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I ■ K 1 •> ii I' i>.l ■ i K '! j) Hi IK’il I: K.l.’l HlilKIHflO l t i s i i l) ii lij'UO.vl i? | j>ft [KilSlil'h liliHfl/UiH iTOf'bHIOfUHV ,i,l.llj> ■ - : 4 r • * ‘ i : I li«IHS|«HI.OOi».lMf>H .... I "I." ■ ■ ■ ■ PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY , ; ' ■ i A Y, L'-’v.- OF WASHINGTON. YOL. XL WITH THE CONSTITUTION, RULES AND LISTS OF OFFICERmAND MEMBERS. WASHINGTON: PRINTED BY JUDl^ & DETWETLER. i8oi CONTENTS. Page. Constitution . vn Standing Rules of the Society . vm Standing Rules of the General Committee . . . xn Standing Rules of the Mathematical Section . . xiv Rules for the Publication of the Bulletin . xv List of Presidents of the Society . . . xvi List of Officers of the Society for 1892 . . xvn List of Members . xviii Philosophy and Specialties, Annual Presidential Address, 1888, Garrick Mallery . 3 On the Observation of Sudden Phenomena, S. P. Langley . 41 On Some of the Greater Problems of Physical Geology, C. E. Dutton . . 51 On the Crystallization of Igneous Rocks, J. P. Iddings . 65 On the Reduction of Pendulum Observations, E. D. Preston . 115 The Relative Abundance of the Chemical Elements, F. W. Clarke . . . 131 Assumption and Fact in the Theories of Solar and Stellar Proper Mo¬ tions, Annual Presidential Address, 1889, J. R. Eastman. . . . 143 Plurricanes in the Bay of North America, Everett Hayden . 173 The Mineral Composition and Geological Occurrence of Certain Igne¬ ous Rocks in the Yellowstone National Park, J. P. Iddings . 191 The Evolution of Serials Published by Scientific Societies, W J McGee . 221 On Certain Peculiar Structural Features in the Foot-Hill Region of the Rocky Mountains near Denver, Colorado, G. H. Eldridge . 247 The Progress of Meteoric Astronomy in America, J. R. Eastman . 275 Money Fallacies, Annual Presidential Address, 1890, C. E. Dutton.. . . 359 Constitution and Origin of Spherulites in Acid Eruptive Rocks, Whitman Cross . . 411 Spherulitic Crystallization, J. P. Iddings . 445 Obituary Notices . ’ . 465 Mohawk Lake Beds, H. W. Turner . 385 Minutes of Proceedings of the Society, 1888 . 499 Minutes of Proceedings of the Society, 1889 . . 528 Minutes of Proceedings of the Society, 1890 . 549 Minutes of Proceedings of the Society, 1891 . 563 Minutes of Proceedings of the Mathematical Section, 1888 . 579 Minutes of Proceedings of the Mathematical Section, 1889 . 604 Minutes of Proceedings of the Mathematical Section, 1890 . 606 Minutes of Proceedings of the Mathematical Section, 1891 . 608 Index . 611 * (in)' THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. CONSTITUTION, RULES, C UST OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS FOR 1892, AND UST OF PRESIDENTS OF THE SOCIETY. i (V) CONSTITUTION OP THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Article I. The name of this Society shall be The Philosophi¬ cal Society of Washington. Article II. The officers of the Society shall be a President, four Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, and two Secretaries. Article III. There shall be a General Committee, consisting of the ex-Presidents of the Society, the officers of the Society, and nine other members. Article IV. The officers of the Society and the nine other members of the General Committee shall be elected annually by ballot ; they shall hold office until their successors are elected, and shall have power to fill vacancies. Article V. It shall be the duty of the General Committee to make rules for the government of the Society, and to transact all its business. Article VI. This constitution shall not be amended except by a three-fourths vote of those present at an annual meeting for the election of officers, and after notice of the proposed change shall have been given in writing at a stated meeting of the So¬ ciety at least four weeks previously. (vii) STANDING RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 1. The Stated Meetings of the Society shall be held at 8 o’clock p. m. on every alternate Saturday; the place of meeting to be designated by the General Committee. 2. Notice of the time and place of meeting "shall be sent to each member by one of the Secretaries. When necessary, Special Meetings may he called by the Presi¬ dent. 3. The Annual Meeting for the election of officers shall he the last stated meeting in the month of December. The order of proceedings (which shall he announced by the Chair) shall he as follows : First, the reading of the minutes of the last Annual Meeting. Second, the presentation of the annual reports of the Secre¬ taries, including the announcement of the names of members elected since the last annual meeting. Third, the presentation of the annual report of the Treasurer. Fourth, the announcement of the names of members who, having complied with Section 14 of the Standing Rules, are en¬ titled to vote on the election of officers. Fifth, the election of President. Sixth, the election of four Vice-Presidents. Seventh, the election of Treasurer. Eighth, the election of two Secretaries. Ninth, the election of nine members of the General Committee. (viii) STANDING RULES. IX Tenth, the consideration of Amendments to the Constitution of the Society, if any such shall have been proposed in accord¬ ance with Article VI of the Constitution. Eleventh, the reading of the rough minutes of the meeting. 4. Elections of officers are to be held as follows : In each case nominations shall be made by means of an informal ballot, the result of which shall be announced by the Secretary ; after which the first formal ballot shall he taken. In the ballot for Vice-Presidents, Secretaries, and Members of the General Committee, each voter shall write on one ballot as many names as there are officers to be elected, viz., four on the first ballot for Vice-Presidents, two on the first for Secretaries, and nine on the 'first for Members of the General Committee, and on each subsequent ballot as many names as there are persons yet to be elected ; and those persons who receive a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected : Provided , That the number of persons receiving a majority does not exceed the number of persons to be elected, in which case the vacancies shall be filled by the candidates receiving the highest majorities. If in any case the informal ballot result in giving a majority for any one, it may he declared formal by a majority vote. 5. The Stated Meetings, with the exception of the annual meeting, shall he devoted to the consideration and discussion of scientific subjects. The Stated Meeting next preceding the Annual Meeting shall be set apart for the delivery of the President’s Annual Address. 6. Sections representing special branches of science' may be formed by the General Committee upon the written recom¬ mendation of twenty members of the Society. 7. Persons interested in science, who are not residents of the District of Columbia, may be present at any meeting of the Society, except the annual meeting, upon invitation of a member. 8. On request of a member, the President or either of the Secretaries may, at his discretion, issue to any person a card of invitation to attend a specified meeting. Five cards of invitation II— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. ) X PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. to attend a meeting may be issued in blank to the reader of a paper at that meeting. 9. Invitations to attend during three months the meetings of the Society and participate in the discussion of papers, may, by a vote of nine members of the General Committee, be issued to persons nominated by two members. 10. Communications intended for publication under the auspices of the Society shall be submitted in writing to the General Committee for approval. 11. Any paper read before a Section may be repeated, either entire or by abstract, before a general meeting of the Societ}^, if such repetition is recommended by the General Committee of the Society. 12. It is not permitted to report the proceedings of the So¬ ciety or its Sections for publication, except by authority of the General Committee. 13. New members may be proposed in writing by three mem¬ bers of the Society for election by the General Committee ; but no person shall be admitted to the privileges of membership unless he signifies his acceptance thereof in writing, and pays his dues to the Treasurer, within two months after notification of his election. 14. Each member shall pay annually to the Treasurer the sum of five dollars, and no member whose dues are unpaid shall vote at the annual meeting for the election of officers, or be entitled to a copy of the Bulletin. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Secretary is authorized to receive the dues of members. The names of those two years in arrears shall be dropped from the list of members. Notice of resignation of membership shall be given in writing to the General Committee through the President or one of the Secretaries. ^ 15. The fiscal year shall terminate with the Annual Meeting. STANDING RULES. XI 16. Any member who is absent from the District of Colum¬ bia for more than twelve consecutive months may be excused from payment of dues during the period of his absence, in which case he will not be entitled to receive announcements of meetings or current numbers of the Bulletin. 17. Any member not in arrears may, by the payment of one hundred dollars at any one time, become a life member, and be relieved from all further annual dues and other assessments. All moneys received in payment of life membership shall be invested as portions of a permanent fund, which shall be directed solely to the furtherance of such special scientific work as may be ordered by the General Committee. STANDING RULES OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. With Amendments Adopted April 14, 1888. (Records 1 : 218-220.) 1. The President, Vice-Presidents, and Secretaries of the So¬ ciety shall hold like offices in the General Committee. 2. The President shall have power to call special meetings of the Committee, and to appoint Sub-Committees. 3. The Sub-Committees shall prepare business for the General Committee, and perform such other duties as may be entrusted to them. 4. There shall be two Standing Sub-Committees : one on Com¬ munications for the Stated Meetings of the Society, and another on Publications. 5. The General Committee shall meet at half-past seven o’clock on the evening of each Stated Meeting, and by adjournment at other times. 6. Six members shall constitute a quorum for all purposes, except for the amendment of the Standing Rules of the Com¬ mittee or of the Society, in which case a majority of the General Committee shall constitute a quorum. 7. The names of proposed new members recommended in con¬ formity with Section 13 of the Standing Rules of the Society may be presented at any meeting of the G eneral Committee, but shall (xii) STANDING HULKS. XIII lie over for at least four weeks before final action. At least fif¬ teen ballots shall be cast to determine an* election. Blanks shall not be counted as ballots. Affirmative ballots to the number of four-fifths of those cast shall be necessary to an election. No rejected candidate shall be eligible to membership within twelve months from the date of rejection. The Secretary of the General Committee shall keep a chronological register of the elections and acceptances of members. 8. These Standing Rules, and those for the government of the Society, shall be modified only with the consent of a majority of the members of the General Committee, but by unanimous con¬ sent of a quorum any rule except numbers 6 and 7 of the Stand¬ ing Rules of the General Committee may be temporarily sus¬ pended. STANDING RULES OF THE MATHEMATICAL SECTION. 1. The object of this Section is the consideration and discus¬ sion of papers relating to pure or applied mathematics. 2. The special officers of the section shall be a Chairman and a Secretary, who shall be elected at the first meeting of the Sec¬ tion in each year, and discharge the duties usually attaching to those offices. 3. To bring a paper regularly before the Section it must be submitted to the Standing Committee on Communications for the stated meetings of the Society, with the statement that it is for the Mathematical Section. 4. Meetings shall be called by the Standing Committee on Communications whenever the extent or importance of the papers submitted and approved appear to justify it. 5. All members of the Philosophical Society who wish to do so may take part in the meetings of this Section. 6. To every member who shall have notified the Secretary of the General Committee of his desire to receive them, announce¬ ments of the meetings of the Section shall be sent by mail. 7. The Section shall have power to adopt such rules of pro¬ cedure as it may find expedient. RULES RESPECTING PUBLICATIONS OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Adopted December 22, 1888. 1. The regular publication of the Society shall have the form of a series of completed papers or memoirs, to which the transac¬ tions of the Society shall be added. Publication shall not be made at stated intervals, but whenever directed by the General Committee. 2. Each paper read before the Society and offered for publica¬ tion shall be at once referred to a special committee of two appointed by the President, which shall submit to the General Committee at its next meeting a written report on the paper, and the General Committee shall decide respecting its publica¬ tion. The annual address of the retiring President and the an¬ nual reports of the Treasurer and Secretaries shall be published in full, without reference. The journal of the Society shall be published in condensed form at the end of the volume. 3. Papers read before a Section of the Society and offered for publication shall be referred to a committee appointed as the Section may direct. The paper, accompanied by a written report, shall be laid before the General Committee, which shall decide respecting publication. 4. Papers approved by the General Committee for publication shall be printed forthwith, and one hundred copies shall be gratuitously furnished to the author. 5. The papers published from time to time shall be paged con¬ secutively, and when sufficient material has accumulated to form a volume of convenient size, a title page, table of contents, and index shall be prepared, and the whole issued as a volume of the Bulletin of the Philosophical Society. (xv) PRESIDENTS OF THE SOCIETY. JOSEPH HENRY . . . . .1871-78. SIMON NEWCOMB . . .1879-’80. J. J. WOODWARD . . 1881. W. B. TAYLOR . . . 1882. J. W. POWELL . ..1883. J. C. WELLING . . 1884. ASAPH HALL . 1885. J. S. BILLINGS . 1886. WM. IIARKNESS. . . 1887. GARRICK MALLERY . 1888. J. R. EASTMAN . 1889. C. E. DUTTON . 1890. T. C. MENDENHALL . 1891. G. K. GILBERT.. . . 1892. (xvi) OFFIOEBS OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, 1892. (Elected December 19, 1891.) President . G. K. Gilbert. Tr. _ . 7 ( G. Brown Goode. W. H. Dall. Vice-Presidents . . . < „ T> o -nr ( Robert Fletcher. R. S. Woodw Treasurer . W. A. De Caindry. Secretaries . . . . . J. S. Diller. W. C. Winlock. MEMBERS AT LARGE OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. Marcus Baker. Henry H. Bates. . F. H. Bigelow'. F. W. Clarke. Lester .G. W. Hill. H. M. Paul. C. V. Riley. O. H. Tittmann. F. Ward. STANDING COMMITTEES. On Communications : R. S. Woodward, Chairman. J. S. Diller. F. H. Bigelow. On Publications : Robert Fletcher, Chairman. Marcus Baker. W. C. Winlock. Members of the Joint Commission : G. K. Gilbert. Marcus Baker. T. C. Mendenhall. Ill-Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. (xvii) LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON; TOGETHER WITH YEAR OF ADMISSION TO THE SOCIETY, POST-OFFICE ADDRESS, AND RESIDENCE. Corrected to December 31, 1891. 1871. Abbe, Prof. Cleveland. Weather Bureau. 1875. Abert, S. T. (Silvanus Thayer), 722 Seventeenth street. 1881. Adams, Henry, 1603 H street. 1871. Antisell, Dr. Thomas, Patent Office. 1890. Atkinson, W. R. (William Russum), Geological Survey. 1889. Atwater, Prof. W. 0. (Wilbur Olin), Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. 1879. Avery, R. S. (Robert Stanton), 320 A street SE. 1881. Baker, Dr. Frank, Smithsonian Institution. 1315 Corcoran street. 1876. Baker, Marcus, Geological Survey. 1905 Sixteenth street. 1871. Bates, Dr. Henry H. (Henry Hobart), Patent Office. The Portland. 1886. Bates, Dr. N. L. (Newton Lemuel), U. S. N., Navy Department. Mare Island, California. (xviii) 2017 I street. 1738 I street. 1311 Q street. LIST OF MEMBERS. XIX 1888. Bauer, Louis A. (Louis Agricola), Coast and Geodetic Survey. 2151 L street. 1884. Bean, Dr. T. H. (Tarleton Hoffman), Smithsonian Institution. 17*38 Q street. 1875. Beardslee, Cart. L. A. (Lester Anthony), U. S. N., Navy Department. 1879. Bell, A. Graham (Alexander Graham), Volta Bureau, 3414 Q street. 1881. Bell, Dr. C. A. (Chichester Alexander), The Richmond, Seventeenth and H streets. 1871. Benet, Gen. S. V. (Stephen Vincent), U. S. A., 1717 I street. 1886. Beyer, Dr. H. G. (Henry Gustav), U. S. N., Navy Department. 1890. Bigelow, Prof. Frank H. (Frank Hagar), Weather Bureau. 1416 K street. 1871. Billings, Dr. J. S. (John Shaw), U. S. A., Army Medical Museum. 3027 N street. 1876. Birnie, Capt. Rogers, U. S. A., Ordnance Office, War Dept. 1341 New Hampshire ave. 1883. Bodfish, Sumner H. (Sumner Homer), 58 B street NE. 1884. Bowles, Nav. Con’r. F. T. (Francis Tiffany), U. S. N., Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. 1884. Brown, Prof. S. J. (Stimson Joseph), U. S. N., Washburn Observatory, Madison, Wisconsin. 1883. Browne, Dr. John Mills, U. S. N., Navy Department. The Portland. 1886. Bryan, Dr. J. H. (Joseph Hammond), 806 Seventeenth street. 1644 Connecticut ave. 1883. Burgess, Prof. E. S. (Edward Sandford), High School. 1115 0 street. 1879. Burnett, Dr. Swan M. (Swan Moses), 1770 Massachusetts avenue. 1874. Busey, Dr. Samuel C. (Samuel Clagett), 1545 I street. 901 Sixteenth street. 1891. Carr, W. K. (William Kearney), 1008 F Street. 1413 K street. XX PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 1871. Casey, Gen. Thomas Lincoln, U. S. A. War Department. 1419 K street. 1882. Caziarc, Capt. Louis V. (Louis Vasmar), U. S. A., Fort Adams, Newport, R. I. 1883. Chamberlin, Pres. T. C. (Thomas Chrowder), University of Wisconsin. Madison, Wis. 1888. Chapman, D. C. (Daniel Currier), Coast and Geodetic Survey. 110 C street SE. 1885. Chatard, Dr. Thos. M. (Thomas Marean), Geological Survey. The Portland. 1874. Chickering, Prof. J. W. (John White), Deaf Mute College. Kendall Green. 1880. Christie, Alex. S. (Alexander Smyth), Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1877. Clark, Edward, Architect’s Office, Capitol. 417 Fourth street. 1874. Clarke, Prof. F. W. (Frank Wigglesworth), Geological Survey. 1612 Riggs place. 1890. Colonna, B. A. (Benjamin Azariah), Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1880. Comstock, Prof. J. IT. (.John Henry) Cornell University. 1874. Coues, Dr. Elliott, Smithsonian Institution. 1873. Craig, Capt. Robert, U. S. A., War Department. 1879. Craig, Dr. Thomas, Johns Hopkins University. 1889. Cross, C. Whitman (Charles Whitman), Geological Survey. 730 Seventeenth street 1886. Cummings, Prof. Geo. J. (George .Jotham), Howard University. 1884. Curtis, George E. (George Edward), Smithsonian Institution. 1871. Dall, Wm. H. (William Healey), National Museum. 1886. Darton, N. IT. (Nelson Horatio), Geological Survey. 138 B street NE. Ithaca, N. Y. 17*26 N street. 1822 I street. Baltimore, Md. 1227 M street. 1119 Twelfth street. LIST OF MEMBERS. XXI 1880. Davis, Comdr. C. H. (Charles Henry), U. S. N., Navy Department. 1705 Khode Island avenue. 1889. Dawson, Rev. J. F. (James Francis), Georgetown College. 1872. Dean, Dr. R. C. (Richard Crain), U. S. N., Navy Department. 1736 I street. 1881. De Caindry, Wm. A. (William Augustin), Commissary General’s Office, War Dept. 1909 H street. 1884. Dewey, Fred. P. (Frederic Perkins), 621 F street. Lanier Heights. 1884. Diller, J. S. (Joseph Silas), Geological Survey. 1804 Sixteenth street. 1876. Doolittle, M. H. (Myrick Hascall), Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1925 I street. 1873. Dunwoody, Maj. H. H. C. (Henry Harrison War Department. [Chase), U. S. A., 1872. Dutton, Maj. C. E. (Clarence Edward), U. S. A., San Antonio, Texas. 1890. E akins, L. G. (Lincoln Grant), Geological Survey. 1721 G street. 1884. Earll, R. Edward (Robert Edward), National Museum. 1441 Chapin street. 1871. Eastman, Prof. J. R. (John Robie), U. S. N., Naval Observatory. 1905 N street. 1888. Edes, Dr. R. T. (Robert Thaxter), Adams Nervine Asylum, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts. 1884. Eimbeck, William, Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1014 Fourteenth street. 1887. Eldridge, G. H. (George Homans), Geological Survey. The Shoreham. 1871. Eldridge, Dr. Stuart, Yokohama, Japan. 1883. Emmons, S. F. (Samuel Franklin), Geological Survey. 1725 H street. 1873. Endlich, Dr. F. M. (Frederic Miller), Ouray, Colorado. 1874. Ewing, Gen. Hugh, “ Idleside,” Lancaster, Ohio. XXII PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 1876. Farquhar, Edward, Patent Office Library. 1881. Farquhar, Henry, Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1889. Fassig, 0. L. (Oliver Lanard), Weather Bureau. 2008 F street. Brookland, D. C. 1424 Eleventh street. 1887. Fernow, B. E. (Bernhard Eduard), Department of Agriculture. 1890. Fischer, E. G. (Ernst George), Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1873. Fletcher, Dr. Robert, Army Medical Museum. 1843 R street. 436 N. Y. avenue. The Portland. 1882. Flint, A. S. (Albert Stowell), Washburn Observatory, Madison, Wisconsin. 1881. Flint, Dr. J. M. (James Milton), U. S. N., Navy Department. U. S. S. Miantonomah. 1873. Fristoe, Prof. E. T. (Edward T.), Columbian University. 1109 Thirteenth street. 1875. Gallaudet, Pres. E. M. (Edward Miner), Deaf Mute College, Kendall Green. 1874. Gannett, Henry, Geological Survey. 1881 Harewood avenue. 1891. Gihon, Dr. Albert L. (Albert Leary), U. S. N., United States Naval Hospital, Brooklyn, New York. 1873. Gilbert, G. K. (Grove Karl), Geological Survey. 1424 Corcoran street. 1879. Godding, Dr. W. W. (William Whitney), Government Hospital for the Insane. 1885. Gooch, Prof. F. A. (Frank Austin), Yale College, New Haven, Connecticut. 1874. Goode, Dr. G. Brown (George Brown), Smithsonian Institution. Lanier Heights. 1875. Goodfellow, Edward, Coast and Geodetic Survey. 7 Dupont Circle. 1886. Gordon, Prof. J. C. (Joseph Claybaugh), Deaf Mute College, Kendall Green. 1880. Gore, Prof. J. Howard (James Howard), Columbian University. 1517 Kingman place. LIST OF MEMBERS. XXIII 1878. Graves, W. H. (Walter Hayden), Bureau of Indian Affairs. 1880. Greely, Gen. A. W. (Adolphus Washington), U. S. A., 1415 G street. 1914 G street. 1879. Green, Bernard R. (Bernard Richardson;, Building for Library of Congress. 1738 N street. 1875. Green, Comdr. F. M. (Francis Mathews), U. S. N., Navy Department. 1871. Greene, Prof. B. F. (Benjamin Franklin), U. S. N., West Lebanon, New Hampshire. 1875. Greene, Francis Vinton, No. 1, Broadway, New York, N. Y. 1884. Gregory, Dr. John M. (John Milton), Corner New Hampshire and Oregon avenues. 1879. Gunnell, Dr. F. M. (Francis M.), U. S. N., 600 20th street. 1889. Hagen, Rev. J. G. (John George), Georgetown College. 1879. Hains, Lt. Col. P. C. (Peter Conover), U. S. A., Portland, Maine. 1871. Hall, Prof. Asaph, U. S. N., Naval Observatory. 2715 N street. 1884. Hall, Asaph, Jr., Naval Observatory. 2715 N street. 1885. Hallock, Dr. William, Smithsonian Institution. 1423 Florida avenue. 1871. Harkness, Prof. William, U. S. N., Naval Observatory. Cosmos Club, 1520 IL street. 1891. Harrington, Prof. Mark W. (Mark Walrod), Weather Bureau. 1890. Harris, A. W. (Abram Winegardner), Department of Agriculture. Brookland, D. C. 1891. Harris, R. A. (Rollin Arthur), Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1740 R street. 1880. Hassler, Dr. F. A. (Ferdinand Augustus), Santa Ana, Orange County, California. 1886. Hayden, Everett, U. S. N., Hydrographic Office. 1802 Sixteenth street. XXIV PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 1888. 1889. 1882. 1874. 1879. 1886. 1886. Hayes, Dr. C. Willard (Charles Willard), Geological Survey. 1616 Riggs place. Hayford, J. F. (John Fillmore), Coast and Geodetic Survey. Hazen, Prof. H. A. (Henry Allen), P. O. Box 427. Weather Bureau. 1416 Corcoran street • Hensiiaw, H. W. (Henry Wetherbee), Bureau of Ethnology. Hill, G. W. (George William), Nautical Almanac Office. Hill, Prof. R. T. (Robert Thomas), 910 Fifteenth street. Hillebrand, Dr. W. F. (William Francis), Geological Survey. 506 T street. 13 Iowa Circle. 314 Indiana avenue. 1884. Hitchcock, Romyn, National Museum. 1885. Hodgkins, Prof. H. L. (Howard Lincoln), Columbian University. 1830 T street. 1873. Holden, Prof. E. S. (Edward Singleton), Lick Observatory, Mt. Hamilton, California. 1890. Hollerith, Herman, 501 F street. 1887. Holmes, Jesse H. (Jesse Herman), 1811 I street. 1879. Holmes, W. H. (William Henry), Bureau of Ethnology. 1888. Howard, L. O. (Leland Ossian), Department of Agriculture. 1874. Howell, Edwin E. (Edwin Eugene), 612 Seventeenth street. 1812 K street. 1885. Iddings, Joseph P. (Joseph Paxson), Geological Survey. 730 Seventeenth street. 1891. James, J. N. (John Nelson), Naval Observatory. 3035 O street. 1890. James, Joseph F. (Joseph Francis), Department of Agriculture. 1443 Corcoran street. 1880. James, Rev. Owen, Hatboro, Pennsylvania. 3112 Q street. 3006 P street. 1444 Stoughton street. 3023 P street. LIST OF MEMBERS. XXY 1871. Jenkins, Rr. Adl. T. A. (Thornton Alexander), U. S. N., 2115 Pennsylvania avenue. 1890. Jenney, Dr. W. P. (Walter Proctor), Geological Survey. 1879. Johnson, Dr. Joseph Taber, 1728 K street. 1884. Johnson, Willard D. (Willard Drake), U. S. Geological Survey, Berkeley, California. 1884. Kauffmann, S. H. (Samuel Hay), 1101 Pennsylvania avenue. 1421 Massachusetts ave. 1887. Keith, Arthur, Geological Survey. 1707 M street. 1886. Kenaston, Prof. C. A. (Carlos Albert), Room 4, 26 Court street, Brooklyn, New York. 1884. Kerr, Mark B. (Mark Brickell), 402 Front street, San Francisco, California. 1880. Kilbourne, Capt. C. E. (Charles Evans), U. S. A., Signal Office, War Department. 1922 I street. 1875. King, Dr. A. F. A. (Albert Freeman Africanns), 1315 Massachusetts avenue. 1887. Knight, F. J. (Fred Jay), Geological Survey. 1887. Knowlton, Prof. F. H. (Frank Hall), National Museum. 1874. Knox, J. J. (John Jay), 19 E. 41st street, New York city. 1882. Kummell, C. H. (Charles Hugo), Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1887. Langley, Mr. S. P. (Samuel Pierpont), Smithsonian Institution. 1884. Lawrence, William, Bellefontaine, Ohio. 1874. Lee, Dr. William, 2111 Pennsylvania avenue. 1871. Lincoln, Dr. N. S. (Nathan Smith), 1514 H street. 1890. Lindgren, Waldemar, Geological Survey. 809 Thirteenth street. IV— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 744 8th street. Laurel, Maryland. 608 Q street. Metropolitan Club. 1821 I street. XXVI PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 1889. Littlehales, G. W. (George Washington), Hydrographic Office. 928 Twenty-third street. 1880. Loomis, E. J. (Eben Jenks), Nautical Almanac Office. 1443 Stoughton street. 1886. McAdie, A. G. (Alexander George), Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts. 1891. McCammon, Gen. Jos. K. (Joseph Kay), 1420 F street. 1324 Nineteenth street. 1886. McDonald, Col. M. (Marshall), U. S. Fish Commission. 1514 R street. 1883. McGee, W J, Geological Survey. 2410 Fourteenth street. 1879. McGuire, F. B. (Frederick Bauders), 1419 G street. 1333 Connecticut avenue. 1876. McMurtrie, Prof. William, 106 Wall street, New York, N. Y. 1884. Maher, James A. (James Arran), Lock Box 35, Johnson City, Tennessee. 1875. Mallery, Col. Garrick, U. S. A., Bureau of Ethnology. 1323 N street. 1885. Mann, B : Pickman (Benjamin Pickman), Patent Office. 1918 Sunderland place. 1886. Martin, Artemas, Coast and Geodetic Survey. 55 C street SE. 1885. Marvin, Prof. C. F. (Charles Frederick), Weather Bureau. 1736 Thirteenth street. 1878. Marvin, J. B. (Joseph Badger), Patent Office. 1735 De Sales street. 1884. Matthews, Dr. Washington, U. S. A., Fort Wingate, New Mexico. 1885. Mendenhall, Prof. T. C. (Thomas Corwin), Coast and Geodetic Survey. 8 B street NE. 1886. Merriam, Dr. C. Hart (Clinton Hart), Department of Agriculture. 1919 Sixteenth street. 1884. Merrill, George P. (George Perkins), National Museum. 1455 Florida avenue. 1889. Mindeleff, Cosmos, Bureau of Ethnology. LIST OF MEMBERS. XXVII 1889. Mindeleff, Victor, Ohio Bank Bldg., 12th and G sts. 1421 Florida ave. 1886. Mitchell, Prof. Henry, 18 Hawthorne Street, Roxbury, Massachusetts. 1891. Morton, Geo. L. (George L - ), Patent Office. 1310 Q street. 1885. Moser, Lieut. J. F. (Jefferson Franklin), U. S. N., Navy Department. 1884. Murdoch, John, Smithsonian Institution. 1429 Stoughton street. 1881. Mussey, Gen. R. D. (Reuben Delavan), 470 Louisiana avenue. 2145 K street. 1871. Newcomb, Prof. Simon, U. S. N., Navy Department. 1620 P street. 1871. Nicholson, W. L. (Walter Lamb), 1114 M street. 1879. Nordiioff, Charles, Coronado, San Diego County, California. 1884. Norris, Dr. Basil, U. S. A., Occidental Hotel, San Francisco, California. 1885. Nott, Judge Charles C. (Charles Cooper), Court of Claims. 826 Connecticut avenue. 1884. Ogden, H. G. (Herbert Gouverneur), Coast and Geodetic Survey. The Woodmont, Iowa Circle. 1878. Osborne, J. W. (John Walter), 216 Delaware avenue NE. 1871. Parke, Gen. John G. (John Grubb), U. S. A., 16 Lafayette square. 1877. Paul, H. M. (Henry Martyn), Naval Observatory. 2006 F street. 1874. Peale, Dr. A. C. (Albert Charles), Geological Survey. 1446 Stoughton street. 1873. Poe, Gen. O. M. (Orlando Metcalfe), U. S. A., 34 West Congress street, Detroit, Michigan. 1890. Pohle, Dr. Joseph, Catholic University of America, Brookland, D. C. 1884. Poindexter, W. M. (William Mundy), 1505 Pennsylvania avenue. 1634 Connecticut avenue. XXVIII PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 1882. Pope, Dr. B. P. (Benjamin Franklin), U. S. A., Whipple Barracks, Arizona Territory. 1874. Powell, Maj. J. W. (John Wesley), Geological Survey. 910 M street. 1880. Prentiss, Dr. D. W. (Daniel Webster), 1101 Fourteenth street. 1888. Preston, E. D. (Erasmus Darwin), Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1879. Pritchett, Prof. H. S. (Henry Smith). Observatory, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. 1882. Rathbun, Richard, U. S. Fish Commission. 1622 Massachusetts avenue. 1884. Ray, Capt. P. H. (Patrick Henry), U. S. A., 1822 Chicago street, Omaha, Nebraska. 1888. Renshawe, Jno. H. (John Henry), Geological Survey. 1884. Ricksecker, Eugene, P. 0. Box 289, Seattle, Washington. 1878. Riley, Prof. C. Y. (Charles Valentine), Department of Agriculture. Sunbury, Wyoming ave. 1879. Ritter, W. F. McK. (William Francis McKnight), P. 0. Box 450, Milton, Pennsylvania. 1884. Robinson, Thomas, U. S. E. Office, Montgomery, Alabama. Vienna, Va. 1872. Rogers, Joseph A. (Joseph Addison), Naval Observatory. 1882. Russell, Israel C. (Israel Cook), Geological Survey. 1616 Riggs place. 1883. Russell, Thomas, Weather Bureau. 1149 Twenty -first street. 1883. Salmon, Dr. D. E. (Daniel Elmer), Department of Agriculture. 1716 Thirteenth street. 1883. Sampson, Capt. W. T. (William Thomas), U. S. N., Navy Department. 1871. Saville, J. H. (James Hamilton), 1419 F street. 825 Vermont avenue. 1871. Schott, C. A. (Charles Anthony), Coast and Geodetic Survey. 212 First street SE. LIST OF MEMBERS. XXIX 1890. Searle, Rey. G. M. (George Mary), Catholic University of America, Brookland, D. C. 1875. Shellabarger, Hon. Samuel, Kellogg Building. 812 Seventeenth street. 1874. Sherman, Hon. John, U. S. Senate. 1319 K street. 1881. Shufeldt, Dr. R. W. (Robert Wilson), Smithsonian Institution. Takoma Park, D. C. 1879. Sigsbee, Comdr. C. D. (Charles Dwight), U. S. N., Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. 1883. Skinner, Dr. J. 0. (John Oscar), U. S. A., Surgeon General’s Office. 1882, Smiley, Chas. W. (Charles Wesley), P. 0. Box 630. 943 Massachusetts avenue. 1891. Smillie, Thos. W. (Thomas William), National Museum. 618 G street SW. 1876. Smith, Chf. Eng. David, U. S. N., Navy Department. 1714 Connecticut avenue. 1880. Smith, Edwin, Coast and Geodetic Survey. Rockville, Maryland. 1887. Smyth, H. L. (Henry Lloyd), 22 Brinley street, Newport, Rhode Island. 1886. Snell, Merwin-Marie (Merwin-Marie Fitzporter), Catholic University of America, Brookland, D. C. 1872. Spofford, A. R. (Ainsworth Rand), Library of Congress. 1621 Massachusetts avenue. 1890. Stanley-Brown, Joseph, Geological Survey. 1318 Massachusetts avenue. 1884. Stearns, R. E. C. (Robert Edwards Carter), Geological Survey. 1312 12th street. 1891. Stokes, Dr. H. N. (Henry Newlin), Geological Survey. 2416 Fourteenth street. 1874. Stone, Prof. Ormond, Leander McCormick Observatory, University of Va. 1881. Taylor, F. W. (Frederick William), Care Smithsonian Institution. 1871. Taylor, Wm. B. (William Bower), Smithsonian Institution. 306 C street. XXX PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 1875. Thompson, Prof. A. H. (Almon Harris), Geological Survey. 1729 Twelfth street. 1884. Thompson, Gilbert, Geological Survey. 1763 P street. 1888. Tittmann, 0. H. (Otto Hilgard), Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1019 Twentieth street. 1878. Todd, Prof. David P. (David Peck), Amherst College Observatory, Amherst, Massachusetts. 1873. Toner, Dr. J. M. (Joseph Meredith), 615 Louisiana avenue. 1886. Trenholm, Wm. L. (William Lee), 160 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 1890. True, Dr. A. C. (Alfred Charles), Department of Agriculture. 1604 Seventeenth street. 1882. True, Frederick W. (Frederick William), National Museum. 1101 14th street. 1890. Turner, H. W. (Henry Ward), Geological Survey. 1808 H street. 1882. Upton, Wm. W. (William Wirt), Atlantic Building, 930 F street. 1746 M street. 1880. Upton, Prof. Winslow, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. 1890. Van Hise, Prof. C. R. (Charles Richard), U. S. Geological Survey, Madison, Wisconsin. 1883. Walcott, C. D. (Charles Doolittle), National Museum. 1746 Q street. 1881. Waldo, Dr. Frank, 95 Mercer street, Princeton, New Jersey. 1872. Walker, Gen. F. A. (Francis Amasa), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. 1876. Ward, Lester F. (Lester Frank), National Museum. 1464 Rhode Island avenue. 1888. Warder, Prof. Robt. B. (Robert Bowne), Howard University. 1889. Watkins, J. E. (John Elfreth), Smithsonian Institution. 1801 Thirteenth street. 1882. Webster, Albert L. (Albert Lowry), 107 Drexel Building, corner Wall and Broad sts., N. Y. LIST OF MEMBERS. XXXI 1885. Weed, W. H. (Walter Harvey), Geological Survey. 825 V ermont avenue. 1882. Welling, Dr. James C. (James Clarke), Columbian University. 1302 Connecticut avenue. 1876. White, Dr. C. A. (Charles Abiathar), National Museum. 312 Maple avenue, Le Droit Park. 1884. White, Dr. C. H. (Charles Henry), U. S. N., Navy Department. 1887. Whiting, H. L. (Henry Laurens), Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1885. Willis, Bailey, Geological Survey. 1006 Twenty-second street. 1887. Wilson, Dr. H. C. (Herbert Couper), Carleton College Observatory, Northfield, Minnesota. 1880. Winlock, W. C. (William Crawford), Smithsonian Institution. 2005 0 street. 1891. Winston, Isaac, Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1325 Corcoran street. 1875. Wood, Joseph, 1003 Pennsylvania avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 1871. Wood, Lt. W. M. (William Maxwell), U. S. N., 89 State street, Boston, Massachusetts. 1883. Woodward, R. S. (Robert Simpson), Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1804 Columbia road. 1885. Wright, Geo. M. (George Mitchell), Akron, Ohio. 1887. Wurdemann, Dr. H. V. (Harry Vanderbilt), 805 Grand avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1874. Yarrow, Dr. H. C. (Harry Crecy), 814 Seventeenth street. 1884. Yeates, W. S. (William Smith), National Museum. 805 Eleventh street, 1885. Ziwet, Alexander, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES BY GARRICK MALLERY THE ANNUAL PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS DELIVERED DECEMBER 8, 1888 PRINTED BY JUDD & DETWEILER, WASHINGTON, D. C. PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES. BY Garrick Mallery. ADDRESS AS RETIRING PRESIDENT. Delivered December 8, 1888. The time is past when one knight-errant could overcome every antagonist at a tournament of all arms. This was done in intellectual panoply when the chief seats of learning could be successfully challenged to a dispute on any subject and all subjects, or as the pretension was derisively para¬ phrased, de omnibus rebus et quibusdam aliis.” It was actually done so late as the last quarter of the sixteenth century, when a locally unknown youth posted a notice on the gates of the University of Paris requesting “ all learned persons to meet him in public disputation, when he would be ready to answer to what should be propounded to him concerning any science, liberal art, discipline, or faculty, practical or theoretical.” After a disputation of nine hours with the most eminent doctors, the foreign stripling was by sound of trumpet declared victor, and presented with prizes of diamonds and gold by the Rector of the great Sorbonne which resounded with wild cheers from the students of the Nations. More graceful applause by jewelled nobles of the third Henry’s splendid court followed, and the bright glances of Beauty’s flying squadron, commanded by the Medicean Queen-Mother, were doubtless more esteemed by the cadet of Scotland than all his other tributes. In the days of the Admirable Crichton it was possible for one mind to acquire and hold the total of existing knowl- BulJ, Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. XI, 1889. 4 MALLERY. edge, and this was because science had not yet risen above the misty horizon. The two most prominent schools de¬ pending severally upon revelation and intuition had not yet been supplanted by the new school founded on observation. Revelation means the withdrawal of a veil that conceals the truth, and that withdrawal was once supposed to be possible only by the graciousness of divinity, not by man’s endeavor, which was impious. The very quality of such revelation prohibited discussion upon itself even as an ex¬ planation of phenomena. It permitted discussion and reason¬ ing from itself — that is, from its own dogmas — only within the usual bounds of orthodoxy, namely, those which were decided and maintained by the physically, not mentally, strongest battalions. Throughout all the ages, records of which exist, it was fiercely proclaimed in every language, over all known lands and seas, that blind belief was the noblest of human virtues and reason was the most potent of Satan’s tempta¬ tions. Science, on the other hand, demands that the veil hiding truth must be withdrawn by man. One of our favorite living poets has been lauded for his determination of the subject in the beautiful lines : — Science was Faith once ; Faith were Science now, Would she but lay her bow and arrows by And arm her with the weapons of the time. But this touching plaint is utterly false as a proposition of fact — or, with greater courtesy to Mr. Lowell — it is founded in illusion. The essence and attitude of science, ever since its genesis, have been opposed to the essence and attitude of religious faith and that antagonism must continue. St. Paul pronounced a grand definition of faith that has been a text for eighteen centuries. Last year a sarcastic definition was circulated that “ Faith is belief in what you know is not true.” Whether the reverent or the cynical definition be adopted, the intrinsic antagonism between faith, however it may be modified, and science, to whatever degree it may be perfected, can never be annulled, not even by their coin¬ cidence in all averments, except that one on which agreement PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES. 5 is impossible — that one which requires ascertained fact to be the basis for any averment. The simple expression of historic truth on the subject is — all that once claimed to be science was mythology. An unconscious admission of its atavistic recurrence in its grand division of daimonology may be noticed in the recent adoption of the term theosophy by the votaries of that sciolism. A similar recurrence, per¬ haps to be classed as a recrudescence, is to be observed in the recent use of the term “ Christian Science ” with a thera¬ peutic sense. An opposite scholastic system, which dominated its era, was based on the tenet that intuitions should decide on the nature of things and their perfect and creative type, which was to be ascertained, not from observed data, but from man’s own ideals. Since the examination of a sound mind in a sound body was difficult, the greatest teacher was he who had most enormously tumefied what now in Teutonic fashion is called “ inner-consciousness ” and could exhibit its morbidity with the most pretentious diagnosis. Subject to this leadership in introspection every man was his own universe. Though specimens of such fossil concepts are still preserved in strongly bound folios they are curiosities not found in the working libraries of science. The first-mentioned school sought to understand this world by hypnotic communion with another world; the second taught that the best way for an observer to see was to shut his eyes and think about sight. When, therefore, no attention was paid to facts as such, and all knowledge was either a commentary on revelation or a ratiocination on self, it was not extremely difficult to know everything. To-day the pretender to universal knowl¬ edge would be denounced as knowing naught. This judg¬ ment is carried to an extreme. Even the exceptional minds whose multiplied facets scintillate brightness in diverse angles, are denied glory as light-bringers on every line successively by higher authorities on each of the lines of light. 6 MALLERY. And this must needs be so. Besides the search for, find¬ ing, and sifting particles of truth, the precious grains must be retorted and analyzed with such care that no one human life will suffice to explore more than a small field. Phe¬ nomena are infinite and science must deal with all as ob¬ served. In the derivation and formulation of its induced laws no compromise is possible as in politics or in ethics. Science is limitless, knowing no bonds of time or space. But this infinite is composed of the infinitesimal — atoms, molecules, protoplasms, or whatever name may be invented to console our ignorance — and it is by the study of these n^nutise that science exists. So this is the era of specialties. Every freshly discovered fact has not merely its own signifi¬ cance, but by its relations to other facts may solve problems yet most obscure. The original investigator must be not only a specialist, but must be a specialist working in some subdivision of a specialty. This restriction with differentiation is not confined to original research, but extends to works of compilation and examination within each one of all the specialties. The physical geologist must apply for help to the paleontologist, to the lithologist, the chemist, and to many other specialists. So, in addition to the specialization of the natural sciences, the scientific professions are methodically resolved. In law, besides the boundaries between the nisi prius advocate and the jurist and between civil and criminal practice, there are recognized monopolizers of common law, equity, realty, com¬ merce, admiralty, and many other aisles and corridors in the temple of Themis, among which the circulation is in no sense free. So also, after the demarcation between medicine and surgery, there are specialists for age and sex, for brain, eye, ear, throat, lungs, stomach, liver, nerves, skin — in short, for each organ and region of the body. Nor is this mere charlatanry. The whole profession is improved and many human ills are relieved by this division of labor. Similar specialization is found in art. The painter of a good portrait is supposed to be unable to produce a good landscape, and PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES. 7 vice versa. Though this supposition may be erroneous, its practical effect is so strong that every artist must adopt and adhere to a certain line of production. But there is no need of examples from without to show the progress of specialization. Nine years ago the Philo¬ sophical Society was the only scientific society in Washing¬ ton, and it embraced all branches of science. Now we are in the midst of a centrifugal storm — an anticyclone, or perhaps a volcanic eruption of societies. To be still more generous in giving choice of metaphors, it seems that each season brings forth a new organism from the parent stem, until danger is apprehended that fissiparous growths may cumber the field to the common injury. A severe critic might carp at the definition by some of the younger societies of their aims and scope as not being ex¬ plicitly in the line of specialization. He might suggest that their several preempted claims were too broad, hut might explain that tendency by the Washington endemic, the char¬ acteristic symptom of which is that every department and bureau of the National Government considers every other department and bureau to be properly its subordinate. It is not easy for an anthropologic and a biologic society to set forth their respective claims without mutually overlap¬ ping each other’s territory, and some debatable ground or free zone must be allowed between them ; hut the youngest of the societies, the Geographic, like some other young organ¬ isms, seems to be rapacious. It divides its functions into “ Geography of the Land,” “ of the Air,” “ of the Sea,” and “ of Life.” In this grasp would surely be included all geol¬ ogy, biology, and meteorology, and perhaps astronomy, his¬ tory, biography, and sociology — in fact, all topics relating to this world, down to tariff for revenue or protection and the fisheries imbroglio. Yet this comprehension is not with¬ out defense, since proper commercial relations and prosperous food-supplies act markedly upon the changes and activities of populations that modify the earth’s surface. The German term for this branch of science is anthrop-geography, and 8 MALLERY. perhaps it may more properly belong to a society entitled Anthropological than to one entitled Geographical. Can¬ dor, however, requires the admission that the several socie¬ ties referred to, notwithstanding their redundant constitu¬ tions, all work on distinct and genuine lines. It would ill become me personally to speak disparagingly of these offshoots of the Philosophical stem, being one of the three persons who founded the Anthropological, the first of these societies which took independent form, and being also naturally attracted to it as the specialty most closely con¬ nected with my own field of work. Yet the motive of my action was “Not that I loved Csesar less” nor “that I loved Pome more.” To pass from one to another of Shakspere’s plays and from the Tiber to the Adriatic, if I shall ever be forced, like Desdemona, to “ perceive here a divided duty,” I shall at least refuse to elope from home, seduced by travel¬ ers’ tales about — The Anthropophagi and men whose heads Do grow beneath their shoulders. That there was necessity as well as propriety in securing greater facilities to the special students of Washington than was afforded by the Society which had been entirely ade¬ quate to meet the earlier conditions, is demonstrated by the fact that at least four other organizations (apart from the still more specialized societies, such as the Microscopic and the Entomologic) are now in active operation, each hold¬ ing about the same number of meetings and presenting to good audiences papers not less in number than were and still are recorded of the Philosophical Society. The combined active membership of the five societies is five hundred and fifty, no name being counted more than once, though often appearing on several lists. The names on the consolidated list show that they are there not for honor¬ ary or financial considerations, but from genuine interest. A goodly proportion of the members are frequent attendants at the meetings, and the two customary hours of the sessions for one hundred meetings, being about the total of all the PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES. 9 meetings of all the societies during each season, are so en¬ tirely occupied by the reading and discussion of original papers that no moment is left for social intercourse, that being provided for by the Cosmos Club, to which the work¬ ing members of the several societies belong. This exhibit shows an amount of activity in Washington among learned societies without parallel in any other city in the world, notwithstanding the great superiority in population of most of the cities in which such societies flourish. As this remarkable action of divergence and differentiation has proceeded according to natural methods, without seces¬ sion, quarrel, or catastrophe, it may seem at first sight to have been wholly beneficial, but it has some results requir¬ ing consideration. Certain practical disadvantages attending differentiation appeal with special force only to the active officers of the several bodies, who pay in full, if not dearly, for their hon¬ ors. The members generally have an impression that the whole of the work done consists in attendance at the meet¬ ings, speaking as occasion arises, and listening — the latter being, when the wrong specialty has the floor, not always the easiest task. But there is much more besides. The prepa¬ ration, arrangement, publication, and, in general, the busi¬ ness management, without which the meetings would not succeed or continue, constitute a heavy tax on time and strength. The problem is to minimize this incidental work and its attending expense, which certainly is not accom¬ plished by multiplication and complexity of machinery. The force of inevitable sentiment must be recognized. If all the residents in Washington who are interested in science should belong to one great and powerful body, each could hold it in pride and affection, but the glory and strength shown in that concentration cannot, when in fragments, call forth such enthusiasm or attachment. Indeed, baneful com¬ petition by individuals or cliques may be apprehended from the conditions to be expected, if not already existing, and weakness follows disintegration. 10 MALBERY. But the course of thought most fitting for an occasion like this is not in the line of details of economy, of sentiment, or of local conditions. It should be broad and comprehensive and be applicable not only to Washington but to New York, to London, to Paris — in short, to any place and to all places in wdiich associations are formed by scientific workers for their common benefit. A not unimportant though minor objection to the exclu¬ sive segregation of specialties is the tendency to exaggerate what is nearest, or is most obvious. A body of isolated •specialists is in danger of becoming a mutual admiration society with all the attending faults positive and negative. No man is a competent critic of his own profile or voice, and no specialty can judge correctly upon its own features or enunciations, yet will tend to dogmatism on the very points on which its judgment is most fallible. The mere specialist never thoroughly understands his own specialty because, confined within its colored compartment, he cannot examine it from the outside through the white light of generality. While every scientist must work on a specialty he should not imprison himself within it as in a barred cell. However essential division of labor and specialization, the work of which is by analysis, may be, they are, nevertheless, only means to the ultimate aim of generalization and in¬ tegration, which constitute wisdom, and their construction is by synthesis. Within the most circumscribed of specialties there must always be an attempt to reach law through details. The so¬ lution of a problem without application of it is like playing a game of solitaire in which time and skill give no substantial result. Mathematics, apart from their gymnastic training, would be useless if their integrals should remain meaning¬ less. Each asserted fact must be tested by varied experiment which often results in failure to establish the assertion. The truth of to-day has sometimes been the paradox of yesterday and may become the falsehood of to-morrow. Admitted facts must be compared with all other facts related to them. Con- PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES. 11 futation must be challenged. Without this process science would be a jumble of inconsistent opinions. While such testing and comparative discussion should exercise its func¬ tions in each specialized society it is yet more important that the results as appearing to its members should be carefully examined with the greatest freedom by specialists in other lines, and this examination is not only for further verification and comparison but to extend the area of acquired science. Practically science is only the existing condition of human knowledge, which of necessity is incomplete, though its form, to be science, should not be a broken surface, but a series of steps by which greater heights are gained. For these reasons all specialties should be tried before a court of general juris¬ diction — an Amphictyonic Council. After delay, doubt¬ less, the press brings forth scattered judgments of such a uni¬ versal tribunal ; but a hand-to-hand contest is more active and decisive than a protracted war conducted by the dis¬ charge of heavy books at long range or by the skirmishing shots of pamphleteers. If scientific association is to do the most good some time and place for trial by battle should be provided, which cannot be done in any or in all of the spe¬ cialized societies working separately. The propriety of scientific contest on a common plane is readily illustrated by the yet undetermined controversy be¬ tween geologists and physicists respecting the age of our earth. As neither side can yet speak without contradiction by the other, neither should speak unless in the hearing of the other with expectation of response. A more popular illustration is in the historic fight between ordnance and engineers — that is, scientific attack by artillery or its equiva¬ lent and material defense by fortifications or similar protec¬ tion. In no systematized war department can either the officer of ordnance or of engineers be confided in except when, after experiment satisfactory to his own corps, his demonstration shall overcome the corps of his complement¬ ary antagonist. Thus by the interrelation and counteraction of specialties 12 MALLERY. there is mutual correction, ascertainment of truth, and pro¬ mulgation of law. The scientific organization most widely known in the United States is the American Association for the Advance¬ ment of Science, its prototype being the British Association of corresponding title. It is questionable whether that title is descriptive. The migratory meetings of the Society are certainly of educational value, diffusing information about science and exciting interest in it, but perhaps its constitu¬ tion, well adapted to the real aims, cannot directly advance science considered as a generality. Its constitution origin¬ ally provided for sections, which have been multiplied from time to time and have gained increased influence upon the central governing body. But there is no provision for the presentation of scientific papers to and their discussion by the general session. The President’s annual address does not fulfill that object. He is probably a specialist, and gen¬ erally adopts the convenient expedient of working off for the occasion some of his unpublished notes. It is a matter of taste and judgment whether this mode, which in a series of years gives a variety of good specialistic addresses, is more commendable than to present a discourse that aims to be philosophic, leaving specialties to the sections and to the sev¬ eral Vice-Presidents having them in charge. It might well be the ambition of the President to deliver an address which could not bear the blazon of any specialty which he might possess or which might possess him. But, apart from taste, a good reason for his avoiding such specialty is that his paper is not open to discussion and, so far as concerns the Asso¬ ciation, might as well have first appeared in the periodicals devoted to science. The other addresses delivered in gen¬ eral meeting are almost always show-pieces professedly pop¬ ular and given to please the local subscribers to the expenses. As regards interrelation, the meetings of the sections might as well be a thousand miles apart as in the same building. The Congress of American Physicians and Surgeons re¬ cently instituted recognized the disadvantage of leaving PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES. 13 without interconnection the specialties which had grown by natural selection, and inaugurated the excellent plan of reading and discussing papers of general importance in gen¬ eral meeting. This new departure is in the true scientific method. Ten years ago the general committee of this Society was urged to establish sections in recognition of the specialties growing up within its membership as they were growing up throughout the scientific world. While I refrain from comment upon the controversies on this subject which still continue, it is the historic fact that the request was denied at the golden moment of projection, and in the Standing- Rules of 1881 the judicious amendment for the first time appears that “ Sections representing special branches of science may be formed by the general committee upon the written recommendation of twenty members of the Society.” But this was too late for the exceptional advantage of stim¬ ulating the several specialties while preserving autonomy, economy, and concentration. The Anthropological Society had been established February 17, 1879, and the Biological Society December 3, 1880. The children had become too large and too many for the one room provided by their mother and had started independent housekeeping. It may be more respectful to compare them with the colonies from Athens which sailed off to found the cities of Magna Grecia. If that comparison be adopted, the storied ruin of the Violet Crown may teach a lesson that the pure Attic stock in the polity of science can only be preserved by a system of feder¬ ation. What might have been accomplished on a large scale by prompt action is shown by what actually was done in a single instance. The Mathematical Section of the Philo¬ sophical Society was instituted March 29, 1883, in accord¬ ance with the amendment before mentioned. The older members of the Society will appreciate the ad¬ vantages attained by the establishment of its Mathematical Section. The formulae and demonstrations of its mathema- 14 MALLERY. ticians had occupied every year many hours of the several sessions to the half-concealed ennui of an audience a large proportion of which could not appreciate their value or novelty. Some, indeed, could not comprehend the language used and might have repeated Scaliger’s exclamation on hearing the Basques conversing in their vernacular : “ They pretend to understand one another, but I don’t believe a word of it.” It would scarcely be far fetched to liken the attitude of the members generally in those weary hours to guests at an entertainment where they were treated to extremely acid wine, labeled in a long array of gothic gutturals, which they must pretend to relish — both the sour wine and the gut¬ turals — as a proof of high education. On the other hand, the mathematicians recognized this want of true touch and appreciation and mangled their essays accordingly. Now they are secluded to worship esoterically “the hard- grained muses of the cube and square,” and rejoice in their independence. When, presiding during the last year, I have regularly announced the forthcoming meetings of the Mathe¬ matical Section to my brethren, I may have internally re¬ marked: “ Whither thou goest I certainly will not go.” Yet I have not failed to notice that the members of the Mathe¬ matical Section are among the best, members of the Society, and that some of the most valuable papers presented to the general sessions are mathematical in form and in many de¬ tails, though as now presented they are of general, and not of merely special, interest. This fact shows clearly what is the proper relation between generalization and specialization in a scientific society. At this time, with all the loss of papers given to the four new societies, there still remain active in the Philosophical Society many specialists, notably in the fields of geology, astronomy, meteorology, and general physics, who contribute their papers to it exclusively. There are also many mem¬ bers of the special societies who furnish papers that from their subjects might well be and are claimed by the junior rivals, but which from reasons of attachment or judgment PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES. 15 are presented to the Alma Mater ; and their leading members, though they do not visit special societies other than their own, regularly attend the meetings of this Society, by which a true representative audience is preserved. The general result has been that the Philosophical Society’s sessions during the last year have been as agreeable, as useful, as varied, and as well attended as ever before. There is a good reason for this which, with its probable consequences, merits careful consideration. In entering upon this topic it is proper to dwell somewhat more upon the term Philosophy. It once pretended to be pansophy, but is now humble and receptive. It was once used, not as the practical mode of explaining phenomena, but as the converse — not to set forth what was understood, but what was confused and obscure, yet must be treated as fully knowm in scorn of the maxim “ Scire ignorare magna sciential’ Not to be certain was infidelity, which was crimi¬ nal. An honest avowal of intelligent ignorance, now styled agnosticism, wTas not permitted. The old philosophers ab¬ horred ignorance as they said nature abhorred a vacuum, until the vacuum was actually found, and then of course it was welcomed to a sphere of high utility. Perhaps value may sometime be recognized in the agnostic vacuum to measure the heights and depths of truth’s atmosphere. Tennyson used a questionable word “ faith,” but he had the right thought when he wrote — There lives more faith in honest doubt, Believe me, than in half the creeds. The old philosophers, with rare exceptions, while profess¬ ing to seek the truth did not do so, but asserted that they possessed it already, and their assumed office was to teach it to others. As before indicated, this philosophy was axiom¬ atic and often connected with theology. Its history is un¬ derstood. Man did not know, was impatient to know, and, when too lazy or stupid to learn in accordance with his conditions, relied upon some shaman, priest, jossakeed, or spiritualistic medium. The track of some variety of “ confi- 16 MALLERY. clence man ” can be traced throughout the centuries, his scath haying been more signal when it involved life and lib¬ erty than now when his ambition is limited to a swindle in dollars, but now his notoriety is gained by advertising in the public press. The respective attitudes of science and philosophy to relig¬ ion (in the popular use of that term, which includes mythol¬ ogy and theology) afford an instructive test for their contradis¬ tinction. It has been mentioned before that science and religion were necessarily in antagonism, but the phrase, now trite, in which the word “conflict” is prominent, is both more forcible and more descriptive. That religion should be aggressive is essential. Religionists believe that their doc¬ trines are of supreme importance to all their fellow-beings, and, so believing, their paramount duty is to force those doctrines upon all. The denunciation against the “ Scribes and Pharisees ” was not that they would “ compass sea and land to make one proselyte,” but that they did or did not do some other things. Such proselytizing would only be the aggression of philanthropy. But another reason for the activity' of religionists may be supposed to originate in a suspicion of insecurity, and that activity strategists would term aggressive-defensive. Any imputation that the belief in question was false would be a most dangerous as well as insulting blow, and such blows should be prevented by attack. Hence the horror and hatred associated perforce with the respectable words sceptic and heretic and the inno¬ cent term miscreant — all converted into obloquy — while the word blasphemy, originally but disrespect expressed to any of the orthodoxies, has been distorted to mean the crime of crimes. Science, too, is aggressive, and also, in practice may be dogmatic, though not without protest. Many of the special¬ ized sciences are in contest with each other, and within each of them there are contending schools. As regards the scientific professions it is only needed for an illustration to whisper the word homeopathy. So, science and religion PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES. 17 being professed and trained combatants, it is to be expected that when the latter applies injurious epithets to the former there shall be a “ conflict.” This is not the case as regards Philosophy. There cannot be a fight without two parties to it, and Philosophy serenely ignores both attack and defense in this quarrel. The old conditions are reversed. Philoso¬ phy was once a part of religion ; religion is now a part of Philosophy. Religion is recognized among the forces and phases of human development to be respected as of possibly greater import than any other — it might not be too much to say than all others — by reason of its duration and influ¬ ence. As religion claims to be true, yet must acknowledge that there are more truths than are connected with itself, while all truths belong to Philosophy, no objection should be made on the side of religion to its inclusion in the scope of Philosophy. Philosophy cheerfully accepts the truths — whether classified in terms of psychology or grouped in the special science of comparative mythology — that exist in all religions and it is tender to the errors found in all religions. It can indeed employ the many oblique lines of human error to demonstrate the directness of truth, and therefore is not harsh to forms of error which may have served their hour in the great economy of nature. All of the sciences and all of the religions are severally but the specialties in the domain of Philosophy, hence there is no more conflict between any of them and Philosophy than there is between the ocean and the tidal streams that empty into it with changing though regulated ripple. Tides during ages pro¬ duce modifications in Philosophy as in the ocean, but do not cause storms. That true philosophers have not been excited to combat with the religionists is from no remissness of the latter, who have pelted them with the worst names inventable by their ingenuity, sometimes in ludicrous confusion of terms. But since that is no more than the religionists did to one another such behavior would not greatly trouble a proficient in ecclesiastical history. The Greeks and Romans gave to the 2— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., XI, 1889. 18 MALLERY. early Christians the title of atheists, which seems to have struck them so favorably as a word of revilement that they ever after used it indiscriminately in their own polemics, sometimes with such adjuncts as to form what the old rhetoric called catachresis but our modern speech calls Irish bull. Athanasius stigmatized the Arians as “polytheists and atheists ” and Servetus called Calvin a “ trinitarian and an atheist.” So recently as 1696 the Parliament at Edin¬ burgh passed an act against “ the atheistical opinions of the deists,” of course without understanding either term but in an honest attempt to blacken all teachers who did not agree with the Scotch Solons. Archbishop Tillotson was branded as an Arian, a Socinian, a deist, and an atheist. This was promiscuous denunciation raised to the highest power avail¬ able in Jacobite involution. The latest and mildest accusa¬ tion against Philosophy is that it is pococurantism and the affectation of serene olympian composure which contemplates the great cycles of Time as the hours of a passing day. In briefer phrase, philosophers are denounced as contemplating and not working. A distinction which such accusers make between those whom they call workers and those whom they stigmatize as theorists and doctrinaires is found in their declaration that all the greatness of men and the effectiveness of bodies of men have been shown in their “beliefs,” meaning religious beliefs. It is broadly asserted that the men who have believed in some particular religion and have acted vigorously on their belief are the only men who have done good in the world. That part of the proposition referring to “ good ” will generally be affected by prejudices. To illustrate from modern history, it is certain that the Puritans and the Jesuits were vehemently earnest in their beliefs and that they vigor¬ ously carried out their beliefs, but as they strove against each other it would not be likely that either should regard the work of the other as beneficial to the world. In our day they would join in condemning the work of the Mormons who believe as intensely and act on their belief as strongly PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES. 19 as any known people. Indeed the Mormons show lines of identity with both the Puritans and the Jesuits, to the former in bibliolatry and in bold independence, to the latter in employing all means to gain proselytes and in business skill, to both in theocratic militancy, but the whole un- philosophic world denies that they do good. The work of the Inquisition, or Holy Office, was logically correct on the principle advocated, which would also justify the massacre on St. Bartholomew’s eve. Most historians have united to censure Louis XIV., who refused to commission a noble¬ man who was reported to be a Jansenist, but who, on learn¬ ing that the nobleman did not have any religion whatever, straightway ordered him on important duty. The Grand Monarch knew his business as a ruler of men. The Jansen- ists were perhaps the best people among the Catholics in his kingdom, but they did not believe as he believed and worked on lines which were necessarily opposed to his policy and were therefore not to be trusted to command in his armies, but no danger was to be apprehended from an officer who cared only for his military orders. His action in re¬ voking the edict of Nantes, thereby driving away his most useful subjects, was in a different category. It showed that though a ruler he was not a philosopher, and that he could only see good in those who agreed with him. The good accomplished by belief, in its high activity, seems, therefore, subject to difference of opinion. It is also to be con¬ sidered whether the great and effective work, whether good or bad in result, of men and peoples has been done by and through such active belief. It is to be admitted that history is chiefly marked by convulsions and cataclysms which have been closely connected with religious beliefs and their reforms and revolutions, and that these alone are perceived by the unphilosophic observer. But these, together with their re¬ sulting wars, famines, and pestilences, correspond to the storms, earthquakes, and deluges of the material world. The secular story of our earth is, however, not mainly com¬ posed of, though it has been written in, storms and cat- 20 MALLERY. aclysms. These storms were but incidents in the grand economy and were factors of little moment compared with the ages of sunshine, of dew, and of gentle rain. So, like¬ wise, the mutual contentions of religions and of the men who believed in them and fought for them, have not directly ad¬ vanced man’s culture, but have been incident to and neces¬ sary evils attending its advance. Whatever good has been done by the champions of belief has been done for the most part in their own despite. The crusaders inflicted a heavy blow on the system which they sought to perpetuate, and the Mormons had no intent to provide a mid-continental station to benefit the Gentiles, whom they hated and sought to escape from by an exodus which in heroic faith rivals that of the Children of Israel. The evolution from savagery to civilization has brought forth many religions, and all of them have inflamed zealots who have represented the fevers to which humanity seems subject. But normal and lasting growth is by health, not by disease, by slow accretion, not by the spasmodic violence of insanity. The disturbances which are relied upon to sup¬ port the proposition in question were not causes, but some¬ times were symptoms, and more frequently were sequences or, in medical language, sequelse. When the actions of an individual make obvious his pos¬ session by a belief contrary to the reason of the majority, the latter employs one of the designating terms craze, crank, hobby, or fad, selected in proportion to the importance of the contrariety. When large bodies of individuals have been similarly affected and their numbers have gained such success as to become conspicuous, history, which is the ver¬ dict of the majority after the fact, decides that their belief was false and their action wrong. Philosophy always should be and often has been able to give the same decision in ad¬ vance of the recorded result. As regards the perficient work done by Philosophy, one of the least important of the instances in which its teachings do present good is that they discourage the activity of those 7 -4- S' ^ PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES. 21 earnest believers in nihilism and socialism who display the energy of their beliefs by dynamite and flame. It happens that in those particular instances the teachings of prevalent religions are now in the same direction with those of Philos¬ ophy, but if the numerical relation of the believers should be reversed in any country, religions of nihilism or of com¬ munism would there be recognized as orthodox. This rule was established by the political Protestants of the sixteenth century and gave rise to the motto “Cujus regio ejus religio.” Its full meaning was that every realm, through its ruler, had the sole right to determine the form of religion that should exist within its boundaries. With the growth of the repub¬ lican spirit and greater recognition of the rights of majorities the rule mentioned would be made still more operative. Philosophy does not turn upon such relations of numbers. It is not defined by the preponderance of classes in a census nor metamorphosed by revolutions between the fanatics in administration and in opposition. Theology presented forces and factors in axioms and pos¬ tulates and permitted the study of logic and mathematics be¬ cause they do not detect errors in admitted axioms and pos¬ tulates. Verities by common consent were adopted a priori, which verities, belonging to a low stage of culture, were universal errors not belonging to nature, and therefore only to be explained by the extra-natural, which necessarily was supernatural. It is worthy of remark that all the super¬ natural instructions, whether Scandinavian, Hebrew, Hindu, Egyptian, American Indian, Grecian, or the multitude of others, about this world’s phenomena, have been found to be erroneous when men have learned anything about those phenomena, as, for instance, they have learned in the realms of geology and astronomy. By the law of chances it would seem that among the myriad guesses the truth might once have been hit upon, but from the beginning an “ irrepressible conflict ” between the natural and the supernatural has been manifest at all points. The teachers who ignored facts found it convenient to dis¬ course in sophistic terms from the species to the genus, and 22 MALLERY. from the particular to the general. The crudity of their con¬ ceptions was masked by the stucco of mystic and magnilo¬ quent words, which the elasticity of languages permitted, grammatic form and euphony being the only limitations. The success of this trick was old when Lucretius wrote — Omnia enim stolidi magis admirantur, amantque, Inversis quae sub verbis latitantia cernunt ; Yeraque constituunt quae belle tangere possunt Aures et lepido quae sunt fucata sonore. Which may be translated in lighter vein as — Fools love to puzzle with amaze On thoughts involved in mystic phrase; Their ears rejoice in words that tickle And take for gold the jingling nickel. This superannuated scholasticism has been generally called metaphysical from the order of Aristotle’s works, but is more properly antiphysical. Its combined stupidity and pretense have to some minds inflicted a stigma upon the title Philoso¬ phy, which. it arrogated. Modern reaction from the fetichistic worship of this mon¬ strous phantasm may have been too violent. A working hypothesis can be obtained a priori which, properly treated, shall not be fanciful delusion. Deduction need not be pre¬ tentious didaction. The old mischievous error was that deduction ascertained truth. Truths are supplied to the reservoir only by induction, but their useful flow with regu¬ lation into the best channels is by deduction. The terms science and knowledge are perhaps convert¬ ible in usage as in etymology, but neither of them is syno- nomic with Philosophy. Professor Mach defines knowl¬ edge as “ an expression of organic nature,” but that is not true unless, by his rather hazy term, he means the final and perfect knowledge which no one now pretends to have ac¬ quired, though nature in the abstract doubtless does com¬ prehend it. Claude Bernard is partly right in stating that Philosophy makes a specialty of generalizations. That, how¬ ever, is measurably true also, as before' stated, of each one of PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES. 23 the sciences. Without proper synthesis they do not exist as sciences, but are mere uncouth mosaics. Each special sci¬ ence must have a philosophic side, and the coordination- of all those sides constitutes Philosophy in general. In this sense it is not merely the specialty of generalizations, but the generalization of generalizations. Without it the several sciences rest with no common bond, and do not form a syn¬ thetic and organic whole. The method of science is to test hypothesis by experimentation and continued observation. From a sufficient number of results a proposition or law is induced, the authority of which increases with the number and weight of those results. It is not a valid objection that generalizations, even obtained a posteriori, have often been erroneous. So much the greater necessity for their trial by a proper tribunal. For the end is to establish from particu¬ lar facts a general law or principal fact which thereupon ex¬ plains and shows the relations between the facts which it governs. The collection of and proper deduction from, more strictly the application of, such principal facts or induced laws is the domain of Philosophy. There is a German saying that three things are necessary to fly a kite — the kite itself, a string, and some one on the ground. One kite will not fly another, but both will tumble. Philosophy provides not only Franklin’s conducting cord, but the Trod (ttu) of Archimedes. In recognition of these principles this Society was founded. The title “ Philosophical ” was adopted, “ not to denote the unbounded field of speculative thought which embraces the possible as well as the actual of existence, but to be used to indicate those branches of knowledge that relate to the posi¬ tive facts and laws of the physical and moral universe.” These are the words of that great man, Joseph Henry, who, during all the early years of the Society, as president, guided its proceedings in this direction and so stamped the impress of his character upon it that it nearly reached his ideal. To sum up the suggestions thus far presented — differen- 24 MALLERY. tiation is good and necessary, but integration is essential. This is only a modernized form of Bacon’s quaint but pro¬ found sentence : “ Let none expect very great promotion of the sciences, especially in their effective part, unless natural philosophy be drawn out to particular sciences; and again, unless these particular sciences be brought back again to natural philosophy.” There is another broad distinction between general and specialized studies, which, though often neglected, practically transcends in importance those derived from theory and history. This consists in the appropriate and adequate formulation of their respective results. The vocabulary requisite for Philosophy differs from that proper for a spe¬ cialty. It should be such as may be understood by hearers or readers of good general education. Doubtless the actual operation and formulation of thought in many branches of science, notably chemistry and botany, besides mathematics, require the elaborate technical language and symbols in¬ vented for them, and in all lines of study condensation and precision have demanded new terms, which must continue to increase with the rise of new facts and thoughts. But workers with these newly fashioned terminologic tools be¬ come too fond of and dependent on them, indeed sometimes are taken captive by them. A distinguished mathematician contends that if a man cannot reduce his statement on any subject to an algebraic equation his concept cannot be real or clear. It may be true that there is a devotee of algebra who is unable to think except in algebraic symbols, but if he cannot express his thought on a non-math ematical subject in the vernacular it will be of no benefit to others than those within the guild of Euclid. Perhaps no full or grand concept would be con¬ veyed even to them. It might have only the relation that a diagram has to a cyclorama. Surely to present ideas and discoveries in cryptograms (and many cryptograms would be required if individual whim should rule), even if the PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES. 25 keys are considerately furnished, is not the most useful mode of promulgation. This is even worse than volapuk, having all the disadvantages of a jargon to be memorized, without the designed universality. In the use of specialistic and coined terminology not only pedantry may be observed, but the old juggle with words in which pretended novelty is mere mystification. Greek com¬ pounds are convenient as brands or labels, but do not make thought less obscure and often leave it more so. Polysylla¬ bles and water are bad, but polysyllables and mud are worse. Such obscuration of truth is a serious injury. Tolstoi makes a good profession of faith in saying, “ No one can believe the unintelligible. Incomprehensible knowledge is the same as ignorance.” From these views it must be admitted that Philosophy, being broader than any science — than all the sciences to¬ gether — cannot be limited by the formulation peculiar to any of them, and should not adopt the terminology of any, but use a vocabulary that is generally understood and accepted. This admission brings up the subject of style in its broadest scope. One of the most noted, by voluminous publication, of American scientists, once sneeringly exclaimed, “ Style! bah ! that is only the paint.” He was perfectly honest in this depreciation, as is shown by his own productions, which, probably not written by any one hand, but constructed by cooperative clerical carpentry, are not read currently, but are only used for reference, as pigeon-holes might be, with an index catalogue. He was wrong in the very conception of style, for all words and sentences are pictures, whether good or bad, and the master-piece as well as the botch comes from the paint as handled by the painter, the canvas of fact being in common. He was still more fundamentally wrong in regarding style as an artificial exterior or varnish over- lying the descriptive catalogue which he regards as alone valuable. His sneer shows not only that he would rank the barn-dauber as equal to ftaffaelle, but that he is unconscious 26 MALLERY. that words possess color and also substantive form wholly distinct from their alphabetic notation. Word-blindness among English-speaking patients is most frequently diag¬ nosed in those ignorant of the capacities of their vernacular, and more specially ignorant of Latin (a topic which will be dwelt upon in another connection), and then there is hope for the patient through education. But when the knowl¬ edge of and about words is present without any real appre¬ ciation of their value, then the disease or deformity of word- blindness is incurable. The notion that the whole duty of science is to bring out facts somehow would commend for its vehicle the slipshod terms and unconnected paragraphs of newspapers, which are never intended to endure and may be printed without ex¬ pectation of credence even for the day. Such a notion does not accord with the history of scientific advance. Latent facts and concepts have often been in a state ready for crys¬ tallization, to use the physical term, or for formulation, in the proper linguistic phrase, yet lay amorphous, though sub¬ stantially known, waiting for the formative words which should act on them as with an enchanter’s spell. The actual sway of words is so momentous that they quickened myth and magic as well as truth. The word, the Logos, has there¬ fore its power in Philosoj^hy as it had for similar reasons in religion. It is the rightly chosen word that first brings the fact into cosmic light. But such words are not found in the slovenly makeshifts of writers who ignore or who despise style. A further assertion might be ventured that words not only convey thought, but develop thought. Linguistically con¬ sidered, as in dictionaries, they are but signs for concepts and things, but when existing in an author’s fervid brain, in affinity with correlated ideas, one might almost imagine them as charged with psychic electricity which arranges them, apart from the author’s consciousness, into organic and sympathetic sense. The imagined battery, thus magne¬ tizing thought to word instead of word to thought, requires, PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES. 27 like other batteries, the expenditure of energy which must do more than shovel out words as counters in a child’s game. Treat words as mere counters and they will never be more than counters. Culture them as factors and they may become factors. Now that language has long been visual in script and print its seemingly paradoxical relations to thought can be examined. Even the dictionary definitions prove that old words express new thoughts widely diverse from those first connected with them. This fact is not always due to blunders or to expedients to supplement the paucity of the vocabulary, but may be imaged as an exhibition of independent life in which the word, long since severed from its parent germ, is fertilized by the attraction to it of new thought to bring forth flower and fruit. When language is defined as a vehicle there is too much supposition of a wheel¬ barrow by which ideas are trundled. Frequent experience of the phenomena of expressed mentation decides that the transport is often less mechanical, and may be likened to the rush of a mettled steed bearing thoughts with the thinker to their goal. It is true that the steed Language sometimes runs away into verbosity, or plunges into the abyss of mys¬ ticism, but that is with the careless, stupid, or pompous rider who does not believe in manege. Words, like other forces, are beneficent or dangerous as they are servants or masters. They are certainly not inert except when, treated as corpses, their bones are articulated to serve as dry statements of concrete facts. The prime requisite of style in philosophic as distinguished from specialistic writing is that it should be clear to all who have sufficient culture for its apprehension, the second that it should be attractive, or perhaps the proper term would be — engaging. Ben Jonson says : “ Whatever loseth the grace and clear¬ ness converts into a riddle : the obscurity is marked, but not the value. Our style is like a skein of silk, to be carried and found by the right thread, not ravelled and perplexed : then all is a knot, a heap.” 28 MALLERY. It is not so easy to be clear, and Sheridan’s phrase “ Easy writing ’s curs’d hard reading ” is enforced by the confession of so great a thinker and writer as Charles Darwin. “ I shall always feel respect,” says he, “ for any one who has written a book, be it what it may, for I had no idea of the trouble which trying to write common English would cost one.” Again: “Writing plain English grows with me more and more difficult and never attainable.” “ No nigger with lash over him could have worked harder at clearness than I have done.” Style is not confined to vocabulary or ornamentation. “ Le style c’est l’homme,” Renan pronounces with the world’s as¬ sent. Style, besides being the man, is also his treatment — that is, the spirit and method of presentation, by which the author, putting himself in rapport with the reader, enters into the substance of the thought and translates it from his own mind to many minds. The facts must be distilled be¬ fore they can become spirited and effective. Style acts not merely to state facts, but to transport the author’s full sense of the facts, expressed with method and symmetry — that is, with the intelligence that can be conveyed and the beauty which enravishes to eager acceptance. It is therefore, apart from its matter, the structural work of an architect. Ben Jonson gives another admirable expression in point: “The congruent and harmonious fitting of parts in a sentence hath almost the fastening and force of knitting and connection as in stones well squared, which will rise strong a great way without mortar.” Composition means far more than merely writing out ideas, and unless the ideas are properly composited so as to be understood by other minds it is doubtful if they are clear to the writer. So the effort is as beneficial to the author as to the public. When Bohme was on his death-bed a delega¬ tion of his pupils came to him begging to have an obscure passage in his writings explained before it was too late. “ My dear children,” said the mystic, “ when I wrote this I understood its meaning and no doubt the omniscient God PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES. 29 did. He may still remember it, but I have forgotten.” The incredible part of this story is that Bohme ever did under¬ stand the passage that he had written so obscurely. That the effort to write intelligibly, forcibly, and ele¬ gantly on science can be successful is shown by such recent English writers as Spencer, Tyndall, Huxley, Lubbock, Tylor, Sayce, Galton, Lockyer, and Proctor. I will not attempt to offer a similar list of American writers, but cannot forego the pleasure of mentioning a recent publication as a model for attractive»beauty as well as for sound instruction. It is frequently praised in the phrase “ as interesting as a novel,” which at once recognizes its literary excellence and implies surprise' that science can be entertaining. Its title is The New Astronomy. It is an open question whether a work is more useful which clearly and adequately presents the condition of exist¬ ing thought and knowledge afterward found erroneous or a work which, correct in its facts and conclusions, is so confused and unintelligible as to require the labors of later com¬ mentators to make its truths apparent. The first writers, though mistaken, are at least preserved as milestones to show the march of evolution. Paley may be cited as an example. His Evidences will still be read, even after the doctrine of special creations shall have abandoned its hope¬ less fight. Mr. George now secures and will retain readers by his wealth of illustration and fascinating rhetoric. More accurate closet-thinkers but unattractive or slovenly writers make no positive mark, their rough fragments being only used or abused by antiquarian wreckers of later reputations, as our patent-lawyers, by delving in dusty boxes of waste papers, defeat the perficient inventor and introducer of im¬ portant originality. The point involved in the question is more readily exam¬ ined when the power of style is directed not to the discus¬ sion of facts of nature, but to matters of judgment and reason. The contemporary critics of Sir William Blackstone asserted, perhaps with some truth, that on every page of his com- 30 MALLERY. mentaries there was one false and two doubtful statements of the law of England. Yet such was his perspicuous style and fascinating treatment of the English corpus juris, which before his authorship was hut a pile of dry bones, that his vitalizing presentation was at once accepted and has re¬ mained the unapproached text-book for subsequent genera¬ tions of lawyers. One of our best and most profound writers says that he never reads a book twice, but from a single perusal gets all he wants, preserves sufficient notes, and then closes the volume forever. If he is right it is the fault of the book, which may be useful only as providing more or less informa¬ tion in items, but if the work is good — a book to read and not to read about — the contents are like sound teeth, which are more valuable when left in the mouth than when extracted. A great book should he read often if only for the pleasure it gives. Innocent pleasures are not so many that we can afford to throw one away. How can a man gaze on one gorgeous sunset as a mere phenomenon and be satisfied never to see another? Or how can he travel to the shore of the ocean, verify the statement that there is an ocean, make a note thereof, and close his eyes ? But wholly apart from pleasure, there is new substantial gain on each reading of a masterpiece. To dismiss it summarily may imply that you consider yourself at least the author’s equal, if not his supe% rior. The old maxim — “ Dread the man of one book ” — the book being supposed to be a great work — means that its frequent reader has become imbued with its spirit as well as its lore. It would be well to say of many books as Avi¬ cenna did of Galen’s works — “Sexies legi et iterum vellem legere,” and it would be a better employment of time than to be a cormorant of professed novelty. But if a book is to be read more than once, it must be written more than once. Modern direct inspiration from a foreign source is not a safe reliance. The communications through spiritualistic mediums do not excel in grammar or intelligence. What passes for genius is in fact very hard labor. Even a work of imagination which is said to have PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES. 31 written itself may also read itself, for it will have few other readers. We have heard Darwin’s confession, and may go beyond science to learn how to write. Wilkie Collins re¬ vised his works seven times before going to press. Black- more, charming with his quaint and natural expressions, explains that he secures them by often rewriting — “ I winnow and harrow and pestle and pepper every particle of sen¬ tence.” A cursory examination shows that the most popu¬ lar writers of fiction remold and polish their work many times. Now if this care is necessary to them how much more difficult as well as important is the struggle for clear¬ ness and attractiveness in the presentation of scientific facts and philosophic principles. If this struggle is made, it is generally attended with so little success that obscurity and repulsion seem to be sought for — as Hargrave, the commen¬ tator on English law, avowed — “Any lawyer who writes so clearly as to be understood is an enemy to his profession.” This avowal if made to-day would be a libel on a profession distinguished for literary ability. The once accepted motto “ Lady Law must lie alone ” is obsolete. It is not proposed, however, to offer a disquisition on style. But as Wesley once protested, in words rendered more pun¬ gent by Elder Knapp, against “ the devil having all the best tunes,” I desire to enter a vigorous protest against fiction having all the best English. Three propositions are submitted bearing on the general theme, all of which will be disputed, but probably not all by the same forces, so that for want of union in opposition they may escape demolition. The first relates to the purist affectation of homage to Anglo-Saxon words. The clear English before mentioned is in no large proportion Anglo-Saxon. It is possible that words of that derivation are best for the topics and the hearers of a Sunday school, and so would the limited terms of the Chinook jargon be for the hearers and topics where it is necessarily used, but it is absolutely impossible to convey modern thought in even so recent a vocabulary as that of A 32 MALLERY. Chaucer. Of late it has been the fashion to decry the study of Latin, indeed newspaperdom has sentenced that classic tongue to death, with more than the penalties of attainder, all phrases, quotations, and derivatives from it being tabooed. That sentence, however, is not a little ridiculous to those who can appreciate the fact that of all writers in English the editors and reporters of newspapers are the most addicted to long Latin words, which they often use with ludicrous im¬ propriety. A decree not to use Latin words without under¬ standing them would be highly beneficial, because it would have the result of stopping nearly all the writing in English of people who object to the study of Latin. There is truth in the assertion that either French or German gives com¬ mand of a more extensive and valuable literature than the Latin, but as a propaedeutic for the specific purpose of writ¬ hing and understanding English no language can compare with it. Certainly some other language besides English should be studied by the student of English. The most profound aphorism bearing on the subject is that “ he who does not understand more than one language understands no language.” For' broad philologic research several lan¬ guages, even such as the Klamath or the Dakota, may be more fruitful than either the Latin or the Greek, but Latin, on account of its incorporation, is the language most useful for understanding English. Doubtless there should be an aim to avoid long words when small words suffice, whatever the derivation of either, but the criterion should be that the words should be alive, which the healthy grafts of Latin on the English stock surely are. This criterion permits the use of new vivid terms for new ideas ; terms which when they first appear are styled “slang,” but which, though taken from the mud of the streets, are often recognized as jewels. A live language grows and evolves novelty and the dic¬ tionary comes limping after. And thus it is that vocables from suburban slums may enhance inscriptions on Roman porticoes, and Mark Twain and Gavroche may supplement Cicero and Sir Thomas Malory. The struggle should be to PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES. 33 get the right word, but the scientific or the philosophic writer who deals with modern concepts will seldom find the right word in the Anglo-Saxon vocables for the sim¬ ple reason that these concepts had not been formulated before the English tongue had become strengthened through its assimilation of Latin and the natural selections of collo¬ quialism, patois, and “ slang.” Therefore let us be eclectics, not purists, and fear neither Latin nor lingua franca. Let us get the right word for the right use if we must dig for, beg, borrow, or steal it, but be chary of coining it. Coinage belongs to the sovereignty of the people and our private stamps will seldom pass current. The second suggestion is that poetry should be incorpo¬ rated, not merely injected, into a scientific production. This does not renew the adjudicated claim of the imagination, “ the vision and the faculty divine,” to scientific use, but re¬ fers to the manner of expression. Never let prose get into your poetry, but put all the poetry you can invoke into your prose. Mo-li&re’s hero was astonished to learn that he had been talking prose all his life without knowing it, and con¬ versely our best prose writers on the heaviest subjects might find that the poetry in their prose was the secret of their suc¬ cess. But they would admit the fact without surprise, for it is markedly true that most of the great writers of prose have been successful in verse, which has drilled them in the mar¬ shaling of vivid phrase and in the harmonies and discords of thought. This conception of poetry does not mean the evanescent, gaudy tints on the bubbles of a scientaster, but the informing and vitalizing light which not only refracts and reflects, but radiates from an original source. Prose, as well as verse, may be profound or acute, intense or pictur¬ esque, elevated or simple, abstract or dramatic, severe or sumptuous. Indeed the very form of prose can only be dis¬ tinguished from that of poetry by the absence of meter and rhyme, rhythm being common to both. The spontaneous characterization of the highest order of prose writings is that they are full of light, fire, spirit, and life, and the term poet 3— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., XI, 1889. 34 MALLERY. may rightly be applied to their authors in its true etymol¬ ogy — the maker. My third plea is for the admission of wit and humor into scientific writing. No one — not even Sydney Smith’s Scotch¬ man — is willing to confess himself incapable of perceiving humor. Nevertheless nature has not given it to every one, and to those to whom it is denied it is as the absence of a sixth sense, by which want much happiness is lost. This enumeration of humor with the senses is scarcely forced, for man has been styled the “ laughing animal,” as best distin¬ guishing him from other genera in his zoologic order. Neither the grin of some simians nor the cachinnation of the hyena, or similar demonstrations by other animals rep¬ resent human smiles and laughter. Hence the man that cannot laugh may be incomplete in evolution. The defi¬ ciency under consideration may be compared with unappre¬ ciation of the arts in general, but the most ready comparison may be taken from the histrionic art because on it there is least controversy. Every man who is in the normal posses¬ sion of his senses appreciates perfect acting. Dr. Johnson suffered from defective vision and hearing and therefore (not¬ withstanding his famous obituary eulogy) never could recon¬ cile himself to the overwhelming success of his friend David Garrick as an actor. Translate his physical imperfections, while admitting his general judgment, into terms of humor and it may be understood how many good and wise people fail to enjoy it. They also fail to understand humanity, be¬ cause they are straight-line men, with no curves, so that they cannot fit into those of their fellow-men. With them the dogma is naturally cherished that a witty man is always shallow. Sydney Smith, who knew whereof he spoke, says : “ The moment an envious pedant sees anything written with pleasantry he comforts himself that it must be superficial.” Many people admire sententious monotony even if it be stupidity and are shocked too much for their delicate nerves at the sudden presentation of an intellectual surprise. Yet, what is more forcible ? Is there any mode in which truth PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES. 35 can be more strongly presented than by its humorous oppo¬ site? If the dry reductio ad absurdum is legitimate, how much better is it when laughter brings an echo. Laughter must be; therefore Philosophy cannot ignore it. We shall not abolish painting and music because individuals are color¬ blind and note-deaf, or emasculate style to placate sporadic cases of humor-ineptitude. But a yet stronger argument can be made. Schiller and Heine say: “The gods fight against Stupidity in vain.” Yes, by direct attack, but the flank fire of ridicule can sometimes excite even stupidity into an exhibition of life, though it be only in retreating panic. It is not proposed that this Society should usurp the func¬ tions of a literary society. Both science and Philosophy are separated from literature by well-established boundaries. For the moment passing by Philosophy, the distinction between science and literature may be sharply drawn by recognizing that science deals with facts regardless of the vehicle of their expression. Literature, on the contrary, may disregard all facts as such, and deal solely with reflection and sentiment, and in it the form of expression is essential. There is a literature of science and of all the sciences, but few scientific works can be embraced in literature if only because of their defective form. The favorite though not the single province of literature is esthetics in the true sense of the term, that which is per¬ ceived or apprehended by the senses, but limited to what is desirable to be so apprehended, the beautiful, to xaXov. The spirit of literature may rove from this elysian realm but the body cannot abandon it and survive. Specimens of literature may properly be stigmatized as bad — bad in tendency and effect, as in their influence upon morals, re¬ ligion, politics, and the like, but literature cannot be bad in form, because if its form is not esthetically good it is not literature at all. The assertion has been made that in litera¬ ture the substance is of little moment, that the form alone is essential ; the style and not the thought ; the words but 36 MALLERY. not the theme ; the manner in which the things are written and not the things themselves. Nor is this dictum without support. Even the mere utilitarian must admit that the labor for perfection in language, comprising vocabulary and grammatic form, had it been undergone for that alone, has been well repaid in that it has presented to both science and philosophy their vehicle and has established for humanity its imperial distinction over the rest of living beings. An illustration of the value of form is in the continued cult of Homer. There are few important facts in the Ilias or the Odysseia except those discovered by philologists, and no theories or principles as such are propounded in them, al¬ though the anthropologist can sometimes read them between the lines. Only through the crystalline perfectness of their form have they endured through the ages while myriads of once asserted verities have become beacons of error and “ vital ” principles have died in ignominy. Some advocates of form versus substance might quote favorite passages of Emerson or Browning which cannot be understood, as is proved by so many diverse interpretations. But while esthetic form is indispensable to constitute litera¬ ture, comprehensible thought is also indispensable. The smoothest iambics and most stately hexameters which exer¬ cise in Latin prosody the scholars of Eton and Harrow, tech¬ nically styled nonsense verses, are not literature. Even though a production be intelligible, be printed, and be widely circulated, it is not necessarily literature. A dic¬ tionary is surely not a literary work, but a literary tool, and an encyclopedia is not much more. Following in this line of definition would be a bald statement of facts which is really but an expanded encyclopedic article. At the oppo¬ site pole, as regards pretension without performance, but also devoid of literary title, are the librettos of grand operas and verses privately printed at the request of admiring friends. It may seem bold to assert that literature should not med¬ dle with science when every novel lugs into its pages some scientific statement or discussion, and as fast as each new dis- PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES. 37 covery appears it is seized upon by the romancer for his plot as a deus ex machina. But if this use is more than machin¬ ery or incident the novel becomes a dilute treatise and is not proper literary work. It must also be ephemeral. Sci¬ ence advances, leaving its dross and errors to decay in and with such novels which, if they had been founded on the principles of human nature, might have lasted, as some other novels may last, while humanity endures. From the reasons before adduced, the wrriter in Philosophy no less than in literature should be an artist in language, strive for the melody of chosen words, for finish of style, for grace, subtlety, or dignity as well as precision of expression, in the well-ordered precession and marriage of form and sense. Has this Society fulfilled the promise of its title ? It is certainly not a mutual admiration society. No one of its members can arise and say anything marked or tangi¬ ble on any subject without provoking a discussion which at least brings out supplementary thought and suggestion and often sharp but useful criticism. Papers are not unfrequently presented expressly to elicit such discussion and criticism by which the Society, held as a good representative of the world’s audience, may correct error and expression before the litera imprimata fixes them in published form too late for emendation. The communications are generally prepared in writing and with care in style, which care grows wTith legitimate rivalry. It seems to be recognized that however ready and bright and therefore interesting a talker may be, proper con¬ densation with judicious arrangement and balance cannot attend the best oral discourse formulated at the moment of delivery, though the discourse may be an imposing tour de force. The extempore and spontaneous discussions upon the papers by members, and by the author in reply, supply all demand in the direction of vividness and suggestion by the collision of several minds diversely equipped. 38 MALLERY. As regards the scope of work, the ten published volumes of its Bulletin are decisive. They comprise papers on Mathe¬ matics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Meteorology, Ge¬ ology, Geography, Biology, Anthropology, Technology, and Philosophy in its general acceptation before defined. These papers were all actually read at the meetings, nearly all by members, when by visitors the fact being noted, and they were all exposed to discussion. The volumes therefore are not deceptive as to the amount of work done, as is the case with some societies that publish writings not by members, but by volunteers who have never been near their place of meeting, and whose published papers were only read by title. The analysis of these volumes shows no falling off in the number of papers presented appropriate even to some special¬ ties for which other societies have been founded, though, as before remarked, the character of such papers is broader than before. While connected by common membership with a congeries of special societies, this Society comprehends their specialties without technicality. In this respect it clearly fulfills its promises. From long observation I believe that higher philosophic discipline and more perfect philosophic expression are gained by regular attendance on its exercises than could be gained by attendance on all the specialized societies, if such con¬ sumption of time were possible. Speaking in broad and general terms, Science deals with facts, the thoughts being secondary ; Literature with thoughts, the facts being secondary ; but Philosophy includes equally the facts and the thoughts relative to them. Sci¬ ence supplies food, but neither savor nor digestion. Litera¬ ture pleases the appetite. Philosophy with appetite digests the food. Again, to Science the language used is subordinate, to Literature the language is paramount, to Philosophy the language is essential but not paramount. It remains to offer the suggestion that Philosophy should also be regarded from the significance of its etymology — PHILOSOPHY AND SPECIALTIES. 39 the love of wisdom. Lessing said that if it were necessary to choose he would prefer to have the love of truth to the possession of truth itself. By that paradox he emphasized his earnest desire for wisdom, not for repletion by facts and cold encyclopedic knowledge. Knowledge and wisdom, far from being one, Have ofttimes no connection. Knowledge dwells In heads replete with thoughts of other men, Wisdom in minds attentive to their own. Knowledge, a rude unprofitable mass, The mere materials with which wisdom builds, Till smoothed and squared and fitted to its place, Does but encumber whom it seems to enrich. The knowledge, whether of good or evil or of both, works no benefit to life and character. The mere possession of truth, not strictly wisdom, may be that of a miser who hoards wealth and does not circulate it to the common good, but the love of wisdom brings wisdom. “ Be there a will and wisdom finds a way.” “ Wisdom crieth aloud, she uttereth her voice in the streets,” and it will be regarded. “ So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom ! ” ON THE OBSERVATION OF SUDDEN PHENOMENA. BY S. P. Langley. [Read before the Society, March 2, 1889.] By a sudden phenomenon is here meant one of that large class where the occurrence is awaited without the observer’s previous knowledge of its exact instant, and of which familiar examples may be found in the bursting of a rocket, the ap¬ pearance of a meteor, or the emergence of a star from behind the moon. A great part of all the phenomena of daily life, as well as of scientific observation, are of this kind, though the importance of a special instance of another class (I refer to the gradual and foreseen approach of a star to a wire) has drawn to this latter such particular attention that we are apt to think only of it when “ personal error ” is in question. When in an observatory, we study the means taken to record the precise time of the transit of a star, we find that the precision of modern apparatus has reduced the error which we may expect in almost any part of the mechanism to an extremely minute amount, which may be calculated to the fractional part of the one hundredth of a second. I say “ almost,” for, as we are all aware, there is one notable exception, at least until photography can be made to inter¬ vene. The human brain and nerves, and behind these the inscrutable processes of the will, themselves form an inevit¬ able link in the chain of apparatus of observation, and here an error may and does arise, enormously greater than that of all the rest put together. We all know that this error varies with the individual and the occasion. It is most constant in the experienced 4— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. (41) 42 LANGLEY. observer, but even in his case it varies with the daily acci¬ dents of the human organism, and even with him it is pre¬ sumably constant only for the particular observation to which the experience applies. There is not even a pre¬ sumption, I think, that the personal equation belonging to an experienced transit observer would apply to the same person’s notation of the occultation or emergence of a star, and still less, if possible, to any phenomenon outside his ordinary professional experience; for we must, of course, recognize that we carry this fallibility with us in every act of life, and that it is just as present when we attempt to de¬ termine the instant at which a race-horse passes the winning post as when we seek to note the particular hundredth of a second at which a star passes the wire. The very words “ personal equation ” imply that the errors due to this fallibility can be ascertained and allowed for, and may lead us to think (if we think carelessly) that there is a personal equation always ascertainable ; whereas, as we in fact know, it is only possible to apply the correction where long habit has settled the amount of error to be expected with regard to some one special phenomenon. The number of devices for obtaining and correcting the personal equation, even in the special case of meridian ob¬ servation, is, as those who have studied the subject know, surprisingly great. I think I have myself examined more than fifty such, and with hardly an exception they all ex¬ hibit variations on one idea — the idea, that is, that the error must have been committed first ; the committing of the error being assumed to be an inevitable necessity, for which sub¬ sequent correction is to be made. I have thought, then, that it might be interesting if I were to ask you to consider with me what may seem at first the somewhat paradoxical suggestion, that means may be found by which any individual, skilled or ignorant, may make, not only meridian observations, but an observation of any sudden visible event of whatever nature, so accurately that we need apply no correction, because the precision may be, OBSERVATION OF SUDDEN PHENOMENA. 43 if not absolute, at least such that no correction will in ordi¬ nary practice be needed. I may deceive myself in thinking that what I have to suggest involves a novel idea, but I am led to suppose so from the fact that I have met no applica¬ tion of it in a somewhat extended reading on this point. Let me first remark that while such error as that in ques¬ tion doubtless belongs to all the senses in some degree, we are at this moment considering it in connection with the sense of sight only. When we see anything in motion (let us suppose for in¬ stance a passing train on the railroad) we have the well- known facts that — First. An instantaneous photograph is made by the optic lens upon the retina, there being a picture formed there, which is perfectly distinct, but which fades out upon the retinal plate in from one-tenth to one-quarter of a second, while the perception of this image is under ordinary cir¬ cumstances * sensibly instantaneous ; (but) — Second. Nerves convey the distinct impression of every part of this picture to the brain, and it is here, if we have to act on this impression, that a certain time is lost, not only in the carrying of the message along one set of nerves and the bringing back the answer on the other, but in the decision that is being made by that unknown and inner self, which appears to us to exert here a more or less con¬ scious act of will. In the case of a sudden and startling event, the time elapsed may be almost indefinitely great ; and in some cases, probably several entire seconds may pass without the con¬ sciousness of the observer. A very imperfectly appreciated interval must occur in all cases, for what we have just said applies to every event of our daily lives, and the profes¬ sional observation is only a particular instance of it. Now, I ask your attention to the practical instantaneity *The writer’s observations (Am. Jour. Sc., Nov., 1888) show that appre¬ ciable time is required for perception of the retinal impression, with certain excessively faint lights ; but these are not here in question. 44 LANGLEY. of the formation of this visual picture, which is known to be obtained where the duration of the phenomenon to be ob¬ served is much less than the one thousand-millionth of a second, and where we have every reason to believe that the actual formation of the image on the retina under known ordinary conditions requires a time of like order. We may say, then, that the casting of a picture on the retina is instantaneous. It is its fading out that requires time, and it is while this fading out takes place, and even long after it, that the work of perception, decision, and action is going on behind the retinal curtain in the chambers of the brain. Notice, then, that while to determine when a phe¬ nomenon occurs may require, under some circumstances, several seconds, and under all ordinary circumstances a notable fraction of a second, to determine where it occurs requires (sensibly) no time at all, for one single impression remains on the retina long enough to obtain full recognition and to be reproduced by processes of memory. I can make my meaning clearer, perhaps, by using the same specific instance as before. Let us suppose that an ac¬ cident to a passenger on the passing train is the phenome¬ non, the time of whose occurrence is to be noted, and that this accident is seen from a room in which there are two windows looking on the track. We must have seen the ac¬ cident, if it be instantaneous, either through the first win¬ dow or the second. If we had been led to anticipate that we should be called upon to say through wdiich window we saw it, I think wre may all admit that there would be no discrepancy on this point between different observers, for in this case we are considering only the element of position, and the element of time does not directly enter at all, so that observers in the same position who had been bidden to note through which window7 they saw it would all agree on this point. Now a connection can here obviously be established be¬ tween the place and the time, from which to infer the latter, if we are granted the knowledge of two facts : the time at OBSERVATION OF SUDDEN PHENOMENA. 45 which the carriage could have first come into view from the first window, and the time at which it must have passed out of view behind the second ; for if we suppose the speed of the train to have been uniform, we have the means of deciding the fraction of the time when we know the fraction of space. Here, then, as in the case of a common clock or chronograph, or any device where time and space are proportional, we can infer the former from the latter ; only let it be observed that we here need no recording apparatus. What we use is the memory of where the event occurred ; in other words, we recall the impression on the retinal screen and have no need to bring into use what we may call the time-perception apparatus of the brain which lies behind it ; nor do we in fact need that the object of our observation shall be really in- motion , but only that it shall be made to appear to be so. This last point is all important, and what I ask your at¬ tention to is an experiment heretofore, I think, untried, and which is perhaps a novel application of the fundamental horological idea that time and space must be made propor¬ tional, for it seems to me it must be theoretically possible, not only in the case of the clock or the chronograph, but always, to so connect the former with the latter that the es¬ sential task of the observer is to say where any visible event apparently occurred, and then let some mechanism outside of himself say when. That at least is the idea, and if it has, as I hope, been clearly apprehended by you, I will now ask your attention to a working plan for carrying it out. Numerous different devices have been under my consideration. I will take one which is primarily designed for the observation of any ce¬ lestial phenomenon, though it could very well be adapted to terrestrial ones ; and in order to fix our ideas I will suppose that we have an event which we know the approximate time of, but which may burst upon us at some fraction of a second which we want to determine. I will assume (merely to fix our thoughts) that we wish to note the time at which a star emerges from behind the dark body of the moon 46 LANGLEY. with an accuracy which ensures ns that we have not made an error so great as one-twentieth of a second. You see I hold in my hand a peculiar eye-piece, which has been made to observe this or any other terrestrial or celestial phenomenon of sudden occurrence. It can also be used for meridian observation, but its special field seems to lie in noting an event where no correction for personal equation is applicable. This event may be anything celes¬ tial or terrestrial, from the entrance of Venus on the disc of the sun to the explosion of a mine ; but, for the purpose of illustration merely, let us take it to be the sudden appear¬ ance of the star. On looking into the telescope we see, in the first place, two prominent wires crossing each other at right angles, dividing the field of view into four quadrants. Now, by a simple mechanism, which I shall shortly explain, any object that our telescope is directed on — any fixed star, for example — seems to be revolving in the field, passing successively through the first, second, third, and fourth quadrants. If the star is hidden the mechanism is working just the same, and when the star appears it must evidently first be seen in some particular one of these four quadrants, and experience shows that we shall have no difficulty in telling in which one. The mechanism itself has recorded for us by an elec¬ tric contact the limiting instant between which it is possible to see the beginning and the end of the cycle during which revolution may be supposed to be made. It is not necessary that this cycle should last just a second ; but, supposing it (still for illustration only) to be a second, if it was seen in the first quadrant, it was seen in the first quarter of the sec¬ ond ; if it was in the second quadrant, sometime in the sec¬ ond quarter of the second ; in the third, in the third quar¬ ter; in the fourth, in the final quarter. All that we have to do in this case is to know in which second it occurred ; for the quarter of a second we may say is noted for us by the purely automatic action of the optic lens and retina, since OBSERVATION OF SUDDEN PHENOMENA. 47 the first image on the retina must be that of the star as seen in some particular one of the four quadrants. Going a little farther, we will now suppose each of the four quadrants, which in turn correspond to quarter seconds, to be divided into five parts, so that the whole circle is divided into twenty. All the observer has to say is in which quad¬ rant and in which subdivision of the quadrant the star ap¬ pears, to say in which twentieth of the second (or other brief cycle) it emerged. The reticule I have just described is fixed in the focus of the eye-piece and does not revolve. What does revolve is a minute double prism of total reflection just before the reti¬ cule, the middle of whose reflecting face lies in the optical axis, and by whose means the optical axis is twice broken at a right angle, so that when the telescope is directed at a star the image of the star is not seen at the center of the field, but on one side of it. If the prism is revolved, the star must appear to revolve in a circle whose radius is nearly that of the side of the prism. The little prism is turned by a small piece of watch -work, but it is not at all necessary that this should be exact, since all we demand is that the rate shall be constant during a second or so- — a condition easily secured with the most ordi¬ nary mechanism. The sketch and the apparatus exhibited sufficiently indi¬ cate, I think, the simple means by which this is brought about. Figure 1 is a section one-half full size. A A A is the outer tube, which can be fitted, if desired, into the eye end of a tele¬ scope. b b is the inner tube, resting on friction- wheels //, revolved by the clock-work c about once a second, and recording the time at which a key in the observer’s hand may be pressed to indicate the particular second. This rec¬ ord may be made electrically by the wires w w on a chrono¬ graph, or more simply and directly on a little attached dial like that of a recording stop-watch. p is the prism of double total reflection, r r is the posi- 48 LANGLEY. tion of the fixed reticule (shown independently as it appears to the observer and of full size in figure 2.) Full Size S.P. Langley. snvt e e are the lenses of a positive eye-piece. I is a lamp for giving wire illumination, if desired, when a telescope is em¬ ployed. Field illumination is readily obtained by making the dia¬ phragm in which the prism p is set of translucent material. Finally it should be remarked that on removing the eye piece, events may be observed without using any telescope. In this, its simplest form, the chronograph may also be dis¬ pensed with, and the record of the second made on an at¬ tached stop-watch dial, and the instrument may thus carry OBSERVATION OP SUDDEN PHENOMENA. 49 its own complete recording apparatus and be more portable than an ordinary opera-glass.' I have not found time to use this apparatus on the moon or occultations, but I have, what is possibly more to the pur¬ pose now, tried it on an artificial star, the instant of whose appearance and disappearance was independently recorded on a chronograph by an electrical contact. Different ob¬ servers, entirely unskilled and ignorant in the use of the in- .strument, were invited to look into it and to determine the quadrant and section in which the star appeared and disap¬ peared. I have momentarily mislaid my notes containing in full detail the results of four observers, but I can summarize them approximately in saying that after being simply told what to note ; the average probable error — (that is, for any single observation) — was rather less than one-twentieth of a second. As far as I can judge from the limited number of instances, the younger the observer the better the observa¬ tion. The worst of the observers (the oldest), however, had a probable error considerably less than one-tenth of a second ; the youngest, a probable error of something like one-fortieth of a second, which implies, as you will observe, that he not only readily noted the quadrant and the subdivisions of the quadrant, but, also as a rule, even the part of the subdivision in which the star was first seen. None of these observers had so much as one hour’s practice. The plan in question is easily adapted to meridian obser¬ vations, but for these we have numerous plans for correcting personal equation, and the writer may also direct attention to the fact of the existence of a distinct device (Am. Journal of Science, July, 1877) which practically eliminates the per¬ sonal error in the very act of a transit observation. It is more elaborate than the present one, which is so simple that it may be useful even in longitude work with the transit, though its proper field seems to be the observation of sudden events ; but, to whatever purpose it is applied, I beg leave to 5— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 50 LANGLEY. present it to your attention less for any interest that attaches to the particular mechanism exhibited than as an illustration of a principle which seems to me to have not been employed before in this way, and which I trust may have useful appli¬ cations. ON SOME OF THE GREATER PROBLEMS OF PHYSICAL GEOLOGY. BY Clarence Edward Dutton. [Read before the Society, April 27, 1889.] The greatest problems of physical geology I esteem to be : 1st, What is the potential cause of volcanic action? 2d, What is the cause of the elevation and subsidence of re¬ stricted areas of the earth’s surface ? 3d, What is the cause of the foldings, distortions, and fractures of the strata ? The volcanic problem is at present unsolved. Every theory or hypothesis thus far offered to explain it goes to pieces at the touch of criticism. For elevations and subsid¬ ences we are also without any satisfactory explanation. But the third problem, the cause of distortions and fractures in the strata, looks much more hopeful, and it is my inten¬ tion to propose this evening a solution of it, not a new one, let me say, but an old one remodeled. Before proceeding to discuss it, it is proper to advert to a hypothesis which has long been in favor, and which is looked upon by some au¬ thorities as affording an explanation. This is sometimes called the contractional hypothesis. The earth is regarded as being hot within and undergoing secular cooling by conduction of heat through its external shell and its radiation into space. This loss of interior heat is presumed to be accompanied by a corresponding loss of interior volume, thus depriving the cold exterior shell of a part of its support. In a body so large as the earth the tan¬ gential strain set up by this loss of interior support is demon¬ strably so great that the outer shell or crust, as it is usually called, must be crushed or buckled by it and collapse upon 6— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. (51) 52 DUTTON. the shrinking nucleus. The objection to this explanation is twofold : In the first place, we cannot, without resorting to violent assumptions, find in this process a sufficient amount of either linear or volume contraction to account for the effects attributed to it. In the second place, the distortions of the strata are not of the kind which could be produced by such a process. As regards the first objection I will confine my¬ self here to a mere reference to the very able analysis of the problem by Rev. Osmond Fisher. I see no satisfactory reply to his argument. As regards the second objection, which, if possible, is more cogent still, it may be remarked that the most striking features in the facts to be explained are the long, narrow tracts occupied by belts of plicated strata and the approximate parallelism of the axes of their folds. These call for the action of some great horizontal force thrusting in one direction. Take, for example, the Appalachian system, stretching from Maine to Georgia. Here is a great belt of parallel synclinals and anticlinals with a persistent trend, and no rational inquirer can doubt that they have been puckered up by some vast force acting horizontally in a northwest and southeast direction. Doubtless it is the most wonderful example of systematic plication in the world. But there are many others which indicate the operation of the same forces with the same broad characteristics. The par¬ ticular characteristic with which we are here concerned is that in each of these folded belts the horizontal force has acted wholly or almost wholly in one direction. But the forces which would arise from a collapsing crust would act in every direction equally. There would be no determinate direction. In short, the process could not form long, narrow belts of parallel folds. As I have no time to discuss the hypothesis further I dismiss it with the remark that it is quantitatively insufficient and qualitatively inapplicable. It is an explanation which explains nothing which we want to explain. In proposing another view of the problem we may first turn our attention to those obvious and universally conceded GREATER PROBLEMS OP PHYSICAL GEOLOGY. 53 forces which determine the figure of the earth. That figure we know to be one which a liquid or viscous body of large size will take when subject only to the forces arising from rotation around an axis and to the mutual gravitation of its own parts. This form is an oblate spheroid. The spherical form, however, is only approximate. We find large portions of its surface protruding into continents and islands, while others are sunken to form oceanic basins. How did these inequalities arise ? If the form of the earth is nearly spheroidal why is it not exactly so ? It has always been supposed that this nearly spheroidal form implies that the earth, if not • liquid, is certainly not rigid enough to maintain any other form against the forces of its own grav¬ itation. Even if the earth were a mass of unbroken steel no great departure from this shape could be maintained for a moment. It would straightway collapse and flow into a spheroidal form. But if gravitation compels it to take a nearly spheroidal shape why should it stop short of making it perfectly so ? Perhaps it will be said that while the rigid¬ ity of rocks may be insufficient to permit a great deforma¬ tion of the normal spheroid it may be sufficient to permit a small one. Before discussing this point it will be necessary to introduce a consideration which has seldom been touched upon by geographers or geologists. If the earth were composed of homogeneous matter its normal figure of equilibrium without strain would be a true spheroid of revolution ; but if heterogeneous, if some parts were denser or lighter than others, its normal figure would no longer be spheroidal. Where the lighter matter was ac¬ cumulated there would be a tendency to bulge, and where the denser matter existed there would be a tendency to flatten or depress the surface. For this condition of equilibrium of figure, to which gravitation tends to reduce a planetary body, irrespective of whether it be homogeneous or not, I propose the name isostasy. I would have preferred the word isobary, but it is preoccupied. We may also use the corresponding adjective, isostatic. An isostatic earth, composed of homoge- 54 DUTTON, neous matter and without rotation, would be truly spherical. If slowly rotating it would be a spheroid of two axes. If rotating rapidly within a certain limit, it might be a spheroid of three axes. But if the earth he not homogeneous — if some portions near the surface be lighter than others — then the isostatic figure is no longer a sphere or spheroid of revolution, but a deformed figure, bulged where the matter is light and de¬ pressed where it is heavy. The question which I propose is How nearly does the earth’s figure approach to isostasy ? Mathematical statics alone will not enable us to answer this question with a sufficient degree of approximation. It does, indeed, enable us to fix certain limits to the departure from isostasy which cannot be exceeded. This very problem has been treated with great skill by Prof. George Darwin. But this problem may be approached from another direc¬ tion with more satisfactory results. Geology furnishes us with certain facts which enable us to draw a much narrower conclusion. There are several categories of fact to which we may turn. One of the most remarkable is the general fact that where great bodies of strata are deposited they progress¬ ively settle down or sink seemingly by reason of their gross mechanical weight, just as a railway embankment across a bog sinks into it. The attention of the earlier Appalachian geologists was called, as soon as they had acquired a fair knowledge of their field, to the surprising fact that the paleozoic strata in that wonderful belt, though tens of thou¬ sands of feet in thickness, were all deposited in comparatively shallow water. The paleozoic beds of the Appalachian re¬ gion have a thickness ranging from 15 000 to over 30 000 feet, yet they abound in proofs that when they were deposited their surfaces were the bottom of a shallow sea whose depth could not probably have exceeded a few hundred feet. No conclusion is left us but that sinking went on pari passu with the accumulation of the strata. When the geology of the Pacific coast was sufficiently disclosed, the same fact con¬ fronted us there. As 'investigation went on the same fact GREATER PROBLEMS OF PHYSICAL GEOLOGY. 55 presented itself over the western mountain region of the United States. One of the most striking cases is the Plateau Country. This great region, nearly 100 000 square miles in area, lying in the adjacent parts of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona, discloses from 8 000 to 12 000 feet of mesozoic and cenozoic strata. Here the proof is abundant that the surface of the strata was throughout that vast stretch of time never more than a few feet from sea level. Again and again it emerged from the water a little way, only to be submerged. At many horizons grew forests which are now represented by those abundant and beautiful fossil woods which of late have become celebrated. In the cretaceous we find many seams and seamlets of coal or carbonaceous shale ; but they are included between sandstones wdiich are cross- bedded and ripple-marked, or between shales and limestones which abound in the remains of marine mollusca. Here the evidence seems conclusive that the whole subsidence went on at about the same rate as the surface was built up by deposi¬ tion. In short, it may be laid down as a general rule that where great bodies of sediment have been deposited over ex¬ tensive areas their deposition has been accompanied by a subsidence of the whole mass. The second class of facts is even more instructive, and stands in a reciprocal relation to those just mentioned. Wherever broad mountain platforms occur and have been subjected to great erosion the loss of altitude by degradation is made good by a rise of the platform. In the western por¬ tion of the United States there occur mountain ranges situ¬ ated upon broad and lofty platforms from 20 to 60 miles wide and from 50 to 200 miles in length. Some of these platforms contain several mountain ridges. All of them have been enormously eroded, and if the matter removed from them could be replaced it would suffice to build them to heights of eight or ten miles; yet it is incredible that these mountains were ever much loftier than now, and may never have been so lofty. The flanks of these platforms, with the upturned edges of the strata reposing against them 56 DUTTON. or with gigantic faults measuring their immense uplifts, plainly declare to us that they have been slowly pushed up- . wards as fast as they were degraded by secular erosion. It seems little doubtful that these subsidences of accumu¬ lated deposits and these progressive upward movements of eroded mountain platforms are, in the main, results of grav¬ itation restoring the isostasy which has been disturbed by denudation on the one hand and by sedimentation on the other. The magnitudes of the masses which thus show the isostatic tendency are in some cases no greater than a single mountain platform, less than 100 miles in length, from 20 to 40 miles wide and from 2500 to 3500 feet mean altitude above the surrounding lowlands. F rom this we may directly infer that in those regions the effective rigidity of the earth is insufficient to uphold a mass so great as one of those plat¬ forms if that mass constituted a real deformation of isostasy ; and if an equal mass were to be suddenly removed the earth would flow upward from below to fill the hiatus; hence we must look to considerably smaller masses to find a defect of isostasy. It is extremely probable that small or narrow ridges are not isostatic with respect to the country roundabout them. Some volcanic mountains may be ex¬ pected to be non-isostatic, especially isolated volcanic piles. Thus the geologic changes which have taken place may be regarded as experiments conducted by Nature herself on a vast scale, and from her experiments we may by suitable working hypotheses draw provisional conclusions, both as to the degree in which the earth approximates to isostasy and also as to the mean effective rigidity of large portions of the subterranean mass. The approach to isostasy is thereby in¬ ferred to be very near, while the mean rigidity of the sub¬ terranean masses is also inferred to be far less than that of ordinary surface rocks, and even approaching more nearly the rigidity of lead than to that of copper. Pure physics alohe would not have enabled us to reach such a conclusion, for the equations employ constants of unknown value. But geologic inquiry may, and I believe does, furnish us with GREATER PROBLEMS OF PHYSICAL GEOLOGY. 57 narrow limits within which those values must be taken. Thus the two sciences must work cooperatively and supplement each other. There is, however, one other branch of physical inquiry which bears directly on the foregoing questions. This is the investigation of terrestrial gravitation by means of the pen¬ dulum. I regret that I have never had time or opportunity to acquaint myself thoroughly with the results thus far reached by this branch of investigation, and can only speak from general knowledge. Pendulum observations are far too few for the wants of geographic or geologic science. So far as they go they are highly suggestive in the present con¬ nection. The pendulum, as a rule, does not show any ap¬ preciable variation of gravity, such as would be expected if the mean density of all the outer parts of the earth were uniform. It indicates rather that the elevated regions and continents are composed of lighter matter and the depressed regions and ocean basins of denser matter. The exceptions are of a character which prove the general rule, and occur where we should look for them. The results obtained by the India survey upon the Himalayan mass were regarded by Archdeacon Pratt as indicating that the plateau was com¬ posed of lighter matter than the lowlands to the southward. A similar result has been obtained in the great bulge which forms the western half of the United States. In other words, the pendulum indicates that those elevated regions are nearly if not quite isostatic. On the other 'hand, the observations of Mendenhall on Fujiyama, in Japan, indicated a slight excess of mass, and a similar result would seem to follow from Mr. Preston’s work in the Hawaiian Islands. From the nature of the process by which volcanoes are built these results are to be expected. It would also -seem natural to expect that the plumb-line would give some indications upon this subject ; but ex¬ perience has shown that most of the observed deflections of the plumb-line are inexplicable. They occur where we would least expect to find them — upon broad and level plains, where 58 DUTTON. there is nothing to indicate any cause of deflection. They are found on the tundras of Siberia and the monotonous ex¬ panse of British North America, where the surface of the earth is but feebly diversified. In mountain regions they are often conflicting and unintelligible, but along the sea coast the indications are more systematic. On both the At¬ lantic and Pacific shores the deflection of the plummet is almost invariably towards the ocean, and is often of consid¬ erable amount ; but it is along the shore that the- isostatic theory would lead us to look for just this deflection, for it is along the margins of the continents that great bodies of sediment accumulate; and so long as the earth possesses any noteworthy degree of rigidity, enabling it to sustain in part the resulting deformation of isostasy, so long must we expect to find these sediments constituting an excess of mass whose attraction will make itself felt upon the plummet. The theory of isostasy thus briefly sketched out is essen¬ tially the theory of Babbage and Herschel, propounded nearly a century ago. It is, however, presented in a modified form, in a new dress, and in greater detail. We may now proceed to deduce some important consequences. A little reflection must satisfy us that the secular erosion of the land and the deposit of sediment along the shore lines constitute a continuous disturbance of isostasy. The land is ever impoverished of material — is continuously unloaded ; the littoral is as continuously loaded up. The resultant forces of gravitation tend to elevate the eroded land and to depress the littoral to their respective isostatic levels. Whether these forces shall become kinetic and produce actual movement or flow will depend, first, upon their intensity ; second, upon the rigidity of the earth by which such movement is resisted. Let us consider, then, the intensity of the forces. The littoral belts upon which sediments are thrown down are coextensive in length with shores. Their widths are no doubt variable, but must often reach a hundred miles or more with considerable thickness, and are not wholly unim¬ portant at much greater distances. The thickness of the de- GREATER PROBLEMS OF PHYSICAL GEOLOGY. 59 posits may vary much, but may be proportional to the time of accumulation, and here the time is measured by the geo¬ logic standard. The gross weight of such masses of sediment must be vast indeed. If there is any viscous yielding at all the problem becomes essentially that of the flowing solid,* which is in a large measure governed by hydrostatic laws. The intensity of the force must have a maximum value pro¬ portional to the thickness which lies above the isostatic level and also proportional to its specific gravity. The area cov¬ ered by the deposit enters as a quantity factor, but not as an intensity factor. The greater the area, the greater is the total potential energy of movement without any necessary increase of the intensity of the force. This intensity, being propor¬ tional to the thickness of the sediments, may become almost indefinitely great or it may be small. Indeed, it may, and in fact does, become negative when we apply the same statical theory to the movement or stress of the denuded land areas. But whether these forces are sufficient to produce actual flow is equally dependent upon the rigidity, or, as we may here term it, the viscosity of the masses involved. We have already seen reason to infer that the mean viscosity is not great, being far less than that of the surface rocks alone. Beyond this rather vague statement I perceive no way of as¬ signing a value to the resistance to be overcome. It remains to inquire what is the resulting direction of motion. The general answer is, towards the direction of least resistance. The specific answer, which must express the direction of least resistance, will, of course, turn upon the configuration of the deposition on the one hand, and of de¬ nudation on the other, and also upon the manner in which the rigidity or viscosity varies from place to place. Taking, then, the case of a land area undergoing denudation, its de¬ tritus carried to the sea and deposited in a heavy littoral belt, we may regard the weight of each elementary part of the deposited mass as a statical force acting upon a viscous sup¬ port below. Assuming that we could find a differential ex¬ pression applicable to each and every element of the mass 60 DUTTON. and a corresponding one for the resistance offered by the viscosity, the integration for the entire mass might give ns a series of equipotential surfaces within the mass. The re¬ sultant force at any point of any equipotential surface would be normal to that surface. A similar construction may be applied to the adjoining denuded area, in which the defect of isostasy may be treated as so much mass with a negative algebraic sign. The resultants normal to the equipotential surfaces would, in this case, also have the negative sign. The effective force tending to produce movement would be the arithmetical sum of the normals or of a single resultant compounded of the two normals. From this construction we may derive a force which tends to push the loaded sea bottoms inward upon the unloaded land horizontally. This gives us a farce of the precise kind that is wanted to explain the origin of systematic plications. Long reflection and considerable analysis have satisfied me that it is sufficient both in intensity and in amount unless we assume for the mean viscosity of the superficial and subterranean masses involved in the movement a much greater value than I am disposed to concede. The result is a true viscous flow of the loaded littoral inward upon the unloaded continent. There may be in this proposition some degree of violence to a certain mental prejudice against the idea that the rock- ribbed earth, to which all our notions of stability and im¬ movableness are attached, can be made to flow. It may as¬ sist our efforts if we reflect upon the motion of the great ice sheet which covers Greenland. Here the masses involved are no greater than some masses of sediment. The specific gravity of ice is only about one-third that of the rock masses. The forces called into play to carry the glacier along hori¬ zontally do not seem to differ greatly in intensity or amount from the described forces, and the rigidity of the ice itself may not exceed the mean rigidity of the rock masses beneath the littoral. We may now proceed to inquire how this theory adjusts itself to the actual facts. And, firstly, where do systematic plications occur? GREATER PROBLEMS OF PHYSICAL GEOLOGY. t61 (1.) It is a remarkable fact that they occur among sedi¬ mentary beds of great and variable thickness, which were rather rapidly accumulated. They seldom, and, so far as I now recall, never occur among strata which are of small thickness, slowly accumulated with uniformity over large areas; and the theory requires that they should occur in the heavy deposits or along their margins, and should have their greatest development there, for the forces called into play must be proportional to the masses involved. (2.) They occur in their systematic form along the ancient shore lines. This is but another way of stating the preceding proposition. It has its uses, however, for in so far as the con¬ tinents have preserved approximately their old shore lines since the ages in which the plications were formed there is a conspicuous parallelism of the axes of plication to the neigh¬ boring coast. This is true of the Pacific coast of the United States. As regards the Appalachian plications, we have the remarkable fact that in paleozoic time the ocean lay to the west of those vast bodies of folded strata instead of to the east of them, as now. We must look to a paleozoic Atlantis for the origin of a great portion of those sediments. The flow of the earth was from west northwest to east southeast. (3.) The parallelism of the folds and their occurrence in long, narrow belts formed by horizontal forces acting in one direction become a consequence so obvious as to need no comment. It is in strong contrast with the contractional theory, which gives a force without any determinate direc¬ tion. (4.) Another important fact is that these systematic flexures were mainly formed at the times the sediments were depos¬ ited. This is a fact of geologic observation. The contrac¬ tional hypothesis gives no determinate time for the formation of these flexures. It holds up to us a process continuous through all geological time, proceeding at a rate which diminishes but slowly as the ages roll by. These plications, according to the isostatic theory, are the results of the dis¬ turbance of isostasy, and follow immediately upon that 62 DUTTON. disturbance or after it has reached a sufficient amount, and cease with it. These folds, however, have been subject since their first formation to great erosion, which is also a disturb¬ ance of isostasy, and thus the original plication may have been increased or modified thereby. The theory may also be applied in a most satisfactory manner to the explanation of subordinate features associated with plication. (5.) One of the features of plication which has attracted great attention and occasioned great perplexity to geologists is the so-called fan-structure. This is very striking in the Alps, and has its counterpart in the inclined folds of the Appalachians of Pennsylvania, where the northwestern branches of the anticlines are steeper than the southeastern branches. If we assume that as the rocks lie deeper in the earth they are softened somewhat by the increasing heat, it follows that in the flow of the mass the movement would be easier and more rapid below than above. Thus a horizontal force arising from this differential movement acts upon the inverted arches of the synclines and carries their lower ver¬ tices forward in the direction of motion. Thus the general theory here proposed gives an explana¬ tion of the origin of plications. It gives us a force acting in the direction required, in the manner required, at the times and places required, and one which has the intensity and amount required and no more. The contractional theory gives us a force having neither direction nor determinate mode of action, nor definite epoch of action. It gives us a force acting with a far greater intensity than we require, but with far less quantity. To provide a place for its action it must have recourse to an arbitrary postulate assuming for no independent reason the existence of areas of weakness in a supposed crust which would have no raison d’etre except that they are necessary for the salvation of the hypothesis. Before closing this discussion it will be necessary to advert to another one of the great problems of physical geology, viz., the cause of general elevations and subsidences. I do so, GREATER PROBLEMS OF PHYSICAL GEOLOGY. 63 not with the idea of throwing light upon it, but to guard against a misapprehension which would otherwise be sure to occur. Geologic history discloses the fact that some great areas of the earth’s surface which were in former ages below sea- level are now thousands of feet above it. It also gives us reason to believe that other areas now submerged were in other ages terra firma. Our western mountain region at the beginning of cenozoic time was at sea level. It is now, on an average, 6000 feet above it. The great Himalayan plateau contains early cenozoic beds full of marine fossils which now lie at altitudes of 14000 feet or more. The whole North American Continent has, since the close of the paleozoic, gained in altitude. Now, it is sufficiently obvious that the theory of isostasy offers no explanation of these permanent changes of level. On the contrary, the very idea of isostasy means the conservation of profiles against lowering by denu¬ dation on the land and by deposition on the sea bottom, pro¬ vided no other cause intervenes to change those levels. If, then, that theory be true, we must look for some independent principle of causation which can gradually and permanently change the profiles of the land and sea bottom. And I hold this cause to be an independent one. It has been much the habit for geologists to attempt to explain the progressive elevation of plateaus and mountain platforms, and also the foldings of the strata by one and the same process. I hold the two processes to be distinct and having no necessary re¬ lation to each other. There are plicated regions which are little or not at all elevated, and there are elevated regions which are not plicated. Plication may go on with little or no elevation in one geologic age and the same region may be elevated without much additional plication in a subsequent age. This is in a large measure true of the Sierra Nevada platform, which was intensely plicated during the paleozoic and early mesozoic, but which received its present altitude in the late cenozoic. Whatever may have been the cause of these great regional 64 DUTTON. uplifts it in no manner affects the law of isostasy. What the real nature of the uplifting force may be is, to my mind, an entire mystery ; but I think we may discern at least one of its attributes, and that is a gradual expansion, or a dimi¬ nution of the density, of ‘the subterranean magmas. If the isostatic force is operative at all, this expansion is a rigorous consequence; for whenever a rise of the land has taken place one of two things has happened : the region affected has either gained an accession of mass or a mere increase of volume without increase of mass. We know of no cause which could either add to the mass or diminish the density, yet one of the two must surely have happened. But the difference of the two alternatives in respect to consequences is immense. If the increase of volume of an elevated area be due to an accession of matter, the plateau must be hoisted against its own rigidity and also against the statical weight of its entire mass lying above the isostatic level. But if the increase of volume be due to a decrease of density there is no resistance to be overcome in order to raise the surface. Hence I infer that the cause which elevates the land involves an expansion of the underlying magmas, and the cause which depresses it is a shrinkage of the magmas. The na¬ ture of the process is, at present, a complete mystery. Note. — The foregoing paper was written hastily to occupy a vacant half hour of a meeting of the Philosophical Society without the thought of pub¬ lication. I have yielded however to the kind solicitation of friends to con¬ sent to its publication. It contains a rough outline of some thoughts which have worked in my mind for the last fifteen years and which, from time to time, I have discussed at length in unpublished manuscripts and in familiar conversation with my esteemed colleagues. ON THE CRYSTALLIZATION IGNEOUS ROCKS. JOSEPH PAXSON IDDINGS. 7— Bull. Phil. Soc.; Wash., Vol. 11. (65) TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page, Introduction - — 71 Part I. Phenomena of Crystallization - 72 Rock structures in general terms - 72 (1.) Glassy rocks - - 72 — without porphyritical crystals - 73 — with “ “ _ - 73 (2.) Holocrystalline (completely crystallized) rocks - - 73 — with porphyritical crystals - 73 — without 11 11 - 74 (3.) One or more generations of crystals - 74 (4.) Special structures - 74 Component minerals _ 74 (1.) Their variety _ 74 (2.) Chemical character _ 75 (3.) Association in various kinds of rocks _ 75 Character of the minerals as crystals _ 76 (1.) External characters - 76 Form and relative age _ 77 — in glassy rocks _ 77 — in holocrystalline rocks _ 78 — intergrowths _ 78 (2.) Internal characters _ 79 Inclusions _ 79 — kinds: gaseous _ 79 fluid _ 79 glassy - . - 80 crystallized _ 80 — mode of occurrence _ _ 80 abundance _ 80 kind and association _ 81 arrangement _ 81 Zonal structure _ : _ 81 — isomorphous shells _ 81 Relations between the mineral crystals _ 82 (a.) Association as inclusions and inter growths _ 82 (1.) As inclusions _ 82 (2.) As intergrowths (synchronous growths) _ 82 (3.) As parallel growths (successive growths) _ 83 (b.) Order of crystallization _ 84 (1.) One period _ 84 (67) 68 CONTENTS. Page. (2.) Two or more periods _ _ 85 — interruption and repetition of the series _ 85 — essential differences between minerals of the 1st and 2d gen¬ eration _ 85 — essential identity of minerals of the 1st and 2d generation. 86 — extraneous differences between minerals of the 1st and 2d generation, hut identity of mineral species _ 86 Relation of rock structures to geological occurrence _ _ 88 (1.) Geological occurrence of glassy rocks _ 88 — fine-grained porphyritical rocks _ 88 — coarsely crystalline rocks _ 88 (2.) Instances in which the geological location of the magma at the time of crystallization can be determined _ _ _ • _ 88 Relation of rock structures to chemical composition _ 89 (1.) Degree or extent of the crystallization _ 89 (2.) Character of the structure _ 90 Relation of mineral composition to chemical composition _ 90 (1.) For rocks of similar geological occurrence _ 90 (2.) Exceptional relations _ 91 Relation of mineral composition to geological occurrence _ _ 92 Part II. Causes of Crystallization _ 93 Artificial production of rocks and minerals _ 93 Researches of Fouque and Levy and others _ ... 93 — minerals and rocks produced (basic) _ 93 — greater tendency of certain minerals to crystallize _ 94 — minerals and rocks not produced (acid) _ 1 _ _ _ 94 — certain minerals produced by the use of mineralizers _ 94 Conclusions based upon analogy _ _ _ 95 — Bunsen’s opinion that rock magmas behave like solutions of salts _ _ _ _ _ _ 95 — Lagorio’s views on the same - 95 — supersaturated solutions _ 95 — uncertainty regarding the nature of solutions and fusions. 96 — Sorby’s law applied to rock magmas _ 96 — changes of temperature and pressure _ 96 — solubility and saturation _ 96 — Pelouze’s and others’ experiments on artificial glasses _ 97 — relative power of saturation possessed by the chemical compounds existing in rock magmas _ 97 Application of the foregoing conclusions to rock magmas - 98 (a.) Saturation of rock magmas _ 98 Its degree dependent primarily on temperature and pressure. 98 Its character dependent primarily on chemical composition — 98 Cooling magmas _ 98 (1.) Order of crystallization and chemical composition _ 98 (2.) Crystallization under various physical conditions _ 99 (3.) Comparison with the phenomena of crystallization in rocks. 100 CONTENTS. 69 Page. (b.) Consideration of magmas during their eruption _ 100 (1.) Changes of temperature and pressure _ 101 (2.) Temperature of the conduit _ ; - - 103 (3.) Size of the conduit _ 103 (4.) Changes in the velocity of eruption _ 104 — acceleration and retardation of crystallization _ 104 — resorption of crystals _ _ 104 — order of resorption _ 105 (c.) Rate of cooling and rock structures _ 105 Relative influence of the various causes of crystallization _ 106 (1.) Cooling and time (rate of cooling) _ _ _ 106 (2.) Chemical composition _ _ _ 107 (3.) Mineralizers _ 107 (4.) Pressure _ 108 — apparent lack of influence _ 108 — identity of minerals formed under different pressures-. 108 — identity of rocks at different altitudes _ _ 108 — absence of dimorphism among the rock-making min¬ erals, except tridymite (which may be due to miner¬ alizers) _ 108 — optical anomalies probably due to changes of tempera¬ ture _ 108 Condition of rock magmas previous to crystallization _ 109 — gas bubbles in glass inclusions _ _ 109 — molten, fluid condition of the magmas _ _ _ 109 Resume _ 109 I ON THE CRYSTALLIZATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS. BY Joseph Paxson Iddings. [Read in abstract before the Society, May 25, 1889.] INTRODUCTION. In the search for evidences of the character and composi¬ tion of the interior of the earth attention has naturally been turned to those rocks which, by their mode of occurrence on the surface of the globe, give ample evidence of having come from greater depths than those once occupied by the lowest upturned sediments or by the great body of crystalline schists and gneisses. Volcanic lavas that reach the surface in a highly heated, fluid condition, and other crystalline masses that traverse the earth’s crust in dikes, sheets, and laccolites, which are of similar origin and are classed with the former as igneous rocks, have evidently been erupted from deep-seated sources in a molten state, and appear to have been the same in the earliest geological ages that we have records of, as now. They may fairly be considered as the material evidence concerning the greatest depths within our planet of which we can hope to obtain direct knowledge. How far the phenomena of igneous rocks may contribute to the solution of the problem of the earth’s interior, or whether they may, in fact, belong to the superficial portion of the earth’s mass, is still an open question, an answer to which will not be found in the present paper. It is not the purpose of this paper to discuss all the varied phenomena of igneous rocks ; nor is it considered that those here treated of are the phenomena which may contribute (71) 72 IDDINGS. most to a conception of the interior of the earth, or even of the possible source of igneous rocks. It is intended rather to prepare the way for the discussion of such phenomena by considering those which lie at the foundation of an under¬ standing of the true nature of the rocks themselves. It will, therefore, attempt to present some of the most prominent and general facts connected with the crystallization of igneous rocks, and to show what conclusions as to the early condi¬ tion of these rocks may reasonably be drawn. The student of crystalline rocks should never lose sight of the fact that a great number of the rock-making minerals crystallize from molten magmas and from aqueous solutions without appreciable difference in their characters, and that metamorphic processes set in action by aqueous solutions, by heating, or by the pressure derived from great dynamical movements, may in some instances lead to results easily con¬ founded with the products of the direct crystallization of molten magmas. It is, therefore, necessary to be thoroughly acquainted with the geological occurrence of all rock-bodies concerning whose primary and unmetamorphosed condition there is any doubt. The present paper deals exclusively with the results of the original crystallization of molten magmas, so far as the writer is able to judge of them, and is, therefore, illustrated very largely from the writer’s observations. Part I. — The Phenomena of Crystallization. j RocJc Structures in General Terms. — It would be impossible in anything less than a treatise to do more than sketch as briefly as possible some of the general features of rock-crys¬ tallization as they have been observed by all students of microscopical petrography, dwelling, perhaps, at greater length upon some points that have specially presented them¬ selves to the writer in the course of his regular work. (1.) Lavas that reach the surface of the earth in a fluid condition consolidate upon cooling rapidly to a more or less CRYSTALLIZATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS. 73 perfect glass. The glass in most cases contains crystals of several minerals scattered uniformly through it. The crys¬ tals may be microscopic or they may be large enough to be seen by the unaided eye. Usually both large and small crystals occur in the same glass. The large ones that stand out prominently from the mixture of glass and small crys¬ tals are said to be phenocrysts * ; the remainder of the rock is called the groundmass. The glassy groundmass may be so filled with minute crystals as to lose the appearance of glass and resemble stone or porcelain, but an examination with the microscope will reveal the presence of a small amount of glass acting as a cement for the multitude of crystals. (2.) Lavas may also cool in such a manner that the whole mass becomes crystalline and no glass is left. When there are porphyritical minerals {phenocrysts), they are scattered through a groundmass wholly made up of crystals, which may be of microscopic dimensions or may be large enough to be recognized without the aid of a lens — that is, macro- scopically. But surface lavas seldom attain so high a degree of crystallization. It is oftener reached by those magmas which have consolidated as intrusive bodies within the crust of the earth. In these rocks the crystals composing the groundmass may be so large that the porphyritical crystals * These prominent crystals in porphyritic rocks are frequently termed Einsprenglinge by the Germans, which is a convenient collective term with¬ out a good English equivalent. Realizing the advantages of such a word, and the inconvenience of not having an equivalent in English, the writer, after consultation with Prof. J. D. Dana and others, suggests the term pheno- cryst , from > o £ c CJ co CJ 44 d d G cJ co a u cj <5 2 CO cj d G cj Oh o G .2 4-1 a G .a «r , a bO 43 G o OJ o . V— < u O C/3 .s 43 43 i £ o bp > o a 43 c/3 O rX d .2 CO o .a £ d cd >> o 44 £ O — 1 bo c/3 a CJ O «P CO CJ o +■* CO CJ OJ a Oh O a o d d 3 G £ cd d ’C 43 a C/3 ■ l—t OJ > a G G l-H < PQ .a 5—1 o C/3 CJ £ a CO CD CJ d *G 43 OJ • H u g -2 a S-H O 3 *4^ o • f-H Pi d i _o 5h O .2 4-1 OJ OJ CJ cd 43 CO cd ’oj d N CJ .N o G CJ 3 d a O OJ ‘G ""cd 3 o CJ 43 G C/3 P 5—i CJ .a • H d C/3 5h d G o. O o CJ X bo OJ +j cj CJ >% 3 43 "cd o d ’oj G d G q3 5h s O cd CJ 5-i o G Oh a bo 3 Oh d cd i O CJ Oh O c/T CJ aj d O CJ Oh O OJ G (D X 4— > .2 a C/3 CJ -X d ’G 43 a G CJ r—H 43 o 3 C/3 CJ rX d o u 43 G Ih l**j >> d o d a £ 43 £ CJ 4-» '£ 43 P, o. O a i VO ci , • Xx o 00 o d VO CO xx vo 42 ov ov rj- to 4^ d X3 CO O rx dv to IH ci o c+ 4 ci IH 6 VO VO M rH o 03 VO O ci Xx Tj- jJ -3- w co d o° • vo to to M co co 1-000 o Ov co x-> Ov vo O VO d i d M to o o ov rx vo Xx Xx. ci Cl M •4" d M o ci VO w o o M M 00 VO VO to x|- vo OvOO VO d vd vd ci H 2 co Cl o 4 ci 6 fl co M o ^VO i2 M o d co O co o o in ' vd ci h ^ CO VO o to M tovo CD Cl Ov covo vo vo CO o lo ^ M in vf o\t^ N VO VO co co Nr>-. CO M ON s' VO vo ONVO • » co M 5 CO VO M CO ^-oo vo O G vo g « J>. CO to oo M o N ^ N- Cl M CD CO G O H • co • . • ^ co vo jj . r • o o VO O0 z ^ o o z z VO CO M W 6 o m ON C4 on O vo t^vo CO VO vd ' co in n vo m ^ 00 M Tf co H VO M l — O CN-* d) G w O G c* N rt- o vo oo G o rt- ON 00 00 CO s_* ON CO O O N m Z G • • • • o Ol vo O- co "xf" vo H 6 vo vo M . o co vo oo o VO vo vo G CNN N i G o • • • o 03 _Q E o 03 Q. GO oqofo | o o Jo S %Oo0« j 0-g. u i-t ^ Kj IS Vj 212 IDDINGS. occurring at Electric Peak. They vary quite irregularly for a gradual change in the silica. The alumina varies rapidly and retains a high position. The alkalies gradually in¬ crease with the silica, the soda molecules being more than twice as numerous as those of potash. Magnesia experiences the greatest variation which is strikingly opposed to that of the alumina. The lime is less regular than in the Elec¬ tric Peak group. The two oxides of iron are remarkably uniform in their reciprocal relations. The magnesia, lime and iron diminish with the increase of silica, while the alkalies increase, and the alumina decreases slightly. In this group of rocks also the oxidation of the iron bears a noticeable relation to the presence of hornblende and biotite and magnetite. It is evident from a study of the analyses that the chemi¬ cal variations in this group of volcanic rocks are the same in character and extent as those in the intrusive rocks of Electric Peak. Further, it is shown that the variations be¬ tween similar varieties of andesite — such as those between different pyroxene-andesites — are as great, and in some cases greater than the variations between varieties of andesites which are distinguished mineralogically from one another. Thus 219 and 221 are pyroxene-andesites without horn¬ blende ; 214 and 217 are hornblende-pyroxene-andesites, while 694 is a hornblende-andesite. It is not possible to point to any chemical character of these rocks as distinctive of this mineral variation, with the exception of the oxidation of the iron, which, though slight, is an important one ; for it undoubtedly relates to forces which did not alter the fun¬ damental relation between the bases in the magma, but simply modified it by changing the oxidation of one of them The last four analyses are of hornblende-mica-andesites and dacites. The chemical variations between them are quite as pronounced as those between the more basic mem¬ bers of the series, without there being the corresponding dif¬ ferences between the kinds of ferromagnesian silicates so far as it can be detected microscopically. They all carry horn- IGNEOUS ROCKS IN YELLOWSTONE PARK. 213 blende and biotite and no pyroxene, the relative proportion of these minerals varying. The character and amount of the feldspars differ in these rocks, and so does the abund¬ ance and mode of occurrence of the quartz. In Nos. 3017 and 3680 quartz appears in porphyritical crystals ; in the other rocks it is confined to the groundmass. Comparing the two sets of analyses and the correspond¬ ing diagrams it is evident #that the intrusive rocks of Electric Peak and the volcanic rocks of Sepulchre Moun¬ tain have the same chemical character. In fact, they are chemically identical, for the varieties that have been analyzed are but a few of the many mineralogical and struc¬ tural modifications assumed by these series of rocks. The analyses serve as indications of the range of the chemical variability of the magma or magmas furnishing these rocks. Furthermore the comparison demonstrates that the mag¬ mas that reached the surface of the earth in this place had exactly the same chemical composition as those which re¬ mained enclosed within the sedimentary strata. It proves with equal clearness that the different conditions attending the final consolidation of the extra vasated and of the intruded magmas affected not only their crystalline structure but their essential mineral composition . The most marked illustration of this is in the occurrence of biotite in the two series. In the * volcanic rocks of this locality biotite is an essential constit¬ uent of the more siliceous varieties, and is only rarely found as an accessory constituent of the varieties with less than 61 per cent, of silica. In the intrusive rocks it is an essential constituent of all the coarse grained varieties, even the most basic. In the finer grained porphyritic forms it is a constit¬ uent of the groundmass to a variable extent. The second most noticeable difference is the presence of considerable quartz in the coarse grained forms of the basic magmas, and its absence from the volcanic forms of the same magmas. Correlation of the Rocks on a Chemical Basis. Correlating the two groups of rocks according to their chemical composition as in Table XI, we see that the horn- 214 IDDINGS. blende-mica-andesites, 2736, 394, are the equivalents of the quartz-mica-diorites, 3008, 2724, 2695, 2668, 2676. The dacites, 3017, 3680, are the equivalents of the quartz- mica-diorite-porphy rites, 3001, 2670. The hornblende- pyroxene-andesites and pyroxene-andesites, 219, 694, 214, 221, 217, are the equivalents of the coarse grained diorites, 2669, 2692, and of fine grained facies, 2679, and they resemble certain porphyrites occurring in sheets, one of which is a hornblende-porphyrite, 2089, and the other a horn- blende-mica-porphyrite, 154. The dacites and hornblende-mica-andesites included within this correlation are intruded bodies within the brec¬ cia of Sepulchre Mountain, and have the same mineral com¬ position as the corresponding porphyrites and diorites of Electric Peak. They differ from them in structure and de¬ gree of crystallization, the details of which cannot be de¬ scribed in this paper. The glassy andesites with pyroxene and hornblende phenocrysts, however, present the utmost contrast to the equivalent coarsely crystalline diorites. In the former the hypersthene, augite, hornblende, and plagioclase are sharply defined, idiomorphic crystals of these minerals, scattered through a groundmass of glass, which is crowded with mi- crolites of plagioclase and pyroxene besides grains of mag¬ netite. The hornblende is brown, occasionally red, and the other phenocrysts have all the microscopical characters which distinguish their occurrence in glassy rocks. In the diorite the hornblende is green, in some cases brown ; the hyper¬ sthene, augite, and hornblende are accompanied by biotite, and are all intergrown in the most intricate manner, with evidence that they commenced to crystallize in the order just given. The labradorite is often clouded with minute opaque particles, which are characteristic of its occurrence in many diorites ; it is surrounded by a shell of more alkaline plagioclase, which, with occasional individuals of orthoclase and considerable quartz, closed the crys¬ tallization of the magma. Magnetite, apatite, and zircon SiO 2% No. Volcanic Rocks of Name. 65.24 2670 phenocryt fieldspar. 67-54 2676 67.49 3680 dacite . quartz, biotite, hornt 66.05 2668 65-97 3001 65.66 3OI7 dacite .... quartz, biotite, horn 65.60 2695 uartz. 65-5o 394 hornblende-mica-andesite hornblende, biotite, 65. 1 1 2724 Dclase), quartz. 64.85 3008 64.27 2736 hornblende-mica-andesite hornblende, biotite, 61.50 154 • • • quartz. 60.30 217 hornblende-pyroxene-andesite hornblende, augite, 5^-49 2089 58-05 2692 dase, (quartz). 57 38 2679 57-17 221 pyroxene-andesite augite, hypersthene, 56.61 214 hornblende-pyroxene-andesite hornblende-augite-h 56.28 2669 dase, quartz. 55-92 694 hornblende-andesite hornblende, plagioc 55-83 219 pyroxene-andesite augite, hypersthene, TABLE XI. Correlation of the two Groups of Rocks upon a Chemical Basis. Volcanic Rocks of Sepulchre Mountain. Intrusive Rocks of Electric Peak. SiO^/e No. Name. Essential Minerals. Name. Essential Minerals. 65.24 2670 phenocryi fs J groundmass d iorite-porphy rite quartz, biotite, plagioclase, hornblende. | quartz and alkali fieldspar. 67-54 2676 . . . quartz-mica-diorite . 1 biotite, hornblende, plagioclase (orthoclase), quartz. 67.49 3680 dacite ... quartz, biotite, hornlllende, plagioclase. j holocrystalline, quartz and feldspar. 66.05 2668 quartz-mica-diorite . biotite, hornblende, plagioclase (orthoclase), quartz. 65.97 3001 diorite-porphyrite biotite, hornblende, plagioclase (orthoclase), quartz. 65.66 3017 dacite .... quartz, biotite, horn jlende, plagioclase. | holocrystalline, quartz, feldspar. 65.60 2695 quartz-mica-diorite . biotite, hornblende (pyroxene), plagioclase (orthoclase), quartz. 65.50 394 hornblende-mica-andesite hornblende, biotite, plagioclase. | holocrystalline, quartz, feldspar. 65.II 2724 quartz-mica-diorite . biotite, hornblende, augite, hypersthene, plagioclase (orthoclase), quartz. 64.85 3008 quartz-mica-diorite . hornblende, biotite, plagioclase (orthoclase), quartz. 64.27 2736 hornblende-mica-andesite hornblende, biotite, plagioclase, magnetite. | holocrystalline, quartz, feldspar. 61.50 154 . hornblende-mica-porphyrite biotite, hornblende, plagioclase, magnetite. | feldspar and quartz. 60.30 217 hornblende-pyroxene-andesite hornblende, augitc, hypersthene, plagioclase, magnetite. | glassy, microlitic. 58-49 2089 hornblende-porphyrite j hornblende, plagioclase, magnetite, j feldspar and quartz. 58-05 2692 diorite .... biotite, hornblende, augite, hypersthene, magnetite, plagioclase, (quartz). 57 38 2679 pyroxene-porpbyrite . augite, hypersthene, biotite, magnetite, plagioclase, quartz. 57-17 221 pyroxene-andesite augite, hypersthene, ( plagioclase. J brown glass, microlitic. 56.61 214 hornblende-pyroxene-andesite hornblende-augite-hypersthene, plagioclase. 1 glassy, microlitic. 56.28 2669 diorite .... biotite, hornblende, augite, hypersthene, magnetite, plagioclase, quartz. 55-92 694 hornblende-andesite hornblende, plagioclase. j microcrystalline. 55-83 219 pyroxene-andesite augite, hypersthene, plagioclase. | glassy, microlitic. IGNEOUS ROCKS IN YELLOWSTONE PARK. 215 are the accessory minerals. The quartz contains fluid in¬ clusions, which complete the correspondence of this diorite with typical diorites of other regions. Conclusions. When we consider the geological structure of the region ; the occurrence at Electric Peak of a broad body of eruptive rocks that have broken up successively through the same general channel, and that have imparted sufficient heat to the surrounding Cretaceous strata to highly metamorphose them for a considerable distance ; the existence of a system of fissures filled with dikes of porphyrite that radiate out¬ ward toward the south and southwest ; and when we observe at Sepulchre Mountain that an accumulation of breccia, resting on the Cretaceous, is traversed by a system of dikes radiating outward toward the north and northeast; the two systems being separated and probably disconnected by a profound fault — When we further consider the petrographical resemblance between the dike rocks of the two places, the correspondence of habit between the more acid members of both series, and the chemical identity of the magmas involved, we feel justified in concluding that: I. The volcanic rocks of Sepulchre Mountain, and the in¬ trusive rocks of Electric Peak were originally con¬ tinuous geological bodies. II. The former were forced through the conduit at Electric Peak during a series of more or less interrupted eruptions. III. The great amount of heat imparted to the surrounding rocks was due to the frequent passage of molten lava through this conduit. IV. Portions of the different magmas erupted found their way into vertical fissures and took the form of dikes ; portions reached the surface and became lava- flows and breccias, while portions remained in the conduit. 26-Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11 216 IDDINGS. Y. The various portions of the magmas solidified under a variety of physical conditions, imposed by the differ¬ ent geological environment of each, the most strongly contrasted of which were the rapid cooling of the surface flows under very slight pressure, and the ex¬ tremely slow cooling of the magmas remaining with¬ in the conduit under somewhat greater pressure. It is to be remarked that the first of a series of erup¬ tions would pass through a colder conduit than the last magmas Would, consequently the rate of cooling would be different in each case, and the pressures at which crystallization sets in would also differ. This difference would also obtain between the advance and rear ends of the magma of a single eruption, and should be more marked in the first eruptions of a series than in the last, since the tem¬ perature of the conduit increases during the period of eruptions. Hence the first part of a magma may carry porphyritical crystals while the latter portion may be free from them. VI. We have in this region the remnant of a volcano, which has been fractured across its conduit, has been faulted and considerably eroded; and which presents for investigation, on the one hand, the lower portion of its accumulated debris of lavas, with a part of the upper end of the conduit filled with the final intru¬ sions ; and on the other hand a section of the conduit within the sedimentary strata upon which the vol¬ cano has been built. We find that the lower portion of the basic breccia is made up of andesites carrying phenocrysts of augite, hypersthene and plagioclase, and of other basic andesites without macroscopic crystals. The former correspond to a facies of the diorite in the conduit carrying the same kinds of phenocrysts ; while the second modification of the andesite corresponds to the greater part of the basic diorite. For it is evident IGNEOUS ROCKS IN YELLOWSTONE PARK. 217 from a study of this diorite that much of its magma reached its position in the conduit in a completely fused condition, after which it crystallized into hyper- sthene, augite, hornblende, biotite, labradorite, alkali feldspars and quartz, with accessory magne¬ tite, apatite and zircon. We feel justified, then, in the further conclusions : VII. That the molecules in a chemically homogeneous, fluid magma combine in various ways, and form quite different associations of silicate minerals, pro¬ ducing mineralogically different rocks. VIII. In this region the .greatest mineralogical differences accompany the greatest differences in structure or degree of crystallization ; hence, the causes leading to each are coexistent. IX. The causes of these mineralogical and structural differ¬ ences must be sought in the differences of geological environment, and these affect the rate at which the heat escapes from the magmas, and the pressure they experience during crystallization. Since it has been demonstrated by synthetical re¬ search that water- and other vapors are potent factors in the crystallization of quartz and other minerals that have not been produced artifically without their aid, and as there is ample evidence both in the ex- travasated lavas and in the coarsely crystallized rocks in the conduit that water-vapor was uniformly and generally distributed through the whole series of molten magmas, and no evidence that there existed in the magmas which stopped within the conduit any more or different vapors than those which existed in the magmas that reached the surface, we may con¬ clude that — X. The efficacy of these absorbed vapors as mineralizing agents has been increased by the conditions attending the solidification of the magmas within the conduit. 218 IDDINGS. For, if it is necessary, as advocated by the French geolo¬ gists, MM. Michel Levy,* de Lapparentf and others, to refer the crystallization of certain minerals, as quartz, to the min¬ eralizing influence of absorbed vapors-, it is evident that the required mineralizing agent is universally present in suffi¬ cient quantities, since there are no instances where a magma of the requisite chemical composition has failed to crystal¬ lize completely with the development of quartz when sub¬ jected to the proper physical conditions. However, it is probable that differences in the amount or in the kind of mineralizing agents produce differences in the degree or nature of the crystallization of similar magmas which have solidified with the same geological environment. It has been suggested by Mr. H. J. Johnston-Lavis j that the nature of the rocks surrounding a conduit, through which molten magmas pass, materially affects the amount and character of the vapors introduced into these magmas, which will vary as the surrounding rocks are more or less porous and are saturated with different kinds of waters. The effect of these vapors on the structure and composition of igneous rocks is also discussed by the same writer. The effect of differences in the amount of the mineralizer in a single magma is well illustrated in the structure of the obsidian at Obsidian Cliff, Yellowstone National Park, § where the alternating layers of holocrystalline and glassy rock appear to be unquestionably due to the irregular dis¬ tribution through the -magma of vapors, which in the upper portion of the flow have produced alternating layers of pumice and compact glass. The mineralizing agent was present, however, in the alternate glassy layers as well as in the crystallized or in the pumiceous ones, for in the highest Structures et Classification des Roches Eruptives.” Paris, 1889. pp. 5 and 12. -j- Revue des questions Scientifiques. Paris, 1888. 36. J “ The Relationship of the Structure of Rocks to the Conditions of their Formation. ’’ Sci. Proc. of the Royal Dublin Soc. Yol. Y (n. s.), part 3, July, 1886, pp. 113 to 155. § Obsidian Cliff, Yellowstone National Park, by J. P. Iddings. Seventh Annual Report of the Director of the U. S. Geological Survey, Washing¬ ton, 1888, p. 287. IGNEOUS ROCKS IN YELLOWSTONE PARK. 219 portion of the flow the whole mass is pumiceous but in differ¬ ent degrees, and the presence of absorbed vapors may be detected chemically and physically in the compact layers. Its amount, however, was not sufficient to produce complete crystallization under the attendant physical conditions. Its effectiveness in this case was controlled by the geological occurrence of the magma. It is to be observed, in addition, that, whatever the min¬ eralizing vapors in acid magmas may be, there is the same evidence of their existence in intermediate and in basic magmas, whether we investigate them chemically or phy¬ sically, or study the phenomena of their geological occur¬ rence. There are even indications of their greater abund¬ ance in the basic lavas, many of whose glasses contain a high percentage of water, and the highly vesicular character of whose lava-flows is universal. Nor are the geological evidences less conclusive that demonstrate the existence of abundant explosive agents in the basaltic and andesitic mag¬ mas that have hurled their shattered masses over broad areas of country, and have piled vast accumulations of basaltic breccia throughout our western territory. Nevertheless, with all these evidences of the universal presence of mineralizing agents in basic magmas, we do not recognize their influence upon the microstructure or crys¬ tallization of basic lavas. We may assume, then, that in the majority of these cases they have no influence. But when the basic magmas become coarsely crystalline, and separate into minerals, the crystallization of some of which we have already referred to the action of mineraliz¬ ing vapors, we may logically assume that in these cases the absorbed vapors have influenced the crystallization of the magmas. If this reasoning is correct, then the action of mineralizers upon basic magmas is controlled by the physical conditions under which they solidify. Finally, if mineralizing agents are universally present in igneous magmas, and if their action, so far as we can ob- 220 IDDINGS — IGNEOUS ROCKS IN YELLOWSTONE PARK. serve it, is controlled by the physical conditions imposed by the geological history of each eruption, we should not regard the presence or absence of certain minerals, relegated to the influence of mineralizing agents, as evidence of the presence or absence of these agents in the molten magma ; but we should see in it the evidence of special conditions controlling the solidification of the magma, and should seek the fundamental causes of the mineralogical and structural variations of a rock in the geological history of its particu¬ lar eruption. E O ! <5 CL CD o F a> O ~o o GRAPHIC CONSPECTUS OF SERIALS PUBLISHED BY SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES THE EVOLUTION OF SEEIALS PUBLISHED BY SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. BY W J McGee. [Read before the Society April 13, 1889.] CONTENTS. Page Introduction _ 221 The Serials studied _ * _ 224 The Evolution of the Serials - 230 The Causes of Evolution of the Serials _ _ 235 Methods of fixing Responsibility and their Evolution - 242 Introduction. The study out of which this communication grew was undertaken, and the communication was written, as a basis for a plan for the publications of the Geological Society of America. The societies whose publications have been examined were selected upon various grounds : The American Society of Civil Engineers and the Ameri¬ can Institute of Mining Engineers were selected for study because these societies are active and energetic, because they comprise the best talent of the country in their specialties, and because, while each has a fixed abode, they stand toward their specialties and toward the country at large much as must the newly organized Geological Society. Moreover, both are comparatively young and may be assumed to have profited by the experience of the older societies in the develop¬ ment of their plans of publication. Another reason for the 2G— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. (221) 222 MCGEE. selection of these societies was the accessibility of their pub¬ lications. The National Academy of Sciences was chosen because it is the most exclusive scientific society of the country, because it comprises the highest scientific talent of the land, because its geographic relations are similar to those of the Geological Society of America, and because its relations to various specialties are much the same as the relations of the last named society to a more restricted group of specialties. It was not selected as a representative scientific society in the matter or manner of its publications, because its relations to the federal government are such that its publications are necessarily unique. Neither was it selected because of acces¬ sibility of its publications. Indeed, the publications of the Academy are practically inaccessible ; there is no complete set in any public library in Washington ; and weeks of labor and inquiry among private libraries and officers of the Academy were insufficient for the preparation of a complete list. There is probably no scientific society in this country whose publications are more inaccessible than those of the National Academy of Sciences. The American Association for the Advancement of Science was selected partly because the Association began as a national geologic society, and partly because it is a repre¬ sentative scientific society of the migratory class. With its growth the original function of the society has been changed : from a strictly scientific organization, established for the direct advancement of science through investigation, it has become a semi-social body which promotes science by diffu¬ sion ; it is no longer an organization for investigation, but rather for popularization, and its plan of publication has undergone concurrent modification. The Philosophical Society of Washington is, despite its inconspicuous place in the conspectus of publications, one of the most active and potent among the local scientific societies of the country. Its small publication record is indeed mis¬ leading. While most of its members are actively engaged EVOLUTION OF SCIENTIFIC SERIALS. 223 in original scientific investigation, many of them have other means of publication ; and while their communications are read before and discussed by the society, they are frequently not offered for printing. Moreover, the growth of the Philo¬ sophical Society has always taken place through multiplica¬ tion by fission more than through direct increase in stature, and the Anthropological Society, the Biological Society, the Chemical Society, its own Mathematical Section, and perhaps the National Geographic Society, are its offspring. It is pertinent to add that the change in form of publication by this society was in some degree foreshadowed in the serials issued by some of its subordinate branches — the Anthropo¬ logical Society recently transformed its organ from a biennial volume of Transactions to the quarterly American Anthro¬ pologist, and the recently organized National Geographic Society sets out with a Bulletin issued at irregular intervals as a geographic magazine. The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia was selected because it is one of the oldest among the scientific societies of the country, because its vicissitudes in member¬ ship and financial support have been representative, and because its various publications are fairly accessible. The record of some of its serials as shown in the conspectus may be found defective, (1) because in the absence of original covers (removed in binding) it is sometimes impossible to ascertain the original form of publication ; (2) because in the multiplicity of paginations it is sometimes impossible to ascertain whether or not certain matter belonged to a given volume or series ; (3) because certain of the minor publica¬ tions (generally extracted from larger serials) were not found ; and perhaps for other reasons. The Boston Society of Natural History was selected because it is one of the older and more important among the scien¬ tific societies of the country, because some of its modifica¬ tions in plan of publication seem especially significant and at the same time representative, and because its publications are fairly accessible. 224 MCGEE. The Geological Society of London was selected because, although it has a local habitation, its relations to its country are much the same as those which must obtain between the Geological Society of America and the land of its labors, because it is an old society and its publications represent the outcome of the experience of generations, and because most of its publications are accessible. The publications of several other scientific societies were examined in greater or less detail, yet they were not included in the final study partly by reason of the labor involved and the space required for their description, but chiefly be¬ cause their publications seldom exhibit relations not equally well exhibited by those of the societies noted below, and it so became apparent that further extension of the study would be practically fruitless. The generalizations and in¬ ductions recorded in the following pages are, however, based in part upon examination of the serials issued by these ad¬ ditional societies. From the nature of the case, the study was essentially critical, and the supposed defects in plans and methods of publication have been unsparingly recorded, while the fea¬ tures considered good have been strongly brought out. In¬ deed, each serial and group of serials has been treated as impersonally as would have been a series of formations or a group of rocks, or as species and genera are treated by the biologist. The Serials studied. The American Society of Civil Engineers, with a large and practically national membership, a fixed home, and frequent local as well as annual migratory meetings, pub¬ lishes rather voluminously in two 8vo serials — the first, , or Proceedings, being chiefly an administrative record, while the second, or Transactions (accompanied by maps, plates, diagrams, etc.), is a record of research. The American Institute of Mining Engineers, with a nom¬ inal place of abode, a national representation in its member- EVOLUTION OF SCIENTIFIC SERIALS. 225 ship, and both local and migratory meetings, maintains two serials (or, rather, two editions of the same serial) : the first consisting only of a series of preliminary issues of the records of research (printed in the Engineering and Mining Journal for some years, but now printed and distributed by the In¬ stitute) ; and the second, or Transactions, comprising these records of research in their final form, together with the ad¬ ministrative records o'f the Institute. The National Academy of Sciences, with a home office but with a national membership and partly migratory meet¬ ings, leads the list in the number of its serials and in the editions in which they appear. Of the seven nominally regular serials and the additional two resulting from in¬ constancy in nomenclature, the first, or Annual, is chiefly an administrative record ; the second, or Report (including the Annual Reports and Reports of Proceedings) are also administrative records primarily, but embrace records of research in the appended reports of committees, etc. ; the Bulletin and the Proceedings are essentially records of ad¬ ministration ; the Memoirs and the special reports are records of research ; wdiile the Biographical Memoirs stand alone midway between the two classes into which the records of scientific societies may be most conveniently divided. So there are four distinct records of administration (one prob¬ ably defunct) and two of research, besides a vigorous one of intermediate character. Of this long list of serials, some are published in divers and sometimes enormous and widely distributed editions. The most completely national scientific society of the country, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, with a large membership and migratory annual meetings, now records its work in a single serial. This serial, the Proceedings, comprises moderately full administrative records and greatly condensed records of research, and is issued in annual volumes as soon as may be after meetings. The Memoirs, established in 1875 as a vehicle for publishing in extenso the results of elaborate investigations, are practi- 226 MCGEE. cally discontinued, and the Transactions gave place to the Proceedings with the reorganization of the Association in 1847. The Philosophical Society of Washington has a fixed place of abode and bi-weekly meetings, and its membership is chiefly local. It has published but a single serial, the Bulletin, comprising records both of administration and research ; but the plan of publication of this serial has been repeatedly modified, while in the interests of bibliography the name has been kept unchanged. The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, with a fixed home, frequent meetings, and a predominantly local membership, has generally limited itself to two serials ; but that these have not fully met its needs is indicated by the facts (1) that the series have changed in plan from time to time, and (2) that other serials have been issued temporarily. The Society began with the 8vo Journal as essentially a record of research, and little account was made of the records of administration. About 1840 a need of more detailed administrative records appears to have been felt, and the Proceedings was established principally to meet this need. A few years later the 2° Journal took the place of the 8vo record of research and for a generation was vigorously main¬ tained ; but as time went on the Proceedings was gradually transformed into a record of research rather than of admin¬ istration, and so absorbed the energy of the Journal, which now appears decadent. Of late years the original purpose of the Proceedings is in part met by the Annual Reports, as was the case while building was in progress and the Reports of the Trustees were issued annually. The issue of the American Journal of Conchology for a few years and the publication of various important works by the Academy represents its partially developed function* as a publishing house for trade supply ; and the Proceedings of the Mineralog- ical and Geological section represent sporadic activity in a particular direction, such as led to the birth of new institu¬ tions in the Philosophical Society of Washington and in some other cases ; but this exceptional activity was short-lived. EVOLUTION OF SCIENTIFIC SERIALS. 227 The Boston Society of Natural History, like the Philadel¬ phia Academy, has a commodious home, its membership is largely local, and it holds frequent meetings. It leads the National Academy in its list of six regular and four subordi¬ nate serials, though it falls far behind in editions and in distribution. In early days it followed the example of the Philadelphia society first in setting out with a Journal as a record primarily of research, and second in the issue of a substantial serial called Proceedings, chiefly as a record of administration ; as in Philadelphia, too, the research record was enlarged (its name being changed to Memoirs) ; and, again as in Philadelphia, the character of the administra¬ tive record gradually changed until it has become princi¬ pally a record of research and only subordinate^ an ac¬ count of administration. Meanwhile, the research record has weakened, and may be regarded as certainly decadent, only one number having appeared in the last 17 years. This loss of vitality may be attributed in part to the initia¬ tion of the series of Occasional Papers as a vehicle for re¬ search records, and the issue of the semi-centennial volume of Anniversary Memoirs, which gave outlet to the results of several original investigations. The Proceedings, however, seems scarcely to perform the function of an administrative record to the satisfaction of the Society ; and the dissatisfac¬ tion has found expression in the issue of the Conditions and Doings, the Custodians’ Deports, the Annual Deports, the Proceedings of the Annual Meetings, and perhaps the Annual. The Geological Society of London has a fix^I place of abode and frequent meetings, and its large membership is chiefly national, but partly foreign. Like the ’older American societies, it began with the publication of a research record alone, and this serial, called Transactions, was vigorously maintained for generations ; as time went on the desirability of a record of administration appears to have been felt, and another serial, entitled Proceedings, was initiated ; the new serial grew and came to absorb part of the vitality of the old, 228 MCGEE. when a third, designed to combine the functions of the new and part of the old, was initiated as a Quarterly Journal ; but as the years went by this periodical, following the parricidal ex¬ ample of the Proceedings, finally absorbed the entire vitality of the Transactions, and is now a combined record of re¬ search and administration of so long standing that it is prob¬ ably the best known geologic serial in the libraries of the world. But with the growth of the serial its character has undergone modification, and for years it has contained elabo¬ rate illustrated papers which can only be published after con¬ siderable delay ; and that it has in consequence failed to meet certain of its requirements as an administrative record is indicated by the issue of the little known series of Ab¬ stracts, designed for local and temporary use only. In brief, these eight societies are now regularly issuing nineteen serials (excluding the Memoirs of the A. A. A. S., the Annual Report of the Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., the Proceed¬ ings of the Annual Meetings of the Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, and the Occasional Papers of the same Society, but includ¬ ing the 2° Journal of the Academy of Nat. Sci. of Phil., the Memoirs of the Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., the Anni¬ versary Memoirs of the same Society, and the Abstracts of the Geol. Soc. of London) ; and they have published in all, for greater or less periods, forty different serials (including the Eng. and Min. Jour., the Annual Reports and Reports of Proceedings of the Nat. Acad, of Sci., the two distinct series of the Journal of the Acad, of Nat. Sci. Phil., the Annual Reports and tl^e Reports of Trustees of the same Society, the sub-reports extracted from the Proceedings of the Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., and the Abstracts of the Geol. Soc. of London), comprising about 315 volumes. These various serials, with the periods covered by each, the regularity or irregularity of issue, their form and size (8vo or smaller, 4to or larger), and the volumes and in some cases the parts issued, are represented in the accompanying diagram. This diagram thus represents salient points in the life-history and the EVOLUTION OF SCIENTIFIC SERIALS. 229 leading features of each serial, and the relations of all the serials issued by the eight societies, viewed as units or indi¬ viduals. It is at the same time a graphic representation of the leading bibliographic facts connected with the serials. The Evolution of the Serials. Even a cursory glance at the diagram or at the publica¬ tions it represents discovers certain general tendencies toward stability or instability in each serial, and these tendencies become more manifest when the various serials are care¬ fully scrutinized. A few of these may be mentioned : Perhaps the most obvious tendency is that toward unifica¬ tion in form and functions of serials ; and this tendency is ex¬ hibited alike in the history of the various serials issued by any of the older societies, and by comparison of the serials of the old with those of the newer societies. Thus, the Geological Society of London maintained during its youth two or three serials, and even after the abandonment of all but the Quarterly Journal adhered for years to a refined differentia¬ tion of matter in each volume expressed by the five, seven, or more paginations. Quite similar is the history of publica¬ tion by the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, which after getting well under way supported distinct serials for the records of research and administration respectively ; and after the latter partly absorbed the former it dis¬ played an analagous differentiation of matter in multiple paginations and in other ways. The tendency is equally shown by the decadence of the 4to serials issued by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, and the Boston Society of Natural History. The same tendency also appears when the Philosophical Society of Washington and the American Institute of Mining Engineers, each with a single serial (if the preliminary edition of the papers of the latter Society be disregarded), and the vigorous American Society of Civil Engineers, with its two serials, are compared with the older societies ; for the newer societies appear to have 27— Bull. Phil. Soe., Wash., Vol. 11. 230 MCGEE. profited by the experience of the older, and to have adopted only those forms of publication which time has shown to best survive the exigencies and obstacles besetting serial life. True, the National Academy of Sciences and its serials do not exhibit this tendency, but for reasons elsewhere stated this Society is a law unto itself, and inferences concerning it are valueless for other institutions. In short, it would appear that specialized serials do not thrive, and that the most vigorous and long-lived serials (the Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington, the Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London? and the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and of the Boston Society of Natural History, etc.) comprise records of research and administration com¬ bined. A second tendency is in the direction of prompt publica¬ tion : An avowed object in the issue of preliminary papers by the American Institute of Mining Engineers is to get the mat¬ ter into the hands of the public at the earliest possible mo¬ ment ; the present plan of publication of the American Asso¬ ciation for the Advancement of Science was expressly adopted to secure prompt issue of the annual volumes ; the recent change in plan of publication of the Bulletin of the Philo¬ sophical Society of Washington was made for the same pur¬ pose ; the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia was established expressly to permit of prompt publication of results ; the Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History is issued in signatures for the same reason ; the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London was devised to secure more prompt publication than was possible in the Transactions, and the Abstracts are printed to secure still earlier publication. No one can examine the publications of the various scientific societies without find¬ ing decided evidences of a prevailing desire to publish promptly, even at considerable sacrifice in other directions. EVOLUTION OF SCIENTIFIC SERIALS. 231 A third tendency, which is explained in part by the first two, is toward publication in 8vo rather than 4to : The oldest of the eight societies (the Geological Society of London) has completely abandoned the 4to form. The next oldest society (the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia) nominally maintains a folio, but its importance, both abso¬ lute and relative to the 8vo publications, has declined of late, and only two small parts have appeared in eight years ; of the leading 4to serial of the Boston Society of Natural His¬ tory, only one number has appeared in 18 years ; the 4to serial of the American Association may be regarded as abandoned after a single issue ; and the younger societies, the Philosophical Society of Washington, the American Society of Civil Engineers, and the American Institute of Mining Engineers, have again profited by the experience of the older and have not adopted the 4to form, though the last two frequently introduce plates so large as to require folding. It is evident from inspection of the publications of scientific societies that the quarto serials cannot maintain a leading rank in the race for success, and indeed that, like the great herbivores of the Tertiary ages, they are doomed to extinction save under especially favorable conditions. A fourth tendency, which is manifestly connected with the second, is toward publication in small units or fractions : This tendency is vigorously opposed by the plans of publica¬ tion in several societies and evidently by editors and pub¬ lishing committees generally, and it sometimes fails or even appears to be reversed ; but it crops out in the issue of the Abstracts of the Geological Society of London and the advance publication of extracts from the Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History and of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia under special serial titles, in some of the minor publications of the latter society, in the sepa¬ rate signatures issued by both of these societies, and in the multifarious publications of the National Academy ; while it finds full expression in the Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington under its new form, in the prelimi- 232 MCGEE. nary papers of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, and in the small parts and separate papers of the Transac¬ tions of the American Society of Civil Engineers. With a few exceptions, the vigorous and long-lived serials are those appearing in small parts, and the exceptions are mostly ex¬ plained by another tendency. A fifth tendency, which is apparently opposed by the last, but which really explains many of the exceptions to it, is against the publication of monthly serials ; or, perhaps more properly, against the publication of regular units at short and regular intervals : It finds expression in the transforma¬ tion of the Journals of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the Boston Society of Natural History, and of the Proceedings of the former society and of the Geological Society of London from regular monthlies into irregular serials, by the irregularity in appearance of the nominally monthly parts of the Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers and of the Quarterly Journal of the Geo¬ logical Society of London, and by the dearth of monthlies among the publications of the younger societies. All the older societies, save the American Association for the Ad¬ vancement Science, have tested monthly publication, but none of the societies now issue regular monthlies, and it is evident that this mode of publication does not survive under existing conditions. There is an evident tendency against the publication of administrative records per se: This tendency is exhibited by the decadence of the Proceedings of the Geological Society of London, more decidedly by the combination of the ad¬ ministrative and scientific records of two of the younger societies (the Philosophical Society of Washington and the American Institute of Mining Engineers) and the joint issue of the Proceedings and Transactions of the third (the Ameri¬ can Society of Civil Engineers), and still more emphatically and very curiously in the transformation of the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and of the Boston Society of Natural History (and in less measure EVOLUTION OF SCIENTIFIC SERIALS. 233 the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London and the Proceedings of the American Association for the Ad¬ vancement of Science), by which they have, contrary not only to the expectation but even to the express plans and purposes of their founders, become changed from almost purely ad¬ ministrative to predominantly scientific records. The purely administrative serial has never held its own for any consid¬ erable period, save in the National Academy of Sciences, where the conditions are unique, and in the American Society of Civil Engineers, where the serial is weak and tottering if not decadent ; and in the joint records the tend¬ ency is decidedly in the direction of condensation of the ad¬ ministrative matter. Summing these several tendencies, it appears that the general drift of serial publication by scientific societies is toward a combined record of research and administration (the latter condensed) in the form of a single 8vo serial, printed promptly in small parts and issued at intervals depending on the accumulation of matter. No one can scan the serials issued by any considerable number of scientific societies without perceiving that, what¬ ever form and character their founders may impose upon them, they are subject to laws of development more potent than the efforts of editors, publishing committees, or even wealthy and well-organized societies, by which their ulti¬ mate success or failure and the qualities which tend toward these ends are determined. Neither can the student fail to perceive that the younger organizations have (perhaps un¬ consciously) profited by the experience of their elders, and that the modern serials, whether the direct outgrowth of the ancient series of mighty tomes or the offspring of new organizations modelled in part after the old, are the more stable. In short, the serial, like the organism and the insti¬ tution generally, is a creature of environment, and, whatever its birthright, quickly passes into the troubled sea of mortal strife in which only those survive who both conquer their 234 MCGEE. adversaries and adjust themselves to the rhythm of the waves. But while the general tendencies of serial publica¬ tion are more or less obvious, and while modern societies have noted and profited by them, their raisons d’etre appear not to have been sought hitherto. Yet they are not far to seek. The Causes of Evolution of the Serials. In their relations to the serials published by scientific societies, the people of a country or of the world may be classed as book-makers and book-users ; but in order to under¬ stand fully the relations of these general classes, a more refined classification must be employed. So the book-makers may be divided into authors and publishers ; and the book- users may be separated into librarians, bibliographers, and readers who may be assumed to be students. The require¬ ments and influence of these classes of people control serial publication and the character of the serials. The facts (1) that the student is sometimes his own bibliographer and librarian, (2) that the author may be practically his own publisher, (3) that the functions of the bibliographer are not well differentiated particularly from those of the librarian, and (4) that the society frequently combines various func¬ tions, do not run counter to this classification. Now, it is evident that the requirements of the student are paramount ; it is for him that treatises are written ; it is for his use that they are printed and bound ; and it is to afford access to these treatises that bibliographies are prepared and libraries formed. The student demands not only that books shall be made but that they shall be promptly published while yet their subject matter is new, and so planned that they may be easily handled, conveniently entered in cata¬ logues under intelligible . and not misleading titles, and readily found in the library ; he needs and is beginning to demand that the author’s work shall be carefully and well done, that the text shall be clear and succinct, and that graphic expression shall be used so far as may be expedient • EVOLUTION OF SCIENTIFIC SERIALS. 235 and he demands with ever increasing emphasis that the re¬ sponsibility for every published statement shall be definitely fixed. The vehemence of this last demand is not felt by those authors who delude themselves with the notion that the publication of their names is a device for securing credit rather than fixing responsibility. But printed statements are worthless to the student unless vouched for by some individual in person ; a thousand anonymous declarations that a meteor has fallen are disproved to the student by the simple utterance of a single reputable individual who backs his utterance with his name; and even the lay reader is coming to regard the author’s name as the sign manual of veracity. That the function of the author’s name was prop¬ erly appreciated by students even in the early days of scientific societies is proved by the formula — “ The society is not responsible for the facts and opinions expressed by its members ” — which has come down from the older organiza¬ tions just as functionless, vestigean organs are inherited from older organisms. Second in order of importance are the requirements of the bibliographer : It is he who classifies and catalogues books, not as loosely related units but as sources of information, and so renders their contents accessible to the student for whose use they are designed. At present the place of the bibliographer in the bibliothecal machinery is scarcely recognized, because, while his function is born of books, it is not felt until they become too numerous to be read and remembered ; but the work of the bibliographer is repre¬ sented in subject catalogues, in book lists of all kinds, in annual records of progress in science, in the bibliographic references which careful authors and editors introduce as footnotes, and in the notices and reviews which have occu¬ pied a prominent place in scientific literature for years, as well as in the systematic bibliographies of various branches of knowledge which have been published in recent times ; and the function of the bibliographer is destined to increase in importance with the increase in volume of the literature 236 MCGEE. of exact knowledge. The prime requirement of the bibliog¬ rapher is for systematic arrangement of books and minor publications under expressive, brief, and complete titles ; and there are other requirements which the bibliographer holds in common with the student — though certain of the student’s requirements are immaterial to the bibliographer. Third in order of importance are the requirements of the librarian, for it is upon him that the student must depend for access to publications. The requirements of the librarian are that the publications shall be issued in convenient form for arrangement upon shelves and for binding, and that every volume or part-volume shall bear a definite title. Some of the requirements of the librarian are common with those of the student ; but his demands are less numerous and exacting, since he deals only with the units and integral parts of publications, while the bibliographer deals with fractions, and the student with the undifferentiated sub¬ stance of books ; and some of his needs are opposed to those of the student — e. g., prompt publication is not a desideratum to the librarian, but rather the opposite, since frequent issue in small parts gives trouble in arranging serials upon shelves and in volumes. But the librarian shares the stu¬ dent’s antipathy to multiplication of serials of the same society, and especially to ponderous quartos and limp folios, which he often relegates to bottom shelves and miscellaneous heaps in out of the way corners. Fourth in order of importance must be placed the require¬ ments of the author ; for it is incumbent upon him not only to so prepare his books that they may be conveniently handled by the librarian and readily recorded by the bibli¬ ographer and so made accessible to the student for whose use they are written, but to have something to say which is worth the saying ; and he must write clearly and illustrate wisely in order that his writings may be comprehensible with a minimum of- effort on the part of the student. The just subserviency of the author to the student in this respect is not always understood ; but if the author expects to have EVOLUTION OF .SCIENTIFIC SERIALS. 237 300 readers, he ought to realize that it is only fair for him to spend five hours upon a single sentence if he can there¬ by render it intelligible one minute more quickly. The primary requirement of the author, which is held in com¬ mon with the student, is prompt publication. The force of this demand on the part of the author cannot well be overestimated ; it is the incentive to investigation ; it is the spur to subsequent labor at the desk, and it is the stim¬ ulus to publication, often at great personal sacrifice. Any plan that prevents prompt publication stifles scientific en¬ thusiasm, and any device that promotes prompt publication vivifies science and enlarges knowledge. Subordinate re¬ quirements of the author are (1) publication of his papers in convenient form for the use of the bibliographer and student; (2) publication under his own name that the re¬ sponsibility and credit may appear prima facie; and (3) publication in such form that he may obtain and distribute copies of his own treatises at will. The last of these require¬ ments has led tq the development of a form of publication known as the author’s separate, which is the bane of the bibliographer and the burden of the librarian, since it com¬ monly involves needless duplication of editions. Emphatic protests on the part of students and bibliographers against re-paging such separates were widely published a few years ago, and the nuisance has been thereby in part abated ; but still this form of publication remains an unsightly excres¬ cence on the genealogic tree of scientific serials. There is a fancied requirement of the author for fine printing, heavy paper, broad margins, and sumptuous binding which is an¬ tagonistic to the legitimate requirement of wide distribution of his writings, and need not be seriously considered. The author has another interest which is directly antagonistic to the just requirements of the publisher: in seeking to economize time and energy the author may slight his lit¬ erary and artistic work and prepare his manuscript badly ; but since slovenly manuscript costs publishers much more than its improvement would cost the author, and since the 28— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 238 MCGEE. mechanical slovenliness is inevitably accompanied by slov¬ enliness of expression, this illegitimate interest of the author is injurious to the student and so indirectly suicidal. Last in order of importance, at least as viewed from the standpoint of author, librarian, bibliographer and student, are the requirements of the publisher. He justly demands, first, that his copy shall be carefuly prepared ; second, that sufficient time shall be permitted for the reproduction of illustrations as well as the composition of the letterpress ; and it is generally a convenience to him to keep a consider¬ able amount of copy on hand and to issue the publication in complete volumes or in large parts. The demand of the. student and author for prompt publication *is immediately antagonistic to his interests ; and his disposition is to com¬ bine with the librarian, and perhaps also the bibliographer, in delaying publication. The publisher, too, fixes the cost, and thus tangibly represents the condition limiting the volume of the publication ; and in this function, too, the interests of the author and publisher are opposed. On applying these principles to the serials published by the eight representative scientific societies, the reasons for the instability betrayed by some and the stability displayed by others becomes manifest : Multiplicity of paginations in a volume, of series in a serial, or of serials issued by the same society are all objec¬ tionable to the student ; the last two conditions impose a burden on the bibliographer ; the last condition occasions inconvenience to the librarian, particularly when the serials are unlike in size ; and, moreover, the cost of publishing and distributing serials generally increases with the number of serials issued. So the unification of serials represents pro¬ gress in the direction of economy in labor on the part of students, bibliographers, and librarians and in the monetary cost of publication. The paramount requirement of student and author alike is prompt publication ; and while this requirement EVOLUTION OF SCIENTIFIC SERIALS. 239 is opposed measurably by the bibliographer and librarian and decidedly by the publisher, its force is such that it has found expression in the publications of almost all the scien¬ tific societies. More than half of the changes in form and plan of serials have been made in obedience to the need of prompt issue ; and while promptness is opposed by in¬ ertia and tends to degrade into sluggishness, the mean interval between regular issues has materially diminished in nearly all of the societies, and is less in the younger than it was in the older at corresponding stages. The author needs large plates for the illustration of certain subjects ; and with this actual need goes the fanciful require¬ ment which leads to publication in sumptuous form. But the need for large plates has diminished with the improve¬ ment and reduction in cost of illustrations; wood-cuts in the text are now used where steel or copper-plate engraving was formerly necessary ; photo-engravings replace elaborate lithographs; and the art of lithography has been so im¬ proved that maps, diagrams, etc., maybe published upon smaller scales than formerly. At the same time students have found 4to volumes unwieldly, librarians have found them a source of inconvenience in their libraries, authors have found their issue dilatory and their circulation limited, and publishers have found them expensive. All of these objections to the 4to have had influence, and publication in that form has declined notably, despite the definite plans and sustained efforts of most of the scientific societies. Publication in large units or fractions involves the accu¬ mulation of a considerable volume of matter in the hands of the publisher before the first pages are printed, and this oc¬ casions delay ; but such delay is inconsistent with the satis¬ faction of the common need of student and author for prompt issue. So this paramount requirement finds expression also in the small and frequent issues to which nearly all the so¬ cieties have been forced. Publishers of regular periodicals of uniform size find it necessary to keep on hand a large amount of copy, upon 240 MCGEE. which they draw at will in making up each issue ; in the literary and popular magazines some articles are so kept on hand for months and sometimes years ; and even in scien¬ tific journals of the highest grade individual memoirs are often held for weeks or months before they can be fitted into the Procrustean bed provided for each family. Moreover, editorial labor is required in rounding out the various de¬ partments into which the periodical is divided, and this in¬ volves added expense. These impediments of delay and cost appear to be the rocks upon which the periodicals launched by most of the societies have been wrecked. The author pursues his researches con amove, and on pub¬ lication of results finds among his fellow-students a large circle of readers who share interest in his problems. So the inspiration of authors and the enthusiasm of students breed special treatises ; and it is the chief function of the scientific society to bring the author into communication with the student and to aid the labors of the former and supply the needs of the latter. But except in rare cases there is none of the inspiration of authorship in the preparation of admin¬ istrative records of scientific societies, and there are few care¬ ful readers of such matter save among historians or pro¬ jectors of new scientific institutions. Such records are in¬ deed necessary for the society and in a less degree for the public, but it is evident a 'priori that the incentives to prep¬ aration and the demand for distribution and reading of “ proceedings ” must be limited, and that such records must ever be parasitic upon the scientific records which it is the special province of the society to maintain. Here, again, de¬ duction from the fundamental principles controlling publi¬ cation, and induction from the history of scientific serials are coincident ; for although nearly all the societies have sought to support separate administrative records, only two are now doing so, and in one of these the serial is unstable while in the second the conditions are unique. In brief, it appears that the variations and tendencies to vary exhibited by the serial publications of scientific socie- EVOLUTION OF SCIENTIFIC SERIALS. 241 ties, like those of organisms and of other institutions, result from efforts toward adjustment to environment and repre¬ sent the survival of the fittest through natural selection ; that the variation indicates evolution in a certain definite direction ; and that failure on the part of their founders to recognize the conditions of success or failure of serials has never prevented evolution toward the optimum form and character. Methods of fixing Responsibility and their Evolution. In all the societies studied, the more important papers are published under the names of authors who thereby assume personal responsibility for statements of fact and expres¬ sions of opinion ; but the responsibility for the publications does not end here. Every society is in itself or through its committees or other officers a professed censor of the papers read at its meetings or published under its auspices and therefore assumes a limited responsibility for all its publications, however conspicuous the type of the misleading and obsolescent disclaimer of responsibility displayed upon its title-pages. Moreover, in most societies the administra¬ tive records and reports of discussion and the abstracts of oral communications are prepared and arranged in greater or less part by officers of the society, and for all such work the society is responsible through its accredited officers. Again, it is the society, in itself or through its committees or other officers, that deals with printers and engravers, prepares copy, revises proofs, rejects or accepts engravings, and superintends the mechanical part of publication generally ; and so in another way the society incurs responsibility for its publi¬ cations. Now, it is interesting to note that, concurrently with the change in form and plan of publication, there has been a perceptibile movement in the direction of fixing and clearly setting forth the responsibility for the editorial and admin¬ istrative part of the publications. In the American Society of Civil Engineers the various 242 MCGEE. publications are edited by the secretary under the direction of the library committee ; and while it is provided that the “ Society is not responsible as a body for the facts and opinions advanced in any of its publications/’ the secretary and library committee are vested with large discretibnary powers and practically vouch for the propriety and general scientific or technical value of every published paper. The society thereby incurs a limited responsibility for its publications, and this responsibility is definitely fixed upon the editor and library committee by the frequent publication of their names and official functions. In the American Institute of Mining Engineers the council (the administrative body of the institute) decide upon the propriety of all communications, and so incur a limited responsibility for them as definite units, though responsibility for statements of fact and opinion contained therein is dis¬ claimed. In this case, too, the secretary is virtually editor of all publications of the society. In the National Academy of Sciences the standards of membership are high, and large responsibility is thrown upon the authors of communications ; but there is a com¬ mittee on publications who incur limited responsibility (proportionate to the powers with which they are vested) for the records of research; while the administrative records are prepared by the home secretary ; and the names and functions of these officers are annually published. In the American Association for the Advancement of Science the permanent secretary is ex officio editor, and all communications are sifted by the sectional committees and by the standing committee, and sometimes the question of publication is decided by vote of a section. So the society at present assumes large responsibility for the character of its publications. But during its early years, when its standards of membership were different, communications were accepted upon their merits and the reputation of their authors, as in the National Academy of Sciences, and there were no statutory provisions for scrutinizing them EVOLUTION OP SCIENTIFIC SERIALS. 243 nor for determining or fixing the share of responsibility borne by the society. In the Philosophical Society of Washington every paper offered for publication is submitted to the general committee and by it at once referred to a special committee ; this com¬ mittee reports to the general committee, and it then decides the question of publication. So the general committee as¬ sume limited responsibility for matter appearing under the imprint of the society, and this responsibility is vaguely fixed by the publication of the names and functions of the general committee ; but it should be pointed out that the large responsibility borne by the secretary and virtual editor is not fixed in the publications. In the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia there has long been a committee on publication who not only scrutinize the communications as originally presented but also revise proofs, etc., and thus incur large responsibility for' the matter published by the Academy; and in recent years the secretary has come to be editor ex officio, and a part of the powers and responsibilities of the more imper¬ sonal publication committee have been transferred to him. At first the administrative part of the publication of the society was impersonal. In the Boston Society of Natural History the names and functions of the officers responsible for the publications were not at first clearly indicated ; but there is now a publishing committee who examine and superintend the publication of communications offered by members, and thus vouch for their value though disclaiming responsibility for “ any opin¬ ion expressed ” therein ; and the names of this committee appear on most of the publications. In the Geological Society of London there was originally an indefinite body known as “the 'Editors” who passed upon all matter offered for publication, though disclaiming responsibility for it ; but as time went on the regulations were gradually changed until the communications came to be scrutinized by the council ; and now they are not only so examined but edited by the vice-secretary. 244 MCGEE. Thus, of the four older societies, all of which began without published provision for fixing responsibility upon any indi¬ vidual or individuals on the part of the society, three (the Am. Assn. Adv. Sci., the Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., and the Geol. Soc. London) now have ex officio editors who virtually assume limited responsibility for the publications of the society, while the fourth (the Boston Soc. Nat. Hist.) has a publishing committee whose names appear on every publi¬ cation issued by the society ; and these officers virtually as¬ sume limited responsibility proportionate to their powers, and that responsibility is as clearly fixed by the publication of their names as is the larger responsibility of the authors. Thus, too, two or three of the four younger societies (the Am. Soc. Civ. Engrs., the Am. Inst. Min. Engrs., and, per¬ haps, the Nat. Acad. Sci.) have ex officio editors, and only one (the Phil. Soc. Wash., in which the provision for scru¬ tiny of communications by special committees is exception¬ ally rigorous) now publishes without vouching for the pro¬ priety and value of the publication and definitely fixing personal responsibility for the editorial and supervisory work by giving the names and functions of the officers con¬ cerned. The reason for this curious tendency is obscure, but appears to lie at the very foundation of science : Science is preemi¬ nently democratic and has ever opposed the secret tribunal and the ex cathedra dictum, and so the standing of the scien¬ tific institution represents the standing of its members as individuals ; the subject matter of science is knowledge, the value of which depends upon its exactitude, and it has been constantly sought to maintain a high standard by holding individuals responsible for their contributions and subject to the penalty of ignominy and public scorn in case of de¬ fault, and so the recognition of individual responsibility has become more general in science than in those branches of knowledge which are less exact ; there is no hierarchy in science, all men stand upon a footing determined by their ability to contribute to human knowledge, and the method EVOLUTION OF SCIENTIFIC SERIALS. 245 of scientific work renders the collaborator and accessory in even the most trivial detail co-responsible with the principal, and so the editor imbued with the scientific spirit is ready to acknowledge his work and the just author welcomes the acknowledgment. The tendency to fix individual responsi¬ bility for censorship and editorship is the outgrowth of the desire to fix responsibility for authorship, and indicates that, whatever be the case in statecraft, in science the executive session is doomed. 29— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. ON CERTAIN PECULIAR STRUCTURAL FEATURES IN THE FOOT-HILL REGION OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS NEAR DENVER, COLORADO. BY George Homans Eldridge. [Read before the Society November 23, 1889.] CONTENTS. Introduction _ Lithological Character of Formations involved. General Features of the Affected Area _ Topographical _ Surface delineations _ Detailed Geology. _ The Formations and their Relations _ The Archiean _ _ _ The Trias _ The Jura _ The Dakota _ The Colorado JFort Benton [Niobrara _ The Montana i Pierre. \Fox Hills The Laramie _ The Arapahoe _ The Denver _ Special irregularities _ Structural Features _ Dips _ The general fold along base of Range Faults _ Structural Development of the Area _ Introductory _ (Table) Page. 248 249 250 250 251 252 252 252 252 253 254 255 255 256 257 257 258 258 258 258 258 259 259 260 260 30-Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. (247) 248 ELDRIDGE. Page. Periods in the Development _ 261 First period _ 262 Second period _ 262 Third period _ 263 Fourth period _ _ 264 Fifth period _ 267 Discussion of Movements producing the present Structure _ 267 1° Hypothesis upon which the argument rests _ 267 2° Faults and folds — the local manifestations of forces in¬ volved. _ 268 3° Forces have acted with varying direction _ 268 4° Development of the post-Niobrara fold _ 268 5° Readjustment of forces, inducing present structure _ _ 270 6° Readjustment accounted for _ 270 7° Relation of basalt eruption to the foregoing events _ 271 Earlier Views on the Structure of this Region _ 271 Views of A. R. Marvine _ 271 Views of Lester F. Ward _ 272 Views of others _ 274 Note. — The geological map accompanying this paper is an original plat. The profiles are based upon this, and are developed by construction from it and from one another by actual measurements, with the necessary reductions for thickness. The two sketches, towards the close of the text, illustrative of the manner in which the folding occurred and its relations to that of the Main Range, are, however, diagramatic, although based upon the histori¬ cal facts developed in the paper. Introduction. The present paper is devoted to the discussion of a type of geological structure recently discovered by the writer in the foot-hill region west of Denver, which upon detailed study may prove of common occurrence along the base of the Rocky Mountains, a recurrence of it in a less developed form having already been observed in the vicinity of Boulder, a few miles north of the area covered by the present instance. The type consists in a succession of non-conformities appearing one after another at various geological horizons, the explanation of which is found in the forces acting in the general uplift of the Colorado Range, from which have been developed cer¬ tain secondary forces that have from point to point brought about the elevations upon which the non-conformities depend. Tabular Statement of the Lithological Characteristics of the Formations Involved in the Present Discussion. STRUCTURAL FEATURES IN THE FOOT-HILL REGION. 249 G g >*g g U — • (- 5? "S e2 <33 co 7G a o — > G r° “ S 'W o rQ CO 03 PG rd a • G ^.2 S3 s-< ■J rQ » 2.2 §.s ^ o s3 qG o 3j > H3 a _ _ s3 "2 ~ «s O d! co -cOp (D co (D 2 .5 P-a 5 g s Q ^ o © 53 o Ph c3 PS £ CO tn 5" to o o n3 .Q) h s O (-> rG •U G G_ 2 03 -u '03 o to j O ni §l|i,Tp3i§ C_^G rd°^GO«J G t3 r>g „0 d O'r- G rW).S © — ~ G <£3 . - Q c 8^ *> 03 .1 $ ; 03 co jo ^3 OG ^ S3 43 M.d co* H rG C —• G O i-Q ° i ® ® g © |85 O - M ft £<2 O CG G - G H;s<2 3 CO - 03 co C co G G O ^ O . ^ M Gh rtj 2 2 . g G 03 S3 G CO — ' S3 S3 03 - 5 © S C S3 q co H ns r§ g G .G s3 03 “ ^ T3 &C c 03 03 S3 C 52 co =G 'S I a it o bA 03 -£ G G 03 o ill . G g g co O .G o n-'f .03 s Qil o G, c o' O CO^ ^rQ S «•© G C G o3 co ^ 3 ujCg S3 CO • »— < 4-G -4-3 c > a g > G3 S 1^ co 5 § i O G G o >•. O CO Ha ^s3 cn CO o O "o ’V IS •4-3 ihird cd IS -»p ihird > . 03 GO G G 8 o3 G 03 c3 O G 9 G3 CO S ^ GS rQ fcD G G O fe >» G3 03 ‘ s > , ^ ffid <3 ^ JT- Gi O S3 £ W EH i o 3^ in “ .2 3 &) “'i » ^ t 5 £ e SfiggSj^H* «s rr-j ^ ^ ad ^ ri d O CL . . J^C O ^ I I V w ^ ^ 4J “ 03 d ■+J - o o A . . ss^co^G “ co i> > *id «J i Tj © 5 » - «i ^ 2^g g Gu2 ^£.22 Cs3bHtHC_3G^coc3ci,co0trla3 iSw-B-l-bJKj .C 03 o o o o cm r- o o o o O r- C3 o o o o o L- CO (M o o o o co ,® 5 s H "2 o o o rG o3 Ph Cg i__i c3 G ^ 03 G-p O s- ° o ^ # 2 d rH o4 250 ELDKIDGE. General Features of the Affected Area. The area affected by the phenomena now to be discussed extends along the base of the foot-hills of the Colorado Range west of Denver, from a point about a mile south of Bear creek northward to Coal creek, a distance of 21 miles, with a breadth varying from 2J to 4 miles, the greater occurring along its northern and southern edges. It involves the hog¬ backs of the Dakota and the region within to the Archaean, and includes the prairies as far to the east as Mt. Carbon, the western slopes of Green Mountain, the Table Mountains, and the vicinity of the Ralston dyke. Topography. — Its topography shows a marked variation from that normal for the foot-hills region in general, and its relations with the geology of the tract as displayed from point to point throughout its extent are so close as to warrant the assertion that for every topographical lineament there is to be discovered an equivalent geological incident that has led to its development. The normal foot-hill topography consists of a mountain mass of Archsean rocks, fringed at an average distance of half or three-quarters of a mile by a sharp serrated ridge of Dakota sandstone, the valley between the two being occupied by the formations of the Trias and Jura. Above the Dakota in their geological succession come the Fort Benton, the Niobrara — this generally constituting a second, smaller reef outside the Dakota — the Fort Pierre, Fox Hills, and the Laramie, the basal sandstones of the Laramie, again, forming either a low roll in the ground or an actual comb of rock slightly projecting above the surface of the surrounding prairie. To the east of the Laramie, at a distance of between 600 and 1,200 feet from its basal sand¬ stone, appears in the southern portion of the area yet another comb, formed by the conglomerates at the base of the Arapa¬ hoe series. Finally, this is followed at about an equal dis¬ tance by either an outcrop of the lower members of the Denver formation or a peculiar ribbing of the prairie due to their presence beneath the surface. For mile after mile STRUCTURAL FEATURES IN THE FOOT-HILL REGION. 251 along the mountains the above topographical features may be traced with unswerving regularity, but within the area to be described they undergo rapid change, and midway the tract, in the vicinity of the town of Golden, lose all recogni¬ tion whatsoever. For a distance of over a mile north of the town and an equal one to the south of it, the Dakota hog¬ backs have completely disappeared ; the low Niobrara ridges cease to exist at a point about a mile north of Bear creek, not to again appear until the region of Van Bibber creek, 10 miles to the north, is reached ; the Laramie sandstones, with their coal, have gradually approached to within 500 feet of the Archaean at Clear creek, the variation in their strike from that of the Triassic and Dakota outcrops below being apparent to the most casual observer ; finally, oppo¬ site the center of this great topographical gap, appear the two great basalt-capped sedimentary masses of North and South Table Mountain, originally continuous, but afterwards cut by the waters of Clear creek, which debouches from the main range midway their length. Surface delineations. — Standing upon any of the more ele¬ vated points within this remarkable area, another set of features, second in prominence only to the ones already re¬ ferred to, at once strike the eye. These are the clearness with which the lines of stratification are delineated upon the sur¬ face, and the distinct tendency which they display to group themselves, with respect to direction, into two well marked assemblages: the one embracing the formations of the Colorado and all below, and maintaining for the greater part of their extent the same parallelism to the general trend of the foot-hills which they have held beyond the affected area ; the other embracing the Montana and younger formations, and, though maintaining a parallelism of strike within them¬ selves, nevertheless abutting against the older formations at an angle In places as high even as 20°. The latter forma¬ tions, in fact, approach the range proper in a broad, well marked, and regular, inward sweeping curve, the center of its arch lying a short distance north of Clear creek. The r 252 ELDRIDGE. features just noticed again occur, in a minor degree and in a manner not at first liable to attract attention, in the rela¬ tions between the Dakota and underlying beds nearer the middle of the area, where the beds of the younger formation lie across the edges of those of the older. North of the central portion of the area of non-conformity and south of Ralston creek for the distance of about two miles the topographical and geological features are somewhat complicated by the presence of intrusive masses ; they are, however, still sufficiently clear to permit interpretation, and with the others in the south and center of the area and in the remainder of the tract to the north form one complete whole. Detailed Geology. The Formations and their Relations . The Archsean. — This is but slightly involved in the special geological history of the region. It formed an uneven floor for the deposition of the Trias, across the truncated edges of which the latter formation was deposited. The Trias. — In their strike and dip the beds of both mem¬ bers of the Trias are conformable inter se. Their strike follows approximately the line of the Archaean foot-hills, and their dip is to the east and varies between 35° and 90°, the shallower next the foot-hills and increasing as distance from them is gained. The lower member of this formation, the Red Beds, main¬ tains its usual appearance, and, with two exceptions, a nearly constant thickness over the entire area under consideration. The two variations in thickness are found, the one near the southern extent of the tract, the other for a mile and a half on either side of Clear creek. The former is of no particular interest in the present discussion. The latter is attributable to two causes : one, non-deposition at the base, due to a rise in the Archsean floor and a consequent shallowing of the sea at this point, the beds of the deeper water abutting against this rise ; the other, the disappearance from the top of the STRUCTURAL FEATURES IN THE FOOT-HILL REGION. 258 series, of the beds last laid down, including the Creamy sandstone and at least one or two hundred feet of the beds beneath. The linear extent of the disappearance of the Creamy sandstone is probably somewhat under one mile, and is chiefly confined to the region immediately north of Clear creek, reaching to the south of it but slightly, if at all. In this interval the clays of the Fox Hills are found in close proximity to the Red Beds, the former conformable in strike with the Laramie sandstones above, the latter pursuing their usual trend, approximately parallel with the base of the range. The upper member of the Trias presents nothing anom¬ alous in its occurrence until within a distance of about two miles north and south of Clear creek, when a rapid dis¬ appearance of its beds successively from top downward is found to occur as the center of the region is approached, the limestones and associated beds at its base apparently reach¬ ing within a short distance of the limits already assigned for the Creamy sandstones below. An extremely important point in this connection is the fact that this disappearance occurs while the overlying Jura is not only still present, but maintains even the greater part of its thickness ; it occurs, in fact, between the Jura above and the lower member of the Trias, the Red Beds, beneath. The disappearance of this series of strata is most marked, because more sudden, to the north of Clear creek and Gold run, where within a distance of between a half and three-quarters of a mile it has decreased in thickness from 650 to 270 feet. The diminution in thick¬ ness to the south of Clear creek is also rapid, but over this portion of the region the upper Triassic member is not limited altogether by the Jura above, but in part by the Dakota, with a discrepancy of at least 10° in their strike. Farther to the south, where the Jura is present in nearly its full thickness, the variation in thickness of the Upper Trias is more gradual, but still to be associated with the local phenomena of the region. The Jura. — No extraordinary discrepancy in strike or in general relations between this formation and either the under- 254 ELDRIDGE. or over-lying one is apparent until upon near approach to the confines of the region presenting the anomalies just described for the Trias. Any decrease in the thickness of the Jura beyond is little more than is usually met with from point to point along the range. From about a mile south and a mile and one-half north of Clear creek, however, the beds of the formation disappear in rapid succession as the center of the region is gained. Their strike is, moreover, at variance with the formations both above and below : in the southern part it is in noticeable contrast with that of the Dakota, being some 10° or 15° to the east of the latter ; in the northern portion not only is the same discrepancy prob¬ able between these two formations, but an equal one also appears between the beds of the Jura and those of the Trias below. The thinning of the Jura is in part probably due to the absence of some of its lower beds, while the cause of its sudden and final thinning is found in the rapid and succes¬ sive disappearance of, first, its upper beds, followed in turn by those lying beneath. The Dakota. — As ascent is gained in the series of forma¬ tions, the region of anomalies becomes more and more ex¬ tended in north and south directions. The Dakota begins to display irregularities as far south as the northern end of the high hog-back just south of Coon gulch, and in the north at the southern end of the chain of hog-backs north of Golden. The noticeable points in the behavior of the southern half of the formation are : first , the disappearance of the characteristic hog-back ; second, the gradual decrease in thickness, which the outcrops of the remaining portions show to be both from above and from below, the fireclays in the middle of the formation being the last to disappear, as evidenced at the bluffs of both Clear creek and Gold run • third, the discrepancy in strike between this formation and those below and above, its beds in the region of more pro¬ nounced irregularity lying across the edges of the former, and abutted from above by the ends of the successive strata STRUCTURAL FEATURES IN THE FOOT-HILL REGION. 255 of the Montana group throughout much of their line of con¬ tact; finally , frequent changes in the strike of its beds oyer the central portion of the affected area, none of which changes are paralleled by corresponding ones in the promi¬ nent sandstones at the base of the Laramie, lying but a short distance to the east. In the northern half these same pecu¬ liarities are again met with, but in some particulars are more strongly accented than in the southern : these are the more sudden disappearance of the hog-back ; the rapidity with which the formation thins ; the marked crumpling, as shown in their strikes, to which its beds have been sub¬ jected without the overlying strata being in the least affected. In dip the Dakota varies from 45° in its more normal occur¬ rence to vertical over the more disturbed, middle portion of the field. The Fort Benton. — This formation completely disappears a short distance north of Coon gulch, and also at a point about opposite the middle of the first liog-back north of Golden. The southern portion has thinned very gradually throughout a distance of three and one-half miles, while for the northern member the disappearance has been completed in a little less than a mile. In strike and dip the Fort Benton conforms to the Dakota, but is overlain, after the disappearance of the Niobrara, by successively higher strata of the Fort Pierre and Fox Hills formations as the center of the disturbed region is approached. The Niobrara. — This, like the Fort Benton, disappears only from above downward, but its limits are found con¬ siderably to the north and south of those of the correspond¬ ing members of the older formations. In strike and dip it conforms with the Fort Benton and Dakota, and like them, in passing from without inward, is overlain by successive strata of the Fort Pierre, though nowhere brought in contact with the higher member of the Montana group, the Fox Hills. The disappearance of this formation is especially well shown both in the north and south from the physical 31— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 256 ELDRIDGE. character of its sediments, the upper, bright yellow or buff, sand}^ measures, which often form a well marked outcrop, first being lost, followed by the destruction of the argilla¬ ceous middle part of the series, and finally by the cutting out of the prominent basal limestones themselves. The dis¬ appearance occurs in the south only a short distance north of Bear creek, and in the north a quarter mile north of Van Bibber creek. The Montana. — This group in strike conforms strictly with the overlying Laramie, the basal sandstones of which afford a prominent and reliable key to the relations of these upper formations with the ones already considered. The dip of the component beds of the group, where all are present and in normal occurrence, shows a gradual increase from 45° to 90° as the distance increases from the base towards the summit. Over the middle of the anomalous tract, however, the vertical dip prevails, as in the case of nearly all the formations in this portion of the area. The fact of chief interest regarding the Montana group is its remarkable and rapid disappearance between Bear and Coal creeks as distance is gained from either of these streams towards the center of the region at Golden. Immediately north of Bear creek its strike relations with the underlying formations are rather more exaggerated than at most other points, and consequently moref clearly brought out in the surface exposures there occurring. In this vicinity successive beds of the Fort Pierre may be traced over their general line of strike by means of their lithological characteristics and the general prevalence of certain fossils at particular hori¬ zons, from points a thousand feet or more to the east of the Niobrara at the bluffs of Bear creek to others within only two or three hundred feet of the older formation, one or two miles to the north. The angle thus made by the difference in strike between the Niobrara and Fort Pierre is on an average about 15°, but decreases to the north, opposite the middle of the Dakota hog-back, beyond which the strikes are for a considerable distance more nearly parallel. STRUCTURAL FEATURES IN THE FOOT-HILL REGION. 257 In the northern part of the region, opposite the first hog¬ back north of Golden, the exposures of the Montana group are rare, but a half mile north of Van Bibber creek and from this point to Ralston, the discrepancy in strike observe able to the south has for a time almost wholly disappeared ; beyond Ralston creek, however, a divergence of 20° is still noticed in the general trend of the Laramie and Dakota sandstones, which extends to a line due east from the entrance to the canon of Coal creek. This area is regarded as corre¬ sponding to that in the vicinity of Bear creek in the south, over which a thickness of Montana beds equivalent to that on the southern border of the field is regained, by which the geological symmetry of the region is rendered complete. Over the middle portion of the region the Montana beds follow closely the behavior of the Laramie, but show fre¬ quent variations in thickness arfd corresponding changes in their strike relations with the beds below. Regarding the individual members of the Montana group, if the general thickness of the Fox Hills is taken at between 800 and 1,000 feet, the Fort Pierre has not been deposited for a long dis¬ tance in the middle portion of the region, having gradually thinned from the confines of the area towards the center of Golden by successive losses of its lower beds. The Fox Hills alone is of general occurrence, although its thickness, also, over the central portion, varies greatly and often. The Laramie. — The prominent feature of this formation is its remarkable bend from a course approximately parallel to the foot-hills and to the formations below to a broad sweep¬ ing curve, by which it is gradually carried to the westward until at Golden, its point of greatest deviation, it lies between two and three miles to the west of its former course. The general trend is slightly wavy, but with reference to the early Cretaceous and older formations, is of notable steadi¬ ness, passing all their individual deviations without the least disturbance of its own. Its dip is vertical or slightly over¬ thrown for the entire length of the area under considera- 258 ELDRIDGE. tion, and its basal sandstones form along their trend a char¬ acteristic series of combs. Arapahoe and Denver. — The formations above the Laramie, although in reality markedly unconformable with it and with each other throughout the broad area over which they have been deposited, nevertheless in the present tract so closely follow the former in strike and dip that they display no peculiarities worthy of note in the present discussion, and in fact are only incidentally connected with the special geological history here discussed. Special irregularities. — The two irregularities in the super¬ ficial relations of the strata noticed upon the map — the one just south of Ralston creek in the vicinity of the eruptive dike, where a block of strata has been displaced to the east¬ ward, the other immediately north of Coal creek, where the Dakota and formations below have been thrown into the greatest relative confusion — are not connected in any way with the phenomena which form the subject of this paper, and will therefore only be alluded to as occasion demands. Structural Features. Dips. — A geological cross-section along Bear creek would present a gradual increase in the dip of the several forma¬ tions from the Archaean outward at a rate about as follows : 35° E. for the Trias ; 38°-40° for the Dakota, Fort Benton, and Niobrara; 45° for the lower part of the Fort Pierre, in¬ creasing to 55°-65° in the upper part ; 65°-80° from base to summit for the Fox Hills, and 80°-90° and overthrown for the Laramie, Arapahoe, and lower members of the Denver formation. Three or four miles north of Bear creek, 10°- 15° may be added to the lesser of the foregoing dips, while from Coon gulch to the vicinity of the hog-back first north of Golden the formations of higher dip, having now become vertical or slightly overthrown, remain so, and the Triassic beds alone have an inclination under 80° or 90°. North of this, where regularity in the formations once more prevails, STRUCTURAL FEATURES IN THE FOOT-HILL REGION. 259 the dips settle back approximately to their normal amounts as given at Bear creek. The general fold 'parallel with the base of the Colorado Range. — The surface exposures of the prominent and sharply defined fold of general occurrence along the base of the Colo¬ rado Range and resulting from its uplift are, for the greater part of the area under consideration, to be found within a short distance of the line of union of the Denver and Arapa¬ hoe formations. North of Van Bibber creek, however, — where the Denver formation ceases to exist, followed within two or three miles by the disappearance of the Arapahoe, — the bend is almost entirely transferred to the Laramie, the Arapahoe for that part of the distance over which it is present entering into it only in the slighest degree. Faidts. — There are along the line of the older formations in this region four easily recognized fault localities : one near the termination of the Niobrara just north of Bear creek ; a second in the isolated Dakota hill two miles south of Clear creek ; the third near the southern end of the Dakota hog¬ back first north of Golden, and a fourth a half mile to the south of the latter, near the line of union of the lower and upper divisions of the Trias. The faults of each region have the present appearance of approximately east and west cross¬ fractures, along which the ends of the upturned strata are thrown to one side or the other. In the southern half of the field the northern ends of the interfault blocks are carried to the westward, while in the northern half it is the southern ends that are carried to the westward. The fractures in the isolated Dakota hill south of Clear creek are irregular and apparently local in their character. As a rule, the extent of throw of the faults mentioned is slight and confined to the formations in which it has been stated they occur, a single fracture only — one of those in the southern portion of the area — extending beyond one or two hundred feet, this includ¬ ing both Niobrara and Dakota, but of a much less pronounced character in the older formation than in the younger. 260 ELDRIDGE. Structural Development of the Area. Introductory. — The abnormal conditions which have been noted in the relations of the several formations to each other are directly traceable to a series of non-conformities that exist at the particular horizons at which these conditions occur. Excluding the higher ones of general occurrence along the base of the mountains in this portion of Colorado — that is, those between the Laramie and Arapahoe, and the latter formation and the Denver beds — there are still to be found four which are in some respects peculiar to this locality : one between the Archaean and Trias, of special development in this area ; a second at or near the close of the Trias ; a third at the top of the Jura, and a fourth in the Cretaceous at the close of the Colorado. Entering most prominently into the history of these non¬ conformities are as many folds, all of which occurred prior to the general uplift of the Rocky Mountains, and hence, with the erosion going on at the time, represented a completely different topography for the region from that of the present day. When the great uplift of the Rocky Mountains brought the beds into the position they now have, all hills, the result of previous folding, were changed in their individual posi¬ tions from one in which the plane of their bases was hori¬ zontal to one in which it became vertical, or at least inclined at a high angle, and parallel to the direction of the mount¬ ains. In the subsequent erosion of the region, therefore, what would originally have peen a profile section of the strata constituting these folds now appears in plan on the present surface of the ground, all originally north and south dips becoming present north and south strikes — in some cases slightly altered in character by incidental variations in the amount of folding in the general uplift of later times. The detailed character and the contours of these ancient elevations cannot be determined, the two dimensions given in the profiles being naturally the only ones admitting of obser- STRUCTURAL FEATURES IN THE FOOT-HILL REGION. 261 vation. The profiles, however, afford data quite sufficient to furnish a clear insight into the general character of the non¬ conformities and the movements in the earth’s crust which led up to them. Periods in the Development. First period. — Taking up now in detail the several events in the geological history of this region by which it has reached its present state of evolution, first: that which brought about the non-conformity between the Archaean and Trias. That there everywhere exists a general non¬ conformity between the rocks of these two ages is, of course, well known, but within the region in question there is direct evidence of a special development of the non-conformity, which is, furthermore, borne out by the subsequent e-vents which form the successive steps in the geological history of the area. This evidence consists in the observed termina¬ tion of certain of the lower beds of the Trias against a slightly projecting portion of the Archaean; in the impossi¬ bility on structural grounds of the whole amount of thin¬ ning which the Triassic beds have undergone being attribu¬ table to disappearance from the top and the consequent necessity for its having taken place from below ; and in the graphical development of an Archaean eminence, as repre¬ sented in profile I, by tracing backward from their present positions through the series of figures given, the relative move¬ ments of the rocks of the several ages by which they have been brought into these positions. The evidence is found to lead directly to the following conclusions regarding the first of the periods in the special history of this region with which we have to deal. Prior to the deposition of the Trias there had been de¬ veloped in the Archaean, partly by erosion and partly, per¬ haps, by compression, the elevation shown in section in pro¬ file I. Its height was probably 800 feet, and it had a linear extent in a north and south direction of nearly four miles. Against the sides of this Archaean elevation were laid down 262 ELDRIDGE. the coarse sediments of the lower division of the Trias — the Red Beds — which in time completely capped the hill along the line of profile given, and finally buried its summit deep beneath the accumulated material. General subsidence and sedimentation continued uninterruptedly to or nearly to the close of Triassic times, completing the first stage in the his¬ tory of events here considered. Second period. — At the close of the Trias the region which embraced the above events a second time yielded in a marked degree to the forces of elevation and developed the gentle arch of Triassic and Archaean strata shown in profile II. The north and south extent of this arch was but slightty greater than that of the one already described in Archaean times, its crown — coincident with that of the earlier one — lying about a half mile to the north of the present position of Clear creek. The rise of the arch, as indicated by its upper beds, was apparently about 420 feet, but subsequent erosion must have planed it down from its original height and shape to approximately the level line drawn across it in the figure as the base of the Jurassic formation. The evidence for the occurrence of the non-conformity at this horizon and the fold which preceded it is found in the disappearance of most of the upper members of the Trias within the region of its influence, and in the divergence be¬ tween the present strikes of the formations on either side of the line of unconformity — a divergence in strikes, it being remembered, corresponding to an equivalent discrepancy in the ancient dips, as shown in the profiles. This line of non-conformity is naturally somewhat wavy, and it is possible, indeed, that at some points along the mid¬ dle portion of the existing arch, through insufficient erosion, the deposition of a part or even of the whole of the Jura may not have taken place. The weight of the evidence, however, is in favor of nearly complete deposition over the entire sec¬ tion, from the fact that wherever the formation now exists it displays no tendency whatever to a protracted, gradual thinning, as is the case in the disappearance of certain of STRUCTURAL FEATURES IN THE FOOT-HILL REGION. 263 the other formations, but, on the contrary, disappears by the sudden truncation of its strata in almost their full nor¬ mal thickness, clearly the effect of subsequent erosion. The movement which brought about the elevation of the Triassic strata must be regarded as synchronous with at least a portion of that more prolonged or extensive movement by which the sea was sooner or later shut out from certain areas in the Rocky Mountain region of Colorado, causing either a partial or an entire absence of marine beds, according to cir¬ cumstances, with a succeeding deposition of fresh-water strata in which a lacustrine life appeared. In the area under dis¬ cussion the fresh-water Jurassic alone was laid down. General subsidence of the entire region continued during the deposition of the Jura upon and against the sides of the Triassic eminence, and at its close the second period in the geological development of the area was completed. Third period. — This opened with still another uplift of all the pre-existing sediments into the fold traced in profile III, the rise of the arch in this case being approximately 1,000 feet. The figure shows the character of the fold on the line of profile given to have been that of a long gentle slope from the confines well towards the center, where, on further yield¬ ing to the compressive forces, a clearly denned median ridge was produced. Erosion naturally went on in a more or less irregular manner, but the general position of the hill and its component strata relative to erosive forces was apparently such as to cause the disappearance from the top of the Jura over those parts of the slopes of gentle inclination of only the most insignificant amounts of material, while over the central or sharper portion of the fold the probable effect was the complete removal of the beds of the Jura and Upper Trias together with a partial removal of those of the Lower Trias from the crown of the arch, and from the adjoining flanks the material to the gently sloping line of union shown between these formations and the Dakota lying across their edges. Whether erosion reached an extent sufficient to per¬ mit the deposition of the Dakota and the lower part of the 32— Bull. Phil. Soe., Wash., Vol. 11. 264 ELDRIDGE. Fort Benton clear across this rise is doubtful, but from the rate of disappearance of the Dakota from below, it is prob¬ able that neither this formation nor the lower half of the Fort Benton was here laid down. The evidence for the conclusions given in the preceding statements is clearly brought out in the strikes (ancient dips) and surface relations of the formations to each other : notably, in the divergence in strike and the truncation of the edges of the Jura by the Dakota on the southern side of the gap (profile III) ; in the thinning of the Dakota in such a man¬ ner as to eventually leave the fire-clay in its upper half in contact with the older sediments at the two points where the formation appears to end, in the south bank of Clear creek and the north one of Gold run ; and in the ready reproduc¬ tion by graphic methods of the structural conditions observed in the field and the natural sequence of events based thereon. Sedimentation of the Dakota, Fort Benton, and Niobrara continued uninterruptedly to the close of the latter time, subsidence probably keeping pace. With this the third period of development ended. Fourth period. — The fourth period embraces the time dur¬ ing which the great elevation shown in profile IV was cre¬ ated, and in which the sediments of the Montana and over- lying formations were laid down. The uplift of this time was of much greater vertical and areal extent than any of those which preceded it, the rise of the arch on the line of section given reaching at least 9,500 feet, while its lateral extent was not far from 21 miles. It is broadly symmetrical, though there are several sub-flexures of a more or less pro¬ nounced curvature. The two of greatest prominence occur midway either flank. The others, of minor development, are confined chiefly to the higher part of the arch, and rep¬ resent a crumpling of a secondary nature along this portion of the fold. This crumpling is well shown upon the present surface of the region in the changes in strike of the affected beds, which are in strong contrast with the unbroken direc¬ tion to which the strata of younger age hold. The possi- STRUCTURAL FEATURES IN THE FOOT-HILL REGION. 265 bility of the presence of an occasional fault in the place of an unbroken flexure as drawn in the profile is to be remarked, notably, in the vicinity of Gold run and north of Coon gulch at the points x, x of the profile. It so happens that here and there a space intervening between two outcrops of the same bed, lying in an indirect line from each other, is so covered that it is quite impossible to observe the position of the underlying strata ; but since in no case a sharp break in the beds of the Archsean and Trias lying below the more affected ones has been discovered, it is preferable to sketch the irregularities as flexures rather than as faults. Concerning the recognized faults in the northern and southern halves of the arch, described on page 259, their true character now readily appears in profile IV, where, upon the restoration of the beds to their position in pre-Montana times, the fractures are, with the local exception at the south end of the Dakota hog-back north of Coon gulch, all found to be of the normal type, either vertical or hading to the downthrown side and away from the center of the uplift, and similarly developed on either flank of the elevation. The explanation of the normal type of fault under the at¬ tendant conditions may possibly be found in the readjust¬ ment of the strata brought about by subsidence during a later period. The profile of this ancient hill, at least on the line given in the figure, is one of structure rather than erosion, the unevenness in its outline being clearly traceable to the flex¬ ures underlying, the comparatively little erosion that has taken place over the higher portion of the arch having been regular in distribution, and thus having but slightly altered the original outline of the upheaval. The height of the elevation, however, has been reduced over 1,000 feet — to 8,481 — by the removal of the Niobrara, Fort Benton, and Dakota. The succession of events in the erosion, the transportation of the derived material, the sedimentation in the adjacent Montana seas, and the conditions which led up to each, are 266 ELDRIDGE. in a degree speculative, but the inferences are : first, that soon after the completion of the Niobrara period elevation began, and so much of the hill as is above the altitude indicated in the section by the height upon its flanks reached by the upper layers of the Niobrara was then, sooner or later, brought within the erosive power of waves or currents, and the sediments last laid down, being now brought into a favorable position, and still in a condition sufficiently soft to permit their being easily broken down and comminuted, were removed by the transporting powers of the waters washing them ; secondly, that the conditions of sedimenta¬ tion in the immediate seas were the same as those in all mediterranean or large inland seas or along the margins of the continents at the present day — that is, comparatively deep and quiet water at a distance somewhat remote from the nearest coast line, which permitted the quiet settling of the sediments which go to make up the clays of the Mon¬ tana group, and which correspond to those under which the blue mud of sub-continental areas is now being deposited. The apparent complete removal over the space originally covered by them of the materials resulting from the break¬ ing down of the early Cretaceous strata is somewhat strik¬ ing, but it may readily be accounted for in the nature of the formations removed, and in the action of waves and currents and the long time through which the higher parts of the elevation were probably subjected to them. Furthermore, it cannot be positively asserted that the line of non-con¬ formity is as clear of debris as represented, since on the steeper flanks of the arch it is rare that the beds above this line can be traced to actual contact with those below ; still further, it is to be remembered that nothing whatever is known of the conditions on other profiles of this ancient hill. During the deposition of the beds of the Montana group gradual subsidence of the area at a generally uniform rate must have taken place, the sedimentation, with two excep¬ tions, being that of quiet and deep water. The exceptions noted — the sandy zone midway the Fort Pierre and the more STRUCT UK AL FEATURES IN THE FOOT-HILL REGION. 267 arenaceous beds of the Fox Hills — are, however, not confined to the area under consideration, and therefore bear no rela¬ tion to the phenomena here discussed. With the general movement at the close of the Laramie and those which produced the non-conformities between the Arapahoe and Denver formations the peculiar structural features here described have nothing to do. Fifth period. — Upon comparing profile IV with the present surface section of the same beds upon the general map of the region, the early relations between the arched and hori¬ zontal strata, as shown in the profile, are observed in later times to have completely interchanged. The once highly arched strata below the line of non-conformity have now assumed a practically direct trend, wrhile the strata above the line of non-conformity, originally horizontal, have at the present time a well-defined inward sweep towards the mountains, reaching their limit of deviation in the vicinity of Golden, or, looking at the latter feature with reference to the profile itself, the Laramie and overlying strata have acquired a downward bend at the center of the area, directly over the crown of the arch of post-Niobrara times. Com¬ pare also figures 1 and 2, following. The final movement which produced the present structural conditions, together with the outpouring of the lavas of Table Mountain midway the period of the Denver formation, are regarded as constituting the fifth and closing stage in the geological development of the area under discussion. Discussion of Movements producing the present Structure. ls£. Statement of the hypothesis upon which the argument rests. — It is believed from the not infrequent occurrence, either within the present area or in other parts of the Eocky Mountains, of compound folds of the S type and of otherwise contorted strata, from the presence of reversed faults, and from the occurrence of the well-known folds 6 en echelon ” that the theory of lateral compression as the means by which 268 ELDRIDGE. the forces uplifting the range were generated, although not accepted by all scientists, does, nevertheless, more completely and satisfactorily fall in with the observed facts than any other which can be suggested. It is not intended, however, that this shall preclude the acceptance in the future of any other grounds upon which it may be possible to establish a still more satisfactory explanation of the phenomena form¬ ing the subject of this paper. 2d. Manner in which the forces of deration have locally manifested themselves. — At various points along the base of the Colorado Range occur strongly pronounced local pecul¬ iarities of structure, either faults, or folds of varying shape and character, both secondary as to the general uplift of the range. It is highly probable that these structural peculiari¬ ties are attributable to the general forces of elevation that are acknowledged to have been in action through the several geological periods here represented. 3 d. The unequal distribution of, or resistance to, the general force of elevation. — Still further, it may unhesitatingly be granted that the general force of elevation or the resistance opposed to it has been more or less unevenly distributed from point to point, and has acted, not always at an abso¬ lutely right angle to the axis of the range, but diagonally to it, in one or more directions at the same time. Its direction has in fact varied according to circumstances. Ath. The development of the post-Niobrara fold. — In the present area the distribution and directions of this force up to immediate post-Niobrara time had been such as to eventu¬ ally bring into existence the fold of the general character represented in the profiles, and in figure 1 beyond. An analysis of this distribution and its effects shows that, of the various components of this force, the major, which ex¬ ceeded all the others combined, was that acting in the gen¬ eral elevation of the range and directly against its axis — that is, for the eastern base, with the arrows A (Fig. 1) west¬ ward. This had undoubtedly been in action with probably but little interruption from earliest time. The other com- STRUCTURAL FEATURES IN THE FOOT-HILL REGION. 269 ponents, secondary to that just noted, and acting in direc¬ tions more or .less normal to it, B (Fig. 1), were evidently periodical in character. They reasserted themselves with The profiles I- IV, inclusive, may be regarded as transverse (north and south) sections of this secondary fold in the several stages of its develop¬ ment according to the geological time represented by each. Figure 1 is more particularly a diagrammatic representation of the condition of affairs at the close of the Laramie or at a point in time somewhere between this and a stage early in the deposition of the Denver formation. By the post-Laramie movement the strata were bent up against the range nearly at right angles and afterwards truncated by erosion. This effect is produced in the figure by supposing a slice of the block represented, to have been turned down through an angle of 90°, as if hinged along the line C D. The hinged portion is thus a diagrammatic representation of the superficial outlines, as shown in detail by the map. special intensity at the close of the Niobrara, effecting almost entirely at this time the pronounced elevation under discus¬ sion, c (Fig. 1), the cross-section of which is that in profile IV. The Montana, Laramie, Arapahoe, and early Denver 270 ELDRIDGE. beds were then deposited upon this fold, closing the first four periods of history discussed above. 5th. The readjustment of forces by which the structure of post-Niobrara and Laramie times was changed to that of the present day. — At the close of the events detailed in the last paragraph there began a readjustment of the major forces acting against the range, by which the fold of pre-Montana age and its cap of horizontal strata gradually gave way to the structure of later times. The results of this readjust¬ ment may have been developed prior to the time of the in¬ clusion of the affected area within the general uplift of the range, but were more probably synchronous with it. The complex movement which brought about these results may properly be resolved into two chief components. The first of these includes the movement by which the strata composing the pre-Montana fold were brought from their position, as represented in profile IV, to that which they hold in the natural section given by the outlines on the map. The effect of this movement can be seen in diagram¬ matic representation, shorn of all complicated details, by com¬ paring figure 1, which shows the conditions previous to the movement, with figure 2, which shows those subsequent to it. In this movement the strata resting horizontally upon the pre-Montana fold of necessity followed the recession of the beds beneath, assuming the position of the synclinal depression d in Fig. 2, or the highly curved position — the result of the synclinal position — which they hold in the sec¬ tion on the map. The second component is the movement specially involved in the elevation of the range, by which the strata were brought into the highly inclined position they hold along its base at the present time. 6th. Readjustment of the forces accounted for. — The read¬ justment of the forces effecting such important structural changes can be accounted for by relief from the compression to which the strata had been subjected, brought about be¬ yond the immediate region here considered. The exciting cause may have been elevations in other areas, or even an increase in the force of the general lateral thrust to the north STRUCTURAL FEATURES IN THE FOOT-HILL REGION. 271 and south of the field, accompanied by a variation from its normal western direction to directions diagonal to the range and divergent as this is approached, by which the original north and south compressive forces would have been com¬ pensated by the components of the later one acting in the reverse direction respectively (B, Fig. 2). Equilibrium hav¬ ing been restored over the area in question, and a portion of the affected region having become involved in the gen¬ eral uplift of the range, which still continued, by subsequent erosion and the formation of the plane surface of the present day the underlying strata became exposed in the superficial section now existing. 7 th. Relation of the basalt eruption to the above events. — The eruption of the Table Mountain basalt took place e&rly in the period of the Denver formation, approximately after the deposition of about one-third of the series had been com¬ pleted and some time before the strata had assumed the ex¬ tremely high angles they now have. With regard to its re¬ lations to the phenomena forming the subject of this paper, it is possible that the subsidence of the Niobrara fold and the horizontal beds capping it may have been, in its later stages, synchronous with the eruption of the basalt masses in Denver times and perhaps in a measure due to it. The fissures through which the pent-up lavas found relief may have been the result of the almost constant bending to . which the rocks were subjected, and their appearance may have thus constituted the final event in the history of a place remarkable for its dynamic movements. The Views of Others on the Structure of this Region. Before closing this paper it is desirable to notice the views of the late Mr. Marvine and Professor Ward in regard to the structure of this region. The views of Marvine. — These are given in Vol. VII (1873) of the Hayden Reports, where he has expressed in the briefest possible manner the idea of non-appearance of strata due to 30— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 272 ELDRIDGE. an actual “ thinning of the original deposits * * * from conditions naturally attending the laying down of new for¬ mations upon the newly prepared and hence uneven surfaces of older rocks.” He also mentions, as an alternative, the possibility of a fault accounting for the structural peculiari¬ ties, but remarks the limited knowledge of the locality which he then possessed. The unpublished results of his work during the season of 1874 unfortunately cannot be traced, and therefore his final views must remain unknown ; but the brief statement given above leads one to believe that he would in the end have reached a solution not far different from the one presented in the foregoing pages. The views of Ward. — These are to be found in the Sixth Annual Report of the present Geological Survey of the United States, pp. 537— ’8, where, referring to the strata in the vicinity of Golden, between Table Mountain and the Cretaceous [Montana group] — which embraces the Denver, Arapahoe, and Laramie formations, but which are all in¬ cluded by him in the Laramie, irrespective of stratigraphical evidence — he remarks as follows : “ The strata are conform¬ able, and both the Cretaceous and the Laramie are tilted so as to be approximately vertical. At the base of South Table Mountain the strata are horizontal, and the line dividing the vertical from the horizontal strata could be detected at certain points. A measurement from this line to the base of the coal seam was made at one place and showed 1,700 feet of upturned edges of Laramie strata. It is probable that we here have the very base of the formation. “ The geology of Golden is very complicated, but my ob¬ servations led me to conclude that during the upheaval of the Front Range a break must have occurred along a line near the western base of Table Mountain, forming a crevice through wdiich issued the matter that forms the basaltic cap of these hills. The eastern edge of a broad strip of land lying to the west of this break dropped down until the entire strip of land assumed a vertical position or was tilted some¬ what beyond the perpendicular. This brought the Laramie STRUCTURAL FEATURES IN THE FOOT-HILL REGION. 273 on the east side of the Cretaceous, with its upper strata at the extreme eastern, while the coal seam at its base occupied the extreme western side of the displaced rock. The degree of inversion varies slightly at different points, and may have been much greater in some places. This will probably ac¬ count for the discovery at one time of a certain Cretaceous shell (Mactra) above a vein of coal in a shaft about four miles north of Golden, and about which considerable has been said in discussing the age of the Laramie group. I visited the spot, but found the strata so covered by wash that I was unable to determine their nature.” In the above views there are four points demanding re¬ plies, although one — that regarding a certain Cretaceous shell — is somewhat irrelevant. The first point is the re¬ mark as to the conformability of all the strata from the Denver beds to the Montana group. Although no discrep¬ ancy in dip or strike is noticed between them in the vicinity of the Table Mountains, a study of the whole region has abundantly proved the existence of several non-conformities, by evidences of erosion, by the areal distribution of the out¬ crops, and by the character of the component materials of the various formations. The second point is the crevice near the western base of Table Mountain through which issued the basalt of the region. As a matter of fact, no evidence of such a crevice, nor of the dike which would still remain as its filling, exists along the well-exposed base of the hills. Furthermore, the outpouring of the basaltic sheets is entirely accounted for by the great Ralston dike and the irregular eruptive body near its southern end, and hence there is no necessity for assuming a further fracturing of the strata to give it a vent at some other point in the field. The third point, the fault, into which Professor Ward has developed the break, beyond a doubt coincides in locality with the great fold which occurs all along the eastern base of the Colorado Range, by which the beds to the west of it are sharply upturned, often to a vertical or reversed dip, while their continuance to the east of the axis is at a dip of but the slightest amount. This 274 ELDRIDGE. curve may at times be complete within a distance of fifty feet. A fault is, therefore, unnecessary to explain the abrupt change from the vertical to the horizontal position. More¬ over, observations show that the Denver and Arapahoe beds actually take part in this fold at a point directly opposite South Table Mountain. The complicated geology of the region would very naturally lead one to mistaken conclu¬ sions unless a thorough knowledge was possessed not only of the area of disturbance here considered, but also of the general structure of the region far beyond. The fourth point in the quoted remarks of Professor Ward relates to the manner in which he accounts for the fossil Mactra found, according to prior statements, “over” the coal. As a matter of fact, the fossil does not occur over the coal, but beneath it, in its usual position in the Fort Pierre bed, its apparent posi¬ tion being due to lying within a locally faulted area, the beds of which have been thrown to the eastward of the general trend of the coal in the unaffected area to the south and north. The views of Others. — In addition to the views of the above gentlemen, others have from time to time been expressed, implying belief in a fault in the vicinity of Golden to ac¬ count for the peculiarities of structure there displayed. In reply to this it need only be stated that no fault can be con¬ ceived which will at once account for the several features in the geology of this region as exposed over the present sur¬ face of the area and set forth in the preceding pages of this article. Vertical and Horizontal Scale the same. BULL. PHIL. SOC. WASH., VOL.Xl, PLATE Z. LARAMIE fox HILLS MONTANA NIOBRARA I — COLORADO fT. BENTON J JJAKOTA JURA UPPER TRIAS ILOWER TRIAS CHAEAN GEOLOGICAL MAP OF THE VICINITY OF GOLDEN — I mile- contour INTERVAL 100 FT. THE PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. BY John Robie Eastman. [Read before the Society April 12, 1890.] TABLE OP CONTENTS. Page. Introduction _ 276 Abstracts of Theories _ 278 , Authors : Rev. Thomas Clap _ 278 Dr. W. G. Reynolds _ 278 Prof. Edward Hitchcock _ 279 Prof. D. Olmstead _ 279 E. C. Herrick _ 281 Prof. Benjamin Peirce _ 281 Prof. S. C. Walker _ 281 Prof. Peter A. Browne _ 282 Prof. J. Lawrence Smith _ 283 Dr. B. A. Gould _ 283 Prof. II. A. Newton _ 285 Prof. A. C. Twining _ 285 Prof. H. A. Newton _ 285 Prof. A. C. Twining _ 286 B. Y. Marsh _ 286 Prof. II. A. Newton _ ^ _ 287 Prof. Daniel Kirkwood _ 290 Prof. H. A. Newton _ _ 290 Prof. S. Newcomb _ 291 Prof. W. Harkness _ 291 Prof. Daniel Kirkwood _ 291 Jacob Ennis _ 291 Prof. Pliny Earle Chase _ 292 Prof. H. A. Newton _ 292 Prof. J. W. Mallet _ 292 34— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. (275) 276 . EASTMAN. Page. Authors : Prof. A. W. Wright _ _ 292 Prof. IT. A. Newton _ 292 Prof. IT. A. Newton _ _ 297 Examination of Theories _ 298 Meteors _ _ ! _ _ 298 Comets _ 800 Comets and Meteors _ _ _ 302 Lockyer’s Theories _ _ 305 Huggins on the Spectra of the Aurora and of Nebulae _ 310 Liveing and Dewar on the Spectra of Nebulae and of Magnesium. 310 Conclusions _ _ _ 311 Observations of Meteors _ _ 312 Catalogues _ 313 I. Observed Meteorites _ 316 II. Discovered Meteorites, date of discovery given _ 318 III. Discovery of Meteorites, date of discovery unknown _ 322 IY. Meteor Showers _ _ _ 324 Y. Sporadic Meteors _ 336 Introduction. The progress of Meteoric Astronomy through its succes¬ sive stages of development has been so peculiar in America, especially in the United States, that, unlike almost all the other branches of Astronomy and Physics, its advance may be thoroughly discussed with very little reference to the im¬ portant growth which it has made in Europe. From the nature of the phenomena it is evident that the ajiparition and fall of meteors must have compelled the at¬ tention of mankind through all ages, but the earliest records are at least obscure. While there may be some claim to authenticity in the early allusions to what was apparently meteoric phenomena, there seem to be no trustworthy obser¬ vations until about 600 B. C. From that time the falls of a great number of meteors and meteorites were recorded with more or less accuracy and detail, but no special attention was attracted to the observa¬ tion and study of such phenomena until the publication of a paper in 1794, by Chladni, on a mass of meteoric iron PROGRESS OP METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 277 found in Siberia by Dr. Pallas, a well-known naturalist. About this time several noted meteorites fell in Europe, and in 1802 Edward Howard published in the Philosophical Transactions a paper entitled “ Experiments and observa¬ tions on certain stony substances which at different times are said to have fallen on the earth.” This paper contains, probably, the account of the first chemical analysis of a meteorite ever made. Nearly all the publications referring to meteors, both in Europe and America, up to the year 1883 were confined to vague theories and brief speculations with regard to their origin. The very important meteoric shower on the morning of April 20, 1803, was the first well-defined phenomenon of that class in this country of which there seems to be any record. There is no evidence that it was well observed except at Portsmouth, N. H., and at Richmond, Va., and no recurrence of this shower of any notable magnitude has since been ob¬ served. Graphic accounts of this phenomenon were printed in “ The New Hampshire Gazette,” of Portsmouth, N. IT., May 31, 1803, and in “ The Virginia Gazette and General Advertiser,” of Richmond, Va., May 23, 1803, but appar¬ ently no scientific interest or discussion was developed. The wonderful display of meteors on the morning of No¬ vember 14, 1833, which was seen throughout the Atlantic coast of the United States, gave a decided impulse to the study of the subject and suddenly brought the principal American observers into prominence. The serious study of meteoric phenomena in America may be said to date from this epoch. The earliest studies immediately developed theories, more or less fantastic, to account for the varied but startling dis¬ play in the heavens. The first theories, derived from only a few facts, naturally presented the greatest range of speculation. As phenomena multiplied, the limits of speculation were 278 EASTMAN. notably contracted, and in 1834 the germ of the true theory of meteoric motion was presented, but not developed. The most accurate idea of the progress of the science of Meteoric Astronomy can be obtained, without doubt, from an examination of the principal theories. Abstracts of Theories. The following abstracts of these theories are presented in chronological order, and in each case the language of the author is employed if practicable. Probably the first paper printed in this country which ad¬ vances any theory of the nature or the motion of meteors was written by Rev. Thomas Clap, ex-president of Yale Col¬ lege, and was printed in Norwich, Connecticut, in 1781. He concluded that “ our observations have heretofore been so imperfect as that we cannot easily determine minute circum¬ stances ; but the general theory seems highly probable, if not certain, that these superior meteors are solid bodies, half a mile in diameter, revolving around the earth in long ellipses, their least distance toeing about twenty or thirty miles ; that by their friction upon the atmosphere they make a constant rumbling noise and collect electrical fire, and when they come nearest .the earth or a little after, being then overcharged, ,they make an explosion as loud as a large cannon.” In 1819 W. G. Reynolds, M. D., of Middletown Point, N. J., published a paper 1 advocating the theory that “ Meteors proceed from the earth. They arise from certain combina¬ tions of its elements with solar heat, and meteoric stones are the necessary results of the decomposition of these combina¬ tions.” After the shower of 1833 elaborate accounts of the event were written by several scientific observers, and various con¬ clusions and theories were deduced. Prof. Edward Hitchcock ,2 of Amherst College, Mass., con- 1 A. J. S., Iv 266. 2 A. J. s., XXYj, 354. PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 279 eluded that “ there was a point from which most of the meteors seemed to emanate ; that this radiant corresponded to that point in the dome of the heavens to which the mag¬ netic needle would point if left free to move vertically and horizontally, and that meteors are only modifications of the Aurora Borealis.” Prof. D. Olmstead,1 of Yale College, discussed at length the meteors of November 13, 1833, with the following conclu¬ sions : “ 1st. The meteors originated beyond the limits of our at¬ mosphere and fell towards the earth, in straight and nearly parallel lines, from a point 2,238 miles above the surface of the earth. “ 2d. Their velocity on entering the earth’s atmosphere was about four miles per second. “ 3d. They consisted of light, transparent, combustible mat¬ ter, and took fire and were consumed in traversing the at¬ mosphere.” Prof. Olmstead finally concluded that “ the meteors of November 13 consisted of portions of the extreme parts of a nebulous body which revolves around the sun in an orbit interior to that of the earth, but little inclined to the plane of the ecliptic, having its aphelion near to the earth’s path and having a periodic time of 182 days, nearly.” After discussing the November meteors of 1836, Prof. Olmstead2 concluded that “ the zodiacal light might be the source of those meteors, and therefore was not a portion of* the sun’s atmosphere, but a nebulous or cometary body re¬ volving around the sun within the earth’s orbit nearly in the plane of the solar equator, approaching at times very near to the earth, and having a periodic time of either one year or half a year, nearly.” On the 28th of April, 1840, Mr. E. C. Herrick 3 read before the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences a paper on 1 A. J. S., xxvq, 132. 3 A. J. S., XL1? 349. 2 A. J. S., XXXID 386. 280 EASTMAN. “ The history of star-showers of former times,” in which he presented a brief account of all the records he had been able to find, together with the following tabular chronological account of star-showers, where the dates are reduced to Gre¬ gorian style : Chronological List of Star-Showers. Number. Date. Number. Date. 1 B. C. 1768. 21 A. D. 1060. 2 B. 0. 686. 22 “ 1090. 3 A. D. 7. 23 “ 1094. 4 “ 532. 24 “ 1095, April 10. 5 “ 558. 25 “ 1096, April 10 (?). 6 “ 585, September 6 (?). 26 “ 1106, February 19. 7 “ 611. 27 “ 1122, April 11. 8 “ 744 or 747. 28 “ 1199, October (?). 9 “ 750. 29 “ 1202, October 26. 10 “ 764 (?), March. 30 “ 1243, August 2. 11 “ 765, January 8. 31 “ 1366, October 30. 12 “ 829. 32 ££ 1398. 13 “ 855, October 21. 33 ££ 1399, October (?). 14 “ 899, November 18. 34 ££ 1635 or 1636. 15 “ 901, November 30. 35 ££ 1743, October 15. 16 £‘ 902, October 30. 36 ££ 1799, November 12. 17 “ 912 or 913. 37 ££ 1803, April 20. 18 11 931 or 934, October 19. 38 ££ 1832, November 13. 19 “ 935, October (?). 39 ££ 1833, November 13. 20 “ 1029, July or August. PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 281 Of the theory of meteors, Mr. Herrick wrote : “ The most probable hypothesis is that there are revolving around the sun millions of small planetary and nebulous ^bodies of various magnitudes and densities, and that when any of these dart through our atmosphere they become ignited and are seen as shooting-stars.” In discussing a paper on meteors by Prof. Erman (Schu¬ macher’s Ast. Nach. No. 385) Prof. Benjamin Peirce j after pointing out an error in Erman’s work, concludes in these words : “ The plane of the meteors cannot differ much from that of the ecliptic, and their relative velocity cannot exceed one-third of the earth’s velocity. A ring so nearly in the plane of the earth’s orbit must be subject to great perturba¬ tions ; and, if there is one, I think that no observations which we can make will enable us to calculate its motions with any degree of accuracy.” On January 15, 1841, Prof. S. C. Walker1 2 read a paper before the American Philosophical Society, “ On the peri¬ odical meteors of August and November,” in which the fol¬ lowing points were discussed : The relative velocities of meteors ; The relative directions of meteors in space ; The periodical or anniversary display of meteors ; The respective plausibilities of the hypotheses of a single cluster with a half-yearly or yearly period, or that of a con¬ tinuous ring for the periodical meteors of August and No¬ vember ; The theories of aerolites and shooting-stars ; The variation of the relative velocity and of the conver¬ gent point ; And principally the investigation of formulae for com¬ puting the elliptic elements of the orbit of a meteor from its observed relative velocity and direction. In 1844 an “ Essay- on Solid Meteors and Meteoric Stones” 1 Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., VIII2, 83. 2 Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., VIII2, 87. 282 EASTMAN. was published by Prof. Peter A. Browne , of La Fayette College. The author devoted the first and larger portion of his paper to proving the solidity of meteors. The latter portion of his essay was confined to the exami¬ nation and rejection of all the theories previously advanced, which, briefly stated, were : 1st. Dr. Halley’s theory that meteors were nothing but a stratum of inflammable vapor, gradually raised from the earth and accumulated in an elevated region, which sud¬ denly took fire at one end and the progress of the flame along the stratum produced the apparent motion of the meteor. 2d. The theory in Luke Howard’s Meteorology that hy¬ drogen gas dissolves various bodies, even iron, and that is evolved, mixed with carbon in the gaseous state, from the earth in large quantities, is collected in vast fields in the air, is fired by electric explosions, and, the gasses burning out, they let fall the earthy and metallic contents precipitated and agglutinated as we find them in aerolites. 3d. Prof. Soldani’s theory that meteoric stones are gener¬ ated in the air by a combination of mineral substances which had risen as exhalations from the earth. 4th. Dr. Reynolds’ theory, previously given in this paper. 5th. Dr. Blagden’s theory that meteors are electrical phe¬ nomena. 6th. The theory of Patrick Murray that meteors originate in the local atmosphere of the earth, and their explosions are due to electrical action. 7tli. The theories of Brewster and La Grange that meteors are bodies thrown off from the earth by volcanic action. 8th. The theories of Hutton and La Place that meteors are thrown from volcanoes in the moon. 9th. Newton’s theory that they proceed from the tail of a comet. 10th. They are terrestrial comets — a theory maintained by Professors Clap and Day and by Carvallo. PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 283 11th. The theory that they were solids that have been floating in space from the beginning ; advocated by Chladni, Franklin, and Rittenhouse. 12th. The theory of Olbers that they are fragments of an exploded planet. 13th. The theory of Quetelet that they belong to a zone through which the earth passes annually. 14th. The theory of Boubee that they are fragments of an exploded comet. These theories are all rejected as disproved or absurd ; but the author advances no theory as a substitute. He announces, however, that, to his mind, “ the most probable supposition yet made is that the solid meteors may possibly emanate from the sun,” though no serious attempt is made to prove the proposition. In a paper read by Prof. J. Lawrence Smith before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in April, 1854, the author 1 advocated the theory of the lunar origin of meteors, which he stated as follows : “ The moon is the only large body in space, of which we have any knowl¬ edge, possessing the requisite conditions demanded by the physical and chemical properties of meteorites ; and they have been thrown off from that body by volcanic action (doubtless long since extinct), and, encountering no gaseous medium of resistance, reached such a distance as that the moon exercised no longer a preponderating attraction, the de¬ tached fragment possessing an orbital motion and an orbital velocity which it had in common with all parts of the moon, but now more or less modified by the projectile force and new condition of attraction in which it was placed in reference to the earth, acquired an independent orbit more or less elliptical. This orbit, necessarily subject to great disturbing influences, may sooner or later cross our atmosphere and be intercepted by the body of the globe.” In 1859 2 Dr. B. A. Gould read a paper before the Ameri- *A. J. S., XIX2, 343. 35— Bull. Phil. Soe. Wash., Vol. 11. 2 Proc. A. A. A. S. 1859, 181. 284 EASTMAN. can Association for the Advancement of Science to disprove the theory that meteors had their origin in lunar valcanoes. Assuming that a lunar volcano, may eject masses of matter with the requisite velocity to pass beyond the region where the lunar gravitation predominates over the terrestrial and the masses become obedient to the earth’s attraction, Dr. Gould examines in detail the consequences to which the theory of the lunar origin of meteorites would necessarily lead, and presents his conclusions as follows : “ From the foregoing considerations we are warranted in assuming that for every body expelled from lunar volcanoes with a force adapted for throwing to the earth an aerolite of average dimensions there are, in probability, at the very least one hundred and eighty bodies expelled with forces not thus adapted ; that for every mass ejected with the av¬ erage force of a lunar volcano and striking the earth, there are at least one hundred and eighty masses of inadequate dimensions ejected ; and that for any given combination of volcanic force and projected mass, the region of the lunar surface, whence the mass may reach the earth, is exceeded in extent by the tract of the lunar surface whence this would be impossible, in the ratio of fifty to one. Combining these several individual probabilities, it will readily be perceived that not more than i_ v i v —1 — i _ of all the ejected lava masses, or about 3 in 5,000,000 of each possible size, would probably ever reach the earth as aero¬ lites ; nor is this an unsafe estimate. It is a very guarded oi^e, and the fraction % w oeo"o"o would be more likely to be correct. Now, can we regard it as probable that the moon has parted with so large an amount of matter as nearly, if not quite, two million times the combined mass of all the aerolites which have fallen to the earth? I think not. Even of those known to have fallen there are more than five hundred of various weights, one of them having a mass of thirty thousand pounds. The tokens of such a mass of gravitative matter as this would imply could not fail to be PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 285 legibly inscribed in the unerring and enduring records of our system. They would preclude the accordance which is found to exist between the present lunar theory and the ancient observations. They would be found to be incon¬ sistent with the known values of precession and nutation. They might, indeed, almost be said to be incompatible with the present mass of the moon.” From the observations of the meteor of November 15, 1859, Prof. H. A. Newton l, of Yale College, concluded that it must have moved in a hyperbolic orbit, and that we have, there¬ fore, two sources of meteors — the solar system and stellar space. With regard to the periodic meteors of August, Mr. A. C. Twining 2, of New Haven, concluded that “ the radiant is probably capable of a far more exact determination than is ordinarily supposed or than could have been anticipated, and it is apparently subject to a motion of several degrees from day to day, and a motion which exhibits some remark¬ able points of agreement in the comparison of one year’s positions with those of other years.” From a discussion of the peculiar characteristics of the August meteors Prof. IP. A. Newton 3 came to the following conclusions : 1st. The individual meteors are cosmical bodies. 2d. They are permanent members of the solar system, re¬ volving about the sun in elliptic orbits. 3d. The direction and Velocity of the relative motion, and therefore of the absolute motion of the individual bodies, are nearly the same. 4th. The whole group forms what may be considered a ring or disk around the sun. 5th. The periodic time is two hundred and eighty-one days. 1 A. J. s., XXX2, 186. 3 A. J. S., XXXII2, 448. 2 A. J. S., XXXII2, 444. 286 EASTMAN. In the same paper Professor Newton estimates the whole number of meteors in the August ring as 300,000,000,000,000. In March, 1862, A. C. Tivining l, published a paper entitled “ Investigations respecting the phenomena of meteoric rings as affected by the earth,” and arrived at the following con¬ clusions : “ The position of the node of the ring cannot be shifted by the earth’s action more than a degree or two in half a million of years ; there is an appreciable change of radiant positions, relative to locality on the earth’s surface and to the hour of the day, whose maximum is about 3 j° be¬ tween the extremes and to which the extremes approach ; the terrestrial disturbance is sufficient to affect the perihelion distance of the meteors by many millions of miles and to expand the ring to a corresponding breadth at' the ascend¬ ing node ; also to collect together in orbits, of similar ele¬ ments, those meteors which are similarly affected in respect of radiant positions; and terrestrial disturbances do not ap¬ pear sufficient to draw off meteors into permanently erratic orbits ; so that, unless in exceptional instances, meteors are not lost to the ring other than those which the atmosphere absorbs or arrests. If meteors are partially arrested without being dissipated in an excessively tenuous upper medium it may be possible that the ordinary and unconformable meteors are such as have missed a return to the ring under the effect of atmospheric retardation.” Mr. Twining appends the suggestion that, “ perhaps comets whose vastly extended atmospheres or heads around the nucleus, although greatly attenuated are perhaps competent to arrest meteors completely, may be found in rare instances to have been disturbed by impact with a meteoric ring whose mere attractive influence it would not be possible to detect.” In 1863, Mr. B. V. Marsh,2 of Philadelphia, published a paper on “ The luminosity of meteors as affected by latent heat,” in which he arrived at the following results : “ The upper regions of the atmosphere, even to its utmost limit, 1 A. J. S., XXXIII2, 244. 2 A. J. S., XXXVI2, 92. PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 287 are grand reservoirs of latent heat most admirably adapted to the protection of the earth from collision with bodies ap¬ proaching it with planetary velocity from without. The intruder is instantly surrounded with a fiery envelope heated to the greatest conceivable intensity ; its surface is burned off or dissipated|into vapor; the sudden expansion of the stratum immediately beneath the burning surface tears the body into fragments, each of which, retaining its planetary velocity, is instantly surrounded by a similar envelope, which produces like effects, and so on until, in most cases, the whole is burned up or vaporized.” A second paper on the same subject, and of similar import, was published by Mr. Marsh in the Pro¬ ceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. XIV, 114. From an examination of the list of November meteor showers from A. D. 902 to A. D. 1833 Prof. H. A. Newton1 concluded that “ the star-shower has a motion along the sidereal year of one day in seventy years, and also that the shower has a period of about a third of a century. This precession seems to imply that the orbit of the body furnish¬ ing these meteors has only a small inclination to the ecliptic, and that the motion is retrograde. The small distance of the radiant from the point to which the earth is moving, viz., 7°, confirms this conclusion.” In an article on the peculiarities of the November meteors, Prof. H. A. Newton 2 arrived at the following conclusions : “ The length of the annual period as determined from the showers in A. D. 902 and 1833, reckoning 233 leap years, 19 odd days, and adding six hours for difference of longi¬ tude, is 365 + (233 ^J9'25) ? Q r 365.271 days. The length of the cycle is 33.25 years. “ The length of the part of a cycle during which showers may be expected may be five or six years or, for extraordi¬ nary displays, at least 2.25 years. The supposition of a ring of uniform density throughout its circuit seems im¬ probable. 1 A. J. S., XXXVI,, 300. 2 A. J. S., XXXVIII,, 53. 288' EASTMAN. “ The elements of the mean of the orbits of the different groups composing the partial ring are : Semi-major axis = 0.98049, Inclination = 17°, and the ring is nearly circular. “ The velocity with which these bodies enter the earth’s atmosphere is about 20.17 English miles per second.” The most elaborate American paper on meteors up to the date of its publication was prepared in 1865 by Prof. II. A. Newton ,* who discussed the subject under the following divi¬ sions, the conclusions being briefly stated in each case : “ 1st. The average altitude of the middle points of the luminous portions of the meteor paths is found to be 59.4 English miles. ■“ 2d. The relative frequency of meteors when the heavens were divided into eight equal parts was about equal in all — perhaps a slight preponderance in the southeast — and the relative frequency in different parts of the visible heavens may be considered a function of the zenith distance only. “ 3d. Not quite one in fifty of all the meteors seen at any one place should have the middle points of their apparent paths within 10° of the zenith. “ 4th. The number of visible meteors that come into the atmosphere every day would be 10,460 times the number visible at one station ; or the average number that traverse the atmosphere daily, that are large enough to be seen with the naked eye, if the sun, moon, and clouds would permit, would be 30 x 24 x 10,460 = 7,531,000. “ 5th. The number of meteoroids in the space which the earth traverses is discussed at length and formulae are de¬ rived for computing the whole number when the average number is known for a given unit of time. “ 6th. The average length of the apparent paths derived from 213 European and 803 American observations is 12°.6. “ 7th. Adopting the theory that for every meteor visible to 1 Mem. Nat. Acad. Sciences I, 291. PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 289 the naked eye there are 52.7 that are visible through a comet- seeker, the whole number of meteoroids coming daily into the air is 400,000,000. “ 8th. The mean distance of the meteors from the observer is less than 144 miles. “ 9th. The mean foreshortening of the meteor paths by per¬ spective is from 16°. 0 to 12°. 6. “ 10th. The average length of the visible part of meteor paths is between 24 and 40 or 21 and 34 miles ; probably nearer 21 and 34 miles. “11th. The mean duration of flight is not* much, if any, greater than half a second of time.” Prof. II. A. Newton1 discussed the observations of the al¬ titudes of seventy-eight meteors observed on November 13-14, 1863, at Washington, Haverford College, Germantown, Phil¬ adelphia, and other points, giving diagrams exhibiting the altitudes of these meteors, and also of thirty-nine meteors observed in August, 1863, with the following results : November meteors. Mean altitude at appearance . . 96.2 miles. Mean altitude at disappearance . 60.8 “ Mean altitude of middle point of path . 78.5 “ August me¬ teors. 69.9 miles. 56.0 “ 62.9 “ In a paper on “ The Theory of Meteors ” Prof. Daniel Kirk¬ wood 2 arrived at the following conclusions : “ The zodiacal light is probably a dense meteoric ring, or rather, perhaps, a number of rings. “ Variable and temporary stars are caused by the interpo¬ sition of meteoric rings. “ Mercury’s mean motion is probably diminished by the action of meteoric matter. “ The transit of a meteoric stream or cloud affords the most probable explanation of the phenomenon known as ‘ dark days.’ 1 A. J. S., XL2, 250. 2 Proc. A. A. A. S. 1866, 8. 290 EASTMAN. “ It seems probable that a ring of meteor asteroids exists within the orbit of Titan, Saturn’s largest satellite, and causes the annual motion of the apsides of Titan, found by Bessel to be 30' 28". “ Saturn’s rings are probably composed of an indefinite number of extremely minute asteroids or meteorites. “ The gaps in the distribution of the mean distances of the asteroids between Mars and Jupiter are analogous to the gaps in Saturn’s rings.” In May, 1867, Prof. Daniel Kirkwood published a book 1 under the title “ Meteoric Astronomy,” designed by the author to present in a popular form the principal results of observation and study in that branch of Astronomy. It was devoted chiefly to the collection of some of the princi¬ pal theories and the more important observations, and to pre¬ senting them in a brief but popular form without attempt¬ ing to set forth any new theory. A paper by Prof. IP. A. Newton 2 in 1867, “ On certain re¬ cent foreign contributions to Astro-meteorology,” was devoted to the discussion of a table comparing the epochs and posi¬ tions of radiant points of shooting-stars concluded inde¬ pendently by R. P. Greg and Dr. E. Heis; the influence of the August and November meteors on the temperature of the atmosphere ; the paths and probable origin of the shooting- stars, by Schiaparelli, and the age of the November group of shooting-stars. From the data obtained from the observations of the No¬ vember meteors in 1867 Prof. H. A. Newton 3 discussed the geographical limits of the shower ; the personal equation of observers ; the form of the curve of intensity ; the breadth of the radiant in latitude ; the length of the radiant in longi¬ tude, and the distribution in longitude of the perihelia of the orbits of the meteors. 1 J. B. Lippincott & Co., Phila., 18G7, 129 pp. 2 A. J. S., XLIII2, 285. 3 A. J. S., XLV2, 89. PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 291 From data obtained from the observations of the Novem¬ ber meteors of 1867 at the U. S. Naval Observatory and at Richmond, Va., Prof. S. Newcomb l, U. S. N., computed the altitude of nine meteors, finding the mean altitude at appari¬ tion to be 102 miles, and at disappearance 47 miles. From data obtained from observations on the same occasion, Prof. W. Harkness 2 3, U. S. N., discussed a method of determining the mass of such meteors as are consumed before reaching the earth. Assuming that the light produced is always proportional to the amount of material consumed, he arrived at the con¬ clusion that “ the mass of the ordinary shooting-stars does not differ greatly from one grain.” In 1869 a paper by Prof Daniel Kirkwood? on “ Comets and Meteors ” was devoted to exhibiting the probable coin¬ cidences* between the orbits of comets and periodical meteors. In 1871 Mr. Jacob Ennis 4 published a paper entitled “The meteors and their long-enduring trails.” The scope and method of this paper are briefly sketched by the author, and are best presented in his own words, as follows : “ Firstly, I will bring forward many facts to prove that some meteors undergo a process of burning or oxidation while passing through the air, and that the trails are the smoke and ashes of such burning. “ Secondly, I will give facts and reasoning which show that some meteors are composed of various simple chemical ele¬ ments unoxidized, and which are therefore capable of burn¬ ing in the air. “ Thirdly, I will show the order and process of creation by which such meteors were originally formed and left in an unoxidized condition. ” These points are discussed at length, and numerous theories and observations are cited as proof. 1 A. J. S., XLV2, 233. 2 A. j. S., XLV2, 237. 3 Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., XI, 215. 4 Proc. A. A. A. S. 1871, 122. 36— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 292 EASTMAN. In a paper on the “ Influence of meteoric showery on au¬ roras” Prof. Pliny E. Chase 1 concludes that “ there seems therefore good reason to look for an increase of auroral dis¬ plays soon after every meteoric shower.” In discussing the meteors of November 27, 1872, Prof. H. A. Newton 2 remarked, “ With Professor Weis and others, I am inclined to consider them all to have been once con¬ nected with periodic comets. The scattering took place appar¬ ently at or near the perihelion.” In 1872 Prof. J. W. Mallet , of the University of Virginia, read a paper3 on “ The occluded gases of meteorites,” and another paper4 by this author on the same subject appeared in 1875. In 1875 Prof. A. W. Wright , of Yale College, published an account5 of some very carefully conducted experiments made to determine the character and quantity of the occluded gases of meteorites. From these experiments he derived results differing ma¬ terially from those obtained by other investigators. This paper was followed by three others6 during 1875 and 1876, in which Professor Wright reached the conclusion that the spectra of gases from meteorites were identical with the spectra of comets. In a lecture7 at the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale Col¬ lege, on “The relation of Meteorites and Comets,” Prof. H. A. Newton , exhibiting a fragment from the meteoric stone which fell in Iowa February 12, 1875, very clearly presented his theory of the connection of these bodies. The principal points in the theory, together with some of the arguments, may be briefly stated as follows : Between the largest meteorite known and the faintest shooting-star that can be seen on a clear night with a telescope 1 Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. XII, 401. 2 A. J. S., V3, 62.' 3 Proc. Koyal Society, XX, 865. 4 A. J. S., X3, 206. 5 A. J. S., IX3, 294. 6 A. J. S., X„ 44: XL, 253 ; XII3, 165. ^ Nature, Vol. XIX, 315, 840. PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 293 there is no essential difference as to astronomical character. In all their characteristic phenomena there is a regular grada¬ tion of meteors from one end of the line to the other. They differ in bigness, but in their astronomical relations we can¬ not divide them into groups. They are all similar members of the solar system. In proof of these statements we cite some of the points in which the large and small meteors are alike and unlike : 1st. They are all solid bodies. It is doubtful whether a small gaseous mass could exist permanently as a separate body in the solar system. A liquid would probably freeze and become solid. In any case, neither a gas nor a liquid could for an instant sustain the resisting pressure which a meteor is subjected to in the air, much less could it travel against it with the velocity observed in ordinary meteor flights. In short, every shooting-star must be a solid body. 2d. The large meteors and the small ones are seen at about the same height from the earth’s surface. The air is a shield to protect the earth from an otherwise intolerable bombard¬ ing by these meteors. Some of the larger masses penetrate this shield, or, at least, are not melted before their final explo¬ sion, when the fragments, their velocity all gone, fall quietly to the ground. The small ones burn up altogether or are scattered into dust. 3d. The velocities of the large and the small meteors agree, and, though they are never measured directly very exactly, we are sure that in general they are more than two and less than forty miles per second. Velocities of from ten to forty miles per second imply that these masses are bodies that move about the sun as a^center or else move through space. These velocities, as well as other facts, are utterly inconsistent with a permanent motion of such bodies about the earth or with a terrestrial or a lunar origin. 4th. The motions of the large and small meteors as they cross the sky have no special relations to the ecliptic. If either kind had special relations to the planets, in their origin or in their motions, we should have reason to expect them, 294 EASTMAN. if not always, at least in general, to move across the sky away from the ecliptic. The fact is otherwise. Both large and small meteors are seen moving towards the ecliptic as often as from it. Neither class seem, therefore, to have any relation to the planets. Again, in general character the two classes are alike. They have like varieties of color ; they have similar luminous trains behind them. In short, we cannot draw any line divid¬ ing the stone or iron producing meteor from the shooting- star, at least in their astronomical relations. They are all astronomically alike. They differ in size ; but that has noth¬ ing to do with their motion about the sun or in space. The general connection between comets and meteors may be exhibited in the peculiar relations existing between the meteors of November 13-14 and their accompanying comet. The orbit of these meteors is one that is described in 33.25 years. The meteors go out a little further thail the planet Uranus, or about twenty times as far as the earth is from the sun. While they all describe nearly the same orbit they are not collected in one compact group. On the contrary, they take four or five years to pass a given place in the orbit, and are to be thought of as a train several hundred millions of miles long but only a few thousands of miles in thickness. Along with this train of meteors travels a comet. It passed the place where we meet the meteor stream nearly a year before the great shower of 1 866 and two or three years before the quite considerable displays of 1867 and 1868. Idow came it that this comet and the meteors travel the same road? The plane of the comet’s orbit might have cut the earth’s orbit to correspond with any other day of the year than November 15 ; or, cutting it at this place, the comet might have gone nearer to the sun or farther away ; or, satisfying these two conditions, it might have made any angle from 0° to 180° instead of 167° ; or, satisfying all these, it might have had any other periodic time than 33.25 years ; even then it might have gone off in any other direc¬ tion of the plane than that in which the meteoroids were PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 295 traveling. All these things did not happen by chance; there is something common. The comet alluded to is not the only one that has an orbit common with meteors, though it is the only case in which the orbit of the meteors is completely known, aside from our knowledge of that of the comet. Every August, about the tenth day, we have an unusual number of meteors — a star- sprinkle as it has been called. A comet whose period is about 125 years moves in the plane and probably in a like orbit with these meteors. Near the first of December there have been several star-showers, notably one in 1872, and these meteors are traveling nearly in the orbit of Biela’s comet. In April, too, some showers have occurred which are thought to have had something to do with a known comet. Thus much as to the meteors of the star-showers. The sporadic meteors are with good reason presumed to be (and observed facts prove some of them to be) the outliers of a large number of meteor streams. Considering again the November meteor stream and its comet w^e find that the several bodies move along a dbmmon path not at all by reason of a present physical connection. They are too far apart — in general, a thousand times too far apart — to act on each other so much that we may measure the effect. Their connection has been in the past. They® must have had some common history. Looking now at the comets, we see that they have been apparently growing smaller at successive returns. Halley’s comet was much brighter in its earlier than in its later aj)proaches to the sun. Biela’s comet has divided into two or more principal parts, and seems to have entirely gone to pieces. Several comets have had double or multiple nuclei. In the year 1366, in the week after the star-shower, a comet crossed the sky ex¬ actly in the track of the meteors. A second comet followed in the same path a week after. Both belonged, no doubt, to the November stream, and one of them may perhaps have been the comet of 1866. The November meteor stream is a long, thin one. We 296 EASTMAN. have crossed the stream at many places along a length of a thousand millions of miles, sometimes in advance of and sometimes behind the comet, and all along this length have been found fragments — sometimes few, sometimes many. This form of the stream suggests continuous action produc¬ ing it. A brief, violent action might have given this form, but a slowly acting cause seems more natural. Again, in the history of Biela’s comet we have distinct evidence of continued action. The comet divided into two parts not long before 1845, and yet in 1798 fragments of it were met with so far from the comet that they must have left the comet long before, probably many centuries ago. “ Thus we are led to say, first, that the periodic meteors of November, of August, of April, &c., are caused by solid fragments of certain known or unknown comets coming into our air ; secondly , that the sporadic meteors, such as we can see any clear night, are the like fragments of other comets ; thirdly, that the large fire-balls are only larger fragments of the same kind ; and, finally, that a portion broken off from one of those large fragments in coming through the air must once have been a part of a comet” “ How came the comet to break up? Perhaps the prior question would be, How came the comet together ? In its * history there is much that cannot yet be explained, much about which we can only speculate.” “ Thus, how came this meteoric stone to have its curious interior structure? As a mineral it resembles more the deepest fire-rocks than it does the outer crust of the earth. It seems to have been formed in some large mass, possibly in one larger than any of our existing comets. Some facts show that the comets have almost surely come to us from the stellar spaces. Out somewhere in the cold of space a condensing mass furnished heat for the making of this stone. The surrounding atmosphere was unlike ours, since some of these minerals could hardly have been made in the presence of the oxygen of our air. Either in cooling or by some ca¬ tastrophe the rocky mass may have been broken to pieces, PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 297 so as to enter the solar system having little or no cohesion, like a mass of pebbles ; or it may have come, and probably did come, a single solid stone. In either case, as it got near to the sun new and strong forces acted on it. The same heat and repulsion that develops and drives off from a comet in one direction a tail, sometimes a hundred millions of miles long, may have cracked off and scattered in another direction solid fragments. One of these contained in it this stone, and it wandered in its own orbit about the sun, itself an infinitesimal comet, how many thousands of millions of years we know not, until three years ago it came crashing through the air to the earth in Iowa.” More than ordinary space has been given to the citations from the various statements and arguments and to the con¬ cluding speculation of Professor Newton’s paper because, better than any preceding American discussion, it presents the status of the modern theories of meteors and comets which are now generally accepted by the scientific world. The latest formal discussion of this subject was presented by Professor Newton 1 in his presidential address before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at Buffalo, in 1886. This address was devoted wholly to the consideration of the various- theories in regard to the motions, character, and origin of meteorites, meteors, and shooting- stars. The discussion in this address follows the same general lines as in the lecture just cited, while the various arguments are presented with far greater elaboration. No new hypoth¬ eses or theories are offered ; but the key-note of the address, given in the author’s own words, is that “ science may be advanced by rejecting bad hypotheses as well as by forming good ones.” 1 Proc. Am. Ass. Ad. Science 1886, 1. 298 EASTMAN. Examination of Theories. The abstracts and excerpts just presented are, from the limitations of the method employed, frequently very brief, sometimes disconnected, and generally separated from the various discussions which led to the results cited. Although they present in themselves insufficient data for an accurate study or a rigorous discussion of the subject, they are quite sufficient to illustrate the evolution of the modern theories as they have been successively developed from the superstitions and the dogmatic assumptions of the last century. This development is a fair illustration of the growth of most of the sciences, and the sometimes absurd and baseless theories, some of which have been cited, are the usual evi¬ dences of an anxious, persistent searching after the truth which is satisfied only by success. While the modern theories have been slowly evolved from a multitude of observations and discussions, expanding here and there along the lines of least difficulty, it is not improb¬ able that frequently there has been a lack of the nicest dis¬ crimination as to what were real and well-established facts. Keeping in view the precept that no sound theory can be .based on doubtful data, it is proposed to examine briefly the accumulated mass of so-called knowledge of Meteors and Comets, with a view to ascertaining what we actually know about these bodies ; what we infer, assume, and assert, and to some extent, perhaps, what we do not know about them. Meteors. Those bodies which are usually designated as meteors, me¬ teorites, and shooting-stars Sire known, to some extent, by every intelligent person. The first name is usually applied to those sporadic bodies which one can see occasionally on any clear night ; the second term is applied to iron or stony masses that sometimes fall to the earth, while the last term is used PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 299 to designate those bodies which appear in such periodic showers as those of November 13-14, August 6-10, etc., but which, like the first named, are, almost without exception, entirely consumed before they reach the earth. These bodies have received, at various times, a great variety of names, such as “ Fiery Tears of St. Lawrence,” “ Fire-balls,” “ Bolides,” “Aerolites,’ “ Meteoroids,” etc., most of which have been coined to suit the fancy or ambition of some aspiring author. The only definite knowledge we have of this class of bodies before they reach the surface of the earth is obtained .with the spectroscope, and the results from observations with that instrument indicate that all these bodies are similar in composition, and their spectra are the same as that obtained from those masses that have reached the surface of the earth before destruction. There appears to be, therefore, no reason for using but two names — the one, meteor , for those bodies that are consumed before they reach the earth ; and the other, meteorite , for the solid iron or stony substances that succeed in storming our atmospheric barriers, reaching the surface of the earth intact and bringing our only material messages from the depths beyond. Sporadic meteors as well as meteorites move apparently in all directions. Meteors that appear in showers seem to emanate from pretty well defined points in the heavens, each separate shower having its own radiant, and in most c&ses the bodies are not condensed in a single compact mass, but are scattered along the orbit in which they move. This orbit has been determined for several of the showers with considerable accuracy. From the testimony of the meteors themselves nothing is known of their origin. The theories of a terrestrial or a lunar volcanic origin are easily shown to be absurd, while the so-called theories that place their origin in other por¬ tions of the solar system are mere idle speculations. 37- Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 300 EASTMAN. Comets. The whole number of comets, real and suspected, from about 1770 B. C. to the end of 1889 A. D., the elements of whose orbits have not been computed, is 472. From 370 B. C. to the end of 1889 A. D. the number of comets the ele¬ ments of whose orbits have been computed is 309. Of these, 18 are known to have elliptic orbits. In the case of 52, the computed elliptic orbits have not been verified by observa¬ tion. The computations show that 231 have parabolic orbits, and indicate that 7 have hyperbolic orbits. Thus it appears that not more than seven per cent, of the comets whose orbits have been discussed are known to have elliptic orbits, while it is almost certain that seventy-five per cent, have parabolic orbits. Of course, the periodic comets, whatever their origin, belong now to the solar system. As it is highly improbable that there are two or more kinds of comets of intrinsically diverse character and of different origin, it follows that all the comets had their genesis beyond the limits of the solar system, and that the few periodic comets are the exception to the general law, and at best are only adopted members of the solar family. There are only two sources of actual knowledge of the physical constitution of comets : One is from the use of the spectroscope ; the other is the behavior of the light from a star when seen through various portions, but especially the nucleus of a comet. As is well known, observations with the spectroscope are not always easily interpreted, but in this case the difficulty is not so great as at first it seems to be. It is a general law that where there is a continuous spec¬ trum containing all the primary colors without gaps, the light is derived from an incandescent solid or liquid body. A discontinuous spectrum containing bands or bright lines indicates that the light comes from luminous gases or vapors. PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 301 To these general rules there are some important exceptions or modifications. If the temperature of certain vapors or gases be raised to a high degree the number and the appearance of the colored band or of the bright lines change rapidly, though not uni¬ formly, and some investigators have asserted that if the temperature be raised to something over 4,500° Fah. the spectrum will become practically continuous. Similar changes in the phenomena are observed if a gas, like hydro¬ gen, is rendered luminous by the electric spark and then subjected to varying pressures. With a pressure amounting to one-twentieth of an inch of mercury the spectrum is dis¬ continuous and consists of several groups of bright lines in the green. As the pressure is gradually increased there ap¬ pears a temporary spectrum of bands, then a spectrum of three lines, afterwards a more permanent and complete spectrum of bands, and finally, under a pressure of 52 inches of mercury, a complete and pure continuous spectrum. The spectra of comets, which have been obtained by care¬ ful and experienced observers, present a large number of variations and combinations, ranging from one or more faint bands with indistinct or fluted borders against a color¬ less background to a faint continuous spectrum with bands or lines of a greater or less degree of brightness and defini¬ tion. The most obvious interpretation of the spectroscopic ob¬ servations of comets is that the bands and lines are the true spectra of a gaseous body, varying through a wide range under the effect of changing pressure and temperature, super¬ imposed upon the faint continuous spectrum derived from the sunlight reflected from the nucleus or other parts of the comet. Such is the information derived from the spectroscope. In the vast number of observations of comets, made for the determination of their positions or their physical pecu¬ liarities, it has sometimes been noted that the comet passed 302 EASTMAN. between the observer and a star without diminishing the apparent brightness of the star or changing its position. While observing Comet I, 1866, in January, 1866, I saw on one occasion the nucleus of the comet pass directly over a star of the 9.2 magnitude with no more effect on the bright¬ ness of the star than would be produced by the close prox¬ imity of any object as bright as the comet’s nucleus. Similar accounts have been given by other observers, and the phe¬ nomenon is too well attested to admit of a reasonable doubt. The light from a star could not pass unobstructed through a solid body or a dense aggregation of solid bodies ; and, considering this phenomenon alone or in connection with the appearance of the nucleus as it approaches and recedes from perihelion, it appears that we are driven to the conclu¬ sion that the nucleus of a comet is composed principally, if not entirely, of gaseous matter, which varies in form and in density from the effect of the sun’s attraction and repulsion. Comets and Meteors. The elements of the orbits of four meteor streams have been determined with considerable accuracy. These are the streams that produce the showers of November 13-14, No¬ vember 27, April 20, and August 10. It has also been found that the orbit of the meteor stream of November 13-14 coincides very closely with the orbit of Comet I, 1866. The orbit of the November 27 stream corre¬ sponds to that of Biela’s comet, the orbit of the April stream to that of comet I, 1861, and the orbit of the August stream is nearly identical with that of Comet III, 1862. The identify of these orbits is quite as good as could be expected from the uncertain character of the observations on which the adopted positions of the meteor streams depend. On these coincidences in the orbits of meteor streams and of certain comets depends principally the modern theory of comets and meteors, which, briefly stated, is as follows : Sporadic meteors, individual members of meteoric showers, PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 303 and meteorites differ in magnitude and appear under widely varying conditions, but from an astronomical standpoint they are all alike. They are all solid bodies and are fragments of comets. Assuming that this theory is true, we shall find that some of the inferences drawn from it are of great importance in their bearing on cosmical physics. 1st. As the meteoric masses, both great and small, are derived from comets, they must have originated beyond the limits of the solar system, and they furnish evidence of the existence in space of exactly such minerals, though in dif¬ ferent combinations, as are found in the earth’s crust. 2d. They arise from the disintegration of comets, which for centuries have furnished the material for the enormous areas of bodies forming the various meteor streams that trail along the orbits of these masses for immense distances. 3d. The meteors forming the shower of November 13-14 have been observed for more than 900 years, and yet the comet whose gradual destruction has produced these bodies was not discovered until 1866. The August meteors have been observed for more than six centuries, but the comet whose disintegration has furnished the material for this vast stream remains intact, and was not discovered until 1862. The accepted comet-meteor theory does not explain clearly the visibility of comets or the changes that occur in the ap¬ parent brightness and in the density of the nucleus as these bodies approach and recede from the sun ; neither does it explain in a satisfactory manner the position of the comets in their attendant meteor streams. If comets are composed of solid matter or of discrete solid particles, it would seem quite proper to ask why they become visible at such im¬ mense distances from the earth and the sun. The perihelion distance of 26 per cent, of the comets with known orbits is equal to or greater than the mean distance of the earth from the sun. Many comets when first seen are much farther from the sun than is the earth at aphelion, and the spectroscope only 304 EASTMAN. gives the information that the light is derived from a gas or vapor. From our constant experience with solid masses of stone and iron on the surface of the earth and under the unobstructed influence of the sun, it is impossible to see how the sun’s heat alone can produce gas or vapor from such bodies at the observed distances. As the comet approaches the sun the faint diffused mass of the body begins to contract, and a point in the mass; gen¬ erally nearer the sun than the center, becomes brighter and denser, frequently, as it rapidly nears the sun, changing its form and brightness in a marked manner from day to day. It is not improbable that the solid constituents of mete¬ orites would be vaporized if they passed as near the sun as did Comet II, 1882 ; but it is not probable that this change does occur at distances greater than the radius of the earth’s orbit, if it is effected simply by the action of the sun. If the visibility is caused by the assumed enormous change of temperature experienced by the solid portion of the comet in passing from outer space to the locus of visibility in the solar system, then the entire mass of the comet should be vaporized and solid meteoric bodies would cease to exist. If, on the other hand, this visibility is brought about by the effect of this change of temperature on the occluded gases stored up in the solid portions of the comet, then during the long period in which these masses are subjected to the solar action these gases would all be expelled and dissipated and none would be found in those meteorites which finally find their way to the surface of the earth and into the chemist’s laboratory. The meteors of the shower of November 27 are scattered along the orbit of that stream for at least 500 millions of miles. If this elongation of the meteor stream is formed, as is highly probable, by the difference in velocity between those meteors on that portion nearest the sun and those on the outside of the mass, then, if the comet is the meteor-pro¬ ducing body, the same action would tend to break it up and destroy it early in its existence as a solar satellite. PROGRESS OP METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 305 If the existence of the comet as a member of the solar sys¬ tem antedates the meteor stream, it is difficult to see how the comet could have remained intact long enough to have been observed, in the presence of forces that for thousands of years have been transforming the figure of the original mass and stretching it out into a stream whose length is measured by hundreds of millions of miles. It is not improbable that comets of large dimensions are destroyed by the action of such forces ; but that a body of that character should mi¬ raculously survive its own destruction and be found existing in ordinary cometary form in the midst of its own ruins is a proposition that makes large demands on the imagination. If the brightness of comets is caused by the vaporization of iron or stony matter, it must be produced by collisions between the masses at such . velocities that a high tempera¬ ture is developed, producing an incandescent vapor yielding a distinctive spectrum. It seems difficult to explain how such relative velocities can arise among the individual members of the same stream moving in a common orbit. It is more than probable that the light of a star passing from the extremely low temperature of space through the supposed high temperature of the comet’s nucleus, and again into the temperature of space, would suffer so much apparent change of position that it would compel recognition. It is claimed, however, that the individual masses of meteoric matter which form the nucleus are so far separated that the light of a star can pass through the aggregated mass without material change of direction. But if the masses are vaporized by collisions, then there must be absolute contact, which would to a great extent obstruct the passage of stellar light and would be certain to produce refraction. Lockyer’s Theories. — before leaving the consideration of these points I venture to call attention for a moment to a recent theory which has been set forth with considerable elaboration of detail. 306 EASTMAN. In a paper entitled “ Researches on the Spectra of Mete¬ orites,” presented to the Royal Society on October 4, 1887, and in the Bakerian lecture on April 12, 1888, followed by an appendix to the same on January 10, 1889, Mr. Lockyer presented in detail his laboratory experiments, combined with the more or less accurate observations of other astrono¬ mers and physicists, which led him to certain definite con¬ clusions in regard to the relations of comets and meteors. The author’s conclusions and theories can be most suc¬ cinctly presented in the following citations from the papers mentioned : “ The existing distinction between stars, comets, and nebulae rests on no physical basis.” “All self-luminous bodies in the celestial spaces are com¬ posed of meteorites or masses of meteoric vapor produced by heat brought about by condensation of meteor swarms due to gravity.” “ Meteorites are formed by the condensation of vapors thrown off by collisions. The small particles increase by fusion brought about again by collisions, and this increase may go on until the meteorites may be large enough to be smashed by collisions when the heat of impact is not suffi¬ cient to produce volatilization of the whole mass.” “ Beginning with meteorites of average composition, the extreme forms, iron and stony, would in time be produced as the result of collisions.” “ The spectra of all such bodies depend upon the heat of meteorites produced by collisions and the average space be¬ tween the meteorites in the swarm, or, in the case of consoli¬ dated swarms, upon the time which has elapsed since com¬ plete vaporization.” “ The temperature of vapors produced by collisions in nebulae, stars without G and F, but with other bright lines, and in comets away from perihelion is about that of the Bunsen burner.” “ The temperature of the vapors produced by collisions in a Orionis and similar stars is about that of the Bessemer flame.” PROGRESS OP METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 307 “ The brilliancy of the aggregated masses depends upon the number of the meteorites and not upon the intensity of the light.” “ The bright flutings of carbon in the spectra of some ‘ stars/ taken in conjunction with their absorption phenom¬ ena, indicate that widely separated meteorites at a low tem¬ perature are involved.” “ New stars are produced by the clash of meteor-swarms, the bright lines seen being low temperature lines of those elements in meteorites the spectra of which are most brill¬ iant at a low stage of heat.” “A comet is a swarm of meteors in company. Such a swarm finally makes a continuous orbit by virtue of arrested velocities. Impacts will break up large stones and will produce new vapors, which will condense into small me¬ teoroids.” “ When the meteorites are strongly heated in a glow-tube the whole tube, when the electric current is passing, gives us the spectrum of carbon. When a meteor-swarm approaches the sun the whole region of space occupied by the meteorites * * * gives us the same spectrum.” “ The first stage in the spectrum of a comet is that in which there is only the radiation of the magnesium. The next is that in which Mg. 500 is replaced wholly or par¬ tially by the spectrum of cool carbon. Mg. is then added and cool carbon is replaced by hot carbon. The radiation of manganese 558 and sometimes lead 546 is then added. Absorption phenomena next appears, manganese 558 and lead 546 being indicated by thin masking effect upon the citron band of carbon. The absorption band of iron is also sometimes present at this stage. At this stage also the group of carbon flutings, which I have called carbon B, prob¬ ably also makes its appearance. As the temperature in¬ creases still further, magnesium is represented by b, and lines of iron appear. This takes place when the comet is at or near perihelion.” “ The observations on meteorites recorded in the Bakerian 38— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 308 EASTMAN. Lecture and the discussion of cometary observations contained in this Appendix show that the vapors which are given out by the meteorites as the sun is approached are in an ap¬ proximate order : slight hydrogen, slight carbon compounds, magnesium, sodium, manganese, lead, and iron. Now, of these the hydrogen and carbon compounds are alone per¬ manent gases, and the idea is that they have been occluded as such by the meteorites.” “ The aurora being a low temperature phenomenon, we should expect to find in its spectrum lines and remnants of flutings seen in the spectra of meteorites at low temperatures. The characteristic line of the aurora is the remnant of the brightest manganese fluting at 558.” “ The spectrum of the nebulae, except in some cases, is associated with a certain amount of continuous spectrum, and meteorites glowing at a low temperature would be com¬ petent to give the continuous spectrum with its highest in¬ tensity in the yellow part of the spectrum.” “ Only seven lines in all have been recorded up to the present in the spectra of nebulae, three of which coincide with lines in the spectrum of hydrogen and three corre¬ spond to lines in magnesium. The magnesium lines rep¬ resented are the ultra-violet low-temperature line at 373, the line at 470, and the remnant of the magnesium fluting at 500, the brightest part of the spectrum at the temperature of the Bunsen burner. The hydrogen lines are h, F, and H y. (434). Sometimes the 500 line is seen alone, but it is generally associated with F and a line at 495. The remain¬ ing lines do not all appear in one nebulae, but are associated one by one with the other three lines.” “ When a tube is used in experiments to determine the spectrum of meteoric dust at the lowest temperature we find that the dust in many cases gives a spectrum containing the magnesium fluting at 500, which is characteristic of the nebulae and is often seen alone in them. If the difference between nebulae and comets is merely of cosmographical position, one being out of the solar system and one being in PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 309 it ; and, further, if the conditions as regards rest are the same, the spectrum should be the same, and we ought to find this line in the spectrum of comets when the swarm most approaches the undisturbed nebulous condition, the number of collisions being at or near a minimum — i. e., when the comet is near aphelion the fluting should be visible alone.” After citing the results of the spectroscopic observations of several comets, the author remarks : “ This spectroscopic evidence is of the strongest, but it does not stand alone. Comets at aphelion present the telescopic appearance, for the most part, of globular nebuke.” The comprehensive theory set forth in the quotations just cited assumes that the aurorse, nebulae, meteorites, comets, and most of the stars all have a common origin, and that all the multifarious teloscopic and spectroscopic phenomena exhibited by these bodies are due to the varying velocities of the collisions between the meteoric particles and masses of which in some form all these bodies are composed. We are told that meteorites at a low temperature, present in the spectum a certain line, at 558, due to manganese, and also that this line appears in the nebulse, the aurora, and in comets at considerable distances from perihelion. Hence the identity of all these bodies is inferred and the foundation of the theory is laid. Meteorites are subjected to laboratory experiments in tubes in which the temperature is gradually raised to a high degree and the varying spectra is noted. Spectroscopic ob¬ servations of nebulse, comets, and stars are then compiled and classified, until the several groups are so arranged that they present nearly the same sequence of spectra that have been derived from meteoric matter at increasing temperatures in the experiments. The theory is then extended and we are given to under¬ stand that when, in the case of nebulse and stars greater activity of collisions occur, or wThen a comet approaches the sun, the same phenomena appear and in the same order. 310 EASTMAN. The identity of these bodies is then supposed to be complete and the theory established. This theory of collisions rests upon a remarkable congeries ol experiments, observations, and assumptions. Many of the observations and many of the laboratory experiments, which were made by the author, as well as much of the data quoted throughout his papers are entitled to the highest merit. But, considering much of the data and many of the state¬ ments in his conclusions, and especially the extraordinary assertion that “ comets at aphelion present the telescopic ap¬ pearance for the most part of globular nebulae,” it is not re¬ markable to find the author’s data, as well as his deductions, vigorously attached by able physicists. Huggins. — After a careful study of the spectrum of the aurora Mr. Huggins 1 remarks : “After consideration, I think that I ought to point out that Mr. Lockyer’s recent statement that ‘ the characteristic line of the aurora is the remnant of the brightest manganese fluting at 558 ’ is clearly inadmis¬ sible, considering the evidence we have of -the position of this line.” After a very thorough study of the spectra of the nebulae, Mr. Huggins 2 writes : “ As, therefore, there seems to be little doubt that the ‘ remnant of the fluting at 500 ’ is not coin¬ cident with the brightest nebular line, and the next most characteristic group of this spectrum, the triplet at 3720, 3724, and 3730, according to Liveing and Deivar, does not appear to be present in the photographs, we may conclude that the remarkable spectrum of the gaseous nebulae has not been produced by burning magnesium.” Professor Liveing 3 says in regard to the line denoted by Lockyer as 470 I have never seen the line at ^ 4703 in the spectrum of the magnesium flame. As it is a conspicuous line in the arc and spark, we looked for it in the flame, but did not find it.” 1 Proc. Roy. Soc., XLV, 435. 3 Proc. Roy. Soc., XLVI, 56. Proc. Roy. Soc., XLVI, 55. PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 311 If the testimony of Huggins and of Liveing and Dewar represents the observed phenomena, and their observations have not yet been disproved, then most of the broad theories of Lockyer, which assume a common origin and structure for aurorae, nebulae, comets, and stars, lacks a basis of ob¬ served facts, resting wholly, so far as the aurora and nebulae are concerned, on approximate coincidences in the spectra, while the assumed telescopic appearance of comets at aphe¬ lion is a creation of the imagination. Conclusions. Attention has been called to these various theories relat¬ ing to comets and meteors simply with a view to emphasiz¬ ing the fact that none of the systems, whether simple or complex, seems to explain all the observed phenomena. As a scientific explanation, the direct and simple is always preferable to the indirect and involved method, and this safe precept should be the guide in all investigations of the apparent physical connection between comets and meteors. It seems to me that the true theory of the origin and the relations of comets and meteors is yet to be discovered. When asked to give my own theory of these bodies I can only reply that I have none. At the same time I see less objection to the following hypotheses than to any of those now doing duty as theories: Meteors and meteorites are solid iron or stony bodies and, whatever their origin, are now members of the solar system. Comets are composed chiefly of gaseous matter, and originate outside of the solar system. Some of these bodies on enter¬ ing the sphere of solar attraction are so far drawn away from their original orbits by the masses of the sun’s outer satellites that they become permanent members of the solar system. Of these, at least four have become entangled in the immense aggregations known as meteor streams and have adopted the orbits of their captors. The meteors still remain meteors, however, and the comets retain their former identity and peculiar structure. 312 EASTMAN. Observations of Meteors. Most of the observers of sporadic meteors and meteorites have been either amateurs or persons entirely deficient in that special training which is so essential in a trustworthy observer of unexpected phenomena. Fortunately, however, most of the important phenomena have been noted by in¬ telligent and skilled observers, whose zeal and care have left little to be desired. It would be impracticable to mention even the names of all the successful observers, but any sketch of the progress of meteoric astronomy in this country would be notably de¬ ficient if some of the prominent names were omitted. The remarkable meteor shower of November 13, 1833, attracted the attention of many careful observers and zealous students along our Atlantic coast, and for several years the subject was carefully investigated by Prof. Dennison Olm- stead and Prof. A. C. Twining, who were the pioneers in the study of this science in the United States. From 1838 when E. C. Herrick began his work he labored with untiring industry as an observer and a compiler of ob¬ servations and other data until his death, in 1862, and no one in this country did so much as he in promoting the ob¬ servation and investigation of the August meteors. Mr. Herrick also gave considerable attention to the study and observation of the November meteors, but this stream was made a special study by Prof. H. A. Newton, with the best results. Professor Newton’s observations of the November meteors began in 1860 and have been continued to the present time, while his investigations of the motions and character of this stream place him undeniably at the head of American workers in this branch of Astronomy. Much work of the highest value was done by Prof. C. U. Shepard and by Prof. J. Lawrence Smith in the chemical examination of all classes of meteorites, and excellent in- PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 313 vestigations of a similar character have been carried out by other eminent chemists in the country. The zeal and industry of Professor Shepard was shown in his extensive collection of meteoric specimens, which at the time of his death was the largest in America. The attempt to bring together all the published observa¬ tions in this country in one systematic collection is a task beset with grave difficulties. The reports of these observations are scattered through all the scientific journals, the metropolitan and local newspapers, and the proceedings of all grades of learned societies. Fre¬ quently the reports, when found, have but little scientific value from lack of the necessary information. In many instances much time and space are wasted in describing trivial details which have no interest or value in connection with the true meteoric phenomena, while the really essential data are not mentioned. It sometimes happens that the only available information in regard to a meteorite is derived from the report of its chemical examination, and there can be found no astronomi¬ cal data whatever to account for its position ; it is simply a portion of the earth’s surface, and the how, when, and whence of its advent remain unanswered. It has been impossible, sometimes, t6 find any trustworthy authority for essential data, and it has been necessary fre¬ quently to interpret freely where the observer or writer has given but a slight clue to his meaning. In nearly all cases marginal references are made to the original papers in order to facilitate further examination, if desired. The Catalogues. The catalogues of Sporadic Meteors, Meteoric Showers, Observed Meteorites, and Discovered Meteorites are supposed to contain all observations, accompanied with the necessary data that have been found in the various publications to which the author has had access. It is not assumed, how- 314 EASTMAN. ever, that these lists contain all the good observations that have been made in this country ; in fact, it is quite certain that they do not, and one of the principal aims of this paper will be attained if this fact attracts sufficient attention to bring to light the missing or the unpublished observations. In all the catalogues the day of the observation is the astronomical day. It was manifestly impracticable to give every reference to each object in the five catalogues, and only the most important ones have been retained. Occasionally references are only given to the first page of a paper when it contains several observations of the same phenomenon. In the reference notes at the bottom of the page the princi¬ pal abbreviated notation may be explained as follows : A. J. S., XXV2, 306, refers to the American Journal of Science, Yol. XXV, second series, page 306. Trans. A. P. S. refers to the American Philosophical Society. Proc. A. P. S. refers to the American Philosophical Society. Proc. A. A. A. S. refers to the proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. CATALOGUES i.-v. 31G EASTMAN. CATALOGUE I.— Number. Date. Locality. Iron or stone. Year. Month. Day. Hour. Min. 1 1781(?) Portage Bay, Chilcot Inlet, Alaska . I. 2 1807 13 18.5 Weston, Conn . S. 3 1810 30 Caswell, N. C . S. 4 1823 7 . Nobleborough, Me . . . s. 5 1 X25 10 Na.njemov, Md . . s. ' s. 6 1827 Mav . . 9 Sumner Co.,Tenn . 7 1828 4 Richmond, Va . s. s. 8 1829 8 3 Forsvth Co., Ga . . 9 1829 15 Deal, N. .1 . s. 10 1 835 July . 30 2 Charlotte, Dickson Co., Ten n . . . I. 11 1837 5 3 Fast, Bridgewater, Mass . . s. 12 1839 February . 13 3 Little Piney, Pulaski Co., Mo . s. 13 1840 October . Concord, N. H . s. 14 1843 March . 25 Bishopsville, S. C . s. 15 1844 January . Argentine Republic . I. 16 1846 August . 14 3 Cape Girardeau, Mo . s. 17 1847 February . 25 3 Marion, Linn Co., Iowa . s. 18 1848 May . 19 16 Castine, Me . s. 19 1849 October . 31 3 Charlotte, Cabarrus Co., N. C . s. 20 1855 August . 5 3 Lincoln Co., Tenn . s. 21 1857 April . 1 Costa Rica, Central America . s. 22 1857 Independence Co., Towa, s. 23 1859 March . 28 4 Harrison Co., Tnd . . . s. • 24 1859 July . . . . . 4 Crawford Co., Ark . ..A . s. 25 1859 A 11 gust . 11 Bethlehem, N. Y . s. 26 1860 May . 1 i New Concord, Ohio . s. 27 1865 March . 24 21 Vernon Co.. Wis . s. 28 1868 November . 27 5 Danville, Ala . s. 29 1868 December . 5 3 Frankfort, Ala . . s. 30 1869 October . 5 23 Stewart Co., (4a . s. 31 1871 May . 20 20 Searsmont, Me . s. 32 1874 May . 14 2.5 Nash Co., N. C . s. 33 1875 February _ 12 10.5 Iowa Co.. Iowa . . . s. 34 1876 .Tune . 24 21 Kansas City, Mo . I. 35 1876 DAPPmber . .. 21 8.75 Rochester, Fulton Co., Tnd . s. 36 1877 January . 2 Warrenton, Warren Co., Mo . s. 37 1877 J an nary . 23 Cvnthiana, Harrison Co., Kv . s. 38 1879 M a,y . 10 5 Estherville, Emmet Co., Iowa . S.& I. 39 1879 August . Fomatlan, Jalisco, Mexico . 40 1883 Calderilla, Chili . I. 41 1885 November . .. 27 Mazapil, Mexico . I. 42 1886 Ma.rc.h . 27 3 Johnson Co., Ark . . I. 43 1887 January . 21 2 De Cewsville, Haldimand Co., Ontario . s. 44 1890 1 M ay . 2 5 *15 Winnebago Co., Iowa . . . s. • 1. Cat. State Mining Bureau of Cal., 1888, No. 2925. 0 f Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. VTi, 823. t A. J. S. XXXVIIi, 130 ; VI2, 410. 3. A. J. S. II2, 392. 4. A. J. S. VI [x, 170; IXj.400. 5. A. J. S. IXlt 351 ; Xlt 131 ; VI2, 406. 6. A. J. S. XVIIl5 326 ; X Villi, 200, 378. 7. A. J. S. XVj, 195; XVIi,191. 8. A. J. S. XV llli, 388. 9. Proc. A. A. A. S.t 1851, Vol. II, 188. 10. A. J. S. XLIXi, 336. . 11. A. J. S. XXXIIi, 395. 12. A. J. S. XXXVIIi, 385; XXXIXlf 254. 13. A. ,1. S. IV2, 353; VI2, 416. 14. A. J. S. II2l 392; VI2, 411. 15. Proc. Lit. and Phil. Soc. Liverpool, VII, 1853'. 16. A. J.S. XXXI I3, 229. 17. A. J. S. I Vo, 288, 429. 18. A. J. S. VIo, 251,406. 19. A. J.S. IX2, 143; X2, 127. 20. A. J. S. XXI V2, 134; XXXI2, 264. 21. Buchner, 93. . 22. A. J. S. XXX2, 208. PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 317 Observed. Meteorites. Number. Weight. Authority. Remarks. 1 88 lbs. Seen to fall by the father of one of the oldest Indians. 2 300 “ Nathan Wheeler . Observed by many persons. 3 3 U Madison. 4 4 A. Dinsmoor. 5 16.5 “ W. D. Harrison. 6 11 “ 7 4 U 8 36 Elias Beall. q Weight “ rather more than half an ounce.” 10 9 lbs. G. Troost . J. L. Smith gives the date as August 1. 11 0.5 lb. 12 50 lbs. Mr. Harrison. 13 Weight 370.5 grains. 14 13 lbs. O. U. Shepard. 15 H. E. Syrnonds . Fall witnessed by 1,400 soldiers. About a cubic f E. S. Dana. yard of the mass remained above the surface 16 4.5 lbs. | S. L. Penfield. of the ground. 17 130 lbs. D. C. Rogers. 18 0.1 lb. Giles Gardner. 19 19.5 lbs. H. Host. 20 3.9 “ James B. Dooley. 21 22 C. U. Shepard . Fell in the “summer” of 1857. 23 3.7 ibs. Several observers. 24 Mr. Scott. 25 C. U. Shepard . “Smaller than a pigeon’s egg.” 26 460.2 lbs. 27 J. L. Smith. 28 4.5 ibs. W. Brown. 29 1.7 “ Jas. W. Hooper. 30 0.8 lb. Mrs. Buck. 31 12 lbs. 32 33 500 lbs. Many observers. 34 35 0.8 lb. A. J. Morris. 36 100 lbs. 37 15 “ “Fell in the afternoon.” 38 750 “ 39 C. U. Shepard . .Several pieces ; the largest weighed about 2 lbs. 40 “Small.” Ward and Howell . Not yet described. 41 8.7 lbs. W. E. Hidden. 42 107.5 u G. F. Kunz. 43 0.75 lb. E. E. Howell. 44 184 lbs. G. F. Kunz . Probably more fragments to be discovered. 23. A. J. S. XXVIir2, 409. 24. Owens’ 2d Geolog. Reconnaissance of Arkansas, 408. 25. A. J. S. XXX2l 206. f A. J. S. XX Xo 103, 207, 296 ; 26' 1 A. J. S. XXX lo, 87 ; XXXI E, 30. 27. A'. J. S. XI r3, 207r 28. A. J. S. XblX2, 90. 29. A. J. S. XLVIIIs, 240. 30. A. J. S. L2, 335, 339. 31. A. .T. S. Il3, 133, 200. 32. A. J. S. X8, 147. 33. A. J. S. 1X3, 407, 459 ; X3, 44, 357. • 34. A. J. S. XII3, 316. 35: A. J. S. XILI3, 207, 243. 36. A. J. S. XUI3, 243 ; XIV3,219. 37. A. J. S. XII I3, 243; XIV3, 219. 38. A. J. S. XVIII3, 77, 186; XIX3, 459,495; XX3, 136. 39. A. J. S. XXX3, 105. 40. 41. A. J. S. XXXIII3, 221. 42. A. J. S. XXXIII3, 494, 500. 43. Science, N. Y., March 7, 1890, 167. 44. Science, N. Y., May 16, 1890, 304. I* B 3 S3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. EASTMAN, CATALOGUE II- Date. Locality. Year. Month and day. 1735 1784 1792 1808 1810 1811 1818 1819 Burlington, N. Y . . . 1820 1822 Randolph Co., N. C . 1826-7 1828 1832 1834 1834 1835 Buncombe Co., N. C . 1836 Brazos, Te.xas . 1839 March . Putnam Co., Ga . 1839 Buncombe Co., N. C . 1840 February 26 . Chili . 1840 Cocke Co., Tenn . 1840 Smithland, Livingston Co., Ky . 1841 February . Lexington Co., S. C . 1842 Grayson Co.,Va . '. . 1842 Roanoke Co., Va . 1842 Carthage, Tenn . 1842 Green Co., Tenn . 1845 DeKalb Co., Tenn . 1845 Otsego Co., N. Y . 1846 Franconia, N. H . 1846 Jackson Co., Tenn . 1847 Chesterville, S. C . 1847-8 Murfreeshorough, Tenn . 1849 Pittsburgh, Pa . 1850 Allegheny Co., Pa . 1850 Seneca River, N. Y . . . . 1850 Salt, River, Ky . 18'0 Botetourt Co., Va . 1853 Jefferson Co., Tenn . 1853 Union Co., Ga . 1853 July .... Campbell Co., Tenn . 1853 August . Tazewell, Claiborne Co., Tenn . . 1854 Major*, Ontario . 1854 Haywood Co., N. C . 1855 Coahuila, Mexico . 1856 Nelson Co., Ky . 1856 Nehraska . 1856 Madison Co., N. C . 1856 Forsyth, Ta.nev Co., Mo . 1856 Marshall Co., Ky . 1856 Denton Co., Texas . 1856 Oktibbeha, Miss . 1857 Laurens Co., S. C . . 1858 Washington Co., Wis . Smithsonian Report 1863, 55, 85. A. J. S. XVIII2, 369 ; XIX2, 161, 162. A. J. S. XV2,12; XXXVI3, 158. Sci. Am. Supp. Oct. 19, 1889. . J. S. XV2, ll. . J. S. VIIIlt 218 ; XVIx, 217 ; XXVIIj, 382. . J. S. XV2, 11. . J. S. XVo, 19. . J. S. XLVIIIi, 388 ; II2, 374, 391. . J. S. XLVIj, 401 ; II2, 391 ; XVo, 20. . J. S. XVTIj, 140 ; XLj, 369. . J. S. XVIL, 140 ; I Io, 391 ; X Vo, 21. . J.S. XI2,39; XXX1V2, 298. . J. S. II2, 391 ; XV2, 21. . J. S. XLIXj, 344 ; 1 12, 391 ; XV2, 21. . J. S. XL1? 366 ; I I2l 390 ; IV2, 75. 15. A. J. S. XXXIVi, 332; XLVIII'i, 145. 16. A. J. S. XXXVIa, 81; XLIIIi.359. 17. A. J. S. XXXI2, 459. 18. A. J. S. XVI[2, 331. 19. A. J. S. IV2, 82. 20. Lon., Ed. and Dublin Phil. Mag. X4, 12. 21. A. J.S. XXXVII llt 250; XLIIli, 354. 22. A. J. S. II2, 357; XVo, 21. (A. J. S. Xo, 128; XV2,5, 16. 23. ■< Proc. A. A. A. S. 1850, Vol. I, 152 ; 1851, ( Vol. 11,189. 24. A. J. S. XLIIli, 169; I To, 392. 25. A. J.S. XLIIli, 169; H2, 392. 26. A. J. S. II2, 356 ; XV2, 20. 27. A. J. S. XLIXi, 342; II2, 391. PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 319 Discovered. AEeteorites.. 1 Number. Weight. Authority. Remarks. 1 1,400 lbs. Joseph Henry . The “Ainsa ” or “Tucson” meteorite. 2 3 4 5 6 11,819 “ 2,000 “ 1,635 “ 1,700 “ The “Bendego” meteorite. Weight 30,000 or 40,000 lbs. 7 36 lbs. B. Silliman. 8 150 “ B. Silliman. 9 28 “ C. U. Shepard. 10 2 “ C. U. Shepard. 11 0.1 lb. C. U. Shepard . Rammelsburg thought this was not a meteorite. 12 C. U. Shepard . “A few ounces.” Dr. Genth thought it was Spiegeleisen, 13 165 lbs. G. Troost. 14 8 “ C. U. Shepard. 15 40 “ C. T. Jackson. 16 30 “ C. U. Shepard . One date given is 1845. 17 324 “ C. U. Shepard. 18 72 “ J. E. Willett. 19 1.3 “ C. U. Shepard. 20 17 “ R. P. Greg . Found in the desert of Tarapaca. 21 2,000 “ G. Troost. 22 9.9 “ G. Troost. 23 117 “ C. U. Shepard . Found on “ Ruff’s Mountain.” 24 J. B. Rogers . “ Original mass of many pounds’ weight.” 25 280 lbs. W. B. Rogers . No weight given. 26 G. Troost. 27 29 “ G. Troost . Found near Babb’s mill. j 28 36 “ G. Troost. 29 C. U. Shepard . Weighed 276 grains. 30 Robert Gilmore.... Weighed “15 or 20 pounds.” 31 G. Troost . Weighed 15 oz. 32 36 lbs. C. U. Shepard. 33 19 “ G. Troost. 34 0.6 lb. F. A. Genth. 35 292 lbs. B. Silliman. 36 9 “ Date somewhat doubtful. 37 8 “ B. Silliman. 38 39 40 41 2.5 lbs. 15 “ 0.3 lb. C. U. Shepard . Original mass lost. 42 60 lbs. C. U. Shepard . Also described by J. L. Smith. 43 370 “ T. Sterry Hunt. 44 O. U. Shepard . Weight about oz. The “Couch” meteorite. 45 252 lbs. J. L. Smith . 46 47 0.21b. 35 lbs. G. J. Brush. 48 0.11b. G. J. Brush. 49 197 lbs. C. U. Shepard. 50 15 “ C. U. Shepard. 51 C. U. Shepard . Weighed 66 grains. 52 0.3 lbs. W. J. Taylor . Found in an Indian mound. 53 . 4.7 “ W. E. Hidden. 54 85.8 “ F. Breundecke. 28. A. J. S. XLIXx, 341 ; II2, 391. 29. A. J. S. II2, 391 ; XV2, 16. 30. A. ,J. S. II2, 392; IV2, 87. 31. A. J. S. II2, 357 ; XV2, 21. 32. A. AS. Vlfo, 449 ; XV,, 21. 33. A. J. S. V2, 351 ; XVo, 21. 34. A. J. S. XV2, 22 ; X1I3,72. 35. A. J. S. XVo, 7 ; Proc. A. A. A. S. 1850, Vol. II, 37. 36. A. J. S. XIV2, 439 ; XV2, 363. 37. A. J. S. XV2, 22 ; Proc. A. A. A. S. 1850, 36. 38. A. J. S. XL1I2, 250. 39. A. J. S. XVII2, 329. 40. A. J. S. XVII2, 328. 41. A. J. S. XIX2, 153. 42. A. J. S. XVII2, 131, 325 ; XIXo, 153. 43. A.J. S. XlXo, 417, 44. A. J. S. XVI To, 327. ,, ? A. J. S. XIX2, 160. ■ \ Smithsonian Report, 1863, 56. 46. A. J. S. XXX2, 240 ; XXX lo, 459. 47. A. J. S. XXX2, 204; XXXIIo, 146. 48. A. J. S. XXX2, 240 ; XXXIo, 459, 49. A. J. S. XXXo,205; XXXIV3, 467. 50. A. J. S., XXXo, 240 ; XXXIo, 459. „ ( A. J. S. XXX I2, 459. ' t Trans. St.. Louis Acad. Sci. I, 623. 52. A. J. S. XXIV2, 293. 53. A. J. S. XXXI3, 463. 54. Smithsonian Report 1869, 417. 320 EASTMAN. CATALOGUE I I -Dis- Date. £ s 3 a Year. 55 1858-9 56 1859 57 1860 58 1860 59 1860 60 1860 61 1860 62 1863 63 1863 64 1863 65 1863 66 1866 67 1866 68 1867 69 1868 70 1868 71 1868 72 1869 73 1869 74 1869 75 1870 76 1873 77 1873 78 1874 79 1875 80 1877 81 1878 • 82 1879 83 1879 84 1879 85 1880 86 1880 87 1880 88 1882 89 1882 90 1883 91 1883 92 1883 93 1884' 94 1884 95 1884 96 1884 97 1885 98 1887 99 1887 100 1887 101 1887 102 1888- 103 1888 104 1888 105 1888 106 1888 Month and day. October ... December. February 18 June 9, April August. July 19. June 10. May 15, June, August. January ., March...., March — March 27, April 30.... Locality. Augusta Co., Va . . . . Rogue River Mountains, Ore.. Mountains of East Tennessee. Franklin Co., Ky . La Grange, Oldham Co., Ky . Coopertown, Tenn . Newton Co., Ark . Rensselaer Co., N. Y . Colorado . . Tucson, Arizona . Dakota . . . Bear Creek, Colo . Frankfort, Ky . Allen County, Ky . Losttown, Cherokee Co., Ga . “ Southeastern Missouri” . Auburn, Macon Co., Ala . Utah . El Dorado Co., Cal . Trenton, Wis . . Howard Co., Ind . Madison (Jo., N. C . Cleburne Co., Ala . . Waconda, Kan . San Francisco, Brazil . Whitfield Co., Ga . Fayette Co., Texas . Whitfield Co., Ga . Davidson Co., N. C . . Ivanpah, Cal . Eagle Station, Carroll Co., Ky.. Lexington Co., S. C . . . Rutherford Co., N. C . Maverick Co., Texas . Burke Co., N. C . Grand Rapids, Mich . Little Miami Valley, Ohio . Wayne Co., W. Va . Independence Co., Ark . Hammond, St. Croix Co., Wis.. Santa Fe County, New Mexico. Chili . Catorze, San Luis Potosi, Mex. Laramie Co., Wyoming . Claiborne Co., Tenn . Cumberland Co., Tenn . Chattooga Co., Ga . Welland, Ontario . Chili . Chili . Chili . Hamilton Co., Texas . .a, (D S3 O 05 t-t o I. I. T. I. r. i. i. s, I. [. I. I. I. I. I. I, I. s. I. I. I. I. I. s. I. I. s. I. 1. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. • I. s. I. I. I. r.&s. i. i. 55. A. J. S. XV3, 337. 56. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. 7, 161, 174, 175, 191, 279, 289. „ f A. J. S., XXXIV3, 473. 0I’ | Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1886, 366. 58. Smith. Report 1868, 343; A. J. S. XLIX.331. 59. A. J. S. XXXfo, 151, 265. 60. A. J. S. XXXb, 151, 266. 61. A. J. S. XLo, 213; XXXIV3, 471. 62. A. J. S. XXX IV3, 60. 63. A. J. S. XL1I2, 218. rl /A. J. S. XXXV I2, 152. b*’ (Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. Ill, 30. 65. A. J. S. XXXV l2, 259. 66. A. J. S. XLI12, 250, 286; XLIII2, 280. 67. A. J. S. XLIXo, 331. 68. A. J. S. XXXfir3, 500. 69. A. J. S. XLVlo, 257 ; XLVIL, 234. 70. A. J. S. XLVIlo, 233. 71. A. J. S. XLVn2, 230. 72. A. J. S. XXXI13, 226. . 73. A. J. S. III3, 438; Vr3, 18. 74. A. J. S. XLVIlo, 271 ; III3, 69. 75. A. J. S. V3, 155 ; VII3, 391. 76. A. J. S. X1I3, 439. 77. A. J. S. XIX3. 370; XX3, 74. 78. A. J. S. XI3, 473 ; XIII3, 211. (Comptes Rendus LXXXIH, 917, 918; 79. < LXXX IV, 478, 482, 1085, 1508. (a. J. S. XXIIIg, 232 ; XXIX3, 33, 496. PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 321 covered. IVEeteorites— Cont’d. Number. Weight. Authority. Remarks. 55 152 lbs. J. W. Mallet. 56 Mass above ground, 4.5 x 3.5 feet. 57 254 lbs. F. A. Genth. 58 0.1 lb. G. J. Brush. 59 112 lbs. Found by Wm. Daring. 60 37 “ Found by D. Crockett. 61 62 J. L. Smith . Specimen weighed 22% oz. 3.3 lbs. S. C. H. Bailey. 63 64 29 “ 632 “ Found near Central City by Otho Curtice. 65 10.6 “ Dr. Jackson . Found in the “ Dakota Indian country.'’ 436 “ J. L. Wilson. 67 24 “ J. L. Smith. 68 69 24.3 “ 6.6 “ J. E. Whitfield. 70 0.8 lb. C. IT. Shepard. 71 8 lbs. C. U. Shepard. 72 1.9 “ E. S. Dana. 73 85 “ B. Silliman. 74 143.5 “ J. L. Smith . Six fragments found; the first in 1869. 75 4 “ E. T Cox. 76 25 “ B. S. Burton. 77 35.8 “ W. E. Hidden. 78 116 “ C. U. Shepard. 79 22,048 “ E. Guignet . In the province of San Catherina. 80 13 “ W. E. Hidden. 81 321 “ Whitfield and Merrill. . 82 117 “ C. U. Shepard. 83 2.8 “ 1 W. E. Hidden. 84 128.2 “ C. U. Shepard. 85 80 “ G. F.Kunz. 86 10.5 “ C. IT. Shepard. 87 . 4.8 “ L. G. Eakins. 88 97.25 “ W. E. Hidden. 89 1 Mb. G. F. Kunz. 90 114 lbs. J. R. Eastman. * 91 G. F. Kunz . Fragments found in mounds by F. W. Putnam; now in the Peabody Museum. 92 26 lbs. G. F. Kunz . Several fragments. 93 94 “ W. E. Hidden. 94 53 “ Davenport Fisher. 95 324.4 “ G. F. Kunz . Several fragments. 96 14.5 “ Ward and Howell. Found near Puquios. Not yet described. 97 92 “ G. F. Kunz. 98 • 25.06“ G. F. Kunz. 99 18 “ G. F. Kunz. 100 94.5 “ J. E. Whitfield. 101 27 “ G. F. Kunz. 102 17.5 “ E. E. Howell. 103 16 “ Ward and Howell. Thirty leagues east of Taltal. Not yet described. 104 27 “ Ward and Howell. Thirty-five leagues S. E. of Taltal. Not yet described. 105 Ward and Howell. Estimated at from 6 to 8 lbs. 106 179 “ Ward and Howell. Found five miles south of Carlton. Not yet described. ■80. A. J. S. XTVg, 246 ; XXI3, 286. 81. A. J. S. XXXVI3) 113. 82. A. J. S. XXVI3, 836; XXXIV3, 473. 83. A. J. S. XX3, 324. 84. A. J. S. XIX3, 381. 85. A. J. 8. XXXIII3, 228. 86. A. J. S. XXI3.H7. 87. A. .J. S. XXXIX3, 395. 88. A. J. S. XXXIIg. 304; XXXIIIg, 115. 89. A. J. S. XXXVig, 275. 90. A. J. S. XXVlIl3l 299 ; XXX3, 312. 91. A. J. S. XXXIII3, 228. 92. A. J. S. XXXI3) 145; Proc. A. A. A. S., 1885, 246. 93. A. J. S. XXX r3, 460; School of Mines Quar¬ terly, Columbia Coll., VII, No. 2, 188. 94. A. J. S. XXXIV3, 381. 95. A. J. S. XXX3) 235 ; XXXII3, 311. 96. 97. A. J. S. XXXIII3, 233. 98. A. J. S. XXXVI3) 276. 99. A. J. S. XXX1V3, 475. 100. A. J. S. XXXIV3. 387, 476. 101. A. J. S. XXXIV3, 471. 102. Science, N. Y., March 7, 1890, 167.. 103. 104. 105. 106. 322 EASTMAN. CATALOGUE Ill -Discovered. Number. Locality.. Iron or stone. Weight. 1 I. 1 lb. 2 I. 30,000 lbs. 1.4 “ 3 Crawford Co., Arkansas . S. 4 I. 386 “ 5 I. 19 “ 80 “ 6 Los'Angeles, Cal...... . . . I. 7 S. 8 I. 3,853 lbs. 9 I. 10 Sierra de Chaco, Chili . S. & I. 11 Durango. Mexico . . . I. 72.75 “ 12 Oaxaca, Mexico . I. 13 San Luis Potosi, Mexico . . . I. 14 Xiquipilco, Mexico . I. 108.6 “ 15 Mexico . . . I. 192 “ 16 Mexico . I. 17 Mexico . . I. 18 Mexico . I. 2,942 lbs. 0.51b. 19 Mexico . I. 20 Mexico . I. 21 Mexico . I. 5,000 lbs. 90 “ 22 23 Ral.es On , Missouri I. I. Ironton, Missouri . 24 Rasgata, New Granada . I. 129 lbs. 25 Rockingham Co., N. C . . I. 11 “ 26 I. 6 “ 27 Green Co., Tenn . I. 290 “ 28 Jefferson Co., Tenn . 1. 1.4 “ 29 s. 5.5 “ 30 Augusta Co., Va . I. 3.5 “ 31 Augusta Co., Va . I. 36 ** 32 Augusta Co., Va . *. . I. 56 “ 33 Augusta Co., Va . .*. . . I. 2.2 “ 34 Kiowa Co., Kansas . I. 35 Chili . I. 95.5 lbs. 36 Jackson Co., Oregon . I. 2 oz. 1. A. J. S. XXXIV3, 59. 2. A. J. S. XV2, 12. 3. Owen’s 2d Geological Reconnaissance of Ark., 408. 4. Trans. Rov. Soc. Canada, IV, sect. Ill, 97. 5. A. J. S., XXIX3, 469. 6. A. J. S. IV3, 495. 7. A. J. S. XXXV3, 490. ( A. J. S. XlXo, 163 ; II3, 335; III3, 207. t Proc. A. A. A. S. 1871, 266. 9. Buchner, 127. 10. Buchner, 131. 11. A. J. S. XXXVII3, 439. 12. A. J. S. XV2, 21. 13. Buchner, 149. 14. A. J. S. XVo, 20; XXIIo, 374; XXIVo, 295. 15. A. J. S. XXIX3, 232. 16. Proc. A. A. A. S. 1871, 269. 17. Proc. A. A. A. S. 1871, 269. PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 323 Meteorites witliont Date. © a 3 Authority. Remarks. 53 1 2 R. B. Riggs. Found in Col. Abert’s collection of minerals presented to the Na¬ tional Museum. 3 4 A. P. Coleman . Brought to Coburg, Canada, in 1869. 5 C. U. Shepard. 6 C. T. Jackson. 7 G. P. Merrill . Put through an ore-crusher before its character was known. 8 J. L. Smith. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 J. E. Whitfield. N. T. Lupton. J. L. Smith ... J. L. Smith ... J. L. Smith ... J. L. Smith ... W. M. Pierson. G. C. Brodhead. Numerous pieces. The San Gregorio meteorite, 6.5 feet long, 5.5 wide, 4.0 high. “The largest yet found in that vicinity.” The “Butcher” meteorites— six, weighing 290, 430, 438, 550,580, and 654 lbs. Found in a collection of minerals from Mexico. Now in National Museum, Washington, D. C. Estimated weight, 2,500 lbs. Small specimen. J. L. Smith. C. U. Shepard . . W. P. Blake. R. B. Riggs . L. G. Eakins . J. W. Mallet. J. W. Mallet. J. W. Mallet. G. F. Kunz and J. W. Mallet. F. H. Snow . Ward and Howell. Ward and Howell. Property of the Smithsonian Institution; place of discovery un¬ known. Riggs considers this a doubtful specimen. Probably found in Texas. Found by “cowboys” before that portion of Kansas was settled ; fragments weighing in the aggregate more than 1,600 lbs. dis¬ covered. Found about 10 or 12 leagues east of the port of Chanaral ; not yet described. Piece of a mass found by a miner. 18. Proc. A. A. A. S. 1871, 269. 19. A. J. S. XLV2, 77. 20. 21. Smithsonian Report, 1873, 419. 22. A. J. S. X3, 401 ; XIII3, 213. 23. 24. A. J. S. XV2, 11. 25. A. J. S. XIII3, 213. 26. A. J.S. XXII3, 119. 27. A. J. S. XXXI3, 41. 28. A. J. S. XXXIV3, 60. 29. A. J. S. XXXIX3, 59. 30. A. J. S. II3, 10. 31. A. J. S. II3, 10. 32. A. J.S. 1 13, 10. 33. A. J. S. XXXIII3, 58. 34. Science N.Y.,Vol. XV, No. 379, 290; No. 384,359 35. 36. 40-Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 324 EASTMAN. CATALOGUE IV.- Year. 1803 1833 1834 1834 1835 1835 1835 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 Date. Time of Shower. Time of max. flight. Whole num¬ ber counted. Max. hourly rate. Radiant point. No. of observ’s. Month. £ Q Begin¬ ning. End. h. m. h. m. h. m. 19 13 0 15 0 800 Nov . 13 9 0 Sunrise 16 0 200,000 “ Bend of the Sickle ” in Leo u 12 14 50 17 25 17 0 18 1 CC 12 Many. “ In Leo ” . if 13 CC 13 „ 13 CC 12 14 0 16 0 248 It 12 0 18 15 253 t< 12 15 30 16 0 15 40 29 CC 12 23 1 « 12 75 «< 12 500 12 18 Aue. ... 9 8 0 15 n a — 55°, 6 — -f 60° . 1 Nov 12 13 5 Sunrise 16 30 226 Near ju. Leonis . 8 12 14 0 70 Tn Leo . . 1 cc 12 14 0 18 0 45 1 cc 12 14 45 16 37 74 12 12 15 15 17 15 16 0 34 17 1 12 15 45 17 0 52 Tn Leo . 1 April... 20 10 0 16 0 154 2 Aug. ... 8 11 30 12 30 20 a — 55°, 8 — + 60° . 1 9 9 30 16 20 16 15 54 a — 35°, 8— + 69° . -v . 1 CC 9 15 0 15 45 24 1 it 10 8 55 TO 0 36 In Cassiopese . . 3 CC 10 9 0 11 0 48 ■ 2 It 10 9 30 16 0 122 Near e Cassiopete . 1 CC 10 14 30 16 o 65 “ Sword handle of Perseus”. 2 Nov. ... 11 12 0 18 0 15 30 199 53 In Leo . 8 “ 12 12 0 17 0 13 30 131 37 8 “ ... . 13 13 0 17 20 15 30 233 80 “ . 8 “ 22 13 20 15 30 14 30 50 25 8 Dec 6 8 0 17 0 113 In Perseus . 5 7 8 0 11 0 210 5 << 7 10 0 11 0 78 “ Zenith ” . 3 « 8 7 15 9 0 59 3 tt 11 8 45 10 0 18 1 (C 12 6 0 13 30 28 3 CC 15 6 0 9 15 9 4 April... 18 12 0 15 0 58 a — 273°, 8 — + 45° . 2 18 14 0 16 0 25 2 ,c 19 12 15 13 15 19 4 CC 19 14 0 16 0 25 2 Aug.... 4 9 0 11 0 36 Vicinity of Cassiopese . 2 9 9 7 14 7 13 30 691 *194 ' Sword handle of Perseus . 4 9 12 41 15 36 100 1 CC 10 9 0 16 0 187 66 1 CC 10 9 0 76 2 CC 10 9 30 10 0 33 “Algenib ” . 1 1. A. J. S. XXXVIj, 358; Va. Gazette and General Advertiser, April 23,1803; N. H. Gazette, Mav 31, 1803; Med. Repository, N. Y., Vol. 1, 1804. 2. A. J. S. XX Vx, 354, 363. 3. A. J. S. XXVlIlt 335; XXVIIIx, 305. 4. A. J. S. XXVI lx, 339. 5. A. J. S. XXXx, 375. 6. “ “ 7. A. J. S. XXXx, 376. 8. A. J. S. XXXIx, 390. 9. A. J. S. XXXL, 388. 10. A. J. S. XXXIx, 390. 11. A. J. S. XXXIj, 389. 12. A. J. S. XXXIx, 391. 13. A. J. S. XXXIx, 392. 14. A. J. S. XXXIlx, 392. 15. A. J. S. XXXIIIj, 133. 16. A. J. S. XXXIIIx, 379. 17. 18. 19. “ “ 20. “ “ 21. “ “ “ 22. A. J. S. XXXIVi, 398. 23. A. J. S. XXX Vx, 167. 24. “ “ “ PROGRESS OP METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA, 325 M! e t e o r Showers. | Ref. number, j Authority. Place of observation. Remarks. 1 Richmond, Va., and Ports- “ Fell too fast to be counted.” 2 Prof. D. Olmstead . Prof. A. D. Bache . Prof. A. C. Twining . mouth, N. R. Number estimated; seen throughout the Atlantic and Gulf States. Observed on the morning of the 13th. “Unusual number;” hourly rate es¬ timated at 40 or 50. “Unusual number.” Observed on the 3 4 Philadelphia, Pa. West Point, N. Y . 5 6 Mt. St. Mary’s College, Md.. Salisbury, N. C . 7 morning of the 14th. “Unusual number.” Many seen that were not recorded. 8 . New York, N. Y . 9 Springvale, Me. 10 Cloudy. Observed one hour. Whole number estimated at 400. 11 12 . 13 . Randolph and Macon Col¬ lege, Va. Hingham, Mass. New York, N. Y . 14 .T T Russell . ^ 15 G. C. Sehaeffer . Counted between 200 and 300. Majority left trains. Many trains. 16 Prof. D. Olmstead . New Haven, Conn . 17 G. C. Schaeffer . New York, N. Y . 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Prof. F. A. P. Barnard. Prof. E. Loomis . ! E. Fitch . L. Obermeyer . Prof. Wright . G. C. Schaeffer . T. R. Dutton . New York, N. Y. Hudson, Ohio. New Haven, Conn. Mt. St. Mary’s College, Md. Knoxville, Tenn. ! Barren Hill, Pa. 1 Wilmington Island, Ga. Society Hill, S. C. Norfolk, Va. 25 W. A. Sparks . 26 J. D. Dana . 27 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 28 T. R. Dutton . Wilmington Island, Ga. Rock Island, Ill. 29 C. G. Forshey . 30 Prof. J. Lovering . Cambridge, Mass . Only two observers after 17 hours. 31 32 33 34 Prof. J. Lovering . Prof. J. Lovering . Prof. J. Lovering . E. C. Herrick . Cambridge, Mass. Cambridge, Mass. Cambridge, Mass. New Haven, Conn. 35 E. 0. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 36 37 Prof. A. W. Smith . E. C. Herrick . Middletown, Conn. New Haven, Conn. • 38 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 39 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 40 E. C. Herrick.... . New Haven, Conn. 41 E. 0. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 42 Prof. E. Loomis . Hudson, Ohio. 43 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 44 Prof. E. Loomis . Hudson, Ohio. 45 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. • 46 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. * 47 T. R. Dutton . Columbia, Tenn. Middletown, Conn. 48 L. L. Knox . 49 Charles Baldwin . New York, N. Y. 50 Prof. A. W. Smith . Middletown, Conn. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. A. J. S. XXXVi, 167. U U it Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. VII, 266. A. J. S. XXXVi, 323. U U it 33. “ “ “ 34. A. J. S. XXXVi, 361 ; XXXVIi, 355. 35. A. J. S. XXXVi, 361. 36. “ “ “ 38. A. J. S. XXXVi, 361. 39. 40. 41. A. J. S. XXXVIi, 3«1. 42. “ “ “ 43. “ “ « 44. it ct “ 45. A. J. S. XXXVIIi, 325. 46. A. J. S. XXXVIIi, 325. 47. A. J. S. XXXVIIIi, 203. 48. A. J. S. XXXVIIi, 325. 49. “ “ “ 50. “ “ “ 37. 326 EASTMAN. CATALOGUE IV.- Ref. number. Pate. Time of Shower. Time of max. flight. Whole num¬ ber counted. Year. Month. >> cS ft Begin¬ ning. End. h. m. h. m. h. m. 51 1839 Aug. ... 10 10 0 13 0 13 0 491 52 1839 “ ... 10 11 20 12 20 50 53 1839 11 9 0 10 0 28 54 1839 “ ... 14 10 0 12 0 72 55 1840 9 8 0 16 0 171 56 1840 “ ... 9 10 0 15 30 15 0 818 57 1840 “ ... 9 14 15 15 45 112 58 1840 “ ... 10 15 0 15 35 35 59 1841 April... 18 8 30 11 30 60 60 1841 19 11 0 13 0 20 61 1841 Aug. ... 9 12 0 15 0 49 62 1841 U 10 9 0 10 0 60 63 1842 April... 20 10 20 16 0 15 30 151 64 1842 Aug. ... 8 9 50 16 0 90 65 1842 9 10 0 12 0 133 66 1842 “ ... 10 10 10 11 0 89 67 1842 Nov . 13 15 o 16 o 46 68 1844 Aug. ... 9 11 20 15 0 13 30 367 69 1844 “ ... 10 8 0 13 0 117 70 1844 M 11 9 50 15 0 14 0 622 71 1844 “ ... 12 13 50 15 0 46 72 1845 “ ... 9 10 0 13 0 81 73 1846 “ ... 10 12 0 14 0 46 74 1846 « 11 9 0 10 0 41 75 1847 “ ... 10 10 0 12 0 41 76 1847 “ ... 10 12 0 14 0 415 77 1847 “ ... 11 9 15 10 0 37 78 1848 “ ... 9 13 0 15 30 15 15 475 79 1848 1C 9 13 30 15 30 216 80 1848 “ ... 9 15 0 16 45 55 81 1849 April... 19 13 0 14 0 54 82 1849 Aug.... 10 10 0 12 30 260 83 1850 ... 9 12 40 15 0 13 30 451 84 1850 “ ... 10 10 0 12 0 312 85 1850 U ... 10 12 0 15 0 351 86 1852 “ ... 9 14 0 14 40 19 87 1853 “ ... 10 11 45 15 25 14 30 408 88 1855 “ ... 9 10 25 14 30 13 30 385 89 1855 (C 10 10 30 13 0 13 30 290 90 1855 “ ... 11 10 0 11 0 37 91 1855 “ ... 11 13 55 15 5 58 92 1855 ... 12 13 30 14 45 36 93 1856 “ ... 10 11 5 14 50 12 30 283 94 1858 “ ... 9 10 45 15 10 14 35 128 95 1858 “ ... 9 12 5 14 5 56 96 1858 ... 10 8 30 9 0 11 97 1858 (( 10 13 7 13 52 29 98 1858 44 ... 11 14 15 15 15 33 99 1859 July ... 29 10 30 11 30 16 *0 1859 Aug. ... 5 11 0 12 0 19 101 1859 9 11 0 13 0 64 102 1859 “ ... 9 13 0 15 30 15 15 304 103 1859 44 ... 9 14 15 15 30 56 104 1860 tC 9 10 0 15 10 14 30 588 3 189 44 332 76 55 79 139 152 281 216 119 110 136 100 156 155 Radiant point. Sword handle of Perseus . (4 (4 Ret. Cassiopeee and Perseus.. Sword handle of Perseus . a = 30°, 8 = + 63° 30' . !”!!! a = 198°, 5 = — 8°. Corona Borealis Sword handle of Perseus. /3 Cassiopeee. Sword handle of Perseus Head of Perseus. In Perseus In Perseus In Perseus. Sword handle of Perseus. •< « 44 44 Sword handle of Perseus . . a = 38° 30', 3 = + 57° 15' . Sword handle of Perseus...... 4 1 3 3 1 4 1 1 1 3 1 2 5 7 7 7 2 4 1 4 2 1 4 2 1 4 4 4 3 1 3 4 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 •1 1 1 3 4 1 7 51. A. J. S. XXXVIIi, 325. 52. Trans. Am. Phil. Soe. VII, 268. 53. “ 54. A. J. S. XXXVIIi, 325. 55. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. VII, 270. 56. A. J. S. XXXIXj, 328. 57. 58. “ “ “ 59. A. J. S. XLIIj, 397. 60. “ “ “ 61. A. J. S. XLIj, 399. 62. “ “ “ 63. A. J. S. XLIIIi. 212. 64. A. J. S. XLIIIi, 377. 65. A. J. S. XLIIIi, 377. 66. “ “ “ 67. A. J. S. XLIVi, 209. 68. A. J. S. XLVIIIj, 316. 69. A. J. S. XLVIIIx, 320. 70. A. J. S. XLVIIIi, 316. 71. 72. A. J. S. I2, 86. 73. A. J. S. II r2, 125. 74. “ “ “ 75. Sidereal Messenger, II, 14. 76. A. J. S. VI2, 278. 77. “ “ “ 78. A. J. S. VI2, 279. No. of observ’ PROGRESS OP METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 327 Meteor Showers-Cont’d. Ref. number. Authority. Place of observation. Remarks. 51 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 52 C. G. Forshey . St. Louis, Mo. 53 C. G. Forshey . Illinois River. 54 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 55 C. G. Forshey . Philadelphia. Pa. 56 Moon set at 14h. 0m. 57 G. C. Schaeffer . Jamaica, L. I. 58 G. C. Schaeffer . Jamaica, L. I. 59 C. G. Forshey . No trains ; paths short. 60 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 61 Dr. J. S. Huntington, U. S. N. Pensacola, Fla. 62 Dr. John Locke . Cincinnati, Ohio. 63 Moon set at 15h. 0m. 64 Cloudy; actual observing time lli.lOm. Cloudy. Cloudy, Cloudy after 16h. Partially cloudy. 65 66 F_ C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn . 67 68 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn . E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn . 69 S. R. Williams . Canonsburg, Pa. 70 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 71 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 72 73 Fj. C. Herrick . New Ha.ven, Conn . Cloudy. E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 74 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 75 0. G. Forshey . Pass Christian, La . 33 conformable with the x’adiant. 76 77 W. M. Smith . Manlius, N. Y . Cloudy after 14h. Completely cloudy after lOh. E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn . 78 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 79 E. C. Herrick . “ On Mt. Carmel.” 80 C. G. Forshey . Mouth of Miss, river. 81 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 82 S. R. Williams . Canonsburg, Pa. 83 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 84 E.C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 85 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 86 John Edmunds . New Haven, Conn. 87 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 88 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn . 306 conformable. 89 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn . 242 conformable. 90 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn . One-half conformable. 91 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn . 45 conformable. 92 E. C. Herrick . New FTfl.ven, Conn . 20 conformable. 93 E.C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 94 F. Bradley . Observed on railroad between Daven¬ 95 Prof. A. C. Twining ... Cleveland, Ohio. port and Chicago, Ill. 96 Prof. A. C. Twining ... Cleveland, Ohio. 97 Prof. A. C. Twining ... Cleveland, Ohio. 98 Prof. A. C. Twining ... Cleveland, Ohio. 99 F. Bradley . Chicago, 111 . 6 conformable to the August radiant. 8 conformable to the August radiant. 100 F. Bradley . Chicago, Ill . 101 F. Bradley . -... Chicago, Ill. 102 F. Bradley . Chicago, Ill . Only a few unconformable meteors. 103 Prof. A. C. Twining ... Boston, Mass. 104 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 79. A. J. S. VIo, 279. 80. A. J. S. XL, 133. 81. A. J. S. VIII2, 429. 82. u 44 44 83. " A. J. S. XI2, 130. 84. 85 44 44 44 86! A. J. S. XIV2, 430. 87. A. J. S. XVI2l 288. 88. A. J. S. XX2, 285. 89. “ “ “ 90. “ “ “ 91. A. J. S. XX2, 285. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. A. J. S. XXo, 285. A. J. S. XXLI2, 290. A. J. S. XXV12, 435. A. J. S. XXVIIIo, 446. 104. A. J. S. XXX2, 296. 328 EASTMAN. CATALOGUE IV.- | Ref. number, j Date. Time of Shower. Time of max. flight. Whole num¬ ber counted. Max. hourly rate. Radiant point. | No. ofobserv’s. Year. Month. & ft Begin¬ ning. End. h. m. h. m. In. m. 105 1860 Aug. ... 9 11 30 13 0 57 Sword handlet of Parsons . 1 106 1860 10 11 0 14 0 12 30 381 146 a — 32°, 8 — + 61° . 5 107 1860 7 7 0 9 0 46 N. E. of zenith . 3 108 1860 12 6 30 17 0 14 30 423 68 109 1860 .« ... 12 10 0 16 0 14 30 381 90 In Leo . 5 110 I860 ,t 13 6 17 0 13 30 500 83 111 (t 13 15 15 16 15 21 In the “ Sickle ” in Leo 1 112 1800 it 14 15 40 16 25 15 1 113 I860 12 8 20 12 0 11 30 180 60 114 ISfil 19 14 45 16 0 52 2 115 1801 3 9 5 10 5 36 4 116 1861 Aug. ... 10 8 0 15 15 13 30 397 75 0 Persei . 2 117 1861 10 10 0 13 0 12 30 289 119 Sword handle of Perseus . 4 118 1861 it 10 10 25 14 45 12 30 289 85 Between tj, y, and r Persei ... 2 119 1861 it 10 10 30 13 0 95 In Perseus . 1 120 1861 it 10 12 25 13 0 12 30 100 37 1 121 1861 11 8 15 10 15 52 2 122 1861 it 11 9 30 12 0 47 In Perseus . 1 123 1861 Nov. ... 10 13 0 15 0 11 a — 156° 30', 8 = -f- 40° 40' . . 1 124 1861 11 14 15 16 40 32 Near y Leonis . 1 125 1861 11 14 15 15 30 32 In Leo . 2 126 1861 tt 11 16 0 17 0 15 1 127 1861 tt 12 15 0 17 0 16 30 13U 72 “ 4 128 1861 tt 12 15 0 16 30 15 1 129 1861 tt ,JS2 11 15 12 15 11 4 130 1861 tt 12 15 20 16 20 27 4 131 1861 tt 13 10 0 13 0 15 Zenith . 1 132 1861 13 15 0 17 30 19 1 133 i861 tt 13 15 15 17 38 23 1 134 1862 Aug. ... 9 14 0 15 40 90 In Perseus . 2 135 1862 10 12 30 15 30 51 1 136 1862 Nov 13 12 0 15 0 59 In Leo . 2 137 1862 13 15 15 17 5 31 1 138 1862 tt 13 16 30 17 30 17 1 139 1863 Aug. ... 10 8 30 10 0 41 1 140 1863 10 9 0 12 0 399 Tn Perseus . 4 141 1863 it 10 9 0 13 0 257 2 142 1863 tt 10 9 15 10 15 96 3 143 186.3 c. 10 10 0 13 50 130 1 144 1863 tt 10 12 0 14 0 289 3 145 1863 tt 10 13 0 14 0 87 1 146 1863 tt 10 15 10 15 40 153 6 147 1863 tt 11 9 0 11 0 67 1 148 1863 Nov 11 10 0 15 0 105 149 1863 11 11 22 14 52 185 150 1863 it 12 10 0 14 0 129 151 1863 tt 12 10 20 15 51 199 152 1863 it 13 8 0 14 0 107 8 153 1863 c< 13 9 30 13 30 32 154 1863 it 13 10 10 17 7 15 0 213 46 In Leo . 6 155 1863 Ci .13 10 38 17 16 15 30 316 69 In the “Sickle” in Leo . 7 105. A. J. S. XXXI2, 136. 106. “ “ “ 107. A. J. S. XXXI2, 137. 108. A. J. S. XXXI2, 138. 109. A. J. S. XXX I«, 139. 110. A. J. S. XXXI2, 138. 111. A. J. S. XXX12, 137. 112. 113. A. J. S. XXXI2, 138. 114. A. J. S.XXXII2> 294. 115. A. J. S. XXXII2) 296. 116. A. J. S. XXXII2, 294. 117. 118. A. J. S. XXXII2, 294. 119. A. J. S. XXXIIo, 447. 120. A. J. S. XXXIIo. 295. 121. A. J. S. XXXHIo, 148. 122. A. J. S. XXXII2, 447. 123. A. J. S. XXXIII2, 148. 124. “ 125. A. J. S. XXXIIIo, 146. 126. “ “ “ 127. “ 128. A. J. S. XXXIII2, 147. 129. A. J. S. XXX1I12. 148. 130. “ “ ' “ PROGRESS OE METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA, 329 Meteor Showers-Cont’d. Ref. number. Authority. Place of observation. Remarks. 105 F. Bradley . Chicago, Ill. 106 F. Bradley . Chicago, III. 107 Prof. C. U. Shepard . Off Cape Hatteras. 108 Francis Miller . Montgomery Co., Md . . Several students assisted in the ob¬ servations. 109 Half the number conformable after 13h. 110 Several students assisted in the ob¬ servations. 111 Prof. H. A. Newton . New Haven, Conn. 112 Prof. H. A. Newton . New Haven, Conn. 113 Francis Miller . Montgomery Co., Md . Several students assisted in the ob¬ servations. 114 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn . No decided radiant. 115 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 116 F. W. Russell . Natick, Mass. 117 A very large meteor at llh. 30m. A very large meteor at llh. 23m. 118 B. V. Marsh . Burlington, N. J . 119 Prof. A. C. Twining ... New Haven, Conn. Burlington, N. J. 120 R. M. Gummere . 121 John Roberts . * . Madison, Ind. 122 Prof. A. C. Twining ... New Haven, Conn. 123 F. W. Russell . Natick, Ma«s. 124 F. W. Russell . Natick, Mass. 125 Prof. A. C. Twining ... New Haven, Conn. 126 E. C. Herrick . New Haven, Conn. 127 Prof. A. C. Twining ... New Haven, Conn. Burlington, N. J. 128 S. J. Gummere . 129 Prof. D. Kirkwood . Bloomington, Ind. 130 Prof. D. Kirkwood . Bloomington, Ind. 131 F. W. Russell . Natick, Mass. 132 S. J. Gummere . Burlington, N. J. 133 B. V. Marsh . Germantown, Pa . Thirteen left trains. 134 F. W. Russell . Winchendon, Mass. 135 B. V. Marsh . . Germantown, Pa. 136 Prof. S. J. Gummere... Haverford College, Pa. 137 B. V. Marsh . Germantown, Pa. 138 Prof. A. C. Twining . New Haven, Conn. 139 VV. G. Bryant . Winchendon, Mass. 140 F. W. Russell . Natick, Mass. 141 J. G. Pinkham . Manchester, Me. 142 Prof. H. A. New. on . New Haven, Conn. 143 B. V. Marsh . Philadelphia, Pa. 144 F. W. Russell . Natick, Mass. 145 F. Bradley . Chicago, 111. 146 Prof H. A. Newton . New Haven, Conn. 147 F. W. Russell . Natick, Mass. 148 Prof. 0. N. Stoddard... Oxford, Ohio. 149 Prof. H. L. Smith . Kenyon College, Ohio. 150 Prof. O. N. Stoddard... Oxford, Ohio. 151 Prof. H. L. Smith . Kenyon College, Ohio. 152 Prof. A. I). Bache . Coast Survey Office, Wash¬ ington, D. C. More than half the tracks plotted. 153 Prof. H. A. Newton . New Haven, Conn . Hazy. Track of each meteor plotted. 154 Gapt. J. M. Gilliss, U. S. N. U. S. Naval Observatory . 155 Prof. S. J. Gummere... Haverford College, Pa . 200 tracks plotted. 131. A. J. S. XXXIir2, 148. 132. A. J. S. XXXIIIs, 147. 133. u 44 134’. A. J. S. XXX I V2, 295. 135 44 44 44 136. ' A. J. S. XXXV2) 146. 137. “ “ “ “ 138. “ “ 139. A. J. S. XXXVIo, 306. 140. A. J. S. XXXV4 305. 141. A. J. S. XXXVI2, 304. 142. A. J. S. XXXVI2, 302. 143. A. J. S. XXXV12, 304. 144. A. J. S. XXX VI2, 305. 145. “ “ " “ 146. A. J. S. XXXVI2, 302. 147. A. J. S. XXXVI2, 305. 148. A. J. S. XXXVIlo, 144. 149. A. J. S. XXXVII2, 146. 150. A. J. S. XXXVIlo, 144. 151. A. J. S. XXXV Il2, 146. 152. A. J. S. XXXVI 12, 145. 153. A. J. S. XXXVlfo, 143. 154. A. J. S. XXXVIi; 141. 155. A. J. S. XXXVII2, 142. 330 EASTMAN, CATALOGUE IV. Ref. number. Date. Time of Shower. Year. Month. >> a ft Begin¬ ning. End. h. m. h. m. 156 1863 Nov. ... 13 13 0 17 20 157 1863 “ ... 13 15 0 16 30 158 1863 “ ... 13 15 45 17 45 159 1864 Aug. ... 9 9 0 16 0 169i 1864 9 10 0 11 0 160 1864 9 10 20 13 0 161 1864 “ 9 10 30 13 0 162 1864 “ ... 9 10 30 13 0 163 1864 4‘ .. 9 10 40 12 0 163x 1864 “ ... 9 11 30 14 30 164 1864 44 9 12 0 12 30 165 1864 “ ... 9 13 0 15 30 166 1864 “ .. 9 15 0 16 0 167 1864 Nov . 11 13 15 16 15 168 1864 44 12 13 45 16 0 169 1865 Aug. ... 9 14 25 15 50 170 1865 12 10 45 12 45 171 1865 CC 15 11 5 15 5 172 1865 i Nov. ... 12 13 0 14 0 173 1865 CC 12 15 0 16 0 174 1866 Aug. ... 9 9 0 9 20 175 1866 9 12 0 14 0 176 1866 44 ... 10 9 0 10 15 177 1866 CC 10 9 10 15 0 178 1866 “ ... 10 9 15 11 30 179 1866 44 10 12 0 14 15 180 1866 cc 10 12 0 14 15 181 1866 44 ... 10 13 0 14 0 182 1866 44 ... 10 14 0 16 0 183 1866 44 ... 11 8 15 9 0 184 1866 u 11 14 0 16 0 185 1866 Nov. ... 8 9 45 13 20 186 1866 44 ... 9 10 0 15 0 187 1866 44 ... 11 13 30 14 30 188 1866 44 ... 12 7 0 18 0 189 1866 CC 12 10 45 14 30 190 1866 CC 12 11 0 16 40 191 1866 44 ... 12 11 10 13 40 192 1866 CC 12 11 30 13 0 193 1866 44 12 12 0 17 0 194 1866 CC 12 13 0 15 0 195 1866 44 ... 12 13 10 13 40 196 1866 44 ... 12 14 20 15 20 197 1866 44 ... 12 14 40 17 30 198 1866 44 ... 12 15 54 16 39 199 1866 «c 12 16 6 16 36 200 1866 CC 12 201 1866 44 ... 13 7 0 18 0 202 1866 44 ... 13 8 30 16 30 203 1866 44 ... 13 10 0 15 0 204 1866 44 ... 13 11 0 14 0 205 1866 •4 ... 13 11 0 16 10 206 1866 CC 13 11 20 14 40 h. m. 15 30 14 30 14 30 12 30 14* "so" 14 30 14 30 13 30 16 10 11 30 15 30 17 15 13 30 15 0 13 0 15 30 12 30 S'O g 03 156 157 158 159 159i 160 B. V. Marsh . C. E. Dutton . J. H. Worrall . H. P. Tuttle . G. Scarborough. H. S. Osborn . Germantown, Pa.. Norfolk, Va. West Chester, Pa. Off Charleston, S. Riverside, Kan. Belvidere, N. J. C. 161 162 163 163i 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 Francis Bradley . W. H. R. Lykins . B. V. Marsh . Prof. H. A. Newton . G. Scarborough . Francis Bradley . G. Scarborough . R. H. Stretch . R. H. Stretch . Prof. A. C. Twining . Prof. A. C. Twining . Prof. H. A. Newton . O. B. Wheeler . O. B. Wheeler . D. Trowbridge . Prof. H. A. Newton . D. Trowbridge . F. W. Russell . Isaac Pierson . B. V. Marsh . R. M. Gummere . Prof. H. A. Newton . J. H. Worrall . . D. Trowbridge . J. H. Worrall . James Ferguson . James Ferguson . F. Bradley . Prof. Hopkins . C. G. Rockwood . James Ferguson . Prof. H. A. Newton . F. Bradley . C. S. Lyman . Prof. Hinrichs . B. V. Marsh . O.B. Wheeler . Prof. H. A. Newton . Prof. D. Kirkwood . B. V. Marsh . Maria Mitchell . Prof. Hopkins . Prof. Hinrichs . John T. Wheeler . Prof. C. S. Lyman . Prof. H. A. Newton . C. G. Rockwood . Chicago, Ill . Lawrence, Kan. Philadelphia, Pa. New Haven, Conn. Riverside, Kan. Chicago, Ill. Riverside, Kan. Virginia City, Nevada. Virginia City, Nevada. Hinsdale, Mass. Hinsdale, Mass. New Haven, Conn. Detroit, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Hector, N. Y. Sherburne, N. Y. Hector, N. Y . Natick, Mass. Vineyard Sound . Germantown, Pa. Germantown, Pa. Sherburne, N. Y. West Chester, Pa. Hector, N. Y. West Chester, Pa. U. S. Naval Observatory. U. S. Naval Observatory. Chicago, Ill. Williamstown, Mass . Newark, N. J. U. S. Naval Observatory. New Haven, Conn. Chicago, III . New Haven, Conn. Iowa City, Iowa. Germantown, Pa. Detroit, Mich. New Haven, Conn. Canonsburg, Pa. Germantown, Pa. Vassar College, N. Y . Williamstown, Mass . Iowa City, Iowa. Concord, N. H. New Haven, Conn. New Haven, Conn. Newark, N. J. f*On Nov. 13, 55 tracks were Hazy. plotted in Phila. by H. D. | Vail, 56 tracks were plotted Hazy. -{ in West Chester by B. Hoop- er, 27 tracks were plotted in Easton by E. Menline, 23 | tracks were plotted in St. [ Louis bv Prof.W. Chauvenet. Cloudy in the Middle and N. E. States. Some left trains lasting 6 or 7 seconds. Off Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. Williams College. No observations from 12h. 45m. to 13h. 0m. F. W. Russell, of Cambridge, Mass., observed several evenings in first half of November, and counted, in all, 875 meteors. Observed seven hours. Williams College. 182. A. J. S. XLIIo, 429. 183. A. J. S. XLlf2, 286. 184. A. J. S. XLII2, 429. 185. A. J. S. XLlIl2, 78; Nov. Meteors, 1866, U. S. N. Obs’y, 8vo. 186. “ “ “ 187. A. J. S. XLIII2, 78. 188. • “ 189. “ “ “ 190. A. J. S. XLIII2, 78 , Nov. Meteors, 1866, U. S. N. Obs’y, 8vo. 191. A. J. S. XLIIIa, 78. 192. 193. “ “ “ 41-Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. A. J. S. XLIIIo, 78. ti 413. 210. A. J. S. XLIII2, 78. 211. A. J. S. XLIIIa, 78; Nov. Meteors, 1866, U. S. N. Obs’y, 8vo. 212. A. J. S. XLIIIo, 78. 213 “ 41 44 2U. A. J. S. XLIIIo, 78 ; Nov. Meteors, 1866, U. S. N. Obs’y, 8vo. 215. 44 • 44 44 44 216. Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., II, 577. 217. A. J. S. XLIVo, 426. 21 8 . 44 44 219. 220. A. J. S. XLIV2, 426. 221. “ “ “ 222. 44 44 “ 223. 44 “ “ 224. A. J. S. XLV2, 78. 225 . 44 4 4 44 226. A. J. S. XLV2, 225. 227. A. J. S'. XLV2, 78. 228. Smithsonian Archives (not yet printed). 229. A. J. S. XLV2, 225. 230. A. J. S. XLV2, 78. 231. 44 “ 44 232. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 356. 233. A. J. S. XLV2, 78. 234. 44 “ u Q & a 3 a o *o n^oo w ^ CO 05 r r rSs r r n ^ te 10 — ±3 ^ ^2 | £ S ©*?■ — 043 ©' m q ;§ o : .o g§»a 03 " O ® P © £ £ O ll .2 w> !xln © p tew :• ° . g £ M •a co — ‘ 55 -U MH W © - t* w SSs ©^1 > © flSH O te « 5^ ® H | g c3® r" ^ 54 T3 Jp § © © oste . o £-2 = gc - ^,2o©§ I ISsi" W “s|sl © xji-5 o 0« te ^ Em •ai«a co O O S2 ° • so o : o o bJO •- o o q co © o o o o CO •?>»-. rf— >■ *0) . . . . ■p CO lO SO 00 pG t— < h r » 0Q « Ph JCO CO CO r- ■ aj CO* CO CO CO* 03 E-i ■< -< rH <03 CO lO CO 1 C-A.T-A.HiOGrTJEj "V.— Sporadic ALeteors — Con.tinu.ed., PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 337 .ja © so ic-r1 05 £ ftft j= W o . bCO o C5 -3 2 co . *2 o ft£ .»0-3 |lwo 'H a g1-^ o os.2-3 o •§*s W gST opq£ ft ”2 -3 O 2 §. ^2 O O oo ?*, © . s- m ® O 3 & ft o o © rCT3 !H C C« >> ft © • 3 S-§ * ill •g-Ss 2.3 o -3Q-3 £ , 03 «« 2 a O 3- ■K5’S 3.3 © £3* ^ a, a) " OQ 0-2 ^ -•"H rj -C 73 2 ^ /S c3 5 'cl G ° u 2 2 * B § ■°£ C 2 © .gt: 05^3 © ^ _ ■** .2 b. -=3 ^ © '£ o £ © 3 .73 C 3 MS ^ .2 .£ = ’3 © ® gB 2 c Cl ^ o 2 M 5 yZr GO G8 S2^ s &= •3 O 3 j> 3 5 . O ft O o ©,c _ 5 «£^| £ p.3 js ^ r* J* - o. © eo * ^3 05 ^ 'g-figg'S © So 2 73 00 2 3 2 feC 03 °® 2^S ry 3 75 Sh 3 © ,3 o.S o3 _ o ggs g 55 S cU.~ O . ™ w ' © D. ’O r„ 00 73 *8 05 S'H © — ft * ^TSft ®© 2 .©S’ ft _, PS © CS Q ojf^g.l E» ~ ft ® 3 a. CS 3 3 ©2 >>£ © S ©^ Sftftft co odEh ft ■H§f* 322s: -3 o o < 2 ^ " .2*i’3 3 2-s 2 ft-rt © © 1 © eS 3J 1 ! B . M >5 g’E © 85 S * © : -a ^ sioll^SS-ssSS* - ft. rv _ TJ O • S.i£s§^ Q H f- © . o o — : G.C.-T - © © !> PhPh cS O . -a a,: © X i -3 © ; © o ■ 0.3 -u.3! 3 O - © © fe 73 > -So 73 c« © © sg iO ^ .g-.-a 0-3 2 £ N >, o ©3: . o 5 S K o 5P © ^ X! © ^ ^3 o o © 3 ©•^ £'3 £ 3 £ o O 03 N -S,3 60'S C ‘3 06 £ lit »% o co ft •q'jed ;o qqSaaT S 10 rH hC © 3 22 ■»o 60 ©.2 22 ©§ •3 5 ©2 53 c n > .3 a ’S ‘S Ei Eh •2 so2 ^333 *§1 .2 | 60 W 3. >.3.3 „ 2 60 £ - . 60 3 , o 3 3^ g 2- m !> ©. © S O 2| © 00 © M.3 M © j -3 *h « ® O ^22 = 32 : o 2 •aaquxnu ‘js^; CA.TA.LOGrTJE Y.-Sporadic Mleteors— Continiaecl. 338 EASTMAN. o-~ ^73 © 05 ^,73 •P 53 © © rT © Ph £ £ a s- 3 © 53 © cS 73 *a © ©Sh © C3v* cS^ ° Ph P © l! ©73 &S . Si's £ 03° SS.a Q* 2^ • p, ^ > O »o “ 1 3 © > zi P3 PQ O 53 £ g S a) s .5 73 73 C> ^ ^ tii *© 2 P ^ ° © — . 5 e-g c H 73 o3 a a* a £ "S <5 © © -P 5f W W 3 3 © . CS X 2 ► •g 5 c« © M >> 5- 05 O eS cS s s . © © M he be . 3 3& 43 43 ©" " as « © CD g SS •p he .2 S3 3 o3 55 “J | 3sjS „ „• © a 03 ©^ 2 S X > ^ © ©3 -T p ©^ § P'S ^ "© o pa 3 a g © ^ o 73'^ So © 6 ai5 OPS pa £7W 00 CO 00 tH Oi o o o 10 o r-< o > he he O S3 3 £ at> ^ co^co §S *79 §I-S Ph *-> ^ © S« .p ft ft o5 m ^ ,3 -2© ft =2 ■g C *, 73 £ o ■§«■= ■EsS *°g ft 03 bJO X5 O © ® 2 rj,a -» 73 crx © bJO b£JO © O •»§- 1-3 O GO .eg §ia Ja» &gl © © ja 3 g. a OS C ft = cw © o 5 © £ I r- ©73 73 O-ft 73 © © © © 0-3 33 « O t> a 05 a ^ISSesI OS o © s §5 v S-O *73 g a ^ 0-073 • 73 © - a © © Ogl:3c®fl5;r CX © Oj JJ .2 C -rH 0.^2 m •■ © <« - ^ “ - - O-cS P.O 05 X ft 0-2 i O O. p* - N S ft ^5 Jh 73 ® O -4^> o © p os a <3 ft ■s*g ft?0 •3-W CG O 3 fe8'S* Is 1=3 © © ft ft -©-0:8 g © © cS • O 1 os ; « a : a oS J ft a >-> O CG o ■^o;© a !?« £v 73 ©ft ^© «8 Mfl &go O 65 Sh S& Oft tH © , ft ft ft 1 'S’© 2& £ ®H 03 GO a’E o g ft ft & •qjt?a jo LnSao-i t- O o 73 © S3 08 E © ^ «;« bc'C O o3 O S £■< s:si o t> ' !M O g © bC 0-0 03 u 3 O is A o © ao 'S csSg ■S .SS h £2 J ZZ © . a . £3.2 S §§=- ft - ■SSg s$: «S3 ©73 5 ©3 .££> 2 E £ a >i h u © 73 2 <2 ® o 5 © 5 ^ft.2 2 ^73 o m a © a O bee ~ & £o •2 © >jz >»2 O >>cS o £2 X2 3 bi) .2 O C ^ * 2 r. © n XJ-S I © > °.2 © © , 73 -w • ■ >>. a : CD O.C ce,G © e*> < _© 02 23 © . s ’P . 02 02 cq H « 4) §1 aa-g ' SSVrS sjo^j -H © ®,g-2 wi a a ■— ce 05 s.3 O . n ^•1 so- ® J cS u © eS cl© &n <1 ®5 ©-** .33 ^ © d > £o ;£m •^13(3 S-> ’ © C3 oS o ® S >>© u o ? 6J0 2 *3 G F . fl ®.s ** K.S 05^3 © © 5 s*.2 5«.l^ i-s s ©.a Il^gs S°-sSH 8 °|m<2 El. M a © o > On os I* -W £ § * © t> © £ a o og a cM a 5 > 1 O m3 ©2; £ © u p K*» K*i i-, *H &H ?H o o o o o o3 fl d o3 c3 >■ >. > > > O 0} © 0) • > > fc> J> ^ ^ o a) ce os cs ce 33 tj ^ e« 02 GO GO* GO CO O ^ ^ CD . ^XJO OOIO-SON^NOIOOO fj H L w © a © 2 CQ 3MSNI 1-1 GQ rHCC ,-1'-'- r-t r-t r-t (M ooc-ioooiiococococoi H 04 CO ri i ’S t>c> ,2* O. GO 3 -s > © p a p ©©© © © g S a 3T© o © -o,-s lO o 00 00 I !N CM (M CM !M CM M cM MMM 8M GOCOh, *-9 <5 ^ ^ C-A-T-A-IjOGJ-TJE V.-Sporadic Meteors-Continued PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 341 IS ■3 a &. ®cd a % © & § « <5 d x . o £ £ >>© >>73 w X g © © © ^ 3^ a ! .Soa'-S co Sn-2 3 * ►T © . . a S ©§o ©"-•ticH ’© § -2 v5 «,2 a o a w ‘-1 o a.” >» m“® fi ® a® ox E'S feg©2 © flX O g, © o » “ Ho fc.73 ©‘5 O © •$ © 3 ^ o.Sxj - SSSf ssq r|^Sf 5-Bsf ^ „x~ X h 81313 a s^l - 0.^ -3 l«zfl CO Ph w O s ^ co t: £.2^®,§ .2 fl « 2 to .2.2 | ©o o ® o_ ® ®x © r- t» -© © a v - **•** © t-H CO PQ . 2 o a o © © Q © a . •♦a -2 ai X 25 a >xX -2 © © . X 2 o.2x ® ~ • «H © "S. «co>>§^ 2 Sx © 2 2 O O box ox u> u ^ +3 t* -.3 EaPacO f=H "O .CO •W o >>£0^ g ©ot® . . . sg,sS2^S £ 2-S2222 ox O o o o o !-< O — iH !-i S- tc 2 2 22 XX M^,. a o ' 3,-g X X® a^ .2 © gx £ o a. 2 3 oo o«« .2 ° 3 gX ocsa 2 >*§, 2 £ a © © Sh 0*’d,< nddH • ® ®n <2<2<£> ^ 053^5 El © ° CJ I — l CQ h-l «5 pe8«S-fl!P d PS fc*» t*> >> t>> !>a ;>j • !>>£*>►>> t. u t. I. p :C?:f->>>>>- .{> .>>>■>•>. u u ^ i* p p : ©©©©©©c3© :©©©©© 0503000305050,01 . 03 05 03 05 05 X5 X! .ft .O X2 X3 “IjO : X! -ft X3 X! X! . . 000000,20 lOOOOO^'^; dddddd'S’csSSddddd,-,;®' >>»>->.>> ^ k>,*H > > > > [>3 (>, ^o3c3^o3c3 f.n cccocccdcccQE3cd'xcdcdcdcdcd"S g PPPPPPPPWPPPPPPP bb o o © © 03 © XX > t> ra d dPn fcfc g ajai © 33X5 O O *d » £2 — *CSZ5 S — < ^ : a-; goW ’eS J' g O P>-| ad £ PPcc WPS PW -a >> op d O £ 2 . © cop PP 'A’ea ,03C0H^00(MN05OC5b*O(M0500CD Cd O t'- lC H ? OOODOHNOJOOWQOOOHiOOiO Cd Cd Cd a c3 c5 d a ’£ "£ > n-d +£,o a ©®®1SftOiJ3O03®0gO ©p.rj 0©S PPPp-iC-ait-s— ,OZlbfe^h^ S<2*-o Ofet-s ri m>- d o <20 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .lequiuu 'jag 50. Wash’n Ast. & Met. Obs’ns, 1862. 54. Wash’n Ast. & Met. Obs’ns, 1863. 58. A. J. S. XXXVIII2, 295. 51 « “ « 55. “ “ “ 59. Wash’n Ast. & Met. Obs’ns, 1864. 52.’ « “ “ 56. A. J. S. XXXVr2, 154. 60. “ “ _ , 53 “ “ “ 57. Wash'n Ast. & Met. Obs’ns, 1864. 61. Wash’n Ast. & Met. Obs’ns, 1865. C-A/±AAIjOGrTTJEC 'V'.— Sporadic Meteors- Con. tinned PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. & ^ 02 o © 3 © > $ c3 & 03 S3 • £s sj Q o £ >> ©.15 as >■>3 ®’S >CQ T3 d as © © So s°° o 05 £ © p o o ©•T? !> 01 O © © <— i X> O TJ -g © o © o oj © f^03 © t> — o 'S.-3 3 a ^ © II * ©■£ Is¬ is © o3 P.-H 05 .— 03 ^ ** =4 2 . .05 h II © o a ~ 1a.EH§U I © a © a © •-< x: a - © .15 cS 2 — ■ s**Js ^||sS ^•£S*3a s*s|^s sS&tiSf * 5 a >> —i © 1 s *; . 0 i* O 3 © u, 6 3 * 0 c«^ A - H T3 c a 2S IU II 3.2 a © so, PQ . £ W . gtzi^ .0®oH®* ,°r G®flM^©.©3© >>3? S3S*w5£3Q|l* SSSSSSSSS “10*1 OOOOOOOO o3— Si -« h t. h t. ^ ^ s.n£ » Ct| pL| pC4 [x< tn &H pin 0> £-K K- ©^ 53 •Sh gs & o O Si >>■*- ib >» — © t-r: o8'd'*H o5 © s- O © 5 *35 © o bJ3 © >E-h > 5 •233 ^ © © r-i CO .2 -2 3 3 — — . M! s§ .2 o > CO a g "3 ’3 S— — i &-H •jaquinu -jaa CWNMT«iOfflN» OOi i!J id W iO if3 iO U3 O U3 U3 CO ' i 343 62. Wash'n Ast. & Met. Obs’ns, 1865. 67. Wash’n Ast. & Met. Obs’ns, 1867. 72. Wash’n Ast. & Met. Obs’ns, 1869. 63. “ “ “ 68. A. J. S. XLIV2l 288. 73. A. J. S. XLVIII2, 145. 64. A. J. S. XLII2, 286. 69. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 353. 74. Wash’n Ast. & Met. Obs’ns, 1869, 372; Proc. 65. Smithsonian Archives (not yet printed). 70. Wash’n Ast. & Met. Obs’ns, 1868. Am. Phil. Soc. XI, 194. 66. Wash’n Ast. & Met. Obs’ns, 1867. I 71. A. J. S. XLVI2, 429. 75. A. J. S. XLIX2, 139. O A.T Ij OCfU E 'V.— Sporadic Meteors — Con.tinu.ed. 344 EASTMAN. P : 3 s § £ ;s ? s s ©5 3 3 3 ,E5S - 3 “ § £ gS gs s £ £ i i o o ®s -gs s a a ■« «* 1 3 a a is is s § 3 £ * C^.T-A-XjOGtXJE V.-Sporadic Meteors- Continued PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 345 h a c a g, g, g;tf « « « K. « tf « « t-sHa,“9,_a2.S.3j£ q q q £j,-s’"d|-sk-3^>-s>_5>-5t-s O O O OOOOOOOOO H d d d d« /Vs ^ ^ ^ *2 w &fi b/D bC 'gWWEW'S £ Q Q Q A & S3 a a HI O O O a a a t+ U U © o • fl co «35® g '3 2 .2 5 O'® O « 60 03 03 ° £ § £5 01.03 s-. O U o fecfcaj t-i U . >5 03 03 eS 5 ® ® © o«« p a p go £££q5 0 0 0/3 £££" o ^>>£0 s- s-, •*=> o ® © © 03 1-1 555 o £ S-i S-i S-> O O O O o !i MV. 5 s°& •aeqamu -je^ H o §5So£ £i go go go •2 ^ W ® o 9 a CQ o °o ° *° o . . » ,C ©_^. 11.8.8 . 05 -C £ 05 -s S3 © © £ © ^ q-s ^ W W ^ w h jh X .c c 3 3 d d d d d d d -Q „ d d d-2 ^ SSSSS-^rtScs^os is is is is is bc_h is is G is d _d p a _d d "" ’3 ’3 '3 ‘3 ‘3 coSocooooooo' ooSoooooo o 2 o o 2 o • t- 00 00 00 00 < <3 a - - (B « f* - CS OJ O C. 05 O I- - ^ - X3 O © : 3 s <3 o ids 3 C A T .A. LOG T J E V.-Sporadic Meteors— Con. till Tied 34G EASTMAN. S- s £ X X J J o o * g-a . ^ d d - co - 1***1 £ <£ id d d oo d §= = £, § a i s o o tL - -i. S' ' s «43 -« I 3 3 a r pi © rf d CO ^ gr* 3 s o -w* Is * a 1- - £ ss£§g C^T^LOGrTJ E "V".— Sporadic Meteors-Continued. PROGRESS OP METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 347 o •*5 Sss,s =3 I C 1* *■* is oT a S o -*S |5 S3 ai? -;« = ' '' SISSS 2 o !’* 3 3 3 i a |i: i : I ggggg C^l.T’A.LOGtXJIE V.— Sporadic Meteors— Coivtiiiried, 348 EASTMAN. ,g > A’ H_‘ on c . o .M N T! 2 ^ m SO Q 2 ©^a | £ S © 'HS a um s 2 SS.s . © -m .2 gH N.S So ©Q b^A-s ^ © © © Vi-g s- s- _ 3 cS eS S-S © © O tc A< P* 3hA P.O, <31 s* S « 0) w S«2 a ©g g'C be •Son 2 £ * ■*» m o >vSM • A *3 © Cl CCi 03 •f’ o .© £ 3 « tp.gg •2.2 2a Jh tn y. ■+* C8 C$£ w o oS5 P-( Pi Vn’^ a s So £g£8 bCC£ O<:o . <33 3 rtleW g ’g’g&S ^ r< cS CM M ® °<2 a ®.u>£ s JS ^ .2 a,*© o *n ©A u-** » © be Mfg-2 ■gSgOA W^O ^ 3 P © Ml bC«* 5: S • >. : o : t> iqqo © o © S oq a co c4 ^ © © © bObObB C C S3 2 2 2 ooo A & © bC 2 © §!s © © © •a'O’C c c c '3 '3 '5 M bp W) ill a s © •— £a 2 a beg t> > > > c3 o3 o5 o2 a CO CQ CD CD ooo b s-'a • ^ S3 © o • © o © I— i : © o 5 -►‘fi© O CMO - _ c eS tf. © > > cS _CA c« eS ^ g CD ?'ScD £ .AO • © bwso^i t * ©£ o® ^ 05 c3 S— 4 SJ® £ s- “1 bW >3>.>3 3. M 3. OOO © © © © © © AAA OOO © <3 eS ■CD CD 02 'obs ■>3 .>3 3 3 3 OOO AAA OOO "cSr© "3 > > t> oj (M C5 (M (N CO ' be be bo > © © o gA si CSS O © © « « © <; © © 3 C C C C © © i-s hs <; ^ Q Q t» N Is* N N N h* t> h» 000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 000000 co 00 00 00 TS £ © b 3< w gs £c <1 A O -a g* © A ©A . c : o : © : c J ©: ^^© g ' aSgJU Ills «-a Si¬ lls PQ ss cS c4 > O Si 3h © © A >iA A 0^00 • CO C CD GO >3^ bC^3 © © s .a oo^Soig J eS ©q 55 rji U5 a .a <3«5gci3 A 55 .A AODCO- 1-^'. ©- - S' - A„ „ 02-3* c3 C-A.T^31iOGrTTiC 'V.— Sporadic JVEeteors— Con.tiiau.ecL PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 349 pa f3 73 73 S3 c8 © © . G a es o a fl fl • c3 c3 c5 ^ G a a a g ^ c3 ^ ^ G G £ £ £ o a te £ £ £ £ I 43 © 73 m m m ^ 03 03 03 ^4 £ CB © .&5 G • «^-i CO CQ GO VI J* SI 'gw g 1-9 00 c4 >-9 S-i o^ CO H c3 (W) *n o W Wpo p*S 5m o M'S M g*o o o g^* o Wvi ^ o o w oQa^ifL;^ Ph • Sh QOh O 0_i 3_i CL( pu c Sh t- 0 CQCCE-i o-q ©5 £ ts o a 73 B-g J| .SrO 2-o.S ®-o ' > © O © © o£ a 73 CO m *- 5 03 © is u > (D O Sgg O r? 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O.Q a, a. r a. ® a. a. S g 2 2 © ® C » «5 £ N ^ 5 s © 5 *3 © C ^-4 CU CL 03 1: aaa) c8 P cococo* o m2 «S^3 a w> — 1.« — C C £ *3 05 bl. bJO'3 tn TO TO © -*=> aa^^f p g^PP w s* ob a c m-2 © Sh -C ^ 2.$? -5 TO.Q . £. C s-c ^5 D*jC © ~ © 2-s s C pH o§ , it? >»>»>. : >> 1 1; >. 0 0 00 p : -22 0 •0 0 "to to > > to "to to : > > t>^ TO TO > > "to > : g TJ ^ TO © © m m S>£i OO © © © CJ m to jjh rO^lJD „ OOO § TS a M © © CQ t/3 OO © ' GO XS O a © 1— 1 03 «X2 j2 © 03 X5 O "TO TO > > TO TO TO TO TO. 2 g ©" OT TO TO > TO TO 'to K .a * a^ TO > TO a CO 02 OC 02 02 § © cccb CQ !® 03 OP pppS H PP P Sp P © © © © © 03 tJ 73 73 73 73 £ |5252g CSCCC © M tC to bfl M-u TO oj c4 TO TO — asaaa^ M> u a §> if to 3P _0)G(303a3«303<» 03 03 030)000503 03 03 c$ ^cSo3o3o5^o3cS ©- a? C O TOX2 o V* O O'H S <3 nJZ eg PnOOO ©©©©©©©© bD bJC bJO bD M be bJO M y 'a ■vy ^ y yp ‘u '£ "H ‘u ‘S "in ’H 'Eh ^3 £1 JD & £1 £) £> aaaesaas o3oJc$^^^g5^ OOOOOOOO g CO CO CO CO 1 •COO HHi > > © So 000© <0 ££!2;Q £> u © Ch ^ <1 ^ c>? s c >-5|-5 • • © © > > c d o o 3 2 is I co co 00 co 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 co co 00 00 00 uaquinu *jaa ss OOCiO-^CvICOrfHiO 050000000 HH(N(N!NCN(NC<1 181. Wash’a Ast. & Met. Obs’ns, 1876. I 183. Wash’n Ast. & Met. Obs’ns, 1876. | 185. Wash’n Ast. & Met. Obs’ns, 1876. 182. “ “ “ l 184. “ “ “ 1 186. A. J. S. XII I3, 166, 243, 207; XI V3, 219. C^-T^XjOGtXJE "V.— Sporadic Meteors-Continued PROGRESS OP METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 353 G-A.T .A.IjO GrTT p] 'V'.— Sporadic Meteors-Continued 354 EASTMAN. 0)' 23 S a “fct? dcs-s ^ ® o H oat-'C . t « £ £ £ f ooog- Jh fc. t- P . l.._ Q< I I I II +++ I I ++ ° fl~ NWQ i-h © rH ^ I »0 IN g v, cowin eo rH co tr a * OOOOOOOOOOOO'^—'h eq 03 \ff*\w O © © O ih\hn in D.C ^NlOt-fMQOtDtOOOMHNa 05 c rH HHHNiOrH >« I I I I ++++++++8 © 8 o ^ ifcfcS & nos&imnoctir-iosioaor-i^ _, J aaaaaaaasasasog OOOOOOOOOOOOO'-'O i : i : : : w • : : * (M : : co : : : : : co • • • •• ••••• : xl- £ . « 2 S3 Pi o e £ 3.2 Q+* omo Sg © cS Oh C0> dX £ co si >5 £2|£2£2£ £-£,£. 2 £££bc££bc£££££<5 -4-3 -U> rr-4-3 '73 <-* -4^> +3 05 flS •J-d F" ^ 5 o -2 50 < rH 00 CO CO ^ CO CO CO d ^ ^ oSh C ®" of ®“3 be be bJO bC .'2.'2.r° 13 252a £ £ || oooS M ® ® ® K ® ® cr GOGOGOCOCOCOCOCO ^ cS c$ d O O 00 CO ^ COGOCOyjtOCOCQCOCOCOGO COGOOTCQCOCOMCOCOOOOT ©©©©©©©©©©© bCbebebCbCbObBbBbC &JCz3 !2!2!2,SIH.,H!2"232!H'> Vi V V "H V V '2 V V V S. ,3 ,3 .3 ,3 .3 .3 ,3 ,3 .3 ,3 £* £££££££££££ v ^ u 'S v v ‘S *S "C W a.2 c'd XXXXXXXXXXX ox o ££££££££££ 2-S^S I ‘ « > ^ ®®®®©©®®®©©©ooo cocococococowcocococoO^h^;?; ooooccoooocooooooooooooocooooo 00 00 00 00 OO 00 00 t» 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >3 > M X co" CO b; b <3 <: CD i> 00 •jaquinn 'J9H I IN eo rf iC CO ! IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN C-A-TA-LOGrTTEl Y.-Sporadic Meteors — Conti lined PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. 355 4 Science Observer, 1, 36. J 234. Science Observer, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. XVIII, 241. I 235. “ “ C^T^LOGrTTIC 'V'.— Sporadic Meteors-Continued. 356 EASTMAN. «► “ O S S .. O SO Hillside Fj New Have : feo : d.s : a.S-Q jpg 3 •O ^ goo 00 CO & CO CO o o © &Q QhS oo o N Is- 00 00 \19qtum1 •ja'jj C .A. X j\.Tj O Gr XJ Id V.— Sporadic Meteors- Continued. PROGRESS OF METEORIC ASTRONOMY IN AMERICA. a ©"S 5 A Ml o © o * . £ u X m ^ js © <- £ §3q «q s«£s2 ■a"! 2 .§2 E-n^CuE-MP. o O g$ ts £3 c © a os W a) a ‘5 ft o ft §g*s © © . c c cs o •aaquinu -js^ fo »o ri< 'f N > X!X O o o o coco J2JZ P^Ph ss PhPu >*«> §7-8 cq £a> ^ ®-c Ph^PU s°s <1 o E. Its color is brownish green ; colorless parallel to E. The double refraction is strong and negative. Trans¬ verse sections exhibit a uniaxial cross and are bounded by six sides, alternately three short and three long. It also occurs in the tridymite coating the walls of the hollow cavities in some cases. The mica is green and also yellowish brown to reddish. It forms stout tablets with six sides, and exhibits strong absorption, from colorless to almost opaque, which is of course in the opposite direction from that of the tourmaline, the axes of elasticity also in the long and narrow sections being reversed in the two minerals. The dark-green mica may be easily mistaken for the tourmaline. The tourmaline and mica are idiomorphic and must have crystallized just before the outer portion of the small spher¬ ulites and the tridymite and quartz in which they lie. They are confined to the region of these interspherulitic spaces, and are not found scattered indiscriminately through the compactly spherulitic portion of the rock. Their period of crystallization is therefore later than that in which the small spherulites began to crystallize and earlier than the final crystallization of the residual magma or paste. Their sep¬ aration from the magma was preceded by that of quartz and orthoclase, and was also followed by the same. Their crystallization in such a siliceous lava is abnormal, for they 456 IDDINGS. are locally abundant in very small spaces within the body of the rock, and not along a contact face of it. The crys¬ tallization of the tourmaline at least involves the presence of a small amount of boron and fluorine within the magma before its final solidification ; but they were probably present in extremely small amounts and only locally. While the occurrence of the tourmaline like that of the fayalite may be referred to the category of “ fumarole action,” still this is only correct when the term is so defined as to include any mineralizing influence which heated vapors may have upon crystallization. It would thus include their primary action within fused magmas, as well as their sec¬ ondary action on solidified ones. The effect of heated vapors which permeate the rocks in many places in the Yellowstone National Park is distinctly a destructive or metamorphosing process ; and all such fumarole action is plainly secondary in the sense that it affects changes in the crystalline character of rocks already solidified. It would seem advisable, there¬ fore, in order to avoid confusion, to use some other term for the primary mineralizing influence of absorbed vapors upon the crystallization of molten magmas. The second kind of spherulites occurring in this rock, which were described in the paper on Obsidian Cliff under the head of porous spherulites (p. 278), are distinguished by being composed of more or less distinct rays of feldspar, which are generally branched, and a cementing material of tridymite, with numerous hollow spaces or gas cavities. The branching feldspars may also lie in an isotropic, base, which appears to be glass. The arborescent feldspar growth may form a complete sphere or only a plume-shaped growth, or it may even resemble the stem and branches of a shrub. The optical investigation of these feldspar rays shows them in some cases to consist of many small stout prisms of feld¬ spar grown together with their longer axes parallel and forming long crooked rods in the direction of this axis. In thin section these rods or rays are partly positive and partly negative-— that is, the axis of elasticity, which is SPHER ULITIC CRYSTALLIZATION. 457 approximately parallel to their length, is sometimes less and sometimes greater than that at right angles to this direction. The prisms have a small extinction angle of variable size, and it is observed that the negative rays exhibit less double refraction than the positive ones and have a lower extinction angle. From these characters it is evident that the rays are prisms of orthoclase elongated parallel to the vertical axis, c, and that the plane of the optic axes is normal to the plane of symmetry. In spherulites of this sort the positive and negative rays are generally uniformly mixed throughout the whole. Such a spherulite sometimes has an outer zone or border of compact, finely fibrous structure, which is negative and is the same growth as the small granophyric spherulites. Tridymite is scattered through these spherulites, besides small grains of magnetite, and sometimes a few grains of fayalite and a little mica. In other cases the branching rays are all positive. This indicates that the feldspar prisms have the same develop¬ ment — that is, parallel to the axis c — but that the plane of the optic axes is in the plane of symmetry, which is fre¬ quently observed to be the case in prisms of orthoclase which have crystallized independently in the tridymite in other parts of the rock. The distinctly arborescent growths of feldspar in which the long slender rays branch off from a stouter stalk is shown in the figure on Plate 8. The prisms become thinner and more crowded together as they grow outward, and terminate in broad fronds like leaves. The stems are usually twinned throughout their length, as are also the fronds, which are sometimes found as isolated growths. These are twinned in the same manner, the composition plane dividing the crystal in two in the direction of its length. These twinned prisms of orthoclase are always negative, and the inclination to the twinning plane of the axis of greatest elasticity is about 7° or 8°. These characteristics could only be found in orthoclase prisms elongated parallel to the clinoaxis, a , and twinned according to the Manebach law, which is the 458 IDDINGS. orientation already given for this form of feldspar in the article on Obsidian Cliff (p. 278). In the large porous spherulites several forms of feldspar growths occur together. In one instance the center consists of an aggregation of partial spherulites of small size and positive character. This is surrounded by a narrow zone of cloudy material, but slightly doubly refracting, and with a positive character. Outside of this zone the porous portion of the spherulite begins. It is made up of nearly straight radiating fibers of feldspar, with weak double refraction, which are all positive. From points at various distances from the center of the whole spherulite, within these positive fibers, there start stouter fibers of feldspar with stronger double re¬ fraction and negative character. These branch out into radiating bunches, which unite to form the outer zone of the spherulite, where the fibers are partly negative and partly positive. In this outer zone it is observed, on closer inspec¬ tion, that the negative feldspars form stems from which thinner positive feldspar fibers branch like the needles of a pine twig. These needles curve to a position parallel to the stem and to the radii of the sphere. All of the porous por¬ tion of the spherulite is thickly spotted with pellets of tridymite. The structure is very crudely represented by figs. 6 and 7, Plate 7, the actual structure being ex¬ tremely complex, formed as it is by innumerable delicate crystals. The first porous zone of weakly refracting rays of feldspar, all of which are positive, must be composed of prisms elongated in the direction of the vertical axis, c, with the plane of the optic axes in the plane of symmetry. The branching groups of strongly refracting feldspars, which are all negative, must he prisms parallel to the clinoaxis, a; they are twinned according to the Manebach law. In the outer zone these latter prisms send out thinner ones in the direction of the vertical axis, c, which are positive. These thinner needles branch forward from both sides of the twinned stem ; consequently the crystallization of the twinned prism must have advanced out from the angle 2 P made by the c-axes of the twinned halves of the crystal. SPHERULITIC CRYSTALLIZATION. 459 The synchronous growth of crystals of the same mineral with two distinct habits is a natural consequence of crystallo¬ graphic branching as distinguished from that due to the splitting or cracking of microlites.* Its occurrence in this rock indicates how slight may be the difference in the condi¬ tions under which either form of crystal is induced. This accords with the fact that we find no fixed order in which positive and negative spherulitic growths have been devel¬ oped. In the rock of Obsidian Cliff they alternate with each other, sometimes one having started first and sometimes the other. The Essential Characteristics of Spherulitic Growths. In expressing what seems to the writer to constitute the essential nature of spherulitic crystallization, there will be no attempt made to suggest a cause for its initiation. It is simply a statement of conclusions which have probably forced themselves upon all who have made a careful study of these kinds of microstructures. Just as the earliest definition of a crystal was confined to the outward form of the body, and rested upon its being bounded by plane surfaces, so the conception and derivation of the term spherulite rested on its spherical form. In both cases the definitions would not now be limited to a state¬ ment of the outward form of the bodies. It is, of course, un¬ derstood that a spherulite differs from a crystal in being a complex intergrowth of minute crystals of one or more species. The essential character of the spherulite must be sought in the internal arrangement of this intergrowth ; for we should not consider the essential character of the crystallization which produced a spherical body as having changed because in one instance the sphere had a smooth surface and in another a roughened one. In the latter case the composite crystals may have been larger. Nor is it necessary that a complete sphere should have been formed. * Lehman (O.). Molekular Ph}7sik. 8°. Leipzig, 1888, p. 378. 460 IDDINGS. It would require the same kind of growth to form the seg¬ ment of a sphere. Furthermore, the character of the growth which would produce a sphere would not be altered by changing the curvature of the spherical surface from which it was advancing at any moment of its growth; consequently it is not essentially different when it proceeds from the surface of a sphere whose radius is infinity — that is, from a plane ; or even when the sign of the radius is minus — that is, when the surface is concave. These conclusions are substantiated by the study of the various forms of growth associated with spherulites. It is therefore logically correct to embrace all manner of crystalline growths which have the same internal structure as crystalline spherulites under the general designation of spher-ulitic growths or crystallizations , whether their cross-sections be circular, elliptical, or in sectors, plume-like or irregularly excentric ; or whether they appear as straight or curving bands. The necessity of basing the general definition of spher- ulitic structures on some other character than their outward form is well illustrated by the microscopic spherulites of a typical spherulitic groundmass such as occurs in the rock under investigation. The absence of a spherical boundary to the majority of the spherulites and the frequency with which excentric and irregularly polygonal forms occur forces one to the conclusion that the fundamental characteristic of these typical spherulites must exist in their mode of crys¬ tallization. It is to be remarked that the proof of their being definitely crystallized bodies and not amorphous material under an internal strain, which might produce double refrac¬ tion, lies in the fact that the dark crosses which show them¬ selves between crossed nicols do not bear that relation to the shape of the excentric and polygonal spherulites which they should if they resulted from a contraction or irregular com¬ pression of globules which had assumed corresponding shapes. If the latter were the case they should behave like the dark hyperbolas of pearlite grains. The dark crosses retain their form with slight modifications corresponding to SPHERULITIC CRYSTALLIZATION. 461 those in larger crystalline spherulites, their arms shortening and lengthening out according to the distance of the bound¬ ary from the center of crystallization, which may be quite excentric. We should therefore consider the essential characteristic of spherulitic growths to consist in the formation of radiating or diverging groups of crystals, which commenced to crystallize from one or more points. Thus it may be from a single center or from a number of different ones more or less distant from one another. The component crystals are usually pris¬ matic and form delicate rays or fibers, with which may be associated other forms of minerals with or without definite orientation; but an arrangement of plate-like crystals or grains that are oriented with reference to a center of crys¬ tallization may also constitute a spherulitic growth. A diverging fibrous crystallization which has started from innumerable points close together over a plane would pro¬ duce a growth of fibers which would lie approximately par¬ allel to one another. Such structures appear in thin section like bands or fringes of almost parallel fibers, and constitute a special form of spherulitic. crystallization. Summary. The chief facts brought out by this study may be stated as follows : The occurrence of tourmaline as a primary constituent of the rock in small amounts and sporadically, with the similar occurrence of mica. The compact granophyric spherulites are composed of prisms of orthoclase elongated in the direction of the clino- axis, which radiate from a center of crystallization. With the feldspar is quartz, intergrown as in granophyre or micro¬ pegmatite. The branching growths of feldspar needles which form the rays of the porous spherulites, and which also occur alone, are formed of prisms of orthoclase, sometimes elongated par- 59— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 462 IDDINGS. allel to the vertical axis, c, and sometimes parallel to the clino- axis, a. In the latter case they are generally twinned accord¬ ing to the Manebach law. In the former they exhibit, in some instances, the normal position of the optic axes and at others the abnormal position. The crystallization of orthoclase prisms of these two types may take place at the same time or may follow one another alternately. The essential characteristic of spherulitic growths is the crystallization of minerals from one or more points with a radiating or diverging arrangement. ■ BULL. PHIL. SOC.. WASHINGTON. VOL. XL, PLATE 7. Drawn hv author. Moss Fng. Co. SECTIONS OF SPHERULITES. BULL. PH IL. SOG . WASHINGTON. VOL XL, PLATE 8. Drawn by author. Moss Eng Co* BRANCHING CRYSTALS OF ORTHOCLASE. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Plate 7. — Sections of spherulites. Figure 1. — Colorless microscopic spherulite, showing irregular dark cross between crossed nicols, enlarged 153 diameters. Figure 2. — Simple form of granophyre group of quartz and feldspar between crossed nicols, enlarged 235 diameters. Figure 3. — Microscopic spherulite with projecting rays of orthoclase, enlarged 120 diameters. Figure 4. — Like figure 3, with crescent-shaped area of pure feldspar substance, enlarged 130 diameters. Figure 5— The same as figure 3, enlarged 120 diameters. Figure 6. — Portion of large spherulite, showing different forms of feld¬ spar needles. Figure 7. — Branching group of orthoclase needles occurring in the outer portion of the spherulite of figure 6. Plate 8. — Branching crystals of orthoclase. Mannebach twins, enlarged 43 diameters. (463) OBITUARY NOTICES. EMIL BESSELS. Emil Bessels was born in Heidelberg, June 2, 1847. Educated at the University, and securing the degree of Doctor in Medicine, he was more disposed toward science and belles-lettres than to the practice of his profession. Being in easy circumstances, he was enabled to follow his natural bent, and for a time was a student in zoology under Van Beneden, and an assistant of Krauss at the Naturalien Cabinet or Royal Museum of Wiirtemberg, in Stuttgart. He became interested in Arctic discovery, and his first essay in that direction, under the encouragement of Peter mann of Gotha, was the well-known voyage of 1869 into the sea be¬ tween Spitzbergen and Nova Zembla. By his observations on this journey he traced the influence of the Gulf Stream water east of Spitzbergen, and added much to the scanty knowledge of this region then available. In 1870 he was called to the field as military surgeon, rendering service in the hospitals which brought him a public commendation from the Grand Duke of Baden. In 1871 he came to America, at Petermann’s suggestion, to join Hall’s polar ex¬ pedition as naturalist and surgeon. Most of the scientific results of this voyage were the fruit of his personal efforts. After the rescue of the survivors he returned to America, where for some years he was busy at the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution in preparing for publication the scientific results of the voyage, one of the most striking of which was the proof, first brought out by him, of the insularity of Greenland, which he deduced from the tidal observations secured on the expedition. In 1876 his work was printed in quarto, under the title of “ Report on the Scientific Results of the Polaris 60— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. (465) 466 CHARLES OTIS BOUTELLE. Expedition.” Three years later he published, through En- gelmann, at Leipzig, a German narrative of the oxpedition, illustrated largely from his own very artistic sketches. He projected a work on the Eskimo, to which he devoted much labor. An ethnological voyage, undertaken on the U. S. S. Saranac to the northwest coast of America, was prematurely terminated by the wreck of that vessel in Seymour narrows, British Columbia. He returned to Washington, where he prepared several contributions to arctic and zoological liter¬ ature. Through an unfortunate fire at his residence he lost his library, manuscripts, and collections in 1885, and subse¬ quently returned to Germany, where he settled, at Stuttgart. There he was engaged in literary pursuits, the study of art, and in geographical instruction. He died, after a short ill¬ ness, March 30, 1888, and his remains were interred in the FriedhofF cemetery at Heidelberg. Doctor Bessels was short and slight, of dark complexion, and highly nervous temperament. His brilliant, dark eyes, flowing hair, and aquiline nose gave him a striking and attractive physiognomy. V ersatile, lively, and open-hearted to a fault, his social qualities inspired warm affection among his intimates, while his restless energy and undoubted abil¬ ity secured for science results — valuable, if not profuse — which will serve to perpetuate his memory. Wm. H. Dale. CHARLES OTIS BOUTELLE. When the history of the United States in the nineteenth century comes to be written, as doubtless it will be written by some Bancroft or Adams one or two hundred years hence, it is not improbable that one of its most valuable chapters will relate to the influence that has been exerted upon the course of events by the scientific organizations that have been founded and fostered by this Government. The life and work of a man who was for nearly half OBITUARY NOTICES. 467 a century an efficient and prominent officer of the oldest and one of the most important of these organizations must have had share enough in shaping the movement of affairs to warrant a memorial of him more complete than the necessarily brief one now presented and intended to form a part of the records of this Society. Charles Otis Boutelle was born in Lexington, Mas¬ sachusetts, August 4, 1813. His grandfather was an officer who served honorably throughout the Revolutionary War. His father, a skillful physician and a man of brave and earnest temperament, was a surgeon in the navy during the war of 1812. His mother, a daughter of General Nathaniel Goodwin, of Plymouth, who served also during that war, was a woman loved and revered by all who knew her. She lived to nearly the age of one hundred, and her son never ceased to mourn her loss. With such ancestry, many features of Mr. Boutelle’s character can be traced to their source. Having while yet at an early age lost his father, he was educated by his uncle, the Reverend Ezra Shaw Goodwin, of Sandwich, Massachu¬ setts, and received from him a thorough training in both the classics and mathematics. It soon became necessary for him to earn his own living ; so he taught school, studied surveying, and one day, having heard that a friend who owned a work on that subject was willing to lend it to him, he walked twenty miles to get it. His skill in practical sur¬ veying soon became known, and a place was given to him on the survey of his native State by its director, Simeon Borden. Having served creditably as Mr. Borden’s chief assistant, he was appointed by Alexander Dallas Bache, Superinten¬ dent of the U. S. Coast Survey, to a position upon that work in January, 1844. His service was at first in the office, but his active temperament and robust physique demanded less sedentary occupation, and his special capabilities for the field were quickly recognized by his distinguished chief. His advancement was rapid. In 1846 he was made an as- 468 CHARLES OTIS BOUTELLE. sistant in the Survey, and from that time forward gained steadily in standing on the work, being intrusted with the charge of important operations, which he conducted with his accustomed energy and with the professional skill and fer¬ tility of resource always at his command. For some years he carried on the reconnoissance for the primary triangulation upon the coast of Maine. He made the reconnoissance and selection of sites for three primary base-lines, and had personal charge of the measurement of a primary base-line (the Atlanta base) in Georgia. This measurement was three times repeated as a test of accuracy, the line being measured twice in winter and once in sum¬ mer, with an accordance of results so close that the greatest divergence did not exceed a millionth part of the whole length of nearly six miles. He conducted the primary tri¬ angulation which was carried from the Atlanta base north¬ ward and northwestward along the Blue Ridge to connect with the primary triangulation which was advancing south¬ ward and southwestward from the Kent Island base, and had charge of the surveys upon the coasts of South Carolina and Georgia. During this period the bent of his mind was shown by the improvements he introduced into the methods and processes of the work ; among these may be mentioned the form of preliminary base apparatus described in the Coast Survey Report for 1855 ; his form of tripod and scaffold observing signal, 1855 ; his experiments with lights for geodetic night signals, carried on for several years, and brought to a suc¬ cessful termination in 1880 by the adoption of the mag¬ nesium lights and the student-lamp reflectors. In 1884 the charge of the Coast and Geodetic Survey office was assigned to him, and after his relief from that duty he was placed in immediate supervision of geodetic operations in the States which had organized their own geological and topographical surveys. For a number of years he was a member of the board of commissioners for the improvement of the harbor of Norfolk. OBITUARY NOTICES. 469 On February 16, 1884, soon after taking up his residence in this city, he was elected a member of the Philosophical Society of Washington. No notice of .Mr. Boutelle’s life would be complete that should omit reference to the important services which he rendered to his country at a critical period of its history. In common with the great majority of his brother officers as¬ signed to duty with the military and naval forces, he parti¬ cipated in the hardships and dangers of the civil war. Soon after the outbreak of hostilities he was assigned to the com¬ mand of the steamer Vixen and schooner Arago, as hydro- graphic officer of the South Atlantic squadron, serving under Admirals Dupont and Dahlgren, and Commodore Lanman, U. S. N. This duty lasted throughout the war, and it de¬ volved upon him the responsibility for the safety of naviga¬ tion of the squadron along its entire cruising ground. With what patriotic devotion and professional ability this service was rendered, the records of the civil war amply attest. Admiral Dupont, in his report to the Navy Department of the capture of Port Royal, refers to the fact that all aids to navigation had been removed by order of the Confederate authorities and acknowledges the able assistance of Captain Boutelle in sounding out and buoying the channel, and thus enabling the squadron to advance to the attack. General W. T. Sherman, U. S. Army, commanding the land expeditionary force, concludes a report, dated Novem¬ ber 8, 1861, as follows : “It is my duty to report the valuable services of Mr. Boutelle, assistant in the Coast Survey. * * * His services are invaluable to the army as well as to the navy, and I earnestly recommend that important notice be taken of this very able and scientific officer by the War Depart¬ ment.” Personally, Captain Boutelle (as he was known to his friends after the civil war) was a man of varied reading and a most retentive memory, genial and witty in conversation, 470 EZEKIEL BROWN ELLIOTT. of uniform kindness of heart, and of a generous and hos¬ pitable nature, always assuming that others were guided by motives as unselfish as his own. He combated manfully the advances of age and the in¬ roads of disease, and it was not until the approach of his seventy-eighth year that, yielding to the solicitations of his .family and friends, he sought relief from active duty. He died on the 22d of June, 1890, at the home of his son, Dr. Boutelle, in Hampton, Virginia. Edward Goodfellow. EZEKIEL BROWN ELLIOTT. Ezekiel Brown Elliott was born on July 16, 1823, in the village of Sweden, Monroe county, New York, and died of heart failure, on May 24, 1888, at Washington, D. C., after only a few hours’ illness. He was the second child of John Brown Elliott, M. D., and Joanna Batch. In his boyhood he attended the high school at Waterloo, N. Y., and the academy at Geneva? N. Y., and subsequently entered Hamilton College, whence he was graduated in 1844. Immediately upon graduation he engaged in teaching, first at Grand Rapids, Mich., and subsequently at Macedon, N. Y. ; Lyons, N. Y. ; Lubec, Me., and Eastport, Me. From the latter place he removed to Boston, Mass., in 1849, and there became an actuary and electrician. Late in the last-mentioned year he aided in open¬ ing the House printing telegraph line between New York and Boston and took charge of the Boston office, having pre¬ viously spent a few weeks in Providence, R. I., where he made himself familiar with the necessary routine. Subse¬ quently he and Mr. W. 0. Lewis, of Hartford, Conn., became for a short time joint proprietors of the line, and still later they were joint superintendents. Finally he became superin¬ tendent of the Boston, Troy and Albany (Llouse) printing OBITUARY NOTICES. 471 telegraph line. During these years he made several inven¬ tions, among which may be mentioned a white-flint tele¬ graph insulator, for which he received a bronze medal from the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics’ Association in 1853. In 1854 he gave up telegraphy in order to undertake for the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company the prepara¬ tion of tables of two-life survivorships, which comprised, when finished, about eighteen thousand logarithmic val¬ ues, computed on the basis of the London actuaries’ life table, at four per cent. Later on he was engaged in com¬ puting annuity, survivorship, and other tables, and in 1860 he prepared a set of official “instructions concerning the registration of births, marriages, and deaths in Massachu¬ setts,” the latter work being done under the direction of Hon. Oliver Warner, then secretary of the Commonwealth. While in Boston he united with the late Uriah A. Boyden and others in investigating the claims of spiritualism, hyp¬ notism, etc., and, failing to find satisfactory evidence of the truth of these claims, he was ever after their emphatic opponent. Upon the breaking out of the civil war in 1861 he came to Washington as actuary of the United States Sanitary Commission, and of his work relating to the first battle of Bull Bun it has been said that probably “ there is no in¬ stance in history in which the causes of the loss of any con¬ siderable battle have been so thoroughly sifted and examined on the spot, and within a week after the disaster, and in which the minutest details affecting the result have been so carefully preserved and their influence so accurately noted.” Statistical work respecting the personnel and condition of the United States armies occupied him till 1863, when, as a delegate from the American Statistical Association, he at¬ tended the International Statistical Congress at Berlin. After the close of the congress he visited the German and Danish armies engaged in the Schleswig-Holstein war, which was then virtually over, and was afforded unusual opportunities for inspecting the hospitals and becoming 472 EZEKIEL BKOWN ELLIOTT. acquainted with the methods adopted in caring for the sick and wounded. In 1865 he was made secretary to the commission, con¬ sisting of Messrs. Wells, Colwell, and Hays, for revising the United States revenue laws ; and subsequently he continued in a similar relation with Mr. Wells when that gentleman became special commissioner of the revenue, in the office of the Secretary of the Treasury. After the expiration of Mr. Wells’ official term, Mr. Elliott remained in the office of the Secretary of the Treasury until September, 1870, when he was made chief clerk of the U. S. Bureau of Statistics. He was transferred to the Bureau of the Mint about 1878, and in July, 1881, he was appointed to the newly created office of government actuary, whi^h he held till his death. Notwithstanding the nominal changes in his official posi¬ tion, from 1867 to 1888 Mr. Elliott’s duties were always substantially the same, namely, those of an actuary em¬ ployed in the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, and as such he bore a large part in the operations connected with the refunding of the United States war debt. In addition to the offices already mentioned, he was appointed by Gen¬ eral Grant, in June, 1871, a member of the first Civil Serv- vice Commission, which place he held until the close of the active operations of the commission, in March, 1875. Mr. Elliott was elected a member both of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and of the American Statistical Association in 1856, of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1857, of the British Asso¬ ciation for the Advancement of Science in 1864, and subse¬ quently of the American Horological Society. He was one of the founders of the Washington Philosophical Society in 1871, of the American Metrological Society in 1873, and of the Cosmos Club in 1878. Both in the American Association for the Advancement of Science and in the Washington Philosophical Society Mr. Elliott was very prominent, contributing many papers to their proceedings; he was vice-president of the former OBITUARY NOTICES. 473 association and chairman of its economic section in 1882, and a member of the governing body of the Philosophical Society almost continuously from its foundation to the time of his death. The titles of his numerous papers may be found in the publications of the societies to which he belonged, in the documents both of the United States Sanitary Commission and of the Treasury Department, in the Report on the Ninth Census of the United States (1870), in Hunt’s Merchants’ Magazine, and in other places. It will suffice to mention here his paper “ On the Military Statistics of the United States of America,” which was read before the International Statistical Congress in Berlin in September, 1863, and in recognition of which he received a letter from the Crown Prince Frederick, afterward Emperor of Germany ; and his “ Tables of money, weights, and meas¬ ures of the principal commercial countries of the world, with their equivalents as used in the United States and as known in the metric system,” which was published in 1869 in Webster’s Counting House Dictionary. One of Mr. Elliott’s most notable achievements was the discovery of a method by which the labor of computing life tables was enormously reduced. The mathematical theory of this method was communicated by him to the American Association for the Advancement of Science in August, 1866, but no abstract was furnished for publication, and probably the only accessible account of the method is that contained in his “ Remarks upon the statistics of mortality,” in volume 2 of the Ninth Census of the United States (June 1, 1870), pages ix to xvi. In person Mr. Elliott was portly and slightly below the medium height. Although not a fluent speaker, his address was agreeable and his manner such as to indicate clearly the sturdy honesty and straightforwardness of his character. To these sterling qualities he united a kindliness of disposi¬ tion and a keen sense of honor, which gave him a high place in the estimation of all who knew him. William Harkness. 61-Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 474 THOMAS HAMPSON. THOMAS HAMPSON. Thomas Hampson was born in New York city in 1849. His early life was passed in the town of Newberg, N. Y., where he adopted the avocation of a printer. Having pre¬ pared himself by study after his day’s work was done, he entered Cornell College in 1869. Notwithstanding that he had to provide his own maintenance and, in addition, to keep up with his - studies, he took a high position in his class. To relieve the heavy tax upon his strength and by the advice of President White, always his warm friend, he left college in the third year of his course to accept a posi¬ tion in the Government Printing Office at Washington. In 1874 he was graduated from Cornell and returned to Wash¬ ington to resume his place. His marked ability in this position becoming known, in 1875 he was offered and ac¬ cepted a clerkship in the Bureau of Education, with the duties of editor of its publications. In 1882 he entered the Law Department of Georgetown University, where he was graduated as Bachelor of Laws in 1884. In 1885 he left the Bureau of Education to accept a similar position, though with enlarged duties, in the United States Geological Survey, where he remained until his death, which occurred April 23, 1888. In addition to being a member of this Society, he belonged to the Cosmos Club and to the Anthropological Society of Washington. A few months before his death, in connec¬ tion with the last-named society, he became one of the editors of the “American Anthropologist.” Mr. Hampson belonged to the Philosophical Society, not because he cultivated a special branch of science in which his word was authority, but because he possessed a broad education and an enlightened culture which was in full harmony and sympathy with its spirit and aims. Strictly speaking, Mr. Hampson was not a scientific man. He neither professed nor coveted the title of scientist. Naturally of a OBITUARY NOTICES. 475 bright and receptive mind, education served to store it with a rich harvest of facts and well-digested opinions. During recent years he was brought daily into close personal and professional intimacy with scientific specialists, and as editor of the publications of a large and important scientific bureau annually producing many volumes, the product of scholarly minds, it was requisite that he should possess a general and comprehensive knowledge of the subjects treated as well as a thorough literary ability. How well equipped he was for his work and how complete his mastery of its details is best known to the men whose privilege it was to consult him daily and who had learned to welcome his advice and criticism. It was in the exercise of his daily functions as a critic that the kindliness of Hampson’s nature was most apparent. Criticism of an author’s work is at best but a thankless task and only too apt to hurt pride and arouse opposition. Hamp¬ son’s ready tact and generous sympathy robbed criticism of its sting without in the least blunting its force or weakening its effect. While not himself a producer of scientific works, Mr. Hampson’s death was a distinct loss to science, most deeply felt by those who received his criticism and suggestions in the line of his duty. Mr. Hampson was of fair complexion, medium height, and of robust frame. His eyes were bright and sparkling, the expression of his face singularly frank and pleasing, and his manner and address such as to inspire immediate confidence. His kindliness of heart and genial disposition were con¬ stantly bubbling over in open mirth, and perhaps his most marked characteristic was a certain enthusiasm and boyish¬ ness of manner which was peculiarly attractive. H. W. Henshaw. 476 FERDINAND VANDIYEER HAYDEN. FERDINAND VANDIVEER HAYDEN. Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden, who died in Philadel¬ phia December 22, 1887, in his 59th year, was the tenth name among those appended to the call asking Prof. Joseph Henry to preside at the meeting on March 13, 1871, for the formation of the Philosophical Society of Washington. He was not only one of the founders of the Society, but had pre¬ viously been a member of the Saturday Night Club, from which the Philosophical Society was evolved. He was born at Westfield, Mass., September 7, 1829. Pie was the son of Asa Hayden and Melinda Hawley, the latter of Middletown, Conn. Both of his grandfathers were in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, and both fought at Bunker Hill. His father died when he was about ten years of age, and about two years later he went to live with an uncle at Rochester, in Lorain county, Ohio, where he re¬ mained for six years. He taught in the country district schools of the neighborhood during his sixteenth and seventeeth years, and at the age of eighteen went to Oberlin College, where he was graduated in 1850. The united testi¬ mony of those members of his class who survive him is that he was shy and modest in demeanor, of an excitable temperament, frank and unconcealing, with an intense and self-absorbed air ; enthusiastic and persistent in whatever he undertook, a good student, well read in general literature, and particularly fond of poetry. The subject of his graduat¬ ing address was, “ The Benefits of a Refined Taste.” He studied medicine with Dr. J. S. Newberry, at Cleve¬ land, and at Albany was graduated Doctor of Medicine in the early part of 1853. After his graduation he was sent by Prof. James Hall, of New York, to the Bad Lands of White river, in Dakota. The years 1854 and 1855 he spent exploring and collecting fossils in the upper Missouri coun¬ try, mainly at his own expense. From 1856 until 1859 he was connected as geologist with the expeditions of Lieuten- OBITUARY NOTICES. 477 ant Warren, engaged in explorations in Nebraska and Da¬ kota. From 1859 until 1862 he was surgeon, naturalist, and geologist with Capt. W. F. Raynolds, in the exploration of the Yellowstone and Missouri rivers. In October, 1862, he was appointed acting assistant surgeon of volunteers, and was connected with the army as assistant surgeon and assistant medical inspector until June, 1865, when he re¬ signed, and was brevetted lieutenant colonel for meritorious services during the war. He then resumed his scientific work, and in 1866 made another trip to the Bad Lands of Dakota, this time in the interest of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. In 1865 he was elected professor of mineralogy and geology in the University of Pennsylva¬ nia, which position he resigned in 1872. From 1867 to 1879 his history is that of the organization of which he had charge, which began as a geological survey of Nebraska and became finally the Geological Survey of the Territo¬ ries. In the winter of 1871-72 he succeeded in having the Yellowstone National Park made a Government reserva¬ tion, the bill setting it apart having been chiefly written by himself. From 1879 until December, 1886, he was connected with the United States Geological Survey as geologist. His health began to fail soon after his connec¬ tion with this organization, and gradually became worse, and he lived only a year after his resignation. In 1876 the degree of LL. D. was conferred upon him by the University of Rochester, and in June, 1886, he received the same degree from the University of Pennsylvania. He was a member of seventeen scientific societies in the United States, among them the National Academy of Sciences, and was honorary and corresponding member of some seventy foreign societies. ' A bibliography of his writings includes 158 titles. Dr. Hayden was one of the pioneers in the geological in¬ vestigations of the West, among whom,® as the Director of the Geological Survey of Great Britain has said, his name will always hold a high and honored place. He made the 478 ROLAND DUER IRVING. first complete sections of the cretaceous and tertiary forma¬ tions of the West, and the names he applied to them have long been known and widely used. He was the first to demonstrate the fact that the Rocky mountains and adja¬ cent regions were covered during tertiary times with fresh¬ water lakes, and he also recognized as long ago as 1862 the fact that the elevation of the Rocky mountains began in Laramie times, and continued throughout the tertiary period, and is still going on at the present time. The gentleness and diffidence, approaching even timidity, which impressed his fellow students at Oberlin characterized Dr. Hayden throughout his life, and rendered it somewhat difficult for those who did not know him intimately to un¬ derstand the reasons for his success, which was undoubtedly due to his energy and perseverance, qualities which were equally characteristic of him as a boy and student and in later life. His desire to forward the cause of science was sincere and enthusiastic, and he was always ready to modify his views upon the presentation of evidence. He was in¬ tensely nervous, frequently impulsive, but ever generous, and his honesty and integrity undoubted. The greater part of his work for the Government and for science was a labor of love. A. C. Peale. ROLAND DUER IRVING. Roland Duer Irving was born in New York city April 29, 1847, and died at Madison, Wis., May 30, 1888. His father was Rev. Pierre P. Irving, nephew of Washing¬ ton Irving, and a clergyman of the Episcopal church. His mother was a daughter of Judge Duer, an eminent lawyer, and at one time chief justice of the supreme court of the city of New York. In 1849 Dr. Irving removed his residence to New Brighton, Staten Island, where he was rector of Christ church. OBITUARY NOTICES. 479 Young Roland there passed his boyhood days, and in his rambles over the island first exhibited a taste for geological studies. His education was conducted by his father and his sisters until his twelfth year, when he attended a classical school near his home. In 1863 he entered the freshman class at Columbia College, but owing to a disorder of the eyes he was obliged to suspend his studies during his sopho¬ more year. Six months of this enforced interval of rest was passed in England. Returning in 1866, he resumed his studies and was graduated as a mining engineer from the School of Mines in 1869, and as a master of arts from the collegiate department of Columbia College in 1870. Ten years later the same institution conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. While a student at the School of Mines he was engaged during the summer of 1867 as an assistant engineer in the Lykens Valley colliery, Pa., and during the following sum¬ mer as assistant geologist on the Geological Survey of Ohio. Soon after his graduation he accepted the position of metallurgist in the Gold Smelting Works of Greenville, N. J., where he was employed until the summer of 1870, when he was called to the chair of geology, mining, and metallurgy — changed to the chair of geology and mineralogy in 1880 — in the University of Wisconsin, a position which he held until his death. He was assistant State geologist of Wisconsin between the years 1873 and 1879, and expert special agent of the 10th Census, in charge of explorations on Lake Superior in 1880 and 1881. For several years he was president of the Wis¬ consin Academy of Sciences. In 1882 he became connected with the United States Geo¬ logical Survey and assumed the direction of the Lake Su¬ perior division, a position which occupied a large share of his time and thought until his death. His reports in this capacity are among his most enduring contributions to science. On August 8, 1872, Professor Irving was married to Abby 480 JEROME HENRY KIDDER. McCullough, daughter of John McCullough, of Glencoe, Maryland. Professor Irving’s work as a teacher and as an investigator were carried on side by side with equal success in each direction. His ability as a teacher has been highly com¬ mended both by his colleagues in the University of Wis¬ consin and by the students who received the benefits of his instruction. The results of his geological investigations are known to all who are interested in the earth’s history, and have been a credit to himself, to the Geological Surveys and to American science. Professor Irving became a member of this Society in 1886, but owing to the distance of his residence he was seldom able to attend its meetings. In March, 1886, he read an important paper on “ The Enlargement of Mineral Frag¬ ments as a Factor in Pock Alteration,” the only scientific communication that he made to the Society. JEROME HENRY KIDDER. Jerome Henry Kidder, whose untimely death has de¬ prived this Society of one of its most active and respected members, was born October 26, 1842, in Baltimore county, Maryland, and there his boyhood days were spent. En¬ tering Harvard College as a freshman at the age of six¬ teen years, he was graduated Bachelor of Arts in 1862, and shortly after, having tendered his services for the war, he was placed by General Saxton in charge of the Sea Island plantations, near Beaufort, S. C. There contracting yellow fever, he was obliged to return north early in 1863, but, upon recovery, he enlisted in the Tenth Maryland infantry, in which regiment he served as private and non-commissioned officer for about a year. He was then appointed a medical cadet, and in that capacity was employed in the hospitals near the capital until after the war had closed. The study of medi- OBITUARY NOTICES. 481 cine, begun at that time, was continued in Baltimore, and in 1866 he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine from the University of Maryland. The degree of Master of Arts, in regular course, was also conferred upon him by Harvard College in 1865. On June 18, 1866, a few months after completing his medical education, Dr. Kidder was commissioned an as¬ sistant surgeon in the United States Navy, in which he served for eighteen years with much distinction. He was promoted to passed assistant surgeon April 5, 1871, and to surgeon May 19, 1876, and resigned his commission June 18, 1884. His first detail was to the Naval Asylum at Philadelphia, where he remained a little over a year. From 1867 to 1870 he was attached as assistant medical officer to the United States ship Idaho, then stationed off Nagasaki, Japan, as the general hospital for the Asiatic squadron. While on this station he received from the King of Portugal the decoration of the Military Order of Christ, in recognition of gracious professional services to a distressed vessel of His Majesty’s navy; and during the memorable typhoon of September 21, 1868, he displayed his faculty for accurate observation by making a careful plotting of the storm’s track. In 1874 and 1875 he served, in connection with the United States steamer Swatara, as surgeon and naturalist of the Transit of Venus expedition to Kerguelen island, and in 1877 and 1878 as surgeon of the United States steamer Alliance in the Mediterranean. On the latter cruise he was married, at Constantinople, September 18, 1878, to Anne Mary, daughter of the Honorable Horace Maynard, Minister of the United States to Turkey. During the summers of 1875 and 1879 he was assigned to special duty with the small naval steamers Bluelight and Speedwell, engaged in fishery investigations on the New England coast, and in December, 1882, became the first surgeon of the Fish Commission steamer Albatross, on which he remained until the following April. His shore service was performed mainly at the Naval Hospital and 62-Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 482 JEROME HENRY KIDDER. Laboratory, Brooklyn, from 1871 to 1874, and at the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Washington, from 1879 to 1882. Dr. Kidder was recognized as one of the most accomplished and efficient surgeons in his corps, and his frank and genial disposition gained him hosts of friends. The advantages of the naval laboratory at Brooklyn, where he served as an assistant from 1871 to 1874, probably led to the chemical and physical inquiries which afterward became his favorite studies, and in all probability they determined the char¬ acter of his principal future work. The Brooklyn labora¬ tory was then the only one under the Navy Department equipped for general chemical investigations, and it was also the naval depot for medical supplies. In addition to the customary analyses of drugs, Dr. Kidder was assigned many special problems, and while at this place he also prepared a chemical test case and manual of instructions for the use of medical officers on board ship, which, slightly modified, is still issued to naval vessels. It was from Brooklyn that Dr. Kidder was ordered to join the scientific party sent out by the United States Govern¬ ment to observe the transit of Venus at Kerguelen island in 1874. Four months were spent in the desolate and in¬ clement spot selected for the station, and during that period Dr. Kidder was indefatigable in his study of the natural history, geology and climatology of the island. No group of animals or plants was neglected, and notwithstanding the comparative scantiness of the field, his labors were well rewarded. After his return to Washington he re¬ mained about a year at the Smithsonian Institution study¬ ing, with the cooperation of several specialists, the material which he had obtained. The results were published by the National Museum in two bulletins — one descriptive of the birds, the other covering the remaining subjects, with a special monograph on Ghionis minor, which has been re¬ garded as his most valuable contribution to zoology. The outcome of this single expedition was sufficient to demon¬ strate Dr. Kidder’s ability and fitness as a naturalist, and OBITUARY NOTICES. 483 to prove that he might readily have attained eminence in that pursuit had he chosen it as a profession. Appreciating the importance of observing every detail which could elu¬ cidate the habits or distribution of a species, his descriptions are replete with interesting notes, which add greatly to their value, and he was equally successful in discussing structure and relations. This brief sojourn at the Smithsonian Institution was fruit¬ ful in many ways, and the relations then established with Pro¬ fessor Baird, soon ripening into a warm and lasting friend¬ ship, were instrumental in finally severing his connection with the navy. In fact, a career in natural history seems at that time to have been seriously considered by him, if we may judge from the elaborate plans prepared for an expedi¬ tion to the Antarctic regions, under the auspices of the Insti¬ tution, which was to have been in his charge. Circum¬ stances, however, delayed the execution of this project, and it was finally abandoned. The first published record indicating Dr. Kidder’s in¬ terest in , hygiene is contained in his report as surgeon of the steamer Alliance during 1878. This paper states in forcible terms the requirements for a healthy ship, and closes with a “ Memorandum of a partial examination of the impurities of the air on board the Alliance,” and con¬ tains also ‘a description of the apparatus improvised for the occasion. The simplicity of these methods of obtain¬ ing condensed moisture and of securing the impurities of the air on small glass slips and watch-crystals led the author to suggest the propriety of supplying similar outfits, with some additional appliances, to all naval vessels — a rec¬ ommendation which was soon adopted and carried out. In 1879 there was started in Washington, under the charge of Dr. Kidder, a small naval laboratory, consisting in the beginning of only a single room, and intended primarily for the special examinations which he had recently proposed. The limited amount of money available for the purpose made it necessary to resort to very crude appliances, but in 484 JEROME HENRY KIDDER. no way checked the ardor with which the work was carried on. Under the liberal and energetic policy of Surgeon Gen¬ eral Wales, by whom the laboratory had been founded, the facilities for study were rapidly increased, larger appropria¬ tions were obtained, and in the course of two or three years the young establishment was converted into the Museum of Hygiene, as it is known to-day. The principal investiga¬ tions conducted by Dr. Kidder during his three years’ as¬ signment to this duty consisted in the chemical and micro¬ scopical analysis of the air with respect to the amount and character of the influences exerted in the production of dis¬ ease by its organic and inorganic impurities, while among his other duties were the examination of pathological speci¬ mens and the consolidation of meteorological reports de¬ rived from naval sources. The zeal and earnestness displayed in all this work, his untiring devotion to the cause of hygiene, and, above all, his strength and breadth of mind, especially fitted him for leadership in this important movement, with which he would undoubtedly have continued to be identified under more stable conditions of environment. His several reports upon this subject indicate most careful and painstaking observa¬ tions, and exhibit marked success in the development of ingenious though, for the most part, exceedingly simple methods of experiment. His earlier inquiries in hygiene had reference mainly to the surroundings of the laboratory, but prior to his detach¬ ment he was detailed to assist in two special investigations. The first and more important of these was an inquiry into the cause of the recurrent epidemic of yellow fever on board the United States Steamship Plymouth, in con¬ junction with Medical Inspector Dean and Naval Constructor Wilson, and was executed in 1880. The report submitted by this board was published in the report of the Surgeon General of the Navy for 1880. The following year Dr. Kidder, with Medical Director Browne and Passed Assistant Surgeon Griffiths, examined with unusual care the sanitary OBITUARY NOTICES. 485 condition of the proposed site for the new naval observatory at Washington, and upon their favorable decision depended in great part the acceptance of the property. While on this duty Dr. Kidder also suggested several changes in the Ameri¬ can naval rations, based upon a study of their physiological value. Subsequent to his resignation from the navy, he was called upon to investigate the purity of the air in the Hall of Representatives at the Capitol and its approaches, and in the lecture hall of the National Museum, in both instances securing practical results of great benefit. As before mentioned, Dr. Kidder was on special service with the United States Fish Commission during the summers of 1875 and 1879, and in the latter year he made an interesting series of experiments on the animal heat of fishes. He was de¬ tailed to the Albatross in 1882 as a naval surgeon, but after holding that position for only a few months his active connec¬ tion with the navy ceased, and he was appointed a civilian as¬ sistant on the Fish Commission. This change was determined mainly by the recent death of his father, of whose estate he t was an administrator, and by his desire for occupation that would retain him near his family. His specific duties were those of physicist and chemist, but as the trusted adviser of Professor Baird, who had the highest regard for his ability and judgment, he contributed in many ways to the general welfare of the Commission. In the building of the marine station at Wood’s Holl, Mass., begun in 1883, he took a deep personal interest, placing at the service of Professor Baird an adjoining piece of land which he had acquired for that pur¬ pose. A physical laboratory, suitably equipped for fishery investigations, was established at that place, and another of the same character in the Smithsonian Institution at Wash¬ ington, Dr. Kidder’s time being divided between the two. His work related chiefly to water temperatures, densities, and analyses, to the purchase and testing of all physical ap¬ paratus, to experiments upon the preservation of fresh fish, and to such other kindred subjects as came within the prov¬ ince of the Fish Commission. His unwillingness to publish 486 JEROME HENRY KIDDER. until the volume of results would seem to warrant their being placed before the public has left us with only a few printed records of his fishery studies, but it is due to him to state that the high perfection attained in the methods of physical research employed by the Commission has resulted largely from his intelligent supervision. In the autumn of 1887, upon the death of Professor Baird and the appointment of Dr. G. Brown Goode as Commis¬ sioner of Fish and Fisheries, Dr. Kidder became the Assist¬ ant Commissioner, for which position he was well qualified by his administrative ability and his intimate acquaintance with the affairs of the Commission. Resigning that office, however, early in the following year, he was appointed, in March, 1888, Curator of Laboratory and Exchanges in the Smithsonian Institution, which post he held until his death, rendering most efficient service and becoming greatly en¬ deared to his associates. His surroundings were, moreover, entirely suited to his tastes, and his future seemed full of promise, with the prospect of again returning to the study of many early problems which his frequent change of duty had interrupted but not banished from his mind. His attachment for the Smithsonian Institution and appreciation of its objects were manifested in his will, by which the sum of $5,000 was bequeathed for the promotion of physical research. Dr. Kidder was a contributor to the National Medical1 Dictionary, compiled under the editorial supervision of Dr. John S. Billings, United States Army. His principal scien¬ tific papers have appeared as follows : Those relating to sanitary and kindred subjects, in the reports of the Surgeon General of the Navy from 1879 to 1882, the Proceedings of the Naval Medical Society for 1884, the reports of the Forty- eighth Congress, and the report of the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion for 1884 ; on the natural history of Kerguelen island, in Bulletins Nos. 2 and 3 of the National Museum, published in 1875 and 1876 ; on fishery matters, in the reports and bulletins of the Fish Commission subsequent to 1883, and on chemistry and physics, in the publications of various scientific societies. OBITUARY NOTICES. 487 In the social, scientific, and literary circles of Washington, Dr. Kidder was especially prominent and influential, hav¬ ing been a member of the Cosmos, Metropolitan, Harvard, and Rover Clubs, and of the Philosophical, Biological, and Chemical Societies. He joined the Philosophical Society in 1880, was one of its secretaries in 1887, and a member of the general council during 1888 and 1889. He was faithful in attendance at the meetings of the Society and active in the promotion of its interests, contributing papers on deep- sea temperature observations and on the gilding of ther¬ mometer bulbs. A founder in both the Biological and Chemical Societies, he took a prominent part in their pro¬ ceedings, and was an officer in each, having served as presi¬ dent of the latter in 1888. He had been a companion for over twenty years of the New York Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and was also a zealous member of the Masonic fraternity. Dr. Kidder was an able writer and a fluent speaker, using clear and vigorous language, and always presenting his sub¬ ject in a simple and attractive manner. While not entirely at home before a formal audience, he was ready, even brilliant, in conversation, and among the “ Rovers,” a few well-chosen friends, whose meetings were given over to the familiar dis¬ cussion of interesting topics, he never failed to take a lead¬ ing part. His proficiency in writing was gained, to some extent, from an early experience with the New York jour¬ nals, to which he contributed on literary and other matters during a number of years. He was an accomplished lin¬ guist, and being passionately fond of books, a choice col¬ lection that had been left to him was made the nucleus of a large and valuable library. His residence in Washington also bore evidences of his taste in art and of the opportuni¬ ties in that direction afforded by his distant travel, His final illness was of short duration and scarcely known beyond his household. In perfect health, he was stricken with pneumonia on a Friday and died on the following Monday, the 8th of April, 1889, in his forty-seventh year. 488 EDWARD BROWN LEFAVOUR. In their sad bereavement the devoted wife and children had the heartfelt sympathy of every one to whom his name had become familiar, whether through personal contact or through a knowledge of his good works and sterling qualities. His loss was widely felt and his place will long be vacant. Richard Rathbun. EDWARD BROWN LEFAVOUR. s Edward Brown Lefavour, eldest son of Issachar and Lydia A. Lefavour, was born in Beverly, Mass., November 25, 1854. His whole course as a student was a brilliant one/ Entering the high school of his native town at the age of twelve, he graduated in his fifteenth year, in June, 1870, with the rank of valedictorian of his class. After pursuing an advanced course for one more year at Beverly, he went to Salem and spent a year in its high school, from which he was graduated, at the head of his class, in 1872. Thus prepared, he entered Harvard College in 1872, at about the beginning of his eighteenth year, taking the course in mathematics and physics, and in 1876 again graduated at the head of his class, this rank being determined by the record of his four years of undergraduate work. He took honors in both physics and philosophy, a thing of rare occurrence, and received an oration at commencement, hav¬ ing previously taken honors in mathematics in his junior and in classics in his sophomore year. He was also during his junior year elected to membership in the Harvard chap¬ ter of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. After graduation he returned to Cambridge and spent a year in post-graduate work and as tutor at the university. From September, 1877, to near the end of January, 1878, he served as a substitute teacher in the Jamaica Plain high school, during the illness of the principal, and the following April accepted the position of principal of the high school at Holbrook, Mass., a position which he filled till July, 1880. OBITUARY NOTICES. 489 At the close of the summer vacation of 1880 he came again to the university as special student and private tutor, but only for a brief interval. In January, 1881, he came to Washington and entered the Bureau of Weights and Meas¬ ures, in the office of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. In this work as verifier of weights and measures, for which his talent and training so well fitted him, he remained nearly five years, resigning his place December 1, 1885. It was during this interval that he became known to and a member of the Philosophical Society, which he joined December 16, 1882. An occasional participant in the discussions in the Society, his chief activity was, however, manifested in the mathe¬ matical section, in the work of which he was more especially interested. While employed in the Bureau of Weights and Measures he also undertook, beginning June 1, 1883, the measurement of the star photographs made by Dr. B. A. Gould at the Argentine National Observatory, at Cordoba, South America. This work he continued to prosecute after leaving the Weights and Measures Bureau, and brought it to a successful conclusion a few months before his death. For facilitating these measures he devised and had partially completed an instrument, which his sudden death has left incomplete. After leaving Washington he returned to Cambridge, and continued his work upon the star photographs of Dr. Gould. At the same time he entered the Theological Department of Boston University with a view to entering the ministry, for which he had always evinced a strong liking. For some time it had been his wish and his purpose to enter the An¬ dover Theological Seminary. Indeed, for a number of years he had been privately pursuing his theological studies in connection with his other work. In 1887, after pursuing theological studies for a year in Boston University, he ap¬ pears to have finally decided the question as to whether theology or science should be his vocation by giving up his theological studies and devoting his energies to scientific work. He became a member of the Mathematical and Phys- G3— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 490 EDWARD BROWN LEFAVOUR. ical Society of Cambridge, and in October, 1888, he was made an assistant in physics in Harvard College, which position he held to the date of his death. In May, 1889, he was attacked by rheumatic fever, which rapidly developed into typhoid, from which he died on May 18, 1889. Never physically strong, he succumbed to an illness which a more robust constitution might easily have withstood. Through training and inheritance he was of a strongly religious temperament. He was always an active worker in the church, and in the Sunday school he acted both as teacher and superintendent. With this strong tendency to¬ wards both science and religion, the question of his vocation was long an open one, and it was not until his thirty-second year that the question appears to have been finally decided in favor of science. Without being shy, he was reserved in his manner, and appeared formal to those not intimately acquainted with him. To his intimate friends, however, he was a most genial and instructive companion. His logic was keen and his conclusions came faultlessly from the assumptions based on his philosophy and religion. He was a thinker rather than an actor, and his thinking a compound of clear, cold, mathematical reasoning conjoined with metaphysical speculation. In person he was of medium or slightly less than medium height, neither spare nor stout. He had a clear, hazel eye, and his black, curly hair heightened the whiteness of a clean-shaven face, suggestive of the churchman. A slightly bent form, and the head thrown forward, showed the man of thought rather than the man of action. Most faithful and diligent in all he undertook, exceedingly conscientious, kindly and considerate to all, he had no enemies, and his friends were only limited by the number of his acquaint¬ ances. Marcus Baker. OBITUARY NOTICES. 491 PETER PARKER. Peter Parker, who had attained some distinction in the two different professions of divinity and medicine, was one of the original founders of the Philosophical Society of Wash¬ ington, in 1871. He was born in Framingham, Mass., June 18, 1804. He was educated at Yale College, where he was graduated in 1831 ; and he was a graduate of the medical department in 1834. He was at the same time a student in theology, and a few years later was ordained and sent to China as a missionary by the American Board of Foreign Missions. He made a diligent study of the Chinese lan¬ guage, and established at Canton a hospital for the treat¬ ment of diseases of the eye, which he found to be quite fre- (Juent in that city. Other classes of disease were soon admitted into the hospital, and in the first year he had re¬ ceived and cared for 2,000 patients suffering with various afflictions. His skill and success as a surgeon made his hospital quite famous, and he trained several natives in medicine and surgery to act as his assistants. During this time he was as diligent in the care of the spiritual as of the corporeal requirements of the people around him, and prac¬ ticed his function of preacher no less zealously. In consequence of the disturbed condition of affairs in China during England’s memorable “ opium war ” with that country, Dr. Parker returned to the United States in 1840. Two years later he revisited Canton and reopened his hos¬ pital. In 1845 he resigned his position under the American Board of Missions in order to give uninterrupted attention to his very large clientage of patients. Having acquired a good practical acquaintance with the Chinese language, he was selected as secretary and interpreter to the United States legation in that place, and in the absence of the United States minister, he also acted as charge d’affaires ad interim. In 1855, to obtain a needed rest and recuperation for his overtaxed strength, he again returned to his native country, 492 HENRY FRANCIS WALLING. but, from his familiarity with the manners and language of the Chinese, he was soon appointed a special commissioner to again visit the country, with powers to rearrange a com¬ mercial treaty with the nation. This important and respon¬ sible mission accomplished, in 1857 he for the last time left the country and the people with whom for more than twenty years he had been so intimately and so honorably asso¬ ciated. Having made his residence at the city of Washington, Dr. Parker was on January 11, 1868, appointed by resolution of Congress a regent of the Smithsonian Institution, and at the meeting of the board held January 22 he was elected to the executive committee of the regents, do fill the vacancy occa¬ sioned by the death of Prof. A. D. Bache. This position he held till induced by failing health to offer his resignation, April 7, 1884, as member of the committee and of the board. He died at his residence in this city (Washington) Janu¬ ary 10, 1888, universally respected for his integrity and ad¬ mired for his geniality and sympathetic disposition. His remains were buried at Oak Hill cemetery, in West Wash¬ ington. HENRY FRANCIS WALLING. Henry Francis Walling was born in Burrillville, R. I., June 11, 1825. He was the son of a well-known man of sterling integrity. Both father and mother were members of the Baptist church. His maternal grandfather was a Baptist deacon, while his grandmother belonged to the So¬ ciety of Friends. From her he inherited the gentleness of manner which distinguished him and which is so marked a characteristic of that peaceful people. Early in Mr. Walling’s life his father removed to Provi¬ dence, where young Walling was first educated in the pub- OBITUARY NOTICES. 493 lie school, leaving it for Lyons and Friese’s classical school, where he was fitted for college ; but he did not enter college, having married at the early age of twenty -two. At that time his attention had already been turned toward his future field of labor. While studying surveying and civil engineering he had assisted in making and publishing a map of Northbridge, Worcester county, Massachusetts. At the same time he also taught an evening drawing school in Providence with marked success. Previous to this time he had been assistant librarian of the Providence Atheneum. He formed a partnership about 1849 with Barrett Cush¬ ing, a civil engineer of Providence, with whom he was asso¬ ciated in making the map of Northbridge before referred to. This partnership did not last long, for in the next year he alone engaged in surveys in Bristol county, Massachusetts, resulting in the production of maps of five considerable towns, all bearing the date of 1850. From that time forward map-making and surveying for that object became the busi¬ ness of his life. Between 1850 and 1860 fifty-two maps of towns and twelve maps of counties, all in Massachusetts, bear his name. In 1858 he set up in New York an establishment for the mak¬ ing and publishing of maps of all kinds upon a large scale. Here he employed surveyors, whose work he carefully su¬ perintended, while watching the reductions and publication with thoughtful care. This establishment he had brought into successful and profitable operation, when, in 1861-62, the war supervened and nearly ruined him. The class of men in his employ were precisely those most needed in the country’s service and most ready to give both service and life to the country when called upon. Early in 1868 he accepted an appointment to the chair of civil and topographical engineering at the Pardee Scientific School of Lafayette College, Pennsylvania, at the same time carrying on to some extent the publication of maps. He held this position about three years, and then, returning to 494 HENRY FRANCIS WALLING. the east, took up liis old business of map-making at Boston. Here he was again engaged for several years under the au¬ spices of the State of Massachusetts in correcting and adding new data to the State map of Massachusetts, originally pub¬ lished in 1842. The result was an imperial quarto atlas of the State published in 1871 by H. F. Walling and A. 0. Gray, which was very creditable to them and a decided step forward. But it did not satisfy Mr. Walling ; none knew better than he its many imperfections. Resting as it did upon a practically perfect basis in the triangulation, executed be¬ tween 1834 and 1841, under the direction of Mr. Simeon Borden, upon which the State of Massachusetts had ex¬ pended over $70,000, Mr. Walling knew that the topo¬ graphical details were by no means of the same order of precision. Mr. Walling had been brought much into contact with Mr. Borden between 1850 and 1856, while he was engaged in making and publishing the town maps of Massachusetts. He was in the habit of consulting him and coming to him for information, as he did to the writer of this notice, espe¬ cially after Mr. Borden’s death, in 1856. [It was in these years, from 1-856 to 1862, that I saw most of him and learned to value rightly his many excellent qualities. The events of the war and subsequent duty south of New England for many years deprived me of opportunities of personal inter¬ course with him until my removal to Washington in 1884.] He had made many surveys and maps in the meantime. Among his plans was one for a general map of the United States. To this end he had made a very elaborate collection of all obtainable atlas maps of every part of our country. This very useful and valuable collection is now the property of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, purchased from Mr. Wall¬ ing in 1884. At that time he had been several years in the service of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, where he had rendered faith¬ ful service, as he did everywhere. OBITUARY NOTICES. 495 In 1884 he entered the service of the Geological Survey. He had always wished to see a really accurate map of the State of Massachusetts, in which he had spent so much of his life upon patchwork. It is not too much to say that the inception and execution of the work now approaching com¬ pletion was largely due to his persistent efforts. He was employed upon it from the time of his entering the Geological Survey, in 1884, until his death, in April last. His widow writes that “ he was devoted to his work, putting his whole soul into it, and giving himself up to it until the last hour of his life. The book from which he was comput¬ ing lay open before him when he could no longer see it. He was an earnest seeker after the truth ; an honest, sincere, and upright man.” In the report of the Commissioners of the Massachusetts State Topographical Survey for 1888, the commissioners, Messrs. Walker, Whiting, and Shaler, say of him: “ Mr. Walling has been identified with the State survey from its inception to the time of his death ; in fact, it was mainly due to his personal efforts that the survey was in¬ augurated. He was at the time a member of the Geological Survey, which he finally left for the exclusive service of the Commonwealth. His personal knowledge of the geography of the State and his long experience in map-making gave him a special fitness for the work of the new survey. “Although always a sufferer from grave bodily ills, Mr. Walling, by dint of patience and a masterful will, succeeded in accomplishing a remarkable body of work. To him more than to any one else is due the appreciation of good maps which is now bearing fruit in the National Survey.” Mr. Walling was married at Providence, in 1847, to Miss Maria Fowler Wheeler, who survives him, as do two daugh¬ ters. Two sons died — one in infancy ; the other, a fine, prom¬ ising youth, died in 1867, while in his sophomore year at Yale College. His father never entirely recovered from this severe blow, but his “ masterful will ” kept him up to the 496 OBITUARY NOTICES. end, which came in the form of a heart disease and was sudden. Obituary notices of the following members of the Society who have died during the period covered by this Bulletin have not yet been prepared for publication : George Bancroft, died January 17, 1891. John Huntington Crane Coffin, died January 8, 1890. Charles Henry Nichols, died December 16, 1889. Charles Christopher Parry, died February 20, 1890. I PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON AND OF ITS MATHEMATICAL SECTION, 1888-1891. ' i 64— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. (497) PROCEEDINGS AT THE GENERAL MEETINGS OF THE SOCIETY. 1888 to 1891. FROM THE MINUTES. 311th Meeting. January 7, 1888. The President, Mr. Garrick Mallery, in the chair. Thirty members and guests present. The President announced the death, on December 22, 1887, of Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden, a founder of the Society. Announcement was also made of the appointment of the fol¬ lowing Standing Committees : On Communications: G. K. Gilbert, Chairman. J. R. Eastman. G. Brown Goode. On Publications : Marcus Baker, Chairman. Robert Fletcher. W. C. Winlock. S. P. Langley. The report of the committee appointed to audit the Treasurer’s accounts was read, accepted, and ordered to be entered upon the minutes. The report is as follows : January 6, 1888. The undersigned, a committee appointed at the Annual Meet¬ ing of the Philosophical Society of Washington, December 21, (499) 500 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 1887, for the purpose of auditing the accounts of the Treasurer, respectfully report as follows : We have examined the statement of receipts, including dues, sales, and interest, and find the same to be correct. We have examined the statement of disbursements, compared it with the vouchers, and find that they agree. We have examined the returned checks, which agree with the bank book, the balance of which, as reported by Riggs & Co. on December 28, was $942.05, agreeing wdth the Treasurer’s report. We have examined the United States and other bonds belong¬ ing to the Society, and find them to be in amount and character as represented in the Treasurer’s report, aggregating $3,100. John S. Billings. C. O. Boutelle. James C. Welling. Mr. George F. Becker presented a communication on the Rounding of Rock Masses by External Attack. Mr. J. W. Spencer read a paper on the Iroquois Beach — a Chapter in the Geological History of Lake Ontario. [Abstract published in Science , vol. 11, p. 49.] 312th Meeting. January 21, 1883. The President in the chair. Thirty-seven members and guests present. The following communications were presented : Determination of Fault Hades, by Mr. Bailey Willis. [Abstract.] Mr. Willis suggested the application of methods of descriptive geometry to the determination of hade, and illustrated by statement of results ob¬ tained in East Tennessee. The method rests on the assumption that the fault surface is a plane for short distances, and under this assumption the strike and hade may be found after ascertaining by survey the relative positions of three points of the fault outcrop. A check is afforded by using a large number of points in adjacent sets of three each, and a conception of the fault surface may be obtained by extending adjacent plane facets thus determined, either PROCEEDINGS. 501 graphically or in a model, to their intersections ; care is, however, neces¬ sary not to be misled by the development of theoretical planes beyond reasonable limits. As a result of many determinations of hade, it is found that faults in southwestern Virginia and northeastern Tennessee hade to the upthrow at angles ranging from forty-five to seventy degrees from the vertical. The Neozoic Formations in Arkansas, by Mr. R. T. Hill. [Abstract.] The Neozoic formations of the Southern Gulf States have been studied mostly from long range, from which only the hand rock material and conspicuous fossils, both exceptional features, were visible and from which no ideas whatever of their relation, differentiation, and stratigraphic paleontology are conceivable. Southwest Arkansas, notwithstanding the obscurement of the stratigraphy by the dense forest growth and debris, afforded a fair- cross-section of the Neozoic formations and the method in which they were deposited one upon the other and upon the older Paleo¬ zoic continental area. During the past year, under the direction of Dr. John C. Branner, State geologist of Arkansas, Dr. Hill commenced a systematic investigation of the economic questions of the region, to facilitate which he was under the necessity of making a thorough study of the stratigraphy, from the basal Mesozoic to the basal Tertiary, inclusive. Mr. Hill found that the lower Tertiary and uppermost Cretaceous for¬ mations were continuations of nearly similar formations from the adjoin¬ ing States, as has been previously supposed, but in addition to those he found the lower Cretaceous and probably uppermost Jurassic strata of the central Texas region to extend into the State, disappearing near the In¬ dian Territory line beneath the later strata of the Mississippi embayment. The lowest of the Mesozoic strata he found resting directly upon the highly disturbed Carboniferous rocks, and extending from near Antoine P. O., Arkansas, to the Brazos river in Texas. Owing to the undoubted stratigraphic position of these beneath the lowest marine Cretaceous of the Comanche series, and the great resemblance of the fossils therefrom to those of the transitional Wealdan and Purbeck beds of Europe, he pro¬ visionally referred these to the upper Jurassic* The detail^of these beds, together with those of all the overlying strata herein mentioned, are in process of publication by the Arkansas State Geological Survey. Throughout the whole series of strata there were found several non-con¬ formities and breaks in faunal continuity, contrary to preconceived ideas, indicating many oscillations in depth of the waters in which the forma¬ tions were deposited. * Science, Jan. 13, 1888. 502 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Upon inquiry by Mr. Gilbert Thompson, Mr. Hill said that he had made careful observations of the fall lines of the rivers in this portion of Arkansas and Texas, and that Dr. Branner was having topographic maps made that would give valuable data upon this question. A paper by Mr. Romyn Hitchcock — Notes on Eclipse-Pho¬ tography in Japan — was read by the Secretary in the absence of the author. Mr. Gilbert made a communication on the Flat Rock Channel. 313th Meeting. February 4, 1888. The President in the chair. Fifty members and guests present. Announcement was made of the death, on January 10, 1888, of Peter Parker, a founder of the Society. Announcement was also made of the election to membership of Robert Thaxter Edes and Otto Hilgard Tittmann. Mr. C. F. Marvin described A New Self-recording Rain- Gauge, and developed the formula for its various adjustments or corrections. [Abstract, Science, vol. 11, p. 97, Feb. 24, 1888.] Mr. J. S. Billings exhibited a form of Galton’s Apparatus for Testing Muscular Sense. The President announced the presence of Dr. George M. Dawson, Assistant Director of the Geological Survey of Canada, and requested him to favor the Society with an account of his explorations in the extreme northern part of British Columbia and the head- waters of the Yukon river. Following is an abstract of Dr. Dawson’s remarks : [Abstract.] The route followed was by the Stikine river to the head o*f navigation at Telegraph creek, and thence overland to Dease lake, the center of the Cassiar gold mining district of British Columbia. Here boats were built, and the Dease, Liard, and Frances rivers followed to the head of the last named in Frances lake. At Frances lake the boats were abandoned, and a difficult portage of about fifty miles made across the height of land between Frances and Liard rivers and the Pelly branch of the Yukon. This route had been used many years ago by the Hudson Bay Co., but PROCEEDINGS. 503 had been abandoned since 1852. A canvas boat was made on the Pelly, and that river was descended to the month of the Lewis, where another wooden boat was built for the ascent of the Lewis, and the coast finally- reached on September 20th by crossing the Chilkoot or Perrier Pass to the head of Lynn canal. Two parties still remain in the district for the purpose of continuing explorations next spring — one under Mr. B,. G. McConnell on the Mackenzie river, the other under Mr. W. Ogilvie on the Pelly (Yukon). An outline was given of the geological results obtained on the route above described. The general character of the rocks and the formations represented are very similar to those characterizing the Sani Cordillera belt in the more southern part of British Columbia, embracing deposits referable to the Carboniferous, Cretaceous, Laramie (probably), and Mio¬ cene. The coast ranges preserve an almost identical character from the Fraser river to Lynn canal, a distance of about 900 miles. They are chiefly composed of gray granites and granitoid rocks, with associated crystalline schists. Evidences were found of the glaciation of the upper Yukon basin by working in a northern and northwestern direction. Mention wras also made of a wide-spread deposit of volcanic ash, of comparatively recent date, in the region, and of the discovery of rolled fragments of jade in the bed of the Lewis river. Dr. Dawson regretted that he was unprovided with specimens and photographs obtained during the exploration, which would have illus¬ trated his remarks. [A full account of these explorations has been published by the author as Part B to the Annual Report for 1887 of the Director of the Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada.] 314th Meeting. February 18, 1888. The President in the chair. Forty-two members and guests present. The following communications were presented : Increasing Industrial Employment of the Rarer Metals, by Mr. Henry H. Bates. [Abstract.] The metals particularly referred to wTere, first, aluminium. Its valuable properties were mentioned and outlines of some of the leading processes for obtaining it were given. Its most valuable alloys were enumerated, 504 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OP WASHINGTON. viz., 1, aluminium bronze, a 10 per cent, alloy of aluminium and copper ; 2, tiers argent, a 66f per cent, alloy of aluminium and silver, and, 3, the “ mitis ” casting, an alloy of cast iron with a minute proportion of alu¬ minium (aV of one per cent.) to improve fluidity in the mold and solidity in the Casting. The Cowles incandescent electrical furnace for the smelt¬ ing of refractory ores, including those of aluminium, was described from the patents ; also the electrical furnace of Bradley and Crocker for the procurement of sodium. The sodium process of Frishmuth of Philadel¬ phia for obtaining aluminium was also described from the patents. Speci¬ mens of pure aluminium and aluminium bronze were shown. Sodium. — Its uses in metallurgy were referred to and the mode of its production on a commercial scale indicated. Potassium. — An industrial use in the manufacture of fuses to ignite and burn on contact with water was described. Magnesium. — Several modes of utilizing this metal in the production of artificial actinic light for instantaneous photography were described. Cadmium. — The use of this metal as a component of fusible alloys for dental and other purposes was described and its use for the preparation of artist’s colors referred to. Iridium. — The mode of utilizing this metal in the arts by melting and casting it as a phosphide was described. Its principal industrial uses are, for tubular points in fountain pens, as a hard facing for burnishers, etc., as draw-plates for wire drawing, and as indestructible bearings for fine machinery in lieu of jewels, for which its great hardness and unchange¬ ableness recommend it. As a phosphide, it is also useful for anodes in the electro-deposition of iridium. A specimen of the electro-deposited metal was shown. Palladium. — This metal finds a valuable use in the hairsprings, compen¬ sation balances, and other quick-moving parts of watches to be used near dynamo-electro generators, where ordinary watches with steel balances are rendered useless by magnetic influences. Palladium is recommended for these purposes by its unchangeableness, elasticity, and low coefficient of expansion. Strontium. — The industrial uses of this metal arise out of the magnifi¬ cent crimson light of its spectrum, which qualifies it for coloring rocket signals for military and naval purposes. Tungsten. — This metal has recently been found valuable for military projectiles on account of its high specific gravity conjoined with sufficient hardness, giving it superiority over either lead or steel, neither of which unites these two qualities. Specimens of such proposed projectiles were exhibited, Yttrium, Lanthanum, Zirconium, and Thorium. — The great refractory qualities of the oxides of these metals qualify them for incandescents in gas-lighting with non-carburetted gas, a novel way of utilizing them hav¬ ing recently been introduced and patented in Europe by saturating web¬ like cylinders of textile fabric with aqueous solutions of the salts of said PROCEEDINGS. 505 oxides, singly or in combination, and then burning away the fabric, leav¬ ing the shell of refractory matter as the incandescent, which is illuminated by burning gas within the same by means of a small Bunsen cylinder. A specimen lamp was operated and exhibited. Trans-Mississippi Rainfall, by Mr. A. W. Greely. Note on the Formation of Alloys, by Mr. William Hallock. [Abstract.] In the Berichte der. Chemischen Gesellschaft, vol. XV, 1882, pp. 595-7, W. Spring describes the formation of alloys by submitting the tilings of the constituent metals to high pressure without appreciable rise in temperature. Wood’s alloy of cadmium, tin, lead, and bismuth he produced by mixing the proper weights of the tilings of these metals and subjecting them to 7,000 atmospheres pressure. The block thus obtained was again tiled up and subjected to the same pressure. In this way a block of metal was pro¬ duced which possessed the physical properties of ordinary Wood’s alloy formed by melting the mixed constituents. W. Chandler Roberts repeated this experiment [ Chemical News , vol. XLV, 1882, p. 231] and verified Mr. Spring’s results. In seeking an explanation of the above phenomenon satisfactory to myself, I reasoned that if at any time during the first compression, the subsequent filing, or the second compression, anywhere throughout the mass the constituent metals were in contact, that at that point there would be a minute globule of the alloy — a molecule of the alloy, as it were- If now the temperature of the block, either during compression or subse¬ quently, be raised to 70° C., then that molecule of alloy will fuse and act as a solvent upon the surrounding metals till the whole mass is fused. If my idea was correct I concluded that perhaps I could produce the result without pressure, giving more time and an appropriate temperature to the substance. The filed metals in the proper proportions (1 Sn, 1 Cd, 2 Pb, 4 Bi.) were mixed and packed into the bottom of a “ sealed tube,” such as is used in blowpipe wTork, using no greater pressure than could be conveniently exerted with a piece of wire g-inch diameter held between the thumb and finger. This tube was hung in the water bath of the laboratory over night (eighteen hours), thus maintaining it at a tempera¬ ture of 98° C. or 100° C. On examination the filings had settled down considerably ; the tube was then struck upon the table, jarring them down still more, and in an hour or two the whole was a molten globule. The experiment was repeated, using larger quantities, packed in with a lead pencil, and occasionally pressing the mass together with the pencil, producing 20 or 30 grains of alloy. Since then tin and lead have been fused together at 200° C., tin melting only at 230° C. ; also sodium and potassium at ordinary temperatures (20° C.), the first melting at about 90° C., and the latter at about 60° C. G5 — Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 506 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Thus I propose the law that an alloy can be formed out of the constituents at a temperature above the melting point of the alloy, although it be far below that of any constituent, with no ( appreciable ) pressure. The extended verification of this law, as well as the electrical and ther¬ mal phenomena associated therewith, will be the subject of a work which I hope soon to undertake and carry through. An abstract of this paper was also published in Science, vol. 11, pp. 99, 100, Mar. 2, 1888. 315th Meeting. March 3, 1888. The President in the chair. Thirty-two members and guests present. Announcement was made of the election to membership of Andrew Braid and Arthur Keith. The following papers were read : On the Determination of Atomic Weights, by Mr. F. W. Clarke. Notes on the Drift north of Lake Ontario, by Mr. J. W. Spencer. [Abstract.] Amongst the deposits of the later Pleistocene period there is a well- stratified, hardened brown clay, charged with pebbles which are more or less glaciated, resting upon the typical blue bowlder clay north of Toronto. In the Canadian classification of the Pleistocene deposits there is no place for this deposit. Indeed, all of the stratified deposits of this region need revision, in the light of the progress that has been made in surface geology during the last twenty years. Thus, the Saugeen clay is resolvable into three series. The relation of all the clays to the older beaches require special study, as some of them may represent the deep-water deposits of the Beach epoch, while some of the' later beaches rest upon such clays. Around the head of Georgian bay there are ridges in the form of moraines, similar to those about the other great lakes, reaching to the height of 1,300 to 1,400 feet above the sea. From the face of the Niagara escarp¬ ment — between Georgian bay and Lake Ontario — there extends for over a hundred miles, to near Belleville, a broad zone of from eight to twenty miles in width, covered with drift ridges, composed of stony clay below and frequently stratified clay or sand above, having an elevation of '1,100 to 1,200 feet above the sea, with occasional reductions to only 900 feet. These “ Oak Hills or Kidges ” rise from 300 to 500 feet above the flat Paleo¬ zoic country to the north. The stones in the clay are often glaciated fragments of limestone, with only a small proportion of crystalline pebbles PROCEEDINGS. 507 or bowlders. In the deposits of the ridge native copper has been found ; consequently the drift-carrying agent moved southeastward down Georgian bay to the western end of the Oak Ridge and probably throughout its whole length. North and east of Belleville there are many lower and fragmentary ridges, having a trend somewhat across that of the Oak Ridge. The glaciation of the region adds great difficulties to the expla¬ nation of the phenomena. The striation in the Ottawa valley, from Lake Tamiscamang to near the junction with the St. Lawrence, is to the south¬ eastward with very rare local exceptions. On the Niagara escarpment, between Georgian bay and Lake Ontario, from 1,600 down to 700 feet above the sea, the striae are also to the southeast ; but between these widely separated regions the surface markings of the rocks to the south and west are obscured to the west and south by drift, and to the north and east absent or rarely seen, although the crystalline rocks are com¬ monly rounded or very rarely polished — an absence that can only in part be accounted for by subsequent atmospheric erosion. About the St. Lawrence and Lake Ontario the striations are to the west and more par¬ ticularly to the southwest. Between the Ottawa river and Georgian bay there is a high prominence which divided the drift-bearing currents ; but north of Lake Huron the glaciation is very strongly marked and to the southwest, with very rare local variations. All the lobes of glaciation about the lakes, from Superior to the Ottawa valley, radiate backward to the broad and open but low basin of James (Hudson’s) bay. The watershed between the lakes and Hudson’s bay during the epoch of the formation of the drift was several hundred feet lower than now — it is about 1,600 feet at present — as shown by the differential elevation of the beaches. For these conflicting phenomena of the drift no explanation was offered, but one was rather sought for. Air. C. A. Kenaston presented a paper on the Physical Features of a Portion of the British Northwest. 316th Meeting. March 17, 1S88. The President in the chair. Fifty members and guests present. Air. John AIurdoch presented a communication on An Arch of Ice Formed by Horizontal Pressure. [Abstract.] On February 17, 1883, the heavy ice-pack off Point Barrow moved in with great violence before a westerly gale, which blew with a velocity of sixty miles an hour, and by forcing the grounder “ lava flow ” against the 508 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. edge of the level shore-ice produced at one point, half a mile west of the International Polar Station, a permanent arch of ice. This arch was a regular anticlinal uplift, with the ridge of the anticlinal at right angles to the direction of the pressure, and, as was to he expected, was steeper on the side toward the pressure and arched along the ridge. The span of the arch was about 45 feet and its height in the clear 6 feet. The strip of ice was 20 feet wide and 4 feet thick. The temperature at the time was about 0° F. Such arches must frequently be formed during heavy ice-pressure, but it is apparently very rare for the pressure to stop in time to leave the arch intact. A similar arch is mentioned by Dr. Kane ( “ First Grinnell Expe¬ dition,” p. 286), which was probably formed in the same way and not, as he believed, by the bending over of an erect cake of ice. Mr. H. G. Ogden read a paper on Distortion in Plane Table Sheets. [Abstract.] A brief reference was made to the difficulties experienced in all classes of precise work arising from the hygrometric properties of paper, and the method employed by draughtsmen of shrinking paper on a board was cited as the most ready means of overcoming them. The same devices have been resorted to by topographers using the plane table, where they had not the check afforded by the points of a triangulation previously plotted. A general knowledge of the change in the form of the sheet, it was asserted, however, permits a determination of the change that takes place in the relations of all the fixed points marked upon it. The per¬ centage of expansion, it was stated, is less in the direction of the grain of the paper than at right angles to that direction, or across the grain, and the difference between these percentages is practically the “ distor¬ tion.” If the per cent, of increase should be the same in both direc¬ tions there would result only a change of scale. The change that takes place was said to be uniform in each direction throughout the sheet, pro¬ vided the paper had been carefully made apd subjected to equal exposure, and it was this fact that permitted an analysis of the disturbance in the relations of the fixed points previously marked upon it, and the determi¬ nation of rules to guide the operator in the selection of points, or to elimi¬ nate the error of points not well conditioned. The general result of changes that take place is a permanent contraction that varies little except on exposure to excessive moisture. All sheets do not change alike. In some no change is apparent, and in others the per¬ centage is so nearly the same in both directions that the “ distortion ” is not appreciable. Experiments conducted at the Coast Survey office some years ago, with strips of hand-made antiquarian paper backed on muslin, were then cited, showing a “ permanent distortion ” in the strips that was quite appreciable in a foot of paper, with a maximum distortion about twice as large, but Mr. Ogden stated that he had frequently found a ! PROCEEDINGS. 509 distortion much larger than these experiments indicated, in his experi¬ ence in the field. A simple diagram with eight points marked upon it in the form of a par¬ allelogram, with an included figure showing the relations of the points after the sheet had become distorted, was then referred to in illustration, and the following rules announced : 1st. A station made with three points that are on the lines of contrac¬ tion, the resecting lines forming nearly right-angles at their intersection, will give the true position in relation to all the points on the sheet. 2d. A similar condition of right-angle intersection at the station, but the lines of resection forming diagonals to the lines of contraction, will give the worst possible position for the station. 3d. A station made with three points on one of the “ lines of contrac¬ tion ” will give the correct orientation of the table. 4th. In eliminating errors of the points due to distortion, those situated on the lines of contraction require no allowance, however distant. The errors liable to arise in conducting an extensive plane-table trian¬ gulation were then referred to, and a method of correcting distances measured on a distorted sheet was briefly explained, and the advisability of constructing squares on all sheets before taking them into the field was recommended. Mr. William Hallock read a paper on The Flow of Solids. [Abstract.] The question whether solids possess any of the properties of liquids, or what conditions will impart such properties to them, is one of ever-increas¬ ing interest and importance, alike to the student of molecular physics in general or of the earth’s crust in particular. The temperature rises as we penetrate the earth ; hence, if no other in¬ fluences affect the substances, the earth has a liquid center with this solid crust. Astronomical and mechanical facts seem to demand a considerable rigidity. Thompson has even demanded a rigidity equal to that of glass or steel. Geological phenomena require a considerable liquid-like motion. With rising temperature as we penetrate the earth’s crust, we also have rising pressure, which probably increases the rigidity of the materials. Can we not satisfy the demands of both geology and astronomy or mechanics ? In the glaciers we have the grandest examples of the flow of solids. Henri Tresca proved that lead and some other substances would flow and follow the laws of flowing liquids. W. Spring has extended the list. Mousson actually liquefied ice. These observations have led many to advocate the idea of a liquefaction by pressure. Others, having in view the results of Bunsen, Hopkins, Amagat, and others, maintain that the melting-point is raised by pressure, the rigidity increased. Solids can be made to flow ; hence that property cannot be used to characterize them. 510 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. The essential difference between a solid and a liquid is the relative ease of rearrangement of the molecules. In liquids the change is very easy ; in solids, very difficult. Rigidity may briefly be defined as the difficulty of rearranging the molecules of the body in question. Can rigidity be re¬ duced by pressure ? A priori, it seems scarcely likely that forcing the molecules nearer together can give them greater freedom of motion. Generally rigidity is inversely as the intermodular distances. Ice is abnormal and cannot be taken as evidence pro or con. Lead, copper, and iron are all hardened by compression. All metals are harder, more rigid, in the rolled or hammered state than when cast or annealed. The rigidity of a steel pin was raised from 95,000 pounds to 110,000 pounds per square inch by that pressure. Two experiments bear directly upon the question and are convincing, although they gave unwelcome results. The first was made under the Ordnance Department, and will be found fully given in their report on “ Tests of Metals, etc., for 1884- ” A mixture of four parts wax and one part tallow was used as a “ straining liquid ” in “ tangential tests.” It was demonstrated that such a mixture would not transmit pressure through a hole inch in diameter and 2| inches long when the pressure at one end was 100,000 pounds per square inch and at the other 30,000 pounds or less, whereas 2,000 pounds was sufficient to overcome all friction and force it through when there was no back pressure — that is, the wax and tallow were rigid enough under pressure to maintain a difference of 70,000 pounds per square inch (100,000 — 30,000) at the two ends of that hole. The second experiment was also made with the testing machine of the Ordnance Department at Watertown arsenal, Mass. (See Am. Jour. Sci. (3), XXXIY, 1887, p. 280.) In that experiment silver coins on top of beeswax and paraffine in the holder, instead of sinking through a liquid under 6,000 atmospheres, were pressed so hard against the top of the holder that their impression in the steel was easily seen and felt* The paraffine and wax were rigid enough to impress silver into steel. Such facts lead us to believe that pressure increases rigidity ; and when we remember that the pressure at the center of the earth is millions of atmospheres, a demand for the rigidity of steel seems trifling. What is the rigidity of steel ? Simply a rigidity capable of resisting a deforming force of 80,000 to 100,000 pounds per square inch. But distinguished geol¬ ogists have made the fatal mistake of using “ rigidity of steel ” and “ ab¬ solute rigidity ” as synonymous and equivalent terms. Nothing is more misleading. Upheavals and depressions and other geological phenomena are most beautiful examples of the viscous flow of solids. The forces causing a glacier to flow are trifling as compared with those generated in the earth’s crust by shrinking, and undoubtedly to cause any body to flow we only need sufficient force and time. Can pressure impart to solids the ability to change crystallographically> mineralogically, or chemically ? Prismatic sulphur naturally changes to octahedral, and in many other cases changes take place under ordinary conditions of pressure and temperature. We would scarcely expect press- PROCEEDINGS. 511 nre, pure and simple, to cause a re-orientation of the axes of two crystal fragments, even if it could perfectly weld them together ; nor would we expect pressure without heat to impart the ability to complete the fusion of a lump of barium sulphate in sodium carbonate, even after the reaction had been well started by heat. Under these extremely complex condi¬ tions it is difficult to generalize. A welding together is not only theoret¬ ically hut practically possible between two chemically clean surfaces that fit, hut any operation which requires an increase of freedom of the mole¬ cules would scarcely be assisted by pressure. Cohesion and adhesion I believe to be identical, and molecular rather than molar. The bearing of these ideas, if good, upon geological phenomena is some¬ what thus : By the action of pressure and time a sandstone or such mate¬ rial might be rendered compact and coherent, and even continuous, the most plastic constituent yielding most, and the most viscous retaining their shape most perfectly. Some’constituents might even appear to have been fused and filled in between the rest ; certain crystallographic changes might take place, but more than the slightest chemical effect of the constituents upon each other is not to be expected. The case be¬ comes infinitely complex, and the subject for conjecture only, if the tem¬ perature is high. An indisputable fact in this connection is that many more experiments are needed, and such that each effect can be ascribed to its proper cause, and not, as at present, causes and effects treated col¬ lectively. See, also, Science, vol. 11, p. 152 ; also , Am. J. Sci., vol. 34 (3. s.), p. 277 ; also, ibid., vol. 36 (3. s.), p. 59. 317th Meeting. March 31, 1388. The President in the chair. Thirty-five members and guests present. Mr. C. V. Riley presented a communication on Some Recent Entomological Matters of International Concern. [This paper has been published by the U. S. Department of Agriculture in the Periodical Bulletin of the Division of Entomology for No¬ vember, 1888, vol. 1, No. 5, p. 126.] Mr. H. A. Hazen presented a paper on “ Two Balloon Voy¬ ages.” [Abstract.] It was shown that with modern safety appliances ballooning was by no means the dangerous pastime it was generally thought to be. Most of the fatal accidents were due to the use of hot-air balloons or to carelessness on the part of the aeronaut. The first voyage was from St. Louis, in the “World” balloon, on June lf>, 1887 — a balloon of 160,000 cubic feet 512 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. capacity. It was intended to make the longest trip on record. After a delay of 10 days, during which the currents were all from the east, the start was made at 4.26 p. m. A probable eddy or back current in the air caused a sudden drop of the balloon near the starting point, and nearly 400 pounds of ballast were thrown over. This caused the balloon to rise to 15,700 feet, though it was not intended to go much above 1,500 feet. Results Obtained During the “World” and “Great North West” Balloon Voyages. Height. Temperature. Eel. Hum. Dew-point. -7- PO.* Ilann. Feet. W. G.N.W. W. G.N.W. W. G.N.W. W. G.N.W. 500 91° 71° 39% 56% 62° 53° 100 98 1,000 89 68 40 53 61 50 97 93 87 1,500 87 67 41 56 60 49 96 85 2,000 85 65 42 51 58 47 86 80 80 2,500 82 60 43 58 57 46 84 78 3,000 81 61 45 54 58 45 87 73 73 3,500 79 60 47 57 57 45 85 74 4,000 77 56 50 66 56 46 84 73 64 4,500 75 55 53 69 56 44 83 72 5,000 73 53 56 53 56 36 81 53 56 5,500 72 51 58 * 24 55 12 80 26 6,000 70 53 60 13 54 2 79 13 52 6,500 69 54 62 11 53 1 77 12 7,000 67 54 64 11 52 2 76 12 48 7,500 65 66 52 71 8,000 64 65 50 65 42 8,500 63 63 47 58 9,000 61 62 45 51 38 9,500 58 63 45 50 10,000 55 70 45 49 34 10,500 51 80 44 48 11,000 48 82 43 47 31 11,500 47 84 42 46 12,000 46 86 41 45 27 12,500 45 84 39 40 13,000 45 56 32 30 25 13,500 43 52 27 25 14,000 41 45 21 19 23 14,500 40 31 10 14 15,000 40 35 14 15 21 15,500 37 33 10 13 *po = vapor tension at ground. p = vapor tension at each height. PROCEEDINGS. 513 At the height of 12,000 feet the neck of the balloon opened and large quantities of gas flowed out, so that the sudden rise was immediately followed by a more sudden fall, and to check the impetus and avoid striking the ground, much more ballast was thrown out. This carried the balloon up over 1,000 feet, and as the ballast was now exhausted a land¬ ing was made at Hoffman, Illinois, 54 miles from St. Louis. The second voyage was made in the “ Great Northwest,” on August 13 1887, from Philadelphia, to a height of 7,070 feet.. Both of these voyages showed a remarkable adaptability of the sling psychrometer for balloons* In the most rapid ascent or descent the temperature was obtained within about 1° F., while in other voyages errors of 15° have been noted, owing to the sluggishness of the still thermometer. The scientific results were of the highest interest, and show what may be hoped for meteorology in the future of ballooning. The preceding table exhibits the more im¬ portant determinations. Mr. Thomas Russell made a communication on Baudin’s Vertical Minimum Thermometer a Marteau. 318th Meeting. April 14, 1888. The President, Mr. Mallery, in the chair. Forty-eight members and guests present. Mr. C. O. Boutelle read a paper on Geodetic Azimuths. [Abstract.] 1. Account of difficulties found in use of glass roofs for protection of mercurial horizons, owing to unequal surfaces, densities, and other imper¬ fections shown by the best French plate glass while observing for azimuth at Seaton station, in Washington, in December, 1868. 2. They were overcome in 1870 by the substitution of thin semi-trans¬ parent gauze for glass in all the more delicate class of observations where a reflecting surface of mercury is used. 3. Geodetic observers have, as a rule, settled upon observations of close circumpolar stars as the best method of obtaining good ' azimuths. The simplest method is that of observations of Polaris in any part of its orbit. Polaris is chosen because its place is best determined and because its size and brilliancy make it peculiarly available for accurate pointing with field telescopes. 4. A comparison was made between the results of observations made upon Polaris for azimuth, in Spain, in 1879, where a striding-level was 66— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 514 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. used to insure verticality of the telescope, and similar observations made in Wisconsin, in 1887, using a mercurial horizon protected by a gauze cover. 5. A comparison was also made between the results of observations made in the great Franco-Spanish quadrilateral of 1879, connecting the European geodetic system with that of Africa, and the “ Davidson ” quadrilateral of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey in California. 6. In both instances, u while the observing skill might be considered equal, superior methods and better atmospheric conditions gave some¬ what greater precision to the American results. 7. In conclusion, American observers were urged to supreme exertion to keep pace with equally earnest brother- workers abroad, both in theory and practice — educating the hand to become the skilled servant of the head. Mr. Simon Newcomb then presented a communication on the Fundamental Concepts of Physics. [Abstract.] The subject was introduced with a twofold objection to the maxim that a body cannot act where it is not. In the first place, the question how and where a body can act can be determined only by observation, and if we find by observation that it does act where it is not, that settles the question ; but, secondly and mainly, we do not know where a body is except by its action. When the hand comes in contact with a material object we infer that the object is there solely from the fact that the resist¬ ing force is exercised against the motion of the hand. It is commonly supposed that this resisting force is the effect of a repulsion exerted by all bodies upon others which come sufficiently near them. If we admit that such a repulsive force can be exerted through a space a millionth of a millimeter, we may with equal force conclude that it may extend through the celestial spaces. The remainder of the paper was principally devoted to the discussion of the probability of forming a satisfactory theory of the constitution of matter and of the nature of such physical agents as light, heat, and elec¬ tricity. The suggestion was thrown out that it might be forever impos¬ sible to form a rational theory of these things, owing to the fact that our senses afford no means of seeing what is going on in the ultimate parts of matter. We cannot conceive of any physical change which does not imply a change of something in space, but we may have to admit that changes may take place in the chemical qualities of bodies without any such change. PROCEEDINGS. 515 319th Meeting. April 28, 1888. President Mallery in the chair. Twenty-five members and guests present. The President announced to the Society the death of Thomas Hampson, on April 28, and that of Emil Bessels, on March 30, 1888. He also announced the election and acceptance to mem¬ bership of Robert Bowne Warder. The following communications were presented : On the Origin of Primary Quartz in Basalt, by Mr. J. P. Iddings. [Published in the Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 36 (3. s.), p. 208.] Some Peculiarities in Personal Equation, by Mr. J. R. East¬ man. [Abstract.] In general, transit, observers who use the chronograph may be divided into two classes : First, those who make their record an appreciable time after the phenomena, and, second, those wTho intend to have their record effected at the instant the transit takes place, and therefore necessarily begin the process of making the record before the star reaches the transit thread. In the case of the first, class the observer waits until he sees the star bisected by the thread and then makes his record, which occurs always later than the time of actual transit. The magnitude of this error depends upon the times required by the brain, nerves, and muscles and by the recording apparatus to act. For the same recording instrument the instrumental time is the same for all observers. The variability is due to the brain, nerves, and muscles. For all stars except very faint ones the error of the first class of observers does not seem to vary. So far as investigations have been carried, it is found that the errors of the second class of observers vary with the magnitude of the star. Large stars are observed earlier than small ones ; so that if a large star precedes a small one, the observed interval is too great ; if the order is reversed, the interval is too small. Such work introduced into a fundamental catalogue would vitiate the results, and it would be impossible to determine the ultimate effect of such work without knowing the exact amount of error introduced by each observer. A discussion of the grouping of the large stars in every funda¬ mental catalogue leads to the conclusion that it is more than probable that a large portion of the catalogue errors, whose elimination is attempted by 516 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. corrections obtained from the formula m cos a-\-n sin a, were introduced by observers whose records were made too early. Another peculiar form of personal equation arises in the observation of very faint stars, such as can be seen only in a dark field and observed with bright threads. Abnormal personal equations in such cases have been suspected for some time, and an investigation, lately undertaken but not yet completed, shows that all classes of observers have a personal equation for such stars different from their ordinary errors and one that cannot be inferred from those obtained from the work on ordinary stars. A communication was also presented on Cambrian Rocks in Tennessee, by Mr. Cooper Curtice. 320th Meeting. May 12, 1888. President Mallery in the chair. Seventy-five members and guests present. The President announced the death of H. F. Walling, at Cambridge, Massachusetts, on April 8, 1888. It was also announced that the meeting of May 24 would be the last meeting of the Society before the customary summer recess. Mr. W. A. Croffut, upon the invitation of the Society, gave a series of Experiments in Hypnotism. Dr. G. Stanley Hall, who was also present by invitation, followed Mr. Croffut with some remarks and experiments upon the same subject. 321st Meeting. May 26, 1888. President Mallery in the chair. Thirty members and guests present. The Chair announced the death, on May 24, of Ezekiel Brown Elliott, a founder of the Society, and stated that the General Committee desired to refer appropriate action to the full meeting of the Society. PROCEEDINGS. 517 On motion of Mr. Harkness, it was Voted that a committee of three be appointed by the Chair to draft suitable resolutions and present them at the first meeting of the next session. The Chair appointed Messrs. Harkness, Taylor, and Wood¬ ward. The following communications were presented : The Sphygmograph, by Mr. R. T. Edes. [The substance of this paper has been published under the title “A New Clinical Sphygmograph,” in the Journal of the American Medical Asso¬ ciation, August 18, 1888.] The Recent Mount Vernon, Ill., Tornado, by Mr. H. A. Hazen. [Abstract.] This tornado was unusually interesting, in that it possessed in a marked degree most of the characteristics of a typical tornado, and in that it oc¬ curred at a very early date (February 19) for this latitude. A chart was presented giving the distribution of the meteorological elements just pre¬ ceding the tornado, which occurred at about 4.50 p. m. (central). A low area had moved at a velocity of about thirty miles per hour from the north of Texas, and at 2 p. m. was central at the point of meeting of the bound¬ aries of Iowa, Missouri, and Illinois. About 300 miles to the southeast of this point, in the region of uniform and fresh southerly winds, with southerly upper currents, was a region of narrow width, but nearly 300 miles long, in which a large number of very destructive storms raged. The earliest was at Houston, Missouri, and the latest at Russellville, Illinois. An approximate velocity of 70 miles per hour was determined. A little later another tornado started about 200 miles to the southeast of the first and with its path parallel to it. The destruction at Mt. Ver¬ non was very great; 35 people killed and over $500,000 in property destroyed. The following is a brief rSsutn^ of the characteristics of this tornado : 1st. It occurred about 300 miles to the southeast of an area of low pressure and in a region of rather brisk uniform southerly winds. 2d. The temperature was abnormally high for this region. 3d. Its motion was about 70 miles per hour, while that of the low area was only 30. 4th. There were intense electrical disturbances all along its path. 5th. The upper currents in all this region continued from the south or from a southerly direction. 6th. It seemed to be an independent formation suddenly thrust in upon the southeast border of the low area. 518 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Mr. Merwin-Marie Snell presented a communication — Observations on Certain Hypnotic Experiments of the Comte de Maricourt. Mr. E. D. Cope presented a communication on The Relation of Consciousness to Animal Motion. 322d Meeting. October 13, 1888. The President in the chair. Thirty-five members and guests present. The President announced the election to membership of Leland Ossian Howard and Louis Agricola Bauer. The following amendment to the constitution was offered by Mr. Asaph Hall : In Rule 3 strike out the words “ the ex- Presidents of the Society.” In accordance with the constitution, this was laid over for discussion and action at the annual meeting. The following communications were presented : On the Solar Parallax and its Related Constants, by Mr. Wil¬ liam Harkness. [Published in Washington Observations for 1885, Appendix III.] Chemical Action between Solids, by Mr. William Hallock. Note on Certain Surfaces Feebly Sensitive to Light, by Mr. J. W. Osborne. (Read by Mr. Hallock.) 323d Meeting. October 27, 1888. The President in the chair. Thirty-nine members and guests present. The special committee appointed on May 26, 1888, to draft resolutions commemorative of the late E. B. Elliott, presented, PROCEEDINGS. §19 through its chairman, Mr. William Harkness, the following re¬ port, which was adopted and the committee discharged : “ The committee appointed to take suitable action respecting u the death of our late member, Mr. E. B. Elliott, beg leave “ to report that on account of the trite and perfunctory character “ of the resolutions usually passed on such occasions they are “ of opinion that it would be better to omit them entirely, “ and to substitute in their stead a suitable biographical notice “ of Mr. Elliott, to be published in the Bulletin of the Society. “ The committee are further of the opinion that in the future “ such biographical notices should be published in the case of “ all deceased members of the Society, and for that reason the “ committee offer the following resolution : “ Resolved , That in the future suitable biographical notices of “ all deceased members of this Society shall be published in our “ Bulletin, and it shall be the duty of the President in each “ case to appoint a member of the Society to prepare such “ notice. ‘‘(Signed) Wm. Harkness. “(Signed) R. S. Woodward. “ October 27, 1888.” Mr. J. W. Powell then read a paper entitled The Laws of Corrasion. [Abstract published in Science , vol. 12, p. 229.] Remarks on this communication were made by Messrs. Ward, Kenaston, and Greely. [Abstract.] Mr. Ward said that while making the descent of the Missouri river in the summer of 1883, from Fort Benton to Bismarck, he had been inter¬ ested in studying the phenomena of lateral corrasion, and had observed that this was the only influence at work at that season of the year in causing the well-known turbidity of the water of that river. The river consists of a succession of curves or “ bends,” in which, on one side or the other, it is perpetually wearing away the flood plain. The lateral corra¬ sion takes place only on one side at a time, namely, on the side of maxi¬ mum curvature. On the other side deposition is going on and bars are formed. The current is most rapid on the corrading side and regularly diminishes in velocity from one bank to the other. This fact, Mr. Ward said, did not seem in harmony with the law laid down by Major Powell, 520 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. that corrasion and deposition could not occur at the same part of a stream at the same time. The valley of the Missouri consists of a flood plain which has been many times eroded and deposited, and this work of simul¬ taneous erosion and deposition of the same material is still going on, not merely at different parts of the river, but on opposite sides of it at the same point. In reply to further remarks by Major Powell, Mr. Ward stated that at the season of the year of which he was speaking there were no other influences whatever operating to produce the result, as all the streams were so nearly dry that only clear alkaline water flowed in them. Mr. B. E. Fernow then read a paper entitled Methods Used in Determining the Influence of Forests upon Quantity and Frequency of Rains. 324fh Meeting. November 10, 1888. The President in the chair. Fifty members and guests present. The President announced the election * and acceptance of membership of Erasmus Darwin Preston. In accordance with the resolution presented at the 323d meet¬ ing the following gentlemen were appointed to prepare bio¬ graphical sketches of members who have died during the year : Mr. Wm. B. Taylor, notice of Dr. Peter Parker, died January 10, 1888. Mr. W. H. Dali, notice of Dr. Emil Bessels, died March 30, 1888. Capt. C. O. Boutelle. notice of Mr. Henry F. Walling, died April 8, 1888. Mr. H. W. Henshaw, notice of Mr. Thomas Hampson, died April 22, 1888. Prof. Wm. Harkness, notice of Mr. E. B. Elliott, died May 24, 1888. Mr. I. C. Russell, notice of Prof. R. D. Irving, died May 30, 1888. The programme for the evening consisted of a symposium, participated in by Messrs. Gannett, Greely, and Fernow, upon the question, Do Forests Influence Rainfall? PROCEEDINGS. 521 325th Meeting. November 24, 1888. The President in the chair. Thirty members and guests present. Messrs. Hazen and Abbe presented communications upon the Influence of Forests upon Rainfall. The following is an abstract of Mr. Hazen’s communication : [Abstract.] This question, discussed at the last meeting of the Society, is of vast economic importance and should be thoroughly investigated. The crucial test would be to take an extended forest region and carefully determine the difference in precipitation within and without the forest. Such an investigation as presented to the Society shows a tendency to an increase of about ten per cent, in the forest. It is very evident that fogs tend to linger much longer over a forest than a plain, and this increase of moist¬ ure must give more rain. The forest cannot attract rain, but it often prevents the evaporation of moisture and a desiccation of the air, such as takes place over a desert, and in consequence the rain-drops when formed are not dried up as they descend. An attempt has been made to determine this influence by a comparison of total annual rainfall at a large number of stations, on the supposition that the forest has gradually increased, and hence there should be an increase of rain in the last half of a series of years, even if these years did not embrace the same period. At Augusta, Illinois, for example, the records extended from 1843 to 1860, while at Davenport, Iowa, they were from 1861 to 1885, and so on. If forests have increased steadily from 1843 on, and if no other influences have affected the rain, this discussion might be accepted as showing a purely negative effect from forests. We find, however, that there is a regular secular variation, which is far greater than the influence of the forest. Suppose a minimum epoch about the year 1860 ; then by the two series above we would have had a decided decrease by the first and just as decided increase from the sec¬ ond, neither of which, however, would be due to the forest. Taking the fluctuations at a station (St. Louis) having a long series of years, it was possible to predict, from the intervals of time at each of the twenty and more stations discussed by Mr. Gannett, which station would give an increase and which the reverse. It should be noted that vegetation and a deciduous forest can, in gen¬ eral, influence rain only during the growing season, and if the other seasons are taken they will serve to mask the effect sought. We have several stations which have a record of about forty-eight years. Taking the observations during May, June, July, August, and September, a table 67-Bull. Phil. Soc.s Wash., Vol. 11. 522 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. was presented showing that each station gave a diminution of rainfall during the latter half of the long period. This was due to the fact that the secular variation reached a minimum about 1877 and the forest had little or no influence. The forestry reports from Illinois show, in the region covered by their records, about- three trees to the acre, which indi¬ cates plainly that they had no effect on the precipitation one way or the other. We may consider that forests keep back the precipitation from rivers, increase the humidity and the number of springs, and by actual observation augment the rainfall slightly, and hence should be carefully conserved all over the country. Mr. Gilbert read a paper upon the Problem of the Soaring of Birds. [Abstract published in Science , vol. 12, p. 267, December 7, 1888.] 326th Meeting. December 8, 1888. By courtesy of the trustees of the Columbian University the meeting was held in the lecture-room of the University build¬ ing. About 200 ladies and gentlemen were present, including, by special invitation, members of the various scientific societies of Washington and members of the Cosmos Club. Vice-President Eastman presided. The retiring President of the Society, Colonel Garrick Mal- lery, presented an address bearing the title Philosophy and Specialties. [Printed in full upon pages 3-40 of this volume.] 327th Meeting. December 22, 1888. EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING. The President, Mr. Mallery, in the chair. Thirty-five members present. The minutes of the 310th, 325th, and 326th meetings were read and approved. The Chair announced the election and acceptance of member¬ ship of Daniel Currier,. Chapman. The report of the Secretaries was read and accepted. PROCEEDINGS. 523 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SECRETARIES. Washington, D. C., December 22, 1888. To the Philosophical Society of Washington : We have the honor to present the following report for 1888 : The last annual report brought the record of membership down to December 21, 1887, at which date the number of active members was . . 189 This number has been increased by the addition of 11 new members and by the return of 1 absent member. It has been diminished by the departure of 3 members, by the resignation of 2, by the dropping of 6 for non-payment of dues, and by the death of 5 members. There has thus been a net decrease of . 4 And the active membership is now . 185 The roll of new members is : L. A. Bauer. G. H. Eldridge. E. D. Preston. Andrew Braid. B. E. Fernow. 0. H. Tittmann. D. C. Chapman. L. 0. Howard. R. B. Warder. R. T. Edes. Arthur Keith. The roll of deceased members is : ' F. V. Hayden, died December 22, 1887. Peter Parker, died January 10, 1888. Emil Bessels, died March 30, 1888. Thomas Hampson, died April 22, 1888. H. F. Walling, died April 8, 1888. E. B. Elliott, died May 24, 1888. R. D. Irving, died May 30, 1888. Of these five were, on the active list and two, Messrs. Hayden and Walling, on the absent list. There have been 17 meetings, of which 15 have been for the presentation and discussion of papers, one for the President’s annual address, and one for the annual reports and election of officers. The average attendance (at the 15 meetings for the presentation of papers) has been 40. Also the Philosophical 524 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Society, in conjunction with the Anthropological and Biological Societies, held on January 11a joint meeting commemorative of the life and scientific work'of Professor S. F. Baird. This meet¬ ing, as well as that for the annual address of the retiring Presi¬ dent, was held in the lecture-room of the Columbian University ; all other meetings in the assembly hall of the Cosmos Club. There have been 12 meetings of the Mathematical Section ; average attendance, 14. All meetings of the section were held in the Columbian University. In the general meetings 43 communications have been pre¬ sented by 30 members and 5 guests; in the Mathematical Sec¬ tion, 27 communications by 16 members. Altogether 70 com¬ munications have been made by 44 members and 5 guests. The number of members and guests who have participated in the discussions is 45. The total number who have contributed to the proceedings is 62, or 30 per cent, of the present active mem¬ bership. The General Committee has held 16 meetings ; average attend¬ ance, 14 ; the smallest attendance at any meeting being 11 and the largest 22. When the place of meeting of the Society was changed last year from the Army Medical Museum to the assembly hall of the Cosmos Club, the rules respecting attendance of guests were modified to the extent of tendering a general invitation to all members of the Club to attend the meetings of the Society. This invitation has affected the average attendance by increasing the number of guests. To its small stock of furniture the Society has added during the year a magic lantern of good quality and all its accompany¬ ing appliances. There has also been formed this year a Joint Commission of the Scientific Societies of Washington to consider matters of common interest. The initiative in organizing such commission was taken in the General Committee early in the year. As organized, the commission consists of three delegates each from the Anthropological, Biological, Chemical, National Geographic, and Philosophical Societies. The General Committee of the Society has agreed to unite in the preparation and publication of a joint directory of the five named Scientific Societies. It has also decided to make impor- PROCEEDINGS. 525 tant changes in the publications of the Society, and for this purpose has adopted a complete new set of rules respecting publication. Respectfully submitted : Marcus Baker, William C. Winlock, Secretaries. The report of the Treasurer was read, accepted, and referred to an auditing committee consisting of Messrs. H. G. Ogden, G. W. Hill and W J McGee. REPORT OF THE TREASURER. The report which I shall presently have the honor to submit to you exhibits the total receipts and disbursements for the fiscal year which ends with this meeting. The assets of the Society consist of — Two Government bonds, $1,000 and $500, at 4 per cent . $1,500 00 One Government bond, $1,000, at 4? per cent . 1,000 00 Six Cosmos Club mortgage Bonds, at 5 per cent . 600 00 Cash with Riggs & Co . 956 26 Unpaid dues . 230 00 Total . $4,286^26 The expense of printing the Bulletin this year was materially increased, owing to the publication of the complete and valuable index of the entire series of volumes which accompanied it. This volume of the Bulletin, being volume X, was promptly issued upon publication to all members who were entitled to receive it, and to such Societies and scientific journals as are on the exchange list of the Philosophical Society. Robert Fletcher, Treasurer. The Treasurer in Account with The Philosophical Society of Washington . 526 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. i© 05 CO CO l© CO © © © © ft 2 g go £43 g*| g»-ft g o’gft'o.ft © ®'rn © .o'3^ * b.i* s^+H * ~ a-ftra be 'ft © ^PQ 02 ©^ 02 ^2 o ^ aft ?h a — ^ ^ m'Z' 53 « *3 ft ft ft & aft °*ftft a © © 2 -2 a 02 ^ ft as ftg>s j; ^■Sj3 2»J3sS <0 soft CgE_| ^co-gft u 03 02 C3W 0 03 fl 02°ft%e°aft.3 a PQ PQ PQ PQ PQ PQ ft PQ . ' » 2 & s CD © ft • o o o o 1-0000 co OOlOiOlOO i—l ©l O CO tH ^€©=jH 1— rH ^CONOOOJ O GO 00 OO 00 S 00 00 00 00 f0*} t-H tH rH rH £2 !j, a ^ "* 0=2 ft ft E2 © C3 > CD-H*. V ^ ©~ - '• O © © CD a ^ o3 _© 02 c3 ^ „ OlOO O ft 00 a S! C3 ft o o o HH Sj» ft ft 1© ®00 ooo ooo l© o 50 ©1 OO ©J OO OO 6 I— 1 CO ft Washington, December 22, 1888. PROCEEDINGS. 527 After the announcement of the names of members entitled to vote, in accordance with Standing Rule 14, a recess was taken to enable members in arrears to pay the annual dues to the Treasurer. Ballots being cast for President, Mr. Eastman was found to have a majority of votes and was declared elected, and at the request of the retiring President assumed the chair. Upon motion of Mr. Kidder, unanimous consent was granted to take up, out of order, the amendment to the Constitution offered by Mr. Hall on October 13. Remarks in favor of the proposed amendment were made by Messrs. Hall and Hill, and in opposition to it by Messrs. Baker and Kidder. A rising vote upon the amendment was then taken and, there being 18 votes in favor and 13 against it, the amendment was declared lost. The election of officers was then continued with the following result : President . J. R. Eastman. Vice-Presidents | C. E. Dutton. G. K. Gilbert. G. B. Goode. PIenry H. Bates. Treasurer Robert Fletcher. Secretaries . W. C. Winlock. J. S. Diller. MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. W. H. Dall. J. H. Kidder. C. V. Riley. R. S. Woodward. G. W Lester F. Ward. F. W. Clarke. H. M. Paul. Marcus Baker. Hill. While the balloting was in progress Mr. Baker, at the request of the Chair, explained to the Society the new rules adopted by the General Committee for the publication of the Bulletin. The rough minutes of the meeting were read and corrected^ and the Society then adjourned. 528 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OP WASHINGTON. GENERAL MEETINGS. 1889. 328th Meeting. January 5, 1889. President Eastman in the chair. Forty-one members present. The Chair announced the following standing committees : On Communications: G. K. Gilbert, Chairman. G. Brown Goode. Henry H. Bates. On Publications : Robert Fletcher, Chairman. Marcus Baker. W. C. Winlock. The Auditing Committee reported, through its chairman, Mr. Ogden, as follows : Washington, January 2, 1889. To the Philosophical Society of Washington : The undersigned, a committee appointed at the annual meet¬ ing of the Philosophical Society of Washington, December 22, 1888, for the purpose of auditing the accounts of the Treasurer, respectfully report as follows : We have examined the statement of receipts, including dues, sales, and interest, and find the same to be correct and satis¬ factory. We have examined the statement of disbursements, compared it with the vouchers, and found that they agree. We have examined the returned checks, which agree with the vouchers and with the bank book, the balance of which, as re¬ ported by Riggs & Co. on December 27, 1888, was $956.26, agreeing with the Treasurer’s report. We have examined the United States and other bonds belonging to the Society and find them to be in amount and character as represented in the Treasurer’s report, aggregating $3,100. PIerbert G. Ogden. G. W. Hill. W J McGee. PROCEEDINGS. 529 By appointment, the following obituary notices were prepared and read : Of Peter Parker, by W. B. Taylor, published in this volume, pages 491-492. Of E. B. Elliott, by Wm. Harkness, published in this volume, pages 470-473. Of F. V. Hayden, by A. C. Peale, published in this volume, pages 476-478. Of Roland D. Irving, by I. C. Russell, published in this vol¬ ume, pages 478-480. Of Thomas Hampson, by H. W. Henshaw, published in this volume, pages 474-475. Of Emil Bessels, by W. H. Dali, published in this volume, pages 465-466. Mr. Bailey Willis made a communication on The Mechanism of the Overthrust Fault. [Abstract.] Mr. Willis referred briefly to the views of Professor H. D. Rogers, pub¬ lished in 1842, and to those of Professor Heim, of Zurich, published in 1878 and again in 1888, concerning the formation of faults intimately related to folds, which frequently arise in the steeper side of an anticlinal, and which may be termed overthrust faults. Professor Heim’s explana¬ tion of phenomena of this nature rests upon the fact observed in the Alps, that the inverted limb of an anticlinal is stretched or is even crushed between the anticlinal and synclinal cores of an overturned fold moving in opposite directions. This explanation fails to account for faults in the Appalachians, because the essential fact of squeezed beds has not been found. The Appalachian sedimentary series from Cambrian upwards is com¬ posed of strata differing greatly in their capacity for resistance to hori¬ zontal thrust. These variations of rigidity occur in the same stratum originally in the same horizontal plane, and also in different strata super¬ imposed one on the other. It follows that a rigid stratum may not fold at the place where a vertically adjacent flexible stratum does fold ; the rigid stratum may ride forward on its lowest bedding plane until it reaches an axis, anticlinal or synclinal, in which both beds have suffered flexure. The forward movement will then shear across the beds on the opposite dip, producing a fault. The facts relating to this hypothesis were illustrated by photographs of folded strata and of models ; the latter showed differential folding and faulting produced in layers of wax by horizontal thrust. 68— Bull. Phil. Soe., Wash., Vol. 11. 530 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 329th Meeting. January 19, 1889. President Eastman in the chair. Fifty-one members and guests present. Mr. W. O. Atwater, by invitation, made a communication on American and European Food Consumption, compared from physiological and economic standpoints. This paper has not been published in full. Its principal data as to statistics of dietaries are given under the title “ Tables of Foods and Dietaries,” by Professor W. 0. Atwater, in the National Medical Dictionary, edited by Dr. J. S. Billings, and published by Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia, 1890 ; vol. 1, pp. xxxv-xl, with two charts. 330th Meeting. February 2, 1889. President Eastman in the chair. Thirty-seven members and guests present. The Chair announced the election to membership of Charles William Hayes ; also the action of the General Committee with reference to the minutes of the general meetings of the Society as follows : “ It is the sense of the General Committee that it is not desirable that the Secretary should be required to make ab¬ stracts of the remarks upon and discussion of papers.” Mr. C. R. Van Hise, by invitation, made a communication on The Penokee Iron-Bearing Series of Rocks. The paper will be published in full as part of United States Geological Survey Monograph, entitled “ The Penokee Iron- Bearing Series of Northern Wisconsin and Michigan,” by R. D. Irving and C. R. Van Hise. 4to, 1890. Washington : Govern¬ ment Printing Office. Mr. W J McGee read a paper on Rock Gas and related Bitu¬ mens. The paper will he published in full as an introduction to United States Geological Survey Bulletin No. 63, Natural Gas Districts of Indiana, by Arthur John Phinney. Published also in part in The Forum (8vo, New York, July, 1889, vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 553-566) under the title of “ The World’s Supply of Fuel.” PROCEEDINGS. 531 331st Meeting. February 16, 1889. President Eastman in the chair. Thirty-three members present. The Chair announced the election to membership of Messrs. Cosmos Mindeleff and Victor Mindeleff. Mr. C. 0. Boutelle read an obituary notice of Mr. H. F. Walling, published in full in this volume, pp. 466-470. Mr. I. C. Russell made a communication on Sub-Aerial De¬ posits of the Arid Region of North America, published in full in the Geological Magazine, 8vo, London, 1889, July and August, vol. 6, No. 7, pp. 289-295; No. 8, pp. 342-350. Mr. Swan M. Burnett made a communication entitled Ex¬ hibition of Models Showing Refraction by Cylinders with their Axes Crossed at Various Angles. 332d Meeting. March 2, 1889. President Eastman in the chair. Forty-eight members and guests present. Mr. H. V. Wurdeman read a paper on Color Perception. Mr. S. P. Langley read a paper on the Observation of Sudden Phenomena. Published in full in this volume, pp. 41-50 ; also in : American Journal of Science, 8vo, New Haven, 1889, August, vol. 38, No. 224, pp. 93-100. 333d Meeting. March 16, 1889. President Eastman in the chair. Twenty-seven members and guests present. The Chair announced the election to membership of Mr. John George Hagen. Mr. J. S. Diller made a communication on The History of Porphyritic Quartz in Eruptive Rocks. 532 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Mr. C. D. Walcott made a communication on The Strati¬ graphic Position of the Olenellus Fauna in North America and Europe. Published in full in the American Journal of Science, 8vo, New Haven, 1889, May and July, vol. 37, No. 221, pp. 374-392; vol. 38, No. 223, pp. 29-42. 334th Meeting. March 30, 1889. President Eastman in the chair. Fifty-two members and guests present. The Chair announced the election to membership of Mr. John Elfreth Watkins. Mr. R. S. Woodward presented a communication entitled “ Some Mechanical Conditions of the Earth’s Mass.” [Abstract.] It was the object of this communication to adduce the grounds for the opinion that the earth is a viscous body, whose mass behaves under the action of long-continued forces essentially as if it were fluid, and is there¬ fore subject to internal pressures which differ little from hydrostatic pressures. It was first explained that, independently of any hypothesis as to the actual arrangement of the earth’s mass, five important properties de¬ pendent on that arrangement are accurately known. These properties are the surface shape, the surface density, the mean density, the relation of the moments of inertia expressed by the constant of precession, and the relation of the moments of inertia derivable from the moon’s motion. Collectively these properties require a peculiar symmetry of distribution in the mass and a marked increase in density with depth below the surface ; they are so many conditions which must be satisfied by any hypothesis concerning the arrangement of the constituents of the mass. Turning, then, to the question of pressures to which the earth’s crust would be subject if it were self-supporting like a dome, it was shown that such pressures would be thirty times the crushing strength of the finest cast steel, or six hundred to one thousand times the crushing strength of granite and limestone. The conclusion drawn from these figures was that the upper strata rest with their full weight, substantially, upon those below, producing perfect continuity of matter (probably in the amorphous state) at no great distance from the surface, and generating pressures throughout all but the superficial portions of the mass which differ in no material degree from hydrostatic or fluid pressures. PROCEEDINGS. 533 It was shown that numerical estimates of the magnitudes of these in¬ ternal pressures require an hypothesis as to the increase of density with depth or as to the relation of density to pressure, but that any hypothesis not inconsistent with the above-named conditions will give pressures in¬ creasing rapidly with the depth to about two or three million atmospheres per square inch at the earth’s center. Of the various hypotheses which have been made, the so-called Laplacian law was instanced as of special interest, and a table showing the corresponding variation of density, gravity, and pressure with depth from the earth’s surface was exhibited. Mr. J. Elfreth Watkins made a communication on The Origin of the Railway Systems of England and America, and the Causes of their Differences. Published in part under the title “ Development of the Ameri¬ can Rail and Track.” Trans. Am. Soc. Civil Eng., 8vo, New York, April, 1890, vol. 22. 335th Meeting. April 13, 1839. President Eastman in the chair. Forty-six members and guests present. The Chair announced the death, on April 8, of Dr. J. H. Kidder, and remarked upon the great loss to the Society, as Dr. Kidder was ever active in furthering its best interests. Mr. David P. Todd made a communication on Results of the Total Solar Eclipse of January 1, 1889. Mr. W J McGee made a cbmmunication on The Evolution of Serials Published by Scientific Societies. Published in this volume, pp. 221-246. Mr. Abbe made the following remarks upon the paper pre¬ sented by Mr. Woodward at the last meeting : [Abstract.] As I was not present at the last meeting, I take the liberty now of saying that I do not see how we can decline to accept the figures and statements which have just been given us by Mr. Woodward. Similar statements have been made by several other eminent and able students of the subject during the past ten years, and it remains only for us to follow these results up to their logical conclusions. Absolute rigidity, limpidity, and elasticity do not exist in nature. 534 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. The matter we have to deal with is all of it plastic and viscous. The pressure of a quick blow makes a glass rod give out a musical ring, and a harder, quicker blow may break it to fragments ; but the same pressure long continued will produce neither sound nor fragments, but will mold the glass into any shape we please. It is evident that every form of matter as we know it on this earth be¬ comes viscous fluid under the influence of either temperature or pressure, and the pressures within the earth’s surface at a comparatively short depth are sufficient to make all known rocks behave like viscous fluids, without any special increase of temperature. It is therefore evident that our earth, under the influence of the cen¬ trifugal force due to its diurnal rotation, would assume its present sphe¬ roidal shape without the necessity of being any more truly a fluid than it is at the present moment. We thus remove what to me has always seemed a great difficulty, both from geological and from thermo-dynamic considerations, namely, the assumption that the earth was at one time a molten globe. There is evidently no longer any need of making such assumption, and in fact still other considerations that I need not now enumerate have of late made me feel the propriety of wholly rejecting this idea as a necessity in any cosmogony. It is now evident that any irregular meteoric mass that is a mixture of materials like those of our earth, and as large as it, must under the in¬ fluence of its own gravitation, assume a spherical form and have a greater density at its center than its circumference, owing not only to the presence there of denser forms of matter, but especially to the general compression due to pressure. On the other hand, irregularities would continue to exist on the surface, but to such an extent only as is allowed by the fact that the pressures there are less, and consequently the relative rigidity greater. Again, such a viscous, but rough-surfaced, globe entering the solar sys¬ tem and acquiring a rotation would, under the long-continued influence of its own axial rotation, assume a spheroidal shape. In doing this the change of shape from sphere to spheroid would, through internal friction and stress, produce considerable internal heat, which I would designate as its initial heat. The diurnal rotation of such a globe in the presence of the sun and moon also gives rise to the bodily tides recently investigated by Mr. G. IT. Darwin and Sir William Thomson. Sea water is so limpid that it can have an appreciable diurnal tide, but the diurnal bodily tides are too rapid to produce large deformations in the very viscous, dense body of our earth ; however, they can produce temporary strains, whose effect I will explain at some future date. On the other hand, the fortnightly lunar tide, however, can produce a continual deformation of the viscous and plastic mass of our earth, and give rise to an internal friction such as occurs in every fluid when the molecules move past each other. This friction we recognize in another form as in¬ ternal heat, so that in fact lunar gravitation (and possibly solar gravita- PROCEEDINGS. 535 tion to a slight extent), acting upon the earth to produce internal tidal friction, are converted into heat, and thus we have a steady development of heat in the interior of the earth to supply what is lost by radiation. I do not suppose this heat sufficient to melt the rocks, nor do we in fact need to assume any high temperature in the interior of the earth. We have at present all the fluidity we need in the central portion of our planet. In the lower portion of our outer crust any breaks in the rocks are quickly healed by a welding process ; it is in the quasi-viscous outer portion of the crust where pressures are less and rigidity slightly greater, and where innumerable faults break up the solid strata into fragments that slide on each other like the molecules of the small masses that we experiment on in our laboratories, that a steady tidal action produces the strains that continually cause new faults and crumples with their accompanying earthquakes, and is therefore most efficient in producing sensible heat. Our observed earth temperatures show an increase of one degree Fah¬ renheit for fifty feet of descent, but it is a very violent hypothesis that assumes this increase to continue at this rate for many miles in depth. The hardest materials that we know of would become plastic at ordinary surface temperatures and under the pressures prevailing at a depth of fifty miles ; but with a slowly increasing temperature, they would become very plastic at a temperature of 1,000° Fahrenheit and the pressure prevail¬ ing at a less depth, say of twenty miles ; so that the latter is the greatest thickness we need assume for our so-called solid crust. Now, it is only in this crust that by means of crushing earthquakes^ tidal friction, viscous tides, faulting, chemical action, and perhaps other causes, there takes place a continued evolution of internal heat. This heat has been conducted inward for ages, until the central sphere has attained a nearly uniform temperature ; it has also been conducted out¬ wardly for ages to the radiating surface of our globe. As the evolution of heat still continues, we have on the continents attainel a pretty stable rate of temperature decrease of 100 degrees to the mile (and rather less, I suppose, under the oceans), but I do not suppose that at any time the hottest stratum within the earth has had an average temperature so high as a thousand degrees Fahrenheit (except in lava pockets). Of course I accept the view that the specially high temperatures attend¬ ing the formation of lava have been due to the local chemical action be¬ tween warm rocks and water penetrating to them under great pressure through crevices in the crust. The study of Geological Climate during and since the formation of Azoic metamorphic strata has led me to adopt the conclusion that surface geology, like volcanic, does not demand excessive temperatures ; it seems to me most reasonable to assume that the surface was never much warmer than 250 degrees Fahrenheit, but to allow that this temperature may have prevailed at the close of the Archseic epoch. At this temperature all the water of the ocean would exist only as vapor 536 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. and clouds in the atmosphere. The steady hot rain from the atmosphere would rapidly disintegrate the surface rocks. Small seas and lakes of Water saturated with alkalies and salts would at once begin to form the rocks that we know as metamorpliic and archsean. The covering thus formed would contribute to diminish the rate of cooling of the interior mass, thus allowing the atmosphere to cool down to its present condition and deposit the most of its moisture. The systematic changes in the contours of the continents and the moun¬ tain ranges that have taken place since the Azoic period, like those that took place before that, have therefore not been due to any great extent to strains of contraction consequent on the general cooling of the molten nucleus of our globe, but must have been due mostly to strain produced by solar and lunar bodily tides, and to similar strains produced by the gradual slowing down of the earth’s rotation, which abatement produces a tendency to return from the spheroidal back to the spherical shape ; ancl thirdly, but to a less degree, to strains produced by the unequal cool¬ ing of those portions that have for a long time been continental and oceanic respectively. It will thus be seen that from our present point of view the physical questions involved in dynamic geology differ from those that were the subject of discussion a few years ago, and I should hardly have dared to express myself so decidedly to-night if it were not that the study of some problems in meteorology had forced me to go over the question as to what we know about the earth’s surface and its relation to our atmosphere. 336th Meeting. April 27, 1889. President Eastman in the chair. Thirty-six members and guests present. Mr. C. E. Dutton read a paper on Some of the Greater Prob¬ lems of Physical Geology. Published in full in this volume, pp. 51-64. Remarks were made upon Mr. Dutton’s paper by Messrs. Woodward, Gilbert and Dutton, who have prepared the follow¬ ing abstracts : [Abstract.] Mr. Gilbert found difficulty in understanding the particular way in which the crumpling of the surface layers is produced. Assume a portion of the terrestrial surface sloping seaward and partly covered by the sea ; assume that the material near the surface is homo¬ geneous and sharply separated from the heavier material, also homogene¬ ous, beneath : then under isostacy the surface of separation between the PROCEEDINGS. 537 lighter matter above and the heavier beneath must slope toward the land. When isostacy is disturbed by degradation on the land side or deposition under the water, the tendency to flow landward in restoration of equilibrium cannot reside in the superficial portion, because it would there be opposed by gravitation. It must be in the deeper, denser ma¬ terial, so deep that it is difficult to understand its crumpling effect on the surface layers. In response to Mr. Gilbert, Captain Dutton said that there is no limit in depth to the flow. Owing to the higher rigidity of the surface rocks the flow would be greatest at great depths, but would extend to near the surface, and by the adhesion of the parts of the viscous mass the surface portion would be carried along and crumpled in much the same manner as the rough surfaces of certain lava flows. He cited the case of the wrinkles on the surface of “ pahoehoe ” in the Hawaiian lavas as exam¬ ples and illustrations on a small scale of the effect of a more rigid surface in a less rigid flowing mass beneath. Remarks were also made by Mr. Woodward, who opposed the view that secular contraction plays an unimportant part in crumpling the earth’s crust. While not unmindful of the difficulties of the contraction hypothesis, he considered it an essential basis for the hypothesis of isos¬ tacy. The process of isostacy tends at a relatively rapid rate toward equilibrium ; it ought, apparently, to run down in a comparatively brief geologic age. The process of contraction goes on at a relatively slow rate and is continually opposing the equilibrium to which isostacy leads. Both processes tend to produce crumpling along lines of weakness, and though that of isostacy may have been the more effective of the two, it appears to require secular contraction for its maintenance. Mr. Woodward called attention also to Dr. Helmert’s recent memoir on plumb-line deflections, in which it is shown that the observed deflections in the vicinity of the Appalachians are on the whole toward the moun¬ tains rather than from them. Mr. Walter Harvey Weed read a paper on The Formation of Deposits of Lime, Iron, and Silica by Plant Life. [Abstract.] It is a little strange that the chemical and geological work performed by plant life has not been recognized by naturalists who have studied so carefully the analogous work of the mollusks, corals, and other forms of animal life. It has long been known that certain marine algae build stony structures of carbonate of lime, and more recently that certain mosses and fresh-water algae are lime-encrusted because of the vital activity of the plants. My own observations upon the subject convince me that the importance of the subject is not realized, and that the deposits formed in this way are not only sometimes of great magnitude, as is the case at Tivoli and Carlsbad, and more especially in our own 69— Ball. Phil. Soe., Wash., Vol. 11. 538 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OP WASHINGTON. Yellowstone Park, but are more common than is generally supposed, and embrace a variety of mineral deposits. In point of magnitude and frequency of occurrence, deposits of car¬ bonate of lime undoubtedly take first rank. The travertine deposits just alluded to, the limestones on the coast of Florida, described by Agassiz, and a host of other cases too numerous to mention, make it unnecessary to dwell upon deposits of this character further than to state that they sometimes result from a direct secretion of carbonate of lime to form the cell- wall of the plants, and sometimes from the precipitation of the car¬ bonate of lime because of the withdrawal of carbonic-acid gas from the water by the living plants — a sufficient explanation of the chemistry of the process in either case. It is not so well known that deposits of oxide of iron, as bog iron ore or as a silicious ocher, are also formed by living plants. This is probably because a simple oxidation resulting from exposure to the atmosphere will explain the deposition of the ferric oxide ; yet it is well known to botanists that the algse, Leptothrix ochrocea, secretes ferric oxide in the algae sheaths, and that several species of diatoms form their tests of both silica and oxide of iron, and microscopic examinations of many bog ores prove them to consist very largely of these organic structures. In the Yellowstone mounds of silicious iron ocher have been found formed of the remains of a Hypnum in situ, with the living moss at the surface, whose green stems were formed very largely of iron. Both algae and mosses secrete silica and form strata of silicious sinter, and of what may be called moss sinter. As in the case of the diatoms forming the well-known deposits of diatomaceous earth, the secretion of silica by the plants seems to be due to some physiological need of the plants being first secreted as a silicious jelly by the algae, and in sandy, gritty grains by the moss Hypnum. Both varieties of silicious deposits are common in the Yellowstone Park, where they are of considerable magnitude. The strangest case of all is the formation of gypsum by the vegetation of sulphur waters. The slimy, white masses of algae that live in sulphur springs have been found to secrete sulphur which they oxidize to sul¬ phuric acid, the latter immediately forming sulphate of lime with the carbonate of lime in the water. Examples of all these deposits due to plant life may be found in the Yellowstone Park, where they have been studied by the writer. Also Published in part under the title of The Formation of Sili¬ cious Sinter by the Vegetation of Thermal Springs. Am. Jour, of Science, 8vo, New Haven, May, 1889, vol. 37, No. 221, pp. 351- 359 ; also in The Ninth Annual Report (1887-88) of the Director of the U. S. Geological Survey (4to, Washington, 1890, pp. 613- 676), under the title The Formation of Travertine and of Silicious Sinter by the Vegetation of Hot Springs. PROCEEDINGS. 539 Mr. J. C. Gordon made a communication entitled Notes on the Discovery and Development of Hearing in Certain Deaf- Mutes. [Abstract.] The pupils in our schools for deaf-mutes have been, before admission, with rare exceptions, under the care of physicians and aural surgeons, who have pronounced them incurably and hopelessly deaf. Instructors, until recently, have acquiesced in the diagnosis furnished, and have referred phenomena indicative of partial hearing, either to acuteness of tactile sensation or to sense-impressions, too rudimentary for use or im¬ provement. Experiments by the writer years ago convinced him that the prevalent opinion was a generalization too sweeping, and that a large percentage of so-called deaf-mutes were fit subjects for auricular training and develop¬ ment. The honor of initiating experiments leading to important results be¬ longs to Mr. J. A. Gillespie, of Omaha, who began in the Nebraska Insti¬ tution, with selected pupils in 1880, progressive exercises in auricular development, which were carried to a successful conclusion. This led to the consideration of the subject by conventions of instructors of the deaf and to the appointment in 1884 of Professors A. G. Bell, F. D. Clark, and the writer as a committee to make thorough investigation of tests of hear¬ ing and other phases of the subject. This committee presented in 1885, through the American Annals of the Deaf , a preliminary report, and its members still hold in reserve much interesting matter for further inves¬ tigation and study. • The writer here gave an account of the auditory apparatus, with reasons for thinking that a standard test for hearing, approaching to a standard test of vision in scientific exactness, is not attainable. After referring to various acoumeters, and to the tests and methods of expressing re¬ sults approved by the American Otological Society, the telephonic audi¬ ometer devised by Professors Clark and Bell was described. This ap¬ paratus consists of a Bell receiver in circuit with the movable coil of an “ induction balance,” the fixed coil of which is connected with an ordinary magneto-electric machine. The rapid revolution of the arma¬ ture produces a very loud sound in the telephone when the coils are together, which diminishes as the induced current becomes weaker by sepa¬ rating the coils, until it is finally inaudible. Provision is made for cutting off the sound at will without the knowledge of the subject tested. The vanishing point of the sound, or the initial point as the coils approach, as read on a centimeter scale measuring the separation of the coils, is taken as the measure of audition. This vanishing point in persons whose hearing is good ranges, say, from 55 to 87 centimeters, and is rarely the same for both ears. Though this apparatus was suggested by Hughes’ sonometer, important modifications are apparent which make it simpler ( 540 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. and efficient. Comparative constancy, wide range, compactness and port¬ ability adapt it to testing the hearing of large numbers of persons at different times and places, and it has been used in testing the hearing of about fifteen hundred deaf-mutes in New York, Washington, New Jersey, Illinois, and Arkansas. Comparative tests and subsequent train¬ ing demonstrate that not less than 15 per cent, of these possess utilizable hearing, requiring systematic education and the judicious use of special appliances for satisfactory results. Sexton’s binaural conversation tube, Currier’s duplex tube, Maloney’s otaphone, an audiphone, and an English conical tube were exhibited. In 1888 twenty-four American schools reported 261 pupils under auric¬ ular training. Certain cases present interesting and novel phenomena for the psychologist and many throw light upon problems in physiology- The writer’s notes briefly discussed hypnotic experiments with a view to the alleviation of deafness ; also European experiments in auricular development. In certain cases the evidence of improvement in the auditory apparatus appears to be conclusive. In the majority of cases the improvement may be in sense-perception. It is not claimed that hearing is restored, nor that hearing is supplied where none existed, but simply that in certain cas'es rudimentary or dormant hearing may be detected and developed to a useful extent, thus giving to a large percentage of “ deaf-mutes ” much of the profit and pleasure gained through what is to them practically, if not scientifically, a new sense. 337th Meeting. May 11, 1889. President Eastman in the chair. Twenty-nine members present. The Chair announced the election to membership of Mr. Wilbur Olin Atwater. Mr. Arthur Keith read a paper on The Rocks of the Great Smokies and Their Age. Mr. D. C. Chapman made a communication on A New. Form of Galvanometer. [Abstract.] This instrument was devised and constructed in response to a demand for a cheap and convenient means of comparing heavy currents with a fair degree of accuracy. Its coil consists of a number of heavy copper rods or bars placed par¬ allel to each other and secured by transverse bars or blocks of copper into PROCEEDINGS. 541 which their ends project, making good electrical contact with these blocks and thus with each other. This gridiron arrangement, the length of which is about six times its width, is then bent in the middle, so that one half lies above and parallel to the other, their planes being separated by about one inch. When a current is led into one end of one of the end blocks it divides nearly equally among the parallel rods and returns to the opposite end of the other, producing an approximately uniform magnetic field in the inclosed space, as well as in the space immediately above. A needle of proper dimensions may be placed in either of these positions and a large range of sensibility is the result. The instrument may be calibrated by any of the ordinary methods. 338th Meeting. May 25, 1889. President Eastman in the chair. Thirty-fonr members present. The Chair announced the death of Mr. E. B. Lefavouk, a member of the Society. Mr. E. D. Preston read a paper on The Reduction of Pendu¬ lum Observations. Published in full in this volume, pp. 115-130. Mr. J. P. Iddings read a paper on The Crystallization of Igne¬ ous Rocks. Published in this volume, pp. 65-113. Mr. W. H. Dall made a communication on Some Forms of the Gill in Pelecypod Mollusca. The facts of this paper are incorporated in Mr. Dali’s report on The Gasteropoda and Scaphopoda: Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, vol. 18, June, 1889. 339th Meeting. October 12, 1889. President Eastman in the chair. Forty members present. The Chair announced the election to membership of Mr. Oliver Lanard Fassig. 542 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Mr. Everett Hayden made a communication on The Hurri¬ canes of the Bay of North America. Published in full in this volume, pp. 173-189. Mr. Frank Baker made a communication on Work of the Life-Saving Crews during the Recent Hurricane. 340th Meeting. October 26, 1889. President Eastman in the chair. Twenty-four members present. Mr. Romyn Hitchcock read a paper on The Action of Light on Silver Chloride. Published in full in Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, 8vo, New York, December, 1889, vol. 20, pp. 748-754; also in Amer¬ ican Chemical Journal, 8vo, Baltimore, October, 1889, vol. 11, pp. 474-480. Mr. F. W. Clarke made a communication on The Relative Abundance of Chemical Elements. Published in full in this volume, pp. 131-142. Mr. William Hallock made a communication entitled Chem¬ ical Action Between Solids. Published in full in the American Journal of Science, 8vo, New Haven, 1889, May, vol. 37, No. 221, pp. 402-406. 341st Meeting. November 9, 1889. President Eastman in the chair. Sixty members present. Mr. Asaph Hall made a communication on Saturn and its Ring. Published in full as Appendix II of Washington Observations for 1885, 4to, Washington, Government Printing Office. Mr. C. E. Dutton made a communication entitled Remarks on Irrigation in the Arid Region. PROCEEDINGS. 543 342d Meeting. November 23, 18B9. President Eastman in the chair. Forty-two members psesent. Mr. George H. Eldridge read a paper on Certain Structural Features near Denver, Colorado. Published in this volume, pp. 247-274. Mr. J. S. Diller made a communication on The Sandstone Dikes of Northern California. Published in Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 8vo, Washington, April 1890, vol. 1, pp. 411-442. 343d Meeting. December 7, 1889. Vice-President Dutton presided. About two hundred members and guests present. By courtesy of the trustees of the Columbian University, the meeting was held in the law lecture-room of the. University building. Members of the other scientific societies in Washing¬ ton and their friends were invited to be present. President Eastman delivered the annual address, entitled The Association of Assumption and Fact in the Theories of Solar and Stellar Proper Motions. Published in full in this volume, pp. 143-172. 344th Meeting. December 21, 1889. NINETEENTH ANNUAL MEETING. President Eastman in the chair. Thirty-one members present. The chair announced the election to membership of Messrs. George Washington Littlehales and of John Fillmore Hay- ford. 544 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. The annual report of the Secretaries was read as follows, and accepted: • ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SECRETARIES. Washington, D. C., December 21, 1889. To the Philosophical Society of Washington : We have the honor to present the following report, containing the usual statistics, for the year from December 22, 1888, to De¬ cember 21, 1889 — that is, from the 327th to the 343d meeting (inclusive) of the Society. At the date of the last annual report, December 22, 1888, there were 185 active members upon the rolls. This number has been increased by the addition of 10 new members and by the return of 1 absent member. It has been decreased by 3 who have been transferred to the absent list, 1 who has resigned, 2 who have been dropped for non-payment of dues, and 2 who have died, 1 upon the active list and 1 absent. There has thus been a net increase of 4 in the active membership, which now numbers 189. Invitations to attend the meetings of the Society for a period of 3 months have been extended to 2 gentlemen. The roll of new members is : C. Willard Hayes. Cosmos Mindeleff. Victor Mindeleff. C. Whitman Cross. J. G. Hagen, S. J. J. E. Watkins. W. 0. Atwater. 0. L. Fassig. G. W. Littlehales. J. F. Hayford. The deceased members are Jerome H. Kidder, who died April 6, 1889, and Edward B. Lefavour, who died at Beverly, Massa¬ chusetts, May 18, 1889. Dr. Kidder was, at the time of his death, a member of the General Committee of the Society and a regular and interested attendant at its meetings. For two years he served with marked ability as general secretary. The Society has held 17 regular meetings ; 15 of these have been devoted to the presentation and discussion of papers ; one to the address of the retiring President, and one to the annual reports and the election of officers. The average attendance at the 15 meetings for the presentation of papers has been 40. Thirty-eight communications have been presented, 35 of which PROCEEDINGS. 545 have been by members, and 3 by guests ; 54 members and guests have taken part in the proceedings. The Society is indebted to the courtesy of the authorities of the Columbian University for the use of their large lecture- room on December 7, when the President presented his annual address, and for the use of a smaller room in which the meet¬ ings of the Mathematical Section have been held. All other meetings of the Society have been held in the hall of the Cosmos Club, the Society paying a small amount to defray a portion of the expense of lighting and heating. In the Mathematical Section 7 meetings have been held, with an average attendance of 14; 14 communications have been presented, 22 members and guests have participated in the dis¬ cussions, and an aggregate of 23 members and guests in the scientific proceedings of the section. The General Committee has held 15 regular meetings and 1 special meeting ; the average attendance has been 13, the least number at any meeting being 8, and the greatest, 17. The new rules for the publication of the Bulletin, which were adopted December 22, 1888, were first applied to the address of the retiring President for that year, Mr. Garrick Mallery. The paper was printed in February, 1889, and was at once dis¬ tributed to the members of the Society. Seven papers have now been published, including the address of the President for 1889, and we believe that the new method of publication has added materially to the value of our Bulletin. ■ Very respectfully, J. S. Diller, W. C. Winlock, Secretaries. The annual report of the Treasurer was read, accepted, and referred to an Auditing Committee, consisting of C. D. Walcott, W. A. De Caindry, and W. Eimbeck. 70— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 546 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. REPOET OF THE TREASURER. The report which I shall have the honor to submit to you exhibits the total receipts and disbursements for the fiscal year ending with this meeting. In the receipts are included amounts received for outstanding dues of previous years and for dues paid in advance for 1890 and 1891. The precise income for the year 1889 was $871.79, and the total expenditures $604.47, leav¬ ing a balance in favor of the Society, upon the year’s transac¬ tions, of $267.32. The change in the form of the Bulletin from a single volume, published complete, to separate fasciculi, printed at different times, has added somewhat to the expense of printing and dis¬ tributing, but this is more than compensated for by the advan¬ tages to members from prompt publication of their papers. The assets of the Society consist of — One Government bond, at 4 per cent., No. 64,596 . . . $500 00 One Government bond, at 4 per cent., No. 135,639 . . 1,000 00 One Government bond, at 4k per cent., No. 41,719 . . 1,000 00 Six mortgage bonds of the Cosmos Club, at 5 per cent., Nos. 16 to 21, for $100 each . 600 00 Cash with Riggs & Co . 1,408 58 Unpaid dues . . . 200 00 Total . . . $4,708 58 Robert Fletcher, Treasurer. Washington, D. C., December 21, 1889. The Treasurer in Account with The Philosophical Society of Washington. PROCEEDINGS. CO CO o CO O CO to tO 05 o 05 O to o l>- o 05 05 oo CO CO CO €©= o 1—1 05 to o r-T 1— I o oT m= a Sh «S u 'p £ •+J , CP ft, &io Pi c3 32 O CP : a . ■ *£ . CP CD £2 M g : ©^ w . §.2 g a ft^ft o aS 02

ba=M g,C s?s s »g § » § s § ffl M P^' M ft 1 2 "TP P; riH Sftft -tf •■*§>> ■i’S'-® 8 § l|fi§ **-• pq w oi Si ft • o o o o o CO O O O O CD CO QOOOIOOIO 1—1 CO 'xh CO rH -&§=i— I t>- CM Cq . N00 02OH OCOOOQOQO) 02 CO CO CO 00 CO Q t— < rH rH rH r—i M ch <7$ ® 2 02 5 a> S a -^ft- ^ - V. s. §<2 ft ft © p c$ > oft-. .. © p o p p ^ ft ft ft © 5 c3 ft Pi: s s c; o o H EH OiOO C^co €©= H|Nl© ®I© oT ® ■s. 1 -1-3 ® v -50 5 s £ 0 2 o o o o o o to C^CD t— r i— i €©1 Pi — o 05 1—1 CM CO oo 6 1—1 p ft 547 Kobert Fletcher, Treasurer. 548 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. The election of officers for the year 1890 was then held, with the following result : President . C. E. Dutton. Vice-Presidents G. K. Gilbert. G. B. Goode. H. H. Bates. T. C. Mendenhall. Treasurer Robert Fletcher. Secretaries . W. C. Winlock. J. S. Diller. MEMBERS-AT-LARGE OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. Marcus Baker. F. W. Clarke. W. H. Dall. G. W. Hill. R. S. Woodward. H. M. Paul. C. V. Riley. 0. H. Tittmann. Lester F. Ward. PAST PRESIDENTS, EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. J. S. Billings, 1886. J. R. Eastman, 1889. Asaph Hall, 1885. Wm. Harkness, 1887. Garrick Mallery, 1888. Simon Newcomb, 1879, 1880. J. W. Powell, 1883. W. B. Taylor, 1883. J. C. Welling, 1884. STANDING COMMITTEES. On Communications : T. C. Mendenhall, Chairman. G. Brown Goode. C. V. Riley. On Publications : Robert Fletcher, Chairman. Marcus Baker. W. C. Winlock. PROCEEDINGS. 549 GENERAL MEETINGS. 1890. 345th Meeting. January 4, 1890. President Dutton in the chair. Thirty members present. The report of the committee appointed to audit the accounts of the Treasurer was read and adopted. REPORT OF AUDITING COMMITTEE. Washington, December 31 , 1889. To the Philosophical Society of Washington : The undersigned, a committee appointed at the annual meet¬ ing of the Philosophical Society of Washington, December 21, 1889, for the purpose of auditing the accounts of the Treasurer, respectfully report as follows : We have examined the account of receipts, including dues, sales, and interest, and find the same to be correct and satis¬ factory. We have examined the statement of disbursements, compared it with the vouchers, and find that they agree. We have examined the returned checks, which agree with the vouchers and with the bank book, the balance of which, as re¬ ported by Riggs & Co. on December 24, 1889, was $1,408.58, agreeing with the Treasurer’s report. We have examined the United States and other bonds belonging to the Society and find them to be in amount and character as represented in the Treas¬ urer’s report, aggregating $3,100. Chas. D. Walcott. Wm. A. De Caindry. William Eimbeck. Read, adopted, and the committee discharged January 4, 1890. J. S. Duller, Secretary. 550 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Mr. H. A. Hazen made a communication on The Brocken Spectre. Published in Science, vol. 14, p. 224, September 27, 1889. Mr. W J McGee made a communication on The Southern Extension of the Columbian Formation. Published in abstract in Proceedings of the American Associa¬ tion for the Advancement of Science, vol. 39, p. 244, 1890. 346th Meeting. January 18, 1890. President Dutton in the chair. Fifty members present. The President announced the death of Professor J. H. C. Coffin, who was one of the founders of the Society, and died January 8, 1890. The two standing subcommittees for 1890 were then an¬ nounced as follows : On Communications: T. C. Mendenhall. C. V. Riley. G. B. Goode. On Publications : Robert Fletcher. W. C. WlNLOCK. Marcus Baker. Hon. Edwin Willets made a communication on The Scientific Work of the Department of Agriculture. Published as a special report,4 included in the Report of the Secretary of Agriculture for 1890, pp. 59-73. Mr. J. P. Iddings read a paper on The Relation Between the Mineral Composition and Geologic Occurrence of Certain Igne¬ ous Rocks of the Yellowstone National Park. Published in this volume, pp. 191-220. PROCEEDINGS. 551 347th Meeting. February 1, 1890 Vice-President Gilbert in the chair. Forty members present. Mr. C. Hart Merriam read a paper on The General Results of a Biological Survey of the San Francisco Mountain Region of Arizona. Published in U. S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Ornithology and Mammalogy, North American Fauna, No. 8, pp. 1-186, pi. 18, maps 5. 348th Meeting. February 15, 1890. President Dutton in the chair. Seventy-five members and guests present. The President announced the election of Joseph Stanley- Brown and Lincoln Grant Eakins as members of the Society. Mr. Gardiner G. Hubbard gave An Account of Stanley’s Dis¬ coveries in Africa. Not published. Mr. C. D. Walcott read a paper entitled A Study in Structural Geology. Published under the title “ Study of a Line of Displacement in the Grand Canon of the Colorado in Northern Arizona,” Bul¬ letin of the Geological Society of America, vol. 1, pp. 48-64, 8vo, Washington, 1890. 349th Meeting. March 1, 1890. President Dutton in the chair. Forty members present. Mr. G. Brown Goode made a communication on The Origin of our National Scientific Institutions. Published in Papers of the American Historical Association, 8vo, New York, 1890. 552 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OP WASHINGTON. Mr. C. R. Van Hise made a communication on the Pre-Cam- brain Rocks of the Black Hills of Dakota. Published in Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, vol. 1, pp. 203-244, 8vo, Washington, 1890. 35Qch Meeting. March 15, 1890. Vice-President Gilbert in the chair. Thirty members present. Mr. B. E. Fernow read a paper on The Relation of Forests to Water Supplies. Published by U. S. Department of Agriculture, Report of the Chief of the Forestry Division for 1889, pp. 297-330. Mr. G. E. Curtis made a communication on The Relation of Surface and Climatic Conditions to the Flow of Water-Courses. Not published. 351st Meeting. March 29, 1890. President Dutton in the chair. Thirty-four members present. The President announced the election to membership of Joseph Francis James and George Marie Searle. The Secretary read a letter from the University of Toronto, Canada, giving an account of the losses to the university on Feb¬ ruary 14, 1890, by fire and soliciting donations of publications for a new library. Mr. Marcus Baker read an obituary notice of Edward Brown Lefavour. Published in this volume, pp. 488-490. Mr. O. H. Tittmann read A Note on the Length of Kater’s Pendulum. Published in Nature April 10, 1891, vol. 41, No. 1067, p. 538. PROCEEDINGS. 553 Mr. Herman Hollerith exhibited and described a new elec¬ trical tabulating machine. Description published in U. S. letters patent Nos. 395781, 395782, 395783, January 8, 1889. 352d Meeting. April 12, 1890. President Dutton in the chair. Forty-five members and guests present. Announcement was made of the election to membership of Charles Richard Van Hise, Ernest George Fischer, and Al¬ fred Charles True. Mr. J. R. Eastman read a paper on The Progress of Meteoric Astronomy. Published in this volume, pp. 275-358. By invitation, Prof. B. G. Wilder made a communication on The Comparative Anatomy of the Simian and Human Brain. Not published. 353d Meeting. April 26, 1890. President Dutton in the chair. Forty-five members present. Mr. G. W. Littlehales read a paper on A New Method of Recording and Reproducing Articulate Speech. Published in U. S. letters patent No. 404,850. Mr. William Eimbeck read a paper on A New Method of Determining Astronomical Differences of Longitude. Not published. Mr. Romyn Hitchcock read a paper on The Burial Mounds of Japan. Published in the Smithsonian Institution Annual Report for 1891. 71— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 554 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 354th Meeting. May 10, 1890. President Dutton in the chair. Thirty-four members present. Mr. J. Elfreth Watkins read a paper on Early Dividing Engines, with special reference to that constructed by Ramsden in 1775. Published in the Report of the National Museum, 1888-’89. Mr. W J McGee read a paper on Recent Geographic Changes on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. Published, under the title “ Encroachments of the Sea,” in The Forum, 8vo, New York, June, 1890, vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 437-449. 355th Meeting. May 24, 1890. Vice-President Gilbert in the chair. Thirty-five members present. The election to membership of Dr. Frank Baker and Mr. A. W. Harris was announced. Mr. H. G. Ogden read a paper on Chart-Making. Not published. Mr. Frederick W. True read a paper entitled An Epitome of the Natural History of the Puma. Published in the Report of the National Museum, 1888— ’89, pp. 591-608. 356th Meeting. October 11, 1890. Vice-President Gilbert in the chair. Forty-five members and guests present. The Chair announced the death of Capt. C. 0. Boutelle, who died June 22, 1890. He announced also the election to PROCEEDINGS. 555 membership of Messrs. B. A. Colonna, Herman Hollerith, W. P. Jenney, W. R. Atkinson, Waldemar Lindgren, and H. W. Turner. Mr. Cleveland Abbe gave a General Account of the Eclipse Expedition to Africa, especially as to its results in the study of meteorology. This will be published in Professor Abbe’s contribution to Professor D. P. Todd’s preliminary report to the Secretary of the Navy on the U. S. Scientific Expedition to the West Coast of Africa. Mr. H. S. Reid, of the Case School of Science, Cleveland, Ohio, presented by request a Note on the Muir Glacier of Alaska. Published in Johns Hopkins Circular No. 84, December, 1890. 357th Meeting. October 25, 1890. Vice-President Bates in the chair. Thirty-six members present. Mr. William Harkness made a communication On the De¬ termination of the Mass of the Moon from the Tides. Published by the U. S. Naval Observatory, in 1891, under the title The Solar Parallax and its Related Constants, pp. 112- 121, Washington Observations for 1885, Appendix III. Mr. F. H. Bigelow made Some Suggestions on Eclipse Pho¬ tography and Eclipse Apparatus. The substance of the suggestions will be published in the re¬ port to the Secretary of the Navy on the Scientific Expedition to the West Coast of Africa in 1889. 358th Meeting. November 8, 1890. Vice-President Gilbert in the chair. Forty-two members present. The Chair announced the election to membership of Dr. Joseph Pohle. 556 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Mr. J. Elfreth Watkins read a paper on The Beginnings of Engineering. Published in the proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, May, 1891. Mr. J. Howard Gore read a paper on The Decimal System of the Seventeenth Century. Published in the American Journal of Science, January, 1891, 3d ser., vol. 41, pp. 22-27. 359th Meeting. November 22, 1890. Vice-President Gilbert in the chair. Thirty-four members present. Mr. Charles F. Marvin read a paper on Wind Pressures and the Measurement of Wind Velocities. Substance published in the Engineering Journal December 13, 1890, p. 520; also in American Meteorological Journal for Feb¬ ruary, 1891, p. 487. Mr. William PIallock made a communication on The Coeffi¬ cient of Expansion of Some Rocks. Published in U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin No. 78, pp. 109-116. 360th Meeting. December 6, 1890. Vice-President Gilbert in the chair. Forty-nine members present. Mr. E. G. Fischer read a paper on Standard Screws and Threads. Not published. Mr. Gilbert Thompson communicated An Example of Work in Barometric Hypsometry. Not published. PROCEEDINGS. 557 Mr. B. E. Fernow read a paper on The Artificial Production of Rainfall. Published by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Report of the Chief of the Forestry Division for the year 1890, pp. 227-235. 361st Meeting. December 20, 1890. TWENTIETH ANNUAL MEETING. President Dutton in the chair. Thirty-nine members present. After the reading and approval of the minutes of the nine¬ teenth annual meeting, the annual report of the Secretaries was read and accepted. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SECRETARIES Washington, D. C., December 20, 1890. To the Philosophical Society of Washington : We have the honor to present the following annual report for 1890: At the beginning of the year the Society numbered 189 active members. During the year this number has been increased by the addition of 18 new members. Four members have been transferred to the absent list, 1 has been dropped for the non¬ payment of dues, 2 have resigned, and 2 have died. The total decrease in the membership of last year has been 9 ; but, as the increase has been 18, the active membership of the Society has risen to 198. .An invitation to attend the meetings of the Society for a period of 3 months was extended to one gentleman. The roll of new members is : J. F. Dawson. G. M. Searle. E. G. Fischer. B. A. Colonna. W. R. Atkinson. Joseph Pohle. J. Stanley-Brown. A. W. Harris. A. C. True. Herman Hollerith. Waldemar Lindgren. F. H. Bigelow. L. G. Eakins. C. R. Van Hise. Frank Baker. W. P. Jenney. H. W. Turner. J. F. James. 558 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. The roll of the deceased members is : J. H. C. Coffin, one of the founders of the Society, died January 8, 1890. C. O. Boutelle died June 22, 1890. The Society has held 17 meetings — 16 for the presentation of papers and one for the annual reports and election of officers. All the meetings were held in the assembly hall of the Cosmos Club. The average attendance at the meetings for the reading of papers has been forty-one and one-half, an increase of one and one-half upon the average attendance of last year. Thirty-four communications have been presented to the So¬ ciety by 28 members and 4 guests. Two members have presented two papers each. Sixty-seven remarks were made by 39 members. In all, 52 members, which is over 25 per cent, of the active membership of the Society, have taken part in its proceedings. It has been the custom of the Society to set apart the meeting next preceding the annual meeting for the delivery of the Presi¬ dent’s annual address, but the President found it to be impossible for him, on account of his other official duties, to deliver the address at the appointed time. The address was postponed and a program for the meeting furnished by the Committee on Communications. The Mathematical Section has held 7 meetings, with an average attendance of 11. Nine communications were presented to the section and an aggregate of 12 members participated in its pro¬ ceedings. The General Committee has held 17 regular meetings and one special meeting, with an average attendance of 13. The least number at any meeting was 11 and the greatest 16. Last year 38 communications were presented to the Society. Of these, 9, including the annual address of the President, have been published by the Society. During the year just closed, as already stated, 34 communications were presented, and of these only 3 have been offered to the Society for publication ; 2 have already been published and 1 is in course of publication. It should be noted, however, that the annual address of the President has not yet been communicated, and that the two papers published this year are above the average length. The 9 PROCEEDINGS. 559 published of those read last year contained an aggregate of 220 pages. They average twenty-four and one-half pages each, while the two published this year average 49 pages each. Concerning the remaining 31 communications presented to the Society, but not offered to it for publication, the following infor¬ mation has been obtained : 4 have been or will be published in the Reports of the Depart¬ ment of Agriculture. 4 in reports of the Smithsonian Institution or National Mu¬ seum. 2 in the bulletins of the Geological Society of America. 1 in a bulletin of the U. S. Geological Survey. 1 in the American Journal of Science. 1 in the publications of the Naval Observatory. 1 in the report of the Secretary of the Navy. 1 in the proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engi¬ neers. 1 in the papers of the American Historical Association. 1 in Nature. 1 in The Forum. 1 in Science. 1 in School of Mines Quarterly. 1 in Johns Hopkins University circulars. 1 in letters patent. 7 have not been published ; 2 have not been heard from. Very respectfully, W. C. Winlock, J. S. Diller,. Secretaries. The report of the Treasurer was then read. REPORT OF THE TREASURER. The report which I have the honor to submit to you exhibits the total receipts and disbursements for the fiscal year ending with this meeting. In the receipts are included some amounts received for outstanding dues for previous years, and in the dis¬ bursements are included amounts paid in purchase of bonds . 560 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. The precise income for the year 1890 was $988.88, and the ex¬ penditures for the same period $784.88, leaving a balance in favor of the Society upon the-, year’s transactions of $204.00. The Society possessed a Government bond, No. 41,719, for $1,000.00, hearing interest at 4i per cent., which was sold in De¬ cember under the offer of the Secretary of the Treasury to pur¬ chase these bonds at face value with a year’s interest in advance. It is difficult to find a satisfactory investment for a small sum of money, hut the amount in question was used for the purchase of ten Cosmos Club second-mortgage bonds, which fortunately happened to be for sale to close an estate. The Society already owned 12 of these bonds, purchased from surplus funds. Upon February 1, 1891, these bonds will become first-mortgage bonds, and as the total amount of the loan is $20,000, secured by mort¬ gage upon property valued at four times that sum, the security cannot be excelled. The assets of the Society consist of — 1 Government bond, at 4 per cent., No. 64,596. ..... $500 00 1 Government bond, at 4 per cent., No. 135,639 . 1,000 00 22 bonds of the Cosmos Club, at 5 per cent., Nos. 16-21, 119-132, 135 and 136 . 2,200 00 Cash with Riggs & Co . 1,133 40 Unpaid dues . 245 00 Total . $5,078 40 Robert Fletcher, Treasurer. Washington, D. C., December 20, 1890. Dr. The Treasurer in account with The Philosophical Society of Washington. PROCEEDINGS. 5G1 co 0 1ft CO 10 O ft to -r CO (N O ■ 03 ft . GO £ „„ :S| ^ig’.Sp H O H -H> ® w „ g| 9* elm | J ft 50 ft £ © .S •§ 5 73 °;=3 d "S £ '© Si go| «S c3 j/T bJD o3 "ch A 1.5 r* r 5 ft H ft m £ £rc g - g£8§ >» « £ ^ pq pq :i il • £ • CO •rs ! *£ . ft CO 03 CO £ CD ft © 5-i £ 3 © c3 « ft S "•del’ll ggSlS| « ? >>CG ^c3 pq pq o Q «H o © co <3 r£ s £ ft 5h & ® -73 73 *JZs fl 2%§ S'i £6 pq ft o o o CO o -£ • ft . ‘S : CO I :| r£ ft n CO ^ CO go % CD ’-' r© -P 'H £ O . •rH Ift * ^ooftd o 00 CO ft 5 co co oo ^“s rH rH rH M ^ f2 5 £ r£ T3 ^ 3S - 1 £ £ r£ ft CO M 8. « O O HH £ • • © • • s ^ s £J h|n © © ^ £3 J®« <*H O O C>C> © o3 © . c3 ^ co Sm<2 PH 5o ft ft '4H ft h3 X" 03 rH > S ^ © 6 8 £ s 17H r£ £ § s o © ■°s 0 CO £ O £2 i O 0 : O ft ft ft co CO ec co 5X3 &X3 BS ft d £ .5 UU C3 s 8 £ >» Ot) rH €©-^. £XO o 72— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. Washington, December 20, 1890. 562 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OP WASHINGTON. The Treasurer’s report was accepted and referred to the follow¬ ing Auditing Committee : Edward Farquhar, E. D. Preston, and G. E. Curtis. The Society then proceeded to the election of officers, with the following results : President . T. C. Mendenhall. G. K. Gilbert. Robert Fletcher. G. Brown Goode. R. S. Woodward. Vice-Presidents Treasurer . W. A. De Caindry. Secretaries . . W. C. Winlock. J. S. Diller. MEMBERS-AT-LARGE OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. Marcus Baker. Henry H. Bates. F. W. Clarke. W. H. Dall. G. W. Hill. H. M. Paul. C. Y. Riley. O. H. Tittmann. Lester F. Ward. PROCEEDINGS. 563 GENERAL MEETINGS. 1891. 362d Meeting. January 3, 1891. President Mendenhall in the chair. Forty-eight members and guests present. The report of the committee appointed to audit the accounts of the Treasurer was read, accepted, and placed on file. REPORT OF AUDITING COMMITTEE. Washington, D. C., December 31, 1890. To the Philosophical Society, Washington , D. C. : The undersigned, a committee appointed at the annual meet¬ ing of the Philosophical Society of Washington, December 20, 1890, for the purpose of auditing the accounts of the Treasurer, respectfully report as follows : We have examined the statement of receipts, including dues, sales, and interest, and find the same to be correct. We have examined the statement of disbursements, compared it with the vouchers, and found that they agree. We have examined the returned checks, which agree with the bank book and with the vouchers. The balance of cash on hand, reported by the Treasurer as $1,133.40, is accounted for by the receipt of W. A. De Caindry, the newly elected Treasurer. The other assets of the Society, as reported by the Treasurer, are also accounted for by the receipt of W. A. De Caindry. They are as follows : 1 Government bond, at 4 per cent., No. 64,596 . $500 00 1 Government bond, at 4 per cent., No. 135,639 . 1,000 00 22 bonds of the Cosmos Club, at 5 per cent., Nos. 16-21, 119-132, 135 and 136 . 2,200 00 Total . . . $3,700 00 Edward Farquhar. George E. Curtis. 564 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Mr. G. E. Curtis read a paper on The Hot Winds of the Plains. Published in the Seventh Triennial Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture, part 2, 1891, pp. 162-183. Remarks were made by Messrs. Bigelow and Hazen. Mr. O. T. Mason read a paper on The Study of Religions by the Methods of Natural History. Not published. Remarks were made by Messrs. E. Farquhar, Mussey, and MASon. Mr. J. E. Watkins read a paper entitled The Log of the Savan¬ nah, a Pioneer Transatlantic Steamship. 363d Meeting. January 17, 1891. President Mendenhall in the chair. Thirty-four members present. The following standing committees were announced : On Communications: G. Brown Goode. F. W. Clarke. H. M. Paul. On Publications : Robert Fletcher. Marcus Baker. W. A. De Caindry. W. C. WlNLOCK. The Chair announced the death of the oldest and one of the most eminent members of the Society, Mr. George Bancroft, the great historian, who died January 17 in this. city. Mr. H. A. Hazen read a paper on The Lawrence (Massachu¬ setts) Tornado of July 26, 1890. Published in the Monthly Weather Review, July, 1890. Remarks were made by Messrs. Curtis, Green, Paul, Hazen, Eastman, and Bigelow. PROCEEDINGS. 565 Mr. Asaph Hall made a communication entitled Note on C Cancri. Not published. g Remarks were made by Messrs. Bates,* Farquhar, Paul, Gil¬ bert, Chapman, and Hall. 364th Meeting. January 31, 1891. President Mendenhall in the chair. Thirty-eight members and guests present. The Chair announced the election and qualification for mem¬ bership of Mr. Thomas William Smillie. Mr. C. V. Riley read a paper on Bacteriology in Applied En¬ tomology. Not published. Mr. H. W. Turner made a communication on An Extinct Lake of Pleistocene Times in the Sierra Nevada, California. Published in this volume, pp. 385-410. Remarks were made by Messrs. Gilbert and Diller. Mr. W J McGee read a paper on The Flood Plains of Rivers. Published in The Forum for April, 1891, pp. 221-234. 365th Meeting. February 14, 1891. By the courtesy of the authorities of Columbian University the meeting was held in the lecture-room of that institution to listen to the address of the retiring president, Major C. E. Dutton, on the subject “ Money Fallacies.” Published in this volume, pp. 359-384. The President, T. C. Mendenhall, occupied the chair and there were about 150 members and invited guests present. 566 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 366th Meeting. February 28, 1891. President Mendenhall in the chair. Fifty-five members present. The Chair announced the death of Charles Christopher Parry, which occurred at his residence, in Davenport, Iowa, February 20, 1890. Mr. Edward Goodfellow read a biographical notice of the late Capt. C. 0. Boutelle. Published in this volume, pp. 466-471. Vice-President Gilbert was called to the chair and Mr. Men¬ denhall exhibited and described a new pendulum apparatus. Not published. Remarks were made by Messrs. Paul, Harkness, Abbe, Baker, Langley, Bigelow, Preston, and Mendenhall. Mr. A. C. True read a paper On the Status and Tendencies of the Agricultural Experiment Stations. The substance of this paper is published in the annual reports of the Secretary of Agriculture for 1889, pp. 485-544, and 1890, pp. 489-555. 367th Meeting. March 14, 1891. President Mendenhall in the chair. Forty members present. The election and qualification of the following individuals for membership in the Society was announced : Henry Newlin Stokes, Joseph Kay McCammon,' Rollin Arthur Harris. Mr. Swan M. Burnett made a communication on A New Metric System of Numbering Prisms, and exhibited apparatus for applying the system. The substance of the paper is published in “ Ophthalmic Re¬ view,” London, January, 1891 ; also in “ Medical News,” Phila¬ delphia, May 2, 1891. PROCEEDINGS. 567 Mr. E. D. Preston read a paper on The Study of the Earth’s Figure by Means of the Pendulum. Not published. Remarks were made by Messrs. Woodward and Preston. Mr. J. Howard Gore read a paper on The Geodetic Opera¬ tions in Russia. Published in the Smithsonian Report for 1890. The final paper of the evening was by Mr. J. Stanley-Browtn on Bernardinite : Is it a Mineral or a Fungus ? Published in the American Journal of Science, July, 1891, vol. 42, pp. 46-50. 368th Meeting, March 28, 1891. Vice-President R. S. Woodward presided. Forty members present. Mr. Henry Farquhar made a communication on The Com¬ mercial Growth and Import Duties of the United States. Illus¬ trated by curves. Published in chapter III of a work entitled “ Economic Delu¬ sions,” by A. B. and H. Farquhar. Published by G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York. Mr. W J McGee read a paper on The Mississippi Bad Lands. Not yet published. Remarks were made by Messrs. Van Hise and McGee. Mr. R. W. Shufeldt read a paper on Indian Types of Beauty, and illustrated the subject by a series of lantern slides. Not yet published. 369th Meeting. April 11, 1891. Vice-President Gilbert in the chair. Eleven members present. On motion of Mr. Goode, it was voted that on account of the 568 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. small attendance, due to the inclemency of the weather, the reading of the papers upon the program be deferred until the next meeting. 370th Meeting. April 25, 1891. Vice-President Gilbert in the chair. Thirty-three members present. The election and qualification of Mr. W. K. Carr as a mem¬ ber of the Society was announced. Two papers, illustrated by a series of specimens, were read On the Characteristic Radiate Growth in Acid Lavas, the first by Mr. W. Cross, entitled Constitution and Origin of Spherulites (published in this volume, pp. 411-444), and the second by Mr. J. P. Iddings, entitled Spherulitic Crystallization in Obsidian (published in this volume, pp. 445-464). Remarks were made by Messrs. Abbe, Gilbert, Littlehales, Iddings, and Cross. Mr. R. S. Woodward gave a review of Tisserands Traite de Mecanique Celeste. Published in the Annals of Mathematics, vol. 6, No. 1. Remarks were made by Messrs. Kummel and Woodward. 371st Meeting. May 9, 1891. Vice-President Gilbert in the chair. Twenty-one members present. The death of Prof. Julius E. Hilgard, one of the founders of the Society, was announced. It occurred at his residence in this city on May 8. Mr. F. W. Clarke made a communication on A Theory of the Mica and Chlorite Groups. To be published in the American Journal of Science early in 1892. PROCEEDINGS. 569 Mr. J. W. Powell read a paper on Evolution of Industry. Not yet published. 372d Meeting. May 23, 1891. Vice-President Gilbert in the chair. Eighteen members and one guest present. Mr. R. T. Hill made a communication on Some Recent Geo¬ graphical and Geological Explorations in the Southwest. Published in the American Journal of Science, July, 1891 ; also in the Report of the U. S. Artesian Inquiry for 1891. Remarks were made by Messrs. Ward and Hill. Mr. F. H. Newell read a paper on Stream Measurements in the Western States. To be published under the head of Hydrography, in the Twelfth Annual Report of the Director of the U. S. Geological Survey. Mr. D. E. Salmon read a paper On the Objects and Methods of the System of National Cattle and Meat Inspection. Not published. 373d Meeting. October 10, 1891. President Mendenhall in the chair. Fifty members and guests present. The President announced the election and qualification for membership of Dr. Albert L. Gihon U. S. N.; also the death, since the last meeting, of Asa Owen Aldis, June 24, 1891, and William Ferrel, September 18, 1891. Mr. Cleveland Abbe made a communication on Meteorology in Europe and America. Not published. Remarks on Mr. Abbe’s paper were made by Messrs. Hark- ness, Hayden, Muzzey, and Fernow. 73— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 570 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Mr. G. E. Curtis made a communication on The Rain-making Experiments in Texas. Published in Nature, vol. 44, October 22, 1891, p. 594. A general discussion followed, participated in by Messrs. Fer- now, Clarke, Hallock, Riley, McGee, and Abbe. Mr. F. V/. Clarke made a communication on The Gem Localities of Maine, with exhibition of specimens. Not published. 374th Meeting. October 24, 1891. President Mendenhall in the chair. Thirty members and guests present. Mr. Frank H. Bigelow presented An Account of the Experi¬ ments for Eliminating the Error of Personal Equation from Stellar Transits by Photography, with exhibition of instruments and photographic negatives. Published in the January number of the New Sidereal Mes¬ senger and Astrophysical Journal. Remarks on this communication were made by Messrs. Hark- ness, Paul, and Winlock. Governor John W. Hoyt (of Wyoming) gave An Account of the Present Status and Prospects of the Project for a National University. Remarks upon this communication were made by Mr. F. W. Clarke. Mr. Thomas Wilson read a paper on The National Postal and School Savings Bank System of Belgium. Not published. Remarks were made by Messrs. Hill and Mann. 375th Meeting. November 7, 1891. President Mendenhall in the chair. Thirty-four members and guests present. The first paper of the evening was read by Mr. E. M. Gal- laudet on Values in the Education of the Deaf. PROCEEDINGS. 571 Published in the Educational Review of New York, January — , 1892. Remarks were made by Messrs. Welling and Gallaudet. Mr. J. C. Gordon made a communication on The New De¬ parture at Kendall Green. 376th Meeting. November 21, 1891. Vice-President Fletcher in the chair. Thirty-four members and guests present. Mr. William Hallock made a communication on The Deep Well at Wheeling. Published in the Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science for 1891. Remarks were made by Messrs. Abbe, Woodward, and Hal¬ lock. Mr. Robert T. Hill read a paper on The Occurrence and Availability of Underground Water in Texas and New Mexico. Published under the same title in the Report of the Artesian Well Investigation of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1892. The paper was discussed by Messrs. Abbe, McGee, Eldridge, and Follett. 377th Meeting. December 5, 1891. President Mendenhall in the chair. Forty members and guests present. The President announced the election and qualification of Mark W. Harrington and Joseph Nelson James. Mr. R. S. Woodward read a paper on Maxwell’s Theory of Electrostatics. Published in the Annals of Mathematics. This paper was discussed by Messrs. Bigelow, Harkness, Hill, and Woodward. i 572 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Mr. J. F. Hayford read two papers; the first, entitled The Detection by Azimuth Observations of Variations in the Pole or the Vertical, was discussed by Messrs. Bauer, Paul, Kummel, Harkness, and Hayford ; the second was entitled A Recent Check on the Relation Between the Metric Units of Length and Mass. Not published. 378th Meeting. December 19, 1891. TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING. President Mendenhall in the chair. Thirty-three members present. On motion of Mr. Harkness, it was voted that the officers of the Society shall serve to the end of the annual meeting. The annual report of the Secretaries was read and accepted. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SECRETARIES. Washington, D. C., December 19, 1891. To the Philosophical Society of Washington : The Secretaries have the honor to submit the following annual report for the year 1891 : The number of active members in the Society at the close of last year was 198. Since that time 3 members have died : Mr. George Bancroft died January 17 ; Hon. Asa Owen Aldis, June 24, and Professor William Ferrel, September 18, 1891. During the year 10 new members have been added to the list. The roll of new members is as follows : Thomas W. Smillie. Henry Newlin Stokes. Joseph Kay McCammon. Rollin Arthur Harris. William K. Carr. Albert L. Gihon. Isaac Winston. Mark W. Harrington. John Nelson James. G. L. Morton. PROCEEDINGS. 573 Upon request, 3 members have been transferred to the absent list, 3 have resigned, and 5 have been dropped for the non-pay¬ ment of dues. There has thus been a decrease of 11 in the number of active members from last year, but the addition of 10 new members brings the active membership of the Society at the present time to 197. Besides the annual meeting and the one at which the address of the retiring President was delivered, the Society has held 15 regular meetings, with an average attendance of 36 members and guests. At these meetings 38 communications were pre¬ sented by 32 members and 1 guest, and 44 members participated in the discussions. The General Committee has held 15 regular meetings, with an average attendance of 13. The least number at any meeting was 9 and the greatest 17. The Mathematical Section has held 2 meetings, with an av¬ erage attendance of 8. Two communications were presented, and one of them has been published in the Mathematical Mag¬ azine of this city. During the year the Society has published four papers, includ¬ ing the annual address of the President, besides a series of obituary notices of deceased members. The final brochures of volume XI of the Bulletin are now in press. They contain the minutes of the general meetings of the Society and the Mathe¬ matical Section from 1888 to 1891, inclusive. Concerning the publication of communications presented to the Philosophical Society during the year the following infor¬ mation has been obtained from the authors. As already stated, 4 have been published by the Society. 3 have been published in the American Journal of Science. 2 in Nature. 2 in The Forum. 3 in the reports of the U. S. Geological Survey. 2 in the Annals of Mathematics. 1 in the Weather Review. 2 in the Reports of the Department of Agriculture. 1 in the Medical News. 1 in the Smithsonian Report. 1 in the New Sidereal Messenger. 1 in the Educational Review. 574 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 1 in the Proceedings of the American Association for the Ad¬ vancement of Science. 14 have not been published. Very respectfully, W. C. WlNLOCK, J. S. Diller, Secretaries. The annual report of the Treasurer was then read. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TREASURER. The Philosophical Society of Washington , D. C. : The Treasurer submits herewith his annual financial state¬ ment, covering the period from December 23, 1890, to December 19, 1891. The income of the Society derivable from the dues of mem¬ bers for the year 1891 alone, and from interest accruing on investments received during the same period, was as follows : From dues of 1891 received in 1891 . $780 00 From receipts in 1891 of interest on investments. . . . 170 00 * Total income derivable from 1891 . 950 00 The disbursements made during the year were all chargeable to the transactions of the year 1891 and amounted to . . . 598 54 Leaving balance in favor of the Society on the year’s transactions of . $351 46 In addition to the receipts above mentioned, there were re¬ ceived on account of dues of 1889, $40 ; dues of 1890, $110 ; dues of 1892, $20. In May last, with the consent of the General Committee, the Treasurer rented a lock-box at the National Safe Deposit Com¬ pany, Washington, D. C., in which to keep the securities owned by the Society. There are now on deposit in the Treasurer’s box in the vaults of that company the following securities, the property of the Society, viz : PROCEEDINGS. 575 One U. S. 4 per cent, bond, No. 64,596. . $500 00 One U. S. 4 per cent, bond, No. 135,639 . 1,000 00 Twenty-two Cosmos Club 5 per cent. 5-20 bonds, Nos. 16'to 21, 119 to 132, 135 and 136 (these bonds have now become first-mortgage bonds) . 2,200 00 Total . $3,700 00 A committee from the General Committee of the Society is now seeking an investment for a portion of the cash balance to the credit of the Treasurer at Riggs & Co. There are several pieces of movable property owned by the Society which should be taken into account in any statement of assets. It is not known to the Treasurer in whose charge this property is now placed. It is believed to consist of a fine ma¬ hogany table and chair, a large blackboard, a microscope, and a magic lantern. Omitting it from consideration, the money assets of the Society may be stated as follows : The securities on deposit at the National Safe Deposit Co., as above . $3,700 00 Cash with Riggs & Co . 1,655 61 Unpaid dues . 205 00 Total . $5,560 00 The Society has no outstanding liabilities. Respectfully submitted. Wm. A. De Caindry, Treasurer. December 19, 1891. The Treasurer in Account with The Philosophical Society of Washington , D. C. 576 PPIILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 05 O O IH co 1C 0 O O ft ft 10 CO 0 OO lH JH CO CM O O 10 co ft rH t>» CO O CO ft ft id id GO IO ft ft IH CM €© 00 IO >d CO ft 05 1C uo cq^ ft 10 » 2 © 73 .d ~ Jo & pHft0r2-i „ © d ^ In JhoW ^ 'S «S r° r° r° r° S>hs< h >>+> ft u O ft £ « •Ph © P * ftft O d Oft +3 o o 02 ,Q A £0 05 u 00 £ ’“'ft ft -M % ft ft d p ft "© © ft 8 §3 S 2 ftH 0 d ft O O O O' 0000 0000 ft 1—1 GO CM €©=i—l !>• d 02 ft i g 05 © ft CM T3 ft QO 05 05 05 © ft GO GO GO 00 £> cQ t— I rH rH rH 'g 2 o o o o g ft H of 02 © 02 02 © © © © © p d d d d d ^ftQPftft o«§ H .ft> ■O ft p © ft ..8 ;s :6 • o 02 O 02 © -r . 2 >: d 16, it seems to follow from his very rule of pro¬ cedure that the proper motions of the Astron. Gesellsch. Fundamental Catalog would have been better had he based them exclusively on com¬ parison with this earlier system, making no use at all of Bradley. As Professor Boss proceeds upon this very theory, his close agreement with Auwers’ earlier system is not surprising ; it would be closer still but for his inclusion of some catalogues (as the Pulkowa, 1845) not then accessible to Auwers. Column 22 gives Boss’ correction to Piazzi, and No. 21 == No. 22 — No. 16 that of the Publication 14 system. The difference in size be¬ tween these columns is noteworthy, though no considerable systematic weight is generally allowed to Piazzi. Column 23 gives the correction to “Greenwich 1861” in the fundamental system, which, as Dr. Auwers derives proper motions from comparison of this with his reduction of Bradley, is taken as his systematic correction of Bradley. No. 24 = No. 23 -j- No. 17 is therefore Boss’ correction to Auwers’ Bradley. A careful direct comparison of the two is desirable. Professor Newcomb has pub¬ lished one (“Standard Clock and Zodiacal Stars”) for the neighborhood of the ecliptic. Treating the corrections found by him as a function of declination and smoothing them, column 25 is derived, furnishing a rough check on No. 24. The next two columns contain Boss’ correction to Bessel’s Bradley for stars about the ecliptic and between -p 15° and — 15°, 596 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OP WASHINGTON. No. 26 for those near 0h, and No. 27 near 12h of right ascension. These apply to Bessel’s reduction, unaffected by a correction derived from Brad¬ ley’s observations of the sun and introduced by Bessel between -f 14° and — 14°; the value of which correction, smoothed by repeatedly taking means of successive values, gives column 28. It is of the same sign as the Boss correction, and agrees more nearly with column 26 than with a mean of Nos. 26 and 27. It may be worth while to summarize the reasons for believing that Brad¬ ley’s observations, even in the elaborate and skillful reduction of them made by Dr. Auwers, are open to a large correction in the direction of the Boss system, the first of which is furnished by that system itself, which is for 1820-30 practically a mean of Bessel’s, Struve’s, and Argelander’s independent and carefully determined places. (2) The evidence of Piazzi’s results (see columns 21, 22). (3) Evidence of the same kind from contemporary work by Mayer in Gottinger and La Caille in Paris, both of whom put their southern stars considerably northward of Bradley. (4) The similarity of Boss’ correction to that adopted by Bessel, repre¬ sented in column 28. For a correction to Bradley of opposite sign there is one reason: that the Boss system requires us to adopt for Greenwich in 1755 a latitude considerably higher than is now used. Auwers adopts a latitude for Bradley’s epoch 0//.88 smaller than Bessel’s value, though 0/7.56 larger than the one suiting recent observations, while Boss is satisfied with Bessel’s latitude. Though the change of a second or more is quite possible, and agrees with observations elsewhere, there is no independent reason for suspecting it, and the series of catalogues under Airy’s long direction of this observatory shows no sign of its continuance. This consideration, together with the uncontested high superiority of Bradley over Mayer or Piazzi as an observer, may be held sufficient to keep the question for the present doubtful. Professor W. A. Rogers (Memoirs Amer. Acad., n. s. vol. 10) has already made a comparison between these two declination systems, and has paid attention to the important difference of proper motions used in their for¬ mation. The present paper is, however, entirely independent of the re¬ searches of Professor Rogers. Mr. M. H. Doolittle presented a communication on Means and Averages, of which the following is an abstract : [Abstract.] * Such problems as require the determination of the average value of a variable may be divided into two classes. In the first class there is a locus within which points, lines, or surfaces are equally distributed. In the solution the equicrescent variable grows but is otherwise stationary, and its definite integral is the locus of equal distribution. For illustration, let it be required to determine the average value of a right triangle inscribed in a given semicircle, the vertices of the PROCEEDINGS. 597 right angle being equally distributed in the semi-circumference, or each set of legs being equally distributed in a right angle having the hypotenuse for one of its sides. In the second class there is no locus of equal distribution, and the variable whose average value is required is a function of an equicrescent variable which moves while it grows. For illustration, let it be required to determine the average area of a right triangle with a given hypotenuse and one of the legs equicrescent. In the published works on the subject nearly all, if not all, the problems belong to the first class, and the locus of equal distribution is frequently a given constant. When only one such constant is mentioned it has not always been thought necessary to state that this constant is the locus of equal distribution. If it be required to determine the average area of a right triangle having a given hypotenuse, with no other conditions given, the problem is con¬ fessedly obscure ; but the solution best conforming to any system of inter¬ pretation is that which makes the altitude divide the hypotenuse into equicrescent segments. 44th Meeting. May 30, 1888. In the absence of the Chairman, Mr. H. H. Bates presided. Present, fourteen members. The minutes’ of the 43d meeting were read and approved. On motion of Mr. W. B. Taylor the following resolutions were adopted : Whereas we have learned of the sudden death of our esteemed fellow- member E. B. Elliott, which occurred on last Thursday, May 24th ; and whereas Mr. Elliott has been one of the most earnest and faithful mem¬ bers of this Section, presiding over the meeting which organized it, attend¬ ing almost every session, contributing frequently to its proceedings, and always appreciatively following the discussions of others : Be it resolved by the Mathematical Section of the Philosophical Society of Washington, at a session held May 30th, 1888, That w'e, the members of the Section, feel it to be our duty to unite in a warm expression of our high appreciation of the intellectual and social qualities of our departed friend, of our strong admiration of the courtesy and fidelity manifested by him in all his relations with others, and of our deep grief at the loss we realize in having no longer the pleasure and the benefit of his familiar presence among us. Be it resolved, That the Secretary of the Mathematical Section be requested to present a copy of this minute of its proceedings to his relatives, with 598 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OE WASHINGTON. the assurance of our sincere condolence with them in the affliction they have suffered. Mr. G. W. Hill read a paper on The Disputed Mass of Titan. This paper was published in full in No. 176 of the Astronom¬ ical Journal, Boston, July, 1888, under the title The Motion of Hyperion and the Mass of Titan. Mr. Ormond Stone also made a communication on the same general subject, the title of his paper being The Orbit of Hyperion. The following is an abstract of this paper-: [Abstract.] A pure ellipse having a mean longitude equal to three times the mean angular distance of the radius vector of Hyperion from that of Titon was taken as an intermediate orbit. The difference between the equations of motion for the intermediate orbit and those for the disturbed orbit gave new equations, which were solved by indeterminate coefficients. An ap¬ proximate solution gave for the mass of Titan ¥dir times that of Saturn. The following paper on Problem-Solving was read by Mr. A. Hall : Every one who has a taste for mathematical studies must have had some experience in solving problems. That this is a good exercise for a beginner no one can doubt. Such practice serves to clear his ideas, to show the power of theory, and to give confidence. Two centuries ago, when the differential calculus was coming into use, it was common among mathe¬ maticians of the Jirst rank to propose questions to each other, and these questions or challenges had an important influence on the progress of mathematics. Thus the modern theory of probabilities had its origin in a question proposed to Pascal by one of his friends, the Chevalier de Mere, who having failed to solve a question in gaming declared with a high tone that arithmetic was crazy and lied. “ He has,” says Pascal, “ a very good mind, but he is not a geometer, which is a great defect.” The questions proposed were nearly always such ^s involved the consideration of a principle, and thus the study of them was fruitful. Another example is that of the pendulum. The simple pendulum having been discovered by Galileo, Huygens undertook to solve the problem of the compound pendu¬ lum. He obtained a correct result, but his assumptions and arguments were doubted and criticised. At length Janies Bernoulli gave the correct formal solution, which afterwards led to a’ great extension of the theory of dynamics. Such questions are worthy the labor of the ablest men. There are still questions of this nature that are under discussion, and the followers and representatives of the former investigators of the higher problems are our present writers on applied mathematics. PROCEEDINGS. 599 But with the growth of the science mathematicians separate into classes, and different nations produce various methods for teaching and cultivat¬ ing the science. The English school teaches largely by working examples, and lays much stress on the solving of problems. I think there is much that is good in this method, since it is well to bring one’s knowledge to the test of trial. But when we look over the lists of wranglers at Cam¬ bridge and consider the great amount of reading and hard work that is done, we feel that for some reason this method does not furnish the best results. Apparently it gives too much weight to memory and the training for a special trial. The prizes offered in the shape of honors and fellow¬ ships are so great that men with money employ experienced coaches and tutors, and it is not certain that the ablest mathematicians win. The suc¬ cessful coach will not only be a good mathematician, but he must also be a man of the world. He will invite the examiners to dinner, gauge them, and find out what kind of questions they are likely to set. Having done this, he can prepare his students for the contest with a confidence of suc¬ cess. Here is a good field for skillful management, and one is not sur¬ prised to be told that during the last twenty years more than half the first ten wranglers of each year at Cambridge have come from one famous coach. These successful men become the examiners of after years, and of course this old coach knows the caliber of every one of them. In these contests, as described by one of their best men, the main thing is to solve a question in twenty minutes, for this is all the time the contestant will have at his disposal. To do such work a man must be well drilled in all analytical transformations, he must have a great deal of practice in solving problems, and, furthermore, he must be quick with his pen and write a plain hand. But the real questions of a science cannot be dealt with in this manner, and experience teaches us that a man’s ability does not de¬ pend on his penmanship ; and although the drill in analysis is valuable I. think the habits a man gets from such a course are apt to make him for life merely a solver of conundrums and book-questions, or he becomes dead scientifically as soon as he is stamped A. B. It has a strange sound to be told that to get honors in the great mathematical university of Eng¬ land it is a waste of time to read Lagrange, Laplace, and Gauss. But after all wTe must acknowledge that this system does produce some able men. Turning now to the continent of Europe we see many men in France and Germany who spend their lives in the study of pure mathematics. These are the men who support the great mathematical journals and who are the real pioneers of the science. It is a wonder how they live and find time to do so much work. The only answer I can think of is that they are content with small salaries and are willing to lead simple lives. These men are not problem-solvers as the term is now used. In our own country we have only begun scientific work, and in mathe¬ matics we have done very little. The tone of our society is opposed to such work. Religion and politics, politics and religion, have been and still are the subjects which attract the attention of men and furnish the 600 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. rewards of life. So long as we assume that an act of Congress can regulate everything it seems impossible for us to understand that we are placed in a world where universal laws have been established which we ought to learn and to which we should conform our conduct. No wonder we are told that mathematics should be studied only to “ discipline the mind ” — that is, to make us sharp and cunning in the affairs of life. Perhaps it is the influence of this sentiment that makes so much of the mathematical learning that we have tend to become quibbling and intolerant. The best corrective for this condition is the study of the real questions of nature. Whenever we undertake to solve a question of this kind we are sure to find things so different from the questions of the books that our eyes are opened to a wider world. . If we call a thing by a different name, or repre¬ sent it by a new symbol, it does not help much. The real difficulty must be met. From my own experience I find that solving a few problems now and then is a good exercise. Even if they are mere hook-questions, the prac¬ tice serves to keep one’s knowledge bright ; hut if a question he thoroughly worked it will generally give some instruction, and can he used to illus¬ trate a theory. In this respect mathematics has a great advantage over most of the natural sciences, in which the investigator seems like a hoy picking up stones on a New England farm — the work must be repeated every time the land is plowed. 45th Meeting. October 17, 1880. The Chairman presided. Present, eleven members and guests. In the absence of the Secretary, Mr. A. S. Flint was elected secretary pro tem. Mr. C. H. Kummell read a paper on Some Fundamental Theorems in Mensuration in One, Two, and Three Dimensions. This paper was published in full in No. 4, vol. iv, of the Annals of Mathematics, University of Virginia, Va., 1888. The remainder of the evening was devoted to a discussion of the paper of Mr. A. Hall on Problem-Solving, read at the 44th meeting. PROCEEDINGS. 601 46th Meeting. October 31, 1388. The Chairman presided. Present, fourteen members and guests. The minutes of the 44th and 45th meetings were read and, after amendment, approved. On motion, the Section voted to offer for publication in extenso the paper by Mr. A. Hall on Problem-Solving, read at the 44th meeting. Mr. R. S. Woodward presented a communication on The Sum¬ mation of Certain Complex Series. The details of the analysis* involved in this summation are given in full in a paper on The Diffusion of Heat in Homoge¬ neous Rectangular Masses, with Special Reference to Bars used as Standards of Length, in No. 4, vol. iv, of the Annals of Mathe¬ matics, University of Virginia, Va., 1888. Mr. G. W. Hill read a paper on the Application of Infinite Determinants to the Integration of Differential Equations. 47th Meeting. December 12, 1888. The Chairman presided. Present, fourteen members and guests. Minutes of the 46th meeting read and approved. Mr. W. C. Winlock presented a communication on Comet 1888 (/) V (Barnard, Oct. 30). The substance of this communication was published in the Astronomical Journal, vol. 8, p. 136 and p. 148, Boston, 1889. Mr. A. Hall presented a note on a method of deducing the right ascension and declination of an object observed to be at the intersection of the diagonals of a quadrilateral of the celestial sphere, from the right ascensions and declinations of the four vertices of the quadrilateral. 77— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. 602 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Mr. M. H. Doolittle discussed A Problem in Probabilities, which may be stated as follows : Two persons, A and B, agree in their testimony concerning the occurrence of an event. The veracity of A is known, of B unknown. What is the probability that the event did occur when the testimony is affirmative ? Mr. Doolittle considered the answer to this question concurred in by several mathematicians, whom he cited, erroneous. He indicated the error which led to the erroneous answer and gave the steps of the reasoning involved in what he thought the correct solution of the problem. In brief, the veracities of A and B being denoted by p and x respectively, the probability sought, if a;. were known, would be px + (1 — _p)(l — x)' But x being unknown, though confined within the limits 0 and +1, the correct answer according to Mr. Doolittle is the ratio of the average values of the numerator and denominator of this fraction, or p ; while the erroneous answer is the average value of the fraction, or During the discussion which followed Mr. A. S. Christie presided. Mr. Artemas Martin read a brief paper maintaining the cor¬ rectness of the expression last given above and gave a demon¬ stration leading thereto. 48th Meeting. December 26, 1888. The Chairman presided. Present, seventeen members and guests. Minutes of the 47th meeting read and approved. Mr. R. S. Woodward presented a Statement of the Mathemati¬ cal Theory of the Stratum of no Strain and its Application to the Earth. The object of this communication was to explain the PROCEEDINGS. 603 physical conditions under which an unstrained stratum may exist in a cooling sphere, to define its position mathematically, and to indicate the bearing of the theory on geological phenomena. Mr. Artemas Martin read a paper written by Professor Florian Cajori, of Denver, Colorado, on the Difference Between Napier’s and Natural Logarithms. This paper is published in full in No. 1, vol. n, of The Mathe¬ matical Magazine, Washington, D. C., January, 1890. Mr. M. H. Doolittle presented a communication on Symbols of Non-Existence, of which the following is an abstract: [Abstract.] After a brief allusion to 0 as a symbol of non-existence, Mr. Doolittle dwelt chiefly on probability-equations as symbols of the non-existence of knowledge, either real or assumed. In tflte first edition of his Logic, Mill complained that mathematicians were attempting to coin ignorance into knowledge. In the last edition he acknowledged the injustice of this complaint. The mathematician merely analyzes an alloy of ignorance and knowledge and properly stamps it. In making this analysis prob¬ ability-equations are appropriate expressions for the ignorance involved. For example, the equation p — b when denoting the probability of an event, merely signifies the non-existence of knowledge (real or assumed) of any reason for expecting the occurrence rather than the non-occurrence of the event or the reverse. The equation requires no assumption and implies no existence of any knowledge whatever, unless it be (as Mr. Hill suggested) the mere knowledge that the event must either happen or fail to happen. If the mathematician has any knowledge or assumption of knowledge to express, there are appropriate symbols, and he should not confuse his analysis by attaching to probability-equations a meaning be¬ yond their proper scope. To illustrate more definitely, if the event be the random drawing of a white ball from a box containing balls of no other colors than black and white, the equation neither implies nor denies that the balls are equally divided in color ; it is perfectly consistent with certain knowledge that they are all of the same color, if we do not know which ; and it is amply justified by complete ignorance of the proportions in which the colors are mingled. 604 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 49th Meeting. January 23, 1889. The Chairman, Mr. Doolittle, presided. Present, fifteen members and guests. The annual election of officers of the Section was held and resulted in the choice of Mr. R. S. Woodward for Chairman and of Mr. A. S. Flint for Secretary. Mr. A. S. Flint presented a paper on, A Brief Control for General Solutions of Normal Equations. Published in full in the Annals of Mathematics, 4to, University of Virginia, Va., Dec., 1888, vol. 4, No. 6., pp. 182-185. Mr. Artemas Martin read a paper on Napier’s Logarithms. Published in full in the Mathematical Magazine, edited and published by Artemas Martin, 4to, Washington, vol. n, No. 1, Jan., 1890, pp. 4-6. Mr. W. F. McK. Ritter made a communication on General Perturbations of the Minor Planets. 50th Meeting. February 6, 1889. The Chairman, Mr. Woodward, presided. Present, thirteen members and guests. Mr. C. H. Kummell made a communication on An Error of Delaunay which has Passed into Text-Books and Encyclopedias. Mr. J. H. Gore made a communication on The Scope and Character of a Bibliography of Geodesy now Completed. The bibliography referred to is published as Appendix No. 16 of report of U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey for 1887, 4to, Wash¬ ington, Government Printing Office, 1889. Mr. M. H. Doolittle made a few remarks on The Applica¬ tions of a Formula for the Probability of an Event Resting on the Concurrent Testimony of Two Witnesses. PROCEEDINGS. 605 51st Meeting. February 20, 1889. The Chairman, Mr. Woodward, presided. Present, thirteen members and guests. Mr. M. H. Doolittle discussed briefly Two Problems in Probabilities. Mr. R. S. Woodward stated and briefly discussed A Problem in Dynamics. 523 Meeting. April 3, 1889. The Chairman, Mr. Woodward, presided. Present, sixteen members and guests. Mr. G. W. Hill read a paper on The Combination of Obser¬ vations into Normal Positions. Mr. C. H. Kummell read a paper on Warped Polyhedra in General, with Special Application to the Road-Cutting Solid. Mr. A. Hall made a brief communication on the problem : Given a chord drawn at random within a given circle, what is the probability that its length will be greater than the side of the inscribed equilateral triangle ? 533 Meeting. * May 29, 1889. The Chairman, Mr. Woodward, presided. Present, twelve members. Mr. R. S. Woodward made a communication entitled Notes on Problems in Averages. 606 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 54th Meeting. October 16, 1889. The Chairman, Mr. Woodward, presided. Present, eighteen members and guests. The Chairman announced that both himself and the Secretary would soon depart for a prolonged absence from the city and suggested that the Section elect officers to serve for the remainder of the year. Accordingly Mr. G. W. Hill was elected Chairman and Alex. S. Christie, Secretary. Mr. G. W. Hill read a paper on A Reported Occultation of o Tauri by Saturn in 1679. Mr. A. Hall made a communication on The Resisting Medium in Space. Published in full in the Siderial Messenger, 8vo, Northfield, Minn., Dec., 1889, vol. 8, No. 10, pp. 433-442. 55th Meeting. October 30, 1889. The Chairman, Mr. Hill, presided. Present, ten members and one guest. Mr. G. K. Gilbert made a communication on The Geometry of Shrinkage Cracks. Mr. Artemas Martin made a communication on A Method of. Extracting the Square Root. Published in the Mathematical Magazine, vol. n, 1890, p. 33-38. 56th Meeting. January 8, 1890. The Chairman, Mr. Hill, presided. Present, seven members. The annual election of officers of the Section was held, and re¬ sulted in the choice of Mr. J. H. Gore for Chairman and of Mr. G. E. Curtis for Secretary. PROCEEDINGS. 607 57th Meeting. February 5, 1890. The Chairman, Mr. Gore, presided. Present, nine members. Mr. C. H. Kummell began a communication on The Method of Continued Identity in its Application to the Solution of Equa¬ tions and Expressing Functions in Highly Convergent Forms. Published in full in the Annals of Mathematics, 4to, University of Virginia, Va., vol. v, 1890, pp. 85en 98. 58th Meeting. February 19, 1890. The Chairman, Mr. Gore, presided. Present, seven members and one guest. Mr. C. H. Kummell continued his presentation of the com¬ munication begun at the previous meeting. 59th Meeting. March 19, 1890. The Chairman, Mr. Gore, presided. Present, sixteen members and guests. By invitation Mr. G. N. Saegmuller exhibited the drawings of the new telescope now in process of construction for the Cham¬ berlain Observatory, at Denver, and explained the novel features that he has introduced in its mounting. Mr. C. E. Dutton made a communication on Some Remark¬ able Transcendental Equations. 60th Meeting. April 2, 1890. Mr. G. W. Hill presided. Present, fifteen members. Mr. R. S. Woodward made a communication on Some Special Laws of the Diffusion of Heat in Homogeneous Spheres, in which 608 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. he discussed the application of the laws of cooling of a sphere under various assumptions as to the initial distribution of tem¬ perature. Mr. C. H. Kummell made a communication on A Short, Rough Method of Computing the Probable Error. 61st Meeting. April 30, 1890. The Chairman, Mr. Gore, presided. Present, ten members. Mr. G. W. Hill made a communication on The Secular Per¬ turbations of Two Planets Moving in the Same Plane, with Appli¬ cation to Jupiter and Saturn. 62d Meeting. May 14, 1890. The Chairman, Mr. Gore, presided. Present, ten members. Mr. Marcus Baker made a communication on The Published Writings of Mr. E. B. Elliott, in which he presented a bibliog¬ raphy of Mr. Elliott’s publications, accompanied by remarks upon their scope and character. Mr. Artemas Martin made a communication on The Curve of Pursuit. Mr. J. F. Hayford made a communication on A Modification of the Ferrel Tide-Predicting Machine, which enables hourly readings of the tidal heights to be made in addition to the heights and times of high and low water, which latter the instrument has heretofore given. 63d Meeting. January 7, 1891. The Chairman, Mr, Gore, presided. Present, ten members and guests. The first business transacted was the annual election of officers for the ensuing year. PROCEEDINGS. 609 Professor J. H. Gore was re-elected Chairman and Mr. G. E. Curtis Secretary. Mr. C. H. Kummell made a communication on A New, Simple, and Symmetrical Solution of the Quartic. 64th Meeting. April 1, 1891. The Chairman, Mr. Gore, presided. Present, six members. Mr. Artemas Martin made a communication entitled The Sum of Two Biquadrate Numbers Cannot be a Biquadrate Number. Mr. C. H. Kummell completed his communication, begun at the preceding meeting, on A New Solution of the Quartic. Published in full in the Mathematical Magazine, 4to, Wash¬ ington, D. C., vol. ii, 1890, pp. 49-55. Mr. Martin pointed out that of all known solutions of the quartic Mr. Kummell’s is the only one which does not employ more than one auxiliary unknown quantity. 78— Bull. Phil. Soc., Wash., Vol. 11. INDEX Page. Abbe, C. : Account of the eclipse expedition to Africa . 555 — Influence of forests upon rainfall . 521 — Mechanical conditions of the earth’s mass . 533 — Meteorology in Europe and America . 569 Address of President Dutton, 1890 [1891] . 359 - President Eastman, 1889 . 143 - President Mallery, 1888 . 1 Africa, Stanley’s discoveries in. G. G. Hub¬ bard . 551 Agricultural Department, Scientific work of. E. Willits . 550 — experiment stations, Status and tenden¬ cies of. A. C. True . 566 Aldis, A. O., Death of . 569 Alloys, Formation of. W. Halloek . 505 Anatomy, Comparative, of the simian and human brain. B. G. Wilder . 553 Annual Meeting, 1888 . 522 - 1889 . 543 - 1890 . 557 - 1891 . 572 Arid region of North America, Subaerial de¬ posits of. I. C. Russell- . 531 Arkansas, Neozoic formations in. R. T. Hill. 501 Astronomy, Meteoric, Progress of, in Amer¬ ica. J. R. Eastman . . 275 — Spherical, Problem in. A. Hall . 601 — Tisserand’s Trait6 de mecanique celeste. R. S. Woodward . 568 Atkinson, W. R., elected member . 555 Atlantic and Gulf coasts, Recent geographic changes on. W J McGee . . . 554 Atomic weights, Determination of. F. W. Clarke . 506 Atwater, W. O., elected member . 540 — American and European food consump¬ tion . 53Q Auditing committee, Report on Treasurer’s accounts for 1887 . 499 — ’ - 1888. . 528 - 1889 . 649 - 1890 . 563 Averages. M. Baker . 591 — Notes on problems in. R. S. Woodward.. 605 — and means. M. H. Doolittle . 596 Page. Azimuth observations for the detection of variations in the pole or vertical. J. F. Hayford... . . . . 572 Bacteriology in applied entomology. C. V. Riley . 565 Baker, F., elected member . 554 — Work of the life-saving crews during the recent hurricane . 542 Baker, M. : Averages . 591 — Obituary notice of E. B.'Lefavour . 488 — Published writings of E. B. Elliott . 608 — Report of the Secretaries, 1888 . 523 Balloon voyages, Two. H. A. Hazen . 511 Bancroft, G., Death of . . . 564 Bates, H. H. : Force . 5S7 — Increasing industrial employment of the rarer metals . 503 Bauer, L. A., elected member . 518 Becker, G. F. : Rounding of rock masses by external attack . 500 Belgium, National postal and savings bank system of. T. Wilson . 570 Bernardinite. J. Stanley-Brown . 567 Bessels, E., Death of . . 515 — Obituary notice of, by W. H. Dali . 465 Bigelow, F. H. : Experiments for eliminat¬ ing the error of personal equation from stellar transits by photography . 570 — Suggestions on eclipse photography and eclipse apparatus . 555 Billings, J. S. : Galton’s apparatus for testing muscular sense . 502 Biological survey of the San Francisco moun¬ tain range of Arizona. C. H. Merriaip ... 551 Birds, Soaring of. G. K. Gilbert . 522 Black Hills, Pre-Cambrian rocks of the. C. R. Van Hise . 552 Boutelle, C O. : Geodetic azimuths . 513 — Obituary notice of H. F. Walling...^ . 492 — Death of . 554 — Obituary notice of, by E. Goodfellow . 466 Braid, A., elected member . 506 Brain, Comparative anatomy of the simian and human. B. G. Wilder . . 553 British Columbia, Explorations in. G. M. Dawson . * . 502 (611) 612 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Page. British northwest, Physical features of a por¬ tion of. C. A. Kenaston . 507 Brocken spectre. H. A. Hazen . 550 Burial mounds of Japan. R. Hitchcock . 553 Burnett, S. M.: Models showing refraction by cylinders with their axes crossed at vari¬ ous angles . 531 — New metric system of numbering prisms.. Cajori, F.: Difference between Napier’s and natural logarithms . 603 Carr, W. K., elected member . . . 568 Cattle, and meat inspection, Objects and methods of. D. E. Salmon . . 569 Chapman, D. C., elected member . 522 — New form of galvanometer . 540 Chart-making. H. G. Ogden . 554 Chemical action between solids. W. Hal- loek . 542 Chemical elements, Relative abundance of. F. W. Clarke . . 131, 542 Christie, A. S.: What is a Quaternion ? . 579 Clarke, F. W. : Determination of atomic weights . 506 — Gem localities of Maine . 570 — Relative abundance of the chemical ele¬ ments . 131, 542 — Theory of the mica and chlorite groups... 568 Coffin, J. H. C., Death of. . 550 Colonna, B. A., elected member . 555 Color perception. H. V. Wurdemann . 531 Columbian formation, Southern extension of. W J McGee . 550 Comet 1888 V. W. C. Winlock . 601 Committee on communications, 1888 . 499 - 1889 . 528 - 1890 . 550 - 1891 . 564 — on publications, 1888 . 499 - 1889 528 - 1890 550 - 1891 . 564 Constitution, Amendment to, proposed.. 518, 527 Cope, E. D.: Relation of consciousness to animal motion . 518 Corrasion, Laws of. J. W. Powell . 519 — Remarks on the laws of. L. F. Ward . 519 Croffut, W. A.: Experiments in hypnotism... 516 Cross, W.: Constitution and origin of spher- ulites . 411, 568 Crystallization of igneous rocks. J. P. Id- dings . . 65, 541 Curtice, C.: Cambrian rocks in Tennessee... 516 Curtis, G. E.: Hot winds of the Plains . 564 — Rain-making experiments in Texas . 570 — Relation of surface and climatic condi¬ tions to the flow of water-courses . 552 Curve of pursuit. A. Martin . . 608 Page. Dali, W. H.: Some forms of the gill in pe- lecypod mollusca . 541 — Obituary notice of Emil Bessels . 465 Dawson, G. M.: [Explorations in northern part of British Columbia and head-waters of the Yukon] . 502 Deaf, Education of the. E. M. Gallaudet . 570 — New Departure at Kendall Green. J. C. Gordon . 57T Deaf-mutes, Discovery and development of hearing in. J. C. Gordon . 539 De Caindry, W. A.: Treasurer’s report, 1891. 574 Decimal system of the 17th century. J. H. Gore . 556 Delaunay, Error in. C. H. Kummell . 604 Differential equations, Application of infinite determinants to the integration of. G. W. Hill . 601 Diller, J. S. : History of porphyritic quartz in eruptive rocks . 531 — Sandstone dikes of northern California... 543 — Secretaries’ report, 1889 . 544 - 1890 . 557 - 1891 . 572 Dividing engines. J. E. Watkins . . 554 Doolittle, M. H.: Applications of a formula for the probability of an event resting on concurrent testimony of two witnesses.. 604 — Means and averages . 596 — Probabilities . 583 — Problem in probabilities . . 602 — Symbols of non-existence . 603 — Two problems in probabilities . 605 — What is force? . 589 Dutton, C. E.: Irrigation in the arid region. 542 — Money fallacies. President’s address, 1890 [1891] . 359 — Remarkable transcendental equations . 607 — Some of the greater problems of physical geology . . . 51, 536 Dynamics, Problem in. R. S. Woodward . 605 Eakins, L. G., elected member . 551 Earth, Interior constitution of, as respects density. G. W. Hill . 581 — Figure of Study of, by means of the pen¬ dulum. E. D. Preston . 567 — Mass of, mechanical conditions of. C. Abbe . 533 — Mass of, mechanical conditions of. R. S. Woodward . .' . 532 — Mathematical theory of the stratum of no strain. R. S. Woodward . 602 — Variation of terrestrial density, gravity, and pressure. R. S. Woodward . 580 Eastman, J. R.: Assumption and fact in the theories of solar and stellar proper mo¬ tions. President’s address, 1889 . 143, 543 INDEX, 613 Page. Eastman, J. R.: Progress of meteoric astron¬ omy in America . 275, 553 — Some peculiarities in personal equa¬ tion . 515 Eclipse expedition to Africa. C. Abbe . 555 Eclipse photography and eclipse apparatus. F. H. Bigelow . 555 - in Japan. Romyn Hitchcock . 502 — Solar, January 1, 1889. D. P. Todd . 533 Edes, R. T., elected member . 502 — The Sphygmograph . 517 Eimbeck, W.: New method of determining astronomical differences of longitude.... 553 Eldridge, G. H.: Peculiar structural features in the foot-hill region of the Rocky mountains near Denver, Col . 247, 543 Electrostatics, Maxwell’s theory of. R. S. Woodward . 571 Elements, Chemical, Relative abundance of the. F. W. Clarke . 131 Elliott, E. B.: Notation in physics and elec¬ tricity . '. . 590 — Death of . . . 516 — Bibliography of. M. Baker . 608 — Obituary notice of, by W. Harkness . 470 — Resolutions upon the death of . 597 Engineering, Beginnings of. J. E. Watkins.. 556 Entomological matters of international con¬ cern. C. V. Riley . . . 511 Equations, Remarkable transcendental. C. E. Dutton . 607 Equatorial telescope, Denver, Drawings of. G-. N. Saegmuller . 607 Evolution of serials published by scientific societies. W J McGee . 221 Explorations, Recent geographical and geo¬ logical, in the southwest. R. T. Hill . 569 Farquhar, H.: Commercial growth and im¬ port duties of the United States . 567 — Systematic differences of proper motions • in declination catalogues . 593 Fassig, O. L., elected member . 541 Fault hades. Bailey Willis.. . '.. . 500 Fault, Mechanism of the overthrust. Bailey Willis . 529 Fernow, B. E.: Artificial production of rain¬ fall . 557 — Influence of forests upon quantity and frequency of rains . 520 — Relation of forests to water supplies . 552 Ferrel, W., Death of . 569 Fischer, E. G., elected member* . 553 — Standard screws and threads . 556 Flat Rock channel. G. K. Gilbert . 502 Fletcher, R.: Treasurer’s report, 1888 . 525 - 1889.... . ; . . 546 - 1890. . 559 Page. Flint, A. S.: Brief control for general solu¬ tions of normal equations . 604 Food consumption, American and European, compared. W. O. Atwater . 530 Force, What is. A. Hall . 583 - H. H. Bates . 587 - M. H. Doolittle . 589 Forests, Relation of, to water supplies. B. E. Fernow . 552 Gallaudet, E. M.: Values in the education of the deaf . 570 Galvanometer, New form of. D. C. Chap¬ man . 540 Gannett, H.: Do forests influence rainfall?.,. 520 Gem localities of Maine. F. W. Clarke . 570 Geodesy, Scope and character of a bibliogra¬ phy of. J. H. Gore . 604 Geodetic azimuths. C. O. Boutelle . 513 — operations in Russia. J. H. Gore . 567 Geology, Physical, Some of the greater prob¬ lems of. C. E. Dutton . . 51, 536 - G. K. Gilbert . 536 - R. S. Woodward . 537 — Study in structural. C. D. Walcott . 551 Gihon, A. L., elected member . 569 Gilbert, G. K.: Estimation of skill in mak¬ ing predictions...-. . 582 — Flat Rock channel . 502 — Geometry of shrinkage cracks . 606 — Soaring of birds . . 522 — Some of the greater problems of physical geology . 536 Goode, G. B.: Origin of our national scientific institutions . 551 Goodfellow, E.: Obituary notice of. C. O. Boutelle . 566 Gordon, J. C.: Discovery and development of hearing in certain deaf-mutes . 539 — New departure at Kendall Green . 571 Gore, J. H.: Decimal system of the 17th century . 556 — Geodetic operations in Russia . 567 — Scope and character of a bibliography of geodesy . 604 Great Smokies, Rocks of the, and their age. A. Keith . 540 Greely, A. W.: Do forests influence rainfall ? 520 — Trans-Mississippi rainfall . 505 Hagen, J. G., elected member . 531 Hall, A.: Note on £ Cancri.... . 565 — Problem in probabilities . 605 - spherical astronomy . ; . 601 — Problem-solving . . . 598 — Resisting medium in space . 606 — Saturn and its ring . 542 — What is force ? . 583 Hall, G. S.: Experiments in hypnotism . 516 614 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Page. Hallock, W.: Chemical action between solids . 518, 542 — Coefficient of expansion of some rocks . 556 — Deep well at Wheeling . 571 — Flow of solids . . 509 — Formation of alloys . 505 Hampson, T., Death of . 515 — Obituary notice of, by H. W. Henshaw . 474 Harkness, W.: Determination of the mass of the moon from the tides . 555 — Obituary notice of E. B. Elliott . 470 — Solar parallax and related constants . 518 Harrington, M. W., elected member . 571 Harris, A. W., elected member. . . 554 Harris, R. A., elected member . 566 Hayden, E.: Hurricanes in the bay of North America . . 173, 542 Hayden, F. V., Death of . . 499 — Obituary notice of, by A. C. Peale . . 476 Hayes, C. W., elected member . 530 Hayford, J. F., elected member . 543 — Check on the relation between the metric units of length and mass . 572 — Detection by azimuth observations of va¬ riations in the pole or vertical . 572 — Modification of the Ferrel tide-predicting machine . . 608 Hazen, H. A.: Brocken spectre . 550 — Failure in the application of the law of probabilities . . . 581 — Influence of forests upon rainfall . 521 — Lawrence tornado, July 26, 1890 . 564 — Recent Mount Vernon, Ill., tornado . ■. 517 — Two balloon voyages . 511 Heat, Special laws of the diffusion of, in homogeneous spheres. R. S. Woodward.. 607 Henshaw, H. W.: Obituary notice of Thomas Hampson . 474 Hilgard, J. E., Death of . 568 Hill, G. W.: Application of infinite deter¬ minants to the integration of differen¬ tial equations . 601 — Combination of observations into normal positions . 605 — Interior constitution of the earth as re¬ spects density . 581 — Mass of Titan . 598 — Reported occultation of o Tauri by Saturn in 1679 . i . 606 — Secular perturbations of two planets mov¬ ing in the same plane, with application to Jupiter and Saturn . 608 Hill, R. T.: Neozoic formations in Arkansas. 501 — Occurrence and availability of under¬ ground water in Texas and New Mexico. 571 — Recent geographical and geological ex¬ plorations in the southwest . 569 Page. Hitchcock, R.: Action of light on silver chloride . 542 — Burial mounds of Japan . 553 — Notes on eclipse-photography in Japan.... 502 Hollerith, H., elected member . 555 — Electrical tabulating machine . 553 Howard, L. O., elected member . . . 518 Hoyt, J. W.: Account of the present status and prospects of the project for a national university . . . 570 Hubbard, G. G.: Stanley’s discoveries in Africa . 551 Hurricane, Work of the life-saving crews during the recent. F. Baker . 542 Hurricanes in the bay of North America. E. Hayden . 173, 542 Hyperion, Orbit of. O. Stone . 598 Hypnotic experiments of the Comte de Mari- court. M. M. Snell . 518 Hypnotism, Experiments in. W. A. Croffut and G. Stanley Hall . . . 516 Hypsometry, Barometric example of work in. G. Thompson . 556 Ice-arch formed by horizontal pressure. J. Murdoch . 507 Iddings, J. P.: Crystallization of igneous rocks . 65, 541 — Mineral composition and geological oc¬ currence of certain igneous rocks in the Yellowstone National Park . 191, 550 — Origin of primary quartz in basalt . . 515 — Spherulitic crystallization in obsidian..445, 568 Identity, Continued, in its application to the solution of equations, and expressing functions in highly convergent forms. C. H. Kummell . 607 Indian types of beauty. R. W. Shufeldt . 567 Industry, Evolution of.... . 569 Iroquois beach. J. W. Spencer. . 500 Irrigation in the arid region. C. E. Dutton.. 542 Irving, R. D.: Obituary notice of, by I. C. Russell . 478 James, J. F., elected member . 552 James, J. N., elected member . 571 Japan, Burial mounds of. R. Hitchcock . 553 Jenney, W. P., elected member . 555 Keith, A., elected member . 506 — Rocks of the Great Smokies and their age. 540 Kenaston, C. A.: Physical features of a por¬ tion of the British northwest . 507 Kendall Green, New departure at. J. C. Gordon . 571 Kidder, J. H., Death of. . 533 — Obituary notice of, by R. Rathbun . 480 Kttmmell, C. H.: An error of Delaunay . 604 — Fundamental theorems in mensuration in one, two, or three dimensions . 600 INDEX. 615 Page. Kummell, C. H.: Method of continued iden¬ tity in its application to the solution of equations, and expressing functions in highly convergent forms . 607 — New simple and symmetrical solution of the quartie . 609 — Remarks on some recent discussions of target-shooting . 582 — Short, rough method of computing the probable error . .- . . 608 — Warped polyhedra, with special applica¬ tion to the road-cutting solid . . 605 Lake, Extinct, of Pleistocene times in the Sierra Nevada. H. W. Turner . 565 Lake Ontario, Drift north of. J.W. Spencer. 506 Langley, S. P.: On the observation of sudden phenomena . . . 41, 531 Lavas, Characteristic, radiate growth in acid. W. Cross . 568 Lefavour, E. B , Death of . 541 — Obituary notice of, by M. Baker . 488, 552 Life-saving crews, Work of during the recent hurricane. F. Baker . 542 Lindgren, W., elected member . 555 Littlehales, G. W., elected member . 543 — New method of recording and reproduc¬ ing articulate speech . 553 Logarithms, Difference between Napier’s and natural. F. Cajori . 603 — Napier’s. A. Martin . 604 Longitude, Determination of. W. Eimbeck.. 553 Malle ry, G.: Philosophy and specialties. President’s address, 1888 . 1 Martin, A.: Curve of pursuit . 608 — Error in Barlow’s theory of numbers . 592 — Method of extracting the square root . 606 — Napier’s and natural logarithms . 603, 604 — Probabilities . . . 602 — Square numbers whose sum is a square... 580 — Sum of two biquadrate numbers cannot be a biquadrate number . 609 Marvin, C. F.: New self-recording rain-gauge. 502 — Wind pressures and the measurement of wind velocities . . . 556 Mason, O. T.: Study of religions by the methods of natural history . 564 Mathematical nomenclature, A question in. W. B. Taylor . 590 Mathematical Section, Officers for 1888 . 579 - 1889 . 604 - ( pro tem.) 1889 . . . 606 - for 1890 . 606 - for 1891 . 609 - Proceedings of, 1888 to 1891 . 579-609 McCammon, J. K,, elected member . 566 McGee, W J : Evolution of serials published by scientific societies . 221,533 Page. McGee, W J: Flood plains of rivers . 565 — Mississippi bad lands . 567 — Recent geographic changes on the Atlan¬ tic and Gulf coasts . . . 554 — Rock gas and related bitumens . 530 — Southern extension of the Columbian for¬ mation . 550 Members elected in 1888 . 523 - 1889 . 544 - 1890 . 557 - 1891 . 572 Mendenhall, T. C.: New pendulum appara¬ tus . 566 Mensuration, Fundamental theorems in. C. H. Kummell . 600 Metals, Increasing industrial employment of rarer. Henry H. Bates . 503 Meteoric astronomy in America, Progress of. J. R. Eastman . 275 Meteorology in Europe and America. C. Abbe . 569 Metric units of length and mass, Check on the relation between. J. F. Hayford . 572 Merriam, C. H.: Biological survey of the San Francisco mountain range of Arizona ... 551 Mica and chlorite groups. F. W. Clarke . 568 Mindeleff, C., elected member . 531 MindelefF, V., elected member . 531 Mineral composition and geological occur¬ rence of certain igneous rocks in the Yellowstone National Park. J. P. Id- dings . 191 Mississippi bad lands. W J McGee . 567 Minutes of general meetings, Resolution in relation thereto . 530 Mohawk Lake beds. H. W. Turner . 385 Mollusca, Pelecypod, Some forms of gill in. W. H. Dali . 541 Money fallacies, President’s address, 1890. C. E. D^utton . 359 Moon, Mass of, from the tides. W. Hark- ness..... . 555 Muir glacier of Alaska. H. S. Reid . 555 Murdoch, J.: Ice-arch formed by horizontal pressure . 507 Muscular sense, Galton’s apparatus for test¬ ing. J. S. Billings . 502 Newcomb, S. : Fundamental concepts of physics... . 514 Newell, F. H.: Stream measurements in the western states . . . 569 Normal equations, Brief control for general solutions of. A. S. Flint . 604 — positions, Combination of observations into. G. W. Hill . 605 Numbers, Error in Barlow’s theory of. A. Martin . 592 616 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Page. Numbers, Square, whose sum is a square . 580 — Sum of two biquadrate, cannot be a biquad¬ rate number. A. Martin . 609 Obituary notices . 465, 520, 529 — Report of committee relative to . 518 Observation of sudden phenomena. S. P. Langley . 41, 531 Obsidian, Spherulitic crystallization in. J. P. Iddings . 568 Occupation, Reported, of o Tauri by Saturn in 1679. G. W. Hill . 606 Officers of the Mathematical Section. See Mathematical Section. Officers for 1889 . . . 527 - 1890 . 548 - 1891 . . 562 - 1892 . xvii Ogden, H. G.: Chart-making . 554 — Distortion in plane-table sheets... . 508 Osborne, J. W.: Surfaces feebly sensitive to light . 518 Parker, Peter, Death of.. . 502 — Obituary notice of, by W. B. Taylor . 491 Parry, C. C., Death of . 566 Peale, A. C.: Obituary notice of F.V. Hayden. 476 Pendulum apparatus. T. C. Mendenhall . 566 — Length of Hater’s. O. H. Tittmann . 553 — observations, Reduction of. E. D. Pres¬ ton . . . 115, 541 — Study of earth’s figure by. E. D. Preston. 567 Penokee iron-bearing series of rocks. C. R. Van Hise . 530 Personal equation, Elimination of, from stel¬ lar transits by photography. F. H. Big¬ elow . 570 - Observation of sudden phenomena. S. P. Langley . . . 41, 531 - Some peculiarities in. J. R. Eastman. 515 Perturbations of the minor planets. W. F. McK. Ritter . 604 — Secular, of two planets moving in the same plane, with application to Jupiter and Saturn . 608 Philosophy and specialties. President Mal- lery’s address . 1 Physics, Fundamental, Concepts of. S. New¬ comb. . 514 Plane-table sheets, Distortion in. H. G. Og¬ den . 508 Plant life, Formation of deposits of lime, iron, and silica by. W. H. Weed . 537 Pohle, J., elected member . 555 Powell, J. W.: Evolution of industry . 569 — Laws of eorrasion . 519 Predictions, Estimation of skill in making. G. K. Gilbert . 582 President’s address. See Address. Page. Preston, E. D., elected member . 520 — Reduction of pendulum observations 115, 541 — Study of the earth’s figure by means of the pendulum . 567 Prisms, New metric system of numbering. S. M. Burnett . . . . 566 Probabilities, Failure of the apparent law of. H. A. Hazen . 581 — A. Martin . 602 — M. H. Doolittle . : . 583 — Problem in. A. Hall . 605 - M. H. Doolittle . 602 — Two problems in. M. H. Doolittle . 605 Probability equations. M. H. Doolittle . 603 — of an event resting on the concurrent tes¬ timony of two witnesses, Application of a formula for. M. H. Doolittle . 604 Probable error, Short, rough method of com¬ puting. C. H. Kummell . 608 Problem-solving. A. Hall . ! . 598 Proper motions, Assumption and fact in the theories of solar and stellar. J. R. East¬ man . 143 Puma, Epitome of the natural history of. F. W. True . 554 Quaternion, What is a? A. S. Christie . 579 Quartic, New simple and symmetrical solu¬ tion of. C. H. Kummell . 609 Quartz, Origin of primary, in basalt. J. P. Iddings . 515 — Porphyritic, in eruptive rocks. J. S. Dil- ler . 531 Railway systems of England and America, Origin of . 533 Rainfall, Trans-Mississippi. A. W. Greely.. 505 — Artificial production of. B. E. Fernow ... 557 — Influence of forests upon. C. Abbe . 521 - . B. E. Fernow . 520, 552 Rain-gauge, New self-recording. C. F. Mar¬ vin . 502 Rain-making experiments in Texas. G. E. Curtis . 570 Ramsden’s dividing engine. J. E. Watkins.. 554 Rathbun, R.: Obituary notice of J. H. Kidder. 480 Reduction of pendulum observations. E. D. Preston . 115, 541 Refraction by cylinders with axes crossed at various angles. S. M. Burnett . 531 Reid, H. 8.: Note on the Muir glacier of Alaska . 555 Relative abundance of the chemical ele¬ ments. F. W. Clarke . 131 Religions, Study of, by the methods of nat¬ ural history. O. T. Mason . 564 Resisting medium in space. A. Hall . 606 Riley, C. V.: Bacteriology in applied ento¬ mology . 565 INDEX. 617 Page. Riley, C. V.: Some recent entomological matters of international concern . 511 Ritter, W. F. McK.: Perturbations of the minor planets . G04 Rivers, Flood plains of. W J McGee . 565 Rock gas and related bitumens . 530 — masses, Rounding of, by external attack. G. F. Becker . . . 500 Rocks, Coefficient of expansion of some. W. Hallock . 556 Rocky mountains, Peculiar structural feat¬ ures in the foot-hill region near Denver. G. H. Eldridge . . 247-274 Russell, I. C.: Subaerial deposits of the arid region of North America . 531 — Obituary notice of R. D. Irving . 478 Russell, T.: Baudin’s vertical minimum thermometer a Marteau . 513 Saegmuller, G. N.: Drawings of Denver equa¬ torial telescope . 607 Salmon, D. E.: National cattle and meat in¬ spection . 569 Saturn and its ring. A. Hall . 542 Savings-bank system of Belgium, Postal and school. T. Wilson . 570 Scientific institutions, Origin of our national. G. B. Goode . . . 551 Screws, Standard. E. G. Fischer . 556 Searle, G. M., elected member . 552 Secretaries’ report for 1888 . 523 - 1889 . 5-14 - 1890 . 557 - 1891... . 572 Series, Summation of certain. R. S. Wood¬ ward . 601 Shrinkage 'cracks, Geometry of. G. K. Gil¬ bert . 606 Shufeldt, R. W.. Indian types of beauty . 567 Silver chloride, Action of light on. R. Hitch¬ cock . 542 Smillie, T. W., elected member . 565 Snell, M. M.: Hypnotic experiments of the Comte de Maricourt . 518 Societies, Scientific, Evolution of serials pub¬ lished by. W J McGee . . 221, 533 Solar parallax. W. Harkness . 518 Solids, Chemical action between. W. Hal¬ lock . 518, 542 — Flow of. W. Hallock . 509 Square root, Method of extracting. A. Mar¬ tin . . . 606 Speech, New method of recording and re¬ producing articulate. G. W. Littlehales.. 553 Spencer, J. W.: Drift north of Lake On¬ tario . 506 — Iroquois beach— a chapter in the geologi¬ cal history of Lake Ontario . 500 Page. Spherulites, Constitution and origin of. W. Cross . 568 Sphygmograph. R. T. Edes . 517 Stanley-Brown, J., elected member . 551 — Bernardinite . 567 Star-catalogues, Systematic differences of proper motions in declination. H. Far- quhar . ... . 593 Star, Multiple, £ Cancri. A. Hall . 565 Steamship Savannah, Log of. J. E. Watkins.. 564 Stokes, H. N., elected member . 566 Stone, O : Orbit of Hyperion . 598 Stratigraphic position of the olenellus fauna in North America and Europe . 532 Stream measurements in the western states. F. H. Newell . . . . i . 569 Tabulating machine, Electrical. H. Holler¬ ith . 553 Target-shooting, Recent discussions of. C. H. Kummell . -582 Taylor, W. B.: A question in mathematical nomenclature . 590 — Obituary notice of Peter Parker . 491 Tennessee, Cambrian rocks in. C. Curtice.. 516 Thermometer, Baudin’s vertical minimum thermometer a Marteau . 513 Thompson, G.: Example of work in baromet¬ ric hypsometry . 556 Tide-predicting machine, Modification of the Ferrel. J F. Hayford . 608 Titan, Disputed mass of. G. W. Hill . 598 Tittmann, O. H., elected member . 502 — Length of Rater’s pendulum . 552 Todd, D. P.: Results of the total solar eclipse of January 1, 1889 . 533 Tornado at Mount Vernon, Ill. H. A. Hazen.. 517 - Lawrence, July 26, 1890. H. A. Hazen.. 564 Treasurer’s accounts for 1887, Report of au¬ diting committee on . 499 - 1888, Report of auditing committee on.. 528 - Report of auditing committee on, for 1889 . 549 - for 1890, Report of auditing committee on . 563 — report, 1888 . 525 - 1889 . 546 - 1890 . 559 - 1891 . 574 True, A. C., elected member . 553 — Status and tendencies of the agricultural experiment stations . 566 True, F. W.: Epitome of the natural history of the puma . 554 Turner, H. W., elected member . 555 — Extinct lake of pleistocene times in the Sierra Nevada . 565 — Mohawk Lake beds . 385 618 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Page. United States, Commercial growth and im¬ port duties of. H. Farquhar . j . 567 University, National, Present status and prospects for a. J. W. Hoyt . 570 Van Hise, C. R , elected member . . . 553 — Penokee iron-bearing series of rocks . 530 — Pre-Cambrian rocks of the Black Hills of Dakota . . 552 Walcott, C. D.: Stratigraphic position of the ol'enellus fauna in North America and Europe . . . 532 — Study in .structural geology . 551 Walling, H. F., Death of . . . 516, 531 — Obituary notice of, by C. O. Boutelle . 492 Ward, L, F.: Remarks on the laws of corra- sion . 519 Warder, R. B., elected member . . . 515 Warped polyhedra, with special application to the road-cutting solid. C. H. Kum- mell . 605 Water-courses, Relation of surface and cli¬ matic conditions to the flow of . 552 Water supplies, Relation of forests to. B. E. Fernow . 552 — Underground, in Texas and New Mexico. R. T. Hill . 571 Watkins, J. E., elected member . 532 — Beginnings of engineering . 556 — Early dividing engines . * . 554 — Log of the Savannah . 564 — Origin of the railway systems of England and America . 533 Weed, W. H.: Formation of deposits of lime, iron, and silica by plant life . . . 537 Page. Well, Deep, at Wheeling. W. Halloclc . 571 Wilder, B G.’ Comparative anatomy of the simian and human brain..... . . 553 Willis, Bailey : Fault hades . 500 — Mechanism of the overthrust fault . 529 Willits, E.: Scientific work of the Depart¬ ment of Agriculture . 550 Wilson, T.: National postal and school sav¬ ings-bank system of Belgium . 570 Wind pressures and the measurement of wind velocities. C. F. Marvin . 556 Winds, Hot, of the plains. G. E. Curtis . 564 ’Winlock, W. C.: Comet 1888 V . . . 601 — Secretaries’ report, 1888 . 523 - - 1889 . 544 - 1890... . . . 557 - 1891 . . . 572 Woodward, R. S.: Mathematical theory of the stratum of no strain and its applica¬ tion to the earth . 602 — Maxwell’s theory of electrostatics . 571 — Mechanical conditions of the earth’s mass. 532 — Notes on problems in averages . 605 — Problem in dynamics . 605 — Some of the greater problems of physical geology . . 537 — — special laws of the diffusion of heat in homogeneous spheres . ; . 607 — Summation of certain complex series . 601 — Tisserand’s Traite de mecanique celeste.. 568 — Variation of terrestrial density, gravity, and pressure . 580 Wiirdemann, H. V.: Color perception . 531 1 - ' ' - ' ■ ' ■ •■■■■'■ ,-v , . v , .■ ■ • • - 'i ■ . >'> (w1 ■ v • ■ rAMtf • ‘ V .• 1 v l ' ;V ' ;V' >il' o' ' •' ' o' ; •