±K': I ,; I '•' ■ :; ■ , I ■ RGB •'•"/ \ ■, '\ . IKS ■ H BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SCIENCE SERIES L Y VOLUME 2 (1897-1901) WILLIAM HERBERT HOBBS, PH. D., Editor Professor of Mineralogy and Petrology PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF LAW AND WITH ;THE APPROVAL OF THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY MADI.SON, WIS. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY 1901 COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION OF THE BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. CHARLES KENDALL ADAMS, LL.D., President of the University WILLIAM H. HOBES, Ph. D., Editor-in-Chief EDITORS Richard T. Ely, Ph. D., Director of the School of Economics and Political Science Editor of the Econoniics and Political Science Series William H. Hobbs, Ph. D., Professor of Mineralogy and Petrology Editor of the Science Series J. B. Johnson, C. E., Dean of the College of Engineering Editor of the Engineering Series Charles F. Smith, Ph. D., Chairman of the Committee on Graduate Study -* Editor of the Philology and Literature Series Frederick J. Turner, Ph. D., Director of the School of History Editor of the History Series Democrat Printing Co., Madison. CONTENTS OF VOLUME 2. Page. No. 1. The action of solutions on the sense of taste, by Louis Kahlen- berg, Assistant Professor of Physical Chemistry 1 No. 2. Aspects of mental economy, by M. V. O'Shea, Professor of the Science and Art of Education 33 No. 3. Contributions from the Anatomical Laboratory of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, by William S. Miller, Assistant Pro- fessor of Vertebrate Anatomy 199 No. 4. The Anomalous dispersion of cyanin, by Carl Edward Magnusson, Fellow in Physics 247 No. 5. The theory of electrolytic dissociation as viewed in the light of facts recently ascertained, by Louis Kahlenberg, Pro- fessor of Physical Chemistry, with the co-operation of Arthur A. Koch and Roy D. Hall, Assistants in Chem- istry 297 No. 6. On the dielectric constants of pure soivents, by Herman Schlundt, Instructor in General and Physical Chemistry. 353 INDEX TO PLATES. Opposite page Plate 1 and 2. Graphic representation of the results of the chemical examination of salivary and gastric digestion 140 Plates 3-8. Lung of Necturus 210 Plates 9-11. Vascular system of Necturus 226 Plates 12-13. Brain of Necturus '. 234 Plates 14-15. Peritoneal epithelium of the cat 246 Plates 16-22. Anomalous dispersion of cyanin 296 PB1CB 35 CENTO BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN NO. 35. SCItNCI SCRIES. VOL. 2, NO. 1, Pp. 1-31. THE ACTION OF SOLUTIONS ON THE SENSE OF TASTE BY LOUIS KAHLENBERG, Ph. D. Assistant Professor of Physical Chemistry. Published bi-monthly by authority of law with the approval of the Regents of the University and entered at the post office at Madison as second-class matter MADISON, WISCONSIN September, 1898 $ttU*tttt of the fJJttit*£V*tty of ^incon&in. (Homtnittee of $>wt»ltcatt«m CHARLES KENDALL ADAMS, President of the University WILLIAM HERBERT HOBBS, Editor-in-Chief EDITORS Frederick Jackson Turner, Economics, Political Science, and History Charles Forster Smith, Philology and Literature. William Herbert Hobbs, Science Nelson Oliver Whitney, Engineering Economics, Political Science, and History Series, Volume 1: No. 1. The Geographical Distribution of the Vote of the Thirteen States on the Federal Constitution, 1787-8, by Orin Grant Libby, A. M., Fellow in History, with an introduction by Frederick J. Turner. Pp. 116 pis. 2, July, 1894. Price 75 cents. No. 2. The Finances of the United States from 1775 to 1789, with Especial Reference to the Budget, by Charles J. Bullock, A. B., Fellow in Economics. Pp. 157, June, 1895. Price 75 cents. No. 3. The Province of Quebec, and the Early American Revolution, A study in English-American Colonial History, by Victor Coffin, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of European History. Pp. 307, June, 1896. Price 75 cents. Volume 2 : No. 1. New Governments West of the Alleghanies Before 1780. (In- troductory to a study of the organization and admission of new states), by George Henry Alden, Acting Assistant Professor of History, Uni- versity of Illinois. A Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of History. Pp. 74, April, 1897. Price 50 cents. No. 2. Municipal History and Present Organizatiou of the City of Chicago, by Samuel Edwin Sparling, Ph. D., Assistant in Political Science. A Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Political Science. Pp. 113, May, 1898. Price 75 cents. Philology and Literature Series, Volume 1 : No. 1. On the Development of American Literature from 1815 to 1R33, by William B. Cairns, Ph. D., Instructor in Rhetoric. Pp. 87, March, 1898. Price 35 cents. BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN ScuNci Skmiks, vol 2, no. I, Pp. 1-31. THE ACTION OF SOLUTIONS ON THE SENSE OF TASTE BY LOUIS KAHLENBERG, Ph. D. Assistant Professor of Physical Chemistry. LIBRARY NEW YORK BOTANICAL MADISON, WIS. July, 1898 THE ACTION OF SOLUTIONS ON THE SENSE OF TASTE.1 Introduction. In order to be capable of affecting the sense of taste a sub- stance must be soluble to a certain extent in the saliva, which is, in most cases at least, the same as saying that it must be solu- ble in water. Substances that are practically insoluble can when introduced into the mouth produce only sensations of tem- perature and of touch. The fact that a substance is soluble in water is not of itself sufficient, however, to enable it to cause sensations of taste, for there are many substances that are quite soluble in water and yet their solutions possess very little or no taste. It is evident that the effect of a solution on the sense of taste depends upon the concentration of the solution, the chem- ical nature of the dissolved substances, and the conditions in which the latter exist in the solution. Investigations on the subject of solutions have been vigorously pushed during the last ten years by workers in the field of physi- cal chemistry, and as a result of their labors we have today a far better understanding of the condition in which a substance exists when dissolved than ever before. Indeed, van't Hoff's1 theory of solutions and Arrhenius'2 theory of electrolytic dis- sociation have practically solved the mystery that has hereto- fore engrossed the whole subject of solutions. Since substances must be dissolved in order to be tasted, and since the taste of a solution depends upon the nature of the dis- solved substance and its molecular condition when in solution, 'Read before the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters at its meeting at Milwaukee, December, 1897. 2Zeitschr. f. physik. Cbem. 1, 481, 1887. 3 Ibidem, 1, 631, 1887. 4 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. it was thought that a systematic study of the effect of solutions on the sense of taste, pursued in the light of the knowledge that has in recent years been gathered concerning the subject of so- lutions, would more clearly define the nature of the substances that produce certain tastes and possibly also indicate the mode of action by means of which these substances cause the sensa- tions of taste. The present investigation is an attempt to study the effect of solutions on the sense of taste in the light of the modern theories of the nature of solutions. The Nature of Aqueous Solutions. Aqueous solutions may be divided into two classes, those that are practically non-conductors of electricity and those that con- duct electricity readily. The former are generally termed non- electrolytes and the latter electrolytes. The aqueous solutions that practically do not conduct electricity are those of substances that possess neither acid, basic, nor salt-like character, or at least they possess these characteristics only to a slight degree. Into this category belong, for example, solutions of the mono- and polyatomic alcohols, the sugars, the esters, very weak acids and bases, colloidal substances, and other ccmpounds generally spoken of as neutral1 substances. The solutions that conduct electricity readily are those of compounds of pronounced acid, basic, or salt-like character. This class includes solutions of all the acids, bases, and salts except e )me very weak acids and bases and the salts formed by their combination. Measurements of the osmotic pressure, the lowering of the freezing point, and the elevation of the boiling point of solutions of non-electrolytes have shown that generally the dissolved sub- stances contained in these solutions exist in the simple molecular condition that is expressed by their chemical formulas as usually written; in other words, the molecular weight of these substances when in the dissolved condition is that which is generally ascribed to them. When it is possible to find the molecular weight of a non-electrolyte by a vapor density determination as 1The term neutral substances as used here does not include salts. KAHLENBERG — ACTION OF SOLUTIONS ON TASTE. 5 •well as from the osmotic pressure, the freezing point, or the boiling point of its solution, the results are generally identical. Instances where double or even more complex molecules are formed when substances are dissolved in water are known, and yet these are perhaps not much more common than cases of polymerization in the gaseous state. The analogy that exists be- tween gases and solutions of non-electrolytes is almost perfect. This appears clearly when we regard the statement of Avogadro — equal volumes of all gases under the same conditions of tem- perature and pressure contain an equal number of molecules — in conjunction with this statement modified through the work of van't HofT so as to apply to solutions, — equal volumes of so- lutions having the same temperature and the same osmotic pres- sure contain an equal number of molecules, which number is identical with that contained in a gas having tha same volume and temperature as the solution and a pressure equal to the os- motic pressure of the latter. The solutions that conduct electricity on the other hand are different in character. From what has been said, it is clear that these solutions are such as contain the ordinary salts, acids, and bases. These substances do not exist in aqueous solutions in the molecular condition represented by their chemical formulas as ordinarily written. The osmotic pressure, the lowering of the freezing-point, and the elevation of the boiling-point of these solutions are all greater than they would be if the substances when in solution possessed the molecular weight indicated by the usual formulae. According to the theory of Arrhenius these substances exist in solution in a partially dissociated state; this explains the peculiar behavior of these solutions as compared with those of non-electrolytes. The degree or extent of this dissociation depends on the nature of the dissolved substance and the concentration of the solution. Theoretically the dissocia- tion is complete only at infinite dilution; many substances, how- ever, are so strongly dissociated when dissolved in water that dissociation is practically complete at finite dilutions. The part- molecules into which the dissolved molecules are dissociated are 6 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. termed ions. These ions migrate through the solution under the influence of the electric current, whence their name. The conduction of electricity by the solution depends upon the pres- ence and the movements of the ions. Those ions that travel toward the negative pole are considered as charged with positive electricity and are termed cathions, while those that move toward the positive pole are called anions and are charged with nega- tive electricity. The number of cathions in a solution is always equivalent to the number of anions present, so that electrical neutrality of the solut:on is preserved. Thus in the case of so- dium chloride the ions are Na and CI, and any solution of this salt contains these ions together with a certain amount of un- dissociated JSTa CI, the relative quantities of dissociated and un- dissociated salt depending on the concentration of the solution. Similarly solutions of hydrochloric acid contain the ions H and CI and undissociated molecules of HC1. It would seem at first that matters become more complicated by thus considering the solutions just mentioned; while this is true in some cases, namely when concentrated solutions are under consideration, yet in dilute solutions where dissociation is nearly complete things appear more simple. Thus in very dilute so- lutions hydrochloric acid and sodium chloride are practically completely dissociated, and the dissolved substances that these + — solutions contain are consequently the ions H and CI in the + - former and Ka and CI in the latter. The ions are to be re- garded as distinct and separate substances subject, however, to the law that the solution contains as many positive as negative ions. The ions are furthermore not identical with ordinary hy- drogen, chlorine and metallic sodium respectively, for they differ from these in the amount of energy they contain. It is neces- sary to supply these ions with additional energy in order to change them from the ionic condition to the ordinary state. This can be done, for example, by electrolyzing hydrochloric acid or sodium chloride. Two dilute solutions containing chemically equivalent quan- KAHLENBERQ — ACTION OF SOLUTIONS ON TASTE. 7 tities of hydrochloric acid and sodium chloride are alike in that they contain chlorine ions in the same concentration, while they differ in that the former contains hydrogen ions and the latter sodium ions. It has always been regarded as axiomatic that the properties of a solution are determined by what the solution con- tains. Hence the differences in the properties of the dilute so- lutions of hydrochloric acid and common salt are simply to be ascribed to the different effects of the H ions and the ]STa ions, the CI ions being common to both solutions. Xow it happens that a solution of hydrochloric acid still has a very pronounced taste at a degree of dilution at which a common salt solution containing a chemically equivalent quantity is perfectly taste- less. It follows, therefore, that the taste of such a dilute solu- tion of hydrochloric acid is simply due to the hydrogen ions it contains. The dilute solution of hydrochloric acid gives one the sensation of sour, and consequently hydrogen ions cause sour taste. The latter statement will be more fullv established be- low. From what has been stated concerning the nature of aqueous solutions, it follows that in the case of solutions of non-electro- lytes we have simply to investigate the taste of the dissolved molecules and to seek a relation between the chemical nature of these and the sensations that thev cause; while in the case of solutions of electrolytes, we shall have to consider the taste of both the undissociated molecules and the ions present, trying to discover if possible a connection between the gustatory sensa- tions that these create and the other properties that they pos- sess. It is clear that the study of the second class of solutions may be much simplified by working with dilute solutions. By so doing the taste of individual ions may even be determined as indicated in the preceding paragraph. The Seme of Taste. The organs of the sense of taste are located in the epithelium of the upper surface of the tongue and possibly also in the lin- ing of other parts of the mouth cavity. The nerves of the 8 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. tongue run into papillae, of which the to-called circumvallate, on the posterior part of the tongue's surface have an especially rich nerve supply. On these are the terminal organs of taste con- sisting of peculiar bodies, the so-called taste-bulbs or taste-buds, discovered by Schwalbe and Loven in 1867. These taste-bulbs, which are minute bodies, oval in shape, are lodged in the epi- thelium covering the side of the papilla. Each consists of two sets of cells. On the outside are a number of flat, fusiform, nu- cleated cells known as supporting or protective cells; these are bent like the staves of a barrel and arranged side by side so as to form a bulb-shaped body, having an aperture at the apex known as the gustatory pore. The inside of the taste-bulb con- tains five to ten so-called taste-cells, which are pointed at the end next to the gustatory pore and branched at the other end where they are probably connected with nerve fibres. According to Eanvier1 supporting cells are also found in the interior of the taste-bulbs, the taste-cells being found interspersed between these. Taste-bulbs occur also on other papillae of the tongue, and it is possible that simpler structures consisting of fewer or even single taste-cells exist where no taste-bulbs are located, for it is known that taste does exist on parts of the tongue where no taste-bulbs have been found. The tip, edges, and back of the tongue are sensitive to taste, while the middle is devoid of taste. The organs of taste are similar in construction to those of smell. The above is a brief statement of what is generally given con- cerning the organs of taste in standard works2 on physiology, histology, and physiological psychology. Ketzius,3 who has made an, extensive study of the nerve endings of the various or- gans of the special senses, states that he has been unable to find nerve-fibres connecting the so-called taste-cells with the nerve underneath, that the lower terminus of the taste-cells is in many iTraitg Technique d'Histologie, p. 946. 2See for example Martin, The Human Body; Ranvier, Traits d Histologic; Wundt, Grundztige der physiologischen Psychologie. 3Biologische Untersuchungen IV., p. 24. KAHLENBERO — ACTION OF SOLUTIONS ON TASTE. 9 cases foot-shaped, and that it is highly improbable that they are connected directly with underlying nerves. He finds that nerve- fibres ramify between the cells throughout the entire interior of the taste-bulbs. These nerve-fibres, which lie terms the in- tralobular nerves, are a continuation of underlying nerve-; they traverse the taste-bnib in a general vertical direction, lim- ning out into free end- that are l< cated in many eases near the gustatory pore, in other cases more remote from that opening. Eetzins thinks the so-called taste-cells are true epithelial cells; he regards them as "secondary sense cells,'' similar to the "hair cells'' of the sense of hearing. Retzius then finds more analogy between the organs of taste and hearing than between those of be and smell. Speaking of the sense of taste, he says:1 "Es sind meiner Ansicht nach im Geschmacksorgan keine wahren Sinnesnervenzellen vorhanden. Die Xervenzellen des Geschmackser^ans hal en sich ebenfalls, wie im Tastorgan, aus dem Epithel zuriiekgezogen und liegen in den Ganglion des Geschmacksnerven. Das Geschmacksorgan steht also in rnor- phologisch-phylogenetiseher Bezielnmg auf etwa demselben Standpunkt wie das Tastorgan und gewissermassen das Gehor- organ. Die weit gegen das Centralorgan zuriickgetretenen Xervenzellen senden in das peripherische Organ ihren peripher- ischen Fortsatz, welcher unter starker Verastelung mit frei aus- laufenden Spitzen frei und interzellnliir im Epithel endigt; in dem Epithel der Geschmackszwiebeln sind indessen eigenthiim- liche Zellen vorhanden, welche ungefahr, wie die Haarzellen des Gehororgans, als eine Art secundarer Sinneszellen anfgefasst werden konnen." According to this view it is of course not difficult to see why certain portions of the tongue are sensitive to taste and yet possess no taste-bulbs. It is generally accepted that sensations of taste are caused by certain irritations of the nerve terminals, — whether we are to regard the "taste-cells" or the "intracellular nerves" as repre- senting these end-organs is perhaps still an open question, though Eetzius appears to have excellent grounds for his opinion. Au- thorities apparently agree that this irritation of the nerves is due ^oc. Cit., p. 53. 10 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. to chemical action upon them. Now in order to get into con- tact with the end-organs a substance must be in solution. This, however, is not of itself sufficient. To get into the taste-bulb, the mouth of which is always covered with mucous, and to get at the nerve, the dissolved substance must diffuse with a fair •degree of readiness; and finally, when it has come into contact with the nerve terminus, it must be capable of acting chemi- cally on the protoplasm of the same, thus causing the irritation that is interpreted as taste. Many substances are tasteless sim- ply because they are insoluble; others, although sufficiently sol- uble, do not diffuse readily enough to come into contact with the nerve terminus; and still others, which though soluble and sufficiently diffusible, are devoid of taste because they fail to react chemically with the protoplasm of the nerve. It is evident that for each substance there is a certain mini- mum amount that must be present in order to cause sufficient irritation at the nerve. This amount will naturally be relatively less in the case of those substances that react more intenselv with the protoplasm of the nerve terminus. Again, in the case of those substances that because of very slow diffusion possess but little taste, the solutions must be relatively much stronger in order that sufficient substance may come into contact with the nerve, for the speed of diffusion of a substance is propor- tional to the difference in concentration that exists between the two layers in contact. No doubt the mechanical action of rub- bing the tongue against the palate as we do in tasting aids in brino-ina- the substance to be tasted into contact with the taste- organs. We should, other things being equal, expect a sub- stance that diffuses readily to exert an effect on the end-organs in less concentrated solution than a substance that diffuses more slowly. The electrical conductivity of solutions of electro- lytes is dependent upon the number of ions present and the speed with which they move through the solution. From this it is clear that the conductivity of electrolytes and their speed of free diffusion are closely connected, and we should conse- KAULENBERO — ACTION OF SOLUTIONS ON TASTE. 11 •quently expect to find a relation between the electrical conduc- tivity of solutions and their effect on the end-organs of taste. When volatile substances are introduced into the mouth, the volatilized portions fill the mouth cavity and also the nasal pas- sages; in the latter they frequently act on the organs of smell, and we are very apt to confound the smell of such sul stances with their taste. Indeed, it is well known that many volatile substances, which we commonly regard as having a strung taste, in reality have no taste at all, for when the nasal passages are obstructed these substances are without taste. It is clear from this that experiments on the sense of taste are best conducted with substances that are non-volatile. The sensations of taste are commonly classified as those of ■sweet, sour, salty, and bitter, to which Wundt1 adds alkaline and metallic. There can be no doubt, however, that there are very many kinds and shades of taste that are quite distinct and not to be referred to sensations of touch, and that the above classi- fication can claim at best to be only a very rough one. The investigator of this subject is soon struck by the fact that we have so few names to describe the various tastes. It is often very difficult for the subject experimented upon to report in words what taste the substance under consideration has, in spite of the fact that a very definite impression is experienced. The sense of taste is frequently regarded as rather vague, in- definite and uncertain, probably in part because it is not more definitely localized, and yet, experiments show that it is ex- ceedingly sensitive toward many things, and the fact that it may be cultivated to distinguish very small differences is be- yond dispute. The Method of Experimentation. Fifteen persons served as subjects to be experimented upon. Thirteen of these were between twenty and thirty years of age ; of this number three were ladies. The other two, a lady and a 1Grundziige der physi«logischeu PyscTiologie I., p. 439. 12 EULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. gentleman, were about sixty and sixty-three years old respec- tively. All were in excellent health and were practically total abstainers from the use of intoxicating liquors and tobacco. The solutions, which were prepared with distilled water that was practically tasteless, contained chemically equivalent quan- tities, i. e., they were so-called normal solutions. I chose the solutions of such strength that they would give me distinct im- pressions of taste, not sufficiently strong, however, to produce in any case lasting disagreeable or painful sensations. A por- tion of each of these solutions was then diluted with water to one-half its former strength; a portion of each of the solutions thus obtained was again diluted with water to one-half its strength, and so on until a solution was obtained, the taste of which I could not distinguish from distilled water. About 200 cc of each dilution was prepared. The solutions were kept in flasks thoroughly cleaned and steamed; they were labeled in cipher known only to me. This wTas done because many of the- persons tested were conversant with eheim'cal symbols, and it was my purpose to have them entirely ignorant of the contents of the solutions they were tasting, so that they would report the sensations they received without being biased by thoughts as to how the solution ought to taste. The chemicals used were of the chemically pure kind of reliable makers. The distilled water was ahvays used as a check. The subject was first given an opportunity to thoroughly rinse the mouth with distilled water so as to remove any excess of mucous. Seated with his back toward the table on which were the flasks containing the solutions, the subject took from a por- celain spoon about four cubic centimeters of the solution to be tasted. The individual held this in the mouth for a few mo- ments, being permitted to move the tongue and lips at will so as to spread the liquid over the entire cavity of the mouth, and bring the liquid into more immediate contact with the mem- branes by friction. The solution was then ejected, the report given, and the mouth generally rinsed with a little distilled water KAIILENBERG — ACTION OF SOLUTION'S ON TASTE. 13 before another solution was tasted. I had the person sit with Ins back toward the table on which the flasks stood, for I found it necessary that, in order to get from liini an unbiased report, he should not know from which flask I was giving' him. In test- ing as to the relative strength of the taste of several solutions, I could thus give the same solution twice in succession or give simply distilled water without the subject's knowledge. I found that this procedure was quite necessary in many eases in order to obtain reliable results. The distilled water and the solutions were of the same temperature, about 23° C. As my purpose was rather to compare the tastes of different solutions than to find out in each case as accurately as possible the moat dilute solution that could still be tasted, I did not deem it necessary to raise the temperature of the liquids to that of the body. Each person experimented upon was not detained more than half an hour at a time, and the solutions were always given be- ginning with the weaker and proceeding to the stronger. This was very essential, for preliminary experiments indicated that when a strong solution is first given the effect of it is apt to re- main in the mouth and make other tests difficult for the time being or perhaps even impossible. For the same reason, too, all strong solutions that would be apt to leave a prolonged taste in the mouth were either entirely avoided, or given the subject as the last solution to be tested at that sitting. The solutions used were in all cases perfectly odorless unless otherwise stated. The Taste of Solutions of Electrolytes. The taste of solutions of electrolytes received attention, first, because these solutions have in many cases very pronounced tastes that render work with them relatively easy; furthermore, when I first began the experiments, it was simply my purpose to investigate the taste of the ions; as the work progressed it took a somewhat wider scope, nevertheless most of the experi- ments were conducted with solutions of electrolytes. Sour Taste. As pointed out above the sour taste of acids is 14 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. due to the hydrogen ions present.1 In order to firmly establish this experimentally a 355 hydrochloric acid solution was prepared ; this I found to have a very decided acid taste. From this solu- tion 335, j&j and 555 solutions were prepared as before described. On testing the fifteen individuals mentioned, it was found that four of them could detect a difference between the ^ solution and the distilled water, while all of them distinctly tasted the $& solution. The ^ solution was reported not as sour, but as slightly astringent ; the ~ was reported as astringent by the men but by the ladies uniformly as astringent and slightly sour.2 As at these dilutions the dissociation of the hydrochloric acid is practically complete, and as it requires a much stronger solution of Na CI than ^ to cause taste, as will be shown below, it is clear that the sour taste is simply due to the effect of the hy- drogen ions. I have no doubt that with cultivation of the taste for hydrogen ions, and previous elevation of the temperature of the solutions to that of the body, even more dilute solu- tions than 555 could be detected by the sense of taste. Indeed, the experiments of Richards3 confirm this. He shows clearly that fairly accurate titrations of hydrochloric acid can be made using the taste of the solutions to indicate the end of the- reac- tion. The 355 solution of hydrochloric acid was uniformly re- ported as sour, as was of course also the Ufa. Solutions of sul- furic, hydrobromic, and nitric acids equivalent to those of hy- drochloric were also prepared, and the subjects were tested with these. The results were the same as with the corresponding so- lutions of hydrochloric acid. The Jk solutions were re- ported as astringent by those that could distinguish them from distilled water, ^ were reported as astringent by the men 1After the presentation of this paper to the Wisconsin Academy and before it could be published, there appeared an interesting article by T. W. Richards on "The Relation of the Taste of Acids to Their Degree of Dissociation," Amer. Chem. Jour., Feb. 1898. He also expresses the idea that sour taste is caused by hydrogen ions. 20n the whole, I found but little difference in the delicacy of the taste of the different persons tested; I had anticipated much greater individual differences than I actually found. 3Loc. Cit. KAHLENBERG — ACTION OF SOLUTIONS ON TASTE. 15 and as astringent and slightly sour by the women, while all found the & and ^ solutions distinctly sour. No difference either qualitative or quantitative could be distinguished by these individuals between the solutions of these various acids of equiv- alent strengths. The electrical conductivity1 of solutions of these acids shows that in their TO solutions the compounds are practically completely dissociated, the number of undissociated molecules present at this concentration is then practically nil. It will be shown below that the sodium salts of these acids in ^ solutions, or even much greater concentrations, are tasteless. In testing solutions of acetic acid it was found that m could be tasted as astringent while ra was reported as sour, though much les6 so than TO solution of the other acids mentioned. The elec- trical conductivity of solutions of acetic acid shows that in ^, and TO solutions the degrees of dissociation are about 6 per cent, and four per cent, respectively. One would then expect acetic acid solutions to be less sour than equivalent solutions of the strong mineral acids; at the same time, it is apparent that if hy- drogen ions can be tasted as astringent in ^ solutions, a ^ solu- tion of acetic acid, which is dissociated only about 6 per cent, and hence with respect to hydrogen ions is ^ normal, ought to be tasteless. To be ^ with respect to its content in hydro- gen ions, a fa acetic acid solution ought to be dissociated 25 per cent. It is clear then that the ^ solution of acetic acid, be- ing dissociated only about 6 per cent, has a sour taste about four times as strong as it ought to have, assuming that the taste is- due simply to the hydrogen ions momentarily present. Rich- ards2 obtained a similar result; he fotmd that the acetic acid was about one-third as strong as an equivalent solution of hydro- chloric acid, though the acetic acid was only dissociated to the extent of one-fourteenth. Eichards gives no explanation of this phenomenon, and at the present time I also have none to offer. The further investigation of this point together with that of the JSee Ostwald, Allgemeine Chemie 2, p. 722 et seq., also Landolt u. Bornstein's= physikalisch-chemische Tabellen. 2Loc. Cit. lfc» BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. interesting question of the taste of acid sodium salts of polybasic acids is contemplated. The foregoing results and those of Richards show conclusively that hydrogen ions have a sour taste ; furthermore, it is clear that in very dilute solutions they produce simply an astringent sen- sation. The question arises, Is sour taste always due to the presence of hydrogen ions? I am inclined to answer this ques- tion in the affirmative, for I know of no substance that has a sour taste which on going into solution in water does not yield hydrogen ions. With regard to the astringent effects, it seems that in many if not in all cases these can he ascribed to the presence of hydrogen ions in about ^ solution. I was deeply impressed with the fact that many of the subjects tested said that the jJe solutions of the mineral acids tasted like alum. It has been shown1 that alum solutions contain hvdrogen ions in small quantities due to the so-called hydrolytic dissociation of the aluminum sulfate, i. e., to a reaction of this salt with water forming a small amount of sulfuric acid from which in turn by electrolytic dissociation hydrogen ions form. In presence of the sulfate of the alkali metal an acid salt would no doubt form from which, according to previous investigations,2 hydro- gen ions split off rather difficultly. The acid reaction of alum solutions toward indicators is of course further proof of the pres- ence of hydrogen ions. The astringent taste of solutions of fer- ric salts and their acid reaction toward indicators are well known; these solutions like those of aluminum salts have long been used in medicine because of their astringent properties, which I am inclined to ascribe to the hydrogen ions present due to hydrolytic dissociation. This statement is of course not to be construed as meaning that the other ions and the undissociated molecules present in these solutions do not exert an effect, for 1See Long's work on the inversion of sugar by salts, Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc. 18, Feb. and Aug., 1896. 2See Trevor, Zeitschr. f. physik. Chem. 10, p. 321; Tower, ibid. 18, p. 17 u. 21, p. 90; Smith, ibid. 25, p. 144. KAHLENBERG — ACTION OP SOLUTIONS ON TASTE. 17 no doubt they do especially in strong solutions, and to these effects the differences of the individual solutions are due. It is well known that solutions of most of the salts of the heavy metals have acid reactions and that they have an astringent ef- fect upon the membranes of the mouth, besides creating in some cases the so-called metallic taste. The solutions of all of these salts contain hydrogen ions whose presence is caused by hydro- lytic dissociation as in the case of the salts of iron and alumi- num. To these hydrogen ions the astringent effect of the solu- tions is very likely to be ascribed in many cases. Salts of stronger acids with the alkalies are not decomposed hydrolyti- cally and do not possess astringent properties. Long1 used the method of sugar inversion in investigating the hydrolytic decom- position of salt solutions. He employed a polariscope in his work and consequently could test only colorless solutions. The freezing- and boiling-point methods, however, can be used quite as well as the polariscope in this work; although by means of them the observations are perhaps not quite as accurately and readily made. They possess the advantage, however, that they can be used with colored solutions. Experiments along this line have for some time been in progress in this laboratory and the results will soon be ready for publication. As to the nature of the chemical action of the hydrogen ions on the nerve nothing definite is known, indeed the same must be said of the action of any ingredient on the nerves of taste. It is significant, however, that hydrogen ions can be detected by the sense of taste in very dilute solutions, the limit being in the neighborhood of ^, or one gram of hydrogen ions in 800,000 grams of water. The speed of migration of the hydrogen ion exceeds that of any other ion; it is about one and three- fourths times that of the next fastest ion, the hydroxyl ion. In- timatelv connected with this is the fact that solutions of strong acids diffuse more rapidly than those of their salts. By virtue of their great mobility, it is clear that hydrogen ions can easily UjOC. Cit. 18 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. get at the end organs of taste. It is well known that hydrogen ions in many cases accelerate chemical action, i. e., they have a so-called catalytic effect. Whether it will be found that they accelerate the action that goes on in the nerves or unite with their protoplasm, can not be stated now; it does seem suggestive, however, that the ion which has the least relative mass and by far the greatest mobility can be tasted in more dilute solutions than other substances and causes that peculiar sharp sensation. Alkaline Taste. — Dilute solutions of caustic alkalies have the characteristic alkaline taste. The effect upon the tongue is very different from that produced by hydrogen ions. In aqueous solutions the caustic alkalies are dissociated into hydroxyl ions and the ions of the metal or basic radical; thus in the case of NaOH the ions are Na and OH, in the case of KOH, K and OH, etc. Solutions of the hydroxides of sodium, potassium and lithium of the strengths 553, afo m anc^ m were prepared, and their taste was investigated as in the investigation of the acids. It was found that ^ NaOH could not be distinguished from dis- tilled water; the ^ solution could be tasted very faintly; — the taste was difficult to describe, some calling it a rather stale taste. The ^ solution was reported as alkaline by all, at the same time some also received a slight sensation of bitter from the same. The solution of KOH and LiOH yielded essentially the same results. The persons tested apparently were not able to dis- tinguish any difference either qualitative or quantitative between solutions of equivalent strength of these three alkalies. The al- kalinity of a jj-5 solution of NaOH is plainly recognized by the sense of taste. In this solution the dissociation of the XaOH is practically complete. As a solution of XaCl of equivalent strength is tasteless, as will appear below, it follows that the alka- line taste of the XaOH solution is to be ascribed to the effect of the OH ions. Hydroxyl ions then have the so-called alkaline taste. In stronger solutions caustic alkalies are known to pro- duce nausea. It is probable that this is due to their large con- tent of OH ions, the caustic alkalies being even in fairly concen- trated solutions in a relatively highly dissociated state. KAHLENBERG — ACTION OF SOLUTIONS ON TASTE. 19 It is well known that solutions of salts of strong bases with Yerv weak acids have an alkaline reaction toward indicators. This is due to the fact that, these salts are to a certain extent hydro- ly tit-ally decomposed by the water into free acid and caustic al- kali, the latter yielding OH ions by electrolytic dissociation. As examples of salts whose solutions possess alkaline reactions and tastes because of the OH ions due to hydrolytic dissociation may be mentioned the carbonates, silicates, and borates of the alkalies, and the soaps. The fact that the latter In strong so- lutions produce vomiting- is well known; probably this effect is due to the OH ions present in the solution-. The taste that a dilute solution containing OH ions causes is difficult to describe. Some of the persons tested said it was a soft, smooth sensation quite unlike that produced by other sub- stances. It would seem somewhat peculiar perhaps that the taste of hydroxy 1 ions, being not sharp like sour or salty tastes, should manifest itself in solutions containing only one gram ion (i. e., 17 grams of OH) in 400 liters. It must be remembered in this connection that hvdroxvl ions, like hydrogen ions, are generally speaking very reactive. What the nature of the ac- tion of the OH ions on the protoplasm of the nerve is, is not known. The mobility of OH ions is very great (being second only to that of II ions as already pointed out), consequently we should expect them to find little difficulty in reaching the nerve endings. Water itself is slightly dissociated into hydrogen, and hydroxy! ions. The degree of this dissociation is, however, exceedingly small. Very pure water has been prepared by Kohlrausch, the electrical conductivity of which showed that there were no more than 18 grams of dissociated water present in eleven million li- ters. It is clear that this is far beyond the limit at which H and OH ions can be detected by the sense of taste. It is not very difficult to obtain distilled water of a specific conductivity of 2xl0~6 and such water is devoid of taste. If we inquire as to the reason for this, we should agree that the undissociated molecule of water is tasteless because it does not react chemically 20 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. ■with the protoplasm of the nerve; the other alternative, that it does not reach the nerve because of too slow diffusion is here excluded. Salty Taste. — The taste of common salt is generally given as the type of salty taste. It was found that of the persons tested only three could distinguish a slightly salty taste in -^ solution of sodium chloride, while all recognized -§■ as a trifle salty. It requires then a much stronger solution to produce the salty taste than either the sour or the alkaline. In ~ solution Na CI is dis- sociated to the extent of about 91 per cent, and in ■£ to about 88 per cent. As equivalent solutions of sodium acetate are not salty, possessing hardly any taste, it is clear that the salty taste of the common salt solutions is due to the chlorine ions- The fact that borax solutions of equivalent sodium content are- not salty and that many of the individuals tested found difficulty and others could not distinguish between ^ solutions of KC1, LiCl, and !NaCl, argues in favor of this view. The taste of the ions of the alkali metals will be discussed later. Sodium bromide solutions of the strength ■§■ were found to be distinctly salty by all ; a few seemed to taste the -fa solution, but very faintly. This salt is dissociated to about the same extent as the corresponding solutions of sodium chloride. The- salty taste of the solutions of Xa Br is due to the Br ion. The sense of taste is apparently able to detect this ion in solu- tions nearly as dilute as the chlorine ion. I found that several persons seemed to detect a qualitative difference between •£ !N"aCl and JsoBt solutions by the sense of taste, others again reported no perceptible difference. Those that did find a dif- ference said that the chloride solution was a little sharper than that of the bromide. Sodium iodide solutions could be tasted in •£ solutions and more clearly in £. In neither of these cases was the taste, salty. It takes about a ^- solution to cause the salty taste to appear. The same was observed in case of solutions of potas- sium iodide, only here the taste of ■£ solutions was more marked and rather bitter. The behavior of these solutions will again be *©* KAIILENBERG — ACTION OF SOLUTIONS ON TASTE. 21 considered below in connection with the taste of cathions. It is evident from the result* obtained that iodine ions do not have as salty a taste as do bromine and chlorine ions. The salty teste of the chlorine, bromine, and iodine ions decreases as the atomic weight increases. The mobility of these ions as determined from the conductivity of the respective sodium salts is nearly the same. In working with sodium nitrate, I found that all the indi- viduals could taste a jf^ solution, though very faintly. They found it impossible to describe the taste. The £ solution was a trifle salty to eight, but they said it was quite a different taste from that of sodium chloride. Of the others, three could not describe the taste, four said it was a smooth taste, and one per- son said it was more like that of borax than common salt to him. In £ solutions sodium nitrate is dissociated over eighty per cent, and in ^ about 90 per cent. It follows that neither the Xa nor the X03 ions have a very pronounced effect on the sense of taste. The slightly salty taste of the £ solution is probably due to the X03 ion, for the sodium ion does not produce such an effect, as is evident from the taste of solu- tions of sodium acetate. The speed of migration of the sodium ion is about -f of that of the hydrogen ion, and the speed of the X03 ion is about -f that of the hydrogen ion. Sodium sulfate was tasted in ■§■ solution, though not as salty. It was found difficult to describe the taste. Even in i^- solution this substance did not produce a salty taste. In -g% solution a salty taste described by some as slightly bitter was recognized, though all agreed that the "salty taste'' was different from that produced by common salt. In ■£■ solutions Xa2 S04 is dissociated about 75 per cent, and in ^- about 62 per cent. The result shows that the S04 ion does not have a very pro- nounced taste. The mobility of the ion 4" S04 is about that of the halogen ions mentioned above. Solutions of sodium acetate of the strengths -£, ^, and -fa were distinctly tasted but in no case reported as salty. The taste was variously described as smooth, sweetish, faintly alka- 22 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. line, etc. Even when this salt is taken into the mouth in very concentrated solution the taste is not salty. Indeed, the taste is not pronounced and it is most difficult to describe it in words. From the taste of sodium acetate solutions it follows then, that neither Xa ions, CH2COO ions, nor undis- sociated molecules of sodium acetate possess a strong taste. The taste of sodium ions is but slight, they seem to produce a smooth sensation that can not be detected in very dilute solu- tions. Tins together with the fact that sodium salts are most strongly dissociated admirably adapts the latter for investigating the taste of anions of various kinds. Since sodium ions mi- grate only 4 as fast as hydrogen ions their rate of diffusion is relatively slow and this may in part account for the fact that they do not affect the sense of taste more. There seems but little room for doubt that in the presence of an ion of pro- nounced taste, the taste of the sodium ion is completely 'masked. The Taste of Cathions. — The tastes of hydrogen and sodium ions have already been discussed in connection with the taste of the anions. To find the taste of a cathion we shall choose a solution of a salt the anion of wdiich has little or no taste at a dilution at which the salt is fairly nearly dissociated and at which the cathion can still be tasted. The taste of potassium ions is rather bitter and disagreeable. Solutions of the nitrate, sulfate, and acetate of potassium that can be plainly tasted produce, especially on the back of the tongue, a bitter and rather disagreeable taste. The correspond- ing sodium salts do not produce this effect, and as potassium salts even in fairly strong solution are highly dissociated, this effect is to be ascribed to the action of the potasium ions. Thus the individuals tested could taste KX03 solutions that were -£; the report was that the taste of the solution was smooth, alkaline (?) . In ^ solution the same taste together with a bit- ter sensation was reported, while ■£ solution was found to be de- cidedly disagreeable. In -^- and y£- solutions KN03 is disso- ciated about 77 per cent, and 87 per cent, respectively; as the corresponding sodium salts at these concentrations do not pro- KAHLENBERG — ACTION OP SOLUTIONS ON TASTE. 23 duce this bitter taste, which is characteristic of all potassium salts, it is clearly to be ascribed to the potassium ions. The mobility of potassium ions is about one and one-half that of sodium ions so that their diffusion is more rapid. The taste of potassium ions being fairly pronounced, it is not as readily masked as that of so- dium ions. Thus it is possible to distinguish solutions of KC1 from NaCl and KI from Xal; the iodine ion not having as strong a salty taste as the chlorine ion, the difference in taste be- tween the potassium and sodium ions comes out fairly distinctly in dilute solutions of the last named salts. Sulfate of potassium solutions have the characteristic bitter, disagreeable taste of the potassium ions; these solutions lack the sharp taste of the N03 ions, which we have in strong solutions of KN03 and other ni- trates when these are applied to the tip of the tongue. Solu- tions of KC103 do not have the salty taste of the chlorine ions. The bitter taste of the potassium ion is somewhat masked by the effect of the C103 ion, the latter acts especially on the tip and edges of the tongue creating its own characteristic sharp taste. Solutions of XaBr03 were incidentally tested in this connection; they have but a slight taste which is not salty. The Br03 ion has a taste similar to that of the C103 ion, which would naturally be expected. The tip of the tongue is quite suscep- tible to irritation by various salts, many of them giving that peculiar sharp or burning sensation, which is different from the taste of hydrogen ions; thus, KI, Nal, NaCl, NH4C1, etc., besides the nitrates when applied in strong solutions on the very tip of the tongue cause a burning sensation, which they do not produce on other parts of the organ. Lithium ions appear to have but little taste. A •£ solu- tions of Li N"03 was very difficult to detect by taste ; £% gave a rather alkaline smooth impression, and -fa a sharp taste like a solution of jSTaK03 of equivalent concentration. This sharp taste is probably due to the action of the nitrate on the tip of the tongue and is to be ascribed to the action of the N03 ion. The mobility of the lithium ion is only a little over one half that of the potassium ion, hence its diffusion is slower, 24 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. which would in part account for its less pronounced taste. The taste of magnesium ions is probably bitter as appears from the taste of magnesium sulfate solutions. It takds about ^ to ,*■- solutions of this salt to produce a distinctly recognizable bit- ter taste. In the latter concentration the salt is dissociated only about 40 per cent, so that it is an open question as to whether the undissociated molecules of MgS04 or the Mg ions cause the bitter taste. Magnesium ions very likely have a bitter taste as other solutions in which they occur have this taste; probably the undissociated molecules also have a similar effect. In solutions of MgCl2 we have both the bitter taste of the Mg ions and the salty effect of the CI ions. The combined effect is such as to make the taste of the solutions of this salt most disagreeable. A solution of MgCl2 that was £ was recognized as salty but not as bitter, while ^ and -fa solutions produced both the salty and bitter effects, which is what we should expect according to the dissociation theory and the results obtained in case of MgS04 and NaCl as given above. Id ■& solution the degree of dissociation of MgCl2 is about 70 per cent. The mobility of the ion f Mg is about the same as that of the lithium ion. The taste of Ca(N03)2 is a trifle sharp in ^ solutions and distinctly bitter in-£. It is a different bitter from that of the solutions of magnesium salts. The bitter taste of the Ca (M)3)2 solutions is probably due to the Ca ions. The mo- bility of the Ca ions is about the same as that of the Mg ions. Solutions of ammonium sulfate give scarcely any salty taste; their taste is rather to be described as bitter. This taste is caused by the NH4 ions and the undissociated molecules (NH4)2 S04. The probability is that NH4 ions have a bitter effect, since K"H4K"03 solutions, besides creating a sharp, burning taste on the tip and edges of the tongue, also have a bitter taste. To get substances whose solutions have a characteristic "me- tallic" taste, silver nitrate and mercuric chloride were selected. It was found that even in ^ solution silver nitrate could still be tasted, while in ^ its taste was very pronounced. From KAHLENBERG — ACTION OF SOLUTIONS ON TASTE. 25 the limit of taste of sodium nitrate solutions as given above approximately, it follows that at the dilutions just mentioned the taste of silver nitrate solutions is simply that of the silver ions. Silver ions have a peculiar puckering effect on the mem- branes of the mouth which, if the impression has not been too weak, will remain for some time. The taste is frequently spoken of as "metallic." At first it would seem that silver ions can be tasted in more dilute solutions than hvdrogen ions: this is true when we compare chemically equivalent quantities, but since the atomic weight of silver is about 108, a ^ solution of silver nitrate contains 1 gram of silver ions in 46300cc, while an ^5- solution of hydrochloric acid contains 1 gram of hydrogen ions in S00000 cc. Solutions of mercuric chloride can be very faintly tasted when j^,, plainly when jfo. the "metallic" taste being some- what similar to that produced by silver ions. Mercuric chloride is not highly dissociated in solutions that are not very dilute. The concentrations just mentioned are such, however, that in them .the salt is lare-elv electrolvticallv dissociated. As CI ions can not be tasted in ^ solutions, it is clear that we get here the taste of the mercury ions.1 The Relations of Overton's Work to the Taste of Solutions. Ernst Overton in an interesting article, "Liber die osmotischen Eigenschaften der Zelle in ihrer Bedeutung fur die Toxikologie und Pharmakologie mit besonderer Berlicksichtigung der Am- moniake und Alkaloide" (Zeitschr. f. physik. Chem. 22, p. 189, 1897), gives a list of organic groups arranged according to the •degree of retardation that they exert in preventing the sub- stance in which they occur from passing through vegetable and animal membranes. The list beginning with the group that re- tards most is as follows: 1. The amido-acid group. 2. The carboxyl group. 1 Compare the work of H. Dreser, Zur Pharmakologie des Queeksilbers, Ref. Zeitschr. f. physik. Chem. 13, 37, 1894. 26 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. 3. The acid-amido group. 4. The alcoholic hydroxyl group. 5. The aldehyde group. When several of these groups occur in one and the same com- pound, the retarding action increases with the number of groups- in a rapid geometrical progression; for example, while sub- stances that contain but one alcoholic hydroxyl group readily pass through membranes, those that contain two or more such, groups find increasing difficulty in doing so as the number of groups grows larger. In order to affect the nerves of taste substances must be read- ily diffusible, as was previously pointed out; it follows, there- fore, from the above table of Overton, that compounds contain- ing the amido-acid or acid-amido group should have little or no- taste. Glycocoll (CH2.NH2.COOH), which is soluble in about four parts of cold water, has a weak sweetish taste. In order to taste the substance, concentrated solutions or even a crys- tal directly must be taken into the mouth. Acetanilid, C6H5 NH(C2H30), though readily soluble has almost no taste even in saturated solutions. Asparagin, C2H3.]SriI2.CONIl2.. COOH, which dissolves easily in water, is almost perfectly tasteless even in its strongest solutions. Acetamid, CH3.CO. NH2, also readily soluble, does possess a characteristic taste,, which, however, is not very strong. It is difficult to ascertain the true nature of this taste as it is not easy to eliminate the mouse odor that the solutions of this substance have. Overton emphasizes that the acid-amido group does not exert nearly as great a retarding influence as does ihe amido-acid group, hence the behavior of acetamid is perhaps such as would be expected. Urea, CO.(NH2)2, very soluble in water, has a slightly bitter taste reminding one of that of the magnesium ion. Biuret, NH (CO.iSni2)2, readily soluble, is practically tasteless; its most concentrated solutions are veiy faintly bitter. It is difficult to study the effect of the carboxyl group be- cause acids dissociate yielding hydrogen ions the taste of which is so strong that it masks that of other molecules present in the KAHLENUERO — ACTION OF SOLUTIONS ON TASTE. 27 solution. The fact that solutions of sodium acetate, of sodium oxalate and sodium tartrate have no pronounced taste is evi- dence that the anions of these acids have but a slight effect, if any, on the end organs of taste. The alcohols having but one hydroxyl-group, possess taste and also a very strong odor. As it is extremely difficult to exclude the smell of these substances while tasting them, nothing was done with them experimentally. Great interest attaches to the polyatomic alcohols. Of th< ethylene-glycol having two hydroxyl groups and glycerine with three hydroxyl groups have a sweet taste that can readily be detected in strong solutions. Erythrite with four hydroxyl groups and mannite with six are practically tasteless; only in very strong solutions were these substances found to be sweet. The taste of a sample of dulcite was pronounced to be nil even in the strongest solutions, while isodulcite and sorbite were found to be slightly sweet. Turning now to the sugars, arabinose, laevulose, d-glucose and galactose were reported to be sweet, as were also maltose (malt sugar) and saccharose (cane sugar), while lactose (milk sugar) and xylose were found to have little or no taste. The The aldehyde groups occurring in sugars, seem to render them more capable of permeating membranes, and probably they also modify the compounds so that in their action on the nerve they increase the sweetish taste, which on the whole is characteristic of the alcohols containing several hydroxyl groups. The inten- sity of the tastes of the polyatomic alcohols and the sugars is then in general such as one would expect viewing the matter in the light of Overton's work. The Taste of the Alkaloid*. Overton found that coniine, nicotine, sparteine, etc., very readily pass through protoplasm; of the alkaloids that contain oxygen, codeine, thebaine, cocaine, atropine, strychnine and brucine diffuse very rapidly, whereas morphine diffuses more slowly and ecgonine very slowly. The burning taste and the 28 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. characteristic odor of coniine and nicotine are well known, as is also the very bitter taste of sparteine. With the exception of thebaine, the other alkaloids mentioned also have pronounced bitter testes. The taste of ecgonine, which, though very solu- ble, passes through membranes slowly, has been described as bitter-sweet. Thebaine seems to behave in an exceptional man- ner; it is very soluble, veiy poisonous, passes through mem- branes with great readiness, and yet is tasteless according to some authorities.1 I have not been able to verify this since a sample of the substance was not available. With the apparent exception of thebaine, however, it is important to note that the alkaloids which diffuse readilv through membranes and which are known to exercise a strong physiological effect on the nerves are also able to get at the nerve endings of the sense of taste, re- acting upon the same with vigor, producing disagreeable burn- ing or bitter tastes. Colloidal Solutions. As typical colloidal solutions may be mentioned solutions of dialyzed silicic acid, ferric hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide, also solutions of albumen, gelatine, gums, etc. These solutions are practically non-conductors of electricity, i. e., they contain few or no ions; they have boiling and freezing points that differ but very little from those of water. The rate of diffusion of colloids is very slow, and in general they are very inert in their chem- ical behavior. Besides those already mentioned, other charac- teristics of colloidal substances are that they have no definite solubility and that their solutions gelatinize when treated with certain reagents. These colloidal solutions are devoid of taste. This is very likely due to the fact that the molecular weight of colloidal substances is very large and their diffusion so very slow that they can not get at the nerve endings; though, be- cause of their inert character, it is quite reasonable to sup- pose that, even if they were able to come into immediate contact 1 See for example Watt's Dictionary of Chemistry 4, p. 68L KAHLENBERG — ACTION OF SOLUTIONS ON TASTE. 29 with the protoplasm of the nerve, they would probably not re- act with it sufficiently to produce sensations of taste. Retrospect. One may briefly summarize the salient points contained in the foregoing as follows: — 1. In order that a substance may affect the sense of taste, it must be soluble in water; it must be readily diffusible; and it must be capable of reacting chemically with the protoplasm of the terminals of the nerves of taste. 2. The modern theories of solutions lead to the conclusion that the taste of a solution that conducts electricity ought in general to be that of the ions and the undissociated molecules that the solution contains; furthermore, the taste of a solution in which ionization is practically complete should be simply that of the ions. This is supported by the results of the investiga- tion of the taste of solutions of electrolytes above given. 3. Sour taste is caused by hydrogen ions. The sense of taste is able to detect hydrogen ions even in -^ solutions. In more dilute solutions than •£$, hydrogen ions may cause simply an astringent sensation. The sour taste of acetic acid solutions has been found to be more intense than it ought to be according to the degree of dissociation of the substance. !No explanation of this phenomenon has thus far been attempted. 4. Hydroxyl ions produce an alkaline taste, which can be perceived even in -$%■ solutions. In strong solutions their taste is exceedingly disagreeable. Pure water, being very slightly dissociated, is tasteless probably because its undissociat- ed molecules do not act on the protoplasm cf the nerve. 5. Chlorine ions have a salty taste. The taste of common salt solutions is mainly that of chlorine ions. Chlorine ions can still be faintly tasted in -^- solutions. Bromine ions also have a salty taste, which, however, is slightly different in qual- ity from that of chlorine ions. The sense of taste appears to be able to detect chlorine ions at a slightly greater dilution than bromine ions. The ions C103 and Br03 have a somewhat similar 30 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. taste; which, however, is not sharp and salty like that of chlor- ine and bromine ions. Iodine ions have a salty taste but it is different in quality and less intense than that of either chlorine or bromine ions. It takes about a ■■• solution of iodine ions to produce a distinctly salty taste. 6. The taste of K03 ions is slight, probably a trifle salty; only in strong solutions do they produce a sharp burning sensa- tion on the tip and edges of the tongue. The ions S04 and CH3 COO have but very little taste; the effect of the latter seems to be a trifle sweet. 7. The taste of sodium ions is slight. It is difficult to de- scribe, being a smooth effect on the tongue somewhat similar perhaps to that produced by a very dilute solution of hydroxyl ions. Potassium ions have a more pronounced taste than sodium ions. It is a peculiar, bitter, rather disagreeable taste that can be much more readily detected than can that of sodium ions. Lithium ions have no pronounced taste, their effect is some- what like that of sodium ions, though less in degree. Magne- sium ions are bitter. It takes about a £ solution to cause a dis- tinctly bitter taste. Calcium ions are bitter, but the taste is different in quality from that of magnesium ions. Ammonium ions also have a bitter taste. The taste of silver ions is "me- tallic"; they cause a peculiar puckering sensation on the mem- branes of the mouth cavity. Even a ^ solution of silver ions can still be tasted. Mercury ions can be faintly detected by the sense of taste in ^ solution. Their taste is "metallic" and their effect on the membranes of the mouth cavity reminds one of that of silver ions. 8. The intensity of the salty taste of the halogen ions de- creases as the atomic weight increases. The investigation of the cathions also indicates that a relation exists between their taste and their atomic weights in the sense of the periodic law. When the taste of the ions is compared with their mobility as expressed by their speed of migration under the influence of the electric current, a number of instances are found that would point to the conclusion that the greater the mobility the more KAIILENBERO — ACTION OF SOLUTIONS ON TASTE. 31 intense is the taste; but there are many exceptions that show that the intensity of the taste produced by the ions is not simply determined by the readiness with which they can get at the nerve endings, but also by the reactions they undergo with the protoplasm, which of course are determined by the chemical character of the ion. 9. The intensity of the taste of solutions of substances con- taining amido-acid, acid-amido, alcoholic hydroxyl, and aldehyde groups was investigated, and it was found that the results, ob- tained are in general such as one would expect viewing the mat- ter simply in the light of Overton's determinations of the rel- ative readiness with which these substances permeate plant and animal membranes. 10. It was pointed out that in general the alkaloids have a pronounced bitter taste, that according to Overton nearly all permeate protoplasm readily and that furthermore, they are known to exert a strong physiological action on the nerves. 11. Colloidal solutions are tasteless because the substances they contain diffuse very slowly and are chemically very inert. Laboratory for Physical Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Science Series, Volume 1: No. 1. On the Speed of Liberation of Iodine in Solutions of Hydro- chloric Acid, Potassium Chlorate, and Potassium Iodide, by Herman Schlundt, Assistant in Chemistry. Pp. 33, December, 1891. Price 35 cents. No. 2. On the Quartz Keratophyre and Associated Rocks of the North Range of the Baraboo Bluffs, by Samuel Weidman. Pp. 21, pis. 3, January, 1895. Price 25 cents. No. 3. Studies in Spherical and Practical Astronomy, by George C. Comstock, Director of the Washburn Observatory. Pp. 50, June, 1895. Price 40 cents. No. 4. A Contribution to the Mineralogy of Wisconsin, by William Herbert Hobbs, Assistant Professor of Mineralogy and Petrology. Pp. 48, pis. 5, June, 1895. Price, 40 cents. No. 5. Analytic Keyes to the Genera and Species of North American Mosses, by Charles Reid Barnes, Professor of Botany and Fred DeForest Heald, Fellow in Botany. Pp. 211, January, 1897. Price, $1.00. Volume 2 : No. 1. The Action of Dilute Solutions of Electrolytes upon the Sense of Taste, by Louis Kahlenberg, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of Physical Chemistry. Pp. 31, September, 1898. Price 35 cents. Engineering Series, Volume 1: No. 1. Track, by L. F. Loree, M. Am. Soc. C. E., Special University Lecturer. Pp. 24, April, 1894. Price 25 cents. No. 2. Some Practical Hints in Dynamo Design, by Gilbert Wilkes, M. Am. Inst. E. E., Special University Lecturer. Pp. 16, May, 1894. Price 25 cents. No. 3. The Steel Construction of Buildings, by C. T. Purdy, C. E., Special University Lecturer. Pp. 27, October, 1894. Price 25 cents. No. 4. The Evolution of a Switchboard, by A. V. Abbott, C. E., Special University Lecturer. Pp. 32, pis. 4, October, 1894. Price 35 cents. No. 5. An Experimental Study of Field Methods which will Insure to Stadia Measurements Greatly Increased Accuracy, by Leonard Sewal Smith. B. C. E., Instructor in Engineering. Pp. 45, pi. 1, May, 1895. Price 35 cents. No. 6. Railway Signaling, by W. McC. Grafton, C. E., Special Univer- sity Lecturer. Pp. 38, July, 1895. Price 35 cents. No. 7. Emergencies in Railroad Work, by L. F. Loree, M. Am. Soc. C. E., Special University Lecturer. Pp. 42, December, 1895. Price 35 cents. No. 8. Electrical Engineering in Modern Central Stations, by Louis A. Ferguson, S. B., Special University Lecturer. Pp. 33, April, 1896. Price 35 cents. No. 9. The Problem of Economical Heat, Light, and Power Supply for Building Blocks, School Houses, Dwellings, Etc., by G. Adolph Gerdtzen, B. S., Alumni Fellow in Engineering. Pp. 69, May, 1896. Price 45 cents. No. 10. Topographical Surveys, their Methods and Value, by J. L. Van Ornum, C. E., Special University Lecturer. Pp. 39, December, 1896. Price 35 cents. Engineering Series, Volume 2: No. 1. A Complete Test of Modern American Transformers of Mod- erate Capacities, by Arthur Hillyer Ford, B. S., Fellow in Electrical Engineering, with an introduction by Professor D. C. Jackson. Pp. 88 August, 1896. Price 35 cents. No. 2. A Comparative Test of Steam Injectors, by George Henry Trautmann, B. 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BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN NO. 36 Science Series, Vol. 2, No. 2, Pp. 33-198. Pls. 1-2 ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY AN ESSAY IN SOME PHASES OF THE DYNAMICS OF MIND, WITH PARTICULAR OBSERVATIONS UPON STUDENT LIFE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN BY M. V. O'SHEA, Professor of the Science and Art of Education. Published bi-monthly by authority of law with the approvul of the JCegenU of the University and entered at the post office at Madison as second-class matter MADISON, WISCONSIN April, 1900 PRICE 75 CENTS ^uUetitt of the ^JLnivtv&itig of Qfii&coxt&ixx. (flomtnittee of publication CHARLES KENDALL ADAMS, President of the University WILLIAM HERBERT HOBBS, Editor-in-Chief EDITORS Nelson Oliver Whitney, Engineering Frederick Jackson Turner, Economics, Political Science, and History Charles Forster Smith, Philology and Literature William Herbert Hobbs, Science BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN NO. 36 Sciencc Series, Vol. 2, No. 2, Pp. 33-198 ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY AN ESSAY IN SOME PHASES OF THE DYNAMICS OF MIND, WITH PARTICULAR OBSERVATIONS UPON STUDENT LIFE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN BY M. V. O'SHEA, Professor of the Science and Art of Education, University of Wisconsin LIBRARY NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN. Published bi-monthly by authority of law with the approval of the Regent* of the University and entered at the post office at Madison as second-class matter MADISON, WISCONSIN April, 1900 CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER I. THE RELATION OF MIND AND BODY — AN ENEROEIC CONCEPTION. § 1. An Historical View 44 2. The View of Experimental Science 46 3. Neural Fatigue: Its Nature and Motor Effects 50 4. Neural Fatigue: Intellectual Effects 55 5. Neural Fatigue: Emotional Effects 60 CHAPTER II. CEREBRAL HYGIENE AND ECONOMY IN STUDENT LIFE. §1. The Student's Obligations to the State 64 2. The Study of Psychical Processes,— Dangers, Advantages. . . 65 3. The Educator's Concern with Cerebral Hygiene 67 4. Studies at the University of Wisconsin: Purpose and Methods 68 CHAPTER III. RELATIVE VALUE OF FOODS IN THE PRODUCTION OF NERVOUS ENERGY. § 1. The Philosophy of Nutrition 73 2. Statistical Summary of Studies on Foods 78 3. Composition of the Food Stuffs Found in the Tables 82 4. Composition and Value of Food Materials not Found in the Dietary Lists °6 5. The Nutrient Value of Students' Dietaries,— Estimates and Comments 90 6. Specimen Dietaries Fulfilling the Requirements of Adequate Nutrition 101 CHAPTER IV. RELATIVE VALUE OF FOODS IN THE PRODUCTION OF NERVOUS energy (continued). § 1. Condiments as Force-producers 107 2. The Influence of Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa upon the Production and Expenditure of Force in the Organism 108 3. The Influence of Alcohol in Wine, Beer and Other Beverages in the Production and Expenditure of Force 115 4. The Influence of Tobacco upon the Production and Expendi- ture of Force in the Organism 123 36 CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. THE PREPARATION OF FOOD — HOURS FOR MEALS. § 1. The Philosophy of Cookery 126 2. Modes of Cooking,— Local Practices with Criticisms 128 3. Hours for Meals 131 CHAPTER VI. INDIVIDUAL PECULIARITIES IN DIGESTIVE CAPACITIES. § 1. The Theory of Individual Differences 139 2. Concrete Examples 1*0 CHAPTER VII. EXPENSE OF DIETARIES. § 1. Taste vs. Expense in the Choice of Poods 145 2. The Cost of a Dietary of Different Foods 146 3. Local Expenses, with Practical Suggestions 149 CHAPTER VIII. FRESH AIR, EXERCISE, AND REST IN THE PRODUCTION AND EXPENDITURE OF CEREBRAL ENERGY. § 1. Function of Oxygen in the Organism 153 2. Exercise 3. Sleep 163 CHAPTER IX. THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY. § 1. Wasteful Muscular Tensions 170 2. The Daily Program 187 3. " Tell me what company you keep, and I will tell you what you are " 196 ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTORY. In this essay I have ventured to discuss from a particular point of view the question, How can a student make the most of himself ? In one or another of its aspects this matter is considered alike by religion, by psychology, by ethics, by educa- tion, by hygiene, and by other philosophies and sciences. Each regarding a special phase of man's being seeks to advise him concerning his conduct so that he may attain the highest pos- sibilities of his nature. Thus, religion counsels him respecting the deportment which will prepare him for habitation in an- other world ; ethics aims to so determine his demeanor that he may dwell in the spirit of justice with his fellowmen; educa- tion delineates the processes by which he may secure the full- est development of intellect and character. The phase of this large subject which is discussed herein is indeed a^ narrow but yet, I believe, an exceedingly consequential one. Taking a doctrine accepted by modern science, that, looked at in a certain light, a human being is seen to be a machine fashioned to do a given amount of work, depending upon the quantity of en- ergy which may be utilized for this purpose, I have sought to examine the ways in which this energy can be most read- ily generated and wisely conserved so that it may be employed in profitable production of either a mental or physical sort. The view-point I have taken is what might perhaps be called an energeic1 one. If this should sound too materialistic to some readers they will certainly not be aggrieved when they. 1I coin this word to express precisely a certain relationship of mind and body which is discussed at length in the course of the essay. 38 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. consider that there 'has been no attempt to examine the entire nature of an individual. JSTo one could imagine that the only problem involved in a person's success in life relates to the generating and conserving of nervous force. This is surely im- portant enough, but yet more important things follow. When one is in possession of his forces then the question arises, what shall he do with them ? In what direction shall he expend them ? What is really worth while ? The answers to these que- ries must be sought for in the principles of religion, education, and allied departments of knowledge concerning human life. I am well aware that I have discussed in an inconclusive manner some topics connected with my subject. Indeed, cer- tain problems have been simply opened up for more detailed con- sideration later rather than settled in any satisfactory way. This is made necessary at the present time by the unbroken character of the field. So far as I know there has as yet been little serious effort to discuss deportment from an energeic point of view, and in a comprehensive, systematic form. All that has been done is of an isolated, fragmentary character, and most of the available data concern more or less simple processes which are likely to have their properties much modified when combined into the complex thing we call conduct. These data are scat- tered through a number of sciences ; and what I have attempted to do is to gather up the most relevant of them and interpret them in the light of one another, and by the aid of observa- tion and experience, keeping constantly in mind local practices and conditions. I regret that it has not been possible to in- vestigate in a more thorough manner several of the matters treated ; but if those who feel the lack of certainty will be stimulated to undertake detailed and exact studies for them- selves, some good will have been done. I am convinced, though, (and this is a source of consolation), that for practical purposes it is often quite as efficient to direct an individual's attention to the consideration of a certain line of conduct as to presume .to give him explicit directions respecting his actions. OSHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 39 It may occur to some that this subject is as a whole an ex- tremely large and complicated one to be treated according to scientific methods. They may feel conduct consists of such a bewildering complexity of factors operating together that it is for the present impossible to handle it with that precision which is the sine qua noil of scientific procedure. Science in our day is minutely analytic, dissective ; it seeks to single out from habitual associates particular factors or phenomena and investigate their properties. It attaches relatively little value to investigation which cannot control the conditions accompanying a phenome- non to be studied; for when we take a thing in the large, when we cannot separate it from its milieu, so to speak, it is not easy to see what elements are really most active in determining its nature. But now so far as psychological experiment is con- cerned, it is utterly impossible by any known methods of in- vestigation to cut off elementary psychical processes wholly from each other. Experimental psychology may attempt to investigate an isolated sensation, for instance ; but such a thing is a pure abstraction. In the intricacy of the psychic organism one element never can be entrapped apart from others with which it has become inseparably associated through experiences no less in phylogenesis than in ontogenesis. The most that can be done is to limit the run, as it were, to hedge it in on every side; to have, that is to say, as few factors as may be enter- ing into a problem. The results of the most accurate experi- ments then in the mental sciences are only relatively more ex- act than those of observation or experience. It may be permis- sible to point out in passing that in our time there is some danger of experimental psychology conveying the impression that it is more precise than it ever can be. In a considerable part of present-day scientific writings one is led to think that the most primary phenomena have been examined with mathe- matical accuracy, when as a matter of fact there must have been left out of account accompanying conditions which deter- mined to a greater or less extent the behavior of the thing studied. 40 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. While in general the analytic method of experimental science is to be highly commended, still in some situations it is proba- ble that more satisfactory results can be attained by studying a thing in the large than in its elements, — macroscopically rather than microscopically. The French school of psychologists, fol- lowing the lead of Binet and Henri, maintain that more of genu- ine worth for science is gained by examining an individual human mind in its totality, so to speak, than in its elements; while the German school, represented notably by Kraeplin, take an opposite view, — that reliable results can be secured only by a study of the most elementary processes in different minds. The one studies the living, complex entity, the other dissects and examines relatively simple factors. The movement in our own country seems just now to be headed in the direction of the French rather than of the German school. At all events, it should be apparent that we can apprehend, and that truth- fully, characteristics in an organism when various forces work together that we would miss if we concentrated our attention solely upon each separate factor. These latter are not differ- entiated enough, it may be, to claim our attention; it is only when a vast number of them co-operate, when their properties are pooled, so to speak, and we have a personality, that we dis- cern the significance of their total influence. So in the study of conduct there are certain advantages in viewing a person as a whole, as an entity whose distinctive attri- butes are not apparent in each primary factor of mind or body. And this may be done with something like scientific precision. To illustrate, I may describe with accuracy the conduct of a drunken man without investigating in detail the simple physical and mental processes which totalized beget the state of inebria- tion. If I see clearly and tell truthfully my story may be relied upon. So one may set forth the effects of certain modes of living upon the energies of the organism without studying the most elementary phenomena involved in the total process. A fact observed, whether it relate to exceedingly complex or mark- edly simple objects, is in any event a fact and as such is worthy O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 41 of our credence. Thus history may be considered to treat of the utmost conceivable complexity of subjects which, in their extremest analyzable form, are considered by neurology_ and analytic psychology. But the principles of history are not on this account to be regarded as less trustworthy than those of neurology. Microscopic study, just because of its minuteness, is not more reliable and trustworthy than macroscopic study; you can describe as well (and it may be better) the conduct of a horse as that of an amoeba. That it may be valid though, of -course your description must be verifiable alike by experience and by experimental research ad libitum; but so long as it stands the test it must be accorded all the honors and privileges of sci- entific knowledge. I know it is a hazardous thing to express an opinion upon matters respecting which every one is an authority. And if there is one matter more than another which needs no study to comprehend, it is that which has to do with the regulation of our daily lives. Here, common-sense, elsewhere so little trusted, is esteemed a wise guide. It is one of the simplest principles of psychology that we all tend to make our thoughts •and actions standards by which to estimate their own value. It is difficult for me to believe that the factors which have produced me are beyond improvement ; what I do must be right. Every one entertains Phantoms of the Cave when such familiar things are under inspection; and this it is which makes it so hard to convince people that they should ever modify their con- duct. But it ought to require no argument to prove that the self-standard in deportment is no standard at all. Because I have been living in a certain manner and have survived is no evidence that I could not have lived better by adopting a differ- ent regime. A woman was recently discussing the subject of food, and contended that modern scientific investigation was valueless if not detrimental in promoting happiness in life. She had brought up a family in violation of all the rules of hygiene re- 42 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. spectmg diet, and she instanced her six grown sons and daugh- ters to prove that hale and hearty children could be reared on "unhygienic victuals." As a matter of fact, however, these "stalwart" men and women are taking medicine half the time ; and not one of them has yet accomplished anything of conse- quence in the world. But this woman, beholding them through a mother's eye, is convinced that perfection has been attained in their construction ; while a disinterested neighbor sees the mat- ter in a quite different light. It is a far cry from the grave to the most energetic and efficient living; and because one is alive is no evidence that he could not be more alive. It is not assured beyond question that one out of jail is a good citi- zen ; nor is it at all conclusive that because one is "getting on" in the world he could not swing along with greater momen- tum by the aid of a knowledge of some of the principles of mental mechanics. It would indeed be a remarkable circum- stance if by accident alone we should have hit upon the very best ways of ordering the minutse of our daily lives, when it is seen how great advances, what discoveries of beneficial meth- ods are made by careful study in other fields. If science can do so much for us in simple matters how much more ought it to help us in the most complex and intricate of all affairs, — the adjustment in harmonious relations of a human being to his environments. But the very complexity overwhelms the common mind, stops up the avenues of thought, and it falls back on the universal platitude of ignorance, "Oh ! there's noth- ing in it anyway." On the other hand, one too conscious of his demeanor in re- spect of the petty details of life is in so far limited in his efficiency. A mind turning in always upon itself or upon bod- ily processes throws the machinery of life out of gear. Speak- ing in general terms that mind is the best instrument that is concerned with objects outside of self, when the organism ad- justs itself to the attainment of these ends; then things work together in harmony. This is the ideal. But yet through early ignorance or through the necessity of adaptation to waste- O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 43 ful conditions in our environments we may fall into practices that lessen the efficiency of our forces. By a little thought these prodigal habits may be supplanted by better ones, when the mind may again be free. Xow, the requirements of mental hy- giene do not demand one to be constantly dwelling upon his ac- tions ; they simply ask him to exchange certain not too deep seat- ed habits by others, and to make these latter automatic as soon as possible. In the matter of producing energy, those who have charge of our dietaries and our living apartments are the ones who should become conscious of our needs ; and if landlords and club managers were only experts in their business and could supply us according to our necessities, we should then be relieved from attending to such matters for ourselves, and greatly to our advantage. But as the situation exists in our midst it seems needful that those who suffer should search out their own rem- edy; and it is to be hoped that this will not breed too great consciousness respecting in a way trivial matters, but only that it may serve to bring about, certain simple modifications in diet and living which will soon fall into the regions of habitual and subconscious action. 44 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. CHAPTER I. THE RELATION" OF MIND AND BODY. AN ENERGEIC CONCEPTION. §1. An Historical View. — From the earliest times men have debated over the connection between the physical and the mental in the human organism. This has been the problem of chief- est concern, at various stages in the development of thought, alike for mythology, for religion, for philosophy, ' and in our own era for experimental science. The conception of mind most characteristic of primitive reflection in the individual as in the race regards it as a tenant of the body ruling over and directing its activities, and being influenced itself in some meas- ure, great or small, by bodily conditions, and what may be called physical or outward demeanor. This notion does not postulate any organic relationship between, much less identity of, mind and body. There is but a sort of tangential relation, so to speak ; and the spirit can if it will free itself wholly from the control of the material structure in which it is momentarily entombed. It is onlv when the volitional element in one's be- *J ing is lethargic that he yields to the promptings or suggestions of his physical self, which, most unhappily, are natively of an evil mien. Holding this view men believed during long epochs in human history that they ought to scourge and maltreat the body that they might thus purify and strengthen the spirit ; for if the animal be not held under subjection by such discipline it will endanger the supremacy of the man: a doctrine quite contrasted to the theories of these latter days, when it is pro- claimed on every hand that the more respect we pay the body, and the kindlier and more faithfully we attend its needs the greater will be the reward in spiritual exaltation and freedom. Correspondent with the development of physical science in its earlier years, however, there gradually arose another and a vitally different theory, — that in an ultimate analysis mind O'SIIEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 45 can be reduced to material terms. This conception becomes easily established in the evolution alike of the racial and of the individual mind, since the phenomena occurring in mental disease, and particularly in injury to or degeneracy of the cen- tral nervous mechanism lend themselves readily to such inter- pretation. People remark that if the brain suffer damage from any cause some mental defect or deficiency usually ensues ; and when for whatever reason the cerebrum becomes inactive, there is no evidence of any supra-cerebral activity remaining. So far, in short, as we can observe mental activities ab extra, they appear to be directly dependent upon or rather aspects of neural processes. This second view then makes mind a phase or phe- nomenon of matter, — one of a group of physical forces origi- nating in the degradation of highly organized chemical sub- stances. There is yet a third hypothesis1 which regards the mind and the body, so far as it passes opinion upon the essential nature of each, as distinct entities, but in some inexplicable man- ner bound to each other in such a way that the activities of the one necessitate correlated activities in the other. The advocates of this theory pin their faith to what may be styled a dynamic, or better, energeic relation between mind and body. They do not deem it needful to explain how this relation is possible, al- though theories looking in this direction are not wanting. A common one espoused by James and others considers the nerve cell as the instrument, and the sole instrument, by which mind may be displayed in a material world; and if the neural ele- ments which constitute the via media for this physical exhibi- tion of a non-physical order of being be deficient in any way, then simply mind cannot manifest itself at all, or only in a manner we call defective or abnormal. 1 Typical presentations of this the now prevalent view may be found, among many other references, in Lotze, Microcosmus ; Darwin, Descent of Man; Ro- manes, Mental Evolution in Man; Wallace, Darwinism; Fiske, Destiny of Man in the Light of His Origin; Drummond, Ascent of Man; Wundt, Human and 'Animal Psychology, pp. 5-7 and 440-445 ; James, The Will to Believe, chap, on Reflex Action and Theism. 46 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. §2. The View of Experimental Science. — Whatever be the true philosophy of the inter-relations of mind and body, modern experimental science is quite assured in the view that they are inseparably connected in their activities. The doc- trine that "every psychosis is accompanied by a neurosis" has been adequately demonstrated for many people by the results of experimentation in physiological and psychological labora- tories,1 as well as in the laboratory of Nature, pure and sim- ple, wherein she reveals to us through pathological disturb- ances the normal order of things ; although, of course, complete and final evidence upon this subject is for the present at least quite beyond the skill of science to obtain. But it seems rea- sonably certain for one thing (the only one that concerns us here), that all mental activity, and physical as well, involves Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Figs. 1 and 2.— Representations of typical nerve cells (Donaldson, Growth of the Brain, pp. 143 and 145) designed especially to show the elements concerned in the reception of stimuli, d; in the generation and storage of potential nervous force, N; and finally in the transmission of kinetic nerve energy, n. the expenditure of energy generated in the nuclei of neural cells. The architecture of the cell, in the absence of more suggestive experimental data, would of itself lead one to this 1For the opinions of investigators as Mosso, Lombard, Maggiora, Kraeplin and others, see the Pedagogical Seminary, Vol. II, No. 1, pp. 13-17 ; Scripture, The New Psychology, chap. XVI : and Educational Review, Vol. XV, p. 246 et seq. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 47 inference. The plan of construction, as doubtless every one knows, is simple, — a central body or nucleus serving the pur- pose of husbanding resources, as it were; and, radiating out from this are fibers or pathways some of which are designed to convey impressions in the form of sense stimuli to the nucleus of the cell, while others bind into a social union cells in dif- ferent regions of the cerebral community. (See Figs. 1 and 2.) The bodies comprising the nucleus of the cell are believed to be of a highly complex and unstable chemical composition,1 in consequence of which they are easily broken down, the energy represented in their union thus being liberated and dis- sipated ultimately in incitement to motor activity, or possibly in thought. Neurology assumes, what was stated above, that all mental and physical action requires for its initiation and main- tenance the liberation of a measure of this mysterious force held in potentia in the nuclei of nerve cells. People do not commonly think, in part because they do not reflect upon the matter, that mental activity occurs at the ex- pense of the contents of cerebral cells. Even critical intro- spection reveals thought as a spiritual activity dissociated from or at least not dependent dynamically upon physical processes. It is not easy for me to conceive that my ideas are linked to material agencies, and remain dormant except when these are .active; no matter for present needs which is cause and which -effect. And yet if one will note the physical accompaniments ■of his thinking he will not lack for opportunities to see that arduous mental work requires a comparatively great supply of blood headwards, which is shown in distention of blood ves- sels and in a sense of pressure or strain in the cephalic regions. Every student must have observed also, if he at times becomes attentive to the bodily concomitants of his mental processes (which, let it be said in passing, is a tendency not generally to be nurtured, but rather to be combated) that continued study increases the temperature of the head. 1Ladd. Physiological Psychology, pp. 13 and 14, gives the following formulae for some of the substances : protagon, Ci16 H24i O3^ P. ; cholesterin, C»« H44 O + Ha O. 48 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. These phenomena are easily observable in psychological ex- periments, wherein it is possible to show that wThen a subject exerts his mind in the effort to solve a difficult problem, for example, the volume of blood in the cerebral locality increases. It was the physiologist, Angelo Mosso,1 I believe, who first di- rected the attention of scientists to this in his investigations with the plethysmography And he was able to demonstrate the same phenomenon also in another experiment. A subject is placed upon a delicately constructed balance which remains horizontal while he is in a condition of mental repose; but when he is summoned to severe intellectual effort, or when any lively emotion is aroused, the balance tips in the direc- tion of the head, showing that the blood is surging brain- ward and so of course away from the limbs. The increase in temperature during mental activity has been studied by Lom- bard, Schiff, and others by means of the thermo-electric needle plunged into the brains of dogs and other animals.2 When in this latter case any sense was stimulated, as smell, the nee- dle if placed in the olfactory region of the brain would show that heat was being liberated. The significance of these well-known but yet little appreciated phenomena becomes apparent when they are interpreted in view of the accepted explanations of similar phenomena occur- ring during muscular exertion. It is a simple physiological fact that the blood supply in a muscle is greater during activity than while at rest, caused by the necessity of removing and repairing the increased waste produced by the degradation of 1 Reference is made to this phenomenon in Mosso's Fear, p. 68. The subject is treated in detail with respect to methods of investigation, and results in Die Ermiiding, pp. 195 et seq. There is a very good r6sum§ of recent investigation relating to the effect upon circulation of intellectual and emotional activity, to- gether with the presentation of results of original researches, in the Psycholog- ical Review for January, 1899, by Angell and Thompson, — The Relation between Certain Organic Processes and Consciousness. A. Binet and V. Henri in La Fatigue Intellectuelle, pp. 81 et seq., recognize that intellectual activity produces dilation of the cerebrum, but they do not attach so great importance to this phenomenon as many do. Their discussion does not bear directly upon the problem involved here, however. 2 See Pedagogical Seminary, loc. cit. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 49 living tissue while engaged in work. Now, it may be readily inferred that the phenomenon of augmented cerebral circula- tion during vigorous intellectual or emotional activity is identi- cal in principle with the muscular phenomenon just noted. Cor- roborative testimony in proof of this energeic dependence of mind upon cerebral cells is afforded by the observations of physicians1 who maintain that certain toxic products of nerv- ous action increase parri passu with intensified intellectual or emotional activity. Mosso's demonstration of a distinction be- tween muscular and neural fatigue2 requires for explanation the assumption that nervous as well as physical action results in the accumulation of a sort of debris in the system, which is undoubtedly nothing but worn-out or degraded nerve sub- stance, and which may heap up to such an extent as to dis- turb the normal functions of the neural mechanism. Especially does it tend to throw out of gear the inhibitory apparatus, paralyzing the fatigue sense, as some one has said, and thus removing the natural checks to excessive physical or mental exertion, when the organism continues in activity beyond the safety limit. The experiments of Hodge3 apparently show quite conclu- sively, in the case of animals at any rate, that the activity of the cell depletes the nucleus of its contents,, revealed in a gradual shrinking while stimulation continues, as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. ,This phenomenon, which he was able to detect while experi- menting with a living cell under stimulation, was observed also in the examination of animals at night after a day's activities, pnd in the morning when they had passed a long period in rest. In the first instance the nuclei of the cells were shrunken, while in the morning they presented a repleted appearance, 1For instance, by Cowles : Neurasthenia and Its Mental Symptoms; Beard: Neurasthenia, edited by Rockwell ; Mills: Mental Overwork and Premature Dis- ease Among Public Men, Smithsonian Institute, No. IX of Toner Lectures. 2 See for further discussion, p. 52. 3 Some Effects of Electrically Stimulating Ganglion Cells, American Journal of Psychology, vol. II, p. 376 et seq. ; and, Process of Recovery from Fatigue Oc- casioned by the Electrical Stimulation of Cells of the Spinal Ganglia, Am. Jour, of Psy., vol. Ill, p. 530 et seq. 4 50 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. showing that the demands of waking life had resulted in par- tial exhaustion of their stock of force-producing materials. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 3. — Two sections, A and B. from the first thoracic spinal ganglion of a cat. B is from the ganglion which had been electrically stimulated through Ita nerve for five hours, A from the corresponding resting ganglion. The shrinkage of the structures connected with the stimulated cells is the most marked general change. N, nucleus ; N. S., nucleus of the capsule ; V., va- cuole x 500 diameters. (Hodge.) yIG. 4. — Showing the change observed in the nucleus of the living sympathetic nerve cell of the frog, as the result of electrical stimulation. At the beginning of the experiment the nucleus is seen to be replete with what we may call potential nerve energy : but after thirty minutes of stimulation it appears somewhat shrunken, and the shrinking increases as the experiment proceeds. At the end of six hours and forty-nine minutes the shrinking of the nucleus Is very marked. (Donaldson,1 after Hodge.) §3. Neural Fatigue: Its Nature and Motor Effects. — Mod- ern science then conceives of the brain as a generator and reser- voir, so to speak, of energy which is essential to the activity of body or mind. A proposition growing out of this is self- evident, — that when one's resources are expended in one direc- 1 Growth of the Brain, p. 320. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 51 tion they cannot at the same time be employed in another. In amplification of this axiom attention may be called to what every one has doubtless observed, that when one is engaged in hard muscular labor, he is less keen and vigorous in his men- tal processes; and when he is under great emotional excite- ment he cannot accomplish so much intellectually. Again, when the vitality of the system is dissipated in repairing the ravages of disease, the individual is unable to command so great force in the accomplishment of either physical or mental tasks. This conception, which is endorsed by experience and substantiated by physiological and psychological science, is a most important one as it relates to the ordering of the daily life of any person and especially that of a student. To but indicate its bearings here, it may be pointed out that the vigor, efficiency, and spontaneity of either physical or mental activi- ties in the business, social, and educational world depend in some degree upon the amount of nervous capital one has on deposit in the central nervous mechanism. Abundant research has proven, it seems, that cerebral depletion (and depletion is, of course, a relative term in respect of the readiness with which it ensues in different people) reduces the force of mus- cular effort, renders attention less concentrated, resulting in a gradual obscuration of mental vision, and estranges the emo- tional nature, begetting a general condition of disphoria and apprehensiveness, and removing restraints upon anti-social im- pulses, as jealousy, anger, irritability, and similar traits of a low order of development. Mosso,1 Maggiora,2 Lombard,3 Bryan,4 Kraeplin,5 and others have shown that in a condition of fatigue muscular activity is lessened in force and reduced in rapidity; and this 1Ueber die Gesetze der Ermiidung, Archiv. fiir Phys. (DuBois Reymond.) Hefts, I and II, 1890. JUeber die Gesetze der Erniiidung. Untersuchungen an Muskeln des Menschen. Archiv. fiir Anat. und Phys. (DuBois Reymond.) Physiologie, 1890, pp. 89-243. 3 Some of the Influences which Affect the Power of Voluntary Muscular Con- tractions. Journal of Physiolgy, vol. XIII, pp. 1 and 58. 4The Development of Voluntary Motor Ability, Am. Jour, of Psych., 5, p. 123 -et seq. 6 A Measure of Mental Capacity. Popular Science Monthly, vol. 49, p. 756. 52 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. is no doubt to be accounted for in largest part by the fact that what we are wont to call muscular fatigue is in reality quite largely central or nervous fatigue. When a subject under experiment continues to exert force through the arm, say, until his muscles become perfectly inert, they may then be stimulated with electricity to act with initial vigor,, indicating that they are still in workable condition; and after a period of stimulation in this way, the will of the subject remaining quiescent, he can again voluntarily energize the arm,, as is shown in the following figures. llfobL. _il lUfifl UdlMiUillMiL _ i Fig. 5. — Showing ergographic tracings (1) in voluntary effort, (2) in electrical stimulation of nerve, (3) in electrical stimulation of muscle. (Scripture1 after Mosso.) The relative heights of the tracings represent the relative amounts of energy expended in the several forms of stimulation. It can be seen that in voluntary effort the subject gradually loses power of exer- tion and is soon unable to exert any force whatever ; but if at this point a nerve leading to the muscle which has been acting (in this instance the middle finger was exercised) be excited by electricity, the tracings show that the muscle is as vigorous as ever. The fatigue in the voluntary effort must then have been central or mental. Again, if when action ceases from nerve excitation the muscle be directly stimulated there is once more a re- turn of power, indicating that the muscle itself fatigues much more slowly than the nerve mechanisms concerned in voluntary effort. Fig. 6 shows the rhythm in the fatigue of voluntary effort (Scripture2). At F is shown a period when the subject could exert no force whatever, although he earnestly endeavored to. Soon after this space of paralysis, however,, there is a return of ability again for a brief time. These tracings were ob- tained upon the dynamometer by means of the hand grip. iThe New Psychology, p. 231. 2 Ibid., p. 229. O SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 53 ULIUlillUulll ALTERNATINQ Voluntary. ElectkiC Fig 7. This figure (Scripture1 after Lombard) shows the independence of muscular and voluntary fatigue. Lombard first stimulated a muscle by vo- lition, then by electricity, and continued the stimulations alternately as indi- cated in the figure. At first the voluntary tracings show greater force ex- erted, but this is gradually lost until the effect for volition and from elec- trical stimulation are about equal. Then there is a recovery of volitional power, which subsides again, only to return in a sort of rhythmical period, which is very apparent from the tracings. ■■life L 1 L llul ill I I. i' pi it' ' H'i' li'l; U'JL'llllJlJUllIiUUbl OS F<3 H FiQ. 8 shows the effect of mental work upon the power of contraction of the finger at various hours of the day. (Mosso, loc. cit.) The first curve, from A to B, indicates the amount of work which could be done at 9 a. m. From 2 p. m. until 5 :30 p. m. the subject was under great mental strain while con- ducting an examination in the university. After the examination, at 5 :45 p. m., the curve from C to D was gained. The first contraction of the fin- ger shows as much power as in the morning, but the energv is soon ex- hausted. Then after supper, at about 7 :30 p. m., the increase from E to P was taken, and it indicates a slight increase in the endurance of energy. Finally at 9 p. m. the fourth curve was made, showing a slow recovery of original power. This principle in its general bearings has been recognized practically in every-day experience, particularly in the train- ing of athletes; for it is well known that their physical vigor and endurance depend in great degree upon their mental con- dition (See Fig. 8), or as the saying goes, upon their nerve. They are expected during the season of training to secure an abundance of food and sleep, and to abstain from dissipation so as to keep the nervous system in thorough repair ; and it would doubtless not be an overstatement to say that athletic contests are won by virtue of the power and control conferred 1Ibid., p. 232. The figure is a copy made by Scripture from an original rec- ord furnished him by Lombard. 54 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. upon the athlete whose life is ordered in conformity to the re- quirements of neural hygiene rather than by superiority in mus- cular brawn per se. The visible manifestation of cerebral fatigue most in evi- dence in the affairs of daily life is the lack of power to secure delicate and sustained co-ordination of bodily activities. Tasks- demanding exact control and fine adjustment of muscles, as in delicate workmanship for instance, are exceedingly difficult when one is nervously exhausted. The explanation is doubtless found in the fact that different sections in the brain are charged with the control of certain definite motor processes, one section having general oversight of the large, coarse, fundamental move- ments, a, second one governing the secondary and more com- plex movements, while still other sections control the peripheral, the most finely adjusted movements, — those for instance, in- volved in the co-ordinations of the fingers and the articulatory apparatus in speech.1 This highest level, to employ Hughlings- Jackson's term,2 may be regarded as the co-ordinating mechan- ism, par excellence, of the nervous system. Now, in cerebral fatigue, as in intoxication or mental disease, this level seems to suffer first because it is the most unstable ; and nervous deple- tion will then manifest itself at the outset in inability to deli- cately correlate these most intricate movements. This is at the root of much of what in the common affairs of life we call "carelessness," one of those terms which con- veniently covers up a lack of critical analysis, grouping, and interpretation of phenomena. An individual who in a condi- tion of fatigue is performing a task requiring exact adjustments of any kind, as fine writing for instance, will be unable to co-ordinate his actions so perfectly as when nervously refreshed, and this will result in blundering, coarse work. Warner5 1For a fine treatment of this subject see the Pedagogical Seminary, Vol. VI, No. 1, pp. 5-65. The matter is brought down to date in this article. See also Mercier, Sanity and Insanity, Chaps. I and II. 2 See Anderson, in Hack Tuke's Dictionary of Psychological Medicine, Vol. I» pp. 440 et seq. for a discussion of Hughlings-Jackson's theory, which seems now to be accepted by practically all physicians. 3 The Study of Children, pp. 52 et seq. 0'8IIEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 55 ascribes this want of precision, which is simply inco-ordination carried to a point where it becomes noticeable, to the spasmodic functioning of nerve cells in a condition of fatigue. The inhib- itory apparatus does its work less efficiently; but inhibition is absolutely essential for fine adaptations in motor activity. The Hughlings-Jackson theory would account for the phenom- enon under consideration by declaring that the co-ordinating areas in the brain are unable to act with accustomed author- ity, and movements result which are not so fully under the direction of the will.1 This view is strongly supported by data gained from the investigations of ^losso,2 Lombard,3 and others. But whatever the neurological explanation may be, it is enough for practical purposes to recognize that the ex- haustion of nerve centers results in a general lessened power of delicate co-ordination of motor activities. Again, as was intimated above, fatigue has a retarding in- fluence upon the rapidity of physical action.4 This phenom- enon is apparent in the case of athletes who are contesting in activities demanding ready response to stimulus. When fatigued they do not start so readily in running, or gather them- selves so quickly or act with such continued force in defense or offense where promptness in execution and sustained power are the decisive factors. When it is realized how much of the success of life depends upon quickness and certainty of action in the countless situations requiring these qualities in which one is placed every day no matter what his calling may be, the importance of preserving to the fullest extent possible the hy- giene, or perhaps better the vigor of the brain can be appreciated. §4. Neural Fatigue: Intellectual Effects. — While nerve de- pletion has indeed a very unhappy influence upon motor abili- ties, still the harm done here is probably not so great as that iCf. Scripture, The New Psychology, pp. 228 et seq. 2Loc. cit. , 8Loc. cit. *See Scripture, op. cit., pp. 128-129, and 243 et seq.; also Bryan, on The De- velopment of Voluntary Motor Ability, Am. Jour, of Psy., 1892, p. 123. 56 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. sustained by the intellectual faculties. The latter consequence of brain fatigue is of chiefest concern to the student alike in his immediate daily duties and in his future vocation, which will for the most part require of him keen perception, accurate, ready memory, and, above all, careful and judicious reasoning. From what has gone before it must be apparent now that fatigue im- pairs those cerebral conditions which are essential to normal intellectual activity; and the most prominent effect of this in the mental life is to render attention less concentrated and en- during than when one is in good neural form, so to speak. Any person who has endeavored to apply himself to arduous undertakings when his resources have been too heavily taxed knows that it is with great difficulty he can hold his mind to the thing in hand, and he is likely not to succeed at all in the attempt. As James has said,1 one grasps at everything in or- der to find relief from the object before him. At this time ideas crowd into the focus of consciousness which in seasons of mental vigor can be inhibited ; and the upshot of it is that dis- traction ensues; the mind grows inaccurate and lethargic, and arrives finally at a state which, lacking a better term, we may name stupidity. From the point of view of neurology the dispersion of atten- tion in cerebral fatigue is simply explained. It has already been said that the co-ordinating, the regulative functions of the brain are disturbed in neural depletion, and there attends this condition a sort of independence of the various nerve centers resulting in lessened subordination of irrelevant motor activities. The individual does things that in better times he would be able to inhibit. Now, the neural capacities essential for right phys- ical co-ordination are, it seems, requisite as .well for mental co- ordination ; and what renders one impossible will interfere also with the proper action of the other Concentrated attention re- quires the convergence of the mental powers upon one point, with of course restraint of disturbing impulses; but as the in- hibitory processes are less vigorous and constant in fatigue, lPsychology, Briefer Course, p. 225. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 57 mental application is as a consequence less perfect. Ill-adjust- ment, disperseness, whether found in physical or mental action, are due to the same causative agencies. Mental degeneracy be- gets physical as well as psychical inco-ordination; imbecility is characterized no less by lack of control and balance physically than mentally. It seems as if we are able to say that on the whole those who have the surest motor control have at the same time superior possession of their mental powers.1 When it is remembered that fatigue dethrones attention, so to speak, it is not difficult to see why it should so soon beget stu- pidity, since a scattered mind cannot exhibit keenness, readi- ness, or accuracy in any of its operations. We would expect in the first place, that perception would be less discriminating, and this has been demonstrated by extensive investigations upon the several senses.2 The writer has studied this subject in the schools of Buffalo, H". Y., making use of simple experiments which in a way tested the keenness and accuracy of interpreta- tion of sense stimuli ; and he has found that two and one-half hours' work in school lessens ability on the part of most pupils to discriminate colors, as tested by sorting colored yarns, or sounds as determined by the tone tester, or touch sensations as determined bv the aesthesiometer, which Griesbach claims is the best test for mental fatigue.3 The data yielded by these studies are in general in accord with those reached by such investigators iFor a summary of recent investigation relating to this subject, see Burk, From. Fundamental to Accessory in the development of the Nervous System, Pedagogical Seminary, vol. VI, No. 1, and Reprint. See also Oppenheim, The Development of the Child, chaps. Ill, IV, V; Warner, The Study of Children, chaps. Ill to XIII ; Donaldson, The Growth of the Brain, especially chap. XVIII ; Halleck, Education of the Central Nervous System, chap. XI ; Mercier, The Nerv- ous System and the Mind; Ross, Diseases of the Nervous System; Flechsig, Seele und Gehirn, 1896; Hartwell Add. and Proc. N. E. A., 1893; Ireland, Blot on the Brain, p. 257, et seq. 2 See for the results of some investigations : Gilbert, Studies upon School Children in New Haven, in Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory, vol. II ; Sinclair, 'School-room Fatigue, Educational Foundations, May and June, 1896 ; Dresslar, Fatigue, Journal of the Anthropological Institute, 1888. p. 153 et seq. ; O'Shea, When Character Is Formed, Pop. Sci. Mo., Sept., 1897 ; also, Some Prac- tical Phases of Mental Fatigue, Pop. Sci. Mo., August, 1899. 3 Too much reliance, however, should not be placed upon the results of the ffisthesiometric test. For myself I never could feel quite sure of my data. See for a critical discussion of this method two articles by Leuba and Germann in Psych. Rev., Nov., 1899. 58 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. as Kraeplin,1 Burgerstein,2 Sinclair,3 and others.4 These re- sults will certainly not awaken surprise in any one who has ob- served the sharpness of his own senses at different hours during the day, and under varying circumstances with respect to fa- tigue. One may hear those about him say frequently something like the following : "I derive much greater benefit from visiting an art gallery in the morning than at 4 o'clock in the afternoon ;" or "I find more pleasure in going out into the fields and coming in contact with nature in the morning hours than later in the day, for I see more, or at least I appreciate more; everything has a meaning for me now which is not apparent at other times. There are details and harmonies in sound, in color, and in form, which I apprehend when I am refreshed but which I miss when my mind is tired." And the rationale of this is not obscure. It is not that there is less of beauty and richness in nature in the late hours of the day, nor that the visual or auditory sense organs are incapable of receiving stimulations therefrom; but the structures in the brain through which interpretation pro- ceeds, because of the wastedness of their substance, if one may so speak, and the accumulation of obstructive materials, hinder the efficiency of the mind's action. Doubtless every student has- noticed that when his energies are at a low ebb, Whether abnor- mal in persisting throughout the entire day, or week, or month, or whether occurring only at intervals in the daily rhythm, yet in any case his perceptions become less keen and accurate, and he grows dull in all work that depends upon clearness of per- ception, as in the apprehension of forms in language, to some extent in mathematics, and to a considerable degree in the me- chanic arts, not to mention other studies. The senses are not the only nor the principal losers when the mind is over-wearied. Memorv, both in its retentive and recol- 1A Measure of Mental Capacity, Pop. Sci. Mo., vol. XLIX, p. 756. 2 Quoted by Kraeplin, loc. cit. 8Loc. cit. 4 Since the above was written, the writer has read La Fatigue InteUectuelle, by A. Binet and V. Henri, in which the propositions herein set forth are in the main substantiated. See for a recent summary of studies upon this point, Kotel- mann, School Hygiene, chaps. VII and VIII. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 59 Jective functions, becomes baiting and unreliable. Who bas not observed this in bis own daily experiences ? Ideas which one bas firmly fixed in his bead, and usually bas in band when he needs them, cannot now be readily summoned before conscious- ness, and often keep out of reach altogether. One bas greater difficulty, too, in making ideas fast now than on other occasions. It seems as if the bewildering mechanism of the associative sys- tem, regarded from the neural point of view, becomes in a meas- ure thrown out of gear, one might say, in fatigue ; and in this event, memory processes easy and natural in normal mentation are so no longer. Under such circumstances one is apt to find that making use of devices for recalling ideas that at other times prove_ useful now are worthless. There is apparently an oblit- eration of old mental pathways ; the energies of intellection are not discharged in the customary grooves, and the thought life then becomes to a greater or less degree either monoideistic or atomistic. As Ribot says,1 "Fatigue in every shape is fatal to memory. The impressions received at such time are not fixed, and the reproduction of them is very laborious and often impos- sible. . . . When the normal conditions are restored memory comes back again." It is not needful to linger over the significance of these facts for the student. His success in the acquisition of learning; or to put it in a way which would better represent the chief aim of education, in building up a unified personality with interests and activities adapting him most harmoniously to bis social and natural environments, — his success in this depends so greatly upon the power of retaining impressions and summoning them forth when needed to guide action, that it would be impossible to overestimate the mischief that circumstances can do which militate against achievement of this sort. And then, regarding the immediate demands made upon the university student in bis class-room, it is evident that the incapacity to fix firmly and in such a way as to be able to recall readily the ideas gained in the different studies is a thing of serious mien, as those who draw too heavily upon their energies in dissipation, in neglect 1 Diseases of Memory, chap. V. 60 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. of the requirements of food, air, and exercise, or in other ways, doubtless have occasion frequently to realize. Fatigue works most serious harm in the elaborative or re- flective processes. Reason requires co-ordination of ideasj it necessitates holding before consciousness in a single act of thought two or more objects, viewing them together to discover the relations which they bear toward one another. It can be seen that to accomplish this requires good control and balance neurologically, and so psychically. But this is just what fa- tigue makes impossible, not absolutely of course, but relatively. Any person's experiences will afford illustrations in plenty. We all know how difficult it is, or even how impossible it is to attend to matters requiring elaborate reasoning at a time when the vi- talities are run low. We generally defer the consideration of such matters until a more favorable period when mental strength has been regained. We attack our mathematical problems in the morning rather than at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Even social custom has recognized this and has assigned the later hours of the day to occupations and pastimes requiring little concen- trated effort of mind. § 5. Neural Fatigue : Emotional Effects. — It will not be need- ful here to do more than to refer briefly to the fact that the cerebral states which give rise to physical and intellectual in- co-ordination and errancy have a similar effect in principle upon the emotional life. People are generally aware of this, and they freely condone the bad temper of individuals at certain seasons because of their unhappy physical condition. If one studies the matter at close range, he can see that the people who sur- round him are sometimes transformed in temperament under an ordeal which overdraws their account in the nervous system. It will of a certainty impress one who will turn his attention to the matter to observe how in a siege of neurasthenia anti-social qualities, as irritability, jealousy, hatred, anger, and the like take possession of an individual who in fairer weather is well poised and not too conscious of self in relation to others in his neighborhood. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 61 If one should seek for an explanation of these phenomena, he would find the most rational one, and one in every way consistent with the principles involved in the preceding discussion, in the theory of recapitulation; which postulates that the individual retraces in some measure and retains in his own being to a cer- tain extent the principal mental structures, intellectual and emo- tional, developed throughout racial history. The emotions most prominent in earlier phylogenetic epochs have been those con- cerned with the preservation of self against the enemies lurking everywhere, and which constantly threatened annihilation.1 It was self against all the world else. The development of the altruistic or social emotions has been of very recent origin in racial evolution ; and by virtue of a principle of heredity where- by latest developed phylogenetic characteristics are most unsta- ble in ontogenesis, one is warranted in holding that while the social emotions are for the most part pre-eminent in the individ- ual under normal conditions, yet these very emotions are most affected, in fatigue, when the last formed and highest areas of the brain are first disturbed in their functioning. The process in racial ascent of gradual specialization of brain areas to take on more and more delicate and elaborate motor and psychic func- tions has resulted seemingly in the highest bodily, intellectual, and emotional activities becoming so intricately interwoven that one cannot suffer except at the expense of the others. Speaking neurologically then,, the conditions requisite for co-ordination in intellectual and motor activities are requisite for the efficient control by the highest social emotions of those which are of a lower order, and represent earlier predominant characteristics alike in phylogenetic and in ontogenetic history.2 A matter !One is impressed with this thought as he reads accounts of animal life in its native wildness, — such accounts as one finds in Kipling's books, or in Thompson's Wild Animals I Have Known, or Cornish's Animals at Work and Play. 2 For a detailed presentation of this theory, see, Marshall: Biological Lectures and Addresses, lecture on Recapitulation ; Morgan : Habit and Instinct, whole book ; Drummond : Ascent of Man, whole book ; Le Conte. Religion and Evolu- tion, p. 133 et seq. ; Oppenheim, op. cit., chaps. I and II ; Haddon : The Study of Man, Part II ; Baldwin : Mental Development, Methods and Processes, chaps. I, IV, XIII ; Sail : Fear, American Journal of Psychology, vol. VIII ; Burk, op. cit. ; Pedagogical Seminary, vols. Ill, IV, V, articles on Reverie, Mental Automations; Bullying and Teasing, Games and Plays, Truancy, etc., etc. 62 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. which is well recognized may be alluded to in this connection, — while under the influence of alcohol,1 or in cerebral disease,2 lower and more egoistic impulses usually gain mastery of the in- dividual ; and thus in some of their effects fatigue, cerebral dis- ease, and intoxication seem closely related, explicable upon the supposition that all three attack the highest levels in the brain first and prevent, therefore, full and sure control of lower areas. Again, it has been emphasized by students of this particular phase of fatigue, as Cowles,3 Beard,4 Dresslar,5 and Mosso,6 that fears which in the normal life are held in check are now apt to assert themselves and color the emotional life. There rises up in the early stages of fatigue a sense of dread of an indefinite something which is about to happen; and, as depletion pro- gresses, particular objects persist before the mind and fill the individual's life with uncertainty and apprehension. In busi- ness the neurasthenic is afraid to assume any responsibility. In .the class-room the pupil is unduly self-conscious and lacks con- fidence in his own ability ; he is timid in the presence of others, and morbidly afraid of possible criticism. In short, the vigor of what we may call personality denoting one's psychic ensemble, as it were, is reduced, and this is revealed in the emotional depths as quickly, perhaps more quickly, than in any of the other .parts of the being. It would seem possible to explain these latter phenomena also by the theory of recapitulation. One of the most important and serviceable emotions in the development of the race has been fear, manifested toward a multitude of objects incessantly threatening danger to life and limb. These experiences have left their trace in the nervous organism even of the human spe- cies, and each individual must receive them as a heritage in the xSee Wilson, Drunkenness, p. 29 et seq. 2 See Mercier, op cit., p. 308 et seq. 3Loc. cit. 4Loc. cit. BLoc. cit. 6Loc. cit. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMV. 63 form of "broken reflex arcs"1 or "rudimentary instincts."2 In ■the normal life these reverberations of a remote past are not distinguished because of the strong tone of the higher psychic life ; but let this supreme self yield its efficacy at any time and then these recrudescences from phylogenesis well up into con- sciousness. Lastly, it may be said, although it scarcely needs argument, that ethical feeling, being a most highly complex social attitude or attunement and a recent addendum to the ancestral record, is quickly estranged by whatever disturbs the delicate normal func- tioning of those material media through which spiritual charac- teristics are made manifest in this physical world. Collin,8 Wey,4 Morrison,5 Wright,8 Lombroso,7 Eibot8 and Mercier,9 who have studied moral degeneracy as a social and as an indi- vidual phenomenon, have testified in confirmation of the doc- trine that moral obliquity is generally the accompaniment of de- fective physical conditions, and in all probability is the legiti- mate issue of these. When the highest and most essential cere- bral structures become impaired through dissipation of vital en- ergies or improper nutrition, whether due to ignorance, excess, or asceticism, one becomes then a fit instrument for anti-social and immoral impulses ; but let him preserve within himself as an individual the vigor of those organs which nature has with unending patience developed in the evolution of the race and he will have a superior chance, to say the least, of adjusting him- self in harmonious relations to his social environment. iRibot. 3 Spencer. 'Papers in Penology, 1891, pp. 27-28. ♦Ibid., pp. 57-69. "Juvenile Offenders, Part II. •American Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, vols. II and III, pp. 135 et seq. ''Female Offenders. 'Psychology of the Emotions, chap. XIV. 'Sanity and Insanity, p. 308. et seq. C4 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF "WISCONSIN. CHAPTER II. CEREBRAL HYGIENE AND ECONOMY IN- STUDENT LIFE. § 1. The Student's Obligations to the State. — In view of the foregoing it ought not to be necessary to make apologies for urging observation of the laws of cerebral hygiene and economy by the student in his daily life, as a member at present of an educational community, and as a leader of social progress when his preparatory training shall have been completed. But it is not infrequently the case that college youth manifest little interest in that which has the appearance of relating to their immediate well-being, physical, moral, or intellectual^ it is in-> deed esteemed at times to be a mark of superiority to show indifference toward things of this character. It is not appar- ently believed in a serious manner that the attainment of the highest degree of perfection in respect of all the elements of personality should be the supreinest concern of every individ- ual whether within or without the university. But even if a student cannot see that it is a duty he owes to himself to promote in every way possible physical and mental vigor and balance, yet as a factor in the social whole and maintained during his educational career by the state in the hope that he may return to confer blessings upon it, to be a guide in morals and to make less rigorous the struggle for physical existence — these considerations make it obvious that there ia absolutely no course left him but to conserve his energies and employ them to the best advantage, that he may repay the obli- gation due the community that has favored him. In the sup- port of the university the state provides means for a few of its members to receive the benefits of the broadest education; it has then a just right to demand that every individual so favored shall profit by these opportunities to the fullest possi- ble extent. If for any remediable cause, as dissolute living O'SHEA ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY-. 65 or excess, causing waste of vital forces, or failure to provide nervous energy equal to the need in profiting by instruction here, a student does not make the most of his privileges, then from the community standpoint such an one is apostate to his plain and simple duty. Being a recipient of the bounty of the commonwealth, his indebtedness to it cannot be gainsaid; and it is a wholly erroneous conception which persists against all reason in some university communities, especially in those sustained at public expense, that a student is not beholden in his conduct to any one but himself and his guardians. §2. The Study of Psychical Processes, — Dangers, Advan- tages.— It perhaps should be said at this time that, in general, it cannot but prove detrimental to become too greatly concerned about one's own physical or mental processes. One who intro- spects much for egoistic ends can accomplish but little in this world ; thinking all the time about life functions tends to render them abnormal. Mature has evidently designed that for the most part one should be interested in objects and aims outside of self; and the machinery of the organism will run most smoothly when it is left largely to the oversight of sub- conscious agencies. But while this as a general principle is of superior worth in the practical affairs of life, it yet does not obtain rigidly as it relates to the subject under discussion, — the most frugal and efficient methods of generating and expend- ing nervous energy. Every one knows, to illustrate by a sin- gle instance, that in the matter of food, which is the most im- portant factor in the production of vital force, there are great difficulties to be overcome in breaking away from the dogmas and practices of tradition. But recent investigation has made the beginnings at least of a science of nutrition, wherein are set forth the needs of the organism that it may best fulfill its func- tion as an instrument of mind and as a mechanism designed to accomplish a given amount of work, and how these needs may best be met: yet the community at large for whom alone these things are of value, has exhibited little interest in them 66 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. thus far. While instinct may he trusted a good way in ad- vising us what and how to eat, yet it is certainly not an infal- lible guide, especially since it is not within its scope to suggest improved methods of manufacturing foods, and even new kinds of foods themselves. It merely determines sort and quantity when articles are presented, so its sphere of usefulness is quite limited. Again, we tend naturally in most instances to save needless wear and tear of mind and body, yet as we shall see later there are avenues of waste which continue to drain off much of our energies until we get to work consciously to stop them up. In respect to these matters, then, study cannot fail to be of bene- fit to every person, teaching him how to make the best kind of a machine of himself, so to speak. But when once he learns the trick, his mind may with advantage be turned altogether in other directions ; he need not, he must not, be in constant query re- specting what he should eat, and how he should work. But now we are all apt to feel and often to say that we have thus far been steering our barks in a given direction, and considering how the winds have favored us, and what prog- ress we have made, we cannot think we have been on the wrong tack. There seems to lurk within the bosom of every one of us a conviction begotten of the tendency to regard self as the standard of excellence, that we cannot be very greatly improved upon; but this belief, it need scarcely be said, is rarely if ever the result of much reflection upon one's attainments and limitations. While one may find occasion for congratulation that he is as well balanced as he is, and that his energies are devoted as largely as they are to profitable production,, yet he needs to recognize, or most of us do at any rate, that we are hindered in a thousand directions by obstacles and restrictions which seriously impair efficiency. Most of us probably have little conception of what a perfect man-machine would be, one who is thoroughly balanced in mind and body, who always has himself well in hand, who has abundant energies for the tasks which lie in his way. One who, looks at life as in a process of evolution, which seems in no wise to be yet com- O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 67 plete, sees that in the matter of human perfection (which means nothing more than consummate adjustment to one's so- cial and natural environments) people may be aided in indi- vidual cases in attaining thereunto by compliance with the nat- ural laws to which harmonious adjustment is required! This conception leads one to believe in the possibility of continuous improvement, while at the same time holding securely to all that has been accomplished, and being devoutly thankful there- for. §3. The Educator s Concern With Cerebral Hygiene. — Such a bulletin as this would doubtless not be necessary if there were persons in the community whose special interest and duty it was to bring the matters herein discussed in their practical aspects to the attention of the people at large. But there are at present few such persons in any community, and in most places there are none at all. One would naturally suppose that these affairs would lie within the domain of the physician; but as a matter of fact physicians have hitherto been dealing largely if not entirely with disease, with therapeutics, while the thing we are considering is of a wholly different character. One's energies may run out on the debit side for so long a time, without proportionate income on the other side, that hostile forces overpower him; disease seizes upon him, and then the physician seeks to aid him in winning back wasted strength. But it is a far cry from the highest efficiency of mind and body to that disintegrated condition realized in actual disease. One may be living on a low plane so far as the generation and conservation of vital energy is concerned, and yet not come under the eye of the physician. The M. D.'s have not yet dealt largely with the subject of nutrition for healthy beings; and they have only glanced by the way at all the various ave- nues through which energies are dissipated in prosecuting the work of daily life. Indeed, medicine seeks to cure, not to pre- vent, nor to raise the general level of organic life. A few medi- cal writers have, however, given these matters some attention, 68 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF "WISCONSIN. but it would require little space to enumerate them and tell what the j have done.1 As things stand at present it falls to the educator to con- sider some of these physical phenomena which directly deter- mine the fruitfulness of his teaching. It was generally thought in older times when the relation of mind and body was quite differently understood, that the teacher's duty was fulfilled when he simply offered mental aliment to his pupils. If they did not receive and digest it, he sought to aid them in the process by generous stimulation with the cane and the birch.2 But inl our own day an intelligent teacher knows that when his pupil is lacking in available cerebral energy his instruction will be of little avail, either in cultivating the intellect or in fashioning character; and he ascribes shortcomings more often to defective physical conditions than to lethargy or perverse- ness of the will. He sees then the necessity for considering those factors which inevitably decide whether what he presents will be wrought into the mental structure of his pupil or whether it will simply be an added load to an already overburdened mind, — overburdened because of deficiencies in the neural structures through which it is manifested and by which it is de- termined. §4. Studies at the University of Wisconsin: Purpose and Methods. — Holding these views the School of Education, at the instance of the writer, sent out to all students in the University of Wisconsin, in the spring of 1898, a questionnaire relating to the subjects discussed in the preceding paragraphs, — the modes of producing cerebral energy and conserving it so that it may as fully as possible be expended in profitable directions. The primary purpose of the questionnaire was to turn the thoughts *The best work with which I am familiar is Stevenson and Murphy, op. cit, 3 vols. This is not adapted, however, for general reading ; nor does it devote much attention to mental hygiene and economy. Other good works are Parks : Practical Hygiene; Wilson: Handbook of Hygiene and Sanitary Science; Rohe: Text book of Hygiene. Carpenter's Physiology has some very good hints on hy- giene. Martin : The Human Body, chaps. XX, XXI, and XXIX discusses In a scientific and practical way some of the problems herein considered. 2 See a most interesting book, — Cooper: The History of the Rod. O'SHEA — ASrECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. t)9 of students to a consideration of the hygiene of food, exercise, ventilation of living and sleeping rooms, the arrangement of the daily program, the use of particular materials in writing, and similar matters of practical importance; and it was hoped in addition to obtain statistical data relating to these affairs which would be of some local, and perhaps also of general in- terest. The questionnaire, with the explanatory letter, follows : Madison, March 5, 1898. The accompanying circular is sent you in the hope that you may be able to give me some exact information respecting your mode of life in the University. This is not requested for any personal reasons what- ever; but it is desired simply to be collated for scientific purposes with similar data gained from other students. In the course in Child-Study much attention is given to the subject of mental hygiene and economy during the period of school and college life; and it is the plan to use the information obtained from the responses to this circular in the regular Child-Study work, and as the basis of a bulletin to be issued later for the guidance of students in respect of the important matters referred to herein. It is the purpose to present in this bulletin the results of research regarding the manner in which one's daily life should be ordered so that he may do the greatest amount of intellectual work with the least expenditure of energy, and without endangering mental health and poise; but in order that local conditions may be made more suitable, if desirable, for student life, it is needful that those conditions be understood just as they exist. I trust, therefore, that you will answer the enclosed questions as fully, and particularly as ac- curately, as possible. If you are not sure in any of your replies, say so. If there are any questions you do not care to answer, omit them; but I wish to assure you that your name will in no case be known to any one but myself and my assistant, and it is recorded simply as a guarantee of earnestness and good faith in the replies. If your an- swers are referred to for any purpose whatever it will be by number. Please to return the circular in the enclosed envelope as soon as you can conveniently supply the information requested. Drop the en- velope in one of the boxes labeled "Child-Study" in Library, University, or Science Hall. Be as complete and detailed in your answers as your knowledge will warrant, using more paper if necessary. Very respectfully yours, M. V. O'Shea. 70 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. CIRCULAR. I. Food : 1. Under tEe headings Breakfast, Luncheon, Dinner, please write in detail what you customarily eat and drink at each meal. If possible, keep account for a week and indicate number of times each article Is eaten ; thus : oatmeal, 7 ; beeksteak, 5, etc. Be specific regarding the quality of each article, as bread: graham, whole wheat, white, rye ; meat : beefsteak, roast beef, roast chicken, enumerating each separately. Indicate also, as accurately as possible, in what manner and how thoroughly each article is cooked. Observe particularly whether the meat is boiled, broiled, roasted, or fried ; how long the oatmeal and other cereals are cooked, whether over night or only for an hour or two in the morning ; whether the bread is light or heavy, etc. (Your landlady will doubtless gladly inform you upon these mat- ters if you ask her, and she will probably be pleased to note your interest in her culinary enterprises.) 2. What articles of food do you like best? What ones really form the sub- stance of your dietary? Do you eat between meals, indulge in midnight lunches, etc.? Do you have dinner at midday or at night? II. Sleep : 1. Do you sleep soundly? Dream much? How many hours do you plan to spend in sleep? How late do you study at night? When do you go to bed ? What time do you arise in the morning? 2. Have you ever studied all night, or nearly so? What effect did it have upon you? Has knowledge gained at such time been enduring? III. Study : 1. How many hours per day? What are your study hours? Are they regular and uninterrupted, or otherwise? How many hours may you count upon with certainty to be entirely uninterrupted during the day? During what hours of the day are you at your best? When are you dullest? Do you stimulate your- self artificially to study? If so, how? 2. Indicate the amount of time you spend upon each of your studies? How many hours of written work each day? Pen or pencil? If pen, fine or blunt point? Metal holder? If pencil, soft or hard? IV". Health : 1. Headaches? Indigestion? Colds? 2. Have you had your eyes examined by a skilled oculist? 3. Indicate time spent by you in gymnasium : in open air. 4. Do you dance? How frequently? How late? 5. Do you smoke? Cigars, Cigarettes or Pipe? V. In General : What do you pay for board? For room? How large a room have you? How many in it? How heated? How ventilated? Do you board yourself? Do you do your own washing? How much work, manual or otherwise, do you undertake outside of your University duties? A few words respecting the distinct purpose of this study and the method of its prosecution should be added here. In the first place, it was fully realized that it would not be possible to obtain a great body of accurate, scientific information by this method, especially in regard to the subject of food, in respect either of quantity, quality, or the character of its preparation for utiliza- O'SUEA — A8PECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 71 tion in the organism. Xo effort was made to ascertain how much food was eaten, for the reason principally that such a request could not be complied with; and this information was not partic- ularly desired anyway since there was no intention of enquiring in minute detail into local practices because of the vast amount of labor it would entail without being of great value. What was wanted was a general -rar^ment of the articles of food which form tin- substance of students' dietaries; and it was thought to be sufficiently definite for the purposes of the study to assume that the amount and quality of the articles consumed would be such as have been commonly found to be the case else- where. Regarding the subject of cooking, it was not hoped that exact data could be obtained, since it would be difficult for stu- dents to determine this with absolute accuracy. It was thought, however, that some reliable impression could be gained, especial- ly of the cooking of starchy foods and of the especial manner of preparing meats. The results have realized all that was antici pated, although in some instances the answers were for the most part useless except as they could be interpreted from other papers that were written by >tudents living under similar conditions, — obtaining their food at the same table, for example, and dwelling in the same house. In the interpretation of data the writer makes use of his own observations gained while visiting several hoarding clubs and restaurants. His experience, it may be added here, has substantially corroborated the results obtained from the questionnaire. The data furnished in response to questions relating to ex- ercise, habits of eating with respect to hours and irregulari- ties, the size, heating, and ventilation of living rooms, the ar- rangement of the daily program, the employment of writing materials and the like, are more complete and definite and are reasonably satisfactory. The information respecting health, however, is probably only in a relative way of value, since stu- dents are not able to observe sueh matters with scientific accu- racy; and they, in common with other people, are not good judges of their own status in this regard anyway, since they have no standard for measurement except their own expe- 72 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. rienoes, which are too apt to represent to them normal condi- tions, however far they may be from this. It was expected, though, that the data here would be valuable only in a general way as indicating instances of important abnormal conditions which interfere with the efficiency of the individual's work. While it was hoped to gain from the investigation some re- liable estimate of the energeic aspects of student life in our community, yet the primary object after all in asking students to report the practices of their daily lives was (and this has been already said) to direct their attention to a few of these vital things in the belief that this in itself would serve to correct some wasteful habits. It was thought it would be of value, also, to suggest to students the necessity of intel- ligently arranging their dietaries so far as they could control the matter, with the purpose in view to provide the largest amount of energy at the least expense, whether regarded from the point of view of the effort required to transform certain foods into nervous force, or of the apparently more practical aspect of the financial outlay. This expectation has been real- ized in a measure at least, since there has come to the writer trustworthy evidence that the questionings of students in re- gard to the articles of food and cooking has resulted in some improvement in both directions. It was believed, finally, that this would be a good way in which to prepare the minds of stu- dents for the discussion of the subject of mental economy, which is the raison d'etre of this bulletin. The labor of collating the returns was so great that it was found impossible to examine but 316 papers.1 Care was taken, however, to select those which represented customs and prac- tices in the different phases of university life, and it is doubt- ful if there would have been any special advantage in the exam- ination of a much larger number; the conclusions regarding local manners and methods would probably not have been mate- rially altered therebv JThe statistical part of the work was done under my direction by Mr. F. J. Wojta. I O'SnEA ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 73 CHAPTER III. EELATIVE VALUE OF FOODS IN THE PRODUCTION OF NERVOUS ENERGY. §1. Philosophy of Nutrition. — It is no doubt known to every one that the primary function of food in the system is to sup- ply the force or forces required for the maintenance of the activities of life. The organism may be considered from this point of view as a mechanism designed to accomplish a certain amount of work, physical or mental ; and in effecting this the energy represented in the thing done, including all accessory expenditures and waste, must balance that expended by the doerr thus conforming to the principle of the conservation of energy. The work thus required to be performed by every organism and entailing dissipation of vital energy may be regarded as of two kinds; in the first place the body must be kept up to a temperature quite above that of the environment in which it is ordinarily placed, and a large amount of force must there- fore be transformed into heat. Then there is in every instance, though differing with different people, a characteristic amount of energy employed in muscular and mental activity. In these two directions force is being constantly utilized, and it must be as constantly replenished by the processes of nutrition if life is to be maintained The factor of heat seems to be a practically uniform one for all people, since if in any case the body fall far below a certain standard the delicate adjustments essential for the per- petuation of the organism are disturbed and physical annihi- lation ensues. And by virtue of a comprehensive law of be- ing, whereby all possible effort will be made to prevent the dissolution of life, the organism will strive in every way to supply the necessary energy for the preservation of normal 74 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. temperature ; and when needed it will draw upon the credit of the muscular and nervous systems, since one can survive with a relatively small amount of either motor or mental action. When, then, it may be remarked by the way, the body is not properly protected in cold climates, the energy which is gener- ated in the system will be dissipated in comparatively large ratio in the effort to keep warm; and, as a consequence, less force can be utilized in the kinds of work for which in reality the organism exists ; for in the highest forms of life, whatever may be true of those lower in the scale of existence, the ulti- mate purposes of existence are very clearly of a mental order. And in the attainment of these, motor processes are for the most part essential. So that in man mental and motor activi- ties are of primary importance, regarded from the point of view of the raison d'etre of the organism, as well as from the testimony of introspection and of the desires of the human heart. In addition to the purposes of nutrition already indicated there, should be mentioned one other. In a growing structure, where continual increase in size and weight is taking place, there are required nutritive substances other than those utilized in carrying forward somatic and psychical functionings. There are needed substances for augmenting the bulk of bone and nerve and muscle, — 'materials for construction, that is to say. In adult life, however, when growth has been completed, there is no longer a demand for materials to build up, but only to repair the wear and tear of mind and body ; so that in maturity we may take account principally of the requirements of the organism for the generation of force employed in the prosecution of mental and motor enterprises. To return to our first proposition, the energy demanded to sustain the activities of life must be supplied in the food stuffs which are eaten. Now it is probably well known that various food elements are required to meet the different needs of body and brain. The nutrients best suited to furnish the materials employed in making bone and muscle are not alone sufficient to O'SIIEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 75 promote cither muscular or mental action ; and those adapted to supply physical power in Largest measure are not in all cases the ones from which to gain cerebral energy most advantageously, as will be demonstrated more fullv later. It should be noted here, however, that we say just the ones, for in some degree the energy of the entire organism may on occasion be drawn upon for the maintenance of either mental activity, motor activity, or tem- perature. This is indicated in the fact that arduous manual labor lessens the vigor, keenness, and duration of intellectual processes,1 and reduces the temperature of the body. And in the same way intense and long continued mental application reduces the power of motor execution,2 and, as in muscular labor, makes heavy demands upon the calorific condition of the system.3 Spencer4 called attention to this some time ago, and insisted that excessive brain work was causing physical dete- rioration in the English people. Mosso5 maintains that severe brain work makes so great a demand upon the energies of the body that the muscles sacrifice a part of their albuminous con- stituents that mental activity may be sustained. And yet there is a limit to the convertibility of the energies of the organism. One may be in good flesh and yet be under- nourished nervously. Warner,6 in his inspection of the school •children of London, has frequently found instances where there was every evidence of adequate bodily nourishment, and yet nerve signs revealed a depleted condition of the brain. A few years ago there came under my observation in the city of Buf- falo two children who gave their teachers and parents much trouble on account of their irritability and the slow progress they made in their studies. They appeared outwardly to be well nourished ; but finally upon expert examination it was 1 Curtis, Pedagogical Seminary, Vol. VI. VI, No. I, p. 78, quotes Mosso as saying that he has several times climbed to the top of Mount Blanc, but he can remem- ber nothing of the view. He has a friend who has to write down his impressions ■on his way up or he can retain nothing. 2 Mosso loc. cit. sSee an Instance of lack of sleep causing marked fall in temperature. Peda- gogical Seminary, Vol. VI, No. 1, p. 81. ^Education, p. 260 et seq. 8 Loc. cit. 'Mental Faculty, pp. 79-80. 76 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OP "WISCONSIN. found that the blood was deficient in the elements required for adequate cerebral nutrition, and a special diet was resorted to. In a few weeks the children had noticeably improved in their emotional activities and in their intellectual work. While, then, the production of energy for mental activity isr for the most part, simply one phase of the general problem of generating force for all the needs of the organism — the brain drawing its quota out of the common stock — yet in some meas- ure this demands particular consideration. At the same time we must recognize with Warner, x that one probably never finds a vigorous brain in a starved body ; so that in aiming to pro- duce cerebral energy we must see to it that the organism in toio is well provided for, which requires that we consider the sub- ject of nutrition as a whole. It seems almost superfluous to say that the ideal dietary is one which will just meet the needs of the organism; it will not supply more nor less nutrition than can be profitably util- ized. Overeating results in burdening the system, and so lim- iting its efficiency; undereating fails to supply fuel enough to keep the machinery of life in motion. There should indeed hang over each man's table the motto, "Eat to live, so that every power will be at its best ;" and if this be made the rule of life one's board will afford the foods which his occupation specially demands. If he be an outdoors-man he must have more con- structive and calorifacient material than if he live a sedentary life. If he be a student, fond of vigorous physical exercise for a few hours during the day, he will need to make more promi- nent in his dietary the reparative and heat-affording foods than will his lethargic, inactive classmate. When these individual needs are not recognized and the same regimen is provided for all with little opportunity for selection, then plainly some must suffer ; there will be those who will be either overfed or underfed. It has already been indicated that different food-stuffs contain different nutritive elements, and in order to secure proper nu- trition they must be combined ■with one another in such a man- JOp. cit., p. 79. O'SHEA A8PECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 77 Tier as to preserve right proportions between them in ministering to the needs of the organism, no matter whether we depend upon appetite, chemical analysis, or custom as our guide; a point which will receive fuller discussion in another place. The prin- cipal constituents of foods are: fats, carbohydrates, albumen (or protein), and salts ;* and the uses to which each of these are put in building up, repairing, and sustaining mental and motor ac- tivity are satisfactorily stated by Church,2 whose treatment of the subject may here be adopted. Class I. — Nutrients. Division 1. — Incombustible Compounds. Group i. Water — The carrier of nutritive materials and waste prod- ucts; forms an essential part of all tissues; is present in large proportion where change is most active. Group ii. Salts or Mineral Matter, such as common salt and phosphate of lime, which serve to effect changes and build up certain tissues. Division 2. — Combustible Compounds. Group iii. Carbon Compounds, such as starch, dextrin, sugar, and fat, which serve to keep up the heat and movements of the body by the discharge of their potential energy during oxidation in the organism. The fat of the body is formed in part from fat or oil in the food. The members of this group are often called "heat- givers," a term which is equivalent to "force-producers." Appendix to Group iii. Gum, mucilage, and pectose, approach starch in chemical composition, and probably serve the same end. Cellulose may be named here, but its value as a nutrient is doubtful. Group iv. Nitrogen Compounds, such as albumen, myosin, and casein, the chief formative and reparative compounds of food; they also may yield fat, and by their oxidation set free heat and motion. They are often named "flesh-formers," while the group is known as albuminoids. 1 Martin, Human Body, chap. XXI, employs a more detailed classification, but it is common now among writers on dietetics to speak only of the four great classes of nutritive elements, and this will be deemed sufficiently detailed for our purposes. iFood, p. 9, (London, 1889, Chapman and Hall). 78 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. Appendix to Group iv. The ossein of bones and gelatin; cartilage and chondrin; keratin and elastin from skin and connective tissue, — approach the albuminoids in composition, and may serve in a measure, some of the same purposes in the body as those to which the true albuminoids are applied. This series of compounds may conveniently be designated the osseids. Class II. — Food Adjuncts. Group i. Alcohol, as contained in beers, wines, and spirits. Group ii. Volatile or Essential Oils, and other odorous and aromatic compounds, as contained in condiments, like mustard and pepper, and in spices, as ginger and cloves. Group iii. Acids, as citric acid in lemons, malic in apples, tartaric in grapes, oxalic in rhubarb, and acetic in vinegar and pickles. Group iv. Alkaloids, as caffeine in coffee and tea, theobromine in cocoa, and nicotine in tobacco. §2. Statistical Summary of Studies on Foods. — With this word upon the subject of nutritive values in general the returns from the questionnaire relating to food may be presented. The figures denote the number of times the various dishes were eaten, in a single week, and indicate simply the relative frequency with which certain articles of food are found in our students' dieta- ries. From an examination of the tables and individual diet lists it will become evident, and this is a point worth noting ear- ly, that brain workers in our community have set before them substantially the same bills of fare that manual laborers do, or that they discussed themselves when they were upon the farm, living an active out-door life. The different articles of food arranged according to their rela- tive frequency in dietaries are given below. The returns do not indicate the precise days of the year upon which records were made ; but it may be sufficiently definite to know that the blanks were distributed on March 23, and were all returned by April 27 : O'SIIEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 79 Breakfast. Kind of Food. No. Times Served. Kind of Food. No. Times Served. 1,380 1,189 1,088 812 757 752 704 677 646 586 536 442 293 14 Fork-teak 233 15 Rice 145 3 Coffee . 16 Pie 104 4 Eccs. fried . 78 5 Fruit 78 6 Butter 19 Fish 73 7 Milk .. 62 8 Beefsteak . 59 9 Potatoes, fried 58 10 Potatoes, baked 52 It Toast . . 38 12 Graham, bread. . 25 Eggs, poached 27 26 Rye, bread 12 Dinner, Articles of Food. No. Times Served. Articles of Food. No. Times Served. 1 Bread, white 1,067 844 716 7C0 6S8 683 604 588 440 431 375 356 333 238 219 215 200 18 Corn 199 2 Milk 19 Cranberries 195 3 Vegetables 20 Eggs, fried 188 4 Potatoes, fried 21 Peas 183 5 Fruit 22 Tea 182 6 Bread, graham . 24 Veal, boiled 176 7 Pie 172 164 9 Roast pork 26 Preserves 150 10 Pudding 27 Fish, fried 149 11 Cake.. 28 Mutton 147 12 Coffee 29 Ice cream 131 13 Sauce 30 Cheese 31 Crackers, soda 127 115 15 Roast chicken and turkey . . 16 Soup 32 Salmon 33 Tongue 88 54 17 Beans 34 Oysters 41 80 BULLETIN OK TIIK UNIVKUHITV OF WISCONSIN. Luncheon, artiole of Food Ni>. Time Served. 1 Breadi white 2 Potatoes, fi Led , a Miik 4 Cake :. Bread, graham, 6 Potatoes, baked. 7 Banoe 8 Fruit 9 Vegetables 10 Colli bam n Biggs, fried 12 Tea 13 Batter 14 Coffee 15 Roast beef 16 Pie n Beefsteak 18 Preserves 9i:t Hoard— Questionnaire No. 1101. Breakfast. Oatmeal 4 Pounded wheat 2 Coffee 7 Pork, fried 8 Roast, beef ■* Biggaandham l White broad 5 or 6 Qraham bread 2 Potatoes 2 or 3 Milk 2or3 Wheat Hour cakes 1 Luncheon. Potatoes, fried 7 Mash 2 Beef, boiled 3 Veal, fried 2 Milk 7 White bread 7 Cake and sauco 4 Cabbage, boiled 3 Fried orrs 3 Batter 7 Strawberrj diorteako. 3 Dinner. Meats— Chicken, roast. .. 1 Beef, boiled 3 Pork, boiled 2 Veal 1 Potatoes, boiled 7 Lettuce 4 CabbaRo, boiled 3 Bread, white 3 or 4 Corn, boiled 8 Milk 7 Pie 5 Padding 2 Biscuits and honey 2 o'hiiea — ASPECTS 01 MENTAL ECONOMY. 81 Prix ate Board- No. 1526. r.fai-t. Oatinca), cooked 'i"> mlontea. Beefsteak 4 Panaakea i Bread and bnf I Milk, Water. Su^ar. Salt. MuHtanl. Laur)ii-.,ij. Milk. Prt d Pork. White bread. Sauce. Cake ■ illy, rkrout. ter. Lettuce, occasionally. Wat/r. Dinner. ('.read and bill I Sugar. Cora. La nb 1 M ll >'.n 1 f bicken 1 1 Tomatoee, oceaelonallr. Sut'ar. Halt. Pepper. Restaurant -.No. 1440. Breakfaet. Oatmeal 7 Wheat bread 7 3 Pancake* 1 Coffee 7 Sugar 7 Koatst pork 2 Boa t Seel '<* Graham bread 2 Fried eakei 8 Potatoes 7 Batter 7 Luncheon. Potatoei 7 Coffee 7 Cold beef 2 Ekkb 2 1 Whit<- bread 7 am hrea 1 4 Rye bread '.', Sugar 7 Batter 7 AMjlf-f, 3 Kananan 8 gee 1 Linner BODP Boiled beef Piafa Potatoei Gravy White bread p.rown bread liye hread Pie Beaoi Kraut Tornatoefc, boiled . Par nir,H f l.eehe Let'uce 82 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. Ladies' Hall— No. 1027. Breakfast. Coffee 7 Toast 5 Potatoes, fried 2 Beefsteak, fried 2 Ginger bread 2 Sauce 1 Eggs, poached 1 Doaghnnts 1 Luncheon. Milk toast 1 Cold beef 1 Chicken, cold 1 Ham 1 Cheese 1 Strawberries 2 Cake 5 Tongue 1 Potatoes, fried 2 Radishes 1 Honey 1 Milk 7 Sauce 7 Hot breads 3 Cold breads 4 Olives 1 Chocolate 7 Butter 7 Corn 1 Dinner. Parsnips, fried 7 Pickles 3 Boiled beef 1 Beefsteak, fried 3 Lettuce 1 Tomatoes 1 Pie 1 Cheese 1 Canned peas 1 Chicken, fried 2 Sauce 3 Potatoes, boiled 1 Bread 2 Butter 7 Ices and creams 2 Cake 2 Pudding 2 Fruit and cream 1 Beans 1 Onions 1 Meats not very well done. Bread neither heavy nor light, but rather medium. The articles of food which are actually eaten most largely are indicated in the answer to the question, What foods really form the substance of your dietary ? One hundred and nine answered meats and vegetables, without specifying the kinds of each. Eighty-five live principally on oatmeal, according to the returns ; 85 on bread and butter; 80 on potatoes ; 71 on eggs ; 76 on roast beef. §3. Composition of the Food-stuffs Found in the Tables. — In order to pass judgment upon the value of these dietaries, either as a whole or individually, it is necessary to know what nutritive ingredients the various articles mentioned afford. It is doubt- less impossible to determine this exactly by any known methods O'SEIEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 83 of calculation, since the element of life in general and individu- ality in particular/ which cannot be precisely reckoned with in our present methods of scientific experiment, probably modify in some measure the value of a food as it might appear when subjected to chemical examination. But chemical analysis can ascertain with accuracy the composition of any food, and this has been relied upon for a long time as a measurably safe index to the worth of any article. It is certainly not an overstatement to say that it is a reasonably reliable and serviceable method of determination. Granting an unknown and indeterminable fac- tor in estimating the nutritive value of any food, yet chemical analysis would enable us to say this much at least, — that there are certain things in which it would be impossible, considering the limitations of the human digestive apparatus, to get sufficient albuminous elements, for instance, to support active, vigorous life ; while in others, if eaten exclusively or even largely, albu- men would be gained in excess. In this way, though the for- mulas obtained from chemical analyses do not represent the exact value of milk, for instance, as it will be received by the stomachs of different persons, yet, to repeat, it does indicate the substances from which the several elements may be derived most easily and economically, and this will give enough play to in- dividual preferences and idiosyncrasies in digestion and assimi- lation. It should be said, too, that while the organism requires a certain quantity of fats, carbohydrates, and albumen, yet the administration of these in pure form would not serve to properly nourish a person. The nutrition which they contain is yielded only when they are obtained in an organized state as they are found in nature in the fruits, seeds, etc., of plants and in the flesh of animals. The composition of foods as given by various investigators, while differing in some cases in slight degree, are yet for all practical purposes identical. The most satisfactory analyses i Charts showing differences between individuals in digestive characteristics, for instance, are shown further along, in Chap. VI. 84 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. with which the writer is familiar are those made by Jordan,1 'Atwaiter,2 Church,3 Smith,4 aiud Kellogg.5 The tables by At- water are given below : •g.3 Edible Portion. Food Materials. s. a Nutrients. Fuel Total Pro- tein. Fat. Car- bohy- drates. Min- eral mat- ters. value of 1 pound. Animal foods, as purchased. Beef: Pr ct. 20 12.6 14.6 21 19.5 7.8 19.2 5 12.1 17.9 16.3 18.1 15.8 17.3 14.6 11.4 38.2 32.4 13.7 66.8 48.6 29.9 50.1 44.8 17.7 35.3 42.1 50.9 40.4 4.9 62.1 82.3 Prct. 49.6 55.8 49.5 38.2 48.3 60.9 44.3 70.8 43.7 56.7 49 50.6 41.5 44.2 43 36.8 44.6 44.7 63.1 27.2 43 58.5 35.2 40 4 61.9 40.6 40.5 19.2 28.1 59.3 31 15.4 Prct. 30.4 31.6 35.9 40.8 32.2 31.3 36.5 24.2 44.2 25.4 34.7 31.3 42.7 38.5 42.4 51.8 17.2 22.9 23.2 6 11. 1 11.6 14.7 15 20.4 24.1 17.6 29.9 31.5 35.8 6.S 2.3 Pr ct. 15.6 17 15 12.2 15 18 13.9 16.7 12.4 16.6 15.1 15 12.6 14 13.6 14.8 15.1 16.1 12.1 5.2 9.8 10.6 9.2 10 15.1 14.3 16 20.2 14.7 19.3 5.5 1.1 Pr ct. 14 13.7 20.1 27.9 16.4 12.3 21.8 5.1 29.2 7.9 18.8 15.6 Prct. Prct. .8 .9 .8 .7 .8 1 .8 2.4 2.6 .9 .8 .7 .6 .8 .8 2.4 .9 .9 .9 .5 .7 .8 .7 .7 .9 1 1.2 .9 1.7 1.2 .6 .4 Cal. 880 895 1,125 Rib 1,405 970 Round steak Flank, corned 855 1,180 525 1,460 Mutton : Shoulder 640 1,075 935 1,480 Pork: Shoulder roast, fresh 23.7 28 34.6 1.2 E.9 10.2 .3 .6 .2 4.8 4 3 4.4 8.8 .4 8.8 15.1 15.3 .7 .2 .1 .6 1,260 1,435 Ham, salted, smoked 1,735 330 550 Eggs, in shell 655 Fish, etc. : Flounder, whole 110 Bluefish, dressed 210 Codfish, dressed 205 Shad, whole 375 Mackerel, whole 365 Halibut, dressed 465 Salmon, whole 635 Salt mackerel 315 745 910 Canned salmon 1,005 135 40 1 Jordan: Dietary Studies at the Maine State College in 1885, published by Washington Government Printing Office. *Atwater: Foods; Nutritive Value and Cost, Washington Government Print- lng Office. * Church : 4 Smith: B Kellogg Food, Chapman and Hall, London. Foods, D. Appleton & Co., New York. Publications of the Laboratory of Hygiene of the Battle CreeK (Mich.) Sanitarium. O'SHEA — A9PECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 85 Composition of foods— continued. 6 ft : — .a a Cs - Z - -s EDrBLE POETION. td Nutrients. Fuel Total Pro- tein. Fat. Car- bohy- drates. Min- eral mat- ter. value of 1 pound. Animal foodst edible portion. Beef: Neck Prct. Pre?. 62 63.9 58 48.1 60 63.2 54.8 58 1 49.8 68.8 58.6 61.8 49.3 53.5 50.3 41.5 12 1 41.5 62.4 72.2 66.2 73.8 87 10.5 11 30.2 41.3 84.2 81.7 82.6 70.6 73.4 75.4 63.6 53.6 34.6 43.4 87.1 Prct. 38 38.1 42 51.9 40 31.8 45.2 41.9 50.2 31.2 41.4 38.2 50.7 46.5 49.7 58.5 37.9 58.8 37.6 27.8 33.8 26.2 13 89 89.5 69.8 58.7 15.8 18.3 17.4 29.4 26.6 24.6 36.4 12.9 Prct. 19.5 19.5 17.6 15.4 18.5 20.5 17.2 13.3 14.2 202 18.1 18.3 15 16.9 16 16.7 .9 13.8 18.8 24.4 23.9 14.9 3.6 1 .6 2S.3 38.4 13.8 16.8 15.8 18.6 18.2 183 21.6 21.4 36.4 17.3 6 Prct. Prct. Prct. 1 1 .9 .9 .1 1.2 .9 2 3 1.2 .9 .9 .7 .9 .9 2.7 4.2 2.2 3 1.4 1.2 .8 .7 3 3 4.2 4.6 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.5 2.6 Cal. 1,100 15.6 1,020 1,320 Rib 85.6 20.5 10.1 27 1 26.6 33 9.8 22.4 19 35 28.7 32.8 39 1 82.8 42.8 15.8 2 8.7 10.5 4 85 85 35.5 6.8 .7 .3 .4 9.5 7.1 5.2 134 .3 15.8 26.4 1.2 4.7 .5 .4 1.8 8.9 1,790 1,210 805 1,465 1,370 1,655 790 Mutton : 1,280 1,140 1,755 Pork: Shoulder roast, fresh 1,525 1,680 1,960 Fat, salted 3,510 Sausage : Pork 2,065 1,015 540 810 721 Milk 325 3,615 3,605 Cheese : Full cream 2,070 1,165 Fish: 285 325 Codfish 310 Shad 745 640 Halibut 560 965 410 1,345 1,860 3.71 2 230 86 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. Composition of foods— continued. QJ CD e - OS —J «<" Edible Portion. Food Materials. u 2 C8 Nutrients. Fuel Total Pro- tein. Fat. Car- bohy- drates. Min- eral mat- ter. value of 1 pound. Vegetable foods. Prc«. Pre*. 12.5 13.1 13.1 14.6 7.6 15 12.4 12.3 12.6 78.9 71.1 89.4 88.6 87.6 87.2 78.1 81.3 96 91.9 83.2 2 24.6 32.3 8.3 Prct. 87.5 86.9 86.9 85.4 92.4 85 S7 6 87.7 87.4 21 1 28.9 10.6 11.4 12 4 12.8 21.9 IS. 7 4 8.1 16.8 98 75.4 67.7 91.7 Prct. 11 11.7 6.7 6.9 15.1 9.2 7.4 26.7 23.1 2.1 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.4 2.2 4.4 2.8 .8 2.1 .2 Pr ct. 1.1 1.7 .8 3.4 7.1 3.8 .4 1.7 2 .1 .4 .2 .4 .3 .4 .6 1.1 .4 .3 .4 Prct. 74.9 71.7 78.7 76.1 68.2 70.6 79.4 56.4 59.2 17.9 26 8.2 8.9 10.1 9.4 16 13.2 2.5 5.5 15.9 97.8 73.1 56.3 68.7 Prct. .5 1.8 .7 1 2 1.4 .4 2.9 3.1 1 1 1 1 .6 .8 .9 .6 .3 1.1 .3 .2 2.3 .9 2.4 Cal. 1,645 1,625 1,625 1,605 1,850 1,645 1,630 1,565 1,615 375 530 185 200 225 235 405 345 80 155 315 Sugar, granulated 1,820 1,360 8.8 10.71 1,280 1,895 §4. Composition and Value of Food Materials Not Found in the Dietary Lists. — In addition to the composition of articles given in Atwater's tables should he mentioned that of other val- uable foods. And we may look first at the familiar edible nuts which are sometimes found upon the tables of the well-to-do, but are generally regarded as a luxury suited to gratify the palate but not well adapted to sustain the activities of body or brain. The chemical composition of these nuts shows, however, that they are exceedingly rich in substances needed for the proper nu- trition of the entire organism. The following analyses of these varieties of nuts which are easily obtained in our locality are taken from Church r1 3Op. cit. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 87 Chemical composition of nuts. Composition of Chestnut-Kernels Water Albuminoids, etc Starch Dextrin Sugar Oil Cellulose Mineral matter Walnut Kernels: Water Albuminoids Mucilage, etc Oil Cellulose Mineral matter Filbert-Kernels: Water Albuminoids Oil Mucilage, starch, etc Cellulose Mineral matter Sweet Almonds (shelled): Water Albuminoids, etc Oil Mucilage, etc Cellulose Mineral matter Pistachio-kernels: Water Albuminoids, etc Oil Mucilage, etc Cellulose Mineral matter Cocoanut-kernels: Water Albuminoids, etc Oil Sugar, etc Cellulose Mineral matter Ground or Pea Nuts (shelled): Water Albuminoids, etc Starch, etc Oil Cellulose Mineral matter Parts in 100 In 1 pound. 14.0 S.5 29.9 22.9 17.5 1.3 3.3 2.6 Oz. Gr. 44.5 12.5 8.9 31.6 0.8 1.7 7 2 1 5 0 0 53 u 185 24 56 119 48.0 8.4 28.5 11.1 2.5 1.5 7 1 4 1 0 0 297 151 245 340 175 105 6 25 54 9 3 3 0 4 8 1 0 0 420 0 280 192 210 210 7.4 22.7 51.1 13.0 2.5 3.3 1 3 8 2 0 0 80 277 77 35 175 231 46.7 5.5 35.9 8.1 2.9 1.0 7 0 5 1 0 0 200 385 325 130 203 70 7.5 24.5 11.7 50.0 4.5 1.8 1 3 1 8 0 0 87 403 382 0 315 126 Doubtless one reason why nuts do not constitute a more impor- tant part of our dietaries is found in the fact that they are all difficult of digestion by most people, while some of them, as the peanut in the form in which we ordinarily obtain it, are quite invulnerable to the attack of many stomachs. This objection need not longer be urged, however, since methods of preparing 88 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. nuts have become so perfected that products are now on the mar- ket which will not trouble the most delicate digestive apparatus, and which are at the same time highly nutritious. These prep- arations present the nutritive elements in nuts in a variety of forms, most of them resembling closely in general appearance and consistency the products of milk. The terms given the dif- ferent varieties indicate this, — nut butter, nut cream, and the like. The composition of the nut foods manufactured at Battle Creek, Ifich., are given below : Proteids. Fata. Carbo- hydrates. Malted Nuts 23 26 24 19.6 0 20.4 52 52 24 20 49.3 Nut meal 19 Nut butter 19 39.4 Maltol 75 From an economical standpoint they probably furnish more nutrition for money expended than meat and butter, as substi- tutes for which in whole or in part they are especially well adapted. They are highly esteemed by some hygienists, notably by Kellogg, since, it is said, they furnish the necessary fat in a better form than it can be obtained in butter, or any animal fat which has become separated from the elements with which it is ordinarily combined. It is maintained by these authorities that butter cannot be assimilated in the condition in which it is eaten, but has to be converted back into cream, that is emulsified, before it can be utilized in the system. There is involved here a general principle of nutrition which has been alluded to else- where,— that elementary substances in the rure state cannot be incorporated into the system, while they can without trouble when organized in the natural way in plant or animal life. But however this may be it is certain at any rate that the nut products afford palatable and at the same time exceedingly nu- tritious and readily assimilable articles of food; and they might well have a prominent place in a student's dietary since it is of O'SHEA ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 89 the greatest importance that he should, particularly in the morn- ing meal, gain abundant nutrition in the readiest and most agree- able way possible. There are other food materials which should be mentioned in this place before passing to consider the nutrient values of the dietaries appearing in our statistical summary. These are, in the first place, the preparations of grains wherein a certain pro- portion of the carbohydrate ingredients have been removed and all or most of the albuminous elements retained. Some of them are known in the market as Granola, Granose, Malt Break- fast Food, Ralston Breakfast Food, Purina, Health Flour, et al. The composition of these foods shows that they contain a higher percentage of proteid elements than the flours and breads pre- sented in Atwater s tables. Hoffman, chemist at the State Agricultural and Mechanical College of South Carolina, has analyzed Purina Health Flour, and found that it contained: Water 1* 0 per cent. Proteids 14 .9 per cent. Carbohydrates 66 .2 per cent. pat 1.6 per cent. Fibre 1.6 per cent. Mineral matter I-7 percent An analysis of Malt Breakfast Food, made by the government -chemists at Washington, under the direction of Prof. H. W. Wiley, gives the following: Proteids 11-63 Carbohydrates 77.00 Fats 175 Ash 105 Water. 7.85 Lignose and cellulose 73 Germos, as analyzed by the manufacturers, contains 20 per cent, of albumen, 1.5 per cent, of fat, 62 per cent, of starch, and 1 per cent, of salts. Granola is said to contain a still higher percentage of albumen, although I have not been able to secure aand variety of food is neces- sary to supply this. It has been calculated that a man engaged in active muscular work expends energy equal to about 150,000 metre-kilograms or 4,000 calories, a calorie representing the amount of heat required to raise one gram one degree Centi- grade.1 While it has not been possible, so far as I know, to de- termine the precise amount of energy expended by >a student en- gaged in severe mental labor, yet one is warranted in assuming that it is not far below that indicated for a man employed in muscular pursuits,2 and it is not incredible that it should be greater. 1 Stevenson & Murphy, Treatise on Hygiene, Vol. I, p. 401. 2 See, for instance, Sargent, North American Review, May, 1897. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OP MENTAL ECONOMY. 91 To supply the energy required for all the needs of the organ- ism during a day's activities, authorities agree substantially upon the quantity of the various food materials necessary, al- though the standards calculated for Germany and America are somewhat different, the American being considerably higher, probably due to the fact that our people are more active than the Germans, and are constantly expending more energy, possibly a good part of it going to waste. Atwwter1 gives the American and European dietary standard as follows : ^Op. cit., p. 18. 92 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. American and European dietaries and dietary standards. [Quantities per man per day.] Dietaries. American (.Massachusetts and Connecticut.} Family of carpenter in Middletown, Conn Family of glass-blowers in East Cambridge, Mass .. Boarding house, Lowell, Mass. ; boarders, operatives in cotton mills Boarding bouse, Middleton, Conn., ( Food purchased well-paid machinists, etc., at< moderate work ( Food eaten Blacksmiths, Lowell, at hard work Brickmakers, Massachusetts; 237 persons at very- severe work Mechanics, etc., in Massachusetts and Connecticut; average of 4 dietaries of mechanics at severe work Average of 20 dietaries of wage-workers in Massa- chusetts and Connecticut Average of dietaries of profession- ( Food purchased al men and college students in < Middletown, Conn ( Food eaten European (English, German, Danish, and Swedish). Well-fed tailors, England, Play fair Hard- worked weavers, England, Playfair Blacksmiths at active labor, England, Playfair Mechanic, Munich, 60 years old, in comfortable cir- cumstances, light work, Forster Well-paid mechanics, Munich, Voiart Carpenters, coopers, locksmiths, Bavaria; average of 11 dietaries, Voit Miners at severe work, Prussia, Steinheil Brickmakers (Italians), Munich, diet mainly maize meal and cheese, severe work, Ranke German army ration, peace footing , German army ordinary ration, war footmg Germanarmy extraordinary ration, in war University professor, Munich ; very little exercise Ranke Lawyer, Munich, Forster Physician, Munich, Forster Physician. Copenhagen, Jurgensen Average of 7 dietaries of professional men and stu dents, Germany, Denmark, and Sweden Nutrients. Dietary Standards. Adult in full health, Playfair Active laborers, Playfair Man at moderate work, Moleschott Man at moderate work, Voit Man at hard work, Voit Man with little physical exercise. Atwater.. . Man with light muscular work, Atwater Man with moderate muscular work, Atwater. Man with active muscular work, Atwater. .. . Man with hard muscular work, Atwater Pro- tein. Lbs. .25 0.23 .29 .28 .23 .44 .40 .48 .34 .30 .27 .29 .34 .39 .26 .34 .27 .30 .37 .25 .30 .42 .22 .18 .28 .30 .25 .26 .34 .29 .26 .32 .20 29 !28 .33 .39 Fats Lbs. .28 0.29 .44 .41 .34 .67 .81 .65 .50 .36 .34 .09 .09 .16 .15 .12 .08 .25 .26 09 .13 .10 .22 .28 .20 .31 .22 .11 .16 .09 .12 .22 .20 .22 .28 .33 .55 Car- bohy- drates. Lbs. .76 1.06 1.21 .94 .81 1.75 2.54 1.65 1.38 1.12 1.08 1.16 1.37 1.47 .76 1.06 1.28 1.40 1.49 1.06 1.08 1.49 .53 .49 .80 .53 .63 1.17 1.25 1.21 1.10 .99 .66 .77 .99 1.10 1.43 Fuel values. Cat. 3,055 3,590 4,650 4,010 3,490 6,905 8,850 6,705 5,275 4,140 3,925 3,055 3,570 4,115 2,525 3,085 3,150 4,195 4,540 2,800 3,095 3,985 2,325 2,400 2,830 2,835 2,670 3,140 3.6.4) 3,160 3,055 3,370 2,450 2,800 3,520 4,060 5,700 Nutri- tive ratio.* 5.5 8.2 7.6 6.8 7.3 7.4 11 6.6 7.5 6.6 6.6 4.7 4.8 4.7 4.3 4 5.3 6.7 5.3 5 4.7 6.3 4.4 4.1 4.7 5.5 4.7 4.9 5.3 4.7 5.5 5.7 5.8 5.6 6.9 * The nutritive ratio is the ratio of the protein to the sum of all the other nutritive in- gredients. The fuel value of the fat is two and a quarter times that of the protein and carbohydrates. In calculating the nutritive ratio the quantity of fats is multiplied by two and one-fourth. This product is added to the weight of the carbohydrates. The sum divided by the weight of the protein gives the nutritive ratio. Materials with O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 93 It is probable that these standards should be somewhat modi- fied for persons engaged in intellectual pursuits, greater em- phasis being laid upon the albuminoids and fats, and less upon the carbohydrates ; or, what is perhaps a juster way to put it, the proportion of carbohydrates should be somewhat less in the di- etary of a student than that appearing in any of the tables given. This inference is based upon a point discussed in preceding par- agraphs, wherein it was said that the nutrition of nerve cells is believed to demand albuminoids and fats in largest ratio. Taking now any one of the individual dietaries already given, say Xo. 1526, it will be possible to estimate with a fair degree of accuracy its worth judged by the standards here presented. Of course, considering that the exact amount of food eaten has not been indicated makes it impossible to determine the value only in a general or inferential manner. Assuming, however, that the quantity of each article consumed would be approxi- mately the same for students and other adults wTe may gain some impression of the value of our dietary by comparing it with others when the articles are substantially the same, and where the amounts of each eaten have been accurately obtained and the nutritive value calculated. Such a study has been made in Boston under the direction of Atkinson,1 and his results are in- dicated below : large amounts of fats or carbohydrates and little protein, like fat meats or potatoes, have a "wide" nutritive ratio. Those with a large amount of protein as compared with the carbohydrates and fats, like lean meat, codfish, and beans, have a "narrow" nutri- tive ratio. In other words, the materials rich in tissue forming substances have a nar- row, and those with a large preponderance of fuel materials have a wide, nutritive ratio. This is an important matter in the adjusting of food to the demands of the body. A well-balanced diet is one which has the right ratio of protein to the fats and carbo- hydrates. A relative excess of the tissue formers makes the ratio narrow, while an ex- cess of the fuel ingredients makes an overwide ratio in the diet. Either of these errors is disadvantageous. Our food materials and our diet are apt to have too wide a nutri- tive ratio. In other words, we consume on the whole relatively too little protein and too much of the carbohydrates and fats. *Op. cit., p. 150. 94 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. Sunday, February 22, 1890. BREAKFAST. Milk Flour griddle cakes Syrup Butter Cheese Cream , Coffee Sugar Oatmeal Water Man. 36H Woman. Ounces. Ounces. 4 6 2*4 4 * Y% fc a y* V4 3 % 10 8 y* Taste. 11V4 5 4 0 24K DINNER. 3 y* 5l/2+ Wi + 154 oz. waste 2 1 3V4 + Yi oz. waste 1 0 18 Wt Fat beef 0 Vegetables, parsnip, beet, turnip 5 954 + 2,Vt oz. waste 0 w% Fruit 4 + V4 oz. waste Water 12 79% 5854 SUPPER. 5 + 1 oz. sugar. US % + % oz. sugar. H. 1 0 6 5 + 1 oz. sugar. 1% 0 a 0 12 Milk 0 99% 5 71V4 5 94% 66/* O'SHEA — ASPECTS OP MENTAL ECONOMY. 95 Calculation of the above : MAN. Milk Cream Butter Cheese Bread Beef Sugar Potato Vegetables Fat in beef Griddle cakes . Oatmeal Cookies Nuts Fruit Crackers Calories 2,38t. Grms. albumeu. 4.5 2.5 0.4 2.1 6 4 28.6 39 2 Fats. 10.5 11.2 4.5 14 2.0 SO. 00 3 9 10.1 32.9 2.2 0 5 6.3 Sugar. 4.5 2.5 14 i'.t 15 1.5 0.1 92.1 54 15.4 17 Starch. 41 4 41.2 35.0 50.8 9.7 15.8 297.3 Grms. Total. 112 84 38 7 91 84 56 196 154 14 70 322 (80 dry) 18 28 196 28 1,498 WOMAN'. Milk Cream Butter Cheese Bread Beef Sugar , Potato Vegetables ... Fat beef Griddle cakes Oatmeal ..... Nuts Fruit Calories 1,359. Grms. Albumeu. Fats 13.4 0.4 0.6 2.1 3.4 14.3 3.9 1.8 16.8 4.9 1.1 11.3 1.7 48.4 2.2 0.3 3.2 2.5 3.7 62.7 73.8 Sugar. Starch. 13.4 0.4 33.8 u" 27.7 41.2 56.0 22.2 18.3 227.0 Grms. Total. 336 14 56 7 49 42 35 196 140 0 112 140 (35 dry) 7 210 1,344 Since the dietary standard given by Atwater calls for at least 125 grams of albumen, 125 grams of fat, and 450 grams of carbo- hydrates1 it can be seen that Atkinson's man and woman did not consume enough of nutritious food. While these dietaries are deficient in all the food elements, the deficiency would be especially marked in respect of protein and fats if the guests were students. It is probable that the same thing can be said of dietary No. 1526. If the person living on this bill of iLoc. cit. 96 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. fare should consume enough of the articles mentioned to supply the requisite amount of albuminous nutrients he would probably overload the organism with carbohydrates and waste matters; although this can be said not as founded upon direct and con- clusive, but only upon indirect and inferential, evidence. It is suggestive to note in this connection that many authorities1 have advanced the opinion that American dietaries as a rule ac- cord too prominent a place to carbonaceous foods, and if this be true of our people at large, it must be especially true of the food of students. The predominance in the dietary lists of our students of such carbonaceous foods (and they are regarded as carbonaceous since the ratio of carbohydrates to protein is greater than that required for perfect nutrition) as white bread, potatoes, griddle cakes, cabbage, beets, and the like, indicates that they are too highly esteemed, relatively speaking, in our own locality, as they are elsewhere. Kellogg maintains that the proportion of albumen to carbohy- drates in a model bill of fare should be as 1 to 7, while Atwater demands that the ration be much richer in protein, the desired proportion being, in his opinion, about as 1 to 3 or 4. Other estimates lie somewhere between these extremes,2 the weight of testimony, however, seeming to declare that Atwater's formula would give too "narrow" a ration, and that the albuminoids should not constitute more than 1-6 or 1-7 of the quantity of the other foods. !Now, the composition of the ordinary food ma- terials shows that few of them contain an excessive amount of protein, wThile the bulk of them are deficient in this respect, as will appear from the following table: JFor instance, Jordan, op. cit., p. 57; Atwater, op. cit., p. 18. 2 For a good discussion of the question, see Stevenson & Murphy, loc. cit. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 97 Proportion of nitrogenous to carbonaceous elements in various foods. Album, or Nitrog. Carbona- ceous. Album. or Nitrog. Carbona- ceous. Lean beef 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .5 1.9 2.7 2 7 2.4 3.6 5.0 6.1 7.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7.7 Eggs 9.3 Peas. . 10.7 Beans Carrots, and other veg- etables (averaging).. Barley meal Lentils 11.0 12.7 Milk 13.0 Fat beef Common fruits (aver- Oatmeal 80.0 Whole wheat meal or bread The quantities of some of the familiar foods which must be consumed daily in order that the required amount of protein may be obtained are shown below. The table gives warrant for the assertion that one whose dietary consists almost wholly of fruits, vegetables, white bread, tea and coffee can hope to gain but little more than enough nutrition to keep body and soul to- gether. Amounts of various foods necessary to furnish the proper daily amount of albuminous elements. Lean meat Eggs Peas Oatmeal Baker's bread Wheat flour (fine) Graham flour Indian meal Rye meal Rice Potatoes. Grapes... Ounces. 15.6 21.2 11.2 23.6 36.7 27.5 25.5 26.3 37.1 Poimds. 3.0 8.8 247| Apples . . . Peaches . Plums .. . Cherries . Carrots . Turnips. . Cabbage. Parsnips. Milk Beer Pounds. 99!4 50.0 991/* 22.0 15.0 16.0 22.0 18.0 Pints. 4.5 185.0 Tea— Over 2lA lbs. dried leaves or 192 pints of strong infusion. Coffee— About 3 lbs. of dried berries. 98 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVER6ITT OP WISCONSIN. The too great proportion of carbohydrates and waste materials in some of our students' bills of fare could be balanced in a pleasing and economical manner by using more largely the pulse foods, as beans, peas and lentils ; nut products, as nuttose, malted nuts, and protose ; and substituting, at least in part, whole wheat bread made from such flour as the Purina Health Flour for the variety found so exclusively upon the tables in our community. And it should be pointed out especially that whole wheat bread and graham bread are not the same article, either in respect of nutritive value or readiness and ease of digestion. The graham bread with which we are all familiar contains the outer husk of the wheat kernel, which cannot be assimilated, and which seems to accomplish little else than to irritate the digestive tract. Whole wheat flour, on the other hand, possesses the great ad- vantage of having the fibrous covering removed while preserving all of the albuminous part of the kernel. In the ordinary white bread, however, a large fraction of the albuminous part of the wheat is removed in milling. Church discusses this point so satisfactorily that I may quote his words i1 "There are two parts of the wheat grain which, in various milling processes, are often removed. One of these is the germ, the other is the outermost coat of the grain. The germ is removed in roller-milling, because its presence tends to discolor the flour, and gives it a marked tendency, especially when kept under unfavorable conditions, to acquire a rancid taste and odor. That the exclusion of the germ is to be re- gretted on dietetic grounds is evident when its singular richness in oil, in nitrogenous matters, and in phosphoric acid, is considered. The following analysis was made on a pure sample of flattened germs from a roller-mill: — In 100 parts. Water ■ 12-5 Albuminoids, diastase, etc 35.7 Starch, with some dextrin and maltose 31 .2 Fat or oil 131 Cellulose 1-8 Mineral matter 5.7 More than half this mineral matter was phosphoric acid; indeed, it amounted to no less than 60.6 per cent, of the total ash, so that the original embryos contained nearly 3*4 parts per hundred of this valua- JOp. cit., p. 70. O'SHEA ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 99 ble constituent of bone. The nitrogenous matters amounted to thrice the proportion present in the whole wheat grain; the oil or fat was more than six times as much. It should be added that the albuminoid matter included little or no tenacious gluten, but a considerable quan- tity of the diastatic ferment. "But if, on some grounds, the exclusion of the germ from our mill- products is a procedure of doubtful utility, there can be no question that the removal of the fibrous outer envelope of the grain is of con- siderable advantage. The following figures were obtained in the analy- sis of a carefully prepared sample: — In 100 parts. Water 15.2 Albuminoids (from total nitrogen) 10.4 Oil 2.5 Ash or mineral matter 2.6 To these analytical results it may be added that this ash contained no more than 15.3 per cent, of phosphoric acid. All these results, and the high proportion of fiber present, contrast very strongly with those previously given in the analysis of the germ." If now one desired to work out bis daily dietary so as to obtain the right proportions of albuminous and carbonaceous elements with something like mathematical accuracy, which process, if it demanded bis constant attention and made him over-conscious of his food, would certainly be an unwise pro- ceeding;— but if be wished to do it, be might proceed accord- ing to the following scheme (Kellogg) : Combine 8 ounces leaD beef with 4 pounds 8 ounces potatoes. Combine ~ilA ounces lean beef with 1 pound 8 ounces rice. Combine V-A ounce lean beef with 1 pound 8 ounces Indian meal. Combine 12 eggs with 1 pound 6 ounces rice. Combine 9 eggs with 5 pounds 2 ounces potatoes. Combine 3 pints of milk with 1 pound of rice. Combine VA pints of milk with 4 pounds 4 ounces potatoes. Combine 7 lA ounces peas with 1 pound 4 ounces rice. Combine 6 ounces peas with 5 pounds of potatoes. Combine 5 ounces oatmeal with 5 ounces rice. Combine 4 ounces oatmeal with 1 pound 11 ounces potatoes. Combine 4 ounces oatmeal with 5 ounces rye meal. Combine 15 ounces oatmeal with 10 ounces Indian meal. A word should be said of the heat-producing properties of foods, since the extremes of climate in these regions make this a very important matter. Yet it is almost entirely disregarded 100 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. by the makers of bills of fare in our midst. Fats have as prom- inent a place on our tables in mid-summer as in mid-winter; there seems to be a sort of stereotyped form that is used all the year round. But the organism loaded with calorifacient foods in our hottest weather is obviously at a great disadvan- tage; just as is one deprived of a liberal allowance of them in January or February. Landlords should know something of the calorific qualities of different articles, such information, for instance, as that presented in the accompanying chart, and they should take into account the standing of the thermometer when constructing a bill of fare. So much has been said regarding the evil of making carbo- hydrates too prominent in one's dietary that a word is demanded respecting the tendency in some cases of consuming more albu- men in the daily ration than the organism can utilize. This is liable to be the case where one eats heartily of lean meat three times a day, while at the same time not reducing the amount of other substances rich in protein. Suppose that one eats five ounces of lean beef at each of three meals, he will ob- tain 4.45 ounces of protein, the maximum amount for a man engaged in active labor, mental or physical. Then if he add bread, peas, milk, puddings, and nuts, he will convey into his system a considerable quantity of albumen that will have to be eliminated unused ; and it seems reasonable to suppose that the working capacity of the organism will be in so far reduced. Overeating in this way must be regarded as lessening the effi- ciency of the organism in somewhat as serious, a sense perhaps as undereating. An examination of dietary 'No. HOI shows that meat was eaten three times every day for a week, and to this were added each day a cereal rich in albumen, besides bread, milk, corn, eggs, and other articles. I^ow, if this guest ate heartily of meat at each meal, it is practically certain that he consumed more pro- tein than he could utilize, and it must consequently have been a hindrance rather than a help to him. Everyone is doubtless familiar with the opinions of physicians to the effect that sed- chart showing calorics in tin nutrients in one pound of each food material. (At water.) Beef) round, ratlin- lean — ""' Beef, neck 1,108 Beef, sirloin, rather fat 1, 173 Beef, Hank, very fat 2,750 Beef, Bide, well fattened — 1,463 Mutton, leg 1.142 Mutton, shoulder 1,281 Mutton, loin (chops) 1.755 Mutton, Bides, well fattened 1,906 Smoked ham 1,960 Pork, very fat 3,462 Flounder 286 Cod 310 Haddock 331 Blueflsh 104 Mackerel, rather lean 430 Mackerel, very fat 1,026 Mackerel, average 696 Shad 750 Salmon 967 Salt cod 416 Salt mackerel 1,364 Smoked herring 1,343 Canned salmon 1,036 Oysters 229 Hen'seggs 760 Cow's milk 338 Cow's milk, skimmed 176 Cheese, whole milk 2,044 Cheese, skimmed milk 1, 166 Butter 3,691 Oleomargarine 3, 679 Wheat flour 1, 655 Wheat bread 1,278 Rye flour 1,614 Beans 1,519 Peas 1,476 Oatmeal 1 , 830 Corn (maize) meal 1 , 616 Rice 1,627 Sugar 1,798 Potatoes 427 Sweet potatoes 416 Turnips 139 O'SHEA — ASPECTS OP MENTAL ECONOMY. 101 entary people especially should eat sparingly of meat if they are generous in their daily allowance of other protein-bearing foods,1 since elimination is a relatively serious matter for those who are not active muscularly much of the time. Many be- lieve, and it seems with a show of reason, that sedentary peo- ple should get their albuminous foods in some other substances, for the most part, than meat, since all flesh contains worn out products that have not been eliminated in the life of the ani- mal, and that are not only valueless for the purposes of nutri- tion, but are moreover a sort of drug in the system. A stu- dent eating a large amount of beefsteak, for instance, from which the blood has not been thoroughly drawn, and not exer- cising a great deal, cannot but be handicapped in mind and body, since his organism must become clogged up with the toxic products of his own activities and of those of the animal which he imports into his system. §3. Specimen Dietaries Fulfilling the Requirements of Ade- quate Nutrition. — In view of what has been presented in pre- ceding sections it may be instructive now to show in actual bills of fare how the principles which have been advanced can be embodied in practice. Atwater, Atkinson, Kellogg, and others have constructed dietaries indicating the required daily amount of each article of food which in the total will give the right quantity of the several nutrient elements. The food materials used in these dietaries are substantially such as constitute the body of the bills of fare of our students; and while some of these could with great advantage be banished from our tables and other articles substituted in their stead (for instance, nut foods taking the place of pork in every form, and much of the other flesh, cream being used more largely in the place of but- ter, the nitrogenous cereals discussed in §4 being added to the lists, etc.), yet it will be well to see what can be done with those things, valueless as some of them are, that tradition keeps JSee The North American Review, Vol. 164, p. 664, for expert opinion upon this subject. 102 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. in the diet lists of students as of other people. In the case of Atwater's tables the cost is given, and this will be referred to later. Daily dietaries — Food materials furnishing approximately the 0.28 pound protein and 3,500 calories of energy of the standard for daily dietary of a man at moderate muscular work. Amount. Cost. Nutrients. Fuel value. Food materials. Total. Protein. Fats. Carbohy- drates. Beef, round steak. Ounces. 13 3 6 22 Cents. 11.40 5.65 1.25 5.50 Pounds. .26 .16 .17 .89 Pounds. .14 .02 .12 Pounds. .12 .16 Pounds. Calories. 695 Butter 680 Potatoes .15 .75 320 .02 1,760 44 23.80 1.48 .28 .30 .90 3,455 Pork, salt 4 2 16 8 3 3.75 5 2 .21 .11 .84 .33 .21 .11 .02 .01 .35 880 Butter 450 .23 .04 .59 .28 1,615 640 30 13.75 1.49 .27 .87 3,585 12 3 28 12 12 15 5.65 6.15 .95 1.85 .25 .16 .22 .12 .65 .12 .13 .16 .08 725 Butter . 680 Milk, Ui pints .05 .01 .08 .08 .11 .56 570 240 Flour .01 1,235 67 29.60 1.40 .27 .38 .75 3, 450 Beef, neck 10 1 16 16 4 16 3 4.40 1.90 3.^0 1.25 1.25 4 .95 .19 .05 .13 .17 .23 .67 .19 .10 .09 .05 .04 550 Butter . .. 225 Milk, 1 pint Potatoes .04 .02 .04 .09 .05 .15 .17 .56 .19 325 320 Oatmeal .02 .02 460 Bread 1,280 Sugar 345 66 17.25 1.63 .29 .22 1.12 3,505 Beef, shoulder 8 4 VA 24 8 'I 10 3 6 3.75 4.70 5.25 .65 .65 1.55 .95 .16 .10 .13 .18 .09 .11 .55 .19 .09 .05 .07 .05 .13 .06 450 Salmon, canned 245 Butter .... 565 .05 .01 .02 .07 .07 .OS .08 .47 .19 485 160 Oatmeal Flour .01 .01 230 1,030 345 61*4 23.50 1.51 .29 .33 .89 3,510 Beef, sirloin steak 8 5 2 24 8 3 12 2 10 6.25 3.75 5.25 .65 .95 3 .65 .17 .14 .11 .18 .09 .17 .50 .12 .08 .C4 .09 .10 .11 .06 485 Mutton chops Butter . .. 465 450 Milk, llA pints .05 .01 .03 .07 .07 .08 .13 .42 .12 485 160 Bread Sugar .01 .01 345 965 230 64 50.50 1.48 .28 .38 .82 3,5,85 O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 103 Daily dietaries — Food materials furnishing approximately the 0.28 pound of protein and 3,500 calories of energy, etc.— Continued. Food materials. Amount. Cost. Nutrients. Total. Protein. Fats. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Boef, round steak Cod, dried 1 egg Butter Milk, 1*4 pints Potatoes Oatmeal Flour Sugar Beef, shoulder Ham One egg Butter Milk, H pint Potatoes (white). Sweet potatoes . . . Corn meal Bread Sugar Ham Cod, dried Three eggs Butter Cheese Milk, 1 pint Potatoes (white) . Sweet potatoes... Corn meal Bread Sugar Ounces. 8 2 VA 3 20 8 2 10 4 Cents. 7 .90 2 00 5.65 4.40 .65 .65 1.55 1.25 Pounrls. .16 .03 .02 .16 .15 .09 .12 .55 .25 Poumls. .09 .03 .01 Pounds. .07 Pounds. .01 .16 .05 .04 .01 .02 .07 .05 .08 .09 .47 .25 .01 .01 58/, 24.05 1.53 .27 .31 .95 9 6 m VA 8 8 8 8 4 2 6.75 6 2 2.80 I 1.85 .75 1 1.25 1 .65 23.85 .18 .19 .02 .OS .06 .09 .12 .42 .16 .12 .10 .06 .01 .08 .13 .01 .08 .02 .02 .01 .01 .05 .02 .02 .08 .11 .35 .14 .12 .02 56 1.44 .28 .34 .82 8 4 VA VA 1 16 6 8 8 4 2 8 1.75 6 2.80 1 3.50 .50 1 2.50 1 .65 .24 .02 .07 .08 .0+ .13 .07 .12 .42 .16 .12 .07 .02 .04 .17 .03 .03 .02 .04 .02 .04 .01 .01 .05 02 .05 .08 .11 .35 .14 .12 .02 63 28.70 1.47 .28 .36 .83 Calories. 425 40 70 680 405 160 230 1,030 460 3,500 515 655 70 340 165 160 210 825 320 230 3,490 ~~ 870~ 50 200 340 130 325 120 210 825 320 230 3,620 Kellogg1 has determined the nutritive values of different por- tions of the common articles of diet, as well as some that are not so well known, and his results are of much practical inter- est. By means of the tables 'here given one could make com- binations of foods with something like precision and definite- ness. ^Balanced Bills of Fare — Good Health Pub. Co., Battle Creek, Mich. 104 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. Nutritive value of foods. Food. Bananas Oranges Lemons Berries, Btewed. . Dates Prunes, stewed.. Raisins, stewed.. Apple sauce Peaches, canned. Fruit-juice.... ... Sauce for grains. Apples, fresh — Grapes, fresh . . Peaches, fresh. Apricot, canned Grape pulp Blackberry, canned ... Cherry, canned. Pear, canned Strawberry, canned .. . Whortleberry, canned. Melon Plum Fig. Tomato Apple, baked Rice, steamed Oatmeal Crystal wheat Gluten mush Graham mush Wheatose Rice with nuttose Macaroni , Granola Granose Zwieback Graham crackers W. W. wafers Beaten biscuit Sticks Rolls Passover bread Graham bread W. W. bread W. bread Nut-gravy toast Prune toast Berry toast Cream toast Nuttose roast Nuttose and tomato. Potato, mashed Vegetables, fresh — Tomato, stewed Potato, baked Nut gravy Soup Sugar Beans, boiled Weight Oz. Measure. Pee Cent, of Pro- teids. Carbo- Fats. hy- drates Calo- ries in 1 oz. 2. 2. 2.5 9 8 2. 9.2 9.2 9.5 9.2 8.8 8.5 13. 5. 3. S.5 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 1 peeled .... 1 peeled 1 peeled .... .5 pint 7 .5 pint .5 pint .5 pint .5 pint .5 pint .5 pint 2 large or 4 small 1 av. bunch. .. 1 peeled and pitted .5 pint .5 pint. .5 pint. .5 pint. .5 pint. .5 pint. 8. 5.5 5.75 7. 8.25 7. 7. 6. 6.5 4.25 2.75 2.2 3. 2.5 2.25 2. 4. 3.75 1. 1. 1. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 8.75 7.75 8. 8. 4. 9. 8.5 7. S.75 1 medium . 1 large .5 pint .5 pint. .. . .5 pint. .. . .5 pint. .. . .5 pint. .. . .5 pint .5 pint. .. . . 5 pint .5 pint... . 4 2 pieces . . . 6 6 6 12 6 12 1 piece 1 piece 1 piece 1 piece . . . . 1 piece 1 i iece 1 piece .5 pint. .. .5 pint .5 pint. .. .5 pint. .. .5 pint. .. 1 medium .5 pint... .5 pint. .. .5 pint. .. .5 pint. .. 1.4 1.31 1. 1.4 .9 .5 1.8 .18 .7 .7 .7 .4 .6 .7 .5 2. .5 .7 .4 1.1 .8 1. .4 4. 1.6 .18 3. 6.4 5.7 12. 6.8 5.7 4.2 10. 15. 15.4 13.6 9.8 9.8 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 9.5 9.8 8.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 4.3 4.3 3.2 1.6 1.4 3.2 1.9 .24 .74 .7 .2 .5 .3* .3 .24 .16 3.9 3. .6 .9 1.3 2. 3. 2.3 2. 13.6 13.6 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.7 1. 1. 1. 1. 1 1 .9 9 .15 .3 .15 .15 29.8 11. 8.3 12.4 58. 14.7 23.6 9.4 12.5 9.2 9.8 12. 16.3 12.5 11. 21. 5.5 12. 11.5 6.8 5.9 2.2 8.2 49.8 2.5 9.4 31.4 29.7 29.5 22 3*'.8 29.5 32.1 75. 75. 79.1 70. 70. 70. 80. 80. 80. 80. 53.3 50.7 56.3 35. 35. 35. 35. 12.5 12.5 27.5 4. 1.25 27.5 39 14 14 16 67 IT 34 12 15 13 13 14 1» 15 13 32 7 15 14 9 8 5 10 62 12 5 40 53 49 44 52 44 46 104 114 117 104 128 128 110 110 110 110 80 75 81 52 52 52 52 25 25 36 8 3 1. 97.8 3 111 O SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 105 Nutritive value of foods— continued. Food. Cream Milk Egg Sterilized butter.. . Kumyss Cottage cheese Malted nuts Almond cream Nut butter Bromose Maltol Nuttose Nuttolene Nut meal Stewed nuttolene Beefsteak Weight Oz. Measure. 8.5 8.5 1.5 8.5 .5 pint .5 pint .5 pint 8.75 1. 9. 3. 3. 3.75 9. .5 pint 2 cakes. .5 pint .5 pint .5 pint Per Cent, of Pro- teids. 2.7 3.6 14. 1. 3.7 3.6 23. 2.7 16.4 19.6 30. 30. 28.3 Fats. 19.3 26.7 4. 10.5 85. 3.6 3 7 20 '.4 26.7 26.4 24. 20. 30. 30. 46.2 Carbo- hy- drates. 2.8 4.7 4.7 6. 49.3 2.8 9.5 39.4 75. 18. 18. 1.8 Calo- ries in 1 oz. 3.6 .ii 75 21 47 218 20 20 140 75 101 135 136 139 139 161 37 Constructing bills of fare from these tables we could make combinations like the following, which, according to Kellogg, are each equal to one-half of a ration, while Atwater and oth- ers would estimate them at one-third of a ration. Kellogg would advise only two meals a day, each affording the amount of food indicated in the combinations given ; while Atwater would counsel three meals a day. 106 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. Combination bills of fare. Foods. Weight Oz. Measure. Calories or food units. 7 6 6 l1/* 7 30 Vi pound . . . 1-6 pint M pint Proteids... 845 Fats 175 Bread, whit© Carbohydr. 825 Beans Bananas 3 _ Total.... 1,445 Eggs 3 5 8 2 2 Proteids... 197 Yz pint Fats 526 Carbohydr. 590 Butter Total.... 1,313 18 Bread, white 10 8 5 23 10 slices Vt pint Proteids... 199 Milk Fats 458 '.Carbohydr. 633 Total.... 1,290 13 7 20 5& pint Proteids ... 296 Malted nuts Fats 4S4 Carbohydr. 461 Total.... 1,241 Passover bread 4 4 9 2 19 13 pieces M pint 1 Proteids... 200 Macaroni Fats 162 Tomato Carbohydr. 818 Bromose Total.... 1,180 Beefsteak 8 10 8 26 V4 pound . . . % pint 8 slices Proteids ... 364 Fats 113 Bread, white Carbohydr. 823 Total.... 1,300 String beans 8 16 12 7 7 w 51 V, lA pint 2 large M pint V4 pint 7 slices Proteids ... 205 Fats 409 Soup Carbohydr. 619 Nuttose roast Graham bread Sterilized butter Total.... 1,323 O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 107 CHAPTER IV. RELATIVE VALUE OF FOODS IN THE PRODUCTION OF NERVOUS ENERGY (C0nt). §1. Condiments as Force Producers. — A word should be said regarding those articles often designated as food adjuncts or food accessories, or more familiarly, condiments. These in- clude the spices, peppers, pickles, vinegars, and all the things designed to whet the appetite, as we say. No one maintains that they possess any nutritive value, but many believe they are essential to the excitation of the digestive juices, and hence are of much worth in one's dietary. Authorities seem to agree that when food is unpalatable some of these artificial excitants may be of service; but this does not imply that the materials most nutritious and wholesome do not possess in themselves flavors which may be developed by proper cooking and which will be sufficiently stimulating to secure a generous flow of di- gestive juices. It deserves more than passing notice that young children cannot be induced to take food adulterated, so to speak, with these foreign substances ; and it seems to be only when the digestive processes become deranged from abnormal and in- jurious practices that unnatural stimulants must be employed. Grant Allen1 has pointed out that whiskey, pepper, and the like are usually found together in one's diet ; organs thus over- stimulated crave a continual increase in stimuli until it hap- pens that one can enjoy no food in its natural flavors, and must add pepper, vinegar and whiskey to everything he eats in or- der that he may endure it at all. On the tables in our own locality vinegar is the acid condi- ment most universally employed, alike in its pure state, and obscured in pickles, preserves, and similar "relishes." It is, of 1 Popular Science Monthly, Vol. '26, p. 468. 108 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. course, generally known that vinegar is the result of decompo- sition of natural fruit juices which contain the various acids, as malic, citric, etc., needed by the system to promote right digestive and eliminative processes. Vinegar, that is to say, is not found in ripened fruits before decomposition takes place. Xow it is doubtless a principle of universal application in nutrition that foods are best appropriated when they are gained in their native forms, so to speak, as found in ripened fruits and grains or in animal flesh. It is to be regretted that apples and other fruits do not occupy a more prominent place in our dietary lists, when there would be less need of "pickles." The more general use of unfermented fruit juices served as sauces, for instance, is also greatly to be desired in our midst. §2. The Influence of Tea, Coffee and Cocoa Upon the Pro- duction and Expenditure of Force in the Organism. — From the point of view w^hich is being taken in this bulletin in the dis- cussion of nutrition, the most important food accessories are those which have a marked effect upon the central nervous sys- tem, as tea, coffee, cocoa, and the various forms of alcoholic "drinks," — wine, beer, whiskey, and the like. It has long been held that a cup of tea or of coffee cheers but does not inebri- ate; and it has come to be generally felt that tea and coffee are necessary adjuncts to one's diet. ^Nearly every student enjoys his cup or cups of tea or coffee at every meal and many apparently believe they derive real nutrition from these bever- ages. The analyses1 of tea, coffee, and cocoa which follow show,, though, that while they possess a modicum of nutrients, yet one gets such a small allowance of these in the quantity of tea or coffee which can be imbibed at any meal that their nutritive value is practically zero. Church. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 109 Analyses of tea, coffee, and cocoa. Composition of black tea : Water Albuminoids Theine Tannin Chlorophyll and resin Essential oil Minor extractives Cellulose, etc Mineral matter Composition of roasted coffee Water Albuminoids Theine (Caffeine.) Fat or oil Tannin Minor extractives Cellulose, etc Mineral matter Composition of cocoa : Water Albuminoids Fat Theobromine Cacao-red Tannin Gum, etc Cellulose and insoluble matter Mineral matter People do not commonly prize tea and coffee, however, for their nutritive worth, but only for the stimulating effect which they exert upon the nervous system. Smith1 has carefully studied their action upon the vital functions and it will be well And first regarding tea : to give the results of his experiments "1. As to the Carbonic Acid Evolved in Respiration. "1. One hundred grains of the finest black tea gave a maximum increase of 0.87 grain and 1.72 grain per minute in 50 and 71 minutes on two persons. "2. Fifty grains gave to four persons maxima of increase of 1.08, 1.38, 2.58, 1.6, 2.0, and 0.69 grains per minute, under different experi- ments. "3. One hundred grains of the finest green tea, drank when cold, gave maxima of increase of 0.9, 2.58, and 0.64 grains per minute on three persons. "4. Twenty-five grains of green tea, drank when cold, and after hav- !Op. cit., pp. 347-350. 110 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. ing been infused several hours, and repeated every quarter of an hour, for five doses, gave an average increase of 1.2 and a maximum Increase of 1.8 grain per minute. The total increase, as shown by ten observations, was no less than 193 grains; and at the close of the experiment the increase continued at the rate of 54 grains per hour. "5. When 150 grains of black tea, infused in one pint of water, were taken, and the whole carbonic acid was collected for 65 minutes, it was shown that there had been an excess of 51.36 grains evolved, which was not more than one-fourth of the total increase when the tea had been divided into repeated doses. "6. When we took 100 grains of black tea, and the whole carbonic acid was collected during 1 hour and 50 minutes, the total increase was 70.40 grains. "2. As to the Volume of Air Inspired. "There was an average increase in the quantity of air inspired in every experiment but one. Thus pursuing the order of the above mentioned experiments, In No. 1, the quantity was increased by 71 and 68 cubic inches per minute. In No. 2, the increase was 34, 29, 50, 72, 95, and 26 cubic inches per minute. In No. 3, the average increase was 120 and 50 cubic inches. In No. 4, the average increase was 66 cubic inches. In No. 5, the maximum increase was 92 cubic inches. In No. 6, the average increase was 47.5 cubic inches. "3. As to the Depth of Inspiration. "The rate of respiration either did not increase or was lessened; and as the volume of air inspired was increased, the depth of inspira- tion was greater so that the increased volume of air inspired at each inspiration varied from 3 to 10.6 cubic inches. With this increased depth, there was also a sense of greater freedom of respiration. "4. As to the Rate of Pulsation. "The rate of pulsation followed that of respiration, but in a less degree, and was either not increased or was slightly decreased. "Hence it was proved beyond all doubt that tea is a most power- ful respiratory excitant. As it causes an evolution of carbon greatly beyond that which it supplies, it follows that it must powerfully pro- mote those vital changes in food which ultimately produce the car- bonic acid to be evolved. Instead, therefore, of supplying nutritive matter, it causes the assimilation and transformation of other foods O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. H "Hence, in reference to nutrition, we may say that tea increases waste, since it promotes the transformation of food without supplying nutriment, and increases the loss of heat without supplying fuel, and it is therefore especially adapted to the wants of those who usually eat too much, and after a full meal, when the process of assimila- tion should be- quickened, but is less adapted to the poor and ill-fed, and during fasting." His experiments with coffee show an influence similar in a way to that of tea. He says i1 "Of twenty-three experiments on myself and others there was from half an ounce of coffee an increase in the quantity of carbonic acid evolved of 0.98, 1.02, 0.9, 0.4, 1.16 and 2.54 grains per minute at dif- ferent times, whilst the quantity of air inspired was increased 40, 34, 35, and 84 cubic inches per minute with the same experiments. Three- quarters of an ounce of coffee did not give a greater increase, but the actual increase was 0.68 and 1.68 grain of carbonic acid and 28 and 54 cubic inches of air per minute. "The conditions, therefore, under which coffee may be taken are very different from those suited to tea. It is more fitted than tea for the poor and feeble. It is alsb more fitted for breakfast, inas- much as the skin is then active and the heart's action feeble; whilst in good health and with sufficient food it is not needful after dinner, but if then drank should be taken soon after the meal. Hence in certain respects tea and coffee are antidotes of each other, and we know that they are now taken indiscriminately, although in a chief action they are interchangeable. "Coffee is an excitant of the nervous system, but not in the same degree as tea. It produces sleeplessness in many persons when it is taken at night, probably by exciting the heart's action, and preventing that fall which is natural at night, and requisite to permit sound sleep. I do not think that there is the same degree of reaction after taking strong coffee as follows strong tea. It is needless to add, that none of these effects may be marked if the infusion be very weak, as is common among the poor, and in this respect it resembles very weak tea." I am not familiar with the results of experiments relating to the influence of cocoa; but it is known that its active prin- ciple, theobromine, resembles the active principles of tea and coffee, theine and caffeine, and it is probable that its action in the system is somewhat like these. JOp. cit., pp. 365-367. 112 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. It must be apparent, then, that these beverages containing alkaloids really operate in dissipating rather than in conserving enera-v. Thev are doubtless of assistance to an organism that needs to get rid of superfluous materials. One who does not require all the energy of his food for mental or physical labor may to advantage call tea and coffee to his aid to relieve his system of a burden. But this is a situation which does not commonly exist in student life. Students, as a body, are not likely to consume more food than is required for the best effi- ciency of mind and body even when the total amount of energy it yields is expanded in profitable production. And then the average college man or woman is illy prepared, from the finan- cial point of view, to provide for the waste of food which the habitual use of tea and coffee entails. It is recognized, of course, that conditions may exist when tea, coffee, and similar things have a therapeutic value ; but we are concerned here not with the needs of the organism in disease but only in full health and vigor. The exhilaration which follows a cup of tea or coffee is sig- nificant for the psychologist as well as for the student in the practical affairs of daily life. This is possibly due to a paralyz- ing effect for the moment upon the inhibitory or controlling mechanisms in the central nervous system which report the true condition of the organism, and seek to prevent it from passing the safety line in its activities. To illustrate the theory by fatigue: The fatigue sense, as has been said, exerts an in- hibiting influence upon activity ; the rate and strength of move- ments show decrease; mind and body become relaxed, and un- der normal conditions the individual tends to fall asleep in or- der that there may be repair of waste. When this sense reports the status of the body in fatigue there is a feeling of depres- sion, of lassitude ; but if its restraining power can be overcome in any way there will apparently be a return of wonted vigor. But what the welfare of the system requires at this time is rest and food to restore dissipated energy, not incitement to still greater dissipation ; and while in certain situations it may be O'SHEA — ASPECTS OP MENTAL ECONOMY. 113 advisable to stimulate by weakening the controlling and warn- ing functions of the body, yet to make this a systematic, daily practice is to .render the organism in the end less efficient men- tally and physically. It is not an over-statement to say that a student living a normal life with all his powers under con- trol, which requires, speaking neurologically, that his nervous system should be in a state of thorough nutritive repair, — such a student will not be benefited but. rather be injured by the stim- ulations derived from habitual indulgence in tea and coffee. Before taking leave of this subject I must quote the testimony of Williams1 regarding his personal experience with tea : "I recommend tea drinkers who desire to practically investigate the subject for themselves to repeat the experiment that I have made. After establishing the habit of taking tea at a particular hour, sud- denly relinquish it altogether. The result will be more or less un- pleasant, in some cases seriously so. My symptoms were a dull head- ache and intellectual sluggishness during the remainder of the day — and if compelled to do any brain-work, such as lecturing or writing, I did it badly. This, as I have already said, is the diseased condi- tion induced by the habit. These symptoms vary with the amount of the customary indulgence and the temperament of the individual. A rough, lumbering, insensible navvy may drink a quart or two of tea, or a few gallons of beer, or several quarterns of gin, with but small results of any kind. I know an omnibus driver who makes seven double journeys daily, and his 'reglars' are half a quartern of gin at each terminus — i. e., 1% pints daily, exclusive of extras. This would render most men helplessly drunk, but he is never drunk, and drives well and safely. "Assuming, then, that the experimenter has taken sufficient daily tea to have a sensible effect, he will suffer on leaving it off. Let him persevere in the discontinuance, in spite of brain languor and dull headache. He will find that day by day the languor will dimin- ish, and in the course of time (about a fortnight or three weeks in my case) he will be weaned. He will retain from morning to night the full, free, and steady use of all his faculties; he will get through his day's work without any fluctuation of working ability (provided, of course, no other stimulant is used). Instead of his best faculties being dependent on a drug for their awakening, he will be in the condition of true manhood, — i. e., able to do his best in any direc- 1 Chemistry of Cooking, p. 257. 8 114 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. tion of effort, simply in reply to moral demand; able to do whatever is right and advantageous, because his reason shows that it is so. The sense of duty is to such a free man the only stimulus demanded for calling forth his uttermost energies." . To obviate the evils attendant upon the continual use of tea and coffee Count Rumford made a suggestion many decades ago which is being practically embodied today in the manu- facture of a substitute therefor. He gave these directions for the preparation of the substitute:1 Take eight parts by weight of meal and one part of butter. Melt the butter in a clean iron frying pan ; and when thus melted, sprinkle the meal into it. Stir the whole briskly with a broad wooden spoon or spat- ula until the butter has disappeared aud the meal is of a uni- form brown color like roasted coffee, great care being taken to prevent burning on the bottom of the pan. A small portion of this composition was then to be placed in boiling water and an infusion obtained in the same way as in the case of tea or kindred beverages. This would answer one purpose, if none other, for which many people imbibe tea and coffee, that they may have a warm drink while partaking of solid food. Rum- ford's substitute has been much improved upon in our own day in the manufacture of cereal coffees which are in some instances at any rate alike palatable and nutritious. It would certainly be of advantage to a student in the economy of his energies and his purse if he should reduce the quantity of his tea and coffee, replacing it in whole, or at least in part, by Count Rum- ford's substitute, or some other modern version of the same. It perhaps should be said that one who has acquired great fondness for the stouter drinks will. not at the beginning find the substitute quite so agreeable to the palate because not so stimulating; but I have been able to observe a trial made in a boarding house in our own city where in several cases the use of the substitute for a few days served to make it thoroughly acceptable, and even replaced the older beverages in the novices, favor. 1 Williams, op. cit, p. 245. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 115 §3. The Influence of Alcohol in Wine, Beer, and Other Bev- erages in the Production and Expenditure of Force. — We come now to discuss a group of articles demanding particular con- sideration,— those containing alcohol in combination with va- rious other ingredients, as found in beer, wine, whiskey, and the like. It was not thought necessary nor perhaps desirable to try to find out in our questionnaire how extensively these are used by our own students ; but it is well known, of course, that to some extent here, as elsewhere, alcoholic beverages are indulged in. The composition of beer and wine, the beverages most commonly drunk, reveals at the outset the fact that they cannot be regarded as foods in the proper sense. The following is the list of the chief compounds known to occur in beer •} 1. Alcohol, or spirits of wine, from 8 to 3 per cent. 2. Dextrin, about 4.5 per cent. 3. Albuminoids, about 0.5 per cent. 4. Sugar, about 0.5 per cent. 5. Acetic, Lactic, and Succinic Acids, about 0.3 per cent. 6. Glycerin, about .22 per cent. 7. Carbonic Acid Gas, about 0.22 per cent. 8. Mineral matter, about 0.3 per cent. The following table shows the quantities of alcohol and other elements contained in fair average samples of one imperial pint each of eight different kinds of wines commonly consumed in our region :2 Name of wine. Hock Claret Champagne Burgundy. . Carlowitz. . Sherry Madeira .. . Port Alcohol (absolute) Oz. Or, 219 306 313 18 35 147 218 218 Tartar- ic and other fixed acids. Or. 39 31 20 24 36 24 26 23 Acetic acid. Gr. 18 18 10 17 19 12 18 12 Sugar. Oz. Gr. None. None. 1 120 10 None. 0 236 0 175 0 359 Ethers. Gr. e 5 6 5 4 5 6 Miner- al mat- ter. Gr. 16 18 20 18 16 38 33 20 The principal constituent, aside from water, of whiskey, rum, and brandy, like wine, is alcohol, which indeed is the princi- 1 Church, op. cit., p. 190. 'Idem., p. 194. 116 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. pie of primary importance in all alcoholic beverages. The whole class, therefore, and especially in view of the subject we have under consideration, is to be considered in respect of its effect upon the central nervous system and not in regard to its nutritive value.1 It has been observed by people from afore- time that alcohol in its first effects usually, though not always, increases the activity of mind and body : the senses apparently become more acute, checks upon speech are released, and bod- ily movement is augmented. This phenomenon has been ascribed to the exciting influence of alcohol upon brain cells;, it has been thought to act directly upon the perceptional, idea- tional, and motor regions, inciting them by a kind of irritation or inspiration, to heightened and intensified action. But we get a different conception of the case if we look at it from the point of view of modern neurology. At the risk of wearying the reader, I repeat that an important part of the nervous mechanism is concerned with co-ordinating the activities of mind and body. Higher and more differentiated centers con- trol and correlate lower and more fundamental ones. Now it seems that the influence of alcohol in the organism may be ex- plained most satisfactorily by supposing that it has a general paralyzing effect upon nerve structures, first attacking the in- hibitory system and nullifying its restraining power. This produces temporary exaltation when one is depressed and a gen- eral increase in activity due to the rebound of the system from the constriction that had been placed upon it. But it is well known that as the influence of alcohol increases in the organ- ism the higher mental processes and the more delicate motor co-ordinations are soon attacked; and ultimately even the most fundamental functions are paralyzed when both mind and body fall into a wholly disorganized condition. Intoxication means, considered from one point of view, the temporary destruction of psychical and physical functions w^hich it has taken nature 1 Since the above was written I have read Prof. Atwater's Report to the Mid- dletown Scientific Association in which he takes the view that alcohol is a food ; but he would. I believe, agree to the statement I have made that its effect upon the nervous system is after all the vital matter for every one of us. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 117 an infinitely long time in the process of evolution to elaborate. One would certainly not be extreme in saying that an intoxi- cated person returns to the estate of the brute, since while he is in this condition the higher cerebral structures, those which hare been built in the last stages of the evolutionary process, through which are manifested the highest attributes of the hu- man mind, are rendered inactive, and the individual lives for the time being upon a lower plane, when old reflex arcs again become complete and have their way.. If from the point of view of science there are such creatures as fools, then a man, and especially a student, who will deliberately become drunk, must certainly be catalogued in this group. Let it be remarked in passing that no more pitiable or grievous spectacle can be witnessed than that which is presented when a number of uni- versity men, in whom should be evidenced the glory and tri- umph of evolution, and who above all others should be the last to yield mental poise and balance, its supremest blessing, — when such men forfeit the right to manhood and voluntarily bring upon themselves dissolution, intellectual, emotional, and phys- ical. The view which is here presented of the neurological influ- ence of alcohol as a paralyzing agent upon nerve action and control is not a wholly new one. I find that the eminent phy- sician Harley arrived at this opinion some years ago, approach- ino* thereunto bv a different route from that taken above. He says r1 "Alcohol, when taken in small quantity, is in general said to act as a direct cardiac stimulant, and its stimulating effect is supposed to be due to its possessing the faculty of increasing the muscular power of the heart. I take an entirely different view of the mat- ter, and shall now endeavor to show how the increase in the force of the heart's movements, the quickening of the pulse, the flushing of the face, the congestion of the retinal blood-vessels, as well as all the other visible appearances of accelerated cardiac functional activity, are in reality in no wise due to the stimulating action of alcohol, either on the heart's muscular tissue or the nerves supply- ing it, but actually to the very reverse— namely, its paralyzing effects 1 Popular Science Monthly, Vol. 33, pp. 191-199. 118 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. on the cardiac nerve mechanism. Destroy or paralyze the inhibitory nerve-center, or arrest its power of communicating with the heart by dividing the vagus, and instantly its controlling effect on the cardio- motor mechanism is lost, and the accelerating agent, being no longer under its normal restraint, runs riot. The heart's action is increased, the pulse is quickened, an excess of blood is forced into the vessels, and from their becoming engorged and dilated the face gets flushed and the retina congested — all the usual concomitants of a general engorgement of the circulation being the result. "The relative effects of alcohol and opium were found to be as fol- lows: In 100 parts of air. Composition of employed air With pure ox-blood With pure ox-blood 5 per cent, of alcohol With pure calf's blood With pure calf's blood .005 grm. of mor- phia Oxygen. Carbonic acid. Nitrogen. 20.9 10.58 16.59 6.64 17.17 0.002 3.330 2.380 3.47 1.00 79.038 85.09 81.03 89.89 81.83 Vol. at O. C. at 1 metre pressure. 30.96 14.91 18.97 10.11 18.17 Dr. Gaute,1 of the University of Zurich, has advanced a somewhat similar opinion of the influence of alcohol in consid- ering its relation to happiness; and his views are eminently suggestive to the student who fancies that an efficient way to meet difficulties is to forget them or imagine them out of exis- tence or of less consequence and importance than they really are, by maiming those powers of the mind that give an accurate description of situations as they actually exist. "* * So the influence of alcohol is exactly as if the brain were cut away. The man no longer stops to consider the whole situation, to make use of impressions of former experiences stored away in the brain, or weigh present obligations. How does it increase the feel- ing of happiness? The body uses its powers in resisting the outside forces which act upon it. Normally, there is a balance between body and environment. If environment prevails we are discouraged; and if we are able to prevail, our spirits rise and our happiness grows. And it is not for the moment only, but we compare the accumulated impressions of the powers outside of us with the powers which our brains develop, and are happy or unhappy according as we feel our superiority or otherwise. Just how much does alcohol interfere in this balance of powers? It clearly cannot lessen the power of outside 3 Popular Science Monthly, Vol. 46, pp. 30-31. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 119 influences which harm us; it can as clearly not increase our own powers in so far as they enter into this conflict with the outside world— it rather makes us less skillful and able. What can it do, then? It can deceive us. It dulls our appreciation of powers out- side of us until they seem so much smaller that we are sure we can conquer them, and so we gain a feeling of satisfaction." Wilson1 has shown most conclusively that the drunkard is simply a person in whom has become permanent the inco-ordi- nations, the lack of control which is always induced temporarily by any single spree. The balance-wheel is thrown out of gear for good. The man is a creature of impulse, and that unfortu- nately of a low type; the regulating, the subduing, really the spiritual mechanisms of his being, have been paralyzed so often that they are at last rendered permanently inactive. This ex- treme case is cited simply to throw into clearer light the ordi- nary effects of alcohol, which, although when taken in small quantities may never produce great damage to the organism, yet there must always be grave danger in its use. Maudsley, after lifelong study of the causes of mental derangement, has much to say2 of the baneful influence of this agent; and Mer- cier, a student of insanity too, is unsparing in his condemna- tion of alcohol, and a few of his words3 may be quoted in sup- port of the views presented in these paragraphs, — that alcohol is a factitious force-producer, and when used habitually results eventually in the dissipation of energy, and sooner or later dis- turbs the delicate mechanisms by which the organism is held under the control of a vigorous will. "Ask a man who has just left a city dinner to settle with you the lease of a house, or a deed of partnership. He will naturally refuse. If you press him, he will say that it is not a proper time to trans- act business; and, if pressed further, will explain that to take him now is unfair, for to such an important and delicate matter one must come with a clear head. The admission is that the mind is not now as vigorous as it will be tomorrow morning. There is a slight enfeeblement. Partly from the fatigue of the day, partly from 1 Drunkenness, Part I. See also Eichardson, Ten Lectures on Alcohol, pp. 123-179. 2 See Responsibility in Mental Disease, pp. 285-286. * Sanity and, Insanity, p. 316. 120 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. the effect of the dinner in drafting off a part of the blood supply from the brain to the stomach, but chiefly from the benumbing effect of the alcohol that he has imbibed on his highest nerve regions, his mind is not as clear nor as vigorous as it is wont to be. The con- fusion is not great; he can make an after-dinner speech of average intelligence, can reckon his legal cab fare, and so forth, but he will not trust himself to settle a delicate matter of negotiation. He feels that the keen edge of his intellect is blunted. It is the very high- est of all his intellectual faculties that have been dulled. Similarly on the bodily side — he can walk perfectly straight, can light a cigar without bungling, and button his overcoat with facility; but when he tries to play billiards he finds 'his hand is out.' He is not cer- tain of his strokes. He can no longer regulate his movements with the nice precision that is required for success. Of bodily, as of men- tal capabilities, he has lost the most elaborate, the most oelicate, the most precise. At the same time that he shows these signs of defect in his highest nerve arrangements, he shows some sign of over- action of somewhat lower arrangements. By the annulling and placing out of action of the highest, control is removed from those just below the highest, which are consequently 'let go' and tend to over-act. The staid and self-enclosed man of business becomes an expansive, jolly companion. He gets on back-slapping, rib-punching terms with his convives. He tells little anecdotes about his past career, with winks, and wheezes, and warnings that they are not to be repeated to his wife. His discretion and reticence are diminished by the loss of his highest centers and he exhibits a phase of character inferior to his usual standard. No one would call this state of things insanity; but for all that it is the beginning of a process which, if continued, would become insanity. It is the point at which divergence from the processes of health begins to occur. It is not insanity, but it is the rudiment of insanity. Let us trace the process further and see what it develops into." When one looks at tills subject from the standpoint of educa- tion he sees that the university, student less than any one else should need to quicken and intensify the psychic life by the employment of an artificial excitant. While it is the testimony of those who should know that the initial effects of wine are stimulating to thought and feeling, and there is a general buoy- ancy and perhaps elevation in the entire being, yet this advan- tage can be secured in other ways more normal and therefore more beneficial to the finest quality of mind. That mental 0'8HEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 121 •exaltation which results from the enjoyment of beautiful art and music and intercourse with inspiring people can readily beget that fine ecstacy which has made wine so celebrated in -song and story. There is surely more of lasting joy in becom- ing drunk with grace and beauty than with wine; beauty ex- erts an integrating influence, it adds to the vitalities of life; while wine disintegrates and dissipates energies. Considering that the university student has special obligations to the com- monwealth by whose bounty he is receiving the blessings of education, then he above all others should secure his mental gladnesses and gayeties through means which will confer upon him increasing power and balance rather than through those alluring agents which may momentarily give pleasure but which in the end are destructive rather than constructive. The value of any food must be determined in a final analysis by its force-producing capabilities. If beer, wine, and whiskey impart energy to the organism this should be revealed in in- creased activitv of mind and bodv. Research has shown in some measure at any rate that instead of alcohol thus augment- ing the amount of work which an individual can do, it actually reduces it. Martin1 observes that the evidence adduced by •competent observers is distinctly against the use of spirits by soldiers in time of war. He says there is no cogent evidence to show that alcohol is of service in sustaining bodily activity. Hodge's investigations are of especial significance on this point. Professor Hodge was enabled a few years ago to conduct a se- ries of experiments under the auspices of the Committee of Fifty for the study of the liquor problem, wherein he carefully observed the mental and physical effects upon a number of dogs of alcohol administered in the forms of beer, wine, and whis- key. The results so far as they refer to the particular topic under discussion — the value of alcohol as a force producer in a living organism — may be presented in his own words :2 "During the second month after administration of alcohol spon- taneous activity of both Tipsy and Bum became noticeably impaired. ^Treatise on Hygiene, Stevenson & Murphy, Vol. I, p. 487. * Popular Science Monthly, March and April, 1897, and reprint. 122 BULLETIN OY THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. This gradually and steadily increased until, last spring, it seemed to me from daily observation that the alcoholics were not much more than half as active as the normals. How to secure an objective ex- pression of this fact presented some difficulties at first. To put them in large recording cages, such as we use in the laboratory to study the daily activity of rats and mice, would clearly be an imposition on a dog's good nature, and would possibly suppress his activity in proportion to his intelligence. To watch four dogs during the twenty- four hours would require four observers, and their presence would be a disturbing factor. "Pedometers were thought of, but none could be found suitably con- structed for use with the dogs. Finally, Waterbury watches were obtained, and, by removing the hair springs, weighting the balance wheels unequally, and by proper adjustment of buffing pins so that the balance wheel could move just far enough to release the escape- ment, a watch resulted which ran only when shaken. After a month of preliminary trials an adjustment was attained so delicate that the watch could hardly be jarred so slightly as not to release the escape- ment one tooth, and the two could be shaken, violently or gently, and in any position for an hour at a time (fastened firmly together) without showing a variation of more than two seconds on reading the hands. "The watches are now placed in stout leather pockets in specially constructed collars and the dogs allowed to wear them. * * * The watches were read every evening at exactly six o'clock. Bum is seen to develop seventy-one per cent, of Nig's activity, and Tipsy only fifty- seven per cent, of Topsy's. "The watches, of course give us only the total quantity of spon- taneous daily movement of each dog with no indication as to its quality. Something to give a qualitative expression of strength, abil- ity, and resistance to fatigue was devised, which consisted in a series of competitive tests at retrieving a ball. The balls were thrown in rapid succession across the university gymnasium, one hundred feet, and a record was kept of the dogs that started for it and of the one that succeeded in bringing it back. One hundred balls constituted a test, and to throw them consumed about fifty minutes. "In the first series, consisting of 1,400 balls thrown on successive days, January, 1896, the normal dogs retrieved 922, the alcoholics 478. This gives the alcoholics an efficiency of only 51.9 per cent, as com- pared with the normals. Bum's ability in this series as compared with Nig's is only thirty-two per cent. (See Fig. 18.) It was also noted that Bum and Tipsy were much more easily fatigued than the nor- mals. O'SHEA ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 123 "A second series, of 1,000 balls, November, 1896, in which Bum and Nig, were tested, gave similar results. Nig shows fifteen per cent, ot Bum's fatigue. Expressed in other words, Bum lies down to rest 6.7 times to Nig's once." In discussing the results of these experiments, Dr. Hodge quotes Professor Gaul£ to the effect that once during the strain of his Staatsexamen he suddenly stopped his wine and beer and was surprised to find how much better he could work. An emi- nent Leipsic professor has said that German students could do twice the amount of work if they would let their beer alone. Dr. August Smith found that moderate doses of alcohol not sufficient to intoxicate lowered psychic ability to memorize as much as seventy per cent. * From whatever position, then, we regard the influence of alcohol upon the force-generating power of the organism, we find on every occasion that it has only a deleterious issue, ex- cept of course when it is employed as a therapeutic agent. 2 The practice in which students ofttimes indulge of exciting good cheer by a few glasses of beer or wine must certainly in the long run lessen the efficiency of mind and body. When a great feat is to be undertaken, as upon the football field, alcoholic beverages are absolutely prohibited the contestant. A student should regard his daily tasks as all being great ones for which he must prepare himself most effectively mentally and phys- ically. The ordeals of the student in his immediate class- room duties and in the more important businesses of post-uni- versity life should demand as clear and vigorous a brain and a^ agile and serviceable a body as the athlete requires to meet the difficulties which he will encounter in the arena. § 4. The Influence of Tobacco Upon the Production and Ex- penditure of Force in the Organism. — While alcohol operates to throw off the brakes which nature places upon the organism 1 Hodge, op. cit., p. 25. *Atwater's investigations already referred to seem to present alcohol in a more favorable light. Small quantities of alcohol are not injurious, says Atwater, but yet there are grave dangers in its use, since it is difficult for the habitual drinker to avoid excesses. 12-4 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. when danger is sighted ahead, tobacco seems to have a directly- contrary influence. It is the common testimony of smokers that after a day of severe labor or intense excitement or exer- tion of any kind, when the mind is chaotic, uncontrolled, and repose is impossible, — in such an event, the cigar or the pipe has a soothing, calming effect. Nicotine seems to act as a stimulant to the inhibiting centers of the nervous mechanism. In view of this well known action of tobacco, it can be seen why in cases of fatigue when the mind cannot be held in check and energy is being wasted despite efforts at conservation, — in such a situation tobacco must be regarded as a conserver of force. It aids the organism to get hold of itself, to become con- trolled. This is especially true when, as smokers so frequently testify, tobacco skillfully wooes Morpheus when nothing else will entice him to one's bedside. But this does not of necessity imply that tobacco is a valua- ble auxiliary to the student's dietary. It is not too much to suppose that under normal and healthful conditions a student will rarely reach the point where he will need any other seda- tive agent than that furnished by an abundance of nutritious food, vigorous exercise, and refreshing sleep. As a matter of fact, though, our young men taken as a whole do not smoke because they feel the need of the soothing influence which it affords; they smoke because custom dictates it. This is evi- denced by the irrational way in which they do it; and it is suggestive, too, that practically all of the law students who re- plied to our questionnaire smoke, while about 55 per cent, of the "Hill" students are "abstainers." To smoke immediately after breakfast is as foolish as it is useless ; for at such a time tobacco rather hinders than helps the organism to accomplish the tasks before it; except possibly in those instances when the system has become so permeated with nicotine that it is, in com- mon with the well-known effects of opium, creating an abnor- mal desire which is unrelenting every hour and minute of wak- ing life. As Richardson well says in his Diseases of Modern Life:1 When mental labor is about to be undertaken a pipe 'P. 316. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 125 produces in the majority of people a heavy, dull condition, which impedes digestion and assimilation, and interferes in some degree with that "motion of the tissues which constitutes vital activity." But when the mind is occupied for a long time, so that exhaustion supervenes, a pipe gives to some habitues a feeling of relief; it soothes, it is said, and makes pos- sible clear thinking. Few men become so habituated to the pipe that they can begin the day well on tobacco. "Many try, but it almost invariably obtains that they go through their la- bors with much less alacrity than other men who are not so addicted." 126 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. CHAPTER V. THE PREPARATION" OF FOOD HOURS FOR MEALS. §1. The Philosophy of Cookery. — While the composition of a food is an important factor in determining its worth, yet a more important factor still, perhaps, is the manner in which it is prepared for use in the organism, — the manner in which it is cooked, that is to say. This is seen to be true when it is realized that man is a cooking animal, and as such is distin- guished from the rest of creation. It seems to be clearly re- vealed in his constitution that he was not designed to take into his stomach in the raw condition in which they are found in nature most of the articles which constitute his dietary. He is not a graminiverous animal ; he lacks the long alimentary tract, the special stomach, and the apparatus for secreting large quan- tities of saliva which is possessed by the cow and other grain munchers. The crops of birds probably fulfill somewhat the same function in the digestive processes that the second stomach does in the ruminants ; and in both cases this elaborate apparatus is necessary in order to transform starch and other food ele- ments into assimilable products. Again, man does not appear to be adapted to eat meat unsubdued by heat ; sentiment if nothing more would forbid his doing this. The human species has pro- gressed to the point in the evolutionary scale where it can call to its aid forces which are capable of advancing foods as they are found in their native state far along in the process of di- gestion, so that when taken into the system they may be assimi- lated with comparatively little delay or expenditure of vital en- ergy. It may be observed in passing that in all likelihood this ac- complishment more than any other has contributed to the rapid mental progress and present superiority of mankind. Spencer1 1 Education, chapter on Physical Education. O'SHEA ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 127 has pointed out that animals which live upon coarse, indigestible foods, as the cow and the sheep, are, considered in respect alike of physical power and mental acuteness and vivacity, relatively inferior in the scale of being. Now, it seems a safe inference from the evidence everywhere at hand that the quota of energy which can be expended in mental and physical activity will be determined by the ease with which this may be obtained in the process of nutrition. It is a fact of daily experience, probably as common in student life as elsewhere, that when the stomach is overloaded with indigestible and waste materials the mind is inert and confused, and the body little disposed to vigorous or lively activity. Let any one recall his mental and bodily status after assisting at the ordinary Thanksgiving feast, or perhaps even the familiar Sunday dinner. Sabbath afternoon is so fre- quently a time for loafing in both body and mind, not because one wants to rest but because he cannot arouse himself. Many of our students have a still more impressive experience ; not in- frequently they are required to rush off precipitately to their university duties directly following upon a meal which taxes the organism to the utmost, — oatmeal cooked a half hour or less, fried potatoes, fried meat or eggs, hot bread and cakes, and coffee, — a combination which, as will be shown later, is more than a match for the most energetic and powerful digestive mechanism. At such a time the mind works slowly and inac- curately ; and the philosophy of the thing is not at all abstruse. When food is taken into the system the organism will if neces- sary turn its energy wholly to extracting the nutrition contained therein. Suppose then that a considerable amount of half di- gested starch and other food materials find their way to the stomach; there is needed at once force to transform these into assimilable substances. The blood, rushing to the appropriate organs to supply the required digestive agents, must, of course, be withdrawn from the service of the cerebral and muscular systems. When, on the contrary, food is eaten which is nearly ready for assimilation, the organism can while attending to the now easy labor of digestion engage also in a measure in mental or physical work. 128 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. §2. Modes of Cooking. Local Practices with Criticisms. — As has been said, the primary purpose of cooking is to advance the assmiilability of foods as they are found in the raw state so as to relieve the digestive apparatus of much arduous drudgery. For the most part this is accomplished by applications in one form or another of heat. In the cookery of meats it should be the aim to soften tissues and develop flavors which will excite digestive juices; and those modes will be most efficient which will attain these ends while not destroying the nutritive proper- ties. In roasting, baking, and broiling heat is applied directly to the surface of the meat ; whereas in boiling and frying it is conveyed by convection, in the first instance through water, in the second through oil. ISTow, one of the most valuable elements of meat, albumen, exists in considerable quantities as a juice; and this escapes with comparative ease in boiling when the meat is put into cold water and gradually raised to the boiling tem- perature. When the meat is thrust into boiling water at the outset, however, the pores in the surface become closed in such a way as to prevent in a large degree the loss of the juices, and the cooking may proceed with comparatively little waste. The most economical modes of cooking this article, though, are those in which a high degree of heat is applied directly, as in baking, broiling, or roasting. Frying is the most objectionable method of all, and especially the sort of frying wThich one finds in the average boarding-house or even in the majority of homes. Here the cook places a little oil in the bottom of the frying pan "to keep the meat from sticking to it," and heats it to a point at which the fat is partly decomposed ; she never imagines that in frying cooking should be accomplished in the same way as in water except that a different medium is used. What is to be secured is the transmission of heat through the oil. Cooking in this way would not be so objectionable if a bath of fat were used instead of a little in the bottom of the frying pan ; although even here food is liable to be made indigestible by becoming fat soaked, so to speak. It is of course well-known that the fat which incases the nutritive elements in fried meats, eggs, and O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 129 the like digests lower down in the digestive tract than the sub- stances themselves, so that these latter are held in the stomach for a long period, resulting usually in fermentation, and greatly- overtaxing the stomach. An examination of the returns from our questionnaire shows that meats, potatoes, eggs, and cakes are as often fried as cooked in any other way; and this cannot but be regarded as a very serious defect in local practice. And I know from personal ex- perience that the frying which is done in some places here ren- ders the food highly indigestible. A breakfast of fried pork, fried eggs, fried potatoes, fried pancakes, and doughnuts must very successfully prevent for several hours vigorous activity in the head of almost any student. There is no danger in saying emphatically that food prepared in this way is unfit for the needs of a student or, in fact, of any civilized being ; and it may not be out of place to observe that the state is bestowing its favors in an unprofitable manner in attempting to educate an individual who habitually regales himself on fried stuffs, and especially such a variety as the landlords in our locality provide for their guests. But the cooking of meats, bad as this is even, is not so de- fective in Madison boarding houses, as the cooking of starch foods, — the cereals, bread, vegetables, cake, and the like. It las previously been indicated that starch in order to be incor- porated into the system must become converted into dextrin. This is accomplished in the ordinary process of digestion by in- salivation, wherein the active digestive principle of saliva is brought into contact with the starch granules of food. Starch may, however, be digested in other ways. It is well known, for instance, that the nitrogenous principle, diastase, obtained in malting, possesses the power to carry starch along through several of the stages essential to complete conversion into dex- trin. It is also known that digestive changes may be wrought by the application of dry heat to starch. If you place starch granules in an oven heated to the temperature of 300°, they 9 130 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. are not apparently affected at all ; but if you increase the tem- perature 100° or thereabouts they will suddenly be transformed into dextrin. The change is an isomeric one, for dextrin is of the same composition as starch. Now, the primary purpose in cooking the starch foods placed on our tables should be to convert the starch so far as possible into dextrin. Starch, as it is obtained in grain foods, cannot be converted into dextrin without subjecting it for a long time to heat, either directly or through convection in cooking in water. The boiling of raw oatmeal for say thirty minutes will not in all probability suffice to carry the starch far along in the process of digestion, and this work must be completed after the food is taken into the stomach if much nutritive value is to be derived from it. On the other hand, if the cooking had been carried on for a longer period less would have been left for the stomach to do, which is the great object to be attained in the cooking of these foods, — the relief of the digestive appa- ratus. The processes essential to complete starch digestion have been excellently set forth in a pamphlet presenting the results of experiments prosecuted in the food laboratories of the Battle Creek Sanitarium, in which it is shown that "water- brash" and other dyspeptic symptoms so common among the Scotch Highlanders is due to the excessive use of "Scotch brose," which is simply raw oatmeal stirred up in hot water. The prev- alence of indigestion in our own country, too, is due princi- pally to the same cause, — the use of starchy or cereal foods in an uncooked or imperfectly cooked condition. The pamphlet goes on to say that : "The bread of the olden time consisted of thin cakes formed from a mixture of flour and water, well kneaded and baked on a tin or stove kept hot by a glowing fire. Bread prepared in this manner is ready for prompt digestion and assimilation. "The transformation of starch into sugar — in other words, the diges- tion of starch — takes place by stages. The starch is first converted into "(a) Amylo-dextrine, or soluble starch. This is the form in which it is found in well-boiled paste and in ordinary baker's bread, in so- called ready-cooked breakfast cereals, and in mushes, gruels, vegeta- ble soups, and similar preparations of starch. O'BHEA — ASPECTS OP MENTAL ECONOMY. 131 "The third stage is that of (c) achroo-dextrine, that in which the starch is found in such perfectly cooked cereal foods as zwieback, granose, and granola, and in the outer browned portion of the crust of bread. "In the second stage (b) the starch is further transformed into erythro-dextrine, the form in which it is found in what might be termed the half-cooked condition of well-baked ordinary baker's bread, in crackers, rolls, gems, and similar foods. "The fourth stage is maltose or sugar, the final results of starch digestion. The digestion of starch is accomplished in nature by the action of so-called ferments or diastases. These are found abundantly in both the animal and vegetable kingdoms, — in animals in the saliva and other digestive fluids. In grains, the starch digesting ferment or diastasis is found just beneath the bran, ready to form sugar for the nourishment of the young plant. The starch found in green ap- ples and other fruits is, by the process of ripening, converted first into the various ferments or dextrines exclusively, and finally into sugar. "The formation of the last form of dextrine is indicated by the ap- pearance of a slight brownish color in the digesting mass. One additional step only is necessary to convert the starch into sugar. Heat is not capable of producing this step in the process, but when achroo-dextrine, the last stage of heat digestion, the perfectly cooked starch is brought into contact with the saliva of any other starch- digesting ferment, the formation of sugar takes place instantaneously. In other words, by the application of heat of sufficient degree for a sufficient length of time starch may be converted first into amylo- dextrine is produced by a temperature sufficient to cause the hydra- tion or gelatination of starch in the formation of paste by cooking of starch or flour. Longer cooking, or cooking for a short time at a temperature above the boiling point of water, advances starch one step along in the process of digestoin to the stage of erythro-dextrine. Exposed to still higher temperature for a proper length of time pro- duces achroo-dextrine. "Raw starch, on the other hand, when exposed to the action of the saliva is not changed at all. Slightly cooked starch, that is, amylo- dextrine or fluid starch, is converted into sugar only by the prolonged action of the saliva. Erythro-dextrine, or imperfectly cooked starch, is converted into sugar somewhat more quickly by the action of the saliva, but in achroo-dextrine, or perfectly cooked starch, the trans- formation takes place as soon as it is brought into contact with the saliva. It is for this reason that a brown crust of bread, zwieback, and well-toasted granose develop a distinctly sweetish taste when chewed. 132 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. "Our modern methods of bread-making, in which, the dough is formed in large masses or loaves, or small masses under the name of bis- cuits, buns, rolls, etc., present the starch or farinaceous elements of cereals in a half-raw, imperfectly cooked condition, prepared to inter- fere with digestion, rather than to promote this most important vital process. Half-cooked mushes and porridges assist in the work of mis- chief, and as a result, the American people have come to be almost universally afflicted with amalaceous dyspepsia, or starch indigestion. This fact explains the extensive use of malt preparations, and the re- cent introduction of various starch-digesting ferments or diastases of various origin, some of malt, others from vegetable fungi." It is then to be very greatly desired that those who provide food for students should take especial care in the cooking of cereals and breads. While it is of supreme importance that whenever starch foods are eaten they should be thoroughly cooked, yet this is especially necessary in respect of the morn- ing meal when a stomach full of half cooked starch will be a serious drawback to the student during the best hours of the day. It may as well be recognized that no matter how skillful the teaching it must fall on barren soil if it is received by those who are devoting all their strength to breaking up starch. Poods, as for instance, Malt Breakfast Food, Granola, etc., are now being manufactured which are either subjected to the degree of heat necessary to carry starch quite a ways along in the process of conversion into dextrin, or the same end is at- tained by malting; and these, it seems, should be found more freely upon the tables of students than is indicated in our returns. I have, however, spent some days at one Jboarding house in the city where the morning cereals seemed all thoroughly cooked, and were most palatable and nutritious ; but I have obtained dishes at other places where students board that were not fit for mortal man to entertain in his system. The freer use of thoroughly baked, or better still twice baked tread, is much needed in our community. In the baking of bread in the ordinary way the middle of the loaf does not rise above 212°, although the outside reaches 400° or more. Many people choose the crust for its more agreeable taste, which re- sults from the conversion of the starch into dextrin by the ac- O'SHEA — ASPECTS OP MENTAL ECONOMY. 133 tion of heat in baking. It is at the same time more digestible, and so in reality more nutritious. A word should be said respecting the cookery of one or two other common articles of food — and first, potatoes. The usual mode in our own locality is to boil them peeled and mash them. Now, one of the most valuable nutrient elements in the potato is the salts of potash, which in a jacketless potato readily es- capes into the water during boiling, and especially if the tubers are placed in cold water at the outset. Jackets or no jackets then is the vital question, and we are compelled to decide in favor of the affirmative. In countries where the people cannot obtain these salts in meats and other foods, experience has taught them to cook the potatoes always without peeling. Bak- ing, though, is altogether the most desirable mode of cooking the potato. By this method all the salts are preserved; while in boiling, even with the covers on, the potato suffers some loss. It is very evident from our returns that a reform is needed in the cooking of such a substantial and yet simple article of food as the potato. It is probable that one of the most poorly cooked foods in our locality is the egg. The method is almost universally fry- ing. To say nothing about the chemical changes which this produces, it is enough to point out that the albumen becoming incased in animal fat partially decomposed is well nigh invul- nerable to the attacks of the digestive juices. On the other hand, anyone who has tried immersing an egg for eight minutes or so in water about twenty degrees below the boiling point and which has been taken off the stove, will know that no part of the egg is cooked hard and yet heat has penetrated through- out the whole. An egg cooked in this way is highly digestible and possesses a delicious flavor ; for a morning meal it will sup- ply the energy needed for the day's work much more speedily and with less expenditure of internal forces than a fried egg or an egg boiled in water at a temperature of 212°. 134 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. §3. Hours for Meals. — It is well known, of course, that a heavy meal makes demands upon the energies of the system for a considerable period ; mind and body alike are less efficient while the early stages of digestion are in progress. The pros- perity of digestion itself requires muscular repose for a time; and when three "square" meals are disposed of daily a relatively large part of waking life must be devoted to the interests of the stomach, and the head and hands must suffer thereby. It would seem a much wiser scheme, and one which is being adopted now in the cities especially, to get most of our nutrition in two repasts ; and if we have a third, to make it exceedingly light so that it will not interfere seriously with either mental or physical activities. A business man in the city would not think of dining at midday; he lunches simply, and his luncheon really serves the purpose of a little recreation rather than of gaining nutrition. Our students enjoy three meals a day, all of about the same proportions, so far as can be judged from the bills-of-fare. It is true they have at noon, with a very few exceptions, what is called dinner, and this is supposed to be the principal repast of the day, although it seems to be so only in the sense that per- haps heavier and more indigestible viands are discussed. But a large number of our students attempt their hardest work in the afternoon immediately following their experience at table; their study hours are in the majority of cases from 2 to half past 5 ; and it is surely not an overstatement to say that no brain is in good workable condition when handicapped by a stomach full of such things as are indicated in the midday bills- of-fare given in Chapter III. [Nearly every one of our students — all except fourteen — reported that from 2 to 4 was the dull- est time in the entire day. From 7 to 9 is also a period of marked mental depression. One would suppose that the mind would be worn out as the hour for retiring approached, and that it would be most obtuse then; but only eight out of the whole number of students reporting said they were dullest at bedtime ; the others were stupidest after meals. 0 SHEA ASPECTS OP MENTAL ECONOMY. 135 A reform in respect of the hours for gaining nutrition is as- suredly needed in our community. It would seem as if the majority of those who make a business of boarding students make no business of it at all. If they were engaged in any other calling they would be obliged to minister to the well-being pf those whom they served ; but not so with most of the land- lords and landladies who care for students. So many people seem to harbor the opinion that a student's welfare does not need special consideration anyway ; it is an easy thing to study and the question of special food and appropriate times for eat- ing is of little importance. But we need to have present prac- tices modified so that students will at midday have a light luncheon of very digestible and nutritious foods j then at half past five or thereabouts should come a more substantial meal, perhaps the principal one of the day. It should be said in this connection that the last repast ought not to be eaten much later than this, since it is important that the digestion of this meal should be completed before bedtime. The stomach is not active during sleep, and foods remaining therein during the night are certain in most instances to pass through fermentative processes, seriously disturbing the normal functioning of the digestive system. Hardly any one can discuss a late banquet without his tongue the next morning revealing his dissipation ; the germs which have been prospering during the night have installed themselves in every part of the mucous membrane which is accessible to them. At Columbia University most of the students partake at mid- day of a simple luncheon of milk and bread, and perhaps a sandwich, obtained at the University refreshment stand; and after an hour's social chat, go back to their work in the library and laboratories. This seems a much more rational way than ,to rush headlong home to a big dinner and rush back in the same manner to recitations and other work, or escape to one's room to doze away two or three profitless hours. This gives one both a bad stomach and a bad conscience, and results eventu- ally in an empty head. May we not hope that some day there 136 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. ■will be near the campus of our University a refreshment booth offering the most wholesome, palatable, and nutritious foods at slight cost, so that students may spend in the library, in the laboratories, and in general social intercourse on the campus the time which is now wasted in rushing to a "square" meal and recovering from the same ? During the winter of 1892-93 an experiment was made along this line at the Boston School of Gymnastics in serving lunch- eons to women students at 15 cents each. The manager, Miss .Wentworth, kept a record for one month of the amount of foods furnished, with their nutritive values ; and while I believe more nutritious and more easily digested articles, as I have indicated in Chapters III and IV, could be furnished now than appeared in this record, yet it is suggestive regarding what could be done for students in our midst without departing in any way from established custom respecting articles of diet. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 137 Statement of one month's luncheons served to students (women) five days in the week, beginning February 1, ending February 28- (Atkinson, op. cit.) February 1st: Beef broth , . . Two rolls — Gingerbread. Butter February 2d: Baked beans . Brown bread. One roll Butter One orange . . February 3d: Escalloped meat. Rolls Butter Apple sauce February 6th : Vegetable soup . Rolls Butter Apricot sauce . . February 7th : Potato soup Rolls Butter Two baked apples. February 8th : Pea soup Rolls Butter Apple cake February 9th : Beef hash — Rolls Butter Apple sauce . February 10th: Oyster soup . Rolls Butter Prune sauce. February 13th: Beef croquettes . . . Potato croquettes. Rolls Butter Baked apples February 14th: Fish chowder Rolls Butter One orange . . . Ounces Food Value in Ghams. P rote id. 9.7 1 4.0 I 0.7 f 6.0 J 6.4 "I 4.0 I 0.7 | 5.3 J 9.6 4.0 0.7 5.3 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.7 8.0 10.0 4.0 0.7 5.3 2.63 2.63 32.2 20.0 15.0 23.6 33.1 20.9 16.8 22.2 Fat. Carbohy drates. 20.4 35.6 26.8 20.9 24.9 35.4 24.0 25.9 22.7 30.0 Calories. 128.4 131.4 138.8 92.1 131.5 126.1 136.5 108.0 111.4 101.2 817.5 979.3 912.2 648.2 826.1 938.3 911.8 762.5 738.8 778.1 138 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. Statement of one month's luncheons served to students (women). — Continued. Ounces. Food Valt/e in Gkams. Calories. Proteid. Fat. Carbohy- drates. February 15th: Tomato soup 9.7 "1 4.0 ! o.7 r 3.5 J 4.0 "1 4.0 1 0.7 f 8.0 J 8.4 1 4.2 | 2.0 !- 0.7 5.3 J 9.6 1 4.0 ! 0.7 f 5.3 J 9.4 1 4.0 ! 0.7 f 4.0 J Z 8.4 1 4.2 1 2.0 1- 0.7 1 5.5 J 4.5 1 4.0 | 0.7 ( 5.0 j 9.7 1 4.0 i 0.7 f 8.0 J 9.6 1 4.0 ! 0.7 f 6.0 J 9.8 1 4.0 [ 0.7 r 4.0 J 19.1 26.8 26.3 13.6 26.3 26.3 24.0 15.0 19.1 23.6 26.3 24.0 35.6 23.1 20.4 35.6 34.0 19.5 24.9 35.4 103.0 109.8 131.4 107.0 128.4 131.4 115.2 108.4 139.7 126.1 • Rolls Butter 739.0 Doughnuts February 16th: Escalloped fish Rolls Butter 777.2 February 17th: 979.3 Butter February 20th: Rolls 704.2 February 21st : Rolls 817.5 February 22d: 979.3 February 23d : Escalloped oysters Rolls Butter 880.3 February 24th: Rolls Butter 681.8 February 27th: Rolls Butter 875.9 February 28th: Rolls 935.3 22.8 27.1 120.2 827.4 O'SHEA — ASPECTS OP MENTAL ECONOMY. 139 CHAPTER VI. INDIVIDUAL PECULIARITIES IN DIGESTIVE CAPACITIES. §1. The Theory of Individual Differences. — There seem to be two great forces that vie with one another in planning and directing the construction of every new being ushered into the world. The first is heredity, Which seeks to reproduce without modification in the offspring the characteristics of the parents ; the second is variation, which seeks to differentiate the young from their ancestors — to beget in them modified structures and functions.1 As a result of the interaction of these forces it happens that while members of the human species, for instance, are much alike, still each is probably distinguished by some purely individual features either in the architecture of the body, in the workings of the vital machinery, or in mental tendency and capacity.2 These differences are probably as marked in respect of digestive functions as of any other; and it is not dif- ficult to appreciate this when it is realized that the transforma- tion of food is brought about through the offices of various di- gestive fluids. Each food element has its particular digestive agent, — starch requiring a special one, albumen another, fat .another. Now, it happens that people differ regarding the quantity and quality of each of these digestive agents ; this per- son falls short on the one essential for the disposition of starch, another generates free hydrochloric acid in excess of that which is actuallv needed or which is conducive to the well-being of the organism, and so on. It results then that we all have our ldio- *Cf. Bateson, Materials for the Study of Variation, London, 1894, pp. 1-80. Darwin, Origin of Species, entire book ; Hoffding, Outlines of Psychology, p. 348, ■et seq. 2 See for a discussion of individuality in the mental sphere, — Bain : A Study of Character, London, 1863 ; Ribot : Psychology of the Emotions, chap. XII ; Paulhan : Les Characteres ; Perez: Caractere de I'enfant et de I'homme; Lotze : Microcosmus, Bk. VI, chap. II; Queyrat : L' imagination chez I'enfant; Galton ; Mental Faculty, chap, on Mental Imagery. 140 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. syncracies regarding the articles from which we can best ob- tain our nutrition, and the viands we can indulge in with im- punity. One who has much difficulty in dealing with starch will find it easier ordinarily to secure his albuminoids from flesh or nut foods than from the cereals or other vegetable prod- ucts; although, to repeat what was urged in preceding para- graphs, by proper cooking starch may be largely pre-digested,. making it acceptable to the most whimsical stomach. An acid stomach cannot tolerate sour fruits, vinegar, or other acids, while a "hypopeptic" individual enjoys and needs an abundance of fruit acids. And the principle holds in respect of many an- other digestive peculiarity. §2. Concrete Examples. — To impress the principle of indi- vidual peculiarities in digestive powers there will be given here graphic illustrations1' of actual analyses of the stomach fluids of two persons of the same family securing their nutrition from the same table. The analyses were made in the Laboratories of Hygiene of the Battle Creek Sanitarium according to meth- ods devised by Golding Bird of England and Hayem and Win- ter of Paris, and extended and perfected by J. H. Kellogg. In the following brief explanation of the methods of examination I follow Kellogg2 principally. In order to make the analysis it is necessary to extract the contents of the stomach after there has been eaten a given quantity of food the composition of which is thoroughly understood; and, of course, a certain amount of time must be allowed for the action of the stomach upon the^food. By chemical analyses of the stomach fluids it is then possible to determine the relative amounts of the sev- eral digestive agents, and so to calculate the working power, as it were, of the stomach, indicating whether it is normal in all respects or whether it varies therefrom in regard to any of the digestive processes. In making the test at Battle Creek the 'I am indebted to Dr. J. II. Kellogg and The Modern Medicine Publishing Co. for the use of the plates of the charts. 'Methods of Precision in the Investigation of Disorders of Digestion — Modern. Medicine Publishing Co., 1899. Also Modern Medicine Library, No. 1, May, 1896. BULL. UNIV. WIS ., SCI. 5ER. VOL 2 , PLATE 1 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION Of the Results of the Chemical Examination of Salivary and Gastric Digestion. NO. 8938. X >• o 1- 01 0> w Li. c 0 "3! 0> SI 0 COEF r-ICIENTS OF DIGESTIVE WORK Chlorin Liberation. ■ c c 0 u. J2 Starch Digestion. V) < C O O O s qa IS C_3 b(D b(2) (3 05 m n X C y z . 130 .480 .240 .410 .300 8.00 2.00 2.00 100 2.00 6.00 10.00 2.00 6.00 .410 .HO .225 .390 .200 7.00 1.00 1.90 « 8* 1.) 1.90 5.00 9.00 1.90 5.00 .890 .110 .210 .:J70 .2 SO 6.50 1.80 i.A 50 1.80 4.00 s.oo 1.80 4.00 .370 .385 .105 .350 .270 6.00 1.70 lv\ 10 1.70 3.00 7.00 1.70 3.00 .350 .3(50 .180 .330 .260 5.50 1.65 1/o.i 30 1.65 2.50 6.00 1. 65^ 2.50 < .335 .340 . 1 65 .315 ,2ato 5.00 1.60 1.601 20 1.60 2.25 5.50 1.60 gj 2.255 35 a .820 .320 .150 .300 r4\ 4.75 1.55 1.55 15 1 " " I. Oil 2.00 5.00 1. 06 a 2.00 fc - a. .803 .305 . 1 35 .285 ^23o\ 4.50 1.50 A. 50 1 10 1.50 1.15^ 4.50 1.50 S 1.75a ^uao .290 .120 .271T .220 14.25 1.45/1.46 \ 0 1.45 i.* .275* ^275 .110 .2/0 .210 tt.OO 1.40/ 1.40 \ s 1.40 1./45 .j\o l.40l /lO* .200 \ao .100 • •J40 .200 3.75 1.3.7 1.35 1 " 1.35 1JB5 8.00\ 1.85 j ft -i - _ 1 .245 .2*5 .090 .625 .190 3150 1.3 A 1.30 \ .080 7210 .lso 3125 1.2f5 1.25 1.25 1JL25 2.00 1.25 j.220 .22ft .070 1200 .170 3.W 4dF° 1.20 \ 4 1.20 1. 20 1.75 1.20 1.20 .210 .21 0) ^.0(>0 f.190 .165 2.75 1.15 1.10 1.15 1.10 \ 3 1 «> 1 — 1.15 i.15 1.50 1.25 1.15 1.10 1.15 1.10 in. » h/ 1.10 h.10 J 1 1 ' H > .105 • w4 -J 1.05 1.05 I 1 1.05/1.05 1.10 1.05 1.05 < umMiSK 0 z .1851.183 .031 .101 .95 .95 .95^ -95/ .95 .90 .95 .95 ' ISO 1 so 025 .024 .145 .90 .85 .90 .85 .90 .85 [ '9Y Vt .90 .85 .so .70 ,90 .85 .90 .170 .170 .130 1.70 .85 ■ .160 .160 .023 .135 .120 1.60 .80 .80 .80 \* NP-^ .80 .60 .80d .80 I .150 .150 .022 .125 .110 1.40 .75 .75 .75 1 75 .75 .50 - - U-1 .. .100 .100 .014 .075 .060 .70 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .15 .50 > .50 % r .085 .085 .012 .065 .0.50 .60 .45 .45 .45 .45 .45 .12 .45 5 .45^ .070 .070 .010 .055 .040 .50 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .10 .40S .35 g .403 .055 .055 .008 .045 .030 .40 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .08 .35 .040 .040 .006 .035 .020 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .06 .30S .30 .025 .025 .004 .025 .010 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .04 .20 .20 ^ .010 .010 .002 .010 .005 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .02 .10 .10 1.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 m n a b(D b(2) C y Z BULL. UNIV. WIS .. SCI. SEfl VOL 2 , p LATE 2 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION Of the Results of the Chemical Examination of Salivary and Gastric Dige stion. NO. 11599. X 13 © o 0) iZ as CD K "1 _o "35 Si COEF rlCEENTS OF DIGESTIVE WORK. Chlorin Liberation. ■ B E g L. • — u. 2 Starch Digestion. nj .t: CO o GO < C o 5 CO © S bw b(2^ m n X C y Z .Js<» I . : .110 . .■• s.00 2.00 2.00 100 2.00 6.00 10.00 2.00 6.00 .410 .440 .225 .290 7.00 1.60 1.96 75 1.90 5.00 9.00 1.90 5, 00 .390 .410 .370 6.50 l.so l.so 50 l.so 4.00 8.00 l.SO 1. ((0 .870 ..is:, .195 .350 .270 6.66 1.70 1.70 40 1.70 3.00 7.00 1.70 3 00 .350 .800 . 1 so .330 .260 5.56 1.65 i.e. 80 1.65 2.50 6.00 l.Go^ g( 50 < .335 .840 . 1 65 • 3 1 5 .250 5.00 1.60 1.60 20 1.60 2.25 5. 50 l.cog «2, 25 i 7i 1 .320 .820 .150 .300 .240 4.75 1 . 5 5 1.55 15 1.55 2.00 5.00 , -- < i..>.>a 2 X 1.80.1 .305 .135 .285 .230 4.50 1.50 1.50 10 1.50 1.75 4.50 1 . 50 w 1. 75 i 50 % y. a. .290 .290 . 1 20 .270 .220 4.25 1.45 1.45 9 1.45 1.50 4.00 1.45 z 1. > r .275 .275 .110 .255 .210 4.60 1.40 1.40 1.40 i.h 3.50 l.40| 1 10* .200 .200 .100 .240 .200 1.35 1.35 7 1.35 l.p 8.00 1.35 j 1 .245 .245 .090 .225 .100 3.50 1.30 1.30 6 1.30 l.io \2.50 1.30 Eu 1 30^ .280 .280 .080 .210 3.25 1.25 1.25 5 1.25 1.E5 V\oo 1 ,25 .220 .220 .070 .200 .170 3.(10 1.20 1.20 1.20 1/20 1 1\ 7 5 > /l.2o\ 1 20 .210 .210 .060 .UN) . 1 65 ioi 1.15 1.15 1.10 1.10 3 1.15 A 1.10 1115 u.io 1.25 1.15V 1 .15 .10 4i 1.10 ) 1 J VL ■m 1.05 1.05 }\ 1.05 /.05 1.10 1.05 \l .05 NORM,* ./ 0 z V-95 .95 .9,! \ .95 / .95 .90 .95 \95 190 .»5 .90 .85 ,9 \.90 [ .90 185 J .85 .80 .70 ,90 ,85 .Vo 1.170 .170 .024 .145 .130 i.70 .1G0 .160 .023 .135 .120 fl.60 .40 .SO .so 180/ .80 .60 ,80d .80 .150 .150 .022 .125 .110 Jl.40 . 7V> . 75 • 7< > .75 .50 .75 .140 .140 .021 .m .100 1.20 ^ Ik • * y .70' .70 • IV .70 .40 .70* .70| < .130 .130 .020 •!M .090 1 1.00 .65 .65 .6. > « t-«p .65 .30 .65 £ .65 2 ^r*eo .120 .018 .095 yosol .90 .60 ,60 .6<» .60 .60 .25 •«<>! .60 a 01 a 0 > .ll\ .110 .01G .085 Wo .80 ,551 ■""ToVji' . .5o <■ r .085 .085 .012 /065 .oW .60 .45 .45 \i i> .45 .45 .12 .455 .45^ .070 .07» .010 /.055 .0^ .50 .40 .40 \4o .40 .40 .10 .40 £ „ a .85 g • 40S 1.055 .055\ .008 ](.045 .030 .40 .35 .35 .*> .35 .35 .08 .35 .040 .040 1.006J .035 .020 .30 .30 .30 .&> .30 .30 .06 .30 H .30 1.025 .025 \o04/ .025 .010 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .04 .20 .20 55 .010 .010 •W .010 .005 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .02 .10 .10 l_l_l 1.000 .oooj.M .000 .000 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00; m n a b(D b(2) c y z O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 141 subject is required first to abstain from all food for ten or twelve hours ; and lie is then given to eat a bowl of Granose, a dry wheat product, He is not allowed any fluids at this test meal. After one hour the contents of the stomach are extracted and subjected to physical and chemical examination. The chemi- cal examination reveals, to begin with, the amount of chlorine present in different forms, which determines the acidity of the stomach and so the power of proteid digestion. This analysis reveals three main types of digestive disorder, — hyperpepsia, hypopepsia, and apepsia. Speaking in a general way, hyper- pepsia denotes an excessively acid stomach, hypopepsia a stom- ach in which there is not enough of acid for proper digestion, and apepsia a stomach in which there is almost no native power of proteid digestion. These types of stomachs are indicated in the charts by the different colored areas, the red denoting the hyper-acid stomach, so to speak, and the blue the sub-acid stom- ach. The test for chlorine in its different combinations shows, in the first place, the total acid condition of the stomach, which is denoted in the chart by A. Taking a given quantity of stom- ach fluid, usually 100 cubic centimeters, it has been determined that the normal amount of acid ranges from .180 to .200 grams. This is indicated in the chart by the purple area, denoting that a stomach containing this proportion of acid is normal in its digestive power. Then the figures above and below the normal area denote the relative proportion of excess or lack of acidity. The column headed H denotes the amount of free hydrochloric acid which has been found in the quantity of stomach fluid ex- amined. It is calculated that the normal amount in 100 cubic centimeters of stomach fluid ranges from .025 to .050 ; all quan- tities above this amount are excessive, those below are insuffi- cient for proper digestion. The column headed C denotes the amount of combined chlorine; that headed A' indicates the amount of free hydrochloric acid and combined chlorine taken together. A' represents the quantity of work, without refer- ence to quality, which the stomach does. 142 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. Now, by referring to the two charts it can be seen that No. 8,938 possesses what may be called an acid stomach. Column A' which denotes the working power of the stomach, shows that it is excessive, which means that the food which is eaten is not like- ly to be fully assimilated ; it is disposed of too rapidly. On the other hand, No. 11,599 possesses a sub-acid stomach, where the proteid digestion is defective ; the free hydrochloric acid is seen to be especially lacking. In prescribing a diet for these two individuals a physician would say that No. 8,938 should abstain from acids in every form, while No. 11,599 is much in need of acid that can be obtained in fruits. I happen to know as a matter of act that if No. 8,938 drinks a glass of lem- onade it will cause distress, while No. 11,599 is greatly benefited by lemonade used very_ freely. The first subject cannot eat sour apples with impunity, while the second subject is very greatly benefited by their generous use. No. 8,938 likes foods rich in proteids, probably because they are easily digested; while No. 11,599 is not so fond of beans and similar foods con- taining a large proportion of albumen. If No. 8,938 drinks a glass of milk between meals he finds it difficult of digestion, doubtless because the excessive acidulous condition of the stom- ach causes coagulation of the casein before the digestive juices can act upon it in a proper way. No. 11,599 does not apparently experience inconvenience from a glass of milk at any time. The analysis of stomach fluid reveals other digestive charac- teristics than those already discussed. It will be seen by an examination of the charts there is a column headed S in one case and M in the other in which is represented the capacity for starch digestion. This is determined by ascertaining the percentage of maltose, expressed as dextrin, found present in the stomach fluid. The normal amount in 100 cubic centimeters ranges from 1.80 to 3.00. (The charts do not quite agree here, due to the fact doubtless that the normal amount has been found to be different as a result of more extended analyses. As the analysis of No. 11,599 was made last, however, it is probable that it represents more correctly the normal amounts, which O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 143 would then range from 1.80 to 2.50 grams.) Quantities above or below these figures indicate a defect in digestive power. While No. 11,599 is sub-normal in proteid digestion, he is hyper- normal, if the term will be allowed, in starch digestion. No. 8,938 shows excess work here as in the case of proteid digestion. As an outcome of these examinations it is possible to deter- mine the working power of the stomach in various directions, and the results are indicated in the charts by coefficients of di- gestive work. It can be seen that No. 8,938 does excessive work in respect of the liberation of chlorine during the digestive processes, indicated by the tracing in the columns m and n. No. 11,599 is quite deficient in this regard. The coefficient of proteid digestion is a, and this power is shown to be normal in the acid but deficient in the hypopeptic stomach. The coefficient of fermentation is x, which is shown to exist in the case of No. 11,599 but not in the other instance. The co- efficients of starch digestion are of two kinds : b^ which denotes the relation of the perfectly digested starch or maltose found in the stomach fluid to the dextrin and soluble starch which is imperfectly digested or converted; and b2, which has reference to the amount of maltose or perfectly digested starch to the amount found in normal digestion. No. 8,938 is sub-normal in the first sort of digestion, and hyper-normal in the second; and substantially the same condition is found in the other stom- ach. The power of salivary activity is represented by the coeffi- cient c. This is determined in the experiment by requiring the subject to chew gum for a given length of timez the saliva se- creted being collected and examined. The column headed y re- lates to the digestive activity of the stomach with reference to the power of disintegrating the food substances ; it is determined by comparing the undissolved residue of the fluid with the to- tal amount of stomach fluid obtained. In both stomachs there is less than the normal amount, which shows excessive activity in this respect. Finally the examination shows the rapidity with which the stomach fluid is disposed of. The coefficient 2 refers to this digestive capacity, and is obtained by a comparir 144 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. eon of the amount of residual fluid found in the stomach at the end of the first hour of digestion after a test meal with the nor- mal amount It can be seen that in No. 8,938 the food is hastened too rapidly, while in No. 11,599 absorption does not proceed rapidly enough. It must be apparent then that these differences in digestive capacity advise somewhat different practices with respect to the quantity and quality of foods eaten ; but the most marked dif- ference between the stomachs is that relating to the digestion of proteids, one individual needing to augment the natural sup- ply of acid in order to promote the digestive process, while the other* is embarrassed by the too bounteous gifts of nature. OSHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 145 CHAPTER VII. EXPENSE OF DIETARIES. §1. Taste Versus Expense in the Choice of Foods. — In an older day men lived to eat ; the gratification of the palate was the sum/mum bonum of life. But the times have changed; life is now seen to be more real and earnest and the table is not its goal. But yet there are those among us who, while holding to the higher and more spiritual ends of existence, still believe that food should be chosen with reference to its taste, to its aesthetic qualities, so to speak, rather than for its nutritive properties. "Eat what you like,'1' these people say ; "this busi- ness of seeing how you can get the greatest nutrition for the least amount of money is unworthy cultured beings." Such persons select their meats, their breads, and their wines prima- rily because they are agreeable to the palate. Among some, the choice of food upon this principle has developed into a fine art. As great pains are taken in planning a bill-of-fare as in painting a picture ; — there must be as great harmony of gusta- tory sensations in the one as of visual sensations in the other. The question of value for money expended does not enter into the construction of a dietary at all with these neo-Epicureans. Now, it seems to be a law of our being that what is indiffer- ent, painful, or repugnant cannot exercise a beneficial influence upon us ; that alone which is pleasureable seems to heighten the tide of life. It is probable, too, that of all manner of obnox- ious things distasteful food is the worst ; and so there is really a show of reason in the doctrine, eat what you like. But upon close examination it does not go very far ; it assumes that there is incompatibility in deferring to the pocket-book and to the palate at the same time. The conviction seems to be deeply settled in many people's minds that what is nutritious is not 10 146 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. tasty ; and what is palatable may or may not have any nutritive value, usually not. As a matter of fact, however, common sense would suggest that what is best for the organism in the long run affords the most agreeable gustatory sensations. The palate never would have survived in the crisis of evolution if it had not thus served the body faithfully. If in its pristine condi- tion it selected foods which, while ministering to taste yet were of little account in meeting the needs of existence, the race would have disappeared in its infancy. Evolution, then, confirms what unprejudiced observation and personal experience will tell anyone, — that the most palatable foods fulfill the requirements of perfect nutrition most satisfactorily. §2. The Cost of a Dietary of Different Foods. — But however the philosophy presented in the preceding section may be re- garded by some, yet it will readily be granted by all that in student life, as it is found in our community, the question of securing nutrition at the least expense is a vital one. Consid- erably over one-half of our students feel the need of economiz- ing in every direction during their university career, and it is probable that there is no place where wise economy would be more effectual than in the arrangement of the dietary. This may be accomplished, and I believe without doing violence in any way to the legitimate rights of the palate. There are ap- pended tables showing that the requirements of a perfect bill of fare can be met with different foods at greatly varying ex- penditures. To illustrate : If one had twenty-five cents to ex- pend for food, it would purchase for him almost no nutrition in oysters, for instance, but it would yield very large returns if spent for bread, or oatmeal, or cornmeal, as the following fig- ures show: 0 SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. H7 Amounts of nutrients furnished for twenty-five cents in food mate' rials at ordinary prices. (Atwater, op. cit., p. 28.) Food Materials as Purchased. Beef, sirloin Beef, sirloin Beef, sirloin Beef, sirloin Beef, round Beef, round Beef, round .'. Beef, neck Beef, neck Beef, neck Mutton, leg Mutton, leg Mutton, leg Ham, smoked Ham, smoked Salt pork Salt pork Salt pork Cod, fresh Cod, fresh Cod, dry salt Cod, dry salt Mackerel, salt Mackerel, salt Oysters, 25 cents a qt Oysters, 35 cents a qt Oysters, 50 cents a qt Eggs, 15 cents per doz Eggs, 25 cents per doz Eggs, 35 cents per doz Price per pound , Cents. 10 15 20 25 8 12 16 4 6 8 8 14 20 10 16 10 14 18 6 10 6 8 10 15 12.5 17.5 25 8.8 14.7 20.6 25 Cents will Pay foe: Nutrients. Total food mate- rials. Total. Pro- tein. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 2.50 .79 .38 1.67 .52 .25 1.25 .39 19 1.00 .31 .15 3.13 .95 .59 2.08 .63 .37 1.56 .47 .28 6.25 1.85 .98 4.17 1.23 .65 3.13 .93 .49 3.13 .96 .47 1.79 .55 .27 1.25 .38 .19 2.50 1.23 .37 1.56 .77 .23 2.50 3.09 .02 1.79 1.50 .02 1.39 1.16 .01 4 17 .45 .44 2.50 .27 .27 4.17 .63 .67 3.13 .51 .50 2.50 .74 .37 1.67 .49 .24 2.00 .24 .13 1.43 .17 .09 1.00 .12 .06 2.84 .63 .34 1.70 .37 .21 1.21 .27 .15 Fats. Lbs. .41 .27 .20 .16 .39 .26 .19 .87 .58 .44 .49 .28 .19 .86 .54 2.07 1.48 1.15 .01 .01 .01 .47 .25 .03 .02 .02 .29 .17 .12 Car- bohy- drates. Lbs. .08 .06 .04 Fuel value. Calo- ries. 2,425 1,620 1,215 970 2,675 1,780 1,335 5,500 3,670 2,755 2,925 1,675 1,170 4,340 2,705 8,775 6,285 4,880 855 510 1,315 985 2.275 1,520 520 370 260 1,660 1,115 790 148 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. Amounts of nutrients furnished for twenty-five cents in food mate- rials at ordinary prices. — Continued. Food Materials as Pubchased. Milk, 3 cents per qt Milk, 6 cents per qt Milk, 8 cents per qt Cheese, whole milk Cheese, whole milk Cheese, whole milk Cheese, skim milk Cheese, skim milk Cheese, skim milk Butter Butter Butter Sugar Sugar Wheat flour Wheat flour Wheat flour Wheat bread Wheat bread Wheat bread Corn meal Corn meal Oatmeal Oatmeal Bice Bice Beans Potatoes, 45 cents per bush Potatoes, 60 cents per bush Potatoes, 90 cents per bush Price per pound. Cents. 1.5 3 4 12 15 18 6 8 10 15 25 35 5 7 2 2.5 3 3 5 8 2 3 3 5 5 8 0.75 9.75 1 1.5 25 Cents will Pat foe: Nutrients. Total food mate- rials. Lbs. 16.67 8.33 6.25 2.08 1.67 1.39 4.17 3.13 2.50 1.67 1.00 .71 5.00 3.57 12.50 10.00 8.33 8.33 5.00 3.1g 12.50 8.33 8.33 5.00 4.17 3.13 5.00 33.33 25.00 16.67 Total. Lbs. 2.05 1.02 .77 1.36 1.09 .91 2.25 1.69 1.35 1.45 .86 .61 4.89 3.50 10.87 8.70 9.24 5.56 3.34 12.09 10.45 6.97 7.51 4.52 3.64 2.73 4.22 5.70 4.27 2.85 Pro- tein. Lbs. .60 .30 .23 .59 .47 .39 1.60 1.20 .96 .02 .01 .01 Fats. 1.37 1.10 .91 .73 .44 .28 1.15 .77 1.22 .74 .31 .23 1.16 .60 .45 .30 Lbs. .67 .23 .25 .74 .59 .49 .28 .21 .17 1.42 .85 .60 .14 .11 .03 .14 .08 .05 .47 .32 .59 .36 .02 .01 .10 .03 .02 .02 Car- bohy- drates Lbs. .78 .39 .29 .03 .03 .03 .37 .28 .22 .01 4.89 3.50 9.36 7.49 6.24 4.69 2.82 1.76 8.83 5.88 5.70 3.42 3.31 2.49 2.96 5.07 3.80 2.53 Fuel value. Calo- ries. 5,420 2,705 2,030 4,305 3,455 2,875 4,860 3,645 2,910 6,035 3,615 2,565 9,100 6,495 20,565 16,450 13, 705 10,660 6,400 4,005 20,565 13, 705 15,370 9,225 6,795 5,100 8,075 10,665 8,000 5,335 O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 149 §3. Local Expenses, With Practical Suggestions. — The aver- age expense for table board in our community, as reported by 326 students, is $2.74. Some students pay $4.00, a few pay $1.00, the majority come very near $2.50. This is about the figure reached in the experiments made at the Maine State Agri- cultural College.1 If abundant nutrition were obtained for this amount, it would probably not be excessive; although it is much greater than is necessary if a person finds it desirable to economize rigidly. Atkinson2 has calculated bills-of-fare which afford ample nutrition and give variety, but which do not exceed in cost $.96 a week. Atwater's dietary lists at ex- ceedingly moderate prices have already been given.3 At the Battle Creek Sanitarium there are in the neighborhood of one thousand helpers living very well on $.75 a week or less; and there is no body of people to be met anywhere who appear bet- ter nourished, or who manifest greater efficiency in body and mind. It is certainly not overstating the case to say that our students, regarded in the whole, could live very much better than they do for the amount which they expend; and many of them who deprive themselves of social advantages for pecuniary reasons might a great deal better economize in their food with profit to their pockets and their stomachs. Of course it is im- possible in the majority of instances for a single person to inau- gurate reform ; but where a hundred men are banded together in a club, a little planning, a little intelligent study of the prob- lems involved, such as they would expect to do if it were any other matter under the sun, would be of tremendous advantage to them. Perhaps the day may come some time when the man who essays to manage a club or boarding house will bear some credentials testamentary of his fitness for this business other than that he is a "hustler," or is in need of money, or can find nothing else to do. If one were to suggest methods of economy, he would first attack the meat which is found in students' dietaries, for this 1 Jordan, op. cit. 2Op. cit., pp. 175 et seq. 3 Chap. III. 150 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. is the most costly of all articles of food, as Jordan1 and many another experimenter have found.2 It can be readily seen that to raise wheat and corn and then feed them to cattle must make the product more expensive than to use the grains in their original form for human food. The process of passing corn through cows and hogs before it reaches man involves time and labor and waste which the consumer of flesh must pay for. Paley3 wrote as follows upon this subject some time ago: "In England, notwithstanding the produce of the soil has been con- siderably increased by the enclosure of wastes, and the adoption, in many places, of a more successful husbandry, yet we do not observe a corresponding addition to the number of inhabitants, the reason of which appears to me to be the more general consumption of animal food amongst us. * * * If we measure the quantity of provision by the number of human bodies it will support in due health and vigor, this quantity, the extent and quality of the soil from which It is raised being given, will depend greatly upon the kind. For in- stance, a piece of ground capable of supplying animal food sufficient for the subsistence of ten persons, would sustain at least the double of that number with grain, roots, and milk." Dr. Kichardson, in "Modern Thought" for July, 1880, devel- ops this thought in an interesting way. He says: "We really ought to consider the question of utilizing, on a large scale, all vegetables which, in nutrient value, stand above animal products. We have also to learn, as a first truth, the truth that the oftener we go to the vegetable world for our food, the oftener we go to the first, and, therefore, to the cheapest source of supply. The com- monly accepted notion that when we eat animal flesh we are eating food at its prime source cannot be too speedily dissipated, or too speed- ily replaced by the knowledge that there is no primitive form of food — albuminous, starchy, osseous — in the animal world itself, and that all the processes of catching an inferior animal, or of breeding it, rearing it, keeping it, dressing it, and selling it, mean no more nor less than entirely additional expenditure throughout for bringing into what we have been taught to consider an acceptable form of food the veritable food which the animal itself found, without any such preparation, in the vegetable world." 1Loc. cit. 2 See, for instance, Atwater, op. cit., p. 23 ; also Smith, quoted by Kingsford, The Perfect Way of Diet, p. 103. * Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 151 Dr. Lyon Playfair, the well known English scientist, prose- cuted a series of official investigations for several years on the subject of military rations in England, Erance, Prussia, and Austria. He found that in order to obtain the right amount of albuminous matter it would be necessary to consume weekly : Price (about) s. d. 147 ounces of butchers meat 6 1 or 93 ounces of cheese 3 or 341 ounces of ordinary white bread 2 8 or 175 ounces of oatmeal 1 or 127 ounces of dried peas 1 2 In order to obtain the necessary proportion of dynamic or caloric-forming substance, it would be necessary to consume weekly : Price (about) s. d. 416 ounces of butcher's meat i7 4 or 224 ounces of cheese 7 ° or 298 ounces of ordinary bread 2 or 616 ounces of potatoes 2 9 or 221 ounces of dried peas 1 10 or 183 ounces of oatmeal 1 ° These figures, with others given on preceding pages, show conclusively that meat is not an economical food from which to obtain the energy required for either mental or physical labor. Herbert Spencer, when considering some years ago the advis- ability of living more largely upon a vegetable diet,1 complained that it was impossible to get the requisite amount of albumen without too much energy being expended in digestion. This objection is assuredly an important one. It has already been said that to overburden the system wi,th innutritious, indigesti- ble and largely waste materials results in a limitation of its efficiency ; and when the albuminoids cannot be easily obtained in peas, beans, grains, and nuts the additional expense for meat in student dietaries is certainly justified. But I maintain what has already been urged, that right cooking and the freer use of pulse and nut foods and grains, as cereals and breads, rich in 1 Education, p. 240. 152 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN. albumen will give us this element in as digestible and concen- trated form as can be obtained, in meat, and this will enable the student to economize considerably in his dietary. Another direction in which economy can be secured is in the total abolition of pies, cakes, pickles, and the like. They really serve no useful purpose in the dietary; nutritious foods will minister to the appetite just as fully and will in addition recom- pense the eater for his financial outlay. o'SHEA A8PECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 153 CHAPTER VIII. FRESH AIR, EXERCISE AND REST IN THE PRODUCTION AND EXPENDITURE OF CEREBRAL ENERGY. §1. Function of Oxygen in {he Organism, — Many people seem to think that albumen, fat, and carbohydrates are suffi- cient in themselves to supply the organism with energy; if you eat enough, they say. you will be vigorous enough in mind and bodv. But a little reflection will teach one that fat and carbo- 1/ hydrates as such are only force in potentia, so to speak. They are absolutely powerless in the system until they are oxydized, so that an adequate supply of oxygen is as essential to proper nutrition, in the broad sense, as a liberal quantity of carbohy- drates and other substances. An organism deprived of a due allowance of oxygen becomes lethargic; and if it be altogether cut off, entire absence of action supervenes, a fact with which everyone is of course familiar. Now, observation and experiment have indicated somewhere near the amount of oxygen which the human body requires for greatest efficiency, and this must be secured by a constant ap- portionment of air containing the "life giving element" in a certain uniform proportion. In determining this proportion the ratio of C02 to the other constituents of an atmosphere is .usually taken as an index of the purity of that atmosphere, since this gas is generally found in the presence of other gases which, vitiate the air. It has been calculated that more than 4 parts of carbonic acid gas in 10,000 parts of air renders the latter incapable of furnishing oxygen to the system in the re- quired quantities.1 This estimate can be only relatively true, however, since organisms differ respecting the amount of oxy- gen which they need to support mental and bodily activities. A 1 For the results of investigations relating to this subject, see Burnham, Peda- gogical Seminary, June, 1892, p. 23, et seq. 154 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. high-strung individual, as we say — one who is intense in thought and quick and vigorous in physical movements — must needs generate more vital force than a person of an opposite temper- ament. Again, one possessing a relatively large inhalant sys- tem can thrive in an atmosphere where a small-lunged unfortu- nate would be able to do little more than keep body and soul together. But for the average individual it is essential in order that he may obtain the necessary quota of oxygen that there should be furnished him about 30 cubic feet of air per minute; and this with the ordinary methods of ventilation will necessitate about 225 cubic feet of space1 being set apart for his sole tenant- age. These figures can only be suggestive, since the volume of space demanded depends upon the rapidity with which the air changes and upon its richness in oxygen. But taking these esti- mates as of general trustworthiness, we find that the majority of our students are fairly well circumstanced in respect of el- bow room in their living quarters. In our questionnaire we asked for the size of their apartments, with the number of per- sons they contained, and the following table presents the results : 1 Martin (Human Physiology, p. 377) says that an individual should be sup- plied with 800 cubic feet of space ; but it is probable that this is not at all es- sential in properly ventilated apartments. Burnham, op. cit., summarizes the re- sults of investigations upon this subject as follows : "According to M. de Chau- mont, at the International Congress of Education at Brussels in 1880, Belgium prescribed one square meter of floor-space and 4.5 cubic meters of air-space to each scholar ; but the Educational League of Belgium, in the plans of its model schools, proposed 1.67 sq. m. of floor-space and 9.6 cu. m. of air-space to each pupil. In Holland the average per head was 4.54 cu. m. In England, in the Board Schools, auout 1 sq. m. of floor-space and from 3.65 to 4.25 cu. m. of air- space were allowed. Bavaria prescribed 3.9 cu. m. for scholars of eight years, and 5.6 cu. m. for those of twelve years. In Sweden, in the primary schools 1.52 sq. m. and 5.35 to 7.55 cu. m. ; in the higher schools 2.17 sq. m. and 7.69 to 9.98 cu. m. per head were allowed. In Switzerland the regulations vary in dif- ferent cities. In Berne a subcommittee of the Police Directors reported two or three years ago in favor of 4 cu. m. per pupil under ten, 5.5 cu. m. for pupils over ten ; in all cases 1 sq. m. of floor-space. In some schools as much as 6.50 cu. m. of air-space per child is required. In Austria 0.6 sq. m. and 3.8 to 4.5 cu. m. are required. In the country schools in Prussia a floor-area for each pupil of at least 0.64 to 0.74 sq. m. and a height of 3.20 m. — therefore at least 2 to 2.37 cu. m. of air space — are provided. In the higher schools from 3.9 to 5.2 cu. m. are required. In Wurtemberg from 3 to 5 cu. m., in Hesse and Baden 3 cu. m. are prescribed for each pupil." O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 155 No. in room. Smallest. Largest. 1 9Yt x 9x8 12 x 15 x 9 10 x 12 x 8 16 x 14 x & 2 24 x 12 x 8 3 12 x 16 x 8 It is apparent at a glance that so far as breathing space alone is concerned our students are on the whole well off. But the method of heating determines in largest degree the oxygen value of the atmosphere of any room which is much used. One heated •by steam, with no provision for the entrance of fresh or the exit of expired air, is quite certain to be improperly oxygenated, be it ever so spacious ; and people living therein are likely to experience sooner or later a decrease in their energies. About one-third of our students reported that their rooms were heated by steam, over one-half were favored with hot air; while fifty- four were kept warm in the old-fashioned way, by coal and wood stoves. It is probable that the most satisfactory method of heating, regarded from the point of view from which we are considering the subject, is by hot air, where the wholesomeness of the atmosphere is more easily secured. On entering a house in winter it is not difiicult to detect whether it is heated in this or in some less hygienic manner. It may be added here by way of exhortation that students occupying apartments heated by steam or by stoves must give especial attention to ven- tilation. And this is as necessary at night as during waking hours ; for it seems, as Richards says,1 that during sleep the or- ganism stores up oxygen which is to be utilized in generating force for the activities of the following day. The effect of inadequate ventilation is readily apparent in lessened vigor of mind and body, and there can be no doubt that mental acumen and endurance in some cases, and lethargy and dullness in others, find their explanation in the quality of air habitually inspired. It may be remarked in passing that this subject needs attention from university authorities as well as from students themselves. A class-room filled full of seekers !The Northwestern Monthly, Vol. VIII, July, '97. 156 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. after knowledge, and which retains from day to day the respira- tory contributions of its occupants, is, to say the least, a poor mount on which to entertain the Muses. Libraries in which the atmosphere is rarely changed furnish occasion for idle and even stupid gazing at books; one cannot drink deeply at the Pierian spring in such a place. Morrison1 has well said that in a comfortable atmosphere of proper temperature and purity as much labor can be accomplished in one hour as can be accom- plished in six hours in an atmosphere rendered impure by respi- ration. * § 2. Exercise. — Doubtless every one is familiar with the most important effects of physical exercise upon the somatic func- tions. Hygiene has taught us these many years that muscular activity quickens circulation, stimulates the organs of elimina- tion, arouses lethargic cells in all parts of the body, creates a need for oxygen which results in increased respiration ; and, in short, produces a general feeling of euphoria, of well-being, which must be of distinct advantage to the organism from what- ever point of view it is regarded. That which heightens the tide of life as a whole must be considered as fostering more vigorous and efficient mentation ; so that if exercise produced directly only physiological effects in the organism, it would still be of inestimable benefit to the mind. But there are other .ways in which it is of marked advantage to the mental life. For one thing, it relieves muscular tensions which sap the vital- ity of the physical medium of mind, a matter which will be discussed at length later.2 The point which must receive special attention here relates to the value of exercise in pro- moting metabolism in the cerebral motor areas, and hence in augmenting the total energy-producing capacities of the brain. According to a now prevalent view of which Flechsig3 is the most illustrious exponent, energy generated in one nerve cen- 1The Ventilation and Warming of School Buildings. 2 Chap. X. sSee Gehim und Seele. See also Curtis: Inhibition, Pedagogical Seminary, Vol. VI, No. 1 ; Burk. op. cit., and Newsholme, School hygiene, Chap. XII. OSHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 157 ter may in a well organized brain be utilized in a different one; thus I may be producing a large amount of force in the motor areas of my brain but be employing it in the reflective, the thought regions. If I exercise any certain parts of the cere- brum more than others, energy tends to flow into them and out of the unused areas. Cerebral energy may not inappro- priately be likened to water in respect of its tendency to seek a level ; if it be drawn out in one quarter, it will rush in from others to preserve the equipoise. This theory, which is in harmony with our knowledge of the structure of the cere- brum as an instrument for the production and transmission of energy, is also corroborated by the familiar experience of inhibition in daily life. Every one must have observed that when he thinks vigorously, the degree and force of physical action is lessened; and, on the other hand, when the muscles are most active the mind is relatively inert. Xow, it seems to be a rational supposition that mental activity inhibits phys- ical activity, because it draws away from the motor centers energy required for muscular action. When the mathematical part of the brain, for instance, is intensely active, we may con- ceive that, energy from other localities sets in toward this as a focus, and so activity in other regions is lessened; all is ex- pended upon the particular undertaking in hand. Now, if this theory be valid, an inference may be drawn from it of vital significance in regard to the value of exercise for brain workers. If the cerebral motor areas be maintained in a vigorous condition ; if the metabolism of the cells be kept at its best, that is to say, then the surplus energy generated here may be utilized in intellectual labor. On the other hand, one who does not use his muscles, who does not stimulute the motor cells, fails to make use of great laboratories for the pro- duction of vital force. A student who, desiring to accomplish the most in his studies, denies himself all physical exercise must, according to our theory, be a loser in the end. And in more ways than one. He not only fails to keep in their prime all the energy-generating powers of the brain, but he really 158 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. breaks up the unity between intellectual and motor activities which seems to i be essential for the best mental health and balance. A certain amount of motor activity is without doubt necessary for the stability and integrity of mind, and this is becoming more apparent every day as the pathological aspects of psychology are being more carefully examined.1 On account of this close relationship between mental and motor activity, it is probable that at no time in life can one divorce them en- tirely with safety to either mind or body. The question respecting the amount of exercise which is most suitable for students is a vital one. In the present state of our knowledge it is impossible to give a definite answer to this; about all that can be said now is that each person must test the matter for himself, taking for his guide the principle that his physical activities should serve the purpose of keeping the organism in proper repair and furnishing energy to sustain mental effort. In so far as it fails to do this, it must be regarded as of little value, and it may be distinctly detrimental. If one's experience in the gymnasium or out of doors lessens the capacity for sustained mental effort, it shows that it is either excessive or not adapted to the needs of the individual. If one will become conscious of the matter for a time, he can doubtless make a rule fairly well adapted to his peculiar necessities. While it is probable that many students in our university do not have exercise enough, yet it is certain that some have too much for the best intellectual work. I have been able to ob- serve with some care for one year the mental processes of one of our athletes. During the fall he was under heavy training, and throughout the whole of that period he was less keen, vigorous, and sustained than usual in all of his intellectual labor. He could not reason well, was not quick in apprehending a point, was not ready in retaining or recalling what had apparently been mastered from day to day. Two or three weeks after the ath- 1Ct. Seguin : The Treatment of Idiocy by the Physiological Method; cf. also Wey, quoted by Hanciock, A Study of Motor Ability, Ped. Sem.. Vol. Ill, p. 24 ; Burk, op. cit ; Oppenheiui, op. cit., chap. V. O'SHEA ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 159 letic season had closed his mind brightened up considerably, showing improvement in every direction. I conversed with him frequently regarding his mental performances, and he was conscious himself that undue physical exertion occurred at the expense of intellectual acumen and vigor. It may appear to some who read the above paragraph that it conflicts with the popular belief that athletes make the best scholars. I am inclined to think that an athletic student who does not go beyond bounds in his training for contests is likely to be superior in his mental tasks, since he has more energy which can be employed in this direction if he will only reserve it in right measure for that purpose. It is easy to see then why a. good athlete should attain high rank in scholarship in the long run, and at the same time do poor work while under training. When he does give himself up fully to his studies, he can ac- complish more than the general run of folks and so keeps up his average; but if he continues in severe training throughout the whole year, I think it is altogether unlikely that he will attain fame in things of the mind. Our students vary a good deal in the amount of exercise which they take. Twenty say they spend one hour a day in the gym- nasium, forty-eight spend two hours, and thirty-four spend three hours. In many of the answers it was impossible to tell whether exercise was taken every day or only on special days in the week. A majority of our students reporting spend more time out of doors than in the gymnasium. One hundred and thirty-three spend about an hour a day out of doors, eighty-three spend two hours, and forty-two are in the open air three hours a day. If one should hazard an opinion upon the practices of our students, he might say that those who take exercise systematically have probably on the average enough to meet their needs. One hour a day of quite vigorous exercise out of doors or in the gymna- sium will probably, for the majority of individuals, serve to stimulate beneficially all the organs of the body, to eliminate waste materials, and to keep the motor centers in a healthy, ac- tive condition.1 1cf., for instance, Newsholme, loc. cit. 160 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. The particular form of exercise "best suited to head workers is a very important matter. Regarded from our point of view, that kind of physical activity will be most efficient which keeps the cerebral motor areas in best repair, and which involves the least dissipation of vital forces. Now, it seems to be a principle of our human nature that what we like to do is in general better for us than the things we hate. Pleasurable activities create less wear and tear1 than those which are distasteful, an arrangement we should infer from the principles of evolution, even if we had no confirmatory experience with it in our own lives. Disagree- able tasks lie along the lines of greatest resistance for the organ- ism, so a relatively larger amount of energy must be expended in overcoming them; while on the other hand, what is agreeable opens up ways of easy progress, and makes comparatively little demands upon our powers. This doctrine is of vital conse- quence in relation to our phye'eal exercise. Games and plays and gymnastics which are pleasurable will accomplish the pur- pose of recreation better than those which are indifferent or bore-some. A game which will enlist our lively interest will do much more for us than formal drill which we have to coerce ourselves through. In other words, play, in the best sense of the term, whether in the gymnasium or out of doors, constitutes by all odds the most efficient method of exercise ; 2 it usually in- volves the various organs of the body and utilizes highly co-ordi- nated and complex activities, so that all parts of the motor mech- anism of the brain are brought into action. "Man is wholly man only when he plays," Schiller says. On the other hand, formal drill ofttimes makes use of only a few movements and so stimulates but small portions of the cerebral motor areas. Again, so far as possible the will should be released in physi- cal exercise. This is accomplished more largely in play than in drill which one dislikes ; things which we hate we have to will Jcf. Johnson : Education in plays and games; Ped. Sem., Vol. 3, pp. 98 and 99. 2 From the earliest times men have appreciated the transcendent value of play in the development of childhood and youth. See, for instance, Plato, Laics, I, 643 and Rep. VII, 537 ; Aristotle, Bk. VII, 17 ; Froebel, Education of Man, § 30 ; Locke in Quick*s Locke on Education, p. 55, 76. O SHEA — ASPECTS OP MENTAL ECONOMY. 161 to overcome, while those activities which draw us spontaneously do not require for their execution an act of volition. Observe a boy at play and at work. The play may really be harder in the sense that more work is done and more difficult movements are performed, but yet his will is not exerting itself against ob- stacles and so he is really less fatigued over the heavier than the lighter task. Aud so it is with all of us ; we tire much more readily in performing tasks in which we have no interest. Econ- omy then demands that a student's physical exercises be gen- uinely pleasurable; that he go to them without having to drive Jiimself. Recreation will then accomplish the purpose for which it is taken, rather than become an additional burden to an al- ready overtaxed will-1 A word may be said before leaving this subject upon spe- -cific sorts of exercise. Dancing is a very common form in our community ; one hundred and sixty-seven of our students re- ported that they danced, while one hundred and forty-eight did not. The frequency with which dancing occurs differs much with different students; many of the young women in Ladies' Hall dance every night after the evening meal ; others dance once a week or once in three weeks ; while a few dance once a semester. The amount of dancing at any one time is, again, quite varied. In Ladies' Hall it lasts for an hour in the evening. Two stu- dents reported to have danced frequently until 5 o'clock in the morning ; the majority of the others, however, ceased their pleas- ures at 11 or 12 o'clock at night. It is not necessary here to pre- sent arguments in favor of dancing as a beneficial form of exer- cise ; from our point of view it answers well all the requirements, especially when it is taken under conditions of good ventilation and proper temperature. But too emphatic condemnation can- *cf. the following: O'Shea, Physical Culture in the Public Schools: Atlantic "Monthly, Feb., 1895 ; Groos : Die Spiele der Menschen, especially Zweite Abtheil- ung, pp. 467-503 and 516-526 ; Hughes': Educational Value of Play, and The Re- cent Play Movement in Germany ; Ed. Rev., Vol. XIII, pp. 327 et seq ; G. E. Johnson ; op. cit., pp. 97 et seq. ; Earl of Meath ; Public Playgrounds for Chil- dren ; 19th Cent. Vol. XXXIV, pp. 267 et seq. ; Gulick : Psychological, Pedagogi- cal, and Religious Aspects of Group Games; Ped. Sem., Vol. XI, No. 2 ; and Some Psychical Aspects of Muscular Exercises, Pop. Sci. Mo.. Vol. 53, pp. 793-805. 11 162 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. not be urged upon dancing until 12 o'clock at night once a week or once in two weeks or at longer or shorter intervals. This must be extreme for the average individual ; and, like all kinds, of excess, it must result in a positive detriment to the organism. While we have little data other than the testimony of experience for this statement, jet I think most people will agree that danc- ing for four hours produces fatigue, and that the individual is rather the worse for his recreation. If dancing be practiced as a form of business or of dissipation, that is one thing; if it is indulged in for recreation and recuperation, that is an altogether different thing. In order that recreation re-create it must re- fresh and not overtax; it must leave the individual with more of potency than he had when he started in, which cannot be the case when one dances four or five hours continuously. If we could only have dancing more frequently and for shorter pe- riods, say twice a week lasting in no case beyond two hours, I believe it would be a valuable form of recreation ; but it cannot be so considered as it is now practiced by many in our midst. Brain workers will probably be benefited more by activities requiring the greater use of the fundamental than of the peri- pheral muscles. Gymnastics and games then should not re- quire too exact and delicate co-ordinations, since it would seem that student life really demands enough of this sort of thing in the prosecution of studies. The cerebral areas controlling the peripheral muscles are doubtless involved in thinking, and it is desirable that our recreation should relieve these areas from active exercise while calling others into play. Again, it seems to me especially desirable that our amusements should engage the muscles principally rather than the- mind. Cards, checkers, authors, and the like must be poorly suited to the needs of those who use their heads constantly in their regular employments. Whist is a study ; it probably dissipates as much energy as al- gebra, and utilizes somewhat similar parts of the brain. A stu- dent's life economically planned would aim to expend in study all of the energies which should be devoted to intellectual activi- ties, while recreation would involve motor activities almost wholly. Billiards, for example, must be regarded as a very su- O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 163 perior sort of recreation for a student, compared with euchre. Bowling is doubtless better still ; and in short all pastimes in the gymnasium or out of doors that make the motor element promi- nent, are to be commended above those which are principally in- tellectual. §3. Sleep. — In every living thing so far as we know periods of repose alternate with periods of activity. There is a kind of rhythm of action and of rest. Activity involves waste of liv- ing substance and cessation of action is essential that recupera- tion may take place. This rhythm is especially marked in hu- man life. We have a long stretch, say sixteen hours, of waking life, during which mind and body are active and energy is dis- sipated ; then there supervenes a season of quiet, when worn out tissue is repaired and the organism is brought back again to the normal condition. This period of rest seems to be even more important than nutrition for the preservation of life; for ex- periments have been made upon dogs showing that death fol- lowed more quickly from lack of sleep than from lack of food. 1 Hodges' studies2 demonstrating that in the case of animals cerebral cells were depleted of their contents after a day's activi- ties and restored during the quiescent period of the night are suggestive respecting what in all probability takes place in prin- ciple in the human brain. Waking life robs brain cells of their substance ; then during sleep, when the mind is in repose, the cells regain the energy which is essential for the sustenance of activity. If a man be denied sleep so that the drain upon nerve cells continues beyond a certain point, he will, of course, be thrown into a condition of fatigue, when intellect and emotions must suffer. It is then of vital consequence in student life that periods of activity and rest be so alternated as to keep the nervous organism in the best possible repair. Now, it has not been determined by exact experiment, so far as I know, just how much sleep an individual needs. In all probability this differs with different people. There have been great historical personages, for instance, who have been able *I have lost my authority for this statement, but I remember clearly the ex- periments and the outcome. 2Loc. cit. 164 BULLETIN OP THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. while guiding the destinies of nations to survive o.n a very lim- ited amount of sleep. Every one knows of Napoleon's capacity in this direction. On the other hand, Gladstone is said to have required seven hours' sleep quite regularly throughout his public life. In our own country there is a president of a great uni- versity who is reported to get along with at most four hours of sleep, and on occasions he is able to do well on two hours. But for the majority of individuals it is probable that somewhere near eight hours is essential.1 Cowles,2 Beard,3 Mills,4 and other writers upon nervous exhaustion are quite insistent upon this amount for all people; and while it may certainly be im- possible for one individual to survive on what another will thrive on, yet it is probable that a third of the day spent in sleep could not but be of advantage to every person and in no case could it be a detriment. The majority of our students give the required number of houra to sleep. Two hundred and thirteen reported that they devoted eight hours to this purpose ; fifty-eight spend seven hours ; thirty- four, nine hours ; one, ten hours ; four, six hours ; while only two spend five hours. If their sleep be sound then our students should on the whole be well provided for in this respect. But in many cases people feel they are complying with all the re- quirements if they simply lie in bed. However, in order that sleep be fully reparative it ought to be peaceful and dreamless ; otherwise the cerebral areas concerned in conscious mental life are active and energy is being dissipated. That one may secure this perfect rest his sleeping environment must be quite -free from noise. Noise has a peculiar effect upon one asleep ; even the slightest auditory stimulus seems to produce a waking re- action. It appears that there is in the human soul a sort of memory of earlier racial experiences where noise was a most significant affair; an animal that could not awaken instantly upon sounds of howling or cracking or crunching or breathing lcf. Kotelmann, School Hygiene, pp. 187 and 225-231. *op. cit. *op. cit. 4 Mental Over-work and Premature Disease Among Public Men. Smithsonian Inst., Lower Lectures, No. IX. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 1G5 in his vicinity would have little chance of escaping from ene- mies lurking everywhere. And now, although man is quite safe in an environment of any amount of racket, yet he has not fully outgrown this old racial tendency to awareness in the presence of noise. It is instructive in this connection to observe a little child who in the earliest weeks trembles with fright at a loud noise, and cannot sleep except in an atmosphere of quiet. The effect of noise upon a sleeping subject has been studied by Lombard and others,1 and the results are conclusive in show- ing that even a slight disturbance causes a decrease in peripheral blood supply, indicating that the blood is flowing in increasing quantities toward the brain which tends to return to the waking state. The charts which follow show this phenomenon. 1 \ „..>•■■—■, v» \ 'I, '"ini.i'i'1"1 II" y i" 3 A P 3A 9A 3f» 3>» Fig. 14. — The ordinates show the relative intensities of sound required for dis- crimination. The abscissae show the progress of the hour as explained above < Patrick.) .9o3A 180 3P 3A 3A 3P 3P 3A 9/K 3P 9P 3A 9A 3P 3P ^PM Fig. 15. — The ordinates show the number of letters named in one minute. The abscissae show the progress of the hours as explained above. (Patrick.) 168 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. 9a jp 5P ; I80r A 3A 3P 9P >IA SA 3F 3P »A 9A 3P 9P IPM Fig. 16. — The ordinates show the number of letters named in one minute. The abscissae show the progress of the hours as explained above. (Patrick.) Ch///7afefi» //ft in fa/&s. Afac/ssete** /progress cf boors 160 -VPrt 5AM 3P S>P 3A 3A 3P 6f 3A 2>A 3P S>P 3A 3a 3p 3P I Pfl Fig. 15. — The ordinates show the strength of lift in kilograms. The abscissae ebow the progress of the hours as explained above. (Patrick.) O SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 169 Ore// nates = no of seconds fomemcr/je /6 attaife 90 c3^ ; 5P SP 3*> 3a a P .s p v. 3/^ ^ 'p sp 2** e>/^ 2 p ; >p -f/vy 8oc A Too / \ fcOc /»0S ,*/ ?v 1 V 1 \ £00 / s \ 4oo <£.A '•&. / \ 3oo A / \ Sot ? \ / / \ t / 1 \ t 1 \ p^ i ► Sco j \\ «f00 six T*S i \ 3o ft [t_ | ?00 1 V \ 100 o Fig. 16. — The ordinates show the number of seconds required to commit to memory 18 digits. The abscissae show the progress of the hours as explained above. (Patrick.) It is probable, to add a last word, that a student who studies hard for say eight or ten hours has accomplished all that can be done with profit or with safety without a long period of sound sleep. Memory and reason will be more faithful and accurate the following day if the mind be thus refreshed than if it be driven on beyond the point of normal fatigue. And then when exhaustion is reached it requires such a relatively long time for recovery.1 In normal fatigue a night's rest should bring complete restoration ; but there is a point beyond this where the cell seems to lose the power of ready recuperation and it takes the spendthrift a long time to get back to himself, so to speak. JSee Hodge, op. cit. 170 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. CHAPTER IX. THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY. §1. Wasteful Muscular Tensions. — It is recognized in me- chanics that a large part of the energy expended in the working of a machine is wasted ; a relatively small amount, say 25$, in the best machines is devoted to accomplishing the purposes for which the machine exists. The more perfectly a machine can be constructed so as to save this fruitless expenditure of force the more efficient it becomes, of course ; and so it is of vital con- sequence that friction and other avenues of waste be blocked up as fully >as possible. !STow the human organism is a sort of ma- chine ; it has work to accomplish and a given quota of energy which may be drawn upon' for this purpose. It is a truism that the greater the amount wasted the less can be expended in profitable production. But if one should maintain that this body of ours has been so carefully fashioned that there can be no loss of vital force, that all parts run together so smoothly and co-ordinate so perfectly that every item of expense is in lieu of value received, he would doubtless have a show of reason on his side. It would certainly be a fortunate arrangement if this most intricate of all mechanisms could run of it&elf without su- perintending and with no loss or unnecessary outlay of vital force; but I think we shall see that with the majority of us there are frictions which can be at least reduced by a little de- liberate planning. The greatest source of waste of neural energy is found in muscular tensions which are not at all essential to the accomp- lishment of the piece of work in hand. This is seen to be true in view of a simple physiological law, — that the exercise of a muscle involves stimulation from nerve centers. This stimu- lation implies a drain upon nerve cells, — an expenditure of en- ergy, that is to say. When any task, as writing, is to be un- O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 171 •dertaken, then economy demands that no muscles be active ex- cept such as contribute to the accomplishment of the work. But suppose that the hand not employed is clinched, the lips are compressed, deep furrows crease the forehead, and the fingers controlling the writing are unduly tense, — in such a case a large amount of effort is proving fruitless. The unnecessary con- straints of muscles are simply draining the organism of energy that should be conserved and expended in profitable directions. Xow, there are certain practices in student life, as in the lives of ]>eople in general, which entail waste of vital forces and which can be modified without inducing too great self-conscious- ness. In the first place mental tension readily begets muscular tension. When the mind is perplexed ; when it discerns obsta- cles ahead that seem insuperable; when conscience is incessantly active censuring one for past deeds and exhorting him to be es- pecially careful in the future ; when life seems full of cares that demand unceasing attention, — such a condition of mind pro- duces constraints of muscles which sap the organism of its vitali- ties. When the attention is centered upon threatening difficul- ties the body unconsciously takes on an attitude of defense, as it were ; or, to be more precise, the organism seeks to adapt itself to a mental situation and when we are troubled in mind our mus- cles get ready to annihilate the causer of our trouble, or to re- move us therefrom.1 One may see on our campus every day students with set faces, so to speak; there are deep lines between the eyes, there is a strain about the mouth, and the entire body shows rigidity and tension. When you talk with such students you can observe these abnormal "nerve-signs" in all the sensi- tive muscles of face, hands, and body generally. Such people are what might not inappropriately be called exhaustives ; they are all the time drawing upon their bank deposits too heavily. Outlay commonly exceeds income, or at least there is no large balance on the credit side of the account. These are the over- conscientious individuals ; thev can never do anvthino- without 1Cf. Angell and Thompson, Psychological Review, Jan., 1899, p. 69. See also Darwin : Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals for a discussion of the general principle involved. Baldwin : Mental Dci-clopment, Methods and Pro- cesses, Chap. VIII, treats of the subject in a readable way. 172 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. worrying about it before and afterwards ; they are troubled lest they have not done or will not do just the right thing. They belong to what Ribot would call the egoistic-introspective type ; they cannot get away from themselves, and hence are constrained and tense in most of their activities. It seems to be a law of our human nature that turning the mind upon self throws the machinery out of gear. Too much reviewing of conscience ; toe- much hunting after one's faults ends in conscience being a very ineffective guide in life. Its mandates cannot be carried into effect by a weakened organism. So much has been said in recent vears about "Americanitis'r that it may just be mentioned in this connection. It is main- tained that our American people do not know how to rest ; which means, I think, that they make a great deal more fuss about do- ing a thing than is necessary. Their actions are greatly in excess of that which the occasion demands. When they do things that should employ the hands only, they use the whole body; they scowl and grit their teeth, and in other ways drain off their forces. Dr. Clouston, the eminent Scotch authority upon ner- vous diseases, visited our country some time ago and is reported by James1 to have said: "You Americans wear too much ex- pression upon your faces. You are living like an army with all its reserves engaged in action. The duller countenances of the British population betoken a better scheme of life. They sug- gest stores of reserved nervous force to fall back upon, if any occasion should arise that requires it. This excitability, this presence at all times of power not used, I regard as the greatest safeguard of our English people. The other thing in you gives me a sense of insecurity, and you ought somehow to tone your- selves down. You really do carry too much expression, you take too intensely the trivial moments of life." It is a vitally important matter in student life to acquire the habit of adjusting effort to the task to be accomplished. When great tasks are to be performed our forces must all be summoned to the fore; but it is certainly bad economy to expend as much 1 Seribner's Magazine, April, 1899, p. 502. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 173 on trifling as on momentous occasions. But how can we release these wasteful tensions ? Manifestly the first requisite is to al- leviate the mental attitude which produces them. To many it may seem heretical, but yet it seems to me true that there is too much examination of conscience, too much thinking about self in our American life. One who keeps his errors constantly be- fore his mind's eye pursues the very best course for dissipating his forces. One cannot be looking all J he time upon his own shortcomings without strain and stress of mind and body in the effort to overcome them. And, unfortunately, the more he thinks of them the more securely do they fasten themselves upon him. He rises above his lower self mainly by filling his mind with ideals outside of himself, so that he may grow up toward them. This is the only way, too, in which the machinery of life can be got to run smoothly; which fact is evidenced con- stantly among the people we meet in daily life. You see here a person who lives an outward life. She thinks little relatively of self, does not question unendingly whether What she does is just right and proper, whether she ought not to have done some- thing else, whether other people's actions are intended to injure her. Her mind is full of worthy generous ends to be attained. Then observe her physical expressions : no scowling except when there is occasion for it; no rigidity of features, no constraint and formality of bearing. Rather she is free and unconstrained in all her activities ; the delicate mechanisms of her being work together harmoniously and energy is expended only when work is to be accomplished. Much egoistic-introspective thinking seems to irritate the nervous system, unloosing forces which should be securely held until their services can be profitably utilized.1 While bodily relaxation is secured primarily through mental poise, still something may be accomplished by voluntarily striv- lWe are coming to see that too great self-consciousness is a disease breeder. Faith cure, divine healing, and all the rest accomplish their good work by get- ting the mind of an individual off from himself. The literature of the subject is very extensive ; but for an interesting study and resume of important investiga- tions, see Goddard : The Effects of Mind on Body as Evidenced by Faith Cures ; American Journal of Psychology, April, 1899. 174 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. ing to let go of one's self. There is a good bit of sense in the Delsartean philosophy,1 which holds, first, that the most vigorous individuals in intellect and character are those who are freest and most unconstrained in peripheral activities; and, second, that by proper exercises wTe may cultivate the power of "holding centers firm and releasing extremities." The Delsartean phys- ical culture really helps "bottled lightning" people to take them- selves less seriously. There are so many persons who, even when they rest, as they say, sit with clinched fists and rigid body, thus keeping up incessant drain on the nervous system. Let one who is conscious of tenseness in his muscles voluntarily relax at cer- tain times of the day as a matter of discipline. This will assist in relieving the brain, and in time he will find himself relaxing unconsciously. He will find, too, that his mental briar-patch will not seem quite so thorny ; he will occupy a less prominent place in his own reflections : for as mind influences body, so body in- fluences mind.2 Voluntarily assume an attitude and it will tend to awaken the emotion which usually initiates that attitude. Take on the bodily counterparts of fear and fear is easily en- gendered; while, if you stand bravely against the world, cour- age will be strengthened. So one who consciously puts himself into postures of rest and repose will go a good way toward se- curing mental quietude. As when the mind is worried it keeps the body aroused to ward off threatened dangers, or to accom- plish visionary tasks ; so let the body take an attitude of repose which is bred of confidence and trust that all is well with the world, and the mind will easily follow in its lead. Wasteful muscular tensions are begotten by other agencies than a restless, worried, over-scrupulous mind. The implements we employ in our daily tasks are responsible for much useless drain upon the nervous system, — such apparently simple and harmless things as writing pens, pencils, and the like. To ap- JFor an interesting presentation of this philosophy, see Annie Payson Call r Power through Repor.c ; and Emily Bishop: Americanized Delsarte. See also O'Shea: Physical Training in the Public Schools, loc. clt. 2cf. Lee and Thomson: Beauty and Ugliness; Contempt. Rev. vol. 72; James: Psychology, Briefer Course, p. 383. Baldwin, op. cit., p. 231, et. seq. O'SHEA — ASPECTS OF MENTAL ECONOMY. 175 preciate the principle here involved one needs to recall what has been said respecting the hierarchal character of the cerebral mechanism. It is needful to remember especially that the "highest" brain centers exercise a general control over more fun- damental ones and are charged with the management of the peri- pheral muscular activities. Now, it seems to be true, although it has not yet been so proven by extensive experimentation that co-ordination of the peripheral muscles involves a relatively larger expenditure of energy than coarser, less delicately ad- justed movements. Thus fine needle-work is more fatiguing to most women than washing dishes, and "getting pigs out of clover'' is a much greater strain on any man than playing golf or croquet. It is a rational inference, it seems to me, from the known methods of cerebral action that in the majority of people much activity of the third-level cerebral areas, those governing peripheral muscles, results in the setting free of a larger quan- tum of energy than is required to perform the work in hand. Peripheral muscles as they are found in the human organism have appeared relatively late in the development of the race, and the nerve centers controlling them are not yet seemingly, for most people, quite stable. Paths for the discharge of nerve force have not become deeply grooved so that much overflows into by- channels, as it were. On the other hand the fundamental bodily actions have become so habitual that they do not apparently lead to waste ; the neural avenues controlling them have become so fully established that energy generated issues in profitable production for the most part. The position here taken is by no means fully warranted by experimental evidence, and there are those scientists who feel that through habit the individual may get to be as economical in the use of peripheral as of fundamental muscles. My own observations, however, lead me to believe that in the majority of cases these conserving habits never become established in most of us. I was able several years ago to gain something relating to this point from the experience of a distinguished physician in Buffalo, a specialist in diseases of the nose and throat. Some of his work involved very delicate operations requiring most ac- 176 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. curate co-ordinations of the fingers. He said to me frequently that he never undertook such cases except in the morning hours when he was at his best; and after a relatively short period he generally was greatly fatigued, so that he felt it necessary to secure rest before continuing with his duties. On the other hand, a half day's work in his general practice which did not involve such exact co-ordinations would not overtax him. In my own case, writing with a fine pen, which must be handled tenderly in order to avoid catastrophes, soon exhausts my store of energy and of patience; and I foimd during the past year, while experimenting with writing pens, that an assistant and a member of my own family had experiences similar to my own. This phenomenon is especially apparent in the case of younger people. Put a child of eight or nine to writing with a fine pointed pen and in a short time you will observe tensions in various parts of the body not employed