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(A Bird Report is published and issued free to members). (3) To promote conservation by the collection of information so that appropriate measures can be initiated if any species or habitat should be threatened. (4) To co-operate with other conservation and ornithological bodies in recognition of the fact that the welfare of birds is an international responsibility. For reasons of administrative convenience the Society operates in two sections, the National or Turkish Section, with its headquarters in Ankara,, and the Foreign Section. The policy of the latter is directed by an elected Council whose decisions are ratified at an annual meeting. A bulletin, in English, is issued two or three times a year to keep members informed of all developments. -il- Officers of the Society National Section President Dr, Z. Bayer Vice Presidents Prof. Dr. Bahtiye Mursaloglu Prof. Dr. Remzi Geldiay Prof. Dr. Zihni Erengin Dr. Necmeddin Tolunay Secretary Tansu Gurpinar Treasurer Nihat Turin Foreign Section Vice Presidents Sir Hugh Elliot R.D. Etchecopar Dr. L. Hoffman Dr. C. Kosswig Coimcil J.C. Beaudoin P.A.D. Hollom F.J. Kdning G, Muller R.F. Porter (Secretary) Dr. J. Szijj J. Vielliard A. Vittery A.J., Vittery (Treasurer) W.H.N. Wilkinson (Chairman) -iii- BIRD REPORT NO. 2 1968 - 1969 Published In March 1972 by the Records and Editorial Committee Ornithological Society of Turkey (Foreign Section) A. Vlttery (Editor) J.E. Squire (co-Edltor) R.F. Porter (Recorder) P.A.D. Hollom (Chairman) M.J. Helps A.R. Kitson I.R. Willis Cover design (White-tailed Eagle with prey) and sketches by I.R. Willis 1 -iv- The Editorial Committee regrets the delay in the production of this report which is due mainly to typing difficulties but partly also to the greater priority attached by the Society to the publication of a working Check List of Turkish birds . This has proved not only of value to observers in the field but, by encouraging greater uniformity in the submission of records, has simplified the compilation of future annual reports . Since between them this Report, the Check List and the Bird Report for 1966-I967 provide a fairly comprehensive picture of the Turkish avlfaima (although it is true that some of the remoter areas are still virtually unexplored) the content of the Systematic Lists will henceforth be more selective, concentrating on new (and conflicting) information with the emphasis on breeding data. This, and the change from biennial to annual publications, will allow the inclusion of further specific papers of the type included herein. In order to remove the existing backlog it is hoped that the Reports for 1970 and 1971 can both be produced within the next year. Work on the former is already well advanced. -V- Contents Foreword by Stanley Cramp Introduction List of Contributors Systemati List I968/1969 Addenda/Corrigenda to 1966/1967 Report Summer Birds of Karanfil Dag (R.W.W. Sutton & J.R. Gray) Review: Les Oiseaux du Proche et du MoyeP Orient by P. Hue and R.D. Etcheeopar Page vii - viii ix - X xi - xii 1 - 184 185 186 - 205 206 - 208 -vii- POREWORD BY STANLEY CRAMP It is a pleasure to be able to introduce this second Report of the Ornithological Society of Turkey. My qualifications for doing so are limited, for my first visit to Turkey was belated and all too short, but I returned with an immense appreciation for its people and varied scenery and a keen interest in its conservation problems and the way in which they are being tackled. I spent three weeks in the spring of 1970, almost entirely in the western half, and, despite a strenuous itinerary I was, of course, able to visit by no means the whole of that. That I was able to make the best use of this limited time was due to that experienced Turcophile and ornithologist, Richard Porter, while for the middle part, we were joined by Phil Hollom, an earlier explorer of the more inaccessible parts of Turkey, as of many other countries. I have vivid memories of the exciting and diverse habitats we were able to visit - the wetlands of Manyas, Eber, Ak^ehlr and a large area of open water near Konya unknown to our maps; the deltas of the Gbksu and Ceyhan; the beautiful ranges of the Taurus, many of which still Invite detailed ornithological exploration; the coast and hills near Iskenderun, with their soaring raptors; Birecik, with its prehistoric- looking Bald Ibises (Eremita gerontlcus), so Inexplicably declining; the fertile but almost treeless expanses of the second largest farm in the world along the Syrian border to Ceylanplnar; the central plateau and Tuz Gblu, with its Flamingoes (Phoenlcopterus ruber), almost hidden in the shimmer- ing haze; Ankara and Istanbul; the Bosphorus and the rich bird life of the Forest of Belgrade. The sheer variety and beauty in less than a quarter of one coxmtry was exhilarating; the birds as rich and diverse, and, by Mediterranean standards, remarkably unmolested; the people friendly and always unabashedly curious. But there were darker aspects. One of our main alms was to check how far the drainage of Amlk G. had gone. The lake, alas, has vanished, and although there were some flooded areas and muddy -vili- stretches holding water buffaloes and a fine variety of waders (including an unexpected Great Snipe (Gallinago media), the water was too low for the local boatmen to take us into the central reed area. Still, we could see no evidence of any major breeding colonies, and certainly no trace of the Darters (Anhinga rufa), which once nested there. There are still some superb forests in Turkey, but we noted many areas where it seemed that overgrazing had wiped out former woodlands. By western European standards pollution may still seem a minor threat, but already there are warning signs - the charm of izmlt Bay stained by smoke pollution and industrial development, the oil along the beaches of the Mediterranean, the smog over Ankara and the shattering noise and filthy exhausts of the lorries hurtling crazily along the main roads . I was fortunate to be able to discuss with Dr. Zekai Bayer and his staff of the National Parks Department the work they are doing for conservation in Turkey. A good start has been made. The Ku^ Cennetl reserve at Manyas, with the largest nesting colony of Spoonbills (Platalea leucorodla), outside Africa and its original and exciting provision of artificial nesting sites for Dalmatian Pelicans (Pelecainus crlspus), is visited by more people every year, from both Turkey ahd abroad. There has been a full programme for ECY 70 and there are hopes of new legislation which will improve the existing conservation laws and provide a stronger administrative structure. Pull surveys have now been made both of breeding birds and winter visitors, so that new reserves can be planned. But the enthusiasm of Dr. Bayer and his staff needs the backing of a more active and enlightened public opinion, above all in Turkey itself as well as internationally. The Ornithological Society of Turkey can do much to help here. I welcome this second Report particularly for the evidence it provides of the growing knowledge of status and distribution of Turkish birds. With my colleagues, I have begun work this year on The Birds of the Western Palearctic, and we hope to achieve a new standard of accuracy and fullness of treatment for the ornithologically lesser known parts of this area. The O.S.T. is generously assisting us for Turkey. I welcome the announcement of the new provisional Check List, and hope that the day may not be too far distant when the Society will consider joining the growing movement in Europe for Atlas schemes, perhaps on a 50 km. square basis. Moreover, Turkey is blessed with a number of little-known species, where members could help with some of the basic facts of breeding, behaviour, ecology and so on. This second Report shows the exciting progress the Society has made in its short existence, but I am sure that few would deny that in both ornithology and conservation the more daunting and critical challenges lie ahead. Stanley Cramp. -ix- INTRODUCTION The geography and climate of Turkey have been fully described in the previous Report and the boundaries of the seven geographical regions were set out in detail in the recently published Check List of the Birds of Turkey copies available at 53P- including postage . They are as follows: I Black Sea Coastlands III Western Anatolia V Central Plateau II Thrace TV Southern Coastlands VI South East Turkey VII Eastern Turkey We should again like to thank the Admiralty (London) for permission to adopt these from the Geographical Hand-Book Series BR 507 - Turkey, published by the Naval Intelligence Division (1942). Turkish bird names have been omitted from this Report since the National Section are currently engaged upon the preparation of a revised list. Coverage The number of visiting ornithologists almost doubled in 1968/69. The Bosphorus was again well watched in autumn but coverage was rather poor in the rest of the Black Sea coastlands and Thrace. Little breeding information was obtained from Western Anatolia or the Southern Coastlands, which were, however, both thoroughly worked in winter. The Central Plateau once more had a resident observer, the east was visited briefly in each season and much new information was gathered during a spring expedition to the extreme south east. Practically all of the major wetlands were examined during the winter wildfowl counts. Weather The unusually mild winter of 1968/69, which is reflected in the large number of species normally considered to be exclusively summer visitors or migrants found over-wintering, was followed by a very wet, cool spring which gave the benefit of flood water to large tracts of Central Anatolia, thus making it more attractive to migrants and breeding birds alike. -X- Submission of Records Records should be submitted no later than the end of April of the following year to: The Editors (Bird Report), Ornithological Society of Turkey, c/o R.S.P.B. , The Lodge, SANDY, Bedf ordshire , England in the following form (using one side of the paper only): Species (incl. Scientific name) Observer s initials (other observers in brackets) Region Date Number Locality Notes and (if not on (Breeding, migration. Sub-region road map behavioural data etc.) give nearest place that isj Any records of unusual occurrences should be accompanied by a full description of the bird. Breeding records are of particular value and the evidence should be detailed. Papers and Notes It is the intention of the Editors to devote more space in future Reports to papers and short communications dealing mainly or wholly with any aspect of Turkish ornithology. Contributions are welcomed but the final decision on what shall be published rests, of course, with the Editors. Geographical Terms *Anatolia* is used to describe'’ the peninsula of Turkey-in-Asia lying west of about [56 degrees longitude (or roughly a line Samsun/Adana) . ^Marmara lakes area’ describes that part of Western Anatolia lying immediately to the south of the Marmara Sea and includes Lakes Manyas, Apolyont and Iznik. (Lake Marmara itself, much farther to the south, is presumably named because of its similar shape to the Marmara Sea and is not Included) . -xi- Abbreviatlons The following abbreviations have been adopted in the Systematic List: B. Btiyuk (Large, great) c/ Clutch size ?. Qay (Small river) ad. adult G. Gblu (Lake) 1mm. Immature K. Kuguk (Small, little) juv. juvenile N. Nehir (River) c . approximately The cardinal points of the compass are represented by the letters NSEW, Observers Contributing Records to the I968-69 Report BAUER, C.A. BIBBY, C.J. BLACKWELL, G. BROWN, G.K. BRUNN, B. BURRING, A. CAMBRIDGE RINGING EXPEDITION CLUGSTON, D.L. D’ANDRIA, A. DANISH ORNITHOLOGICAL EXCURSION DELLMUTH, P. DIJKSEN, L. DORNBACH, R. DOWNS, R.E. ENGWALL, K. PALCK, J. PENDRICH, W. PORSEN, L. GASTON, A.J. GURPINAR, T. GYLLIN, R. HARKNESS, R.S. HELPS, M.J. HELYER, C.P. HOEKSTRA, H.H. HOGSTEDT, G. HOIT.OM, P.A.D.H. JAMIESON, G.J.A. JOHNS, R.J. JOHNSTON, A. April - May I969 August - September I968 August - September I968 September - October 1969 April - May 1968 August - October I969 July - September I969 September 1968 April - May I969 September 19^9 April - May I968 November - December I969 April - May I968 Resident Kayseri, late I969 September - October I968 August - October 19^9 May 1968 j May I969 September - October I968 June - July I969 Resident Ankara April 1969 August - September I968 January - Pebruary I969 April - May I969 January - Pebruary I968; January 19^9 September - October 1968 May - June I969 May - June 19^9 May 1969 January - Pebruary 1968 ■XI 1- KINNUNEN, P. April 1969 KITSON; A.R. August - October 1968 January - February I969 April - May I969 KIZILAY, A. Resident, Warden KU§ CENNETI MANYAS GOLU KLEIN, W. April - May 1968 KONING, P. January 1969 November - December I969 KOSSWIG, C. Resident LARSEN, J. August - October I969 LEHMANN, H. et al May 1968; May I969 MADGE, S.C. July - August 1969 MARR, B.A.E. May - June I969 MULLER-ZECH, 0. et al April - May 1968 MULLINS, J.R. September I968 MYTTON, A.T. May 1968 NIELSEN, B.P. September - October 1968 OADES, R.D. August 1968 PORTER, R.F. August - October I968 January - February I969 May - June I969 RAINES, R.J.H. September I968 RICKMAN, C. & E. September I969 RUNESSON, B. April 1969 S0GARD, S. August - October I969 THYSELIUS, B. April 1969 TRUEMAN, T. August - September 1968 VITTERY, A. Resident I968 - August I969 1 GAVIA ARCTICA (Black-throated Diver) Winter visitor to the Black Sea coast and Sea of Marmara, Black Sea Coastlands; Numerous Inshore in winter from Bafra to Trabzon. Over I50 were counted along ^00 km. of coast on 7 December 1968 (LJD) and c.50/hr. were moving v;est off the Ye^llirmak Delta on 9/l0 January 1969 (AV). Inland, a single at Gbrede in mid-April I968 (OM-Z). Sea of Marmara; Several autumn records from l4 September to 15 November, maximum 26 between Istanbul and Silivri on the latter date in I969 (LJD). Many, including some in breeding plumage, near Tekirdag in early April I969 (RG). GAVIA STELLATA (Red-throated Diver) Black Sea Coastlands: (Eastern) Only recorded between Samsun and Ordu in April I968 (OM-Z) and on 9 January 1969 (AV). Up to 20 moving west off the Ye§llirmak Delta in the company of G. arctica, on the latter date (AV). PODICEPS RUFICOLLIS (Little Grebe) Appeared to be mainly resident. Generally distributed with autumn concentrations (including flock of a thousand in the south west) and winter movements to coastal regions. Widespread breeding was suspected in the Sakarya sub-region and probably occurred in the Marmara lakes area and the east. Black Sea Coastlands: Several records on or near the coast from November to late August, but none suggesting breeding. Most were seen in winter in the Ye^illrmak and Kizlllrmak Delta areas, where groups of up to 40 were present in January 1969 and a total of 100 was counted in early November (FJK, AV). Thrace: Recorded at several localities in January (up to 20 in 1969), April and September (up to 6 on lakes in the Belgrade Forest) . W» Anatolia: Small numbers in the Marmara lakes area, April - October 1969. Otherwise mostly seen in autumn and winter in the south west (c. 1,000 at Bafa G. on I3 September 1968 and hundreds Biiyuk Menderes Delta in January 1969 - ARK,RFP). S. Coastlands: Recorded from many localities, both coastal and Inland, between mid- July and January. Most were seen in autumn and winter, particularly in 1969j when 142 were counted on the Gbksu Delta on 25 November and a total of 2j6 on lakes in the W' . Taurus (FJK). 2 Central Plateau; Present near Ankara from spring until autumn in both years and Irregularly during the mild winter of I968/69. Several pairs bred at Emir G. and Mogan G. in 1968 and possibly as many as 20 pairs at Temelll in I969. Considerable fluctua- tions of population occurred during passage periods, particul- arly after breeding. For example in the latter half of I968 the population at Mogan G. varied from 20 or less to 50 or more, maxlmas occurring in early August, early and late October whilst at Temelll the largest numbers (cl^O) occurred in late September only 5 remaining a month later (AV,EFP). Elsewhere there are many records of up to 15 in January; it was reported as locally common on Ak§ehlr G. during June I968 and several large flocks were seen in autumn 1969 j namely 104 at Kulu G. on I8 November, 24-7 at Hotamls on 24 November and 225 at Qavu§gu on 17 December (PJK). Eastern Turkey (Van): 6 on rivers and small swamps near Van G. and Ergek G. , 25-29 May I969 (RFP et al) and a total of 86 on 5/4 December (PJK) . PODICEPS NIGRICOLLIS (Black-necked Grebe). Recorded throughout the year, mostly during late summer, autumn and winter although considerable numbers were present during the breeding season in the Van sub-region in 1969. Large concentrations in the south in winter. Black Sea Coastlands: Flocks of up to 100 in the Samsun area from 8-11 January 1969 (AV), when 30 were also present at Sapanca G. , and a total of 46 from 8-10 November (FJK) . Elsewhere recorded between Samsun and Trabzon in mid-April I969 (OM-Z) and again near Trabzon on 26/27 August when 4 flew west (SCM). Thrace ; Several records of 15-20 during January 1969j a similar number at an unspecified locality on 27 April 1968, and at least 55 at Buyiik Qekmece on 25 September (DLC). Western Anatolia: Winter records Include two of c.200, on the Biiyuk Menderes Delta on 15/l4 January I968 and at Baylindlr G. on 5 January I969 (RFP et al) and there are several September records of up to 5 at Apolyont G. and Manyas G. S. Coastlands: Recorded between September and January, mostly from lakes in the West Taurus where a total of nearly 8,700 was counted between 22 and 27 December 1969. The largest counts were 7,816 at Burdur G. , where over J>,300 had previously been seen in January and 790 at Yari§ll G. (FJK). Central Plateau: Recorded at Mogan G. in late July and August with a max of I5 (incl. one in breeding plumage) on 19 August 1968, then odd records of up to 5 from here and elsewhere until 3 early February (AV). Exceptionally large numbers of c.500 and C.8OO at Kulu G. on 6 and I8 September 1968 (ARK,RFP) and 223 at Qavu^pu G. on I7 December I969 (FJK). E. Turkey (Van); 90-100 at Van G. on 22 September I968 (CJB), a total of C.I70 was counted here and at Erpek G. from 25-30 May 1969 (RFP et al) and a similar total on 3/^ December (FJK). PODICEPS AURITUS (Slavonian Grebe) Black Sea Coastlands (Western); One at Sapanca G. on 8 January I969 (mjH,A^,RFP) . PODICEPS GRISEGENA (Red-necked Grebe) A summer visitor in small numbers, widely recorded during autumn passage. All records were of less than 10. Breeding was evident on the plateau and in the Van sub-region In I969. Black Sea Coastlands (Eastern); Recorded In 19^9 from the coast near Trabzon when up to 6 were seen from 25-28 August (SCM) and 2 on 8 December (LJD). W. Anatolia (Marmara); Up to 7 almost dally on the sea off Bayramoglu peninsular between I3 and 27 August I969 and 2 at Apolyont G. on the 19th (DEC et al). S. Coastlands (W. Taurus); Up to 3 Karamik G. on 12 July and 25 August I969 (CRE,AJG) . Central Plateau; 5 at Mogan G. on 1 May I969 and a pair displaying at Balikdaml on the 4th (AV). Post-breeding records of 2 at Emir G. in mid -August 19^9 (AV) and 3 at Eber G. on 8 September I968 (ARK,RFP). E. Turkey: Evidence of 2 or 3 pairs breeding between Van G. and Ergek in late May/early June, I969 (RFP et al). PODICEPS CRISTATUS (Great crested Grebe) Resident, with massive winter Immigrations, mainly to the Black Sea Coast. Most records were of less than 30 with many thousands locally in winter. Breeding occurred on the Central Plateau and probably elsewhere. Black Sea Coastlands; Winter records include c.250 at Sapanca G. on 8 January I969 (RFP et al), at least 20,000 and possibly as many as 50,000 off the Ye^ilirmak Delta 8th - 11th (AV) and smaller numbers off the Kizillrmak Delta. A pair on the latter on 9 June 1969 (BAEM,RFP) and 3 near Trabzon from 25-28 August (SCM), Thrace: Records of up to 30, mostly from coastal areas, during January and April of both years and 15 at Biiyuk Cekmece on 23 September 1968 (DEC et al). 4 W. Anatolial Winter records include an increase from 1,000 to c.3,500 at Bayindir G. between 21st December and 5th January (FJK) and c. 1,100 at Apolyont G. on 9/l0 January 19^9 (RFP). Otherwise recorded in small numbers throughout the year, particularly at Manyas G. and Apolyont G. Up to 10 at the latter during the breeding season, increasing to 35 during September. S. Coastlands; Several winter records of up to 100, partic- ularly in the West Taurus, and larger numbers of 910 at Yarl^li G. and 1,575 at Kara G. from 22-27 December 19^9 (PJK) 15 at Kestel G. on 19 April I969 (AV) one at Bey^ehir G. on 26 April 1968 (FD,WK) and small numbers generally in autumn. Central Plateau; Present in small numbers in winter at Emir G. and Mogan G. (more regularly in I969 than in I968) increasing to max in spring of over 50 on 24th March, I968 and over 30 in early May, 1969 . No more than 10 pairs bred and no more than 30 were seen in summer, appreciably smaller numbers than in I967 (AV). Up to I50 were recorded widely in autumn and early winter and 3^946 at Seyfe G. on 12 December 1969 (FJK). E. Turkey (Van); 2 at Van G. in late May (when up to 20 on the Bendimahl Q (RFP)), September and early December. PROCELLARIA DIOMEDEA (Cory’s Shearwater) Recorded in spring and autumn, mainly on the Sea of Marmara. In all cases P.p. yelkouan was also seen for comparison. Sea of Marmara: Several records of small numbers during April 1968 and a total of 8 moving N.E, through the Dardanelles on 9 October 1969 (GKB). S. Coastlands: One flew S.W. at Klzkalesl (east of Slllfke) on 22 September I968 (AY). PUFFINUS PUPFINUS (Manx Shearwater) The Levantine race P.p. yelkouan was present throughout the year in the Sea of Marmara and infrequent elsewhere, with massive spring and autumn movements through the Bosphorus. Black Sea Coastlands: In 1969^ one west of tlnye on 9 January (AV) and a total of 5^ west of Trabzon on 25/26 August (SCM). Sea of Marmara/Bosphorus: Small flocks at the Bosphorus from January until April. These increased in size and frequency until ©aply May (c . 5j000/hour northbound and c.l,000/hour southteuhd on 1 May, 1969). Observations near Tekirdag in early April, I969 revealed mainly easterly movements (c.3000/ hour on the morning of the 6th) consistent with diurnal movements away from and back to breeding grounds but contrasting with the overall southerly movement through the Bosphorus later 5 later in the month (RG, ARK et al). Large numbers continued passing during the summer and by late Aug. the pattern of movement had reversed, birds moving N. through the Bosphorus at the rate of 700/hour on 25 Aug. 69 (AB et al). Irregular observations during the rest of the year showed the overall northerly movement still in progress in late Sept, and early Oct., but reduced to under lOO/day with smaller flocks until the end of the year. S. Coast lands: A total of over 80 off Side on 15 Apr. 69 (AV), 10 flew S.W, past Klzkalesl (east of Sillfke) on 22 Sept. 68 (AV) and a corpse was found on the Seyhan Delta on 5 Oct. 68 (ARK, RFP). PELECANUS ONOCROTALUS (White Pelican) Mainly a passage migrant. Many less were seen in the spring of 1968 than in any other recent year. Much smaller numbers occurred on the Plateau than the thousands which appeared elsewhere. In view of observations in the east, the possibility of an Important overland route existing here must be considered. Thrace^lack Sea Coastlands (Bosphorus) I A total of 4 (incl. 2 Imms) passed over the Qamllca hills between 22 and 28 Sept. 68, and one ad. was seen soaring over Istanbul on the morning of 19 Sept. 69 (GKB). Western Anatolia I Seen on spring passage at Manyas G. and Apolyont G. during May 1969 , when a max. of c.200 was reached at the latter on 15/l6th. Return passage was noted from mid- Aug. of both years, when over 2,500 occurred at Manyas G. in ^969y Qntll early Oct. Over 6OO were still present at Apolyont G. on 7 Oct. 69 and c.250 of these departed to the S. the following morning (GKB). Otherwise only one record of 5 flying W. at Inclralti on 50 Apr. 69 (CKH). S . Coastlands : 9 at Bey^ehlr G. on 26 Apr. 68 (FD, WK) and southerly movements of c.700 leaving the Seyhan Delta and c.2 50 approaching Ak Yatan G. were observed on 4 and 6 Oct. 69 respectively (ARK, RFP). Also a late record of 19 on the Gdksu Delta on 25 Nov. 69 (FJK). Central Plateau; Spring passage was observed at Mogan G. from 6 Apr - 17 May in I969, a max. of 65 occurring on 1 May. Ones and twos were then seen irregularly until mid-Aug., most often in July (12 on 29th). In contrast there were only 5 records in 1968, max. I6 on 28 Sept.(AV). A total of 17 flew W. at Eber G. on 9/l0 May 69 (ARK) and 8 were present on 5 Aug. Also a late record of 102 at Eregli on 25 Nov. 69 (FJK). 6 E. Turkey; Flocks totalling c.2,J>00 in eastern parts of Van G. and Ergek G. between 26 and ^0 May 69 (REP et al). On a similar date in 1968, 12 flew N. at Agri, as if from this direction (OM-Z). PELECANUS CRISPUS (Dalmatian Pelican) Present throughout the year, breeding at one location in the west and probably at another on the Black Sea Coast. Over- wintering in appreciable numbers, previously thought to occur, is now confirmed. With the exception of c.300 on the Buyiik Menderes Delta, all records were of less than 100. Black Sea Coastlands (Western) : c.^O near the known colony on the Kizilirmak Delta on 8/9 June (BAEM, RFP), and c.90 on 10 Dec. 69 (EJK) . W. Anatolia; Recorded from Jan. until early Oct. in the Marmara lakes area. Up to 24, mostly at Manyas G. at the beginning of this period and up to 75 , mostly at Apolyont G., at the end. At least 8 pairs bred at Manyas G. in I968 and 25 pairs in I969, nesting in willows (Sallx sp.) recently pollarded for this purpose away from disturbance by fishermen. Young were in evidence from 15 May and at least 7 were raised in 1969 (AK, WE). Otherwise recorded widely in the Izmir sub-region, notably C.3OO in the Buyiik Menderes Delta/Bafa G. area on 4 Jan. 69, C.80 at Acigol on 10 Sept. 68 and 89 at islkli G. on 20 Dec. 69 (EJK) . S. Coastlands; One winter record of 20 on the Gdksu Delta on 19 Jan. 69 (EJK) and 5 near Adana on 2 Oct. 68 (ARK, REP) . Central Plateau: 3 at Mogan G. on 24 March and one on 1 April 68 (AV); 3 at Eber G. on 10 May 69 (ARK). E. Turkey (Van): A total of I3 on the east side of Van G. between 26 and 30 May 69 (REP et al). PHALACROCORAX CARBO (Cormorant) Present throughout the year in northern coastal regions, although largely at Inland localities in W. Anatolia. Black Sea Coastlands (Western) ; Recorded at the Bosphorus on 24 Dec. 68, and 6 Jan. 69 when 120 were coiinted flying N. in 15 minutes in the early afternoon (MJH, ARK, REP). (Eastern) : Groups of up to I5 on the coast between Samsun and Trabzon from mid-April to early Dec. Thrace ; Only recorded at Terkos G. on 31 Jan. 69 (REP) . W. Anatolia; Up to 5 were recorded widely in winter, exceptional numbers of c.200 occurring at Apolyont G. and in the Buyiik Menderes Delta/Bafa G. area in Jan. 69 (EJK, REP et al). 7 Breeding occurred at Manyas G. , activity being Observed at the colony from mid-April (AK). Groups of up to 30 were seen here and at Apolyont G. until early Oct. E. Turkey; 2 on the Bendimahl Q. on 29 May and c.30 at mouth of Micingersuyu (Van G.) on 30 May 69 (PADH). PHALACROCORAX ARISTOTELIS (Shag) Present in small numbers from April to October on the western and Black Sea coasts. Breeding was confirmed at the latter. Black Sea Coastlands; Recorded on the coast between April and Aug. Incl., up to 10 at a small breeding colony between Trabzon and Ordu in 1968 (OM-Z et al). W. Anatolia; Spring records of up to 5 during late April and May in the Princes (Klzll) Islands and the extreme south west. Other, mainly coastal, records in July and Oct. include a pre- dom^naritly N.E, movement at the Dardanelles during a watch on 9 Octt 69 (GKB). PHALACROCORAX PYGMAEUS ( Pygmy Cormorant) Present locally throughout thfe year in western and central areas. Most spring and summer records were of less than 20, although flocks of up to 300 occurred in autumn and winter. Breeding was again established in the west. Thrace > c.300 on the Merl? Delta from 3-5 Jan. 69 and 10 at Terkos G. on 31st (MJH, ARK, RPP). W. Anatolia; Winter records from coastal and several Inland localities include c.lOO at Apolyont G. on 9 Jan. 69, 130 on the Busriik Menderes Delta on 13/l^ Jan. 68 and 230 in mid- Jan 69- C.60 at Manyas G., where it again bred, in early May 69. All other records were from Apolyont G. between mid-May and early Oct., max. 107 on 30 Sept. 68 (ARK, REP et al). S. Coastlands (Western Taurus ) ; 8 at Karamik G. on 10 Jan. 69 (pJK) and 55 on 15/16 Oct. 68 (AB et al); Central Plateau; Winter records of over 50 at Eber G. on 7/® Feb. 68, and 20 on the Sakarya N. near Qifteler from the 9th to the 12th. Also recorded at Eber G. between early May, when C.30 were present in 1969, and early Sept. One autumn record of I6I at Hotamlg on 24 Nov. 69 (FJK et al). BOTAURUS STELLARIS (Bittern) Breeding was again suspected at one locality on the Black Sea coast . Black Sea Coastlands (Western); At least 5 booming on the Kizlllrmak Delta in mid-June 69 (BAEM, RPP). 8 Thrace » One at a small reedy area in mid-Thrace on 19 Aug. 68 (cjb) . Central Plateau: A total of 8 singles at various localities in Jan. and Feb. of both years. In 1969, one was present at Mogan G. from 25 Feb. to 5 April, on which date 2 birds were seen (AV). IXOBRYCHUS MINUTUS (Little Bittern) Summer visitor. Probably widespread but in small numbers. Breeding was confirmed in the Marmara lakes area and on the Central Plateau. Thrace ; One at the Bulgarian border on 29 July 68 (RDO). W. Anatolia; Up to 8 at Manyas G. and Apolyont G. between April (earliest l8th in 1968) and Sept., and a nest was foimd at the former in 1968 (RDO). Elsewhere, a' total of 5 at several localities in the south west between 30 April and 22 May 69. S. Coastlands (Seyhan lowlands); An imm. at Aynaz marsh on k Oct. 68 (ARK et al). Central Plateau; Present in the Sakarya sub-region from late April until early Nov., reaching a max. at Mogan G. of 12-15 (incl. Juvs.) in late July (AV). Common at Ak^ehlr G. during May 68 (ATM). An adult and 4 juvs. at Eber G. on 8 Sept. 88 (ARK, RFP) . E. Turkey; One flying over mountains, still snow covered, west of Horasan on 11 April 69 and another near Agri at a slightly later date in I968 (OM-Z). NYCTICORAX NYCTICORAX (Night Heron) Summer visitor, with one instance of overwintering in the south west. Away from known breeding grovinds the only large flocks were seen in autumn on the Central Plateau. Breeding was proved only at three localities, one in the west and two in the east, one of which was in a rookery. Thrace ; 2 east of Tekirdag on 5 Apr. 69 (RA) and singles west of Istanbul on 11 June (BAEM) and at Kllyos on 20 Sept. 69 (GKB). S . Coastlands ; A flock of 20 at Seyhan reservoir on 30 Aug. 68 (rsh). Central Plateau; Seen near Ankara from late March (earliest, 21st in 1969) until Oct., but little in evidence during May and early June. The largest number in spring was c.60 at Mogan G. on 1 May 69. Flocks corB istlng largely of juvs. were noted from July onwards reaching a max. in early Aug. of c.250 in I968, and c.lOO in I969. 6 left oto the S. with a flock of Ardea purpurea on 8 Sept, and a sleeping juv. was captured alive by hmters on 29 Sept. 68 (AV). The few records from outside the 9 Sakarya sub-region include a juv. at Eber G. on 5 May 69 and I8 flying S. at Tuz G. on 20 Oct. 68 (ARK, RFP). E. Turkey; A total of c.l2 pairs bred at 2 small colonies in willows near Agri (OM-Z) and one in a rookery of c.lOO Corvus frugilegus nests at Muceldl Kbyu, near Paslnler, in I969 (Prof.GK). ARDEOLA RALLOIDES (Squacco Heron) Summer visitor. Generally distributed in small numbers with moderate numbers in late summer on the Central Plateau. Breeding was not confirmed but is probable on the Plateau and in the west and likely elsewhere. Black Sea Coastlands (Western); Singles on the Mlzillrmak Delta on 8 June 69 (BAEM, RFP) and at Iznlk G. in Sept. (DOETL). Thrace ; Record^'^of small numbers between early April and late Sept. Include 2 on the Merlg N. on 27 June 68 (AV). W. Anatolia; Recorded at Manyas G. and Apolyont G. from mid- April until early Oct. No more than 15 at the former in spring although post-breeding flocks of 15-20 were noted on several occasions. Also seen in sm.all numbers in spring in the south west and a total of 50 was counted in the Bafa G./Buyilk Menderes Delta from 22-24 May 69 (ARK). S. Coastlands; Up to 12 on the coast and Inland in the W. Taurus during the latter half of April and, more frequently, from mid-July to early Sept. Elsewhere, C.50 at Seyhan reservoir and Aynaz marsh on 50 Aug. and 5 Oct. 68 respectively (AV, RSH, RFP et al). Central Plateau; Present at Mogan G. from late March (earliest 29th in 1969) until mld-Sept., reaching a max. of over 80 in mid-July 69 (AV). Elsewhere a number of records up to 50 per day in late April/early May, and post-breeding records; until 16 Oct. 69 (AB et al). S.E. Turkey (Kurdish Alps); 10 at Yuksekova, in ideal breeding habitat, on 3 June 69 (PADH et al ) . E. Turkey (Van); In I969, a total of 11 on pools and river mouths around Van G. between 25 and 29 May and one on 6 June (BAEM et al). BUBULCUS IBIS (Cattle Egret) S. Coastlands (Anti-Taurus) ; c.130 near Amik G. on 8 and 9 Oct. 68 (ARK, RFP). 10 EGRETTA ALBA (Great Egret) Present throughout the year. Widely distributed in wandering flocks of up to 30 during autumn and winter, with larger concentrations at Beysehir G. and all the major delta areas. The only spring records from possible breeding localities are from the Central Plateau and the east. Black Sea Coastlands; Totals of up to 100 on the Kizilirmak Delta and over 40 on the Ye§ilirmak Delta, 8-11 Jan. (AV) and again on 10 Dec. 69 (PJK), 3 on the Sakarya Delta on 29 Jan. 69 (RFP et al). Thrace ; Recorded from the Merig Delta in late Dec. 68 and Jan. 69, max. 250 from 3-5 Jan. 20 at Buylik Qekmece on 15 Jan. 69 and singles in Feb. of both years (PtFP et al). W. Anatolia; Recorded widely during Jan. 69 and from Sept, to Nov. Most were seen at the Buyiik Menderes Delta, max. C.200 on 4 Jan. and over 110 later in the month (RFP et al). All other records were of 30 or less. S. Coastlands; Seen widely during Jan. of both years and from Aug. to Dec. Records of over 20 were 120 at Beysehir G. on 16 Jan. 69, 75 on the Gbksu Delta on 19 Jan. 68 and 60 near Tarsus on the 20th (FJK). The only spring record was of 6 flying W. at Side on 15 April 69 (AV). Central Plateau; Up to 10 were recorded widely throughout the winter, and mainly from Mogan G. , from mid-July until the end of the year. Breeding season records of 4 at Ballkdaml on 4 May 69 (AV), and singles at Eber G. on the 9th and 11th (ARK). E. Turkey: One on the Micingersuyu (Van G. ) on 30 May 69 (BAEM). EGRETTA GARZETTA (Little Egret) Mainly a summer visitor, although there are winter records fron several localities. Breeding was confirmed at Manyas G., and probably occurred elsewhere in the west, on the Plateau and the Black Sea coast. Most records were of less than 30 but some large concentrations were seen in the autumn of I968. Black Sea Coastlands; Several winter records from the Bay of Izmit and the Ye^llirmak and Kizilirmak Deltas, including 20 at the latter on 10 Jan. 69 (AV), and 26 at Tuzla on the 7th (RFP). Otherwise recorded mainly from the coastal strip between early May and late Sept., a notable record being 50 on the Kizilirmak Delta on 8 June 69 (BAEM, RFP). Thrace; Very small numbers between late April and mid-Aug. 68, and 15 at Buyiik Qekmece on 23 Sept. (DLC et al). W. Anatolia; Winter records, mainly from Manyas G. and the Biiyuk Menderes Delta/Bafa G. area, include over 30 at the latter from 15 to 20 Jan. 69 (MJH fet al). Then recorded widely from mid-April, when activity was noted at the Manyas G. colony in 1968, until early Oct. Up to 40 in the Marmara lakes area and 11 the south west in May. Autumn maxima were c.50 at Manyas G. and Apolyont G. on 2 Aug. (PiDO) and 2 Sept. 68 (ARK) respectively, and c.350 at Bafa G. on 15 Sept. (ARK, RFP). S. Coastlandst One winter record of 15 on the Gdksu Delta on 19 Jan. 68 (FJK), and April counts of up to 15 at Beysebir G. and many places on the coast. Post-breeding records were mainly of less than 20 from coastal localities, between mid-July and late Nov., and 65 near Tarsus on 26 Nov. 69 (FJK). Central Plateau; One winter record of a single at Cihanbeyli on 6 Jan. 69. Present near Ankara from late March to early Oct., with a max. at Mogan G. of 55 on 27 April 69, but very few records during the breeding season (AV). Elsewhere recorded between late April and late Nov., notably from Balikdami and Eber G., where 5 or 6 were seen in May, 19^9 and again later in the year, and a small swamp in the south, where c.150 were seen on I6 Oct. 68 (AB et al). E. Turkey (Upper Euphrates); A single in flooded meadows near Agri in mid-April 68 (OM-Z ) . ARDEA CINEREA (Grey Heron) Present throughout the year, and widely distributed in small to moderate niimbers. Breeding occurred in Thrace and the east, as well as at the Manyas G. reserve. Black Sea Coastlands: (Western) A total of c.550 on autumn passage at the Bosphorus on 6 days between 15 Sept, and 7 Oct. 69, max. c.l80 on 20 Sept. (AB). (Eastern) A small heronry of c.lO pairs in willows (Sallx sp. ) near Bayburt in April I968 (CM-Z). Otherwise widely scattered records, mainly from the coastal strip, including flocks totalling 48 flying over Trabzon on 26/27 Aug. 69 (SCM) and 66 on the Kizillrmak Delta on 10 Dec. (FJK). Thrace ; A heronry of C.20 pairs was located south east of Edlme in April 68 (PD, WK). Otherwise most records were of small numbers on the Merig N. and the coast, max. 40 on the Merig Delta fnom 5 to 5 Jan. 69 (RFP). W. Anatolia; At least 500 pairs bred at Manyas G. in 1969 ^ numbers apparently decreasing later in both years. Apolyont G. received some of the dispersal, numbers reaching a max. of c.65 in early Oct. 69. The only records exceeding this number were of c.lOO at the Bliyiik Menderes Delta, another regular haunt, on l4 Sept. 68 (ARK) and I85 at I§lkll G. on 20 Dec. 69 (FJK). Elsewhere all records were of 10 or less. S. Coastlandst Many records of up to 50, mostly from the coastal lowlands, 145 on the Gbksu Delta on 25 Nov., and 101 at Kara G. on 27 Dec. 69 (PJK). Central Plateau; Observations at Mogan G. during both years showed a rise from under 15 in Jan. and Feb. to a spring peak of 25 or 50 in late March. Autumn max. of 55 on 8 Sept. 68 (AV). 12 Elsewhere up to 5 at several localities, and 73 at Hotami^ on 24 Nov. 69 (FJK). E. Turkey; Several widely scattered records of singles, a total of 8 in the Van G./Ergek G. area between 26 and 30 May 69 and 23 at Van G. on 3 Dec. (REP, FJK et al). ARDEA PURPUREA (Purple Heron) Summer visitor and passage migrant. Widely distributed in small numbers, most records being of less than 30. Breeding was suspected in most regions. Black Sea Coastlands; Records of up to 3 from iniiind during May of both years, and from the Kizilirmak Delta on 8/9 June 69 (BAEM, RFP). Thrace ; Singles during April and late July only. W. Anatolia; Up to 20 at Manyas G. and Apolyont G. during May of both years, and up to 25 in Aug. and Sept. 68. Several records elsewhere of up to 4 between late April and early Oct. mostly from the south west in April and May. S. Coastlands: Recorded in small numbers from the West Taurus during April of both years, notably in the vicinity af Bey^ehlr G., where 19 were seen on 26/27th in I968 (FD,WK). Central Plateau; A few pairs bred in reed beds at Mogan G. in both years (AV). Over 50 at Ballkdami on 4 May 69 (AV), and up to 10 at Eber G. on 9/lOth (ARK). Up to 3 elsewhere, mainly in the extreme seuth and on the Sakarya N. between late April and early Sept. A flock of 67 flew S. at Mogan (5. on 8 Sept. 68 (AV). E. Turkey I Records of singles in the north during April 1968 (OM-Z) and a total of 8 in the Van G. area between 26 May and 6 Jime 69, Incl. 4 in suitable breeding habitat between iskele and Van Castle (PADH). PLATALEA LEUCORODIA (Spoonbill) Mainly a summer visitor, with one winter record from the south. Breeding was confirmed only at Manyas Gdlti, up to 1,000 being present in spring. Elsewhere most records were of less than 10 with larger numbers locally in autumn. Black Sea Coastlands! A flock of 8 flew W. across the Bosphorus on 30 April 69 (ARK). Thrace; 3 at Biiyuk Qekmece on 23 Sept. 68 (DLC et al). W. Anatolia; Present at Manyas G. from mid-April to early Octt (cab). The population at the colony was estimated at 500 pairs in early May, I969 and by the l4th there were at least 10 young able to fly (BAEM et al). Numbers at Apolyont G. were very small until Aug., when up to 80 were present. c.l60, mostly juvs., on the Buj/iiik Menderes Delta 13 on 14/15 Sept. 68 (ARK, RFP). S. Coastlands: At the Goksii Delta, 7 on 19 Jan. 68 (HPIH), 40 on 23 Sept. (AV) and 62 on 25 Nov. 69 plus 3 neat Tarsus on 26th (FJK). Central Plateau! Spring records of 2 at Ballkdaml on 4 May 69 (AV), and 2 at an unspecified locality in the extreme south on 26 May 68 (PD, WK). Otherwise recorded in small numbers between early Aug. and mid-Sept., particularly at Mogan G. where up to 5 were seen fairly regularly in 1968 (AV) and Eber G. where there were at least 2 flocks on 5 Aug. 69 (CRE). Also a late record of a single at Eregli on 23 Nov. 69 (FJK). PLEGADIS FALCINELLUS (Glossy Ibis) A summer visitor, mainly to the west, and passage migrant, with two winter records in I969. Numbers recorded were very variable, often exceeding 100 on breeding grounds and at the height of migration. Black Sea Coastlands; 4 at Kuctik Qamlica on 23 Aug. 68 (RDO) and 5 flew W. at Patsa on 29 Aug. 69 (SCM). Thrace ; 25 on the Merig Delta from 3-5 Jan. 69 (MJH et al) where it was reported as common in May and June, I968. Small numbers elsewhere between mid-April and early May, and in autumn. W. Anatolia! One winter record of a single at Bafa G. on 20 Jan. 69 (RPP). Present at Manyas G. and Apolyont G. from early May until Oct. (latest 8th in I969). The colony at Manyas G. continues to grow, in spite of considerable disturbance, and 200-300 pairs bred in 1968. Smaller numbers at Apolyont G. until Aug. and early Sept., when up to 80 were seen. Records fromc elsewhere Include c.lOO on the Buyiik Menderes Delta on 21 Apr. 68 (FD, WK). S. Coastlands; A number of records from the coast and inland during April and early May, notably c.220 near Manavgat and over 100 at Dbgemealtl on l8/l$ April 69 (AV). 15 at Amlk G. on 8/9 Oct. 68 (ARK, RFP). Central Plateau; Recorded from Mogan G. and Emir G. between March (earliest, 29th in I969) and early Oct., with a spring max. of C.70 on 1 May 69. The post-breeding max. was 124 on 9 Aug. 68, more than twice the I969 figure (AV). Elsewhere, many records throughout the region reflect a similar pattern. The only likely breeding record was from Ak^ehlr G. where birds were seen commonly during May, I968 (ATM) and both here and at Eber G. later in both years. E. Turkey (Upper Euphrates) : 25 near Agri in mid-April , I968 (OM-Z). A total of 4 on the east side of Van G. on 29/30 May 69 (PADH). 14 CICONIA CICONIA (White Stork) Abundant summer visitor and passage migrant breeding commonly throughout the whole covintry, except the Black Sea Coastlands, with a few overwintering. Feeding flocks of over 30 were unusual in spring but post-breeding groups of hundreds, and passage groups of thousands were common. Spring passage occurred from mid-March until at least mid- May and return passage, involving at least 200,000 birds, from August until mid-Oct. Black Sea Coastlandsi Very few records except during autumn at the Bosphorus, which was not completely covered in either year. A total of at least 200,000 can be deduced from the partial coverages, a similar figure to that of 1966. c. 89,500 were counted between 11 and J>1 Aug. 68 and c. 150, 000 between 25 Aug. and 12 Oct. 69, the bulk of birds passing during the latter half of Aug. with a max. of c. 39^500 on 26 Aug. 69 (AB, DOETL, RFP et al). A comparison of daily totals obtained by 2 independent groups of observers on 7 days at the height of migration suggests that the total for I969 is an underestimate by at least 17 per cent. Thrace ; Autumn migrants in the vicinity of Istanbul are Included in the totals quoted above. An interesting observation was of 2 loose flocks totalling C.65O which, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on 17 Aug. 68, were seen soaring in rising air currents along an escarpment near Kavah on the Gellbolu peninsular, as a preliminary to crossing the Dardanelles, but were frustrated by winds of up to force 5-6 Beaufort and remained grounded for the rest of the day (RDO). W. Anatolia; Winter records of singles at Qalti G. and I^ikll G. on 5/6 Jan. 69 and again ht the latter on 20 Dec. (PJK). Then numerous records of up to 30 from mid-April to early Oct. Larger numbers in the vicinity of Manyas G. and Apolyont G. where birds were seen at the nest until 9 Aug. 68. Migrant groups of up to 200 in spring and one flock of c.3000 at Manyas G. on I8 Aug. 68 (GB, TT). S. Coastlandsi A substantial N.Wo passage was noted north east of Bozantl on 5 May 69, when 2 flocks totalling c. 5^000 passed along the valley of the Venice Q., west of Karanfil Dag (RJJ, AV). Otherwise a number of records of up to J>0 from rald**Aprll to mid-Oct, a flock of c.200 at Adana on 30 Aug. 68 arid 105 on the Gbksu Delta on 25 Nov. 69. Central Anatolia; A total of 4 on the Sakarya and its tributaries west of Ankara between 27 Dec. 68 and 15 Feb. 69, and 4 at Eber G. on 20 Dec. 69 (PJK, AV). Spring arrival near Ankara began in March (earliest, 15th in 1969 ) and birds were at the nest from then on until 4 Aug. in 1968. Groups were seen feeding at Mogan G. until mid-Sept., 15 numbers increasing steadily in spring to c.200 by mid-June, 1969, and by early July in 1968 (AV). Similar increases occurred elsewhere and large flocks were reported during June and July. Passage movements, involving many hundreds, were seen generally during early May, but were less evident in autumn, one large group of over 1,000 being seen at Qifteler on 25 Aug. 69 (CKE); 4 at Hotaml§ on 24 Nov. 69 (FJK). S.E, Turkey; (Kurdish Alps) c.30 at Yuksekova, and three nests with young in the village on 5/4 June 69 (PADH et al). E. Turkey; Three records from the east, including c.?0 and several occupied nests on the Micingersuyu (Van G.) on 50 May 69 (BAEM et al ) . CICONIA NIGRA (Black Stork) Summer visitor, mainly to wooded country in the north, a few overwintering in I968/69. Breeding season records from these areas were almost all of less than 10, with the notable exception of the Kizillrmak Delta, although larger flocks occurred in autumn, especially on coastal routes. Black Sea Coastlands; One winter record of a single near izmit on 27 Dec. 68 (FJK). Small numbers in wooded hills in the Bolu/Gerede area during April and early May and over 50 on the Kizillrmak Delta on 8/9 Jime 68. A total of over 5,700 on autumn passage at the Bosphorus between 26 Aug. and 15 Oct. 69, the majority between 10 Sept, and 4 Oct., compared to c.6,200 over a longer period in I966. The max. was C.900 on 22 Aug. (AB), remarkably consistent Mth peak passage in 1966 and 1968, which occurred on the 25rd and 22nd respect- ively. Examination of counts from different observers in 1969 suggests that the total is an underestimate by at least 8 per cent. Thrace ; I7 near Kllyos on 17 April 68 (BB) and singles elsewhere in Aug. W. Anatolia; One winter record of a single near Susurluk on 15 Jan. 69 (RFP), spring records of up to 10 at Apolyont G. in late April and autumn records until early Oct. S. Coastlands; One flew N.W, along the valley of the Venice Q north east of Pozanti on 5 May 69 (RJJ, AV). One at Karamlk G on 12 July (AJG). In autumn I968 a total of c.220, mainly flying between E. and S. in the Seyhan lowlands and extreme S.E. , between 4 and 10 Oct. (ARK, RFP). Central Plateau I Up to 5 near Ankara and in the north of all 5 sub-regions, between March (earliest, 21st in I968) and mid-Oct., with larger numbers from July to Sept. I968 and a max. of 24 at Mogan G. on 2nd Aug. Passage groups totalling 20 flew N.W. at Beynam on 10 May 69, and several elsewhere from late Aug. until early Oct., including over 45 near 16 Kizllcahamam on 1 Sept. 68 (AV). E. Turkey (Upper Euphrates) : 2 at Gurlin in late May 69 (BAEM) . PHOENICOPTERUS RUBER (Greater Flamingo) Recorded throughout the year south of 39° N. , mainly from salt lakes. Breeding - long suspected at Tuz G. - was confirmed there in I969 and many thousands were present in summer. Winter dispersal occurred, partly to coastal localities . The Iranian Game and Pish Department have marked 2,280 juvs. from a colony at Lake Rezaiyeh with half-inch wide blue plastic neck rings and a smalleifurahmber of adults and juvs. with leg rings. It is hoped that these will be looked for in Turkey and full details of any sightings submitted to the Secretary. W. Anatolia; The Biiyuk Menderes Delta and Acigbl both appear to be regular haunts. c. 2,500 were present at the former during Jan. 68 (PJK), many more than in I969, and c.2,000 were seen at the latter in mld-Sept. 68 (ARK, RPP). This population fell to c.600 by Jan. 19^9 (FJK), and to 20 by 16 May (RJJ). Elsewhere, 84 at a lagoon near Altinova on 30 May 68 (ATM). S. Coastlands; Totals of over 1,000 were counted in the S e yhan/ C e yhan delta area from 20 to 22 Jan. 68 and again on 28/29 Nov. 69 (PJK). 14 flew E. off Side on I6 April 69 (AV). Central Plateau; Present in the Tuz depression throughout the year, numbers apparently increasing from a few hundreds in winter to many thousands by May. c. 1,700 there on 25 Jan. 69 was the largest number yet recorded in winter (AV et al). The population increased to at least l4,000 during May (BAEM, RFP), when a breeding colony of 1,500-2,000 was found on a small island (HL et al). Recorded elsewhere from the extreme south of the region and east to Tuzla G. mainly between Sept, and Jan. The only large counts were of c.2,000 at Kurbaga G. on 1 and 4 Jan. 69 and c.l8,000 there on 22 Nov. (PJK, AV) . BRANTA RUPICOLLIS (Red-breasted Goose) Thrace ; A single at Buyiik Qekmece on I5 Peb. 68 (HHH). Central Plateau; One with a small party of Anser albi£rons at Balikdaml on 30 Oct. 68 (AV). 17 N.B. Winter Counts of wildfowl The 1969-70 figures are available anH are included bor comparison with the two winter counts falling strictly within the scope o.f this Report, as are those from I967. Figures in brackets are rough estimates and in some cases include a proportion of unidentified duck present. Inconsistencies in co^'-erage, climatic conditions and the possibility of duplication are other factors to be considered when Interpreting these data. Coverage was as follows 1967 (7 Jan. - 18 Feb; hard weather in central and eastern areas) Regions II, III & V - Good. Region I - Kizilirmak and Ye^ilirmak Deltas only. Region TV - Mountain lakes in the southern half of the Western Taurus (iVa) not covered. Regions VI & VII - Not covered. 1968 (6 Jan. - 12 Feb; severe weather -conditions in central, northern and eastern areas) Regions II & V - Good. Region III - Incomplete. Region IV - Good, except ■f'or mountain lakes in the southern half of IVa. Regions I, VT & VII - Not covered. 1968- 69 (29 Dec. - 1 Feb.; mild everywhere) Regions I, III & V - Good. Region TV - Mountain lakes in the northern half of IVa not covered and Seyhan/Ceyhan deltas (iVc) incomplete. Regions VT & VII - Not covered. 1969- 70 (3 Dec. - 30 Jan; again unusually mild) Region I - Sakarya Delta not covered. Region II - Merig Delta and Buyiik Qekmece only. Regions II & V - Good. Region IV - Seyhan/Ceyhan Deltas (iVc) Incomplete and rift valley lakes (iVd) not covered. Region VI - Not covered. Region VTI - Van G. and Ergek G. only. All counts comprising 1 per cent or more of the total for each species are Included. The localities for all counts of 5 per cent or more are quoted separately. Smaller numbers may be included in an aggregate under a wider area. 18 ANSER ANSER (Grey Lag Goose) Resident in small numbers, breeding in the Marmara lakes area on the Central Plateau and possibly elsewhere. Considerable winter Immigration, mainly to coastal areas. Winter Counts: Locality &/or Region 1967 1968 1968-69 1969-70 Klzillrmak Delta la 5,000 400 4,065 MeriQ Delta II 4,500 6,000 1,650 Remainder of Thrace II 18 55 Manyas/Apolyont G. area Ilia 30 450 160 9 I§lkli G. IIIc 352 N.W. Taurus lakes rva 120 54 240 Seyhan Delta rvc 1,100 17 Amik G. IVd 127 33 Tuz G. depression Vb 300 11 Hotaml§ Vb 1,500 7 30 Karaman Vb 500 Remainder of C. Plateau V 60 50 80 Van/Ergek G. Vllb 223 Approx, totals 11,200 2,250 7,000 6,700 Black Sea Coastlands (Eastern); A flight of c.60 near Ordu in mid-April I968 (OM-Z). W>. Anatolia (Marmara); Present at Manyas G. from early April to late Sept., when max. of c.50 occurred in 1969. A pair with 5 goslings on l4 May 69 (BAEW). T 19 S. Coastlands (W. Taurus): 2 at Bey^ehir G. on 26 Apr. 68 (FD, WK) and c.40 at Karamik G. on 12 July 69 (AJG). Central Plateau; Up to 20 at Mogan G. from late Feb. to April during both years (goslings were seen on 30 Apr. 68 - FD, WK). Similar numbers then occurred Irregularly until Oct., particularly in I968 when juvs. were seen in a flock of 22 on 19 Aug. (AV). Other records Include singles at Ballkdami and Tuz G., on 4 and 11 May respectively (AV), and several hundreds at Hotami§ on 24 Nov. in 1969 (PJX). S.E, Turkey (Kurdish Alps) : Again at Yuksekova on 3 June 69 (BAEM). ANSER ALBIFRONS (White-fronted Goose) An abundant winter visitor, widely distributed with the largest concentrations on the Central Plateau. Winter Comts; Locality &/or Region 1967 1968 1968-69 1969-70 Ye§ilirmak Delta Ic 300 MeriQ Delta II 5,300 500 870 BuyukQekmege II 2,800 1,000 5,000 30 Gulf of Saros II 1,000 Gulf of Erdek Ilia 3,300 Manyas/Apolyont G.IIIa 3,000 3,000 1,400 50 Buyiik Menderes D. IIIc 60 1,000 300 1,500 Remainder of Izmir area IIIc 17 460 360 Egrldir/Hoyran G. LVa 4,000 1,250 Burdur G. LVa 3,000 1,000 1,000 1,650 Remainder of W. Taurus lakes LVa 400 250 1,750 20 Locality &/or Region 1967 1968 1968-69 1969-70 Tuzla lagoon rvc (5,000) (10) Remainder of Seyhan/ Ceyhan Deltas IVc (1,100) 140 Mogan G. Va 730 Tuz G. east side Vb 5,000 23,000 16,000 29,400 Remainder of Tuz depression Vb 4,250 5,500 9,000 13,900 Eber/Ak§ehir/ Qavu^gu G. Vb 18,200 3,000 10,000 5,100 S. of Konya - Nigde Vb 200 3,100 4,000 8,100 Kurbaga G. Vb 50,000 1,640 Seyfe G. Vb 4,740 Van/Ergek G. VI Ib 184 Approx, totals 49,800 48,300 98,600 70,700 Central Plateau; Present at Mogan G. from Oct. until April (latest 27th in 19^9) with maxima of c.250 on 15 Dec. 68 and c. 1,100 on 1 March 69. Very few in late Dec., and throughout Jan. 1968, but Jan. I969 was very mild and numbers had reached 7^0 by the 15th (AV). Observations from Nov. 1969 onwards indicated a total population of c. 60,000, fairly widely dispersed. There was little Increase in the total as winter approached but a considerable contraction of the range towards the Tuz depression occurred, the population here apparently increasing by at least 10,000. ANSER FABALIS (Bean Goose) S. Coastlands (W. Taurus): I3 at Karamik G. on 15/16 Oct. 69 (AB et al). CYGNUS OLOR (Mute Swan) Resident almost entirely in the N.M. Taurus and adjacent parts of the Central Plateau and Western Anatolia, with winter records of appreciable numbers at some western coastal localities. The following were the only records of particular significance: 21 Winter Counts Locality &/or Region 1968 1968-69 1969-70 Merig Delta II 400 6 69 Aoolyont G. Ilia 6 Biiyuk Menderes Delta IIIc 60 175 85 Karamik G. IVa 80 76 86 Remainder of W. Taurus lakes IVa 7 Qavu^gu G. Vb 32 15 Eregli Vb 4o Hotaml^ Vb 29 CYGNUS CYGNUS (Whooper Swan) Winter visitor in small numbers western coastal localities. ,mainly to northern and Winter Counts Locality &/or Region 1968 1968-69 1969-70 Sakarya Delta la 2 Kizilirmak Delta Ib 4 Yegilirmak Delta Ib 4 Merig Delta II 5 3 47 Terkos G. II 4 Bey^ehir G. rva 4 TADORNA PERRUGINEA (Ruddy Shelduck) Mainly resident. Widespread, except in the Black Sea coastal 2one, with the largest numbers on the Central Plateau. Counts in November 1969 and the following winter suggest at least some winter emigration. 22 Winter Counts Locality &/or Region 1967 1968 1968-69 1969-70 Black Sea Coastlands la 85 7 Gulf of Saros II 70 Marmara/Bergama 105 45 Biiyuk Menderes Delta IIIc 54 100 130 600 Acigol IIIc 126 200 170 Remainder of Izmir area IIIc 170 30 Karamik G. rva 130 477 Egridlr/Hoyran G. rva 1,750 190 Burdur G. IVa 250 120 7 24 Ye§ilova/Suglu G. rva 50 500 190 Remainder of W. Taurus lakes IVa 41 10 160 Gdksu Delta rva 1,000 250 18 2 Akyatan lagoon rvc 120 5 180 Remainder of Seyhan lowlands IVc 70 24 Mogan G. Va 2 820 60 Balikdaml Va 100 2,000 52 Remainder of Sakarya Va 15 7 179 Tuz G. (east) Vb 100 200 200 980 Eber G. Vb 70 3 160 Remainder of Tuz depression Vb 24 300 130 340 S . of Konya -Nlgde Vb 40 18 40 390 Bumsuz Vc 65 140 500 1,300 Kurbaga G. Vc 250 1,400 Tuzla G. Vc 800 10 Remainder of Klzlllrmak Vc 500 10 512 Van/Ergek G. Vllb 79 Totals 4,400 3,300 4,200 7,300 23 Black Sea Coastlands; (Western) A number of records of small numbers during April and early May, and one of 30 east of Su^ehri on 10 April 69 (RG) . Thrace : Very small numbers during April, and flocks of 70-100 at several coastal localities during the first half of Nov . 1969 . W. Anatolia: Up to 9 at Manyas G. , Apolyont G. and several coastal localities during April and May, and larger concentrations from Aug. onwards. A pair with 6 ducklings at Bafa G. on 22 May 69 (ARK). S. Coastlands; Small numbers in the Nigde-Pozanti area on 5 May 69 (RJJ, AV). Recorded widely throughout the Western Taurus from April to Sept., with one flock of 80 at Karamik G. in mid-Oct. 68 (AB et al). Central Plateau: Good coverage at Mogan G. showed an increase in population during Peb., to a max. in late Feb. /early March, followed by a decrease to c.20 during the spring, with ducklings present from late May to early July. Numbers then Increased again and large flocks occurred irregiolarly . In general more were present in I969 than I968, when spring and autumn maxima were both in excess of 500 (AV) . Recorded widely and commonly elsewhere. Groups of 13-15 ducklings were seen near Pinarbagi and at Temelli during May I969, and again at the latter in mid-June. By Sept, flocks of up to 5,000 had formed and counts during Nov. I969 Indicate a total of c. 11,600, more than that for the whole country in the following winter (FJK) . S.E. Turkey (Kurdish Alps); 2 or 3 at Yliksekova on 2/3 June 1969 (BAEM). E. Turkey: Small numbers were recorded widely from April to July. A total of c.350 at Van G. and Ergek G. in late May 1969 (incl. a pair with 6 ducklings at the former) (RFP), and 20 pairs near Agrl in early May I968 (OM-Z). TADORNA TADORNA (Shelduck) Present throughout the year on the Central Plateau and at least during the spring in the Van area, with considerable immigration in winter. Winter Counts Locality &/or Region 1967 1968 1968-69 1969-70 Klzilirmak Delta la 2 21 Meri? Delta II 188 130 Gulf of Saros II 30 Remainder of Thrace II 2 10 24 Local ity/&/or Region 1967 1968 1968-69 1969-70 Manyas G. Ilia 80 Buyiik Menderes Delta IIIc 10 100 80 30 Aclgbl IIIc 400 56 Gbkceli G. IIIc (450) Gtiluk G. IIIc 120 N.W. Taurus lakes IVa 6 51 Seyhan IVc 50 11 76 Gavur G. IVd 2,000 Tuz G. Vb 200 140 2,000 815 Elsewhere in enclosed basins Vb 150 222 Klzlllrmak Sub-region Vc 300 1,500 Ergek G. Vllb 2 Appros. totals 340 480 4,900 3,450 Thrace; A single between Edime and Istanbul on 19 Aug. I968 (CJB). Central Plateau; Recorded throughout the year, most frequently at Tuz G., where there were up to 30 in spring, 200 on l4 June I969 and up to 260 in Oct. I968. During Nov. I969 a total of c. 1,500 was counted in the enclosed basins, at least as many as were present the following winter (FJK, AV et al). The largest number elsewhere was 40 at Tuzla G. on 28 April 1968 (FD, WK). E. Turkey; A total of c.75 at Van G. and Erqek G. in late May ( RFP ) , and 3 near Van on 2 July 19^9 (AJG). ANAS PLATYRHYNCHOS (Mallard) Present throughout the year, probably breeding widely in small numbers but more commonly on the Central Plateau and in the east. Massive autumn immigrations occurred and totals in the milder winter of 1968/69 were significantly larger than in other recent years. Winter Counts 25 Locality &/or Region 1967 1968 1968-69 1969-70 Ye § i 1 i rmak/Ki z i 1 i rmak Deltas la/c 52,000 4,200 4,300 Remainder of Black Sea Coastlands I 320 710 Merig Delta II 8,000 12,000 (13,500) 54,500 Remainder of Thrace II 1,500 2,600 (4,000) Manyas/Apolyont G area • Ilia 16,350 42,000 (9,300) 4,000 Remainder of Marmara/Be rgaraa Illa/b 2,150 50 5,020 Marmara G. IIIc 10,000 33000 Buyiik Menderes Delta IIIc 42,000 150 (80,000) 29,000 Remainder of Izmirlllc 500 100 (1,900) (4,400) W. Taurus lakes IVa 7,580 10 (5,650) 6,500 Gdksu Delta IVa 200 3,815 Akyatan lagoon IVc 100 40,000 2,000 Remainder of Seyhan lowlands IVc 400 300 Amik G. IVd 500 30,000 Gavur G. rvd 12,000 Mogan G. Va 100 734 650 2,690 Tuz depression Vb 730 600 1,060 9,340 Eber/Akgehlr/ ^avuggu G. Vb 4,500 (4,500) (5,200) 1,600 Kurbaga G. Vc 50 30,000 Remainder of Centri.1 Plateau V 2,000 450 1,130 3,000 Van/Ergek G. VI Ib 3,600 Black Sea Coastlands: (E. inland) 2 east of Su^ehri on 10 April 1969 (RG). Thrace ; 2 east of Tekirdag on 5 April I969 (RO), and a max. of C.55O at Biiyuk Qekmece on 23 Sept. 1968 (DLC et al). W. Anatolia; Spring records of up to 6 at Manyas G., 26 Apolyont G., Iznlk G. and the Biiyuk Menderes Delta. ^ Numbers Increased from Aug., reaching 3^500 at the latter by 1 mld-Sept. 1968 (ARK, RFP), and c.550 at Manyas G. and 1 Apolyont G. by early Oct. 1969 • I S. Coastlands; Reported as locally common at Bey^ehlr G. I and Soglit G. In late April and May 1968 (ATM), and 3 pairs I were seen at a suitable breeding locality east of Pinarba§l 1 on 23 May 1969 (BAEM). Otherwise common until autumn I (c.150 at Karamlk G. in mid-Oct. I969 - AB et al). I •' Central Plateau; Considerable fluctuatinns occurred at 1 wintering localities in the north and maxima of several 1 hundreds were reached in late Peb. or early March, I exceptionally c.2,000 at Mogan G. in 1969 (AV). Breeding 1 was evident at Mogan G. from April (ducklings being seen lantll early July) and probably occurred elsewhere, notably at Ballkdami reedswamp and Ak§ehir G. Numbers increased generally from Aug. and thousands were present by Sept., the 1 largest total being c. 4,000 at Kulu G. on I8 Sept. 68 (ARK, RFPj Coimts in Nov. I969 indicated a total of over 25,000 in the region (PJK). S.E. Turkey (Kurdish Alps) : 3 at Yuksekova on 3 June 69 (BAEM) E. Turkey; Pairs were reported as common, and apparently 1 breeding, in the Agrl area in late April and early May 68 (0M-Z| and a total of 58 was counted at Van G. in late May 69 (RFP et cl), Elsewhere very small numbers in spring. ANAS CRECCA (Teal) Present throughout the year, very few in late spring but wintering in huge numbers. Winter Comts Locality &/or Region 1967 1968 1968-69 1969-70 Ye§ilirmak/Klzilirmak Deltas la/c 8,000 1,055 8,800 Me rig Delta II 12,000 18,000 (4,000) 33,000 Remainder of Thrace II 1,000 360 500 Manyas G. Ilia 3,000 3,000 (2,000) 500 Marmara G. IIIc 10,000 3,000 Buyiik Menderes Delta IIIc 45,000 150 (80,000) 29,000 Iglkli G. IIIc (52,000) (11,000) Remainder of W. Anatolia III 100 2,550 2,900 1 27 Locality &/or Region 1967 1968 1968-69 1969-70 Egridlr/Hoyran G. IVa 12,000 60 2,200 Remainder of W. Taurus lakes IVa 5,600 10 (2,000) 12,400 Gdksu Delta IVa 2,000 25,000 8,000 945 Akyatan lagoon IVc (75,000) 60,000 2,000 Remainder of TVc Seyhan/Ceyhan Deltas 7,400 58,600 2,500 Amlk/Gavur/Eraer G. IVd 5,200 5,000 52,000 Sakarya Sub-region Va 100 (2,400) 1,500 1,500 Tuz G. depression Vb 50 8,500 6,400 Eber/Ak^ehir/ Qavu^gu G. Vb 7,000 5,700 5,100 S. of Konya-Nlgde Vb 800 200 150 1,900 Kurbaga G. Vc 50 200,000 Remainder of Kizillrmak Approx. Totals Vc 98,200 194,750 0 0 0 0 CO 0 CVJ 5,500 526,500 Black Sea Coastlands ; Up to 6 near the coast In late April and early May I968 (OM-Z ) . W. Anatolia; Recorded only at Manyas G, and Apolyont G. , where niimbers Increased from under 20 in early Aug. to 5OO-6OO by late Sept., and in the Izmir sub-region in autumn and winter. S . Coastlands ; Spring records of a single south of Dinar on 19 April 69 and 2 at Bey^ehlr G. on 26 April 68 (FD, WK). The largest niomber in autumn was c.250 at Karamlk G. in mid-Oct 68 (AB et al). Central Plateau; Unusually large numbers at Mogan G. from late Dec. I968 until the end of March I969, except during a cold spell from mid-Jan. to mid-Peb., when only c.lOO remained. The max. was c.3,000 on 8 March, three times that of the previous year (AV). Numbers decreased during April in both years and no more than 12 were seen until mid-Aug., when return passage movements were noted generally. Populations then fluctuated considerably, thousands appearing and disappearing at a locality within a week or two. Counts in Nov. 1969 indicated a total of c. 160, 000 for the region (PJK). E. Turkey; 4-5 pairs near Agrl in early May I968 (OM-Z) and up to 5 on the Bendlmahi Q. at Van G. in late May I969 (BAEM). 28 ANAS STREPEEA (Gadwall) Present throughout the year. Breeding occurred in small numbers on the Central Plateau and probably elsewhere, particularly in the Van area. Winter immigrations were significantly larger in the milder winter of 1968/69. Winter Counts Locality &/or Region 1967 1968 1968-69 1969-70 Kizilirmak Delta la 2 4 742 Merip Delta II 1,350 1,000 Biiyuk Qekmece II 40 Manyas G. Ilia 5,000 250 Buyuk Menderes Delta IIIc 8 30 Acigdl/Qalti G. IIIc 323 Karamik G. IVa 6 200 Egridir/Hosrran G. rva 200 6 Burdur G. IVa 26 186 Remainder of N.W. Taurus lakes ! IVa 1 4o Goksu Delta IVa 80 Akyatan lagoon IVc 200 Remainder of Seyhan/ Ceyhan Deltas IVc 260 20 50 Amlk/Gavur G. IVd 100 1,000 1,100 Ak^ehir G. Vb 7,500 Qavu^gu G. Vb (160) 160 Eregll Vb 600 Van G. VTIb 13 Approx, totals 5,300 3,200 8,800 3,350 Black Sea Coastlands (Western) ; A pair at the Kizilirmak Delta on 9 June 69 (BAEM, RPP). Thrace ; 5 at Buyiik Qekmece on 2^ Sept. 68 (DLC et al). W. Anatolia; 3 at Apolyont G. on I7 May 69, 2 on the Buyuk Menderes Delta on l4 Sept. 68 (ARK), and small numbers at 29 J Marmara G. during Oct. I969. S. Coastl^ds (W. Taurus); 25 at Karamik G. on I5/16 Oct. 69 (AB et al). I Central Plateau » Present at Mogan G. in late Dec. and early Jan., with a max. of I7 on 4 Jan. 69, and then not until March when numbers increased to 25-!50. Ducklings were in evidence from late April to July. Numbers then fluctuated considerably during the rest of the year, the autumn max. being 20 on 5 Sept. 68 (AV)o The few records elsewhere Include 4 on a 1 pond east of Yozgat in mid-April 68 (OM-Z), 5 at Kulu G. on l4 June 69 (AV), and a total of C.85O at Eregli and Hotami§ on 25/24 Nov. 69 (FJK). S.E. Turkey (Kurdish Alps) ; 7 at Yliksekova on 3 June 69 (BAEM, REP). E. Turkey! A least 120 at Van G., Including c.90 on the Bendlmahl Q., and 4 on the Murat N. near Mu§ in late May 69 (PADH et al). ANAS PENELOPE (Wigeon) An abundant winter visitor, significantly more numerous in the milder I968/69 winter. Winter Counts Locality &/or Region I967 Kizillrmak/ la/c Ye^ilirmak Deltas 5,200 Merlg Delta II 2,000 Gulf of Saros II Buytik Qekmece II Bliyuk Menderes Delta IIIc . 105,000 Remainder of W. Anatolia III 400 Bey^ehlr G. rva 9,000 Remainder of W. Taurus lakes IVa 5,000 Gdksu Delta IVa 1,500 Akyatan lagoon IVc Kakorat/ Akyayan lagoon IVc 2,200 1968 1968-69 1969-70 10 1,700 6,850 (2,700) 65,000 10,200 5,500 4,000 (220,000) 29,000 10 (400) 1,000 (200) (2,000) 670 5,000 11,600 0 X. 0 0 0 160,000 57,000 (16,000) 1,100 30 Locality &/or Region 1967 1968 1968-69 1969-70 Yumurtalik lagoon rvc 10,000 Seyhan Delta IVc 155 (850) Amik G. rvd 1,000 500 Tuz G. Vb 4 16,500 Eb e r/Ak§ ehl r/ QavufQU G. Vb 10,000 8,200 (73,000) 200 Remainder of Central Plateau V 800 5,500 200 12,150 Approx? totals 151,100 208,600 458,800 176,800 W. Anatolia f Izmir); c.500 on the Buyiik Menderes Delta on l4 Sept. 68 (ARK, RFP) and small numbers at Marmara G. In Oct. 1969. S. Coastlands (Seyhan Lowland) : 8 at Akyatan G . on 6 Oct . 68 (ARK, RFP). Central Plateau; Counts in Nov. 1969 totalled over 7^500 for the region (FJK). Present at Mogan G. from Nov. to April. The teax. in the mild I968/69 wiiniter was c.200 on 4 Jan., numbers falling off to 10 or less later and increasing again to c.lOO by mid-March, the period when maxima have usually been recorded in recent years (AV). Very few records elsewhere, but a late pair at Temelli on 19 May 69 (BAEM, RFP). ANAS ACUTA (Pintail) An abundant winter visitor, significantly more numerous in the milder I968/69 winter. Winter Coimts Locality &/or Region 1967 1968 1968-69 1969-70 Klzllirmak Delta la 3,000 50 300 Merlg Delta II 5,000 3,700 (2,700) 35,500 Manyas G. Ilia 8,000 Buyiik Menderes Delta IIIc 60,000 250 (120,000) 8,000 Remainder of W. Anatolia III 300 (700) 1,150 31 Locality &/or Region 1967 1968 1968-69 1969-70 W . Taurus Sub-region IVa 10,750 300 (1,600) 8,000 Akyatan lagoon IVc (75,000) 100,000 (5,500) Remainder of Seyhan/ Ceyhan Delta IVc 200 (17,000) 2,000 1,800 Amik G. rvd 5,000 1,000 2,000 Gavur G. rvd 50,000 Emer G. rvd 70,000 60 Hotaml§ Vb 3,000 2,500 Kurbaga G. Vc 50 (160,000) Remainder of Central Plateau V 6,500 900 4,800 Van G. Approx, totals Vllb 162,000 107,000 279,200 32 227,600 W. Anatolia; A single at Manyas Go on 18 Aug. 68 (GB, TT). Sept, records included 60 on the Buyiik Menderes Delta on the 15th (ARK, RPP). S . C oas 1 1 ands ( Ant i -Taurus ) ; 5 at Amik G. on 9/10 Oct. 68 (ark, rpp). Central Plateau; Max. of 1,000-1,500 at Mogan G. were reached in late Peb. or early March but most birds had left, both here and elsewhere, bycearly April. Late pairs at Mogan G. and S.E. of Tuz G. on 1 and 22 May 69 respectively (AV, RFP). Return passage was noted from Oct. Including thousands at Kurbaga G. and over 2,600 at Hotami^ on 22 and 24 Nov. 69 respectively (FJK). E. Turkey; 3 west of Sivas on 9 April (RG) and a total of 12 at Van G. 26-30 May 69 (BAEM et al). ANAS QUERQUEDULA (Garganey) Mainly a summer visitor, breeding in small numbers in Inland regions and possibly in Western Anatolia. Through passage was observed in several areas and overwintering occurred in the south mainly in I968/69. Winter Covints 32 Locality &/or Region 1969 1970 Gbksu Delta IVa 3,000 1 Seyhan/Ceyhan Deltas IVc Gavur G. IVd 5,000 Black Sea Coastlands: 2 at Yenicaga G. on 7 Apr. 69 (RG), and coastal movements, involving at least 1,000, at Trabzon and Ke§ap from 25-29 Aug. 69 (SCM). Thrace ; A total of 6 east of Tekirdag from 4-6 April 69 (RG), 3 elsewhere during a train journey on 27 April 68 (BB) and a single at Kuguk Qekmege on 1 Sept. 69 (SCM). W. Anatolia; Recorded at Manyas G. and Apolyont G. from mid- April to Oct., and at the Buyuk Menderes Delta on 23 April 68 (FD, WK). All records were of 6 or less except at Apolyont G. in summer, when a max. of over 60 occurred on 6 Aug. 68 (RDO). S. Coastlands; Present in small numbers at most wetland localities between April, and Oct. Larger groups were c.50 at Do^emealti reedswamp on 19 April 69 (AV), c.50 at the Seyhan reservoir on 30 Aug. 68 (RSH), C.30 at Aynaz swamp on 4 Oct. 68, and up to 50 at Amik G. in early Oct. 68 (ARK, RPP). Central Plateau; Recorded at Mogan G. from March (earliest 1st in 1969) to Oct. Spring max. of 200 plus occurred in late March, niimbers decreasing to under 20 during the breeding season. One or two broods of ducklings were seen in June and July and the population then increased to a second peakdgf C.400 in 1968 in late Aug.(AV). This pattern of events was followed in both years and records from other areas conform to it. Also recorded during the breeding season at Eber G. and the marshes south east of Tuz G. 0.1,000, the largest summer congregation seen in the country, also occurred at the latter on I7 Aug. 68 (AV). S.E. Turkey (Kurdish Alps); 3 at Yuksekova on 3 June 69 (PADH et al ) . E. Turkey; C.l40 west of Agri on 12 April 68 (OM-Z), 2-3 pairs remaining by early May. At least 15 pairs on river mouths at Van G., and near Ergek G., in late May I969 (RPP et al). ANAS CLYPEATA (Shoveler) Present throughout the year, probably breeding in small numbers on the Central Plateau and in the east. The much larger winter total from I968/69 was entirely due to the exceptional influx at the Buyiik Menderes Delta. Winter Counts 33 Locality &/or Region 1967 1968 1968-69 1969-70 Kizilirmak Delta la 8,000 20 4,200 Merig Delta II 1,000 250 (800) 600 Remainder of Thrace II 300 65 20 Manyas G. Ilia 2,000 2,500 Blijaik Menderes Delta IIIc 23,000 20 (50,000) 2,000 Acigbl/Qalti G. IIIc 50 2,100 Remainder of W. Anatolia III (1,100) 400 Karamik G. IVa 1,500 (1,000) 385 Remainder of W. Taurus rva 610 3 3,600 Kakorat lagoon rvc (10,000) Remainder of TVc Seyhan/Ceyhan Deltas 50 (1,200) 500 170 Amik G. rvd 200 500 Eber/Akqehir/Qavu^gu Vb 600 20 (160) 2,560 Kurbaga G. Vb (16,000) Remainder of Central Plateau V 10 780 2,800 Van/Ergek G. Vllb Approx, totals 37,300 14,600 54,500 930 35,700 W. Anatolia (Marmara): Seen at Manyas G. and Apolyont G. during Aug. and Sept. 68 only, max. 20 plus at the former on 6 Aug. (FiDO). Also 50-100 at Marmara G. during Oct. I960. Central Plateau; Overwintering occurred at Mogan G. in 1968/69, C.50 being seen on 4 Jan., and a spring max. of c.200, much larger than in I968, was reached on 29 March. Very small ntirabers May-Sept, increasing to max. of 22 in the last quarter of 1968 (AV). Small numbers elsewhere in early April but there were c.7,000 at Kulu G. on 6 Sept. 68 (ARK, RFP), decreasing to under 700 by the following Jan. (AV). E. Turkey; 2 pairs near Agri in early May I968 and a total of 5, including displaying drakes, on the Bendimahi Q. and Ergek G. in late May I969. 54 ANAS ANGUSTIROSTRIS (Marbled Teal) Status uncertain. Apparently resident in small numbers, with considerable concentrations in the colder I967/68 winter. Winter Counts 19-21 Jan. 68 Akyatan lagoon IVc 500 Tuzla lagoon IVc 750 Aynaz swamp IVc 1,200 S. Coastlands; Apart from the above co\ints, only small numbers were seen at Karamlk G., Akyatan lagoon and the Gbksu Delta between 10 and 21 Jan. in 1969 (PJK). Also 2 off the coast east of Sllifke on I5 May 69 (RJJ) and 2 at Aynaz swamp on 4 Oct. 68 (ARK, RPP). E. Turkey (Upper Euphrates) ; 2 pairs near Agrl in early May 1968 (OM-Z). NETTA RUFINA (Red-crested Pochard) Present throughout the year except in the north, breeding in small numbers on the Central Plateau and probably in the east. Winter Immigrations were significantly larger in the milder 1968/69 winter. Winter Coimts Locality &/or Region 1967 Kizilirmak Delta la 1 Merig Delta II Mg.nyas/ArapQlftllgl G. Ilia 950 Biiyiik Menderes Delta IIIc 5,000 Qalti G. IIIc i^ikli/Gdkcell G. IIIc Karamik G. IVa Egridlr/Hosrran G. rVa 250 Burdur G. IVa Remainder of W. Taurus IVa 515 1968 1968-69 1969-70 50 50 180 5,000 5,250 40 (100) 4,000 618 440 265 1,500 50 (100) 250 55 Locality &/or Region 1967 1968 1968-69 1969-70 Seyhan Delta IVc 200 410 Amik G . IVd 7,000 Central Plateau V 95 250 (500) 755 Approx, totals 12,000 684 9,800 5,500 S. Coastlands (W. , Taurus ) : 2 at Beysehlr G . on 26 April 68 (FD, WK), and up to 4 at Karamlk G. on 12 July 69 (AJG) and VYIVy , 0 ft. flagpole (from which the nest was eventually blown off) in the Youth Park. Not seen in the Nev^ehir/Urgup area in April (AV). STREPTOPELIA TURTUR (Turtle Dove) The species was a fairly widely distributed breeder. Some through passage was noted in spring and autumn. Recorded from mid-April to early October. Black Sea Coastlands: Small numbers in the west in June and Sept. 68. 50 plus, Incl . many singing, in woods on the Kizil- irmak Delta in June 69 (BAEM, RFP). Ptirther east, one north of Bayburt on 5 July 69 (AJG) and C.20 came in from the sea near Trabzon between 25-28 Aug. 69 (SCM). No evidence of passage at the Bosphorus. Thrace ; Present in both years from late April. W. Anatolia: A few pairs at Ku§ Cenneti (Manyas G.) in both years were the only documented instances of breeding but the species doubtless bred elsewhere in the region. Extreme dates 20 Apr. 3 Oct., max. 100 by the Menderes N. on 24 May 69 and 50 at Acigbl on 10 Sept. 68 (ARK). S. Coastlands: J> east of Antalya on I3 Apr. 69 (AV). l4 flew W. at Side on 17 April, then up to 20 at Antalya and Inland in April/May 69 (ARK, AV). Hundreds between Silifke and Antalya in late Sept. 68 (AV), 20 on the Tarsus Delta on 3 Oct. and 4 at Karata§ on 6 Oct. 68 (the latest) (ARK, REP) . Central Plateau: Extreme dates 27 Apr. - 1 Oct. Bred in small numbers in both years at Kizilcahamam, Beynam and possibly Qubuk. A flock of 30 flew N. along the shore of Tuz G. on 5 May and small numbers passed south in the Ankara area in Aug./ Sept. 68 (AV) . S.E. Turkey: Present in the Qatak, Gdrenta§ and Yliksekova areas in early June 69. 8 singing in woodland 30 km. south of Yliksekova on 4th June (PADH et al). E. Turkey: One west of Agri on 12 Apr. 68 (OM-Z), 80 between Bingdl and Mui| on 24 May and 250 on telegraph wires in the Mu§ area on 5 June 69. 27 recorded around Van G. 25-30 May 69, incl. 3 singing in Edremit woods (REP et al). Small numbers in the Van, Varto and Erzurum areas in July/Aug. 69. Moderate numbers between Van and Bingdl on 26 Sept. 68. STREPTOPELIA SENEGALENSIS (Palm Dove) Thrace/Black Sea Coastlands: The species was again present 98 in Istanbul, mainly on the European side of the Bosphorus, in small numbers. A pair had young at the end of July (RDO) . S.E. Turkey: Present from Kills to Viran§ehir in late March 1969, always near human habitation (TG) . CUCULUS CANORUS (Cuckoo) There were breeding season records from every region except Thrace but the species seemed to be most numerous in the extreme south east where a total of 9 were seen in five days in early June (incl. one at 2500 m.)(PADH et al). Another bird was recorded at 2500 m. in the Taurus mountains (Demir- kazik Dag) on 5 May 69 (RJJ, AV) . An example of the rufous form was seen with 2 greys on 5 July 69 near Varto in the east (AJG). Recorded widely as a migrant, mainly singly, from I6 April (Bosphorus) to 11 October (Seyhan lowlands). CLAMATOR GLANDARIUS (Great Spotted Cuckoo) A rather local breeder, recorded only in the western half of the country. W. Anatolia: One at Apolyont G. on 17 May and an imm. by the Menderes N. on 24 May 69 (ARK). Singles at Manyas and Apolyont G. in early Aug. 68 (RDO) . S. Coastlands; One at Antalya on 7 May 69 (ARK) and a pair at Bey^ehlr G. in the summer of 68 (ATM). Central Plateau; In 1969 , singles south of Ankara on 2 and 3 May and 2 at Qubuk Baraji on 7 May (RJJ, AV). An 1mm. at Gordium on 11 July (AJG) . BUBO BUBO (Eagle Owl) All five records were in I968. S. Coastlands; One at Egrldlr G. on 27 Oct. 68 (per AV). Central Plateau: One at Mogan G. on 25 Feb. and 1 freshly shot there on 15 Dec. 68 (TG, AV). One with a Teal (Anas crecca) as prey at Kulu G. on 29 Dec. 68 (FJK, HHH) . E. Turkey: One at Van G. 21/22 Sept. 68 (CJB). 99 ASIO OTUS (Long-eared Owl) One breeding record from the west but winter records indicate a wider distribution. Black Sea Coastlands; One east of Bafra on 10 Jan. (AV) and 2 at Balik G. on 9 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK) . W. Anatolia; A pair with two well grown young (plus a dead one in the lake) at Ku^ Cennetl (Manyas G.) in mid-May 69 (ARK) 3 at Uludag on I6 Sept. 69 (AB et al). Central Plateau: One near Qeltlk G. on 9 Jan. 69 (FJK, HHH) . In 1968, 2 in the gankaya suburb of Ankara on 6 Feb., 1 or 2 on 26/27 Oct. and 1 on I6 Nov. (AV). Heard near Yozgat in April 68 (OM-Z) ASIO FLAMMEUS (Short-eared Owl) Recorded much more widely than in the preceding two years, particularly in the 1968/69 winter. Thrace : One on the Merig Delta on 3 Jan. 69 (MJH, ARK, RFP) . W. Anatolia; One at Iznik G. on 8 Jan., 3 in the Apolyont G. area 9-11 Jan. (MJH et al) and 2 near Soysally on I9 Jan. 69 (FJK, HHH). S. Coastlands; One at Akyatan (near Karata§) on 28 Nov. 69 and 2 on 1 Dec. (FJK). Central Plateau; 2 or 3 near Kurbaga on 1 Jan. 69, 1 near Bumsuz on 7 Jan. 68 and 3 there on 25 Jan. 69 (AV). At least 20 on burnt ground near Kayseri on 3I Dec. 68 (FJK, HHH, AV). E. Turkey: 2 near Agrl in April/May 68 may well indicate breeding (OM-Z). OTUS SCOPS (Scops Owl) Fewer records -than in the preceding two years, almost certainly owing to the relatively poorer coverage during the breeding season. W. Anatolia: Fairly widespread. Recorded from 18 April, with up to 3 calling at Ku^ Cennetl (Manyas G.) in May 69. S. Coastlands: 2 at Side 13-I8 April 69 (AV). Central Plateau: Earliest record was of one heard in Ankara on 4 Apr. 68 (AV). Singles at Yozgat, Qubuk and Eber G. in late April and May. S.E. Turkey: In early June 69, 2 at Qatak (17OO m.), one north of Hakkarl and one south of Yliksekova (PADH et al). E. Turkey: 3 about 20 km. east of Malatya on 23 May 69 (RFP et al) 100 ATHENE NOCTUA (Little Owl) Again recorded from all regions throughout both years. 33 in 300 km. between Diyarbakir and Bitlis on 3 Dec. 69 was the largest count (PJK) . One persistently hovering over long grass near Ankara on 8 June 69. In severe cold at Mogan 0. in Jan. 68, 2 perched on thistles allowed approach to within a yard (AV) . STRIX ALUCO (Tawny Owl) All records except two were from the Bosphorus or Western Anatolia . Black Sea Coastlands: At the Qamllca hills, recorded in Aug ./Sept . of both years . W. Anatolia: Singles heard at Apolyont G. in May 69 (ARK), Manyas G. in Aug. 68 (RDO) and west of Pethiye in Nov. 69 (FJK) Central Plateau; Heard near Yozgat in late April 68 (OM-Z). One calling from an isolated copse in arid country south east of Tuz G. on 5 Sept. 68 (ARK, REP). CAPRIMULGUS EUROPAEUS (Nightjar) A fairly widespread summer visitor and passage migrant, birds present from at least mid-May until late September in north and mid-October in the south. Black Sea Coastlands : 3 churning in woods (with clearings) to north of Balik G. on 8 June 69 (BAEM, RFP) . At Qamlica hills (Bosphorus) singles on 3 dates in 1968 (l4 Aug. - 26 Sept.), and on 15/16 Sept. 69. Thrace : 2-3 near Edime on 19 Aug. 68. W. Anatolia: One at dusk at Koyceglz on 11 Sept. 68 (pine woods and glades). In 1969 , one churning near Apolyont Kdy on 16 May, and 2 churning at Pazaryeri (east of Bursa) on 19 May. One above tree -line at Uludag on I6 Sept. (ARK et al) S. Coastlands: One at Side on 17 Apr. 69 (AV) . In autumn 1968, singles at Pozanti on 3I Aug. (RSH), Klz Kalesi (east of Sillfke) on 22 Sept. (AV), and on the Tarsus Delta on 5 Oct. (ARK, RFP). Central Plateau: One at Aksaray on 12 Oct. 68 is the latest date for the period I966-69 (ARK) . S.E. Turkey: In the period 31 May - 2 June I969, 3 plus in mountains near Gorenta§ (2100-2400 m.) and 2 about 17 km. north of Hakkari (PADH et al). 101 E. Turkey: ■ One at Erzurum on 23 Aug. 68. APUS PALLIDUS (Pallid Swift) j Very few records but breeding was again suspected at one ! locality in the west. I Thrace t One at Istanbul on 12 May 69 (BAEM) . i W. Anatolia: 2 on southern edge of Manyas G. (near §evket- I iye) on 2 Aug. 68 (PDO) . 20 at Kirazli Yayla (Uludag) on I 17 Sept. 69, a probable breeding site. (AB, JE, JH, SS). I S. Coastlands: 3 flew E. with A . apus near Slllfke on I 13 May 69 (RJJ) . APUS APUS (Swift) Probably breeding over most of the country, though Information lacking for the Black Sea and Southern Coastlands. Arrival on the Central Plateau began at the end of March in both years, passage reaching a peak in late April/early May. Most birds had left by late September, but a few lingered on into first half of October. Black Sea Coastlands: At Qamlica hills (Bosphorus) small numbers in Aug. /Sept. 68, and in I969, a total of 325 passed E. or SE in Aug. /Sept. Thrace : Only recorded from the Istanbul area where earliest date was 27 Apr. 69 (2 over the city). On the following day there were 200 over the airport and at least 30 over the city (ARK, AV), where birds were present until Sept, (large numbers in mid-summer) . W. Anatolia: Earliest date 19 April (1968) when several at Akhisar (PD, WK) . Seen in or around most large towns May- June occasionally in hundreds. 50 at 2,000 m. on Uludag on 17 May 69 (rep) (where breeding in 1967). S. Coastlands; An early movement recorded at Side where there were 20 on l4 Apr. 69", hundreds moved W. on 16-17 April and 700 spiralled W. at dusk on 18 April (AV). Otherwise a few scattered observations from Antalya to Dinar, Pinarbasi, and Pozanti throughout May. In autumn, passage birds around Iskenderun and Belen Pass, Antakya (big flocks) from 2-8 Sept. 68 (RSH), and one south east of Tarsus on 4 Oct. (ARK, RFP). Central Plateau: Very early arrivals at Mogan G. on 30 Mar. 68 (4) and 29/30 Mar. 69 (AV). Small numbers in Ankara region in early April increasing to hundreds by 22 April, and several thousand over Mogan G. on 27 April (all moving slowly N.) . 102 Elsewhere in snow showers 20 at Kir^ehir on 6 April, and a flock of 40 in a blizzard north of Afyon on 19 April, Peak May passage was on the 4th, when thousands were moving on a wide front in the Sakarya sub-region. Also plentiful in Ankara, Tuz and Eber areas in May/june (500 at Mogan G. on 11 June). In July several hundred at Mogan G. had increased to several thousand by l8th (AV). The only definite proof of breeding is of birds entering nest holes in old buildings at Aksaray on 22 May 69 (REP), but it presumably breeds in most large towns on the plateau, and in numbers in old Ankara. S.E. Turkey: Small numbers in the Kurdish Alps on 2/5 June 69, max. 46 at Ba§kale (PADH et al). E. Turkey: Common and widespread in Apr. /May 68 between Erzincan and Erzurum (OM-Z). In late May present at Malatya, Ergis, Tatvan, Ergek G. and Van town (RFP). Noted at Vlran^ehir on 20 July 69 (AJG) . APUS MELBA (Alpine Swift) Recorded in every region but appears to have a more localised distribution than A . apus . Black Sea Coastlands; 44 near Su^ehri on 10 April (RG), and 50 there on 25 July 69 (AJG) . At Qamlica hills (Bosphorus) up to 5,000 in late Aug. /Sept, and 500 there on l4 Oct. Thrace : Present in Istanbul on 6 Apr. 69, numbers increasing during spring and summer, reaching a post -breeding max. of 5,000 on 21 Sept. This was followed by a rapid decrease to 100 on 5 Oct. W. Anatolia; A few May records of up to 50 in the Bafa G./ Menderes Delta, Bodrum and Uludag areas. In autumn, several gatherings of up to 120 in 5 localities from Bursa and Manyas G. south to Bafa G. (18 Aug. - 7 Oct.) S. Coastlands; Small numbers noted in spring (I6 April - early June) north and west of Antalya, and between Pozanti and Qamardi. Small numbers in late Aug. /early Sept, between Pozanti and Amlk G., apart from the exceptional concentration of 1,000 at Pozanti on 51 Aug, (RSH) . Quite large numbers between Mut and Silifke, 21-25 Sept. (AV) and a small southerly passage was evident in early Oct, 15 near Adana and 100 near Tarsus on 12 Oct. were the latest (ARK, REP) . Cent ral Plateau; Very few observations: up to 50 together in the Urgup/Gbreme area 4-8 Apr. 69 (AV). Widespread in the Yozgat area in April/May (OM-Z). One at Tuz G, on 21 May and 2 at Gbreme on 22 May 69 (REP). S.E. Turkey: 5 at Guzel su Castle on 2 June I969 (PADH et al) 103 E. Turkey: ' A few at Erzurum in April/May 68 (OM-Z). 2 at Elazig on 24 May and 5 there on 5 June. Also 1 at Ergek G. on 27 May 69 (REP et al). CORACIUS GARRULUS (Roller) A widespread and fairly abundant summer visitor, arriving in south coast districts in mid-April, and leaving in September and early October. Extremely numerous at times of peak passage in May and August/September. Black Sea Coastlands: In June of both years small numbers noted in central and western creas, Inc. 5 in woods on the Klzilirmak Delta on 8/9 June 6^ (BAEM, RFP). Small numbers in various places east to Trabzon through Aug. and Sept. Latest date was 6 Oct. 68 (l at Gerede - AV). Occasional birds and small groups passing over Qamllca hills (Bosphorus) in Aug. /Sept. Thrace ; In late Apr. (from 27th in I968) and early May scattered sightings mainly on routes from Istanbul to the borders, 6 Istanbul -Ed ime on 1 June and 3 on I6 July 69. Small numbers in first half of Sept, and the last was 1 between Eceabat and Ipsala on 2 Oct. 68 (GH et al). W. Anatolia: Small numbers noted 19-24 April 68, on journey Ballkesir-Baf a G. -Dinar (FD, WK) . In spring 1969, described as numerous and widespread in Izmir region, 23 April - 5 May. Thereafter scattered observations from most areas during May. 4 pairs at Kug Cenneti (Manyas G.) in mid-May 69. In the previous year a nest there still contained one yoimg in the first week of Aug. (RDO) . Most birds had left by last week of Sept., but one between Karacabey and Qannakale on 1 Oct. 68 (GH et al). S. Coastlands; First were 2 between Antalya and Side on 13 April and 8 on the l6th (AV) . Several singles in this same area later in the month. Widely scattered but not numerous, Dinar-Burdur-Bey§ehir-Konya, 24-27 April 68 (FD, WK) . Common in late Aug. /early Sept, from Karaman and Uluki^la in the north to the Adana/Antakya areas in the south. Numbers in this area had dwindled considerably by end of Sept, but singles and small parties lingered on well into Oct. The only observation in the West Taurus was 10 around Bey^ehir G. on 7 Sept. 68 (ARK). Central Plateau; A few in the south by the end of April in I968. In 1969, a noticeable Influx in the Sakarya sub-region on 4 May, numbers dropping somewhat during rest of the month. Counts along roads in two different areas on 11 May were; 30 Ankara- Tuz and 45 Qay-Emirdag-Eski^ehir . 42 between Eski^ehir and Sivrihlsar a week later (RFP, AV) . Widespread, though nowhere numerous from May to July. In autumn, a sizeable increase was noted in the third week of Aug. in both years and large numbers then moved through for two or three weeks. An interesting comparison is of counts made on the Eski§ehir- Ankara road; 57 on 3 Sept, and only 9 on 30 Sept. (AEK) . Small numbers until 2 Oct. with a straggler at Mogan G. on 27 Oct. 68 (AV) . One between Afyon and Klitahya on 15 Oct. 69 (AB et al). S.E. Turkey; (Kurdish Alps) One pair at Qatak, and up to 6 in the Gorenta§ , Giirpinar, Hakkari and Yuksekova areas, 1-4 June 69 (PADH et al). E. Turkey: Evidence suggests that the bulk of the migration through, and into, the region is a week or so later than further west. 139 counted on a journey Malatya-Mu§ on 24 May 69, but only I8 between Tatvan and Ergis (RFP et al). Common in July between Sivas, Erzurum and the Iranian border. 27 in 24 km. near Erzurum on 23 Aug. (CJB). CERYLE RUDIS (Pled Kingfisher) Breeding resident, mainly on the southern and south-western coastal strip with concentrations on large deltas. One winter record from the Marmara region reflects this species inclin- ation to wander. W. Anatolia: One on river at Karacabey on 10 Jan. 69 (MJH, ARK, RPP) . Recorded on Aegean coast as far north as the Kiiglik Menderes (Efes) in winter. Main concentration was in the Buyuk Menderes Delta/Bafa G. area. On 3 km. stretch of river west of Bafa G. there were 8 on 22 May 69, and up to 12 on the delta around Tuzburgaz and Karine on I6 Jan. 69. 2 on river south of Kbycegiz G. on 12 Sept. 68 (ARK et al). S. Coastlands: Up to 6 in the Gbksu Delta area in both years, and at Seyhan Baraji, Aug. - Oct. 68, 2 on Gbksu N. 12 km. south of Mut on 25 Sept. (AV), and one at Aynaz marsh (Tarsus) on 4 Oct. 68 (ARK, RPP) . S.E. Turkey: 3 on Firat N. at Blrecik on 2 Dec. 69 (FJK) . (One near Diyarbakir on I6 July I966 was accidentally omitted from the preceding report). 105 HALCYON SMYKNENSIS (White -breasted Kingfisher) Similar breeding range to Ceryle rudis, although apparently much rarer. W. Anatolia: 3 on pools on the Soke plain on 13 Sept. 68 (ARK). Singles on north edge of Buyiik Menderes delta on 17 Jan. 69, and on a lake near Kalkan (S. Coast) on 29 Dec. 69 (MJH et al). S. Coastlands: Singles at Seyhan Barajl in Aug. (RSH) and Oct . (ark) and up to 4 at Ajmaz marsh. Tarsus, in Nov. (FJK) . ! ALCEDO ATTHIS (Kingfisher) J January concentrations suggest winter immigration and/or ;l movement to the coast in hard weather. Only one breeding I record but seen widely in autumn. ! 106 Black Sea Coastlands ; 8 Ye§ilirmak Delta 8-11 Jan., and 20 at Balik G. (Kizllirmak Delta) on 10 Jan. 69 (AV), and smaller numbers in Dec. 69. Singles between Samsun and Trabzon in April, May and Aug., and one east of Kartal (Gulf of Izmit) on 24 and 26 Sept. 68 (DLC et al). Thrace ; 3 on the Merig Delta on 4/5 Jan. 69 and one at Buyiik Qekmece on 25 Sept. 68 (ARK et al). W. Anatolia; In Jan. I969 small numbers in 10 wetland areas from the Marmara lakes area in north to Buyiik Menderes Delta in south. Usually no more than 5 in any one locality, but 6 around Buyiik Menderes/Baf a G. floods in mid- Jan. 69. In the autumn parties of up to 5 throughout the region, with max. of 8 at Kbyceglz G. in Sept. 69 (ARK et al). One at Qivril G. in Dec . 69 (FJK) . S. Coastlands: 2 near Qumra on I7 Jan. 69 (PJK). Small numbers noted in several wetland areas in both autumns, in the coastal strip surrounding the Gulf of Iskenderun (Silifke- Samandag) . Largest number was 5 at Seyhan Baraji on 29 Aug. (RSH). One at Ka§ (SW of Antalya) on 29 Dec. 69 (FJK). Central Plateau: 1-2 near Kizilcahamam and at Ak^ehlr G. in early 1969* Up to 2 at Mogan G., Aug. -Oct. 68, and one at Ballkdaml on 50 Oct. (AV et al). An interesting recovery was of a young bird ringed by the Cambridge Ringing Expedition at Eber G. on 50 Aug. 69, later recovered at Karakdy (Mu§), 915 km. east, on 29 Oct. of the same year. S.E. Turkey; One pair with nest at Yiiksekova marsh on 4 June 69 (PADH, BAEM, RPP). E. Turkey; See ringing recovery above. MEROPS API ASTER (Bee -eater) | f I A common passage migrant in all parts of the country with peaks in early May and late August/September . Probably breeding throughout Thrace, and common in early summer in the extreme east, but little information for this season from; northern areas. Western Anatolia (where, however, a common ' breeder in I966/67), or Southern Coastlands. Probably an extremely local breeder on the Central Plateau. Black Sea Coastlands ; None seen on journeys Ankara-Samsun in May/june 69. Several east of tfskiidar on 28 June 68 (AV), and 20 in a valley just east of Su§ehrl on 25 July 69 (AJG). Autumn passage at Qamllca hills (Bosphorus) totalled 595 between 29 Aug. and 15 Sept. 68. This Included C. 70 heard during the night of 19 Sept, at 2550 hrs. (ARK). Between 25 Aug. and 15 Oct. 69 at least 200 moved E. or S. there. 107 i Thrace : Arrival noted in late April/early May. Small , numbers seen on journeys to and from the Greek and Bulgarian ' borders and Istanbul during June. Described as common in mid- July 1969 and mid-Aug. 68. Passage also noted in late Sept. 68. ^ W. Anatolia: Spring arrival into the southern part of the region was noted as early as 22 April in 68. In I969 only small numbers in Izmir region from 26 April until early May, when there was a sudden increase. In the north, passage was evident through first half of May, particularly at Manyas G. where, for instance, 80 flew N. on l4/l5 May. Heard calling over Uludag at 2,400 m. on 18 May (RFP). Bulk of autumn passage in both years was in mid-Sept., when birds were numerous in several localities from Manyas G. south to the Mediterranean coast. S. Coastlands: Earliest were 20 at Side and 4 east of Antalya on 16 April 69 (AV). 60 around Antalya on 5/6 May (ARK) . . From late Aug. to lO/ll Oct. (when last two groups seen at Amik G.) small numbers were commonly seen in the coastal strip around the Gulf of Iskenderun and occasionally in the Taurus I mountains north of Taurus. Peak passage occurred during the ' third week of Sept. (RFP et al). Central Plateau: Only observation of spring passage was 18 flying NW over Beynam ridge (near Ankara) on 10 May 69 (AV). Present in several areas in the north from 19-21 May in small numbers. One near Yerkoy, east of Ankara on 22 July 69 was the only summer record (AJG) . In Aug., many at Ballkdaml, and small numbers on passage Ankara-Konya-Afyon. 17 flying S. over Ankara on l4 Sept. 68 were the latest (AV). S.E. Turkey: In I969, 50 Gbrenta^ -Ba^kale on 2 June (all in , suitable nesting places), 75 Hakkari-Yiiksekova on 3 June, and very common in the Yuksekova valley on 4 June (PADH et al). I E. Turkey; In 1969, very common in late May, Elazig-Van. ' Counts were: 110 Elazlg-Mu§ (24th), 85 Tatvan-Ergis (25th), 100 Ergis-Van (26th). Many of those along the north shore of i Van G. were excavating nest-holes (RFP et al). Also common north and north-west of Van G. in June/july, and very numerous by Agri-Iran border road in late Aug. In late Sept, 68, ; several groups of up to 30 strong Tatvan-Malatya (22-26th). i i MEROPS SUPERCILIOSUS (Blue-cheeked Bee-eater) i S. Coastlands: In Oct. I968, a party of 11 on wires on the I Tarsus Delta on 3rd, 10 feeding over Aynaz swamp on 4th and 6 I nearby on 5th. 5 flew S., west of Amik G. on 9th (TG, ARK, RFP). ! i 108 OPUPA EPOPS (Hoopoe) Again found to be a widespread summer visitor and passage migrant, but nowhere abundant. Black Sea Coastlands; One at Sapanca G. on l6 April 68 (FD, WK). 1 20 in woods to north of Ballk G. on 8/9 June 69, including 2 pairs feeding fully fledged young (BAEM, RFP) . Sightings of autumn arrivals (i.e. birds flying in from the sea) on the coast were: 6 at Trabzon 25-28 Aug. (in ones and twos) and one at Ke§ap on 29 Aug. 69 (SCM) . Up to 2 on Qamlica hills ^ (Bosphorus) 29 Aug. - 22 Sept. 68. One near Kartal (east of ilskudar) on l4 Sept. 68 (DEC et al) . Thrace ; Very small numbers in late April (27th onwards) and early May, and in late'Aug. and the first half of Sept. W. Anatolia: A few widely scattered birds seen in late April 68 from Bursa south to Bafa G. (l6th onwards). In May, observ- ations of ones and twos in the north (south to a line Izmlr-Dlnar) One on Uludag at 1550 m. in early May. In autumn, one at Apolyont G. on 50 Sept, was the latest (ARK et al). S . Coastlands ; Earliest were up to 8 at Side 15-19 April 69 (AV) . 2 at Burdur G. on 24 Apr. 68 (ED, WK) , and a pair plus a single between Pozantl and Qamardl (Main Taurus) in early May 69 (RJJ, AV). On 28 Aug. 68, at least I7 counted between ' Konya and Karaman (RSH) . Prom about this date to the end of Sept, seemed to be the main migration period, and they were frequently met with in the eastern half of the region during this time. Latest date was 1 at Amlk G. on 10 Oct. 68 (ARK,RFP). - Central Plateau; Arrived in the Ankara area 21 March in I969 (25 March in I968) , after which up to 6 birds seen in vicinity of the city (and west to Sivrihlsar) throughout the summer. Pair feeding 5 young in garden of British Embassy, Ankara, on 22 July 69, and a pair with one juv. near Ankara on 2 July 68. Last recorded on 12 Sept, in I968 (AV) . S.E. Turkey: (Kurdish Alps) In I969, small numbers in all areas visited from 51 May - 4 June (Qatak, east to Ba^kale, south to Hakkarl/Yiiksekova) with a definite concentration in wooded hill-slopes, 50 km. south of Yuksekova, where 20 birds were located (PADH et al). E. Turkey; A few between Malatya and Mu§ on 24 May 69 and I5 around north and east shores of Van G. 26-50 May. One carrying food near Ergek G. on 28 May (REP et al), and one south east of Van at 2,000 m. on 1 July (AJG). Several between Dogubayazlt '' - and Agrl in late Aug. both years. 109 JYNX TORQUILLA (Wryneck) A passage migrant in moderate numbers in the western half of the country with one winter record from the south west. Black Sea Coastlands; Singles at Abant G. (Bolu) on 2 May 68 (FD, WK) and near Trabzon on 27 Aug. 69 (SCM) . At Qamlica hills (Bosphorus), a single on I9 Sept. 68 (TT, GB) , and up to 2 from 15-21 Sept. 69. One east of Kartal on l4 Sept. 68 (DLC et al) . Thrace ; One at Kilyos on 29 Apr. 68 (AS, BB). W. Anatolia: One on the Buyiik Menderes Delta on 17 Jan. 69 (MJH, RFP) . One at Ku§ Cenneti (Manyas G.) on 21 Aug. 68 (TT, GB). S. Coastlands: Up to 2 at Side l4-l8 April 69 and one west of Alanya on the latter date (AV). Central Plateau: In both years first recorded at Qankaya (Ankara) in third week of March (22nd in I969 and 25th in I968) . In 1969 noted on 6 dates up to 25 April. Autumn passage from Qankaya from l4 Aug. - 2 Oct. in I968 (singles on 9 dates and 2 on 12 Sept.)(AV). PICUS VIRIDIS (Green Woodpecker) The few observations again suggest a wide but very sparse distribution. Black Sea Coastlands: Up to 5 on Qamlica hills (Bosphorus) 8 Sept. - 2 Oct. 69 (DOETL et al). One at Balik G. on 9 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK). W. Anatolia: 4 in Dalyan woods on 11 Jan. 69 (MJH, ARK, RFP) . One at Pazaryeri (east of Bursa) on 19 May 69 (BAEM, RFP) and one near §evketye (Manyas G.) on 2 Aug. 68 (RDO) . S. Coastlands; One in Taurus mountains NE of Manavgat on 8 Jan. (FJK) and 2 on 'Karanfil Dag on I7/18 Oct. 69 (JF et al). E. Turkey: One at Kemah (south west of Erzlncan) on 15/1'^ May 68 (Dr. CK) . DRYOCOPUS MARTIUS (Black Woodpecker) W. Anatolia: One at Uludag on 28 Sept. 68 (GH, LF, KE) DENDROCOPUS MAJOR (Great Spotted Woodpecker) Scattered observations from the northern part of the country and 110 one record from the Taurus. Seems in the main to occupy higher ground than D. syriacus, but habitat occasionally over- laps nearer sea-level, as in the environs of Istanb;fL . Black Sea Coastlands: 2 at 2,000 m. in spruce forest 60 km. south of Trabzon on 5 July 69 (AJG) . Singles at QIamlica hills (Bosphorus) 2^-28 Sept. 68 (ARK). One at Abant G. (Bolu) on 30 Nov. (AV)., and stated to be not uncommon a little east of there, at Gerede, in Nov. /Dec. 69 (LD, FJK) . Thrace : One in Belgrade Forest on 22 Sept. 69 (GKB). W. Anatolia; Several on Uludag between 1,350 and 1,600 m. 8-10 May 69 (ARK). S. Coastlands; 2 on Karanfil Dag on I7/18 Oct. 69 (JF et al). Central Plateau; Up to 3 recorded throughout the year in pine forest at Kizilcahamam (AV) . DENDROCOPUS SYRIACUS (Syrian Woodpecker) Common breeding resident, mostly found west of a line Samsian- Adana. Heaviest density in Western Anatolia, especially in the Marmara region. Some observations in the east and extreme south east. (See under D. medius for notes on south west areas) Black Sea Coastlands: Well distributed east to Samsun and Ye§ilirmak Delta; east of here the sole record was of a pair 5 km. east of Su^ehri on 23 July 69 (AJG). Thrace ; A few noted throughout the year from the Greek border to Istanbul . W. Anatolia: Commonly seen or heard in all parts, though less so in the south. In the extreme south west a scattering of sightings, at all times of year, in habitat in which D. medius predominated. S. Coastlands: A few in the West Taurus lakes region in winter and in the Taurus north of Pozanti in May I969. Several near Adana (Seyhan Baraji) in late Aug. 69 (RSH) . Central Plateau: Small numbers recorded widely in lower-lying areas. Bred in the suburbs of Ankara (Qankaya) where it was particularly partial to almond nuts (AV). East of a line between Ankara -Tuz, it was only recorded between Gul§ehir and Mucur on 6 April (AV), at Yozgat in May (OM-Z) and at Goreme on 20 Nov. 69 (LD, FJK). S.E. Turkey: Singles at Qatak on 1 June, and in woodland 30 km. south of Ytiksekova on 4 June 69 (PADH, BAEM, RFP) . Ill DENDROCOPUS MEDIUS (Middle Spotted Woodpecker) I A fragmentary distribution over western and northern regions . I Habitat varied from pine forest in mountains (lower slopes), I to olive groves, and swampy deciduous woods on a river delta. I Black Sea Coastlands; 5 pairs in deciduous woodland (Quercus spp.) north east of Balik G. on 9 June 69 (BAEM, RFP) . I One at Qamlica hills (Bosphorus) on 21 Sept. 68. W. Anatolia: One calling at Marmara G. on l4 Jan. 69 (RFP et ' al) , (along same rocky hillside, with low Quercus scrub, as one I located in summer I966). 2 in Yamanlar hills, north of Izmir, , at 900 m. on 1 May 69 (CFH) . In mountains near Bursa, singles j on 4th and 6th Oct. 69 (GKB) . ; Seen throughout the year in the olive groves along the southern edge of Bafa G., with max. 5 on 11 Sept. 68. Along the south west coast, one in Plnus f ruts la forest between Mugla and Kdyceglz on 11 Sept. 68 (ARK et al) . S. Coastlands; At least 4 between E§en and Fethlye in Quercus cervis forest on 29 Dec. 69 (RFP et al). D. syriacus was less commonly seen in this habitat. One in pine forest at 1,500 m. at Qevizli (W. Taurus) in late May 1968 (ATM). DENDROCOPUS MINOR (Lesser Spotted Woodpecker) Most records were from the western half of the country, but one observation in the Kurdish Alps in June. Probably overlooked. Black Sea Coastlands: At Qamlica hills (Bosphorus) noted in every season. One mld-Jione record suggests breeding. Max. of 3 in autumn. Singles on a small peninsular at Tuzla (Gulf of Izmit) on 22/23 Sept. 68 (DLC et al) and at Balik G. on 9 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK). W. Anatolia: One in pine forest between Mugla and Kbycegiz 11 Sept. 68 (ark). 2 in pine woods at 1,000 m. in mountains south west of Bursa on 6 Oct. 69 (GKB) . S. Coastlands: One 26 km. north of Bugak (West Taurus) on 27 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK). S.E. Turkey; A single in woodland 30 km. south of Yliksekova ; on 4 June 69 (PADH, BAEM, RFP) . RIPARIA RIPARIA (Sand Martin) Widespread passage migrant, sometimes in many thousands. Peak periods first half of May and late Aug. /early Sept. Little information again received on breeding status. 112 Black Sea Coastlands: Some passage noted in May and early Oct. in western parts . W. Anatolia; Ones and twos throughout region from mid-April (earliest at Karacabey) . 1,000 roosting at Ku§ Cenneti (Manyas G.) on 15 May 69. 50 at 2,000 m. on Uludag two days later where it was recorded up to 2,500 m. No breeding season information. Large numbers on passage Aug. /Sept. Largest roost was 3,000 at Acigdl on 10 Sept. 68 (ARK et al). S. Coastlands: In West Taurus singles from I3 April (1969) onwards, Side-Antalya (AV). Few other observations apart from some passage in Main Taurus in Sept, and a few Adana -Amik G. up to 12 Oct. 68. Central Plateau: None seen before 27 April in Ankara region. In 1969 a big passage in first week of May, noted as far apart as Ankara and Eber (thousands Involved in any one place). Several breeding sites found between Yozgat and Erzurum in May 1968 (OM-Z), but unfortunately no counts made or lo'^atlons recorded. Possible nest-holes in bank of Kizillrmak near Selguk Bridge, east of Bala, on 17 Aug. 69. Autumn passage in full swing by second week of Aug., continuing throughout Sept. Again many thousands in any one locality. 3 at Mogan C on 28 Oct. 68 (AV) were the last in the north but 2 stragglers at Hotami§ on 24 Nov. 69 (FJK, LD) . S.E. Turkey; 2 at Yuksekova marsh on 4 June 69 (PADH) . E. Turkey; 100 over Murat N. near Mu§ on 24 May 69 were possibly nesting as numerous holes in banks. Also numerous (flocks of up to 1,000) around Van G. 25-30 May, though no sign of breeding (RFP et al). Several by Murat N. near Agri on 1 July 69 (AJG) , and several between Agri and Iranian border on 23 Aug. (CJB) . HIRUNDO RUPESTRIS (Crag Martin) Probably breeding in most mountainous areas over 1,500 m. Movement down from high mountains in autumn when gatherings take place in the adjacent foothills. Most, if not all, birds spend the winter at low altitude, probably moving south of the breeding quarters . Black Sea Coastlands: 4 near Bayburt , in the east , in a rocky pass at 1,800 m., on 5 July 69 (AJG). One at Qamlica hills on 19 Sept. 69 (GH et al). W. Anatolia: 40 over reed-beds at Marmara G. on l4 Jan. 69. Max. of 50 at Buyiik Menderes Delta 4-l8 Jan. 69. On Uludag, 15 at 1,600-2,200 m., 8-I6 May 1969, 6 there on 7 Aug. and one on 1 Sept. 68 (ARK et al) . On 4 Oct. 69, a flock of 90 113 noticed just after dawn 8 km. east of Bursa. Most of them were still clinging to a cliff face where they had obviously roosted (GKB) . I S. Coastlands; On 8 Jan. 69, common along the south coast from Antalya to Manavgat (LD, FJX), 3 north of Pozanti on 5 May, and 6 on Demirkazik Dag on 6 May (RJJ, AV). A small j colony (no details given) at Qevlzli (West Taurus) in late May j 68 (atm). Small numbers in the mountains north and NE of i Pozanti in Sept. /Oct. 69, and 2 at Mut on 25 Sept. 68 (AV). At the end of the year common around Kalkan and from there to I Fethlye on 29 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK) . ' Central Plateau; At Klzllcahamam, 3 on 7 Apr. and 10 on I 8 May 69. Also 1 on 11 July and 2 on 1 Sept. 68 (AV) . In I May 1968, 20 birds in a river valley near Yozgat (OM-Z). 2 or : 3 near Sultandagi on 9 May 69 (RJJ, AV). S.E. Turkey: (Kurdish Alps) Recorded up to 2,300 m. at Gbrenta^ , in an area 28 km. east of Giirpinar, and a valley to j north of Hakkarl, where nesting in a road tunnel through hills, ! 31 May - 4 June 69 ( PADH et al ) . 1 E. Turkey: 10 probably nesting on cliffs by Flrat N. north I east of Malatya on 24 May 69. 4 by rocky cliffs at Adilcevaz : (Van G.) on 25 May 69 (RFP et al). ]0 at Viran^ehir on 29 July 69 (pen AV). In late July and late Aug. small parties ; noted along road Erzincan-Erzurum-Iranian border (CJB). i HIRUNDO RUSTICA (Swallow) ' Summer visitor and passage migrant. Vast numbers pass through the country, particularly in early May and late September/early ij October. Probably breeds throughout the country, although I; there is still very little direct evidence to substantiate this. I Black Sea Coastlands: Comparatively small numbers noted in 1‘ spring and autumn migration, mld-Aprll/May and Aug. /Sept., I except at Qamllca hills (Bosphorus) when 7,050 passed E. on 1’ 19 Sept. 68 (GH et al). Many between Klzllcahamam and Istanbul j, 2-6 Oct. 68 (AV). Only summer record was of 3 at Samsun on i' 9 June 69 (BAEM, RFP) . '1 Thrace ; Movement into, and through, area noted from 4 April. ] Present until late Sept., in which month large return movement. I An occupied nest at Edime/Bulgarian customs post on 26 Apr. 69 ' (ark), and 6 nests there on 12 May. |i W. Anatolia: From 17 April (1968) a few in the north, but (very numerous in south by 21 April. Bulk of movement in first half of May (e.g. roost of 1,000 at Manyas G. , mid-month). (Very large movements noted at end of Sept, (roosts of up to 1,000) 114 Much reduced numbers in first week of Oct. and 9 flying S. over the Dardanelles on 9th were the last (GKB) . S. Coast lands: Already present Side-Antalya from 13 April 69. A heavy westerly passage at Side in mid-April involving many thousands, particularly on 17 April when passing at an estimated 3,000 per hour at two peak periods in the day totalling 3 hours (AV) . Bulk of autumn movement in the Seyhan lowland seemed to occur late in Sept, and early Oct. Vast roosting concentrations at Tarsus on 3 Oct. 68 where, at the Ajmaz swamp, the enormous total of 50-100,000 arrived at dusk. 35,000 were estimated there the following evening. Between 5-12 Oct. hundreds Tarsus-Amik G. (2,000 at the latter on 10th) (ARK, RFP) . Central Plateau; Earliest were at Mogan G. on 29 March 69, and 30 March 68 (AV). Bulk of spring passage in Ankara area late April/early May. Small numbers south to Tuz G. in May and June. Build-up of numbers again through July and Aug. (peak of several thousand at Mogan G. in early Aug.). Sudden decrease at end of Sept, until last on 17 Oct. 68 (AV). S.E. Turkey; (Kurdish Alps) Between 3I May and 4 June 69 only recorded near Yuksekova (l) and Giirpinar (2)(PADH et al). E. Turkey: Widespread and fairly common in late May and early July over much of this region. Pound nesting by Van G. (RFP) . Moderate S. passage in northern areas in late Aug. had developed into a huge movement by 23 Sept. (1968) when thousands were moving near Malatya (CJB) . HIRUNDO DAURICA (Red-rumped Swallow) Summer visitor to the western and southern coasts and inland in W. Anatolia. Nearly always found in rocky hills and on lower slopes of mountains, never at any great height. Some passage noted in the Marmara region in spring and autumn and on south coast in spring. Recorded from early April to September. Black Sea Coastlands : Singles at a peninsular east of Kartal (Gulf of Izmlt) on 18 Sept. 78 (DLC et al), and over Qamlica hills (Bosphorus) on 20 Sept. 69 (DOETL et al). Thrace ; One coasting E. with other hirundines near Tekirdag on 4 Apr. 69. (RG). W. Anatolia: Up to 12 noted widely in the coastal belt and at Uludag from 24 April in both years. In late May I968, many Mugla-Qannakale, some breeding (ATM). 30 at Kdyceglz G. on 12 Sept. 68 (ark) and one at Manyas G. the following day. 115 I i S. Coastlands: (W. Taurus) At Side, small numbers passing west, I5-18 April 69; up to 7 per day. 2 at Antalya on ■ 16 April (AV) (Main Taurus). Up to 6 between Adana and Ceyhan, 29 Aug. - 2 Sept. 68 (RSH). DELICHON URBICA (House Martin) Moderate numbers on passage (fewer in spring), but decidedly uncommon on the Central Plateau. Probably breeds widely, but locally. Nesting places Included old houses and mountain caves. I Black Sea Coastlands; Nesting in Abant valley (near Bolu) , with up to 6 in May (FD, WK) . Present in June between Sarasun and Bafra (BAEM, RFP) . On 27 Aug. 69, 100 moved W. along the coast at Trabzon (SCM). Autumn passage noted at Qamllca hills (Bosphorus) where max. of I63 in a day in Sept, but usually far fewer. ' Thrace : Earliest date 4 Apr. 69, when 2 coasted E. near Teklrdag (RG) . Quite commonly seen thereafter in April and May. 10 occupied nests on Edirne/Bulgarian customs post, 26 April 69 i (ark). Small autumn passage noted, no doubt linked with move- ments recorded at the Bosphorus. , W. Anatolia: Few in mid-April , but numerous at Soke on 23rd and in Izmir region 23 Apr. - 5 May (1969). Also in May, up to 60 around hotels, nest building, at 1,900 m. on Uludag and a few at lower altitude. 20 with nests on old houses in a village on south shore of Iznlk G. 40 at Selpuk on 21st and 20 nests 1 at Bodrum on 27th (ARK et al). S. Coastlands: A few migrants moving W. in the Side/Antalya ' area from 15 Apr. 69 onwards. Up to 20 seen together, Antalya- ! Perge-Manavgat in late April/early May (AV, ARK). Central Plateau; In 1969, small numbers in the vicinity of j Ankara, 27 April - 10 May, 20 at Klzilcahamam on 8 May, and one ' at the Kizlllrmak crossing east of Bala on 17 Aug. (AV). 3 at : Eber G. on 8 Sept. 68 (ARK). ' S.E. Turkey: 10 north of Gbrenta^ on 3I May and 100 about i 28 km. east of Giirpinar, nesting in large caves next to river on 2 June 1969 . Others recorded singly in same period at ! Guzelsu, Ba^kale and Sivllan (PADH et al). ‘I CALANDRELLA CINEREA (Short -toed Lark) i ' Summer visitor and passage migrant. Scattered evidence of ' breeding in most of the western half of the country (possibly including Thrace), and the northern sub-regions of Eastern Turkey. 116 Arrival on the Central Plateau occurred in late March/early April and the species was distributed over much of the country by the end of the first week of April . Peak autumn passage took place in late August/early September (including a huge movement on the Central Plateau), but continued into October. Black Sea Coastlands: 125 at Karaali on 7 April 69. Between 25 Aug, and I5 Oct. 69, 23 passed over Qamlica hills (Bosphorus). In I968 up to 8 on a peninsular east of Kartal (Gulf of Izmit) l4-26 Sept, (DLC et al). Thrace : Numerous Ed i me -Istanbul 15 April, and also at Tekirdag on 3 May 68 (ED et al). Several records of singles and pairs in the Istanbul area 30 April-3 May (AV et al). Up to 40 in late Aug. and small numbers until 25 Sept. 68. W. Anatolia: From late April (earliest 22nd) small numbers in several places from Izmir, south to Btiyuk Menderes Delta. 2 singing at Bafa G. on 22 May 69 (ARK) . 2 at Manyas G. on 22 Aug. (TT, GB) 1968. In the first half of Sept. I968, 60 at Bursa on 1st., 100 at Acigbl on 10th and 30 in the Buyiik Menderes Delta/Bafa G. area on l4/l5th (ARK, RFP) . Central. Plateau; Earliest in the two years were 250 at Mogan G on 29 Mar. 69 (AV). Passage N. through this area was noted in April of both years, with over 200 on peak days, and continued into early May. Elsewhere, 70 at §arki§la (SW of Sivas) on 7 Apr. 69 (RG). One with white wing patches at Emir G. on 3 May 69 (AV) . Very few in central areas in late May, June and July. The only direct evidence of breeding was a family party (4 juvs.) at Susuz, near Ankara (CRE, AV). Flocks began to move south again from mid-Aug., continuing through Sept, (latest date 1 Oct. in I968) . An enormous move- ment on 5 Sept, 68 at Tuz G., when a continuous SW passage over the east edge of the lake totalled an estimated 10,000 birds. Movement continued lontll late afternoon, although the peak was from 0700-1100 hrs. Also many hundreds by the lake edge. The following day there were thousands at Kulu, and thousands more en route Kulu-Konya. 12 days later only 250 on the same journey (ARK, RPP). E. Turkey; In May I969, several near Agri and Erzurum. On 30 June 69, 6 near Dogubayazit in meadows and cornfields at 2,000 m. (several singing). 3 singing in similar habitat near Agri on 1 July 69 (AJG) . CALANDRELLA RUFESCENS (Lesser Short-toed Lark) A curious breeding distribution, which seems to centre almost 117 1 j ■j ! exclusively on the wide, treeless areas surrounding the two I great Turkish lakes, Tuz and Van, Probably resident, with I breeding populations tending to move south during the autumn. Central Plateau; 1 near Develi in the east on 1 Jan. 69 and 2 at Tuz G. on l8th. Earliest record of movement in the north j was of one at Mogan G.(AV) on 24 Feb. 69. (9 there on 25th in 1968). In both years numbers there built up through Feb. and j March (max. 60 on lO/ll March 68), then dropped during April and May with 5-10 pairs breeding (AV) . Many pairs also bred around Tuz G. - e.g. in fields bordering the SE corner of the i lake at least 50 pairs, some carrying food, and at least ; 1 young able to fly on 21/22 May 69 (RFP) while on the north ' side of the lake, there were hundreds in fields to SE of Kulu I on l4 June (AV) . Elsewhere, one at Ballkdami on 4 May 69 (AV) and 2 singles east of Yozgat in May (OM-Z). ' During autumn flocks gradually gathered in the south and east ' of the region, mainly in saline areas. By mid-Nov,, some of [ these flocks were quite large (up to 186 in the Kayseri area, ' and 70 at Egreli, 21-25 Nov. 69)(FJK). Present in these same areas in the last half of Dec. 1969^ but much smaller numbers j in the last two months of 1968, S.E. Turkey; Between 51 May-4 June 69: 2 singing at Qatak; :i 5 in mountains west of Gdrentag (at 2,500 m.); 1-2 Gdrenta§- Giizelsu; 1 Ytiksekova marsh. (PADH, BAEM, RFP) . E. Turkey: Very common around Van G. 25-50 May, and 100 on ' the south edge of Ergek G. (PADH, BAEM, RFP) 27 May 69. None : seen along northern shore of Van G. on 5 Dec. 69 (where very '1 common in late May) . ' MELANOCORYPHA CALANDRA (Calandra Lark) ] Breeding resident, common on the Central Plateau and in Thrace, in both of which regions the habitat is very suitable, ij Otherwise it is a local breeder, congregates into large flocks in autumn, when some southerly movement was noted, and winter. Black Sea Coastlands; Flock of 2,000 at Merzifon on 8 Jan. 69 ( AV) . Commonest bird Samsun-Amasya on 10 June 69 (BAEM, RFP) and one east of Uskudar on 28 June 68 (AV). Thrace ; Common throughout the year. W. Anatolia: Local in the breeding season in the following j areas: Apolyont-Qannakale , Izmir, Buyiik Menderes Delta, Soke, I Pammukale-Dinar . More widespread and numerous in winter, with j flocks of up to 40. Around Aclgbl 500 were counted on 21 Jan. 69 (MJH at al). I 118 S. Coastlands; (W. Taurus) 2 at Bugak G. on 13 Apr. 69 (AV) and several Egridir G.-Bey§ehir G., and Konya -Qumra on 25/26 Apr. 68 (ED, WK) . (Seyhan lowland) 5 at Tarsus and 70 between Adana and Karata§ in early Oct. 69 (ABK, RFP) . (Anti Taurus) 10 at Antakya, and 2 at Amik G. in early Oct. 69 (ARK, RFP). Central Plateau: A widespread breeder in cultivated areas up to about 1,300 m. least 30 pairs bred at Mogan G. and 100 pairs in fields bordering the SE comer of Tuz G. in May/june 69. But also noted in summer Afyon-Emirdag, Konya -Egreli, Ankara -Kays eri , Yozgat-Zara. Some southward movement noted in Sept, and Oct. Very large numbers in winter, when widespread in flocks of up to 400 (AV et al). S.E. Turkey: Present Gdrentag-Guzelsu on 2 June, and 15-20 at Yuksekova marsh on 3 June 69 (PADH et al). E. Turkey; Frequently seen Erzincah-'Agri in May I968 (OM-Z), and singles near Agri and Dogubayazlt on 24 July 69 (CJB). Well distributed and fairly common around Van G. in late May/early June 69 (RFP et al). MELANOCORYPHA BIMACULATA (Blmaculated Lark) Recorded from 1 April to August in parts of the extreme east and south east, the Central Plateau and the Main Taurus. S. Coastlands; (Main Taurus) 4 singing north of Qamardi on 6 May 69 (RJJ, AV) . Central Plateau; Recorded much more widely in 1969 than in preceding years. One flying S. over Qankaya (Ankara), calling, on 1 Apr. 68, was the earliest and there was one at Tuz G. on 4 Apr. 69. Between 1-10 May 69 the species was noted in the north at Beynam ridge (up to 10 singing) and near Ayaz (2) and, on a journey Ankara -Nigde, 2 south of Bumsuz and 10-15 south of Aksaray. In June, 6 at Beynam on 1st, 1 at Mogan G. on 11th (the first record from this well-watched locality), 3 at Tuz G. and 20-30 in fields south of Kulu G. on l4th. Only one found on Beynam ridge on 27 July 69 but autumn flocks of 30 west of Ortakby (Tuz G.) on 17 Aug. 69 and 15-20 north of Kiilu on 21 Sept. 68 (AV). EREMOPHILA ALPESTRIS (Shore Lark) Breeding resident, common above the tree-line on all those mountains visited in summer. Not recorded below 900 m. in winter, though most, and probably all, of the breeding population moves to lower altitudes. 119 Black Sea Coastlands; (W. Inland) 4 at Abant (near Bolu) on 1 May 68 (FD, WK) and 11 near Dortdivan (Gerede) on 15 Nov. 69 (LD, PJK) . (E. Inland) Common in the mountains around Bayburt in May, I968 (OM-Z). W. Anatolia; Recorded only at Uludag, where I5 at 2^00 m. in mid-May 1969 (several singing) (RFP). At least 40 (50 per cent imms.) on 7/8 Aug. 68 (RDO), but only one on 1 Sept. 68 (ARK) . S. Coastlands: J>0 on Demirkazik Dag (Main Taurus) on 6 May 69 (RJJ, AV) . Common around Sogut G. and between Korkuteli and Elmali on 26/27 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK) . Central Plateau; Recorded widely throughout the region (more commonly in the east) from the second half of Nov. until early April, usually in parties of 15-20 birds (max. 56 at Emir G. on 4 Feb. 68 - AV). One on a grass-covered hillside at 1,200 m. between Gbreme and Kayseri on 22 May 69 (RFP). S.E. Turkey; (Kurdish Alps) At least 50 pairs on a mountain west of Gbrentai^ (2,100-3,200 m.), including several carrying food, and a pair between Guzelsu and Ba^kale, J>1 May - 4 June 69 (PADH et al). E. Turkey: A total of 147 seen on snow covered upland (1,900- 2,000 m. ) along the stretch of road Su^ehri-Erzurum-Ele^kirt , 10-12 April 69 (RG) . One pair 10 km. west of Viran^ehlr on 23 May 69 (RFP). Some between Erci§ and Tatvan and 12 Erzurum-Bingdl on 5/6 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK). GALERIDA CRIST ATA (Crested Lark) One of the most common and familiar birds of the western half of the country, but less common and even rare east of a line Samsun-Iskenderun. Those seen east of this line were: a few in the Pazardren area, 6 Malatya-Blngdl and 5 on north shore of Van G. (Tatvan-Erci§-Muradlye) at the end of May 1969 • Also, in the extreme SE, a pair 10 km. east of Giirpinar and one near Ytiksekova marsh, 1-3 June 69 (PADH, RFP) . There appeared to be some movement towards southern areas in mid-winter, but the species remained on the Central Plateau even during the hard I967/68 winter, and in parts of Thrace, which was completely snow-covered in Jan. I969, this species and Corvus sp. were the only bird species present. In the winter, flocks never reached more than 20 birds . 120 LULLULA ARBOREA (Woodlark) Distributed widely in hilly and mountainous districts (up to 1,900 m. ) during the summer breeding season. Some evidence of passage in autumn over the Bosphorus, and in spring near Ankara. Flocks occurred at lower altitudes in winter, particularly by the south west coast. Black Sea Coastlands: 10 at Sapanca G. (MJH et al) and l4 at Gelemen (Yegllirmak Delta) on 8 Jan. 69 (AV). Singing birds between Abant and Bolu in early May 68 (PD, WK) . At the Qamllca hills (Bosphorus) only 2 recorded passing over in the period 25 Aug. - 13 Oct. 68, while in the same year max. of 10 on Tuzla peninsular (Giilf of Izmit) 25/26 Sept. (DLC et al). A single at Dortdlvan (east of Bolu) on 15 Nov. 69 (LD, FJK) . Thrace ; 5 flocks of up to 9 birds 3-5 Jan. 69 (MJH et al). W. Anatolia: In Jan. I969 up to 5 at Apolyont G. and Qlvril, 60 by north side of Marmara G. on l4th and total of 100 in Buylik Menderes Delta on l8/l9th (MJH et al). In May 69, singles in Yamanlar hills, south of (^annakale and between Bozliylik and Bursa (where 5 on 29 Sept.) and 2 singing (plus one with nesting material at 1,900 m.) on Uludag on 17/l8th (RFP). In Oct., 3 between Apolyont G. and Qannakale on 1st (1968) (GH et al), and a total of 8 in mountains south of Bursa on Orhanell road on 6th (1969) (GKB) . 10 at Pammukale on 31 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK). S. Coastlands: 2 at Burdur G. on 7 Jan. 69 and 12 near there on 23 Dec. (FJK). One pair seen Aksekl (West Taurus) in late May 1968 (atm) . One singing in the Taurus between Pozanti and Tarsus (1,100 m.) on 3 Oct. 68 (ARK), and 10 on Karanfll Dag on 17/18 Oct. 69 (JF et al). Some at Silifke and Antakya in late Nov. 69 and common along the south west coast (Ka§- Kalkan and Egen-Fethlye) on 29 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK). Central Plateau; One at Ak§ehir on 11 Jan. (FJK) and 2 migrants south of Mogan G. on 8 Mar. 69 were the only records (AV). S.E, Turkey; (Kurdish Alps) Singing birds near Gbrenta§ (at 1,800 m. ) , 17 km. north of Hakkari (2) and near Yliksekova (7), 31 May-4 June 69 (PADH et al). E. Turkey: One singing near Hendek on 7 April 69 (RG) . ALAUDA ARVENSIS (Skylark) A very local breeding bird, probably throughout the country, although no summer records from the Black Sea Coastlands. Northerly passage in early spring, with autumn return movements 121 In September/October. Huge numbers wintering in W. Anatolia and Central Plateau. Black Sea Coastlands: 50 Ye§llirmak Delta on 8/9 Jan. and 50 Kizilirmak Delta on 10 Jan. 68 (AV). Thrace : The commonest species in the Merip Delta at beginning of Jan: 69, with an estimated 5,000-10,000 birds in huge flocks on ~^rd (MJH et al). One singing near Silivri on 1 June 69. W. Anatolia: Fairly common and widespread in Jan. I969 (flock of 2,000 by Manyas G. on 25th ) (RFP) . Autumn records of small numbers in the Marmara lakes area, Buyiik Menderes Delta and at Acigol, 22 Aug.- 5 Oct., max. 15 at Apolyont G. on the latter date (GKB). S. Coastlands; Present near Bey^ehlr in late May 1968 (ATM). Central Plateau; Common in winter, with flocks of up to 5OO in Ankara area in both years, and 1,000 near Kulu on 6 Jan. 69 (AV) . Northward passage in late Feb. and March, continuing into April . The only observations relating to breeding were; 5 pairs at Mogan G. (Ankara) in May/June 1969; several singing on Beynam ridge 1 Mar. - 1 June 69 (where 20 on I6 Aug. 68, including some imms.) and several along east side of Tuz G. in May/june 69 (AV). Large southward movements were noted in last half Oct. in both years in the Ankara/Tuz G. areas involving up to 500-1,500 birds per day. Most of the large winter concentrations formed in late Dec. /early Jan. S.E. Turkey; (Kurdish Alps) 5 pairs at 2,500-2,700 m. on a mountain west of Gdrenta§, 51 May - 2 June (PADH et al). E. Turkey; Evidence of some northward spring passage through north-eastern part of the region gained from scattered groups by the Erzincan-Agrl road, 11/12 Apr. 69, totalling 125 birds (RG). Along this same stretch of road in late May 1968, the sole birds noted were a few singing near Erzurum and Agri. Singles at Yazyurdu (Kayseri -Mai a tya) on 25 May and Van G. on 26 May 69 (RFP) ANTHUS NOVAESEELANDIAE (Richards Pipit) S. Coastlands: 2 at Karakot G. (near Iskenderun) on 1 Dec. 69 (fjk, LD). ANTHUS CAMPESTRIS (Tawny Pipit) Apparently distributed widely in the breeding season in small numbers but, as in I966-67, no records from the Black Sea Coastlands apart from passage birds at the Bosphorus. 122 Recorded from mid-April to early October with one winter record from the south-west. Black Sea Coastlands; A few passage migrants at Qamlica hills (Bosphorus) in both years (up to 5 in a day) from mid-Aug. to late Sept. A few near Kartal , l4-l6 Sept. 68 (DLC et al) Thrace ; Small numbers widespread, 27 Apr. -26 Sept. W. Anatolia; An adult at Miletos on 19 Jan. 69 (MJH, ARK, RFP) . Recorded widely between 28 April and 15 Sept., incl . 5 singing at Bafa G. on 22 May 69 (ARK) . S. Coastlands t (Western Taurus) One flew W. at Side on l4 April (AV) and singles at Perge, Aspendos and Antalya in May 1969 (ark). (Main Taurus) One between Qamardi and Nlgde on 6 May 69 (RJJ, AV). (Seyhan lowland) 2 Karata§ -Adana on 6 Oct., and 2 on beach at Samandag (Antakya) on 9 Oct. 69 (ARK, RFP) . Central Plateau: Earliest spring occurrence was of 5 at Mogan Gi (Ankara) on 25 April 69 (AV) . Between May and Aug. 69, recorded widely in small numbers in many parts of the region except for southern and south-western areas. A pair with 5 young near Susuz on 27 July (CRE), and 2 juvs . at QIankaya (Ankara) on 2 Aug., and several pairs breeding at Beynam ridge in 19^9 (AV). Parties of up to 10 noted in autumn throughout region until 1 Oct. in 1968; and I6 Oct. in 1969 (8 between Qay and Eregli) . S.E. Turkey: (Kurdish Alps) 9 (of which 5 singing) on a mountain west of Gbrenta§ (2,500-2,900 m.), 51 May - 2 Jme 69. Also one at Ytiksekova marsh on 5 June (PADH et al). E. Turkey; Recorded in May I968 at Bingbl and around Van G., along the north and east shores. Many at Varto, by the Pirat N. singing on stony hillsides on 5 July, and several 25 km. west of Erzurum in cultivated fields on 4 July 69 (AJG). Small numbers scattered along the road between Iranian border and Ta§ligay on 25 Aug. 69 (CJB). ANTHUS TRIVIALIS (Tree Pipit) Passage migrant in quite large numbers, mainly in the west, April/May and from August to October. Singing birds at several localities in May but no proof of breeding. One winter record from the south west. Black Sea Coastlands; One by Abant G. (Bolu) on 1 May 68 (PD, WK) . Autumn passage in the east indicated by 12 passing E. or NE. at Trabzon on 26/27 Aug. 69 (SCM) . At the Qamllca hills (Bosphorus), at least 200 passed E., 25 Aug. - I5 Oct. 69. Smaller numbers recorded on several visits made there during the same period in the previous year. 123 Thrace : 6 at Istanbul airport on 28 April and 30 flew W. there on 30 Apr. 69 (AV). Small numbers in several widely- separated places from Aug. to early Oct. in both years. W. Anatolia; One on Bliyuk Menderes Delta on 17 Jan. 69 (MJH, ARK , RFP ) . One at Manyas G. on 3 May 69 (CAB). Singing birds at Uludag (1,900 m.) on I8 May (2) and Pazaryerl (east of Bursa) on 19 May 69 (RFP et al). In I968, 2 on Uludag at 2,300 m. on 1 Sept, and one there on 29 Sept. Singles at Acigbl, 10/16 Sept. (ARK et al). S. Coastlands; Up to 40 at Side, l4-l8 April, and smaller numbers Perge-Aspendos area on I6 April 69 (AV). One near Antalya on 7 May. In eastern sub-regions, up to 15 in a number of areas in the mountains and along the coast, 24 Sept. - 10 Oct. in both years. 30 at Iskenderun on 11 Oct. 68 were the latest (ARK, RFP) . Central Plateau; Earliest noted was a single at Mogan G. on 30 Mar . 69 . Singles at Bala on 8 April, and on several dates in Ankara areas 23 April - 7 May 69. One at Tuz G. on 5 May, and 2 singing and displaying at Beynam ridge on 10 May 69. Small numbers moving through Ankara area, 26 Aug. - 3I Oct.’ 68 (AV et al). E. Turkey; 3 near Horasan on 12 April 69 (RG) and 2 near Agri in May I968 (OM-Z). ANTHUS PRATENSIS (Meadow Pipit) Passage migrant and winter visitor, mainly in the west. Black Sea Coastlands; 12 at Gelemen (Ye§ilirmak Delta) on 8 Jan. (AV) and 4 Adapazari-Karasu on 29 Jan. 69 (RFP et al). 2 over Qamlica hills (Bosphorus) on 17 Sept. 69 (DOETL) . Thrace ; Present in small numbers in Jan. 1969, Merlg Delta- Istanbul (MJH et al). W. Anatolia: In Jan. I969 present in all sites visited from Marmara lakes area south to Bafa G., max. 50 at Soke (RFP et al). Up to 5 on Uludag in mid-Sept. of both years and one at Apolyont G. on 5 Oct. 68 (GKB). S. Coastlands; A few around Burdur G. on 6/7 Jan. and some between Antalya and Manavgat on 8 Jan. 69 (LD, FJK) . Central Plateau: 4 at Mogan G. on 15 Jan. and one on 9 Feb. 69. Small spring passage there from 10 March to 5 April and 6 between Gul^ehir and Mucur on 6 April 69. At least 2 at Mogan G. on 27 Oct. and 2 at Balikdami on 30 Oct. 68 were the only autumn records. E. Turkey; 3 near Horasan on 12 Apr. 68 (RG). 124 ANTHUS CERVINUS (Red-throated Pipit) Again recorded as a passage migrant, mainly in the west, in April/May and from late September to November. Some evidence of overwintering from the Southern Coastlands . Black Sea Coastlands: Autumn passage at Qamlica hills between 22 Sept. (1968) and 7 Oct. (1969). 11 passed over during this period in 1969. 3 near Kartal on 25 Sept. 68 (DLC et al)-. Thrace : 2 at Ktiguk Qekmece on 3 May 69 (CAB). Small numbers Silivri -Istanbul (up to 7 together) I6-I8 Sept. 69 (GKB) . 5 between Eceabat and Ipsala on 2 Oct. 68 (GH et al). W. Anatolia; A large build-up of numbers around Apolyont G. from 30 Sept. (5 or 6) to 8 Oct. 69. At least 110 in water meadows and lake edges at west end of lake (GKB). S. Coastlands: Up to 30 in the Seyhan lowlands, 6-I9 Oct. of both years. In the W. Taurus, 50 at Karamik G. on 15/16 Oct. 1969 (AJG). The species was found overwintering in small numbers in I969 when a total of 29 were found in 4 localities (Tarsus -I skende run) between 25 Nov. and 1 Dec. (LD, FJK) . Central Plateau; Spring passage was noted at Mogan G. from 5 Apr. (1968) to 3 May (1969). In the latter year there was a NW movement on 27 April involving over I50 birds (largest flock 60)(AV). Elsewhere, 4 at'Balikdami on 4 May and 2 at Tuz G. on 11 May 69. Autumn passage strongly marked in Ankara/Tuz G. areas, 28 Sept. - 17 Nov., with over 60 at Mogan G. on 13 Oct. 68 (AV). In the extreme south, 30 near Aksaray on 12 Oct. 68 (AIRK, RFP) and 2 at Hotami§ on 24 Nov. 69 (LD, FJK). ANTHUS SPINOLETTA (Water Pipit) Noted in breeding season in only four widely scattered mountainous areas. The sudden arrivals in some areas (partic- ularly the Central Plateau) in October, probably reflected vertical movements, but some may have been passage migrants. Generally distributed in winter at lower altitudes. Black Sea Coastlands; Present on the Sakarya, Ye^llirmak, and Kizllirmak Deltas in Jan. 1969, max. 50 on the latter on 10th (AV One at Abant G. on 1 May 68 (FD, WK) and common in May I968 in mountains between Trabzon and Bayburt (OM-Z). Recorded in small numbers in Nov. /Dec. 1969 from the Kizllirmak Delta area and Trabzon (LD, FJK). 125 W. Anatolia: Present In small numbers throughout the region in Jan. 1969, with max. of 10 at Iznik G. and Marmara G. (MJH et al). On Uludag it was again the commonest breeding bird abo’^e the tree-line in both years. Birds began arriving at this altitude as the snow melted in- the first week of May. By the middle of the month the whole breeding population had apparently arrived. Large numbers were still to be seen there in early Sept., flocks totalling 100 birds (ARK et al). 10 there on 28 Sept. 1968 (GH et al), by which date birds were already appearing at the foot of the mountain. A few at Qivrll and Aclgdl in Dec. (LD, FJK). S. Coastlands: 2 on Demirkazik Dag on 6 May 69 (RJJ, AV). In Nov. /Dec. 69 small numbers at Silifke, Sakyatan G. , Fethiye, Hoyran (Egridlr G.) and Bey^ehlr (LD, FJK). Central Plateau: 2 at Kurbaga G. on 1 Jan. 69 (FJK, AV). Small numbers (max. 6) in central parts of the region (south and west of Ankara) in Jan. and Feb. of both years. A small passage through this area in March Indicated by an Increase at Mogan G. (up to I5 present). All had disappeared from lower ground by 7 April. Larger numbers in autumn from 4 Oct., with a max. of 42 at Mogan G. on 27 Oct. 68 (AV), . Small numbers in the south at Hotaml^ and Eregli in Nov. /Dec., and up to 4 seen in Dec. near Ankara and Eber G. S.E. Turkey: (Kurdish Alps) 7 singing on mountain west of Gdrenta^ on 2 June 69, in a fairly concentrated area at 2,450 m. (PADH et al). E. Turkey: In May I968, 4 at 2,475 m. near Agri (OM-Z). A few around north shore of Van G. in Dec. I969 (LD, FJK). MOTACILLA FLAVA (Yellow Wagtail) This summary analyses those races other than M.f .feldegg which is dealt with separately, and all birds not sub-speelf ically identified. M.f. flava was first noted in spring at Mogan G., Ankara on 29 March 69 (AV). Small numbers noted in many areas in the west into first week of April . In May parties of up to 60 Trabzon- SamsLin. Apart from the many scattered spring observations of unidentified races. Involving parties of up to 100 birds, a single M.f. thunbergi was seen at Mogan G. on 27 April 69 (AV), and one M.f. cinereocapllla at Kugiik Qekmece (Thrace) on 5 May 69 (cab). 126 Vast numbers passed through the country during the autumn. Movement was already in progress in both years by mid. Aug., with build-ups of 50-100 noted in several localities. Parties of up to 100 watched moving at Trabzon, 25-27 Aug. 69 (one group flew in from the sea) (SCM). By the end of Aug. there were concentrations of up to 500 in many wetlands. Numbers continued to rise during the first week of Sept, and on 6 Sept. 68 at least 5,000 arrived at a reed-bed roost at Mogan G. at dusk (AV). By the end of the month numbers everywhere had dropped considerably, but then concentrations materialised in the south. In 1968, large numbers were present on the Gbksu Delta in late Sept. Slightly later a massive roost was discovered near Tarsus. On the evening of 5 Oct., 10,000 arrived from the west at the Aynaz swamp in 25 minutes. On the following day 40,000 were estimated to be using the same roost. These all arrived in 50 minutes at dusk (ARK, RFP) . A heavy passage, perhaps connected with the preceding influx, was noted in 1969 at Bingbl, wher^ on 25 Sept., bii’ds were passing S. at a prodigious rate (CJB). Small numbers were widespread in the first half of Oct. and in some places on the Central Plateau right through the month. One at Mogan G. on 9 Nov. 68 (AV) was the latest. MOTACILLA FLAVA PELDEGG (Black-headed Wagtail) A widely distributed summer visitor, breeding from sea level in the west to 2,000 m. in the east. Black Sea Coastlands: 10 males at Izmit in mid-May and present at Balik G. on 8/9 Jme 69 (BAEM, RFP) . Thrace ; Small numbers noted in July 69 . W. Anatolia; Recorded in late April/May in a number of wetlands from the Marmara lakes area in the north to Bafa G. in the south. S. Coastlands: 4 at Bey§ehir G. on 26 Apr. 68 (ED, WK) . 15 between Pazardren and Pinarba§l on 25 May 69 (RFP). Central Plateau: Earliest was one at Mogan G. on 24 Mar. 68 (AV) Small numbers there in Aprll/May, and 5 at Eber G. on 9/10 May 69 (ark). Bred at Temelli and Mogan G. in both years. S.E. Turkey; 2 near Gurpinar and scores at Yliksekova marsh in early June 69 (PADH et al). E. Turkey; 2 near §arki^la (near Erzurum) on 9 April and 10 near Agrl on 12 April 69 (RG). At least 50 around north shore of Van G., 26-50 May, and many in marshes near Van town on 2 June 69 (rep et al). Many near Dogubayazit on 50 June 69, in ' 127 damp meadows at 2,000 m.(incl. a lot of juvs . ) (AJG). A pair feeding 2 young near Viran§ehir on 20 July 69 (per AV). MOTACILLA CINEREA (Grey Wagtail) A resident, probably breeding widely in suitable mountainous or hilly habitat. Also an autumn passage migrant in large numbers, particularly over the Bosphorus, and a winter visitor to many areas, notably on lower ground in the west. Black Sea Coastlands ; In Jan. 19^9 j recorded at 4 places between Bolu and Istanbul (up to 3) (MJH et al), and one on the Ye§ilirmak Delta on 9th (AV). Singles near and at Abant G. on 1/2 May 68 (ED, WK) . Small numbers in and around Trabzon, 25-27 Aug. 69, plus several flying E. (SCM). Passage also noted at Qamlica where 105 passed through, 25 Aug. - I3 Oct. 69. One west of Trabzon on 8 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK) . Thrace : A few noted in late Sept./Oct. but doubtless many of those recorded at Qamlica hills pass over this region. W. Anatolia; Up to 3 in 7 localities from north to south coasts in Jan. I969 • Very few in spring and up to 3 in the Marmara lakes area, 24 Aug. - Oct. Small numbers in the Bursa area in Sept ./Oct. and one at Pammukale on 3I Dec. 69 (LD) . S. Coastlands: One near Sllifke on 24 Sept. 68 (AV) and seen daily (up to 4 together) 4-11 Oct. from Tarsus to Iskenderun and Amik G. Even more numerous on the return journey Iskenderun-Adana on 11 Oct. (ARK, RPP) . In the same period 3 flew S. in the Taurus near Pozantl and 3 on Karanfil Dag (JF et al). Thereafter singles at Antakya on 30 Nov. and Osmaniye on l/2 Dec. 69, and common Ka^-Kalkan (W. Taurus) on 29 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK). Central Plateau: 2 near Kurbaga G. on 1 Jan. 69 (FJK, AV). Small numbers in Ankara in Jan. /March of both years. In spring, 2 at §erefiye on 10 April 69 (RG), and several single birds in watercourses between Yozgat and Erzlncan in May I968 (OM-Z). Singles at Kizilcahamam and Ankara in late July I968 (AV). Small numbers in Ankara, and passing S. from 7 Oct. 68, max. 5 at Emir G. on 27 Oct. (AV). 2 at Sultanhani (near Tuz G.) and 2 at Tuzla G. on 21 Nov. 69 (LD, FJK). S.E. Turkey; (Kurdish Alps) A pair and 3 singles in a stream Qatak-Gbrenta§ on 1 June and one on a mountain west of Gbrenta§ at 2,100 m. on 2 June 69 (PADH et al). E. Turkey; One by a stream Bingbl-Mu§ on 24 May 69 (RFP) . 128 MOTACILLA ALBA (White Wagtail) Recorded in the breeding season in every region. Spring passage only noted 'in the .west but autumn passage was evident over the whole country in large numbers. Also observed wintering in most western areas, though in January many birds appeared to move south at the onset of hard weather into the extreme south west and Southern Coastlands. Black Sea Coastlands: Up to 10 on the river deltas in Jan. 69 Small' numbers in spring and summer in several areas east to Bayburt (where seen at 1,500 m.). Over 8OO flew E. over Qamlica hills, 25 Aug. - 13 Oct. 69. Thrace : Up to 4 noted at two localities in Jan. - April and in the autumn, fairly numerous Istanbul -Ipsala, and on the Gelibolu peninsular. W. Anatolia; In Jan. 19^9 seen in most areas from the Marmara to the Mediterranean, usually no more than 20, but 100 at Marmara G. (RFP et al). Small numbers recorded widely in April/May but little coverage in summer. Plentiful in the north in Sept./Oct. S. Coastlands; In April/May small numbers in the hills Afyon- Antalya, along the coastal strip Antalya-Alanya, and in mountains north of Pozanti (AV et al). In Oct. 68 small numbers throughout coastal strip south to Amik G. (ARK, RFP) . Described as common on the coast in Jan. and Dec. 69 (LD, PJK) . Central Plateau: Very few wintered on the plateau in either year. Spring passage was noted from late Feb. /early March with counts of up to 200 at Mogan G. by late March. Numbers then dwindled rapidly and very few were seen from mid-April through the breeding season (no proof of breeding obtained) . Return passage from late Aug. until early Nov., with up to 100 birds in a single locality at times (AV et al). S.E. Turkey; (Kurdish Alps) Small numbers in the Gbrentaf, Qatak, Giirpinar, Hakkari and Yuksekova areas 3I May - 2 June 69 max. 12 in a river valley Oatak-Gdrenta§ (PADH et al) . E. Turkey; In I969, singles in late May Bingdl-Mu§, Tatvan, and Erci§ (RFP) . Several near Dogubayazlt at 1,800 m. on 30 June (incl. juvs.), and several near Varto on 3 July (AJG) . Many hundreds around north shore of Van G. in late Sept. 1968, though none seen there in Dec. 69. LANIUS COLLURIO (Red-backed Shrike) A summer visitor and passage migrant recorded from mid-April to 129 October. Present in the breeding season in several localities, including one in the south east. Black Sea Coastlands : 5 on the Kizilirmak Delta (Bafra-Balik G.) on 8/9 June 69, including 1 singing; also 2 Samsun -Ankara on 10 June (BAEM, RFP). One at Bolu on 20 July 69 (CJB). Small numbers Bolu-Istanbul and in vicinity of Trabzon in late Aug. Last recorded in early Oct. Thrace ; One at Kllyos on 29 Apr. 69 (AS, BB) . Small numbers in Sept, in many places and 4 Gelibolu peninsular on 2 Oct. 68 (GH et al). W. Anatolia; Earliest observation was of one at Ortaklar, in the south, on 20 April 68 (ED, WK) . Small numbers in both years in late May. A noticeable influx in mid-May at Manyas G. where ^ over a period of 3 days (l4-l6 May), there were large numbers in the fields east of Ku§ Cenneti (e.g. 36 and 20 in two 4 km. stretches) (RFP et al). (See also under Central Plateau) . In first half of Sept. I968, fairly common throughout the region. Last was one at Apolyont G. on 8 Oct. (GKB) . S. Coastlands: Earliest observation was of one at Side on l4 April 69 (AV). In late April/early May, small numbers seen in W. and Main Taurus. A female showing the characteristics of one of the Isabellinus races was seen near Silifke on 13 May 69 (RJjy! Small numbers (up to 5 together) in late Sept. /early Oct. Still present in this region, south to Antakya, on 11 Oct. 68 (ARK, RFP) . Central Plateau: First at Ankara was one on 1 May 68 (AV). A large influx on 11 May 69 in the west. On a journey Qay- Eski§ehlr-Bursa, via Emirdag, a total of 135 were counted by the roadside (ARK et al). Bred in the suburbs of Ankara in 1968, when 2 fully fledged young seen from 22 July onwards (AV). The only other summer record is of a pair at Serefiye on 23 July 69 (CJB). Fairly small numbers in Aug. /Sept, around Ankara. Last was one at Emir G. (Ankara) on 27 Oct. 68 (AV) . S.E. Turkey; A male near Ytiksekova on 3/4 June 69 (PADH et al). E. Turkey; One near Agri in mid-May 1968 (OM-Z) . In 1969^ 12 along north shore of Van G. on 25 May; a pair and a single at Tatvan on 5 June (PADH et al) and a male near Varto at 1,800 m on 4 July (AJG). 2 males near Agri on 24 Aug. (CJB) . LANIUS NUBICUS (Masked Shrike) Recorded from April to early October. Breeding records were again restricted to the west and south, although the occurrence 130 of migrants on the Central Plateau suggests possible breeding to the north. Habitat was invariably woods - ranging from pines and eucalyptus to olive groves. Black Sea Coastlands: An ad. and an imm. near Uskiidar on 15 Aug. 68 (RDO) and an imm. there on 29 Aug. (ARK). An imm. on Tuzla peninsular (west of Kartal) on 25/26 Sept. (DLC et al). Thrace: 3 singles in pine woods between Eceabat and Ke^an on 22 May 68 (ATM). W. Anatolia: In late May 1968, 2 single birds, one carrying food, and a breeding pair with 3 young in a pine wood between Izmir and Qannakale (ATM). In May 1969 , 3 along this same route; also a pair west of Izmir and singles at Bafa G. (singing) and Bodrum (ARK). One in hills near Apolyont G. on 22 Aug. (RDO) and a few near Izmlt on 27 Aug. 68 (RSH). S. Coastlands; Singles at Side on 13 and 17 April and 4 there on 18 April 69 (AV). Singles also in same sub-region in late May at Serik, Korkuteli, and Kemer (ATM). Between Silifke and Adana ones and twos in many localities, 29 Aug. - 7 Oct. 68, but many Adana-Tarsus on 31 Aug. (RSH),, 20 Silifke-Gdksu Delta on 23 Sept. (AV) and 6 in eucalyptus forest at Tarsus on 4/5 Oct. Last was one near Adana on 7 Oct. (ARK, RFP) . Central Plateau: Single imms. recorded at Qankaya (Ankara) on 7 dates between 3 and 31 Aug. 68, Involving at least 4 different birds (AV). In the south a few at Sarayonli (near Konya) and Uluki^la on 28 Aug., and 2 at Nigde on 9 Sept. 68 (RSH) . LANIUS SENATOR (Woodchat Shrike) Records again Indicate that the species is confined as a breed- ing bird to the extreme west and south. Black Sea Coastlands; At Qamlica hills, an ad. on 15 Aug. 68 (RDO) and singles on several dates in Sept. 1969 . Thrace ; One at Ye§ilkoy (Istanbul) on 30 Apr. 69 (AV) , and one south of Ke§an on 1 June 68 (ATM). W. Anatolia: Singles west of Izmir and in the Yamanlar hills on 25 April and 1 May 69 (CJH). Singles also in May at Manyas G., Blgadig, Bigadig-Simav, U§ak-Qivril, and Milas (ARK et al). A pair near Mugla and a bird with food near Altinova in late May were definite breeding records (ATM). A pair near Zeytindag on 30 May, and a male near Denizli on I3 July also indicate breeding. A few singles in the Marmara lakes area in Aug. /Sept, (up to 20th), and one near Izmir on 27 Aug. 68 (RSH) . 131 S. Coastlands; One at Side, 15-I8 April, and singles west of there and near Aspendos on I6 April 69 (AV). A possible breeding pair near Antalya on 25 May 69 (ATM). Singles south of Konya and at Antakya, 28 Aug. - 4 Sept. 68 (RSH) . Central Plateau: One between Ankara and Tuz G. on 20 May 69 (rFP) . Singles near Ankara on 21 July (AV), at Yerkby on 9 Sept. 68 and at Saraydnii (NW of Konya) on 28 Aug. 68 (RSH) . LANIUS MINOR (Lesser Grey Shrike) A summer visitor and abundant passage migrant recorded from April to October. A large spring passage took place in both years through the whole country in April/May and early June, with a peak in early May. In I969 coimts in the Ankara area were lower than in previous years, largest total being 40 between Ankara and Tuz. G. on 5 May (AV). Numbers recorded in spring were always much lower than those of L. collurlo. There were surprisingly few breeding season records: those for JiJne and the first half of July coming from localities without any proof of breeding. Small numbers were seen in the east and south east during late May and early June. It would seem, therefore, that the species is a very local breeder in NW Anatolia, where young were noted in Aug., the central Black Sea coastlands, and the Kurdish Alps. Return passage through the Central Plateau began in 1-ate July/ early Aug. and continued throughout the counrry in very large numbers until Sept., but there were still a few on the south coast until at least 11 Oct. in 1968. LANIUS EXCUBITOR (Great Grey Shrike) Recorded far more widely than in previous winters, probably due entirely to increased coverage. Black Sea Coastlands: 2 at Abant G. (Bolu) on 30 Nov. 68 (AV) and singles there on 7 April (RG et al) and 27 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK) . Along the coast, singles on the Ye^llirmak Delta, on 8 Jan. (AV) and at Ballk G. on 11 Dec. 69. 3 along Sakarya N. on 27 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK). Thrace: Singles at Maltepe on 15 Oct. 68 (ARK), Ke^an on 15 Nov. 69, Terkos G. on 8 Jan. 69, and 2 at Merig Delta on 23 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK). W. Anatolia; Singles at Iznlk G. and Apolyont G. in mid-Jan. 1969 (MJH et al). 132 S. Coastlands: One at Karamlk G. on 10 Jan. 69 (RD, FJK) Central Plateau: One near Ankara on 3 Jan. 68 (AV). 4 singles in vicinity of Ankara and singles at Konya, Qay, Akgehir, Hotami^, Ye^ilhisar and Yozgat in Jan. and Dec. 69 (PJK, RFP et al). ORIOLUS ORIOLUS (Golden Oriole) Undoubtedly a local breeder but many spring records probably refer to passage birds. Black Sea Coastlands; 2 in woods north of Balik G. on 8/9 June 69 (bAEM, RFP). A total of 7 at Qamlica (Bosphorus) between I6 Aug. and 22 Sept. 68 and one there on 19 Sept. 69 (DOETL) . Thrace ; Seen at Ke§an in May 68 (ATM). W. Anatolia: Small numbers recorded widely in late April (earliest 26th), May, Aug. and Sept, in the Marmara lakes area and south to Izmir and Aydin. The only sizeable party was of 15 at Apolyont G. on 5 Aug. 68 (RDO). S. Coastlands; In April 69, singles at Side on 15th and 17th and north of Antalya on 19th (AV), where there were 3 on 7 May (ark). One at Pinarba^i on 28 Aug. 68 (RSH) . Central Plateau: In the Ankara area, 3 females flew S. on 2 May 69 and 4 males at Qubuk on 7th (RJJ, AV). Elsewhere, one at Pazaryeri on I9 May (RFP) and 3 in the Yozgat/Su§ehri areas on 22/23 July 69 (SCM). One near Konya on 7 Sept. 68 and recorded at Qay in both years (ARK et al). S.E. Turkey; Singles at Qatak, Gdrenta§ , Hakkari and 7 in wooded country 30 km. south of Yuksekova in early J\ane 69 (PADH et al) . E. Turkey; 7 east of Malatya on 24 May, a pair in Edremlt wood on 30 May and one at Van Castle on 6 June 69 (PADH, RFP) . STURNUS ROSEUS (Rose-coloured Starling) Movement in these two years would seem to have been negligible compared with 1966. Black Sea Coastlands: 5 flew west at Qamlica (Bosphorus) on 21 Sept. 68 (dec et al). W. Anatolia: An Iram. at Apolyont G. on 20 Sept. 68 was the only record (DEC et al). S. Coastlands: 40 flew NW at Pazardren (Anti Taurus) on 23 May 69 (BAEM, REP). 133 Central Plateau: Recorded only in the Sakarya sub-region. l4 flew NW on 7 June 69 (RFP) as did 2 ads. at Temelli on 13 June in a small movement of S. vulgaris. 11 imms . arrived at dusk at Mogan G. on 25 July 68 (AV). S.E. Turkey; In June 69, 9 flew N. at Qatak on 1st, 7 ads. at 3,000 m. west of Gorenta§ on 2nd., 46 flew SE at Ytiksekova and 50 south of there on 4th (PADH et al). E. Turkey; In Jiune 69, 100 between Blngdl and Elazlg on 5th ( RFP ) , l4 flew W. over Van harbour on 6th (PADH), 5 near the Iranian border and 50 (incl. many juvs . ) in damp meadows at 200 m. near Dogubayazit on 30th. 3OO roosting in river- side willows near Varto on 3 July 69 included about 6 per cent juvs. (AJG). STURMJS VULGARIS (Starling) Widespread, except on the Mediterranean coast. Black Sea Coastlands; 5/10,000 were noted passing east between Qamlica (Bosphorus) and Izmlt on 7 Jan. 69 (RFP et al). Thrace : 700 at the Merig N. on 3 Jan. 69 (RFP et al). Recorded between Teklrdag and Ipsala in April/May. W. Anatolia; Largest counts in Jan. 69 were of 2,000 at Apolyont G. and 4,000 on the Buyuk Menderes Delta. Flocks of up to 200 birds in spring and autumn in the Marmara lakes area and smaller numbers south to Aclgbl (ARK et al). S. Coastlands; No records from the coast. 8 at Bey§ehir G. on 26 Apr. 68 (FD, WK) , one near Qamardl on 6 May 69 (AV), 100 at Egrldlr G. on I6 Sept, ard a few south of Konya 21-25 Sept. 68 (ARK et al). Central Plateau; Seen around Konya, Qay, Emirdag and from Goreme eastwards in Aprll/May. Breeding noted in Eskl^ehir. Very common throughout the whole region from July to the end of the year. The largest flock was of 10,000 at Mogan G. on 24 Nov. 68, where the species roosted in reed beds (AV). S.E. Turkey; 35 breeding in ravine at 2,150 m, north of Gdrenta^ on 31 May 69. One with young at Qatak on 1 June, 2 at Hakkarl on 3rd and 500 at Ytiksekova marsh on 3/4th (PADH et al). E. Turkey; Appeared to be a common breeder in towns from Agrl south to Van G. and east to the Iranian border. Thousands roosting in reed beds at Ergek G. on 27 May and IOO-I5O nests in loose stone wall near there on 29 May 69 (RFP et al) GARRULUS GLANDARIUS (jay) Fairly widespread in rather small numbers. Some evidence of movement at the Bosphorus . Black Sea Coastlands; At Qamllca, 3 on 7 Jan. 69, 10 on 30th and 2 on 11 June (RFP et al). In autumn, up to 12 in Aug./ Sept, and a total of 43 flew NE between 25 Aug. - 13 Oct. 69. Singles on various dates at Hendek, Bolu, Abant G. , Bayburt and Izmit. 10 at Ballk G. (Kizlllrmak Delta) in June 69 (BAEM, RFP). Thrace : 10 at Terkos G. 31 Jan./l Feb. 69, 3 of which had no black cap, suggesting that they may have been of western origin (MJH et al). 2 at Kilyos on 29 Apr. 68 (BB) . W. Anatolia: 10 at Marmara G. and one at Bafa G. in Jan. 69 (MJH et al) . Recorded widely in summer, notably in the Marmara lakes area and around Izmir, with smaller numbers south to Kdycegiz. Max. 20 at Uludag in Sept. 69 (AB et al) and 10 at Bafa G. in Sept. 68 (ARK). S. Coastlands; A few records from the Taurus mountain passes north to Burdur G. On the coast, 2 at Side on I8 April (AV) and one near Iskenderun on 1 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK) . Central Plateau: Up to 20 at Kizilcahamam, where family parties were seen, and smaller numbers in Beynam woods (AV). S.E. Turkey: 6 between Qatak and Gbrenta§ on 1 June, 5 in woods south of Yuksekova on 4th (PADH) and some between Sil'^’-an and Bltlls on 3 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK) . ' E. Turkey; In I968, one near Erzlncan in spring (OM-Z) and one at Van G. on 22 Sept. (CJB). PICA PICA (Magpie) Widespread except on the Mediterranean and east Black Sea coasts, where it is relatively rare. Black Sea Coastlands: 20 at Kiiguk Qamlica on 11 June (RFP) and 30 there 15-21 Sept. 69 (DOETL). Recorded regularly east to Diizce and Bolu. Thrace ; Max. counts 20 between Edlme and Istanbul in April and ; June . W. Anatolia: A common and widespread resident, particularly in the Marmara lakes area and south to Bafa G. and Denizll. Counts of 5O-IOO at Apolyont G. and 60 between Denizll and Soke in Jan. 69 (MJH et al). I S. Coastlands: In the Taurus, several between Qamardl and Nlgde',; on 6 May 69 (AV) and 4 between Qifthan and Uluki^la on 12 Oct. 68ji (ark). 2 east of Manavgat and one between Side and Antalya in i April 69 (AV) were the only records from the coastal strip. Also recorded in the Bey§ehlr area. 135 Central Plateau; A widespread breeder south to the Sultan- dagi area. Very common In the Gdreme valley in April 69 but only 2 seen between Tuz G. and Pazardren, in the extreme east of the region, on 22 May (RFP) . Very common between Ankara and Sivas on 22 Aug. 68 (CJB). As in 196?, nests (3) were observed on telegraph pylons between Ankara and Eski^ehir (ARK). S.E. Turkey; Noted in the Gorenta§ and Qatak areas south to Ytiksekova in early June 69. Also 10 about 25 km. south of Yuksekova on 4th (PADH et al). E. Turkey: Up to 5 dally between Pazaroren and Van in May 69 but common around Van G. in Sept. 68. Several near Dogu- bayazlt on 30 June 69 (AJG) and pairs frequently seen on river banks and cultivated land in the vicinity of Erzurum. Recorded east to the Iranian frontier in July 69. PYRRHOCORAX PYRRHOCORAX (Chough) Again recorded mainly in mountainous areas from the Central Plateau eastwards but noted on the Mediterranean coast in winter. W. Anatolia; In Sept. 68, singles at Akdag (near Dinar) on 10th and at Aclgdl on l6th (ARK) . S. Coastlands: 10 on the coast between Antalya and Manavgat on 8 Jan. 69 (FJK), suggesting movement to lower altitudes in winter. Also 2 at Tuzla G. on'-^Y Apr. 68 (ED, WK) . 2 between Pozanti and Qamardi on 5 May 69, 40 on Demirkazik Dag and 2 between Qamardl and Nigde on 6th (RJJ, AV). 30 at Pozanti on 31 Aug. 68 (RSH) and 8 on Karanfil Dag on II/18 Oct. 69 (AB et al). Outside the Taurus, I5 at Karamlk G. on 19 Dec. 69 and 2 between Korkutell and Elmali on 27th (FJK). Central Plateau: 12 on the lower slopes of Erclyes Dag on 1 Jan. 69 (AV) and heard there on 21 Nov. One at Kreter G. on 28 April 68 (FD, WK) . S.E. Turkey; A pair west of Gdrenta§ on yi May 69, 30 a- ^atSk’on 1 June, 2 in mountains north of Gbrenta^ and 2 east of Gurplnar on 2nd. and 4 in the Zap valley on J>rd (PADH) . E. Turkey; 2 between Bayburt and Erzurum in spring 68 (OM-Z). 2 on cliff face at edge of Van town on 5 June 69 and 2 at Van Castle on 6th (PADH). PYRRHOCORAX GRACULUS (Alpine Chough) The records indicate a range similar to P. pyrrhocorax. 136 W. Anatolia: At Uludag, up to 10 in May 69, 70 at 2,200-2,300 m. on 1 Sept. 68 and l4 on 28th. I6 on a rock face near Soke on 20 Jan. 69 may be an indication of dispersal to lower altitudes in winter (ARK et al) . S. Coastlands: l4 on Demirkazik Dag on 6 May 69 (RJJ, AV), up to north of Mut 21-25 Sept. 68 (AV) and 110 on Karanfil Dag on 17/18 Oct. 69 (AB et al). S.E. Turkey: 6 at up to 3^500 m. west of Gbrenta§ on 31 May 69, carrying nesting material. 6 north of there on 2 June and 4 north of Hakkar i on 3rd ( PADH et al ) . E. Turkey; One between Sero and Van, one at Van and 2 at Bitlis 21/22 Sept. 68 (CJB). CORVUS MONEDULA (jackdaw) The species seems to have a similar range to Pica pica, i.e. widespread except for the Mediterranean and east Black Sea coasts . Black Sea Coastlands; Noted to the west of Gerede in April 68. 20 at Ballk G. in early June 69 (RFP) . Up to 5OO at Qamlica (Bosphorus) in Sept. 69. Thrace ; 700 at the mouth of the Merig N. 3-5 Jan. 69 feeding mainly on sun-flower stubble. 1,000 near Istanbul on 30th and 20 at Terkos G. on 31st (MJH et al) . Numerous between Edirne and Istanbul on 15 April 68 (FD, WK) and several between Teklrdag and Ip sal a on 3 May. W. Anatolia; Common throughout the region south to the Buyiik Menderes N. The lower numbers recorded at Kug Cenneti (Manyas G.) can probably be attributed to a trapping/destroying programme now in operation there. Roosts of 5,000 at Apolyont G. in Jan. and Sept, and 1,000 at Arapgiftligi in Jan. 69 (ARK et al). S. Coastlands: None seen around Amik G. in Oct. 68 and only record from the coast was of one flying W. at Side on l4 Apr. 69 (AV). Several at Beygehlr in late April 68 (FD, WK) , 30 at Qamardi on 5/6 May (AV) and 10 at Pazaroren (Anti Taurus) on 23 May 69 (RFP). 100 at Ulukl§la on 12 Oct. 68 (ARK) . Central Plateau; 20 at Aksaray on 22 May 69 but none between there and Pazaroren in the extreme east (RFP). 10 at Eber G. on 10 May and 2 at Qay on 11th (ARK) were the only records from the Sultandagl area. The southerly limit corresponded with that of Pica pica at just north of Konya on a Journey in late Sept. 68. An early flock of 5OO at Mogan G. in late July 68; 1,000 there on 24 Nov. and 1,500 on 22 Dec. (AV). S.E. Turkey I 20 at Qatak, 10 east of Glirpinar and 60 at Ytiksekova marsh in early June 69 (PADH). 137 E, Turkey: Common and widespread breeder north to Eleskirt, west to Elazig and particularly around Van G. CORVUS FRUGILEGUS (Rook) Breeds only in isolated colonies in the west but very common in winter. In the east colonies are commonplace and, as in Europe, associated with human cultivation. Black Sea Coastlands; A few east of Bolu on 7 April and 25 west of Sugehri on 10th. A colony was located 19 km. east of there (RG et al), 5 at Qamlica (Bosphorus) in autumn 1969. Very common in winter: 500 at Izmit on 7 Jan., at least 10,000 in dawn flight over Samsun on 9 Jan. (AV) and I50 at the mouth of the Sakarya N. on 29 Jan. 69. Thrace: Small numbers in several localities in April, June and Oct., particularly in the Edime area where there may be a colony. In Jan. 69, 5,000 at the Merig N. 3rd/5th feeding with C. monedula in sun-flower stubble adjacent to wet fields, and 50 near Istanbul on 30th (MJH et al). W. Anatolia; Recorded only in Jan. 69 when it was found to be common in the Marmara lakes area and around Izmir. S. Coastlands: 2 colonies at Bey^ehir in late April 68 (FD,WK) . Central Plateau; 800 at Balikdami on 5 Jan. 69 and 5 there on 13 April (AV) . 3 at Giil^ehir on 6 April (AV) and 12 between Eski§ehlr and Sivrlhlsar on 19 May 69 (RPP). The colony at Eski^ehlr was not visited. In the Sultandagi area, 500 on 8 Sept. 68 (ark) and hundreds there in winter. S.E. Turkey: 15 at Giirpinar on 2 June 69 (PADH) . E. Turkey; A rather common breeder throughout much of the region. Between Erzurum and the Iranian border it was reported to be more common than C. monedula and colonies were noted in poplars in most villages. Sample counts in April 69 produced 125 at Erzincan, 40 and 25 west of Tercan, 200 plus west of A^kale, 200 and 100 near Erzurum, large uncounted colonies in Pasinler, 100 nests (2 colonies) in Horasan and 200 birds 66 km. east of there on a rubbish tip, several colonies at Agri and nests in almost every tree in some villages east of there. (Unless stated, the above figures refer to the number of birds, not pairs) (RG et al). Small numbers in May 69 between Elazig and Van G. Colonies of 25 prs . near Erci§ and Muradiye and 70 nests in Edremit wood (RFP), where 50 nests were estimiated in 1966. 100 at Van G. on 22 Sept. 68 (CJB). No winter records. 138 COIWUS CORONE (Hooded/Carrion Crow) The race C.c. sardonias is widely distributed but absent from the drier parts of the plateau. There was one record of a bird showing the characteristics of C.c. corone/orient- alis from the Taurus mountains. Black Sea Coastlands : Small numbers at Qamlica (Bosphorus). Recorded east to Duzce, south west of Samsun and at Balik G. (up to 30) • Thrace : Recorded regularly between Istanbul and the Greek/ Bulgarian borders. 100 at the Merig N. on 3 Jan. 69 and 10 at Terkos G. on 31st (MJH et al). W. Anatolia; Noted south to Pamukkale and Bafa G. Several on the Buyiik Menderes Delta in April 68 but none in Jan. 69. Seen at Aclgbl in winter. S. Coastlands: Recorded in the Taurus mountains, on south coast between Antalya and Slllfke and around Bey§ehlr G. A bird showing the characteristics of C.c. corone/ori entails was seen with C.c. sardonias north of Pozanti on 12 Oct. 68 (RFP, ARK). Central Plateau: Absent from the treeless plateau around Ankara. Seen commonly in the north of the region (C.250 south of Karagdl on I8 Aug. 68 - AV) and sparingly in the Sultandagi area in the south. S.E. Turkey; A few at Qatak, Giirpinar, Zap valley and Yiiksekova in early June 69 (PADH). E. Turkey; Widespread around Van G. in small numbers and fairly numerous from Malatya east to Van in May 69 (RFP) . CORVUS CORAX (Raven) Most records were again from the western half of the country. Black Sea Coastlands; One at Abant G. on 1 May 68 (FD, WK) . 3 at Izmit on 25 Aug. (ARK) and 40 at Trabzon on 26 Aug. 69 (SCM). 10 between there and Samsun on 9 Dec. (PJK) . At Qamlica, 2 flew E. on 27 Sept. 68 (ARK). Thrace : 2 between Eceabat and the Greek border on 21 Oct. 68. W. Anatolia; 6 between Bandlrma and Erdek on 12 Jan., 4 at Alpaslan and 27 at Dinar on l4 Jan. 69 (PJK) . At Uludag, max. count was I08 at 2,000 m. on I8 May (ARK). One pair near Ayvaclk and small numbers at Pamukkale and near Izmir in spring. S. Coastlands: 2 north of Sllifke on 25 Sept. 68 (AV) and 2 on Karanfil Dag on I7/18 Oct. 69 (AB et al). In winter, 2 at Burdur G. on 7 Jan. and 15 on 25 Dec., 2 at Karamik G. on 139 19 Dec., and 4 at Isparta on 28 Dec. 69 (FJK). Central Plateau: 6 about 10 km. north of Ak§ehir on I3 Jan. 69 (LD, FJK). PYCNONOTUS BARBATUS (Bulbul) Widespread and moderately common in coastal strip and Taurus foothills between Antalya and Antakya/Samandag, penetrating into Taurus via river valleys in some places (e.g. north of Tarsus and Silifke). Up to 10 seen together. Appeared to be most numerous in the Seyhan lowlands. CINCLUS CINCLUS (Dipper) A widely distributed resident in suitable mountainous country, particularly in the east. Black Sea Coastlands; Between April and Nov. ones and twos in many localities from Hendek (Adapazari) in the west to Bayburt in the east. Many in mountains north of Erzurum, 6/7 Dec. 69, i.e. 6 Ovaclk-Isplr (70 km.), and 10 Erzurum- Trabzon (27O km.) (LD, FJK). W. Anatolia; In Sept. /Oct. up to ^ seen in the Uludag range. S. Coastlands: One south of Qay in the Sultan Daglarl on 9 May 69 ( AV) . Several in Pozanti-Karanf il Dag mountains in mid-Oct. (JF et al) and one south of Gblhisar (W. Taurus) in Dec. 69 (LD, FJK). Central Plateau: Recorded only in extreme north where singles at Kizllcahamam, §ereflye, and occasionally between Yozgat and Su^ehri, April-July. In winter, one north of Ak^ehir on 13 Jan. 69 (LD, FJK). S.E. Turkey; (Kurdish Alps) 2 singles north of Qatak on 1 June 69 (PADH et al ) . E. Turkey; Singles on a number of occasions along Erzincan- Iranian border road April -Aug. , 2 near Van town on 21 Sept. 68 and 3 singles Mu^-Erzurum on 6 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK et al). TROGLODYTES TROGLODYTES (Wren) Bred in mature forest in the west and north, more widespread in winter. Black Sea Coastlands; In Jan. 69, small numbers recorded at Pendik, Qamlica hills and on the Ye§ilirmak and Klzilirmak Deltas. Also in I969, singles at Abant on 1 May (FD, WK) and l40 30 Nov. (AV), and several singing in high mixed forest at 2,000 m. in mountains south of Trabzon on 6 July (AJG). Up to 4 (singing at times) on Qamlica hills in Aug. /Sept. 68. Thrace ; 3 at Me rig on 3 Jan. and 3 at Terkos G. on 31 Jan. 69 (MJH et al). A few in Belgrade Forest in May and Sept . W. Anatolia; In Jan. 69 up to 10 in woods at mouth of Si'mav Q. and one on the Menderes Delta (RPP et al). Very common on 20 Dec. 69 (LD, PJK) . S. Coastlands: Singles near Egrldir on I6 Jan. and near E^en-Pethiye (SW coast) in Dec. 69 (LD, FJK) . Central Plateau; Small numbers in the Ankara area Oct. (16th in 1968) to March. Fewer in early 1969 • Recorded at Klzilcahamam in April, May, July and Nov. 2 at Ballkdaml on 30 Oct. 68 (AV). S.E. Turkey: One north east of Siverek on 3 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK). PRUNELLA OCULARIS (Radde’ s Accentor) Recorded in only two mountainous areas but the species is probably more widespread in the eastern half of the country than these records suggest. S. Coastlands: 2 on Demirkazik Dag (Main Taurus) on 6 May 69. One was at 1,700 m, in low scrub, one at 2,400 m. on bare rock (RJJ, AV). S.E. Turkey; (Kurdish Alps) 10 plus pairs on 3I May on a mountain west of Gbrenta§ (2,400-2,700 m,), the main concentra- tions being at 2,450 m. 6 pairs on same moimtaln 2 days later between 2,450 and 2,900 m. One pair were copulating (PADH, BAEM, RFP). PRUNELLA MODULARIS (Dunnock) Breeding records were restricted to mountainous forest in the north from Bursa to Trabzon. Fairly widespread in the west in winter. Black Sea Coastlands: A few near Adapazarl, and on the Yei^illrmak and Klzilirmak Deltas in Jan. 1969 • Singles at Bayburt (singing), Gbrele and Bolu in May I968 (OM-Z). On 6 July 69, common at 1,900 m. in mixed forest in mountains south of Trabzon (several heard singing) (AJG) . Described as , common in all parts of region visited (Istanbul^ Trabzon) in Nov. /Dec. 69. Thraoe : A few at several localities in Jan, 1969- W, Anatolia: Breeding season records from Uludag ('common up to tree line but 4 singing abo^e it on 17 May 69) and Qannakale (2 in late May 68). Small numbers in Jan. 69, mainly near the coast . S. Coastlands; One at Burdur G. and a few between Antalya and Manavgat on 7/8 Jan. 69. Frequently seen in many localities (mainly near sea) in Nov. /Dec. 69 (LD, FJK) . Central Plateau: A few in and around Ankara, Dec. - March. (Slight increase in late March suggests some passage). Present until 8 April in 1969- Elsewhere, one near Gdreme on 19 Jan. 69 and 2 at Balikdami on 30 Oct. 68 (AV et al). CETTIA CETTI (Cettl’ s Warbler) A widespread resident. Black Sea Coastlands: One on the Ye§lllrmak Delta on 9 and 11 Jan. 69 (AV) and 9 singing at Balik G. on 8/9 June 69 (BAEM, RFP ) . Thrace : 3 on the Merig Delta on 3 Jan. 69 (MJH, ARK, RFP) , W. Anatolia*. A common breeder. In some areas, particularly around Izmir, it was present in quite dry habitats such as olive groves. Many winter records, mainly from the coast, lakes and rivers, max. 25 on the Kiiglik Menderes Delta on 15 Jan. 69 (MJH et al). Singing birds were noted at several winter sites, S. Coastlands; Small numbers throughout the year, Incl . 10 plus at Side (W. Taurus) on I8 April and several at 1,500 m, near Qamardi (Main Taurus) on 6 May 69 (AV). Central Plateau; Resident in small numbers, max. 5 at Mogan G. on 22 Dec. 68 (AV) . S.E. Turkey; (Kurdish Alps) Up to 10 singing together at 5 sites, mainly in oak scrub up to 2,000 m, (PADH et al). E. Turkey; Recorded from 8 sites during summer, incl. 5 singing on dry oak scrub hillsides near Mu§ (l,700 m.) on 23 May 69 (RPP et al). LOCUSTELLA LUSCINIOIDES (Savl’s Warbler) There were again very few records and its breeding status remains uncertain. Black Sea Coastlands: 4 singing at Balik G. on 7/8 June 69 (BAEM, RFP) . Thrace : One was picked up exhausted from the beach at Kiiglik Qekmece on 1 Sept. 69 (SCM). 142 W. Anatolia; Only recorded on autumn passage, mainly at Apolyont G. in Sept, and early Oct., max. 9 on 5 Oct. 69 (GKB). S. Coastlands; One at Bey§ehir G. in May 68 (ATM). Central Plateau; (Sakarya) One singing at Mogan G. 27 April - 3 May 69. One there on 19 Aug. and 2 on 15 Sept. 68 (AV). (Enclosed basins) 10 singing at Eber G. on 9/10 May 69 (ARK) where it was described as common on 5 Aug. 69. E. Turkey; 2 singing at a small marsh near Ergek G. on 27 May 69 (PADH, BAEM, RFP) . LOCUSTELLA ELUVIATILIS (River Warbler) Recorded only in spring between late March and mid-May but probably overlooked in view of its extremely secretive nature. W. Anatolia; One singing at Manyas G. on 15 May 69 (ARK, BAEM, RFP). S. Coastlands; One, probably a migrant, singing near Antalya on 5 May 69 (ARK) . Central Plateau; At Mogan G., one on 24 Mar. and 3 on 5 April 68; singles on 27 April and 3 May 69 (AV) . LUSCINIOLA MELANOPOGON (Moustached Warbler) Recorded more widely than in preceding years and wintering was confirmed. W. Anatolia; 3 at Apolyont G. on 9 Jan. and a total of 3 on the Menderes Deltas, 15-17 Jan. 69 (RFP et al). One on the Buyiik Menderes Delta on 22 April 68 (FD, WK) . S. Coastlands; One near Amik G. on 9 Oct. 68 (ARK, RFP) and 4 near Fethiye on 30 Dec. 69 (MJH et al). Central Plateau; (Sakarya) At Mogan G., up to 2 from 10-24 March 68; 3 on 29 March and 4 on 23 April 69; singles on 25 Aug. and 3 Nov. 68. At Balikdaml, up to 4 in May 69 and Oct. 68 (AV). (Enclosed basins) 2 (one singing) at Eber G. on 9 May 69 (ARK). E. Turkey: At least 2 singing near Ergek G. on 27/28 May 69 (PADH, BAEM, RFP). ACROCEPHALUS SCHOENOBAENUS (Sedge Warbler) Recorded mainly as a passage migrant but breeding was probable on the Black Sea coast and Central Plateau and in the east. 143 Black Sea Coastlands: 2 singing at Ballk G. on 8 June 69 (BAEM, RFP). Thrace : One at Ye§ilk6y (Istanbul airport) on 30 April 69 (AV). One west of Istanbul on l6 Sept. 69 (GKB) . Central Plateau; In 1969, spring passage in the Ankara area from 29 March - 17 May, max. 30 at Mogan G. on 27 April. 3 singing there on 7 July 68 and, in 1969, 3 on 29 June and 2 from 5-10 July at two sites. Autumn passage in 1968 was noted from 2 Aug. - I3 Oct., up to 3 except for 10 plus on 15 Sept, and 8 on 1 Oct. (AV). S.E. Turkey; 7 singing at Yliksekova marsh on 3 June 69 (PADH et al) . ACROCEPHALUS PALUSTRIS (Marsh Warbler) Black Sea Coastlands; 2 trapped near Trabzon on 27 Aug. 69(SCM). W. Anatolia; 8 singing along 2 km. of the Buytik Menderes N. at Bafa G. on 22 May 69 (ARK). Central Plateau: Migrants considered to be of this species were recorded at Qankaya, Ankara, on three dates between I8 Aug. - 3 Sept. 68 (AV). ACROCEPHALUS SCIRPACEUS (Reed Warbler) A fairly common migrant in western and central regions. There were, however, no definite records from further east than Amik Gblii (S. Coastlands) and breeding season records were restricted to the Central Plateau. Central Plateau: Earliest was one at Mogan G. on 29 March 69. Up to 20 there in July 68, with a juv. being fed on 15 Aug. In 1969, up to 30 at Mogan and Emir G. in May and at least 10 pairs throughout the summer (AV). Elsewhere, C.30 at Eber G. on 9 May 69 (ark), one singing at Temelli on 6 July 69 and one at Balikdaml on 30 Oct. 68, the latest recorded (AV). ACROCEPHALUS ARUNDINACEUS (Great Reed Warbler) Recorded from all regions except the Black Sea coastlands and S.E. Turkey, extreme dates I5 April - 9 October in the south. Central Plateau; 30-50 pairs were estimated to be breeding at Mogan and Emir G. in I969 (AV). One was seen to catch and eat a fish in the style of a Kingfisher, Alcedo atthis, at Eber G. 144 on 8 Sept. 68 where at ISast 10 males were singing in May (AEK). E. Turkey; 30 plus singing near Ergek G. on 27/28 May 69 (PADH et al) ; mPPOLAIS ICTfiRINA (icterine Warbler) One at Qankaya (Ankara) on I3 Aug. 68 (AV) and one at Kiigtik Qamlica (Bosphorus) on 28 Sept. 69 (AB et al) were the only records . HIPPOLAIS OLIVETORUM (Olive-tree Warbler) 3 at Seyhan G. (S. Coastlands) on 29 Aug. 68 (RSH) and one near Bafa G. (W. Anatolia) on 17 May 69 (RJJ) were the only records. HIPPOLAIS LANGUIDA (Upcher s Warbler) S.E. Turkey! 2, probably a pair (the male singing in scrubland)li 15 km. north of Hakkari on 3 June 69 (PADH, BAEM, RFP). HIPPOLAIS PALLIDA (Olivaceous Warbler) Fairly common and widespread, more so in the west, from May to i August but not recorded in the south east. One winter record from the south west. ' Black Sea Coastlands; Over 75 singing in woodland at Balik G. on 8/9 June 69 (BAEM, RFP). Thrace ; One singing at Topkapl Palace (Istanbul) on 11 May 69 i (cab). ; W. Anatolia; One on the Buyiik Menderes Delta on 17 Jan. 69 (MJH| ark) . 2 near Bursa on 3 Oct. 69 (GKB). : Central Plateau: Small numbers bred in gardens in Ankara in | both years (AV) . i E. Turkey: Recorded as numerous on 24 May 69 at Malatya and ! also present in the Elazig and Blngbl areas. Small numbers ground Van in late May 69 (PADH et al). A pair feeding young in a nest low down in riverside vegetation near Varto on ‘ 3 July 69 (AJG) . I 145 SYLVIA NISORIA (Barred Warbler) A few were recorded on spring and autumn passage in both years, max. 10 at Side (S. Coastlands) on 17 April 69 and 12-15 (possibly comprising family parties) at Qankaya (Ankara) on 25 Aug. 69 (AV). Extreme dates l4 April - 23 Sept. S.E. Turkey: 3 singing in scrub near Hakkari on 3 June 69 (PADH et al) . SYLVIA HOPTENSIS (Orphean Warbler) One at Side (S. Coastlands) on I7 April 69 (AV) and one west of Izmir (W. Anatolia) on 29 April 69 (CPH) . SYLVIA BORIN (Garden Warbler) A total of 25 records for the two years in spring and autumn, mainly in western and central areas. Extreme dates 25 April (W. Anatolia) to I9 October (Central Plateau). E. Turkey; 5 at Van and Erpek G., 27-29 May, Included at' least 2 in suitable breeding habitat (REP et al). SYLVIA ATRICAPILLA (Blackcap) There were again no records of breeding or even of singing birds but the species was a fairly common migrant in the west and wintering was established in the south west. The largest counts were of 20 at Side (S. Coastlands) on I5 April 69 and 25 at Qankaya (Ankara) on 8 Oct. 68, where the last was recorded on the 11 Nov. (AV). W. Anatolia: Up to 10 at Karine, 17-19 Jan. 69 (MJH, ARK, RFP) . E. Turkey; A male at Ergek G. on 27 May 69 (PADH, BAEM, RFP) . SYLVIA COMMUNIS (Whltethroat ) There were breeding records from the north and east. Negative reports from suitable areas would be helpful in determining more exactly the distribution of this species. Migrants were recorded widely on a small scale; 10 at Side (S. Coastlands) on l4 April 69 (AV) being the earliest and 2 at the Bosphorus on 12 Oct. 69 (AB et al) the latest. 146 Black Sea Coastlands: A pair feeding young at Balik G. on 9 June 69 (BAEM, RPP) and present at Qamlica (Bosphorus) in May/june 69. Several in a poplar plantation in a rocky valley at 1,500 m. near Bayburt on 5 July 69 (AJG). W. Anatolia: Present in the Marmara lakes and Izmir areas in May 69. Central Plateau; Small numbers probably bred in the Ankara area in both years . S.E. Turkey; (Kurdish Alps) Singing birds at several sites in woodland, oak scrub and orchards up to 2,500 m. in May/ June 69 (PADH et al). E. Turkey: In late May 69 singing birds were noted east of Malatya, between Blngol and Mu§ (oak scrub at 1,700 m.)» at Tatvan, in the Van area and in Edremlt woods (12 singing males) (RFP et al). In early July, 2 in Quercus scrub near Tatvan and 2 in Salix scrub near Varto (AJG) . lit SYLVIA CUKRUCA (Lesser Whitethroat) ■ Little breeding information, but the species was a common || migrant over the western half of the coimtry in spring and autumn with one winter record from the south west. I Black Sea Coastlands: Several in a rocky valley at 1,500 m. near Bayburt on 5 July 69 (AJG) . | W. Anatolia: One at Karine on I8 Jan. 69 (MJH, ARK, REP). i S. Coastlands: In April 69 a pronounced passage was noted at 5 Side, where there were several on 15th, 50 on l4th, 40 on 15th, b 25 on 17th, and 20 on l8th, with up to 3OO between Side and S Antalya on l6th (AV). i Central Plateau: In I969 not recorded in the Ankara area until 24 April but at least 20 on Beynam ridge on 10 May (AV). Else-f( where, I5 near Sultandagi on 9 May (RJJ) and 2 at Gdreme on 22 May (RFP) . Last recorded at Qankaya (Ankara) on 25 Oct. in 1968 (AV). S.E. Turkey: In June 69, 2 south of Gdrenta§ on 1st, and 8 (5 singing) in woodland 50 km. south of Yuksekova on 4th (PADH et al ) . E. Turkey; In 1969, 2 east of Malatya on 24 May and one at Tatvan on 25 May and 5 June (rfP). ; 1 ? Q 01 Al c: SYLVIA RUPPELLI (Ruppell’ s Warbler) Fewer records than in preceding years. 147 Thrace ; One near Ke^an in May 68 (ATM), W, Anatolia; Singles north of Qigli (l,000 m.) on 1 May 69 (CPH) and near Izmir on 5 Oct. S, Coastlands: Up to 4 at Side, l4-l8 April 69 (AV), Central Plateau; One near Sultandagi on 9 May 69 (RJJ). SYLVIA MELANOCEPHALA (Sardinian Warbler) Apparently more widespread than in preceding years, with winter records from the west and south. Black Sea Coastlands; Up to 15 at Qamlica (Bosphorus) in both autumns (DOETL et al) . Thrace ; 2 at Kavak (Dardanelles) on 17 Aug. 68 (RDO) and one at Tarabya (Bosphorus) on 3 Oct. 68 (AV). W. Anatolia: In Jan. 69, 3 at Apolyont G., one at Marmara G., 3 on the Kugiik Menderes Delta and common (up to 40 together) on the Buyuk Menderes Delta (MJH et al). At least 4 in scrub near Bursa on 29 Sept. 69 (GKB) . S. Coastlands: In 1969 j several at Burdur G. and Antalya on 7/8 Jan. HHH) and singles near Side on l4 April (AV) and Antalya on 5 and 7 May (ARK). Several at Silifke, Ceyhan, Osmaniye, Abyayan, Burdur and Ka^ in Nov. /Dec. (LD, FJK) . Central Plateau: At Qankaya (Ankara), a total of 9 from 27-31 Mar. 68 and a total of 8 on 6 dates from 27 March - 3 May 69, plus one south of Mogan G. on 1 May (AV) . Elsewhere, 10 near Sultandagi on 9 May 69 (RJJ, AV) SYLVIA MYSTACEA (Menetries Warbler) One at Qankaya (Ankara) on 3 May 69 (RJJ) and one in scrub at the edge of pine forest north east of Pozanti (S. Coastlanc^) on 5 May 69 (RJJ, AV) constitute the first records for Turley. SYLVIA CANTILLANS (Subalpine Warbler) All records referred to migrants with the possible exception of those from the south west. Thrace ; Up to 3 in coastal scrub at Kilyos, l8-23 Sept, and 7 or 8 there on 26 Sept. 69 (GKB) . W. Anatolia; One found dead near Akhisar on 20 April 68 (FD, WK) . 3 at two sites (probably breeding) in the Izmir area in May 69 (CFH) . 148 Central Plateau; A female at Qankaya (Ankara) 27-31 March and 3 inuns. there on 25 Oct. 68 (AV) SYLVIA CONSPICILLATA (Spectacled Warbler) A female at Side (S. Coastlands) on 15 April 69 (AV), the first recent record. PHYLLOSCOPUS TROCHILIS (Willow Warbler) A very common migrant, particularly in the autumn in western and central areas. There were, however, no records from the eastern half of the country, although several Phylloscopus sp. flying in from the sea at Trabzon in Aug. 68 were probably of this species. Comts of over 50 were frequent in autumn and there were literally thousands moving rapidly through the forests of Uludag (W. Anatolia) on I8 Sept. 68 (DLC et al). Dates of recorded passage were as follows* 5-28 April, 6 Aug. - l4 Oct. 68 and 17 April - 20 May, 24 Aug. - 28 Sept. 69. There was an interesting winter record of one singing on the Biiyuk Menderes Delta on 19 Jan. 69 (MJH et al). PHYLLOSCOPUS COLLYBITA (Chiff chaff) A common migrant, probably over the whole country but certainly in the western half. Also locally common in winter, particularly along the west and south coasts. A separate sub-species (P.c. brevirostris) has been claimed for breeding birds (Watson I962) but we have no evidence to support this. Black Sea Coastlands; Singles at Pendik, Izmit and on the Ye^ilirmak and Klzilirmak Deltas in Jan. 69 (RFP, AV et al). 2 singing at K. Qamlica (Bosphorus) on 11 June 69 (RFP) . W. Anatolia: In Jan. 69, 8 at Apolyont G., 4 at Arappiftllgi, one in Dalyan woods, 35 at Marmara G. and hundreds on the Menderes Deltas (RPP et al). 6 singing on Uludag between 1,600-2,000 m. on 17/18 May 69 (RPP) . Central Plateau; A few in the Ankara area in Jan. /Feb. of both years, even during severe conditions. Spring passage was noted in I968 from 2 March - 3 April, max. 25 at Mogan G. on 21 March, and in I969 until 8 April, max. 12 on 26 March. Autumn passage in I968 from early Oct. to 9 Nov., max. 40 plus , at Mogan/Emlr G. on I3 Oct. Elsewhere, 2 singing in pine forest 149 at Kizilcahamam on 8 May 69 (AV). S. Coastlands: Described as common along the south coast in Jan. and Dec. 69 (FJK et al). Common at Burdur G. on 7 Jan. 69 and 2 there on 25 Dec. S.E. Turkey! A few near Birecik on 2 Dec. 69 (FJK). E. Turkey; l4 around Van G., 25-30 May 69, but none singing (BAEM, RFP) . PHYLLOSCOPUS BONELLI (Bonelli' s Warbler) Breeding was established at one site in the south east. Black Sea Coastlands; 2 at Kiiglik Qamllca on 12 Aug. 68 (PDO) Thrace ; 3 near Kilyos on 26 Sept. 69 (GKB). W. Anatolia: One near Izmir on 25 and 29 April 69 (CFH). S.E. Turkey: A pair with nest (C/5) plus 2 singing males in woodland 30 km. south of Ytiksekova on 4 June 69 (BAEM, RFP) . PHYLLOSCOPUS SIBILATRIX (Wood Warbler) A total of 33 recorded in the two years from 15 localities, mainly in the west, between 10 April - 3 May and 9 Aug. - 11 Sept., max. 8 at Kiipuk Qamlica (Bosphorus) on 29 Aug. 68 (ARK, RFP). W. Anatolia: At a site 6 km. west of Izmir, 2 on 23rd and 4 on 25th April 69. Also 3 in pines at Yamanlar (1,000 m.) on I May 69 (CFH). One singing in pine woods near Kbycegiz on II Sept. 68 (ARK, RFP). ■ PHYLLOSCOPUS INORNATUS (Yellow-browed Warbler) 3 at Karine in the south west on I7/18 Jan. 69 (MJH, ARK, RFP) j This, together with a recent record from Cyprus, may represent a westerly extension of the species wintering range. PHYLLOSCOPUS NITIDUS (Green Warbler) At least 6 singing males at 1,800 m. in beech woodland 60 km. south of Trabzon (Black Sea Coast) on 6 July 69 (AJG) . 1 150 REGULUS REGULUS (Goldcrest) Black Sea Coastlands; Several in woodland (l,800 m.) 60 km. south of Trabzon on 6 July 69 (AJG) . A few at the Bosphorus in Oct. of both years and up to 5 at Kiiguk Qamlica in Jan. 69. One at Balik G. on 9 Dec. 69 (LD, PJK) . Thrace : 10 at Terkos G. on 31 Jan. 69 (MJH et al). W. Anatolia; In Jan. 69, 2 at Marmara G. on l4th and 7 at Karine on l8th (REP et al). S. Coastlands: Several at Burdur G. and Egridir G. in Jan. 69. Common in forests E§en-Pethiye on 29 Dec. 69 (PJK). Central Plateau; In I968, 2 at Qankaya (Ankara) on 1 Jan., 3 on 3 April, one on I6 Oct. and up to 2 from 6-12 Nov. 2 at Kizilcahamam on 10 Nov. (AV). REGULUS IGNICAPILLUS (Pirecrest) One breeding record from the north east. Black Sea Coastlands: Recorded as common in spruce forest (1,800 m.) 60 km. south of Trabzon on 6 July 69. Juvs. were seen being fed (AJG) . One at Qamlica (Bosphorus) on 7 Jan. (RPP et al) and one there on 9 Sept. 69 (AB et al). W. Anatolia: 4 at Karine 17/18 Jan. 69 (PRP et al). 3 at Uludag on 28 'Sept. (GH) and 3 near there on 6 Oct. 69 (GKB). Central Plateau; At Qankaya (Ankara) 3 on 26 Mar. 69, one on 15/16 Oct. and 2 or 3 on 22 Oct. 68 (AV). PRINIA GRACILIS (Graceful Prinia) S. Coastlands; One at the Gbksu Delta on l4 May 69 (RJJ). In 1968, 3 at Seyhan G. on 1 Sept. (RSH) and up to 8 at the Gbksu and Tarsus Deltas in Sept, and Oct. respectively (AV, RPP) CISTICOLA JUNCIDIS (Pan-tailed Warbler) All but one were recorded in winter. W. Anatolia; In 1969, 3 on the Kiigtik Menderes Delta on 5 Jan. and 5 on the Buylik Menderes Delta 17-20 Jan. (MJH, ARK, RPP). S. Coastlands; Singles at Amik G. on 10 Oct. 68 (ARK, RPP), Kokarot G. on 1 Dec. and Pamukkale on 31 Dec. 69 (LD, PJK). 151 FICEDULA ALBICOLLIS/HYPOLEUCA (Pled/Collared Flycatcher) Mainly a passage migrant but there were breeding season records of F. albicollis from the north east and the Central Plateau. Counts of up to 8 in spring and 15 in autumn. Records came mainly from Ankara and the Bosphorus but also from the east. Of those specifically identified the majority were F. albicollis and included a few birds of the race F.a. semitorquata. Black Sea Coastlands: A male (F.a. semitorquata) near Bayburt in poplars (l , 400 m . ) on 5 July 69 (AJG). S. Coastlands: A male, considered to be F. hypoleuca, at Karanfll Dag on 17 Oct. 69 (JF et al). Central Plateau: One F.a. albicollis at Qankaya (Ankara) on 28 Mar. 69 was the earliest . 8 there, incl . at least one F.a. semitorquata on 22 April 69 and an imm. on 7 and 22 July 69 (AV) . E. Turkey; Passage was noted at Agri in April/May 68 (OM-Z). One near Horasan on 12 April 69 (RG) . FICEDULA PARVA (Red-breasted Flycatcher) There were only 2 spring records: 2 at Emir G. (Central Plateau) on 3 May 69 (RJJ, AV) and one at Manyas G. on 13 May 69 (ark). Autumn passage was recorded between 24 Aug. and 19 Oct. Very common at the Bosphorus in both years, with a peak at the end of Sept, (up to 125 at Qamlica in I969). Elsewhere numbers were small and confined to the western half of the country. MUSCICAPA STRIATA (Spotted Flycatcher) There were no breeding records from either year. The species was a common migrant throughout the country, recorded from 13 April - 27 May and 6 Aug. - l4 Oct. The largest numbers were in the west (up to 200 at Qamlica (Bosphorus) per day, 15-20 Sept. 69) (DOETL). SAXICOLA RUBETRA (Whlnchat) Recorded in the breeding season in the east and south east. A fairly common migrant over the whole coiintry with largest 152 numbers in the west. The earliest spring arrival was of several hundreds between Antalya and Side (S. Coastlands) on 6 April 69 in contrast to only 3 on 15th (AV) . The largest autumn count was of C.40 in the Mogan/Emir G. area near Ankara on 10 Sept. 68, where the latest was recorded on 27 Oct. 68 (AV). One winter record from the south west. W. Anatolia; 2 near Karine on 18 Jan. 69 (MJH, ARK, RPP) . S.E. Turkey: 2 at Yliksekova marsh on 4 June 69 (PADH et al). E. Turkey; 2 ads. and a juv. (at 1,800 m.) south east of Van G. on 1 July 69, an ad. male J>0 km. west of Erzurum (1,000 m.) on 4 July 69 and 2 east of Agri on 24 July 69 (AJG). SAXICOLA TORQUATA (Stone chat) A sparsely distributed breeder, apparently commoner in the east. Spring and autumn passage was recorded on a small scale from most regions. Black Sea Coastlands: A total of 6 recorded at the deltas of the Sakarya, Kizillrmak and Ye^ilirmak in Jan. 79. In June 69 a pair at Balik G. and 5 pairs at KiiQuk Qamlica (RPP). Up to 20 at the latter in autumn (DOETL). Thrace ; One on the Merig Delta on 3 Jan. 69 (MJH et al). 15 at Kilyos on 20 Sept. 69 (GKB). W. Anatolia: A few recorded in the summer at Uludag (where 7 on 28 Sept. 68 - GH) and in mountains at Bozuyuk. Seen in several localities in winter, max. up to 20 on the Buyuk Menderes Delta in Jan. 69 (MJH et al). S . Coastlands ; A pair near Yuctagen (Anti Taurus) in June 68 (atm) . Common in Jan. and Dec. 69 along the coast and at Burdur G. (PJK et al). Central Plateau; No definite breeding records but a male in suitable breeding habitat near Kizllcahamam on 7 Apr. 69 and 3 between there and Giidtil on 1 Sept. 68. Also 3 in hills north of Qubuk on I8 Aug. 68 (AV). 2 at Qavu^gu G. on 9 Jan. 69 (FJK). Spring passage at Ankara started in early March in both years with max. of 6 at Mogan G. on 21 Mar. 66(AV) S.E. Turkey: A total of 7 at 3 sites up to 2,000 m. in May/june 69 (PADH et al). One NE of Diyarbaklr on 3 Dec. 1969 (FJK). E. Turkey: Many pairs in the Van sub-region in May/June 69 (RPP et al). In July 69, a pair with juvs. near Agri on 1st and several other pairs between there and Patnos (AJG). 153 OENANTHE OENANTHE (Wheat ear) A widespread breeder and common passage migrant recorded between 21 March and 3 November, with one winter record from the south west. Black Sea Coastlands; One near Bayburt on 5 June 69 (AJG). Thrace ; Counts of 30 and 50 between Istanbul and Edime on 27 April and 1 June 69 (ARK) . W, Anatolia; One at Miletos on 19 Jan. 69 (MJH, ARK, RFP) , Seen in many areas in summer from sea level to 2,400 m, Numerouss during the autumn, max. count 100 at Acigol on 10 Sept. 68 (ARK, RFP). S. Coastlands: Breeding season from many areas, iricl . several males singing in hills south of Afyon on 13 April and at least 50 on the lower slopes of Demirkazik Dag (Main Taurus) on 6 May 69 (AV). Central Plateau: In I969 first recorded in the Ankara area on 21 March, the same arrival date there for the third successive year (AV). Breeding was proved at several sites in the north. Very numerous on passage in early Sept., max. count 100 by Tuz G. on 5 Sept. 68 (ARK, RFP) . 3.E. Turkey; (Kurdish Alps) Found to be breeding commonly in 1969 between Giirpinar and Yiiksekova. 50 prs. in mountains west of Gdrentag (up to 3,200 m.) on 3I May 69 (PADH et al). E. Turkey; Recorded from many areas, particularly around Van G. , during the breeding season but apparently less common than in the south east. OENANTHE PLESCHANKA (Pled Wheatear) In 1968 single pairs were found near Yozgat (Central Plateau) , and Erzincan (E. Turkey) in May (OM-Z). Several near Van on , 21 Sept. (CJB). i OENANTHE HISPANICA (Black-eared Wheatear) i Breeding season records came mainly from the east. However, ' in late summer it was again found to be quite numerous in the south west. Widely recorded as a migrant, extreme dates 4 April and 8 October, both at Tuz Gdlii on the Central Plateau i (AV). Black Sea Coastlands; In May 68, one at Abant G. on 1st (PD, i WK) and a few in the east (OM-Z). One flying in from the sea ^ at Ke^ap on 28 Aug. 69 (SCM). 154 Thrace ; Present at Ke§an in June I968 (ATM). W. Anatolia; 10 at Pammukale on 27 April 69 (CFH). 20 between Sindirgi and Qivril on 5 May 68 and 10 between Bafa G. and Kbycegiz on 11 Sept. 68 (ARK) were the largest counts. A male on Uludag at 2,200 m. on I7 May 69, a pair at Miletos on 21 May and 4 near Bodrum on 25 May 68 (ARK) . S. Coastlands: A few records from the coast and inland mainly in spring and autumn, including counts of 20 Burdur- Side on 13 April and Side-Antalya on I6 April 69 (AV). Central Plateau; Breeding was suspected at Qubuk I reservoir (one carrying nesting material on 7 May 69), Beynam near Sultandagi (10 on 9 May) and at the Kizilirmak east of Bala (juv. feeding on small black berries in rocks on 17 Aug. (AV) . S,E. Turkey; (Kurdish Alps) Small numbers up to 2,000 m. in May/ June 69 (PADH et al). E. Turkey; Recorded from many sites, particularly around Van G., in May and July 1969. Several at Van G. on 21 Sept. 68 (CJB). OENANTHE FINSCHII (Finsch’ s Wheatear) Recorded more widely than in I966/67, but no records from the extreme east and relatively few from the south east. Winter records, mainly from the south, confirm that at least a proportion of the breeding population is resident within Turkey W. Anatolia: 2 males on the Buyilk Menderes Delta on 18/19 Jan. 69 (MJH, ark, RFP) . One at Qivril on 20 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK). S. Coastlands; 20 on the slopes of Demlrkazik Dag (Main Taurus) on 6 May 69 (RJJ, AV) and 2 pairs and 2 singles near Pazarbren (Anti-Taurus) on 23 May 69 (BAEM, RFP). 3 (incl. 2 males singing) near Adana on 7 Oct. 68 (ARK) and 3 on Karanfil Dag on 17/lS Oct. 69 (JF et al). Winter records from Burdur G. , Ceyhan, Sillfke, Elmall, Gblhlsar and Karata§ (mainly singles) (LD, FJK). Central Plateau; Recorded between March and Sept, as well as singles at Tuz G. on 19 Jan. 68 and near Ayas on 5 June 69 (AV) Almost all records were in the Ankara, Tuz G., Balikdami area. Breeding was proved at Balikdami (where up to 8 were seen) and at Emir G. (up to 25, incl. many imms. on 8 July 69 (AV). Elsewhere, 2 males SW of Kayseri on 22 May 69 (RFP) and a male near Zara on 22 July 69 (AJG) . 155 S.E. Turkey: Single males at Ytiksekova and at 2 sites at Go rent a^ ( one at 2,600 m. ) in May/ June 69 (PADH et al). 2 NE of Diyarbakir and one east of Siverek on 5 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK) . E. Turkey; A male near Refahiye on 23 July and a family party (3 or 4 young) near Askale on 24 July 69 (AJG) OENANTHE ISABELLINA (isabelllne Wheatear) Pound widely over the Central Plateau during summer and also commonly in parts of the east and south east. W. Anatolia: Several at the Biisruk Menderes Delta on 22 April 68 (PD, WK) and one at Apolyont G. on 20 Sept. 68 (DLC et al). S. Coastlands: One in hills S. of Afyon on 13 April 69 (AV), 6 at Isparta-Egridir-Bey^ehir 25/26 April 68 (PD, WK) and 10 on Demirkazlk Dag (1,500 m. ) on 6 May 69 (RJJ, AV). 2 at Bey^ehlr on 7 Sept. 68 (ARK, RPP) . Central Plateau: Recorded from 2 March - 6 Sept. Pound at several sites in the Ankara/Tuz G. area and noted as far west 156 as Eskii^ehlr. The largest counts were of 100 plus between Kulu and Tuz G. on l4 June 69 and 100 plus Ankara -Tuz G.- Kirgehir on 17 Aug. 69 (AV( . Recorded along the road Yozgat-Slvas-Zara, July and Aug. 69, Spring and autumn records also came from Afyon, Eber G., Emirdag, Konya, Karapinar,Eregll and Tuzla G. S.E. Turkey; C.60 Gurplnar-Bagkale on 2 June 69 (RFP) . E. Turkey: Recorded between Erzincan and Erzurum in May 68. l4 between Malatya and Van on 23/24 May 69, C.25 around Van G. 25-29 May 69 and 15 along the east and north edges of ErQek G. on 27 May 69. Recorded between Horasan, Agrl and the Iranian border in July/Aug. 69 (SCM). OENANTHE XANTHOPRYMNA (Red-tailed Wheatear) E. Turkey; One near Elegkirt on 24 July 69 (SCM), the first recent record. CERCOTRICHAS GALACTOTES (Rufous Bushchat) Reported only from the west and south. Thrace ; 1 near Ke§an, June 1968 (ATM). W. Anatolia; In May 1969 a total of I3 recorded from Apol- yont G., Bafa G. and Efes, Including 4 singing birds (ARK, CFH) . 2 prs on Zeytlndag in June 1968 (ATM). One at Kdycegiz 12 Sept. 68 (ARK, RFP). S. Coastlands; 2-3 near Seyhan G. on 29 Aug. 68 (RSH) . MONTICOLA SAXATILIS (Rock Thrush) Black Sea Coastlands; A juv. at Bayburt on 5 July 69. Recorded as present in eastern mountains over 1,500 m. (AJG). W. Anatolia; 3 on Uludag (2,300 m.) I7/18 May 69 (ARK, RPP) , 3 Imms. there on 7 Aug. 68 (RDO), and a male on 1 Sept. 69. One at Aclgdl on I6 Sept. 69 (ARK, RFP) . S. Coastlands; One at Egridir on 26 April 68 (ED, WK) . 3 on Demlrkazik Dag (2,300-2,500 m.) on 6 May 69 (RJJ, AV) . Central Plateau: Recorded as present near Yozgat in April 68 (OM-Z) . One near Gbreme on 5 April 69 and 2 near Tuz G. on 29 April 68 (AV). 157 S.E. Turkey; 4 prs . north of Gorenta^ on 31 May 69 and 12 prs. west of there (2,500-3,000 m.) plus single males in the Zap valley and near Sivllal on 3/4 June 69 (PADH, BABM, RFP) . E. Turkey: One near Patnos (l,200 m.) on 1 July 69 (AJG). MONTICOLA SOLITARIUS (Blue Rock Thrush) Western Turkey: 3 on the Buyiik Menderes Delta in Jan. 69 (MJH et al) . One on Uludag (2,200 m.) on 12 May 69 (ARK), a pair on sea cliffs at Ku^adasi in June 1968 (ATM, and an adult with a juv. north of Mugla on 15 July 69 (AJG) were the only breeding season records. Single birds at Apolyont G. and Acigbl in Sept, and 4 at Bergama on 3 Oct. 68. S. Coastlands; 2 between Pozanti and Qamardi on 5 May 69 (rJJ, AV). ^One on the coast near Silifke and 2 south of Mut on 25 Sept. 68 (AV), 2 (one singing) near Adana on 7 Oct. 68 (ARK, RFP), 2 on Karanfil Dag on 17A8 Oct. 69 (JF et al) and 2 near Ka§ on 29 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK) . S.E. Turkey; In June 69, 2 prs. carrying food 10 km. south of Gbrentag plus 2 others between Qatak and Gbrentag on 1st, and one in the Zap valley on 3rd (PADH et al). PHOENI GURUS OCHRUROS (Black Redstart) A fairly widespread breeder in mountainous areas, also found to be common in the south and south west during winter. Black Sea Coastlands; In 1968, one near Gerede on 30 April (fD, WK) and another on 6 Oct. (AV) . Thrace : One near Istanbul on 15 Sept. 69 (DOETL) . W. Anatolia; Recorded at Uludag on several dates from May - Sept, in both years. '5 prs. were counted there (1,900-2,200 m) in May 69 (ARK) and young were in evidence in Aug. /Sept. In Jan. 69: one at Apolyont G., 5 at Marmara G. , up to 25 at several sites on the Buyiik Menderes Delta, one at Aydin and one at Acigbl (RFP et al). S. Coastlands; Singles in Jan. 69 at Karamlk G. and 'Egrldlr G. In Dec. 69 recorded as common on the coast and at iBurdur (FJK). 4 on Demlrkazlk Dag (2,300-2,600 m.) on 6 May 69 (RJJ, AV) . Central Plateau : A few on passage in the Ankara area in March 68 and 69 • One was found perching on chandeliers in an f office building there on 30 Sept. 68 (AV). Up to 6, incl . singing males, around Gbreme in April/May 69 (RFP, AV). One 158 near Zara on 22 July 69 (AJG) . S.E. Turkey; Present on mountains near Gorenta^ up to 5,000 m. in May/ June 69 (PADH et al). E. Turkey: 2 males on cliffs at Adllceviz on 25 May (RPP) and one at Tahir on 24 July 79 (AJG) . A pair with 5 juvs . near Horasan on 24 Aug. 68. PHOENICURUS PHOENICURUS (Redstart) A fairly common migrant in the west in autumn but few were recorded in spring or in the breeding season. A bird of the race, P.p. samamisicus, was identified in the east. Black Sea Coastlands: At Qamllca (Bosphorus) C.20 on 17 Sept. 69 (AB et al) was the largest count in either year. Thrace ; One at Istanbul on 2 May 69 (CAB). 55 around a lake in the Forest of Belgrade on 22 Sept. 69 (GKB) . W. Anatolia; A pr. and 4 in olive groves along the south edge of Iznik G. on I5 May 69 (RFP) . S. Coastlands; Seen at Aksekl and Korkuteli in May/June 1968 (atm). Up to 4 at Side in mid-April 69 (AV). In Oct. 68 seen in good numbers at many sites on the coast from Mersin to Antakya and around Pozanti, max. 40 in woodland by the Tarsus Delta, where there had been only 5 the previous day (ARK, RFP) . Central Plateau; (Sakarya) At Ankara, first recorded on 28 March in I968 and 27 March in 1969. In I969 up to 5 present until 2 May. Singles there on 22 July 69 and 51 July 68, and up to 5 to 9 Aug. 68 suggest local breeding. Numbers Increased during Sept. 68 to a peak in early Oct. (50 plus in gardens). Last recorded on 6 Nov. 68 (AV) . (Enclosed Basins) A male near Sultandagl on 9 May 69 (RJJ,AV) S.E, Turkey; 2 males in woodland 50 km. south of Yliksekova on 4 June 69 (PADH et al). E. Turkey: A bird showing the characteristics of the race P.p. samamisicus was seen just east of Erzurum in May 68 (OM-Z) ERITHACUS RUBECULA (Robin) Mainly resident, breeding in northern woodlands and wintering commonly on southern and western coasts. Black Sea Coastlands; Present along the coast in Jan. and Dec. 69 incl . 50 on the Kizilirmak Delta on 10 Jan. (AV) and 159 and 20 plus in snow Adapazari-Karasu 29 Jan. (RFP et al). Recorded from Abant, Bolu and Hendek in April/May. Several 60 km. south. of Trabzon (l,800 m.) on 6 July 69 (AJG). Up to 5 at Kiiguk Qamlica from 22 Sept. 68. Thrace : Breeding commonly in the Forest of Belgrade in May 1969 (cab). Up to 10 at Tarabya (Bosphorus), 5-5 Oct. 68 (AV). W. Anatolia: Breeding commonly on Uludag (1,600-2,100 m.). Also common in many areas during winter, max. 50-100 on the Btiyuk Menderes Delta in Jan. 69 (MJH et al). S. Coastlands: Recorded as common in winter, particularly on the coast (LD, FJK) . Central Plateau; Up to 5 in the Ankara area in winter and up to 3 in spring. Small numbers resident in pine forest at Kizilcahamam (AV). LUSCINIA MEGARHYNCHOS (Nightingale) Records confirm that this species is fairly widespread in suitable habitat, but there was no breeding evidence from the S. Coastlands. It appears to be less selective in its choice of habitat in the north and west. Also recorded as' a migrant in the western half of the country. Black Sea Coastlands: Several around Sapanca G. in April/May (FD, Wk) . C.20 singing in woods at Balik G. 8-9 June 69 (BAEM, RFP) . In autumn up to 7 at Kiiguk Qamllca 20-51 Aug. 68 (ARK et al) and 20 plus arovind Trabzon on 26 Aug. 69 (SCM) . W. Anatolia; Up to 10 singing birds at many sites, particularly around lakes. Up to 6 on lower slopes of Uludag on three dates in May. S. Coastlands: Up to 15 at Side, l4-l8 Apr. 69 (AV) . Central Plateau; Small numbers in the Ankara area from 1 April -11 May 69 (almost certainly breeding at Qubuk baraji and probably also on Beynam ridge) and from 6-I8 Aug. 68 (AV). S.E. Turkey; In early June 69, one singing 17 km. north of Hakkari, and several singing in the Zap valley and Yiiksekova areas in suitable breeding habitat. 7 singing in woodland 50 km. south of Yiiksekova (PADH et al). LUSCINIA LUSCINIA (Thrush Nightingale) The species would appear to be a rather scarce migrant but may well be considerably more abundant than the records suggest. 160 Black Sea Coastlands: One trapped and at least 2 others present near Trabzon on 26/27 Aug. 69 (SCM). At Kligiik Qamlica (Bosphorus), singles on 15 and 17 Sept. 69 (DOETL) and 20 Sept. 68 (ARK, RPP) . Central Plateau; Singles at Mogan G. on lO/ll March 68 and 25 April 69. Recorded at Qankaya (Ankara) on 9 dates between 9 Aug. and 6 Sept. 68, max. 3 on 4 Sept. (AV). CYANOSYLVIA SVECICA (Bluethroat) A rather scarce migrant, the majority of the records again coming from one locality on the Central Plateau. One winter record from the Black Sea coast. Black Sea Coastlands: One in rushes at Balik G. on 10 Jan. 69 (av). S . Coastlands ! One near Iskenderun on 11 Oct. 68 (ARK, RFP) . One near Karanfil Dag on 17 Oct. 69 (JF et al). Central Plateau: At Mogan G., singles from II-I6 March (red-spotted) and on 5 April 68, 1 May 69. In autumn 68, singles on 30 Aug., 19 Sept, and 1 Oct. 7 on I3 Oct. and 4 on l4th and 20th (AV). E. Turkey: One near Horasan on 12 April 69 (RG). IRANIA GUTTURALIS (White -throated Robin) S.E. Turkey: Recorded as present (all prs. or singing males) around Gbrenta§ (up to 2,500 m.), Hakkarl, Sivilal, and Yiiksekova in May/june 69 (PADH, BAEM, RPP) . E. Turkey: 3 pr*s . near Tatvan on 25 May 69 (PADH et al)-. A probable near Agri on 1 July 69 (AJG). TURDUS PILARIS (Fieldfare) A winter visitor, mainly to Central and Southern areas. Black Sea Coastlands : In Jan. 69, 20 at Kuguk Qamlica on 7th and 6 on 30th (MJH et al ) . Thrace ; 4 at Terkos G. on 31 Jan. 69 (MJH et al) . S. Coastlands: Common in flocks between Manavgat and Bey§ehir and 400 Bey§ehir-Konya in Jan. 69 (PJK, HHH) . Present at Elmali on 27 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK) . Central Plateau: 200 near Qay on 2 Jan. (FJK) and 200 on Beynam ridge on 24 Jan. 69 (RFP). Small numbers in the Ankara l6l area in both winters, mainly in Feb up to 21st (max. 23 south of Mogan G. on 8 Mar. 69). One at Qankaya (Ankara) on 25 Oct. 68 was the earliest (AV). TURDUS TORQUATUS (Ring Ouzel) No breeding records, but this species was found to be winter- ing in good numbers in the extreme south. Black Sea Coastlands: Recorded at the Bosphorus in both autumns . In 1968, up to 8 at Qamlica at the end of Sept, plus a flock of 40 flying E. there on 24th (ARK, RFP) . In 1969, up to 40 in Sept. (AB et al). W. Anatolia: A male on Uludag (2,^00 m.) on 17/lS May 69, where the species is not known to breed (ARK) . One near Bursa on 29 Sept, and 2 there on 4 Oct. 69 (GKB) . S. Coastlands: 6 on Karanfil Dag on 17/18 Oct. 69 (JF et al). 3 in woods Manavgat-Bey§ehir on 8 Jan. 69 (FJK) . In Dec. 69 several flocks of 3O-6O in company with T. viscivorus in pine- woods south of Elmali and also common around Ka§ and Kemer. One at Korkuteli on 28 Dec. 69 (DD, FJK). Central Plateau: Singles in the Ankara area on l4 March and 3 April 68 and 28 March and 1 April 69 (AV) TURDUS MERULA (Blackbird) Widely recorded throughout the year except from Thrace and Eastern Turkey. Black Sea Coastlands; A few in both autumns at the Bosphorus. Recorded at several places during both winters, up to 20 together. One or 2 around Abant in May 1968 (FD, WK) , 11 singing males at Balik F. on 8/9 June 69 (BAEM, RFP) and common in woodland (l,800 m.) 60 km. south of Trabzon in 1 July 1969 (AJG). W. Anatolia; A few observations in spring and autumn but no breeding records. Fairly common in many sheltered areas near the Marmara and Aegean Seas during Jan. 1969 j max. 35 on the Biiyuk Menderes Delta (MJH et al). S. Coastlands; The only possible breeding records were of one or two between Pozantl and Qamardi (RJJ, AV) and one near Antalya (ARK), both on 5 May 69. Small numbers in autumn . and in winter it was particularly common on the coast (but no " counts) and present at many other sites. 162 Central Plateau; A few, mainly around Ankara, in both winters. In summer, present at Kizilcahamam, Beynam and Vildizeli, the largest count being of 10 singing males at Beynam on 10 May 69 (AV) . S.E. Turkey; In June I969, 2 singing in oak scrub 10 km. south of Gdrenta^ and 10 prs . in oak woodland 30 km. S. of Ytiksekova (PADH et al). Also seen near Diyarbakir on 3 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK) . TURDUS ILIACUS (Redwing) A rather scarce winter visitor, concentrating only in the extreme south west. Black Sea Coastlands; In I969 0.25 at Qamlica on 7 Jan. and a large nocturnal movement over Adapazari on 28/29 Jan. during severe snow conditions (MJH et al). One at Balik G. on 9 Dec. (LD, FJK). W. Anatolia; Up to 6 at 3 sites in Jan. I969 (MJH et al). S. Coastlands: In 1969 present Bey§ehir-Konya on 8 Jan., at .Elmali on 27 Dec. and very common in oak woodland, E§en- Fethiye on 29 Dec. (LD, FJK). Central Plateau: A few present in Feb. and March and single records in Oct. and Nov., mainly from the Ankara area (AV) . TURDUS PHILOMELOS (Song Thrush) Recorded at all seasons, but sparingly in summer. Black Sea Coastlands; Up to 20 on the Kizllirmak and Ye§il- irmak Deltas in Jan. 69 (AV). 2 near Abant on 1/2 May 68 (FD, WK) . One at Kiiguk Qamlica on 25 Aug. 68 (ARK, RFP) . Thrace : 5 in the Forest of Belgrade on 23 Sept. 69 (GKB) . W. Anatolia; Small numbers (up to 20) at many sites in Jan. 1969 (RFP et al). One near Milas in May I968 (ATM) and recorded as fairly common up to the tree line at Uludag in May 69 (CAB) . S. Coastlands: Common at several wooded localities in Jan. and Dec. 19^9 , particularly around Ka^ and Fethlye (LD, FJK). Cent r al Plateau; Small numbers in the Ankara area from 8 Oct. -8 April, up to 4 together in autumn and spring, max. of 9 at Qankaya (Ankara) on 27 Mar. 69 (AV). 2 or 3 there on 8 Aug. 69 were probably part of a family party. 163 TUEDUS VISCrVORUS (Mistle Thrush) A widespread resident, found to be particularly common in the S. Coastlands in winter. Black Sea Coastlands: Recorded from Gerede and Bolu in April. Several near the tree line (2,000 m.) 60 km. south of Trabzon in July 1969 (AJG) . Several autumn records including C.30 near Gerede on 2 Oct. 68 (AV) and 50 at Qamlica on 26 Sept. 69 (AB et al) . W. Anatolia: 5 singing (1,700-2,000 m.) at Uludag in May 1969 and 2 there on 1 Sept. 68 (ARK) . A single at Iznik on 8 Jan. 69 was the only winter record (MJH) . S. Coastlands: Common in many areas during winter particularly in the pine forests of the Taurus. Records include hundreds present around Elmali in Dec. 1969 (LD, FJK) . Central Plateau: In the Ankara and Kizilcahamam areas up to 10 in Nov. and 20 in winter. 2 near Beynam on 2 May 69 (AV). S.E. Turkey: A pair 2 km. south of Gbrenta§ on 1 June 69 (PADH et al) . PANURUS BIARMICUS (Bearded Reedling) No new breeding sites were located during the tv/o years but winter records came from both east and west extremes. As in 1966/67, not recorded in Western Anatolia. Black Sea Coastlands: 10 at Balik G. (Kizilirmak Delta) 10 Jan. 69 (AV). Thrace : In Jan. I969, 1 at the Merig N. (ipsala) on 3nd, 7 there on 5th and 2 at Terkos G. on 31st (MJH et al). Central Plateau: 6 at Eber G. 9/l0 May 69 (ARK) . At Balik- dami, up to 12 from May to Oct. Recorded at Mogan G. in winter, from 13 Oct. in I968. Max. 100 on 27 Oct., decreasing to C.25 in Dec. and Feb. Last seen on 4 April in I969 (4V) . E. Turkey; A party of 10 over reeds at Van G. near Erci§ on 5 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK). AEGITHALOS CAUDATUS (Long-tailed Tit) Only one record from east of the Central Plateau. Breeding habitat was varied but trees seem to be a necessity. Black Sea Coastlands: 4 at the Qamllca hills on 22 Sept. 68 (ark, RFP). 2 on the Ye§ilirmak Delta on 8 Jan. (AV) and at least 2 in woods at Balik G. (Kizilirmak Delta) on 8/9 June 69 (BAEM, RFP). 164 Thrace : A party south of Kllyos on 29 April 68 (BB) and 1 in the Belgrade Forest on 22 Sept. 69 (GKB) . W. Anatolia: Small numbers at Bafa G. in May and Sept, and at Ze3Tbindag and the Izmir area in May (up to 12) . Winter flocks Included 13 near Apolyont G. on 11 Jan. and 30 at Marmara G. on l4 Jan. 69 (MJH et al). S. Coastlands: One in pines north east of Pozanti on 5 May 69 (RJJ, AV). Central Plateau; 2 near Gbreme on 20 Nov. 69 (LD, FJK) . S.E. Turkey; A family party of 5 or 6 about 30 km. south of Yuksekova on 4 June 69 (PADH et al). PARUS PALUSTRIS (Marsh Tit) Recorded only from the north. Black Sea Coastlands t One at Abant G. on 1 May 68 (FD, WK) and two parties of four or five birds in mixed woodland 60 km. south of Trabzon on 6 July 69 (AJG) . Thrace ; A pair in the Belgrade Forest in May 69 (CAB) . PARUS LUGUBRIS (Sombre Tit) Recorded east to Malatya, otherwise the range was similar to that noted in 1966/67. W. Anatolia; (Marmara) One at Susurluk on 3 May 69- (ARK) , 3 between Apolyont and Qanakkale on 1 Oct. 68 and 6 south west of Bursa at 1,000 m. on 6 Oct. 69 (GKB). (Izmir) Recorded at several localities around Izmir in spring 1969 (ATM et al). One between Simav and U§ak on 3 May 69 and noted at Bafa G. in Sept. 68 and Jan. and May 69. 6 in pines in the Mugla/ Kbycegiz area on 11/12 Sept. 68. 4 at Marmara G. on l4 Jan. 69 (ARK et al). S . Coastlands ; A few records from the Taurus mountains between Bey^ehlr and Karanfil Dag. Central Plateau; 2 in the Qankaya suburb of Ankara on 6 Jan. and one on 1 Sept. 68 (AV) . This may be an indication of local movement since the nearest known breeding locality is some fifty miles to the north. E. Turkey; One 20 km. east of Malatya on 24 May 69 (RFP) . 165 PARUS ATER (Coal Tit) Mainly resident, but there were two records indicative of movement in autumn and winter. Black Sea Coastlands: A migrant at Kiigiik Qamllca on 22 Sept. 68 (ark). Recorded at Abant G. in May 68 and at altitudes of up to 2,100 km. south of Trabzon on 6 July 69 (AJG) . W. Anatolia: Recorded in mountains arovind Bursa up to 1,900 m. in the breeding season, and at Izmir. One in pines on the Bujruk Menderes Delta on l8 Jan. 69 (MJH) . Common at Elmall and Fethiye in late Dec. 69 (FJK). (in I966/67 it was not recorded south of Izmir) . S. Coastlands: Four records from the Taurus mountains from Antalya east to Pozantl. Central Plateau: A common breeder at Beynam and Kizllcahamam. One in the suburbs of Ankara on 1 Jan. 68 (AV) suggests at least local movement. 2 at §ereflye on 10 April (RG et al) and 23 July 69 (SCM). PARUS CAERULEUS (Blue Tit) The species was again found to be widely, but locally, distributed. There was evidence of autumn movement and winter immigration. Black Sea Coastlands; At Qamlica, similar autumn numbers to 1966, max. 15 in Sept. 69. 5 there on 27 Sept. 68 departed to the east at high altitude (ARK). In Jan. 69, up to 6 at Qamllca, and singles on the Yegllirmak and Klzillrmak Deltas. Thrace ; In I968, seen south of Kllyos on 29 April (BB) and at Tarabya on 5 Oct. (AV). In 1969^ 2 at the Merig N. on 3 Jan., 5 at Terkos on 3I Jan. (MJH et al) and quite common in the Belgrade Forest on 17 Sept. (GKB) . W. Anatolia; Recorded infrequently in spring and autumn at Manyas G., Apolyont G., Uludag (up to 1,000 m.) and in the neighbourhood of Izmir and Aydln. 10 at both Arapgiftligi and Marmara G. in Jan. 69 and, in the south, 2 between Mugla and Kbycegiz on 11 Sept. 68 (ARK) . Central Plateau; Almost Identical pattern to I966/67. Wintered in Ankara where it first appeared on 25 Oct. in 68. 1 at Eber G. on 8 Sept. 68 and 5 near Gbreme on 4/5 April 69 (AV). S.E. Turkey: 3 or 4 pairs 30 km. south of Yuksekova on 4 June 69 (PADH) . 166 PARUS MAJOR (Great Tit) A widespread resident. Evidence of autumn movement at the Bosphorus . Black Sea Coastlands'. At Qamlica the autumn max. was 80 on 16 Sept. 69. Up to 12 there in Jan. 69, when there were 25 on the Ye§ilirmak Delta. Seen at Abant G. in May 68 and at Trabzon and Ke§ap in Aug. 69. Thrace: The commonest Parus sp. in the Belgrade Forest on 17 Sept. 69 (GKB). W. Anatolia: Widespread. Seen up to 1,000 m. in mountains near Bursa in Oct. 69. In Jan. 69 observed commonly in the Marmara lakes area. S. Coastlands: A total of 4 seen at Seyhan baraji, Amik G. and Antakya 5-H Oct. 68. In spring I969 seen in the Taurus mountains near Qamardi and Antalya and on the coast at Side and Aspendos . Central Plateau: Present in the Ankara area throughout the year; slight increase in winter. A single at Gbreme on 22 May and several at §erefiye on 25 July 69 (SCM) . S.E. Turkey: 2 at Qatak and 4 prs . 50 km. south of Yuksek- ova on 4 June 69 (PADH) E. Turkey; Recorded at Van in both years. SITTA EUROPAEA (Nuthatch) A fairly widespread resident which was recorded from the extreme south east in 1969 • Black Sea Coastlands; At Kuguk Qamllca, up to 5 in Aug. /Sept. 68 and 20 in Sept. 69; 2 on 50 Jan. 69 (RPP et al). Several, perhaps a family party, near Bayburt on 5 July 69 (AJG) . Thrace : Up to 6 Belgrade Forest in May and Sept. 69. W. Anatolia; (Marmara) In I969, 2 at Dalyan woods on 11 Jan., 1 in an olive grove at Iznlk G. on I5 May (RFP et al) and 4 in the Bursa area in early Oct. (GKB) . (Izmir) One in pines in the Yamanlar hills on 1 May 69 (CFH). 12 in olive groves at Bafa G. on 11 Sept. 68 (ARK) and common in oak forest between E§en and Fethiye on 29 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK) . S. Coastlands; Heard in pines north of Pozanti on 5 May 69 (RJJ, AV), the first recent record from the Main Taurus . Central Plateau; Resident in pine forest at Kizilcahamam in both years, max. 10 on 7 April 69 (AV). S,E. Turkey; On 4 June 69, 2 in woodland 50 km. south of Yliksekova (PADH et al). 167 SITTA KRUPERI (Kriiper’s Nuthatch) Records confirm that the species is resident in mountain coniferous forest, mainly in western and southern areas. W. Anatolia; (Marmara) At Uludag, up to 8 in May and Sept. 4 to the south west of Bursa at 1,000 m. on 6 Oct. 69 (GKB) . (Bergama) 1 near Ayvacik in May 68 (ATM) . (Izmir) C.IO in Yamanlar hills on l/2 May 69 plus 3 or 4 at Gumuldub (CPH). 9 between Mugla and Kbycegiz on 11 Sept. 68 (ark) and 2 about km. north east of Kemer on 30 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK). S. Coastlands; 5 north of Pozanti on 5 May (RJJ, AV) and 2 at Karanfil Dag on IT/lS Oct. 69 (AB et al). Central Plateau; Up to 6 at Kizilcahamam in Peb. 69 and July and Sept. 68 (AV) . SITTA NEUMAYER (Rock Nuthatch) Records again indicate a fairly widespread distribution. The species was particularly numerous on the Central Plateau and in the Taurus mountains . Black Sea Coastlands: A pair sou'h west of Samsun beside the Ankara road in June 69 (BAEM, RFP). One at Biiyuk Qamlica on 11 Sept. 69 (AB et al), where it was not recorded in I966/67. W. Anatolia; 2 at Uludag on 28 Sept. 68 at 1,700 m. and one south west of Bursa at 1,000 m. on 6 Oct. 69 (GKB) . Elsewhere fairly widespread in small numbers, except in the Izmir area. Seen in Jan. 1969 at Marmara G. , Menderes Delta and Ephesus. S. Coastlands; Recorded commonly in the Taurus mountains. Also noted at Kizildere (near Adana) and in the Sllifke area. Common at Antakya in Sept . 68 . Central Plateau; Observed widely in this region in both years At least 20 at the volcanic plug behind Slvrihisar on 30 Oct. 68. A family party at Emir G. on 7 Aug. 69 was feeding in trees at the water s edge (AV). Noted also at Gbreme and east to the Kayseri area. S.E. Turkey; In 1969, 2 prs . feeding young at 2,150 m. at Gbrentai^ on 3I May and a pair 10 km. south of there on 1 June (PADH et al) E. Turkey: A pair feeding young in nest at Van Castle on 6 Jiane 69 (PADH). Also seen at Van Citadel on 2 July 69 (AJG) 168 TICHODROMA MURARIA (Wall Creeper) S. Coastlands: 3 at Demirkazik Dag (Main Taurus) between 2,300 m. and 3,000 m. on 6 May 69 (RJJ, AV) . CERTHIA FAMILIARIS (Tree Creeper) Status uncertain owing to confusion with C, brachydactyla. The majority of records from high altitude are likely to refer to this species. Black Sea Coastlands: One Certhia sp. in mixed woodland 60 km. south of Trabzon on 6 July 69 (AJG) . W. Anatolia: 2 at 1,000 m. in mountains south west of Bursa on 6 Oct. 69 were identified principally on call (SKB) . S. Coastlands; One at Karanfil Dag on I7/18 Oct. 69 was seen and heard well (AB, JP, JL, SS). The observers are familiar with both species. Central Plateau; 2 in pines at Kizilcahamam on 8 May 69 should probably be attributed to this species, as should the 1966/67 records from this locality (AV). 169 I j CERTHIA BRACHYDACTYLA (Short-toed Tree Creeper) { Apart from the Black Sea coastal strip the species seems to be restricted to the western half of the country. Most records ! are from relatively low altitude. ' Black -Sea Coastlands; Recorded in the ^amllca hills in both autumns, max. 15 in mid -Sept. 69. Also 1 there on 30 Jan. and ; 5 in June 69. 6 at Ballk G, (Kizllirmak Delta) on 9 June, and 1 on 9 Dec. 69 (LD, FJK) . Thrace ; Singles were seen south of Kilyos on 29 April 68 (BB) , in the Belgrade Forest on 21 Sept, 69 (GKB) and at Tarabya (Bosphorus) on 3 Oct. 68 (AV). W. Anatolia; In 1969, 2 at Dalyan woods on 11 Jan. and one at Marmara G. on l4 Jan. (MJH et al). Some south of Elmali on 27 Dec. and common in forests between E^en and Fethlye on 29 Dec. (LD, FJK). 3 in pines at Uludag on 28 Sept. 68 were attributed to this species on call. Central Plateau; A winter wanderer at Sivrlhlsar on 22 Jan. 69, not positively identified (ARK) . REMIZ PENDULINUS (Penduline Tit) Again not recorded in the Black Sea Coastlands but otherwise fairly widespread, being found at the majority of lakes with the exception of the Bey^ehlr complex. W. Anatolia: (Marmara) Recorded in the Marmara lakes area (Many as and Apolyont G.) in Jan., May and Aug. - Oct., max. 20 at Manyas G. on 29 Sept, 68 (ARK). This contrasts with the single autumn record in 1966/67. (Izmir) Seen on the Biiyuk Menderes Delta on 4 and I8 Jan. 69 (MJH et al). S. Coastlands; In Oct. 68, I5 at Aynas swamp (Tarsus) on 4th and up to 5 at Amlk G. on 9/lOth (ARK, RFP) . Central Plateau; (Sakarya) At Mogan G., singles on three ' dates in Jan. /Feb. 68 and at least 2 present throughout the milder winter of 68/69 until 7 April. 6 on 2 March 68 but no evidence of breeding. Reappeared on 21 July in 68 (2) increasing to 30 by 13 Oct., with smaller numbers to end of year. ^ Also present at Qubuk in May I969 (3 in the usual breeding locality) and at Balikdaml in Sept. /Oct. 68 (AV). (Enclosed Basins) One at Eber G. on 9 May 69 and 8 there on 8 Sept. 68 (ARK) . ^ S.E. Turkey; One at Qatak and a pair 15 km. north of Hakkarl on 3 June 69 (PADH et al). 170 E. Turkey: In 1969, one nest material) in Edremit also seen in I966 (REP et at Ergek G. on 27 May. (one with woods (Van) on 30 May, where 3 were al). One near Tatvan on 5 June (PADH). PASSER DOMESTICUS (House Sparrow) Black Sea Coastlands; Noted in woods at Balik G. (Kizilirmak Delta) in June 69. Thrace : 2,000 at Buyiik Qekmece on 25 Sept. 68. Noted between Istanbul and Edime and at Terkos G. in Oct. and Jan. W. Anatolia; Flocks of up to 200 birds in open country around Dinar, Qardak and Denizli in Sept. 69. S. Coastlands: Several thousands on the Gbksu Delta on 24 Sept. 68 and 1,000 at Amik G. on 8/9 Oct. 68. Central Plateau; Several hundreds roosting in reeds at Mogan G. in Aug. 68. 5OO near Eber G. on 8 Sept. 68. Very large winter roosts in the centre of Ankara. S.E. Turkey: Present in Gbrenta^ , Gurplnar, Giizelsu, Ba§kale, Hakkarl and Yuksekova in early June 69. E. Turkey: Recorded in many places from Malatya east to Van and Ergek G. in May 69. PASSER HISPANIOLENSIS (Spanish Sparrow) The species was again concentrated in the west, becoming less common east to the plateau. In most areas it would appear to be a summer visitor from April to October but some were seen in the extreme west in November and January. Pew records from the south coast. Thrace ; Several records of birds in open country between Istanbul and Edime in spring, max. I50 on 27 April 69 (ARK) and in July/ Aug., max. 250 at Ye^llkby (Istanbul airport) on 31 Aug. 69 (SCM). Many breeding near Istanbul in June 69. 80 at Silivri on I6 Sept. 69, 50 at Terkos G. on 2 Oct. 68 and winter records of 250 at the Merig N. on 15 Nov. and 4 there on 4/5 Jan. 69 (PJK et al). W. Anatolia: Common at Manyas G. and Apolyont G. from April until 5 Oct. in I969 (120), max. 1,000 at Apolyont G. on 30 Sept. 68 (GH) . 300 near Yalova on 21 July 69. Few records south of the Marmara lakes area: several between Pamukkale and Burdur on 24 April 68, 6 in olive groves at Selimiye on 11 Sept . 68 and one at Ef es on 4 May 69 . 171 S. Coastlands; Several between Beygehlr and Konya on 26 April 68 (FD) • In 1969 i up to 30 around Antalya in April/May, one at Side on I8 April and 60 at Karamik G. on 12 July. Central Plateau; In 1969, 50 at Ballkdami on 4 May, 6 at Eber G. on 10 May, one west of Ankara on 8 June and one at Yozgat on 22 July, the most easterly record (SOM) . PASSER MONT ANUS (Tree Sparrow) Known as a local breeding species in the Ankara area; otherwise a sprinkling of records mainly from the western half of the country. No movements were noted but large numbers occurred at one locality on the south coast in late autumn. Black Sea Coastlands; One at Qamlica on 27 Sept. 68 (ARK). Thrace : 5 at the Merig N. on 4 Jan. 69 (MJH et al). W. Anatolia; One at Manyas G. on I5 May 69, where a pair was present in I967 (ARK). S. Coastlands; 15 at Qukurbuk (near Qamardi, Main Taurus) on 6 May 69 ( AV) . One at Amik G. on 9 Oct. 68 (RFP), common at Slllfke on 25 Nov. 69 and 2 at Ceyhan on 29th (FJK) . Central Plateau; Resident in the suburbs of Ankara, where family parties were noted in early Aug. 68. Max. count was of 20 birds. Elsewhere, 5 at Yozgat in spring I968, 5 at Sivri- hisar on 22 Jan. 69 and singles at Qay, Hamam, ^orum and Gordium between May and Sept. (AV et al). E. Turkey; 20 about 58 km. south of Mu^ on 5 Dec. 69 (LJD) . PASSER MOABITICUS (Dead Sea Sparrow) A colony of 10-15 pairs in willow/eucalyptus about 5-10 metres high on an island in the Ceyhan N. , south of the main Adana road in spring 1968(B. Palm). PETRONIA PETRONIA (Rock Sparrow) A fairly common wintering bird in the west, but little evidence of it breeding there. Appears to be well established in the east and south east. Thrace : 2 at the Merig N. on 4 Jan. 69 (RFP) . 172 W. Anatolia; Recorded only in winter: a total of 96 on the Menderes Delta on I6/17 Jan. 69, l40 in grass at the lake edge at Acigol on 21 Jan. , 4 north of Kemer and common at Pamukkale on 30/31 Dec. 69 (FJK, RPP) . S. Coastlands; 10 at 1,600 m. on Demirkazik Dag on 6 May 69 was the only record from the Taurus (RJJ, AV) . One between Bey^ehir and Konya on 26 April 68, up to 20 at Burdur G. 23-25 Dec, 69 and in the Anti-Taurus, a total of 26 in the Pazardren/ Glirlin areas on 22/23 May 69 (LJD, RFP et al). Central Plateau: Small numbers wintered around Ankara, max. W on 16 March 69. 90 at Tuz G. on 25 Jan. and 13 at Qavu^gu on 18 Dec. 69. Small numbers recorded widely in spring and summer south to the Sultandagl area and east to Yozgat and ^ereflye (AV et al). S.E. Turkey: A general sprinkling in the Zap and Yliksekova valleys and up to 2,150 m. around Gdrenta§ in early June (PADH et al) . E. Turkey; A few seen between Malatya and Van in May 69 (largest count 30 between Erci§ and Van G.). 6 at Van Castle on 6 June 69 (PADH). In July 69, 3 pairs (2 with nests in a rock face, 1 in an earth bank) near Agri on 1st, 50 near A§kale on 23rd and 10 with P. domesticus in the town Itself on 24th (AJG). MONTIPRINGILLA NIVALIS (Snowfinch) Locally numerous in the Taurus mountains and the east. S. Coastlands; 2 between Pozanti and Qamardi on 5 May and at least 50 between 1,500 and 2,600 m. on Demirkazik Dag on 6 May 69 (RJJ, AV). 2 on Karanfil Dag on I7/18 Oct. 69 (AB et al ) . Central Plateau: 10 (one collecting nesting material) 15 km. west of Sivas, in the extreme north east of the region, on 9 April 69 (RG et al). S.E. Turkey; A pair at 2,150 m. north of Gdrenta^ on 31 May and 6 pairs between 2,500-3,500 m. west of there on 2 June 69 (PADH et al). E. Turkey: In the Horasan/Tahir areas, 2 prs . on 12 April (RG et a,l), 10 on 24 July and 1 on 24 Aug. 69 (SCM). 26 on a mountain pass between Gtizelsu and Ba^kale on 4 June 69 (RFP) . 4 between Erzurum and Rize on 6 Dec. 69 (LJD, PJK) . 173 I FRINGILLA COELEBS (Chaffinch) A fairly numerous breeder In (mainly) wooded areas. ' Considerable numbers pass over the Bosphorus in autumn, which no doubt accounts for the Increased numbers evident in winter. : Black Sea Coastlands: In Jan. 69 up to 100 were seen on the ! Ye^llirmak and Kizlllrmak deltas and it was described as the ; commonest bird between Adapazari and the mouth of the ! Sakarya N. In June, 2 were heard singing at Qamllca and 4 I were seen at Ballk G. (RFP) . Common in pines up to 2,150 m. j about 60 km. south of Trabzon in July 69 (AJG) and also ! present in coastal scrub near Trabzon and Ke§ap in Aug. (SCM) . At the Qamlica hills, at least 1,950 flew E. between 25 Aug. ' and 13 Oct., incl . I,8l0 from 10-12 Oct. 69 (AB et al) . j Thrace : In Jan. 69, 500 at the mouth of the Me rig N. I 3rd-5th and 80 at Terkos G. on 31st. A single in Istanbul on 29 April (ark). Common in the Belgrade Forest on I7 Sept. 69 ; GKB) and 6 between Eceabat and Edirne on 2l Oct. 68 (GH). W. Anatolia: Recorded widely in a variety of habitat; pine j forest on Uludag, low hills around Izmir and olive groves near j Iznik G. and Erdek, in the breeding season. In Jan. 69 it i was particularly common in low-lying areas at Marmara G. and I on the Buyuk Menderes Delta. Several on Buyiikada in the ' Marmara Sea on 28 April 69 (AV) . S. Coastlands: A few records from the Taurus mountains. ! Otherwise one at Alanya on 26 Sept. 68 (CJB) and common in coastal areas in Jan. 69. Central Plateau: Bred at Klzilcahamam and Beynam. Up to 15 at ^erefiye in April and July 69 and 35 west of Su^ehrf on j 11 April. Up to 40 in winter in the Ankara area (Oct. - Apr.) '' (AV et al). , S.E. Turkey; 3 singing at Qatak on 1 June 69 and 5 I (2 singing) in woods 30 km. south of Yuksekova on 4th (PADH et al) i FRINGILLA MONTIFRINGILLA (Brambllng) li Rather small numbers recorded in western and central areas f. from November to March. No Irruption in either winter I' comparable with that of I966/67. ’i Black Sea Coastlands; In 1969, 3 between Adzpazarl and the I mouth of the Sakarya N. on 29 Jan., a few near Dbrtdivan on .| 15 Nov. and 1 at Balik G. (Kizillrmak Delta) on 9 Dec. (FJK et al) I 174 Thrace ; 15 at the mouth of the Merig N. on 5 Jan. and 3 at Karaburun on 31 Jan./l Feb. 69 (MJH et al). S. Coast lands: 15 in the Taurus mountains north of Silifke on 25 Nov. 69 (LJD, PJK) . Central Plateau; 60 at Emir G. on 7 Jan. 68 was the largest number recorded in the two years. Otherwise up to 10 in the Ankara area from Jan. - Mar. 68 and in Feb. /Mar. 69 (AV). SERINUS PUSILLUS (Red-fronted Serin) Again recorded at known breeding localities in the west and south. Breeding season records from the north east and south east in 1969. One flock at relatively low altitude in the Western Taurus in winter. W. Anatolia; One at 2,300 m. on Uludag on 1 Sept. 68 (ARK). S. Coastlands; 30 from 1,300-1,500 m. between Pozanti and Qamardi (Main Taurus) on 5 May 69 (RJJ, AV) . 50 at Karanfil Dag on 17/18 Oct. 69 (AB et al). A flock of 6l on the north side of Burdur G. on 23 Dec. 69 is the first evidence of move- ment to lower altitudes in winter (LJD, FJK) . S.E. Turkey; 10, obviously paired, in a rocky valley with relict juniper 10 km. south of Gbrenta^ on 1 June 69 (PADH et al). E. Turkey; One in a gorge 15 km. south of A^kale on 23 July 69 and one east of Agri on 24th (AJG). SERINUS SERINUS (Serin) The species was again found to be rather local. No records from the east. Black Sea Coastlands ; Up to 10 at the Qamlica hills in Aug./ Sept, of both years. 2 singing there on 11 June 69 (RFP). 3 at Ballk G. on 10 Jan. 69 was the most easterly record (AV). One east of Gerede on 30 April 68 and one at Abant G. on 1 May 68 (FD, WK) . Thrace ; Seen in Istanbul in April 68 and May 69. W. Anatolia; Small numbers in May and Sept, were well distributed in the Marmara lakes area and south to Izmir and Milas. In Jan. 69, one at Orhangazl, 15 at Marmara G. and 60 in the Miletos area (MJH et al). S. Coastlands: In May 69, 2 at Antalya and 10 between Pozanti and Qamardi (Main Taurus) with S. puslllus (AV). Up 175 to 500 at Karanfil Dag on I7/18 Oct. 69 (AB) and common in the Taurus and along the coast in Dec. 69 (PJK) . Central Plateau: 6 at Emir G. on I5 Jan. 69 and 1 at Mogan G. on 50 March 68. 20 in pines at Kizilcahamam on 7 April and 2 singing there on 8 May 69 (AV). One at Gordium on 11 July (AJG) and 2 at §erefiye on 23 July 69 (SCM). CAPDUELIS CHLORIS (Greenfinch) A rather sparsely distributed breeder in wooded uplands. Flocks appeared at lower altitudes in winter. No records from the east. Black Sea Coastlands; One at Qamllca on 7 Jan. 69 and 2 there in Sept. ^8. At least 200 at Gelemen (Ye§illrmak Delta) on 9 Jan. and 10 at Balik G. on 10 Jan. 69 (AV) . Thrace ; I5 at the Merip N. on 3/^ Jan. and 2 at Terkos G. on 1 Feb. 69 (RFP) . Heard by the Bosphorus at Tarabya on 3 Oct. 68 (AV). W. Anatolia; Singles on the timberline and at 1,350 m. at Uludag and 2 at Iznlk G. in May 69. 4 at Akdag (near Dinar) on 10 Sept. 68. Total of 120 from the Marmara lakes area south to the Buyiik Menderes Delta in Jan. 69; one at Qivril Gdlu on 20 Dec. 69 (ARK et al) . S. Coastlands; 2 between Pozantl and Qamardl (Main Taurus) on 5 May 69 (RJJ) . A total of 30 between Tarsus and Amik G. 3-11 Oct. 68 (ark) and common at Burdur and Sbgtit G. in late Dec. 69 (PJK). Central Plateau; Small numbers around Ankara from Nov. - April, max. flock I50 on 3 Jan. 68. 2 there on 6 July 68 and 2 at Beynam on 10 May 69 (displaying) (AV). Several singing on a hillside at §ereflye on 23 July 69 (SCM) . CARDUELIS SPINUS (Siskin) Only one record, from the north east of the plateau, is suggestive of breeding. Not recorded in the east. Black Sea Coastlands: One north of Adapazarl on 29 Jan. 69 (rFP) . Heard at Qamlica on 26 Sept. 68 and a total of 35 were seen there in autumn 69 (AB et al). A few near Dbrtdivan on 11 Nov. 69, 30 at Abant G. on 30 Nov. 68 and 10 at Balik G. on 11 Dec. 69 (LJD, PJK). 176 Thrace : One at Karaburun on 1 Feb. 69 (MJH) . W. Anatolia; In 1969, a total of 150 in the Marmara lakes area in .Jan., incl . 100 in Dalyan woods (RFP). One at Ephesus on 3 Jan. , 2 flew W. over Buylikada (Marmara Sea) on 28 April (AV), 4 at Uludag on 17 Sept. (AB) and a few W. of Fethiye on 30 Dec. (FJK) . S. Coastlands: A few between Manavgat and Bey^ehir on S Jan. 69 (FJK) . Central Plateau; 2 singing in a forest near Yozgat in spring 68 (OM-Z) . Small numbers wintered around Ankara, max. 35 at Emlr/Mogan G. on 27 Oct. 68. Last seen 24 April in 69, when 2 flew W. (AV) CABDUELIS CARDUELIS (Goldfinch) Fairly widespread in the breeding season. Some movement was noted in spring and autumn and flocks of up to 200 could be seen in winter. Black Sea Coastlands ; Flocks of I50 on the Ye§ilirmak Delta, 100 on the Klzilirmak Delta and 20 north of Adapazarl in Jan. 1969 (AV et al). 35 at Su^ehrl in April 69 (RG et al) and seen in the Bayburt and Trabzon areas in July. A total of only 15 at Qamllca (Bosphorus) in Sept, of both years,. Thrace ; 40 at the Merig N. on 3/4 Jan. and 2 at Terkos G. on 31 Jan. 69 (MJH) . A few east of Tekirdag on 4 May 69. 10 flew S. at Tarabya (Bosphorus) on 5 Oct. 68 (AV). W. Anatolia: Small numbers noted in May and Sept. /Oct. throughout the region. Described as numerous at Pamukkale on 27 April 69 (CFH). In Jan. 69 the largest counts were from the Marmara lakes area, max. 200 at ArapQiftligl (RFP et al) . S. Coastlands; In spring both years a few were recorded on the coast, incl. 30 flying W. at Side from 15-18 April 69. Several in the Main Taurus between Pozanti and Qamardi on 5 May 69 (AV). In autumn 68, 100 at Adana on 24 Sept., 100 at Tarsus 3-5 Oct. and small numbers south east to Amik G. 6-12 Oct. (RFP, ARK). Central Plateau; Small numbers observed widely in spring and summer. Common in winter with counts of I50 at Sivrihisar on 30 Oct. 68, 100 between Polatll and Aya§ on 5 Jan. 69 and 200 at Beynam on 24 Jan. 69 (AV). S.E, Turkey; 2 about 17 km. north of Hakkari on 3 June 69 (PADH). 177 E. Turkey: Seen occasionally between Erzincan and Agri in spring 68 (OM-Z). In spring 69, recorded around Van G. at Edremit, Tatvan and at Varto. I50 at Van G. on 22 Sept. 68. ACANTHIS FLAVIROSTRIS (Twite) One breeding season record from the south east. I Central Plateau; 6 at Emir G. on 4 Feb. 68 showed, as in 1967, the characteristics of the eastern race, A.f. brevi- rostris (AV) . l.near Ye^ilhisar on 18 Jan. 69 (FJK). S.E. Turkey; 2 at 2,900 m. in mountains west of Gdrenta^ on 31 May 69 (RFP). E. Turkey: A total of l4 in the Mu^/Erzurum areas on 6 Dec. 1969 (FJK) . ACANTHIS CANNABINA (Linnet) Breeding was noted in the Ankara area, the south east and in widely separated places in the east. Common in winter in the west. ‘ Black Sea Coastlands: A total of 40 on the Ye^ilirmak and Kizilirmak Deltas 9-11 Jan. 69 (AV) and one north of Adapazari on 29th. One at Abant G. on 5 May 68 and one at Trabzon on 26 Aug. 69. The only records from Qamlica (Bosphorus) were of singles on 1 May 69 and 28 Sept. 69. Thrace : I50 at the Merig- N. on 3/4 Jan. 69. One east of Tekirdag on 4 May 68. A total of 400 flew E. along the coast there on 15 Oct. 68 (ARK et al). W. Anatolia; Flocks noted in Jan. 69 from the Marmara lakes area south to Acigdl, where several hundreds were present. 5 on the lower slopes of Uludag on 2 May and 2 at 1,900 fn- there on 18 May 69. 2 near Blgadig on 28 May 69 and 10 at Akdag (Dinar) on 10 Sept. 68 (ARK et al). S. Coastlands: l4 at Tuzla G. on 28 April 68 (FD, WK) was the only record from the coast. 5 south of Afyon on 13 April and 20 at 2,300 m. on Demirkazik Dag (Main Taurus) on 6 May 69 (AV) . Central Plateau! Breeding season records came from upland areas at Beynam, Sivas, Yozgat, Gbreme and the Sultandagi area. Common in winter throughout the region with largest flocks 1,000 between Polatli and Aya§ on 5 Jan. 69 and 500 at Bumsuz on 7 Jan. 68 (AV) . 178 S.E. Turkey; Total of 20 up to 3,000 m. in the Gbrenta§, Hakkari and Ytiksekova areas 31 May - 4 June 69, several birds paired (PADH et al). E. Turkey; A total of 20 between Erzincan and Kandilli on 10/11 April 69 (RG et al). 2 at Tatvan on 25 May and 2 at Ergek G. on 27 May 69. 10, inel . several pairs, near Agri on 1 July 69 (AJG). RHODOPECHYS SANGUINEA (Crimson-winged Finch) Recorded in the breeding season in the Taurus mo\antains and the east and south east. Winter records, including one large flock on the Central Plateau, suggest that the species is resident . S. Coastlands; (Main Taurus) A pair displaying at 2,000 m. on Demirkazik Dag on 6 May 69 (RJJ, AV) . Central Plateau; 15 at Bumsuz on 7 Jan. 68 and 180 there on 25 Jan. 69 (MJH, ARK, RPP, AV) . Up to 4 at Mogan G. in Peb./Mar. 68 and Jan. /Feb. 69 (AV) . 10 near Sivrihisar on 22 Jan. 69 (MJH, ARK, RFP) . S.E. Turkey; A pair 10 km. west of Viran^ehir on 23 May 69 (bAEM, RPP) . 4 pairs at 2,150 m. north of Gorenta§ on 3I May and 8 pairs from 2,500-3,150 m. west of there on 2 June 69, incl . one with nesting material. 60 in agricultural areas between Gbrenta^ and Ba^kale on 2nd. 3 at Ytiksekova marsh on 3rd; 9 at Hakkari and 12 near Bagkale on 4th (PADH, JJJ, BAEM, RFP). E. Turkey; In I969, 12 at Ergek G. on 27 May, 2 north east of Van G. on 29 May, 2 on a rocky hillside north of Patnos on 1 July, 30 near Arun G. and 70 at Ovakigla on 5 Dec. (PADH, JJJ, BAEM, RFP LD, FJK, AJG). CARPODACUS ERYTHRINUS (Scarlet Rosefinch) There were no records from the known breeding locality in the west. Black Sea Coastlands; Reported as numerous at Abant G. in June of both years (Dr. CK) . Central Plateau: An imm. in the Qankaya suburb of Ankara on 27 Aug. 68 was almost certainly a migrant (ARK, RFP, AV). 179 LOXIA CUHVIROSTRA (Crossbill) Records from the north and north west may relate to breeding birds , Black Sea Coastlands: Several in the Abant valley on 1 May 68 and 50 there on 50 Nov. (AV). 10 at Balik G. on 9 June 69 (RFP) and many in pines at 2,000 m. 60 km. south of Trabzon on 6 July 69 (AJG) . One at Qamlica on 26 Sept. 68 (ARK). W. Anatolia; At Uludag, a flock at 1,400 m. 8-10 May 69, 2 at 1,900 m. on 8 Aug. 68, and 5 on 17 Sept. 69 (ARK et al). 15 in pines south west of Bursa on 6 Oct. 69 (GKB) Central Plateau: 5 flew NW over Ankara on 1 Jan. 68. At Kizilcahamam, 5 on 28 Feb. and 2 on 7 April 69; 1 on 1 Sept, and 10 on 10 Nov. 68 (AV) . PYRRHULA PYRRHULA (Bullfinch) The few records indicate a sparse breeding distribution in mountain forests in the north with some dispersal in winter. Black Sea Coastlands ; One at Abant G. on 1 May and 2 there on 50 Nov. 68 (FD, AV) . W. Anatolia; At Uludag, max. 5 in May and Sept. 2 between Ephesus and Izmir on 5 Jan. 69 (RFP) . Central Plateau; 2 at Kizilcahamam on 5 Jan. 68 and singles in the suburbs of Ankara on I5 and 28 March 68 (AV). COCCOTHRAUSTES COCCOTHRAUSTES (Hawfinch) Very local, recorded in the west with an unusually large number in Thrace in autumn. Black Sea Coastlands: 2 at Qamlica on 50 Jan. (RFP) and 2 on 5 Sept. 69 (AB et al ) . Thrace ; A total of 60 in the Belgrade Forest on 21 Sept. 69 (GKB) . W. Anatolia: 8 in Dalyan woods on 11 Jan. and 1 at Marmara G. on 14 Jan. 69 (RFP). Central Plateau: Singles in Ankara in Jan. /Feb. of both years and on 11 Nov. 68 (AV). l8o EMBERIZA CALANDRA (Corn Bunting) Common -and widespread, except in the Black Sea coastlands. Black Sea Coastlands; Several at Gelemen (Ye§ilirmak Delta) 9-11 Jan. and a single on the Klzilirmak Delta on 8 June 69 were the only records. Thrace ; Observed commonly between Istanbul and Edirne in spring. A roost of C.5OO birds was noted at the mouth of the Merip N. on 9 Jan. 69 (MJH) . W. Anatolia: Noted commonly, particularly in Marmara lakes area, south to Pamukkale. 200 at Marmara G. on l4 Jan. and 20 on the BuyUk Menderes Delta on I9 Jan. 69 (RFP) . S. Coastlands; A single at Burdur G. on 7 Jan. 69. In April 69, common around Antalya and up to 15 at Side. A few in the Anti-Taurus near Pazarbren in late May. Recorded at several localities in the Seyhan lowlands in the autumn of 68 and common along the coast in Nov. /Dec. 69. Central Plateau; Recorded widely, east to Sivas. Winter max. of C.60 in the suburbs of Ankara. Autumn max. of 200 at Mogan G. on I9 Oct. 68. 30 near Kayseri on 3I Dec. 68 (AV). S.E. Turkey; A few around Yiiksekova and Hakkarl in June 69. E. Turkey; In 1969 ^ small numbers in the Elazlg, Bingbl, Mu^ and Van areas in May; 2 singing at 2,150 m. south east of Van, several near Varto and west of Erzurum and 30 near Agkale in July 69 (AJG et al). EMBERIZA CITRINELLA ( Yellowhammer) Recorded only in winter between November and February. Black Sea Coastlands; Small numbers on the Sakarya, Kizll- Irmak and Ye^illrmak Deltas in Jan. and Dec. 69, max. 6 of tinye on 9 Jan. (AV). Thrace ; 25 at the mouth of the Merlg N. on 3 and 5 Jan. 69 (RFP et al ) . W. Anatolia; In Jan. 69, 1 at Ephesus on 3rd, 1 on the Menderes Delta on 4th, 3 at Manyas G. on 13th and 10 at Marmara Gblu on l4th (RFP et al). S. Coastlands: 3 at Burdur G. on I5 Jan. 69 (RFP et al). Central Plateau: In I968, 2 at Mogan G. on 2 Jan., 3 at Emir G. on 4 Feb., 8 (incl. 6 flying S.) at Qankaya (Ankara) on 11 Nov. and 2 flying SW there the following day. 1 west of Kayseri on 31 Dec. 68 and 20 between Qay and Emirdag on 22 Jan. 69 (AV et al). I8l EMBERIZA CIA (Rock Bunting) Fairly widespread. Winter records again indicate movement to lower altitudes, where it was observed in flocks. Black Sea CoastlandsI Recorded Inland from Bayburt in spring 68 and 2 seen near Abant on l/2 May 68 (FD, WK) . Thrace ; One in willow scrub at the mouth of the Me rip N. on 3 Jan. 69 (MJH et al). W. Anatolia: One on the lower slopes of Uludag in May 69 and up to 4 at 1,000 m. south west of Bursa 4/6 Oct. (GKB) . One in the Yamanlar hills in May 69 (CFH). In the extreme south west described as common in fields and on forest margins between E§en and Fethlye on 29 Dec. 69 (LJD, FJK) . S. Coastlands: In the Taurus mountains , 2 between Pozantl and Qamardi on 5 May 69 (AV) and 90 at Karanfil Dag on 17/18 Oct. (AB et al). 20 at Burdur G. on 29 Dec. 69 (LJD) . Central Plateau; One singing in pines at Klzilcahamam on 11 July 68 ( AV) , 9 or 4 pairs on mountain slopes near §ereflye on 10 April 69 (RG et al) and several there in late July (SCM) . 10 in the Sultandagl area on 9 May 69 (AV), where it had not previously been recorded. Small numbers noted regularly in the suburbs and surrounds of Ankara during winter, max. 90 at Emir G. on 15 Jan. 69 (AV). S.E. Turkey; 2 pairs 10 km. south of Gbrenta§ on 1 June 69 and a pair (plus a single male) south of Yuksekova on 4th (PADH et al). One north of Diyarbaklr on 9 Dec. 69 (FJK) . E. Turkey; In I969, 2 about 55 km. east of Horasan on 12 April (RG et al ) , a male in oak scrub at 1,700 m. between Blngbl and Mu§ on 24 May (RFP) and 2 on rocky hill with oak scrub near Tatvan on 2 July (AJG) . EMBERIZA CINERACEA (Cinereous Bunting) Not recorded from the west in either year. S.E. Turkey: 9 (2 singing males) in a rocky valley with oak and juniper scrub south of Gbrenta§ in early June 1969 (PADH,RFP). EMBERIZA HORTULANA (Ortolan Bunting) Bred commonly on the Central Plateau and in the east. Smaller numbers elsewhere, April to October. 182 Black Sea Coastlands; As in I966/67, seen only at the Bosphorus (Q ami lea) where there were 9 on 28 Aug. 68, one the following day and a straggler on 11 Oct. 69 (AB, ARK). Thrace ; One singing near Istanbul on 28 April 69 (ARK) and 2 at Kilyos on 29 April 68 (BB) . W. Anatolia; Small numbers (up to 3 in any one area) recorded widely in spring. The earliest record was of one at Apolyont G. on 17 April 69 (FD, WK) . In Sept. 68, 30 near Bafa G. on 11th and 10 north of Kbyceglz on 12th (ARK) . S . Coastlands ; The only records were; a pair at Korkuteli in May 68 (ATM), 2 between Pozanti and Qamardi on 5 May 69 (AV) and one near Pazarbren (Anti Taurus) on 23 May 69 (RFP) . Not seen on the coast. Central Plateau; Observed commonly aroimd Ankara from May (earliest 3rd in I969) to Aug. Bred in numbers at Beynam, Emir G. and probably north to Qubuk. Max. 60 at Emir G. on 8 July 69 and 40 there on 7 Aug. 2 singles were seen flying south in Aug. 69 (AV). Elsewhere, 25 in the Sultandagi area on 9 May (AV) and one singing at Go re me on 22 May 69 (RFP) . S.E. Turkey; Small numbers up to 2,500 m. in mountains around Gbrentag and 2 near Yuksekova 3I May to 4 June 69 (PADH et al) . E. Turkey; Noted as common on rocky hillsides near Varto and between there and Soylenez in July 69 (many juvs. seen)(AJG). An 1mm. was found dead near A^kale on 23 July 69 (SCM) . 2 at Erzurum on 24 Aug. 68. EMBERIZA BUCHANANI (Grey-necked Bunting) S.E. Turkey; In the mountains west of Gbrenta§ , 25 pairs from 2,500 to 2,800 m. on 3I May 69 and 20 pairs from 2,400 to 2,800 m. in a neighbouring valley on 2 June. Copulation was noted. The bottom 100 m. of this range was shared with E. hortulana. (PADH, BAEM, GJAJ, RFP) . EMBERIZA CAESIA (Cretzschmar’ s Bunting) The few records in Aprll/May covered much the same range as those for the previous two years. W. Anatolia: One on the Buylik Menderes Delta on 21 April 68 and 1 at Acigbl 24 April 68, a pair at Agamemnon on 24 April 69 and 6 at Pamukkale on 27th (WD, CFH, FK) . On 23 May 69, one between Balat and Didima and 10 (some singing) at Yallkova i83 (Bodrum) in mixed scrub on coastal hills (ARK) . S. Coastlands: One at Burdur G. on 24 April 68 (WD, FK) . Central Plateau: 2 near ^ereflikoghisar (Tuz G.) on 29 April 68 (WD, FK) . EMBERIZA CIRLUS (Clrl Bunting) Again reported chiefly from the west but one record from the Taurus mountains. Winter records indicate flocking and local wandering. Black Sea Coastlands: Seen at Qamlica from Aug. to Oct. in both years, max. 12 on 24 Sept. 68 and 5 Oct. 69. Adults carrying food there in June (RFP) . One near Adapazari in spring 68. One at the mouth of the Sakarya N. on 29 Jan. 69. Thrace : Scattered flocks of 50 and 20 at the mouth of the Merlg N. on 3/4 Jan. 69. 6 at Terkos G. on 31 Jan. 69 (MJH et al) . W. Anatolia: Recorded around the Marmara lakes area in spring 69, south to Izmir and Bafa G. Singles at 1,000 m. near Bursa 4/6 Oct. 69. One singing in pines between Mugla and Kbyceglz on 11 Sept. 68 and 3 north of Kemer on 30 Dec. 69. 25 at Marmara G. on l4 Jan. and a total of 22 on the Menderes Deltas 15-19 Jan. 69 (RFP et al). S. Coastlands: One north of Pozanti (Main Taurus) on 12 Oct. 68 (ARK) . EMBERIZA MELANOCEPHALA (Black -headed Bunting) A widespread summer visitor except, apparently, to the Black Sea coastlands . Black Sea Coastlands: One near Trabzon on 26 Aug. 69 was the only record (SCM) . Thrace ; Seen regularly on journeys between Istanbul/Tekirdag/ Edlme from 30 April to 1 June, max. 50 between Edirne and Istanbul on latter date in I969 • W. Anatolia: Noted in May 69 as common in the Marmara lakes area and south to Izmir and Miletos . S. Coastlands: One at Bey^ehlr G. on 26 April 68 (FD, WK) . Several in the Antakya area in early May 69 and one at Iskenderun on 8 Sept. 68 (RSH) . Central Plateau: First seen near Ankara on 1 May 69. Flocks of l4 and 150 were roosting in reeds at Emir G. on 3 May and 184 35 at Balikdami on 4th. Widespread elsewhere May- July. Last seen l8 Aug. 68 (AV). S.E. Turkey: Fairly numerous around Gorenta§ and Yuksekova up to 3,000 m. on 31 May/l June 69. E. Turkey: Reported to be common and widespread from late May to July 69. Records came from Agrl In the north. Van G. In the east and Elazlg and Malatya In the west. EMBERIZA SCHOENICLUS (Reed Bunting) Breeding season records of an eastern large-billed form came from the Black Sea coast and the south east as well as the Central Plateau. Birds showing the characteristics of the nominate race were fairly widespread In winter. Black Sea Coastlands; 4 singing at Ballk G. (Klzlllrmak Delta) on 8 June 69 (BAEM, RFP) . Up to 50 there and 20 on the Ye^lllrmak Delta In Jan. and Dec. 69, all noticeably small- bllled (FJK, AV) . W. Anatolia; In Jan. 69, counts of 5 at Iznlk G., 50 at Apolyont G., 20 at Arapglftllgl , 10 at Manyas G., 20 at Marmara G. and 30 on the Menderes Deltas, all apparently of the nominate race (RFP et al). S. Coastlands: 4 at Aynas swamp and 1 at Akyatan on 27/28 Nov. and noted as common at Slllfke and Adana In Nov. /Dec. 69 (LJD, FJK) . Central Plateau: Breeding records were of 20 (only 2 females) In south west comer of Eber G. on 9/l0 May (ARK) and 3 at Balikdami on 4 May 69 (AV) . All showed the characteristics of one of the eastern large-billed forms. Up to 30 at Mogan and Emir G. from 28 Jan. to 5 April 68, max. 11 there from 13 Oct. 68 to 7 April 69. 6 at Balikdami on 30 Oct. 68, 15 near Kayseri on 31 Dec. and one at Qavu^gu G. on 9 Jan. 69 (AV et al) . S.E. Turkey: A male at Yuksekova marsh on 3 June 69 (PADH). E. Turkey; One west of Horasan on 12 April 69 (RG et al). 185 ERRATUM (1966/1967 Bird Report) The Records and Editorial Committee now consider the following records to be unacceptable: AYTHYA NYROCA (Ferruginous Duck) 5.000 at Manyas G. on 21 Jan. 196? • AYTHYA MARILA (Scaup) 600 at Manyas G. on 21 Jan. 196? • FALCO BIARMICUS (banner) 5 which flew E/SE between 24 July and 21 Aug. 1966 at the Qamlica hills (Bosphorus) 3 at Uludag on 3 July I966 2 at Uludag in July I967 1 pr. at Kuzguncuk Dag (nr. Susurluk) on I5 June 1966 1 at Ogaklar (nr. Erdek) on 8 June 1966 1 at Qesme (nr. Izmir) on I7 June 1966 GALLINULA CHLOROPUS (Moorhen) 10.000 at Burdur G. on 11 Feb. I967. The record of CERCOTRICHAS GALACTOTES (Rufous Bush Chat) from Eastern Turkey should be deleted and replaced by:- S.E. Turkey: 1 at Beykan (SW of Van G.) in July 1966 . The following species recorded as occurring in the Egrigoz Dag/Dursunbey/Emet area (Western Anatolia) in August 1966 were in fact seen in July: JYNX TORQUILLA (Wryneck), DENDROCOPOS MAJOR (Great Spotted Woodpecker), LULLULA ARBOREA (Woodlark), ANTHUS SPINOLETTA (Water Pipit), MOTACILLA CINEREA (Grey Wagtail) and PRUNELLA MODULARIS (Dunnock) . MONTICOLA SAXATILIS (Rock Thrush) was also recorded at Egrigoz Dag in July 1966 and not in I965 as stated. 186 SUmER BIRDS OF KARANFIL DAG RoW.W. Sutton & J.R. Gray This paper contains some of the results of an Expedition to the Taurus Mountains in 1966, the object of which was to study the habits and distribution of the birds on Karanfil Dag. Observations were made from 2 July until l6 August. Specific reference to this area is made in two papers in Ibis, by Danford^, who briefly visited Karanfil and other movintains in the spring of 1951 # and by Kumerloeve5. These references and a three day visit by one of the authors in J'uly I965 were both factors influencing the choice of Karanfil D. as the study area. Our work was restricted to the northwest slope of Karanfil D., a 5,300 M. outlier of the Ala D. group. It is on the border of the wooded-Medlterranean and the arid, treeless-Irano Turanian phyto-geographlcal regions, described by Davis^, and elements of both occurred in the study area. The southern slopes of the Taurus Movintains carry a Mediterranean flora, dividing into vertical zones of maquls up to 330 M. merging into Pinus brutla forest above this, and Pinus nigra forest up to about 1800 M. Yaylas or summer pastures also occur between 1000 and I7OO M. In contrast, the high mountain regions and northern slopes carry a flora largely made up of Irano-Turanlan elements (especially cushion plant commimities of Astragalus and A c ant hoi Imon ) typical of the Anatolian Plateau and mountains further east. The occurrence of many endemic species together with forest containing Abies cillcla, Cedrus llbani and several Jiinlperus species, is a feature pecifLlar to the lower slopes of the Taurus Mountains. The two predominant rocks on Karanfil D. were limestone ahd chert; various other types were interspersed in the chert areas. The limestone was greatly eroded; a deep and complex system of ravines and gorges ran through our area. This contrasted strikingly with the dry, overgrazed and more open chert areas. On the northeast slope the Abies, Cedrus and Juniperus forest was mainly restricted to the limestone areas, though there was one notable area on a chert slope. On the lower parts of our study area, between I5OO and 1900 M. above the village of Solakli, the slope was steep, with Berber is bushes and some Sal lx and Acer among the limestone. This area phased out into the arid, open area at about 2,000 M. Coniferous forest was only found between 1,800 - 2,650 M. and it was sparse and stunted above 2,500 M. The woodland was generally open, rarely closing to form a complete canopy. 188 There were several grassy glades and three yaylas, where Acanthollmon was the most characteristic plant, within the wooded zone. Outcrops were more frequent In this zone and the boundary between the yaylas and the rock was always very distinct. Between 1750 - 2000 M. there was an extensive area of well- watered orchards, with a few scattered trees on the dry edges j less extensive cultivation occurred up to 2,200 M. We had Intended to study the zonation of the birds of Karanfil D. by using a transect up the northwest slope. This proved impossible, as the limestone was so broken that it was very difficult to walk up the slope in a straight line, and, since the area was on the edge of the two phyto-geographical regions described above, there were no belts or zones of vegetation which were properly correlated with the altitude. Therefore, to study the distribution of the birds, especially of the closely related species, and their habits, we used 50 yard square quadrats which we laid out in 21 different places on the northwest slope. Each quadrat was watched for eight hours, five in the morning and three in the evening. Every single bird that visited the quadrats was recorded; habits, behaviour and so on were carefully noted. A few trips were also made to the Korkun valley below Solakll, at about 1300 M. Here, there were dry, semi-cultivated fields, with a small but very eroded valley running down to the main Korkun valley. This was well irrigated and supported a large number of poplars, olive-trees, and fruit orchards with thick grassland undergrowth. The bank of the river was particularly thickly wooded. The river itself was quite broad, rocky and fast running. References are made in this paper to birds seen on our Infrequent journeys between Solakll and Pozanti in 1966, and to birds seen on Karanfil D. and between Solakll and Pozanti by R.W.W.S. in 1965, as well as to earlier papers mentioned elsewhere . i89 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . We would like to thank the following for help and criticism during the preparation of this paper; Dr. David Lack, H. N. Southern, Dr. S.L. Sutton and F.A. Bisby. REFERENCES. I. Buxton, E.J.M. 1950. The Redstart. London: Collins. 2. Danford, C.G. 1877/78. A Contribution to the Ornithology of Asia Minor. Ibis (4) 1:261-274; (4) 2:1-55. 5. Davis, P.H. 1965. Flora of Turkey. Vol 1. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 4. Hollom, P.A.D. 1955. A Fortnight in South Turkey. Ibis 97:1-17. 5(a)Kumerloeve, H. 1962. Zur Kenntnis der avifauna Kleinasiens. Bonner Zoologische Beitrage. 12 Sonderbd. : 1-518. 5(b)Kumerloeve, H. I966. Liste Systematique revisee des especes d' Oiseaux de Turquie . Alauda XXXIV: I65-I86. 6. Peterson, R. , Mountfort, G., Hollom, P.A.D. 1954. A Field Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe. 1st Ed. London: Collins. 190 SYSTEMATIC LIST WITH ECOLOGICAL NOTES WHITE STORK. Ciconia ciconia. 2 were seen drifting eastwards on 3 August. EGYPTIAN VULTURE. Neophron percnopterus . A pair of adults and a Juvenile appeared to be centred on Karanfil D. GRIFFON VULTURE, Gyps fulvus. The commonest large raptor. Up to 5 were seen together. GOLDEN EAGLE. Aqulla chrysaetos. The only Aquila species that was positively identified. At least one pair of adults and some juveniles appeared to be resident . BOOTED EAGLE. Hieraetus pennatus. A pale -phase bird was seen on 31 July hunting over an open hillside north of Karanfil. SPARROW HAWK. Accipiter nisus. Single birds were seen occasionally and there was probably a resident pair in woodland on the northwest slope. BLACK KITE. Milvus migrans. 2 flew east and 7 southeast on 12 August, probably early migrants . HOBBY. Falco subbuteo. Not observed until 2/3 August when singles were seen hunting over a sparsely wooded slope at 2500 M. and over our camp at 2000 M. Another was seen over a different wooded area at 2500 M. on 8 August. PEREGRINE . Falco peregrlnus . Three records of 4 birds in our area, 2 in early July and 1 in August. A pair was also thought to be centred on Kaldi D. 191 KESTREL. Falco tlnnunculus. The commonest falcon. Most records came from below 2650 M. It evidently bred on the mountain, as young birds were seen. The Lesser Kestrel, F. naumanni was not Identified. CASPIAN SNOWCOCK. Tetraogallus casplus. Seen and heard on all four occasions that the summit was climbed, but was very elusive. The first record was on l4 July when one was seen flying off the summit ridge, uttering a loud, descending Pok-pok-pok-pok-pok. The impression gained was of a large, pale bird with white and grey wings. The Turkish guide flushed 4 others together in the same area. On 6 August 2 adults and 2 flightless chicks were seen running away over the rocks in a corrle at about 5000 M. On 8 August several birds were heard calling continuously between 0400-0500 hrs . and intermittently thereafter. Later in the day, a pair of adults was seen at some distance resting on a precipitous crag. One bird gave the impression of being mainly brown with a paler head and neck. The other bird looked greyer. On 15 August a few were heard calling at 0600 hrs. and, later in the day, two were seen for about 20 seconds at 20 M. range feeding on a grassy patch on the summit ridge. The one bird that was seen clearly was grey-brown with a pale throat and breast bordered with a dark colour. Its tail was cocked up between the wings like the tail of a chicken. The best time to see them, in August, was very early in the morning: between 0400-0500 hrs., the crags on the summit echoed with their whistles, but finding them later in the day is a matter of luck, as they are mostly silent. It appeared, from the feathers and droppings found, that the birds go down in July and August as far as the corries at about 5000 M. They appear to feed on grass - the droppings contained fibrous material and we were shown scrapes in greasy patches . We were told that the birds still had eggs in July, and that the eggs hatched out at the beginning of August. The young birds seen on 6 August indicate that this is so. The nests were said to be on inaccessible ledges, and we were told that the birds seen in July were males: the females were incubat- ing. In winter, the birds are said to come down to about 192 2500 M. A variety of calls was heard. Apart from that heard on l4 July we recorded a clear, ascending whistle, and a simple whistle and a bubbling noise very reminiscent of a Curlew, Numenius arquata. Snowcocks are hunted, but we never met anybody who had managed to shoot one while we were there (August was said to be the month in which they were most accessible), and the population was said to be stable. It is unlikely that there are more than 20 birds on Karanfil in the summer but they also occur elsewhere in the Ala Daglari: 2 were seen on the slopes of Kaldi D. at 5150 M. on 4 August. CHUKAR. Alectoris chukar. A common breeding bird below 265O M. ; several broods of young birds were in evidence from the beginning of July, and family parties of up to 20 birds were frequently seen. COMMON SANDPIPER. Tringa hypoleucos. One was seen on the Korkun river on l4 August. ROCK DOVE . Columba livia. The only dove that regularly occurred on Karanfil. I7 were seen near the summit in July, but only a few in August. Some were found roosting in a cave at about I8OO M. on 1 August and elsewhere flocks of up to 50 roamed widely. WOOD PIGEON . Columba palumbus . Two records involving three birds above I5OO M. , evidently wanderers as the species was common in the Korkun valley nearer Pozantl . TURTLE DOVE. Streptopella turtur. Common in the Korkim valley! birds occasionally reached Solakll, but were never seen above this. CUCKOO. Cuculus canorus . One was heard on 2 July and a juvenile, caught locally, was brought to us on 4 August. 195 LITTLE OWL. Athene noctua. This occurred in the Korkun valley nearer Pozanti , but was not recorded from Karanfil D. NIGHTJAR. Caprimulgus europaeus . Quite common in the rocky forest south of our camp up to 2400 M. One regularly came to the pond by the camp to drink in the evening. ALPINE SWIFT. Apus melba. Very common although its breeding area was not discovered. Flocks of up to 100 birds were occasionally seen in the evenings until we left in mid-August. On 31 July 15 flew east over a ridge to the north and it is possible that some migration was taking place. ROLLER . Coraclas garrulus . Occurred in the Korkun valley towards Pozanti . HOOPOE. Upupa epops. Very widely distributed. Pound in the Korkun valley and, in August, on the very summit. It was found in a wide variety of habitat, though nowhere, very common, no m.ore than 4 being seen together. GREEN WOODPECKER. Picus viridls. A pair was occasionally observed in the coniferous areas on the limestone. It was not found in the orchards. SYRIAN WOODPECKER, Dendrocopus syriacus. Common in the orchards of the Korkun valley and probably the species which occasionally occurred in the orchards on the mountain. It was not recorded from coniferous areas. WOOD LARK. Lullula arborea. Many in the fields on the edge of the Korkun valley but un- common between I5OO and 2300 M. in open arid areas of sparse vegetation. Pound generally in small parties of up to 10 birds . 194 SHORE LARK. Eremophila alpestris. Rarely found below 2^00 M. (c.f. the distribution of the Wood Lark, Lullula arborea) or above 2800 M. It was a typical bird of the open, arid hillsides, but not where the ground was very rocky and broken. By the end of July, mixed flocks of adults and juveniles had formed. HOUSE MARTIN. Delichon urblca. 20 were seen over our area at about 2500 M. on 10 August and were presumed to be migrants. CRAG MARTIN. Hirundo rupestris. Common and widely distributed. Evidence of breeding was found in a gorge at l800 M. and was suspected elsewhere. It was common on the summit in July, though less so in August. Up to 10 drank daily from the small pond by the camp. HOODED CROW. Corvus corone sardonias. Three records involving 4 birds in our area. It was common in the Korkun valley nearer Pozanti , and our records were probably of stragglers. JAY. Garrulus glandarlus. Two records of birds in early July on the mountain. CHOUGH . Fyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax/ and ALPINE CHOUGH. Pyrrhocorax graculus. Both species occurred very commonly on the mountain, and were thought to breed in the crags near the siimmit. We were unable to differentiate conclusively the breeding or feeding areas of the two species. Only P . graculus was seen to feed on the northwest slope (on arid hillsides), but most of both species appeared to fly away from Karanfil D. very early in the morning (04.15 hrs.) in a northwesterly direction. Some appeared to return at midday. In 1965, both species were seen over Pozanti. Both species evidently scatter over a very wide area from the cliffs where they seem to breed and roost. GREAT TIT. Parus major. Pound in trees by the Korkun river. 195 COAL TIT. Parus ater. Perhaps the commonest bird of the thicker coniferous forest feeding chiefly In the treetops. SOMBRE TIT. Parus lugubrls. Quite common between 1500 and 2100 M. and not restricted to conifers as was P. ater. We never saw more than 4 together. All the birds we saw had grey backs, not brown as Illustrated In the Field Guide® . KRUPEI^ NUTHATCH. Sltta kriiperl. Hollom^ saw very few In 1951 , and feared that the species might have largely disappeared as a result of felling. This Is not so. On Karanfll, at least, the species Is very common In the coniferous woods and forests, whether dense or thin, but Is restricted to such areas. In the field. It Is a very small nuthatch with a prominent white eyestrlpe under a dark crown and, especially In the males, a conspicuous and sharply-defined chestnut patch on the breast. Its voice Is also distinctive. Calls recorded Include a low Bzzz, a brief Chit, a nasal chattering, a canary-llke Twee with a rising Inflection at the end, and a two-tonal whistle: pairs were often heard whistling In duet. The birds were very tame and were especially active early In the morning. Breeding appeared to have finished by the time we arrived. Though their two habitats are basically different, S . neumayer and S . kriiperl were occasionally seen together, where, for Instance, there were small, scattered trees among jumbled limestone. S. neumayer sometimes perched In trees and bushes, and S . kriiperl was occasionally seen to feed on the ground for brief periods. ROCK NUTHATCH. Sltta neumayer. Ubiquitous In the limestone areas from the Korkun valley (below 1300 M. ) right up to the summit, though It was un- common above 265O M. After breeding had finished at the beginning of July, the birds went around singly or In pairs. In contrast with S. kriiperl this species was restricted to rock faces and the ground for feeding. 196 TREE CREEPER, Certhla famlliaris/brachydactyla. 1 in open woodland at 2100 M. on 9 August. WALL CREEPER, Tichodroma muraria. Common on the summit crags above 2900 M. Our guide said that the birds were still breeding in July, but we failed to locate any nests. All those seen at close quarters appeared to be Juveniles. They moved around singly or in pairs, and permitted very close approach. Birds were still singing in July and August. DIPPER, Cinclus clnclus. Seen on the Korkun river in August. MISTLE THRUSH. Turdus vlscivorus. Probably the commonest thrush. It appeared to roost in the forested areas up to 2600 M. especially in the limestone areas, and it was thought to breed there. Birds often fed on the fruit in the orchards on the mountain, and could be seen flying between the forest and the orchards. They were also occasionally seen feeding on the ground in the arid open areas, but only near limestone outcrops. Parties of up to 12 birds were seen. RING OUZEL . Turdus torqatus. Status uncertain. Two adults were seen in different places among the crags above 3000 M. near the summit in mid-July. A solitary male was present for some time in July in a ravine near our camp at 2000 M. Danford^ indicates that he found the birds breeding in trees or bushes at 3000 M. and it is possible that, after breeding, some birds move up the mountain to the top. BLACKBIRD. Turdus merula. This had a much more restricted habitat on the mountain than it has, say, in England. It was mainly found at the bottoms of ravines and gorges with some cover, where it probably bred. Like T. vlscivorus, some numbers fed on the fruit in the orchards, and the species may have bred there as well. Unlike T. vlscivorus, T. merula was found commonly in the well- vegetated Korkun valley below Solakll . No more than 4 birds seen together. 197 ROCK THRUSH. Monticola saxatilis. Mostly juveniles were seen and these were always solitary. They appeared to occur from 2000-2600 M. in treeless areas where there were some rocks. They appeared to use small rocky outcrops as bases from which to make feeding forays, and were foiand not only on or near rocky outcrops in the arid open areas, but also on the very extensive scree-like limestone slopes between 2500-2900 M. BLUE ROCK THRUSH. Monticola solltarius. We only found three or four widely scattered family groups of up to 4 birds on the northwest slope, all in Identical habitats: very broken and, in most cases, very steep limestone slopes. In August, birds were seen to feed on the berries of Ephedra campylopoda. DISTRIBUTION OF THE LARGER THRUSHES. It is interesting that the ranges of the five large thrushes in our area did not overlap at all , except as regards the feeding of T. viscivorus, T. merula, and possibly T. torquatus, in the orchards. The breeding range of T. torquatus does not seem to overlap with those of the other two species, whether it breeds among the crags at 5000 M, (above the area inhabited by Monticola saxatilis,) or in the limestone areas at 2000 M. The T. torquatus seen at 2000 M. was neither in a ravine (where T. merula occurred), nor in the forest (where T. viscivorus occurred). Our observations indicate, therefore, that T. viscivorus was the forest thrush, T. torquatus was the one found on the highest crags, T. mernala was the thrush of the bushes and trees in the ravines and gorges, Monticola saxatilis was the thrush of the open areas between 2000 M. and 2900 M. , and that M. solltarius had a restricted range, confined to steep limestone slopes where other thrushes were not found. COMMON WHEATEAR. Oenanthe oenanthe. By far the commonest wheatear on the mountain. It was found on any open ground from the Korkun valley up, even if there were trees nearby. It did not seem to breed above 2600 M. , but odd birds were seen near the summit in August. A nest with a young bird was found on 4 July at 2500 M. Observations in one of the quadrats Indicated that the birds tended to use small rocky outcrops as bases for feeding forays. 198 BLACK-EARED WHEATEAR, Oenanthe hispanica. This species confused us. When we arrived at the beginning of July, the males were completely black and white and, lantil the buff feathers came through in August, we suspected the presence of Finsch* s Wheatear, 0. finschii. It was much more restricted in its range than 0 . oenanthe , being found only on stony or rocky slopes with, usually, some trees nearby. It was not foimd above 2150 M. There were some places where both species of wheatear were found virtually side by side in very similar terrain. 0 . oenanthe was found in almost all the places that 0. hispanica was found, and in many others besides. ISABELLINE WHEATEAR. Oenanthe isabellina. One, doubtless a migrant, was caught in a mist-net on the summit on 15 August. WHITE -THROATED ROBIN. Irania guttural is. On 5 July a female was seen feeding on the ground under a Berberis bush at l800 M. on the side of a small valley, at the head of which this species was fleetingly seen in July 1965. Thereafter, only juveniles were seen, as follows', a party of 3 also in and around Berberis bushes, at about 1900 M. at the head of the same valley, on 8 Julyj 2 on 17 July and one on l8th, on the side of a steep-sided, rocky valley containing a number of Berberis bushes near our camp, at about 1950 M; one perched briefly in a tree in the middle of Solakli on 25 July. It was not positively identified after this. In all these cases, save the Solakli record, the birds were foiond below 2000 M. at the bottom or on the sides of small, rocky valleys with plenty of cover. The species was extremely shy and elusive. The only birds seen well in the field were the 5 juveniles of July 8th. While feeding, they cocked their tails up, showing the white patches on the underside of the tail. They were heard to make three noises! a low scraping note, a Churr, and a Whit. The juvenile netted showed, in the hand, traces of the white throat and of the orange on the flanks. REDSTART . Phoenicurus phoenicurus. The sub-species P.p. sammsicus eluded Hollom^ in 1951 j and it is not very common. It was found in areas between 2000- 2500 M. where there were scattered conifers with little undergrowth: the edges of grassy glades in the forest were 199 a typical habitat. The Black Redstart, P, ochru^os, (see below) was much more common and was found in a much greater variety of habitats, including, it seemed, that favoured by P. phoenicurus. p Danford*^ claimed to find both this sub-species and the nominate race side by side, and this has led Buxton^ to suggest that samamisicus is in fact a separate species. An observation of ours which may shed some light on this i question was that the males showed a very considerable I variation in plumage. The first male seen had very bright ' white wing-patches but a virtually black back, much darker I than that of P.p. phoenicurus. Others had grey backs, or virtually no visible wing-patches at all, and some appeared ! almost indistinguishable from the nominate race. It is i therefore possible that the two forms are not found side by ; side and that P.p. samamisicus is simply a sub-species with ' a considerable plumage variation. 1 Birds were seen on two occasions in August in the trees by the Korkun river below Solakli - a completely different habitat from that on the mountain. ' BLACK REDSTART. Phoenicurus ochruros. Very common in the limestone areas above 2000 M. especially I in the more open coniferous forests. Odd birds occurred right up to the summit. The latest evidence of breeding was on 15 July when females were seen carrying food. (See above for comparison with P. phoenicurus. ) ’ CETTI' S WARBLER. Cettia cetti. ! A pair was seen in \mder growth on the very edge of the Korkun river on two occasions in August. ' OLIVACEOUS WARBLER. Hlppolais pallida. i Very common in the trees by the Korkun river in mid-August. j BLACKCAP. Sylvia atricapilla. i There were a few birds present in the trees by the Korkun j river in mid-August. I ORPHEAN WARBLER. Sylvia hortensis. I , We have only four records, involving one male, a pair and party I of 4 birds. All were seen among bushes in the limestone area ; below 2000 M. I 200 LESSER WHITETHROAT . Sylvia curruca. Quite common in the forested areas on the limestone where there was some undergrowth. It was not found much above 2500 M. WILLOW WAFBLER. Phylloscopus trochllus. Numerous in the forested areas from 7 August onwards, presumably on passage. The bright plumage suggests the predominance of the race P. t. acredula. Birds were also seen in August in trees by the Korkun river. GOLDCREST . Regulus regulus . We had only a few positive records of this species from the forested area: although it was thought to be quite common. We did not identify R. ignicaplllus although it was recorded by Danford^. SPOTTED FLYCATCHER. Musclcapa striata. Singles on 11 and l4 August in glades near one of the Yaylas at 2000 M. were almost certainly migrants. COLLARED FLYCATCHER. Musclcapa alblcollis. One seen by the Korkun river on l4 August was thought to be a migrant . ALPINE ACCENTOR. Prunella collarls. Observed on the scree and crags above 3000 M. near the summit. All the birds seen closely appeared to be juveniles. A loose flock of up to 20 birds was seen on 13 August. TAWNY PIPIT . Anthus campestris. A bird of the open coimtry, and one of the typical, if less common, birds of the arid, open areas, mainly between 2000 - 2500 M. though it was also seen in the fields on the edge of the Korkun valley along with Wood Larks, Lullula arborea. Young were evidently in the nest in July but, from the beginning of August, parties of up to 25 Juveniles were seen. GREY WAGTAIL. Motacilla cinerea. Seen by the Korkun river in mid-August, where it may be resident. 201 YELLOW WAGTAIL. Motacllla flava. Two, thought to be migrants, were seen at about 2^00 M. on 10 August. The race was not determined. LESSER GREY SHRIKE. Lanlus minor. An adult In the Korkun valley on 10 July 1965j the species was not seen In the Taurus In I966. MASKED SHRIKE. Lanlus nublcus. Quite common In one area of lightly wooded country, at about 2000 M. between the open Yaylas and the thick coniferous forest. Apparently similar and suitable habitat a mile or two to the north did not support this species. Young birds appeared In August. After they had fledged, the birds either left the area or became very much more elusive. Adults tended to keep to the tops of the trees. Males were seen In light coniferous forest 8 km. from Pozantl at about 8OO M. and. In 1965, a male was seen In an overgrown orchard on the outskirts of Pozantl. RED-BACKED SHRIKE. Lanlus collurlo. This was perhaps the most characteristic bird of the areas of human cultivation, being very common In orchards of any type or size from the Korkun upwards. It was not found In the area Inhabited by L. nublcus although the juveniles tended to wander well outside their normal breeding areas towards less sheltered parts. Young birds were still being fed by their parents In August. GREENFINCH. Carduells chi oris. The main breeding area seemed to be the coniferous forest from 2250 - 2550 M. though It was common throughout the whole forest area. It was rarely found In areas devoid of trees. One Interesting observation concerned a solitary juniper at 2500 M. on the barren, rocky slope below the summit. In the space of five hours on the morning of 9 August 53 birds, both adults and juveniles, visited It and rested for up to 25 minutes each before flying on. The tree seemed to be acting as a focal point from which the birds dispersed. 202 GOLDFINCH, Carduelis carduelis. Widely distributed from Solakll up to 2500 M. wherever there was cove-r of any sort, being commonest in the trees on the waste edges of the orchards. It was one of the commonest birds in the orchards of the Korkun valley. LINNET. Acanthls cannabina. One of the commonest birds everywhere, except the dense forest, ranging from the orchards of the Korkun valley right up, in August at least, to the summit. Unlike some of the other Carduellnae, it was often seen feeding in the open cushion plant community areas. SERIN. Serinus serinus. This species seemed, in July, to be mainly centred on the orchards and the lightly forested areas, though some birds were seen in bushy country. It was nowhere very common. Our records indicate that the birds tended to scatter away from breeding places at the end of July. Large numbers were seen feeding in the orchards of the Korkun valley in August. RED-PRONTED SERIN. Serinus pusillus. Probably the commonest bird on the momtaln. In July, birds were seen in any sort of country from l800 - 3000 M. and wex ^ especially common in the ravines and in the associated Berberis and Juniperus. Our records indicate that, like S. serinus, this species wandered further afield in August: 10 juveniles were seen or caught on the summit on 12 August, not having been seen there in July, and there were many birds in the orchards of the Korkun valley in August, which, according to Hollom^ and Danford^, does not seem to be within the breeding area of the species. Like Acanthis cannabina, this species was frequently seen feeding in the open arid areas in both July and August, some distance from any cover in which they could have bred. On l4 July the display flight of a male was witnessed; the song consisted of a rapid jingle, reminiscent of S. serinus but quicker and higher-pitched, uttered while the bird flew with outstretched wings onto a rock. On alighting, the crown feathers were raised, showing off the brilliant scarlet patch to good advantage. The two serins are another example of closely-related pairs apparently existing side by side, one being much commoner than 203 I the other I thus S. puslllus was found in l5 quadrats, I S. serinus in 3, the 3 being included in the 15. i Observations in one of the quadrats, in which both species of serin occurred together, enabled us to make certain behavioural comparisons. S. pusillus seemed to be quicker in its actions than S. serinus. Thus the latter tended to stay in one place for up to 20 minutes, whereas the former only fed in one place for brief periods. In this quadrat, in five hours on the morning of 11 July, Jk S. pusillus visited the quadrat^ 51 stayed for less than a minute and ' none stayed for more than five minutes. In the same period, l4 S. serinus paid a visit, five of them staying for over ten minutes each and two for twenty. These figures may also give some indication of the relative abundance of the two species. S. pusillus was seen to feed on plants rather in the manner of Carduelis carduelis, by clinging onto the ; stalk and pecking at the seed heads. CIIEMS ON -WINGED FINCH. Rhodopechys sanguinea. j ' Our observations do not really Indicate the status of this species on Karanfil D. , though it probably breeds there. On 8 July 1965^ about 12 were seen in a shallow but steep, rocky valley with Berberis bushes at about 1750 M. Odd birds were seen in the same area in early July I966. Up to 5 were then seen around the ravines and slopes a little above our camp at about 2050 M. They then disappeared, but were observed on the siimmit (from which they were absent in July) on 8 August. Parties of up to 7 birds were seen on our other visits to the summit in August. This suggests a gradual movement up the mountain as it seems unlikely that the birds breed on the bare summit. Both adults and juveniles were seen. I In the field, this bird is large and noisy, the rose and white wings being the most conspicuous feature. It was able to cling onto vertical rocks with ease. i CHAFFINCH. Fringilla coelebs. I This species did not occur outside the limits of the coniferous forest, where it was not very common. I BLACK-HEADED BUNTING. Emberiza melanocephala. I Two or three pairs were to be found up to I9OO M. in early July in the bushes and small trees around the shallow but steep i' valley above Solakli. I 204 ORTOLAN BUNTING, Emberlza hortulana. This species had a wide distribution from Solakll up to about 2500 M. and occurred chiefly in the more open arid areas, where it used a small rocky outcrop as a basis for feeding forays (c.f. Oenanthe oenanthe and Monticola saxatllis abovey] Cretzschmar *s Bunting, Emberlza caesia, was not recorded. See also below under E. cia. ROCK BUNTING. Emberlza cia. This was a common bird which occurred mainly on limestone slopes with plenty of trees. It seems that, for breeding purposes, E. cia inhabits rocky woodland and E. hortulana more open areas, often being found far from any tree. However, in August, after breeding had finished, a male E. hortulana was trapped in the middle of woodland in which E. cia was usually the sole bunting, and conversely, E. cia was seen in an arid wadi where E. hortulana was usually present, indicating that the two species moved into each others habitats in August. HOUSE SPARROW, Passer domesticus. This was only found in the houses in the village of Solakll . It was not present around the rudimentary stone shelters at higher altitudes. SNOW FINCH. Montifringllla nivalis. In early July, birds were seen at 2500 M. on the ridge north of Karanfil and, on l4 July, there were some numbers with young birds still being fed on the ground at about 265O M. on the slopes below the summit. All birds had left the ridge by the end of July. There is evidence that they went up to the summit for, on l4 July, a flock of 100 was seen at 5300 M. and by 12 August it had increased in size to about 150 birds. The species was also seen high on Kaldl D. 205 ROCK SPARROW, Petronia petronia. A fairly widespread species, being recorded in suitable localities (usually ravines) from l800 - 2600 M. Nests were still occupied in July. After breeding had finished, small flocks were seen feeding in long grass and thistles in a small orchard. R. W. W. SUTTON I, Rose Lane, Oxf ord . J. R. Gray, Trolver, Burton^ s Way, Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks . 206 Les Oiseaux du Proche et du Moyen Orient. By F. Hue and R.D. Etchecopar. 9^8 pages. Illustrated by Paul Barruel, 30 plates In colour, 2 half-tones, 356 text drawings. 429 distribution maps, 2 folding maps. Indices to scientific, french german and english names. Price Frs. 220 (about £1?). For the first time those interested in the birds of Turkey, and the other countries included within the authors definition of the Near and Middle East (Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Iran and Afghanistan) have a book - a magnificent book - to meet their needs. It is a companion volume to The Birds of North Africa, by the same two authors, with sections on description field Identification, behaviour, breeding (where relevant) and distribution, for each of the 615 species dealt with in the work> the breeding range within the area is mapped for 429 species; 30 plates Illustrate nearly 3OO species in colour, and the bulk of the remainder are figured by black and white drawings in the text. Barruel' s plates are as elegant as in the earlier book, but the colour reproduction is better here as can be seen by comparing one or two plates which have been Included in both books, those in the earlier work appearing rather washed-out. Most of the plates, however, have been specially prepared for this book and have rightly been reserved mainly for illustration of non-European species breeding within the area, many of which are, I suspect, now shown almost for the first time. Where else could one find paintings of Himalayan, Rufous -breasted. Black-throated, Brown and Raddes Accentors - to name but one genus? Within the general policy of providing coloured illustrations of the species which occur only or mainly in the area covered by the book or which have rarely been painted previously, some common birds have also been Included in the plates where confusion with rather similar middle- eastern species might otherwise occur; for example Green Woodpecker is shown alongside Scaly-bellled Green Woodpecker, I Common Wheatear with twelve other wheatears. House Sparrow with i seven Asiatic sparrows, European Great Tit and a pale, eastern race of Grefet Tit, appear beside the Turkestan Tit which overlaps i the range of and closely resembles the eastern form of Great Tit. ! The selectidn of birds for inclusion in the plates has been very thoughtfully and helpfully made. It was a bold and generous decision to extend the coverage of the book to Afghanistan. A large proportion of that country is desert or semi-desert like so ■ much of the Middle East, but the northeast finger of Afghanistan thrusts past the Pamirs to touch the frontier of China, and this , Himalayan part of the country, rising above 20,000 feet, has added' about a hundred species to the book. The resulting Increase in its bulk, and the considerable cost of illustrating in colour so many birds so seldom seen by any ornithologist, is clearly reflected in the price of the book and , 207 cannot fail to reduce demand for it. Despite this and the difficulties which must have arisen in assembling information on these remote species, the country was included in recog- nition of the fact that works dealing with all other neighbouring territories have omitted it, and a book of similar calibre devoted to Afghanistan alone would never in the foreseeable future be a viable proposition in the eyes of a publisher. Whereas the state of knowledge of distribution in Afghanistan may well remain relatively static for a number of years, the situation in Turkey is very different, thanks largely to the activities of the members of our society. Every year new advances in knowledge are being made there not only in small details within a known range, but in the extent of the range Itself of a number of species, and this seems likely to continue for some years to come. So, inevitably, any set of maps of breeding ranges in Asia Minor will be partially out of date before it can be published. This applies particularly in the present case where the bibliography was closed (with few exceptions) at ^Ist December I968; our Society's report for 1966 and 1967 was published in I969 and so many of the discover- ies of the past five breeding seasons (1966 - 1970) have unfortunately been excluded. But this hardly detracts from the general usefulness of the maps; it helps to remind us that although they are prepared according to the best of the knowledge and belief of the authors, they are of necessity sometimes based on sketchy and occasionally outdated observa- tions. They form a valuable base line against which everyone can start assessment df the importance of his breeding records anywhere in the middle east area, and the not Infrequent use of question marks on the maps draws attention to areas where research might be most rewarding. Negative information, too, should be checked against the maps as more detailed knowledge will make future refinements possible; in Turkey for example, although Red-fronted Serin, Robin, Grey Wagtail and Black- bellied Sandgrouse are shown as breeding almost everywhere, there are undoubtedly substantial parts of the country where some of them do not do so. Under the circumstances, however, the maps could not easily have been bettered and will stimulate the acquisition of more information on distribution. The french text averages about a page per species, and is supported by keys to simplify recognition. It is full of Information helpful to the field ornithologist on identification, and the separation of similar species, not only by differences in plumage and bare parts but often by characteristics of behaviour and habitat. The paragraph on nesting gives details of nest and nest-site, eggs and clutch size, and in most cases the breeding season. 208 The distribution section amplifies the information contained in the maps; it gives the areas within the orbit of the book where the spegies occur on passage or outside the breeding season, as well as winter quarters of birds which are purely summer visitors. It also lists the races found within the region, and indicates their ranges in and out of the breeding season. No doubt other books will be written on the birds of this area, and as they become better known some field characters and distribution details will be amplified, but it seems inconceiv- able that another book could provide a greater advance than this for the field ornithologist. It is expensive, but one is getting a great deal for ones money. Anyone who visits Turkey or the Middle East without this book will wish he had it with him. (P.A.D.H.) Printed in Great Britain By Photolithography Unwin Brothers Limited Woking and London