific nomenclature, and serves to retard rather than advance science. If it be thought impracticable to adopt for Melanella the arrangement above suggested, the name of Eulima must be conserved for this group, and Leiostraca be abandoned. Eulima (Leiostraca) acuta Sowerby. Eulima acuta Sowerby, P. Z. S. 1834, p. 8. Tryon, Man., VIII. p. 280, pi. Ixx. fig. 82, 1886. Eulima bifasciata Orbigny, Moll. Cuba, I. p. 216, pi. xvi. figs. 1-3, 1842. 1 Eulima stenostoma Verrill (Jeffreys), Trans. Conn. Acad., V. p. 536, 1882. Habitat. Barbados, 100 fms. Samana Bay, St. Domingo, Dall. Off Frying Pan Shoals, in 12 fms., Dr. Rush. Off Cape Lookout, North Carolina, in 22 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 329 fms., sand, bottom temperature 78°. 2, U. S. Fish Commission. ? Gulf of St. Lawrence (fide Jeffreys). West coast of Central America, Sowerby. This species when in fine condition sometimes shows a pale yellow spiral line or two, on the last whorl, but it is usually white or translucent. The other species of the subgenus known from our southern coast are E. (L.) Hemphillii Dall, from the Florida Keys, and E. (L.) b'dineata Alder (1848, + fulvocincta C. B. Adams, 1850), which extends from Jamaica and St. Domingo to Florida, North Carolina, the Mediterranean, British Isles, and Norway. There is also a species with brown varices and a brown peripheral line, which I have only fragments insufficient fully to characterize. Eulima (Leiostraca) fusus n. s. Plate XIX. Fig. 11 b. Shell very acute at hoth extremities, smooth, polished, white, without sculp- ture except the trifling inequalities due to growth; whorls (tip of two or three whorls gone) about ten, slightly angulated at the periphery, flattened behind, anteriorly subcorneal; suture distinct but shallow ; aperture narrow, before and behind rather acute, almost canaliculate in front; the pillar straight, slightly callous; outer lip thin, simple. Lon. of shell, 13.3; of last whorl, 6.0; of aperture, 3.8; max. lat. of shell, 3.0 mm. Habitat. Station 100, off Morro Light, Havana, Cuba, in 400 fms., bottom temperature 39°. 75. Yucatan Strait, 640 fms. A remarkably spindle-shaped shell, with the aperture almost channelled in front. Genus NISO Risso. NisO splendidula Sowerby. Niso splendidula A. Adams, Tlies. Conch. Niso, p. 801, No. 4, pi. clxx. fig. 8, 1854. Eulima splendidula Sowerby, P. Z. S. 1834. Habitat. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2619, off the coast of North Caro- lina, 25 miles S. E. from Cape Fear, in 15 fms., sand. Station 2402, in 111 fms., mud, between the delta of the Mississippi and Cedar Keys, Florida, in the Gulf of Mexico. St. Elena, west coast of Central America in 6-8 fms., sandy mud, Cuming. Pliocene of Florida. This magnificent shell can be identified at once by the chestnut articulations of the white bands behind the suture in the young, and on both sides of it in the adult. It has an extremely fine brown line at the keel, and at the com- pleted margin of each varix. The body color is a handsome yellow brown. 330 BULLETIN OF THE Niso interrupta Sowerby. Plate XVIII. Figs. 5, 6. Niso interrupta A. Adams, loc. cit., pi. clxx. fig. 9. Eulima interrupta Sby., P. Z. S. 1834, fig. 9. Niso ceglees Bush, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci., VI. p. 465, pi. xlv. figs. 10, 10 a, 1885; Annual Rep. U. S. Fish Commission for 1883, p. 83, 1885. Habitat. Gulf of Mexico at Station 36, in 84 fms. Barbados, 100 fms. Station 220, near Santa Lucia, in 116 fms., rocky bottom, temperature 58°.5 F. East coast of the United States, south of Hatteras, U. S. Fish Commission. West coast of Central America, Cuming. Japan, Dimker. All the species of Niso, so far obtained from the east coast of the United States and Central America, are probably derivable from one species. They differ only by trifling distinctions of form and by their colors. The northern specimens, whatever their color, have the whorls slightly flatter than those from the Antilles or the Gulf. The variations are as follows: — White, with traces of color at the varical angles. (Sta. Lucia.) N. interrupta var. albida, Dall, PI. XVIII. figs. 5, 6. White, with brown keel. (Barbados.) Var. circinata Dall. Pale brown, with narrow dark brown keel, no white bands. (Gulf of Mexico and West America.) N. interrupta s. s. Pale brown, with broad brown band between two white bands at periphery. (Hatteras, N. C, 15-107 fms.) N. interrupta var. tricolor Dall. Brown, more or less suffused with purple, brown band narrow, no white bands, flushes of purple brown on base and behind varices. (Carolina coast, 7-100 fms.) N. interrupta var. ceglees Bush. Umbilical keel with white band on eacli side, other colors like var. tricolor, but all the white bands articulated with chestnut spots. N. (var. 1) splen- didula Sby. All of these forms exhibit transverse evenly distributed sharp straight scratches, extending forwajd from the suture. In general, they are difficult to see on account of the polish of the surface. The proportions are the same in all, but the young are more sharply keeled at the periphery. The keel is obsolete in .the adult shell. The length and number of whorls of the largest specimen of each variety I have been able to examine are as follows : — 1. N. splendidula. Lon. 27.0, lat. 10.0 mm., whorls 17. 2. N. interrupta var. tricolor. Lon. 18.5, lat. 8.0 mm., whorls 14. 3. N. interrupta var. ceglees. Lon. 12.0, lat. 4.8 mm., whorls 12. 4. N. interrupta var. albida. Lon. 8.1, lat. 3.5 mm., whorls 11. 5. N. interrupta var. circinata. Lon. 6.6, lat. 3.0 mm., whorls 9. 6. N. interrupta s. s. Lon. 14.3, lat. 5.6 mm., whorls 14. In the above list the nuclear whorls are not counted in any, since they are lost from some of the examples. Only numbers 1 , 2, and 6 were sufficiently MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 331 adult to have lost the peripheral keel on the last whorl. I have never seen an adult of the var. ceglees, though my specimens are much larger than Miss Bush's types. The greater size of N. splendidula probably entitles it to spe- cific distinction, at least until the adult extreme of N. interrupta is known. The transverse engraving is present on all, though varying with individuals as to strength; the section Volusia of Adams does not therefore seem required for iV. imbricata, which differs only by the extent to which these are emphasized. A fine Niso, which seems to differ from N. splendidula only in being slightly wider, and in having more numerous whorls near the apex in the length, is found in the Caloosahatchie Pliocene of Florida. Without the nuclear whorls, and perhaps one or two post-nuclear ones, the fossil has 14 whorls, with a length of 31 and a breadth of 13 mm. The markings, so far as visible, indicate a pattern like that of splendidula ; the last whorl has no keel on the periphery, and the umbilical funnel seems a little wider proportionally than in N. splen- didula. This shell, which is doubtless the ancestor of the last mentioned species, is not rare in the Caloosahatchie beds, and may be called N. Willcox- iana after Mr. Joseph Willeox of Philadelphia, who assisted me in the most cordial manner to investigate that fossil fauna. Family PYRAMIDELLIDiE. Genus PYRAMIDELLA Lamarck. Section LONGCH^EUS Morch. Shell elongated, with a peripheral sulcus and the umbilicus closed or nearly closed, a distinct notch in the aperture anteriorly, which is followed by a well marked fasciole bounding the umbilical chink. The species of this group have, in my opinion, been inconsiderately lumped together by Mr. Tryon in his Manual of 1886. Pyramidella crenulata Holmes. Obeliscus arenosa Tuoiney & Holmes, Pliocene Foss. S. C, p. 12G, p. p. 1857, not of Conrad. Obeliscus cremdatus Holmes, Post PI. Foss., p. 88, pi. xiii. figs. 14, 14 a, 1859. Pyramidella alveata Conrad, Silliman's Am. Journ. Sci., 2d ser., II. p. 398, 1846. (Tampa Bay, not described.) Obeliscus floridauus Morch, Malak. Blatt,, 1875, p. 158. Syrnola pulchella var. ? Morch, Malak. Blatt., 1875, p. 159, probably. Pyramidella tessellata Adams (fide Poey), Arango, Malac. Cubana, p. 161, 1880; not of Adams. Obeliscus tesselatus Dall, Hemphill's Shells, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1883, p. 330; not of Adams. Pyramidella conica Tryon, Man., VIII. p. 302, 1886 ; not of C. B. Adams. Pyramidella hastata Tryon, op. cit., p. 302 ; not of A. Adams. 332 BULLETIN OF THE Pyramidella variegata Tryon, op. cit., p. 302; not of Carpenter or A. Adams. Pyramidella Candida Tryon, op. cit., pp. 302, 373 ; not of Morch or Meusclien. Habitat. Carolina coast southward to Florida and Cuba. St. Thomas, Cuming. West Florida, low water, to 2 frus., in the sea-weed or on muddy flats, Hemphill. The first person to observe this species was Conrad, in 1846, during his visit to Tampa, where he found it living, rare, on the shores of the bay. He named, but unfortunately did not describe it, though there is no doubt that his obser- vations can apply only to this species. Subsequently, after being at first con- founded with its precursor, the Pliocene P. arenosa Conrad, it was described bv Holmes from the Post Pliocene, its existence in a recent state being also referred to. The differences between arenosa and crenulala lie chiefly in the more elegant sculpturing and crenulation of arenosa. The differences in the teeth and folds alluded to by Holmes are not constant. Subsequently, the living shell was dredged by Stimpson, at Beaufort, N. C. The west coast representative of this species is P. conica C. B. Adams. A pale rosy specimen of this was apparently described a little later by A. Adams under the name of Obeliscus hastatus. Another beautiful color variety of this species is P. variegatus Cpr. (non A. Adams). These have dark and light varieties like the crenulata. All these and the next species have been lumped together by Mr. Tryon under the name of P. conica C. B. Adams. They are nearly related, but in my opinion distinct species. P. crenulalus has the two anterior small plaits dark brown, even in its light colored varieties. In P. con- ica they are always white like the large posterior plait, even in the darkest specimens. It is possible that the original hastatus A. Adams may be distinct from P. conica, but the specimens I have seen labelled hastata seemed to be merely a pale pinkish slender variety of conica. The variegatus Cpr. is ele- gantly marbled and mottled with brown, white, and pearl gray. There is another very delicate Californian species belonging to the typical section of the genus which does not seem to have been named. It is about 10.0 mm. long, and 4.0 mm. wide; white, with numerous golden brown dotted or hairlike spiral lines; a smooth or lightly spirally striate surface; moderately rounded whorls, about nine in number, without the usually decollate nucleus; the su- ture distinct but not channelled; the umbilicus reduced to a mere puncture or even absent; the pillar with one large and two anterior small folds, more trans- verse than in P. conica and stronger; fasciole obsolete; the outer lip sharp with three or four lirse in the throat. This species, which stands about mid- way between the two sections of the genus, was collected near the mouth of the Colorado River, at the head of the Gulf of California, by Dr. E. Palmer, and may be called P. auricoma. It is like P. monilifera on a much smaller scale. Stimpson observed, and I have confirmed it, that the operculum of P. crenu- lata is thin and corneous, with a reniform outline. It consists of about two turns, the spiral part being very minute and within the margin. It has a MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 333 median spiral double rib, and is often notched by rubbing against the colu- mellar plaits. The animal is pale, the tentacles fiat and triangular with the black eyes rather close together, between rather than on the bases of the ten- tacles. Below, the mentum extends in two triangular flaps, rather smaller than the tentacles. The front of the foot is also triangularly auriculate at the corners. The animal is sluggish. Stimpson could find no radula. The pale variety is probably what Morch has doubtfully referred to " Syrnola" pulchella, which is not a Syrnola. Pyramidella Candida Morch. Obeliscus (Longchceus) Candidas (Meusclien) Morel), Malak. Blatt., 1875, p. 158. < Pyramidella conica Tryon, non C. B. Adams. ? Pyramidella Gundlachi Dunker MS., Arango, Mai. Cuban, p. 161, 1880 (name only). Habitat. Barbados, 100 fms., northward to the Carolina coast, in 15-200 fins., U. S. Fish Commission. Samana Bay, St. Domingo, Dall. Turtle Harbor, Florida, in 6 fms., Dr. Rush. I have never been able to obtain a copy of Meuschen's work. It is impossible to say how much probability there is of an identification of the present shell with the poor figures of the last century. The name must stand as of Morch. The P. Gundlachi of Dunker does not seem to have been described, but is probably this species. P. crenulata is larger, wider, with less sharply cut and less distinctly crenulated suture, and is rarely light colored, the brown columella and anterior plaits remaining dark even in pale specimens, which, like the varieties of conica on the west coast of America, are usually pinkish and deli- cately maculated with brown. P. Candida is pure white; it sometimes has an opaque white spiral line on the middle of the whorl, and two large and one or two small lirse in the throat, usually one less than a P. crenulata of the same size. The specimens sent by Dr. Rush show how curiously growth takes place in the different parts. Some have a perforate umbilicus, no lirse, and a simple columella without a plait or tooth ; a little later in the stage of growth the large and then the two small folds are developed on the pillar, and lastly the lirse opposite. A person without the intermediate stages would hardly dream that the toothless and the toothed shells belonged even to the same genus, though of course the folds on the pillar exist behind it and in the antecedent whorls. Section PHARCIDELLA Dall. In Fischer and Tryon's Manuals the section Amoura De Folin is referred to as constituted for Pyramidella} with longitudinal spirals on the base and sides and faint transverse ribbing. But Amoura is merely a misprint for Amaura Mbller, and the type is a shell which should be referred to Syrnola as a section, or to Careliopsis, if separated at all. There is really but one columellar fold, 334 BULLETIN OF THE the second is merely the projection of one of the basal spirals, like those of Triptychus. If this misprint is to be elevated to the dignity of a section or subgenus, it should not be placed with the true Pyramid el las at all, for it evi- dently is but distantly related to them. But among the minutiae of the Alba- tross dredgings in the Antilles I find a specimen of a genuine Lonrjchceus with strong transverse plaits or ribs across the whorls, a peripheral sulcus, and the other characters as in Longchceus. If this is worth distinction as a section, it may take the name of Pharciddla. Pyramidella (Pharcidella) Folinii n. s. Shell small, pinkish white, eight-whorled; form much like that of P. Candida, with a strong deep peripheral sulcus; the posterior margin of the sulcus with a strong keel, the anterior margin lower, with a faint keel ; base rounded, finely spirally striate with evident incremental rugosities; space between the sutures flattish, with twenty or more strong transverse equal ribs; suture deep, channelled, not crenulate; aperture quadrate, the pillar with three folds, the outer lip with three internal line; the anterior teeth are oblique; there is a chink and a strong fasciole behind the pillar; the nucleus is lost. Max. Ion. of shell, 5.0; max. lat. of shell, 2.0 mm. Near Barbados, in 98 fins., sand, U. S. Fish Commission. ? Section TIBERIA Jeffreys. Pyramidella nitidula A. Adams. Syrnola nitidula A. Adams, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., p. 355, 18G0. Pyramidella. (Tiberia) nitidula Jeffreys, P. Z. S. 1884, p. 3u"-j, pi. xxvii. fig. 8. Odostomia (Obeliscus) nitidulus Watson, Pep. Chall. Gastr., p. 487, 1885. Pyramidella minuscula Monterosato, P. mediterranea Monterosato, Obeliscus sufarci- 7iatus Watson, and O. tinctus Watson, Jide Jeffreys, luc. cit. Habitat. Barbados, 100 fms. Japan, A. Adams. Mediterranean, Jeffreys, etc., 25 to 1095 fms. This shell may not belong with Pyramidella. It is very near Eulimella Smithii except for the plaits on the pillar. I am in doubt whether Mr. Adams's first reference was not the most correct. Still, the pillar is very like that of Pyramidella. It is very widely distributed, both in area and depth. I cannot see sufficient reason for referring it to Odostomia. Section PYRAMIDELLA s. s. Pyramidella dolabrata Linne. This beautiful and well known shell is found in Florida and the Antilles. I can see no sufficient reason for separating the Antillean and Indo-Pacific MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 335 specimens, even as varieties. It is not among the Blake species, but has been received from the Bahamas, Key West, Cuba, Guadelupe, St. Thomas, Porto Plata, St. Martin's, Anguilla, and other West Indian localities, including the Swan Islands off Yucatan. It is the type of the genus and also of Humphrey's undescribed genus Obeliscus, which thus becomes an exact synonym of Py- ramiddla. A species of Syrnola or Styloptigma, under the name of S. turritus A. A. Adams, has been received from H. Cuming, as from the West Indies, but this locality requires confirmation. The original locality fov.S. turritus was Japan. Genus TURBONILLA Risso. Turbonilla (Leach MS.) Risso, Hist. Eur. Me'r. Moll., p. 224, 1826. Type, Turbo lacteus Linne. Chemnitzia Orbigny, 1839, not 1850. Turbonella (Leach) Gray, 1857. Fortunately for the present completion of this Report, and owing to the use of the trawl rather than the dredge, very few of this genus were obtained. I have been collecting material for some years, and have most of the described American species represented in the collection under my charge, and beside those which I can identify there are at least fifteen, and perhaps twenty, diagnosable forms which appear to be undescribed. It is impracticable to at- tempt, therefore, any revision or review of the species belonging to our region in this paper. Those who would go further are referred to Prof. Verrill's papers, Mr. Tryon's very praiseworthy account in his Manual, and the other literature on the subject. Bulletin No. 24 of the U. S. Geological Survey enumerates the species which have been mentioned in connection with the area under discussion. Turbonilla belotheca n. s. Plate XXVI. Fig. 7 d. Shell white, like polished ivory, with a faint yellowish broad band behind the periphery, or all pale yellow brown fading toward the apex; nucleus lost but apparently small and smooth; remainder (fifteen) of the whorls solid, strong with a slightly malleated aspect; spiral sculpture of the finest and most delicate scratches above the periphery, not constant or prominent anywhere, entirely absent from the rounded base and obsolete on the ribs; transverse sculpture of about twenty broad rounded ribs or waves, which disappear without reaching either suture, except on the early whorls; they are nearly straight, especially near the apex; incremental lines evident and somewhat irregular; aperture longer than wide; pillar incurved to form a single well marked plica- tion. Lon. of shell, 14.0; lat. of last whorl, 3.0; Ion. of last whorl, 4.0 mm. 336 BULLETIN OF THE Habitat. West of Florida, in 50 fms. Gulf of Mexico, at Station 32, in 95 fins. Barbados, in 100 fms. This species recalls T. paucistriata Jeffreys, which is smaller, smoother, and much less strongly ribbed. It does not resemble any of the northern species dredged by the Fish Commission, and it is more solid, and has a sleeker ap- pearance than any of the shallow-water species of our coast. Turbonilla flavocincta C. B. Adams. Chemnitzia jlavocincta Adams, Contr. Conch., p. 74, 1852. Habitat. Barbados, 100 fms. Jamaica, C. B. Adams. Samana Bay, Santo Domingo, Couthouy. This pretty and characteristic species has not yet been collected on the coast of the United States. Turbonilla interrupta Totten var. fulvocincta Jeffreys. Plate XXVI. Figs. 3, 2 b. Melanin rufa Philippi, Moll. Sicil, I. p. 156, pi. ix. fig. 7, 1836. Odostomia rufa Phil. var. fulvocincta, Jeffreys, P. Z. S. 1884, p. 356. Turritella interrupta Totten, Am. Journ. Sci., 1st ser., XXVIII. p. 352, fig. 7, 1835. Turbonilla rufa Jeffreys, etc. Habitat. Barbados, in 100 fms. Massachusetts, southward on the American coast. Shediak Bay, Nova Scotia, Whiteaves. Fossil in the Post Pliocene of Wando, South Carolina. This species is, as claimed by Jeffreys, identical with Philippi's rufa. The specimens pass through the same series of varieties. The form reported under this name from Nova Scotia by Whiteaves is remarkably distinct, taken by itself, but I suspect a connecting series could be obtained. T. Riisei Morch is probably identical. Extremely fine, large, delicately brown banded and finely sculptured southern specimens constitute my T. viridaria. The forms virga and punieea, described and queried by me as varieties of viridaria, are distinct. I have examined many hundred specimens from all parts of the coast, and find the modifications brought about by temperature are wider and more marked than any that occur among individuals from a single locality, and usually of a different kind. The northernmost specimens will always ex- hibit a tendency to loss of sharpness in sculpture, a rudeness in the general aspect, a thinner shell, and thicker and darker epidermis; sometimes a marked decrease in size. Specimens far south from the metropolis of a species are apt to be smaller, more sharply sculptured, brighter colored, with a thinner or indistinct epidermis, and a tendency to abnormality about the coil of the last whorl and the peritreme of the aperture. These small shells, when collected from a sufficiently wide geographical April 18, 1889. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 337 range, will tell the story quite as well as the large ones, if not better, as the small species, not living too close to the beach, have a wider average geographi- cal range than the large ones from any depth of water. The present species affords an excellent example of this rule, and a study of its variations is most instructive. The figure of the soft parts of this species which appears herewith is from the unpublished manuscript of Dr. Wm. Stimpson, who observed it at Charles- ton, S. C; and collected specimens in Massachusetts Bay. The Chemnitzia speira of Eavenel figured by Holmes in his Post Pliocene Fossils of South Car- olina (p. 82, pi. xiii. figs. 1, 1 a) is with little doubt a synonym of interrupta. The species figured by Holmes as interrupta is, however, probably something else. Turbonilla curta n. a. Plate XXVI. Fig. 7 c Shell waxen white, acute, with nine or ten rather inflated whorls ; nucleus inflated, globose, sinistral, polished, mostly immersed ; remaining whorls sculp- tured with (on the last whorl) about twenty-five close-set rounded ribs, extend- ing from suture to suture, and but little % curved; also a few faint lines of growth; no spiral sculpture; base smooth, except for a few lines of growth; general surface polished; aperture subquadrate; pillar slender with a faint spiral ridge; suture very distinct. Lon. of shell, 8.3; of last whorl, 2.9; max. lat. of shell, 2.75 mm. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, 640 fms. Off Hatteras, in 15-124 fms., sand, temperature 61° F.; U. S. Fish Commission. This shell may not be perfectly mature, but in any case is unusually short for its breadth. The figure appears slightly less acute than the shell itself, and the anterior prolongation of the aperture is due to a fracture. It differs from all the species figured by Orbigny, Jeffreys, Watson, and Verrill, and I cannot identify it with any of the unfigured species of this puzzling group. The ridge or plica on the pillar is undoubtedly variable among individuals in some, if not all, of the species of this group. When apparently absent near the mouth it can usually be found on the pillar of the more apical whorls. Turbonilla pusilla C. B. Adams. Chemnitzia pusilla Adams, Contr. Conch., p. 74, 1852. Habitat. Barbados, in 100 fms. Jamaica, Adams. Northward to the vicinity of Cape Hatteras, N. C, in 15-63 fms., sand, U. S. Fish Commission. A single well preserved specimen of this species was obtained from the Blake collection. It seems to be rather rare everywhere. vol. xviii. 22 338 BULLETIN OF THE Subgeims EULIMELLA Forbes. Eulimella unifasciata Forbes. Plate XIX. Fig. lie. Eulima unifasciata Forbes, Rep. JEgean Inv., p. 188, 1843. Odostomia unifasciata Jeffreys, P. Z. S. 1884, p. 351, pi. xxvi. fig. 8. Eulimella Smithii Verrill, Trans. Conn. Acad., V. p. 538, pi. lviii. fig. 18, 1882. Turbonilla Smithii Verrill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III. p. 380, 1880. Habitat. Barbados, in 100 fms. Northward to the vicinity of Martha's Vineyard, in 85-120 fms., living, U. S. Fish Commission. European seas, the Mediterranean, ^Egean, the Bay of Biscay, and the Azores, 30-1622 fms., Jeffreys. Eulimella scMcb Scacchi is found in the Antilles, Florida, and North Carolina. Section STYLOPSIS A. Adams. Eulimella (Stylopsis) resticula n. s. Shell extremely small and thin, with a minute upturned sinistral nucleus and eight swollen yet laterally flattened whorls. The shell is without lustre, of a waxen white, translucent, the gray mottled with black and yellow of the dried animal shining through the shell. Sculpture entirely of even fine spiral close-set microscopic grooves, covering the entire surface. Coil, as it were, pulled out and closely wound like a "stranded" rope; whorls laterally slightly compressed, but swollen in front of the suture and so having a turrited look ; base elongated; aperture rounded in front, narrow but rounded behind, the margins and slightly arched pillar simple and continuous except over the body. There is no umbilical chink or depression, nor any plait on the pillar. Lon. of shell, 3.5; lat, 0.7 mm. Habitat. Rare on the sand flats between tides at Key West, Hemphill. A singularly frail and odd-looking little shell. Subgenus CARELIOPSIS Morch. Careliopsis styliformis Mokch. Monoptygma (Careliopsis) styliformis March., Malak. Blitt., XXII. p, 169, 1874. Type of the subgenus. Habitat. St. Thomas (Riise), Morch. Beach, Sarasota Bay, W. H. Dall. This curious little shell is like a minute slender but few-whorled Turbonilla, thin, white, with no ribs, spirally closely grooved. Watson's figure of his Mucronalia xanthias is a good representation of our shell, except the mouth, MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 339 which is entirely different. The present species has the mouth of a Turbonilla. It is now for the first time reported from the United States. This group is related to the ordinary Turbonillae, much as Cingida aculeus Gould is to the species of Alvania, or as ^sopus is to Ahachis. Amaura (Amoura by ?*■«•. typ.) anguliferens De Folin, probably, and Jaminea Duponti De Folin, from -.lauritius, certainly, belong to this section. ? Genus SYRNOLA A. Adams. Subgenus OSCTLLA A. Adams. This group was according to Tryon proposed for forms of the Syrnola type, with strong spiral sculpture and a single strong spiral parietal plait. I have not seen the type, or even a good figure of it, if the above statement be cor- rect, for Adams's figure in the Thesaurus (pi. clxxi. fig. 26) shows distinctly three plaits, which are even perceptible in Tryon's copy of it (pi. lxxiv. fig. 28). Then Mdrch in the Malak. Blatter (Vol. XXII. p. 158, 1875) proposes a new subgenus Triptychus, which is said to differ from Oscilla by " columella triplicata nee uniplicata." I presume that the diagnosis in the Thesaurus merely meant that there was one strong plait beside the two fainter ones, and the name Oscilla was based rather on the sculpture than the plaits. I have no doubt that Oscilla and Triptychus are synonymous, and the 0. annulata and Morch's T. nivca (my Pyramidella ? vincta of a later date) are even very simi- lar species. Oscilla nivca is found in the Florida Keys, in St. Domingo, St. Thomas, St. Martin, and Vieque. If this species be a proper representative of the group, I should feel disposed to separate it generically from Syrnola, for it certainly has quite peculiar characters. The strong parietal spiral thread is really the result of the basal sculpture, which enters the aperture and is overlaid with callus. The strong plait on the pillar is also coincident with a basal cord, which coils around the pillar and is much enlarged by the addition of callus. The two fainter anterior plaits are often obsolete, or nearly so. None of them have the horizontality and sharpness, like that of a screw-thread, so character- istic of Pyramidella proper, and yet they do not turn in with a twist like the pillar lip of Syrnola. The outer lip is lirate in the adult. ? Genus PERISTICHIA Dall. Shell elongated, acute, many-whorled, dextral, with a small sinistral nucleus, spirally or reticulately sculptured; aperture ovate, lips thickened; columella straight, simple, without plaits; a basal cord entering the aperture on the body between the pillar and the outer lip ; aperture anteriorly a little effuse, but not channelled in front of the pillar; outer lip varicoid in the adult, internally with a few very strong lira; soft parts ? Type, Peristichia toreta Dall, Florida Keys. 340 BULLETIN OF THE This genus has the spire, sculpture, and nucleus of Mathilda; the basal cord is like that of Oscilla nivea; the outer lip, though less patulous and more varicose, has something about it which recalls Rissoina. It is like an Oscilla without columellar plaits, or like a Mathilda with a thickened and internally Urate peritreme and rounded base. As far as one may judge from the charac- ters of the shell alone, this genus would indicate the passage between Mathilda and Oscilla ; the interrogation mark I have put before it indicates my doubt as to where it should be placed. Peristichia toreta n. s. Shell slender, yellowish white, thirteen-whorled; nucleus minute, glassy, set on edge, having about two turbinate whorls; spire with the suture distinct, marked by a plain or slightly undulate thread behind it; behind this is a strong nodulated spiral, with round nodules, then a little interval and two more slightly smaller similarly nodulous spirals, adjacent to each other and the suture behind them; the last whorl would show about thirty-four nodules in its circuit; transverse sculpture of elevated ridges, visible in the interspaces following the line of the nodules across the whorl; on the rounded base they appear as strong radii; base with one strong cord with a deep sulcus outside of it, and the space between it and the pillar somewhat excavated; aperture ovate, pillar straight, forming almost a right angle with the lip in front of it; outer lip with three strong internal lirav, body with the basal cord projecting, slightly covered with enamel; outer lip swollen, varicose, and whiter than the rest of the shell, its margin undulated by the external sculpture; callus joining the pillar and outer lips distinct and continuous. Max. Ion. of shell, 10.75; of last whorl, 3.0; max. lat. of shell, 3.0 mm. Habitat. Coast of North Carolina at U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2607, 2608, in 18-22 fms., sand, sixteen miles off Cape Lookout, bottom temper- ature 73°-78° F. Charlotte Harbor, West Florida, in 2 fms., weedy bottom, Dall. Key West, between tides, H. Hemphill. This is an extremely elegant shell, in which the relative strength of the transverse and the spiral sculpture varies somewhat in different individuals. The sides of the spire are straight, but the whorls are distinctly marked. The color in very fresh specimens is a milky white, more or less clouded with pale yellowish brown on the base or sides. Peristichia agria n. s. Shell small, conical, white, eight-whorled, beside a minute glassy nucleus ot about two whorls; sculpture of, on the last whorl, one moderate spiral in front of the suture, three larger ones on the side of the whorl, the most anterior of which is covered by the suture as the whorls advance, a strong cord revolving on the base and entering the aperture midway between the pillar and outer MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 341 lip, and a less prominent broad spiral between the last and the columella, which does not appear inside the peristome; these are crossed by, on the last whorl, about thirty strong narrow equal regularly-spaced cord-like riblets which are hardly nodulous at the intersections; the interstices are deep, and narrower spirally than they are axially; whorls moderately rounded and well marked; aperture rounded, waved externally by the sculpture, internally lirate; pillar concave, callous; a callus connecting it with the outer lip; base rounded, strongly sculptured, the aperture slightly varicose, but in older speci- mens than those before me probably markedly so. Max. Ion. of shell, 6.0; of last whorl, 3.0; max. lat. of shell, 2.5 mm. Habitat. Off Cape Hatteras, in 63 fms., sand, at U. S. Fish Commission Station 2595, bottom temperature 75°. Florida, at Marco, No Name Key, and Key West, on grassy bottom, between low water and two fathoms, H. Hemphill. This very lovely latticed little shell is shorter and more Odostomia-like than the preceding species. The sculpture is a good deal like that of Mathilda Rushii, but less crowded and less sharp. The specimens were all slightly less than adult, and the varicosity of the outer lip would doubtless have increased if they had continued to grow. Order SCUTIBRANCHIATA. Suborder RHIPHIDOGLOSSA. Super-Family SCHISMATOBRANCHIA. This group, like its compeer, the Dicranobranchia of Gray, to use the oldest of their numerous appellations, may be divided into two sections, one contain- ing spiral shells, and the other subcorneal or uncoiled species. Two of the four sections referred to will possess forms provided with an intromittent male organ, and others destitute of such an organ. The spiral Schismatobranchs are generally without a verge; Neritina and Helicina were until lately the known exceptions. Turcicula Bairdii, Margarita infundibulum, and several allied forms, are now added to the list. M. infundibulum has also a remark- able tubular modification of the right anterior epipodial lappet, so that it serves as a conduit for the seminal product, from the short tubular verge to its destination. The conical or limpet-like Dicranobranchs are usually without a verge, but it is present in Cranopsis, and probably in other genera. So far, no spiral Dicranobranch is known to have a verge, and no limpet-like Schis- matobranch to be without one. But our ignorance of the majority of forms is so great that no one can say how long the negative evidence will have any value. It is only within a few years that the writer has been enabled to deter- mine these facts, which seem so opposed to our previous experience and sys- tematic definitions. The need of investigation and the field for it, in the 342 BULLETIN OF THE macroscopic anatomy of the mollusca, is so great that it is astonishing that it attracts so few students. It is probable that Scutellina will prove not to have a verge, but this is not yet certain; the other families comprising this section of the super-family, Addisoniidce and Cocculinidce, are known to be so provided. Family SCUTELLIN1DJE Dall. Genus SCUTELLINA Gray. Scutella Broderip, P. Z. S. 1834, p. 47. (Not Scutella Lam., 1816.) Scutellina Gray, P. Z. S. 1847, p. 168. (S. crenulata Brod.) Dall, Am. Journ. Conch., VI. p. 239, 1871. H. & A. Ad., Gen. Kec. Moll., pi. lii. fig. 6 (S.ferruginea). Pease, Am. Journ. Conch., IV. 99, pi. xi. figs. 26, 27 (bad). The genus Scutellina has long been of doubtful relations. I had endeavored in vain for sixteen years to obtain the soft parts in alcohol. Finally, a single specimen collected on the reefs near Key West, Florida, was sent by Mr. H. Hemphill, to whose admirable abilities as a collector naturalists generally are so much indebted. This has enabled me to correct several errors into which writers on this genus have been led, and to interpret more accurately what has been not altogether clearly written. This group has been referred universally to the Docoglossa, to which it does not belong. It has a purely rhiphidoglossate dentition, closely related to that of Neritina and Helicina. It is set in its shell like the other rhiphidoglossate limpets Fissurella, Emarginula, etc. ; that is, with the head turned away from the apex of the shell. Its gill is situated, like that of Neritina or Acmcea, on the left side above the body, and pointed to the right over the back of the neck. The anal papilla and that by which the products of the renal organ are ejected are situated exactly as in Acmcea. The tentacles are long and slender, the eyes well developed and placed on swellings at the outer posterior part of the tentacles. The distal end of the muzzle is expanded, semilunar, smooth, with a continuous margin a little produced at the outer corners. The mouth is small and situated in about the centre of the disk. The dental formula for the right side of the radula is R + (- -+- 2 -+- -)+ - ; x standing for the uncer- tain but large number of denticles on the first lateral, or of single uncini in the compound series. The central or rhachidian tooth (R) is flat, squarish, and edentulous, as in Helicina orbiculata. Scutellina antillarum Shuttleworth. Plate XXXI. Figs. 10, 11. ? Scutellina antillarum Shuttleworth, in Poulsen, Cat. of West India Shell9, p. 14, No. 930, 1878. The shell, the only Scutellina I have seen from the Gulf or Antilles, I sup- pose to be Shuttleworth's species. It is a small thin shell, about 8 by 6 mm. MUSEUM OF COMPAKATIVE ZOOLOGY. 343 at the base, and 3.0 mm. high. The apex is situated in the posterior fourth of the length, and has a minute dextral half-immersed spiral nucleus, whose extent is marked by a slight contraction where the conical shell begins. The anterior slope is prettily and evenly arched, the posterior slope steep and con- cave beneath the apex. The surface is of a brownish straw-color, the interior subtranslucent white of brilliant polish but not nacreous. The sculpture is of very numerous, fine, radiating raised lines, with minute spines or vaulted scales closely set upon them, giving a rasp-like surface; there are no regular concentric lines, but only occasional lines of growth. I have described it thus fully as I suspect Shuttleworth's name is a mere catalogue name which has never been validated by a description or figure. At least, after very full search I have failed to find any description or reference to a description. It is not the Patella (Acmcea) antillarum of Sowerby and Philippi. The chief characteristics of the soft parts are described under the remarks relating to the genus. There is no relic of an epipodium, nor is there any intromittent organ in the (female?) specimen examined. The margin of the mantle has a minute frill or fringe of papilla?. The gill is of lamellae, exactly like that of Acmcea, attached only at its base. The figure of the gill of a Polynesian species given by Pease (in the Am. Journ. Conch., IV. pi. xi. fig. 26) is doubtless erroneous, or rather an inaccurate rendering of an organ not observed minutely. It is quite possible, as stated by Pease, that the gill may be protruded at will while the animal is alive, but it would be interesting to have this observation confirmed. The figure of Scutellina, given from a sketch by A. Adams in the Genera of Recent Mollusca, is correct, but the figures are turned the opposite way from the figure of the shell beside them, thus giving the impression that the animal heads toward the apex ol- the shell, which is an error. The shell figured as Scutellina in Sowerby's Manual, second edition, fig. 509, is a Broderipia, and not a Scutellina. The final determination of the place which this genus should occupy is full of interest, and confirms my reference of Cocculina and Addisonia to the Rhi- phidoglossa. There is nothing strange in the fact that the last mentioned order should have conical forms as well as spiral ones, since in other groups, such as Geophila and Limnophila of the Pulmonata, we find analogous cases. The importance of the facts here summarized are my excuse for including them in this Report, since the species in question is not included in the Blake collections. 344 BULLETIN OF THE Family ADDISONIID^E. Genus ADDISONIA Dall. Addisonia Dall, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1881, p. 405, April, 1882. Jeffreys, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 673 ; lb., 1884, p. 148. Fischer, Man. de Conchyl., p. 757, 1885. Addisonia lateralis Requien var. paradoxa Dall. Plate XXV. Fijfs. 1 a-e. Addisonia paradoxa Dall, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1881, p. 405, April, 1882. Gadinia lateralis Requien, Coq. de Corse, p. 39, 1848. Petit, Cat. Moll., pp. 92, 264, 1869. Gadinia excentrica Tiberi, J. de Conchyl., VI. p. 37, pi. ii. fig. 6, 1857. Weinkauff, Conch. Mittelm., II. p. 177, 1868. Dall, Am. Naturalist, p. 737, 1882. Tylodina excentrica Monterosato, Not. intorn. Conch. Medit., p. 57, 1872. Locard, Cat. Moll. Mar. de France, p. 67, 1886. Addisonia eccentros Jeffreys, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 673; P. Z. S. 1884, p. 148. Addisonia lateralis Dautzenberg, J. de Conchyl., 1886, p. 205. Habitat. Mediterranean. North Atlantic, both European and American shores, living in 50 to 640 fms., dead in a wider range of depth. This curious form was not collected by the Blake. I find that most Euro- pean malacologists have agreed * that Requien's very poorly described and un- figured shell is identical with Tiberi 's Gadinia excentrica. I am in doubt as to the identity of the American and European forms. They belong without question to the same genus to whose conchological peculiarities I called atten- tion seventeen years ago (Am. Journ. Conch., VI. p. 19, 1870). The figures, descriptions, and specimens I have seen of European origin all indicate the shell as very much smaller than our American specimens; these, when adult, average 12.0 mm. in length, which is frequently much exceeded. I do not feel justified in keeping them separated on the mere ground of size, but would suggest the question to be determined by some European naturalist who may be able to examine the dentition and soft parts. Like Neritina, Cocculina, and Cranopsis asturiana, this creature retains the intromittent organ which seems to have become obsolete in the majority of shallow-water Rhiphidoglossa (see Verrill, Trans. Conn. Acad., VI. p. 256, 1884). This mollusk is well entitled to family rank, for reasons set forth in my paper above mentioned. The absence of the brush-like uncini is a remarkable character, while the remaining teeth are unmistakably Rhiphidoglossate. The presence of the verge which led my friend Dr. Paul Fischer to refer this genus to the Taenioglossa (Man., p. 757) can hardly serve that purpose now that his own Cranopsis asturiana is shown to possess it. * See Mr. Dautzenberg's excellent article above cited. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 345 I may say here, that in several shallow-water Fissurellas I have observed what I believe to be an abortive non-functional remnant of the verge, in the shape of an elongated papilla at or near the posterior part of the right tentacle, and having nothing corresponding to it on the left side. Having found no canal in these organs, I have hesitated to mention them until my discovery of what seems to be a functional verge in Cranopsit,. Family COCCULINIDiE. Genus COCCULINA Dall. Cocculina Dall, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1881, p. 402. Verrill, Trans. Conn. Acad., V. p. 533, 1882; VI. p. 202, 1884. Jeffreys, Triton Moll., P. Z. S. 1883, p. 393. Fischer, Man. de Conchyl., p. 841, 1885. Watson, Cliall. Kep. Gastr., p. 30, 1885. Tectum sp. Jeffreys, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 672. Shell patelliform, not nacreous, symmetrical with an entire non-sinuated margin and a posteriorly inclined apex with a (usually deciduous) spiral nu- cleus ; muscular impression horseshoe-shaped, interrupted over the head. Animal with a prominent head and muzzle, the males with an intromittent organ at the base of the right tentacle; a single lamellose asymmetrical gill (resembling in form and place of attachment the gill in Acmcea) between the under surface of the mantle and the upper surface of the boily from a point above and behind the head, extending around toward the right, and even backward on the right side; attached only at its base. Eyes wanting in the known species. Anus anterior, opening in a papilla above and behind the head. Mantle margin and sides of foot plain, without epipodial papillae or processes, but they are sometimes present behind. Radula with a small or moderate hardly raised rhachidian tooth (the cusp in one species obsolete), three moderate inner laterals with denticulate cusps, a larger denticulate major lateral with a stout and twisted stalk, and on each side a stout base from which spring numerous slender uncini hooked at their tips. Formula r ° r ar(l + 3-3+1)* There is no jaw. The dentition resembles in a general way that of Parmo- phorus and of some species of Helicina. The marked peculiarities of this group, and the discovery in the Western Atlantic, North European seas, and the Philippines, of species appertaining to it, have secured its prompt recognition from naturalists. Thus, there have been described from the Philippines, — Cocculina angulata Watson; from North Europe and the Northeastern Atlantic, — Cocculina spinigera Jeffreys, Cocculina pusilla Jeffreys (as Teclura), Cocculina corrugata Jeffreys, Cocculina adunca Jeffreys (as Tectura) ; 346 BULLETIN OF THE and from the Western Atlantic, Cocculina Beanii Dull, Cocculina leptalea Verrill, Cocculina Rathbunl Dall, Cocculina conica Verrill, Cocculina Dalll Verrill, Cocculina splnigera Jeffreys. C. adunca Jeffreys is almost certainly the same as C. Beanii Dall. Tectura rugosa Jeffreys, described with several Cocculina: under that generic name, is, however, almost certainly a young specimen of one of the varieties of A cmcea rubella. The specimens in the Jeffreys collection agree perfectly (although dead and bleached) with specimens of A. rubella. Tectura galeola Jeffreys, which I examined through the kindness of Dr. Jeffreys, is certainly not an Acmcea, as the long slope is anterior. In the absence of the soft parts it must remain in a doubtful state, though possibly a Cocculina. The discrepancies which have occurred in the description of the soft parts of the different species would be somewhat difficult to reconcile, were it not probable that this family contains more than a single group, on the one hand, and, on the other, that the small size of the animals renders an examination difficult and very liable to error of observation. Thus, C. spinigera has been reported to be without a rhachidian tooth. But in several specimens of that species I found the rhachidian tooth (PI. XXXI. Fig. 9) present, though very flat, translucent, and with only a trace of cusps, which last, on the younger rows of teeth, would be absent, thus leading very easily to a misconception. I have figured this tooth as observed by me in specimens sent by Dr. Jeffreys. The observations of Mr. Watson on the gill of C. angulata I am not able to accept as final, and believe that some misconception is mingled with them. His description, and the position assigned to the supposed gill on " the lower right side of the neck,': correspond fairly well to the position and appearance of the extended free ends of the anal and renal papillae in G. spinigera, organs which, imperfectly observed, I strongly suspect to be responsible for the alleged second and right-hand gill in Propilidium. I have never been able to get a fresh specimen of Propilidium to determine this point, but the fact that every known unfissured limpet with a free gill like that of Acmoza, whether docoglossate or rhiphidoglossate, has that gill adjacent to the heart on the opposite (left-hand) side from the anus, is ground for a strong presumption that Propilidium and this particular Cocculina do not form exceptions to the rule. The species of Cocculina may be divided into two sections characterized by the presence or absence of posterior epipodial filaments. In the typical group there are two posterior filaments. In the other there are none. The nearest relatives of this group are to be found in the Scutelliyiidce and the Addisoniidre. It appears to be an ancient, and what Prof. Louis Agassiz would have termed a " synthetic " type. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 347 Section COCCULINA s. s Cocculina Rathbuni Dall. Plate XXV. Figs. 5, 7, 7 a. Cocculina Rathbuni Dall, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1881, p. 402, April, 1882. Shell white, depressed, the slopes flattened, sides subparalleled, with slight radiating and concentric sculpture and a subcentral apex from which the nucleus is usually lost, leaving a little scar on the shell. Length, 10-13 rum. Two female specimens examined, which had been a long time in alcohol. The mantle margin appeared plain, with a thickened border. Behind in the sinus between the mantle and the foot are two small round blunt elongated epipodial papillae, one on each side of the median line and not very close to it. The gill is small, triangular, exactly like that of some Acmaeas, and similarly placed. The head is large, the end of the muzzle flat, marginated, semilunate, enclosing a smooth space, in the centre of which is a rounded papillose area surrounding the mouth; tentacles moderate, subcylindrical, without eyes; the course of the intestine much resembling that of Patella, but it seems to be not so long. Rhachidian tooth with a distinct cusp. This species was obtained by the U. S. Fish Commission in 1881, about 100 miles south and east from Martha's Vineyard, in 506 fms., green sand and mud, the bottom temperature being 40°.5. The party on the Blake obtained it at Station 288, in 399 fms., hard bottom, off Barbados, bottom temperature 44°.5 ; a fresh one at Station 230, in 464 fms., off St. Vincent, bottom tem- perature 41°. 5; and living ones at Station 195, off Martinique, in 502^ fms., sand and ooze, the bottom temperature being 41°. 0 F. In the latter case the animal was adhering to a small water-logged splinter. Cocculina Beanii Dall. Plate XXV. Figs. 2, 4, 8. Cocculina Beanii Dall, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1881, p. 403, April, 1882. Shell elevated, white, the anterior slope much the longer and conspicuously arched, the posterior slope excavated concavely, the apex elevated, subposterior and much incurved, the nucleus generally gone in adults, leaving a little s"car; sculpture stronger and more distinctly cancellated in some specimens than in C. Rathbuni, the young are more sharply sculptured than the old, and at the intersections the riblets are nodulous or even slightly spinose; the shell is smaller than in C. Rathbuni, reaching about 8.0 mm. in length. Four specimens, all apparently females, were available for examination, of which two were dissected. The soft parts in general were, as in C. Rathbuni, except that the head and muzzle are much elongated, the sinus behind the head, therefore, is deeper, the gill longer, projecting out on the right side; the 348 BULLETIN OF THE tentacles are longer, and the loot proportionally shorter, than in C. Rathbuni; the mantle margin more puckered (l>y the effect of the alcohol ?) ; the margin- ation of the muzzle is interrupted in front by the papillose oral area, which in this species distinctly forms the end of the muzzle, the effect of which is to modify the marginated part into two lappets, one on each side, extending from the end of the muzzle to the anterior edge of the foot. In the dentition the bands of uncini are proportionally longer and wider, and the rhachidian tooth is smaller than in the preceding species. This species was found by the U. S. Fish Commission, in 1880-81, at Sta- tions 871, 894, 947, and 997, in 100-365 fms., muddy and sandy bottom, tem- perature at the bottom ranging from 40°.0 to 52°.0 F. It was obtained by the party on the Blake at Station 288, in 399 fms., hard bottom, off Barbados; Station 195, in 502^ fms., sand and ooze, off Martinique; at Station 161, in 583 fms., lava sand, off Guadelupe, bottom temperature 41°; and at Station 230 in 464 fms., off St. Vincent, bottom temperature 41°.5 F. Section COCCOPYGIA Dall. Foot without epipodial filaments. Cocculina spinigera Jeffreys. Plate XXXI. Figs. 7, 8, 9. Cocculina spinigera Jeffreys, Triton Moll., P. Z. S. 1883, p. 393, pi. xliv. figs. 1, 1 a-C. Verrill, Trans. Conn. Acad., VI. pp. 203, 271, 1884. Habitat. U. S. Fish Commission Stations 997 and 2115, in 335 to 843 fms., living in the tunnels of Teredo-bored wood, associated with C. leptalea Verrill. This species, obtained by Dr. Jeffreys in the Porcupine and Triton dredg- ings in the North Atlantic, is much smaller than either of the two preceding, or the specimens I have seen may not be fully grown, averaging only 1.5 to 2.0 mm. in length. It has the form of C. Beanii, so far as the shell is con- cerned, with the sculpture of the most strongly sculptured specimens of that species, which, as above mentioned, sometimes have minute spinose projections at the intersections of the radiating and the concentric ridges. The nucleus, however, in the specimens of C. spinigera examined, was constantly present, symmetrical and subspiral. Seven specimens were kindly sent me by Dr. Jeffreys for examination, with the soft parts, comprising four males and three females. The soft parts of the females agreed in all particulars with those of C. Rathbuni except that the pair of epipodial posterior papilla; was wanting, as also in the males; the tentacles seemed to be somewhat stouter and shorter; the gill was very short and triangular, in its usual position, and the anal papilla was prolonged into a kind of free tube, one half longer than the gill itself. The dentition resembles that of C. Rathbuni in all essential particulars, ex- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 349 cept that the rbachidian tooth, instead of having a comparatively small base and a distinct and well developed cusp, has a large base, which is thin and of rounded shape, with an almost obsolete cusp. Many of these teeth could hardly be said to be cusped at all, and in the best developed unworn ones the cusp is but little raised, small, composed of a median rounded portion and on each side of that a single obscure denticle (see figure). The whole tooth, in most cases, resembled a mere thin scale, and might readily be overlooked, or regarded as not a true tooth at all, in some specimens. The most extraordinary feature is peculiar to the males, of which four speci- mens were examined and agreed perfectly with one another. The right tenta- cle is somewhat stouter than the left one, but near the base on the outer side both have a distinct bulb or elbow-like prominence similar to that which in many gastropods bears the eye. A careful examination of sections, however, did not disclose any nerve, rods, or optic cup, and it is certain, if the last exists, that it is unprovided with any pigment cells. The cutis seemed of a uniform and rather unusual thickness, partly due, probably, to the contraction caused by the alcohol. The tip of the contracted right tentacle was rather broad and blunt; it also seemed somewhat flattened. From the outer side pro- jected a verge of tentacular form, more slender, slightly longer, and more flattened than the tip of the true tentacle, and horizontally recurved. From the circular wrinkles caused in it by contraction it seemed capable of much elongation. In the anterior edge near the tip, but not extended over the tip, was a deep fissure extending to the centre of the organ and along its anterior edge from the tip backward a distance a little more than equal to the width of that part of the organ. The proportional length of this fissure differed in different individuals a little. From the depth of this fissure a tube or canal extends through the centre of the penis, its diameter being about one sixth that of the organ. At a point in this canal not far from the junction of the verge with the tentacle there appears to be a subtriangular fossa, from which the tube continues toward the body at about the same distance from the inner surface of the verge, and of about the same size as before the fossa was reached. The canal passes on into the base of the tentacle, where it is lost to sight in the solid opaque tissues. The extremely small size of the animal combined with its coarse, and (by alcohol rendered) very opaque tissues, prevented the more thorough examination which would have been practicable with fresh specimens or those of larger size. Nevertheless, it does not appear that this organ can be anything else than an intromittent male organ, such as is now known to exist in Addisonia, in Neritina, in some species of Cranopsis, and other deep-water Rhiphidoglossa. At the time I made this discovery the only form in which an external in- tromittent organ had been reported among the Rhiphidoglossa was Neritina, and even this fact, though easily verified, had been questioned. The verge in the Neritidce, however, is broader and rounder, flatter, and shorter than in Cocculina, and shows its nature less clearly in its external 350 BULLETIN OF THE appearance. If the function of the organ be still denied by some sceptic who will not be satisfied until the animals have been observed in copula, it remains that, whatever its function, here is an organ unknown in the great majority of Rhiphidoglossa, but which appears in a few diverse deep-water forms. These interesting facts were made known by me to Prof. Verrill, Dr. Jeffreys, and others interested, in the early part of 1882. Subsequently, the same organ was observed in Addisonia, and, while closing up my work on this Report, an examination of a male Bimula (Cranopsis) asturiana Fischer added it to the list, still later enlarged by species of Margarita and Turcicula. These results show very clearly how much there is still to learn about the macroscopic anatomy of even ordinary mollusks; how little ground there is for dogmatism in the larger features of classification ; and how rich a field is open to the conscientious student who may have access to the sea. The old idea, still delusively cherished by most embryologists, that the char- acteristics of a single species may serve to marshal a host of others in line, was always false, and every year shows its falsity more clearly. The marshalling must be allowed for convenience' sake, but the idea that it is in any proper sense a finality should be discouraged by every teacher. If it had not been taken for granted these many years, who can doubt that we should long since have known exactly about a hundred species of mollusks where we now have the facts about one or two, and that our classifications would have been ameliorated in proportion ? This species must be very abundant in the North Atlantic, as Dr. Jeffreys has informed me that he has examined over four hundred specimens. One feature which is often noticeable on the sedentary deep-sea shells, and especially on the limpets, is perhaps worth mentioning. A sort of spongy organism, apparently a sponge or a hydractinian, often covers the upper surface with a coating of fine straight spinules, which appear to be attached to the shell but are easily removed by wetting and rubbing. They are very abundant on Terebratulina Cailkti and other sculptured brachiopods, and I have observed them on all the species of Gocculi-na and on Lepetella. Dr. Jeffreys states that the spinules are not soluble in potash. There has been no distinct outer crust, nor any particular shape, to the aggregations of this sort which have come under my notice, but they seem to be preferably attached to prominences of the sculpture, and might easily be mistaken, in some cases, for part of the shell itself. This Cocculina has fine sharp spines, properly belonging to the shell ; but among those in the Jeffreys collection I have seen none quite- as sharp and long as those in the magnified figure (la) of th'e plate to Dr. Jeffreys's paper on the Triton mollusks. The section Caccopygia, to which 1 have referred this species, probably in- cludes C. angulata Watson, and other species which have not yet been critically examined with regard to the epipodial filaments. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 351 Family PHASIANELLID^. Genus PHASIANELLA Lamarck. Section EUCOSMIA Carpenter. Phasianella (Eucosmia) brevis Orbignt. Plate XIX. Fig. 10 b. Phasianella brevis Orbigny, Moll. Cuba, II. p. 79, pi. xx. figs. 19-21, 1842. Not P. brevis C. B. Adams. Habitat. Cuba and Martinique, Orbigny. Station 21, off Bahia Honda, in 287 fms., Blake Expedition. Off the coast of North Carolina, in 15-63 fms., bottom temperature 75°.0 F., at Stations 2595, 2596, 2597, 2612, 2615, 2619, U. S. Fish Commission. The P. brevis of C. B. Adams is merely a young specimen of the shell he had previously named Turbo putchella, which is a very pretty form of Phasia- nella with rather marked spiral sculpture and a flattened nucleus. It has the usual operculum of the genus. Other species recognized during this investiga- tion as occurring in the Antillean region, but not obtained by the Blake, are P. affinis, tesscllata, concinna, and conculor of C. B. Adams, and umbilicata of Orbigny. There are several other nominal species requiring further study. Family TTJRBINIDtE. Genus LEPTOTHYRA Carpenter. Leptonyx Carpenter, and A. Adams, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., III. p. 175, Nov., 1864. Not Leptonyx Gray, 1837, gen. Phocidoz. Collonia Pliilippi, Handbuch d. Conch., p. 206, not of Gray. Not Collonia Gray, 1852. (Type, Delphinula marginata Lam.) Leptothyra (Carpenter MS.) Dall, Am. Journ. Conch., VII. p. 130, 1871. (Type, Turbo sanguineus Linne'.) Pilsbry, Tryon Man., X. p. 245, 1888. Collonia (sp.) H. & A. Adams, Gray, Watson, etc. The genus Collonia of Gray, according to Dr. P. P. Carpenter, was founded on the Delphinula marginata of Lamarck, a smooth Grignon fossil with large crenate umbilicus. It was defined as having an "operculum circular, with many gradually enlarged whorls, with a convex external rib and central pit." Afterward the genus fell into great confusion from the confounding of names of totally distinct species called marginata, etc., all of which may be found particularly detailed in Dr. Carpenter's paper above referred to. There he proposed the name Leptonyx for the group typified by Turbo sanguineus Linne, which had been erroneously confounded with Collonia by several authors. This Turbo sanguineus is a species found in the Mediterranean, with near rela- 352 BULLETIN OF THE tives in Japan and Califomian waters. It has a few-whorled rather solid smooth discoid shelly operculum a little concave externally, no umbilicus when adult, and a rounded base. The name Leptonyx having been used twice for Vertebrates before Dr. Carpenter took it up, I substituted Leptothyra * with his permission, as above cited, in 1871. A further confusion was created in regard to the type species by a supposition that the operculum of the Cali- fomian shell was different from that of the Mediterranean. This idea was totally erroneous, but found its way into several publications, among others Tryon's Manual (II. 312). The opercula are precisely alike, having a por- cellanous coating, a little thicker at the edges than toward the centre, espe- cially in old specimens, and having the general form of a coin or disk (not of a lens) based on a horny substratum, as in the typical Naticas. The operculum has about five to seven turns, visible best on the inner side. The young shells have a pit, or even a perforation, in the umbilical region, but this is entirely effaced in the adult, unless L. Philipiana is an exception. L. sanguined is not yet known from the east coast of America. We have, however, beside L. induta and what I regard as its varieties, two other species, L. Philipiana and L. Linnei, now for the first time described. A shell which I find in the Jeffreys collection marked " Turbo carinatus Cantraine, Travailleur Exp., 1882," is a remarkably fine species of Leptothyra, larger than any other known to me. Turbo mammilla of the Reggio Tertiaries, as identified by Prof. Seguenza, is also a Leptothyra, and so probably is Turbo filosus Philippi of the Italian Tertiaries. Leptothyra induta Watson var. albida Dall. Plate XXXVIII. Fig. 6. Leptothyra induta Dall, Agassiz, Three Cruises of the Blake, II. p. 69, fig. 287, 1888. Leptothyra (induta var.?) albida Dall, Bull. M C. Z., IX. p. 48, 1881. Turbo (Collonia) indutus Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc, XIV. p. 715, 1879; Chall. Rep. Gastr., p. 128, pi. vi. fig. 1, 1885. Habitat. Sand Key, in 15-128 fms. ; Station 2, in 805 fms.; Sigsbee, off Havana, in 450 fms.; off Cape San Antonio, in 1002 fms.; Yucatan Strait, in 640 fms.; Station 5, in 152-229 fms., soft coral ooze, bottom temperature 50° ; Station 100, off Morro Light, Havana, in 250-400 fms.; Station 211, off Martinique, in 357 fms.; Station 218, off Santa Lucia, in 164 fms., bottom temperature 56°.0. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2662, off St. Augustine, Florida, in 434 fms., gray sand. Variety tincta Dall, shell rosy. Variety insculpta Dall. Ridges obliquely cut by the radiating sculpture which nodulates them all, and extends entirely over the shell; basal ridges more numerous (six), close, and slightly but distinctly sculptured by the radii. * The name Homalopoma was under consideration by Dr. Carpenter as a sub- stitute for Leptonyx, but was never published by him. April 24, 1889. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 353 None of our specimens have the body whorl smooth like the Challenger specimen, and none are quite so pointed as Watson's figure. Still, I have very- little doubt that his is an abnormally smooth specimen of the same species as that which I have called albida. If they are distinct, ours will be Leptothyra albida, and his Leptothyra induta; for there cannot be a shadow of a doubt that they all belong to the group of L. sanguined. I have not been able, of course, to compare specimens The fact of the existence of the group, apparently abundant, in deep water, and the other fact of the wide distribution of the shallow- water types of the genus, are points which march together in this case as in many others, and have an obvious significance. *©' Leptothyra Philipiana n. a. Plate XXIV. Figs. 7, 7 a. Shell whitish, of four rounded whorls and a minute smooth nucleus; rather depressed, base rounding into the rest of the whorl. Sculpture of ten even strong spiral costse, with channelled interspaces, here and there toward the aperture indications of intercalary hardly raised spirals, and over all faint spiral striae more or less visible under a lens. Radiating sculpture faint, the tops of the spirals are a little undulated, and two close to the umbilicus are indistinctly nodulous, otherwise there are only the usual incremental lines. Operculum as usual ; umbilicus perforate, rather profound ; aperture prolonged above, edges a little flaring, subcircular. Alt. 3.5, diam. 4.0 mm. Habitat. Station 192, near Dominica, in 138 fms., bottom temperature 63°. 0 F. This shell may not be quite adult, and the umbilicus may be closed later. It has a different shape from any of the varieties of the preceding which have come under my notice, and is much smaller. Leptothyra Linnei n. s. Plate XXXIII Fig. 9. Shell small, white, solid, elevated, blunt, with five well rounded whorls; spiral sculpture of about sixteen even rounded costae, separated by wider in- terspaces, with an occasional intercalary thread; the two nearest the suture are generally more or less beaded by the radiating sculpture, the rest usually plain; spiral sculpture of close oblique radiating lines coincident with the lines of growth, with at regular intervals more emphasized depressions which nodulate the upper spirals and in rare instances are produced all over the shell ; the costse are more or less nodulated or even imbricated at the inter- sections, so that in extreme cases (var. limata) the shell is as rough as a file all over; base full and rounded, umbilical depression or perforation occasionally present in the young, wholly absent in the adult; aperture rounded, the upper vol. xviii. 23 354 BULLETIN OF THE part produced and depressed about the width of two or three spirals with their interspaces. Operculum as usual. Alt. 5.5, diam. 5.0 mm. Habitat. Station 2, in 805 fins.; Station 20, in 220 fms.; Station 220, near Santa Lucia, in 116 fms., rocky bottom, bottom temperature 58°. 5 F. Off Havana, in 450 fms., Sigsbee. Barbados, in 100 fms. This pretty little species is like a L. albida in miniature, with proportionally finer and more numerous spiral costae, a rounder base, and an aperture bent downward in the adult. A full-sized L. albida measures 8.0 mm. high by 7-75 in maximum diam- eter of the base. The variations of L. Linnei are parallel with the variations of L. albida (or induta), the var. limata of the former corresponding to an intensified state of induta var. insculpta. I have, however, not seen any pink variety. Family TROCHIDJE. Genus GAZA Watson. Gaza Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc, XIV. p. 601, 1879 ; Chall. Rep. Gastr., p. 93, 1885. Type, Gaza dadala Watson, loc. cit , p. 601, 1879 ; Chall. Rep., pi. vii. fig. 12. Gaza superba Dall. Plate XXII. Figs. 4, 4 a. Callogaza superba Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 49, 1881. Agassiz, Three Cruises of ' the Blake, II. p. 68, 1888 (fig. excl.). Habitat. Station 153, off Montserrat, in 303 fms., lava sand, bottom temper- ature 48°. 75 F.; Station 129, off Santa Cruz, in 314 fms., gray ooze, bottom temperature 48°.5; Station 274, off Barbados, in 209 fms., fine sand and ooze, bottom temperature 53°. 5; Station 275, off Barbados, in 218 fms., fine sand, bottom temperature 52°. 5; Station 281, off Barbados, in 288 fms., ooze, bottom temperature 46° 5. Also by the U. S. Fish Commission in the Gulf of Mexico, between the delta of the Mississippi and Cedar Keys, Florida, Lon. 88° 16' W., in 324 fms., gray mud, bottom temperature 46°. 5 I included this species with the subgenus Callogaza in my preliminary paper, but the receipt of more specimens from the U. S. Fish Commission dredgings leads me to doubt whether the umbilicus always remains uncovered, and though I have seen no specimens in which it was wholly closed, yet I suspect it becomes so at times. An adult specimen measures 40.0 wide by 32.0 mm. high, and this appears to be about the average of the species.* * Another species of about the same size (38 X 24 mm.), Gaza Rathbuni Dall, which differs from G. superba in being more depressed, with stronger spiral groov- ing, a slightly smaller umbilicus, and more flattened over the sutures, has since turned up among the Albatross collections, dredged in the Pacific, at Station 2818, in 302 fms., sand, temperature 44°.0 F., near the Galapagos Islands. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 355 An examination of the soft parts showed the operculum to be very thin, liirht brown, and with about seven whorls. The animal was of a whitish color without any spots or markings, and with very large black eyes set on a good- sized peduncle closely adjacent to and behind the tentacles. There is a single narrow gill in the usual position. The tentacles are long, large, and rather slender; the foot short, broad, and bluntly rounded in front, behind almost truncate, in fact the contracted specimen looked almost as if there was a broad posterior indentation in the middle line. The muzzle is long, narrow, sub- cylindrical above and transversely expanded at its distal end, which is semi- lunar with a densely papillose surface and fringed edges. This expansion is nearly three times as wide as the stem of the muzzle. Epipodium with a large lobe behind the eye peduncle but not connected with it; behind the lobe is one long process and then a shorter one. The frill behind is merely puckered, but from under the borders of the operculum on each side protrude three good- sized processes. Behind the opercular lobe the epipodium terminates in a prominent point, concave and papillose on its upper surface. There are no frontal lobes between the tentacula. The epipodial point extends some dis- tance behind the posterior end of the foot. The jaw is like that of Calliostoma in shape, composed of brown four-sided translucent prismatic rodlets which give under the microscope a reticular marking of diamond-shaped spots to the surface of the jaw; the two sides are not united in the middle line. The dentition closely resembles that of Lunella versicolor Gmelin as figured hj Troschel (Geb. der Schnecken, II. pi. xx. fig. 1), except that the bases of the rhachidian and lateral teeth are subcircular, and on a few of the scythe-shaped cusps of the numerous uncini are a few denticles. There are five lateral teeth, and between twenty and thirty uncini. The nucleus in this species is often caducous, and in such specimens the apex is pierced with a circular perforation a millimeter and a half in diameter, which is continuous with the umbilicus. There does not appear to be any particular difference in appearance between the nucleus and the early whorls, its loss would therefore seem to be due merely to its fragility. In none of those in which it remains is there any indication of its being reinforced by a shelly deposit. Gaza Fischeri n. s. Plate XXXVII. Fig. 6. This shell is of six and a half whorls, and closely resembles Gaza dccdala Watson, except in the following particulars. It is much more depressed pro- portionally ; the upper margin of the aperture is distinctly depressed below its general plane; and the radiating lines, almost microscopic in G. clmlala, are in this form impressed in the early whorls near the suture, so as to produce a succession of short ripples, following the recurved lines of growth, which give a fringe-like ornamentation to the suture, at the rate of about five ripples to a millimeter. Nothing like this is visible in any of the specimens 356 BULLETIN OF THE of G. superba. The margin of the suture in this form is distinctly appressed, forming a narrow border. The operculum has about seven whorls. The um- bilicus is completely floored over. The soft parts are like those of G. superba, but the tentacles are shorter and stouter, the lateral lobes of the epipodium proportionally larger, there is one more lateral process, and the muzzle is not so much expanded laterally at its termination. Max. diam. of base, 25.0; min. diam., 20.0; alt., 16.0 mm. Habitat. Station 221, off Santa Lucia, in 423 fms., gray ooze, bottom tem- perature 42°. 75 F. We know so little about the limits of variation in this beautiful group that it is with some doubt that I apply a name to these specimens. The difference in form and sculpture, and the distance between Fiji where G. dadala was collected and the Antilles has seemed to me sufficient warrant in this instance. The species is dedicated to Dr. Paul Fischer, who by his recently published Manual has laid malacologists under serious obligations. Subgenus CALLOGAZA Dall. Callogaza Dall, Bull. M. C. Z , IX. p. 49, 1881. Type, C. Watsoni Dall, loc. at.,p. 50. When I first proposed this name I thought it of generic value, now I am disposed to reduce it to the rank of a subgenus. The opportunity of studying a larger number of specimens has led me to modify my ideas of the value of some of the characters. Thus the mucronation so marked in the type specimen of Gaza is due to the impinging on the reflected lip of the angle of the umbili- cal carina. This I find may produce mucronation, or be invisible under the labial callus in different individuals of the same species, and probably in the same individual at different times. The crenate border of the umbilicus in the type is of more importance, and leads the way toward Microgaza, which appears to lack a reflected lip. I regard Gaza and its subgenera as a group of Trochida;, related to Lunella of the Turbinidm on the one hand, and Umbonium on the other. Information as to the soft parts will be found under the data for the several species. When other species are examined, the common characters which alone belong to the generic or subgeneric diagnosis can then be eliminated for that purpose. Callogaza Watsoni Dall. Plate XXII. Figs. 7, 7 a. Plate XXIII. Figs. 1, 1 a. Plate XXIV. Figs. 2, 2 a. Callogaza Watsoni Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 50, 1881. Margarita jilogyra Dall, loc. cit., p. 42 (young shell) Habitat. Sigsbee, Station 12, in 177-200 fms., off Havana, Cuba. Station 20, in 220 fms., off Bahia Honda, Cuba, bottom temperature G2°.0. Yucatan Strait, in 640 fms. Station 273, off Barbados, in 103 fms., broken shell and coral, bottom temperature 59°.5. Station 2S2, off Barbados, in 154 fms., sand, hot- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 357 torn temperature 56°.0. Station 296, off Barbados, in 84 fms., hard bottom, bottom temperature 61°.5 F. The shell named by me Margarita filogyra is without doubt in part based on young specimens of Callogaza Watsoni. But with regard to some of the others I am yet puzzled as to whether to so refer them or not. In any case, the weight of probability is in favor of their being eventually united. There are certain differences in the umbilicus to which I do not, in the absence of soft parts, feel able to give a definite value; while the fact that these specimens have a slightly but distinctly thickened lip adds to the obscurity. At all events, whether wholly identical with C. Watsoni or not (Figures 1, 1 a, Plate XXIII., certainly are), the M. filogyra is in an uncertain state, and for that reason I prefer to omit the name in my list of established species until I obtain more definite material for study. I retain the figures which had been prepared of the supposed young shells. An adult specimen affords the following notes. The body is yellowish, the sides streaked with ashy gray, a few flecks of which also appear between the tentacles. The body is longer than in Gaza proper and distinctly pointed behind. The tentacles are short and stout, with a small inner angle or expan- sion opposite the distinct eye peduncle, which bears a large, very black eye. The muzzle is pi-oportionately shorter than in Gaza, subeylindrical, granulose at the end, but not laterally expanded. The gill as in Gaza superba, but broader in proportion to its length. The very large anterior lobe of the epi- podium is followed by seven gradual^ decreasing lateral processes, of which five are under the operculum, and are separated by small rounded lobes of the epipodial margin. The posterior angle of the epipodium is pointed as in Gaza, extending considerably beyond the operculum, but not as far as the foot. The dentition differs considerably from that of Gaza. It most nearly resembles that of Forskalia declivis Forskal, as figured by Troschel (Gebiss d. Schneck., II. pi. xxiv. fig. 14). The rhachidian tooth has a single three-pointed cusp, without the accessory denticles of Forskalia, the laterals have two or three accessory denticles, the uncini, unlike Forskalia, are denticulated all along the inner edges of their blade-like cusps, except toward the margin of the radula, where they gradually become simple. It will be observed that in the soft parts there are features which sufficiently distinguish this group from Gaza, according to ordinary standards. Subgenus MICROGAZA Dall. Microgaza Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 50, 1881. (Type, M. rotella Dall.) Microgaza rotella Dall. Plate XXII. Figs. 5, 5 a. Microgaza rotella Dall, Bull. M. C. Z. IX. p. 51, 1881. Habitat. Barbados, in 100 fms. Station 2, in 805 fms. Station 20, off Bahia Honda, Cuba, in 220 fms., bottom temperature G2°.C Station 290, off 358 BULLETIN OF THE Barbados, in 73 fms., coral and shell, bottom temperature 70°. 75. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2602, in 124 fms., sand, thirty-six miles S. | W. from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, bottom temperature 61°. 0 F. The operculum is like that of Gaza, and has six or seven whorls. None of the specimens show any tendency to a reflected lip, yet it is, of course, possible that no completely adult specimen was obtained. The animal has a short stout foot, bluntly rounded at either end. It is of a pinkish tint. The ten- tacula are very long and the eyes large. The muzzle is rounded and not very long, its extremity plain. There are no frontal lobes. The epipodium has a very small anterior lobe with a cirrus behind it, then a space without cirri, a long process just in front of the opercular disk, and one, shorter, under it on each side, making three in all. There is no posterior point to the epipodium, and only the above three cirri on each side. The jaw is somewhat like that of Umbonium, but shorter and broader. The radula, however, bears no resem- blance to that of Umbonium {Rotella Lam.). The teeth are very elegant. The rhachidian tooth in general form (except the cusp) not unlike that of Calliostoma granulata Born (Troschel, II. pi. xxiv. fig. 18), but the central spur of the cusp is long and slender like a stiletto, extending considerably be- hind the posterior edge of the base of the tooth. On each side of it are four stout sharp rather short denticles, radiating as from the median point of the front edge of the cusp. The laterals recall those of Gibbula divaricata (Tros- chel, he. cit., fig. 6), but have more, larger, and stronger denticles, all on the posterior edge of the cusp, or the edge away from the rhachis. The uncini are rather few in number, the cusps sword-shaped, sigmoid, the inner ones den- ticulated on both edges. The number of laterals is five. The radula as a whole is very short and small. The depressed form and marginated suture, as well as the kind of coloration, in this shell recall Umbonium. The texture of the shell and the character of its umbilicus are precisely as in Callogaza. The soft parts indicate its place to be in that vicinity. Until a larger number of the myriad of species shall have been examined, it is evident that the characters of the dentition in their classi- fication cannot be formulated except in a provisional manner. Trochus solarioides of Seguenza, from the Reggio Tertiary, seems to be a Microgaza. Genus UMBONIUM Link. Umbonium Link, Beschr. Rostock iSamml., 1807, p 136. Rotella Lamarck, 1822. Helicina Gray (non Lamarck), 1847. After a careful examination of the literature, I see no reasonable ground for the assertion of Gray (P. Z. S. 1847) that Helicina of Lamarck (1801) was identical with his Rotella of 1822, or different from his Helicina of 1822, such as we are accustomed to understand by the latter name. The original diagno- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 359 sis of Helicina did not mention any type (Prodr., 1799). There is no doubt, however, that Link's name, which was properly defined, takes precedence. This genus has hitherto been unknown from the Antilles, the species referred to it belonging to Teinostoma and allied groups. I have therefore much pleasure in introducing here a description of a genuine Umbonium, dredged by the Fish Commission in the Antillean region, near the Florida reefs, aiid obtained by the Blake near Havana. Umbonium Bairdii n. s. Plate XXI. Figs. 6, 6 a. Shell small, depressed conic, white, polished, externally porcellanous, in- ternally slightly nacreous; nucleus globular, dextral; whorls five or more. Radiating sculpture of occasional faint impressed incremental lines; spiral sculpture of occasional microscopic striae, and a single strap-like band ap- pressed to the suture, and bearing numerous flattish squarish nodules or elevations, which coronate the whorls ; periphery rounded, base rounded, de- pressed in the centre, which is nearly filled with a mass of white callus having a very finely granular surface. Aperture ovate, margin simple, thin, oblique. Alt. of axis, 3.5; max. alt. of shell, 4.0; max. diam. of base, 5.0 mm. Habitat. Florida reefs, in about 200 fms., coral bottom, U. S. Fish Com- mission, 1886. Yucatan Strait, 640 fms., Blake Expedition. The specimen is not quite adult. The granular surface of the callus is com- mon to the young of other species, and is lost in the adult. The soft parts were absent. It is named in honor of the late Prof. S. F. Baird, U. S. Fish Commissioner. Genus VITRINELLA C. B. Adams. A group of small shells, several forms of which were comprised by C. B. Adams under the name of Vitrinella in February, 1850, still remain in need of further elucidation. As originally constituted, the genus was heterogeneous and no type was named. In 1853, A. Adams (P. Z. S. 1853, p. 183) described a genus Teinostoma (type T. politum Adams), of which a species had been re- ferred to Vitrinella by C. B. Adams in his Panama catalogue. Another some- what peculiar species was described by C. B. Adams as " Nerithia?" anomala, and was afterward referred to a section of Teinostoma by A. Adams under the name of Calceolina. At the same time (P. Z. S. 1853, p. 189) Messrs. H. & A. Adams described a genus Ethalia for minute glassy shells related to Teinostoma, but having an umbilical pit or perforation, no large polished callus, but the anterior end of the columella lip thickened and squeezed down near to and sometimes over the umbilical region. This genus Ethalia would include two species of the five originally described as Vitrinella by C. B. Adams. This would leave to bear the name of Vitrinella such forms included in the original 3G0 BULLETIN OF THE list of C. B. Adams as had a free open umbilicus and a peculiar nucleus, as described by Carpenter (Mazatlan Shells, p. 237), and one of this sort (V. valca- toides C. B. Adams) was selected as an example of the genus by H. & A. Adams (Gen., I. p. 434, June, 1854), and may be regarded as the type of the genus as revised by the brothers Adams. Of course, if these forms were found eventu- ally to belong to Adeorbis or Cyclostrema, the name Vitrinella would have to fall back upon Ethalia, and the latter would become a synonym of it, for a sub- sequent author could not be permitted to engineer his predecessors' generic names out of existence by appropriating the valid parts for new groups of later names, and leaving the residue to fall into synonymy. But it is probable that Vitrinella, as above constituted, does form a valid group, and we shall so con- sider it, though uncognate species may have been referred to it. For present purposes I shall adopt the following arrangement of the others. Genus TEINOSTOMA Adams. Subgenera Teinostoma s. s. Pseudorotella Fischer. Ethalia H. & A. Adams. Dillwynella Dall. Discopsis De Folin. In July, 1857, Dr. Paul Fischer proposed the name of Pseudorotella for Teinostoma semistriata Orb. sp., which may be retained as a section for those species having an oval aperture. Parkeria Gabb is a synonym. ? Genus COCHLIOLEPIS Stimpson. In January, 1858, Dr. Stimpson (Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VI. 30S) pro- posed a new genus for a curious little shell found parasitic under the scales of a large annelid (Acoeles lupinus). This little mollusk, with peculiar anatomi- cal characters and a shell like a minute vitreous Sigaretus, is probably allied to Vitrinella, and was named Cocldiolepis parasitica. A second species, larger and fewer whorled, has strong spiral striae like a minute Sigaretus perspectivus, and was named C. striata by Stimpson in his manuscripts. It is about 6.5 mm. in greatest diameter, and 1.5 mm. high. It has two whorls and a globular nucleus almost enveloped above by the last whorl, and a very wide pervious umbilicus. Colonel Jewett collected it at Egmont Key, near Tampa, Florida. The original type of Cochliolepis is found in the South Carolina Post Pliocene, and by an unfortunate error was figured by Holmes as a new species, under the name of Adeorbis nautiliformis. The species figured in his work as Cochlio- lepis parasitica is a probably new species of Vitrinella, which may be named V. Holmesi, and the "Angaria" crassa figured on the same plate appears to be an Ethalia. It is certain that Adeorbis does not belong in this vicinity, though the shells MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 361 occasionally present a great resemblance to specks of Vitrinella and some Ethalias. But when the species are all definitely allotted their proper place from a complete knowledge of their characters, there can be no doubt most of these discrepancies will be cleared away. There are a number of species of these small forms on the eastern coast of the United States, in addition to the probably large number, some of which have been described, which inhabit the Antilles. Thus we have Ethalia •multistriata Verrill, extending from Dominica to North Carolina; E. reclusa Dall, found on the coasts of Yucatan and North Carolina; E. suppressa Dall, West Florida , E. solida Dall, from Cuba, also probably Floridian ; Teinostoma (Pseudomelia) semistriata Orbigny, Key West; T. cryptospira Verrill, North Carolina; Vitrinella multicarinata Stimpson, North Carolina; Cochliolepis parasitica Stimpson, South Carolina; C. striata Stimpson, Florida; Adeorbis Beaui Fischer, Florida; A. naticoides Dall, North Carolina; and A. supra- nitida Wood, with its varieties, from the whole Atlantic coast south of Cape Cod. Trochus cancellatus Jeffreys is probably a Cycloslrema or Adeorbis, in- stead of a Machceroplax as he suggested. We have it from 1000 fathoms, off the coast of Yucatan. Tharsis Jeffreys is, from an examination of the typical species, nothing more than a synonym of Ethalia, as here understood, or at most a feebly characterized section of Ethalia. Subgenus ETHALIA H & A. Adams. Ethalia reclusa n. s. Plate XXVIII. Figs. 1, 8. Shell small, when fresh vitreous transparent white, of three visible whorls, the last much the largest, smooth and polished above, or with only faint incre- mental lines below; periphery rounded, spire and base moderately rounded; margin of last whorl appressed at the suture so that the thin edge runs up over the preceding whorl and the real suture is almost invisible in fresh speci- mens ; the outline of the preceding whorl being visible through the shell, the appearance of a suture is presented much nearer the periphery than the suture really is. Aperture nearly circular, oblique; the columella thick, ap- pressed ; umbilical callus sparse, not polished, in adolescent specimens not quite complete. Alt. 1.0, max. diam. 2.1 mm. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, 640 fms. Coast of North Carolina, in 12 to 63 fins., U. S. Fish Commission, on sandy and gravelly bottom, in the warmer area. This species is nearest Ethalia diaphana Orbigny, so far as the base is con- cerned, but resembles E. anomala Orbigny in its upper surface, and was inad- vertently referred to that species in my Preliminary Report (Bull., IX. p. 52). It has, however, a more elevated shell and a proportionately larger last whorl, while. E. anomala has no basal callus over the umbilicus. 362 BULLETIN OF THE Ethalia suppressa n. s. A singular little species which I have called E. suppressa is found on the adjacent coast of Florida. It is white, extremely small (1.75 X 0.75 mm.), flattened above and below, and a little excavated toward the periphery, where are three sharp strong keels with deep sulci between them. The umbilicus is small but open, with a carinal thread; the mouth subcircular, prolonged into a little channel at its upper junction with the body, and with a broad appressed columella. There are three and a half whorls, the suture is indis- tinct, but marked by a ridge which results from the apertural channel close to it. There is also an indistinct ridge on the flattened top of the whorls. The lines of growth are rather prominent. It was found near Goodland Point, West Florida, by Hemphill. Ethalia solida n. s. Plate XXVIII. Figs. 3, 5. Shell small, solid, stout, ivory white, of three rounded whorls, the last much the largest. Sculpture of fine incremental lines, sometimes faintly wrinkled near the suture; upper surface rounded, subconic, the whorls not impressed at the suture, which is fairly distinct. Periphery rounded, base subconic, um- bilicus reduced to a minute chink with a twisted callus above it; aperture circular, oblique, with a triangular callus at each end of the columella ; the upper margin declining. Alt. 2.0, max. diam. 2.75 mm. Habitat. Station 19, Lat. 23° 3' N., Lon. 83° 10' W., off Bahia Honda, Cuba, in 310 fms., bottom temperature 62°. 0 F. This is more solid and elevated than any species yet described from this Subgenus DILLWYNELLA Dall. Shell resembling Diloma in form, but minute, depressed, porcellanous, with a thin horny operculum of comparatively few whorls; imperforate, but with a depression bounded by a riblet in the umbilical rib outside of the columella; whorls few with a thin fugacious epidermis; outer lip thin; pillar without teeth, projections, or folds, passing smoothly into the anterior margin. Dillwynella modesta n. s. Plate XXI. Figs. 3, 3 a. Shell of three or four whorls, smooth, whitish, covered with an extremely thin epidermis which rises in microscopic blisters; spire rounded, depressed, with a distinct suture; sculpture of faint lines of growth except on the base MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 363 where a single rounded riblet or carina bounds a somewhat concave lunate space outside of the polished columella; outer lip thin, sharp, a moderate callus on the body; pillar thick, polished; operculum translucent yellowish, of about five turns ; aperture rounded, with a slight angle behind. Diam. of shell, 4.0; of aperture, 2.0; height of shell, 3.0 mm. Habitat. Station 215, off St. Lucia, in 226 fins., coarse sand, bottom tem- perature 51°.0. This little shell will not fit into any of the groups defined in the text-books, resembling more than any other group the Rotellidce, from which it differs in wanting the sutural fasciole, the nacreous layer, and the basal callus, as well as in possessing an epidermis. It is remarkably solid for its size, and of a peculiar opaque whiteness, like Mamma among the Naticidm. It is named in honor of the respected Dr. Dillwyn, whose " Catalogue " is one of the most careful and judicious works of the kind among the many which were published between the tenth edition of the " Systema Naturae " and the epoch-making " Histoire des Animaux sans Vertebres" of Lamarck. Genus CALLIOST03IA Swainson. CalUostoma Swainson, Malacology, pp. 218, 351, 1840. Ziziphinus Gray, Synops. Brit. Mus., 1840. (No description.) There is no doubt that Swainson's name was defined in a proper manner, and published, before the name published by Gray and ascribed to an old manuscript of Leach. As the duplication of such a word as Ziziphinus has a particularly obnoxious sound, and the practice is condemned by all nomen- clators and all rules, there would seem to be no reason except the natural perversity of human nature why any one who knows the facts should adhere to Gray's name in preference to the other. The type is Trochus conulus L. The nucleus appears to be either dextral or sinistral indifferently. Section CALLIOSTOMA s. s. Not umbilicated. Calliostoma euglyptum A. Adams. Zizyphinus euglyptus A. Adams, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 38. Reeve, Mon. Zizyph., pi. iii. fig. 17, 1863. Habitat. Off the eastern coast of America, in 15-50 fms., from North Carolina to Florida, Texas, and Vera Cruz, Mexico. Fossil in Florida Pliocene. This fine species varies in color from dark rose to yellowish white, some- times unicolor, sometimes variegated with whitish clouds radiating from the invariably purplish apex. It was referred by Reeve to Tasmania, in error. It is the commoner imperforate species of Florida, often collected by tourists, 364 BULLETIN OF THE and is found in the Caloosahatchie marls. I have seen no specimens from the Antilles, nor have I seen it quoted by any author from the West Indies. It may probably exist in Cuba. Calliostoma Bairdii Verrill & Smith. Calliostoma Bairdii Verrill & Smith, Am. Journ. Sci., Nov., 1880, p. 396. Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 45. C. Psyche Dall (not described), Bull. M. C. Z., V. p. 61, July, 1878. C. Bairdii Verrill, Trans. Conn. Acad., V. p. 530, pi. lvii. fig. 26, 1882. Habitat. Florida, in 100-200 fms. Deep water off Newport, R. I., and in 50-200 fms., off shore, along the eastern coast of the United States. The southern and West Indian form of the species is paler and more deli- cate in its colors, less elevated in form, and has the slopes from apex to the basal margins slightly concave. In the northern variety they are not concave, the shell is every way darker and duller in color, ruder, coarser, and less attractive. For the southern variety, the prior but undescribed name used by me in the first published reference to the species may perhaps be utilized with advantage. *6V Calliostoma circumcinctum Dall. Plate XXII. Figs. 3,3a. Calliostoma circuincinctum Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 44, 1881. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, in 640 fms.; Station 2, in 805 fms. This species appears to have a dextral nucleus. Calliostoma echinatum Dall. Plate XXI. Figs. 2 a, 5. Calliostoma echinatum Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 47, 1881. Habitat. Sigsbee, off Havana, in 80 fms. Only one specimen has been obtained. The nucleus is sinistral and im- mersed. Calliostoma sapidum Dall. Plate XXI. Figs. 2, 4. Calliostoma sapidum Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 46, 1881. Habitat. Station 2, in 805 fms. Only one specimen has been obtained whichhas a sinistral nucleus. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 365 Calliostoma tiara Watson. Calliostoma tiara Watson, Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 45, 1881. Trochus (Zizyphinus) tiara Watson, Lin. Soc. Journ., XIV. p. 696, Sept., 1879; Chall. Gastr., p. 60, pi. vi. fig. 4, 1885. Habitat. Station 44, 539 fms. Station 2, 220 fms. St. Thomas and Ber- muda, Watson, Challenger Expedition. Some specimens, especially those from off Havana, in 450 fms., which I referred to this species in my Preliminary Report, I am now convinced are distinct, and they are so described here under the name of ft corbis. The nu- cleus of C. tiara is globular, and immersed to a greater or less extent. It looks as if it was originally sinistral. Calliostoma corbis n. s. Plate XXXIII. Fig. 1. Shell small, white, with a glassy minute apparently dextral nucleus and about six whorls. The first one or two have concave arched transverse ribs, and resemble a bit of a small Scala ; the others are very strongly reticulately sculptured. The spiral sculpture consists of one very strong rib on the pe- riphery, a slightly weaker one near the suture, and another (which is rarely absent) midway between them ; on the base there are four strong spirals a little undercut at their outer edges. Transverse sculpture of strong thin oblique radii (27-30 on the last whorl) following the lines of growth, reticu- lating the spirals (on crossing which they become slightly nodose) and form- ing deep squarish pits, which are elongated in the adult by the crowding of the radii toward the mouth. The suture appears channelled, as the whorl falls short of the peripheral rib which overhangs it, but is not really so. The base is flexuously radiately ridged but not reticulate; the aperture rounded, thickened within, lirate; the pillar thick with an obtuse knob almost a tooth about the middle of it. Umbilicus none ; whorls flattened above between periphery and suture; base rather rounded. Alt. 5.0, max. diam. 3.75 mm. Habitat, Off Havana, in 450 fms., Sigsbee. Station 20, in 220 fms. (with ft tiara Watson). This species was at first confused with ft tiara Watson, which has not the continuous strong network, and in which the nodules which represent the intersections are of an imbricated character. The strong carina in ft corbis forms the periphery, in ft tiara the homologous spiral is comparatively faint and a little above the periphery. In ft tiara also the centre of the base is indented, almost umbilicated, which is not the case in ft corbis. The latter is a more solid shell, and the curious callosity on the pillar does not occur in any of the specimens of ft tiara I have seen. 366 BULLETIN OF THE Calliostoma roseolum Dall. Plate XXIV. Figs. 6, 6 a. Calliostoma roseolum Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 45, 1881. Habitat. Station 11, Lat. 23° 43' ST., Lon. 83° 25' W., near Havana, in 37 fms. Straits of Florida, in 200 fms. Also through the U. S. Fish Com- mission, in warm water (75°. 0), from North Carolina to Yucatan, in 15-50 fms. This very pretty species marches with Trochus pulcher C. B. Adams (Contr. Conch., 1850, p. 69), not of A. Adams (1851), in distribution and general coloration. It differs from it in having rounded, not carinated whorls, in the full, not flattened base, in the absence of the two strong articulated spirals on the periphery, and in having the whorls excavated above instead of nearly flat. C. roseolum has no peripheral articulations of dark red and white or yellow, which are the most prominent feature in good specimens of C. pulcher, the latter in this respect recalling C. tampaensis Conrad. C. roseolum differs from G. apicinum in the absence of the lirse in the throat and the tooth-like process on the columella when adult. When young it has not the narrow chink be- hind the columella which is present in C. apicinum. The latter as far as observed is always pallid in color except at the apex. The nucleus in all these species, as welt as in numerous other deep-water trochids, is reversed and more or less immersed, a feature which I believe has never been remarked upon by any recent naturalist. This is, however, not true of all species from deep water, and when not mentioned in this Report it will be understood that the nucleus in the specimens examined was either dextral, or so imperfect that its character could not be ascertained. Calliostoma apicinum Dall. Plate XXIV. Figs. 3, 3 a. Calliostoma apicinum Dall, Bull. M. C. Z, IX. p. 46, 1881. Habitat. Barbados, 73-100 fms., coral, bottom temperature 73°.5 F. Off Havana, Sigsbee, 175 fms. The examination of another specimen shows that this species covers the chink behind the pillar when adult, that there is a blunt knob suggesting Tludotia on the pillar, and that it has eight or nine strong lirse running into the throat and not connected with the outside sculpture, the one nearest the pillar thickened and raised at its termination. The nucleus is sinistral. Calliostoma aurora Dall. Plate XXXVII. Fig. 3. Calliostoma aurora Dall, Agassiz, Three Cruises of the Blake, II. p. 68, fig. 285, Jan., 1888. Shell delicate, nine-whorled, acutely pointed ; above with a color varying from light pink to straw-color; below light cream-color, the sharp peripheral MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 367 carina lighter than the rest of the upper surface; general outline from nucleus to basal periphery somewhat concave; base concavely excavated within the margin, slightly convex toward the centre; nucleus whitish, smooth; whorls gently rounded, closely appressed to the almost invisible suture and excavated in front of it ; the last whorl flatter above, more rapidly enlarging at the pe- riphery. Sculpture of small regular waves on the carina, about six in a space of 5.0 mm., giving a minutely scalloped outline; behind this a strong nod- ulous thread, revolving like a string of small uniform beads ; then a more slender thread more finely beaded ; in all eleven regularly alternating revolv- ing threads at the beginning of the last whorl; this sculpture is very uniform all over the upper surface; base polished, smooth, except for two or three faint beaded lines and grooves about the pillar, and faint longitudinal and transverse growth markings; aperture nearly twice as wide as high; lower lip with a beautifully concavely arched outline, falling much behind the upper one; margin simple, except for sculpture marks; pillar short, arcuated, pearly, simple, ending in a slight point. Height of shell, 21.0; extreme width, 26.5; height of aperture, 6.0 mm. Habitat. Stations 265 and 299, near Barbados, in 576 and 140 fms., coral bottom, temperature 40° to 56°.5 F. A single specimen and a fragment of this extremely lovely shell were ob- tained as above. It is well distinguished from its congeners, none of which closely resemble it. The color is evenly distributed in the type, but, as in C. Bairdii, it is likely that the color may be more dark and pronounced in more northern localities. The marked features are the concavity of the slope of the spire and of the outer portion of the base, the polished base contrasting with the regularly beaded upper surface, and the delicately notched carina at the periphery. It is one of the most attractive species of the genus. Calliostoma orion n. s. Plate XXVIII Fig 2. Shell small, white, acutely conical, with a glassy sinistral globular nucleus and five (or more) whorls; radiating sculpture consisting of faint incremental lines; spiral sculpture on the upper surface of the last whorl of seven nodulous revolving lines, beginning at the suture; the first, third, and fifth have larger nodules elongated in the direction of the lines, the second and fourth are more finely and simply evenly beaded. A single fine raised not nodulous thread sep- arates each pair of the preceding ; the sixth and seventh spirals are smaller than the fifth and close together; they stretch over a series of more distant swellings, and are concavely impressed between them; as these lines form the periphery, this gives a wavy or scalloped outline to the base, which has about eighteen such waves arranged to a certain extent in pairs, the distance and concavity between them alternating greater and less. The longer waves are articulated with pale brown, and the first and third spirals show traces of a similar ar- ticulation. The base is pretty sharply carinated, flattened, and finely spirally n 68 BULLETIN OF THE threaded, some of the threads showing faint traces of articulation; columella nearly straight, aperture nearly rectangular. There is no umbilicus or pit. Alt. 4.5, max. diam. 4.0 mm. Habitat. Off Havana, in 80 fms., Sigsbee. This little shell is not quite adult, and is evidently somewhat faded. Never- theless, there is not any other species of the region possessing such a sculpture, and I have no doubt as to its novelty. Section EUCASTA Dall. Shell with a moderate sulcus near the periphery, producing a fasciole, as in Pleurotomaria ; otherwise the shell characters as in Calliostoma, especially such species as C. aurora, etc. No umbilicus. Type C. (Eucasta) Indiana Dall. Calliostoma (Eucasta) indiana n. s. Plate XXXII. Figs. 3, 5. Shell thin, conical, yellowish, with faint brown articulations on the spirals, with a minute sinistral nucleus, and six and a half whorls, Radiating sculp- ture of flexuous incremental lines, and fine wrinkles, which are more prominent toward the periphery on the last whorl and on the early whorls reticulate the spiral sculpture. On the last whorl these lines extend backward with moderate obliquity to the perijmery, just above which is the fasciole caused by a well marked but shallow rounded sulcus; on the base they make a deep rounded concave sweep backward, and tben ascend toward the base of the pillar. The spiral sculpture on the early whorls comprises two sharp narrow little elevated threads at the periphery, three, less contiguous, above the fasciole, and one near the suture, neatly reticulated by the wrinkles and minutely nodulous at the intersections. The spirals over most of the shell are strap-like, flattened, narrow, and distinctly marked off from the impressed broader interspaces; on the last whorl there is a single smooth fiat thread below the nodulated one next the suture, and two run in the middle of the fasciole. The peripheral thread has become single and much stronger than the others. On the base there are seven spirals, faintly nodulous, articulated with pale brown, and sepa- rated by much wider impressed interspaces, over which are a few fine spiral lines. The base is flattened, or even a little concave ; the pillar moderately arcuate, the mouth four-sided. There is no umbilical pit. Alt. 8.3, max. diam. 7.6, min. diam. 6.4 mm. Habitat. Station 247, off Grenada, in 170 fms., gray ooze, bottom tem- perature 53°.5 F. This pretty little shell has the aspect of a Calliostoma. I have had an oppor- tunity of comparing it with Fbrskalia dcclivis, and should judge that this bears the same relation to Calliostoma that the other does to Gibbula. It certainly cannot be united with Fbrskalia or Basilissa. April 29, 1889. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 369 Section EUTROCHUS A. Adams. Shell umbilicated. Type, T. javanicus, Lam. A few years ago, in discussing the faunae of the coasts of America, a nat- uralist would have called attention to the large number of fine species of Calliostoma found on the western coast, and the paucity of species on the east, as a peculiar characteristic. Now, thanks to deep-sea researches, we know that there are probably as many, and certainly as fine, species of Calliostoma on the eastern shores of America as there are on the western, though unfortunately they are not quite so accessible. The two oldest known forms from the West Indies labor under the pecu- liar difficulty, either of having close relatives in the East Indies and being confounded with them in the monographs, or of being erroneously assigned by authors to the East Indian fauna from time immemorial. I find, for instance, Trochus jujubinus and T. javanicus assigned to the East Indies by the usual books of reference, except old Chemnitz, (though not by all writers,) and yet I have never been able to find an authentic specimen from a definite East Indian locality. It is to be presumed that both these shells are West Indian solely, but it is rather curious that this matter has not been more generally understood, and settled. Unfortunately, I have not been able to consult Dr. Fischer's mono- graph, but that in Martini and Chemnitz refers only to Java. I prefer on the whole, considering the falsity of the first specific name, to use Reeve's name of zonamestus for Trochus javanicus, of which I have a fine specimen from St. Kitts. I have the pleasure of adding some of the finest species known to the already rather long list of this group. Calliostoma (Eutrochus) jujubinum Gmelin. Trochus jumbinus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 3570. Dillw. Cat., II. p. 762. Habitat. Station 2, in 805 fms., dead, and probably drifted. Coast of North Carolina, in the warm water off shore, to Florida, Texas, and Yucatan, in 10-30 fms. Antilles, Cuba, Jamaica, St. Thomas, Carthagena, Virgin Islands, Ba- hamas, St. Croix, U. S. Nat. Mus. Pliocene of the Caloosahatchie deposits, southwest Florida, Dall. Var. tampaensis Conrad. Whorls flat above instead of excavated ; colors clouded dark and light brown and white, instead of reddish; distal end of pillar more prominent. (Florida and northward.) Var. Rawsoni Dall. Shell smaller, whorls excavated above, umbilicus smaller, pillar thin, and tooth weak or absent ; color dark red or very dark brown and red, with lunate white cloudings ; cone of shell more acute, nucleus vol. xviii. 24 370 BULLETIN OF THE white, minute, globular. (St. Croix, Gov. Rawson. Gulf of Mexico, U. S. Fish Commission.) The fossils are not quite equal to the average of recent specimens in size, contrary to the usual rule, but otherwise are identical. The varieties blend in a large series. "D"- Calliostoma (Eutrochus) yucatecanum Dall. Plate XXIV. Figs. 4,4 a. Calliostoma yucatecanum Dall, Bull. M. C Z., IX. p. 47, 1881. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, in 640 fms. U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2605, 2608, 2615, and 2619, off the coast of North Carolina, in the warm area, in 15-32 fms., sand; bottom temperature 78° to 80°.0 F. Most of the northern specimens are less elevated and proportionally wider than the Blake specimen which has been figured, but which seems to have been a little unusual in its elevation. Calliostoma (Eutrochus) Sayanum n. s. Plate XXXIII. Figs. 10, 11. Shell large, polished, aolid, eight-whorled, having a good deal the form of the G. tigris of New Zealand ; umbilicated ; straw-yellow lineated with red- brown, and having a broad rose-colored peripheral band. Walls of umbilicus marked with incremental lines, slightly excavated near the carina, above con- vex, the convexity revolving with the whorl; convexity straw-color, a deep brown band revolving just within the carina. Spiral sculpture outside the carina, which is not very sharp, consisting of two strong beaded spirals alter- nating with two fine simple brown elevated lines, then nine subequal, finer, less coarsely beaded, the upper angle of the aperture being at the ninth; all these straw-color with brown interspaces; then three fine yellow-brown un- dulated lines, then a larger nodulated peripheral spiral with a smaller similar one on each side of it, these and their interspaces of a deep rose-pink; above the pink band is the largest nodulated spiral, followed by (on the last whorl) seven or eight somewhat smaller, alternating larger and smaller, the last sepa- rated by a smooth space from the suture. These are all straw-color with brown interspaces and an occasional intercalary fine line. Radiating sculpture only of faint incremental lines. Nucleus lost ; the earlier whorls have three nodulated spirals. Base and whorls a little convex, periphery evenly rounded, sutures distinct. Aperture ovate, margin simple, columella concavely arched, a slight angle, not to be called a tooth, formed by the end of the umbilical carina at the base. Interior extremely nacreous. Max. lat. of base, 40.0; of mouth, 18.0; max. alt. of shell, 37.0; of mouth, 10.0 mm. Apical angle, about 80°. Operculum amber-colored, fibrous toward the edges, with twelve or more whorls, a small central elevation on the inner side. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE 300LOGY. 371 Animal with stout rounded muzzle, short stout tentacles, large black eyes, a very large anterior epipodial lobe, two lateral cirri, and two or three small ones from under the operculum. The foot is bluntly rounded before and be- hind. The color of the external soft parts is uniform straw-color. Habitat. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2594, of 1885, twenty miles southeast from Cape Hatteras, N. C, in 120 fms., sand, bottom temperature 58°.0. A fragment at Station 2601, thirty-six miles south half west from Hatteras, in 107 fms., sand. Both collected by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross. This is altogether the finest American species, and cannot be confounded with any other now known. Calliostoma (Eutrochus) Benedicti n. s. Plate XXXII. Fig. 7. Shell depressed, with an acute apex and slightly concave outline, umbilicated, polished; straw-colored, lineated with red brown and pale pink; base convex, slightly flattened, periphery rounded; nucleus minute, apparently dextral; whorls seven or more; umbilicus deep and narrow, with flexuous walls exca- vated near the carina, which is marginated with an opaque white band; spiral sculpture beginning at the umbilicus ; outside the carina, which is simple, two strong broad subnodulous spirals separated by a deep line, then fourteen or more equal smooth flattish spirals with narrower interspaces and obsolete spiral striulae here and there ; then a smooth or slightly striate peripheral space ; all the preceding straw-color. Above the periphery two pink and one straw-col- ored large smooth and rounded spirals, one smaller smooth one, then three large and two intercalary smaller nodulous spirals separated from the suture by a narrow smooth space. The interspaces are brown, the elevations straw-color. The early whorls have two or three smooth and one or two nodulous spirals, the former remain constant with growth, the latter increase in- number. Ea- diating sculpture of flexuous incremental lines, hardly visible. Aperture rounded squarish, columella white, thin, concave, a small notch at its base. Alt. of base, 7.5; of spire, 6.5; total, 14 mm. Max. lat. of base, 18.0; of mouth, 8.5. Apical angle about 90°. Operculum yellow, multispiral, translucent, polished. Type specimen not full grown. Habitat. Off Cape Lookout, N. Carolina, in about 200 fms., U. S. Fish Commission. This is a very handsome species, recalling the var. Psyche of Calliostoma Bairdii, from which it is easily distinguished by its umbilicus and sculpture. It is named in honor of Mr. J. S. Benedict, formerly naturalist of the Albatross party, who rescued it from a pilfering and aesthetic sailor, by whose theft the exact station number was lost. It was living when obtained. The soft parts as preserved are whitish, with very large black eyes. The foot is long, narrow, 372 BULLETIN OF THE and pointed behind. The epipodium has a very large anterior lobe reaching to the base of the tentacles, and four long cirri diminishing backward, set at regular intervals, two being under the shadow of the operculum ; the posterior part has no cirri. The muzzle is long, widened and papillose at its extremity which seems as if it might expand into a sort of tube in front of the jaws, which are black. There are no epipodial lobes between the tentacles. The animal recalls that of Eutrochus cinctellus, but is larger. Calliostoma (Eutrochus) cinctellum n. s. Plate XXXII. FIg8. 1, 4. Shell small, thin, pearly white with faint touches of pale brown, seven- whorled, with a globular inverted minute nucleus and rather convex base; spiral sculpture of two prominent spirals, one peripheral, simple, sharp, with occasional touches of brown ; against this the suture is laid in the earlier whorls, while in the last whorl it descends below it; the other spiral is above the periphery, and is stronger and ornamented with (on the last whorl) about forty sharp projecting thorn-like tubercles, each inclined a little forward, and alternating brown and white. Between this and the periphery the space is excavated. Above these there are about four (on the earlier whorls one or two) small raised spiral lines separated by much wider interspaces, nodulated with small but prominent nodules at the intersections with the radiating sculpture; all the sculpture growing fainter, and intercalary fine lines appearing, toward the aperture on the last whorl. Base with two strong nodulous spirals sepa- rated by a deep interspace, the inner one forming the umbilical margin; outside of these 16-20 fine flattened spiral threads, with about equal interspaces, reach- ing to the periphery and hardly ruffled by the incremental lines. Radiating sculpture much like that of C. tiara, of numerous, on the early whorls strong, slightly elevated oblique threads, extending clear across the whorls and reticu- lating the spirals; these radii grow fainter and finally on the last whorl nearly disappear; on the base there are only faint flexuous incremental lines. Um- bilicus narrow, its walls flexuous, yellow. Aperture squarish, the pillar little concave, not toothed, margin thin and simple. Upper surface of whorls ex- cept the sculpture flattened ; suture distinct, not channelled. Operculum horny, multispiral. Alt. of shell, 9.5; of spire above the aperture, 6.5; max. diam. of base, 8.0; min. diam., 7.0 mm. Soft parts whitish, foot short, pointed behind, muzzle rounded, gill single, anus prolonged into a long free papilla, eyes large; tentacles long and stout, without frontal lobes; epipodium with a large anterior lobe, and four cirri all anterior to the operculum and about of equal size. Jaws separate, squarish, composed of small horny obliquely set rods, whose lo-zenge-shaped end-sections reticulate the surface under the microscope. The dentition is peculiar. The rhachidian and (on each side) five laterals have broad simple bases with a pear-shaped outline; the cusps, which might be MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 373 compared to the stem of the pear bent over, are extremely narrow and long and symmetrically serrate on each side with 4-6 serrations. The major uncinus is stout and has a large four-toothed ovate cusp; there are about twenty more slender' uncini with scythe-like cusps serrate on the outer edge; outside of these are two or three of a flat form, like a section of a palm-leaf fan from handle to margin with four riblets, and the distal edge with three or more indentations. Under jjressure these uncini have a tendency to split up length- wise, beginning at the indentations. They are flat and «mooth, thinner toward the distal end, and have no distinct shaft. Habitat. Off Havana, at Station 101, in 174 fins., Sigsbee. This interesting species looks at the first glance as if the excavated space be- tween the peripheral cinguli was fasciolar, like that of Eucasta, but a more careful inspection shows that there is no sign of a notch or sulcus in the lines of growth. The dentition forms a combination so far not recorded among the Trochidse, but which will perhaps seem less singular when more species have been examined. The radula is quite minute and difficult to examine; when only the cusps of the central and lateral teeth were in the field of the micro- scope, they were so slender and elongated as to suggest little tails, and the symmetrical notching gave them almost a jointed appearance. The shell is very pretty, and recalls Bas'dissa in its general appearance. Calliostoma (Dentistyla) asperrimum Dall. Margarita asperrima Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 40, 1881. Habitat. Station 12, in 177 fms.; Barbados, in 100 fms.; Station 20, in 220 fms.; Station 206, off Martinique, in 170 fms., sand, bottom temperature 49°.0; Stations 273 and 299, off Barbados, in 103-140 fms., coral, bottom tempera- tures 56° to 59°. 0 F. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2602, off North Caro- lina, in 124 fms., sand. Variety deniiferum Dall, Plate XXIII. Figs. 7, 8. Sculpture more strongly and exclusively nodulous; a strong blunt tooth on the columella just within the aperture and above the base. Outer lip Urate within. Alt. 7.5, lat. 6.0 mm. Habitat, Station 299. Calliostoma (Dentistyla) sericifilum n. s. Plate XXIV. Figs. 1, la. Shell delicately but sharply reticulate all over; two peripheral spirals mi- nutely spinose at the intersections; columellar tooth present but not strong. Shell thinner and more nacreous than the typical form, and with the radiating and spiral sculpture not differing so much in strength. Alt. 4.5, lat. 4.1 mm. Habitat. Station 262, off Grenada, in 92 fms., sand, bottom temperature 62°.0 F. 374 BULLETIN OF THE These species are somewhat puzzling. With the external sculpture and um- bilicus of a rather conical Solariella, we find in adult specimens a well marked blunt tooth on the columella, and the aperture opposite furnished with raised lira?. In other specimens these are not visible, but then it is impossible to say that they are completely adult. The sculpture runs the usual gamut of evenly reticulate; nodose reticulate, the intersections marked by little imbri- cations while most of the network is obsolete; and, finally, of uneven reticula- tion where the cords one way are much stronger than those by which they are intersected. None of the specimens contained the soft parts, so their relations must for the present remain problematical. The group is hardly Thalotia, being umbilicate; it is certainly not a Euchelus or Craspedotus. Perhaps the most reasonable conclusion, in the absence of more information, is that this sec- tion bears to Thalotia about such a relation as Eutrochus bears to Calliostoma. The tooth is on the pillar, not at its anterior end. Genus MARGARITA Leach. Margarita Leach, Journ. de Phys., LXXX VIII. p. 464, 1819, Appendix to Ross's First Voyage, 1819. Margarita Broderip & Sowerby, Zobl. Journ., IV. p. 363, 1828. Margarites Leach MS., 1819, Gray, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XX. p. 268, 1847; Synop. Moll. Gr. Brit., p. 197, Dec, 1852. (Type, M. hehcina Fabr.) Eumargarita Fischer, Man. Conch., p. 825, 1885. Not Margarita Leach, Zool. Misc., I. p. 107, 1814, = Margaritifera Da Costa (1776) et al. ; Unionum Link (1807); Margaritijihora Megerle (1811); Meleagrina Lamarck (1812); etc. In 1814 Leach used the name Margarita for a section of Avicula, which had already received several names. The name Margarita was therefore a synonym. In 1819 he used the same name, this time for a valid genus; but, apparently recognizing that this might cause confusion, he changed its termination in a work which he had in press in 1820, and which was interrupted by his death. This work was published some thirty years later by Dr. J. E. Gray. The second .use of a generic name once fallen into synonymy, although not forbidden by the accepted rules for nomenclature, is greatly to be depre- cated; yet when it has occurred, and when the second application of the name is universally unchallenged for more than half a centur\r, and the original application never was in use and has been absolutely ignored, I can see no benefit likely to accrue to science from a change of names. It cannot be too clearly understood that an ex post facto application of rules, however useful in themselves and for present guidance, to- the work of authors preceding La- marck's Animaux sans Vertebres, will produce nothing less than confusion and annoyance. We have a right to insist on a consistently binomial nomenclature and strict priority for all names, but to attempt more is to invite chaos to come MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 375 It may be worth while to remark, as Leach's * book is a very rare one, that Vol. I. pages 1-57, plates i.-xxv. inclusive, were published in 1814; pages 57- 129, plates xxvi.-lvii., probably in 1814; and the remainder certainly in 1815, as I have ascertained from contemporary advertisements issued with the parts. The genus Bulhnulus, types B. acutus (Mull.), p. 41, and B. trifasciatus Leach, p. 42, would therefore date from 1814, also Margarita (type the mother of pearl shell of commerce), p. 107, and Dipsas (plicatus Leach), p. 119. Aciona Leach (type Scalaria pretiosa Lam.), Vol. II. p. 79, dates from 1815. Section MARGARITA s. s. Margarita erythrocoma n. s. Plate XXVIII. Fig. 1. Shell small, depressed conic, yellowish, variegated and articulated with rose-pink and opaque white ; whorls rounded, four or five in number, with a minute smooth nucleus ; generally a little carinated on the upper surface, es- pecially the earlier whorls, by one or two prominent spiral riblets; below full and rounded, with a small but well marked umbilicus. Radiating sculpture of the lines of growth occasionally irregular so as to form faint waves, but usually inconspicuous; spiral sculpture of fine close little-raised threads, with on the upper surface one and on the periphery another stronger thread or carination, seldom nodulous, and stronger on the earlier whorls. The spirals are usually articulated with rose-red and opaque white or greenish yellow. The base is rounded, finely spirally threaded, umbilicus not carinated nor marked by special sculpture. Aperture rounded, oblique, the margins a little angulated above, thin, simple, joined by a thin layer of callus on the body. Alt. of largest specimen, 5.0; max. diam., 5.25; inin. diam. of base, 4.0 mm. Variety ? samance. Shell more depressed, last whorl proportionately larger, and aperture much more oblique; umbilicus twisted, nearly closed, white with radiating flexuous strice; shell colored like the typical form and with similar early whorls. Alt., 4.75; max. diam. of base, 5.75; min. diam., 4.25 mm. Habitat. Off Sand Key, in 54 fms. Samana Bay, St. Domingo, and Nassau, Bahamas, U. S. Nat. Mus. The variety. Samana Bay, in 16 fms., Couthouy. This very pretty little species occurs with Liotia miniata in moderate depths of water. The specimen from 54 fms. was probably drifted. It may be distin- guished from the Liotia, which is about the same size, by the different characters of aperture and umbilicus. There is no northern species which resembles it. * The Zoological Miscellany | being | descriptions of new or interesting animals | by William Elford Leach, M.D. F.L.S. & W.S. | [etc.] | illustrated with | colored figures drawn from nature | by R. P. Nodder [etc.]. London, Printed for E. Nodder & Son, 1814. | Second title, issued with the concluding part, has a quotation and " Vol. I.," added before " London," with date 1815. Total, Vol. I., 144 pp., 8vo, 60 colored plates ; Vol. II., 161 pp., plates 61-120, " 1815." 376 BULLETIN OF THE Subgenus TURCICULA Dall. Turcicula imperialis Dall. Plate XXII. Figs. 1,1a. Margarita ( Turcicula) imperialis Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 42, 1881. Habitat. Off Cuba, in 200 fms. Only the original specimen has been found so far in the Blake collection, but another has been added by the dredgings of the Albatross, from 182 fins., coral bottom, off Havana. It is also dead and wants the tip, but it shows from its proportions (base 12.0, and alt. of three whorls counting back from aperture 15.0 mm.) that the shell is more highly elevated and conical than would be anticipated from the specimen figured. A fine species of what seems to be this subgenus of the group was obtained in the Pacific by the Albatross Expedition, and affords the following notes on the soft parts of Turcicula. The sides of the foot below the epipodial line are granulous, above the line the surface i3 rather smooth. Much of the surface is apt to be covered with a layer of blackish or olivaceous substance like solidified mucus or paint, which seems to belong to the animal, yet is wholly external to the cuticle. The foot is broad, not very long, bluntly pointed behind; the front edge straight, double, the lateral angles pointed. The upper layer of the edge is smooth and turgid in most of the specimens. It is not indented in the median line. The muzzle is stout, circularly wrinkled, a little expanded at the disk. The oral disk is not marginated; its surface is finely granulose; it is angulated at its lower outer corners and medially indented below. There are no oral palps or tactile appendages. The cephalic tentacles for the size of the animal are small and short. At their inner bases are small "palmettes," or cephalic epipodial fringes, not quite meeting in the middle line. They are rounded, with papillose edges. At the outer bases of the tentacles are the eyes, large, oliviform, mounted on short pedicels. The pigmented portion itself is ovoid, and not hemispherical. In some specimens the pigment seems to be more extensive on the under side, in others the reverse, and still others have it equally distributed. A lens and aqueous humor are distinctly observable. At the right side, behind and on a level with the eye, is a short tubular verge. The anterior epipodial side-lappet does not appear to be modified into a seminal conduit, as in Margarita infundi- bulum Watson. These lappets are nearly symmetrical. Their bases are turned up a little on each side behind the eyes, and the lappets are rather wide. They extend backward about two thirds of the way to the operculum, with a finelj papillose edge. Then comes a single tentacular filament, less than half as long as a cephalic tentacle. There is another stretch of edge fringed with only small papillae; under the operculum there are three long filaments, of which the posterior is longest. Behind the operculum the epipodial lines of the two MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 377 sides approach each other and bound a median furrow, coarsely transversely ridged (as in Pleurotomaria), which extends to the end of the foot. The mantle-edge is smooth or very sparsely papillate, slightly thickened. The free end of the intestine projects on the right side over the neck, with its termination constricted by a sphincter, and then expanded into a cup-shaped circular foramen. On the left side is the gill, consisting of a central somewhat muscular ensiform basement, from which depend two sets of elongate-triangu- lar lamellae separated by a narrow ridge. The left-hand set are slightly the longer. Most of the gill is free. Its distal end is pointed, and the lamellae hang, side by side, with the ridge between the two series, as in Nucula. The intestine takes a curve to the left side, where the renal gland is visible between it and the gill. I observed no osphradium. The mouth is small. A short distance behind it is a deep radular diverticu- lum. The jaws are small, triangular, and dark brown. The gullet opens almost directly into an elongate large longitudinally wrinkled stomach. Be- hind it the very large intestine, with longitudinally striated walls, extends backward about half a whorl ; then turns upward and forward for a third of a whorl; then back again upon itself about Jhe same distance; then forward to its anal termination above described. The liver and seminal gland appear to resemble those of ordinary Trochids. The operculum is amber-colored, polished, thin, and centrally depressed. It has about a dozen whorls. The opercular pad is ovoid and rather small. The radula is quite small and the anterior part dark brown. The intestine in all the specimens is crammed with a greenish mud consisting of disinte- grated foraminifera. The dentition recalls that of Calliostoma, Solariella, Margarita, etc., and presents nothing very characteristic. The central tooth has a broad thin base, subrectangular, and a little wider at the anterior corners. The stem of the cusp and the cusp are narrow. The latter is simple, rather small, short and recurved. It is not denticulate. There are three or four admedian or lateral teeth, rather long, with small bases, rather broad simple moderately curved brownish cusps. There are about twenty- five uncini, half of which spring from lozenge-shaped bases looking like a pavement, are long, narrow, slender, moderately curved with spatuliform tips. One edge of these tips is microscopically serrate, and below the serrate part on the same side is a single larger denticle, standing out like a short thumb. The external uncini are thin, flat, wide, and hardly curved. Their distal ends are flat and broad, with the edge simple and entire. These teeth gradu- ally diminish in size and width, as usual in Trochidce. The formula woulc' be 25 -+- 3 -f- \ + 3 + 25, or very nearly that, but time has been wanting in wliich to undertake the laborious task of an exact enumeration of these minute and tangled objects, of wliich the general features have just been recorded. All the specimens of l^urcicula previously obtained were incomplete and deprived of epidermis. The Pacific species, which will be described in the Report on the Voyage of the Albatross, reaches a large size (50.0 mm. high by 378 BULLETIN OF THE 42.0 wide), is covered with a. delicate green epidermis, which erodes like that of a fresh-water shell, and exhibits a nearly circular aperture with a somewhat reflected lip and brilliantly pearly throat. There is no callus across the body nor any umbilicus. The shell bears a singular resemblance to a very large thin greenish Vivipara or Tulotoma. It is one of the finest animals collected on the Albatross voyage, and was found in about four hundred fathoms, off the coast of Southern California. It will be named Turcicula Bairdii in honor of the late U. S. Fish Commis- sioner, Prof. Spencer F. Baird. A larger variety or closely related species was dredged at about the same depth off the coast of Peru. Section BATHYMOPHILA Dall. Margarita (Bathymophila) euspira Dall. Plate XXXII. Fig. 8. Margarita* euspira Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 44, 1881. M. (Bathymophila) euspira Dall, and var. niteits Jeffreys (MS.), Bull., lib. cit., p. 102, Oct., 1881. Habitat. Station 2, in 805 fms. This species seems to be widely spread over the North Atlantic, and was taken in considerable numbers by the Porcupine and Valorous Expeditions. It would seem as if the coronated form was less abundant than that not so ornamented, judging by the specimens in the Jeffreys collection. The young ones are often strongly spirally ridged, and it will be remarkable if they do not get described as a Cyclostrema on their own account. The only species with which this is likely to be confused is Umbonium Bairdii, in which the whorls are much les% rounded, being appressed to an even slope from the apex to the periphery, while in M. euspira the suture is very distinct, and even in the coronated variety the whorls round down to it. On the base M. euspira has no large callus, its callus being confined to the surface of the pillar, and not a pad filling the umbilical basin. M. euspira is larger and proportionally more elevated, and the young have a wide umbilicus. It is also more pearly than the other. I doubt extremely whether this little shell is related to Oxystele, as some of my conchological friends would have it; but whether the sectional name pro- posed for it be worth retaining or not, I propose to suspend judgment until I can get hold of some specimens preserving the soft parts. Subgenus SOLAPJELLA A. Adams. Solariella amabilis Jeffreys. Trochus amabilis Jeffreys, Brit. Conch., III. p. 300; V. pi. lxi. fig. 6. Habitat. Station 46, in 888 fms.; Yucatan Strait, in 640 fms.; Station 41, in 860 fms.; Station 2, in 805 fms.; Station 21, in 287 fms., living; Station MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 379 211, in 357 fms., near Martinique; Station 221, off Santa Lucia, in 423 fms., ooze, bottom temperature 43°.0. Also, living, at U. S. Fish Commission Sta- tion 2644, in 193 1'ms., sand, off Cape Florida, bottom temperature 43°.4 F. Solariella lamellosa Verrill & Smith. Margarita lamellosa Verrill & Smith (1880), Trans. Conn. Acad., V. p. 530, pi. lvii. fig. 38, 1882. Habitat. Barbados, in 100 fms. U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2595, 2601, 2602, and 2614, off the coast of North Carolina, in 15-32 fms., gravel. Constantly smaller and differently wrinkled from the preceding. Solariella scabriuscula Dall. Plate XXI. Figs. 10, 10 a. Margarita scabriuscula Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 41, 1881. Habitat. Station 44, Gulf of Mexico, southern part in 539 fms., bottom temperature 39°. 5 F. Only a single specimen of this species has so far reached me. Solariella eegleis Watson. Margarita cegleis (Watson), Dall, Bull. M. C. Z, IX. p. 40, 1881. Margarita oeglees Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc, XIV. p. 704, Sept., 1879; Chall. Rep. Gastr., p. 81, pi. v. fig. 10, 1885. Habitat of typical form. Station 19, in 310 fms. Off Cape St. Antonio, in 640 fms. Station 230, off St. Vincent, in 464 fms. Having given a good deal of study to the group which clusters around the above specific name, I have modified the views expressed in my preliminary paper. I had not then had the opportunity of studying the large series of specimens, recent and fossil, contained in the Jeffreys collection. Not only am I obliged to review my own opinion, but I find myself wholly unable to accept the views of Dr. Jeffreys, expressed in his " Lightning and Porcupine Mollusca," Part VI. pp. 97, 98 (P. Z. S. 1883). Primarily I find two fossil species, which appear to be the forerunners of the group, and one of which appears to be found in a recent state. They are Trochus cinctus Philippi, and Solariella maculata Searles Wood. The first has somewhat the form of Solariella amabilis Jeffreys, but was a brightly col- ored shell, and to my mind appears perfectly distinct from any of the recent forms and from Wood's species. Wood's species is (according to specimens identified by Professors Dewalque and Seguenza) identical with Turbo moniliferus Nyst, non Sowerby, which is the Solarium turbinoides of Nyst subsequently. Wood's name has precedence. 380 BULLETIN OF THE I find, however, that a species described by Libassi has been confounded with S. maculata in a way I am not able to untangle, S. peregrina Libassi being named Trochus and Solarium by various contributors to the Jeffreys collection, and Libassi's paper being inaccessible to me. Two species have been sent under that name, one being S. maculata Wood, and the other the broad variety of S. azgleis, both being found in the Tertiaries of Belgium and Italy. To which Libassi's name applies I am not able to say. If to S. aglets, it would of course take precedence. Leaving this question to be settled by any one having access to Libassi's work, we may now proceed to eliminate other extraneous matters from the synonymy of S. azgleis. Solariella lamellosa Verrill & Smith, and S. amabilis Jeffreys, after careful study of a large series, I now consider distinct from each other, from S. azgleis, and from S. cinctus, with which Dr. Jeffreys united his amabilis. Both amabilis and azgleis seem to have occasional finely reticulated specimens with the strong spirals absent. These have been lumped together as var. affinis Jeffreys. I am pretty confident that a larger series of specimens would connnect together Trochus rhina, rhysus, clavatus, and azgleis of Watson too closely to be specifically separated, but I have only been able to compare specimens of what I suppose to be S. clavata, rhina, and azgleis, broad and narrow varieties. But these have nothing to do with Trochus Ottoi Philippi (Margarita regalis Verrill & Smith), which has been injudiciously referred to them by Dr. Jeffreys, I presume by a lapsus of memory. For the purposes of this paper I shall keep these supposed varieties separate. Solariella azgleis var. lata Dall (? = peregrina Libassi). Habitat. Station 208, off Martinique, 213 fms.; off Havana, Cuba, in 400 fms. ; Station 2, in 805 fms. Tertiary of Belgium and of Reggio, Italy. Tal- isman Expedition, as " Trochus Ottoi'" in Jeffreys collection. Solariella (azgleis var. ?) rhina Watson. Habitat, Station 2, in 805 fms. ; Station 176, in 391 fms. Solariella (azgleis var. ?) clavata Watson. Habitat. Station 2, in 805 fms., and Yucatan Strait, in 640 fms. The width and height of the shell, the strength of the spirals and tiiber- culation, and the size of the umbilicus, are all more or less variable factors, not only in these deep-sea species, but in the ordinary littoral forms, as every collector is aware. Solariella infundibulum Watson. Trochus (Margarita) infundibulum Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc, XIV. p. 707, Sept., 1879; Chall. Rep. Gastr., p. 84, pi. v. fig. 5, 1885. Habitat. Station 41, in 860 fms., bottom temperature 39°. 5. Station 163, off Guadelupe, in 769 fms., sand, bottom temperature 39°. 75 F. U. S. Fish Commission Station 2723, 1886. This fine species grows as large as 5. Ottoi Phil., or larger, and in sculpture MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 381 is about midway between that species and the more robust varieties of S. aglets Watson. It belongs in the cold area. This species has been imperfectly figured by Pelseneer in the Challenger Eeport on the Anatomy of Deep Sea Mollusks. Specimens have been com- pared for me with Watson's types by Mr. E. A. Smith at the British Museum, who identifies my specimens with Watson's species. The male of this species has a verge behind the right tentacle 2 mm. long, simple and tubular. The right anterior epipodial lappet is specially modified into a conduit for the semi- nal matter, and is rolled into a large long tube into the proximal end of which the penis discharges. It is probable that this conduit serves to conduct the semen to the eggs as they are deposited, rather than for copulation. There are no epipodial remnants between the tentacles. These organs will be more fully described in my Report on the Albatross Expedition. Solariella Ottoi Philippi. Trockus Ottoi Philippi, Moll. Siciliae, II. p. 227, pi. xxviii. fig. 9, 1884. Jeffreys, P. Z. S., 1883, p. 98. Margarita regalis Verrill & Smith (1880), Trans. Conn. Acad., V. p. 530, pi. lvii. fig. 37, 1882 ; VI. p. 254, pi. xxix. fig. 14. Habitat. Station 264, off Grenada, in 416 fins., ooze, bottom temperature 42°. 0 F. U. S. Fish Commission, at various stations off the northeast coast of the United States, in 115-500 fms. Pliocene of Italy, Philippi, Seguenza, etc. The comparison with an authentic specimen of Philippi's fossil leaves no doubt whatever that the species described by Prof. Verrill is identical with it as claimed by Dr. Jeffreys. The T. Vaillanti Fischer I have never seen, and the T. cegleis of Watson, which Dr. Jeffreys also unites with Ottoi, I regard as entirely distinct. Solariella lissocona Dall. Plate XXI. Figs. 8, 8 a. Margarita lissocona Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 41, 1881. Habitat. Station 47, N. lat. 28° 42', W. Ion. 88° 40', in the north central part of the Gulf of Mexico, in 331 fms., bottom temperature 47°.0 F. Only one specimen has turned up, so far, of this very well marked species, which belongs in the group of S. cegleis, ivfundibulum, etc. Solariella lacunella Dall. Plate XXI. Figs. 1, 1 a. Margarita maculata Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 43, 1881. Not of Searles Wood, 1842. Margarita lacunella Dall, op. cit., p. 102. Habitat. Station 2, in 805 fms.; Station 132, off Santa Cruz, in 115 fms., bottom temperature 65°.0 F. U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2592, 2602, 382 BULLETIN OF THE 2606, and 2612, off the coast of North Carolina, in 25-124 frm ., gravel, bottom temperature 58° to 77° F. This species is nearest to Trochus ductus of Philippi, but differs in so many- details of sculpture, etc., that, though variable, I do not see my way clear to unite them at present. The coloration is variable; some are clouded with olive, and others with pinkish brown A variety, depressa, has the spire low and somewhat tabulated by a smooth space between the suture and the spiral ribs. Solariella iris Dall. Plate XXI. Figs. 7,7a. Margarita iris Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 43, 1881. Habitat. Sand Key, in 119 fms., living, Sigsbee. Only one specimen of this form has been found. The upper surface much resembles that of M. (5.) lacunella, but the base, especially the umbilicus, is altogether different, the shell is thinner and much more pearly, and the spiral lines are much finer. Solariella lubrica Dall. Plate XXI. Figs. 0,9a. Margarita lubrica Dall, Bull. M. C. Z , IX. p. 44, 1881. Habitat. Station 2, in 805 fms.; Station 220, off Santa Lucia, in 116 fms., rocky bottom, temperature 58°. 5 F. Var. iridea Dall. Shell without the coronation at the suture, or only slight traces of it, umbilical carina less strong, umbilicus smaller, whorls inflated, very round, brilliantly pearly, base wider than in the type. This extremely lovely little shell, when fresh, has a most brilliant greenish nacre, shining like a diamond beetle. The variety was dredged by the U. S. Fish Commission, off Cape Florida, in 193 fms., sand, bottom temperature 43°-4 F. tionus ETTCHELUS Philips. Euchelus guttarosea n. s. Plate XXXIII. Fiff. 7. Shell small, white, the upper surface of the whorls with very small distinct rose-red dots sparsely distributed on the raised nodules of the sculpture, or all white; five or more inflated strongly sculptured whorls, and a smooth nucleus. Spiral sculpture of, on the upper surface of the last whorl, two small and two MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 383 strong spiral alternated ribs, one of the smaller just below tbe suture ; a large spiral on the periphery and four on the base; crossed by numerous obliquely radiating threads, which make the early whorls coarsely reticulate with nodules at the intersections, while in the later whorls the radiations become less marked and the spirals more numerous and more conspicuously nodulous. Whorls rounded, apex a little blunt, suture distinct, not channelled, base rounded, um- bilicus none; pillar nearly straight, with a strong tooth near its base, aperture rounded, oblique, a little descending above, with six or eight stout lirse ending in toothdike nodules, body with a moderate layer of nacreous callus. Alt. 5.0, max. diam. 4.5 mm. Habitat. Off Havana, in 119-450 fms. Samana Bay, Santo Domingo. Nassau, Bahamas. Various collections from the " West Indies." This little shell is proportionally more depressed, and has fewer spirals when young, and owing to the persistent lirse looks adult at almost any stage. It is extremely lovely when color and sculpture are perfect and fresh, but often is wholly whitish. I have found it labelled by the name of punctiger A. Adams, a much larger umbilicated species from the Indo-Pacific region. I have not been able to find a description of it, or any figure closely resem- bling it. *b Genus BASILISSA Watson. Basilissa Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc., XIV. p. 593, April, 1879. Shell trochiform, umbilicate, nacreous, sculptured. Pillar concave, its distal end projecting as a strong tooth. Margin of the aperture concavely sinuate near the suture and on the base. Peripheral margin produced, claw-like, be- tween the two shallow sinuations. A grooved or denticulate callus in the adult on the body whorl and within the margin of the aperture. Aperture sub-rhomboidal. Operculum multispiral, horny, with a circular callus on the inner central face and a subcircular outline. Example, B. costulata Watson. The above amended diagnosis is rendered necessary by the discovery of adult specimens among the Blake shells. It is probable that most of the species in an adult condition conform to it. It is conch ologically related to the genus Seguenzia, a transition from which is indicated by such species as S. carinata, S. elcgans, and S. trispinosa. But the soft parts as yet are un- known. Should it be found, however, that some species do not exhibit the denticulation, etc. described in B. costulata, and conform to the edentulous type indicated in Watson's original description, (and B. alia may prove to be of this character,) these would of course retain the original name of Basilissa, while for the dentate forms the name of Ancistrobasis might be used. I have placed these species after the Tvochidaz in accordance with the general custom, but I do not feel confident that the eventual position of all the species will be here. 384 BULLETIN OF THE Section BASILISSA s. s. Basilissa alta Watson. Basilissa alta Watson, loc. cit, p. 589 ; Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 48, 1881 ; Watson, Chall. Rep. Gastr., p. 100, pi. vii. fig. 8, 1886. Habitat. Station 43, in 339 fms.; Station 41, in 860 fins.; Station 163, near Guadelupe, in 769 fms., fine sand, bottom temperature 39°.5 F.; and Station 264, near Grenada, in 416 fms., gray ooze, bottom temperature 42°.5 F. All these specimens were dead, though one or two were tolerably fresh, while most of them were defective. The sculpture varies between the typical form and the variety oxytoma Watson (loc. cit., pi. vii. fig. 8 a). The size of the specimens is very uniform. Basilissa superba was dredged by the U. Fish Commission off the east coast of the United States, south of Hatteras; the exact locality of the specimens was, however, lost. Basilissa alta Watson var. delicatula Dall. Plate XXII. Figs. 2, 2 a. Seguenzia delicatula Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 48, 1881. Habitat. Station 2, in 805 fms. This is more delicate and thin than the type, but otherwise much like it, ex- cept that the delicate spiral threads cover the whole surface of the shell. The reference of this form to Seguenzia was an error into which I was led by the imperfect state of my specimens and the absence of any others for comparison. Section ANCISTROBASIS Dall. Basilissa (Ancistrobasis ) costulata Watson. Plate XXIII. Figs. 4, 4 a. Basilissa costulata Watson, loc. cit., p. 600; Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 48, 1881 J Watson, Chall. Rep. Gastr , p. 103, pi. vii. fig. 11, 1886. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, in 640 fms.; Station 50, 119 fms.; Sand Key, in 15 fms. Basilissa costulata var. depressa Dall. The shell figured differs from B. costulata, as described and figured by Watson, in the less flexuous radiating costse, which are nearly equal to the interspaces in width, and in the smaller number of spiral ridges, which are about ten on the base and seven to nine on the upper surface of the whorls. May 4, 1889. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 385 The armature of the mouth is a character which does not appear until full ma- turity, so that I do not regard its non-existence in the Challenger specimens as important. The other characters seem to agree closely with Watson's figure and description, and, taking into consideration the known variability of the abyssal shells and among the Blake specimens of this species, I do not feel jus- tified in separating the Blake shells specifically from B. costulata. If I am correct in the identification, this material enables me to add a good deal to the knowledge of the species and genus. The dried remains of the animal in one specimen bear a pellucid multispiial operculum a little more circular in outline than that of Seguenzia, but otherwise precisely like it. The aperture in the adult is strongly thickened a little distance within its margin, which remains sharp. The projecting peripheral part is a little bent in, recalling the aperture of Seguenzia. The callus on the body is thin and smooth, that within the outer lip is broad, thick, iridescent, and deeply grooved parallel with the external spirals, producing four or five ridges between the grooves above the carina and a larger number of rather smaller ones below it. The columella is thickened concave and strongly reflected, its basal extreme terminating in a stout tooth-like twist of the margin, beyond which is a deep sulcus in the callus extending nearly across the base, in the middle of which rises a solitary stout tooth-like ridge. The walls of the umbilicus are nearly smooth, and as regards the individual turns are somewhat concave. The nucleus in this form gives the impression, after very close scrutiny of several fresh specimens, that it is really laid at right angles to the original axis and half immersed in the first post-nuclear turn. This is masked by the fact that the nucleus proper occupies less than a single turn, and appears thus more normal than it really is, if my suspicions are correct. Solarium reticulatum Philippi is referred to this genus by Watson, and is said to have been dredged by the Porcupine at various stations in the North Atlantic. Family DELPHINULID^. Genus LIOTIA Gray. Liotia Gray, Syn. Brit. Mus., 1840 (no description, type Delphimda cancellata Gray) ; P. Z. S. 1847, p. 145. This group was separated from Dclphinula Lamarck (Angaria H. & A. Ad- ams) to comprise the small species with a thickened margin to the aperture and less brilliant nacre than the large forms. Gray's type was a cancellated species, and the genus Liotia, in the most restricted sense, will comprise those species which have numerous varices or radiating circumambient ribs cancel- lated more or less by spiral sculpture. Those species having a single varix marking the finally adult condition, generally with strong spiral ridges on the periphery, which may or may not vol. xviii. 25 386 BULLETIN OF THE be spinose, were separated by H. & A. Adams under the name Arene. Their diagnosis was not of the best, and comprised several characters certainly not of generic value. I am unable to see any characters in the subgenus Liotina Munier-Chalmas which should separate it from the typical Arene. Another group, which in my opinion belongs here, is Lippistes Montfort, based on the Argonauta cornu of Fichtel and Moller. This is not the Argo- nauta cornu of Chemnitz, as has hastily been assumed by some authors. The latter is apparently an Atlanta or Oxygyrus. Montfort's figure represents a shell which does not appear to differ from the forms named Daronia by Arthur Adams, and 'Ilaira by H. & A. Adams, the quadration of the aperture in the latter being a merely specific incident due to its sculpture, and probably not permanent in all individuals of the same species. If, however, the disjunction of the latter part of the last whorl be considered sufficient to separate it from Daronia proper, where the whorls, though rolled in nearly the same plane, are contiguous, Ilaira must take its place with Lippistes proper, which has this character, while the final term of the series is afforded by Laxispira Gabb, a section which may include Delphinula nitida Verrill, in which all the whorls are lax, and to which D. laxa Say (if not a monstrosity) may also belong. The latter has been referred to the Rudistes by Tryon (Man., II. p. 309), but this must be due to some confusion of types. Mr. Say's original description and very good figure are incompatible with such a reference. There is much more probability that the tvpe of D. laxa was a deformed Natica, as Say him- self suggests. He describes it as a recent marine shell, inhabiting the coast of South Carolina among other marine shells. No suggestion of its being a fossil is anywhere made by Say, nor are any Carolinian Rudistes known. But as he says nothing of its being pearly, and compares it to Natica, it is probable that it does not belong to the group now under consideration. Laxispira would appear to be without a varix or thickened ring at the extreme end of the adult coil; but this cannot be positively asserted, as but a very few specimens of these remarkable shells have ever been collected. Tu- biola A. Adams would appear to bear much the same relation to Cyclostrema that Ilaira does to Lippistes. The characteristics of the Liotioz and their relatives are not those usually made use of for diagnoses. Some Liotioz are most brilliantly pearly (e. g. L. fencstrata Cpr., of California); others when not perfectly fresh do not show a trace of nacre. Yet even these (Arene cruentata Miihlf. for example), when perfectly fresh and closely examined, show a very well marked varnish of pearl about the aperture. I have not seen any species, when perfectly fresh, which did not show at least a little nacre, though the majority do not show any when dry and "dead." Arthur Adams describes the operculum in some Japanese species as horny, hispid, multispiral, and having an external limy layer composed of small grains like beads, spirally disposed. In Arene cruentata. I find the operculum solid, thick, multispiral, with hardly a trace of horny matter except at the margin. Externally it is concave, with a small central pit corresponding to a small MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 337 round elevation on the inner side. It is thinner here than elsewhere, and weathered opercula have always a central perforation. The minute variegated Liotia (Arene) miniata of the West Indies has a similar operculum, as does A. tricarinata Stearns. L. Briareus Dall has an operculum like that described by Arthur Adams, almost wholly horny, exter- nally hispid, with a row of beady granules on each whorl of the operculum. In Liotia Bairdii the operculum seems to want even the granules, and to be wholly horny. The sculpture is of two kinds; one, a fine shagreening which generally covers the whole surface and is only visible under a lens; it seems to be invariable in the same species. The other sculpture consists of spiral ridges, or of scales, spines, knobs, etc., which are very inconstant and not characteristic even of the species in some cases. An examination of the dentition shows it closely related to that of Delphinula, as might have been expected. The umbilicus varies from barely pervious (L. Biisii Dkr., etc.) to nearly plane in the genus, and from perforate to wide in different individuals of the same species, much as with some of the small Gibbulas. The elevation of the spire often differs considerably in different specimens of the same species, and the color markings are admitted on all sides to be as variable as they are bright and elegant. The species of our southern coast and the Antilles appear to be as fol- lows : — Liotia, Section Arene. Liotia Briareus Dall. Liotia cruentata Miihlf. Liotia Bairdii Dall. Liotia variabilis Dall. Liotia Biisii Dunker. Liotia tricarinata Stearns. Liotia miniata Dall. Subgenus Lippistes. Lippistes acrilla Dall. Lippistes amabilis Dall. Subgenus Laxispira. Laxispira nitida Verrill. " Circulus" formosissimus Brugnone of the Mediterranean is also a Lippistes, allied to L. acrilla. " Delphinula " tuberculosa Orbigny (tuberculata on the plate, which was pub- lished first, Trochus Schrammi of Fischer according to the Beau catalogue) is almost certainly a Fossarus. C>/clostrema Schrammi Fischer may perhaps prove to be an extremely young Lippistes. 388 BULLETIN OF THE Liotia (Arene) Briareus Dall. Plate XXIV. Figs. 5, 5 a. Turbo (Liotia?) Briareus Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 52, 1881. Habitat. Station 60, off Havana, in 80-480 fms. Station 20, off Bahia Honda, Cuba, in 220 fins., bottom temperature 62°.0 F. Station 166, off Guadelupe, in 150 fms., sand, bottom temperature about 60°.0 F., one living specimen. Station 272, off Barbados, in 76 fms., sand and shell. The alcoholic specimen was well preserved. The operculum has been al- ready referred to. Its outer margin is produced into a thin lamina, which persists, and splits radially, giving a hispid appearance to the outside surface of the operculum, which contains about twenty turns. The inner surface is golden brown, very polished, and with a small central knob corresponding to the deep indentation of the outer surface. The muzzle is long and rounded; the tentacles long and slender; the eyes large and black on distinct pedicels. The epipodial fringe shows a moderate lobe of triangular shape just behind the eye, but not extended to the eye peduncle; and there are four well-marked long lateral processes on each side as large as the tentacles, and two more smaller ones peep out from under the edges of the operculum. The foot is rather broad, squarish and simple in front, rounded behind, short. The sides of the foot are yellowish with numerous brown specks; there are some specks of the same kind between the tentacles. Front of the head devoid of lappets or other appendages. With the above exceptions the exposed parts are yellow- ish. There is a single rather narrow gill. The anus forms an elongated papilla. I could find no jaw. The radula is small and short The formula js 5 -i- 5 + i+5^.?. The rhachidian tooth is like that of Delplrinula ; there are five simple-cusped broad-based laterals, the fourth and fifth larger than the inner ones. There are numerous slender simple uncini with long scythe- shaped cusps. The shell of this species is suoject to extraordinary variations. Beside the normal and typical form, figured with erect long channelled spines, there is a variety in which the umbilicus is nearly closed and the spines rather short. These specimens are also of a darker and duller red, and perhaps a little less elevated. A still more remarkable variety is destitute of any spines or ridges whatever. The general form is the same, the places of the spiny spiral ridges are marked by the red color and the interspaces by white; yet there is nothing left of the ridges but the color, except on the very early whorls. The surface shagreening is retained. The shell is rose-colored. For the first I would propose the va- rietal name of perforata, and for the second that of aspina. This species may be distinguished from L. Bairdii by the sharp wavy sha- greening of its surface and the heavy shelly coat on the operculum, in general also by the larger umbilicus, flatter base and basal sculpture, and by the long, erect, thin trough-like spines. The strong carina or ridge bordering the MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 389 umbilicus seems to be constant even in the variety aspina, while in L. Bairdii the sculpture rounds pretty evenly toward the smaller and hardly sculptured umbilical perforation. Liotia Bairdii n s. Plate XXXIII. Fig. 8. Shell of much the same general form as L. Briareus, but having nodnled instead of spinose ridges and a finer and less evident surface sculpture, which follows the incremental lines, and is not wavy, raised, and sharp, as in Briareus. On the last whorl there are six basal, two peripheral, and three superior re- volving ridcres. The suture is channelled, and the middle one of the three no ' upper spirals is smaller than the two others, which gives a slight tabulation to the spire. It has five whorls and a small smooth nucleus. Like L. Briareus, there is hardly any varix at the aperture of the adult, though this is slightly reflected ; the margin is machicolated by the squarish ends of the spiral ridges, when these are strong. The umbilicus is small, the base in the adult rounds into it, within there is a single rounded spiral ridge, but no spines or nodules. The outer basal spiral is larger than the others, and separated from the others by wider channels. The color is whitish, more or less maculated, or wholly overspread by a dull livid red, much less attractive than the delicate color of the preceding species. The size of the largest specimens is rather less than in Briareus. Operculum horny. Max. alt., 6.0; max. diam., 6.0 mm. L. Bairdii var. trullata. Shell having the nodules produced into squarish spines, which are produced parallel to the surface of the whorl and flattened, with fine longitudinal striation outside. These widen toward their distal ends, and recall the appearance of trees which have grown exposed to a steady wind in one direction. They are hardly at all concave on the under side, and are pretty uniform over the base and all the rest of the shell, smaller on the smaller spiral ridges. Habitat. Station 2, in 805 fms. ; Sand Key, in 15 fms. ; Sigstee, off Havana, in 127 fms. Also at Stations 2595, 2596, and 2612 of the U. S. Fish Com- mission, in 50-60 fms., twenty miles off the North Carolina coast, and at Stations 2317 and 2318, living, in 45 fms., off Key West. Liotia tricarinata Stearns. Architectonica tricarinata Stearns, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., for 1872, p. 23, Jan., 1872. Habitat. West of Florida, in 15 fms. U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2598, 2608, 2610, 2615, 2617, and 2619, in 14-22 fms., gravel, off the coast of North Carolina. Caloosahatchie Pliocene beds, near Fort Thompson, on the Caloosahatchie Kiver, South Florida, Dall. Some of the fossil specimens of this very pretty little species are nearly twice as large as any which have yet been dredged in the recent state. 390 BULLETIN OF THE Liotia miniata n. s. Plate XXVIII. Fig. 11. Shell minute, white, picked out with streaks of pale brown, or dots, or radi- ating blotches of bright rose-color. Whorls about three, surface finely sha- greened in a granular manner; no radiating sculpture other than incremental lines; spiral sculpture of, on the last whorl, one generally minutely nodulous small spiral rib at the suture, one strong spiral not nodulous near the periph- ery, another at the periphery, and on the edge of and within the wide umbili- cus two or three very strong evenly noduled spirals, the outer forming the bor- der or umbilical carina, the others ascending within the umbilicus, all separated by very deep channels. On the outer surface there are occasionally fainter intercalary spirals. Suture distinct, hardly channelled. Aperture circular, slightly varicose in the adult. Operculum chiefly calcareous, multispiral, concave, with a central perforation when weathered. Max. diam., 2.5; min. diam., 2.0; alt., 2.0 mm. Habitat. Barbados, in 15 fms. Nassau, N. P., and Samana Bay, Santo Domingo, dead on beach, DalL This pretty little shell has much the general appearance of L. tricarinata on a much smaller scale and with a different umbilicus and details of sculpture. Liotia variabilis n. s. Plate XXIII. Figs. 2, 2 a. Shell trochiform, white or waxen, of about five turns, with a minute smooth nucleus; suture distinct, channelled; radiating sculpture of sharp close ele- vated lamellae, a good deal like those of L. Briarcus but less elevated and irregular, more nearly conforming to the lines of growth; these are continuous over the whole surface. Spiral sculpture consisting, on the last whorl of the adult, of a ridge near the suture, with a much smaller adjacent one just out- side of it; a very stout spiral near the periphery, another at the periphery, an- other below and slightly within the periphery which forms the basal margin. There is a stout rib with pointed nodules at the edge of the umbilicus, a groove outside this, then a much finer spiral with rounded nodules; between this and the basal margin the flattened area has five or six fine simple raised spirals, crossed by the surface lamellae. The umbilicus is small, mostly smooth, with, in the typical form, a single spiral thread bearing sparse lamellar spines near the umbilical carina. Aperture nearly circular, hardly reflected, produced above with a small row of faint round tubercles on the lower edge just within the margin. Operculum multispiral, horny, dotted with bead-like limy granules. Max. diam., 6.0; min. diam., 5.0; alt., 4.5 mm. Variety microforis. Shell with radiating undulations which granulate the basal sculpture, and with the last whorl so compactly coiled as nearly or quite to close the umbilicus. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 391 Habitat. Station 134, near Santa Cruz, in 248 fins., sand, living, bottom temperature 54°. 5 F. Station 22, off Bahia Honda, Cuba, in 220 fms., bottom temperature 62°.0. Stations 296 and 300, Barbados, in 82-84 fms., bottom tem- perature 60° to 61°.5. Barbados, 100 fms. Sand Key, in 80 fms. U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2595 and 2610, off the coast of North Carolina, in 22-63 fms., "ravel. The variety: Station 36, off Cuba, in 84 fms., bottom temperature 60°.0. Off Sombrero, in 54 fms. Off Havana, Sigsbee, in 80 fms. Station 273, Bar- bados, in 103 fms., bottom temperature 59°. 5. Station 247, off Grenada, in 170 fins., gray ooze, bottom temperature 53°. 5 F. The spiral sculpture in this species may be, and generally is, either nodu- lous, or marked with strong imbrications which sometimes become spines. In some specimens and especially in young ones we may have the imbrications absent and the shell marked with flexuous radii, which sculpture the interspaces, but not, or only slightly, the carinas. In other specimens the fine spirals are absent from the base, which is then marked with flexuous raised radii, or by irregularly elevated, radiating, not very prominent granulations. The young shells are proportionally less elevated, and have a larger umbilicus. No trace of color has been observed on any of the specimens examined. Subgenus LIPPISTES Montfort. Lippistes acrilla n. a. Plate XXXII. .Figs. 6, 11. Shell thin, white, planorboid, of three and a half whorls; radiating sculpture of about fifteen ridges, faint on the base and summit, making small nodules where they cross the fine spirals, and prominent and strong on the periphery between the three peripheral carina? . Other radiations are only due to lines of growth which are sometimes slightly elevated. Spiral sculpture of three prominent and strong peripheral ridges, of which the uppermost forms the chief periphery, the others being slightly nearer the axis; between these, nearly square deep reticulations are formed by the radiating ridges before described. Beside these there are three faint spirals on the upper and three on the basal surface, nodulated at their intersections with the radii. Umbilicus ample; inner margin of the aperture nearly circular, the outer part modified by the sculpture. Max. diam., 4.3; min. diam., 3.0; alt., 2.0 mm. Habitat. Garden Key, Tortugas, Florida, among small beach shells sent by a correspondent to the U. S. National Museum. The specimen looks as if not quite adult. It differs from L. formosissima Brugnone, of the Mediterranean, in having three strong peripheral costae in- stead of one, and three above and below instead of one in each situation. 392 BULLETIN OF THE Lippistes amabilis n. s. Plate XXXII. Figs. 9, 13 Shell small, yellowish white, planorboid, of about four whorls, including a minute smooth nucleus. Whorls rounded, barely touching, not constantly contiguous but normally enrolled. Spiral sculpture of on the upper side six, on the periphery four, and on the base six rounded threads, the peripheral ones rather larger than the others, all with narrower interspaces; radiating sculpture comprising, first, fine elevated lamellae covering the whole shell evenly and giving it a slightly spongy aspect; secondly, on the last whorl, about ten ele- vations, not perceptibly continuous over the top of the shell but prominent, over the periphery and reflected backward like incomplete varices. The outer whorl is coiled over these so that the whorl inside only touches the outer one by these prominences. They are not continuous over the base, but within the ample umbilicus are two rows of small prominences corresponding in number to those on the periphery. Aperture circular, with a complete circular varix which is radiately crenulated. The apex is sunk below the top of the last whorl. Max. diain., 5.0; min. diam., 3.0; alt. (or diameter of terminal varix), 2.0 mm. Habitat. Off Havana, in 80 fms., Sigsbee. This most lovely and very remarkable little shell is like nothing else which has been described as far as I know, and is so distinct as to need no com- parisons. Family CYCLOSTREMATID^. Genus VITRINELLA C. B. Adams. Vitrinella Holmesii Dall. Cuchliulepis parasiticus Holmes, Post Pliocene Foss. S. Car., p. 93, pi. xiv, figs. 9, 9 a, b, 1860. Not of Stimpson, 1858. I have already called attention to this species. Vitrinella (EpiscyniaV) multicarinata n. s. Vitrinella multicarinata Stimpson, MS., in U. S. Nat. Mus. Shell small, depressed, translucent whitish, polished, four or five whorled, carinated. Radiating sculpture of flexuous incremental lines, faint above, more strongly marked on the base; a sharp peripheral thread or carina (below which tbe suture is applied) is microscopically serrate by the lines of growth; above and below this are two or more carinas, faint angulations of the surface, conspicuous in the fresh shell as the epidermis is produced into a fringe upon them, though not on the peripheral thread. Whorls moderately rounded MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 393 above and below. Umbilicus deep, scalar, not very wide, with vertical walls, vertically striate, and sometimes with a few spiral grooves; aperture trans- versely ovate, margins simple, sharp ; epidermis thin, yellowish, conspicuous only on the carinse. Max. diam., 3.0; alt., 1.5 mm. Habitat. Off Hatteras, in 15 fms., U. S. Fish Commission. Florida, Stimp- son and Jewett. This species differs from V. gemma Holmes, in being more depressed and having more keels. It is also smaller. Genus CYCLOSTREMA Marrtat. Several species of this group are found in the western part of the Atlantic, though for the most part in the cooler area. Among them are C. trochoides Jeffreys, which has received the name of C. affine from Prof. Verrill. A care- ful comparison of types leaves no doubt as to the identity of these two forms, for which Jeffreys's name has precedence. Of the identity of Cyclostrema diaphanum Verrill (1884) with C. (Ti-ochus) fulgidus Jeffreys (1883), as claimed by Dr. Jeffreys, I anl not at all satisfied. All these small shells are very similar, but so far as they have any characters these two would appear to differ. On the other hand, C. Dalli Verrill (de- scribed in 1880) is extremely close to and probably identical with C. fulgidus. C. Dalli var. ornatum Verrill would appear to be a good species, and possibly may be a Molleria, as a specimen I have from near Cape Fear shows a shelf, as if for the thick operculum, inside the extreme margin. A few interesting species can be added to the list, though some doubt at- taches to the generic reference in the absence of the soft parts and operculum. Cyclostrema turbinum n. s. Plate XXXIII. Fig. 5. Shell small, thin, subconic, with four rounded whorls and a minute glassy nucleus; radiating sculpture of fine oblique incremental lines, which on the early whorls rise into very fine threads, visible crossing the interspaces of the spiral sculpture; spiral sculpture of (on the last whorl) about seven strong smooth even cinguli on the top of the whorl, and fourteen or fifteen more rather smaller from the periphery to the brink of the umbilicus; there are also a few finer ones, especially three near the suture, and occasionally some spiral striation faintly indicated; on the top of the whorl the interspaces are about twice as wide as the threads, but not so wide on the base. The whorls, periphery, and base are evenly rounded, the suture distinct, not channelled; the umbilicus perforate, with smoothish walls; aperture half as high as the shell, oblique, nearly circular, with sharp, simple, slightly expanded edges. Max. diam., 3.25; alt., 2.75 mm. Habitat. Off Havana, in 80 fms., Sigsbee. 394 BULLETIN OF THE The brownish tint of the single specimen may be accidental; when fresh, it is probably white. Cyclostrema pompholyx n. s. Plate XXVIII. Fig. 9. Shell white, polished, thin, with three rounded, rapidly enlarging whorls. Sculpture of tine incremental strias; suture deep but not channelled; whorls very round, but the spire hardly rising above the last whorl; base rounded, with a very narrow umbilicus, into which the whorl descends without any angle or other change of curve; aperture large, circular, the upper part a little angulated at the suture, margin simple, sharp, somewhat expanded but hardly reflected. Max. diam. of base, 4.2; min. diam., 3.0; alt., 3.0 mm. Habitat. Station 2, Gulf of Mexico, in 805 fins. I am in doubt as to the generic place of this species, so simple in its charac- ters and without the soft parts. I had thought of putting it under Choristes or with Vitrinella, and finally, in placing it here, feel by no means satisfied that the choice is a correct one. Cyclostrema cistronium n. s. Shell small, white, with a polished nucleus, one and a half rounded and as many more carinated whorls; spire depressed; radiating sculpture of fine close flexuous threads, which appear chiefly in the interspaces of the spirals, giving the surface a minutely punctate appearance; these extend over the whole sur- face except of the nuclear whorls; spiral sculpture of on the summit seven or eight, between the carina? six or eight, and on the base ten or fifteen ex- tremely fine threads, even and uniform, with about equal interspaces, some a little granular from the radiating sculpture; beside these there are three very strong carina?; one furms the margin of the nearly flat spire, the second extends horizontally just below the periphery, the space between them deeply ex- cavated; the third forms the edge of the funicular narrow deep umbilicus. The base is conical, excavated just within the peripheral carina; it rises to the edge of the umbilicus, wThich is marked by a strong thread, and within is vertically striated. The last whorl descends from the general plane, and finally becomes separated from the body wdiorl ; the margin is simple, sharply angu- lated by the carinations, otherwise the aperture would be ovate, with the colu- mellar side somewhat excavated. Alt., 1.6; max. diam., 2.0 mm. Habitat. Off the coast of North Carolina, in 22-63 fins., sand and gravel, in the warmer area. This is a very strongly marked species, in its sculpture recalling C. Vcrreauxi Fischer, which is larger, less elevated, with a proportionally larger umbilicus, and has not the deflected aperture. The latter recalls the characters of Tubiola divisa J. Adams, which is otherwise very different. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 395 Cyclostrema granulum n. s. Among the small shells from Samana Bay I have found a little Cyclostrema, which, as it appears undescribed, I have called C. granulum, and which is about 1.0 mm. in height and breadth. It is much the shape of 0. turbinum, but more elevated and compact, having ten or twelve fine strong spiral cinguli, under which are finer radiating raised incremental lines. It is white with a rounded base and perforate umbilicus, three whorls, a nearly circular aperture, with slightly thickened or expanded margin. For so small a shell it seems remarkably solid and strong. It must be one of the smallest of the genus. Section GRANIGYRA Dall. Shell covered with small pustules or granules, like those on Poromya or Plectodon. Cyclostrema (Granigyra) limatum n. s. Shell small, white, almost exactly the shape of Trochus fulgidus Jeffreys, but a little smaller, with three extremely rounded whorls covered with small close-set irregular granulations of nearly uniform size like sand-grains; base with a small perforate umbilicus, into which the whorl rounds without carina, callus, or break of any kind. Aperture circular, margins thin, sharp, uniform, not reflected. Max. diam., 2.5; alt., 2.5 mm. Habitat. Station 19, off Bahia Honda, Cuba, in 310 fms. This singular little shell is a typical Cyclostrema in its conchological features, except for its granular surface. The latter recalls that of Poromtja, but is finer and less regular. Super-Family DICRANOBRANCHIA. Family HALIOTIDiE. Genus HALIOTIS Linne. Haliotis Pourtalesii Dall. Haliotis [Padollus) Pourtalesii Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 79, 1881. Habitat. Bed of the Gulf Stream, in 200 fms., near the Florida Beefs, Pourtales, March 31, 1869. No additional information has yet been received in regard to this species. The type specimen was destroyed in the great fire at Chicago, together with the other collections of the Academy of Sciences and of Pourtales, which had been intrusted to Dr. Stimpson for study. It is the only representative of the genus on the eastern coast of America. 396 BULLETIN OF THE Family SCISSURELLIDjE. Genus SCISSURELLA Orbigny. Section SCHIZOTROCHUS Monterosato. Scissurella crispata Fleming. This widely spread species has been found off the eastern coast of the United States by the U. S. Fish Commission, the Challenger, and by Dr. Rush of the U. S. Navy. Section SCISSURELLA s. s. Scissurella alta Watson. Scissurella alta Watson, Chall. Rep. Gastr., p. 113, pi. viii. fig. 1, 1885 Habitat. Off Barbados, in 100 fms., Blake Expedition. Off Culebra Island, Antilles, in 390 fms., Challenger. A single specimen of this interesting species was found in the mud filling a larger shell from the above locality. Family PLEUROTOMARIID^. Pleurotomanidce Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 77, 1881. I cannot follow Dr. Fischer in placing the Scissurellidie in this family. The differences of the radula alone seem sufficient to separate them, and the absence of cirri on the epipodium, as well as the peculiar lappets of Scissurella, confirm the division, from my point of view. Genus PLEUROTOMARIA Sowerbt. Pleurotomaria J. Sowerby, Min. Conch., III. p. 139, pi. cclxxviii., Dec, 1821. Pleurotomaire (in) Defrance, Tabl. des corps Foss., p. 114, 1824. (No description.) Pleurotomaria " Defrance," J. de C. Sowerby, Min. Conch., VII. p. 69, pi. 640. Nov., 1844. Pleurotomaria Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 78, 1881. . H. Woodward, Geol. Mag., II., 1885, p. 433. Dr. H. Woodward in his excellent paper on this genus has overlooked the application of the name Pleurotomaria, and the statement of its essential char- acter, by James Sowerby, in 1821. The facts are : 1. James Sowerby uses and defines the name in 1821, though he does not definitely adopt it; he refers it to no other author. 2. Defrance never published the name Pleurotomaria ; he used a French form of it in his table of fossils, without a definition, and with- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 397 out claiming it as his own, or differentiating it from other older genera quoted by him, three years after its use by James Sowerby. 3. Other authors have referred to Defrance as the author of the name, but without stating any grounds for it, and without noticing Sowerby's original use of it. Hence it is evident that there is no published proof that the name is due to any one but Sowerby. What tradition may assert, or heedless quotation have established, is another matter, with which I do not feel that I have authority to deal. Section PEROTROCHUS Fischer. Pleurotomaria (Perotrochus) Quoyana Fischer & Bernardi. Plate XXIX. Fig. 1. Plate XXXI. Figs. 1, lb, 1 c. Plate XXXVII. Fig. 5. Pleurotomaria Quoi/ana Fischer & Bernardi, Journ. de Concliyl., V. p. 165, pi. v. figs. 1-3, 1856. Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 78, 1881. Crosse, Journ. de Conchy I., XXII. p. 14, 1882. Dall, in Agassiz, Three Cruises of the Blake, II. p. 69, fig. 289, Jan., 1888. Habitat. Station 290, off Barbados, in 73 fms., coral sand, bottom temper- ature 70°. 75. Station 296, off Barbados, in 84 fms., hard bottom, temperature 61°. 5 F. Island of Marie-Galante, near Guadelupe, Fischer. Station 2354, off the coast of Yucatan, near Arrowsmith Bank (dead), in 130 fms., coral bot- tom, U. S. Fish Commission. The first mentioned specimen was a little defective about the aperture, though living. It is in the U. S. National Museum. The second, also living, is perfect, and is now in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge. The Fish Commission specimen, also in the National Museum, is broken some- what at the aperture, but otherwise in good order. All these shells were of nearly uniform size. The measurements of the two Washington specimens are as follows. Max. diam. at base, 50.0 and 48.0; min. diam., 47.0 and 43.0; max. alt. of shell, 42.0 and 40.0; width of notch in both, 2.5 mm. Number of whorls, 10 and 9^. Height of the, aperture, 15.0 and 13.5 mm. The early two or three whorls are tilled solidly with translucent yellowish or reddish shelly matter, and the nucleus, as far as can be observed, shows no trace of a notch. This form belongs to the section Perotrochus Fischer (1885), but I do not think the value of most of these sections is very great. They are merely convenient means of arranging large numbers of species which do not greatly differ from one another. The characters of the radula may, however, validate the present subdivision. The animal in alcohol is of a yellowish waxen color, varied on the back of the tentacles, and on the upper part of the head behind the tentacles, with fine black transverse lines, corresponding to the wrinkles between the cuticular rugae. This led to the suspicion that they were due to foreign matter, but both specimens presented essentially the same appearance. The whole surface of the body was more or less rugose. The parts above alluded to are finely 398 BULLETIN OF THE transversely wrinkled. The rest of the body (excepting the base of the foot) is finely granulose, or furnished with minute close-set, rounded, short, project- ing points or papilla?. The head is moderately long and rounded much as in most Trochidce ; the muzzle rounded, its distal end forming a well-defined moderately papillose rounded-ovate disk; the mouth is about in the centre, with a deep sulcus ex- tending in the median line below and breaking the continuity of the margin. The tentacles are long, slender, subcylindrical, rather bluntly pointed, and wrinkled in a longitudinal direction, probably from contraction induced by the alcohol. The eyes are small, round, and black; the cutis above them has a small central perforation, so that the oftice of a lens must be performed by the water having access to the cup-shaped cavity within. There is no lens present. The upper surface of the foot is widely expanded at the sides, from a point a little behind the front edge of the foot to the posterior extremity. This expan- sion, though differing from the homologous organ in the Trochidce in its form and arrangement, is identical with the epipodium in that family. It is broad, thin, and entire, and fringed, as is the free edge of the mantle, with a single row of small short slender papillae. This extends back to the extreme termina- tion of the foot, tbe two epipodial expansions not uniting behind. There are no cirri, tentacular filaments, lappets, or other projections to the epipodial mar- gin, as in Scissurellidce or 'Trochidce. The upper surface of the epipodium is continuous with the upper surface of the foot, and is depressed and more finely granular than the outer part. About the centre of the upper surface of the body behind the shell is the operculigerous lobe, which is of a circular form and about 7.0 mm. in diameter. The depression between the epipodia extends to the posterior termination of the foot. In life the epipodia are thin and ex- tended, like a supplementary mantle, and are kept closely applied to the shell as if supporting it; in this respect differing from the same organs in the Tro- chidce, where they extend, like organs of touch, freely into the water on each side of the body, and only incidentally touch the shell. The anterior margin of the foot is rounded, and perhaps double, but the duplication is evidently not deep, and is hardly visible in the contracted speci- mens before me. This organ is very muscular in this group. The posterior end is not very acutely pointed. The operculum is nearly circular, small for the size of the shell, its greatest diameter being only 7.5 mm., and its smallest diameter 7.0 mm. Within this range it has ten narrow whorls, smooth or lightly striated with incre- mental lines on both sides, of a brown color, thicker toward the margin and having its central point impressed slightly from the exterior. The length of the (contracted) foot is about 33 mm., the width between the tentacles is about 7 mm., and the tentacles are about 10 mm. long. The mantle is thin, its edge resembles that of the epipodia, but, as preserved, the individual papilla) of the fringe seem a little larger and stouter. In life they extend along the margin of the notch, and are visible from the outside. Be- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 399 hind the head and foot, in the two specimens dissected, the soft parts were totally decayed and lost, having probably been left too long out of alcohol in the tropical temperature after the draughtsman had made his drawings. Nothing remained of the gills, and only the anterior lobes of the mantle, the appearance of which in life is preserved by the drawings made from the living animal. The cavity of the mouth is large, and the muscles which move the buccal mass are prominent and strong. There are no functional mandibles; the jaws, if such they may be called, are disproportionately small and weak. They consist of two quadrate smooth horny pieces about 1.5 mm. square, meeting above in the median line at the anterior upper portion of the oral cavity. They are attached over their whole extent, flatly to the roof of the mouth, have no cutting edge, in fact are too soft and weak to cut anything, and evi- dently only serve the purpose of defending the surface to which they are fixed from the attrition of the teeth of the radula below them. The radula is long and its central part is of a very dark red brown. There is a narrow pointed rhachidian tooth, with a slightly curved simple tip. The other teeth are arranged in three series. The laterals proper ars twenty-six in number, and the line forms a very acute angle on each side of the rhachidian tooth, which would occupy a position a little within the apex of this angle. The largest laterals are those near the rhachidian tooth; they have simple broad cusps and narrower bases; a faint midrib was visible on some of them near the base. They grow gradually smaller and shorter from the centre outward, though preserving a general similarity of form ; the outer five are without cusps, and are little more than pointed lamellae. Outside of the laterals are two series of uncini; the inner series or major uncini are large, strongly curved, with scythe-shaped cusps, having from one to three denticles nearly as large as the principal cusp. Those nearer the rhachis have more and the outer ones have fewer denticles, the outer ones are also a little shorter and more slender. As nearly as I could determine there were eighteen (possibly twenty) of these uncini, their tips forming an arch raised above the median teeth and also above the minor uncini. The successive rows in a general view of the radula look like successive waves running in at an angle less oblique to the median line than the teeth on the rhachis. The minor laterals form a very numerous se- ries of decidedly smaller and more transparent teeth, which series, though really inclined toward the median line at a very acute angle, appears parallel with it. The uncini so overlap and confuse with one another as to make it impossible to state witli confidence the exact number in a single transverse series; I believe it to be more than forty, and probably less than fifty. They are slender, spatulifonn, nearly straight transparent lamellae, whose weakness contrasts strongly with the stout arched dentate broad-cusped major laterals. The major and minor laterals respectively are set in series on a compact solid base, common to all of the teeth in that series belonging to one transverse set, and not very clearly separated from the basis of adjoining sets. This adds to the difficulty of obtaining the exact number in any one transverse set, where the teeth are so numerous and so compactly planted. I did not observe on any 400 BULLETIN OF THE of the uncini such tufts or brushes as are described in connection with the radula of P. Adansoniana. The tooth formula would be written, R (^ + | ) + ( -£A- + 45?), the middle tooth (R) and the right half of the radula being included in the formula. Section ENTEMNOTROCHUS Fischer. Pleurotomaria (Entemnotrochus) Adansoniana Crosse & Fischer. Plate XXX. Plate XXXI. Figs. 3, 4, 5, 6. Plate XXXII. Fig. lO. Plate XXXVII. Fig. 4. Pleurotomaria Adansoniana Crosse & Fischer, Journ. de Conchyl., IX. p. 1C3, pi. V. figs. 1, 2, 1801. Dall, Bull. M. C. Z ., IX. p. 78, 1881. Crosse, Journ. de Conchyl , XXII. p. 12, pi. i. figs. 1, 2, 1882. Dall, in Agassiz, Three Cruises of the Blake, II. p. 69, fig. 288, 1888. Habitat. Station 278, in 69 fins., coral bottom, temperature 68°. 0, dead; Station 276, in 94 fms., temperature 61°. 0 ; Station 291, in 200 fms., stones, temperature 49°.75 F.; all near Barbados. Guadelupe, in 150 fms., Fischer. The specimen from Station 291 is now (with the broken one. from Station 278) in the Museum at Cambridge. It will be referred to as "specimen a." The other, now in the U. S. National Museum, will be called "specimen 6." Their respective measurements are as follows. Max. diam. of base, 130.0 and 88.0; min. diam., 111.0 and 79.0; max. alt. of shell, 130.0 and 70.0; max. lat. of aperture, 60.0 and 41.5; max. alt. of aperture, 38.0 and 26.0; Ion. of slit, 200.0 and 142.0 mm., in both cases a little more than half the length of the last whorl, which in specimen b measured, in all, 237.0 mm. Its operculum measured 35.0 mm. in greatest diameter. The width of the slit is from 2.5 to 3.5 mm. in specimen a, which has eleven whorls. It is from 2.5 to 2.75 mm. in specimen b, which has ten whorls. The specimen from Station 278 was of a much more brilliant yellow than the two others, and the painting was somewhat different in each specimen from either of the others. -The nucleus was uniformly filled with solid matter. The soft parts in this species were a little better preserved than in P. Quoy- ana, since, in specimen b, the mantle to the anal commissure was intact, and the branchia upon it, as well as the anal termination of the intestine and the glands below it. The crop or stomach, and everything behind it, however, no longer remained. In specimen a only the body and head remained. The external parts in life, as represented by the draughtsman, were reddish, finely tuberculated or punctate with yellow, thus reproducing the colors of the shell. In the preserved specimen the soft parts showed no markings, and appeared of a livid waxen hue, common to specimens preserved in spirits. In a general way, the superficial characters resemble those of P. Quoyana, but there are some differences. May 12, 1889. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 401 The surface of the body is less rugose than in P. Quoyana, though it is very finely granular all over, with (in the contracted specimen) a velvety appear- ance. The head bears about the same proportion to the rest of the body, but the muzzle in front of a line joining the tentacles would be shorter, and the tentacles shorter, stouter, and more pointed. The eyes are very small, black, and similar to those of P. Quoyana. The epipodia are similar in arrangement, but proportionately smaller than in that species, and while minutely papillose do not seem to have a special single fringe-like row of papillte at the margin. The right epipodium ex- tends forward as far as the front end of the foot, the left only to the anterior edge of the operculigerous disk. The difference is not nearly so great in P. Quoyana, where the left epipodium extends one half the remaining distance farther forward. The most marked external difference between the two animals, as observable from the alcoholic specimens, consists in the character of the dorsal area be- tween the two epipodia. The operculigerous lobe is very much larger in pro- portion (about 33.0 mm. in diameter), while behind it in the median line is a large, deep, ill-defined groove, extending to the posterior end of the foot. This is crossed by irregular strong transverse rugae, which are often tuberculate or warty along what would be the margins of this groove. In P. Quoyana this dorsal depressed area is nearly smooth, while the part behind the opercular lobe, though more papillose than the rest, shows no such median groove or transverse ruga?. The foot is shaped as in P. Quoyana ; the anterior margin appears narrowly duplicate, but this, owing to contraction, may be an erroneous deduction. In this specimen the sides stand about an inch in height (95.0 mm.) ; the sole of the foot is about an inch wide, and three inches long. The lobes of the mantle correspond to the form of the shell, and are smooth except at the margin, where they are densely papillose, the papillae being small but irregular in size and not arranged in rows, or if regular then in more than one row. This margin extends all round the mantle edge, and on both sides of the notch to its posterior commissure, toward which the papilla? become smaller and sparser. At the end of the commissure a few of the papillae appeared to me at my first examination to be separated from those on either side by a gap, but a second scrutiny leads me to believe that' this is accidental. Within the mantle cavity, and on the inner surface of the mantle, rather close to the junction of the latter with the dorsum, are the gills. These con- sist of two series of flattened leaflets on either side of a smooth cutaneous ridge containing the branchial vessels, which extends from a point close to the anterior edge of the mantle, parallel with the slit in the shell, backward as far as the slit extends. A section is given in the diagram on page 434. The anterior end of this ridge is for a short distance free from the mantle surface, and terminates in a sharp point, near and up to which the branchial leaflets diminish in size, the outer seneo extending a little farther than the vol. xviii. 26 402 BULLETIN OF THE inner one. At the base of this free angle is a small swelling of the cutis, and just inside of it toward the median line is a small elevated hemispherical organ which appears to be an osphradium, or of a sensory nature. In the speci- men (6) as preserved there are four branchial leaves in the length of a milli- meter; the double series is about 45.0 mm. long (in specimen a, 81.5 mm.), so that each gill (in specimen b) contains about 360 single leaflets, which indi- vidually average about 3.5 mm. long, and 1.2 mm. wide at the base. The free part of the gill extends about eight millimeters. The cavity of the mouth is large, and, as far as could be judged in the rotten state of the parts, a large thin-walled crop had position immediately behind it. The termination of the intestine was preserved; it forms a sigmoid curve on the surface of the mantle behind the anal commissure, where it is (specimen b) somewhat over 2.0 mm. in diameter, and gradually tapers to a stoutish point. The last seven or eight millimeters of its length are free, and when living it can doubtless be protruded outside the shell through the slit, for the discharge of fasces. Immediately underneath this part of the intestine and spreading on each side, lobed in a shape roughly trifoliate, is a large gland or pair of glands meet- ing in the median line, and having a radiately rugose and irregular surface, in which the depressions look not unlike little oblong pits. Within and close to the mantle edge, one on each side of the commissure, is an oblong elevation containing an oblique opening, apparently the openings to these glands, which I suppose to have a renal function. The operculum is very much larger absolutely and proportionally than in P. Quoyana. It measures (from the larger specimen) 54.0 mm. in maximum and 47.0 mm. in minimum diameter, is almost flat, and has about ten whorls, of which the central ones are rather indistinct. The outer surface is minutely sharply spirally striated, and a central spot the size of a pin-head is indistinctly indented. The inner side is polished, and shows a somewhat egg-shaped scar of attachment. It is of an amber-brown color. The extreme margin is thin and a little frayed. The jaws (specimen b) are situated in the same place, and are of about the same form as in P. Quoyana, in fact are hardly larger than in that species, although the P. Adansoniana is so much larger than the former. They are, however, a little thicker and of a dark red-amber color. The radula is about 40.0 mm. long by 7.0 mm. wide in its natural condition (specimen 6). As the characteristic teeth are figured, it is not necessary to attempt a minute description in detail of each one. The rhachidian or central tooth is pointed before and Denind, or lozenge- shaped, with a median rib, and the point or cusp hardly curved over at all. It has sonfewhat the shape of a spear-head without barbs. The inner laterals have somewhat the shape of a scapula, being oval, marginate, with a median ridge from which a sort of recurved wing projects, near the base. There are fifteen laterals on each side of the median line, gradually becoming more simple in form as one follows the line outward ; then, of the uncini, the first five are MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 403 denticulated at the end and tufted, the next four are denticulated but without tufts, the rest, about forty-five in number, are more simple, and become still more simple and smaller toward the margin of the radula. The tooth formula would be written, R -(- (15) -+- (5 -+- 4 -+■ 45), without trying to exemplify the minor uncinal armature. Morch (Malak. Blatt., XXII. p. 184, 1875) has described a supposed species of Murchisonia, — M. (Murchisonella) spectrum, — from St. Thomas, collected by Riise, measuring 2.0 by 0.75 mm., and having ten whorls. From the small size of this shell I suspect it to belong to the Turritellidce, — many of which have notches or waves, recalling those of Seguenzia, in the margin of the aperture, — or at least to some group unconnected with the typi- cal Murchisonia. Family FISSURELLID^E. Genus PUNCTURELLA Lowe. Subgenus PUNCTURELLA s. s. Puncturella circularis Dall Plate XXVI. Figs. 7, 7 b. Puncturella circularis Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 75, 1881- Habitat. Station 44, in 539 ims. No more specimens have turned up, and a comparison of this and the follow- ing species with others contained in the Jeffreys collection confirms to that extent their distinctness. Puncturella trifolium Ball. Plate XXVI. Figs. 8,8 b. Puncturella trifolium Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 76, 1881. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, in 640 fms. Puncturella Watsoni n. s. Shell small, greenish white, exactly resembling in sculpture Cranopsis granulata Seguenza (Chall. Gastr., p. 46, pi. iv. fig. 5), but differing from that species in having the slit of Puncturella instead of Cranopsis, and in having a rather higher and narrower and more conical form. The anterior and posterior slopes are not arched to the same extent as in the C. granulata, and the shell is proportionately shorter. The nucleus is small and prominent, and the shell as a whole includes two whorls. Max. alt., 3.0; max. diam.. 2.5: mas. Ion., 3.8 mm. 404 BULLETIN OF THE Habitat. Near Barbados, in 100 fms. Station 20, in 220 fras., off Babia Honda, Cuba. Off Yucatan, in 200 fms., U. S. Fisb Commission. A species of tbis genus from Patagonia, in deep water, sbows a small but well marked verge in tbe usual position. One specimen bas tbe eyes black and prominent. In another of tbe same lot tbe organs are wbolly destitute of pigment Subgenus FISSUPJSEPTA Segdenza. Fissurisepta triangulata Dall. Puncturella (Fissurisepta) rostrata Watson, Chall. Rep. Gastr., p. 48, pi. iv. fig. 10, 1885. Not of Seguenza. Having received a few specimens of the form figured and described by Mr. Watson, I bave compared them with typical examples both recent and fossil of the original rostrata of Seguenza. There is no doubt that they possess certain features in common, but the form of the Antillean shell is much more triangu- lar, less elevated, longer and more erect, beside the less obvious differences noted by Watson in his description, in regard to minor features of sculpture. I have therefore thought it best to give a new name to the Antillean shell. My specimens come from the mas* ^f Yucatan, dredged in about 200 fms., by the U. S. Fish Commission. Subgenus CRANOPSIS A. Adams. Cranopsis asturiana Fischer. Rimula asturiana Fischer, Journ. de Conchyl., XXX. p. 61, 1882. Watson, Chall. Report, Gastr., p. 45, pi. iv. fig. 4, 1885. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, in 640 fms. Station 100, off Havana, in 250-400 fms. (living). Station 208, in 213 fms., hard bottom, off Martinique, bottom temperature 50°.5 F. Gulf of Gascony, in 2018 meters, Travailleur Ex- pedition. Off Cape Florida, in 85 fms., U. S. Fish Commission. Rimula capuliformis or messanensis of Seguenza, from the Tertiary of Reggio, Calabria, is a variety with slightly coarser and more irregular radiating ribs. The Antillean specimens in general show less reticulation than those from Europe, the tendency being for the radiating ribs to be nodulous and finely shagreened, while the concentric sculpture-is.job^olete between them. They are also, as a rule, less elevated, and the posterior slope is more concave. But these differences are of degree, and merge into uniformity with a large series. The two anterior lobes of the mantle do not unite, although the lobes of the shell do as it approaches maturity. The muzzle is short, round, and plain at the end. The tentacles are short and stout. The eyes are small and black. The epipodial line is marked by seven cirri, of which the pair next to the posterior pair are notably larger than the others. The gills are broad and MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 405 symmetrical. A male intromittent organ is attached behind the base of the right tentacle, as in Cocculinidce, Addisoniidoz, and Neritidce. It is small, slender, and subcylindrical. I have not seen the soft parts of a female specimen. Cranopsis ? erecta Dall. Shell strong, erect, with regularly ovate base, a smooth prominent nucleus, and about one and a half cancellated whorls. Radiating sculpture of about eighteen strong riblets, each pair enclosing another somewhat less strong, and on each side of tbe latter a faint raised line, almost buried under the concen- tric sculpture. The primary and secondary radii rise above the general level of the concentric sculpture, the tertiary radii below it. The radii are strong rounded elevated threads. The concentric sculpture is of high close-set cord- like ridges, which are closely applied to and pass over the radii, leaving relatively deep pits in the space enclosed by the reticulations. The terminations of the ribs ornament the outer margin of the base, which is radiately grooved for a short distance under them. The interior is radiately striate with a fine groove, extending from the front end of the fissure to the margin. Externally the posterior slope starts from under a small beak, is straight and steep. From the beak the dorsal outline is at first nearly horizontally forward, then with a bold round curve falls more steeply than the hinder slope. The fissure is narrow, long, and sharp at both ends. A fasciole extends back from it toward the beak, and a soldered fissure forward to the margin. Inside, the fissure is surmounted by a short and flaring septum without buttresses, which extends about one fourth the distance from the internal apex toward the front margin. Externally the shell is grayish, and within subtranslucent white. Max. Ion. of base, 10.0; max. lat. of base, 7.5; alt. of shell, 7.0 mm. Habitat. Off the coast of North Carolina, at Station 2601, in 107 fms., gravel, bottom temperature 67°.4 F. The fissure in this species is exactly intermediate between Cranopsis and Puncturella proper, so far as position is concerned. It is a little farther for- ward than in the typical Puncturella, and not quite as far as in Cranopsis. It is manifestly most nearly related to the latter by the groove extending forward from the fissure, aud the sculpture is not unlike that of some specimens of Cranopsis asturiana. From this it differs by its profile, and the position and form of the fissure and septum. The bluff outline of the summit is far re- moved from the conical form of P. noachina and from the low and graceful arch of P. asturiana. Genus EMARGINULA Lamarck. Subgenus EIMULA Defrance. If the step from Cranopsis to Puncturella, or the reverse, is not very long, on the other hand the distinction between Cranopsis and Rimula proper is not 406 BULLETIN OF THE great. If the septum filling the original fissure curves in harmony with the shell, we have typical lihnula according to Mr. Watson's arrangement. If, on the other hand, this septum be convex with relation to the internal face of the shell, it is Cranopsis. Rimula frenulata n. s. Plate XXVIII. Fig. 4. Shell ovate, resembling in general shape and color a single valve of Limalula ovata Wood; apex small, laterally compressed, sharp; nucleus very minute. Sculpture of fine distinct radiating threads, with an intercalary finer thread between nearly every pair. Concentric sculpture of about equally strong threads, which reticulate, but do not pass over or nodulate the radiations ; they are not strictly concentric, being somewhat flexuous or broken at the sides, and sometimes bifurcated. Anal fasciole shallow, continuous from the fissure to the apex, narrow and marked with semilunar incremental ridges; fissure small, shaped like the top of an exclamation point (1). Interior glossy, the fasciole marked by two faint ridges extending to the apex; margin of the shell crenu- lated by the sculpture, apex reaching almost or quite as far back as the poste- rior margin, but a little raised above it. fissure a little variable in position, but mostly in the anterior third of the shell; dorsal surface gently convexly curved. Max. Ion., 6.25; max. lat., 3.75; alt., 2.3 mm. Habitat. West Florida and the Keys, U. S. Fish Commission. This lovely little shell is remarkably distinct from any of the described species known to me. Subgenus EMARGINULA s. s. Emarginula cancellata Philippi. Emarginula cancellata Phil., En. Moll. Sicil., I. p. 114, t. v. fig. 15, 1840. Habitat. Mediterranean, Madeira, Channel Islands, in 8-250 fins., Jeffreys. Station 21, off Cuba, in 287 fms. Off Havana, Sigsbee, in 127 fms., and near Barbados in 100 fms., all dead specimens. These shells are a little more elegant in their sculpture than the European specimens, as the American Cranopsis asturiana are more elegant than those from the Gulf of Gascony, but I feel confident that they may fairly be referred to the same species. Emarginula compressa Cantraine. Emarginula sp. indet., Bull. M. C. Z , IX. p. 77, 1881. E. compressa Cantraine, Bull. Acad. Roy. Bruxelles, IX. 2, 1835. Jeffreys, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 679, 1883. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, in 640 fins.; off Havana, in 292 fms.; Station 19, in 310 fms.; Station 21, in 287 fms.; Stations 282 and 296, near Barba- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 407 dos, in 84-154 fras. Coast of Portugal, in 286-322 ims., Porcupine Expedition. Sicilian Tertiaries, Seguenza, etc. All the specimens obtained were dead. I have compared them with the Sicilian fossils, and can confirm Dr. Jeffreys's identification of the two forms as indistinguishable. The whole shell is faintly spirally twisted, and the notch is not in the centre of the front edge. I would observe that the number of nominal species of Emarginula in Reeve's monograph is probably far too great, as no account seems to have been taken of the variations due to age and station. As with other limpets, these are very important. Subgenus SUBEMARGINULA Blainville. Subemarginula octoradiata Gmelin. Emarginula Rollandi Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 77, 1881 (not of Fischer). Habitat. Sigsbee, off Havana, in 450 fins. Station 21, 287 fms. The dead and imperfect specimens above referred to, on further study, ap- pear to be young specimens of E. (Subemarginula) octoradiata Gmelin. Genus FISSURELLA Brugciere. Section CREMIDES H. & A. Adams. Fissurella alternata Sat. Fissurel/a alternata Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II. p. 224, 1822. Reeve, Conch. Icon. Fissurella, pi. xii. fig. 84, 1850. Fissurella fumata Reeve, Conch. Icon. Fissurella, pi. ix. fig. 63, 1850. Fissure/la Dysoni Reeve, Conch. Icon. Fissurella, pi. xii. fig. 86, 1850. Fissurella larva Reeve, Conch. Icon. Fissurella, pi. xiii. fig. 98, 1850. A number of specimens of this species were collected at various stations, one in 805 fins., but of course these were not native to that or other great depths. Fresh specimens, however, were dredged by Sigsbee, off Havana, in 80 fms., and one still containing the soft parts at Station 276, near Barbados, in 94 fms. The United States Fish Commission has also dredged this species off our south- ern coasts, living in depths from 20 to 100 fms. The deep-water specimens (var. Sayi) are generally smaller, of an olivaceous cast, and with the color rays very faint or entirely absent. 408 BULLETIN OF THE Subgenus GLYPHIS Carpenter. Glyphis fluviana n. s. Plate XIV. Figs. 6, 6 a. Shell low, conical, reticulated, white or translucent, variegated with gray or olive green lines or dots mostly radiately disposed; form variable with station, but usually in the young and in more normal adults both slopes of the cone are a little concave near the apex. The anterior slope slightly con- vex; the posterior slope straight or a little concave, and usually a little longer than the other, though these characters vary with station. Base is rounded oval, symmetrical and equal at both ends, with a thin simple margin. Sculp- ture of slightly irregular sudden enlargements of the shell, giving the effect of very narrow steps, over which some twenty moderately strong and as many more faint flattened radii seem to flow. In other specimens these step-like edges are produced into low laminae, and the ribs are also stronger and at the intersections nodulous, or even a little scaly. Apex erect, truncate by the pore, which is circular, simple, and within margined by a narrow horseshoe- shaped callus. Exterior dull or unpolished, interior shining, with the color rays and ribs visible through the thin shell. Two specimens measure, alt. 4.0 and 6.0, Ion. 10.6 and 9.5, lat. 6.6 and 6.5 mm., respectively. Habitat. Station 21, in 287 fms. Station 2, in 805 fms. Off Havana, in 80 fms., Sigsbee. Station 247, near Grenada (living), in 170 fms., ooze, bottom temperature 53°. 5. Station 272, off Barbados (living), in 76 fms., shelly bottom, temperature 65°.0 F. The gills, anus, mantle margin, foot, muzzle, and tentacles are as usual in Fissurella. There is a row of about thirty minute epipodial cirri, continuous behind, and advancing as far forward as the adductors. The ejres are very large and black, the right tentacle at its base behind the eye, in the male, bears a well marked intromittent organ. This taken in connection with the discovery of a similar organ in Cocculina, in Addiionia, and in Cranopsis astu- riana, would indicate that a majority of the deep-sea rhiphidoglossate limpets possess this organ, that it was originally present in most, if not all, of the Rhiphi- doglossa having a shell of this general form, that the organ has become obso- lete in the shallow- water forms except the. Neritidce, but that the deep-water forms, less modified by reason of their protective environment, have retained it. It also confirms my original reference of Addisonia and its allies to the Rhiphidoglossa, while the absence of such an organ in any of the Docoglossate limpets, so far as known, is significant. It is dangerous to assume too much in such cases, but I cannot helD doubting if such an organ was ever developed in the Docoglossate line. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 409 Genus FISSURELLIDEA Orbignt. Fissurellidea limatula Reeve. Fissurella limatula Reeve, Conch. Icon. Fissurella, pi. xv. fig. 115, 1850. Sowerby, Thes. Conch., pi. viii. fig. 204. Habitat. Off Havana (dead), in 80 frns., Sigsbee. Coast of North Carolina, in 15-20 fms., U. S. Fish Commission. This shell appears to be the species figured by Reeve without habitat. It is very variable in color, being often brown, reddish, or slaty and black. It was found living on marine grass at low water near Key West, by Hemphill. It recalls F. callomarginata Cpr. of the Californian coast, but is broader and more evenly shaped, and brighter colored. The more prominent ribs are often provided with fine vaulted scales. The following additional species of this family were dredged dead from deep water, where they had been disgorged by fishes, or drifted by currents, etc., as they are distinctly littoral forms. Glyphis barbadensis Gmelin. Fissurellidea fasciata Pfr. Fissurellidea (fragment) sp. indet. Fissurella minuta Lamarck. Fissurella cayennensis Lamarck. Suborder DOCOGLOSSA. The Docoglossate limpets of the littoral zone of the Antilles, most of which are also common to South Florida and the Central American and Mexican coast in suitable localities, all belong to the genus Acmcea as far as known. I have never seen a single representative of the Patellidce from this region. Perhaps future researches will reveal some. The positively determined shallow-water species are as follows, but they have many synonyms: — Acmcea melanoleuca Gmelin (P. albicosta C. B. Ad. -+- P. leucopleura Lam. pars). Acmcea jmnctulata Gmelin (P. puncturata Lam. -+- P. pustula Helb. non Lin. + P. surinamensis Auct. non Gmelin, -+- P. cubaniana Orb., etc.). Acmcea punctulata var. pulcherrima Guilding. Acmcea Cancleana Orbigny (P. notata Gmelin, Chemnitz, Dillwyn, Lamarck, etc., not of Linne). Acmcea onychina Gould (Rio, also Barbados). Acmcea melanosticta Gmelin (Antilles). The last mentioned has been sent to me from several sources as Patella antillarum Sowerby, but Philippi's figure of antillarum is more like a variety of melanoleuca than anything else. I do not know on what authority the name melanosticta rests. Gmelin's description certainly would not be suffi- 410 BULLETIN OF THE cient. Acmcea elegans Philippi (La Guayra) is a synonym of A . Candeana, as I believe from the literature P. confusa of Guilding is intended to be. The melanosticta above referred to, whatever be its proper name, is appar- ently an excellent .species, and quite distinct from A. Candeana. Orbigny says that A . melanoleuca is a true Patella, but this does not agree with the only specimen I have seen, and the other species he describes as Patella are certainly Acmseas. The comparatively small number of littoral species, compared with the mul- titude of forms on the Pacific coast, affords a notable discrepancy between the faunae of the two regions. The deep-water Docoglossa are few in number and peculiar. An account of most of them was published by me in the Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum for 1881, page 407. The progress of science during the last six years has enabled me to clear up several disputed points. The result is, that the genus Scutellina, long supposed to belong in this group, is (as will be seen elsewhere in this paper) definitely relegated to another suborder, while Propi- lidium has been proved to belong to the Docoglossa, a relation which had been strongly questioned. The character and number of the gills in Propilidium still remain in doubt. I suspect it has a single gill, like Acm&a, and that an elongated anal papilla has been taken for another or second gill. In this connection, it may be observed that on several occasions in the last year or two the question of the position of the osphradia in Acmcea has been raised, and the importance of this item in classification has been highly rated by certain naturalists. Now I doubt extremely the value of the transcendental theories based on the osphradia and their position, with which we have been regaled at times. Nevertheless, for the comfort of those who do believe in them, and as one more fact to be added to the general stock, I will describe the position and character of the osphradia in Acmcea. These organs in the large limpets of the western coast of America are generally orange-colored, usually quite small, elongate oval, and little raised. They are often abortive or nearly so. When well developed, in most species (e. g. A cmcea patina and A . spectrum) they are smooth and polished, very little, elevated, and have a glandular aspect and unbroken contour. In others (as Ancistromesus mexicanus) the surface is cellular or transversely corrugated like an abortive miniature gill, and even appears as if it were porous. They lose color and contract strongly in alcohol, and, unless one knows exactly where to look, he will not find them in an old- fashioned badly contracted alcoholic specimen. They are situated one on each side of the back of the neck as it were, or, more precisely, on the transverse portion of the integument above the head, and in front of the main pericardial chamber, in the angle formed by the neck and the inferior surface of the mantle over the head. They are not especially related to the Acmsean gill either in position or development. I may add, that I described them and their position about thirteen years ago;* but, as the state of science then was, in * Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1876, pp. 239, 240. MUSEUM OF COMPAKATIVE ZOOLOGY. 411 Patella they had been by distinguished naturalists referred to the generative apparatus. While showing this relation to be improbable, the spongy nature of the organ in some species led me to the suggestion that they might be of the nature of aquiferous pores. It was not until attention was called to them by the investigations of Spengel that their true nature was recognized. Super-Family PROTEOBRANCHIA. Family ACM^EID^E. Genus PECTINODONTA Dall. Pectinodonta Dall, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1881, p. 409, 1882. Shell resembling Scutellina, but with a blunt subcentral apex. Soft parts resembling Acmcea except in the following details. Animal blind, with the front part of the head between the tentacles and above the muzzle much pro- duced upward and forward, extending considerably farther forward than the end of the muzzle, which is marginated with lappets at the outer corners. Jaw thin translucent. Gill exactly as in Acmcea; sides of foot and mantle edge simple, nearly smooth. Dental formula ° ; teeth large, with transverse pectinated or denticulated cusps, the serrated edge of which is turned toward the median line. The number of teeth is the smallest in any known limpet, and their appearance suggests that they are compounded of the normal three Docoglossal laterals, rather than due to the suppression of two and the exag- geration of the third. Nothing like it is described in the group. Pectinodonta arcuata Dall. Plate XXV. Figs. 3,3 a, 3 b. P. arcuata Dall, he. cit., p. 409, 1882. This was obtained by the party on the Blake at Station 215, off St. Lucia, in 226 fms., coarse sand and broken shells, bottom temperature 51°.0; a large dead specimen at Station 185, in 333 fms., fine sand and dark brown mud, off Dominica, bottom temperature 44°.0; another, drilled, but in fresh con- dition at Station 161, in 583 fins., lava sand, off Guadelupe, bottom tempera- ture 41°. 0; another specimen was found entangled in a piece of- coral from unknown depth, at St. Thomas, W. I. The typical species was kindly compared with the species of Scutellina in the British Museum by friends in London, and reported to be different from any of them. 412 BULLETIN OF THE Super-Family ABRANCHIA. Genus PROPILIDIUM Forbes & Hanlet. Propilidium ancyloide F. & H Plate XXXI. Figs. 2, 2 b, 2 c. P. ancyloide F. & H., II. pp. 443, 444, pi. lxii. figs. 3, 5; pi. aa, fig. 4, 1850. In the publication on deep-water limpets and chitons above referred to (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1881, p. 402) it was stated that an examination of the available data indicated that Propilidium belonged in the Fissurellido3, where it might represent an imperforate Puncturella, More lately Dr. Jeffreys sug- gested its identity with Cocculina. I have never been able to procure a speci- men of Propilidium with the soft parts preserved in spirits, and all that Dr. Jeffreys could send me for examination was a dried up fragment from a shell collected long since. By soaking this in weak potash solution I was able to restore it sufficiently to determine that the form of the head and tentacles agrees with the drawing of Forbes and Hanley, and that the dentition resem- bles that of Pilidium fulvum, as figured by G. 0. Sars (Moll. Reg. Arct. Norvegise, pi. ii. fig. 12), except that the teeth are more slender and longer, and are somewhat more separated from one another. This shows that the genus belongs in the Docoglossa (in all probability near the Lepetidce), and its stand- ing will depend chiefly upon the character of its branchiae, if it proves to possess them. None could be seen in the soaked specimen, but one could hardly expect any trace of them to remain there, even if originally present. The spiral and sinistral or posteriorly directed nucleus is common to all of the Abranchiata, but in nearly all of them it is lost before. the creature attains maturity. In Propilidium with its septum we seem to have the process arrested half-way, the partition remaining unfinished and the nucleus persistent. Prof. Verrill has described (Trans. Conn. Acad., VI. p. 205, May, 1884) an American species of this genus, which has until lately rested on its' original type, a native of North European seas. P. elegans Verrill was collected off the coast of Virginia in 1395 fathoms. It has not yet been figured, and in treating of the soft parts Prof. Verrill does not mention the branchiae. The animal is blind, like the Lepetidce, and there are no epipodial filaments or fringe. The occurrence of P. pertenue Jeffreys is also recorded from the American coast, in 640 fms., by Prof. Verrill, but the genus of the original pertenue is doubtful. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 413 Genus LEPETELLA Verrill. Lepetella tubicola Verrill. Plate XXV. Fig. 6. Lepetella tubicola Verrill, Am. Journ. Science, XX. p. 396, 1880; Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III. p. 375, Jan., 1881. Lepetella tubicola Dall, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III. pp. 408, 411, April, 1882. This remarkable species does not appear in the Blake collection, but, in addi- tion to the northern localities referred to in the publications above cited, it has been collected by the U. S. Fish Commission in the Gulf of Mexico, between the delta of the Mississippi and Cedar Keys, Florida, at Station 2376, in 324 fins., mud, in worm tubes, bottom temperature 46°.5 F. I have figured the dentition for comparison. A fossil specimen in the Jeffreys collection marked Patella compressa Rayneval from Monte-Mario, and according to Tiberi (fide Jeffreys, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 674) also found living in the Bay of Naples, ap- pears to be indistinguishable from Lepetella tubicola, so far as the shell is concerned. Subclass ISO PLEURA. Some years ago,* in reviewing the article " Mollusca " of the new edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, I pointed out that this Subclass is naturally divided into two large groups; one the Polyplacophora, including the Chitons, which possess a developed and functional foot and exhibit a metameric repe- tition of the primitive shell-sac; and the other the Chcetodermidaj worm-like, with an abortive or rudimental foot, and (so far as known) without any evi- dence of a shell or its equivalent. But as the term Polyplacophora has long been in use for the Order including the Chitons, it is probably better to substi- tute a new term for the Super-ordinal group. Super-Order POLYCONCH^E. Order POLYPLACOPHORA. Suborder CHITONACEA. Super-Family EOCHITONIA. Head and tail plates similarly articulated. It was early recognized by Carpenter that the Chitons were separable into two great groups, which he called the Regular and Irregular Chitons. To the * Science, pp. 730-732, June 13, 1884. t Aplampliom Fischer, Man. Conch., 1885. 414 BULLETIN OF THE former belong all the ancient paleozoic forms, which as far as known were all Leptoidea. The majority of the living Chitons are also classed in this group. The more specialized and peculiar, and especially the forms least embarrassed by their shelly cuirass, or in which it has become more or less diminished in size relatively to the whole animal, belong to the more modern group Opsi- chitonia. The Eochitonia will comprise four families, whose exact limits remain to be defined by further researches, but which will for the present be regarded as the equivalents of the lettered subdivisions of nearly the same name in my paper on the Genera of Chitons (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1881, pp. 283-285). They are the Leptoidea, Ischnoidea, Lophyroidca, and Acanthoidea. Family LEPTOCHITONID^E. Genus LEPTOCHITON Gray. This group comprises the great majority of the deep-water Chitons. It should not be confounded with Leptochiton H. & A. Adams, which is a hetero- geneous assembly. Nearly all the species are white, with ferruginous or cine- reous splashes, and of comparatively small size. They represent the paleozoic Chitons, which were all Leptoids. Chiton eocenensis Conrad, from the Alabama Eocene, is however a true Chiton of the restricted group typified by C. squa- mosus Born, or C. tuberculatus Linne. Leptochiton pergranatus n. s. L. t. elongata. mediocre elevata, regulariter arcuata, jugo nullo; pallide cereo tincta, interdum albida; valvis latioribus, apicibus nullis; v. ant. et post, plus minusve concava; v. post, sine mucrone elevata; sculptura ut in L. cancellatus sed granulis majoribus; areis lat. minus definitis; lam. suturalis, elongatis; zona lata, squamuliis tenuibus, criniformes, dense obsita. Lon. 12.0; lat. 6.5 mm. •Habitat. Station 192, near Dominica, in 138 fms., bottom temperature 63°.75 F. This fine species is nearest the Atlantic L cancellatus Sowerby, and the Japanese L. fuliginatus Ad. & Reeve. It differs from both in its concave or excavated instead of convex terminal valves, in the absence or obsolete condi- tion of the posterior mucro, in its much larger and more regular granules, and in the subdepressed appearance also of the part of the median valves near the girdle on each side. It is larger than cancellatus, and smaller than fuliginatus, and without the dingy blackish painting of either. L. cancellatus is narrower, higher, and with a sharper median angle. In L. fuliginatus the middle valves are shorter from front to back, the sutural laminse smaller and much more triangular. There is no sign of a' mucro on these valves, but in L pergranatus MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 415 there is a beginning of one, quite perceptible. The latter ia a proportionally wider and flatter species, with a stronger and more prominent girdle densely set with elongated silvery scales like short stiff gray hairs; these form a pretty fringe at the periphery. The sculpture follows the pattern of L. cancellalus, but the lateral areas are less clearly defined, the granules are more clearly cut, more regularly arranged, and larger than in any of the species hitherto known. There are twelve gills on each side, reaching forward to about the middle of 'he sixth valve. Genus HANLEYIA Gray. Hanleyia tropicalis Dall. Plate XXVI. Figs. 8 c, 8 d. Hanleyia (ropiccU Tall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 53, 1881. Habitat. Sand Key, in 12t .is. No new information or specimens have come to hand since this elegant species was described. Family ISCHNOCHITONID.E. Genus ISCHNOCHITON (Gray) Carpenter. Section STENOPLAX Carpenter. Ischnochiton (Stenoplax) limaciformis Sowerby. Chiton limaciformis Sowerby, P. Z. S. 1832, p. 26. Reeve, Conch. Icon. Chiton, pi. viii. figs. 42 a-b, 1847. Chiton productns Reeve, Conch. Icon. Chiton, pi. xvii. fig. 97, 1847. Chiton sanguineus Reeve, loc. cit., fig. 98. Ischnochiton limaciformis Shuttleworth, Berner Mitth., 1853, p. 190. Ischnochiton multicostatus Dall, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI. p. 337, 1883, not of C. B. Adams. Chiton (Stenoplax) limaciformis (Cpr.) Morch, Poulsen, Cat. West Indian Shells, p. 14, 1878. Habitat. Station 10, in 37 fms., lat. 24° 44' N. and Ion. 83° 26' W., in die southeastern part of the Gulf of Mexico. Also Key West and other Florida Keys, under stones and among corallines at low water, abundant, Hemphill. Dry Tortugas, Dr. E. Palmer. St Vincent, West Indies, Guilding. Antilles, various collectors. This species is also common to West America and Japan, the forms occur- ring in these regions having hardly a varietal difference from each other. It is the largest Ischnoid Chiton of the Antillean region, hchnoplax multicostatus 0. B. Adams agrees in general form, but differs in detail, especially in the armature of the girdle, and belongs in a different section of the genus. Chiton 416 BULLETIN OF THE sanguineus Reeve is a mere color variety of limaciformis, but has generally been referred to as a synonym of C. purpurascens C. B. Adams, which from authentic specimens is a totally distinct species from limaciformis. Of the Lophyridoz and Acanlhopleuridoz there are no representatives in the Blake Collection. Super-Family OPSICHITONIA. This group contains those forms in which the anterior and posterior valves are differently articulated, and the posterior plate is usually abnormal, or with a slit or sinus behind. It comprises, for the present, the Schizochitonidce, Placophoridce, Mopaliidoz, Amiculido3, and Cri/ptoplacidce, corresponding to divisions E to I of the paper on the Genera of Chitons previously alluded to. No fossil forms are known, previous to the Pliocene, for this division of the Chitonacea. Family MOPALI1DJE. Genus NOTOPLAX H. Adams. Notoplax Adams, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 403. Type, N. speciosa Ad. (Tasmania). Notoplax floridanus n. s. Surface of valves entirely covered except a small rounded point at the mucro of the anterior valve and a linear space extending forward from the mucro of the others. The exposed parts are whitish and smooth, or transversely finely striate. They are more conspicuous in dry than in fresh or spirit specimens. The exposed part occupies just about the space which the median suture does in the valves of Schizoplax. The covered parts of the valves are whitish clouded with pink. The valves as a whole are wider than long, rectangular, with a very shallow and narrow sinus, except the anterior one are keeled in the median line, overlap each other about half their length, and the two central ones are a little narrower than the others. The valves have about one third the total width of the fresh animal, but about half in the dry specimens. The anterior valve has five notches, the others two each. The mucro of the tail valve is not very prominent, but a little way behind it the immersed portion falls abruptly so that the posterior slope is nearly vertical and the form blunt and high. The part of the tail plate between the notches is not serrate as in N. speciosa, but slightly radiately striate, and the sinus is very narrow, shallow, and almost obsolete. The girdle resembles that of Katharine/, when fresh, being smooth, of a black or brown color with the texture of a moist prune above; below whitish, fleshy, a border of extremely minute spines at the margin. When dry there is a granular irregularity to the surface, as if there were little irregular grains in the substance of the girdle. There are five very small pores about the May 14, 1889. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 417 anterior plate, and a pair at each suture between the valves. There are no pores around the tail plate. The pores are very small in the fresh, and invis- ible or nearly so in the dry specimen; they are filled with fine glassy spiculaj, which, in the specimens I have seen, do not rise above the surface, but have probably been worn off. The gills extend forward half-way to the head. The muzzle is surrounded by a crumpled veil. The anus is on a papilla. I have seen no spicules on the upper surface outside of the pores. The largest speci- men I have seen in alcohol measures 24.0 mm. long, by 13.0 mm. wide. Habitat. Key West and Key Largo, Hemphill, on the reefs near low water. Dry Tortugas, Dr. E. Palmer. Cape Florida, Wurdeman (in Mus. Comp. Zoology). This remarkable species attracts the attention at once by its dark glistening girdle, and long line of white streaks on its median line, like exclamation points without the dots (I). With the exception of Clilamydochiton, less of the valves is exposed than in any species which lias them exposed at all. A specimen from which the valves had been dissolved by the acidity of the alcohol was found by Dr. Carpenter in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, and doubt- fully referred by him to Microplax. But we now know Microplax to be a Leptoid, without slits, holding to Leptochiton much such a relation as Notoplax does to Acanthochiton. The original type of Notoplax has the, surface of the girdle leathery, the valves are wholly separated from each other by bridges of tissue, and there is nothing said of sutural pores. The exposed part of the valves is larger and wider, with imbricated sculpture. The slits begin as shallow furrows, which are arched over higher up, and form tubes extending to the mucro, visible outside as raised ridges. The valves in this species (N. speciosa) are wider and shorter than in N. floridana and also farther apart, though they probably overlap a little below the surface. The space in the insertion plate between the two slits in the tail plate is longitudinally strongly grooved, and has a serrated edge. The present species has no serration, no tubular passages to the slits, and the valves are contiguous. It forms a passage from Notoplax toward Stectoplax (porrectus Cpr.) in these particulars, and agrees with it in having sutural pores. On the other hand, Stectoplax has the girdle covered with countless minute glassy spines, the sinus is very wide, rounded, and deep, and the slits are thrown forward to a very much greater extent at their distal ends. The anterior and posterior laminae of insertion are strongly striated in Stectoplax, and the sutural pores are conspicuous. It will be seen from this comparison of characters that this Florida shell is intermediate in its characters. As a wider knowledge of the group may render it necessary to consolidate Stectoplax with Notoplax under a more comprehen- sive diagnosis of the genus, and the latter is the older name, I prefer to leave this species in Notoplax, though not typical in the characters it exhibits. Its place in the general grouping would be between Katharina and the Acantho- chitons. The Mopaloid posterior sinus of the tail plate is practically obsolete. vol. xviii. 27 418 BULLETIN OF THE Class SCAPHOPODA. Order SOLENOCONCHIA. Family DENTALIID^E. Genus DENTAL.IUM Linne. The species to be considered may be conveniently divided into smooth species, delicately striated species, strongly sculptured species, laterally com- pressed species, and dorsally compressed species. I am inclined to believe that the differences in the soft parts reported in regard to various Scaphopods will be found to be more or less connected by intermediate forms when more species have been examined. To some extent the differences will prove to be due to the point of view of the observer. Dif- ferences in the notch or slits at the posterior orifice are often due to erosion or pathologic causes. An annelid, Pomatoceras, simulates some forms of Dentalium or Cadulus. Other worms adopt the dead shells as a residence, and grow to fit them exactly. A very pretty hermit crab, not asymmetrical like his brethren who dwell in Gastropod shells, makes his home in the dead abyssal Dentalia, or in the shells of Cuvieria. The large claw is modified to fit the aperture of the shell exactly, like an operculum. Though the shells are white and opaque, and the species is dredged at great depths, the crab is prettily colored with pink and yellow, and has large well pigmented eyes. A. Shells circular in section. a. Shells smooth and polished. Dentalium agile M. Sars. Dentalium agile M. Sars, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 37, 1881. Antalis agilis G. O. Sars, Moll. Reg. Arct. Norv., p. 102, t. xx. fig. 9, 1878. Dentalium entalis Linne' var. agile Watson, Chall. Gastr., p. 6, 1885. Habitat. Station 100, off Morro Light, Havana, in 400 fms. Most of the specimens originally referred to this species appear on more thorough study, and after comparison with typical specimens of agile, to be im- perfect or young specimens of D. pcrlongum,. A single undoubted specimen of agile was, however, taken as above. The original agile is very likely connected with some other nominal species, as suggested by Mr. Watson, but I have not had time to make a careful study of the question. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 419 Dentalium perlongum Dall. Plate XXVII. Fig. 6. Dentalium perlongum Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 36, July, 1881 ; Ibid., V., No. 6, p. 61, 1878; Agassiz, Three Cruises of the Blake, II. p. 67, fig. 284, 1888. Habitat. Station 41, in 860 fins. Station 46, in 888 fms. Yucatan Strait, in 640 fms. Station 33, lat. 24° V N., Ion. 88° 58' W., in 1568 fms. "Station 32, in 804 fms. Station 43, in 339 fms. Stations 162 and 163, off Guadelupe, in 734-769 fms., mud and sand, temperature 40°.0. Stations 226 and 228, otf St. Vincent, in 424-785 fms., sand, temperature 39°.5 to 42°.5. Stations 235 and 236, off Bequia, in 1507 and 1591 fms., ooze, temperature 39°.0. Station 244, off Grenada, in 792 fms., ooze, temperature 39°.0. Also at U. S. Fish Commission Station 2117, off Cape Hatteras, N. C, in 683 fms., yellow mud, temperature 40°.0, and Stations 2383, 2384, and 2398, in 227-1191 fms., mud, temperature 39°.6 to 48°.6, between the delta of the Mississippi and Cedar Keys, Florida. This fine species has been carefully compared with all those from deep water in the Jeffreys collection, and seems fully distinct from any of them. Mr. Watson observes that the young resembles D. lonyistrorsum Sowerby in texture and general appearance, but is straight; D. acutissimum Watson is stouter and more curved. Dentalium filum Sowerby. Dentalium filum Sowerby, Thes. Conch., p. 99, pi. cexxv. fig. 45, 1866. Jeffreys, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 6(X). D. gracile Jeffreys, Ann Mag. Nat. Hist., July, 1870, not of Meek. A shell agreeing with the specimens named D. filum by Dr. Jeffreys in his collection was dredged at Fish Commission Stations 2592, 2595, 2596, 2601, 2602, and 2614, off the coast of North Carolina, in 17 to 124 fms., sand. He quotes it from the N. E. Atlantic and the Mediterranean, in 20-1093 fms., and also from the Italian Pliocene Tertiary beds. Dentalium callipeplum n. s. Plate XXVII. Fig. 12 b. Shell ivory white to pale salmon color, glistening, elegantly arched, rapidly increasing ; sculpture of faint girdling incremental lines, and toward the tip faint longitudinal scratches, hardly discernible ; section circular, the lower edge projecting a little in the adult aperture; tip entire, circular in the youngest, but in the adult with a wide very shallow notch on the concave side. Anterior diameter, 5.0 ; posterior diameter, 0.5 ; Ion. of shell, 61.5 ; height of arch above the chord, 10.0 mm. 420 BULLETIN OF THE Habitat. Station 128, near Santa Cruz, in 180 fms. ooze, temperature 60°.0 ; Station 143, off Saba Bank, a fragment, in 150 tins. ; Station 167, off Guade- lupe, in 175 fms., sand, temperature 55° ; Station 220, off Santa Lucia, in 116 fms., hard bottom, temperature 58°.5 ; Station 262, off Grenada, in 92 fins., sand, temperature 62°. Also at U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2314, off South Carolina, in 159 fms., sand, and 2400, in the Gulf of Mexico, in 169 fms., mud, temperature 57°.5 F. This elegant species has also been received from the coast of Honduras and from Samana Bay, St. Domingo. Its nearest relative is D. rubescens Deshayes, which is less curved in front and more curved near the tip, is smaller, deeper colored, and has a very long narrow posterior slit, when perfect, quite different from that of callipeplum. The specimen figured is young ; better specimens, from which the descrip- tion was drawn up, were dredged by the Fish Commission. The striation on the tip is so faint as to be very difficult to see, while the surface is so brilliant as not easily to be scrutinized. Dentalium matara n. s. Shell slender, salmon-colored, whiter toward the aperture, glistening, the lines of growth hardly perceptible in fresh specimens, other sculpture none ; very slightly arched ; aperture circular, very little oblique ; anal orifice higher than wide, slightly notched below and above, with a short wide notch, but on the convex side this is prolonged by a rather wide slit, about 1.0 mm. long. Anterior diameter, 2.75 ; posterior diameter, 0.6 ; length of shell, 41.0 ; height of arch above the chord, 3.75 mm. Habitat. U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2608 and 2611, off Cape Lookout, N. C, in 22 to 31 fms., sand, temperature 74° to 79°, and Stations 2402 and 2409, in the Gulf of Mexico, in 26 and 111 fms., sand and mud. Also at Samana Bay, Santo Domingo, in 16 fms. mud, Couthouy, in 1854. This shell is colored like D. rubescens, but has a shorter and very different notch, is slimmer, straighter, and has a proportionally larger posterior end when perfect. It is less conical, less arched, and smaller than D. callipeplum, which it resembles in brilliancy. It entirely wants the fine posterior striation of D. leptum Bush, which is still more slender. The tube or sheath, which is often seen protruding from the posterior end of Dentalia, is a pathological production, due to the truncation of the tip, which is partially repaired to protect the anal extreme of the animal by the formation of this thin tube. It may occur in any species, but is more marked in thick shells. It has been made the basis of a genus or subgenus, but I doubt if the formation is ever normal and regular in any species; it certainly is not in any specimen I have been able to examine. It is probably confined to such species as do not normally possess a slit or notch in any part of the circumference of the anal aperture. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 421 b. Shell striated. Dentalium leptum Bush. Dentalium leptum Bush, Trans. Conn. Acad., VI. p. 470, pi. xlv. figs. 18, 18 a, 1885 ; Kep. U. S. Fish Commission for 1883, p. 85, 1885. This beautiful and distinct species is reported from the vicinity of Cape Hat- teras, N. C, to Charlotte Harbor, Florida, in 2 to 50 fms., sand or mud. It is readily recognized by its orange tint and slender form, delicately and closely striated near the tip. Dentalium antillarum Orbigny. Dentalium antillarum Orb., Moll. Cuba, II. p. 202, pi. xxv. figs. 10-13, 1842. Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 37, 1881. Habitat. Station 20, in 220 fms. ; Barbados, in 100 fms. ; Yucatan Strait, in 640 fms.; Station 44, in 539 fms. ; Station 19, in 310 fms.; Station 43, in 339 fms. ; Station 33, in 1568 fms. ; off Cape San Antonio, in 1002 fms. ; off Havana, in 80 to 400 fms., Sigsbee; Station 136, near Santa Cruz, in 508 fms., ooze, temperature 42°.5 ; Station 176, off Dominica, in 391 fms., ooze, temperature 43°.5 ; Station 211, off Martinique, in 357 fms., sand ; Station 230, near St. Vincent, in 464 fms., temperature 41°. 5 ; Station 264, off Grenada, in 416 fms., ooze, temperature 42°.5 ; Stations 272, 282, and 300, near Barbados, in 76 to 154 fms. sand, temperature 56° to 65°. Also by the U. S. Fish Commission at Station 2355, near the Arrowsmith Bank, Yucatan, in 400 fms., ooze ; and at Station 2616, twenty-five miles E. S. E. from Cape Fear, N. C, in 17 fms., sand. Also by Dr. W. H. Rush, U. S. N., off Cape Hatteras, in 300 fms., green mud. This well marked species is uniformly finely grooved from the tip to the anterior part, the interspaces being rounded, subequal, and thread-like, grow- ing slightly finer anteriorly. The section is circular, the notch is on the convex side, shallow and wide, often decollate. I believe its range extends north to New England, and possibly to Nova Scotia, in deep water, judging by specimens so labelled in the National Museum. Dentalium calamus n. s. Shell very slender, slightly arched, white, translucent, the soft parts showing through the shell; finely longitudinally grooved, the grooves uniform, the interspaces flat and slightly wider anteriorly; aperture hardly oblique, anal end apparently trimmed off obliquely for a short distance on the convex side, glandiform, phallic, vertically narrowly slit, the slit longer on the convex side, the "glans"-like portion smooth, polished, usually with a little ledge around it. Lon. of shell, 19.5 ; height of arch from chord, 2.25 ; diameter of aperture, 422 BULLETIN OF THE 1.25; of anal end behind the "glans," 0.8 mm. Grooves in the middle part of the shell about sixteen to the millimeter of circumference. Habitat. Turtle Harbor, Florida, in 4 fms., Dr. W. H. Rush, U. S. N. This very elegant and delicate species is not like any other on the coast. Though much smaller and more cylindrical, it has somewhat the general ap- pearance of the last species, but when examined, instead of the sculpture being rounded threads, it is seen to be of sharp fine incised lines with fiat smooth interspaces. Dentalium taphrium n. s. Shell short, stoutish, slightly curved, pale apple-green, which is so alternated in ill-defined zones of translucency and opacity as to give on a fresh specimen the effect of the silk known as moire antique, though the sculpture is not mod- ified in these zones; sculpture of very fine sharp slightly elevated incremental lines, visible only in the interspaces between the longitudinal threads; the latter are even, squarish, rather flattened threads, with subequal channelled interspaces, about six threads to the millimeter of circumference; close to the aperture they become faint, and posteriorly every alternate thread is weaker until it disappears. Both orifices are circular, the anal one has the upper, and to a less degree the lower edge gently concavely waved, but without a slit. Generally this end is decollate and circular. Lon. of shell, 17.0; height of arch from chord, 2.4; diameter of aperture, 2.12; of anal orifice, 0.5 mm. Habitat. Off the Carolina coast, in 22 to 52 fms., sand, temperature 67° to 78°, at U. S. Fish Commission Stations 2598, 2608, and 2612. Station 2405, in the Gulf of Mexico between the Mississippi delta and Cedar Keys, Florida, in 30 fms., sand. A couple of specimens were obtained, dead and white, in 182 fms., coral sand, off Havana, Cuba, by the U. S. Fish Commission. These, though decollate behind, were about nine millimeters longer anteriorly than any of the more northern specimens, without gaining much in diameter. The added part was almost destitute of sculpture. Dentalium candidum Jeffreys. Dentalium candidum Jeffreys, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., p. 153, 1877 ; P. Z. S. 1882, p. 658, pi. xlix. fig. 2. Dentalium solidum Verrill, Trans. Conn. Acad., VI. p. 215, pi. xliv. fig. 16, 1884. Habitat. Northern Atlantic, Jeffreys, 410 to 1750 fms. N. E. America, Verrill, southward to the Carolina coast, in 843 to 1309 fms. This is a cold-water species not obtained by the Blake. Though one would not anticipate it from the figure, (which is made from a very perfect young specimen,) an inspection of Dr. Jeffreys's types shows that his species is iden- tical with that of Prof. Verrill. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 423 Under favorable circumstances this species may be of a most brilliant milk- white, but nearly all the specimens are dull ashy gray in color, even when living and in perfect order. I suppose the white ones are those which happen to live in pure sand, while the ordinary form comes from mud or ooze. Dentalium sericatum Dall. Plate XXVI. Fig. 1. Dentalium sericatum Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 37, 1881. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, in 640 fms. This species is more acute than D. taphrium of the same size, and the moire antique effect is of a much more prominent and zigzag pattern. In D. taphrium the sculpture is also coarser. A somewhat similar effect is observable on the younger portion of D. aculeatum Sowerby, which is otherwise very different. The Indo-Pacific D. nebulosum Deshayes also exhibits it. The sculpture is entirely independent of these differences of opacity, which at first one finds it difficult to realize. Dentalium carduus n. s. Plate XXVII. Fig. 3. Shell pure white, sometimes attaining an ashy or rusty tinge from extra- neous matter, elongated, slightly curved, and with a rasp-like surface for about half its adult length; longitudinal sculpture of very numerous fine sharp raised threads with somewhat wider interspaces, in which intercalary threads from time to time arise; transverse sculpture of fine sharp elevated lamellse, which cross the threads and become almost spinulose on the intersections; these can be felt, but are almost too fine to be clearly seen with the naked eye; in the perfectly adult shell, this sculpture becomes, through senility or wear, less sharp on the last half of the shell; though both sorts of ridges persist, they are thicker and more rounded ; shell not very thick ; aperture circular, very little oblique ; anal orifice small, with a short wide slit on the convex side, and no notch or wave on the other. Lon. of completely adult shell, 87.0 ; height of arch from chord, 7.0; diameter of aperture, 7.0; of anal orifice, 0.7 mm. Habitat. Station 220, near Santa Lucia, in 116 fms., hard bottom, tempera- ture 58°. 0. Station 246, in 154 fms., ooze, near Grenada, temperature 56°. Also by the U. S. Fish Commission, in 338 fms., sand, at Station 2655, on the Little Bahama Bank, temperature 47°.5. The specimen figured is only 16 mm. long, but shows sufficiently the char- acters of the form and sculpture. Better specimens were afterward found in some of the Fish Commission dredgings, from which the above description is drawn. The peculiar sharpness felt by drawing the shell gently between the finger and thumb is very recognizable, and under the glass the sculpture is very beautiful. 424 BULLETIN OF THE c. Species strongly sculptured. Dentalium disparile Orbignt. Dentalium disparile Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 37, 1881 (ex parte). Orbigny, Moll. Cuba, II. p. 202, pi. xxv. figs. 14-17, 1842. Habitat. Coast of Florida, in 2-10 fms. Cuba, Orbigny. Bahamas, Raw- son. Samana Bay, St. Domingo, Coutbouy. Barbados 100 fins., Blake Expe- dition. This species has no notch or slit when perfect; when truncate it repairs damages by projecting a small tube from the broken end. It recalls D. panor- mitanum Jeffreys, but is smaller, less uniform in sculpture, and has no notch. Dentalium ceratum Dall. Plate XXVI Fig. 5. Plate XXVII. Fig. 2. Dentalium ceratum Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 38, 1881. Habitat. West Florida, Pourtales, 50 fms. Station 2, in 805 fms. Sigsbee, off Havana, in 119-177 fms. Station 36, in 84 fms. Station 45, in 101 fms. Station 101, off Morro Light, Havana, in 175 to 250 fms. Station 140, off Virgin Gorda, dead, in 1097 fms. Station 208, in 213 fms., off Martinique. Barbados, 100 fms. Station 226, off St. Vincent, in 424 fms., sand. Stations 272, in 76 fms., sand; 290, in 73 fms., sand ; and 299, in 140 fms., coral, near Barbados. Also by the U. S. Fish Commission, south of Cuba, at Station 2135, in 250 fms., coral. Temperatures ranging from 42°. 5 to 71°. 0, and averaging 53°. 1 F. This species also recalls D. panormitanum, but is always more slender, usually shorter, has a yellow waxen instead of an apricot tint, and the raised sculpture is finer and more uniform. D. ceratum has a shallow wave above and below at the anal end, while D. panormitanum has a true, though short slit. Dentalium Gouldii n. s. Plate XXVI. Fig. 4. Shell elongated, slender, slightly arched, vitreous, anteriorly whitish, behind with a yellowish or pale greenish tinge; surface polished, with fine microscopic longitudinal striae, over a large part of the surface ; in well developed speci- mens the shell is hexagonal and six-sided, with the sides impressed so that the ribs stand out like marginatinsr rods ; as the shell prows older, the angles be- come less marked, although generally quite perceptible at the aperture ; the lines of growth art visible as extremely fine engraved striae ; in another muta- tion of the species (which served the draughtsman for Fig. 4), there are longi- tudinal threads between those forming the angles, and which obscure the MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 425 angularity especially in front until the shell is examined from behind " end on," when it will be perceptible ; this form is straighter than the type. The aperture is not at all oblique. There is a wide rather short notch, perhaps due to erosion, at the convex side of the anal orifice in the shell figured. Typical form shows no notch when perfect, and measures 30.0 mm. long, height of the arch 3.5 mm., aperture 3.0 and anal end 0.6 mm. in diameter. The variety obscurum is 28.0 mm. long, aperture 2.0 and anal end 0.5 mm. in diameter. Habitat. Off Havana, in 127 fins. Variety at Station 299, in 140 fms., coral, near Barbados, temperature 56°. 5. Also (the typical form) at U. S. Fish Commission Station 2145, in 25 fms., mud, near Aspinwall. Also in 12 fms., twelve miles east from Fryingpan Shoals, South Carolina, Dr. W. H. Rush, U. S. N. Also Barbados, 'fide H. Cuming. This shell was confounded with D. hexagonum Gould, a large Chinese species of similar form, by Sowerby and Reeve. The typical form of D. Gouldii is longer, more slender, and less curved than the figures of Reeve and Sowerby, which represent a young D. hexagonum. It is just possible that the supposed variety may prove distinct, in which case it may be called D. obscurum ; but I inclined at present to believe it to be nothing more than a variety. The ordi- nary form is what has been called hexagonum by West Indian collectors for many years, but the rounding off of the angles as the shell becomes adult is not paralleled in the Chinese species, which is much larger, and has a reddish dull surface, like pale terra-cotta. Dentalium ceras Watson. Dentalium ceras Watson, Linn. Soc. Journ., XIV. p. 510, April, 1879. Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 37, 1881. Watson, Chall. Gastr., p. 3, pi. i. fig. 4, 1885. Habitat. Station 33, Gulf of Mexico, in 1568 fms. Station 193, off Mar- tinique, in 169 fms., sand. Temperatures 40°.5 and 51°. Pacific Ocean, Chal- lenger Expedition. By a lapsus in the text of the Bulletin one of Watson's specimens was stated to come from the " Atlantic " west of Valparaiso, instead of the Pacific, as is evident from the context. A comparison made by the kind assistance of Mr. Watson confirms the identification of the Blake shell, which it thus seems is really found in both oceans. It is close to D. capillosum, but is shorter, in- creases more rapidly, and has a wider anterior end. The Blake specimens were both dead, the Challenger specimen living, when taken. Dentalium capillosum Jeffreys. Dentalium capillosum Jeffreys, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., p. 153, Feb., 1877 ; P. Z S. 1882, p. 658, pi. xlix. fig. 1. , Habitat. Whole North Atlantic, Challenger, Valorous, and Travailleur Expeditions. Off Havana, Sigsbee, in 119 fms. Station 193, off Martinique, 426 BULLETIN OF THE in 169 fms. Station 220, near Santa Lucia, in 116 fms. Barbados, Hassler Expedition, in 100 fms. All the specimens were dead or fragmentary, and most of them belong to the variety paucicostatwn Watson. In examining the specimens named D. capil- losum in the Jeffreys collection, I find several of them which he regarded as the young to be of a more slender and much smaller species, which probably never attains a large size, though sculptured like D. capillosum. The specimen figured in the P. Z. S. above cited is only about one third the size of an adult. Dentalium laqueatum Verrill. Plate XXVII. Fig. 1. Dentalium laqueatum Verrill, Trans. Conn. Acad., VI. p. 431, pi. 44, fig. 18, 1885. Habitat. Off the eastern coast of the United States, in 60 to 200 fms., U. S. Fish Commission, from near Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, to the vicinity of Cape Florida, abundant; temperature ranging from 58° to 75°. Blake Expedition, at Station 9, Gulf of Mexico, in 127 fms. Off Sombrero, living, in 54 fms. Off Havana, in 127 to 177 fms., Sigsbee. Station 132, off Santa Cruz, in 115 fms., hard bottom. Station 177, off Dominica, in 118 fms., sand. Sta- tion 240, near the Grenadines, in 164 fms., coral. Station 246, off Grenada, in 154 fms., ooze. Stations 290, 293, and 296, near Barbados, in 73-84 fms. Temperature range, from 52° to 70°. 75 F. This very fine species reaches the length of 55 mm. The very young have generally a very slight wave on the convex side of the anal aperture ; in the adults this aperture is sometimes circular and unslit ; sometimes there is a nar- row slit 5.0 mm. long. The very young have the transverse sculpture most prominent (aside from the strong ribs which range from nine to eleven), the adolescent part the longitudinal striae, while near the lip of the adult both are obsolete. I am disposed to think the species does not reach more than 200 fms. It recalls D. octagonum Lamarck, but the secondary strise in that speciea when present are much coarser, the ribs fewer, and the taper at the posterior end much more abrupt. B. Species vertically compressed. Dentalium compressum Watson. Dentalium compressum Watson, Lin. Soc. Joum., XIV. p. 616, April, 1879. Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 38, 1881. Watson, Chall. Gastr., p. 9, pi. i. fig. 9, 1885. Habitat. Station 43, in 339 fms. Off Cape San Antonio, in 413 fms. Station 2, Gulf of Mexico, in 800 fms. Station 226, near St. Vincent, in 424 fms., sand, temperature 42°.5. Culebra, St. Thomas, in 300 fms., Challenger. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 427 Also in the Gulf of Mexico, between the delta of the Mississippi and Cedar Keys, Florida, at Station 2402, in 111 fins., mud, by the U. S. Fish Com- mission. The posterior half of well preserved specimens is coarsely obscurely striated. Dentalium ophiodon Dall. Plate XXVI. Fig. 9. Dentalium ophiodon Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 38, 1881. Habitat. Station 19, in 310 fms. Station 20, in 220 fms. Station 21, in 287 fms. Barbados, Hassler Expedition, in 100 fms. This is a more slender, smaller, and more delicately striated species than the preceding. C. Shell laterally compressed. Dentalium callithrix n. a. Plate XXVII. Fig. 10. Shell white, moderately curved, laterally slightly compressed ; sculpture of about nine primary longitudinal ridges, angulating the section, with between them toward tbe middle of the shell three to five secondary smaller rounded threads, crossed by moderately strong lines of growth ; the primaries are strong- est posteriorly, they become fainter in front and all the longitudinal sculpture nearly uniform near the aperture in the adult ; aperture oblique, rounded oval, the lower lip in advance, margin thin ; anal orifice circular, simple in the young, without notches or slit ; adults usually show a short broadish slit on the concave side, or are irregularly eroded ; the extreme tip in the young is more curved than the body of the shell, and quite acute. Lon. of shell, 25.0; height of arch above chord, 5.0 ; vertical diameter of aperture, 3.75; transverse ditto, 2.75 ; diameter of anal end in young, 0.25 ; in figured specimen (eroded), 1.0 mm. The shell may attain a length of 43.0 mm. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, 640 fms. Gulf of Mexico, Station 20, in 220 fms. Station 41, in 860 fms. Station 162, near Guadelupe, in 769 fms., sand, tem- perature 40°.0. Station 221, off Santa Lucia, in 423 fms., ooze, temperature 43°.0. Station 236, off Bequia, in 1591 fms., ooze, temperature, 39°.0. Station 248, in 161 fms., ooze, off Grenada, temperature 53°. 5. Also at U. S. Fish Commission Station 2678, in 731 fms., ooze, off Cape Fear, North Carolina, temperature 38°.7, and Station 2383, in the Gulf of Mexico, between the delta of the Mississippi and Cedar Keys, Florida, in 11S1 fms., mud, temperature 40°.0 F. This is a very characteristic species, in which the longitudinal sculpture, and even the shell, are often somewhat spirally twisted as much as one eighth of the circumference. 428 BULLETIN OF THE Dentalium ensiculus Jeffreys. Plate XXVII. Fig. 12. Dentalium ensiculus Jeffreys, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., p. 154, Feb., 1877 ; P. Z. S. 1882, p. 660, pi. xlix. fig. 4. Watson, Chall. Gastr., p. 12, pi. ii. fig. 2, 1885. Dentalium didymum Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc, XIV. p. 517, 1879 ; Chall. Gastr., p. 10, pi. i. fig. 11, 1885. Dentalium Sigsbeanum Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 38, 1881. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, 640 fms. Station 230, near St. Vincent, in 464 fms., temperature 41°. 5. Station 288, off Barbados, in 399 fms., bard bottom, temperature 44°. 5. Also, by Dr. W. H. Rush, U. S. N., in 1060 fms., Yuca- tan Strait, and off Havana, in 1024 fms., mud. North Atlantic, Portugal, West of Ireland, Bay of Biscay, off Sombrero and Culebra Islands, West Indies, in 390 to 1785 fms., Jeffreys and Watson. A comparison of a full series renders the above consolidation evidently necessary. Genus CADULUS Philippi. Cadulus Philippi, En. Moll. Sicilise, II. p. 208, pi. xxvii. fig. 21, 1844. The subdivisions of this genus are somewhat uncertain, owing to the prevail- ing ignorance of the characters of the soft parts, and of the value for systematic purposes of these differences where they are known. The type of the genus, C. ovulum Philippi, is nearly related to C. obcsus Dall and C. gibbus Jeffreys, but from these forms to the long and Dentalium-like forms, called Siphonoden- talium by Sars, there is conchologically an insensible gradation. There is little doubt that very different animals in some cases form these very similar shells, but we are not yet in a position to make a final classification of them. Cadulus quadridentatus Dall. Plate XXVII. Fig. 5. Siphonodentalium quadridentatum Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 36, July, 1881. ? Cadulus incisus Bush, Trans. Conn. Acad., VI. p. 471, pi. xlv. fig. 20, June, 1885. Habitat. Fernando Noronha, 7-25 fms. West coast of Florida, 30 fms. Northward along the coast to Cape Hatteras, abundantly, in 12-50 fms., sand. I have not seen an author's specimen of Miss Bush's species, but the" species described as above by me is quite abundant on the Carolina coast, and agrees well with her description and figure. Most of the specimens have a slightly dull silky look, with a slight yellowish tendency, as compared with the other species, but this is not absolutely invariable, and may be due perhaps to the action of the gastric juices of a fish upon specimens afterward disgorged. There MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 429 is much variation in the depth of the nicks at the posterior margin, ana rarely there are six instead of four. Some are usually deeper than others, and they are seldom as square as in the one figured. Cadulus sequalis Dall. Plate XXVII. Fig. 9. Cadulus ceoualis Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 34, 1881. Habitat. Station 43, in 339 fms., near Tortugas. This fine species is the least swollen of any of the forms from this region, and only C. cylindratus Jeffreys, exceeds it in this particular. Its nearest rela- tive is 0. spectabilis Verrill, which is larger, less cylindrical, more curved, and more attenuated behind. Cadulus spectabilis Verrill. C. spectabilis Verrill, Trans. Conn. Acad., VI. p. 432, pi. xliv. fig. 19, 1885. Habitat. Station 230, near St. Vincent, in 464 fms., sand, temperature 41°.5. Southeast of George's Bank, Massachusetts coast, in 1400-1800 fms., U. S. Fish Commission. The single specimen from St. Vincent is of a more even ivory white, and rather less attenuated posteriorly, than the specimens from New England; otherwise it seems to agree fairly well with them. Cadulus Watsoni Dall. Plate XXVII. Fig. 12 a. Cadulus Watsoni Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 34, 1881. Habitat. Yucatan Strait, near Cape San Antonio, in 413 and 1002 fms. Also off Old Providence, in 382 fms., ooze, temperature 46°. 0, at IT. S. Fish Commission Station 2150. Cadulus poculum Dall. Shell about the size of C. Watsoni, but more curved ; the swollen equator quite near the mouth, and the part of the shell in front of it sharply compressed vertically, with the aperture very oblique, like the mouth of a whistle ; wider than high ; surface polished, smooth ; posterior aperture small, circular, not notched, but projecting slightly more at the sides than above or below. Lon. of shell, 13.2; anterior margin over convex side to equator, 4.0; vertical diameter at equator, 2.0 ; transverse ditto, 2.5 ; transverse diameter of posterior orifice, 0.63 ; of anterior ditto, 1.75 mm. Habitat. Off Cape San Antonio in 640 fms. Station 226, near St. Vincent, in 464 fins., sand, temperature 42°.5 F. This shell is remarkable for the obliquity of the equator, and of the slope on the convex side from the summit to the anterior margin. In these particulars it is more strongly marked than any other species I have seen. The anterior 430 BULLETIN OF THE orifice is nearly circular, but looks upward from its lower lip at about 45°. The equator is opaque white, strongly marked, and contrasted with the trans- lucency of the rest of the shell. Behind it the attenuation is very rapid, and the posterior end unusually small for a Cadulus of this size. Cadulus Jeffreysi Monterosato. Caduhis Jeffreysi Monterosato, Conch. Medit., p. 10, 1875. C. subfusiformis Jeffreys, Brit. Conch., V. p. 196, pi. ci. fig. 3, not of M. Sars. C. diploconus Seguenza, fide Jeffreys. C. propinquus Verrill, Trans. Conn. Acad., V. p. 558, pi. lviii. figs. 31, 32, not of G. 0. Sars. ? C. Jeffreysi Verrill, loc. cit., p. 559. Habitat. Barbados, in 100 fms. Off Martha's Vineyard, at U. S. Fish Commission Station 871. The specimens have been compared with authentic types of C. Jeffreysi. Cadulus carolinensis Bush. Cadulus carolinensis Bush, Trans. Conn. Acad., VI. p. 471, pi. xlv. fig. 19, 1885; Rep. Com. Fisheries for 1883, p. 85, 1885. Cadulus Olivii Jeffreys, MS., non Scacchi. Habitat. Off the Carolina coast, in 14 to 63 fms., sand, abundantly. U. S. Fish Commission, also at Old Providence, in 382 fms., ooze, temperature 46°.0. Cadulus (carolinensis var. ?) Bushii Dall. Shell resembling C. carolinensis, but somewhat smaller, more abruptly con- stricted behind the swollen portion, and with the posterior orifice a little smaller. Lon., 6.5 ; max. diam., 1.25 mm. Habitat. Barbados, in 100 fms. In the present uncertainty as to what constitutes a species in this group, or what is the range of specific variation, it is impossible to say whether this form should be regarded as a species, or as a variety of C. carolinensis Bush. Cadulus Agassizii Dall. Plate XXVII. Fig. 12 c. Cadulus Agassizii Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 35, 1881. Habitat. Station 5, in 229 fms. No more specimens of this species have come to hand. It is very like C. pandionis Verrill, but has the anterior aperture less oblique, the equator more marked, the posterior part proportionally shorter and less attenuated. It is also smaller than C. pandionis. The latter has about the same range as C. carolinensis, but has not been found yet south of Fowey Rocks, Straits of Florida, where it was collected by Dr. W. H. Rush, U. S. N. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 431 Cadulus lunula Dall. Plate XXVII. Fig. 8. Cadulus lunula Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 35, 1881. Habitat. Station 2, in 805 fms. ; Barbados, in 100 fms. By a typographical error the specific name appeared in the Preliminary Report with a masculine termination. A fragment, apparently of this species, was dredged by the Fish Commission, off Cape Lookout, N. C, in 18 fms. Cadulus obesus Watson. Cadulus obesus Watson, Lin. Soc. Journ., XIV. p. 527, April, 1879; Chall. Rep. Gastrop., p. 22, pi. iii. fig. 8, 1885. Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 36, 1881. Habitat. St. Thomas, Challenger Expedition, 390 fms. Blake Expedition, Station 20, in 220 fms. Only one specimen was obtained. Cadulus amiantus Dall. Plate XXVII. Fig. 7. Cadulus sauridens Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX. p. 36, 1881, not of Watson, Lin. Soc. Journ., XIV. p. 525, April, 1879. Habitat. Station 19, in 310 fms. Off Cape San Antonio, in 1002 fms. Off Cape Florida, in 8 fms., Dr. W. H. Rush, U. S. N. This species, first identified by me with C. sauridens Watson, was submitted to Mr. Watson for examination. He writes : " Compared with C. sauridens it is three times as long, mouth not oblique nor regular ; form much more bent, swelling much more pronounced and nearer the anterior end. The transverse contour line is more circular, there being little if any flattening between the convex and concave slopes. It is more like C. vulpidens Watson, but is only half the length of that species, and less conical behind the ' equator,' and more conical in front of it. The equator is less angulated than in C. vulpidens, and not so near the mouth." The length of C. amiantus is 5.75 ; its max. diameter, 1.4 mm. Both orifices are circular and not notched, and the swelling evenly shades off toward the extremities. The specimens obtained off Cape Florida are more slender than the typical form. Cadulus cucurbita Dall. Plate XXVII. Fig. 12 d. Cadulus cucurbita Dall, Bull. M. C. Z., IX- P- 35, 1881. Habitat. Station 19, in 310 fms. The single specimen obtained recalls C. gibbus Jeffreys, but is very much larger, and differently proportioned. 432 BULLETIN OF THE Cadulus acus n. s. Plate XXVII. Fig. 11. Shell small, very slender, slightly curved, variegated with translucent and opaque white rings and encircling bands which become broader toward the anterior extreme ; aperture circular, slightly oblique, the shell behind it rapidly increasing to its point of maximum diameter, from which it very gradually tapers toward the almost acute posterior extremity. Surface smooth, with extremely fine circular grooves or lines, which, under a strong magnifier, are visible over most of the posterior third of the shell with their interspaces, recalling the rings of Ccecum trachea on a much more minute scale ; the rings of opaque color sometimes coincide with the sculpture, but not constantly. Lon. of shell, 8.0; diameter of aperture, 0.5 ; max. diam., 0.75; post diam., 0.12 mm. This is perhaps the most slender species known, and was obtained by Cap- tain Couthouy, U. S. N., about 1850, in Samana Bay, Santo Domingo, in thirty fathoms, muddy bottom, where it was abundant. It is introduced here as belonging in the fauna ; the specimens have been in my hands about twenty- five years. Cadulus gracilis Jeffreys. Cadulus gracilis Jeffreys (1877), P Z. S. 1882, p. 664, pi. xlix. fig. 6. Cadulus gracilis Jeffreys, obtained in 843 fms., off Cape Hatteras, at U. S. Fish Commission Station 2115, was identified by Dr. Jeffreys as his species. Cadulus minusculus n. s. A much smaller species of Cadulus. perhaps the smallest known, was ob- tained by the U. S. Fish Commission, off Hatteras, in 63 fms., sand, at Station 2595. It is a little stouter than C. subfusiformis Sars, but shorter and more cylindrical. The mouth is decidedly more oblique than in C. subfusiformis, and the shell less bent. It is much the form of C. Jeffreysi Monterosato, and is just about half as large. May 14, 1889. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 433 ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA TO PART I., 1886. The Structure of the Gill in Amusium Dalli (I. p. 209), Dimya argen- tea (I. p. 228), and Area ectocomata (I. p. 213). — The structure of the gill in, Lamellibranchs is of considerable interest, and has been investigated by Peck, Lacaze-Duthiers, Bonnet, Mitsukuri, and others. The subject is very- far from exhausted, however, and progress in this direction has been checked, not so much because a majority of the known forms have been investigated, which will not be true for a long time to come, as because later students have assumed that the few which they have examined adequately represent the many which they have not seen. Another difficulty is, that so far no sys- tem of nomenclature has been adopted, or even suggested, by which one could designate a particular form of ctenidium when recognized. Dr. Paul Pelseneer therefore deserves credit for attempting a diagrammatic classification in his Report on the Anatomy of Deep Sea Mollusks> in the Challenger series. Unfortunately, when he leaves the regions of research for those of hypothe- sis, it is at once evident to any one having a wide knowledge of these organs in the Mollusca that his basis is inadequate, especially if the theories be tested by application to mollusks in general. Dr. Pelseneer has recognized neither the multiplicity of form which is exhibited by molluscan breathing organs, nor the inadequacy of our present knowledge as a foundation for such wide generalizations. Consequently his discussion is chiefly valuable as calling attention to the subject, and presenting a preliminary basis for future com- parisons. In order to correct certain observations of my own, if they stood in need of it, and to confirm them if sundry doubts of Dr. Pelseneer's proved ill founded, I reviewed the material discussed in Part I. of this Report. A section through the ctenidium, at or near the point where it becomes free from attachment to the mantle, gives conclusive evidence of the gill struc- ture at a glance. Putting this in practice, I examined the original specimens referred to at the head of this page, and a variety of other species for purposes of comparison. Beginning with the simplest form, Dimya, I found the original description given by me to be in need of no corrections. The base of the gill consists of a rather large tube, constituting the branchial vein of blood-sinus, with a single series of filaments on one side of it, unconnected except at their base of insertion. Prof. Huxley states that the simplest form of gill consists of " a stem fringed by a double series of filaments" (Inv., p. 408, Am. edition). In vol. xvm. 28 6 434 BULLETIN OF THE Diagrammatic Sketch of different Forms of the Ctenidia in Mollusks. The length of the filaments or lamellae in the first five figures of the diagram is made for convenience disproportionally small. A. Cross-section of gill of Dimya, showing large blood-vessel in the stem, and the position occupied by the filaments upon the stem. B. Cross-section of the gill in Amusium Dalli, the filaments touching but not organically united above. C. The same of Area ectocomata, showing the tubular filaments planted in a groove, and the asymmetrical position of the blood-vessels. D. Section of gill in Area Noce, the filaments organically united. E. The same for Janira hemicyclica. F. Cross-section of one of the gills of Pleurotomaria Adansoniana. G. Gill in Cardium sp. H. Cross-section of the left pair of gills in Perna ephippium ; at a these are united with the right-hand pair by connective tissue crossing the median line of the animal. I. Cross-section of the gill in Nucula, after Mitsukuri. Dimya we have the still simpler form of a stem with only a single series of filaments. (See Diagram A.) In Amusium Dalli we have a gill of the form described by Prof. Huxley. The stem has two series of filaments, which are organically connected only at their bases, one series attached on each side of the stem with the space between them slightly excavated, and the lumen of the blood-vessel below it of a semilunar shape. (See Diagram B.) The filaments, as in Dimya, are adhesive to one another wherever they touch, have hoof-shaped extremities, and are supported by fine chitinous rods, one to each filament. In the ordinary shallow- water Pectens (e. g. Janira hemicyclica, see Diagram E) there are on each side of the stem two series of filaments, organically con- nected by delicate tissue, sustained by rods of chitine, and forming a double series on each side of the stem. These series do not adhere to one another, but the tips of the filaments in Amusium Dalli do adhere over the groove by the adhesiveness of their ciliated surfaces, and practically form a single sac, comparable to one of the two series observable in Janira ; but, composed of the elements of which the inner halves of the series in Janira are made up, while the respective outer halves are absent in the Amusium. It may of course be claimed that the two series on each side of the gill in D and E are merely the single series of C and B laterally extended, so as to form a flat lamella, instead of a columnar filament, for each process. Indeed, MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 435 Deshayes's figure of a single lamella of Area Noa> would directly convey this idea. But that is not the impression made upon me by a microscopical exam- ination of the lamellae. They seem to me, in the specimens I have examined, to consist of two rods, each with a chitinous skeleton or axis, united by a thin transverse tissue, like the paper of a kite between the cords of its periphery. An examination of the stages of development of the gill in some form of Pecten or Area will be required to settle the true interpretation. In A rca ectocomata the stem of the gill is large, and the blood-vessels are close to the inner wall as in Dimya, instead of being central as in Janira, Amusium, or Perna. The edge of the stem is deeply grooved, and from the opposite sides of this groove extend the gill filaments. On each side they are placed in a single rank with a passageway between their bases, but they curve toward one another at the lips of the groove, and nearly or quite touch. In this manner a sort of half-closed passage extends between them. The filaments, unlike those of the forms above described, are not supported by chitinous rods; they seem to be simple tubes, abundantly ciliated, and in alco- hol are contorted in all directions, twisted, and curled. The tips of the fila- ments are slightly enlarged, but owing to their want of solidity and absence of connection with one another, they appear not to form even as much of a sac as in Amusium Dalli, unless the passage between their bases be so regarded. (See Diagram C.) Taking for comparison A rca Noce, we find a proportionally smaller stem, with a double series of chiunous rods on each side ; the pairs ol each series are connected by delicate tissue only with each other, and these combined groups correspond to the analogous series described in Janira. The blood-vessel is central between their bases, which are separated externally by an excavated space. The vein appears subtriangular in section. (See Dia- gram D.) In Perna, Chione, and Cardium, the double series are pedunculated; in Perna (Diagram H) the vein is central between the peduncles, in Cardium it is double (Diagram G), one vein appearing at the base of eaeh sac; in Chione it is much the same, but the outer branch of the vein is between the bases of the outer primary lamella and the appendix or secondary lamella; the term lamella in this instance being understood to mean a complete platoon, including a double series of filaments. Whatever sort of nomenclature be used, it follows from the above interpre- tation of the facts that the gills of Area ectocomata And Amusium Dalli are just half the elements which go to make up the gills in Area Noa> and Janira hemicyciica ; while in Dimya only one quarter as many elements are represented. In Nucula (Diagram I) we have a more specialized gill than in Dimya or Amusium, though this will not be evident except by careful study. The gill of Pleurolomaria, a much higher type of mollusk than Nucula, is more simple than any of those above mentioned. It is composed of a cartilaginous adnate stem, with lateral transversely striate lamellae (see Diagram F), a large and a small blood-vessel. In section it appears much like that of Nucula or Sole- nomya, but careful study shows the internal structure of the two to be differ- 436 BULLETIN OF THE ent. The lamellae of the Gastropod are destitute of* the elaborate framework of chitine found in the Pelecypod ctenidium. In referring to the insufficiency of characters offered by the specialization of the gill structure for systematic purposes, it was not my intention to deny these characteristics any value. They have a certain value in minor groups, such as families, but, in my opinion, far less for higher groups than that of the nervous system, the relations of the heart and intestine, the radula and the shell, all of which are more fundamental in connection with the molluscan organization. This is hardly the place to enter into a general disquisition on the ctenidia, but it may not be amiss to observe that two chief factors in their position, specialization and development, are the desirability of avoiding the water fouled by effete matter discharged from the intestine, and the economic use of tissue to obtain large aerating surface with the least expenditure of material. These factors necessarily vary with many modifications of the organism which are of little systematic importance, and consequently the specializations of the gill subsequently produced are of no greater systematic value than their inciting causes. The increase of aerating surface is attained in a multiplicity of ways, many of which are most admirable and complicated; but their significance is not great in the assignment of systematic position to the animal which exhibits them. There can be little doubt that the original form of gill was a simple pinched-up lamella. This, elongated, becomes a filament. Filaments united by suitable tissue, trussed, propped, and stayed by a chitinous skeleton, result in the forms, wonderful in number and complexity, which puzzle the student to describe, and much more to classify them. But when it is a question as to deriving the greatest benefit from pure water, if required (so to put it) to choose between the retention of the normal ctenidium on the one hand, and the development of new breathing organs elsewhere with a possible obliteration of the original ctenidium on the other, the organism will always give the functional processes great weight. In the Docoglossa we have an instance of this. Waiving the question whether the blind deep-water Abranchiata (Lepeticlie, etc.) are degenerate or primitive forms, it is evident that the Acmccidce are the most typical forms of the whole group. They have a smooth muzzle with an elevated tactile margin, often angulated at its lower corners; a normal ctenidium over the neck; eyes; and a rather primitive dentition. In the Lepetidxe there are no eyes ; the tactile margin of the muzzle has become prolonged into large tentacles ; there are no specialized breathing organs of any sort; the radula is somewhat less primitive, but still has rather generalized characteristics. In the forms where the effete products of intestine and kidney are discharged over the neck into the same general chamber with the ctenidium, some dis- advantage necessarily must result to the animal. In Scurria there are attempts to remedy this by adding a more or less complete cordon of plain lamella? developed in the peripedal commissure between the mantle and the foot. This begins as far as possible from the excretory organs, and is developed last MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 437 in front. In the Patellidce, the most specialized group of all, containing the largest and most specialized species of Docoglosas, we have the tactile muzzle margin and its prolongations gone, the surface is simply papillose without special margin; the eyes are well developed in the larger species; there are traces of an epipodium, and the hereditary ctenidium, which still lingered with Scurria, has entirely vanished. The circular cordon performs all its functions. The teeth are more fully specialized, all divisions of the radula being represented in the series. Among the Rhiphidoglossa we have an Acmaeid gill in Scutellina, a totally different form of gill in Addisonia, and a pair of symmetrical ctenidia in Emarginula, etc. ; yet no one can question that these animals all belong to the same great group or order. In the Petrophilous pulmonates, we have Siphonaria with a gill and lung, Gadinia with only a lung, and Onchidium with a lung and dorsal, possibly branchial, proliferations. In no one of them is there a typical ctenidium developed. These examples illustrate my reasons for considering the breath- ing organs very mutable structures, and unsuited for use in classification of the higher groups, or as diagnostic characters for important subdivisions of the systems. Dr. Pelseneer criticises Dr. Fischer for using the number of the gill ranks or series as a basis for classification. He elsewhere criticises the writer for upholding the view that these characters are not well adapted for such a purpose. Lastly he adopts a diagrammatic classification for the different forms of ctenidia, with the implication that, presented in the manner he adopts, the ctenidia may be used for classification. It seems to the writer, however, that Dr. Pelseneer has really, though unconsciously, adopted the principle upon which Dr. Fischer based his prior classification, merely adding to and correcting the latter in details. Dr. Pelseneer claims that classification by ctenidia is possible if we take the structure and not the number of the lamellae. He then proceeds to show how the number may be more correctly counted than formerly, and having done this uses it as a basis for classification. This is quite proper from his standpoint, but proves that his advance beyond his forerunners is less than he supposes. In 1886, I called attention to the manner in which the stages of development of the breathing organs in Cuspidaria, Cetoconcha, Verticordia, and Lyonsiella represent the successive stages of development of the typical ctenidium (Blake Report, Part I., pp. 280, 281, 1886); not by this intending to convey the idea that I believed these groups to be derivative, one from another, but only that they represent the steps by which development in a related series would proceed. I believe this view is correct, although, as will be seen later, I regard the gill in Lyonsiella as of the ordinary type, while the lamellae of Cetoconcha and Poromya are a totally new development, partly consequent on the pre- vious degeneration and obliteration of normal ctenidia in the ancestors of these genera. On the other hand, Dr. Pelseneer would regard the lamellae in these forms as degenerated remnants of the normal typical gill, for which in these observations, I have reserved the name ctenidium. In another place I have shown the anatomical grounds for the belief that this construction of the 438 BULLETIN OF THE facts is erroneous. In any case, the mere attitude of the laminae of the cte- nidium can have but very slight systematic importance. Amusium pleuronectes (I. p. 209). The form referred to as this species dredged in the Gulf of Mexico, proves by comparison with the Pliocene fossils to be Amusium Mortoni Say. In specimens of equal size it can hardly be distinguished from that variety of Amusium pleuronectes which has the in- ternal lira? paired, but the A. Mortoni grows to a larger size, is then rather more circular and slightly more convex than any of the Oriental forms, and for practical purposes may be regarded as a distinct species. Pecteu phrygium (I. p. 217). See Plate XL., Fig. 1, Part II., where this species is figured, and also in Agassiz, Three Cruises of the Blake, II. p. 72, Fig. 299. A fine flattened pink and white rayed Pecten, with 30 in- ternal lira arranged in pairs and about 15 ribs, was dredged in 124 fathoms, off Cape Hatteras, by the U. S. Fish Commission, at Station 2602. It will be fully described and figured in the Report on the Voyage of the Albatross, under the name of Pecten Tryoni. Another small Pseudamusium (strigillatum n. s.), characterized by much elevated crowded concentric lamellae on both valves, inflated and white, has been added to the fauna of the Antilles and Florida Reefs by Dr. Rush and the Albatross party. It is only about 10.0 mm. in height, but P. Tryoni measures over 60 0 mm. in height, and as much in width, and has much the oblique form of P. phrygium. Led a acuta, Conrad (I. p. 251). An examination of Dr. Gould's type of Leda anca in the Gould collection at Albany, New York, shows that, in spite of the discrepancy between his description and the characters of L. acuta, his name is merely a synonym of acuta. Gould's type is a typical specimen of L. acuta. Malletia (Tindaria) cytherea, Dall (I. p. 254). The shell described in the first paragraph on page 255 (Part I.) proves to be distinct from my origi- nal M. cytherea, and is figured here as Malletia amabilis Dall, Plate XL. Fig. 8. The original M. cytherea never attains the size of M. amabilis, and is of a squarer, less inflated, more Cytherea-like form. Cryptodon' (I. p. 267). A large specimen of Gryptodon v/hich has since been received (about 17.0 mm. high) affords the following notes as to the soft parts. The foot is extremely slender (0.5 mm.) with a small spindle-shaped dilation at the distal end, circularly rugose, and about 40.0 mm. long, as con- tracted in alcohol The gills are as long as the shell, or nearly so; the stem has a dorsal and a ventral lamina, and the dorsal lamina is reflected outward and downward, until its lower margin is on a level with the stem. There is only one pallial and branchial opening, with the edges posteriorly thickened or infolded but nearly smooth. The anal opening has no tube, but forms a sim- ple long-ovate slit. The gills are free, except proximally, over two thirds of the whole length being unattached. The mouth is small, with a narrow raised edge like a Polyzoon epistome, but no palpi. The ovarian and hepatic lobules MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 439 are attached on each side of the foot, and ramify from a central area of attach- ment in a very large number of short stout spongy lobules, recalling the digita- tions of some keratose sponges. The ova are minute and yellowish. The hepatic granules are dark brown or grayish. The whole mass of the genito- hepatic organs nearly fills the mantle cavity, and is larger than all the rest of the soft parts put together. These lobules are not like the pyriform projections of Myonera, each of which projects singly from the rounded surface of the visceral mass, and probably subsides after the period of ovulation. In Grypto- don the whole mass on each side arises from a single small area, and digitates afterward. Several of the species referred to this genus in the Pelecypoda of the Chal- lenger Expedition appear to me to belong near Lyonsia rather than with Cryptodon, judging by the figures of the shell. In this connection I may observe that in a fine Lucina (of the type of L. spinosa Eeeve), dredged in Panama Bay, I find the gill composed of a single lamina, or sac, on each side, hanging vertically from the mantle ; the posterior lower edges are connected under the anal region, shutting it off from the bran- chial chamber; there are two small orifices without siphons, of which the anal is considerably the larger, but the lobes of the mantle, except in the siphonal region, are not connected below the adductors. As Lucina has been said to have two gill laminse on each side, these facts are worth noting. Lucina lenticula, Reeve (I. p. 265). The specimens cited from Station 21, in 287 fins., and from Barbados, in 100 fms., prove on further study to be young specimens of L. multilineata Conrad. Lucina sagrinata, Dall (I. p. 265). This species has since been dredged off Cape San Antonio, in 300 fms., and at Station 2646, in 85 fms., off Cape Florida, by the U. S. Fish Commission. Cardium ceramidum, Dall (I. p. 269). This species should be compared with C. antillarum Orbigny. Meiocardia Agassizii, Dall (I. p. 271). This species is figured on Plate XL. Fig. 7, and in Agassiz. Three Cruises of the Blake, II., p. 74, fig. 311, 1888. Callocardia (Vesicomya) venusta, Dall (I. p. 274). This species is fig- ured on Plate XL. Fig. 5, and in Agassiz, Three Cruises of the Blake, II. p. 75, fig. 312, 1888. Isocardia cytherioides Mayer, Journ de Conchyl., XVI. p. 103, pi. iii. fig. 6, from the Lower Helvetian beds of Northern Italy, belonging to the Upper Tertiary, is probably a Vesicomya, judging by the figure. Another fine species of Vesicomya was obtained on the voyage of the Albatross, off Tobago, in 880 fms. , ooze. It is very nearly the form and color of Cythere* albida, and reaches a length of an inch (25.0 mm.) or more. In this, which will be described under the name of Vesicomya Smithii, in honor of Mr. E. A. Smith of the British Museum, the teeth are closely like those of V. venusta, but more developed, the shell being larger and stouter. The pallial line ia 440 BULLETIN OF THE very faintly waved or truncate under the posterior adductor scar, and there is an incised line about the rather small lunule, as in the other species. Unfortu- nately the soft parts were not obtained. A more interesting capture at the same haul of the dredge was a shell with the hinge of the original Callocardia, no distinct incised border to the lunule, and a deep acutely angular pallial sinus; this will form a section of the genus under the name of Callogonia. The species attains a length of two inches, having about the form of Tapes turgida Lam. as figured in the Thesaurus, and the exterior of the same dull straw-color, marked only by incremental lines, which characterizes the other species of Callocardia; described in this paper. It will be named, in honor of Prof. L. A. Lee, directing the scientific work of the Albatross party, Callocardia (Callogonia) Leeana. It is remarkable that four species of this extremely rare group, and one of the still rarer genus Meiocardia, should have been found in so limited an area, and with little time expended in dredging. Veneriglossa (I. p. 275). The genus Atopodonta Cossman, 1887, (Mem. Soc. Roy. Mai. de Belgique, XXI. p. 110, type Venus coniformis Deshaj^es, op. cit., p. Ill, pi. vi. figs. 3-6), appears to be identical with this group, if the figures of the type are to be relied upon. Tellina (I. p. 277). Tellina Antoni Phil, and T. squamifera Desh. extend northward in moderate depths to the vicinity of Cape Hatteras, N. C. A single valve of T. sybaritica Dall has since been received from Florida. It is pure white. It extends to Brazil. T. tenta Say appears to reach the Antilles, where it is known as T. Souleyetiana Recluz. Poromya elongata Dall (I. p. 283). This species was figured by Agassiz, Three Cruises of the Blake, Vol. II. p< 72, fig. 302, 1888. A figure is given herewith, Plate XXXIX. fig. 3. It belongs to the section Cetomya. Poromya (Cetoconcha) bulla Dall (I. p. 283). This species was also figured by Prof. Agassiz, II. p. 72, figs. 300, 301, 1888, and is here shown on Plate XXXIX. figs. 2 and 5. o- Verticordia perversa Dall (I. p. 289). This species is figured on Plate XXXIX. fig. 4. Prof. Agassiz figured it, II. p. 74, fig. 309, 1888. Verticordia elegantissima Dall (I. p. 291). An adult specimen of this species is figured on Plate XXXIX. fig. 7, and was illustrated on p. 74, fig. 308, of the second volume of Prof. Agassiz's work. ■-©■ Cuspidaria microrhina Dall (I. p. 295). This species is figured on Plate XL. figs. 2 and 3. It was figured by Prof. Agassiz, II. pp. 73, 74, figs. 306, 307, 1888. Bushia elegans Dall (I. p. 310). This species is figured on Plate XXXIX. fig. 1. It will also be found in Prof. Agassiz's work above cited, II. p. 74, fig. 310, 1888. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 441 The Anatomical Characters of Poromya (I. p. 280), Verticordia (I. pp. 285, 286), Cuspidaria (I. pp. 293, 303), Myonera (I. p. 303), and re- lated Forms. — In 1886 I called attention to certain remarkable features in the anatomy of the above mentioned forms, among which were the facts that the foot is set in a socket or chamber, like a stopper in a bottle, that in Cuspidaria and Myonera gills in anything like the normal form of such organs are entirely absent, while in Poromya and a group which I distinguished as Cdoconcha there are gill lamella; of a very primitive type sparsely distributed on the ventral surface of the septum which forms the floor of the upper half of the peripedal chamber. In accordance with these investigations I modified the classification of these animals, establishing three families for their reception. Part of my material was in a rather poor condition, having been partially des- iccated either before or after it had first been placed in alcohol, and that part, especially in the Cuspidariidce, which was in good condition was represented by very minute specimens. Since then, two years after the publication of my Eeport on the Pelecypods of the Blake Expedition, Dr. Paul Pelseneer of Brussels has published in the Comptes Rendus of the Acadamy of Sciences, Paris,* and in a brief Report on the Anatomy of the Deep Sea Mollusca, in the Challenger series, t some important observations on animals of the same groups. To the facts brought forward by me, which were for the most part abundantly confirmed, and the classification above referred to consecpiently adopted, he was enabled, by the better character of his material, to add that the two halves of the peripedal chamber correspond to the anal and branchial, or excurrent and incurrent siphons, respectively; and that in the septum, beside the opening in which the foot is set, there is a series of minute openings on each side of the median line, which in Poromya are situated between the lamellae of the rudi- mentary gills, and in Silenia Smith (non Mulsant, = Cdoconcha Dall) the lamella; themselves have a subtubular form. He also determined the existence, in certain species of Cuspidaria, of minute rudimentary palpi, which the con- dition of my specimens had not allowed me to observe, if present. In addition to this he provided diagrammatic figures, which, if they cannot be said to illus- trate with detailed anatomical accuracy the animals represented, at least enable one to clearly understand what was present in his mind. We are therefore under considerable obligations to Dr. Pelseneer, who has materially increased our knowledge, and -the fact that he has, as far as was possible, omitted refer- ence to my prior observations and their publication in Part 1. of this Report, does not render his confirmation of them less useful. However, in reviewing the subject with additional and well preserved mate- rial collected by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross in the West Indies, and on her voyage thence to California, I am enabled to add to and correct the data of the earlier part of this Report, and to advance the subject beyond the point which it has hitherto reached. I hope also, that, in the con- clusions which I draw from these observations, the relations of the forms in * Seance of April 3, 1888. t Vol. XXVII. Part LXXIV., 42 pp., 4 plates, 1888. 442 BULLETIN OF THE question to Pelecypods of a more ordinary type will be a little more clear than they were left by the light of some of Dr. Pelseneer's transcendental hypotheses. Before discussing matters of theory, the observed facts will be briefly stated. True Ctenidial Septa in Pelecypods. — There are a large number of acephalous mollusks, not necessarily nearly related, in which a true branchial septum exists. In a young Perna, supposed to be P. ephippium L., the inner edges of the ctenidia are united to each other their whole length, behind the foot. The outer edges are attached to the mantle or visceral epiderm, so as to form a complete chamber like that of Cuspidaria, but of which the derivation is radi- cally different. In Modiolarca trapesina Lam., from Cape Horn, the ctenidia, from below the anal siphonal orifice to and around the foot, are united as in Perna. The chamber thus constituted is crammed with the young fry at the proper season. In Lyonsia Beana Orb., the united ctenidia are attached above the rudimentary siphonal septum, and extend forward to and around the foot. They are attached to each other and to the mantle or to the ventral surface of the visceral mass by their edges, and form a most complete chamber, a true ctenidial septum. There are, however, no orifices in this or in smy of the species with a strictly ctenidial septum, corresponding to the septal perforations in Poromya or Cuspidaria. In Lyonsiella radiata Dall, a large new species from Patagonia, we have a similar state of affairs, except that the anterior inner edges of the gill are not so closely united around the foot. The part played by the siphonal septum in this species is insignificant; it is in fact hardly perceptible. The infolding of the mantle edge around the siphon is very wide ; its outer edge is nearly plain ; within this edge a short distance, is an elevated ridge with a single row of small rounded ocellus-like tubercles on each side of it. A wide space separates this range of processes from the margin of the branchial orifice, which is pro- fusely papillose with arborescent papillae. A lunate depression lies between this and the much smaller, plain-edged, nearly linear anal orifice, while in front of it the pedal opening forms a minute narrow slit, with granulated mar- gin. In this form the palps are represented by a slightly raised edge around the mouth, not produced or elongated at the sides. A languette or curtain valve hangs behind the branchial orifice below the narrow septum. True Siphonail Septa in Pelecypods. — A partial siphonal septum is common among Pelecypods, especially short-siphoned forms, where the internal septum may, to a certain extent, make up for the absence of the long and complete division between the passages in those forms with long siphons. The septum is usually a mere subtriangular thin membranous shell, the posterior extension of the tissues which separate the two siphons, while from near its lateral cor- ners radiate the muscles which in those forms with a pallial sinus serve to retract the siphons. Below it is the more fleshy languette or curtain valve which closes the incurrent siphonal opening when required. Among those forms in which we may find the septum especially well developed are the different groups of the old genus Cardium. In C. edule a short septum is present, and is figured by Deshayes (Moll. Algerie, pi. xcvii. fig. G), in which MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 443 an opening appears above and behind the valvular languette. I suspect this to be clue to lesion, as 1 have not found such an opening in any of the species ot Cardium I have examined. In another species, C. hians (op. cit., pi. xcvi. fig. 2), the septum is considerably extended forward. A beautiful new species of the subgenus Lophocardium, from the coast of Lower California, has the ordinary gills of Cardium well developed, with their posterior anchorage above and near the siphonal septum at its origin. The thin, slightly fibrous, but no- where fleshy septum, extends forward to the foot and on each side of it. In this case there is no orifice above the languette, or elsewhere in the partition. Doubtless an exhaustive search would find many other groups in which certain members exhibit a siphonal septum, more or less completely dividing the peri- pedal chamber. Until the character has become more particularly specialized and permanently established, it is evident it can have but a minor value as a guide to the systematise or a test of his classification. In those forms in which the retractor muscles of the siphons radiate in a vertical plane to the shell, forming a " pallial sinus " (e. g. Poromya mac- troides), the siphonal septum, whether large or small, is membranous; in those without a sinus (e. g. P. granulatci), it is more or less muscular. Cuspidariid^e. Cuspidaria patagonica Smith. A fine specimen of this species, measuring 44.0 mm. in length, and 14.0 mm. in transverse diameter was dredged in about 400 fins., off Manta, Peru; other specimens were found in dredgings from the whole eastern coast of South America, the western coast of that continent, and northward as far as Lower California. The larger specimen afforded the following notes. The siphonal septum, by which name I shall refer to the dividing septxim of the peripedal chamber, extends forward from the proximal end of the siphons to the anterior adductor. It is divisible into three areas, a longi- tudinal central muscular area occupying about two thirds of the whole septum, and on each side a less muscular thin and tense membranous strip, which is connected with the inside of the valves and leaves the imprint on the shell which would ordinarily be taken for the outline of the " pallial sinus." The central muscular area is attached by a bundle of muscular fibres above each adductor on each side of the median line. All four points of attachment leave well marked scars on the shell. I shall show hereafter that these muscles, if not homologous with, at least perform the functions of, the siphonal retractors of ordinary Pelecypods, and in forms like Poromya mactroides, where, the usual retractors are present, the siphonal septum is destitute of muscu- larity, or possesses it only to an inferior degree. The posterior septal muscles are smaller and rounder in section, more vertical in direction, and more widely separated from each other, than the anterior pair. The latter are narrow and elongated on their surface of insertion, and but for the separation of the valves would nearly touch in the median line. The principal body of fibres on the plane of the septum is longitudinally arranged, another series crosses the septum in an arched manner toward its extremities, especially behind, while there are indications of still smaller series of more or less radiating fibres knitting the whole fabric together and to the shell. 444 BULLETIN OF THE The siphonal septum in this species divides the cavity of the shell unequally, the upper portion being smaller than the lower. In the upper, sustained especially by a median fibrous mesenteric band, is suspended the visceral sac. Viewed from above, it is subcordate in profile; from the side it seems acutely ovoid. It occupies, as contracted by alcohol, about half the cavity above the septum. The valve of the anal siphon is represented above the septum by a thin vertical wall of membrane pierced by a relatively small simple central orifice. The valve of the branchial siphon below the septum is composed of three rather thickish processes; one, hanging vertically, is short, wide, and rep- resents the languette in Cardium; the lateral processes are somewhat longer and obliquely set, the whole forming a large subtriangular opening with three partially overlapping curtains. Passing backward on the ventral surface of the septum, aside from the streakiness due to the fibrous coarse muscular tissue, there is a distinct narrow median depression behind the foot, except just be- hind the edge of the foot, where the surface in all the forms with a muscular septum is elevated like a wave rising about a solitary rock. The foot is slender, elongated, slightly geniculate, with a small byssal groove behind. Immediately in front of it the surface is depressed about the small and in- conspicuous mouth. Here the anterior palps are almost wanting, but the posterior, though abnormally small, are elevated above the surface and strongly transversely striate. In front of the palps is a strong ridge of tissue, behind the anterior commissure of the lobes of the mantle. Here a narrow horny or chitinous gusset strengthens the commissure, above wrhich is a sort of pocket or shallow indentation, above which the external margin of the mantle finally joins. The gusset is narrow, concave in the middle, with its ends spatuliiorm, and shows brown through the white tissues, like the jaw of a Gastropod. If the surface of the septum near the foot be closely scrutinized, there will be seen on each side four slight prominences. The anterior pair are on each side of the mouth, the second and third pairs by the sides of the foot, the fourth behind the foot, all situated in the thickest part of the muscular por- tion of the septum. The posterior pair have two lips, the others three, to each prominence, and on gentle pressure with a fine probe it will be found that a small circular orifice passes somewhat obliquely through the septum and com- municates with the upper chamber. These passages are not always complete, however, for by means of careful sectionizing I found the third pair imperforate in a fairly grown specimen of C. rosirata, while in several young specimens the two posterior pairs seemed imperforate. In a specimen of C. arctica var. glacialis I found five orifices on each side, showing that the number is not invariable. The lips to these orifices are not prominent, much less so, indeed, than in Cetoconcha or Poromija. The office of a gill must, therefore, as suggested in the first part of this Report (p. 30.3), be performed by the surface of the sep- tum, or by the lobes of the mantle. This is a very different view from Dr. Pelseneer's idea that the septum is itself homologous with the ordinary gills of Pelecypods. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 445 By cutting the lobes of the mantle away, and carefully turning back the septum as a whole, extracting the foot from its socket, we see the simple oblique upper ends of the septal orifices. What can their office be? I suppose that they serve to admit fresh water to the upper chamber, which I believe to be utilized in some, if not all, instances as a marsupium. It is probable that, by suitable muscular contractions, the septum will operate somewhat like the washer of a pump- valve, and that the upper chamber can be filled or emptied of its contained water at will. I believe the septum in Cuspidaria to be homologous with the ordinary siphonal septum, only more prolonged; and that its muscular tissue is the equivalent of the siphonal retractors of ordinary Pelecypods. I do not regard it as in any manner homologous with the normal ctenidia. Mijonera paucistriata (I. pp. 302, 303). To the description of the soft parts of this extremely fragile and delicate form already published, several points can be added from the examination of a fresh specimen recently received. The only correction to the original description relates to the opening of the anal siphon, which is a minute circular orifice in a delicate membranous area which in life probably projects in a dome-like manner, but in alcohol appears tense and flat. The opening is into the upper portion of the peripedal chamber, of course, as in the other species. That which I took for the anal opening in the first specimen examined was an accidental lesion, while the true anal opening from its minuteness was overlooked. The mouth, as stated in 1886, is a simple opening without palpi. The latter are represented, if at all, by a delicate slightly elevated ring of tissue which surrounds the circular mouth. The absence of gill laminae is fully confirmed. The septal orifices on the ventral surface are hardly observable without the closest scrutiny, though easily visible on the dorsal surface of the septum. There are eight, as in the Cuspidaria patagonica, and their lips, slightly elevated, usually appear triple, so as to give a triangular aspect to their junction. When sounded by a delicate probe they appear subtubular. The muscular tissue of the septum is concentrated in two bunches of coarse fibre-bundles, which radiate from the posterior outer corners of the septum, suggesting that the fibres, usually devoted to retracting in a nearly vertical plane the siphons toward their angular insertion (pallial sinus) on the shell, are here spread in a horizontal plane. Beside the fasciole of fibres at the corners, there is a loosely arranged central bundle behind the foot, while the rest of the septum is more thin and fibrous, and the vertical roots of the septal muscles far less strong and prominent in proportion, than in Cuspidaria. The arrangement of the fibres of the muscular tissue is singularly loose, and in the central area irregular, — quite different from the solid tissue of the septum in Verticordia, or the compact bands observable in Cuspidaria. The most noticeable feature in this specimen was the condition of the ovaries. These ramified over the posterior part of the visceral mass, terminat- ing in bifurcated or trifurcated sacs, largest at their distal extremity, and some- what fig-shaped. These were crammed with ova and projected from the 446 BULLETIN OF THE surface of the visceral mass into the upper chamber above the septum. All were turgid; some had already burst, and partly discharged their contents into the chamber; others seemed on the point of doing so; the alcohol had coagu- lated the escaping ova in situ, in the most perfect manner, the whole process thus being displayed. It is probable, as suggested by me in 1886, that the chamber serves to some extent as a marsupium or shelter for the ova and young, and that they are not discharged into the surrounding element at once. This is undoubtedly the case in Modiolarca. Verticordiid^e. V. aculicostata (I. p. 285). Another specimen, and a re- examination of the one reported on in 1886, confirm the description then given. There are no palpi, the anterior pair are wholly unrepresented, the posterior or lower pair may be represented by two small rounded hardly elevated tubercles between the mouth and the anterior ends of the gills. The foot is relatively extremely large, round, and stopper-like. The gills in the second specimen are clearly adnate, as in Pelseneer's figure of Lyonsiella papy- racea Smith (pi. iii. fig. 1), except that they are underlaid by the solid fleshy siphonal septum, and do not as in Lyonsiella serve to supplement that septum. They are proportionately very much smaller, hardly reaching behind the middle of the foot. I suspect that the free end of the gill in my first specimen was separated by a lesion, and is not normal, but that the gill is always adnate in the adult condition. The septum is thick and fleshy, quite destitute of perforations or orifices except that in which the foot stands. Verticordia tomato, Jeffreys, by an accident, was not struck out of the list of Verticordice (I. p. 286) after I had determined it to belong to Poromya (I. p. 281). The balance of characters will perhaps carry Mytilimeria and Lyonsiella to the Anatinidce, or a family by themselves, rather than to the Verticordiidm, where I placed them. But they are transitional in their relations, and in spite of the relations between the form of the gills in Lyonsiella and Lyonsia I am still inclined to think the former almost equally close to Verticordia. The discrepancy noted by Pelseneer arises from the fact, that, instead of com- paring Lyonsiella with a genuine Verticordia like acuticostata, as I did, he compares it with a species of Poromya, which is, of course, a very different thing. Poromyidje (I. p. 280). In 1886 I separated from Poromya the forms which, when adult, have the hinge teeth obsolete, under the name of Ceto- concha. This group included not merely those with a double posterior row of modified septal orifices on each side, such as C. bidla, the type, and C. mar- garita, but also certain species of Poromya, in which the hinge teeth are feeble or obsolete in the adult, while in the typical Poromya they continue strong. I called attention to the fact that the soft parts of these species did not differ essentially from Poromya (I. p. 280), but hardly felt justified in separating them from the typical Cefoconcha;. It is probable that it would be better for them to form a section of Poromya, which may be called Cetomya ; while the MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 447 typical Cetoconcha may perhaps be generically separated from Poromya. The group in question was named SUenia by Mr. E. A. Smith, in his Report on the Challenger Lamellibranchs, but that name had already been used in zoo- logical nomenclature, and so was preoccupied. The observations of Pelseneer on the anatomy of SUenia leave no room for doubt that it is identical with Cetoconcha, as represented by its type and by C. margarita. Now that wider research has shown more clearly the characters of Poromya and Cetoconcha, the attempt of 1886 to diagnose both forms in a single definition seems con- fused, but with this explanation it should be clear enough that the facts were observed and recorded in members of each group, and that the apparent con. fusion in the diagnosis resulted from a feeling of conservatism in the matter of subdividing genera; a proceeding which has, of late years, on some occasions been so shamefully abused. The researches of the U. S. Fish Commission have added some most inter- esting and peculiar species of this family, which will be more fully described and figured in the Report on the Voyage of the Albatross, now in preparation. Cetoconcha bulla Dall (I. p. 283). The description of 1886 merely requires the addition of the statement that the lamella? described are subtubular, and form the lips to the septal orifices. In using the term " ventral surface," for the under side of the septum and " body cavity," the reader will not be misled into the supposition that the visceral mass was the " body " intended ; for, though the words may have been ill chosen, the relations of the visceral mass were clearly stated, although the very important relation of the upper chamber to the anal siphon was not understood at the time. There is in this species a distinct bunching of the muscular fibres at the posterior outer corners of the septum, from which points they extend in a somewhat radiating manner. The soft parts, though more rotund, and with a different number of septal orifices, resemble sufficiently those of Cetoconcha Sarsii Smith, as diagrammatized by Pelseneer. For each orifice two lamellse are usually counted in the Report of 1886, as the lips of the septal orifices generally appear paired and arched, forming a segment of a circle. In C. bulla, in the anterior series there are five orifices on each side; the inner posterior series have three to five, and the outer posterior series two, or possibly three orifices each. The number of posterior orifices is not the same in the two specimens of C. bulla examined. In none of the specimens of Cetoconcha examined by me were the inner ends of the four posterior series so widely separated as in Pelseneer's figure 9, of SUenia Sarsii. They always seemed closer together, and more evidently radiating from a central elevation on the septum behind the foot. But too much stress must not be laid on the discrepancies of these diagrams, which are not, and do not appear to be intended for. exact and complete portraits. In this species a trace of the lateral arrangement of the siphonal muscles re- mains, while, compared with Cuspidaria, the septal muscles are still in a transitional state. Cetomya elonrjata Dall (I. p. 283). In the single specimen of this form, the 448 BULLETIN OF THE branchial areas are composed of lamellae, between which at their bases are narrow fissures bridged longitudinally by slender fibres which act as regulators. In this species the two areas are similar, and resemble those of Cetomya tornala Jeffreys, as figured by Pelseneer. In Poromya sublevis Verrill, dredged by the Albatross, in 1685 fms., off Chesapeake Bay, by carefully dissecting away the septum, which presented much the same appearance as that of P. granulata in Pelseneer's diagram (op. cit., pi. iii. fig. 7), several interesting facts were disclosed. The posterior lamella? were not separated by fissures at their base. This seemed evident on an external view, but was made more certain by an inspection of the upper surface of the septum, where these openings, when they exist, are always con- spicuous. The anterior areas were fissured, especially near the foot, but less so behind, so that when I first examined this species, taking the extreme deli- cacy of the membranes into account, and the apparently imperforate character of the posterior areas, I suspected that the fissures were due to tearing or in- cautious probing. A reversal of the septum, and an examination of other species showed, however, that there are variations in this respect, and that Pelseneer had correctly described the conditions which exist in some of them. An interesting feature disclosed by the examination of the septum under trans- mitted light was, that the blood-vessels which supply the branchial lamellae appear to reach them from behind, a separate vessel starting from the vicinity of the siphons, and running a somewhat irregular course to each of the lamellar areas on each side. There seemed to be no continuation of these vessels an- teriorly in front of the areas which they serve. The ovisacs are not lobulated, as in Myonera, but more evenly spread over the posterior surface of the visce- ral mass. The ripest eggs were large and conspicuous. There was no evidence of their extrusion through the covering of the visceral mass, as in Myonera, though this may take place later. Cetomya albida (I. p. 282). In young specimens of this and other species, the membranes of the septum, etc. are extremely delicate. The use of too concentrated hardening agents, or the incautious touch of a probe, will produce lesions which may be indistinguishable from normal fissures. To make sure that nothing of this sort shall happen, it is necessary to float the soft parts in a cup of water, and turn them about with delicate forceps. This is not con- venient in all respects for observation, but with time and patience the charac- ters may be made out. Young specimens of this species show the lamellar areas as usual, with the depressions above them in the floor of the upper chamber, but the fissures are not open; a fact which leads me to believe that they appear only with matu- rity. A very delicate membrane seems to hold the distal margins of the lamellae together, so that a delicate probe passes over without separating them. It was only after long experimentation and study of the specimens that I be- came convinced that this is the case, although there is no inherent improba- bility that it should be so. Poromya (Dermatomya) mactroides n. s. This fine species differs from the May 20, 1889. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 449 typical form of the genus in the ahsence of the superficial granulations, and in the presence of a deep and strong pallial sinus, which characters indicate that it should form a special section of the group. The hinge is also remarkably- coarse and strong. It was dredged by the Albatross off the coast of Ecuador, in 741 fms., and externally presents much the appearance of a large high speci- men of Mactra lateralis. In the type of Poromya the pallial sinus is almost obsolete; its retractor muscles are either mainly incorporated in the septum, the muscular contrac- tions of which serve to move the siphons, or they are replaced by the septal muscles. In the present species, however, there is a large and strong pallial sinus with its usual muscles, and the septum is consequently only very slightly furnished with muscular fibres, and does not serve to retract the siphons. The valve to the branchial siphon is large, and the palps are enormous. The anterior edges of the anterior palps are notched or papillose toward the median line, a condition not observed in the other species. The foot is pointed and slightly geniculate. There are seven anterior, and eight or nine posterior gill lamellae; the two areas are rather narrow, and their ends closely approach one another near the middle of the foot on each side. In front of the ridge which precedes the large branchial valve, and between it and the foot, are four or five quite prominent elevations of the surface closely resembling the branchial lamellae, but with their length in the axial direction of the animal. There are no fissures between these, but they seem very like branchial lamellae in process of development. Both the longitudinal branchial areas on each side are fissured, and their blood-vessels reach them from behind. General Considerations on the Nature of the Septum in Poromyidm and Cuspi- dariidce. — The facts above stated indicate that the septum in these groups is essentially a prolongation forward, and a specialization of the ordinary si- phonal septum. The septum, as pointed out in Cardium, may be so prolonged, while the normal gills are fully developed and unconnected with it. In Ver- ticordia it may be so prolonged, and may have acquired a conspicuously fleshy texture, without fissures, while the gills lie prone upon it, more or less adnate. The muscular apparatus by which the siphons are retracted, and whose normal points of origin are at the side of the ordinary septum, appear to be shifted to its surface; different species show this process in different stages of pro- gress, and in the only case among the Poromyas where the fibres follow the normal direction in other Pelecypods, the septum is destitute of the muscular structure which is so prominent in the other Poromyas. In the specialization of the septum the musculation develops from behind ; when branchial laminae are situated upon the septum, and are not simply the ordinary ctenidia in an adnate condition, the addition of a second series is made at the posterior end, and all the branchial areas appear to receive their blood supply from behind. There is not a particle of evidence to prove that the septal branchial lamellae of Poromya and C'etoconcha are homologous with the ctenidia of Verlicordia, Lyonsiella, Perna, or Cardium. The fact that Cuspidaria has neither ctenidia nor any specialized laminae on the septum lends probability to the assumption vol. xvni. 29 450 BULLETIN OF THE that the two series represent a parallel among these Pelecypods to the ctenidia and the peripedal laminae in Acmcea, Scurria, and Patella, among the Docoglossa. That is, that the septal laminae are a new and special development, which func- tionally replace, but are not homologous with, the original ctenidia. If this view is doubted, the burden of proof lies upon those who call it in question. It may be asked whether any hypothesis can be suggested by which this peculiar specialization may be accounted for. The law of economy in de- velopment, which calls for the maximum of function with the minimum expenditure of tissue, and the other rule, which associates with greatest vigor of life the most successful oxygenation of the blood, together with the obvious benefits to be derived from temporary protection of the newly hatched larvae, will enable us to suggest an answer. The prolongation forward of the siphonal septum, especially in forms with short siphons, like Poromya and Lyonsiella, will evidently promote successful aeration of the blood by cutting off from the branchial chamber the water of the anal chamber, fouled more or less by the effete products discharged into it. A certain amount of fibrous tissue must be developed to form this septum. It is clear that an economy of tissue would result from the transfer of retractorial functions to the septum and the obsolescence of the lateral retractile muscula- ture. A further economy would result from the utilization of this large sheet of tissue for branchial purposes, and a diminution of the tissue previously ex- pended in the mass of the ctenidia. The habit of the larva?, so common among Pelecypods, of nestling for safety in the branchial folds, would lead directly to the utilization of the chamber as a refuge. But a close chamber such as we see in Verticordia would, from the less pure character of its contained sea-water, be less favorable than one into which the water could be more freely admitted by any means which would not imply an admixture of the foul water with that of the branchial chamber below. A system of orifices like those of Myonera would accomplish this. A subsequent development of the muscular tissue of the septum, so that it could operate somewhat after the fashion of a pump and voluntarily frequently renew the water in the anal chamber, would obviously be beneficial. By the effect of stimulation, the margins of the orifices thus subjected to repeated strong currents of fresh water would be likely to undergo a specialization of respirator}'' functions as compared with the rest of the surface of the septum, which would result in something like the tubular gills of Cetoconcha, or the lamellae of Poromya. The reciprocal diminution of the ctenidia and increase of the area of the siphonal septum are illustrated by such a series as Lyonsia, Lyonsiella, and Verticordia, all of which possess true ctenidia. The gradual specialization for branchial purposes of the septum after the extirpation of the ctenidia would be illustrated by the series from Myonera and Cuspidaria to Cetoconcha and Poromya. While the above chain of hypothesis harmonizes with the observed facts in a satisfactory manner, it is stated merely as a possible hypothetical explanation, and not as a theory to which the writer must stand permanently committed. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 451 General Summary. — Premising that in this article the word ctenidium is employed to designate the normal typical gill of Pelecypods, in any of its modifications, as opposed to temporary or local branchial organs of different origin, the facts just reviewed may be briefly summarized. 1. In many groups of Pelecypods the ctenidia are more or less united be- hind the foot, so as to divide the peripedal chamber into an upper, or anal, and a lower, or branchial portion. In these cases (Perna, Mod iol area, fpr example) there is no important modification of the structure of the gills, and the septum is truly branchial in character, and the siphonal septum takes no part in the formation of the partition. 2. In other forms, the siphonal septum is extended forward to form a partition, either (A) unmodified (Cardium); (B) thickened without orifices (Verticordia); (C) assuming a retractile function (Cuspidaria) with orifices; (D) only partially retractile {Dermatomyd) with single lateral series of orifices; or (E) with an incomplete double lateral series of orifices (Cetoconcka). In these cases the breathing organs may be (A) unmodified ctenidia, (B) depau- perated adnate ctenidia, (C) the general surface of the septum without ctenidia or specialized lamellae, (D) with only specialized flat lainellce, or (E) with spe- cialized subtubular proliferations. In these cases the structure of the septum appears to be wholly independent of the ctenidia, though in Verticordia they are adnate upon its surface. 3. There is one form (Lyonsiella abyssicola) in which the siphonal septum and the ctenidia are stated to be mutually attached, so that the septum may be said to be of a compound formation, though in another species of the same genus (L. radiata) the septum is of the kind described in paragraph 1. 4. The orifices in the septum of Poromya seem to be closed, or partly closed, in youth, and open with the attainment of sexual maturity. 5. The anal chamber, as indicated in 1886, seems to fill the office of a marsupium. 6. The tissues of the septum may therefore be derived from structures di- verse in their origin, in some cases ctenidial and anterior, in others siphonal and posterior. 7. Finally, from these facts it is evident that Dr. Pelseneer's assumption, that the septum is essentially ctenidial in its origin, is unwarranted, and his group Scplibranchia, as defined by him, is founded on an error of observation. While as a group-narne it may be used to indicate features of structure whose origin he misunderstood, yet, from the purely adaptive nature of these feature.' and their variations in forms otherwise closely related, the name has no claims for adoption either in a strictly genealogical or an eclectic system of classifica- tion. It may be added, that the "proof" that Poromya and Silenia (= Ceto- concka) are more nearly related to each other than to Cuspidaria, which Dr. Pelseneer claims to be his work (op. cit., p. 25), had been published by me more than two years previous to the appearance of his paper, and exemplified in the classification I then proposed; a classification which nothing since pub- lished has pretended in any way essentially to modify. This classification, 452 BULLETIN OF THE augmented by the new discoveries of the past three years, may be expressed in brief as follows : — Family Cuspidariidm : abranchiate, siphoseptate, septum foraminate. Genus Cuspidaria (etc.) with long siphons; oral palpi obsolete. Genus Myonera, short siphons ; oral palpi absent. Family Poromyidce : septibranchiate, siphoseptate. Genus Poromya:. teeth strong; oral palpi large; foramina of septum slit-like, between the close-set lamellae, arranged in two interrupted longitudinal series; pallial sinus obsolete; surface of shell granular. Subgenus Dermatomya: shell not granular; pallial sinus developed; hinge strong. Subgenus Cetomya: shell granulous; pallial sinus obsolete; hinge teeth obsolete in the adult. Genus Cetoconcha: hinge teeth obsolete in the adult; pallial sinus obsolete; siphoseptum foraminate, the foramina arranged in four longitudinal series, solitary, the subtubular lips filling the office of gills. Family Verticordiidce : siphoseptate with small adnate ctenidia; oral palpi almost obsolete; septum imperforate. Lyonsia and probably Lyonsiella may be called branchioseptate, and should be referred elsewhere. ADDENDA TO PAET II Intra-capsular Development of the Shell in Scaphella (II. p. 149, IT 3). After this suggestion had been some time printed, I received from the collec- tions of the Albatross on her voyage from Chesapeake Bay to California, some ovicapsules of Scaphella magellanica from the coast of Patagonia. These ovicapsules are circular, about an inch (25.0 mm.) in diameter, with a flat base attached to dead Pectens ; the upper part consists of a rounded dome, rather more lenticular than hemispherical, but varying somewhat in different specimens. It is exactly like the ovicapsule of Volatopsis from Alaska, externally, and, like that, contains two to four surviving larval shells. These remain in the capsule until they have three or four shelly whorls. The apical point is acutely conical, slightly twisted, and in the youngest specimens (two-whorled) still retains some shreds of the extremely fragile membranous protoconch adhering to the first whorl. As suggested by me from a study of the nuclei of Aurinia, the pillar of the protoconch and the apical spur of the larval shell coincide. The shape of the protoconch could not be ascertained, but its aperture was probably oval, from its traces left on the shelly surface. The apex is at first very sharp, but it loses substance even in the ovicapsule, and three-whorled specimens had it quite blunted, while shells escaped from MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 453 the capsule at all stages show usually a mammillary tip. The largest larva obtained, though it had just begun to make part of the shell showing color- pattern, was still without cephalic tentacles, eyes, or siphonal appendages. It had no trace of an operculum or epipodium. The shell showed two plaits on the columella. The confirmation of the existence of the suspected protoconch is particularly gratifying. The larval characters emphasize the differences between Voluta proper and Scaphella, and leave no doubt of the propriety of their generic separation. The turbinate shelly peculiarly sculptured larval shell of Valuta is entirely different from anything we find in Scaphella. Vermicularia lumbricalis Linn^ (p. 261). For those who doubt this being the original V. lumbricalis of Lamarck, the " Vermet " of Adanson, it may be noted that the American form has been named V. spiratus by Philippi (1836), and V. radicula by Stimpson (1851), while the Adansonian shell, on the ground that it is not the Serpula lumbricalis of Linne, has received the name of Adansonii from Hanley. Nudibranchiata. Dr. Bergh, who is preparing a special report on this group from the material collected by the Blake, informs me that seven species are represented, as follows : — Tethrjs leporina Linne (var.). Chromodoris sycilla Bergh. Ckromodoris punctiluccns Bergh. Chromodoris scabriuscula Bergh. Nembrotha gratiosa Bergh. Phlegmodoris f anceps Bergh. Phyllidiopsis papilligera Bergh. The interesting features of these animals are left for Dr. Bergh to describe ; the list is here included only to complete the number of Gastropods in the Blake collection. 454 BULLETIN OF THE SUMMARY. The attempt to prepare a summary of bathymetrical data for the deep-sea fauna of any region yet investigated, is most unsatisfactory in its outcome from the paucity of data. Most of the species of any collection are represented by the shells alone, which may have been — as millions are daily — disgorged by fishes, and never have lived at the depth from which they were dredged. We are yet ignorant as to whether the abyssal and archibenthal faunae shade gradually into one another, as seems most probable; or whether there is any line of depth, coincident with a temperature limit, which really fixes a boun- dary for the abyssal fauna. Then, again, the difficulty and time involved in a cast of over one thousand fathoms are so much greater than if it were made in half that depth, that it is impossible to say what proportion of the disparity in population between the archibenthal and abyssal areas, which dredgings seem to indicate, is due to the fact that the latter have been far less efficiently explored. The only thing of which I feel confident is that it is yet too early for extensive numerical compari- sons or deductions based only on statistics. I shall therefore content myself here with a very modest table, which is intended to illustrate the peculiarities of the Blake collection, expressly disclaiming any intention of applying the results to the deep-sea population at large, except " with all reserves." In a general way, I may observe that the results sustain the biographic gen- eralizations of the Introduction to Part I. There is nothing in that summary of the conditions of abyssal life which seems, so far, in need of serious modifica- tion. On the other hand, several of the hypotheses there advanced have received substantial support from subsequent investigation. In that preface the littoral zone or area was defined as that part of the sea bordering on the land not too deep for the existence of marine vegetation; in a word, about the area included between the dry land and the hundred-fathom line. Thence to about one thousand fathoms extends the archibenthal area, beyond which we find the abyssal region. The Tables relate only to the species which appear in antique type in the text, thus eliminating most of the forms introduced for purposes of illustration. I have been assisted in making the enumeration by Mr. Gilbert D. Harris of the United States Geological Survey. The first Table shows the general numerical results for the Blake collection, assorted among the great systematic groups and the three bathymetric zones or areas. The second Table shows the proportion to the whole population of the abyssal region borne by those genera which exceed a single species. The result here shown is that less than thirty -seven per cent of the genera comprise more than sixty-eight per cent of the species; and out of these, three families, Pleurotomidw, Ledidce, and Den- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 455 taliidce furnish nearly twenty-eight per cent of the species of the abyssal fauna collected by the Blake. TABLE I. General Numerical Results. Groups. No. of Genera. No. of Species. Species in the Species common to Abyssal Fauna. 7 52 2 119 13 170 35 491 Littoral Area. Archib. Area. Abyssal Area. Two Areas. All Areas. Families. Genera. Bracliiopods . . Pelecypods . . Scapliopods . . Gastropods . . 8 98 17 280 12 114 28 222 q 31 12 83 8 64 17 161 2 10 5 32 49 2 15 1 29 3 19 2 41 Totals . . . 180 709 403 37G 129 250 47 65 TABLE II. Genera represented by more than one Species in the Abyssal Area. Genera No. of Species. Genera. No. of Species. Drillia Benthonella 17 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 Limopsis 2 2 2 2 5 3 3 2 2 8 4 Total, 24 genera and 87 species. For the naturalist of to-day the most interesting feature of abyssal life is not that it furnishes him with singular and archaic forms, useful in his study of extinct genera ; nor the beauty and rarity of the creatures living under such unusual conditions. The most important characteristic of abyssal life is, that it, and it alone, exhibits a fauna in which reciprocal struggle is nearly eliminated from the factors inducing variation and modification. There is no mimicry or sexual selection where all is dark. In the struggle for life of the abyssal animal, he is pitted against the physical character of his environment, and not against his neighbor or the rest of the fauna. Hence we should have, and really do have, the process of evolution less obscured by complications in the abysses than is possible elsewhere. From a study of these animals in the 456 BULLETIN OF THE light of their environment, much may be hoped toward the elucidation of •great questions in Biology, and naturalists everywhere should strive to promote deep-sea dredging as essential to the progress of Science. The circumstances which lead to the belief in the absence, more or less com- plete, of competition between the members of the fauna, are not hypothetical, but admitted facts. The " rain of food " from the sinking of weak or dead surface forms is unquestionable, and the supply must, in the nature of things as we know them, far exceed the demand, except in cases where physical factors, such as currents, intervene to prevent the supplies from reaching the bottom. It is illustrated by the absence or obsolescence of protective devices in deep-sea species, without regard to systematic relations. The genus most abundantly represented of all is Mangilia, which is devoid of an operculum, and the diminution in size and solidity of this protective appliance is marked in all the deep-sea gastropods. Nearly all the species are carnivorous by hereditary tendency; those which are not, like the Trochidce and Docoglossa, become so by necessity. Long reflection on the ornamentation of the shell in deep-sea gas- tropods has led me to the conclusion that the characteristic features may be accounted for on mechanical principles. The presutural rows of nodules so characteristic of many abyssal gastropods (as in Daphnella limacina) serve as buttresses for the strengthening of the fragile and delicate structure which bears them. Impermeable solidity is something not to be expected in organic structures subjected to the immense pressures of the depths. Strength' must therefore be sought in corrugations of the thin shelly envelope, — stays and buttresses of one sort or another. In shallow-water Trochidce the adult outer lip is never reflected. Strength is secured by the internal thick wall of the shell, reinforced at the aperture by ridges of nacre. In Turcicula and Gaza of the depths, we have the margin strengthened by recurvature, as, for other reasons, we find it in the equally thin land shells like Mesodcm, Bulimus, or Cylindrella. In the Unio and Melanin of fresh-water streams, whose waters from the decay of vegetable matter are overcharged with carbonic acid, we find a dense thin greenish epidermis developed as a protection against erosion. In the depths, where every portion of the shell must be permeated by the surrounding ele- ment to equalize the external pressure, and where carbonic acid exerts its usual malign influence on the limy parts of all organisms, we find a strikingly similar protective epidermis developed in most unexpected places. Thus it comes about, that in the Trochi, Pleurotomidae, and other characteristic abyssal animals, we find those puzzling and remarkable counterparts of land and fresh- water species of totally diverse groups, which have astonished every student of the Mollusca who has seen them. But it is necessary to close these observations, the fruit of more than eight years' study of these fascinating organisms. I do so with the sincere expres- sion of my appreciation of the kindness and patience with which Prof. Agassiz has seconded all my endeavors, and with hearty thanks to the numerous friends and correspondents to whose courtesy and learning much of such value as this Report may possess is justly due. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 457 INDEX TO PARTS I. AND II. Names in Italics are those which were first proposed in connection with this Report. When several page numbers follow a name, the number in Italics distinguishes the page on which the name is de- fined from those on which it is merely cited. A " v." preceding a name indicates that it is only of varietal rank. An asterisk indicates that on the page so marked data are given iu relation to the anatomical features of the animal named. Family names and those of higher rank are only indexed when first proposed in this Report. Abrancliiata, II. 436* Abra, I. 194, 195, 278; II. 455. aequalis, I. 279. lioica, I. 195, 278, 279. longicallis, I. 195, 278. Acanthochiton, II. 417. Acanthoidea, II. 414. Acanthopleuridce, II. 416. Acardo, II. 60. Aciona, II. 299, 305, 375. Acirsa, II. 300, 308. borealis, II. 307, 308. costulata, II. 307. Aclis, II. 28, 282, 324- egregia, II. 28, 325, 326. lata, II. 28, 324- nucleata, II. 28, 325. supranitida, II. 324, 325. Acmaea, II. 342, 343, 345, 346, 409, 410* 411, 450. albicosta, II. 409. antillarum, II. 343. Candeana, II. 409, 410. confusa, II. 410. cubaniana, II. 409. elegans, II. 410. leucopleura, II. 409. melanoleuca, II. 409, 410.* melanosticta, II. 409, 410. notata, II. 409. onychina, II. 409. patina, II. 410.* v. pulcherrima, II. 409. punctulata, II. 409. puncturata, II. 409. Acmaea pustula, II. 409. rubella, II. 346. spectrum, II. 410* surinamensis, II. 409. Acmasidae, II. 436. Acoetes lupinus, II. 360. Acrilla, II. 267, 300. decussata, II. 312. Actaeon, II. 5, 39, 455. cubensis, II. 40. Cumingii, II. 5, 40. Danaida, II. 5, 42- delicatus, II. 5, 41. depressus, II. 40. exiguus, II. 42. exilis, II. 5, 39. fasciatus, II. 41. hebes, II. 41. incisus, II. 5, 42. melampoides, II. 5, 41, 42. nitidus, II. 39. Noae, II. 40. ovulum, II. 41. per/oratus, II. 5, 42. punctostriatus, II. 5, 40. pusillus, II. 5, 39. splendidulus, II. 41. tornatilis, II. 39, 41. turrit us, II. 40. Acus, II. 8, 62* Aeyonaea, II. 299. Acyone'e, II. 299. Addisonla, II. 30, 343, 344, 349, 350, 408, 437. eccentros, II. 344. 4o8 BULLETIN OF THE Addisonia lateralis, II. 30, S44-* v. paradoxa, II. 344* Adeorbis, II. 24, 222, 273, 276, 278, 359, 360. Beaui, II. 278, 361. bicarinatum, II. 278. cancellatus, II. 361. depressus, II. 298. fragilis, II. 298. liratus, II. 278. naticoides, II. 361. nautiliformis, II. 360. striatus, II. 278. supranitidus, II. 24, 278, 361. v Orbignyi, II. 24, 278. Admete, II. 131, 132. nodosa, II. 131. ^sopus, II. 17, 187, 193, 339. ehrysalloidea, II. 193. filosus, II. 193. japonicus, II. 193. Metcalfei, II. 17, 194. Stearnsii, II. 17, 194. Aforia, II. 10, 99. circinata, II. 10, 99. hypomela, II. 10, 99. Alaba, II. 22, 258. Adamsii, II. 22, 258. cerithidioides, II. 22, 258. melanura, II. 258. tervaricosa, II. 22, 258. Alicia, I. 308. Allerya Krebsii, II. 290. Alvania, II. 339. AniEea, II. 300. Amalthea, II. 26, 283, 289. antiquata, II. 290. barbata, II. 290. benthopkila, II. 26, 289. costellata, II. 290. effodiens, II. 290. subrufa, II. 290. tuberculata, II. 290. Amaura, II. 333, 339. Amcaea, II. 300. Amiculidce, II. 416. Amoura, II. 333, 339. anguliferens, II. 339. Amphidesma caneellata, I. 279. variegata, I. 279. Amphiperas, II. 20, 234. aperta, II. 237. birostris, II. 237. Ampbiperas canadinensis, II. 235. carolinensis, II. 235, 236. gibbosus, II. 237.* Amusium, I. 188, 206, 207, 208,* 209, 216 ; II. 433* alaskeyisis, I. 188, 215, 218. cancellatum, I. 188, 213* 221. Dalli, I. 188, 206 * 209, 210 * 212 ; II. 433* 434* 435* fenestration, I. 211, 213, 221, 222. Holmesii, I. 188, 214. Hoskynsi, I. 188, 213, 214, 222. lucidum, I. 209, 211, 212. v. marmoratum, I. 188, 212, 214. meridionale, I. 210, 212. Mortoni, II. 158, 438. pleuronectes, I. 206,* 207, 208 ; II. 438. Pourtalesianum, I. 188, 210, 211. Sayanum, I. 188, 214, 215* squamigerum, I. 215. v. striata, I. 209, 212. v. striatuhnn, I. 188, 212. Amussium, I. 208. Amycla ehrysalloidea, II. 193. Amygdalum, I. 234. Anachis, II. 16, 187, 339. acuta, II. 188. albella, II. 16, 188. amphissella, II. 16, 188. avara, II. 16, 187* catenata, II. 16, 188. costulata, II. 188. haliajeti, II. 16, 188. Hotessieriana, II. 16, 188. iontha, II. 188. obesa, II. 16, 1S8, 189. v. ostreicola, II. 16, 188. pulcliella, II. 16, 188. Rushii, II. 188. v. samanensis, II. 16, 188. v. semiplicata, II. 16, 187. v. similis, II. 16, 187. v. translirata, II. 16, 187. Anatina, I. 306, 308. papyratia, I. 306. Ancistromesus mexicanus, II. 410.* Ancistrosyrinx, II. 9, 77, 78. cedonulli, II. 78, 79. columbaria, II. 78. elegans, II. 9, 78, 79. radiata, II. 9, 78, 79.* Angaria crassa, II. 360. MUSEUM OF COMPAEAT1VE ZOOLOGY. 459 Angulus Gouldii, I. 278. Anomia intustriata, I. 228. Antalis agilis, II. 418. Anura Craveni, II. 228. Ancistrobasis, II. 32, 383, 384. Aphanitoma, II. 98. Aplacophora, II. 413. Apollon, II. 223. gyrinus, II. 224. Aporrhais, II. 274. Area, I. 190, 240 ; II. 433* 434* Adamsi, I. 191, ^5. auriculata, I. 191, 241.* barbadensis, I. 243. barbata, I. 191, 244- Cffilate, I. 243. clathrata, I. 242. congenita, I. 242. v. Conradiana, I. 243. v. crenulata, I. 240. culebrensis, I. 245. doming *nsis, I. 242. donaciformis, I. 242. ectocomata, I. 191, 233, M*. 244;* II. 433* 434* 435* glacialis, I. 240, 241. glomerula, I. 191, 240, 241. gradata, I. 242. grenophia, I. 240. inaequisculpta, I. 241. lactea, I. 243. lienosa, I. 191, 242. Listeri, I. 244. Noae, I. 243 ; II. 434* 435 * nucleus, I. 215. occidentalis, I. 191, 243. v. orbiculata, I. 190, 240. pectinata, I. 239. pectunculoides, I. 190, 240, 241, 289. pectunculus, I. 239. pectunculus minor, I. 239. polycyma I. 191, 241. profundicola, I. 245. pteroessa, I. 245. reticulata, I. 191, 242. squamosa, I. 242. umbonata, I. 191, 243. undata, I. 238. Architectonica tricarinata, II. 389. Arene, II. 32, 386, 387. cruentata, II. 386. tricarinata, II. 387. Argiope antillarum, I. 203. Argiope Barrettiana, I. 203. Schrammi, I. 203. Argobuccinum, II. 223. Argonauta cornu, II. 386. Aspella, II. 18, 206, 209, 210. anceps, II. 18, 207, 210. hastula, II. 18, 207, 209, 210. scalarioides, II. 18, 207, 210. v. lamellosa, II. 207, 209. v. obeliscus, II. 18, 207. v. paupercula, II. 18, 207, 209.* Astarte, I. 192, 259. crenata, I. 261. v. globula, I. 192, 260. lens, I. 260, 261. nana, I. 192, 261. Smithii, I. 192, 259, 261. sulcata, I. 259. Astlienotbajrus, I. 197, 308, 309. Bemphillii, I. 197, 308. villosior, I. 308. Astyris, II. 16, 187, 189. ampbissella, II. 188. annettce, II. 17. diaphana, II. 191, 192. Duclosiana, II. 17, 190, 193. fusiformis, II. 16, 191. Holbollii, II. 191, 192. lunata, II. 16, 189, 193. multilineata, II. 16, 190. profundi, II. 17, 191, 192. pura, II. 190. Raveneli, II. 16, 190, 191. rosacea, II. 16, 189, 190, 191, 192. Saintpairiana, II. 17, 193. v. strix, II. 17, 193. Verrillii, II. 17, 188, 192. zonale, II. 190. Atopodonta, II. 440. coniformis, II. 440. Atys, II. 6, 54- batliymophila, II. 53. caribbaea, II. 54. naucum, II. 54. Sandersoni, II. 6, 54- Aulica, II. 150. dubia, II. 151. Auriculina insculpta, II. 39. Aurinia, II. 13, 144, 145, 149, 150, 452 * dubia, II. 13, 144, 145, 150, 151, 152 * Gouldiana, II. 13, 144, 145, 154, 155* 156. mutabilis, II. 150. 460 BULLETIN OF THE Aurinia robusta, II. 13, 144, 145, 153. Avicula, I. 100, 233 ; II. 374. atlantica, I. 190, 233. Axinus orbiculatus, I. 267. Barbatia, I. 244. Basilissa, II. 32, 268, 274, 368, 373, 384. alta, II. 32, 268, 383, 384. costulata, II. 32, 383, 384, 385. v. delicatula, II. 32, 384. v. depressa, II. 383, 384. v. oxytoma, II. 384. reticulata, II. 385. superba, II. 384. Basterotia, I. 198, 316. corbuloides, I. 316. granatina, I. 198, 316. quadrata, I. 316. Bathymophila, II. 32, 378. Bela, II. 81. Blakeana, II. 126. demersa, II. 128. extensa, II. 126. filifera, II. 123. limacina, II. 106. Benthobia, II. 12, 131. Tryonii, II. 132. Benthodolium, II. 19, 228, 229. abyssorum, II. 229. Benthonella, II. 25, 281, 455. Fischeri, II. 25, 282. gaza, II. 25, 282. nisonis, II. 25, 283. Bifrontia, II. 276. Pingeli, II. 276. Rochettina, II. 276. Biplex, II. 223. perca, II. 223. rosa, II. 223. Bittium, II. 22, 257, 266. abruptum, II. 257. alternatum, II. 22, 257.* gibberulum, II. 258. nigrum, II. 257 * 258. pallidum, II. 258. varium, II. 22, 258. yucatecanum, II. 257, 266. Bivonia, II. 23, 263, 264. exserta, II. 23, 264. Boreotropbon, II. 18, 204, 205, 209, 210. actinopliorus, II. 18, 200, 206. aculeatus, II. 18, 205. Boreotrophon Dalli, II. 18, 204. v. lacunellus, II. 18, 205. Borsonia, II. 10, 97. ceroplasta, II. 10, 97. prima, II. 97. sericea, II. 97. Botula, I. 235. Brocchia, II. 289. Broderipia, II. 343. Brugnonia, II. 224. Buccinidse, II. 174. Buccinopsis, II. 176. Buccinum altile, II. 176. ambiguum, II. 184. Escheri, II. 176. hydrophanum, II. 259. integrum, II. 132. muriciformis, II. 204. niveum, II. 180, 181. reticulatum, II. 221. sinuatum, II. 72. zonale, II. 179. Buffo, II. 223. Bufo, II. 223. Bufonaria, II. 223. Bulimulus, II. 375. acutus, II. 375. trifasciatus, II. 375. Bulimus, II. 456 Bulla, II. 7, 55. abyssicola, II 7, 56, 57. acuta, II. 50. alba, II. 55. bidentata, II. 46. biplicata, II. 46. clausa, II. 7, 57. conica, II. 49. conulus, II. 49. eburnea, II. 7, 55, 57. fucicola, II. 50. grandis, II. 54. Krebsii, II. 7, 56. occidentalis, II. 7, 55, 56. pallida, II. 142. pinguicula, II. 56. plicata, II. 53. punctostriatus, II. 52. solid;v, II. 57. striata, II. 56. succinea, II. 67. turrita, II. 47. uniplicata, II. 53. utriculus, II. 56. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 461 Bulliopsis integra, II. 132. Bursa, II. 222. Bushia, I. 197, 309. elegans, I. 197, 310;* II. 440. Byssoarca divaricata, I. 242. Cadulus, II. 36, 418, 428, 455. acus, II. 37, 4-32. aqualis, II. 36, 429. Agassizii, II. 37, 430, 432. amiantus, II. 37, 431- Bushii, II. 37, 430. carolinensis, II. 37, 430. cucurbita, II. 37, 431- cylindratus, II. 429. diploconus, II. 430. gibbus, II. 428, 431. gracilis, II. 432. incisus, II. 428. Jeffreys!, II. 36, 430. lunula, II. 37, 4-31. minusculus, II. 37, 432. obesus, II. 37, 428, 431. Olivii, II. 430. ovulum, II. 428. Pandionis, II. 430. poculum, II. 36, 429. propinquus, II. 430. quadridentatus, II. 36, 428. sauridens, II. 431. spectabilis, II. 36, 429. subfusiformis, II. 430, 432. vulpidens, II. 431. Watsoni, II. 36, 429. Caecum trachea, II. 432. Calceolina anomala, II. 359. Calliostoma, II. 31, 363, 368, 369, 374, 377, 455. apicuium, II. 31, 366. asperrimum, II. 31, 373. aurora, II. 31, 366, 368. Bairdii, II. 31, 364, 367, 371. Benedicti, II. 31, 371* cinctellum, II. 31, 372* circumcinctum, II. 31, 364- corbis, II. 31, 365. dentiferum, II. 31, 373. echinatum, II. 31, 364- euglyptum, II. 31, 363. granulata, II. 358. indiana, II. 31, 368. javanicum, II. 369. jujubinum, II. 31, 369. Callostoma orion, II. 31, 367. v.Psyche, II. 2A,364, 371. pulcher, II. 366. v. Rawsoni, II. 31, 369. roseolum, II. 31, 366. sapidum, II. 31, 364- Sayanum, II. 31, 370, 371* sericijilum, II. 31, 373. v. tampaensis, II. 31, 366, 369. tiara, II. 31, 365, 372. tigris, II. 370. yucatecanum, II. 31, 370. zonamesta, II. 369. Callocardia, I. 194, 272, 273 ; II. 440. Adamsi, I. 273. atlantica, I. 272, 273. Leeana, II. 440. pacifica, I. 273. pilula, 1. 273, 274- subquadrata, I. 273. venusta, I. 273, 274, H. 439. Callogaza, II. 30, 356. superba, II. 354. Watsoni, II. 30, 356, 357* Callogonia, II. 440. Leeana, II. 440. Calyptraea, II. 25, 283, 284- Candeana, II. 25, 284- chinensis, II. 284. conica, II. 284. Camptonectes, I. 206, 219, 220. Cancellaria, II. 12, 129, 132, 299. brevis, II. 131. bullata, II. 129. Candeana, II. 131. Candei, II. 179. citharella, II. 100. Conradiana, II. 129. corrugata, II. 131. depressa, II. 129. funiculata, II 130. microscopica, II. 131. minima, II. 130, 131. piscatoria, II. 129. reticulata, II. 12, 129. rugosa, II. 129. scalarina, II. 131. scalatella, II. 130. similis, II. 129. Smithii, II. 129, 130. Stimpsoni, II. 129. subangulata, II. 131. subangulosa, II. 131. 462 BULLETIN OF THE Cancellaria tenera, II. 129. tessellata, II. 131. Thomasiana, II. 131. venusta, II. 12, 129. Candelabrum, II. 77. Capulus, I. 181, II. 25, 286* 287. calyptra, II. 287. crystallinus, II. 287. galea, II. 25, 288* hungaricus, II. 286,* 287, 289. intortus, II. 25, 288. obliquus, II. 289. Cardiomya, I. 196, 296. californica, I. 196, 295. v. eorpulenta, I. 196, 298. costellata, I. 196. v. curta, I. 196. perrostrata, I. 196. striata, I. 196, 298. Cardita, I. 192, 256. domingensis, I. 192, 256. Cardium, I. 193, 269; II. 434* 435* antillarum, II. 439. ceramidum, I. 193, 269;* II. 439. edule, II. 442. haitense, I. 269. hians, II. 443. laevigatum, I. 193, 270. medium, I. 193, 269. muricatum, I. 193, 270. Nicoletii, I. 270. parile, I. 270. peramabilis, I. 193, 269. serratum, I. 193, 270. sybariticum, I. 271. v. tinctum, I. 270. Careliopsis, II. 29, 333, 338. styliformis, II. 29, 338. Caricella, II. 147. demissa, II. 144. Carinidea, II. 286. Cassida penita, II. 221. Cassis, II. 20, 228, 231, 233. cameo, II. 231. flammea, II. 231. inflata, II. 20, 231. penita, II. 221. testieulus, II. 231. tuberosa, II. 231. vera, II. 221. Cerithidea, II. 259. ambigua, II. 259. costata, II. 259. Cerithidea scalariformis, II. 259. sea lata, II. 259. tenuis, II. 259. turrita, II. 259. varicosa, II. 259. Cerithiella metula, II. 251, 256. Cerithioderma prima, II. 209. Cerithiopsis, II. 22, 242, 250, 251, 2W. abrupta, II. 22, 256, 257. acontium, II. 22, 256. arctica, II. 254. angustissimum, II. 257. crystallina, II. 22, 254,* 255. Emersonii, II. 253* Greenii, II. 251, 252. iota, II. 252. Martensii, II. 22, 254, 255. matara, II. 22, 255. metaxa?, II. 22, 256, 257. minima, II. 251, 252. punctatum, II. 252. Sigsbeana, II. 22, 254. subulata, II. 22, 252, 253* v. tceniolata, II. 22, 256. terebellum, II. 250. terebralis, II. 250. tubercularis, II. 251, 252, 253, 254. Cerithium, II. 258. adversum, II. 243. algicola, II. 259. antillarum, II. 259. atratum, II. 259. decoratum, II. 244. eburneum, II. 259. elegans, II. 252. Emersonii, II. 252. ferrugineum, II. 259. floridanum, II. 258. inflata, II. 249. iota, II. 252. literatum, II. 259. metula, II. 252. minimum, II. 259. muscarum, II. 259. nigrescens, II. 259. nigrocinctum, II. 243. perversum. II. 243. punctatum, II. 252, 253. Rawsoni, II. 259. Sagrae, II. 259. Sayi, II. 257. semiferrugineum, II. 259. septemstriatum, II. 259. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 463 Cerithium subulatum, II. 252. terebellum, II. 250. terebrale, II. 250. trilineatum, II. 250, 251. uncinatum, II. 259. variabile, II. 259. versicolor, II. 259. Cetoconcha, I. 195, 280* 281* 282, 284, 288; II. 437* 441* 444,* 449* 450 * 452* albida, I. 281, 282 , 283. bulla, I. 281, 283;* II. 440* 446* 447* elongata, I. 280, 281, 283* margarita, 1. 281,284 ,-* II. 446 * 447.* nitida, I. 281. Sarsii, II. 447. tornata, I. 281, 282. Cetomija, II. 446* 448 * 452* albida, II. 448* elongata, II. 440* 447* tornata, II. 448. Clicetodermula, II. 413. Chama, I. 193, 268. lactuca, I. 193, 268. macropliylla, I. 268. sarda, I. 193, 269. Cliemnitzia, II. 335. flavocincta, II. 336. interrupta, II. 337. pusilla, II. 337. speira, II. 336. Chicoreus, II. 17, 197. Hidalgoi, II. 17, 198. Chilocyclus, II. 301. Chione, I. 194, 276, II. 435* cancellata, I. 194. pygmaea, I. 194. Chitonacea, II. 413. Cliiton cocenensis, II. 414. limaeiformis, II. 415. productus, II. 415. purpurascens, II. 416. sanguineus, II. 415. squamosus, II. 414. tuberculosus, II. 414. Ohlamydocliiton, II. 417. Choristcs, II. 394. Chromodoris punctilucens, II. 453. scabriusculus, II. 453. sycilla, II. 453. Clirysodomus, II. 15, 174, 179, 188. Molini, II. 176. Chrysodomus ventricosus, II. 175. Cinctella, II. 250. trilineata, II. 250. Cingula aculeus, II. 280, 339. apicina, II. 282. Circe, I. 2G1, 262 * 263, 276. bermudensis, I. 2G3. cerina, I. 192, 263. divaricata, I. 262. metastriata, I. 263. scripta, I. 262. Circulus formosissimus, II. 387. Cirostrema, II. 300. Cirsotrema, II. 300, 319. Cistella, I. 187,^2. Barrettiana, I. 187, 203. lutea, I. 187, 203. rubrotincta, I. 203. Schrammi, I. 187, 203. Cithara, II. 100. Cithna cingulata, II. 277. Clathrella, II. 24, 278. naticoides, II. 24, 278. Clathrus, II. 299, 300. Clatburella, II. 98. cala, II. 119. chariessa, II. 122. circumvoluta, II. 84. hormophora, II. 106. quadrata, II. 113. Olavus ebur, II. 89. Clidiophora, I. 197, 311, 312. carolinensis, I. 197, 311. Gouldiana, I. 197, 312. trilineata, I 197, 311. Clionella, II. 118. aglaoplianes, II. 93. amblia, II. 92. exsculpta, II. 117. Cocculina, I. 181 ; II. 30, 343, 344, 345, 346* 349, 408, 412, 455. adunca, II. 345. angulata, II. 345, 346* Beanii, II. 30, 346, 347* 348. conica, II. 346. corrugata, II. 345. Dalli, II. 346. galeola, II. 346. leptalea', II. 346. pusilla, II. 345. Rathbuni, II. 30, 346, 347* 348. spinigera, II. 30, 345, 346,* 34S* 349* 464 BULLETIN OF THE Coccopygia, II. 30, 348, 350. angulata, II. 350. Cochlearia, II. 301, 306. carinata, II. 301. Cochliolepis, II. 31, 360. parasitica, II. 31, 360, 361, 392. striata, II. 31, 360, 361. Cochlis, II. 26, 292. pusilla, II. 296. Coleopliysis, II. 6, 44> 45. perplicatus, II. 6, 45, 49. Collonia, II. 351. induta, II. 352. marginata, II. 351. Colubraria, II. 19, 225. lanceolata, II. 19, 225. reticulata, II. 226. Swiftii, II. 19, 225. testacea, II. 226. Columbarium, II. 77, 78. pagoda, II. 78. Colunibella, II. 16, 186, 455. ambigua, II. 381. ampliissella, II. 188. avara, II. 187. cancellata, II. 188. diapliana, II. 192. dicomata, II. 189. dissimilis, II. 180. Duclosiana, II. 190, 193. Gouldiana, II. 189. Gouldii, II. 187. idalina, II. 189. Lafresnayei, II. 193. lunata, II. 189, 193. mercatoria, II. 16, 186. moleculina, II. 189. nivea, II. 190. omata, II. 188. ostreicola, II. 188. ovulata, II. 194. peculiaris, II. 194. rosacea, II. 192. rustica, II. 186. rusticoides, II. 16, 186. Saintpairiana, II. 192, 193. similis, II. 182. spizantha, II. 190. strix, II. 192, 193. subacta, II. 193. terpsichore, II. 187. translirata, II. 182. Verrillii, II. 192. May 28, 1889. Columbella Wheatleyi, II. 189. zonali, II, 190. Colus exilis, II. 166. Compsopleura, II. 300, 301. trinodosa, II. 300. . Conidea, It. 187, 194. Conidia ovulata, II. 194. Conomitra, II. 14, 163. angulata, II. 163. Blakeana, II. 14, 163. fusoides, II. 163. v. Icevior, II. 14, I64. minima, II. 164. staminea, II. 163." vicksburgensis, II. 163. Constantia, II. 300, 301. elegans, II. 300, 301. Conus, II. 8, 67. achatinus, II. 70. Agassizii, I., Expl. PI. IX. ; II. 8, 68. amphiurgus, II. 8, 70. armillatus, II. 68. breviculus, II. 68. candidus, II. 68. cedonulli, II. 8, 67. centurio, II. 8, 69, 70. Cleryi, II. 69. columba, II. 70. daucus, II. 8, 69, 70. Delesserti, II. 70, 158. flavescens, II. 8, 70. floridanus, II. 68, 70, 154. floridensis, II. 154. gloria-maris, II. 293. gracilis, II. 67. leoninus, II. 68. magellanicus, II. 70. Mazei, II. 8, 67, 154. Melvilli, II. 70. mus, II. 70. nebulosus, II. 70. ocbraceus, II. 68. Orbignyi, II. 67. papillosus, II. 70. Pealii, II. 8, 68, 70. planicostatus, II. 67. proteus, II. 8, 68. pusio, II. 70. pygmreus, II. 68, 70. Keevei, II. 69. roseo-tinctus, II. 70. spurius, II. 68. Stearnsii, II. 68. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 465 Conus subcarinatus, II. 70. verrucosus, II. 69, 70. Villepini, II. 8, 69. Coralliophila, II. 19, 205, 217. abbreviata, II. 219. bracteata, II. 19, 218, 219. Deburghise, II. 19, 218* fusiformis, II. 218. galea, II. 19, 218, 219. lacerata, II. 219. lactuca, II. 19, 220. lamellosa, II. 219. Lintoni, II. 219. madreporarum, II. 217, 218. spinosa, II. 218. Coralliophora, II. 217. Corbula, I. 198, 313. Barrattiana, I. 198, SIS, 316. Blandiana, I. 314. Chittyana, I. 198, 316. costellata, I. 297. cubaniana, I. 198, SIS. cymella, I. 198, 315. Dietziana, I. 198, 314, 316. disparilis, I. 198, 314- granulata, I. 281. Kjaeriana, I. 198, S16. Knoxiana, I. 313. Krebsiana, I. 198, 315. nucleus, I. 314. oniscus, I. 314. operculata, I. 314, 315, 316. parsura, I. 314. Philippiii I. 314. quadrata, I. 316. Swiftiana, I. 198, 314, 316. Cordieria, II. 10, 98, 162. Rouaultii, II. 10, 98. Corimya, I. 309. Costellaria, II. 159, 160. Crenella, I. 190, 235, 287. decussata, I. 190, 235, 287. Crepidula, II. 25, 284* 286, 288, 289. aculeata, II. 25, 285, 286. adunca, II. 285* convexa, II. 286. fornicata, II. 286. glauca, II. 286. navicula, II. 286. protea, II. 25, 285. unguiformis, II. 61, 285. Crossea, II. 300, 301. miranda, II. 301. VOL. XVIII. Crucibulum, II. 25, 283, 284. auricula, II. 25, 284. imbricatum, II. 284. planatum, II. 284. Crania, I. 188, 205. Pourtalesii, I. 188, 205. Cranopsis, II. 34, 341* 345, 349, 403, 404 405, 406. asturiana, II. 34, 344, 350, 404* 405, 406, 408. erecta, II. 34, 405. granulata, II. 403. Craspedotus, II. 374. Crassatella antillarum, I. 256. floridana, I. 192, 256, 257. guadalupensis, I. 259. mactracea, I. 257, 258. martinicensis, I. 259. nana, I. 258. parva, I. 259. undulata, I. 257. Crassispira, II. 95. Cremides, II. 34, 407. Crucibulum striatum, II. 25, 284. Crypta, II. 286. Cryptaxis, II. 54. Cryptodon, I. 193, 267 ; II. 438.* flexuosus, I. 193, 267. obesus, I. 267, 268. orbiculatus, I. 193, 267. pyriformis, I. 193, 267. Cryptoplacidce, II. 416. Cumia, II. 225. Cumingia, I. 195, 279. tellinoides, I. 195, 279. Cuspidaria, 1. 196, 280, 292, 293* 294 ; H- 437 * 441* 447* 449* 450,* 462.* arctica, I. 294 ; II. 444. arcuata,!. 106,294,296. californica, I. 196, 296. contracta, I. 294. corpulenta, I. 298. costata, I. 296. costellata, I. 297, 29a curta, I. 298. cuspidata, I. 293. exigua, I. 294. glacialis, I. 294, 303*; II. 444 * Jeffreysi, I. 196, 294, 295. lamellosa, I. 294. limatula, I. 294. microrhina, I. 196, 295 ; II. 440. multicostata, I. 296. 30 466 BULLETIN OF THE Cuspidaria obesa, I. 196, 295, 303* ornatissima, I. 296. patagonica, II. 443,* 445. perrostrata, I. 196, 296. rostrata, I. 196, 294, 295 ; II. 444* striata, I. 298. Cuvieria, II. 418. Cyclophorus, II. 304, 305. Cycloscala, II. 316. Dunkeriana, II. 315. Cyclostoma, II. 299, 303, 304, 305. elegans, II. 305. Cyclostrema, II. 33,273,359,378,386,555. affine, II. 393. bicarinatus, II. 278. cancellata, II. 361. cistronium, II. 33, 394- Dalli, II. 393. diaphanuru, II. 393. fulgidum, II. 393. granulum, II. 33, S95. limatum, II. 33, 395. t. ornatum, II. 393. pompholyx, II. 33, 394. Schrammi, II. 387. trochoides, II. 393. turbinum, II. 33, 393- Verreauxi, II. 394. Cylichna, II. 6, 54. alba, II. 64, 65. Auberi, II. 55. biplicata, II. 46. conulus, II. 46, 49, 60. cylindracea, II. 66 Dalli, II. 47. Hoernesi, II. 49. Krebsii, II. 66. lineata, II. 66. marmorata, II. 51. obesiuscula, II. 49. occulta, II. 65. oryza, II. 46. ovata, IL 46, 49, 50. umbilicata, II. 65 Verrillii, II. 6, 54. Cylichnella, II. 6, 45, 46. bidentata, II. 6, 45. 46. biplicata, II. 45. oryza, II. 45. ovum-lacerti, II. 45. CyHndrella, II. 466 Cymatosyrinx, II. 10, 95. Cymba, II. 151. Cymbiola, II. 148. brasiliana, II. 156. Cymbium, II. 148. Cypraea, II. 21, 173, 232, 234, 239, 286* 287. Aubryana, II. 239. bicallosa, II. 239. cervus, II. 239. cinerea, II. 21, 239. exanthema, II. 239. fiaveola, II. 239. lurida, II. 239. moneta, II. 239. mus, II. 239. nebulosa, II. 239. picta, II. 239. spurca, II. 239. stercoraria, II. 239. Cypraeactaeon, II. 42. Cypricardia isocardioides, I. 271. Cyprina, II. 328. Cyprinus, II. 328. Cythara, II. 10, 99, 100. astricta, II. 100. balteata, II. 100. Bartlettii, II. 10, 101 biconica, II. 100. citharella, II. 100. cymella, II. 10, 101. funiculata, II. 102. striata, II. 99, 100. Cytherea, I. 194, 275. albida, I. 275 ; II. 439. hebraea, I. 275. Sayana, I. 275. vesica, I. 275. Dalium, II. 20, 177, 230, 231 solidum, II. 20, 230. Daphnella, II. 10, 99, 102, 106, 107. atrostyla, II. 111. calyx, II. 10, 107. corbicula, II. 10, 103. elata, II. 10, 105. hyperlissa, II. 10, 108. leucophlegma, I., Expl. PI. IX. ; II. 10, 102. limacina, I., Expl. PI. IX. ; II. 10, 99, 102, 106, 456. lymnaeiformis, II. 99, 102, 105. monoceros, II. 117. morra, II. 10, 105. pompholyx, II. 10, 10$. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 467 DapkneUa reticulosa, II. 10, 103, 104. retifera, II. 10, 105. sojia, II. 10, 107, 108. Daronia, II. 386. Defrancia chariessa, II. 122. chyta, II. 115. circumvoluta, II. 84. formosa, II. 119, 120. hormophora, II. 106. perpauxilla, II. 115. streptophora, II. 126. Delphinula, II. 299, 304, 387. cancellata, II. 385. laxa, II. 277, 386. marginata, II. 351. nitida, II. 386. tuberculata, II. 387. tuberculosa, II. 387. Dentaliura, 1. 185 ; II. 3<5J18* 420,* 455. aculeatum, II. 423. acutissimum, II. 419 agile, II. 36, 418. antillarum, II. 36, 421. calamus, II. 36, %.21. callipeplum, II. 36, 419, 420. callitkrix, II. 36, 427. candidum, II. 36, 422- capillosum, II. 36, 425. carduus, II. 36, 423. ceras, II. 36, 425. ceratum, II. 36, 424. compressum, II. 36, 4%6. didymum, II. 428. disparile, II. 36, 424. ensieulus, II. 36, 428. entalis, II. 418. filum, II. 36, 419. Gouldii, II. 36, 424, 425. gracile, II. 419. hexagonum, II. 425. laqueatum, II. 36, 426. leptum, II. 36, 420, 421. longistrorsum, II. 419. matara, II. 36, 420. nebulosum, II. 423. obscurum, II. 425. octagonum, II. 426. ophiodon, II. 36, 427. panormitanum, II. 424. paucicostatum, II. 426. perlongum, II. 36, 419- rubescens, II. 420. sericatum, II. 36, 423. Dentalium Sigsbeanum, II. 428. solidum, II. 422. taphrium, II. 36, 422, 423. Dentistyla, II. 373, 374- Dermatomya, II. 448* 452. mactroides, II. 448.* Diaphana conulus, II. 49. gemma, II. 46, 55. Diastoma, II. 22, 258. Dicranobranchia, II. 341.* Dillwynella, II. 31, 360, 362. modesta, II. 31, 362. Diloma, II. 362. Dimya, I. 172, 173, 206, 210, 227, 228;* II. 291, 433.* argentea, 1. 189, 228, 229 * 230* 231 ; * II. 433* 434* Deshayesiana, I. 227, 228, 231. tenuiplicata, I. 231. DimyodoD, I. 233. Dione, I. 194, 275. albida, I. 194. hebrcea, I. 194. vesica, I. 194. Diplodonta, I. 193, 263. pilula, I. 274. turgida, I. 193, 263. venezuelensis, I. 193, 263. Dipsaccua, II. 173. Dipsas plicatus, II. 375. Discohelix, II. 276. Discopsis, II. 360. Dispotasa, II. 25, 284. Distorsio, II. 220. cancellinus, II. 221. clathrata, II. 221. clatrata, II. 221. occidentalis, II. 221. reticulata, II. 221. Distorta, II. 220. acuta, II. 221. Distortrix, II. 19, 220, 221, 222, v. clathrata, II. 19, 222 reticulata, II. 19, 221 v. reticulata, II. 19, 222. Docoglossa, II. 436. Dolichotoma, II. 9, 80. Doliopsis, II. 232, 233. Dolium, II. 20, 228, 230, 231, 232. antillarum, II. 232. Bairdii, II. 232. Crosseanum, II. 232, 233. galea, II. 232. 468 BULLETIN OF THE Dolium pennatum, II. 232. perdix, II. 232. pluniatuin. II. 232. Dolophanes, II. 24, 269, 270. capula, II. 270. columbella, II. 24, 271. Gabbi, II. 24, 102, 270, 271. melanioides, II. 270, 271. Dozia, I. 257. lenticularis, I. 257. Drillia, II. 9, 82, 242, 455. acestra, II. 9, 87. t. acloneta, II. 9, 92. acrybia, II. 9, 88. apynota, II. 10, 96. albicoma, II. 9, 83. alesidota, II. 9, 84. amblia, II. 92. t. carina, II. 9, 86, 87. y. carminura, II. 9, 91. centimata, II. 10, 95. T. cestrota, II. 9, 92. coccinata, II. 9, 30. Dalli, II. 9, £?, 93. detecla, II. 9, ££. ebur, II. 9, 89, 96. eucosmia, II. 9, 56, 87. elusiva, II. 115. exasperata, II. 88. exsculpta, II. 117. fucata, II. 9, 89, 90. gratula, II. 110. haliostrepkis, II. 9, 86. havanensis, II. 9, 93. incilis, II. 110. Kennicottii, II. 118. leucomata, II. 120. limonitella, II. 111. lissotropis, II. 9, 91, 93. lithocolleta, II. 9, 95. t. macilenta, II. 9, 85. Moseri, II. 10, 97. nucleata, II. 9, ft?, 93. eleacina, II. 9, ft£. ostrearum, II. 9, 82, 83. pagoda, II. 99. pacjodula, II. 9, 50. pallida, II. 95. T. pentagonalis, II. 9, 90. peripla, II. 115. pharcida, II. 9, 88. polytorta, II. 9, 85. premorra, II. 9, 93. Drillia serga, II. 114. Simpsoni, II. 9, 91. smirna, II. 9, 94. subsida, II. 118. thea, II. 9, 91. tristicka, II. 9, 88. Tryonii, II. 9, 83. Verrillii, II. 9, 92, 93. Eburneopecten, I. 219. Eglisia, II. 301. Emarginula, II. 34, 342, 405, 406, 407, 437* cancellata, II. 34, 406. compressa, II. 34, 406. Rollandi, II. 407. Embla, I. 280. Enaeta, II. 163. Engina rosea, II. 217. Entemnotrochu8, II. 84, 4.OO. Eochitonia, II. 35, 413, 414. Eopsephaea, II. 144, 150. muricina, II. 150. Epidromus, II. 225. Swiftii, II. 226. Episcynia, II. 273, 392. Epitonium, II. 299, 303. Ethalia, II. 31, 359, 360, 361. anomala, II. 361. crassa, II. 360. diaphana, II. 361. multistriata, II. 361. reclusa, II. 31, 361. solida, II. 31, 361, 862. suppressa, II. 31, 361, 362. Erato, II. 21, 241. cypraeoides, II. 241. haematina, II. 138. Maugeriae, II. 21, 241 vitelline II. 242. Eriphyla, I. 257. gregaria, I. 257, 258. mactracea, I. 258. parva, I. 192. umbonata, I. 257, 258. Eriphylopsis gregaria, I. 257, 258. Ervilia, I. 195, 279. nitens, I. 195, 279. Erycina labradorica, II. 308. Eubela, II. 10, 99, 102, 106. Eucasta, II. 31, 368. Eucharis, I. 316. Eucheilodon, II. 98, 108. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 4G9 Euchelus, II. 32, 374, 382. guttarosea, II. 32, 382. punctiger, II. 383. Euciroa, I. 196, 286, 291. Eucithara, II. 100. Eucosmia, II. 30, 351. Eudesia, I. 187, 202. floridana, 1. 187, 202; II., PI. XXXIX. Eudolium, II. 20, 232. Crosseanum, II. 20, 232. Verrillii, II. 20, 233. Eulima, II. 28, 326, 327, 328. acuta, II. 328. affinis, II. 327. arcuata, II. 28, 328. bifasciata, II. 328. bilineata, II. 329. Carolii, II. 327. conoidea, II. 327. curva, II. 328. distorta, II. 328. elongata, II. 28, 328. fulvocincta, II. 329. fusus, II. 329. gibba, II. 327. gracilis, II. 327. Hempliillii, II. 329. intermedia, II. 28, 327. interrupta, II. 330. jamaicensis, II. 28, 327. major, II. 326, 328. oleacea, II. 327. polita, II. 326. pusilla, II. 327. splendidula, II. 329. stenostoma, II. 328. subcarinata, II. 327. unifasciata, II. 338. Eulimella, II. 29, 338. resticula, II. 29, 338. Scillffi, II. 338. Smithii, II. 334, 338. unifasciata, II. 29, 338. Eumargarita, II. 374. Eumeta, II. 22, 252. costulata, II. 254. subulata, II. 252. Eunaticina, II. 26, 297. carolinensis, II. 26, 297. Eupleura, II. 17, 202, 215. caudata, II. 17, 202, 203* clatbrata, II. 203. muriciformis, II. 203, 204. Eupleura Stimpsonii, II. 17, 204- Euplica, II. 16, 187. turturina, II. 16, 1S7. Euryta, II. 7, 62. Eutrocbus, II. 31, 369, 374. cinctellus, II. 372. Eutropia, II. 302. Fasciolaria, II. 14, 172, 173, 174. distans, II. 14, 172, 173. gracilentis, II. 172. tulipa, II. 172. Fasciolariidae, II. 165. Favartia, II. 18, 209, 210. cellulosa, II. 18, 210, 211. intermedia, II. 18, 211. levicula, II. 18, 211. Fissurella, II. 34, 342, 407, 408. alternata, II. 34, 407. cayennensis, II. 409. Dysoni, II. 407. fumata, II. 407. larva, II. 407. limatula, II. 409. minuta, II. 409. v. Sai/i, II. 407. Fissurellidea, II. 34, 409. fasciata, II. 409. limatula, II. 34, 409. Fissurisepta, II. 34, 404- rostrata, II. 404. triangulata, II. 34, 404- Fluxina, II. 24, 273, 274, 455. brunnea, II. 24, 273. discula, II. 24, 273. Forskalia, II. 368. declivis, II. 357, 368. Fossarus, II. 24, 272, 278. ambiguus, II. 272. Crossei, II. 298. depress us, II. 278, 279, 298. elegans, II. 272. fragilis, II. 278. latericeus, II. 272. naticoides, II. 278. Orbignyi, II. 272. Petitiana, II. 298. pusillus, II. 272. reticulatus, II. 278. Schrammi, II. 387. sulcatus, II. 272. tuberculatus, II. 387. Fulgoraria, II. 148. 470 BULLETIN OF THE Fulvia, I. 269. modesta, I. 270. Funis, II. 300, 301, 306. elongatus, II. 301. Fusus, II. 14, 165, 174, 212, 213, 214, 455. abyssorum, II. 174. apynotus, II. 14, 169, 170. albidus, II. 204. alcimus, II. 14, 170. amiantus, II. 14, 169. amphiurgus, II. 14, 171. antiquus, II. 174. benthalis, II. 14, 168. Bocagei, II. 170. caloosaensis, II. 167. carolinensis, II. 170. ceramidus, II. 14, 171. closter, II. 14, 165, 168. colus, II. 168. Couei, II. 14, 165, 167. Dupetit-thouarsi, II. 168. eucosmius, II. 14, 167. gradatus, II. 165. halistreptus, II. 14, 168.* Hartvigii, II. 165. lamellosus, II. 170. limbatus, II. 165, 175. minor, II. 187. multangulus, II. 165, 213. muricoides, II. 165. nitens, II. 165. perrugatus, II. 166, 214. Pfeifferi, II. 214. pulehellus, II. 172, 175. rostratus, II 170. v. Rushii, II. 14, 170. Schrammi, II. 165, 168. sinistrals, II. 165. tenuiliratus, II. 165, 168- tessellatus, II. 151. timessus, II. 14, 166, 167. turriculus, II. 167. Gadinia, II. 289, 437* excentrica, II. 344. lateralis, II. 344. Galeodea, II. 20, 231 Coronadoi, II. 20, 231. Galerus, II. 284. Candeanus, II. 284. parvulus, II. 284. Gastroplax, II. 59. Gastropteron, II. 7, 59. Gastropteron Meckelii, II. 59. Gaza, II. 30, 354, 355* 356, 357, 358, 456. daedala, II. 354, 355, 356. Fischeri, II. 30, 355, 356 * Rathbuni, II. 354. superba, II. 30, 354, 355* 356. Gegania, II. 23, 266, 268. Jeffreysi, II. 23, 268. pinguis, II. 268. Genota, II. 9, 79, 82, 119. atractoides, II. 82. didyma, II. 79. mitrella, II. 9, 79. mitrif ormis, II. 82. papalis, II. 82. viabrunnea, II. 9, 80, 81* Gibberula, II. 13, 130, 143. lachrimula, II. 142. minuta, II. 13, 143. Gibbula, II. 368. divaricata, II. 358. Glabella elata, II. 139. Globiconcha ovula, II. 42. Glyphis, II. 34, 408. barbadensis, II. 409. Piviana, II. 34, 408* Glyphostoma, II. 10, 98, 99, 108. dentifera, II. 10, 99, 108. Gabbii, II. 10, 108, 111. gratula, II. 10, 110. v. incile, II. 110. phalera, II. 10, 110. Gottoina, II. 24, 272. bella, II. 24, 272. compacta, II. 24, 273. Gouldia, I. 192, 257, 261, 262* bermudensis, I. 263. cerina, I. 262, 263. Graniqyra, II. 33, 395. Gymnobela, II. 11, 99, 123, 126. v. agria, II. 127. Blakeana, II. 126. brevis, II. 126. curta, II. 99. engonia, II. 122, 126. extensa, II. 126. Lotta?, II. 126. Malmii, II. 127. tornata, II. 127. Gymnoglossa, II. 28, 326. Gyrineum, II. 19, 208, 222, 223. affine, II. 19, 224- v. cubanianum, II. 19, 224 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 471 Gyrodes, II. 26, 298. crenata, II. 298. depressa, II. 26, 298. Haliotis, II. 33, 395. Pourtalesli, II. 33, 395. Ealiris, I. 196, 287, 291. Fischeriana, I. 196, 291. Haloceras, II. 24, 277. Halonympha, I. 197, 301. claviculata, I. 197, 301. Haminea, II. 7, 57. antillarum, II. 67. cerina, II. 57. elegans, II. 57. Guildingi, II. 57. glabra, II. 57. guadeloupensis, II. 57. Petitii, II. 57. solitaria, II. 57. succinea, II. 7, 57. Hanleyia, II. 35, 415. tropicalis, II. 35, 415. Harpa, II. 100. Harpula, II. 148. Hastula, II. 8, 62. Haustator, II. 23, 265. Helieina, II. 341, 342, 345, 358. orbiculata, II. 342. Helix sulfurea, II. 232. Hemipecten, I. 206. Hindsia, II. 180, 181. Hinnites, I. 189, 206, 223. Adamsi, I. 189, 223. Hippagus, I. 285, 286, 287. acuticostatus, I. 288. Hipponyx, II. 287, 289. crystallinus, II. 287. Danieli, II. 287. Holopella, II. 301, 306. Homalaxis, II. 276. Homalaxon, II. 276. Homalopoma, II. 352. Hoplopteron, II. 301, 306, 317. Terquemi, II. 301. Ilyalopatina, II. 7, 61. Rushii, II. 7, 61. Hyalorisia, II. 25, 288. Ianthoscala, II. 300, 311. Ilaira, II. 276, 386. Ilyanassa obsoleta, II. 184. Inella, II. 21, 242, 245. Infundibulum, II. 286. Candeanum, II. 284. Iphigenia, I. 285. Isapis, II. 278. anomala, II. 272. Ischnochiton, II. 35, 415. limaciformis, II. 35, 415, 416. multicostatus, II. 415. Ischnochitonidce, II. 415. Ischnoidea, II. 414. Isocardia, I. 194, 271, 275. cytherioides, II. 439. Jaminia Dupontii, II. 339. Janacus, II. 25, 285. Jauira, I. 188, 206, 207. hemicyclica, I. 188, 207, 222; II. 434* 435. Janthoscala, II. 300. Katherina, II. 416, 417. Kellia suborbicularis, I. 273. Kelliella, I. 272. miliaria, I. 272. Kennerlia, I. 197. Bushiana, I. 197, 312. glacialis, I. 311. Krebsia, II. 25, 288. Lacliesis minima, II. 105. Laevicordia, I. 288. Lagena, II. 173, 230. Lambidium, II. 20, 231. oniscus, II. 20, 231. strombiformis, II. 231. Lamellaria, II. 27, 299. Rangii, II. 27, 299. Lampusia, II. 19, 226. chlorostoma, II. 19, 226. gracile, II. 19, 227. pharcida, II. 19, 227. pileare, II. 19, 227. Latiaxis, II. 217. cariniferus, II. 218. Deburghiae, II. 218. elegans, II. 218. Maweas, II. 217. Latirus, II. 15, 173, 213. brevicaudatus, II. 174. cayohuesonicus, II. 174. cinguliferus, II. 15, 173. contemptus, II. 174. fastigium, II. 174. 472 BULLETIN OF THE Latirus infundibulum, II. 174. maderensis, II. 174. multangulus, II. 173. Lavignon antillarum, I. 279. Petitiana, I. 279. Laxispira, II. 386, 387. laxa, II. 386. nitida, II. 386, 387. Leda, I. 191, 24-9, 253 ; II. 455. acuta, I. 191, 250, 251, 252 ; II. 438. Bushiana, I. 192, 250, 251. Carpenteri, I. 191, 249. v. cerata, I. 191, 250, 251. clavata, I. 249. commutata, I. 250, 251, 252. coneava, I. 252. concentrica, I. 191, 250. corpulenta, I. 192, 254. cuneata, I. 250, 251. cuspidata, I. 249. dilatata, I. 255. eborea, I. 250. fragilis, I. 251. hebes, I. 192, 252. inornata, I. 251. intermedia, I. 252. jamaicensis, I. 250, 251. Jeffreysi, I. 253. messanensis, I. 191, 249, 250, 251. minuta, I. 252. pusio, I. 192, 253. quadrangularis, I. 192, 253. sohda, I. 252 solidifacta, I. 191, 252. solidula, I. 191, 250. subaequilatera, I. 192, 252. unca, I. 250, 251 ; II. 438. Verrilhana, I. 191, 251. vitrea, I. 250. Leiomya, I. 196, 298. adunca, I. 196. gramdata, I. 196, 300. halimera, I. 197, 300. notabilis, I. 300. scaber, I. 196. Smithii, I. 196. teres, I. 300. v. velvetina, I. 196, 300. Leiostraca, II. 28, 326, 328. acuta, II. 28, 328. bilineata, II. 329. fusus, II. 28, 329. Hemphillii, II. 329. Leiostracus, II. 328. Lembulus deltoideus, I. 251. Lepetella, I. 181 ; II. 35, 350, 413* tubicola, II. 35, 413. Lepetidae, II. 436. Leptochiton, II. 35, 414, 417. cancellatus, II. 414. fuliginatus, II. 414. pergranatus, II. 35, 414. Leptochitonidce , II. 414. Leptoidea, II. 414. Leptonyx, II. 351, 352. sanguineus, II. 351. Leptothyra, II. 30, 351, 455. v. albida, II. 30, 352, 353, 354. carinata, II. 352. filosa, II. 352. induta, II. 30, 352. v. insculpta, II. 30, 352. v. limala, II. 30, 353. Linnei, II. 30, 352, 353. mammilla, II. 352. Philipiana, II. 30, 352, 353. sanguinea, II. 352, 353. v. tincta, II. 80,352. Le scalata, II. 299, 301, 303. Lencosyrinx, II. 8, 75, 81. Sigsbeei, II. 8, 75. subgrundi/era, II. 9, 77. tenoceras, II. 9, 75, 77. Verrillii, II. 8, 75. Leucozonia cingulata, II. 173. cingulifera, II. 173. dubia, II. 173. ocellata, II. 173. triserialis, II. 173. Lienardia, II. 108. Lima, I. 189, 224. albicoma, I. 189, 225. aperta, I. 225. caribaea, I. 224. fasciata, I. 224. fragilis, I. 225. hians, I. 189, 225. inflata, I. 189, 224. v. planulata, I. 224. scabra, I. 225. squamosa, I. 189, 224. tenera, I. 189, 224, 225. Limaea, I. 189, 226. Bronniana, I. 189, 226. v. lata, I. 189, 226, 227. Sarsi, I. 226. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 473 Limatula, I. 189, 225. confusa, I. 226. ovata, I. 225, 226 ; II. 406. setifera, I. 189, 225. Limopsis, I. 186, 190, 236 ; II. 455. antillensis, I. 190, 237. aurita, I. 190, 237. cristata, I. 190, 237. minuta, I. 190, 236. v. paucidentata , I. 237. tenella, I. 190, 236. Linatella Poulsenii, II. 228. Link, D. H. F. See Museum Rostockia- nura, II. 304. Liochlamys, II. 15, 173. bulbosa, II. 15, 173. Lioconcha, I. 261, 262. Liomesus, II. 15, 175, 176, 177, 230. canaliculars, II. 230. Stimpsoni, II. 15, 176. Liotia, II. 32, 375, 385, 386, 387, 455. v. aspina, II. 33, 388, 389. Bairdii, II. 33, 387, 388, 389. Briareus, II. 32, 387, 388* 389, 390. cruentata, II. 386, 387. fenestrata, II. 386. V. microforis, II. 390. miniata, II. 33, 375, 387, 390, v. perforata, II. 32, 388. Riisii, II. 387. tricarinata, II. 33, 387, 3S9, 390. v. trullaia, II. 33, 389. variabilis, II. 33, 387, 390. Liotina, II. 386. Lippistes, II. 33, 386, 387, 391. acril/a, II. 33, 387, 391. amabilis, II. 33, 387, 392. formosissima, II. 387, 391. Sehrammi, II. 387. Litorina anomala, II. 272. litorea, II. 272. Livonia, II. 150. Longchaeus, II. 28, 331, 334. candidus, II. 333. Lophocardium, II. 443. Lophyridw, II. 416. Lophyroidea, II. 414. Loripes, I. 193, 265, 266. compressa, I. 193, 266; II., PL XIV. icterica, I. 205. lacteus, I. 266. lens, I. 193, 266. Lotorium femorale, II. 228. Lucina, I. 193, 264 ; II. 439* americana, I. 266. antillarum, I. 193, 264. borealis, I. 266. Candeana, I. 265. costata, I. 264. filosa, I. 266. funiculata, I. 193, 265. jaraaicensis, I. 265. lenticula, I. 193, 265; II. 439. leucocyma, I. 193, 264- multilineata, II. 439. quadrisulcata, I. 193, 266. sagrinata, I. 193, 265 ; II. 439. scabra, I. 193, 265 sombrerensis, I. 193, 264- spinosa, II. 439. Lunatia, II. 26, 277, 278, 293, 295. fringilla, II. 26, 295. gronlandica, II. 296. heros, II. 278. leptalea, II. 26, 295. v. perla, II. 26, 296. semisulcata, II. 296. subplicata, II. 296. tenuis, II. 26, 295. triseriata, II. 293. vittata, II. 293. Lunella, II. 356. versicolor, II. 355. Lyonsia, I. 284, 308 , II. 439* 446. Beana, II. 442* bulla, I. 281, 2S3* Lyonsiella, I. 196, 273, 281, 285, 287, 288; II. 437 * 446 * 449 * 450 * 452. abyssicola, I. 272, 286, 288 ; II. 451.* angulata, I. 288. axinoides, I. 288. gemma, I. 288, 289. insculpta, I. 196, 288. mytiloides, I. 288. papyracea, II. 446.* radiata, II. 442 * 451.* Lyria, II. 145, 147, 156. Lyropecten, I. 206. Machaeroplax cancellatus, II. 301. Macrodon, I. 191, 244. asperula, 1. 191, 244. sagrinata, I. 191, 245. Mactra lateralis, II. 449. Magilus, II. 220. Malletia, I. 192, 253. 474 BULLETIN OF THE Malletia amabilis, II. 438. arrouana, I. 255. cuneata, I. 255. cytherea, I. 192, 254 ; II. 438. dilatata, I. 192, 255. Smilhii, I. 192, 255. veneriformis, I. 254. Mamillana, II. 150. Mamma, II. 363. Mangelia. See Mangilia. acanthodes, II. 114. hypsela, II. 91. Mangilia, II. 10, 99, 100, 111, 455, 456. antonia, II. 11, 116. atrostyla, II. 11, 111, 112, 113. bandella, II. 11, 116. caribsea, II. 10, 111. cerina, II. 106, 111, 112, 113. cerinella, II. 112. citronella, I., Expl. PI. IX. ; II. 106, 112. columbella, II. 271. comatotropis, II. 11, 116. corallina, II. 114. costulata, II. 99. v. diminuta, II. 11, 114- elusiva, II. 11, 115. ephamilla, II. Ill, 112, 113. eritima, II. 113. exsculpta, II. 11, 117. glypta, II. 181. halttropts, II. 11, 111 ipara, II. 11, 115. lanceolata, II. 101. Lavalleana, II. 11, 111. limonitella, II. 112. lissotropis, II. 91. v. Malmii, II. 128. v. monocingulata, II. 11, 114. muricoides/ II. 101. pelagia, II. 11, 117. pentagonalis, II. 90. Pourtalesii, I., Expl. PI. IX. ; II. 11, 118. psila, II. 101. quadrata, II. 11, 113. v. rugirima, II. 11, 114. scipio, II. 11, 117. serga, II. 11, 112, 114. Simpsoni, II. 91. subsida, II. 11,118. tiara, II. 116. toreumuta, II. 11, 118. Maravignia, II. 272. Margariona, I. 227. Margarita, II. 32, 350, 374, 375, 377, 455. aeglees, II. 379. aegleis, II. 379. asperrima, II. 373. erythrocoma, II. 32, 375. euspira, II. 32, 378. filogyra, II. 356, 357. helicina, II. 374. imperialis, II. 32, 376. infundibulum, II. 341,* 376, 380* 381. iris, II. 382. lacunella, II. 381. lcmellosa, II. 379. lubrica, II. 382. maculata, II, 381. regalis, II. 380, 381. t. samance, II. 32, 375. scabriuscula, II. 379. Margarites, II. 374. Margaritifera, II. 374. Margaritiphora, II. 374. Marginella, II. 12, 136, 455. alba, II. 143. albolineata, II. 141, 142 amabilis, II. 12, 137. apicina, II. 12, 136. aureocincta, II. 139. avena, II. 141. averiacea, II. 141. avenella, II. 139. Beyerleana, II. 141. borealis, II. 136. caribsea, II. 136. carnea, II. 137. cassis, II. 12, 137. catenata, II. 143. conoidalis, II. 136. denticulata, II. 139. elata, II. 139. flavida, II. 136. fusca, II. 13, 139. fusina, II. 12, 138. guttula, II. 141. haematita, II. 13, 138. lachrimula, II. 142. lactea, II. 142. Lavalleana, II. 143. limatula, II. 136. livida, II. 136, 141. minima, II. 143. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 475 Marginella mlnuta, II. 143. nitida, II. 140. oblonga, II. 137. opalina, II. 13, 138, 14C. pallida, II. 142. paxillus, II. 140. Kedfieldii, II. 13, 139, 140, 141. rostrata, II. 12, 137. seminula, II. 13, 139. Smithii, II. 139. styria, II. 13, 14Q. subtriplicata, II. 142. succinea, II. 13, 139, 140, 141. torticula, II. 13, 139, 140, W. triplicata, II. 142. varia, II. 141. Watsonii, II. 12, 137. yucatecana, II. 13, 138. Marsenina arapla, II. 299. Mastonia, II. 21, 242, 243, 244. Mathilda, II. 23, 257, 258, 266, 301, 340. barbadense, II. 23, 266, 267. elegantissima, II. 266. Rushii, II. 23, 267, 341. scitula, II. 23, 267. sinensis, II. 267. trochlea, II. 266. yucatecana, II. 23, 257, 266, 267. Mazzalina, II. 15, 173. bulbosa, II. 173. pyrula, II. 15, 173. Megaptygma, II. 150. Megathyris, I. 187, 203. (See Cistella.) Megerlia incerta, I. 201. Megoptygma, II. 150. Meiocardia, I. 271. Agassizii, I. 194, 271 ; II. 439. vulgaris, I. 271. Melanella, II. 28, 326, 328. Dufresnei, II. 326, 328. gibba, II. 327. Melania, II. 326, 456. rufa, II. 336. Melanopsis, II. 132, 270. capula, II. 271. Melantho, II. 326. Meleagrina, II. 374. Mesalia caribsea, II. 265. varia, II. 265. Mesodon, II. 456. Mesorhytis, II. 14, 172. gracilentis, II. 172. Meekiana, II. 14, 172. Mesostoma, II. 24, 269, 270. migrans, II. 24, 270. pulchra, II. 269. Meta cedonulli, II. 164. Metaxia, II. 22, 252, 256. Microgaza, II. 30, 356, 357. rotella, II. 30, 357, 358 * solarioides, II. 358. Microplax, II. 417. Microvoluta, II. 163. Mitra, II. 14, 98, 156, 174. aethiopica, II. 160. albicostata, II. 157. albocincta, II. 167, 161. 165. alveolus, II. 157. v. antillensis, II. 158. Bairdii, II. 14, 161. barbadensis, II. 157. caeligena, II. 157. Candida, II. 157. casta, II. 160. cavea, II. 157. chelonia, II. 157. Defrancei, II. 161. dermestina, II. 157. Deshayesii, II. 14, 16u Dupontii, II. 157. ebenus, II. 157. exigua, II. 157. exilis, II. 157. floridana, II. 158. fulgurita, II. 14, 158, 165. fusoides, II. 163. geinmata, II. 157. granulosa, II. 157. Hanleyana, II. 157. Hanleyi, II. 157, 163. histrio, II. 157. interpunctata, II. 157. lens, II. 157. longispira, II. 160. Malleti, II. 159. maura, II. 158. microzonias, II. 157. monilifera, II. 157. nasuta, II. 160. nitilina, II. 157. nodulosa, II. 157. nucleola, II. 157. obliquata, II. 157. pia, II. 159. picta, II. 157. puella, II. 157. 476 BULLETIN OF THE Mitra pulchella, II. 167. Ruskii, II. 14, 160. rustica, II. 160. semicostata, II. 157. speciosa, II. 157. staminea, II. 14, 157, 159. striatula, II. 157. styria, II. 14, 159, 163. sulcata, II. 157. Swainsoni, II. 14, 158. tessellata, II. 157. tiarella, II. 157. torticula, II. 14, 162. trophonia, II. 14, 161. Mitromorpha, II. 14, 16/j.. biplicata, II. 14, 165. dormitor, II. 164. filosa, II. 164. Mitrularia, II. 25, 283. equestris, II. 25, 283. Neptuni, II. 283. Modiella, I. 234. Modiola, I. 190, 234. cinnamomea, I. 236, 287. lutea, I. 234, opifex, I. 190, 235. polita, I. 181, 190, £34.* Modiolarca, II. 446. trapesina, II. 442, 451. Modiolaria, 1. 190, 236. lateralis, I. 190, 236. lignea, I. 236. polita, I. 234. Mohnia, II. 174, 175. Mohni, II. 176. Molleria, II. 393. Monodonta, II. 303. Monoptygma styliformis, II. 338. Mopaliidae, II. 416. Mucronalia xanthias, II. 338. Murchisonella spectrum, II. 403. Murchisonia, II. 403. spectrum, II. 403. Murex, II. 17, 195, 203, 210, 212, 215. acanthopterus, II. 210. dustus, II. 197, 198. alveatus, II. 208, 209, 211. anus, II. 221. asperrimus, II. 199. Beaui, II. 17, 195. brassica, II. 197. breviculus, II. 210. brevifrons, II. 198. Murex brevispina, II. 209. Cabritii, II. 17, 196. Cailleti, II. 17, 197. cancellata, II. 215. cancellinus, II. 221. carduus, II. 200. casta, II. 211. cataphracta, II. 81. cellulosa, II. 210, 211. chrysostoma, II. 197. concinnus, II. 197. costatus, II. 227. cyclostomus, II. 211. distinctus, II. 208, 210. elegans, II. 17, 195, 196, 197. erosus, II. 210. flmbriatus, II. 200. florifer, II. 198. Gundlachi, II. 196. gyrinus, II. 223. hexagonus, II. 212. Hidalgoi, II. 198. hystricina, II. 205. imperialis, II. 199. intermedius, IL 210. interserratus, II. 199, 200. jamaicensis, II. 211. laceratus, II. 217. leucoderma, II. 208. luculentus, II. 200. macropterus, II. 201. messorius, II. 17, 196. metaxa, II. 256. mexicanus, II. 199. mulus, II. 221. nodatus, II. 17, 195, 197. nuceus, II. 210. obeliscus, II. 208, 209. ostrearum, II. 212. palmarosae, II. 197. pauperculus, II. 208, 209, 211. Pazi, II. 199, 200. pileare, II. 227. pomiformis, II. 199. pomum, II. 197, 198, 199, 201. quadrifrons, II. 197, 198. ramosus, II. 197. rana, II. 222. recurvirostris, II. 196, 197. rufus, II. 197, 198, 201. scalarinus, II. 208. scalarioides, II. 207, 208. scalaroides, II. 208. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 477 Murex spinacosta, II. 198. spinicostata. II. 198. subulatus, II. 252. tetragonus, II. 211. tornatus, II. 72. trilineatus, II. 196. tritonis, II. 225. truneulus, II. 209. Tryoni, II. 196. virgo, II. 72. zelandicus, II. 200. Mnricanthus radix, II. 197. Muricidse, II. 17, 194. Muricidea, II. 18, 209, 212, 214. Blainvillei, II. 212. floridana, II. 18, 212. Hemphillii, II. 213. hexagona, II. 18, 210, 212. multangula, II. 18, 165, 174, 213. Philippiana, II. 18, 213. scalarioides, II. 208. Muricopsis, II. 212. Museum Boltenianum, II. 302. Calonnianum, II. 302. Rostockianum, II. 304. Mya truncata, I. 310. Myonera, I. 197, 293, 302; II. 439, 441 * 448 * 450 * 452 * 455. angularis, I. 302, 303. lamellifera, I. 197, 304. latkella, I. 197, 305. limatula, I. 197, 30$. paucistriata, I. 197, 293, 302, 303,* 445* undata, I. 197, 302, 304, 305. Mytilimeria, I. 196, 286, 287* 288; IL 446. flexuosa, I. 286. Nuttallii, I. 196. Mytilus, I. 190*233. exustus, I. 190, 233. lateralis, I. 236. luteus, I. 234. Nassa, II. 16, 132, 177, 178, 180, 181, 183. acuta, II. 183, 185. alba, II. 184. ambigua, II. 16, 184, 185. annellifera, II. 184. antillarum, II. 184. Candei, II. 184. candidissima, II. 184. consensa, II. 16, 183, 185. Nassa exilis, II. 180. guadeloupensis, II. 178. Hotessieri, II. 16, 183, 185, 186. Hotessieriana, II. 185. incrassata, II. 184. nigrolabra, II. 184. obtusata, II. 184. ornata, II. 180. papillosa, II. 180. v. pernitida, II. 16, 186. pura, II. 184. reticulata, II. 180. scissurata, II. 16, 185. spinulosa, II. 186. textilina, II. 178. trivittata, II. 183. unicincta, II. 178, 183. vibex, II. 183. Nassaria, II. 15, 180, 181. Nassarhia, II. 15, 181. Bushii, II. 15, 181, 182. cotumbellata, II. 15, 181, 182. glypta, II. 15, 181, 182. Grayi, II. 15,181,155. Nassarius, II. 180. Natica, II. 26, 292, 386. avellana, II. 292. brunnea, II. 296. campechiensis, II. 296. canrena, II. 26, 292, 293. caribasa, II. 296. castrensis, II. 26, 293. Dillwynii, II. 292. duplicata, II. 296. elense, II. 294. Fordiana, II. 296. fossata, II. 296. fringilla, II. 295, 296. intricata, II. 294, 295. jamaicensis, II. 292. lacernula, II. 293. lactea, II. 296. leptalea, II. 295. limacina, II. 293. lineata, II. 26, 294. livida, II. 26, 292. mamilla, II. 152. mamillaris, II. 296. maroccana, II. 26, 292, 293. marochiensis, II. 292. ocbrostoma, II. 296. eperculata, II. 295. perlineata, II. 26, 294. 478 BULLETIN OF THE Natica Pfeifferi, II. 296. porcellana, II. 296. proxima, II. 292, 293. pulchella, II. 293. pusilla, II. 296. radiata, II. 295, 296. rufilabris, II. 293. semisulcata, II. 296. spliasroides, II. 295. sulcata, II. 296. tenuis, II. 295. texasiana, II. 296. uberina, II. 296. vittata, II. 293. Nautilus, I. 185. Neaera, I. 292. abbreviata, I. 301. adunca, I. 299. alternata, I. 297, 298. angularis, I. 302. arcuata, I. 296. beliringensis, I. 296. Brazieri, I. 299. chinensis, I. 292. claviculata, I. 301, 302. congenita, I. 301. consociata, I. 304. contracta, I. 302, 304. costata, I. 296. costellata, I. 297. curta, I. 297. fragilissima, I. 302. gomerensis, I. 300, 301. Gouldiana, I. 296. granulata, I. 299, 300. inflata, I. 300, 301. Jeffreysi, I. 295. lameUifera, I. 300, 302, 304. laticella, I. 302. limatula, I. 302, 304- multicostata, I. 298. notabilis, I. 300. obesa, I. 295, 303* ornatissima, I. 296. paucistriata, I. 302. pectinata, I. 296. pellucida, I. 295. perrostrata, I. 296. ph'lippinensis, I. 300. rostrata, I. 294. semistrigosa, I. 300, 304. striata, I. 298. Neaera sulcifera, I. 302. teres, I. 300, 301. undata, I. 302, 304. Neilo dilatata, I. 255. Neilonella, I. 192, 254. Neithea, I. 206, 222. Nembrotha gratiosa, II. 453. Neosimnia, II. 20, 234, 235. Neptunea, II. 174. Neritina, II. 341,* 342, 344, 349. anomala, II. 359. Neverita, II. 26, 294. duplicata, II. 296. intricata, II. 294. nuhila, \%. 26, 294- Niso, II. 28, 281, 283, 329. aeglees, II. 28, 330, 331. v. albida, II. 28, 330. v. circinata, II. 28, 330. imbricata, II. 331. interrupts II. 28, 330, 331. splendidula, II. 28, 329, 331. v. tricolor, II. 28, 330. Willcoxiana, II. 28, 331. Nitidella, II. 16, 187, 189. cribraria, II. 189. dicbroa, II. 189. v. dicomata, II. 16, 1S9. filosa, II. 194. laevigata, II. 189. moleculina, II. 16, 189. nitidula, II. 16, 189. parvula, II. 189. Notoplax, II. 36, 416. floridanus, II. 36, 416,* 417. speciosus, II. 416, 417. Nucula, I. 191, 245 i II. 377, 434* acuta, I. 251. aegeensis, I. 191, 246. cancellata, I. 248. crenulata, I. 191, 247. culebrensis, I. 247. cymella, I. 191, 246. v. obliterata, I. 191, 247. proxima, I. 246. pusio, I. 253. sulcata, I. 247. tenuis, I. 246. trigona, I. 248. Verrillii, I. 191, 248 Nuculana, I. 245. Nuculocardia divaricata, I. 235. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 479 Obeliscus, II. 331, 335. arenosus, II. 331. candidus, II. 333. crenulatus, II. 331. floridanus, II. 331. hastatus, II. 332. nitidulus, II. 334. 8ufarcinatus, II. 334. tessellatus, II. 331. tinctus, II. 334. turritus, II. 335. nuceus, II 210. Ocinebra, II. 18, 199, 209, 210. Cantrainei, II. 208. erinacea, II. 210, 214. scalaroides, II. 208. Odostomia, II. 334. alba, II. 327. fulvocincta, II. 336. nitidula, II. 334. rufa, II. 336. unifasciata, II. 338. Oliva, II. 12, 183, PI. XXXIV * conoidalis, II. 134. litterata, II. 12, 133, PI. XXXIV* mutica, II. 133. reticularis, II. 12, 133. Sayana, II. 133. Olivella, II. 12, 133. bullula, II. 12, 135. exigua, II. 134. floralia, II. 136. fuscocincta, II. 12, 134, 135. jaspidea, II. 12, 134, 135. mutica, II. 12, 133* nitidula, II. 134. nymplia, II. 136. v. rotunda, II. 12, 134. tubutata, II. 12, 136. zonalis, II. 133. Omalalaxis, II. 276. Omalaxis, II. 24, 276. lirata, II. 278. nobilis, II. 24, 276. zanclea, II. 276. Omalaxon, II 276. Omaloxon, II. 276. Ombrella, II. 60. Onchidium, II. 437. Oniscia oniscus, II. 231. Oniscidia, II. 20, 231. Dennisoni, II. 20, 231. Oocorys, II. 19, 175, 228, 229, 231, 233. Oocorys abyasorum, II. 19, 229. sulcata, II. 19, 228, 22y, 230. Opalia, II. 300, 308, 324. anomala, II. 306. borealis, II. 308, 324. Gouldii, II. 308. longissima, II. 324. scaeva, II. 320. 6ubvaricosa, II. 320. Wroblewskyi, II. 308, 324. Operculatum, II. 60. bermudense, II. 61. Opsichitonia, II. 36, 414, 416. Orbis, II. 276. Pingeli, II. 276. Oscilla, II. 29, 339. annulata, II. 339. nivea, II. 29, 339, 340. Ostrea fasciata, I. 224. hia^ I. 225. spi \y ^idea, I. 227. tenuis lici.ta, I. 231. Otocheilus mississippiensis, II. 145. Ovula acicularis, II. 234. carnea, II. 234. carolinensis, II. 236. oblonga, II. 235. patula, II. 237. spelta, II. 235. Ovulactceon, II. 5, 42, 242. Meekii, II. 5, 43. Ovulum aciculare, II. 234. antillarum, II. 236. arcuatum, II. 236. gibbosum, II. 237. intermedium, II. 235. subrostratum, II. 236. uniplicatum, II. 235. Oxygyrus, II. 386. Oxystele, II. 378. Padollus Pourtalesii, II. 395. Pallium, I. 200. Pandora, I. 197, 311. brevifrons, I. 311. Bushiana, I. 197, 311, 312. carolinensis, I. 311, 312. depressa, I. 312. floridana, I. 312. glacialis, I. 311. Gouldiana, I. 197, 312. nasuta, I. 312. oblonga, I. 311. 480 BULLETIN OF THE Pandora tabacea, I. 312. trilineata, I. 311. Parastarte, I. 259. Parkeria, II. 300. Parmophorus, II. 345. Patella, II. 347, 411* 450. aculeata, II. 285. albicosta, II. 409. antillarum, II. 343, 409. auricula, II. 284. calyptra, II. 287. chinensis, II. 285. compressa, II. 413. confusa, II. 410. cubaniana, II. 409. leucopleura, II. 409. melanoleuca, II. 409, 410. notata, II. 409. porcellana, II. 285. puncturata, II. 409. pustula, II. 409. surinamensis, II. 409. trochiformis, II. 285. Patellidae, II. 437. Payraudeautia, II. 26, 294. Paziella, II. 199, 200. Peccbiolia, I. 196, 287, 288. angulata, I. 288. argentea, I. 196, 287. subquadrata, I. 272, 273. tornata, I. 281. Pecten, I. 188, 206;* II. 434 * 455. alaskensis, I. 215. antillarum, I. 188, 206 * 218* antiquatus, I. 213. asper, I. 217. caurinus, I. 188, 206,* 216* Clintonius, I. 216. concentricus, I. 213. dislocatus, I. 188, 216, 217. dispar, I. 219. effluens, I. 188, 219. exasperatus, I. 188, 218. fimbriatus, I. 213. furtivus, I. 219, 220. fusco-purpureus, I. 218. hemicyclicus, I. 207. Hoskynsi, I. 221, 213. imbrifer, I. 189, 214, 220, 221. irradians, I. 206.* leptalea, I. 221. lucidum, I. 212. [222. magellanicus, I. 188, 206 * 207, 216, June 6, 1889. Pecten mammillatus, I. 220. meridionale, I. 212. nodosus, I. 235. noronhensis, I. 218. nucleus, I. 188, 206*216, 217. ornatus, I. 188, 218. Philippii, I. 217. ph-jfjium, I. 188, 217, 218* ; II. 438. pleuronectes, I. 207, 208. Pourtalesianum, I. 212. principoides, I. 216. pseudamusium, I. 219- purpuratus, I. 217. pustulosus, I. 220. reticulus, I. 189, 221. rigida, I. 219. Sigsbeei, I. 189, 223. similis, I. 207. tenuicostatus, I. 216. thalassinus, I. 189, 221. Tryoni (= P. glyptus Ver.), II. 438. ziczac, I. 207. Pectinibrancbiata, II. 62. Pectinium, 1. 208. Pectinodonta, II. 35, 4U-* arcuata, II. 35, 4H- Pectunculus, I. 190. angulatus, I. 238. aratus, I. 239. v. carinatus, I. 190, 239, 240. carolinensis, I. 238, 239. charlestonensis, I. 239. decussatus, I. 238. hirtus, I. 238. lineatus, I. 238, 239. oculatus, I. 239. parilis, I. 238. passus, I. 238. pectinatus, I. 190, 239. pectiniformis, I. 239. pennaceus, I. 238. pilosus, I. 239. quinquerugatus, I. 238. scriptus, I. 190, 238. tricenarius, I. 238. undatus, I. 190, 238, 239. undulatus, I. 238. variegatus, I. 239. Pedicularia, II. 20, 234, 237, 238* albida, II. 237. decussata, II. 20, 237, 238* sicula, II. 238. Periploraa, I. 197, 305, 308, 309. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 481 Periploma angulifera, I. 305, 306. fragilis, I. 197, 306* inaaquivalvis, I. 305. papyracea, I. 197, 306* papyratia. I. 306. undulata, I. 306. Peristichia, II. 29, 339. agria, II. 29, 340. toreta, II. 29, 339, 340. Perna, II. 450, 451. ephippium, II. 434, 442, 450. Perotrochus, II. 34, 397. Perrieria, II. 200. Persicula, II. 13, 136, 143. catenata, II. 13, 143. Persona, II. 220. anus, II. 220. Petaloconchus, II. 23, 262. irregularis, II. 2G2. Petricola, I. 194, 276. divaricata, I. 194, 276. Pharddel/a, II. 29, 333, 334. Folinii, II. 29, 334. Phasianella, II. 30, 302, 320, 351. affinis, II. 351. brevis, II. 30, 351. concinna, II. 351. concolor, II. 351. inflexa, II. 326, 328. pulchella, II. 351. tessellata, II. 351. umbilicata, II. 351. Plmianema, II. 278. Philine, II. 7, 57. amabilis, II. 59. angulata, II. 58. aperta, II. 58. Candeana, II. 58. finmarcliica, II. 57. Jlexuosa, II. 7, 59. infundibulum, II. 7, 57* 58. planata, II. 7, 58* quadrata, II. 57. sagra, II. 58. Phlegmodoris anceps, II. 453. Pliorus, II. 290. Phos, II. 15, 177, 178. antillarum, II. 179. Beaui, II. 15, 178* 179, 180. Candei, II. 15, 179. erectus, II. 179. Grateloupianus, II. 179. guadeloupensis, II. 178. VOL. XVIII. 31 Phos intricatus, II. 15, 180. pallidus, II. 178. parvus, II. 15, 180, 226. senticosus, II. 179, 180. unicinctus, II. 15, 178 veraguaiinsis, II. 179. Phyllidiopsis papilligera, II. 453. Phyllonotus, II. 17, 198, 199. fulvescens, II. 17, 198. hystricinus, II. 17, 200, 205. interserratus, II. 17, 199, 200. Pazi, II. 17, 199. pomum, II. 17, 197, 198. Pilidium fulvum, II. 412. Piliscus Krebsii, II. 290. Pisania, II. 15, 177. aethiops, II. 177. coromandeliana, II. 180. janeirense, II. 177. maculosa, II. 177. pusio, II. 177. striata, II. 177. tranquebariea, II. 180. undosa, II. 180. Placophorida, II. 416. Platidia, I. 187, 204. anomioides, I. 187, 204. v. radiata, I. 187, 204.* Plectodon, I. 196, 299, 300 ; II. 395. granulata, I. 300. scaber, I. 295, 299. v. velcetina, I. 300. Plejona, II. 146. Pleuronectia, I. 208. lucida, I. 211. Pleurotoma, II. 8, 72, 303, 455. acantliodes, II. 114. albella, II. 188. albida, II. 8, 72, 73. amblia, II. 92. antillarum, II. 72, 111. antonia, II. 116. bandella, II. 116. Barretti, II. 72. buccinoides, II. 180. calliope, II. 78. caribsea, II. 111. cataphracta, II. 80. Catherinae, II. 100. cedonulli, II. 77, 78. chariessa, II. 122. chyta, II. 115. circinata, II. 99. 482 BULLETIN OF THE Pleurotoma circumvoluta, II. 84. cirrata, II. 128. cirratum, II. 128. coccinata, II. 90. columbaria, II. 78. columbella, II. 271. comatotropis, II. 116. controversa, II. 78. corticaria, II. 114. Dalli, II. 92. detecta, II. 84. didyma, II. 79. diminuta, II. 113, 114. ebur, II. 89. clusiva, II. 115. exasperata, II. 88. exsculpta, II. 117. extensa, II. 12G. filifera, II. 123. fucata, II. 89. gratula, II. 110. haitensis, II. 72. havanensis, II. 93. hormophora, II. 106. hyp-ela, II. 91. incilis, II. 110. insignis, II. 99. ipara, II. 115. Jelskii, II. 72. Lavalleana, II. 111. leucomata, II. 120. leuccphlegma, II. 102. limacina, II. 106. lissotropis, II. 91. lithocolleta, II. 95. lunata, II. 95, 96. mitrella, II. 79. t. normalis, II. 126. nucleata, II. 92. oleacina, II. 94. pagoda. II. 99. paria, II. 89. pelagia, II. 117. peripln, II. 115. periscelida, II. 8, 74- perpauxilln, II. 115, 116. polytorta, II. 85. Pourtalesii, II. 118. quadrata, II. 113. serga, I, Expl. PI. IX. ; II. 114. Sigsbeei, II. 76. Simpsoni, II. 91. sinuata, II. 180. Pleurotoma smirna, II. 94. speciosa, II. 75. streptopliora, II. 126. subgrundifera, II. 76. subsida, II. 118. v. tellea, II. 8, 72, 73. tiara, II. 116. Verrillii, II. 75, 93. Vespuciana, II. 111. vibex, II. 8, 73. virgo, II. 72. Pleurotomaire, II. 396. Pleurotomaria, I. 185 ; II. 34, 368, 377, 396. Adansoniana, II. 34, 400* 434* 435* Quoyana, II. 34, 397* 400, 401, 402. Pleurotomella, II. 11, 99, 119. Agassizii, II. 11,121. v. agria, II. 11, 127. v. aresta, II. 11, 123. Bairdii, II. 122, 123. bandella, II. 116. v. Benedicti, II. 11, 119. Blakeana, II. 11, 126. catasarca, II. 11, 124, 125. chariessa, IF. 11, 122, 123. diomedeae, II. 110. Edgariana, II. 11, 121, 122, 125. Eniertonii, II. 11, 104, 122. extensa, II. 11, 126. Jilifera, II. 11, 123. v. formosa, II. 11, 119. hadria, II. 11, 125. Jeffrey sii, II. 122, 123. leucomata, II. 11, 120. v. Malmii, II. 11, 127, 128. v. mexicana, II 121. Packardi, II. 11, 99, 119. v.phalem, II. 11, 123. Saffordi, II. 119. Sandersoni, II. 121. Sigsbeei, II. 76. v. spica, II. \\,123. v. tellea, II. U, 123. Verrillii, II. 75. Pleurotomida?, II. 8, 71* larval shells, II. 124. Plicatula, I 189. marginata, I. 227. ramosa, I. 227. spondyloidea, I. 189, 227. PoJtjconchie, II. 35, 413. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 483 Polynices, II. 26, 296. brunnea, II. 296. mamillaris, II. 296. uberina, II. 2G, 296. Pomatoceras, II. 418. Poromya, I. 195, 980,* 281, 288, 299; II. 01, 395, 441, 446 * 449 * 450* 452* cdblda, I. 195, 282. anatinoides, I. 280, 281. australis, I. 281, 282. bulla, I. Id5, 2S3;* 11.440* elongata, I. 195, 283;* II. 440* granatina, I. 316. granulata, I. 195, 280, 281, 282* 284; 11.443,448* laevis, I. 281. mactroides, II. 443, 448* margarita, I. 195, 2S4- nea;roides, I. 281, 282, 283. rotundata, I. 282. sublevis, I. 281,282; 11.418* Poweria, II. 206. scalarina, II. 208. Propeamusium, I. 188, 206, 210. Propilidium, II. 35, 346, 410, 419. ancylohle, II. 35, 412* elegans, II 412* pertenue, II. 412. Proscenula, II. 284. Psepha?a concinna, II. 150. Pseudamusium, I. 189, 206, 218, 219. pustulosum, I. 222. strigillatum, II. 438. thalassinum, I. 207, 221. Pseudomalaxis, II. 276. Pseudomurex, II. 212, 217. Pseudorotella, II. 360. semistriata, II. 360, 361. Psyclirosoma, II. 300, 308. Ptenoglossa, II. 27, 299. Pteronotus, II. 17, 201, 203. cordismei, II. 201. macropterus, II. 17, 201. phaneus, II. 17, 201. tristichus, II. 17, 202. Pteropurpura macroptera, II. 201. Ptychosalpinx, II. 175, 176. altile, II. 176. Escheri, II. 176. globulus, IT. 175. Puncturella, II. 34, 403, 404*405, 412. asturiana, II. 405. circularis, II. 34, 403. Puncturella noacbina, II. 405. rostrata, II. 404. tri folium, II. 34, 403. Watsoni, II. 34, 403. Purpura, II. 18, 81, 217. deltoidea, II. 217. floridana, II. 217. lia?mastoma, II. 217. patula, II. 217. trinidadensis, II. 217. undata, II. 217. Pvramidella, II. 28, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 339. alveata, II. 331. arenosa, II. 332. auricoma, II. 28, 332. Candida, II. 28, 332, 333, 334. conica, II. 331, 332, 333. crenulata, II. 28, 331, 332 * 333. dolabrata, II. 29, 334. Folinii, II. 29, 334- Gundlachi, II. 333. bastata, II. 331. mediterranea, II. 334. minuscula, II. 334. monilifera, II. 332. nitidula, II. 29,334. tessellata, II. 331. variegata, II. 332. Pyrene strix, II. 192. Pyrgiscus, II. 301. Pyrgulifera, II. 132. Radius, II. 234. Hana, II. 222. Ranella, II. 206, 209, 212, 223. affinis, II. 224. anceps, II. 206, 207, 224. caudata, II. 202. crassa, II. 224. crumena, II. 223. cubaniana, II. 224. gigantca, II. 224. granifera, II. 224. granulata, II. 224. Grayana, II. 224. bastula, II. 207, 211, 224. Iamellosa, II. 208, 209. lanceolata, II. 225. livida, II. 224. murk'iformis, II. 204. pondcrosa, II. 224. producta, II. 207. 484 BULLETIN OF THE Ranella pyramidalis, II. 207. rhodostoma, II. 224. siphonata, II. 223. spinosa, II. 222. thomse, II. 224. Ranularia, II. 19, 226. tuberosa, II. 19, 226. Retusa, II. 6, 49. caelata, II. 45. obesiuscula, II. 6, 49. omphalis, II. 45. ovata, 11. nifera, I. 286. granulata, I. 287, 292. japonica, I. 286. novemcostata, I. 286. orbiculata, I. 267. ornata, I. 195, 290. parisiensis, I. 286. perversa, I. 195, 286, 289 ; II. 440. Seguenzm, I. 195, 280, 290. tornata, I. 286 ; II. 446. trapezoidea, I. 287, 290, 291, 292. Woodii, I. 195, 286, 289. Vesicomija, I. 194, 272 ; II. 439. Vesicomya atlantica, I. 194, 274, 275. cytherioides, II. 439. pilula, I. 194. Smithii, II. 439. subquadrata, I. 194. venusta, I. 194; 11.439. Viriola, II. 250. Vitrinella, II. 33, 222, 359, 360, 361, 392, 394. gemma, II. 393. Holmesii, II. 33, 360, 392. multicarinata, II. 33, 273, 361, 392. valvatoides, II. 359. Vivipara, II. 304, 305, 378. Volusia, II. 331. Voluta, II. 13, 146, 453. angulata, II. 144. chlorosina, II. 147. costata, II. 145. demissa, II. 144. dubia, II. 151. floridana, II. 144. fulva, II. 147. Gouldiana, II. 154. hebraea, II. 146. jaspidea, II. 134. junonia, II. 144, 148, 150. Lamberti, II. 145. mississippiensis, II. 145. muricina, II. 150. musica, II. 13, 144, 145, 146, 149. mutabilis, II. 144, 150, 151. Neweombiana, II. 144. obtusa, II. 144. pallida, II. 142. polyzonalis, II. 147. pusio, II. 147. reticula, II. 129. solitaria, II. 144. Stearnsii, II. 155. Trenholmii, II. 144. vespertilio, II. 148. vexillum, II. 148, 155. virescens, II. 13, 146, 147. Volutella, II. 13, l'36, 142. agger, II. 143. amianta, II. 13, 143. hadria, II. 13, 142, 143. lacrimula, II. 13, 142. ovuliformis, II. 143. Volutidee, II. 144. Volutifusus, II. 150. dubius, II. 151. 492 BULLETIN OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPAKATIVE ZOOLOGY. Volutilithes, II. 144, 145. Volutolyria, II. 146. Volutopsis, II. 452. Volutomitra gronlandica, II. 145.* wandoensis, II. 160. Volvaria pallida, II. 142. Volvarina, II. 13, 136, 141. albolineata, II. 13, 141- avena, II. 13,141, 142. v. guttula, II. 13, 141. pallida, II. 13, 142. subtriplicata, II. 13, 142. varia, II. 141, 142. Volvula, II. 6, 50. acuminata, II. 50. acuta, II. 6, 50. aspinosa, II. 6, 51. Bushii, II. 6, 51. eburnea, II. 55. rninuta, II. 50. oxytata, II. 6, 50. persimilis, II. 50. recta, II. 50. Vulcanomya, I. 196, 299. Smithii, I. 196, 299. Waldheimia, I. 202. floridana, I. 202. Williamia Gussoni, II. 290. Krebsii, II. 290. Xenophora, II. 26, 290. caperata, II. 291. cariba>a, II. 26, 290, 291* conchyliophora, II. 26, 290. Xylophaga, I. 198, 317, 318. abyssorum, I. 198, 317. Yoldia, I. 191, 248, 253. liorkina, I. 191, 248. solenoides, I. 191, 248. Zierliana, II. 163. Zizyphinus, II. 363. euglyptus, II. 363. tiara, II. 365. Zoological Miscellany, II. 375. June 8, 1889. PLATE X. Fig. 1. Gymnvbela Blakeana Dall ; 8.25. Fage 126. 2. Gymnobela extensa Dall ; 12.25. Page 126. 3. Manrjilia bandella Dall ; 9.37. Page 116. 4. Mangil ia antonia Dall ; 5.75. Page 116. 5. Lcucosyrinx Verrillii Dall ; 36.0. Page 75. 6. Drillia pohjtorta Dall; 33.5. Page 85. 7. Drillia acestra Dall ; 19.0. Page 87. 8. Drillia albicoma Dall ; 25.7. Page 83. 9. Pleurotomella Emertonii Verrill & Smith ; 34.0. Page 122. 10. Daphnella reticulosa Dall ; 11.5. Page 103. 11. Daphnella softa Dall, outer lip imperfect ; 8.0. Page 107. 12. Mangilia? scipio Dall, outer lip imperfect ; 14.0. Page 117. Note. —The figures denote the actual length in millimeters of the longest diameter of the speci- mens as figured, whether that be the height or the breadth, except where otherwise stated. BLAKE MOLLUSCA. PLATE X. McConnell del Photo Lith by L.S.Punderson &. Son. NewWave". Conn. it ;. 1. 2. it 3. a 4. (t 5. tt 6. t i 7. i t 8. a 9. (c 10. a 11. a 12. 1 1 13. a 14. 1 1 15. i i 16. «< 17. 1 1 18. PLATE XI. Drillia nuchata Dall ; 13.5. Page 92. Drillia Verrillii Dall ; 5.5. Page 93. Drillia lissotropis Dall, young ; 4.5. Page 91. Drillia lissotropis Dall, adult ; 7.0. Page 91. Drillia havanensis Dall ; 9.0. Page 93. Drillia lithocolleta Watson, young ; 12.5. Page 95. Drillia smirna Dall ; 15.0. Page 94. Drillia oleacina Dall ; 10.0. Page 94. Mangilia pclagia Dall ; 10.75. Page 117. Leucosyrinx Sigsbcei Dall ; 25.5. Page 76. Mangilia antonia Dall, young ; 7.0. Page 116. Mangilia comalolropis Dall ; 6.0. Page 116. Pleurotomclla leucomata Dall ; 13.5. Page 120. Mangilia ipara Dall ; 8.5. Page 115. Mangilia quadrata var. monocingulata Dall ; 6.75. Page 114. Mangilia quadrata var. ; 7.0. Page 114. Mangilia peripla Dall ; 8.0. Page 115. Drillia premorra Dall ; 9.5. Page 93. BLAKE MOLLUSGA. PLATE XI McCbnnell del. Photo. Lith by L S. Puncerson &. Son. New Haven, Conn. PLATE XII. Fig. 1. Daphnella morra Dall ; 5.75. Page 105. " 2. Drillia pharcida Dall ; 9.5. Page 88. " 3. Mangilia? subsida Dall ; 13.0. Page 118. " 4. Cythara cymella Dall ; 13.0. Page 101. " 5. Genota mitrella Dall ; 12.5. Page 79. " 6. Cythara Bartlettii Dall, adult ; 8.0. Page 101. " 7. Mangilia elusiva Dall ; 9.25. Page 115. " 8. Mangilia toreumata Dall ; 10.5. Page 118. " 9. Plcurotoiwlla filifera Dall; 17.5. Page 123. " 10. Glyphostoma gratula Dall, young ; 17.5. Page 110. " 11. Drillia detecta Dall ; 11.75. Page 84. " 12. Ancistrosyrinx radiata Dall ; 13.0. Page 78. BLAKE MOLLUSCA. PLATE XI McConnell del. Photo. Lith by L. S. Punderson &. Son. New Haven. Conn. PLATE XIII. Fig. 1. Drillia eucosmia V&U ; 19.0. Page 86. 2. Gcnota (Dolichotoma) viabrunnca Dall ; 38.0. Page 80. 3. Drillia haliostrephis Dall ; 20.0. Page 86. 4. Glyphostoma Gabbii Dall, young ; 9.5. Page 108. 5. Glyphostoma Gabbii Dall, young ; 9.5. Page 108. 6. Drillia pagodula Dall ; 13.5. Page 90. 7. Glyphostoma Gabbii Dall, adult ; 19.0. Page 108. 8. Glyphostoma Gabbii Dall, young ; 16.0. Page 108. BLAKE MOLLUSCA. PLATE XIII. McConnell del. Photo. Lith by L. S. Punde'Son & Son. Now Haven. Conn. Fig. 1. n 1 a. << lb. << 2. << 3. (< 3 a. << 4. << 5. << 6. << 6 a. << 7. << 8. <« 9. < i 10. PLATE XIV. Amalthca benthophila Dall, on spine of Echinoderm, viewed from above 8.0. Page 289. Amalthea benthophila Dall, from the right ; 8.0. Page 289. Amalthea benthophila Dall, from below ; 8.0. Page 289. Loripes compressa Dall ; 11.0. Part I., page 266. Capulus (Hyalorisia) galea Dall, from below ; 18.5. Page 288. Capulus (Hyalorisia) galea Dall, profile ; 18.5. Page 288. Pleurotomella Packardii var. Benedicts V. & S. ; 11.0. Page 119. Cythara Bartlettii Dall, nearly adult ; 10.0. Page 101. Glyphis flicviana Dall, from below ; 10.6. Page 408. Glyphis fluviana Dall, profile ; 10.6. Page 408. Daphnella corbicula Dall ; 11.2. Page 103. Cythara Bartlettii Dall, young ; 10.0 ; Page 101. Umbraculum bermudense Morch ? young shell ; 10.0. Page 60. Umbraculum bermudense Mbrch ? profile ; 10.0. Page 60. BLAKE MOLLUSGA. PLATE XIV. Mc.Conoel! d?!. Fig t i . 1. 2. i t 3. < 3. (( 3 a. tl 4. II 4 a. II 5. K 5 a. il 6. II 6 a. tl 7. II 7 a. PLATE XXIV. Calliostoma (Dentistyla) sericifilum Dall ; 4.2. Page 373. Calliostoma (Dentistyla) sericifilum Dall ; base, 4.5. Page 373. Callogaza Watsoni Dall, base of young shell ; 6.0. Page 354. Callogaza Watsoni Dall ; 6.0. Page 354. Calliostoma apicinum Dall ; alt. 7.5. Page 366. Calliostoma apicinum Dall ; base, diam. 7-0. Page 366. Calliostoma yucatccanum Dall ; 7.0. Page 370. Calliostoma yucatecanum Dall; base, 7.0. Page 370. Liotia briareus Dall ; alt. 7.5. Page 388. Liotia briareus Dall ; base, 9.0. Page 388. Calliostoma roseolum Dall ; alt. 9.5. Page 366. Calliostoma roseolum Dall ; base, 7.0. Page 366. Leptothyra Philipiana Dall ; alt. 3.5. Page 353. Lejitothyra Philipiana Dall ; base, diam. 4.0. Page 353. This species is named in honor of Dr. Philip P. Carpenter, another species having received the name of Carpentcri since this paper went to press. BLAKE MOLLUSGA. PLATE XXIV. McCorvi> Photo lith- by L S. Punderson &. Son. New Haven, Conn. PLATE XXV. Fig. 1 Addisonia {lateralis var. ?) paradoxa Dall, from above ; 10.0. Page 344. " lb. Addisonia (lateralis var. ?) paradoxa Dall, profile ; alt. 4.0. Page 344. " 1 c. Addisonia (lateralis var.?) paradoxa Dall, from below, showing soft parts. Page 344. " Id. Addisonia (lateralis var.?) paradoxa Dall ; stowing animal crawling. Page 344. " \ e. A ddisonia (lateralis var. ?) paradoxa Dall ; dentition, complete series across the radula. Page 344. 18 2. Cocculina Beanii Dall ; dentition, transverse series and one detached unciuu3. Page 347. " 3. Pectinodonta arcuata Dall ; dentition, pair of laterals. Page 411. " 3 a. Pectinodonta arcuata Dall ; base of right lateral, with cusp broken off. Page 411. " 3 b. Pectinodonta arcuata Dall ; shell in profile, twice natural size. Page 411. Cocculina Beanii Dall, in profile ; 8.0. Page 347. Cocculina Rathbuni Dall ; dentition, transverse series and two de- tached uneini. Page 347. Lcpetdla tubicola Verrill ; dentition, transverse series. Page 413. Cocculina Rathbuni Dall, from above ; 10.0. Page 347. Cocculina Rathbuni Dall, in profile ; 10.0. Page 347. Cocculina Beanii Dall, from above ; 8.0. Page 347. 11 4. 11 5. »( 6. It 7. (1 7 a. 11 8. BLAKE MOLLUSCA. PLATE XXV. McCbnnell d«l. Photo Lith by L.S.Punderson &. Son. New Haven, Conn PLATE XXVI. Fig. 1. Dentalium sericatum Dall ; 13.0. Page 423. '* 2. Turbonilla interrupta Totten ; foot of animal from below, greatly- magnified. Page 337. 2 b. Turbonilla interrupta Totten ; animal from above. Page 337. 3. Turritella yucatecana Dall ; 16.5. Page 265. 4. Siliquaria modesta Dall ; 26.0. Page 260. 5. Dentalium ceratum Dall ; 30.0. Page 424. 6. Bivonia exserta Dall, young in first stage ; ]1.0. Page 264. 7. Puncturella circularis Dall ; from below ; 5.75. Page 403. 7 b. Puncturella circularis Dall, profile; 5.75. Page 403. 7 c. Turbonilla curta Dall ; the aperture is imperfect ; 8.3. Page 337. 7 d. Turbonilla belotheca Dall ; 14.0. Page 335. 8. Puncturella trifolium Dall, from below ; 14.0. Page 403. 8 b. Puncturella trifolium Dall, profile ; 14.0. Page 403. 8 c. Hanleyia tropicalis Dall ; medial valve ; 4.0. Page 415. 8 d. Hanleyia tropicalis Dall ; posterior valve ; 3.0. Page 415. 9. Dentalium ophiodon Dall ; 12.5. Page 427. 10. Mathilda barbadense Dall ; 6.2. Page 266. BLAKE MOLLUSCA. PLATE XXVI McConnel! del. Photo. Lith by LS.Punderson &. Son, New Haven Conn. PLATE XXVII. Fig. 1. Dentalium laquentum Verrill ; 29.0. Page 426. " 2. Dentalium ceratum Dall, very young ; 7.0. Page 424. " 3. Dentalium carduus Dall ; 16.0. Page 423. " 4. Dentalium Gouldii Dall, var. obscurum ; 28.0. Page 424. " 5. Cadulus quadridentatus Dall, and outline of aperture, of which the antero-posterior line is across the plate ; 10.0. Page 428. " 6. Dentalium perlongum Dall, and outline of aperture, of which the antero-posterior line is across the plate ; 80.0. Page 419. " 7. Cadulus amiantus Dall; 5.75. Page 431. " 8. Cadulus lunula Dall, and outline of aperture, of which the antero- posterior line is across the plate ; 6.0. Page 431. " 9. Caduhcs orqualis Dall, and outline of aperture, of which the antero- posterior line is across the plate ; 15.0. Page 429. " 10. Dentalium callithrix Dall ; 25.0. Page 427. "11. Cadulus acus Dall ; 8. 0. Page 432. " 12. Dentalium ensiculus Jeffreys, and outline of aperture, of which the antero-posterior line is across the plate ; 20.0. Page 428. " 12 a. Cadulus Watsoni Dall, and outline of aperture, of which the antero- posterior line is across the plate ; 13.0. Page 429. " 12 b. Dentalium callipeplum Dall ; 36.0. Page 419. " 12 c. Cadulus Agassizii Dall, and outline of aperture, of which the antero- posterior line is across the plate ; 9.0. Page 430. " 12 d. Cadulus cucurbita Dall, and outline of aperture, of which the antero- posterior line is across the plate; 4.0. Page 431. BLAKE MOLLUSGA. PLATE XXVII. o o 12a 12b 12c O O MnConnell del. Photo. Lith. by L.S.Punderson 4 Son. New Haven, Conn. PLATE XXVIII. Fig. 1. Margarita erythrocoma Dall ; alt. 5.0. Page 375. 2. Calliostoma orion Dall ; alt. 4.5. Page 367. 3. Ethalia solida Dall, base ; 2.75. Page 362. 4. Rimula frenulata Dall, from above ; 6.25. Page 406. 5. Ethalia solida Dall, profile ; 2.0. Page 362. 6. Fossarus {Gottoina) comjiactus Dall, profile; 2.3. Page 273. 7. Ethalia reclusa Dall, profile ; alt. 1.0. Page 361. 8. Ethalia reclusa Dall, base ; 2.1. Page 361. 9. Cyclostrcma pompholyz Dall ; 4.2. Page 394. 10. Fossarus {Gottoina) bellus Dall ; 3.5. Page 272. 11. Liotia miniata Dall ; 2.5. Page 390. BLAKE MOLLUSCA. PLATE XXVI fi:0:r^y;%x^ McConnell del. Photc. Uith by L. S. P underson &. Son, New Haven, Conn. PLATE XXIX. Fig. 1. Pleurotomaria Quoyana F. & B. The animal sketched from life by J. H. Blake, redrawn by McConnell ; 50.0. Page 397. " 2. Lampusia gracile Fieeve ; 25.5. Page 227. " 3. Aurinia Gouldiana Dall ; 69.0. Page 154. " 4. Fusus Caloosaensis Heilprin ; 60.0. Page 167. In arranging the fig- ures for the plates, by an error this figure was substituted for that of F. timessus, Dall. The figure of F. timcssus will therefore appear in my Report on the Fossils of the Florida Pliocene. " 5. jEsopus Stcarnsii Tryon ; 4.0. Page 194. " 6. Tcrcbra (Acus) benthalis Dall ; 21.0. Page 65. " 7. Dolo2)hancs Gabbii Dall ; 9.00. Page 270. " 8. Mesosioma migrans Dall ; 9.25. Page 270. Figures 3 and 5 were drawn by Sherman F. Denton ; Figure 4, by John L. Eidgway ; the others, by Dr. J. C. McConnell. BLAKE MOLLUSCA PLATE XXIX. McCbnnell del Photo, Ltth by L. S. Punderson &. Son, New Haven, Conn. PLATE XXX. Fig. 1. Pleurotomaria Adansoniana C. & F. Redrawn by McConnell from water-color sketch from life by J. H. Blake. The shell is merely indicated. Page 400. " 2. Anterior termination of gill in P. Adansoniana. a, osphradium ; b, blood sinus (?). Only the inner series of gill lamellae is here indi- cated. At this part of the gill they are narrow and pointed ; farther back, they become broader and more rounded at the distal end. " 3. Posterior free termination of intestine (c) lying on the glandular (renal ?) organ, behind which in the commissure are two orifices on each side (a), with a short bunch of papilla? behind them and the flaps of the mantle with their papillose edges (b) corresponding to the edges of the sinus on each side. Page 400. " 4. Another specimen. Page 400. " 5. The first specimen crawling. Page 400. " 6. The head, viewed from above. Page 400. BLAKE MOLLUSCA. PLATE XXX. McConnell del. Photo. Lith. by L.3. Punderson &Son, New Haven, Conn. PLATE XXXI. Fig. 1. Pleurotomaria Quoyana F. & B. Ehachidian and lateral teeth much magnified. 1 b, one of the outermost uncini ; 1 e, one of the inner tricuspid uncini greatly magnified. Page 397. 2. Propilidium ancyloidc Forbes. Transverse row of teeth from above. 2 b, rhachidian and lateral teeth in profile ; 2 c, jaw. All much magnified. Page 412. 3. Pleurotomaria, Adansoniana C. & F. Separated teeth numbered in their order from the rhachis ; o, rhachidian tooth. Page 400. " 4. General view of a single transverse row of teeth. Page 400. " 5. Same, a single tufted uncinus ; ^. Page 400. " 6. Same, end of tufted uncinus ; ^p. Page 400. i( 7. Cocculina spinigera Jeffreys. Penis from above magnified. Pages 346, 348. " 8. Cocculina sjrinigcra Jeffreys. Head from above, showing tentacles and position of penis at the side of the right tentacle, magnified. Page 346. " 9. Rhachidian tooth of C. spinigera. Page 346. " 10. Scutellina antillarum (Shuttleworth) Auct. Showing rhachidian tooth, laterals and consolidated uncini of one side of a single transverse row of the radula ; 1^. Page 342. " 11. The same, a single separated uncinus. Page 342. BLAKE MOLLUSGA. PLATE XXXI McConnell del. Photo. Lith by L. S. Punderson &.Son. New Haven. Conn. PLATE XXXII. Fig. 1. Calliostoma (Eutrochus) cinctcllum Dall ; 8.0. Fage 372. 2. Pleurotoma periscelida Dall ; 40.5. Page 74. 3. Calliostoma (Eucasta) indiana Dall ; 7.6. Page 368. 4. Calliostoma (Eutrochus) cinctcllum Dall ; 9.5. Page 372. 5. Calliostoma (Eucasta) vidiana Dall ; 8.5. Page 368. 6. Liotia {Lippistcs) acrilla Dall ; 4.3. Page 391. 7. Calliostoma (Eutrochus) Benedicti Dall ; 18.0. Page 371. 8. Margarita (Bathymophila) euspira Dall; alt. 5.75 ; max. diam. 7.0. Fage 378. 9. Liotia (Lippistcs) amabilis Dall ; 5.0. Page 392. 10. Pleurotomaria Adansoniana C. & F. ; 35.0. Page 400. 11. Liotia (Lippistcs) acrilla Dall ; 4.3. Page 391. 12. Liotia (Lijrpistes) amabilis Dall ; 5.0. Page 392. 12 a. Nassarina Grayi Dall ; 12.0. Page 183. BLAKE MOLLUSGA. PLATE XXXI Mcfonnell del. Photo, lith by L.S Punderson & Sun. New Haven Conn. PLATE XXXIII. Fig. 1. Calliostoma corbis Dall ; 5.0. Page 3^5. 2. Solarium per acutum Dall ; ]7.5. Page 275. 3. Ovulactccon Mcekii Dall ; apex, 3.0. Page 43. 4. Ovulactccon Mcekii Dall ; 5.5. Page 43. 5. Solarium pcracutum Dall ; 17.5. Page 275. 6. Cyclostrema turbinum Dall; 3.25. Page 393. 7. Euchclus guttarosaz Dall ; 5.00. Page 382. 8. Liotia Bairdii Dall ; 6.0. Page 389. 9. Leptothyra Linnci Dall : 5.5. Page 353. 10. Calliostoma (Eidrochus) Sayanum Dall ; 40.0. Page 370. 11. Calliostoma {Eidrochus) Sayanwn ~Dal\ ; 37.0. Page .370. BLAKE MOLLUSCA. PLATE XXXIII McCbnnel! del Photo. Lith. by L. S. Punderson & Son New Haven Com PLATE XXXIV. These figures are from unpublished drawings by the late Dr. "William Stimpson. Fig. 1. Olivella mutica Say ; a-g, varieties of form and color, natural size ; h, operculum, natural size ; i, I, operculum outside and inside, mag- nified ; m, animal crawling ; n, head, showing absence of eyes and tentacles ; o, section of oral aperture, magnified ; p, penis ; r, sec- tion of shell showing absorption of internal walls. Page 133. " 2. Olivella mutica Say ; dentition. Page 133. 3. Purpura floridana Conrad. c, animal from below, natural size ; d, head and verge from above. Page 217. " 4. Purpura floridana Conrad ; dentition. Page 217. " 5. Scaphclla junonia Hvass. b, shell one half natural size ; c, sculpture of early whorls ; d, nucleus ; e, section of shell. Page 148. " 6. Volutomitra gronlandica Beck. Young shell and magnified nucleus. Page 145. " 7. Volutomitra gronlandica Beck. Rhachidian tooth; a, from above; b, in profile. Page 145. " 8. Oliva litcrata Lamarck, a, animal crawling, f ; b, tentaculaand eyes ; c, soft parts removed from the shell, showing (/) foot, (7) propo- dium, (h) respiratory siphon, (?) vent, (I) posterior filament of mantle, (m) mantle raised up, (ji) verge, (0) gill ; d, section of muz- zle showing proboscis extruded ; e, gill and sensory organ (osphra- dium). Page 133. " 8. Oliva litcrata Lamarck. Dentition taken from a female specimen. Page 133. BLAKE MOLLUSGA. PLATE XXXIV. f%S u McConnell del. Photo. Lrth by L. S Punderson & Son. New Haven, Conn PLATE XXXV. Fig. 1. Mitromorpha biplicata Dall ; 7.0. Page 165. " 2. Aurinia robusta Dall ; 119.0. Page 153. " 3. Columbclla (Aslyris) proj undi Dall ; 8.0. Page 192. " 4. Canceliaria (Trigonosloma) Agassizi Dall ; 13.5. Page 130. " 5. Fusus eucosmius Dall ; 85.0. Page 167. " 6. Benthobia Tryoni Dall ; 13.0. Page 132. " 7. Fusus halistrcptus Dall ; 80. 0. Page 168. " 8. Marginella cassis Dall ; 15.0. Page 137. " 9. Columbclla (Astyris) diaphana Verrill ; 9.0. Page 191. " 10. Conomitra Blakcana var. Imvior Dall ; 9.75. Page 164. "11. Liomesus 1 Stimpsoni Dall ; 32.5. Page 176. " 12. Eudolium Vcrrillii Dall ; 32.0. Page 233. " 12 a. Sipho (Ptychosalpinx ?) globulus Dall ; 31.0. Page 175. BLAKE MOLLUSGA. PLATE XXXV. McConnell del. Photo. Lith by I.. S.Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn '£>• PLATE XXXVI. Fig. 1. Drillia alcsidota var. macilcnta Dall ; 36.5. Page 85. 2. Lampusia pharcida Dall ; 23.6. Page 227. 3. Drillia (Cymatosyrinx) Moseri Dall ; 30.0. Page 97. 4. Daphnella pompholyx Dall; 12.5. Page 104. 5. Leucosyrinx tenoccras Dall ; 60.0. Page 76. 6. Pleurotomella Edgariana Da\\ ; 58.0. Page 121. 7. Mesorhytis Meekiana Dall ; 15.5. Page 172. 8. Terebra nassula Dall ; 55.0. Page 66. 9. Drillia (Cymatosyrinx) centimata Dall ; 22.5. Page 95. 10. Drillia (Cymatosyrinx) ccpynota Dall ; 15.0. Page 96. 11. Cordicria Rouaultii Dall ; 13.6. Page 98. BLAKE MOLLUSCA. PLATE XXXVI MaConnell del Photo. Lith by L. S. Punderson & Son New Haven, Conn PLATE XXXVII. Fig. 1. Cancellaria (Trigonostoma) Smithii DM ; 10.5. Page 129. " 2. Calliostoma aurora Dall ; lat. 26.5. Page 366. " 3. Ringicula nitida Verrill ; 7.5. Page 43. " 4. Pleurotomaria (Entcmnotrochus) Adansoniana Crosse and Fischer ; major diam. 88.0. Page 400. " 6. Pleurotomaria (Pcrotrochus) Quoyana Fischer and Bernardi ; major diam. 48.0. Page 397. " 6. Gaza Fischeri Dall, enlarged three fifths; diameter of specimen, 25.1- Page 354. BLAKE MOLLUSCA. PLATE XXXVU. McConnell del. In relief by Photo Engr. Co. PLATE XXXVIII. Fig. 1. Pleurotoma {Leucosyrinx) subgrundifera Dall ; 30.0. Page 77. •' 2. Marginella Watsoni Dall ; 9.5. Page 137. 3. Pleurotoma (Ancislrosyrinx) elegans Dall ; 27.0. Page 78. 4. Vermetus (Petaloconchus) erectus Dall ; 25.0. Page 262. 5. Typhis { Trubatsa) longicornis Dall, adult ; 23.0. Page 216. 6. Leptolhyra indiUa Watson var. albida Dall ; 7.0. Page 352. 7. ifitra Swainsoni Broderip var. antillensis Dall ; 80.0. Page 158. BLAKE MOLLUSCA PLATE XXXVIII McConnell del. In relief by Pho*n Engr. Co Fig. << 1. 2. (i 3. <( 4. ii 5. i« 6. PLATE XXXIX. Bushia clcgans Dall ; 12.5. Part I., page 309. Part II., page 440. Cetoconcha bulla Dall ; interior of left valve ; 13.0. Part I., pages 281, 2S3. Part II., page 440. Cetomya elongata Dall ; left valve ; 22.5. Part I., page 283. Verticordia perversa Dall ; 5.0. Part I., page 289. Cetoconcha bulla Dall ; left valve ; 13.0. Part I., pages 281, 283. Terebratula cubensis Pourtales, side view of shell adhering to a bit of coral, natural size. Part I., page 199. 7. Verticordia (Euciroa) clcgantissima Dall ; left valve of old individual, natural size. Part I., page 291. 8. Terebratulina Cailleti Crosse, young specimen considerably magnified ; Part I., page 202. 9. Eudesia Jloridana Pourtales, natural size. Part I., page 202. 10. Terebratula cubensis Pourtales ; interior of haemal valve enlarged about one fourth, from an original drawing by \V. H. Dall. Part I., page 199. 11. Eudesia Jloridana Pourtales ; interior of hremal valve, natural size, from an original drawing by W. II. Dall. Part I., page 202. BLAKE MOLLUSCA. PLATE XXXIX. 8 II McConnell del. In relief by Photo Engr. Co. Fig. l. a 2. << 3. it 4. <« 5. PLATE XL. Pecten phrygium Dall ; 36.5. Part I., page 217. Cuspidaria microrhina Dall, dorsal view of right valve, natural size ; Part I., page 295. Part II., page 440. The same, side view. Curdium (Fulvia ?) peramabilis Dall ; f. Part I., page 269. Callocardia ( Vesicomya) venusta Dall ; 19.0. Part I., page 274. Part II., page 439. 6. Amusium Dalli E. A. Smith, natural size. Part I., page 209. Part II., page 434. 7. Meiocardia Agassizii Dall ; 22.0. Part I., page 271. 8. Tindaria amdbilisDaW ; 15.0. Part I., page 255. Part II., page 438. BLAKE MOLLUSCA. PLATE XL. 6 8 McConnell del. In relief by Photo Engr. Co.