HARVARD UNIVERSITY Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at harvard college. Vol. XLVI. No. 1. DESCRIPTIOXS OF BOLCA FISHES. Bt C. R. Eastman. With Two Plates. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U.S.A.: PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. June 1904. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology AT HARVARD COLLEGE. Vol. XLVI. No. 1. DESCRIPTIONS OF BOLCA FISHES. Bt C. R. Eastman. With Two Plate3. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U.S.A.: PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. June, 1904. No. 1, Descriptions of Bolca Fishes. By C. R. Eastman. There are two principal sources of information in regard to the marine fish fauna of tlie Eocene period, leaving out of account the minor evidence that is jjresented by detached hard parts, such as teeth and other fragmentary remains. The first of these, which is at the same time tlie most important and liistorically the most interesting, is that furnished by the tolerably abundant skeletons occurring in tlie fissile limestone of Monte Bolca and Monte Postale in northern Italy. The other is that association of ichthyic remains which is known from, the nearly equivalent horizon of the Loudon Clay. These two faunas fortunately supplement each other to a consider- able extent, one of them making us acquainted with the large variety of forms which flourished during the later Eocene, and the other sup- plying us witli important anatomical details. For the conditions of preservation in clay beds are obviously very different from those which are peculiar to limestone. Calcareous sediments are more compact; and where pressure and subsequent hardening occur, bodies which are not absolutely rigid, like the skeletons of vertebrates, or even the outer covering of chelonians and crocodilians, are liable to become compressed and flattened out. Hence, as a general rule, the parts belonging to eitlier side of the body in fishes become squeezed together and con- fused when preserved in limestone, and the pliant head-bones become more or less distorted and displaced. This is almost invariably the case with the fishes from Monte Bolca, and for a correct understanding of the cranial osteology we must turn to the uncrushed skulls from Sheppey and elsewhere. The London Clay fauna,^ however, is not nearly so rich as the Italian, either in point of numbers or variety ; and it is accordingly the latter which provides us with the principal data for comparing the ichthyic representation of Eocene and modern times. Comparisons of this nature and of detailed structural modifications are of the very greatest importance, since by their means we ai'e able to trace the direction and 1 Agassiz, L., Report on the Fossil Fishes of the London Clay (Kept. Brit. Assoc. Adr. Sci. pp. 279-310, 1815). VOL. XLVI. — NO. 1 1 2 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPAKATIVE ZOOLOGY. extent of variation and specialization that has been going on in certain groups during this interval. But the most striking fact which ari-ests our attention is not that variation should have advanced at such a slow rate since Eocene times as it apparently did, but that this process should have been quickened by such a sudden and enormous accelera- tion as took place at the dawn of the Tertiary system. Cretaceous forms pass away, leaving only here and there a few moribund survivors (e. g. PycnodiLs, PalaeohaUstum, etc.) in the Eocene, their place being taken by a host of modern types which appear for the most part ab- solutely unheralded. Not only does the Eocene fish fauna bear an overwhelmingly modern aspect, but many of its types are as highly specialized as they are to-day ; and forms which at the present day are widely aberrant have representatives at least as far back as the Middle Eocene. It is evi^dent that an " expression point " (to us Cope's apt term) was reached in the evolution of ichthyic life exactly correspond- ing to, and contemporaneous with that which is so well recognized in mammalian life, although the cause of the phenomena is in each case unknown. The literature of Bolca fishes is extensive, and material from the typical locality has become distributed throughout the principal museums of the world. Nevertheless, the autlientic specimens which have served either for the establishment of species, or for extending our knowledge in regard to them, are preserved in comparatively few in- stitutions. These are the only reliable standards we have to refer to in cases where the synonymy is confused ; and as such cases are numerous, it is of importance to systematists to know where these standards are preserved and may be consulted for study. In the sequel, therefore, a list is given of all the type and figured specimens belonging to the largest single collection of Bolca fishes which at present exists. In the following brief historical summary it is hoped that some facts have been brought together relating to the study of this fauna which shall be of service to investigators. 1. Old Collections, and Early Studies of Bolca Fishes. Although the priority of the Italian school of geology and palaeon- tology amongst those of other nations is clearly established, the share contributed by fossil vertebrates towards stimulating inquiry has been less generally appreciated. For this reason it may be profitable to cast a retrospective glance over the formative period of these branches of EASTMAN: DESCRIPTIONS OF BOLCA FISHES. 3 natural science, a period coeval with the literary reawakening in Italy. We need not, however, extend our survey so far back as to include the detached statements or speculations of classic authors, or even post- Augustan writers, such as Tertullian and Poniponius Mela, for, familiar as the ancients undoubtedly were with the occurrence of fossils, they do not appear to have been seriously concerned in attempts to account for their origin, nor did their views serve to enlighten subsequent progress. Per contra, the doctrines of Aristotle, followed blindly or enlarged upon by scholastic ^vriters during the middle ages, acted as a positive hindrance. Minds which could accept without difficulty Aris- totle's ideas of spontaneous generation were free to admit that mineral matter could take on of itself any conceivable shape, even mimicking animate forms. If living plants and animals could produce themselves, •why not fossils, as readily 1 Avicenna,^ for instance, most brilliant luminary of the Arabian circle of sciences in the tenth century, and whose Canon Medicinae remained the principal medical authority throughout the middle ages, proposed a vis hqnjidica, and following him in the thirteenth century Albertus Magnus ^ affirmed his viHus forma- tica. At a still later period a "World-Spirit," or Archaeus, was pre- dicated by Bauhiu, and Libavius held that fossils sprang from germs or seeds, like living beings. Glimmerings of a spirit of experiment and observation are rarely in evidence before the fourteenth century. Until about this period nature-study in Europe continued at an extremely low ebb, Greek and Latin scientific works were unread in the original, and untranslated into the vulgar tongue, and popular concepts of natural history were perverted by the bestiaries. Fourteenth Century. In Cecco d'Ascoli (1257-1327),^ the ill- fated author of VAcerba, and sometime professor of philosophy in the University of Bologna, we discover a man of remarkable erudition and 1 Cf. Wiistenfeld, F., Gescliiclite der arabischen Aerzte und Naturforscher, nach den Quellen bearbeitet. Giittingen, 1840. ^ Sighart, J., Albertus Magnus, sein Leben und seine Wissensehaft, nacli den Quellen dargestellt. Regensburg, 1857. 3 Popular name for Francesco Stabili of Ascoli, whom Petrarch honored with a sonnet beginning, — " Tu se 'I grande Ascolan che il monde allumi." He has been made the subject within recent years of a thoughtful essay by Wel- bore St. C. Baddeley, and of a historical romance by Pietro Fanfani {Cecco d'Ascoli, Racconto storico del secolo XIV. Leipzic, 1871). VAcerba, which was the immedi- ate cause of the author's death, passed througli a score of editions between 1473, the date of the earliest, and 1546. The latest bears date of 1820, at Venice. 4 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPAKATIVE ZOOLOGY. varied abilities, in many respects far ahead of his age. The work by which lie is best known, an encyclopaedic poem of moderate literary merit, contains a vast number of observations on all manner of things natural and supernatural, in which tlie veritable and mythical are curiously blended. In Book I., Chapter viii. of I'Acerha, which is de- voted to thunder, lightning, meteorites, earthquakes, and other physical phenomena, mention is made of the occurrence of fossils, although no definite explanation of their origin is undertaken, as has been claimed by Libri and others. Considering the period in which he wrote, we must admit Cecco to have been a first-rate observer, a good reasoner, and less credulous in his judgments than many of his predecessors and contemporaries. Caustic envy of Dante is conspicuous in various parts of his poem, especially in the concluding passage of Book IV., from which the following lines are taken : — " Qui non se canta al modo dele rane, Qm non se canta al modo del poeta Che finge imaginando cosse vane ; Ma qui resplende e luce onne natura, Che a chi intende fa la niente lieta ; Qui non se regna per la selva oscura." Less a stranger to fame than Cecco is Giovanni Boccaccio, " prince of story-tellers "(1313— 1375), one of whose early amusements consisted in gathering fossil shells near his home in the Valdelsa, hard by Florence. Unusually intelligent and well educated himself, he deplored the pre- vailing ignorance of his age, and aided largely in reviving the study of classic literature in Italy. Amongst his more serious Latin works is a Geographical Dictionary,^ a laborious but indiscriminating compilation, 1 De Montibus, Silvis, Fontibus, etc., supposed to have been written about 1373. The passage on Elsa fluvius (q. v.) occurs on p. 456 of the Basle edition, 1589. Cf. also, by the same author, Commenlo a Dante, Lezione LII, in Vol. II., pp. 367-369, of the Milan edition, 186.3. On Boccaccio and the extent of his information, the following may be consulted : Ilortis, A., Studj sulle opere latine del Boccaccio. Triest, 1879. — Koerting, G., Per Umfang des Wissens Boccaccios, in his Geschichte der Litteratur Italicns, Vol. II. Leipzic, 1880. — Landau, M., Giovanni Boccaccio, sein Leben und seine Werke. Stuttgart, 1877. — Libri, G., Histoire des sciences mathematiques en Italic, Vol. III. Paris, 1840. — A list of the older writers consulted by Boccaccio in the compilation of his De Montibus, etc., is published in Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sci. Nat, Ann. IIL pp. 62-114. On Dante as a naturalist, see Ilolbrook, R. T., Dante and the Animal Kingdom, New York. 1902. EASTMAN: DESCRIPTIONS OF BOLCA FISHES. 5 iu whicli he refers to the occurrence of fossils, and agrees with Pom- ponius Mela (whose Cosmoetrae* published in 1668. Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. The important contri- butions to palaeontology made by Fabius Colonna, Nicolas Steno, and Augustin Scilla during the seventeenth century are well known, hence we 1 Anibrosini, Musaeum nietallicum. 1648. 2 Mercato, M., Metallotheca [Vaticana], opus posthumum. Rome, 1717. ^ Olivi, G. B., De recondites et praecipius collectaneis a Francesco Calceolario Veronensis, in Museo adservatis. Verona, 1584; and A^enice, 1593. ■* Biionamici, F., Siille p^lossopetre, gli ocelli di serpe ed altre pietre, etc. (Opusc. Sicil. Vol. XIL), 1668. References to otiier essays of tins period on the same sub- ject will be found in Palaeontographica, XLI. pp. 149-153, 1895. EASTMAN: DESCRIPTIONS OF BOLCA FISHES. 11 may pass over these authors with the bare mention of their naiiies.^ Throughout tliis period the growth of museums continued apace, and attempts to describe their fossil contents succeeded better as Fracastoro's ideas were revived and gradually gained acceptance. Descriptions ap- peared of the x\.lilrovandi collection in 1648, as has been stated, and in 1656 of Count Moscardo's^ museum in Verona, both of which contained interesting fish remains. Another museum famous for its fossils was that of Zannichelli * of Venice, who prepared an elaborate catalogue of its contents, publislied first in 1720, with additions in 1736. Attention should also be called to the important essay by Vallisneri * " On Marine Bodies found in the Mountains," published in 1721, in which reference is made to the fishes and crustaceans occurring at Monte Bolca. Ap- pended to the complete works of this author is a letter on Bolca fishes, with a map of the locality, by Ferdinand Marsili.^ As remarked by Lyell, the writings of Vallisneri are rich in geological observations. He attempted the first general sketch of the marine deposits of Italy, their geographical extent and most characteristic organic remains, and was the principal opponent amongst his country- men of Woodward's diluvian hypothesis. In 1702 the fossil fishes of Monte Bolca were made the subject of a communication before the French Academy by Maraldi,^ an Italian astronomer, aiid the same body was similarly addressed by J. J. Scheuchzer, whose '^ Pisciuni querelae et vindiciae " and other writings provoked wide-spread discussion. No- tices of vertebrate remains appear also in the dissertations of Spada,^ 1 On tliese writers one may consult the following : Seguenza, G., Agostino Scilla. Messina, 18G8. — Marsh, O. C, History and Metliods of Palaeontological Discovery (Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1879), 1880. — Ward, L. F., Sketeli of Palaeobotany, Fifth Ann. Kept. U. S. Geol. Surv. (1883-1884), 1885. — Zittel, /K. A., Geschichte der Geologie und Palaontologie. Munich, 1899. 2 Note overo niemorie del INIuseo di Lodovico Moscardo, dal medesimo de- scritte. Padua, 1656. Some poor figures of Bolca fishes are given on p. 182. 3 Zannichelli, Apparatus rariorum Musaei Zannicchelli. Venice, 1720. Idem, Enumeratio rerum naturalium Musaei Zannichelli. Venice, 1736. This catalogue contains the earliest mention of fossil hippopotami in Ital}'. * Vallisneri, A., De' corpi marini che su' monti si trovano. Venice, 1721. 5 Vallisneri, A., Opere, II. p. 359. * Maraldi, J. P., Di verses observations de physique generale, § xi. (Hist. Acad. Roy. Sci., annee 1703). Paris, 1720. This is the earliest communication on Bolca fishes published by any learned society. The earliest in Englisli is a paper by G. Graydon, entitled "On the fish enclosed in stone of Monte Bolca," which appears in the transactions of the Royal Irish Academy for 1794 (Vol. V., p. 281). ^ Spada, J. J., Dissertazione ove si prova che i corpi marini petrificati non sono 12 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPAEATIVE ZOOLOGY. a learned priest of Grezzana, who wrote in 1737, and again in 1744, to prove that the fossils fonnd near Verona were not of diluvian origin Scipio MafFei ^ was another active collector and writer on Bolca tishes during the middle of the eighteenth century. But we cannot dwell upon any of the numerous minor publications of this time, nor even upon the more important contributions of Moro,^ Generelli,^ and others. With this brief sketch we must conclude our survey of pre-Linnaean literature, and pass on to the modern era ; for from the time of the two great Swedish naturalists onward, Linne and Artedi, the latter of whom is justly styled the "father of ichthyology," a new order of things existed. One of the earliest writers of the new era in natural science, and in- deed the first who attempted a specific determination of the Bolca fishes, was Cammillo Zampieri d'Imola,* whose Catalogue of the Ginauni Museum, published in 17G2, is decidedly me)-itorious. His identifica- tion of species, however, based as it was upon the treatises of Willoughby and Ray, was altogether f^xulty. The celebrated Fortis also made un- successful endeavors to identify Bolca fishes with the species described by Bloch and Broussonet. Fortis had already noted the occurrence of fossil fishes Mn other parts of the Alpine strata, but on turning his attention to the Bolca forms, he encountered difficulties.^ He was mis- diluviani. Verona, 1737. — Wew, Corporum lapidefactorum agri veronensis cata- logus. Verona, 1744. In Plate ii. of this work is given a tolerable figure of Semiophorus. See also Cobres's estimate of Spada, in Buchersammlung der Natur- geseliichte, I. p. 20. 1 Maffei, F. S., Del Monte Bolca, della sua Pesciaia, e degli annessi Monti Caion- nari, etc., in his Compendio della Verona Illustrata, Vol. I., pp. 217-230, pi. i.-viil. Verona, 1795. 2 Moro, L., Sui crostaeei ed altri corpi marini che si trovano sui monti. 1740. The same work was also published in German under the title of " Neue Unter- suchungen iiber die Abiinderungen der Erde." Leipzic, 1751. Moro's ideas were appropriated without acknowledgment by Edward King in a paper read before the Royal Society entitled " An attempt to account for the Universal Deluge" (Phil. Trans., LVII. pp. 44-57), 1767. For a biographical sketch of Lazzaro Moro see Giornale di Storia naturale del Griselini, I. p. 79. 3 Generelli, C, Dei crostaeei e di altre produzione del mare. 1749. « Zampieri, C, Produzione naturali che si ritrovano nel Museo Ginanni in Ravenna. Lucca, 1702. * Fortis, A., Viaggi in Dalmazia, IL p. 239. 1774. 6 Fortis, A., Extrait d'une lettre, etc. Journ. de Phys., XXVIIL 1786. In a later communication to the same journal, Fortis vigorously disclaims authorshii) of the catalogue of Bolca fishes which is appended to his first article. In this anony- mous postscript an extravagant valuation (28,000 liv.) is placed upon the Bozza Collection, which then consisted of about six hundred specimens. EASTMAN : DESCRIPTIONS OF BOLCA FISHES. 13 led into supposing certain species to be identical with modern troi)ic;d forms, and his somewhat fanciful theories to explain their occurrence in northern Italy plunged him into a spirited controversy with another prominent naturalist, Domenica Testa. Their letters, written in a style that is both elegant and incisive, show wide erudition and good argu- mentative ability on both sides. The correspondence was finally col- lected and published in book form, with comments of his own, by Count Giambattista Gazola ^ of Verona, in 1793 and 1794. By this time a very lively interest had arisen in regard to the fishes of Monte Bolca, and the Veronese collections became greatly aug- mented as the result of excavations that had been undertaken on pur- pose to secure them. The culmination of this activity was marked by the appearance in 1796 of an elaborate work by G. Serafino Volta, entitled Ittiolitologia Veronese. In the compilation of this famous monograph, which was illustrated by nearly fourscore excellent plates, Volta was aided by several collaborators, chief amongst whom was Count Gazola himself. Volta had already published in 1789 a list of tlie fossil fislies occurring at Monte Bolca,^ in Avhich about one hundred species were enumerated, and of these twenty-five were erroneously identified with recent forms. The determinations in his final memoir were scarcely more fortunate, Agassiz having afterwards declared that there was only one ^ adequately established species in the whole work, that one being Blochms lomjirodris. The practical value of Volta's work, ho\vever, was immeasurably increased by the redetermination of his originals, an authentic list of the figured specimens being published by Agassiz * in 1833. In tliis list Volta's originals are regarded as belonging to 90 species and 69 genera, all of the species being marine, and none of them represented in the existing fauna. 1 Gazola, G., Lettere recentemente pubblicate sui pesci fossili veronesi, con annotazioiii inediti agli estratti delle inedesime. Milan, 1793, and Verona, 1794. 2 Volta, G. S., Degl' impietrimenti del Territorio Veronese, etc. Lettera al Sig. Vincenzo Bozza, 1789. Idem, Prospetto del Museo Bellisomi. 1787. 3 This is not strictly true. The names of over a dozen species described by Volta as new are rejected by Agassiz, and otiiers substituted, for the reason that the forms were regarded in the first instance as belonging to existing genera. A list of the species which should properly be credited to Volta is as follows : Blochius longirostris, Eocnttus vcronensis, Ephippus asper, Ductnr i-cstvnae, Mene rhoinbeus, Monoptvrus (jifjas, Platax p/ipilio, Pyqaens liolcanus, Pycnodns apodus, Rham- pliosiis rastrum, Rhinellus lesiniformis, Semiophorus velifer, Vomeropsis triiirns, Xiphtip- terus fidcntus. * Ag.nssiz, L., Revue critique des Poissons Fossiles figures dans I'lttiolitologia Veronese. Neuchatel, IBS.?! Also in German in the Neues Jahrbucli for 1835. l5~ 14 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Volta narrates in considerable detail the history of the principal col- lections which furnished liim with material. Of these there were ten belonging to Veronese gentlemen, the most notable one being the prop- erty of Count Gazola, with which the Bozza and Dionisi collections became shortly afterwards united. The circumstances which deprived Count Gazola of most of his specimens in 1797, their removal to "Paris by order of First Consul Bonaparte, and their presentation by him to the Museum of Natural History in that city are familiar historical facts. The second largest suite of fossil fishes was that belonsins; to the Marchese Ottavio di Canossa, which afterwards became enlarged by the purchase of Julius Caesar Moreni's collection. Agassiz never had access to the Canossa Collection, nor in foct to any in Italy, but portions of it were described by subsequent authors at various times. The collec- tion remained intact at Verona until 1903, when it passed into the possession of natural history dealers and museums of several countries. Heckel's figured specimen of Palaeohalistwa orhiculafum, for instance, was acquired by the British Museum, Massalongo's types of Archio}>his were divided between the Harvard and Berlin Museums, and the Car- negie Museum at Pittsburg also obtained several of Massalongo's figured specimens. Count Gazola's first care on suff'ering the loss of his splendid collec- tion was to undertake the formation of a new one. Excavations at Bolca were recommenced, and on the death of Count Ronconi a number of fine specimens which he had bi'ought together passed into Gazola's hands; the result of all this activity being that, phoenix-like, his museum became speedily rehabilitated. This second collection of Count Gazola is preserved in the Museo Civico of Verona, but is not now, and un- fortunately never has been, fully accessible for study. The scientific value of this collection was fully appreciated by Jacob Heckel, who first visited it in 1850. The condition in which he found the museums of Verona, Padua, Venice, and other cities at that time is set forth by him in a highly entertaining narrative which he communicated to the Vienna Academy,^ under whose patronage the journey was undertaken. lu referring to the Gazola Collection, he laments particularly the fact that it never came under Agassiz's observation, for this " heerliches Material," as he calls it, would have helped him to a much more complete under- standing of many interesting species, and even genera, and would have enriched our knowledge of the Bolca fauna with valuable details. 1 Heckel, J., Bericlit iiber eine Reise, etc. (Sitzungsber Akad. Wissenscli. Wien, VII. p. 318), 1851. EASTMAN: DESCRIPTIONS OF BOLCA FISHES. 15 Heckel also remarks that the same collection " ist bci woiteni reicher als jene des Marchese Cauossa uud liefert eiue beiualio vollstiindige Ueber- sicht summtlicher oi-ganischer Reste, welche in deu tertiareu Ablage- ruueren des Monte Bolca enthalten sind." The only other private collection which we need notice here is that brought together early in the nineteenth century by Luigi Castellini, of Castelgomberto, which now forms one of the principal treasures of the Padua Museum. This comprised in all about five hundred fishes from Monte Bolca and Monte Postale, some of which were remarkable for their large size and excellent preservation, as well as for their rarity. "Sie ist auf drei grossen Doppelpulten aufgestellt," writes Heckel in his naive narrative of 1850, " und enthalt ausser vielen der seltenen Arten und manchen Prachtstiicke, sammtliche in Doppelplatten, auch einige bisher unbeschriebene Species, deren nahere Bekanntschaft mich urn so ange- nehmer berllhrte, da ich bereits mehrere derselben zu Verona in der schijnen Sammlung des Herrn Grafen Gazola unter Glas bemerkt hatte." Some of these new forms were shortly afterwards described by Heckel, and others have been investigated by more recent writers. We return now to the first Gazola Collection, which, as we have seen, was transported to Paris in 1797, and deposited in the Museum of Natural History. It is well known that Cuvier spent considerable time in the investigation of this material, with the intention of preparing a monograph upon it, — a task, liowever, which was ceded finally to Agassiz. Some use of the collection was made by de Blainville in the preparation of his article^ on fossil fishes, published in 1818, but it cannot be said that our knowledge was materially increased by this author. It remained for the elder Agassiz, in 1831 and 1832, to ascertain the true nature of the extinct forms of fish life here represented, and by means of this and other collections which he studied, to give the first accurate and best general account we possess of the remarkable ichthyic fauna occurring at Monte Bolca. Agassiz's own estimate of the value of the Gazola Collection is thus expressed by him : " Le Museum d'llistoire Naturelle de Paris a cte pour moi I'une des mines les plus riches que j'aie exploitce. ... La collection de poissons fossiles la plus importante qui existe maintenant, et en memo temps qui otfre le plus d'interSt historique, est, sans con- tredit, celle du comte de Gazola, qui a fourni les originaux pour VlttioUtologia Veronese. . . . Je I'ai entierement revue et complete- 1 De Blainville, H. D., Sur les Ichthyolites. ou les Poissons Fossiles, in his Nouveau Dictionnaire d'llistoire Naturelle, Vol. XXVIII. Paris, 1818. 16 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPATIATIVE ZOOLOGY. nient decrite vers la fin de 1831 et pendant las Imit premiers mois de I'annee 1832, et j'ai inscrit mes determinations sur le revers de toutes les plaques." ^ The total number of species recognized by Agassiz as the result of his investigations of the Gazola Collection and other Bolca material that came under his observation was 127, and the total number of genera 77. Many of Volta's types were refigured by him, but in several cases descriptions were given without fresh illustration, and in others Volta's figures were merely renamed without further description. Some con-, fusion in the nomenclature was occasioned by reason of other names being applied to species which had been duly established both by Volta and by de Blainville, and in about a dozen instances MS. names were proposed for certain forms which up to the present time have remained undescribed. These types inedits, designated as such in Agassiz's hand- writing, have recentlj'^ been investigated by the present writer, and their publication undertaken by the French Geological Society. It must not be supposed, however, that all of Volta's types which originally formed part of the Gazola Collection are now preserved in the Paris Museum, nor was it possible even in Agassiz's time to account for the specimens which were then missing.^ Owing to the historic and scientific interest attaching to these originals, it is to be hoped that all such as are still in existence and have escaped notice amongst other collections may again come to light. Lists are given below of all the types and hypotypes belonging to the Gazola Collection in Paris. It will be sufficient to pass over the post-Agassizian literature of the Bolca fish-fauna very briefly, merely indicating the names of the principal contributors. These are, in clironological order, Jacob Meckel, Rudolf Kner, Franz Steindachner, Ratfaele Molin, Abramo Massalongo, Paolo Lioy, Achille de Zigno, Francesco Bassani, Wladislaw Szajnocha, 1 Agassiz, L., Poissons Fossiles, I. p. 5. Neuchatel, 1833. 2 The Library of tlic Museum of Comparative Zoology possesses the identical copy of Volta's work employed by Professor Agassiz in his determinations of the types in the Gazola Collection at Paris. Each figure of the plates is marked with Agassiz's revised designation, and in cases where the originals were wanting, the fact is so indicated. Ilis private copy of de Blainville's Poissons Fossiles, in the same library, likewise contains valuable corrections and annotations. The Museum has received through Prof. R. T. Jackson, who obtained it from Prof. J. E. Wolff, a specimen which formerly belonged to the Gazola Collection at Paris, but wliich disappeared from it probably during some of the early vicissitudes through wliicli the collection passed. Several interesting notices of the latter are to be found in the papers of Faujas-St.-Fond, de Jussieu, Cuvier, and others, published in tlie early volumes of the Annales and of the Me'moires da Museum d'llisioire Naturelle. EASTMAN : DESCRIPTIONS OF BOLCA FISHES. 17 Cai-1 Gorganovic-Kramberger, Otto Jaekel, auel A. Smith "Woodward. Some seventy-five additional species have been described by these authors in the aggregate, making a total representation of slightly more than two hundred. A rather considerable number of these, however, are undoubtedly synonyms, and the status of a score or more of imper- fectly defined species requires further investigation. The best general account of the geology of the region in which tliis fish-fauna occurs is contained in an inaugural dissertation by the late Munier-Chalmas, entitled '^ IiJfude du Tifhonique, du Creface et du Terti- aire du Vicenfin" (Paris, 1891), the usefulness of which is increased by a copious bibliography. Mention should also be made of Enrico Nicolis' " Catia Geolojica della Provincia di Verona" (Verona, 1882), and of his " SuijJi aivtici Corsi delV Adige" (Rome, 1898). The invertebrate fauna of Monte Bolca forms the subject of special memoirs by Cattullo ^ and Oppenheim.^ List of Specimens in the Gazola Collection of the Paris Museum Figured in Volta's " Ittiolitologia Veronese," Ar- ranged IN Serial Order. Refigured by Agassiz (^Poissons Fossiles). Carcharias (ScoUodon) cuvieri (Ag.). Platax pinimtiformis (Blv.). Vol. IV. PL 41. Axdostoma bolcense (Blv.). Vol. IV. PL 35, Fig. 3. Fistularia longirostris (Blv.). Vol. IV. PL 35, Fig. 4. Calamostoma hreviculum (Blv.). Vol. II. PL 74, Fig. 1. KJmmphosus rostrum (Volta). Vol. IV. PI. 32, Fig. 7. Semiophorus velifer (Volta). Vol. IV. PL 37 a, Fig. 2. " " VoL IV. PL 37 a, Fig. 1. velicans (Blv.). Vol. IV. PL 37. Pomacanihus suharcimtus (Blv.). VoL IV. PL 19, Fig. 2. 9, Figs. 1, 2. Tnjgon muricatus (Volta). Ephippus rhombus (Blv.). Eocottus veronensis (Volta). Vol. IV. PL 34, Fig. 3. VoL IV. PL 34, Fig. 4. Blochius longirostris Volta. Vol. II. PL 44, Fig. 3. ^ 1 Cattullo, T. A., Memorie sopra 11 corpi organizzati fossili del Bolca, etc. (Gior- nale di Pavia), 1818-22. '■^ Oppenheim, P., Die Eociinfauna des Monte I'ostale bei Bolca in Veronesis- chen (Palaeontograplika, XLIIL pp. 125-222), 189G. VOL. XLVI. — NO. 1 2 Volta (itt. : Fer.). '1. 3, Fig. 1. 4. 5, " 1. ^5, " 2. 5, " 3. 5, " 4. 7, " 1. 7, " 2. 7, " 3. 8, " 1. 9, Figs. 1 10, Fig. 1. 11, " 1. 11, " 2. 12, " 1. 12. " 2. 18 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. VOLTA ReFIGURED BY AgASSIZ (Itt. Ver.). (Foisso7is Fossiles). PI. 13, Fig. 1. Sparnodus vulgaris (Blv.). Vol. IV. PL 29, Fig. 2. 13, " 2. Sjntiacanthus cuneiformis (Blv.). Vol. V. PI. 39, Fig. 1. 14, " 1. Enoplosus pyciopteriis Ag. Vol. IV. PI. 9, Fig. 1. 17, " 1. Spcmiodus vulgaris (Blv.). Vol. IV. PI. 29, Fig. 2. 17, " 3. Lates gracilis Ag. Vol. IV. PI. 3, Fig. 2. 19. Acanthotiemus subaureus (Blv.). Vol. V. PI. 4. 20, " 1. Ephijjpus asper (Volta). 20, " 2. Pristigenys substriatus (Blv.). 22, " 1. Naseios tiuchalis Ag. Vol. IV. PL 36, Fig. 2. 23, " 1. Ophisurus acuticaudus Ag. 23, " 3. Anguilla leptoptera Ag. 24, " 3. Ehamphognathus sphyraenoides (Ag.). Yo], Y. Fl. 3S, Fig. 2. 25, " 1. Ohanoides macropoma (^Ag.) . 25, " 2. " " " Vol. V. PL 37 b, Fig. 4. 26, " 1. Plataxpapilio (Yo\t&). VoL IV. PL 42. 26, " 2. Zanclus brevirostris Ag. Vol. IV. PI. 38, Figs. 1, 2. 27. Thynnus (?) bolcensis Ag. 29, "1. " lanceolatus (Ag.). 29, " 4. Urosphen dubia (Blv.). 30, Callipteryx recticaudus Ag. Vol. IV. PL 33, Fig. 2. 31, '* 1. Spxirnodus elongatns Ag. VoL IV. PL 28, Fig. 1. 31, " 2. Acantlmrus tenuis Ag. Vol. IV. PI. 36, Fig 1. 32, " 1. Sparnodus elongatus Ag. VoL IV. PL 23 6, w/ra. 32, " 2. Dudorvestenae (YoMa). Vol. V. PL 12. 33. Naseus rectifrons Ag. Vol. IV. PL 36, Fig. 3. 35, " 1. Pycnodus apodus (Y o\tvC) . 35, " 3. Vomeropsis triurus (Volta). Vol. V. PL 5. 35, " 4. Cydopoma (?) micracanthum (Ag.). 37, Labrus valenciennesi Ag. Vol. V. PL 39, Fig. 2. 38, " 1. Paranguilla tigrina (Ag.). Vol. V. PL 49. 39, " 3. Tradiynotus tenuiceps Ag. Vol. V. PL 7, Figs. 1, 2. 39, " 5. Engraulis evolans (Ag.). Vol. V. PL 37 b, Figs. 1, 2. 40. Palaeobalistum orbiculatum (Blv.). 42, " 1. Ostracion dubius (Blv.). Vol. II. PL 74, Figs. 4,5. 42, " 2. "Pcf/rtSMS wZajis" Linn, (indeterminable). 42, " 3. Lophius bradiysomus Ag. Vol. V. PL 40, Figs. 1, 2. 44, " 1. Amphistium paradoxum Ag. 44, " 2. Vomeropsis triurus (Volta). VoL V. PL 6. 45, " 1. Toxotes antiqmis Ag. VoL IV. PL 43. 45, " 2. Dules temnopterus Ag. Vol. IV. PL 21, Figs. 1, 2. 45, " 3. Sparnodus microstomus (Ag.). 47. Monopterus gigas Volta. 48, " 3. Atherina Tuacrocephala Ag. EASTMAN : DESCEIPTKJNS OF BOLCA FISHES. 19 Refigukki) by Agassiz {Poissons Fossiles). IIolocentrummacroceplmlumBlv. Vol. IV. PI. 14. Acanthonemus sichmireiis (Blv.). Vol. V. PI. 3. Leptoccphalus medius Ag. Dentex leptacanthus Ag. Vol. IV. PL 26. Blochius longirostris Volta. (The head of an anguilliform fish has been snbstituted for the one properly belonging to this specimen.) Orycynus latior Ag. Vol. V. PI. 24. Apoyon spinosus Ag. Vol. IV. PI. 9, Figs. 2, 3. Cyclopoma (J) viicracanthum (Ag.). Xiphopterus falcatus (Volta) . Fseudosyngnathus opisthopterits (Ag.). Ductor vestenae (Volta). Pygams holcanus (Volta). Vol. IV. PI. 20. Sparnodus vulgaris (Blv.). Vol. IV. PL 28, Fig. 3. Plafyrhina gigantea (Blv.). tiphyraena holcense Ag. Seriola analis Ag. Blnchius longirostris Volta. Holocentrum iinacrocep)halum Blv. Myripristis homopterygius Ag. SjMirnodus vulgaris (Blv.). Cyclopoma gigas Ag. Rhamphosus rastruni (Volta). Cyclopoma spinosum Ag. Alphabetical List of the Type and Figured Specimens of Bolca Fishes Belonging to the Gazola Collection, now preserved IN the Paris Museum of Natural History. 1. Acanthonemus subaureus (Blv.). Volta, PL 51, Fig. 3; Ag., V. PL 3. 2. " " " Volta, PL 19; Ag.,V. PL 4. 3. Acanthurus tenuis Ag. Volta, PL 31, Fig. 2 ; Ag., IV. PL 36, Fig. 1. 4. Amphistium paradoxum Ag. Volta, PL 44, Fig. 1. 5. " " Ag., V. PL 13. 6. Anguillabranchiostegalis Ag. (MS.). 7. " brevicula Ag. Ag., V. PL 43, Fig. 1. 8. " U'ptoptera Ag. Volta, PL 23, Fig. 3, 9. Apogon spinosus Ag. Volta, PL 56, Fig. 2; Ag., IV. PL 9, Figs, 2, 3. 10. Atherina macrocephala Ag. Volta, PL 48, Fig. 3. Volta (rtt. \ Fer.). M. 51, Fig. 2. 51, " 3. 53, " 2. 54. 55, " 1. 55, " 2. 56, " 2. 56, '• 3. 57. 58, " 1. 58, " 2. 59. 60, " 2. 61. 62. 69, " 1. 70. 72, " 1. 72, " 4. 73. 74. 75 " 1. 76. 20 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. A^^losto7na bolcense (Blv.). (i a a Blocliius longirostris Volta. (( i( « u (( (( a 11 (( Calamostoma breviculum (Blv.). Volta, PI. 5, Fig. 1 ; Ag., IV. PI. 35, Fig. 3. Ag., IV. PI. 35, Fig. 2. Volta, PI. 12, Fig. 1 ; Ag., II. PI. 44, Fig. 3. Volta, PI. 12, Fig. 2. Volta, PI. 55, Fig. 1. Volta, PI. 70. Volta, PI. 5, Fig. 3; Ag., II. PI. 74, Fig. 1. Volta, PI. 30 ; Ag., IV. PL 33, Fig. 2. Ag., IV. PI. 33, Fig. 1. Ag., V. PI. 8. Callipteryx redicaudus Ag. " speciosus Ag. Oarangopsis dorsalis Ag. Carcharias (Scoliodoii) cuvieri (Ag.). Volta, PI. 3, Fig. 1 Chcmoides leptostea Ag. (MS.). macropoma ( Ag . ) . Coelogaster analis Ag. (MS.). Cybium speciosum Ag. Cyclopoma gigas Ag. (J) micracanthihm (Ag.). spinosum Ag. Dentex crassispinus Ag. " leptacanthus Ag. Ductor vestenae (Volta). U U (( Dules temnopterus Ag. Engraulis' evolans Ag. Enoplosus pygopterus Ag. Eomyrus formosissimus (Ag.) (MS.) " interspinalis " " " latispinus (Ag.). Eocottus veronensis (Volta). Ephippus asper (Volta). (( (( i( " rhombus (Blv.). Volta, PL 25, Fig. 1. Volta, PL 25, Fig. 2; Ag., V. PL 37 b, Fig. 4. Ag., V. PL 25. Ag. , IV. PL 2. Volta, PI. 74. Volta, PL 35, Fig. 4. Volta, PL 76. Ag., IV. PL 1. Volta, PL 54 ; Ag., IV. PL 26. Volta, PL 32, Fig. 2; Ag., V. PL 12. Volta, PL 58, Fig. 2. Volta, PL 45, Fig. 2; Ag., IV. PL 21, Figs. 1, 2. Volta, PL 39, Fig. 5; Ag., V. PL 376, Figs. 1, 2. Volta, PI. 14, Fig. 1 ; Ag., IV. PL 9, Fig. 1. Ag., V. PL 43, Fig. 4. Volta, PI. 11, Fig. 1; Ag., IV. PL 34, Fig. 3. Volta, PL 11, Fig. 2; Ag., IV. PL 34, Fig. 4. Volta, PL 20, Fig. 1. Ag., IV. PL 39, Fig. 3. Volta, PL 10, Fig. 1. EASTMAN : DESCRIPTIONS OF BOLCA FISHES. 21 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 67. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 1 Vol. Ephippus rhombus (Blv.). Fistularia longirostris (Blv.). Holocentrum macrocephalum Blv. 11 a (( " pygmaeum Ag. Holosteus eaociniLS Ag. Labrax schizurus Ag. Labrus valenciennesi Ag. Lates gracilis Ag. Leptoccphulas medius Ag. Lojjhius brachijsovius Ag. Mene oblongus (Ag.). Monopterus gigas Volta. Myripristis homoptenjgius Ag. Naseus iiucImUs Ag. " redifrons Ag. Odonteus sparoides Ag. Ophisiirus acuticaudus Ag. Orycynus latior Ag. Ostracion dubius (Blv.). Pagellus microdon Ag. Palaeobalistum orbiculatum (Blv.). Paranguilla tigrina (Ag.).^ " Pegasus volans " Linn. Pelates quitidecimalis Ag. Plataxpapilio (Volta). " pinnatiformis (Blv.). " subvespertilio (Blv.). ti U (( Platinx internudius Eastm. " macropterus (Blv.). Plafyrhimt, gigantea (Blv.). Pomacanthus subarcuatus (Blv.). Pristigenys substriatus (Blv.). Pristipoma furcatum (Ag.). Ag., IV. PI. 35, PI. 14. Ag., IV. PI. 40. Volta, PI. 5, Fig. 2 Fig. 4. Volta, PI. 51, Fig. 2 ; Ag., I\ Volta, PI. 72, Fig. 1. Ag., IV. PL 15, Fig. 1. Ag., V. PI. 43, Fig. 5. Ag., IV. PI. 13, Fig. 3. Volta, PI. 37; Ag., V. PL 39, Fig. 2. Volta, PI. 17, Fig. 3; Ag., IV. Pi. 3, Fig. 2. Ag., IV. PI. 5. Volta, PI. 53, Fig. 2. Volta, PI. 42, Fig. 3; Ag., V. PI. 40, Figs. 1, 2. Ag., V. PI. 40, Figs. 3, 4. Ag., V. PL 1, Figs. 1, 2. Volta, PL 47. Volta, PL 72, Fig. 4. Volta, PL 22, Fig. 1; Ag., IV. PI. 36, Fig. 2. Volta, PL 33 ; Ag., IV. PI. 36, Fig. 3. Ag., IV. PL 39, Fig. 2. Ag., V. PL 23, Fig. 1. Ag., V. PI. 24. '•o"' II. PL Volta, PL 55, Fig. 2 . Volta, PL 42, Fig. 1 ; A 74, Figs. 4, 5. Ag., IV. PI. 27, Fig. 1. Volta, PL 40. Volta, PL 38, Fig. 1 ; Ag., V. PL 49. Volta, PL 42, Fig. 2. Ag., IV. PL 22. Volta, PI. 26, Fig. 1 ; Ag., IV. PL 42. Volta, PL 4 ; Ag., IV. PL 41. Volta, PL 6. Ag., IV. PL 41 a. (In press.) Ag., V. PL 14. Volta, PL 61. Volta, PL 8, Fig. 1; Ag., IV. PL 19, Fig. 2. Volta, PL 20, Fig. 2. Ag., IV. PL 39, Fig. 1. Pseudosyng7iathusopistJwpterus{A.g.). Volta, PL 58, Fig. 1. Tlie relations of this type are discussed by Cuvier in Mem. Mus. d'llist. Nat., I. (181o),p. 321. 22 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. Pter7jyocephalus paradoxus Ag. Pycnodus apodus (Volta). Pijijaeas bolcanus (Volta). Ehamphosus rastrum (Volta). Bhamphognathus paralepoides Ag. " sphyraenoides (Ag.) Scatiphagus frontalis Ag. Semiophorus velicans (Blv.). velifer (Volta). Seriola analis (Ag.). " prisca (Ag.). Serranus rugosus Heckel. Sparnodus elongatus Ag. microstomus (Ag.). Sparnodus vulgaris (Blv.). « (I Sphyraena bolcensis Ag. Spinacanthus cuneiforviis (Blv.). Thynnus (?) bolcensis Ag. " lanceolahis (Ag.). " 0) propter ygius Ag. Toxotes a7itiquus Ag. Trachynotus tenuiceps Ag. Trygon vtiiiricatus (Volta). Urolophus crassicaudatus (Blv.). Urosphen dubia (Blv.). Ag., IV. PI. 32, Figs. 5, 6. Volta, PI. 35, Fig. 1. Volta, PI. 59 ; Ag., IV. PI. 20. Volta, PI. 6, Fig. 4 ; Ag., IV. PI. 32, Fig- 7. Volta, PI. 75, Fig. 1. Ag., V. PI. 38, Fig. 1. .Volta, PI. 24, Fig. 3 ; Ag., V. PI. 38, Fig. 2. Ag., IV. PL 39, Fig. 4. Volta, PI. 7, Fig. 3; Ag., IV. PL 37. Volta, PL 7, Fig. 1 ; Ag., IV. PL 37 a, Fig. 2. Volta, PL 7, Fig. 2 ; Ag., IV. PL 37 a, Fig. 1. Volta, PL 69, Fig. 1. Ag., V. PL 11a. Ag., IV. PL 23 b (supra). Volta, PL 32, Fig. 1 ; Ag., IV. PL 23 b (infra). Volta, PL 31, Fig. 1 ; Ag., IV. PL 28, Fig. 1. Volta, PL 45, Fig. 3. Ag., IV. PL 23, Figs. 1, 2. Volta, PL 13, Fig. 1, and PL 17, Fig. 1 ; Ag., IV. PL 29, Fig. 2. Volta, PL 60, Fig. 2 ; Ag., IV. PL 28, Fig. 3. Volta, PL 73. Ag., IV. PL 29, Fig. 1. Ag., IV. PL 29, Fig. 3. Volta, PL 62. Volta, PL 13, Fig. 2; Ag., V. PL 39, Fig. 1. Volta, PL 27. Volta, PL 29, Fig. 1. Ag., V. PL 23. Ag., V. PL 27. Volta, PL 45, Fig. 1 ; Ag., IV. PL 43. Volta, PL 39, Fig. 3; Ag., V. PL 7, Figs. 1, 2. Volta, PL 9, Fig. 1. Volta, PL 9, Fig. 2. Type not figured (de est ?). Volta, PL 29, Fig. 4. EASTMAN : DESCRIPTIONS OF BOLCA FISHES. 23 120. Urosphen dubia (Blv.). Ag., IV. PL 35, Fig. 6. 121. Vomeropsis triurus (Volta). Volta, PI. 44, Fig. 2 ; Ag., V. PI. 6. 122. " " " Volta, PI. 35, Fig. 3 ; Ag., V. PI. 5. 123. Xiphopterus falcatus (Volta). Volta, PI. 57. 124. Zand us brevirostris Ag. Volta, PI. 26, Fig. 2; Ag., IV. Pi. 38, Figs. 1, 2. II. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS. ELASMOBRANCHII. RAJIDAE. Platyrhina gigantea (Blv.). 1796. Raja torpedo G. S. Volta, Ittiolit. Veronese, p. 521, Plate LXI. 1818. Narcobatits giganteus H. D. de Blainville, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat, xxvii. p. 337. 1835. Torpedo gigantea L. Agassiz, Neues Jahrb., p. 297 (name only). 1843. Torpedo gigantea L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., iii. p. 382 ; ** iv. p. 38 (name only). 1860. Narcine gigantea R. Molin, Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, xl. p. 585. 1874. Torpedo gigantea A. de Zigno, Catalogo ragionato dei Pesci Fossili, p. 177. 1894. Platyrhina gigantea O. Jaekel, Die eocanen Selachier vom Monte Bolca, p. 108, text-fig. 19. The holotype of this species is preserved in the Paris Museum of Natural History, and not, as stated hy Baron de Zigno, in the second Gazola Collec- tion at Verona. In its present state the disk is remarkable for its great antero-posterior elongation. De Blainville was of the opinion that this was not a character properly belonging to the specimen, but one due to deceptive appearances, a portion of the disk having become folded upon itself. 0. Jaekel, without having had access to the specimen, imagined that the disk had become deformed by mechanical agencies subsequent to the death of the creature. An examination of the original leads the present writer to conclude that there is no evidence of a folding over of the edges of the disk, nor of distortion due to pressure or other causes. Although extremely probable that the lateral mar- gin of the disk escaped fossilization, it nevertheless appears certain that the form was more elongated longitudinally than in the majority of rays. TEYGONIDAE. Trygon muricatus (Volta). 1796. Raja muricata G. S. Volta, Ittiolit. Veronese, p. 37, Plate IX. Figs. 1, 2. 1818. Trygonobatus vulgaris 11. D. de Blainville, Nouv. Diet, d'llist. Nat. xxvii. p. 336. 24 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. 1835. Trygon gazzolae L. Agassiz, Neues Jahrb., p. 297 (name only). 1831). Trygon gazzolae L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., iii. p. 382**; vol. iv. p. 38 (name only). 1851. Trygon gazzolae J. Heckel, Sitzungsber. Akad.^Wiss. Wien, vii. p. 325. 1861. Alexandrinum, sp. K. Molin, Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, xlii. p. 579. 1874. Alexandrinum molini A. de Zigno, Mem. 11. Istit. Veneto, xviii. p. 299, PI. XII. 1874. Trygon gazolae A. de Zigno, Catalogo ragionato dei Pesci Fossili, p. 180. 1894. Trygon {Taeniura) muricatus O. Jaekel, Die eocanen Selachier voni Monte Bolca, p. 142, Plate IV. text-fig. 32. One can gain some idea of the difficulties attending the identification and designation of this species from the following statements of Dr. Jaekel : " Es ist auffallend, dass eine Form, die bereits von Volta vortrefflich beschrieben und abgebildet war, und welche durch ihren reich gegliederten Skeletbau so leiclit kenntlich ist, so viele nachtragliche Beneniiungen erfahren hat. Volta kannte und besclirieb das hier Tafel IV abgebihlete Exemplar der Collection Gazola; aller- dings rtchnete er zu der gleichen Art, die er als Raja muricata bezeichnete, noch ein mit einem Stachel besetztes Schwanzfragment (/. c. Taf. ix. Fig. 2), welches zu Vrolophus crassicauda [.sec] gehort. . . . Zu den spateren Benennungen gab z. Th. die Auffindung neuer Exemplare und die Niclitberiicksichtigung des vorher beschriebenen Veranlassung. So enstanden auf Grund eines Exemplares in den Pariser Sammlung die Namen Trygonobatus vulgaris de Blainville und Trygon Gaz- zolae Agassiz, von welchen die letztere, obwohl er ohne Beschreibung verdffent- licht wurde, sich in der Litteratur am meisten einbiirgerte. Dass Molin lediglich auf Grund der distalen Stellung des Schwanzstachels eine neue Gattung Alex- andrinum aufstellte, . . . kann nicht gerechtfertigt erscheinen " (p. 142). The above extract is in complete accord with the views of the present writer, save in one particular, which concerns the presence in this species of the form of caudal spine attributed to it by Volta. Heckel, and following him most writers, have maintained that the original of Volta's PI. IX. Fig. 2 does not be- long to Trygon muricatus, but to another form of ray altogether, that now known under the name of Urolophus crassicaudatus (Blv.). It is probable, however, that the same form of dermal defence is common to both species. As for the original of Volta's figure, either the identical specimen, or one so closely resembling it as to be indistinguishable from it, is preserved in the Paris Museum of Natural History ; and this is seen very clearly to belong to a complete individual of Trygon muricatus. Urolophus crassicaudatus (Blv.). 1818. Trygonobatus crassicaudatus H. d. de Blainville, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxvii. p. 337. 1835. Trygon oblongus L. Agassiz, Neues Jahrb., p. 297. Trygon oblongus L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., iii. p. 382, **, iv. p. 38. 1851. Trygon brevicauda J. Heckel, Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vii. p. 324. 1853. Urolophus princeps J. Ileckel, Sitzungsber. Akad. Wissen. Wien, xi. p. 122. EASTMAN: DESCRIPTIONS OF BOLCA FISHES. 25 1861. Taeniiira kneri K. Molin, Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, xlii. p. 581. 1863. L'rolopkus princeps Kiier und SteindachntT, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, xxi. p. 32, I'late VI. Fig. 2. 1874. Tryjon oblongus A. de Zigno, Catalogo Ragionato dei Pesci Fossili, p. 181. 1874. Taeniura kneri A. de Zigno, ibid., p. 182. 1874. Urolophus princeps A. de Zigno, ibid., p. 183. 1889. Taeniura kneri A. S. Woodward, Cat. Fossil Fishes Brit. Mus., pt. i. p. 153. 1894. Urolophus crassicaitda 0. Jaekel, Die eocanen Selachier vom Monte Bolca, p. 148, Plate V. It seems desirable to give the complete synonymy of this species, as there is no possible reason for doubting that all of the rays described under the various names cited above belong to a single species. There is no specimen at the Paris Museum which can be certainly identified as the type either of de Blaiu- ville's Trygonobatus crassicaudatiij?, or of Agassiz's Tryijon oblongus. CAECHAEIIDAE. Carcharias (Scoliodon) cuvieri (Aoassiz). (Text-figure A.) 1796. Squalus carcharias G. S. Volta, Ittiolit. Veronese, p. 10, Plate III. Fig. 1. 1807. Squalus vidpes Scortegagna, F. 0., Memoria epistolare al Sig. Faujas-St.- Fond. 1807. Squalus carcharias G. Gazola, Lettera al Sig. Scortegagna, &c. 1818. Squalus innominatus (errore) H. D. de Blainville, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxviii. p. 336. 1835. Galcus cuvieri L. Agassiz, Neues Jahrb., p. 291. 1839. Galeits cuvieri L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., iv. p. 38. 1860. Protogaleus minor {pars) R. ]Molin, Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, xl. p. 583. 1874. Alopiopsis cuvieri (pars) A. de Zigno, Catalogo ragionato dei Pesci Fossili, p. 174. 1894. Galeus cuvieri O. Jaekel, Die eocanen Selachier vom Monte Bolca, p. 172, text-fig. 38. The holotype of this species forms part of the Gazola Col]e<'.tion in Paris, and another specimen slightly smaller than the type is preserved in the Uni- versity of Padua Museum. An outline figure of the latter is given by Jaekel, and likewise the following description : — " Was nun schliesslich das kleinere, vorstehend abgebildete Exemplar der Padu- aner Sammlung betrifft, so ist dasselbe fast voUstiindig erhalten, also wesentlich besser, als das von Volta abgebildete und von Agassiz als Galeus cuvieri bezeich- nete. . . . Die Brustflossen sind schlank, fast sichelformig riickwarts gekriimnit." Regarding the type-specimen in the Paris ]\Iusenm the same author re- marks that the rostral region is incompletely preserved, and " von dun Flossen 26 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. sind nur die beiden Brustflossen deutlicb." A little further on, however, lie says: "Dieerste Eiickenflosse ist auch bei deiii Pariser Exemplar an dersel- ben Stelle angedeiiiet, wo sie bei deni bier abgebildeten sitzt, namlich un- niittelbar liber dem Hinterrand der Brustflossen. Auch die zweite Dorsalis und die Analis scheiuen bei dem Pariser Sttick an der gleichen Korperstelle, wie an dem Paduaner, ubereinander zu stehen. . . . Ueber die Form der Schuppen und sonstigen Einzelheiten konnte ich leider an dem Pariser Stiick keine zuverlassige Beobachtung anstellen " (p. 174). The present writer has not been able to verify the above description in all particulars, but on the other hand has found it possible to observe some details not jjreviously made known. The specimen, by the way, is preserved on a single slab, and the catalogue of the Museum does not show that it ever existed in counterpart, although the contrary is aflirmed by Jaekel. The anterior third of the trunk lies squarely on its back in the matrix, the first dorsal fin being thus wholly or for the ^„. \. Fig. a. Type-specimen of Carcharias (Scoliodon) cuvieri (Ag.). X x'j. Extremi- ties of the dorsal and caudal fins hypothetically restored. most part concealed. The remainder of the trunk is visible from the lateral aspect, and the fins which it exhibits are the posterior dorsal, anal, and a portion of the lower lobe of the caudal, as indicated in the accompanying Figure A. A small triangular mass of scales lying immediately in front of the posterior dorsal may perhaps be interpreted as a ruptured portion of the shagreen, or possibly even as the displaced tip of the anterior dorsal. The shagreen is very excellently preserved over various portions of the body, the form and structure of the individual scales appearing as distinct as in life. The shagreen granules agree so perfectly with those of the recent Scoliodon that no further description is necessary, and the same is true of the dentition. A number of the teeth are preserved in their natural position in the mouth region, and all exhibit very clearly the inclined triangular crown with smooth edges characteristic of Scoliodon. It will be seen that the identification which is here made of this shark as a species of Scoliodon is in accordance with all the characters, except that the rostrum appears to have been rather less pro- longed. In the above text-figure, the posterior dorsal and caudal fins have been hypothetically restored. EASTMAN: DESCiarTIONS OF BOLCA FISHES. 27 Altogether seventeen species of elasmobranchs are known from the Monte Bolca horizon, a list of which is subjoined : Speciks of Elasmobranchs from Monte Bolca. 1. Rhinohatis zignii (Heckel). 10. Promyliohatis gazolae (Zigno). 2. " primuevus Zigno. 11. Lamna vincenti Winkler. 3. Platijrhina holcensis (Heckel). 12. Odontaspis hopei Ag. 4. " ecjertoni Zigno. 13. Carcharodon auriculatus (Blv.). 5. " gigantea (Blv.). 14. Pseudogaleus voltai Jaekel. 6. Narcine molini i-Aktk.ii\. 15. Alopiopsis plejodon Lioy. 7. Trygon muricatus (Volta). 16. Carcharias (Scoliodon) cuvieri (Ag.). 8. " zignii (Molin). 17. Mesiteia emiliae Kramb. 9. Urulophus crassicaudatus (Blv.). TELEOSTOMI. ACTINOPTERYGH. ALBULIDAE. MONOPTERUS Volta. Trunk elongated oval and laterally compressed. Head relatively short, with steep frontal profile ; opercular bones well developed. Vertebrae at least 60 in number, half of them being caudal. Length of anterior pectoral fin-ray exceeding maximum depth of trunk ; pelvic fins minute, situated nearer the anal than the pectoral pair. Anal placed opposite the dorsal, and rising into an acuminate lobe in front. Caudal very deeply forked, with a scaly lamella extending over the middle of the tail at the base. Mouth opening small, a series of conical teeth present along the margin of the jaws, and a series of hemispherical crushing teeth placed further back. Monopterus gigas Volta. 1796. Monopteros gigas G. S. Volta, Ittiolit. Veronese, p. 191, Plate XLVTI. 1818. Monopteros gigas H. D. de Blainville, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., xxvii. p. 357. 1835. Platinx gigas L. Agassiz, Neues Jalirb., p. 304. 1838-44. Platinx gigas L. Agassiz, Poiss. Fuss., v. pt. 2, p. 126. 1874. Platinx gigas A. de Zigno, Catalogo ragionato dei Pesci Fossili, p. 151. The removal of this species from the genus Platinx, and its transfer to the vicinity of Chanos, amongst the Albulidae, appears warranted by the presence of numerous hemispherical crushing teeth in the pharyngeal region, and by the 28 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. structure of the caudal and other tins. The dorsal and anal are situated oppo- site each other, and consist each of 20 rays. The caudal is short and much expanded, covered with a scaly lamella along the middle at its base, and the distance between the extremities of its lobes exceeds the maximum depth of the trunk. All of the tins have the foremost ray covered with a finely rugose dermal layer, and the anterior pectoral fin-ray is as much enlarged and elon- gated as in certain Osteoglossidae and Chirocentridae. This species, of which several examples are known, attains a total length of about 80 cm. SCOPELIDAE. Holosteus esocinus Agassiz. 1838-44. Holosteus esocinus L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., v. pt. 2, p. 85, Plate XLIII. Fig. 5. 1856. Holosteus esocinus H. G. Bronn, Lethaea Geognostica, p. 683, Plate XLII.^ Fig. 8. 1874. Holosteus esocinus A. de Zigno, Catalogo ragionato del Pesci Fossili, p. 140. The holotype and only known example of this species is an imperfectly preserved fish belonging to the G-azola Collection of the Paris Museum. It bears on the reverse the following MS. inscription in Agassiz's handwriting ; " Cette plaque est evidemment composee de pieces incoherentes, surtout de la partie anterieure de la dorsale, et vers le front de la tete; cependant la colonne vertebrale indique un poisson d'un genre nouveau voisin de Belone." An examination of the specimen shows that the vertebral column is intact from the occiput at least as far as the insertion of the dorsal fin, the latter being unquestionably preserved in its natural position. It is evident that the triangular piece intended to represent the interneurals supporting the dorsal does not belong to this fish, and the same remark applies also to another fragment introduced in advance of the dorsal, which was properly recognized by Agassiz as " n'etant q'une fausse dorsale." Although the authenticity of the anal itself is doubtful, its position is shown by the presence of fin-supports to be opposite the dorsal. Very little of the portion posterior to the anal fin can be regarded as other than a factitious mosaic. CAEANGIDAE. Caranx primaevus, sp. nov. (Plate 1, Fig. 4 ; Text-fig. B.) A small species attaining a total length of about 10 cm. Head with oper- cular apparatus contained slightly less than 3^ times in the total length to base of caudal fin. Trunk laterally compressed, elongated, regularly fusiform. An- EASTMAN: DESCRIPTIONS OF BOLCA EISIIES. 29 terior dorsal fin with about 8 spines of moderate Itnigth, closely followed by the low second dorsal with about 20 soft rays. Anal tin opposed to the pos- terior dorsal, and apparently of equal extent, preceded by two short and sepa- rate anal spines. Dorsal and anal iinlets not observed. Scales thm and small. Lateral line with well-developed scutes along its entire length, the line arch- ing upward and the scutes becoming shorter anteriorly; number of scutes about 65. . . 1 1 • i. The unique individual upon which the above description is based exists in counterpart, and details taken from both halves have been combined in Fig. B. Caranx primaevus, sp. nov. X {■ the adjoining Figure B. This is the earliest recorded appearance of the genus in geologicll history, the half-dozen fossil species that are known being confined to the Oligocene and Miocene. Amongst the latter G. ovalis, which is imperfectly known, seems to have resembled the present species in general out- line, and amongst modern forms the species commonly referred to " Tmchurus" (e.g., Caranx trachurus and C. picturatus) present the same peculiarity of hav- ing scutes developed along the entire length of the lateral line. The type-specimen, which is from Monte Bolca, is preserved in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. LABEIDAE. Symphodus szajnochae (Zigno). (Plate 1, Fig. 5.) 1887. Crenilabrus szajnochae A. de Zigno, Mem. R. Istit. Veneto, xxiii. p. 17, Fig. 3. Besides the holotype of this species, which is small and imperfectly pre- served, no other examples have come to light until recently, when one was acquired for the Museum of Comparative Zoology, and another for the Car- negie Museum at Pittsburgh. The individual belonging to the Cambridge coUection is preserved in counterpart, and is interesting for the additional information which it affords in regard to certain structural details. This example has a total length of 10 cm. to the base of the caudal fin, and in this distance the head with opercular apparatus is contained four times. 30 bulletin: museum of compakative zoology. The preoperculum is strongly serrated, its posterior border being produced into very prominent spines. Tlie niiirginal teeth are conical and arranged in single series, no pharyngeal teeth being observed. The vertebrae are about 25 in number, of which 14 are caudal. The dorsal fin is much extended, with about 26 rays, and of these 11 are spinous. The caudal is composed of 17 principal rays, there being one more in the upper than in the lower lobe, and these are preceded both above and below by four or five spinelets. The anal appears to be formed of about eight rays in addition to the spines, but their number cannot be accurately counted. There are at least eight branchiostegal rays. Evidence of the former extension of the scales over the opercular bones and cheeks is not apparent in the present condition of the specimen, nor in fact is it ordinarily to be expected amongst fossils. The scales are thin, cteuoidal, and very strongly pectinated. Crenilabrus was separated by Cuvier from Labrus as a distinct genus on account of its having a serrated preoperculum, but it has been shown by D. S. Jordan in his Review of Labroid Fishes ^ that the form is identical with the earlier described Symphodus of Rafinesque. CHAETODONTIDAE. PYGAEUS Agassiz. To this imperfectly known extinct genus have been referred half a dozen species from the Bolca Eocene, and two from the Lower Miocene of Chiavon, Vicentin. The type species is P. bokanus (Volta), renamed P. gigas by Agassiz. This is a large form, attaining a total length of about 35 cm., the remaining species being very much smaller, and included by Agassiz only provisionally in the same genus with the type. It appeared to Agassiz that the smaller forms constituted a group by themselves, typified by P. coleanus, but passing over into the group of larger forms through the intermediate P. oblongus. Con- cerning the advisability of subdividing the genus, Agassiz remarks as follows: "II faudra done probablement demembrer un jour ces especes et en faire autant des genres qu'on y reconnaitra de types difFerents, en les ^tudiant d'une nianifere plus complete; ce qui sera d'autant plus difficile que les Pygees sont fort rares dans les collections." There are in addition to the small number of forms known to Agassiz two other species represented by a solitary individual each, which are evidently closely akin to Pygaeus bolcanus, although possessing more finely divided vertical fins. These are the so-called Acaniliurus gazolae Massalongo'^ and A. gaudryi de Zigno,^ from the Bolca Eocene, whose true position amongst ^ Jordan, D. S., A Review of the Labroid Fishes of America and Europe, Rept. U. S. Fish Conim. for 1887, pp. 559-699, 1891. 2 Specimen Photowr. Anim. Foss. Agr. Veron., 1859, p. 20. 3 Atti R. Istit. Vcneto, xxiii. 1887, p. 14, Fig. 2. EASTMAN : DESCKirTIONS OF BOLCA FISHES. 31 Chaetodonts has already been suspected by Smith Woodward. It is probable that they represent types of distinct genera, but for the present they may be most conveniently included within the limits of Pygaeus, as purposely extended by Agassiz. It is evident that some of these forms are closely related to modern Acanthuridae, the chief differences consisting in the great development of the dorsal spines, and the fact that the maxilla and premaxilla are distinct. The latter condition is alone sufficient to warrant the retention of these larger species of Pygaeus amongst the Chaetodontidae, rather tlian amongst the Acan- thuridae, or so-called " Acronuridae " of Giinther, and Teuthidae of Jordan. On the other hand, the teeth are much stouter than in living Chaetodonts. We have now to offer the description of a new species of Pygaeus, as con- strued in its broader sense, no division of this genus being at present attempted.^ The type-specimen formerly belonged to the Marchese di Canossa Collection, a part of which was purchased some months ago for the Museum of Comparative Zoology. The choice of a specific title has been determined by the desire to commemorate the labors of the master in this field, his name not being simi- larly associated with any other member of the Bolca fauna. Pygaeus agassizii, sp. nov. (Plate 2.) D. 10 + 9; A. 5-1-8 ; V. 5; P. 17 or 18. A comparatively large species, attaining a total length of about 19 cm. Maximum depth of trunk contained twice, and length of head with opercular apparatus three times in the total length to base of caudal fin. Dorsal fin arising immediately 1)ehind the occiput and extending as far as the caudal pedicle with ten subequal spines and nine articulated rays, the latter not longer than the former, and not produced into an acute lobe in front. Anal spines gradually increasing in length and stoutness from the first onward, the fifth e(iualling the foremost articulated ray in length, and longitudinally striated. Articulated portion of the anal corresponding in size and position to the articulated dorsal. Abdominal vertebrae 10, caudal 13. Large incisi- form teeth present in front, gradually diminishing in size posteriorly, apjxar- ently in single series ; maxilla and premaxilla clearly separate. Scales small, those of the posterior part of the body in the form of shagreen-like calcifications and tubercles. Neural spines of abdominal region and all of the interspinous bones much expanded ; pelvic bones strongly developed. No lateral caudal spines. 1 The writer is indehted to President Jordan, than whom is no Iiigher authority, for the suggestion that " Pi/qneus, and y)ossil)ly Apoatntiis also, should he taken as representing a distinct family, which would occupy a more central ])Osition near the common ancestry of Acanthuridae Chaetodontidae, and Siganus ( Teuthis) " (Ittt., May, 1904). 32 bulletin: museum of compaeative zoology. The general outline of body in this species is more suggestive of Acanthurus than Pygaeus, but the fin-structure is wholly in accord ■with the latter genus. The development of the spinous dorsdl is about equal to that of the type species of Pygaeus, but the articulated dorsal is less strongly developed. This is a character of specific importance, and its variation amongst different forms belonging to the same general group is indicated by the following formulae : Pygaeus holcanus D. 10 or 12 + 20 {Jide Agassiz). " agassizii D. 10 + 9 ; A. 5 + 8. " nohilis D. 12+ 12; A. 3 + 12. " coleanus D. 14 H- 15 ; A. 9 + 11. Acanthurus gaudryi D. 7 + 28 ; A. 3 + 25. " tenuis D. 9 + 21 ; A. 3 + 19. LOPHIIDAE. Histionotophorus, nomen nov. [Histiocephaltis A. de Zigno, 1887.] The name proposed for this genus by Baron de Zigno is not only inap- propriate but preoccupied, Diesing having applied it to a genus of Vermes in 1851. The title Histiocephalus may therefore be discarded in favor of Histionotophorus, which is bestowed in allusion to the sail-like median fin ex- tending along the back. Histionotophorus bassani (Zigno). (Plate 1 , Figs. 1-3 ; Text-fig. C.) 1887. Histiocephalus bassani A. de Zigno, Mem. R. Istit. Veneto, xxiii. p. 31, Fig. 9. D. I - I - I + 13 ; C. 8 ; A. 9 ; V. 7 ; P. 6. A comparatively small pediculate species attaining a total length to the base of the caudal fin of about 6 cm. Mouth oblique, maxillary extending far downward, dentary thickened, jaws with cardiform teeth, skin naked. An- terior dorsal of three separated tentacle-like spines on the head, posterior dorsal high, much extended, with thirteen articulated rays, the fin-membrane stiffened at the base with small spiniform calcifications. Pectoral members situated immediately above the origin of the anal fin, their short rays directed vertically, and supported by extremely long pseudobrachia, which are apparently composed of two actinosts. Number of vertebrae apparently not more than 18 (according to de Zigno, however, there are 22 in the type, 10 abdominal and 12 caudal). Three specimens answering to the above description, two of them in counter- part, are preserved in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, and their princi- EASTMAN : DESCKIPTIONS OF BOLCA FISHES. 33 peal characters are combined in the accompanying text-figure, so far as they are observable. There is little room for doubt that these interesting and rare pediculates are identical with the species described by Baron de Zigno under the name of Histiocephalus bassani, although the type-specimen is so imper- fectly preserved that his description is at variance in some points with the one given above, and the affinities of the type have remained more or less obscure. The latter, indeed, was referred to the Scorpaenidae l;y Dr. A. S. Woodward in his Catalogue of Fossil Fishes in the British Museum. The characteristic pectoral members are not shown in de Zigno's illustration of this form, and the head is much disfigured ; as for a supposed membrane sup- ]i()rted by the cephalic spines (to which the name Histiocephalus alludes), no indication is afforded by the new material that such a structure existed. An interesting fact to be noted is the close correspondence existing between the fin-formulae of the fossil and recent species. In the connnon Angler, Lophius Fm;. C. Illstloiiutoiihoius hiisMinl ((\e7Ag\w). X J- A composite il rawing based upon three individuals belonging to tlie Miis. Comp. Zool. piscatorius, for instance, as well as in the form under discussion, the first and second dorsal together comprise 13 rays, and the number of rays Ijebjnging to the caudal, anal, and ventral fins is identical in both species. It is to be regretted that the cranial osteology is not more clearly displayed, as it would be interesting to compare the various degrees of modification exhibited by the Eocene and modern pediculates. The recent genus Corynolo- phus exhibits a similar thickening of the dentary and other btmes of the lower jaw, and another resemblance is seen in the construction of the premaxillaries, which are probably movable, but further than this we cannot go. Attention should be called, however, to the remarkable fact of a type of fish-life appear- ing suddenly in the Eocene, already highly modified, without any known predecessors nor any that can be plausibly conjectured, but which persists after its first introduction essentially unchanged until modern times. VOL. XLVI.^ — NO. 1 3 34 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPAEATIVE ZOOLOGY. GYMNODONTIDAE. Diodon erinaceus Agassiz. (Text-flgur« 2>.) 1844. Diodon erinaceus L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., ii. pt. ii. p. 274. 1859. Diodon erinaceus A. B. Mass.aloiigo, Specimen Photogr. Aniiii. Foss. Agr. Veron., p. 21, Plate XII. Fig. 2. 1874. Diodon erinaceus A. de Zigno, Catalogo ragionato dei Pesci Fossili, p. 163. 1876. Diodon erinaceus F. Bassani, Atti Soc. Veneto-Trent. Sci. Nat., iii. p. 189. 1901. Diodon erinaceus A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes Brit. Mus., pt. iv. p. 572. Fig. D. Diodon erinacerts Ag. X \- This species has never been satisfactorily defined, and with the extremely limited material that has thus far been obtained, a precise definition is not yet EASTMAN: DESCRIPTIONS OF BOLCA FISHES. 35 possible. Agassiz's sole description consists in the statement that it is " une espece de trois pouces de long, reniarquablc par sa forme ovale et par ses piquants courts, robustes et assez clair-semes." Of the type-specimen, now preserved in the British Museum, Dr. Woodward states that it is exposed from the ventral aspect, has the dentition much obscured, and " no fins are seen except part of the caudal. The largest and most slender spines are at the sides of the middle of the trunk." The type-specimen has never been figured, and the species is so little known that it seems desirable to furnish an illustration of a specimen closely resem- bling the type, which has recently been secured by the Museum of Comparative Zoology. This is shown from the ventral aspect in the adjoining text-figure 4, and it will be seen that scarcely any differences are to be noted between it and the so-called " Enneodon echimis " of Heckel. In the latter, according to this author, " der Oberkiefer ist niit sieben kleinen Zahnplatten besetzt, die gleich einer Reihe tiacher Schneidezahne diclit an einander stehen." There are some obscure indications that separate teeth were also present around the margin of the upper jaw in Diodon erinaceus, l)ut as this cannot lie absolutely demon- strated at iiresent, it is not deemed advisable to unite these two species. The lower dental plate is well shown from the inferior aspect in the Cambridge specimen, and does not appear to have been divided by a median longitudinal suture. Pelvic fins are not observable, nor has the writer been able to detect them in anj"- specimen of D. tenuispmus from Monte Bolca thus far examined by him. An example of this species so closely resembling the type as to have been confused with it by some writers is treasured amongst the splendid collection belonging to the Paris Museum of Natural History. For the excep- tional favors and facilities enjoyed at the hands of M. Albert Gaudry and M. Pxiule during his study of this collection the past year, the writer finds it dillicult to express his deep sense of obIigati(jn and gratitude. 36 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. All figures are of the natural size, and the originals are preserved in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. PLATE 1. Figs. 1-3. Histionotophorus hassani (Zigno). Upper Eocene ; Monte Bolca. Figs. 1 and 1 a are counterparts of tlie same specimen. Fig. 4. Caranx primaevus, sp. nov. LTpper Eocene; Monte Bolca. Fig. 5. Si/mphodus ssajriochae {Z\gi\o). Upper Eocene; Monte Bolca. PLATE 2. Pygaeus agassizii, sp. nov. Upper Eocene; Monte Bolca [ex Canossa Collection). Eastman. — Boka Fishes. Plate I. ?^:'.it / The following Publications of the Museum of Comparative Zoology are in preparation : — Reports on clie Results of Dredging Ojierations in 1877, 1878, 1879, and iSS<>, in charge ol Ai.kx- ANDKR Agassiz, by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake-," as follows: — E. EHLEKS. The Annelids of the " Blake." C. HARTl.AUB. The Couiatulse of the " Blake," with 15 Plates. H. LUUWIG. Tlie Genus Pentacriims. A. MILXE EDWARDS and E. L. BOUVIER. The Crustacea of the " Blake." A. E. VERRILL. The Alcyonaria of the " Blake." Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fifh Comiuis?ion Steamer "Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jeli'erson F. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding. Illustrations of North Ainericau :MARIKE INVERTEBRATES, from Drawings by Buhk- HAKDT, SosKEL, and A. Agassiz, prepavetl under the direction of h. Agassiz. LOUIS CABOT. Immature State of the Odonata, Part IV. E. L. JI.-VRIC. Studies on I.epiilosteus, continued. " On Arachnactis. R. T. HILL. On the Geology of the Windward Islands. W. :Mo-M. W001>W0UTH. On the Bololo or Palolo of Fiji and Samoa. A. AGASSIZ and A. G. :\IAYER. The Aealephs of the East Coast of the United States. AGASSIZ and WHITMAN. Pelagic Fishes. Part II., with 14 Plates. Reports on the Results of the Expedition of "Albatross," Lieutenant Commander Z. I^ ALEx.\^'l)EK Agassiz, as follows: — A. AGASSIZ. The Pelagic Fauna. " The Echini. " The Pananiic Deep-Sea Fauna. K. BRANDT. The SagittiB. " The ThalassicolsB. O CHUN. The Siphonophores. " The Eyes of l)eei)-Sea Crustacea. W. H. DALL. The Mollusks. H. J. HANSEN. The Cirripeds. W. A. HERDMAN. The Ascidians. S. J. HICKSON. The Antipathids. G. VON KOCH. The Deep-Sea Corals. C. A. KOFOID. Solenogaster. B. VON LENDENFELl). The Phospho- rescent Organs of Fishes. 1891 of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Tanker, L'. S. N., Commanding, in charge of H. LUDWIG. The Starfishes. J. P. McMURRlCH. The Actinarians. E. L. MARK. Branchiocerianthus. JOHN MURRAY. The Bottom Specimens. P. SCHIEMENZ. The Pteropods and Hete- ropods. THEO. STUDEK. The Alcyonarians. M. P. A. TRAUSTEDT. The Salpidae and DoliolidiB. H. B. WARD. The Sipuncnlids. H. V. WILSON. The Sponges. W. McM. WOOD WORTH. The Nemerteans. " The Annelids. PUBLICATIONS OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. There have l)een published of the Bulletin Vols. I. to XLI., and also Vol. XLI V. ; of the Memoirs, Vols. I. to XXIV., and also Vols. XXVIIL and XXIX. Vols. XLIL, XLIII., XLV., XLVL, and XLVIL of the Bulle- tin, and Vols. XXV., XXVI., XXVII., XXX., and XXXI. of the MicMOius, are now in course of publication. The Bulletin and IMemoius are devoted to the publication of original work by the Professors and Assistants of the JMnsenni, of investigations carried on by students and others in the different Laboratories of Natural History, and of work by specialists based upon tlie Museum Collections and P^xplorations. The following publications are in preparation :^^- Kejjorts on the KesiiUs of Dredgiiiij Operations froTii 1877 to 1880, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Hhike," Lieut. Coniniauder C. 1). Sigsbee, U. S. N., and Conniiander J. K. Bartlett, U. S. N., Couiniaiiding. Reports on tiie Results of the Expedition of 1801 of the U. S. Fish Coinmission Sleanier- " Albatross," Lieut. Conniiander Z. L. Tanner, U. S. N., Com- manding, in charge of Alexander Agassiz. Reports on the Scientific ResuUs of tlie Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish. Commission Steamer "Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. IVIoser, U. S. N., Commanding. Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory, Professor E. L. Mark, Director. Contributions from the Geological Laborator}', in charge of Professor N. S. Shaler. These publications are issued in numbers at irregular inter- vals ; one volume of the Bulletin (8vo) and half a volume of the Memoirs (4 to) usually appear annually. Each number of the Bulletin and of the Memoirs is sold separately. A price list of the jiublications of the Museum will be sent on application to the- Librarian of the IMuseum of Comparative Zoology, Cam- bridge, Mass. ^.^^' ^ Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at harvard college Vol. XLVI. No. 2. MALDIVE CEPTTALOCHORDATES, WITH THE DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES fROM FLORIDA. By G. H. Parker. ' With Two Plates. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U.S.A.: PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. November, 1904. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at harvard college, Vol. XLVI. No. 2. MALDIVE CEPHALOCHORDATES, WITH THE DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES FROM FLORIDA. By G. II. Parker. With Two Plates. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U.S.A.: PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. "^'^NOVEilBEK, 1904. Xo. 2. — Maldive Cephalochordates, with the Description of a New Species from Florida. By G. H. Parker. Introduction. Through the kindness of Mr. Alexander Agassiz, to whom my thanks are due, I have had the privilege of studying the cephalochordates col- lected by him in his recent expedition to the Maldive Islands. These consisted of material from three localities. At Timarafuri, Kolumadulu Atoll, a single specimen of the rare Branchiostoma pelagicum Giiuther was taken in the net between one liundred and fifty fathoms and the surface ] at Xalandu, Miladummadulu Atoll, a single specimen of a new species of Heteropleuron was dredged in twenty-four fatlioms ; and at Hanimadu, Tiladummati Atoll, the dredge brought np from sixteen fathoms twenty- one specimens as follows : twelve Heteropleuron maldiveuse Cooper, two specimens of a new species of Heteropleuron, and seven specimens of a new species closely related to Asymmetron lucayanum Andrews. The exact positions of these localities are well shown in the chart accom- panying Mr. Agassiz's (1903, Plate 1) account of his voyage. In addition to this material I have also studied that in the collections of the ^fuseum of Comparative Zoology and of the United States Na- tional Museum. In the former I found seven specimens of a new species of Asymmetron ft-om the coast of Florida. A description of this species is included in the present paper. I am indebted to the officers of the Xatioual Museum and of the Museum of Cor parative Zoology, especially to my friend Ur. W. McM. Woodworth, for the use of the collections under their charge. Description of Species. While it is perhaps premature, in view of the rapidly increasing number of species, to discuss at any length the classification of the cephalo- chordates, a survey of the recent literature on the subject shows that the species thus far known fall more or less naturally into three gi'oups, which have at least the taxonomic value of genera. The first of these is Costa's original genus Branchiostoma, which, though somewhat restricted by new definitions, has been retained by Kirkaldy VOL. XLVI . — NO. 2 40 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. (1895), Cill (1895), Willey (1901), and Tattersall (1903"), and is defined by all excepting Kirkaldy for the inckision of symmetrical species only. The second is Andrew's Asymmetron, wliich was accepted in its origi- nal form by Kii'kaldy (1895) and by Gill (l895), but expanded by Tattersall (1903") to inchide all unsymmetrical species, whether they possessed a urostyloid process or not. The third is Kirkaldy's subgenus Heteropleuron, which was raised by Willey (1901) to generic value for the reception of all uusymmetrical species, including those originally put under Asymmetron. These three genera may be briefly defined as follows : 1. B ranch iosiojna. — Symmetrical cephalochordates in which the right and left metapleural folds terminate just behind the anus and the gonads form two lateral series. 2. Heteropleuron. — Unsymmetrical cephalochordates in which the left metapleural fold terminates just behind the anus, and tlie right one is continuous with the median ventral fin; the gonads form a single series on the right side ; and a urostyloid process is not present. 3. Asymmetron. — Unsymmetrical cephalochordates in which the left metapleural fold terminates just behind the anus and the right one is continuous with the median ventral fin ; the gonads form a single series on the right side ; and a well developed urostyloid process is present. As already indicated, species representing all three genera were found by Mr. Agassiz in the Maldives, and their descriptions follow. Branchiostoma pelagicum Gunthee. Guntlier, 1889, p. 43. Plate 1, Figs. 1, 3. A single specimen of this somewhat rare species was taken in the net between one hundred and fifty fathoms and the surface at Timarafuri, Kolumadulu Atoll. This species was originally described from a single specimen taken by tlie "Challenger" a few degrees north of Honolulu in the Pacific. A second specimen obtained by Mr. J. J. Lister, in the Indian Ocean midway l)etween Madagascar and Australia, was reported on by Cooper (1903, p. 352) in his account of the Maldive and Laccadive cephalochordates. Finally six specimens formed the basis of an account of this species l)y Tattersall (1903'', p. 214) ; all six were taken l)y tow-net in the Indian Ocean, one about halfway between Perim and the Maldives, and the other five between the Maldives and the Gulf of Manaar. Notwithstanding these several catches, all three lots of material were reported as poorly preserved, and consequently the best description of this species that could be compiled is still defective in several important particulars. PAPwKER: MALDIVE CEPHALOCHORDATES. 41 The specimen obtained by Mr. Agassiz is exceptional! j- well preserved, and the following notes based upon an examination of it are intended to supple- ment former descriptions. The length of the specimen is 9 mm. and its depth 0.8 mm., being .slightly- smaller than the " Challenger" specimen, though having almost exactly the same proportions. Cooper's specimen had the considerable length of 21 nnn., though, as his figure shows, its depth was proportionally as great as that of the " Challenger " specimen; Tattersall's largest specimen was 8.5 mm. long and 1 mm. deep, thus agreeing fairly well with the measurements of the small individuals already given. Tattersall's drawing (1903b, Fig. 16), however, represents, probably by mistake, a more slender animal. Notwithstanding the slight differences in the dimensions of the various specimens, they probably all belong to one species. The fins in the specimen taken liy 'Mv. Agassiz were in perfect preservation. The caudal fin (Plate 1, Pig. 2) is oval in outline and almost exactly sym- metrical dorsoventrally. The chorda extends through its major axi>, and ends close to its posterior edge. The fin dorsallj^ and ventrally is marked with numerous delicate radiating striae. Dorsally the caudal is continuous with a dorsal fin, which can be followed to the anterior end of the animal. Xear the tail (Fig. 2) it is moderately high, but it gradually becomes lower and lower, till near the anterior end (Fig. 1) it is about one-third as high as at its posterior limit. In the posterior region a row of low fin-ray chambers can be seen (Fig. 2). These increase in height, and near the middle of the trunk reach the outer edge of the fin. At the anterior end they rapidly diminish in height, and cease near the eye-spot (Fig. 1). They contain no fin-rays. A low ventral fin without fin-ray chambers connects the caudal fin with the right metapleural fold. Anteriorly the dorsal fin is continuous with a rostral fin (Fig. 1) which ex- pands ventrally and po.steriorly to jdin the buccal hood on the left side. The number of myotomes in the specimen under examination is sixty- seven, corresponding in this respect exactly with the " Challenger " specimen. Cooper's specimen contained at least sixty, and Tattersall's sixty-five, though, as the authors state, neither of these counts can be relied upon as accurate be- cause of the poor state of the material. The myotome formula for this species had been provisionally stated by Kir- kaldy (1895, p. 320) as 36 + ] 6 -|- 15 == 67. This was based upon a tentative statement by Gunther (1889, p. 43), in whose specimen the atriopore could not be identified with certainty. In our specimen the atriopore and anus were distinctly visible, and the myotome formula proved to be 46 -[- 10 -}- 11 =:67. The notochord, which is well developed, reaches from very near the anterior edge of the rostral fin almost to the posterior limit of the caudal. At both ends it projects well beyond the myotomes. The nerve tube contains in its anterior end a well developed eye-spot and, 42 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. beginning at the third myotome and extending almost to the posterior end, a series of smaller spots in groups irregularly twice as numerous as the myotomes. The gonads form two series, one righfand one left, though, as intimated by Giinther (1889, p. 44), they are often so closely pressed together near the median phme that they there seem to form a single median row. The presence of a double row of gonads places tliis species untpiestionably in the genus Branchiostoma. The number of gonads on each side Avas thirty-three, and the series ranged from the first to about the twenty-ninth myotome instead of the twenty-sixth, as in the " Challenger" specimen. Our specimen is probably a male, though the gonads were not sufficiently mature to allow this determination to be made with certainty. I can confirm the statement of most previous writers that oral cirri are absent. I have also been unable to find any evidence of branchial apparatus, and I agree with Cooper (1903, p. 353) that if this apparatus is present at all, it must be very limited in extent. Possibly the small size and flattened form of this species, which must place very near the surface all the living substance in need of oxygen, may have been acquired in connection with a gradual loss of special- ized respiratory organs in much the same way that many of our smaller sala- manders seem to have lost their lungs. Heteropleuron maldivense Cooper. Cooper, 1903, p. 349. Twelve specimens of this recently described species were dredged in sixteen fathoms of water at Hanimadu, Tiladummati Atoll. They agreed in all par- ticulars with the very full account of this species given by Cooper. The more important structural relations as shown in three of the specimens are given in Table I. TABLE 1. Structural Characteristics, etc., of H. maldivense. PACKER: MALDIVE CErilALOCIIOKDATES. 43 These reconb agree fairly well witli those tabulated for this species by Piuniftt (1903, p. 363), from whose table the modes and ranges at the base of Table I. are taken. Heteropleuron agassizii, sp. nov. Plate 2, Fig. 5. One specimen of this species was dredged in twenty-four fathoms of water at Malandu, Miladummadulu Atoll. It is rather elongated, measuring 27 mm. in length by 3 mm. in depth. The dorsal fin is of almost uniform heiglit throughout. From the anal region to a point a little in advance of the anterior end of the nerve tube, it contains fin-ray chambers to the number (if fonr dr five to a myotome. In the anterior and posterior regions these fail to reach the free edge of the fin, but in the trunk region they meet the edge. The most anterior three chamber^ are without fin-rays, which are present iu all the more posterior chambers to a point al)out midway between the atriopore and tlie anus. From this point posteriorly, only faint traces of fin-rays are here and there ob- servable, and even these disappear as the caudal region is approached. Never more than one fin-ray is present in a chamber. Often in the anterior region and sometimes posteriorly the fin-rays may reach to half the height of the fin, but in most places they are only about one-fourth this height. Anteriorly the .dorsal fin is continuous with the rostral. Posteriorly it passes into the simjile inconspicuous caudal fin which in turn is continuous with the ventral. The ventral fin has much less height than that part of the dorsal fin opposite to it, and is without fin-rays or fin-ray chambers. The myotome formula is 45 -j-15 -}- 10 = 70. The chorda is stout and almost reaches the anterior and posterior limits of the body, projecting well bej^ond the myotomes in both directions. The nerve tube has a faint anterior ej'p.-spot followed by a series of smaller spots reaching from the third to the last myotome, and showing the usual ten- dency to fall into two groups for each myotome. The gonads form a single series on the right side, and are twenty-four iu number. They extend from the seventeenth to the forty-first myotome. Tlie specimen is a female. The oral region is so contracted that it is impossible to be certain of the number of preoral cirri; at least nine to a side are present. Heteropleuron agassizii is related to H. bassanum, and especially to H. nial- divense. In length it is between H. bassanum (43 mm.) and H. maldivense (22 mm.). The ratio of its depth to its length, one to nine, is almost e.\actly that of H. bassanum, and less than that of H. maldivense, one to six. The gonads, wliich in H. maldivense begin between the ninth and tiiirteenth myotomes and extend to a point between the thirty-third and thirty-nintli, iu H. agassizii extend from the seventeentli to the forty-first. The caudal fin of H. agassizii, though much like that of H. maldivense, differs strikingly in its 44 bulletin: museum of COMPAKATIVE ZOOLOCxY. simple outline from the more lancelike form of that of H. bassanum. Perhaps the best differential character lies in _the ventral fin. In H. bassanum and H. maldivense the ventral fin has fin-ray chambers and fin-rays ; in H. agassizii it has no chambers and no fin-rays. A summarized statement of the contrasts between H. agassizii and other allied species is given in Table 2, page 45. Heteropleuron parvum, sp. nov. Plate 3, Fig. 6. Two specimens of this species were dredged in sixteen fathoms of water at Hanimadu, Tiladummati Atoll. They measured 11.5 mm. and 12.5 mm. in length respectively, and their depth is about one-tenth their length. The dorsal fin is well developed, and is slightly higher posteriorly and espe- cially anteriorly than in the middle. It has well marked fin-ray chambers ex- tending from the anterior end of the nerve tube to the tail, and numbering about four to a myotome. In the middle region the chambers reach the free edge of the fin. Single fin-rays are present. Anteriorly the dorsal passes into the rostral fin, posteriorly into the inconspicuous caudal. The caudal fin, which is in no way marked off from the dorsal, is also continuous with the ventral, which contains a series of low fin-ray chambers and short single fin-rays. These are inconspicuous, and have not been shown in the figure (Plate 2, Fig. 6). The myotome formula in both specimens is 40 4- 18 -1- 10 = 68. The chorda is stout and almost reaches the anterior and posterior limits of the body. The nerve tube contains a conspicuous anterior eye-spot, and from the third myotome to the last a series of smaller spots. The gonads, which were completely present in only one specimen, formed a single series on the right side, and were sixteen in number. They extended from the fourteenth to the thirtieth myotome. The structure of the ventral fin allies this species with the first four men- tioned in Table 2. It dift'ers from all these in its small size and narrow form, for it is even longer in proportion to its depth than H. bassanum, the narrowest of the four. From H. bassanum it differs markedly in its myotome formula, the small number of its gonads, and the simpler form of its tail. A comparison of H. parvum and H. agassizii with other allied species is given in Table 2. PARKER : MALDIVE CEl'IIALOCHORDATES. 45 K m s H O a < a" > < OS m ■< O •< izi O C4 P » O Eh r a » >j aT < H oo » H M - " ^ ^ ^ ^ C 3 w O s .- t-l a 09 CO ,a o U (-• r^ s z> O B '3 ^ pC 5 s "* "* ■• " £ 5 o o C ^ o Tt^ CO CO ao 5 CO (S J^ C o u o O EC O 1 s 3 c 2 o ■♦-< s o > '3 CO C o S > -4-f Ph S "3 'E 03 i) c S-. eS 5S 0) ^ rt 3 SO .a c '5 C- O cS 1— « •—1 1— H 1— H P-H 1— ( 46 BULLETIN : MUSEUM .OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Asymmetron orientale, sp. nov. Plate 1, Fig. 4. Seven specimens of this species were dredged in sixteen fathoms of water at Hanimadu, Tiladummati Atoll. They varied in length from 18 mm. to 9 mm., and their general proportions and structural features suggested at once that they belonged to the species Asymmetron lucayanum Andrews. Although the material on which Andrews based his description came from the Bahamas, Cooper (1903, p. 348) has recently claimed that the same form also occurs in the Maldives. In discussing this question he states that " the only point in which the Maldivan and West Indian forms consistently differ from one another is in their size. The average length of the Maldivan specimens is 23 mm., the extremes being 18 and 30 mm., thus being nearly double the length of the Bahama specimens which Andrews found to average 13 mm. In spite of this difference the average myotome formula for the two forms remains practically the same, the mode in each case being sixty-six myotomes, i. e. forty-four from the head to the atriopore, nine from the atriopore to the anus, and thirteen from the anus to the tail." Observations on the seven specimens obtained by Mr. Agassiz confirm most of these statements, as may be seen l)y inspecting Table 3, in which records from three of the seven individuals are given, and below these for comparison average records for the eastern form as given by Cooper (1903, p. 348) and by Punnett (1903, p. 362), and for the western by Andrews (1893, p. 242). It is obvious, as Cooper states, that in all these characters, except size, the eastern individuals agree with the western ones. TABLE 3. Comparison of Eastern and Western Specimens of Asymmetron. No. of Specimen. Length in mm. Sex. Gonads. Myotome Foi-mula. 1 2 3 17.5 18 9 9 28 shed 26 44 + 10 + 12 = 66 46 + 10 + 13 := 69 43 + 9 + 11 = 63 East formi West form 2 23 13 29 29 44 + 9 + 13 = 66 44 + 9 + 13 = 66 1 Records for the eastern specimens as given by Cooper (1903, p. 348), and hy runnett (1903, p. 362). '^ Records for the western specimens as given by Andrews (1893, p. 242). PARKER: MALDIVE CEPHALOCHORDATES. 47 The collection from the United States National ]\rnseum, which I had the privilege of stud\'ing, contained a few specimens of the West Indian Asym- metron donated by Dr. Andrews, and I thei'efore had tlie opportnnity of mak- ing a close comparison between this and the eastern form. As a result of this comparison I found one structural feature in which the two sets of individuals consistently differed ; this was the form of the caudal hn. In the West Indian specimens as figured by Andrews (1893, Plate 13, Figs. 1, 2), and as seen in the material before me (Plate 1, Fig 3), the dorsal and particularly the ventral portions of the caudal tin in the vicinity of the myotomes were very broad, the fin becoming narrow and blade-like only on the urostyloid process. In the Maldivan forms (Plate 1, Fig. 4) collected by Mr. Agassiz, the ventral portion of the caudal fin next the myotomes was only slightly broader than that under the urostyloid portion, and the dorsal portion next the myotomes was no broader than that over the urostyloid process. These features of the caudal fins in the two forms were so characteristically different in the material at my disposal that I do not hesitate to say that the seven Maldivan specimens certainly repre- sent a species different from A. lucayanum, and I have therefore proposed the name of Asymmetron orientale for them. While I am confident that the specimens collected by Mr. Agassiz are spe- cifically distinct from A. lucayanum, I do not wish to be understood to imply that this species may not occur in the Maldives. Although the seven speci- mens examined by me have lengths not far from those of Cooper's S2:>ecimens, they differ from the figure and description of these given by Cooper (1903, 2^. 348, Plate 18, Fig. 1) in the form of their caudal fins. The caudal fin, how- ever, is an extremely delicate structure, and now that an important differential character has been found in it, a re-examination of its condition in Maldivan material heretofore supposed to be A. lucayanum would seem desirable before declaring this species to be an unquestionable member of the Maldive fauna. Asymraetron macricaudatum, sp. nov. Plate 2, Fig. 7. Seven specimens of this species were in the collection of the Museum of Com- parative Zoology. They were labelled " Salt Key Anchorage Fla." and were probably dredged on" the Florida coast by the late Count Pourtalcs. Two of the specimens were much curled and were of very little service for study ; the remaining five were straight and in excellent preservation. The following de- scription is based upon an examination of these. The specimens varied in length from 14.0 mm. to 10.5 mm. and were over twelve times as long as they were deep (Plate 2, Fig. 7). The dorsal fin is low, particularly in its middle and anterior extent. From the second myotome to a region somewhat posterior to the anus there are low fin-ray chambers and short fin-rays. The fin-rays are generally block-like in 48 bulletin: museum of compaeative zoology. outline and occur one for each chamber. There are as a rule four fin-ray chambers to a myotome. Anteriorly the dorsal fin passes over into a small rostral fin. Posteriorly it is continuous with the much reduced caudal fin which invests the long uro- stvloid process dorsally and ventrally as a very narrow blade. The caudal fin is continuous with tlie rather broad ventral fin, in which there are neither fin- ray chambers nor fin-rays. The myotome formula may be given as 43 -{-b + 14+ = 62+. Between the anterior end and the atriopore the number of myotomes varies from 42 to 44, and between the atriopore and the anus it is usually 5. For the region posterior to the anus an exact number cannot be given, for the reason that the most posterior myotomes are so small that it is impossible to count them or deter- mine with certainty where the system terminates. In the enumerations for this region given in Table 4, only the numliers that could be counted with certainty are given, though in every case more myotomes were prol)ably present. This is indicated by suffixing a plus sign to the numbers for this region and to the totals. A well marked chorda passes through the animal almost from end to end, and forms posteriorly a delicate, long, urostyloid process. The nerve tube has a distinct anterior eye-spot, and a series of numerous smaller spots extending from the third myotome to about the region of the anus. The gonads, which vary in number from twenty-three to twenty-eight, form a single series on the right side. In a specimen with twenty-six gonads they extended from the eleventh to the thirty-seventh myotome. A summarized statement of the chief structural features of the five speci- mens examined is given in Table 4. TABLE 4. Structural Characteristics, etc. of A. macricaudatum. No. of Specimen. Length in mm. Sex. No. of Gonads. Myotome Formula. 1 13.5 9 26 44 + 4 + lOJ- = 68+ 2 10.5 9 26 42 -f 5 + 17+ = 64+ 3 14.0 9 shed 42 + 5 + 19+ = 66+ 4 12.5 (? 28 44 + 5 + 1.3+ = 62+ 6 11.0 s 2.3 43 + 5 + 11+ = 59+ The presence of gonads only on the right side of the body and the well developed urostyloid process place this species unquestionably in the genus Asymmetron. It differs from all known species of this genus in the form of its PARKER: MALDIVE CEPHALOCHORDATES. 49 caudal fin, which is narrower even than that in A. orientale, and in the small number of myotomes intervening between the atriopore and the anus. Table 5 gives in a condensed wa}" some of the more obvious differences between this and the other known species of Asymmetron. TABLE 5. Speciks of Asymmetron Contrasted. Name of Species. Length in mm. No. of Gonads. Myotome Formula. A. lucayanum Andrews . . . A. orientale, sp. nov A. caudatum Willey .... A. maericaudatum, sp. nov. 13 23 20 13 29 29 30 26 44 + 9 + 13 = 66 44 + 9 + 13 = 66 44 + 9 + 11 =r 64 43 + 5 + 14+ = 62+ 50 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Agassiz, A. 1903. The Coral Reefs of tlie Maldives. Memoirs of the Museum of Com- parative Zoology at Harvard College, vol. 29, xxv +168 pp., 82 pis. Andrews, E. A. 1893. An undescribed Acraiiiatc : Asymmctron lucayanuni. Studies from the Biological Laboratory, Johns Hopl^ius University, vol. 5, pp. 213- 247, pis. \'6-U. Cooper, C. F. 1903. Cephalochorda. Systematic and Anatomical Account. The Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagoes, edited by J. S. Gardiner, vol. 1, pp. 347-360, pi. 18. Gill, T. 1895. The Genera of Brauchiostomidae. American Naturalist, vol. 29, pp. 457-459. Giinther, A. 1889. Report on the Pelagic Bishcs collected by H. M. S. "Challenger" during the years 1873-76. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. " Cliallenger," 1873-76, Zoology, vol. 31, 47 pp., 6 pis. Kirkaldy, J. W. 1895. A Revision of the Genera and Species of the Brauchiostomidae. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, new series, vol. 37, pp. 303-325, pis. 34-35. Punnett, R. C. 1903. Cephalochorda. Note on Meristic Variation in the Group. The Fauna and Geograi)hy of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagoes, edited by J. S. Gardiner, vol. 1, pp. 361-367- Tattersall, W. M. 1903'. Notes ou the Classification and Geographical Distribution of the Cephalochorda. Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biolog- ical Society, vol. 17, pp. 269-302. PAKKER : MALDIVE CEPHALOCHORDATES. 51 Tattersall, W. M. 1903 . Report ou tlie Ceplialocliorda collected by Professor Ilerdinan, at Ceylon, iu 1902. In W. A. Herdman's Report to the Government of Ceylon on tlie Pearl Oyster Pisheries of the Gulf of Mauaar, Pt. 1, Sup- plementary Report No. 6, pp. 210-22C, 1 pi. Willey, A. 1901. Uolichorhynchus iudicus n. g., u. sp. A new Craniate. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, vol. 44, pp. 2G9-271. 52 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPAKATIVE ZOOLOGY. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. All the figures are camera drawings of specimens preserved and dehydrated in alcohol and cleared in clove oil. PLATE 1. Fig. 1. Eight side of the anterior end of Branchiostoma pelagicum Giinther. X 30. Fig. 2. Right side of the posterior end of Branchiostoma pelagicum Giinther. X 30. Fig. 3. Left side of the posterior end of Asyrametron lucayanum Andrews, from tlie West Indies. X 40. Fig. 4. Left side of the posterior end of Asymmetron orientale, sp. nov. X 25. PLATE 2. Fig. 5. Ileteropleuron agassizii, sp. nov. ; right side. X 5. Fig. 6. Hcteropleuron parvum, sp. nov. ; riglit side. X 12. Fig. 7. Asymmetron macricaudatum, sp. nov. ; right side. X 10. ■^ ri'^.>?*Wria(.-i?r?a-..r,T.,jv.-.-. [^±*g» J - • ■ «r> jiTr. ^ CHP del fiMet!el,lilH tei'jn R^rker-Cepha. :% J' A^^ ^ I y .A t i^ I \\ :- ^ A G K ? de: The following Publications of the Museum of Comparative Zoology are in preparation : — Reports oti the Results of Dredging Operations in 1877, 1878, 1879, and 188<>, In charge of Alex- ander Agassiz, by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake," as follows: — E. EHLERS. The Annelids of the " Blake." C. HARTLAUB. The Comatulae of the " Blake," with 15 Plates. H. LUOWIG. The Genus Pentacrinus. A. MILXE EDWARDS and E. L. BOITVIER. The Crustacea of the "Blake." A. E. VERRILL. The Alcyonaria of the " Blake." Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexandkr Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jeftersou F. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding. LO U IS CA BO r. Immature State of the Odonata, Part IV. E. L. :MAltK. Studies on Lepidosteus, continued. " On Arachnactis. R. T. HILL. On the Geology of the Windward Islands. W. McM. WOODWOKTH. On the Bololo or Palolo of Fiji and Samoa. AGASSIZ and WHITMAN. Pelagic Fishes. Part II., with 14 Plates. Imports on the Results of the Expedition of 1891 of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," Lieutenant Commander Z. L Tansek, U. S. N.", Commanding, in charge of Alexandek Agassiz, as follows: — A. AGASSIZ. The Pelagic Fauna. H. LUDWIG. The Starfishes. " The Echini. J. P. ^IcMURRICH. The Actinarians. " The Panamic Deep-Sea Fauna. E.L.MARK. Branchiocerianthus. K.BRANDT. The Sagittae. JOHN :mURRAY. The Bottom Specimens. The Thalassicolje. P. SCHIEMENZ. The Pteropods and Hete- C. CHUN. The Siphonophores. " Tlie Kyes of DeeivSea Crustacea. ropods. W. H DALL. The Mollusks. THEO. STUDER. The Alcyonarians. H. J. HANSEN. The Cirripeds. M. P. A. TRAUSTEDT. The Salpidse and W. A. HERDMAN. The Ascidians. Doliolidfe. S. J. HICKSON. The Antipathids. ^ Sipunculids. C A. KOFOID. Solenogaster. ' ^ R. VON LKN1)KNI>'KLD. ThePhospbo- W. McM. WOODWORTH. The Nemerteans. rescent Organs of Fishes. ' The Annelids. PUBLICATIONS OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. Tlioi-e have been piiblislied of the Bulletin Vols. I. to XLI., and also Vol. XLIV^. ; of the Memoirs, Vols. I. to XXIV., and also Vols. XXVllL and XXIX. Vols. XLn.,XLlIL,XLV.,XLVL,and XLVIL of the Bulletin, and Vols. XXV., XXVI. , XXVII. , XXX., XXXL, and XXXII. of the ]\IicMOiiis, are now in conrse of publication. • The Bulletin and Micmoiks are devoted to the publication of original vvoilc by the Professors and Assistants of the JMuseum, of investigations carried on bv students and others in the different Laboratories of Natural History, and of work bj' specialists based upon the Museum Collections and Exploiations. The following publications are in prei)aration : — Reports on the IJesiiJts of Dreilgiiigr Operations from 1877 to 1880, in cliarge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Coast 8iuvey Steamer " Blake," Lient. Connnander C. 1). Sigsbee, U. S. N., anil Conunaniler J. 11. Baitlett, U. S. N., Coniinaiuling. Reports o'l the Results of the Expedition of 1891 of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " All)atross," Lieut. Commander Z. L. Tanner, U. S. N., Com- manding, ii\ charge of Ale.xander v^gassiz. Re{)orts on the Scientific Resnlts of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," from Augnst, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding. Contributions. from the Zoological Laboi'atory, Professor F. L. Mark, Director. Contributions from the Geological Laboratory, in cliarge of Professor N. S. Shaler. These publications are issued in numbers at irregular inter- vals ; one volume of the Bulletin (8vo) and half a volume of the Memoirs (4to) usually ap|)ear annually. Each number of the liulletin and of the Memoirs is sold separately. A price list of tlie publications of the IMuseum will be sent on api)licntion to the Librarian of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cam- bridge, Mass. ^^,^^^ Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology AT HARVARD COLLEGE. Vol. XLVI. No. 3. BATRACHIA AND REPTILIA FROM THE BAHAMAS. By Thomas Barbour. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. : ) FOR THE ] December, 1904. PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. Bulletiu of the Museum of Comparative Zoology AT HARVARD COLLEGE. Vol. XLVI. No. 3. BATRACHIA AND REPTILIA FROM THE BAHAMAS. Bv Thomas Bakbour. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. : PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. December, 1004. No. 3. — Batrachia and Beptilia from the Bahamas. By Thomas Barbour. This paper is the fourth of a series based on collections made by Dr. G. M. Allen, Mr. Owen Bryant, and the writer during part of the summer of 1904 (June 28-July 28). We collected on the islands of New Providence, Great Abaco, Little Abaco, Grand Bahama, as well as on a number of outlying cays. Some specimens from New Provi- dence Island, taken by the author in 1901, and a large series collected by Mr. Bryant at Mangrove Cay, Andros Island, from August 1-7, 1904, are included. All the material mentioned is now in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, in Cambridge, Mass. A considerable number of other specimens, also in the collection of the Museum, have been utilized. Cope has summed tip the relations which the Bahaman reptilian fauna bears to the surrounding regions in a paper in the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 1887, Vol. 10, pp. 4.36-439. Since then several peculiar species have been added by Garman, Bul- letin Essex Institute, 1888, Vol. 20, pp. 101-113. BATPtACHIA. Trachycephalus septentrionalis Tsch. This tree-toad was abundant on New Providence Island, where we obtained fourteen specimens. Most of these were taken during the daytime, silting among the leaves of orange and lemon trees, or on sisal plants. When approached, they made little or no effort to escape. Their noise at night sounds like that of a rope drawn through an unoiled pulley. The species was less common at Little Abaco, where only one specimen was obtained, though several others were heard. There is a specimen in the Museum from Andros Island, where Mr. Bryant heard several, but failed to obtain one. Garman has recorded the species from Rum Cay. M. C. Z. No. 2415. Distribution. — Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, and San Domingo. 56 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Hyla squirella Bosc. Two specimens of this species Irom the reeds of a brackish water marsh at Stranger Cay, north of Grand Bahama, are the first recorded from the Bahamas. Here they were common ; and their chirp, as was pointed out at the time by Dr. Allen, who found them, was noticeably different from that of the other indigenous batrachians. As there are signs that this cay, though now uninhabited, has been cultivated in times past, it is possible that the species was introduced with imported plants. There were a number of the latter growing near the site of the single old house. M. C. Z. No. 2419. Distribution. — Southeastern North America generally. Hylodes ricordii Dum. and Bibr. We collected twenty-nine examples of this species from New Providence Island, where it was decidedly common under heaps of rubbish of almost any nature, but particularly decaying palm leaves. A single specimen from Marsh Harbor, Island of Abaco, differs considerably from the Nassau specimens in that the tip of the snout is pallid, and there are two distinct parallel white lines running down the back. This specimen possibly represents a local race, but additional material is needed to determine this question. A single example from Mangrove Cay, Andros Island, is very pale, and there is a noticeable in- terruption medially in the long series of vomerine teeth. I strongly suspect that another local race inhabits this island. M. C. Z. No. 2416 ; 2417 ; 2418. Distribution. — Cuba, Bahamas, and extreme southern Florida. EEPTILIA. Sphaerodactylus flavicaudus, sp. nov. Type series, fourteen specimens (M. C. Z. No. 6953) collected at Mangrove Cay, Andros Island, by Mr. Owen Bryant, August 1-7, 1904. Specific characters. — Similar to Sphaerodactylus decoratus Garman in squa- mation, but differing widely in coloration and in proportions. The general body color is that of pale cream, with the skin showing darker between the scales. Thus the entire surfjice appears to be covered with fine reticulations. On the tail this darker color shows itself in the form of rings. The tail, moreover, is bright orange-yellow. This species is more slender than S. decoratus. The head is unusually sharply pointed. In S. decoratus, par- ticularly in the young, the length of the head and body considerably exceeds that of the tail. In S. flavicaudus the tail is almost always longer than the BARBOUR : BATRACIIIA. AND REPTILIA FROM THE BAHAMAS. 57 head and body ; in a few cases, however, these lengths were ven' nearly the same. The diameter of the tail at the base is less in the latter species than in the former. The types were taken in chinks in the wall of the house in which Mr. Bryant stayed while at Mangrove Cay. He says that the species is very active and difficult to capture, except in the direct sunlight, when they appear to be some- what dazed, and may be taken in the hand without difficulty. Sphaerodactylus notatus Baird. This lizard is not uncommon about Nassau in some of the limestone caves, ■where several were captured running about on the walls. There are before me thirteen specimens from New Providence, two from Stranger Cay, and one from Little Abaco Island. M. C. Z. No. 6971 ; 6972 ; 6974. Distribution. — Cuba, Baliamas, and vicinity of Key West, Florida. Sphaerodactylus decoratus Garman. In the collections made during the past summer there are thirty-two examples of this hitherto rare geckoid from Mangrove Cay, Andros Island, where Mr. Bryant found it very common about the houses, and also a single specimen from New Pro\ddence Island. These have been critically compared with the tj-pe, a single specimen from Rum Cay. There is also in the Museum of Comparative Zoology a single specimen from Andros Island, but the record Ls unpublished. So far as I can learn, the species has been heretofore unknown on New Providence. M. C. Z. No. 6952; 6973. Distribution. — Bahamas. Anolis porcatus Gray. This species was common on New Providence and Andros Islands ; from the former locality eight specimens, and from the latter thirty-nine specimens were taken. We did not observe it at Abaco, whence it was recorded by Cope (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. 10, p. 437). A careful comparison of these specimens with others from Cuba shows a slight but apparently constant difference. In the Cuban specimens the longitudinal rugae of the head are rather more pro- nounced, and do not appear to involve so many scutes as in the Bahamam speci- mens. It is possible that this difference may warrant subspecific separation ; but until a large series is available from various localities in Cuba, as well as in the Bahama.?, a new name would only complicate this already over-perplex- ing genus. M. C. Z. No. 6964 ; 6951. Distribution. — Cuba, Bahamas, and Florida Keys. 58 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPAEATIVE ZOOLOGY. Anolis distichus Cope. Eighteen specimens of this species were taken on New Providence, and Mr. Owen Bryant ohtained a fine series of fifty-four specimens from Man- grove Cay, Andros Ishmd. It was very coniraou on the big silk cotton-tree in Nassau, but is usually not so common as A. sagrae. M. C. Z. No. 6950 ; 6956. Distribution. — Bahamas, Haiti, and San Domingo. Anolis sagrae Ribron. This is the most widely distributed and abundant lizard in the Bahamas, and we obtained it at a number of scattered localities : five at Little Abaco, five at Grand Bahama, three at Moraine Cay, two at Pensacola Cay, five at Elbow Cay, ten at Stranger Cay, one at Marsh Harbor, Abaco, twenty at New Provi- dence ; and Mr. Bryant collected ninety-two at Mangrove Cay, Andros Island. M. C. Z. No. 6959; 6960; 6957; 6963; 6977. Distribution. — Bahamas, Cuba, Yucatan, Jamaica, east coast of Central America, and Venezuela. Cyclura baeolopha Cope. Mr. Bryant obtained a good series of this species on Andros Island. He states that the natives hunt them regularly for food, and that he had no ditli- culty in procuring specimens from them. He saw none himself about the village. M. C. Z. No. 6975. Distributio7i. — Andros Island replaced on Watling's, Turk's, and Cat Islands by C. rileyi, G. carinata, and C nubila. Liocephalus carinatus Gray. We observed this species almost every day ashore during our cruise among tlie northern cays. Though recorded by Cope, it is unknown on New Provi- dence Island, but it is said to occur on some of the small cays lying at some distance toward Eleuthera Island. Mr. Bryant states that it is unknown on " the mainland " of Andros, although not uncommon on certain of the outer cays. Specimens were taken at the following localities: Hopetown, Elbow Cay, three examples; Marsh Harbor, Abaco Island, two examples; Stranger Cay, one example; and Grand Bahama, one example. M. C. Z. No. 6966 ; 6967 ; 6968. Distribution. — Bahamas and Cuba. BAKBOUli: BATKACHIA AND liEPTILIA FKOM THE BAHAMAS. 59 Ameira thoracica Cope. "We collected fourteen specimens on New Providence Island and seven on Aiidros Island. I am unable to verify the occurrence of this species on the Island of Abaco, whence it was reported by Cope (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. 10, p. 438). Possibly the specimens were incorrectly labelled, and were from Andros Island. The species is said by Mr. Bryant to be rather common there, although I cannot find a previous record. M. C. Z. No. 6948 ; 6965. Distribution. — Bahamas. Typhlops lumbricalis Linne. A single specimen of this species was taken by the writer about ten miles northwest of Marsh Harbor, Abaco Island. It was found tightly curled up under a large rock in a sweet-potato field. When touched, it became very active, and it was only after considerable manoeuvring that it was caught. M. C. Z. No. 6970. Distribution. — West Indies and Guianas. Bpicrates strigilatus Cope. A single specimen of this species was seen in the hands of an animal-dealer in Nassau. It was a rather large specimen, measuring, I should judge, six and one-half or seven feet. There is a specimen in the Museum from the same locality. Eecorded also from Andros Island by Garman (Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc, 1887, p. 279). M. C. Z. No. 6242. Distribution. — New Providence and Andros Islands, replaced by E. chryso- gaster on Turk's Island. Ungualia pardalis Gondlaoh. With a considerable series before me from New Providence Island, I disagree with Professor Cope in considering this species U. maculata. We took six specimens this summer ; the writer obtained four previously, and there were two other specimens labelled U. curta by Garman, one from New Providence, the other from Cuba, in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. In all of these specimens part of the tail is black ; in the smallest specimen only the extreme tip, in the largest specimen more than half. In some of these there are very many fine punctae on the gastrosteges, as well as the charactei'istic alternating spots. Two distinct color phases are evident ; in three of the specimens tlio color is slaty-blue gray, the dorsal blotches being very distinct. In the others 60 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. the color is brownish or buff with the blotches rather inconspicuous. The squamation of these specimens exhibits a considerable range, and for this reason a table of the scale-counts is appended. No. 6114. " U. curta Garman." 25 Sc. 153 + 30 No. 6491. " U. curta Garman." 25 Sc. 159 + 31 No. 6780. U. pardalis Gund. 25 Sc. 154 + 33 No. 6781. U. pardalis Gund. 23 a. Sc. 150 + 31 25 b. Sc. 152 + 32 25 c. Sc. 154 + 34 No. 6969. U. pardalis Gund. 25 a. Sc. 158 + 34 25 b. Sc. 159 + 28 25 c. Sc. 156 + 33 23 d. Sc. 156 + 37 25 e. Sc. 158 + 32 25 f. Sc. 157 + 33 Distribution. — Bahamas and Cuba. Cuba. New Providence Island. New Providence Island. New Providence Island; three specimens. New Providence Island ; six spe- cimens ; collected in 1904. Alsophis vudii Cope. Two specimens of this snake were caught on New Providence Island ; Mr. Bryant took one on Andros. A comparison of these with Cuban specimens of Alsophis (== Dromicus) angulifer shows that Dr. Boulenger is mistaken in con- BAKBOUR: BATRACHIA and REPTILIA from the BAHAMAS. 61 sidering the former synonymous with the latter. As is rather often the case in the preparation of his otherwise monumental catalogues, he has united in his synonymy several perfectly valid species, possibly because he personally has not verified the descriptions from actual specimens. From his list it appears that there were no specimens of this species from the Bahamas in the British Museum. M. C. Z. Xo. 6954 ; 6955. Distribution. — New Providence and Andros Islands, Bahamas. The following" Publications of the Museum of Comparative Zoology are in preparation : — Reports on the Results of Dredging Operations in 1877, 1878, 1879, and 188(i, in charge of Alex- ANDKR AOASSiz, by tlie U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake," as follows: — E. EHLKHS. The Annelids of tlie " Blake." C. HAHTLAUB. The Coiuatulje of the " Blake," with 15 Plates. H. LUDWIG. The Genus Pentacrinus. A. MILNK EDWARDS and E. L. BOUVIER. The Crustacea of the " Blake." A. E. VERRILL. The Aleyouaria of the " Blake." Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jeftersou F. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding. LOUIS CABOT. Immature State of the Odonata, Part IV. E. L. MARK. Studies on Lepidosteus, continued. " On Arachnactis. R. T. HILL. On the Geology of the Windward Islands. W. ISIcM. WOOD WORTH. On the Bololo or Palolo of Fiji and Samoa. AGASSIZ and WHITMAN. Pelagic Fishes. Part II., with U Plates. Reports on the Results of the Expedition of "Albatross," Lieutenant Coniuiander Z. L Alexander Agassiz, as follows: — A. AGASSIZ. The Pelagic Fauna. " The Pauamic Deep-Sea Fauna. The Sagittae. The Thalassicolae. The Siphonophores. " The Kyes of Deep-Sea Crustacea. H. DALL. Tlie Mollusks. J. HANSEN. Tlie Ciriipeds. A. HERD:\IAN. The Ascidians. J. HICKSON. The Antipathids. A. KOFOID. Solenogaster. VON LENDENFELD. The Phospho- rescent Organs of Fishes. K. BRANDT. C. CHUN. W. H. W. S. c. R. 1891 of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Tanner, U. S. N., Commanding, in charge of H. LUDWIG. The Starfishes. J. P. McMURRICH. The Actinarians. E. L. MARK. Branchiocerianthus. JOHN MURRAV. The Bottom Specimens. P. SCHIEMENZ. The Pteropods and Hete- ropods. THEO. STITDER. The Alcyonarians. M. P. A. TRAUSTEDT. The Salpidae and Doliolidae. H. B. WARD. The Sipuiiculids. W. McM. WOOD WORTH. The Nemerteans. The Annelids. PUBLICATIONS OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. There have been published of the Bulletin Vols. I. to XLI., and also Vols. XLIV. and XLV. ; of the INIenioirs, Vols. I. to XXIV., and also Vols.XXVIlL, XXIX., and XXXI. Vols. XLIL, XLIII., XLVI., XLVII., and XLVIII. of tlie Bulletin, and Vols. XXV., XXVI., XXVIL, XXX., XXXII., and XXXIII. of the Memoius, are now in coarse of publication. Tlie Bulletin and Memoirs are devoted to the publication of orioinal work l)v tlie Professors and Assistants of the Museum, of investioations carried on bv students and others in the different Laboratories of Natural Histoiy, and of work b}' specialists based upon the Museum Collections and Iilxplorations. Tiie following publications are in preparation: — Reports on the Kesiilts of Dredging Operations from 1877 to 1880, in cliarge of Alexander Agassiz, hy tlie U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake," Lieut. Commander C. 1). Sigshee, U. S. N., and Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., Commanding. Reports on the Results of the Expedition of 1891 of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Alhatross," Lieut. Commander Z. L. Tanner, U. S. N., Com- manding, in charge of Alexander Agassiz. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Conimander Jefferson F. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding. Confrihutions from the Zoological Lahoratory, Professor E. L. Marie, Director. Contributions from the Geological Laboratory, in charge of Professor N. S. Slialer. These publications are issued in numbers at irregular inter- vals ; one volume of the Bulletin (8vo) and half a volume of the Memoirs (4to) usually appear annually. Each number of tlie Bulletin and of the Memoirs is sold separateh'. A price list of the publications of the IMuseum will be sent on application to the Librarian of the IMuseum of Comparative Zoology, Cam- bridge, Mass. "^^Al Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology AT HARVARD COLLEGE. Vol. XL VI. No. 4. THREE LETTERS FROM ALEXANDER AGAStSIZJ |rC>, THE HON. GEORGE M. BOWERS, UNITED ST/VTES FISH COMMISSIONER, ON THE CRUISE, IN THE EASTERN PACIFIC, OF THE U. S. FISH COMMISSION ib^fEAMER "ALBATROSS," LIEUT.-COMMANDER L. M. GARRETT, U.S.N., COMMANDING. [Published by Permissiou of George M. Bo\vf:R8, U. S. Fish Commissiouer.] CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. : PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. * April. 1905. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology AT HARVARD COLLEGE. Vol. XLVI. No. 4. THREE LETTERS FROM ALEXANDER AGASSIZ TO THE HOX. GEORGE M. BOAVERS, UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSIONER, ON THE CRUISE, IN THE EASTERN PACIFIC, OF THE U. S. FISH COMMISSION STEAMER "ALBATROSS," LIEUT.-COMMANDER L. M. GARRETT, U.S.N., COMMANDING. [Published by Permission of George M. Bowers, U. S. Fish Commissioner.] CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. : PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. April, 1905. ^0. 4. — Three Letters from Alexander Agassiz to the Hon. George M. Bowers, United States Fish Commissioner, on the Cruise, in the Eastern Paeific, of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," Lieut. Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Commandinrj. I. Lima, Peru, November 28, 1904. The " Albatros.?," under command of Lieutenant-Commander L. M. Garrett, left San Francisco on the 6th of October and arrived at Pan- ama the 22d. On her way along the coast Professor C. A. Kofoid took advantage of the opportunity for making surface hauls with the tow nets as well as vertical hauls, generally to a depth of 300 fathoms. A large amount of pelagic material was thus collected, not at a great distance from the coast however. Off Mariato Point the "Albatross" made two hauls in the vicinity of the stations where in 1891 she found "modern green sand," in about 500 and 700 fathoms. It was interest- ing to find the green sand again, as the specimens collected in 1891 were lost in transit to Washington. I am fortunate in having as assistant for this trip, Professor Kofoid, who has had great experience in studying the Protozoa both in fresh water and at sea. He has been given charge of the collection of Eadiolarians and Diatoms and of other minute pelagic organisms ; and he will prepare a report on the results of that branch of the work of the expedition. The "Albatross" arrived at Panama on the 2 2d; she was coaled and provisioned at once. On my amval at Panama on the 1st of November I found her ready for sea, and on the 2d we left for Mariato Point to make a few additional trawl hauls in the region of the green sand. In both the hauls made off Mariato Point green sand was found, but not in the quantity obtained in 1891. From Mariato Point we made a straight line of soundings towards Chatham Island in the Galapagos, intersecting the ring of soundings we made northeast of the islands in 1891. The deepest point of the line (1900 fathoms) was found about 100 miles southwest of Mariato VOL. XLVI. — NO. 4 6 66 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, Point. The bottom continued to show about 1700 fathoms for nearly 200 miles, and then shoaled very gradually to 1418 fathoms about 80 miles from Chatham Island. The slope became quite steep, the 1000-fathom line not being more than 60 miles from Cliatham Island. We ran a short line south of Hood Island, and found a somewhat steeper slope to that face of the Galapagos, reaching over 1700 fathoms in a distance of less than 50 miles, when the bottom remained comparatively flat, attaining a depth of 2000 fathoms about 100 miles farther south. This depth we carried eastward on a line to Aguja Point, until half-way the soundings had increased to over 2200 fathoms and remained at about that depth to within 60 miles of the coast, when the depth rapidly shoaled. From Aguja Point we ran a line of soundings to the southwest to a point about 675 miles west of Callao ; on this line the depths gradually increased from 2200 fathoms, 100 miles off the Point, to nearly 2500 fathoms. On running east to Callao the depth soon in- creased to about 2600 fathoms, and at a distance of about 80 miles off Callao we dropped into the Milne-Edwards Deep and found a depth of over 3200 fathoms. We spent a couple of days in developing this deep, making soundings of 1490, 2845, 458, 1949, 2338, and 3120 fathoms ; showing a great irregularity of the bottom within a compara- tively limited area of less than sixty miles in diameter. Thus far all our soundings have been made with the Lucas sounding-machine. In the Panamic basin to the northeast of the Galapagos we only trawled off Mariato Point, but we occupied ten stations with the tow nets, hauling both at the surface and at 300 fathoms, and vertically from that depth ; we also continued this pelagic work at nearly all the stations (35) from the Galapagos to Callao. When off Chatham Island we began to trawl and used the tow nets regularly, occupying twenty stations. The nets were in charge of Mr. P. M. Chamberlain. The pelagic collections, as a whole, are remarkably rich. They are especially noteworthy for the great variety and number of pelagic fishes obtained inside the 300-fathom line at a considerable distance from shore, — from 300 to 650 miles. Many of these fishes had been considered as true deep-sea fishes to be obtained only in the trawl when dredging between 1000 and 1500 fathoms or more. On one occasion the tow net brought up from 300 fathoms, the depth being 1752 fathoms, no less than 12 species of fishes; of one species of Myctophum we obtained 18 specimens ; of another, 37 ; of a third, 45 ; in all, nearly 150 specimens. On other occasions it was not uncommon to obtain 8 or 10 species, and from 50 to 100 specimens. Among the AGASSIZ: LETTERS TO THE HON. GEORGE M. BOWERS. 67 most interesting types obtained in the tow net I may mention as coming from less than 300 fathoms, Stylophthahuus and Dissoma, both of which Chun considers as deep-sea fishes, found from 600 to 4000 metres ; also a species of Eurypliai-ynx obtained for the first time in the Pacific. Stylophthalmus I had also caught in a tow net in 1900, during the tropical Pacific Expedition of the " Albatross," in depths of less than 300 fathoms. In the lines we ran across the great northerly current ■which sweeps along the coast of Peru and Chili and is deflected west- ward at the easterly corner of the Galapagos Islands, we obtained with the tow nets an unusually rich pelagic fauna at depths less than 300 fathoms. We collected a number of Schizopods, among them many beautifully colored Guathophausiae, pelagic Macrurans ; huge, bril- liant red Copepods, as well as many other species of blue, gray, mottled, and banded Copepods. Lucifer and Sergestes were abundant in many of our hauls. Many species of Araphipods were collected, Hyperids without number, especially where the surface hauls were made among masses of Salpae, which, on several occasions, formed a jelly of Tuni- cates. Several species of Phronimae also occurred constantly in the tow nets. Sagittae were very numerous, a large orange species being note- worthy. Several species of Tomopteris, some of large size and bril- liantly colored, violet or carmine with yellow flappers, and two species of Pelagonemerteans. Two species of orange-colored Ostracods were also common, one having a carapace with a long spiny appendage. We obtained several species of pelagic Cephalopods, Cranchia and Taonis among them. Two species of Doliolum also occurred, but they were never as abundant as the Salpae, two species of which often con- stituted the whole contents of the tow net. In the surHice and deeper tows we also procured a number of Acalephs ; we have thus far collected more than 50 species of Medusae and Siphonophores, many of which have been figured by Mr. Bigelow, dif- fering from those of the 1891 Expedition. Atollae, and other deep- sea Medusae, were common witliin the 300-fathom line. The Salpae guts gave us, in addition to the finer tow nets, immense collections of Radiolai-ians, Diatoms, Dinoflagellata, many of which have been con- sidered to live at great depth and upon the bottom. The number of Diatoms found in this tropical region is most interesting. They have \isually been considered as characteristic of more temperate and colder regions. On several occasions the surface waters were greatly discolored by their presence, and the extent of their influence on the bottom de- posits is shown by the discovery of a number of localities where the 68 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. bottom samples at depths from 1490 to 2845 fathoms iu the track of the great Peruvian current formed a true infusorial earth. The tow nets also contained many species of Hyalea, Cymbulia, Styliola, Cleodora, Tiedemannia, Clio, and the like. On one occasion the mass of the pelagic hauls consisted entirely of small brown Copepods, the contents of the tow nets looking like sago soup. Another time Sagittae, Salpae, Doliolum and Liriope, all most transparent forms, formed the bulk of the tow net's catch. Again, Firoloides and Carinarias constituted the bulk of the haul. These catches, coming on successive days or interrupted with hauls of more than mediocre quality, show how hopeless it is at sea to make any quantitative analysis of the pelagic fauna and flora at any one station within the influence of such a great oceanic current as the Chilian and Peruvian stream. Hauls of the trawl made at the western extremity of our lines brought us within the area of the manganese nodules, with its radiolarian ooze mud, shark's teeth, Cetacean ear-bones and beaks of Cephalopods ; nothing could stand the damaging work of these uodules in grinding to pieces all the animal life the trawl may have obtained. Down to the depth of 2200 fathoms or so the bottom was covered by Globigerina ooze, its character being more or less hidden when near tlie coast by the amount of detrital matter and terrigenous deposits which have drifted out to sea. North of the Galapagos we found vegetable matter at nearly all the stations, and between the Galapagos and Callao such material was not uncommon in the trawl. Beyond the line of 2200 fathoms dead Eadiolarians became quite abundant on the bottom, as well as in the mud of the manganese no- dules, thoujjh among; the nodules it was not uncommon to find an occasional Biloculina, Many of the dead Radiolarians found on the bottom Professor Kofoid found in the guts of Salpae swiniming near the surface or witliiu the 300-fathom line in the tow nets sent to that depth. The same is the case with many of the Dinoflagellata which had been considered as deep-sea types. In our tow nets from 300 fathoms we found very com- monly Tuscarora, Tuscarosa, Aulospira, and others. In depths of 300 fathoms to the surface the tow net was rich in Tintinnidae, either dead or moribund Planktoniellae, and Dinoflagellata. Among the Dinoflagel- lata there were 10 species of Ceratium, 9 of Peridinidae, Gonyaulax, Phalacroma, Pyrocystis, Cyttarocylis, Undella, and Dictiocystus. On tlie surface Planktoniella sol predominates with Asteromphale, Biddulphia, and Synidia thalassothrix ; among the Dinoflagellata we obtained 12 species of Cei'atium, 5 of Peridiuium, and 22 species of other Peredinidae. AGASSIZ: LETTERS TO THE HON. GEORGE M. BOWERS. 69 Among tlio Tintiunidao were a number of Sticholonche ; among the Acantheriae were specially to be noticed Acanthometra, Acanthostaurus, Amphilonche, Collozoum, Thalassicola, and a number of Chirospira murrayana, and a few Challengeridae. Our trawls brought up from the bottom many interesting fishes, among which I may mention Bathypterois, Ipnops, a few bat fishes, all species thus far described by Mr. Garmau from the 1891 Expedition. I may also mention a Chimaera, different from the Chili species. The fish have been admirably cared for by Dr. J. C. Thompson, U. S. N. Among the Crustacea : Lithodes, Munidopsis, and many Macrurans, all well-known species of the 1891 Expedition. We found a few Mollusks, and a few interesting genera of tubicolous Annelids. Compared to the 1891 Expedition, few starfishes and brittle stars were obtained, and still fewer sea urchins, only one species of Aceste and one of Aeropo, a marked contrast to the numerous Echini collected in the Panamic basin m 1891. We obtained, however, a magnificent collection of Holothurians ; nearly every species occurring in the Panamic basin be- ing found in numbers in our track south of the Galapagos, in the wake of the great Chilean- Peruvian current and at considerable depths. On one occasion, at Station 4647, in 2005 fathoms, we obtained no less than 16 species of Holothurians, among them brilliantly colored Benthodytes, Psychropotes, Scotoplanes, Euphronides, and the like. At Station 4670, in 3209 fathoms, we obtained 6 species of Holothurians. At Station 4672, in 2845 fathoms we also obtained very many specimens of three species of Ankyroderma, a large Deima, 2 species of Scotoplanes, 2 of Psychropotes, with a number of young stages of that genus ; re- peating thus the experience of the "Challenger," which found Holothurians in abundance at great depth, not only in the number of specimens, but also of species, though the " Challenger " did not at any locality obtain as many as we did at Station 4647. Mr. Westergren made a number of colored sketches of the species which were not obtained in the 1891 Expedition. We also collected in the trawl a number of deep-sea Actinians, none ditferent, however, from genera found previously in the Panamic district. We also obtained a few Pennatulids, Gorgonians, and Antipathes, and a very considerable number of siliceous Sponges, usually associated with the Holothurians found in deep water in the track of tlie Peruvian current. In the track of the current at not too great distances from the coast we invariably brought, even from very considerable depths, sticks and twigs and fragments of vegetable matter. On two oc- casions we brought up in the trawl specimens of Octacnemus. The 70 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. trawl had been working at 2235 and at 2222 fathoms. Both Moseley and Herdman described this interesting Ascidian as attached to the bottom by a small peduncle. While the presence of the peduncle can- not be denied, yet its attachment, if attached at all, must be of the slightest. Its transparent slightly translucent body, with its eight large lobes, suggesting rather a pelagic type than a sedentary form. This Ascidian was discovered by the "Challenger" west of Valparaiso.^ Mr. Chamberlain made two daily observations of the density of the water, and found the same discrepancies between our observations and those of 1891 with those given by the " Challenger " and in the Deutsche Seewarte Atlas of the Pacific Ocean. Whenever we took a serial tem- perature, he also determined the density at 800 fathoms. We occupied six stations for the serial temperatures, two on the western termini of the lines normal to the coast across the great Peruvian current, two in the centre of the current, and two at a moderate distance from the coast. These sei'ials developed an unusually rapid drop in the temperature between the surface and 50 fathoms, nearly 12°, at the western extremity of the northern line, the temperature having dropped from 71.7° at the surface to 59.2°. At 200 fathoms it was 51°, and at 600 fathoms it had dropped to 40.7°, the bottom temperature at 2005 fathoms being 36.4°. The temperature of the station in the central part of the current in 2235 fathoms agreed with the western series. At the eastern part of the line in 2222 fathoms, with a bottom temperature of 36.4°, the surface being only 67°, we found again a close agreement at 50 and 100 fathoms, the lower depths at 400 and 600 fathoms being from one to two degrees warmer than the outer temperatures. On taking a serial from the sur- face to 100 fathoms, we found that the greatest drop in temperature took place between 5 and 30 fathoms. The temperatures of a line running due west from Callao showed a very close agreement both at the western end of the line about 780 miles from the coast and in the central part of the line, as well as in the shore station about 80 miles from the coast in 3209 fathoms. The bot- tom temperature in nearly all the depths we sounded was 36°, a high temperature for that depth. I do not make at present any comparison with the serials taken in the Panaraic district in 1891 until we shall have completed our lines to the south and to the west. We leave for Easter Island on the 3d of December, where we shall 1 In the Albatross Tropical Pacific Expedition (1899-1900) Octacnemus was obtained in the tow net from less than 150 fathoms at Station 15, Lat. 4° 35' N., Long. 136° 54' W. AGASSIZ : LETTERS TO THE HON. GEOKGE M. BOWERS. 71 coal, and go from there to the Galapagos and thence to Manga Reva and Acapulco, where we ought to arrive in the early days of March. The changes made in the working apparatus of the " Albatross " under the superintendence of Lieutenant Franklin Swift, U. S. N., have proved most satisfactory. The changes made in the main drum and the device for preventing the piling of the wire on the surging drum and the accompanying shock have greatly reduced the risk of breaking the wire rope when trawling at great depths. The wire rope has proved an excellent piece of workmanship, and has worked admirably in the comparatively deep water in which most of our trawling has been done thus fai'. A new dredging-boom has also heen installed, and everything relating to the equipment of the "Albatross" has been carefully over- hauled. Lieutenant-Commander L. M. Garrett has been indefatigable in his interests for the expedition, the officers and crew have been devoted to their work, and the members of the scientific staff have carried out most faithfully their duties of preparing and preserving the collections thus far made. We hoped to he docked at Callao, but owing to the prolonged occupa- tion of the dock by a disabled steamer, and the uncertainty of its becom- ing free within reasonable time, we decided to proceed without further delay to Easter Island and continue the expedition as we are. II. Chatham Island, Galapagos, January 6, 1905. We left Callao for Easter Island Saturday afternoon, December 3 ; as far as 90° western longitude we remained in the Humboldt current, as we could readily see from the character of the temperature serials and from the amount of pelagic life we obtained both from the surface and the intermediate hauls. This also affected the bottom fauna, which was fairly rich even as far as 800 miles from the shore as long as we remained within the limits of the northern current. As soon as we ran outside of it the character of the surface fauna changed ; it became less and less abundant as we made our way to Easter Island, the western half of the line from Callao to Easter Island becoming gradually barren. This also affected the deep-sea fauna to such an extent that towards Easter Island, at a distance of 1200 to 1400 miles from the South American continent, our trawl hauls were absolutely barren ; the bottom for the greater part 72 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. of the line being covered "with manganese nodules on which were found attached a few insignificant siliceous Sponges, an occasional Ophiuran, and a few Brachiopods or diminutive worm tubes ; the same bottom con- tinuing to Sala y Gomez and between it and Easter Island. Sala y Gomez and Easter Island are connected by a ridge on which we found 1142 fathoms near Sala y Gomez, and 1696 fathoms between it and Easter Island. The ridge rises rapidly from about 2000 fathoms, the general oceanic depth within about 100 miles, to over 1100 fathoms within a comparatively short distance from both Sala y Gomez and Easter Island. The southern part of our line from Easter Island to the Galapagos shows all the characteristic features of the western part of the line from Callao to Easter Island : like it, as far as the 12th degree of south- ern latitude, it proved comparatively barren, the bottom consisting of manganese nodules to within about 250 miles of the Galapagos. The pelagic and intermediate fauna from Easter Island to 12° south latitude was very poor, and the serial temperatures show that we were outside and to the westward of the great Humboldt current. But near the 12th degree of southern latitude a sudden change took place ; the pelagic and intermediate fauna became quite abundant again, and soon fully as rich as at any time in the Humboldt current. There was also a marked change in the temperature of the water as shown by the serials; show- ing that from the 12th degree of southern latitude to the Galapagos we were cutting across the western part of the Humboldt current. The great changes of tempei'ature which took place in the layers of the water between 50 and 300 fathoms are most striking, and show Avhat a disturb- ing element the great mass of cold water flowing north must be in the equatorial regions of the Panamic district to the south and to the north of the Galapagos. South of the Galapagos the western flow of the Humboldt current must be nearly 900 miles wide and of about the same width when running parallel to the South American coast. The range of temperatures between 30 and 150 fathoms is at some points as great as 21°. Such extremes cannot fail to aff'ect the dis- tribution of the pelagic fauna, and may account for the mass of dead material often collected in the intermediate tows when hauling at depths of less than 300 fathoms, when the range becomes as great as 28°. Such a range of temperature is far greater than that of the isochrymic lines which separate coast fauual divisions. The bottom fauna, as we en- tered the Humboldt current going north, gradually became richer in spite of its being covered with manganese nodules. AGASSIZ : LETTERS TO THE HON. GEORGE M. BOWERS. 73 The two lines centring at Easter Island developed the "Albatross" plateau indicated on the " Challenger " bathymetrical charts, ou the strength of a few soundings reaching from Callao in a northwesterly direction, and of a couple of soundings on the 20th degree of latitude. The Albatross plateau is marked as a broad ridge separating the Buchan Basin from the deep basin to the westward, of which Grey- Deep and the Moser Basin are the most noted areas. Our line from Easter Island to the Galapagos showed a wonderfully level ridge, varying in depth only from 2020 to 2265 fathoms in a dis- tance of nearly 2000 miles. The soundings we made to the eastward from the Galapagos to the South American coast, and to the westward of Callao, as well as on the line from Callao to Easter Island, all indi- cate a gradual deepening to the eastward to form what the " Chal- lenger " has called the Buchan Basin with a greatest depth of 2400 to over 2700 fathoms, and passing at several points near the coast to Milne, Edwards, Kriimmell, Richards and Haeckel Deeps, some of them with a depth of over 4000 fathoms. According to the " Challenger " sound- ings, the Juan Fernandez plateau connects with the Albatross plateau, and forms the southern limit separating Buchan Basin from the Barker Basin to the south of the Juan Fernandez plateau. At Easter Island we found our collier awaiting our arrival. We moved from Cook Bay to La Perouse Bay to coal, as there was less swell there than in Cook Bay, where we could scarcely have gone alongside to take in coal. Considerable shore collecting was done at Easter Island. We must have brought together at least 30 species of plants. The flora of Easter Island is very poor. There are no trees nor native bushes — not even the bushes which characterize the shore tracts of the most isolated coral reefs of the Pacific are found there ; and yet some of the equatorial counter currents must occasionally bring flotsam to its shores. We collected a number of shore fishes and made a small collection of the littoral fauna. The fishes have a decided Pacific look, and the few species of sea urchins we came across are species having a wide distribu- tion in the Pacific, While coaling, we spent some time examining the prehistoric monu- .ments which line the shores of Easter Island. During our stay at La Perouse Bay we visited the platforms studding the coast of the bay, and made an excursion to the crater of Rana Roroka, where are situated the great quarries from which were cut the colossal images now scattered all over the island, many of which have fallen near the platforms upon which 74 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. they were erected. Near Rana Roroka, at Tongariki, is the largest plat- form on the island, about 450 feet in length, to the rear of which are fifteen huge images which have flillen from the pedestals upon which they once stood. The plain in the rear of the platform is crowded by stone houses, most of which are in ruins. On our return to our anchorage at Cook Bay, we examined the plat- forms within easy reach of the settlement, and also the crater of Rana Koa, on the north rim of which, at Orongo, are a number of the stone houses built by the people who quarried the great stone images. At Orongo are also found sculptured rocks, but neither the sculptures nor the images show any artistic qualities, though the fitting of some of the Cyclopean stones used in building the faces of the platforms indicate excellent and careful workmanship. To Mr. C. Cooper, manager of the Easter Island Company, we are indebted for assistance while visiting the points of interest of the island. He was indefatigable in his exer- tions in our behalf. We took a number of photographs during our stay, illustrating not only the prehistoric remains, but giving also an idea of the desolate aspect of Easter Island during the dry season. We arrived at Wreck Bay, Chatham Island, Galapagos, on the third of January, where we found a schooner with a supply of coal. As soon as the ship has been overhauled and coaled we shall start for Manga Reva, where we ought to arrive the last days of January. We reached Chat- ham Island towards the end of the dry season. Everything is dried up, the vegetation seems dead with the exception of a few small wild cotton plants, weeds, cactus, and an occasional Mimosa ; and the great barren slopes present fully as uninviting an aspect as when Darwin described them. When the "Albatross" visited the Galapagos in March, 1891, everything was green, presenting a very marked contrast to its present desolate appeai'auce. III. AcAPULco, Mexico, March 26, 1905. We left the Galapagos (Wreck Bay) for Manga Reva the 10th of January. On the northern part of this line we did but little work beyond sounding, as we were likely to duplicate our former work to the east- ward. The fourth day out, in latitude 5° S., we began a series of trawl hauls, surface and towing to 300 fathoms. In the northern part AGASSIZ : LETTERS TO THE HON. GEORGE M. BOWERS. 75 of the liue to ]\Iunga Reva the hauls were remarkably rich as long as we remained within the influence of the western extension of the Humboldt current, and as long as there poured from the surface masses of the Radiolarians, Diatoms, and Globigerinae living at or near tho surface. Some of the hauls were remarkable for the number of deep-sea Holo- thurians and siliceous Sponges. Among the former I may mention a huge Psychropotes, 55 c. m. long. , As we passed south and gradually drew out of the influence of the western current, we entered the same barren region we passed through to the eastward when going to and from Easter Island. By the time we reached latitude 15° S., the hauls became quite poor, and this barren bottom district extended to within a short distance of Manga Reva ; corresponding to it near the surface we found a most meagre pelagic fauna, both at the surface and down to 300 fathoms — so poor that it could aftbrd but little food to the few species, if any, living on the bottom in that region. We arrived at Manga Reva on the 27th of January and found our collier awaiting our arrival. While at anchor in Port Rikitea, we examined Manga Reva, the prin- cipal island of the Gambier group, from its central ridge on the pass leading from Rikitea to Kirimiro on the west side of Manga Reva, as well as from the pass leading to Taku. On both these passes we ob- tained excellent views of the "barrier reef" to the west, north, and east of the Gambier Islands, and we could trace in the panorama before us the western reef extending in a northeasterly direction parallel to the general trend of Manga Reva Island for a distance of about 5^ miles. From the northern horn to nearly opposite Kirimiro Bay the barrier reef has only three small islets. It is narrow, of uniform w^idth (about ^ of a mile), plainly defined, submerged in places, and passing north bounds a lai'ge northern bight dotted with numerous interior coral patches from a quarter of a mile to a mile in diameter or length, with from 7 to 11 fathoms. The southern part of the western barrier lagoon ofi' Manga Reva is irregularly dotted with many small patches of reef, with an occasional deep hole near Manga Reva Island of from 15 to 20 fathoms. From the islet to the west of Kirimiro there are but few coral patches, indicating a reef which dips gradually in a distance of a mile to a deeper channel of from 4 to 6 fathoms, which separates the northern and western reef from the great reef flat lying to the south- west of Tara Vai. This flat has a Avidth of nearly 2 miles, it is about 4^ miles long, and is marked at its southwest extremity by a series of 76 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. low islets arranged in a somewhat circular line, formed by 3 deep bays and spurs from the outer line of islets, as so frequently occurs ou wide reef flats in atolls of the Pacific. Tliis part of the reef is called Tokorua. This reef flat shelves very gradually from 3^ to 4 fathoms on the west face to 7, and connects with the " plateau " upon which stand Tara Yai and Aga-kanitai. From Tokorua the reef extends in an indefinite narrow ridge 8 miles long, with from 3 to 8 fathoms, in a southeasterly direction. The western edge is steep to, and the eastern face passes gradually into the lagoon, which at that point has a general depth of 8 to 20 fathoms ; the deepest part of this region being at the foot of Mt. Mokoto between it and Tara Yai, though Tara Vai is united with Manga Reva Island by a plateau varying in depth from ^\ to 4^ fathoms. At the southeastern point of the reef it passes into a wide pla- teau with from 9 to 10 or 15 fathoms. The plateau is about 9 miles ■wide southwest of Tekava. That part of the atoll has not been well surveyed, so that the position of the reef flat has not been ascertained further west on that part of the east face ; but the southeast passage indicates 5^, 6, and 6^ fathoms where it probably marks the south- ■western extension of the eastern barrier reef, separating the lagoon from the southern plateau to the south of the encircling reef. The western faces of Manga Reva and of Tara Vai are indented by deep bays, formed by spurs running from the central ridge of these islands, the remnants probably of small craters which flanked the large crater, of which Manga Reva forms the western rim and Au Kena is the remnant of the southeastern edge, the former extension of this rim being indicated by the spits uniting the base of Mt. Duff" with Au Kena, and by the projection of Au Kena towards the outer barrier reef, and by the numerous patches of coral reef off the northeast point of Manga Reva towards the outer line of Motus till thev almost unite with the barrier reef. The whole of the western bays of Manga Reva Island are filled by fringing reefs which leave but here and there a deeper pass to the shore. The south face at the foot of the blufl" of Mt. Mokoto and Mt. Duff is edged by a flourishing, fringing reef extending nearly half a mile on the plateau at their base. The port of Rikitea is a reef harbor formed within the large fringing reef which occupies the whole of the southern bay of Manga Reva Island. The east face of Tara Vai and part of the east and of the west face of Aga-kanitai are also fringed by reefs. The islets and islands of Aka Maru, Mekiro, and Maka-pu are within AGASSIZ: LETTERS TO THE HON. GEORGE M. BOWERS, 77 a fringing reef flat which runs around the west foce of Aka Maru; Au Keua is also edged by an extensive fringing reef which runs out in a spit of more than half a mile, in a northeasterly direction almost to the outer line of Motus, which are nearly united with it by irregular patches. To the west of Au Kena a huge spit of 2 miles in length extends towards the base of Mt. Duff and almost unites with the fringing reef off" the Cemetery, leaving a narrow but deep pass for the entrance of ships into the inner harbor of Rikitea. There is only from 1 to 2| fathoms of water on these two spits. The depth of the basin within this area with from 25 to 31 fathoms would be naturally explained as being part of an ancient crater, as in Totoya in Fiji ; its northeastern rim is also perhaps further indicated by the comparatively shallow flat of the lagoon to the west of the barrier reef, with from 5 to 11 fathoms of water. The principal islands of the group are in the central part of the lagoon. The four larger islands are Manga Reva, Tara Vai, Au Kena, and Aka Maru. Tara Vai is flanked by Aga-kanitai and another islet to the west called Topunui ; Aka Maru is flanked by Mekiro to the north, and by Maka-pu to the south. The southeast face of Aka Maru is an extinct crater, of which Maka-pu forms the south rim. The main ridge of Tara Vai is the edge of parts of three craters now opening to the west. The four small volcanic islands in the southern part of the lagoon are isolated fragments, steep to, greatly weathered, and disintegrated. No sound- ings exist to show their relation to the other islands of the group. The soundings thus far made indicate in the southern part of the lagoon a depth of about 23 fathoms, with an occasional hole of from 38 to 40, and a gradual slope towards the outer sunken reef. To the south of the old crater of Manga Reva the general depth of the banks varies from 6 to 1 1 fathoms, with a deeper channel varying from 20 to 40 from southwest of Au Kena towards Tara Vai. The lagoon seems to form a western basin where the depth varies from 10 to 20 fathoms. To the west of Au Kena and Aka Maru, lying between them and the line of the outer barrier reef islets. A similaf but shallower basin exists, off the northern end of Manga Reva, between it and the northern horn of the barrier reef, with from 7 to 1 1 fathoms. Its rim is formed by a ring of reef patches of very varying size. On two occasions we visited theouter barrier reef and examined the outer line of islets of the eastern face of the Gambler Islands. The position of the islets as marked on the chart is not that of to-day, and the position of the reef flats is not correct. The position of Tekava and Tauna appears 78 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPAEATIYE ZOOLOGY. to be correct. Opposite Au Kena and in its extension the cast face of the barrier reef projects sharply to the east, forming an angular horn, with one island south of the horn and the other north running at a sharp angle with it, so as to form a triangle which makes a deep bight open- ing westward to such an extent that when off the northern side of the horn we could see Tekava far to the westward of it. The second island is followed by a third, and then by a long island — Tarauru-roa — nearly 2 miles long ; these are separated by small gaps. Then comes a larger island — Amou — followed by three small islands separated by deep gaps. At Vaiatekeue (not the Vaiatekeua on the chart), the reef flat be- comes quite narrow, it is hardly more than 100 yards wide, the islets perhaps 50. The northern islets are small and separated by long stretches of low shingle, and carry but little vegetation and very few cocoanut trees. There are but two short sand beaches all the way from the northeastern to the eastern horn of the eastern face of the encirclins reef of Manga Eeya. A regular dam of shingle from 10 to 1-4 feet high, on the top of which the usual coral reef vegetatioti flourishes, extends along the outer face of the reef flat, which varies from 50 to 150 yards in width, and is flanked at the base by low buttresses of modern ele- vated coral reef rock and of breccia in places all more or less weather- beaten and honeycombed. The islets, and their formation, and their junction or separation into larger or smaller islets, and the gaps which separate them, the mode of formation of the buttresses, of the planed-off, hard, nearly level reef flat, of the coralline mounds of the outer edge. — all these differ in no way from what has been described in other barrier reef islands and atolk of the Pacific. The beaches of the lagoon are steep, and corals do not seem to thrive in those parts of the lagoon to which the sea does not have access or at some distance from shore. This is well shown by the vigorous growth of corals in the fi*inging reef to the south of Mt. Duff on the outer edges of the reef patches of Port Eikitea, and on the spits which connect Au Kena with Manga Reva, contrasted to those along the west face of the lagoon flats to the west of the eastern barrier ree£ There is a northeast horn of the eastern barrier reef in the extension of Mansa Reva Island, forming the northern culmination of the central bight of the eastern face of the barrier reef From that point the reef flat runs westerly to form the northern horn about 3 miles north of Manga Reva Island. The position of the outer reef cannot be correct AGASSIZ: LETTEKS TO THE HON. GEORGE M. BOWEKS. 70 on the chart (H. 0.2024). On leaving Manga Reva, we made three soundings close otF the reef flat line of breakers, — one off Tekava, at the most one-third of a mile from the reef, iu 225 fathoms. Our position plotted by tangents to the volcanic islands or by their summits indicated in this case, on the chart, a distance of 1^ miles. A second sounding of 245 fathoms otf the eastern horn at less than one-half mile, indicated on H.O. chart 2024 a distance of 2 miles from the horn ; and a sounding of 241 fathoms one-fourth of a mile off the point which we had visited (Vaiatekeue) indicated a distance of three-fourths of a mile on the chart. The slope of the Gambier archipelago to the east is steep. On coming in sight of Manga Reva we sounded in 2070 fothoms at a distance of 11 miles from ^It. Duflf, that is, 6 miles from the outer edge of the reef bearing southwest ; and on coming out we sounded again half-way to that point at a distance of 3^ miles from the breakers in 1394 fathoms. One cannot fail to be struck with the similarity of the Manga Reva archipelago to the great atoll of Truk. If I remember rightly, Darwiu also called attention to this from a study of the charts. Yet, owing to the great size of Truk, no less than 125 miles in circumference, and the great distance of the barrier i-eef from the encircled volcanic islands, the effect as one steams into Manga Reva is totally different from that produced by Truk. In the latter some of the islands, though large, and of the same height as those of Manga Reva, are much more scattered, and seem of comparatively small importance in the midst of the huge lagoon which surrounds them. Tlie barrier reef islets of Truk are froha 11 to 15 miles distant from the encircled volcanic islands. In Manga Reva, which is only 45 miles in circumference, after passing the small islands in the southern and open part of the lagoon when once off Maka-pu, we can fairly well take in the atoll as a whole. The western island (Tara Yai) is only 5 miles off; Manga Reva and Au Kena are about 3, as are also the islets of the east face of the barrier reef. These distances, as you approach the entrance to Rikitea, are constantly growing less, so that when in the gap between Manga Reva Island and Au Kena, at the foot of Mt. Duff, none of the larger islands are more than 3 miles off; and the islets of the eastern face of the barrier reef are seen to the northeast about 4 miles off. When on the summit of the central ridge of Manga Reva, one can, in a radius of a little more than 4 miles, take in the whole panorama of Manga Reva, and get au impression of the relations of its different parts far better than it can be conveyed by 80 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. the chart, for the whole of the visible part of the archipelago is included in a line drawn east and west, south of Maka-pu ; south of that line the position of the southwestern reef can be traced only by the discoloration of the water. Manga Reva is an intermediate stage of erosion and denudation between an arcliipelago lagoon such as Truk and a barrier reef island like Vanikoro, and other islands in the Society group, as Bora Bora,^ Huaheine, Raiatea, Eimeo, in which the surrounding platform has comparatively little width and the barrier reef is close to the principal island and often becomes a part of its fringing reef. INIanga Reva is open to the south and to the west, Vanikoro to the east, while the volcanic islands of Truk are completely surrounded by the outer encircling bai-rier reef, as are the Society Islands just mentioned, which have several wide passages into the lagoon through the wide barrier reef One is tempted to reconstruct the Gambler Archipelago of former times, and to imagine it with a great central volcano, with a deep crater of more than 34 fathoms, of which Manga Reva and Au Kena are parts of the rim which once were connected from the southeast point of Manga Reva to Au Kena, and thence along the line of the outer islets to the northeast end of the former island. On the west face it was flanked by smaller craters extending to the western islets of the barrier reef of which the bays of Taku, Kirimiro, and Rumaru, and the bays of the west side of Tara Vai are the eastern ridges. Tliere were probably also other secondary volcanoes, of which Aka Maru and the islets of the south part of the lagoon are the remnants, the latter all being situated on the gentle slope of the southern part of the Manga Reva plateau ; this may have been the southern slope of the principal volcano of the group on the face of which have grown up the outer line of the barrier reef and its islets. The existence of a central volcano with a deep crater would readily explain the great depths of the lagoon in its different regions, and oif the outer face of Manga Reva, depths showing slopes which are no steeper nor more striking than the heights and slopes of tlie southern part of Manga Reva, of Tara Vai, of Aka Maru, and of Maka-pu ; sup- posing them to be extended into the sea. Mt. Mokoto and Mt. Dutf drop precipitously for more than one-third their height, and in less than a quarter of a mile fall from over 1300 feet to the level of the sea. Similar slopes are found along the volcanoes 1 See A. Agassiz. Tlie Coral Reefs of the Tropical Pacific, Plates 210 and 231. AGASSIZ: LETTERS TO THE HON. GEORGE M. BOWERS. 81 of Easter Island where there are no coral reefs. The edge of tlie crater of Rana Kao drops perpendicularly a height of nearly 1000 feet in less than one-eighth of a mile horizontal distance ; and the eastern face of the crater of Rana Roroka rises vertically about 800 feet above the plain of Taugariki. It is interesting to note how poor is the flora of the Manga Reva archipelago as compared with that of the more western volcanic islands like the Marquesas and the Society Islands and some of the western elevated Paumotus. In the Gambier Archipelago the forests are reduced to a few patches extending along the small valleys of the slopes of the volcanic spurs. I am informed that even in the thirties of the last cen- tury, when the missionaries first landed at Manga Reva, the forest trees wliile more numerous yet never attained the luxuriance of growth that they attain in the Society and Marquesas Islands. At the present day, with the exception of the forest patches just mentioned and a few trees which have been introduced for cultivation, the islands of the group are in great part thickly covered with a species of cane closely resembling that of our southern States. It grows to a height of nearly 10 feet. The fauna of Manga Reva is also extremely poor. There are no mammals, and, with the exception of a "sandpiper," no indigenous birds. Sea birds are few in number, and in our trip in the eastern Pacific we rarely had more than three or four birds accompanying us; often only one, and frequently none were visible for days. There are a few lizards on the islands, apparently the same species as those in the Society Islands. We left Port Rikitea for Acapulco on the 4th of February to anchor off" Aka Maru ; on the oth we left our anchorage, sounded off the east face of ]\Ianga Reva, and took photographs. On our way north from Manga Reva to Acapulco we did not begin to trawl or tow until warned by the surface nets that the surface was becom- ing richer in animal and vegetable life, and also by the surface tempera- tures indicating that we had reached the southern edge of the cold western equatorial current. A little north of 10'' south latitude we made our first haul and deep tow, and found a very rich pelagic surface fauna down to the 300-fathom line ; recalling the pelagic fauna of the eastern lines and fully as rich. On trawling we found, as we expected, a very rich bottom fauna. Among the animals brought up in the trawl were some superb Hyalonemas, siliceous Sponges, Benthodytes, and other deep-sea Holo- thurians ; fine specimens of Freyella, and some large Ophiurans. This haul is interesting as showing that in the tract of a great current, with VOL. XI-VI. — NO. 4 6 82 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. abundance of food, we may find at a very considerable depth (2422 fathoms) an abundant fauna at very great distances from continental lands. We were, at this station, about 2140 miles from Acapulco, 1200 miles from Manga Eeva, 1 700 miles from the Galapagos, and about 900 miles from the JSIarquesas. Another haul made under the equator, near the northern edge of the cold current, in 2320 fathoms, gave us the same results. Tlie pelagic life was very abundant, the surface teemed with Radiolarians, Diatoms, and Globigerinae, and swarmed with invertebrates. The trawl contained a superb collection of Holothurians, Brisinga, Hyalonema, Neusina, and on this occasion we brought up the only Stalked Crinoid collected during this expedition, parts of the stem of two specimens of Ehizocrinus, of which, unfortunately, the arms were wanting. Our progress, which had been excellent during the first days of our journey after leaving Manga Reva, has for the past six days been greatly impeded by head winds in the region where we ought to have been in the full swing of the southeasterly trades. This led us with great re- luctance to abandon all idea of further work in the equatorial belt of currents, to give up our proposed visit to Clipperton, and on account of our limited coal supply to make for Acapulco, merely sounding every morning. This was a great disappointment to me, as we had every rea- son to expect to be able to spend some time in the belt of the equato- rial currents, and settle more conclusively than we have been able to do, the question of their influence upon the richness of the fauna living in their track far from continental shores or insular areas. The presence of Diatoms in all parts of the Humboldt current which we crossed from south of Callao to the equator at the Galapagos, and west towards Clipperton, shows how far the tract of a great oceanic cur- rent can be traced, not only by its temperature, but also by the pelagic life living upon its surface or near it. "When once in the warm westerly equatorial current, the Diatoms disappear and the bottom samples show only surface Eadiolarians and Globigerinae. "We took a number of serial temperatures in the line Galapagos to Manga Eeva, passing from the colder water of the Humboldt current to the warmer waters south toward Manga Eeva. The temperatures at 200 fathoms became nearly identical. K^orth the great change in temper- ature took place between 25 and 200 fathoms, where there was a difference of 24°. South the warm water extended to 100 fathoms, a great change occurring between 100 and 200 fathoms, a drop of 16°. The serial temperatures taken at the southern and northern edges of the cold cur- AGASSIZ : LETTEKS TO THE HON. GEORGE M. BOWERS. 83 rent on the liue Manga Reva to Acapulco agreed well with those taken in the same current to the east. The samples of the bottom obtained by the soundings taken by the expedition or gathered in the mud-bag and in the trawl indicate that an immense area of the bottom of the eastern Pacific is covered by man- ganese nodules, and that they play an important part in the character of the bottom, not only in the area covered by this expedition, but also that the area of manganese nodules probably extends to the northwest of our lines to join the stations where in 1899 manganese nodules were found by the "Albatross " in the Moser Basin, on the line San Fran- cisco to Marquesas. This area may also extend south of our line Callao to Easter Island, and join the line west of Valparaiso where the " Chal- lenger" obtained manganese nodules at many stations. I do not mean to imply that the manganese nodules are present to the exclusion of Radiolarians and of Globigerinae. It is probable that the layer of nodules is partly covered by them, and by the thick sticky dark choco- late-colored mud which is found wherever man^^anese nodules occur. During this expedition we sounded every day while at sea, and de- veloped very fairly tliat part of the eastern Pacific which lies to the south and west of the line from Cape San Francisco to tlie Galapagos and vest of a line Galapagos to Acapulco, limiting an area occupied by the *' Albatross " in 1891. The area developed by us is included hy a line 3200 miles in length from Acapulco to Manga Reva, and north of a line from Manga Reva to Easter Island and from Easter Island to Callao. We developed on our line Galapagos to Manga Reva the western exten- sion of the Albatross plateau, and found it of a depth varying from 1900 to somewhat less than 2300 fathoms in a distance of nearly 3000 miles ; but about half-way from the Galapagos to Manga Reva we came upon a ridge of about 200 miles in length witli a depth of 1700 to 1055 fathom.^, dropping rapidly to the south to over 1900 fathoms. I pro- pose to call this elevation tlie " Garrett Ridge." Our line from Manga Reva to Acapulco continued to show the west- ern extension of the almost level bottom of the eastern Pacific. In a distance of 3200 miles the depth varied only about 400 fathoms. This great area of the eastern Pacific was practically a mare incognitum. Three soundings in latitude 20° S. toward the Pauraotus and five sound- ings in a northwesterly trend from Callao to Grey's Deep are all the depths that were previously known in this great expanse of water.^ The ^ These soundings were made (one) by the Italian S. " Vittor Pisani "in 1882; (three) by the '= Silverton " in \m?, ; (four) by tlie U. S. S. "Alaska," and two east of the Pauraotus by the H. B. M. S. " Alert." 84 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. existence of the great plateau dividing Barker Basin along the South American coast from Grej and Moser Basins to the west is most inter- esting. It recalls the division of the southern Atlantic into an eastern and western basin by a central connecting ridge (The Challenger Ridge). The Albatross plateau joins the western extension of the Galapagos plateau, as developed by the "Albatross" in 1891, The existence of a sounding of 2554 fathoms near the equator in longitude 110° W. would seem to indicate a small basin included in this plateau, disconnected from Grey's Deep and Moser Basin by its extension to the west. How far west towards these basins that extension reaches, no soundings indicate as yet. It is interesting to note that along the Mexican coast there are a number of deep basins lying disconnected close to the shore, just as there are a number of disconnected deeps close to the South American coast extending from off Callaoto off Caldera, Chili, opposite high volcanoes or elevated chains of mountains. These basins are deeper than the Albatross plateau to the south, and form a deep channel separating in places the plateau from the steep continental slope. The steepness of a great part of the Mexican continental shelf is well seen, especially off Acapulco and Manzanilla. One of the small basins along the Mexican coast with 2661 fathoms lies off Sebastian A^iscaino Bay ; another with more than 2900 f^ithoms is to the west of Manzanilla Bay ; a third to the southeast of Acapulco has about the same depth,^ and a fourth with 2500 fathoms is off San Jose, Guatemala. These basins off the west coast, close to the shore and at the foot of a steep continental slope, are in great contrast to the wide continental shelves which characterize the east coast of Central America and the east coast of the United States. The collections made during the present expedition will give ample material for extensive monographs on the Holothurians, the siliceous Sponges, the Cephalopods, the Jelly-tishes, the pelagic Crustacea, Worms and Fishes of the eastern Pacific, as well as on the bottom deposits and on the Radiolarians and Dinoflagellates, Diatoms, and other Protozoa collected by the tow nets. Small collections of plants were made at Easter Island and Manga Reva which may throw some light on the origin and distribution of the flora of the eastern Pacific. 1 Tlie last sounding we made off Acapulco in 2474 fathoms 29 miles south of the Light House showed the western extension of this deep hole. ' The following" Publications of the Museum of Comparative Zoology are in preparation : — Reports on tlie Results of Dredging Operations In 1877, 1878, 1879, and 1880, in charge of Alex- ander Agassiz, by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blalce," as follows: — E. EHLERS. The Annelids of the " Blake." C. HARTl.AUB. The Coniatulae of the " Blake," with 15 Plates. H. LUDWIG. The Genus Pentacrinus. A. iMlLNE EDWARDS and E. L. BOUVIER. The Crustacea of the " Blake." A. E. VERRILL. The Alcyonaria of the " Blake." Reports on the Scientifio Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexandkr Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding, LOUIS CABOT. Immature State of the Odonata, Part IV. E. h. IVlARIv. Studies on hepidosteus, continued. " On Arachnactis. R. T. HILTj. On the Geology of the Windward Islands. W. MoM. WOODWOHTH. On the Bololo or Palolo of Fiji and Samoa. AGASSIZ and WHITMAN. Pelagic Fishes. Part II., with 14 Plates. Reports on the Results of the Expedition of 1891 of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," Lieutenant Commander Z. L. Tanker, U. S. N., Commanding, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, as follows: — A. AGASSIZ. The Pelagic Fauna. H. LUDWIG. The Starfishes, The PanamicDeep-Sea Fauna. J. p. McMURRICH. The Actlnarl»n». K. BRANDT. The Sagittae. E. L. MARK. Branchiocerianthus. " The Thalassicolas. C. CHUN. The Siphonophores. " The Eyes of DeejvSea Crustacea W. H. DALL. The MoUusks. H, J. HANSEN. The Cirripeds. W. A. HERDMAN. The Ascidians. M. P. A. TRAUSTEDT. The Salpld» «nd JOHN MURRAY. The Bottom Specimeni. P. SCHIEaiENZ. The Pteropods and Hete- ropods. THEO. STUDER. The AlcyonarlaDt. Doliolidae. S. J. HICKSON. The Antipathids. .ROLI) HEATH. Solenogaster. VON LKNDKNFKLD. The PI rescent Organs of Fishes. it The Annelids. HAROLD HEATH. Solenogaster. H. B. WARD. The Sipnnculids. R. VON liKNDKNFKLD. The Phospho- W. MoM. WOOD WORTH. The Nemerteaus. PUBLICATIONS OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. There have been published of the Bulletin Vols. I. to XLIL, and also Vols. XLIV., XLV., and XLVII ; of the Memoirs, Vols. I. to XXIV, and also Vols. XXVIII., XXIX., and XXXI. Vols. XLIIL, XLVL, and XLVIIL of the Bulletin, and Vols. XXV., XXVI., XXVII., XXX., XXXII., and XXXIII. of the Memoirs, are how in course of publication. Tlie Bulletin and Memoirs are devoted to the publication of original work b}' the Professors and Assistants of the INIusenni, of investjoations carried on by students and others in the different Lal)oi'atories of Natural History, and of work b}' specialists based upon the Museum Collections and P^xplorations. The following publications are in preparation : — Reports on the HesiiUs of Dredging Operations from 1877 to 1880, in cliarge of Alexander Agassiz, by tiie U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake," Lieut. Commander C. D. Sigsbee, U. S. N., and Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., Commanding. Reports on tlie Results of the Expedition of 1891 of tlie U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," Lieut. Conmiander Z. L. Tanner, U. S. N., Com- manding, in charge of Alexander Agassiz. Reports on the Scientific Results of tlie Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Eastern Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," from October, 1904, to April, 1905, Lieut. Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding. Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory, Professor E. L. Mark, Director. Contributions froni the Geological Laboratory, in charge of Professor N. S. Shaler. These publications are issued in numbers at irregular inter- vals; one volume of tiie Bulletin (8vo) and half a volume of the Memoirs (4to) usually appear annually. Each number of the Bulletin and of the Memoirs is sold separately. A price list of the publications of the Museum will be sent on application to the Librarian of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cam- bridge, Mass. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at harvard college. Vol. XLVI. No. 5. THE VERTEBRATA OF GORGONA ISLAND, COLOMBIA. INTRODUCTION. MAMMALIA. By Outram Bangs. PHYSICAL ASPECT AND CLIMATE; FAUNA. By Wilmot W. Brown, Jr. AVES. By John E. Thayer and Ootram Banos. REPTILIA; AMPHIBIA. By Thomas Barbour. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. : PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. June, 1905. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at harvard college. Vol. XLVI. No. 5. THE VERTEBRATA OF GORGONA ISLAND, COLOMBIA. introduction. MAMMALIA. By OuTRAiM Bangs. PHYSICAL ASPECT AND CLIMATE; FAUNA. By Wilmot W. Brown, Jk. AVES. By John E. Thayer and Octram Bangs. REPTILIA; AMPHIBIA. By Thomas Barboor. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U.S.A.: PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. June, 1905. No. 5. — The Vertehrata of Gorgona Island^ Colombia} CONTEXTS. Page I. Introduction. By Outram Bangs 87 II. Physical Aspect and Climate , Fauna. By Wilmot W. Brown, Jr. . . 88 III. Mammalia. By Outram Bangs 89 IV. .Aves. By John E. Thayer and Outram Bangs 91 V. Reptilia and Amphibia. By Thomas Barbour 98 I. Introduction. By Outram Bangs. In February, 1904, John E. Thayer, Esq., equipped and put into the field the well-known zoological collector, Mr. Wilmot W. Brown, Jr. Some Uttle-kuown regions in Panama and northern South America were selected for the season's work. One of the places visited was Gorgona Island. The biota of this island is practically unknown ; so far as I can find out the island has never been visited by a naturalist, though Captain Kellett and Lieutenant "Wood apparently stopped there many years ago on their way to the Galapagos. The Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum (Vol. 11, p. 215) mentions a tanager, Tacliyphonus delattrii Lafr., taken on Gor- gona by these officers. From its isolated position and its unlikeness to the adjacent main- land it was anticipated that Gorgona would prove a most interesting field. The results, however, are disappointing, for although many of the reptiles, birds, and mammals are very pecuhar, the conditions that prevail seem singularly unsuited to support a rich and varied vertebrate fauna. Mr. Brown remained upon the island about two weeks, June 19 to July 2, 1904. A word as to the disposition of the specimens. The mammals, rep- tiles, amphibians, and fishes !Mr. Thayer presents to the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Of the birds Mr: Thayer retains for his museum at Lancaster, Mass., those that particularly interest him, chiefly North American migrants; a small series of each species he has kindly given 1 Papers from the John E. Thayer Expedition of 1904, No. 1. 88 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. to me ; and of the remainder — the bulk of the material — a pair or two of each species has been selected and will be presented to the United States National Museum; the remainder is given to the Museum of Comparative Zoology. An annotated list of the fishes collected by Mr. Brown, and identified by Mr. Samuel Garman will be given in the paper on the Panamic vertebrates. II. Physical Aspect and Climate; Fauna. By Wilmot W. Brown, Jr. Gorgona Island was probably discovered and named by Pizarro, as history tells us that he and his hardy band of followers, after leaving Gallo Island, retreated to Gorgona Island, where they fortified them- selves and lived for five months, enduring great hardship. Finally the ship sent from Panama to their aid reached Gorgona, and Pizarro and his companions sailed for Tumbez Bay on the coast of Peru. Gorgona Island, politically a part of the Eepublic of Colombia, is the private property of Don Pyan Cuevas, of Buenaventura. It is uninhab- ited ; fishermen occasionally visit it for a few days at a time. It is five miles long by about half a mile wide, and lies N. N. E. by S. S. W., about twenty miles off Punta las Reys, the nearest point on the Colom- bian coast. The rise and fall of the tide is ten feet, and the current of the island sets off to the northeast. The water between the island and the coast of Colombia is said to be deep. Gorgona, apparently of volcanic formation, consists of three peaks ; the highest, and central one, is some 800 feet in altitude. The three hills make the island very conspicuous from the ocean, and form a pleasant contrast to the low, swampy mainland opposite. In clear Aveather the high peaks of the distant Andes can be seen. It is completely wooded with a dense tropical forest without trails or open places, and is well watered by numerous streams. Rain falls continuously throughout the year, there being no dry season, and heavy electric storms are of daily occurrence. The excessive mois- ture entailed much personal inconvenience and hardship, and the collec- tions made were preserved by artificial heat and constant vigilance. In my attempts to preserve botanical specimens I wholly failed. Collecting was done under great difficulties ; at low tide one could walk along the beaches, but high Avater reaches to the very forest, and every step inland had to be cut with machetes through the dense, satu- rated jungle. BANGS: VERTEBRATA OF GORGONA ISLAND. 89 The fauna of the island is extremely poor. There are very few birds, either in nmubers or in species ; in a day's tramp perhaps from six to ten birds may be seen. Mammals also are scarce, and with the exception of the spiny rat, no small rodents were found. Laud crabs swarmed and proved a great annoyance, eating up or injuring most of the spiny rats caught ; they also carried off the bait about as soon as a trap was set. Snakes of several species were not uncommon, and two small frogs were abundant in the woods. The waters around the island swarmed with fish, and whales wei'e very abundant, the vicinity of the island being a favorite feeding-ground during the summer months. At the southwestern extremity of the island there is a peninsula about a mile long, called Gorgonilla ; at high water Gorgonilla is essentially an island. Here boobies of two species and man-o'-war birds breed in great numbers. At the time of my visit they were not nesting, though they were present in considerable numbers, roosting or resting between the times they were at sea fishing, III. Mammalia. By Outram Bangs. Apart from two bats, Mr. Brown found but three species of mam- mals, — a monkey, a spiny rat, and an agouti. The first two are peculiar and new ; the agouti, however, I am not able to distinguish from Da>?ij- 2)roota variegata, though the only specimen taken is too young to bo identified with absolute certainty. Mr. Brown feels confident that no small terrestrial mammals occur in Gorgona, not only because he trapped assiduously without getting any, but because the rain-soaked condition of the ground and underbrush throughout the year seems to preclude any chance of their occurrence. Dr. Glover M. Allen has very kindly helped me identify the hats. All the measurements are in millimetres, and the colors are according to Ridgway's nomenclature. OCTODONTIDAB. 1. Proecliimys gorgonae, sp. nov. Type. — Mus. Comp. Zocil. No. 10,828, old atl.J*, Gorgona Island, July 2, 1904. Seven specimens, adults and young, June 25 to July 2, 1904. Characters. — Apparently nearest P. centralis jmnamensis Thomas, but very difierent in color, being very dark above and with the under parts not wholly white. Skull very similar to that of P. centralis panaviensis, from which it can 90 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPAKATIVE ZOOLOGY. . only be separated by the slightly larger, wider, and longer palatal foramina and rather heavier molars. The nasals are pointed posteriorly as in that form, by which character the skull can be distinguished from that of P. ceiitralis chi- riquinus Thomas or P. biirrus Bangs. The rostrum is rather heavy, less de- curved, and ratlier straighter than in imnamensis. Color and Felagc. — Spines confined to anterior two- thirds of back, not very numerous and rather softer than in allied forms ; colors very dark : upper parts burnt umber, most of the hairs as well as the spines tipped with black ; head, top of nose, and cheeks chiefly blackish, slightly varied with Vandyke brown ; sides a little paler than back and with fewer black tips to the hairs ; under parts white only along middle of belly, the under surface of legs, arms, neck, anal region, and sides of belly being dull mars brown or russet ; upper surface of feet and hands brownish black ; tail black above, dull gray below, well clothed with short, stiff hairs ; ears black. Young similar to adults, but still darker, having a pronounced black dorsal band. Measurements — No. Sex. Total 1 length. Tail vertebrae. Hind foot. Ear. 10,828 (J old ad. 427 150 60 23 10,829 ^ old ad. 365 901 55 22 10,834 9 adult 405 140 53 23 10,830 ^ young ad. 409 123 53 20 10,831 S yo«ng 340 120 50 20 10,832 i young 327 120 52 20 Skull. — Type, old adult ^: Basal length, 59 ; occipito-nasal length, G5 ; zygomatic width, 30.4 ; mastoid width, 23.8 ; least interorbital v.ddtb, 13 ; length of nasals, 25; width of nasals, 7-2 ; length of palate to palatal notch, 22.6 ; length of palatal foramina, 5.8 ; upper tooth row, 10.2 ; length of single half of mandible, 35.4 ; lower tooth row, 10.2. Bemarks. — The spiny rat was not uncommon in Gorgona Island, and a much larger number were trapped than could be preserved, as the crabs ate them up as soon as caught. The form is very well marked, so far as color goes, in its blackish ui>per parts and the small amount of white on the belly, being very different from the other forms of this group, all of which are reddish brown above and pure white below. The skull, however, does not appear to differ markedly from that of P. centra- lis panamensis, which is probably the nearest ally of the present island form. DASYPROCTIDAE. 2. Dasyprocta variegata Tschcdi. One young ^. This specimen is unfortunately too young to identify posi- tively, but it seems to belong to this species. 1 Tip of tail gone. THAYER AND BANGS: VERTEBRATA OF GORGONA ISLAND. 01 PHYLLOSTOMATIDAE. 3. Micronycteris megalotis Gray. One adult ^. June 28. 4. Dermanura rava Miller. One male, July 1st. CEBIDAE. 5. Cebus curtus, sp. nov. Type. — Mus. Comp. Zoul., No. 10,824, adult ^, Gorgona Island, July 2, 1904. Two specimens, ^ ? July 2, 1904. Characters. — A small, short-tailed island form, related to C. hypoleums (Humbt.). Similar in color to G. hypokucus, — black all over except head, under surface and sides of neck and shoulders, which are white in the male and Isabella color in the female. Differs from C hypoleucus in being smaller; tail very much shorter; hands, feet, and limbs shorter. Skull smaller and nar- rower, especially so across the orbits and just behind them. Measurements — No. Sex. Total length. Tail vertebrae. Hind foot. 10.824 S ^icl- 753 420 115 10.825 9 young ad. 753 420 112 Skull. — Type, adult ^ : Basal length, 69 ; occipito-nasal length, 80.4 ; zygo- matic width, 58.4; mastoid width, 48.2: width across orbits, 49.2 ; least width behind orbits, 38.4 ; length of palate to palatal notch, 33.6 ; palatal notch to foramen magnum, 28 ; upper tooth row, canine to last molar, 25 ; length of mandible, 58; lower tooth row, canine to last molar, 28. EcmarJcs. — The monkey of Gorgona Island is a well-marked species, differing greatly from Cebus hijpoleucus in its very short tail, and much smaller hands and feet. The limbs, also, judging from skins made in the same way, appear to be very short, and the skull shows characters by which it can be separated from that of C. hypoleucus. It was not' uncommon in the forest, but was hard to reach owing to the denseness of the jungle. IV. AvEs. By Johx E. Thayer and Outram Bangs. The paucity in the oruis of Gorgona Island is well shown by the fol- lowing list of sixteen species. Mr. Brown took examples, during his stay of two weeks, of but fourteen species, and of these several are represented by only from one to three individuals each. The small amount of prepa- ration gave Mr. Brown more time for field work, and he tells us he ofteu 92 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. stayed out all day shooting every bird he saw, and even at that never got more than ten birds in a single day. Two species only, the yellow honey creeper and the ant shrike, ■were even fairly common ; all other land birds were in such small numbers that of several of them he saw but one or two individuals during his stay on the island. Owing to the dense jungles that completely cover the island, it was very hard to get about, and the birds were all in the high trees, so tlmt it is very possible Mr. Brown did not procure all the species that occur there. In spite of the late date, June and July, at which the island was visited, the birds are in excellent plumage, showing no signs of wear or fading. In a wet, heavily forested island such as Gorgona, the plumage of the birds appears to keep in fine condition up to the very time they moult, in marked contrast to what happens in dry, hot, barren regions. The four species of land birds we describe as new are strongly charac- tei'ized, and additional material might show that one or two of the others also represent new island forms. The new booby is quite different from either Sula leucogadra or Sula brewsteri, though somewhat intermediate between them. We give it specific rank, because the only alternative is to consitler S. leucogastra, S. brewsteri, S. nesiotes, and the new form subspecies of one bird, wliich we are not quite prepared to do. We are under great obligations to Dr. Robert Ridgway, Avho, though extremely busy at the time, compared many of the specimens with the material in the United States National Museum, and also to Mr. E. W. Iselson for comparing the boobies with typical specimens in the United States Biological Survey Collection. All the measurements are in millimetres, and the colors are according to Ridgway's nomenclature. SULIDAE. 1. Sula nebouxi Milne Edwards. One inmiatiire ^, June 26. Earlier in the season this species breeds abimdantly on Gorgonilla, according to information given Mr. Brown by the fishermen who visit the island. 2. Sula etesiaca, sp. nov. Type. -ColL E. A. & 0. Bangs, No. 14,026, adult letin and Memoirs are devoted to the publication of original work by the Professors and Assistants of the Museum, of investigations carried on by students and others in the different Laboratories of Natural History, and of work by specialists based upon tlie Museum Collections and ^Explorations. The following publications are in preparation : — Reports on the Results of Dredging Operations from 1877 to 1880, in cliarge of Alexander Agassiz, hy the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake," Lieut. Commander C. 1). Sigsbee, U. S. N., and Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., Commanding. Reports on the Results of the Expedition of 1891 of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " All)atross," Lieut. Commander Z. L. Tanner, U. S. N., Com- manding, in ciiarge of Alexander Agassiz. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Eastern Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," from October, 1904, to April, 1905, Lieut. Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding. Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory, Professor E. L. Mark, Director. Contributions from tlie Geological Laboratory, in charge of Professor N. S. Sbaler. These publications are issued in numbers at irregular inter- vals ; one volume of the Bulletin (8vo) and half a volume of the Memoirs (4to) usually appear annually. Each number of the Bulletin and of the Memoirs is sold separately. A price list of the publications of the Museum will be sent on application to the Librarian of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cam- bridge, Mass. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at harvard college. Vol. XLVI. No. 7. NOTES OX BERMUDIAN FISHEb. By Thomas Barbour. With Four Plates. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. : PRINTFD FOR THE MUSEUM. September, 1005. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the East- ern Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," from October, 1904, TO March, 1905, Lieutenant Commander L. M. Garrett^ U. S. N., Commanding, published or in preparation: A. agassiz. Geneical Rlport on the Expedi- tion. A. agassiz. I f.1 Tl^reel |t,etters to Geo. M, Bowers, U. S; Pish Com. A. agassiz and H. h. CLARK. Th« Echini. F. K. BEDDARD. The Earthworms. H. B. BIGELOW. The Medusae. R. P. BIGELOW. The Stomatopods. S. F. CLARKE. The Hydroids. W. R. COE. The Nemerteans. L. J. COLE. The Pycnogonida. W. H. BALL. Tlie MolUisks. C. R. EASTMAN. The Sharks' Teeth. B. W. EVERMANN. Tlie Fishes. W. G. FARLOW. The Algae. S. GARMAN. The Reptiles. H. J. HANSEN. The Cirripeds. H.J. HANSEN. The Schizopods. S. HENSHAW. The Insects. W. E. HOYLE. The Cephalopods. C. A. KOFOID. The Protozoa. P. KRUMBACH. The Sagittae. H. LUDWIG. The Holothurians. H. LUDWIG. The Starfishes. H. LUDWIG. The Ophiurans. J. P. McMURRICH. The Actinaria. G. W. MULLER. The Ostracods. JOHN MURRAY. The Bottom Specimens. MARY J. RATHBUN. The Crustacea. HARRIET RICHARDSON, n.2 The Isopods. W. E. RITTER. The Tunicates. ALICE ROBERTSON. The Bryozoa. B. L. ROBINSON. The Plants. G. O. SARS. The Copepods. F. E. SCHDLZE. The Siliceous Sponges. H. R. SIMROTH. The Pteropods and Hetero- pods. TH. STUDER. The Alcyonaria. T. W. VAUGHAN. The Corals. W. McM. WOODWORTH. The Annelids. 1 Bull. M. C. Z., Vol. XLVL, No. 4, April, 1905, 22 pp. 2 Bull. M. C. Z., Vol. XLVL, No. 6, July, 1905, 4 pp., 1 pi. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at harvard college. Vol. XLVI. No. 7. NOTES OX BERMUDIAN" FISHES. By Thomas Barbour. With Four Plates. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. : PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. September, 1905. No. 7. — Notes on Bermudian FishesA By Thomas Barbour. The material which forms the basis for this paper belongs to the Museum of Comparative Zoology and is from several sources : first, a collection made by my brother, Mr. W. W. Barbour, and myself during parts of March and April, 1903; secondly, a large and rather complete cullection made during part of June, July, and part of August, 1903, while I was attached to the Biological Station at Flatts, Bermuda ; thirdly, a number of specimens in the collections of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, and finally, a series obtained by Professor Mark and collected at the Station during the summer of 1904. I here express my gratitude to Dr. Mark for his kindness in procuring a number of most interesting specimens, and thank Messrs. H. B. Bigelow, Owen Bryant, and J. T. Nichols, for their kind aid in collecting and preserv- ing the largest collection. Finally, it is a pleasure to thank Mr. Samuel Carman of the Museum for the assistance he has giving; me in makins: the identifications. Before turning to a systematic consideration of the material in hand, a few words are necessary in explanation of the peculiar faunal conditions which obtain about the Bermuda Islands. In 1872 Dr. G. Brown Goode visited the Bermudas for several weeks (February to March), and made the first collections of any considerable size or value from this localitjf. lie pointed out in his paper on the fishes (Goode '76") the splendid op- portunity here presented to the ichthyologist for the study of the effects which the ocean currents have had in providing Bermuda with a fish fauna. He called attention to the fact that almost all the more charac- teristic fishes of the West Indian regions, and also many fishes which are found in the Azores, Canaries, Madeira, Cape de Verde Islands, and even on the coasts of Southern Europe and Africa are represented in Bermudian waters. One of the most interesting examples of distribution probably due to ocean currents is the occurrence of Syrmhis saurus, a fish which, on account of its sluggish, bottom-loving disposition, one would consider unlikely to range far from home. The majority of the 1 Contributions from the Bermuda Biological Station for Research. No. 6. VOL. XLVI. — 7 110 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology, species derived from distant regions, are, as Goode has pointed out, powerful and rapid swimmers. Few of the species which have been described as peculiar to Bermuda have remained so long. Both Stole- phorus cfioerostomus and Siphodoma jonesi were once believed to be peculiar to Bermuda, but only a year or so ago the U. 8. Fish Commis- sion expedition to Porto Eico found both these species there. The Bermuda representatives were in all probability derived from the West Indian region, Ulaema lefroyi also is now known from many of the West Indies, and the Florida Keys. The classic on the general Natural History of the Bermudas is Jones, Wedderburn, and Hurdis ('59) ; while more recently Verrill (: 02) has published a most valuable and interesting volume dealing with the history, scenery, etc., of the island and on the faunistic changes due to man. In (: 01) Verrill also published a paper dealing with the fauna ; this contains a short article on the fishes. The birds and several groups of invertebrates have been treated in a volume by Jones and Goode ('84). An interesting popular account of the fish markets of Bermuda was published by Goode ('76*') in "Forest and Stream," Gllnther ('79) has listed the species of fishes taken by the naturalists of H. M. S. Challenger near the islands. In the present paper the notes on distribution are obtained partly from " The Fishes of North and Middle America," by Jordan and Everman, which I have found very valuable in this connection, and partly from specimens in the vast collections of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. LEPTOCARDII. BRANCHIOSTOMATIDAB. Branchiostoma caribbaeum Sondeval. The West Indian Lancelet. Verrill, : 01, p. 55. Goode, '77, p. 293 [B. hihricum). Distribution, — Atlantic coast of North America to Rio Plata. Found in all localities where the bottom is suitable. Very common on the sandy spit in Flatts Inlet, directly opposite the Hotel Fraecati. Asymmetron lucayanum Andrews. Andrews's Lancelet. Mark, : 04, p. 179. Distribution. — Bahamas and Bermudas. Taken in dredgings at a number of localities in different parts of the Bermudas. BARBOUR: NOTES OX BERMUDIAX FISHES. Ill PLAGIOSTO.Air. GALEIDAE. Carcharhinus platyodon (Poet). Puppy Shark. Verrill, :01, p. 55. Distribution. — Coasts of Texas and Cuba. Very common off the Challenger Banks and outside the reefs. Considered a fine food fish by the colored people. The only specimen preserved was iden- tified by Mr. Garman as belonging to this species. TELEOSTEI. ANGUILLIDAE. Anguilla chrisypa Haf. Eel. A. bostoniensis (Le Sueur) Ayres. Goode, '76^, p. 71. Distribidio7i. — Atlantic coast (ascending rivers); West Indies. Said to be common in ditches in Devonshire Marshes. The specimens, seven in number, were all obtained in mud-holes near the mangrove swamp at Hungry Bay. I found four there in April, 1903, and three in July, 1903. The largest specimen was about 4 inches in length. The only water connection of this swamp was directly with the ocean, and as no eels have ever been taken off the shores of Bermuda, it puzzles me to know how such young eels got into the mangrove swamp. The Devonshire Marshes, so far as I could learn, have no connection with the ocean ; the water there is only slightly brackish. MURAENIDAE. Lycodontis moringa (Guv.) Spotted Jloray. Gymnothorax moringa (Guv.) Goode. Goode, 'IS^, p. 72. Distribution. — West Indies; North coast of South America; St. Helena. This species with the larger L. funebris (Ranzani) was quite common about all the reefs, particularly off the south shore, where many are taken by fishing from the rocks. The specimen before me was taken during the " Challenger Bank Expedition" — a three-days trip provided by Captain Meyer, of St. George's, for the members of the Biological Station about the first of August, 1903. The flesh is eaten by the negroes, who say that it is sugary-sweet, and very tender; I heard nothing of its being considered poisonous. L. sanctae-helenae (Gujjther). Distribution. — Tropical Atlantic; St. Helena. A single example taken in 1904 ; compared with the preceding this species is rather rare. 112 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. OPHICHTHYIDAE. Sphagebranchus anguiformis (Peters). Distribution. — West Indian region. A single example of this rare species was dredged in shallow water by Professor Mark on Aug. (1, 1904, at Station No. 468. It is without spots and is 5| inches long. The head is contained 18 times in the length of the body, A second specimen of this species, which I may mention in this connection, was dredged by Messrs. G. M. Allen, Owen Bryant and myself while on our Northern Bahama Expedition in Julj^, 1904. It is far larger, being of the same propor- tions and 12^ inches long. It was dredged in 14 fms. in Whale Cay Channel off the Island of Abaco, Bahamas. ALBULIDAE. Albula vulpes (Linne). Bone fish. Distribution . — Tropical seas, almost universally distributed. D. 15; A. 8. The species is rare at Bermuda; I have examined only a single specimen taken there. (M. C. Z. No. 18,088.) CLUPEIDAE. Sardinella anchovia Cuv. & Val. Anchovy. Goode, '76% p. 69. Distribution. — West Indies, N. Coast of South America. D. 16; A. 16. Large schools of this clupeoid Avere seined regularly in Hamilton Harbor and riatts Inlet for bait. They appeared to run up into shoal water at about sun- rise or sundown. S. macrophthalma (Ranzani). Pilchard. Harencjula macrophthalma (Ranzani). Goode, '1&^, p. 69. Distribution. — West Indies, coast of Brazil. D. 17; A. 18. Sc. 40; 12. We took only two specimens of this species. Mr. H. B. Bigelow and mj^self each took one about 11 o'clock one very warm evening in August in Flatts Inlet on a hook baited with strips of Bathystoma. A dark lantern turned to- ward the water showed a considerable number of what appeared to be the same species swimming about ; no Tuore were seen afterward. They are said to be rather common in winter. Opisthonema oglinum (Le Sueur). Herring. 0. thrissa (L.) Goode, '76% p. 69. Distribution, — West Indies, common on coasts of Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas, occasionally much farther northward. BARBOUR: NOTES ON BERMUDIAX FISHES. 113 D. 19 ; A. 24. I have about 100 specimens of this common tropical herring, varying in size from one to five inches. They appeared erratically in great schools. ENGRAULIDAE. Stolephorus choerostomus (Goode). Hog-mouth Fry. Engrauliii choerostomus Goode. Goode, '74, p. 380; and '76\ p. 70. Jordan & Everraann, '96-O0, vol. 1 (1896), p. Ui. Distribution. — Bermuda and Porto Rico. D. 13 or 14; A. 23. This species veas not at all common during July, but in August immense quantities were seined for bait in Bailey's Bay and Flatts Inlet. SYNODONTIDAE. Synodus saurus (Linne). Snake fish. S. lacerta (Valenciennes) Goode. Goode, '76^, p. 68. Jordan & Evermann, '96-00, vol. 1 (1896), p. 537. Distribution. — Atlantic coast of Southern Europe ; Bermuda. D. 12; A. 12. One of the two specimens taken jumped into a rowboat at Flatts Inlet ; they frequently rise three feet from the water in the upward dash after their prey. The second specimen was taken from the fish pot of a Portuguese at Cooper's Island by Messrs. Nichols and Bryant. We had many opportunities to watch their habits as they lay on the white shell and coral sand in the Flatts Inlet. They changed color remarkably and mimicked their surroundings very closely indeed. They would wait until their food, usually a small fish, was directly over them, and then rise with great speed, and seize it from below. ESOCIDAE. Tylosurus raphidoma (Ranzaxi). Distribution. — West Indies; coasts of Florida and Brazil. D. 2.3; A. 22. This species has not, I believe, been found at Bermuda before. One small specimen {A\" Ig.) was taken with a fine seine hi Flatts Inlet. It showed none of the silvery coloring of the adults, but was covered with stellate cliromatophores. T. acus (Lackpede). Hound. Distribution. — West Indies, occasionally northward and in the Mediterra- nean Sea. D. 23; A. 21. 114 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY.- This species was present in great numbers in most of the inlets and bays about the islands. We obtained a number of specimens on hooks baited -with Sardinella or Stolephorus. These fishes play havoc with the useful bait fishes, killing numbers which they do not eat. They all contained parasitic worms in the trunk musculature. HEMIRAMPHIDAE. Hyporhamphus unifasciatus (Ranzani). Needle fish, Gar fish. Distribution. — Southern Florida, Panama, and Brazil. D. 12 ; A. 15. Specimens were taken with seine at low tide in the Flatts Inlet. They were quite common, but did not appear as regularly or in as large numbers as did Tylosurus acus. Hemiramphus brasiliensis (Linne). H. pleii (Cuv. & Val.) Goode. Goode, '76^ p. 64. Distribution. — The West Indian region. D. 14; A. 12. One badly damaged specimen, apparentlj' of this species, is in the collection of the M. C. Z. No. 8,774, taken by Captain Hamilton at Bermuda about 1870. EXOCOETIDAE. Exonautes esiliens (Muller). Flying fish. Exocoetus exiliens Gnielin. Goode, '76^, p. 64. Distribution. — Pelagic. D. 12-13 ; A. 12 ; P. 18; V. 6; C. 21. One young specimen of what appears to be this species was taken from Sar- gassum off the Challenger Banks and thirteen young examples were taken in the tow net, July 7, at 9 p. m., wind east, in Flatts Inlet. No adult flying- fishes were seen close to shore at any time, and only very few inside the outer reefs. Hundreds of flying fishes, however, were seen from the steamer from forty to sixty miles off shore. FISTULARIIDAE. Fistularia tabacaria Linne. Goode, '76^ p. 27. Fistularta serrata Goode, '76^ p. 75. Distribution. — West Indies, straying northward. D. 14; A. 13. One specimen of this curious species was taken by Mr. L. Mowbray off St. George's and was kindly obtained from him by Prof. E. L. Mark for examination. BARBOUR: NOTES OX BERMUDIAN FISHES. 115 SYNGNATHIDAB. Siphostoma jonesi (Gunther). Jordan & Evermann, '96-00, vol. 1 (1896), p. 768. Si/ngnathus jonesi Gunther, '74, p. 455. Goode, '76», p. 27. Distribution. — Bermuda and Porto Rico. Mr. 0. Bryant obtained a single specimen of this species under a rock at Hungry Bay ; and a second specimen has recently been banded me by Pro- fessor Mark ; it was taken during July, 1904. S. pelagicum (Osbeck). Syngjiathus pelagicus Osbeck. Goode, 76^, p. 27. Distribution. — Tropical Atlantic and Mediterranean. About a dozen specimens were obtained in Sargassum and by the dredge in from 6-12 fm. Several very large specimens were taken during July, 1904. S- mackayi Swain & Meek. Distribution. — S. Florida to Yucatan. One small specimen was taken^from the dredge in Castle Harbor. This is the first time the species has been reported from Bermuda. S. dendriticum, sp. nov. (Plate 1.) Type, (M. C. Z. No. 29,057) a single specimen dredged in about 7 fms. oflF Ireland Island, Bermudas, July, 1904. Rings 14 + 39. Dorsal 16, just over vent on rings 1—4. Snout about twice in distance to base of pectoral. Tail longer tlian body. Anal fin vestigial ; composed of two rays on ring 2. Color brown with irregular blotches and darker marblings. A number of peculiar filamentous appendages ; many of these have probably been torn off, as this specimen was taken in the dredge with a considerable mass of broken Oculina, etc. The largest pair of these appendages is situated just above and behind the orbits. The next largest pair is on the nape, just anterior to the branchial aperture. Pairs of filaments are situated irregularly along the dorsal and ventral surfaces. On the segments of the trunk rings are peculiar radiating striae; and a raised boss marks the centre of each segment. On the tail rings the bosses are very conspicuous and the ornamental striae less so. HIPPOCAMPIDAB. Hippocampus sp. Sea Horse. One exceedingly small specimen taken in the tow-net off Flatts Inlet one night during July. I have been unable to determine the species. Sea-horses are well known to the natives, and are said to be common at certains seasons. 116 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIYE ZOOLOGY. ATHERINIDAE. Menidia notata (Mitchill). Distribution. — Coast of United States southward to the Carolinas. D. 6+9 ; A. 1, 23. There is one specimen of this species in the collection of the M. C. Z. (No. 18,246) ; so far as I can ascertain no other specimen has ever been taken. M. menidia (Linne). Blue Fry. Distribution. — Atlantic coast of United States, the Carolinas southward. D. 4+9; A. 1+22. This species was exceedingly common in Flatts Inlet. Thousands were seined daily by the natives for bait. MUGILIDAE. Mugil brasiliensis Agassiz. Mullet. M. Uza Cuv. & Val. Goode, '76% p. 63. Distribution. — West Indies ; Atlantic coast of South America. D. 5 + 8; A. 3 + 8. Specimens were frequently taken from the seine in Flatts Inlet; the species is generally common. M. curema Cuv. & Val. Distribution. — Both coa^s of the Americas. D. 5 + 5; A. 3 + 9. I obtained a large number of specimens of this species in March and April, 19(»3, at Hungry Bay. During the summer, however, only one specimen was taken ; this was from Sargassum floating oflf Ireland Island. The species has not been taken before at Bermuda. SPHYRAENIDAE. Sphyraena sphyraena (Lin-ne.) S. spet (Haiiy) Goode, '76% p. 61. Jordan & Evermann, '96-00, vol. 1 (1896), p. 826. Distribution. — Southern coast of Europe to Bermuda. D. 6 + 9 ; A. 1 + 9. This European species is not uncommon about Bermuda. I have a single specimen about 10 inches long taken in the seine near Gibbet Island and another, considerably smaller, taken by the members of the Biological Station during the summer of 1904. barbouk: notes on bermudian fishes. 117 HOLOCENTRIDAE. Holocentrus ascensionis (Osueck). Squirrel. Holocentrum sogo Bloch. Goode, '76'^, p. 49. Distribution. — Floridu and Cuba to St. Helena. D. 11 + 15 ; A. 6 + 10. This species is very common in sheltered nooks about the rocky shores and reefs. It is nocturnal and great numbers were sometimes taken in a few hours at night in the fish pots. H. puncticulatus, sp. nov. (Plate 3.) D. 11 + 13 ; A. 4 + 8 ; 11. 4.5; Itr. 3 + 8. Near H. siccifer Cope, but differing in the number of rays in the anal fin, in the shape of the dorsal fins, and in color. Head with spines 2^, depth 2|. Spinous dorsal rather long and elevated anteriorly ; soft dorsal not as high as spinous portion. Second anal spine and first anal soft ray about the same length and almost reaching the base of the caudal. There is one strong spine on the preopercular bone and one on the opercular. The posterior and ventral edges of both these bones are strongly serrate. The interorbital keels are rather weak, and each divides posteriorly into nine, spreading out in a fan-like manner. The color in life is bright rosy red with nine lateral series of very fine black and dark brown dots ; growing fainter and fewer ventrally. A large black spot appears on the membrane of the first three dorsal spines, and also on the spines themselves. The rest of the fins are rosy white, except for a few extremely faint dusky patches on the posterior part of the first dorsal. This species is represented by the single type specimen (M. C. Z. No. 29,054), Flatts Inlet, Bermuda Is. Taken in a fish trap in about 10 ft. of water. The species is rather common, and other specimens were seen. MULLIDAB. Upeneus maculatus (Bloch). Goat fish. Hypeneus maculatus (Bloch) Cuv. GooJe, '76a, p. 49. Distribution, — West Indian region. D. 8 + 8 ; A. 2 + 6. Probably common in rather deep water outside the reef. One specimen was taken in a fish pot off' Hungry Bay by a fisherman, who said that the species was not uncommon, and another from the stomach of a large grouper {Ejd- nephelus striaius). 118 BULLfJTIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. CARANGIDAE. Decapterus punctatus (Agassiz). Robin. Goode, '76 , p. 46. Distribution. — Mass. to Brazil. D. 3 + 30 (31) ; D. 3 + 25. Sc. 40 about. I have four specimens, two taken by Dr. A. S. Bickmore (M. C. Z. No. 17,054), and two taken in Harrington Sound in July, 1903. This species is common at times, but it is at other times quite impossible to find a single specimen. They take bait best at night in moderately deep water. Seriola zonata (Mitchill). Crevalle. Goode, '76% p. 75. Distribution. — Massachusetts to the Carolinas. D. 8 + 38; A. 3 + 21. One specimen taken on the Challenger Banks. T saw quite a number of these brought in by the Hamilton fishermen. They were usually taken far off shore. Trachurops crumenophthalmus (Bloch). Goggle-eye. Goode, '76' p. 47. Distribution. — Coast of Atlantic Ocean (except Europe). Pacific off Central America and Mexico. D. 8 + 26; A. 3 + 22. Sc. 36. One specimen about two inches long was taken from Sargassum off the Challenger Banks and turned over to me by Professor Mark. The species was very rare at Bermuda all summer. A slightly smaller specimen was taken during Julj% 1904. Caranx ruber (Bloch). Distribution. — West Indies. D. 8 + 27 ; A. 2 + 23. Sc. 30. One specimen taken in the tide rush at mouth of Harrington Sound on hook baited with Stolephorus. A second specimen (M. C. Z. 17,360) was taken at Bermuda in 1864 by Capt. Hamilton. This specimen has 31 scutes on the caudal pedicel. C hippos (Linne). Distribution. — Tropical seas. D. 8 + 21; A. 2+ 17. Sc. .30. One specimen taken on hook and line in Flatts Inlet in about four feet of water and two specimens from Hamilton (M. C. Z. No. 28,989) are the only representatives of this widely distributed species which I have had an oppor- tunity to examine from Bermuda. BARBOUR: NOTES ON BERMUDIAN FISHES, 119 C- crysos (Mitchill). Jack. Goode, 76', p. 75. Paratractus pisquetus (C. & V.) Gill. Goode, 76^, p. 47. Distribution. — Massachusetts to Brazil. D. 8 + 25; A. 2 + 21. Sc. 45. I have examined four specimens of this species from Bermuda; three were taken in the summer of 1903 at Fkitts Inlet, the other at Hamilton about 1870 (M. C. Z. No. 1733S). A number of these fishes were almost always to be found lying in wait for fry carried out of Harrington Sound by the tide. They took bait voraciously and afforded considerable sport for their size. We took none over 9 inches in length. The name Jack is applied to several species. NOMEIDAB. Nomeus gronovii (Gmelin). Jordan & Evermann, "96-00, vol. 1 (1896), p. 949. Distribution. — Tropical Atlantic. D. 11 + 26; A. 3 + 26. This species appears to be rather common in Castle Harbor, where the only specimens seen were taken. They usually swim about among the tentacles of the Portuguese-man-o-war, but the only specimen I caught was swimming lazily along near the surface of the water ; there were, however, plenty of Phijsaliae near by. CORYPHAENIDAE. Coryphaena equisetis (Linne). Dolphin. Distribution. — Open Atlantic, most common in the tropics. D. 52 ; A. 25. A single specimen taken off Bermuda during the summer of 1904. It was said to be very common at all times at some distance off shore. CHEILODIPTERIDAE. Apogon binotata (PoEy). Distribution. — Florida, West Indies, and Brazil. D. 7 + 8; A. 2 + 8. A single specimen of this species was taken in Castle Harbor, it appears to be rare. Several natives to whom I showed the specimen declared that thej had never seen it before. I compared it with Poey's type from Cuba (M. C Z. No. 8,750) and could find no difference between them. A. maculata (Poet). Distribution. — Cuba. D. 4+ 10; A. 2 + 7; 11. 27, Itr. 2 + 10. 120 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. I have five specimens of this handsome species. Three of these were taken in Flatts Inlet ; I took one in July, 1903, and Mr. Nichols two in August. The remaining two came from some floating Sargassum ; one on the Challenger Banks, the other near the main island; both specimens are very small. I was told that the species became very common in Flatts Inlet about the latter half of August. SERRANIDAE. Bodianus fulvus (Linxe). Nigger fish. . Jordan & Evermann, "96-00, vol. 1 (1896), p. 1144. Distribution. — AVest Indies. This species appears to be very generally distributed over the reefs, and moderately common everywhere. Epinephelus striatus (Bloch). Grouper, Hamlet. Goode, '76^ p. 57. Distribution. — West Indies to Brazil. D. 9+17; A. 3 + 8. The most important food fish taken near Bermuda. My specimens are small ones taken in fish pots near Flatts Inlet. It attains a weight of 40 pounds. B. maculosus (Cuv. & Val.). Hind. Jctrdan & Evermann, '96-00, vol. 1 (1896), p. 1158. E. gutattus (Gmelin) Goode. Goode, '76^ p. 58. Distribution. — The West Indies generally. D. 9+16; A. 3 + 8. This species was very common everywhere about the reefs. We took speci- mens by the hook up to 15 or 16 inches in length near Xorth Rock, where they were especially common. Their power of changing color is highly developed ; for they change from almost uniform ruddy to flaming red spotted regularly with deep brown or black. E. morio (Crv. & Val.). Red Hamlet. Distribution. — Southern Atlantic coast of North America southward to Brazil. D. 9+lG; A. 3 + 9. This species was generally taken with E. striatus, but was far more rare than that species. It is said to be growing more common year by year. Mycteroperca venenosa apua (Bloch). Rock-fish. Trisotropis undulosus (Cuv.) Gill. Goode, '76=*, p. 55. Distribution. — West Indies, Florida Keys to Bi\azil. Grows to a great size and is one of the most important of the common food fishes. BARBOUR: KOTES ON BERMUDIAN FISHES. 121 Hypoplectrus puella Cuv. & Val. Mutton Hamlet. Goode, '76^ p. 60. Distribution. — West Indies. D. 10+14; A. 3+7. Not uncommon about rocky shores with very steep banks; but locally dis- tributed. Six specimens were taken in fish pots in Harrington Sound near the bridge and off the dock of the Hotel Frascati. Paranthias ftircifer (Cuv. & Val.). Barber. Distribution. — Both coasts of Tropical America. D. 9+18; A. 3 + 9. This species has not been previously recorded from Bermuda. Mr. J. T. Nichols took three specimens, each about 1 foot long, off the south shore near Hungry Bay with hook and line. Two were also among the collection made in July, 1904. The color of all was a dull uniform rose pink. LUTIANIDAE. Neomaenis griseus (Linne). Gray snapper. Lutjanus caxis (Schn.) Poet. Goode, '76*, p. 54. Distribution. — West Indies, South Atlantic coast of United States to Brazil. D. 10 + 14; A. 3 + 8; 11. 51; Itr. 7 + 13. One of the most common Bermudian fishes; large schools could be seen swimming about in Harrington Sound or Flatts Inlet at any time. About 50 of them spent most of their time under our boat at her moorings, never seemed to be more than a few yards from this location. They are shy and extremely difficult to take. The specimens before me are from Harrington Sound. They appear less shy in Hamilton Harbor, where many are taken on hooks and in fish pots for bait. N. apodus (Walbaum). Schoolmaster. Distribution. — West Indies ; Florida to Brazil. D. 10 + 14; A. 3 + 8. Several specimens taken from both Hungry Bay and Harrington Sound. The young were common in many small coves along this shorej and large speci- mens are often taken about the outer reefs. N. vivanus (Cuv. & Val.). Silk snapper. Distribution. — West Indies. D. 10+14; A. 3 + 8. A very common species in the deeper water about the outer reefs and in the middle of Harrington Sound. I have several specimens taken with a fish pot in the steamboat channel about opposite Bailey's Bay. This species takes bait well, especially at night, and affords fair .sport. 122 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. N. hastingsi Bean. Spot snapper. Bean, '98, p. 45. Distribution. — The Bermudas. D. 10+14; A. 3 + 8. One specimen of this species was turned over to me by Prof. E. L. Mark ; it was taken on the Challenger Banks. Dr. Bean states that this is the " silk snapper " of the native fishermen ; but so far as I could ascertain from numerous inquiries, that name is only used for N. vivanus (C. & V.). Ocyurus chrysurus (Bloch). Yellow tail. Goode, '76^ p. 55. Distributio7i. — West Indies to Brazil. D. 10 + 13; A. 3 + 9; 11. 66; Itr. 7 + 16. This species was very common in Harrington Sound, where large numbers were sometimes taken using " scuttle " {Octopus rugosus) for bait. My speci- mens are from fish pots in Flatts Inlet and Harrington Sound. The species attains a weight of 5 lbs. 'O' HABMULIDAE. Haemulon macrostomuni Gunther. Sow grunt. - Distribution. — West Indies generally. D. 12 + 16; S. 3 + 8. This species was frequently brought into Hamilton by the fishermen, who took it in rather deep water near the outer reefs, usually in company with Haemulon album. H. carbonarium Poet. Bull grunt. Jordan & Evermann, '96-00, vol. 2 (1898), p. 1300. Distribution. — West Indies. D. 12 + 16; A. 3 + 8. This fish was not at all uncommon off the South shore; it was rarely taken anywhere else. We have several specimens from about one mile south of the mouth of Hungry Bay. H. SCiurus (Shaw). Striped grunt. Distribution. — West Indies generally. This fish was taken occasionally in fish pots off the South shore and in Hamilton Harbor. It did not appear to be nearly as common as H. flavolinea- tum. There are two specimens (M. C. Z. No. 10,555) which were taken in 1862 by Dr. Bickmore. BARBOUR: NOTES ON BERMUDIAN FISHES. 123 H. flavolineatum (Desmaeest). Yellow grunt. Jordan & Evermann, '96-00, vol. 2 (1898), p. 1306. Distribution. — West Indies. This species is very common everywhere about Bermuda. There are thirty- four specimens in the Museum which were taken by Dr. A. S. Bickmore in September, 1862 (M. C. Z. Nos. 10,526, 10,541). It does not usually j^row to a size suitable for food. A large number were taken during August, 1903, in Hariiu^ton Sound. o" Orthopristis chrysopterus (Linne). Sailor's choice. Distribution. — Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. D. 13 + 16; A. 3 + 12. This species was quite common in Hamilton Harbor, though I never saw a single example elsewhere in the Bermudas. Bathystoma striatura (Linne). Jordan & Evermann, '96-00, vol. 2 (1898), p. 1310. Distribution. — Bermudas to South America. D. 13 + 13 ; A. + 37. Common, particularly in Flatts Inlet, where it may be taken any day usually associated with very large numbers of B. rimator. There are twenty specimens (M. C. Z. No. 10,602) which were taken by Dr. Bickmore in 1862. B. rimator (Jordan & Swain). White grunt. Distribution. — East coast of United States and West Indies. D. 13+ 15; A. 3 + 8. An excessively common species in Flatts Inlet, less so elsewhere. I have specimens taken in a fish trap in Harrington Sound and Flatts Inlet ; any number could have been collected. SPARIDAE. Calamus calamus (Cuv. & Val.). Porgy. C. megacephalus (Swainson) Poey. Goode, '76^, p. 51. C. orbitarius Poey. Goode, 76', p. 51. Distribution. — West Indies and Florida. D. 12 + 12 ; A. 3 + 10. The fishermen recognize two " Porgies " : the " Goat head," and the " Sheep head." I think, however, that both species are referable to C. calamus, for they did not seem to be very certain as to just what constituted a " Goat head " or " Sheep head " porgy. 124 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. I Diplodus sargUS (Linne). Bream. Jordan & Evermann, '96-00, vol. 2 (1898), 1363. Sargus variegatus (Lacepede), Goode. Goode, '76^, p. 52. Distribution. — Coast of Southern Europe, westward to Bermuda. D. 12 + 13 (14); A. 3 + 13 (14). One of the commonest shoal water species. It was strangely confused with Kyphosus sectatrix by Goode. GERRIDAE. Eucinostomus gula (Cuv. & Val.). Shad. Goode, '76\ p. 39. Distribution. — New York (rarely) to Brazil. D. 9 + 10 ; A. 3 + 8. Common, generally associated in small schools with the young of Neomaenis griseus and Mugil brasiliensis. KYPHOSIDAE. Kyphosus sectatrix (Linne). Chub. Pimelepterus boscii (Lacepede). Goode, '76 , p. 52. Distribution. — Pelagic in North Atlantic ; West Indies. D. 11 + 12; A. 3 + 11. This species may be called an irregular, though usually very common, visitor at Bermuda. POMACENTRIDAE. Abudefduf saxatilis (Linne). Cow pilot. Sergeant major. Glyphidodon saxatilis (Linne) Cuvier. Goode, '76=*, p. 38. Distribution. — Both coasts of Tropical America. D. 8 + 13 ; A. 2 + 12 ; 11. 28; Itr. 11 + 5. I have about twenty specimens of this species varying in length from a half inch to four inches, the latter being a large one for the shores of Bermuda. I saw a very large specimen in a rock pool at North Rock. Native fishermen state that the species attains a weight of one and one half pounds in the deep water off the Rock. It is very common everywhere. Furcaria cyanea Poet. Distribution. — Cuba. D. 12 + 12; S. 2 + 12. A single specimen from Bermuda taken in 1864 by Captain Hamilton (M. C. Z. No. 14,801). I can find no other record for the occurrence of this species except off Cuba. BARBOUR: NOTES ON BERMUDIAN FISHES. 125 Microspathodon chrysurus (Cuv. & Val.). Distribution. — West Indies. Two very small specimens from Sargassum off Ireland Island. The speci-es does not appear in previous lists, so far as I am aware. Eupomacentrus leucostictus (Muller & Troschel). Cock-eye pilot. Distribution. — West Indies ; Florida. D. 12 -f 15 ; A. 2 + 13. Although witli considerable hesitation, I refer to this species a number of Pomacentroids which were taken in various localities, about the Islands. The genus is in a very confused condition, and I have no desire to describe these specimens as new until a more extensive examination of existing material can be made. E. fuscus (Cuv. & Val.). Brown cock-eye pilot. Verrill, :01, p. 56. Distribution. — Florida to Brazil ; West Indies. Specimens whicb may be this species are very common in many localities especially at the head of Hungry Bay, both among the loose rocks of the Spit and among the roots of the mangroves. LABRIDAE. Lachnolaimus maximus (Walbaum). Hog fish. Jordan & Evermann, '96-00, vol. 2 (1898), p. 1579. L.falatus (L.). Goode, '76^ p. 36. Distribution. — West Indies. D. 14-f 11; A. 3 + 10. An important and common food fish, growing to the size of about twenty pounds. Iridic radiatus (Linne). Lady fish. Blue fish. Jordan & Evermann, '96-00, vol. 2 (1898), p. 1590. Choerojulis radiatus (L.) Goode. Goode, '76', p. 35. Distribution. — West Indies ; Florida to Brazil ; St. Paul's rocks. Not uncommon a short distance off the South shore. I. cyanocephalus (Block). Blue head. Distribution. — West Indies to Brazil. Rather rare; the few which we have were taken on the reef off the south shore. This is the most northerly record for the species. VOL. XLVI. — NO. 7 2 126 bulletin: museum of compaeative zoology. I. garnoti (Crv. & Val.)- Distribution. — West Indies. One small specimen obtained in Castle Harbor. The species has not been recorded from Bermuda before. I. bivittatus (BLOcn). Slippery Dick. Platyglossus bivittatus Bloch. Goode, "76^, p. 75. Garraan, :00, p. 510. Distribution. — West Indies ; Carolinas to Brazil. D. 9 + 11; A. 3 + 12. A^ery common everywhere. Chlorichthys nitidissimus (Goode). Slippery Dick. Jordan & Everraann, '96-00, vol. 2 (1898), p. 1608. Distribution. — The Bermudas. Rather common about the outer reefs. SCARIDAE. Sparisoma abildgaardi (Bloch). Distribution. — West Indies to Brazil. D. 9 + 10; A. 2 + 9. - This and the three following species are all called Parrot fishes. I have a single specimen of this species taken in a fish pot ofi' the south shore. It does not appear to have been recorded from so far north before. S- viride (Bonnaterre). Distribution. — West Indies. D. 9 + 10; A. 2 + 9. A single specimen, which was taken with the preceding species, is the only one we obtained. The natives consider it very rare. Scarus croicensis (Bloch). Pseudoscarus sanctae-crucis Giinther. Goode, '76^, p. 75. Distribution. — West Indies generally. D. 9+10; A. 2 + 9. Not uncommon in Castle Harbor and occasional in Flatts Inlet. There are several specimens taken from both localities in the collection made in the summer of 1903. S. caeruleus (Bloch). Pseudoscarus caeruleus (Bloch) Giinther. Goode, '76=', p. 33. P. psittacus Goode, '76, p. 75. Distribution. — West Indies, on our coast, rare. D. 9+10; A. 2 + 9. Not uncommon. BAEBOUK: NOTES OX BKRMUDIAX FISHES. 127 CHAETODONTIDAE. Chaetodon ocellatus (Bloch). Butterfly fish. Distribution. — Cuba ; Gulf Stream northward. Kather rare about the outer reefs; but said by the fishermen to be increasing rapidly in numbers. C. capistratus (Linne). Four eyes. Goode, '76% p. 75. Sarothrodus bimaculatus (Bloch) Poey. Goode, '76% p. 43. Distribution. — West Indies. D. 12 + 19; A. 3 + 17. Common in many localities about Hamilton Harbor, Harrington Sound, and Castle Harbor. Angelichthys ciliaris (Linxe). Angel fish. Eolacanthus ciliaris (Linne) Lacepede. Goode, '76% p. 43. Distribution. — West Indies and Florida. D. 14 + 21; A. 3 + 21. An important food fish, very common about the reefs and steep shores. For some reason the specimens taken off the north shore are considered much more palatable than those taken off the south shore. TEUTHIDIDAE. Teuthis hepatus (Lixxe). Blue tang. Acanthurus chirurgus (Bloch.) Schn. Goode, 76% p. 42. Distribution. — The West Indian region. D. 9 + 24; A. 3 + 22. A few specimens were obtained, but the species did not appear to be as com- mon as the following, with which it was almost always associated. T- bahianus (Castelxau). Doctor fish. Distribution. — West Indies; both coasts of Tropical America. D. 9 + 25; A. 3 + 23. Decidedly abundant about the reefs and steep shores. Though the adults did not run up into Flatts Inlet, the young were frequently seen there. T. helioides, sp. nov. Yellow doctor. (Plate 3.) D. 9 + 26; A. 3+26. Most nearly related to T. chrysosoma (Bleeker) from the Sea of Kajeli. Form ovate ; height of body rather more than one half of total length (caudal fin included). The profile of the snout is slightly concave. There are five 128 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. incisors on each side of the upper jaw. The ixpper lobe of the caudal fin is slightly longer than the lower. The scales of the body are very minute. In life the color was brillant yellow, which has changed in spirits to a dull lustreless yellow. The dorsal, anal, and ventral fins are edged with dusky brown, almost black in some places. There is a diffuse patch of light brown on the operculum. Type (M. C. Z. No. 29,053) a single specimen five inches long taken near Cooper's Island, in Castle Sound, Bermudas, by Messrs. O. Bryant and J. T. Nichols. BALISTIDAE. Balistes carolinensis Gmelin. Turbot. B. capriscus Gmelin. Goode, '76\ p. 25. Distribution. — Tropical Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea. D. 3 + 27 ; A. 25. We took several specimens in fish pots in about five fathoms off Flatts Inlet, and I have also one very small one from Sargassum of the Challenger Banks given me by Mr. J. T. Nichols. The species grows to considerable size and is frequently eaten, although the flesh is dry and tasteless. B. vetula Linne. Queen turbot. Goode, '76\ p. 26. Distribution. — West Indian region generally. D. 3 + 29 ; A. 27. Not taken by Goode, but nevertheless rather common. A regular visitant at Bermuda, as several are taken every year. The specimen before me was brought into the Biological Station during the summer of 1904. MONACANTHIDAE. Alutera scripta (Osbeck). Goode, '76% p. 26. Distribution. — Tropical seas of both hemispheres. D. 1 + 47; A. 51. A single specimen of this species was speared at Bermuda during the summer of 1904 and obtained by Professor Mark. TETRAODONTIDAE. Spheroides spengleri (Block). Puffer. Chilichthys spengleri (Bloch). Goode, '76% p. 22. Distribution. — Eastern Atlantic. D. 7; A. 6. BARBOUK: NOTES ON BERMUDIAN FISHES. 129 One specimen from Hungry Bay, two inclies long, taken by Mr. Nichols and one specimen from the dredge, one inch long, among the reefs off Ireland Island in 8-10 fms. This species did not appear to be sit all common and no adults were seen. While collecting invertebrates Mr. Bigelow and I both saw several large "puffers" which appeared to be S. testudineus, and I have no doubt that this species will occur in future collections. SCORPAENIDAE. Scorpaena agassizii Goode & Bean. Goode & Bean, '96, p. 247. Distribution. — West Indian region. One specimen dredged on the Challenger Bank, by the members of the Biological Station, in forty fathoms. CEPHALACANTHIDAE. Cephalacanthus volitans (Linne). Distribution. — Tropical Atlantic, widely distributed. D. 2 + 4 + 8; A. 6. One specimen was taken on the beach at Gibbet Island on June 19, 1903. The species is very rare at Bermuda, and was not known to any of the fisher- men that saw the specimen. I learned, however, from Mr. F. Goodwin Gos- ling, Secy, of the Bermuda Natural History Society, that one specimen bad been taken during the spring in Hamilton Harbor. CALLIONYMIDAB. Callionynius bermudarum, sp. nov. D. 3 + 7 ; A. 4. Most nearly related to C. jJauciradiatus Gill ; but differing in the number of rays in the second dorsal and in the preopercular spine. Besides giving the radial formula for his specimen (D. 3, 6; A. 3), Gill ('65, p. 144) says : — "The preopercular spine is armed with three teeth above and terminates behind in an acute point." A description of the three specimens from Bermuda follows : — Head (to tip of opercular spine) 3^ times in total length ; depth 8 times. Ventral surface of body flat ; -without a bordering fold of skin ; a single lateral line ; diameter of eye a little less than length of snout. The maxillary reaches about ^ the distance to the eye. The preopercular spine is armed with two barbs directed forward and situated dorsally ; there is also a sharp termination to the spine itself, which is directed straight backward. The gill opening is a very minute slit, also directed backward. In one specimen the first dorsal ray reaches the base of the caudal ; each of the other two being successively a little 130 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPAEATIVE ZOOLOGY, shorter. In the other two specimens the length of the dorsal is about equal to the distance from the posterior border of the eye to the tip of the snout. The pectoral fins are about as long as the head ; the ventrals slightly shorter. The color of these specimens is a milky white, irregularly banded and blotched with light brown. In the largest one (with the filamentous dorsal) the anal fin is rather dark bi'own and there is a dark spot on the ventral fin and on the middle of the throat, nearly covering it. Type series, three spfecimens (M. C. Z. No. 29,055) 1|", 1", |", Ig. from Bermuda.. Taken by the dredge in from 6-8 fins.; Aug. 1903, the largest off Castle Island, the others off Ireland Island. GOBIIDAE. Gobius stigmaturus Goode & Bean. Garman, :00, p. 510. Distribution. — Bermuda. D. 4+ 12 ; A. 12. One specimen from Hungry Bay was taken from under a stone at low tide in about four inches of water by my brother, Mr. W. W. Barbour, April, 1903 ; a diligent search in the same and similar localities failed to yield a second specimen. G. SOporator Cuv. & Val. Molly miller. Goode, '76% p. 75. Distrihxdion. — The West Indian region and Northern South America. D. 6+ 10; A. 1 + 7. The forty-eight specimens before me show a decided differentiation into two distinct color phases. One lot, consisting of twenty-six specimens, was taken 1)V me, with the aid of Messrs. Bigelow and Cole, in the rock pools of the south shore near Hungry Bay. All these specimens, except two, which are quite black, are very dark brown. The rest, some twenty or more, were taken by dredging in Castle Harbor and Mangrove Bay, in localities where the bottom was white sand composed of coral, shell, and Foraminifera. All these specimens are light gray, almost white, with a row of dark lateral puncticula- tions, just visible. This species is very active and juinps about on the bare rocks washed by the waves and even moves from one tide pool to another over dry land. BLENNIIDAB. Labrisomus nuchipinnis (Quoy & Gaim.). Molly miller. Lahrosorims nuchipinnis (Quoy & Gaim.) Poey. Goode, '76'^, p. 28. Distribution. — West Indies and coast of Southern States. D. 18 + 12; A. 2-f 17. I collected four specimens of this species in March, 1903, all of a, character- istic mottled brown color. In July, 1903, I took eight more, four of which BAKBOUK: NOTES ON BEKMUDIAN FISHES. 131 showed the same color as those taken iu the early spring. The others were gorgeously bright with yellow, red, and orange about the foreparts of their bodies. These were all males, the darker ones being females with eggs almost ready to hatch. I had an opportunity to watch a pair of these fishes getting ready to lay. The female would move swiftly about in the sand under a protecting rock, thus scooping out a hollow place in which she probably deposited her eggs. In a few days the female, looking thinner, lay quite still near the hollow in the sand, where I presume the eggs had been laid; the male was swimming nervously about as if to drive away intruders. Up to the time I left, more than a month after the probable laying of the eggs, the male, with the same gaudy color, was still swimming about; the female was gone, and I presume the young had been hatched and had long since departed. Salariichthys textilis (Quoy & Gaim.)- Molly miller. Salarias textilis, Quoy & Gaim. Goode, '76% p. 29. Distribution. — Bermudas to Northern South America. Very common iu tide pools about the shores and at North Rock. BROTULIDAE. Brosmophysis verrillii Gaeman. Garman, :00, p. 511. Distribution. — Bermuda. D. 71; A. 52; 11. 98; Itr. 25. Several specimens of this little known Brotuloid were taken by ^Ir. H. B. Bigelow and myself from the rock pools near Flatts Inlet anel Gibbet Island. A diligent search at Bailey's Bay, the type locality, and in many other likely places failed to reveal a single specimen. PLEURONECTIDAE. Platophrys lunatus (Linne). Plate fish. Distribution. — West Indies generally. Apparently the only fiat fish which is common about Bermuda. Several were taken during my stay in the summer. The onh- specimen which I had an opportunity to observe carefully was one loaned to Professor Mark by 'Six. L. Mowbray of St. George's. ANTENNARIIDAE. Pterophryne gibba (Mitchill). Mouse fish. Distribution. — West Indies generally. D. 3 + 12; 4.. 7. Very common in the Sargassum. I have about sixty specimens, a few of which were taken from the dredge off Ireland Idand. 132 bulletin: museum of COMrARAXIVE ZOOLOGY. p. ranina Tiles. Distribution. — Fields of sea weed in the Tropical Atlantic, Richardson. A single large pediculate was obtained from a colored fisherman and handed to me by Professor Mark. It is evidently Cuvier's Chironectis laevigatus and also agrees remarkably well with Richardson's ('44-48, p. 15, pi. 9, Fig. 354), Chironectis pictus \ ax. vittatus. Antennarius stellifer, sp. nov. (Plate 4.) D. 3 + 12; A. 7; V. 5 ; P. 10; C. 9. Closely related to A . nuttingii Garman ; but differing conspicuously in color- ation, size, and form of bait. In form this species is short and extremely bulky anteriorly. The caudal peduncle is short and compressed. The head is as wide as high ; with a rather deep, scaleless concavity behind the second dorsal ray. The mouth is very wide, almost vertical, and the eye is small. The first dorsal ray is extremely long and slender, a little more than 2^ times the length of the second dorsal ray. On the posterior surface of the second dorsal ray there is a peculiar fringe of elongate scales, a tuft of similar scales being situated on each side of the naked occipital depression. The base of the first dorsal ray is a prominent movable pedicel. The second dorsal ray is quite free, while the third is connected with the dorsum by the skin. The soft dorsal is composed of two regions ; the anterior five rays are of equal size and their tips do not extend beyond the connecting membrane. The condition in the posterior part of the fin is very diff"erent; the rays do project beyond the membrane, and from the sixth to eighth ray the height of the fin increases regularly, while from the ninth to twelfth the decrease is as regular, so that the posterior portion is more or less fan- shaped. The bait on the tip of the first dorsal ray is a tiny sphere, from which spring numerous delicate filaments. The color of this species, described from the alcoholic specimen, is as fol- lows:— The entire body is very dark brown, almost black with areas of deep velvety black, which are sometimes surrounded in a zone of lighter brown. The bait, posterior surface of second dorsal ray and under surface of the pec- toral and ventral fins is dirty white. There is on each side of the body an irregularly stellate figure of white composed of a central patch and radiating spots. A white saddle is situated on the caudal peduncle. Only one specimen known, the type (M. C. Z., No. 29,056), obtained in Castle Harbor by Mr. L. Mowbray of St. George's, and procured from him by Professor Mark. A. scaber (Cuv.) Distrihution. — West Indian waters. A single specimen from Bermuda was obtained in exchange from the Boston Society of Natural History. It had been in the collection for some time. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bean, T. H. '98. Notes upon Fislies received at the New York Aquarium, with Descrip- tion of a new Species of Snapper from Bermuda. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 10, pp. 45-51. Garman, S. :00. Additions to the Ichthyological Fauna of the Bermudas, from the col- lectious of the Yale Expedition of 1898. Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci., vol. 10, pp. 510-512. Gill, T. '65. On a new Family Type of Fishes related to the Blennioids. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., vol. 8, pp. 141-144. Goode, G. B. '74. Descriptions of two new Species of Fishes from the Bermuda Islands. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 14, pp. 379-381. Goode, G. B. '76*. Catalogue of the Fishes of the Bermudas. Based chiefly upon the Collections of the United States National Museum. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 5, 2 4- 82 pp. Goode, G. B. "76''. Bermuda and its Fish Markets. Forest and Stream, vol. 6, pp. 83-84. Goode, G. B. '77. A Preliminary Catalogue of the Reptiles, Fishes, and Leptocardians of the Bermudas, with Descriptions of four Species of Fishes believed to be new. Amer. Jonru. Sci. and Arts, ser. 3, vol. 14, pp. 289-298. Goode, G. B., and Bean, T. H. "96. Oceanic Ichthyology. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., at Harvard College, vol. 22. Text and Plates. Also Special Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 2 vols., 35 -1- 554 pp., 123 pis. Gunther, A. '74. Descriptions of new Species of Fishes in the British Museum. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 14, pp. 453-455. Gunther, A. '79. Report of the Shore Fishes procured during the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger in the years 1873-1876. The Voyage of the Challenger. Zoology, vol. 1, pt. 6, 82 pp., 32 pis. 134 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Jones, J. M., and Goode, G. B. '84. Cuutributions to tbe Natural History of the Bermudas. Vol. 1. Bull. U. S. Xat. Mus., no. 25, 23 + 353 pp.' Jones, J. M., Wedderburn, J. W., and Hurdis, J. L. "59. The Naturalist iu Bermuda; a Sketch of the Geology, Zoology, aud Botany of that remarkable Group of Islands ; together with Meteorological Observations. Loudon. Reeves & Turner. S°. 12 + 200 pp. Jordan, D. S., and Evermann, B. W. '96-00. rishcs of Nortli and Middle America. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 47, 4 vols., 60 + 3136 pp., 392 pis. Mark, E. L. :04. The Bahama Lancelet at Bermuda. Science, n. s., vol. 20, p. 179. Richardson, J. "44-48. The Fishes. Voyage of the Erebus and Terror. 139 pp., 60 pis. Verrill, A. E. :01. Additions to the Fauna of the Bermudas from the Yale Expedition of 1901, -with Notes on other Species. Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci., vol. 11, pp. 15-62, pis. 1-9, 6 test figs. Verrill, A. E. :02. The Bermuda Islands. An Account of their Scenery, Climate, Produc- tions, Physiology, Natural History and Geology, with Sketches of their Discovery and early History, and the Changes in their Flora aud Fauna due to Man. [Reprinted from the Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci., vol. 11, with some changes]. New Haven, Conn. 10 + 5i8 pp., 38 pis., and over 250 text figures. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE 1. Siphostoma dendriticum, sp. nov. (p. 115). Four (4) times natural size PLATE 2. Holocentrus puncticulatus, sp. nov. (p. 117), Twice natural size. PLATE 3. Teuthis lielioides, sp. nov. (p. 127). Natural size. PLATE 4. Antennarius stellifer, sp. nov. (p. 132). Very slightly enlarged. < a. -^-Arj^J W^ 'fcl\ ^.'. "^ €■ Ki en en C3 >i/ ;^ PQ O CO < PQ Jk-.-;- ^ <' ^ CM < w PQ I cd O PQ <: 3Q CO < s s X CO M PQ O PQ CO ■s The following' Publications of the Museum of Comparative Zoology are in preparation : — Reports on the Results of Dredging Operations in 1877, 1878, 1879, and 1880, in charge of Alkx- ANDKB Agassiz, by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake," as follows: — E. EHLERS. The Annelids of the " Blake." C. HAKTLAUB. The Couiatulae of the " Blake," with 15 Plates. H. LUDWIG. The Genus Pentacrinus. A. MILNE EDWARDS and E. L. BOUVIER. The Crustacea of the "Blake." A. E. VEKKILL. The Alcyonaria of the " Blake." Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding. LOUIS CABOT, Immature State of the Odonata, Part IV. E. L. MARK. Studies on Lepidosteus, continued. " On Arachnactis. R. T. HILL. On the Geology of the Windward Islands. W. McM. WOODWORTH. On the Bololo or Palolo of Fiji and Samoa. AGASSIZ and WHITMAN. Pelagic Fishes. Part II., with 14 Plates. Reports on the Results of the Expedition of 1891 of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," Lieutenant Commander Z. L. Tannek, U. S. N., Commanding, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, as follows: — A. AGASSIZ. The Pelagic Fauna. S. J. HICKSON. The Antipathids. The Pauaniic Deep-Sea Fauna. J. P. McMURRICH. The Actinarians. H. B BIGELOW. The Siphonophores. E. L. MARK. Branchiocerlanthus. K.BRANDT. The Sagittae. , JOHN MURRAY. The Bottom Specimens. " The Thalassicolae. P. SCHIEMENZ. The Pteropods and Hete- W. R. COE. The Nemerteans. ropods. W. H. DALL. Tlie Mollusks. THEO. STUDER. The Alcyonarlans. REINHARD DOHM. The Eyes of Deep-Sea M. P. A. TRAUSTEDT. The Salpidae and Crustacea. Doliolidae. H. J. HANSEN. The Cirripeds. H. B. WARD. The Sipunculids. HAROLD HEATH. Soleiiogaster. W. McM. WOODWORTH. The Annelids. W. A. HERDMAN. The Ascidiana. PUBLICATIONS OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. There have been published of the Bulletin Vols. I. to XLII., and also Vols. XLIV., XLV., and XLVII. ; of the Memoirs, Vols. I. to XXIV, and also Vols. XXVIIL, XXIX., XXXI., and XXXIL Vols. XLIII., XLVL, XLVIII., and XLIX., of the Bulletin, and Vols. XXV., XXVI., XXVII., XXX., and XXXIII. of the MicMOiiis, are now in course of publication. The Bulletin and "Memoiks are devoted to the publication of original work by the Professors and Assistants of the JMuseum, of investigations carried on by students and others in the different Laboratories of Natural History', and of work by specialists based upon tlie Museum Collections and Explorations. The following publications are in preparation : — Reports on tlie HesuUs of Dredging Operations from 1877 to 1880, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by tlie U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake," Lieut. Commander C. D. Slgsbee, U. S. N., and Commander J. 11. Bartlett, U. S. N., Commanding. Reports on the Results of tlie Expedition of 1891 of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," Lieut. Commander Z. L. Taimer, U. S. N., Com- maiiding, in charge of Alexander Agassiz. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson E. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Eastern Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," from October, 1904, to April, 1905, Lieut. Commander L. iM. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding. ContributiDiis from tlie Zoological Laboratory, Professor E. L. Mark, Director. Contributions from the Geological Laboratory, in charge of Profiessor N. S. Shaler. These publications are issued in numbers at irregular inter- vals; one volume of the Bulletin (8vo) and lialf a volume of tlie Memoirs (4 to) usually appear annually. Each number of the Bulletin and of the Memoirs is sold sepai-ately. A price list of the publications of the Museum will be sent on application to the Librarian of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cam- bridge^ Mass. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at harvard college. Vol. XLVL No. 8. THE MAMMALS AND BIRDS OF THE PEARL ISLANDS BAY OF PANAMA. By John E. Thayer and Outram Bangs. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U.S.A.: PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. September, 1905. Reports ox thk Sciextific Results of the Expedition to the East- ern Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," from October, 1904, TO March, 1905, Lieutenant Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding, published or in preparation: — A. agassiz. General Report on the Expedi- tion. A. agassiz. I.i Three Letters to Geo. M. Bowers, U. S. Fish Com. A. agassiz and H. L. CLARK. The Echini. P. E. BEDDARD. The Earthworms. a B. BIGELOW. The Medusae. R. P. BIGELOW. The Stomatopods. S. P. CLARKE. The Hydroids. W. R. COE. The Nemerteans. L. J. COLE. The Pycnogonida. W. H. DALL. The Molhisks. 0. R. EASTMAN. The Sharks' Teeth. B. W. EVERMANN. The Fishes. W. G. FARLOW. The Algae. S. GARMAN. The Reptiles. H. J. HANSEN. The Cirripeds. H. J. HANSEN. The Schizopods. S. HENSHAW.- The Insects. W. E. HOYLE. The Cephalopods. C. A. KOFOID. III.3 The Protozoa. P. KI^UMBACH. The Sagittae. H. LUDWIG. The Holothurians. H. LUDWIG. The Starfishes. H. LUDWIG. The Ophiurans. J. P. McMURRICH. The Actinaria. G. W. MULLER. The Ostracods. JOHN MURRAY. The Bottom Specimens. MARY J. RATHBUN. The Crustacea. HARRIET RICHARDSON. 11.= The Isopods. W. E. RITTER. The Tunicates. ALICE ROBERTSON. The Bryozoa. B. L. ROBINSON. The Plants. G. O. SARS. The Copepods. F. E. SCHULZE. The Siliceous Sponges. H. R. SIMROTH. The Pteropods and Hetero- pods. TH. STUDER. The Alcyonaria. T. W. VAUGHAN. The Corals. W. McM. WOODWORTH. The Annelids. 1 Bull. M. C. Z., Vol. XLVL, No. 4, April, 1905, 22 pp. 2 Bull. M. C. Z., Vol. XLVL, No. C, July, 1905, 4 pp., 1 pi. 3 Bull. M. C. Z., Vol. XLVL, No. 9, September, 1905, 5 pp., 1 pi. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology AT HARVARD COLLEGE. Vol. XLVI. No. 8. THE MAMMALS AND BIRDS OF THE PEARL ISLANDS, BAY OF PANAMA. Bv John E. Thayer and Outram Bangs. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U.S.A.: PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. Septesiber, 1905. No. 8. — The Mainmah and Birds of the Pearl Islands, Bay of Panama} By John E. Thayer and Outram Bangs, contents. Page I. Introduction. By Outram Bangs 137 II. Literature. By Outram Bangs 139 III. List of the Mammalia. By Outram Bangs 139 IV. Aves. By John E. Thayer and Outram Bangs 140 I. Introduction. By Outram Bangs. Daring the Jolui E. Thayer E-^pedition of 1904 Mr. W. W. Brown, Jr., made a second visit (his first expedition to the islands having been made in the spring of 1900) to the Archipelago de hxs Perlas in the Bay of Panama. Here he remained, collecting assiduously, for two months, — from the latter part of February to the latter part of April, 1904. On his first trip, in 1900, Mr. Brown devoted much time to collecting mammals, and took specimens of probably every species that occurs in the islands, with the possible exception of some bats. He felt, how- ever, that there were many birds in the islands of which he failed to secure representatives. The birds taken on the first expedition were also, many of them, in poor plumage, — some so worn and faded as to be misleading. On the first trip, also, Mr. Brown collected only in San Miguel Island, and took no reptiles or amphibians. It therefore seemed desirable that a second visit should be made. On the present trip Mr. Brown collected on San Miguel, Saboga, and Pacheca Islands. The biota of all three is similar, and no species taken has differentiated on the several islands, owing to their closeness. San Miguel, being the largest island of the group, has the richest fauna, and many species occu^ there that are not found in the other islands. Saboga is the "biid rock" of the group, and here cormorants, boobies, man-o'-war birds, and terns breed in great numbers. 1 Papers from the John E. Thayer Expedition of 1904, No. 2. 138 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Pedro Gonzales and San Jose Islands were not visited ; lying a little apart from the other islands, these two might pi'ove to be interesting, but time did not permit of their being explored. The vertebrates of the Pearl Islands are derived for the most part from the adjacent mainland, being eitlier the same as, or slightly differentiated, island races of widely distributed Panamic forms. There are, however, some striking exceptions to this rule. Among the mam- mals, for instance, the nearest ally of the island vesper rat — Zyijodon- tomys seorsus — seems to be Z. hrevicauda of Trinidad ; and a species of Loncheres allied to the Colombian L. canice2)s occurs in the Pearl Islands, though the genus is as yet unknown from anywhere else north of South America proper. Among the birds the more peculiar cases of distribution are the yellow honey-creeper, which is not nearly related to Goereba mexicana of the adjacent mainland, but finds its closest ally in G. luteola of the Carib- bean coasts of Colombia and Venezuela ; the Phaetliornis of the islands, •which is related to P. anthopkUus of central and eastern Colombia and Venezuela ; and the ant wren, which, though very distinct, is a repre- sentative of Formicivora intermedia of Venezuela and Colombia. Geologists appear to know very little about the Pearl Islands, and I can find nothing in print. Mr. Brown collected specimens of rock, and these, according to Professor Crosby, are of volcanic origin. Prom what little I can gather, I infer that the Archipelago de las Perlas has never been connected with the mainland since the elevation of the isthmus and the separation of the waters of the Bay of Panama from the Caribbean Sea. The islands lie in the middle of the Bay of Panama, distant about twenty miles from the nearest point on the mainland. The larger ones are hilly and covered with a dense, luxuriant tropical forest, with the shores in many places fringed by mangroves. The waters of the Bay of Panama all about the islands are very deep. The collections of reptiles, amphibians, and fishes will be reported upon in the third paper of this series. Mr. Brown also made a small collection of trees and woody shrubs. These an-ived in splendid condition and have been presented by Mr. Thayer to Prof. C. S. Sargent. THAYER AND BANGS: PEAKL ISLANDS MAMMALS. 139 II. Literature. By Outram Bangs. As the papers on Mr. Brown's first trip to the Pearl Islands Avere. scattered, it is well to give a list of them here. They are as follows : Bangs, Outram. Birds of San Miguel Islurul, Panama. Auk, vol. 18, pp. 24-32, January, 1901. Bangs, Outram. A New Honey Creeper from San Miguel Island, Panama. Proc. New Eng. Zool. Club, vol. 2, pp. 51-52, Feb. 8, 1901. Bangs, Outram. A New Ortalis from the Archipelago de las Perlas, Bay of Panama. Proc. New Eng. Zool. Club, vol. 2, pp. 61-62, July 31, 1901. Bangs, Outram. The Mammals Collected in San Miguel Island, Panama, by W. W. Brown, Jr. Amer. Nat., vol. 35, pp. 631-644, August, 1901. (Actual date of distribution, Aug. 22, 1901.) Bangs, Outram. Two New Birds from San Miguel Island, Bay of Panama. Proc. New Eng. Zool. Club, vol. 3, pp. 71-73, March 31, 1902. Bangs, Outram. A New Wren from San Miguel Island, Bay of Panama. Proc. New Eng. Zool. Club, vol. 4, pp. 3-4, March 16, 1903. Besides these papers very little has been published, except a descrip- tion of a supposed new dove, Zenaida hypoleuca G. R. Gray MS. ^lus. Brit. 1854 ; Bp. Consp. Av. II. p. 83, 1854. The specimen was collected by Captain Kellett and Lieutenant Wood, and was said to have come, from the Pearl Islands (see under Aves of the present paper, species ISTo. 31). One or two other birds are listed in the Catalogues of Birds in the British Museum from the same source. Mention of birds and mammals described from the islands is of course made in lists and reviews since published, such as, — Systematic Results of the Study of North American Land Mammals during the years 1901 and 1902, Miller and Rehn ; Land and Sea Mammals of Middle America, Elliot ; Hand-List of Birds, Sharpe ; Birds of North and Middle America, Ridgway. III. List of the Mammalia. Br Outram Bangs. The present trip added but little to our knowledge of the mammalian life of the Pearl Islands. No species was taken that Mr. Brown had not collected on his first visit to the islands in 1900. Mr. Brown, how- ever, secured an additional example of the rabbit of the islands — Lepus ineitatus — which was previously known by the type alone. Tliis speci- men, an adult female, taken in San Miguel Island^ Feb. 29, 1904, is in 140 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, every way similar to the type, with the same peculiar skull with its broad, heavy rostrum. I give a nominal list of the species of the islands here in order to make tlie paper complete as to the mammals. The species peculiar to the Pearl Islands are marked with an asterisk. 1. * Marmosa fulviventer Bangs. 2. Didelphis marsupialis etensis Allen.^ 3. * Lepus ineiiaius Bangs. 4. * Basyprocta callida Bangs. 5. * Loncheres labllis Baug?,. 6. * Proechimi/s burrus Bangs. 7. * Zyffodontomi/s seorsus Bangs. 8. Mus musculus Linne. 9. Mus rattus rattus Linne. 10. Mus rattus ale.vandrinus (Geoff.). 11. Fampi/rops helleri Peters. 12. Hemiderma hreicaudum (Wied.). IV. AvES. By John E. Thayer axd Outram Bangs. On his first trip to the Pearl Islands Mr. Brown secured examples of forty-two species of birds, only two of which were North American migrants. On the present expedition he took representatives of ninety- two species. One species taken in 1900 — Agamia agami — was not obtained, and a dove — Zenaida aurirulata — recorded from the Pearl Islands on the strength of a skin supposed to have been taken there by Captain Kellett and Lieutenant Wood, was not met with by Mr. Brown. Thus the number of species of birds so far taken in the Pearl Islands is ninety-four, of which thirty-three are North American migrants, and sixty-one resident breeding birds of the islands. It is rather strange that this considerable increase in the numbers of resident birds added but one new species, — the Booby, already de- scribed (Bull. M. C. Z., vol. 46, p. 92, June, 1905). All the others, with the possible exception of the rail, which we refer hesitatingly to Aramides cajanea chiricote, prove the same as mainland species. The large series collected on the present trip shows one species, 1 Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. of Nat. Hist., vol. 16, Aug. 18, 1902, p. 2G2. I fail to see how this form from the continent and the Pearl Islands differs from D. marsu- pialis battyi Thomas, described from Coiba Island (Novit. Zool., vol. 9, p. 137, April, 1902). Dr. Allen, however, keeps them distinct in his review. THAYER AND BANGS: PEARL ISLANDS BIRDS. 141 Ortalis struthopus, described by Bangs as peculiar to the islands, to be the mainland form, Ortalis cinereiceps. Two new subspecies are described in the following list, — one a tyrant, of which Mr. Brown had previously taken but one example, and another, the blue tanager of the islands, which ditiers sufficiently from the main- land form to be considered a subspecies. Unfortunatel}' very little can be noted as to the habits of the birds. Mr. Brown states that in the islands, heavily forested right to high- water mark, the smaller birds all live in much the same manner, except that some keep to the underbrush and others to the trees, and that fre- quently one does not know what bird one has shot until it is secured. In the following list North American migrants are marked with an asterisk, measurements are in millimetres, and the colors are according to Ridgway's nomenclature. PHALACROCORACIDAE. 1. Phalacrocorax vigua vigua (Vieill.). Sixteen specimens, adults and youiig, San Miguel and Saboga Islands, March and April. A nest placed in a tree containing six incubated eggs was taken, April 14, in Saboga Island. SULIDAE. 2. Sula etesiaca Thayer and Bangs. Seventeen specimens, adults of both sexes and young, San Miguel and Saboga Islands, March and April. No nests were found, the breeding season being apparently over. FREGATIDAE. 3. Pregata aquila (Linne). Three adults, ^ ^ and 9 , Sun Miguel and Saboga. A number of eggs were also taken. ARDEIDAE 4. Nyctanassa violacea (Linne). Twelve specimens, adults and young, San Miguel and Saboga, March and April. A nest containing two fresh eggs was taken from a tree in San Miguel, March 14. 142 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 5- Agamia agami (Gmel.). This bird was not observed on the present trip. One adult 9 was taken in San Miguel, May 8, 1900, on Mr. Brown's former excursion to the islands. 6. Butorides virescens maculata (Bodd). Twenty-one specimens, adults and young, San Miguel Island, February and March. A nest containing one fresh egg was found March 15. At first we thought this series represented a well-marked new form of the Little Green Heron, but on close comparison with considerable material from the West Indies we are unable to find a single character by which the Pearl Islands birds can be distinguished from B. virescens maadata. The skins agree in measurements with West Indian examples, as can be seen from the following tables. In color the Pearl Islands series presents the most astound- ing amount of individual variation. Some specimens have entirely lost all markings on the neck, this being dark maroon chestnut with a purplish bloom. Others have the neck normally striped and marked, agreeing exactly with birds from Cuba and the Lesser Antilles. Some have the throat white, others rufous, and others again have it either white or rufous heavily striped with black. The color of the belly varies from olive gray in some individuals to brownish slate color in others. The edgings to the wing coverts vary indi- vidually from whitish to rusty, and in some fully adult birds these edgings are broad and conspicuous, while in others they are very narrow, — almost wanting in one skin. In fact, among the adult birds it is hard to find two alike. The birds that have the neck uniform maroon-chestnut, or nearly so, have blacker bills than the others, with less yellow on the mandible. These skins represent a phase of plumage much like, if not the same as, the so-called Butorides brunnescens of Cuba, which most certainly is nothing but a phase of plumage of the ordinary species with which it occurs in Cul)a. We have, as it happens, however, never seen intermediate examples from Cuba, all Ijirds examined from that island being either in the brunnescens or the m/tenlala phase. In the Pearl Islands series there is every stage of intermediate coloring. This series, proving, as it does, that the Green Heron of the Panama region is the same as the West Indian, leads us to suppose that the range of this form includes the whole of southern Central and northern South America, where Butorides virescens meets and overlaps the range of B. striata. Measurements of a series of Butorides virescens maculata.^ — No. Locality. Sex. Wing. Tail. Tarsus. Culmen. 14.891 Cuba, Halquin $ ad. 164.5 59.5 45 61 14.892 do. 9 ad. 166 59 47 . 59.5 13,486 Isle of Pines, Santa Fe $ ad. 170 60 51 63 1 Collection of E. A. and 0. Baugs. THAYER AND BANGS : PEARL ISLANDS BIRDS. 143 No. Locality. Sex Wing. Tail. Tarsu8. Culmen. 13,4S7 Isle of Pines, Eibeybagua $ ad. 154 51 43 57.5 13,517 Dominica 9 yg. ad. 164 59 47 56 13,578 do. 9 yg. ad. 171 60 47 59 12,897 Boi|uiu, Spring Est. (Oad. 171 60 49 61.5 12,896 do. (? ad. 171 63 49 63 12,626 Barbados 9 ad. 168 59 49 60 12,629 do. $ ad. 165 58 43 57 12,627 do. 9 ad. 163 46 58 13,212 Grenada, St. George S a San Miguel Island, March 6 and 11. 12. Rupornis ruficauda (Scl. and Salt.). Four specimens, both sexes, San Miguel Island, February and March. 13. Urubitinga anthracina (Licnx.). Two males, one adult, one young, San Miguel Island, March. These do not differ from mainland specimens. THAYER AND BANGS : I'EAKL ISLANDS BIKDS. 145 14. Regerinus uncinatus (Temm.). One (J, beginning to attain to blue back of the adult plumage, Saboga Island, April 3. The naked parts are noted by Mr. Brown as " tarsus leniou yellow; skin of loral region flax flower blue, with a yellow spot in front of eye ; iris dirty white." 15- Ictinea plumbea (Gmel.). One adult, $, San Miguel Island, March 13. TINAMIDAE. 16. Crypturus soui modestus (Cab.). Six adults, both sexes, San Miguel Island, February and March. It is rather strange that the Tinamou of the Pearl Islands should be identical with that of the mainland, but such seems to be the case. We can detect no differ- ences either in color or measurements. CHACIDAE. 17- Ortalis cinereiceps (Gray). Ortalis struthopus Bangs, Proc. New Eng. Zoijl. Club, vol. 2, pp. 61-62, July 31, 1901. Seven adults, both sexes, San Miguel Island, February and March. This series shows that the supposed race from the Pearl Islands is not in any way different from the bird of the mainland. The present specimens are identical in color as well as in measurements with examples from Panama and Chiriqui. The type of 0. struthopus marked " ^ " is probably a female, wrongly sexed. The other original skin. No. 4882, adult 9 , from Pedro Gonzales Island, is the smallest in the whole series, and has the smallest and shortest foot and tarsus ; it is probably a dwarf. Apart from this specimen, measurements of the island birds agree exactly with those of a series from the mainland, the males in all cases being much larger than the females. RALLIDAE. 18. Aramides cajanea chiricote (Vieill.). Four adults, both sexes, San Miguel, February and March. These rails, when compared with a series from Panama and Chiriqui, are paler below and average smaller ; there is such an amount of individual varia- tion in size in both series, however, that this apparent difference might not hold good if still more material was measured. The paler color of the under VOL. XLVI. — NO. 8 10 9 ad. 163 67.5 52 9 ad. 170 66 52 ^ad. 165 67 52 ^ad. 169 67 53 ^ad. 173 69 55 i ad. 185 71 56.5 9 ad. 177 72 53.5 146 BULLETIN:. MUSEUM OF COMPAKATIVE ZOOLOGY. parts of the island birds also may not be a real difference, but is perhaps seasonal. Specimens measure as follows : No. Locality. Sex. Wing. Tarsus. Culmen. 14.297 San Miguel Island 14.298 do. 14.299 do. 40,343 M.C.Z. do. 7,060 Panama, Loma del Leon ^ ad. 7.649 Chiriqui, Divala 7.650 do. CHARADRIIDAE. 19. Haematopus palliatus Temm. One adult, 9? San Miguel Island, Marcli 12. Tliis example is rather small, but E. W. Nelson, who examined it during a study of the American Oyster catchers, considers its small dimensions as only the extreme of individual variation. *20- Arenaria interpres (Linne). Three specimens, ^ ^ and 9 > San Miguel Island, February 27. *21. Squatarola squatarola (Linne). One 9, San Miguel Island, March 11. * 22- Ochthodromus wilsoni (Ord.). Three females, San Miguel Island, February 29 and March 11. * 23. Aegialens semipalmatus (Bp.). Three specimens, (J 9 9? San Miguel Island, March 4,9, and 17. *24. Numenius hudsonicus Lath. Three specimens, two females and a male, San Miguel Island and Saboga Island, February 24 and April 5. *25. Catoptrophorus semipalmata (Gmel.). Two females, San Miguel Island, February 20 and March 2. THAYEH AND BANGS: PEARL ISLANDS BIRDS. 147 * 26. Actitis macularia (Linne). Five specimens, both sexes, San Miguel and Saboga Islands, March 1, 2, 10, and 17 and April 12. Two of these are spotted below, and three are in the white-bellied plumage. * 27. Ereunetes occidentalis Lawr# One 9 , San Miguel Island, March 8. *28. Limonites minutilla (Vieill.). Three specimens, two males and a female, San Miguel Island, March 10. LARIDAE. 29. Sterna maxima Bodd. Two females, San Miguel Island, j\Iaich 15. COLUMBIDAE. 30. Columba rufina Temm. and Knip. Ten adults of both sexes, San Miguel Island, February and March. PERISTERIDAE. 31. Zenaida auriculata (Des Murs). Though the Pearl Islands were so thoroughly collected by Mr. Brown, he never saw this dove, and the one specimen — the type of Z. hypoleuca Gray — obtained by Captain Kellett and Lieutenant Wood, if it really came from the islands, was probably a stray. It must be borne in mind that this is the only record for the species from north of Ecuador. Unfortunately many of the birds collected by Kellett and Wood got mixed up, and any unusual record is hardly to be relied upon. While Gerrit S. Miller, Jr., was in the British Museum last winter, we asked him to examine the type of Z. hypoleuca, and also to look at other skins obtained on the same trip by Kellett and Wood. This Mr. Miller very kindly did in company with Dr. Sharjie. He informed us that the type of this dove had been injured by a taxidermist in making over, and so little of it remains that it is now impossible to state if it differed in any way from Z. auriculata. He also states that the Kellett and Wood skins were put in open tubes of paper and the data written on the tubes, that many got interchanged, and that no reliance can now be placed on the labels. As these officers collected down the west coast of 148 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. South America, it is very likely the dove in question never came from the Pearl Inlands, or, as we have said above, if it did, its occurrence there must be looked upon as purely accidental. 32. Columbigallina rufipennis rufipennis (Bp.) Twelve specimens, adults of both sexes, San Miguel and Saboga Islands, February, March, and April. It might be expected that a bird of such feeble flight as the ground dove would become modified in some way upon these islands where so many other birds are different from their mainland representatives, but we are unable to find the slightest difference between the Rufous-winged Ground Doves of the Pearl Islands and the continent. 33. Leptotila verreauxi Bp. Eleven specimens, adults of both sexes and young, San Miguel and Saboga Islands, February, March, and April. If it should be found necessary to recognize the Central American form as Lejjtotila verreauxi riottei Lawr. (type from Navarro, Costa Rica) ^ on account of its slightly darker brown, back, wings, and upper surface of tail, the Pearl Islands bird will be included with true L. verreauxi of South America. CUCULIDAE. 34. Crotohaga ani Linne. Nine specimens, adults of both sexes and one young (March 28), San Miguel and Saboga Islands, February, March, and April. PSITTACIDAE. 35. Amazona salvini Salvadori. Seven adults, both sexes, San Miguel Island, March. We can find no con- stant differences between these and specimens from Panama and Chiriqui. ALCEDINIDAB. 36. Ceryle torquata (Linne). Five adults, both sexes, San Miguel Island, March. ^ The range of tliis form extends from Costa Rica to Panama, while the paler true L. verreauxi occupies the whole of northern South America and the Pearl Islands. THAYER AND BANGS : PEARL ISLANDS BIRDS. 149 37. Ceryle inda (Linne). Five adults, both sexes, Sau Miguel Island, February and March. BUBONIDAE. 38. Otus choliba (Vieill.).i Six adults, both sexes, San Miguel Island, February and March. In all probability the screech owl of the islands is not true 0. choliba, but lack of material prevents us from forming any definite opinion. CAPRIMULGIDAE. 39. Nyctidromus albicollis (Gmel.). Five adults, both sexes, San Miguel Island, February and March. The Parauque of the Pearl Islands does not differ from that of the mainland opposite, but to just what form the Panama bird should be referred is at present uncertain. As a rule specimens from Panama and Chiriqui are larger and darker than those from Guiana and Venezuela, but we have before us one skin from Divala, Chiriqui, of the same small rufous type that is the prevailing bird in Guiana and Venezuela. It is a ^, and its wing and tail are half an inch shorter than in any other specimen from the same region, and its general coloration much more rufous. Can it be possible that these small rufous examples in reality belong to a species distinct from the larger darker bird ? It is difficult to see how any other explanation can accoimt for their presence in the same region with the other kind, and for their being so much alike, ■whether they come from Guiana or Chiriqui. TROCHILIDAE. 40 Phaethornis hyalinus Bangs. Phaethornis hyalinus Bangs, Auk, vol. 18, pp. 27-28, January, 1901. Five adults, both sexes, San Miguel Island, February and March. These specimens, exactly like the original three, confirm the characters of this well-marked island species. 41. Saucerottea edwardi (Delattre awd Boure). Eight adults, both sexes, San Miguel and Saboga Islands, March and April. ^ One hardly recognizes " Megascops brasiliana (Gmel.) " under this name, but according to Von Berlepsch the bird must be known by this specific title, while Stone has shown that Otus must replace Megascops. 150 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 42. Chlorostilbon assimilis Lawr. Nine adults, both sexes, Sau Miguel and Saboga Islands, February, March, and April. PICIDAB. 43. Melanerpes seductus Bangs. MelanerjKS seductus Bangs, Auk, vol. 18, pp. 26-27, January, 1901. Nine specimens, adults of both sexes, and one full-gro^vTi young male (March 11), San Miguel Island, February and March. The woodpecker of the Pearl Islands is a well-marked island form of M. u-agleri, but whether its differences are better expressed by a binomial or a trinomial is a question for some reviewer of the group to decide. FORMICARIIDAE. 44. Thamnophilus nigricristatus Lawk. Eight adults, both sexes, San Miguel Island, February and March. 45 Formicivora alticincta Bangs. Formicivora alticincta Bangs, Proc. New Eng. Zool. Club, vol. 3, p. 71, March 31, 1902. Thirteen specimens, adults of both sexes, and one young male, changing from a dress similar to that of the female to that of the adult male. The adult males are similar to the two original specimens upon which this very di.stinct island species was founded. The female was previously un- known ; it differs from the female of F. intermedia Cab. in being darker, riclier brown above, and much more extensively ochraceous below. In one specimen the whole under parts, except throat and flanks, are of this color. It also wholly lacks the black subapical spots on the feathers of the chest, which in the female of F. intermedia form a sort of collar of semi-concealed spots. 46. Cercomacra nigricans Scl. Cercomacra maculicaudis (Scl.) Bangs, Auk, vol. 18, p. .30, January, 1901. Eleven specimens, adults of both sexes, and one young male in transition plumage, between that of the adult male and that similar to the female, San Miguel Island, February and March. THAYER AND BANGS: PEARL ISLANDS BIRDS. 151 TYRANNIDAB. 47. Mionectes oleaginus oleaginus (Licht). Two specimens, male and female adult, San Miguel Island, February 24 and March 7. Like the first pair from the Pearl Islands, these two skins agree very well with South American examples, and are slightly larger and a little paler in color than M- oleaginus parcus Bangs of Panama. 48- Myiopagis placens accola Bangs. Fifteen adults of both sexes, San Miguel and Saboga Islamls, February, March, and April. These skins agree with specimens from Panama, but are slightly paler in color than the typical series from Chiri(|ui. The back is paler and grayer green, and the throat and breast slightly yellower, less grayish. In these points of difference from accola the islaml bird approaches M. placens pallens Bangs of northern South America (described from Santa Marta). On the whole, however, though somewhat intermediate, Panama and the Pearl Islands specimens should perhaps be referred to accola. 49. Ornithion pusillum (Cab. and Heine). Eighteen specimens, adults of both sexes, and one young ^ in nestling plumage (March 18), San Miguel, Saboga, and Pacheca Islands, March and April. This fine series shows that the bird of the Pearl Islands does not differ from that of Panama. At the present time, however, we are not prepared to say that the Panama form is true 0. pimllum which was described from Cartagena. The rather scanty and poor material examined from Colombia points to the two being subspecifically distinct, in which case the Panama race should bear the name, Ornithion pusillMm flaviventre (Scl. and Salv.). The one nestling differs from the adults in having the cap less sharply defined and more nearly concolorous with the back, all the colors more blended, and the wing bars rufous instead of whitish or yellowish. 50. Elainea pagana subpagana (Scl. and vSalv.). Twenty-three adults, both sexes, San Miguel and Saboga Islands, February, March, and April. There appear to be no constant differences between the island skins and those from the mainland of Panama and Chiriqui. The olive green of the back varies much in this series, and some specimens are very pale ; others in which the plumage has become faded are very brown. In measurements the series varies a good deal, but this is also true of mainland specimens. 152 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. 51. Elainea albivertex sordidata (Bangs). Elainea sordidata Bangs, Auk, vol. 18, pp. 28-30, January, 1901. Fourteen adults, both sexes, San Miguel Island, February and March. It is claimed by Von Berlepsch and Hellmayr (Journ. f. Ornith. Januar-Heft, 1905, p. 2) that Elainea sororia Bangs from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is identical with E. albivertex Pelz. of Brazil. The bird of the Pearl Islands seems a subspecies of this species, differing only in average characters. The present series bears out the slight differences noticed in the original description of E. sordidata— s\\^i\j shorter wing, tail, and tarsus, and longer and rather broader bill; slightly duller and grayer upper parts, smaller white crown patch and narrower wing bars. All these differences are, however, average char- acters only, and the subspecies is not a very satisfactorily marked one. Specimens from Panama City are troublesome; they are about the size of the island examples, and differ from them only in having slightly smaller bills. It is possible that sordidata is too slightly differentiated to stand even as a subi^pecies. 52. Sublegatus arenarum (Salv.). Nineteen adults, both sexes, San Miguel and Saboga Islands, February, March, and April. 53. Myiodynastes audax nobilis (Scl.). Four adults, both sexes, San Miguel, Saboga, and Pacheca Islands, March and April. 54. Myiobius naevius furfurosus, sub. sp. nov. Myiobius naevius Bangs, Auk, vol. 18, p. 30, January, 1901 (nee. Bodd.). Three specimens, two adult females, one adult ^, Saboga Island, April. Tj/pe. — Coll. E. A. and O. Bangs, No. 14,397, adult 9 , Saboga Island, Bay of Panama, April 9, 1904. Characters. — Similar to true 3f. naevius (Bodd.) of South America (type from Guiana), but differing in being much more strongly buffy below, buff on throat and breast and buff yellow on belly and under tail coverts; the breast very much less distinctly striped with brownish ; upper parts rather paler — about russet. From 3L crypterythrus Scl. of West Ecuador and 31. cryptoxajithus Scl. of East Ecuador, the new form differs in its much paler brown back, though agreeing with the former in having the breast indistinctly flammulated. THAYER AND BANGS : PEARL ISLANDS BIRDS. 153 Measurements. — No. , Locality. Sex. Wing. Tail. Tarsus. Culmea. 14,397 Saboga Isl. 9 ad. 54 49 15.5 11 14,398 do. ;DT. The Sagittae. " The Thalassicolae. W. R. COE. The Annelids. W. H. DALL. The Mollusks. REINHARD DOHRX. The Eyes of Deejv Sea Crustacea. H. J. HANSEN. The Cirripeds. HAROLD HEATH. Solenogaster. W. A. HERDMAN. The Ascidiaus. S. J. HICKSON. The Antipatbids. J. P. 3IC5IURRICH. The Actinarians. E. L. MARK. Branchiocerlanthus. JOHN ^lURRAY. The Bottom Specimens. P. SCHIEJIEXZ. The Pteropods and Hete- ropods. THEO. STUDER. The Alcyonarians. M. P. A. TRAUSTEDT. The Salpidae and Doliolidae. H. B. WARD. Tlie Sipunculids. W. McM. WOOD WORTH. The Nemerteans, PUBLICATIONS OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. There have been published of the Bulletin Vols. I. to XLII., and also Vols. XLIV., XLV., and XLVII. ; of the Memoirs, Vols. I. to XXIV, and also Vols. XXVIII., XXIX., XXXI., and XXXII. Vols. XLIII., XLVL, XLVIII., and XLIX., of the Bulletin, and Vols. XXV., XXVI., XXVII., XXX., and XXXIII. of the Memoirs, are now in course of publication. The Bulletin and Memoirs are devoted to the publication of original work by the Professors and Assistants of the Museum, of investigations carried on b^' students and others in the different Laboratories of Natural Histoiy, and of work by specialists based upon the Museum Collections and Explorations. The following publications are in preparation : — Reports on the Results of Dredging Operations from 1877 to 1880, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by tlie U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake," Lieut. Commander C. I). Sigsbee, U. S. N., and Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., Commanding. Reports on tlie Results of the Expedition of 1891 of the U. S. Fish Comniission Steamer " Albatross," Lieut. Commander Z. L. Tanner, U. S. N., Com- manding, in charge of Alexander Agassiz. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Eastern Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," from October, 1904, to April, 1906, Lieut. Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding. Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory, Professor E. L. Mark, Director. Contributions from the Geological Laboratory, in charge of Professor N. S. Shaler. These publications are issued in numbers at irregular inter- vals ; one volume of the Bulletin (8vo) and half a volume of the Memoirs (4to) usually appear annually. Each number of the Bulletin and of the Memoirs is sold separately. A price list of the publications of the Museum will be sent on application to the Librarian of the Museum of Comparative Zoolog}', Cam- bridge, Mass. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology AT HARVARD COLLEGE. Vol. XLVI. No. 9. REPORTS ON THE SCIEXTIFIC RESULTS OF THE EXPEDITIOX TO THE EASTERN TROPICAL PACIFIC, IX CHARGE OF ALEXANDER AGASSIZ, BY THE U S. FISH COMMISSION STEAMER "ALBATROSS," FROM OCTOBER. 1904, TO MARCH, 1905, LIEUT. COMMANDER L. M. GARRETT, U. S. N., COMMANDING. III. CPvASPEDOTELLA, A NEW GENUS OF THE CYSTOFLAGELLATA, AN EXAMPLE OF CONVERGENGE. Br OllAKLES AxwrKDD KOFOID. [Published by Permission of George M. Bowers, U. S. Fish Commissioner.] With One Plate. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. : PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. Septemijkr, 1905. Reports on thk Scientific Results of the Expedition to the East- ern Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," from October, 1904, to March, 1905, Lieutenant Commander L. INI. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding, published or in preparation: — a. agassiz. General Report on the Expedi- tion. A. agassiz. 1.1 Three Letters to Geo. M. Bowers, U. S. Fish Com. A. AGASSIZ and H. L. CLARK. The Echini. F. E. BEDDARD. The Earthworms. H. B. BIGELOW. The Medusae. R. P. BIGELOW. The Stomatopods. S. P. CLARKE. The Hydroids. W. R. COE. The Nemerteans. L. J. COLE. Tlie Pycnogonida. W. H. DALL. The Mollusks. C. R. EASTMAN. The Sharks' Teeth. B. W. EVERMANN. The Fishes. W. G. PARIOW. The Algae. S. GARMAN. The Reptiles. H. J. IIANSEN, The Cirripeds. H. J. HANSEN. The Schizopods. S. HENSHAW. The Insects. W. E. HOYLE. The Cephalopods. ' C. A. KOFOID. III.3 The Protozoa. P. KRiJMBACH. The Sagittae. H. LUDWIG. The Holothurians. H. LUDWIG. The Starfishes. H. LUDWIG. The Ophiurans. J. P. McMURRICH. The Actinaria. G. W. MULLER. The Ostracods. JOHN MURRAY. The Bottom Specimens. MARY J. RATHBUN. The Crustacea. HARRIET RICHARDSON. 11.2 xhe Isopoda. W. E. RITTER. The Tunicates. t ALICE ROBERTSON. The Bryozoa. B. L. ROBINSON. The Plants. G. O. SARS. The Copepods. F. E. SCHULZE. The Siliceous Sponges. H. R. SIMROTH. The Pteropods and Hetero- pods. TH. STUDER. The Alcyonaria. T. W. VAUGHAN. The Corals. W. McM. WOODWORTH. The Annelids. 1 BulL M. C. Z., Vol. XLVI., No. 4, April, 1905, 22 pp. 2 Bull. M. C. Z., Vol. XLVL, No. 6, July, 1905, 4 pp., 1 pi. 3 Bull. M. C. Z., Vol. XLVL, No. 9, September, 1905, 5 pp., 1 pL Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology AT HARVARD COLLEGE. Vol. XLVI. No. 9. REPORTS ON THE SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE EXPEDITION TO THE EASTERN TROPICAL PACIFIC, IN CHARGE OF ALEXANDER AGASSIZ, BY THE U. S. FISH COMMISSION STEAMER "ALBATROSS," FROM OCTOBER, 1904, TO MARCH, 1905, LIEUT. COMMANDER L. M. GARRETT, U. S. N., COMMANDING. in. CRASPEDOTELLA, A NEW GENUS OF THE CYSTOFLAGELLATA, AN EXAMPLE OF CONVERGENGE. By Charles At\vooi> Kofoid. [Published by Permieslon of Geokoe M. Bowers, U. S. Fish Cominisaioner.] With One Plate. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. : PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. September, 1905. No. 9. — Reports on the Scientific Remits of the Expedition to the Eastern Tropical Pacific^ in charge of Alexander Agassiz, hy the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer ^^ Albatross '^ from October, 1904, io March, 1905, LiEUT. Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding. III. Craspedotella, a new genus of the Cystoflagellata, an example of convergence. By Charles Atwood Kopoid. In the plankton obtained by the Eastern Pacific Expedition of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross" in 1904-5 there occurred a Cystoflagellate belonging to the Leptodiscidab which is of unusual interest not only because of its relationships, but especially on account of its striking resemblance in form to a craspedote medusa. The same organism subsequently appeared in the plankton collected in June at the San Diego Marine Biological Station of the University of Califor- nia. It was first taken in the mid-Pacific at Albatross Sta. 4730, about 15° 7' S., 117° 1'.2 W., midway between the Galapagos Islands and Manga Reva. This fact, together with its occurrence off the coast of Southern California, is indicative of a wide distribution in warm- temperate and tropical seas. This organism is minute in comparison with Leptodisrus medusoides R. Hertwig (0.6-1.5 mm.) or Nodiluca miliaris Suriray (0.3-1.25 mm.), being only 0.15-0.18 mm. in diameter. Its form is campanulate, with a very well-defined horizontal velum. A large plasma mass is sym- metrically pendent from the centre of the bell, whose cavity forms about two thirds of the volume of the organism. In polar view its outline is circular, and the orifice bounded by the velum is also of the same form. It is thus distinctly similar to a craspedote medusa in its form, resem- bling somewhat Laodicea cellularia A. Agassiz. The resemblance is further enhanced by the circlets of refractive granules found in the salient margins of the oblique band, while radial plasma strands in this band and in the velum suggest a muscular activity of the bell and resultins: locomotion similar to that of a medusa. Its resemblance to VOL. XLVI. — NO. 9 164 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. a medusa is thus even more striking than that of Leptodiscus medusoides described by R. Hertwig,^ which is disk-shaped and lacks the velum. It seems probable that the ring of granules found in Leptodiscus may be the homologue of one of the two circlets found on either side of the oblique band in the organism here described. In structural details it has much in common with Leptodiscus, but the presence of the velum justifies its generic distinction in the family Leptodiscidae. Craspedotella, gen. nov. Medusiform, with a velum at the margin of the bell-cavity which has contractile walls. Craspedotella pileolus, sp. nov. Form low campanulate or cap-shaped, with a broad oblique band {ohl. hd.) at the base, bordered above and below by salient ridges and continued toward the axis in a wide horizontal velum (^vel.) with circu- lar opening and entire margin. Its greatest diameter is located at the ridge above the oblique band and is 1.5 to 3 times its height. The bell opening is about 0.6 of the greatest diameter. A mass of richly vacuolated granular plasma fills the apex and spreads laterally nearly to the upper margin of the oblique band. Outside of this region the wall of the bell is thin, hyaline, and somewhat rigid, and its plasma resembles that of Lepjtodiscus, but has well-marked radial strands in the oblique band and in the velum. Within tlie central mass are found a large fluid-filled vacuole (vac), a number of scattered food vacuoles (f'd. vac), and the small ellipsoidal nucleus (nuc). On the side of the bell, about midway between the apex and the oblique band, appears the minute pore of the flagellar sheath {flay, sh.) which extends about one half the distance to the apex as a straight tube just beneath the surface. Near the apex of the bell is the small cytopyge (cyf'p'ij.), from which passes a sinuous canal soon lost in the plasma. Foecal accumulations similar to the scattered food particles were found in this canal. The food appears to consist principally of minute Algae, or their spores. On the under side of this bell at one side of the pendent mass of plasma is a lar-ge vestibulum (rst.) bounded laterally by a strand of plasma from the central mass. From its deeper end a tapering cytopharynx (ryf'ph.) sinks into the plasma and disappears near the apex of the bell in a ^ Ucber Leptodiscus medusoides eine neiie den Noctiliiccn verwandte Flagellate. Jena. Zeitsch. Bd. XI, pp. 307-323, Taf. XVII-XVIII, 1877. KOFOID: CRASPEDOTELLA. 165 somewhat denser mass of plasma not far from tlie nucleus. Its walls are coarsely striate, with a few prominent longitudinal ridges. Its opening is unquestionably icithin the bell and most careful scrutiny reveals no orifice on the outer surface. In Leptodisctcs Hertwig describes the cytopharynx (Cytostom) as opening upon the upper (outer) surface of the curved disk on the same face as the flagellar sheath. In Craspedotella it unquestionably opens within the bell on the opposite face from the flagellar sheath. This seems to afford an additional ground for the generic distinctness of these two forms. The two organisms also diverge in other details of structure. In Leptodiscus the granular plasma is of small extent and very slightly protuberant, the pharyngeal striae are fine and close set, the cytopyge does not appear, the vacuole is small, and the peripheral plasma has less of a radial arrangement. Adaptation to a pelagic life in the oceanic environment has resulted in the case of Leptodiscus, and still more in Craspedotella, in the devel- opment of a bodily form which beai's a uiost striking resemblance to that attained by another and much higher gi'oup of organisms living under the same conditions. In Craspedotella there is differentiated even a superficial organ, the velum, with the accompanying bell-cavity, with form, relations, and possibly a function, similar to those of the corresponding organ in the medusa. The necessities of flotation and locomotion have brought about independently in the medusa and the cystoflagellate an external similarity in form, though the inner struc- tural elements are exceedingly diverse in the two, and the one is a unicellular and the other multicellular organism, — an instance of convergence of the most striking character. KopoiD. — Craspedotella pileolus. CRASPEDOTELLA PILEOLUS Fig. 1. Apical view. Mag. 300: 1. Fig. 2. Lateral view. Cyt'ph., cytopharynx. vel., velum, ohl. I'd., oblique band, vac, vacuole, f'd. vac, food vacuole, nuc, nucleus, fag. sh., flagellar sheath. Cyt'p'g., cytopyge. vst., vestibulum. Eastern Pacific Ex. "" Albatross.' ■--rryrxz^rrri vac. a^- - M:^obibd. cyt'ph. cyrpg._., flag, sh fd-vac^z.". _ _ vst. obl.bd. ^ \ i^el. CRASPEDOTELLA PILEOLUS. The following Publications of the Museum of Comparative Zoology are in preparation : — Reports on the Results of Dredging Operations in 1877, 1878, 1879, and 1880, in charge of Alex- ANDKR Agassiz, by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blalce," as follows: — E. EHLEKS. Tlie Annelids of the " Blake." C. HARTLAUB. The Couiatulae of the "Blake,'' with 15 Plates. II. LUDWIG. The Genus Pentacrinus. A. MILNE EDWARDS and E. L. BOUVIER. The Crustacea of the "Blake." A. E. VERRILL. The Alcyonaria of the " Blake." KiCports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding. LOUIS CABOT. Immature State of the Odonata, Part IV. E. L. IMARIC. Studies on Lepidosteus, continued. " On Araclmactis. R.T.HILL. On the Geology of the "Windward Islands. W. McM. W00I>W0RTH. On the Bololo or Palolo of Fiji and Samoa. AGASSIZ and WHIT.MAN. Pelagic Fishes. Part II., with 14 Plates. Reports on the Results of the Expedition of 1891 of. tlie U. S. Fish Comnnssiou Steamer "Albatross," Lieutenant Commander Z. L. Tanner, U. S. N., Commanding, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, as follows: — A. AGASSIZ. The Pelagic Fauiia. " ■ The Paiiamic Deep-Sea Fauna. H. B BIGELOW. The Siphouophores. K. BRANDT. Tlie Sagittae. " The Thalassicolae. W. R. COE. The Annelids. W. H. DALL. Tlie Mollusks. REINHARD DOHRN. The Eyes of Deep- Sea Crustacea. H. J. HANSEN. The Cirripeds. HAROLD HEATH. Solenogaster. W. A. HERDMAN. The Ascidians. S. J. HICKSON. The Antipathids. J. P. McMUKRICH. The Actiiiftriaiis. E. L. MARK. Branchiocerianthus. JOHN MURRAY. The Bottom Specimens. P. SCHIEMENZ. The Pteropods and Hefe- ropods. THEO. STUDER. Tlie Alcyonarians. M. P. A. TRAUSTEDT. The Salpidae and Doliolidae. H. B. WARD. The Sipunculids. W. McM. WOOD WORTH. The Nemerteans. PUBLICATIONS OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. There have been published of the Bulletin Vols. I. to XLII., and also Vols. XLIV., XLV., and XLVII. ; of the Memoiks, Vols. I. to XXIV., and also Vols. XXVII L, XXIX., XXXI., and XXXII. Vols. XLIIL, XLVI., XL VIII., and XLIX., of the Bulletin, and Vols. XXV., XXVI., XXVII. , XXX., and XXXIII. of the Memoius, are now in course of publication. The Bulletin and Memoirs are devoted to the publication of original work by the Professors and Assistants of the Museum, of investioations carried on by students and others in the different Laboratories of Natural History, and of work by specialists based upon the Museum Collections and Explorations. Tlie following publications are in preparation : — Reports on the Uesults of Dredging Operations from 1877 to 1880, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by tlie U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Bhike," Lieut. Commander C. 1). Sigsbee, U. S. N., and Commander J. 11. Bartlett, U. S.N., Commanding. Reports on the Results of tlie Expedition of 1891 of tlie U. S. Yish Commission Steamer "Albatross," Lieut. Commander Z. L. Tanner, U. S. N., Com- manding, in charge of Alexander Agassiz. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer *' Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Eastern Pacific, in cliarge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," from October, 1904, to April, 1905, Lieut. Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding. Contributions from the ZoJWogical Laboratory, Professor E. L. Mark, Director. Contributions from the Geological Laboratory, in cliarge of Professor N. S. Shaler. These publications are issued in numbers at irregular inter- vals ; one volume of the Bulletin (8vo) and half a volume of the Memoirs (4to) usually appear annually. Each number of the Bulletin and of the Memoirs is sold separately. A price list of the publications of the Museum will be sent on application to the Librarian of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cam- bridge, Mass. ' '^.^^ Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology AT HARVARI> COLLEGE. Vol. XLVI. No. 10. REPORTS ON THE RESULTS OF DREDGING, UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF ALEXANDER AGASSIZ, IN THE GULF OF MEXICO AND THE CARIB- BEAN SEA, AND ON THE EAST COAST OF THE UNITED STATES, 1877 TO 1880, BY THE U. S. COAST SURVEY STEAMER "BLAKE," LIKUT. COMMANDER C. D. SIGSBEE, U.S.N., AND COMMANDER J. R. BARTLETT, U. S. N., COMMANDING. XLL ZUR ANATOMIE VON PENTACRINUS DECORUS WY. TH. Von August Reichensperger. [Published by permission of Carlile P. Patterson and Otto H. Tittmann, Superintendents of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.] MiT Drei Tafeln. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. : PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. December, 1905. Reports on thk Scientific Results of the Expedition to the East- ern Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," from October, 1904, TO March, 1905, Lieutenant Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding, published or in preparation: — A. agassiz. General Report on the Expedi- tion. A. AGASSIZ. I.i Three Letters to Geo. M. Bowers, U. S. Fi.sh Com. A. AGASSIZ and H. L. CLARK. The Echini. F. K. BP:DDAKD. The Earthworms. H. B. BIGELOW. The Medusae. R. P. BIGELOW. The Stomatopoda. S. F. CLARKE. The Hydroids. W. R. COE. Tlie Nemprteans. L. J. COLE. The Pycnogonida. W. H. DALL. The MoUusks. C. R. EASTMAN. The Sharks' Teeth. B. W. EVERMANN. The Fishes. W. G. FARLOW. The Algae. S. GARMAN. The Kept lies. H. J. HANSEN. The Cirripeds. H. J. HANSEN. The Scluzoyods. S. HEN3HAW. The Insects. W. E. HOYLE. The Cephalopoda. C. A. KOFOID. III.3 The Protozoa. P. KRUMBACH. The Sagittae. R. VON LENDENFELD. The Sponges. H. LUDWIG. The Holothurians. H. LUDWIG. The Starfishes. H. LUDWIG. The Opliiurans. J. P. McMURRICH. The Actinaria. G. W. MULLER. The Ostracods. JOHN MURRAY. Tlie Bottom Specimens. MARY J. RATHBUN. The Crustacea. HARRIET RICHARDSON. II.2 The Isopods. W. E. RITTER. The Tuuicates. ALICE ROBERTSON. The Bryozoa. B. L. ROBINSON. The Plants. G. O. SARS. The Copepods. H. R. SIMROTH. The Pteropods and Hetero- pods. TH. STUDER. The Alcyonaria. T. W. VAUGHAN. Tlie Cor.als. R. WOLTERECK. The Amphipods. W. McM. WOODWORTH. The Annelids. 1 Bull. M. C. Z., Vol. XLVL, No. 4, April, 1905, 22 pp. 2 Bull. M. C. Z., Vol. XLVL, No. 6, July, 1905, 4 pp., 1 pi. 3 Bull. M. C. Z., VoL XLVL, No. 9, September, 1905, 5 pp., 1 pi. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at harvard college. Vol. XLVI. No. 10. REPORTS ON THE RESULTS OF DREDGING, UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF ALEXANDER AGASSIZ, IN THE GULF OF MEXICO AND THE CARIB- BEAN SEA, AND ON THE EAST COAST OF THE UNITED STATES, 1877 TO 1880, BY THE U, S. COAST SURVEY STEAMER "BLAKE," LIEUT. COMMANDER C. D. SIGSBEE, U. S. N., AND COMMANDER J. R. BARTLETT, U.S.N., COMMANDING. XLL ZUR AXATOMIE VON PENTACRINUS DECORUS WY. TH. Von August Reichensperger. [Published by permission of Carlile P. Patterson and Otto H. Tittmann, Superintendents of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.] MiT Drei Tafeln. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. : PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. December, 1905. No. 10. — Reports on the Results of Dredging, under the Super- vision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, and on the East Coast of the United States, 1877 to 1880, by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake," Lieut. Commander C. D. Sigsbee, U. S. N., and Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., Commanding. [Published by permission of Carlile P. Patterson and Otto H. Tittmann, Superin- tendents of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.] XLI. Zur Anatomie von Pentacrinus decorus Wt. Th. Yon August Reichensperger.^ Das von niir benutzte Material stammt von der nnter Leitung von Alexander Agassiz 1878-1879 zur Erforschung des Karibischen Meeres unternommenen Expedition des "Blake." Es bestand aus 25 zum Teil ganz unverletzten, gestielten Crinoiden, die ich nach P. H. Carpenter (5) samtlich als " Pentacrinus decorus " Wy. Th. bestimmte. Das Material erwies sich als gut konserviert. Die einzelnen Teile wurden in Schnittserien nach den verschiedensten Richtungen zerlegt. Zur Entkalkung bediente ich mich eiues tropfenweisen Zusatzes von konzeutrierter Salpetersaure zu relativ grossen oft erneuerten Mengen 70 %igen Alkohols. Mit besserera Erfolg wandte ich sehr scliwache Chromsaurelosungen an. Zu 1000 ccm 1 %iger Chromsiiure setzte ich 50 Tropfen Salzsaure oder bis 30 Tropfen Salpetersaure zu. Diese Mischung wurde in der ersten Zeit unter taglichem AVechsel auf ein Viertel mit destilliertem Wasser verdiinnt, spater langsam fortschreitend bis auf hochstens }4 gesteigert. Die durch blosse Anwendung von 1 This paper has also been published in Vol. LXXX, Part 1, of the Zeitschrift fiir wissenscliaftliche Zoologie. Specimens of Pentacrinus decorus were dredged by the "Blake" — ofT Havana, 175 and 177 fathoms ; off Montserrat, 88 fathoms ; and off St. Vincent, 124 fathoms. 170 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Chromsaure leicht hervorgerufene Brlichigkeit der Gewebe war bei Ge- branch jener Mischung nicht zu bemerken. Zum Einbetten wurde aus- schliesslich Paraffin genommen. Als Farbemittel kamen vor allem Boraxkarmin, neutrales Karmin nach Hamann, sowie Hamalaun in Stlickfarbung zur Anwendung. Stel- lenweise erwies sich Hamatoxylin in Verbindung mit Eosin als glinstig, Sehr gut eignete sich fur alle Gewebe, auch flir die Kalkgrundsubstanz eine konzentrierte oder verdtlnnte w^ssrige Thioninlosung, ebenfalls unter allenfiillsiger Nacbiarbung rait Eosin. Thionin gab stets nooh brauchbare Resultate, wenn viele andre Farbemittel der vorausgegangenen Entkal- kung wegen versagten. Es ist mir eine angenebtne Pflicbt, Herrn Geheimrat Professor Dr. Hubert Ludwig hier meinen besten Dank auszusprechen flir die tjber- lassung des seltenen Materials und fur seine liebenswlirdige Bereitwil- ligkeit, mich jederzeit mit Rat und Tat zu untersttltzen. Einleitung. P. H. Carpenter macbte zuerst eingehendere Untersuchungen an Pentaa-inus decorus, deren Ergebuisse in Bd. XI des Challengerwerkes niedergelegt sind. Er fuhrt jedoch selbst verschiedentlich an, zur Er- kenntnis des feineren Baues und Verlaufes mancher Organe sei das Ma- terial nicht in hinreichend gutem Znstande geweseu. Zur allgemeinen Orientierung mochte ich zun^chst auf die etwas umgeanderte Verkleinerung seiner Taf. LXII verweisen, Taf. Ill, Fig. 1. "Was die Benennung der Skelettteile des Kelches und der Arme anbe- trifft, so verwende ich die von P. H. Carpenter in einer spatercn Ab- handlung (7) vorgeschlagenen Namen. In dem Challengerwerk (5) lasst er auf die den Boden des Kelches bildenden Basalia die Radialia I, II und III folgen. Von letzteren geht die erste dichotomische Teilung aus, die bei vielen Crinoiden die einzige bleibt. In dem 1890 ersrhien- enen Aufsatz (7) belegt Carpenter die ehemala Radialia II und III ge- nannten Kalkstticke mit dem Namen Costalia I und II. Verzweigen sich die Arme nun weiter, so heissen ihre Glieder bis zur folgenden Tei- lungsstelle, das sich teilende Glied eingeschlossen, Distichalia. Bei Pen- tacrinus decorus ist in der Regel noch eine dritte Spaltung vorhanden. Von der zweiten Teilung bis zu dieser letzten werden die Glieder als Palmaria bezeichnet. Weiterhin findet keine Verzweigung mehr statt, und dio folgenden Glieder des Armes bis zur Spitze heissen Brachial ia. Glieder, von denen eine dichotomische Teilung ihren Ausgang nimrat, werden axillare Glieder genannt. EEICHENSPERGEK : ANATOMIE VON PENTACRINUS DECORUS. 171 Der Stiel zerfallt in Nodi, welche meist je fllnf Cirren tragen, und in Internodia ohne solche. Die Leibeshohle des Kelches bildet bei Pentacrinus decorus ein znsam- menhangendes Ganze, in welchem die Organe von bald stftrkeren bald schwacheren Bindegewebsstrangen gehalten und umsponnen werden. In diesen Bindegewebsstrangen sind Kalkgebilde der verschiedensten Art enthalten, ahnlich, wie solche Ludwig (18) Taf. XVI. Fig. 39, wie- dergegeben hat. Annahernd in der Mittellinie dnrchzieht das " drilsige Organ," Car- penters " plexiform gland ", den Kelch von oben nach unten, urn sich in den Stiel fortzusetzen. Diese Fortsetznng des drileigen Organs be- zeichne ich als Achsenstrang ; Ludwig gab diesen Namen bei Antedon der dorsalen Verlangerung des driisigen Organs. Der Ansdruck P. H. Carpenters " central vascular axis of stem " birgt dagegen einen weiteren Begriff, da derselbe nicht nur die eigentliche Fortsetzung des driisigen Organs, soudern auch die Auslaufer des gekammerten Organs darin zusammenfasste (5), S. 107. Im Bereiche der Basalia ist dem driisigen Organ das in filnf Telle zer- fallende gekaiumerte Organ rings angelagert, welches sich ebenfalls roh- renforniior in den Stiel verlangert. Endlich treffen wir in den Basalia noch das Zentralorgan, den Knotenpunkt des umfangreichen antiambu- lacralen oder dorsalen Nervensystems, von welchem starke Strange ausgehen, die dorsal durch die Kalkteile des Kelches und der Arme verlaufen. In der Mitte der Kelchdecke liegt die Mundoffnung, in der sich die Ambulacralfurchen der Arme vereingen. Der Schlund geht fast senk- recht nach unten und macht mit seiner Fortsetzung, dem Darm, eine Drehung von links nach rechts. Nachdem der Darin in horizontaler Richtung den Kelch ringformig durchlaufen hat, steigt er weider nach oben, urn im interradial liegenden After zu enden. Unter dem Epithel der Mundoffnung bemerken wir die oralen Teile des Wassergefass- und Blutgefasssj'stems und das ambulacrale Nerven- system. Ein weiteres, von Jickeli (15) vom ambulacralen Nervensystem bei Antedon rosaceus unterschiedenes, ventrales oder orales Nerven- system, welches Hamann (13) S. 72 spater eingehender schilderte, habe ich bisher bei Pentacrinus nicht wahrgenommen. Das ftir Promachocrinus und Antedon von P. H. Carpenter (4 nnd 5) beschriebene *' schwammige Organ", welches er als besondern leicht durch dichtere Struktur kenntlichen Teil des labialen Blutgefessgeflechts abtrennt, stellt er selbst bereits ftir Pentacrinus decorus in Abrede (5) S. 172 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 100, und auch ich habe vergebens nach ihm gesucht. Dagegen fand ich eiiieu umfangreichen Komplex von Zellen, welcher dem obereu Teil des " drtisigen Organs " angelagert ist. Dieses Komplexes finde ich an keiner Stelle Erwahuung getan, jedoch glaube ich, dass er in einer Zeichnung P. H. Cari^enters (5) PI. LVII, Fig. 3, angedeutet sein soil. Gilt entwickelt ist das " labial plexus " genannte labiale Blutgefassge- ;flecht, das rait dem oralen Blutgefasssystem in Verbindung stelit und zu iden intervisceralen Teilen der Leibeshohle Auslaufer sendet. Ich halte »dasselbe mit Ludwig (18) S. 47 nur fiir einen modifizierten Teil des oralen Blutgefassringes. Den Bail der Arme fand ich, abgesehen von einer spater zu bertih- renden Ausnahme, in der allgemeinen inneren Organisation im wesent- lichen so, wie P. H. Carpenter (5) S. 88 ff., ihn schildert. Ich mochte daher auf das dort Gesagte verweisen. 1. Antiambulacrales Nervensystem. 1. Verlauf in Kelch und Armen. Betrachten wir zunachst vom Zentralorgan ausgehend das antiambula- crale Nervensystem. Ludwig gab zuerst (18), Taf. XV, Fig. 38, ein Diagramm dieses Systems bei Antedon rosaceus ; Hamann konstruierte (13) S. 65, ein ahuliches fiir die Gattungen Antedon und Actinometra. Pentacrinus ■decorus weist manche Verschiedenheiten von den tre- nannten auf, wie ein Vergleich jener Diagramme mit dem von mir gege- benen dartut. Vgl. nebenstehenden Holzschnitt. Das Zentralorgan selbst ruht knopfformig in dem von den Basalia gebildeten Ring. In der Hauptmasse verlaufen seine Fasern von unten nach oben. In der Mitte wird es vom gekammerten Organ durcli- brochen, das sich in den Stiel hinunterzielit. Vom Zentralorgan gehen nun seitlich schrag nach oben bin zehn Aste aus, die, ein vj^eniges divergierend, paarweise durch die Kalkgrund- substanz der fliiif Basalia verlaufen. Ehe sie diese verlassen, werden die beiden Strange je eines Paares unter sich durch ein Connectiv ver- bunden, das nur etwa ein Drittel vom Durchniesser der Hauptaste besitzt. Letztere gehen zu je zweien parallel weiter durch die ersten Eadialia, um sich an derea distalem Ende zu vereinigen. Die fiinf Vereinigungspunkte werden durch einen sehr starken, horizontal ver- laufenden Faserring miteinander verbunden. In den ersten Costalia finden wir nur einen Strang, der auf der Ober- und Unterseite meist eiue mehr oder weniger flache Laugsfurche aufweist, so dass ein Quer- schnitt durch denselben etwa Biskuitform hat. EEICHENSPERGEIl : ANATOMIE YON PENTACRINUS DECOUUS. 173 In dem axillaren Costale II endlich trefFen wir auf das Chiasma nevvoruiu brucl>ialiuui, dessen Eau bei Antedon Ludwig, Hamann und Furrier sehr eingehend geschildert liaben. Zuuachst kauu ich mit Gewissheit feststellen, dass eiu erstes, bisher von andern iiiclit bestatigtes Transversal-Connectiv, welches Perrier bei Antedon fand (21), T. IX, PL XVIII, Fig. 147 en 1, bei Pentacrinus iiiclit vorhauden ist. Ferner vollzieht sicli die Kreuzung der beiden eigentlichen Cliiasmabiindel erst sehr spat und in einem eher spitzeu wie rechten AVinkel. Hierdurch fiillt sie erst in das Gebiet des breiten 174 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. transversalen Nervenzugs, walirend sie sich bei Antedon vorher vollzieht. Die beiden sich kreuzeuden Strange siiid allgemein sehr viel starker entwickelt wie bei Antedon. Man kami deutlicli wahrnehmen, dass eia gegenseitiger Faseraustausch in ihneii auch bei Pentacrinus nicht statt- findet, vielmelir ein Strang quer iiber den andern weglauft. Bi- und multipolare Ganglienzellen fiudeu sich in den Hauptiisten nicht selten, im Chiasma selbst sind sie sehr vereinzelt, aber dann vou bedeutender Grosse, 0,012 bis 0,009 mm, und mit starken Fortsatzen versehen. Ausser den filnf in den axillaren Costalia II befindlichen Chiasmata finde ich keine weiteren erwahnt. Bei zehnarmigen Crinoiden sind sie natnrgemiiss die einzigen, welche vorhauden sein konnen. Die Zahl der Arme schwankt bei Pentacrinus von 10 bis 25 ; durchschnittlich teilen dieselben sich zwei- bia dreimal. Wie verhalt sich bei dieseu "weiteren Teilungen der Nervenstrang 1 Auf tangentialen Langsschnitten findet man in jedem axillaren Dis- tichale und Palmare ebenfalls ein gut ausgebildetes Chiasma, dessen Dimensionen nattlrlich mit der Entfernung vom Kelch abnehraen. Die sich kreuzenden Strange sind aber nicht, wie man erwarten soUte, um die Hjilfte, sondern nur um etwa ein Drittel dtinner, wie die des vor- ausgegangenen Chiasma. Nach Messungen an zwei Exemplaren betrug ihr Durchmesser durchschnittlich im : Chiasma costale 0,118 mm Chiasma distichale 0,076 mm Chiasma palmare 0,049 mm Auf Taf. XXIV des Challenger- Werkes (5) gibt Carpenter verschie- dene Qnerschnitte durch die Basis eines Kelches von Pentacrinus wyville-tJiomsoni wieder, welchera Pentacrinus decorus sehr nahe steht. Er zeichnet dort Fig. 9 den horizontal durch die Radialia verlaufenden Faserring, aber keine Connective in den Basalia. Vergleicht man das von mir gegebene Diagramm von Pentacrinus decorus mit den von P. H. Carpenter (5) konstruierten des Rhizocrinus Jofotensis S. 253, des Bathycrinus aldrichianus S. 229, und mit dem von Hamann (13) S. 65 fiir die Gattungen Aiitedon und Actinometra fest- gestellten, so sieht man, dass das antiambulacrale Nervensystem der beiden ersten Arten ungleich einfacher gebaut ist, wie das von Penta- crinus. Bei beiden Arten geht in jedem Basale vom Zentralorgan nur ein Strang aus, der sich bei Rhizocrinus unmittelbar vor dem Verlasseu der Basalia, bei Bathycrinus erst in den Radialia in zwei Aste spaltet. EEICIIENSPEUGER : ANATOMIK VON PENTACRINUS DECOllUS. 175 Da^eo^en teilt sicli bei Antedon und Pentacrinus ieder Basalstrano; sogleich nach dem Austritt aus dem Zeiitralorgan iu zwei Strange. Wahrend diese aber bei Pentacrinus zu je zweien diirch eiii Connectiv verbmiden sind luid im iibrigcn paarweise parallel durch die Radialia verlaufen, fehlt bei Anfedon das Connectiv in den Rasalia, und die zwei Strange vereinigen sich beim Ubergang in das Radiale, urn als eia solider Strang weiter za ziehen. Allen genannten Familien koninit ein stark entwickelter Faserring in den Radialia zu. Bei Rhizocrinus liegt er zum kleineren Teile in dea Basalia, wodurch seine Sternform ziistande komnit ; bei den andern liegt er stets ganz innerhalb der Radialia und bat die Fdrm eines mehr oder minder abgerundeten Pentagons. Einen Vergleich zwischen dem Verlauf der Faserstriinge von Ajitedon und Eiicrinm, fur welch letztere, anf dicyklischer Basis beruhende Gattung, Beyrich ein Diagraram konstruierte, zieht Ludwig (18), S. 66, und schliesst von anatomiscli-vergleichendem Standpunkt wichtige Be- merknngen an. P> komnit zn dem Schluss, dass der aussere Kreis der eigentlichen Basalia von Encrinus den Basalia von Antedon entspricht. Was den Zweck der Connective nnd sonstigen Verbindnngen der Nervenstiange anbetrifFt, so scheint niir derselbe an erster Stelle in der Schnelligkeit von Reiztibertragungen zu liegen. Ein auf einen Arm ausgellbter Reiz kann unmittelbar auf den benachbarten iibertragen werden, ohne zuerst den Weg zum Zentralorgan und von dort zuriick machen zu mlissen. Hinsichtlicli des feineren histologisclien Banes muss ich mich voll- stiindig Perrier (21) und Hamann (13) anscbliessen. Der letztere be- schreibt (13) S. 87, auch speziell den Bau der Armnerven von Penta- crinus decorus; ganze Tiere standen anscheinend nicht zu seiner Verfiigung. Ich sehe hier von einer Schilderung des dorsalen Nerven- stranges in den Armgliedern ab, da ich den Auseinandersetzungen Ilamanns wesentliches nicht hinzuzutugen habe, um mich dera Faser- verlauf im Stiele zuzuwenden. 2. Verlauf des Nervensystems im Stiel. In Fig. 1 und 7 b sehen wir, wie das Zentralorgan des antiam- bulacralen Nervensystems in seiner ]\Iitte von sechs Rohren durch- brochen Avird. In der mittleren Karamer verlaaft der Achsenstrang ; die ansseren fiinf sind Fortsetzungen des gekamnierten Organs. Das ganze Biindel von Rjhren wird im Stiel seiner Lange nach von einer ziemlich dicken Schicht raeist senkrecht von oben nach 17G BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. ainteii verziehender Nervenfasern unihullt. Grosse Gaiiglienzellen trifft man in dieser Suliicht wahrend des Verlaufs durch Internodieu verhalt- jiisiiiassig selten an ; vereinzelte liegen am Aussenraiule. Ein Eelag .stark farbbarer kleiner Kerne trennt in den Internodien fast liberall die Faserschicht von der benaclibarten Kalk«>rundsabstanz der Stieliilieder. In den Nodien, oberlialb und unterhalb der Abiianusstelle der Cirrengefasse, gehen die periplierischen Fasern der Nervenschicht seitlicli auseinander, ziehen in der Richtung auf die Gefasse bin nnd bilden anf diese Weise einen horizontalen Ring, wie Fig. 3 darstellt. In der Substanz dieses bald scbwacher, bald starker ausgebildeten peripberiscben Riuges finden wir zahlreicbe grosse bi- und multipolare Canglienzellen. Einraal liegen sie in der Mitte zwiscben je zwei Cirreugefassen, dann aber vornebmlich auch unmittelbar neben der Ursprungsstelle der letzteren aus den Kamniern. Im weiteren Verlauf bleiben die Cirrengefasse zunachst allseitig ganz gleicliniassig vf)n der dein Ringe entstaramenden Nervenscbicbt umhiillt (Fig. 4). Verlassen sie aber das Nodium, urn in das erste, eigentlicbe Cirriisglied iiber- zugeben, so riickt die Fasermasse mebr und mehr auf die Seiten, und oben und unten bloibt nur ein diinner Belag, wie das Fig. 5 zeigt. Derselbe verdickt sich wieder ein weiiig an der Stelle, wo in jedem CiiTusgliede, von den vier Ecken der das Gefass umbullenden Scliicbt ausgehend, Nervenztlge zur Innerviernng der Haut und der Gelenk- verbindungen abgegcben werden. 3. FUNKTION DES ANTIAMBULACrvALEN NeRVENSYSTEMS. Die Funktion des Zenti-alortrans und der von iliui auswiienden dor- salen Strange ist sebr verschieden beurteilt worden. \V. R. Carpenter ■war der erste, der dem gesamten Komplex nervose Natnr beilegte und seine Meinung auch anf eine Reilie von interessanten Experimenten an lebenden Tieren der Gattung Antedon zn stiitzen sucbte. Lndwig (18) S. 80 fasste dagegen das dorsale Nervensystem als nnverkalkt gebliebenen Teil des skelettbildenden Gewebes mit Nahrfunktion anf. Inzwisclien wies P. H. Carpenter in den Strangen grosse Ganglienzelleu nacli und W. B. Carpenter trat nochnials in einer ansfulirlicben Abband- lung (9) flir seine Ansiclit ein. Jickeli (15) S. 367, Peirier (21) und Hainann (13) gaben nabere Eiiizelbeiten liber den Baa und die Verteil- ung der bi- und multipolaren Ganglienzelleu an, und letzterer bescbreibt aucb S. 66, 67 die Struktur der feinen Fasern, urn zu dem Schluss zu kommen, dass es ecbte Nervenfasern seien. A. M. Marshall wiederbolte (20) die Experiraente, welche W. B. KinCIIENSPEKGER: ANATOMIE VOX PENTACUIXUS DECORL'S. 177 Carpenter an lebenden Tieren angestellt hatte nnd fiigte eine bedeu- teude Anzahl neuer hinzu. Er ktnumt zu der Ausicht, dass das Zen- tralorgan und seine Verlaugerungeu das Hanptuervensj'stem bildeten. Das subepitbeliale, anibulacrale Nervensystem scbeint ibni nur sebr uutergeordnete JJedeutung zu baben (op. cit. S. 35). DeiLigemass wird nuumebr der ganze Kotnplex fast allgemein als ausscbliessbcb iiervoser Natur augeseben. Allerdiugs sind in den Strangen keinerlei bindegewebige Elements anzutreffen, aber dennocb kann icli obue eine Eiuschrankung der eben genannten Anflfassung uicbt beii>tlicbten. P. H. Carpenter sagt selbst (5) S. 116 : "I bave no doubt whatever, tbat tbe axial cords are permeated by a nutritive fluid, wbich finds its ■way into tbe substance ot the organic basis of tbe skeleton ; " und ferner berichtet er vou Zweigen, welche ihm tiberzugelien scbeinen : " into tbe plexus of tissue forming tbe organic basis of the skeleton." Das niclit seltene Yorkommen solcber Zweige kann icb nur bestatigen. — Mitunter geben vornebmlich vom dorsaleu iVrrastrang rascb sicb verjiinuende Auslaufer aus, deren feinste Enden fern von Muskeln oder abnlich gebauten Fasern im Kalkgrundgewebe verlaufen. Sie besitzen stellenweise eine dilnne Decke von kleinen Kernen, dagegen luangeln ibnen grosse Ganglienzellen ganzlich. Fig. 6 gibt dies Verbalten wieder. Vergebeus versucbte icb diese Auslaufer bis an die Haut oder wenigstens bis in deren Nahe zu verfolgen. Haufiger noch und besser sind derartige Abzweigungen in den oberen Teilen des Stieles wabrzunehmen, in welcben die Neubildung weiterer Kalkglieder vor sich gebt, wo also die Frage der Ernabrung eine bedeu- tende Rolle spielt. Sie geben innerbalb des Stieles von dem Nerven- strang aus, der die Cirrengefasse lunblillt, nnd zwar meist unter einem recbten Winkel nach oben oder unten. Diese Auslaufer verjtlngen sich kaum wahrnebmbar und durchziebeu Aveitbin die Grundsubstauz fast stets obne sich zu verzweigen. Sie sind von zablreichen Kernen begleitet und stellenweise mit winzigen stark tingierbaren Kornchen tlbersat, deren Natur mir einstweilen zweifelhaft erscbeint, die icb aber jedenfalls fiir ein Coagulum balten mocbte. Aucb P. H. Carpenter fand solcbes baufig in den Nervenstraugen (5) S. 116. Die Fasermasse der Auslaufer ist gering entwickelt, aber unverkennbar vorbanden. Ganglien- zellen babe ich an oder in diesen Zligen niemalszu Gesicbt bekonimen. Da mir in den genannten Fallen eine Innervierung sensitiven oder motorischen Charakters ausgescblossen scbeint, balte ich eine tro})bische Nebenfunktion der Strange fiir sebr wabrscheinlich. VOL. XLVI. — NO. 10 12 178 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. Hamann wies bereits aufs bestimiuteste (13) S. 68 die Behauptung von Vogt and Yung zuilick, es stellten die Nervenstrange bei Antedon rosaceus mit geronnener Fliissigkeit erfiilite Roiiren von weitem Lumen dar (25) S. 5G0, Fig. 277. Ftir Pentacrinus kann icli nur iioclnuals mit P. H. Carpenter (5) S. 113 tf. feststellen, dass es sich lediglich um solide Faserstrange haudelt, die weder Hohlraunae noch Scheidewaude aufweisen. II. Das " gekaramerte Organ" und die Cirrengefasse. Eine Zusamuienfassuui'' der Ausiuliten der verschiedenen Forscher tiber das gekamraerte Organ von Antedon gibt Hamann (13) S. 101. Bei Pentacrinus decorus besteht es aus ftinf Kammern oder richtiger Eohren, welche sich nach unten verengen und in den Stiel fortsetzen, nach oben bin den Achsenstrang nnd weiterhin das "drusijie Organ" (Dorsalorgan) umfassen, um bald blind zu endigen. Verfolgen wir Gestaltung und Verlauf an der Hand der Abbildungen. Fig. 7 a zeigt einen Querschnitt ini Stiel. Fiinf Eohren liegen mit ihrer Aussenwandung im Kreise seitlich aneinander nnd bilden in der Mitte eine sechste Kararaer, in welcher der Achsenstrang verlauft. Figur h und c zeigen, wie weiter oberiialb, bei Ubergang in den Kelch, die Kamrncrn an Grosse zngenommen haben luid bereits von der Faser- masse des eigentlichen Zentralorgans nmlmllt sind. Die folgende Zeich- nnng d gibt einon Querschnitt in Hohe des in den Basalia befindlicheu Nervenconnectivs wieder. Der Kelch hat sich bier erweitert und seine Hohlung ist von kalkflihrendem Bindegewebe nach alien Richtungeu durclizogen, welches an die Ausseuwande der ftinf Kammern herantritt. Letztere haben sich voneinander getrennt und vom Achsenstrang etwas entfernt. Spater tiiihern sie sich der Mitte wieder, jede Kannner ver- jtingt sicli rasch, und ihre Wandung geht in das Colomepithel fiber, welches das driisige Organ umhiillt. Ihr Holilraum dagegen findefc keinerlei Fortsetzung, weder ini drlisigen Organ, noch in der Leibes- hohle, wird vielmehr durch feines Bindegewebe nach oben abgeschlosseu (Fig. 7 g). Bei A^dedon fand W. B. Carpenter (8) S. 219, ventralwarts eine Offmmg in jeder Kammer nnd brachte letztere daher mit der Leibes- hohle in Verbindung. Ludwig beobachtete Kanale, welche sich den ventralen OfFnungen W. B. Carpenters anschlossen, um zum Achsen- strang, bzw. drlisigen Organ hinzuziehen (18) S. 63 nnd Fig. 21. Ebenso halt P. H. Carpenter (5) S. 104 das gekammerte Organ ftir ftinf Radiargefasse, welche sich verbreitern und mit dem drlisigen Organ EEICHENSPEKGER: ANATOMIE VON PENTACRINUS DECOKUS. 179 iu enger Beziehung stehen. Perrier (21) S. 24 fif. verfulgte die ull- maliliclie Entwicklung des gekaminerteu Organs bei Antedon ramceus und koiinnt zu dein Schlusse, dasselbe bilde eiueu geschlossenen Rauin, der sich uicht in das diiisige Organ fortsetze. Iu gleiclieni Sinne spricht sich Hamanu (13) S. 103 aus : " Es gehen von dem eigentliclien gekammerten Organ fliuf blindgeschlosseue rohrenformige Hohlraume ab, welche iieben dem axialen Strang verlaiifeii, um bald blind zu endigeu, wie icli mit grosster Sicherheit aussprecheu kann (Taf. Yll, Fig. 1)." Bei Pentacrinus decorus habe ich in den Wamlungen des gekam- merten Organs keiuerlei Offnungen gefundeu, auch felilen die bei Ajitedon iiach oben hiu sich erstreckendeu rohrenforniigeu Verliinger- ungen oder Kanale ; vielraehr endet das Organ fast unmittelbar nach- deiu es seine grosste Breite erlangt hat. Dieser Unterschied von Antedon ist offenbar nur quantitativer Art, indem eine Verkiirzung der Rohren oder Kanale bei dieser Art zu der Form des Organs luliren Aviirde, wie wir sie bei Pentacrinus angetroffen haben. Wahrscbeinlich wird bei letzterem eine solcbe Verlangerung nach oben unterdrlickt durch das die ganze Kelcbhohle erfuUende Bindegewe])e, welches bei Pentacrinus ungleich starker wie bei Antedon entwickelt ist. Im obersten Telle der Kammern bemerkt man im Innern vou Wand zu Wand ziehend unverkalktes, feinfaseriges Biiidegewebe. Ausserdem fiudet man iiberall im Innern zerstreut zahlreiche, grosse, tiefdunkle Korner von amorpher Gestalt. Dieselben bilden ein nicht zu verken- nendes Merkmal ftir alle zum gekammerten Organ gehorigen Telle. Nirgends sonst sind derartige Gebilde auzutreffen, weder in benach- barten Teilen des drtlsigen Organs, noch im umgebenden Bindegew(;be der Leibesholde. Dies scheint mir ein Beweis mehr dafiir zu sein, dass die Kammern ein in sich gesclili)S.senes Ganze bilden. Auch Perrier (21) S. 24 ff. stellte ahidiche Korner bei Antedon rosaceus fest, und sagt, er habe sie ausschliesslich auf das gekammerte Organ beschrankt gefunden, was demnach vollstiindig mit meinen Beobachtungen in Ein- klang steht. In den Xodien des Stiels geht von jed»?r Kammer des Organs, bzw. seiner Verlangerung, ein Geiass in die Cirren ab. Einen Teil eines horizontal durch ein Nodium gefiihrten Schnittes gibt Fig. 8 wieder, einen Teil eines Vertikalschnittes Fig. 9. Die Fortsetziingen der Kammern nehmen in den Nodien etwas an Umfang zu. Ihre distale Wandung biegt nach aussen hin aus und zeigt eine langlich ovale Offnung, den Beginn der Cirrengefasso. Das E[)ithel der Kammern setzt sich in letztern rin'j;sum fort und kleidet ihre Innenwand aus. 180 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. Jedes Gefass wird von eiiiem horizontal durch die Mitte laufenden Septum in eine obere uud eine untere Halite geteilt. Das Septum bildet sich von der proximaleu Kammerwand her uud durchquert die Kammer. Es besteht aus eiuer selir feineu Bindegewebslage, die beider- seits mit einem epithelartigen Belag vou Zelleu versehen ist. Seine Dicke schwankt zwischen 0,0048 uud 0,00G7 mm. Muskelfasern habe icli niclit in ihm gefundeu. — Zu Anfang zeigen die Cirrengefasse im Querschnitt eine langlich ovale, von oben nach uiiten gestreckte Form, rundeu sich aber bald ab. Mit dem Achsenstrang stehen sie bei Penia- crinus decorus in keinerlei Beziehung. Unter den mir vorliegenden Exeniplaren befand sich eines mit stark verkummerter fiiufter Kammer. Denigemass batten sich an jedeui podium nur vier Cirren entwickelt. Selbst die Gelenkgrube zur Aut- nahme des ersten Cirrusgliedes, die bei Pentacrinus im allgemeinen stark ausgebildet ist, war an der ftinfteu Seite kuum wahrzunehmen. Ftir Erkenutnis der noch immer I'niglichen Fuuktion des gekammer- ten Organs, das Hamann mit Bury seiner Entstehung nach als Entero- colraum ansprechen mochte (13) S. 107, ware es von Bedeutuug, zu Avissen, wie es sich im letzten Stielgliede verbjilt. Da bei alien mir zur Yerftigung stehenden Tieren der Stiel weiter obevhalb abgebroclien war, konnte ich nicht feststellen, ob die Kammern an ihrem unteren Ende gleichfalls geschlossen sind, oder ob sie mit der Umgebung in freier Kommunikation stehen. Letzteres scheint mir weniger walirscheinlich, da audi bei Antedon und Adinometra das gekainmerte Organ, abge- sehen von den Ausgangen der in die Cinen fiilirenden Geiasse, nach unten hin geschlossen ist, wie Hamann (13) S. 104 mitteilt. Cuenot (10), Bosshardt (3) S. 105 und andre berichten, dass die Bewegungen der Cirren von Antedon sehr zogernd und langsara erfulgen und dieselben sich in dieser Beziehung in weitgehender Weise von den- jenigen der Arme unterscheiden. Im volleu Gegeusatz hierzu erwahnt A. Agassiz von einer Anzahl Pentacrinus, die er wahrend einiger Stunden lebend hielt : " They use the cirri more rapidly, then the arms, and use them as hooks, to catch hold of neighbouring objects. . . ." — Weitere Angaben iiber die Bewegungen der Cirren bei den gestieltcn Crinoiden liegen meines ^Ykssens nicht vor. III. Das "driisige Organ" (Dorsalorgan). 1. Der Achsenstrang. In der Bohre, welche in der Mitte des kalkigen Stieles liegt, und die von dun fiinf Kammern des gekamnierten Organs gebildet wird, befindet REICIIENSPERGER : ANATOMIE VON PENTACRINUS DECOUUS. 181 sich ein langcr diinner Strang, P. H. Carpenters axis of stem im engeren Sinn, den ich nach Lndwig als Achsenstrang bezeiehne. Seine Furt- setzung ini Kelch bildet das diiisige Organ. Genauere Einzelheiten finde ich bei I'. H. Carpenter liber den Ban dieses Stranges nicht angcgeben. Er rechnet ihn anscheinend zum gekammerten Organ nnd sagt nur (5) S. 107, derselbe bilde in den Stielteilen "a singnlar vessel (5) PI. XXIV, fig. 2—5 r. Bei den mir voiliegenden Exemplaren von Pentncrinus betr^gt der Dnrchmesser des Achsenstrangs etwa 0,009-0,0105 mm, und zwar verjiingt er sich niclit nach unten hin, sondern bat, soweit ich ilni durcli den Stiel verfolgen konnte, liberall annilhernd gleichen Unifang. Er setzt sich aus urspriinglich kugeligen Zellen zusaminen, die sich seitlich gegeneinander abplatten. Fig. 11 bringt eineu Quer-, Fig. 10 einen Langsscliuitt. Man bemerkt auf ersterem eiiie einreihige, rijigformige Zellschicht, velclie in der ]\litte ein unregelmassig gestaltetes, stets sehr kleines Lnmen i'reilasst. Die Zellgrenzen sind nur iindeutlich zu erkennen. Der Zelliniuilt ist fein granuliert, wie auch der Inhalt der Kerne. In letzteren befiiiden sich meist noch grossere Kornchen, deren Zahl schwankend ist. Die Gestalt deiKerneist langhcli oval. Sie lagern sicli im allgemeinen gegen das innere Lnmen liin. Iln-e Grosse bewegt sich zwischen 0,0011 • 0,0031 nnd 0,002 • 0,0043 mm. Der Achsenstrang hangt seiner ganzen Lange nacli frei in dcm von den Fortsetznngen des gekammerten Organs gebildeten Ranme ; es ist mir wenigstens nicht gehmgen, Fasern oder bindegewebige Strange zu fiiiden, die an ihn seitlich von den Kammervvanden her herantreten. Ebensowcnig fand ich in diesem Raume die oben erwalmten fiir das gekammerte Organ bezeichnenden dunkeln Korner ; es scheint demnach auch im Stiel keine Kommunikation zwischen den Foitsetzungen des gekammerten Organs und der Pohre des Achsenstrangs zu bestehen. 2. DxiS EIGENTLICHE " DRllsiGE OrGAN." Schon ehe der Achsenstrang in den Kelch libergeht, hat sich sein Umfancr etwas ver^rossert. An Stelle der einfachen Zellreihe treten mehrere Schichten. In diesen bilden sich Falttuigen, so dass das innere Lumen halbmondformig wird (Fig. 7 d). Weitcr nach oben hin kann man zwei, vier nnd niehr Lumina erkennen. Es kommt sehr bald zur Bildung einer grosseren Zahl von Schlauclieii, die sich im weiteren Verlauf verzweigen und in Hirer Gesamtheit kleine Kriinnunngen machen. In Hohe der Darmwindung finden sirh dann haufig S- "'"^ U-'oi'^io*^ seitliche Ausbiegungeu einzelner SchUtuche, die sich regellus durchein- 182 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. ander schlingen. Sie bedingen den verwickelten Aufbau des drlisigen Organs, desseii Zusainmensetzung bei Antedon uach Perrier (21) PI. XX, Fig. 162, einfacher zu sein scheint. Die allgemeine Richtung der Schlauche ist audi bei Petitacj'inus von unten noch oben, doch gehen iiicht selten in horizontaler Ricbtnng klirzere Auslaufer ab, welche bald blind endigen. Ob alle Schlauche niiteinander komiuunizieren, ist mir zweifelhaft geblieben ; flir eine bescln-ankte Anzahl kanu man aui; glinstigen Langssclmitten einen Zusammenhang nachweisen. Solange die Scblaucbe im Boden des Kelches nicht sebr zablreich sind, treten sie zu einer bald kreisformigen, bald mebr eckigen Eobre zusammen, deren zienilich "woites Lumen von einem Netzwerk von zartem Bindegevvebe durchquert wird (Fig. 7 g und h). Die zunebmende Zahl der Schlauche lasst das Lumen bald enger werden ; das Biudegewebe verschwindet. An seiner umfangreichsten Stelle, die bei Pentacrinus zwiscben der Darmwindung liegt, setzt sicli das driisige Organ folgen- derniassen zusammen : Aussen gegen die Leibeshohle bin tieffen wir zunachst das umliUllende Culomepithel ; nacb innen zu folgt die Masse der teils quer-, teils langsgetroffenen Schlauche. Ungefahr in der Mitte dieser ziemlich kompakten Masse findet sich ein freies Lumen, von Vogt und Yung (25) S. 562 "leere Achse" genannt. Gegen diese ist die Gesamtheit der Schlauche wiederum durch ein mit dem Colomepithel tibereinstimmendes Epithel begrenzt. Ich mochte nach allem die " leere Achse " als einen abgekapselten Teil der Leibeshohle betrachten, eine Ansicbt, die allerdings nur durcli entwicklungsgeschichtliche Arbeit rait voller Sicherheit bewiesen werden kann. Bindegewebe ist sehr snarlich zwiscben den einzelnen Schlauchen vorhanden, vor allem im untersten Teil des drlisigen Organs. An keiner Stelle fand ich die Schlauche ganz von dichtem Bindegewebe nnihullt, wie das Hamann (13) S. 114, und Taf. IX, Fig. 4, 5, 12 und 13 von Antedon darstellt; nur eine fein- faserige bindegewebige Membran mit sparlichen Kernen unizielit bei Pentacrinus jeden Schlauch nach aussen bin, wie das durch meine Fig. 13 veranschaulicbt ist. Ziemlich weit^ehende Ubereinstimmung herrscht bei beiden Gattunoen im Ban der Schlauche selbst. Die zylindrischen Zellen, aus welchen die Wand der letzteren gebildet wird, erscheinen, abgeselien von ilirer viel bedeutenderen Grosse, den Zellen des Achsenstranges ahnlich. Sie werden bis 0,042 mm hoch, bei einer durchschnittlichen Bn^ite von 0,016 mm. Die Kerne liegen im allgemeinen mebr der Aussenseite des Schlauches zu. Die Substanz der Zellen zeigt eine feinere, die der Kerne eine grobere Kornelung. In den oberen Teilen des driisigen REICHENSPERGER : ANATOMIE VON PENTACCINUS DECORUS. 183 Organs triflft man ira Innern der Schlaiiche mitunter feines Gerinnsel an, was niir auf eiuen Zusammenhang mit dem Blutgefasssysteni Innzudeuten scheint. 3. Der dem drusigen Organ axgelagerte Zellkomplex. Yerfolffen wir das drlisige Organ von seiner breitesten Stelle an weitei' nach oben bin, so trefl'en wir sehr bald auf einen merkwiirdigen Komplex von Zellen, den ich nirgendwo erwahnt order beschriebeu finde. Der Unifang desselben schwankt bei den einzehien Tieren ziemlich bedeu- tend ; seine Form bleibt im allgemeinen aiinahernd die gleiche. Eine Andeutung dieses Komplexes glaube ich nnr bei P. H. Carpenter (5) PL LVII, Fig. 3 zu finden. Er rechnet ihn offeubar zu seiuem "labial plexus" und lasst das mit gv bezeichnete Geuitalgefass aus ihm entspringen. Die erwahnte Zellmasse bildet eine mehr o;ler weniger nmfangreiche, ovale, stark ausgebuchtete Scheibe von verschiedener Dicke, die sich mit ibreni unteren Eande und den Seitenraudern meist vertikal an das drlisige Organ anlegt. Yentralwarts, in der Xahe der ]\Iundoffnung jedoch, hangt sie mit den Endausliiufern des drusigen Organs nicht zusaramen. Letzteres bildet also mit dem Zellkomplex einen oben offcn- stehenden Sack. Im Inuern desselben treffen wir vereinzelte, schwach entwickelte, unverkalkte Bindegewebsstraiige und eine grosse Anzahl feinerer Eiutgefasse an. Die "Wiodergabe eines Langs- und eines Querschuittes, Fig. 15 und Fig. 14, verdeutlicht das Yerbalten der einzelnen Teile. P. H. Carpenter schildert (5) S. 100 das labiale Blutgefassgeflecht, labial plexus, welches mit dem oralen Blutriug in Yerbindung steht und sich aus eiuer Menge feiner und feinster Eohren zusammensetzt. Yon einera Teile desselben treten Gefasse von oben her in den Sack ein und wenden sich nach alien Seiteu zu den Innenwanden ; einerseits miinden sie an Stellen des drusigen Organs, anderseits in den erwiihnten Zellkomplex. Stellenweise sind sie in solcher Anzahl vorhanden, dass fast der ganze Innenraum des Sackes ausgefiillt ist. Ob diese Blutgefjisse mit den Schlauchen des drusigen Organs in direkter Yerbindung stehen, konnte ich nicht mit Gewissheit feststellen, halte es aber flir sehr wahrscheinlich ; dass sie aber in das sparlich vorhandene umgebende Bindegewebe eindringen und sich dort verzweigen, habe ich mit Sicher- heit wahrgenommen. Dagegen bestreitet Hamann (13) S. 114, cnt- schieden ein Eintreten der Blutflussigkeit in die Lumina der Schlauche bei Antedon, um dann fortzufahren : "sie kaun liochstens in der Binde- 184 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. substaiiz des Organs ihren Verlauf nehmen, doch habe ich sie aiich hier nicht beobachten koinien." Mit Gewisslieit "elaii'j; es mir ferner, mich davon zu uberzeTi2;en, dass die zu dem fraglichen Zellkouiplex gehenden zahh-eichen Blutgefasse in diesen eintreten. Betracbten wir den Bau desselbeu etvvas genauer. Sein Aussenepitliel setzt das des driisigen Organs unmittelbar fort nnd zeigt die gleichen Zelleleniente ; sie sind bald mehr kubiscli, bald etwas abgeflacbt und besitzon deutliche Kerne. Unter dem Epitbel verlaufen stellenweise in verschiedenen Richtungen bindegewebige Gefiisse. Weiter nach innen f(jlgt ein solides Polster von zieiulich grossen, dicht zusani- menschliessenden Zellen, wie Fig. 16 zeigt. Dieselben sind rnndlich bis polj'gonal gegeneinander abgegrenzt. In der Mitte der Scheibe befinden sich grossere, rings nach dem Rande zu kleinere Zellen. Sie farben sich etwas vveniger intensiv, wie die Elemente des driisigen Organs. Ihre Kerne sind von verhiiltnisma-jsig bedeutender Grosse. Die Grosse des gesamteu Zellkomplexes, der auf etwas dickeren Schnitten schon rait blossem Ange leicht kenntlich ist, schvvankt sehr erheblich ; im allgemeinen findet man ihn boi weiblichen Tieren ein weuig starker ansgebildet wie bei mannlichen. Der am kiaftigsten entwickelte hatte nach meinen Messungen eine durchschnittliche Dicke von 0,077 mm ; seine Breite betrng 1,058, seine grosste Lange 2,414 mm. Einer der kleineren Koinplexe hatte dagegen nur 0,048 mm Dicke, 0,73 ram Breite nnd etwa 1,54 mm Lange. Ehenso verschieden der Grosse nach verhielten sich die Elemente, welcho das aus 8-14 Zellreihen bestehende Polster bildeten, Bei einem sehr gut konser- vierten weiblichen Exemplar liess eine Eisenhamatoxylinfiirl)ung genane Messungen zu. Demnach bestimmte ich die Grosse einzelner Zellen und ihrer Kerne auf: Zelle Kern 0,0076 mm 0,0037 mm 0,0078 " 0,0035 " 0,0095 " 0,005 " 0,0103 '< 0,0062 " 0,0109 '« 0,0068 " 0,0112 " 0,0068 " 0,0132 « 0,007 " 0,0184 « 0,0088 " 0,0187 " 0,0091 " Aus der Mitte der Anssenfladie der Scheibe geht ein Gefass von betrachtlichem Durchmesser hervor. Es verlauft in Richtung auf die EEICHENSPERGER : ANATOMIE VON PENTACEINUS DECORUS. 185 Kelchdecke bin unJ halt sich meist ziinaclist in der Nalie des Sclilundes, um sich spator rait GenitalgefJissen in Verbindiing zu setzen. Dasselbe ist aus eiiier ziemlich starken Ijindegewebsschicht gebildet und zeigt ein deutbches Aussenepithel. Auch im inneren Lumen findon sich nutunter sehr feiue JJindegewebsstiange ; ob diese bereits hier eine besondere luneurohre bilden, wie das in den Cenitalstrangen der Fall ist, odcr iiur von Wand zu Wand ziehen, ist niir sehr zweifelhaft geblieben. Helleres und duukleres Gerinnsel trifft man in deni Gcfass sehr haufig an. Der Zellkomplex setzt sich nach oben bin bis unterhulb des Integu- ments der Kelchdecke fort. Seine Dicke nimmt langsani ab. Neben der Mundoftnung aiigelanirt macbt er eine fast recht\vinkli"e Bietruno: und steht als sehr feiner Strang anscheinend niit dem zwischen dem ambulacralen Nervensystem luid dem Wassergefasssystem verlaufendea oralen Blutgefassring in engerer Verbindung. Diesen bei Pentacriuus decorus dem driisioen Orsfan an2:elaa:erten Zellkomplex halte ich nun flir den Bildungsherd der Urkeimzellen, eine Meinung, die ich in den folgenden Abschnitten ausfilhrlicher zu begrtin- den hofte. Zugleich mochte ich zeigen, dass Blutgefasssystem \ind Genitalgefasssystem in engem Zusammenhang miteinander stehen. Ich wende raich zu diesem Zweck an erster Stelle der Anordnung und dem Ban der Gonerationsorgane iu den Armeu zu, da derselbe dort am deut- lichsten erkeunbar ist. IV. Die Generationsorgane. 1. BaU UXD YeRLAUF der (iEXlTALSTRANGE IN DEN ArMEN UND PlNNULAE. B'ji P. H. Carpenter (5) S. 110 finde ich folgende Bemerkung: ", . . The ovaries of the Pentacrinidae are likewise long and fusiform, some of them appearing to present somewhat anomalous characters. For in some sections^ which were made for Sir Wyv. Thomson by Dr. Stirling, the ovary appears in the arm, occupying tlie usual position between the subtentacular and the coeliac canals, where the sterile genital cord is normally found. This is also the case in the lower parts of the arms of Holopus rangiy PI. V, c, fig. 2, but I have not yet succeeded in discover- ing which species of Pentacrinus or Metacrinus is distingtiished by this peculiarity ; for the sections above mentioned were not labelled with any name or reference number. I have cut sections of the arms of all the more common Pentacrinus, but in none of them have I found any .such departure from the type of the ordinary Antedon as is presented by the ovaries of this unknown species." 186 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. Lang, (1G) S. 1090, nimmt wohl auf diesen Piissus bezug, wenn er einei- ausuahmsweiseu Reifung vou Gonaden iiu Anue einer unbekanuteu Art Ei-\vahnung tut. Pentacrinus decorus ist iiach alien von mir untersuchten Exemplaren getrenntgeschlechtlich und zwar bargen die Anne in ihreui ganzen Ver- lauf naliezu reife mannliche oder weibliche Geschlechtsprodukte, ja bereits in den meisten Kelchscheiben waren solche vorhanden. Icli kann daher eine Anormalitiit nicht annehnien, halte vielmehr den Zeitpunkt des Fanges der mir vorliegenden Tiere ftir besonders giinstig gelegen. Gehen wir im folgenden naher auf die Einzelheiten ein. In dem zwischen Dorsal- und Ventralkaiial befindliclien Genitalkanal — ich wahle die Bezeichnungen, die Ludwig (18) einftihrte — verlauft ein diinnwandiger Schlauch, der ein weites Lumen besitzt. Derselbe wird durch bald starkere bald schwachere Bindegewebsstrange in der Mitte des Genitalkanals aufgehangen. In diesem Schlauch befindet sich ein engerer rnit sehr feiner Wanduug. In dem Stadium der Geschlechts- reife, in welchem die vou mir untersuchten Tiere sich befanden, erfliUte der innere Schlauch fast das gauze Lumen des ausseren. Die Aussen- wand des inneren Schlauches liegt dann zum weitaus grossten Telle der Innenwand des ausseren Schlauches an, so dass sie oft sehr schwer er- kenubar ist. Nur nach oben zum Ventralkanal bin bleibt ein freier Raum zwischen den Wandungen, dessen Durchmesser bei vorgeschrittener Entwicklung der Keimzellen etwa ein Viertel des Ganzen betragt. Die Fig. 17, 18 und 19 geben hiervon ein Bild. Bereits Ludwig, dem wir die ersten genauen Beobachtnngen liber den Bau der Generationsorgane von Antedoii verdanken, hielt den ausseren Schlauch, welcher die eigentliche Genitalrohre umschliesst, fiir zum Blutgefasssystem gehorig und bezeichnete ihn als Genitalgefiiss oder Genitalschlauch, (18) S. 30 ff. Andrer Ansicht ist Hamann, (13) S. 117 und 118, der ein Vorhandensein von Blutflilssigkeit im Genitalschlauch der Crinoiden in Abrede stellt und keinen Zusammenhang mit den Blut- lakunen der Scheibe auffand. Ich muss entschieden Ludwig beipflichten. Fast regelmassig fand ich bei Pentacrinus feine Kornchen, Gerinnsel, Eeste von Blutserum in den Genitalgefiissen, wie das aus den Figuren ersichtlich ist. Ferner ist der Bau derselben dem der echten Blutgefasse gleich. Die diinne, aus bindegewebigen Langsfasern gebildete Wand ist von einem feinen Aussenepithel tlberzogen, dessen Kerne ziendich dicht aneinanderlagern und scharf hervortreten. Endlich stehen die Genital- gefasse des Kelches in euger Beziehung zu dem labialeu Blutgefassgo- fiecht, wie wir welter unten sehen werden. EEICHENSPERGER : ANATOMIE VON PENTAUKINUS DECORUS. 187 Ringmuskelu, wie sie Ludwig bei Antedon (18) S. 31 erwahnt, habe ich in der Wauduiig der Gefasse nicht gefunden. Audi ist bei Penta- crinus decorus die Geuitalrohre nicht itn Geuitalgefass durcli feine, spindelformige Faseru aufgohangen, wie Ludwig (18) Taf. XIII, Fig. l-i von Antedon darstellt, soudern sie liegt, wie oben gesagt, zum grossteu Teil der lunenwand des Gefasses au. Die Genitalrohre besteht ans einer sehr schwacben rait kleineu zer- streuten Kernen verseheneu einfachen Biudegewebslamelle. In ihrem luneru befindeu sich Saiuen- oder Eizellen, nnd zwar trifft man in einem Arme im allgemeineu zwei sehr verschiedene Stadien der Eizellen an, umfangreiche Zellen von etwa 0,135 mm und gering entwickelte von ruud 0,028 mm Durchmesser. Es ware denkbar, dass letztere zu Xah- ningszwecken resorbiert werdeu, jedoch konnten diese kleineren Keim- zellen auch eine spater folgende Generation bilden, da ich direkte Verfallstadien an ibnen nicht konstatieren konnte. In weiter distal liegeuden Teilen der Arme und in den Pinnulae fiuden sich meist nur Eier einer Grosse vor. Weder in den Pinnulae, noch in Armen oder Kelch findet sich eine Follikelbildung, wie Perrier fiir Antedon rosaceus (21) PI. 19, Fig. 156 und 157 angibt. VoUkommeu reife Eier, d. h. solche, deren Keimblaschen verschwunden war, und die bereits Richtungskorperchen ausgestossen batten, wie Hamann (13) S. 121 und Taf. XII, Fig. 4 a von Ardedon eschrichti beschreibt uud zeichnet, waren bei raeinen Exemplaren noch nicht vor- banden. Die weiter unten folgende Tabelle lasst aber erkenneu, wie das Keimblasclien im Verhaltnis zu der ganzen Eizelle in den Brachialia hoherer Oidnung an Grosse abnimmt. Die in der Entwicklung vorge- schrittenen Eier zeigen fast stets im Keimfleck zwei bis flinfzehn stark lichtbrecheude Korncheu, wie das Ludwig bereits von Antedon erwahnt, (18) S. 35. In den Pinnulae erleidet der Genitalstrang bei alien von mir zerlegten Tieren keine Veranderung ; bochstens wird das Lumen des Genitalge- fasses noch mehr reduziert, da die Genitalrohre zuweilen etwas an Uni- fang zunimmt. Eine Ausbauchung oder Anschwellung der Pinnulae bestand weder iunerlich noch ausserlich. Leider ist es mir auch bisher trotz zaldreicher, in jeder Richtung geftihrter Schnitte nicht gelungen, praforraierte Offnungen oder Anlagen zu solchen fiir den Austritt von Geschlechtsprodukten zu finden. So blieb mir die Art und Weise der Eiablawe von Pentacrinus fraglich. In den Pinnulae durchzieht der Genitalstrang in der Regel nur die ersten zwei oder drei, selteuer vier proximalen Glieder, und zwar besitzt er im ersten und zweiten Gliede im 188 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. allgemeinen den grossteu Diirchmesser. Dann verjungt er sich stet> und lauft bei niaunlicheu Tiereii in eine Spitze aus, die durch Bindege- webe von den Wanden des Genitalkanals her gehalten wird. Bei weib- lichen Exemplaren ist das Ende des Stranges mehr abgerundet imd gleichfalls von Bindegewebe gehalten. In den Armen scheint der Genitalstrang meist nur bis zuin aclit- oder zvvolftletzten Brachiale zu reichen. Genaues hieruber ist scliwer festzu- stellen, da die letzten Brachialia meist abgebrochen sind ; der Strang findet seinen Abschluss wie in den Pinnulae. Unterziehen wir nunmelir die Generationsorgane der mannlichen Tiere einer nalieren Betrachtung und werfen wir iiochmals einen BHck auf die Fig. 18 und 19, vvelche einen Langs- und einen Querechnitt durch einen Teil eines Amies zeigen, der mannhche Keimzellen enthalt. Auch liier wird das Lumen des die Genitalrohre uniliuUenden Genitalgefasses nur ventrahvarts freigelassen ; fast drei Viertel des letzteren werden durch die Genitalrohre ausgefullt. Der Durchmesser derselben schwankt in den Armen zwischen 0,065 und 0,112 mm. Die Grosse der mann- lichen Keimzellen betragt 0,002 bis 0,004 mm. Sie zeigen in jiingeren Stadien in der Mitte einen ziemlich grosse.n Kern, der sich bedeutend dunkler farbt, wie das ihn umgebende Plasma. Die bereits weiter ent- wickelten Spermatozoen waren nur als runde dunkle Korner sichtbar, an denen ich fadenformige Fortsatze nicht bemerken konnte. Leistenformige Vorsprlinge der inneren Flaclie der mannlichen Geni- talrohre, die bei Pentacrinus decorus gleich der weiblichen nur von einer diinnen Bindegewebslamelle ohne Innenepithel gebildet wird, sind nicht vorhanden. Ludwig (18) S. 36 schildert diese Vorspriinge in den Testi- keln der Pinnulae von Antedon eschricJdi und illustriert die Beschreibung durch die Fig. 48 und 49 auf Taf. XVI I. Wenig abweichend hiervon beschreibt Ed. Perrier (21) den Ban der mannlichen Genitalrohren in den Pinnulae von Antedon rosaceus .•"... Le testicule lui meme est forme d'un grand nombre de coloniios de cellules, colonnes cylindriques, on legerement renflees en massue, et doiit la base est presque exactement circulaire. Ces colonnes resultent d'une invagination en doigt de gant de repithclium testiculaire. . . ." Bei Pentacrinus ist, wie gesagt, der Ban der mannlichen Generations- organe sowohl in den Armen wie in den Pinnulae dem der weiblichen gleich. Die mannlichen Keimzellen liegen dichtgedrangt regellos rings neben der einfach gebauten Wandung und lasson nur zuweilen in der Mitte der Genitalrohre ein kleineres oder grosseres Lumen frei, wie aua Fig. 19 ersichtlich ist. IlEICIIENSPERGER: ANATO.MIE VON TENTACRINUS DECOKUS. 189 2. Der Gexitalstrang ceim 0bergaxg der Arme IX DEx Kelch. Gehen wir mm zu deii Teileii des Armes liber, welclie proximal, d. h. nalier am Kelcli gelegen sin>l, wie die eben geschilderteii Partien, also etwa zu deu ersteu Brachialia. Im allgeineiueu trill't man hier in der Genitalrohre kleine Streckeu ohne Keimzellen an ; die beiden Schlauche habeu sicli etwas verengt. Eiu Ei in der Grosse von rund 0,09 mm fiillt fast das gesarate Lutuen aus. Je nielir wir uns weiterhin der Scheibe zu bewegen, um so grosser werden die Strecken, auf denen keine Keimzellen vorhanden sind ; kommen solche vor, so besitzen sie immer- hin noch eine Grosse von 0,045 bis 0,055 mm und mehr. Die innere Weite des Genitalgefasses betragt hier durchschnittlich 0,00G mm. Bcim Ubergang in die Kelchsclieibe verengt sicli wie bei Antedon der ganze Genitalkanal erheblich. Der in ihm befindliche Doppelschlauch kanii sich seitlich our wenig ausdehnen. Gczwungenerraassen nehmen die Genitalzellen eine lauglich gestreckte Form an : 0,04 • 0,0495 mm, 0,036 • 0,048 mm, KeimLlaschen 0,021 bzw. 0,02 mm. Seltsamerweise fiand ich in den axillaren Gliedern fast nie Geschlechtsprodukte, vielmehr nur die leeren sich gabehiden Strange. Dagegen waren kurz vor und nach der Teilungsstelle haufig dichtgedrangt Keimzellen vorhanden. Der besseren Ubersicht wegen moge hier eine Tabelle folgen. Die Messungen sind an Teilen eines weiblichen Tiei'es angestellt und lassen sich verhaltnismassig auf die Mehrzalil der von mir untersuchten Tiere tibertrageu. o 3. Verlauf uxd Bau der Gexitalstrangb im Kelch. Zur Orientierung ver«-eise ich auf die Wiedergabe eines gvinstig gelegenen Horizontalschnittes durch den Kelch, Fig. 22. Er zeigt den Verlauf der Generationsorgane in der oberen Kelchhalfte, zwischen dem Darm und dem ventralen Integument. Im Ubergang zu einem Arme ist der Genitalstrang st;liief getroffen ; seine Fortsetzung findet er im Kelcli in einem weitverzweigten System gleichgebauter Rohren. Wah- rend bei Antedon die Genitalstrauge nach der Beschreibung Hamanns, (13) S. 119 eiu unregelmassiges Pentagon bilden, das im Kelch in einiger Entfernung das drilsige Organ umlagert, Perrier (21) S. 24 flf. und Fig. 162 dieselben aber als einzelne Strange unmittelbar aus dem driisigen Organ berleitet und zu den Armeu ziehen la-;st, fand Russo (24) im oberen Telle der Scheibe ein formliches Netzwerk von Genitalstrangen, wie er Fig. 39, Taf. II, von einem erwachsenen Antedon darstellt. Mit letzterem iibereinstimraend, ftmd ich bei Pentacrinus ebenfalls ein sehr 100 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. S s m C trj & '3 Durchmesser bis 0.06 wo Keimzellen vorh. ; 0,024 wo keine vorhanden. Kaum kenntlich ; bildet rings einen Kanal von 0,003 Weite. Freier Teil ventralwarts ge- legen ; sein Durclimesser bis 0,035. CO o o" hi III CO en 01 a 1 3 0 2 .a 1 "3 » s 4) 'S CO < be t^ Kleine Strecken ohne Eier ; ein Ei fiillt das Lumen u 0) 5 £ s CO N Zwei bis drei grosse Eier init einigen sehr klei- nen das Lumen fiiilend Zwischendnrch einzelne seiir kleine Keimzellen vorhanden a t4 Til O o 0) 1— CO t^ XI o oo o o o o o o-o'o'o" CO (M Oi rfi CO o: 00 » ooo O c o_o O o'o o'o" CO O C^l "^ CO GO Ci Gi Oi ^ O o o o o o o O O O' o _ o o'o'o'ooo" CO -l* t^ r^ I-- O C5 CI CO 00 o OOOOOOOO o' o' o* o' o' o' o' o* d o en a CO o t^ r-t lO C^J TO -^ (M ^) — ^ •-< oo oo o o'o'o'o'o" •^ CO eo ut> 00 l~ — ' CO Ol ^1 -M o^o c o o'o' o' o" C: '- ■<*i -^ CO "^ CD CO o o oo o^o-o-o" o ^ n CD (M -^ OT » 0-1 —1 CO CO CO CO "-f -t« o ooooo o' o'o'o'o'o' rH CD rH CD O ■ .S bo a OS £? >— 1 l-H C 3 1— 1 .2 £ l-H ;> CO l-H .2 IH u rt 1.. .22 hH l-H HH .5 60 c ' 3 S o V To .3 [3 P3 REICiiEXSPERGER : ANATOMIE VON PENTAfRINLS DECORUS. 191 Stark verzweigtes Netzwerk, welches weite Mascheu besass. Dasselbe durchzieht Biiulegewebsluckeu, welche die Fortsetzung dec Genitalkanals im Kelchezu bildeu scheiueu, und wild stelleiiweise eug vou Bindegewebe umsponnen uud begleitet. Die Strange des Netzwerks setzen sich ebeufalls aus zwei ineiiiander geschobeneii Rohreu zusaiumeu. Die Wauduug der aussereu liohre, d. h. des Genitalgefasses, ist uiit eiueiu gleicheu Epithel verseheii, wie ill den Armen. Uuter diesem Epithel befiudet sich wiederam eine Biu- de,; ^(P-^ IP ^^. c/t2Z? ~-,.;uL;'' . >-- ■■■y ReicIienspergergK. Pcnifirrili iis decants. iuh -Aitst. Julius ffliii]shdidl,Leipug. Reichenspeboeb. — Anatomie von Fentacrinus decorus. TAFEL 11. Fig. 7 a-h. Querschnitte zur Erlauterung des Verhaltnisses des gekammerten Organs zum driisigen Organ, bzw. Aclisenstrang. Zeiss, Obj. C, Oc. 1. Fig. 7 a: Querschnitt im Stiel. n, Nervenfaserscliiclit. Fig. 7 6 u. c : In Hohe des Zentralorgans co. k, dunkie Korner. Fig. 7 c? : In HiJhe der Con- nective cb in den Basalia. bg, Bindegewebe der Leibeshohle. Fig. 7 e u. /": In Holie der Radialia. ubg, unverkalktes Bindegewebe ; k, dunkie Korner. Fig. 7 g : Oberster Teil des gekammerten Organs ,: ble, blindes Ende einer Kammer. Fig. 7 /( : Veranschaulichte Lage und Gestalt des driisigen Organs do kurz nach dem Endigen des gekammerten Organs. Fig. 12 a u. b. Wandung des gekammerten Organs. Fig. 12 ci von der Seite, Fig. 12 b von der Flache aus gesehen. epz, Endothelzelle ; bg, Binde- gewebslamelie. Zeiss, Obj. E, Oc. 2. Fig. 13. Stiick eines Querschnittes durch die breiteste Stelle des driisigen Organs. gei; Gerinnsel ; schl, Schlauch ; bg, Bindegewebsfasern ; L, inneres Lumen ; ep, dessen Epithel, welches dem Colomepithel cep gleich ist. Zeiss, Obj. D, Oc. 2. Fig. 14. Querschnitt durch den von driisigem Organ und Bildungsherd der Urkeimzellen gebildeten Sack. /?, zum Sclilund liinfiihrende Rohre ; bl, Blutgefasse ; ep, beide Orgaue unter sich vereinigendes Colomepi- thel. Zeiss, Obj. C, Oc. 1. Fig. 15. Langsschnitt durch den Sack, wg, Wassergefass : st, Steinkanal; T. Tentakel; sonst wie in Fig. 14. Zeiss, Obj. B, Oc. 2. Fig. 18. Langsschnitt durch den Genitalkanal gc eines mannlichen Tieres. Die Genitalrohre gi- ist mit Samenzellen erfiilit. bgl, Wand der Genital- rohre ; ep, Epithel des Genitalgefasses g/"; gei-, Gerinnsel. Zeiss, Obj. C, Oc. 4. ,f C. S. S.BIakf' I'l IL Fig.Tb^ Fig 7h-. Piy.m. Bioienspei'gerger. Pentacriiius decorus. lithsAnst. Julius Khiiki'.sirat^cjiiiui^, PiacHENSPKRGER. — Aiiatomie von Pentacrinus decorus. TAFEL III. Fig. 16. Teil des dem driisigen Organ angelagerten Komplexes. bl, Blutgefasse; plw, Plasmawanderzellen ; cep, Colomepithel ; 1, Innenrauni des Sackes ; A, Leibeshohle. Zeiss, Obj. F, Oc. 2. Fig. 17. Teil eines Laiigsschnittes durch den Arm eines erwachsenen weiblichen Tieres. gc, Genitalkanal ; ger, Gerinnsel ; ep, Epitliel des Genital- gefcisses ; ez, Eizelle ; k-b, Keimblaschen ; kf, Keimfleck. Zeiss, Obj. AA, Oc. 2. Fig. 19. Teil eines Querschnittes durch den Arm eines inannlichen Tieres. gc, Genitalkanal ; ger, Gerinnsel ; sz, Sanienzelle ; dc, Dorsalkanal ; gef, Genitalgefass. Zeiss, Obj. F. Oc. 1. Fig. 20. Genitalgefass gf im Kelcli langs durchschnitten. gr, Genitalrohre ; ep, Epitliel des Genitalgefasses ; ger, Gerinnsel ; knn, gelbe kornige Massen ; plw, Plasmawanderzellen ; ez, bereits weit entwickelte Eizelle. Zeiss, liomog. Immersion 1/18. Fig. 21 a. Lymphkorper L in einem Blutgefass bl. ger, Gerinnsel. Zeiss, Obj. D, Oc. 1. Fig. 21 ?>. Lymphkorper, starker vergrossert. %, blasiges Gebilde; />*, Pseudo- podien. Zeiss, Obj. F, Oc. 1. Fig. 22. Teil des Netzwerkes der Genitalstrange im Kelch. Horizontalschnitt, zwischen Darm und Integument der Kelchdecke gelegen. A, Arm ; gk, Genitalkanal ; gs, Genitalstrang im Ubergang zum Arme ; Ez, weit entwickelte Eizellen ; gf, Genitalstrange im Kelch ; kp, Kelcliporen. Zeiss, Obj C. Oc. 1. r.S. r. .V. .S.BIiike.' j'im. Fig. 2S. . h A. ^9 Fig.W. kp ^^-i, d^ f^.. Mg.2lb. 3'' Ex ; 5= tS «„6 )sf ^er ' ''>•!•, J/ cep iiui. 9 5«i&. ■nwperg^rget. I't'iiliirriiius dcrnriin. - lith ArjM,Juliil3j\linh.'i.iiil.U'li>.^iJ- The following Publications of the Museum of Comparative Zoology are in preparation : — Reports on tlie Results of Dredging Operations in 1877, 1878, 1879, and 1880, in charge of Alex- ander Agassiz, by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake," as follows: — H. AUGEXER. The Annelids of the " Blake." C. HARTLAUB. The Coiuatulae of the "Blake," with 15 Plates. H. LUDWIG. The Genus Pentacrinus. A. MILXE EDWARDS and E. L. BOUVIER. The Crustacea of the "Blake." A. K VERRILL. The Alcyonaria of the " Blake." Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," from August, 1899, to :March, 1900, Commander Jefterson F. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding. LOUIS CABOT. Immature State of the Odonata, Part IV. E. L. MARK. Studies on Lepidosteus, continued. " On Arachnactis. R. T. HILL. On the Geology of the Windward Islands. W. McM. WOOD WORTH. On the Bololo or Palolo of Fiji and Samoa. AGASSIZ and WHITMAN. Pelagic Fishes. Part II., with 14 Plates. Reports on the Results of the Expedition of 1891 of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," Lieutenant Commander Z. L. Tanner, U. S. N., Commanding, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, as follows: — A. AGASSIZ. The Pelagic Fauna. S. J. HICKSON. The Antipathids. The Panamic Deep-Sea Fauna. J. P. McMURRICH. The Actinarians. H. B. BIGELOW. The Siphonophores. E. L. MARK. Branchiocerianthus. K. BRANDT. The Sagittae. JOHN MURRAY. The Bottom Specimens. " The Thalasslcolae. P. SCHIEMENZ. The Pteropods and Hete- W. R. COE. The Nemerteans. ropods. W. H DALL. The Mollusks. THEO. STUDER. The Alcyonarians. REINHARl) DOHRN. The Eyes of Deep- M. P. A. TRAUSTEDT. The Salpidae and Sea Crustacea. Doliolidae. H. J. HANSEN. The Cinipeds. H. B. WARD. Tlie Sipunculids. HAROLD HEATH. Solenogaster. W. McM. WOODWORTH. The Annelids. W. A. HERDMAN. The Ascidians. PUBLICATIOlSrS OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. There have been published of the Bulletin Vols. I. to XLII., and also Vols. XLIV., XLV., and XLVII ; of the Memoirs, Vols. I. to XXIV., and also Vols. XXVIIL, XXIX., XXXI., and XXXIL Vols. XLIIL, XLVL, XLVIIL, XLIX., and L. of the Bulletin, and Vols. XXV., XXVI., XXVII., XXX., XXXIIL, XXXIV., and XXXV. of the Memoirs, are now in course of publication. The Bulletin and Memoirs are devoted to the publication of original work by the Professors and Assistants of the Museum, of investigations carried on by students and others in the different Laboratories of Natural History, and of work by specialists based upou the Museum Collections and Explorations. The following publications are in preparation : — Reports on thei Results of Dredging Operations from 1877 to 1880, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake," Lieut. Commander C. D. Sigsbee, U. S. N., and Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., Commanding. Reports on tlie Results of the Expedition of 1891 of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," Lieut. Commander Z. L. Tanner, U. S. N., Command- ing, in cliarge of Alexander Agassiz. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Eastern Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," from October. 1904, to April, 1905, Lieut. Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding. Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory, Professor E. L. Mark, Director. Contributions from the Geological Laboratorj-, in charge of Professor N. S. Slialer. These publications are issued in numbers at irregular intervals ; one volume of the Bulletin (8vo) and half a volume of the Memoirs (4to) usually appear annually. Each number of the Biilletin and of the Memoirs is sold separately. A price list of the publications of the Museum will be sent on application to the Librarian of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at harvard college. Vol. XLVI. No. 11. NEW PLAGIOSTOMIA. Bt Samuel Garman. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U.S.A.: PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. Janoary, 1906. Reports ox the Sciextific Results of the Expedition to the East- ern Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," from October, 1901, TO March, 1905, Lieutenant Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding, published or in preparation: — a. agassiz. General Report on the Expedi- tion. A. AGASSIZ. I.i Three Letters to Geo. M. Bowers, U. S. Fish Cons; A. AGASSIZ and H. L. CLARK. The Echini. F. K BEDDARD. The Earthworius. a B. BIGELOW. The Medusae. R. P. BIGELOW. The Stomatopods. S. F. CLARKE. The Hydroids. W. R. COE. The Nemerteans. L. J. COLE. The Pycuogonida. W. H. DALL. The Mollusk.s. C. R. EASTMAN. The Sharks' Teeth. B. W. EVERMANN. The Fishes. W. G. FARLOW. The Algae. S. 6ARMAN. The Reptiles. H. J. HANSEN. The Cirripeds. H. J. HANSEN. The Schizopods. S. HENSHAW. The Insects. W. E. HOYLE. The Cephalopods. C. A. KOFOID. IU.3 The Protozoa. P. KRiJMBACH. The Sagittae. R. VON LENDENFELD. The Sponges, H. LUDWIG. The Holothurians. H. LUDWIG. The Starfishes. H. LUDWIG. The Ophiurans. J. P. McMURRICH. The Actinaria. G. W. MULLER. The Ostracods. JOHN MURRAY. The Bottom Specimens. MARY J. RAIHBUN. The Crustacea. HARRIET RICHARDSON. II.2 The Isopods. W. E. RITTER. The Tuuicates. ALICE ROBERTSON. The Bryozoa. B. L. ROBINSON. The Plants. G. O. SARS. The Copepods. H. R. SIMROTH. The Pteropods and Hetero- pods. TH. STUDER. The Alcyonaria. T. W. VAUGHAN. The Corals. R. WOLTERECK. The Amphipods. W. McM. WOODWORTH. The Annelids. > BuU. M. C. Z., Vol. XLVL, No. 4, April, 1905, 22 pp. 2 Bull. M. C. Z., Vol. XLVI., No. 6, Juls'. 1905, 4 pp., 1 pi. 3 BuU. M. C. Z., Vol. XLVI., No. 9, September, 1905, 5 pp., 1 pL Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology AT HARVARD COLLEGE. Vol. XLVI. No. 11. NEW PLAGIOSTOMIA. Bt Samuel Garmax. ca:\ibridge, mass., U. S. a.: printed for the museum. January, 1906. No. 11. — New Plagiostomia. By Samuel Garman. The followiug are preliminaries of descriptions to be published with more details and with illustrations as soon as the necessary drawings are printed. All except two of the types described are from the collection of Alan Owston, Esq., taken at considerable depths off the Japanese coasts. Excepting one, of the Platosomia, all are Antacea. It may be added here that the name of this section of the Plagiostomia was formed by Eafinesque, 1815, from the Greek "Avra (Latin ante), "before, in front," and 'Ak?; or 'Aki? (Latin aciea), " a point," for a group comprised of sharks only ; it contained no sturgeons, and the name was not, as has been asserted, made from " dvraKaios, sturgeon." Hemigaleus pectoralis, sp. nov. Outlines similar to tliose of the other species of tliis genus, strongly resembling those of Mustelus cam's Mitch. Spiracle larger than the pores. Length of tlie pre- oral portion of the head greater than the width of the mouth. A moderate labial fold on each jaw. Teeth |i ; upper oblique, wide, compressed, with coarse serrations in the notch on the outer side ; lower with narrower and more erect cusps, becom- ing oblique toward the angles of the mouth ; three series of smaller erect teeth at the symphysis, both above and below. Intestinal valve with a few transverse turns behind the longitudinal roll. Grayish brown on tiie upper surfaces, olive in life, whitish below ; fins dark, lighter on hind margins. No. 847, Mus. Comp. Zool., from the "Aquarial Gardens," for which the collections were made off the coast.s of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Parmaturus, gen. nov. Differences in dentition, squamation, and in features of the head and tail, as compared with species of Catulus and Pristiurus, suggest the ad- visability of establishing a new genus, Parmaturus, to include the species immediately following, and also Pristiurus eastmanni J. & S., 1904, from off Izu, Japan, and Catulus xaniurus Gilb., 1891, off Lower California. Parmaturus is intermediate between Pristiurus and Catulus ; 204 bulletin: museum of compakative zoology. it is readily distinguished from the former by the features of the head, and from the latter by the caudal structure. Parmaturus pilosus, sp. nov. Head and snout shorter, nostrils closer to the mouth and spines more pilose than on Pristiurus vtelastoinus Kaf. ; in tiicse and other features somewhat nearer to Catulus, Scylliuni. Dorsal fins subequal ; origin of first very little backward of that of the ventral, base reaching little farther back than that of the latter; origin of second dorsal above the middle of the base of the anal and end of tlie base above that of the same fin. Teetli compressed ; cusps in variable numbers, upper teeth commonly with six and lower most often with five. Labial folds equal, short, one fourth as long as the jaw. Nostrils wide, close to the mouth, equal in width to the internarial space or twice their distance from the edge of the mouth. Spiracles small, directly behind and distant one diameter from the eye. Gill clefts small, the hindmost two smallest, and situated above the base of the pectoral. Entire length of the pectoral fin hardly half the distance between its base and that of the ventral. Scales minute, velvety, each with a long, strong median cusp at each side of the base of whicli is a rudiment. Uniform brown on back and tins, latter with black margins; light below, the lighter color extending up behind and above the pectoral firs. No. 1107, Mas. Conip. Zool. Hab. Lat. 34° 59' N. ; Lon. 139° 31' E. " 430 fathoms. Goiden Hind." Centrophorus, M. & H., 1837. Present knowledge will hardly sanction acceptani^e of this genus as constituted by Giinther, 1870. The species appear to group themselves in four distinct genera : (1) Centrophorus M. & H., 1837, of which Squalus granulosus Bl. & Sch., 1801, is the type, (2) Acantliidium Lowe, 1839, with the type species A. calceus Lowe, 1839, Deania J. & S., 1902, being a synonym, (3) Scymnodon B. & C, 1864, as represented by S. ringens B. & C, 1864, and (4) Centroscymnus B. & C, 1864, typified by C. coelolejjis B. & C, 1864, and including the species of Zameus J. & F., 1903. Besides the new species added to these genera it is found that the affinities of Squalus uyato liaf., 1810 {Spinax uyatus Bonap., Acantliias tiyatus M. & H.), are such as to remove it from the genus Acanthias, Squalus of later authors, and place it among the species of Centrophorus. All of these, with some differences of inclusion, are genera established before the publication of Giinther's arrangement. Centrophorus acus, sp. nov. In general the outlines, dentition, and squamation resemble those of C. granulosus Bl. & Sch. Dorsal spines projecting beyond the skin. Teeth ||, upper the more erect and narrower, lower with the cutting edge directed obliquely toward the GAllMAN: NEW PLAGIOSTOMIA. 205 angle of the mouth ; no median tooth in the lower jaw. Labial folds short, al- most hidden in the groove. Distance between the inner edges of the nasal valves less than one third of tlie preoral length of the snout. First dorsal entirely in the forward half of the total length. Hinder angles of pectorals and ventrals slightly produced, longer on dorsals. Length of base of second dorsal less than three fourths of that of the first, not including the spine, contained three and two thirds times in the distance between the two spines. Ends of ventrals reaching back- ward of the spine of the second dorsal. Scales small, with stout stalks, and with several keels on the crown, the median one of which ends in a sharp cusp ; lateral cusps rudimentary ; keels less sharp toward the apex of the scale on the flanks. Brown, nearly uniform, sprinkled with white single scales. Distinguished from C tessellatus by larger dorsals, less production of hind aiigles of dorsals, pectorals and ventrals, smaller sharper scales, smaller eyes, by dentition, and by a darker more uniform coloration. No. 1049, Mus. Comp. Zool. of a total length of Z2\ inches. Hab. Japan. Centrophorus tessellatus, sp. nov. Closely allied to C. granulosus, spines and scales similar. Teeth |f, com- pressed, serrated on the basal portions of the cutting edges ; upper with slender, sharp pointed cusps, more numerous and more erect, becoming more oblique toward the angles of the mouth ; lower with oblique laterally directed cusp situated between two notches at the outer end of a serrated and arched portion of the cut- ling edge; a median tooth on the symphysis below; several series in function in the upper, and two in the lower. Labial folds extending less than half-way from angle to symphysis. Internarial distance equal to more than half the distance from the mouth. Spiracle large, superior, distant from tlie eye one and one half times the spiracular diameter, up and backward. Posterior angles of dorsals, pec- torals, and ventrals much produced ; length of base of first dorsal two fifths of the distance from the second, base of second three fourths of that of the first, end of pectoral reaching beyond the first dorsal spine; origin of first dorsal little back- ward of the axil of the pectoral ; spine of second dorsal one third exposed; lower lobe of caudal well developed, end of caudal deep. Light brownish on back and flanks, white below, a white band at margins of fins and gill clefts. Total length 34| inches. No. 1031, Mus. Comp. Zuol. Hab. Lat. 35° N. ; Lon. 139° 30' E. 400 fathoms. The shagreen of this shark, from specimens of moderate size, is no doubt as well adapted for covering the grip in the handles of sabres, swords, and other cutlery as that of Centrophorus granulosus. Acanthidium Lowl, 1839. Ueama J. & S. 1902. In the collection there are representatives of three species, neither of which is to be identified with the previously described species, A. egkmfma of Japanese waters and A. calceus from the seas of Europe. Tliey are 206 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. distinguished by difterences in rostral lengths, in the teeth, in the shapes, positioiis, and lengths of the fins, in the scales, colors, etc. Generically they agree in the characters of the head, the greatly produced snout, large eyes, in nostrils, teeth, and spiracles, in the characters of the fins, and in general shapes. In the scales they are farther than A. calceus from Centrophorus, though like that species, their scales have slender peduncles and are erect, but each has three slender, distinct, and sharp cusps, without the web-shaped connections between their bases. On the inside of the valves the spiracles are provided with ridges like the gill laminae ; in front of the valve there is a blind cavity or chamber, extending forward, like that of Centroscymnus, but of much less extent, or that of Centrophorus. The inner angles of dorsals and ventrals are much produced ; those of the pectorals are short. Acanthidium rostratum, sp. nov. Rather more compressed in body than the other species of this genus. Dorsal spines strong, moderately exposed. Base of first dorsal in the forward half of the total length ; inner angles of dorsals greatly, and those of the ventrals moderately produced ; inner angle of pectoral little longer than outer, not produced in a point; base of first dorsal about two fifths of its distance from that of the second, base of second dorsal little more than that of the first ; end of base of ventral nearly reach- ing a vertical from the second dorsal spine. Teeth -|§ ; upper with a notch at each side of the cusp, which latter is oblique and becomes more so toward the angles of the mouth ; lower with cutting edges very oblique, approaching a horizontal. Upper labial folds hidden in the deep oblique grooves, half or more of each of which is in front of the angle ; lower folds long, more than half as long as the jaw. Spiracle large, above the level of the eye and one diameter farther back ; valves with small ridges ; prevalvular chamber of moderate extent. Scales minute, with erect slen- der peduncles, and slender spine-like cusps, each of which is surmounted by a sharp longitudinal keel. Light brownisli or grayish brown, greenish or olive in life ; lighter beneath ; lit- tle darker on back, top of head or tail ; whitish on hind and inner margins of dor- sals, pectorals, and ventrals. Total length, 34 inches. No. 1047, Mus. Comp. Zobl. Hab. Suruga Gulf, Japan. Acanthidium hystricosum, sp. nov. Head nearly one fourth, tail one third, and caudal fin two ninths of the total length. Middle of the total length in the middle of the base of the first dorsal, in- cluding the spine. Teeth f f , compressed ; upper with narrow triangular cusps, which are triangular also in cross section, erect near the symphysis, little oblique toward the angles of the mouth ; lower with cusps directed toward the corners of the mouth so much that each cutting edge is almost parallel with the edge of the jaw, GARMAN : NEW PLAGIOSTOMIA. 207 no median tooth below. Labial folds extending half the lengtli, or a little more, of each jaw. Internarial distance two thirds of the distance from the end of the snout. Hinder angles of dorsals and ventrals much produced; pectorals subtrun- cate, with rounded angles, reaching half-way to a vertical from the first dorsal spine ; base of second dorsal four fifths of that of the first dorsal, more than the total length of the ventral, fin reaching the caudal; end of ventral extending below more than half the base of the second dorsal. Spiracle large, distant one diame- ter from the orbit, above and slightly backward. Width of first gill cleft half the orbital length, hindmost clefts little wider and little nearer one another. Scales much larger than those of A. rostratum, pedunculate on a radiating base, with three slender cusps, harsh to the touch. Total length, 36^ inches. Dark brown, somewhat lighter below, black in the mouth, nostrils, orbits, gill clefts, spiracles, and on the edges of the fins. No. 1130, Mus Comp. Zool. Hab. Sagami Bay, Japan. Acanthidium aciculatum, sp. nov. Elongate, slender, moderately compressed, caudal fin about one fifth of the total length. Teeth f^, intermediate between those of the preceding and those of Scym- nodon ringens B. & C, both upper and lower with more or less erect sharp pointed cusps, those on the upper jaw triangular and those on the lower bearing the cusp on the outer portion of the cutting edge. A few of those on the lower symphysis are nearly erect, the others become more and more oblique toward the angles. In- ternarial distance nearly one fourth as long as the snout. Spiracles large, near the eye, valves with ridges resembling the laminae of the gills. Dorsal spines large, strongly curved, that of the second dorsal much exposed; inner angle of pectoral rounded, not produced ; length of the base of the second dorsal five sixths of that of the first, and the length of the base of the latter is three fifths of the dis- tance between the bases of the two fins, or three eighths of the distance between the two spines. Scales very small, similar to those of A. calceus, but apparently having cusps more slender, sharper, and more erect ; median cusp directed back- ward, lateral cusps extended out more toward the sides. Caudal fin deep, lower lobe not greatly developed. Total length, 34^ inches. Uniform dark brown. No. 1128, Mus. Comp. Zool. Hab. Sagami Bay, Japan. Centroscymnus Owstonii, sp. nov. This species bears some likeness in form to C. coelolejns; it is distin- guished by a snout that is longer, broader, and less pointed at the end, by nostrils that are farther apart, by a narrower mouth, by teeth on the lower jaw that are less nearly parallel with the edges of the mouth, by scales that are smaller and more keeled, and by fins of which the ex- tremities of the dorsals are less pointed and the hinder ends of the bases of the ventrals are farther forward as compared with those of the second dorsal. 208 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. Dorsal spines hardly projecting beyond tlie skin. Scales pedunculate, plurica- rinate on head, shoulders, and belly. Teeth |§; upper lanceolate, more than twice as numerous as lower, in two groups at each side, cusps shaped like a spear-head, subtriangular in transsection, several rows in function ; lower broad, compressed, cusps witii a deep notch at the outer edge, apex raised, cutting edge rising obliquely toward the angles of the moutli, one row in function ; no median tooth at the lower symphysis. Labial folds hidden in the deep, straight, oblique folds crossing the angles of the mouth ; lower short, upper much longer and reaching half-way to the middle of the mouth,, that is, a little fartiier than the groove. Nostrils widely sepa- rated, nearer to end of snout tlian to mouth. Spiracles medium, superior, one diameter backward and two diameters distant from the orbit, with a large antespi- racular chamber, extending forward from the valve to a point above the posterior angle of the orbit, valve with folds on its inner side like gill lamellae. The lining pf the prespiracular chamber is without siiagreen and apparently is sensitive. Posterior margin of pectoral oblique, inner angle much shorter ; base of second dorsal longer and fin higher than in first dorsal, hinder angle produced, base equal one fifth of its distance from the first dorsal base ; end of pectoral not reaching to a vertical from the first dorsal spine ; end of ventral base reaching a vertical from the spine of tlie second dorsal. Uniform dark brown. No. 1037, Mus. Comp. Zobl. Total length, 31i inches. Hal). Yenoura, Suruga Gulf, and Sagami Bay, Japan. Named in honor of Alan Owston, Esq. Pristis clavata, sp. nov. The group of species of this genus contaiuing P. ^^ectinahis Lath., 1794, and P. zysrou Blkr., 1852, is that iu which the present form most naturally falls. Rostral teeth in twenty-one pairs, not trenchant behind. Origin of the first dorsal one fourth of the length of its base farther backward than the origin of tlie ventral. Pectoral origin in advance of the first gill cleft nearly the width of tlie internarial space, or the length of the orbit; outer angle of pectoral fin blunt and bluntly rounded. Second dorsal smaller than first dorsal, length equal about three fifths of the length of the caudal fin, or one sixth shorter than first dorsal. Caudal fin obliquely truncated without an anterior lobe on the subcaudal portion. Tttal length, 24| inches. No. 733, Mus. Comp. Zool. Hab. "Queensland, Australia." Distinguished from Pristis pectinatus by the smaller number of rostral teeth and the position of the first dorsal backward of the origins of the ventrals ; from P. zysroH by the smaller number of teeth in the saw, the more forward origin of the first dorsal, and the second dorsal smaller than the first dorsal; and from P. zephyreus J. & S., 1895, by the backward origin of the first dorsal, the lobeless caudal fin, and the spacing of the rostral teeth. The following: Publications of the Museum of Comparative Zoology are in preparation : — Reports on the Hesults of Dredging Operations in 1877, 1878, 1879, and 1880, in charge ot Alex- ander Agassiz, by tlie U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake," as follows: — H. AUGEXEK. Tlie Aimelids of the " Blake." C. HAUTLAUB. a"he Coiuatulae of the "Blake," with 15 P4ates. H. LUDWIG. The Genus Pentaerinus. A. MILXE EDWARDS and E. L. BOUVIER. The Crustacea of the "Blake." A. E. VEKKILL. The Alcyouaria of the " Blake." Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexaxder Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding. LOUIS CABOT. Immature State of the Odonata, Part IV. E. Ij. MAUIC. Studies on Leiiidosteus, continued. " On Arachnactis. R. T. HILL. On the Geology, of the Windward Islands. W. Mc:M. wood WORTH. On the Bololo or Palolo of Fiji and Samoa. AGASSIZ and WHITMAN. Pelagic Fishes. Part II.. with 14 Plates. Reports on the Results of the Expedition of 1891 of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross,'" Lieutenant Commander Z. L. Tanner, C S. N., Commanding, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, as follows: — A, AGASSIZ. The Pelagic Fauna. S. J. HICKSON. The Antipathids. The Panamicl)eep-Sea Fauna. J. P. McMURKICH. The Actinarians. H. B. BIGELOW. The Siphonophores. E. L. MARK. Branchiocerianthus. K. BRANDT. The Sagittae. JOHN MURRAY. The Bottom Specimens. " The Thalassicolae. P. SCHIEMENZ. The Pteropods and Hete- W. R. COE. The Xemerteans. ropods. W. H D.\LL. The Mollusks. • THEO. STUDER. The Alcyonarians. REINHARI) DOHRK. The Eyes of Deep- M. P. A. TRAUSTEDT. The Salpidae and Sea Crustacea. Doliolidae. H. J, HAXSEX. The Cirripeds. H. B. WARD. The Sipunculi.ls. HAROLD HEATH. Solenogaster. W. McM. WOODWORTH. The Annelids. W. A. HERD:MAN. The Ascidians. PUBLICATIONS OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. There have been published of the Bulletin Vols. I. to XLII., and also Vols. XLIV., XLV., and XLVII ; of the Memoirs, Vols. I. to XXIV., and also Vols. XXVIII., XXIX., XXXI., and XXXII. Vols. XLIIL, XLVL, XLVIIL, XLIX., and L. of the Bulletin, and Vols. XXV., XXVI., XXVII., XXX., XXXIIL, XXXIV., and XXXV. of the. Memoirs, are now in course of publication. The Bulletin and Memoirs are devoted to the publication of original work by the Professoi's and Assistants of the Museum, of investigations carried on by students and others in the different Laboratories of Natural History, and of work by specialists based upon the Museum Collections and Explorations. The following publications are in preparation : — Reports on the Results of Dredging Operations from 1877 to 1880, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by tlie U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake," Lieut. Commander C. D. Sigsbee, U. S. N., and Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., Commanding. Reports on the Results of the Expedition of 1891 of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," Lieut. Commander Z. L. Tanner, U. S. K., Command- ing, in cliarge of Alexander Agassiz. Reports on the ScienJ;ifio Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Eastern Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," from October. 1904, to April, 1905, Lieut. Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding. Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory, Professor E. L. Mark, Director. Contributions from the Geological Laboratory, in charge of Professor N. S. Slialer. These publications are issued in numbers at irregular intervals ; one volume of the Bulletin (8vo) and half a volume of the Memoirs (4:to) usually appear annually. Each numli^r of the Bulletin and of the Memoirs is sold separately. A price list of the publications of the Museum will be sent on application to the Librarian oi the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. ^.\oC.\ Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at harvard college. Vol. XLVI. No. 12. VERTEBRATA FROM THE SAVANNA OF PANAMA. Introduction. Mammalia. By Outram Bangs. AVES. By John E. Thayer and Odtram Bangs. Reptilia: Amphibia. , By Thomas Barbour. Pisces. By Samuel Garman. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. : PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. January, 1906. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the East- ern Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," from October, 1904, to March, 1905, Lieutenant Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding, published or in preparation: — A. agassiz. General Report on the Expedi- t'um. , , 'ill ' A. AGASSIZ. I.i i'hree Letters to Geo. M. Bowers, U. S. Fish Com, A. AGASSIZ and H. L. CLARK. The Echini. F. E. BEDDARD. The Eartliworms. R B. BIGELOW. The Medusae. R. P. BIGELOW. The Stomatopods. S. F. CLARKE. The Hydroids. W. R. COE. The Nemertean.s. L. J. COLE. The Pycnogouida. W. H. CALL. The Molhi.sks. 0. R. EASTMAN. The Sharks' Teeth. B. W. EVERMANN. Tlie Fishes. W. G. FARLOW. The Algae. S. GARMAN. The Reptiles. H. J. HANSEN. The Cirripeds. H. J. HANSEN. The Schizopods. S. HENSHAW. The Insects. W. E. HOYLE. The Cephalopods. C. A. KOFOID, III.3 The Protozoa. P. KRUMBACH. The Sagittae. R. VON LENDENPELD. The Sponges. H. LUDWIG. TheHolothurians. H. LUDWIG. The Starfishes. H. LUDWIG. The Ophiurans. J. P. McMURRICH. The Actinaria. G. W. MiJLLER. The Ostracods. JOHN MURRAY. The Bottom Specimens. MARY J. RATHBUN. The Crustacea. HARRIET RICHARDSON. 11.= The Isopods. W. E. RITTER. The Tunicates. ALICE ROBERTSON. The Bryozoa. B. L. ROBINSON. The Plants. G. 0. SARS. The Copepods. H. R. SIMROTH. The Pteropods and Hetero- pods. TH. STUDER. The Alcyonaria. T. W. VAUGHAN. The Corals. R. WOLTERECK. The Amphipods. W. McM. WOODWORTH. The Annelids. 1 Bull. M. C. Z., Vol. XLVL, No. 4, April, 1905, 22 pp. 2 Bull. M. C. Z., Vol.'XLVL, No. 6, July, 1905, 4 pp., 1 pi. 3 Bull. M. C. Z., Vol. XLVL, No. 9, September, 1905, 5 pp., 1 pi. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at harvard college. Vol. XLVL No. 12. VERTEBRATA FROM THE SAVANNA OF PANAMA. Introduction. Mammalia. By Outram Bangs. AVF.S. By John E. Thayek and Outram Bangs. Reptilia: Amphibia. By Thomas Barbour. Pisces. By Samuel Garman. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. : PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. Jani:arv, 1906. No. 12. — Vertebrata from the Savanna of Panama} CONTENTS. Page I. Introduction. By Outram Bangs 211 II. Mammalia. By Outram Bangs 212 III. Aves. By Jolin E. Tiiayer and Outram Bangs 213 IV. Reptilia and Amphibia. By Thomas Barbour 224 V. Pisces. By Samuel Garman 229 I. Introduction. By Outram Bangs. In the process of the John E. Thayer Expedition of 1904, Mr. W. W. Brown, Jr., spent nearly a month — the greater part of May, 1904 — near the city of Panama, making general collections of vertebrates. The region is quite different in character from the hilly, heavily forested interior of the Isthmus, and is described in a letter by Mr. Brown as follows : " My headquarters are at Calidonia at the edge of the swamp of Panama, about a mile from the seashore and about seventy-five yards from the beginning of the mangroves. Toward the north and northeast, the low flat country or Savanna of Panama extends for some four or five miles, gradually rising, to the hills. This is a grassy plain, very dry and burnt in appearance, especially in the dry season, with little patches of wood — island like — scattered about here and there. Near the city of Panama there are several orange groves, where I collected Blue-creepers and some Tanagers that I did not see elsewhere." We did not expect any novel results in the way of species from this collection, but the region is so different — dry and barren — from the country farther inland, at Loma del Leon, etc., where most of the bird collecting on the Isthmus has been done, that we felt it quite worth while to have a representative series from the Savanna of Panama. Mr. Garman in his list includes the fishes from Gorgona Island and the Pearl Islands, as well as those from the vicinity of Panama, while Mr. Barbour notices the reptiles and amphibians from the vicinity of Panama and from the Pearl Islands. 1 Papers from the John E. Thayer Expedition of 1904, No. 3. VOL. xLvi. — No. 12 14 212 bulletin: museum of comparative zo'ulogy. II. Mammalia. By Outram Bangs. During his stay of nearly a month, Mr. Brown set traps for the smaller mammals, at every sort of place on the Savanna of Panama and the edge of the mangrove swamps, but caught nothing, and he saw no signs of small mammals. When I stated this fact to Mr. E. W. Nelson, he said that his experience in Mexico had been much the same, and that such regions in middle America — low, hot, arid plains — are almost without mammalian life. One vesper rat (Oryzoynys panamensis Thomas ; type locality, near city of Panama), however, has been described from this region. Mr. Brown secured specimens of four species of mammals, — one squirrel and three bats. SCIURIDAE. 1. Sciurus adolphei dorsalis (Gray). Five adult specimens, both sexes, May 20 to 25. These are all practically alike in color, except that in some the black is faded, usually in patches, by long wear, to a rusty brown. They are in the " Grizzled-backed phase " of Nelson, with head and back mixed Tjlack and yellowish ; under parts pale buff ; tail buff, below along middle, black above and on sides, each hair tipped with white. I cannot see that they differ from Costa Rican examples in the same phase of coloring. It is rather interest- ing that they do not, as north of Panama in Chiriqui and at Punta Burica, Costa Rica, the permanently black form — Sciurus melania (Gray) — occurs, which would thus appear to be merely a colony of melanistic individuals, and hardly a species (or subspecies) in the true sense of the term. The flesh measurements are : No. Sex. Total length. Tail vertebrae Hind foot. Eai 10,810 $ ad. 528 270 60 32 10,811 $ ad. 522 280 60 31 10,812 9 ad. 528 270 60 32 10,813 9 ad. 523 270 60 30 10,814 9 ad. 522 260 60 31 MOLOSSIDAE. 2. Prom ops nanus Miller. One adult $, May 20. THAYEK, BANGS : AVRS FIJOM SAVANNA OF PANAMA. 213 PHYLLOSTOMATIDAE. 3. Hemiderma castaneum (H. Allen). Seven specimens, young and adult, May 22 to 25. 4. Artibeus intermedius J. A. Allen. One adult ^, May 20. III. AvEs. By John E. Thayer and Outram Bangs. The ornis of the Savanna of Panama and the mangrove swamps of the coasts of the bay, though interesting as compared with tliat of tlie interior of the Isthmus, is not rich in number of species. Mr. Brown's collection includes but eighty-six species, of which one only, the alder flycatclier, is a Noilh American migrant. The country is little diver- sified, and so sparsely wooded that one would not look for a rich bird fauna. The characteristic birds of the Savanna are the pigmy titlark, A7ithus parvus; the red-breasted blackbird, Leistes militaris ; the Lawrence's cacique, Cacicus vitdUnus ; the grassquit, Tiaris oUvacea dissita, and the fork-tailed tyrant, Muscivora tyrannus. In the little islands of woodland scattered over the Savanna the smaller tyrants, ant thrushes, wrens, and other brush and forest-loving species were found in small numbers, while in the mangrove swamps Mr. Brown secured a few specimens of the rare mangrove warbler, Chrysoca7itor erithadiorides, which, though very common in the mangroves of the Pearl Islands, was exceedmgly rare in the swamps near tlie city of Panama. The natives shoot large numbers of birds for food, and the species most persecuted are very shy and are decreasing in numbers ; the grackle, Megaquiscalus major macrourus, the wood grouse, Odontophorus marmoratus, the ortalis, Ortalis cinereiceps, and the doves are the species most sought for. In this paper we describe three new forms, — the n.omot, usually previously referred to the Colombian Momotus suhrufescens ; the Panama golden-crowned tyrant, which proves separable from Tyrannulus regu- loides; and the grassquit, — a well-marked southern continental form of Tiaris olivacea. During the month that Mr. Brown spent on the Savanna of Panama, he secured specimens of all the species observed. 214 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. ARDBIDAB. 1. Butorides striata (Linne). - One adult 9 , May 26, 1904. This skin, No. 14030, affords the following ' measurements: wing, 168.5 ; tail, 61 ; tarsus, 51 ; exposed culmen, 63. It does not appear to differ in any way from birds from Brazil and Guiana. FALCONIDAE. 2. Buteo brachyurus Vieill. One adult ^ in the dusky phase of plumage, May 4. 3. Rupornis ruficauda (Scl. & Salt.) One 9 , May 25. CRACIDAB. 4. Ortalis cinereiceps (Grat). One 9 , May 21. ODONTOPHORIDAE. 5. Odontophorus marmoratus Gould. Two males, one adult, May 23, one young. May 17. These are perfectly typical examples of 0. marmoratus, and show no approach to 0. castigatus of Chiriqui, which, notwithstanding Ogilvie-Grant's statement, is a very dif- ferent well-marked form. COLUMBIDAE. 6. Columbigallina minuta (Linne). Seven adults of both sexes, May 10 to 26. 7. Clara vis pretiosa (Ferrari-Perez). Two adult males, May 14 and 21. 8. Leptotila verreauxi Bp. Two males, one adult. May 18, one young. May 20. .'* CUCULIDAE. 9- Piaya cay ana thermophila (Scl.). Five adults, both sexes, May 4 to 21. THAYER, BANGS : AVES FROM SAVANNA OF PANAMA. 215 10. Diplopterus naevius (Linne). Five adults, both se.xes, May 19 to 25. 11. Crotophaga ani Linne. One 9 , May 2. PSITTACIDAE. 12. Brotogerys jugularis xMullee. Twenty-three, adults of both sexes, May 12 to 26. MOMOTIDAB. 13. Momotus conexus, sp. nov. Six adults, both sexes, May 6 to 26. Type. — Coll. E. A. and O. Bangs, No. 14,054, adult 9 . Savanna of Panama, Panama, May 6, 1904. CJiaracters. — A very distinct form at odce distinguished from M. lessoni Less, of Central America by its much smaller size and smaller bill, as well as different coloration, — the throat in M. lessoni being always green to base of bill, without a hazel chin-spot. From M. suhrufescem Scl. of northern South America, the Panama bird differs in darker general coloration ; the back is uniform dark green, becoming chestnut only on nape just below the blue of back of crown (in M. subrnfescens the neck and mantle are pale tawny more or less suffused with light green) ; under parts much darker, — hazel or chest- nut (tawny ochraceous-rufous in M. siibrufescens), the throat and upper breast strongly suffused with dark green ; a conspicuous hazel chin-spot. Measurements. — Wing. 125. 121. 126. 121. 118. 126. Remarks. — The Panama bird has always been referred to M. suhrufescens Scl. Type locality Santa Marta, Colombia, but is so different from that form in "color that it must certainly be regarded as at least a subspecies, — but if a sul> species, then of what ? All of the many recognized forms of blue-headed motmots, from eastern Mexico south to Amazonia and Bolivia, are so much alike, it would not be at all surprising to find that in reality they are all but representative geographical laces — subspecies — of one wide- ranging variable species. No. Sex. 14,054 type 9 ud. 14,055 topotype 9 ad. 14,056 ^ad. 14,057 $ ad. 40,672 M.C.Z. " 9 ad. B. 9 ad. Tail. Tarsus. Culmen. 228. 27.5 38. 217. 26. 40. 2,31.5 26.5 37.5 227. 205."!"'^'^ worn 219. 27.5 26. 26.5 38. 37. 39. 216 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPAKATIVE ZOOLOGY. ALCEDINIDAB. 14. Ceryle americana septentrionalis Sharpb. Three, both sexes, May 4 to 26. CAPRIMULGIDAE. 15. Nyctidromus albicoUis (Gmel.). One male, May 26. 16. Stenopsis cayennensis (Gmel.). One adult ^lay 8. 35. Myiopagis placens accola Bangs. One adult 9 , May 13. 1 For change from Dendrornis to Xiphorhynchtis, cf. Oberholser, Smith. Misc. Coll., Vol. 48, pt. 1, No. 1579, pp. 62-63, May 13, 1905. 218 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. 36. Capsierapis flaveola (Licht.). Five adults, both sexes, May 7 to 18. 37. Ornithion pusillum (Cab. & Heine). Two adults, ^ and 9 , May 5 and 13. 38. Tyrannulus reguloides panamensis, subsp. nov. Three adults, ^ (J, 9, May 6 to 22. Tijpe. — Coll. E. A. and O. Bangs, No. 14,092, adult $, Savanna of Panama, May 6, 1904. Characters. — Similar to true T. reguloides Ridg, of the Lower Amazons, l>ut larger; paler in color below, especially on the breast and sides; back and rump lighter, clearer green, the back markedly so. Measurements. — No. Sex. Locality. Wing. Tail. Tarsus. Exposed Culnien. 14,092 $ ad. City of Panama 49 40 12.2 6.8 14,091 ^ad. do. 48 38 12. 6.8 14,093 9 ad. do. 48 39 12.2 7. 8,035 9 ad. Chiriqui, Divala 47 39 12. 7. Remarks. — This little tyrant is quite different from Tyrannulus elatus (Lath.), and in a former paper was referred by Bangs to true T. reguloides Ridg., on the strength of one female collected by Brown at Divala, Chiriqui. The three additional examples taken at Panama on the present trip, caused us to doubt its identity with the form of the Lower Amazons and we sent all four examples to Mr. Harry C. Oberholser who kindly compared them with the type. He found the Panama bird represents a fairly well constituted northern subspecies, differing from true T. reguloides in its larger sizes, paler yellowish green breast, paler yellow sides, and lighter clearer green back and rump. 39. Elainea pagana subpagana Scl. & Salv. Eight adults, both sexes, May 2 to 11. 40. Elainea albivertex Pelz. Seven adults, both sexes. May 2 to 21. These are very similar to the series from Santa Marta on which E. sororm Bangs was based, but are slightly smaller and thus approach E. sordidata of the Pearl Islands. The bill, however, is not so large as in the island form. 41. Sublegatus arenarum Saltin. One adult ^, May 17. 42. Myiozetetes cayennensis (Linn.). Two adults, (J and 9 , May 2 and 7. THAYER, BANGS : AVES FROM SAVANNA OF PANAMA. 219 43. Myiozetetes similis superciliosus (Bp.). Six specimens, young and adult, May 4 to 21. 44. Myiodynastes audax nobilis (Scl.). Three adults, both sexes. May 2 to 26. 45. Onychorhynchus mexicanus mexicanus (Scl.). Four specimens, both sexes. May 11 to 26. 46. Myiobius atricauda (Lawr.). Two specimens, ^ and 9 . ^^ay 6 and 8. 47. Myiobius naevius naevius (Bodd.). Two adult males, May 3 and 17. 48. Bmpidonax traillii alnorum Brewst. Two females, May 2 and May 6. All other North American migrants had left for the north by May; and Mr. Brown saw resident species only, except this Empidonax. The alder flycatcher does not arrive on its breeding grounds in eastern North America till the first week in June, and leaves for the south again so early that on a former trip Mr. Brown took one at Pedregal, Panama, AuCT. 21. It thus appears to spend a shorter time in the north than any other migratory small bird. The two specimens have been identified by Mr. "Wil- liam Brewster. 49. Myiarchus ferox panamensis (Lawr.). Two adult males. May 6 and 19. 50. Muscivora tyrannus (Linne). Five adults, both sexes, May 4 to 26. TURDIDAB. 51. Merula grayii casius (Bp.). Six adults, both sexes, May 4 to 11. TROGLODYTIDAB. 62. Phengopedius fasciato-ventris albigularis (Scl.). Four adults, both sexes, May 4 to 10. 63. Phengopedius hyperythrus (Salv. & Godm.). Five adults, both sexes, May 4 to 14. 220 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPAKATIVE ZOOLOGY. 54. Troglodytes musculus inquietus (Baird). Five adults, both sexes, May 3 to 19. 55. Thryophilus rufalbus castanonotus Ridg. Twelve adults, both sexes, May 5 to 21. 56, Thryophilus galbraithii galbraithii (Lawr.). Nine adults, both sexes. May 5 to 22. 57. Thryophilus modestus elutus Bangs. Three males, two adult, one young, May 5 to 11. VIREONIDAE. 68. Vireosylva flavoviridis flavoviridis Cassin. Seven adults, both sexes, May 2 to 8. 59. Pachysylva aurantiifrons aurantiifrons (Lawr.). Four adults, both sexes, May 4 to 11. 60. Pachysylva viridiflava (Lawr.). Nine adults, both sexes. May 2 to 26. All these have pale bills, while the two skins collected by Mr. Brown in Chiriqui have the bill black ; other- wise the Panama and Chiriqui birds seem to be identical. (See Eidgway, Birds N. and Mid. Amer., Vol. 3, p. 221, foot-note b.) HIRUNDINIDAE. 61. Progne chalybea chalybea (Gmel.). One young male, May 20. MOTACILLIDAB. 62. Anthus parvus Lawr. Eighteen specimens, adults of both sexes and young. May 9 to 24 MNIOTILTIDAB. 63. Chrysocantor erithachorides (Baird). Five adult males. May 17 to 21. All taken in the mangrove swamps, where they were not at all common, and very hard to obtain. THAYER, BANGS : AVES FROM SAVANNA OF PANAMA. 221 64. Basileuterus rufifrons mesochrysus (Scl.). Five adults, both sexes, May 3 to 11. 65. Rhodinocichla rosea eximia Ridg. Nine adults, both sexes, May -1 to 25. COEREBIDAE. 66. Cyanerpes cyaneus (Linxe). Nine adult males, May 12 to 26. 67- Dacnis cayana ultramarina (Lawr.). Five adults of both sexes, May 8 to 25. ICTERIDAB. 68. Zarhynchus wagleri wagleri (Gray). Two adult females, May 15. 69. Cacicus vitellinus La-wr. Twenty-four specimens, adults of both sexes, May 13 to 26, and two young in nestling plumage, — $, May 26, 9, May 23. The young (nestlings) differ from the adults in having the yellow portions much paler and without the orange tint, the black duller and browner, and in having very small, weak bills. 70. Amblycercus holosericeus (Licht.). Twelve adults, both sexes. May 2 to 20. 71. Megaquiscalus major macrourus (Swainson). One adult female, May 25. The grackle is one of the birds relentlessly hunted for food by the natives, and is found, consequently, in very small num- bers, and is exceedingly shy. 72. Leistes militaris (Linne). Twenty-two specimens, adults of both sexes, May 20 to 26; and one young female in nestling plumage, May 26. This differs from the adult 9 only in having the feathers of the back and wings, except the primaries, edged all round with yellowish brown. TANAGRIDAE. 73. Tanagra cana Swainson. Two adult males. May 4 and 22. 222 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. 74. Ramphocelus dimidiatus isthmicus Kidg. Twenty-seven adults, both sexes, May 2 to 23. This is a strongly char- acterized subspecies; its long tail and pale colors, and the brownish patch on the belly in the male at once separating it from true B. dimidiatus of Co- lombia. It is a remarkable fact in distribution, however, that the Chiriqui bird is true dimidiatus, and the Panama form occupies, so far as known, only a small area along the Panama Railroad. 75. Tachyphonus rufus (Bodd.). One adult $ , May 26. 76. Eucometis cristata (Hu Bus.). Two adults, (J and 9, May 21 and 2G. 77. Phoenicothraupis fuscicauda erythrolaema (Scl.). Ten adults of both sexes. May 4 to 26. In his " Birds of North and Middle America," Part 2, p. 153, Ridgway states that though some Panama birds were paler than northern examples, tlie subspecies is not worthy of recognition. The present series of ten examples, however, seems to prove that there is a very pallid race, perhaps confined to the arid region immediately about the city of Panama, as a series from Lonia del Leon formerly referred to this subspecies by Bangs belongs rather with true P. fuscicauda. The type in Sclater's collection (now in the British Museum) was supposed to have come from Santa Marta, Colombia. We, however, entertain some doubt as to this supposed origin, because none of the collectors who have visited the Santa Marta region of late years have secured the bird there, and ant tanagera are birds that most collectors secure. Be this as it may, however, the type belongs to the pale form now under consideration. Recently, when Mr. Gerritt S. Miller, Jr., was in the British Museum, we sent him specimens of both forms, which he carefully compared with the Sclater type , and wrote us that it agreed with the pale birds from the Savanna of Panama. P. fuscicauda erythrolaema differs from true P. fuscicauda in its paler colors throughout. The male has the throat patch much paler (pale scarlet), the rest of the plumage paler and duller, the occiput and sides of head decidedly grayer ; the female paler, more olive, less brown. FRINGILLIDAE. 78- Arremonops conirostris conirostris (Bp.). Ten adults, both sexes. May 2 to May 23. THAYER, bangs: AVES FROM SAVANNA OF PANAMA. 223 79. Volatinia jacarini splendens (Vieill.). One adult $, May. 80. Tiaris olivacea dissita, subsp. nov. Nine adults, both sexes, May 2 to 14. Tijpe. — Coll. E. A. and 0. Bangs, No. 14,212, adult $, Savanna of Pan- ama, May 12, 1904. Characters. — Similar in color to T. olivacea intermedia Ridgw. from Cozumtil Island, but much smaller. Differing from T. olivacea pusilla (Swains.) from Mexico, in that the adult male never has the crown and auricular region black Adult 9 rather greener, less grayish than the adult 9 "f T. olivacea pusilla. Color. — Adult ^, supraloral spot, eye-brow, chin, upper throat, and spot on lower eye-lid bright yellow; lower throat, breast, lores, malar region, and anterior portion of forehead, and a narrow line along sides of crown, black; top of head and rest of plumage dull grayish olive, paler, more whitish on middle of belly. Adult 9 , plain grayish olive, the black and yellow markings of the male usually slightly indicated, paler, more whitish, on the middle of the belly. Measurements. — No. Locality. 14,212 Savanna of Panama 14,213 do. 14,214 do. 14,215 do. 40,786 M. C. z. do. 40,785 M. C. z. do. 40,787 M. c. z. do. 40,788 M. c. z. do. 14,216 do. Sex Wing. Tail. Tarsus. Culmen. ^ad. 49.5 37.5 16.2 8.8 ^ad. 49. 38. 16.4 9.2 $ ad. 49.5 34. 16.4 9.2 $ ad. 48.5 39.5 15.8 9.2 ^ad. 50. 40. 16.8 9.4 ^ad. 49.5 39. 16.8 9.4 S ad. 49. 39. 17. 9.4 9 ad. 48. 38. 16. 9.2 9 ad. 48. 35. 15.8 9.2 $ ad. 48. 40. 16.4 9.4 S ad. 50. 40. 16.8 9. S ad. 49. 38. 16.2 9.2 $ ad. 49. 40. 16.4 9.4 7,590 Lonia del Leon, Panama. 9.313 Boquete, Chiriqui. 9.314 do. 9.315 do. Remarks. — There appears to be a wide gap in Central America between the ranges of the present form and T. olivacea pusilla, where no gras.squit occurs. The new form extends from the Bogota region north to Costa Rica ; T. olivacea pusilla from eastern Mexico south to Guatemala, leaving most of Guatemala and Nicaragua, Honduras and Salvador, between the ranges of the two, appar- ently unoccupied by a member of the genus. T. olivacea dissita can at once be separated from true T. olivacea olivacea of the Greater Antilles by the black of the under parts extending over the breast, otherwise it is much like it ; from T. olivacea intermedia of Coznmel Island, 224 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, which it greatly resembles in color, by its smaller size ; and from T. olivacea pusilla of Mexico by the adult male having the crown and auriculars olive, not black. 81. Sporophila minuta minuta (Linne). Eight specimens, adults of both sexes, and one yonng male, May 2 to 19. 82. Sporophila gutturalis (Light.). One adult - Sea Crustacea. H. J. HANSEN. The Cirripeds. HAROLD HEATH. Solenogaster. W. A. HERDMAN. The Ascidians. S. J. HICKSON. The Antipathids. J. P. INlcMURRICH. The Actinarians. E. L. MARK. Branchiocerianthus. JOHN MURRAY. The Bottom Specimens. P. SCHIE3IENZ. The Pteropods and Hete- ropods. THEO. STUDER. The Alcj'onarians. M. P. A. TRAUSTEDT. The Salpidae and Doliolidae. H. B. WARD. The Sipunculids. W. MoM. WOODWORTH. The Annelids. PUBLICATIONS OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. There have been published of the Bulletin Vols. I. to XLIL^ and also Vols. XLIV., XLV., and XLVII ; of the Memoirs, Vols. L to XXIV., and also Vols. XXVIIL, XXIX., XXXI., and XXXII. Vols. XLIIL, XLVI., XLVIII. , XLIX., and L. of the Bulletin, and Vols. XXV., XXVI., XXVII., XXX., XXXIIL, XXXIV., and XXXV. of the Memoirs, are now in course of publication. The Bulletin and Memoirs are devoted to the publication of original work by the Professors and Assistants of the Museum, of investigations carried on by students and others in the different Laboratories of Natural History, and of work by specialists based upon the Museum Collections and Explorations. The following publications are in preparation : — Reports on the Results of Dredging Operations from 1877 to 1880, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake," Lieut. Commander C. D. Sigsbee, U. S. N., and Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., Commanding. Reports on the Results of the Expedition of 1891 of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," Lieut. Commander Z. L. Tanner, U. S. N., Command- ing, in charge of Alexander Agassiz. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in • charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Eastern Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," from October, 1904, to April, 1905, Lieut. Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding. Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory, Professor E. L. Mark, Director. Contributions from the Geological Laboratory, in charge of Professor N. S. Slialer. These publications are issued in numbers at irregular intervals ; one volume of the Bulletin fSvo) and half a volume of the Memoirs (4to) usually appear annually. Each number of the Bulletin and of the Memoirs is sold separately. A price list of the publications of the Museum will be sent on application to the Librarian of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Bulletin of the Museum of Compa^f-tivt Zoology AT HARVARD ODl^LEUE. Vol. XLVL :No.^ik'^ REPORTS OX THE SCIENTIFIC RESULTS' OF THE EXPEniTION TO THE EASTERN TROPICAL PACIFIC, IN CHARGE OF ALEXANDER AGASSIZ, BY THE U. S. FISH COMMISSION STEAMER "ALBATROSS," FROM OCTOBER, 1904, TO MARCH, 1905, LIEUT. COMMANDER L. M. GARRETT, U. S. N., COMMANDING. IV. O C T A C IST E M U S . By William E. Kitt&r. [Published by Permission of George M. Bowers, U. S. Fish Commissioner.] With Three Plates. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. : PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. Jantaky, lOOG. IlEPORifs W^ifife^dnfi^tif'ic Ri;f;cLTS of thk I^xpkdition to the East- ern Tropical PA(piFJC, in , charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Fish ComRiission Steamer "Albatross," from October, 1904, to March, 1905, Lieutenant Commander L. j\I. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding, ihtblished or in preparation: — A. agassiz. v." General Report ou the Ex- pedition. A. agassiz. I.i Three Letters to Geo. M. Bower.s, U. S. Fish Com A. AGASSIZ and H. L. CLARK. The Echini. F. E. BEDDARD. The Earthworms. H B. BIGELOW. The Medusa, though as we shall see later this resemblance can have no taxomomic significance. In the normal specimen in preservation it gives the orifice a more semilunar shape, Figure 1, than Herdman's Figure 6 indicates. As already stated, the posterior enlargement, on vhose dorsal and posterior surface the atrial oi'ifice is situated, is more like tliat in Herdman's than in ]\Ioseley's specimen. As a matter of fact, in all the "Albatross " individuals it is even larger than in Herdman's figure. This is, I consider, really to be accounted as part of the body of the animal instead of a prominence on the body, as Herdman has expressed it. But the most important extension of our information about the superficial characters of the species I am able to make is in connection with the adhesive disc. The interest attaching to this comes from the question of whether or not the animal really lives fixed to the bottom or is a swimmer, at least for a portion of its life. Moseley states that the "process," as he calls the part of the animal of which we are now speak- ing, is "terminated outwardly in a tangled mass of rootlets, massed amongst which was found much sand and shell-particles from the bottom." " The ascidian," he says, " was evidently attached by this process or pedicle." The minute structure of the rootlets Moseley appears not to have attended to particularly. With reference to the South American specimen Herdman says : " The dorsal projection which contains the viscera is roughened on its lower surface, and if the body were attached to some foreign object it must have been by this part." Herdman has always, as I judge from mention of Octacnemus in various of his publications, regarded it as only probable that the ani- mal is attached. Metcalf, 1893, 1900, observed the hair-like processes on 0. patagoniensis, recognized their similarity with those on various simple ascidians, and consequently did not hesitate to conclude that this is an attached species. It is thus seen that all who have studied Octacnemus have regarded it as a bottom dweller. ]\Iy observations certainly confirm this view ; but at the same time the strength of the circular muscle bands of the oral disc suggests that at some period in its life the animal may possibly be a swimmer.^ It is possible, however, that the co-ordinated action of 1 Since writing the above Mr. Ag.issiz has called my attention to the fact that he has recorded (Mem. Mus. Comp. Zoul., Vol. 26, p. 91) the taking of Octacnemus 236 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. the radial and circular muscles might find sufficient occupation in pro- ducing the movements necessary for the intake and discharge of the water essential to respiration and nutrition. The rootlets of 0. herdinania are not merely processes of the test, as Metcalf, 1900, speaks of those of 0. patagonieiisis as being. Each is a tube whose wall is of test, and within which is a delicate axial muscle band consisting of two or three fibres. Here and there along this band nuclei are to be seen. In general structure these rootlets resemble more closely those of Rliizomolgula Ritter, 1901,. than of any other ascidian with which I am acquainted. They are, however, much more delicate here than in that molgulid. They do not branch here as there, each arising direct from the body of the animal. They are not more than three or four mm. long. It is usual for ascidian root-hairs of this sort to cling with great tenacity to the mud and sand in which they are embedded, so that they are freed from foreign particles with difficulty. It is, con- sequently, surprising to find them quite clean in Odacnemus. This fact suggests that the animal is not very firmly anchored to the bottom. But while the individual rootlets were entirely devoid of foreign particles clinging to them, entangled among them were many slender, sometimes branched, brown tubes. These seem to belong to the foraminiferous genus, Rhizammina of Brady, and to be close of kin to R. algaeformis. In addition to these, numerously present over the entire adhesive disc of all the specimens, several fragments of a hexacti- nellid sponge were entangled among the rootlets of one individual. Finally, a few Globigerinae were associated Avith the rhizopod tubes. Moseley mentions that the " border of the base [i. e. of the ventral surface of the oral disc] is thickened into a slightly prominent, rounded ridge, running round the periphery of the entire basal area." This author's schematic section of the animal, shown in a text figure, indicates this prominence at h. This ridge is decidedly more than "slightly prominent " in the " Albatross " specimens. In life it must amount to a with the tow-net in 150 fathoms. This was during his Expedition to the Tropical Pacific in 1899-1900, the station at which the capture was made being in lat. 4° 35' N., and long. 136° 54' W. Mr. Agassiz also tells me by letter that Octacne- mus was taken at two or three other localities between 300 fathoms and the surface. With this information, and with what seems to me the certainty that the animal rests on the bottom at times, the question of the life habits of the species becomes of increased interest. Note by A. Agassiz. — It is very probable that the fragments of the bottom sometimes found in the rootlets of Octacnemus have become entangled in them while in the trawl on its way to the surface after the specimens were obtained in bathyraetrical belts less than 300 fathoms. EITTER: OCTACNEMUS. 237 flange of three or four mm. in height. Instead of being rounded, as in Moseley's animal, it is narrow even at its base, and thins off to an almost sharp edge. The test along the very edge is somewhat hardened, and so changed in structure that it refuses to take stain as do the remaining parts. Even in the preserved animal, this flange with its meandering course is a conspicuous object on the ventral surface of the disc (Plate 1, Fig. 2). Its position is not at the periphery of the disc, in the region of the rays, as Moseley says, but is four or five mm. in toward the centre from the line of the base of the rays. Posteriorly the flange passes on to the atrial part of the body. It reaches back to the region of the adhesive disc, where it gradually disappears, and hence diflers decidedly from its course in 0. bythius, where it is continuous hehiiul the adhesive patch. It would appear that the whole ventral surface rests on the sub- stratum, to which, however, the creature is attached by the adhesive disc alone. The thickenings of the test, or pads on the bases of the rays, mentioned by Herdman, are present here, but extend farther toward the ends of the rays than they did in Herdman's specimen. Concerning the microscopic structure of the test, and the circular and radial muscles of the mantle, I have nothing to add to what Moseley and Herdman have recorded. The most important diff'erences, both as to observation and interpre- tation, between my results and those reached by these naturalists, relate to the branchial sac and the parts immediately associated therewith. Both Moseley and Herdman sought in vain for branchial stigmata ; and, failing in this, were misled in their conclusions as to the whereabouts of the branchial chamber. Both naturally assumed it to be the great cavity within the oral disc. As it becomes clear from the present study that the branchial stigmata and the branchial chamber are located in quite a different region, the question arises as to the significance of the chamber of the oral disc, supposed by them to be branchial. It will be conven- ient to make the consideration of this the starting point of our account of the internal structure of the animal. We begin by examining the wall of the oral disc external to the chamber. Were the cavity a true branchial cavity, comparable with that of other ascidians, we should have, passing from without inward, the following layers: the test, the ecto- derm, the mantle, and immediately lining the cavity an extension of the respiratory epithelium. I have examined this wall with especial care, both on stained and unstained flat preparations, and on microtome sec- tions, and/ai7 to find anything hut the layer of test. Likewise the " horizontal membrane," separating the supposed bran- 238 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPAEATIVE ZOOLOGY. chial from the perihranchial, or ventral chamber should be composed of aa epithelium constitutiug each surface layer, with something of the mantle (blood-spaces at least) between. But here, likewise, examina- tion of microtome sections fails to reveal such structure as would be expected. The tissues are so highly specialized in the adult state of the animal tliat it is difficult if not impossible to say definitely just what we have before us. Herdman has described a squamous ejDithelium as extending over the "general surface of the membrane," without, how- ever, specifying which surface is thus covered. Such an epithelium is undoubtedly present, but on one surface of the membrane only, and that the ventral or deeper surface. The relation of tlie different elements entering into the structure of the membrane can be particularly well made out by examining a flat preparation from the portion in the base of the arms where the muscle fibres are v\^ell developed. Seen from the dorsal surface the squamous epithelium is found at a deeper level con- siderably than the fibres ; and from the level corresponding to the fibres down to that of the epithelium, numerous cellular elements not consti- tuting a uniform layer, but composed of several kinds of cells, some lai'ge and spherical, others smaller and more or less spindle-shaped, are present. Microtome sections show the epithelial layer to be exceedingh'- thin, and give the impression that the layer is interrupted in places. This latter is probably not in reality true. The flat preparations exam- ined give no intimation of such a state. Sections of the membrane show in addition to its cellular constituents a considerable quantity of more or less homogeneous, or somewhat fibrous material strongly resembling test. This occupies in general the surface opposite the epithelium, i, e. the dorsal surface. My interpretation of the membrane is that in life it was closely ad- herent throughout by its dorsal surface to the test wall of the oral disc, and became separated from the latter only on the death of the animal. This would mean that the large dorsal chamber of the oral disc, 7'egarded by Moseley and Herdman as branchial, is an artifact. On this view the homogeneous test-like material mentioned above as entering into the structure of the membrane would be accounted for by supposing that the rupture plane was within the test for a short distance. The i-agged character of the dorsal surface of the membrane, as seen on the sections, confirms this interpretation. If this is right, the ectoderm of the region involved should be present in the membrane dorsal to the muscle fibres where these exist. I am unable to recognize anything that can with certainty be regarded as such a layer, either in this membrane or in the ritter: octacnemus. 239 test wall. T therefore conclude that the ectoderm has undergone such extreme modification, the secretion of test having been completed, that it is no longer recognizable by the methods of examination employed. This disappearance of the ectodermal layer in adult tunicates would appear to be no unusual thing. I recall especially my inability to demonstrate the presence of the layer in the root-hairs, or tubes of Bhizomolgula (Ritter, :01), where it must certainly have existed at an early period in the life of the individual. It would seem that in many, perhaps most, cases there is no addition to, nor renewal of, the test in tunicates after it has once been fully formed, at least as far as the ecto- derm, the original source of the cellulose matrix, is concerned. Whether the test cells, derivatives of the mesoderm, take up this office and replace the ectoderm in it is an interesting question on which we have, so far as I am aware, no positive information. In order to make my interpretation square with certain facts observed not only by Moseley and Herdman, but as well by myself, and with certain other statements and conjectures by my predecessors, a brief consideration of the points involved is necessary. In the first place, all our observations agree in finding the branchial orifice to open directly into the dorsal chamber, as the diagrammatic sectional figure of Herdman shows (see Fig. 1). Of course, if my ■■■aim. Fig. 1. — Copy of Herdman's text Fig. 11, "Challenger" Reports, Vol. 27, p. 93. For the letterings of Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, see p. 251. interpretation is correct, this cannot be so in life, as reference to text Figure 2 makes obvious. It follows then that the cavity would liave to be regarded as due to rupture. This rupture is probably caused by the contraction, at death, of the strong muscle bands at m. b." Figures 1 and 3, the position of which is also indicated in text Figure 2. As the layer in which these fibres are situated (the homology of which will be seen 240 bulletin: museUxM of comparative zoology. later), is always found to continue into the horizontal membrane, the line of rupture would have to be supposed to be at the point x in the sec- tion represented by Figure 2. It will be seen that the layers to be ruptured in this position would be the ectoderm and the test, or the line at which the test terminates within the branchial orifice. But the extreme delicacy of the ectoderm has already been pointed out ; hence one may readily believe not only that rupture here would occur with ease, but also that the severed edges of the ruptured layers might be observed with difficulty. As a matter of fact, one of the chief obstacles that I have found to this interpretation is the absence of local evidence of rupture. QIC. '-ad. Fig. 2. — A schematic section of the animal corresponding to that shown in Fig. 1, to show my interpretation of the relation of the several parts, as contrasted with Herdman's. Attention may be called to the circumstance that the wall within the branchial orifice opposite the supposed rupture is intact, as the figure indicates ; and that consequently this rupture is restricted to the region corresponding to the muscle bands, m. h." My interpretation of the horizontal membrane finds strong confirma- tion, it seems to me, in these statements by Moseley : " Tlie membrane was observed to be attached to' the inner surface of the test wall at the intervals between the conical processes ; but the specimen was too much injured to allow of the investigation of the extent and manner of its attachment within tlie conical processes. It appeared to be attached laterally on either side to tlie inner walls of these processes, and is prob- ably reflected so as to line their cavities." And again : " No reflection of the membrane over the inner surfaces of the upper and lower walls of tlie test was observed." Moseley speaks repeatedly of the more thickened central portion of the horizontal membrane, the portion thus characterized being in general, one is led to infer, the distinctly octagonal area shown in his figures of ritter: octacnemus. 241 the entire auimal, to the angles of which the radial muscles are attached. He remarks that "opposite the indentations in the margin of the thick- ebed central portion of the membrane, the thin lamina [which is de- scribed elsewhere as a continuation of the horizontal membrane] is loose, and hangs in bags or depressions." The condition here described is, I gather, what gives one the impression from his figures that the oral disc is occupied by a great sac that extends to the very base of the arms, even bellying into the arms somewhat, and is quite distinct from the octagonal central area to whicli the eight radial muscles are attached. In other words Moseley found the sac in his animal considerably more complicated than it is in that now uuder examination ; and the points brought out by him are of such a character* as to justify the belief that he was dealing with a different creature. This is another of the par- ticulars "which persuades me that two species of Octacnemus should be recognized. Herdman refers to the mantle in the specimen studied by him as adhering closely to the inner surface of the test. As, however, this statement is made in close coimection with what he says about the musculature, I judge he refers only to the mantle within the arms. Herdman describes a number of pits in the horizontal membrane, the significance of which he was in doubt about, but which he conjectures may represent branchial stigmata. I have seen a few of what may be the same structures, though I fail to make out that the}^ are as definite or as numei'ous as they were in the specimen studied by Herdman. I have no suggestion as to their meaning, but they certainly cannot be homologous with branchial stigmata. The cavity below the horizontal membrane, which is immediately con- tinuous with the great chamber occupying almost the whole of the ani- mal, I regard, with Moseley and Herdman, as probably atrial, or atrial and peribranchial. This cavity is without partitions, so far as I have observed. It, of course, opens to the outside world through the atrial aperture, which is nearly circular and without distinguishable lobes or markings of any kind. The view that this chamber is atrial is borne out by the fact that the " nucleus" (in reality, as we shall presently see, the whole viscera proper) is so loosely suspended within it. Two or three facts however, to be pointed out presently, throw some doubt on the cori'ectness of this interpretation. We may now turn to the examination of the visceral mass. The ex- act position within the test envelope which this occupies in life is by no means clear. In all my specimens, as with those taken by the " Chal- voL. XLvi. — No. 13 16 242 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. lenger," it was very small as compared with the size of the animal as a whole. It was in the form of a nearly spherical mass, and was situated underneath the posterior part of the oral disc. I consider it quite likely tliat in life the mass is considerably more elongated, and extends through a greater portion of the distance between the two orifices. But this is entirely conjecture, so the question need not detain us now. The most noteworthy thing pertaining to the intimate structure of the visceral mass is the fiict that the true branchial sac is situated ivithin it, or constitutes a j^cct't of it. An understanding of the orientation and structure of the mass becomes clear by examining the figures in the order mentioned, 8, Plate 3, 3, 4, and 5 Plate 2. The dissection from which Figure 8 was drawn is seen at once by comparing this figui-e with Figure 1. From these it will be seen that the branchial orifice opens directly into a capacious tube, in reality the homologue of the inner part of the branchial siphon of ordinary ascidians. This is shown as cut in Figure 8. On the ventral side it carries the longitudinal muscle bands m. b". of Figure 1, and shown from within in Figures 3 and 4. Tlie ventral wall of this tube, it will be seen, passes directly over into the so- called horizontal membrane Qi. m., Fig. 3). On the dorsal surface of the mass (Fig. 8) one sees the rather conspicuous ganglion (71. g.), the sub- neural gland (s. gl.), the dorsal half of the peripharyngeal band (/?. h. b.), and on close examination, the dorsal lamina (d. L). All these organs are situated on what seems, from a dissection like that shown in Figure 8, to be the relatively very large stomach. At the posterior margin of the mass are seen the ovary (ov.) and testis (tes.). Figure 3, Plate 2, represents the visceral mass of the same specimen as that shown in Figure 8, but removed from the test, enlarged consid- erably, and with the piece carrying the ganglion, gland, etc., cut out. Examination of the piece on its inner surfiice, Avith a low power, reveals the fact that two distinct membranes enter into its composition, and that the inner of these is perforated by a considerable number of ellip- tical but more or less irregular orifices (Fig. 9, Plate 3). Perforations of the same sort were also found later on the portion of the wall not cut away (Fig. 3, br. s.). Each orifice is bordered by a rather decided epithelial thickening, the inner margin of which has few, but the outer very many, nuclei (Fig. 6, Plate 2). I have found no intimation of cilia fringing the orifices. The absence of cilia on the apertures, the somewhat peculiar structure of their bordering epithelium, and their irregular distribution, are traits in which they differ considerably from the more typical branchial stigmata of ascidians. Nevertheless there RITTER : OCTACNEMUS. 243 can be no doubt about their identity. Their general character, but most of all their relation to other clearly identifiable parts, leave no room for hesitation. They are, as will be noted especially from Figure 9, Plate 3 situated on each side of the dorsal lamina, d. L, and behind the ganglion and peripliaryngeal band. Furthermore, as vre shall see presently, though far removed from the endostyle, their general relation to this organ is as it should be. Absence of cilia and the peculiar struc- ture of the bordering epithelium are probably associated with the fact that the stigmata are no longer functional as respiratory organs. But while there is no doubt tliat these orifices are branchial stigmata, and consequently that the membrane in which they occur is the strict homologne of the branchial membrane of other ascidians, the fact that only the inner one of the two layers above pointed out seems to consti- tute the visceral wall (Figs. 3, 5, 8, and 9 m. and the layer immedi- ately beneath it) is perforated by the stigmata, does raise a difficult question as to the peribranchial cavity, i. e. the cavity into which the stigmata of the tj'pical ascidian open externally. Something of the character of this external, unperforated layer is suggested by the facts that a series of six or eight distinct, though rather delicate, muscle bands (Fig. 9, m. h'.) are situated in it, and ex- tend across the median dorsal line, and are disposed at nearly regular intervals from before backward ; and that the same layer extends over the gonads (Fig. 3, ???.). The suggestion from these facts is that the layer belongs in reality to the mantle ; and its resting immediately upon the branchial membrane suggests farther that the 2^^ f Abranchial cavity has become obliferated, or, more exactly, reduced to the very narrow interval between the two membranes. On this interpretation the large cavity beneath the " horizontal membrane " in the oral disc, which was above regarded, with some doubt, as the peribranchial-atrial chamber, would not be such ; at least would not be peribranchial (the condition here described was the occasion for the reservation as to identification, not indicated in my treatment of that subject). I am unable to reach entire clearness on these points. It is possible that further study on additional material, particularly on young or de- veloping specimens, will find that the atrial chamber is here distinctly set off from the peribranchial, and that the great interior space already described is atrial and not at all peribranchial; or it may be that this whole space is artifact, as I have interpreted the portion above the horizontal membrane to be. This, however, seems hardly probable, though such a view would furnish an explanation of the apparent 244 bulletin: museum of compaeative zoology. absence of an epithelial laj'er on the inner surface of the test of the ventral side of the oral disc. I have searched in vain for such an epithelium. I regret the necessity of leaving these points, important to a full understanding of the morphology of this most interesting creature, still obscure. We may now examine a little more attentively the other structures belonging to the branchial sac. What I have called the dorsal lamina is really not a lamina at all, nor has it the languets that usually take the place of a lamina when such a structure is wanting. Here we have two irregular, approximately parallel, bands of somewhat thickened epithe- lium, with a narrow interval between them (Fig, 9, d. /.). These are, as compared with the organ in typical ascidians, relatively short, they being but a little longer than the combined length of the ganglion and neuro-hypophyseal gland (Fig. 8, d. L). The peribranchial band (Fig. 9,^. b. h.) is also of an unusual character. It consists of a thickened ridge of epithelium, continuous on each side with the corresponding band of the dorsal lamina; the peribranchial ridge being, however, less clearly defined than the dorsal bands. These bands are so irregular in both outline and definition as to defy exact representation in a drawing. An area of uniform, thinner epithelium occupies the angle between the diverging peribranchial bands, and in tliis are situated the gang- lion, and gland with its duct. The ganglion is anterior and dorsal to the gland, and from the three large nerves given off from it i. e. a pair extending forward, and a single median one extending backward, is somewhat triangular in form. The nerves of the pair are much, larger than the single posterior nerve. This is correlated with the fact that it is the anterior nerves which supply the oral disc. These nerves can be traced forward along the "horizontal membrane," each giving off branches which go to the arms and musculature of the disc. They are large and elaborately branched, thus showing that the regions supplied by them are Avell enervated. A detailed study of the nerves and their terminals, particularly the sensory terminals, would in all likelihood yield interesting results. The gland (Fig. 9, s. gl., Plate 3) is nearly spherical, and as above indicated is situated ventral to, and behind the ganglion. On its ventral surface is a ridge extending somewhat diagonally fore-and-aft. This is in all probability a portion of the duct, though I have not made out with certainty a collection between it and the large thin-walled dorsal tubercle (Fig. 9, d. t.). Tliis tubercle, or hypophysis funnel, opens forward ritter: octacnemus. 245 aud decidedly to the right, by a large elliptical, plain mouth. The wall of the funnel is very delicate. I have seen no cilia in any part of it. Within the funnel were observed six or seven rather distinct deep-orange pigment spots. Owing to the differences between my results and those reached by Moseley and Herdmau relative to the branchial sac, the question of the endostyle is especially important. Both these observers having failed to find the branchial stigmata, based their conclusions to a considerable extent on what they supposed to be the endostyle. Herdman, however, recognized that the structure believed by him to be this or^an was not the same as that held by Moseley to be such. It is now certain that neither Moseley nor Herdman saio the true endostyle. Having found, in the manner above detailed, that the cavity opened into by removing the dorsal patch of visceral wall, as shown in Figure 3, must be the true branchial cavity, I proceeded to carefully remove the food material and refuse by which this cavity was completely tilled.^ Hav- ing cleaned this out thoroughly, examination of the floor of the chamber discovered the groove indicated at e. n., Figure 4, Plate 2. Eoth from its position and structure, (though in this latter respect there was con- siderable disguising) tliere could be no doubt that the true endostyle had been come upon at length. By dissecting out the piece containing the organ, aud examining it Avith more care, it was found that the typical endostylar structure could be made out, aud, further, that anteriorly the organ connected in the usual way with the peripharyn- geal band (Fig. 7, en. andjj. h. b., Plate 2). The two lips of the organ were unusually far apart, and their irregulai-ity in outline and minuter composition gave to the organ as a whole something of the peculiarities ah'eady indicated as characterizing both the dorsal lamina and the peripharyngeal band. And here, as in all the parts of the branchial sac where cilia would be expected, no trace of them could be found. JTie entire apjoaratus^ if is probable, has lost its original respiratory function, and has become devoted to the nutritive office ; and the peculiarities of structure of various parts, notably of the stigmata, dorsal lamina, endo- style, and peripharyngeal band are, it would seem, due in large measure to this change of function. Whether the branchial wall has actually become digestive or not, I am unable to say with certainty. However, from the great amount of food material contained in the cavity, much of which was in various 1 I was able to identify with approximate certainty in the stomach contents, portions of a copepod, a schizopod, a pycnogonid, a tanais, and a young fish. 246 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. stages of disintegration ; from the character of the epithelial lining of the chamber, sections of which prove it to be composed, in part at least, of more or less columnar cells; and, finally, from the wide communica- tion of this cavity with the true stomach, this communication being i:i no clear way marked off from the two connected cavities, I judge that to a considerable extent the bra7icMal membrane has become digestive. The branchial chamber of the ascidian being, as is now universally recognized, the highly modified anterior end of the digestive tract, if the class be supposed to have had an ancestor in which the region was truly digestive ; and if the conjecture that in Odacnemics the branchial membrane has secondarily acquired the digestive function, we should have here the very unusual instance of an organ resuming its original func- tion after having become highly modified for a wholly different function. The data are rather too dubious to make profitable much speculation as to whether this resumption of the original function could be attributed in any wise to a true reversion ; that is, to the influence of a long-dor- mant character. But assuming such a resumption to have taken place, the fact might be more naturally accounted for by the influences, direct or indirect, of life at the great depth in which the animal lives. It seems that for numerous deep-sea ascidians, respiration does not demand the service of any such elaborate mechanism as that possessed by the typical shoal-water members of the class. In a considerable series of species, widely separated taxonomically, the branchial membrane is nnich reduced in one way and another. Instances of this are furnished by Ascopera, Corynascidia, Hypohythius, and a new and remarkable form found off the coast of California at 2,000 fathoms, which I have studied but have not yet described. Wherefore this diminution of importance of the branchial organ for respiratory purposes, is not obvious ; given the fact however, there wo\dd appear no special difficulty in conceiving that the cavity might gradually be turned over to the food-taking and digestive functions. Continuing our examination of the viscera, we find a wide but very short passage from the posterior end of the branchial cavity (Fig. 4, oe., Plate 2) into another still more capacious chamber lying immediately beneath the floor of the cavity already described. The passage-way is clearly the oesophagus, and the large chamber the true stomach ; or more exactly a stomach-intestine ; for it is not sharply set off from a true intestine. This chamber (st.-in., Fig. 5, PI. 2) extends forward, narrowing down rapidly to a very small, short rectum. The exact posi- tion of the anus I have unfoi'tunately not been able to find ; though it eittek: octacnemus. 247 is obviously somewhat to the right and ventral side of the branchial sac. It is certainly not in the position occupied by it in the animal described by Moseley. Herdraan gives us no information on this point for his specimen, and I therefore conclude that he did not see it, and assume this to be another particular in w^hich the species studied by him and myself differs from that studied by Moseley. The position of the anus in this species is of special interest since the location of it would throw some light on the question of the atrium, Tlie position and character of the gonads are indicated in Figures 3 and 4, Plate 2. The ovary is a rather voluminous mass applied closely to the posterior border of the digestive tract. In two of the specimens the ova are numerous and apparently near maturity, Tiiey ai'e quite spherical, and measure about .32 mm. in diameter. The charactei'istic ^ ascidiau " test " cells are present and make a layer of considerable thick- ness, though it is not uniform over the entire egg. The testis, much less voluminous than the ovary, is situated at the left end of the ovary, closely applied to it, and also to the digestive tract. It is of a lighter color than the ovary, and is divided into numerous small rounded lobes, I am unable to find an oviduct, and believe that none exists. The ova probably escape by dehiscence. What appears to be a sperm duct runs forward for a short course closely applied to the ventral intestinal wall (consequently not visible on any of the figures). The branched strand shown in Figures 3 and 4, Plate 2, crossing the concavity of the ovary toward the right, appears to be a mantle fold, probably serving as a ligament to hold the ovary in place. The possibility of its belonging to the blood vascular system naturally suggests itself; but it certainly has nothing to do with this system. I have, however, seen nothing of either heart or blood vessels. No " liver " or excretory organ appears to be present, nor has the chyliferous organ been found. From the fact that the Octacnemus patagoniensis of Metcalf seems to propagate by budding, I have naturally looked with care for evidence of such a mode of propagation here ; but none has been found. I do not believe it occurs, and this it seems to me is one "weighty reason for holding that the species studied by Metcalf should be regarded as *• generically distinct from the animal named Octacnemus by Moseley. We may turn now to the question of the wider affinities of the Octac- nemidae. The present investigation makes it obvious, as Metcalf had already furnished ample reasons for believing, that they are not related to Salpa, but to the simple or colonial ascidians, Herdman's sugges- tion that their relationship is with Saljpa has been so generally accepted 248 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. that it will probably be a long time before the matter can be set straight in general zoology ; but it should be recalled that the suggestion was made with such reservation as would be expected from so careful and experienced a zoologist as Herdman, on a point concerning which there was at the time such imperfect knowledge. " On the whole," are his words, " I regard this form as being allied to SaljM." It would seem that this conclusion was based chiefly on the supposed correspondence of the visceral mass to the "nucleus" in Salpci ; and the supposition that the endostyle of Odacnemus is located in the floor of the cavity, taken to be branchial, within the oral disc. Had Herdman found the true branchial sac with the stigmata and endostyle, it is quite certain he would not have suggested the kinship of the animal to Salpa. With the information at his command, his conclusion was justified. As to exactly what genus among the simple ascidians Odacnemus has most in common it is not yet possible to say. Certain it is, though, that there is nothing to support the conjecture of Moseley that it is related to Cystinr/ia. Metcalf's suggestion that it is related to the Clavelinidae has perhaps as much in its favor as any that can now be made. I would point out, however, that the branchial sac, in particular, suggests the genus Hypohythius of Moseley. This genus alone shares with Clavelina and some of its nearest allies, the character of having a branchial sac without folds or internal longitudinal bars ; besides this its stigmata are irregular in size and distribution. In this latter particular it seems that Odac- nemus resembles Hypohythius quite decidedly. The stigmata of Odacne- mus are perhaps too few in number to warrant the assertion that they are irregular in both respects. They are certainly so as to size ; and there are in Odacnemus neither folds nor internal vessels or papillae. The simplicity of the digestive tract of Hypohythius and its close approx- imation to the side of the branchial sac are likewise points of resemblance to Octacnemus. It must be noted, however, that the stomach-intestine 0^ Hypohythius rests on the dorsal side of the branchial sac, while in Octacnemus it is ventral and dextral. I do not think it worth while to make much of the comparison between these two genera, our knowledge of both being still too imperfect, but one other point may be referred to. Moseley's original description of Hypohythius indicates that its oral sur- face is decidedly flat, and that the atrial orifice is far to one edge, if indeed not beyond, this disc. With 0. 2^(it5TO»( RiTTEE. — Octacnemus. PLATE 2. Fig. 3. This should be compared with Figure 8, Plate 3. Dorsal view of tlie visceral mass, removed from the test, and a section, part of whicli is shown on its inner surface in Figure 9, Plate 3, cut from the dorsal side of the branchial sac. Fig. 4. Same as Figure o, excepting that tlie cut has been somewhat extended, and the food material entirely removed from the branchial sac. Fig 5. The stomach-intestine, from the dissection sliown in Figure 4, made by a transverse cut corresponding to tlie line y of Figure 4. Fig. 6. A single branchial orifice much enlarged. Fig. 7. Tlie endostyle with a portion of the peribranchial band. "Albatross'' E.Pacific Ex. OCTACNEMUS PLATE w.- mh^ st-in. br.s. m. tes em. hm. -URL ov A.B Streedain, del It-^l. . T i- t. '-t X^SJilljlf EiTTEB. — Octacuemus. PLATE 3. Fig 8. Comparison of tliis with Figure 1, Plate 1, will show at a glance what the dissection is. The visceral mass is here somewhat too large for the size of tlic animal as a whole. Fig. 9. Tlie anterior portion of tlie piece cut from the dorsal wall of the branchial sac seen from liie inner surface (see Fig. 3, PI. 2). 'Albatross" E.Pacifil; h; \ \ ^'7 A B. Streedain, del. He-_:. The following' Publications of the Museum of Comparative Zoology are in preparation : — Repcrte on the Results of Drehonophores. K. BRANDT. The Sagittae. " The Thalassicolae. W. R. COE. The Nemerteans. W H. DALL. The MoUusks. REINHARD DOHRN. The Eyes of Deep- Sea Crustacea. H. J. HANSEN. The Cirripeds. HAROLD HEATH. Solenogaster. W. A. HERIXMAN. The Ascidiaua. 189! of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Tansek, U. S. N., Commanding, in charge of S. J. HIOKSON. The Antipatliids. J. P. :McMUUR1CH. The Actinarians. E. L. MARK. Branchioceriiinthus. JOHN MURRAV. The Bottom Specimens. P. SCHIEMENZ. Tlie Pteropods and Hete- ropods. THEO. STUDER. The Alcyonarians. M. P. A. TRAUSTEDT. The Salpidae and Doliolidae. H. B. WARD. The Sipunculids. W. McM. WOODWORTH. The Annelids. PUBLICATIONS OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. There have been published of the Bulletin Vols. I. to XLII., and also Vols. XLIV., XLV., and XLVII ; of the Memoirs, Vols. L to XXIV., and also Vols. XXVIIL, XXIX., XXXI., XXXII., and XXXIIL Vols. XLIIL, XLVI., XLVIIL , XLIX., and L. of the Bulletin, and Vols. XXV., XXVI., XXVII., XXX., XXXIIL, XXXIV., and XXXV. of the Memoirs, are now in course of publication. The Bulletin and Memoirs are devoted to the publication of original work by the Professors and Assistants of the Museum, of investigations carried on by students and others in the different Laboratories of Natural History, and of work by specialists based upon the ^luseum Collections and Explorations. The following publications are in preparation : — Reports on tlie Results of Dredging Operations from 1877 to 1880, in cl)arp:c of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake," Lieut. Commander C. D. Sigsbee, U. S. N., and Commander J. R. Bartlett, TJ. S. N., Commanding. Reports on the Results of the Expedition of 1891 of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," Lieut. Commander Z. L. Tanner, U. S. N., Command- ing, in charge of Alexander Agassiz. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to tlie Tropic-al Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Comnussion Steamer " Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U. S N., Commanding. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Eastern Pacific, in ciiarge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," from October. 1904, to April, 1905, Lieut. Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding. Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory, Professor E. L. Mai-k, Director. Contribiiiions from tlie Geological Lal)oratory, in charge of Professor N. S. Shaler. These publications are issued in numbers at irregular intervals ; one volume of the Bulletin (8vo) and half a volume of the Memoirs (4to) usually- appear annually. Each number of the Bulletin and of the IMemoirs is sold separately. A price list of the publications of the Museum will be sent on application to the Librarian of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. •^YU Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology AT HARVARD COLLEGE. Vol. XLVI. No. 14. CERTAIN SCOPE LIDS IN THE COLLECTION OF THE MUSEUxM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. By Charles H. Gilbert. With Three Plates. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U.S.A.: PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. April, 1906. Reports ox the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the East- ern Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," from October, 1904, to March, 1905, Lieutenant Commander L. jVI. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding, published or in preparation: T.5 General Report on the Ex- A. AGASBIZ pelitio/i, iy AQA^^IZ. I.i Three Letters to Geo Bi.-.»ii:s U. 3. Fji.fh Com., A. AGASSIZ and H. L. CLAKK. The Echini. F. E. BEDD.'iii t). The Eaiti6.worms. H. B. BIGELOW. The Medusae. R. p. BIGELOW. The Stomatopods. S. F. CLARKE. The Hydroids. W. R. COE. The Nemerteans L. J. COLE. The Ps'cnogonida. W. H. DALL. The MoUusks. C. R. EASTMAN. The Sharks' Teeth. B. W. EVERMANN. The Fishes. W. G. FARLOW. The Algae. S. GARMAN. The Reptiles. H. J. HANSEN. The Cirripeds. H. J. HANSEN. The Schizopods. S. HENSHAW. The Insects. W. E. HOYLE The Cephalopoda. C. A. KOFOID. IIL'' The Protozoa, M. P. KRiJMBACH. The Sagitta'e. R. VON LENDENFELD. The Sponges. H. LUDWIG. The Holothurians. H. LUDWIG. The Starfishes. H. LUDWIG. The Ophiurans. J. P. McMURRICH. Tlie Actinaria. G. W. MiJLLER. The Ostracods. JOHN MURRAY. The Bottom Specimens. MARY J. RATHBUN. The Crustacea. HARRIET RICHARDSON. II.2 The Isopods. W. E. RITTER. !¥.■» The Tuuicafces. ALICE ROBERTSON. The Bryozoa. B. L. ROBINSON The Plants. G. O. SARS. The Copepods. H. R. SIMROTH. The Pteropods and Hetero- pods. TH. STUDER. The Alcyonaria. T. W. VAUGHAN. The Corals. R. WOLTERECK. The Amphipods. W. McM. WOODWORTH. The Annelids. 1 Bull. M. C. Z., Vol. XLVL, No. 4, April, 1905, 22 pp. 2 Bull. M. C. Z., Vol. XLVL, No. 6, July, 1905, 4 pp., 1 pl. 3 Bull. M. C. Z., Vol. XLVL, No. 9, September, 1905, 5 pp., 1 pl. « Bull. M. C. Z., Vol. XLVL, No. 13, January, 190C, 22 pp., 3 pis. 6 Mem. M. C. Z., Vol. XXXIII., January, 1906, 88 pp., 96 pis. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at harvard college. Vol. XLVI. No. 14. CERTAIN SCOPELIDS IN THE COLLECTION OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. By Charles H. Gilbert. With Three Plates. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U.S.A.: PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. April, 1906. No. 14. — Certain Scopdids in the Collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. By Charles H. Gilbert. For the privilege of examining the Scopelids of the Museum of Comparative Zoology and of reporting on the species which form the basis of the following descriptions, I am indebted to the authorities of the Museum aud especially to Mr. Samuel Garman. Diaphus nocturnus (Poet). Plate 1. Mijctophum noctnrnum Poey, Mem. Hist. Nat. de Cuba, 1860, 2, p. 426. Colletlia nocturna Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North America, 1896, 1, p. 567. Lampanyctiis lacerta Goode and Bean, Oceanic Iclithyology, 1896, p. 81, pi. 24, fig. 89. Myctophum (Nyctopkus) lacerta Brauer, Zool. Anz., 1904, 28, p. 392. The species described by Poey as Myctophum nodurnum from Havana, Cuba, has not been identified by subsequent writers. Nothing has been certainly known of its characters and relationships except what can be drawn from the original description, and the latter unfortunately contains no account of the number and distribution of the photophores. By Jordan and Evermann, the species is placed provisionally in Collettia (= Diajyhus), these authors remarking : " Probably a species of Collettia, and apparently related to C. rafinesquei, but this is not certain." As Brauer makes no mention of the species in his review of the genus Myctophum, apparently he has considered its affinities too uncertain for conjecture. Among the Myctophids of the ]\ruseura of Comparative Zoology, are two lots received from Professor Poey and labeled M. nocturnum, apparently in Poey's own handwriting. They represent two very dis- tinct species, for one of which, as it is apparently uudescribed, the name Diaphus garmani is here proposed. The four specimens (No. G873), constituting the type and cotypes, differ to such an extent from 256 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Poey's description, that identification with M. nocturnum would be highly improbable. The other lot (No. 6871) consists of a single specimen which answers Poey's description closely and is here identi- fied as the type of M, nocturnum. This conclusion is rendered the more probable as Poey is known to have sent many of his types to the Museum of Comparative Zoology. The specimen in hand is 69 mm. long to the base of the caudal fin, and must have been between 85 and 90 mm. in entire length. Poey's type is said to be 95 mm. long, but this discrepancy cannot be considered serious in view of Poey's known inaccuracy in details, consequent in part upon the fact that his descrip- tions were taken more or less from his drawings, instead of from the type specimens, as was indeed done in the case of M. nocturnum. The type of Diaphus nocturnus has been compared directly with the type of Lampanyctus lacerta Goode and Bean, and the two found iden- tical. D. lacerta was described from the Gulf of Mexico, and is well known from the Gulf Stream off the Eastern Coast of the United States. Other Myctophids from the Gulf Stream were also known to Poey, although he failed to describe them. Specimens of Myctophum opalmum and M. remigerum were collected by him at Havana and sent to the United States National Museum, where they still bear his manu- script names. As the latter have never appeared in print, it will be best not to give them currency. Below is given a detailed description of Diaphus nocturnus, drawn from the type specimen : Measurements in hundredths of length to base of caudal. Length of head 30.5; diameter of orbit, 9; length of snout, 5; length of maxillary, 22; greatest depth of body, 21 ; least depth of tail, 9 ; distance from tip of snout to front of dorsal, 50 ; to ventrals, 46 ; to front of anal, 65 ; to adipose fin, 81. Dorsal with 14 rays, including all rudiments : anal, 15 ; ventrals with 8 fully developed rays and a short outer rudiment; pectorals, 12. Scales in lateral line, 38. Head more compressed, the snout less blunt than in most species of this genus. Mouth large, oblique, maxillary very little widened posteriorly, its tip reaching posterior angle of cheeks. Posterior preopercular margin oblique. Inner teeth in jaws longer than the outer teeth ; vomer toothless, the pala- tines and pterygoids provided with wide bands which cover the greater part of the roof of the mouth ; tongue and basibranchials toothed. Gill-rakers of moderate length, strongly toothed, 6 -f- 1 + 13 in number on the outer arch. Origin of the dorsal fin slightly in advance of the ventrals; origin of anal well behind last dorsal ray; adipose dorsal above last anal rays; both pec- torals and ventrals broken so their length cannot be made out. Scales all fallen. GILBERT : CERTAIN SCOPELIDS IN THE MUSEUM COLLECTION. 257 Distribution of photophores. — A minute round antorbital under the anterior margin of the orbital expansion of the frontal. A somewhat larger suborbital below the anterior portion of the orbit, round and surrounded by black pig- ment, rather smaller than the photophores on tlie body. Suprapectoral near lateral line, but not in contact with it ; the usual white glandular body is attached to it below. Upper infrapectoral in front of lower pectoral rays; the lower infrapectoral rather less than halfway from the upper to the first thoracic. Thoracics, 5, the fourth elevated, but little behind the third, on a level with upper half of pectoral base; fifth thoracic in front of outer half of ventral base, the first, second, and third near the median line, forming two lines gently diverging backwards. The first thoracic interspace is nearly twice the second, which is a little longer than the fourth. Supraventral a little nearer base of ventral fin than lateral line, vertically above middle of ventral base. Ventral photophores, 5, the first three pairs forming two strongly diverging lines, the fourth and fifth pairs near the median line, the interspaces all about equal. Supra-anals angulated, the upper in contact with the lateral line, a little in advance of anal fin ; the middle spot below and slightly behind the upper, its distance from the upper nearly twice its distance from the lower, the lower halfway between the middle supra-anal and the fifth ventral. Antero-anals, 7, the first pair nearest the anal base, the first six pairs forming two very gently diverging straight lines, the seventh a very little elevated above the line of the others, all of them equally spaced. Posterolateral in contact with lateral line, over the middle of the space be- tween the two anal groups, above or nearly above the last anal ray. Postero-anals, 5, about equally separated from antero-anals and from precaudals. Precaudals, 4, the first three close together and equally spaced forming a gentle curve at base of rudimentary caudal rays, the fourth more widely separated, near lateral line, but not in contact with it. In the figure of Lampanyctus lacerta giveu by Goode and Bean (loc. cit.) the relative position of the ventral photophores is incorrectly shown ; the last antero-anal should be a little elevated instead of in line with the others, and the fourth precaudal should be more widely sei)a- rated from the third. In addition to the minute antorbital spot, present in the type of D. nodurnus and in all specimens of the species which have come under my observation, there develops in connection with it in some specimens a larger luminous body, which does not, how- ever, extend far out on the snout. The black septum across the photo- phores is less developed in this species than in any other of the genus, being very slender, and usually incomplete in the middle. VOL. xLvi. — No. 14 17 258 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. Diaphus garmani, sp. nov. Plate 3. Type. — Coll. Museum of Comparative Zoology, No. 6873, Cuba, Dr. Felipe Poey. Most nearly related to D. splendidus Brauer (Zool. Anz., 1904, 28, pp. 392 and 399, fig. 7), differing in the greater depth, the more higlily arched head and snout, and in the entirely separate antorbital photo- phores, the upper a minute round dot above the nostrils, the lower oblong or ovate. The supraventrals are also lower, scarcely nearer the lateral line than the ventral fins. Measurements in hundredths of total length to base of caudal : Length of head, 27; diameter of eye, 7.5 ; length of snout, 5; greatest depth of head, 22; length of maxillary, 20 ; depth at front of dorsal, 24 ; least depth of caudnl peduncle, 10 ; distance from snout to front of dorsal, 42; to ventrals, 43; to front of anal, 62 ; to adipose fin, 81. Length of type 51 mm. Dorsal with 14 rays, including all rudiments, the last ray forked to the base; anal, 15; pectoral, 12 ; ventral with 8 developed rays and an outer slender rudiment. Lateral line, 34. Head high and compressed, the upper profile forming a high even curve from snout to occiput. Eye small, the orljit low, the interorbital area arching high above the orl)it when the head is seen in profile. Cheeks produced backwards, the margin of preopercle oblique, the maxillary reaching its angle. Vomer toothless; palatines and pterygoids with broad bands of minute teeth which cover the greater part of the roof of the mouth ; similar teeth on the tongue and basibranchials. Gill-rakers slender, 7 + 1 + 14 on the outer arch. Origin of dorsal over or slightly in advance of the ventrals; origin of anal under last dorsal ray ; adipose dorsal inserted over last ana) ray. Scales of lateral line a little enlarged ; three series of scales between lateral line and base of dorsal fin. General color dark brown, or blackish, with bright reflections from the scales. Basal portions of vertical fins finely speckled with black. Photophores. — A minute dorsal antorbital under the anterior edge of the supraorbital rim ; a larger ventral antorbital is wholly detached from it and extends but little below the anterior part of the orbit. Suprapectoral above opercular angle, slightly nearer lateral line than base of pectoral, without attached luminous gland. Upper infrapectoral in front of lower pectoral rays; lower infrapectoral halfway between upper and first thoracic. Thoracics, 5, the fourth elevated, a little behind the vertical from the third, the fifth in front of outer ventral rays. First thoracic interspace longest, the second and fourth about equal. GILBERT: CERTAIN SCOPELIDS IX THE MUSEUM COLLECTION. 259 Supraventral over the posterior half of ventral base, midway between lateral line and ventral fin. Ventral photophores, 5, the first three pairs forming strongly diverging lines, the first interspace a little shorter than the second, the third pair a little in advance of the vertical from the fourth ; fourth and fifth pairs near median line, as usual. Supra-anals not angulated, or with the middle very slightly in advance of a line joining the other two, the upper in contact with the lateral line ; lower interspace much shorter than upper. Antero-anals, 7, the first elevated above and a little anterior to the second ; the second to the sixth nearly parallel with anal base, the seventh again elevated, but less so than the first, inserted well behind a line joining sixth ■with posterolateral. Posterolateral in contact with the lateral line, but little behind seventh antero-anal, well in advance of last anal ray. Postero-anals, 5. Precaudals, 4, the first three evenly spaced, forming a curve, the fourth more distant, but little below lateral line. Three cotypes from the same locality show no variation in the number and distribution of the photophores. The species is named for Mr. Samuel Garmau of the Museum of Com- parative Zoology. Myctophum pristilepis (Gilbert and Cramek). Plate 3. Dasyscopelus pristilepis Gilbert and Cramer, Free. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1897, 19, p. 412, pi. 39, fig. 1. Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., 1905, 23, pt. 2, p. 600. A specimen, 75 ram. long, collected near the Island of Mauritius by Mr. Nicholas Pike, extends the range of this species fz-om the Hawaiian Islands to the western shores of the Indian Ocean. The specimen is somewhat larger than tho.se hitherto reported and exhibits the noticeable increase in the size of the eye which in this group accompanies growth. A specimen from the Hawaiian Islands 30 mm. long to base of caudal has the eye 12 hundredths of this length ; another from the same locality 52 nmi. long has the eye 13 hundredths ; in the Mauritian specimen 67 mm. long to base of caudal the eye is 13.5 hundredths. In smaller examples, the diameter of the eye is less than the postocidar length of the head ; in adults, it exceeds the post- ocular length and is 48 hundredths of the total length of the head. In the young of this species, the scales have entire margins, a speci- men 35 mm. long showing no trace of marginal spines on the scales of the lateral line and on such others as are present. In the Mauritian 260 BULLETIN : MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. specimen, the scales of the lateral line are entire or very weakly armed except in the middle where they are not concealed by the overlapping scales, but other scales of the body bear short strong spines. The anal photophores are 7 + 4, the number most frequent in this species. The two precaudals are near lower edge of caudal peduncle, not more widely separated than the postero-anals, but somewhat obliquely placed, the second a little higher than the first. The supra-anals form an oblicjue line, very weakly angulated, the lower very slightly in advance of the line joining the other two, the lower interspace about half the upper. A minute antorbital photophore in its usual dorsal position under the anterior frontal rim is evident in the young, but becomes obscure and apparently functionless in adults. A larger antor- bital photophore persists at lower anterior orbital margin, well below the nostrils. The Mauritian specimen is a male with well developed supracaudal luminous organ, consisting of four shining scales which overlap little or not at all. The species differs from M. aspermn Richardson, according to the original description and figure (Voyage " Erebus " and " Terror," Ichth., p. 41, pi. 27, figs. 13, 15), in the larger eye, shorter snout, the fewer anal photophores, and in the relative position of the supra-anals and the precaudals, the former being strongly angulated and the latter widely separated in M. asperum. The relation of M. pristilepis with M. opa- linuni Goode and Bean is much closer. The two agree in general out- lines and proportions, and in the arrangement of the photophores. In M. opalinmn, the scales also are rough, a character which hitherto has not been noticed, and which sei)arates M. ojmUnum widely from M. affine, with which Brauer unites it. This statement is based on an examina- tion of the types of M. opaHnu77i in the United States National Museum. M. opalinmn has a much smaller eye and a somewhat longer snout than M. pristilepis, and more numerous anal photophores, which vary from 8 + 5 to 9 4- 6. Even the lowest number known in M. op)aUnum is thus beyond the known range of M. pristilepis, which is from 6 -^ 4 and 7 + 3 to 7 -f 5 and 8 -f 4. In all the respects in which M. opalinum is known to differ from M. pristilepis, it approaches M. aspeincm. Myctophum humboldti (llisso). A specimen (No. 6870, M. C. Z.) collected by D. D. Roulet, " on a voyage from China " answei's sufficiently well to the current descriptions of this Mediterranean species, but these descriptions are so lacking in detail that the identification cannot be considered reliable. Nor is it gilbert: CERTAm SCOPELIDS IN THE MUSEUM COLLECTION. 261 possible to determine its relationships to Mydophum hoops Richardson, from the Pacitic Ocean, a species which has usually been considered identical with M. humholdti, but apparently without direct comparison. In spite of the doubtful locality of the specimen in hand, it seems ad- visable to place on record a more detailed account of its characters. It differs from typical M. humholdti in having on each side 8 + G, instead of 8 4- 8 anal photopliores, but the variation in M. humholdti may well include this formula. It must be considered very doubtful, however, whether any species will include all the variations which have been attributed to M. humholdti. Measurements in hundredths of length without caudal (107 mm.) : Length of head, 26.5; diameter of eye, 9 ; length of snout, 4.5; length of maxillary, 16.5; interorbital width, 8; depth of body, 21; least depth of tail, 7; distance from snout to dorsal, 43 ; to adipose fiu, 78 ; to veutrals, 45 ; to anal, 62. Dorsal with 12 rays, including all rudiments ; anal, 20; pectoral, 14 ; ven- tral with 8 fully developed rays and no evident rudiment. Lateral line, 41. Gill-rakers, 6 -f 1 + 16, on outer arch. The scales are mostly lost, but a few along the course of the lateral line indicate that these are much deeper than the others. The ventrals are inserted under the front of the dorsal; the anal fin is entirely behind the dorsal ; the adipose fin is well in advance of the last anal ray. The fins are all broken, so no indication can be given of the length of the rays. The mouth and gill cavity are black, this color including the gill-arches and the gill-rakers, but not the gill-filaments or the pseudobranchiae. Photophores. — A sniall dorsal antorbital organ, obscure in this specimen ; a more evident lower antorbital, which seems to be persistent in adults. Suprapectoral distinctly nearer upper pectoral rays than lateral line. Upper infrapectoral on base of lower pectoral rays and below; lower infrapectoral somewhat below the line joining the upper with the first thoracic, its distance from the former less than two-thirds its distance from the latter; the vertical from the lower infrapectoral passes immediately before the second thoracic. L^pper pectoral interspace slightly longer than the lower. Thoracic photophores peculiar in having the first three pairs forming rather widely diverging lines, tlie fourth pair less widely separated, about as in the second pair, the fifth pair very widely divergent, opposite and partly external to the outer ventral rays; second and fourth interspaces equal, the third shorter, two-thirds the first. Supraventrals vertically above the fifth thoracic, a little nearer the latter than the lateral line, distinctly above the line of the two low^er supra-anals. First pair of ventral photophores nearer median line than are the inner ventral rays, which are unusually far apart; first three pairs of ventrals form- 262 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology. ing diverging lines, the fourth again less widely separated ; fourth pair wholly in advance of vent. First ventral interspace longer than the second, the third the shortest. Upper supra-anal just below the lateral line, vertically above vent or a little anterior ; middle supra-anal vertically above fourth ventral, or a trifle anterior; lower supra-anal in advance of and slightly below the middle supra-anal, nearly over the second ventral. Upper supra-anal interspace less than two- thirds the lower. Antero-anals, 8, forming a strongly curved line, the concavity downwards ; first pair very closely approximating anal base, second and third widely diverg- ing, the others again gradually approaching the anal base; last antero-anal opposite base of the fourteenth anal ray. Posterolateral vertically above last antero-anal, immediately below lateral line. Postero-anals, 6, the first opposite the base of the seventeenth anal ray ; interval between last anal and first precaudal equalling that between first and fifth postero-anals. Precaudals, 2, obliquely placed, the distance between them only slightly greater than that separating the postero-anaLs. A short luminous body on back of tail, less than half as long as diameter of eye, with no trace of overlapping scales in the present con- dition of the specimen. GILBERT : CEKTAIN SCOPELIDS IN THB MUSEUM COLLECTION. 263 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE 1. Diaphus nocturnus (Poey). PLATE 2. Diaphus garmani Gilbert. PLATE 3. Myctophum pristilepis (Gilbert & Cramer). V 0, 0) c o y C/) ar p p-( n z ° p o) ^ o 01 D z H 6 O O O UJ Q. Js; > H CO O 13 -J UJ w X n o a; r'^ 1 — ' :p? z o K O) 1 s 1 — , ;>. o •X o < Ul r^ > K ■jl O —1 K^' UJ <— < I E ^ ^ ft c 1) O S S-* u * f CD ^2 i5 z 00 o 1- ^-^ eo IX g [i, 6 *—i o H tu Cfl a. > s O a UJ I ;=; ;.~i s ft o H O ^t Ar n The following Publications of the Museum of Comparative Zoology are in preparation: — Reports on the Results of Dredging Operations in 1877, 1878, 1879, and 1880, in charge of Alex- ANDKR Agassiz, by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake," as follows: — H. AUGEXKK. The Annelids of the " Blake." C. HAKTi.AaB. The Coiuatulae of the "Blake," with 15 Plates. H. LUDWIG. The Genus Pentacriuus. A. MILXE EDWARDS and E. L. BOU\^ER. The Crustacea of the "Blake." A. E. VERRILU The Alcyonaria of the " Blake." Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Closer, U. S. N., Commanding. LOUIS CABOT. IniniatureStateof theOdonata, PartlV. ' E. L. ilARlC. Studies on Lepidosteus, continued. " On Arachnactis. R. T. HILL. On the Geology of the Windward Islands. W. McM. WOOD WORTH. On the Bololo or Palolo of Fiji and Samoa. AGASSIZ and WHITMAN. Pelagic Fishes. Part II., with U Plates. Reports on the Results of the Expedition of 1891 of the U. S. Fish Commission. Steamer "Albatross," Lieutenant Commander Z. L. Ta>-ker, U. S. N., Commanding, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, as follows: — A. AGASSIZ. Tlie Pelagic Fauna. " The Panamic Deep-Sea Fauna. H. B BIGELOW. The Siphonophores. K. BRANDT. The Sagittae. " The Tlialassicolae. W. B. COE. The Nemerteans. W H. DALL. The MoUusks. REINHARD DOHRN. The Eyes of Deep- Sea Crustacea. H J. HANSEN. The Cirripeds. HAROLD HEATH. Solenogaster. W. A. HERDMAN. The Ascidians. S. J. HICKSON. The Antlpathids. J. P. :MrtIURRICH. The Aetinarians. E. L. MARK. Branchiocerianthus. JOHN MURRAY. TheBottoni Specimens. P. SCHIEMENZ. The Pteropods and Hete- ropods. THEO. STUDER. The Alcyonarians. M. P. A. TRAUSTEDT. The Salpidae and DolioHdae. H. B. WARD. The Sipunculids. W. McM. WOOD WORTH. The Annelids. PUBLICATIONS OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. There have been published of the Bulletin Vols. I. to 'XLII., and also Vols. XLIV. to XLVII ; of the Memoirs, Vols. L to XXIV., and also Vols. XXVIII., XXIX., XXXL, XXXIL, and XXXIII. Vols. XLIIL, XLVIIL, XLIX., and L. of the Bulletin, and Vols. XXV., XXVI., XXVII., XXX., XXXIV., and XXXV. of the Memoirs, are now in course of publication. The Bulletin and Memoirs are devoted to the publication of original work by the Professors and Assistants of the Museum, of investigations carried on by students and others in the different Laboratories of Natural History, and of work by specialists based upon the Museum Collections and Explorations. The following publications are in preparation : — Reports on the Results of Dredging Operations from 1877 to 1880, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake," Lieut. Commander C. D. Sigsbee, U. S. N., and Commander J. R. Bartlett, TJ. S. N., Commanding. Reports on the Results of the Expedition of 1891 of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," Lieut. Commander Z. L. Tanner, U. S. N., Command- ing, in charge of Alexander Agassiz. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding. Reports oh the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Eastern Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," from October, 1904, to April, 1905, Lieut. Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding. Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory, Professor E. L. Mark, Director. Contributions from the Geological Laboratorj-. These publications are issued in numbers at irregular intervals ; one volume of the Bulletin (8vo) and half a volume of the Memoirs (4to) usually appear annually. Each number of the Bulletiu and of the Memoirs is sold separately. A price list of the publications of the Museum will be sent on application to the Librarian of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. ACME BOOKBIN^M'JQ CO., IMC. 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