THE ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF TURKEY BIRD REPORT 1974-1975 Published June 1978 Price £4.00 1 BIRD REPORT NO. 4 1974 - 1975 Published in June 1978 by the Records and Editorial Committee Ornithological Society of Turkey (Foreign Section) M. Beaman (Editor) Officers of the Foreign Section (As at April 1977) Vice -Presidents Council Sir Hugh Elliot R. D. Etchecopar M. Beaman J. c. Beaudoin P. Clement L. J. Dijks en M.. C. Harrison F. J. Koning S. C. Madge Er. L. Hoffman G. Muller R. F. Porter M. C. Robinson C. D. W. Savage S. S<^gard W. H. N. Wilkinson Address: O.S.T. c/o The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire, England. Cover illustration by Ian Willis Copyright 1978 by the Ornithological Society of Turkey 2 CONTENTS PaBe Foreword by William Wilkinson 3 Editorial 5 Introduction to the Systematic List 7 Systematic List for 1974-1975 12 Addenda and Corrigenda to the Reports for 1966-1973 210 3 FOREWORD Ave atque vale. I welcome the publication by the Ornithological Society of Turkey of their fourth Bird Report, and at the same time announce that it will be the last in its present form. At its Annual General Meeting held on 27th April 1978, the Society unanimously decided to enlarge its objectives to cover ornithological developments throughout the Middle East and accordingly to change its name to The Ornithological Society of the Middle East. The scope and type, therefore, of the Society's future publications will reflect this change. First of all let me say that this does not mean that the Society is losing its interest in Turkey. This gorgeous country with its varied habitats and bird life will always remain of great importance to us and high in our affections. Much however has changed since the Society was formed at a technical conference on wetlands sponsored by the I. U. C. N. , I. C. B. P. and the I. W. R. B. held in Ankara in October, 1967, and announced to the assembled delegates as one of the fruits of their deliberations. During the subsequent eleven years the Society has pub- lished four Bird Reports, a check-list, and a regular flow of news- letters. This systematic compiling and editing of ornithological information has contributed greatly to knowledge of the area. During this time we have particularly to thank Richard Porter who has been tireless throughout, Alan Vittery, who until diplomatic duties trans - ferred him to other climes was indefatigable, and Mark Beaman, who in recent years has shouldered so much of the editorial burden. Ian Willis, too, is to be thanked for his illustrations which have given our publications added distinction. I too should like to thank our Turkish colleagues , Zekai Bayer and Hasan Asmaz , who have supported the Society with their friendship and advice, Tansu Gurpinar, who in early days came to Britain on a visit sponsored by the Society, to study conservation methods and practices, and perhaps most of all Belkis and Salih Acar. Their vision and tireless 4 energy have been devoted to bringing knowledge and appreciation of wildlife and the need to protect it to their countrymen. Despite the change of name and enlargement of activities they will all re- main our friends and we look forward to continuing our work with them in the years ahead. Finally in the reconstituted Society I should like to make it clear that we welcome members from all countries, both within the Middle East and outside it. Inevitably because the greater part of its members have been British, the Council too has been largely British, and this has had the advantage of administrative convenience. Nevertheless, we have had a number of friends from many countries of Europe, principally France, West Germany, Holland and Denmark, who have greatly helped the Society. We are seeking, therefore, as far as possible to achieve an international approach to a subject of wide international interest. The challenge is great but absorbing, and The Ornithological Society of the Middle East will do all it can to promote knowledge and interest in birds and ornithology in general throughout the whole of this large and fascinating area. W. H. N. Wilkinson June, 1978 5 EDITORIAL The fourth Bird Report of The Ornithological Society of Turkey represents the last chapter in a decade of ornithological developments which have seen our knowledge of the country pro- foundly transformed. Although it will be the last Bird Report in its present form the new publications of 'The Ornithological Society of the Middle East' will still include a considerable Turkish component, for Turkey remains one of the most fre- quently visited countries in the region. Before passing on to a consideration of the geographical area to be covered by the new Society and its publications, I should like to thank the many observers who contributed records to this latest Bird Report and in particular Richard Porter, who shouldered the burden of acting as Recorder, and Paul Fisher, who tirelessly assisted in searching the last Bird Report for corrigenda (and even a few corrigenda of corrigenda! ). In determining the geographic area to be covered by the new Society, Council have been intentionally vague, since it is felt that political boundaries are often of little significance to birds. Never- theless it is possible to give a general description of the area as ex- tending from Turkey and Libya in the west to Afghanistan and Pakistan in the east and from the Black Sea and Caspian Sea in the north to the Sudan, Ethiopia and the Arabian peninsula in the south, although it will be editorial policy to consider material from neigh- bouring areas where this is considered relevant or where oppor- tunities for publication elsewhere are limited. It is the intention of Council that the new Society shall publish an annual journal, to be known as 'The Sandgrouse', consisting largely of papers and short notes dealing with all aspects of ornith- ology (including conservation) in our area. It is not intended that there will be annual 'systematic lists' from each country or region although papers dealing with summarized changes of status or new observations will be welcomed. Instead supplementary issues of The Sandgrouse will be published from time to time containing up to 6 date checklists for particular countries or regions. I very much hope that the new journal will provide a welcome outlet for infor- mation from this as yet largely under -studied area and a stimulus to new ornithological studies. Mark Beaman June, 1978 7 INTRODUCTION TO THE SYSTEMATIC LIST F ormat The systematic list consists of entries for each species for which records were submitted for 1974-1975. Under each species entry the introductory paragraph summarizes the status of the species as known from all the published records in the Society's Bird Reports for 1 966 -1967, 1 968-1969, 1 970-1973 and 1974-1975 (taking the rest of the literature into account). This is followed by the summary of 1 974 -1975 records, which is designed to be read in conjunction with the 1970-1 973 Bird Report, since many of the statements made are based on the status and records given in that report. Geography Records are listed or summarized by geographic region following the boundaries adopted in the last (i. e. 1970-1973) Bird Report (themselves almost unchanged from previous reports). The approximate boundaries of the regions can be seen on the map in the present report, but full details are to be found in the last Bird Report. The seven regions are titled as follows: I - Black Sea Coastlands, II - Thrace, III - Western Anatolia, IV - Southern Coastlands, V - Central Plateau, VI - South-East Turkey, VII - Eastern Turkey. Abbreviations and terms used in the text The following abbreviations are used for the regions: B . S. C. for Black Sea Coastlands , T. for Thrace , W. A. or W. Anatolia for Western Anatolia , S.C. or S. C oastlands for Southern Coastlands , C. P. or C. Plateau for Central Plateau, S. E. T. or S. E. Turkey for South-East Turkey and E. T. or E. Turkey for Eastern Turkey. The cardinal points of the compass are represented by N, S, E, W or combinations thereof. e 9 too 4© 50 °/o 9 Other abbreviations found in the text are: B. = Buylik (Large, Great, Big) K. = Kuqiik (Small, Lesser, Little) G. = Gol or Golu (Lake) N. = Nehir or Nehri (River) C . = (^ay or C^ayi (River, but generally smaller , tributaries) D. = Dag or Dagi (Mountain) c = circa, approximately For greater clarity numbers of 1,000 or more are shown without the use of commas. Certain terms have been used to describe particular areas: 'The western two-thirds of the country' is a rather imprecise term which has proved useful in describing the winter range of many species; it refers to the whole country west of a line from about Unye to Gaziantep. 'The eastern third of the country' similarly describes the area to the east of this line. 'The Marmara Lakes area' describes the low-lying part of Western Anatolia immediately south of the Sea of Marmara, extending from the vicinity of Gonen eastwards through Manyas Golu and Apolyont Golu to Iznik Golu (including the smaller wetlands in the area). 'The western lakes' and 'the south-western lakes' describe, according to context, the mountain lakes of the west Taurus, which extend from Sugla Golu in the east to Karamik Golu, Burdur Golu, Saida Golu and Karagol etc. in the west. To provide a very general guideline to the abundance of species the terms 'small', 'moderate', 'considerable', 'large', 'very large', 'huge' or 'enormous' numbers have been used. The term 'small numbers' refers to reports of 1-14 individuals, 'moder- ate numbers' to 15-99 individuals and the other terms to records of 100 or more individuals (in which case details are generally given). To preclude confusion over the year in which any record falls, the following rule is observed when a series of records are listed: all records in which the year is not shown refer to the year subsequently appearing in the series. Thus the record "1 near Serik 22 May" in the series "1 near Adana 11 April 72, 1 near Serik 22 May and 1 S of Burdur 13 Aug 73" refers to 1 97 3. 10 Accentation For production reasons it has regrettably been necessary to omit accents from the spelling of Turkish place names. We apologise for any frustration this may cause to Turkish readers. Coverage Coverage declined slightly in 1974-1975 compared with 1970-1973, largely due to the cessation of the regular I. W. R. B . winter wildfowl counts. As usual coverage was best in the north- west, although there were gaps in Thrace and elsewhere. As usual coverage was poor in the South-East, although better than in any previous year, and also the central Black Sea Coastlands and the western part of Eastern Turkey. Weather The winter of 1973/74 was of average severity in the interior, but no data for the winter of 1974/75 is available. Contributors to the Systematic List for 1974-1975 B. Armstrong 75 J. L. D. Cramb D. K. Ballance 75 S. Cramp C. Bangham 74 Dansk Ornitholog M. T. Barnes 74 F or enings M. J. Bayliss 74 L. J. Dijksen M. Beaman 74 G. M. S. Easy A. van den Berg 75 M. van Eerden T. Boyer 75 T. Ennis (=TE) P. Bray 75 T. Evald (= TEv) K. B reek 75 D. J. Fisher C. J. Burk 75 W. F endr ich L. A. Burk 75 L. F rank P. J. Carlton 75 H. Gelderblom R. H. Casson 74 J. Gre gory P. Clement 74 C. A. Harbard 75 75 75 74 74 74 74 75 74 74 74 75 75 74 11 M. J. Helps 74 C. F. Pedersen 75 C. F. Helyer 75 Peregrine Travel 75 M. Heubeck (=MHe) 74-75 D. J. Pitman 74 J. Higgins 75 R. F. Porter 75 H. Hopkins 75 C. Reynders 75 M. Hopkins (=MH) 75 N. R. Rogers 75 M. J. Ingram 74-75 M. H. Rowntree 74-75 P. Jacobsen 75 F. G. Rozendaal 75 M. C. Jennings 74 Mrs. R. Shepherd 74 A. R. Kits on 75 P. Siitonen 75 F. J. Koning 74 P. W. Strachan 75 L. A. Laidler 75 L. Svens son 75 R. J. Laidler 75 D. Sykes 75 L. Laine 75 D. R. Talbot 74 S. Lithner 75 J. R. Taylor 74-75 R. Lohmer 74 P. Thomsen 75 R. R. Lovegrove 75 F. Tralle Jacobsen 74 S. C. Madge 74 Town & Gown Travel 74 R. K. Martin 75 K. Vepsalainen 75 L. Matt he 74 T. A. W. Walsh 74 R. P. McKearney 75 J. Ward 75 K. Mikkola 75 K. Warncke 74-75 T. B. Mitford 74 H. F. Whittall 74 C. C. Moore 75 P. E. O. Williams 74 A. R. Mountford 74 I. R. Willis 75 D. M. Norman 74 C. Winn 75 L. Parkin 75 H. Wohlmuth 75 D. Parr 74 A. F. von Ziegesar 74-75 12 SYSTEMATIC LIST FOR 1974-1975 GAVIA ARCTICA (BLACK -THROATED DIVER) Widespread and common winter visitor along the Black Sea coast, with smaller numbers in the Sea of Marmara. Has been recorded inland in the south-west. Black Sea Coastlands: Some between Trabzon and Tirebolu 14 Feb and some between Ordu and Terme 15 Feb 74. Thrace: 21 in the Tekirdag area 8 Oct 74. TACHYBAPTUS RUFICOLLIS (LITTLE GREBE) Widespread and fairly common resident in wetlands throughout the country; more numerous on passage and in winter, mainly in the western two -thirds , when it also occurs in coastal waters. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but lower maximum counts of c60 at Sapanca G. (B.S. C. ) 13 March, with 227 at K. Cekmece and 87 at B. Cekmece(T. ) 4 March 74. Breeding records included a pair with 2 fully grown young at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) 10 June 75, a family party near Soke (W.A.) 27 May 75 and an adult with unfledged young at Bendimahi, Van G. (E. T. ) 6 Aug 74. PODICEPS NIGRICOLLIS (B LACK -NECKED GREBE) Rather local resident in considerable numbers in marshy wetlands on the Central Plateau, in adjacent parts of the S. Coastlands and in the East. Widespread and common on passage and in winter throughout the country, with especially large concentrations in the south-west. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but with much lower maximum counts of 90 at B. Cekmece (T. ) 4 March, 1769 at Burdur G. 25 Feb and cl 300 there 27 Sept 74, with cl 00 at Karamik G. (S. C. ) 2 June 75 , ■ 300 -400 at Kulu G. (C. P. ) 21 Sept 75, 570+ at Ercek G. 7 Aug, 90 at a marsh near Gevas, Van G. 8 Aug and 120 between Van and Tatvan (E. T. ) 2 Oct 74, 13 Outside the B.S.C. the only offshore records were 12 off Istanbul 13 March and 4 off Tekirdag (T. ) 8 Oct, with 4 off Alanya (S. C. ) 6 Oct 74. On the C. P. also recorded in the breeding season in small numbers in the wetlands near Yarma. Apart from records from areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 in E. T. there were 2 on reservoirs near Karakocan on 1 1 Aug 74. Present in the Van G. and Ercek G. areas (E. T. ) until early Oct. S, E. Turkey: 4 at Hazar G. 11 Aug 74. PODICEPS GRISEGENA (RED-NECKED GREBE) Status uncertain; apparently a rather local and generally un- common summer visitor to marshy wetlands on the Central Plateau and in the East, perhaps also in adjacent parts of the S. Coastlands or elsewhere (but no evidence of breeding in these areas during the period under consideration). More widespread across the country on passage. Occasionally recorded in winter. Thrace: 1 E of Kilyos 15 April 74. W. Anatolia: 2+ at Iznik G. 25-26 July 75. C , Plateau: 2 at Cavuscu G. 22-23 May, 1 at Hotamis G. 22 Sept 74, 1 at Eber G. 25 May, 1 at Mogan G. 8 Aug and 1 there 20 Aug 75. E. Turkey: 3 adults in suitable breeding habitat at Fahril G. (near Ardahan) 3 July 74. 1 adult with unfledged young at Bendimahi, Van G. 5 Aug 74 and 1 there 9 June 75. 16 at Van 1 Oct 74. PODICEPS CRISTATUS (GREAT CRESTED GREBE) Fairly widespread and common resident in wetlands in all regions except perhaps Thrace and the South East, being especially common on the Central Plateau. Widespread on passage and in winter in even larger numbers in wetlands and in coastal areas throughout the country. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but 14 much lower maximum counts outside breeding season of 880 at K. Cekmece and 229 at B.Cekmece 4 March, c500 off Istanbul (T. ) 1 3 March, 265 at the B. Menderes Delta (W. A. ) 28 Feb and c 300 at Burdur G. (S. C. ) 26-27 Sept 74. Outside the B . S . C . the only offshore record was the one off Istanbul detailed above. In the S. C. away from areas where also breeding or regularly recorded in suitable breeding habitat in 1970-1973 there was a breeding season record of 1 at a marsh S of Bucak 11 May 74. In E. T. the only record away from areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 was 1 on reservoirs near Karakocan 11 Aug 74 and 1 at Horasan 24 May 75. Breeding records included 10 adults with young at Yenicaga G. (B.S.C. ) 23 July 74, at least 1 adult with 2 juvs. at Manyas G. (W. A. ) 11 June 75, up to 1 5 birds with young at Emir G. 21 Aug and 2 family groups at Mogan G. (C. P. ) 21 Sept 74, with a pair with young at Van (E. T. ) 8 June 75. S, E. Turkey: 50 at Hazar G. 12 Aug 74. CALO NECTRIS DIOMEDIA (CORY'S SHEARWATER) Status uncertain; apparently a fairly widespread and locally not uncommon summer visitor to the Mediterranean, Aegean and Marmara coasts. Has been recorded in early autumn on the eastern Black Sea coast. May well breed in Turkey, but no evidence during the period under consideration. Thrace: 1 flying N off Gelibolu 25 Aug 75. W. Anatolia: 2 off Kusadasi 1 May, 2 offshore near Didim 8 Aug and 6 offshore near.Gumuldur (SW of Izmir) 13 Aug 75. (See also record from Dardanelles above). S. Coastlands: 1 off Mersin 28 Sept, 4 off Alanya 3 Oct and 6 flying W off Alanya 4 Oct 74. PUFFINUS PUFFINUS (MANX SHEARWATER) Status uncertain; very common throughout the year in the Sea of Marmara area, with smaller numbers along the Aegean and 15 Mediterranean coasts. Common also along the Black Sea coast, but scarcer in winter. Apparently no breeding localities known from Turkey as yet, but the species may well breed here. All records subspec ifically identified referred to P. p . yelkouan. Black Sea Coastlands /Thrace/W. Anatolia/S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1970-1973, but the largest counts were only 3000-4000 moving through the Bosphorus (B. S. C. / T. ) 20 May 74 and several thousand moving through 4-5 June 75. In addition the only record from T. or W.A. away from the Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles was 4 off Kilyos (T. ) 18 Sept 75, whilst the only record from the S. C. was 4 off Mersin 28 Sept 74. There was, however, one winter record from the Black Sea - several hundred between Trabzon and Tirebolu (B.S.C.) 14 Feb 74. PELECANUS ONOCROTALUS (WHITE PELICAN) Very local summer visitor to extensive wetland areas on the Central Plateau (probably also to the S. Coastlands until the drainage of Amik G. ). Fairly widespread on passage across the country, locally in large numbers in the north-west and the East. Regularly oversummers outside the breeding areas. Occasionally recorded in winter, mainly in the south-west and south. Black Sea Coastlands / W. Anatolia /S. C oastlands /C . Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of c2300-2800 at Manyas G. (W.A. ) 30 Sept 74 and 5000-8000 on 18 Sept 75, up to 100-200 at the Goks u Delta (S . C . ) 13-22 April 74 and 15 0 there 21 -22 May 75, up to 450 at Hotamis G. 22-24 Sept 74, c200 at Eregli G. 7 May, 500 pairs at the colony at Eregli G. 27 May (KW) and c400 at Seyfe G. (C. P. ) 19 June 75. In W. A. the only re- cords away from Manyas G. and Apolyont G. were 60 soaring N of Karacabey 24 April 74, some at the B. Menderes Delta 25 Sept 74 and 17 there 30 April 75. In the S. C. the species was regularly recorded at the Goksu Delta until late May in spring, but between late May and late July the only records there were 40 on 1 June and c40 on 2 July 74. Elsewhere in the S. C. the only re- cords were cl 00 flying N near Iskenderun 27 March 74, 93 over 16 the Belen pass 12 May and 36 at Arsuz 2 Sept 75. On the C. P. the species was recorded, in the areas where also noted regularly in 1970-1 973, until late September in autumn. Else- where in the C. P. the only records were 40 at Cavuscu G. 23 May 74, 16 at Eber G. 25 May and up to 4 at Mogan G. 3-18 July 75, apart from the record from Seyfe G. listed above. The only winter records were 1 9 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 19 Feb 74 and up to 19 on 13-14 Dec 75, with 1 at Hotamis G. (C.P.) 20 Feb 74. Thrace: 20 flew S at Malkara 16 Sept 74 and 1 flew E with Ciconia ciconia W of Silivri 24 Aug 75. (Also recorded from the Bosphorus area). E. Turkey: 60 flying N over Ardahan 3 July and 30 over Ardahan 4 July 74, 2000 between Van and Tatvan 18-20 May, 38 near Soylemez 20 May, 40 at Horasan 24 May, 500-600 at Bendimahi, Van G. 9-10 June and c200 soaring westwards near Kars 11 June 75. PELECANUS CRISPUS (DALMATIAN PELICAN) Very local resident or partial migrant, generally in moderate numbers, in extensive wetlands in the Black Sea Coastlands, W. Anatolia, the Central Plateau and probably the S. Coastlands until the recent drainage of Amik G. Fairly widespread across the country on passage, wintering in considerable numbers in the western two-thirds, especially in the west. Black Sea Coastlands /W. Anatolia/S. Coastlands /C. Plateau; Status similar to 1970-1973, but much lower maximum counts of 160 at the B. Menderes Delta 28 Feb 74, 75 at Manyas G. (W. A. ) 24 May 75 and c75 at Hotamis G. (C.P.) 16 Feb 75. In W. A. the only breeding season records away from Manyas G. , Apolyont G. and the B. Menderes Delta were 4 at Iznik G. 12 May and 5 at Cigli salt-pans 8 June 75. In the S. C. the species was regularly recorded at the Goksu Delta until late May in spring (and 2 there 1 June 74); the only record in the region away from the delta, however, was 1 at the Iskele lagoons 19 Feb 74. On the C.P. recorded in the areas where also regularly noted in 17 1970-1973 from mid February onwards. Elsewhere on the C. P. the only observations were up to 2 at Kulu G. 25 -26 Aug, 1 at Cavuscu G. 28 Aug 74 and 24 at Eber G. 25 May 75. Thrace: 13 flying NW along the Meric N. at Edirne 4 March 74 and 1 flying E with Ciconia ciconia at Silivri 24 Aug 75. E. Turkey: 1 at a marsh near Gevas , Van G. 8 Aug 74. PHALACROCORAX CARBO (CORMORANT) Status uncertain; apparently a very local resident or partial migrant in considerable numbers in wetlands inland in W. Anatolia and on the Central Plateau, also along the coast of the Black Sea Coastlands. Has occurred in late spring or summer in wetlands or coastal areas across the rest of the country, except the South East, but no evidence of breeding. Widespread outside the breeding season in considerable numbers in coastal districts in the Black Sea Coastlands , Thrace and W. Anatolia, with small numbers further inland in these regions, in the S. Coastlands and on the C. Plateau. Black Sea Coastlands /Thrace /W. Anatolia /C, Plateau: Status similar to 1 970-1973, but lower maximum counts of 79 (including young) at the known colony W of Persembe (B.S.C. ) 10 June 75, 116 at the B. Menderes Delta 28 Feb 74 and 350 at Manyas G. (W. A . ) 24 May 75. In the B.S.C. , however , the species was recorded in coastal areas from Cide eastwards on the Black Sea coast. In W. A. there were records from the B. Menderes Delta outside the period mid Aug-Feb of 2 (offshore) 15 May 74, 1 on 31 July and 50+ on 8 Aug 75. On the C. P. birds were present at Eregli G. from at least late Feb onwards. Elsewhere on the C. P. the only records were 1 at Hotamis G. 26 Aug 74 and 2 at Mogan G. 8 Nov 75. S. Coastlands: 2 at the Iskele lagoons and 1 at the Goksu Delta 19 Feb, with 1 off Alanya 3 Oct 74. 18 PHALACROCORAX ARISTOTELIS (SHAG) Fairly widespread and not uncommon resident along the rocky sections of the Black Sea coast and more locally in smaller numbers in the Sea of Marmara and along the Aegean and Medi- terranean coasts. Appears to disperse slightly in autumn, but presumably mostly resident in spite of lack of winter records outside the Black Sea Coastlands during the period under con- sideration. Black Sea Coastlands: 3 at the P. carbo colony just W of Persembe 14 Feb 74 (2 occupied nests) and 2 occupied nests there 10 June 75. Elsewhere 3 between Trabzon and Tirebolu 14 Feb 74, 1 near Giresun Adasi 11 June and clO between Inebolu and Cide 6 Sept 75. Thrace: clO E of Kilyos 1 -5 April 74. S. Coastlands: 1 off the Goksu Delta 26 Sept 74 and 12 off the delta 21-22 May 75. 7 offshore near Tasucu (just W of Silifke) 5 Oct 75. PHALACROCORAX PYGMEUS (PYGMY CORMORANT) Very local resident, generally in moderate numbers, in marshy wetlands in W. Anatolia and on the Central Plateau, probably also in Thrace. More widespread and numerous in these regions and also in the S. Coastlands outside the breeding season. Has been recorded in the Black Sea Coastlands and the East in autumn. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at Yenicaga G. 5 Oct 74. Thrace/W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C, Plateau: Status similar to 1970 -197 3, with maximum counts of 419 at the B. Mender es Delta 28 Feb, 137 at Apolyont G. 2 March 74, 500 at Kus Cenneti, Manyas G. (W. A. ) 24 May 75 and 70 at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 27 Aug 74. In Thrace away from the Meric Delta there was 1 at B.Cekmece 4 March 74. In W. A. and on the C. P. the only records away from areas where also regularly noted in 1970-1973 were 1 at Koycegiz G. 7 Sept 74 and 1 at Iznik G. (W.A.) 2 3 Sept 75, 1 at Mogan G. 4 May 74 and 1 on 29 Oct 75, with 2 at Cavuscu G. (C. P. ) 28 Aug 74. 19 BOTUARUS STELLARIS (BITTERN) Apparently a scarce resident in small numbers (at one wetland locality) in the Black Sea Coastlands and perhaps also a breeding summer visitor or resident in the East. Otherwise a scarce passage migrant and winter visitor in small numbers, mostly to the western two-thirds of the country. Black Sea Coastlands: 3+ calling in suitable breeding habitat at Balik G. 10 June 75 (RFP et al. ). C . Plateau: 1 at Mogan G. 6 April 74 (JRT) , 1 in April and 1 there 31 Oct 75 (JLDC). E. Turkey: 1 along the south side of Van G. 20 May 75 (PT,PJ), a suitable breeding area. IXOBRYCHUS MINUTUS (LITTLE BITTERN) Fairly widespread and fairly common summer visitor and passage migrant in marshy wetlands throughout the country. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at Yenicaga G. 23 July 74, 1 at Sile 14 May, 1 at a marsh near Ordu 11 June and 2 at the Kizilirmak Delta 19 July 75. Thrace: 1 near Edirne 20 May 74. W . Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C. Plateau/E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 20+ in the Alanya area between 29 April-11 May, 16 S of Tarsus 12 May and 12 at the Goksu Delta (S. C.) 21 -22 May, c40 at Aksehir G. 4 May and 14 at Kurbaga G. (C. P.) 26 May 75. In addition to records from areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 there were records of 1 near Truva 21 April 74, 3 in the Yalova area 13 May and 1 at Cigli marsh (W. A. ) 4 June 75 , s everal at a marsh south of Bucak (S . C . ) 11 May 74, up to 2 at Emir G. 22-25 Aug 74 and up to 2 there 20-30 July 75, 7 at Kurbaga G. 11 May (plus the record detailed above), 6 at Soysali (near Incesu) 1 June and 1 at Kulu G. (C. P.) 5 June 75, 1 near Bulanik 19 May, 1 near Soylemez 20 May, with 5 in the Tatvan area 18 May and 1 along the S side of Van G. (E. T. ) 18-19 May 75. Earliest several Alanya 11 April and latest 1 in the Alanya area (S.C.) 4 Oct 74. 20 NYCTICORAX NYCTICORAX (NIGHT HERON) Rather local summer visitor, generally in moderate numbers, in wetlands in W. Anatolia, on the Central Plateau and in the East, probably also in Thrace and the S. Coastlands. More widespread across the country on passage. Occasionally re- corded in winter in the west and south. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at the Kizilirmak Delta 26 July 74 and 4 there 19 July 75, with several at Yenicaga G. 5 Oct 74 (the latest record for the country during the 2 years) and 3 at Sile 14 May 75. Thrace: 1 near Edirne 20 May 74. W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C. Plateau/E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970 -1973, with maximum counts of 41 at Apolyont G. 2 March 74 (unusually early for the region and the earliest record for the country during the 2 years) and 250 at Kus Cenneti, Manyas G. (W. A. ) 24 May 75, 40 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 21-22 May 75 and up to 100 at Aksehir G. (C. P. ) 28-29 Aug 75. The only records from W. A. and the S. C. away from areas where the species was also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 were 1 N of Truva (W. A. ) 21 April, some in the Alanya area between 9-21 April and 1 there 24 Sept 74, with 1 S of Tarsus (S.C.) 11 May 75. In W. A. there was one record outside the period late March-late Sept, the record from Apolyont G. detailed above. In addition to records from areas where the species was also recorded breeding on the C. P. in 1970- 1973 there were regular records of small or moderate numbers from early April -late Sept at Mogan G. , Emir G. and Hotamis G. (all possible breeding sites); max. 38+ at Mogan G. 5-6 June 75. The only other records from the C. P. were 3 at Balikdami 21 May, some at Sariyer Baraji 7 Aug, 2 at Cavuscu G. 28 Aug 74, the re- cord from Aksehir G. listed above, and up to 5 at Kizilcahamam 1-2 June 75. ARDEOLA RALLOIDES (SQUACCO HERON) Rather local summer visitor, generally in moderate numbers, to , wetlands throughout the country. Even more widespread on passage. 21 Black Sea Coastlands: Up to 20 at Kizilirmak Delta (a possible breeding locality) 26-27 July 74 and 'many' there 2-3 Sept 75. Elsewhere 1 N of Bayburt 15 June and 150 on the coast near Sile 8 Sept 75. All regions except the Black Sea Coastlands and S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 100 at Kus Cenneti, Manyas G. (W.A.) 24 May 75, 50 at Hotamis G. 27 Aug 74, 51 at Kurbaga G. (C. P.) 26 May and 60 there 2 June 75 with 60 to the west of Bulanik (E. T. ) 1 9 May 75. In T. away from the Meric Delta there was a record of some near Edirne 8 May 75. In W.A. the species was fairly widespread in autumn from late July onwards; away from areas where also regularly recorded in the breeding season in 1970-1973 there was a record of 2 at Acigol 2 June 74. On the C. P. the species was fairly widespread in spring until late May. In addition to re- cords from areas where breeding also known or suspected on the C.P. in 1970-1973, the species was present throughout the breeding season at Mogan G. (a suitable breeding s ite ) (maximum count 20 on 16 June 74); the only other records between late May- mid July were 2 at Aksehir G. (a possible breeding site) 3 June and 9 at Kulu G. 5 June 75. In E. T. there were spring records as follows; 1 near Ercis and some between, Bulanik and Mus 19 May (plus the observation near Bulanik listed above), some in the Horasan area 21 -24 May 75. In autumn present at Van G. until early Oct. Earliest record 3 at Amik G. 28 March and latest 1 near Alanya (S. C. ) 3 Oct 74. BUBULCUS IBIS (CATTLE EGRET) Status uncertain; possibly a local resident or partial migrant, generally in small or moderate numbers, in some lowland areas in the S. Coastlands and also in one area on the Central Plateau, but no evidence of breeding during the period under consideration. Has been recorded in autumn in the Black Sea Coastlands and in spring in the East. 22 S. Coastlands: 1 at the Goksu Delta 23 March 74 (TBM) and 1 there 21-22 May 75 (PT,PJ). 1 in the Alanya area 7 May 75 (BA). EGRETTA ALBA (GREAT EGRET) Very local resident in moderate numbers in marshy wetlands on the Central Plateau and probably also in the Black Sea Coastlands, perhaps elsewhere. Widespread on passage and in winter in much larger numbers throughout the western two -thirds of the country; occasionally on passage further east. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, but lower maximum counts of 78 at the B. Mender es Delta (W. A. ) 28 Feb , 45 at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 20 F eb and up to 135 there 22-23 Sept 74. In the B.S.C. the only records away from the Kizilirmak Delta were 1 W of Tirebolu 14 Feb and 2 between Unye and Samsun 15 Feb 74. In W. A. outside the period early Aug- early May there was 1 at Manyas G. 24 May 75. On the C. P. apart from records from areas where breeding also noted in 1970-1973 the only records outside the period early Aug-early May were 1 at Kurbaga G. 11 May, cl 5 at Aksehir G. , a suitable breeding site, 3 June and 1 at Seyfe G. 19 June 75. E. Turkey: 1 near Bulanik 19 May, 1 near Van 23 Aug and 19 near Gevas , Van G. 24 Aug 75. EGRETTA GARZETTA (LITTLE EGRET) Rather local resident or partial migrant in considerable numbers in wetlands in W. Anatolia and on the Central Plateau, probably also in the Black Sea Coastlands and Thrace; has bred in the East. Widespread throughout the country on passage, wintering in moderate numbers in the western two-thirds. All regions except S.E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 100 at Izmit 5 June 74, 120 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) 3 Sept , 1 00 at K us Cenneti (W. A. ) 24 May, several 23 hundred at Burdur G. (S. C. ) 1 Aug 75 and 300 at Cavuscu G. (C. P. ) 28 Aug 74. Away from the Kizilirmak Delta the only records from the B.S. C. outside the period late July-late Sept (apart from the record from Izmit detailed above) were 3 at Izmit 4 July 74 and 7 there 13 May 75, with 2 at Sile 14 May 75. In the S. C. and C. P. the species was widespread until late May in spring. Between late May -mid July the only record from the S. C. was 1 1 at Avian G. 28-29 June 74. Apart from records from areas where breeding also noted in 1970-1973, the only records from the C. P. between late May-mid July were 1 at Emir G. 25 June 74, 5+ at Mogan G. 5-6 June and up to 6 there 3-9 July, with 1 at Seyfe G. 19 June 75. In E. T. recorded at Van G. until early Oct; away from Van G. the only records were 20 near Bulanik 19 May, 1 near Soylemez 20 May and 2 between Karakurt and Horasan 23 May 75. There were no winter records from the B.S.C. , however (recorded at the Kizilirmak Delta June -Sept only), nor from any other regions except W. A. and the S. C. ; the winter maximum was 38 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 19 Feb 74. ARDEA CINEREA (GREY HERON) Rather local resident or partial migrant, generally in moderate numbers, in wetlands in the Black Sea Coastlands, Thrace, W. Anatolia, and on the Central Plateau, perhaps elsewhere. Widespread throughout the country on passage and in winter, with considerable numbers in winter in the western two -thirds. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but lower maximum counts of 136 flying S at Camlica (Bosphorus ) (B.S.C. ) 30 Sept -2 Oct 74 and 224 flying S there 13-22 Sept 75 , 1 50 at Manyas G. (W. A. ) 30 Sept 74 and 100 the re 24 May 7 5, 9 3 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 4 Oct 75 and up to 100-1 50 at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 22-23 Sept 74. In the B.S.C. the species was widespread in wetlands and coastal areas until late May; the only record between late May-early July away from areas where also regularly re- corded in 1970-1973 was 6 at Izmit 5 June 74. In T. the only 24 record outside the period early Aug -late April, apart from records from areas where also regularly recorded in the breeding season in 1970-1973, was 1 at Tekirdag 25 June 74. In W. A. the species was widespread from late July onwards in autumn. In the S. C. outside the period mid July-late May there were records of 2 at Avian G. 28 June 74 and 8 at the Goksu Delta 1 June 75. On the C. P. , apart from records from areas where also noted breeding in 1970-1973, the only records outside the period early July -mid May were 2 at Mogan G. 16 June 74, a few at Kurbaga G. 2 June, 7 at Todurke G. (near Zara) 18 June and 2 at Seyfe G. 19 June 75. In E. T. widespread in spring until late May; the only records between late May-early Aug were 1 near Horasan 11 June and 1 NW of Askale 15 June 75. ARDEA PURPUREA (PURPLE HERON) Rather local summer visitor in moderate numbers to marshy wet- lands in W. Anatolia and on the Central Plateau, probably also in the Black Sea Coastlands, Thrace and the East, possibly else- where. Widespread throughout the country on passage. All regions except Thrace and S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, with maximum counts of 20+ at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.)9- 10 June 75 , 36 at the Goksu Delta (S. C.) 1 June 74, 40 at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 27 Aug 74 and 20+ there 3-4 June 75. In addition to records from sites where breeding also known or suspected on the C. P. in 1970-1973 there were regular records of small numbers in the breeding season at Mogan G., a suitable breeding site. In the B. S.C. away from the Kizilirmak Delta the only record between mid May-mid Aug was 1 at Izmit 5 June 74. In W. A. the species was widespread in spring until late May. In the S. C. the only re- cords between late May-mid July were some at the Goksu Delta 1 July 74 and the record for June 74 already detailed above. On the C. P. the species was widespread in spring from late March until late May. In E. T. the only records away from Van G. were 2 be- tween Bulanik and Mus 19 May, some near Horasan 21 May and 1 between Kagizman and Tuzluca 22 May 75. Earliest 3 at Mogan G. 25 (C. P. ) 30 March 74 and latest 4 there 29 Oct 7 5 (an unusually late date). Thrace: 1 E of Kilyos 15 April and 1 between Kesan and Eceabat 21 April 74. PLATALEA LEUCORODIA (SPOONBILL) Local summer visitor or partial migrant in considerable numbers in wetlands in W. Anatolia and on the Central Plateau. Widespread, generally in smaller numbers, throughout the western two -thirds of the country on passage; overwintering in fairly small numbers in W. Anatolia and occasionally elsewhere. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at Izmit 5 June 74. W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C. Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of clOO at the B. Menderes Delta 30 April and 800 at Kus Cenneti , Manyas G. (W. A. ) 24 Ma y 7 5 , with up to clOO at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 22-23 Sept 74. In W. A. the only re- cords away from Manyas G. and Apolyont G. were 2 3 at the B. Menderes Delta 28 Feb and 2 there 13 Sept 74 (the former record was also the only winter record for the country, otherwise the species was recorded only from late March-early Oct) in addition to the record detailed above. In the S. C. there were records from the Goksu Delta until early Oct in autumn, but the only spring and summer records from the delta were 5 on 1 June 74 and 62 on 24 May 75. Elsewhere in the S. C. the only records were 25 flying N over Iskenderun 27 March 74 and 1 in the Alanya area 7-8 May 75, On the C. P. apart from records from areas where also noted regu- larly in 1970-1973 there were 1 5 at Cavuscu G. 23 May and 95 there 28 Aug 74, up to 20 at Aksehir G. 28-29 Aug 74 and 2 there 4 May 75, 1 at the marshes near Esmekaya 22 May, 1 at Bugur G. 28 May, 4 at Kulu G. 5 June, 1 at Mogan G. 6 June, 1 at Seyfe G. 19 June and 2 near Bala 13 July 75; also 20+ at Hotamis G. , a suitable breeding site, 3-4 June and 1 there 22 July 75 in addition to the Sept record detailed above. S, E. Turkey: 1 at Birecik 29 March 74. 26 P LEG ADIS FALCINELLUS (GLOSSY IBIS) Local summer visitor in considerable numbers to marshy wetlands in W. Anatolia and on the Central Plateau, probably also in Thrace. Widespread on passage throughout the country. Occasionally re- corded in winter in the west. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 flying S at Camlica (Bosphorus) 14 Sept 75. Thrace: 10 near Kavak 21 April 74. W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C. Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 800 at the colony at Kus Cenneti, Manyas G. (W. A. ) 24 May 7 5, up to 1 50 at Hotamis G. 27 -28 May and 1 00+ on 3-4 June , with up to cl 00 at Eregli G. (C.P. ) 13 June 75. In W.A. away from Manyas G. and Apolyont G. (recorded in autumn from late July at the latter) the only records were 2 3 at Izmir 27 April and 1 at Iznik G. 26 July 75. In the S. C. the species was wide- spread in spring from mid March-late May. Widespread on the C.P. in spring until late May; in addition to records from areas where breeding also known or suspected in 1970-1973 there were records between late May -mid July of cl 5 at Aksehir G. (a suitable breeding site) 3 June and 40 at Seyfe G. 19 June 75. Earliest 12 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 14 March and latest 11 there 26 Sept 74. E. Turkey: Up to 40 at Bendimahi, Van G. 5-6 Aug and 3 at a marsh near Gevas, Van G. 8 Aug 74, 15 along the N side of Van G. 18 May, 10 near Bulanik, some between Bulanik and Mus and some between Mus and Varto 19 May 75. GERONTICUS EREMITA (BALD IBIS) Rare and declining summer visitor in moderate numbers to Birecik (S. E. Turkey). S. E. Turkey: First reported arrival 21 Feb 74 (per MB). c45 adults present 29-30 March (MCJ) and still 4 adults and 4 young present 1 July 74 (MJH,PC). 35 on 29 May 74 (TE). 29 on 1 3 May (KW), 30 on 16-17 May and 29 on 21 May (PT.PJ), with 90 (54 adults and 36 young) on 30 May 75 (SL). According to local re- ports 61 birds (adults and young) left the area at the end of the 1975 breeding season (per AvZ). 27 CICONIA CICONIA (WHITE STORK) Widespread and common summer visitor over much of the country, but rather local in the S.Coastlands and the South East, and absent from large parts of the Black Sea Coastlands. Nest sites include buildings, ruins, pylons and trees. In much larger numbers on passage, especially in the western two -thirds of the country. Occasionally recorded in winter, mainly in the west and south. All regions: Status similar to 1 970-1 973, but in addition small numbers were present and breeding in the Ilgaz and Tosya areas (B.S.C.), and in the area between Diyarbakir and Viransehir, Siverek, Bitlis and Elazig, and in the Mardin, Cizre and Baskale areas (S.E.T.); there were also observations of 3 in the Ispir area 14 June and 1 near Bayburt (B.S.C.) 15 June 75. Breeding records included a pair with 4 young at Elmali (S.C. ) 28 June 74, 18 nests in a single olive tree at Soysali, near Incesu 1 June and 25+ nests at Hafik (C. P. ) 18 June 75, with 3 birds with 2 young in the nest at Agri (E. T. ) as late as 4 Aug 74. At the Bosphorus (B. S. C. /T. ) coverage was poor and the largest total was recorded in 1975 when 41407 passed E between 9 Aug -2 Oct (daily maximum 15862 on 25 Aug). Elsewhere the largest concentrations were 1200 flying E at Gebze 31 Aug 74 , 1 50 at the K izilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) 9 June and 225 there 13 July 75, 150 flying SSE out over the sea at Tekirdag 17 Sept 74 and cl5500 flying ESE at Silivri (T. ) 24 Aug 75, 1700 flying N at Iskenderun between 27 March-1 April 74 and 450 over the Belen pass (S.C.) 12 May 75 , 290 at Tuz G. 23 May, 1 500 at Hotamis G. 27 Aug and up to 350 there 22-24 Sept, with 600 at Cavascu G. (C. P. ) 28 Aug 74. There were no mid-winter records , but there were early records of 4 in the Karacabey/Apolyont G. area (W. A. ) 2 March, 75 at Hotamis G. 20 Feb and 35 at Aksehir G. (C.P. ) 23 Feb 74 (otherwise no records in any region before late March). In autumn latest 1 at Camlica (Bosphorus) (B.S.C.), 1 flying ESE at Silivri and 1 at Tekirdag (T. ) all on 8 Oct 74. 28 CICONIA NIGRA (BLACK STORK) Fairly widespread and not uncommon summer visitor to drier, more open hilly and mountainous areas and locally in forested lowlands, especially in the vicinity of wetlands, in the Black Sea Coastlands, W. Anatolia , and on the Central Plateau, locally in Thrace and in the East, possibly also on the northern fringe of the S. Coastlands. More widespread on passage, with consider- able numbers in the Bosphorus area. Occasionally recorded in winter in the south and west. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-197 3, but in addition recorded in small numbers in the breeding season in the Ilgaz, Kargi, Boyabat, Giresun, Siran (SW of Gumushane), Refahiye (B. S. C. ) , Sandikli (W.A.) and Agri^Sarikamis and Kagizman (E. T. ) areas. At the Bosphorus (B. S. C . / T. ) the largest total was recorded in 1975, when 5246 passed E from 19 Aug -2 Oct (daily maximum 1036 on 21 Sept). Elsewhere the largest concentrations were up to 52 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S. C.) 3 Sept 75, 281 flying E between Tekirdag and Istanbul (T. ) 17 Sept, 151 flying E at Tarsus 30 Sept and 780 flying E in the Mersin area (S. C. ) between 30 Sept-1 Oct 74. In W.A. away from areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 there was 1 N of Truva and 1 on the coast between Canakkale and Bandirma 22 April, 2 between Bursa and Yenisehir 26 April 74, 2 near Golcuk 2 Aug and up to 4 E of Kula 10-11 Aug 75. In the S. C . the only records away from those coastal areas where also regularly recorded in autumn in 1970-1973 and the winter record listed below were 2 over the Belen pass and 1 at Hass a 12 May, 3 imms. at Haydarli (NE of Dinar) 2 June and 6 flying S near Mut 3 Oct 75. On the C. P. the only records outside the area where also regularly recorded in 1970- 1973 were 4 near Cihanbeyli 26 Aug, 1 at Cavuscu G. 28 Aug, up to 19 at Hotamis G. 22-24 Sept, 1 at Ulukisla 3 Oct 74 and 1 between Konya and Eregli 5-6 May 75. In winter 1 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 13 Dec 75 (otherwise recorded in the country only from mid April -early Oct). 29 PHOENICOPTERUS RUBER (FLAMINGO) Very local breeding resident and partial migrant in large numbers at two saline or semi-saline wetlands on the Central Plateau (Tuz G. and Kurbaga G. ). Fairly widespread winter and non- breeding visitor in large numbers in suitable wetlands in W. Anatolia, the S. C oastlands , on the Central Plateau and, to a lesser extent, in the East; erratically elsewhere. In late autumn much of the Turkish population is concentrated on Kurbaga G. , largely moving to the Seyhan/Ceyhan Delta by late winter. W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C. Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, but breeding not confirmed, and lower maximum counts of 2295 at the B. Menderes Delta (W. A. ) 28 Feb, c6000 at Akyatan G. 1 8 Feb and 1800 there 26 March, with up to 4000+ at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 26 -27 Sept 74, 2100 at Tuz G. 24 May 74 and 2000+ there 8 Aug 75, 7000 at Eregli G. 27 May, 3000+ at Seyfe G. 19 June and 1200 at Kulu G. (C. P. ) 21 Sept 75. In W. A. the only records away from the B. Menderes Delta, where the species was regularly recorded from mid September in autumn (also one record between early April- mid Sept of c300 on 1 June 75), were c500 at Altinova lagoon 24 Feb, 20 at Civril G. 27 Feb, 3 at Izmir 19 Sept 74, c200 at Cigli salt-pans 8 June, 3 near Ayvalik 14 Aug and 1 there 11 Sept 75. In the S. C. there were records between late April -early Sept of 120 at the Goksu Delta 1 June 74 and up to 246 there 21 -24 May 75, with 40 at Burdur G. 1 Aug 75. Away from the areas in the S. C. and on the C. P. where the species was also regularly noted in 1970-1973 there were 28 at Corak G. (S. C. ) 27 Feb, 21 at Cavascu G. 28 Aug 74, up to c200 at a small salt-lake near Incesu (C. P. ) 25 May-1 June and c50 there 10 June 75. BRANTA RUFICOLLIS (RED-BREASTED GOOSE) Rare winter visitor, generally in small numbers, to the Black Sea Coastlands, Thrace and the Central Plateau. C. Plateau: 7 at Mogan G. 1 Nov 75 (JRT). 30 ANSER ANSER (GREY LAG GOOSE) Rather local resident or partial migrant in considerable numbers in wetlands on the Central Plateau and very locally in much smaller numbers in the Black Sea Coastlands and W. Anatolia - probably also in every other region except Thrace. Widespread on passage and in winter in considerable numbers throughout the western two -thirds of the country, but especially common in the north and north-west; less common further east. Black Sea Coastlands /W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C, Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, but much lower maximum counts of 121 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B . S. C. ) 1 5 -1 6 Feb , 121 at Corak G. (S. C. ) 27 Feb, 250 at Aksehir G. 23 Feb and 300 at Cavuscu G. (C. P. ) 28 Aug 74. In both the B. S. C. and C. P. the species was widespread in late winter until at least Feb and in W. A. until early March. Apart from records from areas where also recorded as breeding in 1970-1973 there were records from the C. P. outside the period Nov-Feb of 14 at Mogan G. , a possible breeding site, 30 March, 2 3 on 6 April, 1 on 4 May 74 and 7 on 22 July 75, 2 on a lake near Bala 5 May 74, the Aug record from Cavuscu G. already detailed above, and 1 at Balikdami 2 3 May 74. ANSER ALBIFRONS (WHITE -FRONTED GOOSE) Widespread and common passage migrant and winter visitor in wetlands in the western two -thirds of the country, with especially large numbers overwintering on the Central Plateau; less common further east. W. Anatolia/S. Coastlands /C. Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, but much lower maximum counts of 907 at Civril G. (W. A. ) 27 Feb, 550 at the Goksu Delta (S.C.) 19 Feb 74, 150 5 at Hotamis G. 20 Feb 74 and 3000-5000 there 16-18 Feb 75, with 1426 at Tuz G. (C. P. ) 21 Feb 74. In W. A. the species was widespread until early March and until late March in the S. C. and C. P. 31 CYGNUS OLOR (MUTE SWAN) Local resident in moderate numbers in several wetlands in the S. Coastlands and on the Central Plateau. Also a fairly wide- spread winter visitor in larger numbers across the country. W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C . Plateau: Status similar to 1970- 1973, but much lower maximum counts of 1 0 at Karamik G. (S. C . ) 26 Feb and 18 at Cavus cu G. (C. P. ) 24 Feb 74. In W. A. present at the B. Menderes Delta until Feb. The only record from elsewhere in W. A. was 3 at Marmara G. 1 March 74. On the C. P. present until Feb in those areas where only noted from Nov-Jan in 1970-1973. CYGNUS CYGNUS (WHOOPER SWAN) Scarce winter visitor, generally in small numbers, to wetlands in the western two -thirds of the country. W, Anatolia: 1 1 at Civril G. 27 Feb and 1 1 at the B. Menderes Delta 28 Feb 74 (LJD.FJK). C. Plateau: 4 at Eregli G. 20 Feb 74 (LJD.FJK). TADORNA FERRUGINEA (RUDDY SHELDUCK) Widespread and common resident or partial migrant in wetlands over much of the country, but especially common on the Central Plateau; local in the South East and apparently absent from the Black Sea coastal zone. Found in a variety of wetland habitats , including small pools and river valleys. More widespread in winter, when numbers locally swelled by immigrants from in- side and outside the country. Black Sea Coastlands: 4 at Yenicaga G. 23 July 74 and 1 pair near Bayburt 15 July 75, both suitable breeding areas. Thrac e: 2 at B.Cekmece 4 March, 1 near Kavak 21 April 74 and cl40 at Saros Korfezi 24 Sept 75. W. Anatolia /S. C oast lands /C . Plateau /E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973 with maximum counts of 246 at the B. Menderes Delta 28 Feb 74 and c450 at Acigol (W. A. ) 2 June 75, 166 at 32 Hotamis G. 20 Feb 74, up to 300 near Bala 13-27 July, clOOOO at Kulu G. 21 July and up to 300-400 at Mogan G. (C. P. ) 25 Oct- 8 Nov 75. Breeding records included 1 pair with 11 young at Bafa G. 15 May and 6 adults with young at Ayvalik (W. A. ) 31 May 75 , 6 adults with 40 young at Avian G. (S.C.) 28-29 June 74, 4 adults with 20 young in the wetlands near Yarma 27 May, 20 adults with 34 young at Kulu G. 5 June, 1 adult with 6 young at Todurke G. (C.P.)(near Zara) 18 June and 8 birds plus 9 young E of Horasan (E. T. ) 24 May 75. TADORNA TADORNA (SHELDUCK) Rather local resident or partial migrant in moderate numbers on the Central Plateau and in the East, generally in more saline wetlands. Otherwise a widespread winter visitor in considerable numbers across the country, but particularly in the south-west, south and C. Plateau. All regions except Thrace and S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970 -197 3, but much lower maximum counts of 45 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) 15 Feb, 252 at the B.Menderes Delta (W. A. ) 28 Feb, 50 at Akyayan G. 18-19 Feb and 48 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 19 Feb, with 55 plus some young at Van (E. T. ) 6-8 Aug 74. In the B.S.C. the species was present at the Kizilirmak Delta until at least Feb; outside the period Nov-Feb there were 2 there 10 June 75, but no evidence of breeding. On the C. P. the species was widespread from late Aug onwards. Breeding records included a total of 4 pairs (with 5,6,9 and 14 young respectively) at Kulu G. (C. P. ) 5 June 75 as well as the record from Van listed above. Thrace: 17 at B. Cekmece 4 March 74. ANAS PLATYRHYNCHOS (MALLARD) Widespread resident in moderate numbers in wetlands on the Central Plateau and less widely distributed over the rest of the 33 country. Widespread winter visitor in large numbers through- out the country. All regions except S. E, Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but much lower maximum counts of 190 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C. ) 15-16 Feb, 190 at Acigol and 2340 at Civril G. 27 Feb, with 206 at the B. Menderes Delta (W. A. ) 28 Feb, up to 500 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 26 -27 Sept and 195 at Cavuscu G. (C. P. ) 24 Feb 74. In addition most of clOOO Anas spp. at Manyas G. (W. A. ) 30 Sept 74 were thought to be of this species. The largest concentrations in the breeding season were c30 at Todurke G. (near Zara) 18 June and c30 at Seyfe G. (C. P. ) 19 June 75. In the B.S.C. the only records between early May -early Aug , apart from those from the Kizilirmak Delta, were 1 at Ispir 9 July and 12 flying W near Unye 28 July 74, 1 female with 5+ young (10-15 days old) at Abant G. 2 June and 4 birds there 6-13 July 75. During the rest of the year the only record from the B.S.C. away from areas where also regularly noted in 1970-1973 was of 3 flying S at Camlica (Bosphorus) 16 Sept 75. In T. away from the Meric Delta there were 172 at B. Cekmece 4 March 74. In W. A. the species was widespread from early Aug onwards (and there were, in addition, 2 at Apolyont G. 28 July 75). In the S. C. the only records between early May-early Aug were 50 at the Goksu Delta, a possible breeding site, 1 June 74 and 10 there 21 -22 May 75. In E. T. the species was present throughout the region until late May; between late May-mid Aug the only re- cords were 1 at Fahril G. (near Ardahan) 3 July, 1 N of Erzurum 12 July 74 and several in the Van/Ercek G. area, in suitable breeding habitat, 8-9 June 75. S. E. Turkey: Some between Sivelan and Baskale 18 May 75. ANAS CRECCA (TEAL) Very local resident or partial migrant in very small numbers in wetlands in the Black Sea Coastlands and probably on the Central Plateau and elsewhere. Widespread and common on passage and in winter in wetlands throughout the country, very locally in 34 enormous numbers on the C. Plateau and on the south coast. All regions except S, E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-197 3, but much lower maximum counts of 5167 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C. ) 15-16 Feb, 2600 at Civril G. (W. A. ) 27 Feb 74, 1028 at Tuzla G. 18 Feb, 1600 at Akyayan G. 18-19 Feb 74 and several thousand at the Goksu Delta (S.C. ) 13-15 Dec 75, 2 375 at Hotamis G. 20 Feb and 1901 at Eber G. (C. P. ) 23 Feb 74. In addition most of 10000-12000 A. crecca /querquedula at the Goksu Delta 26 Sept 74 were thought to be of this species. Present at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) in large numbers until at least Feb; in the breeding season 5 there 10 June and 2 on 19 July 75 (all at Balik G. , the known breeding site, but no evidence of breeding). The only records from other areas in the B.S.C. were some at Yenicaga G. 5 Oct 74 and 2 at the Gulf of Izmit 23 Sept 75. In T. away from the Meric Delta there was 1 over Edirne 9 Oct 74. Widespread in the S. C. and on the C. P. from mid Aug onwards (there were, in addition, 5 at Temelli (C. P. ) 9 Aug 75). Apart from the Temelli record there were records from the C. P. be- tween late April-mid Aug of 1 at Eregli G. 7 May, 10 near Incesu 31 May and c40 at Seyfe G. 19 June 75, but no evidence of breeding. In E. T. recorded^in the areas where also regularly noted in 1 970 -1 973, from early Aug onwards; the only other re- cords were of 1 at Van 8 June and 1 pair at Bendimahi, Van G. 10 June 75, but again no evidence of breeding. ANAS STREPERA (GADWALL) Fairly widespread and fairly common resident or partial migrant in wetlands in the East, on the Central Plateau and in adjacent parts of the S. Coastlands; perhaps locally in the Black Sea Coast - lands, the South East and elsewhere. Widespread in large num- bers on passage and in winter across the country, but particularly common in winter on the C. Plateau and in the south-west. Black Sea Coastlands /W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C. Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, but much lower maximum counts -of 35 81 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) 15 Feb, 45 at Civril G. (W. A. ) 27 Feb , 46 at Karamik G. (S. C . ) 26 Feb and 120 at Ere gli G. (C . P. ) 20 Feb 74. Present in the Kizilirmak Delta in considerable num- bers until at least Feb; in addition outside the period Nov -Feb there were c40 there (at Balik G. , a possible breeding site) 9-10 June 75. In W. A. and on the C. P. , in addition to records from areas where also regularly noted in 1970-1973, there was the re- cord from Civril G. (W. A. ) listed above, 40 at Cavuscu G. 24 Feb, up to 10 on 22-23 May and 8 there on 28 Aug, with 3 at Emir G. (C. P. ) 25 Aug 74. Thrace: 2 at B. Cekmece 4 March 74. E. Turkey: 3 at Fahril G. (near Ardahan) 3 July, 2 at Bendimahi, Van G. 6 Aug, 1 0 at Van and 4 at a marsh near Gevas, Van G. 8 Aug 74, up to 4 between Van and Tatvan 18-20 May, 2 pairs near Ercis 19 May and a total of 3-4 pairs at Van and Bendimahi, Van G. 8-10 June 75. ANAS PENELOPE (WIGEON) Widespread and common passage migrant in wetlands across the country; wintering mainly in the western two -thirds of the country. Especially numerous in coastal lowlands in the south and south- west. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, but much lower maximum counts of 1730 at Civril G. (W. A.) 27 Feb, 5100 at Akyatan G. 1 8 Feb and 1930 at Akyayan G. (S . C . ) 18-19 Feb, with 1788 at Hotamis G. (C. P.) 20 Feb 74. Present at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) until at least Feb. In T. away from the Meric Delta there were 33 at B. Cekmece 4 March 74. In the S. C. outside the period Nov-mid April there were 20 at the Goksu Delta 26 Sept 74, whilst on the C. P. outside the period late Oct- late April there were records of 8 at Mogan G. 4 May and 2 at Tuz G. 23 May 74. 36 ANAS ACUTA (PINTAIL) Widespread and common passage migrant and winter visitor in wetlands throughout the country, but predominantly in the western two -thirds of the country in winter. A few recorded in summer on the Central Plateau, but no evidence of breeding during the period under consideration. Black Sea Coastlands /W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C. Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973 with maximum counts of 1141 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B. S. C. ) 15 Feb, 7800 at Civril G. 27 Feb and 2115 at the B . Menderes Delta (W. A. ) 28 Feb , 4 670 at Akyayan G. (S.C.) 18-19 Feb, 1750 at Kurbaga G. 1 7 Feb , with 1418 at Eber G. and 1810 at Aksehir G. (C. P. ) 23 Feb 74. Apart from records from the Kizilirmak Delta, the only other record from the B. S. C. was one of 7 at Yenicaga G. 21 May 75. In the S. C. between mid April -late Sept there were 6 at the Goksu Delta 1 June 74. On the C. P. there were records between late April- mid Sept of 4 at Mogan G. 4 May and 1 there 29 May 74, 1 at Kulu G. 26 Aug 74 and up to 3 there 29 May-5 June 75, 6 at Balik- dami 21 May 74, up to 5 pairs at Kurbaga G. 26 May-2 June, 2 near Incesu 31 May, 16 at Hotamis G. 3-4 June, 6 at Todurke G. (near Zara) 18 June and c80 at Seyfe G. 19 June 75. No evidence of breeding. Thrace: 1 at B. Cekmece 4 March and 3 at Tekirdag 8 Oct 74. E. Turkey: 10 E of Horasan 11 March and 8 near Tercan 12 March 74. ANAS QUERQUEDULA (GARGANEY) Rather local summer visitor in fairly small numbers to wetlands on the Central Plateau, in the Black Sea Coastlands and probably in several other regions. Widespread and common on passage throughout the country. Occasionally overwinters in the west. All regions except Thrace and S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, but much smaller maximum counts of 300+ at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 26 Sept 74, 100+ at Cavuscu G. 28 Aug and 300+ at Aksehir G. 29 Aug 74, with 100 at Kulu G. (C. P. ) 21 July 75. 37 In the B.S. C. the only record away from the Kizilir mak Delta was 11 at Yenicaga G. , a possible breeding site, 21 May 75. In W. A. the species was present in the same areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 from late Feb onwards in spring; elsewhere in the region there were 4 at Civril G. 27 Feb, 2 at Marmara G. 1 March, 10 between Bursa and Yenisehir 26 April 74 and 1 at Acigol 1 Aug 75. In the S. C. the only breeding season record was of 2 at Karamik G. 2 June 75, but no evidence of breeding, whilst on the C.P. , where the species was widespread in spring from late March onwards and in autumn until late Sept, there were breeding season records of 6 at Balikdami 21 May, 2 at Tuz G. 24 May, some at Mogan G. 29 May 74, 1 at the marshes near Esmekaya 22 May, 2 pairs at Kurbaga G. 26 May- 2 June, up to 2 pairs at Hotamis G. 28 May -4 June and 2 males at Kulu G. 5 June 75. In E. T. there were breeding season re- cords of 2 at Fahril G. (near Ardahan) 3 July 74 and 1 at Van and 1 at Bendimahi, Van G. 10 June 7 5. In spring the only re- cord from E. T. was of up to 4 along the S side of Van G. 18-20 May 75. Thrace: 1 3 at B. Cekmece 4 March 74. ANAS CLYPEATA (SHOVELER) Very local resident in small numbers in the Black Sea Coastlands, on the Central Plateau and perhaps elsewhere. Widespread and common passage migrant and winter visitor across the country. All regions except S. E. and E, Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, but maximum counts of 365 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) 15-16 Feb, 983 at B. Cekmece (T. ) 4 March, 310 at Civril G. 27 F eb and 26 7 at the B . Mender es Delta (W. A. ) 28 F eb , with 500 at Akyayan G. 18-19 Feb and 2800 at the Goksu Delta (S.C. ) 19 Feb 74. Recorded in large numbers at the Kizilirmak Delta until at least Feb. In T. away from the Meric Delta there was the re- cord from B. Cekmece listed above. The species was widespread in W. A. until late April in spring. On the C. P. the following 38 observations were recorded outside the period mid Sept -late April; 2 at Mogan G. 29 May 74, 2 at Kulu G. (a known breeding site) 26 Aug 74 and up to 2 pairs there 28 May-5 June 75, 4 at Cavuscu G. 28 Aug 74, 3 pairs at Kurbaga G. 26 May, 1 pair at Seyfe G. 19 June and 2 at Temelli 9-10 Aug 75. Breeding was not confirmed, however. E. Turkey: 1 at Bendimahi, Van G. 6 Aug, 1 at Van 8 Aug 74, 2 in the Van/Ercek G. area 18 May and 2 pairs near Ercis 19 May 75. Also 2 pairs at Van 8 June 75. MARMARONETTA ANGUSTIROSTRIS (MARBLED TEAL) Local breeding species in moderate numbers in lowland wetlands in the S. Coastlands and in several wetland areas on the Central Plateau, possibly elsewhere. Mainly a summer visitor, but over- winters in some years. Occasionally elsewhere on passage. W. Anatolia: 1 at Apolyont G. 17 Sept 75 (CFP et al. ). S. Coastlands: 6 at the Goksu Delta 1 June, 1 on 2 July 74, 3 on 21 -22 May and 7 on 24 May 75. C. Plateau: 4 at Eber G. 25 May, 3-4 pairs at Hotamis G. 3-4 June and 2 there 22 July 75 (both suitable breeding sites). Also 10 behaving as if nesting at salt-pans near Incesu 31 May 75. E. Turkey: 1 at Bendimahi, Van G. 6 Aug and 1 at Van 8 Aug 74 (TAW et al. ). NETTA RUFINA (RED -CRESTED POCHARD) Fairly widespread and common resident and partial migrant in wetlands on the Central Plateau and in adjacent parts of the S. Coastlands, probably also in smaller numbers in the East and possibly elsewhere. Widespread on passage throughout the country, wintering in considerable numbers in the western two- thirds, but mainly in the south and on the C. Plateau. Black Sea Coastlands: 17 at Yenicaga G. 21 May 75, a possible breeding site. 39 Thrace: 1 3 at B. Cekmece 4 March 74. W. Anatolia: 218 at Civril G. 27 Feb 74 and 4 males at Iznik G. 12 May 75. S. Coastlands /C. Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 448 at Hoyran G. (S. C. ) 26 Feb and 1611 at Cavuscu G. (C. P.) 24 Feb 74. In addition to records from localities where breeding known or suspected in 1970-1973 there was 1 at a lake near Bala (C. P. ) 5 May, 2 at Aksehir G. 3 May and up to 7 at Cavuscu G. 22-23 May 74 (all are possible breeding s ites ). AYTHYA FERINA (POCHARD) Rather local resident, probably breeding in fairly small numbers, in wetlands on the Central Plateau, probably in the East and possibly elsewhere. Widespread and common across the country on passage and in winter. Considerable numbers of non-breeders oversummer on the C. Plateau, in the East and occasionally else- where. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but much lower maximum counts of 890 at B. Cekmece (T.) 4 March, 1560 at Civril G. (W.A.) 27 Feb, 1722 at Hoyran G. 26 Feb, 2000 at the Goksu Delta 26 Sept and cllOO at Burdur G. (S.C.) 27 Sept, with 806 at Cavuscu G. (C. P.) 24 Feb 74. In addition to records in the period early Sept -late April, there were 4 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) 10 June and 6 on 19 July 75. The only record from the B.S.C. away from the delta was of 3 at Yenicaga G. 5 Oct 74. On the C. P. there were the following records outside the period early Aug-early May; 3 at Mogan G. 29 May, c20 there 20 July 74 and 1 on 15 July 75, 2 at Cavuscu G. 23 May 74, 2 pairs at Kurbaga G. 26 May, up to 10 pairs at Hotamis G. 27 May-4 June, up to 90 at Kulu G. 28 May-5 June and 100 there 21 July, with cl5 in wet- lands near Yarma 1 3 June 75. In E. T. away from the E and N sides of Van G. there were 1 2 at Ercek G. 9 June 75. Breeding was not confirmed in any region, however. 40 S . E. Turkey: 1 on the Firat S of Birecik 7 June 75. AYTHYA NYROCA (FERRUGINOUS DUCK) Rather local resident or partial migrant in fairly small numbers in wetlands in the Black Sea Coastlands and on the Central Plateau, probably also in every other region except the South East. Fairly widespread across the country in moderate numbers on passage, overwintering in irregular numbers in the western two- thirds according to the severity of the winter. S. Coastlands: 20+ at the Goksu Delta 26 Sept 74, 50 there 21-22 May and 4 on 24 May 75, with clO at Karamik G. 2 June 75 (both are suitable breeding sites). Elsewhere 20 near Finike 5 Sept and 1 at Alanya 3 Oct 74. C. Plateau: 3 at Hotamis G. 26-27 Aug 74 and up to 3-4 pairs there 27 May-4 June 75, with 2 in suitable breeding habitat at a marsh near Kurbaga G. 1 June 75. Elsewhere 6 at Mogan G. 4 Aug 74, 2 there 22 July and 1 on 20 Aug 75, 8 at Kulu G. 25 Aug, 6 at Cavuscu G. 28 Aug and 1 at Aksehir G. 29 Aug 74, with 2 at Temelli 10 Aug 75. E. Turkey: 2 at Van 8 Aug 74 and c8 there 8 June 75, with 1 along the S side of Van G. 18-19 May 75 (both are suitable breeding areas). AYTHYA FULIGULA (TUFTED DUCK) Widespread and common passage migrant and winter visitor in wetlands across the country, wintering mainly in the western two - thirds. Occurs regularly in summer on the Central Plateau and elsewhere, but no evidence of breeding during the period under con- sideration. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-197 3, but much lower maximum counts of 700 at Samsun (B.S.C.) 15 Feb, 2348 at B. Cekmece and 300 at K. Cekmece (T. ) 4 March, 790 at Civril G. 27 Feb and 445 at Apolyont G. (W. A. ) 2 March, with 380 at Cavuscu G. (C. P. ) 24 Feb 74. Present in numbers at the 41 Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) until at least Feb; outside the period Nov-Feb there were up to 10 there 26-27 July 74. Away from the delta there were records from the B.S.C. of 220 at Ordu, 90 at Persembe and 160 at Unye (plus the record from Samsun listed above) 15 Feb, c60 at Sapanca G. 13 March and 40 at Yenicaga G. 5 Oct 74. In T. away from the Meric Delta there were the re- cords from B. and K. Cekmece listed above. On the C. P. the only records between mid April -mid Sept were 4 at Kulu G. 25 Aug 74 and 4 pairs there 29 May 75, 2 at Cavuscu G. 23 May, 15 at Hotamis G. 27 Aug 74 and 3 at Eregli G. 7 May 7 5. MELANITTA FUSCA (VELVET SCOTER) Status uncertain; recently found breeding in the East. Recorded inland in the East from spring to autumn, locally in considerable numbers, so probably breeds regularly. Otherwise a rather local winter visitor in moderate numbers along the Black Sea coast and occasionally in the Sea of Marmara. Has been recorded inland in winter on the Central Plateau and in the S. Coastlands. Black Sea Coastlands: Some between Ordu and Samsun 15 Feb 74. E. Turkey; c6 pairs in the crater lake of Nemrut D. (near Tatvan) (the known breeding site) 7 June 75 (RAH,MHR et al. ). BUCEPHALA CLANGULA (GOLDENEYE) Uncommon winter visitor, generally in fairly small numbers, to wetlands in the western two-thirds of the country. Black Sea Coastlands: 3 at Balik G. 15 Feb 74. W. Anatolia: 3 at Marmara G. 1 March 74. MERGUS SERRATOR (RED-BREASTED MERGANSER) Scarce winter visitor in small numbers to the western two -thirds of the country, mainly in coastal areas. Black Sea Coastlands: 2 at Balik G. 15 Feb (LJD.FJK) and 1 male offshore near Hereke 1 3 March 74 (SCM et al. ). 42 MERGUS MERGANSER (GOOSANDER) Rare winter visitor to wetlands in the western two -thirds of the country in very small numbers. Has been recorded in early spring and summer in the East, but as yet no evidence of breeding. E. Turkey: 1 female or immature on a frozen river 20 km E of Horasan 11 March 74 (SCM et al. ). OXYURA LEUCOCEPHALA (WHITE-HEADED DUCK) Local resident or partial migrant in moderate numbers in marshy wetlands on the Central Plateau, in adjacent parts of the S. Coast - lands and probably in the East. Winter visitor in large numbers to several wetlands in the S. Coastlands and generally in much smaller numbers on the C. Plateau and occasionally elsewhere in the western two -thirds of the country. W. Anatolia: 1 2 at Civril G. 27 Feb 74. S. Coastlands: 3 at Karamik G. 2 June 75. Otherwise 4024 at Burdur G. 25-26 Feb and 100 there 27 Sept, 343 at Yarisli G. 25 Feb and 9 32 at Corak G. 27 Feb 74. C. Plateau: 350+ at Kulu G. 25-26 Aug 74, 81 adults and 6 young (3 large, 3 small) there 5 June and 5 birds on 21 Sept 75. 3 at the wetlands near Yarma 13 June 75 were also in suitable breeding habi- tat. Elsewhere 429 at Cavuscu G. 24 Feb and 5 there 23 May 7 4. E. Turkey: 1 at Van 8 Aug 74 and 1 there 8 June 75, with 1 along the S side of Van G. 18-19 May and 200 near Ercis 19 May 75 (all suitable breeding areas). PANDION HALIAETUS (OSPREY) Rare summer visitor in very small numbers to wetlands on the Black Sea coast. Scarce passage migrant in small numbers across the country. Black Sea Coastlands: At the Bosphorus, where coverage was poor, the only record was 1 flying E on 23 Sept 74. Elsewhere 2 at Yenicaga G. 21 May 75. Thrace: 1 at Teke Burun (S W of Gelibolu) 24 Sept 75. See also . Bosphorus record above. 43 S. Coastlands: 1 with fish at Seyhan Baraji 18 Aug, 1 in the Alanya area 24 Sept and 1 there 1 Oct 74, with up to 3 at the Goksu Delta 26-27 Sept 74 and up to 2 there 4-5 Oct 7 5. C. Plateau: 1 at Hotamis G. 23 Sept 74, 1 at Mogan G. in April, 1 there 15 Aug (apparently caught a small wader! ), 1 on 14 Sept and 1 in Oct 75. E. Turkey: 1 along the NE side of Van G. 18 May 75. PERNIS APIVORUS (HONEY BUZZARD) Local summer visitor in small numbers in forested areas in the Black Sea Coastlands, Thrace and W. Anatolia. Otherwise a wide- spread and common passage migrant across the country, locally numerous in the Bosphorus area, the eastern Black Sea region and around the Gulf of Iskenderun etc. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 S of Trabzon and 1 over the N edge of Zigana D. on 16 June 7 5 were in suitable breeding habitat. At the Bosphorus coverage was poor in both years; the largest total was in 1975, when 5212 flew E between 19 Aug-30 Sept (peak 2874 on 25 Aug). In 1974 a total of 2450 flew E between 31 Aug-7 Oct (1 flying E on 7 Oct was the latest record in the country over the 2 year period). Elsewhere 6 near Gebze 31 Aug, 1 at Yenicaga 20 Sept 74, several hundred between Izmit and Sile 14 May and 1 at Abant 11 Sept 75. Thrace: c850 flew E near Silivri 24 Aug 75. (See also records from the Bosphorus above. ) S. Coastlands: 8 flew N near Iskenderun 31 March-1 April, 1 N of Alanya 11 April, 1 in the Aladag 27 May, 1 flying E near Mersin 1 Oct 74, and cl 20 over Arsuz 3 Sept 75. C . Plateau: 1 at Karagol (N of Ankara) 23 Aug, 78 flying SE along the Sultan D. near Aksehir 29 Aug, 5 flying over the same mountains at Cay 30 Aug, 54 flying SE to the N of Bilecik 31 Aug 74 and 1 flying W at Hotamis G. 3 June 75 (evidently a late migrant). S, E. Turkey: 1 near Birecik 29 May 74, 2 between Diyarbakir and Bitlis 17 May and 1 at Birecik 30 May 75. E. Turkey: 1 over Ardahan 3 July 74 , but no evidence of breeding. Otherwise 1 near Kotum (near Tatvan) 9 Aug and 1 N of Mus 1 0 Aug 74. 44 MILVUS MILVUS (RED KITE) Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor across the country, generally in very small numbers. Has been recorded in summer in the north and east, but no evidence of breeding. Black Sea Coastlands: At the Bosphorus 2 flew E on 7 Oct 74, 1 flew E on 21 Sept and 1 flew E on 25 Sept 75. Thrace: See Bosphorus records above. E. Turkey: 2 immatures between Van and Ercek 9 June 7 5 (MHR et a], ). MILVUS MIGRANS (BLACK KITE) Widespread and fairly common summer visitor on the Central Plateau and in the East, but only local in much smaller numbers over most of the rest of the country and apparently absent from the Black Sea and south coasts. Most often found around habitation, including nomad encampments. More widespread, locally in con- siderable numbers, on passage. Occasionally recorded in winter. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-197 3, but small numbers were also recorded in the breeding season in the Sebinkarahisar , Bayburt, Kopdagi pass and Ispir areas (B.S.C.). In addition to records from areas in the B.S. C. where also regu- larly noted in the breeding season in 1970-1973 there were 2 at Balik G. 10 June, 1 S of Trabzon 16 June and 6 in the mountains between Ispir and Ikizdere 13 July 75. In addition to records from the areas in T. where also regularly noted in 1970-1973, small numbers were present in the Malkara and Tekirdag areas. In W. A. the only records between mid May-Sept were 1 at Cesme 29 May and 13 at Iznik G. 27 July 75. At the Bosphorus (B.S. C. /T. ) coverage was poor- the largest total was recorded in 1974, when 334 passed E between 1 Sept-30ct. Elsewhere the largest counts were cl 30 flying E at Silivri (T. ) 24 Aug 75, 33 flying E in the Mersin area (S.C.) between 30 Sept -1 Oct 74, 26 at Kizilcahamam (C. P. ) 23 July 74, c30 between Yozgat and Erzurum (C. P. /E. T. ) 5 July 75 and 81 in the Van/Ercek G. area (E. T. ) 18 May 75. The species was fairly widespread on passage throughout the whole of 45 the S. C. A late record from E. T. of 2 at Van 1 Oct 74. No winter records; first were 2 at Amik G. (S. C. ) 28 March 74 and last 1 flying S over the sea at Tekirdag (T. ) 8 Oct 74. S. E. Turkey: 1 2 E of Gaziantep 13 May, 1 between Gaziantep and Birecik 16-17 May, 1 between Viransehir and Diyarbakir and 1 between Uludere and Hakkari 17 May, 2 between Sivelan and Bas- kale 18 May and 1 between Diyarbakir and Siverek 20 May 75. HALLAEETUS ALBICILLA (WHITE -TAILED EAGLE) Local resident in small numbers in wetlands in the Black Sea Coastlands , Thrace, W. Anatolia , theS. Coastlands and on the Central Plateau. More widespread across the country outside the breeding season, when records suggest some immigration into the country. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at the Kizilirmak Delta 16 Feb and 1 adult at Yenicaga G. (a possible breeding site) 23 July 74. W. Anatolia: 1 imm. Civril G. 27 Feb, 1 Bafa G. 13 Sept and 1 near Ayvalik 24 Sept 74. 1 adult at Bafa G. 30 April and 1 bird at Apolyont G. 21 Aug 75. S. C oastlands: 1 on the coast near Silifke 1 Jan, 1 juv. at the Goksu Delta 1 9 F eb , 1 bird there 12 April and 1 adult on 27 Sept 74. C. Plateau: 1 pair at Todurke G. (near Zara) (a possible breeding site) 1 8 June 75. ACCIPITER GENTILIS (GOSHAWK) Status uncertain; apparently a rather local resident in small numbers in forested or wooded areas in every region except the South East. Records outside the breeding season suggest some immigration into the country. Black Sea Coastlands: At the Bosphorus 8 passed E between 15-28 Sept 74 and 3 passed E between 25 Aug-28 Sept 75. Elsewhere 1 at Yenicaga G. 6 Oct 74, 1 carrying food in pine and spruce forest near Ikizdere 11 June, 1 male holding territory in pine forest near 46 Ciftlik 17 June and 1 at Abant G. 6-13 July 75. Thrace: 1 flying E at Marmaraereglis i 17 Sept 74, 1 near Ipsala 26 Aug and 1 juv. S of Eceabat 24 Sept 75. See also Bosphorus records above. W. Anatolia: 1 at Selimiye 21 Sept 74 and 3 in woods in the Sindirgi area 29 July 75. S. Coastlands: 1 at Pozanti 2 April, 1 imm. near Gazipasa 27 Sept and 1 flying E near Mersin 30 Sept 74. ACCIPITER BREVIPES (LEVANT SPARROWHAWK) Status uncertain; apparently a local summer visitor in small numbers in W. Anatolia and probably elsewhere in the north and west. Otherwise generally uncommon on passage across the country, but locally in moderate numbers and common at the Bosphorus. Black Sea Coastlands: At the Bosphorus most were recorded in 1974, when 2358 passed E between 1 Sept-8 Oct with a peak of 662 on 18 Sept (2397 A. br evipes /nisus also passed E between 1 Sept- 7 Oct and were thought to be very largely brevipes ). 1 on 8 Oct 74 was the latest in the 2 year period. In 1975 a total of 1502 passed E between 22 Aug -28 Sept (and 729 A. brevipes /nisus passed E be- tween 19 Aug-28 Sept). Thrace: 1 near Catalca 18 Sept 74 and 5 at Kesan 25 Aug 75. See also Bosphorus records above. S. Coastlands: 1 flying N at Iskenderun 1 April and 1 near Erdemli 28 Sept 74. ACCIPITER NISUS (SPARROWHAWK) Status uncertain; apparently a rather local resident or partial migrant in fairly small numbers in wooded or forested areas in every region except perhaps the South East (only recorded in the breeding season on the Central Plateau from the fringe of the region, however), but may occur more widely. More widespread 47 and more common on passage across the country, especially at the Bosphorus, wintering in the western two -thirds. Black Sea Coastlands /Thrace/W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in the B.S.C. there were breeding season records of 2 at Yalnizcam D. 5-6 July, 1 N of Torul 30 July 74, 1 mobbing an Aquila chrysaetos in the mountains be- tween Ispir and Ikizdere 12 June, 1 N of the Kopdagi pass 15 June, up to 2 S of Ikizdere 9-10 July and 1 chasing Petronia petronia at Gumushane 16 July 75. Apart from records from areas in the B. S.C. (apart from the Bosphorus) where also regularly recorded in autumn in 1970-1973 (in 1974-1975 records continued until late Sept) there was 1 near Izmit 31 Aug 74 and 1 at Abant G. 12 Sept 75. At the Bosphorus (B.S.C. /T. ) most were recorded in 1975, when 265 passed E between 13 Aug-2 Oct (but apart from 1 on 1 3 Aug, not recorded until 14 Sept). In W. A. there were breeding season records of 1 at Kus Cenneti, Manyas G. 24 May and 1 at Priene (near the B. Menderes Delta) 1 June 75; apart from records from Uludag or records between Nov-March from other areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973, there was 1 N of Civril G. 27 Feb, 1 at Marmara G. 1 March and 1 at Erdek 22 Sept 74. In the S. C. the only record between early May-mid Sept was of 1 S of Kemer (in this case the town S of Antalya) 30 Aug 74. C. Plateau: 1 near Bolvadin 23 Feb, 1 at Cubuk I Baraji 22 Aug, 1 at Karagol (N of Ankara) 23 Aug, 3 at Cay 29 Aug, 1 near Geyre 31 Aug 74, 1 between Sultanhani and Konya 5 Aug, up to 3 at the Beynam ridge (S of Ankara) 28 Sept and 1 there 30 Oct, 1 at Mogan G. 8 Nov and 1 at Ankara 11 Dec 75. E. Turkey: The only breeding season record was 1 in pinewoods S of Sarikamis 11 June 75. Otherwise 1 N of Mus 10 Aug 74. BUTEO LAGOPUS (ROUGH-LEGGED BUZZARD) Rare winter visitor in very small numbers to the Black Sea Coast- lands, Thrace, W. Anatolia and the Central Plateau. Black Sea Coastlands: 2 at Balik G. 15 Feb 74 (LJD.FJK). 48 BUTEO RUFINUS (LONG-LEGGED BUZZARD) Widespread and fairly common resident throughout most of the interior of the country, but local in western and southern coastal areas and apparently absent in the breeding season from most of Thrace and the Black Sea coast. Generally in arid habitats, particularly in dry cultivation, open steppe and mountainous areas. A little more widespread outside the breeding season, when records suggest a small amount of immigration into the country. All regions except Thrace: Status similar to 1970-1973, with a maximum count of 9 at Yenicaga G. 21 May 75. In the S.C. there were the following coastal records in addition to those from areas also recorded in 1970-1973; at least 1 N of Alanya 11 April and 1 in the same area 5 Oct, 1 in the Alanya area 28 Sept, 2 at Perge 30 Sept and 1 at Anamur 2 Oct 74. In S.E. T. found scattered in small numbers throughout the entire region east to the Hakkari and Baskale areas. At the Bosphorus (B.S.C. /T. ) most were re- corded in 1975, when a total of 7 passed E between 14-29 Sept. Thrace: 1 between Istanbul and Edirne 4 March 74. See also Bosphorus records above. BUTEO BUTEO (BUZZARD) Fairly widespread and not uncommon resident or partial migrant in hilly and mountainous forested areas in the Black Sea Coastlands and Thrace, locally in parts of W. Anatolia and apparently in every other region except the South East. Widespread on passage throughout the country, locally in very large numbers, wintering in much smaller numbers at low or moderate altitudes in the north and west, locally elsewhere in the western two -thirds. All regions except C. Plateau and S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition to records from areas also noted in 1970-1973 there were breeding season, records of small numbers in the B.S.C. intheSile, Izmit, Abant , Yenicaga, Boyabat, Ikizdere, Trabzon, Gumushane, Siran and Bayburt areas and from 49 the mountains between Ispir and Ikizdere, Yalnizcam D. (near Ardanuc) , Gavur D. (S of Ispir) and the Kizilirmak Delta , In W. A. some in the Iznik G. area 12 May and 3 in the Yalova area 13 May 75 and in the S . C . 2-3 (plus others heard calling) at Avian G. 28-29 June 74 were in suitable breeding habitat. In E. T. 3 between Kars and Ardahan 3 July 74 and some in pine woods S of Sarikamis 11 June 75 were in suitable breeding habitat. In addition to records from areas in the B.S. C. where the species was recorded as widespread in winter in 1970-1973, the species was also recorded eastwards to the Unye area, occurring in these areas from late Sept. In W. A. the species was widespread throughout the whole region on passage until late April and in the S. C. it was also widespread on passage throughout the whole region (west to the Elmali area), occurring on spring passage un- til mid May. The only winter records in the S. C. away from the Seyhan/Ceyhan Delta were 1 at the Goksu Delta 13 Dec and 2 there 15 Dec 75. In E. T. the species was widespread in autumn from early Aug onwards; in spring there were records of 2 N of Dogu- bayazit 11 March, 4 near Tercan and 1 near Erzincan 12 March 74, 1 between Mus and Varto 19 May, 7 between Horasan and Sarikamis and 1 between Pasinler and Erzurum 24 May 75. At the Bosphorus (B.S.C. /T. ), where coverage was poor, most were recorded in 1974, when 106 37 were recorded between 31 Aug -8 Oct (peak counts 1643 on 18 Sept and 2408 on 2 Oct). Elsewhere the largest concen- trations were 80 flying E along the coast or SSE across the Gulf of Izmit at Gebze (B. S. C. ) 19 Sept, 40 flying E at Silivri 17 Sept and 520 flying E in the Catalca area (T. ) 18 Sept, 25 flying N at Isken- derun between 30-31 March and 65 flying E in the Mersin area (S. C.) 1 Oct 74 (the largest counts outside the migration periods were 18 at the Kizilirmak Delta 15-16 Feb and 10 at Yalnizcam D. (B.S.C.) 5-6 July 74). All birds seen well in the breeding season resembled B , b. vulpinus or perhaps B. b. menetriesi in the north-east. C. Plateau: 4 in suitable breeding habitat (including a pair carrying nest material) near Kalecik 7 June 75. Otherwise 1 at Tuz G. 19 Aug, 1 at Karagol (N of Ankara) 23 Aug, 6 flying S at Hotamis 50 27 Aug, 5 between Ankara and Sereflikochisar 6 Oct 74 and 1 between Eregli and Konya 6 May 75. S. E. Turkey: 1 at Hazar G. 2 July 74, but no suggestion of breeding. Some flying up the Dicle N. at Cizre 16 May 75. HIEEAAETUS PENNATUS (BOOTED EAGLE) Fairly widespread and not uncommon summer visitor to the Black Sea Coastlands and the northern part of the Central Plateau, local- ly in smaller numbers across the rest of the country. Generally found in the breeding season in the vicinity of woodland in hilly or mountainous areas , often in quite arid habitats. More widespread and more numerous on passage, especially at the Bosphorus. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition to records from the areas in the B. S. C. also recorded in 1970-1973 small numbers were present in the breeding season in the Ilgaz area. In B. S. C . and T., apart from records from the Bosphorus area, there were the following records outside the breeding season; 2 between Izmit and Sile (B . S . C. ) 14 May 75,1 flying E near Tekirdag 17 Sept, 6 flying E in the Catalca area 18 Sept 74 and 2 near Ipsala (T. ) 26 Aug 75. At the Bosphorus (B.S. C./ T. ) where coverage was poor, most were recorded in 1974 when 205 passed E between 2 Sept-7 Oct (4 on 7 Oct were the latest for the country in the 2 year period). In the S.C. the species was re- corded on passage in the same area as in 1970-1973 from late March-mid May in spring (12 flying N at Iskenderun between 30-31 March 74 were the earliest for the country in the 2 years). In E. T. the only records outside the period mid Aug-early Sept were 1 NW of Ercis 5 Aug 74, 1 near Gevas , Van G. 18 May and 1 in moun- tains S of Van 19 May, 1 near Soylemez 20 May and up to 2 S of Sarikamis 21-22 May 75. S. E. Turkey: 1 at Urfa 1 July 74, 1 W of Kilis 12 May, 1 at Derik 14 May, 2 between Sirnak and Uludere 16 May, 1 W of Uludere 17 May and 1 between Diyarbakir and Siverek 20 May 75. 51 HIERAAETUS FASCIATUS (BONELLI'S EAGLE) Status uncertain; apparently a very scarce resident in small numbers in W. Anatolia, the S. Coastlands , the South East and possibly elsewhere. W. Anatolia: 2 in the Karaburun peninsula between Cesme and Izmir 25 May (PT,PJ) and 1 S of Sindirgi 29 July 75 (MH, JH). S. Coastlands: 1 at Anamur 2 Oct (DRT,DP et al. ), 1 near Bahce (E of Osmaniye) 3 Oct 74 (MB et al. ) and 1 at Hassa 12 May 75 (KW). AQUILA RAPAX (TAWNY EAGLE) Rare passage migrant across the country. Has been recorded in winter and summer on the C. Plateau and in winter in Thrace. No evidence of breeding. S. E. Turkey: 1 at Cizre 16 May 75 (KW). E. Turkey: 1 along the S side of Van G. 18-19 May 75 (PT , PJ) . AQUILA CLANGA (SPOTTED EAGLE) Rather local winter visitor in fairly small numbers in wetland areas in the western two -thirds of the country. A little more widespread on passage. Has been recorded in summer in the north and east. Black Sea Coastlands: At the Bosphorus, where coverage was poor, the only records were of 1 on 23 Sept, 1 on 30 Sept and 1 on 2 Oct 74, with 1 on 28 Sept 75 (all flying E). Elsewhere 3 at the Kizilirmak Delta 15 Feb 74. Thrace: See Bosphorus records above. W. Anatolia: 8 at Civril G. 27 Feb and 1 flying NNE between Bursa and Yenisehir 26 April 74. C. Plateau: At least 1 between Ulukisla and Aksaray 3 Oct 74. 52 AQUILA POMARINA (LESSER SPOTTED EAGLE) Local summer visitor in small numbers to lowland or hilly- wooded or forested areas, often near water, in every region. Fairly widespread on passage across the country, but mainly in the western two -thirds; locally numerous in the Bosphorus area and around the Gulf of Iskenderun. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973. The only breeding season records from T. andtheS.C. were 1 between Malkara and Tekirdag (T. ) 19 July 74, and 1 near Korkuteli (S. C. ) 27 June 74 (both suitable breeding areas), whilst on the C. P. there were 2 at Todurke G. (near Zara) 18 June 75 (also a suitable breeding site). At the Bosphorus (B.S.C. /T. ), where coverage was poor, most were recorded in 1974, when 5658 passed E between 1 Sept-8 Oct (peak 1003 on 22 Sept and 1310 on 24 Sept)(l which flew E on 8 Oct was also the latest for the country in the 2 year period). In addition a total of 2492 A. pomarina /clanga passed E between 13-26 Sept 74 and the vast majority were thought to be pomarina. Away from the Bosphorus area and the Kizilirmak Delta, the only other re- cords from the B.S.C. were 30 flying E along the coast or SSE across the Gulf of Izmit at Gebze 19 Sept 74 and 2 between Izmit and Sile 14 May 75. In W. A. away from the Marmara lakes the only record was of 1 at Uludag 17 Sept 74, whilst on the C. P. the only spring record was 1 between Konya and Afyon 22 May 75. Apart from records from the Bosphorus the largest concentrations were 500 flying E near Catalca (T. ) 18 Sept, cl 55 flying E in the Mersin area between 30 Sept-1 Oct and 206 flying S at Topbogazi (near Belen)(S.C. ) 4 Oct 74. Other interesting records included one seen in an aerial tallon -grapple with a Ciconia ciconia at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) 19 July 75, which ended with both birds being forced to the ground, and one fighting with a Cir caetus gallicus for a snake at Iznik G. (W. A. ) 8 Sept 75. Earliest re- cord in the 2 years was a record of 'many1 flying W over the Bosphorus between Istanbul and Sariyer (T. ) 15 April 74. E. Turkey: 1 between Karakurt and Kagizman 22 May 75. 53 AQUILA HELIACA (IMPERIAL EAGLE) Rather local resident or partial migrant in small numbers in every region except perhaps the S.Coastlands and the South East (but very local in the East). Generally in wooded lowlands or hilly areas at moderate altitudes in the breeding season, but sometimes in virtual- ly treeless areas. More widespread on passage and in winter across the country; wintering mainly in the west, south and on the Central Plateau. Black Sea Coastlands /Thrace/S. Coastlands /C. Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition to records from areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973, present in small numbers in the breeding season at Y enicaga G. (B. S. C . ) and in the Cankiri area (C. P. ). There was also a record of an adult in suitable breeding habitat SW of Gumushane (B.S.C.) 17 June, and records of 1 imm. between Aksehir and Konya 5 May, 1 bird between Konya and Ulukisla 15 May and 1 S of Konya (C. P. ) 22 May 75 (all possible breeding areas ). At the Bosphorus (B.S.C. /T. ), where coverage was poor, 2 flew E on 7 Sept and 1 flew E on 22 Sept 74. In T. , apart from records from the Bosphorus area, the only record was 1 imm. E of Silivri 1 7 Sept 74. On the C . P. pres ent in the areas where also recorded in winter in 1970 -1973, plus the Kizilcahamam area, from late Sept onwards. W. Anatolia: 4 at Civril G. 27 Feb 74 and 1 imm. at Kusadasi 29 April 75. S. E. Turkey: 1 between Sivelan and Baskale 18 May 75. E. Turkey: 3 near Soylemez 20 May 75. AQUILA CHRYSAETOS (GOLDEN EAGLE) Widespread and not uncommon resident in mountainous country (generally above 1 500m) throughout the country (but more local in regions lacking much suitable habitat). Occasionally noted in other areas outside the breeding season (occasionally on passage at the Bosphorus ). All regions except Thrace and S, E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 54 1973, with maximum counts of 8 between the mountains S of Ikizdere and the mountains S of Ispir on 9-11 July 74 and 7 in the mountains between Ikizdere and Ispir (B.S.C.) 12-14 June 75 (the latter including 1 carrying prey and 1 carrying nest material). In addition to records from the areas on the C. P. where small numbers were also noted in 1970-1973, the species was present in the Cay and Ulukisla areas. Else- where on the C. P. there was 1 imm. at Goreme 20 May 74. At the Bosphorus (B.S.C. /T. ) 1 flew E on 23 Sept and 1 flew E on 25 Sept 75. Thrace: 2 flew W with other raptors between Istanbul and Sariyer 15 April 74. See also autumn Bosphorus records above. S. E. Turkey: 1 between Sirnak and Uludere 16 May and 2 be- tween Sivelan and Baskale 18 May 75. NEOPHRON PERCNOPTERUS (EGYPTIAN VULTURE) Widespread and fairly common summer visitor and passage migrant to most of the country, but apparently absent from almost the whole of the Black Sea coast. Found in a wide variety of hilly, mountainous and even open country (pro- vided that suitable nest sites are available). Particularly common at the Bosphorus on passage. All regions: Status similar to 1 970 -1973, but in addition the species was present in the Tosya, Kargi and Sebinkarahisar areas (B.S.C.), In S. E. T, the species was widespread throughout the entire region. The maximum counts re- corded were up to 40 at the Kizilcahamam slaughter-house (C.P. ) 24 July 74 and c30 at Erzurum slaughter-house (E. T. ) 12 June 75. Earliest were 2 at Usak and 2 at Balikesir (W. A. ) 27 March 74 and last 7 flying E at Mersin (S. C. ) 1 Oct 74. 2 were seen feeding off a dead fox at the Kuruca pass (E. T. ) 10 Aug 74. At the Bosphorus (B. S. C. /T. ) most were recorded in 1974, when a total of 478 flew E between 55 1-30 Sept (peak 152 on 13 Sept). In T. away from the Bosphorus in autumn and the areas where also regularly noted between mid April -late Aug in 1970-1973, there were records of 1 flying W between Istanbul and Sariyer 15 April, 18 flying E near Silivri 17 Sept and 3 flying E near Catalca 18 Sept 74. GYPAETUS BARBATUS (LAMMERGEIER) Fairly widespread and not uncommon resident in small num- bers in high mountainous areas in most parts of the country, but more local in regions lacking much suitable habitat and apparently absent from Thrace. Erratically at lower altitudes outside the breeding season. Black Sea Coastlands /W, Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C. Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 3-4 at Uludag (W. A. ) 23 Sept 75 and 3 at a carcase with other raptors S of Kizilcahamam (C. P. ) 20 Sept 74. In the B. S. C. apart from records from areas where also recorded as widespread in 1970-1973 there were up to 2 (1 adult plus 1 imm. ) near Alicik (S. W. of Merzifon) 25 July 74. The 3 birds recorded S of Kizilcahamam on 20 Sept 74 were in company with 2 Aquila heliaca , 1 A. chrysaetos , 2 Neophron percnopterus , 15 Aegypius monachus and 8 Gyps fulvus. E. Turkey: 1 between Kagizman and Karakurt 23 May 75. AEGYPIUS MONACHUS (BLACK VULTURE) Fhirly widespread but somewhat uncommon resident or partial migrant in most regions , but rather local in Thrace and the South East, Generally in high, arid mountains and plains, but occasionally at lower altitudes, especially in the west. Occasionally in other areas outside the breeding season (a few occuring on passage at the Bosphorus and Dardanelles). All regions except S. E, Turkey: Status similar to 1970-197 3, 56 but also recorded in small numbers from the Osmaneli, Kutahya and the Cankiri areas (C. P. ), Soylemez area and Ercek G. (E. T. ). In W. A. away from areas where also regularly re- corded in 1970-1973 there were records of 2 at Uludag 17 Sept 74, 1-2 adults there 16 Sept and 1 bird on 23 Sept 75. Largest counts were 25 in the Balikdami area 21 May, 15 S of Kizil- cahamam 20 Sept 74 and 5 (including one pair displaying on the ground) N of Cankiri (C.P. ) 7 June 75. GYPS FULVUS (GRIFFON VULTURE) Widespread and fairly common summer visitor or partial migrant over most of the country, but more local in the west. Generally in high, mountainous country. More widespread on passage; overwintering in moderate numbers in the S. Coastlands, where probably largely resident, and in smaller numbers elsewhere in the western two -thirds of the country. All regions except Thrace and S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970 -1973, but in addition to those areas in which the species was also noted in 1970-1973, small numbers were recorded in the breeding season in the Kargi, Boyabat, Osmancik and Sebinkarahisar areas (B.S.C.) and the Cankiri area (C.P. ). The largest counts were of 20 in the mountains between Ispir and Ikizdere (B.S.C.) 13 July and 41 near Soysali (near Kurbaga G. ) (C. P. ) 1 June 75. The only winter records were 3N of Civril G. (W. A. ) 27 Feb 74 and 7 NW of Silifke (S. C. ) 12 Dec 75 (otherwise recorded only late March-early Oct). In addition to records from the areas of the C. P. also noted in 1970-1973 and from the Cankiri area, there were 2 NW of Karaman 25 Sept 74. Another record of interest was of 4 flying E at Mersin (S.C. ) 1 Oct 74. At the Bosphorus (B.S.C. /T.), where coverage was poor, most wer.e recorded in 1974, when a total of 14 flew E between 12 Sept - 4 Oct. 57 Thrace: 2 flew E at Catalca 18 Sept 74 and 2 flew S at Teke Burun (SW of Gelibolu) 24 Sept 75. See also Bosphorus re- cords above. S. E. Turkey: 1 at Derik 14 May, 12 near Cizre and 2 be- tween Sirnak and Uludere 16 May, 11 adults at a colony at Hakkari and 2 birds between Hakkari and Sivelan 17 May, with 3 between Sivelan and Baskale 18 May 75. CIRCAETUS GALLIC US (SHORT -TOED EAGLE) Fairly widespread and not uncommon summer visitor over most of the country, but apparently local in the eastern third. Mainly in dry, open or hilly country at low or moderate alti- tudes. More widespread on passage, being especially common in the Bosphorus area and around the Gulf of Iskenderun. All regions except E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition to records from those areas where also noted in 1970-1 973 , there were records of small numbers in the breeding season in the Abant, Tosya, Gumushane, Bayburt and Of areas , as well as in the mountains between Ikizdere and Ispir (B. S. C. ) and in the Kusadasi area (W. A. ). In S. E. T. recorded east to a line from Hazar G, to Cizre. At the Bosphorus (B.S.C. /T. ), where coverage was poor, most were recorded in 1974, when 905 passed E between 1 Sept- 8 Oct (peak 101 on 24 Sept). Away from the Bosphorus the largest counts were 1 1 at Yenicaga G. (B.S.C.) 21 May 75, 80 flying E at Catalca (T. ) 18 Sept 74 and 32 flying E in the Mersin area (S. C. ) between 30 Sept -1 Oct 74. The earliest record was of 6 flying N at Iskenderun (S. C. ) 31 March 74 and the latest 9 flying E at the Bosphorus (B.S.C. / T . ) 8 Oct 74. E. Turkey: The only records in the breeding season were of 1 at Elazig 2 July, 2 at Ardahan 3 July 74, 2 near Horasan 21 May and 1 between Kagizman and Karakurt 23 May 75. Otherwise 1 W of Dogubayazit 4 Aug, 1 S of Hamur 5 Aug, 1 W of the Kuruca pass 11 Aug 74 and 1 near Ercek 1 Oct 74. 58 CIRCUS CYANEUS (HEN HARRIER) Fairly widespread and not uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor, mainly to wetland areas; wintering in the western two - thirds of the country. Has been recorded in summer in the north-east, but no definite evidence of breeding. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 197 3,- with maximum counts of 5 at Hotamis G. 20 Feb 74 and up to 7 at Ankara (C. P. ) 31 Oct-10 Dec 75. In the B. S. C. there was 1 adult male at the Kopdagi pass on 1 5 June 75 (RFP et al. ), but no evidence of breeding. Elsewhere in the B.S.C. the species was present at the Kizilirmak Delta until at least Feb, whilst at the Bosphorus (B. S. C. /T. ) 1 flew E on 7 Oct 74 and 1 flew E on 26 Sept 75. In W. A. , the S.C. and C. P. away from areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 there were records of 1 at Acigol (W. A. ) 27 Feb, 2 flying N at Iskenderun (S. C. ) between 31 March-1 April, 1 E of Polatli 23 Feb and up to 2 regularly at Ankara (C. P. ) 18 March- 3 April 74 (also the other record from Ankara detailed above). CIRCUS MACROURUS (PALLID HARRIER) Fairly widespread and probably not uncommon passage migrant across the country in view of the many records of unidentified 'ringtails'. Occasionally recorded in winter in the western two- thirds of the country. Has been recorded in summer in the East, but no evidence of breeding. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 flew E at the Bosphorus 28 Sept 74 and 1 flew E there 17 Sept 75. Thrace: 1 present and 2 others flying S over the sea near Tekirdag 17 Sept 74. See also Bosphorus records above. S. Coastlands: Up to 2 at the Goksu Delta 26-27 Sept 74. C. Plateau: Up to 2 at Hotamis G. 22-23 Sept, 1 at Cumra 25 Sept 74 and 1 between Konya and Ulukisla 15 May 75. E. Turkey: 1 N of Suphan D. (N of Van G. ) 1 9 May 75. 59 CIRCUS PYGARGUS (MONTAGU'S HARRIER) Rather local summer visitor in moderate numbers to marshy wetland areas on the Central Plateau, in the East, the southern edge of the Black Sea Coastlands and the extreme South East. More widespread on passage across the country. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at the Kopdagi pass 12 June 75 was near suitable breeding habitat. 1 pair was present in the same area on 1 Aug 74. At the Bosphorus, where coverage was poor, none was definitely identified in either year. Thrace: 1 imm. between Gelibolu and Saros Korfezi 24 Sept 75. S. Coastlands: 1 near Alanya 2 Oct and 1 N of Alanya 5 Oct 74. C. Plateau: 1 at Balikdami 21 May, 5 between Konya and Aksaray 23 May, 2 at Tuz G. 24 May, 2 imms. near Cifteler and 1 bird W of Eskisehir 30 Aug 74, up to 2 at Kurbaga G. 10-11 May, 1 NW of Aksaray 22 May, 7 at Hotamis G. 3-4 June and 3-4 there 22 July, 1 at the wetlands near Yarma 13 June and 1 there 5 Aug, 1 N of Konya 22 July, with 2 between Konya and Sultanhani and 1 injured imm. between Sultanhani and Aksaray 5 Aug 75. E. Turkey: 1 near Bashan 9 Aug 74, 1 near Bulanik and 1 between Mus and Varto 19 May 75. CIRCUS AERUGINOSUS (MARSH HARRIER) Rather local resident or partial migrant in fairly small numbers in wetlands with suitable reed -beds over much of the country, but apparently absent from most of the extreme southern parts. More widespread in larger numbers on passage across the country, wintering throughout the western two -thirds. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but also small numbers present in suitable breeding areas between the Bulanik area and Mus (E. T. ). Maximum counts of 31 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) 15-16 Feb and 16 there 26-27 July 74. At the Bosphorus (B.S.C./T.), where the species occurred from late Aug -early Oct, most were recorded in 1974, when 12 passed E between 5 Sept -3 Oct. In the B.S.C. the only records away 60 from the Bosphorus and the Kizilirmak Delta were 1 near Unye 28 July and 1 flying S at Rize 26 Sept 74. In T. away from the Meric Delta there were records of 1 E of Edirne 20 May, 1 SE of Edirne and 1 flying E to the E of Tekirdag 17 Sept, with 1 flying S over the sea at Tekirdag 8 Oct 74. The only record from W. A. away from areas where also noted regularly be- tween late Aug-late April in 1970-1973 was 1 at Gulluk G. 22-23 Sept 74. On the C. P. the only record away from areas where also regularly noted between early Aug-late April in 1970-1973 was 1 at Aksaray 8 Oct 74. Recorded in E. T. in the areas where regularly noted also in 1970-1973 and those others listed above until at least early Oct. NOTE: CIRCUS SPP, A number of records of unidentified harriers (Circus spp. ) were received from areas in every region except W. A. , S. E. T. and E. T. between Aug -Dec. Most referred to 'ringtails' (C. cyaneus /macrourus /pygargus) . FALCO CHERRUG (SAKER) Fairly widespread but uncommon resident on the Central Plateau and in the East. In the breeding season generally in high, arid plains and broad valleys near suitable breeding sites. More widespread on passage and in winter across the country. Black Sea Coastlands: At the Bosphorus, where coverage was poor, the only records were 1 flying E on 1 8 Sept 74 and 2 flying E on 20 Sept 75. 1 SE of Bayburt 30 Sept 74. Thrace: See Bosphorus records above. W. Anatolia: 1 at Gulluk G. with a recently taken Pica pica 22 Sept 74 and 1 at Uludag 20 Aug 75. S. Coastlands: 1 at the Goksu Delta 21-22 May 75; presumably a late migrant. C. Plateau: 1 at Kizilcahamam 23 July, 1 near Cihanbeyli 26 Aug, 61 1 at Hotamis 27 Aug, 1 at Cay 30 Aug and 1 at Goreme 6 Oct 74. 1 pair with an eyrie with 1 young bird 10 days old N of Sereflikochisar 9 May 75 (KW). E. Turkey: 1 pair with young on cliffs at Akdamar Island, Van G. 8 June and 1 at Ercek G. in suitable breeding area 9 June 75; the birds at Akdamar were watched returning with food for the young (TD,MHR et al. ). Also 1 between Ercek and Van 23 Aug 75. FALCO BLARMICUS (LANNER) Status uncertain; probably a very scarce resident or partial migrant in small numbers in W. Anatolia, the S. Coastlands , C. Plateau, South East and East. More widespread across the country in winter, perhaps as a result of dispersal from breeding areas. All submitted records must be accompanied by a description. S. E. Turkey: 1 at Hazar G. 12 Aug 74 (DJP , TAW et al. ) FALCO PEREGRINUS (PEREGRINE) Status uncertain; probably a rather local resident or partial migrant in fairly small numbers in hilly or mountainous areas in all regions. Appears to disperse away from some breeding areas outside the breeding season. Also occurs on passage and pre- sumably as a winter visitor. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at the Kizilirmak Delta 15 Feb and 1 there 27 July 74 (near suitable breeding habitat). 1 at Yalnizcam D. 5 July and 1 SE of Gumushane 30 July 74 were also in suitable breeding areas. 1 passed E at the Bosphorus on 25 Aug 75. Thrac e: 2 (ad. plus juv. ) near Eceabat 24 Sept 75. W. Anatolia: latBafaG. 12-13 Sept 74 , 1 at the K . Mender es Delta 10 Aug and 1 at Uludag 12 Sept 75. S. Coastlands: 1 at the Goksu Delta 19 Feb and 1 there 26-27 Sept 74, with 1 at a cliff W of Silifke 15 Dec 75. S. E. Turkey: 1 at Hazar G. , in suitable breeding habitat, 2 July 74. E. Turkey: 1 in mountains S of Van 19 May and 1 at Nemrut D. (near Tatvan) 7 June 75 were both in suitable breeding habitat. NOTE: LARGE FALCO SPP. Several records of unidentified large falcons (mainly F. cherrug/biarmicus ) were received from across the country. Of note were records of 1 cherrug/biarmicus between Siverek and Diyarbakir 1 July and 3 between Diyarbakir and Hazar G. 2 July 74. FALCO SUBBUTEO (HOBBY) Fairly widespread and fairly common summer visitor to most of the country, but local in the East and apparently absent from most of the South East. Generally in fairly open areas with woodland or forest, both in the plains and in hilly or mountainous areas. More widespread on passage. All regions except S. E, Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition to the areas where also regularly noted in 1970-1973, small numbers were present in the breeding season in the Abant, Terme, Unye and Sumela (S of Trabzon) areas, at Yalnizcam D. (B. S. C. ),in the Kars , Fahril G. (near Ardahan) , Sarikamis , Kagizman, Soylemez, Hinis , Mus , Varto, Askale and Hamur areas (E. T. ). On the C. P. the species was widespread in small numbers in the breeding season throughout the entire region. Larger numbers were present also in the Giresun area (B.S.C. ), where a flock of 19 was noted hunting at dusk on 10 June 75. In E. T. present in the areas listed above and in the Van G. area from mid May onwards until early Oct. At the' Bos- phorus (B.S.C. /T. ) probably recorded on passage from mid- Aug to early Oct in small numbers, but totals impossible to determine due to interference by local breeding birds and their young. The first record in the two year period was of 1 N of Gonen (W. A.) 22 April 74, the last 1 flying E at the Bosphorus (B. S. C . /T.) and 3 flying S over the sea at Tekirdag (T.) 8 Oct 74. ” 63 S. E. Turkey: 1 between Urfa and Birecik 31 May 74, some be- tween Uludere and Hakkari 17 May and 1 N of Baskale 18 May 75. FALCO ELEONORAE (ELEONORA'S FALCON) Status uncertain; certainly an uncommon passage migrant and non-breeding visitor to the Mediterranean, Aegean and Marmara coastal areas, generally in small numbers. Occasionally re- corded inland in W. Anatolia and has occurred in autumn on the Central Plateau. May well breed very locally on the Aegean or Mediterranean coasts. There has been some recent indication of breeding in the Sea of Marmara. W. Anatolia: 1 at the B.Menderes Delta 16 May 74 (MHR et al. ), clO there 1 June (FGR et al. ) and 4 on 8 Aug 75 (DKB). 2 at Cinarcik (near Yalova) 12-13 May (KB,HG) and 1 between Cesme and Izmir in the Karaburun peninsula 25 May 75 (PT,PJ). S. Coastlands: 1 S of Kemer (in this case the town S of Antalya) 27 Aug 74 (CB , PEOW et al. ). 5 in the Alanya area 29 April (BA) and 1 there 27 Sept 74 (DP et al. ). FALCO COLUMBARIUS (MERLIN) Fairly widespread but generally uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor across the country; wintering in the western two- thirds of the country, especially on the Central Plateau. Apparently found mainly in wetland areas. All regions except S.E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, with a maximum count of 6 at Hotamis G. 20 Feb 74. At the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) the species was present until at least Feb (2 there 1 5 F eb 74); elsewhere in the region 1 at Yeni- caga G. 6 Oct 74 and at the Bosphorus (B.S.C. /T.) 1 flew E on 18 Sept 74. In T. away from the Bosphorus and the Meric Delta there were records of 1 at Tekirdag 17 Sept and 1 flying out to sea at Tekirdag 8 Oct 74. In the S. C. in addition to records from areas where also recorded regularly in 1970-1973 (records which 64 included Z at Karamik G. Z6 Feb 74), there were Z at Akyatan G. 18 Feb 74. On the C. P. outside the area where also regularly noted in 1970-1973 there were observations of 1 between Kirs ehir and Mucur and 1 at Seyfe G. 17 Feb 74 and 1 at Mogan G. Z5 Oct 75. E. Turkey: 1 W of Kagizman 11 March 74. FALCO VESPERTINUS (RED-FOOTED FALCON) Fairly widespread passage migrant across the country in irregular numbers, being locally common. Occasionally recorded in summer in the north and west, but no evidence of breeding. Black Sea Coastlands: At the Bosphorus a total of 8Z passed E between Z1 Sept - 4 Oct 74 (peak 43 on Z Oct) and 7 passed E between 14 -Z6 Sept 75. Elsewhere 1 SE of Bayburt 30 Sept 74, some be- tween Izmit and Sile plus Z at Sile 14 May and Z8 at Yenicaga G. Z1 May 75. Thrace: 16 near Catalca 18 Sept, 16 between Istanbul and Edirne Z3 Sept, 54 flying S out to sea at Tekirdag and a total of Z1 between the Silivri area and Edirne 8 Oct 74. 1 between Corlu and Istanbul 14 Sept, 1 flying SSW at Teke Burun (SW of Gelibolu) and 14 between Gelibolu and Saros Korfezi Z4 Sept 75. See also Bosphorus records above. W. Anatolia: 7 N of Gonen ZZ April, Z W of Karacabey Z4 April, 6 near Bodrum Z4 May 74, Z in the Izmir area Z6-Z7 April, 3 between Kusadasi and Efes Z9 April, c40 between Kusadasi and Bafa G. and c70 at Bafa G. 30 April 75. S. Coastlands: 1 between Manavgat and Alanya 10 April 74. 1 at Alanya 1 Oct 74 and 1 there 6 May 75. Some between Egridir and Isparta Z May 75. C. Plateau: 4 at Kulu Z3 April, Z at Mogan G. 30 April, 1 between Eskisehir and Sivrihisar and Z at Balikdami Z1 May, 1 near Yenice (S of Ankara) Z1 Sept, 1 NW of Karaman Z5 Sept, 1 at Ulukisla and 1 at Aksaray 3 Oct 74, up to 5 at Aksehir G. 3-4 May, some between Aksehir and Konya 5 May, some between Eregli and Konya 6 May, some between Eregli and Goreme 8 May, 1 W of Sereflikochisar 65 9 May and IE of Sivas 25 May 75. S. E. Turkey: 1 near Birecik 29 May 74. E. Turkey: 2 along the S side of Van G. 18 May 75. FALCO NAUMANNI (LESSER KESTREL) Widespread and common summer visitor to most of the country, but apparently absent as a breeding bird from the Black Sea coastal strip. Large post -breeding concentrations form in some areas. Found generally in towns and villages, or amongst ruins, and in dry, open agricultural areas in their vicinity. Sometimes lingers until late autumn or even early winter in the extreme south. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but inS.E.T. widespread throughout the entire region. Maximum counts of c70 near Gelibolu (T. ) 25 Aug 75, several hundred at Anamur and Gazipasa (S. C. ) 19 April, 50+ at Elmadag 24 July and up to 60 between Konya and Hotamis G. (C.P. ) 26-27 Aug 74 , with 100+ at Silvan (S . E . T . ) 2 Oct 74. The largest colony noted was c20 pairs in the ruins of Milet (W. A. ) in May 74. 2 nests (4 eggs, 5 eggs) N of Yesilhisar (C. P. ) 25 May 75. At the Bosphorus (B.S.C./T.) most were recorded in 1974, when 18 passed E between 5 Sept-3 Oct. In the B.S.C. away from the Bosphorus and areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 there was 1 flying S at Rize 26 Sept 75. Recorded in E. T. andS.E.T. until early October. The earliest record in the two years was the record at Anamur and Gazipasa described above-, the latest 2 flying S over the sea at Tekirdag and a total of cl7 between the Silivri area and Edirne (T. ) 8 Oct 74. FALCO TINNUNCULUS (KESTREL) Fairly widespread and fairly common resident over most of the country, but apparently rather local in the South East. Found in a wide variety of habitats, especially in open agricultural areas, in both forested and treeless hilly or mountainous areas (up to 2650m) and around old buildings and ruins etc. More widespread and more 66 common on passage and in winter, especially in lowland areas. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition to records from thos e areas in the B . S. C . also noted in 1970-1973, recorded in small numbers in the Kelkit area. Largest counts were 24 between Edirne and Istanbul 20 May and 1 2 at Marmaraere glis i (T. ) 17 Sept 74, 8 between Kulu and Konyd (C. P. ) 12 Dec 75 and 8 in the Van/Ercek G. area (E. T. ) 18 May 75. At the Bosphorus (B. S. C. /T.) the largest total was recorded in 1975, when 25 passed E between 19 Aug-2 Oct. S. E. Turkey: 2 between Gaziantep and Birecik 16-17 May, 4 be- tween Birecik and Yiransehir and 2 between Viransehir and Diyar- bakir 17 May, with 7 between Diyarbakir and Siverek 20 May 75. TETRAOGALLUS CASPIUS (CASPIAN SNOWCOCK) Status uncertain; has been recently recorded from the eastern Black Sea Coastlands, the eastern Taurus and the extreme East. Probably a much more widely distributed and not uncommon resident in high, precipitous mountains (generally well above c2400m in summer) in the eastern third of the country, extending westwards to the Main Taurus. Black Sea Coastlands: 10+ at about 3 300m in the mountains between Ispir and Ikizdere 27 Sept 74 (MB et al. ). Droppings were also found here on 14 June 75. S. Coastlands: Up to 7 in the Aladag 26-27 May 74 (TE) and 6 males displaying there 12 June 75 (FGR et al. ). ALECTORIS CHUKAR (CHUKAR) Fairly widespread and fairly common resident over much of the country, but more local in some areas and apparently absent from much of Thrace and the western Black Sea Coastlands. Mainly in dry, rocky hill country or on mountain slopes up to at least 2800m. All regions except Thrace: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition to records from the areas in W. A. and the C. P. where v 67 also noted in 1970-1973 recorded in small numbers in the Karaman area, the Verzihan area (N of Bilecik)(C. P. ) and in larger numbers on Uludag (W. A. ), where 15 on- 12 Sept 75. In S. E. T. recorded throughout the entire region. The largest counts were 20 at Karanfil D. , Aladag (S.C.) 19 Aug and 20 near Erkenek (NE of Golbasi) (S. E. T. ) 14 Aug 74. AMMOPERDIX GRISEOGU LARIS (SEE -SEE PARTRIDGE) Rather local but not uncommon resident in parts of the South East. Found in arid, fairly rocky country. S. E. Turkey: 6 near Viransehir 31 May 74, 2 pairs near Derik 14 May, 4 W of Cizre 16 May and 4 pairs E of Birecik 8 June 75. FRANCOLINUS FRANCO LINUS (BLACK FRANCOLIN) Local and uncommon resident in the two major south coast deltas and their surroundings. S. Coastlands: Some in the area S of Tarsus 11-12 May 75 (KW) PERDIX PERDIX (PARTRIDGE) Rather local resident in faijTy small numbers on parts of the Central Plateau, around the south-western lakes and along the north flanks of the Taurus; also very locally in Thrace. Generally in open agricultural country. C , Plateau: 1 pair at Ankara 30 March and 4 May 74, with up to 20 regularly there 28 Aug-7 Nov 75. A family party of 7 at Cavuscu G. 28 Aug 74 and 1 pair on the slopes of Erciyes D. at 1800m 11 May 75. COTURNIX COTURNIX (QUAIL) Widespread and fairly common summer visitor to much of the country, being especially common on the Central Plateau, but 68 rather local in the Black Sea Coastlands and Thrace and apparently very local in the South East. Found in dry, open cornfields, rolling grassy steppe etc. Somewhat more widespread and in larger numbers on passage. Regularly overwinters in small numbers in lowland areas in the western two -thirds of the country, mainly on the south and south-west coasts. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition to records from those areas also noted in 1970-1973 there were breeding season records of small numbers from the Boya- bat, Merzifon, Bayburt, Sebinkarahisar and Ispir areas, the Kizilirmak Delta and the mountains between Ikizdere and Ispir (B.S.C.), the Dinar area and Uludag (W.A.), and Amik G. (S.C.). Birds were recorded at over 2000m in the mountains between Ikizdere and Ispir, south of Ispir and at the Kopdagi pass (B.S.C.) in June -July 75. The largest count was 11 in the Amik G. area 31 May 75. Only one winter record; 6 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 13 Dec 75 (otherwise recorded late March-early Oct). S. E. Turkey: Some between Viransehir and Derik 14 May, 1 near Midyat 15 May and 1 between Sivelan and Baskale 18 May 75. GRUS GRUS (CRANE) Fairly widespread and not uncommon resident or partial migrant in marshy wetlands on the Central Plateau and in the East, more locally in the Black Sea Coastlands, the S. Coastlands , the South East and possibly W. Anatolia. More widespread and in much larger numbers on passage across the country; considerable numbers re- main to winter on the C. Plateau and in adjacent parts of W. Anatolia, occasionally in much smaller numbers elsewhere. Black Sea Coastlands /W. Anatolia /C, Plateau/E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition to records from areas on the C. P. where breeding also noted in 1 970 -1973 there was a re- cord of c30 in suitable breeding habitat at Tuz G. 22 May, 5 on 24 May 74 and 2 there 18 May 75, with a total of 1 1 at Todurke G. (near Zara) 18 June 75 (including 1 pair with 2 young, 1 pair with 69 1 young and 1 pair with a nest); the only other records between April-Aug were 1 at Mogan G. 9 June, 11 at Cavuscu G. .28 Aug 74 and 2 at a lake near Bala 1 3 July 75. In E. T. small numbers were also present in the breeding season N of Suphan D. , between the Bulanik area and Mus , between Mus and Varto, in the Soylemez area and in the Sarikamis area; a nest with 3 eggs was found at Sarikamis 24 May 75. In the B.S.C. there was an unusually large breeding season concentration of 26 at Yenicaga G. 21 May 75, but the only winter record apart from one from Merzifon described below was 8 at the Kizilirmak Delta 16 Feb 74. In W. A. the species was present in numbers at Acigol until at least Feb and 2 were displaying and copulating there 12 May 74 (but no actual evidence of breeding). Apart from records from the areas in the C. P. where the species was also regularly recorded from Sept - March in 1970-1973 there were 9 at Ankara 24 Oct 75. The largest counts were 140 in the Merzifon area (B.S. C. ) 16 Feb, 130 at Eregli G. 20 Feb and 300 at Tuz G. (C. P. ) 3 Oct 74. At the Bosphorus (B.S.C. /T. ) most were recorded in 1974, when a total of 73 passed E between 7-30 Sept (peak 50 on 30 Sept). Thrace: 3 flew E at Silivri 24 Aug 75. See also Bosphorus re- cords above. S. C oastlands; 1 pair at Avian G. 29 June 74. (said to be nesting according to local people, but no definite evidence) and 2 birds at Karamik G. 2 June 75, both suitable breeding sites. Otherwise 5 at Tuzla G. 1 8 Feb , 24 at the Goksu Delta 19 Feb, 2 at Perge 11 May and 8 flying W at Mersin 30 Sept 74. ANTHROPOIDES VIRGO (DEMOISELLE CRANE) Status uncertain; apparently a very local breeding summer visitor in very small numbers in the East (breeding confirmed in 1971 and 1975), occurring in larger numbers in this region on passage. Occasionally elsewhere in the country on passage (westwards to the Marmara region). C . Plateau: 1 1 at Mogan G. 6 April 74 (JRT). 70 E. Turkey: 1 pair on an island in the Murat N. near Bulanik 19 May and 1 pair with a nest with 2 eggs on a gravel island in a river near Soylemez 20 May 75 (KW). OTIS TARDA (GREAT BUSTARD) Statics uncertain; apparently a local resident or partial migrant in moderate numbers on the Central Plateau and in adjacent parts of the S.Coastlands and in smaller numbers in the East. Has been recorded in the Black Sea Coastlands , W. Anatolia, on the south coast and in the South East. It probably breeds in all or some of these areas, but no definite evidence during the period under consideration. Whether or not winter immigration into the country takes place is uncertain. Found in extensive, dry, open cornfields and grassy steppe etc. Black Sea Coastlands: 4 near Alicik (SW of Merzifon) 26 July 74 (TAW et al. ). W. Anatolia: 2 near Acigol 27 Sept 74. S. C oastlands: Some feathers belonging to this bird (shot?) at Akyatan G. 18 Feb 74 (LJD.FJK). 8 at Hoyran G. 26 Feb 74. C. Plateau: 6 along the E side of Tuz G. and 1 between Kulu and Cihanbeyli 21 Feb, 3 at Aksehir G. 23 Feb, 1 at Eber G. 24 Feb 74 1 at Tuz G. 24 May, 7 on 3 Oct 74 and 1 on 9 May 75. 1 at Yesilhisar 10 May 75. S. E, Turkey: 1 adult female behaving as if it had young W of Viransehir 14 May (KW) and 4 between Birecik and Viransehir 17 May 75 (PT,PJ). E. Turkey: 5 between Patnos and Malazgirt 19 May 75. RALLUS AQUATICUS (WATER RAIL) Fairly widespread and fairly common resident or partial migrant in marshy wetlands over most of the country, but apparently very local in the East and absent from the South East. More widespread and in larger numbers on passage and in winter; wintering in the 71 western two -thirds of the country. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, with maximum counts of 1 2 at Yenicaga G. (B.S.C. ) 5 Oct and 1 3 at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 27 Aug 74. In the B.S. C. away from the Kizilirmak Delta there was only the record listed above. In W. A. and the S.C. there were the following records in addition to those from areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973; 1 at Civril G. 27 Feb and some at Gulluk G. (W. A.) 22-23 Sept 74, 1 near Alanya 6 Oct 74 and 1 at Alanya (S.C.) 30 April 75. E. Turkey: Several calling at Fahril G. (near Ardahan) 3 July 74, 1 along the S side of Van G. 18 May and 1 heard at Van 8 June 75 were all in suitable breeding habitat. PORZANA PORZANA (SPOTTED CRAKE) Status uncertain; has been recorded in summer in marshy wet- lands in Thrace and on the Central Plateau. May well breed locally in small numbers. Otherwise probably occurs widely on passage in small numbers across the country. W. Anatolia: Some between Kusadasi and Bafa G. 30 April (KB, HG) and 1 at the K. Menderes Delta 10 Aug 75 (RPM). S. Coastlands; 1 at Alanya 5 Oct 74 (DP et al. ). C. Plateau: 1 at Mogan G. 25 April, 1 on 1 May (JRT) and 1 there 20 Sept 74 (GMSE.MTB). PORZANA PARVA (LITTLE CRAKE) Status uncertain; has been recorded in summer at a marshy wet- land locality on the south coast, but no evidence of breeding in the country during the period under consideration. Probably occurs widely in small numbers on passage across the country. W. Anatolia: 1 at Koycegiz G. 8 Sept 74 (CB , PEOW et al. ). S. C oastlands: 1 at Alanya 12 April 74 (RC) and 1 at the Goksu Delta 21-22 May 75 (PT.PJ). C. Plateau: 1 pair Mogan G. 25 April and 1 pair there 1 May 74 (JRT). 72 PORZANA PUSILLA (BAIL, LON'S CRAKE) Status uncertain; has been recorded in spring and autumn in wet- land localities in the Black Sea Coastlands , on the south coast and in the East; also in winter in W. Anatolia. May well breed locally in small numbers, but no evidence during the period under consideration. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at Yenicaga G. 21 May 75 (RKM.CW). S. Coastlands: 1 at the Goksu Delta 21-22 May 7 5 (PT,PJ). E. Turkey: 1 adult female at Van 1 Oct 74 (MB et al. ). CREX CREX (CORNCRAKE) Status uncertain; probably occurs widely in small numbers on passage across the country. May breed, but no evidence during the period under consideration. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at Camlica (Bosphorus) 13 Sept 74 (TAW et al. ). GALLINULA CHLOROPUS (MOORHEN) Widespread and fairly common resident or partial migrant in over- grown marshy areas, both around large wetlands and near rivers , streams and small pools, over most of the country, but local and less common in the East and apparently absent from the South East. More common in winter in the western two -thirds of the country, especially in coastal areas, suggesting some immigration from outside the country. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, with a maximum count of 34 at Apolyont G. (W. A. ) 2 March 74. Away from the Kizilirmak Delta the only records from the B.S.C. were 1 at Izmit 13 March 74, 1 at Abant G. 1-2 June and 1 with 5+ chicks (clO days old) there 6-13 July 75. On the C.P. in addition to records from the areas where the species was also noted in 1970-1973 there were 2 at Karagol (N of Ankara) 23 Aug 74. 73 E. Turkey: 4 along the S side of Van G. 18 May and 2 at Van 8 June 75, both suitable breeding areas. FULICA ATRA (COOT) Widespread and common resident in wetlands with open water over most of the country, but apparently absent as a breeding species from the South East. Even more widespread on passage and in winter throughout the country (often in wetlands without emergent vegetation), with very large numbers in the western two -thirds . All regions except S, E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but much lower maximum counts of 4630 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) 15-16 Feb, 3885 at B.Cekmece (T. ) 4 March, 6230 at Civril G. (W. A. ) 27 Feb, 7880 at Burdur G. 25-26 Feb, 7510 at Karamik G. 26 Feb and 25000 at the Goksu Delta (S.C.) 26 Sept, with 5000+ at Kulu G. (C. P.) 25-26 Aug 74. In the B. S. C. there were records of 1 2 at Trabzon harbour 14 Feb and 40 at Persembe harbour 15 Feb 74 in addition to records from areas where also regularly noted in winter in 1970-1973. In W.A. , apart from records from areas where also noted regularly in the breeding season in 1970-1973, there was 1 at Cigli marsh 4 June 75. At the Goksu Delta the largest number recorded in the breeding season was 200 on 21 -22 May 75. On the C. P. the species was found in wetlands throughout the region from late August onwards; away from areas where also recorded in the breeding season in 1970-1973 there were 2 at Zara 25 May 75. HAEMATOPUS OSTRALEGUS (OYSTERCATCHER) Fairly widespread and not uncommon summer visitor to river valleys, wetlands etc. in the East, locally also in small numbers on the Central Plateau and in coastal localities in W. Anatolia. Probably also breeds very locally on the north coast. Perhaps only on the south coast and elsewhere on passage. Regularly 74 overwinters at one coastal locality in the south-west. Black Sea Coastlands: 2 at Tirebolu 29 July 74. W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C. Plateau /E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but lower maximum counts of 3 pairs at Kulu G. (C. P. ), acting in an agitated manner, 5 June, 15 in the Soylemez area 20 May and 8 near Askale (E. T. ) (1 pair apparently breeding) 15 June 75. In W. A. apart from records from the B. Menderes Delta there was 1 in suitable breeding habitat at Cigli marsh 4 June 75. On the C. P. away from Kulu G. the only record was 1-2 at Aksehir G. 4 May 75. In E. T. birds were recorded until early Aug in the same areas where regularly noted in 1970-1973 and also in the Bulanik area. CHARADRIUS HIATICULA (RINGED PLOVER) Fairly widespread and fairly common passage migrant across the country, wintering in smaller numbers in the western two -thirds of the country, mainly along the south coast. All regions except Thrace and S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but a lower maximum count of cl5 at Eregli G. (C. P. ) 7 May 75. IntheB.S.C. away from the Kizilirmak Delta there were records of 1 at Inebolu 6 Sept and 3 at the Gulf of Izmit 23 Sept 75, whilst in the S. C. there was an observation away from the Goksu and Seyhan /Ceyhan deltas of 1 at Aspendos (near Antalya) 17 Aug 74. On the C.P. the species was recorded from late July onwards in the area where also regularly noted in 1970- 1973, whilst in E. T. there were records from the Van G. area from early Aug onwards. The only spring observation from the C.P. was the one at Eregli G. listed above. Thrace: 6+ at Saros Korfezi 24 Sept 75. CHARADRIUS DUBIUS (LITTLE RINGED PLOVER) Fairly widespread and fairly common summer visitor to the whole country. In the breeding season in various wetland habitats, 75 including suitable river -banks etc. More common on passage, especially in autumn. Has been recorded in winter in the south- west. All regions except Thrace and S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition there were small numbers in the breeding season in the Unye, Fatsa, Bayburt and Artvin areas (B.S.C. ). Maximum counts of 45 at Hotamis 27 Aug and up to 50 there 22-23 Sept 74, 30 at Kulu G. (C. P. ) 25 Aug 75 and 30 at Van (E. T. ) 6 Aug 74. Recorded in E. T. until early Oct. No winter records ; earliest 5 at Emir G. (C. P. ) 23 March 74 and latest 1 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 4 Oct 75. S. E. Turkey: 1 at Idil (near Cizre) 15 May, 1 at Cizre 16 May, 5 between Sivelan and Baskale 18 May and 1 on the Firat N. near Birecik 7 June 75; all suitable breeding areas. CHARADRIUS ALEXANDRINUS (KENTISH PLOVER) Fairly widespread and fairly common resident or partial migrant in suitable habitat over most of the country, but apparently absent from the South East. Generally around sandy or stony tracts near water, especially saline wetlands and coastal areas. More numer- ous and widespread on passage across the country, wintering in considerable numbers in the western two-thirds , mainly in coastal areas in the south and south-west. All regions except Thrace and S. E, Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, but in addition to records from areas on the C. P. also noted in 1970-1973 there were small numbers in the breeding season at Balikdami and at Todurke G. (near Zara). Maximum counts of 55 at the B. Menderes Delta (W. A. ) 28 Feb , 258 at Akyatan G. 1 8 Feb and 90 at Iskele lagoons (S. C. ) 19 Feb 74, 200 at Kulu G. (C. P. ) 21 July and 250 there 25-26 Aug 75. There were no winter records from the B. S. C . , however, but away from the Kizilirmak Delta there were records of 4 E of Samsun 27 July, 2 W of Unye 28 July 74 and 5 at Inebolu 6 Sept 75. In E. T. in addition to records from areas also noted in 1970-1973 there were 2 between Agri and 76 Hamur 4 Aug 74. Breeding records included adults with 3 young chicks at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 21 April and 1 small chick there 1 July 74. Thrace: 1+ at Saros Korfezi 24 Sept 75. CHARADRIUS LESCHENAULTII (GREATER SAND PLOVER) Rather local summer visitor, generally in moderate numbers, on the Central Plateau, perhaps also very locally in the South East. Regularly recorded on passage on the south coast and occasionally elsewhere across the country. Found in the breeding season on open sand or mud flats and steppe in the vicinity of water. C . Plateau: 5 pairs and 2 chicks at a small salt lake near Incesu 1 June and 2 adults and 1 fledged young at Eregli G. 13 June 75. Elsewhere 6 at Mogan G. 20 July 74 and up to 13 there 25-30 July 75, up to 9 at Kulu G. 25 Aug 74, 3 there 29 May and 1 there 21 July 75. 1 at Tuz G. 24 May 74, 4 between Eregli and Konya 6 May, 3 N of Yesilhisar 10 May, 1 near Develi 25 May, up to 28 at Kurbaga G. 26 May-2 June, with 5 near Hotamis 27 May 75. E. Turkey: 1 along the S side of Van G. 18 May 75. CHARADRIUS MORINELLUS (DOTTEREL) Locally in considerable numbers on passage on the Central Plateau, occasionally in smaller numbers in other areas in the western two-thirds of the country. Has been recorded in summer and early winter on the C. Plateau and also in winter in the S. Coastlands and South East. W. Anatolia: 3 at Uludag 16 Sept 75. S. Coastlands: 4 at Akyatan G. 18 Feb 74. P LU VIA LIS APRICARIA (GOLDEN PLOVER) Rather local passage migrant and winter visitor across the country, but predominantly found in the western two -thirds of the country. 77 Generally in moderate numbers. Black Sea Coastlands /W, Anatolia /S . Coastlands /C. Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, but much lower maximum counts of 15 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) 15 Feb, 15 at Hotamis G. 20 Feb and 1 6 at Aksehir G. (C. P. ) 23 Feb 74. At the Kizilirmak Delta the species was present until at least Feb; the only record from elsewhere in the B . S. C. was 1 3 flying S at Camlica (Bos - phorus) 20 Sept 75. On the C. P. away from Tuz G. there were records of 5 between Ankara and Polatli 23 Feb and an unusual one of 1 at Mogan G. 16 June 74 in addition to those from Hotamis G. and Aksehir G. detailed above. Thrac e: c20 at B. Cekmece 4 March 74 and 3 at Saros Korfezi 24 Sept 75. PLUVIALIS SQUATAROLA (GREY PLOVER) Rather local passage migrant in wetland and coastal areas across the country, generally in moderate numbers. Regularly over- winters in smaller numbers in the western two -thirds of the coun- try, mainly in coastal areas. Black Sea Coastlands /W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 50 at the B. Menderes Delta (W. A. ) 28 Feb and 24 at Akyatan G. (S. C. ) 18 Feb 74. In the B.S.C. the only record away from the Kizilirmak Delta was 1 W of Unye 28 July 74, in W. A. the only record away from the B. Menderes Delta was 4 at Manyas G. 30 Sept 74 and in the S. C. the only record away from the Goksu and Seyhan/Ceyhan deltas was 1 at Alanya 7 May 75. The species was recorded from the Goksu and Seyhan/Ceyhan deltas until late April. Thrac e: 200-300 at Saros Korfezi 24 Sept 75, an unusually large concentration. C. Plateau: 2 at Kulu G. 21 Sept, with up to 2 at Mogan G. 16-30 Sept and 1 there 9 Nov 75. 78 CHETTUSIA LEUCURUS (WHITE -TAILED PLOVER) Status uncertain; has been recorded between spring and autumn at five localities in the S. Coastlands, the South East, East and on the Central Plateau, with breeding confirmed at one locality on the C. Plateau. S. Coastlands: 2 at the Goksu Delta, a possible breeding site, 21-22-May 75 (PT,PJ). C. Plateau: 1 pair plus one other bird at Hotamis G. 3-4 June 75; one bird was very agitated at the observers' presence, suggesting breeding (RFP et al. ). Also up to 3 at the same locality 26-27 Aug 74 (TAW et al. ). VANE LL US VANELLUS (LAPWING) Fairly widespread and common resident or partial migrant on the Central Plateau and adjacent areas, and in the East, locally in smaller numbers in other parts of the country, except the south coast and most of the South East. Generally in the breeding season in damp fields or wetland margins. More widespread and numerous on passage and in winter. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-197 3, but in addition small numbers were present in the breeding season in the Bayburt area (B.S.C. ), the Sivas area and at Todurke G. (near Zara) (C. P. ). Maximum counts of 1032 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) 15-16 Feb, 135 at Apolyont G. (W. A.) 2 March 74, 200 at Kulu G. (C. P. ) 21 July 75 and 140 E of Askale (E. T. ) 2 Aug 74. In the S. C. the only record in the breeding season away from areas where the species was also regularly noted in 1970-1973 was 10 at the Goksu Delta 21 -22 May 75. In W. A. , apart from records from areas where also present in the breeding season in 1970 -1973, the only record outside the period Sept -late March was 1 at the B. Menderes Delta 11 Aug 75. S. E. Turkey: 1 between Birecik and Gaziantep 31 May 74. 79 HOPLOPTERUS SPINOSUS (SPUR -WINGED PLOVER) Rather local summer visitor in moderate numbers to marshy wetlands in all regions except the Black Sea Coastlands, but very local in Thrace, the South East and East. W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C. Plateau: Status similar to 1970- 1973, but in addition there were small numbers in the breeding season at Seyfe G. and at salt-pans near Incesu (C. P. ); at Seyfe G. a bird was watched on the nest on 19 June 7 5. Maximum counts of at least 64 on steppe near Salihli (W. A. ) 1 2 Aug 75, 77 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 1 June 74 and 32 there 21 -22 May 75. Birds were present in W. A. until late Sept, in the S. C. until early Oct and on the C. P. until late Aug. The only records on the C. P. away from areas mentioned above or where also noted in 1970- 1973 were 1 at Mogan G. 6 April 74 and 1 near Cay 21 May 75. Earliest c20 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 23 March 74 and latest 1 there 4-5 Oct 75. Breeding records include a nest with 2 eggs at Bafa G. (W. A. ) 30 April 75. E. Turkey: 2 along the S side of Van G. 18-19 May 7 5 (PT , P J). ARENARIA INTERPRES (TURNSTONE) Rather local on passage across the country, generally in small num bers. Occasionally recorded in winter on the south-west coast. Black Sea Coastlands: 3 at the Kizilirmak Delta 3 Sept 75. S. Coastlands: 1 at the Goksu Delta 27 Sept 74, 2 at Alanya 10 May and 1 at Amik G. 31 May 75. C. Plateau: 3 at Hotamis G. 22 Sept 74 and 1 at Kulu G. 21 Sept 75. E. Turkey: 8 at Van 6 Aug 74. CALIDRIS MINUTA (LITTLE STINT) Widespread and common passage migrant in wetlands across the country; wintering in smaller numbers in the western two-thirds of the country, mainly in the west, south and on the Central Plateau. 80 All regions except Thrace and S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of up to 200 at Mogan G. 30 April-29 May, 350+ at Kulu G. 26 Aug 74, c300 at Temelli 9 Aug 75 and a large concentration of 1600+ at Hotamis G. (C. P.) 22-23 Sept 74. Recorded at the Kizilirmak Delta (B. S. C. ) from late July onwards; elsewhere in the region the only records were 29 W of Unye 28 July 74, 3 at Sile 8 Sept and 20 at the Gulf of Izmit 23 Sept 75. Widespread in the S. C. until late May in spring; on the C. P. , where there were no winter records, widespread from late April-late May and mid July-late Sept. In E. T. widespread in spring until late May. Thrace: 5 near Edirne 20 May 74 and 20 at Saros Korfezi 24 Sept 75. CALIDRIS TEMMINCKII (TEMMINCK'S STINT) Rather local, generally in small numbers, on passage in wetlands across the country; locally in larger numbers. Occasionally re- corded in winter in the south-west, south and south-east. W. Anatolia: 1 at the B. Menderes Delta 16 May 74 and some at Izmir 27 April 75. S. Coastlands: 1-2 at Alanya 9-21 April 74 and a few there regu- larly between 29 April-11 May 75. 1 at the Goksu Delta 27 Sept 74, 4 there 25 May and 3 there 13 Dec 75. C. Plateau: Up to 3 at Mogan G. 30 April-4 May 74, 1 on 22-26 July and 3 there 22 Aug 75. 1 at Emir G. 25 Aug 74, up to 3 at Kulu G. 25-26 Aug 74 and 8 there 21 July 75, 1 at Hotamis G. 27 Aug and up to 6 there 22-23 Sept 74. 2 at Aksehir G. 4 May and 1 at Eregli G. 7 May 75. E. Turkey: 1 near Tutak 5 Aug, 10+ at Van 6 Aug 74 and 1 near Ercis 19 May 75. CALIDRIS ALPINA (DUNLIN) Widespread and common passage migrant and winter visitor in wet- lands and coastal areas, predominantly in the western two-third.s 81 of the country. Locally numerous in some coastal areas in the south and south-west. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 120 at the Kizilirmak Delta 15 Feb 74, 1 20 at the Gulf of Izmit (B. S. C . ) 23 Sept 7 5, 2755 at Akyatan G. 18 Feb, 1700 at Iskele lagoons 19 Feb and 100 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 14-16 April 74. At the Kizilirmak Delta the species was recorded from mid July onwards in autumn ; elsewhere in the B. S.C. the only records were 6 near Sinop 5 Sept 75 and the re- cord from the Gulf of Izmit listed above. In T. away from the Meric Delta and B. Cekmece there were 30-50 at Saros Korfezi 24 Sept 75. In W. A. the species was recorded from mid Aug onwards in autumn. In the S. C. the only observations away from the Goksu and Seyhan/Ceyhan deltas were of some in the Alanya area 11 April and some there between 23 Sept -7 Oct 74. On the C. P. not recorded between late Sept -early April. CALIDRIS FERRUGINEA (CURLEW SANDPIPER) Rather local on passage across the country in wetlands, generally in moderate numbers. Black Sea Coastlands /W. Anatolia /S. Coastl3.nds /E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but lower maximum counts of 33 in the Van area 6-8 Aug and 7 at a marsh near Gevas , Van G. (E.T.) 8 Aug 74. In the B.S.C. away from the Kizilirmak Delta there was 1 near Sile 8 Sept 75. In the S. C. between late May-late July there were 4 at the Goksu Delta 1 June 74. In E. T. recorded in the Van G. area from early Aug; in spring the only record was 6 near Ercis 19 May 75. C. Plateau: 20 at Mogan G. 30 April, up to 22 there 25-29 May, up to 5 between 20 July-4 Aug and some there 20 Sept 74. 1 at a lake near Bala 5 May 74 and 2 at Kulu G. 21 Sept 75. 82 CALIDRIS ALBA (SANDERLING) Rather local on passage across the country in wetlands and coastal areas, mainly in small numbers, but locally more common. Winters in fairly small numbers in several coastal localities in the western two-thirds of the country, but mainly on the south coast. Black' Sea Coastlands: 4 at a beach near Sile 8 Sept 75. W. Anatolia: 5 at the B. Menderes Delta 14-18 May, some there 12-13 Sept 74 and up to 2 at the K. Menderes Delta 13-14 Aug 75. S, Coastlands: 1 at the Goksu Delta 27 Sept 74 and 24 at Alanya 1 0 May 75. C. Plateau: 1 at Cavuscu G. 2 3 May 74, 2 at Kulu C-. 5 June and 1 there 21 Sept 75. E. Turkey: 3 near Ercis 19 May and some near Gevas , Van G. 24 Aug 75. PHILOMACHUS PUGNAX (RUFF) Widespread and common passage migrant in wetlands and else- where throughout the country; wintering in much smaller num- bers in the western two -thirds , mainly on the Central Plateau and in the south. Regularly recorded throughout summer. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at the Kizilirmak Delta 15 Feb 74 and a few there 3 Sept 75. 20 at Izmit 5 June 75. 1 flew S at Camlica (Bosphorus) 20 Sept 75. Thrac e: 1 near Edirne 20 May 74. W. Anatolia/S. Coastlands /C. Plateau/E. Turkey: Status similar to 1 970-1973, with maximum counts of 6856 at Hotamis G. 20 Feb and up to 1800 there 22-23 Sept, 300+ at Cavuscu G. 28 Aug 74, 400 at Mogan G. 26 July and up to c300 at Temelli (C. P.) 9-10 Aug 75. In W. A. the only winter records were 4 at Civril G. 27 Feb and 169 at the B. Menderes Delta 28 Feb 74. On the C. P. there were the following records outside the period mid July-late May; some at Mogan G. 9 June 74 and 3 at Todurke G. (near Zara) 18 June 75. In E. T. widespread in autumn until early Oct. 83 LIMICOLA FALCINELLUS (BROAD-BILLED SANDPIPER) Uncommon passage migrant in wetlands across the country, generally in small numbers and mainly recorded in autumn. C. Plateau: 2 at Kulu G. 25 Aug 74 (DMN, DJP, TAW et al. ). TRINGA TOTANUS (REDSHANK) Widespread and common resident or partial migrant in wetlands on the Central Plateau and in the East, locally in the extreme South East and probably also in the Black Sea Coastlands. More numerous and widespread throughout the country on passage, wintering in somewhat smaller numbers, mainly in the western two-thirds. Regularly recorded throughout summer in the west and elsewhere, but no evidence of breeding. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-197 3, but in addition small to moderate numbers were present in the breeding season at a lake near Bala and at Todurke G. (near Zara)(C. P. ). In the B.S.C. 3 pairs were present in suitable breeding habitat along the Coruh N. near Bayburt 15 July 7 5; the only other breeding season record was of 6 at the Kizilirmak Delta 10 June 75. Away from the Kizilirmak Delta the only records from the B.S.C. were 6 W of Unye 28 July 74 and 30 at the Gulf of Izmit 23 Sept 75. In W. A. between mid May-early July there was 1 at Acigol 3 June 7 4. In the S.C. the species was widespread from July onwards. In E. T. recorded until early Oct. Maximum counts of several hun- dred at the Kizilirmak Delta (B . S . C . ) 3 Sept, 200 - 300 at Saros Korfezi (T. ) 24 Sept 75, up to 26 0 at the B . Mender es Delta (W.A.) 12-13 Sept, 226 at Akyatan G. (S. C.) 18 Feb and up to 450 at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 22-23 Sept 74. S. E. Turkey: 1 at Birecik 29 March 74. TRINGA ERYTHROPUS (SPOTTED REDSHANK) Widespread and fairly common passage migrant and winter visitor in wetlands throughout the country; wintering mainly in the 84 western two -thirds of the country. Also occasionally recorded throughout summer. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-197 3, but a much lower maximum count of 15 at Hotamis G. (C. P.) 22 Sept 74 apart from an exceptional count of clOOO at Hotamis G. 23 Sept 74. Present at the Kizilirmak Delta in late winter until at least Feb; elsewhere in the B.S.C. the only record was 1 at the Gulf of Izmit 23 Sept 75. On the C.P. outside the period mid July -mid May there was 1 at Seyfe G. 19 June 75. Recorded in E. T. until early Oct in autumn. Only recorded in winter in the B.S. C. , S. C. and on the C. P. and only in small numbers (in T. and W. A. not recorded between mid Sept -late April). TRINGA STAGNATILIS (MARSH SANDPIPER) Rather local on passage in wetlands across the country, generally in fairly small numbers, but locally more common. Occasionally recorded in winter in the south-west, south and on the Central Plateau. Also occasionally recorded throughout summer. Black Sea Coastlands: 3 at the Kizilirmak Delta and 2 near Fatsa 10 June 75. S. C oastlands: A few at Alanya 11 April, some at the Goksu Delta 14-15 April and up to 15 there 26-27 Sept 74. C. Plateau: 1 at Mogan G. 6 April, 5 on 4 Aug 74 and 14 on 20 Aug 75. Up to 24 at Kulu G. 25-26 Aug 74, 8 on 21 July and 17 on 21 Sept 75. 4 at Hotamis G. 27 Aug and up to 135+ there 22-23 Sept 74. 1 at Eregli G. 7 May and 5+ at Seyfe G. 19 June 75. E. Turkey: 1 3 at Van and 4 at a marsh near Gevas i Van G. 8 Aug 74. TRINGA NEBULA RIA (GREENSHANK) Widespread and fairly common passage migrant in wetlands through- out the country; wintering in fairly small numbers in the western two -thirds, mainly in coastal areas in the south and south-west. Occasionally recorded throughout summer. 85 All regions except Thrace and S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of up to 20 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 26 -27 Sept and 25 at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 22 -23 Sept 74. Apart from records from the Kizilirmak Delta, the only records from the B.S.C. were of 7 W of Unye 28 July and 1 at Camlica (Bosphorus) 1 Sept 74. On the C. P. , where there were no winter records, widespread in spring from early April onwards; be- tween mid May -early July there were some at Mogan G. 25 June 74. Widespread in E. T. in autumn until early Oct. S. E, Turkey; 1 at Birecik 16 Aug 74. TRINGA OCHROPUS (GREEN SANDPIPER) Widespread and common passage migrant throughout the country; wintering in moderate numbers, mainly in the west, south and on the Central Plateau. Regularly recorded throughout summer. Occurs not only in major wetlands, but in almost any watery habitat. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 60 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) 26-27 July 74, 40 at Kulu G. 21 July and up to c30 at Temelli (C. P. ) 9-10 Aug 75 , c30 at Askale 2 Aug and c40 at Bendimahi, Van G. (E. T. ) 5 -6 Aug 74. In the B.S.C. the only winter record was 3 at the Kizilir - mak Delta 15 Feb 74, apart from this there were records between early May-early July of 4 at Yenicaga G. 21 May, 7 at the Kizilir- mak Delta 10 June and 4 (including 1 displaying in a wet grassy area) at 3000m in the mountains between Ikizdere and Ispir 12 June 75. On the C. P. (where the species was widespread from early July onwards) and in the S. C. there were the following records be- tween early May-early July; 1 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 21 -22 May 75 , 2 at Kurbaga G. 11 May , up to 7 at Kulu G. 28 May -2 June , 1 at Hotamis G. 4 June, 1 at Mogan G. 6 June, 2 in wetlands near Yarma 13 June, 1 at Todurke G. (near Zara) 18 June and 1 2 at Seyfe G. (C. P. ) 1 9 June 75. In E. T. the only records outside the period early Aug-late Sept were 1 at Ardahan 3 July, 1 NW of 86 Erzurum 12 July 74, some near Bulanik 19 May and 6 near Askale 15 June 75. S. E. Turkey: 5 at Hazar G. 12 Aug 74. TRINGA GLAREOLA (WOOD SANDPIPER) Widespread and common passage migrant in wetland areas, including quite small marshy places, throughout the country; occasionally recorded in winter in the western two-thirds. Regularly recorded throughout summer. All regions except S. E, Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 43 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S. C. ) 26-27 July 74, 40 at Mogan G. 4 Aug 74, 77 on 20 Aug and 46 on 28 Aug 75, 40 at Hotamis G. 27 Aug 74 and 130 at Temelli (C. P. ) 16 July 75. In the B.S.C. the species was recorded in spring until late May and also from mid July to early Oct. Widespread on the C. P. until late May in spring; in the period from late May-early July there was a record of 7 in the wetlands near Yarma 13 June 7 5. Widespread in E. T. until early Oct in autumn. The only winter record was 2 at Akyatan G. (S. C. ) 18 Feb 74. S. E. Turkey: 4 at Hazar G. 12 Aug 74, 2 at Idil (near Cizre) 15 May and 2 at Cizre 16 May 75. ACTITIS HYPOLEUCOS (COMMON SANDPIPER) Widespread and not uncommon summer visitor to upland areas in the eastern Black Sea Coastlands, the East and locally in the eastern Taurus, the South East and probably elsewhere. Found along fast running rivers and streams in the breeding season. Regularly recorded throughout summer in other areas, but no evidence of breeding. Widespread in larger numbers in wetlands and coastal areas etc. throughout the country on passage; occasionally recorded in winter in the western two-thirds, mainly in the south and south-west. 87 All regions except Thrace and S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, but in addition small numbers were noted in the breeding season in the Giresun and Sebinkarahisar areas (B.S. C. ) (1 pair with a nest noted at the Aksu near Giresun 11 June 75). In E. T. present in small to moderate numbers in the breeding season; maximum 10 pairs near Soylemez 20 May 75. Recorded in E. T. until early Oct. Maximum counts of 31 at the Kizilirmak Delta 27 July and 38 near Unye (B. S. C. ) 28 July , 20-30 at Mogan G. 1 May and 40 at Kulu G. (C. P. ) 25 Aug, with 20 at Van (E. T. ) 6 Aug 74. The species was present in autumn in the B.S.C. until early Oct. On the C. P. the only record between mid May- early July was of some at Kulu G. 28-29 May 75. No winter records; earliest 1 at Amik G. 28 March 74 and latest 1 at Tuzla G. (S.C. ) 7 Oct 75. Thrace: 2 E of Kilyos 15 April 74. S. E. Turkey: 2 at Hazar G. 12 Aug 74. 2 at Birecik 15 Aug 74, 1 there 30 May and 1 on 7 June 7 5. 1 W of Hakkari 17 May and 7 between Sivelan and Baskale 18 May 75 (both are suitable breeding areas). XENUS CINEREUS (TEREK SANDPIPER) Scarce passage migrant in small numbers in wetlands across most of the country (but not recorded from Thrace, W. Anatolia or the South East during the period under consideration). E. Turkey: 2 at Bendimahi, Van G. 5 Aug and 3 there 6 Aug, with 3 at Van 6 Aug 74 (TAW et al. ). 7 at Van 1 Oct 74 (MB et al. ). 1 in the Van/Ercek G. area 18 May (PT,PJ) and 1 near Ercis 19 May 75 (KW) LIMOSA LIMOSA (BLACK -TAILED GODWIT) Fairly widespread and generally fairly common passage migrant in wetlands throughout the country, locally in even larger numbers; 88 overwinters in considerable numbers in the western two-thirds , but mainly in the south, south-west and on the Central Plateau. Regularly recorded throughout summer. Black Sea Coastlands: 40 at the Kizilirmak Delta 1 5 F eb 74 and 1 there 3 Sept 75. W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C. Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 947 at the B. Menderes Delta (W. A. ) 28 Feb, 180 at Iskele lagoons 19 Feb, 170 at the Goksu Delta (S.C.) 19 Feb, 650 at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 20 Feb and up to 1200 there 22-23 Sept 74. Widespread in spring in W. A. from late Feb-late April. Outside the period late July-late April the only records from the Goksu and Seyhan /Ceyhan deltas (S. C. ) were 20 at the Goksu Delta 1 June 74 and 19 there 24 May 75. The only records from the S. C. away from the deltas were 40 at Corak G. 27 Feb and 40 at Amik G. 28 March 74. On the C. P. the species was widespread until early May and from late July onwards, with the following records between early May -late July; 9 at Balikdami 21 May 74, 4 at Hotamis G. 3-4 June and 1 in wetlands near Yarma 13 June 75. NUMENIUS ARQUATA (CURLEW) Widespread and fairly common passage migrant in wetlands across the country; wintering throughout the western two -thirds . Locally in considerable numbers in winter in the south-west. Regularly recorded throughout summer. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but lower maximum counts of 46 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B. S. C. ) 15-16 Feb and 315 at the B. Menderes Delta (W. A. ) 28 Feb 74. At the Kizilirmak Delta birds were present in late winter until at least Feb and outside the period early July-Feb there were 27 there 10 June 75; the only record from elsewhere in the B. S.C. was of 1 W of Unye 28 July 74. In T. away from the Meric Delta and B.Cekmece there was a record of 95 Numenius spp. at Saros Korfezi 24 Sept 75, at least some of which were identified as arquata. In W. A. outside the period early July -early May there. was 89 1 at the B. Menderes Delta 16 May 74. On the C.P. the species was widespread until at least late Feb and outside the period early July-Feb there was a record of 4 at Seyfe G. 19 June 75. NUMENIUS PHAEOPUS (WHIMBREL) Scarce passage migrant in small numbers in wetlands and coastal areas across the country. Black Sea Coastlands: 2 on the coast E of Samsun 27 July 74 (TAW et al. ). W. Anatolia; At least 1 at Kusadasi 29 April 75 (KB,HG). S. Coastlands: 1 at Alanya 14 April (RC) and at least 1 at the Goksu Delta 25 Sept 74 (GMSE.MTB). C. Plateau: 1 0 at Cavuscu G. 28 Aug and 1 at Vezirhan (N of Bilecik) 31 Aug 74 (TAW et al. ). SCOLOPAX RUSTICOLA (WOODCOCK) Fairly widespread but uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor in coastal areas around the country; scarce inland. Perhaps more common than records suggest. C. Plateau: 2 at Ankara 3-4 Nov and 2 on 1 1 Dec 7 5. (The only records from Turkey in the 2 year period). GALLINAGO GA LUNA GO (SNIPE) Widespread and common passage migrant and winter visitor in wetlands etc. throughout the country; wintering mainly in the western two -thirds. All regions except S. E, Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but much lower maximum counts of 20 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 15 Dec 75 and 20 at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 27 Aug 74. In the B.S. C. outside the period mid Aug-early May there were 1 2 at the Kizilirmak Delta 12 July 75 . The only record from the B . S . C . away from the delta was 25 at Yenicaga G. 5 Oct 74. 90 On the C. P. outside the period early Aug-late April there were 5 at Hotamis G. 22 July 75. In E. T. the species was widespread in autumn from early Aug, but the only spring record was of 1 near Dogubayazit 11 March 74. GALLINAGO MEDIA (GREAT SNIPE) Scarce passage migrant in small numbers in wetlands and else- where across the country. Recently recorded in winter on the Central Plateau and in the south. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at Yenicaga G. 5 Oct 74 (GMSE.MTB). W. Anatolia: 1 at Alanya 10 May 75 (BA). E. Turkey: 2 at Van 1 Oct 74 (MB et al. ). LYMNOCRYPTES MINIMA (JACK SNIPE) Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor in small numbers to wetlands etc. in the western two-thirds of the country. C . Plateau: 2 at Mogan G. in Nov 75 (JLDC). HIMANTOPUS HIMANTOPUS (BLACK -WINGED STILT) Fairly widespread and common summer visitor to marshy wetlands over much of the country, but rather local in the Black Sea Coast- lands , Thrace and the East; apparently absent from the South East. More widespread on passage. Occasionally recorded in winter in the western two -thirds of the country. All regions except Thrace and S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, with maximum counts of 50+ at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S. C. ) 9-10 June 75, 100 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 1 June 74 and 50 there 21 -22 May 75, 60 at Balikdami 21 May, 150 between Konya and Aksaray 24 May, 100 at Cavuscu G. 28 Aug 74, with 40+ pairs at Kurbaga G. (C. P. ) 2 June 75. In the B.S. C. the only record away from the Kizilirmak Delta was 3 near Bayburt 15 June 75. In W. A. away from localities where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973, 91 there were 8 at Cigli salt-pans 8 June, 2 near Salihli 12 Aug and 2 near Ayvalik 14 Aug 75. On the C.P. the species was recorded from late March until late Sept. Breeding records included a total of 8 adults and 9 chicks at Kulu G. (C. P. ) 5 June 75. In E.T. away from the Van G. and Ercek G. areas there were 2 N of Suphan D. and 52 between the Bulanik area and Mus 19 May 7 5. No winter records; earliest 2 at Amik G. 28 March and 15-20 at the Goksu Delta (S.C.) 26 Sept 74. RECURVIROSTRA AVOSETTA (AVOCET) Fairly widespread and common resident or partial migrant in saline wetlands on the Central Plateau and locally in much smaller numbers in adjacent parts of W. Anatolia, in the S. Coast - lands and in the East. More widespread across the country on passage, wintering in considerable numbers in the western two- thirds , mainly in the south and south-west. Black Sea Coastlands: 9 at the Kizilirmak Delta 3-4 Sept 75. Thrace: 3 flying S over Istanbul (European side) 18 Aug 7 5. W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C. Plateau/E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970 -1973, with maximum counts of 125 at the B. Menderes Delta (W. A.) 28 Feb, 125 at Akyatan G. (S.C.) 18 Feb, 160 at Tuz G. 24 May, up to 450-750 at Hotamis G. 22-23 Sept 74, up to 105 pairs at Kulu G. (6 broods of chicks seen)(C. P. ) 28 May - 5 June and 1 50 birds there 21 July 75, with 75 birds (including juveniles) at Van (E.T.) 6-7 Aug 74. At Acigol (W. A. ) there was some indication of breeding; birds were present in the breeding season and clO adults with 5, probably unfledged, juvs. were seen on 1 Aug 75. Away from Acigol the only record from W. A. outside the period late Aug -early April was c20 at Cigli salt-pans 8 June 75. In the S. C. the only records outside the period early Aug-mid May were 57 at the Goksu Delta, a possible breeding site, 1 June, 40 there 1 July 74 and 49 on 24 May 75. Breeding records from the C. P. in- cluded 2 nests (4 eggs, 2 eggs) found at Kurbaga G. 2 June 75. 92 In E. T. away from the Van G. and Ercek G. areas there was a record of 1 1 between Patnos and Bulanik 19 May 75. PHALAROPUS LOBATUS (RED-NECKED PHALAROPE) Rather local on passage in wetlands and coastal areas across the country. Generally in small numbers, but locally in considerable numbers in the eastern part of the country. C. Plateau: 12 at Bugur G. 28 May 75 (KW). E. Turkey: 3 at Van 8 Aug 74 (TAW et al. ). BURHINUS OEDICNEMUS (STONE CURLEW) Fairly widespread and fairly common summer visitor on the Central Plateau, but rather more local in all other regions , being absent from most of the Black Sea Coastlands. Mainly found in dry, open steppe or agricultural areas and in sand-dunes. Presumably also occurs on passage. Black Sea Coastlands /W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C. Plateau; Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 14 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 27 Sept and 19 at Hotamis (C. P. ) 27 Aug 74. In W. A. away from the areas where the species was also regularly recorded in 1970-1973, there was 1 between Bursa and Yenisehir 26 April 74 and 2 near Salihli 12 Aug 75. In addition to records from the area on the C. P. where the species was also noted in 1970-1973, small numbers were recorded at Todurke G. (near Zara). Apart from 1 very early individual at the Goksu Delta 28 Feb 74, recorded from mid April-early Oct (latest 1 near Alanya (S.C. ) 6 Oct 74). Thrace: 20 at Saros Korfezi 24 Sept 75. S. E. Turkey: 1 S of Birecik 7 June 75. E. Turkey: 2 pairs near Bulanik 19 May, 2 pairs near Soylemez 20 May, 4 between Kagizman and Horasan 23 May and 1 W of Erzincan 24 May 75. 93 GLAREOLA PRATINCOLA (PRATINCOLE) Rather local summer visitor in considerable numbers to dry wet- land margins in Thrace, W. Anatolia, the S.Coastlands and on the Central Plateau. More widespread on passage, but mainly in the western two -thirds of the country. Thrac e: 1 at Uzunkopru 3 Sept 74 and some between Ipsala and Istanbul 2 3 July 75. W. Anatolia /S. C oastlands /C . Plateau: Status similar to 1 970-1973, with maximum counts of 100+ at the Goksu Delta 1-2 July 74 and 300 there 21 -22 May 75, 75 -100 at Amik G. (S. C. ) 31 May 75, 110 (colonies of 40 and 15 pairs) at Kurbaga G. 26 May, up to 100+ at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 27 May-4 June and 200 there 22 July 75. In W. A. away from the B.Menderes Delta and Apolyont G. there were 50 at the K. Menderes Delta 3 June 74 and 17 there 14 Aug 75, 2-3 at Cigli marsh 4 June and 1 near Salihli 12 Aug 75; all of these areas are suitable breeding sites. InS.C. the only records away from the Goksu and Seyhan/Ceyhan deltas were of several at Alanya 9-12 April 74 and up to 7 there 7-10 May 75. On the C. P. small numbers were present in the breeding season at Seyfe G. and Balikdami as well as in the areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1 973. In autumn there were records in these areas until late Sept; elsewhere on the C. P. there were records of 1 at Mogan G. 30 April, 1 on 29 May, 1 on 16 June, 4 on 4 Aug 74 and 4 on 28 Aug 75. Breeding records include 1 nest with 1 egg at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 27 May 75. Earliest several at Alanya 9 April and last 15 at the Goksu Delta (S.C.) 26 Sept 74. GLAREOLA NORDMANNI (BLACK -WINGED PRATINCOLE) Rather local on passage, mainly in the eastern two -thirds of the country. Generally in fairly small numbers, but occasionally in much larger numbers. Regularly recorded throughout summer. C. Plateau: 6 at Hotamis G. 24 Sept 74 (GMSE.MTB) and 2 at Eregli G. 7 May 75 (KB.HG). 94 STERCORARIUS PARASITICUS (ARCTIC SKUA) Fairly uncommon passage migrant in small numbers along the Black Sea and Marmara coasts (also in the Bosphorus). Has been recorded in autumn on the Mediterranean coast and in the East. Thrace: 1 in the Bosphorus off Sariyer 18 Sept 75 (CFP et al. ). S. Coastlands: 1 chasing Larus argentatus off the Goksu Delta 27 Sept 74 (GMSE, MTB). LARUS ICHTHYAETUS (GREAT BLACK -HEADED GULL) Rare winter visitor and passage migrant in very small numbers. Has been recorded in wetlands and coastal areas in the Black Sea Coastlands, Thrace and the East. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at Balik G. 15 Feb 74 (LJD.FJK). LARUS MELANOCEPHALUS (MEDITERRANEAN GULL) Local summer visitor in small numbers in wetlands on the Central Plateau. Regularly recorded in summer along the Marmara and Aegean coasts, but no evidence of breeding. Otherwise a wide- spread and common passage migrant in coastal areas in the western two -thirds of the country, but apparently only in fairly small num- bers in this area in winter. Regularly recorded in moderate num- bers on passage on the C. Plateau and occasionally in other areas inland in the western two-thirds of the country. Has been recorded in winter in the eastern Black Sea Coastlands and in autumn in the East. Black Sea Coastlands /Thrace/W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 150 in the Bosphorus (B.S.C. /T. ) 20 May , 1200 at Tekirdag and 550 between Istanbul and Tekirdag (T.) 8 Oct 74 and cl 00 at the B. Menderes Delta (W. A.) 1 June 75, with an exceptional concentration of 7300 between Tekir- dag and Silivri (T. ) 17 Sept 74. There was only one winter record, however; 1 between Trabzon and Tirebolu (B.S.C. ) 14 Feb 74. Apart from the latter record, the only record from the 95 B. S.C. away from the Bosphorus and the Marmara coast was 1 at Sile 8 Sept 75. The species was present in the Bosphorus and on the Marmara coast in spring until early June. In T. the species was also recorded until early June; outside the periods mid July-mid Nov and early March to early June there was a record of 1 off Gelibolu 16 June 75; there were also records from the Aegean coast as well as the Marmara and Black Sea coasts. In W.A. the species was recorded in spring on the coast from early March and there was one inland record of a few at Iznik G. 17 Aug 75. In the S. C. the species was present along the south coast in apring until late May. Inland in the S.C. the only record was 1 at Beysehir G. 7 Sept 75. C . Plateau: 1 pair (1 bird sitting on a nest, contents unknown) at Kulu G. , a known breeding site, 5 June 75 (RFP et al. ) and 2 adults with 2 fully fledged juvs. there 21 July 75 (ARK). 1 at Bugur G. 28 May 75. LARUS MINUTUS (LITTLE GULL) Widespread and common passage migrant in coastal areas, locally in large concentrations; wintering generally in smaller numbers, but irregularly in larger concentrations. Much less common on passage and in winter inland. Regularly recorded throughout summer. Black Sea Coastlands /Thrace/W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1970-1973, but generally lower maximum counts of 110 at Trabzon (B.S.C.) 14 Feb 74, 410 between Istanbul and Sariyer (T. ) 18 Sept 75 and 35 at the B. Mender es Delta (W. A. ) 28 Feb 74. In the B. S. C. the species was present on the coast and at the Kizilirmak Delta from late July onwards and outside the period late July-mid April there was a record of 1 near Fatsa 10 June 75. In T. outside the period early Aug-mid April there were 2 off Istanbul 4 June 75 and in the S. C. outside the period late Aug-early May there were 2 at Antalya 10 May and 5 at the Goksu Delta 1 June 74; away from the coast or Burdur G. there was a record of 4 at Egridir G. 3 May 75. 96 C. Plateau: 4 at Mogan G. 30 April, up to 10 at Kulu G. 25-26 Aug 74 and 1 there 28-29 May 75, with 14 at Eber G. 25 May 75. LARUS RIDIBUNDUS (BLACK -HEADED GULL) Fairly widespread and common resident or partial migrant in wet- lands on the Central Plateau, possibly also in the East and the extreme South East. Regularly recorded throughout summer elsewhere. Widespread and common in wetlands and coastal areas throughout the country on passage, wintering mainly in the western two -thirds. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but lower maximum counts of 8 50 at B. Cekmece (T. ) 4 March, 358 at Civril G. 17 Feb and 1195 at Marmara G. (W. A. ) 1 March, with 300 at Seyhan Baraji (S. C. ) 26 March 74. In the B.S. C. and W. A. the species was present in the areas where also noted regularly in 1970-1973 from late July onwards in autumn . Outside the period late July -late May there were records in the B.S. C. of 5 at the Kizilirmak Delta 9 June and 10 there 19 July 75, but no suggestion of breeding. In the S. C. the species was present in the areas where also regularly noted in 1970-1973 from early Aug onwards in autumn, whilst on the C. P. the species was present in wetlands throughout the region in spring until late May. Apart from records from areas where also found breeding in 1970-1973 there were observations of up to 90 at Kulu G. (C. P.) 28 -29 May and c40 pairs plus at least 15 chicks 5 June 75. In E. T outside the periods early-mid May and early Aug-mid Nov the only records were several birds at a marsh along the S edge of Van G. 8 June and 1 at Erzurum 12 June 75. S. E. Turkey: 1 at Hazar G. 12 Aug 74. LARUS GENEI (SLENDER-BILLED GULL) Fairly widespread and common summer visitor to wetlands on the Central Plateau. Widespread and fairly common passage migrant 97 in wetlands and coastal areas throughout the country, locally in considerable numbers. Winters locally in moderate numbers in the west and south, mainly in coastal areas. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but much lower maximum counts of 45 at the B. Menderes Delta (W. A.) 28 Feb and c200 there 21 Sept 74. In the B.S.C. birds were re- corded in the Princes Islands as well as the area around the Bosphorus also noted in 1970-1973; in autumn birds were present from early August in these areas. The only records from other areas in the region were 50 at Izmit 5 June, 1 at the Kizilirmak Delta 26 July, 5 W of Unye 28 July, 6 near Eynesil 29 July 74 and 3 at Rize 11 June 75. In T. away from the areas where also regular- ly noted in 1970-1973 there were 2 at Saros Korfezi 24 Sept 75. In the S. C. the only records away from the Goksu and Seyhan/Ceyhan deltas were 2 near Alanya 3 Oct 74 and 10 at Burdur G. 27 Sept 75; the only record between late April -late July was 30 at the Goksu Delta 1 June 74. On the C. P. apart from records from breeding areas where also recorded in 1970-1973, the only records outside the periods late July-mid Nov and early April-mid May were up to 30 at Tuz G. 23-24 May 74 and 2 at salt-pans near Incesu 31 May 75. In E. T. (where recorded in the Van G. /Ercek G. area from early Aug -early Oct), the only records outside this period were 15 near Ercis and some N of Suphan D. (N of Van G. ) 19 May, 3 at Van 8 June and c6 at Bendimahi, Van G. , 10 June 75. LARUS FUSCUS (LESSER BLACK -BACKED GULL) Widespread and not uncommon in coastal areas around the country on passage, locally in much larger numbers. Less often and generally in small numbers in wetlands inland. Occasionally recorded in winter in the western two -thirds of the country. Observers are urged to use caution in identifying this species due to possible confusion with L. a, armenicus or L. a. heuglini. Black Sea Coastlands: 2 at Trabzon 14 Feb, 5 in the Unye area 28 July, 2 near Eynesil and 2 at Tirebolu 29 July, 100+ between 98 Samsun and Giresun 25 Sept, 6+ at Rize 26 Sept and 5 at Trabzon 29 Sept 74, 1 at Sile 14 May, 3 near Rize 11 June, 3 E of Trabzon 17 June, 10 at the Kizilirmak mouth 3 Sept, 1 at Sile 9 Sept and a total of 1766 flying S over the Bosphorus 17-22 Sept 75. Thrace: 26 between Istanbul and Sariyer, and 220 flying E of Kilyos 18 Sept 75. See also Bosphorus record above. W. Anatolia: 1 at the B. Menderes Delta 1 3 Sept 74 and 2 at Manyas G. 15 June 75. S. Coastlands: Up to 10 at Iskenderun 27 March-1 April, up to 3 W of Silifke 12-22 April, 4 at Alanya 20 April, 3 at Side 9 May, c30 at Antalya 10 May, 1 at the Goksu Delta 2 July 74, 1 at Egridir G. 3 May, 70 on the coast S of Tarsus 12 May and 1 at the Seyhan/Ceyhan Delta 5 June 75. C. Plateau: Up to 3 at Mogan G. 4-6 April 74 and 1 at Todurke G. (near Zara) 18 June 75. E. Turkey: 1+ between Askale and Erzurum 30 Sept, 12 at Van 1 Oct and 25+ between Van and Tatvan 2 Oct 74. LARUS ARGENTATUS (HERRING GULL) Local resident or partial migrant in considerable numbers on the Black Sea, Marmara and Mediterranean coasts, also inland in saline wetlands on the Central Plateau and in the East. May well breed more widely in coastal areas around the country. Widespread and common on passage and in winter throughout the country in wetlands and coastal areas. Breeding birds are L. a. michahellis , L. a. cachinnans and probably L. a. armenicus inland. At least some L. a. heuglini apparently occur on passage or in winter. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 500 in the Bosphorus N of Beykoz 22 Sept, 400+ between Samsun and Giresun 25 Sept 74, 300 adults, some sitting on nests, at a colony on a rocky stack near Mersin (W of Persembe - the same colony mentioned in the 1970-1973 report) 10 June, 300 between Rize and Findikli (B. S. C.) 11 July 75, c650 between Istan- bul and Sariyer (T. ) 18 Sept 75, up to 8 90 along the S side of 99 Van G. 18-20 May, 400 near Ercis 19 May and cl500 pairs on Akdamar Island, Van G. (E. T. ) 8 June 75, where some chicks and eggs seen. As well as the breeding records above and others from areas also mentioned in 1970-1973, there were 25 pairs (including 4 birds on nests) W of Ordu 10 June, c200 adults (some sitting on nests) on an island near Giresun and some birds present (including 1 juv. , probably just fledged) on rocks offshore E of Tirebolu (B. S. C. ) 11 June 75. In W. A. outside the period late Aug-late March there were records well inland of 10 at Manyas G. 23 April 74 and 25 there 24 May 75, with 1 at Apolyont G. 23 May 75. In the S. C. the species was widespread in wetlands well inland from early Sept until at least late Feb. On the C. P. the species was also widespread in wetlands until at least late Feb and also from late Aug in autumn (records include 100 at Hotamis G. 23 Sept 741; outside this period the only records away from Tuz G. were 2 at Kurbaga G. 10 May and 1 at Todurke G. (near Zara) 18 June 75. In E. T. the only record west of the line Erzincan-Van G. was 4 at Elazig 2 July 74. S. E. Turkey: 10 at Hazar G. 2 July 74. LARUS CANUS (COMMON GULL) Rather local and uncommon winter visitor to wetlands and coastal areas across the country, but mainly recorded in the west and north. Irregularly in much larger numbers. Black Sea Coastlands: 40 at Trabzon and some between Trabzon and Tirebolu 14 Feb 74. S. Coastlands: 1 at Akyayan G. 18 Feb 74. C. Plateau: 1 at Kulu G. 25 -26 Aug and 1 at Hotamis G. 27 Aug 74. LARUS AUDOUINII (AUDOUIN'S GULL) Status uncertain; a regular visitor in small numbers to the Medi- terranean and Aegean coasts, occasionally in the Sea of Marmara. No definite evidence of breeding, but it could well do so. 100 W. Anatolia: 1 juv. on the sea between Golcuk and Yalova 13 Sept 75 (LAL.RJL). S. Coastlands: 5 at the Goksu Delta 21-22 May 75 (PT,PJ). CHLIDONIAS NIGER (BLACK TERN) Very local summer visitor in moderate numbers to marshy wet- lands in W. Anatolia, the Central Plateau and probably Thrace. Has been recorded in the East in summer, but no evidence of breeding. Fairly widespread and fairly common on passage in wetlands and coastal areas throughout the country, locally in larger numbers. (Presumably more common on passage than definite records suggest, since many marsh tern records re- ceived in autumn refer only to Chlidonias spp.) All regions except Thrace and S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 197 0-1 97 3, but much lower maximum counts of 20 at Apolyont G. 23 May, 36 between Konya and Ulukisla (C. P. ) 15 May and 31 at Kulu G. 29 May 75. In W. A. away from Apolyont G. there were 2 at Izmir 27 April and some at Iznik G. 12 May 75. In the S. C. there were spring records from the areas where also noted regularly in 1970-1973 until late May and also a very early record of 1 -2 at Alanya 9 April 74 (earliest record for the coun- try in the 2 year period). Outside the periods late April -late May and late July-mid Oct the only other record from the S. C. was of clO at Karamik G. 2 June 75. On the C. P. the only records between late May-early July were some at Mogan G. 9 June 74, 5 at Kurbaga G. 2 June and 15 at Kulu G. 5 June 75. In E. T. the only spring record was of 8 in the Van/Ercek G. area 18 May 75. Latest record in the 2 years was at least some amongst 100 C. niger /leucopterus at the Goksu Delta (S.C . ) 26 Sept 74. Thrace: 1 W of Istanbul 5 June 74. 101 CHLIDONLAS LEUCOPTERUS (WHITE -WINGED B LACK TERN) Status uncertain; fairly widespread and common passage migrant in wetlands and coastal areas, especially in the eastern two - thirds of the country. Regularly recorded throughout summer, but no evidence of breeding from any area. (Presumably even more common on autumn passage than definite records suggest, since many records of unidentified Chlidonias spp. were received). Black Sea Coastlands /S, Coastlands /C. Plateau/E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of several hundred at Burdur G. (S. C. ) 1 Aug 75, 300 at Kulu G. 26 Aug, up to 200 at Hotamis G. 22-23 Sept 74, 200 at Mogan G. (C. P. ) 20 Aug 75 and 320 near Ercis (E. T. ) 19 May 75. In the B.S. C. the only re- cords away from the Kizilirmak Delta were 1 W of Unye 28 July 74, 5 at Uskudar (Bosphorus) 20 May 74 and 1 near Fatsa 10 June 75 In the S.C. the only record outside the period late April-late May was 35 at the Goksu Delta 1 June 74. On the C. P. the only records between late May-early July were some at Mogan G. 9 June 74, 8 at Kurbaga G. 2 June, 4 at Hotamis G. 3-4 June, a few in the wetlands near Yarma 4 June, 8 at Todurke G. (near Zara) 18 June and 7 at Seyfe G. 19 June 75 (including 3 birds in immature plumage - presumably in their second calendar year). There was also a late record of 1 at Mogan G. (C. P. ) 25 Oct 75, the latest for the country over the 2 year period. In E. T. , where widespread in spring until late May, the only record between late May-early Aug was 1 at Bendimahi, Van G. 10 June 75. Earliest were some at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 22 April 74. W. Anatolia: 8 at Manyas G. 30 Sept 74, c25 at Izmir 27 April, 3 at Apolyont G. 23 May and 2 there 27 July, with 1 at Iznik G. 8-13 Sept 75. S. E. Turkey: 70 at Birecik 16 Aug 74 and 1 between Urfa and Viransehir 14 May 75. 102 C HLIDONIAS HYBRIDA (WHISKERED TERN) Local summer visitor in considerable numbers to marshy wetlands in Thrace, W. Anatolia and on the Central Plateau. More wide- spread, generally in smaller numbers, on passage, mainly through the western two -thirds of the country. Regularly re- corded in winter in fairly small numbers on the Central Plateau and in the south. W. Anatolia: 20 at Apolyont G. 4 June 74, 7 on 27 July, 60 on 21 Aug and 30 on 10 Sept 75. Some at Iznik G. 12 May, 2 at Manyas G. 10 Sept and 1 on 18 Sept 75. S. Coastlands: 2 at the Goksu Delta 1 June 74 and c50 at Karamik G. (a suitable breeding locality) 2 June 7 5. C. Plateau: 20 at Hotamis G. 27 Aug, at least 1 on 22 Sept 74, 30 pairs at a colony 27 May, 2 on 3-4 June and 30 on 22 July 75. Over 100 pairs breeding at Kurbaga G. 26-28 May and 2 there 2 June 7 5 (2 nests, with 1 and 3 eggs found). 50 at Aksehir G. , a suitable breeding site, 29 Aug 74 and c25 there 3 June 75. Else- where 1 at a lake near Bala 5 May 74, 3 at Mogan G. 4 May, 3 there 9-16 June 74 and 6 on 5 June 75, 25 at Balikdami 21 May, 10 at Tuz G. 23 May, up to 20 at Cavuscu G. 22-23 May and 100 on 28 Aug 74, and 8 at Kulu G. 28 May 75. GELOCHELIDON NILOTICA (GULL-BILLED TERN) Widespread and common summer visitor to wetlands on the Central Plateau, locally in much smaller numbers in W. Anatolia and probably also in Thrace, the East and elsewhere. More widespread, but generally only in moderate numbers, on passage throughout the country. Has occurred in winter in the south and south-west. Fre- quently observed at some distance from water. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at Eynesil 29 July 74 and 1 at the Kizilirmak Delta 10 June 75. All regions except the Black Sea Coastlands and S.E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but generally lower maximum counts of 50 at Mogan G. 1 April 74 (earliest record for the country in the 2 year period), c200 pairs plus many chicks at Kulu G. 5 June and 103 200 birds there 21 July 75 (when adults watched carrying fish to young as well as hawking insects), 50 at Temelli (C. P. ) 9-10 Aug 75 and 40 at Bendimahi, Van G. (E. T. ) 5 Aug 74. In W. A. the only records away from the B. Menderes Delta were 4 at Apolyont G. 23 May and 1 at Canakkale 30 May 75. In the S. C. the only autumn records away from the Goksu Delta were 2 at Alanya 25 Sept 74 (the latest record for the country in the 2 year period) and 5 at Burdur G. 1 Aug 75. On the C. P. , where the species was present from early April-late Sept, in addition to records from the area where also recorded in 1970-1973, the species was present at Eregli G. , Emir G. , Balikdami and at Temelli. In E. T. there were records from the Van G. area from mid May onwards. Elsewhere in E. T. a colony of 80 pairs found near Bulanik, in the Murat valley, some between Bulanik and Mus and 2 between Patnos and Malazgirt 19 May 75. STERNA CASPIA (CASPIAN TERN) Very local summer visitor in fairly small numbers to saline wet- lands on the Central Plateau and perhaps also in the East. More widespread but generally uncommon on passage across the country, mainly in coastal areas. Occasionally recorded in winter at coastal localities in the south-west and south. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at Izmit 5 June 74. W. Anatolia: 2 at the B. Menderes Delta 28 Feb 74 and 2 there 31 July 75, 1 between Izmir and Inciralti 20-22 May and 3 at Cigli marsh 4 June 75. S. Coastlands: 21 at Akyayan G. 1 8 F eb and 4 at the Goksu Delta 26 Sept 74. C. Plateau: 5 at Tuz G. 8 Aug 75. E. Turkey: 2 near Ercis and 60 at Bendimahi, Van G. 5 Aug 74, with 4 near Ercis 19 May and c6 at Bendimahi 10 June 75. 104 STERNA SANDVICENSIS (SANDWICH TERN) Fairly widespread and generally not uncommon passage migrant in coastal areas, wintering in coastal areas in the western two -thirds of the country. Locally in much larger numbers. Occasionally in- land on passage. Black Sea Coastlands /Thrace /W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 231 at B. Cekmece (T.) 4 March (an exceptional concentration) and 12+ at the B.Men- deres Delta (W. A. ) 28 Feb 74. IntheB.S.C. away from the areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 there were observations of 1 between Trabzon and Tirebolu 14 Feb and 3 between Ordu and Unye 1 5 F eb 74. In T. the species was present from mid Sept in the areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973. In W. A. and the S. C. the only records away from the localities where also regu- larly recorded in 1970-1973 were 1-2 at Cesme 29 May and 1 off the K. Menderes Delta (W. A.) 13 Aug 75 , with 5 at Finike (S. C.) 29 June 74. STERNA HIRUNDO (COMMON TERN) Widespread and common summer visitor to wetlands etc. on the Central Plateau, breeding locally, generally in smaller numbers, in coastal areas and wetlands, including river valleys, in most other areas in the country, but perhaps absent from the South East. More widespread and in larger numbers on passage. Has been re- corded in winter on the Black Sea coast. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-197 3, but lower maximum counts of 136 in the Eynesil area 29 July, 280 flying W at Rize 26 Sept 74, 30-50 pairs nesting on a small islet offshore near Fatsa (B.S.C.) 10 June 75 and 60 along the S side of Van G. (E. T.) 18-19 May 75. In the B.S.C. away from the areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 there was 1 S of Ispir 14 June, 6 on the Coruh N. near Bayburt, carrying fish, *15 July and 1 there 31 July 75. Both are possible breeding localities. The species was widespread along the coastal areas of the B.S.C. from late July onwards. In T. the only breeding season record was 10 at B. Cekmece, a known breeding site, 25 June 74 and the 105 only spring record 4 near Edirne 8 May 75. In W. A. and S. C. the only records away from areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 were 2 at Gulluk G. (W.A.) 2Z Sept 74 (the latest record for the country in the 2 year period) and some at Burdur G. (S. C. ) 1 Aug 75. On the C. P. the species was present at Emir G. and Todurke G. (near Zara) as well as at localities in the area where also recorded in 1970-1973. In E. T. present in small numbers in the breeding season in the Hinis , Soylemez and Kagizman areas as well as those areas where also noted in 1970- 1973. Earliest several at Alanya (S. C. ) 9 April 74. S. E. Turkey: 2 at Hazar G. 11 Aug 74 and 1 at Birecik 30 May 75. STERNA ALBIFRONS (LITTLE TERN) Rather local summer visitor to the Central Plateau and even more locally in Thrace, W. Anatolia and probably every other region except the Black Sea Coastlands. Locally in considerable numbers, but generally only moderate numbers. Breeding in coastal areas , in wetlands and also along rivers in the interior. More widespread on passage. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 W of Unye 28 July 74 and some at the Kizilirmak Delta 3 Sept 75. W. Anatolia: c30 at the B. Menderes Delta 17 May 74 and up to 5 there 1-3 June 75. cl 2 at Cigli marsh (a suitable breeding site) 4 June, 2 at Apolyont G. 27 July and 1 3 at the K. Menderes Delta 14 Aug 75. S. Coastlands /C. Plateau/E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 65 at the Goksu Delta (S. C.) 1 June^ 100 at Bendimahi, Van G. and 60 at Van (E. T. ) 6 Aug 74. Away from the Goksu Delta the only record from the S. C. was 4 between Adana and Karatas 16 May 75 (a suitable breeding area). On the C. P. birds were present in the breeding localities also recorded in 1970-1 973 until late Aug. Small numbers were also present at Mogan G. (C. P. ) between late May-late July. Elsewhere on the C. P. there were some at Aksehir G. 3 May 75. In E. T. present 106 in the Van G. area from mid May onwards; elsewhere 5 pairs near Bulanik 19 May and some near Horasan 21 -24 May 75. Earliest 4 at the Goksu Delta (S.C. ) 22 April and latest 1 there 27 Sept 74. S. E. Turkey: 2 at Birecik 16 Aug 74 and 1 there 8 June 75. PTEROCLES ORIENTALIS (BLACK -BELLIED SANDGROUSE) Widespread and fairly common resident or partial migrant on the Central Plateau and somewhat more locally in some adjacent areas and in the South East and East. Regularly recorded on passage in the south, generally in small numbers. Black Sea Coastlands: 2 at 30 km NE of Corum 25 July 74 were just within the southern boundary of the region. S. Coastlands /C. Plateau/E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 95 at Hotamis G. 20 Feb and a large con- centration of up to 500+ there 22-2 3 Sept, with 200 at Kulu G. (C.P.) 26 Aug 74. In the S. C. the only record from the coastal lowlands was 30 at Seyhan Baraji 25 March 74. On the C. P. in addition to records from areas where the species was also widespread in 1970 -1973 there were observations of 4 near Balikdami 21 May, 1 near Cay 22 May, 1 at Emir G. 25 Aug 74 and 4 pairs at Todurke G. (W of Zara) 18 June 75. In E. T. in addition to records from areas where the species was also fairly widespread in 1970-1973 there were 2 S of Patnos 5 Aug 74, a total of 59 between Malazgirt and Mus 19 May and 2 in the Kars area 11 June 75. S, E. Turkey: 1 between Diyarbakir and Siverek 20 May 75. PTEROCLES ALCHATA (PIN-TAILED SANDGROUSE) Status uncertain; apparently a summer visitor in considerable numbers in the South East, but no definite evidence of breeding during the period under consideration. Has occurred in spring on the Central Plateau. S. E. Turkey: c500 between Akcakale and Ceylanpinar 30 May, c200 near Ceylanpinar 31 May 74, 7 between Urfa and Viransehir 14 May, 107 with some in the sandy hills E of Birecik and 8 others between Birecik and Urfa 8 June 75. COLUMBA PALUMBUS (WOOD PIGEON) Fairly widespread and fairly common resident or partial migrant in the S. Coastlands, rather more locally over much of the rest of the country, but especially local on the Central Plateau and in the South East; apparently absent from Thrace. Generally in the drier, coniferous forest areas, mainly in uplands. More wide- spread across the country on passage, wintering in the west and south, occasionally on the C. Plateau; locally in considerable numbers. Black Sea C oastlands /W. Anatolia /S . Coastlands : Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of cl50 near Samsun 1 5 Feb 74, 85+ flying E at Camlica, Bosphorus (B.S. C. ) 7 Oct 74 and a total of 647 flying E there 2-4 Oct 75 , cl 00 at Manyas G. (W. A. ) 23 April and several thousand at Burdur G. (S. C. ) 25 Feb 74. In the B. S. C. recorded in the breeding season in the Boyabat and Sebinkarahisar areas in addition to records from areas where also recorded in 1970-197 3. 1 was present at the Kizilirmak Delta (B. S. C . ) 9 June 75, although there was no suggestion of breeding; the only records from the region outside the period early May -late Aug were 5 at Hendek 13 March 74, 1 at Camlica, Bosphorus 15 Sept 75 and the observations from Samsun and Camlica detailed above. In W. A. apart from records from the area in the south-east of the region where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 and from Uludag (where recorded from late April to mid Sept), the only observations were some at Manyas G. 1 March 74, 1 W of Usak 10 Aug and 4 E of Usak 11 Aug 75. C. Plateau: 1 at Kizilcahamam 24 July, 1 at Cavuscu G. 28 Aug 74, 2 at Sivas 18 June and up to 5 at Emir G. 22-25 Aug 7 5. S. E. Turkey: 2 pairs W of Uludere 17 May 7 5. E. Turkey: 1 near Kotum, Van G. 9 Aug, some at Kale, SW of Elazig 13 Aug 74 and up to 2 along the S side of Van G. 18-20 May 75. 108 COLUMBA OENAS (STOCK DOVE) Rather local resident or partial migrant, generally in fairly small numbers, in well-wooded upland areas over much of the country, except apparently Thrace, the South East and much of the Central Plateau. More widespread on passage, wintering in the western two -thirds of the country, but mainly in the west and south-west; locally in considerable numbers. Black Sea Coastlands: 8 at Ardanuc 6 July, 1 at Yenicaga G. 2 3 July 74, 3 near Ikizdere 13 June, 3 S of Trabzon and a total of 139 in the Zigana pass area 16 June, some in the Torul area 16-17 June, 2 near Abant G. between 6-13 July and 3 near the Zigana pass 1 7 July 75. S. Coastlands: 2 at Demirkazik, Aladag 26 May and 1 at Alanya 4 Oct 74. C. Plateau; 1 at Ankara 31 Oct 75. E. Turkey: 2 near Dogubayazit 11 March 74. COLUMBA LI VIA (ROCK DOVE) Widespread and common resident throughout the country in a feral state, but pure populations are less numerous and restricted to rocky upland areas and sea -cliffs. Often recorded in large numbers, but especially numerous on the Central Plateau and at Istanbul. Found nesting on buildings, ruins, rocky crags and sea-cliffs. Observers are requested to provide details of the proportion of 'wild-type' birds (as opposed to other phenotypes) seen in Turkey so that a clearer picture of the distribution of 'wild -type' populations can be built up. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of up to 500+ at Istanbul (B.S. C. /T. ) 17-24 Sept 74, 450 between Afyon and Konya (C. P. ) 15 May 75 and 500 at Akdamar Island, Van G. (E. T. ) 8 Aug 74. 109 STREPTOPE LIA DECAOCTO (COLLARED DOVE) Widespread and common resident in Thrace, W. Anatolia and parts of the S. Coastlands , locally in smaller numbers on the C. Plateau, in the South East and in the western and central Black Sea Coast - lands, A few have been recorded in the eastern Black Sea Coast- lands in the East, but no suggestion of breeding during the period under consideration (these records may be the result of erratic movements). Mainly found in and around towns and villages. All regions except E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-197 3, but widespread throughout the whole of W. A. (east to the Banaz area, E of Usak). The maximum counts were lower; 58 between Antalya and Burdur (S. C. ) 2 June and 50 near Urfa (S. E. T. ) 30 May 74. ST REP TOPE LIA TURTUR (TURTLE DOVE) Widespread and generally fairly common summer visitor in wooded and agricultural areas throughout most of the country; more common in the west, but apparently rather local in the South East. Even more widespread on passage, often in large numbers. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-197 3, but in addition present throughout the entire B.S. C. On the C. P. the species was fairly widespread until late Sept. In E. T. 5-6 were calling in the crater of Nemrut D. , near Tat van 7 June 75, which would represent an unusually high altitude if breeding were taking place. Maximum counts of large numbers counted in transit were c 1 000 between the Zigana pass and Trabzon (B.S.C.) 16 June, clOOO S of Kars (E. T. ) 10 June and c3000-4000 between Erzurum and Gumushane (E. T. /B.S.C.) 16 June 75. Earliest 1 0 at the Goksu Delta 15 April 74, latest 10 near Alanya 6 Oct 74 and 2 in the Tarsus area (S. C. ) 6 Oct 75. S. E. Turkey: Widespread in considerable numbers throughout the entire region (from the Kilis and Gaziantep areas in the west to the Baskale and Hakkari areas in the east) from mid-late May. Maximum counts 66 between Viransehir and Derik 14 May, 55 between Sirnak and Uludere 16 May, 150 between Gaziantep and Birecik 16-17 May, no with 110 between Birecik and Viransehir and 85 between Viransehir and Diyarbakir 17 May 75. The only other observation was of some at Gaziantep 17 Aug 74. STREPTOPELIA SENEGALENSIS (PALM DOVE) Local resident in considerable numbers in certain towns and villages in the South East and in smaller numbers in the Istanbul area (Black Sea Coastlands /Thrace). Has been recorded else- where in Thrace, W. Anatolia and the S. Coastlands (perhaps escaped or introduced birds). Black Sea Coastlands /Thrace/S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but only recorded in Thrace from the Istanbul area. In S. E. T. there were records of small or moderate numbers from the Nizip area, Siverek, Diyarbakir and the Cizre area, in addition to records from the towns in which the species was recorded as common in 1970-1973; maximum count 200 at Gaziantep 29 May 74 and 152 there 13 May 75. CUCULUS CANORUS (CUCKOO) Fairly widespread and not uncommon summer visitor throughout most of the country, but apparently local in the South East. Found in the breeding season in a wide variety of habitats, in forested, agricultural and even quite dry, open areas. Recorded throughout the country on passage. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded throughout the entire B.S.C. In T. recorded from mid April in spring. Maximum count 9 N of Soylemez (E. T. ) 20 May 75. Earliest 1 at Sariyer, Bosphorus (T. ) 15 April, latest 1 N of Alanya (S. C. ) 5 Oct 74. S. E. Turkey: 1 W of Viransehir and 1 at Derik 14 May, 1 between Mardin and Midyat 15 May, some between Sirnak and Uludere 16 May, 10 between Uludere and Hakkari 17 May, some between Hakkari and Sivelan, 8 between Sivelan and Baskale and 4 between Baskale and Van 18 May 75. Ill CLAMATOR GLANDARIUS (GREAT -SPOTTED CUCKOO) Fairly widespread and not uncommon summer visitor in W. Anatolia, more locally in Thrace and the S. Coastlands, on the Central Plateau and perhaps in the Black Sea Coastlands. Has been recorded in autumn in the East, but no evidence of breeding during the period under consideration. W. Anatolia: 1 found freshly dead at the B. Menderes Delta 28 Feb, 1 W of Gonen 22 April, 2 between Kusadasi and Denizli 2 May, 2 at Efes 2 June, 1 in the Soke area 3 June, 1 at Manyas G. 28 July 74 and 1 juv. near Susurluk 28 July 75. S. Coastlands: 3 at Seyhan Baraji 25 March, 1 near Bulduruc , E of Nigde 25 May 74 and 1 E of Alanya 3 Aug 75. C . Plateau: Up to 2 at Emir G. 1-4 May, 2 at Nevsehir and 1 near Goreme 20 May 74, 2 near Sereflikochisar 9 May, 1 between Kadinhani and Argithani 24 May, 2 S of Cankiri 7 June and 1 at the Beynam ridge (S of Ankara) in June 7 5. E. Turkey: 1 juv. NW of Tatvan 9 Aug and 1 juv. near Palu, E of Elazig 11 Aug 74 may have been reared locally or may only have been on passage. BUBO BUBO (EAGLE OWL) Status uncertain; probably a thinly distributed resident in small numbers over most of the country, but perhaps absent from Thrace. Most common on the Central Plateau. Found in all types of wild, rocky country - both in dry, open and forested areas. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 between Kale and Varzan (NW of Bayburt) 30-31 July 74 (TAW et al. ). C , Plateau: 1 -2 at Balikdami 5-6 Jan 74 and 1 there 14 Feb 75 (MJI). E. Turkey: 1 SE of Horasan 30 Sept 74 (MB et al. ). Note: In addition villagers reported the species present in moun- tains E of Kurbaga G. (C. P. ) in spring 1975. 112 ASIO OTUS (LONG -EARED OWL) Status uncertain; apparently thinly distributed in small numbers across the western two-thirds of the country in winter, but only recently recorded in the breeding season in woodland areas in the western Black Sea Coastlands , W. Anatolia and on the Central Plateau. At least some winter records are probably due to the less secretive behaviour of local birds at that season, but immigration is likely to occur. May occur more widely, but no records in the period in question. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 found dead W of Terme 15 Feb 74 (LJD.FJK) C. Plateau: A pair with a nest with 4 young at Emir G. 1-16 May 74 and up to 11 roosting in a coniferous plantation at Ankara 27 Aug - 10 Nov 75 (JRT). ASIO FLAMMEUS (SHORT -EARED OWL) Rather scarce passage migrant and winter visitor in small num- bers, mainly in the western two -thirds of the country. Has bred on the Central Plateau. E. Turkey: 1 apparently displaying over marshland in the Murat valley between Malazgirt and Bulanik, mobbed by Gelochelidon nilotica and Corvus frugilegus , on 19 May 75 (KW) , but no definite evidence of breeding. OTUS SCOPS (SCOPS OWL) Fairly widespread and not uncommon summer visitor to W. Anatolia and the S. Coastlands; locally across the rest of the country. Generally in all types of more open, wooded habitat, often near habitation. Also occurs on passage. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 S of Merzifon 25 July 74 and up to 3 in the Zigana pass area 15-16 June 75. W, Anatolia/S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1970-1973. 1 at Alanya 9 April 74 was the earliest for the country in the two year period. In addition to records from areas in W. A. where also. 113 regularly recorded in 1970-1973, there was 1 at Denizli 1 June 75. C. Plateau: 1 near Sereflikochisar 9 May, some at Yesilhisar 10 May, 1 NW of Konya 28 May, 6 at Cay 2 June, 1 near Kalecik and 2 N of Cankiri 7 June, with 1 near Seyfe G. 19 June 75. S. E. Turkey: 4 W of Uludere 16 May 75. E. Turkey: 3 near Gevas , Van G. 8 Aug and 2 at Kale, SW of Elazig 12-13 Aug 74 (the latter record was the latest for the country in the two year period), with 4 S of Sarikamis 21 May 75. ATHENE NOCTUA (LITTLE OWL) Widespread and fairly common resident throughout most of the country, but apparently local in the Black Sea Coastlands. Generally not found at very high altitudes, but has been recorded up to 4200m in the East. Found in more open habitats of all types , especially in rocky areas, villages, ruins etc. , but not in areas of dense forest. All regions except the Black Sea Coastlands: Status similar to 1970- 1973, but in addition recorded in the Bitlis and Midyat areas (S . E. T. ) Maximum count a total of 8 between Finike and Adana (S. C. ) 29-30 June 74. STRIX ALUCO (TAWNY OWL) Status uncertain; apparently a rather locally distributed resident in small numbers over much of the country, but apparently absent from the South East and East. Found in areas of deciduous and coniferous woodland. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at Sile 14 May and 1 at Camlica, Bosphorus 2 Sept 74. W. Anatolia: 1 at Koycegiz 7-9 Sept and 1 at Manyas G. 18 Sept 74. S. Coastlands: 1 at Pozanti 3 April and 1 near Alanya 4 Oct 74. 114 CAPRIMULGUS EUROPAEUS (NIGHTJAR) Fairly widespread and not uncommon summer visitor in the west and south, locally over much of the rest of the country, but apparently absent from most of the South East. Generally in areas of dry scrub or open woodland in the breeding season. Also recorded on passage, when somewhat more widespread. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 between Rize and Ispir 10 July, 1 S of Merzifon 26 July 74, 1 at the Kizilirmak Delta 9 June, 2 on 1 9 July and 1 on 3 Sept, 1 S of Torul 16 June, 1 on Buyukada 7 July and 1 at Camlica, Bosphorus 21 Sept 75. W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1970-1973. In W. A. in addition to records from areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 there was 1 near Canakkale 11 Sept 75. IntheS.C. present in the areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 until early Oct; elsewhere in the region 1 at Demirkazik, Ala- dag 25-26 May, 3 at Avian G. 29 June, 1 at the Aladag 19 Aug, 1 near Kemer (in this case the town S of Antalya) 26-30 Aug, 1 near Finike 3 Sept 74, 1 S of Tarsus 12 May and 1 E of Silifke 15 Aug 75. Earliest 1 at Side 10 May, latest 1 N of Alanya (S.C. ) 1 Oct 74. C. Plateau: 1 at Kizilcahamam 24 July 74, some at Yesilhisar 10 May, 1 at Hotamis G. 28 May, 1 S of Yesilhisar 3 June and 1 at Ankara 25 Aug 75. S. E. Turkey: 1 near Erkenek (NE of Golbasi) 14 Aug 74, some E of Birecik 13 May, 1 W of Viransehir 14 May and 1 W of Uludere 17 May 75. E. Turkey: 1 40 km NW of Erzurum 12 July 74. APUS AFFINIS (LITTLE SWIFT) Status uncertain; recently found breeding locally in moderate num- bers in the parts of the S. Coastlands and the South East on the east side of the Gulf of Iskenderun. Apparently only a summer visitor. Has occurred in neighbouring areas in these regions on passage. S. Coastlands: 1 0 at Iskenderun and 1 0 at Sarisaki (N of Iskenderun) 115 29 Sept, with 25 at Mersin 30 Sept 74 (GMSE.MTB). 42 around a cave between Hassa and Kilis 12 May 75 (KW). S. E. Turkey: 1 at Cizre 16 May 75 (KW). APUS PALLIDUS (PALLID SWIFT) Status uncertain; very probably a breeding summer visitor in small numbers to at least one area in northern W. Anatolia and possibly elsewhere. Otherwise perhaps only a passage migrant in the west and south; generally scarce and in small numbers. W. Anatolia: 1 at the B. Menderes Delta 12 Sept 74 (CB.PEOW et al. ) and 2 on Uludag 23 Sept 75 (LL et al. ). S. C oastlands: 4-5 near Kalkan 14 May 74 (WF). Up to 30-40 at Iskenderun 28-29 Sept (GMSE.MTB) and up to c 30 there 3-4 Oct 74 (MB et al. ). APUS APUS (SWIFT) Widespread and common summer visitor and passage migrant throughout the country; generally breeding in buildings and ruins, less often in caves and on cliffs. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the Tosya (B.S.C. ) and Bitlis (S. E. T. ) areas. Maximum counts of 300 between Adana and Karatas (S.C. ) 16 May, c2000 over salt-pans near Bogazkoy (N of Incesu)(C. P. ) 31 May 75, 350 in the Birecik area (S. E. T. ) 29 May, clOOOO, a huge concentration, near Askale 1 Aug and 400 E of Erzurum (E. T. ) 2 Aug 74. Earliest 12 at Karatas 26 March, latest 1 at Iskenderun (S. C. ) 29 Sept 74. APUS MELBA (ALPINE SWIFT) Fairly widespread and fairly common summer visitor to the south and south-west, rather locally across the rest of the country, with large numbers in Istanbul and at Van G. Mainly in upland areas in the breeding season, nesting in caves, around cliffs and sometimes 116 in buildings or ruins. Rather more widespread on passage, locally in considerable numbers. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts away from the Istanbul area of 500+ near Gebze (B . S . C . ) 31 Aug , 200+ N of Tarsus 30 Sept and 900 flying E at Mersin (S. C. ) 28 Sept-1 Oct 74, whilst in Istanbul itself (B.S.C./T. ) there were frequent observations of up to 2000 and a record of c5000 on 1 7 Sept 74. In B.S.C. small or moderate numbers were recorded in the breeding season in the Kargi, Siran and Artvin areas in addition to records from areas where also present in 1970-1973, whilst there was also a record of 1 5 at Akcakoca 7 Sept 75. In T. the only record away from the areas where the species was also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 was 100 at Tekirdag 17 Sept 75; similarly in W. A. the only observations in the north of the region (north of a line from Cesme /Izmir to Pamukkale /Acigol) were some at Bursa 25 April 74 and 8 on Uludag 23 May 75. On the C. P. the species was regularly re- corded in the Uchisar, Urgup and Zelve areas as well as at Goreme itself; elsewhere in the region the only records were 1 in the Cay area 22 May and 6 in the same area 29 Aug, with some at Karaman 25 Sept 74. In E. T. the species was regularly re- corded along the south and east sides of Van G. as well as at Van itself and at Akdamar Island (present in these areas until early Oct); elsewhere in the region the only observations were 1 near Askale 1 Aug, 30 at Pasinler 3 Aug, 1 between Mus and the Kuruca pass area 10 Aug 74, a small breeding colony S of Soylemez and 5 birds N of Soylemez 20 May, 5 between Karakurt and Kagizman 22 May and 1 at Ani (E of Kars) 11 June 75. Earliest a few at Karatas (S. C. ) 26 March, latest 20+ at Istanbul (B.S.C ./ T. ) 11 Oct 74. S. E. Turkey: 68 W of Uludere and a colony of 300 pairs W of Hakkari 17 May, with a colony of 20 pairs N of Baskale 18 May 75. CORACIUS GARRULUS (ROLLER) Widespread and fairly common summer visitor almost throughout the 117 country, but local on the Black Sea coast and most common in the west and on the northern part of the Central Plateau. Generally in open, wooded country or in almost any fairly open area with trees or suitable alternative nest sites in crags, banks, ruins etc. Even more widespread and in much larger numbers on passage. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the Tosya, Boyabat and Sebinkarahisar areas (B.S.C. ) and, generally in small numbers, throughout the whole of S.E.T. (east- wards to the Hakkari and Baskale areas). On the C. P. the species was recorded from mid April in spring and in S. E. T. and E. T. it was recorded until early Oct in autumn. Maximum counts of 100+ in the Alanya area (S. C. ) 1 May, 63 between Ankara and Afyon (C. P. ) 10 Aug 75, 199 between the Gevas area, Van G. and Mus 9 Aug and 50 between Mus and the Kuruca pass area (E. T. ) 10 Aug 74. Earliest 2 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 16 April, latest 3 N of Ankara (C. P. ) 7 Oct 74. CERYLE RUDIS (PIED KINGFISHER) Rather local but not uncommon resident in wetlands and along rivers in coastal lowlands in the southern part of W. Anatolia and in the S. Coastlands , extending inland along major rivers, also along the major rivers in the South East and adjacent parts of the East. Somewhat more widespread in these areas in winter. Has been recorded from the northern part of W. Anatolia at that season. W. Anatolia/S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maxi- mum counts of up to 4 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 26 -27 Sept and an exceptional concentration of 25-35 at Gulluk G. (W. A.) 22-23 Sept 74. The only observation away from areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 was 1 near Erdemli (S. C. ) 23 May 75. S. E. Turkey: 2 at Birecik 29 March 74, 1 on 30 May and 1 on 8 June 75. 118 HALYCON SMYRNENSIS (WHITE -BREASTED KINGFISHER) Rather local and uncommon resident in coastal lowlands and along rivers in the southern part of W. Anatolia and in the S. Coastlands . S. Coastlands: 1 pair feeding young in a hole nest with small lizards and agamas SE of Mersin 21 May 74 (WF). 1 on the Dimcay near Alanya 27 Sept 74 (DP et al. ). ALCEDO ATTHIS (KINGFISHER) Status uncertain; apparently a local resident or partial migrant in small numbers in wetlands and along rivers in the Black Sea Coast- lands , Thrace, W. Anatolia, parts of the Central Plateau and the extreme South East, but probably more widely distributed. Fairly widespread and not uncommon on passage across most of the coun- try, but uncommon in the East and South East, wintering mainly in the western two -thirds. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but the only breeding season records were of 1 at Sapanca G. 20 May 74, 1 carrying food and 1 other soliciting for food (a juv. ?) on a river N of Caykara (S of Of) (B.S.C. ) 16 June 75 and 1 at Aksehir G. (C. P. ) 4 May 74. Apart from the records above the only inland records from the B. S . C . were 1 S of Trabzon 14 F eb 74 and 1 at Abant 1 2 Sept 75. On the C. P. the species was scattered in wetlands across the entire region north to Emir G. and Mogan G. Maximum count of 10 Gulluk G. (W.A.) 22-23 Sept 74. S. E, Turkey: 1 at Hazar G. 11 Aug 74. E. Turkey: 1 at Askale 2 Aug and 1 at Kotum, Van G. 9 Aug 74. MEROPS APIASTER (BEE -EATER) Widespread and common summer visitor in Thrace, W. Anatolia and the East, but rather local and less numerous in other regions, being apparently absent from much of the Black Sea Coastlands. Found in fairly dry, open country. Widespread throughout the country on passage, often in large numbers. 119 All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but also present in the breeding season in the Tos ya , Kargi , Ispir (B. S. C . ) Bursa , Pamukkale (W. A. ), Sivrihisar., Sungurlu and Tuney (S of Cankiri) (C. P. ) areas, whilst in S.E.T. the species was found in small or moderate numbers throughout the entire region (eastwards to the Baskale area) both on passage (when widespread) and in the breeding season (when more localised). Recorded in S. E. T. until early Oct. Maximum counts of 402 between Viransehir and Diyarbakir and 348 between Diyarbakir and Bitlis (S. E. T. ) 17 May 75, 120 near Gevas, Van G. 8 Aug and 175 between Mus and the Kuruca pass area (E. T. ) 10 Aug 74. Earliest 6 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 15 April, latest 8 at Tuz G. (C. P. ) 6 Oct 74. MEROPS SUPERCILIOSUS (BLUE-CHEEKED BEE -EATER) Local summer visitor in fairly small numbers to dry, open country in the South East and adjacent parts of the S. Coastlands. A little more widespread in these areas on passage. Has been recorded in autumn in the East. S. E. Turkey; 1 at Birecik 8 June 75 (FGR et al. ). UPUPA EPOPS (HOOPOE) Widespread and fairly common summer visitor throughout the country. Found breeding in areas of open, rocky country as well as open deciduous woodland etc. , provided that suitable nest sites available. Even more common on passage. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition widespread throughout the whole of the B.S.C. in the breeding season, whilst in S. E. T. the species was also widespread on passage and in the breeding season throughout the entire region (eastwards to the Hakkari and Baskale areas). Recorded in S. E. T. until early Oct. Breeding records included 3 pairs feeding young at Balik G. (B.S.C.) 19 July 75. Other records of note included early return passage records from the B.S.C. of 1 arriving off the sea near Unye 28 July 120 and 1 arriving off the sea near Eynesil 29 July 74. Maximum counts of 1 1 in the Maden area (B. S. C. ) 31 July-lAug and 1 3 between Cihanbeyli and Hotamis (C. P. ) 26 Aug 74. Earliest 1 near Ankara (C. P. ) 18 March, latest 1 near Denizli (W. A. ) 28 Sept 74. JYNX TORQUILLA (WRYNECK) Status uncertain; apparently a local summer visitor in small numbers to forested areas in the Black Sea Coastlands. Otherwise a rather uncommon passage migrant in small numbers throughout the country. Occasionally recorded in winter in the south-west and s outh. Black Sea Coastlands: Up to 4 at Camlica, Bosphorus 1-14 Sept and 1 there 21-23 Sept 74. 1 at Abant 12 Sept 75. S. Coastlands: 1 at Egridir G. 3 May, 1 at Alanya 25 Sept and 1 at the Goksu Delta 26 Sept 74. C. Plateau: 1 at Aksehir 28 Aug 74 and 1 at Mogan G. 16-19 Sept 75. S. E, Turkey: 1 near Erkenek (NE of Golbasi) 14 Aug 74. PIC US VIRIDIS (GREEN WOODPECKER) Fairly local resident in small numbers in both deciduous and conifer- ous woodland over much of the country, but very local in the interior (absent from most of the Central Plateau and the East) and apparently absent from the South East. Black Sea C oastlands /Thrace /S. Coastlands /C. Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded from the Abant, Torul and Zigana pass areas (B.S.C.). Maximum count clO in the Pozanti area (S. C. ) 3 April 74. W. Anatolia: 1 on Uludag 18 Sept 74. 121 DRYOCOPUS MARTIUS (BLACK WOODPECKER) Status uncertain; apparently a local resident in small numbers in montane coniferous forests in the Black Sea Coastlands and the adjacent part of W. Anatolia. Black Sea Coastlands: 2 pairs in coniferous forest on the NW side of Yalnizcam D. 5 July 74 (PC.MJH). W. Anatolia: 1 at 1600m on Uludag 25 April 74 (RL) and 1 on the same mountain 23 Sept 75 (LL et al. ). DENDROCOPUS MAJOR (GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER) Status uncertain; apparently a local resident in small numbers in montane coniferous forest in the Black Sea Coastlands and very locally in the northern part of W. Anatolia, the fringes of the Cen- tral Plateau, in the S. Coastlands and in the East. May be more widespread. A number of recent records at lower altitudes in the north-west in late summer and autumn suggest post -breeding dis- persal from the breeding areas. Black Sea Coastlands /W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C. Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the Abant , Boyabat, Torul, Zigana pass, Ikizdere and Yalnizcam D. areas (B.S.C.). Maximum count 12 at Yalnizcam D. 5-6 July 74. E. Turkey: Up to 2 in coniferous woodland S of Sarikamis 21 -22 May and 1 there 11 June 75. DENDROCOPUS SYRIACUS (SYRIAN WOODPECKER) Widespread and fairly common resident over much of the country, but rather local in the central Black Sea Coastlands, on the Central Plateau and in the South East, being absent from most of the eas- tern Black Sea Coastlands and the East. Found in all types of wood- land, orchards, olive groves and agricultural land with scattered trees at low or moderate altitudes. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the Kargi (B.S.C.), Kizilcahamam (C. P. ) , Erkenek, Urfa, 122 Mardin, Uludere (S. E. T. ), Kale (SW of Elazig) and Bingol (E. T. ) areas. There was also a record of 3 (including 1 imm. ) in open country with poplars near Bayburt (B.S. C. ) 15 July 75 (ARK), the most north-easterly record to date. Breeding records included a nest containing almost fully-fledged young at Kusadasi (W. A. ) 2 June 74. DENDROCOPUS MEDIUS (MIDDLE SPOTTED WOODPECKER) Fairly widespread and not uncommon resident in parts of W. Anatolia and the S. Coastlands, occurring very locally in the Black Sea Coastlands, Thrace and the East. Mainly occurring in coastal districts in deciduous woodland (especially oak or oak/juniper) and olive groves. Black Sea Coastlands /Thrace/W. Anatolia/S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the area N of Boyabat. Maximum counts 2-3 pairs at the Kizilirmak Delta (B . S. C. ) 10 June and 2 pairs there 19 July 75. E. Turkey: 1 at Kale, in the Firat valley SW of Elazig, 13 Aug 74 (TAW et al. ). This isolated record provides a link between the range of the species in SW Iran and that in Anatolia and the Caucasus. DENDROCOPUS LEUCOTOS (WHITE -BACKED WOODPECKER) Status uncertain; apparently a very local resident in small num- bers in deciduous woodland in lowlands in the Black Sea Coastlands and W. Anatolia, also in coniferous woodlands in the S. Coastlands. Perhaps more widely distributed. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 W of Sinop 5 Sept 75 (JRT) S. Coastlands: 1 at Akseki 29 Sept 74 (RHS,IW,DP et al. ). DENDROCOPUS MINOR (LESSER SPOTTED WOODPECKER) Status uncertain; apparently a rather local resident in fairly small numbers in woodland (mainly deciduous) in the Black Sea Coastlands, W. Anatolia, the S. Coastlands and very locally also on the Central 123 Plateau and in the South East and East. May well occur more widely. Black Sea Coastlands /W, Anatolia: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the Kucukkuyu (W of Edremit), Yalova, Kusadasi and Koycegiz areas (W. A. ). S. Coastlands: 2 at Akseki 26 March and 1 between Fethiye and Koycegiz 6 Sept 74. C. Plateau: 1 at Vezirhan, near Bilecik, in the extreme NW of the region, 31 Aug 74. RIPARIA RIPARLA (SAND MARTIN) Status uncertain; apparently a local summer visitor (locally in con- siderable numbers) in all regions except perhaps Thrace. Generally breeding along river banks or in sand-pits etc. Fairly widespread across the country on passage, locally in large numbers in wetlands and coastal areas. All regions except Thrace and S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, with maximum counts of several hundred at Burdur G. 26-27 Sept 74 , 300 at the Goksu Delta (S. C . ) 21-22 May 7 5 , 300 between Cay and CavuscuG. (C. P.) 22 May74, 300 between Mus and Varto 19 May and 850 along the S side of Van G. (E. T. ) 20 May 75. In addition many of up to 20000+ Riparia riparia /Hirundo rustica at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 22-2 3 Sept 74 were of this species, likewise many of up to 6000 R. riparia /H. rustica passing E per hour of observation at Mersin (S.C.) 30 Sept-2 Oct 74. The species was recorded on spring passage until mid May in the S. C. and until late May on the C. P. and in E. T. , whilst autumn passage was recorded from mid Aug in W. A. , the S. C. and on the C. P. In E. T. autumn passage continued until early Oct. The only records of breeding were 20 nesting on a river SE of Bayburt (B. S. C. ) 15 July 75 (4 birds were also seen in this area 1 Aug 74), a large colony breeding at Aspendos, E of Antalya (S.C.) 9 May 74, 30 pairs at a colony E of Sivas 25 May, clOO pairs breeding in a sand-pit near Hotamis (C. P. ) 3 June and a number of colonies, the largest numbering 50-100 pairs, in the 124 upper Murat valley between Tutak and Agri and the upper Aras between Karakurt and Horasan (E.T.) 10-11 June 75. The only other breeding season records were some at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) 10 June, but these were seemingly still on migration , 2-3 at Cigli marsh, near Izmir (W. A. ) 4 June, 30 at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 22 July, some at Van 8 June and some at Bendimahi, Van G. (E. T. ) 10 June 75. Earliest 2 at the B. Menderes Delta (W. A. ) 28 Feb (apart from this record there were no records from any- where until late March), latest 1 at Van (E.T.) 1 Oct 74. Thrace: 20 at Edirne 8 May 75. S. E. Turkey: 3 at Birecik 1 July 74, some between Viransehir and Derik 14 May, 15 near Cizre 16 May, 2 between Birecik and Viransehir and 50 between Diyarbakir and Bitlis 17 May 75. PT YONOPROGNE RUPESTRIS (CRAG MARTIN) Widespread and common summer visitor to upland areas in the eastern two-thirds of the country, but more local further west and apparently absent from Thrace. A little more widespread in these regions on passage, wintering in considerable numbers in coastal areas in the south-west and south, occasionally inland. Has been recorded in winter on the north coast. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of c45 at Marmara G. (W. A. ) 1 March, c50-60 at Alanya (S. C. ) 26 Feb 74 and 77 between Uludere and Hakkari (S.E.T.) 17 May 75. In addition to records from areas in the B.S. C. where also regu- larly present in 1970-1973, present in the breeding season in the Ilgaz and Tosya areas, S of Merzifon and between Tirebolu and Kurtun. In W. A. the species was recorded at the B. Menderes Delta until late Feb and on Uludag from late April in spring; away from these areas the only records were several at Acigol 12 May, some breeding in mountains near Pamukkale 13 May 74 and the re- cord from Marmara G. detailed above. In the S. C. records from coastal areas extended eastwards to Iskenderun and continued in spring until late March; away from areas where also recorded 125 regularly between early April and late Sept in 1970-1973 there were observations of some between Egridir and Aksehir 3 May, several at Termessos (W of Antalya) 10 May 74 and 1 there 5 May 75, with 5-10 SE of Elmali 22 Aug 74. In addition to re- cords from areas on the C. P. and in S. E. T. where the species was also regularly recorded in 1970-1973, moderate numbers were re- corded in the Cay (C. P. ), Uludere, Hakkari, Sivelan (NE of Hakkari) and Baskale (S. E. T. ) areas. In S. E. T. recorded until early Oct. HIRUNDO RUSTIC A (SWALLOW) Widespread and common summer visitor throughout the country, breeding around habitation in all but the highest areas. Much more numerous on passage, with large concentrations in wetland areas . All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the breeding season in the Tosya area (B.S.C. ) and pres ent both on passage and in the breeding season throughout S. E. T. eastwards to at least the Bitlis area. Maximum counts of cl 200 flying S at Rize (B.S.C. ) 26 Sept 74, several thousand at the Goksu Delta 20 April 74 and 1000 there 21-22 May 75, 500000+ (an enormous con- centration) passing W in the Alanya area (S. C. ) 1-3 May 75 , a roost of up to 100000 at Emir G. 21 -25 Aug 74 and 1700 between Konya and Ulukisla (C. P. ) 15 May 75 , with 1500 in the Van /E reek G. area(E.T.) 18 May 75. In addition many of up to 20000+ R, riparia/H. rustica at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 22 -23 Sept 74 were of this species and the same applies to up to 6000 R. riparia/H. rustica passing E per hour of observation at Mersin (S. C. ) 30 Sept -2 Oct 74. Recorded in S.E.T. until early Oct. A bird r es embling the Levantine race transitiva was recorded at the Goksu Delta (S . C . ) 27 Sept 74. Earliest 1 at Akyatan G. 18 Feb, 4 at the Goksu Delta 19 Feb, c50 -60 at Alanya (S. C. ) 26 Feb and 1 at the B. Menderes Delta (W. A. ) 28 Feb 74 (apart from these records there were no records before late March), latest some at Mogan G. (C. P. ) 29 Oct 75. 126 HIRUNDO DAURICA (RED-RUMPED SWALLOW) Fairly widespread and not uncommon summer visitor to much of W. Anatolia and the S. Coastlands , locally also in Thrace, the extreme north-west of the Central Plateau and the South East. A little more widespread on passage in these and neighbouring areas. Generally in hilly country in the breeding season. All nest sites so far found have been under bridges and culverts or in buildings and ruins. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 S of Yenicaga 23 July (but no suggestion of breeding) and 3 near Gebze 31 Aug 74. Thrace: 3 near Eceabat 24 Sept 75. W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /S, E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, with maximum counts of 50 in the Cesme /Izmir area (W. A. ) 25 -28 May 75 and 25 at Seyhan Baraji (S. C . ) 18 Aug 74. In the S. C. recorded until early Oct. In addition to records from areas in S. E. T. where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 there were some between Urfa and Viransehir 14 May and 9 between Cizre and Sirnak 16 May 75. Breeding records included a nest cemented to the roof of one of the galleries of the large amphitheatre at Efes 13 Aug 75. Earliest 1 at Kirikhan 30 March, latest 1 near Alanya (S. C. ) 6 Oct 74. C. Plateau: 1 at Mogan G. 5 June 75,but no suggestion of breeding. DE LIC HON URBICA (HOUSE MARTIN) Widespread and common summer visitor to most of the Black Sea Coastlands, Thrace and W. Anatolia , breeding locally in every other region (but absent from most of the Central Plateau). Colonies were found on cliffs and in caves as well as on buildings. More widespread on passage. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the breeding season throughout the entire B.S.C. and in the Antalya (S.C.) and Todurke G. (W of Zara)(C.P.) areas. Present on the C. P. until at least late Aug and recorded scattered across the region on autumn passage as well as spring, generally in small numbers. In addition to records from the areas in S. E. T. where also recorded in 1970-1973 (in 1974-1975 recorded from late March in spring) there were observations of some W of Urfa 14 May, many near Cizre 16 May, 1 between Diyarbakir and Viran- sehir 17 May, some between Sivelan and Baskale and a colony of 100 pairs at Baskale 18 May 75. In E. T. the species was scattered throughout the entire region on passage and in addition to records from areas where also recorded in 1970-1973 there were records of breeding colonies or birds present in the breeding season, generally in moderate numbers, from the Soylemez, Horasan and Tahir areas. Maximum counts of 200+ at Cay (C. P. ) 29 Aug 74, 150 pairs nesting at a colony on the river Afrin (w of Kilis )(S. C . ) 12 May, 180 N of Soylemez 20 May and 1 26 near Horasan (E. T. ) 23 May 75, and the record from Baskale detailed above. Earliest many at Mersin 23 Feb, many at Alanya 24 Feb and 4 on 26 Feb, with 1 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) and 5 at the B.Menderes Delta (W.A.) 28 Feb (apart from these records there were none until late March), latest 1 near Alanya (S.C. ) 6 Oct 74. CALANDRELLA BRACHYDACTYLA (SHORT-TOED LARK) Widespread and fairly common summer visitor to dry, open cultiva- tion, field margins, steppe etc. in Thrace, on the Central Plateau and in the South East; more locally over much of the rest of the country, but apparently absent from almost all the Black Sea Coast - lands. More widespread on passage, locally in large numbers. Black Sea Coastlands: 2 at 30 km NE of Corum 25 July 74 were just within the southern border of the region. All regions except the Black Sea Coastlands: Status similar to 1970- 1973, with maximum counts of 100 at Pozanti (S.C.) 3 April, 100 at Hotamis 27 Aug and up to 250 there 22-23 Sept, 200 at Kulu G. (C. P. ) 26 Aug 74 and 330 W of Ercis (E. T. ) 19 May 75. Present in moderate numbers in T. on passage, but only small numbers in the breeding season. In addition to records from the areas where also recorded in 1970-1973 the species was present in small num- 128 bers in the breeding season at Avian G. (S.C.) and was also re- corded in the Cizre area (S. E. T. ). Earliest a few at Mogan G. 6 April, latest 25 between Ulukisla and Aksaray (C. P. ) 3 Oct 74. CALANDRELLA RUFESCENS (LESSER SHORT -TOED LARK) Local resident and summer visitor in considerable numbers on the Central Plateau and in the East, also locally in small numbers in the South East. More widespread on passage, with recent records from every region except Thrace, but only regularly recorded on the south coast. Winters in irregular numbers on the C. Plateau (apparently absent in severe winters) and in small numbers in the south and south-west. Mainly in dry salt steppe or open, stony plains or hill-sides in the breeding season. W. Anatolia: Some at Civril G. 27 Feb 74. S. Coastlands /C. Plateau/E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 60 at Hotamis (C. P. ) 27 Aug 74 and 200 there 22 July 75. In the S. C. the species was recorded at the Goksu Delta from mid Feb in spring . On the C. P. present also in the Incesu area as well as the areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973. In E. T, outside the Van G. and Ercek G. areas (where present until early Oct) there were observations of 1 E of Erzurum 3 Aug and 25 near B.Agri D. 4 Aug 74. MELANOCORYPHA CALANDRA (CALANDRA LARK) Widespread and common resident over much of the country, but apparently absent from most of the Black Sea Coastlands and some- what more local and less numerous in the East and upland areas in other regions. Generally found in areas of flat or undulating, open cultivation. There is some evidence of movement into and through the country. All regions except the Black Sea Coastlands: Status similar to 1970- 1973, but in addition present in the Canakkale and Truva areas (W. A.). InS.E.T. the species was recorded eastwards to the Cizre area. 129 In E. T. fairly widespread, generally in moderate numbers, throughout the entire region. Maximum counts of several hun- dred at the B. Menderes Delta (W. A. ) 28 Feb, several hundred at Seyfe G. 16 Feb, several thousand at Kulu G. 21 Feb, several hundred at Aksehir G. 23 Feb, 800 at Tuz G. (C. P. ) 21 Aug and up to 600+ there 3-4 Oct 74, with 220 W of Ercis (E. T. ) 19 May 75. MELANOCORYPHA BIMACULATA (BIMACULATED LARK) Fairly widespread and common summer visitor to the East, some- what more locally to the Central Plateau, the South East and some adjoining areas. Has been recorded on the south coast on passage. Mainly found on stony hill -sides and in the higher areas of culti- vation in the breeding season. S. Coastlands: 2 flew E at Mersin 1 Oct 74. C. Plateau/S. E. Turkey/E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of up to c3000 at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 22-23 Sept, an unusually large concentration, and cl 00 SW of Hamur (near Agri) (E. T. ) 5 Aug 74. On the C. P. the species was re- corded throughout the region south and east' of a line from Karadag (N of Karaman) along the west side of the Tuz depression to the Ankara area, then east to the Sivas area, generally in moderate numbers; to the west of this line there were 2 between Eskisehir and Sivrihisar 21 May and 4 in the Cay area 22 May 74. In S. E. T. moderate numbers were recorded throughout the southern part of the region from the Kilis and Gaziantep areas eastwards to the Mardin and Cizre areas; in addition there were records of 10 be- tween Sivelan and Baskale and 6 between Baskale and Van 18 May 75. In E. T. the species was also reported from the area N of Kars and Ani as well as the areas in which it was also reported in 197 0- 1973. On Nemrut D. (near Tatvan) (E. T. ) it was noted that M . bimaculata replaced M. calandra above c2300m. 130 EREMOPHILA ALPESTRIS (SHORE LARK) Widespread and common resident or partial migrant in upland areas in the eastern two -thirds of the country, becoming more local further west (absent from Thrace and most of W. Anatolia). More widespread in winter, when there is a general descent to lower altitudes and the range extends over much of the Central Plateau and throughout the south-western lakes area. Has been recorded in autumn on the south coast. Generally on open, rocky or grassy slopes in the breeding season, but in winter often in open cultivation. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-197 3, with maximum counts of 30 pairs in the mountains between Ispir and Rize (B. S. C. ) 10 July and up to c70 birds there 27 -28 Sept 74, 55 on Uludag (W. A. ) 23 Sept and up to 60, including immatures , on Elmadag, near Ankara (C. P. ) 23 Aug 75. In addition to records from the areas in the B. S. C. where recorded regularly in 1970- 1973 there was a breeding season record of 3 (1 singing) S of Ilgaz 7 June 75; likewise on the C.P. small to moderate numbers were also recorded in the breeding season in the Cankiri, Yesil- hisar and Zara areas, and on Karadag (N of Karaman) and on Elmadag (near Ankara). In E. T. the species was recorded through- out the entire region. S. E. Turkey: 2 W of Hakkari 17 May 75. GALERIDA CRISTATA (CRESTED LARK) Widespread and common resident throughout most of the country, but apparently absent from most of the eastern Black Sea Coast- lands and rather thinly distributed in the East and extreme South East. Found in all types of open country at low or moderate alti- tudes; only rarely found in large flocks. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but found to be fairly widespread in small numbers throughout the whole of E. T. , including the area to the N of Kars and Ani, and similarly found throughout the whole of S.E.T. , where moderate numbers 131 widespread in the western and central areas, but more locally distributed in small to moderate numbers in the eastern part. In the B.S. C. there were two records from E of Terme; 1 pair plus at least 1 fledged young S of Sebinkarahisar 17 June and 1 between Bayburt and Gumushane 16 July 75. Maximum counts of a total of 1 1 0 between Izmir and Afyon (W. A. /C. P. ) 14-15 May 75, 180+ between Ankara and the Corum area (C. P. ) 25 Sept and 151 between Akcakale and Ceylanpinar (S . E. T. ) 30 May 74. Breeding records included a nest with 3 eggs found at Side (S. C. ) 17 April 74. LULLULA ARBOREA (WOOD LARK) Widespread and common resident or partial migrant in the west and south, much more locally in smaller numbers over the rest of the country. Found in the breeding season in hilly or moun- tainous areas up to 2100m, with open forest or scrub cover. Widespread in moderate numbers in winter in the south and south- west; occasionally recorded elsewhere in the western two -thirds of the country. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, with a maximum count of 1 2 at the Kazik pass (SW of Denizli) (W. A. ) 28 Sept 74. In addition to records from areas where also regularly recorded in the breeding season in 1970-1973 there were records of small numbers in the Ilgaz, Boyabat and Ispir areas (B.S.C.), in the mountains near Iskenderun (S.C.) and in the Cankiri area (C. P. ). In W. A. away from the B. Menderes Delta the only winter record was some at Civril G. 27 Feb 74. S. E. Turkey: 3 E of Hakkari 17 May 75. E. Turkey: Up to 7 along the S side of Van G. 18-20 May, 1 be- tween Horasan and Karakurt 21 May, some S of Sarikamis 21 -22 May, some between Karakurt and Kagizman 22 May, some N of Horasan 23 May, with 4 W of Sarikamis and 1 W of Erzincan 24 May 75. 132 ALAUDA ARVENSIS (SKYLARK) Fairly widespread and fairly common resident or partial migrant in the East and on parts of the Central Plateau, locally in every other region except the South East. Found breeding in a wide variety of open country habitats, both at low and at high altitudes. Widespread throughout most of the country in much larger numbers on passage, wintering mainly in the western two -thirds. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-197 3, but a much lower maximum count of 30 at Muratli (T. ) 8 Oct 74 (although the species was described as 'numerous' at B. Agri D. (E. T. ) 4 Aug 74, no actual figures were given). In the B.S.C. the species was present until at least Feb in the areas where also re- corded in winter in 1970-1973, but the only records outside the period Nov-Feb were 2 in the mountains between Ispir and Rize 10 July, 2 near Trabzon 29 Sept 74, 1-2 singing at the Zigana pass 15 June and 1 at 3100m in the mountains S of Ispir 7 July 75. In T. the species was widespread from mid Sept in autumn; outside the period mid Sept to Jan the only observation was of some near Edirne 8 May 75. In the S. C. the species was widespread from late Sept onwards in coastal areas and around the south-western lakes. On the C. P. present in the breeding season in the Kalecik and Sivas areas in addition to the areas where also recorded in 1970-1973. ANTHUS CAMPESTRIS (TAWNY PIPIT) Fairly widespread and not uncommon summer visitor in Thrace, on the Central Plateau and in the East, also in parts of W. Anatolia and very locally in other regions, but apparently absent from much of the Black Sea Coastlands and all the south coast. Found mainly in dry open steppe or cultivation, less often on stony slopes. More wide- spread on passage; occasionally recorded in winter in the western two-thirds of the country. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-197 3, with maximum counts of up to 21 at Tuz G. 3-4 Oct 74 and 30 at Elmadag 133 (C. P. ) 23 Aug 75. The only breeding season records from the B. S . C . were 1 atKargi 8 June , 2 at cl500-2000m S of Ispir 14 June, 1 at 2600m in the mountains between Ispir and Rize 13 July, 4 near Bayburt 15 July and 4 at Gumushane 16 July 75. Similarly in the S. C. the only breeding season records were of 1 pair at Avian G. 29 June 74 and 1 N of Tasobasi (S of Pozanti) 23 May 75; the only coastal records in spring were some at Alanya between 10-21 April and 1 at the Goksu Delta 22 April 74. In addition to the areas where also regularly recorded in 1970- 1973, small numbers were present in W.A. in the Banaz (E of Usak) and Denizli areas, and in E. T. in the Palu area. Recorded in E. T. until early Oct. Earliest some at Alanya 10 April, latest 1 at Tuzla G. (S.C.) 7 Oct 74; there were no winter records. S. E. Turkey: 6, including 2 juvs. , near Erkenek (NE of Golbasi) 15 Aug 74 and 1 between Sivelan and Baskale 18 May 75. ANTHUS TRIVIA LIS (TREE PIPIT) Rather local but not uncommon summer visitor to mixed or deciduous woodland or scrubland (sometimes in virtually treeless areas at higher altitudes) in the Black Sea Coastlands and probably in parts of Thrace, W. Anatolia and the East. Widespread through- out the country in much larger numbers on passage. All regions except the C. Plateau and S. E. Turkey; Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of clOO flying S at Rize 26 Sept, 1 30+ flying E at Camlica , Bosphorus (B. S. C. ) 7 Oct, 250+ flying E at Mersin (S. C. ) 29 Sept-1 Oct and up to 100 flying E there per hour of observation on 2 Oct 74. In the B.S.C. there were breeding season records of a few in spruce and pine covered hills N of Boyabat 9 June, 1 pair (carrying food to a nest) in oak scrub at c2300m at the Kopdagi pass and 1 in the Zigana pass area 15 June, 1 S of Trabzon at c 1 600m 1 6 June , 4 S of Torul at 1500-2000m 17 June , 2 in mountains S of Ikizdere 9 July and 2 near Bayburt 15 July 75. In W.A. there was a breeding season record of 2 on Uludag 4 June 74. In E. T. there were 2 singing at Ardahan (presumably breeding 134 locally) 3 July 74; the only spring records from the region were 2 along the S side of Van G. 18-19 May, 14 N of Hinis 20 May, some S of Sarikamis 21 May and 7 in this area 22 May, with 7 W of Sarikamis 24 May 75. In autumn present in E. T. until early Oct. Earliest clO at Karatas (S. C. ) 26 March 74. C, Plateau: 1 near Konya 26 Aug, 1 at Aksehir 29 Aug 74, up to 30+ in the Ankara area 25-29 Aug, 1 on 15 Sept, 1 on 23 Sept, 2 on 1 Oct and 1 on 15 Oct, with several at Mogan G. 25 Oct 75 (the latter were also the latest recorded in the country in the two year period). ANTHUS PRATENSIS (MEADOW PIPIT) Widespread and common passage migrant and winter visitor in the western two -thirds of the country; less common (perhaps only on passage) further east. Apparently favours wetland areas. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but much lower maximum counts of 5 on Uludag (W. A. ) 23 Sept 75 and 5 near Bala (C.P.) 31 March 74 (although the species was re- corded as fairly common at the Kizilirmak and Yesilirmak deltas (B. S. C. ) 15 Feb and at Akyatan G. (S. C. ) 18 Feb 74, no actual figures were given). In the B.S. C. birds were present at the Kizilirmak Delta until at least Feb; away from the delta the only other record from the region was from the Yesilirmak Delta _ see above. ANTHUS CERVINUS (RED -THROATED PIPIT) Fairly widespread and fairly common passage migrant throughout the country. Regularly winters in small numbers on the south coast and occasionally recorded in the south-west and on the Central Plateau. All regions except W. Anatolia and S. E. Turkey; Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of up to 120 in the Yenicaga area (B.S.C.) 5-6 Oct, 18 in the Alanya area (S.C.) 21 April 74 and 20 135 at Mogan G. (C. P. ) 24 Sept 75. Recorded in the S. C. from late Sept in autumn and on the C. P. from early April in spring and from late Sept in autumn. In E. T. there was one autumn record of 1 at Van 1 Oct 74. Earliest 1 at Karatas (S.C. ) 26 March 74, latest 1 at Mogan G. (C. P. ) 1 5 Nov 75; no winter records. W. Anatolia: 3 at Kusadasi 19 April and 2 at the B. Menderes Delta 15 May 74. ANTHUS SPINOLETTA (WATER PIPIT /ROCK PIPIT) Fairly widespread resident or partial migrant in high mountainous country in the eastern Black Sea Coastlands and more locally in the rest of this region and in every other region except Thrace. Generally found above the tree -line in the breeding season, descending to lower altitudes in winter and extending widely across wetland and coastal areas, especially in the western two -thirds of the country. Numbers are presumably swelled by immigration. (The above applies to the race(s) of the Water Pipit, the Rock Pipit A. s. littoralis is apparently a rare winter visitor). Black Sea Coastlands /W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C. Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of up to 80+ in the mountains between Ispir and Rize (B.S.C. ) 27-28 Sept 74 and c40 on Uludag (W. A . ) 2 3 Sept 75. In the B . S. C. the only rec ords out - side the areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 were 2 at Camlica, Bosphorus 4 Sept and 1 at Yenicaga 20 Sept 74; breeding season records included 2 nests with 4 eggs each in the Zigana pass area 14 June 75. In the S. C. there were breeding season records of 1 at 1 300m at the Celtikci pass 11 May 74 and 2 in the Bolkar Daglari, W of Pozanti 6 June 75; outside the breeding season the species was recorded from Amik G. in addition to areas where also recorded in 1970-1973. On the C. P. the species was recorded throughout the region until late March, but outside the period Nov-late March the only records were 1 in the Sultan Daglari near Cay Z2 May 74 and 4 pairs on Karadag (N of Karaman) 27 May 75. 136 S. E. Turkey: Some at 2500m W of Hakkari 17 May 75 were in suitable breeding habitat. E. Turkey: 1 SE of Tahir 3 Aug 74, 1 in mountains along the S side of Van G. 18 May, 7 between Van and the area N of Catak 19 May and 1 at 2900m on Nemrut D. (near Tatvan) 7 June 75. MOTACILLA FLAVA (YELLOW WAGTAIL) Fairly widespread and fairly common summer visitor to suitable wetlands throughout the country (M. f. feldegg). Widespread also throughout the country on passage, when recorded in much larger numbers (M. f. feldegg and M. f. flava largely, with flava predomi- nating, all records of other races are listed). Occasionally re- corded in winter in lowlands in the western two -thirds of the country. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition present in small numbers in the breeding season at Yenicaga G. , at Ispir (B.S.C. ) and at Isparta (S’. C.), with mode- rate numbers in the Bayburt area (B.S.C. ). In the S. C. recorded in moderate numbers at the Goksu Delta in the breeding season. In E. T. recorded until early Oct. Maximum counts of 450 at Yenicaga G. (B. S. C . ) 5 Oct 74, 200 at Manyas G. (W. A. ) 10 Sept 75 and up to 3000 passing E per hour of observation at Mersin (S.C. ) 30 Sept- 2 Oct 74. Earliest some at Mogan G. (C. P. ) 4 April 74, latest 1 there 29 Oct 75. The only records of races other than feldegg and flava were 1 thunbergi at Mogan G. (C. P. ) 25 April 74 and 1 cinereocapilla /thunbergi at Alanya (S. C. ) 10 May 75. S. E. Turkey: 1 between Viransehir and Diyarbakir 17 May 75. MOTACILLA CITREOLA (CITRINE WAGTAIL) Vagrant. Has been recorded recently from the eastern Black Sea Coastlands, the Central Plateau and the East. C. Plateau: 1 adult male at Mogan G. 4-6 April 74 (JRT). 137 MOTACILLA CINEREA (GREY WAGTAIL) Fairly widespread and not uncommon resident or partial migrant by running water in the eastern third of the country, more locally westwards to the Main Taurus and north-eastern W. Anatolia, possibly elsewhere in the west. More widespread and in larger numbers on passage and in winter, when local birds descend to lower levels and immigrants arrive; winters mainly in the west and south. All regions except Thrace and S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, but in addition present in small numbers in the breeding sea- son in the Bolu, Yenicaga, Havza , Boyabat, Fatsa, Giresun (B . S. C . ) and Cankiri (C . P. ) areas . In the B . S. C . present in the breeding areas until at least early Oct; there was also a single winter record in the region of 1 E of Tirebolu 14 Feb 74. In W. A. the species was found in coastal areas and wetlands from mid Sept onwards; apart from records from Uludag, the only record from W. A. outside the period mid Sept to late March was 1 at Ayvacik 31 May 75. In the S. C. away from the areas where also present in the breeding season in 1970-1973, the only records outside the period early Aug -early April were 1 near Alanya 2-9 May and 2 at the Manavgat falls 9 May 74. Away from the Kizilcahamam and Cankiri area, the only observations on the C.P. were 1 near Bala.3l March, 1 at Emir G. 22 Aug, 1 at Cubuk I Baraji 24 Aug, 3 at Cay 30 Aug 74 and up to 16 at Temelli 9-10 Aug 75. In E. T. to the west of the line from the Erzincan area to Van G. there was 1 at Kale, SW of Elazig 13 Aug 74. Maximum counts 1 2 in the mountains between Ispir and Rize 11 July 74 and 5 pairs plus their young (1 pair had 5 young) S of Ikizdere (B.S.C. ) 10 July 75. Thrace: 2 between Tekirdag and Marmaraereglisi 17 Sept and some at Edirne 9 Oct 74. S. E. Turkey: 6 between Uludere and Hakkari 17 May and some N of Baskale 18 May 75. 138 MOTACILLA ALBA (WHITE WAGTAIL) Widespread and fairly common resident and partial migrant over most of the country, but rather less common in the interior of the Central Plateau and apparently absent from much of the South East. Found around watery habitats. More widespread and in larger numbers on passage and in winter; wintering mainly in the west and south. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but present in addition in small numbers in the breeding season in the Ilgaz, Tosya, Kargi, Boyabat and Gerze areas (B.S.C.). The only winter record from the B.S. C. was some S of Trabzon 14 Feb 74, but widespread on autumn passage until mid Oct throughout the region. Recorded on passage in Thrace from mid Sept in autumn. Fairly widespread throughout the whole region in E. T. and present from mid March until early Oct; 1 bird of the 'masked' type, perhaps resembling the race per sonata or an intermediate type such as persica W of Kagizman (E. T. ) 11 March 74 (SCM). Maxi - mum counts of up to cl 00 in the Yenicaga area (B. S. C . ) 5-6 Oct 74 and 20+ at Iznik G. (W.A.) 25-26 July 75. S. E. Turkey: 5 between Uludere and Hakkari and some between Hakkari and Sivelan 17 May, 4 between Sivelan and Baskale and 4 between Baskale and Van 18 May 75. LANIUS COLLURIO (RED -BACKED SHRIKE) Widespread and fairly common summer visitor to much of the country, but apparently absent from the south coastal strip and much of the Central Plateau and the lower lying areas in the South East. Generally in scrubland areas, at moderate or fairly high altitudes in the south, but down to lowlands also in the north. More widespread and in much larger numbers on passage. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition present in the breeding season and on passage throughout the entire B.S. C. and throughout the whole of W. A. to the N of a line from the Cesme area to Aphrodisias (W of Denizli) whilst in the S. C. small numbers were 139 present in the breeding season at Avian G. in addition to the areas where also present in 1970-1973. In T. the species was recorded until early Oct. In S. E. T. the species was widespread in moderate numbers on passage throughout the entire region (from the Kilis and Gaziantep areas eastwards to the Hakkari and Baskale areas) early-late May, but the only records outside this period were a total of 18 between Palu and Hazar G. 11 Aug, 2 near Erkenek (NE of Golbasi) 15 Aug and 15+ between Beykan and Silvan 2 Oct 74. In E. T. recorded until early Oct. Breeding records included a nest with 4 eggs found at Tatvan (E. T. ) 7 June 7 5. Maximum counts of 45 between Yiransehir and Diyarbakir (S. E. T. ) 17 May 75 and 86 between Erzurum and Agri (E. T. ) 3 Aug 74. Earliest some at Alanya (S.C. ) 10 April, latest 8 between Tekirdag and Edirne (T. ) 8 Oct 74. LANIUS NUBICUS (MASKED SHRIKE) Widespread and fairly common summer visitor to W. Anatolia and the S. Coastlands , locally also in adjacent parts of the Black Sea Coastlands and Thrace and in the South East, perhaps elsewhere. A little more widespread on passage. Found in a wide range of semi -wooded habitat, ranging from open oak or pine woods to citrus or olive groves. Thrace/W. Anatolia/S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1 970-1973, with maximum count of 7 N of Tasobasi (S of Pozanti) (S . C . ) 23 May 75. Breeding records included a nest with five eggs in a fig tree near Intepe 5 June 74. Earliest 1 at Iskenderun 31 March 74, latest 1 W of Silifke (S. C. ) 4 Oct 75. C. Plateau: 1 pair, the female attempting to collect nest material, near Kalecik in a small wooded area in low hills with rocky outcrops and cultivation 7 June 75 (RFP et al. ) suggests breeding rather out- side the known range. Elsewhere 1 at Nevsehir 21 May, 1 at Aksehir 29 Aug, 2 at Cay 30 Aug 74 and 1 between Afyon and Konya 1 5 May 75. 140 S . E, Turkey: 4 near Erkenek (NE of Golbasi) 14-15 Aug 74, 1 W of Kilis 13 May, 3 between Sirnak and Uludere 16 May, 1 pair with an almost finished nest in a thorn bush W of Uludere 17 May and 2 at Gaziantep 7 June 75. E. Turkey: 1 E of Bingol 10 Aug 74. LANIUS SENATOR (WOODCHAT SHRIKE) Fairly widespread and not uncommon summer visitor to W. Anatolia , locally also in Thrace, the S. Coastlands , the South East, probably adjacent parts of the Central Plateau and possibly elsewhere. Generally in fairly dense, well-developed scrub, orchards, olive groves etc. More widespread across much of the country on passage, especially in spring. Thrace/W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, but in addition small numbers were present in the breeding season in the Hazar G. , Derik, Sirnak, Uludere and Baskale areas, with moderate numbers in the Mardin and Midyat areas (S. E. T. ). Apart from records from areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973, the only other record from Thrace was of 1 between Corlu and Istanbul 14 Sept 75. Recorded on passage in the S. C. until mid May in spring and until early Oct in autumn. Maximum counts of 8-10 in the Izmir area (W. A. ) 9 June, 12 at the Afrin valley (W of Kilis)(S. C. ) 12 May, 11 between Kilis and Gaziantep 1 3 May and 20 between Mardin and Midyat (S. E. T. ) 1 5 May 75. Earliest 1 at Side 8 April, latest 1 near Alanya (S. C. ) 3 Oct 74. C. Plateau: Some between Aksehir and Konya 5 May, 1 in the Tuz G. area 21 Aug and 1 at Cay 22 May 74. E. Turkey: 2 N of Hinis 20 May 75, but no suggestion of breeding. LANIUS MINOR (LESSER GREY SHRIKE) Fairly local and rather uncommon summer visitor to the Central Plateau, the East and even more locally to the western Black Sea Coastlands, Thrace, W. Anatolia , the northern fringe of the 141 S.Coastlands and the extreme South East. Generally in scrub in hilly or upland areas, but sometimes at lower altitudes further north. Widespread throughout the country in much larger num- bers on passage. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but also present in small numbers in the breeding season in the Kalecik, Sungurlu, Yozgat and Develi areas (C. P. ). Recorded on passage in T. until late Sept. In W.A. the only record between mid May and Aug was 6+ near Susurluk 28 July 75, a record which may refer to birds breeding locally. InS.E.T. the species was widespread on passage throughout the entire region (eastwards to the Hakkari and Baskale areas), being recorded until late May in spring and from mid Aug until early Oct in autumn. Maximum counts of 220 be- tween Erzurum and Agri 3 Aug, 104 between Agri and Dogubayazit 4 Aug, 101 between Hamur and Ercis 5 Aug, 169 between Micaros (W of Gevas , Van G. ) and Mus 9 Aug and clOO between Mus and the Kuruca pass area (E. T. ) 10 Aug 74. Earliest some at Alanya (S. C. ) 10 April, latest 2 at Tuz G. (C. P. ) 6 Oct 74. LANIUS EXCUBITOR (GREAT GREY SHRIKE) Fairly scarce passage migrant and winter .visitor in small numbers wintering mainly in the west, north and on the Central Plateau. Observers are asked to beware confusion with juvenile L. minor (which lack black forehead of adult) in early autumn. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 W of Unye 15 Feb 74. Thrac e: 1 between Corlu and Luleburgaz 4 March 74. ORIOLUS ORIOLUS (GOLDEN ORIOLE) Rather local and uncommon summer visitor in all regions, but perhaps most common in the Black Sea Coastlands and Thrace. Found in areas of deciduous woodland, even quite small patches such as groves of poplars. More widespread and more numerous on passage. 142 All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition present in small numbers in the breeding season in the Ilgaz, Kargi, Merzifon, Ziganapass, Varzan, Bayburt, Kopdagipass, Maden, Ispir (B.S.C.), Yalova, Sindirgi (W.A.), Cankiri, Oren (SW of Corum), Seyfe G. , Nevsehir (C. P. ) and Tutak (SW of Agri)(E. T. ) areas. Recorded on passage in W.A. from late April in spring and from mid Aug in autumn, likewise in the S. C. until mid May in spring and in E. T. from mid Aug in autumn. There was one autumn record from the S. C. of up to 2 S of Kemer (in this case the town of that name S of Antalya) 29-30 Aug 74. On the C. P. away from the areas where present in the breeding season, theie were also autumn records of 1 at Sereflikochisar 21 Aug, 1 S of Karagol 23 Aug, 1 at Cay 29 Aug and 5 at Vezirhan (N of Bilecik) 31 Aug 74; in spring there was a rather early record from the region of 2 at Emir G. 16 April 74, which was also the earliest for the country over the two year period. Fairly widespread throughout the whole of S.E.T. (eastwards to the Hakkari and Baskale areas) on spring passage, when recorded until mid May. In E. T. present in the breeding areas from mid May onwards. Maximum counts 1 0 at Kus Cenneti, Manyas G. (W.A ) 24 May, 10 between Konya and Ulukisla (C. P. ) 15 May 75 and 30 at Kale, SW of Elazig (E. T. ) 13 Aug 74. Latest record 2 near Alanya (S. C. ) 4 Oct 74. STURNUS ROSEUS (ROSE-COLOURED STARLING) Status uncertain; may breed quite widely as a summer visitor on the Central Plateau and in the East, perhaps elsewhere, but only found breeding in recent years in one area in the East, although there has been some indication of breeding in other areas during the period in question. Otherwise a widespread passage migrant in irregular, but frequently quite considerable numbers. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 imm. at Ispir 9 July 74, 27 at Yenicaga G. 21 May, 1 adult at the Kizilirmak Delta 9 June and 3 adults near Ispir 14 June 75. 143 W. Anatolia 1 adult at Acigol 12 May and 5 birds there 2 June, 60-70 adults at the B. Menderes Delta 14-16 May 74, 500 birds at Apolyont G. 2 3 May, 150 at Kus Cenneti, Manyas G. 24 May and 6 in the Cesme/Izmir area 25 May 75. S. Coastlands: 200 on Demirkazik, Aladag 26 May 74, 20 between Pozanti and Adana 16 May, 1 1 5 at the Goksu Delta 21-22 May, 41 near Kamisli, Aladag and 57 N of Tasobasi (S of Pozanti)23 May 75. C . Plateau: 1 50-200 at Mogan G. 13 May 74 , 300 between Konya and Ulukisla 15 May, 33 at Kurbaga G. and 2 at Nevsehir 26 May, 2 in the Karapinar area and 5 N of Karaman 27 May, 17 at Hotamis G. 28 May, 27 (26 adults plus 1 imm. ) S of Cankiri 7 June, with 1 adult at Seyfe G. 19 June 75. S. E. Turkey: 150 between Gaziantep and Birecik 29 May, 10 SW of Bitlis between 14-18 July 74, 48 flying W at Derik 14 May, 250 flying W at Derik and 46 flying W at Mardin 15 May, 364 flying W at Idil (NW of Cizre) and 134 flying W at Sirnak 16 May, 18 W of Uludere , 35 E of Uludere, 300 between Birecik and Viransehir, 1150 between Viransehir and Diyarbakir plus 15 between Diyar- bakir and Bitlis 17 May, 19 between Sivelan and Baskale 18 May and 15 between Diyarbakir and Siverek 20 May 75. E. Turkey: 2 adults at Ardahan 3 July, 7 (1 adult plus 6 juvs . ) in the Horasan area 3 Aug, 1 juv. at Ercek G. 7 Aug, 1 juv. at Van and 29 juvs . at a marsh near Gevas , Van G. 8 Aug 74 , up to 70 along the S side of Van G. 18-20 May, 250 between Malazgirt and Mus 19 May, 1 S of Hinis and 6 in the Soylemez area 20 May, 110 in the Horasan area 21 May, 8 between Kagizman and Tuzluca 22 May, 75 between Kagizman and Karakurt and 1 N of Horasan 23 May, 12 flying N at c2700m on Nemrut D. near Tatvan 7 June, several flocks of between 12-30 adults in the Van area 8 June, several hundred birds between Kurecik (W of Malatya) and Kale (SW of Elazig) 9 June, several hundred between Pernavut (E of Kagizman) and Kars 10 June, several hundred in the Horasan area 11 June and 36 near Askale 15 June 75. 144 STURNUS VULGARIS (STARLING) Widespread and common resident over much of the country, but scarce in some areas and apparently absent from the south coastal zone. Generally breeds around buildings, walls and ruins, sometimes elsewhere. More widespread in much larger numbers on passage and in winter, locally in huge concentrations in the west and on the Central Plateau. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the B. S. C. in the breeding season in the Siran and Sebinkarahisar areas, recorded in W. A. across the region north of a line from the B. Menderes Delta to Pamukkale and Acigol and in S.E.T. recorded scattered throughout the entire region all year (from the Kilis and Gaziantep areas eastwards to the Hakkari and Baskale areas). Generally recorded in small or moderate numbers in S.E.T. Maximum counts of 10000 at a roost at Yenicaga 5 Oct 74, 5000 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) 19 July 75, a huge concentration of c500000 at Balikdami (near Sivrihisar) 3-6 Jan and cl 7500 at a roost at Mogan G. (C. P. ) 21 Sept 74. GARRULUS GLANDARIUS (JAY) Widespread and fairly common resident over most of the country, but much more local on the Central Plateau and in the South East and East. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-197 3, but in addition recorded throughout the whole of the B.S.C. and W. A. , also in the Egridir G. (S.C. ), Cankiri, Beynam ridge (S of Ankara), Yozgat, Serefiye (N of Zara)(C.P.), Kale (SW of Elazig)and Sari- kamis (E. T. ) areas. Described as 'abundant' at Termessos (W of Antalya) (S. C. ) 10 May 74. On the C. P. apart from records from the areas where also regularly noted in 1970-1973 and the areas listed above there was 1 between Aksaray and Nevsehir 6 Oct 74. S. E. Turkey: 6 near Erkenek (NE of Golbasi) 14 Aug 74, some between Sirnak and Uludere 16 May and 4 between Uludere and Hak- kari 1 7 May 75. 145 PICA PICA (MAGPIE) Widespread and common resident over most of the country, but apparently absent from most of the Black Sea and south coastal strips and much of the South East. Generally in open cultivation with scattered trees or bushes, or in scrub, but locally in virtual- ly treeless areas where it nests on pylons, telegraph poles etc. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the Tosya, Kargi, Boyabat, Siran and Sebinkarahisar areas (B.S.C. ). Maximum count 60 between the Edirne area and Istanbul (T. ) 17 Sept 74. In the S.C. the only coastal records away from the Alanya area were some in the Seyhan/Ceyhan Delta 18-19 Feb 74 and 3 between Osmaniye and Iskenderun 3 Oct 74. S. E. Turkey: Some near the Resadiye pass 8 Sept, 5+ between Bitlis and Batman 2 Oct 74, 10 between Mardin and Midyat 15 May, 3 between Uludere and Hakkari, 12 between Viransehir and Diyarbakir and 1 between Diyarbakir and Bitlis 17 May, with 9 between Sivelan and Baskale 18 May 7 5. PYRRHOCORAX PYRRHOCORAX (CHOUGH) Widespread and fairly common resident in high mountainous coun- try, generally above 1800m, in the eastern third of the country, extending westwards through the Taurus and the southern edge of the Central Plateau into W. Anatolia. Locally found in larger numbers. Descends to lower levels in winter. Black Sea Coastlands /S. Coastlands /E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded a little further west in the B.S.C. in the Siran area. In the S.C. the only observations away from the areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 were 14 at Karamik G. 26 Feb and 1 SE of Elmali 22 Aug 74. Maximum counts of up to 300 on Demirkazik, Aladag (S. C.) 25-27 May 74, c50 pairs on Nemrut D. , near Tatvan 7 June and c50 pairs on Akdamar Island, Van G. (E. T. ) 8 June 75. Breeding records 146 included a pair with a nest with young at Ani (E of Kars) (E. T. ) 10 June 75. W. Anatolia: 2 in mountains near Pamukkale 1 3 May 74. C . Plateau: 70 in the Cay area 30 Aug 74 and 1 0 at 1800m on Erciyes D. 11 May 75. S. E. Turkey: 15 between Sirnak and Uludere 16 May, 11 W of Uludere , 20 between Uludere and Hakkari plus 3 between Hakkari and Sivelan 17 May, 4 between Sivelan and Baskale and 4 between Baskale and Van 18 May 75. PYRRHOCORAX GRACULUS (ALPINE CHOUGH) Rather local but not uncommon resident in high mountainous areas in the eastern third of the country, extending westwards through the Taurus and the southern edge of the Central Plateau, also in one area in W. Anatolia. Locally in larger numbers. Occasionally recorded elsewhere during winter dispersal to lower altitudes. Black Sea Coastlands: c20 NW of Bayburt 14 Feb 74, 6 in the mountains between Ispir and Rize 10 July 74 and 4 there 14 June 75, with 3 in the Zigana pass 15 June 75. W. Anatolia: 2 on Uludag 17 Sept 74. S. Coastlands: Described as 'common' in the Pozanti area 2-4 April, c 50 -100 at Akseki 15 April, 3 between Egridir and Aksehir 3 May, up to 10 on Demirkazik, Aladag 25-27 May, 35 at Avian G. 29 June 74, 30+ near Kamisli, Aladag 23 May and 6 S of Pozanti 5 June 75. C . Plateau: 2 near Cay 22 May 74. S. E. Turkey: 19 between Uludere and Hakkari 17 May 75. E. Turkey: 1 in the Van/Ercek G. area 18 May, 1 along the S side of Van G. 20 May and 3 pairs between Horasan and Karakurt 21 May 75. 147 CORVUS MONEDULA (JACKDAW) Widespread and common resident or partial migrant over most of the country, but absent from much of the Black Sea and south coastal strips. Generally around human habitation , ruins or cultivation. Widespread throughout the country in winter. Marked movements occur on the south coast, but no definite evidence of immigration from outside the country. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 500 flying E over the Bosphorus from a roost on the European side to Camlica (B.S.C. /T. ) and 4500 roosting at Edirne (T. ) 9 Oct 74, 500 near Ankara (C. P. ) 26 Nov 75 and 1000 going to roost at Askale (E. T. ) 1 Aug 74. In the B.S.C. apart from records from areas where the species was also regularly recorded in 1970-1973, plus the Sebinkarahisar area, there was an observation of 1 at Balik G. 10 June 75. In the S.C. outside the period Oct -March there were records from coastal lowlands of 4 at Seyhan Baraji 25 April 74, 5 apparently flying W at Alanya 6 May and 1 N of Adana 16 May 75. In S. E. T. outside the areas where also regular- ly recorded in 1970-1973, there were 30+ between Bitlis and Batman 2 Oct 74, 2 between Viransehir and Diyarbakir and 5 between Diyarbakir and Bitlis 17 May 75. CORVUS FRUGILEGUS (ROOK) Widespread and common resident or partial migrant in much of the East and locally in smaller numbers in parts of the Black Sea Coast- lands, Thrace, the S. Coastlands and the Central Plateau. Wide- spread in even larger numbers throughout the country on passage and in winter. All regions except S. E. Turkey. Status similar to 1970-197 3, but lower maximum counts of 2000 going to roost at Edirne (T. ) 9 Oct, a roost of 1000+ at Horasan 30 Sept 74, a colony of 400 pairs at Ercis, a colony of 250 pairs at Malazgirt and a colony of 300 pairs at Yolustu near Hinis 19 May, a colony of 600 pairs at Pasinler, a colony of 500 pairs W of Erzurum and a colony of 300 pairs at 148 Askale (E. T. ) 24 May 7 5. In the B. S. C. away from the area be- tween Kale and the Kopdagi pass, a large rookery was found at Siran 17 June 75; elsewhere in the region the only record outside the period Nov-Jan was several near Bolu 8 May 74. In the S. C. there was one coastal record; some at the Goksu Delta 1 9 F eb 74. On the C. P. away from the areas where the species was also regu- larly recorded in the breeding season in 1970-1973 there were records outside the period Nov-Jan of some between Konya and Eregli 5 May 74, 39 E of Konya 28 May, 1 in the Kulu area 5 June and 6 in this area 21 Sept, with a colony with clO nests at Serefiye, N of Zara 17 June and a large group following the plough at Sivas 18 June 75. In E. T. the species was widespread all year east of a line from the Erzincan area to the Mus area. CORVUS CORONE (HOODED /CARRION CROW) Widespread and common resident throughout the country, but locally rather scarce in a few areas. Found in almost any habitat except the highest mountain areas and the most arid, treeless areas of the Central Plateau. The race resident in Turkey is C. c. sardonias , but birds of 'Carrion Crow' type resembling the race orientalis have been recorded in the eastern Black Sea Coast- lands , the S. Coastlands , on the C. Plateau and in the East. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded throughout the whole of the B. S. C. and S. E. T. Maximum count 160 N of Havza 26 July and c230 between the Macka area and Trab- zon (B. S. C. ) 29 Sept 74. 1 at Yalnizcam D. (B. S. C. ) 4 July 74 resembled the race orientalis (PC,MJH). CORVUS CORAX (RAVEN) Widespread and not uncommon resident or partial migrant over much of the country, but apparently very local on the Central Plateau and absent from most of the South East and East. Found in hilly or mountainous country, usually in forested areas. Some 149 dispersal occurs outside the breeding season, when it is more widespread generally. All regions except the C. Plateau and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded all year in the B.S.C. along the entire Black Sea coastal zone from Sile eastwards (except for the Kizilirmak and Yesilirmak deltas). In T. away from the Forest of Belgrade and the area between Eceabat and Gelibolu, there were 2 between Corlu and Istanbul 14 Sept 75. Maximum counts 40 on Uludag (W. A. ) 4 June 74 and 150 there 16 Aug 75. C . Plateau: 1 between Konya and Afyon 22 May, with 3 W of Sivrihisar and 1 NE of Afyon 10 Aug 75. E. Turkey: 6 at Van 1 Oct 74 and 1 there 8 June 75, 2 along the S side of Van G. 18-19 May, 1 at Ercek 9 June and 1 at Kars 10 June 75. PYCNONOTUS XANTHOPYGOS (BULBUL) Widespread and fairly common along the south coast and its im- mediate hinterland (including the area east of the Gulf of Iskenderun). Favours gardens, olive and citrus groves, pinewoods and Ceratonia scrub. Generally found below 750m. S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1970-1973, but recorded from the Kemer area (in this case the town of that name S of Antalya) east- wards. 2 at Kamisli, Aladag (NE of Pozanti) 23 May 75 were un- usually far inland. Maximum count 27 at Seyhan Baraji 18 Aug 74. CINCLUS CINCLUS (DIPPER) Fairly widespread and not uncommon resident by fast flowing water in uplands across much of the country, but absent as a breeding bird from Thrace and much of W. Anatolia , the Central Plateau and the South East. Somewhat more widespread in winter when some dispersal occurs. Found up to at least 2500m. Black Sea Coastlands /S, Coastlands /C. Plateau/E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in small numbers in 150 the Merzifon and Boyabat areas (B.S.C.). IntheS.C. away from the Main Taurus and the Aladag there was 1 S of Kemer (in this case the town S of Antalya) 1 Sept and 1 at Manavgat 25 Sept 74. On the C. P. in addition to records from the Kizilcahamam area there were up to 2 in the Cay area 29-30 Aug 74. In E. T. away from areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 there was 1 along the S side of Van G. 20 May, 1 N of Horasan 2 3 May and 1 pair W of Sarikamis 24 May 75. TROGLODYTES TROGLODYTES (WREN) Widespread and fairly common resident or partial migrant in much of the Black Sea Coastlands and Thrace, also in adjacent parts of the Central Plateau and the East as well as locally in W. Anatolia and the S. Coastlands. May breed elsewhere. Primarily in all types of woodland or dense scrub in the breeding season, occurring up to the tree -line in the north. More widespread across the country in winter, probably as a result of local dispersal and immigration from outside the country. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the Boyabat, Alacam, Yalnizcam D. (B. S. C. ) and Izmir (W. A. ) areas. In the S. C. outside the period early Nov -late March there was 1 in mountains N of Alanya between 9-21 April 74. On the C. P. away from the Kizilcahamam area there were records of 1 on Karadag (N of Karaman) 27 May, 1 near Ankara 14-22 Oct and 1 at the Beynam ridge (S of Ankara) 30 Oct 75. Breeding records included a pair which fledged 3 young on Buyukada, Princes Islands (B.S.C. ) in summer 75. PRUNELLA COLLARIS (ALPINE ACCENTOR) Status uncertain; apparently a rather local but not uncommon resident at high altitudes in the eastern Black Sea Coastlands, W. Anatolia, the S. Coastlands, the Central Plateau and the East, but probably more widely distributed. Generally on rather bare, rocky slopes in 151 high mountains. Black Sea Coastlands: 20 in mountains between Ispir and Rize 10 July, up to clO on 27-28 Sept 74, 4+ pairs (at c3000m) on 12-14 June and c30 birds, including juvs. being fed, there 13 July 75. 5 at the Zigana pass 30 Sept 74 and 10 birds, including a pair with 4 young, in mountains S of Ispir 7 July 75. W. Anatolia: 6 on Uludag 14 Sept 7 5. S. Coastlands: c6 on Demirkazik, Aladag 26-27 May 74 and some there 11-12 June 75 with 6 on Karanfil D. , Aladag 19 Aug 74. 25 in mountains SE of Elmali 22 Aug 74. PRUNELLA OCULARIS (RADDE'S ACCENTOR) Status uncertain; apparently a local but not uncommon resident at high altitudes in the East, also in adjacent parts of the Black Sea Coastlands, the S. Coastlands and the Central Plateau, but probably more widely distributed in this area. Found on rocky, scrub covered slopes in high, mountainous country. Generally above 2 300m in summer. S, Coastlands: 4-5 pairs on Demirkazik, Aladag 26-27 May 74. E. Turkey: 2 in the crater of Nemrut D. , near Tatvan 7 June 75 PRUNELLA MO DU LARIS (DUNNOCK) Fairly widespread and not uncommon resident or partial migrant in montane forests in the Black Sea Coastlands , extending locally into the adjacent parts of W. Anatolia and the Central Plateau. More widespread on passage and in winter; wintering mainly in the western two -thirds of the country. Black Sea Coastlands /W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1970-1973, with a maximum count of 10 at the Alahan monastery, N of Mut (S.C.) 16 Dec 75. In W. A. the only winter record was some at the B.Menderes Delta 29 Feb 74, whilst in the S. C. , away from the areas where also regularly recorded in winter in 1970-1973, there were observations of 2 W of Silifke 14 Dec and up to 2 at the Goksu 152 Delta 14-15 Dec 75, in addition to the record from the Alahan monastery detailed above. C. Plateau: 1 at Emir G. 23 March, 1 near Ankara 28 March 74 and 1 at Ankara 28-31 Dec 75. CETTIA CETTI (CETTI'S WARBLER) Widespread and fairly common resident or partial migrant in the west, more locally across the rest of the country. Apparently winters mainly in the west and south. Found in a variety of damp habitats and also in dry areas with thick undergrowth in the breeding season. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the breeding season in the Ilgaz , Tosya, Sebinkarahisar (B.S.C.), Iskenderun (S.C. ), Karagol (N of Ankara), Emir G. , Sereflikochisar , Cankiri, Kalecik, Nevsehir, Incesu, Hotamis G. , Zara (C. P. ), Urfa, Mardin, Midyat, Cizre, Uludere, Hakkari and Baskale (S.E.T.) areas; there was also a record of 1 S of Trabzon 16 June 75. Out- side the period early April -early Oct the only record from the C. P. was some at Hotamis 20 Feb 74. In S. E. T. the species was present until at least mid Aug. Maximum count of 30 at Kale, SW of Elazig (E. T. ) 1 3 Aug 74. LOCUSTELLA LUSCINIOIDES (S A VI'S WARBLER) Status uncertain; apparently a local summer visitor in small num- bers to wetlands in the Black Sea Coastlands and on the Central Plateau, probably also in W. Anatolia, the S. Coastlands and the East, possibly elsewhere. Otherwise an uncommon passage migrant across the country. S. Coastlands: 1 singing at a marsh S of Bucak 11 May 74 and 1 at the Goksu Delta 21 -22 May 75. C. Plateau: At least 1 singing at Hotarfiis G. 6 May 74 and 2 singing there 27 May 75. 153 LOCUSTELLA FLUVIATILIS (RIVER WARBLER) Status uncertain; no evidence of breeding during the period in question. A scarce passage migrant in small numbers across the country. E. Turkey: 1 singing N of Soylemez 20 May 75 (KW). ACROCEPHALUS MELANOPOGON (MOUSTACHED WARBLER) Status uncertain: apparently a local summer visitor in small num- bers to wetlands in the East and probably on the Central Plateau and elsewhere. Otherwise an uncommon passage migrant across the country, wintering in the west and south in fairly small numbers. W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-197 3, with a maximum count of 10+ at the Dimcay, near Alanya (S. C. ) 1 Oct 74. Away from the B. Menderes Delta there were records from W. A. of some in the Izmir area 27 April, some at Kusadasi 29 April 74 and 1 at Apolyont G. 23 May 75; likewise in the S.C. there were records away from the Goksu and Seyhan/Ceyhan deltas of 3 at the Dimcay, near Alanya 28 Sept 74 (plus the record from this area detailed above), 2 at Alanya 10 May and 1 singing at Amik G. 31 May 75. At the Goksu Delta itself (S. C. ) there was a record outside the period mid Aug to mid March of 1 on 1 June 74. In E. T. away from Van G. there was 1 E of Erzurum 2 Aug 74. C. Plateau: 2 at Cavuscu G. 22 May, 1 at Emir G. 22-25 Aug and 6 at Hotamis G. 27 Aug 74. ACROCEPHALUS SCHOENOBAENUS (SEDGE WARBLER) Status uncertain; apparently a rather local but not uncommon summer visitor to marshy wetlands on the Central Plateau, also in smaller numbers in the Black Sea Coastlands, W. Anatolia, the South East, the East and perhaps elsewhere. Otherwise rather local and uncommon on passage across the country. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 singing near Ispir 14 June, 1 singing N of the Kopdagi pass 15 June and 2 pairs along the river SE of 154 Bayburt 15 July 75. Also some at Yenicaga G. 5 Oct 74 (the latest record for the country in the two year period). W. Anatolia: 1 at Manyas G. 23 April and 1 there 30 Sept, some at Iznik G. 12 May and 2 at Koycegiz 7 Sept 74. S. Coastlands /E, Turkey: Status similar to 1970-197 3. Recorded in coastal localities in the S. C. until mid May in spring, with a late record of 1 at the Goksu Delta 21 -22 May 75. Away from the Van G. area there were records from E. T. of 3 singing at Arda- han 3 July 74, 4 N of Hinis 20 May, 1 W of Sarikamis 24 May and 1 singing at a marsh near Ercek 9 June 75. Earliest 1 at Alanya (S. C. ) 21 April 74. C , Plateau: Some at Mogan G. 1 -7 May 74 and 2 on 2 Aug 75. 1 at Cavuscu G. 22 May, 2 at Emir G. 25 Aug, 1 at Kulu G. 26 Aug 74, 3 at Kurbaga G. 26 May and 2 singing at Todurke G. (W of Zara) 18 June 75. Also 2 at Hotamis G. 27 Aug 74, 3 on 27 May and 3 there 22 July 75. ACROCEPHALUS PALUSTRIS (MARSH WARBLER) Status uncertain; apparently a rather local but not uncommon summer visitor to scrubby areas, both around wetlands and elsewhere, in the East and adjacent parts of the eastern Black Sea Coastlands. Other- wise rather local and uncommon on passage across the country. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 singing on a bare hillside with patches of scrub at the Kopdagi pass and 2 singing along a stream with willow and other scrub N of the pass 15 June 75 (RFP et al. ). Also 5+ at Rize 26 Sept 74 (in tea bushes). W. Anatolia; Some at Iznik G. 12 May, some at Cinarcik (W of Yalova) 13 May, 2-3 singing at the B. Menderes Delta 14 May, 1 singing at the K. Menderes Delta 18 May 74 and 2 in the Izmir area 21 May 75. S. Coastlands: 1 singing at Manavgat 9 May 74 and 2 singing in riverside shrubs N of Tasobasi (S of Pozanti) 23 May 75. E, Turkey: 8 pairs, some carrying food, at Yonculik, 40 km NW of Erzurum 12 July (PC.MJH), 3 adults feeding a total of 4 juvs. 155 E of Erzurum 3 Aug 74 (TAW et al. ) and 22 singing males, plus many other birds seen, in the river valley NW of Askale (a wide flood plain with mixed scrub including willow and tamarisk) 15 June 75 (REP et al. ). ACROCEPHALUS SCIRPACEUS (REED WARBLER) Rather local but not uncommon summer visitor to wetlands in Thrace, W. Anatolia, the S.Coastlands and the Central Plateau, possibly elsewhere. Fairly widespread in somewhat larger num- bers on passage. Has been recorded in winter in W. Anatolia. Black Sea Coastlands: Some at the Kizilirmak Delta 26 July 74 and 2 singing there 19 July 75, with 1 at Yenicaga G. 23 July and some there 5 Oct 74 (the latter being the latest record for the country in the two year period). All regions except the Black Sea Coastlands and S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 24 at the B. Menderes Delta (W.A.) 3 June 74, 20 at the Goksu Delta (S.C.) 21 -22 May and up to 20 at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 27 -28 May 75. Recorded until late Sept in W.A. In the S.C. , where recorded on passage until mid May in spring; the only breeding season record away from the Goksu and Seyhan/Ceyhan deltas was 2 singing at Amik G. 31 May 75. On the C.P. present in small or moderate numbers in the breeding season at Cavuscu G. , Hotamis G. and Kurbaga G. , in addition to the areas where also recorded in 1970- 1973; similarly recorded on passage at Emir G. and Karagol (N of Ankara) in addition to areas where also noted in 1970-1973 and 1 at Vezirhan (N of Bilecik) 31 Aug 74. In E. T. recorded in the Van G. area from early Aug in autumn; the only spring records from the region were 1 along the S side of Van G. and 2 in the Van/Ercek G. area 18 May, and some N of Hinis 20 May 75. Earliest 10 at Manyas G. (W.A.) 23 April 74. S. E. Turkey: Some between Sivelan and Baskale 18 May 75. 156 ACROCEPHALUS ARUNDINACEUS (GREAT REED WARBLER) Fairly widespread and fairly common summer visitor to wetlands across the country, but apparently absent from the South East and rather local in some other regions. More widespread and in somewhat larger numbers on passage. Black Sea Coastlands: Some at Sile 14 May 74 and 1 singing near Tosya 8 June 75. All regions except the Black Sea Coastlands and S . E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the breeding season at Emir G. , Cavuscu G. , Eregli G. , Seyfe G. (C. P. ) and Ercek G. (E. T. ). In addition to records from areas in the C. P. where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973* plus those localities mentioned above, there was 1 at Tuz G. 21 Aug, 1 N of Kulu 25 Aug, 1 at Vezirhan (N of Bilecik) 31 Aug 74, some singing at Soysali, N of Kurbaga G. 1 June and 2 singing in the Cankiri area 7 June 75. Maximum counts of 30 at Apolyont G. (W.A. ) 4 June 74, 20 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 21 -22 May and up to 50 at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 27-28 May 75. Earliest 3 at Karatas 26 March, latest 1 at Alanya (S. C. ) 4 Oct 74. HIPPOLAIS ICTERINA (ICTERINE WARBLER) Status uncertain; apparently a scarce summer visitor in small num- bers to Thrace and the northern part of W. Anatolia. Otherwise a rather uncommon passage migrant across the country. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 between Kale and Varzan 31 July and 1 SE of Maden 1 Aug 74, up to 2 at Camlica, Bosphorus 5-11 Sept 74 and some there between 19-26 Aug 75, with some on Buyukada , Princes Islands 11-25 Aug 75. W. Anatolia: 1 between Canakkale and Truva 21 April, 1 at Cinarcik (W.of Yalova) 13 May and 1 at the B. Menderes Delta 11 Sept 74. S. Coastlands: 1 SE of Elmali 24 Aug, 1 S of Kemer (in this case the town of that name S of Antalya) 29 Aug, 1 at Side 1 Oct, 2 between Iskenderun and Belen 2 Oct 74, 2 near Anamur 3 May and 1 at Antalya 5 May 75. 157 C. Plateau: Some at Aksehir G. 4 May and 1 at Cay 30 Aug 74. S. E. Turkey: 6 near Erkenek (NE of Golbasi) 15 Aug and 1 near Gureniz (E of Gaziantep) 16 Aug 74. E. Turkey: Up to 15 at Kale, SW of Elazig 13-14 Aug 74. HIPPO LAIS OLIVE TO RUM (OLIVE-TREE WARBLER) Rather local and generally uncommon summer visitor in Thrace, W. Anatolia and the S. Coastlands. Generally in olive groves, orchards, dry and wet deciduous woodland, scrubland etc. Has occurred in the western Black Sea Coastlands in spring. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at Sile 14 May 74 (KB, HG). Thrace: 5 singing between Gelibolu and Eceabat 30 May 75. W. Anatolia: 1 at Cinarcik (W of Yalova) 13 May, 1 pair with a nest with 3 eggs near Intepe 6 June 74, some singing at Priene, near the B.Menderes Delta, 1 June and 2 near Izmir 9 June 75. S. Coastlands: 1 at Side 9 May, 1 N of Mersin 1 Oct 74 and 1 at Termessos (W of Antalya) 5 May 75. HIPPO LAIS LANGUIDA (UPCHER'S WARBLER) Local and generally uncommon summer visitor to the South East and the adjacent fringe of the S. Coastlands. Generally found in areas of scrub and mainly in hilly or mountainous areas. A little more widespread on passage. S. Coastlands: 2 singing at the Tarsus river mouth 20 May (WF) and 1 at Seyhan Baraji 18 Aug 74 (TAW et al. ). S, E. Turkey: 2 in vineyards near Urfa 30 May (TE et al. ), at least 4 NW of Gaziantep on low, scrubby hillsides 17 Aug 74 (TAW et al. ) and 1 singing along the Firat at Birecik 7 June 75 (FGR et al. ). 158 HIPPO LAIS PALLIDA (OLIVACEOUS WARBLER) Widespread and common summer visitor to lowlands in the south, west and north, locally also in smaller numbers over much of the rest of the country, but apparently absent from much of the South East. Found mainly in waterside growth, especially willows and poplars in the interior, also, particularly in coastal areas, in scrub, gardens, olive groves etc. Found even in quite hilly country locally. All regions: Status similar to 1970 -1973, but in addition present in the breeding season in the Ilgaz, Tosya, Kargi, Merzifon, Gerze, Kizilirmak Delta, Terme (B.S.C.), Aphrodisias (W of Denizli) (W. A. ) , Termessos, Afrin valley (W of Kilis)(S. C. ), Kalecik, Cankiri (C. P. ), Yonculik (NW of Erzurum), Horasan, Bingol, Kuruca pass and Kale (SW of Elazig) (E. T. ) areas. In S. E. T. away from the Birecik area there were observations of 38 between Gaziantep and Birecik 29 May, 50 in the Urfa area 30 May, 4 near Gureniz (E of Gaziantep) 16 Aug 74, some in the Derik area 14-15 May, 2 at Mardin 15 May, 10 between Gaziantep and Birecik 16-17 May and some W of Uludere 17 May 75. Maxi- mum counts of 10 pairs feeding young at Balik G. (B.S. C. ) 19 July 75 and 30+ birds at Kale, SW of Elazig (E. T. ) 14 Aug 74. Earliest 1 at Aspendos (E of Antalya) (S. C. ) 13 April 74, latest 1 Camlica, Bosphorus (B.S.C.) 21 Sept 75. SYLVIA NISORIA (BARRED WARBLER) Status uncertain; apparently a rather local summer visitor in small numbers to the Black Sea Coastlands, W. Anatolia, the South East and East, probably the Central Plateau and elsewhere. Generally found in areas of dense scrub. Otherwise generally uncommon on passage across the country. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at Sile 14 May, up to 2 at Camlica, Bosphorus 2-6 Sept and 1 there 15 Sept 74. 1 singing near Ilgaz 8 June, 1 singing and carrying out territorial display and 2 others singing in the Kizilirmak Delta 9 June, with 1 singing E of Giresun 159 11 June 75 (RFP et al. ). S. Coastlands: 3 at Seyhan Baraji 18 Aug 74 and up to 2 at Alanya 30 April-2 May 75. C. Plateau: 1 near Balikdami 21 May, 1 N ofKulu 25 Aug, 4 at Aksehir 29 Aug and 2 at Cay 30 Aug 74. S. E. Turkey: 1 near Erkenek (NE of Golbasi) 15 Aug, 10 near Gureniz (E of Gaziantep) 16 Aug 74 and 1 at Mardin 15 May 75. E. Turkey: 4 at Askale 2 Aug and 7 at Kale, SW of Elazig 13 Aug 74. 1 pair plus 1 bird singing at the river valley NW of Askale 15 June 75 (RFP et al. ). SYLVIA HORTENSIS (ORPHEAN WARBLER) Rather local but not uncommon summer visitor to W. Anatolia and the S. Coastlands , more locally in the Black Sea Coastlands, Thrace and on the Central Plateau, perhaps elsewhere. Generally found on scrub covered slopes or in orchards etc. Somewhat more wide- spread on passage. Black Sea Coastlands: Up to 2 between Kale and Varzan 30-31 July 74. Thrace: 1 near Edirne 30 May 75. W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1 970 -1973, but in addition present in the breeding season in the Cinarcik (W of Yalova), Izmir (W. A. ) , Avian G. and Seyhan Baraji (S. C. ) areas. Earliest at least 3 near Pamukkale (W. A. ) 13 May, latest 1 at Seyhan Baraji (S. C. ) 18 Aug 74. C. Plateau: 1 at Aksehir G. 4 May and 2 at Kizilcahamam 24 July 74. S. E. Turkey: Up to 4 NW of Gaziantep 16-17 Aug 74. E. Turkey: Up to 2 at Kale, SW of Elazig 13-14 Aug 74. SYLVIA BORIN (GARDEN WARBLER) Status uncertain; apparently a local and uncommon summer visitor in small numbers to the Black Sea Coastlands, probably the East and possibly elsewhere. Generally found in deciduous woodland with 160 scrub or in well developed scrub. Otherwise a rather uncommon passage migrant across the country. Black Sea Coastlands: 2 NW of Maden 1 Aug 74. 1 at Camlica, Bosphorus 11 Sept, 1 there 16 Sept and 1 on 23 Sept 74, with some there between 14-22 Sept 75. 2 singing near Alacam 9 June, 4 singing E of Giresun 11 June, 5 singing in the Ikizdere area 12-13 June and 1 singing near Torul 17 June 75. W. Anatolia: 1 at Koycegiz 7 Sept and 1 on Uludag 18 Sept 74. S. Coastlands: Some in the Alanya area 20 April 74 and 1 there 30 April 75. 1 at Side 10 May and 1 at Anamur 30 Sept 74. C . Plateau: 3 near Balikdami 21 May, 1 N of Kulu 21-25 Aug and 3 at Aksehir G. 29 Aug 74. S. E. Turkey: 1 near Erkenek (NE of Golbasi) 14 Aug 74 and 2 be- tween Viransehir and Diyarbakir 17 May 75. E. Turkey: 2 at Kale, SW of Elazig 14 Aug 74. SYLVIA ATRICAPILLA (BLACKCAP) Fairly widespread and not uncommon summer visitor to the Black Sea Coastlands and Thrace, locally also in the northern part of W. Anatolia. Generally found in deciduous woodland. Otherwise fairly widespread and not uncommon on passage across the country, wintering in fairly small numbers in coastal areas in the south and south -west. Black Sea Coastlands /Thrace /W. Anatolia /S. C oastlands : Status similar to 1970-1973, with a maximum count of c20 at Alanya (S.C.) 4 May 75. In addition to records from the eastern part of the region and from Camlica, Bosphorus , there were records from the B . S. C, of 3 W of Bolu 23 July 74 and 1 at Abant 1 2 Sept 75. Re - corded at the Bosphorus (Asian side) (B. S. C. ) until mid Oct. In addition to records from areas where also recorded in 1970-1973, present in the European part of Istanbul (T. ). Away from the Bursa and Uludag areas the only record from W. A. outside the period late Sept -late May was 3 near Manisa 12 Aug 75. The only winter record from any region was 1 at the B. Menderes Delta (W. A. ). 161 28 Feb 74. C . Plateau: 1 in the Ankara area 2 April, 1 on 16-17 April and 1 on 25 April, with 2 near Cay 22 May 74. SYLVIA COMMUNIS (WHITETHROAT) Widespread and fairly common summer visitor in the west and more locally and in smaller numbers over much of the rest of the country, but apparently absent from much of the South East and particularly local in the S. C oastlands . Generally found in a variety of scrubland habitats. More widespread in larger num- bers on passage. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition scattered in small numbers throughout the whole of the B . S. C . and the E. T . Maximum c ounts of 20 at Seyhan Baraji (S . C . ) 18 Aug and 36 at Yonculik (NW of Erzurum) (E. T. ) 1 1 July 74. Earliest 1 at Amik G. 28 March, latest 4 between Iskenderun and Belen (S.C. ) 4 Oct 74. S. E. Turkey: 1 near Erkenek (NE of Golbasi) 15 Aug, 20 near Gureniz (E of Gaziantep) and 10 NW of Gaziantep 16 Aug 74, some at Derik 14 May, some at Mardin 15 May and 8 between Idil and Cizre 1 6 May 75. SYLVIA CURRUCA (LESSER WHITETHROAT) Rather local but generally not uncommon summer visitor to dry upland areas in the interior of the country, occurring in every region except Thrace. Generally found in open woodland of all kinds or in scrub. Widespread in much larger numbers on passage across the whole country. All regions except E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the breeding season in the Ilgaz, Merzifon, Ardanuc (B.S.C. ), Kutahya, Karadag (N of Karaman), Erciyes D. and Incesu (C. P. ) areas. Recorded on passage in the B. S. C. until mid May in spring, in W. A. from mid Aug in autumn and 162 until mid May in the S. C. in spring. In S. E. T. away from the areas where also regularly recorded in spring in 1970-197 3 there were some between Sirnak and Uludere 16 May and some W of Uludere 17 May 75; the only autumn records from the region were 2 at Erkenek (NE of Golbasi) 15 Aug and 15 NW of Gaziantep 16 Aug 74. Maximum count of 20 at Karatas (S.C.) 26 March 74 (also the earliest record for the country in the two year period). Latest 1 at the Goksu Delta (S. C. ) 5 Oct 75. E. Turkey: 1 E of Kotum, Van G. and 3 near Bashan 9 Aug 74, with 4 along the S side of Van G. 18 May 75. SYLVIA RUEPPELLI (RUPPELL'S WARBLER) Widespread and fairly common summer visitor to W. Anatolia and the S. Coastlands , perhaps also in southern Thrace, the extreme southern edge of the Central Plateau and the extreme south-west of the South East region. Generally on rocky scrub-covered slopes , locally in open conifer woodland. Has occurred in summer in the western Black Sea Coastlands. W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the Cesme, Bergama, Foca and Kula areas (W. A. ). Breeding records included a nest at Kusadasi (W. A. ) with 1 egg on 31 May, 2 eggs on 1 June and 3 eggs on 2 June 74; no further egg was laid over the next two days. Earliest 1 at Seyhan Baraji 25 March, latest 1 SE of Elmali (S.C.) 21 Aug 74. S. E. Turkey: 7 near Gureniz (E of Gaziantep) 16 Aug 74. SYLVIA MELANOCEPHALA (SARDINIAN WARBLER) Fairly widespread and fairly common resident or partial migrant in Thrace, W. Anatolia and the western Black Sea Coastlands, also locally in the central Black Sea Coastlands , probably on the Central Plateau and possibly in the S. Coastlands. Generally found in scrub- land. A little more widespread on passage, wintering in coastal areas in the west and south, occasionally elsewhere in the western two -thirds of the country. 163 Black Sea Coastlands /Thrace/W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands: Status similar to 197 0-1973, with a maximum c ount of 1 5 at Camlica , Bosphorus (B.S. C. ) 4 Sept 74. In the B.S. C. in addition to re- cords from areas where also recorded in 1970-1973 there were observations of 5 S of Merzifon 26 July 74, with 4 pairs at Ilgaz and several singing S of Boyabat 8 June 75. In T. recorded in most of the region S of a line from the Yalikoy area to the Kesan area until late Sept (all year along the Aegean coast). In W. A. apart from records from areas where also recorded in 1970-1973 there was 1 S of Dinar 1 Aug 75. C . Plateau: 1 at Kizilcahamam 24 July, 1 N of Sungurlu 25 July and 1 at Cubuk I Baraji 24 Aug 74. SYLVIA MYSTACEA (MENETRIES' WARBLER) Status uncertain; apparently a rather local summer visitor in small numbers to the South East and possibly elsewhere. Has been recorded in spring in the S. Coastlands and on the Central Plateau, as well as in autumn in the East. Generally found in areas of scrub. S. E. Turkey: 7 in vineyards near Urfa 30 May 74 (TE et al. ). 1 between Gaziantep and Birecik 16-17 May 75 (PT,PJ). SYLVIA CANTILLANS (SUB ALPINE WARBLER) Fairly widespread and not uncommon summer visitor to much of W. Anatolia and locally in parts of Thrace. Found not only in scrub, but in open woodland and olive groves where suitable under- growth exists. A little more widespread across the western two - thirds of the country on passage. W. Anatolia: Described as 'common' between Assos and Behram- kale (SW of Ayvacik) 31 May and 1 near Manisa 11 Aug 75. 164 SYLVIA CONSPICILLATA (SPECTACLED WARBLER) Vagrant. Has been recorded in spring and autumn on the south coast. S. Coastlands: At least 1 adult female or immature near Iskenderun 4 Oct 74 (MB et al. ). PHYLLOSCOPUS TROCHILUS (WILLOW WARBLER) Fairly widespread and fairly common passage migrant throughout the country, locally in much larger numbers. Has been recorded in winter in the south-west. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 70 at Camlica, Bosphorus (B.S. C. ) 5 Sept, 40 at Aksehir 29 Aug 74, c50 at Ankara (C. P. ) 25-27 Aug and c50 there 15 Sept 75. There was a late spring record from the C. P. of 1 near Kurbaga G. 1 June 75, otherwise recorded in the region in spring from mid April to late May. Earliest some at Silifke (S. C.) 12 April 74, latest some at Ankara (C. P. ) 1 Oct 75. S. E. Turkey: 5 near Birecik 29 May and 2 near Urfa 30 May 74, some at Idil, W of Cizre 16 May and 1 W of Uludere 17 May 75. PHYLLOSCOPUS COLLYBITA (CHIFFCHAFF) Rather local but not uncommon resident or partial migrant in the Black Sea Coastlands, Thrace, parts of W. Anatolia, the northern edge of the Central Plateau and the East. Generally found in mature woodland. Rather more widespread across the country on passage. Winters in large numbers in the west and south, with small numbers elsewhere in the western two -thirds of the country. The subspecies breeding in most of Turkey may be P. c. abietinus and/or P. c . collybita , although breeding birds examined in NW Turkey have recently been claimed as a separate race (or species) P. (collybita ? ) brevirostris (Watson, Ibis 1962), intermediate between P. c . abietinus and P. (collybita ? ) lorenzii (recently s epa rated as P. s indianus lorenzii by Voous, Ibis 1973,1977). The identity of the chiffchaffs breeding 165 in the uplands of the eastern Black Sea Coastlands is currently very uncertain, they may be of any of these forms. Even if P. sindianus lorenzii does not breed in north-east Turkey it may winter or occur on passage in the eastern parts of the country. Records of P. collybita from eastern Turkey should thus be viewed with caution until the status and taxonomic relationships of these chiffchaffs are more firmly established. Observers are urged to show caution in identifying chiffchaffs in eastern Turkey, particu- larly in the breeding season, and observations accompanied by de- tailed field descriptions will be welcomed. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-197 3, but in addition recorded in the breeding season in the Ilgaz, Boyabat, Alacam, Torul and Macka (S of Trabzon) areas (B.S.C.) and in European Istanbul (T. ). Recorded until mid Oct in the B.S.C. and from late Sept onwards in the S. C. in autumn. On the C. P. away from the Kizilcahamam area there were some in the Ankara area 16 March-6April 74 and large numbers there 23 Sept -7 Nov 75, with some at Aksehir G. 4 May and 1 at Aksehir 29 Aug 74. Maxi- mum count of 20 on Uludag (W. A. ) 23 Sept 75. E. Turkey: 1 singing at Ardahan 3 July, 3 pairs with young at Yonculik (40km NW of Erzurum) 11 July, 1 at Bendimahi, Van G. 6 Aug, 3 at Van 1 Oct 74, 1 in the Van/Ercek G. area 18 May, 1 between Van and the area N of Catak 19 May, some in the Soylemez area 20 May, 1 pair S of Sarikamis 22 May and some W of Sarikamis 24 May 75. NOTE: Many records of unidentified P. collybita /trochilus were again received from all parts of the country except S. E. Turkey. The most notable of these reports were several hundred on Buyukada , Princes Islands (B.S.C.) 23 Aug 75 , 12 flying E at Mersin (S. C. ) 30 Sept and 10 flying E per hour of observation there 2 Oct, with 80 at Cay (C. P. ) 30 Aug 74. 166 PHYLLOSCOPUS BONELLI (BONELLI'S WARBLER) Status uncertain; apparently a very local summer visitor in small numbers to hilly or mountainous areas in the Black Sea Coastlands , W. Anatolia, the S. Coastlands , the Central Plateau and the South East, but may be more widespread. Found in forested areas in hills and mountains. A little more widespread on passage across the country. Black Sea Coastlands: 2 between Kale and Varzan 31 July 74 (TAW et al. ). 1 at Camlica, Bosphorus 25 Aug 75. W. Anatolia: 1 at Foca 6-7 Aug and 1 NE of Foca 8 Aug 75. S. Coastlands: 1 between Isparta and Egridir 2 May, some between Egridir and Aksehir 3 May, 2-3 singing at Termessos (W of Antalya) 10 May, 3 singing at Avian G. 28 June, 1 at Seyhan Baraji 18 Aug 74, with 1 at Alanya 24 Sept 74 and 1 there 2 May 75. C . Plateau: A family party of 2 adults and 2 young at Kizilcahamam 24 July, 4 birds near Oren (SW of Corum) 25 July and 2 near Aksehir 29 Aug 74. E. Turkey: 2 at Kale, SW of Elazig 13 Aug 74 (TAW et al. ). PHYLLOSCOPUS SIBILATRIX (WOOD WARBLER) Fairly widespread but rather uncommon passage migrant across the country. Black Sea Coastlands: Up to 10 at Camlica, Bosphorus 1-12 Sept, 2 on 23 Sept 74, some there between 19-26 Aug and 1 on 18-19 Sept 75. Some on Buyukada between 11-25 Aug 75. W. Anatolia: 1 at Manyas G. 23 April, 1 at Kusadasi 29 April, some at Cinarcik (W of Yalova) 12 May and some near Yalova 13 May 74. S. Coastlands: Some at Alanya 10-11 April 74 and up to 3 there 30 April-1 May 75. 1 at the Goksu Delta 13 April, 1 in the Silifke area 13-16 April and some SE of Elmali 24 Aug 74. C . Plateau: 1 at Emir G. 26 April -1 May, 1 near Ankara 2 May, 1 NW of Sereflikochisar 21 Aug, 1 at Cubuk I Baraji and 1 at Cubuk II Baraji 22 Aug, 1 at Karagol (N of Ankara) 23 Aug, up to 4 near Ankara 26 Aug-1 Sept and 3 at Aksehir 29 Aug 74. 167 PHYLLOSCOPUS NITIDUS (GREEN WARBLER) Local but not uncommon summer visitor to the montane forests of the eastern Black Sea Coastlands. Has been recorded in the East on passage. Black Sea Coastlands: 16 (including 11 singing and 1 pair carrying food) near Ikizdere 13 June and 10 singing between the Zigana pass area and the Macka area (S of Trabzon) 16 June 75 (RFP et al.). The habitat in which all the birds were found was situated at cl 500- 2000m or higher in pine and spruce covered slopes with mixed deciduous trees and scrub. The pair carrying food near Ikizdere were seen taking it to a nest site in a clearing on a spruce covered slope, amongst azaleas and rhododendron scrub. Also at least 4 (including 3 singing) at Sumela (near Macka, S of Trabzon) 16 June 75 (MHR et al. ); a pair was watched carrying food. REGULUS REGULUS (GOLDCREST) Fairly widespread and fairly common resident or partial migrant in montane coniferous forest in the Black Sea Coastlands, more locally in W. Anatolia and the S. Coastlands, and very locally also in Thrace and the northern fringe of the Central Plateau. Somewhat more widespread in these regions on passage and in winter, when there is some evidence of immigration into the country. Black Sea Coastlands / W, Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C . Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, but also recorded throughout the year in the Abant, Boyabat, Torul, Yalnizcam D. (B.S.C.), Termessos (W of Antalya) and Camkuyus u (SE of Elmali) (S.C.) areas. In the B.S.C. there was a record of some at Balik G. 15 Feb 74, in addition to records from areas where recorded all year and from Camlica, Bosphorus in autumn. Away from Kizilcahamam the only record from the C. P. was 2 near Ankara 22 Oct 75. Maximum count of 18 on Uludag (W. A. ) 23 May 75. 168 REGULUS IGNICAPILLUS (FIRECREST) Status uncertain; apparently a very local resident or partial migrant in fairly small numbers in the montane mixed and coniferous forests of the Black Sea Coastlands, W. Anatolia and the S. Coast - lands. A little more widespread in these regions and also in Thrace and on the Central Plateau on passage and in winter, when increased records suggest some immigration into the country. W. Anatolia: Some on Uludag 11 May 74 and 1 there 9 Sept 75. C. Plateau: 1 near Ankara 14 Oct 75. PRINIA GRACILIS (GRACEFUL WARBLER) Local resident in moderate numbers in several lowland wetland areas in the S. Coastlands and the South East. Generally found in areas of Scirpus and June us. Some dispersal seems to occur out- side the breeding season. S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the Iskenderun area. Maximum count of 30 at the Goksu Delta 21 -22 May 75. FICEDULA HYPOLEUCA (PIED FLYCATCHER) Status uncertain; probably a fairly widespread and not uncommon passage migrant across the country (see also note below concerning unidentified F. hypoleuca/albicollis /semitorquata). Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at Camlica, Bosphorus 19 Sept, 2 on 23 Sept 74 and some there between 14-22 Sept 75. W. Anatolia: 1 at Manyas G. 23 April 74. S. Coastlands: 1 near Silifke 13 April 74. C . Plateau: Some at Aksehir G. 4 May 74. FICEDULLA ALBICOLLIS (COLLARED FLYCATCHER) Status uncertain; probably a fairly widespread and not uncommon passage migrant across the country (see also note below). The 169 Semi -collared Flycatcher is separated from F.albicollis by Voous (Ibis 1977) - see below. Black Sea Coastlands: Some at Camlica, Bosphorus between 1-23 Sept 74 and 1 there 20 Sept 75. E. Turkey: 1 at Kale, SW of Elazig 14 Aug 74. FICEDULA SEMITORQUATA (SEMI-COLLARED FLYCATCHER) Status uncertain; apparently a local and uncommon summer visitor to the eastern Black Sea Coastlands, the S. Coastlands, the Central Plateau and the East. May be more widespread (see also note be- low). Found in deciduous woodland, groves, orchards etc. E. Turkey: 1 pair with fledged young plus 4 other adults at Yonculik, 40 km NW of Erzurum 12 July 74 and 1 pair in a grove at Tatvan 7 June 75. NOTE: A large number of records of unidentified F. albicollis / semitorquata and a smaller number of records of F. hypoleuca / semitorquata and F. hypoleuca / albicollis / semitorquata were re- ceived from many parts of the country. Due to difficulties in identification for all three species in autumn (and in separating F. hypoleuca from some F. s emitor quata in spring) the status of all three species is somewhat uncertain and observers are asked to observe caution in identifying all three. In particular it would be appreciated if observers would now separate positive records of F. albicollis from F. semitorquata in their notes and not lump the two forms together as a single species. In view of the lack of specific records of the three species other records are listed below in full. F. h, = F. hypoleuca , F. a. = F. albicollis and F. s. = F. semitorquata. Black Sea Coastlands: 6 at Bayburt 15 July 74 (F. h. /s . ) seem likely to have been F. s . , 10 between Kale and Varzan and 15 near Varzan 31 July, 20 NW of Maden and 1 SE of Maden 1 Aug, 1 near Gebze 31 Aug 74 and 1 at Camlica, Bosphorus 17-18 Sept 75 (F. a. /s , ). 170 1 at Camlica, Bosphorus 16 Sept, 1 on 20 Sept, c4 on 23 Sept 74, some there between 19-26 Aug, 1 on 16-18 Sept and 1 on 23 Sept 75 (F. h. /a. /s. ). W. Anatolia: 2 N of Truva 21 April, 1 at Manyas G. 23 April 74 and c7 on Uludag 20 Aug 75 (F. a. /s. ). S. Coastlands: 1 in the Alanya area between 9-21 April, 2 at Ter- messos (W of Antalya) 10 May, 1 at Mersin 28 Sept, 1 at Ciftehan 2 Oct 74 and 1 at Alanya 29 April 7 5 (F. a. /s . ). 1 near Alanya 2 May 75 (F. h. /a. /s. ). C . Plateau: 1 near Ankara 27 April and 1 in Ankara in late April, 1 at Kizilcahamam 28 April, 1 at Emir G. 1 May, 2 at Aksehir G. 4 May, 2 N of Kulu 21 Aug, 2 at Cubuk I Baraji 22 Aug and 2 at Aksehir 28 Aug 74 (F. a. /s. ). Up to 10 near Ankara 27-29 Aug and up to 3 there 15-18 Sept 75 (F. h. /a. /s. ). S. E. Turkey: 2 near Dogansehir and 4 near Erkenek (NE of Golbasi) 14 Aug 74 (F. a. /s. ). E. Turkey: 30 at Askale 2 Aug, 1 near Gevas , Van G. 8 Aug, 6 E of Kotum, Van G. 9 Aug, 5 in the Kuruca pass area 10 Aug and up to 15 at Kale, SW of Elazig 12-14 Aug 74 (F. a. /s . ). FICEDULA PARVA (RED-BREASTED FLYCATCHER) Fairly widespread and locally common autumn migrant along the Black Sea coast, more locally in small numbers elsewhere in the country. Uncommon in spring. Black Sea Coastlands: Up to 15 at Camlica, Bosphorus 1-20 Sept, 25 on 21 Sept, 2 on 22 Sept and 11+ on 23 Sept 74, with up to 10 there 14-22 Sept 75. 1 at Abant 12 Sept 75. Thrace: 1 at B. Cekmece 18 Sept 74 and 2 in the Kilyos area 18Sept 75. W. Anatolia: 1 at the B. Menderes Delta 30 April, 1 at Cinarcik (W of Yalova) 12 May and 1 between Cinarcik and Yalova 13 May 74. C. Plateau: 1 near Karapinar 6 May 74, up to 3 near Ankara 15-29 Sept, 1 at Ankara 27 Sept and 2-3 there in Oct 75. E, Turkey: 1 in the Van/Ercek G. area 18 May 75. 171 MUSCICAPA STRIATA (SPOTTED FLYCATCHER) Status uncertain; apparently a local and uncommon summer visitor to deciduous woodland in the Black Sea Coastlands, Thrace and the northern parts of W. Anatolia and the Central Plateau, but perhaps more common and more widely distributed. Widespread and fairly common on passage across the country, locally even more numerous. All regions except Thrace and S. E. Turkey; Status similar to 1970- 1973, with maximum counts of 50+ at Aksehir G. 29 Aug and 40 at Cay (C. P.) 30 Aug 74. There were breeding season records from the B.S.C. of 2 pairs N of Boyabat, 2 birds near Gerze and 1 near Ala- cam 9 June, 9 at the Kizilirmak Delta 10 June and 1 pair with fledged young there 19 July, with 1 near Gumushane 1 3 J une 75. In W. A. there was a breeding season record of 1 in the Soke area 3 June 74. In the S. C. recorded on spring passage until late May. Recorded on spring passage on the C. P. from late April and recorded in small to moderate numbers at both seasons. Recorded on autumn passage from early Aug until early Oct in E. T.; spring records from the re - gion were 2 along the S side of Van G. 18-19 May , 1 E of Ercis , some between Malazgirt and Bulanik and 1 between Van and the area N of Catak 19 May, 1 along the S side of Van G. and 3 near Soylemez 20 May, some near Horasan 21 May, some S of Sarikamis 22 May and 1 N of Horasan 23 May 75. Earliest 10 N of Truva (W. A. ) 21 April, latest 1 at Camlica, Bosphorus (B.S. C. ) 8 Oct 74. Thrace: 1 in the Kilyos area 18 Sept 75. S. E. Turkey: 1 near Gureniz (E of Gaziantep) 16 Aug 74, 1 W of Kilis 13 May, 6 at Derik 14 May, 1 at Derik and 41 between Mardin and Midyat 15 May, some between Sirnak and Uludere 16 May, some W of Uludere and 8 between Uludere and Hakkari 17 May 75. SAXICOLA RUBETRA (WHINCHAT) Rather local and fairly uncommon summer visitor to dry uplands in the eastern Black Sea Coastlands, the East and extreme South East. Fairly widespread and fairly common on passage across the country. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 18 in the Maden area (B.S.C.) 1 Aug and 13 be- tween Tahir and Eleskirt (E. T.) 3 Aug 74. There were breeding 172 season records of 2 singing near Ispir 14 June, 1 pair with 1 fledged young N of the Kopdagi pass 15 June and 4 pairs (with 5,4, 3 and 3 fledged young respectively) in thorn scrub near Bayburt 15 July, 2-3 at the Kopdagi pass (B . S . C. ) 1 2 June and 2 pairs plus 1 singing male there 15 June 75, 1 pair giving alarm calls at Ardahan 3 July, 2 pairs with fledged young at Yonculik, 40 km NW of Erzurum 12 July 74 and 4 pairs near Askale (E. T. ) 15 June 75. In addition the following late May and early Aug re- cords may also refer to locally breeding birds; 9 E of Erzurum 2 Aug, 5 between Eleskirt and Agri 4 Aug, 2 S of Hamur 5 Aug, 2 between Van and Ercek 7 Aug, 2 at Van 8 Aug and 10 near Bashan 9 Aug 74, 4 pairs N of Hinis and some in the Soylemez area 20 May, with some in the Horasan area (E. T. ) 21 May 75, as well as the observations from the Maden area and from the area between Tahir and Eleskirt listed above. Recorded on passage on the C. P. until mid May and from late Aug; there was also a late record of 1 at Kurbaga G. 26 May 75. Earliest some at Alanya (S.C. ) 9 April, latest 1 near Adapazari (B.S.C.) 6 Oct 74. S. E. Turkey: 1 between Sivelan and Baskale 18 May 75. SAXICOLA TORQUATA (STONECHAT) Fairly widespread and not uncommon resident or partial migrant in the Black Sea Coastlands, Thrace, W. Anatolia and the East, but locally in uplands only in other regions, being absent from lower lying areas and most of the Central Plateau. Found in a variety of scrubland habitats, generally in uplands, but also down to sea -level in the west and north. Somewhat more widespread on passage, with evidence of immigration from outside the country. Winters in the south and south-west in considerable numbers, occasionally elsewhere. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1 970 -1 973 , but in addition recorded in the breeding season in the Abant, Ilgaz, Tosya, Boyabat and Gerze areas (B.S.C. ), whilst in E. T. the species was recorded E of a line from the area NW of Erzurum 173 to the Kuruca, pass area. Present in the breeding areas in the B.S.C. until mid Oct, but no winter records from anywhere in the region. In the S. C. away from the Pozanti and Torosdag areas recorded in autumn from late Sept onwards. On the C. P. the only observations away from the Kizilcahamam area (where present until late Sept) were 1 near Ankara 10-14 March, 1 at Karagol (N of Ankara) 23 Aug, 3 in the Cay area 29 Aug, 1 at Goreme 6 Oct 74, 2 between Afyon and Kutahya 2 3 May and 1 S of Develi 1 June 75. In E. T. recorded until early Oct. Maximum count of 1 5 at Camlica , Bosphorus (B.S.C.) 4 Sept 74. S. E. Turkey: Some between Sirnak and Uludere 16 May, some between Uludere and Hakkari and some between Hakkari and Sivelan 17 May, 6 between Sivelan and Baskale and some between Baskale and Van 18 May, with 6 between Diyarbakir and Siverek 20 May 75. OENANTHE OENANTHE (WHEATEAR) Widespread and common summer visitor to upland areas throughout most of the country, but more local on the Central Plateau and in the South East, extending to the lowlands in the north-west. Found in dry, open country in the north-west at lower levels, mainly on stony slopes and plateaux in the interior. Widespread in even larger numbers on passage. Occasionally recorded in winter in the south- west. All regions except S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the breeding season in the Ilgaz, Kargi, Boyabat, Sebinkarahisar , Torul, Ikizdere, Yalnizcam D. (B.S.C.), Avian G. (S. C. ) .Todurke G. and Karadag (N of Karaman) areas and in the area between Sivas and Sarkisla (C. P. ). In W. A. widespread in the breeding season N of a line from the Cesme area to Acigol. Breeding records included adults feeding young N of Cankiri (C. P. ) 7 June 75. Maximum counts of up to 100+ at Tuz G. (C. P. ) 3-4 Oct 74 and 55 between Van and the area N of Catak (E. T. ) 19 May 75. No winter records; earliest 2 at Aksaray 4 April 74, latest some at Mogan G. 174 (C. P. ) 25 Oct 75. 5, E, Turkey: 10+ between Bitlis and Siirt 2 Oct 74, 1 W of Urfa and some at Derik 14 May, 1 between Idil and Cizre 16 May, and some between Baskale and Van 18 May 75. OENANTHE PLESCHANKA (PIED WHEATEAR) Status uncertain; has bred in the East, but breeding probably only sporadic. Otherwise an uncommon passage migrant, mainly through the eastern two -thirds of the country. W. Anatolia: 1 at the B. Menderes Delta 20 Sept 74 (MCJ). S. Coastlands: 4 at Karatas 26 March, 1 at Iskenderun 30-31 March and 1 at Pozanti 3 April 74 (MCJ). E. Turkey: 1 adult male between Van and Ercek 1 Oct 74 (MB et al.). OENANTHE HISPANICA (BLACK -EARED WHEATEAR) Widespread and generally common summer visitor throughout the country, except the Black Sea coastal strip. Mainly found on rocky hillsides partly covered in scrub. Throughout the whole country in even larger numbers on passage. All regions; Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the breeding season in the Ilgaz, Tosya, Kargi, Boyabat, Torul and Sebinkarahisar areas (B.S.C.) and widespread, generally in small numbers , throughout the whole of S. E. T. (eastwards to the Hakkari and Baskale areas). Away from the areas where also re- gularly recorded in 1970-1973 and the areas listed above, the only record from the B.S.C, was 3 W of Sinop 5 Sept 75. In T. re- corded from the area from the Meric Delta and Kesan southwards to Eceabat until late Sept. Maximum counts of 20 pairs at Avian G. (S. C. ) 29 June, 20 at Cay (C. P. ) 30 Aug and 20 at Kale , SW of Elazig (E. T. ) 13 Aug 74. Earliest 1 at Amik G. (S. C. ) 28 March 74, latest 1 in the Eceabat area (T. ) 24 Sept 75. 175 OENANTHE FINSCHII (FINSCH'S WHEATEAR) Widespread and not uncommon summer visitor or partial migrant to the South East, East and milch of the Central Plateau, more locally in adjacent parts of W. Anatolia and the S. Coastlands , apparently very locally also in the eastern Black Sea Coastlands. Prefers open rocky slopes or outcrops. Overwinters in small numbers, mainly in the southwest and south, where it extends into coastal areas . All regions except the Black Sea Coastlands: Status similar to 1970- 1973, but recorded in the breeding season from the area SE of Elmali (S. C. ),and throughout the whole of S. E. T. (eastwards to the Hakkari and Baskale areas) between mid March and early Oct. In E. T. also recorded from mid March until early Oct. There were no winter records outside the S.C. Maximum counts were 30 near Cay (C. P. ) 22 May 74 and 20 between Van and the area N of Catak (E. T. ) 19 May 75. OENANTHE ISAB ELLINA (ISABELLINE WHEATEAR) Widespread and common summer visitor to the interior of the coun- try, but rather local in the extreme west and apparently absent from much of the Black Sea Coastlands and all the south coastal strip. Found in dry, open steppe, dry agricultural plains and bare, stony slopes . All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in small numbers in the breeding season in the area NW of Bayburt (B . S . C. ) , in the Cesme , Sindir gi , Iznik G. (W. A. ) and Elmali (S.C. ) areas, and also recorded in moderate numbers throughout S. E. T. (eastwards to the Hakkari and Baskale areas). In T. recorded from mid April onwards , in W. A. recorded until mid Sept , on the C. P. recorded from mid March until early Oct and in E. T. recorded until early Oct. Maximum counts of c50 between Birecik and Diyarbakir (S. E. T. ) 1 July 74 and 50 in the Van/Ercek G. area (E. T. ) 18 May 75. There were exceptionally early records of 4 at Karatas G. 25 Feb, 4 in the Alanya area and c 3 at the Goksu Delta 27 Feb, 2 at Burdur G. 176 28 Feb and 1 at Karamik G. (S. C. ) 1 March (otherwise no records from any region before mid March), latest 1 at Tuz G. (C.P. ) 5 Oct 74. OENANTHE XANTHOPRYMNA (RED -TAILED WHEATEAR) Status uncertain; may breed in very small numbers (sporadically?) in the South East or East. Has been recorded a few times in both these regions between spring and sutumn, but no evidence of breeding in the period in question. S. E. Turkey: 1 pair at 2000m on a rocky slope W of Hakkari 17 May 75 (KW). CERCOTRICHAS GALACTOTES (RUFOUS BUSHCHAT) Widespread and fairly common summer visitor to lowland areas in W. Anatolia, the S. Coastlands and the South East, locally at higher altitudes in these regions and very locally also in Thrace, the southern edge of the C. Plateau and probably the southern part of the East. Found in dry scrubland. W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C. Plateau/S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the Iznik G. , Susurluk, Kemalpasa (E of Izmir)(W. A. ), Derik, Mardin, Midyat and Idil (W of Cizre), Sirnak and Uludere (S.E.T.) areas. Recorded in W. A. until mid Sept and in the S. C. until late Sept. On the C. P. away from the Karadag (N of Karaman) area there was a record of 1 pair S of Incesu 31 May 75. Maximum counts 20 near Hassa (S. C.) 12 May 75 and 30 near Urfa (S. E. T. ) 30 May 74. Earliest 1 near Anamur 3 May 75, latest 1 at Akseki (S. C. ) 29 Sept 74. E. Turkey: 1 at Kale, SW of Elazig 14 Aug 74 and some between Malazgirt and Bulanik 19 May 75. 177 MONTICOLA SAXATILIS (ROCK THRUSH) Fairly widespread and not uncommon summer visitor to high, mountainous areas in the eastern third of the country, extending more locally westwards to W. Anatolia, occurring even at quite low altitudes on the Central Plateau. Absent from Thrace in the breeding season. Found generally on bare, rocky slopes above 1500m. Somewhat more widespread on passage. All regions except Thrace and the C. Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the breeding season in the Yalnizcam D. (B.S.C.), Aglasun (S of Isparta ) (S . C. ) , and Baskale areas, also in the area between Uludere and Hakkari (S.E.T. ). In W. A. present on Uludag until late Sept and recorded in S. E. T. until mid Aug. Maximum count of 7 between Van and the area N of Catak (E.T.) 19 May 75. Latest 1 on Uludag (W. A.) 23 Sept 75. C . Plateau: 1 in the Cay area 22 May and 4 in this area 29 Aug 74, 1 N of Sereflikochisar 9 May (the earliest record for the country in the two year period), 4 in hills NE of Tuz G. 22 May, 1 pair on Kara dag (N of Karaman) 27 May and 1 bird S of Y esilhisar 3 June 75. MONTICOLA SOLITARIUS (BLUE ROCK THRUSH) Fairly widespread and not uncommon resident or partial migrant in the S.Coastlands and the southern part of W. Anatolia, more locally also across much of the country, but apparently absent from Thrace and the western Black Sea Coastlands and very local on the Central Plateau. Favours rocky slopes, crags and cliffs with scrub. Winters in moderate numbers in coastal areas in the west and south. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at Tortum 7 July 74, at least 2 pairs in the mountains between Ispir and Rize 12-14 June and 2 in the Ispir area 6-7 July 75. All regions except the Black Sea Coastlands and Thrace: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the breeding season in the Gaziantep, Dogansehir, Derik, Hakkari, Baskale (S.E.T. ) , Hinis and Kale (SW of Elazig)(E. T. ) areas. On the C. P. away from the Bilecik and Osmaneli areas there were records of 178 1 near Cay 22 May and 6 in this area 30 Aug, 1 at Kizilcahamam 23 July 74 and 1 pair on Karadag (N of Karaman) 27 May 75. In E. T. recorded until early Oct. Maximum count of 5 pairs in the Derik area (S. E. T. ) 14-15 May 75. PHOENICURUS OCHRUROS (BLACK REDSTART) Widespread and fairly common resident or partial migrant in high, mountainous areas in the eastern third of the country, more locally westwards as far as W. Anatolia, but absent from Thrace; occurs at lower altitudes in the breeding season on the Central Plateau. Found generally on rocky slopes. More widespread on passage, wintering in the west and south. All regions except Thrace and S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, but a lower maximum count of 12 in the mountains between Ispir and Rize (B . S. C. ) 1 3 July 75. In the B. S. C . recorded in small numbers in the breeding season in the Abant area in addition to the Bolu and Gerede areas. Recorded in coastal areas and also inland throughout the S. C. from early Oct until late April; away from the area between Torosdag and the Aladag the only record outside this period was 3 SE of Elmali 22 Aug 74. On the C. P. away from the areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973, there were re- cords of 1 at Emir G. 16 March, 1 near Oren (SW of Corum) 25 July 74 and 1 pair on Karadag (N of Karaman) 27 May 75. PHOENICURUS PHOENICURUS (REDSTART) Fairly local but not uncommon summer visitor to upland areas in the eastern third of the country, extending locally westwards in smaller numbers to W. Anatolia and Thrace; occurs at lower alti- tudes in the north-west. Found in a variety of woodland habitats. More widespread and more numerous on passage. All regions except Thrace: Status similar to 1970-1973, but with rather lower maximum counts of 5-6 pairs near the Zigana pass (B . S . C. ) 13 June 75 and 1 0 at Kizilcahamam (C. P. ) 5 Oct 74. In 179 the B.S.C. in addition to records from areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973, there were breeding season records from the Boyabat, Torul and Yalnizcam D. areas. In the S. C. away from the Aladag, Pozanti and Torosdag areas there was also a breeding season record of 1 pair at Elmali 27 June 74, whilst on the C. P. away from the Kizilcahamam area (where present from late April) there was a breeding season record of 2-3 pairs breeding at Nevsehir (3 males were all samamisicus ) 20 May 75 (2 nests found in holes in walls both contained young). Recorded on autumn passage on the C. P. from mid Aug onwards and in E. T. until early Oct. In S. E. T. away from the areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973 there were some between Sirnak and Uludere 16 May and 1 pair feeding young W of Uludere 17 May 75. All males sub- specifically identified in the breeding season in the eastern B.S.C. , on the C. P. and in E. T. were of the race samamisicus , except some intermediate forms amongst the birds near the Zigana pass mentioned above and similarly 2 intermediate males out of 3 at Yalnizcam D. (B.S.C.) 6 July 74. Earliest 3 at Karatas (S. C. ) 26 March, latest 1 at Camlica, Bosphorus (B.S.C.) 8 Oct 74. Thrace: 1 in the Kilyos area 18 Sept 75. ERITHACUS RUBECULA (ROBIN) Fairly widespread and fairly common resident or partial migrant in the Black Sea Coastlands, locally also in Thrace, W. Anatolia, the northern fringe of the Central Plateau and very locally in the East. Found in hilly or mountainous areas in all types of woodland. More numerous and more widespread on passage and in winter, wintering mainly in the west and south. All regions except S.E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the breeding season in the area N of Boyabat , on Yalnizcam D. (B.S.C.) and in the Izmir (W. A. ) and Karagol (N of Ankara) (C. P. ) areas. Recorded in winter in the B.S. C. in the Duzce area and between Samsun and Ordu, as well as in areas where also recorded in 1970-1973. On the C. P. recorded 180 in the Kizilcahamam, Beynam ridge (S of Ankara) and Karagol (N of Ankara) areas from late April until early Nov; elsewhere in the region there was 1 near Ankara 19 March and 5 on 6 April 74, at least 4 NW of Ankara 2 Nov, 1 at Mogan G. 15 Nov and 1 at Ankara 9-31 Dec 75. Maximum count 10 singing at Yalnizcam D. (B.S. C. ) 6 July 74. LUSCINIA MEGARHYNCHOS (NIGHTINGALE) Widespread and common summer visitor to the Black Sea Coast - lands, Thrace and W. Anatolia, locally on the Central Plateau, in the South East and East, perhaps elsewhere. Found in deciduous woodland, scrub, wet thickets etc. More widespread and numerous on spring passage, less common in autumn. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the breeding season in small numbers in the Ilgaz, Tosya, Kargi, Boyabat, Gerze, Zigana pass and Kopdagi pass areas, in the area between Kale and Maden (B.S.C.), on Uludag (W. A. ) and in the Kalecik and Cankiri (C. P. ) areas. On the C.P. , where the species was present from early April, there were observations away from the areas mentioned above and those where also recorded in the breeding season in 1970-1973 of c8 at Nevsehir 20 May, 1 at Aksehir 29 Aug, 2 at Vezirhan (N of Bilecik) 31 Aug 74. Maximum count 15 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S.C.) 19 July 75. Earliest 1 near Anamur (S. C. ) 3 April, latest 1 at Camlica, Bosphorus (B.S.C.) 23 Sept 74. S. E. Turkey: 2 near Urfa 30 May 74 and 2 between Gaziantep and Birecik 16-17 May 75. E. Turkey: 2 near Bashan 9 Aug, 5 at Kale, SW of Elazig 14 Aug 74, up to 5 along the S side of Van G. 18-20 May and 3 singing at Tatvan 7 June 75. LUSCINIA LUSCINIA (THRUSH NIGHTINGALE) Not uncommon autumn migrant on the Black Sea coast, generally 181 uncommon across the rest of the country. Scarce in spring. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 regularly recorded at Camlica, Bosphorus 1-19 Sept and 2 there 23 Sept 74. C . Plateau: 1 N of Konya 26 Aug and 1 at Aksehir 29 Aug 74. LUSCINIA SVECICA (BLUETHROAT) Status uncertain; apparently a rather local but not uncommon summer visitor to high uplands in the eastern Black Sea Coast - lands and the East, but may be more widespread in this area. Generally found in dense undergrowth in damp places. Uncommon on passage across the country; occasionally recorded in winter in the western two -thirds. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 3 in the Maden area 1 Aug and 1 at Y eni - caga G. 5 Oct 74. 1 at the Kopdagi pass (on bare hillsides with some oak scrub) and 1 carrying food near Maden (by a stream surrounded by willows and tangled ve getation) 1 5 June, with 1 adult male and 5 juvs. in thorn scrub by the river SE of Bayburt 15 July 75. S. Coastlands: Some at Akyayan G. 18 Feb and 1 at Alanya 1 -4 Oct 74. C. Plateau: Up to 2 at Mogan G. 19-30 Sept and 1 there in Oct 75. E. Turkey: 4 pairs and a total of 4 young in riverside scrub at Yonculik, 40 km NW of Erzurum 12 July, 1 at Askale 2 Aug, 14 E of Erzurum, 1 E of Horasan, 2 at 2700m SE of Tahir and a total of 9 W of Eleskirt 3 Aug 74. clO pairs in the river valley NW of Askale (in a wide flood plain with mixed willow, tamarisk etc. scrub) 15 June and 1 in a river bed S of Ovacik (N of Erzurum) 6-14 July 75. IRANIA GUTTURALIS (WHITE -THROATED ROBIN) Fairly widespread and not uncommon summer visitor to the S. Coast- lands , more locally also in parts of W. Anatolia, the Central Plateau, the South East and East; apparently very locally in the southern edge of the Black Sea Coastlands. Found in dry, hilly or mountainous areas on rocky, scrub -covered slopes. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 NW of Maden 31 July and 3 between 182 Bayburt and Maden 1 Aug 74. 1 pair (carrying food) in the Devrez valley near Ilgaz 8 June 75. W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands /C. Plateau/E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with a maximum count of 20, including at least 3 family parties , W of Bashan (E. T. ) 9 Aug 74. On the C. P. away from the Cay area and Karadag (N of Karaman) there was a record of 1 male singing on Erciyes D. 11 May (this record and one of 8 at the Cubuk and Celtikci passes (S.C. ) 11 May 74 were the earliest for the country in the two year period). In E. T. in addition to re- cords from areas where also recorded in 1970-1973 there were observations of 1 W of Eleskirt (carrying a faecal sac) 3 Aug, 3 in the Kuruca pass area 10 Aug 74 and 1 between Horasan and Karakurt 21 May 75, in addition to the record from the Bashan area detailed above. Breeding records included a nest containing 3 young and 1 egg in a thorn bush on Karadag (N of Karaman) (C. P. ) 27 May 7 5. S. E. Turkey: 1 NW of Gaziantep 17 Aug 74 (the latest record for the country in the two year period), 2 at Derik 14 May, 5 W of Hakkari 17 May and 7 between Sivelan and Baskale 18 May 75. T URDUS PILARIS (FIELDFARE) Widespread and fairly common passage migrant and winter visitor in the western two-thirds of the country, occurring much less commonly further east. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey; Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 200+ NW of Ankara 2 Nov and 51 near Ankara (C. P. ) 3 Nov 75. In the B.S.C. recorded at the Kizilirmak Delta until Feb. In the S. C. and on the C. P. recorded until late March. E. Turkey: 1 near Askale 14 Feb 74. TURDUS TORQUATUS (RING OUZEL) Fairly local but not uncommon resident or partial migrant in uplands in the eastern Black Sea Coastlands and much more locally in smaller 183 numbers in every other region except the South East. Generally found in woodland or scrub in high upland areas, but also at somewhat lower altitudes in the north-west. A little more wide- spread on passage, wintering in moderate numbers in the south west, occasionally elsewhere. Black Sea Coastlands /W. Anatolia/S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1970-1973, but a much lower maximum count of at least 10 at Burdur G. (S. C. ) 25 Feb 74. In the B.S. C. recorded from Yalnizcam D. in small numbers in the breeding season, in addition to records from areas where also regularly noted in 1970-1973; away from these areas and Camlica, Bosphorus, the only record from the region was 1 near Gerede 20 Sept 74. In W. A. apart from autumn records from Uludag, there was an observation of 2 there 25 April 74. In the S. C. there were breeding season records of 2 on Demirkazik, Aladag 26-27 May 74 and 2 males there 12 June 75, with 1 male in the Bolkar Daglari (W of Pozanti) 6 June 75. Thrace: 1 near Kilyos 15 April 74. E. Turkey: 1 pair feeding young in the crater of Nemrut D. , near Tat van 7 June 75. TURDUS MERULA (BLACKBIRD) Widespread and common resident or partial migrant over much of the country, but absent from most of the Central Plateau, the South East and the East. Generally found in woodland areas, from sea- level upwards in most parts, but apparently not at low levels in the south. More widespread on passage, when there is evidence of immigration into the country, wintering mainly in the western two- thirds. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but the highest recorded maximum count was only up to 12 at Camlica, Bosphorus (B . S. C. ) 1-7 Sept 74. In the B.S. C . recorded in the Ilgaz, Sinop, Boyabat, Gerze and Alacam areas in addition to areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973; also 3 near Refahiye 12 March 74 and some in the same area 25 May 75. On the C. P. 184 away from the Kizilcahamam area there were records of 1 at Bilecik 11 Jan 74, 1 at the Beynam ridge (S of Ankara) 3 March 74 and up to 7 there 30 Oct - 9 Nov 75 , 3 at Emir G. 10 March, 8 in the Cay area 29 Aug, 1 at Yezirhan (N of Bilecik) 31 Aug 74, 3 in the Karadag area (N of Karaman) 27 May, 2 NW of Ankara 2 Nov and 1 at Ankara 3 Dec 75. S. E. Turkey: Some between Sirnak and Uludere 16 May, some be- tween Uludere and Hakkari 17 May and some between Sivelan and Baskale 18 May 75. E. Turkey: 1 at Kotum, Van G. 9 Aug 74. TURDUS ILIACUS (REDWING) Rather local but not uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor , mainly in coastal areas, in the western two -thirds of the country. Locally in larger numbers. Black Sea Coastlands / Thrace/W. Anatolia/S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1970-1973. C . Plateau: 2 at Mogan G. 31 Oct, at least 8 NW of Ankara 2 Nov and 7 at the Beynam ridge (S of Ankara) 9 Nov 75. TURDUS PHILOMELOS (SONG THRUSH) Rather local and uncommon resident or partial migrant in the Black Sea Coastlands, Thrace and the northern parts of W. Anatolia and the Central Plateau. Found in both deciduous and coniferous wood- land. More widespread on passage and in winter, wintering in the west and south in considerable numbers and in smaller numbers elsewhere in the western two -thirds of the country. Black Sea Coastlands /Thrace/W. Anatolia/S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1970-1973, but a much lower maximum count of up to 10 + W of Silifke (S. C . ) 13-15 Dec 75. In the B. S. C. present in the Kizilirmak Delta in winter until at least Feb; elsewhere in the re- gion the only winter record was 1 between Ordu and Samsun 1 5 F eb 74. Away from Camlica, Bosphorus , the only records from the 185 B. S.C. outside the period Nov-Feb were 5 singing at Yalnizcam D. 6 July 74, 1 near the Zigana pass 16 June, 1 singing near Torul 17 June and 2 at Balik G. 19 July 75. In W.A. away from Uludag and the Sindirgi area, present in the breeding season at Cinarcik (W of Yalova). C . Plateau: 1 at Emir G. 10 March 74, 1 near Ankara 26 Sept and 1 in this area 11 Nov 75. TURDUS VISCIVORUS (MISTLE THRUSH) Fairly widespread and fairly common resident or partial migrant in the Black Sea Coastlands, locally also in Thrace, W. Anatolia and the S. Coastlands, but absent from most of the Central Plateau, South East and East. Generally found in hilly or mountainous areas with coniferous forest. More widespread on passage, when there is evidence of considerable immigration into the country. Especially common in winter in the west and south. B lack Sea Coastlands / W. Anatolia /S. C oast lands /C . Plateau: Status similar to 1 970 -1 97 3 , with maximum counts of c5 3 on Uludag (W.A.) 23 Sept 75 and up to 50 in the Cay area (C. P. ) 29-30 Aug 74. In the B.S. C. recorded in the Abant, Ilgaz, Tosya and Boyabat areas in addition to records from those areas where also recorded throughout the year in 1970-1973. In the S. C. the only record outside the period mid Oct -Feb away from the areas where also recorded in 1970-1973 was 1 SE of Elmali 24 Aug 74. On the C. P. away from the Kizilcahamam area there were 4 at the Beynam ridge (S of Ankara) 31 March 74 and up to 30+ there 30 Oct-9 Nov 75, with 1 S of Karagol (N of Ankara) 23 Aug 74, as well as the record from the Cay area detailed above. S. E. Turkey: 3 W of Uludere 17 May 75. E. Turkey: Some S of Sarikamis 22 May and some W of Sarikamis 24 May 75. 186 PANURUS BIARMICUS (BEARDED REEDLING) Local resident or partial migrant in moderate numbers in reedy wetlands in Thrace and on the Central Plateau, perhaps elsewhere. Wanders outside the breeding season across the country. Some immigration may occur, but no evidence during the period under consideration. W. Anatolia /C. Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, with a maxi- mum count of up to c30 at Emir G. 10-16 March, 30 at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 27 Aug and up to 1 00+ there 22 -23 Sept 74. On the C. P. re - corded in winter at Balikdami until at least Feb; at Mogan G. in addition to records in Oct -Nov there were 8 present 1-4 May 74 (but no evidence of breeding). Elsewhere on the C. P. there were records of 20+ at Hotamis G. 20 Feb 74 and some there 27-28 May 75, 1 near Ankara 3 April, 5 at Emir G. 22 Aug, 4 at Kulu G. 26 Aug 74, 10 at Aksehir G. 29 Aug 74 and 'common' there in Feb 75, as well as the records from Emir G. and Hotamis G. previous- ly detailed above. AEGITHALOS CAUDATUS (LONG -TAILED TIT) Fairly widespread and not uncommon resident in most types of wood- land or well-developed scrubland habitats in all coastal regions, but local further inland and absent from most of the Central Plateau, South East and East. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in small numbers in the Merzifon and Torul areas (B.S.C. ) and in moderate numbers throughout W.A. north and west of a line from the Bilecik area to the Manyas area and the Koycegiz area. Maximum count of 20 at Koycegiz (W.A. ) 8 Sept 74. S. E. Turkey: 4 near Erkenek (NE of Golbasi) 14 Aug 74. PARUS PALUSTRIS (MARSH TIT) Local and uncommon resident in deciduous or mixed woodland in hilly or mountainous areas in the Black Sea Coastlands , Thrace 187 and the northern part of W. Anatolia. Black Sea Coastlands: 2 at Abant 7 Aug and 1 there 12 Sept 75 (JRT). PARUS LUGUBRIS (SOMBRE TIT) Widespread and fairly common resident in W. Anatolia and the S. Coastlands, extending more locally across the rest of the country and apparently absent from most of the Central Plateau and the East. Mainly found in scrub or dry, open woodland. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, with a maximum count of 10 in the Cesme area (W. A. ) 25 May 75. In the B. S. C. in addition to records from the areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973, there were 2 S of Merzifon 26 July 74, 3 E of Gerede 29 May, 1 near Ilgaz and 2-3 near Kargi 8 June 75. On the C. P. away from the Kizilcahamam area there were 3 in the Karagol area (N of Ankara) 23 Aug 74. In S. E. T. in addition to records from areas where also recorded in 1970-1973, recorded in the Kilis area and in the area between Sirnak and Uludere; similarly in E. T. the species was also recorded in the Yonculik (40 km NW of Erzurum), Bingol, Sarikamis and Horasan areas. Breeding re- cords included a pair feeding young in a nest in a hole in a tree W of Uludere 17 May 75. PARUS ATER (COAL TIT) Widespread and common resident in coniferous forest in all coastal regions except Thrace, where local, and locally also on the fringes of the Central Plateau and in the East. Found in coniferous or mixed forest in hilly or mountainous areas. Slight dispersal occurs outside the breeding season. All regions except S.E, Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the Abant, Merzifon, Boyabat, Torul (B.S.C.), Iskenderun (S. C. ) and Beynam ridge (S of Ankara) (C. P. ) areas. 188 PARUS CAERULEUS (BLUE TIT) Widespread and fairly common resident in all coastal regions, but only very local on the Central Plateau and in the South East and East. Disperses slightly outside the breeding season. Generally found in deciduous woodland, orchards, olive groves etc. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, but in addition recorded throughout W. A. west of a line from Iznik to Sindirgi, Salihli and Koycegiz, and recorded on the C.P. in the Yezirhan (N of Bilecik), Oren (SW of Corum), Yenikent (NW of Ankara) and Hafik (W of Zara) areas in addition to the areas where also recorded in 1970-1973. S. E. Turkey: Some between Sirnak and Uludere 16 May and 2 be- tween Uludere and Hakkari 17 May 75. E. Turkey: 1 pair with fledged young at Yonculik (40 km NW of Erzurum) 12 July 74. PARUS MAJOR (GREAT TIT) Widespread and common resident in all coastal regions, but rather local on the Central Plateau and even more so in the South East and East. Found in all types of woodland, even in scrub. May disperse slightly outside the breeding season. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded between Sirnak and Uludere, between Uludere and Hakkari (S.E. T. ) and at Kale, SW of Elazig (E.T. ). Maximum count of up to 20 at Camlica, Bosphorus (B.S.C.) 1 -22 Sept 74. SITTA EUROPAEA (NUTHATCH) Rather local but not uncommon resident in all coastal regions, but absent from most of the Central Plateau, the South East and East. Found in deciduous woodland, orchards, olive groves, even coni- ferous woodland. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-197 3, but in addition recorded in the Abant area and between Kale and 189 Varzan (B.S.C.). Maximum count of 10 at Kizilcahamam (C.P. ) 24 July 74. S. E, Turkey: 1 pair feeding young in a hole nest W of Uludere 16 May, 1 other pair with young in a hole nest W of Uludere and some between Uludere and Hakkari 17 May 75. SITTA KRUEPERI (KRUPER'S NUTHATCH) Fairly widespread and fairly common resident in coniferous forest in hilly or mountainous areas in W. Anatolia and the S. C oastlands , locally also in the Black Sea Coastlands and the northern edge of the Central Plateau. Appears to disperse slightly in autumn. Black Sea Coastlands: 7 at Yalnizcam D. 6 July, 10 N of Ispir 11 July 74 (PC,MJH) and 1 pair near Torul 17 June 75 (RFP et al. ). Further west some N of Boyabat 9 June and 1 at Abant 12 Sept 75. W. Anatolia /S . Coastlands /C. Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, with a maximum count of at least 25 on Karanfil D. , Aladag (S.C. ) 19 Aug 74. In W. A. in addition to records from areas where also recorded in 1970-1973 there were 6 near Banaz (E of Usak) 11 Aug 75 SITTA NEUMAYER (ROCK NUTHATCH) Widespread and common resident over most of the country, but rather local in the Black Sea Coastlands and apparently absent from Thrace. Mainly found on rocky outcrops in hills and mountains and also on rocky slopes with scrub; occasionally even in woodland with scattered rocks. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded inthellgaz, Kargi, Merzifon, Artvin (B.S.C.), Derik, Cizre, Sirnak, Hakkari and Baskale (S. E. T. ) areas as well as in areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1 973. Maximum counts of 20 near Cubuk 24 Aug, 30 in the Cay area 30 Aug 74 and 20+ NW of Ankara (C. P. ) 2 Nov 75. Breeding records include a pair with young in a nest in the Afrin valley (W of Kilis) (S. C. ) 12 May 75. 190 NOTE: During the last few years the Society has received several records of Eastern Rock Nuthatch Sitta tephronota from eastern and south-eastern Turkey and indeed some of these have been published in other journals. The Records and Editorial Committee have exam- ined descriptions of the birds involved in these sightings and are not satisfied that the birds are definitely Sitta tephronota. Observers are ujrged to make detailed notes of all rock nuthatches in eastern areas of Turkey and to trap and take measurements of birds where possible. TICHODROMA MURARIA (WALL CREEPER) Status uncertain; apparently a rather local and uncommon resident or partial migrant in the high mountains of the eastern Black Sea Coastlands, the S. Coastlands and the southern fringe of the Central Plateau, but may well occur more widely. Found in precipitous areas at high altitudes in the breeding season. Disperses a little more widely in winter, occurring down to sea -level. Black Sea Coastlands: 4 at 3100m in the mountains between Ispir and Rize 27 Sept 74, 7+ at Sumela (S of Trabzon) 29 Sept 74 and 1 there 16 June 75. 1 at 3200m in mountains S of Ispir 7 July 75. S. Coastlands: 2 on Demirkazik, Aladag 27 May 74 and 2 there 11 June 75. Also 1 near Iskenderun 1 April 74, presumably a late altitudinal migrant. CERTHIA FAMILIARIS (TREE CREEPER) Status uncertain; apparently a local and uncommon resident in the montane forests of the Black Sea Coastlands and in adjacent parts of W. Anatolia, the Central Plateau and the East. Seems to overlap with C. brachydactyla at moderate altitudes in the west and central parts of this area. An autumn record from the Taurus and a winter record from near sea-level on the Black Sea coast suggests some dispersal outside the breeding season or a wider breeding distribution. 191 Black Sea Coastlands: Some at Balik G. 15 Feb 74 (LJD.FJK) were at unusually low altitude (C. brachydactyla was also ob- served). 7 at Yalnizcam D. 6- July (PC.MJH), 2 at Sumela (S of Trabzon) 29 Sept 74 (MB et al. ) and 1 near the Zigana pass 13 June 75 (MHR). W. Anatolia: 1 at the lower edge of the conifer zone on Uludag 9 Sept 75 (NRR). CERTHIA BRACHYDACTYLA (SHORT-TOED TREE CREEPER) Status uncertain; apparently a rather local but not uncommon resident in wooded areas in the western two -thirds of the country, but very local on the Central Plateau, seeming to occur up to considerable altitudes and overlap with C . familiaris in the north and north-west , perhaps elsewhere. Appears to disperse slightly outside the breeding season. Apparently absent from the eastern Black Sea Coastlands, the South East and East. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, but in addition recorded at Iznik G. , in the Izmir area (W. A.) and in the Aladag (S. C. ). Maximum count 10 at the Kizilirmak Delta (B.S. C. ) 19 July 75. NOTE: Unidentified Certhia sp. : 1 -2 at Camlica, Bosphorus 6 -26 Sept , 1 at Abant (B . S. C . ) 12 Sept , 1 on Uludag (W. A. ) 23 Sept 75 and 1 SE of Elmali (S.C. ) 20-23 Aug 74. REMIZ PENDULINUS (PENDU LINE TIT) Fairly widespread and locally common resident or partial migrant in Thrace and W. Anatolia , locally also in the Black Sea Coastlands, the S. Coastlands, on the Central Plateau, in the extreme South East and in the East. More widespread outside the breeding season when dispersal and possibly some immigration occurs. Almost in- variably associated with willows alongside water in the breeding 192 season. Black Sea Coastlands: 30+ in the Maden area 1 Aug 74 and 2 just N of the Kopdagi pass 15 June 75. Thrace /W. Anatolia: Status similar to 1970-1973, but a much lower maximum recorded count of 10 at Kus Cenneti, Manyas G. (W. A. ) 24 May 75 (although the species was also described as 'common' there 30 Sept 74). Away from areas where also regu- larly recorded in 1970-1973, there were records of some at Tekirdag (T. ) 8 Oct, 2 near Gonen 22 April and some at Gulluk (W.A.) 22-23 Sept 74. Breeding records included 2 nests seen at the B. Menderes Delta (W.A. ) 14 May 74, one of which was entered by adults carrying food. S. Coastlands: Some at the Goksu Delta 19 Feb, some at Egridir G. 26 Feb, some at Iskenderun 29 Sept and 5-6 near Alanya 1 Oct 74. C , Plateau: 2 near Ankara 22 March 74 and up to 8 in the same area 26-29 Sept 75, 6 at Emir G. 2 April, 10 on 26 April and 1 in the vicinity of a half built nest 2 June 74, 5 groups heard at Hotamis G. 27 Aug, up to 13 birds there 22-23 Sept 74 and 30 on 22 July 75, 100 at Aksehir 29 Aug 74, 3 at Mogan G. 6 June and 2-3 near Yozgat 18 June 75. S. E. Turkey: 6 between Sivelan and Baskale 18 May 75. E. Turkey: 2 at Yonculik (40 km NW of Erzurum) 12 July, 4 at Askale 2 Aug, 2 at Kale, SW of Elazig 13-14 Aug, c8 at Ercek 1 Oct 74 and 3 pairs (1 nest with 2 eggs found) N of Soylemez 20 May 75. PASSER DOMESTICUS (HOUSE SPARROW) Widespread and very common resident throughout the country, up to at least 2250m. Generally found around human habitation, but sometimes nesting in trees, ruins etc. Observers are urged to submit full details of the status and distribution of this species. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but the maximum recorded count was 240 between Yiransehir and Diyarbakir (S. E. T. ) 17 May 75. An albino was noted at Hotamis (C. P. ) 27 Aug 74. 193 PASSER HISPANIO LENSIS (SPANISH SPARROW) Widespread and common summer visitor to Thrace and most of W. Anatolia, more locally in the western Black Sea Coastlands, the S. Coastlands , Central Plateau, South East and perhaps the East. Locally occurs in even larger numbers. Generally found in lowland agricultural areas , but in similar habitat at higher altitudes inland; mainly nests in trees. A little more wide- spread on passage. Occasionally recorded in winter in the west, south and on the C. Plateau, rarely in quite large numbers. Black Sea Coastlands: 10 W of Bolu 2 3 July 74, some near Ilgaz (found nesting) and at least 1 near Tosya 8 June 75. All regions except the Black Sea Coastlands and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of c2000 at Manyas G. (W. A. ) 23 April 74 and c500 near Tarsus (S . C . ) 12 May 7 5. In T. widespread until at least mid Sept. In the S. C. in addition to re- cords of colonies also recorded in 1970-1973, there was one of cl 00 nests in pine trees at Side 9 May 74. In addition to records from areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973, there were observations of some at the Belen pass (S.C. ) 12 May 75, 10 at Emir G. 10 March, 1 on 4 May 74 and 1 on 29 Oct 75, 10 near Ankara 13-19 March 74 and up to 8 in the same area 5-26 Dec 75, some at Aksehir G. 3 May, 6 near Bala 5 May 74, 2 between Konya and Ulukisla 15 May, 8 in the Karadag area (N of Karaman) 27 May, a colony of 60 pairs NW of Konya 28 May, 10+ nesting pairs near Kalecik 7 June, at least 1 at Seyfe G. and 2+ nesting pairs W of Seyfe G. (C.P.) 19 June 75, a c olony of 20 nests W ofKilis 13 May , 350 birds between Idil and Cizre 16 May, some between Birecik and Viransehir 17 May and some between Diyarbakir and Siverek (S. E. T. ) 20 May 75. Apart from the record from the Ankara area listed above, the only winter record was 1 at the Goksu Delta (S.C. ) 14 Dec 75. E. Turkey: 100 between Mus and Varto 19 May 75 (KW). 194 PASSER MONTANUS (TREE SPARROW) Status uncertain; apparently a rather local resident or partial migrant in the Black Sea Coastlands, Thrace and in parts of the Central Plateau and adjacent parts of the S. Coastlands. General- ly in small or moderate numbers. Breeds in buildings and trees or bushes. Somewhat more widespread and more numerous in winter, especially in the west and south. Black Sea Coastlands: At least 1 near Varzan (E of Kale) 31 July 74, 5+ nesting pairs near Ilgaz, 2-3 nesting pairs at Tosya and at least 1 at Kargi 8 June, 1 carrying food near Gumushane 13 June, 10 S of Ispir 8 July and 10 in willows near Bayburt 15 July 75. W. Anatolia: 1 near Soke 28 Feb 74. S. Coastlands: 1 NE of Silifke 5 Oct and 1 -2 W of Silifke 14 Dec 75. C . Plateau: 6 at Ankara 18 Feb 74, 1 on 26 July, 1 on 8 Aug and 2 on 16 Nov 75, some at Emir G. 26 April, 10 on 4 May and 6 on 21 Aug, a colony of c20 pairs at Nevsehir (mainly nesting in holes in walls) 20 May, 2 at Aksehir G. 29 Aug 74, 1-2 at Eregli 3 June, at least 1 near Kalecik 7 June, 4 NW of Ankara 2 Nov and 1 near Ankara 3-5 Dec 75. PASSER MOABITICUS (DEAD SEA SPARROW) Very local resident (presumably resident, although still no winter records during the period under consideration), locally in con- siderable numbers, in scrub by water in lowlands in the S. Coast- lands , the South East and immediately adjacent parts of the East. S. E. Turkey: A colony of 1 5 pairs along the Firat about 3 km N of Birecik 13 May 75 (KW) was probably the colony previously dis- covered in this area. Also 100 birds at Birecik 21 May (PT,PJ), 3 there 30 May (SL) and many hundreds in a plantation just S of Birecik by the Firat 8 June 75 (FGR et al. ). 1 0 E of Birecik, in olive groves, 29 May 74 (TE et al. ). E. Turkey: 3 males and 8 females or juvs. in tamarisks by the Firat at Kale, SW of Elazig 13-14 Aug 74; 2 pairs were still feeding fledged juvs. and a nest (presumably abandoned) was seen (T. A. al. ). 195 This record represents a northward extension of the known range further up the Firat valley. PETRONIA BRACHYDACTYLA (PALE ROCK SPARROW) Fairly local summer visitor in moderate numbers in parts of the South East and in adjacent parts of the S. Coastlands and the East. Found both in open grassland areas and on scrub-covered, rocky slopes or in areas of crops such as vines. S. Coastlands: 9 in the Afrin valley (W of Kilis) 13 May 75 (KW). S. E. Turkey: 2 W of Kilis 13 May, 3 singing between Birecik and Urfa and 8 W of Viransehir 14 May, 15 (including 4 singing) in the Derik area 14-15 May, 19 singing between Idil and Cizre and 4 singing between Cizre and Sirnak 16 May (KW) , with c20 on a flat, stony plain 50 km E of Diyarbakir 8 June 75 (FGR et al. ). E. Turkey: 4 between Malatya and Kurecik 9 June 75 (FGR et al. ) were at the southern edge of the region. PETRONIA PETRONIA (ROCK SPARROW) Widespread and generally fairly common resident or partial migrant in rocky upland areas at moderate or high altitudes throughout the eastern two-thirds of the country, but more local further west and apparently absent from Thrace. Extends to lower altitudes in winter, occurring more widely in the west. Recorded in winter mainly in the west, south and on the Central Plateau. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the breeding season in the Ilgaz, Torul (B.S.C.), Cizre, Sirnak and Baskale (S.E.T.) areas. In W.A. the only record away from areas where also recorded throughout the year in 1970-1973 was c5 at the B.Menderes Delta 28 Feb 74. In S.E.T. present until mid Aug (no winter records). Maximum counts of 150 in the Cay area (C.P. ) 29 Aug 74, 280 between Horasan and Karakurt 21 May and 150 between Kagizman and Karakurt (E. T. ) 23 May 75. Breeding records included 5 pairs apparently nesting in Merops 196 ap iaster or Rlparia riparia holes in a river bank SE of Bayburt (B.S.C.) 15 July 75, a colony in a road workers hut at c 21 00m in mountains SW of Bitlis (S. E. T. ) between 14-18 July 74 and colonies found in M. apiaster holes at Van 8 June and at Ercek (E. T. ) 9 June 75. MONTIFRINGILLA NIVALIS (SNOWFINCH) Widely distributed and fairly common resident in high mountainous areas in the eastern Black Sea Coastlands, the extreme South East, the East and westwards through the S. Coastlands and the southern fringe of the Central Plateau. Black Sea Coastlands /S. Coastlands /E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970 -1973, with a maximum count of up to 100 on Demirkazik, Aladag (S. C. ) 25 -27 May 74. In the B.S.C. recorded at the Kopdagi pass as well as the other areas where also recorded in 1970-1973 and recorded in the region from mid Feb to Aug. In the S. C. in addition to records from Torosdag and the Aladag, there was a record of 20 in the Bey Daglari, SE of Elmali 22 Aug 74 (CB, PEOW et al. ). This record is the most westerly in Turkey to date and suggests breeding in the area. S. E. Turkey: 1 at 3000m in mountains W of Hakkari 17 May 75. FRINGILLA COELEBS (CHAFFINCH) Widespread and common resident or partial migrant over much of the country, but very local on the Central Plateau and in the South East and East. Found in all types of woodland, including orchards and olive groves , but most common in coniferous woodland in hilly or mountainous areas. Even more widespread and more numerous on passage, with especially large numbers in winter in the west and south. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey; Status similar to 1970-1973, but the maximum recorded counts were 55 at the Beynam ridge (S of Ankara) 9 Nov and up to 50 at Ankara (C. P. ) between 16 Nov and late Dec 75. 197 In the B.S. C. in addition to records from other areas where also regularly recorded all year in 1970-1973, recorded from the area between Inebolu and Cide, the area N of Boyabat, the Gerze and Alacam areas and the Kizilirmak Delta; in the inland areas in the east of the region there were also records of some in the Varzan area (E of Kale) 31 July 74 and 1 near Sebinkarahisar 17 June 75, and the species was described as 'common' at Yalnizcam D. 6 July 74. On the C. P. in addition to the Kizilcahamam area, the species was recorded in the breeding season at the Beynam ridge (S of Ankara) and was present in both these areas until at least Nov. Elsewhere in the C.P. there were records of some at Ankara Jan -March, some N of Yozgat 16 Feb, 2 near Cihanbeyli 21 Feb, 1 near Goreme 20 May, 1 N of Sungurlu 25 July, 10 in the Cay area 29 Aug 74, 1 between Afyon and Kutahya 23 May, some on Karadag (N of Karaman) 27 May, 1 N of Cankiri 7 June, 1 at Emir G. 29 Oct, 2 near Ankara 14 Oct and 1 on 3-4 Nov, with 8 NW of Ankara 2 Nov 75 in addition to the record from Ankara previously listed above. S. E. Turkey; 2 between Uludere and Hakkari 17 May 75. E. Turkey: Some singing at Ardahan 3 July, 8+ at Van 1 Oct 74, some S of Sarikamis 21-22 May, some N of Horasan 23 May and 6 W of Sarikamis 24 May, with some S of Sarikamis 10 June 75. FRINGILLA MONTIFRINGILLA (BRAMBLING) Rather local and generally uncommon on passage across the coun- try; wintering in the western two-thirds. Irregularly occurs in larger numbers. Black Sea Coastlands; 5+ at Camlica, Bosphorus 10 Oct 74. C. Plateau: Up to 10 near Ankara 3-10 Dec and 30 on 26 Dec, with 1 at Ankara 21 Dec 75. 198 SERINUS PUSILLUS (RED-FRONTED SERIN) Widespread and fairly common resident in high, mountainous country in the S. Coastlands and more locally in the eastern Black Sea Coastlands, the South East and East, also very locally in W. Anatolia. Generally found on rocky slopes with scrub or scattered trees in the breeding season. Extends to lower altitudes in winter, even down to the coast in the south. Black Sea Coastlands: 20 at Yalnizcam D. 5 July, 6 between Kale and Varzan 30-31 July, 20+ at 2700-3300m in the mountains be- tween Ispir and Rize 27-28 Sept 74 and 1 there 14 June 75, 4 at Gumushane and 1 singing near Macka (S of Trabzon) 16 June 75. W, Anatolia /S. Coastlands: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 25-35 on Uludag (W. A. ) 23 Sept 75 and 50 SE of Elmali (S.C.) 25 Aug 74. C. Plateau: 1 0 -20 at Emir G. 10-17 Feb 74. E. Turkey: 4 between Van and the area N of Catak 19 May and 1 in the crater of Nemrut D. , near Tatvan 7 June 75. SERINUS SERINUS (SERIN) Widespread and fairly common resident or partial migrant in the S. Coastlands and much of W. Anatolia, locally also in the Black Sea Coastlands, Thrace, on the Central Plateau and possibly elsewhere. Generally in coniferous forests or orchards, mainly in upland areas, in the breeding season. More widespread on passage, wintering mainly in the west and south. All regions except S. E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, with a maximum count of c40 on Uludag (W. A. ) 30 July 74. In the B . S. C. in addition to records from areas where als o regularly re- corded in 1970-1973 the species was recorded in the Hereke (W of Izmit), Ilgaz, Kargi, Boyabat, Alacam and Merzifon areas (present in these areas until mid Oct); further east there were records of 1 in the mountains between Ispir and Rize 12 June and 4 in this area 9 July, 1 near Macka (S of Trabzon) and 2 near Torul 16 June, with 3 at Gumushane 16 July 75. No winter records from the B.S.C. On 199 the C.P. away from the Beynam ridge (S of Ankara) and the Kizilcahamam area there were records of 1 at Emir G. 17 Feb and 1 there 16 May, 3 in the Cay area 30 Aug 74 and 2 near Cankiri 7 June 7 5. S. E. Turkey: 1 between Gaziantep and Birecik 16-17 May 75. CAR DUE LIS CH LORIS (GREENFINCH) Fairly widespread and not uncommon resident or pa.rtial migrant in the west and south, locally in the Black Sea Coastlands and on the Central Plateau, but perhaps absent from most of the South East and all the East. Found in a wide variety of woodland habitat including orchards and olive groves. Somewhat more widespread on passage and in winter; wintering mainly in the west and south. All regions except S.E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, but in addition recorded in the breeding season in the Abant , Ilgaz, Siran (SW of Gumushane) , Yalnizcam D. (B.S.C.) and Aphrodisias (SW of Denizli) (W. A. ), Kalecik, Cankiri, Kurbaga G. and Hafik (W of Zara) (C. P. ) areas. The only passage or winter record from the B.S.C. was some at the Kizilirmak Delta 15 Feb and 16 at Camlica, Bosphorus 10 Oct 74. On the C. P. the only re- cords away from the areas listed above or areas where also recorded in the breeding season in 1970-1973 were some in the Ankara area Jan-March 74 and 1 at Ankara 16 Nov 75. Maximum counts were 20 at Seyhan Baraji 25 March and 100 at Avian G. (S. C. ) 29 June 74. S. E. Turkey; 1 near Birecik 29 May 74, some at Derik 14 May, 10 between Gaziantep and Birecik 16-17 May, some W of Uludere 17 May 75. CARDUELIS SPINUS (SISKIN) Status uncertain; apparently a local resident or partial migrant in small numbers in montane coniferous forests in the Black Sea Coast- lands and the northern part of W. Anatolia, possibly elsewhere. 200 Otherwise not uncommon on passage in the western two -thirds of the country, wintering mainly in the west and south. Locally in larger numbers. Black Sea Coastlands: Several near the Zigana pass 15 June 75 were in suitable breeding habitat. Elsewhere 1 at Camlica, Bosphorus 4-5 Sept, 140 flying E on 7 Oct, 9 seen there 8 Oct and 29 on 10 Oct, some at Gerede 5 Oct, some at Yenicaga and some at Hereke (W of Izmit) 6 Oct 74. Thrace: Some at Muratli , some flying ESE at Silivri and 50+ at Tekirdag 8 Oct, with some at Edirne 9 Oct 74. W. Anatolia: 2-3 on Uludag 9-12 Sept and 25 there 23 Sept 75. C. Plateau: 1 near Ankara 18 Feb, some at Kizilcahamam 5 Oct 74, 6 at the Beynam ridge (S of Ankara) 9 Nov and 2 at Ankara 16 Nov 75. CARDUELIS CARDUELIS (GOLDFINCH) Widespread and common resident or partial migrant in the west and south, more locally and in smaller numbers over the rest of the country. Generally found in agricultural country in the breeding season, including orchards, olive and citrus groves; also in scrub- land areas. Also a widespread passage migrant and winter visitor in larger numbers; wintering, mainly in the western two-thirds of the country. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the breeding season in the Kilis , Derik, Sirnak and Uludere areas (S. E. T. ). In E. T. regularly recorded until early Oct. Maximum count was lower, however; 100+ near Tarsus (S.C. ) 6 Oct 75. CARDUELIS F LA VIROS TRIS (TWITE) Fairly widespread and not uncommon resident in barren, high altitude uplands in the eastern Black Sea Coastlands, the East and perhaps the extreme eastern edge of the S. Coastlands and the 201 Central Plateau. Descends to lower altitudes in winter, when it extends across the Central Plateau. Black Sea Coastlands: 20 in the mountains between Ispir and Rize 1 0 July, up to c45 at 2700-2900m there 27-28 Sept 74 , some on 1 2 June, 4 on 10 July and 9 (including 1 newly fledged juv. , barely able to fly) on 1 3 July 75. Elsewhere 3 SE of Maden 1 Aug 74, 4 at the Kopdagi pass 15 June and 2 in mountains S of Ispir 7 July 75. E. Turkey: 3 E of Horasan, 12 SE of Tahir and 1 near Eleskirt 3 Aug 74. CARDUELIS CANNABINA (LINNET) Widespread and fairly common resident or partial migrant over most of the country, mainly in upland areas. Generally on rocky slopes with scattered scrub etc. Also a widespread passage migrant and winter visitor in even larger numbers, wintering mainly in the western two -thirds of the country. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, with a maximum count of several hundred at Hotamis G. (C. P. ) 20 F eb 74. In the B . S . C. in addition to records from areas where also recorded all year in 1970-1973, recorded from the Ilgaz, Tosya, Boyabat and Gerze areas. In S. E. T. away from the area between Kilis , Gaziantep and Birecik there was an observation of 2 between Sirnak and Uludere 16 May 75. In E. T. there was one winter record of some between Bazargan and Agri 1 3 F eb 74. RHODOPECHYS SANGUINEA (CRIMSON -WINGED FINCH) Fairly widespread and not uncommon resident in high, arid uplands in the South East and East, locally in the eastern Black Sea Coast- lands , the eastern S. C oastlands and on the Central Plateau. Generally found on rocky slopes with sparse vegetation, some- times in agricultural areas, at fairly high altitudes. Descends to lower altitudes in winter and occasionally wanders westwards. 202 Black Sea Coastlands: 5 SE of Maden 1 Aug 74 , 1 pair at 3200m in mountains S of Ispir 7 July and 10 birds at c2800m in the mountains between Ispir and Rize 13 July 75. S. Coastlands /C. Plateau/E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the breeding season in the Erciyes D. , Sivas and Todurke G. areas (C. P. ). There was a winter record from the western C. P. of 2 at Eber G. 23 Feb 74. Maximum count 20 near Pinarbasi (S.C. ) 10 June and 26 along the S side of Van G. (E. T. ) 18-19 May 75. S. E. Turkey: Some N of Baskale 18 May 75. RHODOSPIZA OBSOLETA (DESERT FINCH) Local resident in fairly small numbers in arid country in the South East. Generally found in olive groves. S. E. Turkey: 12 (2 family parties) near Gureniz (E of Gaziantep) 16 Aug 74 (TAW et al. ). CARPODACUS ERYTHRINUS (SCARLET ROSEFINCH) Rather local but not uncommon summer visitor to the Black Sea Coastlands and more locally in the northern parts of W. Anatolia and the Central Plateau, also in the East. Usually found in mixed forests at moderate or high altitudes. Occasionally recorded else- where on passage. Black Sea Coastlands: As in 1970-1973, recorded in moderate numbers throughout the coastal range from the area S of Trabzon and the Zigana pass area eastwards to the mountains between Ispir and Rize (from June -July); the numerous records included 'many1 singing near Ikizdere in June 75 and described as 'common' in the Zigana pass area 14 June 75. Elsewhere in the region 30 W of Bolu and 1 at Yenicaga G. 23 July, 3 between Kale and Varzan 31 July, 15 SE of Maden 1 Aug 74, 9-10 N of Boyabat 9 June, 4 at the Kopdagi pass 15 June, 4 S of Ispir 7 July, 5-6 at Abant G. between 6-13 July and 8 near Bayburt 15 July 75. W. Anatolia: 1 on Uludag 23 May and 10 singing males there 15 June 75. 203 C. Plateau: c5 near Zara 17 June 75. E. Turkey: 8 at Yonculik (40 km NW of Erzurum) 12 July, 5 E of Erzurum, 1 near Pasinler and 15 W of Eleskirt 3 Aug, 10 at Kale, SW of Elazig 14 Aug 74, 1 along the S side of Van G. 18 May, 8 pairs between Hinis and Soylemez and some N of Soylemez 20 May, 1 pair between Kagizman and Karakurt 23 May, 1 6 W of Sarikamis 24 M-ay and 4 in willows S of Ovacik (N of Erzurum) 6 July 75. LOXIA CURVIROSTRA (CROSSBILL) Rather local but not uncommon resident in parts of the Black Sea Coastlands and the northern parts of W. Anatolia and the Central Plateau. Found in montane coniferous forest. Occurs more widely during irruptive movements, but some spring records from other parts of the country might refer to breeding birds. Black Sea Coastlands /W. Anatolia /C. Plateau: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the Boyabat and Torul areas (B . S . C. ). In the B . S. C . recorded in the areas listed above , in the areas where also recorded in the breeding season in 1970-1973, and at Camlica, Bosphorus until mid Oct and in W. A. recorded on Uludag until late Sept. Maximum counts were c200 at Yalnizcam D. 6 July and up to 1 00 at Gerede (B. S. C . ) 5 Oct 74. S. Coastlands: 8 at Karanfil D. , Aladag 19 Aug and 10+ at Akseki 29 Sept 74. E. Turkey: Some S of Sarikamis 22 May 75. PYRRHULA PYRRHULA (BULLFINCH) Rather local resident or partial migrant in fairly small numbers in montane coniferous forest in the Black Sea Coastlands and the northern part of W. Anatolia, possibly also along the northern fringe of the Central Plateau. Occasionally recorded more widely across the western two -thirds of the country in winter. Black Sea Coastlands: 20-30 at Yalnizcam D. 6 July, 2 W of Bolu 23 July 74, some N of Boyabat (including a pair feeding fledged young) 9 June and 1 pair at Ikizdere 1 3 June 75. 204 W. Anatolia: 2 on Uludag 25 April, some on 1 1 May, 2 on 30 July 74 and 1 there 23 May 75. C. Plateau: 4 at the Beynam ridge (S of Ankara) 9 Nov 75. COCCOTHRAUSTES COCCOTHRAUSTES (HAWFINCH) Local resident in fairly small numbers in areas of deciduous wood- land in Thrace, northern W. Anatolia and probably the western Black Sea Coastlands. Occurs more widely in larger numbers as a passage migrant and winter visitor across the western two -thirds of the country. Black Sea Coastlands: 4 W of Bolu 23 July 74 were in suitable breeding habitat. 2 at Camlica, Bosphorus 10 Oct 74 and 2 there 23 Sept 75. Thrace: 20 flying S at Edirne 9 Oct 74. W. Anatolia: clO in a forest N of Truva 21 April 74. S, Coastlands: 3 at Pozanti 2 April 74 were presumably late migrants. C . Plateau: 1 in the Cay area 29 Aug 74 was probably only an early migrant. MILIARIA CALANDRA (CORN BUNTING). Widespread resident or partial migrant over most of the country, but rather local in the Black Sea Coastlands and to some extent in the South East. Found in cultivation generally. In winter only recorded from the western two-thirds of the country. There is some evidence of immigration into the country in autumn, with larger numbers on south coast. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 200 at Y enicaga (B.S.C.) 5 Oct, 1000+ at Bandirma (W. A. ) 29 Sept and 200 at Emir G. (C. P. ) 25 Aug 74. In the B.S. C. in addition to records from areas where also regularly recorded between early May-early Nov in 1 970 -1 973 , recorded in the Ilgaz , Boyabat, Gerze and Sebinkarahisar areas and in the area between Izmit and Sile; during the rest of the year the only records were some at the 205 Kizilirmak Delta 15 Feb and some between Izmit and Istanbul 13 March 74. In S. E. T. recorded in the area between Gaziantep and Urfa until mid Aug; elsewhere in the region there were re- cords of 3 W of Kilis 1 3 May, some at Derik 14 May, 28 between Mardin and Midyat 15 May, 24 between Idil and Cizre, some at Cizre and some between Sirnak and Uludere 16 May, 3 between Virarrsehir and Diyarbakir and 35 between Diyarbakir and Bitlis 17 May, 5 between Sivelan and Baskale 18 May and 'common1 be- tween Diyarbakir and Siverek 20 May 75. EMBERIZA CITRINELLA (YELLOWHAMMER) Status uncertain; apparently a very local and uncommon breeding resident or partial migrant in the Black Sea Coastlands, Thrace and the northern part of W. Anatolia. Otherwise rather local on passage across the country, wintering in the western two -thirds ; generally not uncommon and locally more numerous. Black Sea Coastlands: 1 singing c30 km E of Trabzon 17 June 75 (MHR et al. ) suggests breeding. S. Coastlands: 1 W of Silifke 14 Dec 75. C . Plateau: 2 at the Beynam ridge (S of Ankara) 9 Nov and up to 40 near Ankara 3-26 Dec 75. EMBERIZA CIA (ROCK BUNTING) Fairly widespread and fairly common resident or partial migrant, in upland areas with rocky slopes covered in scrub or with scattered trees , across much of the country, but more local in the west and apparently absent as a breeding species from Thrace and most of the Central Plateau and the South East. Generally found from 1000- 2600m in the breeding season, but descends to lower altitudes in winter. More widespread outside the breeding season; mostly wintering in the west and south. All regions except Thrace and S. E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970- 1973, with a maximum count of c20 pairs at Yalnizcam D. (B . S. C . ) 206 6 July 74. In the B.S. C. in addition to records from areas where also recorded in 1970-1973, recorded in the breeding sea- son in the Boyabat, Merzifon, Refahiye and Yalnizcam D. areas. In W. A. recorded in the breeding season in the Sindirgi area as well as on Uludag (recorded in these areas until mid Sept); outside the breeding season recorded north to the Balikesir area between Oct -early March. In the S. C. away from the areas where also regularly recorded between April-Oct in 1970-1973 there were records of some in the mountains above Iskenderun 1 April, 2 SE of Elmali 21 Aug and 2 near Finike 4 Sept 74. On the C. P. away from the Cay and Kizilcahamam areas there were records of 2 at Emir G. 17 Feb, 10 at Vezirhan (N of Bilecik) 31 Aug 74, 4 singing N of Cankiri 7 June and up to 8 at the Beynam ridge (S of Ankara) 30 Oct-9 Nov 75. EMBERIZA BUCHANANI (GREY-NECKED BUNTING) Local summer visitor in fairly small numbers to the extreme East in dry, high altitude areas with sparse vegetation. Generally found above 2400m. E. Turkey: 3 between Van and the area N of Catak 19 May 75 (PT,PJ). EMBERIZA CINERACEA (CINEREOUS BUNTING) Status uncertain; apparently a very local summer visitor in small numbers to scrub covered areas in uplands in W. Anatolia, on the edge of the Central Plateau, and in the South East and East, but may be more widely distributed. W. Anatolia: 1 adult male singing on a rocky mountainside near Pamukkale 13 May 74 (MHR et al. ). S. E. Turkey: 10, including a female feeding 3 fledged juvs. , in hills NW of Gaziantep 16 Aug and 8 there 17 Aug 74 (TAW et al. ). 3 singing males on rocky slopes near Derik 14 May and 4 pairs in another area near Derik 15 May 75 (KW), 207 EMBERIZA HORTULANA (ORTOLAN BUNTING) Fairly widespread and fairly common summer visitor to dry, scrubby or cultivated areas, mainly in uplands, across much of the country, but apparently absent from much of the South East and rather local in the Black Sea Coastlands and W. Anatolia. More widespread and more numerous on passage. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, but in addition recorded in the breeding season in the area betv/een Izmit and Sile, and in the Ilgaz, Tosya, Kargi, Gerze, Sebinkarahisar (B.S.C.) and Avian G. (S.C.) areas. InW.A. recorded until mid Aug. In S. E. T. away from the areas where also regularly recorded in spring in 1970-1973, there were records of 6 W of Hakkari and some between Hakkari and Sivelan 17 May, with 3 between Sivelan and Baskale 18 May 75. Maximum counts of 50 in the Cay area (C . P. ) 22 May and als o 50 on 29 Aug 74 , 60 between Van and the area N of Catak 19 May and 52 between Horasan and Karakurt (E. T. ) 21 May 75. Earliest 2 near Gazipasa 16 April, latest 3 flying E at Mersin (S.C. ) 30 Sept 74. EMBERIZA CAESIA (CRETZCHMAR'S BUNTING) Fairly widespread summer visitor in W. Anatolia, the S. Coastlands and probably locally in Thrace, generally on rocky, scrub -covered slopes at low or moderate altitudes. A little more widespread on passage. Has been recorded in summer in the western Black Sea C oastlands . W. Anatolia /S. Coastlands; Status similar to 1970-1973, but in W. A. recorded throughout the region south of a line from the Canakkale area to Sindirgi and the Dinar area and in the S. C. recorded throughout the region south of a line from the Burdur G. area to the Egridir G. area, the Mut area, the Pozanti area and the vicinity of Fevzipasa. No maximum count available but described as 'common' at Pamukkale (W. A. ) 13 May 74. Breeding records included a pair feeding five half -fledged young in a nest NE of Finike (S.C.) 15 May 74. Earliest 3 at Seyhan Baraji (S.C. ) 25 March, latest 5 at the same locality 18 Aug 74. 208 EMBERIZA CIRLUS (CIRL BUNTING) Widespread and fairly common resident or partial migrant in Thrace and W. Anatolia, also in the western Black Sea Coastlands and local- ly in the rest of the Black Sea Coastlands and the northern fringe of the Central Plateau. Generally found in wooded or s crub -covered hills. Occasionally recorded in the S. Coastlands in winter and on passage. Black Sea Coastlands /Thrace /W. Anatolia: Status similar to 1970- 1973, with a maximum count of 12+ at Camlica, Bosphorus (B.S.C.) 7 Oct 74. In the B.S.C. in addition to records from the areas in the west of the region where also widespread in 1970-1973, there were observations of some W of Bolu 22-23 July, 10 S of Merzifon 26 July, 2 between Kurtun and Torul 29 July 74, 3-4 N of Boyabat and 3 near Gerze (1 pair feeding 1 fledged young) 9 June 75. In W. A. recorded throughout the entire region (south to the Marmaris area) all year. C . Plateau: 1 5 at Vezirhan (N of Bilecik) 31 Aug and at least 1 at Kizilcahamam 5 Oct 74. EMBERIZA MELANOCEPHALA (BLACK -HEADED BUNTING) Widespread and common summer visitor throughout almost the whole country, but absent from much of the Black Sea Coastlands in the breeding season. Found in all types of fairly dry agricul- tural areas with scrub etc. Even more widespread on passage. All regions: Status similar to 1970-1973, with maximum counts of 97 between Viransehir and Diyarbakir and 170 between Diyar- bakir and Bitlis (S. E. T. ) 17 May, and 106 between Horasan and Karakurt (E. T. ) 21 May 75. In the B.S. C. in addition to records from the areas where also regularly recorded in 1970-1973, the species was present in the breeding season in the Ilgaz , Kargi, Boyabat, Sebinkarahisar and Ispir areas (the species was present in these areas and those where also noted in 1970-1973 until at least July); elsewhere there was a breeding season record of at least 1 at Bafra 9 June 75. InS.E.T. re- corded throughout the entire region (eastwards to the 209 Hakkari area). Earliest 6 at the Goksu Delta 23 April, latest 55 at Seyhan Baraji (S. C. ) 18 Aug 74. EMBERIZA SCHOENICLUS (REED BUNTING) Local resident in moderate numbers in wetlands in the Black Sea Coastlands and on the Central Plateau (breeding birds are perhaps of the intermediate /thick -billed race(s) intermedia and/or reiseri and/or caspia). May breed elsewhere, but no evidence during the period under consideration. More widespread on passage, wintering in wetlands in the western two-thirds of the country. Generally in moderate numbers. (Most immigrants appear to be of thin or intermediate -billed race(s)). All regions except S.E. and E. Turkey: Status similar to 1970-1973. No actual maximum counts available, but described as 'very common' at the Goksu Delta (S. C . ) 13-15 Dec 75. In the B . S. C. 4 at the Kizilirmak Delta 9-10 June 7 5 were apparently of a small (or inter- mediate) billed form. In the S.C. there was a breeding season re- cord in suitable habitat of 1-2 adult males at Amik G. 31 May 75. On the C. P. in addition to records from areas where also recorded all year in 1970-1973, the species was recorded all year at Hotamis G. (3 seen here 3 -4 June 75 were of a distinctly thick-billed race); away from these areas there were records of some at Emir G. and some in another area near Ankara Jan-March 74, up to 4 at Mogan G. 29 Oct -30 Nov and up to 2 near Ankara 3-26 Dec 75. E. Turkey: 1 near B. Agri D. 4 Aug 74 was of a thick-billed race. 210 ADDENDA & CORRIGENDA The same regional abbreviations used in the systematic list for 1974-1975 are used in this section. 1966 -1967 Bird Report - Part 3 (For Part 1 see 1968-1969 Bird Report p.185, for Part 2 see 1970-1973 Bird Report p. 266. ) (N. B. Some of the corrections below apply to the addenda and corrigenda in the 1970-197 3 Bird Report and not to the 1966 -1967 Bird Report directly.) ANAS PLATYRHYNCHOS (Mallard) and AYTHYA FERINA (Pochard): - in the correction on p. 267 of the 1970-1973 Bird Report "Izmir Kofezi" should read "Izmir Korfezi" and the following comment should be added at the end: "Thus the regional code HIc should be moved one line lower down the relevant column for both species. " ACCIPITER GENTILIS (Goshawk): - in the correction on p. 267 of the 1970-1973 Bird Report "in the Black Sea Coastlands" should read "on the Black Sea Coastlands or". ACCIPITER BREVIPES (Levant Spar rowhawk): - delete "and Aksehir G. " from the introductory paragraph. AQUILA RAPAX (Tawny Eagle): (B.S.C.) - insert "orientalis /" before "nipalensis". DENDROCOPUS SYRLACUS (Syrian Woodpecker) ... PHOENICURUS OCHRUROS (Black Redstart): - in the correction on p. 269 of the 1970-1973 Bird Report add "SYLVIA COMMUNIS (Whitethroat) , " after "ANTHUS SPINOLETTA (Water Pipit),". NUCIFRAGA CARYOCTATES (Nutcracker): (C. P. ) - insert the initials "(Mrs. PTH)" at the end of the single record. PHYLLOSCOPUS COLLYBITA/TROCHILUS (Chiffchaff /Willow Warbler): - in the correction on p. 271 of the 1970-1973 Bird Report "COLLYBITA" is incorrectly spelt "COLLBITA". 21 1 1968-1969 Bird Report - Part 2 (For Part 1 see 1970-1973 Bird Report p. 273. ) (N. B. Some of the corrections below apply to the addenda and corrigenda in the 1970-1973 Bird Report and not to the 1968-1969 Bird Report directly. ) Map of Turkey (p. vi); - see correction in addenda and corri- genda to 1970-1973 Bird Report. NYCTICORAX NYCTICORAX (Night Heron): - in the correc- tion on p. 273 of the 1970-1973 Bird Report the generic name "NYCTICORAX" is mispelt "NYCRICORAX". ANAS CRECCA (Teal): - in the correction on p. 275 of the 1970 -1973 Bird Report insert "and alter the grand total from "326,500" to "327,600" after "(in the 1969-70 column)". PORZANA PUSILLA (Baillon's Crake): - in the addendum on p. 278 of the 1970-1973 Bird Report insert " (W. Anatolia) " after "Manyas G. ". CHARADRIUS ALEXANDRINUS (Kentish Plover): - the correc- tion for this species on p. 279 of the 1970-1973 Bird Report should in fact refer to "CHARADRIUS LESCHENAULTII (Greater Sand Plover) ". EUDROMLAS MORINELLUS (Dotterel): - in the correction on p. 279 of the 1970-1973 Bird Report "(LJD.FJK)1' should have read "(FJK.LJD)". TRINGA HYPOLEUCOS (Common Sandpiper): (S.E. T.) - insert "in the Kurdish Alps" before "in early June". LIMOSA LIMOSA (Black -tailed Godwit): - in the correction on p. 279 of the 1970-1973 Bird Report "breeding" should read "nesting". LARUS ARGENTATUS (Herring Gull): - in the correction on p. 280 of the 1970-1973 Bird Report "L. a. armenicus and L. a. heuglini should read "L. a. armenicus or L. a. heuglini". MEROPS APIASTER (Bee-eater): (S.C.) - "north of Taurus" should read "north of Tarsus". LULLULA ARBOREA (Wood Lark): - in the correction on p. 282 of the 1970-1973 Bird Report insert "and therefore "in the same year' should read "in 1968"" after "13 Oct 69". 212 L.ANIUS SENATOR (Woodchat Shrike): - in the correction on p. 283 of the 1970-1973 Bird Report "in both year" should read "in both years LANIUS EXCUBITOR (Great Grey Shrike): - in the correction on p. 28 3 of the 1970-1973 Bird Report " (B. S. C . ) " should read "(T. )". MONTICOLA SAXATILIS (Rock Thrush): - in the correction on p. 284 of the 1970-1973 Bird Report "Silivan" should read "Sivelan". IRANLA. GUTTURALIS (White -throated Robin): - in the correc- tion on p. 284 of the 1970-1973 Bird Report "Sivilan" should read "Sivelan". RHODOPECHYS SANGUINE A (Crimson -winged Finch): - in the correction on p. 285 of the 1970-1973 Bird Report insert a second "and JJJ should read GJAJ" after "Pinarbasi". ANAS QUERQUEDULA (Garganey): - the entry for this species on p. 285 of the 1970-1973 Bird Report under rejected records is misplaced, since the records to be deleted are not unacceptable observations but incorrectly recorded as in winter in the table of winter counts. In consequence the entry on p. 285 should be trans- ferred to the other corrigenda for A, querquedula on p. 275 and should follow after "May 68 (OM-Z)". 1970-1973 Bird Report Officers of the Society (p. 2): "P. Clements" should read "P. Clement". Editorial (p. 6): "out" (1st paragraph, line 10) should read "our". Introduction to the Systematic List and Checklist (pp .7-17): under "Black Sea Coastlands" (p. 7) delete "Nehri" after all references to the Kizilirmak and Yesilirmak, also "Kelkit Cay" should read "Kelkit Cayi". On the map of Turkey on p. 8 the boun- dary of regions III and IV is incorrectly shown as passing south of Corak G. (it should pass just to the north) and Kus Cenneti is in- correctly indicated as at Apolyont Golu (in fact it is at Manyas Golu, the lake to the west of the one currently marked. (These corrections to the map also apply to the 1968-1969 Bird Report map. ) Under "Western Anatolia" (p. 9) the references to the "eastern watershed" 21 3 of the Sakarya should read "western watershed", "Goksu" should read "Gok" and "Kadirga Burun" should read "Kadirga Burnu", In the list of wetlands on p. 12"Emer Golu" should read "Emen G. ' In the list of abbreviations on p. 13 insert "Gol or" before Golu" , "Nehir or" before "Nehri", "or (^ayi" after "<^ay" and "or Dagi" after "Dag". Lastly in the list of contributors on p. 14 alter "P. Clements" to "P. Clement". PELECANUS ONOCROTALUS (White Pelican): (C. P. ) - "a small colony estimated" should read "a small colony possibly present". ARDEA PURPUREA (Purple Heron): (B.S.C.) - insert "in wetlands and coastal areas throughout the region" before "April- mid May" and alter "this area" to "these areas". ANAS QUERQUEDULA (Garganey): - insert "on" before "passage" in the introductory paragraph. AYTHYA FERINA (Pochard): (E. T. ) - insert "and at Arin G. " after "(between Gevas , Van and Bendimahi)". BUTEO BUTEO (Buzzard): (B.S.C.) - "and 1972" should read "1972"; also insert "and 1973, when 20625 flew E from 26 Aug- 8 Oct" after "9 Aug -6 Oct" and insert " , with 6000 on 3 Oct 73" after "2 Oct 72". FALCO NAUMANNI (Les ser Kestrel): (T. ) - add "Recorded from early April -early Oct. " after "10 Sept 73. ". VANELLUS GREGARIUS (Sociable Plover): - delete the entry "Black Sea Coastlands: 5 flew SW at Ardesen 4 Sept 73 (DSF, NAGL). " which is erroneous. Instead add, after the record for S. E. T. , "E. Turkey: 5 at Ardahan on 14 Sept 73 (DSF, NAGL). " Correspondingly delete "eastern Black Sea Coastlands" in the introductory paragraph and replace it with "East". LIMICOLA FALCINELLUS (Broad-billed Sandpiper): (S. C. ) - add "An exceptional concentration of 30 at Beysehir G. on 21 Aug 73 (MCJ). " after "(MB et al. ). ". GELOCHELIDON NILOTICA (Gull-billed Tern): - insert "Recently recorded in winter in the south and south-west" at the end of the introductory paragraph. (W. A. ) - insert "In winter 214 5 at Civril G. 17 Jan 71 (LJD.FJK)" after "3 July 73. (SC.) - insert "In winter 2 at Akyayan G. 4 Jan and 4 at Calti G. 16 Jan 71 ( L J D , F JK ) . " after "20 Aug 73. ". APUS APUS (Swift): (C. P. ) - insert "Recorded from early April-July, but" before "5 late birds". ALCEDO ATTHIS (Kingfisher): (T. ) - insert "Regularly recorded in the Bosphorus area in autumn (see above). " after "in June 73. ". RIPARIA RIPARLA (Sand Martin): (E. T. ) - insert "5 June 72" after "(Van G. )". DELICHON URBICA (House Martin): (S.C.) - insert "Recorded from early March-mid Oct, apart from early records of 1 between Gazipasa and Anamur 20 Feb, 1 at the Goksu Delta 23 Feb and 1 at Silifke 26 Feb 72. " after "21 April 73. ". CALANDRELLA CINEREA (Short -toed Lark): (W. A. ) - insert "Recorded from late March-mid Sept. " after "24-31 March 72. ". EREMOPHILA ALPESTRIS (Shore Lark): - insert "upland" be- fore "areas" in the introductory paragraph. LULLULA ARBOREA (Wood Lark): (E. T. ) - "Agdir" should read "Igdir". MOTACILLA FLAVA (Yellow Wagtail): - in the introductory paragraph "region" should read "country". MOTACILLA ALBA (White Wagtail): - in the introductory para- graph "and summer visitor" should read "or partial migrant". LANIUS COLLURIO (Red -backed Shrike): (S.C.) - insert "(earliest S of Beysehir G. 1 3 April 73)" after "mid April -May". LANIUS SENATOR (Woodchat Shrike): - insert "summer" before "visitor" in the introductory paragraph. GARRULUS GLANDARIUS (Jay): (E. T. ) - "eastwards" should read "westwards". PYRRHOCORAX GRACULUS (Alpine Chough): - delete the entry "C . Plateau: 20 at Erciyes D. 25 Aug 73. " (actually a record of Pyrrhocorax spp. erroneously listed as graculus ) and in consequence delete "the southern fringe of the Central Plateau," from the intro- ductory paragraph. 215 CORVUS MONEDULA (Jackdaw): - in the introductory paragraph "or the extreme south" should read "of the extreme south". CORVUS FRUGILEGUS (Rook): - insert "the Black Sea Coast- lands," before "Thrace" in the introductory paragraph. CINCLUS CINCLUS (Dipper): (S. E. T. ) - insert "1" before "SW of Erkenek". REGULUS IGNICAPILLUS (Firecrest): - insert "and on the Central Plateau" after "in Thrace" in the introductory paragraph. OENANTHE PLESCHANKA (Pied Wheatear): - delete the entries "Black Sea Coastlands: 1 at Izmit 27 Aug 7 3 (MCJ). " and "W. Anatolia: 1 at Iznik G. 28 Aug 73 (MCJ).". (S.C.) - delete "and 1 at Beysehir 20 Aug". All these records were records of Oenanthe spp. erroneously included. LUSCINIA MEGARHYNCHOS (Nightingale): (C.P.) - insert a"," after "Kizilcahamam" and insert "including" before Cubuk I Baraji". TURDUS VISCIVORUS (Mistle Thrush): - insert "coastal" before "region" in the introductory paragraph. PARUS CAERULEUS (Blue Tit): - "region" in the introductory paragraph should read "regions". ACANTHIS CANNABINA (Linnet): - "summer visitor" in the intro- ductory paragraph should read "partial migrant". LOXLA CURVIROSTRA (Crossbill): (B.S.C'.) - "May -Sept" should read "March-Sept". EMBERIZE SCHOENICLUS (Reed Bunting): (B.S.C.) - "the thick- billed race (E. s. intermedia)" should read "a thick-billed race (per- haps E. s. intermedia). " (C.P.) - the same statement under this region should be corrected as for the B.S.C. The Records and Editorial Committee now consider the following record to be unacceptable: GALLINAGO MEDIA (Great Snipe): - the records of 15 at Cildir G. (E. T. ) on 16 Aug 72 and 10 at the same locality on 2 Sept 73 should be deleted. In consequence in the introductory paragraph for the species delete "Generally in small numbers. " and instead insert "in small numbers" before "in wetlands". 216 The History of Ornithology in Turkey (p. 289): Bibliography: On p. 308 the entry "1930 and 1934" should read "1930/34" and "1932" should be inserted on the same page before the two papers referred to of O. Steinfatt. On p. 309 the title of the paper by Mauve (1938) should read "Der Zug der Gropvogel uber den Bosporus". On p. 313, in the title of the paper by Kumerloeve & Geroudet, "Olymp de Bithnie" should read "Olympe de Bithynie". Also on p. 313, in the title of the paper by Vader, insert "Turkey" after "Expedition". On p. 314 the paper by Kumerloeve marked as appearing in "Ardea 5" in fact appeared in Ardea 55. On p. 315 the paper by Groh appeared in Mitt. Polichia (III) 15 and not "(III) 5" as currently indicated. Also on p. 315, in the title of the paper by Bauer & Muller (1969), "Evros" should be spelt "Ewros". On p. 317 the paper by Kumerloeve and Lehmann is incorrectly listed under 1970 and should be listed in the appropriate position under 1968. On p. 319, in the title of the paper by Gyllin "Turkeit" should read "Turkiet". Lastly on p. 319, in the title of the paper by Vauk, insert " (SW -Anatolien) " after "Beysehir Golu" and delete "in das Gebiet des", replacing it with "an den". N.B. It was not possible to check the accuracy of all the entries in the bibliography and other inaccuracies may exist. Some trivial errors of punctuation, accentation and convention known to the editor have not been corrected here. Printed in Great Britain by Unwin Brothers Limited