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J eh fee a, \ | \ | y \ 1 | 1 } i } [ | YY. VA AAAAY NAAAARARAAAA Aaa aAAA lalale| Aan | y —\ — Vi za f AAA A \ < C la), \ C€ ( @ cK €c@ SE iC a SC Qa {Cea mews a EC Cr CC Cem Cr eC > Stevenson) eee Orton*! adhered to the correlation of the Corry with the Berea. G. H. Girty*?,** made as careful a study of the problem as any- one to date and concluded that the Corry sandstone, Cussewago shale and Cussewago sandstone were all to be correlated with the Berea. More recent workers have grown somewhat sceptical of the accepted correlation of the Corry and the upper Berea, and still more so of the Cussewago equivalence to any part of the Berea. The ground for this scepticism is the apparent bulge which ap- pears in a plotted section of available measured exposures of the Berea outcrops across Ohio when the diagram is continued into the Corry and Cussewago sequence in Pennsylvania. The Berea appears to grow thinner toward the east, and the inclusion of the Corry and the Cussewago apparently causes a sudden 37See, footnote 34, and Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report Q4, pp. 209, 93, 94, 91, 85, 86, 1881. 38H. P. Cushing, Notes on the Berea grit in northeastern Ohio. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Proc., vol. 36, p. 215, 1888. 39J. J. Stevenson, Lower Carboniferous in the Appalachian basin. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 14, p. 41, 1903. 40C. S. Prosser, The Devonian and Mississippian formations of northeast- ern Ohio. Ohio Geol. Surv., Bull. 15, p. 395, 1912. 41Edward Orton, The geologic scale and geologic structure of Ohio. Ohio Geol. Surv., Report 7, p. 33, 1893. 42See footnote 22, above. 43G. H. Girty, The relations of some Carboniferous faunas. Washington Acad. Sci., Proc., vol. 7, p. 6, 1905. 49 BULLETIN 71 49 swelling in thickness. Such bulges are grounds for suspicion. G. H. Chadwick makes emphatic mention of this fact in his i anuscript (1931) report on the Oil Region of Pennsylvania and in personal correspondence (1932-1933). As for the equivalence of the Corry sandstone and some part of the Berea sandstone, the stratigraphic position of the respec- tive sandstones in Ohio and Pennsylvania is substantial proof. The detailed sections of Prosser’s voluminous report establish that fact. Furthermore, the Corry sandstone fauna occurs in the upper Berea in Ohio. This is shown particularly well at Stratton Creek, Kinsman Township, Ohio, in the section below. Stratton Creek Section** Thickness 5. Orangeville shale. Blackish fissile shale. Exposed above dam en Stratton Creek, about 2 miles above Kinsman, Ohio. 8+ 4. Light gray sandstone interbedded with black shale, evidently a relic of a former thickness of strata. 3. Blackish fissile shale, weathering brownish. 4. 2. Berea sandstone. Light colored, gray to buff sandstone which weather to a rusty brown tone due to disintegration of mar- casite nodules in the upper portion. Rather massive layers of which are cross-bedded. Fossiliferous. Chief fossils are in- arideulate brachiopods, Lingulae, Discinae and very large Oehblertellae. Fragments of Syringothris and Paraphorhyn- chus as well as clams and Platycerata also found. Marked sintlarity to Corry fauna. Fossils most abundant in the up- per portion, though occurring throughout the exposure- below the old dam. Some local quarrying in the upper beds. 4.5 1. Thin-bedded, bluish sandstone of fine quartz grains. Layers varying in thickness. Exposed intermiitently from the foot of the falls under the dam to below the bridge over Strat- ton Creek near the Hamilton mill. In about the middle of the section is a fossil zone in which were found brachiopods u~ and clams, and an especially fine ‘ milliped’’. 20 4- A. Unknown subsurface interval, about 4) + — B. Sandstone, in a water well, coarse, presumably the Cusse- wago, about 15 --— Total 97.75 ft. In several localities fragments of marine fossils in the upper Berea have been found. The fauna is essentially that of the Corry sandstone. Lithically the upper Berea and the Corry are indistinguishable. 44Compare with Prosser’s section on Stratton Creek. (Ohio Geol. Surv., Bulle Wo; ps 3695) 1912.) 50 NorTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 50 At Williamsfield, Ohio, and in ravines thereabout several ex- posures of the Berea in its Corry phase, can be seen. This is another occurrence on the eastern side of the Grand Valley lacuna. In a stream bed, one-half mile north of Williamsfield Post Office, Ohio, the following section occurs. Section One-Half Mile North of Williamsfield P. O.*° Thickness 9. Orangeville shale. Alternate layers of black shale and sandy shale and sandstone. Some layers carrying a Lingula fauna. 12 8. Berea sandstone. ‘‘Top of sandstone occurs in the bed of the stream, not far below the railroad fill, and it contains num- erous pits, caused by the weathering out of nodules of mar- casite and iron pyrites. These upper sandstones are bluish- gray to buff in color, weathering brownish, composed of rather fine grains of quartz sand; are thin-bedded and split up rather unevenly. They are only 2 or 3 feet in thickness and corre- spond to the Corry sandstone of Dr. I. C. White in western Pennsylvania. Below are much thinner bedded sandstones to shaly sandstones and shales. The thin sandstones in this zone are much ripple-marked. There is an occasional layer of bluish gray, fine-grained, quartz sandstone 6 or so inches in thickness. These layers weather to a brownish color and are not so very different in lithologic appearance from those of the Berea for- mation as shown in the Lithopolis Glen, southeast of Columbus, in Central Ohio’’. 10 7. ‘‘Zone of several layers of sandstone from 4 to 6 inches thick, which split into 1- to 2-inch layers. It is bluish gray, weather- ing to a brownish gray, and coarser grained, quartz sandstone than those above, containing some clay pebbles. A little higher than the base are some small and old quarries... ”’ 4 6. ‘‘Shaly sandstone to shales, which are blue in color, and shown on the stream bank a short distance above the State road. Some of the shale is argillaceous; but part of it is arenaceous, con- taining grains of white quartz sand. Some of the thin, irregu- larly-bedded sandstones are ripple-marked. The rocks of this zone more closely resemble lithologically the Bedford than those of most of the section.’’ 3.5 5. Covered interval, above and below the highway 15 4. ‘“Thin-bedded micaceous sandstones, which are greatly ripple- marked, and composed largely of grains of rather fine quartz sand. In some of the layers the quartz grains are rather coarse, especially in the lower part of the zone. They contain considerable marecasite, and certain layers are decidedly blue in color, although part are buff. There is a great number of rip- ple-marked layers, and the ripples run in different directions on different layers’’ 12 3. Covered zone 10 2. Thin-bedded, coarse-bedded quartz sandstone iL 1. ‘‘Top of massive Cussewago sandstone, as shown in bed of run. A massive, buff, quartzose sandstone, which is very friable, with lithologic appearance of the Cussewago sandstone of western Pennsylvania. When wet in the bed of the stream the sandstone 45C, S, Prosser, Idem, p. 374, 51 BULLETIN 71 51 is much more friable than when dried out on the higher bank of the run. There are harder beds which are thinner, alternat- ing with the soft ones, and it also contains some ironstone peb- bles. When wet the color is rather greenish-buff, but light buff when dry. The lowest outcrop occurs in the bed of the run exposed 21 Total 88.5 ft. This section is important for showing the best exposure known to date of the Corry and Cussewago in the same section. Here, as elsewhere, there is good evidence for a break in the midst of the eastern Ohio Berea sandstone formation at the top of the Cussewago shale (Hayfield shale, numbers 2, 3, 4, 5 of the above section). The Corry sandstone is of remarkable lithic similarity to the Berea sandstone in this section. Unless much more evidence is found, than is available at pres- ent, it would be advisable to withhold opinion on the Ohio equiva- lent of the Cussewago shale and sandstone of western Pennsyl- vania. No brief is here held for the equivalence or the coevality of the Cussewago shale and sandstone with the lower Berea sandstone of Ohio, although their relative positions immediately suggest correlation. So far as known, there is no marked simi- larity between the upper and the lower Berea sandstones. They are faunally distinct in eastern Ohio, though definitely belong- ing in the same series on the basis of broader faunal relationship. The Corry sandstone belongs in the same series as the Cusse- wago beds below. The upper and the lower Berea are of dif- ferent texture in central Ohio, as is well shown in Lithopolis Glen, near Columbus, and elsewhere throughout the central area. Prosser remarks on the similar appearance of the tougher beds of the Cussewago in eastern Ohio with the lower Berea of central Ohio, thus suggesting their correlation, in which he believed. There are then several possibilities of correlation, none of which materially modify the stratigraphic classification as here outlined. The upper Berea and the Corry sandstone are one and the same deposit. The lower Berea of central Ohio may or may not be the correlate of the Cussewago stage of eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania. The suggestion deduced from field evi- dence of deep scour in places through central Ohio at the base of the Berea is that the Berea may have been deposited with a summit disconformity over the Bedford, the upper strata of the 52 NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 52 latter being represented by the Cussewago beds. Certainly the Cussewago beds are the closing stage of a depositional era in Pennsylvania which was contemporaneous with the Bedford de- positional era in Ohio. This seems to be definitely established. The Berea stage of eastern Ohio and Pennsy!vania is represent- ed. by the Corry sandstone only. The lower Berea of central Ohio may belong in the same stratigraphic stage. Certainly the Cussewago sequence of eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania does not. It would seem that the Berea is made up of strata of two quite distinct time divisions. The lower Berea seems to be identical with the Cussewago sandstone (and shale?) the lithology of which is very characteristic. The upper Berea is of marked lithic dissimilarity to the lower in eastern Ohio, and of a different faunal stamp as well. These two are separated in p!aces by a shale interval in the middle Berea. G. H. Chadwick is somewhat sceptical*® of the old idea of Berea, Corry, Cussewago correlation. Indeed, this scepticism seems justified if one plots all the available sections from the vicinity of Cleveland, Ohio, to Meadville, Pennsylvania, in which the Berea and Corry occur. There develops a large “bulge” in the formation at the point where the Cussewago comes in. ‘This would suggest as it has to Chadwick, that perhaps the Cussewago strata come below the Berea proper, and that summit discon- formity perhaps explains the apparent continuity. This is un- proved. The “Berea stage” is as present designed to account for the Corry sandstone at the top of the Oil Lake series. There is reasonable certainty that this formation is the eastward continu- ation of the upper Berea sandstone of Ohio. The Corry belongs in the Oil Lake series faunally, and lithically, rather than in the Crawford series. It cannot justifiably be included in the Cusse- wago stage. Wherefore a separate stage is created for it. The Cussewago Stage.—The Cussewago stage includes all of the Oil Lake strata below the Corry sandstone in western Penn- sylvania. The name Cussewago first appeared in stratigraphic 46Personal correspondence and Manuscript report on the oil sands of Pennsylvania (1931), 1932-33. 53 BULLETIN 71 53 literature in I. C. White’s report on Crawford and Erie Counties of Pennsylvania (Qa, pp. xvi and 66, 1881). Under this head were described three independent ‘‘formations’, the Cussewago limestone, Cussewago shale and Cussewago sandstone. In the measured section (/dem, p. 70) of White’s report these three are bracketed together, thereby implying, it would seem, that these three units are “members” of a common formation. The definition (Idem, pp. 94-95) treats these three as distinct units as does also the Table of Contents. No formal description of the “Cussewago formation” is given by White. On the basis of the somewhat indefinite designation of classificatory niche in which the Cussewago strata are to be construed as belonging, Chadwick*? (1925) proposed to give separate formational names to the shale and limestones (Hayfield shale and limestone) and limited the name Cussewago to the sandstone which he consid- ered to be the most characteristic member of the triad. The present attitude is that White’s designation was that of a “formation”, despite the absence of formal description as such. His discussion of the individual members is ample, and no separate collective description was necessary. Furthermore, when studied in the field it is proved beyond question that the Cussegawo shale and limestone (Hayfield (Chadwick) and Littles Corner (Caster) and Cussewago sandstone are a grada- tional, genetic series. White was presumably familiar with this natural relationship and out of utter familiarity neglected to point it out. The classification must include the three members in one category, call it what one will. White termed the three members all Cussewago. Presumably the original usage is still best. Wherefore, the suggestion is made that White’s triad of formations be recognized as the Cussewago “stage” of which the Hayfield shale, Littles Corner limestone and Knapp formational suite (“Cussewago sandstone” and Knapp conglomerates) and the genetically related, underlying Kushequa shale are the com- ponent parts. (See Catalogue of Strata, below, for detailed dis- cussion). This nomenclature is acceptable by priority of usage, and best shows relationship, which after all is the sole purpose of scientific, systematic nomenclature. 47G. H. Chadwick, The Chagrin formation of Ohio. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 36, pp. 455-464, 1925. 54. NorTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 54 DEVONIAN SYSTEM The Upper Devonian is at present divided into the Senecan and Chautauquan series. The Senecan series includes the strata above the Hamilton group to the base of the Chemung formation of New York. This is a sequence meriting serial rank, but the upper boundry will have to be redefined in the near future. The present interest centers above the overlying Chautauquan series. The Chautauquan series embraces the strata from the base of the Chemung to the base of the Bradfordian series of former classifications. The Chautauquan series was viewed by the New York State geologists as marking the close of the De- vonian. The overlying Bradfordian was considered of Mississ- ippian age. The Bradfordian series must go, as has been previously ex- plained under the discussion of Mississippian classification. For the Devonian portion of the Bradfordian “series” the name Cone- wango series is appropriate. The original “Conewango forma- tion” of Butts*® precisely covers the Devonian portion of the former Bradfordian system, and now on the demise of the latter, should be elevated to series rank. The original ‘Conewango series*® included the Cattaraugus formation (which is a synonym for the Venango stage) and the Oswayo formation of the Olean and Salamanca region of New York. The classification of the Upper Devonian strata of south- western New York, and northwestern Pennsylvania is shown on the preceding outline. THE CONEWANGO SERIES The Conewango series is the closing phase of Upper Devonian sedimentation in New York and Pennsylvania. At its base oc- curs a minor disconformity, separating it from the inferior Chautauquan series. At its top a minor disconformity occurs which is the break between the Mississippian and the Devonian systems. The actual lithologic breaks at the top and bottom of the series are relatively inconsequential disconformities. The outstanding criterion for serial delimitation of the Conewango is the fossil fauna or faunas. They are highly distinctive. The 48See, footnote 31. Idem, p. 191. 49See, footnote 26. 55 BULLETIN 71 55 Conewango fauna assemblage is in the main derived by mutation from the Chautauquan faunas below. Notable new additions to the mutational fauna however, do occur at the base of the Conewango; among these are the pelecypods Pararca and Pty- chopteria. The faunal change at the top of the Conewango is of much the same sort that marked its inception. The Conewango fauna crosses the Devonian-Mississippian disconformity in mu- tated form, but on the near side of the break many Mississippian genera appear in an abrupt array of specialized forms. Such genera as Syringothyris and Rhynchospirina, as well as several characteristic genera of echinoids are among these new-comers of definite Mississippian stamp. There is an almost uninterrupted sequence from the Upper- most Devonian into the basal Mississippian, only a lost time record of minor importance separates the two systems, yet it seems probable that this minor hiatus is a local expression of a far greater hiatus elsewhere. Apparently new sea connections developed about this time somewhere else, marking the begin- ning of Mississippian sedimentation in eastern America. How- ever, so peacefully was the new period begun that the Upper Devonian seas experienced barely more that a gigantic ripple, a sudden withdrawal followed by a speedy return of the sea to approximately the same confines. The returned waters were populated in the main by Devonian mutatants, but in addition there were certain new forms which did not occur in the Devon- ian seas of eastern America, forms which were to become the predominant marine biota of the later Mississippian. The fact that the new-comers to the “Bradfordian” area are not especially primitive members of their respective lines, but when they first appear are full-fledged Mississippian organisms, indicates that presumably in chronology the Upper Devonian of New York and Pennsylvania was deposited coevally with the older Mississippian of some parts of the world. This deferred commencement of a period in one region in relation to another is due to a seeming concentric rhythmicality of intersystemic dias- trophism, particularly when the diastrophism was _ relatively slight. The beginning of a system is placed in any given region at the point in the stratigraphic column where the effect of the intersystemic movement is first recorded. The break at the top 56 NoRTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 56 of the Conewango is the point in the western Pennsylvania column where the Mississippian begins. The fact that the actual intersystemic movement was locally not appreciably greater than some movements occurring in the midst of the De- vonian below, is unimportant. The difference is illustrated by dropping rocks in a pool of water. The effect of the resulting ripples on a toy boat close to the point where a small pebble was dropped might be much more disastrous than on the same boat at a greater distance from the splash and ripples of a much larger rock. The Conewango series is represented across northern Pennsyl- vania and Ohio by several parvafacies, a number of which have been given stratigraphic names either in part or wholly synony- mous with the Conewango series which embraces all the coeval facies across the states. Some stratigraphers have spoken of the Conewango sequence as the “Cattaraugus formation’, which is utterly without basis. Their feeling has been that perhaps the Oswayo beds which overlie the Cattaraugus beds in the Olean area are merely upper beds of the Cattaraugus which had been subjected to pre-Pottsvillian 'eeching. This is not the case. A disconformity separates the Oswayo from the Cattaraugus as was stated in the original discussion*®. The sections recorded below illustrate one occurrence of this disconformity. It so happens, however, that the beds which were called Cattaraugus are an eastern coevality of the Venango beds which were pre- viously described from western Pennsylvania. The name Cat- taraugus must either pass into stratigraphic synonomy or be re- tained in a very useful capacity as a facies term. It is unfortu- nate that the original application®® of the term Conewango to a field occurrence was highly ambiguous and misleading. By the original definition**® there was no such ambiguity, and in this sense the term is extremely useful. The Conewango series is represented from west to east by the 50Charles Butts, Description of the Warren quadrangle, Pennsylvania- New York. U.S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas, Warren folio, (no. 172,) 1910. 57 BULLETIN 71 bys following parvafacies ; black shale parvafacies (?) of the Cleve- land magnafacies; shale and sandstone parvafacies of the Cha- grin magnafacies; coarser sandstones and conglomerates with interbedded fine shale, a parvafacies of the Irvineton magna- facies; Cattaraugus parvafacies of an unnamed magnafacies which is characterized by purple shales and conglomerates ; coarser sands and shales; a parvafacies of the brilliantly red Catski'l magnafacies etc. The Conewango series is represented in Potter and eastern McKean Counties of Pennsylvania by coarse, micaceous sand- stones and flaggy shales, the so-called Oswayo of those regions, and so far as known does not occur much beyond Bradford County. It is probably cut out of the section beyond that area. The so-called Cattaraugus red beds of Tioga County, Pennsyl- vania, and of Barclay Mountain, Bradford County, are not the stratigraphic equivalent of the type Cattaraugus. They are, ac- cording to correspondence with G. H. Chadwick®*, of Chada- koin and Girard age. Only the so-called Pocono of Barclay Mountain is the stratigraphic equivalent of the Cattaraugus, and the Conewango. The Conewango series is replaced by red beds to the south and south east of the “Bradfordian” area. Whereas it is the lower portion of the Conewango series which is so rapidly re- placed to the east by red beds, it is the Oswayo, or upper portion of the Conewango which is replaced with great rapidity toward what might be thought of as an Appalachian delta somewhere to the southeast of Altoona. This is suggestive of a possible shift- ing of the center of deltaic deposition in closing Devonian times from the Catskill area in the east, toward the southeast across the area which Schuchert™® terms the “New Jersey straits” of early upper Devonian. These facts of southeastward assumption of red beds in uppermost Devonian time are rather clearly shown in the large series of well-sections published in the various county reports of the Second Pennsylvania Survey. 52See footnote 19. Idem, p. 550, 1910. SlLetter of March 24, 1933. 58 NoRTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 58 The Conewango series is subdivided into the Riceville and the Venango stages. The Riceville stage as here recognized is only the lower part of the original Riceville of I. C. White. The discussion of this differentiation occurs under “Riceville” in the Catalogue of Strata, below. It seems from the original and sub- sequent descriptions of the Riceville that I. C. White was im- pressed with the Devonian aspects of the formation. The lower part of the original Riceville only is of Devonian age. This is the Riceville stage. There is something to be said for Chadwick’s classification*” of the Riceville as the closing member of the Venango stage. (Chadwick’s usage of the term Riceville was in the original sense, of course.) However, when the Riceville is traced eastward into its Oswayo equivalent, the change from the Venango to Oswayo is lithically and faunally so great as to re- quire some designation more emphatic of distinction than “mem- ber” implies. The Venango stage is discussed in some detail in the Catalogue of strata, below. The Cattaraugus facies—The Cattaraugus formation of L. C. Glenn?® is an exact synonym of the original “Venango group” of White. The only proper use of the name “Cattaraugus” is in a facies sense. In this usage it is extremely convenient and clari- fying. The Cattaraugus beds were described by Glenn from the Olean area where they overlie the upper beds of the “Che- mung group” (Chadakoin) and were supposedly the western equivalent of the Catskill red beds to the east. The Cattaraugus beds are purplish red and green in color and are interstratified with locally massive conglomerate lenses of varying numbers in different localities. These conglomerates are a highly character- istic feature of the magnafacies of which the Cattaraugus se- quence is a meridional, parvafacies development. West of the Allegany State Park area of New York, the Cat- taraugus beds lose their characteristic purple hue, and become normal olivaceous marine shales and sandstone. The Conglom- erate bands continue either intermittently or in some instances continuously into the new facies province. It was in this marine province that the “Cattaraugus beds” were first studied and wherefrom the name Venango was first applied to the sequence. “Cycles’.—Some stratigraphers have considered the Cattar- augus or Cattaraugus and Riceville as constituting a sedimentary 59 BULLETIN 71 59 cycle, emphasis being placed on the paired occurrences of con- -glomerates and shales through the series. As a matter of fact when closely studied the sequence from the (ube sandstone through to the top of the “Bradfordian series” illustrates the “death throes” of a period, the record of which is initiated by the deposition of a flat-pebble, shore-formed conglomerate and sand- stone. The Cuba was followed by submergence during which the Girard shale was deposited. This in turn was succeeded by ele- vation and deposition of the Lillibridge (“Quarry”) sandstone at the base of the Chadakoin formation. The Conewango series beginning with the basal Venango conglomerate, the Wolf Creek, is merely a continuation of this record of a thready pulse. In this expiring stage certain new (new to the area, at least) faunal elements appear. This appearance might be attributed to chang- ing currents resu'tant to elevation or submergence of controlling influences, or simply to the sinking of previously existing barriers in remoter parts of the epicontinental sea by which the territory under observation was submerged by a narrow embayment. As the end of the period drew near the ups and downs succeeded each other in more rapid succession. The alternation of shore with near-shore sediments became characteristic. In its typical development the Conewango series represents the shallow, near- shore zone of deposition where minor oscillations cause or tend to cause major sedimentary disturbances; the zone of scour and fill; disconformity.. As a whole the Conewango marks the close of a great cycle of deposition; a cycle initiated by the deposition of the shore sand of the Oriskanian sea in the Lower Devonian. It might more nearly express: the case were it said that the “Brad- fordian” marks such a close of a sedimentary cyc’e, for the lowest Mississippian strata in the western Pennsylvania embay- ment (the Knapp shales and conglomerates) were deposited in an Upper Devonian physical setting, The basal conglomerate of the Conewango (Panama-LeBoeuf- Wolf Creek) as well as the medial conglomerate (Salamanca suite) and the upper stratigraphically less important conglom- erates (Woodcock, Hosmer Run, Tunangwant, or Kilbuck) are simply the more continuous, or more extensive conglomerates in this closing sequence. They are by no means the entire roll of 60 NorTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 60 conglomerates occurring in the Upper Devonian of western Pennsylvania. It is the profusion of local conglomerates in the midst of virtually all of the shale members between the major conglomerate horizons that makes the field work in northwestern Pennsylvania at times most perplexing. It is not an infrequent experience to find a very much localized conglomerate lens of far greater development than the more persistant and hence more important conglomerate members. Nor is it a rare oc- currence to find the major conglomerate practically eliminated from a section by subsequent local scour. THE CHAUTAUQUAN SERIES The original scope of this revisionary study did not include the Chautauquan series, but as an incident in the examination of the lowest Conewango strata in southwestern New York and northern Pennsylvania many Chautauquan sections have been studied. The results of this, especially of the uppermost Chau- tauquan beds seem to merit inclusion here. The Chautauquan series was proposed for the Uppermost De- vonian strata in New York, beginning at the base of the Che- mung and ending at the base of the Carboniferous. The series is a convenient mnemonic grouping, and at the same time justified as a series on the basis of its distinct faunas. The Chautauquan series is comparable to the overlying Conewango in its facies constitution. All of the magnafacies transected by the Cone- wango are cut across by the Chautauquan series as well. The initiatory fauna of the Chautauquan series is derived from more easterly and stratigraphically lower parvafacies expressions in the Senecan series. As at the beginning of the Conewango series, so also at the beginning of the Chautauquan the real basis of separation into a stratigraphic series is the appearance of cer- tain new faunal elements not autochthonous to the magnafacies in their earlier expression. Probably if enough was known of the Upper Devonian seas in their planar extent no series differ- entation would be necessary. From the facts available ,such a segregation is convenient and helpful. The diagrams above illustrate the intimate relationship which exists between the series of the Upper Devonian, The 61 BULLETIN 71 61 horizontal lines on that diagram correspond to the boundaries of the series and the diagonal lines represent the magnafacies planes. So closely do the facies faunas correspond in diagrammatic scheme to the lithic facies that these figures serve almost equally well for either. It is obvious that if fossil faunas do follow some general plan they may be most useful stratigraphically. Their usage however cannot be casual. Close study, and assiduous observation are required to make the best use of the fossil faunas. It is not an uncommon condition that there is greater horizontal (contemporaneous) than vertical (diagonal, facies) variation within species groups (gens). Unless this fundamental condition is recognized the faunas will ever be as useless for extensive correlation in the great “Chemung com- plex” as they have been heretofore. The Chautauquan series includes at its top a group of strata which have been termed by Chadwick the “Chadakoin beds” in western New York. These beds are divisible into several members of faunal and lithologic dissimilarity. Although the entire Chautauquan series is in pressing need of revisionary study, only the Chadakoin portion has been incidenta'ly included in this survey. The present examination of the Chadakoin is incomplete. No careful analysis of the parvafacies elements developed in the several members has been made. CAMO ML OYGIUNS (Ole SRA IANS The Devonian and Mississippian strata in northwestern Penn- sylvania and the adjacent part of New York State form the basic substance matter of this report. This catalogue is de- 53If the terminology of this paper is compared with that used in a pre- liminary abstract of the same problem by the writer in December 1932 (Geol. Soe. Amer., Bull., vol. 44, pp. 202-203, 1933 abstract) certain dis- crepancies will be apparent. Tle new names used in the abstvacted account proved in several instances to be preoccupied in stratigraphic literature. For the preoccupied names, acceptable names as follows are used: For Glade sandstone of the abstract, Cobham sandstone is used. For Ridgway shale of the abstract, Hast Kane shale is used. For Ludlow conglomerate of the abstract, Wetmore conglomerate is used. For Smethport shale of the abstract, Kushequa shale is used. For Wild Cat coquinite of the abstract, Roystone coquinite is used. 62 NorTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 62 signed briefly to describe the respective members of these sys- tems exposed at the surface within the specified area. Members will be considered in ascending sequence. PALEOZOIC GROUP DEVONIAN SYSTEM Chautauquan series CHADAKOIN STAGE | The rocks of the Chadakoin stage were first segregated from the upper Chemung group of older writers by G. H. Chadwick*™* in 1924. For the “highly fossiliferous Chemung beds” which outcrop extensively in Erie County, Pennsylvania and are char- acterized by “Leiorhynchus newberryi fauna,” the designation as “Chadakoin beds” was made. The typical exposure of the Chad- akoin beds is along the Chadakoin River in brick shale quarries at Dexterville (East Jamestown), New York. It is interesting to note that at the type occurrence the Leiorhynchus fauna is absent. This fauna which is eminently characteristic for the western facies of the Chadakoin (Chagrin facies province) does not extend eastward into the type area. The base of the Chadakoin formation (or “‘beds’’) was taken as the “quarry sandstone” of the Olean region. The top was at the contact with the overlying Cattaraugus (Conewango). The Chadakoin was therefore defined as extending from the base of the Quarry sandstone to the base of the Panama conglomer- ate (Wolf Creek conglomerate), basal member of the Venango stage. Although wholly inadequate stratigraphic work has as yet been done on the Chadakoin sequence it appears advisable to delimit certain members within the terrane. The Chadakoin beds have been studied somewhat casually about the city of Jamestown, along Chautauqua Lake, in the vicinity of Olean and Salamanca and southward in the adjoining part of Pennsylvania. From this cursory study it appears that Chadwick’s “beds” have the dimensions of a stage and monothem in accordance with the scheme of stratigraphic classification previously outlined in this report. 54The stratigraphy of the Chemung in western New York, N. Y. State Mus., Bull. 251, p. 154, 1924. SpRATIGRAPHIC MEMBERS OCCURRING IN NORTHWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA MISSISSIPPIAN SYSTEM ParRTIAL SYNONYMY Waverlyan subsystem Kinderhookian series (Crawford sub-series) Shenango stage (Shenango monothem) Hempfield shale member* —.-- nn ..... Shenango shale : Shenango sandstone member (Johnsonburg SoS HOM |) a “¢ Sub-Olean conglomerate’’; 2nd Mountain sand. Meadville stage (Meadville monothem ) (tires treat Gh eek teal oy grr NN ie a ee sees Connesdutalimestone- member =.= = eee EATER GLOMe sinale) mG Il) Cis ss eee eee Geran Mes LOM es TCI CT 5) Upper Meadville shale Upper Meadville limestone ) Original Lower Meadville shale \ Meadville group Middle Meadville limestone Sharpsville sandstone member ~ ) Sharpsville “Sub-Olean conglomerate’? West Mead limestone member™ formational ; Lower Meadville limestone Original Shaws sandstone member* \ SUL tee re Sharpsville sandstone Sharpsville formation Orangeville shale member (stage?) “*Cuyahoga’’ of Pennsylvania Oil Lake series Berea stage (Ofaynpiiayy1SEaion ASARCONANCY NU GNCS | ON a re Cussewago stage (Cussewago monothem ) 3rd Mountain sand; Pit Hole Grit iBleyaellal-clnpulers Y Cat onanateh Onl 2? eo ee ee Cussewago shale (uittle’s= Corner, limestone=:member™)- 2 Cussewago limestone, Hayfield limestone Tidioute shale member* Cobham conglomerate memher* Knapp Upper Knapp conglomerate; Cussewago sandstone Hast Kane shale member* formational Knapp shale (middle) Wetmore epnglomerate member* SULtiCeee= SO I at NI alee ala evo Lower Knapp conglomerate HGuishieqtar sialemsmem ben Shs) cy 6.0 Vos ans AS POON CN ek UL ee ae Ra seh on huts ie ae BS GN. Meas (ae 9 IP, Gosulley) IES SS coco coco odounes 0) DG 2 EC nursutaaseiall phe eisac sea gtece mak ton REL Meth Eh ue 125 Is Weies PeemsuN IN oe oo se ao cee oe 5 Gp oe PR eae ey oe Be ESE OCUICUIIS gS oan see emir eaycntx fephcun iL axicoaste eet ae Mfue, eee See eee he x Spirifer disjunctus Sowerby, gens...... RE) KA cP Roba eee Mares KK x. Sh Ghisgiiacmne sme, WMmOnGe eo Ge eee ns ood eee ues RG Pe Kee Ge EKSOTNG PS Pal MUL MOV Dire eh ois at arancceeiyan aye trey: NN eas By cie RuNE SE xsi PS POU aw Laas 1) ae ars er cnsee i cdackil 8 i creat a tala SNe x kG Sa Me PAS eMesistrialis 7 (nove). eae eee oe x x? Cyrtia (?) alta (gens) (n. genus)...... 2 xx SOR CNEL 8 range ULTa NON Gorm cen ure tm eta Ghee MEI Se x Syringothyris (?) chemungensis Prosser... .x SR Que atais SUNOS OM sg. essai per eee iy WORM cathe hata eee AK POH EG STU Feast, A ee eM ee er hae) ie Yee ace Nee Beeld | x Song SD Manas ae matr att crite, agnor ie ats NstereR ha tre Rusti Mien Ci Sata eVaierete x Srusbexaiie tas GEM) rayers ways ati aa tok yk ein Arne Ot a ORAL ety misceacis zect hiytil Sig POG ta ele] ayes se ete scat ate An ca hate ONE Meet ea eh mean ea hat ws x Ao (Ci), eoeelicn ISI ous poe k ewe x m? SE See bc Rhynchospumnay(@?) sscansayEallgands Clarke issn en ss) ee enn x Reticularia (?) praematura (Hall)........ ex x? Pugnax (?) sp. (SANE ES) DI ee a APE rate ory Mita Pe Otay x ANIM OCOCM amore ganic mralllenenl) see XK 2 f Aviculopecten tenuis Hall............. BG Ste Fa Ns GliygeoUs: TAME oko os oukboeus Gaue sos Kea eX Kee RoR eg mA Cat, Ol AEEN ea LE oe Wa ay cP UME Gervais Wes Rd ci paige ee CelSUSpeLlal UN peice Bee oa mes en eg a EES eas sere t Yo 28u es) SHEERAUIS) (Ci) JBI ees! es en et eee See Gee oe nr ci es) s\n Gkoouilencerallis: “IBM BlsogaGyanaodsoueuan ses Di Bae 8 2 AN; Tncuiliggs JBI. sooo uceeconsnoas iepetconcgueeuces Ave AbulUShe El alll er enim we Eaten). a XG ts Ke ERO a Ue eT A. cancellatus Hall..,... 72, NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 72 1 G2h ore A Se Ghee eae Gomphoceras' nasutum Hall .........-.... x q GoNaTE GSD a Ae hash hea eek a od ae ar ee x x go Manticocerassuspane) mutates eee x lHomreoliney, (i) suclows: (sy ob sanncnagcccsocaKdeo x Ae AOC MMENMUE SMMNOSOWN 5 5555500000004 i TaN ev sy One PA Oa AN A eRe me ENSUBGR URC Bie 1 a EE a eo ee oe x TNS tS fs) Oy an eee see See en a IM etin ah ee AC Lia kta MIA Ae GeO OC x9 Onbipectentsoloxes @Elal) ae 3G 2 O FLasciabus wal): cae rive get aor a g QO, allikornatis (Cela) ...cccccccuuvcos ead 5:06 Bua < 2 OFS PARTE] OR ARM ant NANOS GRP eMac: Sale ee Oey SHAT Xa OX Pterinopecten suborbicularis Hall .......... CPR Ncgeene Gh lieroc 2 ? m? Crenipecten amplus Hall .............. aK GL wane lt, C25 ELAM: se ie aes sila Rios enmpnean Aer eeho eh tae eRe Pec CRA x CuI onnie Ue Us Pou sites ld Soheme, oy Me aks 3 bane St ini ek) GTS ISB ag SERGI, co Aoioss ard tl xem ve Rees ISON CN Go Een ae eptodesmiaymytillatormeysr alll ae eran ence rere x m TGS ci so earl CUTAN eS ater a umrci eue nus vaWylcucuaioner ues pemeeNa eas terete Rae REI x Ie FOOuEMS Ist eo soo aadaanapaeaon By cisas Xt) Xirgge FX Ie potens var quvens Halk ys ss... 5.. x 2 lip pAS beanie tte le crea iene ren watt rere geek Kits go rckor J RO ae Ib NORTON JER eto ooban edo ead OF x Heamatherts sealll Sa lrivat vn aces sober srees Wete SLANE: Gv) = -Sanry Ti. BTM OMILOR SEAN ener ievea cists os hat kare ensue hoc cae Ten xP nex Joy ome Avars Orodes: Ela 205) sce) esac comes, cr cueucantar tee Se Cars N CE ae eaet x Iss am vaotbibom: TEVA). (55... asne, atte toncntucswyiciss cy cslswss oucle lets, GHEE RGe Renae eae x Ij msavarsomaclarul, ELAM | sos pcetkveicy cos olcackss Gee cas Pen oacee er nee eee Dele Lim, vars rude: sally. cic. Reywerarn kt Moet wees ieee GR ea eee x Tem. var: sulcatum ‘Caster occa tcowso a se a edn ae eo eee x Ib AM. var. maximums Caster. scsiccsscpciesyorusevcws silvers tric caren x liana vars alpha Castenerras «ay sate race eet Gcdap oR eee x Li. ‘Tuedemannis Caster... ec Race aseluanaresa saceteievess me Aree x Ieicariniterum iCaster so. o.< acmusieieas ee too ane ee Xp eoe It, joeeelelimm SiiMyOSOW 5 poo00eb ooo vcoanvecocc Xig e) es 1 Dalai :) Oa ena eater ere ee E eure Ane ten ALC mer any te ads 636 0,00 0-c 9 Pegasellatvales easter. v5) ..5 syec.sckaachs eo seccvs eek nee eae x Pteronites profundus Hall ............ Xan Xe? Pronmymeans Cuackawnn lalalil je n0cancc0b0cad00noKK x x Pav an culla tam siete is ryt cus tenopastee cv on oleh mek enel ree eRee eae x 4 AT TISIN ASLO seis atin m cosevtatee ere eee eel eRe ee x x P. spaeneplanum "Caster (6 2/2. eek aitexeaiciaetic amie eeee aiedaie eek eee x Hane aes) OS oleic a ste ichatn eee NH ER Mn Sic aes cn cals arg cao LG ao x Pe mastiumys seal) ooo ieele cated sacs eee Rae eae x PRX Oleamnelllamexp am sale Call) eee ano c NIE x One. vars gamma, Caster 20s Socine cone CO ene eee x Aetinopteria (2) alpha Caster asses xl bk ING Ch) ebeta MCaster ©. ei ouae sey sane olen x Kw WAS (CR) AME ASV. 4 ei eae Siete eNees ened ee Ee x PinyGag oem), jorou IEAM . 2 5 co6caccvcovce x Be Sino sa alle ee oc oh oe Rote Xe ee Pea salamanca) shall aes eerie 2 Te E737 Lo bata ERAT eerie ailey east ley ore eke TeR RIC oe peameho ok Vist) Ee feibbosa eal rece e i ale ee a ee x) oxi Meee? Bs Vanuxemi Hat oi) osc santae ou Sree ene eee ee x ieee Ee brigonalis sally ss oo a cac tcc eee rere KX 2 Peo falcata: ball coh eccs-s- co eevee ae aK P. thalia Hall ? Re USSR A ILE ? eer eece eee eee eee es eee ee eens * 73 BULLETIN 71 73 1 2 3 4 5 6 o 8 BAe o Tete Halle ne. eens mein Minato obey a mee 5 iy Koay Per perlaitane ial se Cato. came anima talcrte ehcmitossstotcoke KO eek EKA IY AReeap lea ct Seeblick Pie Reaetes race Ware toda tara) sa cecinatestockiragee vou tls Xi ex eee cal a Gol mm led Ul SS crete ave yas Pinters tau see capers inva waa ete teee eebee Che rately Mise siete aie tice awenenoyrce seater lope lce stay caviar stereas x IPs, GK ete) IBM ors Gago braieie 6 CIs Saae th DG rae x Fee SAO, ladle ee Mee ees aertors suei Seah os tae ener x Peace eOWSOLe ta, VU ech eta an tke eral ancWetedeene aterars > aps 2 Pm (SCV ETA la Mh aS a baecest uate eserirtiearcneo, aa sete ett tae leer sea Cuenca ecitate fem aytette, aramepey x Eemotlenr Se te a teneac) Sse cceuee tes Mech Mey ct skchseaeeNme ak Node PoWad abate ie lsaeate tale atioce covet fore x JEP Tila NSH OS ie, cet ceise Casi NENT ATG coe MORE omc ncemtciton toe atrn e fe tenes oie x Mytilarca chemungensis (?) Hall ....x? xk xk x 2 INE, Srna Oerc ISM fe Abs ema acids o0oo.8.0 o.0.456 610 Keyan x Mi Moai Osay Evallllitences son at reuotmen aercasle tere catia tencnehe BPN PES, Wa INL, Oe@erclemmllis lslaill 5 555caecacccacn00005 x x Mhymlojas jomaccodlens ISIN s 4 5500000b00K00¢ X XK Wiis agielliey Ital oo Gao od oho nmoce8ocoos Be XIE IGN eK Ve esiihe STOR yu Moatee eaarsey sha a Pom oR Wan crichen on mn oeS came hater hav afieuioee x Paleoneilo cf. elongata Hall ....... eee cate Wea) Paleonenil (Hecmms)) (nei mo S05) 5onots 2 2 WW 2 2 2) 3K Ee perp lamas Ela eeagsid ate eres Warehetotcy ater Nueuila, (2) @loloullenigs IJeeul 55550500000 006 SX I KG HY INwi@uile; (CY) sig SOs Soho oeso coun uno bo alboo noob od ccc% x INI IG es STH aS) OD" 9g, Sie ats co co Optio coOrOO Lubec Onalo GO CoO in Goa ciOGIs, ct x IN, tminlgo mee Isle oo ean ooo socbbuceoor x Grammysia communis Hall .............. XG She weekere2 q Ci Winglae) . 1et@I eee bby code aoooos5Coo958 x x G, cduollicaia, Tell, scooccocnccn000000¢ 2 x xx 2 G. swomaguia, Jelelll ..o6accceboccu0c06 cess Gi Glaloma, Ise. oe csloding om peo oe A Momono KO (Cee He S Poa wearer eases cise GMTV chee nonc astern walishionoRemoreh et asters cy ay ote suede stepiets x Gor (S@OOUEY) Ms Bo cocoscccecvcnasoedooo noun oo oOs NDAD OS OODDODOD x Sphenotus contractus (gems).......... Se] 4 PCRS Un ORG Bhp RE SHENAE X S, @lawallms lel ..oc0ccnn0cc0ccnbu0d Qe | ERee MM GXe Maker oer, Axel’, 2 S gremawus lalail . 5505000 ¢000000000eC x x Ss palmeraes Casters i406 siivicn casa Sad onda sacs a6 x? x. 7 S/OMOMOUNE GE, QCOMWIS (WM, Hs) sooaccasvoncHnoovsodounedcenoNogOagaad x Se Mis SPD en ussay teat tet oie coeore tench ier cl oe ach us chaahiouanelee'sy art hanteuniaay Si eles) x Goniophora (?) curvata Simpson ...... U o8t hot £:< Gi (G) wuecomennm CARER SG hoagaceenoooucoceo so ddusopemenadD5 x Edmondia rhomboidea Hall .............. Xe eeXone ye XG Kh SUK Y q 1B). alauilllbijest ISLAM ge oo boo He bo uoDamDOOe ee ie ae BA eaeTae YS JOR oS Sty aires cu vaue Saat Sek cHreiicre letice ss Ally avalal alvoleel stiswanraat ya) ate x ID aA GH) Os eT O sn merareenaio ob cro ona csp iesnmiGnsbin Ais DO tO Ee CIDR Caen ron ae Bie IPneainea, wernmsue, IBM 5 o5ca600cccgcucucnde0dc6 CLA CoN es Gem.) MED < 2 Prem ole ctapiehaylliwen, \ whee cumites ee mete UNA chien ciara cn aiele aaa aie ei elte elena med TEAS SEO) god SEEN ir es teen eat Dine usthol io loolpiotom ofa Drolet oeeane SK MPN eROA RANEY iPerectan rial igi wey foe wench race candy aiteie x ES at CLAUS VEL Saag El cll lmesmeec ye ncy ets eens, cu casuarre eu sa sone sresce Sumer x x ESE MLN ISS uty macicuere mts eres alo Sans oedicay cists shovel hehevayie heres x DE SAETA oe S [DEG eee otic ee rca y eenien Mel StAom eae eticua sonia Suaiaiane ala emavecceun arattensatal Xx ABSIT SPO were en syste oy ailucee corre tai ei Oueiat e serie SSoatal Sa eaieanis x Sjrmocoummns mmenemmls IBS 5 ooodoonbo neo euoacdenguuduuaoeouanpeS x? Penevonclers @ecia,, 1(eill Soo ee oon agai gdod snes acur Kaa i rN VEE es Sono tay rckballlls 6 geese dos ntnginih eae Reema dence x be gD ah ou ae 74. NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 74 Oumpincertaw Caster cea a cuentas veers OR GTA S IO ae i2 alec ct Soltero Nae ues Se sa etd ee MUR Re NTC PUA x CranVank ML CSPs, He. enc Wcsebicadteaie he ol ema a ere ae a ee Schellwienella chemungensis Conrad SCMenerisle, Ms GDesoaconccconbaccvaccnac Schizodus rhombeus Hall S. chemungensis var. quadrangularis Hall ? x x x x x x x g 2 9 x SO blatus yy qinite se iwe chore ees x Sims Deine cia ere mates Se tae x IF ynts Caue, Jalal Gos sogeedaGobegane acces Se eariitiat Sa Phthonia (?) truneata Hall .......... anaes Paenibiday lal ie rare eek ere uere ke Kel ite Gh Cypricardella consimilis Hall .................. xe Cxicontracta, tela ay ys lcmiiertey-stcystieuae ain x COSTES Wiaeecseee nero ictgl ct Wes Siesta fe eee ah ue re CU ee x Palaeanatinial typay Ela: 2 a secusien cies x 3% Po angusta: welal lie Wee mei-caeusics ome erties x Begsimuata cvblally se) in sien. cays cosy. ce teye geen we Xin Paasolenordesty Fallin tee 0 teense ee eee eee RUPEE est Xs 2 q 2 Sanguinolites (?) undulatus Hall ...... eee aot Glossies amnyadellinns (1) Weoraelelll . 5. occ nocd vast cooc ou Hooasobooe x Oxy discus) mSpSp ies lon cetera renee es Bellerophon (?) maera Hall ..........x ? #? ? IBS eMC, bay pad ee ustionc ye aoy cog Re te ashen Poa asnoe as x IBS OIE DYS Ds) ty seulncaenie tet stones cometieiec aco ousucusweetenoeenone x x d 5 ote | ts) Oa eRe aeee ee earn en eee ten a ear Nota Hast en na SBT B.cid.6 6 0 4-0-6 x IDmuAyAoIKS) (7) Thay Cale) oo obcccondos Xen Xs Straparollus (?) heeale (Hall)............ XX x iY Malcrocheilina) ¥(2)) me Spe 4.505.500 5e eee x Pleurotomaria cf. capillaria Hall .......... K Trepospira rotalia ? (Hall) .............. x Strapanollus pny cee Newey tera yeccuegsa ee crew Nee erent x Bembexiay (@?\e mMasps. 0, accra ociessin aiekeus oars x Loxonema (?) styliole Hall (mn. sp.?) ...... x ligoceras) doxsale | Simpson yc eeeeede TE IIS 0 6.0 © 9 Te reve Simpson they «5, cSecrscbsssusns, 3 hears, Qaesre, CU teen eee 9 IL, SEMEN Sips CN, GW, BEM) scocnogooocsosssosncoeancvooosee 9 Platycerassinaequale Simpson) ia: acne eireee eerie erie ieee 9 P.mitellitorme) Simpson: .6c5:.:2). cans. wale See ee ee ae 9x Pp.’ Varlans SIMPSOM 5 cysljan ss aso eee MG ee 9x 1 toes) Oe) Mana heer eared ene omE ERT en unbes Aaa a lao. 5:6 00'S ancien PM SPs 2 ee aires sa ies evs les iene Geo ao tale ape NN Snare OOS OTs aR ORE err ep Ie x Be verec turn Pay eco. cispaieusis uence: cele rane me meee er eerie x gx Peale i SPY nape wee hatreds oa: tagsuecegen ce pegeueereaeR Lee x sot SP a aera bectats wie caste acetal orto x x Gycomiar) (C2)! SPs > aisa-d's, Sara ants we kre SRS RR Oo x ColeolusweomacilisieElalll Spires een nne ae x Orthoceras (?) leander Hall .............. bigger Dr Sk 2 OS bipartitums EHiall= aeves sels eee Re EX es OF (G2) mawannen en's Mill crs aa henner Be xe 2 OS constrichuminn? x (Gi Aig TOSS a, ak 8a A OR ec eRe Meee eee Pentre Hen ee Dee OR PRU Gmmie Ra ee x PaAlagoans ranch (ING woe) 5 5006c0000b0050006 x Cladodes Carmine (ONG wey) gaoncascaacccnc0ce x 9x Cecomigen slay awa wi aes oicedste eyetaaenater anes x ENOVOMENIA AS Peps ta tee eas ncke cece ites seaeue aus owe en svap eile Sey as x Dinichthys tuberculatus Newberry ................ Oe ok 2x Cen dirs sera E US). eyes eae ar adware ctenen Sent Mactial ay eMepele ets x? x? lelolojpmyecanus anyon (Csleil)) .ooccocconboubenboc ex iil, aunericamms Ibendhy 5 of s6dccoonnccdacoos x x lat. OWS TOSS ING WEMINY so gadabboansoeeooatas Yet | 38 Ganorhynchus beecheri Newberry .......... x OE xe? Dipterus flabelliformis Newberry ......? x ? x INMMACHME MINIS SO. . booogcosdseogocnboecusggnegocdad x . Bothriolepis minor Newberry ............ 2x Hemacanthus acinaciformis Eastman ............ 2x Gynacanthus shenwo odie Newlberty ee acer trl x XX Tabac AUMAOTUIS INTE” SF as as a hooe ooh owe ono os SES tla aoonon ( ?x) Rich Bryozoan fauna undeseribed ...°......... Se cket At ani eae at eee aD Xs x Osimacods, waswnctiel fo cacecéecuncocvocoodecde BX x Vermes trails, several forms .................. x x x 76 NoRTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 76 Conewango series The Venango stage The Bradfordian series of Girty®® is herein divided into two series, a Lower Mississippian, Cussewago series, and an Upper Devonian, Conewango series. The Conewango series contains two stages of deposition, the lower of which is the Venango stage of this report, and the upper the Riceville stage. The Ve- nango age was of considerably greater duration than the Rice- ville. The Venango stage®® is made up of an alternating sequence of shales and sandstones and conglomerate lenses, in the facies provinces in which it has been studied for this report. The facies relationships of the Venango stage and the Riceville have been outlined in a previous chapter. The stage as a whole seems to grow appreciably thicker toward the east and southeast, as strata formed under encroaching delta conditions should. The thick- ening toward the southeast is an element in Upper Devonian de- position not adequately considered up to the present time. The work of Price® on the structure of the Allegany Front and a manuscript work by R. EF. Sherrill®! on the Paleozoic thickness of the Allegany trough seem to indicate that there existed a secondary delta off to the southeast of Altoona during Upper De- vonian time. The Venango stage in northwestern Pennsylvania seems to embrace the confluence of the Catskill delta to the east and this southeastern, unnamed northwestward encroaching del- ta. Dr. Bradford Willard? of the Pennsylvania Topographic 58See footnote 22. 59The name “Venango” has been variouslv used in the past as a strati- graphic term. The “Venango oil sand group” was first defined by C. A. Ashburner in 1880 (The geology of McKean County, and its connection with that of Forest. Elk and Cameron. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report R. 1880) for the precise sequence here called the “Venango stage.” Ashburner’s term was shortened to “Venango oil sands” by J. F. Carll in 1880 (The geneology of the oil regions of Warren, Venango, Clarion and Butler Counties. Idem, Report III, 1880). In 1881 I. GC. White used an abbreviated “Venango oil group” (The geology of Erie and Crawford Counties. Idem, report Q4, 1881) for Ashburner’s group. oe sey The Appalachian structural front. Journ. of Geol., vol. 39, TA®, I, F °'Manuscript thesis for Doctor of Philosophy dissertation at Cornell Uni- versity, 1983. Ta) BULLETIN 71 “I ~I and Geological Survey has also been studying the southeastward thickening of Upper Devonian strata and is inclined to the view of a secondary delta to the southeast. The Venango stage is of considerable economic importance in northwestern Pennsylvania. Its various conglomerate and sandstone members are reservoirs for petroleum throughout the oil region, where they are known as the “Venango oil sands.” It is the surface development of these “‘oil sands” and their separat- ing shales which are of interest here. Panama conglomerate member.—The Venango stage was initi- ated by the deposition of a basal sandstone over a large area in northwestern Pennsylvania. This basal sandstone is the Panama conglomerate member. In the’ small village of Panama, New York, there is a prominent, and much publicized ledge of con- glomerate known as “Panama Rocks.’ This is the type occur- rence of the basal Conewango conglomerate. The Panama conglomerate was first described by Hall in 1843°° when he reported it as an outlier of the “Carboniferous” conglomerate. Hall early recognized** his mistake and referred this conglomerate to the upper “Chemung” formation. Although Hall repeatedly mentioned the conglomerate at Panama he failed’ to give it the geographic name required in modern nomenclature. In 1880, J. F. Carll® was the first, so far as known, to designate this as the “Panama conglomerate.” The Panama conglomerate at Panama is a flat pebble, vein quartz conglomerate carrying a sparse fauna. It is approximate- ly 100 feet thick in the type locality. This is an abnormal thick- ness for the member, which is usually from 15 to 50 feet thick. From the meridian of Waterford Station through Olean, the Panama is markedly disconformable upon the upper Chadakoin “formation”, but from Waterford west, the Panama gradually 63See footnote 25, pp. 290-291. ®*As in his various subsequent reports on the paleontology of New York State 1863-1898. 65J. F. Carll, The geology of the oil regions of Warren, Venango, Clarion and Butler Counties. Second. Penna. Geol, Surv., Report III, pp. 57-79, 18380. 78 NorTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 78 assumes the Chagrin (“D”) facies and the disconformity is less obvious, although none the less present. The Panama conglomerate has been described as a lentil or lens at or near the base of the “Bradfordian series.” It is, how- ever, so extensive east and west that the term lentil is deceptive. The Panama is barely if any more lenticular than any coarse clastic sedimentary unit. So far as information is available the Panama (or Wolf Creek) seems to assume a red facies aspect toward the east and becomes finer and even calcareous to the west where it enters the Chagrin facies province. This is the normal nature of Upper Devonian sediments in this part of the country. The Panama since deposition has been nearly or actu- ally completely removed by scour in some areas. The conglomer- ate is by no means homogeneous even where the member crosses the conglomerate facies zones (Cattaraugus and Big Bend mag- nafacies). It locally grades into coarse flags and shales with only the merest scattering of pebbles. as in the Warren area. It appears from well sections that the member develops a shale unit in its midst in the area about Tidioute, Pennsylvania. In some places, such as the case of Allegany State Park and the territory around Salamanca, the basal conglomerate of the Ve- nango stage is absent. This is attributed to scour along a nar- row meridional belt through Salamanca. This absence of the basal conglomerate has caused much confusion in the mapping of this area. The Panama conglomerate can be traced almost continuously by surface outcrop from northeastern Ohio through the LeBoeuf sandstone quarries on French Creek, Erie County, the Howard Quarries, Erie County, to the Dutch Hill quarries near North Clymer, New York, to the Checkered School House, at Stone Ledge, north of Blockville, New York, Chautauqua County, New York, through Panama village, across Chautauqua Lake to the hills in the Town of Ellery where it is represented by loose blocks only. It is traceable southward along Little Brokenstraw Creek to Lottsville where it outcrops at the mouth of “Lottsville well No. 1”°°. This correlation was personally checked during the Summer of 1930. At Warren, Pennsylvania the Panama is believed to be represented by the micaceous sparsely pebbled ‘6Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report 14, pp. 199, 232, 233, 1883. 79 BULLETIN 71 79 flags immediately above the “Tanner’s Hill red” band so much -mentioned in conjunction with the geology of Warren. North- east of Warren the Panama conglomerate is represented by the lower conglomerate at Pope Hollow on the Chautauqua-Catta- raugus Counties line in New York®’. It is also recognizable in State Line Run in Warren County, Pennsylvania and Cattarau- gus County, New York®. East and north of Warren County, lennsylvania the basal Venango sandstone and conglomerate is ki.own as the Wolf Creek conglomerate. The Wolf Creek con- glon.erate occurs at the Panama horizon® though is not always continuously traceable along the southern edge of the lens in the northern counties of Pennsylvania. The Wolf Creek con- glomerate is well shown in the vicinity of Portville village, and on Wolf Run, near Portville on the Olean, New York quad- rangle. South of the type area the Panama conglomerate extends as a tongue into the Vanango oil sand territory where the member is known as the Venango third oil sand. The Panama member is the correlate of the Third oil sand of Tidioute, Oil City and southern Crawford County of Pennsylvania. This correlation has been checked by lateral tracing so far as possible along many 67G. D. Harris, Notes on the geology of western New York. Am. Geol., vol. 7, pp. 164-178, 1891. ; 6SCharles Butts, Description of the Warren quadrangle, Pennsylvania-New York. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas, Warren folio, (no. 172), 1910. ®’ The Wolf Creek conglomerate occurs in the area wherein the greatest scour and erosion (largely submarine) took place at the beginning of the Conewango epoch. As a result it is of a somewhat sporadic oc- currence. Its horizon is usually present, and recognizable on a faunal basis. Some workers have been highly sceptical of the purport- ed wide-spread condition of Panama-Wolf Creek basal conglomerate in northwestern Pennsylvania and the adjoining part of New York State. A. C. Tester and Donald Curry studied the Upper Devonian of the Alle- gany State Park area of New York and concluded (Mr. Curry’s disser- tation for-a Master’s degree at Indiana University and correspondence of Dr. Tester dated March 8, 19383) that the conglomerates of the Conewango series are too sporadic and non-continuous to be of any ap- preciable stratigraphic value. Their non-continuity is less disconcert- ing when the faunas of the respective conglomerates are thoroughly studied. Not uncommonly the fauna of a conglomerate carries through a sandy or shaly zone and into a coeval conglomerate beyond. The con- glomerates are highly useful and important stratigraphic criteria. Lith- ically the various Conewango conglomerates are indistinguishable one from another, and equally undifferentiable from the flat pebble con- glomerates of the Cussewago series in Warren and McKean Counties of Pennsylvania and adjacent New York, Faunally they are readily recog- nizable, 80 NoRTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 80 new road cuts and careful paleontologic studies corroborate the conclusions from sections. I. C. White’? came to this same con- clusion from his studies in Crawford and Erie Counties. J. F. Carll™! denied the correlation of the Panama with the third Ven- ange oil sand. His conciusion was later corroborated by that of Charles Butts’? and W. A. Verwiebe™*. A careful restudy of the Allegany River exposures from northern Warren County to Oil City, Pennsylvania has rather satisfactorily proved that the sec- ond oil sand at Tidioute, which is carried below the river-level there is the Salamanca conglomerate suite, which is the same as the Wrightsville conglomerate of the Little Brokenstraw. The position of the Wrightsville conglomerate in relation to the Panama is definitely known from several occurrences about Lottsville and Wrightsville, Pennsylvania. The fauna of the Panama conglomerate is partially shown on the preceding list of “Bradfordian” species. It is noteworthy that at the beginning of the Conewango series so many new forms make their appearance in the midst of the modified Chautauquan fauna of the Panama. Among the more important faunal new- comers are the representatives of the genera Ptychopteria and Pararca™, although the latter is usually not common. In the Chagrin facies of the Panama in western Pennsylvania and east- ern Ohio occurs the earliest known Syringothyrid brachiopod in the Eastern States. This brachiopod was described by C. S. Prosser’® as Syringothyris chemungensis. It was first discovered 70Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report Q@4, p. 104, and elsewhere, 1881. 71Idem, Report 14, pp. 195-203, and elsewhere, 1883. 72Topographic and Geol. Surv. of Penna., Report for 1906-08, p. 192, 1908; Geol. Atlas of the U. S., Warren Folio, no. 172, p. 5. United States Geo- logical Survey, 1910. 7sAmer. Journ. of Sci., vol. 42, pp. 43-58, 1916; Idem., vol. 43, pp. 301-318; Idem., vol. 44, pp. 33-47, 1917. i 74The former concept of the distribution of the genus Pararca solely in and above the Salamanca conglomerate horizon is definitely erroneous. The genus is present in the Panama conglomerate, but is very rare therein. It has been found at “Stone Ledge” at the “Checkerered School House,” north of Blockville, near Panama, New York, and in the Car- roll quarry in the LeBoeuf sandstone at LeBoeuf, Pennsylvania. (See, C. Butts, U. S. Geol. Surv., Folio 172, p. 4, 1910, for the original state- ment of the supposed restricted distribution of Pararea.) 75The Devonian and Mississippian formations of northeastern Ohio. Ohio Geol. Surv., 4th series, Bull. 15, p. 436, ete., 1912. 81 BULLETIN 71 81 by H. P. Cushing’® on Mill Creek northeast of Jefferson, Ohio. The original specimens were said to occur in the Chagrin de- velopment of the Upper Chemung, precise horizon unknown. In 1932 Syringothyris chemungensis™ was found in the Pan- ama (LeBoeuf) sandstone of the Carroll quarries of Erie Coun- ty?®, Pennsylvania, and specimens from the same member also are present in the Armstrong Collection from the Howard Quar- ries, Erie County. Fragments of S. chemungensis have also been found in the LeBoeuf quarries at LeBoeuf Junction’®, Pennsyl- vania. This species is unknown east of the Meadville meridian, and apparently is restricted to the Chagrin facies province. The known synonyms* ** of the Panama conglomerate are as follows: A. The LeBoeuf sandstone, near LeBoeuf Junction on French Creek, Union City quadrangle, Pennsylvania**.- The very typical Panama fauna is present here both in the coarse sandstone and in a firestone band immediately overlying the quarry rock. B. The Howard Quarry sandstone, southeast of Erie, Penn- sylvania, Erie County®®. The late E. J. Armstrong made a won- derfully fine collection of the fossils of this quarry rock. This collection is now at Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio. C. The Carroll Quarry rock, occurring in the Carroll Quarries at Stone Quarry Village (now abandoned), Erie County, Penn- 76The age of the Cleveland shale of Ohio. Amer. Journ. of Sci., (4) vol. 33, ‘pp. 581-584, 1912. 77This species does not belong to the genus Syringothyris s. s. It is ap- parently a member of an antecedent sub-genus of Syringothyrid, perhaps not of the same genetic line as the true Syringothyris of the Mississip- pian. 7™8Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report Q4, p. 246 (location of site), 1881. 79Idem, p. 114. 80G. H. Chadwick has indicated many of these correlations in his litera- ture studies, and it is a pleasure to give field substantiation to most of the correlations which he makes of the Panama conglomerate in his various charts and diagrams, referred to below. i 81Chemung stratigraphy in western New York. Geol. Soc. of Amer., Bull., vol. 34, no. 1, p. 69, 1923, (abstract); and The stratigraphy of the Che- mung group in western New York. New York State Mus., Bull. 251, pp. 149-157, 1924. 82The Chagrin formation of Ohio. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 35, p. 99, 1924, (abstract). 83Idem, vol. 36, pp. 455-464, 2 figs., 1925. 84J. F. Carll, The geology of Warren County. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report 14, p. 114, 1881. 85Idem, p. 246. 82 NorTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 82 sylvania. Here again the Panama horizon is richly fossilifer- Ouse. D. Sandstone at the mouth of Lottsville well No. 1°’. at Lottsville, Warren County, Pennsylvania. The identification of this sandstone was a controversial matter with the geologists of the Second Pennsylvania Survey®’. This section is important for it is one of the very few sections in which the positions of the Panama and the overlying Wrightsville can be demonstrated. E. “Venango third oil sand” in the vicinity of Tidioute, Penn- sylvania®*. This correlation has been discussed above, and is taken up again below. F. Flaggy sandstone sparsely pebbled which overlies the red shale band around the foot of Tanner’s Hill, Warren, Pennsyl- vania. Panama fossils sparsely occur in this member. This flaggy sandstone is shown in virtually all the published sections and diagrams of the Warren stratigraphy, but in practically all instances the Venango third oil sand or the Panama conglomer- ate have been indicated as occupying a position below river VO? &, G. The lower conglomerate of the Pope Hollow section as de- scribed by G. D. Harris®! in his discussion of the strata along this pass on the Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Counties line of New York. The faunal break at the top of the Chadakoin stage is clearly shown in this section, as Harris’s “brachiopod beds” and “lamelli- branch beds” would indicate, the former being the Chadakoin. H. The conglomerate on Newel Creek and elsewhere in southern New York and northern Pennsylvania, mentioned by L. © Glenn? as the Wolf ‘Creek conglomerate seems 86Idem, p. 214. 87Idem, pp. 199, 232, and 233. 88Idem, pp. 278 and 344. 89F. A. Randall, Allegany River section at Warren, in J. F. Carll, Geologi- eal report on Warren County. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report 14, pp. 304-308, 1881; also pp. 297, 331 and elsewhere in the same report. 90C. E. Beecher, (Diagram of the geologic section at Warren, Penna.) pub- lished by J. Hall, Note on the intimate relations of the Chemung group and Waverly sandstone in northwestern Pennsylvania and southwestern New York, (abstract) Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Proc., vol. 33, p. 414, (1884) 1885. 91Notes on the geology of southwestern New York. American Geologist, vol. 7, pp. 164-178, 1891. ®2Devonic and Carbonic formations of southwestern New York. New York State Mus., Bull, 69, p. 986, 1903. 83 BULLETIN 71 83 to be a non-continuous correlate of the Panama, perhaps con- tinuous beneath the surface in northern Pennsylvania. I. The conglomerate on State Line Run, northeastern War- ren County, Pennsylvania and southern Cattaraugus County, New York which C. Butts** mentions as a possible equivalent of the Wolf Creek conglomerate of the Olean area. J. The Wolf Creek conglomerate of H. S. Williams®* and C. S. Prosser®® as well as L. C. Glenn® on Wolf Creek, Allegany County, New York and elsewhere in the general area of Port- ville and Olean, such as “northeast of Carroltown®®. The Wolf Creek conglomerate presumably occurs on the same horizon as the Panama but only in the northern part of its development is it presumably continuous with the Panama. The conglomer- atic deposit seems to have followed an east-west strand and from this line of continuity tongues seem to extend southward into northern Pennsylvania. When viewed along the present strike they seem like dissociated lentils for which several local names may be convenient. It is not yet demonstrable that the Wolf Creek is today anywhere actually continuous with the Panama, and there is justification for retaining the name Wolf Creek for the eastern correlate of the Panama. K. The Portville conglomerate on the Hills about Portville, New York which was mentioned and named by James Hall®’ and later described by Williams four pages after he described the Wolf Creek conglomerate. The Portville conglomerate is a synonym of the Wolf Creek because of the inadequacy of Hall’s definition, and page priority of the name Wolf Creek in H. S. Williams’s paper®®. 93Geological Atlas of the United States. Warren folio, (no. 172,) p. 4, 1910. 94H. §. Williams, On the fossil faunas of the Upper Devonian: the Genesee rock section, New York. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull 41, p. 86, 1887. ° 95C. S. Prosser, The thickness of the Devonian and Silurian rocks of west- ern New York, approximately along the line of the Genesee River. Rochester Acad. Sci., Proc., vol. 2, pp. 5-124, 1892. 96L. C. Glenn, Devonic and Carbonic formations of southwestern New York. N. Y. State Mus., Bull. 69, p. 971, footnote 60, 1903. 97J. Hall,, Survey of the Fourth Geological District. Nat. Hist. of New York, vol. 4, 18438. 98See footnote 94, above; idem, p. 90, 1887. 84 NoRTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 84 Amity shale member.—The second member of the Venango stage (monothem) is the Amity shale of G. H. Chadwick®. This member was originally delimited or defined from Crawford County, Pennsylvania. The Amity is predominantiy a greenish shale usually from 140-150 feet in thickness. In Ohio, where the member is represented by a Chagrin parvafacies development it is a fissile olivaceous shale carrying many thin sandy layers, fossiliferous throughout. Coming east, it is locally ex- tremely fissile and much used for brick shaie, particularly around Corry, Pennsylvania. In the Youngsville and Warren quad- rangle some sandstone and flags come in at the bottom and near the middle of the fissile shale, but even at Warren the member is predominantly a soft, easily weathered, brownish-green (oliva- ceous) fissile shale. In the lower Amity at Warren, there occurs a local conglomerate lens which was pointed out by C. Butts’? in the Warren Folio. This is descril ed below. Dutchmans conglomerate lens.—For this local conglomerate lens in the Amity shale of the Warren area the name Dutchmans conglomerate 1s proposed. This designation is taken from the run by that name which is tributary to the Allegany River in Mead Township, Warren County, Pennsylvania. There are good ex- posures of the conglomerate lens along this run. The Dutch- mans lens is also well exposed along the Roosevelt Highway at the Mineral Well, below Stoneham, and along the railroad just west of the south end of the Glade Highway bridge across the Allegany River. Such sporadic occurrences of local conglomerates are not un- common in all of the Conewango formations, and may be con- sidered a normal feature of the sedimentation in the Cattaraugus magnafacies. Such local lenses sometimes prove most annoy- ing in the field, often necessitating an altogether disproportion- ate amount of time in short distance tracing of conglomerates. But these must have geographic names to make their segrega- tion possible. 99The Chagrin formation of Ohio. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 36, pp. 455- 464, 1925. 100Geologic Atlas of the U. S., Warren folio, (no. 172,) p. 4, 1910. 85 BuLLETIN 71 85 The Amity gradually assumes the “Catskill” facies as traced east, until on Kinzua Creek and at Lewis Run, and Smethport, Pennsylvania, as well as Olean, New York, it is largely represent- ed by purple red to bright red shales and sandstones. The Amity shale carries a Cyrtia alta-like form in its Chagrin facies expres- sion?! and at Warren carries a Phyllopod crustacean fauna made famous by Charles Beecher’. East of Warren the Amity shale is only sparsely fossiliferous. The fauna is essentially composed of Ptychopteria and other pelecypods. Salamanca formational suite—The Salamanca formational suite is composed of three members: two conglomerates and an included shale between them. The “Salamanca conglomerate” was first described by J. F. Carll’ in 1883 from the occurrence ‘on the hill tops just north of the village of Salamanca, New York. James Hall had visited this “rock city” about 1840 and called attention to it in his Report the Fourth District**. In the Sala- manca area the conglomerate is a single member, but when traced to the south the lower beds of conglomerate disappear and shale replaces them, while still further south, in Warren County and elsewhere in northwestern Pennsylvania a lower conglom- erate member which carries the typical Salamanca fauna appears. It seems that this lower conglomerate initiates a suite of con- glomerate deposition and therefore is justifiably linked with the better known upper conglomerate. In this report the upper con- glomerate which has heretofore been known as the only repre- sentative of the Salamanca, is being considered under the new category of suite as the top member of a trio of members which is being termed the Salamanca suite. This grouping better 101First called to the attention of the seientific world by J. Hall in 1867. (Descriptions and figures of the fossil Brachiopoda of the upper Helder- berg, Hamilton and Chemung groups. Nat. Hist. New York, Paleontology, vol. 4, part 1, p. 249, pl. 43, 1867, and Idem., vol. 8, Brachiopoda, 2, pl. 26, 1894.) 102C. E. Beecher, Ceratocaridae from the Upper Devonian measures in Warren County. Second. Geol. Surv. Penna., Report of Progress, P3, pp. 1-22, 2 pls., 1884 and Revision of the Phyllocarida from the Chemung and Waverly of Pennsylvania. Journ. of Geol., (London), vol. 58, p. 441, il., 1902. 103Geological Report on Warren County, Second. Penna. Geol. Surv. Re- port 14, pp. 203-308, 1883. 104Nat. Hist. of New York, Report on the Fourth Geological District, p. A492, 1843. 86 NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER : 86 shows genetic relationships and does not violate usage in as much as the casual worker can still speak of the “Salamanca con- glomerate’”’, meaning the medial Venango conglomerates which happen to be a unit which is a little more extensive, vertically, than was previously known. The upper member of the suite has figured largely in reports on Pennsylvania geology, especial- ly those discussing the relationships of the Venango oil sands. The Salamanca suite, or at least the predominant member has been widely traced through the region and variously correlated with locally named conglomerates. The New York State Geo- logical Survey published a description of the typical development of the conglomerate in the Olean-Salamanca region. (New York State Mus., Bull. 69, pp. 974-977, 1903.) Bimber Run conglomerate member.—The Salamanca conglom- erate suite is usually initiated by a basal conglomerate which merits differentiation. This basal conglomerate is well devel- oped south of Warren along the Allegany River. The name Bimber Run is suggested from its occurrence on this run and south of its mouth, the township of Watson, Warren County, Pa. The Bimber Run conglomerate is spoken of in the Pennsylvania Reports as the “Venango second “B”’ ”’sandstone or as a stray sand below the Second Venango oil sand***. In the Warren area the Bimber Run has been variously known, but chiefly as the “Tanners Hill quarry rock’*°*a in contra-distinc- tion to the overlying upper Salamanca conglomerate which is locally known at Warren as the “Asylum quarry sandstone’’?°, The Bimber Run sandstone was also spoken of by J. F. Carll? as the “Jackson Station conglomerate” in surface outcrop near Warren. The Bimber Run sandstone is definitely lenticular and is not present much east of Kinzua or Great Bend of the Alle- gheny River and does not extend, so far as known from well logs, west of the Titusville meridian. It seems to be a broad tongue presumably derived from the north which is_ thickest 105See: Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report 14, p. 315 et seq., 1883. Uni- fortunately, the Pennsylvania geologists of the Second Survey were lax in the usage of the terms “A” and “B” for these divisions. 105a Idem, pp. 287, 297, 306. 106Jdem, p. 317. 107Idem, p. 316. 87 BULLETIN 71 87 along the Warren-Tidioute line and which lenses out east and west. Its maximum thickness is 100+ feet, along the Allegheny River in the type section. It is relatively barren of fossils in the type section n ccentrast to the very fossiliferous Pope Hollow conglomerate above. However, the typical Salamanca fauna is sparsely present. North Warren shale member.—The North Warren shale is named from the shale sequence between the Asylum quarries at North Warren, Pennsylvania, and the Tanner’s Hill quarries (now Warren reservoir) on Tanner’s Hill, Warren, Pennsyl- vania. The best development of the shale for study is in ravines along the Allegany River on the east side, south and north of the jurction of Bimber Run and the river. It is also well shown on the west side of the rive-, south of Irvington, above the Bimber Run sandstone. The North Warren shale member is not dissimi- lar in lithology to the Amity shale below, except for the increased number of yellowish sandy conglomerate lenses and the presence of the rather characteristic Salamanca fauna of large Pararcae, and Ptychopteria beecheri, as well as Prorhynchi and Bispiraxis cases. The thickness of this member is variable; along the AlI- legheny it is 35-40 feet thick and at Warren 20 feet thick. In other places it is indistinguishable: the upper and lower con- glomerates lying upon each other, as in some of the Venango well logs.* Pope Hollow conglomerate member.—The Pope Hollow con- glomerate member is the upper conglomerate and sandstone of the Salamanca suite of members. It was first mentioned by James Hall,*°* in the Fifth report of the New York Geologist and first thoroughly discussed by J. F. Carll*°® in 1883 in his work on the surface correlates of the Venango oil sands. G. D. Harris*!® in 1891 gives an excellent discussion of the Pope Hol- *The commonness with which one meets with this occurrence in well-log reports is in part due to the carelessness of the drillers in reporting such a short interval of shale as usually separates the members. This is not true in all instances. however. l0sFifth annual report of the fourth geological district. N. Y. Geol. Surv., Ann. Rep., no. 5, pp. 171-174, 1841. 1SReport on the Geology of Warren County. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report 14, pp. 180 and 203-209, 1883. 110Notes on the geology of southwestern New York. American Geologist, vol. 7, pp. 164-178, 1891. 88 NorRTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 88 low conglomerate occurrence and F. A. Randall in 1894 gives. what some? have interpreted as the first diagnosis of the con- glomerate. This sandstone is the predominant member of the Salamanca suite and is the member to which writers in the past referred when speaking of the Salamanca conglomerate. How- ever, on the basis of the faunal association in this trio of mem- bers it seems best to show relationships to use the term Salamanca in the more comprehensive manner suggested above. The Pope Hollow conglomerate is comparable to the Panama conglomerate in its lateral extent as well as in its east and west facies gradations in accordance with normal sedimentary phe- nomena. Eastward, the Salamanca takes on a red facies, but is unusual in that it gradates from coarse conglomerate into coarse red highly fossiliferous marine sandstone* and then is presumably lost to us, in the present state of our knowledge at any rate, as a “Cattaraugus” red sandstone of non-marine type. Westward, the Pope Hollow conglomerate gradually becomes sandier and in Ohio is presumably one of the gas sands in the Chagrin. The characteristic fauna is unusually widely distributed, being easily recognizable from eastern Ohio to the Bradford, Pennsylvania area. In other words, the Pope Hollow conglomerate is not len- ticular in the ordinary sense. The fauna of the Pope Hollow is shown on the chart of the “Bradfordian” fauna, above. This has proved to be one of the most useful horizons in the whole Conewango series for correla- tion purposes. It is everywhere profusely fossiliferous. The fauna consists chiefly of autochthonous mutational types but is augmented by several forms which appear at this horizon for the first time in the eastern American section. The Pope Hollow conglomerate has been traced carefully over most of the northwestern part of Pennsylvania and the follow- *Note: Such a marine red sandstone occuvs at the Lewis Run brick shale quarries, McKean County, Pennsylvania where it is replete with a char- acteristic marine fauna among which are many undescribed species. 111University of the State of New York, 47th annual report of the Board of Regents, p. 714, 1894. 112. B. Meeks, North American geologic formation names: bibliography, synonymy and distribution. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 191, p. 396, 1902. 89 BULLETIN 71 89 ing synonymy of named units in this region worked out. The Pope Hollow is the same member as*: A. Wrightsville conglomerate™ of Warren County, Pennsyl- vania. B. Miller’s sandstone of Chadwick* of the Meadville area. C. Faichney’s quarry rock near Sugar Grove, Warren Coun- ty, Pennsylvania’. D. Salamanca conglomerate of C. Butts at Warren, Pennsyl- vania,t4¢ L. C. Glenn at Salamanca, New York,'*7 and Glenn about Olean, New York.*"® F. Venango second oil sand (upper stratum) of J. F. Carll” anaGl MW, (C. Wianre Saegerstown shale member..-The Saegerstown shale overlies the Salamanca suite of members and is overlain by the Wood- cock sandstone from Warren, westward into Ohio, and by the sandy shale equivalent of the Woodcock from Warren eastward into the Cattaraugus facies province. The name Saegerstown, was proposed by G. H. Chadwickt* in 1925 for the shale se- quence until then unnamed, between the surface equivalents of the Venango first and second oil sands. It was named from the ex- posures along French Creek in the village of Saegerstown, Craw- ford County, Pennsylvania. Westward this shale gradually as- sumes the Chagrin facies, though carrying a fauna essentially de- rived from the Salamanca fauna, even into the province of Cha- erin lithology. At Saegerstown the shale is of a peculiar red- dish-purple hue, and was defined as Chemung by James Hall.1?? *See “Literature Resumé” for detailed discussion of some of the miscor- relations of this member in the past. 113J. F. Carll. Report on the geology of Warren County. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report 14, p. 203, 1883. 114G. H. Chadwick, The Chagrin formation of Ohio. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 36, p. 457, 1925. 115See footnote 113, idem, pp. 220, 240. 116C. Butts, U. 8. Geological Survey. Warren folio, (no. 172), 1910. 117L, C. Glenn, N. Y. State Mus., Bull. 69, pp. 974-978, 1903. 118Tdem. 119J. F. Carll, Report of Progress in the Venango County district. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report I, pp. 12, 13, ete. 1875; and Report on the geology of Warren County. Idem, Report 14, pp. 203-208, 1883. 1207, C. White, The geology of Erie and Crawford Counties. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report Q4, pp. 101-116, 1881. 121James Hall, Descriptions and figures of the fossil Brachiopoda of the upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung groups. Nat. Hist. of New York, Paleontology, vol. 4, part 1, p. 249 and elsewhere, 1867. 90) NokTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 90 6 It was this member that yielded many of the “upper Chemung” ‘fossils from around Meadville, Pennsylvania which Hall illus- trated in the Fa.eontology of New York. These beds were for the most part considered “Chemung” by the geologists of the Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania, though J. P. Lesley in 18757” seems to infer that they may be of “Catskill” age. When followed eastward from Meadville onto the Warren- Tidioute meridian the Saegerstown shale becomes a typical Cone- wango shale. As such it is characterized by thin flaggy bands and fissile olivaceous shale in alternate sequence. Occasional thin pebble layers are found in the member at Warren. The contact between the Saegerstown and the Woodcock sand- stone is normally gradational. Along the east bank of the Alle- gany River, three to four miles above Tionesta, Pennsylvania the contact of the two members is disconformable. At Warren and east of there the upper limit of the Saegerstown is never clear- cut due to the eastward disappearance of the Woodcock sand- stone. In northern McKean County, in the vicinity of Bradford and in the area around Olean, New York there is found a lens of conglomerate in ‘he upper Saegerstown shale at the approxim- ate horizon of the Woodcock sandstone. It does not appear that this conglomeratic zone, called the Tuna or Killbuck conglomer- ate passes into the Woodcock sandstone, but rather seems to be wholly included in the Saegerstown shale several feet below the Woodcock and, so far as known, does not extend far enough west for the two to ever occur in a single section. The Saegerstown shale assumes the Cattaraugus purple-red facies (magnafacies “B”’) in the Olean area, and further to the east is represented by a parvafacies of the Tioga’”* magnafacies. The Saegerstown shale thickens very rapidly toward the east and southeast, and assumes the more landward deltaic facies in both directions. This would seem further to corroborate the conten- 122J. P. Lesley, Notes on the conparative geology of northwestern Ohio, northwestern Pennsylvania and western New York. Second Geol. Surv. Penna., Report I, pp. 95-102, 1875. 123This is “Oswayo” facies (Tioga) as derived from the mistaken strati- graphic usage of Fuller in U. S. G. S., Folios 92, 93, 1903. His purported Oswayo is much lower stratigraphically than the true stratigraphic Oswayo of the Olean area where it marks the close of the Conewango series. This is partially true also for the “Oswayo” of Potter County in S. H. Cathcart’s report on the gas and oil in Potter County, Pennsyl- vania. (Topo. and Geol. Surv. Penna., Bull. 106, 1934. 91 BULLETIN 71 91 tion for a confluence of two deltas making their encroachment felt in northwestern Pennsylvania in Upper Devonian time. The Saegerstown shale becomes increasingly redder as followed south from Meadville through Titusville and Oil City. In the Warren area the facies expression of the Saegerstown is that of an olivaceous to chocolate colored sandy and fissile shale. It is about 100 feet thick at Warren, Pa., and slightly thinner at Tidioute, Pa. Tunangwant conglomerate lens.—In the upper part of the Saegerstown shale in the region about northern McKean County, Pennsylvania and the Olean-Salamanca region of New York oc- curs a conglomerate lens of considerable local importance. This conglomerate was first recognized as distinct from the Salamanca and the “Sub-Olean” by J. F. Carll’?* in 1883 from his tracing of the Salamanca conglomerate (Pope Hollow) in northwestern McKean County. The name “Tuna” or Tunangwant was ap- plied to this conglomerate from exposures in New York State along Tunangwant Creek which flows northward through Brad- ford, Pennsylvania into New York. In 1902 Glenn’? named the same conglomerate the Killbuck lens. The Killbuck out- crops between Olean and Portville are traceable into the type Tuna occurrence. In fact Glenn cites the type locality of the Tuna as an outcrop of his Killbuck. The geologists of the Second Pennsylvania Survey were con- versant with the idiosyncrasies of the Venango conglomerates and had very carefully traced and levelled them throughout Mc- Kean and Warren Counties. Their conclusions on this matter are for the rost part very astute. The wholesale repudiation of their conclusions, especially those of Carll (and Lesley), by Glenn?2> is absolrtely without factual justification. Glenn’s -hur- ried reconnaissance of the Pennsylvania area in conjunction with his New York work yielded a rich crop of miscorrelations. Above the Tuna conglomerate is a shale sequence of the upper 124Report on the Ceology of Warren County. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report 14, p. 204, 1883. “25. G. Glenn. The Devonic and Carbonic formations of southwestern New York. N. Y. State Mus., Bull. 69, p. 976, 1903. 92 NorTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 92 Venango. Narrow and sporadic conglomerate lenses occur throughout this interval some part of which is presumably the eastern correlate of the Woodcock sandstone to the west. The Tuna conglomerate is quite variable in thickness; in the type section it increases from a few inches to 4o feet, Faunally it is not especially distinguishable from the whole Sagerstown member. , Woodcock sandstone member.—The Woodcock sandstone was named’? by G. H. Chadwick in 1925 from the exposures along Woodcock Creek in the township of Woodcock, Crawford County, Pennsylvania. Prior to Chadwick’s proposal the sand- stone had been known as the Venango first oil sand. J. P. Lesley had indicated’??? the Woodcock Creek occurrence of the First oil sand in his Summary Report of Pennsylvania geology. Huis data came from I. C. White’s field work?®. The Woodcock sandstone is the top member of the Venango stage, and of all the Venango members is least satisfactorily defined at present. This is due to the fact that the sandstone is a well marked lithic unit only in the western part of the Irvine- ton facies province. From Warren, Pennsylvania eastward the Woodcock member is not easily distinguishable from the Saegers- town shale member below. In the type area the sandstone phase is well developed. It is a fine to medium grained buff colored sandstone containing an occasional thin pebbly layer. It maintains its sandy nature southward into the Venango oil area for a considerable distance. On the Allegany River, between Hickory and Tionesta the Woodcock is a massive sandy layer along the river banks. Northward and east, however, the sandy member gives way to flags and sandy shales, or totally dis- appears, by lensing out. It is not recognizable in the Warren section, nor at any point east of that meridian. . 126The Chagrin formation of Ohio. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 36, p. 458, 1925. '27Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Summary and Final Report, vol. 2, p. 1506, 1895. 128The geology of Erie and Crawford Counties. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report Q4, 1881. 93 BULLETIN 71 93 In Crawford County the Woodcock marks the top of the true Venango stage. In eastern Warren County the top of the Ven- ango is a sandy shale member, indistinguishable from the Saegers- town below. The Woodcock is variable in thickness. Typically it is 5 to 15 feet thick, eastward some of the upper beds are re- placed by shale. On the Allegany River it is 5 to 10 feet thick. At the top of the Woodcock sandstone, and in the east, of the shale sequence probably coeval with it, is a disconformity, which is especially well marked toward the east. The fauna of the Woodcock is a sparse and for the most part unstudied one. What forms have been found in it are in no way different from the fauna of the adjoining facies of the Saegers- town. . The Woodcock sandstone phase is well exposed on Dennis Run southwest of Tidioute, Pa., along French Creek on the Meadville meridian and may be represented, though doubtfully, by micaceous flags at the base of the Oswayo at Warren, Pa. The Woodcock seems to be neither continuous nor contempor- aneous with the Killbuck-Tuna conglomerate of McKean County, but is presumably a little higher in the section that this intro- Saegerstown conglomerate. The relationship between the Hos- mer Run conglomerate, of the oil pit region northwest of Gar- land, Pa., and the Woodcock is obscure. But it appears unlike- ly that they are synonymous, first because the Hosmer Run con- glomerate appears to be overlain by Saegerstown shale, thus being probably referable to the Tuna conglomerate horizon; sec- ond, because of the very different lithology of the two members. The Woodcock is almost universally a fine to medium grained sandstone with only an occasional sifting of fine pebbles. The Hosmer Run'*? conglomerate is a massive flat pebble conglomer- ate very similar to the Panama, the Salamanca suite or the Kill- buck in appearance. In Ohio the Woodcock apparently maintains its characteristic sandy facies for a considerable distance. G. H. Chadwick states very similar to the Panama, the Salamanca suite or the Killbuck 129Rc port on the geology of Warren County. Second Penna. Geol, Surv., Report 14, pp. 248-250, 1883. 94 NorTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 94 that he has traced it by its “characteristic fossils” to the place where it is cut off by what he termed!*° a “summit unconformity” in central northern Ohio. Riceville Stage Oswayo monothem The Riceville stage represents the closing phase of the Upper Devonian in eastern America. In 1881 I.-C. White** differentiat- ed a group of strata as the “Riceville formation” above the Ven- ango first oil sand and below the Cussewago sandstone. It would seem, according to J. F. Carll,8? that White considered the Riceville formation as the closing phase of the Devonian, for he points out the Devonian faunal aspects on at least two occa- sions. Chadwick definitely asserts that the Riceville is the clos- ing stage of the Venango group. J. P. Lesley’*’ for unexplained reason aligns the Riceville with the Oil Lake group (Mississip- pian). It so happens that there is a modicum of truth in both views. By very careful studies, which are further discussed under “Knapp beds”, below, it develops that the “Riceville”, of old, is a dual formation with a medial disconformity which is of con- siderable importance in this area of practically uninterrupted deposition; a disconformity which seems to mark the close of Devonian and the beginning of Mississippian time. Riceville section!?? 1. Sandy shale and sandstone, containing many Syringothyris mit, wojod (Shewosville semdsiome!) . 5 ..52600s0500h00 08 40. ft. 2 Limestone (?West Mead limestone) siliceous .......... alg ital 3. Sandy shales and concealed (?Shaw’s sandstone) ...... 45, Elbe 4. Limestone bed with Lingula aff. melie ................ 75 ft. 5. Sandstone and flags (part Orangeville?) ea ee 10. tates Gy” Oremeewille “(@omesAld) gone coscccocccccnsscnnnces. BO | TEI 7. Massive gray to whitish sandstone (Corry) .......... ee es, ee Chagrin formation of Ohio. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 36, p. 461, 131The Geology of Crawford and Erie Counties. Second Penna. Geol. Surv. Report Q4, p. 97, 1881. eee on the geology of Warren County. Idem, Report 14, p. 179, 1883. '383Compare with section in I. CG. White’s report on the geology of Erie aa Crawford Counties. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report Q4, p. 192, 95 BULLETIN 71 95 ®. Sandstone and flags (Upper Riceville-Knapp formation) ., 50. ft. 9. Syringothyris limestone (Marvin Creek) .............. De Ets Disconformity 10. Oswayo shales (lower Riceville) ..............-sse0% IO, ie 11. Sandstone and flags (Lower Oswayo) ................-: 5), Ek otal yee eecz oo aon The old name “Riceville” is being retained in a restricted stage and monothemic sense. It is restricted to the lower divi- sion of the original Riceville™*’ 1° that is to units 10 and 11 of the original section as given by White for Riceville, Pennsylvania. The Riceville, as here delimited, represents the closing phase of the Venango series of deposition as possibly White, and un- quest.onably Chadwick considered the whole original Riceville to do. The upper part of the original Riceville is of Knapp age, that is, basal Mississippian, according to present views in the matter. The name Riceville is not ideal for the strata here designated as such. On the Riceville meridian the Riceville straia are in the process of passing into a western facies, the Chagrin, and yet bear in their midst relics of the better known eastern Oswayo facies. The Oswayo strata in the east, in east- ern Warren, and McKean Counties of Pennsylvania and of the Olean-Salamanca area of New York State have been much more thoroughly studied and more prominently exposited in literature. Historically, the name Riceville must stand for the formation, as it is here restricted, with the Devonian member carrying the name, Oswayo shale member.—The Oswayo shale was first studied by H. S. Williams™* in his reconnaissance of the Genesee River preliminary to his exposition of the Genesee River Section™s. At the time of this first study the brachiopod Camarotoechia allegania, QOswayo index fossil was described from the “ferruginous sandstone” under the Olean (Pottsville) conglom- erate. L. C. Glenn was the first to apply’ the geographic name “Oswayo” to the formation. This first geographic designation however, implied that the Knapp shale (possibly excluding the 134Qn the fossil faunas of the Upper Devonian: the Genesee section, New York. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 41, pp. 83-104, pls. I and II, 1887. 135The Devonic and Carbonic formations of southwestern New York. N. Y. State Mus., Bul 69, p. 978, 1903. G6 NorTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 96 sandstones) was to be considered as part of the Oswayo forma- tion!®*. It is evident therefore that this original designation of the Oswayo formation was almost an exact synonym of the Rice- ville!?’ shale of I. C. White, which is discussed above. The type section of the Oswayo member is in the Olean area on the hills along Oswayo Creek. Probably the best section in the type area is that exposed along the road to Olean Rock City from Olean, New York. Near the top of the long hill, just north of the road turning off to “Flat Iron Rock” and opposite the entrance to a jane going west toward the abandoned trolley station known as “Flat Iron Station” is the exposure. There are also excellent exposures just south of Knapp Creek, on the Bradford, Pennsyl- vania, road. (See section below). The Flat Iron section, while exceedingly interesting from a paleontologic view is only a small part of the whole Oswayo shale. The Olean conglomerate lies directly upon the Oswayo and over 100 feet of the member are cut out by the disconformity. The entire thickness for the New York-Pennsylvania boundary area on this meridian is shown in the Knapp Creek section. The Oswayo formation is laterally extraordinarily homogen- eous throughout the type region, and through McKean and \Warren Counties of Pennsylvania. It is everywhere a coarse arenaceous shale, brownish green to olivaceous in color, highly micaceous with thin sandstone lenses, for the most part calcare- ously cemented and characteristically brownish green when un- weathered and tending to assume a limonitic to a chocolate brown color on the surface. The whole lithic appearance, and espe- cially the abundance of shore-living mulluscan types and brachio- pods together with an abundance of coarse carbonaceous matter 136Idem, p. 980 and plate II. 137G. H. Chadwick, in correspondence, (March 1933) after reading the manuscript of this report, questions this interpretation of Glenn’s designation of the Oswayo as embracing the Knapp shale. But after careful restudy of the original description and in the absence of any information on the matter from Dr. Glenn himself, it still seems to the writer that the original description implied that the Knapp beds are a part of the Oswayo formation which thickened away from the type Oswayo occurrence until they were of sufficient dimension to merit a dis- tinguishing geographic name. 97 BULLETIN 71 97 suggest quiescent, near-shore conditions, if not brackish, marine- deltaic. The pelecypods are normally preserved in their life position, both valves together, vertical to the bedding planes. Roystone Coquinite Zone In the lower part of the Oswayo shale there is commonly found a massive coquinite™*® zone. While coquinite layers are of common oceurience throughout the Oswayo this basal zone is so persistent in northwestern Pennsylvania that it seems worthy of member designation. It has proven of great correlation value. The Roystone Coquinite zone is especially well developed along KKinzua Creek, Mcixean County, Pennsylvania. It is well shown in a roadside exposure on the Roosevelt Highway between Roy- stone and Ludlow, McKean County and on Wild Cat Creek at Ludlow. The same member is also well exposed on the highway to Olean Rock City from Olean, New York at the side road going west to the former trolly stop known as Flat Iron Station. The coquinite is composed principally of Camarotoechia alle- gania (Williams) and a mutant form of Sprifer disjunctus. The Roystone coquinite has been frequently mistaken for the over- lying Marvin Creek limestone'’?. The Oswayo formation has been one of the best index hori- zons in field tracing, for wherever it occurs the internal molds of Camarotoechia allegania (Williams) are found. Internal molds of this fossil are often abundant in the residual soil de- rived from the Oswayo shale and limestone. The Oswayo grows gradually coarser toward the east through McKean County, but has never been demonstrated as assuming the red facies. It be- comes progressively less fossiliferous and seemingly uninterrupt- edly assumes a non-marine facies of the marine beds to the west. Plant remains are common in the Oswayo from the Allegany Park area eastward. The plants are of Carbonic affinities. - The 138Term proposed by Bradford Willa-d, (Devonian faunas in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Geological Survey, Fcurih Series, Bulletin G4, p. 28, [foot- note,| 1982.) 139Described, but indefinitely located by C. A. Ashburner, The geology of McKean County, and its connection with that of Cameron, Elk, and Forest. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report R, pp. 68-69, 1880; Ashburner’s statement restaced, Lut not ciazified by J. P. Lesley, Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Summaiy and Final Keport, vol. 3, pt. 1, p. 1731, 1895. 98 NoRTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER : 98 Oswayo in Potter County is the non-marine facies of the McKean County marine Oswayo. In Potter County, where present, the Oswayo has usually been identified as a “Sub-Olean” conglom- erate, usuallyaas the sRecono Im ditezasCountye them. @s- wayo” substage of the “Pocono” is, according to personal corre- spondence with G. H. Chadwick, the eastern facies of the “Cat- taraugus” of the Olean area. The Oswayo proper is cut out of the section by summit unconformity before reaching the Tioga region. This fact has been checked in the field according to Mr. Chadwick"*?. It is known to the writer that the purported Cone- wango' of the Tioga region is actually of Chadakoin age, and that by straight parallelism the “Oswayo” above the “Conewan- go” ought to be of Conewango or “Cattaraugus” age. Westward the Oswayo retains its typical nature to Warren, Pa., but from Warren westward the Chagrin facies rapidly re- places the Oswayo and with this replacement, the typical, exclu- sively facies, fauna of the Oswayo disappears, and the Chagrin mutants of the Conewango come in, as at Riceville. Among the newly appearing forms of the Chagrin facies of the Oswayo, the typical Riceville shale, as delimited in this report, is “Reti- cularia prematura’ which does not characterize the Venango (“Conewango’’) facies as Chadwick seems to suggest’?®. To the south and south-southeast the Oswayo assumes a red facies, which is most pronounced south of Tidioute, Pennsylvania, and in the Venango oil region where it has been identified in the past as the “Bedford red shale’’'™* overlying the Venango first oil sand, (Woodcock sandstone). A phenomenon which has been useful in gauging the relative southward proximity of the Cat- 140M. L. Fuller, Description of the Gaines quadrangle. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geological Atlas, Gaines Folio, (no. 92,) 19038. 141M. L. Fuller, Description of the Elkland and Tioga Quadrangles. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geological Atlas, Elkland-Tioga, (no. 93,) 1903. 142G. H. Chadwick writes (March 5, 1933, personal correspondence), “The Cattaraugus is the ‘Pocono’ of Barclay Mountain, Towanda. The red beds beneath that are called ‘Cattaraugus’ are the (practically type) Blossburg (red) of Chadakoin-Girard age. This I have carefully checked; . . the Oswayo does not come that far east.” 14°Caroline Heminway, Devono-Carboniferous Differentia. Thesis, (M.A.) Cornell University, 1928. (Based on studies of the area about Tioga, Pennsylvania. ) 144Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Reports I, 15, 14, Q4, ete. 99 BULLETIN 71 99 skill magnafacies to the Oswayo member is the pseudo-concre- tionary structures sometimes known as “storm rollers” which have been found to usually occur only a few miles sea-ward of the red facies. Such structures are a common feature of the Cattaraugus magnafacies’**. At Tidioute, for example, the Rice- ville shale (western Cattaraugus facies) is replete with “storm rollers”, and at Tionesta, seven miles to the south these beds have already partially assumed the red facies. Somewhat similar structures have been noted by J. M. Clarke in the Oneonta for- mation of New York, and are also well seen in the Cattaraugus magnafacies of the Enfield, just east of Ithaca, New York. They have been compared by Clarke to “Kramenzel’ structure of Germany"*®. C. S. Prosser also calls attention to the presence of the same “roller” structure in the Bedford shale of Ohio, in the Cleveland area**’. It is interesting to note that in each case the “roller” structure occurs in the non-red phase of beds which assume a red facies within a short distance. Outstanding Oswayo Localities . Flat Iron Station, and Rock City hill, Olean quadrangle. . Knapp Creek-Bradford, Pennsylvania highway road cut. . Ravines, Oswayo creek tributaries. Smethport-Ormsby highway, McKean County. Devil’s Den hill, Smethport, Pennsylvania. Kinzua Creek, Kushequa, Pennsylvania, Kane quarries, low- er terraces. 7. Ludlow, Pennsylvania, along Roosevelt highway, just west of village. 8. Wilcox, Elk County, Pennsylvania, along Route 97. 9g. Cobham Hill, Glade, Warren County, Pennsylvania. Anko The Oswayo thickens southeast and eastward, and thins appre- ciably westward. At Olean, it is from 150-270 feet thick. At 145G. H. Chadwick was the first to point out the offshore occurrence of “storm rollers” in association with shoreward red beds. (Geol. Soe. Amer., Bull., vol. 42, p. 242, 1931.) 146J. M. Clarke, Report of field work in Chenango County. New York State Geologist, Annual Report 13, p. 538, 1894; and N. Y. State Mus., Annual Report 47, p. 732, 1894. 147C. S. Prosser, The Devonian and Mississippian formations of north- eastern Ohio. Ohio Geol. Surv., Bull. (4) 15, pp. 26, 27, 1912. 100 NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 100 Warren, Pennsylvania it is about 90 feet thick, and at Riceville, Pennsylvania, it is about 40-45 feet thick. At Meadville it is slightly thicker, being atout 60 feet thick there and so far as evidence indicates, seems to continue into Ohio as the upper Chagrin at gradually decreasing thickness in northeastern Ohio, and presumably passes into the “Cleveland” black shale facies not far west of Cleveland. (See discussion under Knapp forma- tion, below). The following section illustrates the nature of the Oswayo shale and sandstone in the Olean-Bradford area. The most im- portant feature of the section is the wonderfully fine exposure of the unconformable contact of the Oswayo and the underlying Cattaraugus facies of the Conewango. Stratigraphic Section Along Pennsylvania Highway Number 546 Between Goodill and Duke Center, Pa. Thiekness 28. Olean conglomerate. Cap rock of the hill. Exposed back of Knapp Creek village. Concealed below. 27. Knapp conglomerate. A lower member of the Knapp con- glomerates exposed by the road at Knapp Creek and be- low. Questionable whether this is the basal Knapp conglom- erate or a sandstone in the Kushequa shale. Poorly exrosed. 26. Concealed. (Talus and soil material bespeak Kushequa shale. Very little present. None exposed along road). 25. Oswayo monothem. Shale and sandstone, highly micaceous, olive green when unweathered. Fossils sparsely distributed. FX POSCUREEN CH kee 22. SpE eee boars cnt ap ene Dre Ae ee ee aeaee rye tbe 24. Flaggy, micaceous sandstone. Lenticular; cross-bedded ; undulatory (rippled?) bedding; ferruginous bands and ““jron stone’’ concretions and nodules seattered throughout. 6. 23. Olive shale with lenticular sandstone bands varying from 1 to 2 inches in thickness De ob cate) (else wee mai(elvelie: eijalielelt=lelkaell=(le\ioliwuleltaiie 22. Sandstone, with abundant Oswayo fauna. Lithology similar UO IN@, Bil, Single joenrining ett WHS© 5 ,cnaccccnsocccusocs 21. Micaceous olive colored sandstone; coarse; weathering rusty; occasional limonitic concretion. Camarotoechia allegamia, representatives of the Spirifer disjunctus gens, and aviculoid pelecypods relatively abundant. Bottom of first road-cut section. (No concealed interval between this ENGL WHE WOO GE Woe gueeeaching SXeuwOM.)) cpocancaanccngcc 4.5 20. Fine grained, olive, fissile shale which is bedded in a de- cidedly undulatory manner, suggestive of large ripple marks. Occasional sandy partings, usually not over 6 inches in thickness and always lenticular. Comminuted fossil frag- ments throughout. Plant remains plentiful, and 2 small coal seams (1-2 inches) exposed im section ............ 19. Cross-bedded, much varying, sandstone; greenish color, with clay pellets and iron balls throughout. Limy layer at 101 18. 16. 15. 11. 10. ON 2. BULLETIN 71 base. Occasional shale lens in the sandstone. Fossiliferous throughout Undulating, olivaceous fissile shale ......... 5 Brownish green sandy to flaggy shales with an abundance of clay pellets Bee Wesleasy a. Fine, fissile shales weat ering to dark brown b. Sandstone, olive c. Fine, fissile, olive shale d. Gray sandstone with clay pellets e. Fine, fissile, laminated and rippled shale f. Fine grained, gray sandstone g. Olive green shale J Cross-bedded greenish brown sandstone. Appears massive when fresh, but readily weathers. Shale partings; clay pel- leis and iron ball nodules; weathers to an ochreous color; sparsely fossiliferous throughout. Disconformable on TIN Gio TEE. inte ee its ev cic ate Bia Ca Ameo DOU ins hiveqese a saaler Olive green fissile shale. ‘lo bottom of second road-cut in the descent. (No beds concealed be.ween this item and the top of the succeeding road-cut) .....,.. ahs de Micaceous olivaceous Oswayo shale. (‘1op of third cut.) Sip Massive lying unconformably upon the red and green shale of No. 11, below. Basal contact a very irregular surface, suggesting that the basal Oswayo is here blanket- ing a mound of partially eroded Cattaraugus beds. The member grades from a greenish, non-homogeneous mud- stone at the base to massive grayish brown sandstone in the upper part. The entire mass is prolifically filled with tri- turated plant remains; several small coal seams present. (Base of the Oswayo) RNS chiles Boe gna See ta eae Cattaraugus facies of the Venango siage. (Saegerstown shale?) Red and green shales and sandstones; shale usually red and sandstone green; becoming predominantly red near the top, whereas it is predominantly green in the lower joewes INO) HOSSIIS Vo ooucoorop bn dRoGDoo Rad ODD DaDEb OOO Green, flaggy sandstone with green shaley partings near (ite bottom ss. a. 4: PS soos ebay eran Rs Tailagn ce oan Sane Red fissile shale and ereen sandy sinaille alternating ...... Green sandstone blotened throughout with red and choco- late (weathered purple?). Sandstone Tmavelaeye TOURS 4 oS oo6 Green and red shale with occasional sandy layers, main- ly of green sandstone. Sandy layers contain a marine fauna composed of Paraca, Oleanella and brachiopods. The pe- lecypods are usually in the upright (burrowing) life posi- (MOM | Seicadesdnocuou pobu cobe CUOMO oUNN OOnoCOOedoodn Chega iilereny SeNNCISWOM® oy 5oa0050p00000000000 000000000 Green and red shale (partially concealed) ............ Greenish shale, thinly laminated and containing an occa- sional sandy layer SOR Va Hema ON ra rat ug ea ATA a Ma oulstas a ial Gia Massive green sandstone containing an occasional noncon- tinuous conglomeratic lens. The whole varying along the outerop from flaggy to massive sandstone. ‘The top of the unit is sharply delimited from the overlying red and green shales. Bottom not seen. (Bottom of the continuous sec- HOM) S Gooey esodanoeoddo cdot lo eo pi ooUDomL oo oedd Bo. nee and green shale and thin sandstones indicated by soil 18. 112. 32. al. 13. 101 102 NoRTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 102 and small outerops and talus as well as short stream-bed exposures for a long distance down the section (Contact with No. 1 concealed). 1. Chadakom (‘*‘Chemung’’) rocks in the valley floor. Total..:. 536.75 ft. MIsSIPPIPPIAN SYSTEM Oil Lake Series The Oil Lake series embraces all the strata occurring from the top of the Riceville stage (Oswayo) through the Berea-Corry sandstone in northwestern Pennsylvania. In Ohio this series em- braces the Bedford shale, the Cussewago sandstone, Hayfield shale and Berea; in McKean and Warren Counties of western Pennsylvania the Knapp shale and conglomerates form the lowest beds of the series. It is at present impossible to say whether the Cleveland shale of Ohio, underlying the Bedford formation is to be included in this series or not, seemingly not. (See figure 11). The relation of the Oil Lake series to the underlying Conewango series was probably better understood by the geologists of the First and Second Pennsylvania Geological Surveys than by succeeding investigators. The Oil Lake series was Classified by the earlier geologists as ““Pocono”’***, that is, basal Mississippian. The new set of conditions which de- veloped in western Pennsylvania and New York at the beginning of Oswayo time and which carried over into lower Mississippian time, they recognized. They placed the Mississippian-Devonian boundary at the base of what is nown known as the Upper De- vonian, Oswayo formation. Faunally the Oswayo belongs with the Devonian, as is elsewhere explained in this paper. A minor disconformity occurs at the top of the Oswayo, and above this Sedimentary accumulation was renewed under much the same type of conditions as had existed during Oswayo deposition. How- ever, a Mississippian fauna is preserved in the Oil Lake strata on the younger side of the disconformity. Mississippian fossils are absent in the Oswayo member. 148By “Pocono” as here used no implication of acceptance of the correla- tion of these basal Mississippian beds with the eastern Pennsylvania “Pocono formation” is made. “Pocono” is a general term for basal Mississippian strata in Pennsylvania, and may at the present time be used only in this sense. 103 BULLETIN 71 103 The Oil Lake series is divided into the Berea stage and the Cussewago stage, as previously outlined. THE CUSSEWAGO STAGE Within the Cussewago stage the sequence is so much a unity that only after closest study is it clear that there are two forma- tions within the sequence. The difficulty is with the Hayfield shale which overlies the intimately related Knapp formational suite. The Hayfield shale is only 25-40 feet in thickness, is ap- parently not gradational with the underlying Cussewago sand- stones, and doubtfully grades into the overlying Corry sandstone. It would seem that we really have but one continuous sequence here, of which the Hayfield is the closing stage. Purely as a tem- porary measure, indicating the uncertainty of precise relation- ships, herein are recognized two entities, the Hayfield “forma- tion” and the Knapp monothem. The Knapp Monothem The “Knapp beds” in northwestern Pennsylvania were first denominated by L. C. Glenn'#® as a formation which apparently emerged on the Salamanca, New York, quadrangle out of his Oswayo formation of the Olean quadrangle. Ass originally proposed, the name Knapp was assigned to the strata immediately below the Olean conglomerate in the Olean- Salamanca area of New York State. They were originally de- fined as two conglomerates with an intervening shale. Indefi- nite mention is made of a shale below the lower conglomerate which also belonged with the formation. As used in this re- port the Knapp monothem is extended downward to include the chocolate colored arenacous (Oswayo-like) shale beneath the lower conglomerate member. This shale contains the very characteristic Knapp fauna (see “Bradfordian” faunal list, above). Above the upper Knapp conglomerate member is also a shale member which is part of the monothem. This upper shale is usually eliminated by the Olean nonconformity east of War- ren, Pa. The upper shale is known as the Hayfield formation. Kushequa shale member (ancluding the Marvin Creek lime- stone).—The basal member of the Knapp monothem of the 149The Devonic and Carbonic formations of southwestern New York. N. Y. State Mus., Bull. 69, p. 980, 1903. 104 NorTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 104 Cussewago stage is here termed the Kushequa shale member from the excellent exposures of the unit in the quarries of the Kush- equa Brick and Tile Company at Gaffney and Kushequa on Kin- zua Creek, McKean County, Pennsylvania. The Kushequa shale is also well exposed along the defunct Mount Jewett, Kinzua and Ritterville Railway approximately three miles west of Smethport, Pennsylvania. This shale has been heretofore classified as “up- per Oswayo” shale or occasionally as “Knapp” shale. On the basis of the very characteristic Knapp fauna composed chiefly of Syringothyris angulata, S. randalli, Rhynchospwina (Eume- tria) scansa, (see faunal list above), largely Mississippian types, it would seem that the Knapp should be separated from the Os- wayo in which these fossil indices are lacking. The faunal evi- dence is materially strengthened by the existence of a disconform- ity between the Knapp (Kushequa) and the Oswayo shale. The Kushequa shale is normally a dark brown, to limonitic brown, arenaceous shale. It is not materially different in lithic appearance from the Oswayo beneath, and is easily mistaken for the Oswayo in casual field examination. The Kushequa shale is fossiliferous throughout. Distributed through the member are a great many impure local limestone lenses. Near the middle of the member is a concentration of such lenses into a zone of limestones which occur through from 15 to 50 feet of the shale, and vary in individual thickness from a few inches to three or four feet. The thickest development of this zone occurs along Kinzua and Marvin Creeks, McKean County, Pennsylvania. The thicker limestones of this zone were described by Ashburnert”° as the Marvin Creek limestone. He was under the impression that there was but one limestone at this horizon. Rogers'*?, in his final report of the First Pennsylvania Geological Survey had previously called attention to calcareous bands in his Pocono unit of northern Pennsylvania. Probably at least the McKean County development of these calcareous bands was the Marvin Creek limestone. 150C, A. Ashburner, Report of Progress, The geology of McKean County, and its connection with that of Cameron, Elk and Forest. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report R, pp. 68-76, 1880. 151H. D. Rogers, First Penna. Geol. Surv., Final Report, vol. 2, p. 830, 1858. 105 BULLETIN 71 105 The typical development of the Kushequa shale is from east- ern McKean County, where it is eliminated by Pottsville (Olean) overlap and disconformity, south to near Ridgway, Pennsylvania and non-continuously westward to the meridian of Riceville, Pennsylvania. West of Riceville the upper part of the Kushequa becomes somewhat similar in lithology to the underlying Chagrin shales. The lower Kushequa seems never to have been deposited west of Riceville. In Ohio the upper Kushequa shale is presum- ably represented by the upper Pedford shale. The lower Bed- ford appears to be the non-continuous correlate of the lower Kushequa. The Marvin Creek limestone zone.—The persistent limestone zone in the midst of the Kushequa shale, mentioned above may Lest Le known compositely as the Marvin Creek limestone zone, for it is utterly impossibie to differentiate which one of the many limestones Ashburner’? saw on Marvin Creek when he denomin- ated it. At least two separate lenses of limestone in the Kushequa occur along Marvin Creek. They are both of similar lithology and simply represent the recurrence of similar conditions at brief intervals in the midst of Kushequa time. Taken as a whole they represent a zone. - The Marvin Creek limestones are blue gray, siliceous and de- cidedly ren:iniscent of the Meadville limestones of the Crawford series, aLove. They occur through a greater thickness of the Kushequa shale in the eastern part of its development than in the west. At Warren, Pennsylvania the whole zone is represent- ed by a single fossiliferous limestone which in the past has been spoken of as a “‘Spirifer band’ near the top of the Conewan- go’’?*? and at Tidioute and elsewhere as a ‘“‘Spirifer band”’.1®, It is as such a band that the Marvin Creek zone is presented in the midst of I. C. White’s “Riceville” at Riceville, Pennsylvania. The “Spirifers” in this case are mostly Syringothyris angulata and S. rancalli in association with mutants of the Spirifer dis- junctus gens. In the area west of McKean County where this 152C. Butts, The geology of the Warren quadrangle. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas, Warren folio (no. 172), pp. 4, 5, 1912. 153J. F. Carll, Report on the geology of Warren County. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report 14, pp. 279 and 289, 1883. 106 NorRTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 106 single limestone zone which carries the earliest Kushequa fauna in the region makes its appearance, the base of the Kushequa shale ,and base of the Cussewago stage is being drawn. In addition to carrying this highly characteristic fauna the Marvin Creek limestone zone has been observed in Warren County to lie disconformably upon the underlying Oswayo shale. This nonconformity also presumably accounts for the gradual thinning of the Kushequa westward from the type area to War- ren and Riceville. West of Warren in all the sections observed the shales of Kushequa age below the Marvin Creek limestone (basal bed) are absent. The Kushequa beds above the persistent Marvin Creek zone seem to carry through into Ohio in the upper Bedford with little diminution. The Marvin Creek zone is not infrequently composed mainly of large, occasionally perfect, plates and bones of fishes. This is especially true in the Marvin Creek valley and around Kushequa village. In no place is the Marvin Creek a true coquinite such as the underlying Roystone bed of Oswayo age. The Marvin Creek beds are replete with normally well preserved and not infrequently perfect fossils. The calcareous cement of the matrix does not seem to be of shell origin. Chert nodules and iron stones are usual occurrences, and in two places on Kinzua Creek in the Gaffney vicinity, flat- tened limonite concretions make up the main mass. Calcareous algae are abundant in the Marvin Creek zone at Kushequa village. The Marvin Creek limestone has been traced and extensive collections made over most of McKean, Elk and _ Forest Counties of Pennsylvania, where it is everywhere of approxi- mately the same lithology and of very constant faunal assemblage. Typical Marvin Creek may be seen at scores of localities, of which the following are representative: 1. Along the banks of Marvin and Potato Creeks, McKean County. This is Ashburner’s type area. It seems prob- able that he occasionally was confused by the basal Os- wayo coquinite, which also occurs in some places in the same section. 107 BULLETIN 71 107 2. Kushequa (or Gaffney, as the quarry locality is called) on Kinzua Creek, just west of the Kinzua bridge, in the Kane brick and tile quarries, the locality of which is shown on the sketch map below. my, ALTON Kinny ¢ viaduct — ewer @veeete a \ PS ls eel yy, a ek.kane G. “2 [gees Map of the Kushequa -Gaffney Ze Approx. 4 mile Shale Qua rics a : = iS : “aggre eo tes ular dewett Fig. 9—Sketch map of the quarries in the Kushequa shale at Kushequa and Gaffney, on Kinzua Creek, McKean County, Pennsylvania. Kushequa Quarry Section The composite section of the exposure of Kushequa shale and Marvin Creek limestone at the E. K. Kane and Kushequa Brick and Tile quarries at Gaffney, and Kushequa on Kinzua Creek, illustrates the typical nature of these beds in the type area. (See sketch map, above, for specific location of the quarries. ) Thickness 22. Olean conglomerate (el. bese 1940 A. T. approx.) ...... 20 Seta Ml, Concealesl (Qlsottn) saocococnducouuccogccscccssau008 20 20. Knapp conglomerates and intervening shale (concealed ) known by rubble only (about) .........-.---- sees eee 40. ft. 19. Concealed (shale and sandstone, predominately the latter, known from pits dug by the quarrymen [foreman’s WOE]! oe “Soovccconagoo soogpeonavandHdcaduODGDUOHOE SR kt 18. Blocky sandstone (top of quarry No. 1, 1932) ........ A kt 17. Massive, gray sandstone ............+-- sees eeeeceees 10-11. ft. 16. Fissile shale, brown, disconformable on underlying shale. . Bo. okt 15. Caleareous layer, siliceous, pebbly, ironstone bearing, fish bone limestone (upper phase, in this section, of the Mar- vin Creek limestone type of local limestone; here high in the Kushequa shale member). This layer is present in the east end of the south exposure of quarry No. 1. The layer 108 14. ls}. 12. - This extends. to “the south quarry floor. NoRTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER lenses out, becoming first a limonitie (weathered impure limestone?) conglomerate layer, pebbly at base*........ Shale, gmeemisin loroywan, Inne. SSMS - choo aaucoeannade Fine fissile shale, sandier above; not dissimilar in hth- ology to No. 14, but with marked band of limonite at the top; seemingly disconformable beneath the overlying fissile shale. This is suggestive of a soil horizon; however the gradual east and north gradation of this limonitie zone into a siliceous limestone band 2-214 feet thick might seem contradictory . Pebbles are also present in the limonite » band. The remainder. of the shale of this member on the south face is barréa; fine and fissile, the aus material. In this barren interval of the south face, there: comes in on the east wall, 16 feet below. Hmonite: band,. -a-- -silice- ous fish bone limestone, which is very hard, and seems to be largely composed of careareous alge or possibly Strom- atopora. This layer is 2 feet thick at the angle of the quarry, and increases to. over 10 feet at the extreme north- east end where a shale interval comes in, splitting it in two. In addition to this limestore in interval No. 13, the limonitic zone at the top becomes a siliceous limestone as mentioned above, and there is a limilar limestone -l foot in thickness, 8 feet below tae second limestone. layer. These several limestones are well developed in quarry No. 2 andin the E. K. Kane quarry. Shale and sandstone Siliceous limestone, dense; few fossils seen, these of Knapp affinities, though common Knapp forms rare Coarse, blocky sandstone, just below the floor of the upper terrace of quarry No. 1. Oswayo-like lithology, but Camarotoechia allegania not noted. (Still Knapp forma- tion ) Fine, fissile, greenish, non-fossil bearing shale ........ Sandy shale containing sporadic local conglomeraie lenses Welllownisin, Comallonnarne semGliONe ,.55caccnacccanoce Sandy shale, less suitable for tile than in upper quarry (in pit on hillside below upper terrace of No. 1) Flat pebble conglomerate lense, no fossils Hissile olive green shale eee eee er ec i) Cee ee Siliceous, non-fossil-bearing limestone. Simla to No. 11. (Loeal lens) Cee me ee ew we we we ewes wee ec ewe ect eee nweceac « 108 Bi ee PSy. att AQ) sale ati Battie Big dklh, OEy pelts sl eetates LOK eckts 5.75 ft. FAQs Ete Tie siete Dune wets TS) ahh. *100 feet east of the angle in quarry No. 1, the item No. 15 of the above section becomes a massive sandstone, cemented with lime ,- 1% foot thick, and with an iron ball conglomerate as base (1% foot, and a fish bone conglomerate above, 2 feet thick. section is an important member in this sequence. The item No. 17 of the above It presumably marks the beginning of the Knapp conglomerate suite, for this member appre- ciably thickens in the eastern end of the quarry No. 1 exposure and the shale below fills crevices in the underlying shale and limestone zone to a depth of 8 feet. 109 BULLETIN 71 109 Jaren Olive mShaleye meni savays we cnasite ite Huaysis's Mes os shkence a os 8.5 ft 1. Flaggy sandstone and shale, to creek bed ............ 12. ft Total 2ol.7o £t. This whole section is in the Knapp formation, and must be as nearly a complete section of the Kushequa shale in its maximum development as is exposed. The top of the Oswayo is estimated as being at about the level of Kinzua Creek at this place. This section further indicates the nature of what has in the past been called a single limestone, the Marvin Creek. The name is useful for calling attention to the limestone lenses in the Kushequa but as far as specifically determining which of the several locally well developed lenses Ashburner had in mind, that is quite impossible. The predominant zone of limestone oc- currence, however, is that in No. 13 of the above section, and of the zones in this item, that about 16 feet below the limonitic layer seems to be on the approximate horizon of the persistent Syringothyris band at the base of the Knapp shales in western Pennsylvania. The former correlations’** of the Marvin Creek with the var- ious Meadville limestones of Crawford County was, of course, sheerest fancy, although the limestones are surprisingly similar in lithology and both series contain a great abundance of fish bones. One of the best localities for collecting the fauna of the Mar- vin Creek limestone, the upper-most bed of the zone, is at Yin- gling-Martins brick quarry on the south outskirt of Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania. There, in the lower part of the abandoned quarry workings, is a splendid development of this limestone, replete with fossils, and of a far larger assortment than at any other of the many localities where the calcareous zone has been ex- amined. : 154C, A. Ashburner, The geology of McKean County and its relation to that of Forest and Cameron. fecond Penna, Geol. Surv., Report R, p. 69, 1880. Also, J. P. Lesley, Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Summary and Final Re- port, vol. 38, part 1, pp. 1762-1763, 1895. 110 NorTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 110 Stratigraphic Section Exposed in the Yingling-Martin Shale Quarry on the Southern Suburb of Johnsonburg, Pa. Thickness 24. Johnson Riwn sandstone. Highest exposure on the hill, Aopememuby Cajoyouac tae lull . os n5ccacacasaonacaccoon PAS atk 23. Concealed) about (beeen ance etre en ete ae ee 18. 22. Section exposed in the hill-top quarry. a. Fissile bluish gray shale which weathers to a light brown color. Replete with triturated vegetable matter. . 58. b. Massive light colored sandstone, varying to a coarse conglomerate. Plant remains abundant. (Olean?) ...... ce. Fissile bluish shale, similar to a., above, containing, nOweVer, Several Coal SSIS . 5 enccoscneceandsonsuce 38. 21. Concealed interval, from base of upper quarry to top next lower quarry. Some red shale evidently present as a sparse occurrence of red soil would suggest .......... 20. Johnsonburg formation. Flagegy micaceous sands'one with shaley partings. Lepidodendron, Sigillaria and Calamite mimiressoms weleisivelhy COMMON ~~, .6cccancsncacdacncec 24. 19. Massive, greenish-gray sandstone with a pseudo-conchoid- al fracture. Not flaggy; in marked contrast to the over- VAT OSM CTO CTS) eee Cay Sees “tee Mune Oh OR nD renter See il, 18. Greenish, fissile shale. No fossils observed ..:......... 2. 17. lenticular zone of greenish-gray sandstone ............ 4. 16. Olivaceous sandy shale, sandy and muddy sandy layers scattered through the mass. Many sandy lenses ........ Sil. 15. Platey to flaggy sandstone, olive in color; highly micae- eous, regularly bedded, but heterogeneous in texture and COATS CHESS epee cr horiom cit enadW EEG Ae) Bae PRC REReT nee 6. 14. Bluish gray shale, weathering to russet brown; ocea- sionaljsandys) shells 2) andi concretions ayn 4e ee eee O. 13. Massive, persistent layer of large irregular grotesque CONCTELIONS Wis, ce tets Satins gens Walad erenepa eae dae ae eee ee 10.5 12. Homogeneous, bluish, brown-weathering fissile shale .... 18. 11. Concealed interval be.ween the base of the middle quarry and) the top of the) lowe quarny section 9.55 52-5.8-..). 3: 10. Sandy, greenish, micaceous shale. Top exposure in the UN pA Sno COTE? Hates AGE aha etree ace PUM reap ha a Je ee 21. Knapp formation 9. Moderately coarse sandstone, ligit colored, with limonitic . stains and small iron nodules. Replete with Rhipidomel- loid brachiopods. Fresh rock tuoroughly indurated. Cement ey largely wcalcareous ema nmceem eerie a. Abundantly fossiliferous calcareous sandstone ........ Sandy shale, containing sandy beds and limy layers. A very brilliantly green member in the upper part of this unit is remarkably persistent in the Jonnsonburg region. This green band varies from 1-11% foot in thickness. Shales above and below the band are very similar in lith- DUO, AiG! LYONS. aoa cqaubedcouscanoudoussouns 19. 7. Sandstone replete with Rnipidomella and Syringothyris. (Note: The sandstones 7 and 5 of this section are lentic- ular, limonite flecked and occasionally contain pebbles of moderate size. Presumably Knapp im age.) ........ a. 6. Olive green, brown-weathering fissile shale wm het Co 111 BULLETIN 71 111 5. Lenticular sandstone. Gray to buff in color. Rhipidom- Glike gm¢l Syrineolnyigs COMMNON .55505000c0an00ucccce 4. 4. Thinly laminated, olive to brownish shale, caleareous in MESOWEST) OT ULOM ae Fy Sty alee ar ay AN e enie iirc sees aiel Renee eos ty 9. 3. Highly fossiliferous argillaceous limestone. A consider- able amount of carbonaceous matter present, some of which is well preserved by calcification. Limestone on weathering becomes a soft mass of limonitic residue. Syringothyris, Rhynchospirina (Humetria), ete., abundant. Excellent preservation. (Marvin Creek limestone zone). .. 4, 2. Olivaceous, apparently barren shale, exposed .......... 1.5 1. Talus slope to floor of quarry. Fissile shale similar to INTC 2 OL Cle av a, Saba the vee a alba eagle ua eon vay Aaa og Ben i 20. WOW oooacs 454. Knapp formational swite-—Above the, Kushequa shale member of the Knapp monothem comes the Knapp formational suite of congiomerates. These have heretofore been known as either the Sub-Olean congiomerate, or the Knapp conglomerate. They have usually been considered as a single conglomeratic bed, whereas they are really two conglomerate beds with a shale be- tween. L. C. Glenn®® in his original designation of the Sub-Olean conglomerate of the Olean, New York area as the Knapp con- glomerates, described the formation as composed of two con- glomerates and an intervening shale. This twofold nature of the “Sub-Olean” conglomerate is persistent over a consider- able area south of Olean. Throughout McKean County and northern Elk County as well as eastern Warren County such is the case. The upper of the two conglomerates is the most ex- tensive. It alone extends to the Ohio line as the Cussewago sandstone. Southwestward both conglomerates disappear by diminution of grain and shale replacement. Neither is present, to cite an instance, at Tidioute on the Allegany, though the upper member is over 50 feet thick at Glade, 15 miles to the northeast. Wetmore conglomerate member or lens —The lower conglom- erate of the Knapp suite has never been given a geographic name. The name Wetmore conglomerate is proposed on the basis of the exposures of the member along the face of the hills between Wetmore and Ludlow, McKean County, Pennsylvania. This is the less persistent of the two Knapp conglomerates. It is found, so far as known, only in McKean, northern Forest, northern Elk, and eastern Warren Counties of Pennsylvania and in the typical Knapp area in the vicinity of Knapp Creek, New York. 112 NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 112 The Wetmore conglomerate is a flat pebble rock which varies in thickness in an irregular manner, possibly suggestive of a broad depression filling. It is about 20 feet thick at Ludlow and about 15 feet thick at East Kane where it is exposed on the face of a brick shale quarry. The member has not been definite- ly traced into the Johnsonburg or Ridgway areas, though it is believed to be present as the lowest sandstone overlying the Mar- vin Creek zone in the Yingling Martin quarry exposure at John- sonburg, shown above. A typical Knapp fossil fauna is univer- sally present in the Wetmore member. East Kane shale member.—The Wetmore conglomerate is overlain by a fissile, cho€olate to olivaceous colored shale, which is highly reminiscent of the fissile greenish shale developments in the Kushequa member along Kinzua Creek. This medial Knapp shale is well exposed in brick shale quarries at East Kane, Pennsylvania. From this occurrence it is being named the East Kanet® shale member of the Knapp formational suite. In thickness the East Kane shale is rather variable since it is de- pendant upon the amount of scour that anteceded the deposi- tion of the upper Knapp conglomerate in specific areas. In some places along Kinzua Creek the East Kane shale is apparently lacking, and the two Knapp conglomerates are in disconformable contact. This explains the abnormal thickness attributed to the “Sub-Olean” conglomerate of that area in old reports. Cobham conglomerate member.—The upper and most per- sistent conglomerate of the Knapp suite is being denominated the Cobham conglomerate member’** from the exposures along ren County, Pennsylvania. This exposure of the upper and more the southeast and southwest face of Cobham Hill at Glade, War- predominant Knapp member is one of the best in the whole re- gion. The member is about 75 to 100 feet thick on Cobham Hill in the cliff below what is locally known as the “old castle 155The preoccupied name Ridgway shale was suggested for this member by Caster in 19382. It is important that subsequent workers use the name “Hast Kane” in full. The name “Kane” is already in stratigraphic use. 156The name Glade conglomerate member was used for this member by Caster in 1932. The name is preoccupied by the Glade limestone of the Kentucky Silurian. 113 Buntemin 71 ; 113 road”, northeast of the present brick house known as the “brick castle” and the Cobham monument which is placed in a ledge of the member. The Cobham conglomerate is a typical flat-pebble conglom- erate, of varying texture. The size of the pebbles tends to grow smaller toward the west and the member loses its massive con- elomerate appearance. From Warren west the member is com- posed of fine, angular pebbles, with only occasional flat pebbles. West of Warren the member is usually very loosely cemented. The angular pebbled rock (“millet grained” texture) is known as the Cussewago sandstone in Erie and Crawford Counties and eastern Ohio. At Warren ‘the change from a normal flat pebble conglom- erate to a millet grained angular sand rock within the Cobham member is clearly shown. On Cobham Hill, at Glade, the mem- ber is a coarse flat pebbled rock, similar in lithology to the under- . lying Salamanca and. Dutchman’s conglomerates of the Cone;; wango series. On Tanner Hill, Clark Hill and especially Ceme- tery Hill on the Yankee Bush upland, north of Warren, a dis- tance of about three miles from Glade, the Cobham member has altered from a normal flat pebble rock to the typical millet- erained Cussewago sandstone type of rock. So far as field evi- dence would indicate, the Cobham retains the Cussewago lith- ology westward through Crawford County and beyond the Ohio line. The Cobham conglomerate is the most widely developed mem- ber of the Knapp conglomerates and therefore has more largely figured in the literatute.. This conglomerate is the one usually referred to .as the ‘“‘Sub-Olean” conglomerate or the Knapp conglomerate in southern New York and the western counties of Pennsylvania which border New York State. The surmised correlations of the Cobham conglomerate member with mem- bers to the south and west are many: M. C. Read?’ early cor- related the “Sub-Olean” of Pennsylvania; with the Shenango sandstone of Ohio. His correlation, together with the com- 157Report on the geology of the Ashtabula, Lake and Geauga Counties. Ohio Geol. Surv., Report 1, 508, 1873. 114 NorTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 114 munity of conviction of the parallelism of strata lead the geol- ogists of the Second Pennsylvania Survey into the same error. C. A. Ashburner’® correlated the Sub-Olean with the Shen- ango, first on the faith of Read’s correlation, and later on the evidence of his own tracing from McKean County, Pennsylvania, to Tionesta on the Allegany River in Forest County. J. P. Lesley?®® outrightly made the same correlation as also did L. C. Glenn?® many years later. The Sub-Olean conglomerate has also been correlated with the Sharpsville sandstone. On the basis of a review of the literature G. H. Chadwick’®™ suggested that the Sub-Olean conglomerate or the Knapp (i.e., Cobham) might prove to be on the same horizon as the Cussewago sand- stone. Field tracing seems to substantiate this contention. The nature of the Pottsville unconformity was not fully appreciated by the earlier workers. The relations were first brought out by Charles Butts'® by means of his very lucid sections along the Allegany River in 1908. On Cemetery Hill, on the “Yankee Bush” upland at Warren, Pa., the Cobham conglomerate is almost identical in lithology with the type Cussewago sandstone and it retains this facies lithology westward with no more than local pockets of flat pebbles all the way into eastern Ohio, gradually becoming finer grained. The Cussewago sandstone is fine grained, loosely cemented conglomerate. The pebbles, averaging wheat grain to pea in size are usually angular, or only slightly rounded. The sandstone is usually so incompletely indurated in outcrop that it can be shoveled like gravel. It is almost always iron-stained on outcrop and when the fresher rock is exposed it is seen to be 158The geology of McKean County and its connection with that of Camer- on, Elk and Forest. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report R, pp. 66 and 67, 1880. 159Second Pennsylvania Geological Survey, Summary and Final Report, vol. 3, p. 1751 and elsewhere, 1895. 160The Devonic and Carbonic formations of southwestern New York. New York State Mus., Bull. 69, p. 981, 1903. 161The Chagrin formation of Ohio. Geol. Soe. Amer., Bull., vol. 36, pp. 456, 457, 1925. 162Pre-Pennsylvania stratigraphy of southwestern Pennsylvania. Penna. Geol. and Topo. Surv., Report for 1906-08, pp. 190-204, and diagram of continuous section along the Allegany River from the New York State line to Emlenton, Pennsylvania, Idem. 115 BULLETIN 71 115 replete with crinoid stems. Plant remains are also common in this member. The sandstone caps the many peculiarly pyramid- ally shaped hills along the Yankee Bush road, north of War- ren and most of the cemeteries thereabouts and many to the west are located on the Cussewago facies of the Cobham con- glomerate, because of the ease with which it is penetrated by simple pick and shovel. The Cobham conglomerate is not of constant thickness, but despite fluctuations, is far more persistent than the term “Jentil” would imply. In its wide-spread development in an east-west direction the Cobham conglomerate is similar to the Pope Hollow and the Panama conglomerates of the underlying Venango for- mation. The Cobham disappears to the east underneath the Pottsville summit erosion non-conformity and apparently grows finer toward the west where it probably becomes the basal mem- ber of the Berea sandstone. As was mentioned under the discussion of the East Kane shale, above, the Cobham conglomerate ordinarily disconformably overlies that shale. In many places through McKean Coun- ty, notably along Kinzua Creek, the East Kane shale is elimin- ated by a disconformity and the Cobham lies directly upon the Wetmore conglomerate. The contact of the Cobham conglomerate with the shales above is very difficult to observe in the area west of Warren County, due to the absence of cuts so high on the hills. How- ever, at Johnsonburg, the contact between the presumable Cob- ham and the overlying shale is conformable, but only very slightly gradational. In the Warren area the contact between the Cussewago facies of the Cobham and the overlying shale is normally gradational, or apparently so. Certainly the fauna carries through with no interruption, albeit with augmentation. The fauna of the Cobham sandstone is essentially that of the underlying Kushequa shale. However, in the Warren area, in conjunction with the assumption of the Cussewago “millet grain” facies there is a marked increase of echinoderm elements. Crin- oid fragments are so abundant in some exposures of the Cobham sandstone on Yankee Bush Hill as to make it markedly cal- careous. 116 NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 116 Hayfield monothem.—The shale immediately overlying the Cussewago sandstone on Cussewago Creek, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, was called the Hayfield shale by G. H. Chad- wick?® in 1925 from the township by that name in Crawford County. This member of Chadwick’s usage included the Cusse- wago limestone of I. C. White*®*. Chadwick termed it the Hay- field limestone. The monothem is really composed of two parts, seemingly of member rank. The upper is the Hayfield sensu stricto, which includes the Hayfield limestone (here called Littles Corner limestone), and a lower member which enters toward the east and south which is only meagerly developed in the type Hayfield area. This lower member is being termed the Tidioute shale member. The Hayfield monothem is approximately 60 feet thick in the Meadville area, and slightly less on Cussewago Creek. On the Allegany River near Tidioute the Hayfield is about 43 to 45 feet in thickness. At Glade, Warren County, on the Allegany River, the Corry sandstone has been mapped’® as immediately overlying the Knapp upper conglomerate (Cobham). This is not actually the case, for about from 10 to 15 feet of Hayfield shale (Ti- dioute) intervene. This is exposed on the highway to the Tubercu- losis sanitorium on Stone Hill, about one mile north of the mouth of Morrison Run, Warren County. Certainly at least 25 feet of Hayfield intervene between the two members on the hills north of Youngsville, Warren County, and perhaps this much on the Yankee Bush, north of Warren. Tidioute shale member.—Above the Cobham conglomerate and sandstone, (the Cussewago sandstone) is a sequence of oliva- ceous mica-flecked shale which is in some respects the most inter- esting development in the northwestern region of Pennsylvania. This member carries the famous Echini fossils from near War- 163G. H. Chadwick, The Chagrin formation of Ohio. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 36, p. 463, 1925. 164T, C. White, The geology of Erie and Crawford Counties. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report Q4, pp. 94-96, 1881. 165C. Butts, Description of the Warren quadrangle, U. S. Geol. Surv., Atlas, Warren folio (no. 172), 1910. 117 BuLLETIN 71 iLAL?/ ren, Pennsylvania, chiefly made known Dye Re aieajdacksons The Tidioute shale member is so-called for the excellent ex- posure of the unit along the Allegany River at Tidioute, and especially for the exposures along the State Highway through Dennis Run, one mile southwest of Tidioute. This seems to be the area of maximum development of the member. Here, on Dennis Run it is 23 feet thick.” At Meadville the member is about ten feet thick, at Warren the thickness is in excess of fifteen feet, but the total is unknown. At Miller Farm, on Oi] Creek the Tidioute member is slightly over 20 feet deuce aN Tionesta, on the Allegany River the thickness is approximately the same. On Cussewango Creek, in the type section of the Hay- field shale the Tidioute member, is much thinner than at Mead- ville, being not more than five feet thick in sections studied. The contact between the Tidioute shale and the underlying Cobham or Cussewango sandstone is usually gradational, in the writer’s experience. The Knapp fauna characterizing the Cussewago carries through into the Tidioute, but, and herein lies the basis for the segregation into a seperate monothem, there is a marked augmentation of that fauna by Mississippian genera, not present in the Knapp. The contrast is as great as between the Kushequa shale of the Knapp monothem and the Oswayo shale of the Riceville monothem, below. On Dennis Run, the type section of the Tidioute shale, the Cobham conglomerate is ab- sent, by facies change, but the base of the Tidioute shale is ex- ceedingly clear-cut, for it is lithically distinct from the sandy equivalent of the Cobham and the faunal augmentation is abrupt. The Tidioute member is widely traceable on the basis of its ‘ncluded faunas. In the basal two feet there are sporadic de- -velopments of rich Echini faunules. Perhaps the most famous of these is that developed on Yankee Bush Hill, north of Warren, Pennsylvania. On the top of Clark Hill (Clark farm), first of the small knob-like hills rising above the common level of the Yankee Bush, on Trapezoidal Hill (so-called from its geometric shape), and Cemetery Hill about two miles north of Warren are 166R. T. Jackson, Phylogeny of the Echini, with a revision of Paleozoic species. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Mem., vol. 7, pp. 295,292, etc., 1912. 118 NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 118 patches of Tidioute shale which have yielded the main part of the Mississippian Echini fauna from this area'®®. These hills were extensively searched by F. A. Randall, Henry Cobham and Charles E. Beecher as well as James Hall. It is from these oc- currences that virtually all of the “Waverly” fossils from Warren were derived.’ The fauna of the basal zorie of the Tidioute shale includes Rhynchospirina scansa and Syringothyris angulata and S. randall of the Knapp monothem and the Echini Lepidesthes, Paleoechin- oides and Hyattechinus. Crinoid columnals are also abundant. This zone is present over a large area at the base of the Tidioute member. The Echini are the determining element. They, how- ever, are only locally common, and are nowhere abundant. The Warren locality is virtually depleted of specimens as three frag- ments after three weeks of intensive collecting would seem to in- dicate. The fauna is known from Miller Farm on Oil Creek, and Meadville, Pennsylvania as well as Warren. The zone of Echini is approximately one foot thick. At its top the Echini bed grades into a persistent fossil zone characterized by huge Platy- cerata belonging to the Mississippian subgenus Jgoceras. ‘These huge and usually grotesque gastropods are commonly abun- dant in the lower three feet of the Tidioute member. They oc- cur occasionally in the stratum with the Echini, but are chiefly concentrated just above the Echini zone. Jgoceras dorsale (Simpson), J. breve (Simpson), /. striatum (Simpson) and Platyceras mitelliforme Simpson, two species of productoids, sev- eral pectinoid pelecypods and several crinoids as well as many other forms make up the large fauna of this zone, most of the con- stituents of which are undescribed. This zone is known from exposures at Miller Farm, Tionesta, Titusville, Meadville, Corry, Garland, Tidioute, Pikes Rock Hill (Warren County), the Yan- kee Bush Hill, Warren, and Stone Hill, Warren County, east of Warren, Pa., and in many places between these localities. The upper 15 to 18 feet of the Tidioute shale is usually only 167To cite a few references to the “Waverly” beds at Warren: OC. E. Beecher, A spiral bivalve from the Waverly group of Pennsylvania N. Y. State Mus. Nat. Hist., 39th Ann. Rep., p. 1(2, 1885; J. Hall, Note on the intimate relations of the Chemung and Waverly sandstone in north- western Pennsylvania and southwestern New York. Amer. Asso. Adv, Sei., Proc., vol. 88, pp. 416-419, 1885. 119 BULLETIN 71 119 sparsely fossil-bearing. Syringothyris, Platyceras, Lingula, and many varieties of pelecypods are found by careful searching. Hayfield shale sensu stricto.—The Hayfield shale in the strict sense of original usage, that is, the upper shale member of the Hayfield monothem is a continuation of the upper Tidioute shale, but is usually somewhat finer grained, and less micaceous. It is entirely devoid of fossils in the type area, so far as known. The Hayfield shale member is approximately 45 feet thick on Cussewago Creek, and gradually grows thinner eastward toward Warren. On the Allegany River at Tidioute the member is ap- proximately 20 feet thick, and characterized by Knapp fossils. Among these fossils are scattered Syringothyrids, Lingulae and Aviculopectens. However, in no, locality has the Platycerata- Echini fauna of the Tidioute member been found in the Hayfield member. The contact of the Hayfield shale with the overlying Corry sandstone is most interesting for everywhere it appears to be gradational. In the Upper two or three feet of the Hayfield, especially on the Allegany River and on Oil Creek, there is an alternation of olivaceous shale and white sandstone layers which grade vertically into the base of the Corry sandstone. However, the Corry fauna does not occur in the gradational zone or below. This condition is wonderfully clearly shown by the section ex- posed on Dennis Run, at Tidioute, Pennsylvania. The Upper part of a very long section running from the Salamanca suite to the Shenango sandstone, is as follows, below. It is worthwhile comparing this section as now exposed along the recently con- structed highway with that of I. C. White!® of 1881 and J. 8: Carll*°S of 1883 wherein many of White’s Crawford County members, especially above the Corry were recognized. Several of White’s formations, especially his Meadville limestones, have hot subsequently been identified in this section, Lower Mississippian and Upper Devonian Strata exposed on Dennis Run, Tidioute, Penna. 14. Shale and sandstone (Sharpsville?) to 1600 A. T. at first TOA |juNnctionyone Dennismhumlroads en sens oma LOM tbs 16ST. C. White, Report on the geology of Crawford and Erie Counties, (Tidioute Bluff section), Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report Q4, p. 71, 1881; and J. F. Carll, The Geology of Warren County, (Dennis Run sec- tion), Idem, Report 14, p. 287, 1883. 120 NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 120 13, Wisse yelllowaisin seuadlsthon®, so ocacncaccocuconooaccce i ents 12. Greenish shale, weat!ering brown, with sandy partings (Orangeville) oo ese eck oes tee teas a ee ee 1225 eit 11. Sandstone and shale, few fossils, Orangeville.......... 4. ft. 10. Corry sandstone, top abou! 1470 A. T. Buff, mas- SVE SenaCdsiome, MO WOSSS .Soosccceavceccossee 15) Sandstone and shaly sandstone ................ 2.9 Sandstone white, tight, limy at base, fossils Hlowinckaint, COmimy IANA, 5546 5cadooococoncccase 6 ft 9. White sandstone with olivaceous shale partings; shale preponderating in lower part. No Corry fossils present 4. ft. 8. Sandstone and shale, few fossils, Knapp types (Hay- j 010 9) YR cree ge ae RUG OR AC ennai can aU CR nite RS Se ee 20. fits 7 Massive sandstone layer, replete with fossils, sandstone with caleareous cement. Lingula especially abundant. Lep- todesmoid clams also common. Syringothyris frag- rans, (Wo) Oi Wichomne WAeUMIE) 5 sscscacacoaccoacce 3 ft. 6. Micaceous shale and sandstone, practically barren of LOSSHISs iy « OL GLOTILEE) Mae teme the name Harvest Home shale is proposed. This name is selected because of the excellent exposure of the member along Rock Creek, Greenwood Township, Crawford 125Idem., p. 85. 1235 BULLETIN 71 135 County, Pennsylvania, especially at Peterson’s Falls where the “Harvest Home Grove” is located. This picnic grove on the edge of the falls is widely known in Crawford County. The appropriateness of this name has been questioned by one stratigrapher who read the monuscript. It would seem that an institution which has been established for thirty years in a com- munity and known far beyond the county boundaries is amply established to warrant having its name selected for a stratigraphic member which is wonderfully well developed adjacent to it. Peterson’s Falls are a part of the Harvest Home grove, the Peterson school is adjacent, and the whole is located on the Peter- son farm. Unfortunately, the name Peterson is unavailable for a stratigraphic unit. It is advisable to have this specific outcrop for the type section. The name Harvest Home seems to be the best available name. The Harvest Home shales are lithically similar to the upper shales of the Meadville group*®*, presently to be described. Ash gray color, flaggy beds alternating with sandy shale and fine shale, characterize them. This member becomes more sandy toward the base. Thickness is rather constant throughout the territory bordering Conneaut Outlet, being from 45-50 feet. No fossils are known. None were found in rather detailed sectioning designed for their discovery. It is presumable that Syringothyris and Conularia as well as inarticulate brachiopods occur in the member because of the discovery of fragments of these forms in talus slopes presumably derived from the Harvest Home shale. French Creek limestone member.—The “Meadville upper lime- stone” was described by White’ in his Crawford County report. It is in many respects the most interesting of these sev- eral Meadville limestones. As has already been pointed out, this member, together with the sporadic middle limestone (Byham) is one of the most characteristic features of the lower Mississippian in northwestern Pennsylvania. The Marvin Creek limestone of 196], C. White’s “Meadville group”, sensu stricto, embraced only the lower Meadville shale, upper Meadville limestone and the upper Meadville shale. It might be suggested that these three units constitute the Meadville formational suite. So they would, but such differentiation here seems pointless, especially in as much as the name Meadville has already been used for the monothem, for which it seems advisable to restrict it. 197Idem., pp. 83, 84. . 136 NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 136 the Kushequa shale is lithically similar. It is here proposed that the upper Meadville limestone be known by the more specific ame of French Creek* limestone. It is so called from the out- crops of the member in ravines eroded by tributaries to French Creek, Crawford County, Pennsylvania. The type section for this member is the ravine at the “Glendale” Cemetery in the city of Meadville, Pennsylvania. The French Creek limestone is usually about 1 foot thick, but is over 2 feet thick in ravines south of Meadville, on the ~ east bank of French Creek. The French Creek member is about as widespread as the West Mead limestone. Both are of greatest stratigraphic value in this countryside. The French Creek limestone is usually replete with fossils. The faunal list is a long one, but made up in the main of unde- scribed species. The predominant elements are inarticulate brachiopods and an abundance of fish bones. In fact fish bones and teeth are so common in places as truly to make it a fish bone conglomerate or glomerate. Two new species of Spirifer, at least two new Syringothyris, a new Productus, of the P. ovatus group and several pelecypods and gastropods, as well as many other forms, are in the collections at Cornell University: *Note: The name “French Creek” is proposed at this point to supplant the name “Conneaut” used in earlier parts o° this paper for the same member. The name “Conneaut” was fitting for the excellent develop- ment of the member in the gorge of Rock Creek at Custards, a tribu- tary to the Conneaut Lake Outlet. The substitution is made at the request of G. H. Chadwick that Conneaut may be used as a group name in his forthcoming revision of the “Portage” and “Chemung.” The name Conneaut is especially fitting for the unit to which he is applying it and “French Creek” is equally appropriate for the Mississippian limestone of this paper. Attention is called to the use of the supplanted term in the preceding “List of Strata Occurring in Northwestern Pennsylvania”. The name Conneaut is introduced to embrace the Girard and Chadakoin stages of the Upper Devonian in northwestern Pennsylvania, and also the underlying Cuba sandstone further east. The wording of G. H. Chadwick’s manuscript in this matter is as follows: “To these pseudo-Chemung beds, from the base of the Dunkirk to the base of the Cuba sandstone, I am proposing to apply the substitute and distinctive name Canadaway group, and to those from the base of the Cuba sandstone to the base of the Wolf Creek (Panama) congiomerate, in which the fauna has been modi- fied by loss of Delthyris mesacostalis and the accession of Camarotoechia (2?) duplicata, the name Conneaut group”. iB BULLETIN 71 137 At the base the French Creek limestone generally has a zone ef iron-ball concretions, usually formed about fossil fragments. Ordinarily the limestone does not intergrade with the shale above or below. This limestone is not known on the Allegany River at Tidioute as has been reported,!®* nor can it be traced far east of the Mead- ville area. Southward the member can be traced to the vicinity of Oil City and Franklin. At the latter it is carried below the surface by regional dip. Custards shale member.—At the top of the Meadville mono- them in Crawford County there is a shale member which over- lies the French Creek limestone. This shale was mentioned by White?®® in his original discussion of the Meadville formation as the “Meadville upper shales.” From the exposures of this shale member in the vicinity of Custards village on Conneaut Creek, Crawford County, Pennsylvania it is proposed that this member be known as the Custards shale. The best exposure is at Peterson’s Falls on Rocky Creek, two miles west of Custards. It is also well exposed on Mill Run at Meadville, Pennsylvania and in many other places, the chief of which are listed by White’®® in his original discussion of the member. . A small, unstudied fossil fauna is present in the Custards shale. Fragments of Spirifer and Syringothyris and also Conularia are commonest. Its thickness in Crawford County is from 25 to 30 feet. Summary of the Meadville monothem.—The Meadville mono- them apparently represents a recurrence of conditions somewhat similar to those which had existed in western Pennsylvania dur- ing the Cussewago age. The similarity of environmental condi- tions indicated by the strata of the Cussewago and the Meadville sequences is striking. The Marvin Creek limestone and the Mead- ville limestones are markedly similar lithically. This similarity impresses one the more the strata are studied. It is small wonder that the earlier geologists with their predilections for long-dis- tance correlation should have unhesitatingly correlated these beds. 1987. C. White, Report on the geology of Erie and Crawford Counties. Allegany River section, Tidioute Bluff. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Re- port Q4, pp. 71-72, 1881. 199Tdem, p. 83. 1°8 NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 138 This lithic similarity of the Meadville monothem and the Cusse- wago stage seems to the worker in the field as one more bit of suggestive proof of the Mississippian age of the Cussewago. The Conditions of Kushequa shale accumulation were virtually identi- cal to those of the Meadville. SHENANGO STAGE SHENANGO MoNoTHEM I. C. White differentiated?” the “Shenango group” above the “Meadville group” and below the Sharon (Pottsville) conglom- erate in Crawford County, Pennsylvania. This group was to include his previously described?°! Shenango sandstone and the overlying shale which he termed the “Shenango shale” in his 1880 report?” The Shenango group was early recognized by White and others as constituting the upper part of the Cuyahoga formation of Ohio. This Shenango group is here recognized as a monothem of the Crawford series (which might be with equal propriety called the “Cuyahoga series’). The reasons for this resurrection of the long abandoned Crawford bracket are dis- cussed above. It is impossible to correlate the Shenango monothem with either the Mauch Chunk and Pocono formations of eastern Pennsylvania or the formations of the same names in Ohio. Considerable field work is necessary before these relationships can be spoken of authoritatively. -It is largely through the work of Ashburner?°? who was chief of the “long distance” correlators, that we have the current correlation of the Shenango group of western Pennsylvania with the Pocono of eastern Pennsylvania. Available field evidence at present does not substantiate this long range correlation. Nor is there more evidence for the correlation of the Mauch Chunk with the She- nango which ‘Chance? proposed from his studies of Clinton County, Pennsylvania. At the present status of knowledge, 200ldem, pp. 77-82. 201Report of prowress in 1878. the geology of Mercer County. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report Q3, pp. 60-61, 1880. 202C, A. Ashburner, The geology of McKean County and its connection with that of Cameron, Elk and Forest. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report R, p. 66, 1880. 20°H. M. Chance, Geology of Clinton County, Part II, A special study of the Carboniferous and Devonian strata along the west branch of the Susquehanna River. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report G4, p. 118, ete. 1880. 139 BULLETIN 71 139 chiefly characterized by its lacunae, of the nature of east-west relationships of the Mississipian strata in northern Pennsylvania, and with constantly increasing ground for doubt of all former correlations across Northern Pennsylvania as a result of the revelations of “Catskill” relationships ?°*,?°° it is not practi- cal to correlate the Shenango sandstone with any formation east of the Allegany River at present. It is presumable that further study along the southern range of the territory covered in this study will prove the Shenango continuous to at least the “Altoo- na angle’. , Shenango sandstone.—(Johnsonburg sandstone). The She- nango sandstone is one of the great sandstones of western Penn- sylvania. It has been traced all over the western counties and has been variously identified in former times as the “Sub-Olean conglomerate,’ “Sub-Garland conglomerate,’ “Upper Pocono sandstone,” or simply as the “Ferriferous sandstone.” It takes its name from the Shenango River in Crawford County. This is one of the most dependable stratigraphic horizons in western Pennsylvania. The outstanding characteristic is its coarse flat- pebble nature, and abundance of iron ball concretions and preva- lent vein fillings of iron. The whole sandstone, is usually golden brown to dark brown in color, and sometimes reddish on wea- thered surfaces. The Shenango is about 45 feet thick in the western counties. It is cut out westward, and appreciably thick- ens eastward at the expense of the overlying Shenango shales as W. A. Verwiebe has pointed out.?°? To the south this sandstone and the overlying shale interval become predominantly sandy 204G. H. Chadwick, The Chagrin formation of Ohio. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 36, pp. 455-464, 1925. 205Idem, Pocono problem, (abstract), Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull. vol. 48, p. Bie, IOs. ig 206Jdem, Red beds in eastern New York,, Science, n. s., vol. 77, pp. 86-87, 1933. 206a.Idem, Great Catiskill delta. Pan American Geol., vol. 60, pp. 91-108; 189-205; 275-287; 348-360, 1933. 207G. A. Cooper, Stratigraphy of the Hamilton group of eastern New York. (abstract), Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 44, pp. 200-201, 1933. 208Bradford Willard, “Catskill” sedimentation in Pennsylvania, Geol. Soc. _ Amer., Bull., vol. 44, pp. 495-516, 1933. 209Correlation of the Mississippian of Ohio and Pennsylvania. Am. Journ. Scei., vol. 48, p. 302, 1917. 140 NoRTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 140 and are known as the Burgoon formation.1*,2"° There is no con- sensus as to the exact relationship of the Shenango sandstone to the Royalton and the Logan formations of Ohio, although vari- ous correlations have been suggested in literature. The lithology of the Shenango is somewhat similar to that of the Cussewago sandstone, though more tightly cemented. The contact with the underlying beds is sharp in all the sections ex- amined, but always disconformable. This is true also of the con- tact with the overlying shales. The Shenango sandstone is cut out of the Allegany River section a short distance northeast of Tidioute, Pennsylvania and is not present at Warren. This is clearly shown by C. Butts in his Allegany River section of 1910. From Meadville to Oil City and subsurficially further south- ward the Shenango is of rather consistent lithology and thick- ness. Toward the southeast and eastward from the Tionesta meridian the Shenango sandstone thickens, as previously ex- plained, at the expense of the overlying shales. This feature is rather well shown by a series of sections and well logs across Venango, Forest, Elk and Cameron Counties to Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania. In the face of the second tier of the lower cut- tings of the Yingling-Martin shale quarry at the latter place a thick flaggy to massive yellow sandstone charged with plant ma- terial (see section given previously) is believed to be on the horizon of the Shenango sandstone. This correlation is tenta- tive. Until it can be carefully checked it is suggested that the massive member at Johnsonburg be known as the Johnsonburg sandstone. The available published sections rather strongly in- dicate the coevality of the Johnsonburg with the Shenango on the Allegany River. In the areas west of the Allegany River the Shenango usually carries a large and plentiful fauna showing marked affinity to the fauna of Meadville monothem below. Athyris aff. lamellosa, Spirifer sp., Orthothetes and Schuchertella sp. as well as Syring- othyris aff. carteri and many pelecypods and crinoidal fragments are the chief components. Eastward fish bones and plant frag- 210See: Charles Butts, Pre-Pennsylvania stratigraphy of northwestern Pennsylvania. Penna. Topo. and Geol. Surv., Report for 1906-1908, pp. 190-204, 1908. 141 BULLETIN 71 141 ments are of increasing abundance. Hempfield shale member.—Above the Shenango sandstone in Crawford County are from 45 to 60 feet of bluish gray to olive green, brown-weathering shale and thin sandstone flags. The latter element is progressively more prominent eastward. I. C. White?" described this member in his Crawford County report | as the “Shenango shale’. Inasmuch as the name Shenango is being restricted to the sandstone member of the monothem it is proposed that the “Shenango shale” of old be henceforth known as the Hempfield shale member of the Shenango monothem. This member is well developed in Crawford County as pointed out by I. C. White, and also nicely shown in and about the city of Greenville, Hempfield Township, Mercer County, Pennsylvania. As I. C. White pointed out, the Hempfield shale carries near its base a layer of iron-ball concretions. These are a good recog- nition character in most sections. Fossils are not common in the shale. A few poor specimens seem to indicate a close faunal affinity between the Hempfield shale and the Shenango sandstone, thus strengthening the monothemic bond. The Hempfield shale was correlated by the geologists of the Second Pennsylvania Geological Survey with the Mauch Chunk shale of north central Pennsylvania. It would seem that this correlation was and is unwarranted for lack of evidence. It is within reason, though yet to be proven that the Hempfield and the so-called Mauch Chunk of western Pennsylvania (especially environs of Pittsburgh) are correlates. The afore-going state- ment would imply, as the absence of information would seem to justify, inadequate information in the past and present about the westward development of the true Mauch Chunk shale. The purported Mauch Chunk of western Pennsylvania overlies the Greenbriar limestone which is in turn above the Burgoon forma- tion. The relation of the Hempfield to these strata is yet ‘to be shown. At Johnsonburg, and elsewhere on the Clarion River there is found a narrow band of red shale, usually not over 10 feet thick in the area about Johnsonburg, which overlies the Johnson- burg sandstone by approximately 60 feet. This intervening se- quence, composed of olivaceous flags and shale, is tentatively 211The geology of Erie and Crawford Counties. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report Q4, p. 78, 1881. 142 NorTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 142 correlated with the Hempfield shale. The red beds above have been termed by the geologists of the Second Survey as Mauch Chunk. These reds thicken rapidly toward the south and appar- ently southwest. They may be the correlates of the “Mauch Chunk” of the Pittsburgh area. Their connection to the east is likewise indefinite at present. Greenbriar series* Above the Shenango monothem in western Pennsylvania comes a wedge of limestone from the south which faunal evidence would indicate overlies the Hempfield shale and is represented in the hiatus between the Shenango monothem and the Potts- ville. of Crawford County. Absent on the upper Alle- gany River and also apparently absent on the Clarion River, be- neath the so-called Mauch Chunk shale. This wedge constitutes the “Green briar series” which is well exposed and best devel- oped in the vicinity of Pittsburgh. This series comprises the siliceous Loyalhanna limestone member at the base, followed by a red shale sequence which has been called “Mauch Chunk”. These red beds are overlain by the Greenbriar limestone member which is in turn overlain by another red shale member which has been called the Upper Mauch Chunk shale. The red ele- ments of this series seem to extend further north than the lime- stones. The red shale overlying the purported Hempfield shale in the vicinity of Johnsonburg and Ridgway on the Clarion River may be continuous with one or both of these red shales of the Greenbriar series in southwestern Pennsylvania. It seems probable, at any rate that the Greenbriar series entirely overlies th Shenango monothem. For the red shale member (or com- posite member) on the Clarion River, which in the past has been called the Mauch Chunk, the name Cameron red shale mem- ber is proposed. This member can be studied very well from the well sections and surface exposures in Cameron County, Pennsylvania. The series of well sections published by Ashburn- er and Shaeffer*!? running from Bradford, McKean County *No brief is held for the classification of the Greenbriar sequence here given. This unit lies outside the area of the present investigation, and its relation to the current problem is presented with apriority. 212C, A. Ashburner, The geology of McKean County and its connection with that of Cameron, Elk and Forest Counties, Second Penna. Geol, Surv., Report R, Plate 11, 1880, 143 BULLETIN 71 143 southward through Wilcox and Johnsonburg show the rapid thickening of the member toward the south. Good exposures occur at Ridgway, Emporium and Franklin, Pennsylvania. The determination of the relationship of the Cameron shale to the Mauch Chunk of Carbon County and the Greenbriar red shales of southwestern Pennsylvania is a fascinating problem in cor- relat.on yet to be undertaken. CORRELATION The correlation of the respective stratigraphic members found in northwestern Pennsylvania with those described from adja- cent areas has been a perplexing problem which it has not been possible in the available time comprehensively to solve. At first glance it might seem that correlation in this region would be especially facilitated by the great number of published records of oil wells. Of course these records are an invaluable adjunct, but their inaccuracies are manifold. In general the average of many sections in a specific area proves dependable. Modern workers are indeed grateful for the thousand odd sections of the older wells preserved in the reports of the Second Pennsylvania Geological Survey. [rom these sections and supplimentary ones it has ‘been possible to work out with moderate assurance the relation of the surface and subsurface strata of the upper Chau- tauquan and Venangoan as well as the Lower Mississippian of the northwestern counties of Pennsylvania, the mass of these facts being hereinbefore incorporated. In this aforegoing ex- position the members occurring typically at the surface in south- western New York have been included. The New York and Pennsylvania State line is a less forbidding stratigraphic barrier than that Letween the latter state and Ohio. The correlation of the formations of northwestern Pennsyl- vania and the supposed equivalents in Ohio is at best somewhat intuitive. The difficulty lies in the paucity of outcrops in both states adjacent to the boundary. This phase of the problem is subsequently taken up. The correlation of the surface outcrops in western Pennsylvania with the oil sands to the south is a matter of some import which has been previously touched upon. A very detailed and scholarly report on this problem has been prepared by G. H. Chadwick (1930) for the Topographic and ‘o1yQ ‘puepedc[O Jo AIO ey} vou 0} AjUNOD Uke yOW uxayseo Woy ‘elueA[ASUUAg SsOLOe UOTJaS az1sodWOD— OT “BI H 310s ' a 1 Ly Saw OF (oY Ol * t —— —aL @ \ ss =. inca | ! — i ms af soo SSS ha as \ SS Q < Db Teg te fo A ee a1. VON VIS Sone amamer eo : “HS ALIN ped 3 = TUxSLV9,, “HS NMOLS Y393VS E955, 2 vy > SSE ato Cima ee le SIMI Sas Se SSS = ~ PETES 1000000m 3 | Sana eh Bee en oe 1, — yOAWMSO,, ae = —~ See ore - alia) ] ; Pa TNAZOY "$71 33ND NIAUWN Ee ==SUS _ONV1SAII0-==: “HS 0403038, ,, 1 (——_ * - <6N090d, ce v i) x < 2 = 5 z i = fn 8 2 = D 2 2 _ R D (e au) m = c m : z a te) Oo < is] > 5 ® rc 4 a m a Cc < = < z o < > =) se m - m =i = = = in @ E E Pa x 3 = gu E bs Las ° 2 S D Oo x > i= m m 9 & m AS 8 zs q 3 3B d 9 : : } a ° a 5 : U > y [o} : : D =p “ > : ; mal Dp RY Re) : ; a 145 BULLETIN 71 145 Geologic Survey of Pennsylvania and is now on file in Harris- burg. Mr. Chadwick has very generously permitted the leisure- ly examination of this report. In the main his correlations are in agreement with those of this report. Points of difference have been brought out in the previous text. The eastward and southeastward correlation of the strata in northwestern Pennsylvania, especially of the Mississippian mem- bers, presents a :emporarily intangible problem. This is taken up under the head of the Pocono and Mauch Chunk correlation problem below. . THE CORRELATION PROBLEMS INVOLVED IN THE DETERMINATION OF THE AGE OF THE Pocono AND MaucH CHUNK FORMATIONS OF PENNSYLVANIA The Pocono and Mauch Chunk formations of eastern, south- ern and southwestern Pennsylvania are a controversial unit in the geologic column. Their age for many years has been universally conceded to be early Mississippian. From commonly reported gradation between the lower Pocono sandstone and the overlying red Mauch Chunk shale it seems probable that they constitute an approximately continuous record. They are almost universal- ly recorded as overlying red beds of Devonian age belonging to the Catskill facies. The correlation problem centers in eastern and south central Pennsylvania where are exposed lithically and sequentially similar strata which were deposited on opposite sides of the shallow head of the relict Appalachian trough. They are separated by closely folded strata from which a large part of the purported coeval beds are removed by erosion. The question has arisen whether these two sequences, the one in the southern foothills of the Pocono Mountains and the other, in general, in the eastern Appalachians, are coetaneous deposits ; Note: In Figure 10, opposite, the sections between Riceville and Warren, Pennsylvania show the Corry sandstone directly overlying the “Knapp conglomerate”. Since the figure was engraved the relationships out- lined in the text of the paper have been: discovered; the Hayfield shale and Tidioute shale of the Hayfield monothem intervene between the Corry and the Knapp in these sections, and at least the Tidioute (doubtfully the Hayfield shale) intervenes virtually as far east as the Corry sandstone occurs along the line of this section. Likewise, the three-fold nature of the Berea sandstone in Ohio is not clearly shown in this diagram. This defect is also remedied in the text. 146 NorTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 146 if so, how to coordinate the definite Mississippian age*!* of the seaward sequence with the postulated?°*,?°°,2°°a Devonian age of the sequence in the foothills of the Pocono Mountains. The “Pocono” sandstone of central Pennsylvania carries Miss- issippian plants according to Dr. David White ; to the south Miss- issippian marine faunas are intercalated with the typical sands. On this basis the “Pocono” has been correlated with Mississippian strata in southwestern and western Pennsylvania and Ohio.** As has been previously shown, this correlation cannot be judged at the present state of our paleontologic knowledge. The Miss- issippian age determination must stand, however. The Pocono sandstone of the Pocono mountain area has al- ways been considered to be the same formation as the “Pocono” further south. But G. H. Chadwick? has observed that the New York and Pennsylvania Upper Devonian strata as traced eastward take on a lithology that is strikingly similar to the Pocono sandstone. That facies has been termed the “Pocono” facies in this report, for want of a bettter name. It seems prob- able that no one has ever attempted to trace the Pocono from the Pocono Mountains area westward to substantiate this con- tention. ‘The literature dealing with the Pocono of eastern and northeastern Pennsylvania is somewhat complex and contradic- tory, especially the text and figures of the same reports. It is unlikely that anyone could present an accurate explana- tion of the relationship of the Pocono to the Catskill from these published reports alone. It is interesting to note that I. C. White was aware that none of his true Pocono is present in the Pocono Mountain escarpment, even though he mapped it as present at the horizon of the somewhat similar Cherry Ridge conglomer- ate several hundred feet down in the Catskill and then ex- plained away his mistake as an aid to the layman in appreciating the plateau nature of the region. The Pocono sandstone, of com- mon usage, occurs above these Devonian strata many miles back from the Pocono front, and the Pocono mountains proper. This 213David White, The age of the Pocono. Am. Journ. Sci., vol. 27, pp. 265- 273, 1934. 214J), B. Reger, Pocono stratigraphy in the Broadtop basin of Pennsylvania. Geol. Soe. Amer., Bull. vol. 38, pp. 397-410, 1927, correlates the Pocono with the sequence from Berea through Burgoon. This is an echo of the correlations made by the geologists of the Second Pennsylvania Survey. 147 BULLETIN 71 147 may account for a part of the opposing opinions about the Pocono of northeastern Pennsylvania. Whether the Pocono sandstone which caps the hills west of the mountain area from which it takes its name but in which it does not occur is the same as the “Pocono” at East Mauch Chunk is an open question for which there is certainly as much positive as negative information avail- able at present. In the type area, as elsewhere, the Pocono sand- stone is disconformable with the underlying red “Catskill” shale. The upper Pocono intergrades with an overlying red shale. The “Pocono” on the Lehigh River, and in virtually every sec- tion where sufficiently exposed also intergrades with an overly- ing red shale, the Mauch Chunk. This latter carries Mississ- ippian floras in the anthracite coal area and faunas of the same age further south. Beds of identical appearance in southwest- ern Pennsylvania, on the northwest side of the embayment are intercalated between the Mississippian Greenbriar limestones. It would seem that the Mauch Chunk shale is Mississippian, and is not directly related to the Upper Devonian facies development. By way of summary of the controversy the nomenclatorial na- ture of the problem rather than its stratigraphic aspect must be emphasized. There is no argument about the existence of both a Devonian “Pocono’-like magnafacies in the Catskill delta de- posits to the east of the typical red magnafacies; nor will any deny, who are familiar with the strata, that there are present over a large area of Pennsylvania beds of “Pocono”’-like lithol- ogy which overlie Devonian beds and do not grade laterally into the magnafacies which characterize the Devonian delta beds of the same general territory. These latter beds are the ones which carry Mississippian faunas and floras and the ones to which the name “Pocono” is linked in common and long accepted usage. The problem now arises whether this usage despite its ubiquity in print is tenable on the grounds of strict priority of usage and particularly of specific geographic designation. When I. C. White proposed the name Pocono for a sequence of strata he unquestionably intended the name for the strata ever since called by that name: i.e., Lower Mississippian strata. His intention was excellent, but in his choice of a type section of exposure, misguided as he was at the time by the current con- cept of parallelism of strata and ignorance of the facies pattern 148 NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 148 of the Catskill delta beds, he selected the sandstone of the Po- conos as the type and therefrom chose the name. These beds in the Poconos he later recognized as laterally gradational into De- vonian strata and underlying the strata which he had endeavored to name. He recognized, as must all workers’in that area that the type Pocono is Devonian. The name “Pocono” ought, there- fore, on the grounds of strict priority to be used for this Upper Devonian sequence of the Pocono mountains. Because of the transcendency of the contemporaneity planes by this Pocono type of lithology in the Upper Devonian delta deposits it might clarify matters to use the term Pocono in the sense herein tenta- tively employed, that is, as a magnafacies term. Some new or acceptable name should be used for the sequence of Mississippian age for which the name Pocono has long been employed or else by common consent of stratigraphers the legali- ty of “Pocono” as basal Mississippian should be established. The grounds for the latter procedure would be largely convenience and a testimony of the modern appreciation of the good inten- tion of I. C. White. The problem is, briefly, nomenclatorial and not stratigraphic. It is unfortunate that this highly speculative and justifiably contested association of the Pocono and Mauch Chunk with the encroachment of the Catskill delta was so prematurely suggested. CORRELATION OF THE UPPER CHAUTAUQUAN, VENANGOAN AND Lower MISSISSIPPIAN IN EASTERN OHIO AND NORTHWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. The correlation of Upper Devonian and Lower Mississippian strata of western Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio has been a serious stratigraphic problem ever since the successions in the two areas have been known. The Chagrin shale (Erie shale) of Ohio embraces in a single facies, according to some workers, part of the Chemung formation, all of the Chadakoin as well as the Conewango series of New York and Pennsylvania. If this concept is wholly true, then all of these eastwardly well dif- ferentiated categories and their respective components are unin- teruptedly and practically indistinguishably represented by one homogeneous terrane in Ohio. However, it is proven by faunal and lithic tracing that this concept is far from field actualities. 149 BuLLETIN 71 149 In eastern Ohio the Conewango sandstones and shales are still clearly differentiated in the Chagrin terrane. The discon- formities are less obvious in the changed facies; some may be omitted, but the faunal zones are as delimited as they are in more eastern facies provinces. Field studies only further sub- stantiate this fact which is well brought out in Prosser’s De- vonian and Mississippian sections in northeastern Ohio (Ohio Ceol Susy) Bulls) 1o12))- Chadwick’s work?%* also illus- trates the presence in the Chagrin terrane of members typical- ly developed in Pennsylvania. In the summer of 1932 during a reconnaissance trip into Ohio most of Prosser’s sections were studied. It was clearly demon- strated that despite the apparent lithic homogeneity of the Cha- grin terrane that the faunal bréak at the bottom of the Venango stage is as clearly marked in Ohio as in western Pennsylvania or New York. This is illustrated by a section in the upper Chagrin shales exposed on Mill Creek, northeast of Jefferson, Ohio. This is a locality described by H. P. Cushing?*® and C. S. Prosser and is famous due to the disconcerting presence of Syringothyris. At the railroad bridge across the creek a sequence of bluish shales and buff-weathering sandstones carries an abundant fauna com- posed chiefly of Leiorhynchus*. his genus is especially char- acteristic of the particular parvafacies of the Chagrin there ex- posed. One fourth of a mile above the bridge, and approximate- ly fifty feet above the Leiorhynchus beds in shales and sand- stones lithically similar are several thin limy layers in the midst of somewhat sandier beds. In the limy layers is found the typi- cal fauna of the Panama-LeBoeuf conglomerate of northwestern Pennsylvania; this fauna is chiefly characterized by certain species of the pelecypod, Ptychopteria. Associated with the Panama fauna are many Syringothyris chemungensis. Above the horizon of the Panama conglomerate there is no recurrence of representatives of S yringothyris on Mill Creek, or elsewhere so far as known in the entire Chagrin of Ohio. Near the mid- dle of the intervening shale sequence, between the Syringothyris occurrence and the top of the Chagrin, a somewhat sandier member carries the unmistakable fauna of the Millers (Pope *See Chadwick, 1934, bibliography. 150 NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 150 Hollow member of the Salamanca suite) sandstone. This Millers fauna is composed of a characteristic mutant of Spirifer dis- junctus, representatives of Pararca and several characteristic species of Ptychopteria, including P. beechert. The Chagrin in eastern Ohio is terminated by the Riceville- Oswayo shale (as delimited in this report from the Knapp shale). No evidence is known which would indicate that the Chagrin extends higher in the column than this member at the top of the Conewango series. There now remains the resolution of the strata of the Cusse- wago stage of Pennsylvania into the Ohio rock column. Due to the absence of any sections in which the supra-Chagrin strata of Ohio and the supra-Conewango strata of Pennsylvania occur very close to each other geographically the problem becomes somewhat difficult. In Ohio the Cleveland shale and the Bedford shale with its included sandstone lenses occur between the Chagrin formation and the Berea sandstone. In Pennsylvania the Kushequa shale and the Knapp suite of conglomerates (Cussewago sandstone sequence) of the Cussewago stage intervene between the Cone- wango strata and the Berea sandstone. This parallelism is sug- gestive, apparently too suggestive for some geologists. The question arises as to the relationship of the Cleveland shale to the Chagrin formation of Ohio. This arises from the search for significant breaks in the sedimentary record which may have reflections in both sections. Several excellent geologists among whom are G. H. Chad- wick?*® and H. P. Cushing?!® feel convinced of the disconform- able contact between the Cleveland and the Chagrin. They maintain that the intergradations of the two formations which have been noted are erroneous interpretations, and that the Chagrin was subjected to considerable erosion prior to Cleve- land deposition. The difficulty with this concept lies in the un- trustworthy criteria used to determine the age of the Chagrin 215G,. H. Chadwick, The Chagrin formation of Ohio, Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 36, p. 461, 1925. 216Geology and mineral resources of the Cleveland district, Ohio. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 818, pp. 35-38, 1981. 151 BULLETIN 71 151 beds in contact with the presumed overlap of the Cleveland. Chadwick?!® reports that at one place the uppermost Chagrin beneath the summit unconformity is the Millers sandstone, “characterized by its abundant fauna,” and again it is the Wood- cock, similarly characterized. In reality the fauna of neither in Ohio has been sufficiently well known to this time to warrant such stratigraphic identifications. Another school of geologists, including C. S. Prosser?** and E. M. Kindle?"® are inclined to the idea that the Chagrin shale grades westward into the Cleveland shale facies. This grada- tional relationship is rather well shown by Prosser’s Big Creek section,?!” at East Brooklyn, Ohio, where he indicates that a progressively greater amount of Chagrin shale becomes “Cleve- land’? when traced westward. This evidence would tend to suggest that the black shale facies is progressively assumed in this part of Ohio in a reverse direction for a normal Upper Devonian facies. The common condition for this area of off-shore deposition in front of the ercroaching Upper Devonian delta or deltas has been a grad- ual westward migration of the eastern facies. The Cleveland, if gradational below, apparently encroaches eastward as repeated sections in eastern Ohio seem to indicate. On the basis of geographic conditions which are rather well established as existant in the area west of Cleveland during the early Mississippian period when the crest of the Cincinnati dome was emergent from the sea*? it does not require a great amount of imagination to picture this uplift as having been in progress throughout Chagrin time. Such an uplift would have tended to narrow the eastern Chagrin seaway and might even have gone so far, had it been emergent or nearly so, as to have established an encroaching facies from the west, or at any rate effectively precluded westward encroachment of eastern facies. 217C. §. Prosser, The Devonian and Mississippian formations of north- eastern Ohio. Ohio Geol. Surv., Fourth Series, Bull. 15, pp. 27-28, etc. 1912. 218EH, M. Kindle, The stratigraphic relations of the Devonian shales of Ohio. Amer. Journ. Sci. (4), vol. 34, p. 200, 1912. 219For varying opinion of early Mississippian conditions in Ohio and Penn- sylvania see: J. E. Hyde, The ripples of the Bedford and Berea forma- tions of central and southern Ohio, with notes on the paleogeography of that epoch. Journ. Geol., vol. 19, pp. 257-269, 1911, 152 NoRTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 152 This might be called stemming the tide of Catskill encroachment and turning the western facies back on themselves. To put the same view in another manner, toward the end of the Devonian period the gradient from the Catskill plain to the marine environment in western Pennsylvania and Ohio was de- creased and the previously relatively rapid westward migration of eastern facies concomitant with continuous eastern uplift virtually ceased. Whereupon either eastern subsidence or western uplift or both created the temporary condition of an eastward encroaching sea, so that sediments of a type formerly occurring in a more western environment now are deposited above facies of an eastern province. This would explain the Chagrin “wedge” between the Huron shale on the bottom and the Cleveland shale above. This is well shown by Kindle’s dia- gram,””° figure 3. Of course, this figure is somewhat erroneous in the light of Prosser’s findings**? of 1913 relative to the rela- tionship of the Huron and Cleveland formations. Prosser con- cluded that the Huron shale is a western facies of the Chagrin. The present contention is that the Huron shale, which repre- sents a normal western facies of Devonian deposition, was de- posited prior to any effectual disruption of geographic condi- tions due to uplift on the Cincinnati arch in the Ohio area. The Cleveland shale, on the other hand, is a representative the same magnafacies, deposited during the progressive uplift of the arch, and is therefore a “reverted” parvafacies of the same magna- facies as the Huron. The sections which Prosser shows to in- dicate that the Huron shale underlies the Cleveland and is the western gradational facies of the Chagrin are taken from the geographic points near the tip of what is here spoken of as the 220K, M. Kindle, The unconformity at the base of the Chattanooga shale of Kentucky. Am. Journ. Sci., (4), vol. 33, pp. 129-1386, 1912, and The Stratigraphic relations of the Devonian shales of northern Ohio. Am. Journ. Sci., (4), vol. 34, pp. 187-2138, 1912. Kindle’s concept of a chagrin wedge iS a true picture, of course, on the provision that EH. O. Ulrich’s rejoining opinion that the Huron shale overlies the Chagrin is incorrect. (The Chattanoogan series with special reference to the Ohio shale prob- lem, Am. Journ. Sci., (4), vol. 34, pp. 157-183, 1912. 221C, S. Prosser, The Huron and Cleveland shales of northern Ohio. Journ. Geol., vol. 21, pp. 323-362, 1913. 153 BULLETIN 71 153 “Chagrin wedge.. 22? It is fully appreciated that to some stratigraphers anything so striking as the reversal of the direction of facies encroachment which is here suggested would be the structural basis for that much sought break in the geologic time scale between the De- vonian and the Mississippian. However, this change in direc- tion of encroachment, as envisaged at present, actually began ahout the middle of Chagrin time. Were the Mississippian to be considered as beginning at this point it would mean placing the systemic boundary downward near the point which J. S. Newberry indicated*** might be better. It would mean placing the boundary at approximately the break between the Chada- koin and the Chemung. Evidence to support such a systemic boundary is certainly not present in the neritic zone-of west- ern Pennsylvania and New York. However, there does seem to be a substantial lithic and faunal basis, as previously re- viewed, for drawing the boundary at the break between the Cleveland and the Chagrin. As yet neither acceptance nor rejection of either concept of the Cleveland - Chagrin relationship is in order. In the light of the known facts the “reversal of facies” interpretation or some other along the same lines seems to be most satisfactory. Such a relationship would preclude the possibility of correlation of the Cleveland shale en masse with any specific Venango or Rice- ville development of Pennsylvania. According to this interpre- tation it would have been deposited synchronously, and thus be correlative with practically the whole Conewango series. 222Bradford Willard writes, (letter, July 1933), in regard to the “eastern encroachment of the Cleveland shale” in the following rationalizing manner: “Supposing that Appalachia were considerably reduced in later Devonian time, the amount of clastic sediment supplied the seaway ‘to the west would be relatively small. If so, an eastern encroachment of the pelagic upon or at the expense of the neritic might be assumed.” 223J. S. Newberry, Review of the geologic structure of Ohio. Ohio Geol. Surv., Report III, p. 18, 1878; The Paleozoic fishes of North America. U. S. Geol. Surv., Mon. 16, p. 77, 1889; and Circles of sedimentary de- position in American sedimentary rocks. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Proc., vol. 22 DALE pael Ole ens 154 NorRTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 154 The fish and conodont fauna of the Cleveland shale, as was pointed out by E. M. Kindle??* is essentially Devonian. It is relevant, however, that knowledge of fossil fishes is hardly suff- ciently far advanced at even the present time to warrant any definite pronouncement on them alone even under normal con- ditions. It is necessary to bear in mind in discussing the Cleve- land shale that in old faunal lists Newberry was confusing the true Cleveland shale of northern Ohio with the Mississippian Sunbury shale of southern Ohio. Thus many Mississippian _ species were recorded from the Cleveland shale which do not occur therein. C. S. Prosser has discussed this confusion??. Furthermore, in all likelihood the purported occurrence of Syrin- gothyris in the true Cleveland shale of Ohio as reported by New- berry in the Geology of Ohio, is presumably erroneous; this despite the futile??° attempt of H. P. Cushing’-" to prove this occurrence must be true by attempting to make Newberry per- sonally responsible for the discovery. It was in conjunction with the attempt to reinstate Syringothyris in the Cleveland, where so far as is known at present it does not occur, that Cushing made known the existence of Syringothyris in the Cha- grin at Jefferson, Ohio. The Chagrin Syringothyrid is not in any respect to be mistaken for a Mississippian form, nor does it belong within the same category as the Mississippian forms. The purported Cleveland Synigothyaids were supposedly of the true Mississippian type. The Cleveland shale does not contain, so far as known at present, a single invertebrate fossil whose presence would un- questionably indicate a Mississippian age. Yet, it would be pre-- mature to pass judgment, for at present very little is known about the Mississippian black shale fossils. The facies aspects seem to indicate Devonic age. 224The stratigraphic relations of the Devonian shales of northern Ohio. Am. Journ. Sci., (4), vol. 34, p. 200, 1912. 225The Sunbury shale of Ohio. Journ. Geol., vol. 10, pp. 262-272, 1910. 226Shown by Prosser’s quotation of Newberry’s actual words that New- berry did not specifically say that he personally collected the speci- mens of Syringothyris from the Cleveland shale. (Ohio Geol. Surv., Bull. 15, p. 21, 1912.) 227Age of the Cleveland shale of Ohio, Am. Journ. Sci., (4), vol. 33, pp. 581-584, 1912. 155 BuLuEetTIN 71 155 The faunal aspects and consequent age of the Cleveland shale have been dwelt upon at this length to make more clear the marked faunal change as well as important hiatus that occurs at its top. At the top of the Cleveland shale the relationship ts somewhat similar to the basal relationship between the Cleveland and the Chagrin. Prosser has offered evidence of both con- formable and disconformable contact of the Cleveland and Bed- ford. Throughout the larger part of Ohio the contact is seem- ingly conformable, but a marked lithic change is universally evident with the beginning of Bedford deposition. It seems probable from several sections where the Cleveland-Bedford con- tact has been examined that the apparent conformability is really due to a reworking of the black Cleveland mud in the lower Bed- ford. This is the conclusion at which Cushing also arrived af- ter his very careful studies of the Cleveland in central and northern Ohio?’®. The consensus of the informed seems to indicate at least a slight disconformity at the base of the Bedford shale. This de- bated unconformity, which in places is angularly developed, is perfectly indicated by a marked faunal change from the Cleve- land to the Bedford. Here there is no suggestion of a truly gradational contact. Faunally their contact is a fine example of a lower, Devonian facies-fauna in contact with an upper, pre- sumably Mississippian (see faunal evidence below) faunal as- semblage. The two faunas apparently have nothing in common with each other. The Bedford shale clearly illustrates the development of a new facies province in Ohio. It might be interpreted as the seaward expression of initiatory deposition derived from a new- ly risen land mass, possibly “Cincinnatia,” or the emergent crest of the Cincinnati arch. The Bedford shale seems to have: been deposited under conditions somewhat remindful of the off-shore beds of the Catskill sediments in eastern New York and Penn- sylvania. Sandstone lentils, fissile shales and a tendency to as- sume red coloration are all highly reminiscent. How far east the true Bedford shale was deposited is a mooted question. There is some evidence in scattered sections to indicate that the Bed- 228H. P. Cushing, Geology and mineral resources of the Cleveland district Ohio. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 818, pp. 40-48, 19381, 156 NorTHWESTERN PENNA. : CASTER 156 ford lens extended east to the westwardly thinned edge of the western facies of the Kushequa shale of Pennsylvania. This actual or approximate confluence of the two occurred along the Meadville, Pennsylvania axis, or between there and the state line. This is suggested by figure 11 below. In both the Bed- i? Gy B=HAYFIELD C=CUSSEWAGO F=CLEVELAND CI=KNAPP FI=CHAGRIN D=BEDFORD F2=CONEWANGO DI=KUSHEQUA G=HURON Fig. 11.—Diagrammatiec representation of the present concept of the relationship of the basal Mississippian strata of Ohio and Pennsylvania to each other, and to the Devonian. ford and the Kushequa shales the fissility increases toward Mead- ville, the thickness diminishes, and the coarse sandstone char- acterizing the nearer-shore expressions of each virtually disap- pears. The problem of precise tracing is hampered by the faci that seemingly in Kushequa-Bedford time there was a shallow area in the sea-bottom, a shoal, so to speak, in the general merid- ian of Meadville, Pa. Perhaps during the deposition of the suc- ceeding Knapp conglomerate suite (‘‘Cussewago sandstone”) much of the earlier Cussewago shales (Kushequa-Bedford) were scoured away so that the thickness of Kushequa on this crucial meridian is not over 25 feet at the most. FE. D. Ulrich??? has suggested that there was a land mass in the general vicinity of the Ohio-Pennsylvania line in Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian time. There is now present no evidence to substantiate such a conclusion, at least there is no stratigraphic expression of a land mass. The Cussewago sand- stone presumably was deposited along an uneven east-west shoreline, which perhaps did extend southward on the Mead- 22°The Chattanoogan series with special reference to the Ohio shale prob- lem. Am. Journ. Sci., (4), vol. 34, pp. 157-188, 1912. “N 157 BULLETIN 71 15 ville meridian as a peninsula at this time. That the Bedford formation was derived even in part from a true land mass along the inter-state line seems lithologically impossible. W. A. Ver- wiebe also indicated the impossibility of an interstate land mass as a source of the Bedford. However, it must be remembered that Verwiebe?*° was correlating the Bedford formation with the Venango oil sand group of Pennsylvania. The Bedford shale and sandstone assume a finer grain toward the east, rather than coarser as the existence of an emerged land mass along the state line would seem to require. It is also inter- esting that the Knapp shales (Kushequa) assume a finer grain grain toward the west. This would seem to be a double argu- ment against the barrier which Ulrich suggests. As mentioned above, it is impossible to trace the Bedford for- mation into Pennsylvania and likewise impossible to trace the Knapp monothem into Ohio by surface exposures. The diffi- culty is not so much the moderately disconcerting paucity of outcrops as the concomitant change of facies in each formation toward the state line, as indicated in paragraphs above. That each formation when traced toward the typical area of the other grad- ually takes on a similar lithic facies is certainly suggestive of coevality. The eastern facies of the Bedford and the western facies of the Kushequa are virtually barren of fossils. The finer sediments, the paucity of fossils which are characteristic of either, and the thinning of the beds would perhaps point to a basin, rather than a barrier along the meridian of the state line. A basin may be as formidable a barrier against migration of a faunal assemblage as an isthmus, peninsula or shoal. It is clear that, whether contemporaneous or not, there were in Bedford and Knapp time two locales of sedimentation and life, one in Ohio and the other in Pennsylvania, which paralleled each other not only in physical conditions, but in life de- velopment as well. The faunas, although they are identical in only few details, do show a striking parallelism which is suggest- ive of subspecific variation due to geographic isolation of organ- isms of common lineages. 230Correlation of the Devonian shales of Ohio and Pennsylvania. Am. Journ. Sci., vol. 44, ip. 35, 1917. 158 NorTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 158 It would be premature to lay too much stress on this prin- ciple, because of the largely undescribed nature of the two faunas. In the faunal lists below an attempt is made to assemble a complete catalogue of the Bedford fossils which have been described or indicated in literature. It would be a most oppor- tune contribution should someone monograph the Bedford fauna in the near future. G. H. Girty’s lists?** constitute our chief knowledge of the Bedford fauna. Unfortunately, his long-prom- ised monograph of the fauna is yet to appear. The Knapp fauna is even more imperfectly known by the public. However, col- lections are made and partially studied for a monographic treat- ment of this fauna. In the column of Knapp species in the lists below some anticipatory conclusions are suggested. Proof will be forthcoming in the near future. It would appear at present, as explained above, that the Bed- ford shale of Ohio and the Kushequa shale of the Knapp mono- them in northwestern Pennsylvania are contemporaneous and possibly at least partially laterally continuous deposits. The establishment of their coevality is largely dependant upon faunal evidence; the proof of their lateral continuity is a matter yet to be proven by field tracing. This latter accomplishment may prove impossible. To date such has been the case, due to inade- quate exposure of the strata. The former, however well dem- onstrated to the individual workers, is exceedingly difficult of exposition because of the mutually undescribed, or inadequately described faunas of the Bedford and Kushequa shales (and Knapp sandstones). It seems probable that a facies change in the area of sparse outcrop in northwesternmost Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio, between the typical exposures of the Bedford and Kushequa units, further obscures the correlation. A comparison of the faunas of the Kushequa shale and the Bedford shale is listed below. The implication is made in these lists that the faunas carry several identical species, as well as many forms which further study may prove to be of the same stock (interfacial or geographic subspecies within a facies pro- vince). The faunal lists of the Bedford shale are based on old 231Geologic age of the Bedford shale of Ohio. N. Y. Acad. Sci., Ann., vol. 32, p. 304, 1912. 159 BULLETIN 71 159 determinations which were usually somewhat general. Definite- ly many Knapp forms would have been relegated to Bedford spe- cies had they been known thirty years ago. These are, however, of subspecific distinction ; apparently the minor differences being engendered by slightly different habitats. This fact in itself strongly suggests the contemporaneity of the two faunas. The Kushequa shale appears to represent the normal neritic zone and its fossils are seemingly exponents of a neritic environ- ment, whereas the Bedford shale seems to represent a subneritic zone, which might be compared remotely to the borderland be- tween the neritic and abyssal zones of non-epicontenintal areas. It is a seaward deposit which is characterized less by shore-lov- ing forms, evidently sturdily adapted for a neritic existence, than by their sub-species (or vice versa) and other forms foreign to a neritic zone, which from their characters might be termed ar- chaic elements. These so-called archaic elements make up that part of the Bedford fauna most emphasized in the past. They have a rather remarkable Hamiltonian stamp. These Hamilton- ian elements are not present (or are virtually absent) in the Knapp.?*? As is indicated on figure 11, the faunal evidence known at present would not justify correlating the entire Kushequa se- quence with the entire Bedford sequence, but rather the upper part of the two sequences, especially which carry the Cussewago- Cobham faunal elements. At present it is impossible to say ex- actly what part, if any, of the Cussewago series the Bedford represents. The faunal evidence leads to a conclusion of con- temporaneity, especially between the Bedford and the upper part 232Grave doubt of the actual specific identity of any Bedfordian fossils with Hamiltonian is in the writer’s mind. There are, apparently, many mutants within gens which extend back into the Middle Devonian; but it is questionable if identical forms occur in these widely (vertically) separated “formations”. An excellent commentary on the community of broad species identification when dealing with facies faunas is shown on Plate 6 of the paper on The Recurrent Tropidoleptus Zones of the Upper Devonian of New York by H. S. Williams (U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 79, pp. 98-99, 1913.) The purported representatives of the species Cypricardella bellistriata (Conrad) make up a composite “species” of at least four mutants within the C. bellistriata gens, if not at least three distinct species within one genetic line. A picture in such broad strokes obscures much detail that is essential to the problem of strata correlation and differentiation. 160 NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 160 of the Knapp sequence. It is quite possible that the Bedford also includes the Ohio equivalence of the Hayfield shale and Cusse- wago sandstone. The purported, and, moreover, commonly ac- cepted correlation of the Hayfield monothem and Cussewago sandstone with the Berea sandstone is far from proven. The Bedford fauna seems as was just mentioned to be a mix- ture of at least two quite distinct faunal lines. The greater part of the assemblage as known at present is of Mississippian stamp. Spirifer marionensis and Syringothyris carteri are examples of this younger faunal element. There also occurs an unmistak- able Middle Devonian relict faunal element, of which the Macro- don aft hamuiltoniae and species of Cypricardella are illustrative. It is the Mississippian element of the Bedford fauna with which comparison to the Knapp beds is drawn. This element of the Bedford-and the fauna of the Knapp monothem seem to have a common immediate heritage. It would seem that the Mississippian elements of the Bedford were derived from a nearer-shore fauna for which the Bedford environment was atypical. The abundant fauna of the Knapp seems to represent the more typical development. Certain it is that the Knapp faunas were neither diluted nor contaminated by the Middle Devonian Hamiltonian relicts. Much has been made**! of the Hamilton aspect of the Bedford fauna. This affinity is incontestible for the minor part of the fauna as a simple comparison of some of the species of the Bed- ford with their almost identical antecedents in the New York Hamilton. The secondary element of the Bedford fauna seems to be a modified (mutated) so-called “recurrent” Hamilton fauna. The Hamilton aspect is most clearly seen in the Ohio province of deposition where conditions were more nearly sim- ilar to those which existed in Central New York State at the time of the typical Hamilton accumulation. The Knapp facies, on the other hand, carries in the main the non-Hamiltonian ele- ments of the Bedford fauna. The Knapp formation was ac- cumulated under conditions less similar to those of typical Ham- ilton deposition. The facies fauna of the Bedford does seem to have a Devonian stamp when compared with only Devonian faunas, but when compared with the hitherto imperfectly known Knapp fauna the Mississippian elements appear to be at least 161 BULLETIN 71 161 equally indicial. In the parallel columns below the fauna of the Bedford shale is compared with that of the Knapp formation of western Pennsylvania, Unfortunately, many of the Knapp forms are as yet undescribed, though abundantly represented in the writer’s collection. THE BEDFORD FAUNA Knapp EQUIVALENT Lineulodiseina n. sp. Tdem Linenlodiseina newberryi Hall (?) Idem Phyllopod crustaceans (Genus?) 2 Rebuchertella herricki Foerste Schuchertella sp. (Schellwienella sp. ?) Chonetes n. sp. Chonetes sp., (several varieties Productella pyxidata n. var. Productella sp., (2 n. sp.) Strophalosia sp. Productus ? (sessile?) Rhipidomella n. sp. Rhipidomella n. sp. Cranaena ? aff. subelliptica H. and C ? Cryptonella sp (?) 2 Camarotoechia sappho Hall » Camarotoechia orbicularis ? Delthyris n. sp., aff. seulptilis Hall and missouriensis Weller 2 Spirifer aff. marionensis Shumard Spirifer marionensis ? and mutants in the S. disjunctus gens. Syringothyris carteri Hall Syringothyris carteri ? Nucleospira ? sp. 2 Camarospira ? sp. 2 Athyris aff. hannibalensis Swallow Athyris sp. Athyris aff. fultonensis Swallow Paleoneilo bedfordensis Meek Paleoneilo n. sp. Leda diversa Hall Leda ? n. sp. Solenopsis ? sp. 2 Pterinopecten ? n. sp. Pterinopecten n. sps. Macrodon hamiltoniae Hall (??) Edmondia aff. subovata Hall Idem, and EH. n. sp. Edmondia ellipsis Hall Edmondia aff. ellipsis Cypricardella aff. gregaria Hall 2 Cypricardella tenuistriata Hall 2 Sphenotus aff. cuneatus Conrad Idem; Idem, mut; 8S. n. sp. Sphenotus contractus Hall Sphenotus contractus ? Pholadella newberryi Hall (?) 2 Ptychodesma sp. (?) 2 Bellerophon aff. pelops Hall Bellerophon, 2 n. sp. Bellerophon maera Hall Idem Bellerophon jeffersonensis Weller ? Tropidodiscus aff. acutilira Hall Tropidodiseus ? sp. Tropidodiscus brevilineatus Conrad : Tropidodiseus cyrtolites Hall 2 Oehlertella pleurites Meek Idem, and O. n. sp. Oehlertella n. sp. 2 Pleurotomaria aff. sulcomarginata Conrad Pleurotomaria sp. Platyceras sp. Platyceras, several species Loxonema ? sp. Loxonema ? sp. Conularia aff. newberryi Winchell Conularia sp. Hyolithes sp. Hyolithes ? sp. 162 NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 162 Orthoceras sp. Orthoceroids, several Goniatites sp. 2 Proetus ? sp. Hy The Bedford fauna is essentially that of G. H. Girty*®'; the Knapp fauna our own determination, both above and in the lists to follow. To Girty’s list may be added the species listed by C. R. Stauffer in C. S. Prosser’s**? report on the Devonian and Miss- issippian of Ohio. Stauffer emphasizes the close parallelism between the Bedford fauna of Ohio and that of the Glen Park limestone which Stuart Weller described?** from the Mississ- ippian basin. Those forms on Stauffer’s list which do not appear in the previous one follow below: BEDFORD FAUNA Knapp EQUIVALENT Produectella cf. concentrica Hall Productella sp. ? (?Idem) Rhipidomella ef. missouriensis (Swallow) g Nucleospira aff. minima Weller 2 Schuchertella chemungensis (Conrad) Idem, mutant Ambocoelia umbonata (Conrad) (?) ? Lingula mecki Herrick (?) Lingula, several species Microdon ef. reservatus Hall 2 Nueula ef. glenparkensis Weller Nuecula (?) sp. Parallelodon hamiltoniae Hall 2 In addition to the species recorded in Girty’s and Stauffer’s lists the following species are recorded by H. P. Cushing?®® from the Bedford shale of the Cleveland district, Ohio: Lingula meeki ? Orbiculoidea hertzeri Schuchertella morsei Camarotoechia kentuckyensis Cryptonella n. sp. Athyris aff.. lamellosa Ambocoelia norwoodi Leda n. sp. Parallelodon irvinensis Cypricardella n. sp. Prothyris n. sp. Bembexia sp. Brachymetopus sp. On the non-Hamilton elements of this fauna largely hinges the determination of the geologic age of the Bedford shale. This matter has previously been described in some detail by G. H. 233The Devonian and Mississippian formations of northeastern Ohio. Ohio Geol. Surv., Fourth Ser., Bull. 15, pp. 44-45, 1912. 234Kinderhook faunal studies, Part IV, The fauna of the Glen Park lime- stone. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, Trans., vol. 16, pp. 435-471, 1906. 235The geology and mineral resources of the Cleveland district. Ohio. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 818, p. 44, 1931. 163 BULLETIN 71 163 Girty?**. On the basis of the dissimilarity of the Bedford and Berea faunas and on the Hamiltonian aspect of some of the spe- cies of the Bedford, Girty assigned the Bedford to the Devon- ian. Although the matter of the age of the Knapp monothem has been discussed at length in the earlier part of this paper, and the Mississippian age apparently established on the basis of dis- conformity and faunal aspect, and likewise, in the pages just previous an argument has been presented for considering the Bedford as coeval, if not continuous laterally with at least the upper part of the Knapp monothem, still it seems advisable briefly to examine the non-Hamiltonian portions of the Bedford fauna for possible age assignment. It is against the author’s con- viction to underwrite an assignment of other than Mississippian age to the Syringothyris of the Bedford formation. The Bed- ford Syringothyris do not belong in the same line as the De- vonian Syringothyrids such as those described by Schuchert?*® from the Devonian of Missouri or to the geographically nearer Syringothyrids of the Panama sandstone at Jefferson, Ohi07*",?°*. The Bedford Syringothyris “carteri” is very closely related to the forms occurring in the Knapp monothem, and quite indis- tinguishable from the species occurring in the Corry sandstone. The Bedford forms seem clearly to be of the Mississippian type, and more specifically, of lower Kinderhookian age. The relationship of the Cussewago sandstone to the Bedford and the Berea has been another perplexing stratigraphic problem in Ohio and Pennsylvania. The Berea sandstone has been uni- versally conceded to be of Mississippian age. It represents a tripartite sandstone mass derived presumably from the west and northwest and laid down as a shore, or near-shore deposit from west-central Ohio to eastern Warren County, Pennsylvania. From the vicinity of Cleveland eastward the Berea is comprised of two sandstones with a thin shale between. This condition exists nearly to the Pennsylvania line, and has been variously correlated 236C, S. Schuchert, On the Brachiopod genus Syringothyris in the Miss- ouri Devonian, Am. Journ. Sci., vol. 30, p. 223, 1910. 237H, P. Cushing, Age of the Cleveland Shale of Ohiv, Am. Journ. Sci., vol. 33, pp. 581-584, 1912. 238C, §. Prosser, The Devonian and Mississippian of Ohio, Ohio Geol. Surv., Bull. 15 (Fourth series), pp. 537-539, 1912. 164 NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 164 with the Pennsylvania section. M. C. Read**® mistook the She- nango sandstone and the Sharpsville sandstone, below, for the Berea of Pennsylvania as W. A. Verwiebe**® has suggested. This was probably the cause for early correlation of the Sharpsville sandstone with the Berea by the Ohio Geological Survey?*?. This correlation was subsequently corrected by I. C. White™*. Later White concluded?” that his Oil Lake group of Crawford County, Pennsylvania was the equivalent of the Berea sandstone. The Oil Lake group embraced the strata included in the Corry sandstone downward through the Cussewago sandstone. Many subsequent writers have been in accord with the conclusion that the Corry sandstone represents at least part of the Berea grit of Ohio, Amongathesevare Ga Eh (Giniy?—) edward) © cron P. Cushing?*®, and J. J. Stevenson?**. Of these Cushing, Girty and Stevenson as well as C. S. Prosser**” and W. A. Verwiebe*** concluded that the Corry sandstone, together with the Cussewago shale (Hayfield shale) and the Cussewago sandstone represented the Berea sandstone in Pennsylvania. The Berea sandstone in Ohio apparently unconformably over- lies the Bedford shale, and so pronounced is this unconformity in places that the pre-Berea scour has cut down through the en- tire thickness of the Bedford shale and into the top of the un- derlying Cleveland shale. Such unconformities have been de- 23"Report on the geology of Ashtabula, Trumbull, Lake and Geauga Counties. Ohio Geol. Surv., Report I, part 1, Geology, p. 483, and pp. 505-508, -1873. 240The Berea formation of Ohio and Pennsylvania. Am. Journ. Sci., (4), vol. 42, p. 45, 1916. 241The geology of Mercer County. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report Q3, p. 124, 1881. 242The geology of Erie and Crawford Counties. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report Q4, p. 91, 1881. See also a discussion of the problem by C. S. Prosser, The Devonian and Mississippian formations of northeastern Ohio. Ohio Geol. Surv., Fourth Series, Bull. 15, p. 355, 1912. 243Geologic age of the Bedford shale of Ohio. N. Y. Acad. Sci., Annals, vol. 32, pp. 295-319, 1912. 244Geology of Ohio. Ohio Geol. Surv., vol. 7, p. 33, 1894. 245Notes on the Berea grit in northeastern Ohio. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Proc., vol. 36, p. 215, 1888. 246Lower Carboniferous of the Appalachain basin. Geol. Soe. Amer., Bull., vol. 14, p. 41, 19038. 2470hio Geol. Surv., Fourth Series, Bull. 15, p. 355, 1912. 248The Berea formation of Ohio and Pennsylvania. Am. Journ. Sci., vol. 42, p. 46, 1916. 165 BULLETIN 71 165 scribed by W. G. Burroughs*4® and C. S. Prosser*®° in several places in Central Ohio. In most places, however, it appears that the Berea is at most only disconformable with the Bedford formation. J. E. Hyde?*! and Edward Orton*** are impressed by the conformability of the two formations, To them the two formations seem to be different phases of a single sedimentary cycle. To quote from J. E. Hyde?®', “The Berea of southern Ohio is only a phase of the Bedford of the same region . . .”; he then goes on to point out that the Bedford of northern Ohio, al- though distinctly delimited, is identical lithically with this Bed- ford “Berea.” The unconformable contact of the two forma- tions in Central Ohio is perhaps but another illustration of the principle that the conditions under which a sandstone in the midst of shales is accumulated are usually such that a greater or lesser amount of “scour and fill” takes place. This latter sug- gestion is further substantiated by the similar conclusions ar- rived at by J. E. Hyde after his study of the Waverly forma- tions of south and central Ohio?°2. In resumé, the Berea formation of Ohio which is composed of three members northeast of Cleveland, might tentatively be correlated in the order shown on the parallel tables, below. The column numbered (1) indicates what is held to be the more likely correlation, but that indicated by (2) is not wholly dis- proven. Ohio 1 2 Upper Berea sandstone Corry sandstone Berea shale Hayfield shale Basal Berea sandstone Cussewago sandstone Corry sandstone Bedford shale = == Kushequa shale | —‘Hayfield shale Cussewago sandstone, ete. 249Berea sandstone in eroded Cleveland shale, Journ. Geol., vol. °22, pp. 766-771, 1914, and The unconformity between the Bedford and Berea formations in northern Ohio. Idem, vol. 19, pp. 655-659, 1911. 250The Waverly formations of Central Ohio, Amer. Geol., vol. 34, pl. 19; fig. 6, 1904; The disconformity between the Bedford and the Berea for- mations in entral Ohio. Journ. Geol., vol. 20, pp. 585-604, 1912; and various places in Ohio Geol. Surv., Fourth Series, Bull. 15, 1912. 251The ripples of the Bedford and Berea formations of Central and south- ern Ohio, with notes on the paleogeography of that epoch. Journ. Geol., vol. 19, pp. 257, 258, 1911. 252Stratigraphy of the Waverly formations of central and southern Ohio. Journ. Geol., vol. 23, pp. 655-682; 757-779, 1015. 166 NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 166 THE CONTINUOUS SECTION ALONG THE ALLEGANY RIVER In 1908 Charles Butts?** undertook to summarize the Pre- Pennsylvanian stratigraphy of northwestern Pennsylvania for the Pennsylvania Topographic and Geologic Survey Commission. This work was accomplished largely through the medium of a “continuous section” of the strata exposed along the Allegany River from the New York state boundary to the village of Emlenton, south of Oil City, Pennsylvania. This section beau- tifully illustrated the relationship of the Upper Devonian and Lower Mississippian rocks in that part of northwestern Penn- sylvania. While as a whole this section is exceedingly useful and instructive there are certain minor deficiencies which must be remedied. This is now possible largely due to the many exposures which by the intervening twenty-five years of road con- struction have been uncovered. Before emending the river section it is of interest to note that in this paper of 1908 Butts forsook his 1903 correlation of the Knapp beds of New York State with the Mississippian of north- western Pennsylvania ?°‘*. The intervening research of G. H. Girty (an 1908 not yet published) had seemed to demonstrate the Devonian age of the Knapp formation. This recantation by Butts has been the cause behind the varied classification of these Knapp beds which one meets in textbooks and _ stratigraphic papers. In his 1908 paper Butts classified the Knapp beds as Upper Devonian (Catskill-Erie shale). It was in this paper that Butts first described the Conewango “formation”, the de- limitation of which, as originally conceived, proves to have been very astute. The Allegany River section which was the main contribution of this report, was a continuous section along the Allegany for a distance of some seventy miles south of the New York State line. In the main this continuous section is extremely enlighten- ing and exceedingly useful. However, in the middle part of the traverse, for a few miles north and south of Tidioute, Pennsyl- vania, a most critical area, the section is not wholly in accord 253Pre-Pennsylvania Stratigraphy. Penna. Topographic and Geol. Surv. Comm., Report for 1906-1908, pp. 190-200, and diagram, 1908. 264Fossil faunas of the Olean quadrangle. N. Y. State Mus., Bull. 69, pp. 990-996, 1908. “CONOGUENESSING SS:- 2%. BURGOON SS.CLOGAN@ BLACK HAND) SHENANGO SS. AT BASE MEADVILLE SHALE & LIMESTONES & Bt Oe ee a tos A RY | | > a 2-ND O/L SAND . gone Tes == = a rp a ere RONOLLNGAND, x ee ee ee SY eee cap a ape ee = ee ae =e = NO.T. ee ee ee 2: Be 2 es ee eee eR) RECREATE 3-RD MOUNTAIN SAND 1-ST VENANGO 2-ND VENANGO doi ES ee eee So a i SS SS SS SS ==5 3-RD VENANGO | "STRAY A CONTRAST IN INTERPRETATIONS OF THE ALLEGANY RIVER SECTION SOUTH OF TIDIOUTE, PA. NO.I= FROM REP. OF TOP.AND GEOL. COMM. OF PA.1906-08, PL. OPP.P. 192. NO.2= REVISEO CORRELATION OF 1933. Fig. 12—The rock section exposed along the Allegany River from Tidioute to Oil City, Pennsylvania. The upper diagram is from Charles Butts (1906). The lower represents the present interpretation. (-ST OIL SAND 2-ND OlL SAND 3-RD OIL SAND in Sense Gon eg Ero —_ 7 — — - -E2V 3-20 MOUNTAIN SAND NO. I. NO VENANGO 4 3-80 VENANGO Fig. 12.—The rock sed harles 167 BULLETIN 71 167 with the field facts discovered in this restudy. The problem of making this continuous section was a most trying one in 1908. To-day, even, it is a difficult matter to follow strata continuously along the river, although there are a great many new exposures made by extensive highway construction. For some unex- plained reason, probably a book-keeping fallacy, a monoclinal flexure is introduced into the section a few miles below Tionesta. (See upper diagram of figure 12.) From personal and corrobo- rated study of the area no evidence for such a flexture can be found.?°° In the rock sequence at Tidioute, Pennsylvania, as shown by Butts and others the strata of the left hand columns, below, are present. A few miles south of Tidioute the sequence shown in the right hand columns of the following lists is found. Figure 12 illustrates the discrepancy in past and present correlations of the same section along the Allegany. CORRELATION OF THE 1908 REPORT Connoquenessing sandstone,........ Connoquenessing sandstone Absent by disconformity........... Burgoon sandstone Absent by disconformity Shailewanadssandstones eae) sass Sandstone (in the Cuyahoga) Shale and sandstone Shenango sandstone Meadville shales J G4 ‘ted ol Oo Osco Conny semalsOM©, .5400cc0c0nncu0‘e Corry sandstone SHIRE Aaa ol ae anne rere Lian leo Shale (river level) Samalstomenwters yng fe N See eet aes Sandstone Shale Shale OC Oo COIS Dolo doo Ooo Gino Oo Gq ooo 3 Sandstone PRESENT REVISED CORRELATION Connoquenessing sandstone,........ Connoquenessing sandstone Siiamlle gine somelewome,. 5-555 5545542 Burgoon sandstone Sandstone (‘‘in the Cuyahoga’’).., Shenango sandstone eter oe itor Uap: Meadville shale Shale and SMMClsMOME( oo ooonoooune Sandstone (‘‘in the Cuyahoga’’) (hi eae .....,snale and sandstone . 255The presumable explanation of this error, and one to which Mr. Butts is now prene to subscribe (personal communication 1932) is that in taking down notes on dip and strike while pacing the railroad track along the river no mention was made of the fact that the river makes a very sharp bend at this point and for a considerable distance tends to follow along the direction of strike rather than dip. Rock sections are sparse for a few miles along here, and in rapid work precise identifica- tion of the strata might go amiss. At any rate a flexure such as would have proved a bonanza to oil drillers was drawn in. Only dry holes occur where this structure should be, and the stratigraphic relations at Oil City are such that constant or virtually constant dip may be assumed. 168 NoRTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 168 Comin; EMCO, ,500000n000000000 Corry sandstone Shales pierre Ncrapa mea iuer sm earatel pact Shale (river level) Sandstoneyacsewescrtete meee hee Sandstone Shale cin carey steiner ibe ere ees Shale Sandstone (river level)............ Sandstone In other words, there is serious ground for doubt of the exist- ence of the “sandstone in the Cuyahoga” which is recorded in the 1908 report. Many sections have been made in the area and the conclusion is that the “sandstone in the Cuyahoga” is really the Shenango sandstone at Tidioute. The stratum which Butts determined as the “sandstone in the Cuyahoga” south of Tidioute is the Corry sandstone. The Corry is exposed along the regional strike, a few feet above water level to the mouth of Oil Creek at Oil City. Many exposures occur along Oil Creek. The Corry sandstone is therefore obviously not the Venango first oil sand of Oil City. The upper Conewango conglomerate lens which the 1908 report shows as entering the Tidioute area from the south is the Woodcock sandstone and is well exposed in Dennis Run at Tidioute. The Woodcock sandstone occupies the position of the Venango first oil sand in the region, and is below the surface in the correct position for this sand at Oil City. In other words, the whole difficulty in correlation is obviated if the monoclinal flexure below Tionesta is erased, as shown on the lower diagram of Figure 12. In fact it would al- most seem by placing a straight-edge on the original diagram that the sketch was originally correctly drawn and subsquently the non-existent local steepening added. The correlation of the Salamanca conglomerate with the third Venango sand is hard to understand in the light of this section. Yet such was the conclusion formulated by Butts in the Warren Quadrangle report in 1910. The Salamanca conglomerate suite was traced by Butts in 1908 for the first time from the New York State line into the Warren area. Continuing the tracing along the river, which is somewhat simpler in these days of ex- tensive highway excavations, it develops that the Salamanca suite is the Second oil sand group at Tidioute, not the third. The Third is beneath the water level, and productive of oil. In 169 : BULLETIN 71 169 fact, in Dennis Run at Tidioute all three oil sands are actually productive. The first sand is the Woodcock, the second the Salamanca suite and the third the Panama conglomerate. Tue Mississtpprlan FORMATIONS OF OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA, A REVIEW In the years 1916-1917 W. A. Verwiebe?°®,257,25* published several papers on the stratigraphic relations of the Devonian and Mississippian strata in northwestern Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio. These articles were of a revisionary nature and much valuable new information was included in them. However, dur- ing the course of the present investigation certain errors which are fundamentally misleading have been detected. The difficulty of too few exposures which previous workers have encountered is somewhat improved today as a result of the great impetus to road construction in this part of Pennsylvania luring the past few years. A great many new exposures are now available. A second advantage which present workers have is a somewhat more complete knowledge of the fossil faunas of the area. Many of Verwiebe’s correlations are at fault, first, because of injudicious acceptance and rejection of portions of the erroneous- ~ ly interpreted Allegany River section of the 1908 report of Butts?°*, discussed above, and second, because of failure to heed faunal evidence. Due to oversight of the characteristic Berea (Corry) fauna, Verwiebe’s discussion of the Berea formation is sometimes based on exposures of the true Berea sandstone (Corry) and again on exposures of the overlying Shenango sandstone. The Shenango and Corry sandstones are lithically quite similar on the Alllegany River in Warren County, but faunally very distinct. In this correlation error Butts and Verwiebe concur. The correlation conclusions outlined on page 43 of Verwiebe’s first paper®*®, which pertained to the Berea sandstone, were: 256The Berea formation of Ohio and Pennsylvania, Am. Journ. Sci., vol. 42, pp. 43-58, 1916. 257Correlation of the Mississippian of Ohio and Pennsylvania, Idem, vol. 43, pp. 301-318, 1917. 258Correlation of the Devonian shales of Ohio and Pennsylvania, Idem, vol. 44, pp. 33-47, 1917. 170 NoRTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 170 (1) “The Berea sandstone is the equivalent of the Cusse- wago sandstone, Hayfield shale, and Corry sandstone in Pennsylvania.” This is perhaps correct, and at present incontestable. (2) “The Corry sandstone increases in thickness across Crawford County to the Allegany River where it is 50 feet thick.” ; This is erroneous.. The Corry sandstone is easily recognizable along the Allegany River, especially in the Tidioute area (Dennis ~ Run section’®® is of especial excellence) where it is not over 5 feet thick, and grades into underlying shales as explained on previous pages herein. The fauna and lithology of the 5 foot layer of Corry sandstone of the Tidioute area is identical with the type Corry exposure in the Colegrove quarries at Corry, Pa. The sandstone which Verwiebe referred to as the Corry on the Allegany River is in reality the Shenango, which in southern Warren County, Pa., is a buff colored to whitish, pebble-bearing, fossiliferous (but not the Corry fauna, see previous list) sandstone, approximately 50 feet thick and lying some 150-200 feet above the true Corry. The Shenango is well shown along the Tidioute-Enterprise road about 5 miles south-southwest of _ Tidioute.. It is also shown above the true Corry in repeated out- crops along the steep river banks from Tidioute southward to Oil City and Franklin, Pa. : (3) “The Corry sandstone increases in coarseness east- ward and is a coarse pebble rock on the Allegany River.” This is erroneous as explained above. The true Corry is sur- prisingly homogeneous throughout its lateral range in western Pennsylvania. It is a light colored, fine sandstone. Small peb- bles have been observed only in the extreme eastern develop- ment in eastern Warren County, Pa., near Big Bend. Nowhere has it been observed to be truly conglomeratic. The Shenango sandstone is conglomeratic, however. (4) “The Corry sandstone is universally underlain by a limestone; this has been a very useful guide in correlation work throughout western Pennsylvania.” This limestone beneath the Corry would be the Littles Corner 171 BULLETIN 71 yal limestone of this report. The Littles Corner limestone is of very local occurrence in the Hayfield shale of Crawford County and is not present in recognizable form on the Allegany River, nor for a long distance west of there in any of the many sections (all of Verwiebe’s in the area and others) which were examined in the course of this revisionary study. In some instances of correct identification of the Corry sandstone, the limy layer at the base of the Corry which carries the highly characteristic fauna may have been observed by Verwiebe. This is, however, rather unlikely inasmuch as a good development of this same limy fossil zone was not observed in the type occurrence of the Corry sand- stone in the Colegrove quarry at Corry, Pennsylvania. The lime- stone to which Verwiebe possibly had reference in many of his sections is the Upper Meadville limestone (French Creek lme- stone of this report) which is remarkably persistent and occurs not far below the Shenango sandstone throughout Crawford County and at Oil City as well. It is not yet proven that the French Creek limestone is present on the Allegany at Tidioute. If so, it is altered very materially. (At any rate, it is not repre- sented by the “fossil bands” of I. C. White1®® as explained previ- ously.) There is rather marked similarity between the true Cussewago limestone (Littles Corner) of the Meadville area and the French Creek; it is understandable how elsewhere they might be confused. (5) “The Cussewago sandstone thins out and disappears from the section about Longitude 80 degrees, 5 minutes west, though it may be represented farther east by a part of the shales and sandstones underlying the Corry.” This statement is highly ambiguous, but the facts are that the Cussewago sandstone disappears from the section southward by the assumption of a shale facies or by lensing, but is remarkably persistent east and west from the eastern counties of Ohio where Prosser’s sections?®® seem to indicate its presence at the base of the Berea sandstone. The Cussewago is present through Mead- 259C, S. Prosser, The Devonian and Mississippian of northeastern Ohio, Ohio Geol. Surv., Fourth Series, Bull. 15, 1912. 2, NoRTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 172 ville, Pa., continuously present to Warren, Pa., and on into the central and eastern part of McKean County where it has been known as the upper Knapp conglomerate (Cobham conglomer- ate of this report).* (6) “The Corry sandstone is represented on the Allegany River by a sandstone 160 feet higher in the column than the Corry as identified by Butts in his Allegany River section.”?°* This statement has been discussed above. The sandstone which Verwiebe identified as the Corry, (but for which he oc- casionally mistook the true Corry) is the Shenango sandstone on the Allegany River. (The persistent “sandstone in the Cuya- hoga’’®* of Butts is apparently also the Shenango or a myth). (7a) “The Berea sandstone is absent north of Tidioute, along the Allegany River.” This is consistent, though erroneous, for what is meant is, that the sandstone which was being identified as the Corry at Tidioute disappears north of Tidioute. This is true. The Shenango sandstone does disappear beneath the Pottsville unconformity not far north of Tidioute, Pa., and is not present at Warren, Pa. The second part of the seventh conclusion is that: (7b) “The fossiliferous band which Butts stated®*,?°* was the Warren equivalent of the Corry sandstone, is the surface equivalent of the Venango first oil sand.” This has been shown to be erroneous in the previous discus- sion of Butts’s paper. First, Butts was correct in his acceptance of G. H. Girty’s identification?*? of the fossiliferous band as be- longing to the Corry sandstone. The fauna is conclusive as has been explained elsewhere in this report. Second, Butts correlat- ed this band with the Venango first oil sand, as a glance at his continuous section from Warren to Oil City will show, and with him Verwiebe concurred. Butts’s correlation was erroneous, as was shown above. In the Dennis Run section at Tidioute both *Long before this conglomerate was given the name Knapp it had been termed the “Sub-Olean” conglomerate of McKean County, Pennsylvania by the geologists of the Second Survey. In fact, the initial usage of the term “Sub Olean” was for the conglomerate subsequently termed Knapp. 173 BULLETIN 71 173 the Corry and the underlying Woodcock (Venango first oil sand) are well exposed. The Corry is the “third mountain sand” of the oil well drillers along the Allegany River in the Warren and Venango areas. The evidence cited by Verwiebe for the correlations made in his paper are lithologic, paleontologic and stratigraphic. It is unfortunate that the Corry sandstone in the type locality at Corry had not yet undergone sufficient weathering to make ob- vious the rich fossil fauna included in it. At present the shells show up most clearly. This rich fauna makes the statements of the barrenness of the Corry seem to-day a little preposterous. The Cussewago sandstone is of surprisingly constant lithology in Crawford and Warren Counties of Pennsylvania. It is not especially lenticular. Cussewago of typical “millet grain” lith- ology occurs in the area about Warren, Pennsylvania. Verwiebe attempted to place the Berea in the Pennsylvania section on the basis of the fauna of the supposed equivalent of the black Sun- bury shale which overlies the Berea in Ohio. Lingulae and Dis- cinae are the only fossils, and these abound throughout the whole Crawford series in Pennsylvania. To date no one has satisfac- torily identified the Pennsylvania equivalent of the Sunbury shale of Ohio. The Shenango sandstone undergoes rather marked lithologic change as it is followed northward along the Allegany River from Oil City so that near Tidioute it is no longer as outstanding- ly charged with iron as in the Franklin and Oil City region and is more conglomeratic. This facies change may have been a con- fusing element inasmuch as the author of the paper under dis- cussion says that the Shenango is of uniform lithology. The correlations throughout the paper are not always errone- ous, but this lack of consistency makes the rendering of credit except by page and line almost impossible. In many sections, as at Baum, Pennsylvania, Verwiebe reported a true development of the Corry sandstone, and not the Shenango sandstone with which he was confusing the Corry a little further north. The corrections which Verwiebe made of the correlations of Butts 174 NorTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 174 in his antecedent report seem to be correct at first sight, but on closer study it develops that in interpretation of field evidence, Verwiebe was in accord with Butts. His corrections were, as it materializes, unjustified nomenclatorial corrections. The “Corry sandstone” of Butts, Verwiebe decided was not the same as the true Corry. It so happens that Butts was correct in this correla- tion. The Corry sandstone Butts included in the top of the Knapp Sandstone, and correlated with the Venango first oil sand to the south. Verwiebe also correlated this member with the Venango first oil sand. Both seem to be in error in this mat- ene . The correction here made is that the field relations, irrespect- ive of the names applied to the formations, are such that the fos- siliferous band (the true Corry) 15+ feet above the Knapp con- glomerate at Warren (which Verwiebe considered part of the Knapp) is exposed at the surface on Oil Creek and the Allegany River at Oil City instead of being beneath the surface at the po- sition of this fossil band as the Venango first oil sand at Oil City. Both Butts and Verwiebe affirm the sub-surface position of this fossil band as the Venango first oil sand at Oil City. The Knapp conglomerate does not continue in a conglomeratic facies as far south as Tidioute on the Allegany, and is therefore not available for a sub-surface oil reservoir further south. Inasmuch as elsewhere in this report, under the discussion of strata in the aforegoing catalogue, oil sand correlations, as at present understood, have been explained, this part of Verwiebe’s paper need not be discussed here. The true Corry sandstone is the “third mountain sand” of the Venango area, and overlies the first oil sand, (which is presumably the Woodcock), by more than 100 feet. This relation is well shown in the Dennis Run Section. 175 BuLLetin 71 175 CORRELATION OF THE MISSISSIPPIAN OF OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA, A SECOND REVIEW Following on the conclusions arrived at in his first paper, Verwiebe undertook in his second paper?’ to present an exposi- tion and revision of the correlation of the Mississippian forma- tions of Ohio and Pennsylvania. In this paper, as in the preced- ing, the Berea was inadvertantly correlated with the Shenango sandstone on the Allegany River in the Tidioute area, which may be thought of as the locus from which Verwiebe worked. Here will be taken up in detail only his discussion of the Berea forma- tion. His discussion of the Shenango and underlying formations was based on the type sections where his observations were astute. In the case of the Berea, much was made of its non-fossil bear- ing nature, and it was stated that from an examination of all the reported Pennsylvania occurrences of the Corry could be vouch- safed its non-fossility. The famous locality of fossiliferous Corry sandstone mentioned by I. C. White as “on the road to Enter- prise’’2®° Verwiebe visited and concluded was the Venango first oil sand, and not the Corry at all. As a matter of fact, it is the Corry. White was correct. Another famous Corry locality, that of Cobham Hill on the Warren quadrangle, which Butts de- scribed as Corry sandstone, and from which Girty”** made his main Berea (Corry) faunal collections, Verwiebe concluded was not Corry, but a sandstone 180 feet below the Corry, the Ve- nango first oil sand. Butts and Girty were, however, quite right in correlating this fossiliferous zone with the Corry. The remainder of the paper undertook to prove that the Berea sandstone marks the base of the Mississippian system in Penn- sylvania and Ohio. It is exceedingly difficult to discuss this con- clusion in detail. The major premise that the Berea is the basal Mississippian is not true if the facts brought out in this present restudy are correctly interpreted, but aside from this, the fact that many of his arguments were based upon observations of the Shenango sandstone in mistaken identification for the Corry in- 260The geology of Crawford and Erie Counties, Second Penna. Surv., Re- port Q 4, p. 92, 1881. 176 NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 176 validated this conclusion. Verwiebe and Girty concurred?*! in assigning the Bedford shale to the Devonian. The present grounds for dissention from this latter contention have been dis- cussed above. If the Berea stage is composed of the Corry sandstone, the Hayfield shale and includes the Cussewago sandstone at its base as Verwiebe states, and if furthermore the Cussewago sandstone intergrades completely (i.e., faunally and lithically) with the un- derlying Kushequa shale (upper Riceville of old) in the Warren area, as has been herein described, then this lower shale must be admitted to the Mississippian system. Prosser and others have suggested?®* that the Cussewago sandstone similarly intergrades in a few places in Ohio with the underlying Bedford shale. It appears, as stated above, that there is reasonable support for the view of continuity, or at least contemporaneity of the Bed- ford and the Kushequa shales. The disconformity at the base of the Bedford and the Kushequa is a convenient and also the logi- cal place to draw the boundary line between the Mississippian and Devonian systems. The only alternative horizon would be at the top of the Cussewago sandstone and therefore presumably in the midst of the Berea sandstone. In his third paper?** on the correlation of the Devonian shales of Ohio and. Pennsylvania, Verwiebe presents a very useful cor- relation work. It is noteworthy, however, that in this paper no mention is made of the Venango first oil sand which had been so extensively dealt with in previous papers. CONCLUSION The preceding pages have recorded a four-fold attempt at stratigraphic clarification of the Upper Devonian and Lower Mississippian rocks in northwestern Pennsylvania. The Cata- logue of Strata has been an attempt concisely to present the characteristics of the stratigraphic units of the area. On the basis of the facts there presented correlation of the rock units in northwestern Pennsylvania with adjoining areas has been at- tempted. As a result of the close study herein recorded it has appeared necessary to reclassify a large portion of the strata. 177 BULLETIN 71 iMe(ey Nomenclature must show relationship, and solely with this in mind have classificatory changes been made. As a part of the classificatory revision a brief outline of facies relationship has been presented. It was finally felt necessary to review some of the more pertinent previous works on the stratigraphy of the re- gion, largely because the present concepts are at times greatly out of accord with former views. In many parts this report takes on the aspect of an abstract account of results. For the fuller exposition of these conclu- sions the reader is referred to the faunal studies which will ap- pear in the course of the year (1934), it is hoped. Judgment on many conclusions obtained herein must be held in abeyance until the faunal monographs are completed. The work on these has been in progress for the major part of four years. This report may be viewed as a stratigraphic prelude to the detailed faunal studied which shall constitute the succeeding parts of this re- study, of which this is the first. SUMMARY AND RECAPITULATION In view of the paucity of detailed information available on the stratigraphic geology of the surface strata of northwestern Penn- sylvania and the conflicting nature of much of the information that is available, it has been deemed necessary herein to present a somewhat detailed account of what is known at present from field familiarity with the strata and a preliminary study of the faunas. The area embraces the westernmost extent of the encroach- ment of the Catskill delta over New York and Pennsylvania. The evidence of this area would seem materially to strengthen the proof of the former miscorrelation of the eastern deltaic facies of Upper Devonian marine beds as has recently been indicated by G. H. Chadwick, Bradford Willard, G. A. Cooper and others. Because of the perfection of the facies relationship in northwest- ern Pennsylvania, it has been possible to offer illustrative ma- terial for a somewhat original method of facies nomenclature. This method may be equally well applied to eastern strata when they are thoroughly studied. Two facies categories are recog- nized: a larger or magnafacies, which comprises a complete 178 NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 178 “lithic unit”, and smaller units or components of the magnafacies between time or contemporaneity planes, which are termed parva- facies. Geographic names, largely selected from names which would otherwise be synonyms of stratigraphic terms, are used for the parvafacies. Strong dissention is voiced to the usage of accepted stratigraphic names for facies terminology, a usage which has very recently been proposed?*. The faunas are found to more closely follow the facies province migration than either vertical or horizontal components of a given series of sections. | On the basis of new facts brought out by faunal studies and by the discovery of nonconformable field relationships, it becomes essential that certain modifications be made in the accepted class- ification of strata at the top of the Devonian and the base of the Mississippian. The major of these suggested alterations is a proposal to abandon the term Bradfordian series and to establish an Upper Devonian, Conewango series and a basal Mississippian, Cussewago series out of the strata formerly included in the abandoned series. The Oil Lake series is also proposed for the Mississippian strata above the Cussewago and argument presented for the reinstatement of the Crawford series of writers. In the catalogue of strata a systematic description of the upper Devonian and lower Mississippian strata is given. Several new members are differentiated and described. Characteristic faunas are briefly described. This is followed by an attempt at correlation of the upper Chagrin and Bedford formations of Ohio with the Conewango and Cussewago series of Pennsylvania respectively. The cor- relation of the various members of the Conewango and the Cha- - grin is definitely established. Among other correlations proven is that of the Syringothyris beds near Jefferson, Ohio, with the Panama conglomerate at the base of the Conewango of New York and Pennsylvania. The problem of Bedford and Knapp correlation is outlined in 261G. H. Chadwick, Great Catskill delta, Pan Amer. Geol. vol. 60, p. 107, 1933. 179 BuLuLETIN 71 179 detail and pertinent suggestions offered, although finality must await more detailed faunal study of the Bedford shale. The problem of oil-sand and surface member correlation in the Venango oil zone of Pennsylvania is discussed and certain errors corrected. This was possible through the careful tracing of the Corry sandstone fauna over a very wide area. ProstemMs MEriITING EarLty CONSIDERATION This lengthy and somewhat detailed account of stratigraphic relations in Pennsylvania leaves us virtually as far from the mirage of finality as we were before it was written. The crucial problems are still many -_the final solution of each hinges on the completion of several lines of research. The shortage is in workers, not in work. Some of the more urgent problems are: 1. Outstanding in importance today is the necessity of careful, systematic tracing of Chautauquan, Conewangoan and in so far as possible, Cussewagoan strata, eastward toward the source of the Catskill delta. In conjunction with this keystone problem, other tracings must be made to the south and southeast. 2. Thorough revision of the Chautauquan faunas in the light of the recent stratigraphic discoveries and hand in hand with still further study of the Catskill facies is necessary. 3. Of prime importance also is a mongraphic study of facies relationship based on the Middle and Upper Devonian of New York, Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio. This area probably represents as perfect exposure of facies develop- ment as any place on earth. A great basic work on the phenomena of facies variations should be founded on this rock sequence. 4. A faunal study of the rocks comprising the Oil Lake series will be a fertile research problem. Wonderfully rich faunas occur in these strata, abundant exposures and easy collecting. Strange that they have been so long neglected! In the main, the faunas are comprised of undescribed species. 180 NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 180 5. The faunas of the Bedford shale and of the Chagrin shale, as well as the invertebrate fauna of the Cleveland shale and Berea sandstone of Ohio are all virtually unknown. On them some of the most important stratigraphic cor- relations and time determinations of this area hinge. _ 6. By no means the final or least problem is the detailed study of the Pocono and Mauch Chunk problem of Pennsyl- vania and the Appalachain trough in general, as has been previously outlined. This must necessarily be prefaced by detailed study of the type Pocono and Mauch Chunk. BIBLIOGRAPHY ARNOLD, Chester A. Fossil plants from the Pocono (Oswayo) sandstone of Pennsylvania. Papers of the Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters, vol. 17, pp. 51-57, 1933. AsHBuURNER, C. A. The geology of McKean County and its connection with that of Cameron, Elk and Forest. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report R, 1880. The township geology of Elk and Forest Counties. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report RR, Part 2, 1885. ASHLEY, George H. A stratigraphic time scale, (condensed statement). Penna. Topo. and Geol. Surv., Bull. 91, 1927. A syllabus of Pennsylvania geology and mineral resources. Penna. Geol. Surv., Fourth Series, Bull. G1, 1931. ASHLEY, G. H., M. G. CHENEY, J. J. GauLoway, ete. Classification and nomenclature of rock units. Geol. Soe. Amer., Bull., vol. 44, pp. 423- 459, 1933. BaRRELL, J. The Upper Devonian delta of the Appalachian geosyncline. Part 1, The delta and its relations to the interior sea. Am. Journ. Sci., vol. 36; pp. 429-472, 1913; Part 2, Factors controlling the present limits of the strata. Idem, vol. 37, pp. 87-109, 1914; Part 3, The rela- tions of the delta to Appalachia. Idem, pp. 225-253, 1914. BassuerR, R. S. The Waverlyian period of Tennessee. U. S. Nat.. Mus., Proe., vol. 41, pp. 209-224, 1911. BEECHER, C. E. Ceratocaridae from the Chemung and Waverly groups of Pennsylvania. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report 3P, pp. 1-22, 1884. BurroucHs, W. G. The unconformity between the Bedford and Berea formations of northern Ohio. Journ. Geol., vol. 19, pp. 655-659, 1911. —_—_—_—_——————_ Berea sandstone in eroded Cleveland shale. Journ. Geol., vol. 22, pp. 766-771, 1914. Butts, C. Fossil faunas of the Olean quadrangle. N. Y. State Mus., Bull. 69, pp. 990-996, 1903. Pre-Pennsylvanian stratigraphy (of Pennsylvania). Penna. Topo. and Geol. Surv. Comm., Report for 1906-1908, pp. 190-204, 1908. ——— Description of the Warren quadrangle, Pennsylvania-New York. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas, Warren folio (no. 172), 1910. CaRLL, J. F. Report of progress in the Venango County district and ob- servations on the geology around Warren, Pennsylvania by F. A. Ran- dall. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report I, 1874. 181 BULLETIN 71 181 Oil well records and levels. Second Penna. Geol. Sury., Report IOC, Wet. The geology of the oil region of Warren, Venango, Clarion and Butler Counties, including surveys of the Garland and Panama conglomerates in Warren and Crawford and in Chautauqua County, New York, descriptions of oil well rig and tool and a discussion of the pre-glacial and post-glacial drainage of the Lake Hrie district. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Report 13, 1880. : Geology report on Warren County and the neighboring oil regions with additional well records. Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Re- port 14, 1883. Seventh report on the oil and gas fields of western Pennsyl- vania for 1887, 1888 with additional unpublished well records. Second Geol. Surv., Report 15, 1890. Castrer, K. E. Higher fossil faunas of the upper Allegheny (river). Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 15, pp. 142-318, 1930. Stratigraphic relations in northwestern Pennsylvania, (ab- stract). Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 44, pp. 202-203, 1933. Application of a system of facies nomenclature to the Up- per Devonian, (abstract). Preliminary announcement of papers to be given at the Chicago meeting of the Geological Society of America and affiliated societies, 1933. CatHcart, S. H. Gas in Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Penna. Topo. and Geol. Surv., Bull. 107, 1934. Gas and Oil in Potter County, Pennsylvania. Penna. Topo. and Geol. Surv., Bull. 106, 1934. CHADWICK, G. H. Chemung stratigraphy in western New York, (abstract). Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 34, pp. 68-69, 1922. The stratigraphy of the Chemung in western New York. N. Y. State Mus., Bull. 251, pp. 149-151, 1922. Chagrin formation of Ohio. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 36, pp. 455-464, 1925. Stratigraphy of the oil sands; subsurface correlations from outcrops to the Pennsylvania wells. Manuscript on file with the Penns. Topo. and Geol. Surv., 1931. ; The Pocono problem, (abstract). Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 43, p. 273, 1932. The Hamilton beds in eastern New York. Science, vol. 77, pp. 86-87, 1933. ——_——_—_—— (Catskill as a geologic name. Am. Journ. Sci., vol. 26, pp. 479-485, 1933. Great Catskill delta. Pan. Amer. Geol., vol. 60, pp. 91- 108; 189-205; 275-287; 348-360, 1933. . Faunal differentiation in the Upper Devonian, (abstract). Leiorhynchus as guide fossils, (abstract). Chemung is portage, (abstract). Preliminary announcement of papers to be given at the Chicago meet- ing of the Geological Society of America and affiliated societies, 1933. CHancr, H. M. The geology of Clinton County (Part 2). Second Penna. Geol. Surv., Rep. G4, 1880. 182 NORTHWESTERN PENNA.: CASTER 182 CuarkE, J. M. The construction of the Olean rock section. N. Y. State Mus., Bull. 69, pp. 996-999, 1903. Cooper, G. A. Stratigraphy of the Hamilton group in eastern New York, (abstract). Geol. Soe. Amer., Bull., vol. 44, pp. 200-201, 1933. Idem, in full. Amer. Journ. Sci., vol. 26, pp. 537-551, 1935. CusHine, H. P. Age of the Cleveland shale of Ohio. Am. Journ. Sci., vol. 33, pp. 581-584, 1912. : , and F. Lreverert, and F. R. VanHorn. Geology and mineral resources of the Cleveland district, Ohio. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 818, 1G BIL, Fenton, ©. L. (and M. A. Fenton) Eecologic basis for stratigraphic divisions, (abstract). Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 51, p. 73, 1929. Studies of evolution in the genus Spirifer. Wagner Free Instit. of Sci., Pub., vol. 2, 436 pp., 1931. FrerrKn, C. R. Subsurface Devonian and Silurian sections across northern Pennsylvania and southern New York. Ceol. Soc. Amer., Bull, vol. 44, pp- 601-660, 1933. Girty, G. H. The Waverly group in northeastern Ohio. Science, vol. 13, p-. 664, 1901. ‘, DISTRIBUTION OF NEW ALBANY SHALE < AND LOCATION OF 4CCOMPANYING MAP ©. cay % 2 C, Uj ZZ 5Y Y ; NEW ALBANY SHALE Cian id sieZb BiG 8 Oe COLLECTION LOCALITY WITH NUMBER SCALE OF MILES MAP MODIFIED AFTER REEVES AND SIEBENTHAL Frontispiece, Figure 1 Map of a portion of Southern Indiana showing the outcrops of the NewAlbany shale and the localities from which Conodonts — are described — BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 21 No. 72 Conodonts from the New Albany Shale of Indiana By JoHN WARFIELD HUDDLE November 5, 1934 Ithaca, New York CONODONTS FROM THE NEW ALBANY SHALE OF INDIANA? CONTENTS ; Pages NITAMSROXOUUUCATE Gale ees i ar SG ees OP GR UE NA Su Ut ek Amar Maran bane aT LNT 3 ZN CIM O wy Led TNE TLS yl, sans ter en secre rane cath Shea. Dh nl, esi hae e tT anaes 4 ISAM MER pCa GOV Be 1 9 es RC RT aan ATL Ne OS A Ne 4 Name, 4; Outcrop Area, 4; Thickness, 5; Lithology, 5; Conere- Albany Shale, 11 Braman MAC Wea ritg ies sige Pk eal We hea e choles cena eee io tte cen Lc A eR RN 14 Age and Correlation of the New Albany Shale .................... iy WOneUSIOT SS USAe Seay Nerh your ln Ris siseee Caran Seem aU G ces fuga tan Cn rn 23 Morphology and Basis of Classification of Conodonts .......... 24 Orientation, 28; Geologic Range, 28; Occurrence, Associations and habits, 28 fo callitry Meas tasty are ao att See As, Wa A RRC nea oe a: (oe SRE agate SIREN 29 ETOH e Wepcuiomvie JOT . 6555 o0ccccgednocsoaouodasandeeues 32 SHsane- IDesamyHONS)! 5 soc vob bom ob dbo sv oopvoocadddceneusehe 34 Bibliography of Conodont Literature since 1926 .................... 111 Gicssemy Oi Wenig mgedl tin IDESCMHDMOMS . 5 5n5ccnccccpocencusccaans 112 ILLUSTRATIONS IN TEXT Figure 1. Map of a portion of Southern Indiana Showing the Outerops of the New Albany Shale and the Loealities from which Conodoritsranes Described uma arses ae ee ee Frontispiece 2. Composite Section of the New Albany Shale showing Litho loge VaIENnOMs engl Mapmell “HOMES 2 ,4255cc000scoenc0cnce 11 3. Illustrating the Morphology of Conodonts ................ 25 PLATES Lee Eres 655 cot RORY ICT Zak Osea cic ce Pee NAOH cM tea EDEL RU a 114-136 1Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Geology in the Graduate School of Indiana University, May, 1934. INTRODUCTION The New Albany shale is one of several Devonian-Mississipp- ian black shales whose age and correlation have been in doubt. By most students the New A'‘bany shale has been correlated as Devonian, but Schuchert?, Ulrich®?, and Passler? have considered it partly Devonian and partly Mississippian. My interest was first aroused in the problem of the age of the New Albany shale by some invertebrate fossils collected by Prof. C. A. Malott and Mr. W. D. Thornbury from near the top of the formation at a locality about two miles north of Rockford, In- diana. Invertebrate fossils had never before been found at this horizon and because of their bearing on the age of the New Albany they were given to me for description and publication’. During the study of the invertebrate fossi's, conodonts were dis- covered by Prof. Cumings and myself in the black shale jus'! above the zone containing the other fossils. The outcome of this discovery is the present paper. It was hoped, when the work was started, that the study of the conodonts would lead to a definite age determination and correlation of the upper part of the New Albany shale. It was also expected that if the upper part was found to be Mississippian and the lower part Devonian a careful zoning of collections would enable a determination of the thick- ness of shale above and be'ow the disconformity. With these ob- jects in view collecting was largely limited to localities where the horizon could be definitely determined, and more collecting was done in the middle and upper part of the formation than in the lower part whose age was definitely known to be Devonian. . 2Schuchert, Charles. 1910. Paleogeography of North America. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., vol. 20, p. 548. 8Ulrich, E. O., 1911. Revision of the Paleozoic Systems. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., vol. 22, pl. 29, p. 608. 4Bassler, R. S., 1912. The Waverlyan Period of Tennessee. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 41, p. 2238. >Huddle, J. W., 1933. Marine fossils from the top of the New Albany shale of Indiana. Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. 25, pp. 303-314. 4. BULLETIN 72 190 Field work was carried on during the summers of 1932 and 1933 through the financial aid of the Indiana State Department of Conservation, Division of Geology. In the fall of 1933 a short field trip was made to the Central Basin of Tennessee to secure conodonts from the Hardin and Chattanooga formations for comparison. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to make grateful acknowledgment to everyone who has aided in the completion of this research: especially to Prof. E. R. Cumings and Prof. J. J. Galloway for directing the research and reading the manuscript; to Mr. C. L. Cooper for criticism and suggestions; to Mr. W. L. Bryant for the identification of Cladodus springeri; to Dr. G. I. Whitlatch for field assistance and specimens for comparison; to Dr. H. H. Bradfield and Mr. R. V. Hollingsworth for material for comparison; and to Miss Frances Beede and Miss Mary Alice Huddle for some of the drawings. SAMRAT GRA Is SC Name.—According to Cumings®, 1926, the name New Albany was proposed by Borden, in 1874, for the “black slate” or “black lingula slate”. It includes the shale lying between the Middle De- vonian limestones and the Rockford formation (Kinderhookian), or New Providence shale where the Rockford is absent, in In- diana and Kentucky, and has its type region at New Albany, In- diana. Cumings’ has made an excellent resume of the history of the names applied and the correlations made, and this informa- tion need not be repeated here. Outcrop area.—The outcrop area of the New Albany shale in Indiana is divided into a northern and southern area by the glacial drift cover. The southern area extends from the Ohio River in a northerly direction to Johnson County. Many sections are available in Clark, Floyd, Scott, and Jennings counties, and 6Cumings, EH. R., 1922. Handbook of Indiana Geology, pt. 4, Nomenclature and description of the geological formations of Indiana. Indiana Dept. of Conservation, Div. of Geology, publication no. 21, p. 472. 7Op. cit., 472-475. : 191 New ALBANY ConopoNts: HUDDLE 5 these counties are the best places in which to study the forma- tion. A few sections showing the base of the formation are avail- able in Jefferson county, and the outcrops in Jackson, Bartholo- new, and Johnson counties are scattered and generally much weathered. North of Johnson County the New Albany is covered by glacial drift except in the northern area of outcrop where the Wabash and its tributaries have removed the drift. Outcrops in this lat- ter area are chiefly limited to Carroll and White counties, and most of them are much weathered and offer little opportunity for collecting conodonts. No identifiable specimens of conodonis have been found in northern Indiana. Physiographically the southern outcrop area lies in the Scotts- burg Lowland, and the lower part of the New Albany shale ex- tends eastward on to the Muscatatuck regional slope. Thickness._-The thickness of the New Albany shale varies from about 8o feet to 145 feet, averaging about 100 feet. Accord- ing to Reeves’ the formation is 104 feet thick at New Albany, Indiana, and 147 feet at Brownstown, Indiana. The entire thick- ness is not exposed in any one outcrop, and most of the informa- tion about total thickness is obtained from well logs. At some localities in Clark and Floyd counties as much as 70 feet of shale is exposed, and at places the top and bottom of the formation are separated by a horizontal distance of less than two miles. Lithology—Fresh New Albany shale is brownish to black in color, more or less massive, hard, brittle, and breaks with a con- choidal fracture. With weathering the color changes from black to light brown or gray and finally to the poor, light yellow clay soil so characteristic of Scott County. Weathering a'so develops fissility and the characteristic splitting into thin sheets gives the reason for the local name of “black slate’. Some layers, how- ever, never become fissile, especially the more massive layers with some calcium carbonate. Pyrite occurs throughout the shale. Jointing in two directings is characteristic of the formation, and SReeves, J. R., 1922. Handbook of Indiana Geology, pt. 6, Preliminary re- port on the oil shales of Indiana. Indiana Dept. of Conservation, Div. of Geology, publication no. 21, pp. 1068, 1075. 6 BULLETIN 72 192 some of these joints extend through as much as 70 feet of shale. The perfect jointing permits the shale to be wedged out in large rectangu'ar blocks. In Clark and Floyd counties the joints run approximately north-south and east-west. in general the lithology of the New Albany shale is remarkably consistent, but locally the black shale is replaced by lenses of gray shales, sandstones, or sandy limestones. The gray shales are usually very thin, but Jat some) places “neachiiia thickness of several feet. At only one locality has gray shale been found within 20 feet of the top. This is the locality about 2 miles north of Rockford, Indiana, where the brachiopods were collected. Here the gray-green shale is at least 18 inches thick and the base is not exposed. Elrod®, in 1881, reported a fossil- iferous gray-green shale, which he regarded as equivalent to the Rockferd, at “Catfish Falls’ of White River northwest of Colum- bus, Indiana. The Rockford occurs as a limestone in this vicinity and the gray-green shale mentioned by Elrod may be in the up- per part of the New Albany shale and be equivalent to the shale found north of Rockford, Indiana. The exact locality of ‘Cat- fish Falls” has not been determined, and I have been unable to find the shale, described by Elrod, at any of the falls of White River northwest of Columbus, Indiana, possibly due to high water at the times the outcrops were visited. In the vicinity of New Albany several outcrops show thin gray shales. At Armstrong Bend of Silver Creek east of New Albany, Indiana, there are three 6 inch beds of gray shale separated by about a foot of black shale, and overlain by 50 feet of black shale. Three similar beds of gray shale are exposed in the road cut at the junction of Mt. Tabor road and U. S. Highway 31-W, north of New A'bany, Indiana, but these gray shales are not more than 30 feet below the Rockford, and therefore cannot be the same as those at Armstrong Bend. The sandstones and limestones found in the New Albany are ‘hin, usually an inch or less in thickness. They are more common 9Flrod, M. L., 1881. Geology of Bartholomew County. Indiana Geology and Nat. Hist., 11th ann. rept., p. 198. 193 New ALBANY ConopontTs: HuDDLE 7 in the lower 15 feet of the formation but are also found in the upper part and are not found at all localities at the same horizon. Often the sandstones and limestones occur as thin rectangular joint blocks on weathered outcrops. Some of the sandstones and limestones contain conodonts. At the base of the New Albany sha'e in Indiana there are a few inches of limestone, sandstone, conglomerate, pyrite, or red clay at many localities as at Speed, Charlestown, Chelsa, and Lexington. The following geological sections are included in order to show some of the lithologic variations: Section in the S. E. 1/4, Grant 223, in the road cut on the Charlestown-Henryville road and gully east of the road, about 3 miles southeast of Henryville, Clark County, Indiana. Jie Ika, New Providence shale Rockford formation Massive, hard gray, mottled green, brown weath- Crimes limes tOme! ae ee ald. susiuces Ges eerste) eto I (Gray oreemisliale te Ce dio ene ti einem ihe I New Albany shale IBylate Kester in cllee gears ar) ee eis nray earaty nue eae dea coe I TKN On Saal Comenaimoms —. oo bo lee en da boce 3-6 Bllatckey tSStlem sinalie tase, eaten recreate lou 12 Dark brown limestone with pyrite .......... I Bilatcke hisetl cursive Ci mte om weteyeeuereae enact eoeik: 2 Dark brown limestone with pyrite ............ Wy Bilackeetisstl euiciiale see e a wn ois at terciys Coa eres 5 Brown weathering sandstone Black fissile shale Three thin gray-green shales separated by about A OOE Git IAG mSSie SAIC 2 Oo Se eb Geo - 4 Black fissile shale to creek level 8 BULLETIN 72 194 Section 114 miles east of Hayden, 5 miles west of North Ver- non on U. S. Highway 50, where the highway crosses a tributary of Six Mile Creek. There is a R. R. bridge a short distance north of the road. Section in road cut. Hie, Ika, New Albany shale Gray weathered shale Black fissile shale with large blue-gray lime con- CRELIOM 1 oe oh Ree La erent Geer yea eee 5 @oviencd ee ees. UE Maa NOS 8 Sears Oe SLE eae 5 Section in the creek bank and downstream to Six Mile Creek Black fissile shale Brenna, leanimaredl sevnclstome 5, 4555.55055005% Wy Bllackssnscilessinale’ ts a nwa cance ele eacieme teens 2 Dark brown limestone breaking into rectangular blocks Aooouooco oon oOo oOnD oOo DOD oO oOo OO Oooo oO O06 60 0-00 6 00.0 DO) O.0 O90 040.0500 .0 0.0 Gray siales i) Ae arn henge Aue eee Gray shale with black specks, somewhat weath- CHOC Gh seve een emer mh eae angele ce Ne eee ee ew 10 Covered Brown weathering, gray sandstone with pyrite. Gonodomts Gn ne oer Tel ene ee Zone of large, dark brown concretions Blacks missile shale; U5 g oe. an Be eee Middle Devonian, light gray limestone exposed in bed of Six Mile Creek. The section was measured by barometer and hand level, be- cause the gradient of the creek is low and hand level measure- ments are not feasible for the whole section. Barometer meas- urements are not exact, but the section is included because of the unusually thick gray shales, and because of other lithologic variations. The conodont bearing sandstone outcrops about 150 yards downstream from the railroad bridge. . 195 New ALBANY CoNoDNTS: HUDDLE 9 Other sections showing lithologic variations could be given and some have been published by Kindle’®, Reeves” and others. Concretions.—-At least three zones of concretions occur in the New Albany shale. Near the top of the formation, from one to four feet below the Rockford formation, there is a consistent zone of small concretions from one to three inches in diameter. The zone is easily recognized and occurs in nearly every outcrop of the top of the New Albany in southern Indiana. No other zones of small concretions have been found. Large, elliptical, lime concretions from one to three feet in diameter are found at two or more horizons. They are dark brown or light blue-gray in color with more or less pyrite, some- times containing conodonts and small black Comicalteetia Wine horizon of these concretions has not been definitely determined, because at most of the localities where they occur neither the base nor the top of the formation is exposed. Where the hori- zon has been determined in relation to the top of the formation, the upper zone of large concretions is found between 40 and 50 feet below the Rockford formation. In the section east of Hay- den, given above, the lower zone is found about to feet above the base, and the middle zone 64 feet above the base. At North Vernon the lower zone occurs 3 feet above the base. It is possi- ble that large concretion. occur throughout the lower 70 feet of the New Albany shale, but it is more probable that they are limited to the two horizons. The shale surrounding both the large and small concretions is considerably warped, and Reeves’? considered the warping as evidence of the force exerted by their growth. Some of the warping may be due to compaction of the shale around the con- cretions. The cleavage of the shale around the concretions does not seem to be parallel to bedding planes. The shale around pyrite nodules is similarly warped. 2 10Kindle, E. M., 1901. Devonian fossils and stratigraphy of Indiana. Indiana Dept. of Geology and Nat. Resources, 25th ann. Rept., pp. 532-570. | 11Reeves, J. R., 1922. Handbook of Indiana Geology, pt. 6, Preliminary re- port of the oil shales of Indiana. Indiana Dept. of Conservation, Div. of Geol., publication no. 21, pp. 1079-1089. 12QOp. cit. p. 1070. 10 BULLETIN 72 196 Relation to underlying formations—The New Albany shale rests unconformably on Middle Devonian limestones in Indiana. In Clark and Floyd counties it usually rests on the Beechwood limestone, but occasionally the Beechwood is absent and the New Albany rests on the Silver Creek limestone. In Scott and Jef- ferson counties the New Albany overlies the Silver Creek lime- stone at most localities, but at a few places the Beechwood lime- stone may be present, as in the road cut about a mile north of Lexington, Indiana. In Jennings County the Silver Creek lith- ology has disappeared and the Spirifer acuminatus and Spirifer oweni faunas are found in a white crystalline limestone similar to the rock including the Spirifer acuminatus zone in the Jeffer- sonville limestone. At some localities in Jennings County the New Albany rests on this limestone, but at the North Vernon quarry and a few other localities in the vicinity of North Vernon the New Albany lies unconformably on a blue crinoidal limestone that may be equivalent to the Beechwood. The section of De- vonian limestone is unusually thick in Jennings County and the stratigraphy is not completely worked out. In northern Indiana the New Albany rests on an unnamed middle De- vonian limestone, whose stratigraphy is as little understood as the Jennings County Devonian. Kindle’ recognized Sellersburg (Silver Creek and Beechwood) and Jeffersonville limestone in northern Indiana, but stated that the fauna of the “Sellersburg” was entirely different from the Sellersburg of southern Indiana. The “Sellersburg” of northern Indiana may represent much the same time interval as the Silver Creek and Beechwood of south- ern Indiana, but it is not the same formation and needs a distinct name. There is no great overlap of the New Albany shale in Indiana as there is in Kentucky where, according to Savage", the New Albany overlaps Silurian and Ordovician formations. Faunally the break is distinct, from Hamilton (Silver Creek and Beech- wood) and Onondaga (Jeffersonville) to Tully in Kentucky, and to Genesee in Indiana. Relation to the overlying formation.—In Indiana the New AI- 130p. cit. pp. 561-562. M4Savage, T. KE. 1930. Devonian rocks of Kentucky. Ky. Geol. Suryv., series 6, vol. 33, pp. 20-21. figure 2 COMPOSITE SECTION OF THE NEW ALBANY SHALE SHOWING LITHOLOGIC VARIATION AND FAUNAL ZONES >| NEW PROVIDENCE SHALE MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKFORD FORMATION UPPER CONODONT FAUNA Callixylon newberry/ and Cladodus. springer! 100 Black fissile shale Zone of small concretions Grey-green shale Upper invertebrate fossil zone (Devonian) Upper Conodont Fauna ? 30 | MIDDLE CONODONT FAUNA (Some species identical with Hardin and Chattanooga species ) Black fissile shale with thin ¢rey Shales, sandstones, & limestones ith Zone of large concretions Probable Horizon of Silicified Wood Callixylon newberry/ Black fissle shale with thin grey shales, sandstones, & limestones A ih Thin sandstone acta SSS Ors ————— Black and grey shales with zone of large concretions, and thin limestones & sandstones 197 New ALBANY CoNODONTS: HUDDLE ill bany shale is unconformably overlain by the Rockford formation. In Kentucky, however, the Rockford is absent according to Kindle*®, Butts*®, and others, and the New Providence shale of the Borden Group (Mississippian) rests directly on the New Al- bany shale. The Rockford formation consists of a massive, dense, gray, green mottled limestone and an underlying gray-green shale. The formation outcrops at many localities in southern Indiana, and has been recognized by Shrock and Malott*” in northern Indiana at a locality near Goodland. In thickness the limestone varies from 1 to 44% feet, and the gray-green shale is usually less than a foot thick, but is probably present at all localities although at many places the limestone has slumped and obscured the shale. No great amount of New Albany shale was removed before the deposition of the Rockford formation in southern Indiana, as is shown by the consistent presence of the conodonts and Lingula just above the zone of small concretions, within 5 feet of the top. Occurrence of conodonts in the New Albany shale.—Cono- donts have been found in the New Albany shale of southern In- diana at three horizons (see fig. 2) ; an upper horizon o to 10 feet below the Rockford formation; a middle horizon 15 to 50 feet below the Rockford formation; and a lower horizon o to 15 feet above the base. Collecting has been largely limited to locali- ties where the horizon could be determined, and more collecting has been done at the middle and upper horizons than at the lower. This was because of the stratigraphic emphasis placed on the work. Additional collections may yield conodonts from the interval between the lower and middle horizons, but this part of the section does not offer numerous relatively fresh outcrops as does the upper half of the formation. The largest number of species and specimens was found at the upper horizon. Specimens are particularly abundant just above a layer of small concretions, which occurs 1 to 5 feet below the 15Kindle, E. M., 1899. Devonian and Lower Carboniferous faunas in south- ern Indiana and central Kentucky. Amer. Paleo., Bull. 12, 111 pp. 16Butts, Charles, 1915. Geology and mineral resources of Jefferson County, Kentucky. Ky. Geol. Surv., ser. 4, vol. 3, pt. 2, p. 136. 17Shrock, R. R., and Malott, C. A., 1930. Notes on some northwestern Indiana rock exposures. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. for 1929, vol. 39, p. 223. 12 BULLETIN 72 198 top of the New Albany shale at nearly every locality in southern Indiana. In some layers conodonts occur in such profusion that the surfaces of the slabs are roughened, but the majority of the specimens are broken. Lingula, Orbiculoidea, “dermal plates,” and small black conical teeth are associated with the conodonts at this horizon. Conodonts are rarer both in number of species and specimens at the middle horizon. They occur sparingly from 15 to 50 feet below the top of the formation, not, however, throughout the zone but at several horizons, usually a few inches thick. The shale in this part of the section is frequently more massive, and the lack of fissility and consequent greater difficulty in collecting may partially account for the fewer number of specimens. At the lower horizon conodonts are not abundant and have been found at only a few locations. Ordinarily they do not occur with Stylolina fissurella; a few have been found with this fossil and it may be that its abundance obscures the conodonts. The majority of conodonts have been collected from the lower two feet of the formation and have not been found higher than 15 feet above the base. At Locality 26, north of Speed, Indiana, (see fig. 1) most of the conodonts occur in the basal limestone conglomerate and sparingly in the shale above. At Locality 33, near Hayden, Indiana, the conodonts are found in a sandstone 15 feet above the base. Not only are conodonts found at few locali- ties at the lower horizon, but also the number of fresh outcrops is limited, and consequently the material available is not as satis- factory as that from the middle and upper horizons. The extreme abundance of conodonts in small layers, and their almost total absence above and below is very striking in the New Albany shale. It would appear that the horizons of extreme abundance represent either a catastrophe or periods of slight or non-deposition. Sometimes fragments of conodonts, conical ‘black teeth, “dermal plates’”’ and fragments of Lingula occur in small, round or ovate patches, and apparently represent the ejec- tamenta of some fish. The shale in these patches is usually light- er in color than the surrounding shale. They certainly are not the remains of a single individual since they contain a hetero- geneous assortment of conodonts and other organisms. 199 New ALBany ConopoNtTs: HUDDLE 13 The conodonts of the New Albany shale are best studied in the shale. They are fractured and if removed from the shale fall into several pieces. Careful work with a fine needle is neces- sary to uncover portions of most specimens. Some of the mas- sive species of Polygnathus, Spathodus, and Bryantodus have been removed from the shale in one piece by careful digging with a needle, but even these rarely come out whole, and in general re- moval is impracticable. Boiling produces almost no effect on the shale. Some of the conodont-bearing basal limestone from Speed, Indiana, has been crushed but only small fragments survived. Crushing of the sandstone from Hayden, Indiana, produced bet- ter results, but even here only the small species of the Polygna- thidae survived whole and the appearance of the fauna was com- pletely changed, because the more delicate specimens were frag- mented beyond recognition. If the specimens are free and one can see both sides, study is greatly facilitated and many errors are eliminated. The recog- nition of the opposite sides of the same species is sometimes ex- tremely difficult, and fragments and molds are confusing. Frag- ments are not always easily recognized as such, and many large fragments can not be identified generally. The use of molds is unsatisfactory, because, if the specimen lies in the shale at an angle, splitting may cut off and foreshorten the cusp and denticles and leave them pointed. Under such conditions there is no way of telling the true proportions. Since the recognition of the denticles on the anticusp of Ligo- nodina by Cooper and Branson and Mehl, all similar conodonts must be carefully dug out in search for such structures, and to be sure that the entire specimen is uncovered. The angle at which the specimen lies in the shale greatly affects its appearance. 14 BULLETIN 72 PAUNALT CHART New Albany shale Beans SB ue) S fel tS S| 2 2 Prroniodulsisa)Latus) elam|diey yee sees nex xe IP, gilevaiclems Cocmerr .. Ko yak 1D, TMMEKCIRO COMMAS (COOP — 4 x Hindeodella priodon, n. sp. ——---- x . species pe PaCALACCA NALS) eee ee wc ee x . aculeata, n. sp. x ‘ grandis, Te SPD es eon a ea a ee x FSO SX Sh CSTs wet il a eed ANSE ee ad les ens ce 29: COMMPTE'SS ary ile Spee se ree a a ee x. elongata, emesis ewer Nau we ee x SIO CHGS oat twee ade eal ged Sempre ene a ee se aK pt ade ot ot a So a tf ft ct n * o n o = me} 4g Seas, ee me) 2 2 Sale te = § se sia Coun aye Oe [oO un > » ey fc prAna n SVG PO 8S AS Se a & ci oe = ee eo PS ge mAaBos mats es is Se Hh & vo @b) Ast og SS Oo sq, Fu SPLEHe os Bo 8S 2S Se oo Balan ee Rae en aie D, ees eS ee ee aX lepticlayish. “miss, tes 0 te pes Ce ee Ne eX PUHACUUS Me sys ee At eK allrmaniclamg, to! Side Bowie) ek ee x anigwluss) naESips eee Bite Feed ee ES deilectag Hubbard == ss=s==a === Ke Ke ee eX emacerata, nN Sp. s..4) == BEX . panderi Hibbard __.. pdpese:c tenernimiayOlmMeS Wy (322-2 op ake eX eee Bx! SPOCIGS) 2 kes oe ee ee x AVijuibata,; meh spite ate he dee tee ee x wconidens:\nitsp.te2e— fe ee Be bid Hamulosodina? perangulata n. sp. —. — xX H. species __- LB CAM ONS CoE ES 5 BR PENSE Ue eS Hindeodelloides bicristatus, Nay Spee Xo eX Ie pallaitiste sees Pik ee ee et ek Heaminutustintisps #2 ea x Hi Spe Clesia= =.= 02 a eee x H. ? species __- SE a eee ge x HA Specles) es eee ee ee xX Hesoracilissenieas py x Euprioniodina species ID, THOMONCRY, Ty S15 a SRE eX Kepronas n.Sp.. = Se ee x Heid eviexay nas Ds ae ee PR eh cine eS x E. perangulata U. & B. __. eile Deed Ee Sidebilis: in: cspo 222 ee ex BY Shas: ons SSP y se ee eo ee x 200 Welden sh. Oklahoma a.) u FAUNAEL CHART 5 New 3,2 Albany ae (CONTINUED ) shale 5 @ z3 a elas PS 2 ee SH 5e Synprioniodina plana Holmes; 2 = = = x So MOWIUIORINVEINISNS, tly Gyo a x SSS EN GHUIS osreles GH ole va yey. pean dh UI ha Murr eA x So, CINCRUARETIS, iil, Sj, Le INCRE Fo Cys Palmatodella delicatula Ws & Be Le RIC 122, YG ORWCNCISIAS, iy Sos Se ye ae x Metaprioniodus biangulatus, n. op x Mise tar ictal: Ts Dens. oe es Pe oe) 4 AX Ligonodina eee Bieta He SANE Seen eee eo IOKE SIDE Cl C'S hipaa ioe oa enna al ee ee ee x . hindei U. & B. see rx pinguis (Hibbard) PER en SPECIES iia ppt et ae 2 EX species dere ate eS Sey BK species SH ot pes Pt So fe cadet eea x bicineta, n. sp. Ber Nn ce ol ee 3 CIAOWOCIEINS, Mo So ee see ee men EX: conidens, n. sp. es SX BNACwIENE. Ia, So) ae Se ieewlry ae eb Remi sa see x rioniodina separans Holmes —... ___-..... __ x ACICUIATISR Ness Drie 2 a eee aS eee x CUTAN S Dis ee eee 3% AEN CLA ony Sey ete ee x Subrectaen: Spi. ee ee x cunleay nh spr i = ead OVCGWMAID, Wo SH, Sea x cristulla snes pay = = ee X yeas COGMDEUS, We SHDo 2 2 a =. 2S Tomes Wis a5 18s, ke aX BT OK ENTRAERTAFEV OMNES UJ eared BiG. eee cash ee BK AES UDO MEI IS MU tere a TES seats eet: Sa ne ne ene ea Bete o CENNUTNIS, iy Si), 5 INUCTHOCIOIMNS, Te SDo see - pectenellus, n. Sp. = SERRE ED ane ce as Was Raa > SUID SIMS. Te SDs x 5 SMIOCDTMMETS, We SY. ec S epi] OES ENE USI S701 Si Os es eee a ae BIA Notes xq THOU EDI TS gl sUeSy Opes =e es eae SN Ne eee UE RAIS TNO CLUES Sas 11a Sp ons we re ee REA EXCUShe all iio ep eae mi ey Send a oe 5 COMMANONEREAS, lo GD eS COMCANYMS, Wo Side eee sg Se Seren, i, “Ryo, 2 Ss ee x! FOUGINBIS, Ts G4 See fe K BED Te ven sean si Spo eseee ee zs x Git, SOMMpMUIS IIOllmnag — x mCcodlescenoldeshenkes pean x TINO REE ELD (SY Oy gee eee a x Pe MINGUS US ip MS oy eee are ec een x Genundewah ls. (Genesee) New York Hardin ss. mt S =| oO 3 seni ayia F SI x nan S YH oe Zeo= 5 SS WS i) fie Oc GS St Sal Gs 35 5) Se = Sm 60 Qo = eae eee =x. x Welden sh. Oklahoma ee Se FAUNAL CHART > 5 New si o as Albany 44 (CONTINUED) shale &> S © ; © mH SY Be So afm SB gs = PE REM EO Oe Se Oo AJ2RDe © Be yap Vers aMaeaS Dy op eens ene eee nee x Bemaplacussnens ps aan ection! x Angulodus demissus, n. sp. ...._-____---- x AV MOP AVIS ON a See, eters ee x Ay wweileedonl (Cebiojoeiecl)) 2 ee Se A. spissus, n. sp. ea ONES Hibbardella angulata (Hinde) Spies Eaten Cig Gel cee Meee Xe 1Elo) RYATMINGWENCA, Mo SNe! ss Se He Sk 1B (pee HSB DU OOO ola mrSt OMe em ee Ute eaten fleet Civles dvi < H. pandata, n. sp. Se ee eee: RUS CAINS Gots: 1S oe bee 2 eee be ues Tete aw Saker x JB UGE Se aS AUST oy lege HH) Og demeeareeme een as ee SN we a xe H. ? divergens, n. sp. — EV resent yore. x Lonchodina cf. extenta Hibbard ss ee a asl y | URC L. nitela, n. sp. _ Bast eaue aie wee, Beh 'c J Braet Wee SPECKOUT RST O1GS SI 0) cee en Pema Ee ha we ene oe Ik, imawillinclems. JEilologiacl 2 3 ee = SR DE set OY EX OHM ENGI A tne Ss nN Rt RE x Ib, 2 joR@jecra, Wa @ 135... dial bee tid Cae seeo ehse Se L. species L. distans, n. sp. L. acutula, n. sp. L. tenuis, n. sp. — L. bicornis, n. sp. Sir keneg ete tt Rint Dt eee 5 3. et x Nee CONG a sete Sst ese, = ae ee y= See ee ees eee ese XS L. prava, n. sp. ene oe ee oes al '< L. subsymmetrica te & iB by re Kee x Dileoclnis aimerwUlwIS, i> SDs sa ee peated F. tortus, n. sp. : XK F. species ~ Seg Saye Se Seer eK F. conflexus, n. sp. ee Pe eae an ree ¢ F. ? granulosus, n. sp. Spathodus strigilis, n. sp. S. parvus, n. sp. S. subrectus, (Holmes)! S. duplidens, n. sp. S. rectus (Holmes) ____ ty ease en ae ee ee Polygnathellus similis, n. sp. - sce Gondolella ? nodosa, n. sp. oa IRER RoOkysinAW Ae IECnMANEe iy Sd 2 j2, Ihinyewilbbtrorerans. IelinGla, 22 x Pypenmatay seindiey ssc. eae ceateetee mi Kneentee teen ene eee x J eso SSN EUGUUM HEMI BH EN teh alee teeta eal Ae Sie Se x Vedyal openyee locale yl) Oy, eames eet ees aa aes Kee eee ex AS ASS TNA Sa Ta afer SP are etcetera ere x 125 TEUSOSEL, Ws S95 22 cee Sates shew soir ae a Psfoliata, mya nity 2-2 se ass eee ies Roe eae Kose pees nse Hardin ss. Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. a ee aS 82 os _ 8 Oem ss 8 Oe mo 4S Qe st S oS api ts oy se sa oO 83O Se 2 x x 203 New ALBANY CoNODONTS: HUDDLE 17 ws ee Cae Suet FAUNAL CHART BeBe RE dace Now a @ 2r. Ssieh JMrevany Tai 7 5 Ge ae (CONCLUDED) shale $@ 280 ,9 Wa ES a¢ owen al sepeus Sos OS 2 es of acs poy SB ESE, 592 52 poe ao ec a= gm 30 oe S| pet te) ep sei tS) P. rhomboidea U. & B. ? oe eSKA a fe ae Sox P. alata, n. sp. RES fae) eaten eM, P. rimulata U. & B. ple Bal 2! Se EC ee ane P. suleata, n. sp. — - ge May ee 23 P. newalbanyensis, n. sp. . : fee ens So Xeq ear ee Eee hae x P. caelata Bryant aS Mee te eo Sr x P. secapha, n. sp. PR acta ee te ee ree 1D, TOWOUAGHIOloe, IAyeINe 2 2 - 2. | = 3 2 Se x IP, GCHAV, Wy Bs se ea ere BK 12s FONE wide USie Js' Se PMNS = AS Ne ME PSPS iinyiil ll Sey ireansr Spo eM os enters ee ce se eK P. aspera, n. sp. Ee CES aR ee ah PETE SID CLC Siueig pros were re dee AS CO een sae eK 12; Comecmunies, We es 18, 2. 2 2, Keceeee x P. gyratilineata Holmes eee Ke ee x Palmatolepis pustulosa, n. sp. _ _ __x P. species Sai cde eee tates Se pee. ee BOL esc Re cymibialiasmenelS Pin ep spe = een eta ee P. pectenifera, n. sp. x P. elongata Holmes ae EE hee Se KEN eS a en ee Gener Re xX P. ? inequalis Holmes — ~ eg oeti4 Conan e peta Mae enna 2 eee x Pe perlobatac Wie (ecBS cess 2 tele San ea Sota eal x iP ermaimutary: ms 1S Pie cesta ee eee tae eX Age and correlation of the New Albany shale.—The Genesee age of the lower part of the New Albany shale in Indiana has not been questioned in recent years. In Kentucky, however, Savage's has shown, by finding Hypothyrodina cuboides and other fossils in the Duffin layer at the base of the New Albany, that deposition began in Tully time, and because of the occurrence of Genesee fossils higher in the New Albany he believed that deposition was continuous from Tully to Genesee. Kindle*® considered the pres- ence of Spathiocaris emersoni as evidence that deposition con- tinued into Portage time in Indiana. 18Savage, T. E., 1930. Devonian rocks of Kentucky. Ky. Geol. Surv., ser. 6, vol. 33, pp. 17, 79, 142. 19Kindle, E. M., 1901. Devonian fossils and stratigraphy of Indiana. Ind. Dept. Geol. and Nat. Resources, 25th ann, rept. for 1900, pp. 569-570. 18 BULLETIN 72 204 Since Schuchert?% 1ore, Ulrich 1911) and! Bassler22 more, regarded the upper part of the New Albany shale as Mississip- pian, there has been some question as to its age. According to Butts?*, rons, Ulercchyconsiders the upper 65 tooo feet oraume New Albany shale as Mississippian; Butts, however, was not inclined to favor this view and considered the New Albany as Devonian, as have Cumings**, 1922, Savage?®, 1930, and others. According to Swartz?®, the Chattanooga shale of eastern Ten- nessee and western Virginia may be divided into three members: a lower black shale, the Cumberland Gap; a middle gray shale, the Olinger; and upper black shale, the Big Stone Gap. The Olinger member contains a Mississippian fauna, and interfingers with the upper part of the Cumberland Gap member. The larg- est part of the Chattanooga shale is therefore Mississippian, and the lower part of the Cumberland Gap member is the only part of the Chattanooga of this region that may be Devonian. The relationship of the Chattanooga shale in the Central Basin of Tennessee to the three members named by Swartz is not certain. Ulrich and Bassler?’, 1926, found that none of the New York Genesee and Portage species of conodonts was identical with species from equally large faunas from the Ohio shale, the New Albany shale, or the Chattanooga shale. They regarded this as conclusive evidence of the Post-Devonian age of these forma- tions. Bassler?’, 1932, adds that many of the Hardin and Chat- 20Schuchert, Charles, 1910. Paleogeography of North America. Bull. Geol. roc. Amer., vol. 20, p. 548. 21Ulrich, EH. O., 1911. Revision of the Paleozoic Systems. Bull. Geol. Soe. Amer., vol. 22, pl. 29, p. 608. 22Bassler, R. S., 1912. Waveriyan Period in Tennessee. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 41, p. 228. 23Butts, Charles, 1915. Geology and mineral resources cf Jeirerson County, Kentucky. Ky. Geol. Surv., ser. 4, vol. 3, pt. 2, pp. 133-134. 24Cumings, E. R., 1933. Handbook of Indiana Geology, pt. 4, Nomenclature and descriptions o: the geological fozmations of Indiana. Ind. Dept. of Conservation, Div. of Geology, publicaiion no. 21, p. 474. 25Op. cit., pp. 18-19. 26Swartz, J. H., 1929. Age and stratigraphy of the Chaitancoga shale. Amer. Jour. of Sci., vol. 17, pp. 481-448. (see also earlier papers) 27Ulrich, E. O., and Bassler, R. S., 1926. A classificat.on of the toothlike fossils, conodonts, with descriptions ot Aiierican Devonian and Mississ- ippian species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 68, p. 3. 28Bassler, R. S8., 1932. Straiigiapliy or the Uentral Basin of Tennessee. Tenn. Div. of Geol., bull. 58, p. 157. 205 New ALBANY ConopoNnTs: HUDDLE 19 tanooga species are identical with species from the “Mississippian shale, of northern Ohio.” If this statement is correct, it 1s an in- dication of Mississippian age for the Chattanooga shale of the Central Basin of Tennessee, but it is not conclusive until the evidence for the statement has been presented. Bassler*® further states of the Chattanooga shale, “In its western extension it maintains its character of a thin shale of Mississippian age, but in the northern states it overlaps older black shales, which com- bined with it in Indiana and Kentucky are known as the New Albany shale and in Ohio as the Ohio shale”; thus reaffirming his belief that the upper part of the New Albany shale is Miss- issippian and correlatable with the Chattanooga. Pohl®°, 1930, divided the’ Chattanooga shale of the Central Basin of Tennessee into three units, all separated by unconform- ities. The upper and middle units he considered as Mississippian and correlated them with the Sunbury and Cleveland shales re- spectively (the Mississippian age of the Cleveland is disputed) ; the lower unit he named Trousdale and correlated it with the- Genesee-Portage black shales of the northeastern Devonian. He considered the Mississippian (upper and middle units) as wide- spread, and the Devonian Trousdale as only locally developed. Savage and Sutton**, 1931, proved the presence of a Mississip- pian black shale in Allen County. Kentucky, hy finding a Mississ- ippian fauna in the upper part of the black shale of this region. They, however, unlike Pohl, regard this Mississippian phase as only local and the Devonian phase as widespread in south-central Kentucky and north-central Tenessee. Fossil wood offers evidence of probable Devonian age of the New Albany shale above the calcareous sandstone zone 10 to 15 feet above the base of the formation (not present at all localities) regarded by Ulrich as the base of the Mississippian. Loose pieces of silicified wood have been found as high as 50 feet above the base of the formation, and Dr. G. G. Bartle*? has identified some of these specimen: 7s Callixylon newberryi, a Devonian 29@p. -eit., p. 137. 30Phcl. BE. R., 1930. Black shales of Central Tennessee. Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. 20, pp. 151-152. 3Savage, T. E, and Sutton, A. H., 1931. Age of the black shales in south- central Kentucky. Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. 22, pp. 441-448. <2Personal communication. 20 BULLETIN 72 206 species. Reeves* reported that he found a log in the shale at the Bridgewater quarry 24% miles east of Vienna, Indiana. The hori- zon at this quarry is near the middle of the formation. . The horizon of the silicifed wood seems to be near the middle of the formation, and it is certainly higher than 15 feet above the base. According to Arnold**, the “jointed” carbonized plant remains found in the Antrim, New Albany, and Ohio shales called Cala- mites mornatus or Pseudobornia are fragments of Callixylon newberryi. These carbonized fragments have been found as high as 6 feet below the top of the New Albany shale at Locality 14, southeast of Henryville, Indiana, and they offer evidence of prob- able Devonian age of the formation up to this horizon. Associ- ated with these specimens are conodonts of the upper conodont fauna. Arnold*’, 1931, also reports some pieces of silicified wood in place in the New Albany shale of southern Indiana, and since Calhaylon is not known from the Mississippian, he regards Callixylon newberryi as probably Devonian*®, but admits the pos- sibility of an early Mississippian age. However, since Callixylon. newberryi occurs in the Antrim, New Albany, Ohio, and Chat- tanooga shales, he correlates these formations. Additional evidence of the Devonian age of the major portion of the New Albany shale is offered by the Devonian brachiopods found about 5 feet below the top of the formation at a locality about 2 miles north of Rockford, Indiana. At this horizon occur the following species: Rhipidomella vanuxemi newalbaneosis, Chonetes yandellanus seymourensis, Camarotoechia eximia, Pla- tyrachella cf. macbridei, Delthyris sp., Orthothetes? sp., Pla- tyceras sp.*". These species are without doubt Devonian, and with the evidence of Callixylon newberryi prove the Devonian age of the New Albany shale up to 5-10 feet below the top of the 83Reeves, J. R., 1923. Oil shales of Indiana. Dept. of Geol. Indiana Uni- versity. Mineographed, p. 23. 34Arnold, C. A., 1931. On Callixylon newberryi (Dn) Elkins and Weiland. Contr. Mus. Paleon. Univ. Mich., vol. 3, no. 12, pp. 207-232. 1934, The so-called branch impressions of Callixylon newberryi (Dn) Elkins and Weiland and the conditions of their preservation. Jour. of Geol., vol. 42, pp. 71-76. 35Q0p. cit., p. 210. 36Op. cit., p. 228. 87Huddle, J. W., 1933, Marine fossils from the top of the New Albany shale of Indiana. Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. 25, p. 305. 207 New ALBANY Conoponts: HUDDLE 21 formation. Associated with the upper conodont fauna, and oc- curing above the other invertebrate fossils at the Rockford lo- cality, are species of Lingula and Orbiculoidea identified with Lingula other, Devonian, Parkhead of Maryland, and Orbicu- loidea lodiensis media, also Devonian. The evidence of the age of the New Albany shale offered by conodonts has not been as precise as was hoped when this work was started. This lack of precision 1s largely due to the fact that most of the species of conodonts in the New Albany shale are new. A total of 158 species, including 18 not identified specifi- cally, have been found in the New Albany shale, and only 37 of these were previously described. With a fauna consisting so largely of new species definite correlations can not be made. An- other difficulty lies in the fact that few conodont faunas have been described, and the ranges of conodonts have not been defi- nitely determined. Identifications must be made with species 1n described faunas, and the presence of a few of these species in a fauna may indicate a true correlation or a false one that would be obvious if another more closely related fauna had been de- scribed. There is no doubt that when additional faunas of cono- donts have been described definite correlations can be made, and conodonts will be as useful as other types of fossils. It will not be surprising, however, to find some species of conodonts ranging from Late Devonian to Early Mississippian. The number of species ranging throughout the New Albany shale is small compared to the total number. Three species, namely, Prioniodus alatus, Lonchodina? projecta, and S pathodus strigilis occur in both the upper and lower conodonts faunas; 3 Species, Hindeodello:des bicristatus, Hibbardella avgulata, and Hibbardella? telum occur in the lower, middle and upper faunas ; and 8 species occur in the middle and upper faunas. The middle and upper faunas seem to be more closely related than the lower and middle, but +f conodonts are found between the lower and middle faunas their relationship may prove to be closer than now known. The conodont fauna in the lower 15 feet of the New Albany shale contains 46 species, 32 of which are new. Of the 14 pre- viously described species 2 occur in both Genesee (Genundewah 22 BULLETIN 72 208 limestone) and Portage (Rhinestreet shale), 7 in the Genesee, and 5 in the Portage. One new species Polygnathus bryanti also occurs in the Genesee. The conodonts therefore apparently con- firm the Genesee correlation for the lower 15 feet of the New Albany shale, up to and including the ca!careous sandstone zone regarded by Ulrich as the base of the Mississippian part of the New Albany shale. The middle conodont fauna contains a total of 47 species, 34 of which are new. Of the 13 previously described species, 8 oc- cur in the Hardin and Chattanooga, 2 in the Portage, i in the Genesee, and Portage (Hibbardella angulata), and 1 in the Woodford. The occurrence of the Hardin and Chattanooga species is especially interesting in that they occur considerably below the upper brachiopod (Devonian) horizon, (see Fig. 2), and are associated with Portage and Genesee species. The pres- ence of these Hardin and Chattanooga species is not, therefore, undoubted evidence of Mississippian age, and, moreover, the Hardin and Chattanooga of the Central Basin of Tennessee may be of Devonian age. The upper conodont fauna contains a total of 81 species, 64 of which are new. Of the 17 previously described species 8 occur in the Hardin and Chattanooga, 6 in the Portage, 2 in the Gene- see and Portage, and 1 in the Woodford Formation. One new species, Polygnathus newalbanyensis occurs also in the Welden, (yellow shale below the Sycamore) in Oklahoma. Associated with Polygnathus newalbanyens's in the Welden are Endothyra baileyi and other Salem (Mississippian) fossils according to C. L. Cooper**. The Genesee and Portage forms occurring in the upper conodont fauna are apparently long ranging forms, but again their occurrence with Hardin and Chattanooga forms is interesting. The extremely !arge proportion of new species for- bids any precise correlation on the basis of these conodonts. A shark’s tooth found associated with the upper conodont fauna at Locality 2, southwest of Henryville, Indiana, was sent to Mr. W. L. Bryant for identification. Mr. Bryant identified the tooth as Cladodus springeri, originally described from the Kinderhook. The identification affords some evidence of Miss- issippian age for the upper few feet of the New Albany shale in- 38Personal communication. 209 New AuBANy Conoponts: HUDDLE 23 cluding the upper conodont fauna, but is not conclusive without supporting evidence. CONCEUSIONS The occurrence of Genesee invertebrate fossils and conodonts at the base of the New Albany shale indicates that deposition began in Genesee time in Indiana. Callixylon newberryi and Devonian brachiopods indicate the Devonian age of the New Albany shale up to within 5 or 10 feet of the top. The upper 5 or 1o feet of the formation, including the upper conodont fauna, afford the only likelihood of a zone of Miss- issippian age. Most of the conodonts in the upper fauna are new species. The highest previously described Devonian con- odonts are from the Portage, (Rhinestreet shale) and there is a thick Devonian section above the Rhinestreet in which a fauna similar to the upper New Albany fauna may yet be found. The fact that the upper conodont fauna probably extends below the upper brachiopod bed and the association with “Cal- amites inornatus” indicates a Devonian age for the whole forma- tion. Conflicting evidence is offered by Cladodus springeri (Kin- derhookian) found associated with the upper conodonts and by the association of Polygnathus newalbanyensis with Salem (Mississippian) fossils in the Welden shale of Oklahoma. The presence of Hardin and Chattanooga species of conodonts below the upper brachiopod bed in the New Albany shale proves that they are not undoubted evidence of Mississippian age. When additional conodont faunas from known upper Devon- ian rocks have been described, more satisfactory correlations of the black shales can be made, and the problem of their age determined. 24. BULLETIN 72 210 PALEONTOLOGY MorPHOLOGY AND THE BASIS OF CLASSIFICATION OF CONODONTS The classification of the Distacodidae and the Belodidae is based on the shape of the cusp in cross section, number and character of the denticles on the base, size of the base and the presence or absence of a “pulp cavity.”. Some of the species described under these two families seem to represent fragments of the cusp and bar of other conodonts, and considerable care must be taken to determine this fact. The Prioniodidae and Prioniodinidae are divided into genera on the basis of the shape and curvature of the bar, presence or absence of an anticusp and downward deflections, presence or ab- sence of a cusp, and the spacing and amount of fusion of the denticles. In the Polygnathidae the classification is based on the shape and extent of the plate (on one or both sides of the carina), ex- tent and characteristics of the carina (simple or bifurcating, high denticulated ridge, or low row of nodes, etc.,), presence or ab- sence of a blade, and the type of markings on the oral surface of the plate. It has seemed advisable to name the “diamond shaped basal expansion” of Ulrich and Bassler, and the “pit” or aboral “cav- ity” of other authors, and the name escutcheon is here proposed. (See Fig. 3, Nos. rb, 2b). The structure is well developed in a number of genera in the Prioniodinidae and Polygnathidae, es- pecially Spathodus, and is extremely large in Pennsylvanian gen- era of the Polygnathidae. The escutcheon is of especial value in relating the Polygna- thidae to the “typical conodonts.” Ulrich and Bassler (1926, 2) expressed some doubt as to whether the Polygnathidae are true conodonts and regarded conodonts as a polyphyletic group. The presence of an escutcheon, an aboral keel and the apparent inser- tion of the denticles in the carina link the Polygnathidae rather closely to the Prioniodinidae and indicate that Polygnathellus, Polygnathus, and Gondolella were probably derived from Spatho- dus and that Spathodus may have come from Bryantodus or Pri- alate New ALBANY ConopontTs: HUDDLE 25 Figure 3. Plate illustrating the morphology of conodonts. la-b. Spathodus strigilis, new species (holotype), a. lateral view, b. aboral view. 2a-c. Polygnathus scapha, new species (holotype), a. oral view, b. aboral view, ec. lateral view. 3. Falcodus angulus, new species (paratype). 4. Ligo- nodina arcuata, new species, end view. 5. Ligonodina hindei Ulrich and Bassler. A anterior, AC anticusp, AD anterior deflection, Ba bar, Bl blade, Ca carina, Cu cusp, E escutcheon, D denticles, K keel, LR lateral ridge, PD posterior deflection, Pl plate, P posterior. All specimens from the New Albany shale.. x 20. Drawings by Miss Frances Beede. 26 BULLETIN 72 212 oniodella. If my interpretation of Plate 12, figure 7, as a young specimen of Polygnathus, possibly P. lacinata, is correct, this is further evidence that Polygnathus was derived from Spathodus. The specimen is similar to Spathodus parvus and the lateral ridges found on both sides of the specimen could with further enlargement become the plate. Palmatolepis may have been de- rived from Polygnathellus as the plate in Palmatolepis extends the full length of the carina and is situated at the base of the carina as in Polygnathellus. Gondolella and Polygnathus were apparently derived from Spathodus independent of Polygnathel- lus and Panderodella. The higher genera of the Polygnathidae could have been derived from Gondolella and Polygnathus. It has also seemed useful to name the anterior downward pro- jection typically found in Prioniodus and Ligonodina. The name anticusp is therefore proposed for the “spur” protruding down- ward below the cusp (see Fig. 3, Nos. 4,5). The anticusp may or may not be denticulated, and is found in the following genera: Priomodus, Subpriomodus, Pachysonua, Euprioniodina, Synpri- oniodina, Palmatodella, and Telumodima. ‘The anticusp, at least. in the first five genera named above, is not the anterior portion of the bar bent downward but a different structure, and in this the anticusp differs from the anterior deflection found in such genera as Falcodus and Angulodus, which is merely a deflected anterior portion of the bar. In Telwmodina and Palmatodella the anticusp may be the anterior portion of the bar, but the structure has been included under the name anticusp because of the sharp angle it makes with the bar. In Falcodus, Angulodus, and Metaprioniodus the posterior end of the bar is bent downward and in this paper is called the poste- rior deflection (see Fig. 3, No. 3). The denticles on the poste- rior deflection are inclined upward and backward in the plane of the bar and cusp. The laminar internal structure of some conodonts was first noted by Pander, and has since been described by Bryant, Roundy and others. This structure is well shown in some species of Lonchodina and Prioniodina. Stereoconus and Chirognathus have a fiberous structure according to Branson and Mehl (1933). The insertion of the denticles in some conodonts was first pointed 213 New ALBANY CoNODONTS: HUDDLE 27 out by Stauffer and Plummer, 1932, although it was indicated in some of Hinde’s figures in 1879. According to Stauffer and Plummer the denticles of some conodonts are not an integral part of the bar but are set in between two elongate sheaths, and when the tooth is treated with hydrochloric acid the denticles fre- quently fall out. Some species of conodonts have the bar deeply grooved aborally and appear to be made up of two sheaths, but this is not true of all species showing insertion. The ability to see the insertion may be partly a matter of preservation. In specimens showing the structure, the denticles are lighter in color than the bar material, and the lighter color continues into the bar, showing clearly that the denticles are composed of slightly dif- ferent material from the bar, and the fusing material between the denticles. Whether the lighter color is due to weathering or was originally present is not important, in either case the evi- dence indicates that the denticles are inserted. Thin sections of Hindeodella aculeata show that the denticles continue separate beyond the change of coloration, curve toward the cusp, and dis- appear into a common channel. The structure is distinctly dif- ferent from that of the laminar conodonts. All conodonts have more or less reenforcing material at the base of the cusp and between the denticles, and this material makes the cusp and denticles appear more integrally a part of the bar than is actually the case. The ingrowth of bar material, or fusion of the denticles, occurs when the denticles are closely appressed as they are in such genera as Bryantodus, and Spatho- dus. Usually sufficient material for a complete chemical analysis of conodonts is difficult to obtain, and it is not always possible to de- termine how much of the original material has been preserved. Pander reported conodonts to be chiefly composed of calcium carbonate, but later analyses have shown more or less ‘calcium phosphate. The most recent analysis was made for Stauffer and Plummer (1932, 21) and showed that the conodonts from the East Mountain shale at Mineral Wells, Texas, contain 30 to 50 per cent calcium phosphate with probably no organic matter. Conodonts from New Albany shale dissolve readily in hydro- chloric acid, and give a test for phosphorus. BULLETIN 72 214 bo v2) Orientation—Ulrich and Bassler regarded the downwardly bent portion of the bar as the anterior end on the assumption that this end represented the attachment to the jaw. Some means of describing the two ends of the bar is necessary and, regardless of whether this is a correct interpretation the terms anterior and posterior are useful. In genera with downward projections at both ends of the bar or without any downward projection, an- terior and posterior may be determined by the inclination of the cusp and denticles; the inclination is toward the posterior end. In Spathodus, Panderodella, and Polygnathellus where the den- ticles are higher at one end of the bar or crest, the low end is regarded as anterior. In the other Polygnathidae the end of the plate opposite the blade or denticulated portion of the carina is considered as anterior. In some genera, such as Hibbardella and Diplodella, where the denticles on the two ends of the bar curve toward the cusp, anterior and posterior ends can not be recognized. Geologic range——Conodonts probably range throughout the Paleozoic, and became extinct at the end of that time. No Cam- brian faunas, however, have yet been described, but the diver- sity of the early Ordovician fauna indicates that Cambrian faunas will probably be found as suggested by Branson and Mehl (1933, 8). Branson and Mehl also find a marked reduction in the num- ber of genera in the Permian, Phosphoria-of Wyoming, and, to- gether with their failure to find conodonts in the Mesozoic, con- sider this as evidence that the group died out at the end of the Permian. Gunnell (1932, 324), however, says “in the Cre- taceous strata there occurs an undescribed genus intermediate in shape between a tooth of the modern Petromyzon (Cyclosto- mata) and certain Pennsylvanian conodonts.”’ The “undescribed genus” is apparently not a conodont. MHarris and Hollingsworth (1933, 195) in proposing the genus /cthyodus give its range as Pennsylvanian to Recent’, but there is some doubt as to whether the genus is a conodont, and in any case it probably does not range into the Mesozoic. Occurrence, associations, and habitat—Conodonts occur in all kinds of sediments, but are more abundant in shales. Some sandstones yield considerable numbers of specimens; limestones 215 New ALBANY ConopontTs: HUDDLE 29 and calcareous shales rarely have any conodonts, and in the black fissile shales the conodonts occur in profusion only in minute layers, and the greater part of these shales is almost barren. Associated with the conodonts are found fish plates, sharks teeth, small black conical teeth, scolecodonts, brachiopods, espe- cially Lingula and Orbiculoidea, Ostracods, Pteropods, spores and other fossils. Ordinarily where conodonts are abundant, few other fossils are found. The habitat of conodonts is hard to determine; that they were probably marine is shown by the associated fossils, but they prob- ably did not live in warm, shallow seas or the associated fossils would be more abundant. Also if they had lived in the warm shallow seas they should be more abundant in limestones. Their occurrence in black shales makes their habitat even more doubt- ful because of the lack of agreement as to the condition necessary for the formation of black muds. Conodonts may not have lived under the conditions required for black mud deposition, as is in- dicated by their layer-like occurrence, but were there killed and preserved. Their abundance under conditions not optimun for other organisms makes them extremely useful for stratigraphic purposes. LOCALIIYAEISa 1. New Albany shale, 0-3 feet below the Rockford formation, Falling Run Creek, below the Spring Street, electric railway bridge, New Albany, Indiana. 2. New Albany shale, 0-2 feet below the Rockford formation, in the bed of Caney Fork, where the road crosses the creek, near the center of the west line of Grant 253, about 1144 miles south- west of Henryville, Indiana. 3. New Albany shale, 1-7 feet below the Rockford formation, in creek bed north of the road, about 1g of a mile east of Mt. Tabor Church, near the center of the N. E. 14, Grant 62, north of New Albany, Indiana. 4. New Albany shale, about 3-10 feet below the Rockford formation, creek bed, near the center of Grant 227, northwest of Otisco, Indiana. 30 BULLETIN 72 216 5. New Albany shale, 2 feet below the Rockford formation, in the creek bed near the N. E. corner of Grant 85, about 544 miles north of New Albany, Indiana. 6. New Albany shale, 0-3 feet below the Rockford formation, in the bed of Jacob’s branch, near the N. W. corner of Grant 86, north. of New Albany, Indiana. 8. New Albany shale, 0-5 feet below the Rockford formation, creek bed, where road crosses the creek N. of the center of the west line of Grant 296, southeast of Vienna, Indiana. g. Near the top of the New Albany shale just above the gray- green shale containing Devonian Brachiopods, west side of U. S. Highway 31, about 2 miles north of Rockford, Indiana. 10. New Albany shale from near the top of the formation thrown out from the excavation for the water works dam at Rockford, Indiana. 11. New Albany shale, 0-5 feet below the Rockford formation, where U. S. 31 crosses a small creek, N. W. corner of Grant 271, about 1 mile north of Henryville, Indiana. 12. Near top of New Albany shale, creek bed near the center of Sec. 2, T. 2 N., R. 7 E., four miles east of Vienna, Indiana. 13. New Albany shale, 3-10 feet below the Rockford forma- tion, road cut on the old route of U. S. Highway 31, on west line of Grant 255, % mile south of Henryville, Indiana. 14. New Albany shale, 3-6 feet below the Rockford formation, road cut in the S. E. Y%4 Grant 223, on the Henryville-Charles- town road about 3 miles southeast of Henryville, Indiana. 16. Same Locality, 15 feet below the Rockford formation. 17. Same Locality, 25 feet below the Rockford formation. 18. Same Locality, 30 feet below the Rockford formation. 19. New Albany shale, about 50 feet below the Rockford formation, road cut on the Henryville-Charlestown road, near the northeast corner of Grant 223, about 214 miles southeast of Henryville, Indiana. 20. New Albany shale, about 40 feet below the Rockford for- 27. New ALBANY CoNoDONTS: HupDLE 31 mation, 50 feet above water level of Silver Creek, in the bed of a small creek tributary to Silver Creek, where U. S. 31-W crosses in the N. E. 14 of Grant 44, about 2 miles north of New Albany, Indiana. 21. New Albany shale, about 30 feet below the Rockford formation, road cut at the junction of U.S. 31-W. and Mt. Tabor road, S. W. corner of Grant 63, north of New Albany, Indiana. 22. New Albany shale, 50 feet above water level of Silver Creek, road cut on the Memphis-Charlestown road, N. E. 4 Grant 186, 1 mile southeast of Memphis, Indiana. 225 New Albamy shale Ohio iver banks Secs lO 2555): 6 E, south of New Albany, Indiana. Probably about 20 feet below the Rockford formation. 26. New Albany shale, 0-3 feet above the Beechweed lime- stone, between U. S. Highway 31, and electric railroad tracks, 2 miles north of Speed, Indiana. 27. New Albany shale, 0-2 feet above the Silver Creek lime- s one, creek bed, Chelsa, Indiana. 28. New Albany shale, 0-2 feet above the Silver Creek lime- Suomen creek wed mean tie NE aicomen or See) On. 2aNe Ro E., 1 mile west of Chelsa, Indiana. 29. New Albany shale, 0-2 feet above the Silver Creek lime- stone, near the center of Grant 154, 2144 miles northwest of Charlestown, Indiana. 30. New Albany shale, 0-1 foot above the Beechwood lime- stone, rai'road cut at Gibbson’s Crossing, near Prather, Indiana. 31. New Albany shale, 0-3 feet above Beechwood limestone, near the center of Grant 136, 144 miles northwest of Charles- town, Indiana, on the Charlestown-Henryville road. 32. New Albany shale, about 10 feet above the Beechwood limestone, railroad cut, at Prather, Indiana. 33. Sandstone in the New Albany shale, 15 feet (barometer) above the Middle Devonian limestone, in the bed of a small creek tributary to Six Mile Creek, about 150 yards downstream from U. S. Highway 50, 5 miles west of North Vernon, Indiana, and 114 miles east of Hayden, Indiana. 32 BULLETIN 72 218 PROBABLE TAXONOMIC POSITION OF CONODONTS Pander, who first described conodonts, considered them to be the teeth of primitive fishes similar to the Selachians or sharks. Since Pander’s original work many other suggestions have been made as to their probable taxonomic position. They have been regarded as annelid jaws, lingual teeth of naked molluscs, and the spines attached to Crustacean carapaces. Stauffer and Plum- mer (1932) have given an excellent resume of the history of these various classifications and it need not be repeated here. Recently all workers on the group have regarded conodonts as the teeth of primitive fishes, probably closely related to the Cyclos- tomata and Elasmobranchit. The evidence of the vertebrate affinities of conodonts is rather conclusive. As Stauffer and Plummer (1932, 20-21) have pointed out, their chemical composition is different from the chitinous or horny teeth of Chaetopoda or Mollusca, and the spines of Crustacea, but is similar to that of vertebrate teeth. Material found attached to conodonts also appears to be verte- brate. Branson and Mehl (1931, 1) consider the substance they found attached to conodonts as bony, and certainly vertebrate al- though not having the ordinary structure of bone. Bryant (1921, 26) reported finding a specimen of Polygnathus rotundi- loba attached orally to a fish plate, possibly an Arthodire. Kirk (1929, 495) found conodonts attached basally to plates regarded as belonging to Ostracodermi; and Stauffer and Plummer (1932, 19-20) report that the Middle Ordovician conodonts from Kansas are attached to a substance which can not be recognized as bone, and much less the plate of any fish. A few of the New Albany conodonts have been found attached to a black brittle substance not recognizable as bone. “Dermal plates”, such as those figured by Bassler (1932, pl. 26, figs. 28-30) are found in the New Al- bany shale associated with conodonts but they are not nearly as abundant as the conodonts. If these “dermal plates’”’ belonged to the same animal as the conodonts it is surprising that they are not more abundant, inasmuch as Lingula and Orbiculoidea are . preserved at the same horizon. The association of conodonts and fish plates, while not conclusive is evidence of the vertebrate na- 219 New ALBany Conoponts: HUDDLE 33 ture of conodonts. Some conodonts, especially the Polygnathidae, show signs of wear (see Plate 8, Fig. 41), but this 1s not common and the great majority show no signs of wear. If conodonts are teeth it would appear that some sign of wear should be more common than it is. It is possible that conodonts were arranged in rows as are the teeth of sharks, cast off, and replaced from time to time; or that the feeding habits required only holding of the prey until swallowed. On the other hand, the fact that the denticles are frequenly inserted, and that the delicate forms apparently evolved into the massive crushing plates (Polygnathidae) make it appear that conodonts must be teeth. If conodonts are to be considered teeth some better explanation of the lack of wear is needed. In such genera as Ligonodina with the denticles on the bar and anticusp in different planes it is difficult to see how they can be placed in a jaw in any useful manner. Gunnell (1932, 324) has reported finding an undescribed genus in the Cretaceous that he regards as intermediate between cono- donts and modern Cyclostomata (Petromyzon). ‘When this genus is described it may offer good evidence for the classifica- tion of conodonts. It is obvious that neither the classification nor the function of conodonts has been proved. The genera and species which have been described are probably not all from different animals, and several diverse types may have belonged to the same individual. Until material is found that shows this to be the case the interests of stratigraphic geology will! be best served by describing as many genera and species as are useful in the determination of horizons. For the present conodonts are best included under the Cyclos- tomata, because this Class includes the most primitive vertebrates with similar tooth structures. The Orders of the Cyclostomata are based on soft parts, and until more is known about the soft parts of conodonts they are best placed as an extinct order of 34 BULLETIN 72 220 the Cyclostomata. SMSCUINEMNKE IMTS CRUE IONS Class CYCLOSTOMATA Order CONODONTA Small tooth-like or jaw-like structures, amber colored and translucent, with a resinous !uster; composed of calcium phos- phate and calcium carbonate; and consisting of a single, simple cusp, or base and accessory denticles, or denticulate bar, with or without cusp, or plates with blade or carina. Frequently they are shaped into rights and lefts as if belonging to opposite sides of the mouth or jaw. Family DISTACODID Ulrich and Bassler, 1926 Conodonts consisting of a single simple cusp with smooth basal expansion. The family includes the following genera: Distacodus Hinde, 1879 (Macha rodus Pander, 1856, preoccupied, Machairodia Smith, 1907), Acodus, Acontiodus, Drepanodus, Scolopodus, Ois- todus, and Paltodus Pander, 1856; Scolopodella Stauffer and Plummer, 1932, Stereconus Branson and Mehl, 1933. Lepodus Branson and Mehl 1933, and /cthyodus Harris and Hollings- worth, 1933, belong the the family if they are conodonts. Family BELODIDA, new family Conodonts consisting of a single cusp and accessory denticles or small base with a few discrete denticles. The family includes the following genera: Belodus and Cordy- lodus Pander, 1856, /diopr-oniodus Gunnell, 1933, Cornuramia Smith, 1907, Erismodus, Cardiodus, Polycaulodus, Microcoelo- dus, Pteroconus, Phragmodus, and Chirognathus Branson and Mehl, 1933. Family PRIONIODIDZE Ulrich and Bassler, 1926 Conodonts with denticulate bar and cusp; with anticusp, or cusp situated near the anterior end of the bar. The family includes the following genera: *Prioniodus Pander, 1850; Subpr-oniodus and Pachysomia Smith, 1907; *Euprionio- dina, *Ligonodina, *Synpriomodina, *Palmatodella, and *Hinde- odella, Ulrich and Bassler, 1926; *Hamulosodina and Telumodina Cooper, 1931; *Hindeodelloides, new genus, and *Metaprionio- dus, new genus. 221 NEw ALBANY ConopoNtTs: HUDDLE 35 Family PRIONIODINIDZ Ulrich and Bassler, 1926 Conodonts with denticulate bar, with or without cusp; cusp, if present, situated in the median third of the bar. The family includes the following genera: *Prioniodina, *Pri- ontodella, *Lonchodina, *Hibbardella, Diplododella, and *Byrant- odus Ulrich and Bassler, 19260; Dichognathus, Plectospathodus, Ozarkodina, *Spathodus, Coleodus, Oulodus, Neocoleodus, and Trichognathus, Branson and Mehl, 1933; *Falcodus, new genus, and *Angulodus, new genus. Dichognathus, Plectospathodus, and Ozarkodina are similar to Bryantodus; Coleodus is similar to Spathodus. Family POLYGNATHIDZ Ulrich and Bassler, 1926 Conodonts with plate and denticulate carina or blade: plate developed on one or both sides of the carina. The family includes the following genera: *Polygnathus Hinde 1879; Ancyrodella, Panderodella, *Polygnathellus, and *Palma- tolepis, Ulrich and Bassler, 1926; *Gondolella and Streptognatho- dus Stauffer and Plummer, 1932; /diognathodus Gunnell, 1931; Cavusgnathus, and [diognathoides, Harris and Hollingsworth, 1933; Polygnathodella Harlton, 1933; Trucherognathus, Poly- gnathoides, Amorphognathus and Amabalodus Branson and Mehl, 1933. The following genera are not recognizable: Guathodus, Cen- tognathus, and Lonchodus, Pander, 1856; l’alentia, Smith, 1907. The following genera are not conodonts: Prioniognathus Pan- der, 1856, Holmesella and Fortscottella Gunnell, 1931 ; Branson- ella and Multidentodus Harlton, 1933. Probably not all of the genera included in the above family descriptions are valid and recognizable, but the writer has not had sufficient material to determine the validity of all the. genera, especially those which occur in the Ordovician and Silurian. *Genera described in this paper from the New Albany shale. 36 BuLLETIN 72 222 Key To FAMILIES AND GENERA IN New ALBANY SHALE Conodonts with denticulate bar, and cusp situated near HAG) AUMSIOIP @iNG) OF WN 1B 5 occcoccsdcoocacsbedc’e PRIONIODIDAE With anticusp ATMTOMRID mor Glemii@wllEN 5 655000s008000000b000600 Prioniodus Anticusp denticulate Entire anticusp denticulate Denticles on the anticusp in the plane of the bar and cusp Antieusp short, and cusp sharply inclined to the bar IDYerantn@lles: SSOP ca ocooceovcvennoda00s EHuprionodina Denticles closely appressed ............ Synprioniodina Anticusp long, and cusp in the horizontal plane of the bar or slightly tilted upward .......... Palmatodella Denticles on the anticusp not in the plane of the bar and cusp All denticles rounded and separate .......... Ligonodina All denticles: laterally compressed and closely AP PLCSSCC. ce Fal armen cemea iva name maa cen onsys Hindeodelloides AIIMOURO MO’ Cminunelhy ClemiMOwWEWe 555 550d000000s Hanulosodina Without anticusp Without posterior downward projection ............ Hindeodella With posterior downward projection ............ Metaprioniodus Conodonts with denticulate bar, with or without cusp, cusp if present situ- AHHGl Tun ae machin waned OI Wae [BWP 5 55 0ccca0cK00" PRIONIODINIDAE With cusp Tooth asymmetrical Denticles separated Bar arched upward, but not laterally bowed ....Prioniodina Bar arehed upward and laterally bowed ........ Lonchodina Denticles closely appressed Without posterior downward deflection ........ Bryantodus With posterior downward deflection Anterior end slightly deflected downward ....Angulodus Anterior end sharply deflected downward ........ Falcodus MMA AyAUMMNWENCAl “Ges ga soseove oe odocaneqoussacos Hibbardella Without cusp, or cusp not readily recognizable Bar nearly straight Denticles short, and almost entirely fused .......... Spathodus Denticles long, needle-like and separate .......... Prioniodella Bar arched upward and laterally bowed ............ Lonchodina Conodonts with plate, or carina with lateral flange or flanges POLYGNATHIDAE Wath blade; ate, Me choi cae csadiekunte tisnetomrcmenaceuaratenake seus Polygnathus Without blade Carina predominate and a flange on both sides Polygnathellus Plate predominate Platevleatshapeds ceicnuron cue ic werner earner Palmatolepis Plategcanoenishapedal 4un serera aniline acreie rena ecrene Gondolella Family PRIONIODID2 Ulrich and Bassler, 1926 Conodonts with denticulated bar and cusp; with anticusp or with the cusp situated near the anterior end of the bar. 223 New ALBANY CoNopoNTS: HUDDLE 37 Genus PRIONIODUS Pander, 1856 Typically pick-shaped conodonts with short bar, large terminal cusp and anticusp; anterior line formed by cusp and anticusp nearly straight ; denticles numerous, discrete or rarely fused, and appear to be inserted. Rarely denticles can be seen in the anterior face of the anticusp. Genotype.—Prioniodus eleganus Pander, 1856. (First species. selected by Ulrich and Bassler, 1926). Lower Ordovician, Baltic Provinces. Prioniodus alatus Hinde Plate 1, figs. 1, 2, 3 Prioniodus? alatus Hinde, 1879, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soe. London, vol. 35, p-. 361, pl. 16, fig. 5. Genesee (Upper Devonian), North Evans, New York. Prioniodus alatus Bryant, 1921, Buli. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci., vol. Wey, 10. 15, pl 3, fg. 10) pl. 4) fie. 1-7, Same locality as Hinde’s.—Ulriech and Bassler, 1926, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., vol. 68, p. 11, pl. 1, figs. 25, 26. Rhinestreet Shale (Poriage, Upper Devonian), Shaleton, New WOW —= Branson and Mehl, 1933, University of Missouri Studies, vol. 8, p. 154, pl. 11, fig. 13. New figure of holotype. Bar short, heavy, and straight ; cusp large, laterally compressed, sharp edged and forming a straight anterior line with the large anticusp; denticles decreasing in size from the cusp toward the posterior end of the bar, closely appressed, free at tips only, and apparently inserted. Sometimes an indication of denticles may be seen in the anterior edge of the anticusp, and for this reason the species may not belong to Prioniodus. Length, about 2.5 mm. Plesiotypes.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1921, lower New Albany shale, Locality 32, Prather, Indiana ; No. 1922, upper New Albany shale, Locality 6, north of New Al- bany, Indiana; No. 1923, upper New Albany shale, Locality 10, Rockford, Indiana. Occurrence.—Common in upper New Albany shale at Locality I, rare at localities 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, and 14; rare in lower ‘New AI- bany shale at Localities 26, 32, and 33. Prioniodus alatoideus Cooper Plate 1, figs. 4, 5 Prioniodus alatoideus Cooper, 1931, Jour. Paleon. vol. 5, p. 2382, pl. 28, fig. 1. Woodford fmn., sec. 3, T. 2 N., R. 6 H., Oklahoma. Tooth small with short, thin, laterally compressed bar; cusp, 38 BULLETIN 72 224 long, varrow, gradually tapering, sharp edged, rounded on one side and flattened on the other side; denticles numerous, 20 to 24, long, slender, apparently deeply inserted, and closely ap- pressed. Anticusp subtriangular with anterior edge forming a straight line with the cusp and the posterior edge perpendicuiar to the bar. Length, 0.8-1.6 mm. The species differs from P. alatus and P. alatoides in having a narrower cusp and numerous s!ender denticles. Cooper’s speci- men from the Woodford is considerably smaller than the speci- mens from the New Albany shale, but the inclination of cusp and general proportions are similar. Plesiotypes.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1924, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, In- diana; No. 1925, upper New Albany shale, Locality 14, southeast of Henryville, Indiana. Occurrence.—Upper and middle New Albany shale; abundant at Locality 3; common at Localities 1, 2,6, and 14; rare at Lo- calities 8, 10, and 20. Prioniodus macrocornatus Cooper Plate 1, fig. 6 Prioniodus macrocornatus Cooper. 1931, Jour. Paleon, vol. 5, p. 234, pl. 28, fig. 2. Woodford formation, Oklahoma. Bar straight and relatively thin in comparison to the cusp; den- ticles acutely pointed, inserted and well separated; cusp large, ovate in cross section, sharply inclined and probably acutely pointed ; anticusp small with posterior side perpendicular to the bar. The species is characterized by the extremely large cusp which makes the bar and denticles appear small. It differs from P. alatoides in having the cusp more sharply inclined as well as larger proportionately. Specimens of the species from the New Albany shale seem to differ from the holotype in having a shorter cusp and longer, more numerous. denticles. The inclination of the cusp and rela- tive proportions of the cusp and bar are, however, very similar. Length, about 2 mm. Plesiotype—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1920, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle New Albany shale at Local- iW, 10), bo NG) On Yo) Nrw ALBANY CoNODONTS: HUDDLE 3} Genus HINDEODELLA Ulrich and Bassler, 1926 Bar long and thin with the cusp situated near the anterior end. Denticles usually fine, needle-like and alternating in size. No escutcheon, Genoholotype.—Hindeodella subtiis Ulrich and Bassler, 1926. Hardin sandstone, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. Hindeodella priodon, new species Plate 4, fig. 16 Bar rounded, thick, relatively slender, with the anterior por- tion slightly down curved and laterally bowed, posterior portion nearly straight. Cusp straight, inclined, rounded, and gradually tapering; posterior denticles relatively coarse, similar to the cusp in shape, and alternating with usually 3 smaller denticles between the large ones, usually 5 anterior denticles separated, increasing in size toward the end of the bar, longer and more slender than the posterior ones. None of the denticles appear to be inserted. Length, 1.4—2 mm. The essential characters of the species are the straight cusp, rounded bar, coarse denticles, and the separation and lack of al- ternation of the anterior denticles. It differs from H. alternata Ulrich and Bassler in having a bar more slender in proportion to length, and having the posterior alternating denticles aligned ; from H. rotunda Hibbard in lacking the alternation of the ante- rior denticles. Holotype.—Indiana University Pa'eontological Collection, No. 1855, lower New Albany shale, Locality 27, Chelsa, Indiana. Occurrence.—Lower New Albany shale, abundant at Locality aT common anleocalityy27; mane ab Iocalitiesi26, 928) 20/30 and 31. Hindeodella species Plate 4, fig. 17 Bar heavy, broad, and laterally compressed, with the anterior portion sharply deflected downward to form a hook. Cusp erect and rounded; denticles short, laterally compressed, and rounded ; posterior denticles alternating in size with two to four small ones between the larger, about five subequal anterior denticles ; no insertion apparent. Length of figured specimen, 1.6 mm. Differs from H. priodon in having the anterior end of the bar hooked, and the whole bar laterally compressed. The species is 40 BULLETIN 72 226 probably new but is known from only one specimen and is there- fore not named. Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1856, lower New Albany shale, Locality 26, north of Speed, Indiana. Hindeodella catacta, new species Plate 4, fig. 18 Tooth small, with bar short, laterally compressed and thin; anterior portion long and slightly deflected downward. Cusp inclined, laterally compressed, straight, slender, and acutely pointed ; denticles fine, flattened, thin, and both anterior and pos- terior denticles alternating with usually two small denticles be- tween the large ones; none of the denticles appear to be inserted. Length of holotype, 1.1 mm. This species is characterized by the small, thin bar with long anterior portion. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2275, upper New Albany shale, Locality 3, north New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in upper New Albany shale at Localities 1, 2, 44 ©, @, uO, sacl WA. Hindeodella aculaeta, new species Plate 4, figs. 19, 20,21; pl. 5, figs. 2,3 Posterior portion of the bar straight or slightly curved, thick and rounded, with distinct oral shoulder near the cusp, becoming thin and flattened without oral shoulder toward the end of the bar; anterior portion sharply bowed inward and expanded down- ward. Cusp rounded, acutely pointed, and gently curved; denti- cles rounded and needle-like, with regular alternation of both the anterior and posterior denticles, 3 to 4 small denticles between the larger ones and 14 to 20 large denticles in the posterior set, and 5 to 7 large denticles in the anterior set with one small den- ticle between the larger ones; cusp and denticles apparently inserter. Length, 2.4—3.6 mm. Holotype..—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2274, upper New Albany shale, Locality 3, northeast of New AlI- bany, Indiana; Paratype No. 1850, upper New Albany shale, Locality 6, northeast of New Albany, Indiana; Paratypes Nos. 2288, 2289, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Albany, Indiana; Paratype No. 2267, middle New Albany shale, 227 New ALBANY CONODONTS: HUDDLE 41 Locality 21, north of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Middle and upper New Albany shale, abundant at Localities 1, 6, 20, and 21; common at Localities 2, 3, 8, and 9; rare at Localities 10, 11, 18, and 19. Hindeodella grandis, new species Plate 4, fig. 22 Bar heavy, broad, laterally compressed and rounded, anterior end deflected downward and slightly bowed laterally. Cusp slender, rounded, acutely pointed, and gently curved near the tip; denticles laterally compressed, acutely pointed, and regularly alternating, 2 or 3 small denticles between the larger ones POS- terior io the cusp, and one small denticle between the larger ones anterior to the cusp; denticles apparently inserted. Length of holotype, 4.1 mm. The species is characterized by its large size, and the extreme difference in size of the a‘ternating denticles. Holotype.—I\ndiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2270, upper New Albany shale, Locality 3, north of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- ties 3, 9, 11, and 13. Hindeodella species Plate 5, fig. 1 Bar broad, laterally compressed, nearly straight in the pos- terior portion and abruptly deflected downward, but not laterally bowed anterior to the cusp. Cusp short, straight, laterally com- pressed, and gradually tapering ; denticles similar to the cusp in shape, unequal in length but without regular alteration ; denticles apparently inserted. Length of figured specimen, 2 mm. Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1853, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Iwo specimens from upper New Albany shale, one from Locality 1 and the other from Locality ©. Hindeodella compressa, new species Plafe 5, fig. 4 Bar broad, flattened, and nearly straight except for the slight- ly deflected anterior end; cusp small, narrow, and not easily dis- tinguished ; cusp and denticles closely appressed, and apparently inserted; posterior denticles alternating in size with usually two small denticles between the larger ones, larger set abruptly pointed, small set more needle-like ; about 8 short denticles on the anterior deflection. Length of holotype, 2.1 mm. 42 BULLETIN 72 228 The species differs from H. laticlavis in having a shorter bar and cusp. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1858, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- ties 1 and 6. Hindecdella elongata, new species Plate 5, figs. 5, 6 3ar very long, and slender; straight in the posterior portion, and gently deflected downward in the anterior portion. This de- flection is in the plane of the bar and not bowed inward as is common in species of Hindeodella. Cusp situated at the point of deflection, needle-like, small and sometimes difficult to dis- tinguish. Posterior denticles numerous, fine, needle-like and alternating, usually with four small denticles between the larger ones. Near the posterior end of the bar there are sometimes only two small denticles between the larger ones. Anterior denticles similar in shape to the posterior ones, but usually somewhat longer. The anterior denticles alternate with two small denticles pee the larger ones. Length of holotype, 1.7 mm. H. elongata is easily distinguished by its extremely long, slen- der bar and numerous fine denticles. It differs from H. multi- dens Holmes by having alternation of denticles, and more slender bar. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1848, Paratype No. 1849, both types from upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Common in the upper New Albany shale at Lo- Calms Wa. O, sh ©, WO, zinGl ms iene aie LOANS Sn, 1A, Hindeodella species Plate 5, fig. 7 Bar heavy, laterally compressed, straight in the posterior por- tion, and anterior portion abruptly deflected downward and turned so that the denticles are perpendicular to the bar and cusp. Cusp unknown; denticles laterally compressed, ‘rounded, and abruptly pointed, posterior denticles alternating in size with 1 or 2 small denticles between the large ones, 6 large denticles anterior to the cusp without regular alternation; cusp and denti- cles apparently inserted. Length of figured specimen, 2.2 mm. 229 NEw ALBANY CONODONTS: Hupp.e 43 Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1845, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence-—One specimen from above locality. Hindeodella laticlavis, new species Plate 5, figs. 9, 10 Posterior portion of the bar broad, thin, with sublenticular cross section, and nearly straight base; anterior portion deflected and expanded downward, and slightly bowed laterally Cusp nearly straight, laterally compressed, and acutely pointed ; den- ticles laterally compressed, and sharply pointed, with regular al- ternation, two or three small denticles between the larger ones posterior to the cusp, and one small denticle between the larger ones anterior to the cusp; 10 to 14 large denticles posterior to cusp; both cusp and denticles apparently inserted. Length of holotype, 2.5 mm. The species is distinguished from H. aculeata in having a bar with lenticular cross section, anterior portion of the bar deflected, fewer denticles, and lacking an oral shoulder near the cusp. Holotype —Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1854, Paratype No. 2356, both types from New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence-—Upper New Albany shale, common at Localities I, 2, 3, and 6; rare at Localities 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. Hindeodella gracilis, new species Plate 5, fig. 11 Bar thin, narrow and straight except for the anterior deflec- tion which curves downward and inward. Cusp rounded, long, slender, acutely pointed and gently curved. Denticles inserted, slender, needle-like, and there is alternation of both the anterior and posterior denticles, with two or three small denticles between the larger ones; four or five of the larger denticles are anterior to the cusp. Length, about 2.5 mm. The species is characterized by the thin bar, fine posterior denticles and the long, slender, alternating denticles anterior to cusp. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1857, lower New Albany shale, Locality 26, north of Speed, Indiana. Occurrence.—Lower New Albany shale, abundant at Locality 31; common at Locality 27; rare at Localities 26, 28, 29, and 30. 44 BULLETIN 72 230 Hindeodella alternidens, new species Plate 5, figs. 12, 13 Bar long, thin, laterally compressed, and slightly curved, pos- terior portion narrow near the cusp and becoming broader ; cusp needle-like, and slightly curved; denticles numerous, regularly alternating with one to three small denticles between the iarger ones; all denticles flattened, thin, acutely pointed, and not in- serted. Anterior portion of the bar bent slightly downward and strongly curved laterally; and bears more than eight irregularly alternating denticles. Length, about 2.2 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1842, Paratype No. 1843, both types from upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Upper New Albany shale; abundant at Locality I; common at Localities 2, 10, and 14; rare at Localities 3, 6, 8, OQ; and 13" Hindeodella angulus, new species Plate 5, fig. 14 Bar heavy, and rounded, straight in the posterior portion and sharply deflected downward anterior to the cusp. Cusp rounded, slender, erect, and straight or gently curved; denticles laterally compressed, rounded, broad at base and acutely pointed, six or more anterior denticles curve gently toward the cusp without regular alternation, but there may be one or two small denticles between some of the larger denticles; posterior denticles alter- nating with one or two small denticles between the larger ones. Length, about 2 mm. Holotype —Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2315, lower New Albany shale, Locality 32, Prather, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the lower New Albany shale at Locali- ties 26, 30, and 32. Hindeodella deflecta Hibbard Plate 5, fig. 15 Hindeodella deflecta Hibbard, 1927, Amer. Jour. Sci., 5th ser., vol. 13, pp. 207-208, fig. 4c. Middlesex shale (Upper Devonian, Portage), 18 mile Creek, Erie County, New York. Par short, laterally compressed, straight in the posterior por- tion, and deflected downward in the anterior portion; cusp in- clined, nearly straight, broad at base and gradually tapering; pos- terior denticles similar to cusp in inclination, alternating in size, with one or two small denticles between the larger ones, and flat- tened; some specimens show apparent insertion; all denticles in- 231 New ALBANY Conoponts: HUDDLE 45 crease in size toward the ends of the bar; last posterior denticle extends as a continuation of the bar; about 4 anterior denticles present. Length, about 1.2 mm. Species somewhat similar to H. alternata Ulrich and Bassler, but differs in having a shorter bar and greater inclination of the cusp and denticles. Plesiotype—Indiana_ University Paleontogical Collection, No. 1846, upper New Albany shale, Locality 2, south of Henry- ville, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in middle and upper New Albany shale at ocalities 2) 4,6, 10) amd) 20: Hindeodella emacerata, new species Plate 5, fig. 16 Bar short, thin and sharply deflected downward in the anterior portion. Cusp rounded, acutely pointed, inclined and nearly straight. Denticles similar to the cusp in shape and inclination, alternating, with two or three small denticles between the larger set on the posterior portion of the bar; four to six subequal anterior denticles without alternation. All denticles apparently not inserted ; inclined, and relatively coarse. Length of holotype, 1.5 mm. The species is distinguished by the sharp anterior deflection, anterior denticles without alternation, relatively coarse denticles, and lack of apparent insertion. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1852, upper New Albany shale, Locality 10, Rockford, Indiana. Occurrence.—Common in the upper part of the New Albany shales Wocaliticss1 2430) O00; andelainaneratmeocalittes Aus 1@, Ii, Ww, aac! 12. Hindeodella panderi Hibbard Plate 5, fig. 17 Hindeodella panderi, Hibbard, 1927, Amer. Jour. Sci., 5th ser., vol. 13, p. 205, fig. 4g. Middlesex and Rhinestreet shales (Upper Devonian, Port- age), Hrie County, New York. i Bar slightly curved, laterally compressed and rather thin, anterior portion bowed and expanded downward. Cusp slender, straight or slightly curved, and rounded; denticles fine and needle-like, with alternation, 2 or 3 small denticles between the larger ones posterior to the cusp; and usually one small denticle between the larger ones anterior to the cusp; both denticles and cusp appear to be inserted. Length, about 1.5 mm. 46 BULLETIN 72 232 Plesiotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collection, No. 2266, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence—Upper New Albany shale, common at Locality i: rarevar Wwocalities sO, o.Oande ie Hindeodella tenerrima Holmes? Plate 5, fig. 18 Hindeodella tenerrima Holmes, 1928, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 72, p. 25, pl. 9, figs. 6, 7. Chattanooga shale, 13 miles north-northeast of Huntsville, Alabama. Bar rounded, slender, and curved downward at the posterior end; cusp rounded, slender and gently curved; denticles separat- ed, rounded, and acutely pointed. Length, about 3.5 mm. The specimen from the New Albany shale questionably re- ferred to the species shows an indication of alternation with two small denticles between the larger ones on the posterior part of the bar. Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2287, upper New Albany shale, Locality 9, north of Rockford, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- ties 9, and Io. Hindeodella species Plate 5, fig. 19 Bar heavy, laterally compressed, rounded and gently arched upward. Cusp long, slender, and rounded; denticles slender, rounded, acutely pointed, increasing in size toward the middle of the posterior portion of the bar, and alternating with I or 2 small denticles between the larger ones; all denticles apparently inesrted. Anterior end of bar unknown. Only specimen, Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2264, middle New Albany shale, Locality 18, southeast of Henryville, Indiana. Hindeodella jubata, new species Plate 10, fig. 13 Bar short, heavy, and laterally compressed, with the anterior portion sharply deflected downward. Cusp short, rounded, and straight ; denticles closely spaced, short, rounded, sharply pointed, apparently inserted, and tending to alternate in size. Length of holotype, 1.5 mm. The species is characterized by the relatively short bar and sharply deflected anterior portion. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 233 New ALBANY CoNnopOoNTS: HUDDLE 47 2319, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Al- bany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the midd'e New Albany shale at Locali- ty 20. Hindeodella conidens, new species Plate 10, fig. 16. Bar heavy and rounded, with the anterior portion expanded at the end, slightly deflected downward and sharply bowed in- ward. Cusp long, slender, rounded, acutely pointed and gently curved Denticles similar to the cusp in shape; posterior den- ‘icles alternating, with one or two small denticles between the larger ones; about 5 denticles anterior to the cusp; none of the denticles appear to be inserted. Length of holotype, 2.6 mm. Holctype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2260, upper New Albany shale, Locality 9, north of Rockford, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- fHeSnt 3.556, o1O4 TO, andn 14. Genus HAMULOSODINA Cooper, 1931 Hamulosodina Cooper, 1931, Jour. of Paleon., vol. 5, p. 239. Tcoth consists of slender bar carrying alternating denticles, strong cusp and anticusp. The anticusp denticulated only near the cusp. Genoholotype-—Hamulosodina bidens Cooper, 1931. Woodford formation, Oklahoma. Hamulosodina? perangulata, new species Plate 5, fig. 8 Bar slender, flattened, thin and nearly straight, anticusp per- pendicular to bar. Cusp erect, slightly curved, slender, and rounded ; dentic!es flattenend, thin, broad at the base and rapidly tapering, those on the bar alternating in size with 2 or 3 small denticles |etween the larger ones, two or three denticles on the anticusp. Full length of the bar not known. When the anticusp is broken off of the species it is difficult or impossible to distinguish from Hindeodella alternidens. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1790, upper New Albany shale, Locality 3, north of New Albany, Indiana. 48 BULLETIN 72 234 Occurrence.—Upper New Albany shale, rare at Localities 1, Ze BN, U2, eval TAL. Hamulesodina? species Plate 12, fig. 5 Bar flattened, thin, and curved downward near the cusp; cusp long, slender, gently curved and rounded; denticies short, later- ally compressed, irregularly alternating and apparently not in- serted. Anticusp unknown, and tor this reason the genus can not be determined. , Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2336, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- ES 1, 2, &, BiaG! O, Genus HINDEODELLOIDES new genus Bar laterally compressed, thin, straight or gently curved, with an anticusp which gives the tooth a /-shaped appearance similar to the pick shape of Ligonoaima. ‘The plane including the den- ticles on the anticusp is inclined to the plane of the bar and cusp. Denticles laterally compressed, closly appressed, and usually alter- nating in size. The genus differs from Hindeodella in having an anticusp; from Ligonodina in the close appression of the denticles; from Hamulsodina in that the anticusp is entirely denticulate; and from Falcodus in that the denticles on the anticusp are at an angle to the plane of the bar and cusp. Genoholotype.—Hindeodelloides bicristatus, new species. Hindeodelloides bicristatus, new species Plate iiss a 2.ron pleas p an Bar flattened, short, broad at the posterior end and narrow near the cusp; anticusp flattened, and inclined to the plane of the bar and cusp. Cusp flattened, sharp edged, acutely pointed and slightly curved; denticles on the bar thin, acutely pointed, in- clined toward the posterior end, and alternating with usually three small denticles between the larger ones; about 6 closely ap- pressed, subequal denticles on the anticusp with one or more smal! denticles between some of the larger ones; all denticles apparently inserted. Length, 0.6—1.2 mm. 235 New ALBANY ConopONTS: HUDDLE 49 Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1862, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana; Paratype No. 1863, upper New Albany shale, Locality 3, north of New Albany, Indiana; Paratype No. 1864, lower New Albany shale, Locality 27, Chelsa, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare throughout the New Albany shale at Lo- Callies T, B, ©, WO, W4, A, Zi, eacl 27, Hindeodelloides alatus, new species Penge 7, ike, 4 Bar heavy, laterally compressed, broad at the posterior end and becoming narrow near the cusp. Cusp laterally compressed, sharp edged, slender and gently curved. Posterior denticles lat- erally compressed, sharp edged, and increasing in size toward the posterior end of the bar, without alternation. Anticusp flat- tened at right angles to the plane of the bar and carrying eight to ten subequal denticles. All denticles apparently inserted. Length of holotype, 1.5 mm. Holotype—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1865, middle New Albany shale, Locality 18, southeast of Henry- ville, Indiana. Occurrence.—Middle part of the New Albany shale. Common auvocalitvezo)) rarerat Localitiessd, 19, andeoi Hindeodelloides minutus, new species Plate 7, fig. 12 Bar short, flattened, thin and slightly arched; anticusp thin, flattened and inclined to the plane of the bar and cusp. Cusp slender, flattened, sharp edged, acutely pointed, and gently curved. Denticles on the bar and anticusp thin, sharp edged, acutely pointed, closely appressed, and apparently inserted. Length, up to 0.5 mm. The species differs from H. alatus in the smaller size and greater inclination of the posterior denticles. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2281, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New AI- bany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle New Albany shale at Lo- cality 20. Hindeodelloides, species Plate 10, fig. 9 Bar broad, laterally compressed, thicker near the cusp; den- ticles on anticusp slightly inclined to plane of bar and cusp; pos- 50 BULLETIN 72 236 terior portion slightly bowed downward. Cusp inclined, straight, laterally compressed, sharp edged and acutely pointed. Denticles laterally compressed, broad at the base and rapidly tapering on the posterior portion of the bar; denticles on anticusp more slen- der. Cusp and denticles apparently inserted. Known from a single specimen. Length, 0.9 mm. Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2320, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Albany, Indiana. Hindeodelloides? species Plate 10, fig. 14 ‘Bar short, broad, and thin with the posterior end curved slightly downward; anticusp flattened and very slightly inclined to the plane of the bar and cusp. Cusp long, slender, rounded and slightly curved. Denticles laterally compressed, sharp edged, closely appressed and slender on the bar; discrete and broader on the anticusp. Known from a single specimen. Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2208, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Albany, Indiana. Hindeodelloides species Plate 12, fig. 9 Bar thin, flat, and broad; anticusp also thin and flat with the denticles perpendicular to the plane of the bar and the cusp. Cusp slender, straight, rounded, and acutely pointed; denticles on the bar laterally compressed, and alternating in size with 2 small denticles between the larger ones; denticles on the anti- cusp apparently not alternating. Known from two broken specimens. Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2332, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Hindeodelloides gracilis, new species Plate 12, fig. 12 Bar broad, thin and flattened, with straight base ; anticusp long, thin, and inclined to the vertical p'ane of the bar and cusp. Cusp straight, slender, rounded toward tip, but angulated near base; about three times the length of the largest denticles; denticles numerous, closely appressed, slender, rounded, and alternating with 2 or 4 small denticles between the larger ones; apparently not inserted. Length of holotype, 0.7 mm. Holotype—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2331, upper New Albany shale, Locality 10, Rockford, Indiana. BBY New ALBANY CoNnopoNtTs: HUDDLE 51 Occurrence.—Rare in the middle and upper New Albany shale at Localities 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 20. Genus EUPRIONIODINA Ulrich and Bassler, 1926 Tooth consisting of cusp, denticulated bar and anticusp with the denticles on the anticusp in the plane of the bar and cusp. The denticles on the bar are separated, and this separation of the denticles distinguishes the genus from S ymprioniodina which it otherwise resembles. Genoholotype —Euprioniodina deflecta Ulrich and Bassler, 1926. Rhinestreet shale, (Upper Devonian, Portage), Shaleton, New York. Euprioniodina species ; Plate 6, fig. 15 Bar heavy, and rounded with large anticusp; cusp large, lat- erally compressed, rounded, and inclined at a low angle; denticles separated, rounded, not laterally compressed, long and rather slender. Length of bar and anticusp unknown. The species is larger, has more separated denticles than E. perangulata Ulrich and Bassler, and also appears to jack alter- nation of denticles on the bar. Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2295, lower New A!bany shale, Locality 26, north of Speed, Indiana. Occurrence.—Fragments common at Localities 26, and 32, in the lower New Albany shale. Euprioniodina fornicata, new species Plate 6, fig. 16 Bar heavy, rounded and slightly bowed near the cusp; anticusp short, flattened, deflected less than 90 degrees, and looks like an appendage to the cusp. Cusp long, parallel sided, bluntly pointed, _rounded, and somewhat flattened near the base; denticles slender, needle-like, separated on the bar and closely spaced on the anti- cusp; cusp and denticles apparently inserted. Length of holo- type, 2.2 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1828, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Al- bany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle and upper New Albany shale at Localities 10, 14, 18, 19, and 20. 52 BULLETIN 72 238 Euprioniodina prona, new species BlatenG. tes Sie pleliehiows Bar long, rounded and slightly bowed near the cusp, becoming flattened and thinner near the end; anticusp large, short, smooth- ly rounded on convex side with a prominent escutchon on the concave side; cusp short, laterally compressed, broad at the base and bluntly pointed, inclined forward at an angle of about 27 degrees; denticles on the bar 20 to 24, needle-like, short and closely spaced, but not fused, with some alternation in size near the cusp; 10 to 12 closely spaced, and somewhat fused denticles on the anticusp; all denticles apparently inserted. Length, up to 3 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1788; Paratype No. 1789, both types from upper New Albany shale, Locality 9, north of Rockford, Indiana. Occurrence.—Abundant in the upper New Albany shale at Localities 1, 3, 6, and 10; common at Localities 8, and 14; rare at Localities 5, 9, 11, and 13. Euprioniodina devexa, new species Plate 11, fig. 4 Bar heavy, and rounded; anticusp short, thinner than bar and looks like an appendage to the cusp. Cusp rounded, shapely pointed and inclined to the bar at an angle of about 20 degrees. Denticles slender, rounded, closely spaced, and apparently deep- ly inserted. Small escutcheon present. Length, about 2 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2290, Locality 23, south of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- IY Zaks Euprioniodina perangulata Ulrich and Bassler Plate 11, fig. 5 Euprioniodina perangulata Ulrich and Bassler, 1926, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., vol. 68, p. 30, pl. 3, fig. 10. Rhinestreet shale (Upper Devonian, Portage), Shaleton, New York. Tooth small; bar rounded and slightly curved; anticusp long, slender, nearly straight and rounded; cusp laterally compressed, broad at the base, gradually tapering, and inclined to the bar at an angle of about 50 degrees; denticles rounded and slender, closely spaced on the anticusp, and separated on the bar with obscure, irregular alteration in size. Both the holotype and the specimens from the New Albany shale appear to be broken and therefore the full length and num- 239 New ALBANY Conoponts: HUDDLE 53 ber of denticles on the bar and anticusp are unknown. Plesiotype—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2323, lower New Albany shale, Locality 26, north of Speed, Indiana. ; Occurrence.—Commonly represented by fragments in the low- er New Albany shale at Localities 26, 30, and 32. Euprioniodina debilis, new species Plate 11, fig. 6 Tooth small; bar thin, broad and slightly arched ; anticusp rela- tively large and thin. Cusp laterally compressed, with a sugges- tion of sharp edges, acutely pointed and inclined to the bar at an angle of about 4o degrees. Denticles thin, sharp edged, broad at the base and rapidly tapering; alternating in size with one small denticle between the larger ones. Length, I—I.3 mm. Holotype —Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2259, lower New Albany shale, Locality 28, Chelsa, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the lower New Albany shale at Locali- ties 27, and 28. Euprioniodina falx, new species iPlenee iil, ayer; 8) Bar slender, rounded, and gently arched near the cusp; anti- cusp short, and rounded. Cusp slender, rounded, acutely pointed, and inclined to the bar at an angle of about 30 degrees. Denti- cles needle-like, and alternating in size with one or two small denticles between the larger ones. Cusp and denticles apparently inserted. Length, about I mm. The species differs from FE. debilis in having a more slender cusp, thinner denticles, and longer more nearly round bar. Holotype —Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2292, lower New Albany shale, Locality 27, Chelsa, Indiana. Occurrence.—Common in the lower New Albany shale at Lo- calities 27, and 28. Genus SYNPRIONIODINA Ulrich and Brassler, 1926 Tooth consisting of cusp, denticulated bar and anticusp. The denticles on the anticusp are in the vertical plane of the bar and cusp. Syuprioniodina differs from Euprioniodina in having the denticles closely appressed and joined by bar material; and the cusp is inclined upward rather than forward as in Palmato- 54 BULLETIN 72 : 240 della. The anticusp in Palmatodella is longer than the anticusp: in Symprioniodina. Genoholotype—Synprioniodina alternata Ulrich and Bassler, 1926. Chattanooga shale, 13 miles north-northeast of Huntsville, Alabama. Synprioniodina plana Holmes Pleyge @, ines, WA Foil, Wil, ways, i) Synprioniodina plana Holmes, 1928, Proe. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., vol. 72, p. 30, pl. 10, fig, 13. Chattanooga shale, 13 miles north-northeast of Hunts- ville, Alabama. Bar heavy, broad, flattened, and slightly bowed at the cusp; anticusp short, flattened, rounded on the convex side and with prominent escutchon on the concave side. Cusp short, broad, bluntly pointed, flattened with a suggestion of sharp edges, in- clined forward at an angle of about 45 degrees; denticles on the bar, numerous, short, abruptly pointed, rounded and closely ap- pressed, subequal in size except for a few small denticles between larger ones near the cusp; denticles on the anticusp more close- ly appressed than those on the bar but similar in shape; all den- ticles apparently inserted. Length, about 2.5 mm. Plesiotypes.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collection, No. 1928, upper New Albany shale, Locality 10, Rockford, Indiana; No. 1929, upper New Albany shale, Locality 3, north of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New ay shale at Locali- IES Th, By B, UO, Bia! il, Synprioniodina newalbanyensis, new species Plate 6, fig. 18 Tooth small, bar thin, flattened and not bowed; anticusp short, flattened, and thin. Cusp short, acutely pointed, flattened, broad at the base and rapidly tapering; denticles closely spaced, appar- ently inserted, fused, and alternating near the cusp, becoming separated and having no alternation toward the end of the bar. No escutcheon. Length, about 1.3 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2322, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Kare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- HES Tig 2, 2, O, ainel WA, 241 New ALBANY Conoponts: HupDLE 55 Synprioniodina aclis, new species Plate 11, fig. 7 Tooth small, bar slender, laterally compressed, and slightly bowed near the cusp, anticusp short, flattened, and deflected more than a right angle. Cusp long, slender, laterally compressed, acutely pointed, and not ‘nclined to the bar; denticles slender, rounded, acutely pointed, and separate, denticles on the bar curve toward the cusp, those on the anticusp are parallel to the cusp. Length of holotype, 1.4 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1933, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence —Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- ties 1, 3, and 10: Synprioniodina decurrens, new species Plate 11, fig. 11 Bar slender, thin, laterally compressed, and slightly curved ; anticusp broad, short, and carrying three or four small closely appressed, inserted denticles. Cusp large, broad at the base and gradually tapering, laterally compressed, and sharp edged; in- clined to the bar at an angle of about 50 degrees. Denticles similar to the cusp in shape, and alternating in size with one or two small denticles between some of the larger ones. Length of holotype, 1.4 mm. The species is similar to S. alternata Ulrich and Bassler, but differs in the inclination of the cusp, curvature of the bar, and the relative sizes of the alternating denticles. In S. decurrens the smaller set of denticles is extremely small and fine compared to the larger set of denticles. Holotype.—I\ndiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1927, New Albany shale, Locality 23, south of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in upper and middle New Albany shale at Localities 8, 19, and 23. Genus PALMATODELLA Ulrich and Bassler, 1926 Bar slender and bent subcentrally so that the anticusp is nearly perpendicular to the posterior portion. Cusp and den- ticles fine, hair-like, usually closely appressed and inclined for- ward. 56 BULLETIN 72 242 Genoholotype.—Palmatodella delicatula Ulrich and Bassler, 1926. Chattanooga shale, north-northeast of Huntsville, Ala- bama. Palmatodella delicatula Ulrich and Bassler Plate i feta Palmatodella delicatula Ulrich and Bassler, 1926, Proe, U. S. Nat. Mus. vol. 68, p. 41, pl. 10, fig. 5, text fig. 10 on p. 16. Chattanooga shale, 13 miles north-northeast of Huntsville, Alamaba. —Holmes in Butts, 1926, Geology of Alabama, Geol. Surv. Ala., special rept. 14, p. 160, pl. 48, fig. 13. Chattanooga shale, 4 miles west of New Market, Madi- son County, Alabama. —Holmes, 1928, Proce. U. S. Nat, Mus., vol. 72, art. 5, p. 29, pl. 10, fig. 10. Chattanooga shale, 13 miles north-north- east of Huntsville, Alabama. —Cooper, 1931, Jour. Paleon., vol. 5, p. 149, pl. 20, fig. 12. Lower part of Woodford, sec. 3, T. 2 N., R. 6 #., Oklahoma. —Bassler, 1932, Bull. 38, Tenn. Division of Geology, pl. 26, fig. 24. Ulrich and Bassler’s figure republished. Bar slender with the anticusp nearly perpendicular to the bar. Cusp broad at the base, acutely pointed, slightly inclined upward and directly forward. Denticles on the bar are short, sharp pointed, and well separated; anticusp denticles closely appressed, needle-like, and dimishing in size from a large one next to the cusp to a very minute one at the end of the anticusp. Length, about I mm. The specimens from the New Albany shale referred to this species are most similar to those figured by Holmes from the Chattanooga shale, but are only about half as large as the Chat- tanooga specimens. Both the specimens figured by Holmes and the New Albany specimans are bent less than a right angle, and they both have three large denticles immediately anterior to the cusp. The holotype does not have the three larger anterior denticles, is bent more nearly a right angle and the cusp is less inclined upward than in the specimens figured by Holmes, and New Albany specimens. The specimen figured by Cooper from the lower part of the Woodford of Oklahoma, has very short anterior denticles and is probably a new species and not Palma- todella delicatula. | Plesiotype—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1884, New Albany shale, Locality 23, south of New Albany. Indiana. Probably about 20 feet below Rockford limestone. Occurrence-—Common in the middle New Albany shale at Localities 19, and 20; rare at Localities 18 and 23. 243 New AuBany Conoponts: HuDDLE 57 Palmatodella? paridens, new species Plate 11, fig. 3 Bar heavy, laterally compressed, and bent slightly more than a right angle. Cusp short, broad, laterally compressed, abruptly pointed, and directly forward in the plane of the bar, without upward inclination. Denticles numerous, subequal, laterally com- pressed, narrow, abruptly pointed, closely appressed, apparently deeply inserted and free only at the tips. On the bar the denticles are inclined toward the cusp; on the anticusp they are parallel to the cusp. Length, about I.4 mm. The species is referred to Palmatodella with some doubt, be- cause of the heavy bar and arching more than a right angle. In Telumodina the arching is more than a right angle, but the species referred to this genus are extremely delicate and the denticles widely separated. It has seemed best to refer this new species to Palmatodella because of the closely appressed denticles. Holotype —Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1885, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- IGS sigh Boel (oy cuniGle 1721e Genus METAPRIONIODUS, new genus Bar heavy, rounded, usually with a distinct oral shoulder posterior to the cusp on the concave side; anterior portion de- flected downward and curved laterally ; posterior downward de- flection always present. Cusp large, rounded, straight or slight- ly curved, and situated near the anterior end of the bar. Den- ticles separated and rounded with a few at the posterior end of the bar inclined nearly straight backward. The genus differs from Hindeodella in the presence of a pos- terior downward projection ; from Angulodus in having the cusp situated near the anterior end of the bar, and the denticles sepa- rated. Genoholotype—Metaprioniodus biangulatus, new species. Metaprioniodus biangulatus, new species Plate 11, figs. 12, 13 Bar heavy, anterior portion bowed and deflected downward, posterior portion smoothly rounded on the convex side, and with a distinct oral shoulder on the concave side; posterior downward 58 BULLETIN 72 244 projection large and thinner than the rest of the bar. Cusp large, gently curved, rounded, and acutely pointed; denticles laterally compressed, with a suggestion of sharp edges, apparently not in- serted, broad at the base and rapidly tapering, increasing in size from the cusp to the posterior downward projection with the exception of a few small denticles between the larger ones; 4 or 5 denticles on the anterior portion of the bar. Length, 2.3—2.9 mm. The species differs from M. fractus in the shape of the cusp and denticles; and the larger posterior downward projection. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1870; Paratype No. 1860, both types from the upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- ES 1, A, BO, eal TO Metaprioniodus fractus, new species Plate 11, figs. 14, 15 Bar thick, with the anterior portion deflected downward and strongly bowed; posterior portion rounded on the convex side and with distinct oral shoulder on the concave side; posterior downward projection small. Cusp rounded, gently curved and sharply pointed; denticles rounded, apparently not inserted, slen- der and increasing in size from the cusp toward the posterior end of the bar. Length, 1.2—2.3 mm. The species differs from M. biangulatus in having more slender bar and denticles, and smaller posterior downward projection. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1871; Paratype No. 1868, both types from the upper New AI- bany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- ties I, 3, and 10. Genus LIGONODINA Ulrich and Bassler, 1926 LIigonodina Ulrich and Bassler, 1926, Proce. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 68, pp. 12-13, Plagiodina Cooper, 1933. Bull. Geol. Soe. Amer., vol. 44, p. 210. Branson and Mehl, 1933, Univ. of Missouri Studies, vol. 5, p. 48. Conodonts with rounded cusp, denticulated bar and anticusp. The denticles on the anticusp are at right angles to the plane of the bar and cusp, and are inclined upward. The anticusp extends downward from one side of the cusp, and a deep groove extends 245 NEw ALBANY Conoponts: HupDDLE 59 from the tip of the anticusp on the undenticulate side to the end of the bar along the aboral side. The essential characters of the genus are the lateral attach- ment of the anticusp and the fact that the denticles on the anticusp are at night angles to the plane of the bar and cusp. In Euprionio- dina and Synprioniodina the denticles on the anticusp are in the same plane as the bar and cusp. In Hindeodelloides the denti- cles on the anticusp are at some angle to the plane of the bar and cusp, and may be at right angles; but the genus is distin- guished from Ligonodina by the central attachment of the anti- cusp, and lack of groove on the undenticulated side. Genoholotype.—Ligonodina_ pectinata Ulrich and _ Bassler, 1926. Khinestreet shale (Upper Devonian, Portage), Shaleton, New York. Ulrich and Bassler in their description of Ligonodina misinter- preted the denticles on the anticusp, and degarded them as “suck- erlike impressions”. Because these denticles are at right angles to the plane of the bar and cusp they are usually broken off when this side of the tooth is exposed; these broken denticles give the appearance of “suckerlike impressions” noticed and de- scribed by Ulrich and Bassler. Cooper*®, 1933, first showed that the “suckerlike impressions” of Ligonodina are merely broken denticles. He proposed the name Plagiodina to include species described under Ligonodina, Euprioniodina and Prioniodus, having denticulated anticusps with the denticles perpendicular to the plane of the bar and cusp. A strict interpretation of the International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature amendment* to Article 25, Section c, 3 would make Plagiodina unavailable because Cooper designated no geno- type. Moreover, Cooper* finds by a study of topotype material that Ligonodina pectinata, the genoholotype of Ligonodina, has denticles on the anticusp at right angles to the plane of the bar and cusp; and since the genoholotype and not the original de- scription determines the characters of a genus, Ligonodina must 39Cooper, C. L., 1933. Revision on Ligonodina Ulrich and Bassler, and Prioniodus Pander, 1856. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., vol. 44, p. 210. 40Science, 1928, New Series, vol. 67, pp. 17-18. 41Personal communication. 60 BULLETIN 72 246 be redefined as above and Plagiodina Cooper is a synonym of Ligonodina. Branson and Mehl*?, 1933, also came to the conclusion that the “suckerlike impressions” of Ulrich and Bassler are really broken denticles. Ligonodina species Plate 7, fig. 8 Bar heavy and rounded, anticusp unknown; cusp large, nearly straight, and ovate in cross section; denticles rounded, separate, and increasing in size toward the posterior end of the bar with- out alternation. Figured specimen, Indiana University Paleontological Collec- tion, No. 2253, upper New Albany shale, Locality 3, north of New Albany, Indiana. Ligonodina species Plate 7, fig. 11 Bar heavy, rounded, and gently curved; anticusp unknown; cusp rounded, erect, and nearly straight; denticles numerous, rounded, and alternating with 2 or 3 small denticles between the larger ones. The figured specimen probably represents a new species, but it has seemed best not to name it until specimens with the anti- cusp are found. Figured specimen, Indiana University Paleontological! Collec- tion, No. 2278, upper New Albany shale, Locality 8, east of Vienna, Indiana. Ligonodina hindei Ulrich and Bassler Plate 7, figs. 18, 22; pl. 12, figs. 18, 14 text fig. 3, no. 5 Ligonodina hindei Ulrich and Bassler, 1926, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol 68, p. 14, pl. 2, figs. 14, 15, 16. Rhinestreet shale (Upper Devonian, Portage), Shaleton, New York. Bar thick, straight or slightly curved; anticusp large, curved toward the posterior end of the bar, and carrying five denticles. Cusp long, gently curved, rounded near the base and becoming flattened and somewhat sharp edged near the tip. Denticles on the bar rounded, inclined, and sharply curved near the base; seven in number. The specimen shown in Plate 7, figure 13 is considerably smaller, has a thinner bar, and less curved anticusp 42Branson and Mehl, 1933, Univ. of Missouri Studies, vol. 8, p. 48. 247 New ALBANY CoNoDONTS: HUDDLE 61 than the others placed in the species and is therefore doubt- fully referred here. Length, about 2.5 mm. Plesiotypes—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, Nos. 2255, 2309, 2310, lower New Albany shale, Locality 32, Prather, Indiana. No. 1886, lower New Albany shale, Locality 30, Prather, Indiana. Occurrence.—Common in the lower New Albany shale at Lo- cality 26, rare at Localities 30, 32, and 33. Ligonodina pinguis (Hibbard) ? Plate 7, fig. 14 Prioniodus pinguis Hibbard, 1927, Amer. Jour. Sci., 5th ser., vol. 13, p. 193, fig. 2c. Rhinestreet shale (Upper Devonian, Portage), Shaleton, New York. Bar short, thick, and gently curved; cusp long, acutely pointed, gently curved and ovate in cross section; denticles similar to the cusp in shape, separated, inclined and curved toward the posterior end of the bar. The anticusp was not described by Hibbard. In the New Al- bany specimens doubtfully referred to the species the anticusp is short, thin, and carries 3 or 4 denticles. Although specimens are common at one locality and rare at several others in the New Albany shale, no perfect specimen has been found, and the posterior portion of the bar may be considerably longer. The holotype appears to be complete, and for this reason the New Albany specimens are referred doubtfully to the species. Plesiotype-—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1931, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Common in the upper New Albany shale at Lo- cality 3, rare at Localities 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, and 14. Ligonodina species Plate 7, fig. 18 Bar laterally compressed, rounded, and slightly curved; anti- cusp short, with 3 closely spaced denticles; cusp rounded and curved; denticles laterally compressed, rounded, and alternating with 2 or 3 small denticles, between the larger ones. Known from a single broken specimen. Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1792, upper New Albany shale, Locality 2, southwest of Henryville, Indiana. 62 BULLETIN 72 248 Ligonodina species IDlenwe Wo ie, 1) Bar rounded, length and curvature unknown; anticusp long, slender, and gently curved, with 4 or 5 rounded denticles. Cusp rounded and curved; denticles rounded, separate, and apparently alternating. Figured specimen, Indiana University Paleontological Collec- tion, No. 1794, upper New Albany shale, Locality 10, Rockford, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- ties I, and Io. Ligonodina species Plate 12, fig. 8 Bar thin, long, and nearly straight; anticusp short and thin with probably 3 denticles ; cusp long, slender, and gently curved; denticles short, separated, laterally compressed, and rounded. Differs from L. conidens in having shorter denticles, longer cusp, and thinner anticusp. Known from a single specimen. Figured specimen, Indiana University Paleontological Collec- tion, No. 2273, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New AL bany, Indiana. Ligonodina bicincta, new species Plate 12, fig. 15 Bar flattened, relatively thin, and slightly curved; anticusp of moderate length, thin, and carries 4 or 5 rounded denticles ; cusp long slender, rounded, and curved near the base; denticles needle- like, and alternating near the posterior end of the bar with one small denticle between the larger ones. Length, about 2 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2279, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New AI- bany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle New Albany shale at Locali- ty 20. Ligonodina cryptodens, new species Plate 12, figs. 16, 17 Bar flattened, moderately thick, and gently curved; anticusp long, carrying 7 rounded denticles; cusp rounded, and probably gently curved; denticles rounded, slender ; with one small denticle between some of the larger ones. Length of holotype, 2 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2277, lower New Albany shale, Locality 27, Chelsa, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the lower New Albany shale at Locali- 249 New ALBANY CoNOoDONTS: HUDDLE 63 ties 27 and 28. Ligonodina conidens, new species Plate d2e hess 18ae9 Bar laterally compressed and somewhat rounded, nearly straight, and rather short; anticusp small, short, thick and car- ries 4 or 5 short, closely spaced denticles. Cusp rounded and gently curved; denticles slender, and rounded. Posterior end of the bar unknown. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2334, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper part of the New Albany shale at Localities 1,2, 5, 6, 8; and’ 10: Ligonodina arcuata, new species IPlenoe 12, wilers, FAS Alle tebe ithe, Bi, ino, 4! Bar flattened, relatively thin, gently curved, and deflected at the posterior end; anticusp of moderate length, thick, and carry- ing 5 denticles. Cusp rounded, slender, and apparently straight. Denticles rounded, separated, and irregular in size and shape; broader ones laterally compressed. Some specimens have con- siderably longer denticles near the posterior end of the bar. Length of holotype, 2 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2276, lower New Albany shale, Locality 27, Chelsa, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the 'ower New Albany shale at Locali- ties 27 and 28. Family PRIONIODINIDZ Ulrich and Bassler, 1926 Conodonts with denticulated bar, with or without cusp; cusp, if present, situated in the median third of the bar. Genus PRIONIODINA Ulrich and Bassler, 1926 Bar more or less arched and crowned with numerous, rounded, subparallel, and separated denticles. Cusp rounded and located in the median third of the bar. Escutcheon present. The genus differs from Priontodella in having a cusp, from Bryantodus by the separated denticles, and from Lonchodina by the lack of strong outward bowing of the bar. Genoholotype—Prioniodina subcurvata Ulrich and Bassler, 1926. Rhinestreet shale (Upper Devonian, Portage), Shaleton, New York. 64 BULLETIN 72 250 Prioniodina separans Holmes Plate 1, fig. 7 Prioniodina separans Holmes, 1928, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 72, p. 27, pl. 9, figs. 16, 17. Chattanooga shale, 13 miles north-northeast of Hunts- ville, Alabama. Bar rather slender, long, rounded and strongly arched upward; cusp developed at the point of curvature, ovate in cross section, inclined and gently curving; denticles numerous, 14 or more in number, similar to the cusp in shape, and rather short. Both the denticles and cusp curve inward toward. the concave side of the bar. Escutcheon prominent on the concave side of the bar. Length, about 2 mm. Plesiotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1896, upper New Albany shale, Locality 11, north of Henry- ville, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- ES I, Ay By GB, iit, aval WA Prioniodina acicularis, new species Plate 1, fig. 8 Bar of medium weight and sharply arched at a point about one-third the length of the bar from the posterior end; cusp laterally compressed, ovate in cross section, and gradually taper- ing; denticles numerous, and similar to the cusp in shape and in- clination. Posterior denticles alternating in size; but the ante- rior denticles do not alternate and are somewhat larger than the posterior ones. Escutcheon small. Length of holotype, about 2.1 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1934, upper New Albany shale, Locality 9, north of Rockford, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- ties 9g, and 11. Prioniodina curta, new species Plate 4, fig. 13 Bar relatively short, rounded, and moderately arched; cusp large, rounded and gradually tapering; denticles few, about five posterior and six anterior, anterior ones longer than posterior, all relatively short, rounded, broad at base and rapidly tapering ; escutcheon prominent but not expanded below. Length of holo- type, 1.5 mm. 251 New ALBANY ConoDONTS: HUDDLE 65 Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2316, lower New Albany shale, Locality 32, Prather, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in lower New Albany shale at Locality 32. Prioniodina arrecta, new species Plate 4, fig. 14 Bar short, rather thin, slightly rounded, and nearly straight; cusp rounded, gradually tapering, and slightly inclined ; denticles few, 5 to 7 on each side of the cusp, separated, with no indication of insertion of either the denticles or cusp; escutcheon prominent and expanded at the base. Length of holotype, 1.2 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2261, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Al- bany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle New Albany shale at Locali- ty 20. Prioniodina subrecta, new species Plate 6, fig. 1 Bar heavy, rounded and moderately arched ; cusp nearly erect, subcentral, rounded, and gradually tapering; denticles large, sepa- rated, gradually tapering and rounded; escutcheon small. Length, about 2 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2328, upper New Albany shale, Locality 2, southwest of Henry- ville, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- ties 2, 13, and 14. Genus PRIONIODELLA Ulrich and Bassler, 1926 Conodonts with short, straight or slightly arched bar ; denticles subequal apparently inserted, and without distinguishable cusp. Denticles separate and more or less closly spaced. Differs from Bryantodus, and Prioniodina in the lack of a cusp. Genoholotype.—Prioniodella normalis Ulrich and Bassler, 1926. Rhinestreet shale (Upper Devonian, Portage), Shaleton. New York. Prioniodella cunea, new species Plate 1, fig. 9 Bar heavy, laterally compressed and nearly straight; denticles numerous, 16 to 18, rounded, slender, abruptly pointed, closely appressed, and varying considerably in size; escutcheon present. Length of holotype, 2.1 mm. The species is characterized by its large size, and closely ap- 66 BULLETIN 72 252 pressed and unequal denticles. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1926, upper New Albany shale, Locality 2, southwest of Henry- ville, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper part of the New Albany shale ats Localities; 2312.6,.G..and oO: Prioniodella ordinata, new species Plate 1, fig. 10 Bar short, laterally compressed, narrow, and straight ; denticles numerous, 14 or more in number, slender, laterally compressed, closely spaced, inserted and decreasing in size from the center toward both ends of the bar ; escutcheon present and situated sub- centrally. Length of holotype, 1 mm. The species differs from P. informata Ulrich and Bassler and P. brevispina Ulrich and Bassler in having a narrow bar, long, slender denticles, and an escutcheon. P. ordinata also has more closely spaced denticles than either of the above mentioned species. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1897, middle New Albany shale, Locality 18, southeast of Henry- ville, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle part of the New Albany shale at Localities 18, 19, and 20. Prioniodella cristula, new species Plater tee ticestsle Bar rather heavy, laterally compressed, and slightly bent near the middle; no cusp distinguishable, but the median denticles somewhat larger than those near the ends of the bar. Denticles about 24 in number, long, slender, deeply inserted, closly spaced, rounded and slightly compressed laterally. No escutcheon noted, and probably not present. Length, about 1.6 mm. The bar of this species is longer and more abruptly bent than in other species of this genus. Holotype.—Indiana University Pa'eontological Collection, No. 2257, middle New Albany shale, Locality 18, southeast of Henry- ville, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle part of the New Albany shale at Localities 18, and 20. 253 New ALBANY CoNoDONTS: HUDDLE 67 Genus BRYANTODUS Ulrich and Bassler, 1926 The genus is characterized by distinct cusp, and laterally con- fluent, sharp edged denticles. Usually the base forms a narrow flange-like expansion on both sides, and there is an escutcheon or downward projection beneath the cusp. Genoholotype.—Bryantodus typicus Ulrich and Bassler, 1926. Rhinestreet shale (Upper Devonian, Portage), Shaleton, New York. Bryantodus cognatus, new species Plate 1, fig. 12; pl. 4, fig. 10 Bar heavy, laterally compressed, and slightly arched; cusp sub- central, inclined, broad at base and gradually tapering; denticles closely appressed, apparently inserted, 9 to 11 anterior, and 12 to 14 posterior; escutcheon small; strong lateral ridge or elongate node extending from the base of the cusp less than half the length of the anterior portion of the bar. Length, 1.2-2 mm. Differs from B. nitidws Ulrich and Bassler in the less marked arching and short lateral ridge. Holotype—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2350; Paratype No. 1826, both types from middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle New Albany shale at Local- ities 18, 19, and 20. Bryantodus multidens Ulrich and Bassler Plate 2, figs. 1-3 Bryantodus multidens Ulrich and Bassler, 1926, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 68, p. 22, pl. 6, figs. 15, 16. Rhinestreet shale (Portege, Upper Devonian), Shaleton, New York. Bar heavy, rounded, and gently arched upward; cusp short, laterally compressed, and abruptly pointed; denticles numerous, closely spaced, ovate in cross section, short, abruptly pointed, and apparently inserted. Large lateral, rounded flanges extend the whole length of the bar on both sides; escutcheon present. Length , 1.2-2.2 mm. B. multidens is characterized by the short cusp, num- erous, short denticles and the strong lateral flanges on both sides of the bar. B. brevidens has greater upward arching than RB multidens, and lacks the flange on the convex side. Plesiotypes.—Indiana University Paleontelogical Collection, Nos. 1815, 1816, 1856, lower New Albany shale, Locality 26, north of Speed, Indiana. 68 BULLETIN 72 254 Occurrence—Common in the lower New Albany shale at Localities 26, 27, 28, 32, and 33. Bryantodus pergracilis, Ulrich and Bassler Plate 2, fig. 4 Bryantodus pergracilis Ulrich and Bassler, 1926, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., vol. 68, p. 27, pl. 10, fig, 11. Hardin sandstone, Mount Pleasant, Ten- nesee. Bar flat, thin, and nearly straight; cusp subcentral, short, flattened, sharp-edged,, and acutely pointed; denticles similar to the cusp in shape, numerous, slightly separated, and decreasing in size toward the ends of the bar; escutcheon small. Length, about I mm. Plesiotype—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1827, upper New Albany shale, Locality 11, north of Henry- ville, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Local- ities 3, 9, 11, and 13. Bryantodus subbrevis Ulrich and Bassler Plate 2, fig. 5 Bryantodus subbrevis Ulrich and Bassler, 1926, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 68, p. 28, pl. 10, figs. 15, 16. Hardin sandstone, Mount Pleasant, Tennessee. Tooth semiovate in outline; bar thin, broad with slightly curved base; cusp and denticles inclined, flattened, sharp-edged, abruptly pointed and apparently inserted; escutcheon small. Length, about 0.5 mm. . Plesiotype——Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1825, upper New Albany shale, Locality 14, southeast of Henryville, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Local- ities 1, 2, and I4. Bryantodus camurus, new species Plate 2, figs. 6-9 Bar short, broad, thin, curved laterally in the posterior por- tion, and gently arched subcentrally; cusp broad, abruptly pointed, sharp-edged, and situated about one-third of the distance from the posterior end of the bar, usually more or less fused with the adjacent denticles. Denticles short, flattened, abruptly pointed and decreasing in size toward the posterior end of the bar. Near the anterior end there is a group of 3 or 4 larger denticles, and the rounded anterior end of the bar is denticulate. A thin lateral keel extends nearly the full length of the bar on 255 New ALBANY CoNODONTS: HUDDLE 69 both sides. Escutcheon small. The specimen illustrated on Plate 2, figure 9, represents an extreme variation in which the cusp is reduced in size. Length of holotype, 1.2 mm. The species is characterized by the posterior curve of the bar, the thin lateral keels, and the short, broad bar. Holotype.—Indiana_ University Pateontological Collection, No. 1805, upper New Albany shale, Locality 8, southeast of Vienna, Indiana. Paratypes Nos. 1806, 1807, upper New Albany shale, Locality 3, north of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.— Upper New Albany shale; abundant at Locality 2, common at Localities 1, 3, 6, and 8; rare at Localities 5, 9, and 10. z Bryantodus microdens, new species Plate 2, fig. 10 Tooth small, nearly as broad as long; bar short, and thin with straight base; cusp distinct but not prominent; both cusp and denticles laterally compressed, abruptly pointed, and closely appressed with the inserted part wedge-shaped and with narrow grooves between denticles; escutcheon small; a strong, straight lateral ridge extends nearly the full length of the bar. Length of holotype, 0.8 mm. Holotype-— Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1819, upper New Albany shale, Locality 6, north of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Local- ities I, 3, 6, and 14. Bryantodus pectenellus, new species IPieneey 21, inree) iL Bar short, laterally compressed, with posterior end deflected downward; both cusp and denticles short, abruptly pointed, closely appressed, and apparently inserted; escutcheon- small ; a low lateral ridge on the anterior portion of the bar. Length of holotype, 0.9 mm. Holotype —Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1820, lower New Albany shale, Locality 26, north of Speed, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the lower New Albany shale at Locality 20. 70 BULLETIN 72 256 Bryantodus flexus, new species Plate 2, fig. 12 Tooth small; bar thin, slightly arched, laterally bowed, and the posterior end bent; cusp relatively short, broad at the base, acutely pointed, and difficult to distinguish from a large posterior denticle which is separated from the cusp by a single smaller denticle; denticles short, closely appressed, apparently inserted, with about Io on each side of the cusp; escutcheon small. Length of holotype, 0.9 mm. Species characterized by the small size, arching and lateral bowing. Holotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collection, No. 1814, lower New Albany shale, Locality 27, Chelsa, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the lower New Albany shale at Local- ities 27 and 28. Bryantodus commutatus, new species Plate 2, figs. 13, 14 Bar slightly arched, heavy and rounded anteriorly, but thin and flat posteriorly; cusp short, inclined, sharp-edged, and situ- ated about one-third of the length of bar from posterior end; denticles similar in shape and inclination to the cusp, apparently more deeply inserted near the cusp; anterior ones about IT in number, larger and more fused than those posterior to cusp, about 6 in number; escutcheon small. Length of holotype, 1.3 mm. B. commutatus is similar to B. nitidus U. and B., but the arching of the bar is much less and there are fewer denticles pos- terior to the cusp. It may be identical with the specimen figured on Plate 4, figure 14 by Ulrich and Bassler** which they referred doubtfully to B. nitidus. Holotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collection, No. 1809; Paratype No. 1810, both types lower New Albany shale, Locality 27, Chelsa, Indiana. Occurrence.—Lower New Albany shale; abundant at Local- ities 27, and 28; rare at Localities 29, 30, and 31. t>Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., vol. 68. 257 Nrw ALBANY CoNopoNTSs: HupDLE 71 Bryantodus concavus, new species Plate 2, fig. 15-17 Bar broad, laterally compressed, and strongly arched; cusp in median third, sharp edged, and acutely pointed; denticles similar to the cusp in shape and inclination, decreasing in size toward the ends of the bar, apparently inserted, 8 to 10 anterior, and 10 to 12 posterior ; escutcheon small. Length of holotype, 1.2 mm. Holotype Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1811; Paratypes Nos. 1812, 1813. All types from the lower New Albany shale, Locality 27, Chelsa, Indiana. Occurrence—Lower New Albany shale, common at Local- ities 27 and 28; rare at Localities 29 and 30. Bryantodus serrula, new species Plate 2, figs. 18-20 Bar relatively short, broad, laterally compressed, straight or slightly arched; cusp subcentral, flattened, sharp-edged and gradually tapering, varying considerably in width and relative closeness of spacing; total number of denticles varies from 16 to 18; escutcheon small. Length, 1.2-1.5 mm. B. serrula differs from B. anequalis Holmes in having a nearly straight bar, and denticles subequal on the two sides of the cusp. Holotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collection, No. 1821. Paratype No. 1822, upper New Albany shale, Local- ity 1, New Albany, Indiana. Paratype No. 1823, upper New Albany shale, Locality 14; southeast of Henryville, Indiana. Occurrence.—Common in the upper part of New Albany shale. Abundant at Localities 1 and 3, common at Localities 6, 8, 10, and it, weyers Bye ILOYeAineKeS Cy WAL 13, eiavGl aA, Bryantodus plenus, new species Plate 2, fig. 21 Bar massive, rounded, laterally bowed posterior to the cusp, and slightly arched; cusp not much longer than denticles, broad at base and acutely pointed; denticles closely spaced, sharp-edged, and apparently inserted, 7 anterior and g posterior on the holo- type; escutcheon small; no lateral ridge. Length of holotype, 2 mm. Holotype—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2305, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence—Rare in middle New Albany shale at Locality 20. 72 BULLETIN 72 258 Bryantodus brevidens, new species Plate 3, figs. 1, 2 Bar heavy, rounded, and abruptly arched below the cusp; cusp subcentral, sharp-edged, broad at the base and rapidly taper- ing; denticles closely appressed, short, sharp-edged, broad at the base and rapidly tapering, 8 to 10 on each side of the cusp with no indication of insertion; escutcheon small; a strong, smooth, lateral ridge extends the full length of the bar on the one side, and a low ridge on the anterior portion of the bar on the other side. Length of holotype, 1.2 mm. The species is similar to B. multidens Ulrich and Bassler, but differs in having shorter denticles and greater arching of the bar. Holotype——Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1803; Paratype No. 1804, both types from upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence are at Wocalities: 1,2, 3) 8) ©, 10, TT randmus Bryantodus cf. germanus Holmes Plate 3, fig. 5 Bryantodus germanus Holmes, 1928, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., vol. 72, p. 28, pl. 10, fig. 5. Chattanooga shale, 13 miles north-northeast of Hunts- ville, Alabama. Bar broad, laterally compressed with base nearly straight ; cusp subcentral, inclined, moderately curved, broad at the base and bluntly pointed; denticles apparently inserted, 7 to 9 on each side of the cusp, closely appressed, abruptly pointed, and laterally compressed; no escutcheon seen. Length, about 1.4 mm. Pleisotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collection, No. 1817, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Ocurrence.—Very rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locality 1. Bryantodus coalescenoides, new species Plate 3, fig. 8 Bar heavy, flattened, and gently arched; cusp subcentral, broad, abruptly pointed, flattened and joined with two or three adjacent denticles by bar material. Denticles similar in shape to the cusp and are likewise joined; exact number not known, but at least 5 posterior and 5 anterior present. Length of holotype, about 1.8 mm, 259 New ALBANY CoNopoNTS: HUDDLE 73 B. coalescenoides differs from B. coalescens Ulrich and Bass- ler in the small amount of curving of the bar, and seems to have more denticles. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1808, lower New Albany shale, Locality 26, north of Speed, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare at Locality 26. Bryantodus notatus, new species Plate 4, figs. 1, 2 Bar heavy, long, laterally compressed, and slightly arched; cusp subcentral, rounded, and gradually tapering; denticles closely appressed, sharp-edged, long, slender, and acutely pointed, about 10 anterior denticles with no alternation, and about 14 large posterior denticles with smaller denticles between the larger ones apparently inserted or buried in bar material, all denticles apparently inserted; excutcheon small. Length, about 2.2 mm. Holotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collection, No. 2304; Paratype No. 2303 both types from the middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle New Albany shale at Local- ities 20, and 21. Bryantodus incisus, new species Plate 4, figs. 3, 4 Bar short, and rather massive with nearly straight base; cusp broad, blunt and fused with the adjacent denticles by clear material extending beyond the end of the cusp; denticles short, sharp-edged, closely appressed, inserted and fused, with some completely buried; escutcheon small; strong lateral ridges ex- tending nearly the full length of the bar on both sides. Length of holotype, 1.2 mm. Holotype—tIndiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2300, lower New Albany shale, Locality 26, north of Speed, Indiana. Ocurrence.—Rare in lower New Albany shale at Localities 26, AS, BING! BA Bryantodus subplanus, new species Plate 4, figs. 5, 6 Bar short, extremely broad, very thin and slightly arched and bowed; cusp acutely pointed, laterally compressed and sharp- edged; denticles closely appressed, thin, sharp-edged and deeply 74 BULLETIN 72 260 inserted; anterior denticles curve toward the cusp and the pos- terior denticles are inclined parallel to the cusp. A group of denticles near the posterior end are larger than the rest. No escutcheon nor lateral ridge. There are 12 anterior and 11 posterior denticles on the holotype (fig. 5), but only 6 anterior and 14 posterior denticles on the paratype (fig. 6). The latter may have the anterior end broken off, but it does not appear broken. Length of holotype, 1.2 mm. - Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2265, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Al- bany, Indiana. Paratype No. 2312, middle New Albany shale, Locality 19, southeast of Henryville, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle New Albany shale at Locali- ES. 1NS,, AO, hac! Zire, Bryantodus subcarinatus, new species Plate 4, figs. 7, 8 Bar moderately heavy, rounded, and strongly arched below the cusp; cusp subcentral, rounded, and acutely pointed; denticles numerous 22 to 26, rounded, anterior ones abruptly pointed, pos- terior more slender and acutely pointed, all closely appressed, but apparently not inserted ; escutcheon small; lateral ridge prominent on the anterior portion of the bar on both sides. Length of holotype, 1.4 mm. Holotype.—tIndiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2348; Paratype No. 2349, both types from middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in middle New Albany shale at Localities 18, 20, and 21. Bryantodus parvus, new species ' Plate 4, fig. 9 Tooth small, bar short, thin and slightly arched; cusp subcen- tral, flattened, sharp edged and acutely pointed; denticles closely appressed and similar to the cusp in shape, inclination and ap- parent insertion, 9 to 12 on each side of the cusp; escutcheon small and thin. Length of holotype, 0.8 mm. B. parvus is similar to B. inequalis Holmes but differs in that the tooth is smaller, thinner, and the denticles are subequal. 261 New ALBANY ConopontTs: HuDDLE 75 Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2351, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New AIl- bany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle New Albany shale at Local- ity 20; common in upper New Albany shale at Localities 1, 3, OS andaTo; Bryantodus mirus, new species Plate 4, fig. 11 Bar short, laterally compressed, rather thin, with posterior end deflected downward; cusp subcentral, rounded, and acute- ly pointed; denticles closely appressed, apparently inserted, acutely pointed, 8 to 10 on each side of the cusp; escutcheon small; low lateral ridge on the anterior portion of the bar. Length of holotype, 1.2 mm. Differs from B. serrula in having the posterior portion de- flected downward. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2302, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New AIl- bany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle New Albany shale at Local- ity 20. Bryantodus nodus, new species Plate 4, fig. 12 Bar short, laterally compressed, and slightly arched ; cusp about three times as broad as the largest denticle, short, abruptly point- ed, and situated subcentrally ; denticles closely appressed, sharp- edged, short, abruptly pointed, about 10 on each side of cusp, and decreasing in size toward the ends of the bar; escutcheon small if present; prominent three sided node developed on the side of the bar below the cusp. Length of holotype, 1.4 mm. Species somewhat similar to B. mitidus Ulrich and Bassler but differs in having a broader bar with less arching, and fewer den- ticles. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1818, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Local- ity I. Bryantodus planus, new species Plate 10, fig. 8 Bar short, slightly arched, laterally compressed, and very thin; cusp short, broad at the base, acutely pointed, and situated slight- 76 BULLETIN 72 262 ly anterior to the escutcheon; denticles similar in shape to the cusp with usually 4 anterior and 6 posterior. The cusp and the denticles are both extremely flattened, and apparently insert- ed. Escutcheon rather small. Length of holotype, 0.9 mm. The denticles in this species are separated more than is usual in Bryantodus, but the flattening seems to relate the species more closely to Bryantodus than to Prioniodina, which the spacing of the denticles somewhat suggests. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1932, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. - Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Lo- cality 1. Bryantodus aplatus, new species Plate 10, fig. 11 Bar heavy, nearly straight except for the posterior end which is slightly bent downward. ‘Cusp rounded, straight, and sharply pointed. Denticles rounded, closely appressed, sharply pointed, and apparently not inserted. Escutcheon small. Length of holotype, 1.8 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2329, lower New Albany shale, Locality 26, north of Speed, In- diana. Occurrence.—Rare in the lower New Albany shale at Locali- ties 26, 32, and 33. Genus ANGULODUS, new genus Bar heavy, rounded, with both the anterior and posterior ends deflected downward; anterior end curved laterally. Cusp subcen- tral, rounded and straight or slightly curved; denticles closely spaced, rounded, and apparently inserted; a few denticles at the posterior end of the bar point straight backward; denticles usual- ly increase in size from the cusp to the posterior end of the bar. The genus differs from Metaprioniodus in the apparent inser- tion and close appression of the denticles, and the subcentral po- sition of the cusp; from Bryantodus in the lack of lateral ridges and possession of posterior downward projection. Genoholotype.—Angulodus demissus, new species. 263 New ALBANY Conoponts: HUDDLE 77 Angulodus demissus, new species Plate 10, fig. 15 Bar heavy, rounded, with oral shoulder on concave side pos- terior to cusp, anterior portion deflected downward and slightly bowed laterally; posterior projection small. Cusp rounded, length unknown; denticles rounded, closely spaced, and appar- ently inserted. Length of holotype, 1.6 mm. Holotype-—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2341, lower New Albany shale, Locality 27, Chelsa, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the lower New Albany shale at Locali- ties 27, and 28. Angulodus gravis, new species Plate 3, figs. 3, 4 Bar massive, laterally compressed, with posterior and anterior downward projections; cusp slightly rounded on the one side, and flattened on the other side, sharp-edged, broad at the base and gradually tapering; denticles numerous, 8 to 10 anterior and 35 to 40 posterior, closely appressed, sharp-edged, apparently in- serted with the posterior denticles alternating in size, one small one between the larger, no alternation of anterior denticles ; no escutcheon or flange. Length of holotype, 1.8 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1873, Paratype, No. 1874, both types from the middle New AIl- bany shale, Locality 20, north of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle New Albany shale at Locali- ties 20 and 21. Angolodus walrathi (Hibbard) Plate 4, fig. 15; plate 10, fig. 5 Hindeodella walrathi Hibbard, 1927, Amer. Jour. Sci., 5th ser., vol. 13, p. 205, figs. 4a, 4b. Rhinestreet shale (Upper Devonian, Portage), Shaleton, New York. Bar heavy, short and laterally compressed with the anterior portion deflected downward and slightly curved inward; pos- terior end of bar abruptly deflected downward to form a hook. Cusp subcentral, small, laterally compressed, and gradually ta- pering. Denticles similar to the cusp in shape and inclination except on the posterior “hook” where a few denticles point back- ward in the plane of the bar; all denticles apparently inserted, and alternating, with one to three small denticles between the larger ones. Length, about 1.8 mm. 78 BULLETIN 72 264 Specimens from the New Albany shale agree well with the cotypes except that the denticles seem to be more closely spaced. Plesiotypes.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2338, 2339, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Al- bany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- HSS, I, A, B, OS, aiarcl Woy Angolodus spissus, new species Plate 10, fig. 7 Bar heavy, with oral shoulder on concave side posterior to cusp; sharply bowed laterally and deflected downward in the an- terior portion so that the denticles on this part of the bar are in a plane perpendicular to the plane of the cusp and posterior por- tion of the bar; posterior downward projection small. Cusp large, rounded and slightly inclined; denticles closely appressed, apparently inserted, sharply pointed, laterally compressed, and tend to be sharp-edged near the tips. Length of holotype, 2.2 mm. The species differs from other species in the genus in having the anterior portion of the bar more sharply bowed and strong- ly deflected downward. Holotype.—tIndiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2286, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New AI- bany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle New Albany shale at Lo- cality 20. Genus HIBBARDELLA Ulrich and Bassler, 1926 Tooth bilaterally symetrical with large, central, erect, cusp. Bar moderately heavy, and more or less arched. Denticles sep- arated, curve inward, and usually few in number. Genoholotype—Hibbardella angulata (Hinde), 1879. Genes- see (Upper Devonian) North Evans, New York. Hibbardella angulata (Hinde) Plate 38, figs. 6, 7; plate 10, fig. 12 Prioniodus angulatus Hinde, 1879, Quart. Journ. Geol, Soe. London, vol. 30, p. 360, pl. 15, fig. 17. Genesee (Upper Devonian) North Evans, New York. Hibbardella angulata Ulrich and Bassler, 1926, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 18 mile Creek and Shaleton, New York. Branson and Mehl, 1933, vol. 68, p. 37, pl. 3, figs. 1-4. Rhinestreet shale (Devonian, Portage), Univ. of Missouri Studies, vol. 8, p, 141, pl. 11, fig. 16, new figure of holotype. 265 New ALBANY CoNopONTS: HUDDLE i 79 Bar rounded and arched 80 to 90 degrees at the median point ; cusp central, erect, rounded, sides nearly parallel; denticles well separated, usually five on either side of cusp. Height, 1-2 mm. Plesiotypes——Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1835, lower New Albany shale, Locality 27, Chelsa, Indiana ; No. 1836, upper New Albany shale, Locality 9, north of Rock- ford, Indiana; No. 2293, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—RKare throughout the New Albany shale at Lo- Callies A, .O, 3 Oy WO, UF) Aly ZO, ZO, A7, BO, BinGl Air Hibbardella symmetrica, new species Plate 3, fig. 9 ~ Bar slightly curved, laterally compressed, broad at ends and narrowing toward the cusp, central portion near the cusp bowed outward. Cusp narrow, parallel sided and curving inward. Den- ticles Yneedieske and) alternating: withy © tol 3) smalll> ones between the larger ones; larger denticles rounded, gradually ta- pering, subequal and curved toward the cusp. Length of holo- type, 1.8 mm. The species is similar to H. subgrandis Hibbard, but differs in having alternating denticles. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1839, upper New Albany shale, Locality 2, southwest of Henry- ville, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- HOS Z, Op WO, ue, hal WA Hibbardella? telum, new species Plate 3, figs. 10-12 Bar heavy and sharply arched so that the whole tooth has a subtriangular outline; cusp short, broad at base and gradually tapering, laterally compressed, and sharp-edged; denticles round- ed, acutely pointed, closely appressed, fused, and apparently deeply inserted, 8 to 10 on each side of the cusp; no escutcheon. Jalengiat, ARG Waa, Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2251, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Al- bany, Indiana. Paratype No. 1840, upper New Albany shale, Lo- cality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Paratype No. 1841, lower New 80 BULLETIN 72 266 Albany shale, Locality 27, Chelsa, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare throughout the New Albany shale at Lo- GAMES I, 10), 12, AO), Ay, ancl Bo. Hibbardella pandata, new species Plate 3, fig. 13 Tooth large with bar of medium weight, rounded, bowed and arched, with the base of the cusp at the center of both curvatures. Cusp long, parallel-sided, rounded, curved inward, and tip rounded. Denticles similar in shape to the cusp, separated by their own diameter or more; usually 8 on each side of cusp. Height, about 3 mm. The species is characterized by the large cusp and strong bow- ing and arching of the bar. It differs from H. curvata Holmes in having more denticles and a greater angle of divergence of the two sides of the symmetrical bar. Good specimens are rare in the New Albany shale, but frag- ments are abundant and easily recognized by the large cusp. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1898, lower New Albany shale, Locality 32, Prather, Indiana. Occurrence.—Abundant in the lower part of the New Albany shale at Locality 32; common at Locality 26. Hibbardella distans, new species Plate 3, fig. 14 Bar light, laterally compressed and slightly arched; cusp elon- gate, gradually tapering, rounded and bowed inward, this bow- ing occurs near the base and involves the bar; denticles slender, acutely pointed, separated, and not inserted; no escutcheon. Height, about 1.2 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2258, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Al- bany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle New Albany shale at Lo- cality 20. Hibbardella insignis, new species Plate 3, fig. 15 Bar short, laterally compressed, and moderately arched; cusp extremely long, and rather thick with sharp edges perpendicular to the plane of bar and cusp; denticles closely spaced, alternating in size, rounded, acutely pointed, and apparently inserted; no escutcheon. Height of holotype, 1.7 mm, 267 New ALBANY ConopoNTS: HUDDLE 81 Holotype Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2252, upper New Albany shale, Locality 8, east of Vienna, In- diana. Occurrence.—Rare in upper New Albany shale at Localities 1, Ale, Mo}, Ws, eal a7 Hibbardella? divergens, new species Plate 10, fig. 6 Bar thin, laterally compressed, arched to form a flaring /V, open aborally; cusp short, sharp-edged, and gradually tapering ; denticles 10 to 12 on each side of the cusp, short, closely spaced, sharp-edged and inserted. Height of holotype, 0.7 mm. H. divergens is distinguished by the flaring , shape of the bar, short cusp and numerous closely spaced denticles. Holotype Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1837, upper New Albany shalé, Locality 13, south of Henryville, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper part of the New Albany shale atmeocalitiess ta oO and! 13. Genus LONCHODINA Ulrich and Bassler, 1926 Bar heavy and rounded, with the two ends nearly equal in length and the whole bar arched and bowed. Cusp not always distinguishable. Denticles rounded, needle-like, unsymmetrical- ly arranged and separated. Genoholotype.—Lonchodina typicalis Ulrich and Bassler 1926. Rhinestreet shale, (Upper Devonian, Portage), Shaleton, New Monks Lonchodina cf. extenta Hibbard Plate 6, fig. 2 Lonchodina extenta Hibbard, 1927, Amer. Journ. Sci., 5th ser., vol. 13, p. 204, fig. 3d. Rhinestreet shale (Upper Devonian, Portage), Shaleton, New York. “Bar thick, short, and bowed, bearing eight or nine acutely pointed denticles; those near the center being longest while the others, especially on the posterior half of the bar, decrease rather regularly in length toward the extremities of the bar. It is impossible to pick out the main cusp.” (Hibbard’s descrip- tion). Several fragments of a species of Lonchodina similar to the one figured on pl. 6, fig. 2, were found at Locality 1. These fragments appear to belong to Lonchodina extenta but could not 82 BULLETIN 72 268 be positively identified without more complete specimens. Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1938, up- per New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Lonchodina nitela, new species Plate 6, figs. 3-5 3ar slender, rounded, strongly arched and slightly bowed; cusp inclined, rounded, bluntly pointed, and gently curved toward the concave side of the bar; denticles long, slender, rounded, and gently curved toward the cusp and the concave side of the bar; escutcheon small. Length, about 2.5 mm. The species differs from L.? projecta Ulrich and Bassler in the stronger arching of the bar and greater number of posterior denticles. | Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2317, lower New Albany shale, Locality 32, Prather, Indiana; Paratype No. 2325, same locality; Paratype No. 2326, lower New Albany shale, Locality 26, north of Speed, Indiana. Occurrence.—Common in the lower New Albany shale at Lo- Calitiess 205 2Oyandy22 Lonchodina? erecta, new species Plate 6, figs. 6, 7 Bar moderately heavy, laterally compressed, strongly arched, but not bowed. Cusp long, straight, flattened, with a suggestion of sharp edges, situated about one-third the length of the bar from one end; denticles inserted, long, slender, needle-like and gently curved toward the cusp with Io on one side and 6 on the other. No escutcheon apparent. Height of holotype, 1.5 mm. The species is characterized by the long straight cusp, and the slender denticles curving toward the cusp. It is somewhat simi- lar to L. subsymmetrica Ulrich and Bassler, but their species has a curved cusp which is broader than the cusp L.? erecta. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1895, middle New Albany shale, Locality 18, southeast of Henry- ville, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle of the New Albany shale at Localities 18, 19, and 20. Lonchodina multidens Hibbard ° Plate 6, fig. 8 Lonchodina multidens Hibbard, 1927, Amer. Journ. Sei., 5th ser., vol. 13, p. 203, fig. 31, Rhinestreet shale, (Upper Devonian, Portage), Shaleton, New York. 269 New ALBANY ConopoNTs: HUDDLE 83 Bar rounded, moderately heavy, strongly arched, and unsym- metrical, with one side of the bar considerably longer than the other. Cusp conical, short, and difficult to distinguish. Denticles separated, conical, and straight; usually 10 anterior and 7 posterior. One of the posterior denticles is nearly as large as the cusp, and there are 2 or 3 denticles between this large denti- cle and the cusp; these 3 or 4 denticles and the cusp occupy the highest part of the arched bar. Length, 1.5-2.2 mm. The specimens from the New Albany referred to the species seem to be larger than the holotype, but agree well in general proportions. Plesiotype—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1890, lower New Albany shale, Locality 26, north of Speed, In- diana. : Occurrence.—Rare in the lower New Albany shale at Locali- ties 26, 27, and 28. Lonchodina? species Plate 6, fig. 9 Bar heavy, rounded, moderately arched, and strongly bowed near the posterior end; cusp not easily distinguishable ; denticles closely appressed, with some fusion, apparently inserted, short, rounded, laterally compressed with a suggestion of sharp edges, and abruptly pointed; escutcheon small; strong lateral ridge on the anterior portion of the bar. Known from a single specimen. Indiana University Paleontological Col'ection, No. 1939, lower New Albany shale, Locality 29, north of Charlestown, Indiana. Lonchodina? projecta Ulrich and Bassler Plate 6, fig. 10, plate 11, fig. 1 Lonchodina? projecta Ulrich and Bassler 1926, Proe. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 68, p. 35, pl. 5, figs. 9, 10. Rhinestreet shale (Upper Devonian, Portage), Shaleton, New York. 2 Bar heavy, rounded, arched upward, but not bowed inward. Cusp strongly curved and flattened; dentieles large, rounded and gradually tapering. The posterior denticles slender and straight, but the anterior ones are curved toward the cusp and are broad- - er at the base. Escutcheon present. There are six anterior and five postreior denticles on the spe- cimens referred to the species from the New Albany shale. Ul- ich and Bassler’s figures appear to the writer to be figures of 84. BULLETIN 72 270 broken specimens, and for this reason the New Albany speci- mens have been referred to this species in spite of the larger number of posterior denticles. Length, about 2 mm. Plesiotypes—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collection, No. 1893, upper New Albany shale, Locality 2, southwest of Henryville, Indiana. No. 1894, upper New Albany shale, Local- ity 14, southeast of Henryville. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper and lower New Albany shale at Localities 1, 2, 3, 14, 26, 27, and 32. Doubtfully in the middle part of New Albany shale. Lonchodina species Plate 6, fig. 11 Bar slender, rounded, strongly arched, and slightly bowed toward one end; cusp not distinguishable; denticles separated, slender, rounded, sharply pointed, and decreasing in size toward the ends of the bar; no escutcheon. Somewhat similar to L. irregularis Holmes but the bar ap- pears to be more rounded, and the denticles less inclined. Known from a single specimen. Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2268, up- per New Albany shale, Locality 3, north of New Albany, In- diana. Lonchodina distans, new species Plate 6, fig. 138; plate 10, fig. 3 Bar narrow, rounded, moderately arched and bowed espe- cially near the posterior end. Cusp short, gently curved, round- ed and sharply pointed. Denticles rounded, gradually tapering, and separated by their own width or less, posterior denticles nearly straight, anterior denticles more or less curved toward the cusp. Escutcheon large. Length, up to 2.2 mm. The species is somewhat similar to L. discreta Ulrich and Bassler, but seem to differ in having an escutcheon and unsym- metrically arched bar. Holotype.—tIndiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2327, upper New Albany shale, Locality 13, south of Henryville, Indiana. Paratype No. 1892, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- ES UW, 2, A, ©, 8, ©, WO, 12, WS, aincl WA, 271 New ALBANY Conoponts: HvuppLE 85 Lonchodina acutula, new species Plate 6, fig. 14 Bar of medium weight, rounded, gently arched and slightly bowed. Cusp rounded, gradually tapering and situated subcen- trally. Denticles similar to cusp in shape, closely spaced, sep- arate, and decreasing in size toward both ends of the bar. No escutcheon. Length of holotype, 1.5 mm. The species is characterized by the slightly inclined cusp and the short closely spaced denticles. Holotype—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1918, lower New Albany shale at Locality 26, north of Speed, Indiana. , Occurrence.—Rare in the lower part of New Albany shale at Locality 26. Lonchodina tenuis, new species Plate 6, fig. 17 Bar thin, narrow, slightly bowed and strongly arched with one side longer than the other. Cusp rounded, parallel-sided, abrupt- ly ~pointed, long and slender; denticles long, slender, rounded, acutely pointed, and separated, about eight anterior and five pos- terior denticles present. Length about 1.5 mm. The cusp and the group of denticles on the arch are similar in appearance to L. irregularis Holmes, but they are not inclined to the bar as they are in L. wregularis. L. tenws differs from L. multidens Hibbard in having a thinner bar, and more widely separated denticles. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1891, lower New Albany shale, Locality 26, north of Speed, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the lower New Albany shale at Locali- ties 26, 27, and 28. Lonchodina bicornis, new species Plate 10, figs. 1, 2 Bar thin, highly arched upward and slightly bowed outward. Cusp broad at the base and gradual'y tapering, ovate in cross section, and relatively shost. The largest denticle is separated from the cusp by one or two small denticles, and these two or three denticles with the cusp occupy the highest part of the arch. Denticles separated, similar to the cusp in shape and subequal 86 BULLETIN 72 272 for the most part, but between some of the larger subequal denti- cles a single smaller denticle may occur. Length, about 1.2 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1866. Paratype No. 1867, both types from the upper New Al bany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- tes 2 EX arte OAs Lonchodina torta, new sapecies Plate 10, fig. 4 Bar heavy, rounded, strongly arched, laterally bowed and twisted near the cusp so that the two ends of the bar are not in the same plane. Cusp rounded, slender and gradually tapering; ‘denticles similar to the cusp in shape, and separated. Length, about 2.8 mm. The species is characterized by the large size of the tooth, the large rounded cusp and denticles; and the twisting of the bar. The majority of specimens are broken due to the fact that the two ends of the bar are not in the same plane. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1948, upper New Albany shale, Locality 11, north of Henryville, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- ties 10 and 11. Lonchodina prava, new species Plate 10, fig. 10 Bar rounded, strongly arched, and bowed with the anterior portion twisted so that the denticles on this part of the bar are not in the same plane as those on the posterior portion. Cusp rounded, strongly bent near the base, slender and probably sharp- ly pointed. Denticles rounded, slender, separate and sharply pointed. Length, 1.5 mm. The species differs from L. subsymmetrica Ulrich and Bassler in the stronger curvature of the cusp and greater number of denticles. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2297, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New AI- bany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in middle New Albany shale at Locality 20. 273 New ALBANY ConopontTs: HUDDLE 87 Lonchodina subsymmetrica Ulrich and Bassler Plate 11, -fig. 2 Lonchodina subsymmetrica Ulrich and Bassler, 1926, Proe. U. 8. Nat. Mus., vol. 68, p. 34, pl. 5, fig. 8; pl. 6, figs. 5, 6, 7; pl. 1, fig. 24? Rhinestreet shale (Upper Devonian, Portage), Shaleton, New York. Bar heavy, rounded, and arched; posterior end laterally curved. Cusp short, large, rounded and slightly curved; denticles rounded, slender and separate; about 5 posterior and 7 anterior. Escut- cheon large. Length, about 1.7 mm. Plesiotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collection, No. 2280, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle New Albany shale at Lo- cality 20. Genus FALCODUS, new genus Bar broad, and laterally compressed with the anterior portion bent sharply downward immediately posterior to the cusp, ante- rior portion usually flattened so that the denticles are in the same plane as those on the posterior portion, but the anterior portion may be slightly curved; usually a posterior downward projec- tion, and the posterior end of the bar is always broad and dentic- ulated with the denticles inclined upward and backward. Cusp small, not always easily distinguished, laterally compressed, and sharply pointed. Denticles katerally compressed, with a sugges- tion of sharp edges, and closely appressed. Cusp and denticles apparently inserted. Genoholotype.—Falcodus angulus, new species. Faleodus angulus, new species Plate 7, fig. 9; text fig. 3, no. 3 Bar broad, laterally compressed, with the anterior portion longer than the posterior, posterior downward projection present. Cusp short, not easily distinguished, laterally compressed, and acutely pointed, situated at the point of anterior curvature. Den- ticles closely appressed, and similar to the cusp in shape. A median ridge extends the full length of the bar. Length of holo- type, 1.4 mm. Differs from F. conflexus in the relative lengths of the ante- rior and posterior portions of the bar. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Col-ection, No. 1830; Paratype 1829, both types from the upper New Albany 88 BULLETIN 72 274 shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence —Upper and middle New Albany shale, abundant at Localities 1 and 2; rare at Localities 5, 6, 8, and 20. Falecodus tortus, new species Plate 7, fig. 4 Bar thin, and laterally compressed with the anterior portion of the bar laterally twisted so that the denticles near the cusp in- cline toward one side while those toward the end of the bar in- cline toward the other; no posterior downward projection pres- ent. Cusp small, short, acutely pointed, closely crowded and apparently inserted. Denticles closely appressed, apparently in- serted, and unequal in length but without alternation. Length of holotype, 0.7 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1833, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Occwrrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- ties I and 3. Fakeodus species Plate 7, fig. 5 Bar laterally compressed, with the anterior portion curved laterally, probably a posterior downward projection present. Cusp short, broad at the base and acutely pointed; denticles closely appressed, sma/l, subequal on the posterior portson of the bar, larger and longer on the anterior portion. Slight median ridge extends the full length of the bar. Length, 0.6 mm. Differs from other species of Falcodus in the laterally curving anterior portion of the bar. Known from a single specimen. Indiana University Paleontologieal Collection, No. 2355, upper New Albany shale, Locality 14, southeast of Henryville, Indiana. Falcodus conflexus, new species Plate 7, fig. ¢ 6 Bar laterally compressed, broad, with short posterior down- ward projection. Cusp flattened, broad at the base and acutely pointed ; denticles numerous, closely appressed, unequal in length but without alternation. Lateral ridge as in F. angulus. Length of holotype, 1.2 mm. Differs from F. angulus in the relative proportions of the pos- terior and anterior portions of the bar. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1832, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. 275 New ALBANY CoNODONTS: HUDDLE 89 Occurrence.—Upper New Albany shale, common at Locality OF irare® ee ILeeellnnes 1, BS, WO, eual 14, Falcodus? granulosus, new species Plate 7, fig. 10 Bar thin, flattened, and highly arched; no cusp distinguishable ; denticles numerous, subequal, and apparently inserted. Strong lateral flange near the !ower margin of the bar and extending nearly the whole length of the bar. Bar and denticles covered with minute granules. Length, about 1.5 mm. Holotype-—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2254, upper New Albany shale, Locality 3, north of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- KES) 1, 2, O, Gi, Blac! Zl, Genus SPATHODUS Branson and Mehl, 1933 Tooth small, short, and blade-like; bar heavy, laterally com- pressed, straight or slightly bent; no cusp present; denticles flat- tened, apparently inserted, and fused, higher at the posterior** end; escutcheon large, usually with smooth sides, but the bar above the escutcheon may be expanded and carry denticle-like structures, these are distinctly to one side of the knife-like crest of denticles. The species of the genus with the bar expanded and noded above the escutcheon seem to offer a connecting link between the Prioniodinidae and the Polygnatidae. Spathodus differs from Priniodella in having short, almost entirely fused denticles; from Panderodella and Polygnathellus in lacking strong lateral ridges. Spathodus is probably a synonym of Gnathodus Pander, but until the true characters of Pander’s genus are determined it will be advisable to use the name Spathodus. _ Genoholotype.—S pathodus primus Branson and Mehl, 1933. Spathodus strigilis, new species 3 Wess wis, By NOs to, Woe joll V5 kes, ils soll, We sae, Gil Bar heavy, short, straight, and laterally compressed. Denticles 44The broader, high end of the bar was regarded by Branson and Mehl as the anterior. The genus appears to be closely related to Polygnathus, and in the latter genus the high end is posterior. In Polygnathellus Ulrich and Bassler regarded the high end as posterior. On a basis of this precedent it seems best to regard the higher end as posterior in Spathodus, 90 BULLETIN 72 : 276 short, flattened, free at the tips only, higher at posterior end of the bar, and apparently deeply inserted. There is no depression or suture between the denticles, and the bar, therefore, has a smooth appearance. Usually a single row of denticles, but the tips of denticles above the escutcheon have a tendency to be- come elongate laterally and form short transverse ridges. [Escut- cheon situated subcentrally; bar above escutcheon sometimes thickened. Length of holotype, 1.9 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1875, upper New Albany shale, Locality 10, Rockford, Indiana. Paratype No. 1878, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Paratype No. 2324, lower New Albany shale, Locality 26, north of Speed, Indiana. Occurrence.—Common in the upper New Albany shale at Lo- exlinyy Jere seehae aye Ioannis 1 a A al ©, S), ©), ainGl WOs wae wa lower New Albany shale at Localities 26, 32, and 33. Spathodus parvus, new species Plate 7, fig. 16 Bar short, heavy, straight and laterally compressed with sub- central thin-walled escutcheon. Denticles short, somewhat rounded, distinctly separated, apparently inserted and higher at the posterior end of the bar. Length of holotype, 1 mm. The species differs from S. rectus (Holmes) in having the longer denticles at the posterior end of the bar and a smaller num- ber of denticles. It differs from S. strigils in having fewer dent- icles and the fact that the denticles are rounded, and free through- out a greater part of their length. S. parvus is smaller than either S. strigtls or S. rectus (Holmes). On some specimens similar to S. parvus a lateral ridge is developed on both sides of the bar at the anterior end. (See Plate 12, figure 7). This ridge is not large nor conspicuous, but suggests that S. parvus is merely the young stage of some species of Polygnathus as these ridges could with further enlargement become the plate of Polygnathus, and the crest become subor- dinated. The writer has been unable to prove or disprove this suggestion with the material at hand, and it has seemed best for the present to call S. parvus a species. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1882, upper New Albany shale, Locality 3, north of New Albany, 277 New ALBANY CoNoDOoNTS: HUDDLE 91 Indiana. Young Polygnathus? for comparison, No. 1883, upper New Albany shale, Locality 14, New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Common in the upper New Albany shale at Lo- calities I, 2, 3, and 6; rare at Localities 8, 9, 10, and IT. Spathodus subrectus (Holmes) Plate 7, fig. 17 Panderodella subrecta Holmes, 1928, Proce. U. 8. Nat. Mus., vol. 72, art. 5, p. 31, pl. 10, fig. 15. Chattanooga shale, 13 miles north-northeast of Huntsville, Alabama. Cooper, 1931, Jour. Paleo., vol. 5, p. 151, pl. 20, fig. 18. Upper Ohio shale, northeast of Columbus, Ohio. Bar heavy, laterally compressed, and the anterior end slightly deflected. Denticles subequal, inserted, short and evenly spaced, with those on the long posterior side spear-shaped, and those on the deflected anterior side needle-like. There is a prominent escutcheon, elongate laterally, and situated near the anterior end of the bar at the point of deflection. Length, about 1.5 mm. Plesiotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collection, No. 1879, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Abundant in the upper New Albany shale at Lo- calities 11 and 14; common at Locality 13; rare at Locality 9, and rare in the middle part of the New Albany shale at Locali- ty 20. Spathodus duplidens, new species Plate 12, figs. 1-4 Bar heavy, broad, nearly straight, short, laterally compressed and more or less thickened aborally. Denticles short, apparently inserted, closely appressed, free at the tips only; 2 or 3 larger denticles at the posterior end of the bar. Surface of the one side of bar usually smooth, but a slight depression or suture between the denticles is observable on some specimens. The species is characterized by the development of a lateral expansion on one side of the bar above the escutcheon. This lateral expansion carries two or three ridge-like denticle structures. Escutcheon subcentral, and more or less thickened. Length of holotype, 1.9 mm. The species is distinguished from S. strigilis by the lateral ex- pansion of the bar and the group of large posterior denticles. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1876; Paratype No. 1877, Loth types from the upper New Ai- 92 BULLETIN 72 278 bany shale, Locality 10, Rockford, Indiana. Occurrence —Abundant in the upper New Albany shale at Locality 11; common at Locality 10; rare at Localities 1, 3, 6, 9, 12) and! 13: Spathodus rectus (Holmes) Plate 12, fig. 10 Panderodella recta Holmes in Butts, 1926, Geol. Survey Ala., special re- port no. 14, Geology of Alabama, p. 160, pl. 48, fig. 1. Chattanooga shale, 4 miles west New Market, Madison County, Alabama.-Holmes, 1928, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 72, art. 5, p. 30, pl. 10, fig. 14, Chat- tanooga shale, 13 miles north-northeast of Huntsville, Alabama, Bar nearly straight, broad and laterally compressed, with prominent escutcheon near the anterior end of the bar. Denticles short, somewhat rounded, and more nearly separated than in other species of the genus. The species is closely related to S. suwbrectus, as pointed out by Holmes 1928, and is difficult to distinguish. The difference be- tween the two species is one of degree and a difference hard to see unless one has specimens of both species to compare. In both species the anterior end of the bar may be deflected, but S. subrectus has this deflection to a greater degree, and the anterior portion of the bar is more flattened than in S. rectus. Another difference lies in the more rounded aspect of the denticles in S. rectus, and in the larger more laterally elongate escutcheon. Length, about 2 mm. Plesiotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1881, upper New Albany shale, Locality 11, north of Henry- ville, Indiana. Occurrence.—Abundant in the upper New Albany shale at Localities 11 and 14; rare at Localities 1, 3, 7, and 13. Family POLYGNATHIDAE Ulrich and Bassler, 1926 Conodonts consisting of plate and denticulated carina or blade. The plate may be developed on one or both sides of the carina and is variously marked by nodes, tubercules, ridges or pustules. Blade, when present, denticulate, and when the blade is absent the posterior portion of the carina has closely appressed, fused, and apparently inserted denticles. Escutcheon usually present. POLYGNATHELLUS Ulrich and Bassler, 1926 Tooth consisting of a curved crest made up of short, apparent- 279 New ALBANY CONODONTS: HUDDLE 93 ly inserted, and closely appressed denticles. On the convex side of the crest there is a narrow smooth basal flange, and on the concave side there is a wider, tuberculated flange extending the full length of the crest. Cusp usually not distinguishable. The essential character of the genus is the tuberculated flange extending the entire length of the crest. Genoholotype.—Polygnathellus typicalis Ulrich and Bassler, 1926. Rhinestreet shale (Upper Devonian, Portage), Shaleton, New York. Polygnathellus similis, new species Plate 7, fig. 20, 21 Crest short, and slightly bowed outward. Denticles short, nar- row, Closely appressed, and decreasing in size from the middle of the crest toward the posterior end. Convex side has a small narrow flange; concave side has a broad flange which ex- tends the full length of the crest and is covered with tubercles on the posterior half and is smooth on the anterior half. Length of holotype, 1.5 mm. Somewhat similar to P. typicalis Ulrich and Bassler but dif- fers in the greater number of denticles and smaller tuberculated area on the concave flange. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1901, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Paratype No. 1945, upper New Albany shale, Locality 14, south- east of Henryville, Indiana. Occurrence.—kRare in the upper part of the New Albany shale gic ILOCAINIES &, A, Bim! 1, Genus GONDOLELLA Stauffer and Plummer, 1932 Gondolella Stauffer and Plummer, 1932, Univ. Texas Bull. 3201, pp. 41-42. Stauffer and Plummer’s description: “Tooth tongue-, canoe-, or gondola-shaped with posterior end pointed; bar or base slender to thick and broad, usually keeled on the under side; upper surface flat or concave and usually cov- ered by transverse ridges broken along the median line by a series of short, often stout, denticles, which may become more prominent and more closely set near the posterior end. The dent- icles may be more or less fused to form a ridge or carina. The anterior end is marked by a prominent denticle or forward-pro- 94 BULLETIN 72 280 jecting cusp, which in some species is double pointed. Under side is smooth except for the keel which usually has a median furrow bounded on each side by slightly elevated ridges. These make a flaring loop anteriorly but converge and on some speci- mens disappear posteriorly. At the looped end the furrow or groove expands into a cavity bounded by the loop.” Genoholotype.—Gondolella elegantula Stauffer and Plummer, 1932. Gondolella? nodosa, new species Plate 8, figs. 24, 25 Tooth small, consisting of a narrow base, a median carina, and a single row of nodes on each side of the carina. Carina with nodes and denticles more or less fused especially near the pos- terior end, and flanked by deep grooves; lateral nodes originate near the base of the tooth and rise as high as the carina, but posteriorly one or two denticles of the median carina extend be- hind the last lateral nodes. Aboral surface marked by a large, thin walled escutcheon situated at the posterior end, which ex- pands wider than any other portion of the tooth and continues forward to the anterior end as a thin walled trough. Length of holotype, 0.7 mm. The species is referred doubtfully to Gondolella because of the lack of prominence of the median crest. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1940, lower New Albany shale, Locality 27, Chelsa, Indiana. Occurrence.—RKare in the lower New Albany shale at Locali- ties 27, 28, and 33. Genus POLYGNATHUS‘5 Hinde, 1879 Conodonts with a sublanceolate plate, blade, and carina Polygnathws Hinde, 1879, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soe. London, vol. 35, pp. 361-362.-Bryant, 1921, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci., vol. 13, p. 22, 23-24.-Ulrich and Bassler, 1926, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 68, pp. 43-44.-Roundy, 1926. Prof. Paper U. 8. Geol. Survey, 146, p. 13.-Bran- son and Mehl, 1933, Univ. of Missouri Studies, vol. 8, pp. 144-145, and 146, paragraphs 2 and 3. 45Gnathus from Green gnathos is feminine and should retain its feminine gender when transliterated into Latin, for which determination I am indebted to Professor E. S. Stout, head of the Latin Department, Indiana University. The feminine gender of Polygnathus was first pointed out by Branson and Mehl, 19382. 281 New ALBANY Conoponts: HUDDLE 95 or a row of nodes extending almost or quite the full length of the plate and dividing the plate into two subequal parts. Blade with apparently inserted denticles, highest near the posterior end, decreasing in height toward the plate and merging with the carina. Oral surface of the plate variously marked by nodes, tubercles, or ridges; aboral surface characterized by a median keel, escutch- eon, and concentric lines. Genotype.—Polygnathus pennata Hinde, 1879. Designated by Roundy, 1926; synonym Polygnathus dub‘a Hinde. Type figure of the genus, Hinde, 1879, pl. 16, fig. 17 selected by Roundy, 1926, as type figure of the genus and of the species Polygnathus dubia. Name for the specimen figured by Hinde, 1879, pl. 16, fig. 17, selected by Bryant, 1921, Polygnathus pennata™ Hinde’s specimen from the Upper Devonian, (probably Port- age, according to Bryant), North Evans, New York. Polygnathus lacinata, new species Plate 8, figs. 1-3 Plate elongate and narrow, with median ridge dividing the plate into subequal parts, noded, extending the full length of the plate, with a sharp depression on each side. The carina with apparent- ly inserted denticles is produced behind the plate. Oral edges of the plate raised and marked by elongate nodes. Aboral sur- face marked by median keel, large subcentral escutcheon, and concentric lines. Length, about 1.2 mm. The species is characterized by the very narrow plate, strong carina, and single row of elongate nodes. It differs from P. pen- nata Hinde in having more regular nodes, and a larger escutch- eon. Holotype-—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2271, Paratype No. 1908, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, Indiana. Paratype No. 1907, upper New Albany shale, Locality 3, north of New Albany, Indiana. : Occurrence.—Common in the upper New Albany shale at Lo- calities 2 and 8; rare at Localities 1, 3, 6, and 14. Polygnathus linguiformis Hinde Plate 8, figs. 4, 5 Polygnathus linguiformis Hinde, 1879, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, vol. 35, p. 367, pl .17, fig. 15. Genesee (Upper Devonian), North 46International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature, Art. 28. 96 BULLETIN 72 282 Evans, New York. North shore of Lake Erie, erratic ‘‘Genesee boul- densi Polygnathus simplex Hinde, 1879, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, vol. 35, p. 367, pl. 17, fig. 18. Genesee (Upper Devonian), North Evans, New York. Polygnathus linguiformis Bryant, 1921, Bull. Buffalo Soe. Nat. Sei., vol. 8, p. 25, pl. 11, figs. 1-9, pl. 14, fig. 2. Genundewah (Upper Devon- ian), North Evans, New York.-Branson and Mehl, 1933, University of Missouri Studies, vol. 8, pp. 148 and 150, pl. 12, figs. 6, 7. New fig- ures of Hinde’s speeimens. Plate elongate, and highly arched longitudinally with the an- terior portion extending downward as a “tongue-like process,” marked on the oral surface by transverse ridges. The carina ex- tends as a noded ridge from the central portion of the plate and rises to a denticulated carina behind the plate. No median ridge on the anterior “tongue-like process”. There is a depression on each side of the median ridge. Plate on one side is flat and nar- row; on the other side it is wide but rises so abruptly that it stands nearly vertically. Both sides of posterior portion of the oral surface marked by short transverse ridges. Aboral surface characterized by median keel, concentric lines and a small es- cutcheon. Length, about 2 mm. Plesiotype—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1786, lower New Albany shale, Locality 26, north of Speed, In- diana. Occurrence—Common in the lower New Albany shale at Lo- cality 26; rare at Localities 27, 28, 32, and 33. Polygnathus pennata Hinde Plate 8, figs. 6, 7 Polygnathus pennatus Hinde, 1879, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, vol. 35, p. 366, pl. 17, fig. 8. Upper Devonian, North Evans, New York. Polygnathus dubius Hinde (in part), 1879. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soe. Lon- don, vol. 35, pp. 362-364, pl. 16, fig. 17. Upper Devonian, North Evans, New York. ; Polygnathus pennatus Clark, 1867, Sixth Ann. Rept. State Geologist New York, pl. A 1, fig, 9.-Grabau, 1899, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sei., vol. 6, p. 156, fig. 39.-Grabau and Shimer, 1910, North American Index Fossils, vol. 2, p. 244, fig. 1536 a.Bryant, 1921, Bull. Buffalo Soe. Nat. Sci., vol. 13, pp. 23-24, pl. 10, figs. 1-9, Upper Devonian, Genun- dewah Eighteen Mile Creek New York.-Ulrich and Bassler, 1926, Proce. U. S. Nat, Mus. vol. 68, fig. 5, numbers 6, 7. Polygnathus dwbius Roundy, 1926, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, 146, | Ose yy 0) Buco eae 283 New ALBANY ConopontTs: HUDDLE 97 Polygnathus pennatus Holmes, 1928, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 72, p. ey joll, %, mes, IO, Il, Iz Polygnathus pennata Branson and Mehl, 1933, Univ, of Missouri Studies, vol. 8, pp. 144-145, and 146, paragraphs 2 and 3, pl. 11, fig. 3. Not Polygnathus dubia Branson and Mehl, 1933, Univ. of Missouri Studies, vol. 8, pp. 146-147, pl. 11, fig. 5. (This species needs a new name). Plate narrow and arched upward, longitudinally, with furrows on each side of the carina; carina low and crowned with tuber- cles, 8 to 16 in number ; merging posteriorly with the blade which rises abruptly behind the plate and carries about 6 denticles. Oral surface marked by coarse, somewhat tuberculated ridges arranged at right angles to the carina; aboral surface character- ized by strong keel, small escutcheon and concentric lines. Length, about 1.2 mm. Plesiotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2353, lower New Albany shale, Locality 26, north of Speed, In- diana. Occurrence.—Common in the lower New Albany shale at Lo- calities 26 and 32; rare at Localities 30 and 33. Polygnathus peracuta Bryant Plate 8, fig. 8 Polygnathus peracutus Bryant, 1921, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sei., vol. 13, p. 25, pl. 10, fig. 12. Genundewah (Upper Devonian), North Evans, New York. Plate elongate, subtriangular in outline and slightly arched longitudinally. Carina extending the full length of the plate as a row of nodes, but without median depressions or furrows on each side of the row of nodes. Oral surface marked by numer- ous somewhat irregularly arranged nodes or tubercles, but the nodes have a tendency to arrange themselves in rows parallel to the median ridge. Aboral surface marked by concentric lines and median keel; no escutcheon observed, but probably present. Length, about 1.3 mm. Plesiotype-—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1909, upper New Albany shale, Locality 26, north of Spéed, In- diana. Occurrence.—Common in the lower New Albany shale at Lo- calities 27 and 28; rare at Localities 26 and 30. Polygnathus bryanti, new species Plate 8, figs. 9, 10 Polygnathus tuberculatus Bryant, 1921, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sei., vol. 13, pp. 25-26, pl. ,12, figs. 7-9, Genundewah (Upper Devonian) Highteen Mile Creek, New York. 98 BULLETIN 72 284 Plate massive, broad, slightly arched longitudinally, and the anterior end deflected laterally (to the left in the specimens fig- ured by Bryant and all specimens from the New Albany collect- ed to date; later collections may show rights). Carina laterally curved, consisting of low, more or !ess coalescing tubercules, and merging posteriorly with a short blade. Oral surface marked by tubercles which tend to coalesce and form ridges radiating from the posterior portion of the plate; aboral surface characterized by a sharp keel, small escutcheon and concentric lines. Length, about 1.5 mm. - The species differs from P. tuberculata Hinde in the lateral deflection of the anterior portion of the plate and carina. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2359, lower New Albany shale, Locality 26, north of Speed, In- diana. Occurrence.—Rare in the lower New Albany shale at Locali- ties 26 and 32. Polygnathus signata, new species Plate 8, fig. 11 Plate narrowly lanceolate, arched longitudinally and slightly flexed laterally. Carina represented on the plate by a median row of nodes. Oral surface covered with nodes tending to be arranged in rows parallel to median ridge and becoming smaller toward the edge of the p'ate. Near the point of junction of the plate the lateral row of nodes on each side of median ridge rise to form small cristulae. Aboral surface-marked by concentric lines, and median keel with central furrow and an escutcheon situated near the posterior end of the plate. Length, about 1.2 mm. This species si similar to P. foliata Bryant in the development of lateral cristulae, but differs in not having the edges of the plate cur'ed and by having a marked median depression. Differs from P. peracuta Bryant in not having triangular shape and having lateral cristulae. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1800, lower New Albany shale, Locality 30, Prather, Indiana. Occurrence —Common in lower New Albany, at Localities 26 and 30. Polygnathus rugosa, new species Plate 8, figs. 12, 13 Plate massive, elongate and slightly arched longitudinally. Car- 285 New ALBANY CoNODONTS: HUDDLE 99 ina extending the length of the plate as a distinct ridge of tuber- cles. Oral surface marked by strong transverse ridges perpen- dicular to median ridge. Aboral surface characterized by con- centric lines, median keel, and small escutcheon. Length of holo- type, 1.5 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1916, ‘ower New Albany shale, Locality 30, Prather, Indiana. Occurrence.—Common in the lower New Albany shale at Lo- calities 30 and 32. Polygnathus foliata Bryant Plate 8, figs. 14-17 Polygnathus foliatus Bryant, 1921, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sei., vol. 13, p. 24, pl. 10, fiye 13-16. Genundewah, (Upper Devonian) Highteen Mile Creek, New York. Plate small, arched longitudinally, usually narrow and elongate but may be expanded on one side. Carina extending the full length of the plate as a row of nodes with a shallow furrow on each side of the row of nodes. Oral margins of the plate more or less raised and covered with small nodes. Aboral surface characterized by median keel, concentric lines, and small es- cutcheon. Length, about 0.8 mm. Plesiotypes.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Col'ection, Nos. 2360, 2361, lower New Albany shale, Locality 30, near Prather, Indiana. Occurrence.-—Common in the lower New Albany shale at Lo- calities 26, 27, and 28; rare at Localities 30 and 33. Polygnathus rhomboidea Ulrich and Bassler? Plate 8, fig. 18 Polygnathus rhomboideus Ulrich and Bassler, 1926, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 68, p. 46, pl. 7, fig. 6. Hardin sandstone, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn.-Holmes, 1928, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. vol. 72, p. 32, pl. 11, figs. 11, 12. Chattanooga shale 13 miles. north-northeast of Huntsville, Alabama. J Plate massive and subromboidal in shape, with the carina e.-- tending the length of the plate as a low tuberculated ridge. Blade short and narrow, with several denticles varying in size and shape. Oral surface marked by tubercules arranged concentric- ly on the anterior portion. Aboral surface unknown. Length, about 1.5 mm. The specimen figured from the New Albany shale differs from the specimens figured by Ulrich and Bassler, and by Holmes, in 100 BULLETIN 72 286 that the carina is lost at the middle of the plate and the anterior concentric rows of nodes are much stronger. Figured specimen.—Indiana University Paleontological Collec- tion, No. 1942, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle New Albany shale at Lo- cality 20. Polygnathus alata, new species Plate 8, figs. 19, 20 Plate small, narrow, and arched longitudinally; carina a high ridge tuberculated on the anterior portion only, with a deep fur- row on each side. Oral margins of the plate sharply upturned and forming cristulae at the posterior end, oral surface usually smooth but there may be faint indications of nodes on the mar- gin; aboral surface marked by a sharp keel, and small escutch- eon. Length, about 0.7 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1913, lower New Albany shale, Locality 30, near Prather, In- diana. Occcurrence.—Rare in the lower New Albany shale at Locali- ties 26, and 33. Polygnathus rimulata, Ulrich and Bassler Plate 8, fig. 21 Polygnathus rimulatus Ulrich and Bassler, 1926, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., vol. 68, p. 45, pl. 1, figs. 8, 9. Rhinestreet shale, (Upper Devonian, Port. age), Shaleton, New York. Plate narrow, long, strongly arched longitudinally, and slightly flexed lateral'y near the anterior end. Carina consisting of a moderately high tuberculated ridge flanked by deep furrows. Oral margins of the plate high, and marked by short, sharp, regular ridges; at the posterior end of the plate the median fur- rows are deeper and the edges of the plate form cristulae. Ab- oral surface marked by a sharp keel, concentric lines and a rounded escu‘cheon. Length, about 0.8 mm. Plesiotype —Indiana_ University Paleontological Collection, No. 2362, lower New Albany shale, Locality 30, near Prather, Indiana. Occurrence.—Common in the lower New Albany shale at es calities 26, 30, 32, and 33. 287 New ALBANY Conoponts: HupDDLE 101 Polygnathus sulcata, new species Plate 8, figs. 22, 23 Plate small, massive, arched longitudinally and flexed near the anterior end. Carina a sharp turberculated ridge flexed an- teriorly and with shallow furrows on each side which become deeper toward the posterior end of the plate. Oral surface marked by sharp ridges pinnately arranged. Aboral surface char- acterized by a broad keel and large escutcheon, but without con- centric lines. Length, about 1.5 mm. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontologica! Collection, No. 1944, upper New Albany shale, Locality 9, north of Rockford, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- ty 9. Polygnathus newalbanyensis, new species Plate 8, figs. 26-28 Plate leaf-like and divided into unequal parts by a distinct, noded median ridge that extends the full length of the plate; blade short, with about to denticles, largest near the middie. The oral surface of the broadest side of the plate is more or less in- clined upward and marked by sharp transverse ridges, whi'e the narrow side is flat and covered with small tubercles. At the posterior end of the plate three lateral cristulae flank the main carina, with two on the tuberculated side of the plate and one on the ridged side. Aboral surface characterized by median keel, concentric lines and small elongate escutcheon. Length, 2-3.2 mm. The species is easily recognized by the two types of oral markings. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2269; Paratypes Nos. 1911, 1912, upper New Albany shale, Lo- cality 3, north of New Albany, Indiana. ; Occurrence —Abundant in the upper New Albany shale at Localities 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, and 14; common at Locality 9; rare at Localities 4, 5 and 12. Polygnathus caelata Bryant Plate 8, figs. 29-32 Polygnathus caelatus Bryant, 1921, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci., vol. 13, p. 25, pl. 13, figs. 1-13. Genundewah (Upper Devonian), North Evans, New York. Plate large, massive, strongly arched longitudinally and sub- 102 f BULLETIN 72 288 ovate, with a strong, high, irregular carina extending the full length of the plate and flanked by shallow furrows. Blade short, with about 6 apparently inserted denticles. Oral surface marked by irregular nodes or ridges arranged at about right angles to the median carina. Aboral surface marked by median keel, concentric lines, and small subcentral escutcheon. Length, about 2 mm. The species is characterized by its large size, and coarse markings on the oral surface. Bryant allowed for considerable variation in the species and the specimens from the New AI- bany are well within his limits of variation. Plesiotypes.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1797, lower New Albany shale, Locality 30, near Prather, Indiana; No. 1946, lower New Albany shale, Locality 28, Chelsa, Indiana; No. 2354, lower New Albany shale, Locality 27, Chelsa, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the lower New Albany shale at Locali- (ES AO, 27, BS, SO, anal Be. Polygnathus scapha, new species. Plate 8, figs. 38-35; text fig. 3, nos. 2a-c Plate narrow, and elongate with the carina a noded ridge flanked by deep furrows. Blade short with 4 or 6 denticles. Oral surface marked by a single row of nodes along the margin of the plate. Aboral surface characterized by small escutcheon, concentric lines and median kee!. Length of holotype, 2 mm. The species is characterized by the single row of large nodes that outline the plate. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1910, upper New Albany shale, Locality 10, Rockford, Indiana. Occurrence—Common in the upper New Albany shale at Locality 6; rare at Localities 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, and 14. Polygnathus rotundiloba Bryant Plate 8, figs. 36, 37 Polygnathus rotundilobus Bryant, 1921. Bull. Buffalo Soe. Nat. Sci.,. vol. 13, pp. 26, 27, pl. 12, figs. 1-6. Genundewah, (Upper Devonian), North Evans, New York. Pate massive, short, and subtriangular with the anterior end pointed and projecting downward. Blade extending behind the plate for a distance nearly equal to the length of the plate, and the carina represented by a row of large nodes. Oral surface 289 New ALBANY Conoponts: HUDDLE 103 marked by large tubercles irregularly arranged. Aboral surface characterized hy concentric lines, small subcentral escutcheon and strong median keel. Length, about 2 mm. Plesiotypes—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2284, lower New Albany shale, Locality 30, near Prather, Indiana. No. 2363, lower New Albany shale, Locality 32, Pra- ther, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the lower New Albany shale at Locali- ties 26, 30, and 32. Polygnathus ectypa, new species Plate 8, fig. 38 Plate subovate and rather thin with the carina represented by a straight row of separate tubercles; no median furrows, but small concavities at the posterior end of the plate next the blade; blade short, with about 7 apparently inserted denticles. Oral surface marked by strong, closely spaced tubercles ar- ranged more or less pinnately. Aboral surface unknown. Length of holotype, 1.6 mm. The species differs from P. rotundiloba Bryant in its more ovate outline, more numerous turbercles and thinner plate. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1799, lower New Albany shale, Locality 26 north of Speed, In- diana. Occurrence.—Rare in the lower New Albany shale at Lo- calities 26, 30, and 32. Polygnathus plana, new species Plate 8, figs. 39-48 Plate subovate, thick and arched longitudinally. Carina ex- tends the length of the p'ate as a smooth or slightly noded ridge ; blade short, with the denticles apparently not inserted. Oral margins of the plate raised, and the oral surface is marked by low ridges pinnately arranged. Aboral surface characterized by a low median keel, small escutcheon, concentric lines, flat-central- ly but margins thick and inclined upward. Length of holotype, 2.3 mm. The species is characterized by the rounded anterior end of the plate, the transverse, low ridges, and thick, inclined aboral margins. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1903. Paratype No. 1904, both types from the upper New AIl- 104 BULLETIN 72 290 bany shale, Locality 10, Rockford, Indiana. Occurrence.—Common in the upper New Albany shale at Lo- cality Io. Polygnathus similis, new species Plate 8, fig. 44 Plate small, massive, narrow anteriorly and widening toward the posterior end, Carina extending nearly the full length of the plate as a slightly tuberculated ridge with the tubercles be- coming more distinct near the anterior end. No median fur- rows, but distinct concavities near the posterior end of the plate next to the blade. Blade long, with numerous, apparently in- serted denticles. Oral surface marked by a few rows of nodes running parallel to the carina. Aboral surface unknown. Length of holotype, 1.5 mm. The species differs from P. rhomboidea Ulrich and Bassler in ‘hat the rows of nodes are always parallel to the carina and not arranged concentricly on the anterior portion of the plate. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2285, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Al- bany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle New Albany shale at Lo- cality 20. Polygnathus aspera, new species Plate 8, figs. 45, 46 Plate large, broad, massive, and more or less flexed; carina an irregular ridge, more or less tuberulated; blade unknown. Oral surface marked by low irregular ridges arranged more or less pinnately ; posterior portion raised as high as the carina on one side, but distinctly lower on the other. Aboral surface char- acterized by small keel, concentric lines and a small escutcheon. Length, about 2.5 mm. The species differs from P. caelata Bryant in being broader, flatter, and in having a lower carina. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1905, lower New Albany shale, Locality 26, north of Speed, In- diana. Occurrence.—Rare in the lower New Albany shale, at Locali- ty 26. 291 New ALBANY Conoponts: HuppLE 105 Polygnathus species Plate 9, figs. 11, 12 Plate bread, ovate, and relatively thin. wth the carina extend- ing the length of the plate as a row of nodes; blade unknown. Oral surface marked by small tubercles on the anterior and pos- terior thirds of the plate, and in the midde third by low sharp ridges arranged pinnately with the carina. Aboral surface with thin sharp keel, concentric lines and smal! escutcheon. Known from a single specimen. Indiana University Paleontological Collection No. 2250, lower New Albany shale, Locality 26, north of Speed, Indiana. Polygnathus species Plate 9, figs. 18, 14 Plate su’ ovate and slightly, arched, with the carina represent- ed by a row of small nodes which becomes indistinguishable toward the anter‘or portion of the plate; blade short, and low with ahout eisht apparently inserted denticles. Oral surface covered with sma!l nodes; aboral surface concave centrally, with sharp median keel. but without concentric lines or escutcheon. The species appears to be new, but is not named because it is known from a single broken specimen. Indiana University Pa'eontological Collection, No. 1949, mid- dle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Albany, In- diana. Polygnathus concentrica, Ulrich and Bassler Plate 9, fig. 19 Polygnathus concentricus Ulrich and Bassler, 1926, Proce. U. 8. Nat. Mus., vol, 68, p. 47, pl. 8, figs. 6, 7. Hardin sandstone, Mt. Pleasant, Tennes- see.—Holmes, 1928, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 72, p. 32, pl. 11, figs. 5-7. Chattanooga shale, 13 miles north-northeast of Huntsville, Ala- bama. Plate broad and undulating, with the median carina extend- ing the length of the plate, high, distinct and tuberculate near the center of the plate, and becoming faint toward both ends of the plate. Blade short, and thick with several denticles. Oral surface marked by concentrically arranged, elongate tubercles. Aboral surface with sharp keel, and concentric lines, but with- out escutcheon. Length, about 3 mm. Plesiotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1943, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Al- bany, Indiana. 106 BULLETIN 72 292 Occurrence.—Kare in the middle New Albany shale at Locali- ty 20. Polygnathus gyratilineata Holmes Plate 9, fig. 20 Polygnathus gyratilineatus Holmes in Butts, 1926, Geol. Surv. Ala., Spee. rpt. 14, p. 160, pl. 48, fig. 15.—Holmes, 1928, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., vol. 72, p. 31, pl. 11, figs. 1, 2. Chattanooga shale, 13 miles north-northeast of Huntsville, Alabama. Plate subovate with the oral surface highly convex both lon- gitudinally and transversely. Median ridge arising near the center of the plate and continuing behind the plate as a denticu- lated blade. Oral surface marked by sharp, concentric ridges which tend to break up into irregular, elongate tubercles away from the high central portion of the plate. Aboral surface not observed. Length, about 3 mm. Plesiotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collection, No. 1802, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle New Albany shale at Lo- calities 18, and 20. Genus PALMATOLEPIS Ulrich and Bassler, 1926 Plate irregularly palmate and relatively thin; carina more or less curved, and denticulate in the posterior portion with the denticles fused, and apparently inserted. The denticulated por- tion of the carina terminates at a large conical node, situated in the anterior half of the plate; anterior to this conical node the carina continues to the anterior end of the plate as a low noded ridge or row of nodes. Carina sometimes bifurcates with a lateral carina extending to the tip of a lateral lobe. Blade and escutechon absent. Genoholotype.—Palmatolepis perlobata Ulrich and Bassler, 1926. Hardin sandstone, Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee. Palmatolepis pustulosa, new species Plate 9, figs. 1, 2 Plate thin, and rounded anteriorly, with one short, rounded lateral lobe. Carina slightly curved, decreasing in size toward the anterior end of the plate, but not dividing and extending on the lateral lobe. Oral surface covered with numerous minute pustules. Aboral surface characterized by a strong median fur- row, and on the posterior portion shallow grooves traverse the plate obliquely. Length, 1-1.5 mm. 293 New ALBANY Conoponts: HuppLE 107 The species is characterized by the rounded anterior end, short lateral lobe and the oblique grooves on the posterior portion of the aboral surface. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2364, Paratype No. 2365, both types from the middle New AlI- bany shale, Locality 18, southeast of Henryville, Indiana. Occurrence-—Common in the middle New Albany shale at Locality 18. Palmatolepis species Plate 9, fig. 3 The specimen figured appears to represent a fragment of P. puncata (Hinde) or some new species, but until more complete specimens are found no description can be made. Figured specimen.—Indiana University Paleontological Collec- tion, No. 1801, lower New Alhany shale, Locality 30, near Pra- ther, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the lower New Albany shale at Locali- ties 30 and 33. Palmatolepis cymbula, new species Plate 9,. figs. 4, 5 Plate relatively thin, and subovate, with small, rounded lobes. Carina slightly curved, low and indistinct at the anterior margin and rising to a thin denticulated crest; not bifurcated. Oral sur- face marked by numerous fine pustules. Aboral surface char- acterized by a thin, low sharp keel and concentric lines; no es- cutcheon. Length, 1.5-1.8 mm. The species differs from P. elongata Holmes in having a broader, more lobate outline. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 2367; Paratype No. 2366, both from the middle New Albany shale, Locality 18, southeast of Henryville, Indiana. Occurrence.-—Rare in the middle New sea shale at Lo- calities 18 and 20. Palmatolepis pectenifera, new species Plate 9, figs. 6, 7 Plate rather thin, elongate, and sigmoidal with the carina ex- tending the full length of the plate, strongly curved laterally, but not bifurcating. Oral surface of the plate covered with minute pustules. Aboral surface concave, and marked by concentric lines and median keel. No escutcheon. Length of holotype, 2.2 mm. 108 BULLETIN 72 294 P. pectenifera is larger than P. elongata and 1s easily recog- nized by its sigmoidal outline, and ‘ack of lobation. Holotype-—tIndiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1781, middle New Albany shale, Locality 19, southeast of Henry- ville, Indiana. Occurrence.—Abundant in the middle part of the New Al- bany shale at Localities 18, 19, and 20; common at Locality 21; rare at Locality 16. Palmatolepis elongata Holmes Plate 9, figs. 8-10 ‘Palmatolepis elongata Holmes, 1928, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., vol. 72, p. 33, pl. 11, fig. 13. Chattanooga shale, 13 miles north-northeast of Hunts- ville, Alabama. The plate small, narrow and elongate with the carina ex- tending the full length of the plate, slightly curved, and not bifurcated. The oral surface of the plate is minutely pustulose. The lateral lobe on one side of the plate is considerably higher than the rest of the plate. Aboral surface with thin, medium keel and concentric lines; no escutcheon. Length, about 1.3 mm. Plesiotypes——Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1782, middle New Albany shale, Locality 23, south of New Albany, Indiana; Nos. 2282, 2283, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence-—Common in the New Albany shale at Locality 23; rare at Locality 20. Palmatolepis? inequalis, Holmes Plate 9, figs. 15-18 Palmatolepis inequalis Holmes, 1928, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., vol. 72, p. 33, pl. 11, figs. 8-10. Chattanooga shale, 13 miles north-northeast of Hunts- ville, Alabama. Plate massive and unequally bifurcated anteriorly with the lateral lobe extending beyond the end of the plate. Carina a sharp ridge composed of fused nodes, and bifurcating subcen- trally with the higher main carina extending to the anterior end of the plate and a lower secondary carina extending to the tip of the long lateral lobe. Blade short, heavy and denticulate. Oral surface covered with short tubercules arranged more or less in rows perpendicular to the carina. Aboral surface with fine con- centric lines, sharp bifurcating keel, and small escutcheon. Length, about 1.8 mm. 295 New ALBANY ConopoNTS: HUDDLE 109 The species differs from P. bifurcata Ulrich and Bassler in having a longer lateral lobe. The two species P. bifwrcata Ul- rich and Bassler, and P. inequalis Holmes differ from other spe- cies included in the genus in having a heavier plate, coarser oral markings, escutcheon, and blade. For these reasons reference of inequalis to the genus Palmatole pis is questioned. Plesiotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collectiton, Nos. 2344, 2345, 2346, 2347, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Albany, Indiana. Occurrence.—Rare in the middle New Albany shale at Lo- calities 18, 19, and 20. Palmatolepis perlobata Ulrich and Bassler Plate 9, figs. 21-23 Palmatolepis perlobata Ulrich and Bassler, 1926, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 68, p. 49, pl. 7, figs. 19-23. Hardin sandstone, Mount Pleasant, Tennessee.—Holmes, 1928, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 72, p. 34, pl. 11, figs. 16-19. Chattanooga shale, 13 miles north-northeast Huntsville, Alabama.—Bassler, 1932, Tenn. Div. Geology, Bull. 38, p. 235, pl. 26, fig. 18. (Ulrich and Bassler ’s figure reprinted). Plate elongate, irregularly lobate and flexed to the right or left in the posterior portion. From the posterior end of the plate the carina curves gently to a point near the center where it abruptly turns, rises to a node, and bifurcates, sending a low noded ridge to the anterior and lateral pointed lobes. Oral sur- face of the plate is covered with tubercles. Denticles in the ca- rina short, inserted, and free only at the tips. Aboral surface characterized by median keel and concentric lines. No escutch- eon present. Length, up to 3.5 mm. Plesiotype—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, Nos. 1783, 1785, middle New Albany shale, Locality 20, north of New Albany, Indiana. No. 2256, middle New Albany shale, Locality 18, southeast of Henryville, Indiana. Occurrence —Abundant in the middle New Albany shale at Locality 20, common at Localities 18 and 21; rare at Localities iO, Wy, Baal 22; Palmatolepis minuta, new species Plate 9, fig. 24 Plate thin, and elongate with the anterior end pointed, and a sharply pointed lateral lobe. Carina bifurcating and extending to the anterior end of the plate and to the tip of the pointed la- eral lobe. Oral surface covered with minute pustutles. Aboral 110 BULLETIN 72 296 surface not observed. Length of holotype, 1.1 mm. The species differs from P. perlobata Ulrich and Bassler in the smaller size, shorter lateral lobe, and finer oral markings; from P. pustulosa in having the anterior end of the plate and the la- teral lobe sharply pointed. Holotype.—Indiana University Paleontological Collection, No. 1784, upper New Albany shale, Locality 1, New Albany, In- diana. Occurrence.—Rare in the upper New Albany shale at Locali- ty I. CLASS PISCES SUBCLASS SELACHII ORDER PLEUROPTERYGII GENUS CLADODUS Cladodus springeri, St. John and Worthen Plate 9, fig: 25 Cladodus springert, St. John and Worthen, 1875, Geol. Surv. of Illinois, vol. 6, pp. 259-261, pl. 2, figs. 1-13. Lower fish-bed, Kinderhook fmn., Burlington, Iowa. For this determination I am indebted to Mr. W. L. Bryant, Director of the Park Museum, Roger Williams Park, Provi- dence, R. I., and the following is quoted from his letter to me: “The tooth appears to me to be that of Cladodus springeri St. J. & W. This species was described in Volume 6 of the Geo- logical Survey of Illinois, and is typically from the Kinderhook. “Along with these occur forms described by St. J. and W. as C. wachsmuthi, C. succinctus, and C. alternatus. All of these are now thought to be variations of C. springeri, and while your tooth is somewhat larger and has a narrow base in a postero- antero direction, I believe it must pertain to the same fish — if not to a very close relative.” Plesiotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collection, No. 2368, upper New Albany shale, Locality 2, southwest of Henryville, Indiana. Occurrence.—Figured specimen only one found. 297 New Antpany Conoponts: HuppLE : fale BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CONODONT LITERATURE SINCE 19257 Unricu, E. O. and Bassumr, R. S.. A classification of the tooth-like fossils, conodonts, with descriptions of American Devonian and Mississippian species. Proc. U. S. Nat, Mus.. vol. 68, pp, 1-63, pls. 1-11. (Digest of the classification in the Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., vol. 36, pp. 218-220, 1925). Rounpy, P. V., The Microfauna in Mississippian formations of San So eee Texas. U.S. Geol. Surv., Prof, Paper 146, p. 5-17, pls. 1-4. Butts, Charles, Geology of Alabama. Geol. Surv. Ala., Special Re- port 14, p. 160, pl. 48. Hipparp, R. R., Conodonts from the Portage group of western New York. Amer. Jour. Sei,, vol. 13, pp. 189-208, figs. 1-4. Houmes, Grace B.. A bibliography of conodonts with descriptions of early Mississippian species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 72, pp. 1-38, pls. 1-11. Kirk, S. R., Conodonts associated with the Ordovician fauna of Jolorado. Amer, Jour. Sci.,‘vol. 18, p. 494-496, figs. 1-14. SHIDELER, W. H., C-nodonts of the Ordovician. (Abstract) Ohio Jour. Sci., vol. 29, p. 167. Proce. Ohio Acad. Sci., vol. 8, pt. 6, p. 304. Staurrer, C. R., Conodonts from the Decorah shale, Jour. Paleon., vol. 4, pp. 121-128, pl. 10. Decker, C. E. and Merrirt, C, A., Stratigraphy and physical char- acteristics of the Simpson group, with descriptions and illustra- tions of Ostracodes and conodonts by R. W. Harris. Okla. Geol. Surv., Bull. 55, 112 pp., 15, pls. Coorrr, C. L., Conodonts from the Arkansas Novaculite, Woodford formation, Ohio shale, and Sunbury shale. Jour. Paleon., vol. 5, pp. 143-151, pl. 20. Coorrr, C. L., New conodonts from the Woodford formation of Oklahoma. Jour. Paleon., vol. 5, pp. 230-243, pl. 28. GunnEL, F. H., Conodonts from the Fort Scott limestone of Miss- ouri. Jour. Paleon., vol. 5, pp. 244-252, pl. 29. GuNNEL, F. H., Mississippian and Pennsylvanian conodonts from Missouri. (Abstract) Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., vol. 42, p. Beil, IPeha- Amer. Geol., vol. 55, pp. 239-240. GuNNEL, F. H., Pennsylvanian conodonts. (Abstract) Pan-Amer., Geol., vol. 57, p. 159. GuNNEL, F. H., Mesozoic conodonts. (Abstract) Pan.-Amer. Geol. vol. 57, p. 317. Branson, E. B. and MEuL, M. G., New conodont assemblages and stract) Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., vol. 43, pp. 286-287. Branson, E, B. and MEHL, M. G., New conodonts assemblages and their use in stratigraphy. (Abstract) Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., vol. 43, p. 283. Pan -Amer. Geol., vol. 57, p. 159. Staurrer, ©. R., Decorah shale conodonts from Kansas. Jour. Paleon,, vol. 6, pp. 257-264, pl. 40. Sraurrer, OC. R. and PuumMgr, H. J., Texas Pennsylvanian cono- donuts and their stratigraphic relations. Univ., Texas. Bull. 3201, pp. 13-50, pls. 1-4. 47For bibliography up to 1927 see Holmes, 1928. ID BULLETIN 72 298 1932. Branson, C. C., Discovery of conodonts in the Phosphoria, Permian oi Wyoming. Science, vol. 75, pp. 337-338. 1932. BassuEr, KR, 8., Stratigraphy of the Central Basin of Tennessee. Tenn. Div. Geol., Bull. 38, pp. 234-235, pl. 26. 1933. Hariton, B. H., Micropaleontology of the Pennsylvanian Johns Valley shale of the Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma and its rela- tionship to the Mississippion Caney shale. Jour. Paleon., vol. 7, pp. 11-15, pl. 3-4. 1933. CRONEIS, Cargy, and Scott, H, W., Scolecodonts and conodonts _ from fissure fillings in the Niagran of Illinois. (Abstract) Geol. Soc. Amer., Buil. 44, pp. 207-208. 1933. Coopzr, C. L., Revision of Ligonodina Ulrich and Bassler, 1926, and Prioniodus Pander, 1856. (Abstract) Geol. Soe. Amer., Bull. 44 p. 210. 1933. CoorER, C. L., Conodonts from the upper and middle Arkansas Novaculite a. Caddo Gap, Arkansas. (Abstract) Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull. 44, p. 211. 1933. HARRIS, nh. W., and HoLLINGswortH, RK. V., New Pennsylvanian cono- donts from Oklahoma, Amer. Jour. Sei., vol. 15, pp. 193-204, pl. 1. 1933. GUNNEL, F. H., Conodonts and fish remains from the Cherokee, Kansas City, and Wabaunsee Groups of Missouri and Kansas. Jour. Paleon., vol. 7, pp, 261-297, pls. 31-33. 1933, Branson, E. B., and Menu, M. G., Conodont studies numbers 1 to 4. Univ. of Missouri Studies, vol. 8. (Conodont studies nos. 1 ? and 2 appeared during 1933, nos. 3 and 4 are yet to appear). GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN DESCRIPTIONS Aboral.—Under surface or surface of attachment. Anterior—End of the bar near which the cusp is situated in the Prion- iodidae; end of the bar toward which the denticles and cusp incline in most of the Prioniodinidae; end of the plate opposite the blade or denticulated portion of the carina in most of the Polygnathidae; low end of the bar or carina in Spathodus, Panderodella, Polygnathellus. In some genera, such as Hibbardella, anterior can not be recognized. Anterior deflection—Bent downward and sometimes laterally bowed anterior portion of the bar. Appressed.—Denticles closely crowded. Anticusp.—Spur extending downward at the anterior end of the bar below the cusp. Arched.—Bar or plate curved upward. Bar,—E#longate horizontal portion of the tooth carrying the denticles. Blade.—Denticulated bar-like structure extending behind tke plate in some of the Polygnathidae. Bowed.—Bent or curved laterally. Carina.—Vertical, denticulated ridge or row of nodes extending lengtli- wise across part or all of the plate in the Polygnathidae. Crest.—Similar to the carina but higher and more prevominate. Cristula.—Small secondary carina devoloped at the posterior end of cite plate, at one side and parallel to the main carina. Cusp.—Large, spine-like structure. Denticle-—Spine-like structure on tke oral surface. Escutcheon.—Diamond shaped basal expansion, pit, or cavity seen on the aboral surface. Flange.—Large lateral ridge. Flexed.—Curved laterally, Height.—See length. Keel.—Ridge extending lengthwise of the plate on the aboral surface. Length.—Greatest dimension, including cusp or anticusp; except in some species of Hibbardella and Lonchodina where height is used for greatest dimension. Oral.—Upper, denticulated, or ornamented surface of the bar or plate. Pinnate—Nodes or turbereules arranged feaiher-lke to the carina in the Polygnathidae. Plate.—Wide, flat or massive portion of the tooth on one or both sides of the carina in the Polygnathidae. Posterior downward projection.—Spur projecting downward at the pos- terior end of the bar. Tooth.—Entire specimen. EXPLANATION OF PLATES 114 Figure ilo 8, i). 10. iil, 12. BULLETIN 72 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 Prioniodus) alatus Hinde x20) a ee eee (1) Plesiotype No. 1921, Lowsiliy 32, lower New Albany shale. (2) Plesiotype No. 1922, Locality 6, upper New Albany shale. (8) Plesiotype No. 1923, Locality 10, upper New Albany shale. Prionicdus, altoideus’ Cooper x20) SSS Plesiotypes Nos. 1924, 1925, Thocality an upper - New Albany shale. Prioniodus macrocornatus Cooper x 20 — Plesiotype No. 1920, Locaiity 20, middle New Albany shale. Prioniodina separans Holmes x 20 - Plesiotype No. 1896, Locality 11, upper » ewe ATinarny ginal. Prioniodina acicularis, new species x 20 ss Holotype No. 1934, Locality 9, upper New Albany shale. Prioniodella cunea, new species x 20 —_ Sees Holotype No. 1926, Locality 2, upper New ‘Albany hails, Prioniodella ordinata, new species x 20 se Holotype No. 1897, Locality 18, middle New Albany shale. Prionicdella cristula, new species x 20 __ SS A ead es Holotype No. 2257, Locality 18, middle New Albany shale. Bryentodus cognatus, new species x 20 ___ Paratype No. 1926, Locality 20, middle New Albany ‘shale. 300 37 66 66 67 IPED il, Wolk BULL. AMER. PALEONT. Nos 7 2, IPL. il 116 Figure 10. 11. 12° 13,14. 15-17. 18-20. 21 BULLETIN 72 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 2 Bryantodus multidens Ulrich and Bassler x 15 ~ Plesiotypes Nos. 1815, 1816, 1856, Locality 26, lower New ie bany shale. Bryantodus pergracilis Ulrich and BOeeISE Sa VAN) wes Plesiotype No. 1827, Locality 11, upper New Albany ‘shale! Bryantodus subbrevis Ulrich and Bassler x 20 - Plesiotype No. 1825, Locality 14, upper New Mbensy ainaile. Bryantodus camurus, new species x 20 (6) Holotype No. 1805, Locality 8, upper New Alpany, ‘shale. (7,8) two views of Paratype No. 1806, Locality 3, upper New Albany shale. (9) Paratype No. 1807, same locality. Bryantodus microdens, new species x 20 - Holotype No. 1819, Locality 6, upper New “Albany ‘shale. Bryantodus pectenellus, new species x 20 -—_ eae Holotype No. 1820, Locality 26, lower New Alpany. shale. Bryantodus flexus, new species x 20 —_--.. Holoytpe, No. 1814, Locality 27, lower New Albany shale. Bryantodus commutatus, new species x 20 _. (18) Holotype No. 1809, Locality 27, lower New Albany shale. (14) Paratype No. 1810, same llowelliy. Bryantodus concavus, new species x 20 (15) Holotype No. 1811, Locality 27, lower New Albany shale. (16) Paratype No. 1812, same locality. (17) Paratype No. 1813, same locality. Bryantodus serrula, new species x 20 —_. 4 (18) Holotype No. 1821, Locality 1, upper “New VAlbany! hale. (19) Paratype No. 1822, same ilowalin, (20) Paratype No. 1823, Locality 14, upper New Albany shale. Bryantodus plenus, new species x 20 —. Holotype No. 2305, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. Page 69 69 70 70 71 Tal ML, As Wolk 21 BULL. AMER. PALEONT. INow7 2, RS 2 PLATE Il 118 Figure 10-12. BULLETIN 72 5 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 3 Bryantodus brevidens, new species x 20. .— (1) Holotype No. 18038, Locality 1, upper New ‘Albany Shale. (2) Paratype No. 1804, same locality. Angulodus gravis, new species x 20 ....- =. © (3) Paratype No. 1873, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. ; (4) Holotype, No. 1874, same locality. Bryantodus cf. germanus Holmes x 20 —. —. .— —_.----_____ Plesiotype No. 1817, Locality 1, upper Nene Albany shale. Hibbardella angulata (Hinde) x 20 —.— (6) Plesiotype No. 1836, Locality 9, upper : New Albany. shale. (7) Plesiotype No. 1835, Locales 27, lower New Albany shale. Bryantodus coalescenoides, new species x 20 —.__________.__ Page 72 OT 72 78 Holotype No. 1808, Locality 26, lower New Albany shale. Hibbardella symmetrica, new species x 15 Holotype No. 1839, Locality 2, upper New Albany shale. Hibbardella? telum, new species x 20 — (10) Holotype No. 2251, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. (11) Paratype No. 1841, Locality 27, lower New Albany shale. (12) Paratype No. 1840, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. Hibbardella pandata, new species x 15 _.. Holotype No. 1898, Locality 32, lower New Albany shale. Hibbardella distans, new species x 15 2 | Holotype No. 2258, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. Hibbardelia? insignis, new species x 20 SN Holotype No. 2252, Locality 8, upper New “Albany shale. 80 80 PIL, 3, Wolk, 2il BULL. AMER. PALEONT. ING: 75 WE PLATE IV 120 BULLETIN 72 306 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 4 Figure Page 1, 2. Bryantedus notatus, new species x 20 73 (1) Holotype Mo. 2304, Locality 20, aniellle New Albany shale. (2) Paratype No. 2303, same locality. 3, 4. Bryantodus incisus, new species x 20 -___. 73 Two views of the Holotype No. 2300, Tocality 26, lower New Albany shale. 5, 6. Eryantedus subplanus, new species x 20 73 (5) Holotype No. 2265, Locality 20, middie New Albany shale. (6) Paratype No. 23812, Locality 19, middle New Albany shale. 7, 8. Bryantodus subcarinatus, new species x 20 _ 74 @) Eioloane No. 2342, locals; 20, middie Nesp Alipony shale. : (8) Paratype No. 2349, same locality. 9. Eryantodus parvus, new species x 20 _.. 74 ‘Holotype No. 2351, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. 10. Bryantedus cognotus, new species x 20 _... 67 Holotype No. 2350, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. 11. Bryantodus mirus, new species x 20 _.. 75 Holotype No. 2302, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. 12. Bryantodus nodus, new species x 20 __._ (5) Holotype No. 1818, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. 135) Brioniodina, cubtas new iSpecles) x2 0) eee eee 64 Holotype No. 2316, Locality 32, lower New Albany shale. i4. Prioniodina arrecta, new species x 20 —____ seen ee a S85) Holotype No. 2261, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. 1b, ainesnicakns syle Ceablloloeircl) S240) 17 Plesiotype No. 2338, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. 16. Hindeodella priodon, new species x 20 39 Holotype No. 1855, Locality 27, lower New Albany shale. i7. Hindeodella species x 20 - Cat. No. 1856, Locality 26, lower New Albany shale. 18. Hindeodella catacta, new species x 20 __.__----_ 40 Holotype No. 2275, Locality 38, upper New Albany shale. 19-21. Hindeodella aculeata, new species —.—— 40 (19) Paratype No. 1850, Locality 6, upper New Albany shale x 20 (20) Paratype No. 2267, Locality 21, middle New Albany shale x 20 (21) Paratype No. 2288, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale x 15 22, Hindeodella grandis, new species x 15 WW 2. 41 Holotype No. 2270, Locality 8, upper New Aipany shale. 72, PL. 4 oO. N PALEONT. - AMER. BULL 21 Vol. , PL. 4 PLATE V 122 BULLETIN 72 308 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 5 Figure Page al WHindecdellla species! Sx (20) cS ee 41 Cat. No. 1858, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. 2, 3. Hindecdella aculeata, new species x 20 —.... 40 (2) Holotype No. 2274, Locality 3, upper New Albany shale. (3) Paratype No. 2289, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. 4. WHindeodella compressa, new species x 20 ss essSsSsSsSSSsS 41 Holotype No. 1858, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. 5, 6. Hindeodella elongata, new species x 20 _.. 42 (5) Holotype No. 1848, Locality 1, upper New Albany ‘shale. (6) Paratype No. 1849, same locality. (2%) Hindeodella ispecies x22 0) - et ee ee eee 42 Cat. No. 1845, Locality 1, upper New Albany anele. 8. Hamulosodina? parangulata, new species x 20 _... 47 Holotype No. 1790, Locality 3, upper New Albany shale. 9,10. Hindeodella laticlavis, new species x 20 _.-- 43 ( 9) Holotype No. 1854, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. (10) Paratype No. 2356, same locality. 11. Hindecdella gracilis, new species x 20 _.- ss eeeesessSsss—‘( le 43 Holotype No. 1857, Locality 26, lower New Albany shale. 12,13. Hindeodella alternidens, new species x 20 44 (12) Paratype No. 1848, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. (13) Holotype Ne. 1842, same locality. 14. Hindeodella angulus, new species x 20 — 44 Holotype No. 2315, Locality 32, lower New Albany shale. lib Hindeodellardeflecta, Hibbard) (2 0) 2a 44 Plesiotype No. 1846, Locality 2, upper New Albany shale. 16. Hindeodella emacerata, new species x 20 __.-- 45 Holotype No. 1852, Locality 10, upper New Albany shale. le, Hindeodella panderi Hibbard) x 20) 22 SSS 45 Plesiotype No. 2266, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. 18. Hindeodella tenerrima Holmes? x 15 _.. eee 46 Plesiotype No. 2287, Locality 9, upper New Albany shale. 19. -Hindeodellla ‘species! x (20), 2s ee 46 Cat. No. 2264, Locality 18, middle New Albany shale. PIL. So Walls 2 BULL. AMER. PALEONT. IN 7/2, Plus 5 Bie aie } nl) ih ay Wats 124 Figure BULLETIN 72 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 6 Prioniodina subrecta, new species x 20 —.......-- Holotype No. 2328, Locality 2, upper New Albany shale. Loncaodina cf. extenta Hibbard x 20 __ Plesiotype No. 1938, Locality 1, upper ‘New “Allbeiay eile. Lonchodina nitela, new species -_~ (8) Paratype No. 2326, Locality 26, lower iNew Mitperany ‘shale xan) (4) Holotype No. 2317, Locality 32, lower New Albany shale oe il) (5) Paratype No. 2325, Locality 32, lower New Albany shale x 20 Lonchodina? ereeta, new species x 20 __-__---_- Two parts of the Holotype No. 1895, Locality 18, middle New Albany shale. Lonchodina multidens Hibbard x 20 _...- Plesiotype No. 1890, Locality 26, lower New Albany shale. Lonchodina). Species: x:+ 15). 22. eee Cat. No. 1939, Locality 29, lower New Albany shale. Lonchodina? projecta Ulrich and Bassler x 20) ~ Plesiotype No. 1893, Locality 2, upper New Albany shale. Konchodinalspecies: 20) 2 Cat. No. 2268, Locality 3, upper New Albany shale. Synprioniodina plana Holmes x 20 — ~~ _.__--__--____ Plesiotype No. 1929, Locality 3, upper New Albany shale. Lonchodina distams, new species x 20 Paratype No. 1892, Locality 1, upper New Albany shaie. Lonchodina acutula, new species x 15 Holotype, No. 1918, Locality 26, lower New Albany shale. Huprioniodinagspe cies) xae2 0s Cat. No. 2295, Locality 26, lower New Albany shale. Euprioniodina fornicata, new species x 20 Holotype No. 1828, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. Lonchodina tenuis, new species x 20 —._____-.-__---__--___-____- Holotype, No. 1891, Locality 26, lower New Albany shale. Synprioniodina newalbanyensis, new species x 20 —.______ Holotype No. 2322, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. Euprioniodina prona, new species x 20 —.._______.______ Holotype, No. 1788 Locality 9, upper New Albany shale. 310 (og) bo 82 AIL, 6; Wall) 21 BULL. AMER. PALEONT. ING; 725 PIL 6 PLATE VII 126 20,21. 22. BULLETIN 72 HXPLANATION OF PLATE 7 Palmatodella delicatula Ulrich and Bassler x 20 _ Plesiotype No. 1884, Locality 23, middle New Albany alias. Hindeodelloides bicristatus, new species x 20 ~- : (2) Paratype No. 1864, Locality 27, lower New Albany. shale. (8) Paratype No. 18638, Locality 3, upper New Albany shale. Faleodus tortus new species x 20 2.0 Holotype No. 1833, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. Falcodus species: xe (2.0) oe) e: 2c ee Bee ae cee ee ea el Se Cat. No. 2355, Locality 14, upper New Albany shale. Faleodus conflexus, new species x 20 Holotype No. 1832, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. Hindeodelloides alatus, new species x 20 Holotype No. 1865, Locality 18, middle New Albany shale. Ligonodina: species: x.20) 2.2 2 2 ee eee ee Cat. No. 2258, Locality 3, upper New Albany shale. Falcodus angulus, new species x 20 —. Holotype No. 1830, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. Falecodus? granulosus, new species x 20 ~ Holotype No. 2254, Locality 3, upper “New ‘Albany “shale. Ligonodina, (species. x20 >= 2 ee ee Cat. No. 2278, Locality 8, upper New Albany shale. Hindeodelloides minutus, new species x 20. __ “ Holotype No. 2281, Locality 20, middle New \Alpany. shale! Ligonodina hindei Ulrich and Bassler? x 20 __ Plesiotype No. 1886, Locality 30, lower New Albany grea, Ligonodina pinguis (Hibbard)? x 20 Plesiotype No. 1931, Locality 1, upper New tone shale. Spathodus strigilis, new species x 20 2 Paratype No. 1878, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. Spathodus parvus, new species x 20 View of Holotype and its mold, No. 1882, Locality 3, upper New Albany shale. Spathodus subrectus (Holmes) x 20 — Plesiotype No. 1879, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. Ligonodina species x (20). 2 ee ee eee Cat. No. 1792, Locality 2, upper New Albany shale. Ligonodinasspecies (x 20) 2 ee eee Cat. No. 1974, Locality 10, upper New Albany shale. Polygnathellus similis, new species x 20 —___________________- (20) Paratype No. 1945, Locality 14, upper New Albany shale. (21) Holotype No. 1901, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. Ligonodina hindei Ulrich and Bassler x 20 —..__ Plesiotype No. 2255, Locality 32, lower New Albany shale. 312 Page 60 LZ, Wall 2 BULL. AMER. PALEONT. INikoy 7 25 IPL. 7/ pice £2 i a4 es Ee ae) we ee SA ; STAN 33-35. 36,37. 38. 39-43. 44, 45,46. PLATE VIII (29) Plesitoype No. 1797, Locality 30, lower New Albany shale. (30,31) Oral and lateral views of Plesiotype No. 2354, Lo- cality 27, lower New Albany shale. (32) Plesiotype No. 1946, Locality 28, lower New Albany shale. Polygnathus scapha, new SNSCIOS we WG Se ees Oral, aboral and lateral views of Holotype No. 1910, upper New Albany shale, Locality 10. Polygnathus rotundiloba Bryant x sas ect pe ESI AR : (36) Plesiotype No. 2363, Locality 32, lower New York shale. (37) Plesiotype No. 2284, Locality 30, lower New Albany shale. Polygnathus ectypa, new species x 15 —.-----------_____-—- : Holotype No. 1799, Locality 26, lower New Albany shale. Polygnathus plana, new species x SUL. Sa el ee we ee : (39,40) Oral and aboral views of Paratype No. 1904, Local- ity 10, upper New Albany shale. (41,42) Oral and aboral views of Holotype No. 1903, same locality. ; (43) Oral view of another specimen from the same locali- ty showing attrition around the margins of the plate. Polygnathus similis, new species x 15 Ble Holotype No. 2285, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. Polygnathus aspera, new species x i 102 102 103 103 Figure 1B. dO}, Wie 1213. 14-17. 18. 19,20. 21. 22.23. 24,25. 26-28. 29-32. BULLETIN 72 All EXPLANATION OF PLATE 8 Page Polyenathus lacinata, new species x 30 _ 95 (1) Holotype No. 2271, Locality 1, upper New Albay Snailes (2) Paratype No. 1908, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. (8) Paratype No. 1907, Locality 3, upper New Albany shale. Polygnathus lingulifermis Hinde x 15 _. 95 Oral and aboral view of Plesiotype No. 1786, Locality 26 lower New Albany shale. Polygnathus pennata Hinde x 30 __ 5 NS Oral and aboral views of Plesiotype No. 2358, “Locality 26, lewer New Albany shale. 5] Rolyenathus) peracuta | Bisyamt ox ell) eee ee Ty Plesiotype No. 1909, Locality 26, lower New Albany shale. Polygnathus bryanti, new species x 15 __ 97 Oral and aboral views of Holotype No. 2359, “iLoealite 26, lower New Albany shale. . Polygnathus signata, new species x 30 ___ Bua!) NS} Holotype No. 1800, Locality 30, lower New Albany. ‘shale. Polygnathus rugosa, new species x 15 : SILA SSA ee eee 98 Oral and aboral views of Holotype No. 1916, Locality 30, lower New Albany shale. Polygnathus foliata Bryant x 30 ~ 99 (14,15) Oral and aboral views of Blegioarne NO. 2361, lo cality 30, lower New Albany shale. (16,17) Oral and aboral views of Plesiotype No. 2860, same locality. Polygnathus rhomboidea Ulrich and Bassler? x 30 __- 99 Plesiotype No. 1942, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. Polygnathus alata, new species x 30 100 Oral and aboral views of Holotype, No. 1931, ‘ibecailiay 30, lower New Albany shale. Polygnathus rimulata Ulrich and Bassler x 30 : 100 Plesiotype No. 2362, Locality 30, lower New Albany shale. Polygnathus sulcata, new species x 30 __ 101 Oral and aboral views of Holotype, No. 1944, Locality 9, upper New Albany shale. Gondolella? nodosa, new species x 40 94 Oral and lateral views of Holotype Nie 1940, “Locality Ais lower New Albany shale. Polygnathus newalbanyensis, new species _ — 101 (26) Holotype No. 2269, Locality 3, upper New “Alibamasy shale. xe (27) Paratype No. 1911, same locality x 15 (28) Paratype No. 1912, same locality x 15 Polygnathus caelata Bryant x 15 INO, H 2 Le 83 BULL. AMER. PALEONT. 21 IPL, 85 oll, Ee eae R Q <2 ee. & BF PLATE IX 130 BULLETIN 72 316 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 9 Figure Page 1, 2. Palmatolepis pustulosa, new species pues) T1015 (1) Paratype No. 2365, Locality 18, middle Rie Athan shale x 15. (2) Holotype No. 2364, same locality x 30 3, Palmatolepis species x 30 Meee woven) ye il(0)7( Cat. No. 1801, Loeality 30, lomen New Albany ‘shale. 4, 5. Palmatolepis cymbula, new species x 15 107 (4) Paratype No. 2366, Locality 18, middle New Albany shale. (5) Holotype No. 2367, same locality. 6, 7. Palmatolepis pectenifera, new species x 15 107 ; Oral and aboral views of Holotype No. 1781, Tocality 19, middle New Albany shale. 8-10. Palmatolepis elongata Holmes x 15 108 ( 8) Plesiotype No. 2282, Locality 20, aaidielle: ine “Ailbenzy shale. ( 9) Plesiotype No. 2283, same locality. (10) Plesiotype No. 1782, Locality 23, middle New Albany shale. 11-12. Polygnathus species x 15 pee ee cee pein. TOS Oral and aboral views of the same specimen. "Cat. No. 2250, lower New Albany shale, Locality 26. (BS4" (Polyenathys; ispecies xe) ay eee ea et ce ae 105 Oral and aboral views of the same specimen. Cat. No. 1949, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. Anterior end of the specimen broken off. 15-18. Palmatolepis? inequalis Holmes x 15 108 (15) Plesiotype No. 2344, Locality 20, waddle New Albany shale. Tip of the lateral lobe broken off and appears shorter than it actually was. (16) Plesiotype No. 2347, same locality. (17) Plesiotype No. 2346, same locality. (18) Plesiotype No. 2345, same locality. 19. Polygnathus concentrica Ulrich and Bassler x 12 _. 105 Plesiotype No. 1948, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. 20. Polygnathus gyralilineata Holmes x 10 —___ 106 Plesiotype No. 1802, Locality 20, middle New ‘Albany ‘shale. 21-23. Palmatolepis Harlebate Ulrich and Bassler x 15 _ 109 (21) Plesiotype No. 2256, Locality 8, middle New “Albany shale. (22) Plesiotype No. 1783, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. (23) Plesiotype No. 1785, same locality. 24. Palmatolepis minuta, new species x 30 ___ eel AOS) Holotype No. 1784, Locality 1, upper New WMibany einai. 25. Cladodus springert St. John and Worthen x 2. __ = sila) Plesiotype No. 2368, Locality 2, upper New Albany shale. 26,27. Supposed dermal mee of fish x 20 Cat. No. 1936, Locality 14, upper New Albany shale. These vlates are frequently found associated with conodonts. The ones figured appear to be identical with those figured by Bassler, 1932, pl. 26, figs. 28, 29. Pe. Vole 2a BULL. AMER. PALEONT. INO 7 2) JPLe 2) PLATE X Loa (oe) i Figure 1, 2. on BULLETIN 72 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 10 Lonchodina bicornis, new species x 25 _._- (1) Holotype No. 1867, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. (2) Paratype No. 1866, same locality. Lonchodina distans, new species x 18 _.... Holotype No. 2327, Locality 13, upper New Albany shale. Lonchodina! tortay Newespeelesy xylan ee Holotype No. 1948, Locality 11, upper New Albany shale. Ansulod use weal eat his CE ob err) sxe fy meee eee Plesiotype No. 2339, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. Hiibbardella? divergens, new species x 36 ___...._ Holotype No. 1837, Locality 13, upper New Albany shale. Angulodus spissus, new species x 18 _ Holotype No. 2286, Locality 20, middle! New Albany Rane Bryantodus planus, new species: x25) 2 Holotype No. 1932, Locality 20, upper New Albany shale. Hindeodelloidessspecics: x 49) ee ; TON CHO Maly Paved TLC WS PC CLC Sex ee 2 Holotype No. 2297, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. Bryantoduswap agus meg esp CCl Cs exalt meyer ee ecco eee Holotype No. 2329, Locality 26, lower New ‘Albany shale. Hibbardellas ane ul aticgs GEL Ge) inl 8 eee Plesiotype No. 2293, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. Hindeodella jubata, new species x 25 Holotype No. 2319, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. Hind eodelloides «species x7 49) =e ee eee Cat. No. 2298, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. Angulodus demissus, new species x 25 Holotype No. 2341, Locality 27, lower New Albany shale. __ Hindeodella conidens, new species x 18 _... Holotype No. 2260, Locality 9, upper New Albany ‘shale. 318 PO Nolet BULL. AMER. PALEONT. No} 72, RES 0 " for tahe PLATE XI 134 12,13. 14,15. BULLETIN 72 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 11 Lonchodina? projecta Ulrich and Bassler x 18 - 2 2 Plesiotype No. 1894, Locality 14, upper New Albany alnaile. Lonchodina subsymmetrica Ulrich and Bassler x 25 Plesiotype No. 2280, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. Paimatodella? paridens, new species x 18 _.. ee Holotype No. i885, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. Euprioniodina devexa, new species Seek As a Holotype No. 2290, Locality 23, middle New Albany shale. Euprioniodina perangulata Ulrich and Bassler x 25 : Plesiotype No. 2323, Locality 26, lower New Albany shale. Euprioniodina debilis, new species x 36 _. Holotype No. 2259, Locality 28, lower New Albany shale. Synprioniodina aclis, new species x 86 —__ gant Holotype No. 19388, Locality 1, upper New Albany. shale. Euprionicdina prona, new species x 18 _ ous Paratype No. 1789, Locality 9, upper New ‘Albany shale. Euprioniodina falx, new species x 54 Holotype No. 2292, Locality 27, lower New Albany shale. Synprioniodina plana Holmes! x 18 22 Plesiotype No. 1928, Locality 10, upper New Albany shale. Synprionicdina decurrens, new species x 25 ~ : Holotype No. 1927, Locality 23, middle Nigar Albany. shale. Metapriodiodus biangulatus, new species x 18 : = (12) Holotype No. 1870, Locality 1, upper New Albany ginaile. (18) Paratype No. 1869, same ilocalitiey, Metaprioniodus fractus, new species x 18 A (14) Holotype No. 1871, Locality 1, upper New Albany sinaile, (15) Paratype No. 1868, same locality. 320 Page 83 87 57 52 52 53 55 52 53 54 55 57 58 PL. 11, Vol. 21 BULL. AMER. PALEONT. IN@S 72, lS IL! RAL H), Wy YY Wir EE Ail, i} With Wh ep My Z je) ~ ihe $ t NO \ \ \ nl H] U. “Uh i fy ; gl ff > PLATE XII 136 Figure 1- 4. ori 13,14. 15. 16,17. 18,19. 20,21. BULLETIN 72 HWXPLANATION OF PLATE 12 Spathodus duplidens, new species x 12 ~~ 3 gan SA oe (1,2) Views of both sides of Holotype No. “1876, Locality 10, upper New Albany shale. (3,4) Views of both sides of Paratype No. 1877, same local- ity. Hamulosodina? species x 25 —_ su OEE Cat. No. 2336, Locality 1, upper New. Allsanay. shale, Hindeodelloides bicristatus, new species _- — . = Holotype No. 1862, Locality 1, upper New Albay shale. Young Polygnathus? x 18 Compare with Spathodus parvus? pli-We, Hew MG) ee ee eee Cat. No. 18838, Locality 14, upper New Albany shale. Ligonodinaspeciestexq Sy en Cat. No. 22738, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. Hindeodelloides species x 35 Cat. No. 2882, Locality 1, upper iNew. Albany shale, Siraiaaakiey mex Csloln@s)) ge i) Plesiotype No. 1881, Locality 11, upper New Albany shale. Spathodus strigilis, new species x 18 - Paratype No. 2324, Locality 26, lower Neu ‘Albany “sielle. Hindeodelloides gracilis, new species x 35 —_ Holotype No. 2331, Locality 10, upper New Albany nate, Ligonodina hindei Ulrich and Bassler x 18 ~~ __________ (13) Plesiotype No. 2309, Locality 32, lower New Albany shale. (14) Plesiotype No. 2310, same locality. Ligonodina bicincta, new species x 18 — Holotype No. 2279, Locality 20, middle New Albany shale. Ligonodina cryptodens, new species x 18 . fee Mees Lateral and end views of the Holotype No! 2277, Locali- ty 27, lower New Albany shale. Ligonodina conidens, new species x 18 — Lateral and end views of the Holotype No. 2334, Locality 1, upper New Albany shale. Ligonodina arcuata, new species x 18 _..... Lateral and end views of the Holotype No. 2276, Locality 27, lower New Albany shale. 322 Page 91 48 48 90 62 50 92 89 50 60 62 62 63 63 Dies vole 21 BULL. AMER. PALEONT. Noy 7/ 2, Pile 2 nve as INDEX, Vol. XXI Note.—Light face figures refer to th separate Bulletins; heavy face Allecheny Park parva- PACT ieee) ls eee 28 Nim SNEWS 84 Angulodus 212,262 demissus 10 263 gravis 3 263 spissus Senate ae 10 264 walrathi._. ~~—-—--- 4,10 263 B Belodidae Peeled putes 220 Berea formation - ——— 122 Berea stage 47,122 Bibliography — - b 297 Big Bend magnafacies | 22 Bimber Run conglom- : eraten nee 86 Bradfordian fauna 69 Bradfordian fauna list 70 Bradfordian series --— 42 Bryantodus ~ 199,210,213,253 myo). 5 10 262 brevidens _3 258 camurus ene ue 74 254 coalescenoides —~—--- 3 258 Coemat isi 1,4 253 commutatus —-—__- 2 256 CON CAVUS ee 2 257 TAGS). se ee 2 256 ef. germanus ——---— 3 258 incilSUsh === == 4 259 mMmIcrodenss === 2 255 OSS ee 4 261 multidens) = === «2 253 TNO CIS eee eens 4 261 Notas: p= 4 259 (OGNWADIS us 260 pectenellus -___--_-- 2 255 joeeeaOubis 2 2 254 plans 10 261 TONGS Lee 2 257 Senn agen ee 2 257 Subbrewsi=————————— 2 254 subearinatus ——— 4 260 Siufoyp eprn Use 4 259 Byham limestone ——--- 134 C Callixylon newberryi_-- 205,206,209 Camarotoechia eximia_. 206 Catalogus of strata __-- 61 Catskill magnafacies___ 22 Cattaraugus facies 58 Chadakoin stage 62 Chagrin magnafacies___ 22 e paging of the Olle, not to the figures refer to the plate numbering Chautauquan series ——- 60 Chirognathus —— 212 Chonetes yandellamus seymourensis — - 206 Cleveland magnafacies - a2 Cobham conglomerate _- 112 Conewonga series ce 54 Contemporaneity planes 24 Correlation —— = 143 Correlation problems - 145 Corry sandstone .- —— 122 sandstone correla- Rist Ofial) sfedeleenes re oes ce ene me 125 sandstone fauna 123 Calamites inornatus —-- 206,209 Cladodus springeri . - 9 208,209,296 Crawford series 45,128 Cussewago stage - 52,103 Custardsshale = 137 C\cle< 58 D ID@MB NAS Sj ee 206 Dennis Run section ——-- Wile) Devonian system ~~ 54 Dexterville shale 63 Dexterville shale fauna 65 Diplodella 214 Distacodidae. = 220 Dutchmans conglomer- iG eee 84 E East Kane shale —- 112 Millicott shalele sas 66 Endothyra baileyi ———- 208 Huprioniodina === 212,237 debilisa- 22 11 239 deviexaye === =aseee 11 238 Bikey foe ads beeen ae De 11 239 FROWN EN, ae 6 237 perangulata — 11 238 pronase 6,11 238 Euprioniodina sp. ------ 6 237 F Facies analysis —.- 29 fauna components. ~ 32 REVUE Se UE as 81 nomenclature —— 19 planes eee 24 relationships —— 20 Malco dus) == 273 anos a = aeeeee 7 211,212,273 Conhlexis === 7 274 2 SAMOS US 7 275 [Ss 7 274 (323) tortus 7 274 Faunal chart a 200,208 French Creek lime- Stoney fe ses 135 G Gondolella 210,212,279 ? nodosa 8 280 Greenbriar series 142 H Hamulosodina —.__. 233 ? perangulata 5 233 ? sp. See, 234 Harvest Home shale et 134 Hayfield monothem 116 Havfield shale 119 Hempfield shale - 141 Hibbardella —_ 214,264 angulata 3 207 208,264 distans Ba Se Eee AUS 266 ? divergens ____ 10 267 THETA) te 3 266 pandata ene 266 symmetrica _ 3 265 ? telum = 83 207,265 latiacle@elelle, 2 225 aculaeta _A,5 213,226 alternidens polis 115) 230 eral: 2 230 OMige Cue) = we 4 226 compressa a) 227 CoOmnClemg 10 233 deflectant se aes 5 230 eloncalta 5 228 emaceratas =a 5 231 ea Cilis as 5 229 SEAN CS as ee 4 227 jubata == ee eb 10 232 lliiCllayalg 5 229 TOGNOCISTE, 5 231 FORNOGIOM 4 225 Sine) eee 4,5 mee 228,232 eMlerstsiirmni eae _ & 232 Hindeodelloides _— 234 Vitae «BE Lee See uf 285 bicmistatuss. == 7,12 207,234 Sra CUlis gee ee ee 12 236 TOONS 7 235 SID ee eS 10,12 235,236 LIAS Oumar SSS AMILED EO 10 236 Hypothyrodina cuboi- Ess Sotieal see ae SS 203 I Kethy ods 214 Irvineton parvafacies 28 J Johnsonburg sandstone 138 Section= === 110 Knapp monothem —_ 103 SUC GL ote. She ee eee 111 Kushequa Quarry sec- 4 UO ys 107 L Ligonodina —. = 199,219,244 ECU GA aoe Cael 12 211 249 loremmn@tey Lo 12 248 @OMIGIOMS 12 249 Cry piodenis sal 248 hindeic 225 eed 211.246 Beene eee emis a 247 7,12 246,247,248 Tees sandstone __ 63 Iona SLOT UI SE2OMe2al eels other 207 Little Corner limestone 120 Konteh odin. 212,267 penile, . eG 271 lon@@rmangs 2 10 PATOL distaniss= 2s) ss tag 6,10 270 erecta =< kee 6 268 Ciame te nite 6 267 mMbUNGIEMS 2 5 268 TUTE Clichy, 2 RS SUES a 6 268 OTA Viel ls hee ae 10 Ane 2 OLOVSCw = Gili 207,269 SD pee ee 6 269,270 subsymmetrica —_ 11 PATS} Fens; See ies 6 271 Comte estes seen 10 272 M Meadville monothem — 128 monothem summary 137 Stee @s- wie ee 128 Metaprioniodus 212,243 Diane lau sa 11 243 ASEUCEUS @ see eee il 244 Mississippian system__ 36 N North Warren shale 87 O Olly Waker senies =a 46,102 Orangeville shale 128 Orbiculoidea —— == 1982 0772ill5s gig lodiensis media —__ 207 Orthothetes? sp. 206 Oswayo localities _..__ 99 monioth erp 94 shale. se PRA e es 95 P PACIAYSOMMIe, 212 Palmatodella === 212,241 delicate 7 242 U joergens 11 243 Palmatolepis — 212,292 SS ee 9 293 Ciyonowle, 9 293 clongratay === 9 294 ? inequalis 9 294 YASUI eh eee 9 295 pectenifera 9 293 perlobata === 9 295 pustulosa —... — . 292 Pajnama conglomerate 17 Panderodella — i QQ 4 Parvafacies of the Ve- MAING Om eee ae 248) Platyceras sp. = 206 Platyrachella cf. mac- bridely 22 Sa ees 206 Pleuropterygii —.— -..- 296 Ponoco and Mauch Chunk 145 magnafacies 23 Polygnathellus __. — —- 210,214,278 SUNS aa eee 7 279 Polygnathidae _. — 221,278 Polygnathus _._ — —. 199,210,280 Polygnathus sp. 9 291 ASPenai eee ne ee 8 290 lorena el es 8 208,283 caelaital == See 8 287 concentrica — —_._- 9 291 CC LY pal se 8 289 foliatayg sos ae 8 285 gyratilineata ___ ___ 9 292 acini tay sete eee es 8 212,281 linguiformis —.... 8 281 newalbanyensis - 2 8 AOS 200 23% DenmMapayes saakee ess 8 282 peracuita, = sss =) 283 lance sean CeO 8 289 rhomboidea —_--_ 8 285 VENOM CY oa ae 8 286 rotundiloba _ 8 218,288 TUCO Saha eweeeal ees 8 284 seapha _ 8 211,288 Slomata cs stats See 8 284 similis a =e8 290 suleata - 8 287 Pope Hollow conglomer- NE Cine ser pyc ae i ee 87 Prioniodella 22 se 210,251 chistulas== =. = 1 252 Prioniodella cunea ___ 1 251 @recliiaeniey 1 252 Prioniodidae —_.- 220,222 Prioniodina —— — cane 212,249 Even@buleiens; 22 250 EGE CE aaron esti Seer A 251 CUNT ety ee ee A 250 Separans 2g 1 250 subrectay 22 eke 6 251 Prioniodinidae — 221 TEARICWMIGCKUS | 2 212,223 AlaLOlde sme aeeen 1 223 alatuse eee | 223 alatus tiie See wel 207 macrocornatus ea | 224 Pseudobornia >. 206 R Rhipidomella vanuxemi newalbaneosis 206 Riceville section 94 SHUEY WES ree ae A SS 94 : Ss Saegerstown shale ______ 89 Salamanca suite 85 Sellachiid= Ws Gece eee 296 Sharpsville sandstone _ 133 SUite wines eet ea 131 Shaws sandstone ____ 132 Shenango monothem —__ 138 Sandstoney === 138 SIG AV Ge aN pesky eee 138 Smethport magnafacies Ms ZA. Pall Spathiocaris emersoni 203 Spathodus E199) 210, 213,214,275 duplidens - edger oes) [Pd 217 parvus meee | 212,276 rectus eee 278 strigilis 7,12 207,211,275 SUbGeCEUS a= == ent) PHT Spirifer acuminatus 196 Spirifer oweni 196 Stereoconus Pay Stratigraphic nomencla- ture ; Sas 16 Stratton Creek section 49 Stylolina fissurella 198 Subprioniodus — 212 Swede Hill section 64 Synprioniodina - — —~ 212,239 aclis Grete Bais 241 decurrens se 0 241 newalbanyensis .__—_—«o6O 240 plana ra wll 240 T Telumodina pie ciate ae 212 Tidioute shale) = 2 = 116,117 Tioga magnafacies 23 Tunangwant conglomer- ate Beh ee SEE 91 Vv Venango stage ee 76 WwW West Mead limestone ~ 2 ily Wetmore conglomerate ililsl Williamsfield Post Of- ficelsection) == === 50 Woodcock sandstone _- 92 (325) nme ha GS jane I lente ieee if Saag an an h rat iis >>>)» D 2 DD > ian Youn ec »»»D> dy D > 3 > >> Wy >: = By Dy») < —=_ DPE D> B»»») Py > > 5 > j yp») ») » » y oS » »»»> >> DD _—P Sy? >» > 55-2 ID SE Ips >» Dim = DDE Idd DP» > DSy> DD 2s 5 » =; 3 » »» = * a DSF yan) Se Se RIZE Bs) >< <= yy _» _» = yp yy» ) > Dy PY See ye ews. 52> >) PsyD » > yd yD =5 » DPI >>>)» YO» p> DD I < yy) » DD. >» > D» B »»> yD 7 $3 yD = 22s >» ») YD» dD »» 2B D_D bow 225 2»? 2D» >» YD I 2 D>» ; »» DZ 2p» S333 > DP D> 55 =o >» FDS ti BPs >>> ; DD): ID DD? 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