Q ISSN 0038-3872 II /Of! SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Volume 114 TIN Number 3 SiiS £imi 30 NOiONIHSVM MN 1AV NOliniliSNOOONV IS HiOI U HNIAIN 39NVH3X3/SN0lllSin03V Z AdOO ‘iinillSNI NVIN0SH1IIIIIS Z060S 3QV 03X1 IN milled sn mm\n OlVd iOVISOd sn lldOtid NON 114(3) 105-163 (2015) ^YTHSG/v/^ FEB 1 7 70 18 December 2015 Southern California Academy of Sciences Founded 6 November 1891, incorporated 17 May 1907 © Southern California Academy of Sciences, 2015 2014-2015 OFFICERS Julianne Kalman Passarelli, President David Ginsburg, Vice-President Edith Read, Recording Secretary Ann Dalkey, Treasurer Daniel J. Pondella II and Larry G. Allen, Editors - Bulletin Brad R. Blood, Newsletter Shelly Moore, Webmaster ADVISORY COUNCIL Jonathan Baskin, Past President John Roberts, Past President John H. Dorsey, Past President Ralph Appy, Past President Brad R. Blood, Past President BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2013-2016 2014-2017 2015-2018 Ann Dalkey Julianne K. Passarelli Edith Read Danny Tang Lisa Collins David Ginsburg Gordon Hendler Andrea Murray Tom Ford Gloria Takahashi Bengt Allen Shelly Moore Ann Bull Kristy Forsgren Karina Johnston Membership is open to scholars in the fields of natural and social sciences, and to any person interested in the advancement of science. Dues for membership, changes of address, and requests for missing numbers lost in shipment should be addressed to: Southern California Academy of Sciences, the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Exposition Park, Los Angeles, California 90007-4000. Professional Members $80.00 Student Members $50.00 Memberships in other categories are available on request. Fellows: Elected by the Board of Directors for meritorious services. The Bulletin is published three times each year by the Academy. Submissions of manuscripts for publication and associated guidelines is at SCASBULLETIN.ORG. All other communications should be addressed to the Southern California Academy of Sciences in care of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Exposition Park, Los Angeles, California 90007-4000. Date of this issue 29 January 2016 ® This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). Bull. Southern California Acad. Sci. 114(3), 2015, pp. 105-122 © Southern California Academy of Sciences, 2015 The Physical Characteristics of Nearshore Rocky Reefs in The Southern California Bight Daniel J. Pondella, II,1* Jonathan Williams,1 Jeremy Claisse,1,2 Becky Schaffner3 Kerry Ritter3 and Ken Schiff 3 lVantuna Research Group, Occidental College, 1600 Campus Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90041 2 current address: Biological Sciences Department, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA 91786 3SCCWRP, 3535 Harbor Blvd., Suite 110, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Abstract. — We present a GIS method for mapping and characterizing nearshore reef habitats. Utilizing this technique, we were able to successfully map all nearshore (<30 m depth) rocky reefs in the Southern California Bight and then quickly assess and characterize these data layers with expert opinion. The southern California coastline is 1198 km in length, with the eight Channel Islands and mainland comprising 503 km and 695 km of coastline, respectively. This is approximately the same amount of coastline as the rest of California. Within this region, we identified and characterized 122 natural reefs comprising 49,055 hectares, which is 26.6% of the 184,439 ha of nearshore habitat in the bight, the remainder comprised of soft bottom. Reefs varied appreciably in size ranging from 6 - 2498 ha. We sampled a subset of these reefs using a generalized random tessellation stratified design and quantified their physical characteristics as measured by scuba surveys. The reefs also varied with respect to habitat type and five distinct sub-habitat types varying from sheer oceanic pinnacle reefs to low-lying cobble were observed. The distribution of reef types varied between the mainland and islands. Island reefs were, in general, higher relief and had a greater percentage of rocky substrate. Mainland reefs generally had lower relief and a higher percentage of sand and cobble substrates. The Southern California Bight (SCB) is a unique and increasingly critical stretch of the Cali- fornia coastline. The physical constitution of the coastline along the mainland SCB is primarily picturesque sandy beaches, broken up by rocky-headlands. In contrast, the remainder of the state is dominated by iconic palisades associated with the coastal uplift from the shearing of the right-lateral strike slip-transform San Andreas fault system (Zoback et al. 1987). Similar and associated strike-slip faults and resulting uplift are the origins of the major coastal head- lands in the SCB that are broken up by sandy beaches (Emery 1960). The San Andreas fault sys- tem that runs along the coast in central and northern California moves inland proximate to Point Conception the upper limit of the bight. The SCB is floored by a ~300 km wide region of exten- sively faulted and extended continental cmst comprising Mesozoic metamorphic and intmsive igneous rock as well as Neogene sedimentary and volcanic units (Crouch and Suppe 1993). This region of submerged continental cmst is referred to in the geological literature as the Cali- fornia Continental Borderlands (CCB). It differs markedly from the continental shelf north of Point Conception, which is typically less than 100 km wide. The northern end of the CCB is formed by the east-west oriented Transverse Ranges, a large fault-bounded cmstal block that * Corresponding author: pondella@oxy.edu 105 106 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES underwent 90° of clockwise rotation between 15 MYA and 5 MYA, the age of the SCB (Luyen- dyk 1991). The unique east-west transverse ranges of southern California extend through the CCB as the Northern Channel Islands (San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz and Anacapa) and, as such, these islands are comprised of metamorphic and igneous rock (Atwater 1998). Dif- ferential subsidence along the many faults that cut the CCB has produced the distinctive topog- raphy of islands separated by ~ 1 km deep basins. Rotation of the transverse range block and the submergence of extended continental crust in its wake created the SCB from a preexisting coastline that had relatively straight, NW-SE trend and continuous with central and northern California (Atwater 1998). The Northern Channel Islands currently appear as extensions of the Santa Monica Mountains and were all connected at the last glacial maximum (Graham et al. 2003). The orientation of these islands is an indication of the torsion caused by the shear of the North American and Pa- cific Plates forming the SCB during the Miocene (Atwater 1989). The subsequent uplift of metamorphic rock from the Catalina Schist formed Catalina Island. Meanwhile, San Nicolas Island is primarily an eroding anticline comprised of sandstone and shale marked by character- istic marine terraces with some igneous rock (Kemnitzer 1933). In contrast, Santa Barbara Island juts imposingly out of the sea with vertical cliffs up to 150 m in height and is comprised of brittle igneous rock, which exhibits less pronounced marine terracing. Kemnitzer (1933) also noted that a rock sample he received from Begg Rock, an exposed pinnacle reef 8 km off the west end of San Nicolas Island was also volcanic. San Clemente Island lies on the San Clemente fault, is formed of volcanic rock and has an anticlinal structure and prominent marine terracing (Olmsted 1958). The origins of the various rocky reef habitats in the SCB are diverse and com- plex, with considerable spatial variability. It was previously estimated that the amount of nearshore reef habitat (< 30 m depth) was pro- portional to the rocky intertidal habitat, approximately 15% of the mainland (Stephens et al. 2006). The southern California islands, however, support a greater proportion of coastal reefs versus soft substrate in the nearshore environment (Ebeling 1980, Pondella and Allen 2000). Due to accessibility and increasing stress by a growing population, these reefs are under a vari- ety of anthropogenic stressors (e.g., turbidity, river plumes, sedimentation, overfishing and pol- lution) and subject to harmful algal blooms (Stull et al. 1987, Homer et al. 1997, Dojiri et al. 2003, Schiff 2003, Love 2006, Pondella 2009, Foster and Schiel 2010, Sikich and James 2010, Erisman et al. 2011), which in many instances are not well understood and in all cases necessitate a bight-wide perspective and coordination to contextualize and manage. These reefs have been impacted by sewage, habitat loss, mnoff and climate change and, as such, can serve as a model for dealing with these complex anthropogenic interactions (North 1964, Steneck 2002, Ford and Meux 2010). It has been demonstrated that large-scale management actions can have significant positive effects on this complex ecosystem (Pondella and Allen 2008). In 2012, a network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) was created throughout the Bight (CDFG 2012). These MPAs were generally placed on rocky headlands, as this habitat is limited in the region. This limited reef habitat was the most contentious issue during the implementation process even though the amount of this reef habitat and the relative spatial distribution and char- acterization remained unknown making current and future evaluations difficult (Pondella 2009). Marine Protected Areas in California limit catch of extractable resources within their boundaries (CDFG 2012). The establishment of these MPAs, while not specifically designated as fishery management tools during implementation, was in part due to the decline of commercial and recreational fisheries. Fisheries associated with rocky reefs in the region have been particularly impacted. Examples include rockfishes (Love et al. 1998), abalone (CDFG 2005) and most recently the kelp and sand basses (Erisman et al. 2011), and these serial depletions have caused NEARSHORE REEF CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BIGHT 107 significant socioeconomic damage. A critical task for advancing various research, restoration, assessment and resource management programs is the quantification and characterization of this nearshore habitat. While general biogeographic patterns have been discerned for this ecosystem (Murray and Littler 1981, Pondella et al. 2005), the gap in our knowledge of the quantity, structure and habi- tat quality of shallow nearshore reefs in the SCB is surprising. These gaps in knowledge are similar in other ecosystems where management actions need to be implemented and managers are challenged by a paucity of quantitative data (Mumby and Harbome 1999, Pittman et al. 2011). Further complicating our understanding of this nearshore ecosystem is the necessity of modeling processes on both small and large spatial scales (1 01— 1 05 m) (Garcia-Charton 2004) as physical forcing and associated oceanographic conditions will be critical for contextualizing reef performance into the future. Similarly, easily expressible metrics of ecosystem health are needed for managers and non-scientific audiences. While the declines in fishery species are well documented, the effects of pollution on rocky reefs in this area are not well understood. Whether analyzing pollution, fishing practices, or ecological performance (including MPA effectiveness), these processes are all couched within the extent, characteristics and variation in the underlying habitat. Here we report on a novel method to determine the spatial scale of reefs in the SCB. Then, we contextualize this system by describing the underlying substructure and amount of nearshore rocky reefs in the region establishing a template for future research. Materials and Methods The methods in this study were composed of three sections. First, we assembled and mapped all the available GIS layers for the region. The remote sensing techniques used in this study did not characterize reef types. Thus, these hard bottom layers were then reviewed by experts in the region to determine accuracy and characterize habitat types. Following this mapping exercise, we conducted a stratified random draw to determine sites for a field-sampling program based upon biogeographic region (which were based upon fish assemblages) insuring statistically equal representation of reefs throughout the SCB. The field-sampling program then character- ized a subset of reefs allowing inferences to the reef types of the SCB as a whole. Mapping. — The best available compilations of mapped rocky reef habitat in the SCB were assembled using GIS. These included maps of hard bottom habitats and kelp canopy (Kelner 2005). GIS spatial analysis techniques were used to integrate existing spatial data that charac- terizes bottom type, kelp cover, and bathymetry to create a preliminary habitat map. Using these data in GIS, we met with experts who have conducted multiple subtidal scuba research projects on various geographic areas of the SCB. These working groups delineated reefs (< 30 m depth) (Figure 1) and categorized each as either a major reef complex, patchy reef complex, cobble reef, offshore or pinnacle reef, or manmade. Reef dimensions were made based upon the avail- able GIS layers, while reef types were based upon expert opinion. The size of each reef was cal- culated in GIS and categorized as large, medium or small based upon the distribution of reef sizes. All other nearshore (< 30 m depth) substrate was classified as soft bottom. In better- studied regions (e.g., Palos Verdes, Santa Catalina Island) investigators identified reefs on a finer scale (continuous reef tracts were identified as multiple smaller reefs). Therefore, so as not to bias the sampling draw by these regions for the survey portion of this study (see below), reefs in these regions were grouped into larger reef areas. Similarly, to not deemphasize large reef tracks, reef designations were adjusted to be as consistent as possible in size and distribu- tion throughout the bight while mindful of natural habitat gaps. At Horseshoe Kelp in Los Angeles County and Point Loma, the large reef areas were broken into two and three reefs, respectively, for the sampling draw so as to not underestimate their impact. 108 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Fig. 1. Nearshore rocky reefs of the SCB. Reefs are color coded by biogeographic province (cold vs. warm) and numbers correspond to the table used for the sampling draw (Appendix 1). Station Draw. — Reefs were coded as island or mainland within each biogeographic province, San Diegan (warm temperate) or Oregonian (cold temperate). Biogeographic province (Appen- dix 1) was determined for the eight Channel Islands by biogeographic assessment of benthic fish assemblages studied during the 2003-04 CRANE survey (Tenera 2006). In this biogeographic analysis young-of-year (YOY) fishes whose density is seasonal, and highly abundant pelagic species ( Engraulis mordax and Sardinops sagax ) present at only two sites, were excluded from the data set. All statistics were run using PRIMER (version 6). The number of fishes observed by station was Log (x+1) transformed. A Bray-Curtis similarity matrix was then cal- culated and a hierarchical cluster analysis was performed. Using the similarity matrix, non- metric multi-dimensional scaling was performed and using 45% similarity ellipses calculated from the Bray-Curtis cluster the biogeographic regions were determined (Figure 1, Appendix 1). Mainland reefs were divided along previous described biogeographic assemblages utilizing Santa Monica Bay as the faunal break between Oregonian and San Diegan faunas (Horn and Allen 1978, Horn et al. 2006). Manmade reefs (i.e., breakwaters and jetties) were not included in this mapping effort because they are well mapped and not part of the random station draw. For the spatial scale aspect of this program, 60 natural rocky reefs (Figure 1; Appendix 1) from this map were selected using a nested random draw (Stevens and Olsen 2004), a probabil- ity-based design developed for monitoring aquatic resources, through EPA’s Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) (Stevens 1999). The advantage of the general- ized random tessellation stratified design (GRTS) is that it allows for random sampling in a way that provides good spatial coverage (without the clumping of sites often seen with simple NEARSHORE REEF CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BIGHT 109 random sampling). In addition, various strata or subpopulations can be defined and weighted proportionally to a host of subpopulation characteristics (e.g., the size of the resource, the size of the reef, variability of subpopulation estimates) so as to maximize efficiency when esti- mating population totals or comparing among subpopulations. Two additional reefs (Escondido and Big Rock) were not included in the random draw but were sampled as a part of this study to fill in a gap in Santa Monica Bay. Field Sampling. — teams of SCUBA divers that accessed sample sites from a research vessel collected data visually. A single site consisted of at least 250 m of reef habitat. Within each site four depth strata (if present) were sampled and geo-referenced. These strata were the inner (~5 m), middle (—10 m), outer (—15 m) and deep (—25 m) portions of a natural reef. Within each depth stratum Uniform Point Contact (UPC) sampling protocol was completed. Therefore, the maximum sampling effort for a site includes 8 UPC transects - 2 transects per each of the 4 depth strata. All transects were 30 m in length. Substrate type and relief were recorded at each meter mark along the 30 m transect tape to estimate percent cover. Substrate type was defined as: bedrock (>1 m), boulder (1 m-10 cm), cobble (<10 cm), or sand. Substrate relief was defined as the maximum relief (0-0.1 m, 0.1-1 m, 1-2 m or >2 m) within a rectangle cen- tered on the point that is 0.5 m along the tape and 1 m wide. The percentage of each type of substrate category (bedrock, boulder, cobble or sand) was determined by pooling the number of contact points for all replicates at each site by category, and dividing the sum of each category by the total number of contact points at that site. Percentage of reef relief category (0-0. 1 m, 0.1-1 m, l-2m or >2m) was calculated in the same manner. Reef structure categories (% relief and substrate) were square root transformed and normalized prior to being clustered using Eu- clidean distances. Results In our calculations the southern California coastline is 1198 km in length. The islands com- prise 503 km of coastline while the mainland coast has a length of 695 km. On the mainland, rocky reefs are offshore (within 500 m) of 176 km (25.4%) of the coastline. At the islands, reefs are offshore of 377 km (75.1%) of the coastline. For the islands the faunal break was in the mid- dle of Santa Cruz Island, on the mainland it fell in the middle of Santa Monica Bay (Figure 1). In the cold temperate region reefs span offshore of 290 km of the coast and in the warm tem- perate region they span 263 km of coastline. We identified 122 natural reefs (< 30 m depth) comprising 49,055 hectares in the SCB (Figure 1, Table 1). A greater fraction (60.8%) of reefs were found in the cold temperate. This was in part due to the Santa Rosa and San Nicolas Islands where the greatest expanse of reefs were identified (9088 and 5250, respectively). A priori, eighty-nine reefs were classified as major reef complexes, seventeen as patchy reef areas, two cobble reefs, and twelve pinnacle/offshore deep reefs (Appendix I). 10,164 ha of the reefs identified in this study were previously described as soft bottom habitat. Demarcated by the 30-m isobath, there are 184,439 ha of nearshore habitat in the bight, of which reefs com- prised approximately a quarter (26.6%) while the remainder was sand. Natural reefs (< 30 m depth) ranged in size from 6.2 (Begg Rock) to 2498 ha (Cojo) followed by Talcott at Santa Rosa Island (2493 ha) (Appendix 1). The total for three Point Loma reef des- ignations, which are continuous, is 2296 ha. Santa Rosa and San Nicolas Islands contained the largest contiguous reef tracks and kelp beds in the SCB. The lee of Santa Rosa Island (Rodes, Talcott and Carrington Point) comprised 5284 ha and the four reefs at west end of San Nicolas Island comprised 4663 ha. On the mainland, Cojo Anchorage was the largest reef (2498 ha) fol- lowed by three Point Loma reefs. The mean size of a natural reef was 409 hectares (sd + 497). The distribution of reef areas was plotted and reefs were classified into three size classes. Sixty- 110 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Table 1 . The following metrics for the Southern California Bight are summarized below for the islands, main- land, the cold temperate (Oregonian) and warm temperate (San Diegan) provinces: the length of the Southern Cali- fornia coastline (Mexico to Point Conception); reef coastline length in km (reefs which are within 500 m of the coast); and the area of natural reef habitat. The total amount of nearshore habitat in SCB is 184,439 and the non-reef habitat is primarily sand. SCB coastline length (km) Mainland Island Total 694.5 502.7 1197.2 Reef coastline length (km) Mainland 176.2 Cold 290.7 Island 377.4 Warm 262.9 Total: 553.6 Total: 553.6 Reef habitat (ha) Cold Warm Total Mainland 8213.8 10823.6 19037.4 Island 21587.4 8430.1 30017.4 Anacapa 545.1 545.1 Cortez Bank 1359.6 1359.6 San Clemente 3593.2 3593.2 San Miguel 3461.8 3461.8 San Nicolas 5249.9 5249.9 Santa Barbara Island 888.5 888.5 Santa Catalina 931.1 931.1 Santa Cruz 2365.4 2472.3 4837.7 Santa Rosa 9087.5 9087.5 Tanner Bank 63.2 63.2 Grand totals: 29801.2 19253.7 49054.9 seven reefs were classified in the small category (6-293 ha), with 40 as medium (325-932 ha) and 13 as large (1086-2498 ha). Reef size categories had a mean of 95 ha (sd + 69) for small reefs, 558 ha (sd + 183) for medium reefs and 1567 (sd + 484) ha for large reefs. To begin to assess the range in physical habitat characteristics of the nearshore rocky reefs in the SCB, we began with a physical characterization of the reef habitat including substrate type and relief (Appendix II). Island reefs were primarily composed of bedrock or boulders (85.9%) while mainland reefs had a more even mix of substrate types (Figure 2). Nearly half (47.8%) of mainland reefs had a 0-0.1 m relief - more than double the fraction at the islands (23.3%). The amount of 1-2 m and >2 m relief reef habitat at the islands were 2 and 6 times the fraction found on the mainland, respectively. For relief, breakwaters were generally more similar to island reefs. Reef structure, classified by relief and substrate through cluster analysis and over- laid on a nMDS plot (Figure 3; Appendix II), varied from an oceanic pinnacle (Begg Rock) that was a sheer vertical structure composed of bedrock and an intertidal component to mainland reefs such as Carp Reef with large fractions of sand with little relief. Five reefs were not classi- fied into a reef type (Figure 3) since they did not form distinct clusters in the cluster analysis (i. e., had relatively high distance from the other reefs). Five reef types were found. Type 1 included a pinnacle reef (Begg Rock) and breakwaters comprised almost completely of bedrock or large boulders. The second grouping (Type 2) was low relief and cobble reefs (Carp Reef and La Jolla) that had significant fractions of sand. Type 3 reefs were predominantly island reefs with some exceptions (Big Rock, Cabrillo Breakwater, Point Loma North, Point Vicente and Little Corona). These reefs were almost completely composed of high relief (1-2 m) bedrock. NEARSHORE REEF CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BIGHT Islands Mainland Breakwaters 51.1% ■ Bedrock Boulder Cobble Sand ■ >2m l-2m .Mm O-.lm Fig. 2. Substrate type and relief categories for island reefs, mainland reefs and breakwaters. Alternatively, Type 4 reefs were predominantly mainland reefs with three island reefs (East Quarry, SCAI, Lil Flower, SCLI, and Lion’s Head, SCAI). These reefs were comprised of bed- rock and boulders with large fractions of lower relief (0-1 m) components. Type 5 reefs were bedrock reefs that were primarily flat (0-0.1 m relief). Thus, reefs can be grouped into five major reef categories: low relief and cobble (Type 2), flat reefs (Type 5), moderate relief (Type 4), high relief (Type 3), and pinnacles (Type 1). Three of these reefs (Banana Rock, Southeast Rock and Point Dume), found on the perimeter of the nMDS plot, were pinnacle reefs (similar to Type 1) that jut abruptly up from a sandy substrate. These types of habitats can be particularly difficult to sample with a 30 m tape, as portions of the transect may wind up on the sand, obfuscating the results. Discussion and Conclusions While the 122 natural reefs that were identified in the SCB spanned three orders of magnitude in size (6 to 2498 hectares), most were relatively large major reef complexes and they were dis- tributed throughout the San Diegan (warm temperate) and Oregonian (cold temperate) biogeo- graphic regions. Island reefs tended to be higher relief, primarily bedrock. In general Mainland reefs were lower relief and had more variable substrate composition. Mainland reefs typically were associated with littoral cells and longshore sediment transport and have larger fractions of sand (Figure 2)(Inman and Frautschy 1966). We report that approximately a quarter of the nearshore (<30 m) habitat of the bight is comprised of rocky reef habitat. This is a greater per- centage than would be expected from just analyzing the GIS layers available in 2008 (Kelner 2005) or from an extrapolation based upon rocky intertidal habitat (Stephens et al. 2006). This technique was successful at elucidating some generally unexpected patterns. The largest reefs in the SCB and the western coast of North America were at Santa Rosa and San Nicolas Islands. The kelp forest on west end of San Nicolas Island, while not the longest in terms of lin- ear coastline, illustrated the utility of this study. The potential contribution of large reef islands 112 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Point Dume o 2D Stress: 0.14 SCAI - Banana Rock o X KH02 Little Corona ^ SCAI - Iron Bound Cove Al - West Isle V V Cabrillo Breakwater SCRI - Scorpion SCAI - Little Harbor V SCRI - Pelican V V V SCAI - Ripper's Cove HK - Reference A Reef aSCAI - East Quarry o > A Cabrillo Jetty Water Habitat^ Ridges Resort Point A SCLI ’ Lil^ower POLA-Pier 400 POLA - #2 Angels Gate ■ f ■ KH03 Point Loma North B|9 R^k SCRI -Valley V POLA - Angels Gate East Reef Type ■ 1 X 2 V 3 A 4 • 5 O Unclassified V SCRI - Gull Isle SNI^utch Harbor West SCRI - Yellow Banks V SBL^util SMI - Cuyler V SNI - Unnamed Reef SCAI - Lion's Head PointFerminAA3pa|ms Whites PointA A Rocky Point Barn Kelp X Nicholas Canyon v X x Escondido X Little Dume Naples Leo Carillo Laguna V ^R^Rodes SBI- Cat Canyon SRI -Johnson's Lee North bK - Kodes Q V Point Loma south SCLI - China Point a Deep Hole o » V Lead Better Beach SCLI - Pyramid Cove A SRI - Jolla Vieja” SNI - Sand Spit Cojo • 0C jBI - Arch SN| _ Dutch Harbor 0 Crystal Cove o HK - Southeast Rock X Carp Reef Fig. 3. Reef structure nMDS plot based on Euclidean distances using UPC substrate and relief measures. Reef Type determined by cluster analysis. Colors refer to biogeographic provinces: blue = cold temperate islands, orange = warm temperate islands, light blue = cold temperate mainland, red = warm temperate mainland. habitats to the ecology of this region is important. This study also identified a substantial amount of the previously described soft bottom habitat as hard bottom by experts and over flight data of giant kelp canopy. Part of this difficulty is that side scan surveys are limited to the peri- meter of kelp beds and the nearshore environment changes over time, but utilizing multiple data layers increases the detection of reefs. More fine-grained reef mapping approaches have been and continue to be developed since this program (e.g., Claisse et al. 2012, Parnell 2015). Incor- porating more data layers in the future will increase the accuracy of this reef layer. What is evident is that the nearshore rocky reefs in the SCB are highly variable in terms areal extent and physical habitat structure. Based upon relief and substrate characteristics alone, there are five major reef types in the SCB. Efforts need to be made to understand the influence of reef habitat characteristics (substrate type, rugosity and relief) on the associated biota (e.g., Parnell 2015). Nearshore reefs in the SCB are typically comprised of igneous, metamorphic or mud- stone rock (Emery 1960). These rock types may be the cause of additional habitat variation in terms of the biota they support and the rates at which they erode. Further, the geological pro- cesses that created the reefs in the Miocene are manifested in the composition and amount of habitat. The geology of our islands and mainland, while quite variable, mirrors the composition of the proximate reefs. Where volcanic processes (Santa Barbara Island, Begg Rock) and the uplift of the Catalina Schist result in dramatic palisades, the resulting fringing nearshore reefs are also sheer and tight to the shoreline. The Northern Channel Islands are essentially a relo- cated mountain range and have proportionally large nearshore reefs. The eroding marine benches observed on San Nicolas and San Clemente Islands produced kelp beds. As an exam- ple, the entire offshore side of San Clemente Island is a continuous reef and the island is —34 km in length. The geological processes observed on these islands (eroding anticlines, marine benches, sheer palisades, etc.) are mirrored in the nearshore subtidal habitat. NEARSHORE REEF CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BIGHT 113 While macroscale processes vary considerably, individual reefs are significantly diverse as well. This habitat heterogeneity impacts the ecology of the region. In the SCB, rocky reef ver- tical relief was correlated with increased fish density and production with high relief reef signif- icantly outperforming low relief reefs (Ambrose and Swarbrick 1989, Anderson 1989, Pondella et al. 2002, Pondella et al. 2006). Depth has also been shown to be a useful characteristic in modeling reef habitats (Claudet et al. 2006, Claisse et al. 2012, Parnell 2015); we did not include depth in our analyses here, but note that depth components may be a significant factor in reef performance. For instance, Horseshoe Kelp (in Los Angeles County) was only distrib- uted in the deepest strata while many others lacked a deep stratum and some did not have a shallow stratum. A finer-scaled approach evaluating the influence of depth strata on reef perfor- mance would be beneficial. The structure, amount and distribution of reefs in the SCB vary appreciably and are important to consider in the potential performance of this system. Approximately 122 natural rocky reefs/reef complexes comprise approximately one-quarter (26%) of the subtidal habitat in the nearshore (<30 m depth) SCB. Prior to this study, estimates of nearshore subtidal (<30 m) rocky reef habitat were inferred from the linear distribution of intertidal rock and these estimates significantly underestimated the amount of shallow subtidal reef habitat in the SCB. The mapping exercise undertaken in this region was the most exhaus- tive to date and is the best estimate of reef area for the region. We were able to accomplish this effort relatively quickly and inexpensively using previously collected data sets and expert inter- views. Data from multiple sources including side-scan sonar, aerial overflights, satellite imag- ery, subtidal visual surveys and professional judgments were combined to create our estimates of habitat extent. As more spatial data sets become available, they should be integrated into more fine-scaled reef maps. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Donna Schroeder of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, David Kushner of the National Park Service and Bill Power of the Los Angeles Counties Sani- tation Districts for their assistance in the mapping process. Scott Bogue from Occidental Col- lege assisted in the review of the geological literature. This is a product of SCCWRPs Bight ’08 Rocky Reef Program and in addition was supported by the following: California State Uni- versity, Long Beach; Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary; Heal the Bay; Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board; Marine Science Institute, UCSB; Los Angeles Bay- keeper; MBC Applied Environmental Sciences; Merkel and Associates, Inc.; Montrose Settle- ments Restoration Program; National Marine Fisheries Service; Ocean Science Trust; Partnership for the Interdisciplinary Study of Coastal Oceans; Port of Los Angeles; Reef Check California; San Diego Coastkeeper; San Diego State University; Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission; Scripps Institution of Oceanography; Southern California Edison; United States Geological Survey; US Navy. Literature Cited Ambrose R.F., and S.L. Swarbrick. 1989. Comparison of fish assemblages on artificial and natural reefs off the coast of southern California. Bulletin of Marine Science, 44:718-733. 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I -K 2 i o cd o o p^ w Hh 2 hX o O -4— * S o o od U “ Oh Cft Oh & & A £ £ o o £ O U £ lH _ .« .2, Is CU TO Cl, Oh £ £ o o U O h 'ft oo h m 2 c*V©V00V0vOrc)O ONCiOiooriovoinin T7777777777777777777777777 vo o © Ov m ov Os m v— H r 00 VO i— i i— H co o 5 C/5 C/5 C/5 C/5 05 C/5 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .g .g .g .g .g .g <7303<73<73<73<73<73<73<73<73C3<73 222222222222 222222222222 ooooooooouoo o 44 ^ ^TO c/o TO -i oo :> d d o oo oo O 40 t* a to d Q Q O i3 CO oo £ 00 § « &, &p d 2 < ffl h <§ .2 ^ oo •2,2 o -O x> -ft) X) 3 Ul Lh Lh Lh lH Hf\ TO TO TO TO TO ; s m PQ CQ CQ CO 2 TO C/5 C/5 C/5 C/5 C/5 (73 (73 Z £ £ £ d d d 2 2 2 o o o 2 % % d d d cooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 11 « 00 1 s § o H U 'd'O'O'a'd'Td'a'd'O'd'a cdccdcciccicic cdcdc3cdc3c3o3c3cdc3c3 !s!s^s^s^s^s."s^sis^s .s <73<73H o .o 'S 'S s s x X X X X X 0) 1) 4) 4) 4) 4) 'Eh "Eh "Eh *Eh "Eh "Eh <+2 £ SEE £ £ 8 OOOOOOQi U U U U U U xxxxxxxxxx aaa a a a a aa a ££££££££££ oooooooooo OOOOOOOOOO _o _o _o _o _o _o -g ’S ’S' ’S ‘S ’S ’S n S 2 S 2 S S <5 OOO O 0000002 ‘S' "S -S ‘S ’S ‘S ‘S ’S ’S ‘S 3 S 2 ^ ^ ^ S Oh Oh E E o o U U S-H Jh o o ’S ’S S 2 Oh Oh £ E o o O U Uh Sh O .O ’S ’S S S a X o 4> I 9 U 3 9 o 2 Oh Oh Oh SEE o o o U U O o o o o Oh Oh £ £ o o U U o o ’S ’S s s NiriOO'tO\Hqoj\o^^1;HH H^-oooo^oor-oin^oo'Ooo^-imfni^fN — : ~ — 1 3 vo ~ ’ — -’ m cn oo(No6^t--<'a!'-<(N'^'brnc»^rf)^o invooomTi-Ti-r^r^ 'too'Cinnao^oo it^~voo'Ooo^vovo,^j-^H»nt^^ Tj-ONr^ir^^oos-^^mfOO^c^-'O'OCNOOoo'sOmt^'Tj-o in i^iniriunvov^i^H^vocNfnfnininintnH^- ^t- Ttrocncn Kodobodododododododooooodooodododododododododod I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'tt'O'OOMHHrH.rHoooorjm \0^r,1hhiAi'0\l'\f(NOhm roNNritcnmmc*~ic*~icn '0^t^r-vo,^}-m CQ 03 a d DO .ii1 d D 3 4> 3 * 4) O “5 c d P3 $ 3 o 3 3 c § g E S S 3 U u (D CS 3 ffi 3 Oh ^ O c§ iS 4) 3 £ £ 2 % o I » *g ? g Pi Z ■m d- iu v 'S ft 2 | * £ e3 d d -o 3 F ^ W U ^ Oh d o * S o ^ § S 5 25^ X Oh 3 M o 3 5 *$ DJD 03 d 3 o o „<« C*h II d T3 3 .d K DO 3 • C DO ^ 03 ^ W -T3 1 § Z I ~0 O > 03 O o3 9 3 U If I Jwcq 03 d 03 d 03 d 03 d 03 d d d d d d d d d d d d a; 3 3 4) x> 2 S cd O Oh U 2 2 -S f2 m 1 | 8 5 ^ « 2 Ph O o * .d o 0)0 yj M I II * 8 0) CN ^ Oh 2 3! $ I 2 O < &H o . o cd cd o Q Q cd x rj ^ * » « O ^ 2 2 2 2 8 8 o SS o 2 2 & ^jcuJQQOffiCLHH-lO cd 4) 2 © o U ^ 2 2 tS 2 b o 2 d 2 cd d a o x- o 0) CO CU W "cd '.'O cd cd 'cd cd cd -o X3 T3 •o T3 X3 X3 ~o T3 ~o ~a ~o X T3 -0 T3 T3 £ T3 X3 d u u u u u u d cd d cd d 2 d 2 d cd d cd d cd d 2 d cd d cd d d 2 2 M) *— 1 d d 2 2 C 2 C cd U d 2 d 2 o 2 cd cd cd cd cd 2 £3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 cd c 2 ‘5b Cl) Cd £ 2 2 2 2 ’3 ’3 "3 ’3 ’3 ’3 "3 '3 '3 '3 'cd '3 § 00 '3 'cd '3 '3 2 '3 '3 cd 00 cd 00 cd CO cd 00 cd c n cd in 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 cd 00 2 2 M m d- V3 ^ 119 KH Breakwaters King Harbor Warm Mainland 3 33.842 -118.397 - Manmade POLA Breakwaters Port of Los Angeles Warm Mainland 6 33.710 -118.260 - Manmade Appendix II. Percent substrate type and relief. 120 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES oo VO M h t^t^r-OONmONOO(NTl-vo'Oir)^t^ooi>r^r<-)^r-) 'O'Ovoin'OminOMviTr invoMNNinmiri'tvoinininmM^tN O'nooos r^(N'Omoo'OfN oo >— i m > T3 3 O O P * p < M 8 13 £ u ® A« .2 & . > K oi & _ u o j=; ^2 8sSII§“| «0>>-Pj(nD O T3 3 § Q oo o U O g o ^ _ U « H "3 e3 O < oo U ^ ^ S- o ^ £ g jj § £ 03 _J &. 3 Ph a « ll ■ » rt 43 Qi W U •x, & C> cd U £ (U w C3 ro ^ C/3 CO «/) & o o o •|? c* c* c* cd c c c c3 c3 03 t/l C/3 CZ) C/3 03 £3 C3 C3 C3 C3 £3 ffl ffl £3 S3 C u u u u u u 03 ^3 c3 c3 cti c3 coooooc/)oooooooooon vo 'O m — i 1 O'* O'v VO Co c o >> g O <3 Oh U CQ o< & & C3 o o o U U oo ^ oo o T3'a'T3'a’T3rO'OT3’a'0"aTdrO'0"0’T3'T3'a'T3'a'a'0"0’OT3'0 -to -a accccccccccccccccccccccccc22 cdcdc3cdcdc3c3c3cdc3c3c303cdcdc3c3c3cdcdcdc3cdc3cSc3^!^- ^S.S^S^S!S^S!S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S."S^S^S."S^S^S^S'^'^'«’«"'3 "3 '3 "3 "3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 ‘3 "3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 "3 "3 '3 "3 ’3 ’3 £> £ £ EE < < 2 j j o o Oh Oh 122 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ~o c Ph Oh < =H= O « u 3 a (u (A bO ^ C ^ bO (N c =H= < W O) 73 73 J-H $-( *H VH CD ^ c3 t3 o3 td "^3 £ £ £ £ ’5 ^ M M M C cb cb cti cs ~s; U cd 7), % intolerant individuals (TV<3), and % collector- gatherer + collector-filterer (CG+CF) individuals. Information regarding tolerance values and functional feeding groups was obtained on CAMLnet (Ode 2003). As SCC-IBI is designed for samples of 500 individuals, samples >500 were subsampled by randomizing sets, generat- ing random numbers and selecting individuals 1-500. Bray-Curtis Index of Dissimilarity was applied to whole samples, not sub-samples of 500, as it accounts for both sample size and shape (Bray and Curtis 1957). c ElY - x,-t| E(xi/ - x,*) Bray-Curtis calculations were based on the abundance per sq. ft. of eight taxa categories: Baetis sp., Chir- onomidae n.d., Simulium sp., Ostracod, Elmidae, Acari, Planarian, and Hy dropsy chidae. Multiple regression analysis was performed applying a generalized linear model (Poisson regression) run in R software with Baetis sp. abundance per sq. ft. as the dependent variable and as a covariate. Other co variate factors input were wet year rainfall, percent algae cover, and Chironomidae n.d. abundance per sq. ft.. Simulium sp. was not included because Simulium sp. abundance and algae were highly correlated. Results BMI Community Composition A total of 15,303 macro invertebrates were collected from UT and LT between 2003 and 2014. The number of individuals per sample ranged from 104 to 3,514. Six phyla, 21 orders, and a total of 76 taxa were represented. The majority of individuals (Relative Abundance ‘RA’ = 89%) fell within the class Insecta. Three genera and one family from class Insecta accounted EFFECTS OF DROUGHT ON BAETIS SP. MAYFLIES 133 ro no '3- LD LD UD UD r-» o O T— 1 tH rsj rsl m ro "3- O O o O O O O o t-H ^ — i ^ — i rH r— i rH T— 1 1— h- 1- 1- |_ 1- h- h- 1- 1— h- h- h- h- h- I- 1— i 3 1 3 I 3 3 3 i 3 3 _l 3 ■ Baetissp. ■ Simulium sp. Chironomid n.d. ■ Other Fig. 2. Relative Abundance of 6 Major Taxon Categories: Upper and Lower Reaches Topanga Creek 2003-2014. for 76% of total abundance; Baetis sp. (small minnow mayflies nymphs, 44% RA), Chironomi- dae n.d. (non-biting midge fly larva, 23% RA), and Simulium sp. (black fly larva, 9% RA; Fig. 2). Other families present throughout the sample period included: Planarian n.d. (flat- worms, 3% RA), Elmidae n.d. (riffle beetle larva, 3% RA), Acari (water mites, 2% RA), Hydro- psychidae n.d., (net spinning caddisfly larva, 2% RA) and Ostracoda n.d. (seed shrimp, 2% RA). In samples from 2003-2012, Baetis sp. comprised 51% RA (7.6.05 (two-tailed). 134 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BCG ■ FC SC P &SH ■ Non-Distinct Fig. 3. Relative Abundance of 6 Major Feeding Group Categories: Upper and Lower Reaches Topanga Creek 2003-2014. Rainfall Correlations Baetis sp. relative abundance and abundance per sq. ft. significantly and positively correlated to wet year rainfall (WYR; R2 = 0.41, F1>16= 11.36, p<0.01, R2 = 0.80, F1j16=11.36, p <0.00000 1; Fig. 4a.). Correlation to relative abundance was stronger when above average rain- fall in 2005 (61.22”) was removed; however Baetis sp. abundance measured per sq. ft. was high- est this year. Simulium sp. RA also positively correlated to wet year rainfall (WYR), only with 2005 data removed (R2 = 0.25, F114=4.79 ,p<0.05. Chironomidae n.d. RA negatively corre- lated to WYR with no upper limit to rainfall (R2=0.26, F1>16=5.49, p<0.05; Fig. 5). Neither Chironomidae n.d. nor Simulium sp. abundance per sq. ft. correlated to WYR, nor did Fig. 4. (a) Relative abundance of Baetis sp. and wet year rainfall in Topanga Creek (b) Abundance per sq ft. of Baetis sp. and observed algae in Topanga Creek. Black triangles depict Lower Topanga samples and gray circles depict Upper Topanga EFFECTS OF DROUGHT ON BAETIS SP. MAYFLIES 135 i 70 60 50 S 40 | 30 20 y = 92.426x ♦15.082 R1 = 0.1647 10 i 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Relative abundant Simulium sp. 0.25 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 y = 27.164c 5 9r9* R* * 0.4857 •A -A • A A" * 0.2 0.4 0.6 Relative abundance Chironomid 0.8 Fig. 5. (a) Relative abundance of Simulium sp. and wet year rainfall in Topanga Creek (b) Relative abundance of Chironomidae n.d. and wet year rainfall in Topanga Creek. Black triangles depict Lower Topanga samples and gray circles depict Upper Topanga. any FFG group. In regional samples, only Solstice Creek also showed a significant and positive correlation between Baetis sp. RA and WYR (R2=0.60, F15 = 7.38, p<0.05 ; Fig. 6). Abundance per sq. ft. for eight dominant taxa was compared to observed algae cover in both reaches from 2007-2014. Baetis sp. and Simulium sp. were found to positively and significantly correlated to percent algae cover (R2 = 0.77, F1>9=29.9, p<0.0005, R2=0.69, F1?9=19.6, p <0.005; Fig. 4b.). Multiple regression analysis was run to examine the relationship between Baetis sp. abundance per sq. ft. and WYR, algae, and Chironomidae n.d.. Rainfall and algae remained significant predictors of Baetis sp. (p<.0005, p<.05). When controlling for rain and algae, Chironomid n.d. abundance per sq. ft. was also a significant predictor of Baetis sp. abundance (p<.0005). SCC-IBI Analysis The Southern California Coastal Index of Biotic Integrity (SCC-IBI; Ode et al. 2005) was applied to determine if the marked change in taxonomic composition resulted in decreased scores of biotic integrity in 2013-2014. Three out of ten samples from Lower Topanga and five out of eight samples from Upper Topanga had >500 individuals and were sub-sampled to 500 individuals appropriate for SCC-IBI scoring. LT04 (n=464) was also included in SCC-IBI analysis. Overall, there was no significant correlation between total SCC-IBI scores and wet year rainfall or other creek conditions (Table 1). SCC-IBI scores ranged from 22-57, categorized as ‘poor’ to ‘fair.’ The lowest metric score across all samples was % intolerant indi- viduals, which never surpassed a score of 1 . Conversely, the highest metric on average was % tolerant taxa (average score of 6). Discussion Drought is a defining feature of many ecosystems including those within Mediterranean cli- mates, and it is predicted that droughts will become more frequent and intense over the next few decades (Houghten et al. 1995). Severe drought is known to affect BMI assemblages and result in alterations to community composition (Resh et al. 2012). The current drought in Southern California is the most severe on record (NOAA 2014). While these conditions cause concern for the integrity of freshwater ecosystems, they also provide an opportunity to study potential implications of climatic patterns on freshwater benthic macroinvertebrate communities. In 136 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES cc £ 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 ) # • n 1 y = 31.603* : + 13.159 R2 = 0. 5959 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 Relative abundance Baetis sp. Fig. 6. Relative abundance of Baetis sp. compared to wet year rainfall in Solstice Creek. 2013, the Topanga Creek BMI community experienced a sharp decline in Baetis sp. and Simu- lium sp. abundance, and increase in Chironomidae n.d.. Each of these taxa abundance correlated to WYR, suggesting a strong relationship between annual precipitation and BMI community composition in Topanga Creek. This correlation also held true for another Santa Monica Moun- tains stream, Solstice Creek. For Simulium sp. in Topanga Creek, the correlation to rainfall did not hold up in the case of above average rainfall (155.5 cm), and in fact all taxa appeared to diverge from the linear trend under these high rainfall conditions. This might be due to discharge rates high enough to dis- place certain BMI taxa. Both Baetis sp. and Simulium sp. also positively correlated to algae cover in April and May. When available, algae can be a preferred food source for Ephemerop- tera, resulting in more robust growth and gill size (Mayer and Likens 1987, Gupta et al. 1994). Chironomidae n.d. relative abundance was favored in low rainfall conditions. Multiple regression analysis showed that Baetis sp. and Chironomidae n.d. abundance per sq. ft. was sig- nificantly related when rainfall and algae were held constant, however this was not evident in a direct comparison. This indicates that there is a distinct relationship between Baetis sp. and Chironomidae n.d. that is mediated by abiotic and biotic factors such as precipitation and algal productivity. This relationship might hinge on competition for food or habitat, or sedimentation dynamics. Angradi et al. (1999) found that Ephemeroptera taxa richness is reduced when fine sediments accumulate, while some genus of Chironomidae, particularly burrowers or sediment case-makers, increase. Frost et al. (1995) affirms that changes in the abundance of one species can lead to disproportionate response from other species. Krug et al. (2012) found that both Dip- tera and Ephemeroptera larva are important food sources for endangered southern steelhead trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ), occurring in 69% and 92% of 13 stomach samples collected in Topanga Creek in March 2011. Continued monitoring is recommended to measure the resi- liency of Baetis sp. and Simulium sp. under future rain conditions. Both Baetis sp. and Chironomidae n.d. are classified as collector-gatherers with a tolerance value of 6 (Ode 2003). Despite changes in community demographics, trophic structure can EFFECTS OF DROUGHT ON BAETIS SP. 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